~e ultimate performance' I
, _:SJ5~s Pty Ltd 616 Somerville Road Sunshine 302 0 Telephone : (03) 9311 1122 (www .azuma .net.au)
ri f:is boak
ootballs ~o
i1~j~food af~ ontbdY descrlbed. The Forgo hlaver h. all c} ivorn eR nas crnrrv- rhird ub and th b th e
:l .s r,n . H1rd, to e rock h -~J~es . ' .c s"relxolv the bloke ~ d ett , re - -, i}n n th e Ti In
their wo°~eterPartsr„ 1
th}n l
`A Could r~~ ~~Yrtu~y d0n t ,ririi Le comp ea}~ ~ receive all a Well attest, recognition ceive the facets o g} deserve as th e A ,<'cuoII as Zer cem e ha ve female our f . a so a their u,or rnuch o u}on1being Thcg pegular sPoti~ beh . F{` ra~cs ~i IS done f.R wsr, Villlazristo~lub preside~ent of th e keep rnd the W t as~1 C IV" rng L,f i lC -C things srckres, ~S tivhi}es (JennY Davina 4strumental ng th e fut, t Il'r rtior~1 (%If APianning and start up of ~a t Calhaem
Of Uccessf ulsays ic,t; l t g Old txav ~ presidentDo~naj g thet ub a ~o C}ors s a t ciu or 1 G7rr e ror certainiy girifr 'ends . the nvo yat P}aces aris and s retaries th~ ° all 1 ril cl ,on .R°ve~ Australr s . Womeement of muP}aYers to 6 mor e am°ng others) JennY Voss na d s~'omen rs,~,{s <, ns , f g are ther g me anauares toatba}I ciu involved in ' medical s at 1'1f W • d true an ih"-r vrn a , e h u . of gOpd k b ~d a fo eqer3'thin t~f s of Pro bicrethelessglmnor otbailerttek . g tha t r~lty:cioirs~ r)C. ,r~e l ieid~ beha rf,r t.,r,f.71in ?etC ~oriotthe ~al o/vemente edhforo pS: e the m br~0n~ With th abOUtf tn the n2ean ~ c}othes, t h e locker r0o s cantee bfOSter the inv n e he garne s both on and off t:5t r rch tai bet ease, women dish~g rn out hoonery an d envrronrne by eat 'n olvemen t ;:?t, rrr are ve alcohol .rrY n ~r{ of hot dogs. nt throu g a ver i; the V91 of women i n part ez is Aresiden~of ry much we have ln a sensibi~h thingsYi} Qrnale friedl of
A s an,rlotz e South Ale , ttEStrhe I~A In ootvQd
e I U'stncts urn hi Uirt~atrzen ~e ultj 'veil Slotted and aur Utbr a~tj ZnvolveQ. the role afte all ~
~t corn Pet~ons,o.f taskS°rmin g , ., . ' fri~er a cnM : ; her .. ._ tim .., .
Provided not lost th manner, b ke cOntrolli y ~~ ~YOU d~n tm~le PI~Yf~~terna} eleme~ doing so
or tend
ave to run
she says that ishave
influence a ~.a t ° i~r nhe hamu i niller nu s and the n Va Pt
dishe rnissed a s A fOptball, was a kid order t o
suc h s
red to b . sons . " p'°Qepe Wonie-` n on "1"11 1107,
m are be . Positions World", ;t.yj 3 ) ,erya#, onshe says . mg accePted jrr 1 bh~ve ivom e More m~6` cOminon are better er - sense than q ~ S °• A A i
or lurk ~eradvice ag/~oame 1 PlaYed reck0nymng MUM an struct 01 as her up~o!°cal }Q rshed the ,t3 club any Ljk, TO ~~ e rne If] brernterest w~ea 1o~'Pr olile anY Yet second and Pare grldown here to none Your ularl ien d
and heeam gets u mums of t~ secret ad er
sgeth -You rJn$agetVAF it onePbeY/mangets 1 hop e tb8a Florn A0thers, paY ® kend u.eea kick
Nope, it was never really in doubt at Toorak Park as Xavs careered away to a 45 point win . It's the first time I've seen the red and blacks for a while and all the typical Xavs ingredients were there : lots of drive from disciplined and attacking half backs, plenty of solid bodies around the ball and a sustained burst of goals that ultimately sealed the win . They play that way from Year Seven at school and the ten goal third quarter naile d
Bernies while defender/wingman Brett Trollope got the plaudits at Old Haileybury, wh o
were down by seven goals halfway through the final term and went in without key playmaker Paul Corrigan . In the others, Marcellin were far too strong for Collegians . Admittedly, the Lions are bloodin g
a lot of young players who will take a while to adjust the SKOBs . " . . .att the typical Xavs to the tempo of A Grade . Travis Ruyg (back from ingredients were there : lots of OR3s pushed the Blues the unbridled hoon fest of drive from disciplined and hard but the class of the the West Londo n Wildcats), Nathan attacking hatf backs, plenty Students saw them over Bingham (who is a lovely of solid bodies around the the line with George De . kick) and Simon Lethlean ball and a sustained burst of Crespigny bagging five (relishing more defensive goals that ultimately sealed And, as expected, Scotch defeated Trinity, though roles as he gets older) all the win . " the OTs put up a mighty played well . SKOBs were fight with Andy Cultrera pretty ordinary to be returning to form with six and Andrew honest, though Tim Duggan and Tom Ramsden dominating the ruck. Simpson battled hard and Steve McKee may be the most laconic player in the comp but he has perfected the move of strolling out from FF, sticking out the big mitts, plucking thee ball out, lighting a smoke, casually ambling in and kicking a goal on the left, before jogging back to his mark with an air of indifference . Interestingly, almost every team that SKOBs play this year are coming off a game against Collegians . No disrespect to the Lions, but the St Kevin's boys would probably want their opponents softened up a little by the Marcellins and Xavs of this world . g uick Draw McGraw
Every kid dreams about it . Nailing the winning goal with the last kick of the game . St Bernards' Troy Legudi had the chance but his shot narrowly missed and Haileybury and the Bernies finished on a level pegging . First gamer Andrew Gill was best for the
CLUB A SECTION Old Scotch St . Kevins
Gertsman 4 15 5 15 McKee
Old Haileybury
B . O'Farrell 2 13
University Blues
De Crespigney 5 11 Cullinan 5 1 0
Marcellin A RESERVE Old Haileybury Old Xaverians
Efstathiou 4 15
Old Melburnians
Hawkins 0 8 7 Beaurepaire 0
Old Scotch
Green 3 9
> fstathi Who ?
,I in should know him by now . The bigges t it amateur football, indeed the bigges t in Gown, Chris Efstathiou, is back firin g lid T-faileybury's reserves, with a string o f 1,~s. My most vivid footballing memory i s I pi :r; ing on him one Friday afternoon a t nlii~_1d Grammar, having him pick me u p I t i1rrnv me approximately 90 metres across i t, r i. rcudering me more or less useless fo r 1 oC the year . Although predominantly a l)lxr . he did play a pivotal role i n it %'s last crack at an A Grade fl ag in ivcn that they're a red-hot chance thi s â&#x20AC;&#x17E;tT(i Nicco pull out a smoky an d 11 1, . gargantuan one as the winter ipproaeh and the footy gets slower ? 1 ic ni :i ;oos, last year's glamour tea m It,nm : ; . t~'iii Blues were unstoppable i n t~u(cc-ive losses to OMs and Old how, even in reserves footy , t 1 , ing as a good thing . )ughts on toda y ~. . V
~C~,1t[Ili~)rns, Xavs on the Un i Iciest battle of all, S t i~ot,~ : of horrors an d
.t-,iathan Hor n iti , , ,
i .tt1 ~-
! 11 f rl'ONE S Quinto n ("ni v er5itp l ;lucs (IlrrS ( ,u . . 50 (tixntcs : : ~Vic~-luh . ~ .1uSnt~~u , tin :l1
A SECTION OLD IIAB.EYBURY 3 .8 5.10 11 .14 14.16 (100) ST BERNARDS 3 .1 10 .5 15.8 15.10 (100) Old Hail : S Langtord-Jones 3 Bourke 2 O'Farrell 2 Ford 2 Mason 2 Siapantas Mohammad M Armstrong. Best: Trollope S Langford-Jones Waite Barker Jenke Mason. St Bern: Goullet 3 Cheep 2 Legudi 2 Liberatore 2 N Mitchell 2 Potter 2 Madden Roach . Best: McLaughlin Gi ll Goutlet T Wilkinson Madden Cheep. Umpires: Wacne Hinton Mark Gibson (F) AIR Stokes Peter Teasdale (B) Travis Storti ~'in Vescovi (G ) MARCELLIN 6.1 9.6 17.9 19 .14 (128) COLLEGIANS 1 .2 3 .2 7 .5 8.8 (56) Marc : Cullman 5 O'Donnell 3 S Considine 2 A Papatuca 2 Rice Addison Carmody McMillan Johnston L Considine Mactaren . Best : Woods L Considine A Papaluca Waters M Bortolotto Caltiuuyt Coll : Taft 2 Roberson Rowston Roach Wicks BlumCietd Fry . Best : Lockett Dixon Huniphrey Taft Roach Hoist , Umpires : Leah Gallagher Peter Liddell (F) Michael Saunders Andrew Errmgton (B) Chris Doyle Daniel Kofoed (G) OLD RA4ER1ANS 4 .9 6.14 16 .16 19.20 (134) ST Ti E VINS 1 .0 4.6 8.8 13 .t 1(89) Old Xav: Pasceri 4 Rush 2 Letluean 2 Agtus 2 Chatfield 2 Colbert Ruyg Beardsley Sapuppo Scanlon Bingham Beetham . Best: Ruvg Beardsley Bingham Beetharn Pasceri Lethlean. SKOB: McKee 5 Lucas 3 Pope 2 Greeviam Lynch Sttamion. Best: Duggan Garlick Simpson Mahoney Gree )ram Ganev . Umpires: Richard Eastwrood Jamie Kvins (F) Chris O'Shea Adam Rodgers (B) Bernie Jephson Michael ODoimell(G ) OLD ASELBURNIANS 4 .4 4 .7 10 .12 10.14 (74) UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .0 11.4 13.4 19.6 (120) Old Melb: Jo. Miller 2 Ja . Beaumont Je . Beaumont Daily, Mulquiurey Harvey Hawkuvs Studham wilson. Best: Roberts Daffy Jo. Miller Hotme Ja . Beaumont Ja. Miller. Uni Blues : QeCrespigny 5 Scambler 3 Torney 2 Wilkie 2 Rigby North Gleeson Ryan Kordick Clarke Scilly . Best : Sully Steele DeCrespigny Ryan Scanibter Hayter . Umpires : Rob Mayston Peter James (F) Rob Mavston Jnr Peter MonotO (B) Ban2et Scully Bernie Hoare (G ) OLD T'RINrrY 6 .2 7.5 10.7 13 .7 (85) OLD SCOTCH 6.0 10.5 10.8 15.15 (105) Old Trfn : Cultrera 6 J Healy 3 Dann S Kennedy Medland A Ramsden . Best: A Ram_=den Cultrera Beardsley Brown S Amore Reynolds Old Sc : Gersmian 4 Snaddon 3 Collins 2 McKenzie-McHarg 2 Kitchen Leitt Lorenzini B Philips . Best: Tallent B Phillips Beranger Snaddon Collins Pugsley . Umpires: Tim Sutcliffe Simon Stokes (F) Matt Jerilchison Cameron Hayes (B) Andrew Esposito Dominic Napoli (G) A RESERVE OLD HAII .""BURY 1 .3 3 .6 6.7 10 .10 (70) 4 .2 4 .4 9 .7 12.8 (80) SrBERNf. . .! 5 O :d 11 M. Ihiou I Dares Bell Salter J McLauchlan White 'Malden . mstrong Saunders Floyd Thurmond Bell . Pearson 3 N Smith 2 Thomas Harris tanti<vzo . ware N Saudi Mizieniez Andrews. 0.2 1 .2 4.5 4 .6 (30) 2.1 6.4 7.5 8 .9 (57) 12.8 14 .9 (93) 2 .3 6.5(41 ) ell 2 Rusk O'Mara ht Walsh . anion Ginnavin Hulett . Gullifer Holland
A SECTIO N ., . , . . . .
.~ , . . . ., . . .
3 .1 6 .4 7 .7 10.8 (68) 1 ! 1 .6 1 .7 4.8(32 ) o Byrne Tsiotras. Best: Russo Marson l' i ; ttlvcs : Heinz 3 . Albanis. Best: wood Fishle v
. .,~ .~ .
at Sportst ;ovei Arrnu, 96 .5 Inrner F Nt ii
3.0 3.2 4 .4 4.7(311 3 .3 7 .4 10 .7 12.8 (80) ro S t'anDervenne. Best: Petdro M Burgess 'af C . Old Scotch : Carroll 5 Smith 3 C Phillips. Best: Josephs Teasdale C
A Section COLLEGIAN Coach : Pat Hawkins Res: Damien Phillips 1 2 3 4 5
J . Dixon VC M . Johnson B. MooneyY A. Shinkfield R. Henebery
6 N . Baxter
6 S. Woolley 7 S . Taft 7 J . Farley 8 C . Unsworth Capt 9 J . Fry 10 J . Jorgensen 11 C. Weekes 12 N. Harrison Capt
13 M . Parrent 14 J. Ashman 15 C . Hoist 16 A. Baxter 17 J. Heritage 17 D . Phillips
18 D . Barbe r 19 C . Davidson
20 M . Hoiles 21 C. Harris VC 22 N. Lockett
23 C. Mollard 24 E. Waters 25 R . Muir 26 P. Krotiri s 27 G . Rowston 28 B . Couch 28 D . Browning 29 N . Burrows 30 L. Moon 31 N. Roach 32 C. Blumfield VC 33 B. Hoist
34 D. McCaughan 35 L . Nesbit 36 M. Roberson 37 S. Humphry 38 A. Fabri s 39 D . Cannizzo 40 D . Strachan 41 B . Duff 42 T. Sank 43 E . Malone
44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Stone 46 J . Cooke
1 B. Dobson 2 J . Rice 3 D . Waters 4 J . Frazer 5 D. Johnsto n 6 G . Romani n 7 S. Maguire 8 R . Frisina 9 L . Considine 10 D . Cullinan 11 N . Addison 12 B . O'Donnell 13 C . Woods 14 A .Layton 15 J . Bortolotto 16 L. McMillan 17 G . Cox (C) 18 D . Gartner 19 A. Papaluca 20 M. Hermans 21 N . Walker 22 D . Marson 23 M . Leffanue 24 L. O'Flynn 25 R. Galati 26 D. McMlllan 27 S. Theisz 28 B. Carmody 30 S. Considine 31 M. Bortolotto
53 R . taconis
62 M . McCartin 63 C . Pezzimenti 70 D . Cracknell
58 N . Bobeff
59 A . Wright - Smith 60 D. Mutton
61 E. Healey 62 O . Howard 63 A. Kenneally
68 M . Gromotga 70 D . Slatyer 76 B .Hege
~ OtIt1tY~' (.1111)
OLD MELRURN{ANS Coach : Dean Rice Res Coach : Fab Gatti
47 R. Mitchell 48 G. Chi{tperfield 49 L Pitcher 51 H. McLauchlan 52 C. Ferguson 53 M. Levy yt AVilohns 56 D . ~~ 57 A Kight 58 A. Baker 59 N. Gibson 62 G. White
63 S. Pickering
1 T Cudnpp 2 Ja Beaumont
3 M . eill g H. Lace y 5 R. Muiqwney 6 D. Holn,e
7 H. Turner 8 Je Beaunwnt 9 0. Hamson 10 T. Roberts 11 R . Ferraro 12 0. Webb
H R1® D J
Res Coach: Serge D'Arge•s.> Asst Coach: Ray Beat, , 1 7. eeranqer ICt 2 B. :(VC)
a S. oe.~k 9 A.Pugsk.r y 10 C . Snuth it 7 Bull 12 S. Hum e 13 A. Nettleton 14 C. McKenne- racHarg 15 S . Catans
13 E . wiison
14 A . VoY a8e 15 i . we r
1e J . Byrne
16 B . eatrou 17 7 wg eyy Y cj 1a t_ Hawkins
17 Ja Miller 1a T. Fitzgerald
19 R. .wseph s 20 S. Troa~
e 21 C 22 0 . Crane
19 E . Studham 2
0 21 J. M . tHicks 22 J. Dixon 23 pJ . Berry 24 U. Hawkins
24 D Brooke 25 M. Saunders 26 T Down,n g 27 L Dzme's~ u
25 H . Whitehead 26 C . Kennedy
28 A. Quailn 29 M. Gra
30 7. FlrrocBuar o 31 N . Ledl 32 J. Gerstman
27 P. Oman
28 M. Monson 29 M. Pro'ase 3o Jo Miller 31 J . Berry 32 E Syib
d 33 E .. Re Pttraps
y 33 J Magee 34 P. Toll 35 C. Ra y 36 T. Costelioo-Mann~rg 37 J. Grant
3a L . Bunn 39 40 41 42 43
J. Tucker H . O'Brien J . Ray A . Waddel l A . Wu
44 E . Farauharson 45 J . Mitchell 46 C. Neesoq
47 D. Marks 4 . r Jenkin 8 49 C . Ts,~ot s as 50 A. Panndex 51 M. Kennon 52 J. Anderson 53 D . osnrond
34 C 35 P. o'Ca„ror
36 J. Sutct>ye
37 . JCarro t ``+8 T Poa n 39 S. Graham 40 T. Aurei Sna N
41 tv. Lcwns 42 T. Booted 43 p~ ~~ ~ 45 R Teases',
46 J. Beaurepaire 47 T Hosk,g 48 S . D+rrnares q
49 B. Snaddon
50 M . waG:wn 51 L . Freenwn 52 o Krx9te ~ Sym' i ~ 5 4 1~y' A S`ar'w
55 s. Dpasqua k 56 T. D:spasquale 57 J .orarw
54 M. Barre n 55 C . Theadoulou 56 J . Tucker 57 W . McDonald 58 A . Protvse 59 W. Wharton
60 A. Genrs 61 D. Woodford 62 T. Harrison
58 A. Grant 59 tv. Erroll 6e J . Sheldon 61 A . IN SutheAand 62 M. Graham 63 1 Gallia 64 S . Lorenzen~ 65 M" Moran 5s A Pearce
67 S. L ;11-y
68 M . Bes t 70 J . Russo 71 T. Butter 72 C . Atder 73 N . Russell
68 L Ked c 69 S. HoskuW 70 J . M~ha7 71 M . A~r~er 72 B Snwi h 73 M G~!e n 74 D Con'qa t 75 C Dubw 76 J. Nicdess 77 7 Page 78 N . Smon 79 G. Junkeer
75 s . Goo:ey 76 E . Mitchell
82 B . RHnmuth
63 R. Manhews 64 N, Daffy 6$ P. Grundy
66 N. Peters
eo N . stubna 81 N . Coaman
74 N . Lawier 77 S . Haran
~ A. ve~mura
78 V . Bach
79 E . Baker 60 C. Brett-YOUrg 81 A. Ray 82 D. Emerso n 83 R. GaibraRh 84 L Gold
~ B. Game r ti 68 A . Kauye
as R, Craven 86 S.Amge r 87 M . Snow 88 D . Sear 89 T. Fra~r 90 j ; Fayman 92 J . S~Rmn 93 C . 94 S'
95 N . " . ~smrn
89 W. Kiel 90 W. Landate 91 A . Manahan
96 A . ;. - ln 97 J.Sn . y 98 N. Than 99 A. Bun 100 D. Glen
92 D. Miller 93 W- Peron
94 S . Radywanik
proudly sponsored by :
Coach: Dale Tapp rg Asst Coach : Andrew ~~
4 Qj .t (VC) (VC) c_. g J 7 a:. Kitchen
Q ,4o R t•. ~•-~
19 M . Armstrong 20 M . Fankhauser 21 A Janke YL D. Mason 23 M. Seccup 24 B. TrotYape (DVC) 25 S. Rowlands 26 J. Bell 27 B. Johnston 28 S. Goldsworthy 29 B . Carson
46 B. Crawford
56 M . Stefanidaki s 57 D. Williamson
66 J. Adgemi s 67 A . Ni ch o ls
18 D . ThUm~d
31 D. Lay 32 B. Mild 33 S. Walden 34 P.Largford-Jones 35 T. Chis w m 35 D . Lappage 36 L McPherson 37 D. Brown 38 L Floyd 39 S . Rode 41 S. Saunders 42 J. Mueller 43 D . Salter 44 J. McLauchlan 45 M. DovAing
59 R. Conte
65 A. Smith
7 M. Corrigatl 8 F. Mohammad 9 M . Barker (DVC) 10 C. Efstathiou 11 A. McIntyre 12 B. O'Farrell 13 B. Waite 14 S. Jones 15 D. Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donnell 17 K Ford (VC)
34 D . Jarred (VC) 37 C. Maclaren 39 B . Colville 40 C. Purcel l 41 J . Seabury 42 G . Petroff 43 J. Pascuzzi 44 L . Hansen 45 D . Theisz 46 A. McGree 52 A. Rivstovski
50 M. Rice 51 B. Shadbott
64 N .Crai 9
6 W. Smith
30 D. WarroS
54 J . Forbes 55 J . Wallis 57 B . Wignell
54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes Res Capt
1 C. Horne 2 S. Davey 3 P. Co aJan (C) 4 S. LangtordJones (DVC) 5 J. Bourke 6 L Sapan as
33 F. DOrbolO
47 Z . Moon 48 B. Low 49 M . Rose 52 M. Naylor 53 T. Rutherford
Coach : Vaughan Cleary Coach : Peter Nicholson Res Coach : Trent Collins R es . Coach : Andrew Bonwick
101 A Catch~ave
02 D. Fazieden 103 C. Love i~ o: .~ton 105 R . Hooke
OLD TF ,iIY r L .'rMAR1A~S C ,_C, -hes: Leigh Car lson t, P~m Gaut Fes Coach : Dale Bower Club 18 Coach: Ed Best L P . ynolds ,Na!~ h 7 E-r rsrts j Petdro
T %i~a DerVenne
Coach : Simon Madden Coach : Barry Richardson Res Coach: Anthony Bourke Res Coach : Darren Handle y 1 A. Fox 2 C . Santatucia 3 J. Pascer i 4 Ja McDonnell 5 D . Rush 6 A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlean 8 A. McDonald 9 A. Cox 10 M. Beardsley 11 L . Howard 12 A. Bowen 13 T. Ruyg 14 J. Agius 15 L . Ford (Capt) 16 S. Mollard 17 A. Chatfield (V.C.) 18 M. Scanlan 19 D . Walsh 20 J. Scanlan 21 S McCarthy 21 T. Purs s 22 T. Ockleshaw (V.C .) 22 M, Rush 23 S. Johnston 24 C . Purss 25 R . Carey 26 N . Serafmi 27 P R :a n Je 1 .- Donnell C e_-_ .rram
1 C . Keunen 2 B. Garth 3 C . Goullet 4 D . Ballari n 5 C . Liberatore 6 M. Harrison 7 S. Clarke 7R S. Perrett 8 J . Evans 9 M. Kavanagh 10 N . Mitchell 11 C . Davi s 12 B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell 14 B. Ryan
15 T. Wilkinson 16 D. Blun t 17 C . Potte r 18 D . O'Connor 19 A. Mitchell 20 D . Evans 21 B. Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson 23 L. Wilkinson 24 D . Roac h 25 D . McLaughlin (C) 26 A. Smith 27 J . Hughes 28 P. Holland 29 L. Spinner 30 M. Stapleton 31 G . Campbell 32 T. Harvey 32R J . Harvey 33 N . Smit h 34 D . Byrne 35 Tate Pearson 36 A. Marian 37 A. Catteralt 38 S.tannazzo ,39 M.Junc ay 40 J- M an S. Moth' is
Coach: Dave Murray Asst. Coach : Tony Miller Res. Coach : Rob Gross 1 N . Pope 2 M. Mulgrew 3 S. Garlic k 4 L . Mahoney (c) 5 M. Dollman 6 0 . Mahoney 7 J. Travaglia 8 T. McCann 9 B. Fields 10 M. Lucas (dvc) 11 T. Dugga n 12 S. McKee 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 W. Guilde r 16 B. Garvey (dvc) 17 D. Ryan
18 R . Chard 19 D. Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R . Maguire 22 J. Mount 23 T. Simpson (vc) 24 A. Lync h 25 D . Manton 26 C. Taylor 27 T.OTool e 28 M. Giansiracusa 29 C. Underwood 30 N. Dowlin g 31 W. Keenan 32 S. O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 34 N. Parrett 35 J . Dempsey 36 P. Mount 37 M . Shannon 38 J . O'Brien 39 M . Dwyer 40 L. Kalesaran 41 M . Drinkwater 42 S. Moun t 43 A. DeKretse r 44 John-Paul . Mount 45 A. Smith 46 L. Guilder 48 A. Conlan 50 R. Horrocks 51 D. Bare 52 0. Mount 53 B. Hughes 54 G . Holland 56 D. Walsh 57 J. Listo n 58 L. Giansiracusa 59 P. Aughton 60 S, O'Connor 61 R. Catdow A. .!a ours C . Lc-as
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : John Kanis Res Coach : Joe Sturrock 1 P. Butko 2 T. Hutchins 3 J. Sturrock 4 D. Guengerich 5 J. Tanner 6 M . Rigby 7 R. Young 8 J. Hayte r 9 A. Lowcock 10 R. Martin 11 L. Nort h 12 Q . Gleason 13 T. Foster 14 A. Henderson 15 L. Ryan
16 M . Kordic k 17 G . De Crespigny 18 N. Anderso n 19 M .Torney 20 M . Coleman 21 C. Notman 22 B. Millard 23 T. Wilcox 24 S . Russell 25 A. Solly
26 J . Scambler 27 R. Wilkie 28 M . Thomas 29 A. Terril l 30 T. Muhlebac h 31 M . Shaughnessy 32 M . Paterso n 33 B . Gate s 34 T. McKinnon 35 J . McKay 36 R. Minns 37 J . Robbins 38 C. Bradley 39 D. Heinz 40 C. Brookes 41 L. Qui n
42 S . Fletche r 43 N . Shuttleworth 44 J . Wood
45 B . Waters 46 H . Rankin 47 A . Millar 48 L. Fishly 49 P. Steele 50 H . Nailo n 51 N . Vanderbosh 52 P. Marriott 53 J . Westmore 54 A . Waxman 55 B . Gin 56 T. Rankin 57 T. Irvine 58 J . Albani s 59 B . Hutchinson 60 D. Strac k 61 J . Ritchie 62 C. Ross 63 P. Eden 64 D. McPhail 65 E . Clarke 66 L. Woodhouse 67 D. McAloon 68 J . McKerrow 69 G. Muir 70 J . Meade 71 P. Marshall 72 D . Gavara-Nanu 73 C . Hopkin s 74 H . Munro 75 J. Moylan 77 J. McQuillan 86 D . Bannister
Old Haileybury v St Kevins Marcellin v University Blue s Old Xaverians v Old Melburnians Old Trinity v Collegian s
Old Scotch v St Bernards - 96 .5 Innner FM B SECTION De La Salle v Old Ivanhoe - Spo rt scover Arena, Sunday
Old Brighton v MHSOB Mazenod 0 C v Whitefriar s Old Essendon Gr v Caulfield Gr - Sportscover Arena . Saturday North Old Boys v St Bedes Mentone Tiger s C SECTION Monash Blues v Banyule Therry Penola 0 B v Parkdale Vultures Old Camberwell v Hampton Rovers University Blacks v AJA X
Beaumaris v Old Paradian s D1 SECTIO N Glen Eira v Fitzrov Reds Ormond v Bulleen Templestowe Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Mentonians Aquinas 0 C v Yarra Valley 0 B
Old Carey v Prahran D2 SECTIO N
Rupertswood v Swinburne Uni Old Geelong v Salesian 0 C Oakleigh v La Trobe Uni Williamstown CYMS v Ivanhoe Assumption Bentleigh v Peninsula 0 B D3 SECTION West Brunswick v Kew South Melbourne Districts v Werribee Amateurs UHS-VU v Old Westbourne - switched from original draw St Johns 0 C v Syndal Tally-Ho Power House v Monash Gryphon s D4 SECTION
Box Hill North v Bulleen Cobra s Eltham Collegians v Hawthorn Amateurs Eisternwick v North Brunswick Richmond Central - Bye
Albert Park v St Marys
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Kevins v De La Salle Collegians v University Blues Marceilin v Old Scotc h Old Brighton - Bye Old Xaverians v St Bernard s UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Banvule Viewbank v Rupertswood Caulfield Or v Old Essendon Or Old Melburnians v Beaumaris Whitefriars v Old Trinity
Old Carey v Old Camberwel l UNDER-19 SECTION 3
La Trobe Uni v Old Paradians Old Ivanhoe v Monash Blues St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Bentleigh MHSOB v AJAX
University Blacks v Oakleigh UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Salesian Scorpions v Oakleigh Clays Old Hailevburv v Mazenod 0 C - Oval 2 McKinnon Reserve Hampton Rovers v Ormond Peninsula 0 B v De La Salle (2 ) UNDER-19 (2) RED â&#x20AC;˘ Old Scotch v Therry Penola 0 B Kew v Rupertswood (2) Aquinas 0 C - Bye Bulleen Templestowe v Old Westbourne Fitzroy Reds v Emmaus St Leos 0 C - at Punt Road Oval, Richmond CLUB 18 (1 )
St Kevins v De La Salle Mt Lilydale 0 C v University Blues - TBA Old Melburnians v Old Scotc h
Mazenod 0 C v Old Brighton Prahran v Old Xaverians - switched fr om original draw CLUB 18 (2)
Marcellin v Box Hill Sharks Collegians v Monash Blues Old Xaverians (2) v Old Essendon Or University Blacks v Old Trinit y Fitzroy Reds v Therry Penola 0 B - at Punt Road Oval, Richmond CLUB 18 (3)
Old Scotch (2) v Old Carey Caulfield Or - Bye Fitzroy Reds (2) v North Old Boys - at Ramsden Street Oval, Clifton Hill Whitefriars v Old Geelong La Trobe Uni v Emmaus St Leos 0 C
•~'..'~5t f';f-'_'11'3 e _ c, = l
, , news _.nc ! . . .,JwNG" . 't< .Cr_>
Credit where credit is due and NOBS certainly surprised the pundits with a convincing win over the Grammar Boys to win the Merri Creek Mud Cup . Led by Simon
Paul Campbell is the key as he tackles Simon Minton Connell today. He is the man for the job . Gillon has not been a happy hunting ground for the Friars in the past and the NOBS at home are dangerous . I believe the game will be won in the midfield and this is where the Friars hold all the aces . Friars to break the
Minton Connell with 10 the NOBS would have gained a lot of confidence from the victory .
A game of two halves saw Whitefriars dominate the first to set up their win and although outscored by a gallant MHSOB in hoodoo . the second the damage had been done and Perhaps a defining game of the season fo r t . Though the leeway could not be retrieved MHSOB and Cunningham and Wallace were Mazenod at the good for the Friars while Rhys " i; aut Campbell is the school today. Both Limbrick with 30 possessions and tackles have bee n key as he Jayden Pertzel with 6 were fine for Simon Minton Connell reasonable thus far the High . so it promises a ." De La Salle turned on a relentless today tough battle . MMA performance to absolutely makes his return to demolish the Tigers at East Malvern . the Coaches box which should help the Damien Rayson with 7 was an ever present visitors but MHSOB always play better at danger, first gainers Jon Hirst and Dale home and will get over the lin e Browning also showed promising signs for DLS . Old Bri ghton had no trouble accounting for who none the less were Caulfield encouraged by their performance, especially in the final term. Adam Pirrie another 5, with Brendon Crilly and Anthony Bristow strong in defence .
Old Ivanhoe put in a pretty workmanlike performance to dispose of a Mazenod side who never stopped trying and battled hard all day . New recruit Brad Thompson with 5 makes a potent forward line, Simon Fragiacomo played with plenty of dash, Scotty Kent also good . Young gun Steve Stanley was Nodders best well supported by the Chamberlains Ben and 19yo Dave .
B SECTION North Old Boys Old Brighton MHSOB De La Salle Whitfriars B RESERVE
Minton-Connell Pirrie Pretzel Rayson Bird
tST t :' TOTAL 10 5 6 7 3
19 15 15 12 10
De La Salle B Vague 6 18 De La Salle L Walker 4 12 Old Ivanhoe Hawkes 1 I1 De La Salle P Bourke 1 7 7 Old Brighton A Salem 7
,, , ~to both sides need a win here as the i T(<{crs .=,-elcome Old Essendon to Brindis i . The Grammar are not fazed by the 1 confines at Mentone as shown by their loss last year, I feel they are jus t that fraction better at the moment ; 1 ,1 v; il l inflict the second home loss of the on the Tigers . Caulfied Grammar have been gradually irg as they get used to the step up to l~v iIl ccrtainly take the game right up t o f)e La . Saw a bit of DLS last week and was ~t ,tupr~ssed with their running game an d qrl: . While not without a chance I feel 15 will have to wait another week .
!B section Match of the Season n, een the unbeaten Old Ivanhoe old Brighton . Both have don e h n''il :ing wrong and have shown 1 of form . By 5pm tonight w e -i to is to be the benchmark o f Tv.-ill stick to Old Ivanhoe nt~i_;an, Luxon, Thompson and 1~ an more options in attac k : ;,id Dawes although th e Perrett will help. So a t 1
Y1tI ;SS CO't?T?i'SPOr~IDisIV'I'S
is 9553 1561, 0403 an email to Thanks .
B SECTION DE LA SALLE 5.5 12.7 20.13 24 .19 (163) ST BEDES MENT TIGERS 2 .1 3 .4 5 .4 6.7(43) DLS: Ravson 7 Mannik 4 L Harrison 3 Moore 3 Lowe 2 Browning Corin Silvers Duggan P Harrison . Best : Rat'son Jolley Mannix Sherman Lowe Oakley. St B/MT: L Win0e 2 Kidd (. Terrell WaLstab Andrews . Best : M Wintle Kane Lynch Tvquui Sca6di L Wurtie . Umpires: Russell Davidson 'David Philips (F) Ryan Place Ben Parsons (B) Jack Regester Bruce Stephens (G ) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .4 8 .6 13 .10 16.13 (109) CAULFIELD GR 2 .4 4 .5 5.10 10 .11 (71) Old Br. Porte 5 Dawes 3 Crilly 2 Kent Macgillitiray Butters J Edge S Gadsden Phelan. Best : Hendra Williams Bristow Paroissien Walsh S GuuVvan. Caul : Suiclatr 6 Foote Winter Edwards Liddell . Best : Sinclair Pennycuick Evans Carboni Docker Winter. Umpires: Dash Peiris Jeremy Heffernan (F) Dean Herskope James Gregory (B) Kevin Segota Gavin Roberts (G ) MAZENOD 0 C 0.2 3.3 4 .5 7 .6(48) 12 .18 (90) OLD IVANHOE 5.3 7.7 11 .14 Mae: Ja}aweera 2 J Dunne Apollotuo Hawkins Murray Reed . Best : Stanley B Chamberlain Coheres Paine D Chamberlain Apollonio . Old Iv: Thompson 5 Luxon 3 Cornelius 2 Brangan Geil'nigs . Best : Frangiacomo Kent Thompson Theodossi Ke(alas Crowtey. Umpires : Grant Joyner Socha Koffman (F) Julian Macciotd Matthew Jackson (B) Craig Arnal Greg Rollo tG) 5.7 10.11 12.12 18 .13 (121) W1IiTEFRIARS PIIiSOB 2 .2 4 .5 8.5 14.10 (94) White: Carrigg 5 Bird 3 Stafford 3 Anderson 2 Woods 2 M Carbone Janson Kennedy. Best: Canigg Hill Stafford Cunningham Campbell M Power . ZYifiSOB : Pertzel 6 Hogan 3 Evans 2 Walker Thompson White . Best: Limbrick Hogan Pertzet Thompson Gernes Evans . Umpires: Dirk Kramer Albie Foley IF) Frank Palermo Andrew Rechtmatm (B) Matthew Kent Matthew Cowley (G ) OLD ESSENDON GR 4 .4 9.12 10.15 14 .20 (104) NORTH OLD BOYS 4 .6 8 .8 15.10 18.11 (119) Old Es,s: Flaherty 5 D Biggs 2 Hakun 2 Stormont 2 Skurrie 2 Bartram . Old Ess: Dazkfw Leask DeMorton Towner Kavanagh Frazer . NOB: MintonConnell 10 Cox 2 Cassell 2 Sperling T Brady Boyle D Brady . Best: MintonConnell Spurting Cassell Totilt'ui Maxton Butcher . Umpires: Simon Olive Bevan Connelly (RFL1 (F) Brendan Cannon Dorma Brown (RFL) (B) Graenre Booth Lila Cooney (RF) (G ) B RESERVE 3.7 10.9 16.15 20 .20 (140) DE LA SALLE ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 1 .0 3 .3 3 .4 3.7 (25) DLS : B Vague 6 L Walker 4 A Thornton 2 J Lara&v 2 S Cosstick 2 P Bourke M Eâ&#x17E;˘ G Gilbert L Seager. Best: M O'Donnell L Jarvis J Laragy C Hyde L '.. Lt' R Walmsley . St B/HYT: M Hecker 2 McColl. Best: McColl Capsalis P on Comango. ,>IITON GR 1 .2 5 .6 11 .6 15.13 (103) R 3 .3 4.3 8.5 8 .51531 7 ; larch 4 Maguire 2 Scott Larkin . Best: March Sale m . Caul: Murphy 2 Rudd Jacobs Vella Bigg s t: Biggs Strain Thompson S Gerrand McGrath 3.5 3 .8 4 .9 4 .11 (35) 1 .0 3.6 4.10 6 .16 (52) t: Bouchereau Pitts Tilling McMulli n 2 Leech Keane Hawkes Smith. Best: Veal s Kean 0 .0 4 .4 7 .4 7.4(46) 5 .6 6 .7 10.12 15.14 (104)
ClevTn Stagg Doily Trey-vaud mte 4 Ting 2 Cox 2 Eva Anderson , eetthills Anderson . 6.4 6.7 8 .8(561 6.4 7.5 10 .6 (66 ) . Best: Lloyd Dawson Legudi rr : OBree Penell Allsop P Stribley C Stribley Wellman Farrah Brown
B Secti- i E DE LA SALL Loa
CAULFIELD F~ ; i,_ ' '-IIf ~ ~ Coach: Stephen Wright
C=h: MarR . Asst: Ac:'ran Cenrrolty pas: Marty KeNiter Cl 18: Ber :arnia Buick
Ass Coach: Lachlan Kellaway Res: Peter Olivieri 1 J Foley 2 A Bruhn 3 C Knight 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendall . 6 N Craven '. 7 R O'Neill 8 R Foote 9 M Frater 10 A Will (C) 11 B Carboni
12 D Pearce (VC) 12 M Sainsbury 13 A Gree n 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Fallu 16 J Wright 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxter 18 J James 19 B Evans 20 H Vell a 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Fagan 23 C McGrath 24 C Murphy 25 B Sinclair 25 N Dorman 26 S Widjaja (VC) 27 J Sayers 28 J Jacobs 29 N Guyer! 30 M Sharpe 30 D Elias 31 WBowes 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryers 34 H Bake r 35 S Thompson 36 G Crathern 37 B Scott 38 N Edwards 39 A Bosna 40 M Wilson 41 B Jefikins 42 A Strain 43 T Gerrand 44 B Hasforth 45 B Acfield 46 K Wei r
47 S Jenkinson 48 R Chapple 49 G Poulter 50 N Gree n 51 W Rudd 52 G Winter 53 J Gross 54 T Franklin-Jones 55 C Hoope r 56 B Napier 57 P Farmer 58 S Cunidfe 59 D Buckthought 60 R Saunders 61 T Royal 62 C Sheppard 63 Z D'Arcy 64 T Wailes 65 B Jenkinson 66 C Grigg 67 D Loetje 68 L Cotton 71 M Cassidy
1 L. Walker C r 2 R. Buckley
3 B. Corin
4 L . Harrison DVC 5 M . Duggan VC 5r R. Quic k
6 M . Moore 7 P. Harrison DVC 7r S. Conwa y 8 J . La Ragy 9 J . Moloney 9r D. Browning 10 T. Silvers t0r M. Ellis 11 P. Bourke 12 M . Fieldsend 13 A . Johnstone 14 W. Dwyer 15 P. Bowden 16 S. Hyland 17 L . Bowden 18 A . Coffe y 19 R. McArdle 19r G . Gilbert 20 A. Shields 21 D . Rayson 21r C . Hyd e
22r M . O'Donnell 22 M . Brown 23 R. Sherman 24 J. More l 25 R . Walmsley 26 C . Postlethwaite 27 J . Hirst 30 B . Mannix 31 S . Hyde 31r K. Mannix 32 D . Lowe 34 V. Moloney 36 W. Jolley 37 D. Davis 38 V. Buckley 38r P. Hesse 39 B. Oakle y 41 D . McInerney 42 D . Jarvi s 43 A . Greenalgh 45 T. Molan 52 T. Moloney 54 A. Skinns 55 A . McLeish 56 L. Seeger 57 R. Hancock 59 B. Vague 62 C . Punton 63 N . Stewart 70 M . Krezel
Coach : Mike McArthur-Alen Asst Coaches: Andre. Sutheriantlt ArArew Prdcemg Res. Coach : Tony CoRms 1 T. Castricu m
2 M . Chamberlain 4 C. Le e 6 P. Nelson 9 D . Kell y 10 B . Chamberlain 11 D. Hose 12 D. Chamberlain 14 N. Meehan 15 N . Parry (VC) 16 M. Apollonio 18 D . Dunne 20 C. Murray 22 S . Veltman 24 D. Nisbett 25 S. Stanle y 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 M . Rega n 28 P. Jones 30 D. Hansen 32 A. Strewn 33 S. Bullock 34 C . Boyd 37 L. Morgan 38 D. Hallet 40 G . Massey 41 M. Venturini 42 C . Paine 45 S . Paine 47 A . Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 51 M . Murray 52 G . Tillin g 54 A. Stagliano 55 D . Bonnici 56 S . Castricum 58 D. Morri s 61 M. McDowell 64 T. Bourbon
MHSOBF C Co2ch: Dand Skewr Asst C=has: Spews Beasley & warren Fail
Res Coach : Jam.~e Dixon
Coach: Tony Ega n Asst Coach : Michael Hedley Res Coach: Brendan Smales
i J Bamert
2 S McCully (S-Capt) 3 D Rosman 4 M White (S-VC) 5 B Betheras 6 M Brain 7 S Whittington 8 J Gerner 8 J Dixon 9 D Fairchild 10 P Smith 10 1 Barrett 11 R Ternes 12 J Aitken 12 M Feterkranz 13 S Anderson 14 M Hamilton-Ho 15 A O'Brien 16 J Walker 17 G McCully 18 R tJmbrick (S-DVC) 18 C Wright 19 S Robinson 20 L Horne 20 T Fraczek (R-DVC) 21 W Taft 22 A Svirskis 23 A Hogan 24 J Pertze l '.. 25 H Taylor 25 A Vicendese 26 L Evans 27 W Backway 28 T Dunne 28 S Moore (R-DVC) 29 W White 30 K McDonald 31 M Bowen 32 A Cassell 33 L Campbell 34 E Thompson (S-DVC) 34 D Henzel 35 P Rujevic (R-VC) 36 S Magee 37 T Harper 37 M Ting 38 C Nailon 39 D Fo x 40 A Lust (R-Capt) 41 J Anderson 42 C Wrigh t 43 R Coxon 44 J Newton 45 R Czwarno 46 1 Costing 47 D Hollenberg 48 M Webster 49 S Yue 50 K Harding 51 D Vicendese 52 M Landy 53 S Mitchel l 54 D Learmont-Walker 55 C Eva 56 T Wright 57 S Foley 58 P Greenhill 59 A Hal l 60 M Nicholas
J . Cassell I 2 J . Pennell 3 T. Sheehan 4 S . Sleep
5 S. Cox 6 M. Fitzgerald 7 H . Mapplestone 8 J . Browne 9 L. Currie 10 M . Carney 11 T. Roberts 12 G . Maxton 13 T. Spurting 15 J . Nihill
16 P. Flanders 17 A. Wellman 19 Tony Brady 20 J . Sutherland 21 Tim Brady 22 D.Teha n 23 S. Minton-Connell 24 M. Fitzpatrick 25 A. Crameri 26 D . Brady 27 C . Dynon 28 D.Joyce 29 C. Hosking 30 D . Skene 31 L . Boyle 32 B . Sheehan 33 M . Barker 36 D. Tonkin 38 M . Amor 39 C. Pizzini '.. 40 C . Phyland 42 D . Sheehan 53 S . Butcher 60 M . Cribbes 65 N. Barden 66 P. Brya r
~~ ~)C!Aio n c~ i . r
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. .. , ,
i, _
1 J . Panagiotopolus 2 D. Biggs 3 M . Oxnam 4 M . Ryan 5 S . De Morton 6 C. Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 J . Heritage 9 J . Stormont 10 T Biggs 11 J . Buckley 12 J . Kavana h g
-- -_--- "
Coach : David Calthorpe Res Coach: Kornel Dachs
13 B. Hakim 14 R . Legud i 15 D. Mezo 16 M. Bordignon 17 D . Forrest 18 D . Flaherty 18 S. Dawson 19 E. Healey 20 S. Playfair 21 S. Dale 22 M. Portia 23 J. Hughes 24 J. Dazkiw 25 A. Frazer 26 S. Fleming 27 A . McKenzie 28 A. Fewster 29 S. Uebergang 30 M. Dragojlo 31 D . Candi 32 D . Poulton 33 M. Velardo gerr 34 D . Podge 35 L. Kavanagh 36 C . Obliubek 37 A . Parker 38 Ti, Campbell 39 B . Newbold 40 H. McDermott 41 A . Iskra 42 N. Bertram 43 S . Cramer 44 A . Collins 45 D. Winkel 46 J . Lloyd 47 S . Howard 48 J . Williamson 49 A. Chrisiou 50 L . O'Brien 51 J . Batista 52 J . Mansfield 53 L . Frazer 54 S. Crame r 55 S. Balloch 56 M . Car 57 S. Wade 58 B. Hurtig 59 J. Stevens 60 J. Carter 61 A. Nowland 62 D . Gradzki 63 M. Beard 64 J . Kepsner 65 P. Bacash 66 BWright 67 M. Tilley 68 C . Brooks
69 C . Burke 70 J . Hur(ston
Coach: Gerard Sholly Res Coach: Brad Low 1 2 3 4
A . Oates L. Lochran (V.Capt) S . Curatolo S . Geilings (Sens) B . Davis (Res) 5 C . Georgio 6 S . Kent 7 J . Gieschen 8 G. Hope 9 D. Payne 10 C. Crowley (V.Capt) i i N . Russia n 12 C. Branigan
13 A . Alagona 14 B . Thompson 15 T. Beinke 16 S . Price 17 M . Veal 18 J . Hope (Capt) 19 P. Dinakis 20 D. Hawkes (C.Res) 21 S . Fragiacomo 22 B . Nagel 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Haros 25 E . Byrne 26 I . Dawkins 27 N. Holloway (V.C.Res) 28 M . Tobias 29 R. Weddle 30 J. Leech 31 J. Stevens 32 S. Kefalas 33 N . Pratt 34 A. Teman M. Pollock 36 A. Baldwin (Sens) M. Mealy (Res) 37 G . Hartrick 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J. Keane 41 Z. Keane 42 S. Low (V.Capt) 43 W. Cornelius 44 M. Luxon 45 N . Antoniou 46 R . Butler 47 S . Snell 48 G. Smith 49 C . Quinlan 50 M. Verrocchi 51 J . Uljans 52 B . Wrigh t 53 A . Caple 54 S . Smith 55 S . Pearce 56 B . Leskie 57 B . Smart 58 L. Bolzan 5 9 R. Stagg 60 D. Walkley 61 S . Weston 62 J . Mathew 64 J . Britten 65 D. Campbell- Frase r 67 B. Mckinley 68 B. Parker 69 M . Corr
ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach: Russell Barnes Res Coach : Tim Lamb 1 B. Collins 2 L. Wintle 3 L. Borella 4 L. Beveridge 5 S. Napie r 6 J. Kane 7 S. Rose 8 A. Scafidi 9 M. Terrell 10 M. Wintle 12 P. Groves 13 R . Sampieri 14 A. Connoll y 15 T. McColl
16 A. Hipwell 17 N . Corda 18 D . Lynch 19 A. Drury 20 L . McMurray 21 J. Connelly 22 L . Capsalis 23 J. Lynch 24 J. Tyqui n 25 J. Knuppel 26 M. Hecker 27 S. Kingwetl 28 M. Andrews 29 D . Waters 30 M. McGettigan 31 C . Osborne 32 G . Kempster 33 S . Zakic 34 L . Carson 35 A . Sewers 36 A . Walstab 37 T. Groves 38 J . Maddocks 39 E . McKenzi e 40 M. Kelleher 41 M. Rouse 42 M. Wilson 43 A . Paterson 44 M. Rhoden 45 L. Cieslak 46 M . Hilton 47 E . Ritchie 48 J . Heys 49 S . Rouse 50 S . Kidd 51 A . Buck 52 M . Towns 53 L. Giorgiadis 54 S . Bell 55 M . Firth 56 C. Charlton 56 L. Flavelle 57 S . Meehan 58 P. Curry 59 B. Logan 61 M . Mifsud 62 M . McCol l 63 M . Lomagno 66 R. Parson s 70 L. Terrell
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Coach : Pat Mannix Asst. Coach: Peter Randall Res . Coach : Chris Rubick 3 M . Carbon e 5 B . Pha n 6 P. Campbell 7 S . Brosol o 8 B . Janso n 9 A. Pawli k 11 T Wallace 12 S . Phelan 13 J . Anderson 14 T. Camg g 16 J . Powe r 17 A. Carbone 18 M . Baker 19 A. Hill 20 L. Swain 21 S. Alexande r 22 N. Cunningham 23 P. Stag g 24 J . Daou 25 G . Da y 27 B. Gardine r 28 A. Bake r 29 A. Glen n 30 M. Power 31 A. Ba ole gg y 32 G . Kenned y 33 C . Fulto n 34 D . Gloufchev 36 C . Dyer 38 C . Carrigg 39 N . Brisbane 40 D . Atkins 42 S. Anderson 43 N . Elliott 44 B. Bird 45 S . Clove n 46 M. DuIty 48 J . Treyvau d 50 D . Cre a 52 R . Piggo t 54 C . Ros s 55 P. Tobi n 57 A . Wood s 58 P. Poutney 59 T. Nuna n 60 R . Pawlik 62 B . Stafford 63 Z. Webb 65 D. Eames 66 J . Box 70 C. Pelos i 71 R. Mattiso n 72 K . Papproth
9396 900 0 /
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In today's modern world, and with the constant changing of technology, all of us need some training to keep up with how to best use these resources to benefit our lives . Initial training and guidance can lead to a better work rate and often increase production . This in turn, increases our self-esteem and desire to keep performing, because the tangible rewards are not only satisfying to me, but also, to those around me .
e assume and expect that players can change fro m one position to another at short notice . "
A.F.C . (!,~; A
V.A S.A .
"Your Coaches' Association "
We assume and expect that players can change from one position to another at short notice . But how many of these players have had the chance to play there before or have had any training in doing so? At a recent senior schoolboys game, we asked our players to 'touch and feel' their opponent, and keep them on the 'defensive side' . I quickly learnt that 4 out of the 6 defenders did not know what the defensive side was . We often ask our players to follow these same instructions every week, but how many actually understand the concepts .
For most of us this basic learning is a necessity for us to work and cope in all facets of our daily lives . Football is no different . As coaches we are always seeking the best outcome for our club and players . We seek perfection in an ideal world where all players play their specific positions, as if they were a natural occurrence . But when we stop and look at our team, how many players are natural defenders, onballers, forwards or talls ?
How many times at selection has an under 19 player or reserve player, finally pushed themselves into the senior team, having been an outstanding onballer? However the current senior core on ballers are already entrenched in their positions . Here we have a new player, who has played a particular style and now due to the current structure will need to learn quickly to play backline for example, or find himself out of the team .
One of our biggest frustrations is the inability of players to kick goals accurately and consistently ,from set shots . One week our key forward kicks 7 goals, and the next 7 behinds . Do we give time during the week for players to practice shots from set routines or do we expect them to do this in their own time before and after training ? Put aside time to train specific and often basic skills . Rotate players through all areas of backs, forwards and midfield . Let players experience new challenges and skills so when the time comes, they and you have the confidence that they can handle the expectations of playing a new position . It is also a great opportunity for your experienced players and former club players to pass on their knowledge to the younger players, which they have gained over years of playing .
We don't give our kids a license without lessons and experience, so why not do the same with our players . Train them to play positions, before picking them . Adrian Connoll y De La Salle Assistant Coach Level 2 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2006
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We are delighted to announce that Jason Bamert and George Inkster have now been installed as Life Members of MHSOBFC . Jason Bamert is a veteran of well over 200 games and is still one of the outstanding ful l
I Colin Foley 0403 574 500 or Gus Martonhetyi 0429 106 596 t,1kjSOBAlnco Grand Hyatt Melbourn e BP~$rintGroup hraxweif& V'fdliams J A Dodd Ltd Azuma Sports The Knight Rigby Cooke Lawyers Williams Batters 1 ;ack Star Colteti~ bles GVP Fabricators The Frame Shop Spitting image Catering The Ha tton Hote l E -G
s Group
, ,7otin Dodd r
and 1960's . He was a dash- ! ing and fearless defender in the strong MHSOB teams of that era . Since his playing days George has coached the Reserves and served in various capacities at the club . He has continued his long association ever since as a loyal and devoted supporter. George and his wife Barbara are regular luncheon attendees and enjoy the company of many others from the same era, viz Jocka Nelson,
Jason and Merrin Bamert forwards in the VAFA His spectacular high marks and accurate kicking have caused many headaches to opposition teams. Jason has represented the VAFA in interstate football and, had it not been for recurring injuries, would have totalled a lot more gam 5 than his current tatty, of 22? .lason's wife Merrin
c r"th club med-
Proud sponsors of in 2005 . Special t h anks to Graham Burgess .
George Inkster watches the C Grade premiership win in 2004. Tich Hayman, Geoff Paul, Barrie Macdonald, Keith Marshall, Ben Blair and Chook Howell . Thanks for your years of suppost George. We hope you will continue to support for many more to 0-- 11e .
Strong Like it Pillars, . . , ._ .`ri :,i . ..., TOU' The 01d Unicornian
_ T
---- "-'----
change, but the t Vultures' Sullivan, g It"s stiil early days, but the hea have broken Eight and Meyer ut aalready will Therry on those wit k s continue to roll helped create a 2 3 theclubs Wellers andho Blac it back for the green point buffer . Duddy the ice, impressive- showings irom the. pull and Andersen tried to the Vulture had flown • and there wd Paradians against good opposition and golds, however Vultures and welcome the 1 form was an PREVIEW paradians showed their Rd around final s in a huge game With a log jam already paradians d will be in the mix against Blacks . d aberration an from behind wil undefeated d forming at the top of the table, a Uni win woul l time, after a come led by Turton an Monasb• The home side er, only to have OP Williams stormed out lo ea nhird term set up by . An inspired ved the way fo r reel them in
push them two games clear of their hosts, whilst y the home team can draw level on points and reall
Op will push, pressure springboard their season . streak continues to g and harass, but Uni s winnin . grow and they will extend it again today s , unter as ladder The Wellers and Vulture way ltok~horns . OC have in attempt findstrength a th' leaders potentto forward 05 and whils t
Boundy, Porteous and Loney pa pressed in the . Even when the Asher the victory n nd held firm vcommitted slatqureOPdi ano I . An injury hit Ajax, who had he g me se desperate Them' . m up and all before them in tall theand Bayside . be of running by 314 time . Crotty s onash hav e club have a good s I provided greatfuel for hi - threatened players, the Wellers . including prevail and share the ball so forwards ®' week, but well thatthey wil week, both Beauy and Goodwin Bannister and eac h . l Falling behind early las t d Still no cigar Edwards, who bagge . lazy seven another and Lewski erately p Berge r battled on for the visitors, who now des need a win, hard fought clash . Bfacks in a low scoring, streak by accounting for ed their winning Scarlet t .despite Batten an CLUB maintain . Uni"s Costello ft~ck 18 7 a dinto the -arks C S-ECTION . a ssly for s ds g 15 Penola Edward regularly turned dfMart~m wor king taT and Therry Porteous 1 12 e Ensor Collins and had the edg Old Paradians ~zner 5 12 $eauy, the Blacks always Ajax R Taylor 010 ughly deserved the points . thoro three from three by eclipsing Old Cambenvell Loats The Wellers made dlin and Gough drove the Old Camberwell 1 1 3 s Ormsby . i l Cre as lunatrng supply to the C_ RE 'ERVII Vance 5 12 until th Ban~e ks, a t wel Beaumaris Wilkins 0 ' OC attac bettee-Barskptying r 7 Parkdale Vultures BanW nGayfer The the Taylor boys • power 1 6 end, wit h Hanpton Rovers hpinoso 6 2 Old Paradians players . parkdale flew out Coe Aided by a strong win d' oOpening Monash Blues ~ n blocks holding the Rovers inl mai th stanza at scoreless the Rovers drew leve .pt°n e•H
will look to bounce back after Hampton Rovers t i9 their first loss . Each team will be hard a ;Iso centre clearances and ball usage Will , toll, Shark Park is tough for visiting teams local Bayside onesi and that's why I'll go fo erthe the onpanic buttons yet, bu t it uot time to hit fmgerstat the and Ajax ~, ~nte twitchy Need a win is an understatement for both ionash have threatened each week, but turvy an d cigar. Ajax have been topsy an other new have depleted . Today they . with the Ashers stic I'll
" round, but carry on ast weeks fine form T)lc ;ry will look to e against Bany u1 . Therry have
h face off winning have the firepower to kick V. 11 liwydespite the Bears improved showin g :, rid tl,,-Wellers, they -will fall this afternoon .
CORRESPONDENT S , ., .i!rC~ ;,~t3hOO .COn1
()id Camberwell - congratulations to Jordan Heffernan, who will play his 150th anie for the club this week agains t g
hi vultures . Jordan joined the club „s tllrough our U19 team . He has been Senior B&F, a finalist in '98 an n dJora
~„uu<r~Tttp player in Oho' has the ability ~l,,I1~ri ;itsatIle> playe r 1 in many positions . Congratulations ,, ,, ; 1 ,,,, nn reaching this mark, Also I ;ronclan "Skinny" Ryan who played his d i,Oth game last weekend . Brendan joine
Ittl> in '01 through the U19's . he wa s . 1 „i the U19 premierships in '01 & 02 r ,,,y :,,, returned to the club in ' 03 afte l l, w, time overseas, & has slotted wel . He is a highflying teams ,our s.ctiior , rtl , v,itIz an excellent good sense . We ll I ; r , n(Tan on reaching this mark, ma y nl,unmore in the 2 blues .
C SECTIO N 1 .7 :1x v Monash Blues - at Trevor Barker Oval, Sand ri ngham v Therry Penola 0 B Vultures v Old Camberwel l ntrn .)ris v Hampton Rover s ()If] P.,i .ltiians v University Blacks
.7 13 .10 (88) i„ONfLSH BLUES 5 .5 7 .6 9.10 16 .10 (106) 1 .4 5 .7 11 OLD PAliA1HANS Holloway 5 Gregory 3 De Yotmg Ttnkler 0 Sullivan Craven Pay . Mon Blues: . Old Par: Porteous Best : Turton Williams Davidson Renton Hickev Hollojiay 8 Hughes 3 Brabender Giro4sla D ntinocante Sinclair Harford . Best: Loney Porteous Sinclair Boundy Cowan Pratt . Ken McNiece Anthony Calderone IF) Paul tit'hitehead Gary Umpirzs: C)ancy (G) .14 19 .15 (129) '('HBggY PEtiOLA 4 .5 9 .9 16 .10 12 .11 (83) .3 2.7 5 AJAX 1 Edwards 7 D Goodwin 4 J Bannister 3 Crotty 2 Skiathitis Therry Pe roia: Crotty Forster-Knight J Bannister Edwards D Goodwin 2Oven. Best:: Lewstd 3 Gold 2 Berger 2 G3vail Krzner Rapaport Sutton Farotdi. AJAX , Lewin. Best: Lewsld Berger Sutton D,uenman Rapaport Lewin Max Wittman Mick Brown (RFL) (F) Amanda Whittaker Troy Umpires : Cossack (RFL) (B) Chris Graeme Carter (RFL) (G ) 16.14 (110) O E Eld, 4 .6 8 .7 12 .11 LD CAMB RW 0.2 25 2 .6 5 .9 (39) BANYULE R Taylor 5 Goodale 3 B Ryan 2 Batzlofr Darling Gough Old Cam: a Hardenberg Perryman W Taylor . Gutterson. m Heffernan Sallpas . Banyul : S6ticko Phelen Davies 'JtIl : Gayfer Gutterson Wise C Taylor Morgan N Taylor . Best Umpires : fuithony Casten Brendan Devtin IF) Paul Carroll Paul Leggett (B) Eddie Boa] Pat Mitchell (G) 0 .0 3 .3 5.5 6 .8 t44) HAMPTON ROVER S .10 10 .15 (75) PAR1SDpsLE VULTURES 2 .3 3 .3 8 Hampt Stow Andersen Fletcher Greenwood Parkingson P~oe'e~eg~ Best: Parkuison Duddy Tregear~Andersen Corp Drury . Best : P Su(tivan Ryan 3 Ha}2s 2 0'Meara Barr McGeorge Hecker Hecker Right Hampton Meyer Ryan . Umpires : Vaughan Stdebottom Joe Hartwig (F) Ross Richards Clive Shipley (G ) .13 (67 )
4.4 6 .5 7 .10 9
BEA1 MARiS 2 .3 4.5 5.5 7 .10 (52) Haynes. Best: Batten UII{ Blacks: Smith 2 Groom 2 Green 2 M Kempton 2Boon 2 Lee 2 Grahani D Costello Smith Scarlett Merlo Bevaqua . Beaum: . Heath Mahdick . Best: Ensor Boon Whitty Lee Wonnacott Collins n Umpires : Brent Woodhead Sean Scully Jnr IF) Santo Caruso Perrin Brow (B) Daniel Brookes C SFRVE 0 .1 2 a 4.8 6 .10 (46) MONASH BLUES 4 .3 7 .5 7 .6 11 .7 (73} OLD PARADIANS Coe 2 Hawkins Lin Jones Owen . Best : Coe Rosengarten M: Mon Blues Details Cortley Adamson . Old Par: Walsh 3 Tenson 2 Derham Dore Furze Murray Lombardi Derham Tenson Breen Ryan Spiuoso Harford . Best: Cororan . .9 13.12 (90) THERRY PENOLA 3 .5 7.5 9 .6 6.9(45) .5 5 AJAX 2,1 3 2Leny Petiole: Walker 3 Sacco J 2 Vaina 2 Kuret Capewell Clifton Quinn. : CaPek`ell Quinn Goodwin S Corrigan Karel Pzrplnias Hallam Dunn. Best . Best: ZemsM Dudakov Sevel Seidl AJAX: Silberman 3 Zemski 2 Dvash Fay+nan Simon . .5 (591 OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .2 2 .3 5.4 9.5 (77) .1 9 .2 11 .5 12 5 BANYt7LE Craven 2 Hobart 2 Eldridge Horgan Man4'Ga1 O'Sullivan Old Cam: : Maiwood Pike Mackenzie M Cottrell Kearney Hobart . Rogerson. Best 2 Creek Wffmore M Smith Banyuie: Il tchell 2 Stavropoulos 2 Stokes Bassett Giansiracusa Richardson . Best : Smith Richardson Stavropoulos George Stokes Serameta . .3 1391 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 .0 3 .0 5 3 6 10 .11 (71) 6 .7 PAg1MpLEy{7LTUR&S 1 .1 5 .6 Wheeler . Best: Hampt Rov: McCarthy 2 Christiansen Giausounll Heffernan Keztlas Christiansen Cave Blake Lake Giasounil. Park hn14~~drte~ Walsh 2 Kelly Wood Granger . Best : Baker Crfll}r Thurgood . 3.1 4.1 5 .2 9.2(56) UNIVERSITY BLACKS .6 7 .9 8.11 (59) BEAUMARIS 3.1 5 . Best: Torney 0 Goanan Myers 3 Cameron 2 Beaton 2 Barret Mn) Blacks : White Barlow, Ferguson Myers . Bsanm: May 3 Gibson 2 Vance Whitty Dicks . Best: MeConchies Collins Dicks McDonald Whitty McMiIlan 15
C Section A JA X Coach : Tim 0'Shaughnessy Res . Coach: Barry Simon 1 N. Gold (Capt) 1 B. Borensztein ® 2 J. Israelsohn 2 B. Rose O 3 Y. Rapoport 4 M. Dudakov (Capt Res) 5 G. Blieden 5 J . Rotstein ® 6 D . Vanaken 7 L. Kraichek 7 D. Rubenstein @ 8 E . Raleigh 8 W. Sevel ® 9 A. Rosen 11 M . Segal (VC) 11 J. Goldman O 12 D. Goldenfein 13 B. Klei n 14 D . Cadro n 15 J. Segal (VC) 15 S. Newstadt 0 16 E . Routma n 17 D . Weislitzer 18 J . Kirzner 18 B . Lukav ® 19 D. Sutton 19 R. Silberman ® 20 J. Sharp 21 A. Lewin 21 R. Silberman ® 22 A. Lewis 22 J. Thurin ® 23 A. Lewski 23 P. Glazer ® 24 0. Henze] 25 M. Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 J . Berger 28 A . Zemski 29 R Kagan 30 J . Kagan 33 P. Bryner 34 J. Raleigh 34 D. Seidl ® 35 J. Givoni 35 B. Ritterman ® 36 B. Nankin 40 D . Seidl 41 R . Heine 41 A . Sacks ® 42 D . Gerber 44 B . Eichler 47 A . Porat 50 J . Dvas h 51 J . Kestenberg 54 D. Rutko 55 A. Grosma n 59 N. Diamond 60 J. Wajnberg 62 J. Hoppe
Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res Coach: David Wdchell 1 B. Reed 2 A . Bottomley 3 N . Taylor 4 P. Gloury 4 M . Creak (Res) 5 B . Willmore 6 M . Morgan 7 C. Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 J . Plant 10 A. Dooley 11 D . Wilson 12 J. Egan . 13 B. Moxon 14 L . O'Donnell 15 A . Brown 16 A . Demetriou 17 C . Davies 17 S . Gray (Res) 18 T. Wise 19 L. O'Connell 19 T. Nasrallah (Res) 21 R. Dintinosante 22 C. Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 T. Prior 25 D. Phelan 26 B. Mounsey 27 J . Jones 28 D . Sproules 29 D . Nasrallah 30 D . Mutton 31 G. McLellan 32 J . King 33 B . Gayfer 34 S . Lorenzini 35 L. Richardson 36 M . George 37 T. Thompson 38 D. Gayfer 39 J. Turnbull 40 T. Prior 41 A. Tshaikiwsky 42 M. Van Poeteren 43 L . Ferral 44 J . Connelly 45 A . Roethe 46 T. Egan 48 B . Herbert 49 G. Bell 50 S . Gray 55 D. Williams
Coach: Mick Lovejoy Asst : James Whirls & Mick Carty Res' Jaw Hall 1 M. Duggan
2 H . Gibson 3 J . Heath 4 M. Matul"kck 5 M. Ensor 6 A . Spence 7 S . Lynch 8 M. O'Brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 12 L .Healy 13 J. Whiny 14 T. Collins (DVC) 15 M . Boon 16 A. Quin 17 M. Pins 18 N . Kennedy 19 M. Atkins (VC) 20 J . Black 21 S. Conte 22 L Atkins 23 A . Catlin 24 B . Gray 25 D. Teesdale 26 A. O'Brien 27 B. Haynes 28 J. Vance (Res C) 29 C. Martin (C) 30 C Lambert 31 C. Graham 32 L . Wonnacon 33 S. May 34 H . McMillan (Res DVC) 35 S . McNicholas 36 N . Atkins 37 R . Presnell 38 M . Wilson 39 L. McNicholas 40 J. Hogarth 41 N. Conlan 42 B. Gillespie 43 T. Woolnough 44 C . Collins 45 M. Kurta 46 J . Gerrand 47 A. Kent 48 T N,hitty 49 J . Bryce 50 S . Dicks 51 J . Mitchell 52 J . Williams 53 A . Poll 54 S. Lee 55 L. Quirk 56 D. Wall 57 T. Boreham 58 J. Bramwell 59 B. Griffiths 60 D . Bird 62 J . Dickson 63 D . Galvin 64 D . Murphy 65 G. Shattock 66 P. McCmd ie (Res VC) 67 L. Stevens 68 B. Hawker 70 S. Crossley
71 C. Evans
72 A. Collings 74 M. McDonald
75 N . Higgs 76 C . Terpsinis
HA M PTON ROVERS Coach: Brett Mcllwraith Res Coach : Tony NaumoB 1 H Tregear 2 M McKellar 3 G Cannell 4 G Carr (DVC) 5 J Prantzo s 6 L Holt 7 A Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 N Pinto 10 S Blanchard 11 J Zampaglione 12. T B a rker 13 G Woods (VC) 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A Browne (C) 16 N Greenwood 17 L Cave 18 J McCarthy 19 M Lawrence (DVC ) 20 A Power 21 S Parkinson 22 S Burggraaff 23 M Gray (Res VC) 24 C Christianson 25 M Lake 26 M Devereaux 27 M Flynn 28 B Kezilas 29 M Fletcher 30 A Quon (Res C) 31 T Pucella 32 D Anderson (Res) 32 J Hanlon 33 R Mosbey 34 A Crowther 35 N Goss 36 M Heffernan 37 D Lillecrapp 38 A Fisher 39 A Crisp 40 M Rahive 41 B McCallum 42 C Malthouse 43 C Cooper 44 A Blake 45 G Davis 46 L Woolrich 47 L Wheeler 48 G Giasoumi 49 S Helliger 50 N Foster 51 J Glanville 53 J Ng 52 B Carillon 54 D Marshall 55 I -James 56 T Porter 57 D Williams 58 C Delosa 60 M Terec h 61 A Kavanagh 62 D Kroker
Coach : Jon Edgar Res Coach : Data Murch , 1 S. Cha Chapman
2 L . Renton 3 L . Holloway 4 B. McKenzie 5 J . Rosengarten 6 M. Davidso n 7 P. Farrar 8 A . Hickey 9 C. O'Sullivan 10 S . Lloyd 11 M . Spencer 12 G . Smyth 13 M . Pay 14 B. Merli n 15 M . Tinkter 16 B. Nind 17 K. Mudge 18 R . Glover 19 M. Payne 20 M. Edsall 21 C . Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 B . Janssen 24 T. Crave n 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N. De Young 28 J Main 29 A. Costle y 30 L . Creamer 31 J. Gree n 32 L . Beddingfield 33 J. Smith (c ) 34 R . Shields 35 A . Pyle 36 A . Williams 37 C. Dennis 38 N. Brennan 39 M . Smith 40 J . Mazur 41 Michael Solon 42 M. Coe 43 R . Feenaghty 44 L . Leviston 45 M. McMahon 46 D . Jone s 47 S. Menth a 48 M . Carey 49 M . Peningill 50 A . Tota 52 N. Moresi 53 J . Pee l 54 B . Adamson 55 I . McCormic k 56 M . Jones 58 J. Lui 61 P. Campbel l 62 L . Kans 68 M. Meehan 70 Z. Anderson 72 B . Gree n SANDRINGHAM & BRIGHTON 74 P. Westbrook REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT 75 R . Turton Ph : 9598 8222 77 D. Neil
T1 1E OPTIMISE . ( .)- . GROUP PTY D Ph : 9597 0166 www.hamptonrovers.com.au THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20{
I ;,
Certificate of Merit profil e : Peter Corboy (St . Bedes Mentone Tigers) • Joined the committee in 1956 - Mentone F C
• 1967 awarded Life embershi p • Roles have included Treasurer, gatekeeper, canteen attendant & caretake r • Continued his service following the merger of the two clubs
last weekend . "Don't Know", as FD is sometimes referred to, was so confident that the Grammar Boys would win that he made the statement that if NOBS won not only would he shout Simon breakfast in his favourite cafe in Moonee Ponds, but he would also bare a certain part of his anatomy as part of the deal . When quizzed on the validity of the bet frank replied " . . .don't know- . We can certainly see where the nickname came from!!!!!!
0 0 0 Hawthorn Amateurs wanted to note the great support from the North Brunswick trainers in Round 3 when they had a couple of simultaneous injuries . North Brunswick trainers brought the stretcher, assisted with carrying off
• 50 years continuous service in 2002, commemorated by the AFL
= he moustache returned with a vengeance in 200 1 with an undefeated season and 0 0 0 the D3 premiership and then Fitzroy Reds congratulates senior coach the D2 premiership two years Graham Burgen who coached his 100th game later. • New Pavilion named "Corboy Pavilion "
and 73rd win for the club against Emmaus St Leo's last week, the first Redder to reach this milestone in the club's 50th year . 'Burgs' first coached the Reds in 1991 and took the club to the finals in F Section . The moustache returned with a vengeance in 2001 with an undefeated season and the D3 premiership and then the D2 premiership two years later . His innovative techniques and now legendary uncompromising style was rewarded at the end of that season by being named Coach of the Year for both the VAFA and the AFCA . Graham then led the club to its first D-section final's appearance in 2004 . The club has grown from two teams in 2001 to five teams in 2005 under Graham's leadership, including the under 19s and forging strong links with the Fitzroy Junior Football Club . A member of the VAFA Coaches' Association and VAFA Umpire Committees, Burgs has made an outstanding contribution to the VAFA and the Fitzroy Reds . Long may it continue.
0 0
FTLOTG believes that new State U23 Coach Frank Dune ll really put his body on the line in a bet with Simon Minton Connell when NOBS and Frank's former club Old Essendon clashed 18
the injured player and offered complete assistance, A fabulous effort and duly noted as being in the true
spirit of sportsmanship. Well done !
0 0
This message has come in from former Old Geelong player Mark Robson (98 games 199297) who is now the Thailand Manager for one of Australia's leading adventure travel companies : "Many Australians relocated to Asia to work think that their footy careers need to be put on hold . Or terminated . Nothing could be farther from the truth . Most major centres in Asia have an Aussie Rules team, including the Bali Gecko's, Jakarta Bintangs, Singapore Wombats, Malaysia Warriors, Thailand Tigers . Hanoi Swans, Saigon Saints, Hong Kong Dragons, Manila Folders and the China Blues, not to mention a number of teams based in Japan . Regularly teams travel to other Asian cities to take on the local sides . And once a year there's the Asia Cup . Last year's was held in Kuala Lumpur and the reigning champs, Hong Kong, hope to repeat the success this year in Manila . So if you find yourself transferred to this region of the world, track down your local club and get
-,fany of the clubs have websites lik e ti, .nlcandtigers .com for further information . " IY, rechons the AFL Sydney Swans may be to clcfeat the Manilla Folders with a goo d
(T~ ®
Uni . Blacks and Beaumaris battled out their I : tnatch at Optus Oval last weekend while irlion Social Club was full of patrons lunch . VAFA Life Members Dr. Brian Costello and Peter O'Bonohue were present, i tit Simon and Tony of the Costello clan to ~rll and sundry. Frank Dunin an d th e t.alich family were in from Perth, with th e !,-)ii _,c,scd towards acknowledging th e (, 111" , ountryparents of the Uni . Blacks 1~,President John Co ll ins and Sid Catlin were also among the nt present . Sean Wellman, irtr ,i~trl _,ll-.3ustralian player ,
r(,I 11) .i 'u(ni i life in the AFL, under Kr%-in Sheedv uiil rluc~,l~i~<1 angrumours of a ,til filocl« after admitting
l ;n-,,t=un tr : t ining ru n um (,n( . Ltp . it _, ot bette r riu " into fits of nttirc it the n~ ;uri~'al ;it AV"intl v
p, l u ~hirtl tutt l ' ,n III,- %,_dl II I ! Joe N lisiti ° .la nirc l
300th % 'AFA
I,l ;i}, ( I : ; ()U 1-l' ,tnt , s ntrl tlt,'it ittduct di(,- hat have l,l, ol, cl a combined iut . ,t o1 300 (Senior, l 1~) & I ;,•pi(-cnfativ e
). Describe d Geoff McClure
in his BIG Paper column as "a player with tremendous natural football instincts", "Cuzza" is a 6 time B&F winner, club captain, representative and premiership player . His brother Matthew, also a handy player for the Friars played 200+ games, nice contribution by the Carbone family, and well done to Anthony .
® u
Seems that some cross town rivalries came to the fore in a higher section game recently . A coach, known for his competitive antics pre-game, went across to shake his opponent's hand . The opposition coach flatly refusing, in response to an incident from 2004 when the competitive coach, riled his opposition number with some pre-game antics . Not even a change of club for the competitive coach has quelled the feelings of the offended coach . So what did the competitive coach do, we believe he continued on with his pre-game antics . No love lost between these two, stay tuned for second round meeting report .
® 0 ® Cystic Fibrosis Victoria have joined forces with the Southern FL and th e VAFA and will host the annual representative match between the two bodics . Formerly known as lw Si . Hilda Community r ill), in 2005 the match
%,: 11 T,r known as the Cystic Fibrosis Community Cup, Robert Harvey (St . Kilda) is tl,tiuil ; :i-ador for the game and the nI n(fr,ii,~ ,c,tture . The match will take place ~t f~l~t~n~ :icl . Park, Sportscover Arena o n
June lI, with a VAFA U19 h`-, -uth game being the curtain-raiser. ~u the day the winner of the Bangers & C ; i~,h w; ard will be announced . Bangers & Cash 1„ in,, a fundraising venture by both the SFL art(l VAFA, whereby clubs of both competitions compete against each other, all they have to do is simply raise money from BBQ's held at your club . VAFA club packs were distributed in February with information and entry forms posted on the VAFA website, refer Forms section of the VAFA website www.vafa.com .au, CFV logo and news story. 0 0
® 19
In case anyone thinks the Bullants are on the skids, they also had a dodgy start in '99, but still earned promotion to C Section, being beaten in the GF by a talent laden AJAX! The Jackers and B-T finished 3rd & 4th respectively that year in a Final 5 (it was a 12 team competition) . The hot favourite for the Flag was Monash Blues who finished top and lost the 2nd SF & Prelim ! LAST WEEK
Bullants not s o much as a single chemical marker !
Aquinas was overrun by Ol d
Carey's rampaging Q4 after the Bloods had them in strife in Q3! OB-ers, Matthew Hunter & Leigh Toomey had fine games for the Bloods, as did Sean Leonard in defence . The well named Bull bros, Trav & Nick were powerhouses for the Cs, with Tom Zavec z were close until half d Prahran Glen Eira an strong in the ruck, while Andrew time then the Two Kent & Tommy Evans went at the Blues raced away. •• quinas was overrun by ball all day like a pair of seriously Leigh Northway Old Carey's rampagin g aggro Tassie Devils ! starred at BP for g4 E-fter the Bloods had TODAY Prahran, & 17 yr old them in strife in g3 ! » FF, Jack Matherson, YVOB will be too accomplished on the Domeney today for Glen Eira brought the house down with his Q1 goal from the boundary! No notes from GE! Ormond blitzed YVOB at the Buxton Reserve in another huge win, though the Monds are dirty it was only a 96 pointer and not 100+! Mends' flyers Wayne Cove, Danny Byra, & Michael Miller stood out in a very, very slick outfit .
and will win by 5+ goals . Fitzroy Reds and Ormond (No idea of the venue for this game!) feature in the clash of the dashers! Who can forget last year's lst Semi between these sides! Repeat say Reds! Revenge counter Moods! Reds to win a`reat
game by 1 point !
YVOB Captain, Ash Drew, led by example, new player, Andrew McLeod . did well in defence, with Dave Stevenson & Brad Peake also good . Emmaus St Leo's were on the same track as Fitzroy Reds, but may not have seen much of them, especially in the last half? I still can't believe the score line! Tim McCann, Daymon Bruce, & Andrew Volpi struggled hard for the Animals on a very ordinary day . From the Reds the golden sound of silence ! Old M entonians pulled away from BulleenTemp after a tight lst half when the Panthers run and tenacity gave them a solid victory . Panthers' Captain & 013-er Justin Costello had a blinder with 25 kicks & 21 h'balls (initials of 'JC' too, spooky!), while their rotating rucks Elliott & Cochrane dominated . From the
CLUB Dl SECTION Old Carey Ormond Fitzroy Reds Aquinas Emmaus S L Dl RESERVE Fitzroy Reds Old Mentonians Ormond Fitzroy Reds Prahran
iIA1,7E lST t?! : TOTAL Parton 8 21 6 20 Beckett Maghamez 3 18 Wooden 7 17 Dinicolantonio 2 1 4
Capodiferro Stroud Stewart Tornese Marriott
9 3 1 4 5
20 12 11 11 10
Emmaus St Leo's at 13ulleen-Temp takes on T,'d Ajani in a critical match for both .
a feeling the Bullants are the more ((,>perate of the two, and they will take the by goal or so . Old Carey welcomes Old Mentonians to the Sports Complex for the first time in ,I,~ndes! This match will be a great spectacle I,, .lnren two swift ball-moving units, and the . o ;u side should win by 2-4 goals and I think the Bloods host Aquinas prahran l squeeze a win by a few points after a very -,rtt match .
Reserves winners should be : Bushrangers, Bullants, Cs, & Two Blues . Correspondents contacts : 9889 1979, & i ok , ~ 6- bigpond .com
M SLESTC}N'ES: Yarra Valley - congratulates James Parry ,n Ins 50th game today . James began with 1 1,, . 1-000 U19s and was VC of the 200 1
1> ~ . He is a skilful player and looks , , t u t, t to rejoin the Seniors after a year off . hc Bushrangers look forward to many morc ,,~unes from James . Fitzroy Reds - congratulates Todd Clarke '' n 100 uncompromising games this week .r_~,tin'l Ormond, the 26th Redder to reac h i i, ntilestone . During his six seasons with tuc club Todd has played with enormous and determination an d has earne d ura ~,Pcct and admiration of his team Notorious for his vicious straight 1ackte~s and the ability to blanket ii,_,hlv Gnzcied forwards, Todd showed his ,. ~r, ~, t i l i lv v: hen he won the best and fairest ;u , ( i A playing in the midfield Todd has d ill two premierships an d captained i h, t1uh in 2004 . Well done Clarkey - the , luh ~niur^,you .
D1 SECTION 1'arra Valley 0 B v Glen Eira Fitzroy Reds v Ormond De Cherie Reserve Coburg
i Tctnplestowe v Emmaus St Leos 0 C ()Id Carey v Old Mentonians Prahran v Aquinas 0 C
Ufff.mN 5.0 6.2 6 .4 8 .10 (58) GLEN EIIiA 3.3 8.6 16.14 22.16 (154) PRAHRAN Glen Eira: Uaimakas 2 Tsiroglazmts Lunberg Pnyde Conroy Lyons S Diamond . Best: Emmett Sheedy Tsirogiamus Serpanchy Massis Conroy . Praiuan : Sleight 6 Matherson 5 B Livingstone 4 Ballard 2 D Livingstone 2 A Pitts 2 BeNan H Pitts . Best : Northway B Livingstone Bunnell Bevan Sleight Matherson . Umpires : Paul Jones Anthony Simpson IF) Elise Van Grondelle Damian Anthonv (B) James Riddle ORMOPID 8 .3 13.13 15 .14 23 .14 (152) YARRA VALLEY OB 2 .1 5 .2 6.4 9.5(59) Ormand : Beckett 6 biartinov 4 BDdedto L Dek,slio Murphy MiIler 2 Brosnan O'Brien Byes Robbins Cove . Best: Cove Byra Miller Beckett Maaztiiov L De1edio. Yarm VaIley: A Drew 4 Pask 3 Keem 2 . Best: Mc Leod Beat Stevenson A Drew Pask Peake . Umpires: Paul OZoughlin Graham Templar (F) Sean Durstan-Rvan Steve Durstan-R}an (B) John Robinson Anthony Kyrkou (G ) EM&SAUS ST LEOS 1 .1 15 3 .6 4 .7(31) 6.4 8.6 14.11 18.19 (127) Frf2R.OY REDS Emmaus St Leos: D'ullcolantonio2 Ballard Buckle . Best, T McCamt Bruce Vol)xi Damelio Duikcolantonlo. Fitz Reds: Cianc13 Maghamec3 Rttchie3 Gleeson2 Manis2 Rawlins2 Green Mitchell Ritchie Zanos . Best: Davis Dullard Atherton Mitchell Ritchie Zanos. Umpires : Peter Angelis Justin Lipson (F ) OLD R E NPOPRARS 6.2 7.8 11 .9 14 .12 (96) 4 .2 6.4 7.7 8.10 (58) BULLEEPI'tERtPL@STOwE Old Menlo R Alexander 3 Basile 3 Vick 2 Ironmonger 2 Costello Flasktis A Palmer Kiantos . Best: Costello Elliott Cochrane Flaskis R Alexander Emerson . Bull Temp: Williams 2 Cherbakof Clarke Horvath Tehan D Matthews Chriers . Best: Hare Cherbakof Honath Tourogianis Stella Clarke . Umpires: Phill Callil David Irons IF) AQUINAS 4.0 6.1 13 .2 13.4 (82) 6 .9 9.12 10.17 20.19 (139) OLD CAREY Aquinas : Wooden 7 Box 3 D Boland 2 Ad. Williams . Best: Toomey Hunter Whithead Pdooden Box Olarenshaw. Old Carey: Parton 8 Kent 3 Zander 2 Evans 2 Shutie Hall Smith T Bull TAngus . Best: Parton Trumbull Kent Battle Gi41me Thanpy>n . Umpires : Roland 11,hrn:ann Paul Dinneen (F) Dl RESERVE GLEN EII2A 3 .0 4 .4 5.4 7 .8(50) PRAHI¢AN 5.2 7.3 12 .8 18 .11 (119) Glen Elm- J Denies 2 Hollow 2 Farrah Turnbull Adem . Best: Hogan Turnbull Cosgrave Hollow Zwar Miller. l'rahmn: Marriott 5 Barber 3 Kermett 2 Small 2 McDonakl2 McIvar HaberHeld Hunt Docherty . Best : Marriptt Hunt Docherty Barber McDonald Dempsey . 3 .4 7.5 13 .10 18.19 (127) ORMOND '. YARRA VALLEY OB 1 .0 1 .0 3 .1 3.109) Ormond: Russell 6 A+ilev 4 Wells 3 Smith 2 Tehennepe Clinch Stewart . Best: Metz Goanan Keleher Black Clinch Fultz . Yarra Valley: Laing 2 Crawford . Best: Laing Parry Yea Smith Drew . EMMAUS ST LEOS 1 .2 2 .2 4 .4 4 .4(28) FTrlROY REDS 3.3 6.8 9 .9 15.14 (104) Emmaus SL, Hantpshire2 McLaughlin Newey . Best: Nolan Dhnble Raynor Pitcher McLaughlin Hampshire . Fitz Reds: Capodiferro 9 Tontere 4 Vernal Mcdonald, Best: Drury Holderhead Evans Willi gham Ryan Capo(lieno. DID MEh1`ONtAIvS 4.5 6 .7 8 .11 14 .15 (99) BULLEEN TENIPLESTOWE 0 .3 2 .3 3.3 3.4(22) Old Menlo Stroud 3 Goodbody 2 Brady 2 T Millis 2 Erskine 2 Sumer Lane Duncan. Best: D Alexander C Palmer Lane Drinan Stevens T Millis. Bull Temp: Not received. Best: Tsokas Smolder Hanson Gannas Daskalou Glover 4.3 5.3 10 .7 11 .8 (74) AQUINAS 01D C,tiREY 1 .1 6.6 8.6 12.9 (81) Aquinas : Flower 2 Yap 2 Jeeves 2 Arnold White Hope M Boland Jeffrey . Best: Flower Yap Parker Evans Arnold Elltott Old Carey: Konstantintdis 2 P Graham 2 H Van Cuyienberg 2 Carr Joslin E Bull Ashworth S Bennett Doggett. Best: Doggett P Graham Carr E Bull Croft Connell.
Dl Section AQUINAS
Coach : Steven Bell Res Coach : Terry McEvoy
Coach: Steve Easton Res Coach : Andrew Parris
Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan
Coach : Terry Walsh Res Coach : Mall Embling
1 L . Toomey 2 S.Tibb 3 S. Voursoukis 5 M. Hunter 6 R. Brown 7 C. Glennie 8 J. Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 S. Cooper
10 J . Wise
13 C. Jeffrey 15 Ad. Williams 16 J. Hunt 17 B.Redwood 18 T.Olarenshaw 19 G . Whitehead 20 D. Skinner 21 J. Pierce 22 S. Flynn 23 M . Visse r 25 B. Volombello 26 J. Box 27 C. Tzoumanekas 28 B. Helme 29 L . Elliott 30 C. Colliver 31 G . Evans 32 J. Bleakney 33 C. Wooden 34 M . Tarulli 35 R. Chapman 36 M . Hope 37 S. Leonard 38 B. Moran 39 S. Bethune 40 R. Tainton 41 G . Davies 42 R. Moran 43 M. Slattery 44 J. Tapply 45 D. McCartan 46 T. Vandersluis 47 An. Williams 54 M. O' Hallora n 55 L-Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 58 H. Tyssen 59 B. Cooper 61 I . Drew 62 C. Lyng 63 A. Barrie 68 D. Sullivan
G . Chivers (Capt) M . Stella L . Thompson (VC) W. Thompson M . Pietryk A. Tehan (DVC) P. Robertson D. Glover J . Matthews
11 C. Ince 12 A. Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A. Wilke 15 R- Ferguson 16 S. Smith 17 P. Voglis 18 R. Schneider 19 L. Stott 20 T Waters 21 P. Gannas 22 C. Cherbakof 23 D. Matthews 24 T. Agosta 25 L. Norbury 26 S. Boyd 27 A. Clarke 28 P. Milesi 29 P. Tsokas 30 D. Florence 31 A. Bernicich 32 R. Williams 33 P. Florence 34 S. Lambropoulos 35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 J. Frangos 38 A. Verga 39 D. Buccachio 40 G . Theodrakakous 41 R . Lea 42 A. Stavretis 43 D . Horvath 44 0 . Hill 45 D. Rogers 46 A.Coulston 47 C. Morihovitis 48 A. Morihovitis 49 B. Touriganis 50 I . Roxburgh 51 R . Toscano 52 M. Daskalou 57 A. Smith 58 D . McMahon 60 M. Scarano 64 C . Tzalabiris
r.J.o'aek i .D.Nmuen 2.e.rraarw.a~ 2.nt.akn 3. M. ta4s~iz~'son 3. S. Dbenedem 4-n rf~m. a S Ksrars
s. P. mxogrn,rs s E . Tra g. B Pr~ab e d&w,~ ztt att~ zt &m,e g J. ht~ e w.nuaM s T Ga'~; s-G P'ror wwztwn zN .C .
M. Fas~r 2.J.Bare
a M-z; :3.s eOcer 1 4.T.cwke 14 M.r40g~ is !a Sr,~amer 15 A SL,,-M 1gGO~ad i6'G'Cra~ n.e tee izRF.r~ m t p 8 ~ I& u p ,~~, to B. t~coonab 79. P. Cmk 20 T tk A 20.i ~ zt c . W:, 2t T Cz~ ~S Er22 .G s.~ren 23 K - z 23. i'taOx" 24 Gl 24 G 6idd"€a~ . .
25. o . P. 25o T~ 26. sa W gnan 26. r3 Arch 27, 2.1~ 27 .3 &~e 28 T.ta,eW 28 u CaasraA 29 v~ 29 1 ~ 20 N E~ 30 Ltm,r 31 J. tay 31, P. cmwa 32 R . TM K D o~ 33& Dwy 33 11 "e 34 PC,2V 34" 1L' ~~F~ 35 5P , ~,y 37, lrklee 37 . a0aeJy 38K westx+' 38R Hwftai 39 A ,G°fs° 's 3 ~ M . 40 P NP.1 40oah41 G.vg.amx 41 .M &ages 42 r WBOy a2 .8. Coe 43 s ezU a3 .J.vem9 44.aPzce 44 .o East 45J~B- 45, 3, G-mo 46T P~ 46 42 A . ou~, P.~u 47rr. WM'" 91 Pr at J. uca~~ey '.n D .Riw go F. S~ 5i53 .t~ e6 s~ ~ .r.n!xuen R Hoxi~ 54 T u~~ roM ~ 55M z- 71,1,Lmk~ 56 d.caF, n .aGrao 57,0 Rome go .G.Box 65~ S o'~`"' gr-~.sa''"aw 88 . S, M'ggs ~ . o~
Coach : Peter Russ o Res Coach : Jamie Windus s
1 S. Vamvakis 2 P.Khazaal 3 C . Massis 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J. Zagame 7 D . Clarke 8 D . Lyons 9 A. Russo 10 M. Chandler
1 T. Mitvalsky 2 C . Twentyman (DVC)
11 L . Pryde
11 A . Mort
12 B. King 13 G . Brown 14 C . Grey 15 E.Stuchbery 16 N . Davis 17 R . Conroy 18 R . Oldham 19 A. Devries 20 A. Diamond 21 M. Watt 22 S. Emmett 23 T. Deal 24 M. Embling 25 J.. Fidogianni s 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 R . Gilmore 28 L . Shellard 29 M. Scalia 31 M. Bell 32 D . Fossey 33 A. Sheedy 34 T. Turnbull 35 S. Hollow 36 B. Zurek 37 P. Merrick 38 S. Lithgow 39 A. Davies 40 M. Cosgrove 41 J. Devries 42 J. Serpanch 43 M. Kennedyy 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 S. Gange 47 B. Zwar 48 J.Haliweli 49 S. Hall 50 D . Eade 51 H . Hussien 52 S. Miller 53 A. lliyas 54 M. Vodstrcil 55 J. Lundberg 56 C . Hogan 57 P. Rohr 58 S. Patterson 61 J. Fulton 63 J. Evans
12 C . Dwye r 13 B . Russo 14 M. Stroud 15 J .Costelb (C) 16 C . Dunca n 17 C . Gouday 18 M . Basile V C O ) 19 A . Palmer (DVC 20 C . Palmer 21 J . O'Brie n 22 B . Co9hlan 23 A . Drinan 24 R . Ironmonger 25 B . Fairbanks R . Schloeffel 27 G. Katri s 28 D . Kitto 29 A . Carter 30 D . Russ o 31 M . Elliott 32 P. Wilso n 33 B . Lane 34 P. Flaskis 35 E . Millis 36 D . Alexander (RVC ) 37 M . Franci s 38 T. Millis 39 J . Vick 40 R . Alexander 41 G. Pekalis 42 A . Noona n 43 G. Hubbard 44 L. Sumer 45 A . Erskine 46 G. Smit h 47 J .Kelly 48 D . Stevens (RC) 49 N . Fisher 50 K . Regan 51 A . Wilson 52 M . Watts 53 R . Johnso n 54 D. Goodbody 55 A . Donegan 56 S . Brad y 57 S . Fairbank s 58 M . Lewis 60 W. Steabben 61 B . Saunders 62 C. Sinclair 63 G. Goris 64 M . Austi n
3 R . Ball 4 B . Carroll
5 A . Kiantos 6 C . Alexander 7 D . Emerso n 8 G. Ferguson 9 D . Cochran-70 T. Wiltshire
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Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am p U m a
For news, views and previews, tune to VAFA Footy Show presen ted by Ken Petrucco with Norm Nugent & panel
c 0 m
f" ,
SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00a m
Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .4b p . m. every Saturday
f 5r.
.r f .:~ ,~ ~ 7Ta®~5 !_~ , _^ 1 4 1.,7,,1Y
L JAI T Eii :m
R11MG T_u p
D~ ~ ~' ?'H V
EASTERN COMMUNITYXa,OAR~~ACTE2, S "in tune with the outer east "
VAFA SEGMENT Scores, chat and news of local VAFA team s between 6.00-6 .15pm each Saturday night .
7 0
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VAFA segmen t
6 .Q~ pm ® 7® el p . ® Saturday
-- __- ~- ~ ~ -~ ~~ t~~~~~►:~~~'~ ~ ~
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VAFA SUNDAY 9 .30 - 10 .30 a .m . TUNE IN TO TOMMY BRAIN & STEV E McCARTHY n4~ t te4r 46 ~• •• 24
W ITH ALL THE !/AFA NEW S This weeks guest: Peter Hille (Fitzroy Reds President)
: cuz
k 00ey
presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from St Kevins, St Bernards (A), Old Essendon (B), Old Paradians, Therry Penola, Uni Blacks (C), LaTrobe Un3 (1)2) , West Brunswick, Ru wood (B3), N orth Brunswick (D4) . REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .30 pm Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
Saturday The Sunday Age VAF4 sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about d Johnathan Horn an '.FA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day revie ws the competition in Monday's Age
Y h's
evofl' t
presented by Gie= .- ==â&#x20AC;&#x17E;i ,-- ;ith guests from St Kevins, St 13ernards iai, 01,! ~ssennon 1.;11), Old Paradians, Therry Penola, L'ni 3?2 :'s (C, LaTrobe Uni (D2) , West Bnins,:iek, Itui~criss:co~ D3), .,7 orth Brunswick (D4) . weekly chat on all matters VAFA. Ptu:VIEWS I~ iJ
J KNITWEA R REVIEW After three rounds, there is already a two-game gap between the top four and the rest of the pack and unless the bottom six improve, it could well be another season when the top four in D2 is settled a long way out from September . In ominous signs of things to come, Old Geelong thumped Ivanhoe Assumption by a whopping 117 points at Como Park . Trailing by 44 points at half-time the Hoes, who are winless after three rounds, were punished in the second half, conceding 16 goals and losing full-back Peter Lee to a shoulder injury . Swinburne's inability to win close games cost it again last week, losing to Oakleigh by one point . The Razorbacks thought they had found the winner when newcomer Alan Chung baulked and weaved his way to magnificent goal at the 30minute mark of the final quarter only for the Krushers to regain the lead four minutes later . Peninsula's trans-Melbourne visit to Rupertswood was unsuccessful with the Pirates crashing to a 74-point loss . After an even first quarter, the Woods slammed on 18 goals to three in the next two stanzas to win comfortably . In other results, La Trobe continued its unbeaten start to the season overcoming Salesian by 54 points while Williamstown opened its account for 2005 with a 57-point win over Bentleigh . PREVIEW Ivanhoe Assumption host Rupertswood at The Boulevard in a clash between second and second last . The Hoes will be looking to chalk up their first notch in the W` column this season while Rupo will fancy their chances of maintaining their unbeaten run in their first season at this level . Hard to ignore prior performances, so on current form, it has to be Rupertswood . Swinburne University face Old Geelong at St. James Park in another contest between side with contrasting fortunes . Although Swinny will be competitive, I fancy Old Geelong to continue their winning ways, no matter who gets the goals . Salesian OC square off against Oakleigh in a derby match at Bosco Street, again featuring teams at opposite ends of the ladder. The Krushers will be pleased with their strong start to the year after their pre-season upheavals, while the home side are only out of the relegation zone on percentage . As with the other matches, it' s
hard to overlook current trends . Oakleigh for mine. Bentleigh take o n La Trobe University at Arthur Street, with the Trobers looking to stay undefeated and the Demons looking to square the ledger and nudge closer to the four . La Trobe are another combination without an outstanding forward, but rather have several options able to contribute one or two goals a game, while Bentleigh by contrast have the talents of playing coach Justin Paul to bag many a six pointer . However, I tip the Trobers to prevail . The final match for preview see Peninsula OB entertain Williamstown CYMS at Harry McDonald Oval . Both sides have been indifferent thus far, with the CYs having the only win of either side so far . The Pirates have found it surprisingly difficult to adjust to life at a lower level for now, but are fortunate there are a few sides sharing their predicament . Willy broke their drought last week and will certainly be inspired. After some serious meditation, I've decided to tip the Pirates to win their first game of the season . CORRESPONDENTS Please send any correspondence to Peter.PS .WilliamsonC-centrelink .gov .au, ideally by 5pm Monday, or Andrew Wu wuey43(a~hotmail .co m
CLUB D2 SECTION Rupertswood Oakleigh Bentleigh Swinburne Uni D2 RESERVE Old Geelong Williamstown Peninsula Rupertswood Old Geelong
(!lt ME L Brennan Briggs Pau l
LS! CJ[ ; 57iAL
10 5 7 5
18 17 15 12
Higgins Burgess Goldthorp A Jordan C O'Brien
5 10 6 1 4
16 16 11 8 8
SOCIAL is holding an Oaks Day function on d<,c 7 May so guys and girls please get out O,.klei01 Carnival outfits for a night of punting . We will have a ring trfVring at Scammell Reserve e n with ou rsce
rd of the races on the big lus Fashions on hookmaker Ste-,vie Dalton and girls . S10 per {d contests f0o ~ the guys Kerley . The Krushers please buy
Past Players Lunch o n r 21 May, sstarting at 12Pm, before thei
holding a
a h against Bentleigh
. Please contact Pat
s on 0402-905 198 fo i boho ld gng a M iss Ption e Park i~'anhoe Assn rri
T ' n ;verse in Reserve nigh~ ?mavef omh~30pm . n's ond athere r"-,s free hampagne c lor inc y n rivia Bow Night on Saturda 5v; in'r,urncI - is ha4illha : the Hawt or prizes are up _l„,les light nibbles Great pof six now . table organise y 0 Hughsey" Dinning on 0417 55
.8 24,8(152 1 22.3 .0 2.3 9 .4 20 5 .7 11 .)2(78) REPER35WOOD PEN[NSUII, os Bremtan 10 McGovern 5 Pluimner 3 Bishop Harry Morae Rin upccts: s Quigley Ramsey Sirmett. Best: Brennanw la`3 J C `ogllan 2~~72e Reed Brennan 3 Cla ngl : McDonald . 1'enins Stan forth Taylor Prat t Prendergast Murphy Davis Chris White . Best: Andrew Shiels lan Kennedy (F) Michael Jone s Umpir'es McKendn' (G) 5 28.15 (183) 12.4 17.9 .2 1 5 3 .2 8 .5 10.6 (66) ;,D GEELONG i .PT10i NANIIOE:ASSUP N Betts 8 L Stevens 4 Casbailt W Paul Klmpton 3 C 0'B en Old Geel : Bell N Betts VckersFallaw 2 Goktsworthy M White H McCarthy . Best . Ivan As : Val4earts 4lsefo 2 O Nei l Willis McCarthy La ~ell Fatrbairn Smote valkarns Neilson. H eron Healy Rawley . Best: µ`°~ isefo Peggie Camero n. Paul Tuppen Luke Moncrieff (Fl Phillip Miller Glen Kennedy (B) Umpires J m Exton Hagen CosE tf IG) 2 .10 7.13 11 .19 (85) .4 OAItJ.EIGH 4 .4 5 .6 10 .9 12 .12 (&41 s Briggs S~BI~I' M 6 Dalton Mackenzie . Best Briggs 5 Bromley 2 Bando Canmtiss a in 3 Oak. Swin : Murchie 5 Ht:~ Bromiey Holden P Rttis S Reynolds :Rutter Kane Hodgson Plotrowski Murchie Chung f7ell'otio Milano O'Keefe . Best
Dell'olio Prior. ( mpires: Lionel Katz Nick Fem 3 Fl 7 4 8 .11 15 .15 {105j 4.1 4.1 4.3 8.3t5] ) LATROBEUNl SAI•ESIAN essy Brooks 3 0a111eH 3 Coulter 2 Slater Dingle Ludeman F~ IA Trobe: : Dinde Oakley Ludentan Cossa r Pruscino Tamblyn Benton . Best . Best: Healey Greel y : Thain 3 Boba Logan Rosana~ic Downy Rogers Jahn-Paul Sheedy, or es Downy Barry Rogers Dotn~n . .~inb :~rne university ar und the Razorbac k Sean Collins (B ) umpires- Eli Haves Sean Scully Siu (F) James Scully weekend . .10 17 .18.31(58) : game this .6 I7 .4 8 ;i<150th 1 p~y1~AM5i .OWN GYMS 3 .0 5 .1 7.3 Hem r ,- ach this milestone in gElsi7 EIGH i, t,r,n, Popey is an 2 Baz~w~~ H,vnes GYMS: Wheeler 4 Grossman 3 CouperManning . },lixr who Pach Phemist Thouipso o Sharp. Best: Lee ~ him tals !tc Iti ._tt'~ 1 .~tCouper Etas Paul wuc. w, u, .,.,., . ~~iraund the club . . ~ S Hoimesby L Holmesby M Ferris Pri ) h,l, committee for 6 : Geoff Caulfield Shane Maclnt~F gDmF~s b 5 ~ ears as clu ~~~D ~,~ 7.7 13.7 15 .10 ( l~} 1 tYle club an d .2 4 .6 7 .7 11 .9175) Al-) Jarro d It a ,1, ucA o$ 1 .N Clarke 2 Hatty Wals h u e 3 A Certo 2 C Certo 2 S Clark 2' ich :Ti ir N7.u 11ji" Sandh k Price McCrann Zahra C Certo A Certo }(~U yarnes in a big ua_ Best : S Clar : Cahir Crean Law hat, ldthorp 6 Arnold 2 Crean 2 Bade-Bell . Best itu~~il~~~r r~l Arno.S Preston Parsons 5 2 10 7 15 .11 21.15 t141 ) D GEELO;tG 0 7.3 (45) 2 . 5 .0 6 .2 --lr*E A.SS17fiiI'rlOl~i :rs 5 T Bayles S 0'Brien 4 C Atkins Hughes Wilson 2 ~ ~. ._ ._ . ; Taylor Hughes Higgins T Bayles Lestie S O'Brien . i~.~st Cole Conley : Maud eve Chazan McCallum . Best
. r, ;nfnrruation or to secure your table
.7 (49) 0 .3 2.5 6 .6 7 .8 (44) 0.3 1 .5 5.6 6 d nrra_v Wood . Best: NSalcotm Briggs J Hea . r 0'Mara Eley Christov Page Walls ie Sandhu . .18 {1381 6.13 14 .16 20 3 .3 4 .3 5.6 (36) dinond 2 Carolan 2 Kenison 2 ,. Best: Kerrison t7lph d3amhwe ren Hanton Sea2 ,°e, Best : Banton It. 20.14 12.10 5 2 8 .6 .3 ( 27) 2.2 10 3 dory 2 Street 2 1?awset Hall . Best : r Williams Hall . Bent: Stuart 2 Punte Is I- :id Oldfeld Punter . 27
Coach: Justin Paul Asst Coach : Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall
Coach : Anthony McKay Asst Coach : Doni Valkanis Res Coach: Richard Peoples
8 C . McFadden 9 L . Tangas 10 J. Vlahos 11 D . Martin 12 T. Wright 13 S . Craven 15 B . McClelland 16 D . Chapman
1 S. Conley 2 M. Maud 3 P.Harris 4 T. O'Neill 5 J . Scoots 6 E. Healy 7 P. Fawley 8 J . Shuttleworth 9 R . Peoples 10 P. Lee 11 D . Valkanis 12 B .Galloway 13 B .McCrohan 14 D .Neilson 15 G.Boyd
17 S . Francis
1 2 3 4
C. Sharp J . Paul A. Pittito S. Sice
5 J. Robertson 6 R . Dolman
Coach : Glenn Taylor Asst San Coaches : David
Huffer & Bob Ellis Res Coach: Bob Elli s Club XVIII Coach : Cam Black 4 H. Davies 5 S . Adamthwaite
6 D. Gleason 7 T. Marines
OAKLEIGH Coach : Pat McKenna Res Coach: Mark Ryan Asst Coach : Shane Kitts 1 3 4 5 6
A . Murrayy D. Mackenzie G . Harry C. Kokkinos M . Jordan
7 M . Short
no . Co 1 : I nael Res Coacn : Mic t
Asst Coach : Matt Ec 1 M. Goldsworthy 2 N . Casbau H 3 M. White
4 C . Shnchcombe (C)
5 6 7 8
M. Vickers-W,I! .s (C ) J . Bel l J . Paul G. Alle n
8 C. Correnti 10 M . Forrest 13 T. Ludeman 14 D. Butler 15 S. Brooks 16 P. Farrant 18 C. Blight 19 A. Benton 20 A. Coulter
8 S . Earl 10 P. Holden (DVC)
16 M .Joyce
21 M. Harvey
18 J. Connellan
18 S . Adaway 19 M . Wilson
17 T.Nixon 18 A .Boyd
22 D . McMeekin 23 M. Cossar
19 R . Keating 20 J. Halpin
15 H. McCarth y 16 T. Paiiavr 17 T. Bett s 18 J . Maipas 19 N. 20 J. Leenoa g e 21 L. Teagu 22 T. Bayles
20 R . Fishlock
19 D. Wood
24 L . Envall
21 A. Perdikornatis (RC)
23 C. Fa rba rn
21 A . Ferris 22 A . Smith 23 G . McFarlane
20 N. Pye 21 N. Blainey 22 A. Height 23 L.Cole 24 B. Frew 25 J. Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 B.Walthers 28 S.Graham 29 J. Cropper 30 T. Me'Pmet 31 D .McFarlane 32 J. losefo 33 S.Hicks 34 C .Trea9er 35 P.Veitch 36 C .Zeegers
26 M. Dingle 27 S . Pruscino 31 A . Mambvde 32 S . Gibson 34 H . Spring 35 F. Tiernan 36 T. Mawdsley 39 R . Slater 40 S . Murphy 42 D. Robson 44 D. Kerrison 45 D. McMeekin 47 A . Samson 50 K . Hopkins 55 C. Fehring 70 J. Dumaresq 73 J. Sewell 78 J. Clark
22 D . Wills 23 J. Kerley 24 S. Kitts 25 C . Marshall 26 A . Kitts 27 D . Zula (VC) 28 A . Khodr 29 K . Holden 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 P. Lucas 33 S . Bando 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske 36 M . Ryan 37 S. Briggs 38 S. Cammiss
7 S. Holmesby
24 J . Roberts 25 D. Gold 26 B. Pad9 ham
27 J . Seeley 28 M . McCulloch (C) 29 A. Clough 30 A. Lee 31 A. Banks 32 D . Kopitschinski 33 P. Withington 35 P. Hutchison 36 M. Ferris 37 L . Holmesby 38 B. Fox 39 G . Prigg 40 A . Steward 42 A . Mikkelsen 42a M . Hayes
12 D. Purnell 13 D. Britt 14 J. Nevezie
15 G . Redford (RVC) 16 M. Be ! I
17 0 . Perry
39 W. Plaukovits
i i 25 C. Wilson 27
24 S. Lansdel (V-C ) 29 S. 0'Bnen 30 D . You i 31 A. Munro 32 T. Ayerbe 33 E. Bayle s
34 S. Makin 35 M. Verge 36 T. Makm 37 T. Waters 38 L. Sm,t h 39 J .
40 L. Teague 41 S . Ross 42 C . Legoe 43 R . Parson s 44 J .0'Ha
45 H . Lego e 46 J . Morley 47 J . Cole 48 R. Herd Sr J . Kilpatrick
44 N . Wills
54 R. Hughes
D . Fennell
55 C. Atkin s 56 M Leslie 57 B. Symon s 60 B.
K. Hickman S. Jackson
46 P.Martin
C . Knee
49 S. Collins
53 E . Box 54 R . Oldtield 55 G. Richards 56 C. Aitken 57 D. Clarke 60 B . Grant 61 H. McKenzie 64 M . Hayes
47 T.Peggie
54 J .Skirving
P. Lias A . Mann S . Miller G. Nelson X . O'Donnell L. Ryan L. Heathcote C . Francis
50 C . Lamb 52 C . Cooke 55 P. Malcolm 56 B . King 57 D . Nagel 59 T. Orchard 63 M . Couttie 65 A . Wood
55 S.CaRer
S . Gtoury
57 M . Frannich 58 D. Hager 59 C . Mcinney 60 J. Nemtses 78 C . Brown
S . Moore S . Pitaro
43 A . Shemshedin
M. Garret
44 M .Shephard
Toogood 49 A .Rosenfeld 48 R.
50 R. Shing 51 D. Pearce 52 M .Wilson 53 M . Chazan
J . Waterman B . Laidlaw D. Hill J . Rot e lla
J. McCarth y J
59 R. Kilpatric k
82 G . Leishman 63 D. Aree 65 ~~Ins 66 H . Burgess 67 J. Burnel l 68 B. Churc h 69 A. Southey 70 W. de Fegley
71 R . Ellis
73 H . Foletta 75 T 76 M HaYe e s
77 S . Monaghan 78 L. Morrison 81 G. Ritchie 82 T. Smit h 83 R. Stevens 84 S . Tres.s e
M . McDonal d
Higgin s
53 A. Husking
79 N . Robinson 80 C . O 'Brie n
A. B. Hider ,~
52 A.
72 H . England
C. Sage
N . Dunne
C . Clamp
45 R .Fort
14 D.
T. Cohen
McDonald 42 K . O'Dwyer
52 L. Sampson
. . -
11 L. Stevens 12 T. Pau l 13 T. Canno n
41 C .
45 E. Videky 46 R . Holden 47 M. Stevenson 48 J. Reynolds
. .- - . - .._ . .
1 0 M . Avery
40 J .Barbggallo
39 M . Ebbag e
45 S . Ferris 48 R . McEvoy 49 C . Kamus 51 P. Sampson
9 D . Kimpton
40 J. Briggs 41 S. Way 42 S. Dalton 43 A. Hinton
37 P. Cotter 38 N .Haddon
44 R . Punter
11 J . Rutter
85 M. Vasey 86 88 87 89 90
J . Whit e J . Hawker
J- Imhoff
P. Klooste r E .JeHerey
20 ~.
Y / - -[ ~~ . 째
Iran Sill ; rr ;n: Neil Franks
1 P. Flinn 2 G . Price 2 M. Temming 3 P. Reid 4 D . Burrovres 5 J. Ramsay 6 S. Gallus 7 B. Whitehead 8 K. Elliot 9 M. Keating 11 S . Clark 12 M . Hewat 13 B . Sinnett 14 L . Plummer 15 N . Webb 16 R . Monzell
s ns
r v
rth n
. . : --
= -~
Coach : Shane McLaughlan Res Coach : Adam Walsh
17 R . Harry 19 D. Collins
5t VC)
20 D. Powell 22 D. Walsh 23 M . West 25 D. Keenan 27 R. Jaeger 28 D. Mcdonald
30 K. Shaw
~ --
-. - .. .-c APT)
31 T Boxatl 32 N. Mcgovern 33 R . Lupa 35 C . Certo 36 J. Plummer 38 B. Johnson 39 A. Jordan 42 T. Plummer 43 T. Batson 44 A . Certo
45 D . Hum
-' '
46 B . Ang 47 J . Mccrann 49 M. Burns 57 A . Morris 52 A . Jansz 53 T. Broughton 53 B . Debono 54 B . Quinn 55 A. Walsh 56 G . Hatty 57 S. Carmody 58 M . Clarke 60 J. Grant 61 M . Walsh 63 B. Moule 64 M. Lane 66 T. Lovett 68 D . Stevens 69 D . Wallace 70 L. Temming 71 A . Soutaris 73 D . Walsh 81 D . Soutaris
Coach : Peter Turley Res Coach : Jon Brennan 1 A . Stevens 2 A . Thain 3 S . Sutherland 4 A . Healey 5 M . Canava n 6 M . Loughnan 7 G. Tucker 8 S . Logan 9 A . Campbell 10 S . Oldfield it A . Davey 12 L. Rose 13 I . Bobetic 14 P. Evans 15 C. Rose 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D . Barry 19 T. Fairbairn
20 A. Seeger 21 A. Bonnici 22 S. Downey
23 P. Hanlon 24 E. Hanapy 25 J . Rogers
26 J . Nannies 27 E . Mallard 28 C . Savage 29 F. Delahaye 30 A . Brett
31 L. Seville 32 G. Riley 33 N. Callaghan 34 C. Gouklen 35 P. Knott 36 S. Nolan 37 B. Chalmers 38 K. Woodman 39 M . Ware 40 S. Trakas 41 M . Smyth 42 A. Simon 43 M . Van Suylen 44 P. McClaren 45 D. Allen 46 S. Greely 47 I. Rozankovic 48 T. Henson 49 M. Oakley 50 J . Oakley 51 S. Stevens 52 S . Henry 53 P. Allen 54 5 .. Brown 55 J . Ngo 56 C. Ryan 57 M . Smith
58 M . Ferwerda 59 Mick Forbes 60 P. Forbes
Coach : Manny De Bono Res. Coach : Tanja Nishibata 1 L Watts 2 J. Sheedy 3 J. Piotrowski 4 A. Fidler 5 J. Demarte 6 D. Harmer 7 J. Murchie 8 M. Higgins
9 L . Morrison 10 M. Anastassi 11 D . Milano
13 K. Barbary 14 R . Goode 15 H . SuHer 16 C . Walsh 17 J . Roberts
18 A . Roman
19 B . O'Mara 20 D . W'99
21 S . Fragiacomo 22 C. Thomas 24 C. Higgins 25 M. Whiting 26 T Liston 27 R. Kiss 28 J. Ryan 29 J. Gordon 30 J. Dunsford 32 P. Beynon 33 S. Christov, 34 A. Fricke 36 J. Carter 37 D. Barbera
38 M . Tacky
39 R. Roberts 40 J . Coy 41 S. Ryan 42 D. MacFarlan e 43 J . Andrinopo AU ' S 44 M. Ryan 45 B. White 46 J . Sandhu 47 T. Morris 48 D . Little
49 M. Hodgson 50 M. George 51 M. Pearson 52 N . Lane 53 M . Paul
54 M . Eley 55 M . Dinning 56 D. Smith 57 C. 0'KeeNe 58 M . Flack 59 C. Gelley 60 P. Jones 6t B. Robertson 62 B. Gorfine 63 M . Roebuck 64 J. 0'Keeffe 65 A. Teal 66 C . Dent 67 D . Beynon 68 L . Sierakovrski
Proudly sponsored by:
za,'~4amm a ~p
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Restaurant & B ar
Whitehorse Inn 5 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn 9818 4991
Will !ag- : . . ."r~e~r~ C " . . _; Coach : Dane Macleod Res Coach : Damien Hynes 1 T. Wheeler 2 P. James
2(r) J. of Grazi a 3 4 5 6
D . Wouda S . Wuchatsch D . Elia s D . Greive
7 L. O'Sulliva n 8 L. Rya n 9 J . Munro 10 B . Cocks 11 C . McCraken 12 S . McGuiness 13 M . Grossma n 14 J . Stree t 15 D. Taylo r 16 S . Phemister
17 R. Hart 18 D. Oldham 19 S . Barlo w
20 L. Coope r 21 M . Welsh 22 S. Kin g 23 C . McNamara 24 C . Pac h 25{r)G . Burgess 25 L . Thoma s 26 D . Lee 27 B. Grant 28 A. Kosmatos 29 B. Gotte n
30 K. Dowsey 31 J . Hynes 32 T. Hynes 33 T. Bo z
34 L.
35 C .
Bergi n
36 F. Henry
37 B . Hynes 38 M . Elias 39 T. Carter 40 P. Thompson 41 A . McKensie
42 B . Hinsley
43 P. Azzapard i 44 M . Manning 45 J . Buttigeig 46 G . Singleto n 47 B. Robinso n 48 B. Gray 49 F. Diblas i 50 B. McKay
51 S. Mandan 52 D . Paul 53 A. Lewis 54 L . Keating
55 R . Nisbett
56 Z. Milken-laude 57 D . Jory 58 S . Vinnin g 59 T. Mannin g 60 S . Hal l 61 S . Adam s 62 C. Hoillan d 63 M . Holland 64 D.O'Keeff e 65 D. Wilfred 66 B. Koch
Proudly sponsored by : KENNEDY PLUMBIN G SERVICES ~ . 939i-M5 . .
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y ~~ Saations ar r o 째째tbal/ar ~ ~ orh,s S~achas t ~~d r8~ Scrib~ to S % /ES~~tation c~ ~r~i~ o at~s s le on tha 3 MOSt (~ ct h,s g tatUatt~' at th~, ~qF a/a
If you are the peson circled, present this photo at VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper.
Lots happening in ammo football! A Section scribe, Jason Frenkel, was named as the News Limited Cadet Journalist of the Year from 33 nominated, young journalists . Key VAFA staff member, Sue Anderson had returned from 6 weeks long service leave touring the UK and Europe and Phil Stevens stated that the Channel 31 Sportscover Footy Show had been saved through the support of 3-4 advertisers who bridged the $20,000 shortfall in costs .
On the footy field, A Section was unusually clear cut as the closest margin out of the six games was 9 goals . Old Scotch stayed on top by handing out a "belting" to Old Melburnians, 23 .9 to 5 .18 . Old .Brighton in B Section travelled "up the road" to McKinnon to take on long time rivals Old Haileybury . Brighton's 7 goal opening quarter set the game up for the final score of 18 .12 to 9 .11 . Best players ; Perry, Phelan, Pirrie (4), Bradley (6), Nikas and Lennox for Old Brighton and S Rowlands, B Mitchell,
Reservoir Old Boys , had Aquinas sitting on top undefeated after the first four rounds . The Old Xaverians, not unusually, wer e leading Club 18 (1) and neweomers. Rupertswood, were making a great impression in Club 18 (2), also undefeated . Milestones were recorded for two excellent players . Dave Lappage (Old Haileybury) played his 150th . "Lappa" had been a member of the 1995 Senior Premiership Team and was a renowned goal kicker . At Caulfield Grammarians, Nigel "Mamba" Brohier notched up his 200th . Premiership player, Club Captain, multiple best & fairest and State Rep player were some of the highlights of Mamba's career .
B Section scribes, both old Mentonians of note, Drew Solley and David "Duteh, ."
Armstrong, Hassett and Lappage (3) for
Holland, stated that Mazenod were the pacesetters in their section and had done
Haileybury .
it so far in an awesome fashion . Mazenod
Bulleen Templestowe's champion, Dean Matthews, played his 200th game but his team could not reward him with a win after they threw away a 4 goal lead at the final change and went down 10 .12 to Old Geelong's 11 .14 . Best for OGGS ; Javgietis, L Wilson, Higgins (4), Paul, Taylor and Salter . For BT ; Prior, Chivers, Schneider, Touriganis, W Bone and Tulloch .
certainlv handed it out to MHSOB with a 28 .21 to 7 .8 thrashing . Verbeek, Chilcott, Ellin (8), Murray, Buck (5) and Barker were outstanding for the winners while only Kiley, Albergo and Magee cracked it for a mention by the High School match committee . Old Paradians, Old Brighton and Old Haileybury seemed the main challengers and made up the top four .
DI Section coaches were ; Laurie Aghan (Aquinas), Greg Whitcroft (Banyule), Dean
Peter Lemon was writing the C Section reports and although non committal about
Anderson (Caulfield Grammarians), Andrew Sutherland (La Trobe Uni), Dave Rogers,
who were the pacesetters, provided a
(Monash Blues), Chris Moore (Oakleigh), Matt
glowing report on undefeated AJAX who kicked a mammoth 33 .16 to Kew's 16 .13 .
Hanson (Old Camberwell), Michael Zemski
The query - would the AJAX backline be
(AJAX), Gavin Keane (Old Essendon) and Dave Miller (St Leos Emmaus) . The experienced Laurie Aghan, former A Grade
strong enough against the other top sides given Kew's 29 scoring shots? Best players - Wrobel, Kalinski (6), Rozenberg (5) .
coach of Old Scotch, Old Melburnians and
Hartman, Klooger and Rajch (4) for AJA X
~,t(f Moses, Morgan, McColl (7), Hope, ullen and Barnes for Kew . 11,~%,AFA's U18 Representative Team in Pura Milk Championship s (Wh tef rars) a s l 1,-,I by Paul Campbel ('„I)tain and Brad Fricker (Uni .Blues) and micron Landry (Peninsula OB) as Vice( ;,ptai.ns . Coach was VAFA legend Harry . The 1 ;,ri~iou supported by Max Lyon multi skilled Peter "Agate" Harris wa s 1, ;,ni manager . I1Section, Uni Blacks opened their d un1 t for the season over the fancie . Best players .14 ( )Id L'-,ri,_,hGOn, 17 .18 to 16 Clark, Alexander, O'Halloran , 1),o, It, 'Lind Warren (Uni Blacks) and James, P Grant, T Grant, Thomas (7) ,nd (Old Brighton)-. Brighton held ,,i mum tiicir fourth spot but their percentage I r i d [; ; i l r n 1 1 0 W the 100% .
,r 5~,_-tiou I
appeared somewhat
~ first Thomastown kicke d
tlie hapless Old Ivanhoe who (l %c,11 t<) record 8 .7 then Bulle n r,,,n,pieted , trumpe d t„~~„~, ft( )rr Yr %- amassing no less () lil I'~ i radians 1 .3 .
t%cu vci„ncrs occupied I - i,, und ( t , ~< t red, an d
Bruce Ferguson (Collegians) and Ed (Boomer) Burdekin (Ormond) . Old Haileybury launched their book, "Play Hard and Play the Game" to celebrate their Silver Jubilee . The book contained the club's best ever side over 2 5 years . Very good competition in Junior Section 1 despite the bye and Ivanhoe jumped into third and boosted their percentage with a huge win over Power House, 39 .25 to 10 .8 . Jones was the star for Ivanhoe with no less than 18 goals and Johnson, Byrne, Veitch, Kilpatrick and Scown were also exceptional players on the day . Power House relied mainly on Fielder, Herrod, M Selbey-Hede, Bredyke, Hickey (4) and Steinford . St Bernard's stalwart Gerard (Gus) Mitchell was appointed State Coach . Gus had been a founding member of St Bernards and had enjoyed considerable success as a premiership player and coach at St Bernards . Following his distinguished amateur playing career, Gus retired for a time due to business commitments before returning to coach the newly formed St Bernard's Under Nineteen term followed by elevation to senior coach . 17ilY;l~/:Vf~- .
In D Section the Fairfield Amateur Football t,in the comin g Club were celebrating their fortieth year of existence . They had a proud history and had only played in C and D Sections and Fairfield Park had always been their home "~ he Old Yuveriaris, not around . In this round they faced top of the urttrsrr<ci1y, w ere leading Clu b lr cld, r Old Geelong and a win woul d see them slip into the top four . IS (1) (utd neri,corrters, Rupertswood, wcre makirty cc great irnpression in ! t, , t :tv started badly when OGG S Club 18 (2 ) . also urtdo,Jeated . " s kicked 10 .16 to Fairfield's 1 .6 bu t time of the main game the l , l ~, 1 jAd a 1 goal lead . Well that was t o only bright moment as OGG S I ;,rn , url , i , I 10 v~oals to i point in the secon d t " r1, 1 IT](] ~':cnt on to win 20 .9 to 6 .8 . Best r.ui Lu~;ir i(Orl \ ;io ri .ntsl . t(,r ~)i :GS were Mitchell, T Brown, I : -j ~ m , i, sen ( 4), Stranger, Richmond an d For Fairfield it was Jamieson, Acrr}- ( Ca ;,lfi v l d Drucham ( 4), Keane, Ventura, O'Dwyer % tarkoff t :\ JA.X), and Swall ow . t-i iH 1%%, .11 T1. le
D3 continues to throw up its fair share of surprises with the Bees now joining the Jocs as flag fancies . Review The Gryphons came home with a wet sail at "the house of pain" but a six-goal deficit at the orange break proved too great . A great effort to get within a kick late in the final stanza with the enigmatic Chris "Showstopper" Leeton outstanding, however, the inj .ury-ravaged Westies kept their heads to win an important match by 11 points .
South blew Syndal away with a rampant second half with Cheevers on fire in front of goal with nine majors . Kew won a memorable game at Artie Park to avenge last years D4 GF loss . The match seesawed for the most of the day, but ultimately it was the Browns "who wanted it more" as Troy Aitken saved the day in defence . Werribee proved to all that they are the real deal in 2005 with another stunning win on the road . UHS-VU had no answers to the likes of Jimmy Ayling and Matt Keogh in the engine room, and after a slow start into the breeze, ran away with a deserved 55 point win . Finally a scratchy win in a would best describe St .John's 8 point result to Power House in a match where the wind played havoc and suited the Power House's tactics . Preview Syndal Tally Ho v West B ru nswic k
The Westies have used a couple of their "get out of jail free" cards in recent weeks, and the trip today to Syndal is a real danger match for the Magpies . I would expect Syndal to once again try to play physically, which may upset some of the younger Westies, but in the end, I think they should have too much class for their opponents as they win by 22 points . Kew v South Nielb Dist
Kew have demonstrated to all that they are not going to be easy beats, but they have their work cut out today against a resurgent South Melbourne . South have kicked some high scores in recent weeks and the Brown's defenders such as Dennis and Cullen will need to be at their best again if they are to prevail .
After seeing Kew last week, I was impressed and now rate them a lot higher than I did preseason, and as such a m
sticking with them to win at home by 13 points . Werribee v Old Westbourn e The local derby has the entire city of Wyndham's interest as the Warriors look to make amends for the hiding they copped at the hands of the Bees in their last encounter . The Warriors are nearly at full strength today, and with Werribee shortening in the premiershi p betting, today's result will 11 " ultimately it was certainly provide an the Browns "who indication wanted it more" where each team is in D3's pecking order.
In what promises to be a free flowing and fast paced game, I am sticking with the home side to continue their unbeaten run as they win a close one by 8 points . Power House v UHS-VU
Power House have improved each week, while UHS-VU are in the exact opposite position and look to be slipping into the mire . A loss for both sides today could prove doom in the big picture and it will again be Paul Sosic, Simon West an d
CLUB D3 SECTION Old Westbourne South Melbourne St Johns OC. Ke w D3 RESERVE UHS VIJ
South Melbourne Werribee Werribee
(',ME J Horsburgh 4 Cheevers 9 Phaedonos 3 McDermott 5 Forbes S King Marinis Waldron
17 15 13 12
3 17 6 13 2 11 5 9
;), ; i t T.1} lor who will be looking to break the t tc,r Power House today . With injuries to i, ers 1 for the students, this is exactly predicting will occur as the home sid e t I ,1 I 5 , ; ~ the cat amongst the pigeons with a 1 ., . .1 victory .
s ~,tonash Gryphons v St John
,h is another side getting better eaeh wee k side gels together and gets used to eac h ~tyle of play . Their defence has bee n Wells taking plenty of marks , ow hackman Watson has also stoo d .i'ain need to be on top if they are to duck, however, the flag favorites will to bounce back hard after a mediocre :~eek, and as such I am staying on iv.agon tipping a Jocs win by 2 1
c)cia l
e totiash t r; phcns Trivia Night is tonight at th
( ;ir & Bistro . $15 Entry, Great od . Corespondents iii .fl~~tvercrspotless .com .au by
-1s Leton notches
iris, a young Club admirably Ii ., over many ii and club a 16 the gritty C' ulfield today
i D3 SECTION 13 .11 (89) WEST BRUNSWICK 5.5 7.7 11 .10 2 .1 5 .5 5 .8 11 .11 (77) ASONASH GRYPHONS West Bruns : G Ellis 3 T Maguire 3 C Bowshall-Tanner N Hart J Havsey B Irving S Monagle Z Rudd S Smythe . Best: West Benjamin Ellis Pietsch Gartland Hamilton . Mon Gry : Leeton 3 Sharkey 2 J Rutherford 2 L Clark 2 Garoni Wells. Best: Watson Welts J Rutherford Garoni Baxter Davies . Umpires : Mick Gilday Ross Kennedy (F ) STH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS 4 .3 8 .11 15 .12 22 .13 (145) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 2.4 4.7 8 .9 10.1 I(71) Sth Melb Dist : Cheevers 9 M Hannan 6 Bell 2 A Hannan 2 W Brown J Duncan 0 Kohnesheen . Best: Cheerers M Hannan Mahoney Cronan D'Andrea Aquilina . Syndal TH: Cachice 3 Thomas 2 D Richardson 2 Leplaa Fox Reynolds . Best: Veness Macfarlane Bingham, Healy Bennett Tua . Umpires: Matthew Meier Sharon Alger (F ) OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .4 5 .5 7.9 8 .9(57) 3 .1 5 .4 8.6 11 .9 (75) HEW Old West : J Horsburgh 4 Mason 2 Pavez Lever . Best : Fairfield Pavez Walker A Horsburgh Beni P Hudson . Ilew: McDermott 5 Sparsi 2 Vecchio 2 Woodhouse lanni. Best: Cullen Dennis McDermott lanni Dahlstrom Debla ilÂą. Umpires: Jason Lane Shane McNamara (F) UHS-VU 6 .1 8 .2 8 .5 10.5 (65) 2.4 7.6 9.14 17.18 (120) WERRIBEE AMATEURS UHS-VU: Tate 3 Carroll 2 Gorringe Mora Motham Rose Smith . Best: Mora Moorfield Clarke Gilmore L Maguire . Werr: A Taylor 3 Black 2 D Lee 2 C Lee 2 Murphy 2 Vasilou 2 Morrow Palntitigton N Renaut Tedesco . Best : Ayling M Keogh A Morrow A Murphy Tedesco Vasilon . Umpires: Greg Rawlings David Trott (F) Beornn McCarthy Tristan Collins (G) ST JOHNS 0 C 3.3 3.7 5.10 8.11 (59) 3 .0 5.0 7 .2 8.3151) POWER HOUSE St Johns : Phaedonos 3 Chalk 2 D'Oliv4era M Peake Diaz . Best: Walker Gaget Diaz Hilton Carmody Pickering . Power House: Brownjohn 2 Haselar Hill Spence Marshall Cooper Taylor . Best: West Hill Bishop Benson Sosic Convwav. Umpires : Peter Griffiths Anthony Lfflev (F) D3 RR5$RV E
CR 0.1 1 .3 1 .6 4.8(32 ) Mr1NASH GRYPHONS 2 .4 4 .7 5.11 7.13 (55) Bruns: D Ganev R Hussey MRussell J Smith Best : Hussey Touzell m~ Smith Chiechi . Mon Gryph : Landherg Block Still Wadley ,ell Best: Renntrin Robiliard Healy Burgess Still Goni s 17.16 (118) ?d? DISTRICTS 2.4 8.9 11 .12 3 .5(28) 0 1 .2 3 .3 3.5 McDougall 2 Lamerton 2 Sourclen 2 D moon McDougall Downing McGee Do yle. miemann . Best: Hannemann Donge Torpid Jim 2.3 6.8 10.8 11.9 (75) 1.4 1 .8 3 .11 3.11 (29) ng DepLazza RisierskL Best : Edwards rnes. Kew: Glenn Hosldrtg Moussi. he Marzis Carman . 2.4 4.4 6.4 (40) 10.8 15.9 23.15 (153) P Thomas. Best: Fazakerlev Ternes erribee: SValdon 5 Flack 4 Simpson 3 Hassett Jorden Johnstone Moore : .oc = Jordan Moir Carlson Waldron . 2 .6 3.10 5 .11 7.18 (60) 1.3 7.4 9 .4 10.4 (64) R, rust 2 Webb Ferguson . Best : Kelly Holmes Webb . tla 1 2 Contreras 2 Arnold 2 Miller 2 Nicholl s :r Nicholls Contreras D'InWto Phillips Miller. :M 37
D3 Section KEW
Coach: Rohan Doherty Res Coach : Brendan Dover 1 B . Lafranchi 2 K . Allen (VC)
3 4 5 6 7 s
B . Debrui n G. Crimmins A . Carman N . Them (C) H . McDeermon D . r.tamsw~dge (DVC)
9 A . Maims (RDVC)
10 S . Cullen 11 B . Woodhouse 12 M. Gridley 13 B . Marchesani 14 J . Looke r 15 A . Fouma,n 1s D . Wood n G. Soon 1a N . Dahlstrom A . Vecchr o
20 A . Aci;eld
21 M. Anderson 22 T. Aitken 23 J . deBlank 24 C . Srephens
25 C . Wads 26 S . Symes 27 T Moore(VG) 28 S . Ryan 29 M. Dalrymple
30 C . Giansante 31 D . ianni 32 A . Drago(RVC ) 33 L. Maunsen 34 D . Pocmck 35 R . Bruno 36 B . Roberts 37 S. Johnston 38 D . Nath
39 J . Dennis 40 D . Kinross 41 L. Coiner 42 S. Parker 43 S . t.rvingston 43 M. Chivers 44 T. Livingston
45 G . Evans 46 J . HamHo n 47 J. Satren 48 R . Mahomet 49 P. Dennis 50 B. Roach
51 M. Blair 52 M. Sparsi 53 B. Carron
54 J . Daumis 55 J. Jacobs
56 L Frah 56 R . Walter 57 R . Hoskmg 5E B. Burnen(RVC) 59 J. Rakusz 60 G . Muckian 61 M. Glenn 62 M. Chalmers 63 N . Gncks (RC) 64 N . Hyndes 65 S. Pietersen
6e R . McKerrow 68 M. Thackwray 70 S. r.foussi
Harpp of Erin Hote l 636 High St, Kew
ly ~ -aaP G F=-iF: Cannon Toyota
Lower Heidelberg Rd, 473
Coach : Steven Bourban Asst Coach : Geoff S611 Res Coach : Phil Warren 1 L. Clark 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady 4 N . Rutherford 5 J . Watson 6 J . Leroy 7 J Garoni 8 C . Yanni 9 G. Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 B . McNamara 12 J . Landberg 13 J . Stratford 14 A . McKenzie 15 A . Clarke 16 P. Rennison 17 S. Sewell 18 M. Paolucci 19 R . Coxhead 20 C . Staff 21 J . Bingham 22 B. Coxhead 23 B. Clark 24 D Baxter 25 M. Malone 26 A. Denyer 27 M. Mullin s 28 C Leeton 29 P.Warren 30 T. Vessey 31 G . Roche 32 A. Shuffleboffom 33 A. Burgess 34 M. Graydon 35 L. Vesey 36 G . Block
37 J . Fleming 38 J . Rutherford 39 D Grenfell 40 M. Willocks 41 C . Archer 42 A. Robilliard 43 D . Bradshaw 44 L. Wells 45 J . Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 M. Parker 48 L . Mannikhuis 49 C . Robinson 50 J . Bingham 51 Luke Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 M. Davies 54 G . Still 55 G . Harrak 56 A. Palumbo 57 W. Pocock 58 J. Rutherford 59 A. Yann i 60 A Grady 61 A. Waters 62 N . Mitchell 63 I. Bagnall 64 J. Park 65 J. Healy 67 V. Coffey 68 0 . Lloyd 69 Bill Leeton 70 B. Clark 71 M. Baldwin 75 PGomizel
76 J. Harrak 77 R. Sharkey 80 R . Fletcher
Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Snr Asst : Michael Christo Res . Coach : Scott Walker I B. Gerace 2 J. Braham 3 Trav. Edwards 4 J. Bartolo 5 S. Hewitt 5 D . Trustlove 6 J. Horsburgh 7 B. Merry+veather 8 A. Horsburgh 9 F. Pavez 10 C . Lever 11 M. Christo 12 M. Baulc h 13 M. Ristevski
14 P. Hudson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christ0
17 M. Aquilina 18 G . Walker 19 J. Mason 20 D. Hudson 21 L. Hudson 22 S. Anderson 23 S. Huntington 24 L. Fairfield 25 Troy Edwards 26 P. Mesman 27 T. Whiting 28 D. SlatterY 29 S. Balloch 30 A. Mokrusch 31 A. Miller 32 G . Jenkinson 33 D. Benn 34 C. Bramwell 35 G . Robson 36 K. Pilsbury 37 C. Molitoris 38 D. Nikola 39 M . Oldha m 40 J . Morsello
41 K. Miller 42 T. Brooker 43 A. Runciman 44 B. Lennon 45 E . Sandstrom 46 M . Whiting 47 T Theodore 48 R. Van Engelen 49 J . Miller 50 P. Habersatt 51 D. Tang 52 T. Best 53 J . Manolokakis 54 M . Crosswell 55 B . Gilbert 56 D. Carruthers 57 S . Tindal l 58 C. Larkin 59 L. Barnes 60 N. Aquiline 77 T. Dennis 88 S . DePiazza
Coach: Brett Devlin Res Coach : Gary Dean 1 M . Taylor Son DVC 2 R . Humphreys 3 J . Marshall 4 B . Turner Sen VC 5 P. Sosic 6 M. Verberne 7 C . Richardson 8 M. Hill San Capt 9 B . Reardon 10 D . Cooper 11 B . Phillips 12 A . Brownjohn 13 J . Spence 14 W. Elliot
15 P. Haseler 16 A . D'Intino 17 C . Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 S. Matheson 20 J . Nicholls 21 D . Miller 22 R . Walsh 23 K. Anthony 24 N . Bishop 25 M. Driessen 26 D . Harris 26 B. MacCormack 27 R . Davies 28 D . Boland 28 P. Cooper 29 M. Beasley 29 A. Foster 30 T. McFarlane 31 R . Marshall Res Capt 32 M. Verberne 33 H . Clarke 34 J. Conway 35 S. Hatchard 36 M. D'Intino 37 S. West 38 R . Benson 39 B. Wooderson 40 R . Marshall 41 C . Byrne 42 P. Arnold 43 J. Howes 44 B. White 44 D. Glanville 45 A. Contreras 46 S. Campbell 47 D . Crane 48 N . Sharp 50 A. Volz 55 G . Hamner 56 C. Plazzer 58 J. McClure 63 M . Weber
Werribee Mazda
1 K . Arnol d 2 M . Peak e 3 D. O'Connor 4 S . Holme s 5 B . Hilton 6 M . Phaedono s 7 N. Chal k 8 M . Hartnett 9 A . Jones 10 M . Courmadias 11 J . Kelly 12 P. Walker 13 C. Horbury V.C. 14 P. Sharp ~ 14-R M . Hange r 15 M . Kosmala 16 A . Paterso n 17 S . Cockayne VC. -Res 18 C . Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 B . Rydquist 21 S . Koppens C . 22 G. Roberts 23 J . Diaz D .V.C. 24 L. Mara 25 B . Waters 26 H . Wathe n 27 R . Dowse s 28 A . Dexter 29 T Elli s 30 R . Walker 31 D . Rydquis t 32 A . Rudd 33 A . Foncec a 34 M. Hancock C. - Res 35 J . Sacco 36 P. Harris 37 D . Christian V.C.- Res 38 D . Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T. Hyland 42 D . Sanders 43 M. Van Houte n 44 J . Ros s 45 A . Hall 46 B. Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 J. Hargraves 49 A. Kizilis
50 J . Brown 51 C . Santoni 52 D . Harki n 53 C . Rattle 54 D . Vanderwert 55 B. Pic ker ing
56 A. Dragwidge 66 Joe Scardamaglia
----~---- ---- r~
Coach : Ben McGee Res Coach : Rod Walker
_ .. .
.,_ .. _
TILE E~PORTEA S ~}n;haâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; mk,chac ~
Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin.
. SP
(presenRed by C'c:*H~;
(cost or a 0oca ': c22~~ (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service0
Weekend matches (Fri) > Umpires Appcir. .:rr: :s 速S cores (Sat . night) -~~ '
: ',
; 3 AT
The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day . The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 40
by Steve McCarthy & Leah Gallagher check that they I ~~ - - ~ have everything o n hand . Before a recent A grade game both field umpires were about to cross the boundary line when the question wa s asked "where's the ball"? A quick check of the " . . .let's just say Colin rooms and another room more your was did not find the Sherrin, Clydesdale in retirement with time running out enjoying the fruits of a and both teams on the well fed pasture ." ground the junior umpire
sponsorship should acknowledge the VAFAUA' s ,ponsorship from Personal Mortgage ~l,,,t,j gers . This business is there to help in It %- our home loan or re-financing needs 1,,, umpires and friends of â&#x20AC;&#x17E;n faires . Please contact ,\uiliony Damen if you
inquire any advice or requir e nip in this field . Remember
1>,,rsonal Mortgag e advertised at all onri functions including cldings . Flashback to the 80' s L .i,t v:eek at training it was good to see ;oâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;ue umpires from the 80's down at th e
t,i7 . Andrew Smith former A grade ,,,npire (1989) attended training after 16 s on the injury list, Smithy is currentl y it iliesupplementary list and helping out ,i The lower grades . Smithy fitted right into the swing of things by running ,,ci li ilte senior group . Also down for a 1oA was Colin King, now whereas Smith y the picture of fitness, let's just say rolia was more your Clydesdale in iii- tnent enjoying the fruits of a well fe d l,ns ure . In his running days he was as "The Draught Horse", quite 1w,sibl_y he's been sampling way too much '1r,,njht t
Flashback to the90' s ~ :rcat to hear that former B grade grand llucil umpire Mark Bushfield recently ,nnpircd his 500th career game . Bushy l with the Dandenong juniors and h moved on to the VAFA where he u npired over 200 games . A few years back i r moved down the coast to Jan Juc and nu-spends his Saturdays running around ,n lie Geelong League . 500 games is a c;rrai effort and a great commitment to th e
~usc of umpiring, and he tells us that he's ~,ot z, few more hundred left in those little ~1ti . Well done Bushy, and it's great to se e {"rnWr VAFA umpires who regularly keep
in coutlct with us . Where's the ball ?
E ;,iorr starting the game all umpires mus t
ran 200m to the other ground where the U/19 were about to start, to discover that he had the chosen Sherrin . A grade started on time and we hope that the U/ 19's got a replacement ball . Black & White win e For those who attended our 2004 Annual Dinner you'd remember how pleased our guest speaker Michael Malthouse was when our President (and mad-Saints supporter) Anthony Damen presented him with a bottle of 1992 Grange . 1992 signified the first flag he won whilst coaching the West Coast Eagles . Mick was so pleased with the gift that he stated that he would open it to celebrate his 500th game as a coach early in 2005 . We know that the day was soured with a loss to the Saints, but hopefully the tastebuds were a little happier if he uncorked the bottle on Sunday night . If he didn't uncork the bottle and he's waiting for the next Magpies' win, that bottle of Grange could certainly go up in value . For some reason I just couldn't imagine a coach cracking a bottle given to him by umpires straight after his side has lost a big game . Cheers! Socia l
Our recent Karaoke night wasn't as well attended as it could have been, but coming up on the 14th May is the trivia night held at the umpires rooms, table lists are up on the board so get your names on, or see Peter James for more details . Always a successful night . Let's try and take the crown off the Napoli "family" .
Round 3 Revie w
The dust continues to settle on the start of the year, although a number of trends are obvious . First up, Elsternwick are on fire. They dealt with potential rival Bulleen comfortably and would appear to go from strength to strength . Also have a feeling that Eltham and Box Hill North have made significant strides ove r summer and some of the results are heading that way . And finally, St Mary's are certainly having a slow start to the year . Will stick by them though, have no doubt they will improve as the season goes on . Great win by Box Hi ll North
None the less, Bulleeri s form has been very strong and it is hard to see why they won *t get the points . A great game in prospect when Hawthom hosts Elsternwick . Both sides are well use t o
small confines therefore the home ground advantage is lessened . Clearly a lot to like he general feedback about the Wicks with three is that Richmond has emphatic victories in a row . made some improvement The Hawks managed to break through last week from last year. " however certainly weren't disgraced in the first tw o as they got over St Mary 's in a high scoring rounds . No doubt the Hawks second half of the encounter . The Penny boys were the best for year will be better, as new players get merged the victors . into the side . Elsternwick for me . Eitham had a big win over Richmond although Finally, Albert Park host North Brunswick in it was relatively close until three quarter time, a game that promises to provide some clear from where the Turtles banged on 10 indication on where the year is heading . Albert unanswered goals .
Elsternwick made it three in a row, comfortably accounting for rivals Bulleen . The Wicks have now dispensed with two of last year's finalists, a fantastic start to the year. Have ascended to clear premiership favorites . Finally, Hawthorn broke through for their first win of the year. Close at the major break, the Hawks rammed on 9 goals as North Brunswick struggled to find the answers . Preview Richmond host Box Hill North and will be looking at this as an opportunity to get on the board . The general feedback is that Richmond has made some improvement from last year . They were competitive for three quarters last week however are they able to keep at it? I like Box Hill though ; the club seems to have a strong vibe about it and is on the way up . Box Hill for me .
Bulleen host Eltham in what promises to be an interesting clash . The Bulls came back to earth last week whilst Eltham whetted our appetites .
Park has had a great start to the year whilst North Brunswick has come back to earth the last few weeks after a great start. I think that Albert Park is certainly on the improve and should notch up another win this week .
CLUB D4 SECTION Elsternwick Hawthorn Amateurs Bulleen Cobras Elsternwick North Brunswick D4 RESERVE Elsternwick Albert Park Elsternwick
LST WK TOTAL Hunter Lauletta Badanjek Foster J Boudoloh
6 2 1 3 4
Goldman S Allan Pyman
3 18 0 17 3 11
24 16 15 15 15
Correspondents ~, tld be great to hear from as many clubs as ,t,ssible. Either call on 0418348723 or via !l~docker.com .au
<MILESTt)NES . North B ru nswick - 50 Games Brad Robertson ; ; 11 done to Brad for reaching 50 games . A tall mobile running player he can be used in various )oGitions on the field . Whether a tall wingman, positio n nl ;ch we think he prefers, to a .key He has been
in either defence or attack our most consistent player this season & all at North think he has some honours to look (rq~,rard to at the end of the season . The life of ;m ~oeial functions he has been a popular & I , \ al club member. Box Hill North - congratulate, Matty Rogers on jchi, ;ving 50 games after 12 years! Always living into packs, handballing to teammates, ~tat.Iy is the consummate team player . Failed l~i~luon guru, Tri Thoi clocks up 100 games ]his week and also is congratulated . Tri, has hwetl one of our best over his career with lililliant roving and invaluable off field help via ,~ cruiting and sponsorship . Also well done to Roblin "Scary Eyes" Doyle who clocks up 50 games this week. The first of the emerging % r,ung guns to reach this milestone, Ro has improved rapidly and is now a key at CHB in th e
iliors as well as tribunal advocate and i ruiter of several good players . Elsternwiek - congratulate Gary Elvin on his 5()t11 game with the club that was achieved in (he first round of 2005 . A close checking and rrbaunding hackman, a true gentlemen who r,ntinues his family tradition of playing with El, urnwick, and we look to seeing many more L~amws in the ensuring years from Gary . On ncthcr milestone at Elsternwick, we would like (, congratulate Aaron Foster on playing his 1(iuth game against Bulleen this week . He pined the club some years ago after moving to hc area and seeing the boys training, and has prn~,ii himself to be a hard running goalkicker l,r the club filling in at centre half forward . A ,. ,ntng man at heart with a distinctive hairstyle , look forward to him playing 200 games fo r
D4 SECTION BOX HILL NORTH 5 .5 10.9 12 .11 19 .17 (131) 1& 16 (124) ST MARYS 1 .2 3.10 9 .14 BHN : Keillor 5 D Penny 5 Odza 3 Pearce 2 Sallantioglu Dovaston Ball Langley. Best : D Penny Riscalla Cook Liston K Oldfieid N Penny . St Marys : G Schembri 3 P Harrison 3 B Tagell 3 C Armstrong 2 C Weller 2 P Rousis S Nicholson M Purcell D Cope C Adam . Best: L Armstong T Cummins P Harrison C Armstrong M Purcell S Nicholson . Umpires: Pat Maebus D'unitris Pappas (F ) ELTHAbi COLLEGIANS 2 .4 5.10 7 .16 17 .22 (124) RICHMOND CENTRALS 2 .1 3.3 5.3 5.3(33) Eltham: Weston 4 McClaren 4 Clark 3 Carnuan 2 Thomas Hargrave B Galvin PatUson. Best : R Foo Mizzi McClaren Hargrave Savage Weston . Rich Cent: Dukic 3 Goonan Quay . Best : Brunt Nuske Miller Liuzzi zuccaro old . Umpires : Darren Rowlinson Mark Alexander (F ) EISTERNwICK 4.4 12 .6 17.10 24 .15 (159) 3 .4 4 .7 9 .11 11 .16 (82) BULLEEN COBRAS Elst : Hunter 6 S Grace 4 C Mahony 4 Foster 3 D Grace 2 Curtain 2 Bankv Putt Green . Best: C Mahony Neill Cummins S Grace Yemm Thiele. Bu ll Cob: Polities 3 Dalrego 2 Daneli Trinchi Groin Cockson Ritchie BadanJek. Best : Cock-on Onvin Mann Polites Whitaker Ritchie . Umpires : Ray Hocking Sean Brailsford (F) Andrea Mason Dan Frazier Lachlan Simpson (G ) NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .7 10.9 12 .9 15.13 (103) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4.0 9.4 18.6 24 .11 (155) J Boudoloh 4 Newton 3 Pollakis 2 Robertson Twaddle A Nth Bruns : Taha Freeman Tannous Santecroce . Best : O'Connell Robertson Sarnecroce Orr J Boudoloh Mountney. Raw : Tyson 6 Spoons 3 D Pritchard 3 McKenna 2 Sauce 2 Lauletta 2 Ryan 2 McClenchy Avery Caruana. Best : Hall Pritchard Carauna Ryan Tvson. Umpires : Michael Forde Bob Kaindl (F ) ALBERT PARK HAS THE BY E D4 RESERVE BOX HILL NORTH 5.2 6 .2 8 .7 9 .7 (61) ST Iv1ARYS 4.1 8.3 9.4 12 .8 (80) BHN: 2 N Chau 2 G Cavallo 2 J Namouski N Galil G Robinson I Plunkett . Best: C Plunkett L Vandenakker J Aspinall H Gist P Doyle J Tambakis. St Marys: 3 Andrews 3 Bernardi Adam Mackenzie Theoharris Anders Anthony Millar. Best : Andrews Lathner Mackenzie Bernardi Cody Goold. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 10 .6 13 .18 16.25 23 .28 (166) 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0 .10) RICHMOND CENTRALS Eltham: Watson 6 Connie 3 Krohn 3 Turner 3 P Mann 3 Paine 2 J Foo Justice Simpson . Best : Conole Foo Whyte Barnes Watson A Howgate . Rich Cent : Best : Guthrie Lane McGrath Jones Prentice Deegan . ELSTERNWICK 5.5 9.9 12.14 17.21 (123) 0 .0 0,2 1 .4 1 .501) BULLEEN COBRAS Elst: Whelan 6 Pvman 3 Goldman 3 Leaper 2 Alter Hartley Currie . Best: Alter Freeman Whelan Ryan Pyman Currie. Bull Cob: Details not received .
D4 SECTIO N Richmond Central v Box Hill North Bulleen Cobras v Eltham Collegians Hawthorn Amateurs v Elsternwic k Albert Park v North Brunswick St Marys - Bye 'EUR
NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .1 7 .8 8 .10 10.13 (73) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4.4 4.5 5 .7 5.10 (40) Nth Bruns : H Tsialtas 3 Massri 2 A Boudoloh All Taha Ahmed Taint Hearn Wolter. Best: All Taha Sorleto Massri Conley Said Caccamo . Haw: Ruzicka 2 C Ho Pt Jackson. Best : Begg Tounge Sheppard Plaits McVeigh Ruzicka. ALBERT PARK HAS THE BYE
D4 Sectio n Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach: Paul Shoppee
Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach: Jon Pratt
Coach: Joe DAngelo Res Coach : TBA
1 P. Smith 2 N . Pastras 2 A . Morgan 3 R . Baker 3 P. Shakepeare 4 M . Naud i 5 S . Allan 6 J . Storey 7 S. Venables 7 M. Burton 8 N . Wheeler 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips 11 D . Brea 12 N . Langdon 13 B. Payne 13 M. Tuhm 14 M. Hyams 15 D. Borley 15 P. Guicas i 6 C. Roberton 17 S. Bennett 18 G . Collins
1 G. Wilson 2 C . Riscalla 3 A . Odza 4 T Marin e 5 J . G arrett 7 S . Stewart 8 C . Langley 9 A . Sallantioglu 10 S. Cook 11 T Tho i 12 A. Dick
Coach : Dennis Grace Res Coach: M . Cunningham, M. Creak 1 L. Murphy 2 A . Hankin 2 L. Bediog6eld 3 J . Yem m 4 D . G race 5 M. Whelan 5 K . Cummins 6 M. Thiele 7 J . McAdam -RC8 S. Currie 8 M. Greene
19 N. Cain
20 K. Grace 21 P. Shappee 22 J. Hannett 22 J. Marshall 23 B . Harrie s 23 D. DeZoete
24 T. Green 25 J . Wier 26 B . Moore 27 A . Jackson 28 R . Allan 29 R . Humphrey 30 W. Johnson 31 S. McGuire 31 J . Williams 32 M. Smith 33 M. Wal l 34 T. Houston 35 S. Tot h 35 C . Downie 36 J . Dudi 37 L . Hogan 38 S. Fairfield 41 R. Williams 42 C. Cook 44 B. Isard 45 J. Agar 46 G . Price 48 M . Snowden 50 S. Thompson 51 J. McKay 52 D. Allan 53 M . Williams 55 D. Quinlan 57 J . Sutton 57 J . Baker 58 S . Gitsham 59 L. Barr 60 V. Surace 62 P. Cramer 77 S . Garci a 78 T. Tuhoro 79 S . Thompson 80 J . Bowlby
Rising Sun Hotel Richmond and Rising Sun Hotel South Melbourne
13 M. Cumming
2 T. Orwin 3 S . McLaren Capt 4 N . Cartledge 5 M. Mann 6 G . Fortune 7 T. Mehrez 8 T. Mazzarella 9 M. Kyriakou 10 C . Powderham 11 A. DeJong
14 L . Penhalluriack 15 L . Kelllor
12 P. Whitehouse 13 N. Edgar
16 M. Penny
14 T. Fradkin
16 W. Drew 17 G . Cavallo
18 C. Butler 19 C. Calks 20 K. Oldfield 22 A. Steele 23 D. Penny 23 J. Naumovski 24 P. Doyle 25 P. Kotsaridis 26 R. Ball 28 Z . Veleski 29 M . Rogers 30 B . Olson 31 D. Olso n 32 I . OId£ield 33
M . Marirrovic
34 H . Ho 35 C. Liston 36 S . Russell 38 J . DAmat o 39 J . Tambakis 40 D . Worrell 41 P. Currie 42 A . Tarulli 43 R . Doyle 44 C . Garrett 45 M. Sinfield 46 P. Mortimer 47 A. Andrews 49 T. Ellis 50 C . Irvine 52 S. Darcy 'a r 53 N . Chau 54 L . Van den Akker 55 J. Pratt 56 H. Shiba 57 M . Mason 58 M . Azmi 59 J. Screen 60 N. Benbow 61 J. Howart h 62 C. Henry 63 J. Aspinall 64 J. Vagias 65 D. Woolrid g e 66 C. Plunkett 67 A. Manerheim
68 N. Galil 69 B. Pearce 70 H. Gist 73 D. Francis 76 M . Lacey 78 A . Leavers 79 G. Bennett 80 S . Evans 81 J . Hopes 82 D. Dovaston 84 M. Lacey
86 G. Archer 88 M. Edgle y 89 S . Ya lamanc hile 99 G. Robinson
111 A . Maguire
15 J. Trinchi 16 D. Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 B . Thomas 20 J. McQuatter 21 N. Lykopandis 22 J. Daniels 23 A . Nasr 24 R. Games 25 W. Olney 26 M . Nathanielsz 27 J . Cartledge 2 8 A . Foskett 29 R . Sheehan 30 B . Cookson 31 R . Pasinati 32 S . Wagg 33 A . Cook 34 M. DAngeto 35 M. Unwin 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 C . Chan 40 G . Richards 41 C . Borrelli 42 V. Dam 43 T. Whittaker 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 N. Khalil 46 J. Lewis 48 M . Soumellidis 49 G . Anderton 50 R. Lock 51 R. Daley 52 T. Sette 53 R. Rodrigues 54 S. Nelson 55 N. Polites 56 I . Baccini 57 C. Batt 58 T. Moore 59 R. Hadisutanto 60 J . Lowrie 77 S . Fisher 101 J . D'Ange4o
9 T. Hartley
Coach : Wayne Reardo n Res Coach : Paul Gregor 1 T. Andrew s 2 D. Lynch 3 E. Savag e 4 L . Mason (VC ) 5 L. Austin 6 J . Galvin (C ) 7 B. Rashi d 8 B . Jorgensen 9 C. Watso n 10 B . Marshall
1 0 T. Huggins 11 L . Missalglia
11 J . Mizzi 12 M . Blagrove
12 P. Neville
13 M . Luttic k
13 S. Soppet 14 B. Mahony
15 C. McKenna 16 M. Surma n 1 7 J. Perkins 1 8 A. Neill 19 J. Hunter 20 E. Goldma n 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G . Elvin 23 S. Curetain
24 A. Foster 25 T. Cotter 26 C. Mahoony -C27 J . Banky 28 W. Morgan 29 S . Mahony
30 M . N~ 31 A . Lasnitzki 32 B . Mason 33 M. Cunningham 34 T. Leaper 35 P. McNally 36 J . Pyman 37 D . Nolan 38 B. Anderson 39 M. Tennant 40 A. Paley 41 D . Byme 42 J. Ldikakos 43 P. Clarke 44 S. Grace 45 J. Kaicer 46 L . Ryan 47 T. Perkins 48 M. Noonan 49 J. Barber 50 T. Putt 51 M . McKenna 52 E . Atter 53 A. Lewis 54 K . Potter 55 H. McGregor 56 P. Freedman 57 M . Creak 58 B . Ellis 59 A . Barney 60 L. Smith 61 R . McKenna 62 S . Thompson 63 N . Anderson 64 M. Marziale 65 D . Brennan 66 M. Honking 67 S. Gordan 68 M. Daniels 69 N . Using 72 T. Marchetti
14 R . Runco 15 J . Paisley 16 D. Brick 17 T. Wenborn 18 B . Galvin 19 J . Gilbert 20 S . Weston 21 M . Ha rt 22 R . Foo (VC) 23 T. Carter 24 A. Hargrav e 25 R . Thoma s 26 J. Glar e 27 J. Stockdale 28 M. Pattison 29 D . Howgate 90 M. Abbott 31 B. Keleher 32 C. Baud 33 A. Howgat e 34 J . Howgat e 35 M . Crook s 36 N. RYatl 37 P. Kroh n 38 A . Mok 39 A . McClaren 40 E . Baud 41 T. Kurtschenk o 42 C . Conole 43 R . Carrucan 44 N . Dunca n 45 A. Whyte 46 S. Clark 47 A. Emini 48 B. Turney 49 L. Barnes 50 B. Richardson Si J. Simpso n 52 D. Justice 53 J. Foo 54 S. Todma n 55 K. Toulso n 56 R. Love 58 N. McPherson 59 B . Evan s 61 A . Stockdale 63 L. Ogilvie MAJOR SPONSORS
Trash n' Stas h Village Roadshow
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CLU B A H us E Sports & Medica l Supplie s Section 1
Easy ones first,
Banyule by 6 St Kevins maintained their unbeaten start to the goals over season last weekend, comprehensively defeating St Trinitv . The Bernards by 79 points . Securing the win with a n Bombers bacx on inc wunnng nst eight goal to three final term . by 10 goals . Wellers likewise by 9 O'Rourke bagged five for the goals . In the close ones, I'm winners to ensure they remain on ,ark my words, favouring The OC over Beauy by top of the Section One table for ~ : . , Monash will start 11 points, and Rupo to nudge out another week . In other games : winning, and soon . " the Fields by 5 points. Collegians went three-and-zero Section 3 with a hard-fought 30 point wi n The Hoers are off and running , over Old Brighton Marcellin and the Jackas remain in the stalls after an 8 goal thumped reigning premiers De La Salle by 46, and loss . In a physical clash at Mentone, the Raiders Old Scotch got up by 79 over Uni Blues in the suffered early injuries, and were 6 lengths behind round's biggest upset . at one point . However, after the main change, the Round Four promises to dish up a few close games Tigers drifted off-track and Parade's intensity lifte d . with the four favourites playing away from home The undefeated St Kevins travel to Old Brighton, their 3-0 record however slightly misleading given they've already gained four points from a bye . Old Brighton are unbeaten at home this season, however were lucky to escape with a four point win in round two after their opponents wasted opportunity after opportunity in front of goal . This weekend the ladder leaders should be too strong, St Kevins by 21 pts . In the round's other matches, Marcellin to defeat Uni Blues by 30 points, Old Scotch to edge out Old Xavs in a thriller, and De La to record an upset win over Collegians .
Seetion 2 The bookies' are starting to frame an accurate market . . . . . .
The galloping Bears hosted the Wellers at the Cave and sent them packing by 7 goals . The punters took a pounding!! The stewards' inquiry is pending . Likewise, the Sharks preferred the home. track, comfortably accounting for the Bombers True to form, Rupo defeated OMs by the length of the straight whilst Caulfield took the whip to an improving Trinity outfit . The Fields took advantage of the breeze and a 2 player advantage in the first term, leading by 45 points, with Thomson and Hammond prominent . Clarke bobbed up with some 'junk time' goals and was rather impressed the with his own work . For the Ts, Bourke led from. The front, and Greene again stood firm down back Friars jumped Old Carey early, but fell behind the pack as the front runners shot clear to a 33 point lead . Despite injuries to Torney and Yore, the . Friars battled on brilliantly to get within 20 points The OC steadied, however, and held their ground in the final term.
CLUB Ul9 1
Old Brighton Old Scotch St Bernards Ill s a
Salem pearce Stapleton
Old Camberwell Tolson 4 15 Banyule Viewbank Tsingaris 6 15 0 14 Rupertswood Baddeley 13 2 s
Old Carey Tiru
Rupertswood T Smith 13 13 U19 3 6 20 Oakleigh Cleary 4 14 Uni Blacks Battista Bentleigh Hunt 5 11 MHSOB Bartholomew 0 10 Uni Blacks Napier 0 10 Ul BLUE 15 Hampton Rovers White 80 13 s Ormond Robbin Salesian Scorpians Singh 13 13 Peninsula D Smith 7 12 Mazenod Bogar 7 11 Ui9 RED Aquinas Raggazoni
4 2 10 Bulleen Templestotue P Voglis 10 Kew Lucisano 7 9 Fitzroy Reds Donato 2 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
cnable them 15 scoring shots (for an ordinary in the last term . The bus trip home saw young colts in a jovial mood as the rei,~drauon therapy ensued . Elsewhere, Oakleigh tt(,ttcd out to Bundoora and easily bagged the feed ., ., the Trobers . Bentleigh lapped the Blues, ~1i,,,,jh the visitors' shooting for goal masked an p t, . ad effort . Mark my words, Monash will start ;tning, and soon . In the tight one, the Unicorns n,osc stole a game they had no right to win, a s ,i,r Blacks frittered away countless scoring tunities to fall over the line by a short half
The Ramsden Street Oval hosts the match of the round this weekend, as the reigning premiers Fitzroy host premiership favourites Aquinas . Having enjoyed two wins on the road the Reds will be keen to record their first win on home soil, but face an uphill battle against a side that has kicked 63 goals in three matches of football and conceded just 13. Aquinas by 40 pts . In the round's other games, Kew to stay on par with Aquinas at the top of the table with a win away at Therry Penola, Emmaus St Leos to record a comfortable home win over Bulleen-Templestowe, and Old Westbourne to win at home over Old Scotch.
1,: ome back to the Round 4 winners circle the Jlo~c[ng:
I,(, Jackas by 4 goals over La Trobe (each way) 11, Raiders by 38 points over the Hoers . (best bet i the daiv ) n :«h o,: er St Bedes by 8 points (best roughie) is in a photo finish over Bentleigh by 4 points . „_•[nicorns narrowly over Oakleigh . section Blu e
!i ::n entertaining showpiece of Section Blue footy, t, Scorpions stung the Rovers, but the ; :yui~lhed coach Ross said in his post-match "I' m ,,, : n , pt,,-Ised with the way you played, than I am ~ i; ,ipl; ointed with the loss" . Rory White's 8 goals in !,>ing side was a fantastic effort on a very trick y
UNDER-19 SECTION I Old Brighton v St Kevins De La Salle v Collegian s
University Blues v Marcellin Old Xaverians v Old Scotch St Bernards - Bye UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Trinity v Banyule Viewban k
Rupertswood v Caulfield G r
unrl. At Central Reserve Mazenod held sway EIi,r ;u,hout a competitive race against the ,, 6:6 i,h Clays who showed some good passages o f
Old Essendon Or v Old Melburnians
~tazenod ran out comfortable winners with rl udes from Bogar, Klavins and Ross . The f,l ,is dominated De La, but eased up to win by 1 : , p, :in is - NB : same number of goals kicked, just 5 n~r:rc points!!!! Finally, the Pirates must have u . r: d the Menders into the Members bar and -ii, ii t, d the last round as Ormond crossed the line piints ahead.
Old Camberwell v Whitefriar s
b<i,iu to take out the Chadstone Plate by 25 ,int ; occc De La
h- I;Ioods to secure The Oaks by 54 point s ii~ > :orthJWellington Road Stakes to be a 23 point h, Ormond over Mazeno d h Pirates will salute in the Bayside Maiden over I :impton by 14 points Scction Red
; luiu-, continue to set the pace at the top of the uon Red ladder, defeating Rupertswood last L- lid by 53 points . Sitting at three-and-zer o ,t healthy percentage, Aquinas continue to III,, goods in the early stages of season 2005 . thy round's other games : Kew defeated Old >tbourne by 39 points with Lucisan o -pMiiional up forward kicking seven majors ; St Leos won away at Old Scotch by 6 1 it ~ I 1111 ~1; 11 p the win with a ten goal to one secon d t : mid an inaccurate Fitzroy were lucky to p- with a 16 point win away at Bulleen-
Old Carey v Beaumaris
UNDER-19 SECTION 3 La Trobe University v AJAX - switched from original draw Old Paradians v Old Ivanhoe Monash Blues v St Bedes Mentone Tigers University Blacks v Bentleigh at Brens Oval at 11 .30 a .m . Oakleigh v MHSO B UNDER-19 (2) BLUE
De La Salle (2) v Salesian Scorpions Oakleigh Clays v Old Haileybury Ormond v Mazenod 0 C Hampton Rovers v Peninsula 0 B UNDER-19 (2) RE D Old Westbourne v Old Scotch Therry Penola 0 B v Kew Rupertswood ( 2) - Bye
Fitzroy Reds v Aquinas 0 C - at Ramsden Street Oval, Clifton Hil l Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Bulleen Templestowe 49
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 ST KEVINS 3.6 7 .7 12 .11 20.16 (136) ST BERNARDS 1 .1 5.1 6.2 9.3(57) SKOB: J O'Rourke 5 K Miss 3 S Belsev 2 M Sulllvan 2 P McClennan 2 W Browne M Sherman H Feehan T White D Sullivan S Conlon . Best : Mies Belsev M Sullivan D Sullivan S Conlon C Murphy . St Bern: Stapleton 3 Kavanaugh 3 Spenelia 2 Salemme. Best Bessagto Spinella SaMadori R}an . Umpires: Logan Smith Matt Good (F) Callum Hilton Cameron Smith (B) COLLEGIANS 4.3 7 .9 7 .14 11 .18 (84) OLD BRIGHTON 1 .2 3 .4 6.6 7.12 (54) CoB: Bushnell 2 Jefferev 2 Zimbaehs Blackley Lynch Williams Louis Rutherford Quick Best : Scott Lynch Baxter Williams Zimbachs Donegan . Old Be Jennings 3 Eastlake Salem Geddes Moon. Best: Browning Priestly Moon Fklke Geddes Doherty. Umpires: Jason MeNiece Jason Waszaj (F) Chris Thornburn Andrew Triantaftllou (B) Tristan Reith Peter Maddocks (G) MARCELLIN 3.5 7 .10 11 .12 18.15 (123) DE LA SALLE 2 .3 5 .4 8.5 9.7 (611 Marc: Stafford 6 Fraser 3 Delmastro 2 Warner 2 Abrahams Augustin Pell ti"mstanley. Best : Redmond Abrahams Stafford Fraser Boyd MeGWt . DI.S: Close 4 ODonnell 2 Bull Donegan Fiekisend. Best: Herkess Stewart Roberts Close Casey Kovess . Umpires: Daniel Dinneen Peter Cahill (F) Michael Roche Thomas Wischer (B) Marcus Lefebure Robert Seymour (G ) OLD SCOTCH 6.3 11 .7 18 .10 21.12 (138) UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .3 5 .3 7.5 8.11 (59 ) Old Scotch : Slattery 4 Tununel 4 Pearce 3 Gray 3 Whitehead 2 Parisi 2 Potency Wood Wallace-Smith . Best: Slattery Wallace-Smith Tununel Gray Ati•lett Backman . Uni Blues: Bronts 2 Sykes Maddocks O'Shannessy Bradley Carmody Stainworth . Best : Bradley Kelly P_yke Stainforth Wood Farrell . Umpires: Michael Ryde Luke Holmes IROT) (F )
OLD XAVERIANS HAS THE BY E UNDER-19 SECTION 2 BANYOLE VIEWBANK 2.2 8 .6 11 .7 18 .8 (126) OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .1 5.4 8.10 10 .14 (74) Banyule: Stavropolous 6 Tsingaris 6 Christian 2 Moore Park Shepard-Mueller Brockwell. Best: Kayrooz Stavropotous Trull PoyKer Christian T .Shepherd. Old Cam: Tolson 4 De Sanctis 3 Angove Walpole Tsindos . Best: Shanks McGuigan Bonyfiad V.etteriltall ]llfa. Umpires: Rod Penaluna (F) Michael Lee James Mugavin (G) CAULFIELD GR 6.9 10 .12 17.22 22.22 (154) OLD TRINITY 0 .0 5.2 5.3 9 .5(59) CauL• A Gould 5 May 2 Wood 2 Gatehouse 2 Clarke 2 Webb 2 Kalaja 2 Schroth 2 Sundberg 2 Thomson. Best: A Goold Gatehouse Schroth Hepworth Hardy Clarke. Old Trin: Marsden 3 Smith 2 Oldfietd 2 Bttffiman Stewart . Best : A Barke Greene Stewart Howell Marsden Simmons . Umpires: Brett Herskope Daniel Silfo (F) James Storey Jessica Rollo (B ) OLD MELBURNIANS 0 .1 0.1 1 .3 2 .305) 26 .17 (173) RUPERTSWOOD 5.5 10 .9 15 .12 Old MeA: Mitchell Manahan . Best : Lawler E Mitchell Forte Merntigas Russell A Ray. Rupets: T Sntitlt 13 Pretty 2 Tennant 2 J Philips 2 Quinn 2 Brennan Allport Moule Spinner. Best : Glenn T Smith Hoiles J Phillips Evans Pretty. Umpires: Jack Fagan Jason Evans (F) Matt Proctor Brendan Dowling (B) Kyle Mankey Brent Reid (G )
BEAUMARIS 3.5 6 .7 10.13 14 .14 (98) OLD ESSENDON OR 0 .3 3.8 6.8 7 .11 (53) Beaum : Shone 4 Gillespie 2 Camera 2 Edmeades Scrivenor tmtach Wilson Bliesner CeM'mente. Best: Norris Wilson Camera BkesneT Gillespie Wall . Old Eas: Ran kin 2 Phelan Razzo Cappanetto Shaw Foot. Best : Razzo Xma}eteux Rawlins Rankin Phillips. Ump3rrs: Robert 0Gorman Tom Haysom (F) Duncan Nichol Garen Dawe (B) OLD CAREY 2 .6 7 .13 11 .18 14 .19 (103) WHITEFRIARS 3 .4 3.4 8.6 10 .8168) Old Carey: Renuners 5 Carpenter 2 Robinson 2 Tiras 2 Laldlaw Howgate Patterson . Best: Day DeLeijer Mead Remmers Tints Locock. White: Power 2 Gamble 2 Harris 3 Torney Fulton Van Darzaag . Best : Harris Gamble Gibbs Krulilc~ow,ki Keogh Carruthers . Umpires: Nick Brown Tim Saunders (F) Nick Kelly (B) Paul Gait Daniel Dal Pas (G ) UNDER-19 SECTION 3 LA TROBE UNI 0.1 5.6 8.8 11 .9 (75) oAKLEIGH AFC 5 .4 9 .10 15.14 20 .18 (138) La Trobe: Taylor 3 Clark 3 McGaugh 2 Davidson Holland. Best: Maatman McMaster Knight McGough Carmody . Oakleigh: Geary 6 Costigan 3 Derks 2 Wills 2 Gallery 2 Barrand Bennet Di Seruil MacKenzie Pound-Gow. Best: Derks Wills Groarke Harold Donato Fitzgerald . Umpires: Matt Simpson Peter Pullen (F) OLD IVANHOE 6 .3 11 .6 16.9 18 .12 (120) AJAX 0.2 4.4 7.5 11 .7 (73) Old Ivanhoe : Baldwin 5 Saunders 4 Harrison 2 Steer 2 Ellis Hartrick Minas
Roserilis Roger. Best: Clarke Baldwin Saunders Harrison A AJAX: Fetdy 4 Ezekeil 2 Graf 2 Mileckl 2 Kestenbrg . Best: J Goldstein Feldy Blurstein South . Umpires: David D'Altera Lee Cr ST BEDES) MENt'ONE TIGERS 5 .1 7 .4 7.5 OLD PARADIANS 1.1 7.5 10.6 15 .15 (lin ;
St B)MT : Hickntott 3 D Lynch 2 Hunter 2 Terrell 2 Mattingly Bodinaar i McNeil Laver Burger Hunter D Lynch Friedman . Old Pan Kaldiakis 4 : Ka1'2CowlesrthaiMko2HldenIrvPatBs Seneca Vincent Geary Holden Soloman . Umpires: Steve McCarthy David Anselmi (F) Jordan Mav'ston Martin Kinsic_t' (B) -
BENTLEIGH 3 .3 7.8 11 .9 1716 (11 : MONASH BLUES 1 .7 3 .8 6.12 7.1' : Hunt 5 Coles 2 Rossi 2 Convery 2 Lewis Meehan Fidler Lawry A,, :-Beat Fogarty. Best: Bail Meehan Rossi Com2rv Dewar Lewis . Mon Blues ;,-, ... :1 Collins 3 Cruickshank. Best: Pedals Vktcent Shopov Main Maye Hardmg, Umpires: Sarah McGill Brett Baziey (F) Ben Bracken Simon Abel (B) MHSOB 5 .1 7 .1 12.3 12, UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.5 6 .11 6.14 10.20 , -- 3 MHSOB: Reid 2 Taft 2 Tan 2 Lim Leslie McGrath C Liu . Best : Lim Ashworth Reid McGrath C Leslie . Uni Blacks: Barrister 4 HarrLcon 3 C Maitre Stringer. Best: Napier Battista Le Maitre Barron Russell Hann y Umpires: Graeme Hunichen David Lwans (F )
UNDER-19 (2) BLUE SALESIAN SCORPIONS 5.5 12.8 16.10 23.14 (152) HAMPTON ROVERS 3 .4 9 .5 12.5 17.9(111 : Sales Scarp: Singh 13 Curtis 3 R Batten 2 Crowley 2 WiLson Ih, 1
Best: Singh Crowley Curtis Thomson Mein Fahrner. Hampt Ror 11 . Best- White Sharp Smith Ros s .Gleson4R2SmKetl O'Brien. Umpires: Mark Jenkins Paul T,}rer (F Josh Tyrer Mark Rays.or OLD IiAII.EYBURY 3.5 8.9 8.13 10.19 ,, DE LA SALLE (2) 1 .1 2 .2 6.4 10.41i `
Har1: Elliott 4 Fankhauser 3 Doyle Ellls Waite. Best: Harrison Sta Fankbauser GiRrv Scholes Wilson . DLS (2) : Hassabella 2 Ball 2 Crowe C' Fisher bfornnod Silvers Bird. Best: Hanson Ball Hassalrellat Silvers Kmaril:. Umpires: Mark DuthEe Dean Schwab (F) Will Byrne David Cameron 11 MAZENOD 7.7 11 .10 17.18 22.22 (154) OAKLEIGH CLAYS 1 .1 4 .5 4.6 7.9 (51 ) Maz: Bogar 7 Bailey 5 Moran 3 Cocks 2 Fox 2 Kelly Mann McGregor. Best Moran Bogar Lewton N .Klaivts Fraser Bailey. Oak Clays : Sajenko S.Le,a° Castello De George Nguyen Scott Le vy Towntey. Best: Cooil Gilmore De Gea~Gallagher Castello Durcau. Umpires: David Murray Avi Weksehnan (F) PENINSULA OB 6 .2 11 .5 14.11 18 .15 I123I ORMOND 8.2 12.5 17.11 21 .15 (141) Penins: D Smith 7 P Wignall 5 R Smith 3 N Coy 2 Hestor . Best: S McGuuuss R White J Wilmant B Mitchell D Smith J Byrt . Ormond : R Chisholm 6 R McGirr 5 D Bailey 2 L Duthie 2 N Rode 2 J Ashlev A CribUes G Evans L UpstAl . Best: G Evans R Chisholm T Lean, R McGirr L Duthie N Rtde . Umpires: Mark Farrell Richard Yattn (F) UNDER-19 (2) RED OLD SCOTCH 2 .3 3 .4 6.6 10.6 (65) EMMAUS STI.EOS 2.2 12.5 16.5 19.9 (123) Old Scotch: Needham 4 Bradlev 2 Kitchen Lake Mursell Foenander. Best: Macltin Saunders Vogt Bradley Hocking Brow•ne . Emmaus SL: Robin 4 Barry 3 Lalor 3 Croughan 3 Quirk 2 Ahern Wright Brayshaw Brogden . Best: WMght Barry Brayshaw Brogden OTlazy Lalor . Umpires: Simon Pearless Nick Keating (F) KEW 4.1 12.4 15 .8 20.16 (136) OLD WESTBOURNE 3 .4 9 .5 13.6 15.7 (971 Kew: Lucisano 7 Matherson 3 Lawrence 2 Fultheim 2 Bailey Bndut McGregor McKay Jackson Franklin . BesC Williams Lucisano Lawrence Wylvy Franklin Flilthetm. Old West: Hall 4 Hetniger 3 Tanner 2 Mc9lindan 2 Eckel 2 Amore Smith . Best : Hall Heini,Qer McAlindon Amore Dunn Squarky . Umpires: John Hughan Patrick Coulthard (F) THERRY PENOLA HAS THE BY E
AgUINAS 2.6 7 .10 11 .12 13,1701 RUPERISWOOD 2 .3 4 .4 5.8 5 .12 (42f Aquinas ; Ragauskas 5 Sheridan 2 Raggawni 2 Thompson Sawtier Dean Bicknell. Best: Maaskant Reece McGregor Geddes Ragauskas Ryan . Rupats: Merrier 2 Gregory McGovern Adamo . Best : At}vrson Christenson Tarrxr Broughton Catalana. Umpires: Nathan Sheppard Matthew Brennan (F) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4 .1 6.2 10.6 16 .8 (I03) FITZROY REDS 3 .5 7 .10 13 .13 17.18 (120) Bull Temp: M Meadows 5 P Voglts 4 M Bain 3 D McColl 2 P Iosifuiis S Mtllar . Best: L Stamboulalds P Voglis M Bain M Austen C Nickolakoparilos D Rametla Fitz Reds : Marcon 5 Donato 2 Sulemenovskt 2 Janissen 2 Barnhart McKeown Ritchie Manoli Mikhall Murals. Best: Riarmn Donato Sulerrmnmst3 Minnis Topp Ritchie. Umpires : Brian Woodhead Jamie Mayhew-Sharp(F)
t'oder-19 - S ectio n 1 CQLLEGIANS : l
Coach : Dean Rossely Coach : Luke Stewart S(1) Coach : Bruce Armstrong : David Madigan 5 Cosch l.:nael Jones Coach S(2) Red Coach : Ian Leit h Asst Coach Tim Ford 2 A1 Ayten 368Ek'.~ r . Gasparini 1 N . Kaplan 1 T. Kovess 1 J pafdgeman 3 T. Began 37 R. raarrxg 2 D . Jennings P 2 J . Fletcher 2 R . Tabacchiera ,er~H;ams C E .t9hrteh2ad 38M L. 3 S . Oliver Crema 3 M M . Fieldsen d 3 J. Winstanle y 5 B SaurM-rs 39N.wui T Baxter 4 S . Rowell 4 D. Close 4 N . O'Halloran 6 A . f,~r~ 40 M . Nee<s,ar n 7 L. rvmstroog 41 R Dumaresq ~_a 6 J . Pitcher 5 J. Bortolotto 5 J . Miller 8 o Panney 42T foenancer 7 D. Keely 6 J . Geddes 6 S.Abrahams y 9 T.Grerard. 43J .hzr,.w 8 J . Greenhalg 7 J . Salem 7 C . MacLaren icures 10T Haru~ess 44J ozggian 9 A. De Marta 8 M . Bartlett ~+. L% -Ch 8 D . Valsorda 11 N. A~n 48 E KitcYwn . Roberts ,10N 9 T. Gunning 'a~ s 9 D . Considine 12 A. Tesc>pr 47 J . Peara~ 11 W. Fenton 10 J . Edge 13 R. Eva 48 A. Perr y 10 T. Stafford 14 T. Leeds 49 H Tay*, 12 L .O'Donnell 11 K. Sheehan ~ 11 S . Farrelly 1eM .Pans 5oT.va p 13 A. Nas r ~ 12 P. Augustin 12 J. Priestley . 16G .Li5ey 51N .Spap 15 T John 13 J. Sest or 13 P. O'Callaghan 17A.wa~ 52J sahnar 16 M. Herkess 14 R . Doherty gr„t, 53cu e 14 A. McGlin 17 L. Casey 15 J. Leaf 18S Keeps 64 0. K~ la"O 15 S. Pesavento 18 W. Dwyer 19T.Gaum 55 tA E~ 16 S . Mulligan 16 S. Connell 20 M. Ramage 66 A Gray 19 M . Demicoli 17 L . Boyd 17 B . Moon Weeks 21 w cram 57 s, take 20 D . Hassaballa r ao#and 18 D . Fraser 18 B . Blatt 22 w. Cox 58M Prnrer s 21 L. Bul l 19 M . Browning pgM.caihe 59H.widsat , -" 19 J. Crapper 22 T. Donlan 20 G. Fielke 24J.Parer 60s waxawa m 20 N . Birrell 23 J . Casey 25 T. slanery 61 w Harvey 21 J . Kenyon 21 J . Dowling . Edwards 24 S 26 L Ta!;;ot 62 S Mackmks h 22 J . Delosa -- : .. ord 22 J . Symes . Nethersole 25 S 23 K. Presnell ~H, ~ 64E Bow. 23 M . Grigoruk 26 J. Hanson 24 J . Ho9 arth 24 A. Tregear - -=ijket~ ,~ 29 J. B,0-10 65 M. A4cYltmney 27 S. Mile s 25 R. Eastgate 30 s eraosy 6e N . OeGnaed 25 J . Crimmins 29 T. Kovarik 31 J. Caine 67 J . r.;urse s 26 L . Hanson 26 S . Preece 30 A. Demarde 32 D . Lowe ~~w )
R ai n e & Horn e Commercial ST BERNARDS
Cc --h : Adam Sassl A~s s . David Ga~afy 2 4 5 7 8
; , 'i ` y
-'d ._ . TL '" '`-
~ _ . ..~
D. Hurley M . Walsh J . Hughes C. Liberatore S. Matthews D. Evans 10 B. Garth 11 A. Marion 12 D . Oconnor 15 A. Mitchell 16 P. Oxenford 17 C . Rogers 20 M . Maggiore 21 T. Whelan 23 D . lanazzo 24 B . Funnels 25 C. Gova n 27 M . Salvadori 30 D. Lancashire
33 M . Gourley
Coach : Greg Wood
n . ..i
. ,
35 B. Ryan 38 K. Buis 39 L . Demorton 40 A. Kavanagh 43 J. Stapleton 45 B . Johnson 50 R . Schroder 58 B . Pitt s 59 T. Pearson 70 E . Prendi 75 C. McDermo tt
32 A. TummM 68 s Scar ss c wood
27 M . Turner
28 C. Cogdon 29 M . Nash 30 D. Redmond 31 D . Bolger 32 T. Montagna
ST.KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Coach : Richard Oboe 1 J . Maher 2 T. OYoole 3 B . Dowd 4 S . Sexton 5 D. Petrou 6 M . Hobbs 7 R. Taylor 8 S. Ryan 9 J. Syme 10 D . Wissell 11 A. Lynch 12 J. Liston 13 P. Mercouriou 14 J . Marchesani 15 M. Sullivan 16 R . Arnott 17 J . Charles 18 D. Tilkeridis 19 L. Gulliver 20 K. Mios 21 T. Woolfe 22 D. Gibbs 23 T. Ofianlon 24 D. Sullivan 25 P. Gallivan 26 P. Longmore 27 J . O'rourke 28 B. Cooke gp B. Scanan 31 P. Mclennan 32 M . Sherman 33 S . Neohoritis 35 E . Wilkinson 36 T. Trewin 40 DI. Mount
44 J. Tennant
34 M .
.., ,, .
„ . .,, . .. ..
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : Steve Carrol l
1 R. Minns 2 N. Anderso n 3 D . Woo d 4 M. Kelly 5 H . Guthri e 6 M. S ke s y 7 A . Farrell (vc) 8 T. Maddocks (c) 9 Z. Elliott 10 N . Bradle y 11 M. Dwyer (vc) 12 D. Marshal l 13 J . McCart y 14 J . Poynter 15 S. Mortime r 16 T. Bronte
17 D. Carmody
18 M . Mark Lesk o 19 D. Hayter 20 C. Pyk e 21 P. Birks 22 A. Brennan 23 L. Butler 24 J . Sundermann 25 M. Kibbi s 26 L. Halliday 27 S . Mead e 28 D. Hanrahan 29 L. 0'Shannes y 30 T. Stainforth 31 B. Ganno n 32 S. Gilbertson 33 J. Lync h 34 C . Blizzard
Under-19 - Section 2 BANYULE-VIEWBANK Coach: Phiv Demetriou 1 D Par
2 1 Brock"p 3 G. D,meak 4 T ShePero
5 M. Hmmes 6 M. Kennedy
7~. Moore
8 D Kayrwz 9 M Cr"'saa째 10 C. Sia,res~us 11 e D`necl`
12 J D. Pmjxr ta C eud`tay 14 L o'anr~e3 (Co .Capfl 15 M tarco (Co.Capt ) t 6 R. G uaerson
t7 D. Drapac
ta S Gmtan ts ~.Sp:cer 20 C. Sxx.ko 21 D. Hertien
22 J4k,
23 D. ~'~ 24 A Doyle 25 5. Tou9 26 .t. Mummery 27 R. Hartn째n 28 S. Green
29 J S.-ill
11 A&-, 31 K. Sth.pard-rnuuzr 32 J. Tsmgans 39 S Dack
34 J D,a,stcn3
35 F. py,-
36 rd. rsvgan 37 LMorgan 38 C.Cm,
39 S.t,+.orao 40 Bo"n"e
Coach: John Burke Asst Coach : Paul Berry 1 K . Gasperino
2 R . Gillespie
3 J . Sinko 4 L. Hill 5 C . Badman 6 M . Bramwell (VC) 7 T. Hunt 8 A . Clemente 9 J . Starke 10 A . Mckenzie 11 J . Dickie 13 M . Wilson
B Wall
15 B . Norri s 17 L. Tickell 18 V. Camera
20 T. Waller (VC) 21 R . Fenton 22 J . Atkins 24 R . Imlach 25 B . Strong 26 C . Shone (VC) . 29 M . Gravina 31 C . Graham
32 B . Woodlan d 33 J . Kilgore 37 B . Fraser
38 J . Edmeades 39 A . Little 40 D. Reib 41 J . Nlcholson 43 D. Cupples (C) 46 R . Scrivenor 47 A . Mueller 49 M . Cairns 51 M . Beruldsen 52 J . Williams 61 K . Bliesner
49 R.Ssker
Coach : Rob French
Coach : Ben Dunn
Coach : Sam Calagero 1 T. Nablett 2 M. Sessler 3 N . Andrew 4 A. Clarke
5 A. Spittal 6 7 8 9
C . Hammond G . Thomson T. Hartlett L . Price
10 B. Gatehouse 11 R . Evans
12 S. Rowley 13 S. Wood 14 C . May 15 B. Pearce i6 K. Biggs 17 A. Goold 18 Z . Goold 19 W . Hepworth
30 D . Mason
Coach : Leo Curran 1 S . Cole
2 3 5 6 7 8
2 A. Parker 3 A . Marsden 4 R . Bicknell 5 H . Simmons 6 T. Delphine 7 A . Greene
19 T. LOWek 20 A . Winn
10 A. Kau y e
25 S . Mead
26 J . De Leijer 27 T. Howgate 28 G. Lord 30 A . Day 32 A . Newhouse 33 J . Newnham 34 A . Alexander 35 B . Lain Laing
38 J . Vujovich 44 D. Stocco
45 J . Sinclair
8 F. Stewart
12 A. Mermagas
9 T. Howell 10 B . Smith
13 C. Hanchene
11 M . Burke
11 A. Manahan
14 A. Armstrong 15 E. Baker 16 W. Christian 17 W. Penton
18 J. Dick 19 E. Mitchell 20 A. Pannifex 21 N. Russell 22 J. Beckley 23 D. Osmond 24 N. Russell 25 M. Schivo 26 L . Bende r 27 W. Richardson
28 J. Brener 29 C. Hawes 30 L . Jones 31 C. Theodoulou
32 A. Kauye 33 D . Miller 34 J. Rafferty 35 J. Beaumont 39 F. Thompson 44 A. Ray 47 B. Lugg
4 L . Bone s
5 N. Tsindos
6 P. Christie
8 M . Ill~a 9 D. Walpole 10 S. Bonyhady 11 N. Hall
13 W. Robinson 14 D. DeSanctis 15 16 17 18
J. Tuohey A. Renshaw D. Morley N. Wallace
12 E . Delaney 13 M . Baylis 14 M . Bilney 15 D . Peyton 16 T. Spray
17 M . Lesinskis 18 C . Stockdale 19 T Okifeld 20 Y. Laher 22 H . Doyle
23 A . Burke 24 A . Milaszewicz 27 B . Law
29 D . Wilson 31 S . de Bruin 68 J . Grant
5 M. Camm 6 A. Canning 7 S. Caponnett o 8 S. Caruso 9 D . Cerantonio 10 D . Cerantonio 11 A. Christo u
12 S. Clinnic k 13 J. Dazkiw 14 J. Franci s 15 C . Heritage 16 M. Jelli s
26 C. Hillier 27 D. McGuigan
17 F. Ktenas 18 D . Leban 19 C . Leec h 20 H . Leury 21 J. Mansour 22 B. Mitchel l 23 D . Nankervi s 24 J. Phillips 25 T. Rumble 26 M. Shaw
29 D. Harry
27 N . Tai t
34 G . Tolson
28 S. Towner 29 M. Trevaski s 30 C . Tzambazi s 31 N . Ure n
25 N.
1 T. Cudlipp
9 A. PfOWSe
4 J. Rowatt
24 M. Benkemoun
28 B. McDonald 29 A. Webb
: Greg Evans
1 R . Baddele y 2 L . Ballinger 3 E. Baska n
23 R . Schrth
25 J. McCahon 26 E. Kalaj a 27 T. Doake
Coach : Anson Brownless I J. Gold'Dlatt 2 T. Barrow 3 C. Poynton
21 M. Lopiccolo 22 M. Hardy
20 M. Sundberg
5 A . Shedden 6 T. Davis 9 M . Cornwell 10 C . Laidlaw 13 J . Rimington 16 M . Laidlaw
A. Haralambous D. Oman E. Hardy J. Tucker L . Jones R. Moffatt
19 T Peasnell 20 J. Davis 21 L. Taylor 24 W. Wettenhall
4 J . Carpenter
21 A . Remmers
30 T. Angove 31 M. Shanks 33 C . Bennett
32 J. Williams
36 A. Thomas
S PONSOR Mitchell Partners RUPERTS4400D Coach : Greg Bradley I J FniLRS 42P --1Y 2 cALtJ'oflT 43 A, vaTOAE 3 ATEr째wi:ti 44 BCt, .t' 5 eau2~ 44 c FPt7TY 45 T c~ ~ 6 a BRADLEY 4e t c+wrdo G to TvrsT e7 J BRMrrroN 12 A EYA!15 48 l EREhnA4 13 NFELL 49 ADAY 15 DGI~#t 40 DG4EGC~+Y 16 DD-:aN 49 DOrrrAGNesE
17 a u:oeRSar 50 D EreNS 17 lAOUa_Y 51 aCATatnNm 79 G lbJI LE 52 8 PPLU44$ p MGAU^2 53 B uCADA .M 21 T SMITH 54 J WALLACE 22 GPHa1;PS 55 8hy~
23 H ;Rax:ER 56 M eaADDY 24 1 a!aRRlsON 58 cDRivEA
33 T. Wilson 34 D . Zammi t
Coach: Andy Dalrymple 1 E. AbdaAah
3 A. D'AOisio 5 J.Omear 6 , K ha S C . aou ~k 8 D . Yore 9 B. Tomey 11 A. Gamble 12 A. Pott s 13 C . Lucarelli
~6 N . Crav e 17 M. Bond 18 K. Laski
t9 S. Greenland 20 R . Carruthers 21 C . Krolikowslu
22 J.Tartagti a 24 C. Hams 25 N . O'Callaghan
~M K~E 59 e~~
26 K. Walke . Fultonr27H
~M~RCE 67 DuittuRs~t 31 tdElE`'RY 57 L l~cLY 32 ~tEttl& 74 DS;.E~trr CHRBrrttS01a 78 taHARRWI
28 L . Hambli n
26 B 6REhNAa [o t, v.1:6SiER
33 TtAtrna,tY 5 CMswtRT
29 A. Spurre l 30 A. Gibbs 31 C . Powe r 32 L . Kakfor
35 896VEti 80 MVatwQxrEi
35 DktCGOVEFa+ 37 RHDt_ES 39 StADrt O 39 J TAnCQ 40 aSHOP 40 W. A s 41 AGASG10
. . ...
_. ,
. . .,. .,
) =
. . ,., . ------
L ' 11 cler-19 - Section 3 ;, Jj, ; ;
C, D , h : I ael Zemski
Coach : Asst Coach : Geoff Brew 2 Fogarty, A
. .,i_e
3 Lewis, O
- _,
4 Lawry, S
5 Col es , J 6 Meehan, B 7 Rossi, R
E . ~1em
8 Halliday, B
9 Morriso n, L 10 Convery, J
g in tan
11 West, J 13 Z IbeBZld y 7n, B
,man 1n
14 LYdStel, B 15 Armstrong, L 17 West, A
18 Macleod, S 22 Frost, S 23 Bail, T 26 Dewar, T 27 McIntyre, T 29 Quinn, A
. ~ n
30 Nyary, M 31 Steven, Steven B 34 Hunt , B 35 Bell, M
rg ® gs
ooP'~Y1"1 Holde n
Coach : Bruce Waldron
P. McMullan B . Hare T. Elhman G. Parr P Davies A . Mclean
I M . Andrews 2 D. Ashworth 3 H. Bailey
2 P. Gur r
T. Anderson N. Buca
5 6 7 8
5 J. Pollard
3 M. Phillips 4 B. Adamson
4 C. Barley
F. Caldow B . Pitman A. Jones D. Let:,on M . Kennedy G. WaL=goit J. Clough C. Neiki J. Paterson J. D~ckmsc~n H.lancaster I Drckmso n M . Steele J. Weinher V. Cncenti K. Donovan S. Foster J. Perkins T. Inghs J. Parham J. Koopmans A Pabne L . Lorenzm 'c. Flemming B. Holland A. CuNenor D. McMaster M. Sudwaeks N . Back P. Prtc6rath J . Easton B. Hodge D . Paton D . Gladman C . Marx N . Clar k C . Edwards G . Dawes S. Condron T. Hooke A . Knight A . Oaktey R .Maatman
N. Barkatsa s T. Banh obmew A. Be*m~r~qham D. Breoks Re~d
6 L . Leviston 7 B. Hayter 8 A. Mehta 9 J. Moor e 10 J. MaYe 11 B.Crwckshan k
910 J D. Bunting Cameron 11 H. Comeadow 12 L Dean 13 a. Anderson 14 M . Ham fton-Ha 15 M . Fraczek s Herskop e 116 7 A B..A Hi 99'n 18 L Kavanagh 19 J . Kiteley 270 K. La . 21 W. Taft 22 J . Larkins 23 A. Lenehan 24 A . im€Ve 26 L. Evans
12 T. Barlow 13 M. Pay 14 R . Shields 15 J . Stephenson 16 M. Brad y 17 K . Mudg e 18 R . Glove r 19 P. Johnson
20 B . Hindle 21 M. McMaho n 22 B . Solimn 23 B .Janssen
C A htcGraths 29 S . McGrath 30 L. McKmnOn 31 E . Mulvey ~ B. Pre~ 34 E . Pretty 35 B . Rehak s 36 J. Rosenha. 37 N. Ruddell 38 J. Smpson 39 D. Sneddon 40 N. Tan 41 N. Tangirala 42 C. Tempttn 43 O. Walsh
R Tolhday W. Marrow G. Girdwood M. Pattmson K . tdcGough P. Nunan J . Dan:els J . Witham J . Doyle 2 Taylo r J . H ed r i c k
24 A . Pyle 25 J . Lui 26 J. Mazur 27 C. MacDonal d 28 I . Tsaoussi 29 T. CobSa n 30 D Stewart
31 M . Hayes 32 T. Hodgson 33 A. Hone
44 P. Warner 45 L . Woodard
L. Carrrrody
34 C. Keeshan
.. .
A McMahan
_ - .
- - '
: . " -104en
(C )
. . . .- .(
n -
. ,_
:: :
Coach : Ben Covelli i M . Ferrannrm (vi-pt) 2 J. MMmas 3 M . Golden 4 T. N3col a 5 A . Bolzan 6 M . Cookson 7 K . E€€ is
ian .
MHSOBFC Cach: Brad Jame Ru ner Tim Fitzgerald sn
B . Van Cal T. Noon
32 Fidler , C
an C' •'
Coach : Zoran Collavic
9 . . I
, - /
"'- " - -€ _ .
8 T. Hanson 9 A. Baldwin 10 T. Pantano
11 N. Clarke (-or) 12 M . goon 73 J. B~nney (vtcapt)
14 A. Foster 75 L . Page - Wood 76 B. Saunders 77 T. Rosenlis 18 G . Hartrick 19 C . Crones 2o D . Madigan 21 L.Terenyl 22 B . P:~Krnley 23 G. Reynard 24 M. PeroAi 25 J . Hyrdman
26 D . Nichol 27 E . Spargo 28 J . Burns
29 C. Roger
30 S . Leggett 31 S . Leslfe 32 S . Kefalas 33 A. Steer
~r 0 . .
r> Gow
34 A. Gloster 35 C. Lock
Coach : Mark Spinoso Asst Coach : Simon Vincent 1 J . Crosthwaite
. .
35 D. Loga n 36 R. Nation 37 C. Finlayson
. : .:-
D' iiG PtS Coach : Owen Lalor I T. Laver 2 J . Terrell 3 K. McConnel 4 I . Frx'm , an 6 B. Calkins 7 D . Camprsarro 8 S. Johnson 9 S. CHU:Ger '
Coach : Justin Gray Asst Coaches : Andrew Gra y Bruce Warren, Craig Thompson
9 B . Schwarz
1 J . ArdiMc y ma d 2 P.i. Coe 3 J . Poppon (C) 4 M. Barron 5 B . Batters s M. Battrst a 7 H . Beaumon t 8 J. Bell 9 J. Bergin
9 R. PetrOU
10 J . McNU~€ 11 L. Kelly
io Ross (VC) 12 W. Howson
11 M. Matko
12 J. Marks
13 S. Rose 22 D . Richardson
13 J. Mattingly 14 R . Burger 15 J. Hunter 16 J. KEeran
13 D. Barlow 74 O. Cbse 15 T. Dawes
1 D. Zivanovic 2 B . Holden 3 R. Bugeja (VC) 5 A . Serafin
6 M . Solomon 7 A. Cowles 8 N. Pratt
23 S. Rehlicki
25 D . Hussey 32 B. McAllister 33 D . Clayton 34 R . Thomas 35 J. Berthet 37 S. Valente 38 M . Irvine 39 J . Seneca (DVC) 42 M . Patena (C) 43 44 45 46
M . Christie D. Whyley G . Vincent M . Stace
47 B . Geary 50 A. Logo 51 A. Cirillo 52 J . Kandilakis
17 B . Neville 18 D. Lynch
19 W. Parker P. Wight M . Lawler C. Ban J. Cahill L. Thomas N. Kane A. FalkGner C. Totnn C . A",ountz 29 A, Knowles 30 J . Hurter 31 T. Smith 32 S. Brown 33 Z N 34 M. Knup p.1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
35 M. Sap no
37 M. Bodmaar
76 W. Ezr y 17 B Flemirug 18 D. Moa r 19 J. Pinnagan 20 A. GtA 21 E . Harnson 22 N . Hotlgsnn 23 J.. Hughes Lan e 24 D 25 A. Legoe 26 S Leslie 27 R. hXBumey 28 D . Coste;b 29 B. Mikus 30 A. Nasiakos 31 J. Newland 32 H . Poner 33 01 Ramsay 34 N . Scheekngs 35 G . Shaw 36 R AIMi 37 d EI6s
yg B. McGowan 39 J . Hamilton 40 S . Jeremiah
41 9-Jes s 42 C . Le Madre 43 T. Napier
Proudly Sponsore d b y gu Buxton R eal Estate
Proudly Sponsored by
Kingston Chiropractice IFCO Clearcut Hairdressing
THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 305 3
. .,
Under-19 - Section BLUE DE LA SALLE ( GOLD)
Coach : Robin Smith
Coach : Dale Ross
Coach : Shane Regan
Coach: Gary Ptlliams Team Manager: Greg Evangelista
I M. Herkess 38 J. Bhd
2 W. Dwyer 39 M. Cnnnson
t . D Zampaglione
1 M . Bertone
1 J . Simon
2. A Ross
2 N . Bradley
2 K. Nguyen
3 M. Fieldsend 40 p. Breda 4 T. John 41 J. Fisher 5 J. Prcher 42 T. Robson
3. G Cannell 4 . I Nicholls 5. N Ulbrick
3 S . Castricu m 4 D . Cough e y
3 J . Lao 4 J . Linke
5 A . Ciavarella
5 S. Janjic 6 J . Sajenko 7 L. De George 8 C . Thompson 9 C . ROSsenlis 10 A. Plozza 11 A. Nasr
15 . R Henry 16 . J Corbett 17 . T Mitchell 18 . D O'Brien 20 . M Curry
6 G. Cocks 7 B . Coslin 8 M . C umm ins 9 W. Evan s 10 D . Grantham 11 J . Hendry 12 D . Hensman 13 P. Johnso n 14 J . Kavanagh 15 J . Lambe rt 16 S. Mann
21 . S Suleyman
17 J . Mather
22 . J Barry
18 D . Micallef 19 S. Moran
19 D . Smith 21 K. Onurulu
20 A. Norman
22 S. Levy 23 L . Townley
e N. nooens 43 I. Clancy 7 T Krness 44 M. Dean 8 Rd Moore 45 M, Manna 9 W. Fenton 46 S . W.omroad 10 L. O'Donnell 47 0. Keeney ii T, Severs 12 D. Moocher 13 T. Donegan 14 A. Cox 15 S, Net,ersa~. 16 J . TM~ 17 D . Keeq
18 J, McKenzie 19 L, eull 20 N . Bums 21 N . Stewart
6. S Blanchard 7. D Kettle 8 . N Pinto 9 . R Semmel 10 . L Smit h 11 . T Fallon 12 . R Kenny
13 . P Woods
J . Evangelista D . Ni J . Nevitt D . Gilmore B. Forbes
18 G . Mesley
22 L. Casey 23 J . Casey 24 C Ba t 25 G . Hess
26 . M Deluca 27 . J William s 28 . R White
26 J . Hanson
29 . C Gleason
27 S. Miias
30 . A Bice 33 . T Rootsey 35 . M Westhead 38 . R Lang
24 D . Regan
39 . K Cho
28 P. Souter
29 J. Bolitho 30 J. Moffat
29 S. Stanley 30 T. Steinfort 31 W. Vandergert
31 C. Dureau 33 S. Kurth 34 J. Price
28 J . Fletcher 20 T. Ka+ara,
30 A. Dernarde 37 D . Lowe 32 A, Nasr 33 D . Has,sabaea 34 J . Oa" 35 J .Greenne "J
36 S. Edward s 37 D . Close
ORMOND Coach : Michael Oaten 1 J . Ashley 2 D . Bailey 3 R . Chisholm 4 S . Barnes 5 D . Brosnan 6 T. Denatris 7 M . Mclelland 8 R . Sayers 9 A . Jewell 10 L . Calvert 11 S. Fisher 12 G . Evans 13 D . Haysom 14 L . Upstill 15 T. Johnson 16 A. Wilson 17 J. Harry 18 L . Washfold 19 T. Woolfe 20 D . Machin 21 R . Mcgirr 22 S. Vipond 23 M. Vol 24 J. Turnbull 25 C . Woodford 26 L . Knoester 27 A. Cribbes 28 L . Kinniard 29 T. Leary 30 L . Duthie 32 C . Freema n 33 N. Ryde 44 B. Robbin s
22 M. Pecora 23 D . Power 25 E. Roberts 26 B. Ross 27 S. Smith
40 . J Hille 43 . J Schafer 44. T Skewes
. -~ 32 A. Weekes 33 R . Wckremasinghe 34 A. Winstanley
Coach : Tony Thripp 1 L. Walker 2 R. White 3 E . Wittich 4 R. Smith 5 D. Smith 6 B . Mitchell 7 N. Coy 8 P. Wignall 9 B . Coldrey 10 M . Warner 11 M . Kenny 12 A . De Lange 13 S . Robertson 14 L. Coghlan 15 S . Byrne 16 M . Lewis 17 D. Felvus 18 T. Madder 19 A . Orefield 20 S . McGuiness 21 H . Nestor 22 S . Taylor 23 C. Witzelll 25 J . Rees 26 J . Murphy 27 J . Wilmot 28 R . Trickey 29 J . Bin
24 25 26 27 28
2 M. Scholes (VC )
3 J . Walsh 4 J . Mill s 5 S. Podaridi s
6 L . Petrovic h
24 . B McDonald 25 . R Sharpe
21 D . Nutting
Coach : David Lapp;,ge
1 A. Folino
12 S. Gallagher 13 14 15 16 17
S.C . Levy ry D. Davidson J. Castello S. Masoud P. Cook
7 D. Gilby (VC ) 8 F. Mohammad 9 N. Waite 10 S. Wilson 11 A. Mcintyre 12 N. Harnson (C) 13 D. Maye s 14 S. Jones 15 K. MaltaBs 16 A. Temby
17 J. Stanley
18 T. Douka s 19 S. Roberts 20 M . Fankhause r 21 M . Siiberer 22 S. Elli s 23 J. Elliott 24 D. Korlos
25 S. Lockwoo d 26 A. Byass S. Campeq 28 C Casey 29 T. Wyeth 30 B. Dolma n 31 A. Campbel l 32 M . Doyl e 33 R. Johnson 34 R. Davis
35 T. Chishol m
35 C. Fletche r 40 J. Joseph 43 R. Thoma s
37 T. Gill
SRLESIAH SCORPION S Coach: Michael Hazel [ Asst. Coach : Michael Forer 1 R. Batten 2 B. Crowley 3 P. Norman (C) 4 C. Hoga n 5 L. Kelly (C ) 6 L. Peterson 7 D. Kalogianni s 8 P. Dal e 9 T. Mallard 10 S. Toniazzo 11 H. Singh 12 B. McCarth y 13 B. Farhner 14 R. Mein 15 L. Phipps 16 M . Dempste r 17 S . Curtis 18 R. Jordan 19 P. Dunne 20 D. Lentini 21 S . Francis (VC ) 22 C. Thompso n 23 T. Wilson 24 J . Sil k 25 T. Togi a 26 D. Fletcher 27 M . Fullman 28 D. Demari a 29 J . Morsello 30 K .. Batten
vpp~_ Linder-19 - Section RED BULLEED-TEMPLESTO W E
AQUIMAS Cc,ch : Danny Minogue s er ° at
= r-^=( ., .
Coach : Harry Harison
3 A . Hickey 4 D . Monforte
1 R . Astudlo 2 K . Barns-Jenkins
5 N . Baranello
3 S . Bombaci
5 J . DeAngelis
6 R. Stafford 7 K . Adriaanse
9 S . Eduatti 10 S . Randall
J . Boyle A. Chie w J. Chlicott J. Cooke 8 K. Donato 9 J. Downie
7 M . Cochran e 8 A . Lucisani
15 S. Millar
4 5 6 7
22 A . Benenchs 23 A . Stavretis
13 M . Dorazio 14 G . Coughlan 15 T. Ahern 16 J. Barry
10 C. Dullard 11 S. Edwards 13 N. Hart 14 D. Leicester
19 T. McKay 20 A. Pik e 23 J. Eggby 26 R . Nas h
24 M. Meadows
17 N . Robin
15 N. Leman
30 O . Gregory
26 A . Georgakopoulos 27 5 . Hoysied
18 M. Wright 19 P. D'amico 20 J. Brogdon
16 M . Lows-Gleeson 17 G . Marcon
35 M. Matherso n 36 D . Malon y
18 K. Maghamez 19 D. Mcphe e 20 J . Mujanovi c 21 W. Murray
38 J . Fuftheim ~C) 54 A . Franklin (VC)
28 29 30 31
-- -
M . For M . Coulston P. Florence P. Gallo
32 J . McDonald 33 P. March
---~ '~
11 S . Kay
21 N . Cadden
22 J . Anderson 24 A . McKenzie 33 M . Lalor
34 E.Odza 35 M . Ramondetta 36 A. Coulston 37 J. Wolmzer
47 A. Smith 42 S Roussidis 43 D . Seraicco 45 M. Makin 46 P. Naidos 50 T Austen
17 B .Spiteri
s t= 's V, F`""{"' E.? H. Yt~,
18 H . Templeton 19 A . Smil h 20 D . Chan 21 B . Whiting
21 T.sms eoM.varmo40 22 oPtO~p 23 H Sp.-
- _ .~
60 s-yy1&`uT`t r1 w.P-1-p . . -n a t,~_ksh
' ''-- MY Coven .
Coach : Kevin Quinn
~-~ AC,,-,y
. Tvr, : ^. . N, go
Coach : Greg Fagan
1 J Ptn~p5 `~51 D E-
. r.:: A ~ H .d
. . .
22 G. Christopher
23 J . Heiniger 24 F. McGregor 25 R. Borg 26 B. Hughes 27 C . Hudson 28 N . Russell 30 M. Arutjunow 54 A. Can
. .
12 S. Greenwood
57 D . Jackso n 65 C . Jolly
22 G . Ozusen N . Quick 2 4 J . Richardso n 25 M. Rogers 26 D . Russell 27 D . Ryan
o 2 C a a n 51 A caWar ' 3 A. TennanA 52 B. Vhk+ams e B. 0- 53 B htcadm
6 JPre,ry e4 J .w uace
a J Bradley 55 s' E1.'ana 10 T.West 56 M Braddy 12 A Eva . 58 c rhrrer
13 N Fell 59 B.Alkeraad.
to ° . G1ef"' 60 Lweuste r 16 oDeaa 67 D .Aathn J . And- 67 L ea"~ely 17 M. QuV!ey 74 D. s"M c r.~'w 78 r.+' H. 20 M GzuM 79 c Ashen
24 L. W.2e rn. rAZt,ee 23 B e~°A' k"~" 31 M. Emry
32 M Erscr~ste T.r.w`Phy 35 B. La+en sa D Mcymem 37 e r.orss 38 M . Ada m 39 J Taybr
<o s &s .n*P Q AJ."-'s
Harp of Erin Hote l 636 High St, Ke w Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelberg Rd , Heidelberg
34 J. Ziemer 35 M . Zika
2 J . Amore 3 S . Dunn 4 J . Tanner 5 N. Gerdy 6 F. Bertone 8 T. Williamson 10 L . Squarci 12 M. Williamson 13 P. Eckel 14 A. McAlindon 15 0. Hickeyy
11 N. Lawrence 15 N. Howard
33 R. Williams
OLD SCOTCH Co-s Bn a Armstrong E<d Coacn : [an Leith
10 T. Wang
29 N . ShutUeworth 30 H. Topp 31 J. Violato 32 G. Wtlliams
40 P. los,fid,s
3 R . Wyley 4 A . Hale
28 B . Scott
38 M. C roo ks r_ ::r ~ i-_ , ., rann
Coach : Matthew Jack Coach : Tim Bell Asst Coach: Tony Dullard Team Manager: Janiene Hart 1 G. Williams Runner: Leo Dynes 2 S . O'Shea
1 P. Baranello 2 J . Quirk
20 B. Lapadoula
D. Thomson 10 T. Lee it M . Vogli s 12 D. McCol l 13 B. Tekin 14 J. Newman
18 B. Moran 19 C . Lapadoula
Coach : Ben Pilley
7 S . Mountain 8 A. Eccles
16 R . Trema Yn e 17 P. Voglis
~ ...
Coach : James Sandman 1 3 4 5 6 7 8
L. Conboy R. Keenan K . Helou Y. Helo u M . Cannon J . Maha r A. Elm i
9 D. Allender
10 P.Tomkinso n 12 A. Ferraro 13 C . Desousa 14
N . Somerto n
15 B . Tozer 17 J . Webber 18 G. Dore 19 M . Reynold s
20 A . Mert 21 L. Harpley 22 J . Mammolt i 23 C. Rees 24 C. Matton 32 J . Cooper 33 S. Harriso n 38 K. Robertso n
44 A. Gentil e
41 A Ca42 J " 43 A. Mm Disalvatore 44 B. CCw'sy
as C-!luo-nv72e
Major S p onsor Werribee Mazda
45 T. Egan e6 L.Caia d 47 J. arwgMen .18 L B- w
<a A Day 48
Dcr egory
49 0.
Winning Edge Presentations
Round 3 results were mainly those predicted, although there does seem to be trends emerging which indicate changes to the traditional strength of teams . My success rate was a healthier 85%, which should see me rise higher in the "Tipster' s Tally " Review of Round 3. Section 1 . Prahran forwards' inaccuracy proved costly against St Kevin's, who persisted after conceding a big lead to Prahran early in the game . Greater accuracy saw St Kevin's home by nine points . They were well served by : Andrew Clark, Ben Liu and Ben Hughes . For Prahran, Darren
Section 3 . At the last change Emmaus - St Leo's led Old Scotch by two points . However
they were NOT on the road to victory as, aided l, r a strong wind, Scotch powered home to win b y thirty three points . Jeremy Andrews kept up the family tradition by doing well fo r
" . . .Ehe Sh ark s will provide the upset of the round by defeating Collegians on what will be a new ground to them at Elgar Park . "
Blake, Mark Howard and Grant brown were best . Mt Lilydale did well to easily account for Old Brighton by seventy nine points in the morning match at Brighton Beach . Old Melburnians further demonstrated their right to be considered a genuine challenger in the Section when they defeated De La Salle by forty three points . According to "our man at headquarters", Adrian Anderson starred for the Old Melburnians . An inaccurate University Blues paid the penalty by losing to leaders, Old Scotch by thirteen points, despite having more scoring shots . Mazenod proved no match for reigning premiers, Old Xaverians, who triumphed by seventy five points . Section 2 . Marcellin scored a welcome victory by defeating Therry Penola by fifty points . Box Hill Sharks led Old Xaverians at the first change but the Xaverian size, speed and stamina enabled them to wrest control and win decisively by forty two points . For the winners the Brothers Silk displayed their smooth skills. Ruckman, Daniel Grant did well for the Sharks . Collegians continued their rise to the top through victory by sixty one points over Old Trinity. Old Essendon Grammarians were largely untroubled to defeat Monash Blues by thirty seven points . University Blacks consolidated their top position through their thirty seven point defeat of Fitzroy Reds, who are yet to win a big game against a leading side .
Old Scotch . For the losers: Admin Carey, 'Ex Perry and Scott Murphy were best. The very accurate Caulfield Grammarians defeated the inaccurate Old Geelong by seventy points . Caulfield are now challenging for a top four berth.
Fitzroy Reds proved far too strong for Old Carey and won by forty two points. Tony Jackson was best for the Reds whilst Andrew Win was best for Old Carey. Whitefriars maintained the unblemished record of Coach Norman Elliott when they scored a "Heine (fifty seven point) victory over La Tribe University on the small Whitefriars College Oval . Greater fitness enabled the home side to control the latter part of the game . Best for Whitefriars included: Peter O'Brien, Chris . Andrews and Michael Singh. North Old Boys had the bye .
C18 1
Old Xaverians Hall 6 Prahran Howard 5 Prahran Cartlidge 3 Old Melbournians Arden 4 C18(21 Old Essendon Cariss 6 Box Hill Sharks Viola 3 Old Xaverians Green 0 Old Xaverians Roach 5 C18(31 Caulfield Grammarians Brokman 4 Emmaus SL Landy 0 Caulfield Grammarians Travis 0 Whitefriars Jackson 1 Old Scotch Lacey 3
10 7 5 5 5
f,re~jew of Round 4 Section I .
St Kevin -s to win again against Old ton even s your band wagon Bernie . gon thiweek, I ~.mony hlast aneweek tthemselves a wit i, ;!%: Qale covered h goodnc of ,~nd today they m . Because „t,ug the disappointing us De La Salle lwill e lose any eIlue is unknown, Mt De Lae SaI last e . I will giv Lair ad~'vitage
by selecting them to win . , ;purncnity ,,, rr ity Blues have always proven competitive ,,l ;till remain winless . After today, I suspect theys , 11 r, uiain winless as I believe Old Melburnian it t~e too talented . a top teams meet at Victoria Park where Ol d :u meet Old Scotch . The game takes U . o k 1,11 or so seasons to a time when these hv
, lominated the competition . My seleetion is c, ;,1 x ;,%crians simply because their players have I capable of meeting an y challenge ; 1 ,,,,iiu I Frahran have practised their kicking they ,l, ,iild be able to avenge last season's Preliminary n, l lc by accounting for Mazenod today . Section 2 . , ;~,jhh,)cu's,N old Trinity and Marcellin clash at Marcellin, who won well last week, should it two wins in a row by defeating the l 'pointing Old Trinity .
,,,is face a tough game against the Box Hill ,« . v:l io showed glimpses of form last week . If 11unch, the Sharks will provide the upset o ,mid b%, defeating Coll egian s on what will be a
Out east another chapter in the on going rivalry between Emmaus - St Leos and Whitefriars . St Leo's withered under pressure last week, while Whitefriars have called "the shots" so far this season . Today, I suspect, Whitefriars will win because they will prove to be the faster and fitter side,' Fitzroy Reds has the Bye . Team Managers. Please contact me by 6 p .m . Monday with your best players . Telephone 9467 2857 or e mail me at nknugentCalphalink.com .au
MILESTON .E u Fitzroy Reds - congratulates Chris "Plugger" Prior who played his 100th club game against Old Geelong at Como Park two weeks ago, the 25th Redder to do so . A man for the big occasion, he kicked the winning goal in that game and also slotted 11 a few years ago in the reserves, upstaging the fonvard pocket who was playing his 200th game and kicked 10 . Plug was also treasurer of the Reds for several years during their growth spurt and worked tirelessly to enhance bar and canteen facilities at the club . He has played seniors, reserves and clubbies without ever venturing too far from the goal square . Hailing from South Australia, he has achieved cult status at the Reds with his awkward kicking style, regular bags of goals and a passion for Dairy Vale Egg Nogs . Well done Plug .
ocind eo them at Elgar Park .
s should record their fourth victory by un -, titonash Blues. Even though the match i s ix, ion . the Blues do not possess sufficien t or iiuw";s to defeat the Xaverians . E-ndon Grammarians can expect a soli d ni i troll 17itzroy Reds . However I suspect the may have the edge in skill and fitness so I I rid la-ndon . ~n ; Blacks should take the points easil y ,I Thrrcti Penola, whose players lack th e I~~pl~c~ed by their predecessors . Section 3 .
'akli ~thould appreciate the wide open spaces , , i, c trey move the ball forward quickly to otMauta~~~c of their big forward line . I select c, d, f, at Old Geelong, whose spirit must have nn .1%, it by their unusual early results . !h,ld Grammarians have an excellent ru,I i I t~ co consolidate a top four position when I ,! ;,,, rjlcl Carey even though the small Victori a Ill -1rl will prevent them developing much um ( ~cu!ficld should win comfortably . 11 (1 13o\ s face a solid encounter against La t„in~r~tt}• on the gigantic University Oval. . , 1 eo : : d an improvement last week . To win 0 um st further increase its competitiveness . s~ltowed form in the first two weeks ch~ Y shoulddowell today. FOOTBALLER 2005
TODAY'S MATCHES CLUB 18 (1 1 Old Brighton v St Kevin s Mt Lilydale v De La Salle - TBA University Blues v Old Melburnians Old Xaverians v Old Scotch Prahran v Mazenod 0 C CLUB 18 (21
Old Trinity v Marcellin Box Hill Sharks v Collegians Monash Blues v Old Xaverians (2 ) Fitzroy Reds v Old Essendon Gr - at Ramsden Street Oval, Clifton Hill Therry Penola 0 B v University Black s CLUB 18 (3 1
Old Geelong v Old Scotch (2) Old Carey v Caulfield Or Fitzroy Reds ( 2) - Bye La Trobe University v North Old Boys Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Whitefriars 57
Ct, ST KEVINS OB 3 .1 8 .4 13.6 15 .8 (98) PRAHRAN 8 .3 9.5 10.6 13 .11 (89) SKOB : Horroks 7 P Harvev 3 McArdle 2 Moore Curtis Perron . Best: Walsh T Dillon Hughes Horrocks McInerney Moore . Prahran : Howard 5 CarUidge 3 Geri Maughan Ivak Blake Kitchen . Best ; Stephens Blake Green Macpherson Howard Gen . Umpires : Rhett Parker David Windlow IF )
MT LILYDALE 3 .1 8 .7 12 .9 17 .14 (116) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .4 3 .4 5.7 5 .7(37) Mt Lilydale: P Haves 6 Gibson 3 Manischalchi 2 West Callanan Voss Rhodes Leonard Fiannagan . Best : Gibson Hayes Brenner Flannagan Manischalchi Delbiondo . Old Br: G Earl 2 Coonev W Earl Stockdale . Best : G Earl Davies Handley Oakley Trim . Umpires: Paul Rapke IF) OLD MELBURNIANS 5.3 6 .5 12.11 15 .12 (102) DE LA SALLE 2.1 4 .4 5.8 8.11 (59) Old Melb: Arden 4 N Barrett 2 Wettenhall 2 Ward Hyde Wu Weir C Ray A Anderson J Mitchell. Best : Wettenhall C Rav Wu N Barrett Schofield Arden . DLS: Jennings 4 Rudd Mannix Moore Butler . Best: Jennings MarmLx Moore Butler. Umpires : Simon Brooks Brian Nunn IF ) OLD SCOTCH 5 .2 8.4 9 .5 10 .10 (70) UNI BLUES 1 .3 1 .9 6 .12 7.17 (591 Old Scotch : Glen 3 Fraser 2 Kings 2 Snow Hooke Johnston . Best : Fraser Logan Colman Glen Bull. Uni Blues: McKinley 3 Hempel Gannon Dods Millar. Best : Glass Gates Ross Rovdhouse Marshall Millar. Umpires: Joe Ciccotosto IF)
MAZENOD 0.1 1 .3 4 .4 6.7143) OLD XAVERIANS 6 .4 9.8 14.15 16 .22 (118) Maz: Crozier 3 Occhiuto Reed Fisher. Best: Occhiuto Jacobs Smyth Crozier Reed Harrington. Old Xav: Hall 6 Hawkins 4 Ireland 2 Halpin Perry Bell Curnow . Best : Ratbgerber Curnow Perry Hart Bell Poulis . Umpires: Rick Benson (F) CLUB 18 f21 MARCELLIN 3 .5 5.9 9.12 12 .15 (87) THERRY PENOLA 1 .4 3.5 4 .6 5 .7(37) Match details not received . Umpires : Tony Hegan Malcolm Foard IF) COLLEGIANS 2 .2 5.8 9.11 13 .15 (93) OLD TRINITY 1 .1 2.1 3 .6 4 .8(32) Coil : Perkov 5 Karvelis 4 Burn Grant Letehford Pesa. Best: Oldham Osborne Perkov Karvelis Hams Dowms . Old Trin : C . McDonald 2 Dickenson E . McDonald. Best: Hilderbrandt C McDonald Brawn Brown Sketchlev Thwaites. Umpires: Dean Banova Jason Evan s IF)
OLD XAVERIANS (2) 3 .3 8 .6 14.6 18.8 (116) BOX HILL SHARKS 4 .2 6.4 9 .5 11 .9 (75) Old Xav (2) : Roach 5 Altis 4 Chamberlain 2 Ford 2 Richards 2 DeproperUs Calhaem McInerney. Best: Allis Francis Murray Roach J
Ralph Depropertis. BHS: Viola 3 Nelson 3 Trotter 2 Verst Broadbear. Best: Nelson Doubtfire Gran t Park. Umpires: Tony tyt .' Steve Reddan IF) OLD ESSENDON 4.6 5.5 9.10 12 .10 (827 MONASH BLUES 0 .2 1 .4 5 .4 6,9 i, Old Ess: Cariss 6 Evans Fraser Hammon Hughes Knox Ridley , ; Hammon Car iss Ridley Hughes Knox Ev an s . Mon Blues : Cci ." . Haines 2 Tracy Wilson . Best: Byrden Mentha Johnstone Sutr, .` Lomb ar do Wilson. Umpires: Gerar d Dowling Fran k Kavan agh IF) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .4 6.6 10.7 14 .10(. , FITZROY REDS 1 .0 2.1 5 .2 9, : Peck 3 Wood 2 Merlo 2 Dunc an Wilson Black Terry'3UniBlacks .iq Ch an dler O'Keefe . Best: Prowse German Thompson Bowls MeGee, i Reds : McKay 3 Auden 2 Stapleton Watson Grimmet Marron v~ Best : Crowe Buckley Stapleton McKay. Umpires : Peter Kelly Robbins IF) CLUB 18 f31 OLD SCOTCH 1 .2 2.7 4.7 9.13 (67j EMMAUS ST LEOS 2 .2 3.4 4 .9 4 .10 L' . Old Scotch: Lacey 3 Smedley Kaka Newton Barnett Don Hay Best : Iser Kyriakou Newton Don Lacey Foster. Emmaus SL : Pcrr, Carey Dunn . Best: Perry Contessotto Wood Andrew Tonkin Gale . Umpires: Trevor Han sen Simon Pearless IF ) CAULFIELD GR 9 .3 12 .4 18.8 22.8 (146t OLD GEELONG 1 .2 4.6 5.10 9 .16 1 Cool: T Beckman 4 Stevenson 2 Minter 2 Griggs 2 B Jenkinson 2< . . McKay Ev an s Gelfand Fisher Brohier Saunders R Nadehargerison A Johnson . Best: Brohier T Beckman Saunders C .M Steer. Old Geel: Legoe 2 Youl 2 Timms 2 Mc -19alshAJon , Stevens Bovle . Best : Hawker Lockie Timms Stevens Urquh ar t Youl. Umpires: Joe Salvatore IF)
FITZROY REDS 3 .7 3 .9 9 .13 12.14 (86) OLD CAREY 2 .0 5.3 5.5 6.8144t Fitz Reds : Jackson 5 Cook 2 Collier East Maggs Fl an agan Alm. D~;,,~ Cook Jackson Fl anagan Cockshutt Vaughan Belleville . Old Careg: Leong Steer Elv ins Guerra Winn White. Best: McCroh an Guerra Shn}tx Steer Winchester White. Umpires: Tom Windlow Mark Thornhill IF) NORTH OLD BOYS HAS THE BYE WHITEFRIARS 2 .5 6 .7 9 .11 17 .19 (121) LATROBE UNIVERSITY 3 .2 4 .2 9.3 10.4(f White: O'Brien 4 Rowley 2 Tatt erson 2 Spired Ward Naismith Atkl
Jackson Hennessy Vernal Elliott Westmore . Best: Murphy F Andrews Elliott O'Brien Singh . Latrobe : C ar ter 2 Donovan 2 B e Cleeland Lania Marchitto Tolliday Watson. Best : Car ter Cleel Donovan Lanta D>worth Kennedy . Umpire: Bob O'Halloran IF)
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Results of Tribunal Hearinas - Tuesday May 3 . 2005 Will Harvey Old Melburnians. Striking, 2 matches . Steve Vamuakas, Glen Eire, Abusive and insulting language, 2 matches . David Florence, Bulleen-Templestowe . Striking, 4 matches Ryan Schroder, St . Bernards (Under-19). Abusive language, 2 matches . Andrew Murray, Oakleigh (Reserves), Striking, 2 matches . Matthew Doyle, South Melbourne Districts (Rese rves). Abusive language and assault of an umpire, 20 matches . *James Tyquin, St. Bedes Mentone Tigers. Striking, 2 matches . 'David Johnston, Old Scotch (Club 1 8) . Attempting to strike, 1 match . 'Accepted Prescribed Penalt y
Results of Investigations April 23th. 2005 Player count held during the Monash Gryphons versus South Melbourne Districts senior match. Found Monash Gryphons had too many players on the ground . Club fined $100 .
R~~;l ~~u3 LATE SCORES First offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50) ; fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100).
Reserves/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Mazenod (R) Old Camberwell (S) Old Melburnians (C) St. Kevins (U ) Old Scotch (1) (C) Mazenod (U) Uni . Blacks (C) Peninsula OB (U )
Phoned incorrect scores - Round 2 HB: No fines will be issued for Rds 1 & 2 of the 2004 VAFA season.
Competitio n
Round 3
Glen Harrison Ed Sil l "['om Brain N'onu Nugent Fraser Cameron (',avan Flower Andrew Wu Can Nation I"arry Hickey .lohathan Horn Pi,tc-r Willamso n 'OOTBALLER 20 05
Division C D4 B Club XVIII U/19 D3
D2 U/19 D1 A D2
Total Score Out o f Score Out o f 1 3 4 12 12 3 5 6 3 4 4
5 4 5 14 14 5 5 8 5 5 5
10 8 10 27 27 9 9 14 8 8 7
15 12 15 41 42 15 15 24 15 15 15
% 67% 67% 67% 66% 64% 60% 60% 58% 53% 53% 47% 61
THE CHALLENGE: Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest Hotel Accommodation Package.
HOW TO ENTER. One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 . No Photocopies or faxed ent ri es .
LL p2 RES~ ~~
P 3
L 0
!~ 3
for -W 351 108
D 0
% Pis U(4'~Ml Y9 2 325 .00 12 MAZENOD 0 C
P t~ 3 3
LD 0 0
Fnr A 389 210
Pts 185.24 1 2
338 141 239 .72 12 ORMOND 0 0 453 254 178.35 1 2 3 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 0 0 304 130 233 .85 12 SALESIAN SCORPIONS 3 2 1 0 386 361 106 .93 8
C 1', ~ PTIOPJ
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
187 204
175 230
4 4
706.86 88.70
3 1 3 1
366 265
336 289
108 .93 91 .70
4 4
3 1 2 0 187 221 64 .62 4 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 1 2 0 291 318 91 .51 4 78.57 4 1 2 0 220 280 3 4 2 0 173 233 74 .25 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 1 172 27 7 62.09 4 1 2 0 3 510 36 .86 0 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 3 0 3 0 188 0 170 278 61 . 15 4 3 1 2 3 0 3 0 85 378 22.49 0
For Agst
3 3
0 0
03 RESEj; fr,=
2 0 2 0
443 .88 1 2
"EURS 3 3 0 0 381 122 3 1 2 .30 12 KEW 3 3 0 0 434 256 169 .53 1 2 201 104 .98 8 3 2 1 0 211 0 0 265 155 170 .97 12 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C TRICTS 3 3 )NS 3 2 1 0 193 106 182 .08 8 FITZROY REDS 3 2 1 0 263 274 95 .99
,- . . .1, ._
UNDER 1,9 (~
UNUER 19 ~2~
3 2 1 0 301 249 120 .88 157 111 .46 2 1 0 175 3 164 139 .02 3 1 2 0 228 2 0 118 198 59 .60 3 1 1 2 0 141 272 51 .84 3 3 0 3 0 151 250 60 .40 0 99 379 26 .12 3 0 3 !~
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 0
P 3 3 3 3 3 3
IN 3 3 2 2 2 1
L 0 0 1 1 1 2
D 0 0 0 0 0 0
For 208 193 366 340 172 289
A~ t 112 138 21 7 366 178 284
81 .85
3 3
1 0
2 3
0 0
257 196
338 391
76 .04 50 .13
iY 3 2 2 2
3 3
UNDER 19 r-°• (3) (3)
8 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 3 2 1 0 118 214 55 .14 8 8 RUPERTSW000 (2) 87.06 4 3 1 2 0 222 255 4 OLD SCOTCH 4 3 1 2 0 200 260 76.92 4
4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0 0 ~1~~ p$ (,~) _
3 1
2 0
3 0
3 0
PW 3 3
LD 0 0
For Agst 286 154
f Pis 185.71 1 2
.07 12 0 0 377 89 423 .60 12 OLD XAVERIANS 3 3 0 0 274 164 167 .60 8 1 0 238 89 267 .42 8 PRAHRAN 3 2 1 0 341 215 158 1 0 216 147 146 .94 8 ST KEVINS 3 2 1 0 297 241 123 .24 8 218 118 .81 8 3 2 1 0 259 1 0 233 169 137.87 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 1 0 234 229 102 .18 8 MT LILYDALE 0 C 3 1 2 0 259 280 92 .50 4 83 .40 4 1 0 244 243 100.41 8 DE LA SALLE 3 1 2 0 216 259 2 0 202 280 72 .14 4 MAZENOD 0 C 3 1 2 0 197 326 60 .43 4 .00 4 2 0 108 216 50 3 0 165 208 79 .33 0 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 0 3 0 41 431 9.51 0 OLD BRIGHTON 105 334 31 .44 0 3 0 3 0
2 2 1 1
% Pts ~~~~ ~~ a 185.71 12 139 .86 12 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 168 .6 6 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS tit .tt 8 OLD ESSENDON GR 96 .63 8 COLLEGIANS 101 .76 4 FIiZROY REDS 4
4 MARCELLIN 0 MDNASH BLUES OLD TRINITY L D For Agsf % Pts THERRY PENOLA 0 B 0 0 355 279 127.24 12 1 0 482 187 257.75 8 d;L7f$ 3 1 0 377 211 178.67 8 WHITEFRIARS IARS 8 1 0 351 231 151 .95 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 0 364 281 129,54 8 OLD SCOTCH (2) 1 0 344 287 119.86 8 FITZROY REDS (2) 2 0 266 308 86.36 4 4 CAULFIELD OR 2 0 123 414 29.71 3 0 199 378 52 .65 0 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 3 0 128 413 30 .99 0 OLD CAREY LA TROBE UNI p~ OLDGEELONG L D For Agst %
% Pfs 249.61 1 2 242.31 1 2 202.31 1 2 106.80 8 103.52 8
P t~ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2
! D 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
for 322 315 263 220 206
3 1
2 0
3 3 3 3
1 0 0 0
2 3 3 3
0 0 0 0
173 148 103 106
220 239 270 281
78.64 61 .92 38.15 37.72
4 0 0 0
P 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
F3' 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 0
L 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
D For 0 293 1 186 0 175 0 188 0 268 0 158 0 103 77 0 1 200
AqSf 142 136 128 148 234 205 195 188 272
129 130 130 206 199
Pis % 206.34 1 2 136.76 1 0 136 .72 8 127 .03 8 114 .53 8 4 77 .07 52 .82 4 40 .96 4 73 .53 2
3 3
0 0
P 3 3
W 3
235 .03
12 r.------------ --- ---- --- --- ----- -
3 3
0 0
0 0
34 3 374
177 237
193 .79 157 .81
12 12
3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 2 2 3 3 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
303 303 21 9 233 217 249 157
2 02 213 302 325 338 406 437
1 50 ,00 142 .25 72 .52 71 .69 64.20 61 .33 35.93
8 8 4 4 0 0 0
res~ted b e Weekend Matches (Fri ) ® Umpires Appo intments .~~ ~ i.~` ~ SPOR ~ TSCOVER e Scores (Sat .ni ght)
L____ (char~as nia~ b° hrohcr lrom a mabila pho~ to ts s rice)
P W L D For Agst % Pts A SECTION MARCELLIN 3 3 0 0 304 190 160 .00 12 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 2 0 1 317 223 142 .15 10 OLD XAVERIANS 3 2 1 0 348 240 145 .00 8 OLD SCOTCH 3 2 1 0 328 255 128 .63 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 2 1 0 328 313 104 .79 8 ST BERNARDS 3 1 1 1 270 272 99 .26 6 OLD MELBURNIANS 3 1 2 0 271 287 94 .43 4 ST KEVINS 3 1 2 0 290 336 86 .31 4 OLD TRINITY 3 0 3 0 190 311 61 .09 0 0 COLLEGIANS 3 0 3 0 171 390 43 .85
P W L D 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For ADst
325 184 176 .63 12 352 240 146 .67 12 363 231 157 .14 8 305 241 126 .56 8 224 244 91 .80 8 314 324 96 .91 4 266 313 84 .98 4 258 322 80 .12 4 195 313 62 .30 0 0 185 375 49 .33
ELSTERNWICK 3 3 0 0 601 244 24631 ALBERT PARK 3 3 0 0 205 185 110,81 3 2 1 0 257 169 15207 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS BULLEEN COBRAS 3 2 1 0 437 427 102,34 BOX HILL NORTH 3 2 1 0 230 242 95,04 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 3 1 2 0 391 353 11076 NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 1 2 0 368 427 86,18 ST MARYS 3 1 2 0 361 431 83 76 RICHMOND CENTRAL 3 0 3 0 174 546 31,87 A#iESERVE
For Agst r
OLD XAVERIANS 3 3 0 0 282 103 273,79 OLD SCOTCH 3 3 0 0 304 158 192 .41 STBERNARDS 3 2 1 0 240 178 134 .83 OLD MELBURNIANS 3 2 1 0 186 141 131 .91 COLLEGIANS 3 2 1 0 127 156 81,41 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 1 2 0 221 240 92 .08 OLD TRINITY 3 1 2 0 155 215 72 .09 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 1 2 0 188 262 71 76 ST KEVINS 3 0 3 0 157 280 5607 MARCELLIN 3 0 3 0 99 226 4181
Far A_~st I
C SECTION P W 1 D For A~t F Pts
OLD CAMBERWELL 3 3 0 0 423 182 232 .42 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 3 0 0 262 183 143 .17 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 2 1 0 318 197 161 .42 8 PARKDALE VULTURES 3 2 1 0 286 182 157 .14 8 BEAUMARIS 3 2 1 0 223 186 119 .89 8 OLD PARADIANS 3 2 1 0 303 328 92 .38 8 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 3 1 2 0 257 350 73 .43 4 MONASH BLUES 3 0 3 0 221 290 76 .21 0 AJAX 3 0 3 0 268 355 75 .49 0 BANYULE 3 0 3 0 145 453 32 .01 0
DE LA SALLE 3 3 0 0 467 8
P W L D For Agst % PLs Dl SECTION ORMOND 3 3 0 0 493 178 276 .97 12 OLD CAREY 3 3 0 0 435 230 189 .13 12 FITZROY REDS 3 3 0 0 389 219 177 .63 12 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 3 2 1 0 319 367 86.92 8 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 3 1 2 0 286 334 85 .63 4 OLD MENTONIANS 3 1 2 0 268 324 82 .72 4 PRAHRAN 3 1 2 0 291 368 79.08 4 AQUINAS 0 C 3 1 2 0 291 395 73 .67 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 0 3 0 278 363 76 .58 0 0 GLEN EIRA 3 0 3 0 187 459 40 .74 D2 SECTION P W L D for Ayst % PLs OLD GEELONG 3 3 0 0 429 187 229 .41 12 RUPERTSWOOD 3 3 0 0 417 227 183 .70 12 LA TROBE UNI 3 3 0 0 366 210 174 .29 12 OAKLEIGH 3 3 0 0 382 272 140 .44 12 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 3 1 2 0 248 285 87 .02 4 BENTLEIGH 3 1 2 0 296 384 77 .08 4 SALESIAN 0 C 3 1 2 0 230 313 73 .48 4 SWINBURNE UNI 3 0 3 0 223 296 75 .34 0 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 3 0 3 0 244 432 56.48 0 0 PENINSULA 0 B 3 0 3 0 211 440 47 .95 P W 1 D For Agat °a Pls D3 SECTION ST JOHNS 0 C 3 3 0 0 388 132 293 .94 12 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 3 3 0 0 417 205 203 .41 12 OLD WESTBOURNE 3 2 1 0 293 234 125 .21 8 KEW 3 2 1 0 290 300 96 .67 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 3 2 1 0 257 301 8538 8 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 3 2 1 0 304 358 84 .92 8 UHS-VU 3 1 2 0 262 317 82 .65 4 MONASH GRYPHONS 3 0 2 0 268 307 87 .30 0 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 3 0 3 0 254 396 64 .14 0 0 POWER HOUSE 3 0 3 0 140 323 43 .34
2 OLD IVANHOE 3 3 0 0 241 112 215.18 12 MHSOB 3 2 1 0 240 149 16107 MAZENODOC 3 2 1 0 224 141 15887 OLD BRIGHTON 3 2 1 0 252 227 111 01
CAULFIELD GR 3 1 2 0 178 269 66 1 7 3 1 2 0 157 262 5992 ST BEDES MENT TIG NORTH OLD BOYS 3 1 2 0 99 330 30 .00
4 4
OLD ESSENDON GR 3 0 3 0 174 307 5668 WHITEFRIARS 3 0 3 0 125 278 44 .96
P W L D For A
BEAUMARIS 3 3 0 0 302 164 18415 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 2 1 0 270 154 17532 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 2 1 0 194 136 142,65 OLD PARADIANS 3 2 1 0 211 155 13613 PARKOALEVULTURES 3 2 1 0 220 176 12500 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 1 2 0 169 181 9337 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 3 1 2 0 186 233 79 .83 AJAX 3 1 2 0 142 192 73 96 4 BANYULE 3 1 2 0 135 263 51 .33 4 0 MONASH BLUES 3 0 3 0 154 329 4681
P W L D For Agsf % Pk ©1 RESERVE ORMONO 3 3 0 0 354 98 361 .22 1 5 ;OLDCAREY30261945 FITZROY REDS 3 2 1 0 313 138 22681 13757 PRAHRAN 3 2 1 0 249 181 3 2 1 0 245 190 12895 OLD MENTONIANS YARRA VALLEY 0 B 3 2 1 0 223 275 81 .09 AQUINAS 0 C 3 1 2 0 177 274 64 60 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 3 0 3 0 170 295 57 63 GLEN EIRA 3 0 3 0 136 287 47 .39 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 0 3 0 123 320 384 4
---_ :--------- - - --------------
resented b ® Weekend Matches (Fri) 1/~ k ® Umpires Appointments sPOarscovEa ® Scores ( Sat night) VAfA MAtCR 5.+~1`1`.~ R
~---- (chargesmaykhiphelremamobdepro~te I'll s_rvKe)----Dl