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Lhai Paul Edwards from Therry kicke d f~oals for his side in the openin g . IL begs the question : is this the year o f I - _,c,al kicker? s iuor" thanever, there is a glut of goalin amateur football, which has often -ii i cised as being too low scoring an d ds flashy mitifielders . n, two ex AFL ruckmen are leadin g b ; Iz,-i iig sugges tions that inju ri es had iir football careers . Brett O'Farrell itc,')ury) and Steven McKee (St }ia,e both proved ~ nothing like tall i ie goal-square . , old Scotch's i in an, who had a n-sle t=rith Da n ia year for the sharp-shootin g e mix following an it last week against Uni Blues , led as having the most miserl y 0w competition . Gerstman, very
i}unstall mould in terms of ho w ni,sed the opening round with a i,ut should he remain on the park , i jn a red-hot nudge this yea r jr C,,nneil kicks 100s as a matte r
11ut unfortunately business ii r y impede him this year . Still ~_u t for the NOBS with bags , :€ds, the smart money is on chard Taylor to take the . The ex Hawk and West relishing the chance to go iwilight years as he lurk s feet of his taller forwards . ih, opening round and the ~ i n a strong team auger well - touted as a possible Uni off season . Of course, a name of Julian Kirzner
seemingly has a mortgage on the C Grade goal kicking and on the back of a lazy seven last week, he looks the odds on pick again One name I keep hearing about from the coat tuggers is Kane Maghamez from th e Fitzroy Reds . The gargantuan teenager, who graduated from the Under 19s in the off season (on the back of two y .ID e successive 90 goal plus seasons) is on Grade list but Williamstown's 7~0 " represents a scary presence when he lines up for the Reds . Two days out this year sees him well ahead on the sharp shooters table . If you want bags, plonk yourself down in D4 . In the last two decades, 11 players have kicked the ton . (Yes, I have no life) with Hawthorn Amateurs' Dan Lauletta the hot tip to bring up the three figures this year. Whatever the case, amateur history is littered with names capable of giving the goal umpires neck pain . Amazingly however, we haven't had an A Grade centurion since 1980 . Messrs Gerstman, McKee and O'Farrell would be good each way bets to buck the trend . On a totally different track, Whitefriars' Anthony Carbone is not noted for his big bags but caps off one of the more remarkable amateur careers today when he runs out for his 300th game against MHSOB . 6 club B&Fs, numerous times runner up, comp MVPs, state honours and premiership captain . He was at the forefront of the Friars' remarkable push up the grades, despite offers from higher ranked clubs . Well done Cuzza, enjoy your day ! Horn
5 Price : $2.00 Vol . 05 No. 03
time but succumbed Lucky Jim to the ferocity of the St Unlucky Jim Kevin's side . At 3/ 4 James Hayter pretty much stitched up every full time of the Uni game, ----------forward in A Grade last year . Look at the front Steve McKee wa s cover of the record from the opening round and it probably wondering the point of it all but he has sums up why the Blues won the flag . Indeed such since kicked ten goals and looks an absolute was his dominance over St Bernards' Dan Jordan doozy for the SKOBs . Matt Lucas (until injured), that big DJ vowed "never again!", jumped ship and youngster from the college Marchesani and Rory scooted off to Western Australia with a plane load McGuire (a reserves player last year) all played of assorted hair stylists in hot pursuit . James vital roles for the home side. Their acid test comes Gerstman kicked nine on him last year, but eigh t today, but it's not beyond the of those were from oftenrealms of possibility that they ridiculous free kicks and it "St ~ ftz's and Old Xaveriww can mix it with the Xavs of this appeared a mere blip on his copy book . wouLd ham to be thefierces t world . Marcellin just won't go away. Fast-forward to quarter time r&Wry in anweurf On ANZAC day, they were on Saturday and Hayter was always in control against a as white as a ghost. Creratman young St Bernard's side that must have given had kicked seven, Scotch had had applied the itself a red-hot chance going into the game. blowtorch to the reigning premiers and the fabric Youngster Cam McLaren has been a real of the competition suddenly looked a little revelation while chunky on ball magnet Brett different. Gerstman, who finished with eleven, Dobson must surely be the most consistent player plays him exactly the way everyone else didn't last in the competition . year ; he avoided the body on body contests, Finally Haileybury, who were something of a joke relying instead on his uncanny ability to read the last year but now look very much the benchmark . play from upfield . Some numbnuts in the community had the audacity to blame the loss on an article that appeared in the Saturday Age . Those with more of an idea rightly contend that Scotch is a pretty slick team and boast arguably the most lethal fiAl :iE LST f:'i ; TOT.'.!. CLUE forward line in the competition . A sECT'aflN Cameron M ie-MeHarg (how's that for your 6 11 B . O'Farrell quintessential Scotch College name!) was Old Haileybury Gertsman 11 11 dominant in the ruck and Steven Hume's kicking Old Scotch 6 10 McKee to Gerstman was a treat to watch St. Kevins C Maclaren 6 7 In the other games . . . . Marcellin Dan Rush, Adrian Cox and Ryan Colbert (Leigh's A RESERVE brother) were all amongst it as Xavs overcome a Efstathiou 7 11 Old Haileybury tardy start to totally blow away the hapless Hawkins 8 8 Old Melburnians Wesley boys. Ten goals in the final term suggests Beaurepaire 3 7 Old Scotch a newfound potency for the away team . Coleman 2 6 University Blues Nick Daffy fronted up for a rare appearance with 6 Green 6 Old Xaverians Old M el6urniar.c, who were competitive until half
Would you like to be an A Grade full back ,t 11~! on Brett O'Farrell with Corrigan , Barker an d co s treaming down at a rate ,i kuol,? They won the school flag last year with ~uncil of ring-ins but their Old Boys side are al l -, ruwn an d pretty impressive . Could this b e Today ;;7ologies to Scotch and OMs, Uni Black s
, l I)lues and Beaumaris and Hampton Rovers, K, ci,l's and Old Xave rians would have to be th e a rivalry in amateur football. Stretchin g those Year 7A APS battles at Burke Hal l }dced up by the Michael Blood hoo-ha, the %,~arly punch up at Cheers nightspot an d ,,ii(_,iions of financial impropriety, it's hard to two sides that love beating one another go for Xavs, just . And . . . Nicco v : ill dust off his old side at McKinnon
O'Farrell will miss with work iuii ;wmenf~ in Sydney )
The Eagles will swoop on the Lions to go 3 zip . The Students will get their act together against `,t> . Sc,otch will give a right royal touch up to -ti u-,ling Trinity . Correspondents : Horn -jonathan-g-horn@yahoo .co .u k
MILESTONES St . K eving UB - Today at Toorak Park agains t .: .] :iavs, Marcus Dollman celebrates a ii, :nt milestone - 200 games. Marcus' ,iIuiimtion to SKOB since joining the club as ,hitu,v redhead kid in 1994 has bee n i, i .u v . Two time Senior Premiership winner, tiut,- \AFA competition B&F winner, Senior
195.18-2002, Senior B&F winner and Itii i i,u1 in 2004, Marcus just keeps on t , , the Club that he loves . He's still a A Ici<1 -perhaps not so skinny - but ou r it to Marcus for this tremendou s Best of luck today Dolly.
'_ .~~ ~~.I L ~~
Old Haileybury v St Bernard s n v Collegian s 1L ms v St Kevins - 96 .5 inner FTA -11,tirniafis v University Blues - at Sportscover Arena
Old Trinity v Old Scotch
_01N CtLD Ti 1 .1 1 .3 5 .5 6.7(43) OLD HARZYBURY 4 .4 10.7 14.8 21 .10 (136) Old Trfn: Pretty 2 A Ramsden 2 Cultrera Dann . Best: Brown D Bottler Reynolds A Ramsden Dann Aitken . Old llait• O'Farrell 6 Siapantas 3 P Corrigan 2 S Langford-Jones 2 Bourke 2 Armstrong 2 BarkerJenke Mason Scroll . Best : O'Farrell Brown P Corrigan Barker Secull Jenke. Umpirm Albie Firley Peter Liddell (F) Peter Teasdale Peter Monotti (B) Bernie Hoare Kevin Segota (G) ST BEWIMS 1 .3 6.4 9 .4 11 .6 (72) 4.2 8.6 10.12 16 .16 (1 06) MARCELLIH St Bmit: Potter 3 Keunen 2 Davis 2 C Mitchell 2 Garth Goullet . Best: Kennon Madden Kavanagh McLaughlin Blunt Goullet . C Maclaren 6 J Rice 4 Cullinan 2 S Considine O'Donnell Frazer . Best : Rice McLaren Dobson M Bortolotto S Considine Cullinan. Umptrim Jamie Kvins Russell Davidson (F) Chris O'Shea Rob Mutton (B) Bernie Jephson Vin Vescovi (G) COLLEGIANS 2 .3 4.5 5 .5 7 .11 (53) OLD XAPEHTAFi3 1 .4 6 .12 11 .16 21 .22 (148) Cal- Blumfield 2 Naylor 2 Harrison Jorgenson Lockett. Best: Blumfield Roach Mooney Harrison Weekes Hage. Old Sav: Rush 3 Cox 3 C Purrs 3 Colbert 3 Beardsley 2 Agius 2 Pascal RuygJ Scanlan Lethtean Ford . Best: Colbert Bingham J Sc<•mlanwoodru((Johnston C Purss . Simon Stokes Steve McCarthy (F1 Andrew Envigton Matt Jenkinson (B) Andrew Esposito Daniel Kofoed (G) BT HEVW 4 .2 5 .3 12.7 16.9 (1 06) OLD MELSURPSANS 2 .4 5.12 9.12 11 .17 (83) SHOB: McKee 6 Greenham 3 Lynch 2 Lucas Garlick Liston Giansiraeusa Dowd. Best: Marchesani Macguire Liston Greenham Shannon Dowd . Old Mdb: Lacev 4 Jm Beaumont Daffy Kennon Lawler Jon Miller Jo Miller Roberts Best : Billing Jo Miller J Berry Roberts Holme Je Beaumont . Urapdr= Leah Gallagher Tim Sutcliffe (F) Brendan Corcoran Will Stokes (B) Lucas Robson Dominic Napoli (G) OLD SCOTCH 9 .7 13 .13 14.15 21 .17 (143) IIt BLUES 1 .0 5.1 10 .3 14.5 (89) Old >3eoWL Gerstman 11 Phillips Crow Pugsley McKenzie-MeHarg Wigney Town Demetriou Gnatt Leitl Lorenzini . Best: Geistman Hume McKenzieMcHarg Ashton Beringer Snaddon .Uni Bbim- Clarke 3 DeCrespigny 3 Scambler 2 Lowcock 2 Tanner Gleeson Ryan Minns . Best: Paterson Anderson McKinnon North Gleeson Tanner. i}mph= Richard Eastwood Peter James (F) Michael Saunders Adam Rogers (B) Paul Gait Steve Piperno (G )
A RESERVE OLt}TRffdit'Y 2.1 5.5 7 .7 9.8(62) OLD FiAIIF'YBU1tY 8 .3 9.4 12.7 13.9 (67) Old Trim S VanDerVenne 3 C Amiconi 2 Cameron 2 Hogarth 2 . Best : Webster Cumming Cameron Petdro M Burgess Christou . Old Hail Efstathiou 7 warnes 2 Dowling 2 Walden Salter . Best Efstathiou Walden McIntyre warnes Floyd Fergusson . 3T BERNARDS 4.4 5.6 10.14 16 .17 (16'n ;t3ARCEbd IN 0.0 2.2 2 .2 3.3(21) St Berix Harrison 3 Matthews 2 Stapleton 2 Hogan N Smith 2 Harris Hughes Ryan Campbell . Best: N Smith J Evans Andrews Hogan Harrison De Morton. Mm= Houghton lamnis Frisina. Best Colville L McMillan Vdignall McCarteri Bolger Conte . C3 0.1 1 .2 1 .2 1 .319) OLD %A 3.3 9.6 12.9 1s .12 (102) CAh Stone . Best: Howard Jones Humphry Stone Rose Mallard . CId . Green 6 Jones 2 Larkins 2 J McDonnell 2 M Scanlan 0'Meara M Walsh . Best: Howard Green M Walsh Hulett Larkins Jones . ST EMVIM 3.3 3.4 6.5 7.6(48) 2.1 7.5 8.8 1 4.10 (94) OLD AISULBURNEAM SHOB: P Mount 2 Aughton Mitchell S Mount Taylor Campagta . Best: L Gullifer Byrne Manton. Old Ett2lx Hawldns 8 Byrne 4 Oman Tsiotras . Best: Hawkins Oman Bunn Tucker Jenkins A Prowse . OLD SCOTCH 62 8 .6 13 .6 19.12 (126) UM BLUES 3 .4 5 .6 8.7 9 .9 (63) Old SeDtcb. • S Graham 5 Beaurepaire 3 Reid 3 Josephs 2 Allen Armstrong Cations Finocchiaro B Smith J Kitchen . Best: Allen Carroll Cations S Graham Josephs C Phillips . Uni Muem M Coleman 2 D Heinz 2 J McKay 2 S Fletcher 2 J Westmore . Best: S Russel T Irvine D Heinz J Wood J R4stmore T Rankin. 3
A Section COLLEGIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins Res : Damien Phillips 1 J. Dixon VC 2 M. Johnson 3 B . Mooney 4 A . Shinkfietd 5 R . Henebery 6 N . Baxte r 6 S . Woolley
7 S . Taft 7 J . Farley 8 C. Unsworth Capt 9 J . Fry 10 J . Jorgensen 11 C . Weekes 12 N . Harrison Capt
13 M. Parrent 14 J. .Ashman Hoist 15 C 16 A . Baxter 17 J . Heritage
17 D . Phillips 18 D. Barber 19 C. Davidson 20 M . Hoiles 21 C. Harris VC 22 N. Lockett 23 C. Mollard 24 E. Waters 25 R . Mui r 26 P. KrOfiri S
27 G . Rowston
28 B. Couch 28 D . Browning 29 N . Burrows 30 L. Moo n 31 N . Roach 32 C. Blumfield VC 33 B . Hoist 34 D. McCaughan 35 L. Nesbit 36 M . Roberson
37 S. Humphry 38 A. Fabri s 39 D. Cannizzo 40 D. Strachan 41 B. Duff 42 T. Sank
43 E. Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Stone 46 J . Cook e
47 Z. Moon 48 B . Low 49 M . Rose
Coach: Vaughan Cleary Res Coach : Trent Collins 1 2 3 4 5
Coach: Peter Nicholson Res . Coach: Andrew Bonwkk 1 2 3 4 5
B. Dobson J. Rice D . Waters J . Frazer D . Johnston
C. Home S. Davey P. Go gan ( C) S. Langford,)wr.s (DVC) J . Bourke
6 G. Romanin
6 L ~tas
7 S . Maguire 8 R . Frisina 9 L. Considine 10 D. Cullinan 11 N. Addison 13 C. Woods 15 J. Bortolotto 16 L . McMillan
6 W. Smith 7 M . Car~garl 8 F. Mohammad 9 M . Barker (DVC) 10 C. Efstathiou 11 A. McIntyre 12 B. O'Farrell 13 B. Waite 14 S. Jones 15 D . Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K . Ford (VC) 18 D. Thurmond 19 M . Armstrong 20 M . Fankhauser 21 A. Janke 22 D. Mason 23 M. Seccull
17 G . CoxtC)
18 D . Gartner 19 A. Papaluca 20 M. Hermans 21 N . Walker 22 D. Marson 23 M . Leffanue 24 L. O'Flynn 25 R. Galati 26 D. McMlllan 27 S. Theisz 28 B. Carmody 30 S. Considine 31 M. Bortolotto 34 D . Jarred (VC) 36 A. Layton 38 C . MacLaren 39 B . Colville 40 C . Purcell 42 G. Petroff
43 J . Pascuzzi 44 L. Hansen 45 D. Theisz 52 A. Rivstovski 53 M. Perri 54 J. Forbes 55 J. Wallis 59 R . Conte 63 C . Pezzimenti 62 M. McCartin 63 C . Pezzimenti
59 A. Wright - Smith
60 D . Mutto n 61 E . Healey 62 0. Howard 63 A . Kenneally 64 N .Craig 65 A . Smith 66 J . Adgemi s 67 A . Nichola 68 M . Gromotga 70 D. Slatyer 76 B. Hage
21 D . Ja 22 R1°" 23 O. Crane
J . Guest M. Hicks J . Dixon M. Berry M . Hawkins
24 D Brooke 25 M . Saunders 26 T Davmrg 27 T_ Den~eVrou 28 A.ouaa
29 i
r"yias 34 Drano , 35 C PJ .. P SurcEiae
36 TCoste,b-ManNng 37 J . Grant
37 G . Canal 38 T. JePoart 39 S. Graham 40 T.Aurc-+Smath 41 Wbaws
41 J . Ray
aa J. Beaurepalre
42 T. Beane 43 p' Jackson
38 L. Bunn 39 J . Tucker
42 A Waddel l 43 A Wu
47 T. Hos0.ing 48 S Dumaresq
44 E . Far+auharson
49 B. Snaddnn 50 M . wa,kom 51 L . Freeman 52 D. Knight F4 A~~n~`1~
..45J Aachen 46 C Neeson
47 D. Marks 48 C. Jenkins 49 G Tswtras so k Panndex 51 M . Kenrwn 52 J . Anderso n 53 D . Dsmond 54 M. Barrett 55 C . Theodaulou
55 s. D :pasyual e 56 T. DspasquarZ 57 J . Crane 58 A. Grant 59 w. Enron
60 J . Sheldon 61 A W Sutherland 62 M. Graham 63 T Coll. l
56 J . Tucker 57 W McDonald
64 S . Lorenzen 65 !d MaYan 66 A . Pearce
A. Prows e 59 W. Wharton
60 A . Gems
67 S Uilay
61 D Woodfor d 62 T. Harrison 63 R. Matthews 6 .. Daff 4 65 N P y Grundy
68 T. Keck 69 S . Hoskirq 70 J. MYvcM N 71
72 C . Alder
72 B snT 73 M . Gw,e n 74 D. Carq~on g 75 C. u 76 J Noblest 77 T. Page 78 N . Som e
73 N . Russell 74 N . Lawler 75 s. Guoiey 76 E. Mitchell
82 B Remrrwth
66 N. Peters 68 H . Best 70 J. Russo 71 T. Bailer
79 G . Junkeer ~ N : ~~
83 A. Mdilar 84 A . Ventura
77 . Hara n 78 M. Bach 79 E Baker So C . Bien-Young 81 A . Ray
57 A. Sight 58 A. Baker 59 N. Gibson 62 G. White 63 S. Pickering
~ 13 .. a`;x r 87 MS . Scow 88 o. Be.,
82 D. Emerson 83 R. Galbraith
89 T. Fraser 90 T Baker
as . Guest 86 E8 . Hamer
92 93 94 95
88 A. Kauye
98 N. Tho 99 A.Bu c 100 D . Glen 101 A. Catch mr ~ e 102 D . Fazwde n
92 D . Miller 93 W Fannon
34 S. Radyrromk
~ll~~E Ci~
proudly sponsored by :
Q A '€ NGE 6-B O ®Bd3 ~
J. Fayman
J. Siman C. Pr.Scsigton C. Stevens N. Wallace-Sm~th
96 A. vr.wsmson 97 J . Smedley , m
89 4Y. Kiel 9o w. Landa,e 91 A. Manahan
. Fa~taro
31 N. Lord 32 J. Gerstman 33 E. Re d
33 J. Magee 34 P. Toll 35 C . Ray
103 a Low ,Co , 105 p:nsmn
1c6 R. Hoc, e
® ~ .~
19 R . .wsephs 20 S.Trocn
31 J Berry 32 E. Selby
t3 A. Nettleton 14 C. McKenzre - Mcnarg 15 S. Cations 16 E. earraurey_ 17 Cl L. iagwtens ~
29 M . Prowse 30 Jo Mdier
56 D~~
YCIYPa Valley
it T. Buy 12 S. Hume
25 H. Whitehead 26 P, ~"~ y 28 M . Maroon
35 T. Chisholm 35 D . Lappage 36 L McPtterswt 37 D . Brown 38 L Floyd Floyd 39 S . Rode . 41 S Saunders 42 J . Mueller 43 D. Salter 44 J. McLauchlan 45 M. Deviling 47 R. Mitchell 48 G . Chipperr~d 49 L Pitcher 51 H . McLauchlan 52 C . Ferguson 53 M. Levy 54 A . Vital as
8 Je Beaumont s D. Harrison 10 T. Roberts 11 R. Ferraro t2 O . Webb
20 21 22 23 24
coach: Date Tapp,g Andrew 0057 5 Asst Coach Serge D'Arqab Res Coach: Asst Coach : Ray Eeatt e 1 T Baranger ( C 2 . Ras~ iV t 4 C. Talent vC) 8 5 s. Collins I~D)
8 A. Crow 7 J Kitchen 8 S. Dick g A. Pugsky to C. sm,m
6 7 D H. Turner
J. Byrne 7 Ja nane r 18 T. Fitzgerald 19 E. studham
33 S. Wa~en 34 P. Langford-Jones
46 B. Crawford
52 M . Naylor 53 T. Rutherford 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes Res Capt 56 M. Stefanidakis 57 D . Williamson 58 N . Bobeff
t T. Cud,Ipp 2 3 BI,6n gnt 4 H. . . "c"' ~Iney
14 A. Vo age ts 1I I. Weiry
25 S. Rrnvtands 26 J . Bell 27 B. Johnston 28 S . Goldsworthy 29 B . Carson 30 D. Warned 31 D. Lay 32 B. Mflctr'll
51 B . Shadboft
Coach : Dean Rice Res Coach : Fab Gatti
13 E. wuson
24 B.T DVC) ~~ (
50 M . Rice
, . .. .
. ,_ . .
OLD TI1IITY 0 `.' ;~MAR Co-Co.:chce . .. f Carlson S r R^_s Cooch : Da 'a Bower Club i s coach : Ed Best
Coach : Simon Madde n Coach: Barry Richardso n Res Coach: Anthony Bourk e Res Coach: Darren Handley 1 A . Fox 2 C . Santaluci a 3 J . Pasceri 4 Ja McDonnell 5 D . Rush 6 A. Oswald 7 S . Lethlean 8 A . McDonald 9 A . Co x 10 M . Beardsley 11 L. Howard 12 A. Bowen 13 T. Ruyg 14 J. Agius 15 L . Ford (Capt) 16 S. Mollard 17 A. Chatfield (V.C .) 18 M. Scanlan 19 D . Walsh ,20 J. Scanlan 21 S McCarthy 21 T. Purss 22 T. Ockteshaw (VC.) 22 M Ru =i-i S. C.
1 C. Keunen 2 B. Garth 3 C. Goullet 4 D. Ballari n 5 C. Liberatore 6 M . Harrison 7 S . Clarke 7R S . Perrett 8 J. Evan s 9 M . Kavanagh 10 N. Mitchell 11 C. Davis 12 B . Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 B . Rya n 15 T. Wilkinson 16 D. Blunt 17 C. Potter 18 D. O'Connor 19 A . Mitchell 20 D. Evan s 21 B . Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson 23 L. Wilkinson 24 D. Roach 25 D. McLaughlin (C) 26 A. Smith 27 J. Hughes 28 P. Holland 29 L. Spinner 30 M . Stapleton 31 G . Campbell 32 T. Harvey 32R J. Harvey s n N. SBy t
Coach : Dave Murray Asst . Coach : Tony Miller Res . Coach : Rob Gross
Coach : John Kanis Res Coach : Joe Sturrock
I N. Pope 2 M . Mulgrevr 3 S. Garlick 4 L. Mahoney (c) 5 M . Dollma n 6 D. Mahoney 7 J . Travaglia 8 T. McCann 9 B . Field s 10 M . Lucas (dvc) 11 T. Duggan 12 S . McKee 13 R. Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 W. Gullifer 16 B . Garvey (dvc) 17 D. Rya n 18 R. Chard 19 D. Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R. Maguire 22 J . Mount 23 T. Simpson (vc) 24 A . Lynch 25 D. Manton 26 C. Taylor 27 T. O'Toole 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 C. Underwood 30 N. Dowling 31 W. Keenan 32 S . O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 34 N. Perrett 35 J . Dempsey 36 P. Mount 37 M . Shannon 38 J . O'Brien 39 M . Dwyer 40 L. Katesaran 41 M . Drinkwater 42 S. Mount 43 A. DeKretse r 44 John-Paul . Mount 45 A . Srriii n 46 L S . =er 48 A.C_-. .. ,
1 P. Butko 2 T. Hutchins 3 J. Sturrock 4 D . Guengerich 5 J. Tanner 6 M. Rigby 7 R . Young 8 J. Hayte r 9 A. Lowcock to R. Martin 11 L . Nort h 12 Q . Gleeson 13 T. Foster 14 A. Henderson 15 L . Ryan 16 M . Kordic k 17 G . De Crespigny 18 N. Anderso n
51 L. Bare 52 r1 ' nt 53 I -' i no 56 D. :.alsh 57 J . Listo n
55 S. Bugryn 56 R. Winduss 57 M. Stewart 58 S. Andrews 59 L, Jordan 60 M, Gouday 61 J . Cheep 62 R .O'Bree 63 S. Crouch NORTH SUBURBAN SPORTS CLUB . INC .
58 L. Giansiracusa 59 P. Aughto n 60 S. O'Connor 61 R . Caldaw 62 A. Jageurs 63 C . Lucas 64 D . Prior 65 R . Short 66 J. Marchesani 71 A. Mulkeams 75 R . Campagna 82 S. Mitchell 99 P. Murray
19 M . Torney 20 M . Coleman 21 C. Norman 22 B. Millard 23 T. Wilcox 24 S. Russell 25 A. Solly
26 J. Scambler 27 R. Wilkie 28 M .Thomas 29 A. Terril l 30 T. Muhlebach 31 M . Shaughnessy 32 M . Paterson 33 B. Gates 34 T. McKinnon 35 J . McKay 36 R. Minns 37 J . Robbins 38 C. Bradley 39 D. Hein z 40 C. Brookes 41 L. Qui n
42 S. Fletcher 43 N. Shuttleworth 44 J. Wood
45 B. Waters 46 H. Rankin 47 A. Millar 48 L. Fishly 49 P. Steele 50 H. Naiton 51 N. Vanderbosh 52 P. Marriott 53 J . Westmore 54 A. Waxman 55 B . Gin 56 T. Rankin 57 T. Irvine 58 J . Albani s 59 B . Hutchinson 60 D. Strac k 61 62 63 64 65
J . Ritchie C . Ross P. Eden D . McPhail E . Clarke
66 L . Woodhouse 67 D . McAloon 68 J. McKerrow 69 G . Mui r 70 J. Meade 71 P. Marshall 72 D . Gavara-Nanu 73 C . Hopkin s 74 H . Munro 75 J. Moylan 77 J. McQuillen 86 D . Bannister
A SECTIO N Collegians v Old Haileybury St Kevins v Marcellin - at Sgortgcover Arena University Blues v Old Xaverian s Old Scotch v Old Melburnian s St Bernards v Old Trinity - 96 .8 Inner FM B SECTION Caulfield Or v De La Salle Old Ivanhoe v Old Brighton MHSOB v Mazenod 0 C North Old Boys v Whitefriar s St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Essendon G r C SECTION AJAX v Monash Blues - at Trevor Barker Oval, Sandringhain Banyule v Therry Penola 0 B Parkdale Vultures v Old Camberwell Beaumaris v Hampton Rovers Old Paradians v University Black s Dl SECTION Yarra Valley 0 B v Glen Eira Fitzroy Reds v Ormond Bulleen Templestowe v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Old Carey v Old Mentonian s Prahran v Aquinas 0 C D2 SECTION Ivanhoe Assumption v Rupertswood Swinburne University v Old Geelong Salesian 0 C v Oakleigh Bentleigh v La Trobe University Peninsula 0 B v Williamstown CYM S D3 SECTION Syndal Tally-Ho v West Brunswick Kew v South Melbourne Districts Werribee Amateurs v Old Westbourne Power House v UHS-V U Monash Gryphons v St Johns 0 C D4 SECTION Richmond Central v Box Hill North Bulleen Cobras v Eltham Collegians Hawthorn Amateurs v Elsternwick Albert Park v North Brunswic k St Marys - Bye
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 Old Brighton v St Kevins De La Salle v Collegians University Blues v Marcellin Old Xaverians v Old Scotch St Bernards - By e UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Trinity v Banyule Viewbank Rupertswood v Caulfield Gr Old Essendon Gr v Old Melburnians Old Carey v Beaumari s Old Camberwell v Whitefriar s UNDER-19 SECTION 3 La Trobe University v AJAX - switched fr om original dra w Old Paradians v Old Ivanho e Monash Blues v St Bedes Mentone Tigers University Blacks v Bentleigh - at 11 .30 a.m. Oakleigh v MHSO B UNDER-19 (2) BLUE De La Salle (2) v Salesian Scorpions Oakleigh Clays v Old Haileybury Ormond v Mazenod 0 C Hampton Rovers v Peninsula 0 B UNDER-19 (2) RED Old Westbourne v Old Scotch Theny Penola 0 B V Kew Rupertswood ( 2) - Bye Fitzroy Reds v Aquinas 0 C - TE A Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Bulleen Templestow e CLUB 1S (1 ) Old Brighton v St Kevin s Mt Lilydale v De La Salle -T'BA University Blues v Old Melburnians Old Xaverians v Old Scotch Prahran v Mazenod 0 C CLUB 18 (2) Old Trinity v Marcelli n Box Hill Sharks v Collegians Monash Blues v Old Xaverians (2) Fitzroy Reds v Old Essendon Gr - TBA Therry Penola 0 B v University Blacks CLUB 18 (3 ) Old Geelong v Old Scotch (2) Old Carey v Caulfield Or Fitzroy Reds (2) - Bye La Trobe University v North Old Boys Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Whitefriar s
:ivf-: :?t .
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Caulfteld Granirnarians showed a return to 2004 season form with a hard relentless attack on the footy but unfortunately failed by the barest of margins to get over the line against Affazenod OC . Inaccurate kicking for goal not helping their cause . Old Essendon were trailing by some 26 points at the 20 minute mark of the third term, then threw caution to the wind kicking long and direct and did a 56 point turnaround in the next 40 minutes of football to come away 30 point winners over De La Salle .
For the second week in a row after a tight struggle Old Brighton kicked 8 goals in the last term to come away with a convincing win at th e
Tigers lair. SOB took the points at the hoodoo ground against a young and 'inexperienced NO side . A five goal to 1 point last quarter gave them a victory i n a day where Warren Fall made a comeback to coaching. Great day at Pine Lodge saw Old Ivanhoe firm as the early favourite with a pretty comfortable and convincing win over the taller Whiteftlars side . PREVIEW Whitefriars welcome MESOB to the picturesque Park Orchards . Promises to be a good game between the rapidly improving High School and the experienced Friars, but the fact that it is at home and buoyed by Anthony Carbone's 300th Game (Well Done Cuz -TB) I think that Whitefriars will have the necessary inspiration and motivation to get over the line . The battle for the Merri Creek Cup takes place today out at the Grammar school. Buoyed by their rousing victory last week the Ol d don side should start the match with plenty of confidence . NOB-3 just have not been finishing off their games and will need to play
for the full 4 quarters to be any sort of a chance today . But for me winning form i s good form and at home I fully expect the Grammar Boys to be victorious . Short trek across town finds Caulfleld Grazanmrians at South Road ready to tackle the rampaging Old Brighton unit. Improved showing last week from the Fields would have them feeling better about themselves but a strong work ethic and belief in themselves has the Tonners playing pretty good footy at the moment . Again home ground advantage sway s me to stick with Old Brighton to handle the Fields and keep them at bay.
East Malvern stages an important game betweer. De La, Salle an dF " ;-, d
ME ;ntone-Tigers . A win for both side=. especially the visitors is an absolute neeessit) today . Both sides are young and play a fasi running game so it certainly promises to be <
Old Brighton Pirrie 10 10 North Old Boys Minton-Connell 4 9 MHSOB Pretzel 7 9 Old Ivanhoe Brannigan 4 8 8 Old Essendon Bartram 5 B E De La Salle Old Ivanhoe De La Salle
B Vague Hawkes L Walker
3 4 4
12 10 8
De La Salle though do just have tha t ore experience and A Grad e iat in a close one should see them line today but a reversal would no t an d Old Ivanhoe both who have nothing wrong clash at Central Reserve This is a big test for the home side to se e ~luch improvement has been made since And who better to test it against the who have added some depth to thei r and are in pretty good nick at th e i ll go against the grain here as in _ :ound advantage and tip the visitors heir greater experience to record th e
:nd must have thrown a few out with a good response this week . Pleas e l,n . " Match Report and a couple of Bes t tvl Player of the Round Nominations to 1 home phone and fax, the mobile i s 016 or send me an email to Lusnet .com.au . Thanks .
- congratulates residen t :r3e on playing his 100th
opening round of the season r.~lbers . Beginning in Reserves pre-season, Adam bagged six ediately reinstated in th e week against the Tigers at Adam turned on a 101st to brilliant exhibition, bootin g
~loa1s, and collecting a bag & '7 . Adam is one of th e maintains a perfec t shooting for goal, and ach hopes that the Show nr anothAr hundred . Well ~ icent?!
-~ .•-'
. . _'',ki
Bedes Mentone Tiger s 1 on v Caulfield Gr 0 C v Old Ivanhoe 'i7 MHSOB
r.r ;-
North Old
4 .9 .11 17.16 (117) 4.4 6.9 9.12 12 .15 (87) C -. - Borman 5 Hakim 5 Skurrie 2 Stormont 2 Obliubek Flaherty Josh Darldw. Best: Kavanagh Skunie Frazer Wilson D Biggs Bartra m : Ravson 3 Bowden 2 Lowe 2 Moore 2 Corin Skinns. Best: P Harrison Ravson L Harrison Lowe Dugan Oakley. Z- .-- an Sacha Koffman Dash Pettis (F) Brendan Cannon (B) Daniel Scully Gavin Roberts (G ) fi' : . :~TK 3.4 7.7 7.9 11 .10(76) 4.6 10 .12 19.17 (125) 7.8 : Picnic 10 .viacgiIlivray Mason S Ginnivan Townsend Crilh' Hendra . Best: Pirrie Briston Dawson S Gtnna•an S Gadsden S Gadsden Phelan Phelan. BY B(M1' : Terrell 2 Rhoden 2 L tVmtle Groves Osborne Napier Kido Fa-cs Lynch . Best M WLntle Beveridge Corda Tyquin Kidd L Terrell. I t Luke Holmes Wayne Hinton (F) Rob Mayston Jnr Andrew R uman fill Robert Parry Graeme Booth (G) 1 .4 6.8 10.11 12 .16 (88) C 2.3 7.6 10.9 13 .11 ( Payne 3 Bourbon 3 Dunne 2 Lekt Apollonio Hose Murray Castricum. E d: C ambsLain Murray Kelly Hansen Payne Bourbon , Sinclair 3 Knight 2 Guyett 2 Foote Gross Green Edwards Winter . Knirtht R'odajaja Docker Bruhn Liddell O'Neill. Dirk Kromer Rob Mavston (F) James Gregory (B) Greg Roll o Daniel Brookes (G) 3.9 7.8 11 .14 18 .1s (111) 4 .2 7.3 8 .9 10.9 (69) Branagan 4 Luxon 4 Cornelius 2 Low 2 Thompson Ceilings Kent J Hope. Best: Cumtolo Bolzon Oates Branigan Geilings Low . Wbfte: Carbone 3 Bird Kennedy 2 Carrig Phan Stafford. Best : Cunningham Janson Phan Campbell Brosolo Swain . i" .- : David Phillips Grant Joyner (n Frank Palermo Cameron Hayes `e Craig Anwl (G ) 3.4 8.0 10.11 16 .16 (105) 4 .0 8 .4 10.7 10.8 (68) .1 7 Rosman 2 Umbrick 2 Thompson Hogan Campbel l t : Pertzel Limbrick HooanWhittington Fairchild White . nton-Connell 4 Ti Brady 2 Tonkin Boyle D Brady Cassell . Best : T Sheehan Ti Brady To Brady Camed Minton-Connell Sutherland . Mark Gibson Chris Stead (RFL) (F) Matthew Jackson Daniel I Monaghan (RFL) (B) Matthew Kent Luke McKay M (G)
2.2 3.5 4.5 7.6(48) 4 .7 12 .8 16.11 18.16 (130) Grapsas 2 Parker Flaherty Williamson Kalo;iannis Christen . Best: Parker Hargreaves Winkel Dawson Jinks .lH$: L Walker 4 Bourke 3 B t' tue 3 Mannlx 2 Walmsley 2 Buckley Hyde LaragY O'Donnell Quick Best B Jar,!, R*awning Seager Moloney Laragy . 4.2 7.12 8 .16 14.20 (104) 0.2 3.5 5.5 5.8(38) raves 4 billion 3 M Rowse 2 M Hecker Wilson Bell J Connelly Logan . iilton M Rowse Bell T Graves Buck Heys. Mill Bright March 2 Scott i . Best : Butteress March Smith Murchie Ginnivan McDonald. 3.1 6.3 7.5 9 .7(61) 2.5 7.9 U14 16.15(105) .. . :: eon 4 Farmer FranklinJones Murphy Bosna Bowes . Best: Chapple urphy Crathern Scott Baker. Hawkins 3 Massey 3 Ballock 2 we Morris Pitts Boyd Tilling Oldman . Best : Under D Morris Hawkins ''array Boyd . 4.2 5 .12 9.15 16 .19 (109) 0 .0 1 .1 2.5 2 .6(18) ..: Dinakis 4 Hawkes 4 Z Keane 2 Butler Georgian Nage l Russian Snell . Best: Dinakis Butler Tobias Nagel Russian Snell. Wbite: Fulton Paproth . Best : Gioufche4• Phelan Duffy Glenn Mattinson T Carrigg. 0 .1 1 .2 1 .5 3.6(24) 1. 5 4.9 7.11 10.17 (77) ders Fitzgerald . Best: Atsop Govan Citreon Dynon OBre e : Dunne 3 Henson 2 Eva 2 Ting Cox Harding . Best croon Rujevde Harding Nicholas Fracelek GreenhIDs . 9
Coach: Stephen Wright as Coach : Lachlan Kellaway Res: Peter Olivieri 1 J Foley 2 A Bruhn 3 C Knight 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendall
6 N Crave n 7 R O'Neill 8 R Foote 9 M Frater 10 A Will (C) 11 B Carboni 12 D Pearce (VC) 12 M Sainsbury 13 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Falls 16 J Wright 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxte r 18 J James 19 B Evans 20 H Vella 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Fagan 23 C McGrath 24 C Murphy 25 B Sinclair 25 N Dorman 26 S Widjaja (VC) 27 J Sayer s 28 J Jacobs 29 N Guyett 30 M Sharpe 30 D Elias 31 W Bowes 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryers 34 H Baker 35 S Thompson 36 G Crathern 37 B Scott 38 N Edwards 39 A Bosn a 40 M Wilson 41 B Jeffkins 42 A Strain 43 T Gerrand 44 B Hasforth 45 B Acfield 46 K Weir 47 S Jenkinson 48 R Chapple 49 G Poulter
50 N Gree n 51 W Rudd 52 G Winter 53 J Gross 54 T Franklin-Jones 55 C Hooper 56 B Napier 57 P Farme r 58 S Cunliffe 59 D Buckthought 60 R Saunders 61 T Royal 62 C Sheppar d 63 Z D'Arcy 64 T Waile s 65 B Jenkinson 66 C Grigg 67 D Loetje 68 L Cotto n 71 M Cassid y
Coach : Mark Lowe Asst : Ad"an cox"" Res: Many KeF"he r Cl 18 : Eenlamm &&
1 2 3 4 6
L . Walker C r R . Buckley C B . Corin L. Harrison DV C M . Duggan VC
5r R. Quick
6 M . Moore 7 P. Harrison DVC 7r S. Conway 8 J. La Ragy 9 J. Moloney gr D . Browning 10 T. Silvers lOr M. Ellis 11 P. Bourke 12 M . Fieldsend
13 A . Johnstone 14 W. Dwyer 15 P. Bowden 16 S . Hyland 17 L. Bowden 18 A. Coffey 19 R . McArdle 19r G . Gilbert 20 A . Shields 21 D . Payso n 21r C . Hyd e 22r M . O'Donnell
22 M . Brown 23 R. Sherman 24 J . Morel 25 R . Walmsley 26 C . Postlethwaite 27 J. Hirst 30 B . Mannix 31 S . Hyde 31r K . Mannix 32 D. Lowe 34 V. Moloney 36 W. Jolley 37 D. Davis 38 V. Buckley 38r P. Hesse 39 B. Oakley 41 D . McInerney
42 D . Jarvis 43 A . Greenalgh 45 T. Molan 52 T. Moloney 54 A . Skinns 55 A. McLeish 56 L. Seeger
57 R . Hancock 59 B. Vague 62 C . Punton 63 N . Stewa rt 70 M . Krezel
Raine & Horne Commercia l
Coach: Mrke M<AnhurAe? n Asst coaches : Andrew Suthedartl! AndrE.v Pcscemq Re . Coach : Tony CaAins
I T. Castricum 2 M. Chamberlain 4 C . Lee 6 P. Nelson 9 D . Kelly 10 B . Chamberlain 11 D. Hose 12 D. Chamberlain 14 N. Meehan 15 N. Parry (VC) 16 M . Apollonio 18 D. Dunne 20 C. Murray 22 S. Veltman 24 D . Nisbett 25 S. Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 M . Regan 28 P. Jones 30 D. Hansen 32 A. Strawn 33 S. Balloch 34 C. Boyd 37 L . Morgan 38 D . Hallet 40 G . Massey 41 M . Venturini 42 C . Paine 45 S . Paine 47 A . Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 51 M . Murray 52 G . Tilling 54 A. Stagliano 55 D . Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 58 D . Morris 61 M . McDowell 64 T. Bourbon
Coach: Davitl Sinner Asst coaches : '~P`ros Beasley Warten Fali Res Coach: Jam~e seen
Coach : Tony Ega n Asst Coach : Michael HedkeY Res Coach : Brendan Smales
1 J Bamert 2 S McCully (S-Capt) 3 D Rosman 4 M White (S-VC) 5 B Betheras
1 J . Cassel l
6 M Brain 7 g Whittington
6 M. Fitzgerald
2 J . Pennell
3 T. Sheehan 4 S. Sleep 5 S. Cox 7 H . Mappleston e 8 J . Browne 9 L. Curri e 10 M. Carney 11 T. Roberts 12 G. Maxton 13 T. Spurling 15 J . Nihil l 16 P. Flanders 17 A. Wellman 19 Tony Brady 20 J. Sutherlan d 21 Tim Brad y 22 D . Teha n 23 S . Minton-Connell 24 M . Fitzpatrick 25 A . Crameri 26 D. Brady 27 C. Dynon
8 J Gemer 8 J Dixon 9 D Fairchild 10 P Smith 10 I Barrett 11 R Temes 12 J Aitken 12 M Feferkranz 13 S Anderson . 14 M Hamilton-Ho 15 A O'Brien
16 J Walker 17 G McCully 18 R Limbrick (S-DVC) 18 C Wright 19 S Robinson
20 L Horne 20 T Fraczek (R-DVC) 21 W Taft 22 A Svirskis 23 A Hogan 24 J Pertzel 25 H Taylor 25 A Vicendese 26 L Evans 27 W Backway 28 T Dunne 28 S Moore (R-DVC) 29 W White 30 K McDonald 31 M Bowen 32 A Cassell 33 L Campbell 34 E Thompson (S-0VC) 34 D Henzel 35 P Rujevic (R-VC)
28 D. Joyce
29 C. Hosking 30 D . Skene 3 1 L . Boyle 32 B . Sheeha n 33 M . Barker 36 D. Tonki n 38 M . Amor 39 C. Pizzin i 40 C. Phyland 42 D. Sheehan 53 S. Butcher 60 M. Cribbes 65 N . Barden 66 P. Bryar
36 S Mage e
37 T Harpe r 37 M Tin g 38 C Nailo n 39 D Fox 40 A Lust (R-Capt) 41 J Anderso n 42 C Wrigh t 43 R Coxo n 44 J Newton 45 R Czwarno 46 1 Costing
47 D Hollenberg 48 M Webster 49 S Yu e 50 K Harding 51 D Vicendese 52 M Land y 53 S Mitchel l 54 D Learmont-Walke r 55 C Eva 56 T Wrigh t 57 S Foley 58 P Greenhill 59 A Hall 60 M Nicholas
; .
~3 Section ~tt -;RI(IHTON
Greg McLoughlin dA3m McConnell :h : Nick Perry
cc p_ ;
'row -r'J :'..fray (dvc) ~'+art n ~t (Co C.R.) .-r.:'cn (Capt) ,
:L,een - . .: .t (rnc) ate - . .-, .
ns - , r _-; ,~ [i Dungan •-' .. .
-- n .
. . ..
C. R .)
, , .. _ ._ . . ,, . .
( .
, ., - , .
. .
Coach : David Calthorpe Res Coach : Kernel Dachs
Coach : Gerard Shelly Res Coach: Brad Low
1 J. Panagiotopolus 2 D . Biggs 3 M. Oxnam 4 M. Ryan 5 S. De Morton 6 C . Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 J . Heritage 9 J. Stormont 10 T. Biggs 11 J. Buckley 12 J. Kavanagh 13 B. Hakim 14 R . Legudi 15 D . Mezo 16 M. Bordignon 17 D . Forrest 18 D . Flaherty 18 S. Dawson 19 E. Healey 20 S. Piayfair 21 S. Dale 22 M. Portia J. Hughes 24 J. Dazkiw 25 A. Frazer 26 S. Fleming 27 A. McKenzie 28 A. Fewster 29 S. Uebergang 30 M. Dragojlo 31 D . Carid i 32 D . Poulton 33 M. Velardo 34 D . Podger 35 L . Kavanagh 36 C . Obtiutrek 37 A. Parker 38 T Campbell 39 B. Newbold 40 H . McDermott 41 A. Iskra 42 N . Bertram 43 S. Cramer 44 A. Collins 45 D . Winkel 46 J. Lloyd 47 S. Howard 48 J. Williamson 49 A. Christau 50 L . O'Brien 51 J. Battista 52 J. Mansfield 53 L . Frazer 54 S. Cramer 55 S. Bailoch 56 M. Car 57 S. Wade 58 B. Hurtig 59 J. Stevens 60 J. Carter 61 A. Newland 62 D . Gradzki 63 M . Beard 64 J. Kepsner 65 P. Bacash 66 B, Wright 67 M . Tilley 68 C . 69 C . Burke 70 J. Hurtston
1 2 3 4
A. Oates L . Lochran (V.Capt) S. Curatolo S. Geilings (Sens) B. Davis (Res) 5 C . Georgio 6 S. Kent 7 J. Gieschen 8 G . Hope 9 0 . Payne 10 C . Crowley (V. Capt) 11 N . Russian 12 C . Branigan 13 A.Alagona 14 B. Thompson 15 T. Beinke 16 S. Price 17 M. Veal 18 J. Hope (Capt) 19 P. Dinakis 20 D. Hawkes (C .Res) 21 S. Fragiacomo 22 B. Nagel 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Harris 25 E. Byrne 26 I . Dawkins 27 N. Holloway (V.C .Res) 28 M. Tobias 29 R. Weddle 30 J. Leech 31 J. Stevens 32 S. Kefalas 33 N. Pratt 34 A. Tiernan 35 M. Pollock 36 A. Baldwin (Sens) M. Mealy (Res) 37 G . Hedrick 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J. Keane 41 Z . Keane 42 S. Low (V.Capt) 43 W. Cornelius 44 M. Luxon 45 N. Antoniou 46 R. Butler 47 S. Snell 48 G . Smith 49 C. Quinlan 50 M. Verrocchi 51 J. Uljan s 52 B. Wright 53 A. Caple 54 S. Smith 55 S. Pearce 56 B. Leskie 57 B. Smart 58 L . Bolzan 59 R. Stag g 60 D. Walkle y 61 S. Weston 62 J. Mathew 64 J. Britten 65 D. Campbell- Fraser 67 B. Mckinley 68 B. Parke r 69 M. Corr
Miles Real Estate
ST BEDES M EHTOPIE TIGERS Coach: Russell Barnes Res Coach : Tim Lamb 1 B . Collins 2 L. Wintle 3 L. Borella 4 L. Beveridge 5 S . Napier 6 J . Kan e 7 S . Ros e 8 A . Scafidi 9 M . Terrell 10 M . Wintle 12 P. Groves 13 R . Sampier i 14 A . Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 A . Hipwell 17 N . Corda 18 D. Lynch 19 A . Drury 20 L. McMurray 21 J . Connelly 22 L. Capsalis 23 J . Lynch 24 J . Tyquin 25 J . Knuppei 26 M . Hecker 2 7 S . Kingwell 27 28 M . Andrews 29 D . Waters 30 M . McGeTigan 31 C . Osborne 32 G. Kempster 33 S . Zakic 34 L. Carson 35 A . Sewers 36 A . Walstab 37 T. Groves 38 J . Maddocks 39 E . McKenzi e 40 M . Kelleher 41 M . Rouse 42 M . Wilson 43 A . Paterson 44 M . Rhoden 45 L. Cieslak 46 M . Hilton 47 E . Ritchie 48 J . Heys 49 S . Rouse 50 S . Kidd 51 A . Buck 52 M . Tovrns 53 L. Glorgiadis 54 S . Bell 55 M . Firth 56 C . Charlto n 56 L . Flavelle 57 S . Meehan 58 P. Curry .59 B . Logan 61 M . Mifsud 62 M . McColl 63 M . Lomagno 66 R . Parsons 70 L . Terrell
Coach : Pat Mannix Asst. Coach: Peter Randal l Res. Coach : Chris Rubic k 3 M . Carbon e 5 B . Pha n 6 P. Campbell 7 S . Brosolo 8 B . Janson 9 A . Pawli k 11 L Wallace 12 S . Phela n 13 J . Anderson 14 T. Carrig g 16 J . Powe r 17 A . Carbone 18 M . Baker 19 A . Hill 20 L . Swain 21 S . Alexander 22 N . Cunningha m 23 P. Stagg 24 J . Dao u 25 G. Day 27 B . Gardiner 28 A . Baker 29 A . Glenn 30 M. Power 31 A . Ba ol e gg y 32 G. Kennedy 33 C . Fulton 34 D . Gtoufche v 36 C . Dye r 38 C . Carng g 39 N . Brisbane 40 D . Atkin s 42 S. Anderso n 43 N . Elliott 44 B. Bird 45 S. Clove n 46 M. Duffy 48 J . Treyvaud 50 D . Cre a 52 R . Piggo t 54 C . Ros s 55 P. Tobi n 57 A. Wood s 58 P. Poutney 59 T. Nuna n 60 R . Pawli k 62 B. Stafford 63 Z. Webb 65 D . Eames 66 J. Box 70 C . Pelosi 71 R . Mattiso n 72 K. Papprot h
Buxton Real
]Estate Kingston ChiropradicE 'F F'~ ® i~
Call - 9886 5355
FCL Interstat e Transport Services
Bendigo Bank,
939i'i 900 0
East Ivanhoe
WWWfcl .oom .au 1 1
After 12 years in existence, Y Sta le y Old found themselves finishing 5th in D Grade for the second year in a row . At the Club's Presentation Night, held in late September last year, the Senior Coach demanded a greater commitment from all players in Season 2005, otherwise he felt that the Club would take a backward step in the new season . They kicked 2 .8 .20 against lyin their first practice match . This is an edited transcript of a letter written to each player at the Club and presented to them early on the followin g week . Na foot We all know and understand this fact . Practice matches are exactly that . . . PRACTICE . They are a necessary evil in any footballer's season, to aid with the process of conditioning, building the skill base, teaming together as a group and bonding . They are planned and scheduled to assist you the player to prepare for the rigours of the season ahead . They are played to remind you of the amount of training you have completed (or not completed), as the case may be, in the period before and after Christmas. They are there to remind you that you still need to improve your foot skills, your hand skills, your marking skills, your endurance, your speed, your agility, your flexibility, your ability to think and act under pressure and your voice out on the ground . They are there to remind you that kick chasing is something that you left behind when playing junior football . You must remain accountable for an opponent, especially when the opposition team has control of the football . You must run to space when we have control of the football in order to create an option for a team mate, which in turn will create the required forward momentum . You still have to do the disciplined things! When the ball is in dispute and you are in the close proximity you must push yourself to aid your team mate . You must also use your physical presence to your team's advantage, play in front, contest every issue, make crumb gathering a special feature of your game, especially if you are not a designated marking option . They are there to remind you to jump up off the ground when knocked over, not lay there leaving your team one man short . They are there to help instil team discipline, follow the game plan, abide by the team's rules and set plays . They highlight individual performances on the day, the good, and the not so good .
AX.C . ( : v : ~ v. A . F.A . "Your Coaches' Association"
They teach you to prepare for dealing with umpires again . No matter how good or bad they are without them there is no game . You have to respect their decisions, get on with the job and just maybe the next time a "Line Ball" call will go your way. All of this comes a lot easier if you have done the right thing at training . Training is designed to prepare you for matches . At Yarra this year we have identified overall player fitness has fallen away since 2002 . Why??? The playing group at this Club is growing older . We no longer have the benefit of an annual influx of U/19's. Some of us have dropped off the 째Yarra Train" for varying reasons . They may return, they may not. You, however, have chosen to stay and play for TE B 4E 3It You have made a choice to spend those cold winter nights training, you have chosen to spend your Saturdays chasing that elusive piece of leather, getting knocked over, possibly abused, hopefully praised, but most of all, sharing great times with your mates . In order to achieve all of this you have to be fit and healthy and ready to play the great Australian game . That means preparation time and something in your heart that makes you want to push yourself through thick and thin and times of pain . Sometimes we will need to train long and hard, other times the sessions will be short and sharp . We will be training in blocks, in the hope that we will be able to peak at the right time - September . In the mean time, I ask all of you, stop whingeing about sore calves, shin splints, OR tight hammys etc. If you are sore, tell the coach who will modify your preparation, if deemed appropriate and see a professional about it . Use your spare time to get into the pool, go for a walk or a bike ride or get a massage . Do something, but don't use it as a crutch for poor performances . Ask yourself these questions . Am I stretching enough during the day to aid my muscle flexibilit} 9 Have I taken in enough water during the day to ensure that I am sufficiently hydrated to meet the challenges of training and playing ? Did I have a snack at the right time of the day to ensure that my blood sugar levels are in order to meet the rigours of the session? We don't need anymore, need P c al_~tiss . It's up to you r j: _ Mworth Senior Coac h _Hey Old Boys Football Club 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20
r essionals ~ do y ~orpora-' prol
Buildin g
i~ential & '0" -.-lists a
ats ~es Management Spe.web : www .theWnlght.~_ ! 9509 3144 T= phon ,
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ah Melbourrte Grandprint HY Group 1n~~paa1~ MH gp,q ~11 g Wltltams p,2uma SPorts Knight Mdo~~ itd (he Batters COO~Collectabe s~G P h c tor s RigbyS~ P jmontre
pillars ?le ~nte • marks nary 04 ~u~tion in Vrcton. The Continuation School, the fore N nner of Melboume 11igh school and MacRobertso n
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S1,101 more to
'the, locationsThe bouk can be collected dudng workm9 hours from the MHSOB A
'Ace .
the MHSOBF C is the only state school team Still VAfA follavnn g che merger a ~tween uHS 3 1 few and years Vctona university .
V Girls' „"U" school was at ated in Spring StresRo what MHSOBFC values i1s P°SsO n now the site ot~nttege of and is keen Australasia n w thin the VAFA to continue upholding the tradiSurgeons. Su, ; Yarra Spo~ The Frame Sno twns of MH5 as a lootball powh school ~~.ldp a Accountants The Hatton Hot ~ te e state edu~GQn e Sout dyouse in th ~~ Move d to their . Tday We Cater for ~ {ycircChem system yarra site in 1927 . T,,e Ki~ch2tt Place many players from other state t h A9enc es inustrated schools and welcome their lnpu Edward J Lyric The magnificently as I game hjacdonald & Assoc strengthening the dub rne c{ub p volume is a tea nmeth story of tvany investment Grou e Interested n through WS plots its futur d9rov'arrd joined one in 190 Austrati state education be ordered , by was founde Out aws t na Kingston Note The boo SOBA office the VAFA in 195 Was winnin g the MH recent su~e C Grade 8ag in Meib ourne H► gh rpntacting or by emadin g on 03 9824 0480 2004School old B,tYc, d Footba0ers, indee
AssoCt atiOn
The Excellent en
proud to sP°nsflr5. MHSOBFC in 200 u
at sports PeOpt y wilt defrnitely enlo reading P~ ~ Like its Get your coPd out . ' before it's so
d A Us#r'~li, date 499 RrversRoa 3124 e Road %41C Gambe~etl ~73 PJhileho 0744 H AI Vtn g128 03) (9882 9890144 $OB f C Of ra n S OnSOr~s 13 04 8 722 568) proud P Heatthtimited(Ag p ., .; ;r~lian Unity ad health bene fits Organisation' tor
by A solid turnout Rd . 2 enjoyed some great free wheeling was treated to a footy with at least 36 goals bagged in high quality . Paradians found their three of the games encounter feet, Rovers showed little mercy and the between the Wellers won a shootout . The Sharks and Sharks and the Vultures . In the Blacks had important victories to se t a typically hard fought local up a cracker today . Four -will the real rivals battle, Parkdale will teams are still waiting to paradjans please rue missed opportunities sing their song . whilst Beauy were able to 5 REVIEW steady late in the game . The Wellers are not Sharks, Ensor and Spence were rock like having any trouble finding the big sticks, in defence, whilst Lynch was a handful . slotting another 22 against the Ja Mitchell and Clyne regularly began the All roads should lead to Optus Oval forward thrusts for Loats who bagged 8 . today, as the Blacks and Sharks go head Ajax matched OC for most of the day, but to head . Both teams were stretched by a couple of lapses and the Wellers stung Monash, before prevailing . The game them . Lewski and Berger best for the between two evenly matched outfits vanquished . should be tough, uncompromising and Banyule were swept away as the Rovers rich in skill . In a l5ob of the heads, Beauy booted their biggest score for half a will have their noses in front when . Browne, Greenwood and Tregear century required . were strong in the air whilst Martyn, Burgraaff and Can found it on the deck . The Bears had no answers, but Morgan and Wise tried hard . Kempton and Evans kept up their great J start to the year enabling Blacks to regain the Cowan Frearson Cup against t.Si t`dit TOTAL CLUB the Blues . Uni surged early, before a C SECTION Monash rescue led by Turton and Therry Penola Edwards 4 11 Tinkler, bounced them in front . There Ajax Kirzner 7 11 would be several lead changes in a tough Old Camberwell Loats 8 10 and skilful clash, but the work of Batten Old Paradians Brabender 7 9 8 and Groom saw The Blacks home . Parkdale Vultures Hecker 2 A 14 goal to two opening half paved the way for Paradians first win of the campaign . Faroldi and Crotty instigated a merry revival with seven third ter m majors, but the home side steadied, before kicking well clear in the last .
C RESERVE Beaumaris Vance Parkdale Vultures Wilkins Hampton Rovers Power Old Paradians Spinoso
5 12 3 7 6 7 4 5
~~'ilt the real Paradians please stand up? I ;,~Iled the first week, bruisers the next, ha( can we expect today? One thing they (-~, it be sure of is, the Blues will be hungry (,r a first up win . Last year's preliminary (inrtlists have played well in both games, I)ul have nothing to show for it . I think it'll ),,> third time lucky and Monash to salute . Ajax journey to Oak Park, where Therr y ; ;aits them, as both sides look to prevent ilai trick of losses . Therry have struggled l,,r E~oa1s, whilst the Jackas led by a strong -i u ~uing pack have been impressive at nles and that should give them the edge . Banyule probably couldn't have picked a se side to play against to try and neni o last week's thumping. The WeUers r flving. Averaging 24 goals a game and }Iilsl the Bears may restrict that number tcdmY . OC will still manage a winning ,,,it i•essive away matches for the Vultures, but again they don't journey far 1) ''11 they venture to Hampton . The green u (I colds were exceptional last week, but tllc competition will be far tougher this ;~(i cr n oon, with Parkdale coach, Tony ~1 ;w,- orge no doubt drumming home the nwc cl for players to take their chances in ii, ~ i 1 t of goal . It should be another ripping ,( .,I derby, at Boss James and I'll stick ,.t.ith lh(,hosts . Corresa oxitients tI l~ i i f arrison - hiharro@yahoo .co m
MIL ES TO N E S ; Hampton Rovers
- congratulate Matthew La wrence 1 00 VAFA games, Tony Pucella II It Rovers games and Stuart Suleyma n I J i 100 Rovers games . Well done guys , i I 1 i ic iie there are many more to come .
C, J2 ON 1 .ash Blues v Old Paradians Therry Penola 0 B v AJAX Old Camberwell v Banyul e 1 ) , Rovers v Parkdale Vultures crsity Blacks v Beaumaris at Op " FU ~
q ccno_ Ufd[4E- :_ :TY BLAtr;3 3 .4 8.9 9.9 13.15 (£3) MDNASH BLi1 .F5 2.0 7.1 10.6 12 .6 (78) I)ai Blacim, Groom 4 Betacqua 2 Shaw 2 P Kempton M Kempton Price Smith Dowsley . Best Batten M Kempton Barry S Walch Groom Scaflea . Men Bb= Craven 3 Pay 2 Deyoung Gregory O'Sullivan Hol1mvay Chapman Torten Tinkler. Best : Torten Tinkler Davidson Smyth Craven Mudge. Umphm Max Wittman Jeremy Heffernan (F) Michael O'Donnell Jack Regester (G) OLD PARJADIANS 7.1 17 .10 14.3 26.16 (165) ITEM= FENOLA 0 .1 3 .4 8.6 11 .9 (75) 0 d Par: Porteous 6 Brabender 5 Dintinosante 5 Jenkins 2 Sinclair 2 ZiGanrndc 2 Boundy Hughes Spitty. Best Pratt Boundy Loney Hughes Brabender Spitty . T$ Pam Edwards 4 D Goodwin 3 C Bannister J Crotty McWhinney Skiathitis. Best: Faroldi J Crotty Gentile Callegari Castaldi Barron . Umpftwe Sean Scully Jnr Michael Bretag (RFIa (F) Julian Maecioni Gus Carpanzano (RFL) (B) Chris Kaleta John Bretag M (G ) AJAX 2.1 7.3 11 .7 17.9 (111) OLD CABIBERWELL 3.3 11.6 17.8 22 .10 (148) AJAX* Kirmer 7 Kagan 2 Nankin 2 Blieden Codron Lewis Lttivski Routman Segal. Best Berger Lewski Codmn Raleigh Segal Kianer. Old Cmm& Loats 8 Hardenberg 4 Goodale 2 Ryan 2 Hardman Hendrie Howard Lowrie Orr Whitehead. Best : Mitchell Clyne Weaver Perryman Ormsby Loats . Ihnpirm David Irons Rick Love (F) Matthew Proctor (B) Bruce Stephens Clive Shipley (G) BAHYULS . 1 .3 1 .3 2.6 7.6(48) HAMPTON ROVERS 4.4 13.8 20.17 29.22 (1981 Playfair 4 C.Tavlor N Taylor Morgan, Best Gayfer )t'ise C Taylo r Playfair Green Morgan . Hampt Rw : Hughes 3 Pinto 3 Lawrence 3 Anderson 2 Devereaux 2 Fletcher 2 Gravina 2 Greenwood 2 Holt 2 Martyn 2 Barker Browne Cannell Can Moseby Tregear. Best Martyn Tregear Greenwood Corp Barker Cam UhWhm Vaughan Sitlebottom Ken MeNiece (F) Sean Collins Glen Kennedy (B) Matthew Cowley Eddie Boa] (G ) 13 LAtTffiARiB 2 .3 6.6 8.8 12 .9 (80) PAREDALE VULTI)RES 4 .5 5.8 8.10 8 .16 (64) Bemm, Pitts 3 Conte 2 M Lee 2 L Atkins Boon Graham Heath Lynch . Best Ensor Coote Lynch Wonnaeott M Atkins Graham . FWkVWb MacGeorg 3 Haves 2 Hecker 2 White . Best: Meyer White Dixon Liddel Layton K'ght . uiapbm Paul 0'Loughlin Joe Hartwig (FJ Sean Durston-Ryan Steve Durston-Ryan (B) Ross Richards (G ) 4.6 8.12 16d7 1s.20 (128) NONASH BLUES 2 .1 4 .2 7 .3 8.6 (54) Tfai BbckL* Barlow 4 Hardy 3 Poyner 3 Jesse 3 Beaton Barret Katsaris Hamilton Brumby-Rendell . Best Hardy Abelthorpe Hamilton Barlow Goonan Katsaris . • Arnett 4 Choong Lui Mazur Adamson . Best Shields Bains Adamson Rosengarton Choong Lloyd. PARADLAM 2.1 4.2 9.5 16.8(102) 2.0 4 .0 7 .0 9.1 (55) O5d Pax: Spinoso 4 Lombardi 2 Palermo 2 R Ryan 2 Tenson 2 Breen Dore Giddings Simpson . Best Paglia Godfrey R Ryan Lombardi Dore Breen . Th Pew Moloney 3 Delaney 2 Kruger Sacco Hutchinson Capewell . Best Sacco Kruger Pirpinias Delaney Tsitsinaris Gleeson . MAX 3.2 5.7 7.10 9.14 (60) OLD CANMERIVELL 2 .4 3.4 4.6 8.8(56) AJAX, Porat 2 Bryner Lukav Rotstein Rubenstein Rorke Silberman Zemski . Best : Sharp Duzenman Seidl Zemski Van Alien Sevel . Old CamIx Craven 2 Cottrell Eldridge Horgan Joyce Marwood Parkes . Best Maiurood Jellls Derry Kearney Pike Craven. BANYULS 1 .1 2.2 2.2 5.6(36) HAUFM ROVERS 3 .5 9.7 12.10 16 .18 (109) Banyalm Creak 2 Stokes 2Witchell . Best Thomson Gray Fikaris Stokes Creak Szeremeta. Elampt Ror. Power 6 Williecrap 3 Giascumi 3 Christiansen Glanville Heffernan Woolrich . Best: Christiansen McCarthy Power Blake Crowther Terech. BEAUMARIB 4 .4 8.6 15.9 17.18 (116) PARKD= VOI.TURE$ 0.1 2.1 3.2 8 .6(54) Sea= Vance 5 Bowker 4 Curia 2 Buller Kennedy May MeConchle Quirk J Whitty. Best: May Vance Buller MeConchie A O'Brien Bowker . Pak Vnft: Wilkins 3 Rock Seem Stewart Wilson . Best Baker M Sullivan Stewart Richards Crilly Hampton .
(C Section AJAX Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Res. Coach: Barry Simo n 1 N. Gold (Capt) 1 B. Borensztein @ 2 J.Israelsohn 2 B. Rose O 3. Y. Rapoport 4 M . Dudakov (Capt Res) 5 G. Bliede n 5 J . Holstein @ 6 D. Vanaken 7 L. Krafche k
7 8 8 9
D . Rubenstein 速 E. Raleig h W. Sevel C~ A . Rose n
11 M. Segal (VC) 11 J . Goldman @ 12 D. GoldenPein 13 B. Klei n 14 D . Codron 15 J. Segal (VC) 15 S . Newstadt ~ 16 E . Routman 17 D. Weis6tzer 18 J . Kirzne r
18 B.Lukav ~ 19 D . Sutton 19 R . Silberman t; 20 J. Sharp 21 A . Lewi n 21 R . Silberman @ 22 A . Lewis 22 J . Thurin @ 23 A. Lewski 23 P. Glazer 0 24 0 . Henzel 25 M. Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 J . Berger 28 A . Zemski 29 R . Kagan 30 J. Kagan 33 P. Bryner 34 J. Raleigh 34 D . Seidl 速 35 J. Givoni
35 B. Ritterman ~ 36 B . Nanki n 40 D. Seidl 41 R. Heine 41 A. Sacks 速 42 44 47 50
D. Gerber B. Eichler A. Porat J . Dvash
BARM Coach: Greg Whitcrott
Res Coach: David Witchel l 1 2 3 4
B. Reed A. Bottomley N . Taylor P. Gloury
4 M . Creak (Res) 5 B . Willmore
6 M . Morgan 7 C. Taylor 8 B. Cantwell 9 j. Plant 10 A . Dooley 11 D . Wilson 12 J . Egan 13 B . Moxon 14 L. O'Donnell 15 A. Brow n 16 A. Demetriou 17 C. Davie s 17 S. Gray (Res) 18 T Wise 19 L. O'Connel 19 T. Nasrallahl (Res) 21 R . Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 T. Prior 25 D . Phelan 26 B. Mounsey 27 J .Jones 28 D . Sproules 29 D. Nasrallah 30 D. Mutton 31 G . McLellan 32 J. King 33 B. Gayfer 34 S. Lorenzini 35 L . Richardson 36 M . George 37 T. Thompson 38 D. Gayfer 39 J . Turnbull 40 T. Prior 41 A. Tshaikiwsky 42 M. Van Poeteren 43 L . Ferral 44 J . Connelly 45 A . Roethe 46 T. Egan 48 B. Herbert 49 G . Bel l 50 S. Gray 55 D . Williams
51 J . Kestenberg 54 D. Rutk o 55 A . Grosman 59 N. Diamond 60 J. Wajnberg 62 J. Hoppe
Coach: Mak Lan Asst : James Whit .'.._a Carry Res: Jana Holt 1 M. Dugga n
4 M . Matulick 5 M . Ensor 6 A. Spence 7 S. Lynch
8 M. O'Brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M. Le e 12 L. Healy 13 J. Whitry, 14 T. Collins (DVC) 15 M . Boon
16 A. Quin 17 M. Pitts 18 N . Kennedy 19 M. Atkins (VC) 20 J . Black 21 S . Coote 22 L. Atkins 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D. Teesdale 26 A. O'Brien 27 B . Haynes
28 J . Vance (Res 0) 29 C. Martin (C ) 30 31 32 33
C. Lambert C. Graham L. Wonnacott S. Ma y
34 H . McMillan (Res DVC) 35 S . McNicholas 36 N . Atkins 37 R . Presnell 38 M . Wilson 39 L. McNicholas 40 J. Hogart h 41 N . Contan 42 B. Gillespie 43 T. Woolnough 44 C . Collin s 45 M . Kurta 46 J. Gerrand 47 A. Kent 48 T. Whitty 49 J. Bryce 50 S. Dick s
'.. 51 J . Mitchell 52 J . Williams 53 A . Poll 54 S . Lee 55 L. Quirk 56 D. Wall
57 T. Bareham 58 J. Bramwell 59 B. Griffiths 60 D . Bird 62 J . Dickson 63 D . Galvin 64 D. Murphy 65 G. Shattock 66 P. McCorchie (Res VC) 67 L . Steven s
76 C. Terpsinis
__ e M ROVERS Coach : Brett Mcllvrrait h Res Coach : Tony Naumoff 1 H Tregear 2 M McKellar 3 G Cannel l 4 G Carr (DVC) 5 J Prantzos 6 L Holt 7 A Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 N Pinto
2 H. Gibson 3 J . Heath
68 B. Bowker 70 S. Crossley 71 C . Evans 72 A . Collings 74 M . McDonald 75 N. Higgs
10 S Blanchard 11 J Zampaglione 12 . T Barke r 13 G Woods (VC) 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A Browne (C) 16 N Greenwood 17 L Cave
18 J McCarthy 19 M Lawrence (DVC) 20 A Power 21 S Parkinson 22 S Burggraaff 23 M Gray (Res VC) 24 C Christianson 25 M Lake 26 M Devereaux 27 M Flyn n 28 B Kezilas 29 M Fletche r 30 A Ouon (Res C) 31 T Pucell a 32 D Anderson (Res) 32 J Hanlon 33 R Mosbey 34 A Crowther 35 N Goss 36 M Heffernan 37 D Ldlecrapp 38 A Fishe r 39 A Crisp 40 M Flahive 41 B McCallum 42 C Malthouse 43 C Cooper 44 A Blake 45 G Davis 46 L Woolrich 47 L Wheeler 48 G Giasoumi 49 S Helliger 50 N Foster 51 J Glanville 53 J Ng
52 B Cantlon 54 D Marshall 55 I -James 56 T Porter 57 D Williams 58 C Delosa 60 M Terech 61 A Kavanagh 62 D Kroker
Coach : Jon Edgar Res Coach : Dale Murchie 1 S. Chapman 2 L. Rento n 3 L. Holloway 4 B . McKenzi e 5 J. Rosengarten 6 M . Davidso n 7 P. Farrar 8 A. Hickey 9 C . O'Sullivan 10 S . Lloy d 11 M . Spencer 12 G. Smyth 13 M . Pay 14 B. Merlin 15 M . Tinkler 16 B. Nind 17 K. Mudge 18 R . Glover 19 M . Payne 20 M . Edsall 21 C. Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 B.Janssen 24 T. Craven 25 J. Hawkins 26 P. Will s 27 N . De Young 28 J . Mai n 29 A . Costley 30 L. Creamer 31 J. Green 32 L . Beddingfield 33 J. Smith (c) 34 R . Shields 35 A . Pyle 36 A . Williams 37 C. Dennis 38 N. Brennan 39 M. Smith 40 J. Mazu r 41 Michael Bolton 42 M. Coe 43 R . Feenaghty 44 L. Leviston 45 M . McMahon 46 D.Jones 47 S. Mentha 48 M . Carey 49 M. PeHingill 50 A. Tot a
52 N . Moresi 53 J . Peel 54 B . Adamson 55 I . McCormick 56 M . Jones 58 J. Lui 61 P. Campbell 62 L . Katt s 68 M . Meehan 70 Z. Anderson 72 B . Green 74 P. Westbrook 75 R. Turton 77 D . Nei l
TI III" 013TIMISE CRO[ P PTI . I;I"D. Ph : 9597 0166 xNavr.hampton rovers .com .a u FOOTBALLER
Coach : Dale McCann Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff
: Tony Macgeorge Assist: Paul Dwyer
IoL A Coach: Garry Datson Res Coach : Bernie Carter
Res Coach: Paul Martin
g . : -can ne
-- .I. ,man - -~_-" '' -- -5 an ., :rman : in ad Ian , .
.. .
. ., ,
.. .
1 . D Zrvanov4c 2. A Hughes 3. D Dean 4 A Curran (DVC) 5 A Paglia 5 D Harford 6 D Giddings 7 M Cosgriff 7 T Girovski 8 A Sinclair (C) 9 P Palermo 10 P Brabender 11 M Joyce 12 L Dore 13 S Rose 13 N Allen 14 P Pratt 14 M Rose 15 B Richardson 16 M Godfrey 17 T Riven 18 G Porteous 18 M Spinoso 19 A Dean 19 D Sptty 20 S Maher 21 D Loney 21 S Lull 22 S Fantone 22 D Richardson 23 P Walsh 24 T Lombardi 25 D Hussey 26 D Boundy (VC) 26 P Turner 27 K Jenkins 28 J Kreuzer 29 R Ryan 30 P.1 Ryan 31 D Breen 31 M Hyde 32 S Corcoran 33 N Ris-ley 34 M Gale 35 S Simpson 36 B Dintinosante 37 A DiFabio 38 A Harvey 39 M Durham 40 L Hartford 4 1 J Sandy 42 R Murray 44 D Furze 46 J Martinelli 47 W Connelly 49 M Sykes 50 A Tenson 53 D Salvatico 55 S Egan 57 A Elliot
u NI oL Ac K s
Coach: Anthony Parkin
Res Coach: Lachlan Beaton Assistants: Michael Rrzio Rob Paterson, Mall FiHalani
1 S. Rowley 2 S. Hecker 2 B. Darcy 3 M. Dixon 4 M. Hayes 5 A. White 6 C. Stephens 7 C . Atkins 8 K. Little 9 M . Meyer 9 P. Emmett 10 T. Kight 11 C. O'Meara 12 A. Baker 13 M . Ryan 14 C. Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C. Sullivan 18 S. Sullivan 19 C. Stewart 20 D. Kinsella 21 D. Kelly 22 B. Liddell 23 Matt Sullivan 24 T. Lnthorn e 25 B. Richards 26 D. Rochford 26 A. Rock 27 R. Layton
1 B Corrigan 2 Goodwin T 3 Bannister R 4 Elliott M 5 Baker A 6 Nancarrow M 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaina J 11 Crotty J 12 JOmnn 13 Russell G 14 Fenton J 15 McMahon A 15 B Owen 16 Clifton D 17 Pirpinias D 18 Moloney A 19 La Corchia M 20 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 22 Goodwin D 23 Collagen D 24 Faroldi M 25 Edwards P 26 Lewis B
1 A . Costello 2 T. Sheldo n 2 S . Chandler (Res) 3 P. Geiste r 3 R. ton (Res ) 4 A . Evans 5 E. Hardy 6 A. Bevacqu a 7 S. Price 8 C. 9 P. Kem ton 10 W. Hann a 11 S. Walch 12 A.Torney 13 A. Ross 13 C . Baulch (CIS) 14 C . Price 15 B. Shaw 16 J. La6ch 17 T. Purcel l 18 C. Groo m 18 K. Prestidge (R ) 19 M . Kemplon 20 C. Sandifor d 21 J . Stbilia 22 C. McAsse y 23 P. Barry 24 L. Martin 24 V. Romijn (Res ) 25 A . Katsaro s 26 D. Batten 27 M . Savig e
28 A. Castles 29 G. Cnlley
27 Bosanko M
28 P. Otsuka (C18) 29 N. Rayne r 29 A . Steer (Res) 30 A . Jesse 31 B . Costello 32 A . Cameron 33 M . Lind h 34 D. Barlow 35 C. Carroll 36 M . Proviso 37 J . Woods 38 J . Kin g 39 M . Ableihorpe 40 N . Martin 41 R . Green 42 A . Smit h 43 C . Beaton 44 E . Rya n 45 R . Scarlett 46 A . Kell y 47 C . Barrett 48 T. Porta l 50 A . Goonan 51 R . Woo d 53 D . O'Keefte 55 G . Thomso n 61 J . Black 65 J. Fuller 67 N . Geonan 70 J. Gree n 74 J. Dowsley 77 T. Brumby-Rundel l 81 W. Pascoe 83 P. Mollo y 85 B. Webe r 94 A. Powel l 97 L . Merlo 98 K. Sagely
30 P. Marin 31 J . Drury 32 B. Fogden 33 N. Wilkins 34 Matt . Walsh 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 39 S . Waters 40 D. Granger 41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr 45 M . Kight 46 W. Wheatley 47 C. Rowland 48 Mick. Walsh 49 G. Allan 50 S . Scullin 51 A . Wood 52 S . Wingrave 53 D. Noonan 54 M . McCraw 55 J . Thuroad g 56 S . Wilson 57 R . &nner 58 R . Haslemore 59 D . O'Keefe 60 M. O'Meara 61 T. Banks 62 D . Scerri 63 N . Leven 64 X . Smith 65 G. Wilso n 66 A . Kerr
29 Goodwin S 31 Forster-Knight A 32 Sacco J 33 Kuret L 34 Weston D 36 Gosetti T 37 Castaldi D 40 Tsinans G 41 Barron 8 42 McKay A 43 Warren M 45 Kruger J 46 Stepien S 47 Goodwin D 48 Nancarrow M 50 Hallam S 52 Glesson A 53 Villarn M 54 Frazzeno J 56 Dunne P 57 Ferguson C 59 Robinson T 69 Ellender J 77 Walker K 87 Daniel S
28 D. Costell o
Proudly Sponsored by
2005 ajor Sponsor
Cardigan S t Carlton 305 3
Cert ificate of Merit Ian Cave pr ofile: (Hampton Rovers) • 284 game player beginning in 1965 • Reserve Coach for 8 years • Senior Committee member, including positions of Senior Vice President, Secretary & Delegate
® Best Clubman in 196 9 • VAFA Representative Selector for 5 years & also a member of the VAFA Permit Committe e ® An inaugural member of the Hampton Rovers Hall of Fame ® 0 0 Ormond congratulates Tim (Statistics / Stats) Stewart for playing 350 ;am co for his club since 1 9 8 5 . Statistically speaking, a g r a n d performance from the longest serving player in Ormond's history . Reserves Captain for 11 years, 29 Reserves finals including 10 Grand Finals with 5 Reserves Premierships, over 450 goals and Reserves Best and Fairest on 3 occasions . Tim gained the Club's games record of 271(combined Senior and Reserves games) from Mark Gilmore in 2000 . He has been as equally as impressive off the field with his work on both the social and general committees . Stats has been rewarded with Clubman of the year 1992 and ultimately Life Membership in 1998 . The consummate Club person, everyone at Ormond heartily congratulates Tim Stewart . 0 ® 0 1
Prominent Shark's identity T.! rk : floher (father of Leigh at St Kilda) had a once in a life time golfing experience . He "aced" a par three a t Woodlands . . . . . . .so as great as that is, its not that unusual, except his playing partner stepped up and banged his tee shot straight into the hole as well . CONSECUTIVE shots . I think the third player of the three picked up his ball and walked back to the Clubrooms in disgust . 0 0 0 As if being the "powerbroker" behind the Old Xavea3sna of recent times isri t enough OXFC CEO Kevin O'Shaughnessy can't stay away from footy . Spotted a couple of weeks back at Trevor Barker Oval, Kev was quizzed why he was in the black, red and white, "simply assisting the ton Dolphins with some admin work", came the reply . Seems Kev is a footy head, as if you'd have any spare time managing a club with (6) teams OXFC, then assist a stand alone VFL club administratively and he's also been seen at Boss James Reserve helping the Rovers out with some coaching at junior level, Kev you're a marvel . It's people like Kev who keep the game ticking over keep up the great work. ® u €3 Read in the BIG paper recently that ®ic'. Grammarians Senior Coach Gerard &--DIly has been employed by the Lions to co-ordinate recruiting out of Ireland . Gerard manages the two O'haAilpin brothers, as well as a number of Cricket Victoria players, he's Coaching Director at Ivanhoe GS and still manages time to coach OIGFC, who are flying at present . Gerard is also a senior VAFA representative selector and will be going around again assisting in preparing the VAFA Senior side's attempt to win back the Brian Molony Cup from the VCFL at Elsternwick Park on July 17 . Stay tuned for more on the Irish link and the VAFA/AAFC, but also the venue for the - ' -,i Molony Cup may get the green light to be played at the 'home of the people" - fingers crossed .
® u
RusseU Barnes (St. Bedes Mentone Tigers Senior Coach) always plays his cards close to his chest . Middle of last week a bayside Leader newspaper reported that while Assistant Coach Luke Beveridge had played in a practice match, he pulled up sore and really had no intention o f
pl ; ;n during the season . Round 2, Luke plays ncl gets in the best against Old Brighton . Guess ~ ou ' d never waste a reinstatement on someone .,,l1o ;wasn't going to play, hey Barney . Good luck Ij ,, % o . Matty Mahoney sends his regards, he's no w ving racing cars! 0 速 V Inccresting to note that Blazenod OCFC Senior ( l , D qlke nr-Allen has not been in town i,r their first two games and will again miss Round ; . "Tike is visiting his daughter overseas with his ;ciie and has left Assistant Andrew Sutherland in , h .,r~e, ably assisted by club legend Andrew Pickering. Suther has overseen two wins and pn s up at Central Reserve today against Ol d hoe who wouldn't have fond memories of the ,r,uud from visit last season . Last time Mike was ,l,sri was via the tribunal, Frank Melican took I n i ,-~ns at Ormond and guided the side to two , there also . Speaking of games Mik e % 1r: ~ rchur-Allen will celebrate a significant ~~, , hinrt milestone in the coming weeks, - n 1, rhing about five zero zero! And the MOCK i s to acknowledge the achievement in a - ;,iiilirantway -stay tuned for more . 速 0 0 One Hundred seasons and the red and black "out the back" are still flying. Elsternwick AFC are celebrating their 100th VAFA season in 2005 and have a number of functions planned . CENTENARY YEAR The play the only schedul e 1906-F405 night game at Elsternwick Park, Arena this season on Friday May 2 0 , ld rivals Albert Park, with the reserv e o play on EP No2 on the Saturday, and International Receptions in Brighton u .iic~ (May 21) for a Reunion Ball of hug e with people coming from all over !,,Ii, l,,r the event. If you know of anyon e -i l iit attending or becoming involved call , , Ilnkin-0418121 404 . Therry Pcnola saluted on of its greatest sons, Bob Lyons ; ;,~i r:t ck when he played his 400th gam e 11!1) ~!*ainst Collegians . Bob who ha s games, 292 Reserve games 3 5 I ~,, 1 11 1, - > and 71 in the Club 18 celebrated
his milestone in a typically low key way . Bob left his native Ireland at 14 and quickly adapted to playing Aussie Rules firstly as a hard working rover and then as a tough, tenacious back pocket . He is admired by team mates and opponents alike for his never say die attitude with tough tackling, smothers and hard ball gets a regular part of his game long before they became fashionably known as one percenters' . As a younger fellow many Therry committeemen of the time's complexions would turn pallid at any mention of Bob or the 'Baldies' but as time has gone by he has become a pillar of the 'Establishment' with he and wife Julie tackling the pleasures of raising their 3 young boys . Bob's wonky ankle may preclude him from playing many more games [surely its not gout Bob!?] . However anyone who has seen Bob coach the Club 18 over the last few years, with his ability to make all his players of varying talent feel important and know exactly what's required on game day and at training, know he has a great coaching future if he goes down that path . People like Bob Lyons make our great amateur competition even greater and we at Therry have been privileged to have had Bob in our midst for the last quarter of a century. All Amateur supporters congratulate you Bob and wish you many more years of involvement . 速 速 0 Seems some clubs are already well underway planing for 2006 and beyond - the Parkdale Vultures are seeking an U19 coach for the 2006 season .
Written applications to : The Secretary PARKDALE VULTURES AFC Ian Thoma s 37 Southern Road Mentone, 3194 19
There is a long way yet to go, but looking at performances in the first two rounds, our Section is going to live up to its reputation as a torture chamber in the months ahead .
watch out if the Bushrangers can hold them in Ql .
r .A s "'
and :-~' n .r Reds is a key match, with the Animals smarting " : om their hiccup last week. Reds are looking more settled, but the Animals are rarely beaten at Bennettswood and should take out a classic gam e by 2 points Old Mentanians face a stirred up B iowe and the visitors should have too much firepower for Peter Russo's youngsters by a 4 goals margin . Aquinas and Old Carey resume their rivalry with only one Carey side ever winning at the College and that was in 1995! Steve Maus has his squad going well though and the Cs should win a close game by a goal or so . should be: Prahran, Monds , Reds, Panthers, & Cs. Correspondents contacts : 9889 1979, & bfhickev~bigpond .co m
had Glen Elm's measure and won comprehensively . Tim Olarenshaw(OB) had a great game for the Bloods, Chris Wooden was 'on fire' up forward with 8 goals, and Brendan Helm e did some fine things off his HBF. and r- i was overrun by the classy had no answer for the Moods extraordinary trio of highly skilled speedsters, Robbins, Leigh Deledio, & Miller! Michael Radywonik rucked well for the Two Blues, with Craig Hall strong across HB . Yura Valley overcame :, ._ Leo's in a gripping affair played flat chat all day! Chris Beal at HBF played a model game for the Bushrangers with CHB, Dave Stevenson not far behind, while Tim Hancock was a strong forward . Ballard & Krebs starred for the Animals . was strong for an d in control throughout . Trent Wiltshire & Brendan Russo both impressed in run with roles for the Panthers . Ole. concentrated on the one-percenters against -, ;Temp and rightly left egg all over the scribe's face for predicting a reversed result! Both sides will have a big say in who plays finals football this year. Geoff Trumble had a great day at CHB for the Cs, with Xander Thompson lively in the packs and Al Parton a strong target up fonvard . TODAY Glen Eira and are still settling down, but the Two Blues should win a tight contest by 2-3 goals. ond an d YVOB at the Buxton Reserve will b e a bottler as both sides have speed and skill to burn . The Monds should win by 4 goals but
D I 7, . Fitzroy Reds Ormond Old Carey Emmaus S L
Maghamez 7 15 Beckett 5 14 Parton 7 13 Dinicolantonio 6 - 1 2
131 EF3 Fitzroy Reds Ormond Old Mentonians Fitzroy Reds
Capodiferro 5 11 Stewart 3 10 Stroud 9 9 7 Tornese 2
MILESTONE S L . , - -~ on fln -' i' f,1C - congratulates hiving his 3 50th game today . Stewy has been t',[) tin of Reserves for 11 years, kicked 450 + ls . played in 5 Reserves Premiership sides, is Club games record holder, and also Club President! Tim is the epitome of the goo d erict amateur footballer ! -.alley 0 B - congratulate s ~i--, 1_, ie' Hanco& on playing thei r in R2 . Herbie began in the U 19s in '99 ,
-jury and travel cur-tailed his appearances e field . He was a member of the 2002 Fla g and his size and strength make him a n nosition headache either rucking or u p u d . Ben start ed with the 2002 U 19s and : solid season with the Rese rv es in 2004, n_, 1c3. v : ork has earn ed him a Senior place in nd made him a fine example for th e N players . YVOB also salutes James --r on playing his 100th game last b+ ran in the 1999 U 19s, bu t 1 : p61ed the Seniors after starring at CHF . ; l :ned in the 2002 Flag side and won the Scniors goalkicking for 2001-200 4 lu~ the U19s in 1999. He also won ,n oalkicking in 2004! Keema is a and j oy to watch . 01d congratulates Luke Sunte r game in Rl . •Wff is one o f
n4 is at the Club, and a popular itliii_ ('lubman for many years . l ; .a to :ita d playing i , r jo 1 ur - in 1997. 'Shirl' has ,IriLtro ; ~, w . _~ Rese rv es success ;c111 a~s in the Seniors . nnii~a -'.~:ills on both sides, an d
in R2 is a sign o f ' `;LIr)tli
ttp'on Tlic lu Eid' came rai_h
0.8 17.11 3(167) 2 .2 4 .8 8.10 12.12 (84) .}balen 8 Tamlli 3 Hunt 3 Skinner 2 Pierce 2 Box 2 Toomey An . Williams 01arenshaw T70Umenakas . Best: Whitehead Wooden Toomey, Pierce Tnumenakas . Gkn ' Conroy 5 Tsimganmis 3 Zagame 2 watt Lundberg. Best Conroy'Laaame Tsiroejammis Pryde Emmett Sheedv . ~ Brendan Devlln Anthony Cak3emne (n 4 .3 . 7 .5 9.6 10 .8 (68) 25.19(1 4.4 10.7 17.11 in Sleight 4 B Livvzt;ston 2 D Ballard 2 Stafford Matherson . Best: milk Harrison W Walked Hall H Pitts Ballard . • Beckett Murphy 5 Martinrn• 0 Brim 4 Robbins Cove 2 Jones Byes Banks . Best Jones Miller Mariinov L Deledio Murphy Keleher . = David Lc-gm.vrth Phil Callil (F) Santo Caruso Damian Anthony (B) Kyle Mankey Ha n C-4ift (G) VAId 114 11.9 12.14 20.18 ( 3 .1 11 .1 16.8 17.12(114) YU: Hancock Beal - .1 3 Lear Valoppi Roldcld Lecordier 2 B Peake Stone A Dre.v. Best Beal Rakicld Keern Stevenson Stone Hancoc k Dinicalantonio 6 Krebs T McCann 3 Cane P McGloin 2 R McGloin . Best Ballard Carse Din :rnlantino T McCann Buckle . -n 0)n; Brent wcfldhead ( M 6.1 113 16.8 2d .12 (144) 3 .4 5 .9 7.9 10.11 (71 ) 7 Cianci 4 Ritchie, 3 Kelleher2 Zika 2 Diacooorgis Pac e L Rauins Abbott Meighen Magbatnez Kelleher Dullard . : Cochrane 2 Emerson 2 Alexander Basile Carroll Costello F43ski s WHO Russo Carroll Emerson Elliot 1Wentvman . Graeme Templar Craig BrajtbM in Amanda }}'hittaker Elise Van Gronah de Bi - bmn McCarthy Anthony Kvrkou (G) c-aG-'--112 16.7 11114 22 .17(149) 5 .5 9.6 16.7 (103) i_?3 1 .0 Car Parton 7 T Bull 3 T Angus 3 Shutie 3 Thompson 2 Kent 2 Hall Old Bmo-t,' . Best: Trumbull Smith Thomps on Glynne Parton Ewins, D Matthews 5 Williams 4 Wise 3 Tulloch 2 Pietryk Schneider. Best A Wilhie Stella Tehan Wise Pktryk Williams. ionel Katz Paul Jones (Fl Pa Itchell Vin Vescm4 (G ) 61 G 3.0 11 .13 ( M 0.5 1.8 4.11 5.14 (44) ,an 2 Hone Barrie McCartan Tanolv Lvne Yan Kint?hom 0 gin Zu con. Best Sullivan Chapman K ngtwm Broadhurst Tapply J- s. GIM • Was 4 Eade. Best: Zzvak Was Khazaal Cosgrave Diriye Tumhull. 0.3 2 .6 3.6 8.6(54) 3 .3 6.0 U2 11 .14 ( M
2 K walford McDonald Kennett. Best_ Windridge K V.al(onl. C mmil: Stewart 3 Arnold Smit h h. Best: Black Teheneppe Johnstone
6.3 11.7 10.10 17.13 (116) 1 .2 4.4 8.6 13.11 (89) 'iddlin 2 Walker Parry Cordes S Yen Vrnvks Yeo C Britt Middlin Parry . ffi :, Laughlan Contessotto Dimbl e ntes to D Pitcher Rayuar Hampshire M 6.2 9.4 11 .6 ]2.7 (79) °3 6.4 10,7 13.9(87) ? Dn' y 2}}aEsh 2 Willkkiru~s . Best- Lee Dunn C lifam. • Stroud 9 Cleeve 2 Clees2 Prowse Drinan Frances,
5.1 14.7 (91) 3 10.5 12.6 (78) 2. Doggett AWood Can `ardy Verp an. Best, Hanson P Tsokas
D1 Section AQUINAS Coach: Steven Bell Res Coach : Terry McEvoy 1 L . Toomey 2 S. Tib b 3 S. Voursoukis 5 M. Hunter 6 R . Brown 7 C . Glennie 8 J . Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 S . Cooper 13 C . Jeffrey 15 Ad . Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 B . Redwood 18 T Olarenshaw 19 G . Whitehead 20 D. Skinner 21 J. Pierce 22 S. Flynn 23 M. Visser 25 B. Volombello 26 J. Box 27 C . Tzoumanekas 28 B . Helme 29 L. Elliott 30 C . Collive r 31 G. Evans 32 J . Bleakney 33 C.Wooden 34 M . Tarull i 35 R. Chapman 36' M . Hope 37 S. Leonard 38 B. Moran 39 S. Bethune 40 R . Tainton 41 G . Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 J . Ta pp 1Y 45 D. McCartan 46 T Vandersluis 47 An. Williams 54 M . O'Halloran 55 L.Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 58 H. Tyssen 59 B. Cooper 61 I . Drew 62 C . Lyng 63 A. Barrie D . Sullivan
Coach : Steve Easton Res Coach : Andrew Parris
Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan
1 G . Chivers ( Capt) 2 M . Stella 3 L . Thompson (VC) 4 W. Thompson 5 M. Pietryk 6 A. Tehan (DVC) 7 P. Robertson 8 D . Glover 9 J . Matthews 10 J . Wise 11 C . Ince 12 A . Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A . Wilke 15 R. Ferguson 16 S. Smith 17 P. Voglis 1 8 R. Schneider 19 L . Stott
i.J 0'P," to, ft2e . HDI~1~ 2.Aw-.:M 3 u t~-C~- a S, RerI&;m ° S. K=Wzr aa I+V. 5 ,P, 5 E. T. e g~~ 6 J&rsm~, 7 .rtataW T.L.B;me :A ~s e N .T Dora 9.c P1 0 Lwr.er,.Id 10.wwawn n e ar'e,m n' M F~`~ 12 ra. ~x~,> 2 J an 1 3. td zaa 13 S gwwey 14 T&=" 14 M, ~-" ~StJ ~ t5A"~"'
20 T. Waters
21 P. Gannas 22 C . Cherbakof 23 D . Matthews 24 T. Agosta 25 L. Norbury 26 S . Boyd 27 A . Clarke 28 P. Milesi 29 P. Tsokas 30 D. Florence 31 A. Bernicich 32 R. Williams 33 P. Florence 34 S. Lambropoulos 35 D . Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 J. Frangos 38 A. Varga 39 D . Buccachio 40 G. Theodrakakous 41 R . Lea 42 A . Stavretis 43 D. Horvath 44 0. Hill 45 D. Rogers 46 A. Coulston 47 C. Morihovitis 48 A. Morihovlti s 49 B. Tourigani s 50 I. Roxburgh 51 R . Toscano 52 M. Daskalou 57 A. Smith 58 D . McMahon 60 M . Scarano 64 C. Tzalabiris
re e. G,~a 1 6-G Cizg Lx n p EnngM
18 P.c ~n :8 .6tg~ 19 g i 1,& 1 9. P care 20 T 20 T ecLl*e 21 cv ' 21 .TCar00 22sE•w 22 c . S O-, 23 K A•z amzz 23. T .~Cm
24 L. r-, 24 G rrduzai 25 o t~r. a o Ta~er 26 .rtw~+ to n km 27 .J Tamxe to J,e~r`~m C~`"A 26T~ 2 9 v c*d 28M 29, J Leca t;. Ear 30 LT" 31 J .Lay 3 1 .P.C ~
32a.T~qg 32 .D Dw~ca~ 33 s. Dru,y 33 . N ~ k.rwy 3 4 AJ ._, ,s34P~, 34 T 35 . F_ a; M P~ ;g,g_,,;f wx37. L V ~ 3T.ao'Pa:y 3, kV RM. ~~J ~. A ~ '"g R. ° .a 4140.K~ e bh= ~ 41 .G or ~ 4211 i„„xy 42 g_~ 43 38aAe E3.J tula~ a A . P~ 44 D e w d5A- Grrr,~ °$. j~~~ 4'1n-p,~ P~' 47 , 4& K nzM'~'' w Bale Tq p,g~,~ 49 J . bkRu'zf
;g .N.v.~J.
4 9 J. t~ce 50 DFly . F. Wm Si d Rms 56 T WdJei, 53S°'dda° 6T R. FV&1t.3d "x y 70. M . Derby 54 T' m ' Ti .Ttee 55rJ7 Se.J.oo-, l e n.A,c>* sT.gP~ Co.G .Bw 65 & D" 881 S-F 88 S' Vgg~ 95. D . Fb~gw
Coach : Terry Walsh Res Coach : Matt Embling 1 S. Vamvakis 2 P.Khazaal 3 C . Massis 5 A . Tsirogianni s 6 J . Zagame 7 D. Clarke 8 D. Lyons 9 A . Russo 10 M . Chandler 11 L. Pryd ry e 12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 C. Grey 15 E. Stuchbery 16 N . Davis 17 R . Conroy 18 R . Oldham 19 A . Devries 20 A . Diamond 21 M . Watt 22 S . Emmett 23 T. Deal 24 M . Embling 25 J . Fidogiannis 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R. Gilmore 28 L . Shellard 29 M. Scaife 31 M. Bell 32 D . Fossey 33 A. Sheedy 34 T.Tumbull 35 S . Hollow 36 B . Zurek ^ 37 P. Merrick 38 S . Lithgow 39 A. Davies 40 M . Cosgrove 41 J . Devries ancY h 42 J. SerP 43 M . KennedyY 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 S. Gange 47 B.Zwar 48 J . Hatiweli 49 S. Hall 50 D . Eade 51 H . Hussien 52 S . Miller 53 A . Iliyas 54 M . Vodstrcil 55 J . Lundberg 56 C. Hogan 57 P. Rohr 58 S. Patterson 61 J. Fulton 63 J. Evans
Coach : Peter Russo Res Coach : Jamie Windus s 1 T. Mitvalsk y 2 C. Twentyman (DVC) 3 R. Bal l 4 B. Carroll 5 A. 6 C. Alexande r 7 D . Emerson 8 G . Ferguson 9 D . Cochrane 10 T. Wiltshire 11 A. Mort 12 C . Dwye r 13 B . Russo 14 M . Strou d 15 J . Costello (C) 16 C. Duncan
17 C. Gourle y 18 M . Basile (VC ) 19 A . Palmer (DVC) 20 C. Palmer 21 J . O'Brien 22 B. Coghla n 23 A. Drinan 24 R . Ironmonger 25 B. Fairbanks 26 R . Schloeffel 27 G . Katris 28 D . Kitto 29 A . Carter 30 D . Russo 31 M . Elliott 32 P. Wilso n 33 B . Lane 34 P. Flaskis 35 E . Milli s 36 D. Alexander (RVC ) 37 M . Francis 38 T. Milli s 39 J. Vick 40 R . Alexande r 41 G . Pekali s 42 A. Noona n 43 G . Hubbard 44 L . Sunter A . Erskine 46 G. Smith 47 J . Kelly 48 D. Stevens (RC) 49 N. Fishe r 50 K . Regan 51 A. Wilson 52 M . Watts 53 R. Johnson 54 D. Goodbody 55 A. Donegan 56 S. Bradyy 57 S. Fairbanks 58 M . Lewi s 60 W. Steabbe n 61 B. Saunders 62 C . Sinclai r 63 G . God s 64 M. Austi n
I)I sce-ti®n OR PA OND
Co : ch : Da . d Matthews F, Coach : Peter O'Dea , pe .=Jio D . F_='•>=tt L Murphy Jones A~._ A ,~,r ;to , .: nks •, D; Ral no r 1~ - • •' ` -.,_ ~ ~s T ~'-'_- --•= _~_''_~ .
T - .. ~ ;"
= ~'~t -'- -- -_" -•--
OLD CAREY Coach : Steve Maus Res Coach : Craig Williams 1 C. Angus 2 D. Faelis 3 M. Angus 4 A. Simson 5 J. White 5 P. Konstantinidis 6 C. Campbell 7 T. Evans 8 A. Stewart-Holmes 9 D. Shutie 9 B. Andrews (r) 10 K. Shrives 11 N. Everett 12 L. MacFarlane 13 G . Trumbull 14 M . Zander 15 N. Bull 16 T. Angus 17 A. Parton 18 D. Bewley 19 T. Wood 20 S. Bennett 21 O . Smyth 22 C. Battle 23 H. Van Cuylenberg 24 P. Unkles 25 A. Thompson 26 A. Wood 27 N. Vasitopoulos 28 N. Sulman 29 C. Munro 29 J. Joslin 30 N . O'Brien 31 J. Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N . England 33 G . Spencer 34 K. Parker 35 M. Watts 35 M. Vardy 36 D . Martini 37 C . Adam 38 L . McKinnon 39 P. Bennett 40 S. Jackson 41 P. Niven 42 J. Ashworth 43 Y. Glynne 43 D . Joyce (r) 43 44 T. Rossignualo 45 T. Bull 46 B. Barr 47 B. Crosher 48 S. Teve 49 S. Middleton 50 A. Kent 51 R . Hall 52 E. Halliday 53 R . Deuis 54 T. Zavelz 55 P. Busse 56 A. Boyd 57 T. Connell 58 H . Doggett 59 C . Mason nnel l 60 6 1 B. Croft 62 C . W!,,catsn 64 C . Sm ;h 65 D . E'rr,e r,
Coach : Leigh Stafford Res Coach : Shaun Campbell 1 B . Livingston 2 L. Stafford 3 D. Livingston 4 D. Crommie 5 H . Pitts 6 A . Donachie 7 T. Greening 8 I. Hunt 9 A . Bunnett 10 M . Mc Cudden 11 A . Pitts 12 C . Hall 13 L. Northway 14 L. Fox 75 J . Small 16 S . Campbell p M . Harrison 18 J . Matherson 19 S . Ferriage 20 D . James 21 E .MeDonal d 22 A . Sleight (C) 23 M . Windridge 24 K . Plummer 25 L. Aitken 26 B . Dempsey 27 W. Watford 28 K . Walford 29 P. Gartland 30 M . Radywonik 31 'M . Mulqueeny 32 D. Ballard 33 W. Barber 34 R . Alcock 35 J . Bedford 36 G. Beven 37 C. Tooley 38 J . Kellow 39 T. McClure 40 R. Ferrero 41 J . Upton 42 B . Downing 43 S . Kennett 44 C. Holzer 45 M . Scicluna 46 B . Clough 47 J . Killeen 48 J . Vagg 49 I . Dennis 50 S . Conley 51 D. Cordy 52 C. Jones 53 M . Shipley 54 S . O'Conno r 55 M . Vagg 56 A . Lachlan 57 N. Scicluna 58 M . Pinney 59 P. Ramage 60 T. Sparrey 61 B . Campbell 62 N. Gill 63 R. Marriott 64 J . Belcher 65 B. Sodoma 66 N. Wallmeyer 67 S . Oliver Orrong
Coach: Stuart Cook Res Coach: Terry Ymer 1 D. Mclnerny 2 J . Pascoe 3 E. Mitchell 4 C. Phyland 5 S. Buckle 6 M . DAmelio 7 R. McCann 8 J. Fennell 9 D. Lear 10 B. Ellis 11 M . Levins 12 T. McCann 13 A. Krebbs 14 P. Hampshire 15 P. Carey 16 A. Kelly 17 M . Ford 18 R. McCann 19 L. McDermott 20 A. Ballard 21 G. Simmondso n 22 M . Contessotto 23 S . Carson 24 D. Bruce 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 J . Waters 28 E . McLaughlan 29 M . Hayes 30 M . Ottobre 31 G. Contessotto 32 C. Cincotta 33 J . Dini 34 L. Virgo 35 J . Briggs 36 S. Bavage 37 S. Manton 38 N. Hodder 40 J . Gay 41 M . Dimble 42 C. Landy 44 J . Fornaso 45 S. Ronchi 46 J. Little 47 M . Mclnerny 50 A. Volpe 51 P. McGloin 52 R. McGloin 56 T. Morrison 59 D. Pitcher 60 C. McDonald 61 J. Blandthorn 62 A. Rayner 63 P. Nolan 64 M . Montgomery 65 N. Foley 66 J. Papillo 67 P. Farquhar 69 S. Mescher 70 D. McGloin 74 M . Tan 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 79 T Tribe 88 S. Pitcher 89 D. Winduss
Mercury Ste
Coach: Tim Killworth Res . Coach : John Frazie r 2 A. Mcleod 3 R . Thompso n 5 A. Drew Captai n 6 R . Drew 7 C . Baal 8 L . Morris g J. Keem 10 T. Hancock 11 T. Mclllraith 12 D . Lecordie r 13 L . Dillie s 14 B. Nickolas 15 N. Pask 16 L . Taylor 17 A. Laing 18 C. Britt 19 J. Strong 20 T. Hale 21 D. Stevenson 22 B. Drew 23 R. Yee 24 N. Lea r 25 S. Seabourne 26 J. Longwort h 27 S. Savag e 28 M. Rockicki 28 B. Reynolds 29 R. Coutts 30 D. Potter 31 B. Vowle s 32 R. Crawford 33 S. Fuller 34 B. Seeger 35 B. Peake 36 S. Stoyan 37 D. Balshaw 38 C. Walke r 39 D. Cordes 40 M. Wines 42 A. Stone 43 S. Yeo 44 B. Whitechurc h 45 A. Wingate 46 T. Olive r 48 R. Davis 50 J. Peake 51 H. Clarke 52 A. Hartnett 53 S. Fyffe 54 S. Simpson 55 B. Telford 56 T. Lloyd 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Barum a 63 D. Whitechurch 64 S. Cleary 65 M. Norris h 66 A. Russell 67 B. Glennie 71 M. Laing 74 A. Middlin 76 G . Coutts 78 N . Peters 82 D. Redfern 92 T. Peters
Ed Selby talks dit JAFA news after 9 .00a m For news, views and previews, tune t o
Petrucco SATURDAY on ! - .5 - 9 .00-°v . 90ar n
Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e Live A Section Fc -, '- - _, r - ;-_ : -. -- ., 1.45 P.M . e v _: ST.
66 1
fl tnn • y ~• .~
^' '
east 49
VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6 .00-6 .15pm each Saturday night.
S7'E?~-' '' MeCA RT HY WITH ALL THE VAFA NEW S This weeks guest : David Matthews (Ormond - Coach)
Sunday 6 .00- 8 .30 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters UAFA .
The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and Johnathan Hor n revievvs the competition in N,',,)qday's Age
OP ~
0~~ ~ ~ ~
Z "u d ? P, t-"-~ I
~ P
9? 7 n' 'F'vj
Friday 7 .00-8.00pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
g made its trip Flag favourites Old Geelon Peninsula down the Nepean Highway to worthwhile crushing the former D2 giants by 66 points . The Pirates, so dominant two seasons ago, have now lost their first two matches of the season by a combined total of
up to expectations
at this stage .
while the Hoe s have been somewhat indifferent . Ivanhoe's backline, led by the likes of Colin Brown, Nick Blayney and Peter Lee, will certainly be kept on their toes by the likes of Kimpton . 155 points and Vickers-Willis . Old Geelong for mine . outlasted Sw3nburne University at Reigning D3 premiers Oaklelgh Oakleigh take on Ivanhoe Assumption by 20 points in a fierce Scammell Reserve in another contest . The Hoes lost test of wills at The Boulevard between two sides whose fortunes have skipper Paul Harris in the opening minutes contrasted so far this season . Despite the but got good service from defenders Travi s firepower available to the Razorbacks from O'Neil and Colin Brownthe likes of Jason Murchie and Matthe w Higgins, I feel th e ,A Trobe' s superior fitness sa w Krushers have too much eight goals to three in the final quarter for a 51-point victory -The ÂŽos have certainly all round talent, 6urne; at St lived up to expectations especially if players such over a spirited S as former Springvale . Razorbacks James Park " man Doug McKenzie spearhead Jason Murchie at this stage rule the roost. Krushers booted five goals while skipper Adrian Fidler worked tirelessly to win . the trek to Bundoora for ~ the midfield . m Salesian OC make a tricky assignment Rupertswood overcame Williamstown winning by 45 points to at preserve its unbeaten start to the season 3ale sissa, while Bentleigh was too good for ' opening its account for 2005 with a 50-point
their match against La T mbe UniversitY facing a tricky assignment against the 2-0 Trobers . It will be interesting to ne~ how
likes of Bobetic and Thain g o
victory .
PREVIEW An epic journey (possibly the longest in the to VAFA) awaits Peninsula OU as they travel . The Sunbury to take on ltupert swood Pirates appear to be afflicted by scurvy or something, and by contrast Rupo have been a rampant force thus far . I don't feel theset respective trends will change any, at leas not this, as the Rupertswood running game will sink the Pirates and leave them stranded towards the bottom . Rupo to win . Geelong host Early season favourites Old at Como Park in a IvanhoeAssumption contest between 2004's D2 third and fourth placed teams . The OGs have certainly lived
D2 S~CI"IflN Oakleigh Brigg s
Rupertslrood L Brennan 3 88 Bentleigh Paul 8 DZ RESER°"g l l Old Geelong Higgin s 7 Rupertswood A Jordan 25 6 s Williamstown Burges Oakleigh Couttie .1 1
5 5PenisulaGodthrp1
f the Main Oval, while the Trober s ed la t sweek that they can also play the grounds and come away with t~, inc~g wins . Tough to call, so I'll soft it . „d pick the home team . LaTrobe to win i~aron Reserve is the venue for the clash stavM CYMB and W i lli .,I,anse s
A ;-rnnninied with
gentl~=til, lr second half fade out last time around . ribution . 1 will certainly be keen for ret 'ill
d ntleigh on other han be looking to take this wil l d L,,1 week an . Despite a oeer the West Gate Bridge :urfeit of new faces , i„n gelled quickly as a in to take the points home today . So -
7.5 g~
r, . . ; : s Cocks Manning Hynes J Elias D Lee GritNe . piVertm Brennan 3 Burrow „rern 2 Boxall Elliott Hatty Monzell Pawl] Quigley Ramsey S>nnett t A@st Z. Best: Collins Keenan McDonald Boxall Quigley Wes 7 2 9.5(59) Um#= Mick Gilday Michael Forde in ~~ 1 .0 4. 2 18 .17 (1251 O,g 12S 15.12 OLD GEELOM Claiingbold. Best: penbr. Payr.e 3 T Prendergast 2 Brennan 2 Stain(orth 4 Day S Parsons Barron Stainforih Murphy Pratt . CM Geck Kimpton
Razorbacks are holding a
t ltciue Beer Night on Saturday 30 April a :ewthorn Bowls Club (downstairs) from l i r,pm. Entry is free with light nibblese led and a chance to enjoy boutiqu from around the world at bargai n -> . a
7th . Day ~aeti®~ May
1s please get out your Spring b-d J outfits for a night of punting an at Scammell Reserve . We will have a ;„?I ird of races on the big screen with ou r 1,,itzaker Stewie Dalton plus Fashions . ;, (li-ield contests for the guys and girlsy . Please buy tickets from Ja ; .r Ii, ad
Goldsworthy 3 Vickers Willis 2 Munro 2 T~tis Casboult Parsons C ; H McCarthy While Kimplon Cash°till O'Brien Stevens White Strauch . Best H L-'oe Lansdell David Trott Shane Macintosh in .12114) C _- ; _g. 3.2 7 .5 12 .7 17 8, 5 8.11 13.14 is.20 (1341 D~r 5 Lee 2 Brnvm 2 Valltanis 2 G Boyd 2 Gallaa.ay Healy Jeff Brown 0'LAkyer G Boyd Healy Galloway . N oneprc,u . u.1;ickezie 5 Brigs 4 Bromley 2 Ear12 J Briggs Edwards Lamb Perry . I st: Bell Cammiss Collins Holden Mackenae Zola Ruttf ~ Paul Dinneen (F) Chris McKendrv Michael Jones (G) .11 (90) .8 14 2.4 6 .6 11 21.20(146) 6.2 7.9 13 .14 rrchie 5 M Hi~ns 3 Milano 3 Orr C Higgins Piotmu~sld . Best Brooks a m His PiotrrnysM Hodgson ;~4urchie Dell Olin Fidler. L 7 Fairant 3 Dingo 2 Ludeman 2 Slater 2 Nelson Coulter Oakley Filval l Best: Buttib eg Lambert Nelson Brooks Waterman Farran4 Anthony Simpson Sharon Alger (F ) 26S(164) 17 .6 t31da>zra ~ 4.1 9.4 .6 14.11 17 .12 (114) .3 10 6 - awo 4 Robertson 3 y')ahos 3 Tangas Dolntan Beat m Paul 8 Sharp 4 Francis : McFadden M Ferris Tangas Paul Sharp Chapman S Hotmesby . Best . Sidem A Thain 5 Campbell 3 Ware 2 Nannes 2 Greets 2 tnugtuuut b7ahor . Rose Ca%anan . Best: Polmtic Campbell L Rose main Tucker Cavanan Paul Tuppen Anthony Damon fl')
Club Co, ..cci ~~ nt S
lid any correspondenc e :_ ;i :81@ce%S$rC~iCFir
.g(3Y .R>i.a,
onday or email Andrew any upcoming milestones an d 43@ta.® •co by
afternoon . Thanks guys an d weekend . Old Geelong 15, Oakleigh Williamstown 13
d v Peninsula 0 B Ivanhoe Assumptio n v Swinburne Uni ni v Salesian 0 C Ti CyMS v Bentleigh
8.7 10.8 (681 11 .9 17.10 (1121
SA , sfl~~ .ihomson 3 Lee 2 Cooper 2 Cocks Phemister 4Vuchatsch . Best:
3.2 4.3 4 .7 8.9(57) 1.8 9.fi 12 .7 14.12 (~) mess 5 Jory Lewis Elias . F3est : Ryan Williams Jocv BurgessA 3 M Clark 2 Jordan2 tVaLsh Grant tt~; D Soutaris n k Germ Burns Price . Best: Plummer S Clark Walsh Dotso 1 .3 2.5 4.8 7 .10t52) 16.7(103) 14.6 sA 12 . Best: . an 2 MeKinstry Haley Atchison J Goidtholp Crean r, . . Parsons Culloch Braden Nea l C 2E lli s 2 Wilson 2 0'Briden Best : Ke~mp Teague ietshmz aipa .s s O'Bden S Slattery , gA 5 .16 7 .14 11.g 3 t841 2.3 5.3 7 .5 . . Best: •!49 J ce 3 Martin 3 Shuttk .~worth 2 McCallum 2' Nerntsis ' ,: PlavkoFtis 3 P Conley ".1cCroutrhan Chazan Jc -.e, t --~ n Malcolm Murray Orchard Perdikomatis Vide kv . Best Ryan R . . . nos Head Lucas Connellan . , 5(531 53 t_t 0 .1 4 .2 2$ 6 .7 9 .10 13 . 7.2 f901 l Granger 3 Ca er 2 Chr stov Roberts Kane . Best: Watts Granger 3 B laidlaw 2 Carola n Is Trobe : Redmond Kane Berry ~n Sandhi SV~ ~ Best : Ulph . .-on Mamhu~e Spring Tiernan Ln h Borrelli RaoPmans G Mamba'e Murphy B Lzsdlaw Mar;bsley Redmond . ` 0 it 13(49) 2.6 4 .9 ~ . 15.10(100) 6.0 7 .1 12 .8 . Best: McFarlane P W. ox Clough Wright ~pisehinski Kamus Reid Samp on Steward Ftshlaeh Reid Wright 9~ Riley 4 Goulden 2 n Henry Van Suylen . Best: McClamn Ra ;,ankrn~ic 2 Simon 2 Alan 2 Callagha Suylen Seager Smith Riley Rozankavm27
Coach: Justin Paul Asst Coach: Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall
11 D. Valkanis
15 S. Brooks
13 D. Britt
12 B.Galloway, 13 B.McCrohan 14 D.Neilson 15 G .Boyd 16 M .Joyce 17 T.Nixon 18 A.Boyd 19 D. Wood 20 N . Pye 21 N . Blainey 22 A. Height 23 L.Cole 24 B. Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 B .Walthers 28 S .Graham 29 J . Crapper 30 T. Mehmet 31 D.McFarlane 32 J . losefo 33 S .Hicks
16 P. Farrant 18 C . Blight 19 A . Benton 20 A . Coulter 21 M. Harvey 22 D . McMeekin 23 M. Cossar 24 L. Envall 26 M . Dingle 27 S . Pruscino 31 A. Mambwe 32 S. Gibson 34 H. Spring 35 F. Tiernan 36 T. Mawdsley 39 R. Slater 40 S. Murphy 42 D. Robson 44 D . Kerrison 45 D . McMeekin 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 55 C . Fehring 70 J . Dumaresq 73 J . Sewell 78 J . Clark
1 S . Conley 2 M. Maud 3 P.Harris 4 T. O'Neill 5 J . Scoble 6 E . Healy 7 P. Rawley 8 J . Shuttleworth 9 R. Peoples 10 P. Lee
11 D . Martin
12 T. Wright 13 S . Craven 15 B . McClelland 16 D . Chapman 17 S . Francis 18 S . Adaway 19 M . Wilson 20 R . Fishlock 21 A . Ferris 22 A . Smith 23 G . McFarlane 24 J . Robert s 25 D. Gold 26 B. Padgham 27 J. Seeley 28 M. McCulloch (C) 29 A. Clough 30 A. Lee 31 A. Banks 32 D . Kopitschinski 33 P. Withington 35 P. Hutchison 36 M . Ferris 37 L. Holmesby 38 B . Fox 39 G. Prigg 40 A . Steward 42 A . Mikkelsen 42a M . Hayes 44 R. Punter 45 S . Ferris 48 R. McEvoy 49 C. Kamus 52 L. Sampson 53 E. Box 54 R. Ofdfield 55 G . Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 D . Clarke 60 B. Grant 61 H . McKenzie 64 M. Hayes
34 C.Trea9er
35 P.Veitch 36 C.Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 N .Haddon 39 M. Ebbage 40 J.Barbggallo 41 C . McDonald 42 K. O'Dwyer 43 A. Shemshedin 44 M.Shephar d 45 R .Fort
Coach: Glenn Taylor Asst San Coaches : David Huffer & Bob Ellis Res Coach: Bob Elli s Club XVIII Coach : Cam Black
C . Clamp T. Cohen N . Dunne D. Fennell M . Garret K . Hickman S . Jackson
46 P.Martin 47 T.Peggie 48 R . T ood ~ 49 A .Rosenfeki 50 R . Shing 51 D. Pearce 52 M .Wilson 53 M . Chazan 54 J .Skirving 55 S .Carter
C. Knee P. Lias A. Mann S. Miller G . Nelson X. O'Donnell L . Ryan L . Heathcote C . Francis S . Gloury
57 M . Frannich
S . Moore
58 D. Hager 59 C. Mclnney 60 J. Nemtses 78 C . Brown
S . Pitaro J . Waterman B . Laidlaw D. Hill J . R ote lla C. Sage
S ponsor o e Booran H ld n
4 H. Davies 5 S. Adamthwaite 6 D. Gteeson 7 T. Mannes 8 C . Correnti 10 M. Forrest 13 T. Ludeman 14 D . Butler
1 C. Sharp 2 J. Paul 3 A. Pittito 4 S . Sice 5 J. Robertso n 6 R. Dolman 7 S. Holmesby 8 C . McFadden 9 L . Tangas 10 J. Vlahos
51 P. Sampson
Coach : Pat McKenna Res Coach : Mark Ryan Asst Coach : Shane Kitts 1 A . Murray y 3 D . Mackenzie 4 G. Harry 5 C . Kokkinos 6 M . Jordan 7 M . Short 8 S . Earl 10 P. Holden DVC () 11 J . Rutter 12 D. Furnell
Coach : Anthony McKay Asst Coach : Doni Valkanis Res Coach : Richard Peoples
A . Paech B . Hider M . McDonal d
14 J . Nevezie 15 G . Redford (RVC) 16 M . Bell 17 D. Perry 18 J. Connellan 19 R. Keating 20 J. Halpin 21 A. Perdikornatis (RC) 22 D . Wills 23 J. Kerleyy 24 S. Kitts 25 C . Marshall 26 A . Kitts 27 D . Zula (VC) 28 A . Khodr 29 K . Holden 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 P. Lucas 33 S . Bando 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske . 36 M . Ryan 37 S. Briggs 38 S. Cammiss 39 W. Plaukovits 40 J. Briggs 41 S. Way 42 S. Dalton 43 A. Hinton 44 N . Wills 45 E . Videky 46 R . Holden 47 M . Stevenson 48 J . Reynolds
49 S . Collins 50 C. Lamb 52 C. Cooke 55 P. Malcolm 56 B . King 57 D. Nagel 59 T. Orchard 63 M . Couttie 65 A. Wood
Coach : Michael Lockma n Res Coach : Michael Verge Asst Coach : Matt Edmond s 1 M. Goldsworthy 2 N . Casboult 3 M. White 4 C . Stinchcombe (C ) 5 M. Vickers-Willis ICI 6 J . Bell 7 J . Pau l 8 G. Allen 9 D. Kimpto n 10 M . Avery 11 L. Steven s 12 T. Pau l 13 T. Canno n 14 D. Taylo r
15 H. McCarthy 16 T. Faila w 17 T. Betts 9 18 J . N. eetts s 1 20 J. Legoe 21 L .Teague 22 T. Bayles 23 C . Fairbair n 24 S. Lansdell (V-C) C . Wilso n 27 W. Paul 29 S. O'Brien 30 D . Youl 31 A. Munro 3 2 E~ ~ y 34 S . Makin 35 M . Verg e 36 T Makin 3 . Waters 7 38 L. T Smith 39 J . Kilpatric k 40 L. Teagu e 41 S . Ross 42 C. Legoe 43 R. Parsons 44 J. O'Hare 45 H. Legoe 46 J. Morley 47 J. Col e 48 R . Herd 51 J. 52 A. Higgins 53 A. Husking 54 R . Hughes 55 C . Atkins M 5j . Symons y 58 J . McCarthy 59 R . Kilpatrick
60 B . MaClea n 62 G. Leishman 63 D . Ardlie 64 J . Atkin s 65 R. Bell 66 H. Burgess 67 J . Burnel l 68 B . Church 69 A. Southe y
70 W. de Fegle y 71 R. Elli s 72 H. England 73 H. Felon s 75 T. Green
76 M. Hayes 77 S. Monaghan 78 L . Morrison 79 N . Robinso n 60 C . O'Brie n 81 G . Ritchie 82 T. Smit h
83 R . Stevens 84 S . Tresise ey g6 JM. Whit 88 J . Hawker
87 J . Imhoff 89 P. Klooste r 90 E . Jefferey
Coach: Julian Sill Pes Coach : Neil Franks
Coach : Shane McLaughlan Res Coach: Adam Walsh
S- Parsons ~.. Parsons A, Goldthorp E. Bowen N . Ken t ,t, Warner S, Murray R, Stainfadh T, Coghlan H, .' .-,, . ~ . Lethbridge ._ F=ryuson Fs ie p>",ns
1 P. Flinn 2 G . Price 2 M. lemming 3 P. Reid 4 D . Burrowes 5 J. Ramsay 6 S. Gallus 7 B. Whitehead 8 K. Elliot 9 M . Keating n9 11 S. Clark 12 M .Hewat 13 B. Sinnett 14 L. Plummer 15 N. Webb 16 R. Monzell 17 R. Harry 19 D. Collins 20 D. Powell 22 D. Walsh 23 M . West 25 D . Keenan 27 A . Jaeger 28 D . Mcdonald 30 K . Shaw 31 T. Boxall 32 N . Mcgovem 33 R . Lupa 35 C . Certo 36 J . Plummer 38 B. Johnson 39 A. Jordan 42 T. Plummer 43 T Butson 44 A. Carlo 45 D . Hum 46 B. Ang ~ 47 J . Mccrann 49 M. Burns 51 A. Morris 52 A. Jansz 53 T. Broughton 53 B. Debono 54 B. Ouinn 55 A. Walsh 56 G . Hatty 57 S. Carmodyy 58 M . Clarke 60 J. Grant 61 M . Walsh 63 B. Moule 64 M . Lane 66 T. Lovett 68 D. Stevens 69 D. Wallace 70 L. lemming 71 A. Soutaris 73 D. Walsh 81 D. Soutaris
r=3hlan r.-elan . . .-~nstry n-- rder ast g Povmey (VC) endergasi :ve rrcyy tD -rze (CAPT)
-=E ~
- - ~ -'n -- ""' -"-
Coach: Peter Turley Res Coach : Jon Brennan 1 A. Stevens 2 A. Thain 3 S. Sutherland 4 A. Healey 5 M. Canavan 6 M. Loughnan 7 G . Tucker 8 S. Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. Oldfield 11 A. Davey 12 L . Rose 13 I . Bobetic 14 P. Evans 15 C. Rose 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D. Barry 19 T. Fairbairn 20 A. Seeger 21 A . Bonnici 22 S . Downey 23 P. Hanton 24 E . Hanapy 25 J . Rogers 26 J . Nannes 27 E . Maillard 28 C. Savage 29 P. Delahaye 30 A . Brett 31 L. Seville 32 G. Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 C . Goulden 35 P. Knott S. Nolan 37 B. Chalmers 38 K. Woodman 39 M. Ware 40 S. Tra kas 41 M. Smyth 42 A. Simon 43 M. Van Suylen 44 P. McClaren 45 D. Allen S. Greely 47 I . Rozankovic 48 T. Henson 49 M . Oakley 50 J. Oakley 51 S. Stevens 52 S. Henry 53 P. Allen 54 S.. Brown 55 J. Ngo 56 C. Ryan 57 M . Smith 58 M . Ferwerda 59 Mick Forbes 60 P. Forbes
Coach: Manny De Bono Res . Coach: Tanta Nishibata 1 L . Wafts 2 J. Sheedy 3 J. Piotrowski 4 A. Fidler 5 J. Demarte 6 D. Harmer 7 J. Murchie 8 M . Higgins 9 L Morrison M . Anastassi 11 D. Milano 13 K . Barbary 14 R. Goode 15 H. Sutter 16 C. Walsh 17 J . Roberts 18 A . Fiumani 19 B .0'Mara 20 D. Wigg 21 S . Fragiacomo 22 C . Thomas 24 C . Higgins 25 M. Whiting 26 T. Listo n 27 R . Kiss 28 J . Ryan 29 J . Gordon 30 J . Dunsford 32 P. Beynon 33 S. Christov 34 A. Fricke 36 J. Carter 37 D. Barbera 38 M. Tricky 39 R. Roberts 40 J. Coy 41 S. Ryan 42 D. MacFarlane 43 J. Artdrino lous p° 44 M . Ryan 45 B. White 46 J. Sandhu 47 T Morris 48 D. Little 49 M . Hud9son 50 M . George 51 M . Pearson 52 N. Lane 53 M . Paul 54 M . Eley 55 M. Dinning 56 D. Smith 57 C . 0'Keeffe 58 M. Flack 59 C . Gelley 60 P. Jones 61 B . Robertson 62 B. Gorfine 63 M. Roebuck 64 J . 0'Keefte 65 A. Teal 66 C . Dent 67 D. Beynon 68 L Sierakowski
Proudly sponsored by : ~r .
R O O~! Ev t a 2 :,I ~~~ r, .,TE&G~4II 5
L r :~
' .
~ `t
RCL' Jilamma Resrauran&Bar
Whitehorse Inn
5 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn
9818 4991
WILLIAMSTOW N GYMS Coach : Dane Macleo d Res Coach: Damien Hyne s 1 T. Wheele r 2 P. James 2(r) J. of Grazi a 3 D . Woud a 4 S. Wuchatsch 5 D . Elias 6 D. Greiv e 7 L . O'Sullivan 8 L . Ryan un o 9 B. Cock s 10 11 C. McCrake n 12 S.McGuines s 13 M . Grossma n 14 J . Street 15 D. Taylor 16 S . Phemister 17 R. Hart 18 D. Oldha m 19 S . Barlow 20 L. Cooper 21 M . Wels h 22 S . King 23 C. McNamara 24 C . Pach 25(r)G. Burgess 25 L. Thomas 26 D . Le e 27 B . Gran t 28 A . Kosmato s 29 B. Gritie n 30 K. Dowsey 31 J. Hynes 32 1 es 33 T. Bo z 34 L . Henry 35 C . Bergin 36 F. Henry 337 7 B. Hynes 38 M. Elia s 39 T. Carte r 40 P. Thompso n 41 A. McKensie 42 B. Hinsley 43 P. Azzapard i 44 M . Manning 45 J . Buttigeig 46 G . Singleto n 47 B . Robinson 48 B . Gray 49 F. Diblasi 50 B . McKay 51 S . Manda n 52 D. Paul 53 A . Lewi s 54 L. Keating 55 R . Nisbett 56 Z. Milken-laude 57 D . Jory 58 S. Vinnin g 59 T. Mannin g 60 S. Hall 61 S. Adams 62 C . Holland 63 M. Hollan d 64 D .O'Keeffe 65 D . Wilfred
66 B. Koch Proudly sponsored by : ENNED Y
PLUMBIN G SERVICES 937.1.1955 ,. , ...~. ,~
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1"eam section's Am round 1iuable 8 3 Most Va Each of the year (after vote on the IS . coaches to at the VAFA Each sectionhis section e s statuett players for a coate 21 MVP's receive
presentation evening•
phone- 1315 5
emergency 24 Nour 8 n418 33311
,~~H ~~ A,.tHTEUR V Ofl
If you are the peson circled, present this photo at VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury harnper.
Haynes, Kennedy , After three rounds there were no Martin and Bryce . OGGS' triers were undefeated teams in A Section, surely the sign of a great season for the top grade . L Wilson, Old Scotch were the early movers to the Stinchcombe, top of the table, by percentage, and Farrar, Higgins recorded a big win against MHSOB, 19 .10 (3), Salter an d to 7 .14 . Star Scotch forward, Luke Bird . C Section coaches were - Wayne Hawkins, led the way with 10 goals and M Harmes (AJAX), Jim Durnan (Beaumaris), Parthenides, Nettleton, Price, O'Brien and Paul Nigro (B/Temp), Paul Beddoe (Glen Holt gave great support . Pertzel Fairchild, Eira), Russell Barnes (Hampton Rovers), Thompson, Joseph, Taylor and Cassell Doni Valkanis (Ivanhoe/Assumption), were best for "The High" . Tony Morwood (Old Geelong), Tony Free A high note for MHSOB was the (Prahran), Peter Geddes (St magnificent milestone of club legend, Ron Bedes/Mentone), John Toohey (Therry Verma, who recorded the record number of Penola) . games for his club (345) . This 21 year "Umpires Corner" was being written by association had seen Ron captain the Craig O'Donoghue and Graham Thwaites . U 19's, coach and play in a senior They took the opportunity to detail the premiership, coach and played in a now famous "love break" when umpire reserves premiership and enjoy some more Jamie Kvins received some tender loving footy for the Club 18 as playing coach . care at quarter time from a female admirer . MHSOB were very proud of this They also reminded us that Phil Callil, outstanding achievement . former Xavs and Caulfield Grammarians' Ormond gained early status as the only player, was the umps' fitness adviser . undefeated team in B Section and Out of four U19 grades, the Blue Section despite a poor first quarter (3 goals to 7) was the only one not being dominated by against Old Haileybury, lifted th e the old school teams . In fact, two distric t standard in the second clubs were first and and went on to a winning second, South Districts score of 20 .18 versus A high note for MHSOB was and Ormond respectively, 15 .12 . W Block, Bailey, the magnificent milestone of both having won their club legend, Ron Verma . Beckett (8), D'Astoli, Dale first three games . and J Keleher were Ormond started slowly terrific for Ormond while Dowsing, against AJAX but went into top gear in the Seccull, Walton, Armstrong, Forsyth and second quarter and finished 6 goals up, 14 .12 to 9 .6 . Russell (3), Wiley, Martinov, Carson battled hard for Haileybury . Purcell, Heffernan, McKenna were very Beaumaris seemed intent on making a statement early in C Section after being strong for Ormond and Newstadt, Moroki, relegated the previous season . They Butt, Feldman, Goldman and Benedykt became the only undefeated team by were "goers" for the Jackers . travelling to Como Park, jumping Old Geelong in the first quarter and hanging on to win 17 .18 to 11 .11 . The Sharks' In A Section there were continuing better players were Holt, Teasdale, problems for Collegians when thei r 34 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 205
ipper, James Bennett, broke his wrist . ,,() llegians stayed with No rth Old Boys until ,Ile final term but NOBS, mainly through I, .,t,I Booth, Daniel Tonkin and Marc .10 }~ulcY scki, drew away for a 10 .14 to 6 ll egians were Ad rian . Best for Co i t iy vco 511eedy, Tony Wallace an d Chris Pollock. ll C Central Section Old Essendon I clnained unbeaten when they accounted for Za . Trobe University on the mammoth t~ni oval, 16 .9 to 7 .9 . Old Essendon felt they I r td a side to take them up through the e ,,,des are had sta rted the season in fin 7), Capodiferro, ( agiotopoulos [c , lzion, Pan .eade an d Gulpis were strong for Grammar . , anty, P Edmunds, Brown and Dunin , .~ ,Lned their best players status for La I robe . In ' -Personality Pars" St Leos ( E East) announced proudly that Ted "Dutchy" van 1 Akker broke the 270 senior game s r c cord. It was a credit to Ted's r1 c cermina tion an d fitness to reach this nilestone.
v. elcoming announcement by VAFA (,, f'r ident John Dillon appeared in the n c ord . The executive had reached t ;reement with Carlton and United E ;rcweries an d "Fosters" would become th e major sponsor for the season . I i i A Section it was a big test for the 0 ,11eoan s Football Club as they faced the n i , nuig premiers De La Salle at the Har ry Trott . De La started well in the first term, c () ltegians rebounded in the second an d 1eld a 7 point lead at half time . The lead l i ~,cl narrowed to 4 points by three qua rt er onto and the stage was set for a great little and the opportunity for Collegian s Io prove a point . This they did as they ran ,,III v inners 16 .8 to 13 .13 . Stuie Hinchen 11 ;~cl done a great service to the winners by - "i ng the better of Sh ane Murphy and %" img Greg Irvine was b rilliant for the ,urhle and gold as a ruck rover. Glen Coo k , reat battle against De La's young , i (1k,uan Dave Nugent on his wing, Wayne tit ( [ ) onneIl helped to keep De La's ch ances :7TEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
alive but Collegians were not to be denied the victory . In F Section, Doveton won an entertaining contest against Brunswick, 20 .18 to 14 .12 and Doveton spearhead Mallon kicked 6 goals as a follow up to his 14 in round 2 .
In A Section Monash Blues were the only undefeated team after beating Reservoir Old Boys . Reservoir were right up there until half time but then the Blues started to take command in the third and slammed on 9 goals in the last to finish 19 .10 to 12 .19 . Big John Syme was Monash' best accompanied by Feathers, Carlton, P Golding, Hargeaves and Cash . Moore's 5 goals did not even get him in the top six . Reservoir submitted Slater, Jarvie, R Shepherd, Bates, Dowell and T Byrne as their top six . Old Geelong kicked poorly, 13 .22 in D Section but finished 20 points ahead of National Bank 12 .8 . Best for Geelong ; B Spiden, Gilbert, Law, Hope, Anderson and Shaw . Bank's best were Evans, Podger, Perrett, Morris, Strongman and Jacomovic (4) . The Melbourne University Football Club congratulated the "Blues" captain, Barry Church, on his 150th game . During his 9 seasons with The Blues Barry had only missed 4 games and had a most impressive football background including Victorian representative and captain, Intervarsity player (twice all-Australian) and also 37 games with Old Camberwell and 30 games with Old Melburnians prior to joining the Blues .
Very wintry conditions prevailed with constant rain falling for the whole day and Coburg in A Section gained an early break on Uni Blues . Although only 4 points ahead at the final siren, 5 .8 to 4 .10, Coburg's 4 goals in the first term was the deciding factor in this key game . Best players were Scanlon (2), Malloy, Merrick, Warfe, Gardiner and Carolan (Coburg) and Fraser . Wilcox, Major, Lay, Cohen and Bray (Blues) .
~T'ifflealth Talk about chocolates to boiled lollies with my After a fantastic win i . ~ tipping with only one winner picked on the last week against on e weekend . of the pre-seaso n Review fancies, the Bro w ns travel to the dreaded Artie Kew registered a pleasing home win against the Park for the 2004 D4 Grand Final replay . The highly fancied S-VU . A late charge was not Warriors are on a club record-winning streak enough for the Students as Rose lifted his side . an d with a number of top line players on the Werribee upset Powerhouse as they opened up verge of returning from inju ry , I cannot see the an early lead and were never headed as they Warrior domin an ce diminishing today . Some blew their hosts out of the water with an would say holding gun-forward Juck Horsburgh awesome second half display . is the key to a Brown victo ry , but if one looks It was a nail biter for South Melbourne as they back to last year's GF, this was done by Kew , overcame a gallant G hs but they still did not get team. close . Therefore, I am Meanwhile in other matches 'Touted by man as pre . sticking with the Warriors to (no reports received!!) the season favo t , th e continue their Kew W ora won a fiery ffesties were bitterly dominance with a 34 poin t gtla encounter with Syndal to dis win . make it 20 wins on the trot, S v Werrl St . Johns proved they are the outrigh t The students are still reeling from their loss last premiership favourites with a thumping win weekend and will be looking for sweet revenge against the Wesfi . against a confident Werribee outfit . While the Preview Bees were great last week, I see the student West Brunswick v Monash Gryphon s outfit lead by D3 guns Langendorf, Rose and The Westies return to their unbeaten nest Tate as a different prospect, and as such they where they will be hoping to rebound against a should be far too good for the visitors as they student team that appears to be getting better return to the winners list with a 6 goal win . each week . Touted by many as pre-season favourites, the Westies were bitterly disappointing last week and will be looking to stars such as "Heck" Hamilton to pull them out of the mire . While I expect the Gryphons to be competitive early, I am going to go with the experience of West Brunswick and shrewd CLUB NAI:;i LST WK TOT!I L tactics of their coach "Hamma" to see them M SECTION home by 21 points . Old Westbourne J Horsburgh 8 13 South Melb Dist v Syndal Tally Ho St Johns O C Phaedonos 7 10 South Melbourne would have been happy to St Johns OC Peake 2 9 sneak away with the win last weekend, however, Werribee C Lee 7 9 there will be no getting under the guard of a Syndal side that is now 0 & 2 . In what promises to be a physical encounter, I think the home side who are now beginning to find their feet will be too good for their visitors as they run out comfortable winners by 32 points . Old Weatbourne v Kew
D3 RESERVE UHS-VU Werri bee South Melbourne Old Westbourne
Forbes Marinis S King Ristevski
6 14 5 9 6
7 7
St Johns V Power House djn~! from the first two rounds results, this it appears to be one that can only go one 1 was told that the flood used by Powe r tise in Round One was bigger than the one ]bourne copped in February, and one ; ,,uld think it will be no different today ,, i ,_ltlst the flag favourites . While this may (;i,,irate St . Johns early, there will be no ()r,,,,: rung for the likes of Phaedonos and Co as 11w only raining will be goals as their side ; ;,,~ by a massive 88 points . Corre3 ~~~ ts „I~, tue get your reports to ;•, ;ul .flower@spotless .com .au by no later n :li, midday on Monday .
M IL ES TO NES Old ?7esii:e- e- salute Simon Christo wh o
1 .,,: cd his 1 50th Club Game in Round 1 . A tile performer at both ends in both jdes over many years at Warriorland ,
-iiw,n joined the club way back in 1992 an d , booted over 160 goals for the club an d , rebounded from a number o f ppointments . A past Committee membe r l rue clubman, he has given his all in the 1,3 guernsey. We also congratulate tw o ttaes and guns in Brad M e Bruno Games on 50 games . Merry-Weathe r >t"red his milestone in Round 1 in his Ii senior game. A member of the Warriors Linder 19 team who has now develope d ccjod Senior prospect at the club and % . as a member of the Reserve inier;;hip Team in 2004 . Meanwhile
, .%c ho plays his 50th club game against rI, v has a senior Premiership under his r' has taken his footy to a level where a te of the first selected and known fo r and under work and forward line U115 - VU say well done on 5 0 games this kman
Brunswick v Monash Gryphons Ibourne Districts v Syndal Tally-Ho Old Westbourne v Kew I ~HS-VU v Werribee Amateurs it Johns 0 C v Power House
113 . =t , 7.1 11. : B 19.7 28.12 (162) S'T JO_Ti . DID - .-_ . t?G .- :; .-.ICE 4 .3 4 .4 7 .5 7.7(49) St J--__ . _ ; Phaedonos 7 McEachem 3 Chalk 3 Diaz 3 Paterson 2 Peake 2 Pickering Nelson Hilton Monterio Roberts. Best: Phaedonos Walker Chalk Skinner Carmody McEachern. Wwt • S Benjamin 2 P Hamilton 2 Sudholz 2 Havs Best: West Jenkin Gartlan Pietsch SBenjaminJelbartIhmpdrm Ray Hocking Dimitri Pappas (F ) MONASH OR_i _" : .- 5 .2 9 .9 16.13 17.18(120) 6 .8 14.11 19.13(127) SIR 1 ._ ;1'.--,198 A Man • Flowerday 4 D Bradshaw 3 l.eeton 2 Wells 2 Pocock N Rutherford Garoni Sharkey J Rutherford McNamara . Best: McNamara Flowerdav Wells D Bradshaw Stratford Leeton . >#h Mzb Dish Cheevers 6 Mahoney 3 M Hannan 3 Cronan 2 A Hannan 2 Joske Batchelor Calabrase. Best: Cronin Mahoney D'Andrea Cheevers Calabrase S Duncan . Umph= Ron Martyn Matt Goold (F ) 3Yt4DALTAI3.Y•RD 1 .2 8.5 12 .8 13 .10 (88) OLD WESTDOURNE 6.4 11 .6 18.7 22.13 (14b) Syn TA: Zaharopoulos 4 Reynolds 2 Veness Fox D Richardson Crew Cachia Thomas. Best: Williams Bingham MacFarlane Sheer Reynolds Hallisey . W• J Horsburgh 8 Braham 3 C Hudson 2 Walker 2 Oldham Gerace Mason P Hudson Pavez Trav Edwards A Horsburgh . Best: J Horsburgh P Hudson Walker Nikola Paver Fairfield . Umph= Luke Moncrie(rAndrew Skids (F ) 6.2 10 .5 13 .9 16.12 (102) UHS-VU 1 .2 5.4 9.6 14 .7 (91) Keir Sparsi 5 Wood 3 De Blank 2 Mc Demiott 2 Dahlstrom Mainsbridge Moore. Best: J Dennis Moore Ryan Sparsi Cullen Dahlstrom . Mr-.'U: Tate 4 Langdendorf 2 Goninge 2 Sparkes 2 Thomas 2 Carroll Quinn. Best: Langdendorf Rose Sparkes Creek Cracknell Hams . Y':-.. - .- : Anthony LilleV Ross Kennedy (F) 1 .3 2.6 2.9 3 .9(27) - Al A'Ir:i 3.1 5 .7 14 .10 22.13 (14 'i) Pvveir ~: D Boland R Benson S Matheson . Best: J Marshall R Marshall B Turner N Bishop D Boland J Conway . . C Lee 7 B Black 4 AndrewTaylor 4 A Murphy 2 M Palmirgton 2 D Czajowski S Daly N Renaut Best : Aaron Taylor A Morrow C Lee J Ayling N Renault B Stomebrink. Peter Angelis Sean Scully Sur (F) James Scully Cameron Smith (B )
- V O C 2 .4 3.7 6.8 13 .12 (90) 1 .1 2.3 2.6 2 .6 (18) : DraGwtdge 5 Ferguson 2 Hancock 2 Abela Holmes Van Houte n Ha Dowsett Holmes Dragvidge Hall Rydquist Kelly. West BnTn&Bol -T-er Stone . Best: T Thompson Phillips Fromhold White
Hu 0.6 3.9 6.11 7.12 (54) 9.11 7 Di S 1 .2 6.5 7.8 ___:g 2 Bingham 2 Parker Healy Mullins . Best : Vesey 'arker Sewell Roche. Sth Mel • King 3 D Moon 2 P --- ._ _, Brigilia . Best: McGee Phillips Downing Pohlner. .-- 7 . TAIL'..----a 2.2 3.6 4.6 6.8(44) 1 .5 6.e 10.9 13 .13(91) L• Vagiatis Bums Jiones Buckley O'Boyle Paulette . Best: Dance Bums B Bayliss Buckley Boucher Holland . Did W• Ristevsld 6 Morsello 5 Manolakakis Runciman Robson. Best: Ristevski Robson Depiasra Morsello M Whiting Mesman. 2.0 3.4 7.6 9.10 (64) 14.7 (91) URS-VU 3.1 7.2 &.4 Keir Crinunins2 Gridley2 Uvingstone Scott Jacobs Thackwray . Best: Ack6eld Crimmins Dounds Thacktivray Gricks Scott. UES-VU. Forbes 6 Greenbank 4 Schulz Higgins Corbett Tull . Beat D Clarke A Trevethan His as D Faz Schulz . P 0 .1 1.4 1 .4 3.6(24 ) T RS 5.7 10.9 17.14 21 .19 (144) D Harris 2 F Doyle Best: P Arnold F Doyle D Crane S Hatchard W Elliott B Phillips W~m R Bell 5 J Marinis 5 A Waldron 4 M Hollow 2 S Wiggins A Hassell S Simpson R Bunworth R Hysolli Best : A Moir A Hassett A Tedesco S Simpson L Moore A Borg 37
D3 Sectio n KEW Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach: Brendan Dove r 1 B. Lattanchi 2 N . Costley 3 J. Doumis 4 G . Crimmins 5 A. Carman 6 N .linero (C) 7 B. Dove r 8 D . Mamsbndge 9 A. Kelly 10 B. Cullen 11 B. Woodhouse (VC) 12 M . Gridle y 13 C. Kyriakou 14 J. Looker (DVC) 15 F.Lamanna 16 D. Wood 17 C. watts 18 N. Dahlstrom 19 K. Allen 20 A. Adieid 21 D. Clark 22 T. Aitken 23 J. deBlank 26 S. Syme s 27 T. Moore (DVC) 28 M . Dean 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Gansante 31 D.Ianni 32 A. Drag o 33 34 35 37 38 39
J. Cronin D. Pocock N. Bruno S. Johnston D. North J. Dennis
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
J. Fenantmo (RC) L . Courier S. Parker A. Bortone A. Maims (RDVC) G . Evan s B. Marchese' L . McNeill
48 K. SaydaL 49 P. Dennis 50 B. Davies 51 M . Blair (VC) 52 N. Mc1-aunn 53 S. Osborne 54 J. Renou
55 A.lawler 56 T Frith 57 B. Purcell 58 B. Burnett 59 J. Rakusz 60 G .Lawson 61 M . Glenn (RDVC) 62 M . Pain e 63 N. Gncks (RVC) 64 A. Roberts 65 S. Petersen 66 R. McKerrax 67 J. Bell 68 S . Ryan 69 M . Bails 70 T. Fox
Harp of Erin Hotel 636 High St, Ke w
W' ! rArs.F OF E -11 i
Cannon Toyota 473 Lowe r Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg
MONASH GRYPHONS Coach: Steven Bourban Asst Coach : Geoff S611 Res Coach : Phil Warren 1 L. Clark 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grad y 4 N . Rutherford 5 J . Watson 6 J . Leroy 7 J Garoni 8 C . Yanni 9 G. Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 B. McNamara 12 J. Landberg 13 J. Stratford 14 A. McKenzie 15 A. Clarke 16 P. Rennison 17 S. Sewell 18 M. Paolucci 19 R . Coxhead 20 C . Staff 21 J. Bingham 22 B. Coxhead 23 B. Clar k 24 D . Baxter 25 M. Malone 26 A. Denyer 27 M. Mullins 28 C Leeton 29 P.Warren 30 T. Vessey 31 G . Roche 32 A. Shufflebottom 33 A. Burgess 34 M. Graydon 35 L . Vesey 36 G . Block 37 J. Fleming 38 J. Rutherford 39 D Grenfell 40 M. Willocks 41 C . Arche r 42 A. Robilliard 43 D . Bradshaw 44 L . Wells
45 J. Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 M. Parke r 48 L . Mannikhuis 49 C . Robinson 50 J. Bingham 51 Luke Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 M. Davies 54 G . Still 55 G . Harrak 56 A. Palumbo 57 W. Pocock 58 J. Rutherford 59 A. Yann i 60 A Grady 61 A. Waters 62 N . Mitchell 63 I . Bagnall 64 J. Park 65 J. Healy 67 V. Coffey 68 0 . Lloyd 69 Bill Leeton 70 B. Clark 71 M. Baldwin 75 P Gomizel 76 J. Harrak 77 R . Sharkey 80 R . Fletcher
Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Snr Asst : Michael Christo Res . Coach : Scott Walker
Coach: Brett Devli n Res Coach: Gary Dean
Coach : Ben McGee Res Coach : Rod Walke r
1 B. Gerace 2 J. Braham 3 Trav. Edwards 4 J. Bartolo
5 S . Hewitt 5 D. Trustlove 6 J. Horsburg h 7 B . Merryweather 8 A . Horsburg h 9 F. Pavez 10 C. Lever 11 M . Christo 12 M . Baulch 13 M . Ristevski 14 P. Hudson 15 A . Board 16 S . Christo 17 M . Aquilina 18 G . Walker 19 J . Mason 20 D. Hudson 21 L. Hudson 22 S . Anderson 23 S . Huntington 24 L. Fairfield 25 Troy Edwards 26 P. Mesman 27 T. Whiting
28 D. Slattery 29 S . Balloch 30 A . Mokrusch 31 A . Miller 32 G. Jenkinson 33 D. Benn 34 C. Bramwell 35 G. Robson 36 K . Pilsbury 37 C. Mo6toris 38 D. Nikota 39 M . Oldham 40 J . Morsello 41 K . Miller 42 T. Brooker 43 A . Runciman 44 B . Lennon 45 E . Sandstrom 46 M . Whiting 47 T. Theodore 48 R. Van Engelen 49 J . Miller 50 P. Habersatt 51 D. Tang 52 T. Best 53 J . Manolokakis 54 M . Crosswell 55 B . Gilbert 56 D. Carruthers 57 S . Tindall 58 C. Larkin 59 L. Barnes 60 N . Aquiline 77 T. Dennis 88 S . DePiazza
MAJOR SPONSOR : Werribee Mazda
1 M. Taylor Sen DVC 2 R . Humphreys 3 J. Marshall 4 B. Turner San VC 5 P. Sosfc 6 M. Verberne 7 C . Richardson 8 M. Hill Sen Capt 9 B. Reardon 10 D . Cooper 11 B. Phillips 12 A. Brownjohn 13 J. Spence
1 K. Arnold 2 M . Peak e 3 D. O'Connor 4 S . Holmes 5 B. Hilton
1 9 S. Matheson 20'J. Nicholls 21 D. Miller 22 R. Walsh 23 K. Anthony 24 N. Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 D. Harri s 26 B. MacCormack 27 R. Davie s 28 D. Boland 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Beasley 29 A. Foster 30 T. McFarlane 31 R. Marshall Res Capt 32 M . Verb-me 33 H. Clarke 34 J. Conway 35 S. Hatchard 36 M . D'Intino 37 S. West 38 R. Benson 39 B. Wooderson 40 R. Marshall 41 C. Byrne
6 M .Phaedonos 7 N. Chal k 8 M . Hartnett 9 A. Jones to M . Courmadias 11 J . Kell y 12 P. Walker 13 C. Horbury V.C. 14 P. Sharp t4-R M . Hanger 15 M . Kosmala t6 A . Paterso n t7 S . Cockayne V.C, .Res 18 C. Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 B . Rydquist 21 S . Koppers C . 22 G. Roberts 23 J . Diaz D .V.C. 24 L. Mara 25 B . Waters 26 H. Wathen 27 R. Dowsett 28 A . Dexter 29 T. Elli s 30 R. Walker 31 D. Rydquist 32 A . Rudd 33 A . Foncec a 34 M. Hancock C . - Res 35 J . Sacco 36 P. Harris 37 D. Christian VC .- Res 38 D. Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T. Hyland 42 D. Sander s 43 M. Van Houten 44 J . Ross
42 P. Arnold 43 J. Howes 44 B. White 44 D. Glanville
45 46 47 48
45 A. Contreras 46 S. Campbell 47 D. Cran e
49 A . Kizilis
14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 A. D'Intino 17 C. Macleod 18 F. Doyl e
48 N. Sharp 50 A. Volz 55 G . Hamner 56 C. Plazzer 58 J . McClure 63 M . Weber
A . Hall B . Callery G. Bastone J . Hargraves
50 J . Brown 51 C . Santoni 52 0 . Harkin 53 C . Rattle 54 D .Vanderwert 55 B . Pickering 56 A . Dragwidge 66 Joe Scardamagli a
TILE IMPORTER S LtstS#s?` tsta .â&#x20AC;˘ch&ctg
Coach: Earl Henderson Res Coach: Brett Downing y Washington DVC Hannan C . j ;~ ~~h ; S. King L, Keah/ _ A Hanson x K~ g . Aqualina D . McCormick 1 i F, Daly ;, .Argyriou E, Henderson i ~ D Bell 15 B, Lazzaro •, ~3 J maimi 17 P D'Andrea 8 G. Cox ig A Reid ~0 W. Brown _f B Johnson i~'ilrre B Downing 3 Joske -5 S Atherton P 'ditchell ' P• Gtreevers ;3 T Paterakis J=~emis 2ra T.Zantuck 1 S. Hetmman 2 D. McGee 3 M. Doyle 5 N. PAoo;en 37 J, Clyne 8 D. Rowe _1 A P, -'..1 9 Bt .'~i n T"_Quaiter G Gaybr V DAndrea V.C . D Gcary Ce A Ray J :=- !~a •- Coney .-•"- :son 7GF • -~ .~s J , . nnis . z :,:iarcdakis
Coach : Tony Rowe Res Coach : Mark Elder 1 G . Healy 2 I. Bingham 4 P. Henderson 5 I. Tura 6 D . Paolone 7 A. Bums (Res Capt) 8 R . Bennet 9 D . Richardson 10 G . Fox 11 M. Meyer 12 A. Hermann 13 S. Miller 14 S. O'Boyle 15 D . Reynolds 16 D . Venness 17 C . Hayes 18 J . Lawes 19 B . Boucher 20 C . Hall 20 I . MacKenzie 21 D . Kennett 22 M. Buckley 23 B . Bayliss 24 B . Bayliss 25 M. Kelly 26 J . Dascoli 27 M. Leplaa 28 N . Williams 29 A . Sheer 30 B . Holland 31 A . Richardson 32 L. Hannemann 33 T. Bartholomew 34 T. Rowe 35 C. Cachia (Capt) 36 M . Elder 37 B . Robinson 38 M . Christiansen 39 D. Hallisey 40 B . Thomas 41 Y. Kaleunte 42 M . McFarlane 43 A. Brown 44 T. Zaharopoulos 45 C. Frunes 46 C. Jones 47 P. Fyfiekl 48 S . Crew 49 M . Starr 50 C. Hall 51 M . Hale 52 S. Anderson 53 C. Connolly 54 A. Dance 56 A. Treasure 81 C. Connolly
' •
`" .., .
ij Engineering
Coach: Share !.!atram Assistant: 0. Forbes R . Coach : G . Mandais
Asst Coach : G . Tame s i J. Spad<es 2 R . Thorp 3 J. Nation 3r T. Cleveland 4 L . Gorringe 5 S. Mottram 6 S. Cracknell 7 D . Zulicki 8 S. Hams 9 D . Moorfield 10 M. Butera 1 h Forbes 1 12 D .. W Smit 13 N . Rose 14 J . Mitchell 16 J . Tate 17 C . Langendorl 18 A . Hellner 19 J . Uebergang 20 G. Madrigrano 21 J . Hall 22 G. Mandalis 23r G. Tames 24 N . Carroll 25 D . Creek 26 P. Thomas 27 A . Cusick 28 B . Mcinnes 29 A Pashley 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 S . Dimond 33 J . Schulz 34 J . O'neill 35 S . Orbons 36 A . Pendlebury 37 G. Catterall 38 R. Lapish 39 M. Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 R. Franc 43r M . O 'neil l 44 B . Mcleod
46 O. Fazakerley 47 M Turvey 48 G. Gilmore 49 S . Smits 50 J . Corbett 51 S . Capogreco 52 J . Bowes 53 J . Thomas 55 M . Tull 56 S. Jackson 57 C. Thomas 59 J. Maguire 60 G. Costa 61 T. Strathopoulos 62 M . Kennedy 64 B. Walpole 65 D. Harris 66 P. Clarke 67 M . Deluise 68 L . Holmes 69 A. Dowdell 70 A. Quinn 71 M . Mora 72 N. Estrada 73 D. Clark 74 C. Pe 99 75 S. Mills 76 G TBreavdeiha n 78 B,Carrut he r 81 J .Sanson 88 P. Greenbank' 99 M. Higgins
WERRIBEE Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach : Rob Rantino 1 D. Nedinis 2 C. Lee 3 D. Flack 4 S. Kidd 5 B. Cunningh am 6 M . Walsh 7 B. Strnnebrink 8 M . Palmirgton 9 J Ayling 10 M . Keogh (San Capt .) 11 M . Green 12 B. Black 13 R. Bell 14 J. Marinis 15 A. Murphy 16 R. Daly 17 A. Tedesco 18 D. Velisha 19 S. Daly 20 E. Mahoney 21 T. Davidson 22 A. Oibatista 23 N. Gilbert 24 L . Carson 25 N. Addamo 26 B. Vasikw 27 A. Borg 28 D . Czajowski (San V/C) 29 P. Spry 30 S. Simpson 31 M. Jordon 32 D . Lee 33 S. Wiggins 34 F. Mehmel 35 B. Bunworth 36 A. Taylor 37 P. Keogh 38 T. Towers 39 L. LaNfieltl 40 S. Fuller 41 G . Grogan 42 J . Purton 43 A . Renaul 44 T. Johnson 45 C .Alabakis 46 B . Patton 47 L. Moore 48 B . Sinfield 49 R . Zulian 50 C . Marcia 51 B . Daniels 52 S . Hartley 53 A . Attard 54 R . H asoli 55 E . Collier 56 R . Baker 57 A . Trainon 58 J . Rr9°r" 59 M . Knight 60 M . Czajowski 62 B . Russell 63 J . Callanan 64 M . Hollow 65 N. Renaut 66 A . Hassell 67 A. Waldron 68 M . Purtan 69 P. S p ry 70 A. Mar 71 N A~ Mp s
WEST BRUNSWIC K Coach: Angus Hamilton Res Coach: TB A
ta M . Drain tb A . Hamilton 2 P. Hamilto n 3 G. Heppel l 4 C . Lehman n 5 A . Cannane 6 S . Pietsch 7 S . Benjami n 8 N . Simmonds 9 A . Morphett 10 S . Byrne 11 P. Norma n 12 T. Maguir urr e 13 S . Brkley 14 C. Bowshall - Tanner 15 M . Russel l 17 J. Smith 18 M . McManu s 19 W. Touze l 20 D. Connan 21 A . Bloom 22 J. Hanson 23 D. Rud d 24 J. Jenkin 25 J. Slebran d 26 R. Benjamin 27 M . Brooks 28 E . Walle r 29 C. Sheedy 30 M . Lewis 31a S . Edwards 31b S . Calle 32 . DAndre rS a T. Thompso n 34 I . Twytord 35 M . Carmichael 36 L. Jone s 37 T. Dempsey 38 S . Monagu e 39 R. West 40 D. Brooks 41 P. Greenin g 42 M . Goonan 43 J. Tobin 44 J. Spragu e 45 J. Smith 46 R. Howard 47 A. Thompso n 48 A. Sutherland 49 J.Haysey 50 N. Hutchen s 51 L. Sherry 52 T. Fox 53 T. Chamberlain 54 S. Tanner 55 J. Kaitler 56 J. McDonag h 57 A. Williamson 58 A. Tomey 59 J. Brugter 60 M. Spragu e 61 K. Hilton 62 S. Wrigh t 63 J. Gartla n 64 N . Stewart 65 N. O'Brie n 66 R . Hussey 67 B. Smit h 70 G . Leahy 71 M. Brookshaw 73 M. Clar e 76 J. Chislett ~R . Howell 78 J. Thompson 79 J. Colquhou n
73 T. Simm s 74 L. Russell 79 J. Diker
. 39
Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match, , Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname, Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
,, ~~
~ ~ (prz r 3r. au°I t
cOsi . ~ : ~DCF?: caE , (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O
Weekend matches (Fri) - Umpires Appointments ÂŽ Scores (Sat . night)
SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJOR SPONSO R ELST . m The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No. 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 40
column las t weekend . It seems e introduction of four squads fo r that 20 years ago Old Xaverians (in B pires, it has given the opportunit y grade) had just cleared Phil to Caulfield uTupires to move around within th e Grammarians . Phil is still running around , these squads are named Senior , helping the younger umpires in the lowe r lapment, Rookie and General . In th e grades . To any readers from of the senior squa d Old Scotch - will Jon Kerr the twenty ,i encases Stokesy and Peter are be the next big thing? ? ,,, p i .-es who run each week yet again success welo--~~ -1 B grade, is i t Âť ;,, h A and stories from the clubs . ; , r-~~ to remove the long A
embership which is ilar to the MCC membership - sign %::'Len you are born and wait fo r >,,,i ;cone to pass before going up the list . we need a better name for the squad and if any readers hav e ions then let Brian (Benny ) an know. i,~ first A grade games last wee k 1,1 iu iipires Simon (Iron Lung) Stoke s ,, i Pc~er Liddell, and what a promotion i t f~ ,r Peter after doing his first B grad e round 1 . A grade in round 2, wha t - round 3 - the AFL panel? Stokes y are yet again success storie s clubs . Stokesy joined us form Ol d h while Peter joined us from lms . They join a growing list o f who have joined us from club s years . Many years ago footballin g s (?) : Ichard Eastwood (Stat e ;- . . -fly
(Power House)
U. (Caulfield Grammarians ) floor and eventually umpired ul~~ football . There's been plenty o f in recent times as well . Give us a '--
n l , r and we'll give them a mention . A
cntive for those " old hack" player s n i,-txt wish to stay involved in th e -- ,- becoming "old hack" umpires! ormer number 46 at DLS .) Phi l er ion in Geoff Reilley's
and - -, , who all made it back into A grade last week . Lwk from the Dark Rid e Last week we saw the return into field umpiring of I (Darth Vader) Brajtb erg who has jumped between boundary, field, back to boundary and return to field umpiring . Hope he enjoyed his game and we especially hope there were no video cameras around, as Craig gets a bit nervous that he may have missed something the cameras captured . Not that we are reporting something! ! ) the " What do you expect a barrister to wear when not working, some name brands like Hugo Boss, Versace or Lacoste? If you are M'_ . . :- you go all out and wear the finest of white shirts that happen to be samples of material for the new umpires shirts . At least he looked good . the splits In a recent game young goal umpire Chris a_ ;71e had a pants-splitting incident . Hopefully there was no "fall-out" from this . Don't forget to contact Leah or Macca with any news, views or milestones . I suppose we've got so many new and young umpires that milestones will be few and far between .
BDFOOG O Beiersdorf Australia Ltd
by ~ -" d
both clubs have set themselves Very much still in sorting out phase for big years . Big although a few facts are becoming quite contrast in home clear . Elsternwick have hit ground grounds, with Elsternwick having the running whilst Bulleen also appear to be a postage stamp whilst Bulleen playing on strong unit . Still a bit more to be revealed "an MCG equivalent" . This certainly from the other teams just yet . weighs heavily in my own Couple of blow outs and a mind and I think that few close ones this week . "Box Hill entered th e Elsternwick posted a club season with high hopes Elsternwick will be able to make it three in a row . record score against and I have a gut , f'eeting Box Hill North host St, Richmond . Hunter was on that there might be Mary's after having the fire up forward with 14 something to it. " bye last week . St . Mary's goals whilst Bedingfield scraped home last wee k and C Mahony again and whilst a win is a win, they will b e stamped their authority on the game . looking to ramp up their form this week . Details are a bit sketchy on the other Box Hill entered the season with high games, thanks mainly to some IT hopes and I have a gut feeling that there problems . Albert Park managed to scrape might be something to it. Still . I had St . home by the barest of margins against Mary's at the top of the tree in my preHawthorn . Two in a row for the Falcons, season tips and will stick fat this week . St . great start to the year . S t . Marys Mary's for me . registered their first win of the year at the expense of Eltham . The closeness of the game suggest that Eltham have had a good pre-season and maybe worth keeping an eye on . Finally, &3ulleen continued their strong start to the season with a big win over North Brunswick .
Preview The lay of the land should become a bit clearer after this week's matches although I think it might take to at least round 6 before too many trends are realised . Match of the Day and a game that shapes as a potential prelude to further down the track sees Elsternwick host Bulleen . Hard to fault either teams form line and
Elsternwick Hunter 14 18 Hawthorn Amateurs Lauletta 2 14 Bulleen Cobras Badanjek 7 14 Albert Park Collins 5 12 Elsternwick Foster 6 1 2
D4 RESERVE Albert Park S Allan Elsternwick Goldman Elsternwick Pyman Haivthorn Amateurs Jackomos
6 17 9 15 6 8 8 8
,i, the third game, Richmond travel to Eltham* hoping to get their season on 11,t c 1; . A whacking from Elsternwick will ,e hard to swallow for the Richmond boys alihough there were some positives to t„nie out of the game . Eltham was close ,,,It not close enough last week however }te closeness of the result certainly raised e ;utne eyebrows . The facilities for th
urt.les are on their way to being first class .,nd perhaps this is helping in building a .„lid year? Anyway . Eltham for me . }-inally, North Brunswick host Hawthorn ii another game that will give a clear site 1,, ilte teams positioning . North started the ,c,,son with a sold win but came back to artil last week . The Hawks have been in a t ; v inning position in both games bu
been able to get over the line .
lt ;nle ground advantage to rule? Maybe i,ot Lhis time around, Hawthorn but only u~'t .
Correspondents %,,'rnild be great to hear from as many clubs :i~, possible . Either call on 0418348723 or via ed .sill®locker.com .a u
BOX HILL K - '.m HAS THE BY E 20 .18 (1 3 8) 43 9 .8 13 .11 ST MARYS ffi,Tfi AM 5 .6 8.11 12.16 19.19 (133) St Mm7m Cope 6 Schembri 3 Tagell 3 L Goldsworth 2 Lane 2 C Armstrong Perelberg Ryan Wright . Best Cope Crilly C Armstrong Tagell Johnston Perelberg. 1whzuri Jorgensen 4 B Galvin 3 Savage 3 Mizzi 2 Carruean Clark McClaren Blagrove Luttick Patterson Hargrave . Best Blagrove Jorgensen Savage Hargrave J Galvin . Ian Kennedy Shane McNamara (F ) 4 .2 7.5 9 .7(61) IUCHMON) CENTRAL 2.1 9.7 21.11 30.19 41.29 ('278) ELSTERNWICK Rich Cmi : Duldc 5 Quay Lynch Liuzd Nuske . Best: Duldc Liura Nuske Brunt Darling KristoL • Hunter 14 Foster 6 C Mahony 4 Putt 4 S Grace 4 Huggins 2 Beaingfield 2 Banky 2 Patsy Curtain Soppett . Beak Hunter Beding'iekl Soppett Curtain Neill S Grace . Umph= Matthew Meier Pat Machos (F ) 14.8 19.11 29 .18(19% BULLEEN COBRAS 7 .3 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .2 10.3 12 .8 18.10 (118) Bud Cole R Badanjek 7 B Cookson 5 T Fradkin 4 R Daley 3 T Sette 3 P Dall'Gglio 2 J Daniels T Conn N Ritchie R Pasinati F Arcoraci . Best: R Badanjek B Cookson F Arcoraci M Mann T Mazzarella R Daley . Nth Brm&- J Boudoloh 5 Ferns 2'Ikaddle 2 Pollalds 2 Freeman 2 AM Taha A Taha Newton Robertson PiTZari . Best Freeman Robertson Santacudco J Boudeloh Pretty Mountney. Llupft= Peter Pullen Daniel Dinneen (Fl Robert Seymour Trislian Collins (G) ALBERT PARK 4.1 9.3 10.7 15.9 (87) HAWTHORN Atl484.5 5.8 9.10 12.14 (86) A>ltat Pa ft Collin 5 Payne 2 D Allan 2 R Baker Storey Morgan Chambers . Best S Variables D 7hompson R Baker Hymns S Bennett D Allan . . S Avery 3 Tyson 2 Lauletta 2 Murphy Hall Dawson Lachlan Rice . ..' Best Murphy Caruana S Avery McKenna Ale x Unipfv= Greg Rawlings Nick Brown (F) Mark Rogers Perrin Brown (B) Trevor Foy Paul Whitehead (G)
BOX HILL NORTH HAS THE BYE 4.0 7.6 10.9 15 .10 (88) ST MARYS 3 .2 6.3 9.6 11 .6 (72) ffi388M St Mm-ym Bernardi 4 Nicholson 4 Murphy 3 Anthony Theohazris . Best: Weller Nicholson Murphy Bernardi Theohanis Banks . Krohn 3 Conole 2 Watson 2 Abbott Barnes Runco Simpson . Best: Barnes Paisley
D~!~ SSM®N Box Hill North v St Mary s I ;Ii ham Collegians v Richmond Central Elsternwick v Bulleen Cobras %'rirth Brunswick v Hawthorn Amateurs Albert Park - bye Y'ATEUR
Conole A Howgate Kurtschenko Runco . 0.0 0.0 2 .0 2.0(12) ELSTERNWICK 5 .8 12.11 18.14 28.20 (168) Rl cb Cent- Lane Gray. Best: Titley Lane Phelan Krisohos Read Guthrie. • Goldman 9 Pvmazt 6 McAdam 3 Missaglfa 2 Kaicer Leaper Surnian . Best : Alter Baribar ivlissaglia Leaper Tennant Goldman . 9.8 18.11(101) 7.5 BULLZEN COBRAS 3 .0 NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 .1 5.2 6.3 8.5(53) &il C,otn V'mcintor3o 5 Edgar 4 Santaluda 2 Lykopandis Kyranikos Unwtin Lewis. Best: R Mundy J Trinchi M Unw•in P Vaughan S Tropea . Nth Brmom, Papnikolaou 2 S Tsialtas H Tsialtas Giulas AIlouche Pisasale Linder. Best: Belbin Heam Canley Giovanogilou Giulas Brifla. ALBERT PAR K 2.3 5.4 9 .7 12.8 (80) 7.1 11.3 12.5 1a.10 (100) HAWTHORN AMATEURS BB at Pacic S Allan 6 S Fairfield 2 Wall Harriett Price Pashas . Best: Banned: TufHn Snowden Askew Jackson S Allan . Bawo Jackomos 8 Gattis 2 Dixon C Ho Collins Ryan Houareah . Best: Rya Gpie Jackomas Begg Lee .
. : :'H
Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee
Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Jon Pratt
I P. Smith 2 N. Pastras
I G . Wilson 2 C. Riscalla
2 A . Morgan
3 A . Odza
3 R . Baker 3 P. Shakepeare 4 M . Naudi 5 S . Allan 6 J . Storey 7 S. Venables 7 M. Burton 8 N . Wheeler 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips it D. Brea 12 N. Langdon
4 T. Manno 5 J . Garrett 7 S . Stewart 8 C . Langley 9 A . Sallantioglu 10 S . Cook 11 T. Thor 12 A. Dick 13 M. Cumming 14 L . Penhalluriack 15 L . Keillor 16 M. Penny 16 W. Drew
13 B. Payne
17 G . Cavallo 18 C. Butler
13 M . Tuffin 14 M . Hyams 15 D . Barley 15 P. Guicas 16 C. Roberton 17 S . Bennett 18 G. Collins 19 N . Cain 20 K . Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J . Hannett 22 J . Marshall 23 B. Harries 23 D . DeZoete 24 T. Green 25 J. Wier
26 B. Moore 27 A. Jackson 28 R . Allan 29 R. Humphrey 30 W. Johnson 31 S . McGuire 31 J . Williams 32 M . Smit h 33 M . Wall 34 T. Houston 35 S . Toth 35 C . Downie 36 J. Duck 37 L .Hogan 38 S. Fairfield 41 R . Williams 42 C . Cook 44 B. Isard 45 J. Agar 46 G . Price 48 M . Snowden 50 S . Thompson 51 J . McKay 52 D. Allan 53 M . Williams 55 D . Quinlan 57 J . Sutton 57 J . Baker 58 S. Gitsham 59 L . Barr 60 V. Surace 62 P. Cramer 77 S. Garcia 78 T. Tuhoro 79 S. Thompson 80 J . Bowlby
19 C. Calks 20 K. Oldfield 22 A. Steele 23 D. Penny
Coach : Joe DAngelo Res Coach : TBA
2 T. Orwin 3 S. McLaren Capt 4 N . Cartledge
23 J . Naumovski 24 p Doyle
25 P. Kotsaridis 26 R. Ball 28 Z. Veleski 29 M. Rogers 30 B . Olson 31 D . Olson 32 I. Oldfield 33 M. Marinovic 34 H . Ho 35 C . Liston 36 S. Russell 38 J. DAmato 39 J. Tambakis 40 D. Worrell
41 P. Currie 42 A. Tarulli 43 R. Doyl Y-e 44 C. Garrett 45 M . Sinfield 46 P. Mortimer 47 A . Andrews 49 T. Ellis 50 C . Irvine 52 S . Darcy 53 N . Chau 54 L . Van den Akker 55 J. Pratt 56 H . Shiba 57 M. Mason 58 M. Azmi 59 J. Screen 60 N . Benbow 61 J. Howarth 62 C. Henry 63 J . Asplnall 64 J . Vagias 65 D. Woolridge 66 C. Plunkett 67 A . Manerheim 68 N . Galil 69 B . Pearce 70 H . Gist 73 D . Francis 76 M. Lacey 78 A. Leavers 79 G . Bennett 80 S. Evans 81 J. Hopes 82 D . Dovaston 84 M. Lacey 86 G . Archer 88 M . Edgley
5 M . Mann 6 G . Fortune 7 T. Mehrez 8 T. Mazzarella 9 M . Kyriakou 10 C. Powderham 11 A . DeJong t2 P. Whitehouse 13 N . Edgar 14 T. Fradkin 15 J . Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 B. Thomas 20 J. McQua@er 21 N. Lykopandis 22 J. Daniels 23 A. Nasr 24 R. Gemes 25 W. Olney 26 M . Nathanielsz 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Fosketi 29 R . Sheehan 30 B . Cookson 31 R . Pasinati 32 S . Wagg 33 A . Cook 34 M. DAngeb 35 M. Unwin 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J. Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 C. Chan 40 G . Richards 41 C. Borrelli 42 V. Dam 43 T. Whittaker 44 B . Saaksjarvi 45 N . Khalil 46 J . Lewis 48 M . Soumellidis 49 G . Anderton ~ R . Lock 51 R . Daley 52 T. Bette 53 R . Rodrigues 54 S. Nelson 55 N. Pollee 56 I . Baccini 57 C. Batt 58 T. Moore 59 R. Hadisutanto 60 J . Lowrie 77 S . Fisher 101 J . D 'An9elo
Rising Sun Hotel 89 S. Yalamanchile Richmond and 99 G . Robinson 111 A . Maguire Rising Sun Hotel South M elbourne KAZBAR , GUARDIANMEDIA 44
EL-'---- IC :e Coach : Dennis Grace Res Coach : M . Cunningham, M . Creak t L . Murphy 2 A. Hankm 2 L . Bedmgtield
3 J. Yemm 4 D. Grace 5 M . Whelan 5 K. Cummins 6 M . Thiele 7 J . McAdam -RC8 S . Come 8 M . Greene 9 T. Hartley 10 T. Huggin s it L. Missalglia 12 P. Neville 13 S. Soppet t4 B. Mahony
15 C . McKenna 16 M. Sunman 17 J. Perkins 18 A. Neil 19 J. Hunter 20 E. Goldman
21 P. Stuchberry 22 G. Elvm 23 S . Curatain 24 A . Foster 25 T. Cotter 26 C . Mahoony -C27 J . Banky 28 W. Morga n 29 S . Manony 30 M. Nicol 31 A. Lasntlzki 32 B. Mason
33 M. Cunningham 34 T. Leaper 35 P.
36 J. Pyman 37 D. Nolan 38 B. Anderson 39 M . Tennant 40 A . Paley 41 D. Byrne 42 J . Lflikakos 43 P. Clarke 44 S . Grace 45 J . Kaicer 46 L. Ryan 47 T. Perkins 48 M. Noonan 49 J. Badbar 50 T. Putt 51 M. McKenna 52 E. Alter 53 A. Lewis 54 K. Pomler 55 H. McGregor 56 P. Freedman 57 M . Creak 58 B . Ellis 59 A . Burney 60 L. Smith 61 R . McKenna 62 S . Thompson 63 N . Anderson 64 M. Marziale 65 D . Brennan 66 M. Hosking 67 S. Gordan 68 M. Daniels 69 N. Utting 72 T. Marchett i
Coach : Wayne R eardc Res Coach : Paul Gregon; 1 T. Andrews 2 D. Lync h 3 E . Savage
4 L. Mason (VC 5 L, Austi n ) 6 J . Galvin (C) 7 B . Rashid 8 B. Jorgense n 9 C . Watson 10 B. Marshal l 11 J. Mizz i 12 M . Blagrove 13 M . Luttick 14 R. Runco 15 J . Paisle y 16 D. Bric k 17 T. Wenborn 18 B . Galvin 19 J . Gilbert 20 S. Weston 21 M. Hart 22 R . Foe (VC) 23 T. Carter 24 A. Hargrav e 25 R. Thomas 26 J. Glar e 27 J. Stockdale 28 M . Pattiso n 29 D. Howgate
30 M . Abbott 31 B . Kelehe r 32 C . Baud 33 A . Howgate 34 J . Howgate 35 M. Crooks 36 N . RYal I 37 P. Krohn 38 A. Mok 39 A. McCiare n 40 E. Baud 41 T. Kurtschenko 42 C. Gonoke 43 R. Carrucan 44 N. Duncan 45 A . Whyte 46 S . Clark 47 A . Emini 48 B . Turne y 49 L . Barnes 50 B . Richardson 51 J . Simpson 52 D . Justice 53 J. Fo o 54 S. Todma n 55 K. Toulson 56 R . Love 58 N. McPherson 59 B. Evan s 61 A. Stockdale 63 L. Ogilvi e MAJOR SPONSORS
Trash ` n ' Stas h Village Roat]shosm
~RN peter Tyson h: Patrick Ryan AcVIh man ,f T[ -,en a ~L" On :very .•., ay c-;x ;rder (vc)
Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach: Harry Tsialtas
Coach : Thomas Dukic Res Coach : Steven Lake
I D. Newton 2 D. Adams 3 G . Lattouf 4 P. Dimarco 5 N. Prestigiacomo 6 D. Pizzari 7 G . Stelfox 8 S. Hamilton
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9
9 A. Sammartino
10 A. Zuccaro
10 A. Mountney
11 S . Lake 12 SBntter 13 J . Goode 14 J . Mcgrath 15 C. Barry
11 J. Boudoloh
12 S. Care 13 D. Kelly : a~n
14 M. Veins
!"'T if
'au, .: . @
, ._ is id
;r >ti any
s .. nos an in
. . . nzie .= dna in
15 H. Tsialtas 16 S.Tsialtas 17 A. Kyriazis 18 R . Saltoum 19 T Messiake
W. Old T. Quick R. Trotter B . Porteus T. Dukic S . Lynch D. Speakman A. Piani
16 A. Taylor 17 D. Miller
21 R . Santacroce 22 J . Freeman 23 J . Brifla 24 D . Russo
18 P. Maulday 19 C. Quay 20 T. Moulton 21 D. Phelan 22 J. Petering 23 B. Breese 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Read
25 W. Dusan
26 R. Prentice
20" F. Salloum 27 F. Ferrante 28 T. Ackland 30 L. Spano 31 A . Boudoloh 32 B . Robertson 33 A . Nunan 34 H . Hassan 36 A . Taha 37 D. Trafford 38 D. Guppy 39 G . Rhook 40 B . Mccallum 4t M . Aref 42 J. Papanikolaou 43 F. Papanastasatos 44 M . Sorleto 46 A. Papanastasatos
27 N. Nuske 28 C. Dimitriou 29 B. Darling 30 L . Fotheringham 31 Retired Jumper 32 D . Hards 33 P. Berimano 34 M. Vervoorn 35 P. Krisohos 36 G . Evans 37 D . Green 38 M. Detreitas 39 H . Dautovic
20 L. Closter
48 J. Wolter
50 G . Paleodimos 53 F. Nesci 55 J. Devereaux 58 B. Mcnamara 59 M. Pelaggi 62 B. Carter
40 A
41 C . Duff Murray 42 C . White
43 S . James 44 A . Lyngcoln 45 M . Jones 46 L. Hatzentanis 47 M . King 48 M . Goonan 49 P. Brunt 50 A . Tilley
51 D. Moffat 52 D. Cartwright 53 J. Robertson 54 C. Cartwright
55 M . Davies 56 J. Pike 57 E. Hill 58 B. Vandenburg 60 B. Jolley 61 A. Jamshid i 62 L . Trimatis 67 J. Lane 69 T. Melville
74 S. Gray 77 S. Liuzz i 79 A. Rojte r 80 D . James-Schirmer 86 W. Bracken
:":. . . . . : . :j A .F.C. Coach : ichad Learmorm Res C--,;h . George Kowiarrtataks 2 B. Perelbarg 3 G . Schembri 4 A. Ballantyne 5 A. Lan e 6 C . Weller 7 A. Dwyer 8 A. Zsembery 9 C . Armstrong 10 D . Cope it J. Bernard i 12 A. Webb
®_ '_ -
13 J, Hill 14 W . Goldsworthy
15 M. Purcel l 16 M.Aikman 17 L. Anthon y 18 B. Frail 19 V. Ryan 20 A . Waller 21 M . Gilchrist
r ~. :
22 R . Allen
23 F. Harrison 24 A . Latimer 25 M . Black 26 S. Crilty, 27 M . Banks 28 J . Inne s 29 P. Harriso n 30 M . Lynch 31 H, Adam 33 C. Fer g 34 L. Armstron g 35 G . Theoharris 36 B. Graetzer
37 T. Milla r
38 S. Griffi n 39 B. Richardson 40 M . Karis 41 T. Cummins 42 M. Davies 43 L . Razg a 44 G . Koumantatakis 45 M. Maschette 46 T. Tahos 47 P. Rousi s
48 M. Goole
• =
49 C . Adam 50 C . Wigg 51 N . Luce
52 0. Hind
53 J . Deega n 54 J . Wrigh t 55 P. Goonan 56 P. Roseman 57 D . Henderson
58 M . Bon a 59 C . Mackenzi e 60 M . Carpente r 61 G . Pilikidis 62 D. Rajkumar
.--- , --- -
~ 4~ oat kin . / A W et~°Oo p, d~~e~'gh . CO,_ s ak ~ es~ s
<. y rn % tf~e ~'a!!e k t hereh ge~ e of e uay e Ii Oor 4la We r3 0 ~ r ade ~~ Aade~" ~ies have so forR o ~ eesee~e oWs ~ ers p~~azen e l~t rea? at ' 41 da N ~~y~~~a $~byrsaorCltrt~ekdok~ertUjd Bg eaf rOad g 1 roa~O~ ~e at s 2 °r th Ike 6Jo~~ m~e• meadok,s ao do ~sare e~y o~ fQr
trL °a k ~ s~a ni s UId I'ara~le 'T'o>? o/.,_ hOvIN be tz. t g on ge or ~ y`~`ao Is ~ j sf ~e fo &u!le ~ whaa~e o f ~e
k~1! be ae S . It toe harcl°o- °orq~ I~art~ ~Ales 011b], C.,/; A~e a~a~~d 3°r!' s I side!'ark 2~e ari o ee Ifide~te rr~ •~ilj e°~Id A, es f pL~b i~~h a tO b~ atAo °JaY ~ ort
/J g~e I ~o"~ 2'bo4~°~'rfn °r a~ yghat s o ~s I aek If ~~~bu~aY ~'!I p aloOlcJ~~gers ~ed g oVed be ar~d2Y a gthe*bla ~er e ap elp~j~~3 ~ ~tl j ~eAleratcl~ey~b'Tv `~~tp (14 m,~ t°F l ~ U~Q a .. o bldr 4
~ ~~
' ~%- I er~$>. ®er° C*.
`'b to
(U19 2, 3 & Blue )
Sports & Medical Supplie s
- (U19 1 & Red)
Old Brighton recorded their first win of the new season in dramatic fashion last weekend, pinchin g a 4 point victory against an inaccurate Marcellin. Kicking 5 .0 to 0 .6 in the opening term, and leading 11 .1 to 4 .12 at the main break, the Tonners victory came despite recording
but the Bombers are looking the goods by 4 goals . Finally, the 2004 Section 3 GF re-match will see Old Carey prevail by 42 points.
11 fewer shots on goal. Other winners : Collegians by 25 over St Bernards. De La Salle by 76 over Old Scotch and Old Xavs by 11 over Uni Blues . Ttvo rounds gone and still little indication of any side firming as a favourite, with the section one ladder all tied up with six sides sitting at 1-1 . This weekend the pick of the action is out at Marcellin College where the home side face reigning premiers De La Salle . Marcellin are extremely unlucky not to be leading the competition this week, having kicked away their chances of l,rieto--~ last week with a disappointing return in front of goal . Expect the home side to have spent a little bit of extra time on the track this week and a tough encounter when the sides clash on Saturdav . De La by 3 pts . In other games, Collegians to defeat Old Brighton providing they nullify Salem and Sest up forward . Uni Blues to reclaim a spot in the top half of the ladder with an away win at Old Scotch, while St Kevins should easily account for St Bernards after an extra week on the track .
flon Phew, NOW I'm starting to get a feel for the competition . . . . . kind a . . . The Bears confounded my suspicions kicking away to a big win over the Friars who are still finding their feet at this level . The Wellers surprised noone with a massive 3rd quarter setting up a 9 goal victory over the Fields . The Woodsmen 'pantsed' the Sharks (and me too) with a 26 goal shellacking, with Baddeley (9) unstoppable up front . I witnessed a close tussle at Bulleen where the OMs, led by Mitchell and the 'very-chirpy' Mr Ray had too much class for the home side, despite the efforts of Simmons and young Stockers . Meanwhile, over the road, Old Carey prevailed in a physical encounter, which saw the Bombers fly home with 11 goals in the last term thanks to Phillips, Shaw, Rankin (6) and Caponetto (4) . Wellers to continue their run over the Bears by 6 goals . The Fields will outclass the OTs by 8 goals . Rupo will consolidate on Oval ,r2 with a 5 goal win against the improving OMs, The Sharks will hope 48
The Unicorns have started superbly this year, and handed a 69 point lesson out to the visiting Students. Not joy for the Hoers as Oakleigh hammered them by 104 points, Cleary was clearly BOG with 10 sausage rolls . The Jackas 3rd quarter comebae': : was great, but poor conversio n
U__ :' 1 Old Brighton De La Salle Old Xaverians St Bernards Old Xaverians
Salem Keely Distefano Stapleton Handley
7 12 7 9 4 8 3 7 6 7
Rupertswood Baddeley 9 14 Old Carey Titus 6 11 Old Camberwell Tolson 2 11 Barâ&#x20AC;˘-ule Viewbank Tsingaris 9 Oa 'ei ;h Cleary 10 14 M3S06 Bartholomew 4 10 Uni Blacks Battista 8 10 Uni Blacks Napier 3 10 Uni Blacks Davies 4 8 Ormond Robbins 7 13 Ormond Bailey 6 7 Ormond McClelland 5 7 Hampton Rovers White 1 7 Oakleigh Clays Sajenko 2 7 Ormond Rvde 4 7 Aquinas Raggazoni 6 Kew Bailey 3 Fitzroy Reds Donato 3
12 7 7
qppp~__ cpoint 13 win . margin, but Out the ea -inner here as the Raiders over came a d Demon side . The game was dominated b y ,, ,i , l ,,C,,nces and scoring was made difficult . After liome truths were delivered to the Raiders at tinal break, they broke away to record a 22 <<.rin, Finally, a 107 walloping from the Black s ;,,als to Battista) had better spark an improved .. , , ,ri from Monash . . . . . . cl the Tigers ~
by an average margin of 147 pts . With Raggazoni simply unstoppable up front, and Sheridan & Maaskant providing constant drive from the backline, Aquinas should have little trouble disposing of Rupy this weekend . Aquinas by 21 . In the round's other games, Kew to extend their unbeaten streak to three with a win over Old Westbourne, Fitzroy to enter the top half of the ladder win a win over Bulleen-Templestowe, and Emmaus to defeat Old Scotch in an upset at Bennettswood Reserve .
Jackas should open their account at th e expense with an 11 point victory . The
;•r ; are cranking now, an d the Tigers nee d tinkering, Raiders by 41 points . Likewise , j,i~h will be 38 point winners over th e The Demons will get back on track at th e ~' expense by 67 points . I think the Unicorn s ,11 lind things tougher today against the classy - visitors by 19 points . section SIza ;' ; o(use apologies for the mass confusion last , ; ~Es I predicted the round 3 results 2 weeks ~;~~• A of time!! Should be enough to get me the ~ \ Tool of The Week I'd reckon . <i supreme shoot-out at Funkytown, wher e _icing Scorpions prevailed over the Pirates in se one . The Rovers recovered from last week' s i -v.Tenching loss to outlast the Bloods by 1 5 The Nodders led at each change, but De La m only 2 goals shy in the 3rd term before they ,l out of gas . Better Nodders were Moran ,
,, .uiIey and Lewton . The Monders won the toss ,n!1 racked up a quick-fire double ton against the 1x,s llop-,un attack . A 12 goal last term prove d :u c percentage booster and Robbins was ~prc~sible . Predic_io ,.~ . ,~hould I stick to last week's call ?
%,ip - more good oil means my second crack at it,,, i nd 3 is as follows : a > i m by 3 goals (same) ds by 16 points (different) n, ?;odders but 45 points (different) ~ 'rmond by 22 points (different) Sectio n
uinas continue to set the pace at the top of the ion red ladder, defeating Therry Penola by 122 n« last weekend in yet another impressiv e ii-pl,iyfrom the Ringwood club . Other winners on ! ., :lnzae Long Weekend : Kew by 47 over :mr-iiaus St Leos, Rupertswood by 36 ove r ~nii :ig premiers Fitzroy, and Old Scotch by 6 in thrillcr against Bulleen-Templestowe .
i .. ._lclcr leaders Aquinas will be aiming to make it v : ins from as many outings this weekend, n they host third place Rupertswood . Out to a disappointing 2004, Aquinas unde r << IZ Danny Minogue have impressed in th e ng rounds, winning their opening two games ' ,I ATEUR
St Kevins v St Bernards Collegians v Old Brighto n Marcellin v De La Salle Old Scotch v University Blues Old Xaverians - bye ON 2 Banyule Viewbank v Old Camberwell Caulfield Gr v Old Trinity Old Melburnians v Rupertswood Beaumaris v Old Essendon O r Old Carey v Whitefriars - & I
La Trobe Uni v Oakleigh -
Park, R~_ . - (~-_ _ --Old Ivanhoe v AJAX St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Paradians Bentleigh v Monash Blues MHSOB v University Black s 21 BLUE Salesian Scorpions v Hampton Rovers Old Haileybury v De La Salle (2) Mazenod 0 C v Oakleigh Clays at 1 . 30 P. M . Peninsula 0 B v Ormon d UNDER-19 (2) RED Old Scotch v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Kew v Old Westbourne Therry Penola 0 B - bye Aquinas 0 C v Rupertswood (2) at 9 .30 a. m . Bulleen Templestowe v Fitzroy Reds
ytll .--~31q_s=< . , . ;3. ST : .:.'VC : ) HAS THE BYE BT BERMARDS 4 .1 7.3 8.3 13.6 (84) COLLB(HAM 7.1 9 .3 11 .11 16.13 (109) St Bea: Stapleton 3 Vines 2 Runnals 2 Ryan 2 Indentinco Creasey Salenu lanaao. Best: lannarza Spinella Byrne Ryan Stapleton Schro . COB: Bushua ll 3 Tardiff 3 Louis 3 Rutherford 3 Scott Blackky Lynch Williams . Best Tardiff Lynch Zimbachs Rutherford Louis Sims.
Cleary r.l i:u; ;~ ;:,t Counihan Donato Manning Wits . C'_:i n-, Revnard Baldwin . Best: Baldwin Saunders Crcvc-s Terenti Mi Did Ar-:rid Matt Brennan n Ben Bracken Andrew72iant a AM 2.4 2.9 9 .12 11 .i , ST
IIm4*es: Gmeme Hunichen Jason Wsszaj (F)
CWBRIGMW 8.0 11.1 14 .2 18 .8 (101) MAPCEUM 0.6 4 .12 10.15 13.19(97) Old 13s: Salem 7 Sest 5 Jenings Priestly 2 . Best Salem Doherty Priestly Geddes Oliver lSest. Fraser 4 0'Hallaran 3 Preece 1luner Nash Augustin Stafford Pell . Best Tabbacheira Fraser Stafford OHalloran Del Mastro Nash . Umphm, Tom Havsom GeoflCaulfield (F) Jordan Mayston Duncan Nichol (B) Tristan Reith Lachlan Simpson (G ) 1 8 1+4 SALLE 83 12.4 17.8 22.13 (146) OLD SCOTCH 2 .1 3.6 6.11 9.15 (69) 118.8: Keety 7 Donegan 3 O'Donnell 2 Nasr 2 Close Fieldsend De Marie Fletcher Ball Bull Kowess Nethersole . Best Cox Donegan Close Keely Pitcher Roberts . Old • Gherardin 211umme1 2 Gray Kaye Slattery Gaunt Parisi . Best: Kaye Gherardin Gray lilley Slattery INiitehead.
UMM-19 WTION 3 hasm 2.7 6.13 12.19 19 .25 (139) LA 0.5 4 .6 6.15 9 .16 (70) NIHSM Bartholomew 4 Leslie 4 Tangirala 2 Andrews 2 Anderson Ltu LittFehales Lim Kiteky Ashworth S McGrath . Best Anderson Taft Kitek.y Ashworth Lim Pretty. La Trobt Callow 2 Davidson 2 b1inchinton Eastman McGough Van Coil Taylor. Beak Mark McLean Knight Davidson Sheriff Caldow. Umpirm Jason Evans Jack Fagan (F ) GH 2.6 7.10 15.14 20.20 (140) OLD TVANHOZ 3 .2 3.7 4.11 4.12 (36) OaMd& Cleary 10 Banand 3 MacKenzie 2 North 2W'ills 2 Counihan . Best
12 0
Umpire= David D'Altera Matt Simpson (F )
UMVERSTYRIA 7.7 11 .12 18.18 24,21(185) P&DY h SH BLUES 2.2 3.5 6. 7 IIu1AElac • Battista 8 Rippon 4 Davies 4 Napier 3 Bell 2 Ross 2 Ba " Battista Rippon Shaw Fleming McGowan Ban-on . M= El- • Collins 2 Jordan Barton ISthansky Padulla Cruukshank . Best : Barton Kelly H . Jordan Cruukshank ShoptT. Umphino Matt O'Keffe Jason Lane (F )
Umphrm* Brett Herskope Michael Rvde (F) Richard Keane Dan Frasier (G) OLD XAVERIAMS 6.8 8.9 11.12 16.21(117) UNIVERSHY BLUES 6.3 10 .5 13 .7 16 .10 (106) Oid .Baa: Handley 6 DiStefano 4 511k 2 Preece Forrest N Snuth Saunders . Best Harry Handley DlStefano Mortensen Forrest Byrne . Uni Blu= McCarty 4 0'Shannassy 4 Bronts 2 Poynter 2 Lynch Lesco Elliott Brennan . Best Birks OShannassy McCarty Halliday Hooter Dwyer. Jason McNiece Richard Yann (F) Jim Exton Gary Clancy (G )
4 .2 7.5 9.7 11 .9 (75) 62 10 .6 14.8 21,14(l46) Tomes 3 Gamble 2 Abdullah 2 Carruthers Greenland . Best: Torney Carruthers Fulton Harriss L Kaldor Yore. Buyul= Skicko 5 Christian 4 Shepard-Mueller 2 Swift 2 Staumpotaus 2 Buckley R'tL+ler B Dirtier Toull Poy:zr Park. Best G Dimer Poyser Stocks Toull Christian Saker. UmPh= Andrew Smith Jamie Sharp (F) Anita Messiha Nick Kelly (B ) OLD 1 .5 7.8 13.11 i7.14 (116) OLD CAULFIELD 1 .4 6 .8 6.10 8 .14 (62) Old DeS3nctis 3 Walpole 3 Tolson 2 Harry 2 Robinson Poynton Barrow T Peasnall Tsindos Toohet• . Best Bonyhady McGuigan Tsindos Bennett Taylor. taui: Goold 3 Clarke Hammond May Sundberg McDonald . Best Kataja Nob)ett Hammond May Scroth . Umphm Daniel Silfo Nick Fennessy (F ) OLD THIRTY 0.4 3.7 5 .10 7.12 (54) OLD )' EI,BDRTdtAhB 3 .7 6 .10 8.12 10.18 (78) Old Tda : Cole 2 Btythtttan Peyton Stockdale Simmons A Bourke . Best Simmons A Bourke Howell Greene Stockdale Marsden. Old Me& A Ray 3 Code 2 Gregory 2 Forte 2 McMenamin . Best: Code Mitchell Ray Cordy Manners Stogdaie. Us 4 {rm Tim Saunders Geoff Deveson (F) James Mugaim (G) RUPERTSWOOD 7.6 14.14 44.17 33 .21 (•219) R&AUMARIS 2.5 6 .7 8.7 9 .8 (62) Rupaft Baddeley 9 Morrison 4 Monte 3 MePhee 2 G Phillips 2 Phillips J 2 Brennan 2 Jones 2 Spinner 2 Pretty Tennant Anderson Glenn Evans . Best Baddeley G Phillips J Phillips Holles Moule. Be=mMit Imlach 2 Tickell 2 Hill 2 Bramwell Shone Bliesnec Best Not Submitted . Umph,m* Steve Caple David Wheeler (RFL) n OLD CAM 7.4 10.6 18.11 18.12 (129) OLD ESSENDON 3 .3 6.6 7 .10 15.13(103) Old Carag: Tines 6 Remmers 4 Wagner g3 Stoav Hmsgate Andrianopolous . Best Willingham Howgate Patterson Carpenter Day Laing, 0id • Rankin 6 Capanetto 4 Williams Phelan Shaw Rawlins Francis . Best Shaw Williams Phillis Phelan Capanetto Rankin. Umph= Peter Cahill Lee Crassky (F )
B .4 9.7
• Graf 4 Markov 2 Smith 2 Majtlis Shulman Wein . Best: Sacks Ja,-=~ Freedman Goldstein Measey Graf. St B/MT: Hunter 3 McGettigan 3 L Budinaar Burger Lynch Salina Swain Terrell . Best: McGe 'tt>aan Butg,,r S.,~ Sapina BodinaarThomas . Umpirm- Rod Penaluna (F) Simon Abel (B) Clive Shipley Greg Rollo (G) OLD PARADIANS 2.7 4 .7 7.11 ~ 2.3 4 .4 6.7 ~~ Old Par: Clayton 2 Holden 2 Berthet Bugeja Cowles Cmsthw; Seneca Serafm Soloman . Best: Malllister Holden Soloman Seneca Berthet . Scab Hunt 2 Lewis 2 Coles Bell Rossi Covne A Nest Best : Frost Lawry Bail Fidler .
Wat3zi+:i6Yt - t -
PENMSMOB 3 .5 9 .11 18.16 21.1811441 8.8 11.3 16.18 22•22 (1 Details not received, LfmVh= Dan-en Rowldinson Patrick Coutthard in 4 HAAGqW ROVERS 0 .5 4.9 5.11 9.16[Iq Qla . 8Y 1 .1 4.7 6.9 7 .13 (55) HMUPt Bar Ross 2 Corbett Fallon Rootsev Semnml Smith Westhcod Whir Best : Shrt Semmel Ross Su .k}miart Westhead O'Brien . Old HIM Elk, 2 Sit)eer 2 Johnson Dolman whlson. Best: Dolman Davis Stanley Silbera Folino Harrison .
Mark Jenkins Paul Tyrer (F) Josh T)mer Callum Hilton (B ) DR LA SALLE 0 .2 1 .3 5.4 7,714g) MAZENOD 2 2 6.8 12.12 18.18 (12{ 188: Miles 3 Hassaballa 2 Kearney T(beri . Best Crowe Munoz Chrxjt) Hassaballa Silvers Hansen . lr= Details not received . Umph= Brian Nunn (C 18) Dean Schwab (F] ORldolm 7.5 12.13 18 .18 30.24 (204) QAKLZZGEI CLANS 3.3 4 .7 4.10 7.9(51) Ormmd : Robbins 7 Bailey 6 Me Clelland 5 Ryde 4 Cnbbes 2 Duthie Johnson Knoester Mc Ghr 1Voodford Calvert. Best Ryde Mc Clelland Evans Upsti2 Johnson Machin 0A Clays: Castello 3 Sajenko 2 DeGeorge Levy . Best Cook DeGeorge Gilmour Levy Gallagher Kurth .
Mark Farrell Mark Duthie (F) Wilt Bume David Cameron (B) tl~tt xiF•I
wl -
BULLEEN lE 1 .3 2.5 8.7 10 .10(70J OLD SCOTCH 8.3 7.9 7.14 10.18 (78) Hal Temp: Scalzo 3 P Voglis 3 Meadows 2 Samaras Teldn . Best M Coniston Stamboulakis McColl P Voglis Alleri losifidis . Old 8cxitdf: Bradley 4 Brown Saunders Daggin Perry Macintosh Sahhar . Best: ROod Dagoart Vogt Br<tdky Wilson Brownnell . Umpdrm John Hughan Logan Smith (F) Michael Roche Tom Wischer (B) ENWAUS 8T 4 .3 5 .5 9.12 12.16(% EEW 1 .4 7.14 12.18 19.21(135) Mr- S .: Quirk 5 Croughan 2lalor 2 Robin 2 Bragden Stafford . Best P Baranello Hickey Ahern Robin Quirk N Batanello . . Lawrence 4 Bailey 3 Pike 3 Franklin 2 Fullheim 2 McGregor 2 Deangetfs Lucisan McKay . Best Lawrence Cochrane Williams Wang Deant,~elis Pike. • Nathan Sheppard David Murray (F] OLD WESTBOURNE HAS THE BYE TEEM FENOIA 0 .3 2.3 3.4 5 .4 (34! AgURW 4.8 10.15 15.18 41.30 (146) Th Pim- McKay Desousal Motion Cannon Rebber . Best McKay Elm Robertson Ferraro Allender. Aqubm Raggazoni 6 Bicknell 3 Thompson 2 Collins 2 Stewart 2 Dewey Masskant Morrison-Storey Nearne Sawyer Williams. Best Neame Papurorth McGregor Weidemann Thatcher. Umpkv= David Ewans Ron Johnson (F) FITZROYREDS 4.1 4 .3 9.6 11 .10 (76) RUPERTSWOOD (3) 5.0 10.5 13 .6 17.10 (112J Fffis Radar McKenzie 6 Donato 3 Sulemenovski Marcon . Best Minnis McKenzie Ritchie Donato bianoli McKeown . RapmU W. Gregory 3 Moore 2 Disalvatore 2 McGovern 2 Quinn 2 Lovett 2 . Best : Broughton Ellis Christenson Smith Gregory Tumer Alkemade . Umph•m- Sean Brailsford Tom Wmdlow (C18) (F) Michael Lee Daniel Dalspace (G )
Ulader- 19 -Section I COLLEGIANS Cooch : G` =Rael Jones nan „s er Qy IL~, rn - 's '='~ 'GY .. <r
:fwd ~=~.1on "~1 °a a
: )
Coach : F`am Sassi Assstz ;t: Cz. zi Ga~j T s" ``.
d L " m r "
S(1) Coach: B ruce Armstron g Coach: Luke Stewart Coach : Dean Rossely Coach: David Madigan S(2) Red Coach : Ian Leith Asst Coach : Tim Ford .Apan 36s . Eke, . Kaplan 2 ra 1 T. Kovess 1 J . Gasparini 1 N 3 T Baran 37 a. Hockmg 2 D. Jennings 2 R. Tabacchiera 2 J . Fletcher 4 E.wa::eheac 3sM.L n 3 J . Winstanley 3 S.Oliver 3 M Fieldsend . 5 B. Sawid_ws 39 N. W A 4 S. Rowell 4 D. Close 4 N. O'Halloran s A.>R,?~ 4oM.Ne~wm 7 Lamstrag 41 H.Dumaresq 5 J. Miller 6 J . Pitcher 5 J . Bortolotto 8 D . Prnmey 42 T. Foenarwe r 6 J. Geddes 7 D. Keely 6 S. Abrahams 9 TGr~erar~r' 43J.M~m.a 7 J. Salem 8 J. Greenhalg 7 C. MacLaren 10T. HatKness 44 J. Daqga n 9 A. De 8 D.Marte Valsorda 8 M. Bartlett 11 K AY_n 48 E. Kilcirsn 10 N . Roberts 9 T. Gunning 12A T~p1 47J Pearce 9 D. Considine 11 W. Fenton 10 J . Edge 13 H . Eva 48 a Peny 10 T. Stafford 14TLeeds 49H .Tay~r 12 L . O'Donnell 11 K. Sheehan 11 S. Faffelly 50T vrog1 13 A . Nasr 12 P. Austsin 12 J . Priestley 15 nt-t6G Pariv L" 51 N Spargo 15 T. John 13 P. O'Callaghan 13 J . Best 17 a vraaace, 52 J . s~mar 16 M . Herkess 14 R . Doherty 14 A. McGlin srt~m 53 C . Li e 17 L. Case y 18S Hames 54 0 . King 15 S. Pesavento 15 J . Leal 19 T G-1 55 M. Eaa1 18 W. Dwyer . Connell 16 S . Mulligan 16 S 20 M . H~m~e 5e A. Gray 19 M . Demicoli 17 B . Moon 17 L. Boyd 21 W. Crorbn 57 &, take . Hassaballa 20 D 18 D . Fraser 18 B . Blatt . co 58 M. Powers 21 L. Bull 22 W 19 M . Browning 19 J . Crapper 23M Came 58H.w~so n
22 T. Donlan 20 N. Birrell 20 G . Fielke 24J .Pater ~8.wu~kwwth 23 J. Casey 21 J 61 W Harvey . Dowling 21 J. Kenyon 2sT.s!aney 24 S. Edwards 22 J 25LTar_a 628.Madm,wsn . Symes 22 J. Delos a
25 S. Nethersole 23 K.Presnell ~H . ~ ~E_ ~ 23 M . Grigoruk 26 J. Hanso n 24 A. Tregear 29 J. 81-1d as M t~Wranncy 24 J. Hogarty 27 S. Miles 25 R . Eastgate 30 S Bradley 66 N. 0~'ed 25 J. Crimmins 29 T. Kovarik . Hanson 81J.Caae s7JMur~ . Preece 26 L 30 A . Demarde 26 S 32 A TorranN 88 S Sba n 27 M. Turner 32 D. Lowe 33 C. 6aukrnan ss C . WOW 28 C . Cogdon 34 M . Sma k 29 M. Nash Raine & Horne d 30 D . Redmon 31 D. Bolger Commercial 32 T. Montagna „ , ," ,. , . . .. .. .
ST BERNARDS Coach : Greg Wood 2 D. Hurley 4 M. Walsh 5 J. Hughes 7 C . Liberatore 8 S. Matthews 9 D . Evans 10 B . Garth 11 A . Marion 12 D . Oconnor 15 A . Mitchell 16 P. Oxenford 17 C. Rogers 20 M . Maggiore 21 T. Whelan 23 D. lanaao 24 B. Runnat s 25 C . Govan 27 M. Salvadori 30 D . Lancashire 33 M . Gourley 35 B . Ryan 38 K . Buis 39 L. Demorton 40 A . Kavanagh 43 J . Stapleton 45 B. Johnson 50 R. Schroder 58 B. Pitts 59 T. Pearson 70 E. Prendi 75 C . McDermott
ST.REVIN'S OLD BOYS Coach : Richard Oboe
1 J. Maher 2 T.Otoole 3 B. Dowd 4 S. Sexton 5 D . Petrou 6 M . Hobbs 7 R . Taylo r 8 S . Ryan 9 J . Syme 10 0. Wissell 11 A. Lynch 12 J . Liston 13 P. Mercouriou 14 J. Marchesani 15 M. Sullivan 16 R . Arnott 17 J. Charles 18 D . Tlkeridis 19 L. Gullive r 20 K . Mios 21 T. Woolfe 22 D. Gibbs 23 T. 0'hanlon 24 D. Sullivan 25 P. Gallivan 26 P. Longmore 27 J. 0'rourke 28 B. Cooke Glenane gp B. Scanan 31 P. Mclennan 32 M. Sherman 33 S . Neohoritis 35 E . Wilkinson 36 T. Trewin 40 DI. Mount 44 J . Tennent
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach: Steve Carroll
1 R . Minn s 2 N . Anderson 3 D . Wood 4 M . Kell y 5 H . Guthrie 6 M . Sykes 7 A . Farrell (vc) 8 T. Maddocks (c) 9 Z . Elliott 10 N . Bradley 11 M. Dwyer (vc) 12 D . Marshall 13 J. McCarty 14 J. Poynte r 15 S . Mortime r 16 T. Bront e 17 D . Carmod y 18 M . Mark Lesko 19 D. Hayte r 20 C. Pyke 21 P. Birk s 22 A. Brenna n 23 L . Butler 24 J. Sundermann 25 M. Kibbis 26 L . Hallida y 27 S . Meade 28 D . Hanrahan 29 L. 0'Shannesy 30 T. Stainforth 31 B . Gannon 32 S . Gilbertson 33 J . Lynch 34 C. Blizzard
- Section 2 SAN'
. ; .4
Coach : Phiv Demetrios
1 Z . Wenke 2 J. Brockwell 3 A . McGovern 4 P. Adams 5 M. Holmes 6 M. Morgan 7 R. Moore 8 D. Kayrooz 9 M . Christian 10 C. Stavrapotous 11 J. Crimmins
12 J. Poyser 13 J . Dunstone
14 L. O'Donnell 15 M. Lardo 16 R . Guflerson 17 A. Stavropo!ous 18 D . Park 19 J. Spicer 20 C. Skicko 21 D. Herbert 22 J. Rigler 23 M . Depetro 24 A . Bottamle y 25 S . Toull 26 S. Pesavento 27 T. Shepherd 28 S. Green 29 J. Swift 30 P. O'rourke 31 B. Dimek 32 J. Tsi ga s 33 T Wise 34 D. Mclean 35 J . Jones 36 A . Brown
OLD CARET Coach: Rob French 4 5 6 9
J . Carpenter A . Shedden T. Davis M. Cornwell
DE Coach : John Burke Asst Coach: Paul Berry i K. Gasperino 2 R. Gillespie 3 J. Sinko 4 L. Hill 5 C. Badman 6 M . Bramwell (VC) 7 T. Hunt 8 A . Clemente g J . Starke 10 A. Mckenzie 11 J. Dickie 13 M. Wilson 14 B. Wall 15 B . Norris 17 L. Tckell
18 V. Camera 20 T Waller (VC) 21 R . Fenton 22 J . Atkins 24 R . Imlach 25 B. Strong 26 C . Shone (VC) 29 M. Gravina 31 C. Graham 32 B. Woodland 33 J . Kilgore 37 B . Fraser 38 J . Edmeades 39 A . Little 40 D . Reiby 41 J . Nicholson 43 D . Cupples (C) 46 R . Scrivenar 47 A. Mueller
49 M. Cairns
51 M . Beruldsen 52 J . Williams 61 K . Bliesner
T. Cudlipp A. Haralambous D . Oman E. Hardy
6 J. Tucker
13 J. Rimington 16 M. Laidlaw
7 L. Jones 8 R. Moffatt 9 A. Prowse
20 A. Winn 21 A . Remmers 25 S . Mead 26 J . De Leijer 27 T Howgate 28 G . Lord 30 A. Day 32 A. Newhouse
10 A . Kauye 11 A . Manaha n 12 A . Mermagas 13 C . Hanche tte 14 A. Armstrong 15 E. Baker 16 W. Christian 17 W. Fenton 18 J . Dick
33 J. Newnham
19 E . Mitchell
34 A. Alexander 35 B . Laing 38 J . Vujovich
20 A . Pannifex
44 D . Stocco
45 J . Sinclair
t6 K. Biggs 1 7 A. Gould + 8 Z Gould t g W. Hepwo rth 20 M . Sundberg 21 M . Lopiccolo 22 M . Hardy 23 R. Schroth 24 M . Benkemoun 25 J . McCahon 26 E . Kalaj a 27 T. Doake 28 B. McDonald 29 A. Webb 30 D. Mason 31 A. McKay 33 A. Gua gas 35 C. Scully 39 A . Nesci THE RACECOURSE HOTEL CNR. DANDENONG & WAVERLEY RD'S, MALVERN EAST.
21 N. Russell
22 J . Beckley 23 D . Osmon d 24 N . Russell
25 M. Schivo 26 L . Bender 27 W. Richardson 28 J. Brener 29 C. Hawes 30 L. Jones 31 C. Theodoutou 32 A . Kauye 33 D . Miller
11 N. Hall
S . Cole A . Parker A . Marsden R . Bicknell H . Simmons T. Delphine A. Greene 8 F. Stewart 9 T Howell 10 B. Smith 11 M . Burke 12 E . Delaney 13 M . Baylis 14 M. Bilney y
15 D . Peyton 16 T. Spray 17 M. Lesinskis
18 C. Stockdale 19 T Oldfield 20 Y. Lather 22 H. Doyle
Coach: Greg Evans I R. Baddeley 2 L. Bal6nge r 3 E . Baskan 4 L. Bones 5 M . Camm 6 A . Cannin g 7 S . Caponnett o 8 S . Caruso 9 D . Cerantoni o 10 D . Cerantonio 11 A. Chnsteu
13 W. Robinson 1 4 D . DeSanctis J . Tuoha
y 16 A. Renshaw 17 DD . Morley y 18 N . Wallace 19 T Peasnell 20 J. Davis 21 L. Taylor 24 W. Wettenhall 25 N . Charles 26 C . Hillier 27 D . McGuigan 29 D . Harry 30 T. Angove 31 M. Shanks 33 C. Bennett 34 G . Tolson 36 A Thomas
12 S. Clinnick 13 J. Dazki w 14 J . Francis
15 C. Heritag9 e M . Jel hs 17 F. Ktenas 18 D . Leban 19 C . Leec h 20 H . Leu ry 21 J. Mansou r 22 B. Mitchell 23 D . Nankerv is 24 J. Phillip s 25 T. Rumble 26 M . Sha w 27 N. Tai t 28 S . Towner 29 M . Trevaskl s 30 C . Tzamb azis 31 N . Ure n 32 J. Williams 33 T. Wilso n 34 D. Zammit
Mitchell Partner s
Coach: Leo Curran I 2 3 4 5 6 7
OL D ~
Coach : Anson Brownless 1 J . Goldblatt 2 T. Barrow 3 C . Poynton 4 J . Rowati 5 N . Tsi ndos 6 P. Christie 8 M. nlia 9 D. Walpole 10 S . Bonyhady
Coach : Ben Dunn
10 C . Laidlaw
19 T Locock
14 C . May 15 B. Pearce
OLD L : : . ,
~y ;,~ye ~ Coach: Sam Calagero I T. Noblett 2 M. Session 3 N . Andrew 4 A. Clarke 5 A. Spittal 6 C . Hammond 7 G . Thomson 8 T. Hart le tt 9 L. Pric e 10 B . Gatehouse 11 R. Evans 12 S . Rowleyy 13 S . Wood
Coach : Greg Bradley
WHITE, : ; Coach : Andy Dal ry mpl e
I J pRi1 p; 42 J MURPHY 2 C4'tPORT 43 ADt:ALVaroaE 3 AT_talaxr 4 4 gCr7m..cY 5 StrUu,I a ; Ct.tcC~tv~''
1 E. Abdalla h 3 A. D'Aloisio 5 J.Om Para 6 S Keogh
6 J PReTIY 45 i EGAtt g J BRADLEY 46 F C ; RLAyD
7 C. Taouk 8 D . Yore
to 1wEST 47 ee ROuGkrar 12 A EVAN, 4 L aaEnmo-al 73 N FE LL 48 A DAY t56 DsLEr:R as oCruCJrrr 1 DOâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;~i 49 ~7~E~ 11 J u;OErsO,y so D ;~ntS 17 raou~LEY 51 ACATAtAtrJ 19 GtODULEB 52 8 W wAUS p R GMUNT 53 BWADAM 54 J WALLACE T~~ 22 BFHiLt7PS 55 Sh O RGtHi I 23 H S IER 65 MBRADDY
24 L
; RI,SCfl 58 c DBrrcR
2 6 !AM E 58 8allCEA+a!Oc.
28 8 BP Va so L u%ceSTER ~ ' ...~E 67 0 UiF' UR5~I 3 1 m eur.RY 67 L e.pDELY 74 O~E~ 32 MEWS CtfRSTES~1 7 8 IAHARRiSqy
33 T MURPHY 1-9 c w1sHART 23 A. Burke 35 O~ B tovEtT 24 A . Milaszewicz ~ Ea t2 vatWzTEt 36 RN 27 B . Law 37 RtsCN .ES 29 D . Wilson 38 MADAMo 31 S. de Bruin 25 J TAYLOR 68 J. Grant 40 S BISHOP 40 A U)NE S 4 1 ACasCi O
B . Tomey 9 11 A. Gamble 12 A. Part s 13 C. Lu Carelli 14 A. Kenez
16 N. Crowa 7 Bond 118 K~ 19 S . Greenlan d 20 R. Carruthers 21 C . Krotikowsk i 22 J. Ta rt aglia 24 C . Hams
25 N . O'Callaghan 26 K. Walke r
27 H. Fulton 28 29
L. Hambli n A. Spurre l
30 A. Gibbs
31 C. Power 32 , L . Kaldo r
.. s i
34 J. Raffe rty
35 J. Beaumont 39 F. Thompso n 44 A. Ray 47 B. Lugg
1:1it7d e ltC2{. 3
t ?ai C~,---1 q - Section 3 OERTl .E60H !A TROBE U NI MHSOOFC _ -" UER
at Zemski
-a _°~n '-__4ef ' -
`' g
man = _
Coach : Mick Lee Coach : Zoran Collavic Coach : Brad James Asst Coach : Geoff Brew Runner : Tim Fitzgerald P. McMullan B . Hare i M . Andrews 2 Fogarty. A 2 D. Ashworth T. Elliman G Parr 3 Lewis, 0 3 H. Bailey P. Des as A . l..clean 4 C. Baffey 4 Lawry , S T. Anderson N . Sum 5 N. Barkatsas 5 Coles , J F. Caldow B . Prtman 6 T. Bartholomew 7 B 6 Meehan, A Jones D. Le=nn D. &ooks Re~7 Pd. Kennedy G. Walsgott 7 Rossi, R 9 J. Buntna 70 D. Garnered J . Clough C. Neiki 8 Halliday, B 11 H. Corr adaw J . Paterson J DrcWnson i2 L. Dixonp 9 Morrison, L H . Lancaster T Dickinson 73 S. Anderson 10 Convery, J M . Steele J Wenner 74 U . H amsfton- Hn t5 M . Fraczek 11 West, J V. Cncenti K . Donovan 76 B. Herskope S Foster J . Perkins 13 Zylbersztajn, B 17 A 1 T. Inglis J . Parham 18 T. Kavanagh 14 Lydster, B 1 9 J. Malay J . Konpmans A . Palone 15 Armstrong, L p K . Lam L. Lcrenzin E . Flemmir`9 21 W. Taft 17 West, A B . Holland A . Cu'rverror 22 J. Larkins 23 A. Lenehan 18 Macleod, S D . McMaster M . Sudweeks 24 G. Leslie N . Beck P. McGrath 22 Frost, S 25 A Lim
23 Bail, T J . Easton B. Hodge 26 L. Evans 27 A. LRtlehale s D . Paten D. Gladman 26 Dewar, T 28 C. McGrath C . Marx N Clark 27 McIntyre, T C . Edwards G. Dames 30 L. McK.nnon 29 Quinn, A S Condron T. Hooke 31 E . Mutvey 32 O. Pec k A . Knight A . Oakley 30 Nyary, M 33 or Pre tty B . Mmchinton R. Maatman 31 Steven, B 34 E. Pretty B Van Cal T Nixon 35 B. Rebaki s 32 Fidler, C RR . To?l~day W. Marrow 36 J. Rosenham 37 N. Ruddell 34 Hunt, B G. Gird>rood M . Pattmson 38 J.S~mpson 35 Bell, M K Mc(3ough P. Nunan 39 D.Sneddon 40 N. Tan J . Danse!s J . Witham 41 N. Tangirala J . Doyle T Taylor 42 C.TemptEn J H e dr ic k ~s 43 O . Walsh L. Carmody 63 oE?ra P1 Holden 45 L . Woc ird C. Cooper A . McMahen
,~n =
OGi ; 1 'n 7(C) _Id
1 M. Ferrantino (vtcap ) 2 J .hUnas
3 M. Golden 4 T Nicola 5 A. Bofzan
-" -
y • ! S
6 M.
7 8 N . Pratt 9 R . Petrou 11 M. MatkO
9 A. Baldto T. Pantano
14 A . Foster
15 L. Page - Wood
27 ~JTerenyi
22 B . McKinley 23 G. Reynard 24 M. Perolli 25 J . Hyndman 26 D . N ichol 27 E . Spargo 28 J . Bums 29 C . Roger
30 S Leggett 3 ., '
3 R . Bugeja ( VC)
5 A . Serafin
Ellis T. Harrison
D . Madigan
1 D .ZivanOvic
2 B. Holden
7 K.
i6 B. Saunders t7 T Aosenlis 18 G. Hartnck is C . Crewes
Coach : Mark Spinoso Asst Coach: Simon Vincent 1 J . Crosthwaite
6 M. Ccokson
11 N . Clarke (capt) 72 M. tour t3 J . Bmne (Wcapt) Y
.: r
OL Coach: Ben Covelli
31 S . Leslie
32 S . Ketalas 33 A . Steer
34 A . Gloats, 35 C. Lack
,- . .i ., ..~,. .
'J ; t FOOTBALLER 2005
Solomon A. Cowles
13 S. Rose 22 D . Richardson 23 S . RehliCki 25 D . Hussey
32 B . McAllister 33 D . Clayton 34 R . Thomas
35 J . Bennet 37 S . Valente 38 M. ],vine 39 J . Seneca (DVC) 42 M. Patena (C) 43 M. Christie
44 D . Whyley 45 G. Vincent 46 M. Stace 47 B . Geary
Si a u~S i f i'. fQ E~~ C; Coach: Owen Lator
1't Laver
J. Terrell
K.Ft`cCannePl d
Coach : Bruce Waldron
2 P. Gur r
3 M. Phillips 4 B. Adamson 5 J. Pollard 6 L . Leviston
B . Hayter 8 A. Mehta
J. Moore
to J. May e 11 B.Cruickshan k 1 2 T Barlo w 13 M . Pa y 14 R. Shields 15 J. Stephenson 16 M. Brady
17 K. Mudg e 18 R. Glover 19 F. Johnson 20 B. Hindle 21 M . McMahon
22 B. Solimo
23 B. Janssen 24 A. Pyl e 25 J. Lu i 26 J. Maz ur 27 C. MacDonal d 28 I . Tsaoussi 29 T. Cobban 30 D Stewart 31 M. Haye s 32 T. Hodgson 33 A. Hone 34 C. Keeshan 35 D. Loga n 36 R . Nation 37 C . Fnlayson
UNI BLACK S Coach: Justin Gray Asst Coaches : Andrew Gray Bruce Warren, Craig Thompso n 2
6 B. Collins 7 D. Camp~sano
3 J. Rippan (C ) 4 M Barro n 5 B. Batters 6 M. Bamsta
8 S. Johnson
7 H . Beaumon t
9 S. LHuiher 9 B. Schwarze to J. McNei l
L Kelly
12 J. Marks 13 J. Mattingly
14 R Burge, 15 J. Hunter 1 6 d K~eran
17 B. Newke
1 8 D . Lynch c
19 W Parker 20 P. Wigh t 27 M. La:.AOr 22 C . Barr
23 J. Cahill 24 L. Thomas 2 . Kan 5 26 NA. e FaCk7ner 27 C . Tot;in 28 C . Mourrtz 29 A. Knowles 30 J. Hunter
31 i Smith 32 S Brown
33 Z. N
50 A . Logo
34 M. Knuppel
51 A . Cirillo 52 J . Kandilakis
37 M. B~'naar
35 U. Scoria
Proudly Sponsored by Buxton Real Estat e Kingston Chiropractice IFCO Clearcut Hairdressing
8 J. Bell 9 A . Bergi n 10 ' T. Burchel l
T. P.oss (VC ) 12 W. Howson 13 D . Barlow t4 O close 1 5 T. Davie s 16 W Easy 17 B Fleming 18 D P:,oar 19 J . Finnigan ~~ Gild Harriso n 21
22 h4 U. Hodgson 23 J . Hughes 24 D . Lan_ e
25 A
26 S. L~~ 27 R . Mceumey 28 D . Costchm 2 . Mlku s 9 30 AA. B Nasiakos
31 J . Newland
32 H . Po rter 33 O. Ramsay 34 N . Schee6r gs 35 G . Shaw 3o " R . AM U 37 J . Elk 38 B. McGowan s
39 J . Hamilton 40 Se remai n
41 S . Jess '2 C . Le Ma ar e
43 T. Sayer
Proudly Sponsored b y THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 3053 53
Under-19 - Section BLUE DE LA SALLE (GOLD)
Coach: Robin Smith
Coach: Dale Ross
Coach: Shane Regan
Coach: Gary Williams Team Manager: Greg Evangelista
1 M. Hetxess 38 J. Ind
2 W. D,vyer 39 M . Crimson 3 M. FeIdserui 40 R areas 4 T. John 41 J. Fisher
5 J . Pitcher 42 T. Robson 6 N . Roberts 43 t. Ciam:y 7 T Kovess 44 M . Dean B M. Moore 45 M . 0.!urroz 9 W. Fenton 46 S . f.bwonti 10 L 0'13onneli 47 0. Keeney 11 T Shers 12 D . Mewrer 13 T Wrvyan 14 A. Cox 15 S. Nemerso!e 16 J . Ton ~ 17 D . Keerj 18 J . WK-le
1 . D Zampaglione 2. A Ross
1 M . Bertone
I J. Simon
2 N. Bradley
2 K. Nguyen
3. G Cannell 4. I Nicholls 5. N Ulbdck 6. S Blanchard 7. D Kettle 8. N Pinto 9. R Semmel 10 . L Smith 11. T Fallon 12 . R Kenny
3 S . Castricum 4 D. Caugh ey
3 J. Lao 4 J. Linke
5 A. Ciavarella
5 S. Janjic
6 G . Cocks 7 B . COStin 8 M . Cummins 9 W. Evans 10 D. Grantham
6 J. Sajenko
11 J Hendry
13 . P Woods
12 D. Hensman 13 P. Johnson
15 . R Hen 16 . J Corb ett 17 . T Mitchell 18 . D O'Brien 20 . M Curry
14 J . Kavanagh 15 J . Lambert 16 S . Mann
19 L. B0
21 . S Suleyman
17 J . Mather
20 N . Bums 2t N . Stewart 22 L. Casey
22 . J Barry 24 . B McDonald 25 . R Sharpe
23 J . Casey
26 . M Deluca
18 D. Micallef 19 S . Moran 20 A . Norman
24 C . Bail 25 G . Hess 26 J . Hanson
27 . J Williams 28 . R While
27 S. Miles
28 J . Fetcher 29 T. KrnarA ~ A. Demarde
31 D . Lowe 32 A. Nav 33 D. Hassabara 34 J . Oak ~ g 35 J. Greenhel 36 S E6xaN S 37 D.Cose
Coach : Michael Oaten 1 J . Ashley 2 D. Bailey 3 R . Chisholm 4 S . Barnes 5 D. Brosnan 6 T. Denatris 7 M . Mclelland 8 R . Sayers 9 A . Jewell 10 L. Calvert 11 S . Fisher 12 G. Evans 13 D . Haysom 14 L. Upstill 15 T. Johnson 16 A . Wilson 17 J . Harry 18 L . Washfold 19 T. Woolfe 20 D . Machin 21 R . Mcgirr 22 S. Vipond 23 M. Violi 24 J. Turnbull 25 C . Woodford 26 L . Knoester 27 A. Cribbes 28 L . Kinniard 29 T. Leary 30 L . Duthie 32 C . Freema n 33 N . Ryde 44 B. Robbin s
21 D. Nutting 22 M . Pecora
23 D. Power
29 . C Gleeson 30 . A Bice 33 . T Rootsey 35 . M Westhead
38 .R Lang 39 . K Cho
24 25 26 27
D. Regan E . Roberts B . Ross S . Smith
28 P. Souter
40 . J Hille 43 . J Schafer 44 . T Skewes
29 S . Stanley 30 T. Steinfort
I' I II t`
31 W. Vandergert 32 A . Weekes 33 R . Wickremasinghe 34 A . Winstanley
Coach : Tony Thopp 1 L . Walker 2 R . White 3 E. Wittich 4 R . Smith 5 D . Smith 6 B. Mitchell 7 N . Coy 8 P. Wignall 9 B. Coldrey 10 M. Warner 11 M . Kenny 12 A. De Lange 13 S. Robertson 14 L. Coghlan 15 S. Byme 16 M . Lewis 17 D. Felvus 18 T. Madder 19 A. Cretield 20 S . McGuiness 21 H. Nestor 22 S . Taylor 23 C. Witzelll 25 J . Rees 26 J . Murphy 27 J . Wilmot 28 R. Trickey 29 J . Birt
OLD HAILEYRUR Y Coach : David Lappag,
1 A. FoGn o
2 M . Scho:es (vC) 3 J. Walsh 4 J. Mills 5 S . Podandis
6 L. Petrovic h
7 L. De George 8 C. Thomp so n 9 C. Rossenlis 10 A. Plozza 11 A. Nasr 12 S. Gallagher
13 J . Evangelista 14 D. Ni 15 J . Nevitt 16 D. Gilmore 17 B . Forbes
18 G . Mesley 19 D. Smith 21 K . Onurulu 22 S . Levy
23 L. Townley 24 S .C. Le vy
25 D. Davidson 26 J . Castello 27 S . Masoud 28 P. Cook
29 J . Bolitho 30 J . Moffat 31 C. Dureau 33 S . Kurth
34 J . Price 35 C. Fletcher 40 J . Joseph 43 R . Thomas
7 D. Gilby (VC )
8 F. Mohamme d
9 N. Waite 10 S . Wilson 11 A . Mclntyre 12 N. Harrison (C ) 13 D. Mayes 14 S . Jone s 15 K . Matter s 16 A . Temby 17 J . Stanley 18 T Doukas 19 S . Roberts 20 M . Fankhauser
21 M . Silberer 22 S . Ellis 23 J . Elliott
24 D. Kodo s 25 S . Lockwood
26 A . Byas s
27 S . Campe q 28 C Case y
29 T. Wyeth 30 B . Dolman 31 A . Campbel l 32 M. Doyle 33 R . Johnson 34 R . Davi s
35 T Chisholm 37 T. Gil l
! r
Coach: Michael Hazel l Asst. Coach: Michael Forer I R . Batten 2 B. Crowley 3 P. Norman (C ) 4 C . Hoga n 5 L . Kelly (C) 6 L . Peterso n 7 D . Kalogiannis 8 P. Dal e 9 T. Mailard 10 S. Toniazz o 11 H . Sing h 12 B. McCarthy 13 B. Farhne r 14 R. Mein 15 L. Phipps 16 M . Dempster 17 S . Curti s 18 R. Jordan 19 P. Dunn e 20 D. Lentini 21 S . Francis (VC) 22 C. Thompso n 23 T. Wilso n 24 J . Silk 25 T. Togi a 26 D. Fletcher 27 M . Fullman 28 D. Demaria 29 J . Morselta 30 K .. Batten
L1nder-19 - Section RED RAS
F C03 -h,! ny Mmogue
Coach : Harry Harison
1 P. Baranelt o 2 J. Quirk
9 D. Thomson 10 T Lee 11 M . Voghs
3 A. Hickey 4 D . Monforte
13 B. Tekm 14 J. Newman
• rd
15 S. Miller 16 R. Tremayne
9 S. Eduatti
17 P. Vog6s 18 B. Moran 19 C . LaRadoula
11 S. Kay 13 M. Dorazio 14 G . Croughan 15 T. Ahern
22 A. Benerichs 23 A. Stavretis
n = n
24 M. Meadows
28 M. Fitt 29 M. Coulston 30 P. Flor note
26 A. Georgakopoulos 27 S. Hoysted
., or
_av -story
31 P. Gallo 32 J . McDonald
33 P. Murch
'-' .-
34 35 36 37 38 40
•;rs _ tn
5 N . Baranello 6 R . Stafford 7 K. Adriaanse
20 B. Lapadoula ,
Coach: Ben Pilley
7 S . Mountain 8 AEccies
12 D. McColl
_ -1
10 S. Randall
16 J. Barry 17 N . Robin
40. J D ~_~
- - - E.K .47 11 43 A tx+- v 49 tt1
50 i.'I . . .. 51 rd. : go 52 J~,~ ~ 0~ ..
54 D 55 y ,
56 nC,_;
5-1 St ' 58 Rt 59 H y,
60 s . . . 61 w.riS' S M, w~
63 S~&-"r 64 E 8~ ~ M~,f~ 66 y01V y 67 J. kkA 68 s . s6an ..
69 0'Vk0d
Coach: Greg Fagan
2 J. Amore 3 S. Dun n 4 J. Tanner 5 N Gerd . y 6 F. Bertone . Williamson 8 T 10 L . Squarci 12 M . Williamson 13 P. Eckel 14 A . McAlindon 15 O. Hickey 17 B . SpBeri 18 H. Templeton 19 A : Smith 20 D. Chan 21 B. Whiting 22 G . Christopher 23 J. Heiniger 24 F. McGregor 25 R . Borg 26 B. Hughes 27 C . Hudson 28 N . Russell 30 M. Arutjunow 54 A. Cain
.. ' .-
3 S. Bombac i 4 J. Boyl e 5 A. Chiew 6 J. Chilcott 7 J. Cooke
8 K. Donato 9 J. Downie 10 C . Dullard ti S. Edwards 1 2 S. Greenwood
13 N . Had
17 G. Maroo n 18 K. Maghame z
22 J . Anderson
21 W. Murra y 22 G. Ozuse n 23 N . Q uick 24 J . Richardson 25 PA . Rogers 26 D. Russell 27 D. Ryan 28 B . Scot t 29 N.Shuttleworth 30 H. Topp 37 J. Violato
24 A . McKenzie 33 M . Lalor
E . Qdza M. Ramondetta A . Coulston J . Wolnize r M. Crooks P.losifidis
t R, Astudillo 2 K. Barns-Jenkins
19 P. Damico 20 J . Brogdon
42 S Roussidis 43 D. Seraicco 45 M . Makin 46 P. Naidos 50 T. Auste n
I I Cc.:ch : Bruce Armstrong S,2i Red Coach: Ian Leith 42 T Foe-ordet 43 J~aa
Coach : Tim Bell Asst Coach : Tony Dullar d Team Manager: Janiene Ha d Runner : Leo Dynes
14 D . Leicester 15 N . Leman 16 M. Louis-Gleeso n
18 M . Wright
4t A. Smith
T,. in
19 D . Mcphee
~--: E_9 ^- -
32 G. William s 33 R. Williams 34 J. Zieme r 35 M . Zika
Coach: Kevin Quinn I J Pn,€:ps 57 C. Peczets 2 H`°"",a` 58 T Bao-`~` 3 T. west 59 J . Ata 4 M, tmie 5e A. Sivester
s B. a,:nn 67 L Baddeiy 5 k- Mr "• an 7 1 T. 5 xaN 8 J Brabey ' 74 M. Bums 78 L o~~tt 9 L . Sp,,12 A. E- 79 C . Watson 13 J Pr,mme` a° B.a'a„ t5 S clank ts R. Monzei
17 K Onglay 9GMwk
2o M. Ha•nsD„ 21 M. Vammgei 22 S-Dahe 23 S B+srp 24 L Mcrosan 26 M. McPnee
Coach : James Sandma n 1 L. Conboy 3 R . Keena n 4 K . Helou 5 Y. Helou 6 M . Cannon 7 J . Muha r 8 A . Elmi 9 D. Allender 10 P. Tomkinson 12 A. Ferraro 13 C. Desousa 14 N. Somerton 15 B. Toze r
17 J. Webber
28 N Feel
18 G . Dore 19 M . Reynolds
30 M Gaun .~e t31pir~,
20 A. Merl
32 c. %sna n 33 D. a~ ~et
21 L . Harple y
34 JKa-
35 P Anqamo 3e J Ancersw,
F ~,
22 J. Mammoth 23 C. Ree s 24 C . Matto n
37 R, b
32 J . Coope r
19 D Barr 6,Iry 39 P. y 40 L. Brem,an
33 S. Harrison 38 K. Robe rtso n 44 A. Gentile
41 8 Sheppard
42 D. Temmu g 43 L . Smnh 44 D Arthurson 45 M Bence 46 P.GiJs
47 A. J48 P Kipblces 59 L Sm1h
-< : :,.
Major Sponsor :
~ P ~t
Werr ibee M azda
54 D Na n
56 D . Glenn
I . lnning Edge Presentation s
More surprise results came from this Round, which proved how little I know as my success rate dropped to an embarrassing 43%, which has slid m e down the tipster's tally . Review of Round 2 . Section 1 . With uncanny accuracy St Kevin's proved far too strong for Mazenod, who lost by sixty seven points . Prahran had another day out when they accounted for Mt Lilydale by seventy six points . A very accurate, Old Melburnians inflicted a rare home defeat on Old Brighton by forty six points . Old Scotch scored their second win with a victory over De La Salle by fifteen points . The lowest scoring game was that between Old Xaverians and University Blues, which Old Xaverians won by fifteen points . Section 2 . University Blacks confirmed their early leadership with victory by eighty six points over Marcellin . Collegians defeated Therry Penola by fifteen points to record their first win for 2005 . Old Essendon Grammarians defeated BeHill Sharks by thirty two points . The Sharks were well served by ruck man, Daniel Grant . Fitzroy Reds, who took an early lead over Monash Blues, were never in danger and eventually won by thirty three points . For the Reds ; Nick Auden, Matthew Bridges and Adrian Marcon were best . The highlight for Monash was the skyscraping mark hauled down by Simon Brown in the second quarter. Old Trinitv forfeited to Old Xaverians . Sect i o n 3 . Whitefriars took top spot from Old Scotch with a forty point victory at Donvale . 56
Cau1fie1d Grammarians scored a comfortable eighteen point win over ~;mmaus - S t
Leos . Fitzroy Reds scored over Old Geelong b y
the minimum margin . A draw and a one point loss in the first two matches cannot be good for Old Geelong supporters' hearts . North Old Boys showed fine form when they defeated Old Carey by forty points . Paul Mahoney and Scb Caruso did well for North . For Carey ; William McConnell, Dale James and Mark Elvins were best while Sam Cooke "twisted the game away"!! ! La Trobe University had the Bye . R â&#x20AC;˘el . . , tou gad 3 . Si- 2 12, St Kevin's will have to be in top form again if they are to defeat Prahran, whose multi pronged forward line provide s
Old Xaverians Hall 3 9 Prahran Cartlidge 4 8 Prahran 4 7 Howard St Kevins Crowley 5 7 9 1$(21 Old Essendon Cariss 4 9 Old Xaverians Green 0 8 Box Hill Sharks Viola 3 8 ~M Emmaus SL Landv 5 7 Caulfield Grammarians Brokman 5 6 Caulfield Grammarians Travis 5 5 Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
"`iltilxle routes to goal . Forwards win , a1 ;it ches
ic101,y number 3 . , ~t home, I select Mt Lilydale to defeat Old i",hton, although neither side has any In to recommend it . l,a Salle and Old Melburnians should â&#x20AC;&#x17E;â&#x20AC;&#x17E;n'ide an even contest at Albert Park . I not sure of the Old Melburnians talent so I will select De La Salle, who hav e a powerful combination for many ,,,asons . lSversity Blues have found winning jlusive in this section and today, they undefeated Old Scotch, who wil l ,i c,Ve very tough opposition, especially at c ;unberwell . Old Scotch are my selection . ],i the early match, last season's Grand Finalists meet at Central Reserve . Old ; ;werians have won twice whereas ,,1,, ; enod failed last round . I favour Old ~.: ;tvcrians, who are a talented team whose nlaN,~rs do enough to win especially when ti,,- going is tough . section 2 . 111areellin should open their winning count at the expense of Therry Penola, :iio lack the talent of previous seasons . C,,llegians should win their second ;nccessive match by defeating Old Trinity ,ct Albert Park . ()Id Xaverians can expect strong ,pposition from Box Hill Sharks, although ~itspect the greater fitness of th e Savcrians will see them prevail at Victoria i'~uk . ild Essendon Grammarians should make it three wins in succession by defeating %lonash Blues, who face a long trip to play and who this season have not started v:cll . I'he match of the day could well be that Iwiween leaders University Blacks and Fitzroy Reds . Although the Reds will giv e 'ood account of themselves, I suspect ill( overall strength of the Blacks will see lit iii take the points .
Section 3 . `Wither Old Scotch nor Emmaus - St Leos liu-e established a power base in the two n-u-ids played . To select the winner is liflic ult . Two things prompt me to select c l d Scotch . They are playing at home and in Simon Illingworth they have a reliable MATEUR
goal kicker . How good are Old Geelong? Will the talented Caulfield Grammarians play today? If Caulfield play as they did last week they should win . . . but consistency is not a hall mark of Caulfield . Old Geelong will be competitive but I select Caulfield Grammarians to wi n Fitzroy Reds play Old Carey, who showed glimpses of form last week . I favour the Reds to win because I suspect they will play out the eighty minutes of football better than Old Carey . Whitefriars should win again at Donvale over La Trobe University, who will be short of match practice . North Old Boys have the bye . Team Managers . I am ready to mention your highlights but I do need to know them . Please contact me by 6 p .m . Monday with your details . Telephone 9467 2857 or e mail nknugent@alphalink .com .a u
CLUB IS (1) St Kevins v Prahra n Mt Lilydale 0 C v Old Brighton Old Melburnians v De La Salle Old Scotch v University Blues Mazenod 0 C v Old Xaverians at 11 .10 a . m . Club IS (2) Marcellin v Therry Penola 0 B Collegians v Old Trinity Old Xaverians (2) v Box Hill Sharks Old Essendon Gr v Monash Blues University Blacks v"Fitzroy Red s Club 1 S (3 1 Old Scotch (2) v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Caulfield Gr v Old Geelong Fitzroy Reds (2) v Old Care y North Old Boys - bye Whitefriars v La Trobe Un i
f-11111119-al M82r•i;OD 2 .1 4 .6 5 8,9(57) 8T• 10.1 13.3 15 .7 .4 20.4 (124) Mfts: Fisher 2 Grenda 2 Hickey 2 Varney Jacobs. Best: Scasserra Quirk Harrington Jacobs Schiano Wylie. 6B:OB : Crowley 5 P Harvey-4 Conlan 2 D Dunn 2 Short 2 Horricks 2 Scarbo Kearns Macey . Best : McInerney A Kearns Game Crowley Salisbury P Harvey . IImp3tes: Gaven Had (F) ~~ 7.4 11 .7 17.9 22 .14 (1i8) UP 1dLYDALE 1 .0 3.5 5.5 8 .11 (59) Prahmn.- Cartlidge 4 Howard 4 Geri 4 Maughan 2 Davies 2 Macpherson Ivak T Belej Erickson Hilson . Best : Geri Burgess Kitchen Macpherson Green Maughan . 12t Lilydale: Details not received . Umpires: Brian Nunn (F) OLD BRIGHTON 0.4 1 .5 4.9 7 .11 (53) OLD MELBURNIANS 5 .0 10.1 12.3 18 .3 (99) Old an Liptrot 3 W Earl 2 McLachlan Caporn . Best : Handley G Earl O'Neill Steener S Davies W Earl . Old Melb : Hyde N Barret 3 Arden Theodoulus Wu 2 Officer Utting tVettenhall Alder . Best : Wettenhali Fawkner N Barrett J Tucker J Anderson . Umpires : Paul Rapke Joe Salvatore (F) DE LA BAId~ 2.3 7 .4 9 .8 12 .9 (81) OLD SCOTCH 5 .3 8.8 11.9 14 .12 (98) Details not received. IIm : Tony Burnes Steve Reddan (F ) OLD XAVERLANS 0.1 4 .4 8 .12 8.13 (81) UNIVERSITY BLLJE6 3 .4 5 .7 6.8 6.10 (46) Old Xiar. Hall 3 L Hardwick 2 Colman 2 King. Best : J Hardwick Perry Belli Calman McCarthy Rathgebec But Blues : Fulton 2 Marriott 2 Giles 4loylan . Best: Millar Movlan Marriott Eden Hopkins Robinson . Umpires: Bob O'Halloran Mark Thornhill (F) PLO 18 (2 ) IINIYERSTPY BLACKS 5 .3 9 .9 13 .12 17.1 (116) MARCZLLIN 1 .1 2 .3 3.4 44.6 (30) Bull Blacks : Wood 3 Ault 2 Portet 2 Bowles 2 Chandler 2 Wooley Murphy Scott Otsuka S Commodeur Henry . Best: Wood Thomson Bavles Portet Murphy Henty. Marc: S Mathews 2 M Mathews M Sy7nes . Best : P Symes M Svmes S Mathews R Galati. Umphrm- Rick Benson Frank Kavanagh (F) THERRY PEHOLA 2 .2 5.3 9 .6 10.9 (69) COLLEGIANS 4 .1 10.5 11 .8 12.12 (84) 29t Pen: Keenan 2 Stevens 2 Kenessy 2 Saunders Toner Matthews Murnane . Best : Kennon Murnane Kenessy Matthews Sunders Maresdic . CaB: Oakley 3 Frown 2 Grant 2 Leitchford McDonough Parkinson Pesa Treacy . Best : Frown Hains Parkinson Day Oldham McDonough . Umpires: Gerard Dowling Peter Kelly (F)
OLD T_'~ IITY OLD ~AVE12IA1 ;3 Old Trinity Forfeit U : Danny Carroll (F) BOX MLiSHARKS 3 .1 4 .4 6 .5 1018" OLD ESSENDON 6 .2 9.4 12.8 , 'IRA: Baker Viola 3 Kinsella 2 Cavell Pam e . Best: Grant 16-10(l Payne Baker Kinsella Price . Old Ess : Fraser 5 Carriss 4 Cram Nlipej,; H, Woerndle . Best : Overman Hughes Fraser Carris. Ltmg9- ~O„ a Foard Simon Fearless (F) FITZROY REDS 3.6 7.8 10.11 11 ) ffiONAS II BLUES 0 .2 3 .6 5 .10 6.16 (62 Fits Reds: Duncan 2!59aeKay 2 Cockshuti George Cr o .13 1 Marron Leske Buckley . Best: MacKay Coekshutt Buckley Foster . Mon Blues : Coughlin 4 Haines 2. Best : Tracy Coughlin PDunca L Woods Summons Blasch . Um ' : Simon Brooks Tom Windlau1 trl OLAB 18 (3) WHITEFRIIARS 3 .5 6.9 6.13 11 . OLD SCOTCH 0.1 0 .2 2 .2 6.15(61) .5 (41) White : Vernal 2 Elliot 2 Hogg Davies Tatterson Ward Hennessy Spittetri Welsch . Best : Andrews Atkinson Elliot Taylor Johnson Rvan . Old Scotch: Lacey 2 Lawrence 2 Hassehvood Don . Best : Iser Andrew, Don Multman Lawrence Newton . II : Tony Began (F) E IIB BT LEW 2.1 5 .5 8.7 11 .7 (73) CAULFYEL ) OR 4.0 5.2 8 .8 14.7 (91 ) Emmaus BL : Landy 5 Montgomery 2 McGloin 2 Tonkin P Manton . Be$4 Landy Cox Tonkin England Pearson Dixon . Caul: Travis Backman 5 Minter 3 Margerison 3 Townley Gelfand R Naderbaum . Best : Travts Bookman A Johnson R Naderbaum Minter Trent Backman Loetje . Umpires : Lindsay McIntyre Rheti Parker (F ) OLD GEELONG 1 .2 4 .4 7.6 7 .11 (53) OY REDS 1.3 3.4 6 .10 7.12 (54) Old C-ed: Southey Smith Grills 2 Timms Urquhart Hughes 2 . Best Hughes Grills Carey Green Timms Ross. Fitz Reds : Prior 2 Grimmett 2: Box Sava Everard . Best: Flanagan Jackson Grimett Vaughan Prior Vigilante . II : Joe Ciccotosto Trevor Hansen (F)
OLD CAREY 1 .1 4.2 7.3 9 .5 (59) NORTH OLD BOYS 4 .2 6.12 13 .16 15 .19 (109) Old Carey : McConnell 3 G Morgan White Wilkie Elvins Coo6Chiucharelli. Best: McConnell White Steer Elvins Leong Wilkie . NOB: Mahoney 3 O'Sullivan 3 M Connoly 2 Caruso A Morton Ronan Rocco Stephens M Tehan . Best: A Morton Mahoney O'Sullivan M Tehan Rocco Trimbo(i . Umpires: David Windlow (F) LA TROBE UNI HAS THE BYE
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, ( Lr ~ ` `_ ~, L' ~I°~
TQ d c_ ; -;JdT' DE,, 'yt" / '3905 "n-
Results of Investigations April 16th 2005 Player count held during the Old Brighton versus Old Scotch Club 18 match . Found Old Scotch had too many players on the ground . Club fined $100 .
Results of Tribunal Hearings - Wednesday April 27, 2005 Parrish James, Williamstown CYMS . Unduly rough play, 3 matches . *Nathan Wills, Oakleigh . Striking, 2 matches . *Maithew Meyer, Syndal Tally-Ho . Striking, 2 matches . *Ryan Vaughan, St . Marys . Striking, 2 matches . *Tim Parkes, Old Camberwell (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches . *Accepted Prescribed Penalt y
Player count held during the Bulleen-Templestowe v Fitzroy Reds reserve match . Found Fitzroy Reds had too many players on the ground . Club fined $100 as well as losing the 6 points scored while the extra player was on the ground .
:! K - ,K
K st of ($6I; smond off ($25) .' third o- ($50), fourth o- jS%t10J; each subsequmt offence ($100).
Reserves/G18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Nil Nil
Phoned incorrect scores - Round 2 NB: No fines will be issued for Rds 1 & 2 of the 2004 VAFA season .
Na me ~ d(- r, Harrison
- re
E: t l Sill Flower
uin 61-rtin ,rm Nugent
~a~rr Cameron i• n, \ - Hickey (' . ,,it N afion h< 1 rn Horn
CVu lt' r «'illiamson ?J
10 8 10 10 27 28 10
90 % 63 % 60% 60% 56% 54% 50%
5 2 1 4 4 7 3
5 4 5 5 13 14 5
9 5 6 6 15 15 5
2 4 3
5 5 5
4 4 3
10 10 10
40% 40% 30%
C .'!.," NGD : Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the gri d square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest Hotel Accommodation Package .
L . --LAL ball was in G3 . No winning entries. t, 'c s : Norman Elliott was correct in selecting B7 for Round 2 . Norman goes into the draw for the end of year prize. HOW TO E MM- One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fi ll in an d mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 . No Photocopies or faxed entri es. Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following c2a round . 62
2 RESEe:€/E
D For Agsi % Pi a
ii : : : ejt a~ ,
P,NOOD 2 2 0 0 238 66 360.61 8 ,~0NG 2 2 0 0 210 63 333 .33 8 8 2 2 0 0 166 94 176.60 a- UNI
: JE UNI 2 1 1 0 143 126 11349 4 2 1 1 0 136 139 97.84 4 : OC :.SSUMPTION 2 1 1 0 125 137 91 .24 4 LA 0 B 2 1 1 0 145 180 80.56 4 0 ,1 2 0 2 0 138 177 77 .97
re~P L D
i^. , .7
ORMOND 2 2 0 0 310 131 236 .64 MAZENOD 0 C 2 2 0 0 235 159 147 .80 PENINSULA 0 B 2 1 1 0 243 193 125 .91 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 1 1 0 180 166 108 .43 DE LA SALLE (2) 2 1 1 0 201 210 95 .71 SALESIAN SCORPIONS 2 1 1 0 234 250 93 .60 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 0 2 0 94 169 55 .62
OAKLEIGH CLAYS 2 0 2 0 137 356 38 .48 '.:-,TOWN CYMS 2 0 2 0 68 203 33 .50 0 0 2 0 2 0 58 242 23 .97
(g) ffiEf1 P W L D D3
8 8 4 4 4 4 0 0
For A
Pfs AQUINAS 0 C 2 2 0 0 340 56 607 .1 4 P W L D For A_w % .42 8 ; - E AMATEURS 2 2 0 0 228 82 278 .05 8 KEW 2 2 0 0 298 159 187 L 2 2 0 0 261 96 271 .88 8 RUPERTSW000 (2) 2 1 1 0 180 160 112 .50 4 '"LB DISTRICTS 2 2 0 0 147 132 111 .36 8 4 GRYPHONS 2 1 1 0 138 74 186 .49 4 ,. 3 0 C 2 1 1 0 168 100 168 .00
._3180085E 2 1 1 0 100 128 78.13
1 1 0 86 143 60.14 4 rPiI;'aWICK 2 2 0 2 0 122 175 69 .71 0 USE 2 0 2 0 77 212 36.32 0 .12 0 1 iy-HO 2 0 2 0 76 261 29
:K 2 2 0 0 254 78 325 .64 , :'.4TEURS 2 2 0 0 204 170 120 .00 ' :oNICK 2 1 1 0 163 67 243 .28 2 1 1 0 216 147 146 .94 2 1 1 0 191 157 121 .66 2 1 1 0 154 168 91 .67 2 1 1 0 72 88 81 .82 LEG' 'IS i11TH 2 1 1 0 47 136 34 .56 ;EPtTRAL 2 0 2 0 -22 268 -8 .21
-1 :111L -p
For A_Dst
8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 0
r Pts
2 2 0 0 72 55 130 .91 8 2 2 0 0 109 84 129 .76 8 155.77 4 2 1 1 0 243 156 2 1 1 0 228 161 141 .61 4
- BLUES 2 1 1 0 198 200 99.00 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 0
1 1 1 2
0 0 0 0
172 203 202 139
178 230 247 255
96 .63 4 88 .26 4 81 .78 4 54 .51 0
So Pis Uf: DE r: '~?) P W L D _ For AqsP 8 ': ELL 2 2 0 0 303 95 318 .95 2 2 K 2 1 2 2 ! Ell 2 1 ' 2 1 :3 2 2
2 2 2 2 2
7G 2 1 2 2 2 2
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 252 211 119 .43 8 4 1 0 309 172 179 .65 4 0 248 207 119 .81 1 0 197 172 114 .53 4 4 1 0 246 234 105 .13 0 213 210 101 .43 4 4 1 0 108 241 44 .81 2 0 131 275 4764 0 2 0 69 259 26.64 0
2 2 2 2 1
0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0
0 161 220 2 0 144 218 2 0 174 268 2 0 99 229 2 0 101 319
0 0 0 0 0
278 238 294 228 185
102 105 162 133 146
272 .55 226 .67 181 .48 171 .43 126 .71
8 8 8 8 4
73 .18 66 .06 64 .93 43 .23 31 .66
4 0 0 0 0
OLD SCOTCH 2 1 1 0 134 137 97 .81 4 FITZROY REDS 2 1 1 0 143 170 8412 4 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 2 1 1 0 88 135 65 .19 4 THERRY PENOLA 0 8 2 1 1 0 118 214 55 .14 4 OLD WESTBOURNE 2 1 1 0 22 194 11 .34 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 0 2 0 141 239 59 .00
9iiP 1$ il-
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
1 0 0 0
CL0 18 (gj
D Far
215 96 223 .96 252 117 215 .38 156 121 128 .93 199 152 130.92 157 157 100.00 157 159 98 .74 1 0 154 208 74 .04 2 0 107 137 78 .10 2 0 143 243 58 .85 2 0 68 218 31 .19
0 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 0 0 0 0
1 1 2 2 2 2
8 8 8 4 4 4 4 0 0 0
f Pts
206 221 181 149
60 73 85 105
343 .33 302 .74 212 .94 141 .90 0 143 154 92 .86 0 127 174 72 .99 0 103 157 65 .61 0 86 183 46.99 0 77 177 43.50 0 69 194 35.57
8 8 8 8 4 4 0 0 0 0
D Far Ags@
2 2 0 0 172 78 220 .51 2 1 0 1 186 136 136.76 2 1 1 0 108 94 114,89 2 1 1 0 101 104 97 .12
8 6 4 4
2 1 1 0 124 138 89 .86 4 2 1 1 0 128 164 78 .05 4 2 1 1 0 59 109 54 .13 4 2 1 1 0 13 67 19 .40 4 2 2 0 1 1 130 131 99 .24
Weel-and R,]aaches (Fri) Umpires ':E.peirtments Scores (Sat . night)
presented by
(ckcr ~ r,ia ~ hrcrrr lrom a mobit~ phan2 to this si?~vrce) t'------'~ ~ - .'------------------J 63
P W 1 D For A~st I
_ Pts
OLD HAILEYBURY 2 2 0 0 217 123 17642 MARCELLIN 2 2 0 0 176 134 131 .34 OLD XAVERIANS 2 1 1 0 214 151 141 .72 OLD SCOTCH 2 1 1 0 223 170 131 .18 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 1 1 0 197 167 117 .96 ST KEVINS 2 1 1 0 201 202 99.50 ST BERNARDS 2 1 1 0 170 172 98.84 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 1 1 0 208 239 87 .03 OLD TRINITY 2 0 2 0 105 206 50.97 COLLEGIANS 2 0 2 0 115 262 43.89 8 SECTION
1 D For
Aqs2 !
8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0
:>4 SEd',Tti>U
1 D For _AgsY _ %
2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
L D For Agst
L D For_ Agst I Pis
ORMOND 2 2 0 0 341 119 2&6.55 OLD CAREY 2 2 0 0 296 148 200 .00 FITZROY REDS 2 2 0 0 262 188 139 .36 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 2 2 0 0 260 215 120 .93 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 2 1 1 0 255 207 123 .19 AQUINAS 0 C 2 1 1 0 209 256 81 .64 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 0 2 0 220 267 82 .40 OLD MENTONIANS 2 0 2 0 172 266 64 .66 PRAHRAN 2 0 2 0 137 310 44.19 GLEN EIRA 2 0 2 0 129 305 42.30 I72 SECTION
8 8 8 8 4 4 0 0 0 0
L D For
8 8 8 8 4 4 0 0 0 0
For Ag __ p~ I
LD 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2
OLDIVANHOE 2 2 0 0 235 136 17219 8 OLD BRIGHTON 2 2 0 0 243 169 143 .79 8 MAZENOD 0 C 2 2 0 0 176 154 114.29 8 WHITEFRIARS 2 1 1 0 184 147 125 .17 4 DE LA SALLE 2 1 1 0 200 188 106.38 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 2 1 1 0 210 205 102.44 4 MHSOB 2 1 1 0 172 192 89.58 4 ST BEDES MENT TIG 2 0 2 0 142 212 66.98 0 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 0 2 0 139 218 63.76 0 CAULFIELD GR 2 0 2 0 124 204 60.78 0
HAMPTON ROVERS 2 2 0 0 274 122 224 .59 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 2 0 0 313 143 218.88 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 2 0 0 195 131 148 .85 BEAUMARIS 2 2 0 0 171 119 143.70 PARKDALE VULTURES 2 1 1 0 211 138 152.90 OLD PARADIANS 2 1 1 0 197 240 . 82.08 AJAX 2 0 2 0 185 226 ~ 81 .86 MONASH BLUES 2 0 2 0 133 184 72 .28 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 2 0 2 0 128 267 4794 BANYULE 2 0 2 0 106 343 30 .90
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
442 162 272,84 355 268 132,46 205 185 110.81 133 136 97 39 265 272 97 .43 99 118 83,90 237 300 79 .00 236 250 94 .40 141 422 33.4 1 pis
189 62 304 .84 224 127 17638 160 108 14815 118 109 108.26 151 160 94 .38 124 135 9185 156 194 80 .41 70 126 55.56 116 187 62 .03 69 169 40 .83
8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0
L D For Agst _f Pts
DE LA SALLE 2 2 0 0 327 57 573 68 8 OLD IVANHOE 2 2 0 0 189 77 245.45 8 MAZENOD 0 C 2 2 0 0 189 89 212.36 8 MHSOB 2 1 1 0 136 103 132 .04 4 ST BEDES MENT TIG 2 1 1 0 132 122 108 20 4 OLD BRIGHTON 2 1 1 0 149 174 85 .63 4 CAULFIELD GR 2 1 1 0 125 166 75 .30 4 OLD ESSENDON GR 2 0 2 0 118 241 48 .96 0 WHITEFRIARS 2 0 2 0 79 174 45 .40 0 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 0 2 0 33 274 12 .04 0 C
nP: .
--- P Of L
D For
A _
HAMPTON ROVERS 2 2 0 0 155 65 238 .46 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 2 0 0 214 95 225.26 8 BEAUMARIS 2 2 0 0 243 108 225 .00 8 OLD PARADIANS 2 1 1 0 138 109 126 .61 4 PARKDALE VULTURES 2 1 1 0 149 137 108 .76 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 1 1 0 110 104 105.77 4 AJAX 2 1 1 0 97 102 9510 4 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 2 0 2 0 96 188 51 .06 0 MONASH BLUES 2 0 2 0 106 256 42 .19 0 BANYULE 2 0 2 0 58 204 2843 0
A~st ~ Pts
OLD GEELONG 2 2 0 0 246 121 203.31 8 RUPERTSWOOD 2 2 0 0 265 149 177.85 8 LA TROBE UNI 2 2 0 0 261 159 16415 8 OAKLEIGH 2 2 0 0 297 188 157 .98 8 BENTLEIGH 2 1 1 0 245 266 92 .11 4 SALESIAN 0 C 2 1 1 0 179 208 86.06 4 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 2 0 2 0 178 249 71 .49 0 SWINBURNE UNI 2 0 2 0 139 211 65.88 0 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 0 2 0 130 234 55 .56 0 PENINSULA 0 B 2 0 2 0 133 288 46 .18 0
113 SECTION P W L D For Apt % Pts ST JOHNS 0 C 2 2 0 0 329 81 406.17 8 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2 2 0 0 297 140 212.14 8 OLD WESTBOURNE 2 2 0 0 236 159 148 .43 8 UHS-VU 2 1 1 0 197 197 100 .00 4 KEW 2 1 1 0 215 243 88.48 4 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 1 1 0 168 224 75 .00 4 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 2 1 1 0 159 287 55.40 4 MONASH GRYPHONS 2 0 2 0 191 218 87 .61 0 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2 0 2 0 183 251 72 .91 0 POWER HOUSE 2 0 2 0 89 264 33 .71 0
DI RESERVE PW 1 D For Agst%- Plc ORMOND 2 2 0 0 227 79 287 .34 8 OLD CAREY 2 2 0 0 181 120 150 .83 8 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 2 2 0 0 204 148 137 .84 8 FITZROY REDS 2 1 1 0 209 110 190 .00 PRAHRAN 2 1 1 0 130 131 99.24 OLD MENTONIANS 2 1 1 0 146 168 86 .90 AQUINAS 0 C 2 1 1 0 103 193 53.37 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 2 0 2 0 142 191 74 .35 GLEN EIRA 2 0 2 0 86 1 68 51 .19 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 0 2 0 101 221 45 .70 'I goal deleted after player count
4 4 4 4 0 0 0
---,_ A --- 9
presented Weekend F 12, :'Ches (Fri) ® Umpires Appointments ~~~~:~ , I ; sPOa~rsc$o~~R e Sco r es ( Sat . night) V~A
1 (cletr rr~tx hroher from a mobile phone to this service) t'----"- '1--°----------"---- J 64 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
ou dly