The Amateur Footballer, Week 2, 2005

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seemed to click" he says .

Coach Facto r

it ,I(-lit history is any sort of guide, Old 'Jclburnians look primed to win the A iionflag this year . Before you reach fo r ~pectacles and/or a cyanide pill , the reasoning . . . . n markable trend has emerged i n ~ ;ficur football recently, which has seen that opt for a new coach rewarde d ,1i, n immediate premiership . Whethe r ihc transient nature of amateur or the simple fact that youn g

il"ffiers constantly need ne w t,,,ll,i~es and mentors, the old phrase

r is new is good" is particularl y ,,ble to the amateurs . -rent man in the mahogany chair ,

I Sholly, achieved the feat in 200 3 Old Xaverian team that many w : :s past its prime . ,aches bring new ideas, new drill s nc st importantly, new players," he r i week . "It happens in all the

a guy will come in and provide a %, get the place moving again" . Dalrymple (2001) started the ii<-r inheriting the top job a t

who had avoided relegation by 1a5one the year before . Peter duly followed suit at St utilising his experience a t ', nd his reputation as of a maverick to bring th e

to the Snakepit . John Kanis had no senior rienee, though he had cu t s Hawthorn's runner an d

inalyst . Almost overnight, he ( 1 the underachieving Un i 1he glamour club of the "We didn't make an y 1ianges, a few players walke d treet and everything jus t

In B Section, the story is similar . Dave Murrav crossed from Mazenod to coach St Kevins last year and immediately delivered a premiership and promotion . The previous vear, debutant Tony Miller guided De La Salle to an unlikely premiership from fourth position . In keeping with the vagaries of local football, he was then given the flick ! A recurring theme is the fresh players that a new coach can bring to the club . Simon Madden has already set the wheels in motion at St Bernard's, luring Sam Crouch (Assumption College & Coburg N-~ Tigers), Jay Cheep (a state Under 18s player, via Geelong), Danny Roach (ex Collingwood) as well as his son Josh (Bendigo Bombers) to help offset a big summer exodus . Likewise, Dean Rice has joined Old Melburnians after coaching Wonthaggi to successive finals' appearances . My inbox is on the point of meltdown with e-mails pertaining to the intriguely named Emile Studham, a fellow Wonthaggi player who made an auspicious debut for OMs last weekend . With a side act as the team's fitness adviser, the boom recruit has been described as "the best player to play at the club for a decade" and "the fittest player in the amateurs" . Whatever the case, players like Studham invariably spice up the competition . So will it be Dean Rice at OMs, Nicco at Old Haileybury or Simon Madden at the Snakepit? In B Section, can Tony Egan at NOBS, Steven Wright at Caulfield or David Calthorpe conjure up a premiership miracle ? After my recent disasters on the tipping front, I'm staying well and truly quiet . Jonathan Horn

`i 12M ph- ~ d




Price : $ 2.00 Vol. 05 No. 02


Mortgage the Scrib e Well, didn't that go well? OK, let's get this over an d done with . "Mortgage the house" . I beamed las t week in regards to Old Xavs and if you were dingbat enough to listen to me, we'd have a crisis of Pyramid proportions . With very little pre-season hoo-ha, St Bernard's blooded a new look side, with seven debutants and eleven players who missed last year's Grand Final and did it on their ear . Josh Madden (Bendigo Bombers), Darren Ballarin (EDFL), Danny Roach (ex Collingwood) and Callan Potter (Rupertswood) are the new breed of Pitters . And Xavs? Well, let's just say that the marathon is rarely won by the bloke from Greenland waving to the cameras as he is first out of the stadium . Long term, as players filter back, they should be fine though the same old problem persists at Toorak Park : Who's going to kick all the goals? Marcellin won the Bulleen derby, minus Bernie Dinneen (Vermont) and Mark Browne (Montmorency), which was an upset of sorts given that a lot of people around the traps were prophesising doom and gloom at the Eagle's Lair . Must have been ball tearingly boring in the first half with only a goal apiece but Marcellin hung on to win by eight points over their long time rivals . Likewise Haileybu ry , with the rare luxury of a full list, upset Scotch by a point after a long Michael Barker behind in the dying seconds nailed the Cardinals (who were 6 zip halfway through the first term) . Have a look at the list of Haileybury's best . All guns and with Niece's scheming, out of left field moves in full swing, the Bloods look set for a big year . The two teams I really sank the slipper into, OMs and Collegians, went hammer and tong early before the home side cruised home to a nine-goal victorv . It irks me to say it, but I reckon I may have been a bit harsh on OMs ; they have a full list, new ("cough") fitness coach Emile Studham is by all reports a pretty intimidating sort of player


and Hugh O'Brien back from travel will add some much needed grunt to the

backline . Speedste r Haw Lacey, formerly of the Murray Bushrangei was adjudged best on ground .

And finally to Uni Blues v St Kevins. All t ingredients were there at Melbourne Uni . A sun autumn day, the unfurling of two premiersi flags, a celebratory lunch, chicks running rou in hockey outfits, a starter's gun scaring t beejeesus out of me every time it went off, the b, Peter Brock look-alike in the amateurs unipiri and two hard at it, entertaining teams on the tt : Uni looked a little rusty to be honest but shov patches, particularly in the second quarter, wI it looked as though it could turn the game int rout. Mark Paterson was clearly best on grou but some of the blokes from the reserves fl Mark Rigby and Josh Tanner, looked right home in senior ranks . Luke North and '1 McIntyre are two of the best backmen go around and cleared the ball repeatedly while I Wilkie back from the WAFL adds some mi needed height .

For SKOBS, who went in minus Simon Gar l

CLUB A SECTION Old Haileybury Old Scotc h St. Kevins St. Kevins A RESERVE Old Haileybury Old Scotch University Blues


LST'`,!K T E

B . O'Farrell 5 Crow 5 McKee 4 4 Giansiracusa Efstathiou 4 Beaurepaire 4 4 Coleman


4 4

1 come away pretty content though they did ., me absolute duffers in front of goal . McKee i particularly underdone though he did tur n I I l i e final term (with Matt Lucas, who look s

tn , h an game breaker, lurking ominously at ,( i . Lucas aside, there's no real stars there _()BS look honest, relentless and very much ~61e of unsettling the status quo . selections. should be good . All right then, let's go i % . Old Xaverians, St Kevin's, St Bernards I l7t Blues . abuse

iuw -,-mails coining . I really enjoy 'em . I, : .n I1orn -

1ATIhESTONE S University Blues - congratulate Tom Wilcox on is 100th game in Roundl . "Steggles" club in 1996 and played in the U19's ~z_rned selection in the VAFA U 19 .Ti .re side . In addition to being an d entertaining Clubman, the has contributed strongly on the in his role as co-captain (1999 )

hip player (2004) . Tommy's the atmosphere and performance second to none and we hope he can t up to his old tricks for many ne . Well done Tommy. Old Haileyburians' - congratulate Andre w Kig?;t : ri,_,: ng his 50th game for the Blood s :• .r began his career in the Under nd has impressed all at the club ; shown on the field by a player o f -. Very quiet and unassuming ) but one of the most popula r ion. Well done `Kighty' .

~~ E:,- ;CTI®N n,ii( ~, v Old Haileybury ] ;,rnards v Marcellin Sportscover Arena, Sunday I ,lT~ ;i ;i.ns v Old Xaverians

v Old Melburnians at Righetti Ova l v University Blues 96 .5 Inner FM

A SECTION OLD HAILEYBURY 2 .1 5.5 9 .6 12.9 (81) OLD SCOTCH 6 .2 7 .4 10.6 12.81801 Old Hall : O'Farrell 5 Siapantas 3 S Langford-Jones Bourke Jones Jeilce Best: Ford Trollope P Corrigan Jeace O'Farrell Siapantas. Old Scotch: Crow 5 Leitl 2 Demetriou Gnatt McKenzie-McHarg Tallent Wigney- Best : Quad lb'igney Crow Tallent Gnatt Hume. Umpires : Steve McCarthy Dirk Kramer (F) Peter Teasdale Brendan Corcoran (B) Bernie Hoare Paul Gait (G) MARCELLIN 0.4 1.9 5 .16 9.16 (70) OLD TRINITY 3 .5 4 .8 6.10 8 .141621 Marc: Marson 3 CulHnan 3 Dobson Mactaren Johnston . Best : Marc: Rice Dobson Woods Remain Marson Carmody . Old Trin : Dann 2 T Van Der \enne 2 Walsh 2 J Healy A Ratnsden . Best: D Bu tiler Reynolds Beardsley A Ramsdell J Healv Broum. Umpires : Peter James Russell Davidson IF) Andrew Errmgton Adam Rogers (B) Vin Vescrn•i Steve Ptpento (G ) OLD XAVERIANS 1 .3 3 .6 7.14 8 .18 (66) ST BERNAr.DS 3 .5 6.9 9 .11 14.14 (98) Old Xav: Rush 2 Pascen 2 Beetham 2 Cox Purss. Best: Ockleshaw Mollard Oswald Cox Johnston Arnold . St Bern : Potter 3 Roach 3 Keunen 2 Garth Clarke Cheep Loughlin Pearson Madden . Best: Madden Kavanagh Keunen Balkarin Potter Clarke . Umpires : Ton Sutcliffe Rob Mayston (F) Peter Monotti Will Stokes (B) Chris Doyle Dominic Napoli (G ) OLD MELBURNTANS 1 .8 6.11 10 .16 16.18 (114) COLLEGIANS 3 .4 3 .7 8.10 8 .14 (62) Old MeID: Magee 3 Jm Beaumont 2 Kemton 2 Lacey 2 Wilson 2 Ferraro Turner Studham J Miller . Best: Old MeI6: Lacey Studham O'Brien J Berry Kennon Wilson . Coll: Couch 2 Rowston 2 Harrison Hoiles Roberson Taft. Best : Z Moon Rowston Heneberv Couch Hase C Hoist Umpires: VJatne Hutton Sacha Koffman IF) Chris O'Shea Craig Brajtberg (B) Daniel Scully Michael ODonnell (G) UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .3 10 .6 14 .7 18.11 (119) STKEVIlYS 3 .2 4 .7 8 .11 )4 .t2(96) Uni Blues : De Crespigney 3 Scamb4er 3 Torrey 3 Wilde 2 Tanner Martin Gleeson Ryan Muhlebach Paterson Clark. Best : Paterson North Ryan Sally Torney Scambler SKOB : McKee 4 Giansiracusa 4 Lucas 3 Shannon Chard Greeiltam . Best: Lucas Mahoney Liston Maguire Dowd McKee . Umpires: Albie Firlev Mark Gibson (F) Matt Jenkinson Michael Saunders (B) Travis Storti Kevin Segota (G ) A RESERVE OLD HAB.EYBURY 3.1 5.2 9 .4 10.4(64) 9.0 10.2 13.5 15.8 (98) OLD SCOTCH Old Hail: Efstathiou 4 Bell Warnes Salter Dowling Mitchell H McLauctilazi . Best: Warnes H McLauchlan Ttmrtnond Baker D Armstrong R Mitchell. Old Scotch: Beaurepaire 4 Cations 2 Josephs 2 Jelbart 2 Reid 2 C Phillips Carroll Ashton . Best : Carroll Josephs Phillips Teasdate Batrouney Husking . MARCELLIIB 2.3 4.3 6 .5 7.6 (48) OLD TRINITY 2.3 5.3 5.6 9.8 (62) Marc: Considine 2 Crinunins Houghton Massa McCartin Cracknell . Best : Theisz Galati Considine Conte Colville McMillan . Old Tr•In: Ramsdell 2 Hogar0l 2 Cameron Cade Christen Vandervenne Morpetlt . Best : Cade Vandervenne Webster Hooke Hogarth Amaconi. OLD XAVERIANS 1 .1 4.4 10.6 13.9 (87) ST BERNARDS 2.2 5 .3 6 .4 8.5(53) Old Xav: Ptie 3 Clark 2 Jones 2 Ghmvan 2 Satrtalucia Howard M Walsh D Walsh . Best : Gidley Clark Howard McDonnell Ryan McCarthy . St Ban: O'Connor 2N Smith 2 Stapleton Hogan Harrison A Mitchell Best : Walsh J Evans Holland Harris Harrison Andrews . OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .4 1 .4 L10 232124) 9.7(61) COLLEGIANS 1.1 3.3 4 .3 Old Metb: Byrne Russo. Best: S Gooley Oman Builer A Prowse Tsiotras Woodford . Coll: Ashman 2 Burrowes 2 Sank 2 Cookes Muir Williams . Best: Roach Williams Burrowes Moonev Slavter Navtor . UNIVERSITY BLUES 1.3 3 .9 10.10 13.15 (93) ST KEVINS OB 3 .2 6 .4 7.4 10 .8 (68) Uni Blues: Coleman 4 Robbins 3 Millard 2 Gin Qum Fletcher Heinz . Best: Butko Shuttleworth Heinz Robbins Rankin Coleman . SKOB : P Mount 3 O'Connor 2 Murray 2 Hughes O'Toole Giansiracusa . Best : Caldow Drittkwater Holland 0'Comtor Mitchell P Mount . 3

A Section COLLEGIANS Coach : Pat Hawkins Res: Damien Phillips 1 J . Dixon VC 2 M.Johnson 3 B . Mooney 4 A. Shinkfield 5 R. Henebery 6 N. Baxte r 6 S. Woolley 7 S. Taft 7 J . Parley 8 C . Unsworth Capt 9 J . Fry 10 J . Jorgensen 11 C. Weeke s

12 N. Harrison Capt 13 M. Parren t 14 J. Ashman 15 C . Hoist 16 A . Baxter 17 J . Heritage 17 D. Phillips 18 D. Barber 19 C . Davidson 20 M. Holie s 21 C . Harris VC 22 N . Lockett 23 C. Mollard 24 E . Waters 25 R . Muir 26 P. Krotiris 27 G . Rowston 28 B . Couch 28 D . Browning 29 N. Burrows 30 L. Moon 31 N . Roach

32 C . Blumfield VC 33 B. Hoist 34 D . McCaughan 35 L. Nesbit 36 M . Roberson 37 S . Humphry 38 A. Fabri s 39 D . Cannizzo 40 D . Strachan 41 B . Duff

42 T. Sank 43 E . Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Stone 46 J. Cooke 47 Z. Moon 48 B. Low 49 M. Rose 50 M . Ric e 51 B . Shadbolt 52 M . Naylor 53 T. Rutherford 54 B. Woodhouse 55 T. Cookes Res Capt 56 M. Stefanidaki s 57 D . Williamson 58 N . Bobeff 59 A . Wright - Smith 60 D. Mutton 61 E. Healey 62 0 . Howard 63 A. Kenneally 64 N .Craig 65 A . Smith 66 J . Adgemis 67 A. Nichola 68 M . Gromotga 70 D . Slatyer 76 B. Rage

MARCELLIN Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res Coach : Trent Collin s


Coach: Peter Nicholson Res. Coach : Andrew Bonwic

1 B. Dobson 2 J . Ric e 3 D. Waters 4 J. Frazer 5 D . Johnston 6 G . Romanin 7 S. Maguire 8 R . Frisina 9 L. Considin e 10 D. Cullinan 11 N . Addison 13 C . Woods 15 J . Bortoloho 16 L. McMillan 17 G . Cox (C) 18 D. Gartner 19 A. Papaluca 20 M. Hermans 21 N . Walker 22 D. Marson 23 M . Leffanue 24 L . O'Flynn 25 R . Galati 26 D . McMillan 27 S . Theisz 28 B . Carmody 30 S . Considine 31 M. Bortolotto 34 D . Jarred (VC) 36 A. Layton 38 C . MacLaren 39 B . Colville 40 C. Purcell 42 G . Petroff 43 J. Pascuzzi 44 L . Hansen 45 D . Theisz

52 A . Rivstovski 53 M . Perri 54 J. Forbes 55 J. Wallis 59 R . Conte 63 C . Pezzimenti 62 M . McCartin 63 C. Pezziment i

I 2 3 4 5

6 L. Siapantas 7 M . Corrigan 7 T. Whit e

8 F. Mohammad 9 M . Barker (DVC) 10 C. Efstathiou 11 A . McIntyre 12 B. O'Farrell 13 B. Waite 14 S.Jones 15 D . Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K . Ford (VC) 18 D. Thurmond 19 M. Armstrong 20 M. Fankhauser 21 A . Jenk e 22 D. Mason 23 M . Seccul l 24 B. Trolbpe (DVC) 25 S. Rowland s 26 J . Bell 27 B . Johnsto n 28 S . Goldsworthy 29 B. Carso n 30 D . Wames 31 D . Lay 32 B . Mitchell 33 S . Walden 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 T. Chisholm 35 D .Lappage 36 L. McPherson 37 D . Brow n 38 L. Floyd 39 S . Rode 41 S. Saunders 42 J. Mueller 43 D . Salter 44 J . McLauchlan 45 M . Dowling 46 B . Crawford 47 R. Mitchel l 48 G . Chipperfield 49 L . Pitcher 51 H . McLauchlan 52 C . Ferguson 53 M . Levy 54 A . Vitolins 56 D. Armstrong 57 A. Kigh t 58 A. Baker 62 G. Whit e

) ar m \ -all cY ( .Olliltl`v (A U b B i di ('Cl l


C . Home S. Davey P. Corrigan (C ) S . Langford-Jor>es (DVO) J . Bourke

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : Dean Rice Res Coach : Fab Gatti

1 T. Cudhpp 2 Ja Beaumont 3 M. Billing 4 H . Lacey. 5 R . Mulqwney 6 D . Holm e 7 H . Turne r 8 Je Beaumont 9 D. Harrison 10 T Roberts 11 R. Ferraro 12 0 . Webb 13 E. Wilson 14 A. Voyage 15 I . Weir 16 J . By rne 17 Ja Mille r 18 T. Fitzg erald 19 E. Stu ham 20 J. Guest 21 M. Hicks 22 J. Dixon 23 M. Berry 24 M . Hawkins 25 H . Whitehead 26 C. Kennedy 27 P. Oman 28 M . Marson 29 M. Prowse 30 Jo Miller 31 J . Berry 32 E . Selby 33 J . Magee 34 P. Tolf 35 C. Ray 36 T. Costello-Manning 37 J. Grant 38 L . Bunn 39 J . Tucker 40 H . O'Bnen 41 J . Ray 42 A . Waddell 43 A. Wu 44 E. Farquharson 45 J. Mitchell 46 C . Neeson 47 D . Marks 48 C . Jenkins 49 G. Tsiotras 50 A . Pannifex 51 M . Kennon 52 J. Anderson 53 D.Osmond 54 M . Barrett 55 C.TheodoWOu 56 J .Tucke r 57 W . McDonald 58 A . Prowse 59 W. Wharton 60 A . Genis 61 D. Woodford 62 T Harrison 63 R. Matthews 64 N. Daffy 65 P. Grundy 66 N . Peters 68 M. Best 70 J . Russo 71 T. Butler 72 C. Alder 73 N. Russell 74 N. Lawler 75 S. Gooley 76 E. Mitchell 77 S. Haran 78 M. Bach 79 E . Baker 80 C. Brett-Young 81 A. Ray 82 D. Emerson 83 R. Galbraith 84 L . Gatti 85 S. Guest 86 E . Hamer 88 A . Kauye 89 W. Kiel go W. Landale 91 A. Manahan 92 D. Mille r 93 W. Panton 94 S. Radywonik

I proudly sponsored by :


Coach: Dale Tarring Asst Coach: Andrew Smt,h Res Coach: Serge D'Ange! o Asst Coach : Ray Searle t T Beranger (C) Philips (VC) 2 B..Floss 3 J 4 C. Ta6ent VC) 5 S. Collins ( C) 6 A.Crav 7 J .Knchen 8 S. Dick 90 C . S~th y 1 L Bull 12 S .Hume t3 A. Nettleton 14 C McKenzre-N141arg 15 S Catan s 16 E. Batrauney . 17 T. wgoey IVC) 18 L. Haw'Kins 19 R .JOSephs 20 S . Troon 21 C.Jovice 22 R. Ashton 23 O. Crane 24 D Brooke 25 P.1 . Saunders 26 T Soaring 27 T. Demeirwu 28 A.Oual 29 M. Gnatt 30 T Rrrocch~aro 31 N Led l 32 J. Oarsman 33 E, Re d 34 C PhHtps 35 P.0'Connor . Carzae 37 38 J T.Je1han 39 S . Graham 40 T Aurel Smith 41 w. Lewrs

42 T. Beatne 43 A. RouP.eCge 44 D. Jackson 45 R . Teesdale 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T Ho-skin g 48 S . Dumaresq 49 B .Snaddon 50 M .Ylaikom 51 L. Freeman 52 D Knight 53 W. Sym+ rqtun 54 A. Suther(and 55 S. D pasquale 56 T ospasquale 57 J . CranE 58 A . Grant 59 W . EIIrott 60 J. Sheldon 61 A. W Sutherland 62 M Graham 63 T Coll. e S. LMellatl nl 65 66 A. Pearce 67 S. Lr!iey 68 T Keck 69 S . Hoskirrq 70 J. MACheil 7t M Nriqe 72 B. Smitn 73 M .Gwien 74 D.COmpoR 75 C. Dubur 76 J . Nxks_ss 77 T. Page 78 N . Srrtron 79 G.Junkeer 80 N . Stubna 81 N. Wean 82 B. Re:nmvth 83 A. Md'a r

84 A. Ventura 85 R. Craven as S.Amg_a 87 M. Srrow 88 0. Sear 89 T Fraser 90 T. Baker 92 J. Sanyron n 93 C. Pskingtan 94 C. Stevens g5 N. WaliaceSmah 98 A. Y{ilkinsan 97 J . Smedley 98 N .Thorn 99 A . Buc the D. Glen 101 A. Catchto-ve t02 D. Fazleden 103 C.Lbve 104 h1 . Cook 105 D . Johnston 106 R . Hook e



:1 section O~p TAINITY GRAM~~ Co-Coaches L : 3 , pn' Gau t

F's Coilch : Da'-3 Bower Cob 18 Coach : Ed Best




Coach : Barry Richardson Res Coach : Anthony Bourke

Coach : Simon Madden Res Coach : Darren Handley

Coach: Dave Murray Asst. Coach : Tony Miller Res. Coach : Rob Gross

Coach : John Kani s Res Coach : Joe Sturrock

1 N . Pope 2 M. Mulgrew 3 S. Garlick 4 L . Mahoney (c) 5 M. Dollman 6 D . Mahoney 7 J. Travaglia 8 T. McCann 9 B. Fields 10 M. Lucas (dvc) 17 T. Duggan 12 S. McKee 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 W. Gullifer 16 B. Garvey (dvc) 17 D . Ryan 18 R . Chard 19 D . Sheehy 20 T Crowley 21 R . Maguire 22 J. Mount 23 T. Simpson (vc) 24 A. Lynch 25 D . Manton 26 C . Taylor 27 T. OTool e 28 M. Giansiracusa 29 C . Underwood 30 N . Dowling 31 W. Keenan 32 S. O'Conno r 33 M. Maguire 34 N . Perrett 35 J. Dempsey 36 P. Mount 37 M. Shannon 38 J. O'Brien 39 M. Dwyer 40 L . Kalesaran 41 M. Drinkwater 42 S. Mount 43 A. DeKretser

1 P. Butko 2 T. Hutchin s 3 J . Sturroc k 4 D. Guengeric h 5 J . Tanne r 6 M . Rigby 7 R. Youn g 8 J . Hayler 9 A. Lowcoc k 10 R. Marti n 11 L. Nort h

1 A. Fox 2 C. Santalucia 3 J . Pasceri 4 Ja McDonnell 5 D. Rush 6 A. Oswald 7 S . Lethlean 8 A . McDonald 9 A . Cox 10 M . Beardsley

11 L. Howard 12 A . Bowen 13 T. Ruyg 14 J . Agius 15 L. Ford (Capt) 16 S . Mollard 17 A. Chatfield (V.C.)

18 M . Scanlan 19 D. Walsh 20 J . Scanlan 21 S McCarthy 21 T. Purss 22 T. Ockleshaw (V.C .) 22 M . Rush 23 S . Johnston 24 C. Purss 25 R. Carey 26 N. Serafini 27 P. Ryan 28 Je McDonnell

29 C. Beetham '.. 30 T. Clarke '.. 31 J . Arnold '.. 32 A. Leoncelli

..' 32 P. Ockleshaw .' 33 N. Bingham .' 34 R. Colbert 35 R. MacWhirter 36 D. Sapuppo 37 C. Larkins 38 S. Freer 39 N. Moylan 40 A.T. Jones 41 M. Callinan 42 A. Pyle 43 T. Woodruff

44 N. Hulett 45 M. Walsh 46 O . Gidley y 47 S. Tatulaschwile 48 M. Green 50 L . Ginnivan 52 P. Purcell 56 J. Watson 59 M. Higgins 62 J. Silk 63 T. O'Meara

i C . Keunen 2 B. Garth 3 C . Goullet 4 D . Ballarin 5 C . Liberatore 6 M. Harrison 7 S. Clarke 7R S. Perrett 8 J. Evans 9 M. Kavanagh 10 N . Mitchell 11 C . Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 B. Ryan 15 T Wilkinson 16 D . Blunt 17 C . Potter 18 D. O'Connor 19 A. Mitchell 20 D . Evans 21 B. Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson 23 L . Wilkinson 24 D . Roach 25 D . McLaughlin C O

26 A. Smith 27 J. Hughes 28 P. Holland 29 L . Spinner 30 M. Stapleton 31 G . Campbell 32 T. Harvey 32R J. Harvey 33 N . Smith 34 D . Byrne 35 Tate Pearson 36 A. Marian 37 A. Catterall 38 S. lannazzo 39 M. Juricskay 40 J. Madden 41 S. Matthews 42 B. Miziewicz 43 L . Miceli 44 M. Walsh 45 T. Legudi 46 R . Ware 47 D . Hurley L . DeMorton 49 N . Thomas 50 A. Gill 51 D . Dugina 52 J . Spiteri 53 P. Harris 54 L.Evans 55 S . Bugryn 56 R . W nduss 57 M . Stewart

58 S . Andrews 59 L. Jordan 60 M . Gourlay 61 J . Cheep 62 R . 0'Bree 63 S . Crouch


t tr?Y ~ ~ ~ :

44 John-Paul . Mount 45 A . Smith

46 L . Gullifer 48 A. Conlan 50 R . Horrocks 51 D . Bare 52 D . Mount 53 B . Hughes 54 G . Holland 56 D . Walsh 57 J . Liston 58 L . Gianslracusa 59 P. Aughton 60 S . O'Connor 61 R . Caldow 62 A . Jageurs 63 C . Lucas 64 D . Prior 65 R . Short

66 J . Marchesani 71 A . Mulkearns 75 R . Campagna 82 S . Mitchell 99 P. Murray


12 Q . Gleason

13 T Foste r 14 A . Henderson 15 L. Ryan 16 M . Kordick 17 G. De Crespigny 18 N. Anderson 19 M . Torney 20 M . Colema n 21 C. Notman 22 B . Millard 23 T. Wilcox 24 S . Russel l 25 A . Solly 26 J . Scamble r 27 R. Wilki e 28 M . Thomas 29 A . Terril l 30 T. Muhlebac h 31 M . Shaughnessy

32 M . Paterso n 33 B . Gates 34 T. McKinnon 35 J . McKay 36 R. Minns 37 J . Robbins 38 C. Bradley 39 D. Hein z 40 C. Brooke s 41 L. Qui n 42 S . Fletcher 43 N. Shuttlewort h 44 J . Wood 45 B . Waters

46 H. Rankin 47 A. Millar 48 L. Fishl y 49 P. Steel e 50 H. Nailo n 51 N. Vanderbosh 52 P. Marriott

53 J . Westmore 54 A. Waxma n 55 B . Gi n 56 T. Rankin 57 T. Irvine 58 J . Albani s 59 B. Hutchinso n 60 D. Struck 61 J . Ritchi e 62 C. Ross 63 P. Eden 64 D. McPhai l 65 E . Clarke 66 L. Woodhous e 67 D. McAloo n 68 J . McKerro w

69 G . Mui r 70 J . Meade 71 P. Marshal l 72 D. Gavara-Nanu 73 C. Hopkin s 74 H. Munro

75 J . Moyla n

77 J . McQuillen

86 D. Banniste r

CLUB . INC . . .I a; : ~

. .. ..



Old Xaverians v St Kevins - 96 .5 Inner FM

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Kevins v St Bernards Collegians v Old Brighton Marcellin v De La Salle

Old Melburnians v University Blues - at Sportscover Aren a

Old Scotch v University Blues Old Xaverians - bye

Old Haileybury v St Bernards Marcellin v Collegians

Old Trinity v Old Scotc h B SECTIO N De La Salle v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Old Brighton v Caulfield Gr

Mazenod 0 C v Old Ivanhoe Whitefriars v MHSO B Old Essendon Gr v North Old Boys C SECTIO N Monash Blues v Old Paradians Therry Penola 0 B v AJA X

Old Camberwell v Bantiul e Hampton Rovers v Parkdale Vultures University Blacks v Beaumaris - at Optus Ova l

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Banvule Viewbank v Old Camberwell Caulfield Gr v Old Trinitv Old Melburnians v Rupertswood Beaumaris v Old Essendon G r Old Carey v Whitefriars - switched from ori gina dra w

UNDER-19 SECTION 3 La Trobe Uni v Oakleigh - venue TBA Old Ivanhoe v AJA X St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Paradians Bentleigh v Monash Blue s MHSOB v University Black s UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE


Glen Eira v Prahran Ormond v Yarra Valley 0 B Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Fitzroy Reds Old Mentonians v Bulleen Templestowe Aquinas 0 C v Old Carey D2 SECTION Rupertswood v Peninsula 0 B Old Geelong v Ivanhoe Assumption Oakleigh v Swinburne Uni La Trobe Uni v Salesian 0 C Williamstown CYMS v Bentleigh

D3 SECTIO N West Brunswick v Monash Gryphon s South Melbourne Districts v Syndal Tally-Ho Old Westbourne v Kew UHS-VU v Werribee Amateurs St Johns 0 C v Power Hous e D4 SECTIO N Box Hill North v St Marys Eltham Collegians v Richmond Central Elsternwick v Bulleen Cobra s North Brunswick v Hawthorn Amateurs Albert Park - bye



Salesian Scorpions v Hampton Rovers Old Haileybury v De La Salle (2 ) Mazenod 0 C v Oakleigh Clays - at 1 .30 p .m. Peninsula 0 B v Ormdh d UNDER-19 (2) RED Old Scotch v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Kew v Old Westbourne

Therry Penola 0 B - bye Aquinas 0 C v Rupertswood ( 2) - at 9 .30 a .m . Bulleen Templestowe v Fitzroy Red s CLUB 18 (1 )

St Kevins v Prahran Mt Lilydale 0 C v Old Brighton Old Melburnians v De La Salle Old Scotch v University Blues Mazenod 0 C v Old Xaverians - at 11 .10 a,m . CLUB 18 (2 )

Marcel) in v Therry Penola 0 B Collegians v Old Trinity Old Xaverians (2) v Box Hill Sharks Old Essendon Gr v Monash Blues University Blacks v Fitzroy Red s CLUB 18 (3 )

Old Scotch (2) v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Caulfield Gr v Old Geelon g Fitzroy Reds (2) v Old Carey North Old Boys - bye Whitefriars v La Trobe Un i




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1ER ', V F=tQTBALLER 2005

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REVIEW la ed a terrific Old Ivanhoe and MHSOB p y

No matter wha t St Bede s Mentone-Tigers are always har d to beat a. tSome notable inclusion Brindisi Street will make them a better balanced side Bu week and will help their

tussle until half way through the third tness O f where the the Hoers took over a ndl theydcame away with a pretty good will . . oval for Best weather at the Beach Road areto a ver having said that old many years . Can you believe it "No ~ed at b e It was an entertaining game pla_ good side and ar . Bad . I rarely ai breakneck speed especially early underestimated this year game to tip against the Tigers at home bt kicking by both sides had the match in s the balance at orange time but the home feel it will take sa o week stick e with the y side in front of their home crowd winners~ click Properl t the stronger to run out 25 for poinCaulfield Tonners . welcon Caulfield Grammarians p rud e introduction k icturesqu . Promises to b e to Glenhuntly Grammarian M azenod e control of the oung an Friarshoo great tussle between two Y s i Orchards . The d rs and from then on never evenly matched sides, making it very ha, game early oo the Fields to . I think that Caulfield ; looked back causin to tip a winner g home will be a better unit but winnir g continually chase tail in a disappointin form is good form-and I have to stick wi' start to their tenure in B Section . used their home groun d and Mazenod . Be La Salle their first game of the seas( fast running game to their advantage to iVOBg play an MHSOB side wl North Old record a convincing win over at the Gillon against . . Good for the were far from disgraced last week Boys down at East Malvern . couple of injuries do not help theirscian' confidence to start the season with a win Central Reserve saw a close tussle up and if the defence can he High h a . But a 6 goal third quarter ton-Connell quiet hen t e until half time and although the Mazenod set it up for fought back and won the last the Tigers damage was done . PREVIEW games in Round 2 Some very interestin g g with every one of them a chance of goin . . A tipster's nightmare B SECTIOld either way Bird 6 Whitfriars B tackle at the school Oval North Old Boys Minton-Connell 5 e ackLe Oldi De La's confidence will be high after a Mazenod Apollonio 5 good win but the boys from the Grammarr B ~-' ~ER~ B Vague 9 were not disgraced last week and on thei i e De La Salle Purie 6 twill walk a bit taer . I edgroun Old Brighton BusZazd 5 n range selections I wil th home eogrsm s Mazenod the home side to win-


in 10 A se >n ve


than enough ability to win the game . of the Round takes place out a t .odge where Old Ivanhoe welcomes I Should be a beauty this W hitefriars . 1,•1I1~- of A Grade experience on bot h ;es both have excellent defences, terrific ,,,idfields and some good key forwards . Iltc thing that sways me is the summer ,,, ;,il ,as strong for the Hoers and tha t

,mbined with their home ground ,,(v,intage has me tipping the Brown and t1.ltiles today . PRESS CORRESPONDENT S ,li,inks for your support . Keep your ,, h',rts coming in including you r

nitnations for Player of the Round . forget the numbers 9553 1561 ~ phone and fax, the mobile is 041 2 541 or drop me an email to ico@optusnet .com .au by 8pm o n ~ ~tltl~ y Nights please .

MILE STONE S Caulfield Grammarians - congratulate Mark Liddell as he notches up his 150th _ .011' against Mazenod this week . Mark' s ~~~Tadcs include 2 Premierships and 4 " :',f'A representative jumpers and since :) :li%joined "The Fields" in 1995 straight i!,-in ihe school, he has made an instan t

l : t I with his sure hands, dancing feet l pn,ci7ion use of the ball by foot . Steve Kendall played his 100th game for till,. td Grammarians against Whitefriars , .i wc I. . "Stinga" has carried on a proud , ;mil,,oadition at the club in wearing the ' : .1tnV"r 5 jumper with pride . Reserves B&F

n td 2002 Premiership player, Stev e ni,nted a spot in the ones with silky i I t~!;!11s, hard running and relentless lie footy . "Delly & Stinga" from all you r Fields .

b SECTIO N i)It1 t' sscndon Or v De La Sall e il~ - 3Ientone Tigers v Old Brighto n

ilttfield Gr v Mazenod 0 C Old Ivanhoe v Whitefriars ~orth Old Boys v MHSOB

B SECTION DE LA SALLE 4 .3 8 .9 9.10 17.11 (13) NORTH OLD BOYS 3.1 5.1 8 .3 11 .5 (71) DLS: Moore 4 Lowe 3 Duggan 2 PosOethwaite 2 Rayson 2 L Harrison Hirst McArdle Silvers. Best: L Harrison T Maloney P Harrison Ravson McArdle Sherman . NOB: Minton-Connell 5 Spurting 2 Cox D Brady Maxton Tonkin . Best: Tonkin Spurting Sheehan Sleep Roberts Minton-Connell . Umpires : Grant Joyner Simon Stokes (F) Andrew Rechtman Dean Herskope (B) Craig Arnol Jack Regester IGi OLD BRIGHTON 6 .2 8 .7 13 .8 18 .10 (118) OLD ESSENDON GR 5 .1 8.2 12 .12 13 .15 (93) Old Bright: MacgWicrav 4 Salem 4 Hendra 2 Mason 2 Phelan 2 Perett Bristow Walsh Townsend . Best: Phelan Hendra B Gadsden Macgilli«ay Dawes Ewert. Old Ess : Bertram 3 Obiiubek 3 Stormont 2 D Flaherty Skurrie Hand Demorton T Biggs . Best : D Ryan Leask Kavanagh Frazer WlLon Stormont. Umpires : Jamie Kvvis David Phillips (F) Rob Mayston Jar Matthew Jackson (B) Greg Rollo Clive Shipley (G) :rSAZENOD 0 C 2 .5 5 .6 11 .8 13.9 (87) ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS2 .2 5.3 7.3 10 .6 (66) Mez: Apollonio 5 Jayaweera 3 Fuller 2 M Chamberlain B Chamberlain Bourbon . Best : D Chamberlain Apollonio Cuberes Bourbon Fuller Castricum. StB/MT : Osborne 4 Kidd 3 L 1Vuttle 2 Napier. Best: M WtnUe Rhoden Collins Kidd Connoliv L Wintle. Umpires: Leah Gallagher Richard Eastwood (F) Cameron Hates Santo Caruso (B) Gavin Roberts Matt Kent (G ) WHITEFRIARS 2 .6 8 .10 10 .14 16.19 (115) CAULFIELD GR 1 .2 2.4 2.4 5 .6 ( 36) White: Bird 6 M Carbone 3 Keruiedy 2 J Anderson 2 Bagl;oley 2 Carrigg . Best : M Power A Carbone Cunningham Nunan J Power Bird. Cauh Foote 2 Bows Kendall Savers . Best: Lawson A Green Winter Strain Knight Widjaja. Umpires: Peter Liddell Dash Pettis (F) Sean Collins Julian Macciorn (B) Lucas Robson Daniel Kofoed IG ) hIIiSOB 6.1 7.7 9 .7 10 .7 (67) OLD IVANHOE 4 .2 6.6 11 .12 17.22 (124) MHSOB: Pertzel 2 Hamilton-Ho 2 Bamert Campbell Cassell Limbdek G McCully Anderson . Best: Campbell Pertzel Whittington Fairchild Svirskis Gerner. Old Iv: Brannigan 4 Low 3 Tiernan 2 Curatolo 2 Cornelius 2 Haros Thompson Gleschen Kent . Best : Low Price Payne Oates Geilings Frangiacomo . Umpires : Luke Holmes Dwayne Connell IRFL) (F) Ryan Place Darren Rich (RFL) (B) Daniel Brookes Graeme Wakeling (RFL) (G ) B RESERVE DE LA SALLE 7.6 15.10 26.12 30 .17 (197) NORTH OLD BOYS 0.0 0 .0 0 .3, 1 .3 (9) DLS: B Vague 9 L Walker 4 B Mamtix 4 P Bourke 3 A Coffey 2 R Hancock 2 D Browning G Gilbert J Laragy D McInerney V Moloney M O'Donnell . Best: R Quick A Shields D Browning V Moloney B Vague A Skinns. NOB : B Sheehan . Best : Maher Alsop Irvin D Joyce D Stribley M Cribbes . OLD BRIGHTON GR 4.0 8.2 12 .8 17.9 (111) OLD ESSENDON GR 2 .2 6 .4 7 .4 11 .4 (70) Old Be. Porte 6 Kent 3 Scott 3 Ellis 2 Eastgate D Paterson Kennedy . Best : McKimm Pirrie Paroissien Ellis Joseph Smith . Old Ess : Kalogiannis 4 L Fraser 2 M Flaherty J Dazkin McGowan Fitzgerald ti-illiamson. Best: J Dazkin Williamson Ka(ogian nic M Flaherty Howard L Fraser. MAZENOD 2.5 5 .7 7 .11 12.12 (84) ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 1 .0 1 .2 1 .3 4.4 (28) Maz: Buszard 5 Balloch 4 Hawkins Miller M McDowell. Best : Buszard Hawkins Bouchereau Bo}d Sehiano Tilling, St B/MT : Hecker 2 M McColl 2. Best: M Rouse J Comtelty Paterson Ritchie Hilton T McColl . 9 .7(61) WHITEFRIARS 3 .4 6.7 8.7 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 3.2 5 .3 8 .8 9.10 (64) White.friars: Gloufchecv 2 Brisbane 2 A Baker 2 T Carrigg S Anderson M Baker. Best: A Baker Piggot Alexander Gloufchev Anderson Glenn . Caul Or. Rudd 3 Scott 2 Sundberg 2 O'Neill Franklin-Jones . Best: Baker O'Neil Rudd FRers Crathern Hooper. MHSOB 3 .1 5.3 7.4 9 .5(59) OLD IVANHOE 3 .1 5.5 9.7 12 .7 (79) MI-ISOB : Aitken 4 Harding 2 White W Nicholas Bowen . Best: Feferkrariz Aitken Moore Lust Greenhill Ternes . Old Ivanhoe: Hawkes 6 l@rrocchi Russian Keane Smith Georgiou Butler. Best: Hawkes Russian Keane Leside Wright George . 9


sie: 3 5 B .P I 6 P. C nI -,el l 7 S . Bresolo

8 B . Jar,-son 9 A . Pareh k 11 12 13 14 t

-1 . 'Wallace S . P-Ien J./ on T. t

it 18 M . 3ake r

19 A . 20 L 5 21 17 f )rtla 18 C? . r ~h 19 A Drury 40 L . McMurray . 21 J.far_ .., .

22 t

553 54 5 . : 55 c ' 56 E, 57 58 L. 59 R. 60 61 S . 62 J . 64 J . 65 67 U . 68 B . rc 69 V+ . C-

=' ~k 52 f ms 53 I G- .Ot'C11 s

58 P Curry a 63 U McColl 66 R . Parsons 70 L Terrell



A .F.C .


Umpiring in season 2005 is full of expectations, learning, participation, developing, and above all enjoying the game we love . A major part of umpiring is to understand the rules and interpretations so that we can adjudicate in every match to the best of our ability in a fair and just manner .

So how do umpires improve there umpiring performance from one week to another ? • Attend training and get as fit as possible . • Attend coaching sessions on a regular basis . • Read up on new rules & laws of the game . • Umpire within the "Spirit of the Laws "

• Being consistent with our interpretations All of the above is paramount to becoming a good consistent umpire but there is more, a whole lot more, such as : • Meeting the coach's & captains before the start of each match . Attending the aftermatch activities and being prepared to discuss the game with coaches and players . (It is discouraged to discuss isolated incidents as that puts every umpire in a precarious position ) • Having a chat with officials & supporters and understanding their frustations . To improve the rapport and relationship between umpires, players and coaches I believe we should be engaging in a lot more interaction and providing a service to the clubs .

j ) V .A .F.A .

,,Your Coaches' Association'

I also would like to see umpires have tl respect of players, coaches and clubs but ti must recognise how important the umpire role is . H ow do umpires gain this respect ? By showing that they understand playc frustration and umpiring with sor empathy . • By being enthusiastic and demonstrati how important the role of an ump reallv is . Umpires attending clubs training nigi to participate in training and skill dr ithawylprescngi understanding of each other's situatii Umpires can also explain G clarification of rules or interpretation s • Giving constructive feedback to Umpires Adviser on a regular basis even providing a video of the game, this will assist with coaching umpire s Clubs that have already participated having umpires at training du ring 2( are: Fitzroy Reds Old Ivanhoe Old Scotch Old Camberw St Kevins Mazeno d

Clubs that will be joined by umpires du : the season soon are : Old Trinity StBernards . If any coach would like to have umF attend training for any reason ph contact : Brian Goodman on 9531 8333 mail on brian@vafa .com .a u Brian Goodman Umpire Operations Manager THE AMATEUR FOOTBALL

ag re

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Body Corporate & Facility Management Professional s Residential & Commercial Building Management Specialist s Telephone : 9509 3144 web : www.theknight .com .a u

Colin Foley 0403 574 500 or Gus Martonhelyi 0429 106 596 biHSOBAlnt~rporated

Grand Hyatt Melbourn e

BPA Print Group M.azwefl &WIIiams Azuma Sports J A Dodd Ltd Rigby Cooke Lawyers The Knigh t Track Stars Collectables Williams Batter s .n 'rarra Sports Centre GVP Fabri cators The Frame Shop :)srs-ccountants _roChem Spitting Image Cate rin g

Congratulations to Stuart McCully (Captain) and Matty White (Vice Captain), the recently appointed on-field leaders of the senior team for 2005 . They will be supported by Ewan Thompson and Rhys Limb rick as DVCs . Stuart is in his third year as Captain whilst the other three players all made the VAFA rep sides in 2004. Their experience will be instrumental to the whole club this year as we step up to the demands of B Grade .

announce at the Jumper Presentation Night that Will Taft would be captain of the Under 19s this season. Will will prove to be a most inspirational captain to all players at this level .

The Captain of the Rese rves is Adam Lust, with Paul Rujevic as his Vice Captain. Tom Fraczek and Stua rt Moore are the DVCs.

Jayden Pertzel and Drew Fairchild, both former senior captains, also add great experience on the field in the senior team.

Brad James, the coavch of the Under 19s, was eager to

We wish all leaders the very best for 2005 with their respective teams.

Anthony Cassell, who has been VC and DVC of the senior team for the past couple of years, stood down to allow for a group of younger players to have their turn on the leadership group .

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Eco-Global Edward J Lynch Agencies Barde Macdonald & Assoc Ivany Investment Group Australian Unity The Kingston Hotel

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The Kingston Hotel ~ ~'.~snett Street mnd 3121 5423 58:1


Sincere thanks to Keith Marshall and the team at Track Stars Collectables for their generous support of MHSOBFC in 2005 . rOdTBALLER 2005

This week Ray Ternes plays his 50th game for the club, and in round 5 both Scott Whi ttington and Chris 'Doc' Wright achieve this milestone . Well done lads. The club looks forward to many more ahead . 13

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i Duddy and ebbed and flow( i<il dav, ' F_eher influer lial, the home side survived ,

but Heinz . Sutton and Routman nearly go t E, ors tie four points . e hosts the Vultures in the match of E the round . Local derbies are < lwa}~- f?~ :c e


t'i_ola E,


Old ~ benrell R Taylor Pa : la' Vultures Hecker Par 'ale "ultures Kigh t b-anaris Vance P mash Blues Coe Parkdale Vultures `'i :kins




C Section AJAX Coach : Tim 0'Shaughnessy Res . Coach : Barry Simon 1 N . Gold (Capt) 1 B . Borensztein 0 2 J.Israelsohn 2 B. Rose 速 3 Y. Rapoport 4 M. Dudakov (Capt Res) 5 G. Blieden 5 J . Rotstein O 6 D. Vanaken 7 L. Krafche k 7 D. Rubenstein 0 8 E. Raleig h 8 W. Sevel 0 9 A. Rosen 11 M. Segal (VC) 11 J . Goldman @ 12 D. Goldenfein 13 B . Klein 14 D. Codron 15 J. Segal (VC) 15 S. Newstadt O 16 E. Routman 17 D . Weislitzer 18 J . Kirzner 18 B . Lukav 0 19 D. Sutton 19 R. Silberman 0 20 J. Sharp 21 A. Lewi n 21 R . Silberman 0 22 A. Lewis 22 J . Thurin 0 23 A . Lewski 23 P. Glazer 9 24 O. Henzel 25 M . Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 J. Berger 28 A. Zemski 29 R . Kagan 30 J . Kagan 33 P. Bryner 34 J . Raleigh 34 D. Seidl 0 35 J. Givoni 35 B. Ritterman 0 36 B. Nankin 40 D . Seidl 41 R . Heine 41 A . Sacks O 42 D. Gerber 44 B. Eichler 47 A. Porat 50 J. Dvash

51 J. Kestenberg 54 D . Rutko 55 A . Grosman 59 N. Diamond .'. 60 J . Wajnberg 62 J. Hoppe

B ANYUtE Coach : Greg Whitcroft

Res Coach : David Witchel l B. Reed 2 A. Bohomley 3 N. Taylor 4 P. Gloury 4 M. Creak (Res) 5 B. Willmore 6 M . Morgan 7 C . Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 J. Plant 10 A. Dooley 11 D. Wilson 12 J. Egan 13 B. Moxon 14 L . O'Donnell 15 A . Brow n 16 A . Demetriou 17 C. Davies 17 S. Gray (Res) 18 T. Wise 19 L . O'Connel l 19 T. Nasrallah (Res) 21 R . Dintinosante 22 C. Taylo r 23 M . Gray 24 T. Prior 25 D. Phelan 26 B. Mounsey 27 J.Jones 28 D . Sproules 29 D . Nasrallah 30 D. Mutton 31 G . McLellan 32 J . King

33 B. Gayter 34 S. Lorenzini 35 L . Richardson 36 M . George 37 T. Thompson 38 D. Gayfer 39 J . Turnbull 40 T. Prior 41 A. Tshaikiwsky 42 M. Van Poeteren 43 L . Ferral 44 J . Connelly 45 A . Roethe 46 T. Egan 48 B . Herbert 49 G . Bel l

50 S. Gray 55 D. Williams

REAOM ARIS Coach: Mzk Lovejoy Asst : James Whtlla 8 Mick Cart y Res:Jono Hull 1 M . Duggan

2 3 4 5 6 7

H. Gibson J . Heat h M. Matulick M. Ensor A. Spence S. Lynch

8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Le e

12 L . Healy 13 J. Whitty 14 T. Collins 15 M. Boon 16 A . Qui n 17 M . Pitts 18 N . Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 20 J . Blac k 21 S. Coble 22 L . Atkins 23 A. Catlin 24 B . Gra y 25 D . Teasdale 26 A, O'Brien 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance 29 C. Martin 30 C . Lambert 31 C . Graham 32 L . Wonnacott 33 S . May 34 H . McMillan 35 S . McNicholas 36 N. Atkin s

37 R. Presnell 38 M . Wilso n 39 L . McNicholas 40 J. Hogart h 41 N . Conlon 42 B. Gillespie 43 T. Woolnough 44 C . Collin s

45 M . Kurta 46 J. Gerrand 47 A. Kent 48 T. Whitty 49 J. Bryce 50 S. Dicks 51 J . Mitchell 52 J . Williams 53 A . Pol l 54 S . Lee 55 L. Quirk 56 D. Wal l 57 T. Boreham 58 J. Bramwell 59 B . Griffiths 60 D . Bird 62 J . Dickson 63 D. Galvin 64 D. Murphy 65 G . Shattock 66 P. McConchie 67 L . Stevens 68 B . Bowker 70 S . Crossley 71 C. Evan s 72 A. Collings 74 M. McDonald 75 N . Higg s 76 C . Terpsinis


Coach: Brett Mcllwrait h Res Coach : Tony Naumof ( I H. Tregear 2 M. McKellar 3 G . Cannel l 4 G . Carr (DVC) 5 J . Prantzo s 6 L. Holt 7 A . Dudd y 8 Drew Anderson 9 N. Pint o 10 S. Blanchard 11 J. Zampaglione 12. T. Barke r 13 G . Woods (VC) 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A . Browne 16 N . Greenwood 17 L. Cave 18 J . McCarth y 19 M . Lawrence (DVC) 20 A.Power 21 S. Parkinson 22 S. Burggraaf 23 M. Gray (Res VC) 24 C . Christianson 25 M . Lak e 26 M . Devereaux 27 M . Flynn

28 B. Kezilas 29 M. Fletcher 30 A. Quon (Res C) 31 T. Pucella 32 D . Anderson (Res) 33 R . Mosbey 34 A . Crowther 35 N. Goss 36 M . Heffernan 37 D. Lillecrap~p 38 A. Fishe r 39 A. Crisp 40 M. Flahive 41 B. McCallum 42 C . Malthouse 43 C . Cooper 44 A . Blake

45 G . Davis 46 L. Woolrich 47 L. Wheeler 48 S. Helliger 49 M. Ellis 50 N . Foster 51 J . Glanville 53 J . N g 52 B . Carillon 54 D. Marshall 55 L. James 56 T. Porter 57 D. Williams 58 C . Delosa 60 M. Terec h 61 A . Kavanagh 62 D . Kroker


MONASH BLUES Coach : Jon Edgar Res Coach : Date Murchie 1 S . Chapman 2 L. Renton 3 L. Holloway 4 B. McKenzie 5 J. Rosengarten 6 M. Davidson 7 P. Farrar 8 A . Hickey 9 C . O'Sullivan 10 S . Lloyd 11 M . Spencer 12 G . Smyth 13 M. Pay 14 B. Merlin 15 M. Tinkler 16 B . Nind 17 K . Mudge 18 R . Glover 19 M . Payne 20 M . Edsall 21 C. Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 B.Janssen 24 T. Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Will s

27 N. De Young 28 J . Mai n 29 A. Costley 30 L . Creamer 31 J. Gree n 32 L . Beddingfleld 33 J . Smith (c) 34 R . Shields 35 A . Fyfe 36 A . Williams 37 C. Dennis 38 N. Brennan 39 M . Smith 40 J. Mazu r 41 Michael Bolton 42 M . Coe 43 R . Feenaghty 44 L. Leviston 45 M . McMahon 46 D.Jones

47 S. Mentha 48 M. Carey 49 M. Pettingill 50 A . Tot s 52 N . Moresi 53 J . Pee l 54 B . Adamson 55 I . McCormick 56 M.Jones 58 J. Lu i 61 P. Campbell 62 L . Katt s 68 M . Meehan 70 Z . Anderson 72 B . Green 74 P. Westbrook 75 R .Turton 77 D . Nei l

Tl IE OPTDIISE G1101 1) PT} : CCD . Ph :9597 0166 vnvw. ham ptonrovers .co m .a u


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OLD PADRADiAN S Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff

PAR~KDA € VULTURES o Assist: Paul Dwyer



Res Coach : Bernie Carter

1 D. Zivanovic ~rgan _,ylor 1, 3 -' ~ ; a_trnan ons sire n ;.=rryman 1; ma n --,• ", iad

,-, L ;-i .: tan

2 A. Hughes

3 D. Dean 4 A. Curran (VC) 5 A. Paglia 6 R . Bux 7 M. Cosgriff (Res VC) 8 A. Sinclair ( C) 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 M . Joyce 12 B . Gallowa y 13 S . Rose

14 P. Pratt 15 N. Brundell 16 M . Godfrey

-:_ :1scin ', - ,nep ;i,-, : ,tr=n =rs tcerg




'y trce~~~

17 B. Ha rt 17 M . Mitchell 18 G . Porteous (VC) 18 M. Spinoso 19 A. Dean 20 S. Maher 21 D . Loney V C ( )

22 S . Fantone (Res VC) 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi (Res VC) 25 S . Rehlecki 26 D. Boundy (VC) 27 K . Jenkins 28 J . Kreuzer 29 A. Morrow 30 M . Ryan 30 D. McKay 31 N . Dallas 32 S. Corcoran

.• .,-,n 3




-- = --`--'




33 D . Clayton 35 S. Simpson (Res VC) 36 B . Dintinosante 37 A . DiFabio 40 W. Chambers 41 A . Elliot 42 R. Murray ( Res C) 44 M . Hyde 45 C. McKay 46 J . Martinelli 47 J. Sandy 48 A. Moore 49 M. Sykes 50 A. Tenson 55 J. Swindon 56 S . Graham

11 C . O'Meara

12 A. Baker 13 M. Ryan 14 C . Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan 18 S . Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 D. Kinsella 21 D. Kelly 22 B . Liddell 23 Matt Sullivan 24 T. Linthorn e 25 B. Richard s 26 D. Rochfor d 26 A. Rock 27 R . Layton

28 A. Castles 29 G . Crilley 30 P. Marin 31 J . Drury 32 B . Fogden 33 N . Wilkins 34 Matt . Wals h 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 39 S . Waters 40 D. Granger 41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 M. Kight 46 W. Wheatley 47 C . Rowland 48 Mick. Walsh 49 G. Allan 50 S . Scullin 51 A . Wood S . Win9rave 53 D. Noonan 54 M . McCraw 55 J . Thurgood 56 S. Wilson 57 R. Eisner 58 R. Haslemore

I B. Corrigan 2 T. Goodwin 3 R . Bannister 4 M. Elliott 5 AA. Baker 6 M. Naricarrow

7 S . Bannister 8 L. Hollow 9 C . Bannister 10 J . Vaina 11 J . Crotty 12 J Quinn 13 G . Russell 14 J . Fenton 15 A. McMahon 15 B. Owen

16 D . Clifton 17 D . Pirpinias 18 A. Moloney 19 M. La Corchia 20 J . Clarke 21 G. Henderson 22 D . Goodwin

23 D . Callegari 24 M . Faroldi 25 P. Edwards 26 B . Lewis 27 M . Bosanko 28 S . Goodwin 29 A. Forster-Knight 30 J. Sacco 31 L . Kuret 32 D . Weston 33 T. Gosetti

34 D . Castaldi 35 G. Tsinaris 36 B . Barron 37 A . McKay 38 M . Warren 39 J . Kruger 46 S . StePen 47 D. Goodwin 48 M . Nancarrow 50 S. Hallam 51 A. Glesson 53 M. Villani 54 J. Frazzetto 56 P. Dunne 57 C . Ferguson

59 T. Robinson 64 J . Ellender 77 K . Walker 87 S . Daniel

59 D. O'Keefe

60 M. O'Meara 61 T. Banks '"

. . .. .-~

Assistants : Mchael Riz o

Rob Paterson, Matt Fittolan i

Res Coach: Paul Martin

1 S. Rowley 2 S . Hecker 2 B . DarcY 3 M . Dixon 4 M . Hayes 5 A . White 6 C. Stephen s 7 C. Atkins 8 K. Little 9 M . Meyer 9 P. Emmett 10 T. Kight


in Coach: Anthon y Res Coach: Lachlan Beaton

62 D . Scerri 63 N . Leven

1 A . Costell o 2 T. Sheldo n 2 S . Chandler (Res ) 3 P. Geister 3 R. Hamilton (Res) 4 A. Evan s 5 E. Hardy 6 A. Bevacqu a 7 S. Pric e 8 C . Hayne s 9 p. Kempto n 10 W. Hann a 11 S. Watc h

12 A . Torney 13 A . Ross 13 C . Baulch (C18) 14 C . Price 15 B . Shaw 16 J . Lalich 17 T. Purcell 18 C. Groom 18 K . Prestidge (R) 19 M . Kempton 20 C. Sandifor d 21 J . Sibili a 22 C. McAssey 23 P. Barry 24 L . Marti n

24 V. Romijn (Res) 25 A. Katsaros 26 D . Batte n 27 M. Savige 28 D . Costell o 28 P. Otsuka (C18 ) 29 N . Poyne r 29 A . Steer (Res) 30 A . Jesse 31 B . Costell o 32 A . Camero n 33 M . Lindh 34 D. Barlow

35 C. Carroll 36 M . Prowse 37 J . Woods 38 J. King 39 M. Ablethorpe 40 N . Marti n 41 R . Gree n 42 A . Smith 43 C . Beaton 44 E . Rya n 45 R . Scarlett 46 A . Kell y 47 C . Barrett 48 T. Porter

50 A . Goonan 51 R. Wood 53 D. O'Keeffe 53

55 G . Thomso n 61 J . Black 65 J. Fuller 67 N . Goonan 70 J. Gree n 74 J. Dowsley 77 T. Brumby-Rundel l 81 W . Pascoe 83 P. Molloy 85 B . Weber 94 A . Powel l 97 L. Mari o 98 K . Begel y

64 X . Smit h 65 G. Wilson 66 A . Kerr

Proudly Sponsored b y


2005 Major Sponsor

T HE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 3053 17

David Calthorpe had a busy day on Saturday . Firstly he had to trek across town to coach Old Essendon in their Round 1 clash against Old Brighton at the Beach Oval . Then he quickly had to get on his bike and head to Telstra Dome for the Essendon v Geelong clash where he is Kevin Sheedy's runner. If that wasn't hard enough he had to fill both runners shoes as John Barnes was suspended by the AFL for coaching . There is some respite for David as the Bombers don't play until Anzac Day .




FTLOTG's curse continues this season . We gave Cameron Bruce a wrap last week and first tackle of the game against St Kilda sau him dislocate his AC joint that will keep hirr on the sidelines for up to 6 weeks . He mighi be able to see a few more MHSOB game ; while he recovers .

® t~


VAFA Executive Tom Brain had an enjoyablf luncheon at Old Camberwell followed by th( after match Mazenod celebrating Leal Gallagher's 350th game as an umpire Driving home he got pulled over by a boozi bus . Nervously he blew into the breathalyze and waited anxiously as the constable looke( at the results . "You're free to go Mr Brain . What was Tom doing with those Crowi Lagers - feeding the plants ?

Life Member Profile : John C . "Jack" Wilson (Ormond, VAFAUA & VAFA ) • VAFA Umpires' Association • VAFA Tribuna l

• Ormond AFC player 1948-50 • VAFA Umpire 1953-196 0 • Boundary Umpire Olympic Exhibition Match - 195 6 • Coach Ormond U 19's 1961-1965 • VAFA Tribunal Member 19800 0



0 0 0 The Westbourne Warriors were privilegei enough to have Ron Barassi speak to th club for well over an hour after their fine training session of the pre-season . Th VFL/AFL legend spoke very favourably abou the virtues of Amateur football as well as ho` he saw the club's progression in the future i : one of Melbourne's fastest growing suburb : An interesting comment made by the gree man was in reference what he believed wa the greatest team he had ever seen, to whic he responded the current Brisbane Lion squad . Not sure if he would like to reconside after last weekend's AFL results ?





Congratulations to Drew Fairchild (MHSOB) on his recent wedding to Danielle . In true VAFA spirit, Drew didn't wish to miss the Round 1 clash against Old Ivanhoe so they have decided to honeymoon on the bye weekend . Who knows what will happen if Drew makes one of the r e s p e c t i v e Representative Teams across the Queen's Birthday weekend .

0 ® 0 ,,ib :ill Victoria hold annually an awards t„uu"r to recognise achievements in R_- football . In February of this yea r Marcellin OC and University Blacks clubs were honoured . Marcellin O C ~,:, n ,In,, the inaugural FV Most Disciplined

Club Award, while the University Blacks were honoured for their achievement of being at Senior Premiers and Champions community football level . Pictured are Marcellin OC President Peter Gartner and University Blacks President Ray Wilson receiving their respective awards .




Norm Nugent VAFA Life Member and esteemed Club XVIII guru recently had a minor heart scare . Great to report that after a minor "tune-up" Norm is back to his fighting best, well done Norm - you can't keep a good man down .




Imagine the look of despair from the Glen Eira President Matt D'Zilva when he arrived at 8 .30am last Saturday to ensure everything was in readiness for the season opener . The rooms had been vandalised and a point post removed . But thanks to some hard work and assistance Matt had everything up and running by the start of the reserves, now that's FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME !




GC President Peter Gartner ( left) and University Blacks President Ray Wilson ( right) 19

Preparing for the lst fixture match of th e year is hard enough, but having you r rooms vandalised and posts uproote d during the night before that game, is Club's nightmare! Full marks to Glen Eira President Matt D'Zilva and his helpers for starting on time regardless! LAST WEEK Glen Eira went into their game against Old Carey with 17 players unavailable and, after an even Q l, the Carey youngsters took control and won comfortably . Carey's Chris Battle was a rock in defence, Nick Bull rucked strongly, and Al Parton was a busy forward . GE had sterling service from Tsirogiannis, Zagame & Massis . O rmond blitzed Aquinas at the Buxton Oval with a 9 goals to 1 Ql, then built on that to make a very auspicious season start . Dave Becket starred up forward as did the returning Liam Murphy, while Matty Martininov's screamer in Q2 set the Monds' fans ablaze . The Bloods' Lee Toomey did well in the middle in his first game since breaking a leg in 2004, lst gamer Sullivan showed skill on his wing, and 'Soccer' Con Tzoumenakis looked good on the other wing . Emmaus S t Leo's demolished Prahran in the 2nd half but weren't happy with their accuracy in Q4 . Prahran's Basil Cleary tells me the Animals were 'bloody quick', so they'll have a big impact in games ahead . D'Amelio & Buckle led a tight Animals' defence, with Don Dint & Ellis equally good the other end . Prahran liked the games from Matthew Harrison HBF, Mick Radownik R, and Damien Cromie, a flanker in his lst game .

--2Old Mentonians succumbed to a very switched on Yarra Valle y unit with th e latter's experience telling in the end! Kill was pleased with centre, Andy Stone' effort, plus Dan Lecordier and Ash Dre up the sharp end . The Panthers had to games from Elliott who marked ver strongly, Michael Basile F, and Trer Wiltshire also impressed in his lst matcl Bulleen Templestowe & Fitzroy Red turned on a fantastic game where hot teams played in surges and Red happened to be one point up when the g siren sounded . Reds' forward, Jacksor was plain brilliant, with HBF, Bennie, OB-er, Vinnie Cahill, also in great forn Wins to visitors at the Ted Ajani aren't a that common so the Reds should t pleased with their effort! The Bullant Tehan, Chivers & Stella seemed to t everywhere all day, and for a bloke wi t

CLUB ( 71 iAE LSTWG'iKi P Dl SECTION Ormond Fitzroy Reds Old Carey Emmaus S L Emmaus S L Old Mentonians DI RESERVE

Beckett Maghamez Parton Dinicolantonio Ellis Basile

Ormond Stewart 7 7 Prahran Gartland 6 6 Fitzroy Reds Capodiferro 6 6


,;t,i,r>osedly only one leg, Kenyan still kicks nli ' ht-\- fine goals! TODAY qui n as v Glen Eira will be close but I A the Bloods, at the College, to win b y ;315 .

prahran v Ormond should see the ,t),'(!dier Monds on top by 4 goals . I'an'a Valley v Emmaus S t Leo's is a 1, ,W, for both sides, but I think th e lilllal.s `old heads' should give them a ,% III by 2-3 goals .

Fitzroy Reds v Old Mentonians should TI

thc Reds' way by 6-7 goals, they've hit ~round running this year an d look )ci .

Old Carey v Bulleen-Temp should go to ,It, . tar I nore experienced visitors by abou t ;~ r,i(ialS .

Correspondents contacts: 9889 1979, & ,il li<~ke"'6CE-bigpond . com

D1 S ECTI®i•i Aquinas 0 C v Glen Eira Prahran v Ormon d ,rr n Valley 0 B v Emmaus St Leos 0 C F[]zr(j\-Reds v Old Mentonians - to be played at Punt Road Oval, Richmon d

')1f1 C'areyv Bulleen Templestowe E UR

Dl SECTION GLEN EIBA 2 .5 3 .8 3.9 5 .15 (45) 3.4 10 .9 17 .13 22.15 (147) OLD CAREY Glen Eira: Tsirogiamnis 2 Shetlard Sheedy Serpanchy. Best: Tsirogiamns Zagame Massis S Diamond Lundberg Pry'de. Old Carey: Parton 6 StewartHolmes 3 Evans 3 Thompson 2 Kent 2 T Angus C Angus Hall Battle Bowley Crasher. Best: N Bull Parton Gltzme Evans Battle Stewarl-Holmes . Umpires: Phil Callll Graeme Templar (F) Lachlan Simpson (G ) ORMOND 9 .6 13 .13 18.14 26.16 (172) AQUINAS OC 1 .0 2.2 5 .2 8.3(51) Ormond: Beckett 9 Martinov 3 B Deledio 3 Murphy 3 Jones 2 Banks Miller Byra L Deledio Cove RobbhLs . Best: Keleher Beckett Miller Robbins B Deledio L Deledio . Aquinas: Toomey 2 Hehne 2 Wooden 2 Box Hunt. Best : Toomey VoursoukLs A Williams Volombello Olarenshaw Brown . Umpires: Justin Lipson Vaughan Sidebottam (F) Trevor Foy Dan Frazier (G) 4 .6 9.9 15.13 20 .21 (141) EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C pRAIIIiAN 3.0 7.5 9 .7 ]0.9 (69) Emmaus SL: Dlnicolantonio 6 Ellis 6 P McGloin 2 Buckle Levins R McGloin Krebs Robin FVaters. Best: D'Amelio Buckle Votpi McKenzie Ellis Ronchi . Prahran : Ballard 3 Sleight 3 Stafford 2 Bevan Fox. Best : Harrison Fox Radvwonik Beven Cronmite Northway . Umpires : Eli Hayes Lionel Katz (F ) OLDMELZTONIANS 5.2 12 .5 13 .6 15.1100)) YARRA VALLEY O B 4.3 9.6 14.11 18.14 (122) Old Meat: Basile 6 Costello 3 Cochrane 2 Emerson Ironmonger Twentyman Vick. Best : Elliott Basile Fairbanks Twentyman Costello Wiltshire. Yams V. Le Cordier 5 A Drew 4 Keem 3 Rokickt 2 R Yee 2 Lear Laing. Best : Stone Le Carrier A Drew Rokicki R Drew Valoppi. Umpires: Anthony Damen Anthony Calderone (F) BULLEEN TEPriPLESTOWE 5 .4 9 .4 14.6 18 .9 (117) FITZROY REDS 3.4 8 .6 14 .8 18.10 (118) But Temp: D Matthews 5 Stella 3 Wise 2 Williams 2 Chtvers Tulloch Waters Schneider D Florence Horvath . Best: Tehan Chivers Stella Clarke Pietrvk Williams . Fitzroy Reds: Maghamez 8 Claud 2 Keleher 2 Diacagioreis 2 Gleeson 2 Mo)derhead Abbott . Best : Atherton Maghamez Green Marris Keleher Meighen. Umpires: David Longworth Brent Woodhead (F) Frank Palermo Glen Kennedy (B) Peter Maddocks Eddie Boat (G ) DI RESERVE GLEN EIRA 3.1 4.2 6 .3 6.6(42) OLD CAREY 4 .2 5.9 7.14 12 .18 (90) Glen Eira : Earle 2 Brown lli}as Fidogiarntis Clarke . Best: McGaw Clarke Fidogiamris Brown Turnbull Eade . Old Carey: Mason 5 Shrine 3 Ashworth 2 Niven Doytgett. Best: Bennett Adam Croft Vardy Connell Ashworth . ORMOND 5.6 12.7 18.13 22 .17 (149) AQUINAS OC 1 .0 2 .1 3.1 4.1(25) Ormond . Stewart 7 Cook 5 Tehennepe 4 Clinch Bridges 3. Best: Hope Skinner Hall . Aquinas : Boland 2 Hall Jetfrey . Best: Russell Stewart Mitsios Cromack M Te Heneppe Cook . EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 1 .3 3 .9 6.9 7 .11 (53) pRAHRAN 4.4 6 .5 8.8 11.10 (76) Emmaus SL: Ymer 2 Anderson Battv Hodder Lear McDermott. Best: Hodder Ymer Lear Contessotto McDermott Quirk . Prahrare Gartland 6 Aitken 2 Marriott 2 Sicluna . Best : Marriott Docherty Belcher Aitken Clough K Walford . OLD MENTONIANS 0.2 3.6 7 .8 8 .11 (59) YARRA VALLEY O B 3 .6 7 .11 9.12 12 .17 (89) Old Ment: Stroud 2 Johnson 2 Frances Hubbard T Millis Schloeffel . Best : D .Alexander C Palmer Frances Wilson Scloeffel Johnson . Yams V: Hancock 3 Britt 2 Peake 2 Pask Vowles Hale Laing Clarke . Best : Britt Russell Hancock Pask Peake Yeo Potte r 3.5(23) BULLEEN TEMPi.FSTOBJE 2 .1 2 .3 3 .3 Ft'IZROY REDS 3 .5 10.7 17.9 21 .10 (136) But Temp: Scarona Tsokas Verga. Best: J Matthews Theodrakakous A Parrs W Thompson Verga Gamias . Fitzroy Reds: Caporllferro 6 Tornese 5 Pace 3 Sheather 3 Dlbenedetto Nuttall Baillie Bare . Best: Pace Willingham Baillie Negebauer Dibenedetto Tornese .







Coach : Steven Bell Res Coach : Terry McEvoy

Coach : Steve Easton Res Coach : A Parris

Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan

1 L. Toomey 2 S . Tibb 3 J . Coglan ' 3 S . Edwards 5 M . Hunter 6 D. Minogue 7 C. Glennie 8 J. Jess (VC) 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 S. Cooper 12 A . Bethune 13 D . Den Braber (C) 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A . Lorkin 15 Adrian Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 B. Redwood 18 J. Hughes 18 T. Olarenshaw 19 G . Whitehead (VC) 20 D . Skinner 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 M . Visser 24 P. Harper 25 B. Volombello 26 J . Box 27 C . Quinn 28 B. Helme 29 J. Wilson 30 C . Colliver 31 G. Evans 33 C . Wooden 34 M . Tarulli 35 R. Chapman 36 P. Caskey 37 S. Leonard 38 B. Moran 39 S. Bethune 40 S. Haun 41 G . Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 J . Tapply 45 D. McCartan 46 T Vandersluis 47 Anthony Williams 48 R. Brown 49 M. Griffin 50 C . Crozie 53 D . Robinson 54 M. O'Halloran 55 L . Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 57 M. Harris 58 H. Tyssen 59 B. Cooper 60 L. Elliott 61 I . Dre w

I G. Chivers ( Capt) 2 M . Stella 3 L. Thompson (VC) 4 W. Thompson 5 M . Pietryk 6 A. Tehan (DVC) 7 P. Robertson 8 D . Glover 9 J . Matthews 10 J . Wise 11 C . Ince 12 A . Parris 13 D. Tulbch 14 A . Wilke 15 R. Ferguson 16 S. Smith 17 P. Voglis

1 1 i.aft2.8 r~ 2>1 Walsh 311 ux*Clec~ 3's.6erea=~o e. s Wene' 4 .8 WW s P D=qvgs s E T. 6 B . F~d 6 J&F" 7.ttr9xbM zt.Bp~ 8 N n,dw 8.J Marx 9 .T Qxr+s a.c PM teL'~ ~e.Wwd`w, 11 A~'~21Bme ~r . Mr0~` i2N 8 Gcen :a M zrw +3 S 8„awy 14.T CurRe 14M r~ M s~azn s.~ s~n I e DuAa :6 . G G~ ;,17 8 ~~ 17 a~.~ r8.g~ is ueav 19, u+ca.v~ae i9.ecuaa 20 T20 T 80ee. 21 C1 .: 21 . T c~.a 22 .S Ed .. 22.C $01=

18 R . Schneide r 19 L . Stott

20 T. Waters 21 P. Gannas 22 C . Cherbakof 23 D. Matthews 24 T Agosta 25 L. Norbury 26 S. Boyd 27 A. Clarke 28 P. Miles i 29 P. Tsokas 30 D . Florence 31 A . Bernicich 32 R . Williams 33 P. Florence 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 J. Frangos 38 A. Verga 39 D . Buccachio 40 G. Theodrakakous 41 R . Lea 42 A . Stavretis 43 D. Horvath 44 O . Hill 45 D. Rogers 46 A. Coulston 47 C . Morihoviti s 48 A. Morihovitis 49 B. Touri9ani s 50 I . Roxburgh 51 R . Toscano 52 M . Daskalou 57 A . Smith D. McMahon 60 M . Scarano 64 C. Tzalabiris

23 K 1'

. mtz 23.T.J~i:m

2a Lc= ~ 24.G.nWA n 2e D.i}~e 25 o Tmer 25 A. YW~ 26, N %rct' 27 J T~ 27 J &.W. 28 1Lh^ 28Mc°°-IN'I p v~ 29 .J~,,,~ ~ N E~ 8p ~ T~ 31 J Lay 3 :-ec~mce 32pTrW 32 . o owcm, a35 Dmry 33 n.r~'z~r 3: F3 Gr.V 34 TL. 35 J rOM. 65, P. Bury 26. M p-~ ;~ s r~~,y 3zun!~e 37.AORtR; ~K~^' 38 .M ~ ~~a ~ 40 8 t,_ 1 40 8Ad'= M Wq~ Gr-G °'- " ar~ az i n42 S NA. 43's :-- > 41 J-v-.9 44 4P~ 44 DEast <s J F- .= 45 J G1111~0 46T Pu~ 48, hVXm szRowu' <7'we~ 48 q_ C409M 48, w a.4. 49-J. e~ 49 J. uckkr ~ D. Rt~ so. F spt*ers sr .J .ea+s~ 66.T MaX-1 53s^ddCO e7, fl rxkftA 54 TW~i 70, M . ~ 55 M z- 7r .T.Leu s6.Jes,ne 7n .ac .aP~ w s7 .GBa ~. s .e'E" 8tJ .sa~~~ B& S~ 95.D.Falaqw

62 C. Lyng

1 S. Vamvakis 2 P. Khazaal 3 C . Massis 5 A . Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagame 7 D. Clarke 8 D. Lyons 9 A. Russo 10 M . Chandler 11 L. Pryde 12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 C . Grey 15 E . Stuchbery 16 N . Davis 17 R. Conroy 18 R. Oldham 19 A. Decries 20 A. Diamond 21 M . Watt 22 S. Emmett 23 T Deal 24 M. Embling 25 J .Fidogiannis 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R . Gilmore 28 L. Shellard 29 M . Scaife 31 M . Bell 32 D. Fossey 33 A. Sheedy 34 T. Turnbull 35 S. Hollo w 36 B. Zurek 37 P. Merrick 38 S. Lithgow, 39 A . Davies 40 M . Cosgrove 41 J . Devries 42 J .Serpanchy 43 M . Kennedy 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 S. Gange 47 B. Zwar 48 J . Haliwell 49 S . Hall 50 D . Eade 51 H . Hussies 52 SS . Miller 53 A. Iliyas 54 M . Vodstrcil 55 J. Lundberg 56 C . Hogan 57 P. Rohr 58 S. Patterson 61 J . Fulton 63 J . Evans

OLD MERTORIAR S Coach: Peter Russ o Res Coach : Jamie- Winduss I T. Mitvalsky 2 C. Twentyman (DVC ) 3 R. Bal l 4 B. Carroll 5 A. Kianto s 6 C . Alexande r 7 D . Emerson 8 G. Ferguson 9 D . Cochrane 10 T. Wiltshir e 11 A . Mort 12 C. Dwyer 13 B . Russo 14 M . Stroud 15 J. Costello (C) 16 C. Duncan 17 C . Gourlay 18 M. Basile (VC) 19 A. Palmer (DVC) 20 C . Palmer 21 J . O'Brien 22 B . Coghlan 23 A . Drinan 24 R. Ironmonger 25 B . Fairbanks 26 R. Schloeffel 27 G. Katris 28 D. Kitt o 29 A. Carter 30 D. Russo 31 M. Elliott 32 P. Wilson 33 B. Lane 34 P. Flaskis 35 E . Millis 36 D. Alexander (RUC) 37 M . Francis 38 T. Milli s 39 J. Vick 40 R. Alexande r 41 G . Pekali s 42 A. Noonan 43 G . Hubbard 44 L . Sunter 45 A . Erskin e 46 G. Smit h 47 J . Kelly 48 D. Stevens (RC ) 49 N. Fisher 50 K . Regan 51 A. Wilso n 52 M . Watts 53 R . Johnson 54 D . Goodbody 55 A. Donega n 56 S. Brady 57 S . Fairbanks 58 M . Lewis 60 W. Steabben 61 B . Saunders 62 C. Sinclair 63 G . Goris 64 M . Austin


63 A. Barri e 64 S. Voursoukis 67 C . Tzoumenakas 72 T Brook

S . Voursoukis S . Ozergi n

S . Jones


La a:


A . Hyland



Coach: Terry Walsh Res Coach: Anthony Stafford




~ 1 Section ORM ONO Matthews

Coach ; Dh° O'Dea Pes Coac : Pee ~ d~ pr p Beckett L ` Murphy _,,Jx Mart~~, 3, Arnold '' T Banks D. R_-ins 3LT0 _ r -~ ' ]a s ~ It =Y ~art

., ;

C_re D GGes % .. :. n 'r~ennepe _- ; F• -• ;° T ,. ~ ,- _ T N ;r,ey T ;-)-rd C -h r -- JC~~ ~ G2en ' "` -

G C~~-~


-"• '~ ~`~-~ ,-, _;ns

_• ~' ~^-""'ur~ :done ----°''' _ . , .. : ' : .,_nan


. zrity - -, e -v- - ack . ._ . -~.


Coach : Res Coach : Craigg Williams 1 C . Angus 2 D . Faelis 3 M . Angus 4 A . Simson 5 J. White 5 P. Konstantinidi s 6 C. Campbell 7 T. Evans 8 A . Stewart-Holmes 9 D. Shutie 9 B. Andrews (r) 10 K. Shrives 11 N. Everett 12 L . MacFarlane 13 G . Trumbull 14 M. Zander 15 N. Bull 16 T. Angus 17 A . Parton 18 D . Bowley 19 T. Wood 20 S . Bennett 21 0 . Smyth 22 C. Battle 23 H. Van Cuylenberg 24 P. Unkles 25 A. Thompson 26 A. Wood 27 N . Vasilopoulos 28 N . Sulman 29 C . Munro 29 J. Joslin 30 N . O'Brien 31 J . Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N. England 33 G . Spencer 34 K. Parke r 35 M . Watts 35 M. Vardy 36 D . Martini 37 C . Adam 38 L . McKinnon P. Bennett 40 S . Jackson 41 P. Niven 42 J . Ashworth 43 Y. Glynne 43 D. Joyce (r) 44 T. Rossignuolo 45 T. Bull 46 B. Barr 47 B. Crosher 48 S. Teve 49 S. Middleton 50 A. Kent 51 R . Hail 52 E. Halliday 53 R . Deuis 54 T. Zavelz 55 P. Busse 56 A . Boyd 57 T. Connell 58 H. Doggett 59 C. Mason 60 W. McConnell 61 B. Croft 62 C. Withington 64 C . Smith 65 D . Eisner



: afford Res Coach : LShauoCa pbell Coach Coach : TerryCYmer 1 B . Livingston 2 L. Stafford 3 D. Livingston 4 D . Crommie 5 H . Pitts 6 A. Donachie 7 T. Greening 8 I . Hunt 9 A. Bunnell 10 M . Mc Cudden 11 A . Pitts 12 C. Hall 13 L. Northway 14 L. Fox 15 J . Small 16 S . Campbell 17 M . Harrison 18 J . Matherson 19 S. Ramage 20 D . James 21 E.McDOnald 22 A. Sleight (C) 23 M. Windridg e 24 K . Plumme r 25 L. Aitken 26 B . Dempsey 27 W. Watford 28 K . Watford 29 P. Gartland 30 M . Radywonik 31 M .Mutqueeny 32 D. Ballard 33 W. Barber 34 R. Ak~ek 35 J. Bedford 36 G . Beven 37 C . Toole y 38 J . Kellow 39 T. McClure 40 R . Ferrero 41 J . Upton 42 B . Downing 43 S . Kennett 44 C. Holzer

1 P. Carse 2 J. Hodder (VC) 3 E. Mitchell 4 C . Phyland 5 S . Buckle 6 M . D'Amelio 7 A . Burgess 8 B . Bird 9 D. Lear 10 B . Ellis 11 M . Levins 12 T. McCann 13 A. Krebs 15 P. Carey 17 G . Bonnici 18 R . McCann 19 A. Kelly 20 A. Ballard 21 G . Simondson 22 P. Ristevski 23 T. Batty 24 D . Bruce 25 A . McKenzie (C) 26 A . Prosser 27 P. Levins 28 H. Giles 30 M . Ottobre 31 M. Contessotto 32D .Camm 33 L . McDermott 34 L . Virgo 35 J. Briggs 36 S . Bavage 37 S . Manton 38 N . Hodder 39 B . Vaughan 40 J . Gay 42 C.Landy 43 B. Levins 44 S. Murphy 45 S. Ronchi

45 M . Scicluna

46 A. Brown

46 B . Clough 47 J. Killeen 48 J. Vagg 49 I . Dennis 50 S. Conley 51 D. Cordy 52 C . Jone s 53 M. Shipley 54 S. O'Connorr 55 M . Vagg 56 A . Lachlan 57 N . Scicluna 58 M . Pinney 59 P. Ferriage 60 T. Sparrey 61 B. Campbell 62 N. Gill 63 R . Marriott 64 J. Belcher 65 B. Sodoma 66 N . Wallmeyer 67 S. Oliver

47 M. Mclnerny 48 A. Daly 50 A . Volpi 51 P. McGloin 52 R . McGloin 55 A . Free 56 T Morrison 59 A . Hickey 61 J-P Blandthorn 63 P. Nolan 64 D. Wood 67 P. Farquhar 69 S. Meshcer 70 D . McGloin 75 T. Ymer 76 G. Donovan 77 C . Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 88 S . Pitcher gg D. Wnduss

Orrong Hotel CUB Mercu ry Ste

• i. A


YARRA VALLE Y R s .aioach : J o


Frazie r

2 A . Mcleod 3 R . Thompso n 5 A . Drew Captai n 6 R. Drew 7 C. Beal 8 L. Morri s 9 J . Kee m 10 T. Hancoc k 11 T. Mclllraii h 12 D. Lecordie r 13 L . Gillie s 14 B. Nickolas 15 N . Pask 16 L . Taylor 17 A . Lain g 18 C . Bri h 19 J . Stron g 20 T. Hale 21 D. Stevenso n 22 B . Dre w 23 R. Yea 24 N. Lear 25 S. Seabourn e 26 J. Longwort h 27 S. Savag e 28 M . Rockicki 28 B. Reynolds 29 R . Coutt s 30 D . Fulle r 31 B. Vowles 32 R . Crawford 33 S . Fulle r 34 B . Seege r 35 B . Peake 36 S . Stoyan 37 D. Balshaw 38 C. Walker 39 D. Cordes 40 M . Wine s 42 A. Ston e 43 S. Yea 44 B. Whitechurc h 44 45 A. Wingat e 46 T. Oliver 48 R . Davi s 51 H . Clarke 52 A . Hartnett 53 S . Fyffe 54 S . Simpson 55 B. Telford 56 T. Lloyd 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Baruma 63 D . Whitechurch 64 S . Cleary 65 M . Norrish 66 A . Russel l 67 B . Glenni e 71 M . Laing 74 A. Middlin 76 G .Coutt s 78 N . Peters 82 D . Redfern 92 T. Peters


8.00- 10.00~~ Sterec .~7,: PA Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m For news, views and previews, tune t o The VA FA Footy Show presente d by Ken Petraecc速 with Norm Nugent & panel SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-1 0 .00a m

Then to LOCAL S PORTS ROUND-UP from 6 .30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p .m. every Saturda y U L UbL' -f-F1 V

3C速 = . ~ , ~@ a::SV

tl R I . DLtBG 0

T. __属VINS 0 :

EAS'TEI2N COMMUNITY BROADCASTER S "an tune w ith the outer east ' VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and new s of local VAFA teams between 6 .00-6 .15pan each Satu rday night .

VAFA segmen t

6.00pm 速 7 .00p .m . Saturday VAFA SUNDAY 9 .30 - 10.30 a .m . TUNE IN TO TOMMY BRAIN & STEVE McCARTHY WITH ALL THE VAFA NE WS This weeks guest : Andrew Tsindos (Old Camberwell President )




,;;o ;B 1 o

presented by Glen Scar'; orough with guests from St Kevins, St Be s (fi), Old Essendon (B), Old Paradians, Therry Penola, Uni Blacks ( C), LaTrobe Uni (D2) , West Brunswick, Ru wood (D3), North Brunswick (D4) . REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .30 p m Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .

The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and Johnathan Horn reviews the competition in Monday's Age

,~~ %,~j ~;,rth `~Te~~ ~wu~- - c~..y-

-,ooty Report 'a'

presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from St Kevins, St Bernards (A), Old Essendon (B), Old Paradians, Therry Penola, Uni Blacks (C), LaTrobe Uni (D2) , West Brunswick, Rupertswood (D3), North Brunswick (D4) . PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00pm Includes weekly chat on all matters UAFA .

Hugh Lyon I KNITWEAI2'

Peter Williamso n

Review It might be early in the season but newly promoted Oakleigh has shown it will be force to reckon with in 2005, crushing Peninsula by 89 points at Scammell Reserve . Two years ago it was the Krushers who were on the receiving end of such hidings and the Pirates who were dishing them out. Flag favourites Old Geelong won like a top side should, trouncing Williamstown by 59 points at Como Park, while newly promoted Rupertswood showed that it cannot be underestimated this season, walloping D2 mainstays Bentleigh by 71 points .

La Trobe continued its improvement under the tutelage of Glenn Taylor, defeating Ivanhoe Assumption, a finalist from last year, by 51 points . Salesi an put its horror 2004 behind them, overcoming a 14-point first-quarter deficit to outlast Swinburne by 21 points . The Collegians were far more desperate at the ball, their pressure forcing errors from the Razorbacks . But there were positives for Razorbacks coach Manny Debono with three-time club champion Mel Dell'Olio picking up from where he left off after a six-year stint in the Diamond Valley and defenders John Sheedy and Matthew Flack repelling many forward thrusts at half-back . PREVIE W Will iamstown CYMS host Rupertswood at Fearon Reserve . Rupo should have no problem with the skill and pace of D2 football, as they showed against Bentleigh, but may be susceptible to the more intense physical pressure over an 18 week season . CYs will hope to save face after being comfortably dealt with by Old Geelong, but I have the feeling it won't be forthcoming this week . Rupertswood to win . Peninsula OB welcome Old Geelong to Harry McDonald Oval . The OGs showed they weren't a one man band in front of goal, with 10 players registering a major, so it would be folly for the Pirates to put all their efforts solely into stopping Mark Vickers-Willis . In the end however I think Old Geelong will make it two in a row .

Oaldeigh make the journey to The Boulevard to take on Ivanhoe Assumption with the home


side keen on redemption after their loss on the wide open spaces of LaTrobe University. Signs bode well for the Krushers at this stage . By contrast, the Hoes will have some work to do if they wish to emulate their feat of reaching finals last year . Krushers for mine . The varsity battle between Swinburne and LaTrobe takes place at St. James Park . It will be a difficult adjustment for the Trobers to make, from the vast plains of their own ground to the tight squeeze that is St . James Park . Despite losing last week, the Razorbacks can take something positive from their encounter against Salesian, and that should stand them in good stead this week . Swinburne to win . Finally, Bentleigh and Salesian OC clash at Arthur Street. Chris Sharp and James Robertson continue to be prominent for the Demons and will need to be at the top of their game to give Bentleigh the best possible chance of victory . Salesian were involved in a scrappy contest last week and will hope for a more polished performance this time around . Hard to get a handle on, but I'll plump for Salesian in a thriller . Andrew Says : Williamstown 20 Old Geelong 10 Oakleigh 12 La Trobe 15 Bentleigh 13

CLUB D2 SECTION Oakleigh Rupertswood Oakleigh D2 RESERVE Rupertswood Old Geelong Oakleigh


LST t" : ; TOV1

Briges L Brennan Bromley

8 5 5

8 5 5

A Jordan Higgins Couttie

5 5 5

5 5 5


t. Correspondents one report received from round on e

th ,t,) ;s to Shane Lee at Swinburne), making it todthe week before . Could each ~, ~cliffienlt , t happene

please forward a brief report of the end's action and news of any upcoming ,tones and social events to me at 43,111otmail .com by 5pm Monday


MIL ESTONE S to Mark Canavan Salesian - congratulations . „tl reaching 250 games played this week

has been at the club since it's inception ) i)89, Mark along with his family Peter, %1,,t 7ot . Christina and Barb have bee n ,tendons contributors during the iiI),-vanic stages of the club . Mark has won scnior B& F's in 1990 and 2000 and ha s ,,,)x, ined the Seniors for 3 years during his l,l ;t\ing career at Salesian . One enduring i~tL about Mark's football is that he ha s i,i .,}?d all 250 games in the Seniors . Noted his strong marking ability and speed ir,,und the ground has seen Mark play most <,i its football between the Half Back and Hal f dlines . Mark is also handy around the making him a Coaches delight in ,,,,irds versatility and endurance . Mark has (hr upmostrespect of all players and officials it the club and we wish him all the best iml~tv . Well done Canna . Ivanhoe-Assumption - Like everything else t l i t comes from King Island, Sebastian 'Baz' Conley in all quality . The club congratules on playing his 100th game last k, ad . Baz was the first Assumption old to join the Hoes when the combine wa s

nil in 1999 . As such, he has been the i,r,uurl wearer of the No .1 guernsey . Baz has ;,h%~d mainly ressies footy, but has als o t a few dozen stints in the seniors as a ~ :~nl-ti ;orhing backman . His work ethic and to the club have been a great to all . Baz was named ressie s ~ . . ; i . .~ ~ tur the day on Saturday and lined up 1 v, mg. Like a good King Island cheese, 1u~, t gets better with age .



D2 SECTION 1,Villiamstown CYMS v Rupertswood Peninsula 0 B v Old Geelong I :)lihoe Assumption v Oakleigh 5%viuburne Uni v La Trobe Uni Bentleigh v Salesian 0 C TEU_`1 FOOTBALLER 2005

D2 SECTION RUPERTSWOOD 5 .5 10 .9 18 .12 23.14 (152) 5 .3 7.7 8.15 11 .15 (81) BENTLEIGH Ruperts : L Brennan 5 M Temnung 4 D Keenan 3 R Harry M Hewat D Burrows T West 2 N McGovern R Monzell J Ramsey . Best : D Burrows D McDonald D Collins D Keenan T West R Hatty. Bent: C Sharp 3 J Robertson 2 D Chapman S Sice S Holmesby J Vlahos S Francis G Prigg . Best : M Ferris L Tangos C McFadden S Sice L Holmesby S Holmesby . Umpires: Peter Angelis Anthony Simpson (F) Michael Jones Chris McKendrv (G) 17.19 (121) OLD GEELONG 9,8(621 WILLIAMSTOWR C'YMS Old Geel : Vickers-Willis 3 Casboult 3 W Paul 2 Kimpton 2 L Stevens 2 N Betts A Makin Parsons E Bayles H McCarthy . Best : Casboult Paul Fairbairn Makin White Munro . Will CYMS: L Thomas 2 S Wuchatsch D Tayior L O'Sullivan J Mourn D Grieve J Parish . Best : T Wheeler B Hynse J Hynse M Grossman D Lee S Phemister . Umpires: Greg Rowlings Matthew Good (F) Gary Clancy Hagen Cosgriff (G) 5.1 12 .5 20 .6 25.13 (163) OAKLEIGH PENINSULA O B 3 .2 5 .3 8A0 10 .14 (74) Oakieigh: Briggs 8 Bromley 5 N Wills 3 Earl 2 Edwards 2 A Kitts Mackenzie Perry Reynolds Rutter. Best: S Briggs Bromley Collins Rutter Stevenson Zula. Penins: Claringbold 3 Coghlan 2 Payze 2 Prendergast 2 Barron . Best: Powell Coghtan Claringbold . Umpires : Sean Brails(ord Paul Tuppen (F) Richard Keane Tristan Reith (G) LA TROBE UNI 3.5 7.8 13.9 17 .13 (115) IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 1 .3 3 .7 6 .10 9.10 (64) '. La Trobe: McMullan 4 Oakley 4 Dingle 2 Brooks 2 Benton Emall Farran t Ludeman Slater . Best: Ludeman Oakley Butler Farrant McKail Dingle . Iv Assn: Lee 3 O'Dwyer 2 Galloway 2 Nixon tsefo . Best : O'Neil Nixon Harris Rawley. Umpires: Jason Lane Nicholas Brown (F) Michael Lee David Jones (G) SALESIAN 1 .4 6.7 7.10 9 .11 (65) SWINBURNE UNI 2.3 3.3 4.5 6.80-4) Salesian: Nannes 3 Thain 2 Canavan 2 Ware Sutherland . Best : DeLaHaye Bomnci L Rose Bobetic Natures Tucker. Swin : H Higgins 3 Murchie 2 Dell'olio . Best: Flack Sheerly Dell'olio Jones M Higgins C Higgins . Umpires : Nick Feimessy Jonathan Kerr (F) Paul Whitehead Jim Exton (G ) D2 RESERV E RUPERTSWOOD 5 .5 12 .8 15 .13 21 .16 (142) 0.0 1 .0 1 .1 1 .3(9) BENTLEIGH Ruperts: A Jordan 5 J McCrann 3 C Certo . D Powell T Butson G Price S Clark 2 A Jansz T Plummer R Jaeger. Rupertswood : J'Plummer J McCrann R Jaeger T Butson A Walsh C Cerro . Ben tlelgh: S Ferris. Best : M Haves G McFarlane Richards Fishloch Padgham Chapman . 4.3 7.6 11 .9 16 .11 (107) OLD GEELONG 0.0 0 .2 1 .3 1 .501) WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Old Geel: Higgins 5 C O'Brien 3 Kemp 3 Taylor 2 Avery S O'Brien T Bayles . Best: C Teague Ellis Higgins D Youl c 0'Brien S O'Brien . Will (,'YMS: Burgess . Best: Williams Digrazia M Elias Buttigieg Hinsley Jorv . OAKLEIGH 8.2 9.5 9.8 11.11 (77) PENINSULA 0 B 2 .1 7.3 9.6 14 .9 (93) Oakleigh: Couttie 5 Dalton 2 Ryan . Best: J Briggs R Holden Dalton Connellan Conine Redford . Penins: Gotdthorp 4 Saudi 3 Can 2 McKinstry 2 Day Ferguson Pearce . Best : Goldthorp Smith Pearce . LA'rROBE UNI 1 .2 2.5 9 .6 11 .10 (76) IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 1 .0 2 .2 3 .5 6 .5(41) La Trobe : Paech 2 Redmond 2 Davis 2 Lanier Borrelli Ritchie Spring Watson. Best: Paech Davis Bridges Samson Robertson McArdle . Ivan Assn: Joyce Barbagello Graeme Shuttleworth Pve Valkatus . Best: Wilson McFarlane Cole Graeme Mazocca Conley . 1 .1 2.1 3 .6 5 .6(36) SALESIAN SWINBURNE UNI 2 .3 6.9 7.16 12 .18 (90) Salesian: Loughnan Ngo Henry Hanton VanSut•len- Best : Hanton '. VanSuy9en Rose Riley Loughnan S Stevens. Swln: Christon 4 Gordon 2 Berry Dinning Carter Goode McKenzie Eley. Best : Chung Christen Pullen Gordon Fitzgibbon Berry . 27

100 Coach: Justin Paul Asst Coach: Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall 1 2 3 4 5 6

C. Sharp J. Paul A. Pittito S. Side J. Robertson R . Dolman

7 S. Holmesb Y

8 C . McFadden 9 L . Tangas 10 J . Vlahos 11 D . Martin 12 T. Wright 13 5 . Craven 15 B . McClelland 16 D . Chapman 17 S . Francis 18 S .Adaway 19 M . Wilson 20 R . Fishkoc k 21 A . Ferris 22 A . Smith 23 G . McFarlane 25 D. Gold 26 B . Padgham 27 J . Seeley

Coach: Anthony McKay Asst Coach : Doni Valkanis Res Coach : Richard Peoples 1 S . Conley 2 M . Maud 3 P.Harris 4 T. O'Neill 5 J . Scoble 6 E . Healy 7 P. Fawley 8 J . Shuttleworih 9 R. Peoples 10 P. Lee 11 D. Valkanis 12 B .Gallowa

Coach : Glenn Taylor Asst San Coaches: David Huffer & Bob Ellis Res Coach: Bob Ellis Club XVIII Coach: Cam Black 4 H. Davies 5 S. Adamthwaite 6 D. Gleeson 7 T. Mannes 8 C . Correnti 10 M. Forrest 13 T. Ludeman 14 D . Butter 15 S. Brooks 16 P. Farrant 18 C . Blight 19 A. Benton 20 A. Coulter 21 M. Harvey 22 D . McMeekin 23 M . Cossar 24 L . Envall 26 M . Dingle 27 S . Pruscino 31 A . Mambwe 32 S . Gibson 34 H . Spring 35 F. Tiernan 36 T. Mawdsley 39 R. Slater 40 S . Murphy 42 D. Robson 44 D. Kerr son 45 D. McMeekin 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 55 C . Fehring 70 J. Dumaresq 73 J. Sewell 78 J. Clark

Coach: Pat McKenna Res Coach : Mark Ryan Asst Coach : Shane Kitts 1 A . Murrayy 3 D. Mackenzie 4 G. Herry 5 C. Kokkinos 6 M . Jordan 7 M . Short 8 S . Earl 9 C. Hogan 11 J . Rutter 12 D. Purnell 13 D. Britt 14 J . Nevezie 15 G . Redford


Coach : Michael Lcekman Res Coach : TBA Asst Coach : Matt Edmonds 1 M . Goldsworthy 2 N. Casboult 3 M . White 4 C. Stmchcombe

5 M . Vickers-Willi s 6 J. Bell 7 J. Pau l 8 G. Allen 9 D. Kimpto n

10 M . Avery tt L. Stevens 12 T. Paul 13 T.Cannon 14 D. Taylo r 15 H. McCarthy

29 A. Clough 30 A. Lee 31 A. Banks 32 D. Kopitschinski 33 P. Withington 35 P. Hutchison 36 M. Ferns

Y 13 B .McCrohan 14 D.Nedson 15 G .Boyd 16 M .Joyce 17 TNixon 18 A.Boyd 19 D . Wood 20 N . Pye 21 N . Blainey 22 A. Height 23 L .Cole 24 B. Frew 25 J. Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 B .Watthers 28 S .Graham 29 J . Cropper 30 T. Mehmet 31 D .McFarlane 32 J . Iosefo 33 S .Hicks

37 L . Holmesb Y

34 C.Trea9e r

38 B. Fox 39 G . Prigg 40 A. Steward 42 A. Mikkelsen 42aM.Hayes 44 R . Punter

35 P.Veitch 36 C.Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 N.Haddon 39 M . Ebbage allo 40 J .Barbgg

45 S . Ferris

41 C. McDonald

N . Dunne

44 N . Wills

54 R. Hughes

48 R . McEvoy 49 C . Kamus 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 53 E . Box 54 R .Oldfield 55 G. Richards 56 C. Aitken 57 D. Clarke 60 B . Grant 61 H. McKenzie 64 M .Hayes

42 K. O'Dwyer 43 A. Shemshedin 44 M.Shephard 45 R .Fort 46 P.Martin 47 TPeggie

45 E. Videky 46 R . Holden

55 C. Atkins 56 M . Leslie

47 M. Stevenson

58 J. McCarthy 59 R . Kilpatrick 60 B. MaClea n 62 T. Allen 63 D . Ardlle

49 A.Rosenfeld 50 R . String 51 D . Pearce 52 M .Wilson 53 M . Chazan

D . Fennell M . Garret K . Hickman S . Jackson C. Knee P. Lias A . Mann S . Miller G . Nelson X. O'Donnell L. Ryan L. Heathcote

54 J .Skirving

C . Francis

55 S .Carter 57 M . Frannich 58 D . Hager 59 C . Mclnney 60 J . Nemtses 78 C. Brow n

S. Gloury S. Moore S. Pitaro J. Waterman B. Laidlaw D . Hill J. R otell a C . Sage A . Paech B . Hider

28 M .McCuiloch{ C}

48 R . T o¢d 0~9

C . Clamp T. Cohen

21 L . Teague 22 T. Bayle s 23 C. Fairbairn 24 S. Lansdel 25 . W o n lC W. Pa u 29 S. O'Brien 30 0 . Youl 31 A. Munro 32 T. Ayertre 33 E. Bayles 34 S. Maki n 35 M. Verg e 36 T. Makin 37 T. Waters 38 L. Smit h 39 J . Kilpatrick 40 L. Teagu e 41 S . Ross 42 C. Legoe 43 R . Parson s 44 J. O'Hare 45 H. Legoe 46 J. Morley 47 J. Cole 48 R. Herd 51 A. HPains k gg 53 A,Hoskmg

M . McDonald

B o r n Holden

16 T. Fallav+ 17 T. Betts 18 J. Malpas 19 N. Betts

16 M . Sell 17 D. Perry 18 J. Connellan 19 R . Keatingg 20 J. Halpin 21 A. Perdikornatis 22 D . Wills 23 J. Kerley 24 S. Kitts 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitts 27 D . Zula 28 A . Khodr 29 K . Holden 30 P. Hoiden 31 T. Bromley 32 P. Lucas 33 S . Bando 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske 36 M . Ryan 37 S . Briggs 38 S . Cammiss 40 J . Briggs 41 S. Way 42 S. Dalton 43 A. Hinton

48 J . Reynolds 49 S. Collins 50 C . Lamb 52 C . Cooke 56 B . King 57 D . Nagel 59 T. Orchard 63 M . Couflie

J. Legoe

57 B.Symon s

64 J. Atkins

65 R . Bel l 66 H . Burgess 67 J . Burnell 68 B. Church 69 A. Southey

70 W. de Fegley 71 R . Ellis 72 H . England 73 H . Foletta 75 T 76 M Har Hayes Y 77 S . Monagha n 78 L. Morriso n 79 N. Robinso n 80 C. O'Brie n 81 G . Ritchie

82 T. Smith 83 R. Steven s 84 S. Tresise 85 M. Vasey 86 J. White 88 J.Hatvke r 87 J.Imhofi 89 P. Klooster 90 E. Jefferey


SI ,,,, uan Sill ch : Neil Franks S. Parson s A. Persons p 3 N4, Gc!dthor k E, Bowen 5 N. Kent 3 M . Warner z S. Murray 3 R . Stainforth T Cog hlan Haley Lethbridge S . Ferguson S Davis 4V~째~1 , - . in in , .. .,nsiry dergast )n in nn2y ( VC) r _ :-rgast Rowe .._ ,,Y ze (CAPT) att er~an L .,. L

er t eman .t

. --" , cEd " .

_, . . . . gast `s nan

''- -


Coach: Peter Turley Res Coach : Jon Brennan 1 A . Stevens 2 A . Than 3 S . Su therland 4 A. Healey 5 M . Canavan 6 M. Loughnan 7 M. Ware 8 S. Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. Oldfield 11 A. Davey 12 L . Rose 13 I. Robotic 14 P. Evans 15 C . Rose 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D. Ba Barry r 19 T. Fairbairn 20 A . Seeger 21 A. Bonnici 22 S. Downey 23 P. Hanlon 24 E. Hanapy 25 J. Rogers 26 J. Nannes 27 E. Mallard 28 D . Allen 29 P. Delahaye 30 A . Brett 31 L. Seville 32 G. Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 C. Goulden 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 B. Chalmers 38 K. Woodman 39 G . Tucker 40 S. Trakas 41 M . Smyth 42 T. Henson 43 M. Van SuY len 44 P. McClaren 45 C . Savage 46 S. Greely 47 I. Rozankovic 48 A. Simon 49 M. Oakley 50 J . Oakley 51 S . Stevens 52 J . Logan 53 P. Allen 54 S . Brown 55 J . Ngo 56 C. Ryan 57 M . Smith 58 M . Ferwerda 59 Mick Forbes 60 P. Forbes


ach : i Lie no Res C oach : 7a n a Ni~ shi ata }

1 L. Watts 2 J. Sheedy 3 J. 4 A. Fidler 5 J. Demarte 6 D. Harmer 7 JJ. Murch e 8 M. Higgins 9 L . Morrison 10 M. Anastassi 11 D . Milano 13 K . Barbary 14 R . Goode 15 H . SuGer 16 C. Walsh 17 J . Roberts 18 A . Fiuman i 19 B . O'Mara 20 D. W~99 21 S . Fr2giacomo 22 C. Thomas 24 C. Higgins 25 M . Whiting 26 T. Liston 27 R. Kiss 28 J . Ryan 29 J. Gordon 30 J . Dunsford 32 P. Beynon 33 S. Christov 34 A. Fricke 36 J . Ca rt er 37 D . Barbera 38 M. Tricky 39 R . Roberts 40 J . Coy 41 S . Ryan 42 D. MacFarlane 43 J. Andrinopolous 44 M . Ryan 45 B. White 46 J. Sandhu 47 T. Morris 48 D. Little 49 M . Hudgson 50 M. George 51 M. Pearson 52 N . Lane 53 M. Paul 54 M. Eley 55 M. Dinning 56 D . Smith 57 C .0'Keeffe 58 M . Flack 59 C . Galley 60 P. Jones 61 B . Robertson 62 B . Gortine 63 M . Roebuck 64 J.0'Keeffe 65 A. Teal 66 C. Dent 67 D. Beynon 68 L. Serakowski

Proudly sponsored by : ~ ~ ~ 째~ Resraurarrr & Bar i Q O ' t ' ~U.TEr~4QDS


Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn 981$ 4991

Coach: Dens Res Coach : Damienl Hynes 1 T. Wheeler 2 P. James 2(R ) J . Di Gr az ia D . Wouda 3 4 S . Wuchatsc h 5 D . Elia s 6 D . Greive 7 L. O'Sullivan 8 L. Rya n J . Munro 9 10 B . Cocks 11 C. McCrake n 12 S . McGuiness 13 M . Grossma n 14 J . Street 15 D . Taylor 16 S. Phemiste r 17 R . Hart 18 D . Oldham 19 S. Barlow 20 L . Cooper 21 M . Welsh 22 S . King 23 C . McNamara 24 C . Poch 25 ( r) G . Burges s 25 L. Thomas 26 D. Le e 27 B . Gran t 28 A . Kosmato s 29 B . Gri ff en 30 K . Dowse y 31 J . Hyne s 32 T. Hyne s 33 T. Boz 34 L. Henry 35 C . Bergin 36 F. Henry 37 B. Hynes 38 M. Elias 39 T. Carte r 40 P. Thompso n 41 A . McKensi e 42 B .. Hinsley 43 P. Azzapardi 44 M. Mannin g 45 J . Buttigeig 46 G. Singleton 47 B . Robinson 48 B . Gray 49 F. Diblasi 50 B. McKay 51 S . Mandan 52 D. Pau l 53 A. Lewis 54 L . Keatin g 55 R. Nisbett 56 Z. Milken_Iauri e 57 D. Jo ry 58 S. Vnning 59 T. Manning 60 S. Hall 61 S. Adams 62 C . Hoillan d 63 M. Holland 64 D .O'Keeffe 65 D . Wilfre d

66 B . Koc h Proudly sponsored by : KENNED Y PLUMBIN G SERVICES 939 7. 1955

n~ a . ~


Kennedy Plumbing Service s Commercial, industrial and domestic Plumbin g 2-4 Southey Street Williamstown

A Word from the President . . . We are a-eased tu'.veEc:,r:-e as our s ;crzsors to our first funictar for the 2r,,()5 season '

AMERICAN ~~~~~~~S TRA®'fl•:E

,..,•..~:, wu.,x~.a,.~ , •+aeroi

The GY's roi€: be playing home cames t:^. ; year at Bryan Martin Oval in Nv'Hport,';uG" to inc renovations p i3r ;('.GC at Fe'iarof3 Reserve, 1VhiCfi'ias been, our name for i . y'earfi . W e are aisC P:Oast` 0 to +.wlCori:e Be`lee f.>rttana, Mayor of Hobson Bay . Peter Hemphill a^^; Angela. A:tair . f;ourtc:'.G-s of Hobson Say, Life members of tno :0.ri1i. arr:stoH•^ CYh4S and our guest s;;eaker Lt%i Hanna, Carl :orr premler ;nip -ayer. A fan :astiL effort by Peer Sadler and Scott !+vu : hatsch to secure several nev, s ;;cnsors incivding our ^svi prerr.ier sponsor In Kar.^eciy PIumbnq Serr:ces, as was as Parer Sader Transport, American Express Travel . Anteo Tai Lifts and irti zyrre Sweeny Real Estate who along with ras: year's major 8pv- r, The Stag's Head Hates have formed our :nafcr sponsors group . Our ilst o£ club 30 :.por..s*rs . many o5 which are new to Vie CY s, are fisted belosr.'s'le took £arrrard to a :o?9g a :^.d successful reiat :Gnship and we encourage all players . supponers and sponsors to sc ;j;c >o fler sponsor list when seasoh=ng for specialist services in :h~:1hr=: :ivnsta:m area. Our on f :eld stocks are bight as we our hopes for the 2 00 5 season, Deno Macleod and hs band of assistants have eeoC+~e<.' tirelessly though £he ,rreseasan and we look 4on.:ard to sFe :nq the °r;aii :;cf their labour tGday. We are now in o ur third ; ear of alliance with the Williamstown jul :or football club running an iirider 't$ sloe in the 6YkF> . . We are proud ft: the hard work of Tar.y Ryan, Nick Grant and G recr Cr:tch ;•~ f`rorn the jur: ors is now payi^g tsivi-jer.ds. There are live forrner ;t:ttier players in the senior ream tecc3y. This is the feeder the club has yearned for over the past decade . Trre committee has vvorkeo hard over the ore season to ensure our clut.: w :t h :ts

proud traditions :hr;ve, rot only for the season h ;:; :n futueo pars as wpll . Enjoy today and go CY's! Jenny Koseai<, President .








I ~~1


~ ~~ , - ~ s I~' __,_ . ~ ~lV ~S AT ~, -------------------------------, ---------------------------------------------------------------------




(ST. JOHNS OC) (NORTH BRUNSWICK) ---------------------- _-----------------------

~ Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . ~ Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ~ 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .

Phone : 13 15 5 2 24 Hour Emergency 0418 333 11 8





CADBURY FACE in the CROWD - The Cadbury Winning Grin If you are the peson circled, present this photo at VAFA Reception during next wee k

and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hampe n


Round 2 was heralded by Phil Stevens' announcement that there was an umpiring crises with drastically low numbers of umpires available for appointment. Former top VAFA umpire, Richard Simon, was appointed to promote the recruitment and development of VAFA umpiring . An important aspect of his role was to retain umpires as well as recruit them . Only one close game in A Section as St Kevins recovered from a poor third term to hold off St Bernards and win by a solitary point, 17 .11 to 16 .16 . Robin Bowles, back from a knee reconstruction, booted 5 goals and was SKOBS' best . He was supported by Richardson, O'Keefe, Kavanagh, Fraser and" Sadler . St Bernards' best were McKeown (7), Merrington, D Byrne, Perrett, Jordon and Joe Mount . In B Section North Old Boys were far too good for Old Haileybury, 26 .13 to 9 .I4, with Nulty, Connoly, Saad, Collison, Boyd and Barker (6) their best . Forsythe, Hassett, Ash, Hilton, Lappage (3), Jenke and Carson battled hard for Haileybury . B Section coaches were - Tim Hart (Collegians), Paul Cooper (De La Salle), David Murray (Mazenod), Frank Dunell (NOBS), Dale Tapping (Old Brighton), Mick Dwyer (Old Haileybury), Sven Samild (Old Mentonians), Peter Bedford (Old Parade), Steve Grace (Ormond) and Des Meagher (Whitefriars) . A really good "district" contest at Ivanhoe Park in C Section when Ivanhoe /Assumption hosted Bulleen Templestowe . BT held the advantage all day, despite the efforts of the Ivanhoe boys and although only 9 points up at the last change, had enough of the ball in the last to run out winners, 19 .21 to 17 .15 . Best players : Young, C Parris (4), Tulloch (3), 34

Glover, Jones (3), M a t t h e w s (Bulleen /Temp) and J Pace (5), Rawley (3), A Pace, Sartori, B Finlayson, Doherty (Ivanhoe/Assumption) . Closest game in D Section was the win to Old Essendon over Caulfield Grammarians, 15 .11 to 14 .12 . Essendon's third quarter was the telling period and their best were Fleming, Di Blasi, Leask, McPherson, Salib and Jason Fincher (6) . For Caulfield Royals, Brohier, Harrison, Will, Synman and Widjaja were the better performers. Elsternwick were in second place in D3 Section after convincingly defeating Monash Gryphons, 19 .21 to 14 .6, on the "tray bit" at the back of headquarters . The Wicks overcame a first half deficit ane their better players were B Mahoney Whelan, Bravington, Mussared (6) Wigmore and Missaglia . The Gryphons best were Gross, Blandford, R Coxhead, I Coxhead, Watson and Leeton . In Section D4 Syndal Tally Ho hostei Bulleen Cobras and the visitors won b only 2 points, 12 .13 to 12 .11 . The Cobra best ; D Trinchi, Cook, Gencarelli (4), r D'Angelo, Orwin, P Dall'Oglio . S/Tl named Kennedy, G Kemper, Dix, Murra, S MacFarlane (3), Bingha m i!C%,a~~ ✓ V 1J! = -

_i .

Uni Blues were very happy with their point win over De La Salle but the scril recorded "it would have been highw< robbery" if the De's had snatched a victor The Blues had been the better side all d and Adam Lennen's 4 goals were critical the victory in a low scoring game (8 .15 8 .10) . With De La always in with a chan it was Aaron Davis and Richard Fur p



,,-I , a continually stepped it up for Uni ; they ,Vcre great on the day . Tim Jess and the ,,rer reliable Pat Mannix were strong for De I .t •

In D Section Hampton Rovers made it two ()II, of two and gained an early advantage ,clti their percentage . In this round they r,,Isdy accounted for Uni Blacks, 12 .15 to 3 .12 and the prevailing weather conditions tucant the game, if played in the Uni ,«-imming pool, could not have been much n-orse . Chris Scarlett dominated the ruck for the Rovers and Luxmore, McKellar a nd 1,~~ Grand supported him at ground level . t;ni's best were Quilty, Beaton, Darrac h

and M Majerczak were best in the talented Fawkner line-up . For the 'Wells Trist, Kerkvliet, Hobson, Schwab, Beal and Lane all gave a good account of themselves but the final score of 22 .20 to 10 .10 declared that Faw kner could be the early favourites .

In C Section Old Brighton's good start to the season in round one was overshadowed by their second round defeat at the hands of Old Melburnians 22 .10 to 13 .18 . The OM's kicked accurately and scored 12 goals to 3 in the second half . Urquhart (9), K Thomas, K McMullen, Topp, Rogers and Mumme were ind Ramsdale . best for OM's and for Old Brighton Holmes, Rosengarten, Currie, Levvey, Hamilton (3) and Jones . e Scotch stormed hom Old III A Section ainst North Old Boys to win by 69 points B Section coaches, seniors and (reserves), were - Caulfield Grammarians ; Frank 37 .14 to 15 .17 . Scotch had slammed on 11 Goode (John Wilson), Collegians ; Ross oals to 3 in the second half and their best , %rcre Fewster, Sherwan and Thompson, all Oakley (Bruce Ferguson) ; De La Salle ; Bernie Sheehy (Leo Manning), Ivanhoe ; % cith 4 goals and Dave Bedford's return from overseas was welcomed . John Moir in Bill McWhinnie (Bob Edmonds), Kew ; John the ruck and Andy Smith also performed Fisher (Ken Blay), Marcellin ; Ray Walsh ; John Dunshea %rn- robustly . Paul Considine was best for (Gavin White), Old Carey ; John (Morrie Hedger), Old Haileyburians N OBS but was supported in the main by ; Masters (John Augustine), Old Scotch John Dore and Jerome Griffin . 'I he closest result in B Section was the 8 Bryan Steele (Peter Clarke), University pc,int win by Parkside over Uni Blacks, Blues ; Alan Salter (Bruno Scarcella) . Some 12 .18 to 12 .10 . Never much more than a eminent names in the reserves list, no less ,1,oal the difference throughout the game than 3 who had been or went on to become hut the "Red Devils" were very pleased to A Section senior premiership coaches ! n:.Y :4 :t/:~e or~ i I, ( . sitUng on top at this early stage of the - ;ison . Best players were Coleman, G In A Section Old Paradians were down by Sii~ w, Whitfield, Ware, Rowe and King 2 goals against Commonwealth Bank at i1)~,rkside) and Wines, Garde, Alexander, the main break but in the second half (~ihney, Keilor and Doyle (Uni Blacks) . Old turned on a powerful display and finished X~t%-crian supporters were interested to 13 .12 to the Bank's 8 .7 . It was a n-n e that three of their "flock" would be devastating third term by Parade with 7 l ; , v figures in B Section ; their last year's goals in 16 minutes and P Mount and ((r10-11 Gerard Shelly was coaching Old 1' :iradians, Phil Callil had been cleared to Weyman each finished with 5 goals for the ('atilCield Grammarians and Andy Quinn victors . Jones, Pivetta, P Booth and Parker were also strong in the winning team . Tony v ; s President at Old Brighton . III C Section Fawkner had no problem Borrack was his usual determined self for (1(• ;t1iIiy with Old Camberwell at Fawkner . Bank and was aided mainly by Radford, H-irst . Korp (9), Young, Burke, Tymms Dick, McQueen, Cleary and Rowley . r:






Review Kew were 12 men down from their 2004 Grand Final side, but they really took it up to a solid Werribee side . Kew kept up with their hosts early, however, the Bees kicked away to a deserving 41 point win . It was a closely fought tussle between the students an d Syndal and the match could have gone either way late in the match with the lead changing several times . While Bingham ran hard to the end for Syndal, it was UHS's experienced players who shone with Gorringe, and Wozza Smith seeing their side home by 11 points . The Warriors kept their 19 match winning streak in tact getting the jump on the Gryphons early in the match thanks to some great work from their skipper "Platters" . The Gryphons did fight back though, kicking the first six goals of the second half to give the Warriors a scare .

The Westies had to overcome a defensive Power House side to christen their new nest with a win. Their returning players such as Rudd starred and combined with newcomer Irving to outclass their opponents and win by 57 points . The shock of the round happened at Sportscover Arena where the Swans were pulverised by a rampant St .Johns . With seven first gainers and only three players over the age of thirty, the JOCS helped themselves to 42 shots at goal to destroy their hosts . Preview St Johns v West Brunswick

This has already being dubbed the match of the season as the two premiership favorite's fight it out for early season bragging rights . With a crushing win last week, it is undoubtedly the young St . Johns side that will go in as favorites. In what I believe will be a tough and physical encounter, I am going with St . Johns to stay on top of the table with a 21 point win .


Monash G ryphons v South Ivleib Dist Monash took a little

while to find their feet last week and will be hoping for a better start today . The Swans on the other hand, will be hoping that last weekend was an aberration, and toda-,= s match will let us all see whether it was . For my tip, I expect Malone to carry on with his blistering form from last week as the Gryphons register their first win for the year by 20 points . Syndal Tally Ho v Old Westbourn e The Warriors travel to rekindle an old rivalry at Syndal Tally Ho where the last meeting was a 20 goal drubbing for the visitors . However, it is a different Westbourne side taking the field these days, and a win today will continue the club record 20 game winning streak rolling . With the Hudson boys running amok, this is a chance. Today however I am expecting the Tally Ho lads through Richardson and Mackenzie to put an end to the injury ravaged Warriors run by 9 points.

CLUB D3 SECTION St Johns OC Peake 7 7 St Johns OC McEachern 5 5 Old Westbourne J Horsburgh 5 5 Monash Gryphons Malone 5 5 tVerribee Black 5 5 Kew McDermott 5 5 Kew Vecchio 5 5

D3 RESERVE UHS VU South Melbourne Powerhouse UHS VU

Forbes S King P Cooper Zulicki


v tT NS-V U new look Browns have their work cut today facing off against a young it,dent team full of run . I would not expect Oc3 star forward Tate's wayward kicking continue today, and therefore it could be long day for the Kew defence . For m y I think it will be two from two for UHS 1hev get a valuable away win by 27 ~~nitlts . power iIouse v Werrib e e

lli~, match promises to be one of the most (, ,~,ly fought matches of the round . The rj ;P)ling ability of Werribee has been ;uw>tioned by some D3 pundits and today ,, ill b (z a good indicator of this theory . Th e ;cur House play a defensive brand of -,tball, and while it is not pretty, I believe ,: ~I1 be effective against the young Werribee '11lc as they open their account with a 5 ,,,tnt t:in .

social al is holding their our Past Player s ,- this Saturday which will be followed b y clubs Player Auction commencing at ri Lif the clubrooms . COrrf;S p_ ori de Z1t S

get your reports t o .flowere-spotless .com .au by no late r midday on Monday .

D3 SECTIO N WEST sRUNSF'IFCK 5.2 8 .5 12 .8 18 11 (119) 98(62) POWERHOUSE 2 .1 5 .3 7.6 West Bruns: D Rudd 4 Sudhotz 3 Menage 3 Irving 2 Edwards West P Hamilton Hart S. Benjamin Jelbart. Best : Irving Jelbart D . Rudd Hart Pietsch Z . Rudd . Poiaer•. D'hitino 3 White 2 Benson Taylor Spence Verberne. Best: Bishop Taylor Turner S West Spence Hill. Umpires: Mick Glday Michael Forde (F ) STH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS 1 .0 2.3 4.7 4 .8(32) ST JOHNS OC 5.5 15.11 19 .14 25.17 (167) Sth Meth Dist : Brown Grunion Joske McDonald. Best: Moojen Mahoney Cronan Aquilino Brown Margiamus . St Johns : Peake 7 McEachern 5 Nelson 3 Phaedonos 3 Chalh 2 Diaz 2 . Best : Pickering Peake Arnold Chalk Nelson O'Connor . Ump3res: Shane McNamara Robert O'Gorman, (F) Andrea Mason James Gregory (B) Anthony Kvrkou Rob Seymour (G) OLD WESTBOURNE 6 .2 9.3 13.4 14.7 (91) N:OfdASH GRYPHONS 1 .0 3 .3 9 .9 10.11 (71) Old West : J Horsburgh 5 Gerace 3 Edwards 2 Mason Paves Walker Board . Best: Fairfield Gerace P Hudson L Hudson Miter A Horsburgh . Mon Gryph: Malone 5 Leeton L Clark J Rutherford N Rutherford Sharkey . Best : Wells Malone Baxter J Rutherford N Rutherford Watson .

Umpires : Jeremy Heffernan Brian Woodhead (F) Rob Parry Andrew Esposito ( G) UHS-VU 4.4 6.7 11 .7 16.10 (106) SYNDAL TALLY-110 4 .2 9 .5 11 .7 14 .11 (95) UHS-VU : Rose 4 Tate 3 Mottram 2 Franc 2 J O'Neill Mora Cusick Schulz . Best: Gorrange Creek Morph Sparks Smith . Syndal T-H: Reynolds 3 Bingham 3 Cachia 2 Hatniemann 2 Healy Meyer . Best : Btrrgham McHenzie Hallisev A Richardson D Richardson ReNnolds . Umpires: Ray Hocking David Trott (F) WERRIBEE 3 .3 10 .6 15 .10 23.14 (152) KEW 1 .4 7.8 11 .9 17 .11 ( 113) Werr : Black 5 D Lee 3 Renaut 3 Dalv 3 C Lee 2 Spry 2 Andrew Taylor 2 Langrield Moir Stornebriril;. . Best : Morrow Addamo Spry Czajkowski Black Daly. Ke,v: McDermott 5 Vecchio 5 Wood 3 Woodhouse Cullen Bliar Stephens. Best: McDermott Vecchio Stephens Fountain Dennis Mainsbridge .

Umpires: Andrew Shtets Steve Caple (F)

A1~ TLE s.t TONE S ^,Ivnasil Gryphons - congratulate Dan "DB" Baxter on reaching 50 games last weekend .

i- a superb athlete and has develope d iiae running backman . His leadershi p e been duly noted by the Coaching and Dan has been made Vicehis season . Well done! t'cic-1717 - congratulate Adam Pendlebury on 50 last weekend in a match where h e ~ of the student's best . Well done .

D3 .... ] . .__ .-_J, jhns 0 C v West :Brunswic k Gryphons v South Melbourn e Districts Tally-Ho v Old Westbourn e Kew v UHS-VU i ouse v Werribee Amateurs

D3 RESERVE WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .4 5.9 7.12 9.14 (68) 1 .2 5 .4 6 .4 8.4(52) POWERHOUSE West Bruns: Garoev 2 Miller 2 Smith 2 Saisanas.Manoukian Tobin . Best: Miller Garvey T Bowshall-Tanner A Thompson. Thompson Tobin . Powerhouse: P Cooper 5 Contreras MacCormack Scotland . Best : R Marshall Arnold MacCormack Contreras P Cooper Elliott . STH tIRIdE DISTRICTS 5.3 9.3 12.4 13.4 (82) ST JOHNS 0 C 2 .3 4 .5 5 .9 11 .13 (79) Sth RSeID Dist: S King 7 D McGee 2 S McDougall 2 D Thomas M Thomas. Best: S King E Costello S McDougall D Thomas J Bradley A Briglla . St Johns : Van Houten 4 Ellis 3 Hancock 2 Hall Saleb . Best: J Russell J Saleb S Homes M Van Houten T ellis M Webb . OLD WESTBOURNE 0 .1 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3(9) 4 .3 8 .7 9 .11 12.12 (84) MONASH GRYPHONS Old West: Risterski. Best: Robson Slatterv Theodore Hewitt Riskwsld Jenkinnson. Mon Gryph : Gonis 2 Lloyd 2 Parker 2 Landberg 2 Fletcher 2 Park B Coxhead. Best : Greenfell Healy Still Lloyd Roche Mitchell . UHS-VU 11 .5 13 .10 19 .13 25.20 (170) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 0 .0 2.0 ? .? 5 .2 (32) UHS-VU: Forbes 8 Zulicki 5 P Thomas 4 Bowes 2 T Harris 2 D Harris Faz Corbett Jimmy. Best : Higgens Uebergang Forbes Corbett P Thomas Trevethern . Syndal T-H: O'Boyle 2 Holland Christiansen Buckley . Best : Williams Buckley Franes Kelly Burns . WERRIBEE 2 .3 6.7 8.9 12.12 (84) KEW 3.3 3.5 6 .8 8.10 (58) W : Marinis 4 Moore 3 Baker 2 Hollow 2 Bunworth. Best Tedesco Baker Callanan Has, -<ett Hollow. Kew: Thack•warv 5 Pocock Roache Livingstone . : Johnston Thackw•ray Anderson Gricks Marchesan Dooms . 37

D3 Section KEW Coach : Rohan Dohert

y r Res Coach: Brendan Dove 1 B. Lafranchi 2 N . Costley 3 J . Doumis 4 G. Crimmins 5 A . Carman 6 N. Then, (C) 7 B. Dover 8 D. Mainsbndge 9 A. Kelly 10 B. Cullen 11 B. Wocdhause (VC) 12 M. Gridle y 13 C . Kynako u 14 J . Looker (DVC) 15 F.Lamanna 16 D. Wood 17 C. Watts 18 N. Dahlstrom 19 K Allen 20 A. Acfield 21 D. Clark 22 T.Artken 23 J .de87ank 26 S .Syme s 27 T. Moore (DVC) 28 M. Dea n 29 M. Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante 31 0.lanni 32 A. Drago 33 J. Cronin 34 D. Pocock 35 R. Bruno 37 S. Johnston 38 D . North 39 J . Dennis 40 J. Ferrantino (RC) 41 L. Couner 42 S . Parker 43 A .Bortone

44 A. Maims (RDVC) 45 G . Evan s 46 B. Marchesani 47 L . McNeill

48 K. SaydaL 49 P. Dennis 50 B . Davies 51 M. BWir (VC) 52 R. McLaunn ..' , 53 S . Osborne 54 J. Renou 55 A. Lawler 56 T. Firth 57 B. Purcell 58 B. Burnett 59 J . Rakusz 60 G. Lawso n 61 M. Glenn (RDVC) 62 M .Pame 63 N. Gncks (RVC) 64 A. Roberts 65 S. Petersen 66 R. McKerrow 67 J. Bel l 68 S. Ryan 69 M. Botis 70 T Fo x

Harp of Erin Hotel 636 High St, Ke w

-Ar3P OF c i :r•.

Cannon Toyota 473 Lowe r Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg

MONASH GRYPHONS Coach : Steven Bourban Asst Coach: Geoff S611 Res Coach: Phil Warren i L. Clark 2 M . Healy 3 A. Grady 4 N. Rutherford 5 J. Watso n 6 J. Leroy 7 J Garoni 8 C . Yanni 9 G. Wadley to P. Williamson 11 B . McNamara 12 J . Landberg 13 J . Stratford 14 A. McKenzie 15 A. Clarke

16 P. Rennison 17 S. Sewell 18 M. Paolucci 19 R . Coxhead 20 C . Staff 21 J . Bingham 22 B . Coxhead 23 B. Clark 24 D. Baxter 25 M. Malone 26 A. Denyer 27 M. Mullins 28 C Leeton 29 P.Warren 30 T Vessey 31 G . Roche 32 A. Shufflebottom 33 A. Burgess 34 M. Graydon 35 L . Vesey 36 G. Block 37 J . Fleming 38 J . Rutherford 39 D Grenfell 40 M . Willocks 41 C. Arche r 42 A. Robilliard 43 D . Bradshaw 44 L . Well s 45 J . Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 M . Parker 48 L. Mannikhuis 49 C. Robinson 50 J. Bingham 51 Luke Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 M . Davies 54 G. Still 55 G . Harrak 56 A. Palumbo 57 W. Pocock 58 J. Rutherford 59 A. Yann i 60 A Grady 61 A . Waters 62 N . Mitchell 63 I . Bagnall 64 J . Park 65 J. Healy 67 V. Coffey 68 0 . Lloyd 69 Bill Leeton 70 B. Clark 71 M . Baldwin 75 P Gomizel 76 J . Harrak 77 R. Sharkey 80 R. Fletcher


Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Stir Asst : Michael Christo Res . Coach : Scott Walker 1 B. Gerace 2 J. Braham 3 Trav. Edwards 4 J . Bartolo 5 S . Hewitt 5 D. Trustlove 6 J . Horsburg h 7 B. Merryweather 8 A. Horsburgh 9 F. Pavez 10 C . Lever 11 M . Christo 12 M . Baulch 1 3 M . Ristevski 14 P. Hudson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M. Aquiline 18 G. Walker 19 J . Mason 20 D. Hudson 21 L. Hudson 22 S. Anderson 23 S. Huntington 24 L . Fairfield 25 Troy Edwards 26 P. Mesman 27 T. Whiting

28 D. Slattery 29 S. Balloch 30 A. Mokrusch 31 A. Miller 32 G . Jenkinson 33 D . Ben n 34 C . Bramwell 35 G. Robson 36 K . Pilsbury 37 C. Molitoris 38 D. Nikola 39 M . Oldham 40 J. Morsello 41 K. Miller 42 T. Brooker 43 A . Runciman 44 B .Lennon 45 E . Sandstrom 46 M . Whiting 47 T. Theodore

48 R . Van Engelen 49 J. Mille r 50 P. Habersatt 51 D . Tan g 52 T. Best 53 J . Mano4okakis 54 M . Crosswell 55 B. Gilbert 56 D . Carruthers 57 S . Tindall 58 C . Larkin 59 L. Barnes 60 N. Aquiline 77 T. Dennis 88 S. DePiazza


Coach: Brett Devlin Res Coach : Gary Dean 1 M . Taylor Sen DVC 2 R. Humphreys 3 J. Marshal l 4 B. Turner Sen VC 5 P. Sosi c 6 M. Verberne 7 C . Richardson 8 M . Hill Sen Capt 9 B . Reardo n 10 D. Cooper 11 B. Phillips 12 A. Brownjohn 13 J. Spence 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Hassler 16 A . D'Intino 17 C. Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 S. Matheson 20 J. Nicholls 21 D . Miller 22 R . Walsh 23 K . Anthony 24 N . Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 D. Harris 26 B. MacCormack 27 R. Davie s 28 D. Boland 28 P. Cooper 29 M. Beasley 29 A . Foste r 30 T. McFarlane 31 R. Marshall Res Capt 32 M . Verberne 33 H. Clarke 34 J. Conway 35 S. Hatchard 36 M. D'Intino 37 S . West 38 R . Benso n 39 B . Wooderson 40 R. Marshall 41 C. Byrne 42 P. Arnold 43 J. Howes 44 B . White 44 D . Glanville 45 A . Contreras 46 S . Campbell 47 D. Cran e

48 N. Sharp '.. 50 A. Volz 55 G . Hamner 56 C . Plazzer 58 J . McClure 63 M . Weber


Coach: Ben McGee Res Coach : Rod Walke r 1 K. Arnold 2 M. Peake 3 D . O'Connor 4 S . Holmes 5 B . Hilton 6 M . Phaedonos 7 N. Chalk 8 M. Hartnett 9 A. Jone s 10 M. Courmadias 11 J . Kelly 12 P. Walker 13 C. Horbury V.C. 14 P. Sharp 14-R M . Hanger 15 M. Kosmala 16 A. Paterson 17 S. Cockayne VC: Res 18 C . Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 B . Rydquis . Koppenst21S C . 22 G . Roberts 23 J. Diaz D.V.C . 24 L . Mara 25 B. Waters 26 H . Wathen 27 R .Dowsett 28 A . Dexter 29 T. Elli s 30 R. Walker 31 D. Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 A. Fonceca 34 M. Hancock C. - Res 35 J . Sacco 36 P. Harris 37 D. Christian V.C.- Res 38 D. Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T. Hyland 42 D . Sanders 43 M. Van Houten 44 J . Ross 45 A . Hall 46 B . Callery 47 G. Bastone 48 J. Hargraves 49 A. Kizili s 50 J. Brown 51 C . Santoni 52 D . Harkin 53 C . Rattle 54 D .Vanderwert 55 B . Pickering 56 A. Dragwidge 66 Joe Scardamaglia

MAJOR SPONSOR : Werribee Mazda



Conch : Earl Henderso n Fes Cc^ch : Brea Downing gton DVC nan C.


Coach : Tony Rowe Asst Coach : Guy Walden Res Coach : Mark Elder 1 J. Hannemann 2 I. Bingham (Vice Capt) 3 M. Joy 4 T Turpin 5 D . Hannett 6 I. MacKenzie (Vice Capt) 7 T. Vagiati s 8 R . Bennett 9 D . Richardson 10 T. Psinas 11 J . Rutter (Vice apt 12 D . Bennett

1 J . Sparkes

13 S . Miller (Res Vice Capt) 14 S . O'Boyl e

14 J . Mitchell 16 J . Tate 17 C.Langendod 18 A. Hellne r 19 J. Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 J. Hall

15 D . Reynolds 16 C . Hayes 17 A . Herrmann 18 M. Bircanin 19 A . Faichney 20 B . Hannemann 20 C. Hall 21 D. Kennett 22 M . Buckley (Res Capt) 23 B. Bayliss 24 B. Bayliss 25 B. Reeman 26 A. Morrison 27 '.! Le 28 S. Crew



Coach : Shone M,ottram Assistant : D . Forbes Res Coach; G. Manda6s Asst Coach: G. Ternes

2 R. Thorp 3 J . Nation 3r T. Cleveland 4 L. Gorringe 5 S . Mottram 6 S . Cracknell 7 D. Zulick i 8 S . Ham s 9 D. Moorrield 10 M . Butera 11 D. Forbes 12 W. Smith 13 N. Rose

22 G . Mandalis 23r G .Ternes 24 N. Carroll 25 D. Creek 26 R Thomas 27 A. Cusick 28 B. Mcinnes 29 A Pashley 30 J. Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 S. Dimond 33 J. Schutz 34 J.0'neill 35 S. Croon s

36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall 38 R . Lapish 39 M. Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A. Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 R . Franc 43r M.0'neill 44 B . Mcleod 46 D, Fazakeriey 47 M Turvey . 48 G. Gilmore 49 S . Struts 50 J. Corbett Cl S.CrqqFa,o

Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach : Rob Rantino 1 D. Nedinis 2 C. Lee 3 D. Flack 4 S. Kidd 5 B. Cunningham 6 M . Wals h 7 B. Stornebdnk 8 M . Palmington 9 J. Ayling 10 M . Keogh (Sen Capt.) 11 M . Green 12 B. Black 13 R. Bell 14 J. Marinis 15 A. Murphy 16 R. Daly

17 A, Tedesco 18 D. Veiisha 19 S. Dal y 20 E. Mahoney 21 T. Davidson 22 A. Dibatista 23 N. Gilbert 24 L Carson 25 N. Addamo 26 B. Vasilou 27 A. Borg

28 D . Czajowski (Sen VtC) 29 P. Spry 30 S. Simpson 31 M. Jordon 32 D . Lee 33 S. Wiggins 34 F. Mehmet 35 B . Bunworth 36 A. Taylor 37 P. Keogh 38 T. Towers 39 L. Langfield 40 S . Fuller 41 G. Grogan 42 J . Purton 43 A . Renaut 44 T Johnson 45 C. Alabakis 46 B . Patton 47 L. Moore 48 B . Sin6eld 49 R. Zullan 50 C. Marcia 51 B . Daniels 52 S . Halley 53 A. Allard 54 R. H

55 E. C 56 R. E 57

A. 1 .

58 51


WEST BRUNSW ICK Coach : Angus Hamilton Res Coach :TBA

1a M. Drain tb A. Hamilton 2 P. Hamilton 3 G . Heppell 4 C . Lehmann 5 A. Cannane 6 S. Pietsch 7 S. Benjamin 8 N . Simmonds 9 A. Morphett 10 S. Byrne 11 P. Norman 12 T. Maguire 13 S . Brockley 14 C .Bowshall - Tanner 15 M. Russell 17 J . Smith

18 M. McManus 19 W.Touzel 20 D . Connan 21 A . Bloom 22 J . Hanson 23 D . Rudd 24 J . Jenkin 25 J . Siebrand 26 R . Benjamin 27 M . Brooks 28 E . Waller 29 C . Sheedy 30 M . Lewis 31a S . Edwards 3ib S . Caller 32 S . D'Andrea 33 T. Thompson 34 I . Twyford 35 M . Carmichael 36 L.Jones 37 T. Dempsey 38 S . Monague 39 R. West 40 D. Brooks 41 P. Greening 42 M . Goonan 43 J . Tobin 44 J . Sprague 45 J . Smith 46 R. Howard 47 A. Thompson 48 A. Sutherland 49 J. Hayse y 50 N. Hutchens 51 L. Sherry 52 T Fox 53 T. Chamberlain 54 S.Tanner 55 J. Kehler 56 J. McDonagh 57 A. Williamson 58 A. Tomey 59 J. Brugler 60 M. Sprague 61 K. Hilton 62 S. Wright 63 J. Gallen 64 N . Stewart 65 N . O'Brien 66 R . Hussey 67 B. Smith 70 G .Leahy 71 M. Brookshaw 73 M. Clare 76 J. Chislett 77 R . Howell 78 J. Thompson 79 J. Colquhoun

Original and pink copy must be lodged :_ith umpires no L4er than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .

(cvv ~:3r a ~occ~' call )

(charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O

aWeeksrd matches (Fri) 째Umpires Appointments 째 Scores (Sat . night





The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLEF 40



by Steve McCarthy & Leah Gallaghe r



350 big one s


congratulations to my co-scribe Leah ~-!,i(ior) Gallagher who umpired her 350th game last Saturday . After a

Richard Eastwood didn't run out in his usual 25 green uniform last week but took to wearing 12 blue in memory of his mate, former umpire Mark Morrison (no, Morro is still alive - just retired) . We wish that was true, unfortunately on washing his gear before the season opener his wife left a stick of lipstick in the washing and his white uniform came out more tie-dyed brown that was better suited to the flower power days of the sixties . Drop-off point s

ure ssful career as a boundary umpire lulling an A section grand final) she ,,,,,<<A to the centre circle and was t W,~ ;,,rrlcd by being named as Mos

nrored Umpire in 2001 . Leah's umpired :1 section games and is now lookin g 1rnt her spot up there . Well don e , ;uD r . I know the Mazenod and i ;,,l~ , %icntone Tigers helped you enjoy

i :, - t v:c,tc" s opening round we had tw o i tmnl,ir<5 ~,lapointed in every game o n u~~u ns,ltt . a first for many years . ,l,c , ; ;,nm,i ;rv we know of only one

Umpires are reminded of various drop-off points for match day paper work if they cannot get to Elsternwick . The VAFA have tried to make it easier for us with these locations but the one they forgot to list was the pants pocket of one Tom Brain .

umpire, s o

Poor Tommy turned up to the after match

ju,t missed out on V,'i i . , i i~ illteresting, is iin were fiftee n If these

at Mazenod as well as over a dozen umpires who all gave him their envelopes, his poor pockets were bulging . Probably the last aftermatch Tommy will be at for a while, considering he starts his new radio

- :1Tacea

tiumber s

th .,t I,~ :rl ~)uc ftcld

;, l , ft .rn:r~r , have ul :i ti

F "A ( , r tlt,iiLltt .

gig tonight . Social note

Don't forget the 70s/Kareoke night at the Umpires Rooms tonight . Hope someone brings a camera ! Thank you

I :, 1 In ( l I : . II, 1 lt,~

~d ~,un,i;iiirr. id ti ]I, .,m: Ithn ir~ Iv rllrui n I )c I .u S :,II ; ft ]ca~[ Hilton t, -, :t t, hi , "i nic . Grrat to

iIl ;, IJ ,c ti , ill bc ,u~ding the trek f limn, Go on Bobbv, I 1Pc,riusula to test his

-all) personally would like to thank th e nod club, players and officials fo r - hospitality on my milestone game it v: ,~ % ry much appreciated and as always in (he great amateur spirit . I hope that the bar takings were improved with the number of umpires who came back . Don't forget to remind us of any upcoming milestones or other special events . - Leah & Macca .

BU 66661 I ~i, 0 ~l d11`]I i Beiersdorf Australia Ltd

by Ed Sil l

The After Match Challenge is on again, with a gorilla jumping into the pocket of the club nominated by opposition presidents as the best performed after gainers . With only 8 home games to generate income, it is even more important that all D4 clubs support each other . Round I Revie w

Did the Wicks get under my guard? Is North Brunswick on the cusp of a great year? And what about the shoot out at the OK Coral? All over at half time in the Match of the Day as Elsternwick sent an ominous message through the grade . Beddingfield was great on debut for the winners whilst Craig Mahony played a typically sparkling game . Albert Park opened up a lead early against Box Hill No rt h and ultimately this gap couldn't be closed . Collins and Storey were focal points for the Falcons whilst the Penny boys starred for the Hiiimen . North Brunswick got of to a great start against Richmond, with an 8 goal third quarter proving pivotal . Lee Greening starred on debut whilst the ever reliable Joe Boudoloh contributed 6 majors . Finally, Bulleen showed they had retained most of last year's list with a great win against Hawthorn in what was a high class game of football . Badanjek contributed 7 for the winners whilst Lauletta showed he would be a handful for D4 fullbacks as he slotted home 12 majors . Round 2 Preview s St . Mary's travel back home to take on Eltham in what will be the first hit out for the Turtles in 2005 . The Saints would have been disappointed with their opening game and extremely keen to atone. The Turtles failed to fire in 2004 and it will take some

strong early s e a s o n performances before they are regularly in the frame . St .Mary's for me . Elsternwiek travel to Richmond full o, confidence after a great first up win . Thc return of star ruckman Jack Neil will be ~ great fillip for the club as he has been a stay over the years . Added to that the inclusion o a number of stars and the imminent returj of Leigh Murphy and it is not hard to see hov a good news story could be painted arounr the Wicks . Richmond were competitive earl, before their fitness gave in a little bit . Hard t, see Elsternwick getting rolled here . First round winners Bulleen and Alort] Brunswick meet out at Bulleen . This gam will give some early insight to any changirt of the guard that has occurred in D4 ove summer . There is no doubt that Bulleen as a serious contender, what may be clarifie this week is how much improvement ha North made? Have to take Bulleen at ho m



Hawthorn Amateurs Lauletta 12 12 Albert Park Collins 7 7 Bulleen Cobras Badanjek 7 7 Elsternwick Foster 6 6 North Brunswick J Boudoloh 6 6 D4 RESERVE Albert Park Elsternwick Hawthorn Amateurs

S Allan Goldman Dixon Gatiss

Hawthorn Amateurs





11 6 6 4

11 6 6 4




l,r,~lcver a competitive hit out from North will their stocks rise even further. Albert Park host Hawthorn at (: iu,illy, I'lslcrnwick Park . The Falcons were another .idr buoyed by a first up win whilst the [lawks were disappointed in defeat however ,omfident they could match it with the very

. Assuming Allan is s( . in D4 this year promoted from the twos (11 goals doesn't liUl t the chances), we might get a glimpse of iite battle for the goal kicking as he and . Hawks for me but j. ;iuletta strut their stuff . ,iut by much BOX Hill has the week off . Correspondents i iuic heard from 4 clubs this week . Hopefully tiic numbers will swell . You can email me on i1 .silL- .au or call on i-1 13348723 . Social s .North Brunswick has their Trivia Night thi

c in the clubrooms . Kicks off at 7 .30pm .

MILESTONE S Albert Park - Jim Sutton is congratulate d ,n his 100th game this week . C

D4 SECTIO N BOX HILL NORTH 5 .3 7.7 10.13 14 .15 (99) ALBERT PARK 7.3 10 .10 13 .11 17.16 (118) BHN: D Dovaston 4 D Penney 3 B Pearce 2 R Do}ie S Cook K Oldeld T Thai A Odza. Best: D Penny M Penny P Currie B Pearce R Doyle S Cook . Albert Park : Collins 7 Storey 3 Grace 2 Moore 2 Baker 2 Hammett . Best : S Bennett Collins Baker Storey Ponilan Thompson . Umpires: Peter Pullen Dinutris Pappas (F ) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS HAS THE BY E ELSTERNWICK 0 .3 17 .6 21 .7 26.11 (167) STMARYS 3 .2 7.2 14.5 16.5( 1 01) Elst : Foster 6 Bedingfield 5 S Grace 4 Hunter 4 Greene 3 Byrne Curtain Neill Huggins. Best : Bed'uiglietd C Mahony Cunnhigham Mason Foster Byrne . St Marys: Rousis 3 Tagell 3 Ryan 2 Cope 2 Aikman 2 Purcell Richardson Perelberg Crilly . Best: C Armstrong Crilty L Armstrong Tagell Lane. Umpires: Ron Martym Peter Griffiths (F) Mark Rodgers Simon Abel (B) NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .1 9.6 17 .10 22.15 (147) RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 .2 6 .3 8.4 12 .8 (80) Nth Bruns : J Boudoloh 6 C Twaddle 4 Newton 3 Massri 2 A Taha 2 Robertson 2 Santecroce Ackland Said . Best: Greening Adams Santecroce Sanmartino Menta'(vaddle . Rich Cent : T Dukic 4 B Porteous 2 5 Liuzzi 2 T Krtstot S Lynch L Quay N Nuske. Best: N Nuske D Speakman G Evans S Liuzzi S Lynch D Miller . Umpires: Paul Hoffman Sean Scully Sur (F) James Scully (B ) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 6 .6 12 .12 15.16 22 .18 (150) BULLEEN COBRAS 7 .3 11.5 20 .13 24.19 (163) Hawthorn : Lauletta 12 Spoons 2 Sauce Avery D Pritchard Lock Dawson Hall Tvson MeGlengey . Best : Lauletta Sauce Avery Rice Dawson. Bul Cob: Badanjek 7 Fradkin 3 Sette 2 Alloraci 2 Dallogto 2 T Morre 2 B Cookoon 2 Daniels 2 Polites N Riches . Best : Mazzarella Badanjek Daley Fradkin Brown Sette . Umpires: Matthew Meier Steve Castersen (F) D4 RESERVE 2.1 6 .3 6.4 7 .5 (47) BOX HILL NORTH ALBERT PARK 7 .5 10.6 18 .9 21 .10 (136) BHN: G Cavallo 3 C Plunkett 2 M Lacey J Tambakis . Best : L Vanderakker N Chan J Screen S Yalamanchilli M Mason L Plunkett . Albert Park: S Allan 1 I Morgan 2 Downie 2 R Allan Baker Sotion Cain Pastras McGuire. Best: Sutton S Allan Cain Morgan Wheeler McGuire. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS HAS THE BYE ELSTERNWICK 2 .1 7.5 11 .8 14.12 (96) 4.0 5 .0 7.5 10 .6 (66) ST MARyS Elst: Goldman 6 Pvman 2 Whelan 2 Comm Burney Morgan Putt . Best: McGregor Soppet Freeman Ryan Putt Whelan . St Marys : Theoharris 3 Bernardi 2 Anthony Nicholson Hind Murphy Freshwater. Best: Weller Theoharris Davies Banks Nicholson Adam.

D4 SECTIO N Box Hill North - by e ti( 31arys v Eltham Collegian s i\,i(hnlnnd Central v Elsternwick Cobras v North Brunswick ~rrt 째ar)c v Hawthorn Amateurs Sportscover Arena, Saturday ER 2005

3 .1 7.4 11 .13 15 .17 (107) NORTH BRUNSWICK 0.2 3 .3 3 .3 4.4(28) RICHMOND CENTRAL Nth Bruns : M Taha 3 Pollakis 2 Giulas 2 H Tsialtas 2 Paparllkolou 2 D Carter B Carter Spano Papanastasatos . Best: Briffa Sorleto Freeman Pollakis Giotianoglou Hassoun. Rich Cent : S Lake 3 A Murray. Best: P Karmichalos A Murray S Lake T Guthrie P Krtsohos G Begley. HAWTHORN AMATEURS 2 .7 7 .11 14 .14 15 .14 (104) 1 .6 6.9 8 .10 13.12 (90) BULLEEN COBRAS Hawthorn: Dixon 6 Gatiss 4 C Ho Jarvis Hyland McKenna Nunan . Best : Gatiss Dixon Htland Sherriton Alex . Bid Cob : Edgar 3 Unwtn 2 V'mciutorlo Fisher Tropea Maxfield Santalucia Palermo Taranto . Best : Unwin Fisher Vtncitorio Tringhi Maxfield Rodrigues 43



Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee

Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Jon Pratt

1 P. Smit h 2 N . Pastras 2 A. Morgan 3 R . Baker 3 P. Shakepeare 4 M. Naudi

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9

5 S . Allan 6 J . Storey 7 S . Venable s

7 M . Burton 8 N. Wheeler 9 P. Chambers 10 M . Phillips 11 D. Brea 12 N. Langdon 13 B. Payne 13 M. Tuffin 14 M. Hyams 15 D. Borley 15 P. Guicas 16 C . Roberton 17 S . Bennett 18 G. Collins 19 N . Cain 20 K . Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J . Hartnett 22 J . Marshall 23 B. Harries 23 D. DeZoete 24 T. Green 25 J. Wie r 26 B. Moore 27 A. Jackson 28 R . Allan 29 R . Humphrey 30 W. Johnson 31 S . McGuire 31 J . Williams 32 M . Smit h 33 M . Wall 34 T. Housto n 35 S . Toth 35 C. Downie 36 J . Dudi 37 L . Hogan 38 S. Fairfield 41 R . Williams 42 C . Cook 44 B. Isard 45 J. Agar G. Price 48 M . Snowden 50 S . Thompson 51 J . McKay

52 D. Allan 53 M . Williams 55 D. Quinlan 57 J . Sutton 57 J . Baker 58 S. Gitsham 59 L . Barr 60 V. Surace 62 P. Cramer 77 S. Garci a 78 T. Tuhoro 79 S . Thompson 80 J . Bowlby

Hotel Risingg Richmond and Rising Sun Hotel -

South Melbourne


G . Wilson C . Riscalla A. Odza T. Manno J. Garrett S. Stewart C . Langley A . Sallantioglu

10 S . Cook

11 T. Thoi 12 A . Dick 13 M . Cumming 14 L. Penhalluriack 15 L. Keitlor 16 M . Penn y 16 W. Drewy 17 G . Cavallo 18 C. Butler 19 C . Callis 20 K. Oldfiel d 22 A. Steele 23 D . Penny 23 J. Naumovski 24 P. Doyle 25 P. Kotsaridis 26 R . Ball 28 Z. Veleski 29 M . Rogers 30 B . Olson 31 D. Olson 32 t . Oldfietd 33 M . Marinovic 34 H. Ho 35 C. Liston 36 S. Russell 38 J. D Amato ' 39 J. Tambakis 40 D . Worrell 41 P. Currie 42 A . Tarulli 43 R . Doyle 44 C . Garrett 45 M . Sinfiet d 46 P. Mortimer 47 A . Andrews 49 T. Ellis 50 C. Irvin e 52 S. D'arcy 53 N. Chau 54 L. Van den Akker 55 J. Pratt 56 H . Shiba 57 M. Maso n 58 M. Azmi 59 J. Screen 60 N . Benbow 61 J . Howarth 62 C . Henry 63 J . Aspinall 64 J . Va ias g 65 D. Wootridge 66 C. Plunkett 67 A . Manerheim 68 N. Galil 69 B. Pearce 70 H. Gist 73 D . Francis 76 M. Lacey 78 A. Leavers 79 G . Bennett 80 S. Evans 81 J. Hopes ton g4 M. Dacey 86 G. Archer 88 M. Edgle y 89 S . Yalamanchile 99 G. Robinson 11 1 A. Mag u ir e


BULLEER COBRAS Coach : Joe D'Angelo Res Coach: TBA

2 T. Orwin S . McLaren Capt 4 N . Cartledge 5 M . Mann 6 G. Fortune 7 T. Mehrez 8 T. Mazzarell a 9 M . Ky akou 10 C. Powderham 11 A. DeJong 12 P. Whitehouse N . Edgar 14 T. Fradkin 15 J. Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 B . Thomas 20 J . McQualter 21 N. Lykopandis 22 J . Daniels 23 A. Nasr 24 R. Gemes 25 W. Olney 26 M. Nathanielsz 27 J. Cartledge 28 A. Foskett 29 R . Sheehan 30 B . Cookson 31 R . Pasinati 32 S . Wagg 33 A . Cook 34 M . D'Angeto 35 M . Unwi n 36 P. Dall'Ogli o 37 J. Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 C . Chan 40 G . Richards 41 C . Borrelli 42 V. Dam 43 T. Whittaker 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 N . Khalil 46 J . Lewis 48 M . Soumellidi s 49 G . Anderton 50 R. Lock 51 R. Daley 52 T. Seri e 53 R . Rodrigues 54 S. Nelson 55 N . Polites 56 I . Baccin i 57 C . Batt 58 T. Moore 59 R . Hadisutanto 60 J . Lowrie 77 S . Fisher 101 J . D'Angelo

ELSTERNWICK Coach: Dennis Grace Res Coach : M. Cunningham, M . Crea k t L Murphy 2 A Harkin . 2 L. Bedingriel d 3 J . Yemm 4 D . Grace 5 M. Whelan

5 K . Cummins 6 M. Thiele 7 J . McAdam -RC8 S . Currie

8 M . Greene 9 T. Hartley to T. Huggins n L . Missaigl~ a t 2 P. Neville 13 S. Soppet 14 B. Mahony 15 C. McKenna 16 M. Surman 8 17 J . Perkin s 1 A. Neill 19 J . Hunter 20 E. Goldman 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G. Elvin 23 S . Curatain 24 A . Foster 25 T. Carter 26 C. Mahoony -C27 J. Banky 28 W. Morgan 29 S. Mahony 30 M . wco l 31 A. Lasmtzki 32 B. Mason 33 M. Cunningha m 34 T. Leaper 35 P. McNally 36 J . Pyman 37 D . Nolan 38 B.Anderson 39 M. Tennant 40 A . Pale y 41 D. Byrne 42 J . Lilikakos 43 P. Clarke 44 S . Grace 45 J. Kaice r 46 L. Ryan

47 T. Perkins 48 M. Noonan 49 J. Banbar 50 T. Putt 51 M. McKenna 52 E.. Alte r 53 A. Lewis 54 K. Potter 55 H . McGregor


Coach : Wayne Reardo n Res Coach : Paul Gregor 2 D . Lync h 3 E.. Savag e 5 L . Austin 6 J. Galvin (C) 7 B . Rashid 8 B . Jorgensen 9 C . Watson 10 B . Marshal l 11 J . Mizzi 12 M . Blagrov e 13 M . Luttick 14 R. Runco 15 J . Paisley 17 L . Daly 19 J. Gilbert 21 M. Hart 22 R . Foo 23 T. Carte r 24 K . Drummond 25 R . Thomas 26 J . Glare 27 J . Stockdale 29 D. Howgate 31 B . Keleher 32 C. Bau d 33 A. How ate g e 34 J . Howgal 35 G . Smith 37 P. Kroh n 40 E. Bau d 41 L . Mason 47 N . Ryal l 48 B. Turney 49 L. Barne s 50 B . Richardso n 52 D . Justice 53 J . Fo o 54 S . Todman 56 R. Lov e 58 T. Metchiod 59 B. Evans 62 T Kurtschenko 63 L. Ogilvie

. '.

56 P. Freedman

57 M . Creak 58 B . Ellis 59 A. Burney 60 L. Smith 61 R. McKenna 62 S. Thompso n 63 N. Anderso n 64 M . Marziale 65 D. Brennan 66 M. Hosking 67 S. Gordan 68 N . Uain~is 72 T. Marc hett i Major Sporsors CAPITAL GROWTH THE ELSTERNWICK CLU B



Wellers OfKaPlgarfl 速

Groun d



H AWTHORN Coach : Peter Tyson pes Coach: Patrick Ryan . :'cVeigh , ., B P~keman ~. a4ey Ti ampson ^ Cclins I 1e tin g Avery p A,:e ry =rxler R C; ge No) t- . uareau J I)-vsan J P, i,1' irphy ? i_ ; tta -_

d ta H .' nd

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_"',nett ~'. ;~:ench y ~ !'- s .. .. __-mos

in , .-. -. .. n e


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Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Harry Tsiaitas 1 D . Newton 2 D . Adams 3 G. Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 N . Prestigiacomo 6 D. Pizzari 7 G. Stelfox 8 S . Hamilton 9 A . Sammart no 10 A . Mountney 11 J . Boudotoh 12 S . Care 13 D. Kelly 14 M . Vaina 15 H. Tsialtas 16 S . Tsialtas 17 A. Kyriazis 18 R. Sal4oum 19 T. Messiake 20 L . Closter 21 R. Santacroce 22 J. Freeman 23 J. Briffa 24 D. Russo 25 W. Ouson 26 F. Salloum 27 F. Ferrante 28 T. Ackland 30 L . Spano 31 A. Boudoloh 32 B. Robertson 33 A. Nunan 34 H . Hassan 36 A. Taha 37 D . Trafford 38 D . Guppy 39 G . Rhook 40 B. Mccallum 41 M. Aref 42 J . Papanikolaou 43 F. Papanastasatos 44 M . Sorleto 46 A . Papanastasatos 48 J . Wolter 50 G. Paleodimos 53 F. Nesci 55 J. Devereaux 58 B . Mcnamara 59 M . Pelaggi 62 B. Carter

RICHMOND CENTRAL Coach: Thomas Dukic Res Coach : Steven Lake

1 W, Old 2 T. Quick 4 R. Trotter 5 B. Porteus 6 T. Dukic 7 S . Lynch 8 D. Speakman 9 A. Pon t 70 A. Zuccaro 11 S. Lake 12 S. Bitter 13 J. Goode 14 J. Mcgrath 15 C. Barry 16 A. Taylor 17 D. Miller 18 P. M,oulday 19 C. Quay 20 T. Moulton 21 D . Phelan 22 J. Petering 23 B. Breese 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Read 26 R . Prentice 27 N . Nusk e 28 C . Dim{ou it r 29 B. Darling 30 L. Fothenngham 31 Retired Jumper 32 D . Hards 33 P. Benmano 34 M. Vervoorn 35 P. Krisohos 36 G. Evans 37 D. Green 38 M. Defreitas 39 H. Dautovic 40 A . Murray 41 C. Duff 42 C. White 43 S. James 44 A. Lyngcoln 45 M . Jones 46 L Hatzentanis 47 M . Kng 48 M . 6oanan 49 P. Brunt 50 A. Tilley 51 D. Moffat 52 D. Cartwright 53 J. Robertson 54 C. Cartwright 55 M . Davies 56 J. Pike 57 E. Hill 58 B. Vandenburg 60 B.Jo6ey 61 A. Jamshldi 62 L. Trimatis 67 J . Lane 69 T. Melvilie 74 S. Gray 77 S. Liuur 79 A. Roller 80 D . James-Schirmer 86 W. Bracken


ST.MARYS A.F.C . Coach : rWiw4 Learmorith Res Coach, George Kannantataki s 2 B . Perelberg 3 G. Schembo 4 A . Ballantyn e 5 A . Lane 6 C . Welle r 7 A . Dwye r 8 A . Zsembe ry 9 C. Armstrong 10 D. Cope 11 J. Bernardi 12 A . Webb 13 J. Hil l 14 W. Goldsworthy 15 M . Purcell 16 M . Aikma n 17 L. Anthon y 18 B. Frai l 19 V. Rya n 20 A. Walle r 21 M . Gilchrist 22 R. Alle n 23 F. Harriso n 24 A. Latime r 25 M. Black 26 S. Crill y 27 M. Banks 28 J.Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 M. Lynch 31 H . Adam 33 C . Ferg 34 L . Armstron g 35 G. Theoharris 36 B Graetzer 37 T. Millar 38 S . Griffin 39 B . Richardso n 40 M . Kari s 41 T. Cummins 42 M . Davie s 43 L. Razga 44 G. Koumantataki s 45 M . Maschette 46 T. Tahos 47 P. Rousis 48 M . Goold 49 C. Adam 50 C. Wigg 51 N. Luce 52 0 . Hind 53 J. Deegan 54 J. Wrigh t 55 P. Goonan 56 P. Roseman 57 D . Henderson 58 M. Bona 59 C . Mackenzie 60 M. Carpenter 61 G . Pilikidis 62 D . Rajkumar




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' 'D ' ?Ii

Trainers' Association welcomes all trainers for the 2005 season both old hands and those of you I y, - I'.1F:1 ,ltut are doing it for the first time this year . i> our first contact with you this year so I would ask that if there are any trainers out there who would to join our Executive please contact me on the email address below . ,rc looking for ways to get more information to you all so please contact me with any ideas you would ~,kc us to follow up on . Please rank in order of I (being the highest) and 4 (being the lowest) the following ;,, and email me your thoughts so we can arrange further professional development for all of you : ~ k 1 ;Aners Night with Guest Speakers at Elsternwick Par ct to know you nigh t Product Information Nights with samples etc _i, p,:, ~ples Choice Night (one which most trainers request ) ~~i . . . . . . . . . . . . . NcwL'niform e i ),, nt forget that the uniform this year is the Orange and Royal Blue tops only with Black or Dark Blu {r,o,,itit pants or shorts . While VAFA Properties have been inundated with requests and initially were unable ,,, n,<<t the demand a full range of new stock and sizes is now available . Pla~ in :; away ? ;huh ot6cials we should attempt to introduce ourselves to our fellow trainers whether we are playing at ay,1'Jhen playing away check with the home team trainers as to where the closest Medical Centre ,.n d I I-pital is in case of emergency. 12cprocntative Footbal l nt~r~ .t~J in becoming a trainer for one of the VAFA representative sides (Senior v VCFL - July 17 ~i~ nw• icl . Park ; U23 v WAAFL - June 12 Perth ; A-D4 v SFL June 11 Elstemwick Park & our U 19 North uih ni :,tch -June 11 Elsternwick Park) then email VAFA General Manager-Football Operations Brett rr~:ll ihrett@vafa .com .au) to register your interest. I utm c

n,,,t column will set out our agenda for the year for example Trainer of the Month and Trainer of th e (untuc t

by Chris Kelly

\1 . email is chriskl5@bigpond .com

Enroll now to become a

PERSONAL ~, : A . M :1~1t'- 'Accredited Certificate Ill & IV in Fitness 0c S ',S ST.'t.RY NG SOON


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Cam Na* :

~ '(U192,3&Blue) 11 (U19 1 & Red)

Section 1 The University Blues struck the first upset of season 2005 last weekend, downing reigning premiers De La Salle in a thrilling comeback victory. Down by four goals with just ten minutes to play in the final term, the Blues kicked the last five majors of the afternoon to run out 9 point ; St Kevins winners . Other winners in round one by 17 pis over an inaccurate Old Xaverians, Old Scotch by 31 pis at home to Old Brighton, and Marcellin by 91 pis over an under-strength St Bernards side . With the shock withdrawal of Werribee, Section One is down to nine teams, with only four fixtures now scheduled for the coming round of football . University Blues will be out to make it two wins from as many games, when then play Old Xavs at McHale Stadium . New Blues coach Steven Carroll will bring a wealth of experience to the Uni side this year, having coached the club's U19 side to five finals series in six years during the midnineties . This afternoon his coaching expertise should be enough to guide the Blues to their first away win of 2005, Uni Blues by 31 pts .

In other games, ladder-leaders Marcellin to record win number two of the season away at Old Brighton, De La Salle to earn their first points of the new campaign with a win at home over Old Scotch, while Collegians should defeat St Bernards in their first competitive hit-out for 2005 . Section 2 Ladies and gentlemen, let the lop-sided results begin! And what a shocker it was for tipping in Section 2, here's how it panned out. The Fields handed out a football lesson, with cleaner and smarter use of the ball from the outset . The Friars stepped it up in the second quarter but fell away in patches during the second half as Caulfield ran rampant . It was all one-way traffic at both Albert & Shark Parks as massive spankings were dealt to OMs and Trinity . Out west an elated Bomber coach Evans said "when Rupertswood came at us, our team leaders stood up" as the Bombers, led by Shaw, Capponetto (5 snags) and Phillips bagged the chocolates by 20 points . Finally, despite 9 big ones from Tsingaris, the Bears went down swinging to The OC .

Onwards we travel : Trinity versus OMs is critical . Both sides got belted and the loser of this one will need more trauma counselling - Trinity by 2 goals at home . Elsewhere, The OC will make it 2 from 2 against the Bombers, Rupo will push the Sharks hard, but Beauy will be stronger by 16 points, the Friars 48

play their home dung heap well, and will beat the 4 Bears by goals . Finally, the Wellers are flag favorites, anc will show the Fields why by 7 point s Section 3 A high standard studerts' shootout saw thf visiting Blacks prevail over the Trobers . TN Unicorns made a mockery of my prediction running away from the Hoers on the back of ( goals from Bartho . Likewise the Krushers, wh+ tamed the Tigers and ran away convincingly by 1 : large ones . The Jackas jumped the Demons to lead at the firs change but Coles, Hunt and Dewar start e


University Blues Dwye r St Kevins O"Rourke Old Xaverians Distefano St Bernards Stapleton De La Salle Nethersole Ul 2 Banyule Viewbank Tsingaris Beaumaris Shone Old Carev Tirus Rupertswood Baddeley

9 6 5

U19 3

MHSOB Bartho La Trobe Uni Holland Bentleigh Coles Old Paradians Kreuze r UI BLUE Ormond Hampton Rovers Peninsula Oakleigh Clays U19 RED

Robbins White D Smith Sajenk o

Aquinas Raggazoni Kew Jackson Kew Bailey Rupertswood Quinn Therry Penola Cooper Fitzroy Reds Donato


6 6 5 5




them through from everywhere, and the „, utleigh boys were home in a canter . Finally,

a reasonably tight first half, the Raiders were S~,-nc" and went onto record a workmanlike win ,,iust the Ashers, who were commended by the phosition for having a dip to the final bell . iI~~ it•eek, in the words of (Mr Demtel) Tim Shaw, so easy . . . .° Try these ones on sir . . . . . . t"nicorns on the Miller-Woodful will be tough 05, 5 goal winners today over La Trobe . leigh will keep the vibe of the show running, it' the Hoers by 33 points . If the Jackas can' t the Tigers, I'll have to start calling them ment Jackas (get it? - c'mon, where's your d at?), home side by 3 goals . The premiership ,ii(,%rdown is on at Bundoora, but I think ,t,Gnner's boys will succumb to the Demons by 22 Lucl& last is the Blacks, who should easily n their account against the Blues by 8 goals . Section Blue

1 by 6 majors from BOG Brendan Robbins, the ~, ;-mds started this season well against an ssive Salesian unit, who trailed all day bu t ar from disgraced .

saw their star forward Kane Maghamez defect to Williamstown . Clearly not favourites to go backto-back but still expected to challenge for a spot in the finals, Fitzroy should extend their impressive winning streak this weekend, Reds by 14 pts . In the round's other fixtures, Aquinas should retain top spot on the table with a win away at Therry Penola, Kew to remain undefeated when they travel to Emmaus St Leos, and Old Scotch to return to the winners list with a win away at Bulleen-Templestowe .

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Kevins - bye St Bernards v Collegians Old Brighton v Marcellin De La Salle v Old Scotc h Old Xaverians v University Blue s

n id'n made it even uglier . The Nodders turned st in the 2nd quarter kicking 11 goals to lea d 20 points . However, the Rovers were

UNDER-19 SECTIO N 2 Whitefriars v Banyule Viewbank Old Camberwell v Caulfield Gr Old Trinity v Old Melburnian s

tcrred, and a great 3rd quarter saw an 11 lilt margin at - time . Mazenod kicked poorly i n

Rupertswood v Beaumaris Old Carey v Old Essendon G r

Pirates proved me wrong with a very strong v; in against the Bloods, straighter kickin g

r t . l,ist, but held on in a nailbiter!! Bonner , cin, and Stanley stood up for the Nodders . De La made the Clays go La La (Ashley '1111l"un style) kicking 11 goals to 1 in the second ~•~If . yL'iih Crowe & Silvers prominent I'm !„,~tioning whether there are forged birth t ifleates going around!?!

1 , inn will find things a little easier today , wing over Hampton by 18 points . De La will it 2 in a row at the Bloods' expense . The

l~ is have already won a thriller, but agains t should win comfortably by 7 goals . Ih,• the Monders pack their rucksacks an d v: u past Funkytown where the Pirate will

4v 23 points . Section Red

n ;i, have firmed as early favourites for th e ,n Red title after an impressive round on e thrashing Old Westbourne by 172 pts . ?9 majors at home against an undern,th %~;estbourne side, Raggazoni was prolific it (I with six goals . Other winners from th e un~ round of football ; Kew by 92 pts ove r b- u-T,uiplestowe, Therry Penola by 16 pts it Rupertswood, and reigning premiers ,-, •1, ,, 9 points in a thriller against Old Scotch . Scction Red premiers Fitzroy will aim to ii kvo wins from as many starts this ,i . when they host Rupertswood a t 1, 11 Screet . Still forced to play away from the lc Street Oval . due to ongoing groun d , the Reds impressed last weeken d 1 major exodus in the off-season which

UNDER-19 SECTION 3 MHSOB v La Trobe Uni Oakleigh v Old Ivanhoe AJAX v St Bedes Mentone Tigers to be played at Packer Reserve, Carnegie (6 8 J8) at 9 .20 a.m . Old Paradians v Bentleigh University Blacks v Monash Blues UNDER-19 (2 ) BLUE Peninsula 0 B v Salesian Scorpions at Peninsula School at 12 noon Hampton Rovers v Old Haileybury De La Salle (2) v Mazenod 0 C

Ormond v Oakleigh Clays UNDER-19 (2) RED Bulleen Templestowe v Old Scotc h Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Kew Old Westbourne - bye Therry Penola 0 B v Aquinas 0 C Fitzroy Reds v Rupertswood (2) - at Ramsden Street Oval, Clifton Hill


12 CBS 5 .2 9.6 aoAand 5 RicCough 3 Ta}ior 3 Cr~ . .. testa 2 Bell 2 F1emnWig Shaw Healy t<~. ot td ',R( Gough KnUpt Mclean Cam. BesSh-.: , Ripp n . Umpires: Peter Cahill Geoff Deceson .:. [C3ÂŁ 1 .2 64 6 .3 6. 7 ders 2 HarrL`an 2} lartrick ismn~ s Harrson Saimd e . '~ rzath Bat4etTa,, . I t Bet Ump .s: uati5d D'Altera Matthew Sit 50




1 i :K ..

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

J. F r M. F an d D . Clos o J. P D. J. i A. D N. F


12 L . { 13 A . 15 T. . in 16


17 L_ Cas w

18 W. D, 19 ivi . Demicol i

2o D . Hassaballa 21 L. Bul l 22 T. Donian

23 J . Casey 24 S . Edward s 25 S . idethersoie 26 J . Hanson 27 S . Mile s 29 T. Kovan k ~wv A . Derrrarde 32 D. Lowe

2 F 3 J . istE 4 N . O'Hallora n 5 J . Bortelotto 6 S . Abrahams 7 C . P.1acLaren 8 D . Valsorda 9 D . Considine 10 T. Stafford 11 S . Fateily 12 P.A_ . n 13 P. CG .; 14 A . 15 S .

t6 S .

.i n


17 L. Lc i 18 D. Fu r 19 J . C r 20 Pi rer. 2? 23 24 25

J 6 C ~oruk J . F' :rd J . cGnrnmins

26 S . Preece 27 M . Turner 28 C. Cagdon 29

2 D . Jennings 3 S . Oliver 4 S . Rowell 5 J . Pvidier 6 J . Geddes 7 J . Sale m 8 M . Bandit 9 T. Gunnin g 10 j . Edg e 11 K . Sheehan 12 J . Priestley 13 J . Seel 14 R. Dohert y 15 J . Leaf 16 S . Mulligan 17 B . Moon 18 B. Blatt

19 M . Browning 20 G. Fielke 21 J . Kenyon 22 J . Delosa 23 K. Presnell 24 A.Tregear 25 R. Eastgate 26 L . Hanson

at ra- h . edrnond 6. F^ :D Cr

2 3 U. 4

5 H .Gu S U Sy:re s 7 A. r-° I ' a) 8 T. (c) 9 Z. Ellic u

10 N . _ad M. r yerl1 ( . ~o D, ,7n J.

16 23 D. i, 2Âť F 25 L. 27 soon 30 D. L ; hire 33 M. G irtey 35 B. Ryan 33 K. Buis 39 L . Demorton 40 A. Kavanagh 43 J. Stapleton 45 B.Johnson 50 R . Schroder 58 B . Pitt s 59 T. Pearson 70 E . Prendi 75 C . McDermott

LER 2005

17 J . (,o des

18 D . Tlkendis 19 L . GuP, .ve r 20 K. Miss 21 T.4"loolie 22 D . Gibbs 23 T.O'han4on 24 D . Sullivan 25 P. Gallivan 26 P. Longmore 27 J .OYourke 28 B. Cooke 29 P. Glenane 30 B . Scanan 31 P. Mclennan 32 M . Sherman 33 S . Neohontis 35 E . Wilkinson 36 T. Trewin 40 DI. Mount 4A J . Tennent

17 D . Carmody 16 M . _ rkLesko 19 D . Hay~Gr 20 C . Pyke 21 P. Sinks 22 A . Brennan 23 L. Butle r 24 J .Sundermann 25 M . Kibhis 26 L. Halliday 27 S . Meade 28 D. Hanrahan 29 L.O'Shannesy 30 T. Stainforth 31 B . Ganno n 32 S . Gilbertson 33 J . Lync h 34 C. Blizzard


1 L . Walker 2 R .Wh.te 3 E .1di!tinh 4 R . Smith 5 D . Smith 6 B, Mitchell 7 N . Coy 8 P. bV3gnaIl 9 B . Celdre,v 10 M . Wart er 11 M . Kern 12 A . De L . .... . 13 S .Ro i ,a L.Co dan 15 S . 16 `a .Le

17 D. Fefvus 18 T. sr 79 A. Cr d 20 S. Guness 29 H . NE or 22 23 25 26

. S. ,-;or C . Witzelll J. Rees J. Murphy

27 J. Wilmot 28 R . Trickey 29 J . Birt




Box Hill Shark s lived up to their expectations and scored a twenty one point wi n over Monash Blues . from Round 1 . Section 3 . Review of Round I . La Trobe University, who lost to Old Scotc, Section 1 - enabled Mazenod to by fifry three points did not help their caus Only greater accuracy irteen points . by inaccurate kicking for goal . with y defeat Mt Lilydale b t Prahran opened their season with an eigh Whitefriars opened their fou r s spoin sov e convincing victory by Y goal win over Old Melburnians . Old by Caulfield Grammarians . Old Scotch were never troubled Newly formed Fitzroy Reds, were nc Brighton, whose skill level was down in . Only inaccurate goal disgraced by losing to St Leo's, Emmaus b slippery conditions scotch winning ~oY old four points at Punt Road . kicking prevented Tied games are a rarity in Club XVIII, so th more than one hundred and four points . old ~ Boys and Old Geelon the losers, Oakley tried hard, whilst for tie between North Stevens, Eamon Best and unexpected rdesBul was an Scotch; Chris . uOld Carey had the lye . Geoff Jankeer were best . Preview of Round 2 . De La Salle, under the chamfl eterd Brasher, section I . leadership of Nick Club y St Kevin's journey to Central Reserve to pla University Blue's first ldafraevben . A titanic struggle should ensue a Provide d

Despite some really inaccurate predictions, I managed to open my scoring With a 2$% . Today we await results with suecess rate interest to see how many correlate with those

fifteen points . The game uarter, the contest and well into the last q

win, Howeo~~sD~rk

Blues seemed likely to Salle stormed home to take the p Picone and Adam Thornton did well for "De La" and James Wesimore and Tim Giles battled hard for the n u • t titlKe defence with

lvlazenod I suspect there is little difference in taler, . At home Mazeno between these two sides . should win narrowly lvlt Lilydale will find Prahran a toug . I favour Prahra opponent at Darling Park . to record another convincing victory

Old Xaverians started otheir S

a twenty point victor . ySection2 hentteRoad byc eleven ,with Maredelli n won at P u points . University Blacks started their season with a b

resounding victory over Collegians roveslthe two points . Could the Blacks p Sectional "dark horse?" enc eInausPocrola scoreless in well rnigh held Therry perfect conditions at Victoria Park, play in dominated and Abbotsford . Old Xaverians by the second half to win . Among their best were ; Matt seven points Fred Roach, Matt Green, Jake Richards and Steph losers; ChamberlanFor Freze Ctr~rp aed hard Toohey and . throughout the game Old Essendon Gra m i sixty foui Point ove r scored a big victory by mar Trinity Grammarians . a disappointing old 56

C18 1 Hall 6 6 Old Xaverians N Simon 5 5 Old Scotch Fothergill `l `l Mazenod Ivak =1 4 Prahran Cartlidge 4 4 4 Prahran 4

Old Scotch F'raser w University Blues McKerro Cl8 2 Old Xaverians Gree n

8 8

Cariss 5 Old Sssendon Viola 5 Box Hill Shark s

5 5

um S lllingrvorth 4 `l Old Scotch Jackson 1 4 Whitefriars J Kilpatrick 4 4 Old Geelong THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER ;

t l;righton did not impress last week bu t s , so at leas . .on s thi should be a OIdaCk of pres ~even contest . I am prepared to give Ol d un another chance, especially at hom e o I select them . „ ot the potentially strong sides, De L a , lu and old scotch meet at Waverley Park,r e the familiar surroundings will favou 1,1, Salle . It is difficult to gauge the !I I with of old Scotch because they won as liked last Saturday, whereas De La Sall e te1 fight to shake off University Blues . !

and Nick, I am back on the De La .,nd%vagon because I reckon, you will win ,,l :n' . , ;i c;casons two best teams Old Xaverians :nd University Blues meet at Victoria Park .

Pines had a taste of Section 1 strength

n,ceh and were found wanting . Old

,. ;,ccrians will be keen to vanquish yet ,n„rlier challenger and really they are well , ;uipped to do so because of their immens e

p,1, of talent . Old Xaverians are my ltciion .

section 2 . ,, ;~ v[sity Blacks should continue on their i,uiing way with victory over Marcellin . "Lions' were short of fitness an d i„ ;~41ii last week but Collegians went down 11V A wide margin and these "Lions' will be :~,prcliensive of meeting "Bob's Boys' beside ~„- %ioonee Ponds Creek . At home I select I<< rr~ Penola, but their performance mus t III[ . -I(l ',_averians will appreciate the wide a~~s of the Hudson Oval, where they ,Iiwild comfortably defeat Old Trinity . lime I fancy the Box Hi ll Sharks will l-o- too strong for the visiting Old I "~~, idon Grammarians . I-it .,:rov Reds will appreciate their return to f,' :,,n,den Street, where they will take the - n, s against Monash Blues . Section 3 .

La Trobe University have the Bye . Press Correspondents Team Managers please contact me with your details by around 6p .m .on Monday either by 'phone (467 2857 or at nknugent@alphalink . com . au

Did you know? Young Umpire, Tom Windlow was a recent recipient of a V.C .E . medal for his achievement in Business Administration in last year's examinations .

Former Victorian cricketer and Old Paradian footballer, Gerard Dowling made a promising debut as a field umpire last week .

EST{~ NES. De La Salle - Well done by veteran stalwart, David "Bomber" Jennings, who played his 200th Club XVIII game last Saturday against University Blues . This has taken "Bomber' a minimum of 13 seasons and does not include any other games he has played for his Club . (Top work Bomber good things do last - Bear) .

TODAY'S M ATCHES CLUB 18 (11 Mazenod 0 C v St Kevins Prahran v Mt Lilydale 0 C Old Brighton v Old Melburnians De La Salle v Old Scotch - at Waverley Park before U19 s Old Xaverians v University Blue s CLUB 18 (21 University Blacks v Marcellin Therry Penola 0 B v Collegians Old Trinity v Old Xaverians (2 )

1111, friars versus Old Scotch should provid e nrntrast between experience and th e 1 ; I r ;ince of vouth . Whitefriars will b e I i ifuuli to defeat at home but I suspect Old IL through superior fitness will %-rr(,me this difficul ty and wi ll win .

Box Hill Sharks v Old Essendon Gr Fitzroy Reds v Monash Blues at Ramsden Street Oval, Clifton H91 1

,) I ( l (-,I eelong, especially on Como, should 1, 1, ~ t i ih (-- newly formed Fitzroy Reds, who l l ) c playing in strange surroundings .

CLUB 18 (3 )

Is (lifffcult to select a winner in the Ol d r -, versus North Old Boys match - 1 , i . i]I v as Carey are playing their first nc . C~iven the home ground advantage and dt~pih of personnel, I favour Old Carey . mnr,,,,s, St Leo's will prove too talented for il ,Ifi~ , ld Grammarians, who have yet to t(lili,i to the tempo of the competition . i EUR

Whitefriars v Old Scotch (2 )

Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Caulfield Gr Old Geelong v Fitzroy Reds (2) Old Carey v North Old Boy s La Trobe University - by e




CLUB 1S (1 1 MAZENOD 6.1 9 .3 11 .7 15.7 (97) 4 .2 7 .7 11 .9 12.12 (84) MT LILYDALE Maz : Fothergi(l 4 Bridgland 3 Dresser 2 Fisher 2 Davis Palamara Busby : Dresser Quirk Fisher Jacobs Busby Scasserra . Mt Jacobs . Best Lilydale : Flanagan 3 Bird 2 Maniscalchi Baltic Gibson Carstens Brebner Rhodes Carillon . Best: Flanagan Battle Gibson Rhodes. Umpires : Danny Carroll Lindsay McIntyre IF ) OLD MELBURNIANS 0 .2 3 .5 6.9 8.10 (58) 7.4 8 .6 10 .7 16 .10 (106) PRAHRAN Old Melb : Arden 5 Alder M Prowse Selby. Best: James Tucker. Arden. McDonald . Marks . Prahran: Ivak 4 Cartlidge 4 Howard 3 Maughan 2 Butterworth Davies Farrell. Best : Kelly Geri Cartlidge Slawinski Macpherson Brown. Umpires: Frank Kavanagh Mark Thornhill (17) OLD SCOTCH 4 .5 7.11 12 .16 16 .23 (119) OLD BRIGHTON 0 .1 0.2 2.3 2 .3(15) Old Scotch: N Simon 5 Fraser 4 Stevens Elliot Comport Junkeer Best Craven Hooke . Best: Hooke Fraser Best Elliot Logan Simon . Old Bri : N Stenner C Trim. Best : Oakley Downey Pemberton Latta Davies Trim . Umpires : Tom Windlow Malcolm Ford IF ) 3 .0 5.1 7 .0 10 .1 (61) UNIVERSITY BLUES DE LA SALLE 4 .3 6 .5 8.8 11 .10 (76) University Blues: McKerrow 4 Westmore 2 Glass 2 Giles Hopkins . Best : Westntore Tvers Waters Movlan Hopkins MeKerrow . DLS: Thornton 7 Powell 2 Rudd . Best : Dimble Nicholas Norton Thornton Picone . Umpires: David Windlow Gerard Dowling (F ) ST KEVINS OB 4 .1 7.3 10 .6 11 9(75) OLD XAVERIANS 3 .2 5 .4 9.9 14.11 (95) SKOB : V Kearns 3 Dunn 2 Harvey 2 Crowley 2 Conlan Horrocks . Best : Powell Dunn Curtis Scarfo Lowe Crowlev . Old Xavs : Hall 6 Calman 3 Luke Hardwick 2 Landrigan Murphy Davies . Best: McCarthy Halt Landrigan Jones Hart Perrv . Umpires : De an Banova (F ) CLUB I8 (2 ) FITZROY REDS 0 .3 3.7 8.8 9 .13 (67) MARCELLIN 3.4 6 .4 7 .7 8 .8I56; Fitzroy Reds : Steer 2 Ziemer 2 Crane Jackson George Cook MacKay . Best: Steer Crane Leske Auden MacKav Bueklev . Marc : Details not received . Umpires : Brian Nunn Jason Evans (F ) COLLEGIANS 1 .1 3 .4 5 .6 6.7 (43) UNl BLACI{S 3 .7 8.8 9.11 15 .15 (105) Coll : Gambaro 2 Oakley 2 Brain Lynch . Best: Pearce Perkov Oldhatn Brain Lvnch Gambaro. Uri Blacks : Otsuka 2 Wood 2 Kelly 2 Chandler 2 Woo(lev 2 Allis Thomson Sonddo Guild Barlow . Best : Black Thomson Bowles Goonan Henry. Umpires : Steve Mason Simon Brooks IF)



OLD EAVERL9NS 4.1 8 .5 10 .9 16 .14 (110) 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 0 .0 (o] THERRY PENOLA Old Xav : Green 8 McLean 2 Roach 2 Purcell Ockleshaw Hfggto, Fitzgerald. Best : Chamberlain Green Ockleshaw Meehan Rees Purcell . Therry Penola : Best: Maresolic Mathews Musnana Bowden Atwell Kenessy_ Umpires: Tony Hegan Bob O'Halloran (F )

OLD ESSENDON 2.1 7 .3 10 .7 12.9 (81) OLD TRINITY 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 2,5 (17) Old Ess : Cariss 5 Evans 2 Hunter 2 Hammon Knox Hughes . Best Cariss Hughes Hammon tUoerndle Stevens Hunter . Old Trim Details' : not received . Umpires: Peter Kelly Tony Robbins (F) 2 .0 4 .1 6.2 8.6154) MONASH BLUES BOX HILL SHARKS 4.4 5 .11 9 .14 10-15(75) Mon Blues : Woods 3 West 2 Trace Plehn Coughlin . Best: Trace Coughlin 0'Shaughnessy Edsal) Plehn Woods . BHS: Viola 5 Balat Broadbear Nelson Wosti Payne . Best: Viola Versteegen Payne Grant Lv Carell . Umpires : Paul Rapke (F) ° CLUB 18 f3 1 OLD SCOTCH 2 .1 3 .2 7.4 10.7 (67) LATROBE UNIVERSITY 0 .3 0.6 0.7 17(13) Old Scotch : S Illingworth 4 J Smedley 2 M Maltmatt D Logan K Tilbrook D Paul . Best : D Clarke P Iser D Logan K Tilbrook J Smedly D Robertson° LaTrobe : G S Castle. Best : B Hodge G Davies J Koopmans :f Patnnsan D Robson G LF'algott .Umpires : Joe Ciccotosto Rhett Parker (F) CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 2 .0 4.1 4 .1 6-1(37) 1VffiTEFRIARS 2 .0 6.2 9.5 14.7 (91) Caul Gr: Baxter 3 Margerison Geifand Beckman . Best : Beckman Hepworth Steer B Jenkinson Biggs Baxter . White: Jackson 4 Hog g 2 Hennessy Elliot Rawlev Tatterson Vey Ward Davies Vernal . Best: Lema1 Spiteri Singh Ward Tatterson Atkinson . Umpires : Stephan Reddan Anthonv Byrnes (F) FITZROY REDS 12 2 .5 4.7 5 .11 (41) 6 .9(45) EMMAUS ST LEO'S 2 .4 3.5 4.6 Spykers 2 Mann Cockshutt Grimmett. Best: Price Bahr Fitz Reds : Jackson Cockshutt East Toner Mann . Emmaus SL: Manton 3 Lately 2 Woody . Best : Foley Manton Wood Farquhar England Contessotto . Umpires: Brian Nunn Trevor Hansen (F) NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .3 5.5 7.5 11.11 (77) OLD GEELONG 1 .3 3.7 7.10 11.11 (77) NOB: Dellwo 3 Muscat 2 Mahonev Ludeman Gordan Roache Wright . Best : Mahoney Barden Dellwo Nation Wright Gordan . Old GeeL• J Kilpatrick 4 Grills 2 Timms Stevens Wilson Hughes . Best: R Kilpatrick Stevens Wilson Hughes Youl Bell . Umpires : Richard Benson (F) OLD CAREY HAS THE BYE


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THE CHALLENGE : Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo.

PRIZES : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest Hotel Accommodation Package. Last week, ball was in B7. No winning entries . HOW TO ENTER : One entry per person. Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fi ll in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 . No Photocopies or faxed entries .







4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0




P ForL Agst % Pts t1MDE/$ 190 BLUE

1 1 0 0 142 9 1577 .78 1 1 0 0 107 11 972 .73 1 1 0 0 90 36 250 .00 1 1 0 0 76 41 185 .37 1 1 0 0 93 77 120 .78 1 0 1 0 77 93 82 .80 1 0 1 0 41 76 53 .95 1 0 1 0 36 90 40 .00 1 0 1 0 11 107 10.28 1 0 1 0 9 142 6 .34





L D For Ag st % 0 0 84 9 933.33 0 0 170 32 531 25 0 0 84 58 144.83 0 0 68 53 128 .30 0 0 82 78 105 .13 1 0 78 82 95 .12 1 0 53 68 77 .94 1 0 58 84 69.05 1 0 32 170 18.82 1 0 9 84 10 .71


0 0 0


J!' j ? RED

1 1 1 1 1

L D For A

T 1 1 1 1 0

0 0 99 39 0 0 152 86 0 0 106 80 0 0 111 110 1 0 110 111

1 0 1 0 80 106 1 0 1 0 86 152 1 0 1 0 39 99



253 .85 176 .74 132 .50 100.91 99.10 75.47 56 .58 39 .3 9

D For Agst % Fls

AQUINAS 0 C 1 1 0 0 194 22 881 .82 4 KEW 1 1 0 0 163 71 229 .58 4 .53 4 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 1 1 0 0 84 68 123 .52 4 FITZROY REDS 1 1 0 0 67 58 115 .00 4 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .57 0 OLD SCOTCH 1 0 1 0 58 67 86 0 .95 0 RUPERTSWOOD (2) 1 0 1 0 68 84 80 .56 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 0 1 0 71 163 43 .34 0 OLD WESTBOURNE 1 0 1 0 22 194 11 0 0

g,L UB y$ (g) P ~d L D For Aqst


1 1 0 0 119 15 793.33 OLD SCOTCH 1 0 0 106 58 182 .76 4 PRAHRAN 1 tr BRUNSWICK 1 1 0 0 107 28 382 .14 1 1 0 0 95 75 126 .67 1 1 0 0 136 47 289 .36 4 OLD XAVERIANS 1 1 0 0 76 61 124 .59 4 DE LA SALLE 1 1 0 0 96 66 145 .45 4 MAZENOD 0 C 1 1 0 0 97 84 115 .48 6N AMATEURS 1 1 0 0 104 90 115.56 .00 4 MT LILYDALE 0 C 1 0 1 0 84 97 86 .60 ,.OLLEGIANS 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .26 lCOBRAS 1 0 1 0 90 104 86 .54 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 0 1 0 61 76 80 1 0 1 0 66 96 68 .75 0 ST KEVINS 1 0 1 0 75 95 78 .95 0 5472 ~'IORTH 1 0 1 0 47 136 34 .56 OLD MELBURNIANS 1 0 1 0 58 106 .17 0 1 0 1 0 15 119 12 .6 1 ,F) CENTRAL 1 0 1 0 28 107 26 OLD BRIGHTON




UNDER 19 (11 P


L D For Agst % Prs


For Agst %


1 1 0 0 146 55 265 .45 4 4 1 1 0 0 72 55 130 .91










4 Si -~ BLUES 1 1 0 0 92 83 110 .84 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 4 1 0 1 0 83 92 90 22 0 1 0 1 0 102 133 76 .69 0 1 0 1 0 55 72 76 .39 0 0 1 0 1 0 55 146 37 .67

UNDER 7~2) P

44 L D For ~ % Pts

1 1 0 0 184 15 1226 .67 4 1 1 0 0 187 33 566 .67 4 1 1 0 0 135 56 241 .07 4

1 1 0 0 132 108 12222


GR 1 1 0 0 110 90 122.22 4 1 0 1 0 108 132 81 .82 0 I :WBANK . D 1 0 1 0 90 110 81 .82 0 0 1 0 1 0 56 135 41 .48 'IANS 1 0 1 0 33 187 17 .65 0 1 0 1 0 15 184 8.15 0

UNDER 19 (3}


PUS L D FSr_Agst % P BY 4 1 1 0 0 154 43 358 .14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 0 0 0 0

0 0 138 66 209 .09 0 0 123 62 198 .39 0 0 89 63 141 .27 0 129 104 124 .04 1 0 104 129 80 .62 1 0 63 89 70 .79 1 0 62 123 50 .41

4 4 4 4 0 0 0

C 7:TTIG 1 0 1 0 66 138 47 .83 0 ,ES 1 0 1 0 43 154 27 .92 0

L ' L i P B l8 ( ~ J P W

L D For A

.47 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 1 1 0 0 81 17 476 .19 4 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 1 0 0 105 43 244 .89 4 BOX HILL SHARKS 1 1 0 0 75 54 138 FIZROY REDS 1 1 0 0 67 56 119 .04 4 .00 4 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 1 1 0 0 110 0 0 MARCELLIN 1 0 1 0 56 67 83 .58 0 .00 0 MONASH BLUES 1 0 1 0 54 75 72 COLLEGIANS 1 0 1 0 43 105 40 .95 0 .99 0 OLDTHIN] TY 1 0 1 0 17 81 20 .00 0 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 1 0 1 0 0 110 0 W




.38 4 OLD SCOTCH (2) 1 1 0 0 67 13 515 .95 4 WHITEFRIARS 1 1 0 0 91 37 245 .51 4 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 1 1 0 0 51 47 108 .00 4 OLD CAREY 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 .00 2 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 0 0 1 77 77 100 OLD GEELONG 1 0 0 1 77 77 100.00 2 .16 0 FITZROY REDS (2) 1 0 1 0 47 51 92 .66 0 CAULFIELD GR 1 0 1 0 37 91 40 .40 0 LATROBEUNI 1 0 1 0 13 67 19


Wac h eS ( FPi l Umpires Appointment cares ( Sat . night) sS

速 ,.c. . :ettu



.wv~.) --- ~ 1 (charges ,na he AiOher tr~ a mobile pho^e to th~s ~---1-------"-~ -'-----------63


For Aast % Pts

OLD MELBURNIANS 1 1 0 0 114 62 183 .87 4 STBERNARDS 1 1 0 0 98 66 148 .48 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 1 0 0 119 96 123 .96 4 MARCELLIN 1 1 0 0 70 62 112 .90 4 OLD HAILEYBURY 1 1 0 0 81 80 101 .25 4 OLD SCOTCH 1 0 1 0 80 81 98 .77 0 OLD TRINITY 1 0 1 0 62 70 88 .57 0 ST KEVINS 1 0 1 0 96 119 80 .67 0 OLD XAVERIANS 1 0 1 0 66 98 67.35 0 0 COLLEGIANS 1 0 1 0 62 114 54 .39


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

P 4y 1 D For Agst % Pts A RESERYE P


WHITEFRIARS 1 1 0 0 115 36 319 .44 OLD IVANHOE 1 1 0 0 124 67 185 .07 DE LA SALLE 1 1 0 0 113 71 159 .15 MAZENOD 0 C 1 1 0 0 87 66 131 .82 OLD BRIGHTON 1 1 0 0 118 93 126.88 OLD ESSENDON GR 1 0 1 0 93 118 78 .81 ST BEDES MENT TIG 1 0 1 0 66 87 75 .86 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 0 1 0 71 113 62 .83 MHSOB 1 0 1 0 67 124 54 .03 CAULFIELD OR 1 0 1 0 36 115 31 .30

1 0 0 147 80 183 .75 1 0 0 161 101 159.41 1 0 0 118 99 119 1 9 1 0 0 163 150 108 .67 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 0 150 163 92 .02 0 1 0 99 118 8 1 90 0 1 0 101 161 62 .73 0 1 0 80 147 54 .4 2


1 D

For A qst %

Pk 4


4 COLLEGIANS 1 1 0 0 61 24 254 4 OLD XAVERIANS 1 1 0 0 87 53 164 .1 5 4 OLD SCOTCH 1 1 0 0 98 64 153.13 4 .76 4 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 1 0 0 93 68 136 4 OLD TRINITY 1 1 0 0 62 48 129 .17 4 0 MARCELLIN 1 0 1 0 48 62 77 .42 0 0 ST KEVINS 1 0 1 0 68 93 7 1 12 0 0 OLD HAILEYBURY 1 0 1 0 64 98 65 .31 0 .92 0 0 ST BERNARDS 1 0 1 0 53 87 60 .34 0 0 OLD MELBURNIANS 1 0 1 0 24 61 39



L D For Agst % Pts

D For Agst % PIS P 69/ L 1 1 0 0 197 9 2188.89 OLD CAMBERWELL 1 1 0 0 165 32 515 .63 4 DE LA SALLE .45 4 MAZENOD 0 C 1 1 0 0 84 28 3000 0 PARKDALE VULTURES 1 1 0 0 147 58 253 OLD BRIGHTON 1 1 0 0 111 70 158 .57 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 1 0 0 102 53 192 .45 4 1 90 BEAUMARIS 1 1 0 0 91 55 165.45 4 OLD IVANHOE 1 1 0 0 79 59 13 .92 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 1 0 0 78 74 105 .41 4 CAULFIELD GR 1 1 0 0 64 61 104 .31 AJAX 1 0 1 0 74 78 94 .87 0 WHITEFRIARS 1 0 1 0 61 6,4 95 MHSOB 1 0 1 0 59 79 74 68 MONASH BLUES 1 0 1 0 55 91 60 .44 0 GR 1 0 1 0 70 111 63 .0 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 1 0 1 0 53 102 51 .96 0 OLD ESSENDON 336STBEDMNIG102843 BANYULE 1 0 1 0 58 147 39 .46 0 0 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 0 1 0 9 197 4 .57 OLD PARADIANS 1 0 1 0 32 165 19 .39 C SECTION



1 D For A gst




L D For Agst

4 4 4 0 0

0 0


ORMOND 1 1 0 0 172 51 337 .25 4 OLD CAREY 1 1 0 0 147 45 326 .67 4 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 1 1 0 0 141 69 204 .35 4 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 1 1 0 0 122 101 120 .79 4 FITZROY REDS 1 1 0 0 118 117 100 .85 4 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 1 0 1 0 117 118 99 .15 0 OLD MENTONIANS 1 0 1 0 101 122 82 .79 0 PRAHRAN 1 0 1 0 69 141 48 .94 0 GLEN EIRA 1 0 1 0 45 147 30 .61 0 0 AQUINAS 0 C 1 0 1 0 51 172 29 .65

PARKDALE VULTURES 1 1 0 0 95 22 431 .82 4 4 BEAUMARIS 1 1 0 0 128 54 237 .04


L D For Agst % Pis P W Df RESERVE ORMOND 1 1 0 0 149 25 596 .00 4 FITZROY REDS 1 1 0 0 136 23 591 .30 4 OLD CAREY 1 1 0 0 90 42 214 29 4 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 1 1 0 0 89 59 150 .85 4 PRAHRAN 1 1 0 0 76 53 143 .40 4 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 1 0 1 0 53 76 69 .74 0 OLD MENTONIANS 1 0 1 0 59 89 66 .29 0 GLEN EIRA 1 0 1 0 42 90 46 .67 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 0 1 0 23 136 16 .91 0 0 AQUINAS 0 C 1 0 1 0 25 149 16 .78




1 D For Ayst


OAKLEIGH 1 1 0 0 163 74 220 .27 4 OLD GEELONG 1 1 0 0 121 62 195 .16 4 RUPERTSW000 1 1 0 0 152 81 187 .65 4 LATROBE UNI 1 1 0 0 115 64 179 .69 4 SALESIAN 0 C 1 1 0 0 65 44 147 .73 4 SWINBURNE UNI 1 0 1 0 44 65 67 .69 0 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 1 0 1 0 64 115 55 .65 0 BENTLEIGH 1 0 1 0 81 152 53 .29 0 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 1 0 1 0 62 121 51 .24 0 PENINSULA 0 B 1 0 1 0 74 163 45 .40 0 03 SECTION P 61l


D For




6HAMPTONRVES104629158 OLD CAMBERWELL 1 1 0 0 54 36 150.00 66.67 OLD PARADIANS 1 0 1 0 36 54 1 0 1 0 29 46 63.04 AJAX THERRY PENOLA 0 B 1 0 1 0 41 86 47 .67 MONASH BLUES 1 0 1 0 54 128 42 .19 BANYULE 1 0 1 0 22 95 23 .16

4 0 0 0 0

% Pfs

ST JOHNS O C 1 1 0 0 167 32 521 .88 4 WEST BRUNSWICK 1 1 0 0 119 62 191 .94 4 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 1 1 0 0 152 113 134 .51 4 OLD WESTBOURNE 1 1 0 0 91 71 128 .17 4 UHS-VU 1 1 0 0 106 95 111 .58 4 SYNDALTALLY-1-10 1 0 1 0 95 106 89 .62 0 MONASH GRYPHONS 1 0 1 0 71 91 78 .02 0 KEW 1 0 1 0 113 152 74 .34 0 POWER HOUSE 1 0 1 0 62 119 52 .10 0 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 1 0 1 0 32 167 19 .16 0


UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 1 0 0 86 41 209 .7

r--- --------------------------I






Weekend Matches (Fri) Umpires Appointments Scores ( Sat . night)




presented b y


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