The Amateur Footballer, Week 1, 2005

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Y ultimate performanc pums Pty Ltd 616 Somerville Road Sunshine 302 0 Telephone : (03) 9311 1122 (

R SPORTSCOVE VAFA MAJOR SPONSO R "Riddle me this", said a man given to leapin g about in green suits "but is A Grade a case o f three standout teams and raffle the rest?" After the sheer debacle of last year' s predictions, I somewhat meekly give you my pre season ladder . . . 1 . Old Xavs This time last year, Travis Ruyg was judging bikini contests with all the hungover backpackers at the West London Wildcats . The gun on baller is back from the Old Dart, along with premiership players Tim Clarke and James Scanlan, as he chases his first Premiership medallion after a ball breaking ten GF losses throughout his career . James McDonnell (overseas) and James Hawkins (retired) are gone but with Anthony McDonald and Adrian Cox slotting in and Ryan Colbert, Tristan Purss (both from the bush) and Justin Arnold (DVFL) rounding things out in the recruiting stakes, I reckon they might just be a good thing . Mortgage the house . 2 . Uni Blues Surely not, you mutter. Well yes, Uni did rewrite all the rules last year. They were streets ahead of any other team, their reserves had a percentage that resembled an IBF round at Muirfield Village, they had the best coach (Kanis) the umpires' MVP (Gleeson) and the Hoi Polloi's MVP (Young). But Young has been snapped up by the VFL and maybe they're due for some misfortune on the injury front . They're clearly the benchmark but it'll be tougher at the top this year . They regain three star players from years past in Liam Ryan, Rob Wilkie and Andrew Henderson and say goodbye to Messrs Nailon, Brooke, Penny, Roydhouse and Guengerich (all defenders significantly) . 3 . Old Scotc h

"5% better in 2004" was the theme at Scotc h


last year but unfortunately it seemed as if 95% of its list wer e

either nursing an ailment or kicking back at the chalet . Like Xavs, they stormed home in the second half of the season and they may have really shaken things up had they snuck into the finals . And when you add Andrew Pugsley (Collingwood, Box Hill) and Luke Hawkins (Bendigo Bombers) to a forward line spearheaded by James Gertsman, everything begins to make sense . Danger team . 4 . Old Trinity Trinity really gave it a nudge last year and only an avalanche of goals from St Bernards' !. Dan Jordan denied them a grand final spot . : Alistair Neville being snapped up by Box Hill will leave a huge hole across half back but they remain a solid, if unglamorous side . Should be thereabouts . 5 . St Kevin s

Not long ago, SKOBS were the glamour team of the VAFA with a young list bristling with talent, guided by the most successful coach in the history of the comp . Without warning, everything went the way of the pear . A good coach, better luck with injuries and shrwed recruiting has seen them climb back to where they belong but the jury is still very much out. Still, McKee and Garlick are pretty handy acquisitions and they could well be the knockout team. Their only loss of note is John Rombotis, who has teamed up with John Newcombe and actor Grant Dodwell to coach up Caroline Springs way .

6 . Marcellin Bernie Dinneen, the heart and soul of Marcellin and probably their best ever player, has jumped ship and will play for Vermont this year which is a bit like Sir Lawrence

~7h~rr~r r ; I;in ; on a, guest role in Hey Dad si7+uirl~ o~ ;i . rhe Oagles were flag fancies . 5 for M :on}t~u( their season petered ou t ','uch rests with the likes of ~'ulf~~7,in --1 liis mates from the 2000 AGS ; :yc,rrrt°r~hit~ [Cam but they're as honest a s tk t t!cr. rs tc-1 d vou can never write them 44 1 92d fduileybury

•trl ~~~ rp+~r~r n~~~ . :, tlie-sights, sounds an d school football against ~I~~~ri~ ir F r ~>orough it was a I~~A+i, , : t :f Bioods this ti Ias i 6~`}r

tit 'r<y dut}r fell in a me hole, ~,~4 ?~;~~ti 1ir.~aGi} u -III injnry list with its own

f~'lE~r4 a~.~u t ~'~'~ rh t

ha~npioriMark Corriga _~rntfa~n thougtk they d n o

wyth a knack o ri r 1 i, o`~ch rir~d the youngster f s f ""' j ', I r W igschool side . ~MCC" jntninn s


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r nnmax . Year after ,r , i rt~c indignities o f last roun d tit~,crrs t1 I ~3 t be like t

Lucas Fielding . Simon Clark e Byrne are Playing at Geelon and Danny Jordan is up the g captain Ben Luke O'Sullivan anoa fields somewhere and scooted off overseas . Gary McIntyre have Skywalker Not since Luk e was dropped through th trapdoor at Jabba's Palace ha e s bee such peril at a Pit. there ., over. Sorry Simon, sorry boysnthepary , 10 . Collegian s

One of the ol d football est and most successful clubs in Australia to rise from C Grade . A Herculean effort .A graced key A pagesfonvard who once Home $hok Of picture Magazine as dapicturesqongfdchla

e hope whatsoever.


. Absolutely no

Today ' s Tips

Xavs, Blues, Scotch, Trinity, OMs Correspondents : Jonathan Horn _ jonathan-g-horn cc oo


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M~'cellin Old Tdrini~ytc~ Old Xaverians V St Bernards Old Melburniarls v Collegians University Blues v St Kevin s


A Section COLLEGIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins Res : Damien Phillips 1 J . Dixon 2 M . Johnson 3 B . Mooney 4 A . Shinkfietd .. ' 5 R . Henebery 6 J. Jorgensen 7 S. Taft 7 J . Farle y 8 C. Unsworth 9 J . Fry 10 D . Barber 11 C . Weekes 12 N . Harrison 13 B. Hage 14 N . Lockett 15 C. Hois t 16 A. Baxter 17 J . Heritage 17 D. Phillips 18 J . Ashman 19 C . Davidson 20 M. Hoiles 21 C . Harris 22 T. Skurrie 23 C. Mollard 24 E . Waters 25 R. Muir 26 B . Low 27 G. Rowston 28 B . Couch 29 N . Burrowes 30 L . Moo n

31 N. Roach 32 C. Blumfietd 33 B. Hoist 34 D. McCaughan 35 L. Nesbit 36 M . Roberson 37 S . Humphry 38 M. Parrent 39 D . Cannizzo 40 D . Strachan 41 N . Baxte r 42 T. Sank 43 E . Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 A . Stone 46 J . Cooke 47 Z. Moon 48 A. Fabris 49 P. Krotiris 50 M . Rice 51 B . Shadbolt 52 M . Naylor 53 T. Rutherford 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T- Cooke s

56 M. Stefanidakis 57 D . Williamson 58 N . Bobeff 59 A.Wright-Smith 60 D. Mutton 60 E . Healey 61 O. Howard 63 A Kenneally 64 M. Gribble 66 J Adgemis 67 A. Nichola 68 M . Gromotga 69 M . Rose

Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res Coach : Trent Collins 1 B. Dobson 2 J . Rice 3 D. Waters 4 J . Fraze r 5 D . Johnston 6 G . Romanin 7 S. Maguire 8 R . Frisina 9 L. Considine 10 D. Cullinan 11 N. Addison 13 C . Woods 15 J . Carlson 16 L . McMillan 17 G . Cox (C) 18 D. Gartner 20 M . Hermans 22 D. Marson 23 M . Le Fanue 24 L.O'Flynn 25 R . Galati

26 D . McMillan 27 S. Theisz (VC) 28 B. Carmody 30 S . Considine 31 M . Bortolotto 34 D. Jarre d 36 A . Layton 39 B. Colville 40 C . Purcell 43 J. Pascuzzi 44 L . Hansen 45 D. Theisz 52 A. Rivstovski 53 M . Perri 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Walli s 58 M. McCartin 59 R . Conte 59 R . Conte 63 C . Pezzimenti 62 M . Symes 63 C. Pezzimenti 70 D. Cracknell

C :outttrt- C1 111) E3ullee n



Coach : Peter Nicholso n Res. Coach : Adam McMahon 1 C. Home 2 S . Davey 3 P. Corrigan (C) 4 S. Langford-Jones (DVC) 5 J. Bourke 6 L. Siapantas 7 M . Corrigan 7 T. White 8 F. Mohammad 9 M . Barker (DVC) 10 C . Efstathio u 11 A. McIntyre 12 B. O'Farrell 13 B. Waite 14 S .Jone s

15 D. Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K . Ford (VC) 18 D . Thurmond 19 M. Armstrong 20 M. Fankhauser 21 A. Janke 22 D. Mason 23 M . Seccul l 24 B. Trollope (DVC) 25 S . Rowland s 26 J . Bell 27 B . Johnston 28 S . Goldsworthy 29 B. Carso n 30 D . Warnes 31 D. Lay 32 B. Mitchell 33 S . Walde n 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 T Chishol m 36 P. Geister 37 D . Brow . Floy d n38L 39 S. Rode 41 S. Saunders 42 J . Mueller 43 D. Salter 44 J . McLauchlan 45 M . Dowling 46 B. Crawford 47 R . Mitchel l 48 G . Chipperfield 49 L . Pitcher 51 H. McLauchlan 52 C. Ferguson 53 M . Levy 54 A . Vitolins 56 D . Armstrong 57 A. Kight 58 A. Baker 62 G . White

OLD M E L DURHIANS Coach : Dean Ric e Res Coach : Fab Gatti

1 T. Cudhpp 2 J . Beaumont 3 M. Billing 4 H . Lacey 5 R . Mulquiney 6 D. Holme 7 H. Turner 8 J. Beaumont 9 D. Harrison 10 T. Roberts 11 R . Ferraro 12 O. Webb 13 E. Wilson 14 A.Voyage 15 I. Wei r

16 J. D (me 17 J. Miller

18 T. Fitz raid 19 E . Studham 20 J. Guest 21 M . Hicks 22 J . Dixon 23 M . Berry 24 M.Hawkms 25 H . Whitehead 26 C . Kennedy 27 P. Oma n 28 M. Marson 29 M. Prowse 30 J. Mdler 31 J. Berry 32 E . Selby 33 J . Magee 34 P. Tolf 35 C . Ray 36 T. Costello-Manning 37 J . Gran t 38 L. Bunn 39 J. Tucker 40 H . O'Brien 41 J. Ra y 42 A. Waddell 43 A. Wu 44 E . Farquharson 45 J. Mitchel l 46 C. Neeson 47 D. Marks 48 C . Jenkins 49 G. Tssotras 50 A .Panmfex 51 M. Kennon 52 J, Anderson 53 D,Osmond 54 M. Barrett 55 C. Theodoulou 56 J. Tucke r 57 W. McDonald 58 A. Prowse 59 W. Wharton 60 A. Gen s 61 D. Woodford 62 T. Harrison 63 R . Matthews 64 N . Daffy 65 P. Grundy 66 N . Peters 68 M. Best 70 J. Russo 71 T. Butler 72 C. Alder 73 N. Russell 74 N. Lawler 75 S . Gooley 76 E . Mitchell 77 S . Horan 78 M. Bach 79 E . Bake r 80 C . Brett-Young 81 A. Ra y 82 D . Emerson 83 R. Galbraith 84 L. Gatt . Guesi85S t 86 E . Hamer 88 A.KauVe 89 W. K~er 90 W. Landale 91 A . Manahan 92 D . Miller 93 W. Panton 94 S. Radywoni k

Sponsored By: Gazman


Coach : Dale Tapfnng Asst Coach : Andrew South R. Caach: Serge D'Argek7 Asst C=h : Ray Searle i 7eerar~gerfC ) 2 8 In es (VC) 3 J Ross fV .Co-ns (VC) 6 A. 5 S Crox 7 J Kitchen 8 5,Dxk i~0 C Smnn y 11 T Bull 2 S .HUme 13 A Nettieton

14 C McKenzie - FL.cHarg 15 S Calpns 18 E. Batrou n t7 T, Yfgreg {/C) 18 L . Ha~nicros

19 R ,b;ephs 20 S. Troon 21 C.Jovice 22 R Ashtoa 23 0 Crarw 24 D Smoke 25 M Saurdters 26 T. Dawni ~ 27 T Smetrwu 28 A Quad 29 M, Gnatt 30 T. Finoc:hwo 31 h' Led 32 J.G_wstman 33 E Red 34 C, Ph N9s 35 P. 0'Conrwr 38 J. Sutcafle 37 G Cara9 38 T Je gean 39 S Graham 40 T Aurel Smith 47 W.Lews 42 T 8eatue 43 A Rwtwdge 44 D. Jackson 45 R, Teasoale 46 J.eeaurepave 47 T Hrki g

48855marcsq 49 D. ---'_n 50 M Y,_,..,..n 51 L F,c-eman 52 D Kngh t

53 W SY---tan 54 A,, . .

55 S [ tuaie 57 J Crz r 5$ A. Gram 59 WE 60 J . She m n 61 A. W Sutherland 62 M Graham

63 T Cell e

64 5 Lorenzeni 65 M. Mottafl 66 A Pearce 67 5 LIley 68 T Keck 69 S Hn k 70 J MPShel~ 71 M A~qe~ 72 8 Smrtn 73 M, Gm#n 74 D. Crnrip wt 75 C. Dufour 76 J WWI77 T Pag e 78 N Srnwn 79 G,Junkeer N. Slu6na 90 81 N. Col-n 82 8 RanrrwN 83 A.Mdar 84 A. Ventura 85 R .Craven 86 S Anger 87 M . Snan 88 O,Sear 89 T Fraser 90 T Rak er

91 J.Payman 92 J S,mon 93 N n C Sieens 45 N WaJace-Sm¢h 6 A, YfiRa~ 97 J Smedley 98 N, Thom 99 A, B ix 100 D, Glen i0t A. Calchove 102 D, Fazluden 103 C Love 104 M . Cook 10 5 D Johnston 106 R. Hooke


~ 5eetion lSS OLD XAViRIADS

Co Ce h^_ 7L,h Garlson



Coach : Simon Madden Coach : Barry Richardson Res Coach : Anthony Bourke Res Coach : Darren Handley

Coach: Dave Murray Asst. Coach : Tony Miller Res. Coach: Rob Gross

UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : John K a nis Res Coach : Joe S turroc k

PI S Cea ch : 2a'=8ower Club 16 Coaah : Ed Best 1 A. Fox 1 C . Keunen 1 J . Rombotis (VC) 1 P. Bulks 2 T. Hutchin s 2 E. Crohan 2 B . Garth 2 C . Santalucia 3 J. Sturrock 3 D . Cu rtis (RC ) . Goullet 3 C 3 J. Pascerl , i, r- 'ds 4 D . Guengerich 4 L . Mahoney C O 4 D. Ballarin 4 Ja. McDonnell 5 J. Tanner 5 M . Doilman . Liberatore 5 C D . Rus h 6 M. Rigby 5 6 P. O'Keef e . lannazzo 6 D ;-:,ro Oswald 7 R . Youn g 6 A. 8 B Gellman 8 J. Hayte r Der Venne 7 S . Clarke 7 S. Lethiean 9 ..B Field s 9 A . Lowcock . Perre ,cland 7RS tt 8 A . McDonald 10 M . Lucas 10 R . Ma rt in ~ . Evans Pretty 8 J 11 T.Du9gan 9 A . Cox 11 L. North 9 M . Kavanagh 12 M . Mulgre 12 Q. Gleason Capt. 10 M . Beardsley . Mitchell 10 N . Bowles ( DVC) 13 T. Girdwood . Howard 1 3 R 11 L itrera 11 C . Davis 14 P. Greenham 14 C . Roydhous e 12 A . Bowen 12 B. Hogan . Gullifer 15 L. Qui n 15 W 13 T. Ruyg Mitchell 16 M . Kordick 13 C . 16 B. Garvey uer 14 J . A9iu s t7 G . De Crespign y 14 B. Ryan 17 D. Ryan 15 L. Ford (CaPt) 18 P. Fairban k 15 T. Wilkinson 18 R. Chard is . Mollard 19 M . Tourney 16 S 16 D . Blunt 19 D. Sheehy 20 M . Colema n . Chatfield (V.C.) 17 A 20 T Crowley r';IS 17 C . Pott e r 21 T. McIntyre ; r, rson 18 M Scanlan 21 R . Maguire 1 8 D . 0'Conno r 22 B. M,Ilard 1 9 D. Walsh 22 J. O'Keefe 19 R . Clos e 23 T. Wilcox 20 J. Scanlan 23 T. Simpson ( DVC) 24 S. Russel l ynczak 20 D . Evans 21 S. McCa rthy 24 S. Powell 25 A. Solly Capt. 21 B . Loughlin 25 A . Hamilton 26 J. Scamble r 21 T. Purss erg 22 Ty Pearson 27 R . Wilki e 26 C . Taylor 22 T, Ockleshaw ( V.C .) 23 L. Wilkinso n 27 A . Lynch 28 M. Thomas 22 M. Rush 24 D. Roach 29 A. Terril l 28 M . Giansiracus a 23 S . Johnston 25 D. McLaughlin 30 T. Muhlebach 9 C . Underwood 2 24 C . Purse 26 M . Harrison 31 B. Callery 30 M . Crowe :-1~tch~n 25 R . Carey 32 M. Paterson ,non 27 J . Hughes 31 W. Keenan 33 B. Gates . .' _ 26 N . Serafini 28 P. Holland 32 S . O'Conno r 34 T. McKinnon 27 P. Ryan 29 L. Spinner 33 M . Maguire 35 S . Chea t 28 Je .McDonnell 30 M. Stapleton 34 N. Perrett 36 Ja . Brooke _ nna 29 C. Beetham 31 A. Gill 35 J . Dempsey 37 J . Robbins 30 T. Clarke 32 T. Harv ey 36 P. Mount 38 G. Lochhead .~~ D '-r'I.t'.' .•r 32R J. Harvey 37 M . Pangrazio 39 R . Holmes 31 J . Arnold . .m Der Venne . O'Brien 40 C. Brookes . Smith 38 J 32 A. Leonceili 33 N 41 Je . Brooke 39 N . Pope 34 D . Byrne '"`° 32 P. Ockleshaw ; ;ter 42 S . Fletche r 40 L . Ka4esaran 35 Tate Pearson 33 N. Bingha m rr: ;IeY 43 L. Fulton 41 B. Allis 36 A . Mitchell 34 R. Colbert 44 J . Wood L J, 4Llt a 42 S. Mount 37 A . Ca tterall 35 R. MacWhirter 45 G . McLachlan .,,re 43 P . Bare 38 S . lannazzo 46 T. Bilk s . Sapuppo 36 D 44 G . Katavobs 47 A. Millar 39 M . Juricsk ay -. ., . 37 C. Larkins . Baggy 45 G 48 L . Fis h ly 40 J . Madden S. Freer 46 D . Mahone y 46 49 P. Steel e 41 S . Matthews 47 J . Griffiths s 40 A.T. Jones ~ H . Nailo n h 42 B . Miziewicz 41 M. Callihan 48 A . Conlan { RVC 51 J. McIntos ) r s 43 L. Miceli 42 A. Pyle 50 R . Horrocks 52 T. Ihle 44 M . Walsh 51 D. Bare 53 X. Heffernan ' . . Ry)n 43 T. Woodruff 45 B. Johnson 54 A . Waxma n 52 J . Finch 44 N . Hulett 55 M. Zano s 0 46 A. Marian 53 L. Katavolos 45 M. Walsh .a n 56 T. Rankin 47 D. Hurley 54 S . Game rP. a ms 46 O. Gidley 57 T I rv in e . Natale 48 L . DeMorton 55 P :_-lon 47 S . Tatulaschwile 58 J . Sudholz 56 D. Walsh 49 N. Thomas 59 B . Hutchinson 48 M . Green 59 P. Aughton 50 A. Smith 50 L. Ginnivan ~ C . Penn y 60 S. O'Conno r 51 D. Dugina 61 J . Ritchie . Purcel l ~hley 52 P 61 G . Simm T` 52 J. Spiteri 62 M . Gallery 56 J . Watson 62 B. Shelley 6 3 P. Ede n 53 P. Harris ,~ .r, no 59 M . Higgins 64 M. Gargano 64 D. McPhai l 54 L . Evans . Marchesani 60 N. Moylan 66 N 65 E . Clarke 55 S. Bugry n 67 L . Gullifer 66 J . Barbetti 62 J. Silk 56 G . Campbell 67 D. McAloo n 68 B. Hughes 63 T. O'Meara 'waki 57 R . Winduss 68 M . Anderson 69 A. Gallery 58 M . Stewa rt 69 J . King 70 J. Maher 59 R . Ware 70 J . Mead e 71 A . Mulkearns 71 M . Irving . . . 60 S . Andrews 72 D . Manton 72 B. Leahy 61 L. Jordan 75 R . Campagna 73 T. Foste r .. , . _ ._- , 62 M . Gourlay 77 M. Shannon 74 R. Costi n 78 R . Taylo r ~'idt 75 J. Moylan 80 D. D un n NORTH 76 M . Heine 82 S . Mitchell SUBURBAN 77 D. Style s 78 T. Giles : SPORTS 0 0 „' o l 80 D . Maplestone C L UB . INC. 86 D . Bannister :iv, IT-

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UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Whitefriars v Banvule Viewbank Old Camberwell v Caulfield Or Old Trinity v Old Melburnians Rupertswood v Beaumaris

Old Trinity v Old Haileybur y St Bernards v Marcellin - Sportscover Arena, Sunday Collegians v Old Xaverian s St Kevins v Old Melburnians - at Righetti Oval Old Scotch v University Blues

Old Carey v Old Essendon O r UNDER-19 SECTION 3 MHSOB v La Trobe Uni Oakleigh v Old Ivanho e AJAX v St Bedes Mentone Tigers - at Packer Rese rv e, Carnegie (68 J8), time TBA Old Paradians v Bentleigh University Blacks v Monash Blue s

B SECTION Old Essendon Or v De La Sall e St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Brighton Caulfield Or v Mazenod 0 C Old Ivanhoe v Whitefriars North Old Boys v MHSO B C SECTION University Blacks v Monash Blues Old Paradians v Therry Penola 0 B AJAX v Old Camberwell - at Packer Rese rv e, Carnegie (68 J8 )

UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Peninsula 0 B v Salesian Scorpions - at Peninsula GS, time TB A

Hampton Rovers v Old Haileybury De La Salle (2) v Mazenod 0 C Ormond v Oakleigh Clay s

Banyule v Hampton Rovers Beaumaris v Parkdale Vulture s D1 SECTION Aquinas 0 C v Glen Eira Prahran v Ormond Yarra Valley 0 B v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Fitzroy Reds v Old Mentonian s Old Carey v Bulleen Templestow e

UNDER-19 (2) RE D

Bulleen Templestowe v Old Scotch Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Kew Old Westbourne - bye Therry Penola 0 B v Aquinas 0 C Fitzroy Reds v Rupertswood (2) - at Ramsden Street Oval, Clifton Hill


Williamstown CYMS v Rupertswood Peninsula 0 B v Old Geelong Ivanhoe Assumption v Oakleigh Swinburne Uni v La Trobe Uni Bentleigh v Salesian 0 C

CLUB 18 (1 ) Mazenod 0 C v St Kevins Prahran v Mt Lilydale 0 C


De La Salle v Old Scotch - at Waverley Park before U19's

Old Brighton v Old Melburnian s

St Johns 0 C v West Brunswic k Monash Gryphons v South Melbourne Districts Syndal Tally-Ho v old Westbourn e Kew v UHS-VU

Old Xaverians v University Blue s CLUB 18 (2 ) University Blacks v Marcellin Therry Penola 0 B v Collegians Old Trinity v Old Xaverians (2 )

Power House v Werribee Amateur s D4 SECTION Box Hill North - bye St Marys v Eltham Collegians Richmond Central v Elsternwick Bulleen Cobras v North Brunswic k

Box Hill Sharks v Old Essendon O r Fitzroy Reds v Monash Blues - at Ramsden Street Oval, Clifton Hill CLUB 18 (3)

Albert Park v Hawthorn Amateurs - Sportscover Arena, Saturday

Whitefriars v Old Scotch (2) Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Caulfield Gr Old Geelong v Fitzroy Reds (2 ) Old Carey v North Old Boys La Trobe University - by e

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Kevins - by e

St Bernards v Collegians Old Brighton v Marcellin De La Salle v Old Scotc h Old Xaverians v University Blues




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balance still of -~ ., youth and experience to ge t over the line . Two of th e returnees clash out at Park Orchards . T1. coming off a tough year that Welcome back to Whitefriars, De La Salle, and F riars are riddled with injury, while the Fields despi MHSOB after 1 year absences and Caulfield the Grand Final loss earned promotion .

Well the summer has gone and here we are back at the coalface ready and primed for another season of VAFA Football . In what has been a somewhat long pre-season, game time is now finally upon us and all the hopes and aspirations for the season go on line today .

Grammarians make a welcome return to B Grade after a long hiatus . PREVIEW. De La Salle welcomes North Old Boys to the expanses of Malvern . Both sides have kept

things pretty close to the chest over the summer with the signing of Simon MintonConnell an obvious plus for the NOBS . If they can get the ball down to him often enough then they have to be some sort of chance . Both clubs have lost a few but De La blooded a lot of young players in the highest section last year and it could be their experience from that that gets them over the line today . Old Essendon make the long trek across town to tackle Old Bri ghton at the Beach Road Oval . Without any shadow of a doubt both were the disappointments of the 2004 season and would be disappointed with their results . Both have new Coaches in Greg McLoughlin and ex VFL star in David Calthorpe and will be looking for a good start to the new season . Believe the practise match form of the Tonners has been pretty good and that combined with the huge home ground advantage should see them over the line .

change of coach in January would not ha helped the cause, but Stevie Wright is proven performer and brings plenty to it club . Whitefriars possibly lost more games home last year than in the club's history ai will be looking to remedy that througho 2005 . It is still an awesome advantage an( think they will win and make the Fields retu an unhappy one . Unfurling the flag in front of a large eror makes it a big day for MHSOB . The drums e beating fairly strongly for the side in t Brown and White from out in the Nor Practise match form is excellent and a loss extra time in the last game they played mat them my nominal flag favourite . But that dc

not mean that I am going to select them tod ; MHSOB have not rested on their laurels h< added more youth to an already talented l up and with the boost of the large parcel crowd I'm going against the flow and tipp the High to start the season with a win . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S

As usual I am seeking your assistance to w this Report throughout 2005 because wit h any information it is particularly hard Mazenod and St Bedes Mentone Tigers at . The home side I believe have reflect what is happening . Just a brief ma Central Reserve lost a few to SFL side Murrumbeena, while the report with a couple of Best Players worth : Tigers have had a tough time with mention is perfect for me . retirements, jaunts overseas, and some My contact details are 9553 1561 home ph or d defections affecting their list . This time last and fax, the mobile is 0403 433 016 .eom . year the Tigers slaughtered their hosts to set me an email to braine cx•optusnet up their season, and while it will be a lot Thanks in anticipation of your contin closer today I believe that the Tigers have the support .


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MILESTON E S congratulate Brendan "Bobby" North Old Boys club 5irc-!,an as he plays his 50th game for the He began in the Under Salle. De La against i 9 s andwas a part of the famed forward set up with however despite having that famous tte; .,hty, sense, he soon found himself as a sedan goal . It was a role he exce lled at ;,,, .C ounding defender year in the reserves and he was an integra l . And with a big pre _r,~rnber of the Grand Final side _son under his belt, this determined young ma n make a big impact with his next 50 games .




De La Salle v North Old Boys Old Brighton v Old Essendon Or Mazenod 0 C v St Bedes Mentone Tiger s

Whitefriars v Caulfield Or MHSOB v Old Ivanho e

, ,,ell done Bobby!

The Complete Award and Presentations Servic e Wide range of standard Sporting Trophies and custom manufactured award s All types of Plaques and Signs in brass, steel , acrylic, wood, glass, ... Honour Boards and update s

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B Section CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Coach : Stephen Wright

DE LA SALLE ceach : Mans Lane

ss Coach : Lachlan Kellawa y AW t: Adnan Comdy Ras : Mary KeAiher Res : Peter Oliv eri CI 18 : 13_n1amm B=k 1 J . Foley 1 L . Walker C r 2 A. Bruhn 2 R . Buckley 3 C . Knigh t 3 B. Corin VC 4 M. Liddell (VC) 4 L. Harrison DVC 5 S. Kendall 5 M . Duggan 6 N. Craven 7 P. Harrison 7 R. O'Neill 8 J . La Ragy 8 R. Foote 9 J . Moloney 9 M . Frater 10 A . Will (C) 9r G. Gilbert 11 B . Carboni 10 T. Silvers 12 D . Pearce (VC ) 11 P. Bourke 13 A. Green 13 A. Johnstone 14 B. Gross 14 W. Dwyer 15 A. Docker 15 P. Bowden 16 N. Fallu 16 S . Hyland 16 J . Wright 17 L. Bowden 17 S . Ar ros gy 17 A . Elliott 18 B . Baxter 18 J . Cowlishaw 17 J . Garland 19 B . Evans 19 M. Goodier 20 H . Vella 20 M. Picone 21 M. Pennycuick 20 A. Shields 22 C . Fagan 21 D. Rayson 23 C . McGrath 22r M . O 'Donnell 24 C . Murphy 22 M . Brown 25 B. Sinclair 23 R. Sherman 25 N. Dorman 24 J . Morel 26 S . Widjaja 25 C . Hyde 27 J . Sayers 28 J . Jacobs 25 R . Walmsley 29 N . Guyett 26 D . Spithil l 30 M. Sharpe 29 R . Marks 30 D . Elias 30 B. Mannix 31 W. Bowes 31 S. Hyde 32 A. Lawson 31 K. Mannix 33 S. F ers 33 J . Stinear 34 H. Baker 35 A . Orlando 35 S . Thompson 36 G. Crathern 36 W. Jolley 37 B . Scott 37 D. Davis 38 N . Edwards 38 V. Buckley 39 A . Bosna 39 B . Oakley 40 M. Wilso n 40 N . Stewart 41 B. Jeftkins 41 D . McInerneyy 42 A. Strain 43 A. Greenalgh 43 T. Gerrand 44 A. Moore 44 B. Hasfonh 45 T. Molan 45 B . Acfield 46 D. Dobric 46 K . Weir 47 S . Jenkinson 47 T. Woodlock 48 R . Chapple 49 P. Hesse 49 G . Poulter 52 T. Moloney 50 N . Green 54 A. Skinns 51 W . Rudd 55 A. McLeish 52 G . Winter 57 C . Chester 53 J. Gross 58 M. Clinch 54 D. Buckthought 59 S . Waeny 55 C. Hooper 70 M . Krezel 56 Z. D'Arcy 57 P. Farmer 58 S . Cunliffe 59 D . Loetje 60 R . Saunders 61 T. Royal 62 C. Sheppard 63 L . Cotton 64 T. Wailes 65 B . Jenkinson 66 C. Grigg 71 M. Cassidy


C=h : MAe Mcanhur-Aken AWL coaches: Andrew Sutheriandi Andrew Prckenrx3 Res. Coach: Terry Cedars

1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 4 C. Lee 6 P. Nelson 9 D. Kelly 10 B . Chamberlain 11 D . Hose 12 D . Chamberlain 14 N . Meehan 15 N. Parry (VC) 16 M . Apollonio 18 D. Dunne 20 C. Murray 22 S . Veltman 24 D . Nisbett 25 S . Stanley 26 J. Dunne (C) 27 M. Regan 28 P. Jones 30 D. Hansen 32 A. Strawn 33 S . Balloch 34 C. Boyd 37 L. Morgan 38 D . Hallet 40 G . Massey 41 M. Ventudni 42 C . Paine 45 S. Paine 47 A. Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 51 M . Murray 52 G. Tilling 54 A . Stagliano 55 D. Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 58 D . Morris 61 M. McDowell 64 T. Bourbon


Coach: Dav,a sKmrrer

Asst coaches : Spews eeasiey & Wanes F.14 Res Coach : Jame Dixon

I J . Barnett 2 S . McCully (Capt) 3 D . Rosman 4 M. White 5 B. Betheras 6 M. Brain 7 S. Whittington 8 J. Gerner 8 J. Dixon 9 D. Fairchild 10 P. Smith 10 I . Barrett 11 R . Ternes 12 J . Aitken 12 M. Feferkranz 13 S. Anderson 14 M . Hamilton-Ho 15 A. O'Brien 16 J. Walker 17 G. McCully 18 R. Limbrick 18 C. Wright 19 S . Robinson 20 L. Horne 20 T Fraczek 21 W. Taft 22 A. Svlrskis 23 A. Hogan 24 J. Pertzel 25 H. Taylor 25 A . Vicendese 26 L. Evan s 27 W. Backway 28 T. Dunne 28 S. Moore 29 W. White 30 K. McDonald 31 M. Bowen 32 A. Cassell 33 L. Campbel l 34 E . Thompson 34 D. Henzel 35 P. Ru'evic 36 S . Magee 37 T. Harper 37 M. Tin g 38 C . Nailon 39 D . Fox 40 A. Lust 41 J . Anderson 42 S . Haye s 43 R. Coxon 44 J . Newto n 45 R . Czwarn o 46 K. Ashworth 47 D . Hollenberg 48 M. Webste r 49 S. Yu e 50 K. Harding 51 D. Vicendes e 52 M . Landy 53 I . Oosting 54 D . Learmont-Walke r 55 C . Eva 56 T. Wright 57 S. Foley 58 P. Greenhill 59 A. Hall 60 M . Nichola s

N ORTH OLD BO l Coach : Tony Y Ega n

Ass Coach : Michael He Res Coach: Brendan Sn 1 J. Cassell 2 J. Pennel l 3 T. Sheehan 4 S . Slee p 5 S . Cox 6 M . Fitzgerald 7 H . Mapplestone 8 J. Browne 9 L . Currie 10 M. Carney 11 T. Robert s G . Maxto n 13 T. Spurting 15 J . Nihill 16 P. Flanders 17 A. Wellman 19 Tony Brad y 20 J. Sutherland 21 Tim Brady 22 0. Tehan 23 S . Minton-Connel l 24 M . Fitzpatrick 25 A . Crameri 26 D . Brady 27 C . Dyno n 28 D . Joyce 29 C . Hosking 30 D. Sken e 31 L . Boyl e 32 B. Sheeha n 33 M . Barker 36 D. Tonki n 38 M . Amor 39 C . Pizzini 40 C . Phyland 42 D . Sheeha n 53 S. Butcher 60 M. Cribbe s 65 N. Barden 66 P. Bryar


Dampier Bricklayin g


I$ Section OLD BRIG NTON :gn~~~.n h : L'cLo .

Res Ccach : i . ~'~, ?erry A Proe

~ . „ . t(di`c ) c . , . d (vc) r ~.., . C 1,

: 4 (cro C . Res } (c) .. t

- - '~ .-~. _ .

- -' . . . . i i Dungan . _. . a , . .n

10 T. Biggs

11 J. Buckle y 12 J. Kavanagh 13 B. Hakim 14 R . Legudi 15 D. Mezo 16 M. Bordignon 17 D . Forrest 18 D . Flaherty 18 S. Dawson 20 S. Ptayfair 21 S. Dat e 22 M. Porti a 23 J. Hughes 24 J. Dazkiw 25 A . Frazer

26 S . Fleming _

~n y


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1 J . Panagiotopolus 2 D. gggs 3 M . Oxnam 4 M . Ryan 5 S. Be Morton 6 C. Ridley 7 J. Leask 8 J . Heritage 9 J. Stormont

19 E. Healey


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Coach : David Calthorpe Res Coach : Kornel Dachs

., son (co C . Res) .N 50n .. - i

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27 A . McKenzi e 28 A . Fewste r 29 S . Uebergang 30 M . Dragojto 31 D . Caridi 32 D . Poulton 33 M . Velardo 34 D. Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 C. Obliubek 37 A . Parker 38 T. Campbell 39 B . Newbold 40 H. McDermott 41 A. Iskra 42 N. Bertram 43 S . Cramer 44 A. Collins 45 D. Winke l 46 J. Lloyd 47 S. Howard 48 J. Williamson 49 A. Christou 50 L . O'Brien 51 J. Battista 52 J. Mansfiel d 53 L . Frazer 54 S. Cramer 55 S. Balloch 56 M. Car 57 S. Wad e 58 B. Hurtig 59 J. Stevens 60 J. Carter 61 A . Nowtand 62 D . Gradzki 63 M . Beard 64 J . Kepsner 65 P. Bacash 66 B . Wright 67 M . Tilley . Bur~kes 69C 70 J . Hurlston

OLD IVAN690E Coach : Gerard Sholly Res Coach : TBA 1 A . Oates 2 L. Lochran 3 S . Curatolo 4 S . Geilings (Sens) B . Davis (Res) 5 C. Georgi o 6 S . Kent 7 J . Gieschen 8 G . Hope 9 D. Payne 10 C. Crowley 11 N. Russian 12 C. Branigan 13 A. Alagona 14 B. Thompson 15 T. Beinke 1 6 S. Price


~~ oe~(Capt) 19 P. Dinakis 20 D . Hawkes 21 S. Fragiacomo 22 B. Nagel 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Haros 25 E. Byrne 26 I. Dawkins 27 N . Holloway 28 M. Tobias 29 R . Weddle 30 J . Leech 31 J . Stevens 32 S . Kefalas 33 N . Pratt

34 A . Tieman 35 M . Pollock 36 M . Mealy 37 D. Berry 38 Go George 39 Ge George 40 J . Keane 41 Z . Keane 42 S . Low 43 W. Cornelius 44 M . Luxon 45 N. Antoniou 46 R. Butler 47 S. Snell 48 G . Smith 49 C. Quinlan 50 M. Verrocchi 51 J. Uljans 52 B. Wright 53 A. Caple 54 S. Smith 55 S. Pearce 56 B. Leskie 57 B. Smart 58 L. Bolzan 59 R . Stag g 60 D . Walkley

61 S . Weston

62 J . Mathew 63 A . Baldwi n 64 J . Britten 65 D . Campbell- Frase r 66 G. Hartrick 67 B . Mckinley

68 B . Parker 69 M . Corr

Miles Real Estate Bendigo Bank, East Ivanhoe

ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach : Russell Barnes Res Coach: Glenn Alford 1 P. Wintle 2 L . Wintle 3 L . Borella 4 L . Beveridge 5 S. Napier 6 J. Kane 7 S. Rose 8 A. Scafidi 9 M. Terrell 10 M. Wintle 12 P. Groves 13 R . Sampieri 14 A . Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 C . Osborne

WHITEFRIAR S Coach : Pat Manni x

Asst . Coach: Peter Randall

Res . Coach : Chris Rubick 3 M . Carbone 5 B. Phan

6 P. Campbel l 7 S. Brosol o 8 B. Janso n 9 A. Pawlik 11 T. Wallac e 12 S. Phelan 13 B. Stafford 14 T. Carrigg 16 J. Power 17 A. Carbone 18 A. Baggoley 19 A. Hil l 20 L . Swai n 21 S . Alexander

17 N . Gorda

22 N . Cunningham

18 D . Lynch 19 A . Dru ry 20 L. McMurray 21 J . Connelly 22 D. Poynton 23 J . Lynch 24 J . Tyquin 25 J . Knuppel 26 M . Hecker 27 S . Kingwell 28 M . Andrews 29 D. Waters 30 M . McGettigan 31 A. Hipwell 32 G . Kempster 33 S. Zakic 34 L . Carson 35 A. Sawers 36 A. Walstab 37 T. Groves 38 J. Maddocks 39 S. Bell 40 M. Kelleher 41 M. Rouse 42 M . Wilson 43 A . Paterson 44 M . Rhoden 45 L. Cieslak 46 M . Hilton 47 E . Ritchie 48 J . Heys 49 S . Rouse 50 S . Kidd 51 A . Buck 52 M . Towns 53 L. Giorgiadis 58 P. Curry 63 M . McCol l 66 R. Parson s 70 L. Terrel l

23 P. Stagg 24 J . Dao u 25 G. Day 27 B . Gardiner 28 A . Baker 29 A . Glenn 30 M . Power 31 M . Baker 32 G. Kennedy 33 C. Fulton 34 D. Gloufchev 36 C. Dyer 38 C. Carrigg 39 N. Brisbane 40 D. Atkins 42 S . Anderson 43 N. Elliott 44 B. Bird 45 S. Cleven 46 M. Duffy 48 J. Treyvau d 50 D . Crea 54 C . Ross 55 P. Tobi n 57 A. Wood s 58 P. Poutney 59 T. Nuna n 60 R . Pawli k 62 J. Anderso n 63 Z. Webb 65 D . Eames 66 J . Box 70 C . Pelos i 71 R . Mattiso n 72 K . Papproth


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A .F.C. ((~~/'~1 V .A .F.A .

SPORTS BOOK S "Your Coaches' Association" U19 Coach : Results or Development

So as an U19 coach have you sat down with your Senior Coach or Director of Coaching and discussed the pathway and strategies for the development of your group this season . If not, why not ? For example have you discussed when and if possible U19 players will be trialed in the Senior team in 2005 .

Today (46) U19 coaches will begin their seasons with one thing in mind a premiership - or will they? More recently the emphasis at U19 level in the VAFA has been that of development as opposed to premierships .

Forty three clubs will provide U19 football opportunities for young men, with Old Scotch, Rupertswood and De La Salle fielding second U19 teams, in 2005 - not all will be successful in terms of winning the premiership, but how you define success will go a long way to defining how successful your team is . Is a premiership the be all and end all, or is your measure of success having (x) amount of players exposed to senior football across the season, or simply fielding a competitive team each week? If you haven't addressed this question yet with yourself and your players (collectively and individually) - your planning is behind for season 2005 .

Take the time to set realistic goals for your team both collectively and individually, for one player it may be to play (x) amount of senior games, for another it maybe learning how to play key position, and another to cement a regular spot in your U19 team, while from a team perspective it may well be to make the four, win all of your games at home or simply to be competitive each week - whatever the goals make them achievable and re-assess during the season, review and revisit . Goals give the team focus throughout and give you the ability to remind your team, and individual players, of their own commitment and focus for the season . While every one of the five sections will see teams compete weekly and at the end of the home and away season some twenty clubs will compete for the ultimate prize of a premiership, along the way there will be trials and tribulations, injuries, joy, exhilaration, thrashings and every bit of raw energy will be expended, but for what. U19 team placings do not influence where senior teams are graded in the VAFA . The VAFA U19 competition is an investment for the future of VAFA clubs . U19 teams give clubs access to not only a group of players with which the future can be built on-field, but also off-field . Future club administrators, volunteers and support staff can also flow from the group of raw boned and enthusiastic individuals at your finger tips . They are a valuable resource, treat them as such . 12

Trialing U19 players in the seniors has many positive effects (and I'm talking about those players physically and mentally ready for the rigors of senior football), (i) the players will begin to appreciate their own worth in their future at the club, give them their first opportunity to play senior football and not many future quality players forget that experience - INVESTMENT, (ii) by providing an opportunity for the players at senior level, you are saying to the U19 players who may be a year or two off playing senior football that opportunities exist at your club to play in the Seniors - the pinnacle at every VAFA clubs whether A or D4 section - OPPORTUNITY and (iii) their youthful exuberance will challenge the senior players in the team, enthusiasm is infectious, competition for spots is a challenge and when challenged regular senior players raise their efforts, increasing their output and such their worth to the team - CHALLENGING .

Promoting U19 players into the senior team also needs to be timed well . Robbing an U19 team of key players can decimate a side at underage level, a non-competitive side decreases player and team confidence and when this drops the reverse of the above (3) positives begins to surface and U19 teams suffer . There is no perfect recipe for success in promoting U19 players, many factors come into the equation from maturity (physically & mentally) of the players, to the timing of the match and opposition in which he player is to be promoted - but rest assured by doing so the long-term benefits far outweigh any negatives . In conclusion we are asking all U19 coaches : have you set your goals for the coming season, or are you taking it a week at a time, because failing to plan is preparing to fail, and good development coaches are well planned and will continue to reap the fruits of their labors for many years to come . All the very best for the coming season to you all may you all achieve your goals . Brett Connel l GENERAL MANAGER-FOOTBALL OPERATIONS Leve12 Coach 1


Body Corporate & Facility Management Professionals Residential & Commercial Building Management Specialist s Telephone : 9509 3144 web : wwm.theknight comitt

I am proud to again present the MHSOBFC Sponsors' Page in the VAFA Amateur Footballer for season 2005.

Colin Foley 0403 574 500 or Gus Martonhelyi 0429 106 596

MH SpgAin~~rated Grand Hyatt Melbourne Maxwell Williams BPA Print Grou p J A Dodd Ltd Azuma Sports Rigby Cooke Lawyers The Knight Track Stars Collectables Williams Batter s South Yarra Sports Centre GVP Fabricators Goldpats Accountants The Frame Shop HydroChem Spitting Image Catering The Kitchen Place The Hatton Hote l Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bell's Hotel & Brewery K~h's Pies

Following on from our C Grade Premiership win in 2004 I am pleased to report the new major sponsorforthe next three year period is Moran Furniture. I am most appreciative to its General Manager Mr David Hatton, MHS 19541 to 1954, for assisting us through this magnificent major sponsorship . I hope that all supporters of MHSOBFC will avail themselves of supporting Moran Furniture and its excellent products in the years ahead . I extend a very warm thanks to our major sponsor for the past 3 year, GVP Fabricators and MD

Stan Papayianneris. Their support has been vital to our resurgence as a club in the VAFA . In addition to Moran Furniture I welcome on board Keith Marshall and Track Stars Collectibles, Graham Burgess and BPA Print Group, Paul Smart and Azuma Sports (also a sponsor of the VAFA), Garry Cameron and Robert Reeves and the Grand Hyatt Group, The Hatton Hotel, Eco-Global through former MHSOBFC President Neil Moody, Peter Ivany and the lvany Investment Group and the Kingston Hotel in Highett Street Richmond . Let's all hope for a great 2005 . Colin Gree n Presiden t Captain Stuart McCully and Coach David Skinner hold aloft the C Grade Premiership Cup after presentations from Alf Keam and Tom Brain, VAFA Executive .

Eco-Global Edward J Lynch Agencies Barrie Macdonald & Assoc Ivany Investment Group Australian Unity The Kingston Hote l

NIACO02SfALD Insurance Brokers BARRIE for all your Commercia l & ASSi3Ctlt'rES Insurance Requirements . (03) 9599 2888 PO Box 301 Bentleigh 3204 p f. (03) 9563 9171 e .

Water Engineering Solutions

_,gco global Neil Moody, Suite 71255 Whitehorse Road, Balwyn, 3103 Ph: 9 B 6866, F: 9888 6880, M : 0408 483 058, E: neil@eco-gkrbal .com

Bell's Hotel & Brewery proudly supports the MHSOBFC


REAL ESTATE AGENTS FOR SOUTH YARRA AN D THE MHSOBFC 161 Toorak Road South Yana 3141 Contact BILL COOK Jnr Telephone 9866 4411

Congratulations to Drew and Danielle Fairchild on their wonderful wedding last weekend . All at MHSOBFC extend to them every best wish for their years ahead . We look forward to Drew continuing his superb form in defence in the seniors for season 2005 . We also extend every best wish to Val Fairchild on this happy occasion .





ÂŤ r~~ ~ C c) I~ ~ I O N

by Glen Harriso n

It's been 217 days since the last C Grade recruiting and th e game was played in anger and after yet return from another all conquering summer by our Aussie overseas of som e cricketing heroes, it's great to finally return to of their talente d the real action and have the footy back . players will hold The HJ Stewart Cup is again up for grabs and them in good stead . the 2005 season shapes up as the most Therry know if they can get their best team competitive of all of the amateur sections . The on the paddock, the lads from Oak Park will rewards for a successful year are plentiful be more than competitive . with promotion earning a berth in prestigious With an unavailable home ground, Ajax were B Grade, whilst relegation sees a club spiral the traveling gypsies of 2004 . Having flirted into the murkier waters of Dl . with relegation, they will be difficult Two sides that recently waded through the tcounerwhtypuheirbodsnth e shadows of D1 and into the light of C Grade, line and get their running game together. are the all conquering undefeated Uni Blacks side of '04 and their fellow Grand Final combatants, the Banyule Bears . Both will be keen to continue their forward push for higher honours . Beaumaris and Old Paradians return to C Grade hostilities and no doubt each team will be eager to follow the lead of last year's premiers, MHSOB, who slipped down in '04, but regrouped quickly, to have the briefest of stays . The new lineups will not have it all their own way, as six of 2004's C grade clubs also look to earn themselves a Grand Final placing .

PREVIEW Without form to assist, Round 1 selections are always a bit of a lottery and in most instances ; the final decision was made on the fall of the coin . Therry host Uni Blacks and whilst Oak Park has tripped up marry visiting teams, it won't deny a team that won 20 consecutive games in 2004 .

Monash Blues lead the marauding pack and following their preliminary final loss to the Unicorns, will be looking to go one better in '05 .

Banyule make the long trek to Gerry Green and the visitors who are notoriously slow starters, will be the Vultures first victim . Beaumaris have a difficult first up assignment against the Blues and the Students who always play their home ground well, should win .

The Parkdale Vultures who had been very impressive for much of last season lost their way in the elimination final and will be keen to atone .

Hampton welcomes the Jackas as they did in the corresponding fixture last season . As on that occasion, it was victory to the Rovers and should again be so today.

Old Camberwell made a late surge for finals' glory, only to fall a little short and will be hoping to cement a finals spot a little earlier this time around . Hampton Rovers also pushed for September action, but last year's nine nine win loss record was not enough . Solid off-season

The Wellers an d Paradians complete the round and this may be the game of the week . OC had many close matches last year and this may be another where they just come out ahead .



Press Correspondents :

Glen Harrison - hiharroCyahoo .co m



'A C SECTION Monash Blues v Beaumari s

Therry Penola 0 B v University Blacks Old Camberwell v Old Paradians Hampton Rovers v AJA X Parkdale Vultures v Banyul e

It I-, i; -+



C Section AJAX Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Res . Coach : Barry Simon N . Gold 2 J . Israelsohn 3 Y. Rapoport 4 M . Dudakov 5 G. Blieden 6 D. Vanaken 7 L. Krafchek 8 E . Raleigh 9 A . Rose n 10 M . Blashki 11 M . Segal 12 D. Goldenfein 13 B . Klein 14 D. Codron 15 J . Segal 16 E. Routman 17 D. Weislitzer 18 J . Kirzner 19 D. Sutton 20 J. Sharp rP 21 A. Lewin 23 A. Lewski 24 0. Henze] 25 R . Kagan 26 B. Duzenman 27 J. Berger 28 A . Zemski 29 R . Heine 31 B . Ritterman 33 A . Lewis 34 J . Raleigh 35 J . Givoni 37 J . Kestenberg 40 D. Seidl 41 J . Lewski 42 D. Gerber. 46 A . Sacks 47 A . Porat 49 B . Nankin 50 A. Benedykt 54 D. Rutko 58 A. Cooper 59 N. Diamond 60 J . Wajnberg

BANYULE Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res Coach : David Witchell 1 B . Reed 2 A . Bottomley 3 N . Taylor 4 P. Gloury 4 M . Creak (Res) 5 B . Willmore 6 M . Morgan 7 C. Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 J . Plant 10 A . Dooley 11 D. Wilson 12 J . Egan 13 B. Moxon 14 L. O 'Donnell 15 A. Brown 16 A. Demetriou 17 C. Davies 17 S. Gray (Res) 18 T. Wise 19 L . O'Connel l 19 T. Nasrallah (Res) 21 R . Dintinosante 22 C . Taylor 23 M. Gray 24 T. Prior 25 D . Phelan 26 B . Mounsey 27 J . Jones 28 D . Sproules 29 D. Nasrallah 30 D. Mutton 31 G. McLellan 32 J . King 33 B . Gayfer 34 S . Lorenzini 35 L. Richardson 36 M . George 37 T. Thompson 38 D. Gayfer 39 J . Turnbull 40 T. Prior 41 A. Tshaikiwsky 42 M. Van Poeteren 43 L . Ferra l 44 J. Connelly 45 A. Roethe 46 T. Egan 48 B. Herbert 49 G . Bell 50 S . Gray 55 D . Williams -


Coach : Mick Lovejoy Asst: James Whiea & Mick Carty Res : Jorro Nov 1 M. Duggan 2 H . Gibson 3 J . Heath 4 M. Matulick 5 M. Ensor 6 A . Spence 7 S . Lynch 8 M. O 'Brie n 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 12 L. Healy 13 J . Whitry 14 T. Collins 15 M . Boon 16 A. Quin 17 M . Pitts 18 N. Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 20 J . Black 21 S. Coote 22 L . Atkins 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D. Teasdale O 'Brien 27 26 B.. Haynes 28 J. Vance 29 C. Martin 30 C . Lambert 31 C . Graham 32 L . Wonnacott 33 S. May 34 H . McMillan 35 S. McNicholas 36 N . Atkins 37 R . Presnell 38 M . Wilson 39 L. McNicholas 40 J . Hogarth 41 N . Conlan 42 B . Gillespie 43 T. Woolnough 44 C. Collins 45 M . Kuria 46 Gerrand A . Kent 48 T. Whitty 49 J. Bryce 50 S. Dick s 51 J. Mitchel l 52 J. William s 53 A. Poll 54 S. Lee 55 L . Quirk 56 D . Wall 57 T. Boreham 58 J. Bramwell 59 B. Griffiths 60 D . Bird 62 J. Dickson 63 D . Galvin 64 D . Murphy 65 G. Shattock 66 P. McConchie 67 L. Stevens 68 B . Bowker 70 S . Crossley 71 C. Evans

72 A . Collings 74 M . McDonald

75 N. Higgs 76 C. Terpsinis



Coach : Jon Edga r Res Coach : Date Murchie

Coach : Brett Mcllwraith Res Coach : Tony Naumoff

Chapman 2 L . Rento n 3 L. Holloway 4 B. McKenzie 5 J . Rosengarte n 6 M. Davidson 7 P. Farrar 8 A. Hickey 9 C . O'Sullivan 10 S . Lloy d 11 M . Spencer 12 G. Smyth 13 M . Pay 14 B . Merli n 15 M . Tinkler 16 B . Nind 17 K . Mudg e 18 R . Glover 19 M . Payne 20 M . Edsal l 21 C. Gregory 22 T. Blackle y 23 B . J ansse n 24 T. Craven 25 J. Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N. De Young 28 J. Main 29 A. Costle y 30 L . Creamer 31 J. Gree n 32 L . Beddingfiel d 33 J. Smith (c) 34 R . Shields 35 A. Fyfe 36 A . Williams 37 C . Dennis 38 N . Brenna n 39 M . Smit h 40 J . Mazur 41 Michael Bolto n 42 M . Co e 43 R . Feenaghty 44 L. Levisto n 45 M . McMahon 46 D. Jones 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Carey 49 M . Pettingill 50 A. Tota 52 N. Mores i 53 J. Peel 54 B. Adamson 55 I . McCormic k 56 M. Jones 58 J. Lui 61 P. Campbel l 62 L . Katts 68 M. Meehan 70 Z. Anderson 72 B . Gree n 74 P. Westbrook 75 R . Turton 77 D . Neil 1 S.

1 H. Tregear 2 L. Holt 3 G. Cannell 4 G. Carr 5 J . Prantzos 6 S. Gravina 7 A. Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 N. Pinto 10 S. Blanchard 11 J. Zampaglione 12. T. Barker 13 G . Woods 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A. Browne 16 N. Greenwood 17 L . Cave 18 J. McCarthy 19 M. Lawrence 20 A. Power 21 S. Parkinson 22 S. Burggraaf 23 M. Gray 24 C . Christianso n 25 M. Davey 26 M . Devereaux 27 M . Flynn 28 B . Kezilas 29 M . Fletcher 30 A . Quon 31 T. Pucella 32 J . Hanlon 33 R. Mosbey 34 A . Crowther 35 J . Ng • 36 M . Heffernan 37 D. Lillecrapp 38 A. Fisher 39 A. Crisp 40 M . Flahive 41 David Anderson 42 C. Malthouse 43 C. Cooper 44 A. Blake 45 G . Davis 46 L . Woolrich 47 S. Helliger 48 G . Giasoumi 49 M. Ellis 50 N . Foster 51 J. Glanville 52 B . Cantlon 54 D . Marshall 55 L. James 56 T. Porter 57 D. Williams 58 C. Delosa 60 M . Terech 61 A . Kavanagh 62 D. Kroker

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Coach : Dale McCan n Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff 1 D. Zivanovic 2 A. Hughes 3 D . Dean 4 A. Curran (VC) 5 A . Pagli a 6 R . Bux 7 M. Cosgnff (Res VC) 8 A . Sinclair ( C) 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender tt M . Joyc e 12 B. Galloway 13 S. Rose 14 P. Pratt

15 N . Bmndell 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart

17 M . Mitchell

18 G . Porteous (VC) 18 M. Spinoso 19 A. Dean 20 S . Mahe r 21 D . Loney (VC ) 22 S . Fantone (Res VC) 23 P. Wals h 24 T. Lombardi (Res VC) 25 S. Rehleck i 26 D . Boundy (VC) 27 K. Jenkins 28 J . Kreuzer 29 A . Morrow 30 M . Ryan 30 D. McKay 31 N. Dallas 32 S. Corcoran 33 D . Clayton 35 S. Simpson (Res VC) 36 B . Dintinosant e 37 A . DiFabio 40 W. Chambers 41 A. Ellio t

41 L G ,, n A e&-mzfe ? C Grant A McHaric *son ullivan tzioros

42 R. Murray) Res C) 44 M. Hyde 45 C . McKay 46 J . Martinelli 47 J . Sandy 48 A . Moore 49 M . Sykes 50 A. Tenson 55 J. Swindon 56 S . Graham


P :, -

Coach : Tony Mac, age Assist : Paul Dwye r Res Coach : Paul Atrtin 1 S . Rowle y 2 S . Hecker 2 B. Darcy 3 M. Dixon 4 M. Hayes 5 A . Whit e 6 C . Stephens 7 C. Atkins 8 K . Little 9 M . Meyer 9 P. Emmett 10 T. Kight

11 C . O'Meara 12 A. Baker 13 M . Rya n '.. 14 C . Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C. Sullivan 18 S. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 D . Kinsella 21 D . Kelly

22 B . Liddell 23 Matt Sullivan 24 T. Linthorne 25 B . Richards 26 D. Rochford 26 A. Rock 27 R . Layton 28 A. Castles 29 G. Crilley 30 P. Merin 31 J . Drury 32 8 .Fogden 33 N. Wilkins 34 Matt. Walsh 35 M. Johnstone 36 C . Ogier

37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 39 S . Waters 40 D. Granger 41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 M.Kght 46 W. Wheatley 47 C . Rowland 48 Mick. Walsh 49 G. Allan

50 S . Scullin 51 A. Wood


Coach : Garry Datso n Res Coach: Bernie Carte r 2 T. Goodwin 3 R. Bannister 4 M. Elliott 5 A. Baker 6 M. Nancarrow 7 S . Bannister 8 L. Hollo w 9 10 11 t2 13

J . Quinn J . Vaina J . Crotty J. Betsey G . Russell 14 J. Fenton 15 A . McMahon 16 D . Clifton

17 D. Pirpinias 18 A . Moloney 19 M . La Corchia 20 J. Clarke 21 G . Henderson 22 D . Goodwin 23 D . Callegeri 24 M . Faroldi 25 P. Edwards 26 B. Lewis 27 M. Bosanko 29 S. Goodwi n 31 A. Forster-Knight 32 J . Sacc o 33 L. Kuret 34 D. Weston 37 D. Castatdi 40 G . Tstnaris 41 42 44 46

B. Barron A. McKay A . Gentile S . Stepien 47 D. Goodwin 48 M . Nancarrow 50 S . Halla m

52 A. Glesson 54 J. Frazzetto 56 P. Dunne 57 C . Ferguson 59 T. Robinson 69 J . Ellender 77 K . Walker 87 S . Daniel

52 S. Wingrave 53 D . Noonan 54 M. McCraw 55 J . Thurgood 56 S . Wilson 57 R . Bittner


Coach: Anthony Parkin Res Coach : Lachlan Beaton Assistants : Michael Riro Rob Paterson, Mail Fittolanii 1 A. Costello

2 T. Sheldon 2 S. Chandler (Res) 3 P. Geiste r

3 R . Hamilton (Res) 4 A . Evans

5 E . Hard y 6 A . Bevacqua 7 S . Price 8 C. Haynes 9 P. Kempton 10 W . Hanna 11 S. Watch 12 A. Torney 13 A . Ross 13 C . Baulch (C18) 14 C. Pric e 15 B . Shaw 16 J . Lahch 17 T. Purcell 18 C . Groom

18 K. Prestidge (R) 19 M. Kempton

20 C . Sandiford 21 J . Sibdia

22 C. McAssey 23 P. Barry 24 L. Marti n 24 V. Romijn (Res) 25 A. Katsaros 26 D . Batten 27 M. Savige 28 D . Costell o 28 P. Otsuka (C18) 29 N . Poyne r 29 A . Steer (Res) 30 A. Jesse 31 B. Costello 32 A. Cameron 33 M. Lindh 34 D . Barlow 35 C . Carroll 36 M . Prowse 37 J . Woods 38 J . Kin g

39 M . Ablethorpe 40 N. Marti n

41 R . Green 42 A. Smith 43 C . Beaton 44 E . Ryan 45 R . Scarlett 46 A . Kelly 47 C. Barrett 48 T. Portal 50 A. Goona n '.. 51 R. Wood 53 D. 0'Keeffe 55 G . Thomson 61 J . Black

65 J . Fuller 67 N . Goonan 70 J . Green 74 J . Dowsley 77 T. Brumby-Rundell 81 W. Pasco e 83 P. Molloy 85 B. Weber 94 A. Powell 97 L . Merlo 98 K . Begel y

58 R. Haslemore 59 D. O'Keefe 60 M. O'Meara 61 T. Banks 62 D . Scerri 63 N . Levert 64 X . Smith 65 G . Wilson 66 A. Kerr

Proudly Sponsored b y

2005 Major Sponso r ~~. .:~,

THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 3053 17


Congratulations w former University Blues player Richie Vandenberg (right) who was announced the captain of the Hawthorn Football Club in 2005 . A hard, aggressive and pacy in i d f i e 1 d e r, Vandenberg ha s played 102 AFL matches and booted 48 goals since being recruited from University Blues at No . 78 in 1997 AFL National Draft . The former Wentworth (NSW) boy, while studying at Melbourne University, played 47 games with the Blues from 1995-97 . During his time at University Blues his talent was identified by the VAFA as he was selected in U18 and U19 representative teams in 1995 which played against the Oakleigh Chargers and Eastern Ranges in the Pura Milk Challenge Series and later that year against the VFA. Vandenberg joins other notable VAFA players to have gone on to captain VFL/AFL teams including Dr . Donald Cordner (University Blacks - Melbourne), Gary Dempsey (FITOB Footscray), John Kennedy (Teachers' College - Hawthorn), David Parkin (MHSOB Hawthorn), Ross Smith (Hampton Rovers St . Kilda) and Neil Roberts (MHSOB - St . Kilda) .

Life Member Profile : Peter (Power House AFC & VAFA)

H utchinson

• 363 games with Power Hous e • Life member - Power House AFC • Interstate Representative • 7 B&F awards • Club Captain

• 45 years involvemen t • State Coach VAFA v Tasmania • undefeated 1981-8 3 • Old Camberwell Coach - 1978-80 • Premiership Coach 197 8 • VAFA Executive 1993-200 4


0 0

0 v 0 Melbourne has had a sensational start to the season and two former VAFA players have been leading lights . Cameron Bruce (MHSOB) an d James McDonald (Old Xavs) were the best two in the Dees victory on Friday night over Geelong . This follows Bruce's BOG efforts in the first two matches . Maybe the retirement of Dr Don Cordner, VAFA's last Brownlow Medallist, could coincide with the next VAFA winner of the coveted award . 0 ® 0 VAFA congratulates former St Bede's player and VAFA umpire Brad Hodge on his selections on the recent tour of New Zealand and the upcoming Ashes tour of England . Brad began as a boundary umpire when just 15 years of age and Brian "Benny" Goodman remembers Hodge as a "fresh faced, enthusiastic young lad" . How things have changed !



0 (5

~nother former VAFA player Tim O'Sullivan IOld Xavs) has had great success with St Kilda <'richet Club where he captained his third consecutive Premiership in Premier l Cricket . O'Sullivan made 93no in the Fina .

the. Saints were struggling at 3/27 ()SuIlivan has now played in Five First XI . O'Sullivan was also a selector of 1>rcmierships tj„~ C-D4 represe~~n~tative~~side ® from 2001 - 04 . \ 1FA Patron in Chief, Dr Don Cordner, rrtired from his position at the Season's . Unfortunately Don I, .,unch last Monday w ;isn't able to be there for this occasion as he I, ;,cl spent some time in hospital and was at home recovering . Patron, John Dillon, ac cepted a momento on his behalf and spoke about the many achievements Don achieved throughout his career. Don is the only VAFA player to'have won a Brownlow Medal . He has been the Patron in Chief since 1993 and he %'AFA will seek to announce his rrplaccsment during the season . All at the \-%F.1 thank Don for his outstanding service uid trust that he recovers fully from his rcc?nt health scare and look forward to ,,-( :ing him at many Amateur games in the i u ture .

® CI 0 congratulations to the VAFA'S first lady o f

mark .graydon@cummins .com for . more details . 0 0 ® Inspired by Tiger Woods' US Masters victory CEO Michael Sholly and Treasurer David Scott headed out to Northern GC by invitation from Cadbury Schweppes for the Amateur Invitational Final . Once a competitor always a competitor, Michael took the honors on the day with 35 stableford points and in doing so has booked himself a spot in the final at Royal Pines Resort Queensland in June - stay tuned for more . ® 0=1 ~a Noticed former VAFA goalkicking machine and 3RRR breakfast presenter Tony Wilson has entered in the world of print media . His book PLAYERS is described as "an unsettling familiar portrait of the relationship between sport, celebrity and media, searing a look at the mayhem that ensues when bug reputations and even bigger money, are on the line" . We love the Author's note "PLAYERS is a work of fiction . Any similarity between the characters depicted here and any real person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental" . Having played plenty of VAFA footy FTLOTG reckons there would have been plenty of inspiration from VAFA clubs an d


® ®


l npiring Leah Gallagher who this week ,)>liciates in her 35 0th Amateur Game at c'cntrcl Reserve between Mazenod and St I3(<les Mentone Tigers . Leah started as a 1,wtndary Umpire many years ago and over ilie ears has matured and progressed to i, ome one of our better Field Umpires iuproving so much that a regular spot in A r ;r,ul,> should be just around the corner . It has been a "big week" for Leah who (,I,1, r,n,d her 40th Birt hday last weekend :u<<1 surprised all those present with a wedding to her long term partner .

C~ ®


Monash Gryphons are running a D3 Tipping Competition and all clubs are v:~leuine to enter. The cost is $20 . Please r-;ist(r at www .tipsin .com . Payment -!)iiuns and rules are on the site . Prizes n-lu(ie a Mini Mac Computer Valued at $89 9 in iPod valued at $399 and another iPod %s at $149. Please contact Mark Graydon ,)It 0-112563782 or via email at '<i





Barry Hicke y 速

The threefold welcome to D1 for 2005 ; to the Vasilopoulos, & 6 Clubs who survived the rigours of the Simon Wood ! Section action in 2004 ; to Bullen- Glen Eira i s Templestowe & Old Carey, whose promotion determined t o continues their rivalry from last year ; and to regain C level Emmaus St Leos & Glen Eira, rebuilding status for 2006, and may have a slight edge from not such flash years in 2004 . For Gle over the Old Carey Kindergartners at this nEira,t'sbe40ynchirlas t stage . The homes ide to win by a few points . appearance in this section! And finishing Ormond v Aquinas with a little known fact, this scribe ha s never written about Emmaus in a season in The Moods are quietly confident of being which they did not win the Senior Flag!!! We there for finals action again and should will also watch with great interest the have an experience advantage over the fortunes of our worthy 2004 Grand rejuvenating Bloods, who usually take a few Finalists, Uni Blacks and Banyule, in the rounds for their cricketers to adjust to not wearing creams . Both sides will be tough environs of C Section . thereabouts in August, but the Monds will Have a fantastic year each and every!! take today's contest by 4 goals . Previe w Emmaus St Leo's v Prahran Glen E ira v Old Carey meet for the first Demotion seems to bring out the best in the time in decades with both in rebuilding Animals, and this game will indicate how mode . Legendary Coach Terry Walsh has good that best wilI be . Prahran had a horror returned to Glen Eira in an effort to redirect year with injuries in 2004 and did damned its fortunes ; while Old Carey is reeling from well to avoid relegation themselves . Both the retirements of Club Legends Cam Clubs are cautiously optimistic . Being at Campbell, Matt Cohen, Nick Everett, Cam Bennettswood, the Animals should start the Matthews, John Raftopoulos, Nick year with a 3 goals victory ,





0 2



Burgen, have more moves than a Contortionists College, and both teams commence the year with substantially the sides that served them so well in their respective finals campaigns last season . The unfurling of their D2 Flag will give the Bullants an added lift that should carry them to a 2 goals win .

v YarYa Valley Old rdentonians The Panthers have lost vast experience with the retirement of many veterans such as Adam Acreman and Drew Soliey, but hope to counter that with reams of enthusiastic cubs! They did well in their pre-season games and could surprise . Yarra Valley could (should?) have seen finals action in 2004 but for some unaccountable lapses, and they won't be far away again in 2005 . The Bushrangers are one of the few sides not fussed by the environs of Keysborough Fields, but I think the Panthers young guns, boosted by the return of Chad Twentyman & Justin Vick will take out a top match by 4-5 points .

Correspondents contacts : 9889 1979, & bfhickey6Cbigpond .co m

D1 SECTION Glen Eira v Old Carey Ormond v Aquinas 0 C Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Prahran

Bulleen Templestowe v Fitzroy Red s Saving the best for last, this will be a very good game . For starters the Coaches, Steve Easton & Graham

Old Mentonians v Yarra Valley 0 B Bulleen Templestowe v Fitzroy Red s

The VAFA Footballer t is r ly sponsore d and ri by :




9 7 6 3 4 0 8 8 Wn i:9 THE A'.'ATEUR FOOTBALIER 2605



Coach : Steven Bell Res Coach : Terry McEvoy

BU 1,EER TEMF LESTOYdE Coach : Steve Easton Res Coach : A Parris



Coach: Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan

Coach: Terry Walsh Res Coach: Matt Embling

Coach: Peter Russo Res Coach: Jamie Winduss

1 S. Vamvakis 2 P. Khazaal 3 C. Massis 4 B. Zosens 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagame 9 A. Russo 10 M . Chandler 11 L. Pryde

1 T. Mitvalsky 2 C. Twentyman 3 R . Ball 4 B . Carrol l 5 A . Kiantos 6 C. Alexande r 7 D. Emerson 8 G. Ferguso n 9 D. Cochrane 10 T. Wiltshire


1 L . Toomey 2 S. Tibb 3 J. Coglan ' 3 S. Edwards 5 M. Hunter 6 D . Minogue 7 C . Glennie 8 J. Jess (VC) 9 T. Harkin

1 G. Chivers (Capt) 2 M . Stella 3 L. Thompson (VC) 4 W. Thompson 5 C . Parris 6 A . Tehan DV C ( ) 7 P. Robertson 8 D . Glover 9 J . Matthews

1 2 2 4 4 5 7 8 9

10 D . Boland

10 J . Wise

11 B. Atherton

12 B. King

11 A . Mort

12 A . Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A . Wilke 15 A . Fitt 16 S . Smith 17 C. Morrison 18 J . Newman 19 L. Stott 20 M . Jones 21 P. Gannas 22 S . Noble 23 D. Matthews 24 D. Williams 25 L. Norbury 26 S . Boyd 27 A . Clarke 28 P. Milesi 29 P. Tsokas 30 D. Florence 31 M . Pietryk 32 R. Williams 33 N. Hamshare 34 S. Lambropoulos 35 D. Daskatou 36 P. Hare 37 J . Frangos 38 A. Varga 39 D. Buccachio 40 G . Theodrakakous 41 R . Lea 42 P. Edwards 43 D. Horvath 44 R. Schneider 45 D. Rogers 46 A. Humphrey 47 C. Morivitis 48 A. Morivitis 49 B. Touriganis 50 R . Georgelous 51 T. Coram 57 R . Toscano 58 D . McMahon 59 M. Daskalou 60 M. Scarano 62 M. Kirsz 64 C . Tzalabiris

12 D. Murphy 13 A. Dawson 14 T. Clarke 16 G . Crane 17 B. Lee 18 M. Baker 19 Pa Cook 20 T. Mitchell 21 C . Meighen 22 C . Sullivan 23 T. Jackson 24 J. Parsons 25 D . Bahr 27 J. Tornese 29 V. Cahill 30 C . Little 31 P. Crowe 32 A. Grant 33 S. Dury 35 P. Cook 36 M. Reeves 37 A. O'Reilly 39 A. George 40 G . Bance 41 M. Bridges 42 1. McBurney 45 J. Bennie 46 N . Mann 47 W. Bahr 48 N . Vaughn 51 J . Rawlins 52 B . O'Connor 53 S . Addicott 56 T. Madden 57 R . Rome 61 G. Virtue 62 N . Auden 63 C . Andrew 67 R . Holderhead 71 T. Leske 73 J . Bare 75 B . Pollard 76 D. Curtis 77 A . Grillo 80 G. Box 81 J . Savage 95 D. Flanagan 97 D. Ronchi 99 C. McGrath

13 G . Brown 15 E. Stuchbery 16 N. Davis 18 R. Oldham 19 A. Decries 20 A. Diamond 21 M. Watt 22 S. Emmett 24 M. Embling 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R. Gilmore 28 L . Shellard 29 M. Scaife 31 J. Lundberg 32 D . Fossey 33 A. Sheedy 35 S. Hollow 36 B. Zurek 37 P. Merrick 42 J. Serpanchy 43 M. Kennedy 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 47 B. Zwar • 48 J. Haliwell 49 S. Hall 50 D . Eade 52 A. Haines 55 L . MCGaw 56 C . Hogan 61 J . Fulton 62 J . Simos 63 J . Evans

12 C. Dwye r 13 B . Russo 14 M . Strou d 15 J . Costello 16 C. Duncan 17 J . Vick 18 M . Basile 19 A . Palmer 20 C. Palme r 21 J . O'Brien 22 B . Coghlan 23 A . Drinan 24 R. Ironmonge r 25 B . Fairbanks 26 R. Schloeffel 27 G . Katri s 28 D. Kitlo 29 A . Carter 30 D. Russ o 31 M . Elliott 32 P. Wilso n 33 B . Lane 34 P. Flaskis 35 E . Millis 36 D. Alexander 37 M . Francis 38 T Millis 39 C. Gourle y 40 R. Alexander 41 G . Pekali s 42 A. Noonan 43 G . Hubbar d 44 L. Sunte r 45 A. Erskine 46 G . Smith 47 J. Kelly 48 D. Steven s 49 N. Fishe r 50 K. Regan 51 A. Wilson 52 M. Watts 53 R. Johnson 54 D. Goodbody 55 T. Marde n 56 S. Brady 57 S. Fairbank s 58 A. Donega n 59 G . Goris 60 W. Steabben 61 B. Saunders 62 C . Sinclai r 64 M. Austin

11 S. Cooper 12 A. Bethune 13 D . Den Braber (C) 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A. Lorkin 15 Adrian Williams 16 J. Hunt 17 B. Redwood 18 J . Hughes 18 T. Olarenshaw 19 G. Whitehead (VC) 20 D . Skinner 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flyn n 23 M. Vsser 24 P. Harper 25 B . Volombello 26 J . Box 27 C . Quinn 28 B . Helme 29 J . Wilson 30 C . Colliver 31 G. Evans 33 C. Wooden 34 M. Tarulli 35 R . Chapman 36 P. Caskey 37 S . Leonard 38 B . Moran 39 S . Bethune 40 S . Haun 41 G. Davies 42 R. Moran 43 M. Slattery 44 J . Tapply Ta I 45 D . McCartan 46 T. Vandersluis 47 Anthony Williams 48 R. Brown 49 M . Griffin 50 C. Crozie 53 D. Robinson 54 M . O'Halloran 55 L. Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 57 M . Harris 58 H. Tysse n 59 B. Cooper 60 L. Elliott 61 I . Drew 62 C. Lyng 63 A. Barri e 64 S. Voursoukis

D. Hannam B. Holderhead A. Walsh M . Cairns J . Hamilton P. Diac ior i s L. Byrne~ g A. Byrne H. Fletcher


67 C. Tzoumenakas

72 T. Brook S. Voursoukis

S. Ozergin S. Jones







A. Hyland





pi section OR M OD D

coach: David Matthew s Fes Coach : Peter O'De a

2 3

4Qeledip D. Beckett L PAu phy M. Jones

5 6

Nil,. Martinov M

B, Arnold 7 S , Keleher 8 M. Mille r g S . Metz to T. Banks 1i D. Robbins 12 B. Detedw 13 C. Lees 14 J. Bridges 15 C . Telle y 16 T. Stewart 17 L Russell


1 C . Angus 2 D . Faelis 3 M . Angus 4 A . Simson 5 J . White 5 P. Konstantinidis 6 C. Campbell 7 T. Evans 8 A. Stewart-Holmes 9 D . Shutie 9 B. Andrews (r) 10 K. Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 L. MacFarlane 13 G. Trumbull 14 M . Zander 15 N. Bull 16 T. Angus

18 W, Cove

17 A. Parton

19 D. Cleary 20 D. to Hennepe 21 R, Wiley 22 H. Brow n - T Naylor J. Muzzell ,t Dale iarvey ford A. Clinch S . Barker 30 L Wells 31 C. Young 32 L O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 A. Russell 35 G Bailey 36 D . Casey 37 C. Everett 38 D . Byra 39 R . McIntosh

18 D. Bowley 19 T. Wood 20 S. Bennett 21 0 . Smyth 22 C . Battle 23 H . Van Cuylenberg 24 P. Unkles 25 A . Thompson 26 A . Wood 27 N . Vasilopoulos 28 N. Sulman 29 C. Munro 29 J. Joslin 30 N. O'Brien 31 J. Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N . England 33 G. Spencer 34 K . Parker 35 M . Watts 35 M . Vardy 36 D. Martin i



Coach : Leig Staffor d Coach : Steve Maus aun h bell Res Coach : Craig Williams Res Coach : Camp

41 B . UPs611

37 C. Adam

42 C. Keleher 43'8 . Parsons 44 M . Broadhurst 45 J. Franklin 46 C. Johnstone 47 A, Goonan 53 K Harvey 55 B, Payson 56 G. Smith F7"3 P. Konstanty 63 S, McCanchie 68 B, Cromack 75 M . Lance

38 L . McKinnon 39 P. Bennett 40 S. Jackson 41 P. Niven

42 J . Ashworth 43 Y. Glynne 43 D. Joyce (r) 44 T. Rossignuolo 45 T. Bull 46 B. Barr 47 B. Crosher 48 S. Teve 49 S. Middleton 50 A. Kent 51 R . Hall 52 E . Halliday 53 R . Deuis 54 T. Zavelz 55 P. Busse 56 A. Boyd 57 T. Connell 58 H . Doggett 59 C . Mason 60 W. McConnell 61 B . Croft 62 C . Withington 64 C. Smith 65 D. Eisner

1 C. Ctauscen 2 L . Stafford 3 J. Ferrier 5 H . Pitts 6 A. Donachie 7 T. Greening 8 I. Hunt 9 A . Bunnett 10 M . Mc Cudden 11 A . Pitts 12 C. Moffat 13 L. Northway 14 L. Fox 15 C. Tooley 16 A. Rhodes 17 M. Harrison 18 M. Windridge 19 S. Ramage 20 J . Kellow 21 T. Sparrey 22 A . Sleight 23 L. Patterson 24 K. Plummer 25 L. Aitken 26 A. Dibben 27 W . Watford 28 T. Mclver 29 P. Gartland 30 M . Radywonik 31 S . Fraser 32 D. Ballard 33 F. Lewis 34 R. Alcock 35 J . Bedford 36 G . Seven 37 M. Boyd 38 E. Macdonald 39 J . Matherson 40 R . Ferrero

EMMAUS ST LEOS Coach : Stuart Cook Res Coach: Terry Y me r

1 P. Carse 2 J. Hodder (VC) 3 E . Mitchell 4 C . Phyland 5 S . Buckle 6 M . D 'Ameli o 7 A . Burgess 8 B. Bird 9 D. Lear 10 B. Ellis 11 M. Levins 12 T. McCann 13 A . Krebs 15 P. Care y 17 G. Bonnici 18 R. McCann 19 A . Kelly 20 A. Ballard 21 G . Simondson 22 P. Ristevski 23 T. Batty 24 D . Bruce 25 A. McKenzie (C) 26 A . Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 H . Giles 30 M . Ottobre 31 M . Contessotto 32 D. Camm 33 L. McDermott 34 L . Virgo 35 J. Briggs 36 S. Bavage 37 S. Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B. Vaughan 40 J . Gay 42 C . Landy 43 B . Levins

41 J . Upton

44 S . Murphy

42 B . Downing 43 S . Kennett 44 C. Priestley 45 S. Campbell 46 S. Moylan 47 J. Killeen 48 J. Vagg 49 I . Dennis 51 M . Muehtheim 52 C. Jones 53 M . Mulqueeney 55 M . Vagg 56 A. Potter 57 L. Castle 58 T Murphy 59 B. Hambling 61 B. Campbell 64 J . Belcher 65 B . Sodoma 66 S . Bell 67 S . Oliver

45 S . Penchi 46 A. Brown 47 M. Mclnerny 48 A. Daly 50 A. Volpi 51 P. McGloin 52 R . McGloin 55 A . Free 56 T. Morrison 59 A . HickeY

61 J-P Blandthorn 63 P. Nolan 64 D. Wood 67 P. Farquhar 69 S. Meshcer 70 D . McGloin 75 T. Ymer 76 G. Donovan 77 C. Vaugha n 79 T. Tribe 88 S . Pitcher 89 D. Winduss


Coach: Tim Killworth Res . Coach: John Frazier R Pearce T Morris R Thompson M Fung A Drew 5 R Drew

1 2 3 4 Captain 6

C Beal 7 L Morris 8 J Keem 9 T Hancock 1 0 T Mclllrath 1 1 J Cremean 1 2 L Gillies 1 3 B Nickolas 1 4 E Kruse 1 4 N Pask 15 L Taylor 1 6 A Laing 1 7 C Britt 1 8 J Strong 1 9 T Hale 20 D Stevenson 2 1 B Drew 22 R Yeo 23 M Davies 2 4

F Pellagrino 25 J Longworth 26 S Savage 27 M Rockicki 2 8 R Coutts 2 9 D Potter 30 P Cooper 31

J Parry 32 P Cremean 33 8 Seeger 34 8 Peake 3 5 P Jarvie 36 D Balshaw 37 B Morrison 38 39 J Tompkins M Wines 40 B Downs 4 1 A Stone 42 S You 43 4 J~ A Wingate4 45 T Oliver 4 6 S Collie 4 7 R Davis 4 8 S Seabourne 49 J Peake 50 H Clarke 5 1 A Hartnett 52 53 S Fyff e

S Simpson 5 4 A Vass 55 T LIoyd 56 P Pickering 57 G Kerr 5 8 AJoiner 59

S Laird 6 0 p garopma 62 B Whitechurch63 D Smith 64 M Norrish 65 A Russell 66 B Glennie 67

T Collet 68 R Collet 69 N M Lalng 7 1 G Coutts 7 6 S Thompson 77 N Peters 7 8 D Redfern 8 2 T Peters 92

Orrong Hote l CU B

Mercury ste


ra rrsontEr~v


8 . 0 0®1 ii. W a n-. -Ae rea t'-1 7 4 FM Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m

puma .co m

For news, views and previews, tune t o The VAFA Foo ty Show pres _- . . . -- t_° 1ein Pe tru cco with Norm Nugent --r,ianei SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00am

Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6 .30pm for reports and a complete full-time score service Live A Section Football 7roadcast from 1 .45 p .m. every Saturday {_ V 01.111 TRINITY . . - LUES 2vT "TC"° 7

EASTE~3,I'? CaM ZN ! 11 <II'I' ' 71L J ,~_D~CA SZ'E S "in tune with the o u ter cast " VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and ne ws of local VAF'A. teams between 6 .00-6.15pm each Saturday night.

VAFA segmen t

6®00,pm ® 7 . 0p®,--: :. ® Sntur ay VAFA,S UIYDAY 9 .30 - Iu .30 a.m. TUNE IN 9 . 3 0 EAC&v SUNDAY M OR NING DE9 :Y GOOD69Atd AidD TO M MY BRAIN WITH ALL THE VAFA NEW S This weeks guest : Michael Sholly (VAFA CEO ) 24 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20





presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests fro m St Kevins, St Bernards (A), Old Essendon (B), Old Paradians, Therry Penola, Uni Blacks (C), LaTrobe Uni (D2), West Brunswick, Rupertswood (D3), North Brunswick (D4) .


REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .30 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .

The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday d Johnathan Horn VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day an reviews the competition in Monday's Ag e

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1orth "'e st Amateur Fo oty Report

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presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from Penola, St Kevins, St Bernards (A), Old Essendon (B), Old Paradians, Therry Uni Blacks (C), LaTrobe Uni (1)2) , h Brunswick (1)4) . West Brunswick, Rupertswood (D3), No rt chat on all matters VAFA . weekly .00-8 .00pm Includes PREVIEWS Friday 7


Radio Advert Promotion . 0 T HE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER



Peter Williamso n Prognostications from Wuey and the Quill I Williamstown for 2005 . 2004 : 8th (D2) ; Old Geelon g 5-12- 1 2004 : 3rd (D2) ; 14 wins - 5 losses - 1 draw We say : Keep Dave Lee fit and the sky's the We say : Had disappointing finish to 2004 limit . but with likes of Mark Vickers-Willis, Prediction : 6th Hugh McCarthy and Will Paul still at Oakleigh Como Park, should push very hard for 2004 : D3 premiers ; 18- 2 flag. We say : Rebounded in fine style after Prediction : 1 st relegation in 2003 when they showed Peninsula improvement . Former reserves coach Pat 2004 : 9th (D1) ; 5-1 3 McKenna replaces the retired Chris Moore We say : Relegated last year after at the top . powerhouse 2003 when lost just two Prediction : 8th games for season - the second semi final Bentleigh and the grand final - both to Fitzroy . 2004 : 6th (D2) ; 7-10- 1 Massive home ground advantage should We say: Loss of skipper Leigh Ireson, Mark set it up for another September. Eyles and Jayde Handfield leave big holes . Prediction : 2nd Will need a good run with injury to make La T robe finals . 2004 : 5th (D2) ; 9- 9 Prediction : 9th We say: In Glenn Taylor, has arguably the Swinburne most meticulously prepared coach in the 2004 : 7th (D2) ; 6-1 2 section . Improved markedly last season We say: Loss of club champion Simon despite implementing youth policy and Fragiacomo is huge but return of threeshould take next step this year by playing time best and fairest Carmelo Dell'Olio finals . helps ease load . Another club that needs Prediction : 3rd luck with injury for strong 2005 . Ivanhoe Assumption Prediction : 10th 2004 : 4th (D2) ; 11-7- 1 S ocial We say : Former Melbourne and Richmond Ivanhoe Assumption invites past players talent scout Tony McKay takes over from and supporters to a pre-match luncheon John Matthew with pressure on to match at the Hoe Park clubrooms for the last season's effort. unveiling of their Wall of Fame . For $50, a Prediction : 4th past player can get a name plaque, Salesian detailing how many games played for the 2004 : 10th (D1) ; 2-1 6 club, up on the wall . The cost for We say: Should steady after horror year supporters to come to lunch is just $20 . last year. For more details, contact Matt Ebbage on Prediction : 5th 0409865412 .


press Correspondent s : ;1t c :rew Wu ~:,U~32~7@student .rmit .edu .au & I'eter Williamson ,will, liotmail .com

I3 2 SIXT'I速N Rupertswood v Bentleig h Old Geelong v Williamstown CYMS Oakleigh v Peninsula 0 B La Trobe University v Ivanhoe Assumption Salesian 0 C v Swinburne Un i

MM .~ STONE S Williamstown CYMS - Congratulations to !; renelan Cocks on reaching his 1 50th gam e. Brendan is gutsy winger who often goes where angels fear to tread . His courage and skill is recognised at the CY's combining in three club champion awards . The first was in the U I9's . His pace on the wing and ability to dodge players and take strong high flying marks makes it a joy to watch .

Sa les l a n OC - congratulate today's! milestone of 250 Games by Andrew l "E " Seager . Starting his career as a swift and miserly defender, Eggy has exploited the Amateur ruck laws with great effect for over 15 years to become "the best tap ruckman of a generation" . It is a credit to his fitness and preparation that he becomes the first Salesian player to reach this milestone . Andrew is a tireless worker off the field, having served on the Committee in various capacities for over 10 years . A true Club Man and colourful characteri within Amateur circles, we congratulate you Eggy, and hope there are many more games to come . E'AP.9ATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005 2



Coach : Justin Paul Asst Coach: Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall 1 C. Sharp 2 J . Paul 3 A. PiBito 4 S. Side 5 J . Robertson 6 A. Jolly 7 S. Holmesby 11 D . Martin 12 N . Aitken 13 S. Craven 17 S. Francis 18 S. Adaway 19 B. Fox 20 R . Fishlock 21 A. Ferri s 22 A. Smith 23 G . McFarlane 25 D . Gold 26 B. Padgham 27 J. Seeley 28 M . McCulloch 29 A . Clough 30 D . Ferguson 31 A . Banks 32 D . Kopitschinski 33 P. Withington 35 L . Ireson 36 M . Backman 37 L . Holmesby 38 G. Beattie 39 G. Prigg 40 A . Steward 42 A . Mikkelsen 43 M . Vukic 44 R . Punter 47 M . Scanlan 48 R. McEvoy 49 A . Lee 50 A . Stanes 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 54 R. Oldfiel d 55 G. Richards 56 C. Aitken 61 H. McKenzie 64 M . Hayes

IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Coach : Tony McKay Asst Coach : Doni Valkanis Res Coach : TBA


Coach: Glenn Taylor Asst San Coaches : David Huffer & Bob Ellis Res Coach: Bob Elli s Club XVIII Coach: Cam Black

OAKLEIGH Coach : Pat McKenna Res Coach : Mark Ryan Asst Coach : Shane Kitts


Coach : Michael Lockma n Res Coach : TBA Asst Coach : Matt Edmond s 1 M Goldsworthy 2 N Casboult 3 M White 4 C Stinchcombe 5 M Vickers-Wtlh s 6 J Bel l 7 J Paul

4 H. Davies 5 S. Adamthwaite 6 D. Gleason 7 T. Marines 8 C. Correnti 10 M . Forrest 13 T Ludeman 14 D . Butler 15 S. Brooks 16 P. Farrant 18 C . Blight

1 A. Murray 3 D . Mackenzie 4 G . Herry 5 C . Kokkinos 6 M. Jordan 7 M. Short 8 S. Earl 9 C . Hogan 11 J . Rutter 12 D . Furnell 13 D . Britt 14 J . Nevezie 15 G. Redford

14 S . Kaso

19 A. Benton

16 M. Bell

17 T Betts

15 J . Curtin 16 P. Harris 17 S . Morris 18 D. Abud 19 D. Wood (d.v.capt.) 20 N . Pye 21 N . Blainey 22 A . Height 23 D. Ryan 24 B . Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 J . Finlayson 28 S . Matthews 29 J . Crapper 30 S . Kaso 31 S. Scapari 32 J . Icefo 33 S. O'Connell

20 A. Coulter 21 M. Harvey 22 D . McMeekin 23 M. Cossar 24 L . Envall 26 M. Dingle 27 S. Pruscino 31 A . Mambvre 32 S. Gibson 34 H . Spring 35 F. Tiernan 36 T. Mawdsley 39 R . Slater 40 S . Murphy 42 D . Robson 44 D . Kerrison 45 D . McMeekin 47 A . Samson 50 K . Hopkins 55 C. Fehring 70 J . Dumaresq 73 J . Sewell 78 J . Clark

18 J Malpas

C. Clamp T. Cohen N. Dunne D. Fennell M . Garret K. Hickman S. Jackson C. Knee P. Lias A. Mann

17 D . Perry 18 J . Connellan 19 R . Keatingg 20 J . Halpin 21 A . Perdikornatis 22 D . Wills 23 J . Kerley 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A . Kitts 27 D. Zula 28 A . Khodr 29 K . Holden 30 P. Holden 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Lucas 33 S. Bando 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske 36 M . Ryan 37 S. Briggs 38 S. Cammiss 40 J. Briggs 41 S. Way 42 S. Dalton 43 A. Hinton 44 N . Wills 45 E. Videky 46 R . Holden 47 M. Stevenson 48 J. Reynolds 49 S. Collins 50 C . Lamb 52 C . Cooke

49 E. Marino

S. Miller

56 B. King

65 R Bel l

50 R . Sing 51 D . Pearce 52 S. Sampson (capt.)

G . Nelson X. O'Donnell L . Ryan

53 M. Chazan

L . Heathcote

54 T. Scott 55 D . Frank 56 G . Ford 57 M . Frannich 58 D . Hager 59 C . Mclnney 60 J . Nemtses 61 T. Mehmet 69 J . Mazocca 78 C. Brown

C . Francis S. Gloury S. Moore S. Pitaro J. Waterman B. Laidlaw D . Hill J . Rotella C . Sage A . Paech B . Hider

1 S. Conley 2 M. Maud 3 C . Tucker 4 T. O'Neill 5 J. Scoble 6 E . Healy (v.capt) 7 P. Rawley 8 J. Shuttleworth 9 R . Peoples 10 P. Lee 11 D . Valkanis 12 P. Tonkin 13 S . Narkiewicz

34 B. Joyc e

35 M. Serafini 36 J. Tamburro 37 P. Cotter 38 M. Sheppard 39 M. Ebbage 40 D . Senor 41 C . McDonald 42 R . Kolb 43 A. Shemshedin 44 T. Scott 45 E. Nuttall 46 R . Nuttall 47 B. Walthers 48 R . Toogood

M . McDonald

57 D . Nagel 59 T. Orchard 63 M . Couttie

8 D Kimnton 10 M Avery 11 L Stevens 12 T Paul 13 T Canno r nTaylo ~5 H D McCarth y 16 T Fallaw 19 N Bett s J Legoe

21 LTeague 22 T Bayle s 23 C Fairbair n 24 S Lansdel l25C 27 W Pa~째n 29 S O'Brie n 30 D Youl 31 A Munro 32 T Ayerbe 33 E 34 S Maki B n 35 M Verge 36 T Makin 37 T Waters 38 L Smith 39 J Kilpatrick

40 LTeagu e 41 S Ross 42 C Legoe

43 R Parsons 44 J O'Hare

45 H Legoe 46 J Morle y 47 J Col e 48 R Herd 51 J ~pa k 52 A Higgins 53 A Hosking

54 R Hughes 55 C Atkins 56 M Leslie 57 B Symons 58 J McCarth y

59 R Kilpatrick 60 B MaClea n 62 T Allen ~~Atkins 66 H Burges s 67 J Burnell 68 B Church 69 A Southey

70 W de Fegle y

71 R Ellis 72 H England 73 H Foletta 75 T Green 76 M Hayes

77 S Monagha n 78 L Morriso n 79 N Robinso n 80 C O'Brien 81 G Ritchi e

82 T Smit h 83 R Steven s 84 S Tresise 85 M Vase y 86 J White 88 J Hawke r 87 J Imhof f 89 P Klooste r 90 E Jefferey


m Section PE~fINSULA

Coach: Julian Sill Neil Franks FRes Coach : S. parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M Gok)thorp 4 E. Bowen g N . Kent 6 M. Warner 7 S p,turray 8 P. Angu s 10 A . Haley I

11 JS'Sill . Ferguson 12 13 B. Cook* 14 S. White 15 J. Davis 16 S. Ctaringbatd 17 J. Coghlan 18 J . Wheelan 19 A . Mckinstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 A. Teet°w, 22 A. Atchison 23 R.Powney 24 T. Prendergast 25 A Pawell 26 G . Lethbridge 27 S . Payze 28 B . Taylor 29 S . Torossi 30 A. Crean 32 B . Liuzzi 33 R. Stainio th 34 M . Falkiner 35 T. Lane 36 N. Bowman 37 J . Growcott 38 T. Coghlan 39 S. Wilson 40 D . Hubbard 41 A. Vidotto 42 N . Ctaringbold 43 B . Dunne 44 C. Mclean 45 L. Prendergast 46 T. Moran 47 L Palmer 48 N . Heffernan 49 A. Minchin 50 A. Bonner 51 R . Hayman 52 A . Wood 54 C. Wilson 55 R. Cannon 58 P. Mangan 69 J. Muir


Coach: Shane McLaughlan Res Coach: TBA 1 Plummer T 2 Price G 3 Reid P 4 McGovern N 5 Mgrath J 6 Gallus S 7 Whitehead B 8 Elliot K 9 Spinner L 10 Prendergast B 11 Moule B 12 Hewat M 13 Sinnett B 14 Plummer L 15 Webb N 16 Clarke P 17 HattY R 18 Pettman M 19 Collins D 20 Flinn P 22 Stevens D 23 West M 25 Keenan D 26 Zarb D 27 Jaeger R 28 McDonaldD 30 Shaw K 31 Flinn M 32 Sinnott P 33 Chrystiuk C 35 Carlo C P 36 Henry 38 Johnson B 39 Walsh D 40 Brennan L 41 Davis M 42 McKenzie M 43 Phillips R 44 Broughton T 45 Hum D 46 McCrann J . 47 Soutaris A 48 Bradbury H 49 Ang B 50 Soutaris D 51 Assouad M 52 Jordan A 53 Carlo A 54 Clarke M 55 Walsh A 56 Harry G 57 Gaunt W 58 Carmody S 60 Ramsay J 61 Powell D 63 McPherson B 64 McLachlan S 66 Roberts G fi8 Wallace D 69 Maezzatesta M 70 L.Temming


Coach : Peter Res Coach : Jon Brennan


1 A. Stevens 2 A . Thain 3 S . Sutherland 4 A . Healey 5 M . Canavan 6 M . Loughnan 7 M . Ware 8 S. Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. Otdfietd 11 A. Davey 12 L. Rose 13 I. Bobetic 14 P. Evans 15 C. Rose 16 P. Dolman 17 M . Forbes 18 D. Barry 19 T. Fairbairn 20 A. Seager 21 A . Bonnici 22 S . Downey 23 P. Hanton 24 E . Hanapy 25 J . Rogers 26 J . Nannes 27 P. Allen 28 D . Allen 29 P. Delahaye 30 A. Brett 31 L. Seville 32 G. Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 C. Goulden 35 P. Knott 36 S. Nolan 37 B. Chalmers 38 K. Woodman 39 G . Tucker 40 S. Trakas 41 M. Smyth 42 T. Henson 43 M . Van Suyle n 44 P. McClaren 45 C. Savage 46 S. Greely 47 I . Rozankovic 48 A. Simon 49 M. Oakley 50 J . Oakley 51 S. Stevens 52 J . Logan 53 E . Maillard 54 S . Brown 55 J . Ngo 56 C. Ryan 57 M . Smith 58 M. Ferwerda 59 Mick Forbes 60 P. Forbes

1 . L Watts 2. J Sheerly 3. J Piotrowski 4 . A Fidler 5 J Dmart e 6 . D Harmer 7 . J Murchie 8. M Higgins 9. L Morrison 10. M Anastassi it . D Milano 13. K Barbary 14. R Goode 15. H Sutter 16. C Walsh 17. J Robert s 18. A Fiumani 19. B OTdara p ' D W~g 27 . S Fragiacomo 22 . C Thomas 24 . C Higgins 25. M Whiting 26. T Liston 27. R Kiss 28. J Ryan 29. J Gordon 30. J Dunsford 32 . P Beynon 33 . S Christov 34 . A Fricke 36 . J Carter 37 . D Barbera 38. M Tricky 39 . R Robert s 40 JCoy 41 . S Ryan 42. D MacFarlane 43 . J Andrinop°bus 44, M Ryan 45 . B White 46 ' J Sandh u 47 . T Morris 48. D Little 49. M Hudgso n 50. M George St . M Pearson 52. N Lane 53 . M Pau l 54 . M Eley ~ M Dinning 56 . D Smith 57 . C 0'KeeHe 58. M Flack 59. C Gelley 60. P Jones 61 . B Robertson 62. B GorBne 63. M Roebuck 6 4 . J 0'Keetfe 6 5 . ATeal 66 . C Dent 67 . D Beynan 68. L Sierakowski Proudly sponsored by :

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Restauraut & Bar

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Rs~ Manny D e Tanja NiBshibata

CYMS M Dene M cteod

Res Coach: Andrew Phu ~~ S3 ~+a ~ w"~~+' ~, 5 s



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Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .


SP SPOR I SC OVER (pre sented by Ouit)

(cost c4 i<: 6oc,-,3 call) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O

Weekend matches (Fri) • Umpires Appointments - Scores (Sat . night)


ELSTERNWICK GATE S The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .




CADBURY FACE in the CROWD - The Cadbury Winning Grin If you are the peson circled, present this photo at VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper. This photo was taken during the 2004 VAFA finals' series . Next week's photo will be from a Round One 2005 match .







Once again this year, 96.5 Inner F.M . gives your club the opportunity to nominate a match that you want us t o broadcast . Whether it be your home or away match, or if you want to combine with you opponents on the day to nominate a particular day . . .it doesn't matter!

You have a say in the matches we broadcast ! For $250 per game, we will :

i. Broadcast the game of your choic e ii . Promote the club sponsor OF YOUR CHOICE with 6 x 30 sec . sponsorship announcements throughout the broadcast. . iii Identify your club and major sponsor on the program promotion spot on Inner F .M . played 12 times in the week leading up to the match . . Exclusive half time air time given to a club official via iv interview.

For more information, contact Ken Petrucco on 9457171 8



h ParaIympian Don Elgin had the Rachei 4'dlnterton Te~!iary Essa/ prize Anner ) eiitn Drs Ross Boot "I nd Rob Hess ( crowd on the edge of their seats

Lite Member Peter Hutcfiinson with his son John and wife Gwen

Life Member John Jack Wilson ' : .itn his sc lwifeJoanand aughtersDeborahandLesli e

(Fitzroy Reds), Ian Cave (Hampton Rovers)) edficate of 1 =aitwinners : Gerry McNamee (Prahran) Pat McConville (De La SaIleOC), Stephen King (Old Ivanhoe), Melissa Evans & VAFA) and Peter Carboy (St. Bodes Mentone Tigers) -ahsent Alan Redman (Ba nyule, Ormond & Old Ivanhoe) and George Voyage (Caulfield Grammarians () THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER



by Geoff

~ a II'ey

In his editorial, CEO Phil Stevens, detailed a number of key points for the Millennium season . There was a new "heat policy", an extension of the "audible obscenity" rule for players who incur more than one "order -off' and an "All Star Team of the Year", to be chosen, based on weekly nominations . The VAFA was at its progressive best ! A Section scribe, Jason Frenkel, reported that the opening was a "bumper" round . Match of the week was between Old Melburnians and University Blues . At half time the Blues held a 6 goal lead but tired badly and the OM's ran over the top, 14 .11 to 12 .13 . The OM's were pleased with the effort of Holmes in his battle with Blues' big man . McLachlan and Mulligan and Browne also satisfied the OM's camp . "A" Section coaches were - Garry Connolly (Marcellin), Warren Fall (MHSOB), Kevin Tibaldi (Old Ivanhoe), Neil Ross, (Melburnians), Brendan Mason (Old Scotch), Leigh Carlson (Old Trinity), Tim O'Shaughnessy (Old Xavs), Gary Foulds (St Bernards), Mike McArthur-Allen (St Kevins) and Lee Adamson (Uni Blues) . In B Section Whitefriars unfurled the 1999 C Grade pennant and celebrated with a strong win over Mentonians, 14 .15 to 7 .10 . Best players ; Carbone, Cunningham, Hilton, Hughes, Reidy (6) Pasqualotto, (W'Friars) and Newton, Kitto, Flaskis, Katris, Cozens, Campbell (Mentonians) .

In C Section, the two promoted teams, AJAX and Bulleen /Templestowe, were both soundly beaten by Old Geelong and Glen Eira respectively . Beaumaris, who had been relegated from B Section, announced their intentions with a huge result, 30 .15 to Ivanhoe /Assumptions 13 .16 . D1 Section's Aquinas Old Collegians had been : middle of the road in the previous season but launched their new season with

a massive 34.17 to Oakleigh's 10 .10 . Thomas with 8 goals and Cultrer awith7er e

guns up forwar . dforAquinas Peninsula Old Boys went straight to the top of the D2 Section ladder after they disposed of Parkside 16 .7 to 6 .13 . D 2 Section coaches were - Grant Hammond (Fitzroy Reds), Serge D'Angelo (Kew), Ken Wood (Mentone), Laurie Zerafa (Parkside), Brett Mcllwraith (Peninsula), Matt Sexton (Salesian), Gordon Burrows (Thomastown), Kane Bowdern (Uni Blacks), Tim Pontefract (West Brunswick) and Tim Kilworth (Yarra Valley OB) . The new All Star competition, "Players of the Week", announced : A Grade - Michael Blood (Old Xavs), B Grade - Peter O'Loughlin (Old Paradians), C Grade - Mick Goodwin (Therry), D1 - Brett Birkhill (Old Carey), D2 - Elliott Hannan (Uni Blacks), D3 - Peter Sadler (Williamstown CYMS), D4 - Jeff Wilson (Old Westbourne) .

We welcomed new clubs and teams to the competition - Beaumaris (seniors, reserves & U19's), Warringal (a new "composite" U19 team), Swinburne Institute and Hawthorn Citizens (new Club 18 teams) . Eltham made the transition from Club 18 to senior ranks . In "A" Section the highly fancied Old Xaverians, under new coach, former Richmond great Barry Richardson, hosted Ormond, tipped by scribe Don Blackwood to be facing a tough season . Somewhat surprisingly Ormond held a 4 goal lead at the main break and increased it slightly by three quarter time . The Xavs rallied, had most of the play in the final term but Ormond, led by captain Brett Connell ,


played possession football in the final minutes to finish in front, 12 .7 to 10 .15 . The Monds had made an early season statement to say they were not finished yet! Best for Ormond - Sebo, McConville, Kenrick (4) and Fraser. For the Xavs Landrigan, Bourke, Tapping and Mollard . In B Section, Old Haileybury, still smarting from their relegation from A Grade, pounded Old Mentonians 22 .7 to 12 .14 at McKinnon . Best for OH - Armstrong, Morey (5), Kirkwood-Scott and McKenzie . For Mentonians - Brooks, Davis, Dart and Carter. Monash Blues were big winners over St Bedes Mentone Tigers in C Section . The Blues kicked away in the first term with 7 goals to 3 and continued on their merry way as Leigh Baring (4) and Dan Carman (5) provided headaches for the Tigers' defenders . Other good players for the Blues were Logan, White and Hipwell while Bilos, Diggins, McGraw and Parsons deserved plaudits from the St Bedes match committee for sticking to their tasks .



, __._ - - _ ill A Section Collegians went straight to the top of the ladder with a resounding victory at Old Xavs' expense, 21 .12 to 7 .11 Hinchen, Cook Schmidt (3), Tregear, Bennett and Baum (4) were strong for the Lions . Curtain (3), Trainor, Ryan, Klein, Godsell and Carlin did their best for the Xavs .

North Old Boys were also very impressive and their 13 .11 overwhelmed De La Salle who could only muster 4 .12 . Paul Considine (4), Busutill, Conti, O'Rourke, Lynch and Dore pleased NOBS' coach Jim Durnan who was delighted with the great start to the season . For De La Salle, centre half back Mick Deveson did all he could and the margin could have been considerably more had he not defended so stoutly . Cooke, Harrington, Holdsworth, Bromley and Anderson were the best of the rest . () THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

The tribunal had a very busy start before round one with no less than 14 players suspended for indiscretions in the practice matches . Unfortunately the trend continued with 19 players suspended during round one . Bob Green played his 300th game during round one . Bob started with Parkside in 1966 and was lured to West Brunswick the following season . Bob was an excellent contributor on and off the field and had already been awarded life membership by his club .

In A Section Ormond opened their season positively and avenged their defeat in the 1974 Grand Final when they accounted for Uni Blacks . Their 8 goals straight in the third quarter turned the game around completely . Best for Ormond were the dashing Alan Graham (4), Bruce Bourne (1984 VAFA player of the year) . Russ, Buckley, Thomas and Naylor also providing great drive . Simon Costello was the Blacks' best and was supported by Holmes, Perrett, Burne, Pascoe and Tony Costello .

In B Section Old Scotch ran over the top of Old Carey 17 .10 to 7 .10 . The Scotchies' best were Morgan (7), Molyneaux, Alder, J Marx, Tallent and Anderson (3) . Old Carey's best were clearly Yeo, Constable, R Cooke, Freeman and Morrison . Old Brighton comfortably defeated Brunswick 14 .11 to 8 .11 in C Section . Best - Jones (5), Walsh, Berry, Currie, Paroissien and Thomas (Old Brighton) and Lasala, R Johnstone (3), P Egan, Hanlon, Hughes and Watt (Brunswick) . A Section field umpires were Brian Goodman, Colin Wills, Phil Rowell, Ken Jorgenson and Trevor Rowe . The first five gentlemen were to continue their contribution to the VAFA, after they stopped umpiring, as observers, advisors and even VAFA executive members . 35

Welcome to season 2005! Having been promoted (with my beloved Westbourne) from the scribe's job in D4 last season, I am looking forward to penning my views on what should be a very tightly fought division . Having spoken to most clubs I have managed to form some thoughts on what I believe will transpire over the season, and have put these into my 2005 preview . 2005 Preview West Brunswic k Having come down from D2 last season, the Westies have been dealt another blow losing three stars including three-time comp B&F Adam Cannane to overseas work commitments . However, gun recruits Donik Manoulkian, who will provide plenty of zip from the half back line and bollocking forward pocket Brendan Hogan should fill this void somewhat . Coach Angus "Hamma" Hamilton said that he "was taking it one week at a time" and would be "hoping to give a good, honest account of themselves" when asked about their prospects . A top four finish is not out of the question . South Melbourne Dist ri ct s Word in D3 circles is that the Districts are a big chance to take out the flag this season . Preseason has been very exciting and although they lost a few of their experienced players from last year, a number of pick ups have shown good form early . Included in there is a "big bush recruit, a couple of players coming down from the D2 comp and some talented and skilful young ex-U19's" . Judging from the mail, I am expecting a top four finish by the team . Old Westbourn e

The Warriors, fresh from their thumping 2004 premiership season where they lost only one match for the season have all the momentum going into 2005 . However, the loss of four experienced players from the premiership side may put a dent in coach Jeff Wilson's plans . Word from the club is that players such as

"Fish" Whiting and Adam Mokrusch are the up-and-comer s expected to fill that void and a finals place will not be out of the question, though a mid table finish is most likely .

UHS-VU The students have lost much of their side from last season with a staggering ten players heading off overseas and also several retirements . However, in their place, quite a few youngsters have filled the void with "several exciting pickups" . Another positive is the fitness of Cracknell who is promising to have a big 2005 . Given their consolidation season in 2004, the students will have their eyes firmly placed on a top two finish in 2005 and I think they may be a good thing this year . Werribee Having staved off relegation last season by the skin of their teeth, it will be a desperate Tigers outfit taking to the field in 2005 . An influx of talented youngsters have begun to filter through from their successful U/ 19's team, and led by Daniel Lee and Matt Palmington it is expected that the pace of the Werribee outfit will be increased significantly . The return of some long term injured players to the fore adds to the positive signs . However, to me I believe this will be a tough year for the Tigers who will need to win some close ones to stave off relegation . Kew I tried hard to contact someone from Kew but to no avail . As such I can only go on what I saw last year, and on that I think Kew will be competitive . A lot will depend on whether they can win the close ones, however, my guess is a 7-10 finish is on the cards for the Browns . Syndal Tally H o

Training since January, the Hoers have had consistent numbers on the track throughout preseason . Newly appointed Senior Coach Tony Rowe has had his work cut out for him with a


number of senior players departing from last season, and has brought many new players to ,the club with him . Competitive in their practice matches, I am expecting them to be thereabouts come finals time with a 4-6 finish most likely . Monash Gryphons Despite the Gryphons disbanding their Club 18 team after only one season, and losing several players as a consequence, the club has managed to pick up a number of players primarily from the university . One of the stars of D3, Adrian Flowerday, will be a big part of any success the Gryphons should experience and along with the steadying influence of veteran Lee Wells, and the mercurial talents of Chris Leeton, I am expecting a 6-8 finish for the club.

St.Johns OC

St .Johns, after a third placed finish in 2005 are expected to give the flag a real shake, however, the preseason has not been all that coach Ben McGee would have planned . A number of his gun players such as 2004 sharp shooter Chris Horbury have yet to commit and as such predicting how their season will transpire is a difficult task . Positives have been the great form of youngsters such as Diaz and Arnold who are expected to be stars of D3 this year. None the less, I believe that they start the season as premiership favourites -despite their early setbacks . Power House

After yet another long pre-season PHFC has had some mixed results in their 3 practice matches . New club Captain and 2004 B&F winner, Matt Hill is expected the lead from the front while Nick Bishop, Matt Taylor, Ben Reardon and Rob Walsh should also be good players for Power House this year . In an even competition I believe a finals berth is unlikely with a 5-8 finish on the cards . Round 1 Previe w West Brunswick v Power Hous e

The Westies have many D3 pundits placing them in the top three although the club continues to play down their chances . On the flip side, Power House would be hoping to get off to the flyer they did last season . For me it is West Brunswick though to win at home by 32 points . South Melb Dist v St Johns

St .Johns have not had the pre-season they would have liked, while South Melbourne appear to be on track for a good year . The wide ses of Elsternwick Park ~s*ill test the preson work of both clubs and I am expecting i HE',aa1ATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

some tired legs at the end of the day. Picking a winner is tough, but I think I will go with 2004 form and pick St .Johns to win by 11 points . Old Westbourne v Monash G ry phon s The Gryphons travel to Artie Park in what will become one of the dreaded road trips of 2005 . The Warriors will still be flying after the club's two premierships last year as they meet one of the other D3 newcomers . Westbourne are always tough to beat at home, and today will be no exception as they open their account today with a 32-point win . UHS-VU v Syndal Tally H o

The students promise to be a good side this year with an abundance of talent and experience throughout the club . Syndal are also looking good and could surprise . This match will help us assess just how good UHS are, and in picking my winner I am going with them to impress with a 26 point win . Werribee v Ke w My early thoughts have been that both these teams may struggle in 2005 and therefore it is supremely important that they open their accounts in today's match . The young Werribee side is full of promise and their run on the large Tiger's Den will make the going tough for Kew . In what I believe will be a close encounter, I believe Werribee will have the legs to outlast Kew to open the season with a win by 9 points . Press Correspondent s

If you want your team and players mentioned in my column, I am only too happy to oblige . However, I must get your reports into me by midday on Monday at the latest . Please also include your nomination for the player of the round . My preference is an email to gavan .flower .au . As always, I welcome comments from all readers, either good or bad so please feel free to email me at gavan .flower@spotless .eom .au or otherwise feel free to say hi when you play Westbourne during the year .

D3 SECTIC . I West Brunswick v Power House South Melbourne Districts v St JohnsOC - at Sportscover Arena

Old Westbourne v Monash Gryphons UHS-W v Syndal Tally-Ho Werribee Amateurs v Kew 37

D3 Section KEW Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach : Brendan Dover 7 B. LatranChi

2 N. Costley 3 J. Doum s 4 G . Crimm ins 5 A. Carman 6 N. rneui (C) 7 B. Dove` 8 D. Mainsbr~O 9 A. Kelly

to B. Cullen rn B. Woodhouse (VC) 12 M. Gridley 13 C . Kynakou 14 J . Looker (DVC)

15 F. Lamanna t6 D . Wood 17 C . Warn s to N . Dahlstrom

19 K All20 A . Actreki 21 D . Clark 22 T. Aaken 23 J . deBWnk

2e S . symes 27 T Moore (DVO ) 28 M . Dean 29 M . Dalrymple

30 C. Giansante 31 D. lann i 32 A . Drago 33 J. Cronin 34 D. Pocock 35 R. Bravo 37 S. Johnston

38 D. North 39 J. Dennis

40 J. Ferrantino (RC) 41 L . Coulter

42 S. Parker 43 A. Bortone

44 A. Makns (RDVC)

45 G . Evan s 46 B. Marchesani 47 L . McNeill 48 K'saydar 49 P. Dennis 50 B. Davies

51 M. Btatr (VC) 52 R . Mctaunn 53 S. Oobome 54 J . Renou 55 A . Lawler

56 T Fam 57 B . Purcell 58 B . Burns " 59 J . Rakusz 60 G. Lawson 61 M. Glenn (RDVC) 62 M . Paine 63 N . Gricks (RVC)

64 A . Fathers, 65 S . Petersen 65 R. McKenow 67 J. Bell

68 S . Ryan 69 M . eels 70 T. Fox

Harp of Erin Hotel 636 High St, Ke w

Ri rr '4 JoP 'r'F'-t t'

Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelberg Rd,



Coach: Steven Bourban Asst Coach : John Leroy Res Coach : Geoff Sil l 1 S. Bourbon 2 M. Healy 3 A. Grad Y

4 M. Malone 5 J. Watson 6 D . Bottle 7 D . Walter 8 J . Blandford 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 A . Nichols 12 A . Gross 13 J . Stratford 14 A . Mckenzie 15 A . Clarke 16 P. Renniso n 17 P. Rutherford 18 M . Paotucci 19 R . Coxhead 20 C. Staff 21 J . Bingham 22 B . Coxhead 23 L. Clark 24 D. Baxter 25 S. Kibblewhite 26 A. Denyer 27 R. Gilchrist 28 Luke Leeton 29 P.Warren 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 M. Lewis 33 S. Nelson 34 M. Graydon 35 B Clark 36 G . Block 37 A . Jerkin 38 M Baron 39 D Grenfell 40 M . Willocks 41 C . Archer 42 J . Clark e 43 M . Mastromanno 44 L. Wells 45 J . Goni s 46 G . Kent 47 M . Parker 48 G . Still 49 C. Robinson 50 S. Dresser 51 C. Leelon 52 A. Flowerday 53 M. Bourbon 54 A. Perry 55 G . Harrak 56 J. Healy 57 W. Pocock 58 C . Yanni 59 A. Yanni 60 T. Bourbo n 61 A . Waters 62 N Rutherford 63 1. Bagnall 64 P. Patrick 76 J . Harrak


Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Res . Coach : Scott Walker


Coach : Brett Devlin Res Coach : Gary Dean

11 B. Phillips 12 A. Brawnjohn 13 J. Spence 14 W . Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 A. 0'Intino 17 C . Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 S . Matheson 20 J . Nicholls 21 D . Miller 22 R . Walsh 23 K . Anthony 24 N . Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 D. Harris 27 B . MacCormack 27 R. Davies 28 D. Boland 28 P. Cooper 29 M . BeasleyY 29 A. Foster 30 T. McFadane 31 R. Marshall Res Capt 32 M . Verberne 33 H. Clarke 34 J. Conway 35 S. Hatchard 36 M. D'Intino 37 S. West 38 R . Benson 39 B. Wooderson 40 R . Marshall 41 C . Byrne 42 P. Arnold

1 K Arnold 2 M Peake 3 D O'Connor 4 S Holmes 5 B Hilton 6 M Phaedonos 7 N Chalk 8 M Hartnett 9 AJones 10 M Courmadias 11 J Kell y 12 P Walke r 13 C Horbury V.C. 14 P Sharp 14-R M Hange r 15 M Kosmal a 16 A Paterson 17 S Cockayne V.C . - Re s 18 C Emery 19 J Cotton 20 B Rydquist 21 S Koppens C . 22 G Roberts 23 J Diaz D .V.C . 24 L Mara 25 B Waters 26 H Wathen 27 R Dowsett 28 A Dexter 29 T Elli s 30 R Walke r 31 D Rydquist 32 A Rudd 33 A Fonceca 34 M Hancock C . - Re s 35 J Sacco 36 P Harri s 37 D Christian VC: Res 38 D Savio 39 P Rudd 40 T Hyland 42 D Sanders 43 M Van Houton 44 J Ross 45 A Hall


43 J . Howes

46 B Calle ry

48.R .Van Engelen 49.S .Tindall 50.P.Habersatt 51 .D .Tang 52 .T.Best 53 .J .Manolokakis 54 .M .Crosswell 55 .B .Gilbert 'JT'Mtlle 57~ . rBrooke r 58- C.L arkin 59 .L.Barnes 60 .N.Aquilina 77 .J .Lott

44 B . White 44 D . Glanville 45 A . Contreras 46 S . Campbell 47 D . Crane 48 N . Sharp 50 A . Volz 55 G. Hamner 56 C. Plazzer 58 J . McClure 63 M . Weber

47 G Easton48 J Hargraves 49 A Kizilis 50 J Brow n 51 C Santon i 52 D Harki n 53 C Rattle 54 D Vanderwert 55 B Pickering 56 A Dragwidg e 66 Joe Scardamagli a

1 .B .Gerace 2.J .Braham 3.Trav.Edwards 4.J .Bartolo 5 .S .Hewitt 6 .J .Horsburgh 7 .B.MerrYweather 8 .A.Horsburgh 9 .F.Pavez 10 .C.Lever 11M .Christo 12 .M .Baulch 13 .M.Ristevski 14 .P.Hudson 15.A.Board 16.S.Christo 17,M.Aquitina 18,G .Walker 19.J.Mason 20.D .Hudson 21 .LHudson 22.S .Anderson 23.S .Huntingto n 24. L. Fairfiel d 25.Troy Edwards 26 .P.Mesma n 27 .T.Whiting 28 .D.Slattery 29 .S .Balloch 30,A .Mokrusch 31 .A .Miller 32 .G .Jenkinson 33 .D. Benn 34 .C.Bramwell 35 .J .McCutcheon 36 .K.Pilsbury 37 .C.Molitoris 38 .D.Nikola 39.M.Oldham 40.J-Morselto 41 .K.Miller 42.D .Carruthers 43.A.Runciman 44.B.Lennon 45.E.Sandstrom 46.M.Whiting

1 M . Taylor San DVC 2 R. Humphreys 3 J. Marshall 4 B . Turner San VC 5 P. Sosic 6 M . Verberne 7 C. Richardson 8 M . Hill San Capt 9 B. Reardon

ST JOHN S Coach : Ben McGee Res Coach: Rod Walker

to D. Cooper

t -~~-A -••-+• s TILE IMPORTER S T t m 6*' mercKg"r s

MAJOR SPONSOR : Werribee Mazda

The Village Belle Hote l 202 Barkly st, St Kilda 03 9534220 0



Henderson rett Downing ton DVC nC.

5, S . King g L. Keaty 7 A . Hannan 8 X . Kidd 9 S . Aquatina 10 D. McCormick 11 P. Daly 12 A. Argyriou 13 E. Henderson 14 D, Bell 15 B . Lazzaro 16 J. Neimi 17 P. DAndrea t8 G. Cox jg A. Reid 20 W. Brown 21 B.. Johnson 22 T. Milne 23 B. Downing 24 B. Joske 25 S. Atherton 26 R. Mitchell 27 P. Cheevers 28 Ti Paterakis 29 J. Adgemis 30 T, Zantuck 31 S. Hermitian 32 D. McGee 33 M. Doyle 35 N . Moojen 37 J. Clyne 38 D . Rowe 39 A. Briglia 40 B. Bulpit 41 Ti McQualter 42 G. Gay#+r A? W. DAndrea V.C . D. Geary C. Roe A . Ray ' J Rc: C Maloney _ M . Anderson 53 D. Phillips 54 A. Glannefis 55 J, Pohlner 61 M . Margiannis 64 M, Stefanidakis


~ -- • '~`'

Jet p ort Parkin g Dawsett Engineering The R ose


Coach : Tony Rowe Coach : Guy Walden Res Coach : Mark Elder 1 J Hannemann 2 I Bingham (Vice Capt) 3 M Joy 4 T Turpin 5 D Hannah 6 1 MacKenzie (Vice Capt) 7 T Va iatis g 8 R Bennett 9 D Richardson 10 T Psinas 11 J Rutter (Vice Capt) 12 D Bennett 13 S Miller ( Res Vice Capt) 14 S O'Boyle 15 D Reynolds 16 C Hayes 17 A Herrmann 18 M Bircanin 19 A Faichney 20 B Hannemann 20 C Hall 21 D Kennett 22 M Buckley (Res Capt) 23 B Bayliss 24 B Bayliss 25 B Reeman 26 A Morrison 27 M Leplaa 28 S Crew 29 P Agnello 30 B Holland 1Res Vice Capt) 31 A Richardson 32 L Hannemann 33 T Bartholomew 34 N Hunter 35 C Cachia (Captain) 36 T Fleming 37 B Robinson 36 M Christiansen 39 D Hallisey 40 B Thomas 41 M Moresi 42 M James 43 A Brown 44 W James-Ind 45 R Stein 52 S Anderson 54 P Sheer 56 ATreasure


Coach : Shane Mottram Assistant: D. Forbes Res Coach : G . MandaNs Asst Coach: G. Ternes t J . Sparnes 2 R. Thorp 3 J . Nation 3r T. Cleveland 4 L. Gorringe 5 S. Mottram 6 S. Cracknell 7 D. Zulicki 8 S. Hams 9 D. Moorfield 10 M. Butera 11 D. Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N . Rose 14 J. Mitchell 16 J. Tate 17 C . Langendorf 18 A. Hellner 19 J. Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 J. Hall 22 G . Mandalis 23r G . Temes 24 N . Carroll 25 D . Creek 26 P. Th omas 27 A Cusick . 28 B. Mcinnes 29 A Pashley 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 S . Dimond 33 J . Schulz 34 J . O 'neill 35 S . Orbons 36 A . Pendlebu ry 37 G G. CaBerall aB R. La ish 39 M . Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 R. Franc 43r M . O'neill 44 B. Mcleo d 46 D 4 M Tunrey r~y 48 G . Gilmore 49 S. Smits 50 J. Corbett Si S. Ca ~reco 52 J. Bowes 53 J. Thomas 55 M. Tull 56 S. Jackson 57 C . Thomas 59 J. Maguire 60 G . Costa 61 Ti Strathopoulos 62 M. Kennedy 64 B. Walpole 65 D . Harri s 66 P. Clarke 67 M. Deluise 68 L. Holmes 69 A . Dowdell 70 A . Quinn 71 M . Mora 72 N . Estrada 73 D . Cl a rk 74 C . Pegg 75 S . Mills A .Trevethan 77 G. Brady 78 B . Carruthers 81 J . Sanson 88 P. Greenbank' 99 M . Higgin s

WERRIBEE Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach : Rob Rank no 1 D. Nedinis 2 C. Lee 3 D. Flack 4 S. Kidd 5 B. Cunningham 6 M . Walsh 7 B. Stornebrink 8 M . Palmington 9 J. Ayling 10 M . Keogh (Sen Capt.) 11 M . Green t2 B. Blac k 13 R . Belt 14 J. Marinis 75 A. Murphy 1 6 R . Daly 17 A. Tedesco 18 D . Vefisha 19 S. Daly 20 E. Mahoney 21 T. Davidson 22 A. Dlbatista 23 N . Gilbert 24 L. Carson 25 N . Addarno 26 B. Vasilou 27 A . Bag 28 D . Czajowski (San VIC) 29 P. Spry 30 S . Simpson 31 M. Jordon 32 D . Lee 33 S . Wiggins 34 F. Mehmet 35 B . Bunwanh 36 A . Tay o 37 P. Keogh 38 T. Towers 39 L Langtiekl 40 S . Fuller 41 G. Groga n 42 J. Purton 43 A. Renaut 44 Ti Johnson 45 C. Alabakis 46 B. Patton 47 L. Moore 48 B. Sineield 49 R. Zulia n 50 C. Marcia 51 B. Daniels 52 & Hal A. Attard 54 R. HYssol i 55 E. Coster 56 R. Baker 57 A. Trairxm 58 J. Rigoni 59 M . Knight 60 M . Czapwski 62 B. Russell 63 J . Callanan 64 M . Hollow 65 N. Renaut 66 A. Hassett 67 A. Waldron 68 M. Punon 69 P. Spry 70 A. Mar 71 J .Alabakis 72 N . Marines 73 TSimms 74 L. Russel l 79 J . Dike r

WEST BRUNSWIC K Coach : Angus Hamilton Res Coach : TB A

ta Orain M b Hamilton A 2 Hamifton P G 3 Heppell 4 Lehmann C A 5 Cannane 6 Pi etsch S 7 S Benjamin N 8 Simmonds 9 Morp hett A s 10 Byrne 11 Norman P 12 Maguire T S 13 Brooklet, 14 Bowshall -Tanner C M 15 Russell 17 Smit h 18 McManus M 19 Touzel W 20 Connan D 21 Bloom A 22 Hanson 23 Rudd D 24 Jenkin J 25 Siebrand 26 Benjamin R 27 Brooks M 28 Waller 29 Sheedy C 30 Lewis M 31a Edwards S 31b Caller S 32 DAndrea S 33 Thompson T 34 Twyford 35 Carmichael M 36 Jones L 37 Dempsey T S 38 Monague 39 West R 40 Brooks D 41 Greening P 42 Goonan M 43 Tobin 44 Sprague 45 Smith 46 Howard 47 Thompson A 48 Sutherland A 49 Hayse y 50 Hutchens N 51 Sherry L 52 Fox T 53 Chamberlain T 54 Tanner 55 Kelle r 56 McDonag h A 57 Williamson A 58 Torney 59 Brugler M 60 Sprague 61 Hilton 62 Wright S 63 Garden J 64 Stewa rt L N 65 O'Brie n 66 Hussey R 67 Smith B G 70 Leahy 71 Brookshaw M 73 Clare M 76 Chislett R 77 . Howel l 78 Thompso n 79 Colquhoun J


The finest ruckman of the modern era, a nomadic goal kicking machine, a Carlton premiership winner with gammy knees, one of the most respected AFL coaches of all time and even a former world championship rower are welcomed into the amateur fold as season 2005 dawns today . After a string of cameo coaching roles in the AFL, Simon Madden has finally taken the plunge as a senior coach and will guide St Bernards this year . Despite his acquisition and a multi million-dollar upgrade to the facilities at West Essendon . one problem remains : almost every player with a smidgen of talent has flown the coop leaving the former Bomber with a Himalayan task . Still, if any team is capable of proving doomsayers wrong, it is St Bernards . Indeed, this very u7iter dismissed them as relegation certainties this time last year, only to hail them as flag favourites a month later! Bernards' President Peter O'Connor said this week . "Simon is doing a great job with the boys but we are hopeful rather than confident at this stage" . Other former AFL identities who will chance their luck in the coaching stakes today include Barry Richardson (Old Xavs) . Dean Rice (Old Melburnians) and Steven Wright (Caulfield Grammarians) while Adrian Cox and Anthony McDonald (Old Xavs), Steven McKee and Simon Garlick (St Kevins) and Luke Beveridge (St Bedes Mentone Tigers) should spice things up in the playing ranks . Scotch's Cameron McKenzie -Ntcliarg may not have an AFL pedigree but the experience of rowing in the Australian Eight at the World Championships should hold him in good stead for the rigours of A Grade football . As always, a host of players have crossed over from suburban and country teams to experience football, VAFA style Heaven help those B Grade full backs who will acquit themselves against one S Minton Connell this season . The canny chest mark specialist seems to have played at every club in Australia during the course of his career but despite his nomadic nature there is one recurring theme, stacks of goals . Business commitments will restrict him in terms of game time but on the back of countless 100 goal + seasons, he should prove a boon for North Old Boys, one of the proudest and most unique clubs in amateur football . As the IIni Blues proved emphatically last year however, former AFL players are by no means a prerequisite for success . Indeed, common sense dictates that all eyes will be planted on the Melbourne Uni clubs as we head into season 2005 . Jock Nelson, 40


arguably the most decorated amateur player of all time with 5 competition best and fairests, says that the Blues exhibited the "most awesome display of hard running I have seen in fifty years of watching amateur football" and it's hard to disagree . In many ways, their siick, free flowing, handball orientated style of play epitomised the difference between our competition and other local leagues which are characterized by more physical, one on one football . Sintilarlv, their D Grade cousins Uni Blacks rew-rote all the rules last year by totally dominating their section . With David Parkin operating as a -coaching adviser and high performance playing mentor" and a smattering of ex AFL players engaged, it would be a brave person who would tip against them doing the double. They have won more A Grade flags than any other club and are the third oldest football club in Australia . behind Melbourne and Geelong . Like the Blacks, Fitzroy Reds and Caulfield Grammarians loom as the sleeping giants who are looking to rise through the grades in years to come . With a nod to their former affiliate Uni Reds, Fitzroy Reds will celebrate their fiftieth anniversary this year . In 1998, they made the decision to adopt the Fitzroy Football Club colours, theme song and former home ground and with one of the largest supporter bases in the amateurs, they look poised to challenge the dominance of Old Boy and University clubs . A decade ago, Caulfield were languishing in E Grade, despite having a strong feeder school . The retention of senior players and a policy of taking on former AFL stars as coach has propelled them to B Grade . As their lst round opponents Whitefriars could well attest however, going from E to A is hard enough, entrenching yourself in the premier grade is nigh on impossible . Whatever the case, the competition has never been stronger and the future looks bright . I hope your team gets off to a great start today . Premiership Tips A . Old Xav s B . De La Salle C . Uni Blacks Dl . Ormond D2 . Old Geelong D3 . Monash Gryphons D4 . Elsternwick Jonathan Hor n





by Steve McCarthy & Leah Gallagher

Here we go again!

Well, the celebrations of the festive season were well and truly over and that Christmas "excess baggage" began to shed when our new Fitness Advisor Rob Sneddon took control of us on that first official night of pre-season training in February . Some umpires had obviously been doing a fair bit of work over the summer, whilst a few looked like they'd "swallowed the furniture" . New umpires received a great initiation to the rigours of VAFA umpiring, by week two we'd only scared off a couple . A few retirements as usual, but this year we've topped-up to a pretty reasonable level. Second year Advisor (now full-time Umpire Operations Manager, Brian ( Benny) Goodman) is licking his lips with the prospect of being able to appoint two field umpires in each game . Umpires over 40 are pretty happy about that too! Run well this weekend, and let's look forward to a successful 2005 . Welcom e A big welcome to 2005's new recruits . Welcome back to former VAFA umpires - Cameron Stewart, Nathan Carlyon, Robe rt Sneddon, Nick Fennessy and Justin Lipson . To the new field umpires who've changed careers - Nick Keating, Alex Maggio, Michael Ryde and Paul Tyrer from the boundary and Matthew Simpson from the goals (will Matt get the Blue 18 shirt under the father-son rule?) Other new names include - Steve Castersen, Lee Crossley, Daniel Siifo, Shaun Brailsford, Russell Davidson, Bob Kaindl, Robe rt O'Gorman, Paul O'Loughlin, John Hughan, David Longwo rth, Danny Trott, Mark Farrell, Jon Kerr, Dean Schwab, Brent Woodhead, Paul Brown, Nathan Sheppard, Shane McNamara, Danny Ewans, Vaughan Sidebottom, Rod Penaluna, David Anselmi, Ian Kennedy, Graeme Templer, Shane Mackintosh an d Tom Windlow . Hopefully all of these umpires will be out there today representing the VAFAUA for the first time . If we've left you out (or spelt your name wrong) just let us know during the week, we'd like to give everyone a mention . Stay tuned for new boundary and goal umpires . Goalies Check out the new look of the VAFA goal umpires today. Does something look different? Good to see Kevin (Chilli) Segota back between the posts, fully recovered after an injury that put him out of action for the whole 2004 season. VFL Umpiring Lists announce d At the completion of the 2004 VAFA premiership nominated Damian season, Brian Goodman Anderson, Ben Ryde an d Dash Peiris to trial with the VFL Development Squad . All three endured a () THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

demanding pre-season ~ [ j schedule involving `- J

training, fitness tests and practice matches . They were also regularly seen joining in VAFA pre-season training at Elsternwick Park . About four weeks ago, the VFL umpiring squads were finalised for the 2005 season . It was announced that both Damian Anderson and Ben Ryde would join the VFL Development Squad for season 2005 and umpire in the Under 18 TAC Cup competition throughout Victoria . Dash Peiris will continue to umpire in the VAFA . The VFL Development Squad is made up of 23 field umpires . It is Damian's second time on the VFL list after having umpired with the Development Squad from 1999-2001 . Ben Ryde (2004 Golden Whistle winner) is one of nine umpires who are new to the squad in 2005 . All three umpires are to be congratulated on their efforts during the pre-season . e-Coaching All Coaching Sessions conducted by Umpire Operations Manager, Brian Goodman, and his team will be available on www.vafaua throughout season 2005 . The schedule of Coaching Sessions can already be found by clicking on "Development" in the left margin . Each Coaching Session will be available throughout the season by clicking on the session title in the Coaching Sessions Timetable . Brian Goodman is asking all VAFA umpires to attend Coaching Sessions conducted at Elsternwick Park . Umpires unable to attend training should view the information on the fantastically maintained VAFAUA website . Our Webmaster Tim Sutcliffe has done a sensational job over summer re-building our site . Bookmark www .vafaua .asn .au and check it out . You might be in it . Southern FM Don't forget to tune into Tommy Brain and Steve McCarthy for all the latest VAFA news at 9 :30 every Sunday morning on 88 .3 Southern FM . Dates to remembe r Thursday 28th April - Annual General Meeting of the VAFAUA . 7 :30 pm at Elsternwick Park with our new President, Rob Mayston . Apologies should be addressed to the Secretary, Simon Stokes . Stay tuned for a run-down on the social calendar next week . If you have an upcoming milestone, or any other trivial bit of information, just contact Leah (Spider) or Macca during the week . UMPIRING - THE NON-CONTACT TEAM SPORT!! 41

Beiersdort Australia Lt d

Preview The planning, brainstorming, recruiting and al l

proud club) and J :rt Park tak e

other processes that dominate summer and preseason will be forgotten as the 'real stuff begins i n

my fancy with St .Marv's and Bulleen to play off.

earnest . It is a great time of year, primarily because all teams are equal and thus expectations high . Unfortunately, a reality check will be put into place by about 4.30pm Saturday afternoon as round 1 draws to a close .

It is always important to remember however that the season is a long one and a loss in round 1 is no different to a loss in round 10 . Not the right time for panic, at least not yet . And quick one to remember, the first runner out of the stadium in the Olympic marathon has never been the first one back to the stadium! ! No form guide or round 1 thus we will have to revert to that tried and tested method, the Amateur grapevine . The one name that keeps popping is St . Mary's, a side desperately unlucky not to get through to the Grand Final . The grapevine also suggests that Bulleen will be able to continue their solid form of 2004 whilst one at longer odds, namely Albert Park, has also been the subject of some coat tugging in recent weeks . The loss of Mt Lilydale makes for an interesting situation . Historically, the side demoted via a second last finish start the year as strong contenders. With the Lilydale crew regrouping for the next 12 months, the incumbents in D4 won't face the prospect of two teams coming down to dominate . The other relegated side, Hawthorn was fairly competitive last year and will be keen to reverse the trend of the past two seasons.

As for the league Best and Fairest, might take a little liberty and reserve judgment for about 3 weeks as a quick refresher in the D4 stars is undertaken . Lauletta (H) and Allen (Albert Park) will fight out the goal kicking . guick preview for round 1 .

Box Hill North host Albert Park. The Hillmen finished off reasonable well last year however if the stories are true, Albert Park have had a great pre-season and might be a little too good . Elsternwick welcome St Mary 's in this week's match of the round . Despite thinking that St .MarY's will win it, fancy the Wicks home ground advantage might get them over the line . Richmond travel to N ort h Brunswick with a win fairly in mind . Richmond all got better as the year went on however the home ground advantage might be too tough . Finally, Bulleen make the quick trip across to Hawthorn . The Hawks might get better as the year goes on whilst the Bulls might be a little bit more settled and record a first up win . Eltham OC has the bye in Rd I . Press Correspondents

Looking forward to getting all the information from club scribes . Either email me on ed,sill@locker or call on 0418348723 . Have a great year !

As for D4 last year, it truly was a tale of two stories, namely the haves and the have nots. The sides finishing 3-5 were part of s tong upper ladder group whilst the sides finishing 6-10 were competitive amongst themselves but were no match for the top five . The gap was fairly large and the five sides in question will have to do a lot of work to build the bridge.

Box Hill North v Albert Park Eltham Collegians - bye Elsternwick v St Mary s

As for my top four, I think that St . Mary's, Bulleen and Elsternwick (always a strong and

North Brunswick v Richmond Central Hawthorn Amateurs v Bulleen Cobra s



I)4 Section ALBERT PARK AFC Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee 1 . P. Smith 2. N. Pastras 2. A. Morgan 3 . R. Baker 3 . P. Shakepeare 4 . M. Naudi 5 . S. Allan 6 . J . Store y 7 . S. Venables 7 . M. Burto n 8 . N . Wheeler 9 . P. Chambers 10. M. Phillips 11 . D. Bre a 12. N . 13. B. Payne 13. M. Tuffi n 14. M. Hyams 15 . D . Roney 15 . P. Guicas 16 . C . Roberton 17 . S . Bennett 18 . G. Collins 19 . N. Cain 20 . K . Grace 21 . P Shoppee 22. J . Hanneit 22. J . Marshall 23. B. Harries 23. D . DeZoete 24. T. Gree n 25. J. Wie r 26. B. Moore 27. A. Jackson 28 . R . Allan 29 . R . Humphrey 30 . W. Johnson

31 . S . McGuire 31 . J . Williams 32 . M . Smit h 33 . M . Wall 34. T. Houston 35. S . Toth 35. C. Downie 36. J . Dudi 37. L . Hogan 38. S. Fairfield 41 . R . Williams 42. C . Coo k 44. B. Isard 45 . J. Agar 46 . G. Price 48 . M . Snowden 50 . S . Thbmpson 51 . J . McKay 52 . D. Allan 53 . M . Williams 55. D. Quinlan 57. J . Sutton 57. J . Baker 58. S. Gitsham 59. L. Ban' 60. V. Surace 62. P. Cramer 77. S. Garcia 78. T. Tuhoro 79 . S. Thompson 80 . J . Bowlby

Rising Sun Hotel Richmond and Rising Sun Hotel South Melbourne


Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Jon Pratt 1 Wilson G 2 Riscalla C 3 Odza A 4 Manno A 5 Garrett J 6 Martini D 7 Stewart S 8 Langley C 8 Lacey M 9 Sallantioglu A 10 Cook S 11 Thoi T 12 Dick A 13 Cumming M 14 Penhalluriack L 15 Keillor L 16 Drew W 17 Cavallo G 18 Butler C 19 CfllliS C

20 Oldfield K 21 Hopes J 22 Steele A 23 Naumovski J 24 Doyle P 25 Kotsaridis P 26 Ball R e 27Amovsk i P J 24 Doyl 25 Kotsa dis P 26 Ball R 28 Veleski Z 29 Rogers M 30 Olson B 31 Olson D 32 Oldfield I 33 Marinovic M

34 McCartin M 38 DAmato G 39 Tambakis J 40 Worrell D 41 Currie P 42 Tarulli A 43 Doyle R 44 Garrett C 45 Sinfield M 46 Mortimer P 47 Andrews A 49 Ellis T 50 Irvine C 51 Cervelli M

52 D'arcy S 54 Van den Akker L 55 Pratt J 56 Shiba H 57 Wood T 58 Azmi M 59 Screen J 60 Benbow N 61 Howarth J 62 Penesis H 65 Woolridge D 69 Pearce B 78 Leavers A 79 Bennett G 80 Evans S 86 Archer G 88 Edgley M 99 Robinson G 111 Armstrong P

BULLEEH COBRAS Coach : Joe DAngelo Res Coach : TBA 2 T. Orwin 3 S . McLaren Capt 4 N. Cartledge 5 M . Mann 6 G . Fortune 7 T. Mehrez 8 T. Mazzarella 9 M. Kyriakou 10 C . Powderharn 11 A. DeJong 12 P. Whitehouse 13 N . Edgar 14 T. Fradkin 15 J . Trinchi 16 D. Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 B. Thomas 20 J . McQualter 21 N . Lykopandis 22 J. Daniels 23 A. Nasr 24 R . Gemes 25 W. Olney 26 M . Nathanielsz 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 R. Sheehan 30 B . Cookson 31 R. Pasinati 32 S. Wagg 33 A. Cook 34 M. D'Angelo 35 M. Unwin 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J. Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 C . Chan 40 G. Richards 41 C . Borrelli 42 V. Dam 43 T. Whittaker 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 N. Khalil 46 J . Lewis 48 M . Soumellidis 49 G . Anderton 50 R. Lock 51 R. Daley 52 T. Settle 53 R. Rodrigues 54 S. Nelson 55 N . Polites 56 I . Baccini 57 C . Batt 58 T. Moore 59 R . Hadisutanto 60 J . Lowri e 77 S . Fisher 101 J . D'Angelo


Coach : Dennis Grace Res Coach : TBA 1 L Murphy 2 A Hankm 3 J Yemm 4 D Grace 5 M Whelan 5 K Cummins 6 M Thiele 7 J Mcadam -Rc8 S Currie 8 M Greene 9 T Hartley to T Huggins 11 LMissagIia 12 P Neviue 13 S Soppet 1 4 B Mahony 15 C Mckenna 16 M Surman 17 J Perkins 18 A Neill

19 J Hunter 20 E Goldman 21 P Stuchberry 22 G Elvin 23 S Curtain 24 A Foster 25 T Cotter 26 C Mahon y 27 J Banky 28 W Morgan 29 S Mahony 30 M Nicol 31 A Lasnitzki 32 B Mason 33 M Cunningham 34 T Leaper 35 P Mcnally

as J Pyman 37 D Nolan 38 B Anderson 39 M Tennant 40 A Paley 41 D e~ 42 J Lilikakos 43 P Clarke 44 S Grace

45 J Kaicer 46 L Ryan 47 L Smith


Coach: Wayne Reardo n Res Coach : Paul Grego r 2. D.Lync h 3. E. Savag e 5. L.Austin 6. J .Galvin (C ) 7. B. Rashid 8. B.Jorgensen 9. C .Watson 10 . B.Marshall 11 . J.Mizz i 12 . M.Blagrove 13 . M.Luttic k 14 . R .Runco 15 . J .Paisle y 17 . L.D aly 19. J .Gilbert 21 . M .Hart 22. R.Foo 23. TCarter 24. K.Drummon d 25. R.Thomas 26. J.Glar e 27. J.Stockdal e 29 . D.Howgat e 31 . B.Kelehe r 32 . C .Baud 33 . A.Howgate 34 . J .Howgat e 35 . G .Smith 37 . P.Krohn 40. E .Baud 41 . L.Maso n 47. N .Ryall 48. B .Turney 49. L.Barnes 50. B .Richardso n 52. D.Justic e 53 . J.Foo 54 . S.Todman 56 . R .Love 58 . T.Melchior i 59 . B.Evans 62 TKurtschenk o 63 . L .Ogilvi e

48 M Noona n 49 J Bariba r 50 M Battain i 51 M Mckenn a 52 E Alter

53 A Lewis 54 K Potter 55 T Perkins 56 P Freedma n 57 H Mcgrego r 58 B Torrance 59 N Anderson 60 R Mckenn a 61 M Cooke 72 T Marchetti


Wellers Major Sporsors - Capital Growth - The Elsternwick Clu b - Hilton Manufacturin g

of Kangaro o Groun d


1A Section HAWTHORN Coach; Peter Tyson Res Coach : Patrick Ryan 1a M McVeigh to B Blakeman 2a J Ridley 2b J Thompson 3 A Collins 4 N Martin 5 S Avery 6 P Avery 7 C Alexander 8 S Gatiss ga R Ogge (vc) gb M Houareau

to J Hall it J Dawson 12 J Pi 13 J Murphy 14 D Lauletta ® 15 MTyson 16a C Rice 16b J Shepherd 17 B Ruzicka 19 T Hyland 20 S Parker 21 P Clennett 22 D McClenchy 23 L Collins 24 J Jackomos 25 T Ryan 26 B Collins 27 L Flannigan 28a D Mackenzie 28b T Crivelli 29 K Rimmer 33 M Caruana 35 S Davies 36 M Sheridan 37 C Jarvis 43 I Chepa 44 B Alder 46 T 0'Hanton 55 A Saulle 58 T Dixon 59 G CarW 62 D Pritchard 75 M Daou 80 N Exton


Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Harry Tsialtas 1 D . Newton 2 D . Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 N . Prestigiacomo 6 D . Pizzari 7 G. Stelfox 8 S . Hamilton 9 A . Sammartino 10 A. Mountney it J . Boudoloh 12 S. Care 13 D. Kelly 14 M. Vaina 15 H . Tsialtas 16 S. Tsialtas 17 A . Kyriazis 18 R . Salloum 19 T. Messiake 20 L. Closter 21 R. Santacroce 22 J . Freeman 23 J . BrrHa 24 D. Russo 25 W. Duson 26 F. Salfoum 27 F. Ferrante 28 T. Ackland 30 L . Spans 31 A . Boudoloh 32 B . Robertson 33 A . Nunan 34 H . Hassan 36 A . Taha 37 D. Trafford 38 D. Guppy 39 G . Rhook 40 B. Mccallum 41 M. Arer 42 J. Papanikolaou 43 EPapanastasatos 44 M. Sorleto 46 A . Papanastasatos 48 J . Wolter 50 G. Paleodimos 53 F. Nesci 55 J . Devereaux 58 B. Mcnamara 59 M . Pelaggi 62 B. Carter

RICH M OND CENTRAL Coach : Thomas Dukic Res Coach : Steven Lake

I W Old 2'T Quick 4 R Trotter 5 B Poneus 6 T Duke 7 S Lynch 8 D Speakman 9 A Piani 10 A Zuccaro 11 S Lake 12 S letter 13 J Goode t4 J Mcgrath 15 C Barry 16 A Taylor 17 D Miller 18 P Moulday 19 C Quay 20 T Moulton 21 D Phelan 22 J Petering 23 B Breese 24 T Guthrie 25 A Read 26 R Prentice 27 N Nusk e 28 C Dimtlno° 29 B Darling 30 L Fotheringham 31 Retired Jumper 32 D Hards 33 P Berimarm 34 M Verve= 35 P Krisohos 36 G Evans 37 D Green 38 M Defreitas 39 H Dautovic 40 A Murray 4t C Duff 42 C White 43 S James 44 A Lyngcolo 45 M Jones 46 L Hatzentanis 47 MGoonan K~ 48 M 49 P Brunt 50 A Tilley 51 D Moffat 52 D Cartwright 53 J Robertson 54 C Cartwright 55 M Davies 56 J Pike 57 E Hill 58 B Vandenburg 60 B Jolley 61 A Jams" i 62 L Trimatis 67 JLare 69 T Melville 74 S Gray 77 S Uuzzi 79 A Roller 80 D James-Schirmer 86 W Bracke n

ST. M ARYS A.P.C . Coach : Michael Leamart h Res Coach: George KourrWaUz 2 B Perelberg 3 G Schembr i 4 A Ballantyne 5 A Lane 6 C Weller 7 A Dwyer 8 A Zsembery 9 C Armstrong 10 D Cope 11 J Bernardi 12 A Webb 13 J Hil l 14 W Goldsworthy 15 M Purcell 16 M Aikman 17 L Anthon y 18 B Frai l 19 V Ryan 20 A Walle r 21 M Gilchris t 22 R Alle n 23 F Harriso n 24 A Latime r 25 M Black 26 S Crilly 27 M Bank s 28 J Innes 29 P Harriso n 30 M Lync h 31 H Adam 33 C Ferg 34 L Armstron g 35 G Theoharris 36 B Graetze r 37 T Milla r 38 S Griffin 39 B Richardson 40 M Kari s 41 T Cummin s 42 M Davies 43 L RRazga 44 G Koumantatakis 45 M Maschette 46 T Tahos 47 P Rousis 48 M Goold 49 C Ada m 50 C Wig g 51 N Luce 52 0 Hind 53 J Deegan 54 J Wright 55 P Goona n 56 P Roseman 57 D Henderson 58 M Bona 59 C Mackenzi e 60 M Carpente r 61 G Pilikidi s 62 D Rajkumar



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CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies

(U19 2, 3 & Blue) â‚Źe :l (U191 & Red )

Section 1 Section 2

Amateur football returns to suburban Hey wher e did thos e Melbourne this weekend after a five month break, with ten sides set to contest the 2005 Section One title . Reigning premiers De La Salle kick off their 2005 campaign with an away fixture against Uni Blues at Crawford Oval . Aiming to become only the eighthteam in Under-19 history to claim backto-back JS McCann Cups, De La once again have the luxury of a large squad base to choose from with more than fifty players regularly attending training . Managing to hang onto a large percentage of last year's premiership winning side, the only hiccup in the side's preseason training has been the absence of their coach David Madigan who flies in from overseas on the morning of their first game . De La Salle by 13 pts . Section One runners-up St Kevins face a tough round one initiation this weekend, playing host to Old Xaverians . Former coach Owen Hourigan returns for his second stint with the St Kevins 19s after coaching the side for three seasons in the mid-nineties . Fielding a younger side this weekend St Kevins will go into the game as underdogs, a lack of experience rather than skill likely to be the determining factor . Old Xavs by 7 pts .

In other games, Collegians receive a forfeit victory following the withdrawal of Werribee, St Bernards to rectify a disappointing 2004 with a round one win over Marcellin, while Old Scotch should get the four points at home to Old Brighton .

long, endless evenings at the beach go? You know - with a couple of stubbies of Coopers' and a bag of Doritos & salsa dip . . . . When were they replaced with touch skills, running drills, tackle bags, weight circuits and 5 x 1 km time trials? Beats me .

Welcome all to season 2005, and the hardest round in Victorian footy to predict, VAFA Under 19 round 1 . . . . . . . Banyule -v- Old Carey will be a good physical affair with the home side boasting some strong midfielders . Up a section in '05, I expect The OC to put in a good lst up performance, but the Bears will prevail by 3 goals . The Fields come down to meet the newly promoted Friars . Daly should have an embarrassment of ex-schoolboy riches at his disposal . Forget the Form-guide at here, the visitors should have enough talent to win by 15 points . Good oil is the OMs are struggling for numbers and this alone would put them on the back foot in round 1 . Facing the Wellers, who were one win away from Section 1 in 2004, means they couldn't have a tougher initiation . Wellers by 12 goals .

The Sharks have been very quiet offseason, and I've little idea of their leadup form . Naturally, I've got a better idea of the T's, who have had the benefit of 3 solid practice hit-outs against section 1 teams . On that basis, I expect a tough 4 goal away win . Finally, Showdown III kicks off the season out west where Rupo host th e


Bombers . Both teams finished poorly last year, and will be keen to start well . Home side by 3 goals in a ripper. Section 3 Section 3 is basically an Intervarsity League this season, so we can expect some interesting results 'round exam time! ! Nevertheless, the Trobers will be full of confidence . They face-off against last season's disappointment, the Blacks, who should've nailed the premiership, and will hit the Main Oval at Bundoora at 100mph . Blacks by 6 goals . Whilst the seniors sides face off at South Yarra, the Hoers and Unicorns lock horns at Chelsworth . Can't say either side impressed last year, but the Hoers should enjoy the drop in a grade to chalk up a solid 5 goal win . Oakleigh will drive the team bus down Warrigal Rd where the Tigers lie in wait . I was on the Tigers' bandwagon early last season, but it ran out of gas . This year will be different, so it's the home side by 17 points today . Have the all-conquering Bentleigh Demons managed to keep their side together during summer? The Jackas improved throughout the year, and will be a tougher unit in '05 . However, the Demons, with the home advantage, should win by 2 goals .

Spinner's boys couldn't have asked for a better draw to start their new year in Section 3 . The Monash boys usually take time to 'gel' and, unless they've chosen to recruit sooner, I expect another slowish start . Raiders by 7 goals . Section Blue

Great to see Salesian Scorpions here in 2005, but I'm expecting big things from Mick Oaten's boys, who will hit Kingo's Lounge for the club season opener with 4 points tucked away . Ormond by 26 points .

Fresh from an APS victory in '04, the new Bloods should do serious damage . They have the joy of playing on the postage stamp McKinnon #2, which will prove tough for visiting sides . I expect the Pirates will return empty handed OH by 14 points .

Johnny Tapp used to say "Nodders -vRovers : harder to pick than a broken nose" . I tossed the coin and it landed sideways . The crystal ball fogged up, so I turned to the tarot cards, and they said . . . . . . . . .Mazenod by 3 goals . Last game sees Oakleigh Clays hosting De La (2) . With plenty of boys looking to show the coaches why they should've been in the 1 sts, this will be a humdinger . De La Soul to play the first tunes of '05 with a tight 9 point victory . Section Red Reigning premiers Fitzroy will remain in Section Red after originally being promoted to Section Three . In all only five of last year's sides are to return for the new campaign, with newcomers Kew and Old Scotch (2), as well as Therry Penola (3) and Emmaus St Leo's (Blue) all ready to challenge for the 2005 title .

After rewriting the under-nineteen history books with an undefeated 2004 campaign, Fitzroy will aim to continue their run of consecutive victories when they face the second-string side from Old Scotch . However the Reds, who like most clubs have experienced a moderate turnover in player numbers, shouldn't underestimate the Scotch seconds given the depth of the club's squad base . Fitzroy by 19 pts . Newcomers Kew return to undernineteens competition after several years without a side, a strong affiliation with the Kew Junior Football Club Colts providing sufficient numbers for a team in 2005 . While the club will be hoping to build on a base for future years, coach Matthew Jack will optimistically b e


aiming to become the first coach of any Kew U 19s side to win a premiership . This weekend's initiation is as good as any, a home tie against BulleenTemplestowe who rallied after a disappointing 2003 to finish mid-table last year . Bulleen-Templestowe by 3 pts . In the round's other two fixtures, Old Westbourne to defeat Aquinas, and Rupertswood to down Therry Penola in a thriller. Press Correspondent s

Coaches, Players, Umpires & Spectators are encouraged to forward match reports and all correspondence is welcome - email to Cameron Nation camnation@optusnet .com .au or Fraser Cameron - fcameron@liv.asn .au by 5pm on Mondays .

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Kevins v Old Xaverian s

Collegians - bye Marcellin v St Bernards Old Scotch v Old Brighton University Blues v De La Sall e UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Banyule Viewbank v Old Carey

Caulfield Or v Whitefriars Old Melburnians v Old Camberwell Beaumaris v Old Trinity

Old Essendon Or v Rupertswood UNDER-19 SECTION 3 La Trobe Uni v University Blacks Old Ivanhoe v MHSO B St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Oakleigh Bentleigh v AJAX

Monash Blues v Old Paradian s UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE Salesian Scorpions v Ormond - to b e played at Mt . Waverley Reserve, Mt . Waveriey (61 F12) Old Haileybury v Peninsula 0 B - to be played at 9 .30 a.m . (TBC) Mazenod 0 C v Hampton Rovers - to b e played at 1 .30 p .m. Oakleigh Clays v De La Salle ( 2) - to be played at Keeley Park Clayton (79 D5 ) UNDER-19 (2) RED Kew v Bulleen Templestowe Emmaus St Leos 0 C - bye Aquinas 0 C v Old Westbourne Rupertswood (2) v Therry Penola 0 B Oval 2, E ri c Boardman Reserve , Mitche lls Lane, Sunbury ( 381 G5) (TBC) Old Scotch v Fitzroy Reds


Under-19 - Section 1 COLLEGIANS Coach: Andrew Kenneally A Son? 32C .Bkmd6N M. Pzne+'d 33 J . 34 B .J.Lamm 3 L Suave 35 C. Harmon 5 s } M J 1-k@ha26 N. Van Duy 6 pw - 37 C. Ho€..a C Big 38 T. Cook 39 A& dgewala, 9 M. RpSa 40 R. Kagen .ReHaN to C, D.wraet 41 O 42 MRedher 71 OAtak:ckf 1 2 q pv,wp 43 C. Feld 44 A. tkchda 13 Z " 14 r n,cturan 45 A Katz = r! c-= s 46 D . Carsuza =;arrnvs 17 tg a r-~s

is a~ 21 ;~ _ rI rJams --Indark -; ; . rsan ~_._e

DE LA SALLE (BLUES) Coach: David Madigan

1 MHet=ss 33 DHassaba&a

2 w Dwyer

34 J O1"

3 M FMidsem7 35 J G+eenhNg 4 T John 36 S Edrrards 5' J Pi hoh er 37 D Close 6 N Roberts 38 J Bird 7 T Karess 39 M Cunaah 8 M Moore 40 R Breda 9 W Fenton 41 J F 14 er 10 L 07b~efl 42 T Robwn 11 43 ICWncy 12 D Mesarer 44 M Dean 13 T Donegan 45 M Munoz 14 A Cez 46 S Mornwd 15 S NetMJrseM 47 0 Keeney 16 J Torcob 17 DKeety 16 JMcKenne LBW 20 N B'"ns

21 N Stewan 22 L Casey 23 J Casey 24 Ceas 25 G Hess

26 J Reason ~ -L- S ~,~,

27 S t~ 28 J Fle'&her 29 TKo-,ark

-~ C liw wt ~,, p, •,"n:"._;a

30 ADernarae 31 Dlowe 32 ANzsr

5BZ'me T 6 Preece T

7 Kelly L 8 Labroy M

s c~y s J ~aoreJ iz r:;ssA :,~r.~A

i< ewe j "~~=3et arrd S H- htan S ~ S i 5 Ci Stefano S ~ r.rxphy C 20 Kay J

21 Thomas C -~ ST~h D z~ toeT _~~~~rw F ' re M CounsH o N 27 P~benson B

^J L.uxJaon S c zgeraw J ry J c;:3 D r~ L ""~n N 45 F; "j C -'7 FD°°"~' arrest J

'Connell N -"I O saunders N zz i~Qy J s 'cGlade H N -n ~h_ney J ~_ =- i Boland E


Coach : Luke Stewart

1 . J .Gasparini 2 . R . Tabacchiera 3 J ytrinstanle y 4 . N.O'HdllOran 5 . J .Bo rtolo tto 6 . S .Abrahams 7 . C.MacLaren g_ D.ValsOrda 9 . D.COnsldine 10. TStatford 11 . S.Faffelly 12. P.AuSLSI n 13. P.O'Callag han 14. A.McGli n 15. S.Pesavento


N . Kaplan

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

D. Jennings S . Oliver

S . Rowell

J . Miller J . Geddes 7 . J . Salem 8. M . Bartlett 9. T. Gunning 10. J. Edge 11 . K. Sheehan 12. J. Priestley 13. J. Sest

14 . R. Doher ty 15 . J . Leaf


S(1) Coach : Bruce Armstrong S(2) Red Coach: an Leith 2 MAyiett 34 S Eider 3 T Bega^ 37 R Hoc" 4 E wmtehead 38 M L. 5 8 Saunders 39 N Ma 6 AMrttlcea 40M Needham 7 LAnnstrag 41 R Q,imaresG 42 T Fnenander a D PC" 9 T Gherartlen 43J Mahler 10 T Harkrress 44 J Daygia n it N Afxn 46 E Kild~e n 12ATesdapt 47JPearce 13 R Eva 48 A Perr y 4 T Leeds 49 H Tayto r 15 M Pansl 50 T Vog t 16 G Ld!ey 51 N Spargo 17 A Walace52 J Sahhar

Smhh 18S Homes

53 CL ;e 54 DIGng

19TGaun1 55 MEIPoMt

16 . S.Connell

16 . S. Mull igan

17 . L.Boyd

17 . B. Moon

18 . D .Fraser 19 . J .Crapper 20 . N .Birrell

18 . B. Bla tt 19 . M. Browning 20 . G. Fielke

21 . J .Dowling 22 . J .Symes

21 . J . Kenyon 22 . J . Delosa

25 T Siapery 61 w Ha rvey 62 S Mackmtosh 26 L Tabor

23 . M .Grigoruk 24. J .Hogarty 25. J .Crimmins 26. S .Preece

23. K . Presneil 24. A . Tregear 25. R. Eastgate 26. L. Hanson

29 J &a«rv4 30S Bradley 31 doace

20 M Ramaqe 56 AGra y 21 w Crenin 57 S Lak e 22 W Cox 58 M Pmvc+ s

23MCam«a 59 Hvras on 24JP0 ter e0 Swel61wath 176 Kaye Swmey

65 MMCVAwre,e y 66N 0 gro-ed 67J Mussel

32ATummei 68SEba n 33CBatlcman 69C1Wod 34 M man

29. M .Nash 30. D.Redmon d 31 . D.Bolger 32 . T.Montagna



4 02rien S


27. M .Turne r 28. C.Cogdon

~ ?f

Coach : Adam Sassi Assistant : David Galbalty .... 1 SA T 2 Lawrence A 3 Lunardi K

MARCELLIN Coach : Dean Rossely

Coach:Greg Wood

ST.KEiIU!'S OLD BOYS Coach : Richard Oboe

UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach: Steve Carrol l

1 . G Mui r 2 . D Marshall 3 . P David 4 . M Dwyer 5. A Farrel l 6. L Coupe r 7. C Bradle y

12 Oconnor D 15 Macheo A 16 oxentwd P

1 J Maher 2 T 04001e 3 B Dowd 4 S Sexton 5 D Petrou 6 M Hobbs 7 R Taylor 8 S Ryan 9 J Syme 10 D Wissell 11 A Lynch

17 Rogers C

12 J Liston

12. TSaitta

2 Hurley D M 4 Walsh 5 H ug hes J 7 Liberatore C

8 Matthews S 9 Evans D 10 Garth B 11 Marion A

20 Maggiore 21 Whelan


24 Ru nais B yq Govan C 27 Saivadori M

30 Lancashire o 33 Gouday M 35 Ryan B 38 Buis K 39 Demo rton L 40 43

Kavanagh Stapleton

45 Johnson

50 Schroder

58 P_~ ss Pearson 70 Prendi 75 McDermott




B T E c

13 P Mercouriou 14 J Marchesani 15 M Sullivan 16 R Arno tt 17 J Charles 18 D Tdkeridis

8. B Gi n

9. J Westmore 10. J Bunkl e 11 . M Shaughnessy (VC) 13. J Hummel 14. R Hage 15. W Robinso n 16. M Dods 17. C Nort hway (DVC ) 18 . T Con n

19 L Gulliver 20 K Mios 21 T Woolfe 22 D Gibbs 23 T 0'hanlon

19 . D Heinz (Capt ) 20 . T Maddocks 2 1 . R Minns 22 . N Shuttleworlh 2 3 . N Burchell

24 D$ullivan

24 . H Ranki n

25 P Gallivan 26 P Longmore 27 J 0'rourke 28 B Cooke 29 P Glenane 30 B Scanlan 31 P Mclennan 32 M Sherman 33 S NeohOritis 35 E Wilkinson 36 T Trewin 40 DI Mount 44 J Tannest

25 . J Sunderman n 26. D Hill 27. W Brigh t 28. M Torney (VC) 29. L Woodhouse (DVC) 30. N Vandenbosc h 31 . J Green 32. K Marto

g4, C Haines ~ 35 . W Hughe s 36 . M.Carolan 37 . S .Anderson 38 . J .Green


Under-19 - Section 2 BANYULE-VIEWBANK Coach : Phiv Demetriou



Coach : John Burke


1 Z wenke 2 J Bmckweli 3 A McGovern 4 P Adams 5 M Holmes 6 M Morgan 7 R Moore 8 D Kayrooz 9 M Christian to C SlavropWa,s

Asst Coach : Paul Berry 1 . K . Gasperino 2 . R. Gillespie 3. J . Singo 4. L. Hill 5. C. Badman 6. M . Bramwell 7. T. Hunt 8. A. Clemente 9. J. Starke 10. A. Mckenzie

11 J Cnm6.ns

11 . J. Dickie

12 J Poyser 13 J Dunstone 14 L O'Donnell 15 M Lardo 16 B Gunerson 17 A Stavropodou s 18 0 Park 19 J Spores 20 C Skidro 21 D Herten 22 J Bgler 23 M Depelro 24 A Bottanley 25 S Tnua 26 s Pesavento 27 T Shepherd 2a S Green 29 J Sw'k 30 P tirourke 31 B Drmek 32 J Tsmgans 33 T Wee 34 D Mclean 35 J .k,oes 36 A Brm+m

OLD CAREY Coach: Rob French 4 . J . Carpenter

5. A . Sheridan 6. T. Davis

9. M . Cornwell 10. C. Latdlaw 13. J. Rimington, 16. M. Laidlaw 19. LLoLbck 20. A. Winn

21 . A. Remmers 25. S . Mead 26. J .DeLeijer 27 . T. Howgate 28 . G. Lord 30 . A. Day 32 . A. Newhouse 33 . J.Newnham 34 . A. Alexander

35. B. Laing 38. J. Vujovich 44. D . Stocco 45. J . Sinclair

13 . M. Wilson 14 . B . Wall 15 . B . Norris 17 . L. Tickell 18 . V. Camera 20. T. Walle r 21 . R. Fenton 22. J . Atkins 24. R. Imlach 25. B. Strong 26. C. Shone 29. M . Gravina 31 . C. Graham 32 . B. Woodland 33 . J . Kilgore 37 . B. Frase r 38 . J . Edmeades 39 . A . Little 40 . D . Reiby 41 . J . Nicholson 43. D. Cupples 46. R. Scrivenor 47. A. Mueller 49. M . Cairns 51 . M. Beruldsen 52 . J. Williams 61 . K. Bliesner


Coach : Ben Dunn I Cudlipp T A 2 Haralambous 3 Oman D 5 Hardy E 6 Tucker J 7 Jones L 8 Malian R 9 Prowse A 10 Kauye A 11 Manahan A 12 Mermagas A C 13 Harx:hette 14 Armstrong A 15 Baker E 16 Christian W

17 Penton w 18 Dick 1

19 Mitchell E 20 Russel lx N A 22 Beckley J

23 Demand D

24 Russell N M 25 Schivo 26 Bender L 27 Richardson W 28 Brener J C 29 Hawes 30 Jones L

31 Theoaouwu C

32 Kauye D 33 Miller 34 Raeerry J

35 Beaumont Thompson 4~4 Ray 47





Coach: Sam Calagero 1 T Nobletl 2 M Sessler 3 N Andrew 4 A Clarke 5 A Spittal 6 C Hammond 7 G Thomson 8 T Hartlett 9 L Price 10 B Gatehouse

Coach: Anson Brownless 1 J Goklblatt 2 T Barrow 3 C Poynton 4 J Rowatt 5 N Tsindos 6 P Christie 8 M Illia 9 D Walpole 10 S Bonyhady

11 R Evans

11 N Hall

12 S Powley 13 S Wood 14 C May 15 B Pearce 16 K Bigg s 17 A Goold 18 Z Goold 19 C Scully 20 M Sundberg 21 M Lopiccolo 22 M Hardy 23 R Schroth 24 M Benkemoun 25 J McCahon 26 E Kalaja 27 A Nesci 28 B McDonald 29 A Webb 30 S Parker 31 A McKay 33 A Guagas 35 W Hepworth

13 W Robinson 14 D DeSanctis 15 J Tuohey 16 A Renshaw 17 D Modey 18 N Wallace 19 T Peasnell 20 J D avis 21 LTaylor 24 W Weflenhall 25 N Charles 26 C Hillier 27 D McGuigan an 29 D Harry 30 T Angove 31 M Shanks 33 C Bennett 34 G Tolson 36 A Thomas




OLD TRINITY Coach: Leo Curran 1 Cole S 2 Parker A 3 Marsden A 4 Bicknell R

5 Simmons H Delphine T 6 7 Greene A 8 Stewart F 9 Howell T

10 Smith B 11 Burke M 12 Delaney E 13 Baylis M 14 Bilney M 15 Peyton D 16 SpreyT 17 Lesinskis M

18 Stockdale C 19 Oldfield T 20 Laher Y

22 Doyle H 23 BurkeA 24 MilaszewiczA 27 Law B 29 Wilson D

31 de Bruin S 68 Grant J

OLD ESSENDON Coach : TB A 1 Baddeley 2 Ballinger 3 Baskan 4 Bones 5 Camm 6 Canning 7 Caponnetto 8 Caruso 9 Cerantonio


10 Cerantonio D 11 Christo u A 12 Clinnick S

13 Dazkiw 14 Francis 15 Heritage 16 Jellis 17 Ktenas 18 Leban 19 Leech 20 Mansour 22 Mitchell 23 Nankervis 24 Phillips 25 Rumble Shaw 27 Tait 28 Towner 29 Trevaskis 30 Tzamba zi s 31 Uren 32 Williams 33 Wilson 34 Zammit


SPONSOR Mitchell Partner s RUPERTSWOOD Coach : Greg Bradley L 1 Pra:!kps J 43 SmAh 2~ H'ta ~ D 3 west T 45 Ben ce M 4 l'Rf!e M 46G~ P 5~ B 47Jo~s A 6 Mtewan K 48 KWes P a&adiey J 50 S~m L 9~ L 52MOOre J 12 Ems A 59 Lane P D 13 Wnmwncs J 54 Dea n is Dark S S6Gkvu' D 16MOnzel B 57Peczeki C 17Cu~y M 58 Below T 19 Made G 59Ata J 20 Hemsen M 60 Sweet. A 21 Vanboxtcd M 678adde!ey L 22 Dale S 71 Beast T

238~ S 74 Berns M 24h~nson L 78 D°"sett L 26 Mc~ M 79 Watson C 28 Fed N 80Cuan B M 30 caw 31 Mwice M

32 wisher C 33 OW6 D 34kbuse


Coach : Andy Dalrympl e 1 E Abdalla h 3 A DAklisi o 5 J Omear a 6 S Keogh 7 C Taou k 8 D Yore

9 B Torrey 11 A Gamble 12 A Parts 13 C Lucarelli 14 A Kene z 16 N Crowe

17 M Bond 18 K Laski 19 S Greenland 20 R Carruthers 21 C Krolikowski 22 1 Tartagli a 24 C Harris n N 25 K Walkeagha

27 H Fulton 28 L Hamblin 29 A SPurrel 30 A Gibbs 31 C Powe r 32 L Kaldor


35 Angame P 36 Anderson J 371b6es R 38 sany D

.r:r.c~z• ..~.,° ..., . ._ . :~. . . . ..._'.c, `.r~.. .. .'__ ~

39 Berry

P ~~d B 42TemrtMng



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Under-19 - Section 3 AJAX Coach : Michael Zemski J. Fayman J. Karp 4. G . Lewis 2,

5, J. Givoni 7, M. Chester $ J


g, E. ROitman ti . D . Blankfield 12. D . Raleigh 13. R . SpilG2rg 15. A . Goldstein A . Lewis A . Bustin B . Luka v A . Weinstei n 20, M. Nany 21 . A . Chrapot 22. E . Snaked 23. R. Lewis 24. D. Bustin 25. R. Kagan 16. 17. 18. ig,

26. B. Nankin 27. G. Measly 29. J. Goldma n 31. N. Rose s 32, L. Peter 34, A. Ezekiel 35. T Putt


Coach : Asst Coach : GeoB Bre w 1 McClelland, M 2 Kuzma, D 3 Lewis, 0 4 Davies, B 6 Meehan, B 8 Cove ,M 9 Wild , D

11 Morris, J 13 Dewar, T 14 Te hennepe, M

15 Straker, D 17 West, A 18 Smith, R 19 Rah illy, J 20 D'Offay, J 22 Breitkreuz, P 23 Quinn, A 24 Litinsky, P 25 Morris, R 26 Roberts, J 27 Rossi, R 28 Sauritzky, S 29 Sinko, J 30 Lawry, S 31 McMahon, J 32 Zilberstajn, B 33 Fogarty, A 34 Armstrong, L 35 Convery, J 38 Wadley, T

OAKLEIGH i D Cournhan 2 P West

3 R Stallard 4 M Harold 5 C Groake

6 D Cleary 7 J Chapple 8 M Bennett 9 DWNs 10 0 Costgan 11 S Aalone 12 M Mackenne 13 J t ~ 14 G Bennett 16 J Dorks

17 N Miller 18 L CaMary 19 T Thornton 20 W Manning

21 SSDoherty ~~~ J Collins :'. P Di Serve

Donato ~~ Fih^^rald ' A Mrr.~,~m~ss Yo A Poung Gow 7? M Doyle ;v L Bana~ 40 M Shenker

P McMullan B Hare T Elliman G Parr P Davies A McLean T Anderson N Bucci F Caldow B Pitman A,bnes D Letson M Kennedy G Walsgon J Clough C Neild J Paterson J Dickinson H Lancaster T Dickinson M Steele J Weinher V Cricenti K Donovan S Foster J Parkins T Inglis J Parham J Koopmans A Palone L Lorenzin E Flemming B Holland A CurveD McMaster M Sudweeks N Beck P McGrath J Easton B Hodge D Paton D Gladma n C Marx N Clark C Edwards G Dawes S Contlron T Hooke A Knight A Oakley B hUnchinton R Maatman B Van 0oi T Nixo n R Tollyday W Marrow G Girdwood M Paninson K McGough P Nunan J Daniels J Witham

J Doyle T Taylor J Hedrick L Carmody C Cooper A McMahen


Coach : Mick Holden

LA TROBE UNI Coach : Zoran Collavic


Coach : Ben Covelli 1 M Ferrantinn (vtcapp 2 J Minas 3 M Golden 4 T Nicola 5 A Bolzan

6 M Cookson 7 K Ellis 8 T Hamson g A BaWwm 10 T Pantano 11 N Clarke (capt) 12 M Itson 13 J Binney (NCapt) 14 A Foster 15 L Page - Wood 16 B Saunders 17 T Rosenlis 18 G Hartnc k 19 C Crewes 20 D Madigan 21 L Terenyl

22 B McKinley 23 G Reynard 24 M Peroth 25 J Hyndman 26 D Nichol 27 E Spargo 28 J Burns 29 C Roger

30 S Leggett 31 S Leslie 32 S Kefalas 33 A Steer 34 A Gloster 35 C Lock



OLD PARADIANS Coach: Mark Spinoso Asst Coach : Simon Vincent 1 Berthet . J 2 Stace. M 3 PetrOU. R 4 Bugeja. R 5 Richardson. D 6 Giddings. D 7 Rose . S 8 Watson . P 9 Watts. D 10 Whyley. D 11 Ryan . R 12 Irvine. M

14 Parana . M 15 Grech . T 16 Soloman . M 17 Luff. S 18 Girovski . T 19 Snow. M 20 Spinie . D 21 Rehlieki . S 22 Derham. M

23 Sage. C 24 Seoeca. J

25 Megaton . M 26 Kreuzer. J 27 Cowles . A 28 Hussey. D 29 Serafin. A 30 Pratt. N 31 Clark. B 32 Morrisey. 8 33 Holden. B 34 Turner. P 35 Zivanovic . D 36 Thomas Clayton . D 38 Vincent. G

MHSOBFC Cch : Brad Jame s Runn Tim Fitzgerald 1 M Andrews er

2 D As hworth 3 H Bailey 4 C Bailey 5 N Barkatsas 6 T Bartholome w 7 A Berminqham g D BrooksAe~d 9 J Bunt~rg 10 D Cameron

H Com aclol

12 L Diao n 13 S Anderson 14 M HamAlon-Ho 15 M Fraczek 16 B Herskope 17 A Higgins 18 T K avanag h 19 J K¢eley 20 K Lam t 21 W Taf 22 J Larkins 23 A Lenehan 24 G Leslie 25 A Lim 26 L Evans 27 A McGrath~ 29 S McGrath g p 30 L Mcl4nnon 31 E Mulvey 32 C Peck y 33 E Pre etr ny 35 B Rebakis 36 J Rosenhain 37 N Ruddell 38 J St°~on 39 D Snedtlon 40 N Tan 41 N 43 0 Tangkala Walsh 42 C Templln 44 P Warner 45 L Woodard

MONASH BLUES Coach: Bruce Waldron 2. P. Gu m 3. M . Phillips 4 B . A damso n 5 . J . Pollard 6 . L. Leviston

7 . B . Rayne r 8 . A . Meht a 9 . J . Moore 10. J . Maye 11 . B.Cruickshan k 12. T. Barlow 13. M . Pa y 14. R . Shields 15. J . Stephenson 1 6. M . B r ad y

17. K . Mudge 18. R . Glover 19. F. Johnson 20. B . Hindle 21. M . McMahon 22 . B . Solimo 23 . B . Jansse n

24 . A . Pyl e 25 . J. Lu i 26 . J. Mazur 27 . C. Mac Dona ld 28 . I. Tsaous si 29 . T. Cobban 30 . D Stewart 31 . M . Haye s 32 . T Hodgso n 33 . A. Hone

34 . C. Keesha n 35 . D. Loga n

36 . R . Nation 37 . C . Finlayson

ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach : Owen Lalor 1 T Laver

2 J Terrell 3 K McConnell 4 I F~rnan

6 B Collins 7 D Campisano 8 S Johnson 9 S L'Huil4:er 9 B Schwarze 10 J McNe il 11 L Kelly 12 J Marks

13 J Mattingly 14 R Bur9e r 15 J Hunter

16 J Kieran 17 B Neville 18 D Lynch 19 W Parker 20 P Wight 21 M Lawler

22 C Barr 23 J Cahill

24 L Thomas 25 N Kane 26 A Falkiner 27 C Tobin 28 C Mouritz 29 A Knowles 30 J Hunter 31 T Smnh 32 S Brown 33 Z N 34 M Knoppel 35 M Saplna 37 M Bodinaar


Coach: Justin Gray Asst Coaches : Andrew Gray Bruce Warren, Craig Thompson 1 J . Ardley 2 M. McCombe 3 J . Rlppon (C) 4 M. 8arron

5 B . Barters

6 M. Battista 7 H . Beaumont g J . Bell 9 J . Be' m 10 T. Burchekl 11 T. Ross (VC) 12 W. Howson 13 D . Badow, 14 0. Close 15 T. Dawes 16W. Ezr y 1 7 B . Flemmg

18 D . Moor

19 J . Finnigan 20 A . Gild 21 E . Hamson 22 M . Hodgson 23 J . Hughes 24 G. Lane 25 A . Legoe 26 S . Lesli e 27 R. McBerney 26 D. Costello 29 B . Mikus 30 A . Nasiakos 31 J. Newland 32 H. Porte r 33 0. Ramsa y 34 N. Scheelings 35 G . Shaw 36 R. Aliin 37 J. Ellis 38 B. McGowa n 39 J. Hamilton 40- S. Jeremiah 41 S. Jes s 42 C. Le MaHr e

43 T. Napier

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cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t

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Under-19 - Section BLUE DE LA SALLE GOLD) Coach : Robin ~milh

1 M Herkess 38 J BA 2 W Dwyer 39 M Crunson 3 M Fkakdsend 40 R Bred a 4 T John 41 J Fisher 5 J Prtther 42 T Rorison 6 N Roberts 43 1 Clancy 7 T Kovess 44 M Dean 8 M Moore 45 M Munaz 9 W Fenian 46 S Morwood 10 LO'Donne!7 47 0 Keeney 11 TSilvers 12 D Mescher 13 T Dorw.~tjan 14 ACo x

15 S Netfrersole 16 JTOnbb 17 0 Keet y 18 J McKenzie 19 L Butl 20 N Bums 21 N Szwart 22 LCasey 23 J Casey 24 C Ban 25 G Hess 26 J Hanson 27 S Was 28 J Rattler 29 T Kovar~C 30 A Demarde 31 D Lowe 32 ANasr 33 0 Hassaba`Aa 34 J Oakley 35 J GreenhekJ 36 S Edwards 37 DCbse

ORMOND Coach : Michael Oate n 1 Ashley, J 2 Bailey. 0 3 Chisholm, R 4 Bames, S 5 Brosnan, 0 6 Denatris, T 7 Mclelland, M 8 Sayers, R 9 Jewell, A 10 Cavan, L 11 Fisher, S 12 Evans, G 13 Haysom, D 14 Upstdl, L 15 Johnson,T 16 Wilson, A 17 Hany,J 18 Washfo7d, L 19 WooBe, T 20 Machin, D 21 Mcg n, R 22 Vipond, S 23 Violi, M

24 Turnbull, J 25 Woodford, C 26 Krroester, L 27 Cribbes, A 28 Kinniard, L 29 Leary, T 30 Duthie, L 32 Freeman, C 33 Ryde, N 44 Robbins, B

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Dale Ros s

1 ABice 2 J Barry 3 G Cannei l 4 S Blanchard 5 KCho 6 M Deluca 7 C Dowling 8 T Fallo n 9 C Gleason 10 R Henry 11 J Hill e 12 T Hose 13 LJones 14 Y Kobayashi 15 D Kettle 16 R Lang 17 T Mitchell 18 B Mackie 19 B McDonald 20 I Nicholls 21 D O'Brien 22 N Pint o 23 T Rootse s y24ARos 25 R Sharpe 26 S Suleyman 27 J Schafer 28 R Semmel 29 T Skewes 30 L Smith 31 N Ulbrick 32 M Westhead 33 R White 34 P Wood 35 S Woods 36 J Williams 37 D Zampaglione


MAZENOD OAKLEIGH CLAYS Coach: Shane Regan Coach : Gary William s

Team Manager: Greg Evangelista 1 J. Simon I M .Bertone 2 K. Nguyen 2 N. Bradley 3 S. Castricum 3 J . Lao 4 D. Caughey 4 J . Linke 5 A. Clavarella 5 S . Janjic 6 G . Cocks 6 J. Sajenko 7 B. Costin 7 L . De George 8 M. Cummins 8 C . Thompson 9 W. Evan s 9 C . Rossenlis 10 D. Grantham 10 A . Plozz a 11 J. Hendry 11 A . Nasr 12 D.Hensman 12 S . Gallagher 13 P. Johnson 13 J. Evangelista 14 J. Kavanagh 14 D. N i 15 J . Lambert 15 J. Nevitt i6 S . Mann 16 D . Gilmore 17 J . Mather 17 B . Forbes 18 D. Micallet 19 S. Moran 18 G. Mesley 20 A. Norman 19 D. Smith 21 0. Nutting 21 K .Onurulu 22 M. Pecora 22 S. Levy 23 D . Power 23 L . Townley 24 D . Regan 24 S.C. Levy 25 E . Roberts 25 D . Davidson 26 B . Ross 26 J . Castello 27 S. Smith 27 S . Masoud 28 P. Souter 28 P. Cook . Stanley 29 S 29 J . Bolitho 30 T. Steintort 30 J. Moffat . Vandergert 31 W 31 C. Dureau 32 A . Weekes 33 S. Kurth . Wickremasinghe 33 R 34 A. Winslanley 34 J . Price 35 C . Fletcher 40 J .Joseph 43 R . Thomas

OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : David Lappag e 1 A. Folino 2 M. Scholes 3 J. Walsh 4 J. Mill s 5 S . Podaridis 7 D . Gilby 8 F. Mohammad 9 N. Waite 10 S . Wilson 11 A. McIntyre 12 N . Harrison 13 D . Mayes 14 S . Jones 15 K . Maltaris 16 A . Temby 17 J . Stanley 18 T. Doukas 19 S. Roberts

20 M.Fankhauser 21 M . Silberer 22 S. Ellis 23 J . Elliott 24 D . Korlo s 25 S . Lockwood 26 A. Byass 27 S. Campelj 28 B. Cuy 29 N. Wanless 30 B. Dolman 33 R .Johnson 35 T. Chishol m


Coach: Tony Thripp 1 L Walker 2 R White 3 E Wittich 4 R Smith 5 D Smith 6 B Mitchell 7 NCoy 8 P Wignall 9 B Coldrey 10 M Warner 11 M Kenny 12 A De Lange 13 S Robertson 14 L Coghlan 15 S Byrne 16 M Lewis 17 D Felvus 18 T Madder 19 A Crefiek l 20 S McGuiness 21 H Nestor 22 S Taylor 23 C Witzelll 25 J Rees 26 J Murphy 27 J Wilmot 28 R Trickey 29 J Birt


tinder-19 - Section RED AQUIHAS




Coach: Harry Harison

Coach :

Coach: Tim Bell Asst Coach : Tony Dullard Team Manager: Janiene Hart Runner: Leo Dyne s

Coach: Danny Minogue M~a~ r ... A- Alexande J . Bicknell W. Collins S= C~r G. Day

7. S . Mountain 8 A Eccles 9. D. Thomson 10. T. Lee tt M . Voghs 12. D. McColl 13. B . Tekin 14. J . Newman 15. S . Millar 16. R . Tremayne 17. P. Voglis 16. B . Mora n 19. C . Lapa doula 20. B . L'pade°Ia 22. A . Benenchs 23. A, Stavrees 24. M .Meadows 26. A . Georgakopoubs 27. S . Hoysted 28. M . Fitt 29. M .Coulston 30. P. Florence 31 . P. Gallo

S- Dewey

j, Doa!an M. Drew pq Ford

J. Fraser L Goddard Z Gr:nt L, N~ G n

ja Hudson

g, Lannen

j,,,,,-Gregor K AI ;lissey ~ .!orrison -Story

C, Ryan F9. Sawyers

P Sheehy Sheridan D. Thatcher J . Tr =mpson , ; Y,el .mann C' ~V°`taway C~'+'ms p . Zcxon


11 S Edwards 12 S Greenwood 13 N Ha n 14 D Leicester 15 N Leman 16 M Louis-Gleeso n 17 G Maroon 18 KMaghamez 19 D Mcphe e 20 J Mujanovic




6 .M .Ristevski 7. B .Turner

en der

14 JNO-



15 Clark 6 It B-11

1 6 Menzel

14. J .Newlan


i Fw!gtt J soSMih


R 74 Burns M

17 Qugiey M 78 Damen


19 Mwm G 79 waLOn 20 Hamson M 80 Ouan 21 varawxtel M

c 6

15.A.WOOds 17. D.Taylor 18 . S .King

22 sad


23 B~o


57 SLake

19. J .White (VC)

58 Mf'oesc, 59 H Wilson

20. D.Chan


to Cy, elid

31 J violate 32 G Williams

3 West T 4 Lille M 54 Dean 5 Door B 56 Glenn 6 Mcewan K 57 Pecxelti a Bradley J 58 Balmer L 59 Aia 9 ° 12 Evans A ~60 Skester 13 PWmmer J 67 Badtlefey

~ yA E~ 56 AGray

66 SSh,

29 N ShuttlewOrt h 30 H Topp

2 -son ner H 52 Moore

Spi -

11 . F.Bertone 13. G.Bartlett

61 WHZrvaf 62 Syiad,,~:h ., 63 $SdNhf 64 E Barn 85 Mnkvrsm.ry On N J~~


53 Lam

. C. Hudson 10 . L.Squarci


1 J~~ NSponge ~52 C~


28 B Scott


12.J .Redmand

0 Z


24 J Richardson


5 . M .Whiting



25 M Rogers 26 D Russel l 27 D Ryan

Coach: TBA

43 JMer":~or


f e3 o

23 N Quick


4 M m 4 8 Dunaresq 42 TFo ar


22 G Ozusen

Coach : Peter Howarth

3 . S .Dunn 4. J.Tanner


21 W Murra y




34 J Ziemer 35 M Zik a


Etl S WeidmraM



33 A William s

38 MD'

;5 EfCn .47 JPearce I 4$ APErty . 49 HTay1u


9 J Downie 10 C Du llard

50 . T. Austen

37 RHOCksg

139 Nwui



46 . P. Nudes

S(1) Coach : Bruce Armstrong S f21 Red Coach : Ian Leith

0 1

2 K Bams-Jenkins 3 S Bombac i 4 J Boyle 5 A Chiew J Chilcon 6 7 J Cooke 8 K Donato


33. P. Murch 34. E .Otlza 35. M . RarnondeBa 36 . A . Coulston 37. J . Wolnrze r 36 . M . Crooks 40. P. losfidis 41 . A . Smith 42. S Roussidis 43. D. Seraicco 45. M . Makin

J F, :a

Coach :

1 R Astudillo

32. J . McDonald

L,t:eatTte R P.>:n40nh


24 M- L 26 McPhee M

Fee 10 Gaunt




M 31 Momce !.t

21 . P.Hudson (C) 22. A. Cam 23 . B .Whiting

32 Wishan


a3 OWer 34 House



24. F.MCGregor

35 Angarrp

25 . S .Vella 27. W.Gryszan 29 . D.Tang

36 Anderson J

37 Holes



38 G. D

B .Buzza B.Hughes

9 Barry P 40 Brennan L 41 sneppard B 42 Temmmg D


43 5mrth


45 aence 46 Gibttt 47 48 Krpbkes


54 . T.Whitmg


® A

44 Anwrson D

G.Rixo n


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Round 1 200 5 1es it is that time of the year again when the all 4 he players dust of their boots and head out n parkville for the first game of 2005 . The season opens with Moonee Valley Magpies playing Maribyrnong Bulldogs 2 . Yes that is right the first game of the season is a c lash of traditional rivals . Moonee Valley might i tst get over the line in what should be a close ,,ucounter. he corresponding game on Oval 2 is between Port Colts 2 and a new team Mazenod Panthers from Oakleigh . Port Colts should be ,ble to use their experience to advantage but \,; e wish the Panthers all of the best for the ;, < son and welcome them to the competition . Tlic next game is between last years Division 1 premiers Ballam Park 1 and Broadmeadows 1 %0ho finished in the top four . Ballam Park should win on form but we are sure that l>roadmeadows have put in a big preseason :uid should give a good account of themselves . Po rt Colts 1 who played off in last year's play Bulleen Ui~ ision 2 grand final Templestowe . Our scouts have said that Port ! blcs have had a number of players retire an d

this may prove to be the difference between the two sides with Bulleen Templestowe getting the ideal start to 2005 . Ovens & Murray Jets 2 travel down the highway to take on Broadmeadows 2 in the third game of the day on Oval 1 . Going on last year's form Broadmeadows should be able to kick a wining score in what should be an entertaining game . Maribyrnong Bulldogs last year's Division 2 premiers take on Ballam Park 2 . This game will be very close but may go to Maribyrnong if they have kept their 2004 squad together . Mambourin Tigers play Ovens & Murray Jets 1 on Oval 1 . The Tigers are hoping to emulate their name sakes in the A .F .L . and come out in 2005 full of running . Ovens & Murray 1 may have other ideas in a game that is to close to call . The final game for the day on Oval 2 is between North Ballarat Knights and Parkside . Parkside from all reports have lost a number of players from 2004 and may find it hard to defeat the Knights who are an experienced combination . The executive wishes all of the teams and officials the best of luck for season 2005.











Results of Investigation Hearings Tuesday, September 21, 200 4 1 . St . Kevins and De La Salle charged with a minor melee in their under-19 match played at Gerry Green Reserve on Saturday September 11 . 2 . St Kevins charged with conduct unbecoming in that during the above game St . Kevins runner, Paul Harrison, allegedly pushed and shoved players and then allegedly wrestled with De La Salle players.


Melee : Both clubs pleaded guilty . Both fined $300 (De La Salle for 3rd offence and St . Kevins 4th) for a minor melee . Runner Misconduct: Charge proven . Club fined $100 . Harrison suspended from any official on-field activity for 4 matches .

E nroll n ow to b ecom~ a ~ ~; : :i





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Winning Edge Presentations

by Nc, r-, Nugen t

The successful format of previous seasons continues with twenty nine teams divided into three sections . Th e

should carry them to victory .

annual change of team participation has continued with the loss of an Old Scotch side and Monash Gryphons . Into the competition comes another Fitzroy Reds side and Mt Lilydale return after a season in F Section (1999) and our seasons in D4 Section and one in D3 .

following thei r

Another successful season is anticipated especially at this time of optimism when each club is sure it will experience premiership glory on the third Sunday in August!! !

University Blues will unfurl their pennant before facing De La Salle, who missed the finals last year for the first time in seven seasons . I know many of the premiership team have left the Blues, who have moved up in standard . However I select them to win to show they will be serious contenders in the section .

Preview of Round 1 . Section 1

St Kevins, hoping for more success than in 2004, host reigning premiers, Old Xaverians, who have past . Why should 2005 be any different? It's Old Xaverians for me ! Runners up Mazenod play host to Mt Lilydale . In 2004 Mazenod were a very successful combination who should be able to win today . Mt Lilydale are an unknown quantity . Their loss of players must have an effect on their standard of performance although they have a tremendous advantage when they play at home . Mazenod should win narrowly . Old Melburnians, newly promoted, and with many new faces meet Prahran, whose abnormal pre season training made the news . Personnel changes at Prahran, will give the "Two Blues" a changed look . Without any knowledge of who-will take the field, I lean to Prahran to take the points as their experience


Old Scotc h success last season play Old Brighton, who did not achieve their usual degree of success last season . The younger Old Scotch team is my selection because the Old Brighton players may take a while to adjust to their new coaching regime .

Section 2 Marcellin, who will appreciate their participation in this section, host Fitzroy Reds, who have been finalists in the past two years . I favour Fitzroy Reds as I fancy their depth of talent will give them superiority over Marcellin . Collegians should be able to defeat University Blacks on the new Harry Trott Oval . University teams are notoriously slow starters and those Club XVIII players who played against Old Paradians on March 19 certainly will need the run today.

Old Xaverians, who were leading as the final 2004 siren sounded, play Therry Penola today . The Xaverians are my selection as Bob's Therry Penola players tend only to be "Lyons" at home . Old Essendon are at home to las t



season's runner's up Old Trinity at East i ;eilor. Old Essendon, who struggled last season, will appreciate their movement to Section 2 . However Old Trinity will prove worthy opponents . At home, I favour Old Essendon to win by a small margin . Eley Park or the Box Hill Sharks, have gained "bite" through judicious recruiting, according to my sources . They do face a difficult game first up at Monash where the "Blues" are always hard to defeat . Early in the season is the most vulnerable time for University sides and so I select the Sharks to win first up . Section 3 Old Scotch, should be able to defeat the young La Trobe University side at St James Park . As many of the La Trobe players are coming from the Under 19s, I feel the more experienced Old Scotch players will triumph . Caulfield Grammarians, in their second season, are at home to Whitefriars, who disappointed last season . Availability of players is an unknown and my selection of Whitefriars is purely a hunch based on the fact that they will field the more experienced players . Newcomers Fitzroy Reds are an unknown quantity, who will face tough opposition from Emmaus - St Leos . Given Emmaus - St Leos were finalists last season, I suggest they will defeat the Fitzroy Reds .

North Old Boys, under the astute 11~adership of veteran Damian Cerini ~lzould prove too strong for Old Geelong, whose form over many seasons has been erratic . Old Carey has the bye due to St . Bernards OC recent withdrawal . Press Correspondent s Will be away this week so uncontactable - contact numbers will appear next

TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB 18 (1) Mazenod 0 C v Mt Lilydale 0 C switched from original draw commencing at 11 .10 a.m . Old Melburnians v Prahran Old Scotch v Old Brighton University Blues v De La Salle St . Kevins v Old Xaverian s

CLUB 18 (2) Fitzroy Reds v Marcellin - game switched from o ri ginal draw - at Punt Road Oval, Richmond at 2 p .m . (TBC) Collegians v University Blacks Old Xaverians (2) v Therry Penola 0 B Old Essendon Gr v Old Trinity Monash Blues v Box Hill Sharks CLUB 1 8 (3) Old Scotch (2) v La Trobe Uni Caulfield Gr v Whitefriars Fitzroy Reds (2) v Emmaus St Leos O Cat Punt Road Oval, Richmond at 11 .40 a .m.

North Old Boys v Old Geelong Old Carey has the bye














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