!e ultimate performance M~s Pty Ltd 616 Somerville Road Sunshine 302 0 Telephone : (03) 9311 1122 (www.azuma .net.au)
Men For All Seasons Here's a few for you . . .Can you name the former Australian high jump champion (best remembered for berating a recalcitrant official at the World Athletics Championships and sporting a minitruckmullet) who lined up as a high flying forward for De La Salle a few years ago ? How about the ex national 800m champion who is running around (and covering plenty of ground) for St Kevin's Old boys in 2005? Or the World Championship rower, an eleventh hour omission from the Men's' Eight at the Athens Olympics, who is now one of the early favourites for the Woodrow Medal such is his form in the ruck for Old Scotch ? If you answered Tim Forsyth, Paul Byrne and Cameron McKenzie-McHarg, take a bow . If there's one thing you can count on in the amateurs, its footballers who are talented in a wide range of sports . " f there's one
thing you When Caulfield Grammarians' hard man and ex Sandringham premiership player Mark Frater completed the Canberra Maratho n
can count on in the last month (in a tick over 3 hours) he joined a long list of VAFA players who have tackled the ultimate challenge . Famously, a top amateurs, it's footballers flight amateur club in the 90s was faced with a 13 man omission lis t who are
talented in a owing to commitments in the London marathon (one of whom ran wide range of sports." the distance in a chicken suit) . More recently, former Uni Blacks captain Rob Mackie recorded a 3 .18 in the Paris marathon, together with team-mates Mick Staunton an d Andrew Clement. Of course, cricket is the most logical sporting crossover and from Lindsay Hassett (Woodrow medallist in 1935136) down, the link between VAFA and Victorian cricket has always been strong. In recent times Steve McCooke (multiple premiership star with Ormond and over 300 VCA games), Michael Sholly (Old Xavs), Geoff Allardice (Uni Blues) an d Matt Galbraith (Woodrow Medallist & dual flag winner at Collegians) have excelled at both capers . Of the current crop, Clint Hillas (Old Trinity vice captain and North Melbourne cricket club mainstay) an d Andrew Kent (a star with Old Carey in the ammos and an even brighter talent in the summer for the Melbourne Cricket Club and Bushrangers) are the two most notable players to double up .
Not surprisingly, some of the power forwards of the amateurs were all talented at other sports . Marcellin big man Daniel Cullinan (Basketball), Scotch spearhead James Gerstman (rowing) and Haileybury's Brett O'Farrell (high jump) all had to toss up between their respective sports and football . So too, did the monolith of the amateurs, Chris Efstathiou, who was a national shot put and discus champion before he took to terrorising reserve grade full backs. Then there are those amateur players whose alternate activities verge on the ridiculous . Former Uni Blues star Hamish Worsley was a noted flamenco (and opposed to flamingo) dancer while I am led to believe that Monash Gryphons' resident funny-man and recent 150 gamer Chris Leeton is a talented circus acrobat . I'm sure there are dozens more examples so if you can think of any, jump on the email and let me know -jonatlian_g_hornCa,yahoo .co .uk . (bonus points if you can come up with any boxers or triathletes) . To terms of last week's list, the following names were bandied about as unlucky not make the top 40. . .A1 Parton, Glenn Cox, Nigel Credlin (repeatedly), Brent Walsh, Cameron Purss, Andrew Lowcock, James Hope, Brett Trollope, Judd Lalich and Matt Power . All very reasonable : Credlin was a big miss, Purss gets better by the week while Cox and Hope would have walked in if not for injuries . Jonathan Horn
1 st, 2005 Price : $2 .00 Vol . 05 No . 0 6
Too True Seno
Caulfield Grammar's finest economics student threw away the oxygen mask and was heard t o mutter, "I can't be right all the time, get off my case" . Always an avid VAFA man, his sentiments would ring true in regards to last week's mind-boggling A Section results , Let's start with OMs, who I have taken the Patrick Deliss out of for the past 18 months, up against Xavs, at home, brimming with confidence . Plenty to like about Cam Purss in the ruck (copped a bit of abuse for not having him in my top 40, did I) and debutant Damien Lynch (6 goals) but OMs just kept coming and won with a kick after the siren, that wobbled through (though, it must be said, plenty of conjecture about the merits of the free kick/mark) . Tough nuts Ed Wilson and Jacob Berry both played well for Melburnians while Matt Hicks is as frail as a fritter but played a cracking game up forward . More head shaking as Collegians pulled one out against the fancied Trinity with Shura Taft on song in attack, together with first gamer Tom Bull . Brent Walsh kicked five for Trinity, after his nutcase mates spent the entire Friday afternoon sending me abusive emails regarding his omission from the top 40 .
And then there was Uni, who faced a massive task against the undefeated hosts M arcellin, but ended up doing it in a canter. Five to onballer Gleeson suggests a fairly handy game while Mick Kordick and Liam Ryan were other solid contributors . For the Eagles, Dallas Jarred and Brad Carmody turned in solid games . And how about St Bernards? I mean, you've gotta be kidding me . Like most teams brimming with youngsters, they're hard to catch in terms of tipping, but on their day, they can beat anyone . 5 goals down at time, Chris Mitchell (16 marks and another player that probably deserves more kudos), Nick Mitchell (still playing) and Luke Spinner (3 goals in the last)
helped roll a Scotch team that may well have gone home at the orange break . McKee and Garlick in and Garvey and Lucas out for SiiOi3S as they started well but were blown away by a thirteen
"SKOBS, were lamentable I hear and the importance of today's game against Trinity cannot be overstated. " goal to zip avalanche as the undefeated and very impressive Haileybury assumed top position at Reno Raines' Badlands . Throw Mark Corrigan onto a wing and I will hand Nicholson and Corrigan the L .A Adamson Cup personally. Michael Barker, not a noted goal-kicker but fleet of foot and very classy, booted six goals for the Bloods . SKOBS, were lamentable I hear and the importance of today's game against Trinity cannot be overstated . c -lecfion s
A massive day at Xavier College with the APS
CL J~~
i :i:i:;E
A SECTION Old Scotch Gertsman 0 23 Old Haileybury B . O'Farrell 4 23 St . Kevins McKee 7 22 Marcellin Cullman A RESERVE
Old Haileybury
Old Haileybury
Old Xaverians
22 12 10
University Blues
Coleman P.Mount
lads going hammer and tong in the early game before their older rivals both look to turn around bitterly disappointing weeks in a crunch game at 2pm . Scotch will probably get Oerstman back but do you seriously think I'd tip against Xavs at Barker's Road, the original and unsurpassed house of horrors? The home side by 20 . A bit less hoo-ha, and a few less red blazers but arguably an even better game on offer at the IIni as the premiers take on the team many consider to be the heir apparent . Haileybury are kicking cricket scores and the Blues have stagnated a little you say . Haileybury by plenty? No dice, I'm tipping the Blues . In the others, Marce ll in at the Junction, St Bernard's at the Trott and St Kevins at Righetti. Correspondents : Jonathan Horn jonathan_g_h or nCa .'yah oo. co . u k
STONE S Old Xaverians - congratulate Michael Callinan who today plays his 100th game for the club against Old Scotch at Xavier College . Michael came straight from school in 1999 after playing in the lst XVIII APS premiership - he then played in the 1999 U/19 premiership and the reserve premierships in 2000 01 and 02 - he won the best player in the finals award in 2001 and is following a family tradition his father Chris played 166 games for the club in the sixties and seventies well done Michael . Old Scotch - congratulates Mark Gnatt and Tim Aurel-Smith for reaching their 50 game milestones recently . Gnatty has overcome serious injury to achieve this milestone and is playing his best footy for the club this year . Tim has played the majority of his games in the firsts and has been rewarding by being selected in the VAFA U23 squad this season . Well done to both players and may there be many more to come .
A SZ CT"~ --Vi1 University Blues v Old Haileybury Old Melburnians v Marcellin - 96 .5 Inner FM Old Xaverians v Old Scotch - at Xavier Co ll ege, Barkers Rd, Kew (45 C7) . (Sen Roche Oval, Res Plunkett Oval) St Kevins v Old Trinity - at Righetti Oval Collegians v St Bernards
A S`-110 OLD HAII.EYBURY 5.2 16 .4 20 .6 26.10 (166) 7 .2 9 .3 11 .5 13.9187) ST 1IEVI6S Old Hail: Barker 6 O'Farrell 4 S Langford-Jones 3 Jones 3 Mason 3 Siapantas 2 Armstrong Jenke Seccull Clllshohn Carson . Best : Barker Ford Kight Lay Seccull Chisholm. SKOB : McKee 7 Chard 2 Greenhain 2 Garlick Mahoney. Best: Mahoney McKee Dowling Fields Pope Greenbaum Umpires: Dirk Kramer Tim Sutcliffe fFi Rob Mayston Jar Will Stokes (B) Chris Doite Vin vesrovi (G) MARCELLIN 2 .2 4 .5 7.7 10.13 (73) UNIVERSITY BLUES 2.3 5 .5 10.11 15.12 (102) Marc : Cuban 3 Maciaren 2 L Considine Addison Johnston Abrahams M Bortolotto . Best: Jarred Cullman L Considine Rice Frazer Carmody . Uni Blues: Gleeson 5 IkCrespigney 2 Scambler 2 RN-an Kordick Muhetbach McKay Steele Rankin . Best : Gleeson Kordick McKinnon Ryan Anderson Muhlebach. Umpires: Janlle Kvins Steve McCarthy (F) Brendan Corcoran Matt Jenkinson (B) Bernie Jephsan Bernie Hoare (G ) OLD XAVERIANS 3 .1 5 .5 9.8 13.12 (90) OLD MELBURNtANS 3.1 8 .2 11 .5 14.8 (92) Old Xar. Lynch 6 Mollard 2 Chatfield 2 Lethlean Beetham Colbert . Best : Purss Cttatlleld Lvnch Mollard Woodruff Arnold . Old Metb: Hicks 5 Kennon 2 Marson 2 Burm Neeson Toll Wilson Jo. Miller. Best : Ja. Beaumont Wilson Hicks J Berry O'Brien Lacey . Umpires: Grant Joyner Russell Davidson (F) Adam Rodgers Cameron Hayes (B) Kevin Segota Travis Storti (G ) OLD TRINITY 5 .4 8.7 9.11 14 .121961 COLLEGIANS 1 .3 5 .5 10.9 14.14 (98) Old Trim Walsh 5 Cultrera 2 McPherson 2 S Amore Dann J Heah, Petdro Pretty. Best: Beardsley Medland Aitken Walsh Troon McPherson. Coll: Taft 3 Jorgensen 2 Bu ll 2 Btumfletd 2 Roberson Lockett Hage Baxter Dixon . Best: COB: Btunil'ield Weekes Roach Lockett Bull Fry . Umpires: Geoff Caulfield Peter James (F) Ben Parsons Michael Saunders (B) Paul Gait Dominic Napoli (G) OLD SCOTCH 4 .8 7.8 13.13 13 .14192) ST BERPtARik", 1 .3 7.4 9.7 16.14 (110) St Bern : Spinner 4 Liberatore 2 Legudl 2 Clarke N Mitchell C Mitchell Potter Madden Gilt Cheep Kronen . Best: C Mitchell Kavanagh N Mitchell L Wilkinson Spinner Clarke . Old Se: Crow 2 Auret-Smith 2 Tallent Collins Kitchen Hume Cations Wigney Saunders Gnatt Lorenzitd . Best: Pugstey McKenzie-MeHarg Gnatt Crow Josephs Wignev. Umpires : Atbie Firley Rob Mayston (F) Chris OShea Dean Herskope (B) Steven Piperno Michael O'Donnell (G) A RESERVE OLD HAILEYBURY 4 .3 6.4 11.7 16 .11 (107) ST HE 4INS 3.1 8 .7 10.8 13 .9(87) Old Hail: Salter 7 Bawling 3 Mackenzie EfsiatYdou Warnes Baker J McLauchlan R Mitchell. Best : Salter Walden Mctntyre Dowling Wares Mackenzie . SKOB: P Mount 4 Mutkearns 3 Holland Manton Lucas O'Toole 0'Comior Smith . Best: OToole Hughes Underwood Mitchell Manton P.Mount . 2.1 4 .2 4 .5 8.7(55) MARCELLIN UNIVERSITY BLUES 4.3 9.7 12.10 15 .16 (106) Marc: Galati 2 Pascuzzi 2 Petted 2 Colville Wignell . Best: Colville Marson Pascuzzi Conte Maguire Petroff, Uni Blues: Robbins 4 Mimts 3lrvine 3 Got 2 Waters Westmore Heinz . Best: Hutchins Eden Gin Irvine Heinz Plestmore . OLD XAVERIANS 2.4 7.7 10.9 11 .15 (81) OLD MELBURNIA.NS 0 .1 2 .2 2 .4 3.7(25) Old Xav: Beattie 4 Jones 2 Clark 2 Caiflnart Ryan Scanlon . Best : McDonnell Clark Callinan Beattie M WaLsh Gidley . Old Melb: Best 2 C.Ray . Best : Marks Butler Oman A Prowse Dixon Best . 1 .1 6 .4 9.8 13.11 (89) OLD TRINITY COLLEGIANS 3 .2 4 .2 5 .2 6.4 (40) Old Trln: Saunders 4 Android 3 J Burgess 3 bi Burgess J Amore Hooke . Best : J Burgess Hogarth J Kenna J Amore Saunders M Burgess . Coll : Harding 2 Parrant 2 Ashman Stetankis . Best : Ashman Stone Malone Smith Rice Sank. OLD SCOTCH 4 .2 6 .3 12.11 21 .15 (141) 1 .2 2 .2 2 .2 6.4140) ST.BERtdARDS Old Scotch : Annstrong 3 Demetriou 3 Keck •3 S .Dick 2 Reid 2 Ross 2 Allen Beattie Brooke S .Dipasquale O'Connor Sutcliffe . Best: Allen Armstrong Demetriou S Dick Freeman Ross . St Be rn : Hughes 2 D Emus A Mitchell T Pearson A Smith. Best: Hughes Andrews Harris Ryan Harrison L Evans .
A Section COLLEGIANS Coach : Pat Hawkins Res : Damien Phillips 1 J . Dixon VC 2 M . Parrent 3 B. Mooney 4 A. Shinkfield 5 R . Henebery 6 N . Baxter 6 S . Woolley 7 S . Taft 7 J . Farley 8 C . Unsworth Capt 9 J. Fry 10 J . Jorgensen 11 C. Weekes 12 N. Harrison Capt 13 M . Naylor 14 J. Ashman 15 C. Hoist 16 A. Baxter 17 J . Heritage 17 D . Phillips 18 D . Barber 19 K . Jones 20 M . Hoiles 21 C. Harris VC 22 N . Lockett 23 C . Mollard 24 E . Waters 25 R . Mui r
26 P. Krotiris 27 G . Rowston 28 B. Couch 28 D . Browning 29 N . Burrows 30 L . Moo n 31 N . Roac h 32 C. Blumfield VC 33 B. Hoist 34 D. McCaughan 35 L . Nesbi t 36 M. Roberson 37 S . Humphry 36 A . Fabris 39 D. Cannizzo 40 D. Strachan 41 W. Tardiff f 41 B. Duf
42 T. Sank 43 E . Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 A . Stone 46 J . Cooke 47 Z . Moon 48 B. Low 49 M. Rose 50 M. Rice 51 B . Shadboit 53 T. Rutherford 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes Res Capt 56 M . Stefanidaki s 57 D . Williamson 58 N . Bobeff
59 A . Wright - Smith 60 D . Mutto n 61 E . Healey 62 0 . Howard 63 A. Kenneally 64 N .Crai g 65 A. Smith 66 J . Adgemis 67 A . Nichola 68 M . Gromotga 70 D. Slatyer 76 B. Hage
M ARCELLIP! Coach : Vaughan Cleary Res Coach : Trent Collin s 1 B . Dobson 2 J . Ric e 3 D. Waters 4 J. Frazer 5 D . Johnston 6 G . Romanin 7 S . Maguire 8 R. Frisin a 9 L. Considine 10 D. Cullinan it N. Addison 12 B. O'Donnell 13 C . Woods 14 A .Layto n 15 J . Bortolotto 16 L. McMillan 17 G . Cox (C) 18 D . Gartner 19 A . Papaluca 20 M . Hermans 21 N. Walker 22 D. Marson 23 M.Leffanue 24 L .0'Flynn 25 R . Galati 26 D . McMillan 27 S . Theisz 28 B. Carmody 29 S. Brooks 30 S. Considine 31 M . Bortolotto 33 F. Dorbolo 34 D. Jarred (VC) 37 C. Maclaren 38 S. Matthews 39 B. Colville 40 C . Purcell 41 J . Seabury 42 G . Petroff 43 J . Pascuzzi 44 L . Hansen
Coach: Peter Nicholson Res. Coach : Andrew Bonwic k 1 C. Hone 2 S . Davey 3 P. Corrigan (C) 4 S. Langford-Jorws (DVC) 5 J. Bourke 6 L Siapantas 6 W. Smith 7 M . Corrigan 8 F. Mohammad 9 M. Barker (DVC) 10 C . Efstafhro u
11 A . McIntyre 12 B . O'Farrell 13 B. Waite 14 S. Jones 15 D. Mackenzie 16 P.O'Datratl 17 K . Ford (VC) 18 D. Thurmond 19 M . Amistrong 20 M.Fankhauser 21 A Janke 22 D . Mason 23 M.Seccull 24 B . Tro'.EOpe (DVC) 25 S. Rowlands 26 J. Bell 27 S. Johnston 28 S. Goldsworthy 29 B. Carson 30 D. Wames 31 C . Lay 32 B. Mitchell 33 S. Walden 34 P. Largford-Jor~s 35 T Chisholm 35 D.Lappage 36 L. McPherson 37 D. Brown 38 L. Floyd 39 S. Rode
45 D . Theisz 46 A . McGree 52 A . Rivstovski 53 R. laconis 54 J . Forbes 55 J. Walli s
57 B. Wignell 59 R . Conte 62 M . McCartin 63 C . Pezzimenti 70 D. Cracknell 83 G . Neskovcim
lam•a Vallc v
41 S . Saunders 42 J . Mueller 43 D. Salter
44 J. McLauchlan 45 M. Dowling 46 B. Crawford 47 R. Mitchell 48 G. Ch4pperfied 49 L. Pitcher 51 H. McLauchlan 52 C- Ferguson 53 M. Lev y 54 A . Vrtolins 56 D. Armstrong 57 A. flight 58 A. Baker 59 N . Gibson 62 G. White 63 S . Pickering
Res Coach : Fab Garii 1 T. Cudhpp 2 Ja Beaumont 3 M Billin g 4 H. Lace y 5 R. Muiqmney 6 D. Halme 7 H . Turne 8 Je Beaumont r 9 D . Harnson 10 T.ROberts . Ferraro 11 R 12 O. Webb 13 E . Wilson 14 A. Voyage 15 I. Wei r
16 J. By-17 Ja Mdler 18 T. Fitzgerald 19 E . Studham 20 J . Guest 21 M. Hicks 22 J. Dixon 23 M . Berry 24 M . Hawkins 25 H. Whitehead 26 C . Kennedy 27 P. Oman 28 61. Marson 29 M Prowse 30 Jo Miller 31 J.Berry 32 E . Selby 33 J. Magee 34 P. Tol l 35 C . Ray 36 T. Costello-Manning 37 J . Grant 38 L. Bunn 39 J . Tucker 40 H. O'Bnen 41 J. Ra y 42 A. Waddell 43 A. Wu
coach: Dal. Tapo-g Asst Coach : Andrew Snuth & Sxmcn Taliant Res Coach : Serge D'Angelo Asst Coach : Ray Beatt e
1 T. Beranger (C) 2 B . Phillips (VC) 3 J . Ross 4 C. Tallent (VC) 5 S. Collins (VC) 6 A. Crow 7 J . Kitchen 8 S . Dick '.. 9 A . Pugsley to C. Smith 11 T Bull 12 S. Hume 14 C. McKenzie-McHarg 15 S. Cations 16 E. Batrouney 17 T. Wigney (VC) 19 R. Joseph s 20 S.Troon 22 R. Ashton 23 0 . Crane 24 D . Brooke 25 M . Saunders 27 T. Demetriou 28 A. Quail
29 M . Gnatt 30 T. Firrocchiaro 31 N . Leitl 32 J . Gerstman 33 E . Rei d 34 C. Phillips 35 P. O'Connor 36 J. Sutcliffe 37 G . Carroll 38 T. Jelbart 39 S . Graham 40 T. Aurel-Smith 41 W. Lewis 42 T. Beattie 43 A . Routledge
44 E. Farquharson 45 J . Wchel l
46 C . Neeson 47 D. Marks 48 C. Jenkins 49 G . Tsrotras 50 A. Panndex 51 tA.Kennon 52 J . Anderson 53 D . osmond 54 M. Barrett 55 C .Theodoubu 56 J . Tucke r 57 W. McDonald 58 A.Prowse 59 W. Wharton 60 A. Gems 61 D . Woodard 62 T. Harrison 63 R . Matthews 64 N . Daff y
44 D . Jackson 45 R. Teesdale 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Hosking
49 B. Snaddon 50 M. Walkom 51 L. Freeman 53 W. Symington 54 A. Sutherland 55 S. Dipasquate 56 T. Dipasqua{e 57 J . Crane 59 W . Elliott 61 A . W. Sutherland 62 M . Graham
65 P. Grundy 66 N. Peters 68 M . Best 70 J. Russo 71 T. Butler 72 C .Aider 73 N . Russell 74 N . Lawler 75 S . Godley E Muchell 76 77 S. Haran M . each 78 79 E. Baker
63 T. Collie
80 C . Brett-Yaung 81 A. Ra y 82 D . Emerson 83 R .Galbraah 8a L Gatc 85 S . Guest 86 E Hamer 88 A.Kauye 89 Vt Kiel go W. Landale 91 A.Manahzi '.. 92 D . Mille r 93 W .Panton 94 S . Radyaromk
64 S. Lorenzeni 68 T. Keck 72 73 86 94
B . Smith M . Giulen S .Ainger C. Stevens
95 N. Wallace-Smith
~il1~PE'I l
proudly sponsored by :
A Section RD TRINITY GRAMMAINANS Co-Coaches : Leigh Carlson & Phil Gaut Res Coach : Dale Bower Club 18 Coach : Ed Best 1 Kenna A 2 Butler K 3 Reynolds L 4 Walsh B V/C 5 Burrows D 6 Petdro J 7 Van Der Venne T V/C 8 Medland A 9 Pretty S 10 Dann S 11 Kennedy S 12 Cultrera A DN/C 13 Cade J 14 Troon R 15 Hooke A 16 Hillas C DNlC 17 Wes ton M 18 Healy J 19 Stebbins N 20 McPherson S 21 Davies M 22 Wawrzynczak M 23 Ramsden A Capt : 24 Goldenberg W 25 26 Donahoo B RNlC 27 Cumming R 28 Christou J 29 Hoga rth J 30 McKinnon R 31 Burgess J 32 Brown S 33 Aitken J 34 Kenna J 35 Bladeni S RlDN/C 36 Butt ter D 37 Van Der Venne S 38 Ramsden R 39 Webster J 40 Beardsley D 41 Lauletta S 42 Amore S 43 Amore J 44 Amiconi C 45 Morpeth T Res . Capt 46 Robe rts S 47 Bell D 48 Burgess M 49 Romney N 50 Dickenson A 51 Gamble R 52 Harrod T 53 Sketchley M 54 Williams Z RN/C 55 Brown L 56 Best E 57 Cole M 58 Heaven C 59 Cade T 60 Walsh T 61 Cristiano D 62 Arrowsmith J 63 Cade S 64 Gray J 65 O'Shea M 66 Blackmore B 67 Amiconi A 68 Hii A 69 McDonald E 70 Parker D 71 Hildebrandt D 72 Welsh L 73 Swinnert on H 74 Tang J 75 Read S 76 Miller P 77 McDonald C 78 Kok K 79 La D 80 Adgemis J 81 Thwaites M 82 Manseur S 86 Brawn A 88 Chan B
Coach : Barry Richardson Coach : Simon Madden Res Coach: Anthony Bourke Res Coach : Darren Handley 1 A. Fox 2 C . Santalucia 3 J. Pasceri 4 Ja McDonnell 5 D. Rush 6 A. Oswald 7 S . Lethlean 8 A. McDonald 9 A. Cox 10 M . Beardsley 11 L. Howard 12 A . Bowen 13 T. Ruyg 14 J . Agius 15 L. Ford ( Capt) 16 S . Mollard 17 A . Chatfield (V.C .) 18 M . Scanlan 19 D . Walsh 20 J . Scanlan 21 S McCa rthy 21 T Purss 22 T. Ockleshaw (V.C.) 22 M. Rush 23 S. Johnston 24 C . Purss 25 R . Carey 26 N . Serafini 27 P. Ryan 28 Je McDonnell 29 C. Beetham 30 T. Clarke 31 J . Arnold 32 A. Leoncelli 32 P. Ockleshaw 33 N. Bingham 34 R. Colbe rt 35 R. MacWhirler 36 D. Sapuppo 37 C. Larkins 38 S . Freer 39 N. Moylan 40 A .T. Jones 41 M . Callinan 42 A . Pyle 43 T. Woodruff 44 N . Hulett 45 M . Walsh 46 O. Gidley 47 S. Tatulaschwile 48 M. Green 50 L . Ginnivan 52 P. Purcell 56 J. Watson 59 M. Higgins 62 J. Sil k 63 T O 'Mear a
1 C . Keunen 2 B . Ga rth 3 C . Goullet 4 D . Ballarin 5 C . Liberatore 6 M. Harrison 7 S. Clarke 7R S. Perrett 8 J. Evans 9 M. Kavanagh 10 N . Mitchell 11 C . Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 B. Ryan 15 T. Wilkinson 16 D. Blunt 17 C. Potter 18 D. O'Connor 19 A . Mitchell 20 D. Evans 21 B . Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson 23 L. Wilkinson 24 D. Roach 25 D. McLaughlin (C) 26 A . Smith 27 J . Hughes 28 P. Holland 29 L. Spinner 30 M . Stapleton 31 G. Campbell 32 T. Ha rvey 32R J. Ha rvey 33 N . Smith 34 D . Byrne 35 Tate Pearson 36 A. Marian 37 A. Catterall 38 S. lannazzo 39 M. Juricskay 40 J. Madden 41 S. Ma tthews 42 B. Miziewicz 43 L. Miceli 44 M . Walsh 45 T. Legudi 46 R. Ware 47 D. Hurley 48 L. DeMorton 49 N. Thomas 50 A . Gill 51 D. Dugina 52 J . Spiteri 53 P. Harris 54 L. Evans 55 S . Bug ryn 56 R . Winduss 57 M . Stewart 58 S . Andrews 59 L . Jordan 60 M . Gourley 61 J . Cheep 62 R . O'Bree 63 S. Crouch NORTH
ST KEVIN'S OR Coach: Dave Murray Asst. Coach : Tony Miller Res . Coach : Rob Gross 1 N. Pope 2 M . Mulgrew 3 S . Garlick 4 L. Mahoney (c) 5 M . Dollman 6 D. Mahoney 7 J . Travaglia 8 T. McCann 9 B . Fields 10 M . Lucas (dvc) 11 T. Duggan 12 S . McKee 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 W. Gullifer 16 B. Garvey (dvc) 17 D . Ryan 18 R . Chard 19 D . Sheehy 20 T Crowley 21 R . Maguire 22 J. Mount 23 T Simpson (vc) 24 A.. Lynch 25 D . Manton 26 C . Taylor 27 T. O'Toole 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 C. Underwood 30 N. Dowling 31 W. Keenan 32 S . O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 34 N. Perrett 35 J. Dempsey 36 P. Mount 37 M . Shannon 38 J . O'Bri en 39 M . Dwyer 40 L. Kalesaran 41 M . Drinkwater 42 S . Mount 43 A . DeKretser 44 John-Paul . Mount 45 A. Smith 46 L. Gulliter 48 A. Conlan 50 R . Horrocks 51 D . Bare 52 D . Mount 53 B. Hughes 54 G . Holland 56 D . Walsh 57 J . Liston 58 L . Giansiracusa 59 P. Aughton 60 S. O'Connor 61 R. Caldow 62 A. Jageurs 63 C. Lucas 64 D. Prior 65 R. Short 66 J. Marchesani 71 A. Mulkearns 75 R. Campagna 82 S. Mitchell 99 P. Murray
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : John Kani s Res Coach : Joe Sturrock
1 P. Butko 2 T. Hutchin s 3 J . Sturroc k 4 D. Guengeric h 5 J .Tanne r 6 M . Rigby 7 R . Young 8 J . Hayter 9 A . Lowcock 10 R . Martin 11 L. North 12 Q. Gleaso n 13 T. Foster 14 A. Henderso n 15 L . Rya n 16 M. Kordick 17 G . De Crespign y 18 N . Anderso n 19 M. Torne y 20 M. Coleman 21 C . Notma n 22 B. Millard 23 T. Wilco x 24 S. Russe ll 25 A. Solly J . Scamble r 27 R. Wilkie 28 M . Thomas 29 A . Terril l 30 T. Muhlebach 31 M . Shaughnessy 32 M . Paterso n 33 B . Gate s 34 T. McKinnon 35 J . McKay 36 R . Minns 37 J . Robbins 38 C . Bradle y 39 D . Heinz 40 C . Brookes 41 L . Quin 42 S . Fletche r 43 N . Shu tt leworth 44 J. Wood 45 B. Waters 46 H . Ranki n 47 A. Milla r 48 L . Fishly 49 P. Steele 50 H . Nailon 51 N . Vanderbos h 52 P. Marriott 53 J. Westmore 54 A. Waxma n 55 B. Gi n 56 T. Rankin 57 T. I rvine 58 J. Albanis 59 B . Hutchinso n 60 D. Strack 61 J. Ritchi e 62 C. Ross 63 P. Eden 64 D. McPhai l 65 E . Clark e 66 L. Woodhous e 67 D . McAloo n 68 J . McKerro w 69 G. Muir 70 J . Mead e 71 P. Marshal l 72 D . Gavara-Nan u 73 C . Hopkins 74 H . Munro 75 J . Moylan 77 J . McQuillen 86 D . Bannister
A SECTION Old Haileybury v Old Melburnians Marcellin v Old Xaverians - 96 .5 Inner FM Old Trinity v University Blues St Bernards v St Kevin s
Old Scotch v Collegians - at Sportscover Arena, Saturday B SECTIO N De La Salle v Whitefriars Old Brighton v Mazenod 0 C Old Essendon Gr v MHSO B St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Ivanhoe North Old Bovs v Caulfield Or C SECTION
Monash Blues v Hampton Rovers Therry Penola 0 B v Old Camberwell University Blacks v Parkdale Vultures Old Paradians v Banyule Beaumaris v AJA X
Dl SECTIO N Glen Eira v Old Mentonians Ormond v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Aquinas 0 C v Bulleen Templestowe Prahran v Fitzroy Red s
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Kevins v Old Scotch Collegians v Marcellin University Blues - Bye St Bernards v De La Salle Old Xaverians v Old Brighton UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Banyule Viewbank v Beaumaris Caulfield Or v Old Melburnians Whitefriars v Old Essendon Gr Old Camberwell v Rupertswood Old Carey v Old Trinity UNDER-19 SECTION 3 La Trobe Uni v Bentleigh Old Ivanhoe v St Bedes Mentone Tigers MHSOB v Monash Blue s Oakleigh v Old Paradians University Blacks v AJA X
UNDER-19 t2) BLUE Salesian Scorpions v Old Haileybury Peninsula 0 B v Mazenod 0 C - at 11 .40 a.m. on main oval (res . Oval 2) - TBC Hampton Rovers v Oakleigh Clays De La Salle (2) v Ormond ( switched from original draw - at Basil Street Oval)
Old Carey v Yarra Valley 0 B UNDER-19 ( 2) RED D2 SECTION Rupertswood v La Trobe Uni Old Geelong v Oakleigh Williamstown CYMS v Salesian 0 C Peninsula 0 B v Swinburne Uni Bentleigh v Ivanhoe Assumptio n D3 SECTIOlY West Brunswick v UHS-VU
South Melbourne Districts v Old Westbourne St Johns 0 C v Werribee Amateur s Monash Gryphons v New Power House v Syndal Tally-H o D4 SECTION Box Hill North v North Brunswick Eltham Collegians v Elsternwick Hawthorn Amateurs - Bye
St Marys v Bulleen Cobras Albert Park v Richmond Central
Old Scotch v Aquinas 0 C New - By e Bulleen Templestowe v Rupertswood (2) Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Therry Penola 0 B
Fitzroy Reds v Old Westbourne - at Punt Road Oval CLUB 18 (1 1 St Kevins v Old Scotc h Mt Lilydale 0 C v Old Melburnians Mazenod 0 C v University Blues Prahran v De La Salle
Old Xaverians v Old Brighton CLUB 18 12) Marcellin v Old Essendon Gr Collegians v Old Xaverians (2) University Blacks v Monash Blues Therry Penola 0 B v Box Hill Sharks - TBA Fitzroy Reds v Old Trinity - at Punt Road Oval CLUB 18 (3 1 Old Scotch (2) v North Old Boys Caulfield Or v Fitzroy Reds (2) Whitefriars - Bye Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Carey La Trobe Uni v Old Geelong
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by Tom Dr-I n :-- ----
W REVIEW PREVIE MHSOB welcome NOBS with Simon Minton-Connell on top to the DLS in the goal square proved much too strong School Oval . for the young Tigers out at Gillon Reserve . Pretty good for 3 quarters last week while After the first half where the momentum their visitors were not disgraced . Injuries swung like a pendulum Whitefriars came are testing the Unicorns depth while the out in the third to dominate, a domination young De La are going along well . Home they continued through a shocker for ground tempts me to tip the High but I Mazenod . Best players for the Nodders can't. DLS for me . were Jayaweera lone hand up forward, MMA will be looking for a big improvement Dom Dunne and The House of Paine . from his troops as they tackle NOBS at The Fields started well and had a handy Central . NOBS have been playing some 23 point lead at the half . OEG started to good football and will certainly make this claw their way back in during the third but an interesting contest . The advantage of the Fields were still in control going into home ground is nullified by the presence of the last . Hard fought contest to the finish a key forward, so for some sort of record I but pure persistence and self belief got will tip for the second week in a row NOBS . Caulfield over the line . Brett Sinclair with A well deserved victory last week will put 9 was BOG, backed up by Simon Widjaja self belief and confidence into the young and Chris Knight . Fields . They have got better as the weeks MHSOB really served it up to the comp go on as they adapt to life at the higher leaders for 3 terms and still led at orange stage . At home, against the young Tigers time . But in the end the Tonners shook of who are still in the learning process, I wil l the shackles kicked 9 to 2 in the last and won comfortably . Andrew Paroissien did a great job all day with Pirrie, Kent and Hendra good in the third . Luke Campbell, Ash Hogan and Rhys Limbrick yet again CLU B good for High . The relative ineffectiveness of the DLS forwards combined with the H oers domination of the centre clearances were major factors in Old Ivanhoe getting back on the winner's list . Darren Oates and Sjourke Price were terrific, Brannigan and Luxon dangerous forwards . Tim Silvers and Ryan Sherman good for DLS and a great game from Will Jolley .
North Old Bovs Minton-Connell 9 32 MHSOB Pertzel 2 23 Old Brighton Pirrie 8 23 Caulfield Grammerians Sinclair 9 2 0 B RESERVE De La Salle De La Salle De La Salle Old Ivanhoe
L Walker B Vague P Bourke Hawkes
2 0 0 0
20 18 13 12
stick with the Grammar Boys to take the )oints .
s - have become the enigma Old the inconsistent side of the Section . They face a tough ask out at Chelsworth against old Ivanhoe who bounced back very well last week . Will be competitive for most of ,he day, but to consistently shut down the supply to the Hoers forwards will be too tough an ask . So 01 to win .
~ple of hard games in the V night could be taking it's t Tonners so the Friars w ' r the line in a close one . :ch of the Round out at Donvale as -sars await the unbeaten Old .on . No matter what the form the > are tough to beat at home, an d ill be no different . For no rhyme o r 'm going to go against the flow and nst the top side . Couple of har d ies : :1 the last fort-night could be takin g i(~ LOU on the Tonners so the Friars wil l he line in a close one .
CIO orget the -imbers 9553 1561 home and fax 0403 433 016 is the mobile ,,i1 t~braincoCoptusnet .com .a u
._.s r
iJOR SPO N SO R 9721 4700 Fax : (03) 9721 471 1
MHSOB v De La Salle Whitefriars v Old Brighto n enod 0 C v North Old Boys ~:)Id Ivanhoe v Old Essendon Gr % St Bedes Mentone Tigers
R_ i'fdi DE LA S8LL3 3.4 7.5 9.7 12.9(81) OLD IVA .NHOE 5 .2 10.4 13.5 15 .10 (100) DLS: Mannix 4 Duggan 2 Ravson 2 Corui L Harrison P Harrison Moore . Best: Jolley Duggan P Harrison Sherman Morel Silvers . Old Iv : Branigan 4 Luxon 4 Weddle 2 Thompson Curatolo Russian Kefalas Baldwin . Best : Oates Price Branigan Bienke Curatolo Georgian . Umpires: Leah Gallagher Wayne Hinton (F) Santo Caruso Rob Mutton (B) Robert Parry Matthew, Kent (G ) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .2 6.3 11.6 20 .10 (130) PSEISOB 4 .3 8.5 12 .8 14 .11(95) Old Br. Pirrie 8 Kent 5 Macgiltivmy 2 Mason Phelan March Dawes J Edge . Best: Phelan Hendra Plrrie Paroissien Mason Kent . MHSOB : Lhubrick 3 Walker 2 Rosman 2 Pertzel 2 Svirskis Ternes Hogan Hamilton-Ho Gerner, Best: Hogan Limbrick Campbell Svtrs(ds walker Whittington . Ur es : Sacha KoCm7an Richard Eastwood (F) Peter Teasdale Peter anc i(B) Gavin Roberts Eddie Boal (G ) 7,6 8.9(57) '3D0C 0.3 4.5 17 .17(119) is 2 .5 5.8 11 .13 , .. o, -; -era 3 D Dutme 2 Castricum Bourbon G Dmme . Best : Paine Java a Buszard Bourbon D Charnbslain D Dunne. White : Bud 5 Can 5 Anderson 2 A Carbone Daou M Power Wallace Woods. Best : Cu :: i Carrigg Brosold Power Bird Janson . U _ : Lu . .e Holmes Peter Liddell (F) Frank Palermo Sean Collins (B) Lucas Robson Matthew Cowley (G ) OLD ESSENDON OR 2.1 4.6 9 .10 14.14 (98) CAULFIELD OR 3 .4 8.5 11 .11 16 .12 (108) Caul: Sinclair 9 May Evans Foley Foote Frazer Knight Witt . Best: Sinclair Widjaja Knight Strain A Green Will . Old Ess : Flaherty 3 Bartran 3 Stormont 2 Baddley 2 Shzurrie Ryan Leask Biggs . Best: Flaherty Towner Portia Bartram Dazkiw Hand. Umpires: Ken McNfece Jeremy Heffernan (F) Andrew Errington Ryan Place (B) Craig Arnol Clive Shipley (G ) NORTH OLD BOYS 3.3 8.8 13.11 19.17 (131) ST BEDES irMFafiONE TIGERS2.2 5 .4 9 .5 13 .6 (84) NOB: Minton-Connell 9 Cassell 2 D Brady Is. Brady To. Brady Amor Cox Sptulffig Maxton Sleep . Best: Spurting Minton-Connell Sutherland Maxton T Sheehan Currv . SfB/A9T: L 44'intle 3 M Whule 2 Scafidi 2 Rouse 2 Baste 2 L Terrell McGettigan. Best: Connolly Corder McColl M wint)e Kane Capsalis. Umpires: Dash Pettis Dartllen Stead p U(F) Brendan Cannon Scott Grey "tRFG (B) Daniel Kotoed David Hille (RFL) (G ) DE LA SALI,E 5.2 9.8 16 .9 21 .12 (138) OLD IVe'#N€IOE 0 .2 1 .2 1 .2 3 .3(21) DI .S : Buckley 4 Quick 3 Thornton 3 Cosstick 2 Hirst 2 Walker 2 Walmslev 2 Brovning McArdle Moloney. Best : MeLeish McArdle Plalmsley O'Donnell Melnerney Walker, Old Ivanhoe: Ve¢occhi Leski Dtnakas . Best: G George v d tdr ~e Dtnakas Tobias Verocehi. OLD 3GHTON 3.1 8 .3 10.6 12 .7(79) 2 .1 5 .2 8.2 9 .2(56) 0 Scott 2 Ellis 2 van den Dtmgen 2 Richardson Leaf R Stewart A Ginnhan Larkin McNico). Best: Leaf Ellis Eastgate R Stewart D Paterson van den Ettinger . DDISOB : Aitken 5 Feferkranz 2 Cohen Hall . Best: Harding Bou2n Aitken Cocon Cawarno Vicendese . 2.3 5 .7 10 .10 16.12 (108) MAZENOD 4 .7131) YtffiTEFRIAFZS 2 .3 2 .5 3 7 Z;az : Bogor 5 Bevil 3 Route 3 Josh Schiano 2 A Morris 2 McDowell . Best: aoyd Bogar McDowell Raine Linden Regan. White : Gloulehev M Nunan Pelasi Glenn . Best : hilly Hughes Gardiner Day Glenn M Nunart . OLD ESSENDON 4 .5 5.6 9 .6 12 .8 (80) CAULFIELD GRAP A NS 1 .4 5 .8 8 .12 11 .15 (81) Old Ess: Slone 4 Flaherty 3 KalagamiL. 2 Christou 2 . Best: Dawson Fitzgerald Flaherty Stone Parker. CauL• Bowes 3 Margerison 2 FranklinJones James Murphv Edwards Farmer Mutter . Best : Fagan Gerrand McGrath Murphy Bowes Cassidy. NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .2 7.4 10.5 16 .5 (101) ST BEDFS NIENTONE TIGERS3 .2 4.6 9.6 11 .8 (74 ) NOB: Barker 9 Gorgon 2 B .Shee}LVt Maher Roberts Watt AiLsop . Best : Roberts B .Sheehan Cribbes Mather rULsap Teehart . St B/hPC : Buck 3 T.Groves 2 Andrews 2 Kelliher 2 T .Waters M .McColl . Best : D .Waters M .Firth Kemster Buck Kellther Bell . 9
B Section DE LA SALL E
M ARIAGS CAUlFIELD G ~ Coach : Stephen Wrigh t
as Coach : Lachlan Kellaway Res : Peter Olivieri 1 J Fole y 2 A Bruhn 3 C Knight 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendall 6 N Craven 7 R O'Neill 8 R Foote 9 M Frater 10 A Will (C) 11 B Carbon i 12 D Pearce (VC) 12 M Sainsbury 13 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Patio 16 J Wright 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxter 18 J James 19 B Evans 20 H Vella 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Fagan 23 C McGrath 24 C Murphy 25 B Sinclair 25 N Dorma n 26 S Widjaja (VC) 27 J Sayers 28 J Jacobs 29 N Guyett 30 M Sharpe 30 D Elias 31 W Bowes 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryers 34 H Baker 35 S Thompson 36 G Crathern 37 B Scott
Coach : Mark Lowe Asst : Adrian Carrnody Res : Marry Kekihe r Club 18: Benprn:n Buck 1 L Walker C r
1 T. Castricu m
2 R Buckley 3 B Corin C 4 L Harrison DVC 5 M Duggan VC 5r R Quick 6 M Moor e 7 P Harrison DVC 7r S Conway 8 J La Ragy 9 J Moloney 9r D Browning 10 T Silvers 70r M Ellis
2 M . Chamberlain 3 D. Christi e 4 C. Le e 5 D. Chamberlain 6 P. Nelso n 7 S . Reed 8 A . Morris 9 D. Kelly 10 B. Chamberlain 11 D . Hose 12 J. Cuberes 13 M . Regan 14 N . Meehan 15 N. Parry (VC) 16 M. Apollonio 17 T. Pitts 18 D . Dunne 19 L. Buszard 20 C. Murray 21 S. Castricum 22 S. Veltman 23 S . Oldman 24 D . Nisbeff 25 S . Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 M . Regan 28 P. Jones 30 D . Hansen 31 P. Delmastro 32 A . Strewn 33 S . Balloch 34 C. Boyd 35 R . Hawkins 36 G . Miller 37 T. Vallance 38 D. Hallet 39 D.Oldman 40 G . Massey 41 M. Venturini 42 C . Paine 43 J . Schiano 44 D. Linden 45 S. Paine 46 D . Hensman 47 A. Manjekian 48 C . Jayaweera 51 M . Murray 52 G . Tilling 53 J. Mather 54 D . Grant 55 L. Fuller 57 P. Souter 58 D. Morri s 60 A. Bouchereau 61 M. McDowell 64 T. Bourbon 66 J . Pereira 67 J . Bates 68 L. Hawkins
38 N Edwards 39 A Bosna 40 M Wilson 41 B Jeffkins 42 A Strain 43 T Gerrand 44 B Hasforth 45 B Acfiefd 46 K Weir
47 S Jenkinson 48 R Chapple 49 G Poulter 50 N Green 51 W Rudd 52 G Winter 53 J Gros s 54 T Franklin-Jones 55 C Hooper 56 B Napier 57 P Farmer 58 S Cun6ff e 59 D Buckthought 60 R Saunders 61 T Roya l 62 C Sheppard 63 Z D'Arcy .'. 64 T Wailes 65 B Jenkinson 66 C Grig g 67 D Loetje 68 L Cotton 71 M Cassid y THE RACECOURSE HOTEL CNR . DANDENONG & WAVERLEY RD'S, MALVERN EAST
C=h: Ptace McArthur-AUen Asst Coaches: Andrew Suttrerlantli Ardrew Pkkerin g Res . Coach: Tony Cut vs
11 P Bourke t2 M Fieldsend 13 A Johnstone 14 15 16 17
W Dwyer P Bowden S Hyland L Bowde n
18 A Coffey 19 R McArdle 19r G Gilbert 20 A Shields 21 D Payson 21r C Hyd e 22r M O'Donnell 22 M Brown 23 R Sherman 24 J More l 25 R Walmsley 28 J Hirst 29 C Postlethwaite 30 B Mannix 31 S Hyde 31r K Mannix 32 D Lowe 33 N Stewart 34 V Moloney 36 W Jolley 37 D Davis 38 V Buckley 38r P Hesse 39 B Oakley 41 D McInerney 42 D Jarvis 43 A Greenalgh 45 T Mola n 52 T Moloney 54 A Skinns 55 A McLeish 56 L Seager 57 R Hancock 59 B Vague 62 C Punton 70 M Krezel
Raine & Horne Commercial
s Coach : Dad Skew Asst Coaches : Spews eeas18y & Warren Fall Res Coach : Jarnze Dixon t J Bamert
2 S McCully (S-Capt) 3 D Rosma n 4 M White (S-VC) 5 B Betheras 6 M Brai n 7 S Whittington 8 J Garner 8 J Dixon 9 D Fairchild 10 P Smith 10 I Barrett it R Temes 12 J Aitke n
Major Sponsor Custodia n
Wealth Builders
12 M Feferkranz 13 S Anderson 14 M Hamilton-Ho 15 A O'Brie n 16 J Walker 17 G McCully 18 R Umbrick (S-DVC) 18 C Wright 19 S Robinson 20 L Horn e
Coach : Tony Ega n Res Coach: Brendan Smales
1 J . Cassell 2 J. Penell 3 T. Sheehan 4 S. Sleep 5 A. Cramer i 6 H . Maplestone 7 J . Browne 8 S .Cox 9 L. Curry 10 To. Brady 11 T Roberts 12 G. Maxion 13 S . O'Connor 15 J . Nihil l
16 C. Dynon 17 T. Spurting 19 P. Flanders 20 J . Sutherland 21 A . Wellman 22 D.Tehan 23 S. Minton-Connell 24 M. Fitzgeral d 26 D . Brady 20 T Fraczek (R-DVC) 27 C. O'Bree 2t W Taf t 22 A Svirskis 28 D. Joyc e 23 A Hogan 29 C . Hosking (VC) 24 J Pertzel 30 D . Stribfey 25 H Taylo r 31 L . Boyle 25 A Vicendes e 32 8 . Sheehan 26 L Evans 33 M . Barker 27 W Backway 35 M . Carney 28 T Dunne 36 D . Tonkin (C) 28 S Moore (R-DVC) 37 A . Farra r 29 W White 38 M. Amor 30 K McDonald 40 A . Egan 31 M Bowen 41 Gargan 32 A Cassel l 33 L Campbell 42 D.Sheehan 34 E Thompson (S-DVC) 43 J. McKenzie 34 D Henzel 45 G . Irvin 35 P Rujevic (R-VC) 47 J . Maher 36 S Mage e 48 M . Kelly 37 T Harper 49 A . Cugola 37 M Ting 53 S. Butcher 38 C Nailon 54 B. Govett 39 D Fox 55 C . Stribtey 40 A Lust (R-Capt) 58 R . Citreo n 41 J Anderson 42 C Wright 60 M . Cribbes (RC) 43 R Coxon 64 Ti . Brady 44 J Newton 66 P. Bryar 45 R Czwarno 46 1 Gosling 47 D Hollenberg 48 M Webster 49 S Yu e 50 K Harding 51 D Vicendese 52 M Landy 53 S Mitchel l 54 D Learmont-Walker 55 C Eva 56 T Wright 57 S Foley 58 P Greenhill 59 A Hall 60 M Nicholas
Coach : Greg McLoughlin Assistant : Adam McConnell Res. Coach : Nick Perry 2 A . Pi m> 3 C. Barrow 3 L. McDonald 4 A . MacGil6vray (dvc) 5 A . Edge 6 R . Stewart 7 C. Reddin 8 C. McNical (Co C.R.) 9 P Phelan ( Capt) to J Edge 11 B . Mason 12 J . Perrett (du o) 12 S . Eastgate 13 R. Kent 13 N. Edwards 14 S . Williams 15 B . Gadsden 16 J . Homann 17 A. Van Den Dungan 18 A. Salem 18 M . Jackson 19 S . Ginnivan 19 P AngeGni 20 M . Smith 21 R. Joseph 21 T. Ewert .' . March v. Dawes ` . Gadsden -n ady i van a son U A°I w rson ~c~ rd n n . .rch 31 A. arossien S . - en b:; oner . Q='? ='-6 art , . . ' ;- ;on (Co C. R.)
c) m ! - :,---^
, . .. , . , -, . _ . . . ..
Coach: David Calthorpe Res Coach : Kornel Dachs 1 J . Panagiotopalus 2 D. Biggs 3 M . Oxnam 4 M . Ryan 5 S . De Mort on 6 C. Ridley 7 J . Leask 8 JJ . Heritage 9 J . Stormont 10 T. Biggs 11 J . Buckley 12 J . Kavanagh 13 B . Haki m 14 R. Legudi 15 D. Mezo 16 M . Bordignon 17 D. Forrest 18 D. Flaherty 18 S . Dawson 19 E . Healey 20 S . Playfair 21 S . Dale 22 M . Po rt ia 23 J . Hughes 24 J . D az kiw 25 A . Frazer 26 S . Fleming 27 A . McKenzie 28 A . Fewster 29 S . Uebergang 30 M . Dragojlo 31 D. Caridi 32 D. Poulton 33 M . Velardo 34 D. Podger 35 L. Kavanagh 36 C. Obliubek 37 A . Parker 38 T. Campbell 39 B . Newbold 40 H. McDermott 41 A . Iskra 42 N. Bartram 43 S . Cramer 44 A . Collins 45 D. Winkel 46 J . Lloyd 47 S . Howard 48 J . Williamson 49 A. Christou 50 L. O 'Brien 51 J . Ba tt ista 52 J . Mansfield 53 L . Frazer 54 S. Crame r 55 S. Balloch 56 M . Car 57 S. Wade 58 B. Hurtig 59 J . Stevens 60 J. Carter 61 A. Nowland 62 D. Gradzki 63 M . Beard 64 J. Kepsner 65 P. Bacash 66 B. Wright 67 M . Tille y 68 C. Brooks
69 C. Burke 70 J. Hurlston
Coach: Gerard Sholly Res Coach : Brad Low 1 2 3 4
A . Oates L. Lochran (V.Capt) S . Curatolo S . Geilings ( Sens) B . Davis ( Res) 5 C. Georgio 6 S . Kent 7 J . Gieschen 8 G. Hope 9 D. Payne 10 C. Crowley (V.Capt) 11 N . Russian 12 C. Branigan 13 A . Alagona 14 B . Thompson 15 T. Beinke 16 S . Price 17 M . Veal 18 J . Hope (Capt) 19 P. Dinakls 20 D. Hawkes (C.Res) 21 S . Fragiacomo 22 B . Nagel 23 K . Theodoss i 24 G. Huron 25 E . Byrne 26 I . Dawkins 27 N. Holloway ( V.C.Res) 28 M . Tobias 29 R. Weddle 30 J . Leech 31 J . Stevens 32 S . Kefalas 33 N. Pra tt 34 A . Tieman 35 M . Polloc k 36 A . Baldwin (Sens) M . Mealy ( Res) 37 G. Ha rt rick 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J . Keane 41 Z . Keane 42 S . Low (V.Capt) 43 W. Cornelius 44 M . Luxon 45 N. Antornou 46 R. Butler 47 S . Snell 48 G. Smith 49 C. Quinlan 50 M . Vermcchi 51 J . Ulians 52 B . Wright 53 A. Caple 54 S . Smith 55 S . Pearce 56 B. Leskie 57 B. Smart 58 L. Bolzan 59 R. Stagg 60 D. Walkley 61 S. Weston 62 J . Mathew 64 J . Britten 65 D. Campbell- Fraser 67 B. Mckinley 6 8 B. Parke r 69 M . Corr
ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Coach : Russell Barnes Res Coach: Tim Lamb 1 B. Collins 2 L . Wintle 3 L . Borella 4 L . Beveridge 5 S. Napie r 6 J. Kane 7 S. Rose 8 A. Scat~di 9 M . Terrell 10 M . Wintle 12 P. Groves 13 R. Sampieri 14 A. Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 A. Hipwell 17 N. Corda 18 D. Lynch 19 A. Drury 20 L . McMurray 21 J. Connelly 22 L . Capsalis 23 J. Lynch 24 J. Tyquin 25 J. Knuppel 26 M . Hecke r 27 S. Kingwell 28 M. Andrews 29 D. Waters 30 M . McGe ttigan 31 C. Osborne 32 G . Kempster 33 S. Zakic 34 L . Carson 35 A. Sewers 36 A. Walstab 37 T. Groves 38 J. Maddocks 39 E. McKenzie 40 M . Kelleher 41 M. Rouse 42 M. Wilson 43 A. Paterson 44 M. Rhoden 45 L . Cieslak 46 M. Hilton 47 E. Ritchie
48 J. Heys 49 S. Rouse 50 S. Kidd 51 A. Buck 52 M. Towns 53 L . Giorgiadis 54 S. Bell 55 M. Fi rth 56 C . Charlton 56 L . Flavelle 57 S. Meehan 58 P. Cur ry 59 B. Logan 61 M. Mrfsud 62 M. McCol l 63 M. Lomagno 66 R . Parsons 70 L . Terrell
Buxton Real Estate Kingston Chiropractice OFC~ 6 ir
Miles Real Estate Bendigo Bank, East Ivanhoe
Coach: Pat Manni x Asst. Coach : Peter Randall Res. Coach : Chris Rubic k 3 M. Carbone 5 B. Phan 6 P. Campbel l 7 S. Brosolo 8 B. Janson 9 A. Pawli k 11 T Wallac e 12 S. Phela n 13 J. Anderso n 14 T. Carrigg 16 J. Power 17 A. Carbone 18 M. Bake r 19 A. Hil l 20 L . Swai n 21 S. Alexander 22 N . Cunningha m 23 P. Stag g 24 J. Dao u 25 G . Day 27 B. Gardiner 28 A. Baker 29 A. Glen n 30 M. Power 31 A. Ba99ol e Y 32 G . Kennedy 33 C . Fulto n 34 D . Gloufche v 36 C . Dyer 38 C . Carrig g 39 N . Brisbane 40 D . Atkin s 42 S. Anderso n 43 N . Elliott 44 B . Bird 45 S . Cleve n 46 M. Duffy 48 J. Treyvaud 50 D . Cre a 52 R . Piggot 54 C . Ross 55 P. Tobi n 57 A . Wood s 58 P. Poutney 59 T. Nuna n 60 R . Pawli k 62 B . Stafford 63 Z. Webb 65 D . Eames 66 J. Box 70 C . Pelos t 71 R . Ma tti so n 72 K . Pa rot h pp
> ~-
Call - 9886 5355 . FCL Interstate Transpo rt Services 9396 9®0 0 WWW.fC 1.COrtl .au
A .F.C . (t`, V.A .F.A .
"Your Coaches' Association "
? WHERE DO ALL THE GOALKICKERS GO IN SEPTEMBER The VAFA is notorious for producing pretty football sides . Teams full of speedy talented front running one dimensional squibs . Gimme, Gimme, Gimme . He'll stand 10m forward, accept a handball, have a bounce, look sensational and kick a long goal . High five his mates on the way back to the centre and drive home after another 25 goal to 10 win talking about how good he was , how well he played and how his side is going to win the flag this year . . . . . . sometimes it actually happens but most times it doesn't . The reason for this is that the goals dry up in the heat of battle in September action and if you h aven't taken the time to build the backline during the year you are g oing to be in a world of trouble come firinl's time . Any coach who thinks his attack is more important than his defence should go and do his homework . Kicking goals is exciting but defence wins flags . It took awhile for Malcolm Blight to work it out; he had the best attack in the VFL/AFL at Geelong but couldn't win a flag . In fact in 1989 he had 10 players in his side that kicked over 20 goals, that is an awesome sign of goal kicking power especially when you throw in Gary Ablett standing in the goal square . . . but no, couldn't win a flag. The Crows were a different story, fell into the finals twice in consecutive years, had the 7th best attack in the competition but went back to back . Lucky you say, not much opposition around those couple of years? Really it comes down to defence . In both the back to back years of the Adelaide Crows they had the best and second best defence in the AFL . Malcom had stopped coaching like he played . Look at a more recent example of building the backline . Brisbane won 3 flags and look at their backline Michael, Leppitch, Johnson
Ashcroft and the Scott brothers over 1200 games of experience and great body players, one on one, very hard to beat in a contest .
ray coach w h o thinks his attack is more important than hi s Cofence should go and do his homework . Kicking goals is exciting but defence winsfiags . " I,
Your back half has to stand up under pressure, each defender has to be a good body on body player, has to be able to win the contested ball and has to look to be attacking and zone off when required . Flooding is not the answer, stopping the opposition forwards by out numbering them does not teach your defenders the one on one defensive skills required to win on the last day in September . Flooding can be an effective tool in the short term but there is no long term gain for your club in employing this tactic week in week out . In September your 6 defenders need to be able to beat 8 or 9 opposition players when the situation demands it and the only way this can happen is if you choose them wisely and train it over and over again . So to all the clubs out there traveling along beautifully in May looking ahead to September action thinking of at might eventuate my advice is take your eye off your own score and worry about the oppositions . You have only 12 more weeks to get your backline in order . Graham Burgen Fitzroy Reds FC . Leve12 Coac h GA/V A & CA Vic. Senior Coach of the Yea r - 2003
3orporate Facility =: nent Professional s ;esidentiel & Commercial Building Management Specialists Telephone : 9509 3V 4
web : v
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The MHSOBA is t ,-vF'.r 4 eIF!?{a launching its new d::^t'y i%tc ;'eu r format 2005 GOLF CHAMP- iJ Je~ il~)F' IONSHIP with the the . . first round at Yarra Yarra GC on Monday 6 June . Colin Foley 0403 574 500 or Gus Martonhelyi 0429 106 59 6
Incorporated Mvnll & VUilliams J A Dodd Ltd Rigby Cooke Lawyers Track Stars Collectables
Grand Hyatt Melbourne BPA Print Group Azuma Sports The Knight Williams Batters
South Yarra Sports Centre Goldpats Accountants HydroChem The Kitchen Place
GVP Fabricators The Frame Shop Spitting Image Catering The Hatton Hote l
Elastoplast Sport Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats Royal Hotel Queenscliff Bell's Hotel & Brewery Keith's Pies
Eco-Global Edward J Lynch Agencies Barrie Macdonald & Assoc Ivany Investment Group Australian Unity The Kingston Hotel
Proudly sponsoring the MHSOBFC
EDsRVURD J LYNCH AGENCIES Consultant for all ~ Corporate Promotional Products Conference and Convention Marketing Company Promotional Products Incentive Markefing 81 Marriage Road Brighton Me 3187 ~ Telephone or Fax (03) 9592 0340 N,"HS 1950-54 Mobile 0418 544 382
In 2005 there wil l be four rounds and contenders for the championship will need to submit cards from 2 rounds to qualify. Apart from Yarra Yarra the courses are at Green Acres, Ranfurlie and Southern, the final round concluding with a Championship Presentation luncheon . On each day there will be incorporated a $25,000 cash bonus for a HOLEIN-ONE on a designated par 3 hole. Another hole uill have a set of clubs and bag (value $1,200) attached to it for lucky holein-one golfers .
Congrats to Scott Whittington (right) and Chris 'Doc' Wrigh t (lower L right) for playing their 50th games for the club against Old Bri ghton last week. Scotty has been performing brilliantly from half back in the seniors whilst
g ;V These magnificent pri ze s are supported by Genesis Strategic Alliances and will be awarded to all golfers who achieve this success, irrespective of number. Entry forms are now available for downloading on the MHSOBA website . www.mhsoba .asn .au/golf
This is for Amateurs only - please read the terms & conditions shown on the website. Ted Lynch, of E J LYNCH AGENCIES, consultant for corporate promotional products, is again supplying a range of prizes for each day of the champiomship . (See advert to left of this page .) ALL MHSOBA GOLFERS, AND FRIENDS, ARE MOST WELCOM E
Doc' is serving the reserves wit h distinction . We all look forward to the lads completing their 100th games in the years ahead. The next player to experience a milestone will be Paul Rujevic wh o will play his 100th game in round 8. 13
Riding high in April (3 big wins), shot down in Ma y (2 big losses) that's life, for Old Camberwell, a s they fall from first to fourth . The C Grade goal blit z continued as all but one game produced 30 plus majors in the perfect conditions . REVIEW With a top three place in the offing, both Beauy and OP were keen to assert themselves and it was the Sharks through Haynes and Boon who took the ascendancy . Graham and Coote were valuable targets and whilst OP's Boundy was a strong option, the Sharks running game held sway . A highlight of the clash was the courage of OP's Marcus Gale, who was badly shaken when marking in heavy traffic . Kight was flying and so was Macgeorge as the n Vultures outlasted Therry to snare top place o
he proud club needed to hit back after successive stumbles and hi t back they did" {{
the table . Crotty and Russell worked hard for the home learn to give them a first quarter lead, but with Paul Sullivan finding plenty of the ball and Stephens enjoying his forward foray . Parkdale edged clear . One writes off the Rovers at their peril . The proud club needed to hit back after successive stumbles and hit back they did, humbling OC to the tune of 55 points . Tregear and Lawrence were dominant withstanding two very even quarters from the ladder leaders and then surged in the other two stanzas . Wellers Taylor, Lowrie & Loats were great tryers, but the green and golds were hungrier and deserved the win . The youthful Monash side made it two in a row when they proved too strong for the Bears . Craven and Bains both jammed half a dozen, as McKenzie and Davidson ensured there was ample Asher supply. 10 goal kickers kept the Blackers season rolling, whilst the Jackers are still winless . Matt Kempton booted five for the victors and the Colonel was again outstanding . Ajax did have their moments and their performances this year
--r _ belie their lowly status . Israelsohn and Routman battled, but Uni's combination of experience and e seven first year player s always held th advantage . PREVIEW Last Saturday there were question marks hanging over Hampton Rovers and whether they were the real deal, the answer was emphatic . Today those same questions will be asked of the Wellers as we end the first third of the season . . . where has it gone ?
Beauy have hardly put a foot wrong this year and they'll be looking to sure up their top three spot when they venture to Old Camberwell. After a few home truths OC will be breathing fire and expect a fierce attack on the ball . Despite this, I think the Sharks will be ready and continue the Wellers miserable May . The Vultures host Monash in a replay of last season's first semi final . That day the Ashers overran a tired Parkdale at the end of a long season . This year the Vultures have a fit playing coach and a fired up team that will reverse that August loss . Ajax have been thereabouts all season and if they took their opportunities their record would b e
CLUB N,1I~E LST ~11, TOTAL C _SECTION Therry Penola Edwards 4 30 Old Camberwell Loats 5 21 Aj~ Kirzner 4 20 Parkdale Vultures Macgeorge 8 1 9 C RESEVE Beaumaris Old Paradians Parkdale Vultures Monash Blues
Vance Spinoso Wilkins Coe
22 17 12 9
much better than the current 0-5 . OP don't want to let the top teams escape from their grasp and despite a second successive road trip will claim the points . Hampton Rovers will be keen to keep their foot on the metal when they welcome Therry. The Rovers were terrific last week and the battle for them will be to maintain the rage . Therry never stop trying and a win keeps them in touch of the leading pack, but at Boss James, it's the green and golds .
Banyule's task of securing that elusive first win doesn't get any easier when they clash with the Blacks . As game and gallant as the young Bears will be, Uni will be in no mood to be their first victim and the first victory is at least another week away . Correspondents - Glen Harrison hiharrotayahoo .com F_
Beaumari s - Congratulations to Ash "Dooper"" O'Brien on playing his 100th for Sharks last Saturday . Popular clubman came to Sharks in 1999 and won Reserves B&F in first year with the Club and also runner up in other years . Who will ever forget his acceptance speech on winning the B&F only surpassed by the Gettysburg Address and the Declaration of Independence . Dooper wants a Flag to crown a memorable year .
Season 2006 Written applications to : The Secretary PARKDALE VULTURES AFC Ian Thomas 37 Southern Road Mentone, 319 4
C SECTIO N Parkdale Vultures v Monash Blues Hampton Rovers v Therry Penola 0 B Old Camberwell v Beaumaris Banyule v University Blacks AJAX v Old Paradians - a t Sportscover Arena ( Saturday)
Z.iONASH BLUES 5 .6 11 .8 14.12 20.16 (136) BANYULE 4 .0 7.3 9 .5 11 .5 (71) Mon Blues: Craven 6 Bains 6 0 Sullivan 3 Farrar Gregory Pay Creamer Hickey . Best : Craven McKenzie Bains Hickey Davidson Smyth . Banyule: O'Connell 4 Davies 2 Playfatr 2 CluistianTaylar Drapac Best : C Taylor B Wiilmore T Shepherd M Smith D Gayfe r Umpires: Brent Woodhead Vaughan Sidebottom fF) Amanda Whitaker Elise Van Grondelle (B) Greg Rollo Jack Regester (G) 'I HE RRY PENOLA 3.4 5.5 8 .9 10.10 (70) PARKDALE VULTURES 2 .3 7.3 12.5 16.6 (102) Therry P en: Edwards 4 Gentile A 2 Bannister C Bannister R Crotty Goodwin D. Best: Crottv Russell Goodwin D Edwards Barron Fenton . Park Vult: MacGeorge 8 Hayes 4 Stephens 3 Knght . Best: Sullivan P 011,leara Stephens MacGeorge Hecker McCraw . Umpires : Rick Love Damien Milloy (RFL) (F) Paul Leggett Troy Cussack (RFL) (B) Graeme Booth Glen Shilling (RFL) (G ) OLD CAMBERWELL 5.0 7 .4 12 .4 13.8 (86) HAMPTON ROVERS 5.1 11 .5 16.7 22.9 (141) Old Camb: Loats 5 Ryan B 3 Peasnell S 2 Tymmons 2 Durling . Best: Lowrie Taylor W Loats Hardman Ryan B Tynunons . Hampt Ross Lawrence 5 Fletcher 3 Greenwood 3 Tregear 3 Deveraux 2 Anderson Barker Mc Carthy Parkinson Pinto Prantzos. Best : Tregear Lawrence Anderson D Browne Power Carr. Umpires : Lionel Katz Simon Olive (F) Philip Miller Andrew Rechtman (B) Andrew Esposito Pat Mitchell (G ) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .5 8.10 13.12 20.14 (134) AJAX 2 .4 4 .6 9.8 12 .9 (81) Uni Blacks: M Kempton 5 Shaw 2 P Kempton 2 Evans 2 Barry 2 Smith 2 Groom 2 Barlow Dowsley Sandiford . Best: Sandiford D Costello M Kempton A Costello D Barlow Scarlett AJAX: Kiriner 4 Bergel 3 Rapapow 2 Codrow Ghuni Lewski . Best : Jason Israelsohn Routman Lewski Sutton Van Aken Blaslila. Umpires: Anthony Calderone Brendan Devlin (F) Matt Jackson Julian Maccioni (B) Daniel Scully Anthony Kyrkou (G) 17.14 (116) BEAUMARIS 5.5 9 .10 12 .12 OLD PARADIANS 2 .2 5 .3 6.9 13 .12 (90) Beaum: Boon 5 Coote 3 Healy 2 Lee 2 L Atkins Duggan Graham Matulick Teasdale. Best: Boon Coote Healy Ensor Graham Teasdale. Old Par: Boundy 3 Gale 2 Hughes 2 Porteous 2 Harfard Spitty Zivanovic . Best: Boundy D .Harford Loney Jenkins Spitty B .Richardson. Umpires: Roland Fuhrmann Justin Lipson (F) James Gregory Paul Carroll (B) Ross Richards (G) C RESERVE 0.3 4.6 6 .8 8 .11 (59) MONASH BLUES BANYQLE 2 .4 6.6 7.8 10.9 (69) Mon Blues: Mazur 3 Coe 2 Lloyd Dennis Choong . Best: Dennis Brennan McMahon F}Ie Mazur Lloyd. Banyule: Dennis not received. T13ERRY PENOLA 3 .1 5.7 9.10 13 .13 (91) PARKDALE VULTURES 3.1 5.3 7 .5 9.7(61) Tixrry Pen: Delaney 3 Sacco J 3 Walker 2 Henderson Frazzetio Skiathhitis Capewell Pirpiruas . Best: Sacco J Sacco S Capewell Godwin S Weston Henderson . Park Vult: Waters 4 Wood 2 Fogden Kinsella Rowley . Best : Perazzo Kelty Thurgood Waters Wood Kinsella . OLD CAMBERWELL 2.3 6.11 7.13 12 .15 (87) HAMPTON ROVERS 2.0 2.1 7 .4 11 .4 (70) Old Camb : Cottrell M 2 Hendrie 2 Horgan 2 Joyce 2 Grant Middleton Pike Tipper. Best: Rogers Joyce Mackenzie Pike Grant Cocks . Hempt Ross Christiansen 2 Heffernan 2 Marshall 2 Woolrich 2 Gray Lilliecrapp Quon . Best : Foster Ng Cave Pucella Heffernan Christiansen . UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.5 7.12 12.16 15.21 (111) AJAX 1 .2 1 .2 3.3 6,6(42) Uni Blacks: N Martin 3 A Ross 3 R V .'ood 2 A Torney 2 C Price 2 C Beaton G Thompson A Kelly. Best : R Wood A Ross 0 Goonan C Beaton N Martin A Torney . AJas Dudakov Kestenberg Nankin Rotstein Rudenstein Seidl. Best: 0 Henzel Rose Ritterman Kestenberg Rotstein Rath. BEAUMARIS 1 .2 5.4 7.5 10.8 (68) OLD PARADIANS 4 .2 8 .4 10.9 11.11 (77) Beaum: Vance 3 Bowker 2 Collings Foley Gillespie Kuria Wilson . Best: Presnell A O'Brien M O'Brien McMillan MeConchte GiIlespie . Old Paradian.s : Spinoso 6 Walsh 3 L Harford RLSeley . Best : Murray Dare Spinoso Fantone Rtseley Corcoran .
C Section _â&#x20AC;˘_ . ,,.&888C
AJAX Coach : Tim 0'Shaughnessy Res. Coach : Barry Simo n 1 N. Gold (Capt) 1 B. Barensztein E 2 J.Israelsohn 2 B. Rose ', 3 Y. Rapopor t 4 M . Dudakov (Capt Res) 5 G. Bliede n 5 J . Rotstein O 6 D. Vanaken 7 L . Krafchek 7 D . Rubenstein 8 E. Raleig h 8 W . Sevel O 9 A . Rose n 11 M. Segal (VC) 11 J . Goldman 8 12 D. Goldentein 13 B. Klei n 14 D. Codron 15 J . Segal (VC) 15 S. Newstadt @ 16 E . Routman 17 D . Weislitzer 18 J. Kirzne r
18 B. Lukav 19 D. Sutton 19 R . Silberman ~ 20 J. Sharp 21 A . Lewin 21 R . Silberman 22 A . Lewis 22 J . Thurin 0 23 A. Lewski 23 P. Glezer G 24 0 . Henzel 25 M. Blashki 26 B .Duzenman 27 J . Berge r 28 A . Zemski 29 R. Kagan 30 J. Kagan 33 P. Bryner 34 J. Raleigh 34 D . Seidl @ 35 J . Givoni 35 B . Ritterman Ti 36 B . Nankin 40 D. Seidl 41 R. Heine 41 A. Sacks 42 44 47 50
D . Gerber B . Eichler A . Forst J . Dvash
51 J . Kestenberg 54 D. Rutko 55 A. Grosman 59 N . Diamond 60 J . Weinberg 62 J, Hoppe
Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res Coach : David Witchel l T. Prio r 2 D. Witchell 3 N. Taylor 4 P. Gloury
4 M. Creak (res) 5 B. Willmore 6 M . Morgan 7 C . Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 10 A. Dooley 11 5. Griffith 12 A. Brown 13 J . King 14 S . Green 15 R . Gutterson 16 A. Demetriou 17 C. Davies 18 T. Wise 19 L . O'Connell (c) 19 T. Nasrallah (res) 20 S . Playfair
22 C. Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 S . Giansiracusa 25 D . Phela n 26 J. Szeremeta 27 D . Drapac 28 P. Adams 29 G. Fikaris 30 D. Mutton 31 C. Bassett 32 L . Richardson 33 D . Stoke s 34 A . Bottomley 35 S . Dowlan 36 M . George 37 T. Thomson (c res) 38 D. Gayter 39 A. Hopgood 40 M. Smith 41 A. Tshaikiwsky 42 G. McLellan 43 L. Ferrall
44 S . J . Gray 45 A . Rothe 46 A. Spicer 49 G . Bel l 52 M . DePetro
Coach : tr ; Lovejoy Asst:Jamen' . . a 8
F.lck Carty Res : Jono Holt 1 M .Duggan 2 H . Gibson
3 J. Heat h 4 M. Matulick 5 M . Ensor 6 A . Spence 7 S . Lynch 8 M . O'Brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L . Buller 11 M. Le e 12 L. Healy 13 J . VJhitt y 14 T. Collins (DVC) 15 M . Boon
16 A. Quin 17 M. Pifl s 18 N . Kennedy 19 M. Atkins (VC) 20 J . Black 21 S . Coots 22 L. Atkins 23 A. Catlin
24 B. Gray 25 D.Teasda!e 26 A. O'Brien 27 B . Haynes 28 J . Vance (Res C) 29 C. Martin {C) 30 C. Lambert 31 C. Graham 32 L . Wonnacott 33 S. Ma y
34 H . McMillan (Res DVC) 35 S . McNicholas 36 N . Atkins 37 R. Presnell 36 M . Wilson 39 L. P.4cNicholas 40 J.Hoganh 41 N. Conlan 42 B. Gillespie 43 T. WooSnough 44 C . Collin s 45 M . Kuna 46 J. Gerrand 47 A. Kent 48 T. Whitty 49 J. Bryce 50 S. Dicks 51 J. Mitchell 52 J . Williams 53 A . Pol l
54 S . Lee 55 L. Quirk 56 D. Wall 57 T. Boreham 58 J . Bramwell 59 B. Griffiths 60 D . Bir d 62 J . Dickson 63 D. Galvin 64 D. Murphy 65 G . Shattock 66 P. McCatctre (Res VC) 67 L . Steven s 68 B . Bowker 70 5 . Crossley 71 C. Evans '.. 72 A. Collings 74 M . McDonald 75 N . Higgs 76 C . Terpsinis
HA M Pi 6 a=3 .-.-
Coach : Brett Mclhvraith Res Coach: Tony Naumoli
Coacn : Jon Edgar Res Coach : Data Murchie 1 S. Chapman 2 L . Rento n 3 L. Holloway 4 B . McKenzi e 5 J . Rosengarten 6 M . Davidso n 7 P. Farrar 8 A. Hickey
1 H Tregear 2 M McKellar 3 G Cannel l 4 G Carr (DVC) 5 J Prantzo s 6 L Holt 7 A Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 N Pinto
9 C . O'Sullivan 10 S . Lloy d
10 5 Blanchard 11 J Zampaglione 12. T Barke r 13 G Woods (VC) 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A Browne (C) 16 N Greenwood 17 L Cave
11 M . Spencer 12 G. Smyth 13 M . Pay
18 J McCarthy 19 M Lawrence(DVC) 20 A Power 21 S Parkinson 22 S Burggraaff 23 M Gray (Res VC) 24 C Christianson 25 M Lake
26 M Devereaux 27 M Flyn n 28 B Kezilas 29 M Fletche r 30 A Quon (Res C) 31 T Pucell a 32 D Anderson (Res) 32 J Hanlo n 33 R Mosbey 34 A Crowther 35 N Goss 36 M Heffernan 37 D Lillecrap{i 38 A Fisher 39 A Crisp 40 M Flahive 41 B McCallum 42 C Maflhouse 43 C Cooper 44 A Blake 45 G Davis 46 L Woolrich 47 L Wheeler 48 G Giasoumi 49 S Helliger 50 N Foster 51 J Glanville 53 J Ng 52 B Carillon 54 D Marshall 55 L James 56 T Porter 57 D Williams 58 C Colossi 60 M Terec h 61 A Kavanagh .'. 62 D Kicker
14 B . Merlin 15 M . Tmkler 16 B. Nind 17 K. Mudge 18 R . Glover 19 M . Payne 20 M . Edsall 21 C. Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 B.Janssen 24 T. Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Will s
27 N . De Young 28 J . Mai n 29 A. Costley 30 L . Creamer 31 J. Gree n 32 L . Beddingfield 33 J . Smith (c) 34 R . Shields 35 A . Fyfe 36 A . Williams 37 C. Dennis 38 N. Brennan 39 M . Smith 40 J. Mazu r 41 Michael Bolton 42 M. Coe 43 R . Feenaghty 44 L. Leviston 45 M . McMahon 46 D.Jones 47 S. Mentha 48 M. Carey 49 M. Pettingill 50 A . Tot a 52 N . Moresi 53 J . Pee l 54 B .Adamson 55 I . McCormick 56 M. Jones 58 J. Lu i 61 P. Campbell 62 L. Katt s 68 M . Meehan 70 Z . Anderson 72 B. Green SANDRINGHAPi dGHTON 74 P. Westbrook REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT .'. 75 R . Tunon Ph: 9598 822 2 77 D . Neil
"I'I IE 0P'I'I11ISI: (AIM -11 PT1'. 11,11u. Ph :9597 0166 www.hamptonrovers com.au THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2
%'--' Section OLD CAMBERWELL
Coach : Paul 0'Shannassy Res Coach : Ken Schawb
Coach : Dale McCann Res Coach: Peter Cosgriff
1 A. Curling
2 M . Horgan 3 W. Taylor 4 C. Hendrie 5 D. Loats 6 R. Taylor 7 K . Batz4off 8 J. Heffernan 9 B . Tymmons t0 B . Christie 1 1 A . Whela n 12 R. Perry man 13 L. Gladma n 14 R. Whitehea d 15 L. Heffernan 16 L. Weaver 17 N. Credlin 18 D. Hanson 19 S . Peasnell 20 D. Mitchell 21 T. Hardman 22 B . Howard
7 . D Zivanovic 2 . A Hughes 3 . D Dean 4 A Curran (DVC) 5 A Pa lia g 5 D Harford 6 D Giddings 7 M Cosgri(t 7 T Girovski 8 A Sinclair (C)
9 P Palermo 10 P Brabender it M Joyce 12 L Dore 13 S Rose 13 N Allen
14 P Pratt 14 M Rose
PARKOALE VULTURES Coach : Tony Macgeorge Assist: Paul Dwyer Res Coach : Paul Martin I S. Rowley 2 S. Hecker 2 B. Darcy 3 M. Dixon 4 M. Hayes 5 A. White 6 C. Stephens 7 C . Atkins 8 K. Little
9 M. Meyer 9 P. Emmett 10 T. Kight 11 C . O'Mear a 12 A. Baker 13 M. Ryan 14 C . Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan
16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan 18 S. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 D . Kinsella 21 D . Kelly 22 B. Liddell
62 T. Webb 63 T. Nisbeth
15 B Richardson 16 M Godfrey 17 T Ryan 18 G Porteous 18 M Spinoso 19 A Dean 19 D Spitty, 20 S Maher 21 D Loney 21 S Luff 22 S Fantone 22 D Richardson 23 P Walsh 24 T Lombardi 25 D Hussey 26 D Boundy (VC) 26 P Turner 27 K Jenkins 28 J Kreuzer 29 R Ryan 30 M Ryan 31 D Breen 31 M Hyde 32 S Corcoran 33 N RiseWy 34 M Gate 35 S Simpson 36 B Dintinosante 37 A DiFabio 38 A Harvey 39 M Derham 40 L Harford 41 J Sandy 42 R Murray 44 D Fu rze 46 J Martinelli 47 W Connelly 49 M Sykes 50 A Tenson
64 B . Cottrell
53 D Salvatico
62 D. Scerri
65 S . Gregory ~째ry
55 S Egan 57 A Elliot
63 N. Levett 64 X . Smith 65 G . Wilson 66 A. Kerr
23 D. Chatters
24 M . Shanks 25 A. Hardenberg 26 D. Clyne 27 A. Sheedy 29 D. Gough 30 J. Clyne
31 B. Craven 32 G . Ormsby 33 D. Joyce y 34 D. Schmidt 35 C. Munroe 36 S. Derry 37 J. Goodale 38 S. Marwood 39 S. Young 40 C . Jetlis 41 T. Kearney 42 A. Mackenzie 43 C . Grant 44 L . Elridge 45 T. Lowrie 46 M. Jackson 47 M. Rogerson 48 T. Sigalas 49 J. Hedley 50 D . Pike 51 B. Ryan
52 A. Salipas 53 L . Orr 54 M. Wallace 55 S. Fogharty 56 M. Cottrell 57 R . Whelan 58 N . Paine 59 C . Rodgers
66 T. Parkes 67 S . Horskins 68 A . Cocks
T. Linthorne B. Richards D Rochford A.. Rock
Rob Paterson, Mall Finolan i
1 2 2 3
15 B Owen
18 C . Groo m 18 K. Presndge (Res ) 19 M. Kempton
25 Edwards P
26 Lewis B 27 Bosanko M 29 Goodwin S
27 R . Layton
28 A. Castles 29 G . Crilley 30 P. Mahn 31 J Drury
31 Forster-Knight A
32 Sacco J 33 Kuret L 34 Weston 0 36 Gosetti T 37 Castaldi D 40 Tsinaris G 41 Barron B 42 McKay A 43 Warren M 45 Kruger J 46 Stepien S 47 Goodwin D 48 Nancarrow M 50 Hallam S
32 B. Fogden 33 N . Wilkins 34 Ma tt. Wals h 35 M. Johnston e 36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge
38 S . Perrazo 39 S . Waters 40 D . Granger 41 C . Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr 45 M . Kight 46 W. Wheatley 47 C. Rowland 48 Mick. Walsh 49 G. Allan 50 S . Scullin 51 A . Wood 52 S . Wingrave 53 D. Noonan 54 M . McCraw 55 J . Thurgood 56 S . Wilson 57 R . Bittner 58 R. Haslemor e 59 D. 0' Keefe 60 M . O'Meara 61 T Banks
52 Gleason A 53 Villani M
54 Frazzetto J 56 Dunne P 57 Ferguson C 59 Robinson T 69 Ellender J 77 Walker K 87 Daniel 5
A. Costello T. Sheldon B. Chandler (Res ) P. Geiater
3 R . Hamilton (Res)
4 A. Evans 4 R . Myers (Res) 5 E. Hard y 6 A. Bevacqu a 7 S. Pric e 8 C . Haynes 9 P. Kempto n 10 W. Hanna it S. Watch 12 A. Tome 13 A. Ross y
13 C . Baulch (C18) 14 C . Price 15 B. Shaw 16 J. Lahc h 77 T Purcel l
20 C . Sandiford 21 J. Sibtli a
22 C . McAssey 23 P. Barry 24 L . Ma rti n 25 A. Katsaros 26 D . Batten 27 M. Sawg e 28 D . Costell o 28 P. Otsuka (C18)
29 N . Poyne r
30 A. Jesse 31 B. Costello
32 A. Camero n 33 M. Undh 34 D . Barlow 35 C . Carroll 36 M. Prowse 37 J. Woods 38 J. Keg 39 M. Abletho 40 N . Marti n ~ 41 R . Gree n 42 A. Smith 43 C . Beato n 44 E. Ryan 45 R . Scarfe d 446 A. Kelly . Murph y 48 7 B T. Portet
49 C . Terry
50 A. Goona n 5t Wood
52 R . Aan 53 D .0'Keefie 54 S . Waking
55 G . Thomson 56 A . Merrell 57 K . Medo 59 A . Woolle y
60 R . Kercheval 61 J . Black 62 J . Matheso n 63 K . McGe e 64 L. Hill
65 N . Hasten 66 T. Ferguso n 67 N . Goonan 70 J . Gree n 71 B . Calle n 73 J . Dwyer 74 J . Dovrsley 76 H . Barlow 77 T Brumby-Rundel l W . Pascoe 83 P. Mollo y
85 B . Webe r 87 E . Duncan 94 A . Powell 97 L. Marto 98 K . Begely
69 S . Jones 75 Bruce
Coach: Anthony Parni n Res Coach: Lachlan Beaton Assistants: Michael Rizio
1 B Corrigan 2 Goodwin T 3 Bannister R 4 Elliott M 5 Baker A 6 Nancarrow M 7 Bannister S 8 Hollow L 9 Bannister C 10 Vaina J 11 Crotty J 12 J Quinn 13 Russell G 14 Fenton J 15 McMahon A 16 Clifton D 17 Pirpinias D 18 Moloney A 19 La Corchia M 20 Clarke J 21 Henderson G 22 Goodwin D 23 Callegari D 24 Paroldi M
23 Matt Sullivan
24 25 26 26
Coach : Garry Datson Res Coach : Bernie Carter
2005 M ajor Sponsor
Proudly Sponsored b y
THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan St
Carlton 305 3 65~ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005 17
Certificate of merit profile : Pat M cConville (De La Salle O C) Playing career 1980-82 • Club XVIII, Reserve & Assistant Coac h
• President 2000-4, Life Membership 200 4 • Improved financial standing of the club t o he extent that the Clu b now has facilities (gym, lights, interchange benches) that would rival may VFL club s • Junior development has been strengthene d
• Pastoral role he has played cannot be downplaye d 0 0 0 A young Shark, who supports the Hawks and who wore Daniel Harford's (now Old Paradians) number as a boy, put his hand up to play on his Hawk hero recently in their C section match . The coach jumped at his willingness to run with and learn from Harford. Our reporter can remember as a raw young half forward playing at Port when lining up on the great Don Williams . He was instructed to lead him down the ground and take away from the play. . . . . . . . .the reporter could have lead him out onto Williamstown Road and he still would have got a kick . Williams was about 35 then and at the end of his career BUT what a champion and what a great experience for me as young player . So to all those young lads running around in the Ammos with influx of ex AFL/VFL players take the opportunity to learn from them .
1985 Reunion - The Fawkner Story
On Friday night the 6th May 2005 former amateur football club Fawkner held a reunion to celebrate being premiers & champions in 1985 playing in section . In 1985 Fawkner coached by K evin Morrison, was undefeated coming into the Grand Final and the pressure was on against a very determined Therry coached by veteran Bernie Dunn and it was a game of skill & tactics with Fawkner running out winners 19 .15 .129 to 12 .15 .87 . i
The night had everything, a good MC, a very funny comedian and a great clubman in Michael "Jmelfo" Barrett telling all in attendance how 1985 was one of the best years in the club's history. To see the premiership flags, trophies and photos of a proud and passionate club was awe-inspiring and no doubt by the end of the evening the stories would be even greater, the stuff legends are built on . Fawkner who are currently playing in the Diamond Valley competition will be remembered by many for various reasons but one thing is for sure, there passion and commitment to there club is second to none.
Learn from your hero
What a great night, seeing grown men who had travelled from all over the country & had not seen each for quite a while, hug each other, have a chat about the "good old days" and tell stories that have stretched over the years . People such as : Young, O'Leary an d Rhodes talking in amazement that Majerezak had kicked 7 goals in one of the club's best wins .
Well done Fawkner and may the club continue to prosper for many years into the future.
® 0 vF/AFL Captains - former VAFA players Norm Nugent (Club XVIII Guru and' VAFA Life Member) loves a historical search . On the back of former University Blues player Richie Vandenberg being named Hawthorn FC captain, Norm took it upon himself to research other AFL/VFL Captains of V .AFA origins . Following are the fruits of his research : Clarrie Vontom (St. Kilda - Collegians), Carl Willis (University - University/ South Melbourne), Edgar Keen (University - University), George Elliott - University) . Tom Fogarty (University - South Melbourne), Bill Morris (Richmond - Old Scotch), Ivor Warne-Smith (Melbourne - Collegians), H . Curtis (Collingwood Carlton Collegians), Owen Abrahams (Fitzroy Commonwealth Bank), Geoff Ainsworth (Geelong University Blues), Mark Browning (Sydney Swans Beverley Hills), Dennis Cordner (Melbourne University Blacks), Don Cordner (Melbourne University Blacks), Harry Cordner (University University), Peter Crimmins (Hawthorn - Assumption OC), Neville Crowe (Richmond - State Bank/Ormond), Gary Dempsey (Footscray - Footscray ITOB), Ray Gabelich (Collingwood - Parkside), Sydney Boyd Gravenall (St . Kilda - Collegians), 'John Kennedy Snr . (Hawthorn - Teachers' College), *Stuart King (St . Kilda
- University Blacks), *Phonse Kyrie (Collingwood - Old paradians), *Alan LaFontaine (Melbourne - Old paradians/University Blacks), Bill McClelland (Melbourne - Brighton), *David Parkin (Hawthorn Iv2HSOB), *Neil Roberts (St. Kilda - MHSOB), *Ross Smith (St. Kilda - Hampton Rovers), Fred Vine (Melbourne - Old Melburnians) and Riehie Vandenberg (Hawthorn - University Blacks) . Total appointed captains is thus 29, six won Brownlow Medals and *seven also coached AFL/VFL teams . Have we left anybody off - email bret a com .au - who won the Brownlows? ?
to right - Robert Goode, Justin Kan e, Steven MacKenzie, Paul James. To register your club go to the VAFA website (www .vafa .com .au /forms) Forms Section and download your form, only registered clubs c an win the prizes.
Cystic Fibrosis Challenge draws to a clo -~ : Disappointing to note that as the VAFA/SFL/CFV Bangers & cash promotion draws to a close that only Parkdale Vultures an d Therry Penola have registered .
VAFA Blood Chall enge - kicks o ~_ Todav s Amateur Footballer has the table of results for the first 6 weeks of the VAFA/Blood Services Challenge . At the same time last season we have 167 donations and the new donor rate was 6%, this year we're a couple of donations above last year but more importantly the new donor rate is 8.3% .
With winter bound to hit us soon we encourage all players, supporters and officials to donate blood and add to their clubs' chances of taking off the major prize of (1) set of Hugh Lyon training jumpers, with every six weeksm the leading club and the club with greatest % increase form the previous period receives (2) Sherrin match balls . The VAFA would like to thank Hugh Lyon Knitwear, Russell Athletic - Sherrin and Melissa Anderson from Blood Services for their support to date and for the ensuing season, so go on donate and Give Blood for Your Club ! Swinburne University get into the spirit and join the VAFA/Blood Services Challenge, pictured left ?: THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
It's simple, register on line ( .vafa .com .au/forms), can a couple of BBQ's at your club in the next two weeks, collect a gold coin donation, tall your donations and you could be in with a chance to win a (4) burner BBS from BBQ's Galore an d a travel and accommodation package. But remember it's VAFA club v SFL club and at present it's the SFL clubs tat are whipping our backsides . c'mon, let's get behind this fundraising effort to assist young children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis .
For more on cystic fibrosis www.cfv .org .au Pictured from left to right, Kingsley Ellis (SFL CEO), Robert (St . Kilda FC and Cystic Fibrosis Community Cup Ambassador) and Michael Sholly (VAFA CEO) with cystic fibrosis sufferers at the launch in March .
The VAFA play the SFL in their annual representative match on Saturday June 11 at Sportscover Arena, for the Cystic Fibrosis Community Cup.
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Last week my IT woes resulted in the preview for the old Carey Prahran game being zapped from the transmitted copy . I picked Prahran to win because I thought the Cs injury list made victory for it out of the question! My real tips score for R5 was 4/5, not 4/4 as per the text ! LAST WEE K Glen Eira battled hard but couldn't stop Fitzroy Reds from winning massively! Phil Cianci FF again kicked a swag for Reds, with those consummate dashers, Vinnie Cahill & Ben Atherton, also prominent . Alex Tsirogiannis RR, was super for GE, as was Luke Pride in defence and Chris Massis roving. Ormond again flew out of the blocks in QI at the Buxton Oval, forcing Bulleen-Temp into 'catch up' mode in a 'physical' contest . Simon Keleher continued his stellar year in defence for the Monds, with Leigh Deledio & Andy Cook busy round the packs . Greg Chivers was again great for the Bullants, as were Billy Touriganis in defence, and Dean Tulloch OtB . Emmaus St Leo's slack shooting in Q1 against Old Mentonians caused problems, especially since OMs themselves were so effective inside 50! ESLs best were all backs, Jack Pascoe, Mick D'Amelio, & Tim Tribe . 150 game man, Malty Elliott, starred in the Ruck for OMs, Wiltshire was strong through the middle and Justin Costello was his proficient self OtB . Aquinas lost concentration for 15 minutes in Q3, and YVOB made the most of it was the story at Ringwood . Mike Rockicki, Nick Pask, and Simon Yeo were in fine form for YV . The Bloods tops were U19 HB, Paul Masskant, Sean Leonard FB & Ruck, & Ben Volumbello at CH B Old Carey trailed Prahran all day but the youngsters persisted and finally overtook them in the last minutes . Eamon Halliday contributed hugely to an even Cs outfit in a 'run-with' role, with Evans & Kent, plus the Bull Bros, again prominent . Michael Radywonik continued his great year in the ruck for Prahran, well supported by defenders Willy Walford &'Ziggy' Scicluna . TODAY
Bulleen-Temp meets Glen Eira and should win by 5-6 goals . Old ritentonians host Ormond and its inside 50 ability will seriously test the Monds, but the latter
should still win a good match by a few points . Emmaus St Leo's play the injury ravaged Old Carey
and I doubt the young Cs can repeat last week's miracle, so I'll go for the Animals by 1-2 goals . Fitzroy Reds play Aquinas at Punt Rd and should take the four points comfortably . YVOB take on the improving Prahran an d the Bushrangers' pace plus the Domeney factor will give them a 12 points win after a great game . Reserves winners should be: Bullants, Monds, Cs, Reds . & Two Blues .
Correspondents contacts : 9889 1979, & bfhickey6Ca;bigpond . com Social - A night of frivolity and fun is always assured at the annual Old Carey Trivia night which is to be held on Saturday night May 28th at the Carey Quad . This is the first fund-raiser for the club this year and we are hoping to fill the place with as many people as possible . The night will kick off at 7pm (for a 7 :30pm start to proceedings) and tables of up to ten can be booked through Nick Bull nbull ,~a'.pitcher.com .au, or 041 8 572 764 . '
More Information can be found http ://wvnv.ocga .com .au/footbal l
CLUB D1 SECTION Ormond Aquinas Fitzroy Red s Old Carey D1 RESERVE Fitzroy Reds
Fitzroy Red s Old Mentonians Prahran Emmaus SL
! 'I1A7E LST ?'.' ", TOTi:' Beckett Wooden Cianci Parton
4 32 3 24 9 23 0 21
Capodiferro 10 31 Tornese 6 18 Stroud 3 16 Marriott 2 13 Hendricus 5 1 3
MILESTONE S Old Mentonians - congratulates Brent Fairbanks on playing his 50th game in R4 . Brent was an outstanding School footballer and quickly settled into the Senior, Side . Equally competent at FF or FB, he added another dimension to the Panther backline and all at OMs look forward to further development in the years ahead . Matty Elliott played his 150th match for the Panthers against Emmaus SL in R5 . A former U19 B & F winner, Matty has combined demanding work commitments with an excellent football career. Known for his tree trunk calves, he is a late bloomer in the Ruck and is a much-loved Clubman . Well-done Matty! Kym Regan plays his 50th today against Ormond. Kym has been a terrific asset to the Club with strong years in the Reserves . He has improved his football dramatically in the past two years, which all OMs hope will continue into the future . Jamie Windruss coaches his 100th Reserve game also today. Jamie is the quintessential Clubman, always willing to do whatever is required as a player and now as a Coach. He has seen winless years and Grand Final years, and everyone at OMs thanks him for his massive contribution and wishes Jamie all the best for the future!
Prahran - Shaun Campbell who joined us in 1998 now plays his 50th senior game. This took a while because he spent season 2002 in Canberra on work commitments and on his return spent the last couple of years in the Reserves . A fitness program has seen him regain his senior slot . He has also taken up the reserves coaching duties as well . Well done "Nipples" on a good job . Old Carey - congratulations Tim Rossignuolo on for playing his 50th game for Old Carey last weekend against Prahran . Tom has come through our strong U19 program and has quickly made a name for himself as an integral part of the club on and off the field. He was a member of last year's grand final side and his effort to make it onto the footy trip last year will become legend. On the ground his leg speed, flowing locks and the number 44 have recently earnt him a new nickname The Rat" .
DI SECTION Bulleen Templestowe v Glen Eir a Old Mentonians v Ormond Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Carey Fitzroy Reds v Aquinas 0 C - a t Punt Road Oval, Richmond Yarra Valley 0 B v Prahran
In S=ON GLEN E1RA 0.1 1 .2 2.3 3.5(23) F7rZROY REDS 5 .7 10 .11 13 .15 19.21 (135) Glen Eira Serpanchy Clarke Tsirogfamtis. Best: Tstrog"iamlls Massis Clarke Serpanchy Lundberg Brown. Fits Red : Cianct 9 Magee 3 Atherton 2 Diarcgxrris 2 Gleeson B Holderhead Cahill . Best: Clarke Canci Dullard Meighen Atherton Abbott . Ump3res : Sharon Alger Graham Templar (F) Steve Durstan-RVan (B) Michael Lee Trevor Foc (G) ORMOND 7.5 10 .10 15 .12 22 .16 (148) BUI.LEEN TEhII'LESTOWE 2 .1 6 .3 9.6 13.7 (85) Ormond: Murphy B Robbins 5 Beckett 4 Cook 3 Miller 2 D Robbins Wells Cove. Best: Keleher Deledio Robbins Miller Cook Cove. Bull Temp: Tulk:ch 4 lerga Chivers Wise Matthews 2 Williams . Best : Tourogfanis Tulloch Clarke Chivers Norburv Matthews. Umpires: Phil Ca1W Wayne Hinton (F) Damien Anthony Simon Abel (B) John Robinson Dan Frazier (6) EMMAUS ST LEOS 0.7 2 .9 7 .11 10 .13 (73) OLD MENTONIANS 2.3 5.6 11 .9 15.13 (103) Emmaus SL: Ballard 2 Ronchi 2 Ford Krebs T McCann Mitchell Phyland Tribe. Best: Pascoe Damelio Tribe T McCann R McGloin Buckle . Old Meat: Basile 6 Cochrane 2 Ferguson 2 Coghlan Flaskis Palmer Vick Wiltshire . Best : Elliott Wiltshire Costello Fairbanks Basile Russo . Umpires: Ell Haves Paul O1oughlln (F) Sam Perrin (G ) AgUIh1AS OC 4.4 5 .6 7 .6 8 .12 (60) YARRA VALLEY 5.1 7.7 11.12 14.19 (103) Aquinas: Wooden 3 Hunt Skinner Tzournanekas Leonard Sullivan . Best : Brown Leonard Hunter Maaskant Volombello Helme. Yarra V: Drew 4 Bununa 2 Hancock 2 Pask 2 Laing Stone Rokkkl Keem. Best: Rokicki Pesk Drew Fuller Yeo Thompson . Umpi res: David Irons Anthony Simpson (F) OLD CAREY 1 .2 5.6 7.9 13.12 (90) PRAI3RAN 4 .5 9.6 12.11 12.14 (86) Old Carey: Evans 4 Kent 2 Stewart-Holmes 2 Ashworth 2 Rossignuo :o C Angus Zavetz . Best: Evans Kent Smith Ros,ignuo!o T Bull Stewart-Holmes. Prahmn: Fax 3 Stafford 2 D Livingston 2 Radt'wonik B Livingston H Pitts Sleight. Best, Radyuartik Scicluna Harrison H Pttts W Watford Ballard . Umpires: Jason McNiece Peter Angelis (F) Glen Kennedy Perrin Brown (B) Daniel Brookes Gary Clancy (G) Dl RESERVE GLEN EIRA 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 (3) FIl'lROY REDS 5.5 15 .8 23.13 30 .18 (198) Glen EIm: Best: Zurak Egan Farah Zwar Khazaav Miller . Fitz Reds: Capodiferro 10 Tornese 6 Bennie 3 Verdali 2 DiBennedetto 2 Sheather Westflow Buckley Trigg Bare McBurney Evans Addicott . Best : Bennie CapallCero Shether Bathe Bore Pollard . ORMOND 6.7 12 .10 18 .16 22 .21 (153) BUIbEEN TE1vII'IFS1'OWE 0 .0 2 .0 3.2 3.2 (20) Ormond : Bridges 6 Naylor 5 Clinch 3 McIntosh Brown 2 Putz Teheneppe Johnson Davis. Best: Clinch Franklin Bridges Me Intosh Pulz Goonan . Bull Temp: Hill 2 Coniston. Best : Hill Matthews Frangas Schneider Morflllvitis Gam as . EMMAUS ST I.EOS 1.1 9.5 13 .7 17.10 (112) OLD MENTONIANS 6 .3 7 .5 10.6 12 .7 (79) Emmaus SL: Henricus 5 Hodder 5 Pitcher 2 Cincotta Contessotto Heves Little Morgan. Best: McDermott Hodder Dimble Pitcher McInerney Heyes . Old Ment: Ballantine 4 Stroud 3 Dwyer Hubbard Kiantos Kvrziazos Schloffel. Best: Dwver Wilson Alexander Palmer Ballantine Stroud. AQUINAS OC 4.1 7.2 9 .7 10 .7 (67) YARRA VALLEY OB 1.2 1 .4 3 .6 7 .9 (51) Aquinas : Peirce 4 Arnold 2 tappa Vandersluis Jeeves Broadhurst . Best: Voursoukls Arnold Tappley O'Halbran M.Boland An. Williams. Yana V: Cordes 2 Hale Crawford Kerr Smith McIlrath . Best: Whttechwch Laird Cordes Seahourne McIlrath Oliver. OLD CAREY 4.4 8.6 10.9 13.10 (88) PRA1BtAN 2.2 6 .2 7 .9 8 .121601 Old Canq: Dmmmon 4 S Bennett 3 Carr 2 Doggett 2 James Commell . Best: Elsner E Bull Drummond England L Guerra McKinnon . Prabran: Barber 4 Marriott 2 Aitken Gartland . Best: Alcock Kennett K Walford Docherty Marriott Barber.
DI Section AQUINAS Coach: Steven Bel l Res Coach: Terry McEvoy 1 L . Toomey 2 S. Tibb 3 S . Voursoukis 5 M. Hunter 6 R. Brown 7 C. Glennie 8 J. Jes s 9 T. Harkin 10 D . Boland 11 S. Cooper 13 C . Jeffrey 15 Ad . Williams 16 J . Hunt 17 B . Redwood 18 T.Olarenshaw 19 G . Whitehead ( c ) 20 D . Skinne r 21 J . Pierce 22 S . Flynn 23 M . Visser 25 B. Volombello 26 R .Jeeves 27 C .Tzoumanekas 28 B . Helms 29 L. Elliott 30 C. Colliver 31 G . Evans 32 J . Bleakney 33 C .Wooden 34 M. Tarulli 35 R . Chapman 36 M . Hope 37 S . Leonard 38 B. Moran 39 S. Bethune 40 R . Tainton 41 G. Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 J . Tapply 45 D. McCartan 46 T. Vandersluis 47 An. Williams 54 M. O'Halloran 55 L.Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 58 H. Tyssen 59 B. Cooper 61 I . Drew 62 C . Lyng 63 A . Barrie 68 D . Sullivan
ME EN TE MP Coach : Steve Easton
Res Coach : Andrew Parri s
1 G . Chivers ( Capt) 2 M. Stell a 3 L . Thompson (VC) 4 W. Thompso n 5 M . Pietry k 6 A . Tehan (DVC) 7 P. Robertso n 8 D. Glove r 9 J. Matthews 10 J. Wise 11 C . Inca 12 A . Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A. Wilke 15 R. Ferguson 16 S. Smith 17 P. Voglis 18 R . Schneider 19 L. Stott 20 T. Waters 21 P. Gannas 22 C. Cherbakof 23 D. Matthews 24 T. Agosta 25 L . Norbury 26 S. Boyd 27 A. Clarke 28 P. Milesi 29 P. Tsokas 30 D. Florence 31 A. Bernicich 32 R . Williams 33 P. Florence 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D . Daskato u 36 P. Hare 37 J . Frangos 38 A. Verge 39 D . Buccachio 40 G . Theodrakakous 41 R . Le a 42 A . Stavretis 43 D. Horvath 44 O . Hil l 45 D. Rogers 46 A. Coulston 47 C . Morihovitis 48 A. Morihovitis 49 B . Touriganis 50 I. Roxburgh 51 R.Toscano 52 M . Daskalou 57 A. Smith 58 D . McMahon 60 M. Scarano 64 C . Tzalabiris
F 1 DY REDS Coach: Graham Burgen Res Coach: Chris Teha n 1J 0'. t D.Hr2.@R + 2AW&h 3.kl.ta ~ on 3.5 . 4,s IG 4 R. R.-tar 5-POa:o 5ETwa 68P 6Jer~ 7NAtL,9 7.LBp rw 8N .A.rb1 8JMM 9T.Oa.s 9CPW 10.L19okxtl~1 tOWWXsscm 11.8_ATat~ 11MFO ::1 12 . J B12. N G~13MZ:ka 135.81roA4y 14TCWke 74. a 5M.Sraate 15.A5 Mi 16G .(G I 6 .C.D~' .'d 17 . 8 fee 17. R. EmY.~da iBP.Ciara 18M.Baus I 19.PCwk 19B. WiD 297.A 29T. 21 .CP21 .TC -00 22.5.1 - , 22. C9.r'm ZI. K 29. I Jax.wn 24 L( 24 G. WP-25 D. 25. D Tao 26 R.' .. m m N Att1
28T.L.-:-: 28MCacka.8t 21 V 0 .-~24JZan=+ 30 .NE, ._ : 30 LT~ 31.J.Lay 31 .P C32 . R TrrJg 32. D. D~ 39 . S, av!y 33 N 4ds.y 34TLea 36 .RGu1-A 35J.F¢=u 35P.&sry 36 M. Rea.ms 36 S. McC~y 37. L .aa 37. A. OR-14 38 M. I&.'o 38. K t w 33. J. v 33 A. GEage 40 P. r kJ D. M= 41.G.V.. 41 .M . B-qn 42.s. D* 42 .1 M:&arzl 43 5.1- 43. J . Vcm',~
44.4 .60w 44 .DE .St 45. J Bcras! 45 . J. Gmm 0 46. T Pc~.rn 46 . N. M~ 47.R . DXm 47 .W.Bal', 48. ft CX :'.ro 48. N. Va.P 49 .J.MCtu.A .ry 49 1 Pnce 50 D RM 50 F Sp,*as 5 1 .JP% ~&a 56-T.M:m. 53.5 ;kck'a4J 67.8 KIWOVA 54. T.We.~y 70 M. s-ty
55. M.Zarm 71.Tt.e56.acaP+e 77A .cx9b 8D GB3x ST RR~ 65 S . U4w 81 J. Sa:age 83 . S Ma3g~ 55 D. R-W
Coach: Terry Walsh Res Coach: Matt Emotin g
Coach : Peter Russo Res Coach: Jamie Winduss 1 2 3 4 5
1 S. Vamvakis 2 P. Khazaal 3 C . Massis 5 A . Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagame 7 D. Clarke 8 D. Lyons 9 A. Russo 10 M. Chandler 11 L . Pryde 12 B . King 13 G. Brown 14 C. Grey 15 E . Stuchbery 16 N. Davis 17 R. Conroy 18 R . Oldham 19 A. Devries 20 A . Diamond 21 M . Watt 22 S . Emmett 23 T. Deal 24 M . Embling 25 J. Fidogiannis 26 P. Tsagl'(otis 27 R . Gilmore 28 L. Shellard 29 M. Scaife
T. Mitvatsky C. Twentyman (DVC) R. Ball B. Carroll A. Kiantos
6 C . Alexander 7 D . Emerson 8 G. Ferguson 9 D . Cochrane 10 T. Wiltshire 11 A . Mort
12 C. Dwyer 13 B. Russo 14 M. Stroud 15 J. Costello (C) 16 C . Dunca n 17 C . Gourley 18 M . Basile (VC) 19 A . Palmer (DVC) 20 C. Palme r 21 J. O'Brien 22 B. Coghlan 23 A. Drinan 24 R . Ironmonger 25 B . Fairbanks 26 R . Schloeffel 27 G. Katri s 28 D. Kitto 29 A. Carter 30 D. Russo 31 M. Elliott 32 P. Wilson 33 B . Lane 34 P. Flaskis 35 E . Millis 36 D. Alexander (RVC) 37 M . Francis 38 T. Millis 39 J. Vick 40 R. Alexander 41 G . Pekalis 42 A. Noonan 43 G . Hubbard 44 L. Sunte r 45 A . Erskine 46 G. Smith 47 J. Kell y 48 D. Stevens (RC) 49 N . Fisher 50 K. Regan 51 A. Wilson 52 M . Watts 53 R . Johnson 54 D. Goodbody 55 A. Donegan 56 S. Brady 57 S. Fairbanks 58 M. Lewis 60 W. Steabben 61 B . Saunders 62 C. Sinclair .. 63 G . Goris 64 M . Austin
31 M . Bell 32 D. Fossey 33 A. Sheedy 34 T. Turnbull 35 S. Hollow 36 B. Zurek 37 P. Merrick 38 S . Lithgow 39 A . Davies 40 M . Cosgrove 41 J. Devries 42 J. Serpanchy 43 M. Kennedy 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Caruana 46 S . Gange 47 B . Zwar
48 J . Haliwell 49 S . Hall 50 D. Eade 51 H . Hussien 52 S. Miller 53 A .Itiyas 54 M . Vodstrcil 55 J . Lundberg 56 C. Hogan 57 P. Rohr 58 S. Patterson .. 61 J. Fulto n 63 J. Evans
GROUP APM Group (Aust) Pty Ltd, 1 F Marine Parade, Abbotsford VIC 306 7 ph 03-9419 7707 f 03-9419 771 7
D1 Section DR M DND
Coach : David Matthews Res Coach : Peter O'Dea 1 L. Deledio 2 D. Beckett 3 L. Murphy 4 M . Jones 5 M . Martinov 6 B .Amold 7 S . Keleher 8 M . Miller 9 S . Metz 10 T Banks 11 D. Robbins 12 B . Deledio 13 C. Lees 14 J. Bridges 15 C. Talley 16 T. Stewart 17 L. Russell 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D. Te Hennepe 21 R. Wiley 22 H. Brown 23 T Naylor 24 J. Muzzell 25 J. Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Ashford 28 A. Clinch 29 S. Barker 30 L . Wells 31 D . Black 32 L . O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 A. Russell 35 G . Bailey 36 J. Putz 37 C . Everett 36 D . Byra 39 R . McIntosh 40 B. Robbins 41 B. Upatill 42 C . Keleher 43 B. Parsons 44 M. Broadhurst 45 J . Franklin 48 C . Johnstone 47 A . Goonan 48 C . Medcraft 49 H . Putz 50 M . Te Hennepe 51 D . Brosnan 52 A . Woodman 53 K . Harvey 55 B . Payson 56 G. Smith 58 S . Mitsios 60 P. Konstanty 63 S . MoConchie 68 B . Cromack 75 M . Lance
Coach : Steve Maus Res Coach : Craig Williams 1 C. Angus 2 D. Faelis 3 M . Angus 4 A. Simson 5 J. White 5 P. Konstantinidis 6 C. Campbell 7 T. Evans 8 A. Stewart-Holmes 9 D. Shute 9 B. Andrews (r) 10 K. Shrives 11 N. Everett 12 L . MacFarlane 13 G . Trumbull 14 M . Zander 15 N. Bull 16 T. Angus 17 A. Parton
18 D. Bowle y 19 T. Wood 20 S. Bennett 21 0 . Smyth 22 C . Battle 23 H . Van Cuylenberg 24 P. Unkles 25 A. Thompson 26 A. Wood 27 N . Vasilopoulos 28 N . Sulman 29 C . Munro 29 J . Josli n 30 N . O' Brien 31 J . Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N . England 33 G . Spencer 34 K . Parker 35 M . Watts 35 M . Vardy 36 D . Martini 37 C . Adam 38 L. McKinnon 39 P. Bennett 40 S . Jackson 41 P. Niven 42 J . Ashwort h 43 Y. Glynne ` 3 DD . Joyce (r) 44 T. Rossignuolo 45 T. Bull 46 B . Barr 47 B . Crosher 48 S . Teve 49 S . Middleton 50 A . Kent 51 R. Hall 52 E . Halliday 53 R. Deuis 54 T. Zavel z 55 P. Busse 56 A . Boyd 57 T. H Connell 58 eft 59 C. Mason ~ 60 W. McConnell 61 B . Croft 62 C. Withington 64 C. Smith 65 D. Elsner
- ---
_ 7177
L : . : _ s : LEdS Coach: Leigh Stafford Res Coach : Shaun Campbell 1 B. Livingston 2 L . Stafford 3 D . Livingston 4 D . Crommie 5 H . Pitts 6 A. Donachie 7 T. Greening 8 1. Hunt 9 A. Bunnell 10 M . Mc Cudden 11 A . Pitts 12 C . Hall 13 L . Northway, 14 L . Fox 15 J . Small 16 S. Campbell 17 M. Harrison 18 J . Matherson 19 S . Ramage 20 D . James 21 E .McDonald 22 A . Sleight (C) 23 M . Windridge 24 K . Plummer 25 L. Aitken 26 B . Dempsey 27 W. Watford 28 K . Watford 29 P. Gartland 30 M . Radywonik 31 M . Mulqueeny 32 D. Ballard 33 W. Barber 34 R. Alcock 35 J . Bedford 36 G . Beven 37 C. Tooley 38 J . Kellow 39 T. McClure 40 R. Ferrero 41 J . Upton 42 B. Downing 43 5. Kennett 44 C. Holzer 45 M . Scicluna 46 B. Clough 47 J. Killeen 48 J. Vagg 49 I . Dennis 50 S. Conley 51 D . Cordy 52 C . Jones 53 M. Shipley 54 S. O'Connor 55 M. Vagg 56 A. Lachlan 57 N . Scicluna 58 M. Pinney 59 P. Ramage 60 T. Sparrey 61 B. Campbell 62 N . Gill 63 R . Marriott 64 J . Belcher 65 B. Sodoma 66 N . Wallmeyer
67 S. Oliver
Coach: Stuart Cook Res Coach : Terry Ymer 1 D . Mclnerny 2 J. Pascoe 3 E . Mitchell 4 C . Phyland 5 S . Buckle 6 M . D'Amelio 7 R . McCann 8 J . Fennell 9 D . Lear 10 B . Ellis 11 M . Levins 12 T. McCann 13 A . Krebbs 14 P. Hampshire 15 P. Carey 16 A . Kelly 17 M . Ford 18 R . McCann 19 L. McDermott 20 A . Ballard 21 G. Simmondson 22 M . Contessotto 23 S . Carson 24 D. Bruce 25 A . McKenzie 26 A . Prosser 27 J . Waters 28 E . McLaughlan 29 M . Hayes 30 M . Ottobre 31 G . Contessotto 32 C. Cincotta 33 J . Dini 34 L. Virgo 35 J . Briggs 36 S. Bavag e 37 S. Manton 38 N. Hodder 40 J . Gay 41 M. Dimble 42 C. Landy 44 J. Fornaso 45 S. Ronchi 46 J. Little 47 M. Molnerny 50 A. Volpe 51 P. McGloin 52 R . McGloin 56 T. Morrison 59 D . Pitcher 60 C . McDonald 61 J. Blandthorn 62 A. Rayner 63 P. Nolan 64 M. Montgomery 65 N . Foley 66 J . Papillo 67 P. Farquhar 69 S . Mescher 70 D . McGloin 74 M. Tan 75 T. Ymer 76 G. Donovan 77 C . Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 88 S . Pitcher
89 D . Winduss
Orrong Hotel CUB
M ercury Ste
P,rYMOT) . , , APY
Coach: Tim Kilhxorth Res . Coach : John Frazie r 2 A. Mcleod 3 R . Thompso n 5 A. Drew Captai n 6 R . Dre w 7 C . Bea l 8 L . Morri s 9 J . Keem 10 T. Hancock 11 T. Mclllrait h 12 D . Lecordier 13 L. Gilles 14 B . Nickola s 15 N . Pask 16 L . Taylo r 17 A . Laing 18 C . Britt 19 J . Strong 20 T. Hale 21 D . Stevenson 22 B . Drew 23 R . Yeo 24 N . Lear 25 S . Seabourn e 26 J . Longworth 27 S . Savage 28 M . Rockicki 28 B . Reynold s 29 R. Courts 30 D. Potter 31 B . Vowles 32 R. Crawford 33 S . Fulle r 34 B . Seege r 35 B . Peak s 36 S . Stoyan 37 D. Balshaw 38 C. Walker 39 D. Cordes 40 M . Wines 42 A. Stone 43 Sâ&#x20AC;˘ Yeo 44 B. Whitechurc h 45 A. Wingate 46 T. Olive r 48 R. Davi s 50 J. Peake 51 H . Clarke 52 A. Hartnett 53 S. Fyffe 54 S. Simpso n 55 B. Telford 56 T Lloyd 58 G . Ker r 59 A. Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Barum a 63 D . Whitechurch 64 S. Cleary 65 M. Norrish 66 A . Russell
67 B . Glennie 71 M . Lain g 74 A . Middli n 76 G. Coutts 78 N . P eters 82 D . Redfern 92 T. Peters
'~速 974
-10 .00E,-~ .00-10.00~
Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m For news, views and previews, tune t o
The VAFA Footy Show presented by Ken Petrucco with Norm Nugent & panel SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00a m
Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e Live A Section Football Broadcast from 9 .45 p .m . every Saturday m." V ----- ,. . TC. a .~~9f-,j 21ST 7.11Y " r~ . .~ ..
-- .~ - .
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I~fi.i~ItT1 dI'TI' ~1 ~ .A~
'~ T'E'~ S S
"in turne with the outer east " VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of loca l VAFA teams between 6 .00-6.15p Yn each S aturday night .
i-' VAFA segmen t
6 .0 - 7 .Vp .m . Saturday VAFA SUNDAY 9 .30 - 10 .30 a .m . TUNE IN TO TOMMY BRAIN & STEVE McCARTHY W ITH ALL THE VAFA NEW S This weeks guest : Barry Hickey (Executive Member ) 24 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2605
pre~, ~ ~oruugas wit - m :aesl:; from St Ke ' , St (" ;, 01d Es don (B), Old Para ` , Therry I c ., _ 1i Blacks (C), LaTrobe Uni 0 2) , West Brunswick, Rupertswood ( i13), North Brunswick (1)4) . REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .30 p m Includes weekly chat on all matters VAFA .
The Sunday A ge VAFA Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday Vn~A matches, pr~-i- q,jn ' Match of the Day and Johnathan Hor n , in Monday's Ag e
Sough with gue :s fro m St Heenns, St Bernards (A), v idon (B), Old Para ` , Therry Penola, U ` ' ( C ), LaTrobe Uni (D 2) , 7c od (D 3), North Brunswick (D4). West Bran c ; PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8.00pm Includes weekly chat on all matters UAFA .
Hugh Lyon
^JrArew "Mu & Peter Williamso n
Old Geelong and Rupertswood are the two from Sunbury . remaining unbeaten teams after five rounds The hosts are part while the top four has already opened up a of a chasing pac k two-game buffer from the rest of the on two wins and three losses trying competition . desperately to keep in touch with a four tha t may already be racing out of sight, while
Revie w
The Woods thrashed the injury depleted Rupo continue to thrive early . Unfortunately Swinburne, who were without quality for Salesian, this is the second week in a row players such as Murchie, Dell'Olio, Higgins they face a top two team, and I feel that the and Jones and lost James Gordon, John results will be similar . They may be able to Sheedy and Matthew George by the final stop one or two of their guns, but another term . With only one on the bench, the couple of lesser lights are capable to filling Razorbacks still fought on in the final their boots . Rupo to win . La Trobe University welcome Old Geelong quarter but were outscored six goals to three for a 68-point loss . to Bundoora in a clash between two of the early season juggernauts . If this was at Finalists last season, Ivanhoe Assumption squandered a 33-point lead the first change Como Park I'd have no qualms about backing to lose to Williamstown by 22 points . The the OGGs but it's not, so I will need to Hoes trailed at three quarter time by 18 ponder the issue a bit more . After meditating points but goals to Ben Galloway and Travis on this issue for some time, I feel obliged to O'Neil cut the deficit to five before the give the Trobers plenty of respect, but Old Seagulls booted the final three goals of the Geelong's form thus far has been too good to game to seal their second win of the year . ignore, and I cannot overlook them on this Gerard Boyd, with seven goals, was amongst occasion either . Old Geelong for mine . the best for the Hoes while brother Aiden and Oakleigh indulge in their second derby of Galloway were also prominent . recent weeks as Bentleigh make the short Elsewhere, the OGGs continued their trip to Scammell Reserve . The Krushers' winning run, piling on six goals to two in the momentum from last season is still goin g final quarter to defeat Salesian by 44 points, Oakleigh booted seven first quarter goals while holding La Trobe goalless to set up a 47-point victory while Peninsula notched up its second win of the season, knocking off Bentleigh by 43 points . ANDREW'S RD6 TIPS Rupertswood 19 Old Geelong 2 4
Oakleigh 33 Swinburne Peninsul a PREVIEW
10 1 1
Salesian OC host their "twins" Rupertswood at Chadstone with the home side looking to get one over their high-flying upstart rivals
CLUB D2 SECTION Oakleigh Bentleigh Rupertswood Swinburne Uni D2 RESERVE Williamstown Old Geelong Peninsula Rupertswood
Briggs Paul L Brennan H Higgin s
5 25 4 23 3 21 8 19
Burgess Higgins Goldthorp A Jordan
4 24 0 19 4 16 6 16
_ 3 K r-ushers ' morrzeratu fr-rs UT3t season is still goin g stroag and is showing little sign of stop.pirpg .9 , strong and is showing little sign of stopping . The Demons, on the other hand, have a clutch of class players but lack the depth of their hosts, as reflected in their respective standings on the ladder . The duel between the spearheads Briggs (Oakleigh) and Paul (Bentleigh) will definitely be worth watching, but I feel Paul's heroics won't be enough . Oakleigh to win . Williamstown CYMS travel to St . James Park for their match against Swinburne Universitv_ . The Razorbacks are still looking to break their duck and may fancy their chances against the CYs, especially with the return of Murchie . However Willy are counting on the return of several players from injury to provide added impetus in their drive for the four. A repeat of the Thomson/Lee double act from last week will go a long way towards this . Willy for mine . Ivanhoe Assumption take on Peninsul a at The Boulevard in the final match up for preview . The Hoes showed glimpses of their goalkicking potential last week, especially through Gerard and Aiden Boyd, but the "bruddas" must get support from the rest of their teammates at both ends of the ground to give them the best chance of a win . The Pirates though are on a crest of a wave with a couple of wins in a row, and I'm sure will be keen to square the ledger. Peninsula to take the poini
Correspo- -.+_ : Please send any correspondence to Pct~~ .PS .4tiilliamsonueentrelink,gov .au, id ; 5pm Monday, or Andrew Wu °;ohotmail .com
:, C'T'I0 1' T Salesian 0 C v Rupertswood La Trobe Uni v Old Geelon g Oakleigh v Bentleigh Swinburne Uni v Williamstown CYMS Ivanhoe Assumption v Peninsula 0 B
-D2 7)- : 11,11 16.18 22.24 (156) RL'P~KI~"': 7Dt~ 3 .6 SWINBURNE L°vi 5 .0 8.1 11 .92 14 .4 (88) Ftuperts : Brennan 3 Burrows 3 McGovern 3 Teaming 3 T West 3 S Clark 2 Elliott Keating Keenan Ramsey M West . Best : Clark Flinn Temming Bishop Collins McGovern . Swim HW,gins 8 Christou Walsh Page Coy Fricke Milano. Best : Higgins Milano Fidler Walsh Pearson Flack . Umpires: Andrew Shiels Paul Dinneen (F) Michael Jones Chris VicKendry (G) 2.1 6.4 10 .6 16.8 (104) OLD G"^°.OI4G s10C 2.4 4 .4 7 .4 9 .6(60) Ols ~- z1 : tvS Gotdsworfb} . 4 D Kimpton 4 N Casboult 2 M Vickers-Willis 2 < C 0Brien S 0'Br:-en W Paul. Best: C Falrbatrn J Bell tiI Vickersro C Stinchcombe M1f Goldsworthy. Sales : Crowley. 4 P,beli Nannes J Wilson . Best : Nammes Dolntan Bonruci rot - Barry. : Anthoerv 17arnen David Trott (F ) H 7.4 14 .5 19 .11 23.16 (1541 3Lid1 0 .2 6.8 8.11 15 .17(107 ) O.W Bromic : 7 Briggs 5 A Kitts 3 Lamb 3 Reynolds 3 P Holden Wav. Best: tsrouziev Earl A Kilts S Kitts Rutter D Wills . La Tmbe : Coulter 4 .'vict„rtlart 3 Pniscuto 2 Brooks Ludeman Nelson Oakley Slater Waterman. Best: Coss3r Coulter J Lambert Pruscino . Umpires : Scan Brailsford Paul Tuppen (F) Andrea!vlason Ben Bracken (B) Tristan Reith Laclilan Simpson ( G ) 3 .5 11 .13 14 .16 17 .18 (120)
9.2 10 .3 13 .4 15.8I981 PJAP7fIOE, ;T=ON 5 Tttomsen 5 Couper 3 Barlow 2 lF'uchatsch 2 . Best : Will cYm t* Thomson T Hines Grieves Wuchat`:ch . Ivan Assn : G Boyd 7 A R 12 Joyce Galloway O'NteiL Best : A Boyd G Boyd Gallowav Har a Ikanis . ii, __ Mick Gildav Bob Kaindl (F) 1 311 2 .8 6 .7 6.7 9.8 ( 62) SL'LA OB 2.8 8.10 10.13 15.15 (105) it: Paul 4 Robertson 2 L. Holmesby Reid Banks . Best: S . Hotmesbv Lee Fox McClelland Ferris MikkeLson . Pen3ns: Faikner 3 Passe 3 Brennan 2 Prendergast 2&furphy 2 Coghlan Barron De-Lange . Best: Grosscott Barron Torn Prendergast Davis Day Atchison . Umpires : Ray Hocking Paul Jones (F) Callum Hilton (B) Kite Manley (G) D2 RE$Ei2V E
?2UPEATSFI000 8 .5 15 .8 26 .12 31.23 (209) S`?TLTr`BU??P7E UtTZ 1 .1 2.3 2.3 2 .4(16) Rugerts : Jordan 6 Price 5 Sirmett 5 A Certo 3 C Certo 2 Butson 2 R Hatty 2 Jatvsz 2 L Plummer Hurn Ang Clarke . Best: St,mett R Itatty Burson Price Jordan Powell . Sw-in : Elev Ngdon. Best : Dent Fitzgibbon Ryan Chung Witten Murphy. OLD GEELONG 23 .18 (156) 1 .1(7) SALESIAN O C Old Gee?: T Waters 5 N Batiete 4 J Paid 3 A Slattery 2 J acCartny 2 C : R Herd J Cole Teague 2 D Taylor C Ark its T Bayles R Hughes J Cole . Best T Carey T Waters D Taylor N Bavrte . Sales: Simon. Best : Loughnan Irving Stevens Saville Sunon *Aatlar d 3.5(23) OAHI,EIGH 0.1 0 .3 2_4 LA TROBE UIYI 6 .1 11 .5 14 .7 19.12 (126) Oalelgb : P(auko4its 2 Kokkutos . Best: Redford Head Fialpin Kong Lucas Kokkhtcs . LaTroba: BorreIli 5 Gle°`son 4 Treca.tas 2 Login 2 Ulph 2 Redmond Kerrson Parch 49aiFdsley . Best : Kerrison Borrel(i Mamblue Davies Ulph t9errington . W'IILL1A.rv1ST01VN CYMS 5 .8 6.9 10 .10 14.13 (97) NANHOE ASSUh1FTI0IV 0 .2 4.5 4.10 5 .11 (41) Will CY4IS : Wouda 6 Burgess 4 Grt(fen Koch Mander . Best : Holland M Wtlliarns Hart Wouda Koch Hhnsley .Ivan Assn: Tucker 2 Hicks Barbagello . Best : Morris R1azceca McKinney Toogood Crawford Frazuch . 7 .9(51) BEPvfiLEIGH 3.1 4.4 5 .7 PENINSULA OB 4 .1 7.2 11 .8 14 .9193) Bent; Ferris 3 Kamus DlmatWta Box Oldfietd . Best : Porter Padgham Kop,tsctunskl L . Sampson Hutchison Ferris. Pen3ns : Goldthorp 4 Kent 2 Law 2 Hynes 2 Arnold 2 Preston Warner. Best: Preston Galluzzo Hvnes Taylor Krake Law.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
~~ Coach: Juai- Haul Asst Coach: Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall J . Paul A. Pittito S. Sice J . Robertson R . Dolman S. Holmesby C . McFadden L . Tangas
Cc ;n : Arnnony cKayai Asst Coach : Doni V,,.. arks Res Coach : Richard Peoples 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
M . Maud P.Harris T. O' Neil l J . Scoble E . Healy P. Fawley J . Shuttleworth R . Peoples
0. .."
Coach : Glenn Taylor Asst San Coaches : David Huffer & Bob Ellis Res Coach : Bob Ellis,
Coach : Pat McKenna Res Coach : Mark Ryan Asst Coach: Shane Kills A . Murray 1 2 J . Tolley
Coach : Michael Loc io n Res Coach : Michael Verg e Asst Coach : Matt Edmond s 2 N. Casboult 3 M . White
4 H. Davies 5 S . Adamthwarte 6 D. Gleason 7 T. Mannes 8 C. Correnti 10 M . Forrest 13 T. Ludeman
3 D . Mackenzie 4 G. Herry
10 P. Lee
14 D. Butler
14 J . Nevezie
12 T Wright 13 S. Craven 15 B . McClelland 16 D . Chapman
11 D. Valkanis 12 B .Galloway 13 B .McCrohan 14 D.Neilson 15 G .Boyd
15 S. Brooks 16 P. Furred 18 C . Blight 19 A. Benton 20 A. Coulter
15 G. Redford (RVC) 16 M . Bel l 16 17 D. Perry 18 J . Connellan
17 S . Francis
16 M .Joyce
21 M. Harvey
18 S . Adaway 19 M. Wilson 20 R . Fishlock 21 A . Ferris 22 A . Smith 23 G. McFarlane 24 J . Roberts 25 D. Gold 26 B . Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M, McCulloch (C) 29 A . Clough 30 A . Lee 31 A. Banks 32 D. Kopitschinski 33 P. Withington 35 P. Hutchison 36 M . Ferris 37 L . Holmesby 38 B. Fox 39 G . Prigg
17 TNixon 18 A.Boyd 19 D. Wood 20 N . Rye 21 N . Blainey 22 A. Height 23 L .Cole 24 B. Frew 25 J. Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 B.Walthers 28 S.Graham 29 J . Cropper 30 T. Mehmet 31 D .MeFarfane 32 J . losefo 33 S .Hicks 34 C .Treager 35 P.Veitch 36 C.Zeegers 37 P. Cotter
22 D . McMeekin 23 M. Cossar 24 L . Envall 26 M. Dingle 27 S . Pruscino 31 A . Mambwe 32 S . Gibson 34 H . Spring 35 F. Tiernan 36 T. Mavrdsley 39 R . Slater 40 S . Murphy 42 D. Robson 44 D. Kernsor. 45 D. McMeekin 47 A . Samson 50 K . Hopkins 55 C. Fehrin9 70 J . Dumaresq 73 J . Sewell 78 J . Clark
21 A. Perdikornatis (RC) 22 D. Wills 23 J. Kerley 24 S. Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A. Kitts 27 D. Zeta (VC) 28 A. Khodr 29 K. Holde n 30 P. Holden (DVC) 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 P. Luca s 33 S. Bando 34 L. Head 35 R . Nuske 36 M. Ryan 37 S. Briggs 38 S. Cammiss 39 W. Plaukovits 40 J . Briggs 41 S . Way 42 S . Dalton 43 A . Hinton
20 J . Legoe 21 L.Teagu e 22 T. Bayles
44 N . Will s 45 E . Videky
48 R . Herd 51 J. Kdpatnck
52 A. Higgins 53 A. Hocking
58 J . McCarth y
10 J. Vlaho s 11 D . Martin
A. Steward
38 N .Haddon
5 C. Kokkino s 7 M . Short 8 S . Earl 11 J . Rutter 12 D. Purnell 13 D. Drift
19 R. Keatin g 20 J . Halpin
39 M . Ebba g e 40 J .Bartrygallo
C . Clamp T. Cohen
44 R. Punter
41 C. McDonald
N . Dunne
45 S. Ferris 48 R . McEvoy
42 K . O'Dwyer 43 A. Shemshedin
D . Fennell M. Garret
46 R. Holden 47 M . Stevenson 48 J . Reynolds 49 S . Collins 50 C. Lamb
49 C. Kamus
44 M .Shephard
K. Hickman
51 B . Nguyen
51 P. Sampson 52 L . Sampson 53 E. Box 54 R . Oldfield 55 G . Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 D . Clarke 60 B. Grant 61 H . McKenzie 64 M. Hayes
45 R.Fort 46 P.Martin 47 TPeggie 48 R. Toogood 49 A.Rosenfeld 50 R . Shing 51 D . Pearce 52 M.Wilson 53 M. Chazan 54 J.Skirving 55 S.Carter 57 M. Frannich 58 D . Hager 59 C . Mclnney 60 J . Nemtses 78 C . Brown
S. Jackson C . Knee P. Las A . Mann S . Miller G . Nelson X . O'Donnell L. Ryan L. Heathcote C . Francs S . Gloury S . Moore S . Pitaro J . Waterman B . Laidlaw D. Hill J . Rotell a
52 R. Dooley 53 C. Pollock 55 P Malcolm 56 B. King 57 D. Nagel 58 P. Torpey Sg 'r. Orchard 60 E. Bennette 63 M. CouHie 64 A. Wood 65 T. Krotofdt
A. Pasch B. Hider M . McDonald
Efooran H速LOE N Jii"~
5 M . Vickers-Willis (C ) 6 J. Bel l 7 J. Paul 8 G . Alle n
9 D. Kimpton 10 M. Aver y 11 L . Stevens 12 T. Paul 13 T. Cannon 14 D . Taylor
15 H . McCarth y 16 T. Fallaw 17 T Betts 18 J . Ma,pas 19 N . Betts
42 A. Mikkeisen 42a M . Hayes
C. Sage
4 C. Stmchcombe (C)
23 C . Fairbairn 24 S . Lansdell (V -C)
25 C . Wilson 27 W. Pau l 29 S . O'Brie n 3 0 D . Youl 31 A . Munro 32 T ~ 33 E . aa Ies 34 S . Makin 35 M . Verg e 36 T. Maki n 37 T. Waters 39 L. Smith 39 J. Kilpatrick 40 L. Teague 41 S. Ross 42 C. Legoe 43 R . Parsons 44 J.O'Hare 45 H . Legoe 46 J. Morle y 47 J. Cole.
54 R . Hughes
55 C . Atkins . 56 g S emons 59 R . Kilpatric k 60 B . MaClean 62 G. Leishman ~ ~ Atkins 65 R . Bell 66 H . Burgess 67 J . Burneil ~ B . Church 69 A . Southe y
70 W. de Feg!ey 71 R. Elli s 72 H. Englan d 73 H. Folen a 75 T. Green 76 M . Haye s
- ;; - -
(i . ~
BETTER T , _~QUE A11j( ( :
40 Oxford Street, Oakleigh 3166 PH : 9564 7044 FAX : 9564 7205
77 S . Monagha n 78 L. Momson 79 N. Robinso n as C. 0Bnen 81 G . Ritchie 82 T. Smith
83 R . Stevens 84 S. Treese 85 M.vasey 86 J . White 88 J. Hawke r 87 J. Imhoff
89 P. Klooster 90 E. Jerferey
Coach : Julian Sill Res Coach : Neil Franks
Coach : Shane McLaughlan Res Coach : Adam Walsh
Coach : Peter Turley Res Coach : Jon Brennan
1 S . Parsons 2 A . Parsons 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E . Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S . Murray 8 R. Stainforth 9 T. Coghlan 10 A. Haley 11 G . Lethbridge 12 S . Ferguson 13 T Rees 14 S White 15 J . Davis 16 A. Wood
1 P. Flinn 2 G . Price 2 M. Temming 3 P. Reid 4 D . Burro4ves 5 J. Ramsay 6 S. Gallus 7 B. Whitehead 8 K. Elliot 9 M. Keating 11 S. Clark 12 M. Hewat 13 B. Sinnott 14 L . Plummer 15 N . Webb 16 R . Monzell
1 A. Stevens 2 A. Thain 3 S. Sutherland 4 A. Healey 5 M. Canavan 6 M. Loughnan 7 G . Tucker 8 S. Logan 9 A . Campbell 10 S . Oldfield 11 A . Davey 12 L . Rose 13 I. Robotic 14 P. Evans 15 C . Rose 16 P. Dolman
1 D Odulm 2 J Sheedy 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidler 5 J Dema rt e 6 D Harmer 7 J Murchie 8 M Higgins L Morrison 9 11 D Milano 8 1 J Coy 1 4 R Goode 15 D Ledger 16 C Walsh 17 J Roberts 18 M Flack 19 B O'Mara
17 J. Coghlan
17 R . Hatty
17 Ma tt Forbes
21 J Young
19 D . Collins 20 D . Powell 22 D . Walsh 23 M . West 25 D . Keenan 27 R . Jaeger 28 D . Mcdonald 30 K . Shaw 31 T. Boxall 32 N . Mcgovern 33 R . Lupa 35 C. Carlo 36 J . Plummer 38 B . Johnson 39 A . Jordan 42 T. Plummer 43 T. Butson 44 A. Carlo 45 D. Hum 46 B. Ang 47 J . Mccrann 49 M . Burns 51 A. Morris 52 A.Jansz 53 T. Broughton 53 B. Debora 54 B. Quinn 55 A. Walsh 56 G . Harry 57 S. Carmody 58 M. Clarke 60 J. Grant 61 M. Walsh 63 B. Moule 64 M. Lane 66 T. Lovett 68 D . Stevens 69 D . Wallace
18 D . Bar ry 19 T Fairbairn 20 A . Seeger 21 A . Bonnici 22 S . Downey 23 P. Hanlon 2 4 E . Hanapy 25 J . Rogers 26 J . Nannies 27 E . Mallard 28 C. Savage 29 P. Delahaye 30 A. Brett 31 L. Seville 32 G . Riley 33 N. Callaghan 34 C. Sodden 35 P. Knott 36 S. Nolan 37 B. Chalmers 38 K. Woodman 39 M. Ware 40 S. Trakas 41 M. Smyth 42 A. Simon 43 M. Van Suylen 44 P. McClaren 45 D . Allen 46 S. Greely 47 I. Rozankovic 48 T Henson 49 M . Oakley 50 J . Oakley 51 S . Stevens 52 S . Hen ry 53 P. Allen 54 S .. Brown
71 A . Soutaris 73 D . Walsh 81 D . Soutans
56 C. Ryan 57 M . Smith 58 M . Ferwerda 59 Mick Forbes 60 P. Forbes
18 J. Wheelan 19 A. McKinstry 20 S. Prendergast 21 M. Barron 22 A. Atchison 23 R . Powney (VC) 24 T Prendergast 25 J. Rowe 26 A. Murphy 27 S. Payee (CAPT 28 B . Taylor 29 S. Pratt 30 A . Crean 31 D . Brennan 32 B . t.iuui 33 A . Law 34 M, Falkiner 35 T. Brade n 36 N . Bowma n 37 J . Growcott 38 M . Day 39 A. Minchin 40 P, Dade-Bell 41 A. Vidotto 42 N, Clari bo4d ~ 43 B. Dunne 4 4 A. Pearce L. Prendergast 46 T. Moran 47 M . Hawkins 48 N. Heffernan 49 5, Smith `Q K. Krake . Quinlan . .. ~.'Cahir at . -~. McCullough
Coacn : Manny Der„mo Res . Coach : Carmelo DeII'OIIio
C Coach : Dena Macleod Res Coach : Damien Hynes 1 T. Wheeler 2 P. Jame s 2(r) J . Di Grazia 3 D. Woud a 4 S. Wuchatsc h 5 D . Elias 6 D . Greiv e 7 L . O'Sulliva n 8 L . Ryan 9 J Munro 10 B. Cock s 11 C . McCraken 12 S. McGuines s 13 M. Grossman 14 J. Street 15 D . Taylor 16 S. Phemister 17 R . Ha rt 18 D . Oldha m
22 S McKenzie 23 S Fitzgibbon 24 C Higgins 26 T Liston 27 H Hodgson 28 J Ryan 29 J Gordon 30 J Mennen 32 P Beynon 33 S Chnstov 34 A Fricke 36 J Carter 37 B Cannes 38 M Tricky 39 B Prior 40 J Kane 41 M Handby 42 M Dell'Ollio 43 J Andrinopoulos 4 4 M Pullen AS D Morn s 46 J Sandhu 47 T Morris 48 A chung 49 L Orr 50 M George 51 M Pearson 52 E Furlan 53 J Grabovic 51, M El,-- y 55 M Dinning 56 H Kimura 57 C 0'Keeffe 58 S hutchins 59 R granger 60 P Jones
19 S. Barlow 20 L . Cooper 21 M. Wels h 22 S. King 23 C . McNamara 24 C . Pach 25(r) G . Burges s 25 L . Thomas 26 D . Le e 27 B . Gran t 28 A . Kosmatos 29 B . Griffe n 30 K . Dowse y 31 J . Hynes 32 T. Hynes 33 T. Boa 34 L. Henry 35 C. Bergi n 36 F. Hen ry 37 B . Hyne s 38 M . Elia s 39 T. Ca rter 40 P. Thom ..o n p~ e 41 A . McKensi 42 B . Hinsley 43 P. Azzapard i 44 M . Manning 45 J . Butt igeig 46 G . Singleto n 47 B. Robinso n 48 B. Gray 49 F. Diblas i 50 B. McKay 51 S. Mande n 52 D . Paul 53 A. Lewis 54 L . Keating 55 R . Nisbe tt 56 Z. Milken-laud e 57 D . Jory
Proudly sponsored by : ~~~ t~
Restaurant & Bar
} IERGI ; ',i}§ ~-T
59 T. Mannin g 60 S. Hall 61 S. Adam s 62 C . Hollan d 63 M . Holland 64 D . O'KeeBe 65 D . Wilfre d 66 B . Koch
Proudly sponsored by: The Elgin Inn Burwood Read Hawthorn K ENNED Y Sara's Bistro Glenferrie PLUNiBlN G tgss SERVICES . .,~~. Road Hawthorn ..
速 Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .
Phone: 13 15 5 2 24 Hour Emergency 0418 333 11 8
, , 速 31
If you are the person circled, present this photo at th : VAFA
Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper. 32 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
aA RS i4G0 2 ~r~
In D2 Section hard
CEO Phil Stevens' editorial announced "Both Representative Teams - Too Strong, Very Committed" . At the Norwood Oval in South
running and
Aus tralia the VAFA's combined C-134 played the
co enabled Parkside
curtain raiser to the main game and started the day well for the Vies with a 10 .9 to 6 .11 victory . Best for the VAFA - Daniel Den Braber, Sam
tackling through Matthews, Wise and to overcom e Thomastown who had relied on Holmes, Luke Smith and Meade to make a game of it .
McGee, Dave Rogers, David Teasdale, Lucas
Parkside's 16 .10 proved too much for
Wilson and Julian Smith . Brendan Vaughan was the chief goal kicker (3) .
Thomastown's 11 .15 . Mentone Amateurs' Mick
In the main game Victoria got away to a strong start and held a 5 goal lead at half time . SA fought back in the third term but Victoria ran
O'Brien made his debut in 1980 and in his 21st season would play his 300th game . Mick was a dual premiership player and reserves B&F and a model clubman .
right away in the final term, 18 .13 to 8 .7. Best
U19 Section 1 saw some very one sided games -
were Adam Merrington, Luke Mahoney, Simon
St Kevins 26 .16 defeated Collegians 1 .11, De La
Lennox, Adam Douglas, Matthew Jackson (4), Matthew Dennis and Simon Lethlean .
Salle 25 .22 defeated Mazenod 8 .10 and Ol d
Inaccuracy was costly for Marcellin in A Section
Hopefully the top section would become more
and they remained on the bottom of the ladder
Xaverians 30 .17 swamped Old Paradians 2 .1 . even as the weeks rolled by .
as Old Melburnians 15 .8 won the contest to the Eagles' 10 .16 . Best - Wiseman, Burgess and S Theodore Sampinom
( OM's) and Gleeson, Cox and ( Marcellin) . Stuart
There were now clear leaders in each of the
" Stag" Rose
three E Sections and all were undefeated after
played his 200th game for Old Melburnians and
6 rounds . St Leos led the way in E East with
among other valuable contributions such as an
a percentage of 247, North Brunswick in E
integral member of the club's social activities,
Central 216 and Beaumaris in E South 240 .
Stag had proved to be a very valuable member
Coaches in "E East" were Brett Davidso n
on field .
(Aquinas), Andrew Hudson (Balwyn
NOBS easily accounted for Collegians in B Section 16 .15 to 8 .8 and Collegians had some work ahead in second last position . Skene, Barker and Saad were good players for NOBS and Hovey, Mollard and D Phillips for Collegians . In D1 Section La Trobe and Oakleigh fought out a thrilling draw, 14 .17 apiece, after Oakleigh surrendered a 38 point lead going into the last quarter. Shane and Ashley Kitts and Doug McKenzie ( 5) were excellent players for Oakleigh and De an Sheldrick played another great game in the middle for La Trobe along with winger Shaun White .
Combined), E Michael (Bulleen United), Peter Wigney (Canterbury Nth Balwyn), Mick Carusi (Chirnside Park), John Wise (Old Carey), Robert Osborn (Richmond Central), Mark Flack (St Leos Wattle Park), Peter Lowe (St Marys), David McCormack (Yarra Valley OB) . Phil Stevens had gone to great length in his Editorial to report on the reasons behind the geographical placement of the three E Sections . There had been quite a lot of criticism pre-season toward the executive's decision . Many clubs felt outraged that after years of "slogging it out" to climb up the
sections, that in one sweeping change a club by enjoying one very good season could "leapfrog" other clubs into D Section leaving other clubs languishing in the lower sections . Phil went on to provide the fors and againsts and then reported that the feedback at this stage of the season from clubs was nothing but positive . Clubs reported increased attendances at matches when playing away
Beverley Hills had a strong win at Glenroy's expense in F Section and led by Mark Browning, later to become a top AFL player, kicked 22 .17 to 12 .13 . Browning was joined by the Hills' Gibson, C McCrory . O'Laughlin, R Post (8) and Walters . Glenroy's best were Buhagair, Westgarth, McKinley, Ross, A
clubs . There were also positive comments
White and Lvnch . This win meant Beverley Hills were now in the top four .
from supporters and sponsors due to the
Old Carey were far too strong for West
closer geographical nature of each section .
Brunswick in Junior 2 with 17 .11 to 8 .9 .
There followed three graphs showing with
Harris, Grigg, Lowther, Ratenbury, Gorrie
some clear justification that the change had
and Tatnell for great for Old Carey and T
been successful .
Fyffe, N Caligari, Dell, Dymond, Brockwell
and certainly increased numbers by visiting
and Bartley were the Westies' best .
Ivanhoe continued to make an impression on the A Section final four as they easily accounted for St Bernards at the College in North Essendon . Although St Bernards started strongly, the 'Hoes powered away as the game went on and Boccabella led the way with 7 goals . He was supported by Freeman . Sharp . Taylor, Course and Dulevskis . St Bernards could thank Cervetto, McWilliams,
any clubs felt outraged that after years of "slogging it out " to climb up the sections, that in one sweeping change a club by enjoying could one very good season "leapfrog" other clubs into D Section leaving other clubs languishing in the lower sections . "
Wood, Lane (3), Harnden and McAllister for their efforts . B Section was developing into a great competition with no one able to break away .
In A Section Old Paradians staged a great
St Kilda CBC took top spot on percentage
comeback in the second half to defeat Old
after they held off a spirited Uni Blacks team
Xavs . Paradians (third) kicked a game clear of Xavs (fourth) as a result of their 17 .13 to
24 .12 to 16 .15 . Best players for St Kilda were White, Jones Capiron (4), Riddell (5) . Buzza
12 .9 victory . Best for Paradians P Booth,
and Avitabile . Lopes could not make the best six despite his 7 goals . For the Blacks ;
Weyman and for Xavs Stoney, Gilbert,
Wines, Garde, Keilor (4), Peters, Dempsey (6)
Higgins, Quinn, Meagher (4) and Mulcahy .
and Alexander . St Kilda's reserves were also
In E Section ES&A Bank continued on their
equal top on points and were providing great support for the senior team .
winning way at Old Trinity's expense, 16 .14
The VAFA Umpires Association recorded their office bearers for the season ; President - Mike Murray, Vice President - Michael Woodruff, Secretarv - Peter Wiseman, Assistant Secretary - Colin King, Treasurer Foster Rosetto and executive members Brian Goodman and Peter King .
Parker, Proctor, P Mount, Tudor (5) and
to 11 .8 . The Bank's best were Judd, Virgona, Rvan, Varlamos, Robertson, and Colan . Trinity acknowledged C Martin, Ingpen, Cox (6), Mc Lean, P Leaper and Batrouney . ES&A Bank were to combine with ANZ in later years as the two financial institutions merged .
Vifflea1th Given recent results, three distinct packs have formed in D3 . We have those who have virtually assured a final's spot (Bees & Jocs), those vying for the remaining two places (Westies, Warriors, Browns & Swans) and those trying to stave off relegation (Gryphons, Hoers, PH & UHS-VU) . It all makes for an interesting few rounds coming up ! Review The Westies kept their unbeaten record at the "House of Pain" in tact with a fantastic win against the more highly fancied Kew . The Browns looked out of touch with only David Mainsbridge showing good form as the Pies kept in touch with the top two winning by 23 points .
The Swans put in a good effort against the visiting Werribee side, however, let their opponents get the jump on them and it was catch up for the rest of the day . Westbourne avenged many of their past season heartbreaks at the Zoo accounting for the students, but after having to fight hard for three quarters . With Chris Hudson at CHF as the Warriors ran out 47 point winners . No reports from the other matches (come on guys!!), but it was the Jocs who predictably accounted for Syndal while the Gryphons' Leeton kicked a bag as his side ran away with the match in the last quarter against Power House . Preview The unbeaten Werribee host West Brunswick in what should be an intriguing match . While I expect the Maggies to go with the Tigers early, I am expecting the run of Werribee to prove too much in the latter stages of the match and with the home crowd advantage (especially the truck on the wing!) should win by 22 points .
Student's coach Shane Mottram has more problems than Micky Malthouse in selecting his side given the injuries down at the Zoo
and unfortunatelv for the Vultures, he will have no respite today against a South Mee -_, ourne outfit keen to stay in touch with the top four . I expect UHS-VU to be competitive early, however, the Swans just have too much firepower up front to be kept down for long and should win comfortably by 38 points . The Warriors are back on the winner's trail and with a full strength side to pick from they will go in supremely confident of opening up a gap between them and the bottom half of the ladder. Power House on the other hand will be well aware that percentage may be very important come season end in the relegation battle, and will be hoping they do not concede too great a margin, and therefore we may see the return of the flood . As such, I am predicting a Warrior win, but not by as many as some may predict. Warriors by 19 points .
Kew is another side that have surprised many with their rise up the D3 ladder and will wan to prove that the loss last week is a minor setback to their final's aspirations .
D3 SECTION Old Westbourne St Johns OC South Melbourne Werribee D3 RESERVE UHS VU Werribee Kew Werribee Old Westbourne
J Horsburgh 1 Phaedonos Cheevers 4 C Lee 6 Forbes Marinis Thackwray Waldron Edwards
0 8 5 2 4
22 20 19 19
24 25 15 14 14
• believe thez . i e Gryphons are clot better , ir win/loss rati o indicates, and ' e a chance to p r ov e this t€rcica: z inst fello w single-win side in -&, --$• ff
The Jocs on the other hand, while maintaining their Premiership favouritism, will be tested today by the tight Browns checking . In what I believe will be a very close match, I am sticking with the Jocs, just, by 4 points .
I believe that the Gryphons are a lot better than their win/loss ratio indicates, and they have a chance to prove this today against fellow single-win side in Syndal . The Hoers play a tough brand of football, and this may have an impact on the young Monash outfit, however, ultimately the Gryphons' pace and fitness will win through as they run away with the match in the second half to win by 32 points . 5. Press corre,, An ordinary respo se last week, with Syndal, Power House, Jocs, South Melbourne and the Gryphons not providing any input . Very hard to write a column without reports guys! Please get any information to gavan .flower dspotless .com .au by no later than midday on Monday please !
Werribee Amateurs v West Brunswick UHS-VU v South Melb Districts Old Westbourne v Power Hous e
Kew v St Johns 0 C Syndal Tally-Ho v Monash Gryphons
D S£ ^I'IOtd WEST BRUNSWICK 5 .5 8.7 13 .9 15 .14 (104) KEW 2.3 6 .5 8 .8 12.9 (81) West Bruns: 3 Cannane 2 Benjamin 2 Monagle 2 Sudhotz Edwards Ellis Jelbart Maguire Smythe West . Best : Gartlmi Pieteh Norman Monagle Cannane Benjamin . Kew: 4 Vecchio 2 McDermott Allen Debruin Dennis Evans Rakusz R"oopptons . Best: Mainsbridge lazmi Evans Watts Anderson Allen . Umpires: Luke Moacrte6 Craig Brajtberg (F) Beornn McCarthy Marcus Lefebure (G ) STH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS3.3 7.6 10 .11 16.12 (108) WEltldi&EE AMATEURS 7 .3 9.6 11.9 19 .12 (126) Sth Aletb: M Costello 5 Cheevers 4 Bell 2 A Hannan 2 M Hannon 2 J Duncan . Best: Kohneshcen Grecian Cheevers M Costello J Duncan D'Andrea . War. C Lee 6 D Lee 3 Palmington 3 Black 2 Moore 2 Kidd Walsh . Best: Paekington C Lee vasilou Tedesco P Keogh Stornebrmk . Umpires : David Longworth Nick Fennessy (F) Jim Exton Paul Whitehead (G ) UHS-4U 2 .5 5.7 9 .8 12.9 (81) OLD WESTBOURPv"E 6 .3 6.9 11 .12 19 .14 (128) UHS-VU: Tate 5 Mottram 2 Forbes Gorringe Rose Carroll C Thomas . Best : Rose Franc MoorHeld Gorringe Greedy. Old West: Mason 3 C Hudson 3 Balloch 3 Bralatn 3 Baiilch J Horsburgh A Horsburgh Trav Edwards H Hodgson Pavez L Hudson . Best : C Hudson Baulch Pavez Bemn Fairchild Aquilino. Umpires: Ian Kennedy Mark Alexander (F) Alex Koutsoul ;is Blake Curtis (B) Matthew Kent Tristan Collin (G) ST JOHNS 0 C 6 .2 10.5 15.8 17 .14 (116) SYPi L ThLLY-ttO 2 .3 3.4 5 .7 8.8 (56) Details not received . Umpires; Ross Kennedy Shane Macintosh (F ) PC .- . OU 0.5 5.6 8 .9 11 .10(76) 0i . GRYPHONS 2 .4 6.6 10.9 18 .10(11s) PowerH : D Cooper 6 A Di'In6no R Benson D Miller C Richardson M verber__. Best: D Cooper Tavlor Susie West Walsh Bishop . Mon Gryph : Leeton 7 G Harak 4 Sharkey 2 Flowerday Garoill Clark Shut➢ebottom Wells . Best: Leeton Shufllebottom Watson Clark G Harrah J Harrak Umpires: Mark Gibson (Rot) D'urdtri Pappas (F) D3 RESERVE WEST BRUNSWICK 0.1 1 .3 3 .5 7.9(51) 2 .7 6.9 7.9 8 .10 (58) KEW West Bruns: Quigley 2 Russell 2 Hussey Saisanas Tobin . Best : Hussey Phillips Twyford Quigley Dlliion Garvey. Kew: 5 Tlu3ckwray Doumis Drago Can an . 3est : Doumis Jacobs Dalr}mple Symes vfakris Thackvrtay . STE i 3OURNE D18TRIC'PS0.0 0.3 4 .5 6.8(44) STEURS 4 .5 7 .11 8 .14 15 .18 (108) : 3 P con 2 E Henderson 2 S McDougall 2 . Best : D Moon P Moon S McDo all M Thomas E Henderson D McGee . Werr: Mariuis 8 Flack 3 Waldron 2 Bell Carson. Best : Alabakis Carson Marvlls Fuller Dalv . UHS-VU 1 .1 5.3 8 .6 9.9(63) OLD WES't'BOU:R2Y-E 4 .2 7 .3 10.5 13.7 (85) & :=rVtk Bowes 3 Corbett 3 P.Thonras 3. Best : Bowes Corbett P Thomas J Thomas S Campogreco Pendelbury. Old West: Troy Edwards 4 T Writing 3 D Slattery Merriereather M Whiling Anderson Barnes Kaniay . Best: Anderson Board D Slattery T Whiting Bromuell Merriweather . ST JOHNS 0 C 8 .5 11 .8 20 .12 30.17 (137) S_Y?c'DAL TALLY-1I0 1 .1 3.2 3 .2 3.2(20) Details riot received . : .. . HOUSE 3 .0 4.1 5 .4 6.5(41) 0; I BONS 5 .2 8 .9 14 .14 20.18 (138) Power House: A D'hiiino 2 D Miller 2 A Brownjolm M Driessen . Best : D Miller C Plazzer M Weber J Haunter A Contreras. Mon Gryph : Landberg 5 Remu. .on 3 Den= 3 Mullins 2 Goals 2 Still 2 Parker 2 Robiliard. Best: Landberg Fleming Clarke Coffey Wadley Coxhcad.
D3 Section KEW Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach : Brendan Dover i B . Lafranchi 2 K . Allen (VC) 3 B . Debrmn 4 G.Cnmmms 5 A . Carman 6 N. Tinettn (C) 7 H. McDermott 8 D. Mamsbhtlge (DVC) 9 A . Makns (RDVC) 10 B . Cullen 11 B . Woodhouse 12 M . Godle y 13 B. Marchesani 14 J. Locke r 15 A. Fountain 16 D. Wood 17 G . Scott 8 N. Dahlstrom 19 A. Vecchro 20 A.Acfield 21 M. Anderson 22 T Aitken 23 J.deBiank 24 C . Stephens 25 C . watts
26 S. Symes 27 T. Moore(VC) 28 S. Ryan 29 M. Dalrymple 30 C . Giansante 31 D .Ianni 32 A . Drago(RVC) 33 L. Maunsell 34 D . Pocock 35 R . Bruno 36 B . Roberts 37 S . Johnston 38 D. No rth 39 J. Dennis 40 D. Kinross 41 L. Coulter 42 S . Parker 43 S . Livingston 43 M . Chrvers 44 T. Lrvingston 45 G .Evans 46 J. Hamilton 47 J. Sab~en 48 R . Mahomet 49 P. Dennis 50 B. Roac h
51 M. Blatr 52 M. Spars 53 B. Carroll 54 J . Doumis 55 J . 56 T. Jacobs Fnih 56 R . Waller 57 R . Hoskmg 58 B . Bumett(RVC) 59 J . Rakusz 60 G. RiucWan 61 M . Glenn 62 M . Chalmers 63 N . Gncks (RC) 84 N . Hyndes 65 S . Pietersen 66 R. McKerrow 68 M .Thackwray 70 S . Moussi
Harp of Erin Hotel 636 High St, Ke w
SA! -n :0 OF
Cannon Toyota 473 Lowe r Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg
MONASH GRYPHONS Coach: Steven Bourban Asst Coach : Geoff Still Res Coach : Phil Warren 1 L. Clark 2 M . Healy 3 A. Grady 4 N. Rutherford 5 J . Watson 6 J . Leroy 7 J Garoni 8 C. Yanni 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 B. McNamara 12 J. Landberg 13 J. Stratford 14 A. McKenzie 15 A. Clarke 16 P. Rennison 17 S. Sewell 18 M. Paolucci 19 R . Coxhead 20 C . Staff 21 J . Bingham 22 B . Coxhead 23 B . Clark 24 D. Baxter 25 M . Malone 26 A . Denyer 27 M . Mullins 28 C Leeton 29 P.Warren 30 T. Vessey 31 G . Roche 32 A. Shufflebottom 33 A. Burgess 34 M. Graydon 35 L . Vesey 36 G . Block 37 J. Fleming 38 J. Rutherford 39 D Grenfell 40 M. Willocks 41 C . Arche r 42 A . Robilliard 43 D . Bradshaw 44 L. Well s 45 J . Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 M . Parker 48 L. Mannikhuis 49 C. Robinson 50 J . Bingham 51 Luke Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 M . Davies 54 G . Still 55 G . Harrak 56 A. Palumbo 57 W. Pocock 58 J. Rutherford 59 A. Yann i 60 A Grady 61 A. Waters 62 N . Mitchell 63 I. Bagnall 64 J . Park 65 J . Healy 67 V. Coffey 68 O. Lloyd 69 Bill Leeton 70 B . Clark 71 M . Baldwin 75 P Gomizel 76 J . Harrak 77 R. Sharkey 80 R. Fletcher
Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Snr Asst : Michael Christo Res . Coach : Scott Walker 1 B. Gerace 2 J. Braham 3 Trav. Edwards 4 J . Bartolo 5 S . Hewitt 5 D . Trustlove 6 J . Horsburgh 7 B . Merryweather 8 A . Horsburgh
9 F. Pavez 10 C. Lever 11 M . Christo 12 M . Baulch 13 M . Ristevski 14 P. Hudson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M . Aquiline 18 G . Walker 19 J. Mason 20 D . Hudson 21 L . Hudson 22 S. Anderson 23 S. Huntington 24 L. Fairfield 25 Troy Edwards 26 P. Mesman 27 T. Whiting 28 D . Slattery 29 S . Balloch 30 A . Mokrusch 31 A . Miller 32 G. Jenkinson 33 D. Berm 34 C. Bramwell 35 G . Robson 36 K . Pilsbury 37 C. Molitoris 38 D. Nikola 39 M . Oldham 40 J. Morsello 41 K. Mille r 42 T. Brooker 43 A. Runciman 44 B.Lennon 45 E. Sandstrom 46 M. Whiting 47 T. Theodore
48 R . Van Engelen 49 J . Miller 50 P. Habersatt 51 D . Tan g 52 T. Best 53 J . Manolokakis 54 M . Crosswell 55 B . Gilberl 56 D. Carruthers 57 S . Tindal l 58 C. Larkin 59 L. Barnes 60 N . Aquilina 77 T. Dennis 88 S. DePiazz a
MAJOR SPONSOR : Werribee Mazda
POWERHOUSE Coach: Brett Devli n Res Coach : Gary Dea n 1 M. Taylor Son DVC 2 R . Humphreys 3 J . Marshall 4 B . Turner San VC 5 P. Sosic 6 M . Verberne 7 C . Richardson 8 M . Hill San Capt 9 B . Reardon 10 D. Cooper 11 B . Phillip s 12 A. Brownjohn 13 J. Spence 14 W. Elliot
15 P. Haseler 16 A. D'Intino 17 C. Macleod 18 F. Doyl e 19 S. Matheson 20 J. Nicholls 21 D . Miller 22 R . Walsh 23 K . Anthony 24 N . Bishop 25 M. Driessen 26 D . Harris 26 B . MacCormack 27 R . Davies 28 D. Boland 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Beasley 29 A . Foster 30 T. McFarlan e 31 R. Marshall Res Capt 32 M . Verberne 33 H. Clarke 34 J. Conway 35 S. Hatchard 36 M. D'Intino 37 S. West 38 R . Benson 39 B. Wooderson 40 R . Marshall 41 C . Byrne 42 P. Arnold 43 J . Howes 44 B . White 44 D . Glanville 45 A . Contreras 46 S . Campbell 47 D. Crane
48 N . Sharp 50 A . Vol z 55 G. Hamner 56 C. Plazzer 58 J . McClure 63 M . Weber
Coach: Ben McGe e Res Coach : Rod Walker 1 K. Arnold 2 M. Peak e
3 D . O'Connor 4 S. Holmes 5 B. Hilton 6 M.Phaedonos 7 N . Chalk 8 M. Hartnett 9 A .Jones 10 M. Courmadias 11 J . Kelly 12 P. Walker 13 C . Horbury VC. 14 P. Sharp 14-R M . Hanger 15 M . Kosmala 16 A . Paterso n 17 S . Cockayne V.C .-Res 18 C. Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 B . Rydquist 21 S. Koppens C. 22 G . Roberts 23 J. Diaz D .V .C . 24 L . Mara 25 B. Waters 26 H . Wathen 27 R . Dowsett 28 A. Dexter 29 T. Ellis 30 R . Walker 31 D . Rydquist 32 A . Rudd 33 A . Forceps 34 M. Hancock C. - Res 35 J . Sacco 36 P. Harris 37 D. Christian V.C.- Res 38 D. Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T. Hyland 42 D. Sanders 43 M . Van Houten 44 J . Ross 45 A. Hall 46 B. Callery 47 G. Bastone 48 J. Hargraves 49 A. Kizili s 50 J. Brown 51 C. Santoni 52 D. Harkin 53 C. Rattle 54 D. Vanderwert 55 B. Pickering 56 A. Dragwidge 66 Joe Scardamagli a
W Section SOUTH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS Coach: Earl Henderson
Coach: Tony Rowe Res Coach: Mark Elder
~ri ~aChGGhTa 6 s
Res Coach : Brett Downing
1 J. Washington DVC 2 Ma . Hannan C . 3 J. Mervcich 5 S . King 6 L. Kealy 7 A . Hannan 8 X . Kidd 9 S . Aqualina to D . McCormick 11 P. Daly 12 A. Argyriou 13 E. Henderson 14 D . Bell 15 B. Lazzaro 16 J. Neimi 17 P. DAndrea 18 G . Cox 19 A. Reid 20 W. Brown 21 B. Johnson 22 T. Milne 23 B . Downing 24 B . Joske 25 S . Atherton 26 R . Mitchell 27 P. Cheevers 28 T. Paterakis 29 J . Adgemis 30 T Zantuck 31 S. Hermman 32 D . McGee 33 M. Doyle 35 N . Moojen 37 J. Clyne 38 D. Rowe 39 A. Briglia 40 B. Bulpit 41 T. McQualter 42 G. Gaylor 43 W. DAndrea V.C. 44 D. Geary 45 C. Roe 46 A . Ray 47 J . Royle 48 C. Maloney 52 M. Anderson 53 D . Phillips 54 A. Giannelis 55 J . Pohlner 61 M. Margiannis 64 M. Stefanidakis
.. ., ..+ < .> .<
Coach : Shane Mcttran Assistant: D . Forbes
1 G. Healy 2 1 . Bingham 4 P. Henderson 5 I . Tura 6 D . Paobne 7 A. Bums (Res CapQ 8 R . Bennett 9 D. Richardson 10 G . Fox 11 M . Meyer 12 A. Hermann 13 S. Miller 14 S. O'Boyle 15 D. Reynolds 16 D. Venness 17 C. Hayes 18 J . Lawes 19 B . Boucher 20 C. Hall 20 I . MacKenzie 21 D . Kennett 22 M. Buckley 23 B. Bayliss 24 B. Bayliss 25 M. Kelly 26 J. Dasco!i 27 M. Leplaa 28 N. Williams 29 A. Sheer 30 B. Holland 31 A. Richardson 32 L. Hannemann 33 T. Bartholomew 34 T. Rowe 35 C. Cachia (Capt) 36 M . Elder 37 B . Robinson 38 M. Christiansen 39 D . Hallisey 40 B. Thomas 41 Y. Kaleunte 42 M. McFarlane 43 A. Brown 44 T Zaharopoulos 45 C. Frunes 46 C. Jones 47 P. Fyfieki 48 S. Crew 49 M . Starr 50 C. Hall 51 M . Hale 52 S . Anderson 53 C. Connolly 54 A . Dance 56 A . Treasure 81 C . Connolly
.,. <„
Jetport Parking
Dowsett Engineering
1 J . Sparkes 2°R . Thorp 3 J . Nation 3r T. Cleveland 4 L. Gorringe 5 S. Mottram 6 S. Cracknell 7 D . Zulicki 8 S. Hams 9 D. Moortield 10 M . Butera it D. Forbe s 12 W. Smith 13 N. Rose 14 J . Mitchell 15# R. Lapish 16 J . Tate 17 C. Langendorf 18 A . Hellner 19 J . Uebergang 20 G. Madrigrano 21 J . Hall 22 G . Mandalis 23 G . Ternes 24 N . Carroll 25 D . Creek 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusick 28 B. Mcinnes 29 A. Pashley 30 J. Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 S . Dimond 33 J Schulz . 34 J . O'neill 35 S . Orbons 36 A . Pendlebury 37 G. Catterall 38# M . Sanders 39 M . Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 R . Franc 43r M. O'neill 46 D . Fazakerley 47 M. Turvey 48 G . Gilmore 49 S. Smits 50 J. Corbett 51 S. Capogreco 52 J. Bowes 53 J. Thomas 54# B Mcleod 55 M . Tull 57 C. Thomas 59 J . Maguir e 60# T. Harris 61 T. Strathopoulos 62 M . Kennedy 64 B . Walpole 65 D . Harris 66 P. Clarke 67 M. Deluise 68# S. Greed 69 A. Dowdell 70 A. Quinn 71 M. Mora 72 N. Estrada 73 D. Clark 74 C. Pegg 75 S. Mi~ lls 76 A. Trevethan 77 G . Brady 78 B. Carnthers 79 S. cull 81 J. Samson 88 P. Greenbank 85# N. Maguire 99 M . Higgins
Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach : Rob Rantino 1 D . Nedinis (Res V/C) 2 C . Lee 3 D . Rack 4 S. Kidd 5 B. Cunningham 6 M . Walsh 7 B. Starnebrink 8 M . PalmirxJton 9 J. Ayling 10 M . Keogh (San Capt.) 11 M . Green 12 B . Black 13 R. BeII (Res Capt .) 14 J . Marinis 14a Aa Taylor 15 A . Murphy 16 R . Daly 17 A. Tedesco 18 D . Velisha 18a A. Morrow 19 S.Da~ 20 N. Renaut 21 A. Borg 22 A. Dibatista 23 D. Lee 24 L. Carson 25 N. Acdamo 26 B. Vasilou 27 T. Davidson 28 D. Czabwski , (Sen V/C) 29 P. Spry 30 S . Simpson 32 M. Jordon 33 S . Wiggins 34 F. Mehmet 35 B. Bunworth 36 A. Taylor 37 P. Kmgh 38 T. Towers (Res V/C) 39 L La fieW 40 S. Fuller 41 G . Grogan 42 J Purton 43 A. Renaut 44 T~~t~ 45 C. Alabakis 48 B. Patlon 47 L Moore 48 B . Sinfield 49 R. Zulian 50 C. Mercia 51 B . Daniels 52 S . Hartley 53 A . Waldron 51 A. Hassell 55 E. Colter 56 R Baker 57 A. Trainon 58 J. Rigoni 59 B. Hardman 60 M . Czajowski 62 B. Russell 63 J. Callana n 64 M . Hollow 65 L. Foster 66 L. Brooks 67 R. Hyssoh - M . Purloin 69 A . Mar 70 S . Whitting 71 M. Cations 79 J . Dike r
WEST BRUNSWICK Coach : Angus Hamilton Res Coach: Damian Shaw
la M . Drain lb A. Hamilton 2 P. Hamilto n 3 B . Irving 4 C. Lehman n 5 A . Cannane 6 S . Pietsch (V. Capt) 7 S . Benjamin (Capt .) 8 S . Monague 9 A. Morphett 10 D . Jelbart 11 P. Norman 12 T. Maguire 13 S. Brockley 14 C. Bowshall - Tanner 15 J. Sudholz 16 S. Edward s 17 J. Ha se 18 G . Ellis y 19 W. Touze l 20 R. Bamford 21 A . Thompso n 22 N. Hart 23 D. Rudd 24 J . Jenkin 25 S . Smythe 26 R . Benjami n 27 D . Manoukin n 28 E. Waller 29 C . Sheed y 30 A. Goode 31 R . Miller 32 J. Babo n 33 T. Thompson 34 I . Twyford 35 M . Carmichael 36 Z . Rudd 37 T. Dempsey 38 D. Coona n 39 R. Wes t 40 T. Fromhold 41 D. Garvey 42 B . Hogan 43 J . Tobin 44 Ston e C. 46 R . Howard 47 M. Quigley 48 L. McGregor 49 J. Haysey 50 N . Hutchens 51 L . Sherry 52 M. Gormo 53 A. Hogan 54 A. Meila k 55 D. Chiech i 56 S. Darling 57 A. Williamson 58 D. Simmonds 59 N. Simmonds 60 M . Spragu e 61 K . Hitt on 62 M . Curti s 63 J . Gartlan 64 L. Stewart (Res. Cpt ) 65 N . Seal 66 R . Husse y 67 J . Smith 68 J . Ward 69 M. Goonan 70 S. Jackso n 71 M. Sloa n 72 J. Hanson 73 R . White 74 D. Dainton 75 J. Heywood 76 A. Minney
= of any match.
Original and pink copy must b v
st show first and surname .
Each player must sign the original clearly b E Blue copy must be hande .
; of coin .
ervice )
(charges n, ay :-
速Weeke'--- - ---
- Scores (Sat .
as (Fri ;
The rrsai :: z,~~ v(Glenhur_iy Road) is open e . rzy match day . The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 40 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 200 5
by Steve McCarthy & Leah Gallaghe r 100 years youn g All the umpires wish our neighbours the Elsternwick AFC all the best as they celebrate their centenary year and we are sure that the Centenary Ball will go off with a bang . This is a great achievement for a district club, who by the way are off to a flying start this year, kicking cricket scores most weeks . Maybe the "Backyard Boys" (thanks, Peter Hille) could have the ultimate centenary celebration . - a premiership . But as the Prez Adam Hankin was saying last week, "We'll just keep a lid on it at the moment" . Could this newly-found form have something to do with the 400+m sprint that all players compete in around the main oval to finish off their training nights? The good thing about the run is it is very similar to the way us umpires finish our training nights . When the first guy is home the last guy is still on the other side of the oval . Maybe a Darren Lehmann challenge with the umps should be on order? We can just imagine Hank sprinting down the wing at EP chasing Kenny McNeice hurdling empty stubbies !
Have a great weekend Wickers as you battle Albert Park for the Tom Brain Cup .
"f''速'Te can just
imagine Hank
"' sprinting down the wing at EP chasing Kenny McNeice hurdling empty stubbies! " Pre game uniform Luke Holmes has made it a habit of looking professional before a game by rocking up in a suit and tie . This gives a positive and confident approach by Luke to show that his mind is tuned into the game ahead . The real reason is he is
covering up is th e massive mark (lov e bites) on his neck put there by the other half, however the umpires shirt doesn't cover this up and poor Luke had to don the James Dean look with his collar up . Pay the bil l
How we wish for early nights off the track when it gets cold and dewy . Halfway through training, AD who was told to have an early night and left the track smirking at the group he left behind . The majority of the group followed 10 minutes later when the lights went off on the main oval having us ponder if the VAFA had paid the bill . Poor AD had to share the showers . Luckily the hot water was still OK . Becoming a field umpir e
Amongst the umps we're are all trying to get boundary umpires to become field umps or goalies, but one boundary tried out the option by giving an "all clear" after a goal when it was required . Maybe a future is there? Or was he just cleaning up the mess of the fieldy who forget to communicate with the goalie? Did anyone get a photo of that ? Pick up line s Reigning A section grand final umpire Albie Firley has always fancied himself as a bit of a "ladies-man" . Obviously Albie doesn't have success with ali the ladies . Recently, whilst umpiring a ladies game he lost a bit of control and had to send a few from the field . We wondered if they were actually reported or if they were just being entered into his little black book . Trivia nigh t The annual trivia night was held last Saturday night . Details to follow next week .
A bit short on information this week as a few scribes were on holiday. Hopefully the information flows in this week ! Great round of footv with a few sides jumping out of the pack . Eltham were exposed last week as being a side with some serious potential and they confirmed with a great win . Box Hill North are another side making people sit up and take notice whilst do we see a scent of St . Mary's returning to some form ? R ound 5 Reviews Great win to Box Hill North over Bulleen as they make it three in a row . Penney was the star up forward with six goals whilst Badanjek was again good for Bull-een with 7 . Not quite put them into contender category just yet but well on the way to it ! Blthaffi had a hard fought win over H awthorn . Mann and McLaren did all the damage up forward for the Turtles who now slip into the top four . The Hawks continue to hang in there but will need to get some points on the board fairly shortly . Youngsters Rice and Tongue were their best .
St .Mary's produced their best game of the season as they accounted for Albert Park by 8 goals . Perelberg was great for the winners whilst Bull was on fire, slotting a bag of seven . For Albert Park, Collins continued his fine season with 7 goals . Finally . Elsternwick kept on keeping on, this time accounting for North Brunswick . A typical cricket score for the Wicks who have kicked more than 24 goals each game this year . 'Bruce' Mahony was once again rampant as the bookies tweaked his odds in on the league B+F .
Orr was the best for North . Round 6 Previews
Almost a third the way through the season and given that most clubs started in January, half the years training runs are behind the players! The next 4 weeks will determine how many clubs fall off the pace and start going through the motions or perhaps create the self belief they can make finals .
I ° :ast t he Wicks might feel out of place
the larg e
c or_° *nes of Elsternwick Park, they should too much fire power and make it six on end . " No absolute stand out this week so have gone for Elsternwick hosting Albert Park as match of the round . Great night for the Wicks as they celebrate their Centenary, a fabulous effort . The Falcons will be keen to rain on th e
La7!'Jf ; i0~ '
CLUv D4 SECTION Elsternwick Elsternwick Albert Park Bulleen Cobras D4 RESERVE Elsternwick Albert Park Elsternwick
Hunter 7 32 S Grace 8 26 Collins 5 22 Badanjek 7 2 2 Goldman S Allan Pan
2 24 1 20 3 15
parade but after a promising start, they have got the hiccups in the past few weeks . Whilst the Wicks might feel out of place on the large confines of Elsternwick Park, they should too much fire power and make it six on end . Hawthorn host Box Hill in an absolute crunch game for the young Hawks . Honorable losses can only carry so far and with a touch of favoritism setting in, fancy the Hawks with old Man Avery holding sway, to win . Not suggesting it will be easy though . The Hillmen have got better every week and seem to have developed a wonderful enthusiasm around the place . Still one's to watch . North Brunswick host Eltham . North have been fairly competitive most of the year without quite grabbing games by the scruff of the neck . Conversely, I have been impressed by the Turtles, a youthful enthusiasm may carry them a long way this year . Looking forward to a quiet Saturday night and hence might take the Turtles in this one !
Finally, Richmond play host to St . Mary's . Richmond would have enjoyed the week off, no doubt taking the opportunity to regroup for the next set of games . On the other hand, the Saints returned to some fine form last week and can't go past them this time . Bulleen have the week off . Correspondents You can email me on ed .sill@locker .com .au or call on 0418348723 (sms optional Jason) .
D" SECT IO N Hawthorn Amateurs v Box Hill North North Brunswick v Eltham Collegians Elsternwick v Albert Park - at Sportscover Arena Friday May 20 at 6.15 p .m. Bulleen Cobras - Bye Richmond Central v St Marys 0 THE AMATEUR
D4 SECTIO N BOX HILL NORTH 5.6 9 .9 20 .11 27 .15 (177) BULLEEN COBRAS 3 .1 9 .7 13 .12 18.18 (126) BHN: D Penney 6 L Ketllor 5 C Langley 4 J Garrett 2 R Ball 2 C Riscaha K OldReld M Penney . Best : D Penney R Ball A Odza K Oldfield L KeIDor M Penney. But Cob: R Badanjek 7 F Arcoraci 5 M Rowe 2 T Pearson 2 T Fradkin N Richie. Best: R Badanjek F Arcoracl R Daily T Conn T Mother D Trinchi . Umpires: John Kerr Matt Goold (F) Michael Roache Tom wischer (B) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 7 .5 11 .6 14.7 20.14 (134) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 3.1 8 .4 11 .9 15 .9 (99) Eltham : P Mann 6 MeClaren 5 Austin 3 Luttick 2 Hargrave R Fro J Foo. Best: blcClaren Stockdale Mizzi R Foo P Mann J Galvin . Haw : Rice 4 Spoons 3 Carle 2 Hail 2 D Pritchard Sauce Lyons Clemett . Best : Rice Sauce Tounge Lauletta Hall . Umpires : Pat Machos Peter Pullen (F) Daniel Dal Pos James Mugavin (G) ELSTERNWICK 4 .9 13.10 22.12 31 .18 (204) 11 .10(76) NTH BRUNSWICK 2 .4 9 .6 11 .10 Elst: S Grace 8 Hunter 7 C Mahony 4 Cummins 4 Bantry 3 Curtain Foster Putt Baribar Byrne. Best: Cummins C Mahony Thiele Curtain S Grace Hunter . Nth Bruns : Newton 4 Boudoloh 2 Sorletto Kehagias Mountnev Ackland . Best : On Pizzari Sorleto Kehagias Mountney Ackland . Umpires: Darren Rowlinson Leah Gallagher (F) Jordan Mayston Gavan Dawe (B) Anthony Summers Robert Seymour (G ) RICHMOND CENTRAL HAS THE BY E ALBERT PARK 2.4 6 .7 7.11 15 .11 (101) ST.MARYS 2 .2 9.6 16 .9 23.10 (148) Albert Park: Collins 5 Pa}me 3 Morgan 2 R Allan D Allan Grace Borley Thompson . Best : Burley Hymns Thompson S Bennett Harries Collins. St Marys : Bull 7 Purcell 4 Wright 3 Cope 2 Weller Nicholson P Harrison Tagell Grillo D'Astoli Johnson . Best : Perelberg Bull D'AstolD Weller Wright . Umpires : David D'Altera Peter Griffiths (F) Duncan Nicol Martin Kinsey (B) D4 RESERV E BOX HILL NORTH 2 .1 6.6 11 .10 12.14 (86) BULLEEN COBRAS 0 .3 3 .3 8 .6 10.9 (69) BHN: L Penhalluriaek 3 M Lacey 2 B Olsen 2 J Damato T Thot IM Cumming. Best: C Collis L Penhalluriack C Plunkett A Mannerheim G Robinson T ThoL Bul Cob : M Unwln 4 S Tropea 2 P Whitehoue D Moss A Foskett T Mehrez . Best : M Unwtn S Tropea P Whitehorse T Mehrez R Sheehan G Anderson . ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2.2 7.5 12 .9 17.11 (113) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 1 .1 4 .3 4.7 8 .9 (57) Eltbam: Krohn 5 Abbott 2 Comic 2 Kurtschenko 2 Barnes Runco Jarvis Todman Weston Paine. Best: Runco Evans Conole Keleher Krohn Barnes . Haw : Pi 2 Stroud Jenkins Vipe Dixon Wilkinson Ruzicka. Best : Pi Ople Crivelll Ruzieka Horse Cilto . ELSTERNWICIS 2 .3 6.10 10 .14 13.16 (94) 3 .7(25) NORTH BRUNSWICK 0 .4 0.5 1 .6 Elst: Pyman 3 Whelan 3 Goldman 2 Paley 2 McAdam C .McKenna Spence. Best: Paley Tennant McAdam Spence Pvman Elvin . Nth Bruns: A Tahia A Tahia Said. Best : Donnelly Briffa Belbin Hassan Pisasale Giovanoglou . RICHMOND CENTRAL HAS THE BY E ALBERT PARK 2 .3 3 .9 6 .9 7 .12 (54) ST.MARYS 2.4 5 .5 10.10 13 .14 (92) Albert Park: R Allan 2 Burton 2 S Allan Pastras Sims . Best: Marshall Burton S Allan Isard Hogan walkley . St.Marys: L Anthony 3 G Theoharris 3 R Kodi Black G Koumantakls C wigg C Adam A LatImer H Adam . Best: C Wigg R Kodt 0 Hind G Theoharris C Adam C Ferg .
D4 Section ALBERT PARK AFC Coach: Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee 1 P. Smith 2 N . Pastras 2 A. Morgan 3 R . Baker 3 P. Shakepeare 4 M. Naud i 5 S. Allan 6 J. Storey 7 S. Venables 7 M. Burton 8 N. Wheeler 9 P. Chambers 10 M . Phillips 11 D. Brea 12 N. Langdon 13 B . Payne 13 M . Tuffin 14 M . Hyams 15 D . Borley 15 P. Guicas 16 C. Roberton 17 S . Bennett 18 G. Collins 19 N . Cain 20 K . Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J . Hannett 22 J . Marshall 23 B . Harries 23 D . DeZoete 24 T. Green 25 'J . Wier 26 B. Moore 27 A. Jackson 28 R . Allan 29 R . Humphrey 30 W. Johnson 31 S. McGuire 31 J . Williams 32 M. Smith 33 M. Wall 34 T. Houston 35 S. Toth
35 C . Downie 36 J. Dudi 37 L . Hogan 38 S. Fairfield 41 R. Williams 42 C. Cook 44 B. Isard 45 J. Agar 46 G . Price
Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Jon Pratt 1 G . Wilson 2 C . Riscalla 3 A. Odza 4 T. Manno 5 J. Garrett 7 S. Stewart 8 C. Langley 9 A. Sallantioglu 10 S . Cook 11 T. Tho i 12 A. Dick 13 M . Cumming 14 L. Penhalluriack 15 L. Keillor 16 M . Penny 16 W. Drew 17 G. Cavallo 18 C. Butle r 19 C . Calks 20 K . Oldfield . 22 A . Steele 23 D . Penny 23 J . Naumovski 24 P. Doyle 25 P. Kotsaridis 26 R . Ball 28 Z. Veleski 29 M. Rogers 30 B. Olson 31 D . Olson 32 I. Oldfield 33 M. Marinovic 34 H . Ho 35 C . Liston 36 S. Russell 38 J . DAmato 39 J . Tambakis 40 D . Worrell 41 P. Currie 42 A. Tarulli 43 R . Doyle 44 C. Garrett 45 M. Sinfield 46 P. Mortime r 47 A. Andrews 49 T. Ellis so C. Irvine
52 S. Darcy 53 N. Cha u 54 L . Van den Akker 55 J. Pratt 56 H. Shiba 57 M . Mason 58 M . Azmi 59 J . Screen 60 N. Benbow
48 M . Snowden 50 S. Thompson 51 J. McKay 52 D. Allan 53 M . Williams 55 D. Quinlan
61 J . Howart h 62 C. Henry 63 J . Aspinall 64 J . Vagias 65 D. Woolridge 66 C. Plunkett
57 J . Sutton
68 N. Galil 69 B . Pearce 70 H. Gist 73 D. Francis 76 M . Lacey 78 A . Leavers 79 G. Bennett 80 S . Evans 81 J . Hopes 82 D. Dovaston
57 J . Baker 58 S . Gitsham 59 L. Barr 60 V. Surace 62 P. Cramer 77 S . Garcia 78 T. Tuhoro 79 S . Thompson 80 J . Bowlby
Rising Sun Hotel -
Richmond and Rising Sun Hotel -
South Melbourne
67 A . Manerheim
84 M. Lacey
86 G. Arche r 88 M. Edgle y 89 S . Ya lamanchile 99 G. Robinso n 111 A . Maguire
RULLEEH COBRAS Coach : Joe DAngelo Res Coach : TBA
2 T. Orwin 3 S. McLaren Capt 4 N . Cartledge 5 M. Mann 6 G . Fortune 7 T. Mehrez 8 T. Mazzarella 9 M. Kynakou 10 C . Powderham 11 A. DeJong 12 P. Whitehouse 13 N. Edgar 14 T. Fradkin 15 J. Trinchi i6 D. Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 B . Thomas 20 J. McQualter 21 N. Lykopandis 22 J. Daniels 23 A . Nasr 24 R. Games 25 W. Olney 26 M . Nathanielsz 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 R . Sheehan 30 B . Cookson 31 R . Pasinati 32 S . Wagg 33 A . Cook 34 M . DAngelo 35 M . Unwin 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 C . Chan 40 G . Richards
41 C . Betroth 42 V. Dam 43 T. Whittaker 44 B. Saaksjarvi S ' 45 N . Khalil 46 J . Lewis 48 M. Soumellidis 49 G . Anderton . 50 R. Lock 51 R. Daley 52 T. Sette 53 R. Rodrigues 54 S. Nelson 55 N. Polities 56 I . Baccini
57 C. Batt 58 T. Moore 59 R. Hadisutanto 60 J. Lowrie 77 S. Fishe r 101 J. DAngelo
Coach : Dennis Grace Res Coach : M . Cunningham, M . Creak I L. Murphy 2 A . Hankin 2 L. Bedingfield 3 J . Yemm 4 D . Grace 5 M. Whelan 5 K. Cummins 6 M. Thiele 7 J. McAdam -RC8 S. Curri e 8 M. Greene 9 T Hartley 10 T. Huggins 11 L . Missalglia t2 P. Neville 13 S. Soppet
Coach : Wayne Reardon Res Coach : Paul Gregor
t4 B. Mahony
15 C. McKenn a 16 M . Su rrna n 17 J. Perkins 18 A. Neill 19 J. Hunter 20 E. Goldman 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G . Elvin 23 S . Curatain 24 A. Foster
25 T. Cotter 26 C. Mahoony -C27 J . Banky 28 W. Morgan 29 S . Mahony 30 M . Nicol 3t A . Lasnitzki 32 B . Mason 33 M . Cunningham 34 T. Leaper 35 P. McNally 36 J . Pyman 37 D . Nolan 38 B. Anderson 39 M. Tennant 40 A. Patey 41 D . Byme 42 J . Lilikakos 43 P. Clarke
44 S. Grace 45 J . Kaicer 46 L,Ryan 47 T Perkins 48 M. Noonan 49 J. Baribar 50 T. Putt 51 M. McKenna 52 E. Alter 53 A. Lewis
54 K. Poller 55 H. McGregor 56 P. Freedman 57 M . Creak 58 B. Ellis 59 A. Burney
60 L. Smith 6t R. McKenna 62 S . Thompson 63 N. Anderson 64 M . Marziale 65 D. Brennan 66 M . Hosking 67 S . Gorda n 68 M . Daniel s 69 N. Utting 72 T. Marchetti Major
1 T. Andrew s 2 D. Lynch 3 E . Savag e 4 L. Mason (VC) 5 L. Austin 6 J . Galvin (C) 7 B . Rashi d 8 B . Jorgense n 9 C. Watso n 10 B . Marshall 11 J . Mizzi 12 M . Blagrove 13 M . Lutlic k 14 R . Runco 15 J . Paisley 16 D . Brick 17 T. Wenborn 18 B. Galvin 19 J. Gilbert 20 S. Weston 21 M. Hart 22 R . Foo (VC) 23 T. Carter 24 A. Hargrave 25 B . Thoma s 26 J. Glare 27 J. Stockdale 28 M. Pattison 29 D. Howgate 30 M . Abbott 31 B. Keleher 32 C. Baud 33 A. Howgate 34 J . Howgate 35 M . Crook s 36 N. Ryall 37 P. Kroh n 38 A . Mo k 39 A . McClaren
40 E . Bau d 41 T. Kurtschenko 42 C . Conole 43 R . Carruca n 44 N . Duncan 45 A . Whyte 46 S . Clark 47 A . Emini 48 B. Turney 49 L. Barnes 50 B. Richardso n 51 J. Simpson 52 D . Justic e 53 J. Fo a 54 S. Todman
55 K. Toulson 56 R . Love 58 N . McPherso n 59 B. Evans 61 A. Stockdale 63 L . Ogilvie MAJOR SPONSORS
' Stas h
Village Roadshow
D4 Sectio n HAWTHORN Coach : Peter Tyson Res Coach : Patrick Ryan la M. McVeigh lb B. Blakeman 2a J. Ridley 2b J. Thompson 3 A. Collins 4 N. Mart in 5 S . Avery 6 P. Ave ry 7 C. Alexander 8 S . Gatiss 9a R. Ogge (vc) 9b M . Houareau 10 J . Hall 11 J . Dawson 12 J . Pi 13 J . Murphy 14 D, Laule tta © 15 M. Tyson 16a C . Rice t6b J . Shepherd 17 B. Ruzicka 19 T. Hyland 20 S. Parker 21 P. Clennett 22 D . McClenchy 23 L . Collins 24 J, Jackomos 25 T. Ryan 26 B. Collins 27 L . Flannigan 28a D . Mackenzie 28b T. Crivelli 29 K. Rimmer 33 M. Caruana 35 S. Davies 36 M. Sheridan 37 C. Jarvis 43 I . Chepa 44 B. Alder 46 T. 0'Hanion 55 A. Saulle 58 T, Dixon 59 G . Cade 62 D. Pritchard 75 M . Daou 80 N. Exton
Coach : Ange Sammart ino Res Coach : Harry Tsialtas 1 D. Newton 2 D. Adams 3 D. Orr 5 H. Hassan 6 D. Pizzari 7 J. Briffa 8 S . Menta 9 A . Samma rt ino 10 A . Mouniney 11 J . Boudoloh 12 P. Tannous 14 M . Sorlete 15 H . Tsialtas 16 S . Tsialtas 17 A . Taha 18 R . Massri 19 L. Spans 20 A. Said 21 R . Santacroce 22 J . Freeman 23 D . Kehagias 24 A. Belbin 25 L. Greening 26 M. Taha 27 N . Pollokis 28 T. Ackland 30 D. Carter 3t A. Boudoloh 32 B. Robe rt son 33 J. Ferns 34 M . Pisasale 36 A. Taha 37 C. Twaddle 38 E. Caccamo 39 C. Rhook 40 B. Mc Callum 41 A. Taha 42 J. Papanikolaou 43 F. Papanastasatos 44 D. Donnelly 45 G . Panagiotidis 46 F. Vaferi 47 P. Micallef 48 J. Wolter 49 S. Hearn 50 P, Giucas 51 N. Giovanoglou 52 K. Hassoun 57 S. Nabbs 62 B. Ca rter 66 R. Pretty
RICHMOND CENTRAL Coach : Thomas Dukic Res Coach : Steven Lake
1 W. Old 2 T. Quick 3 T. 0'sullivan 5 B. Porteus 6 T Dukic 7 S. Lynch 8 D . Speakman 9 A. Piani 10 A. Zuccaro 11 S. Lake 12 S. Briber 13 J. Goode 14 J. Mcgrath 15 C. Bar ry 16 J. Bid 17 D. Miller 78 A. Taylor 18 P. Moulday 19 C. Quay 20 T. Moulto n 21 D. Phelan 22 J. Petering 23 B. Breese 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Read 26 R, Prentice 27 N. Nuske 28 C. Dimit ri ou 29 B . Darling 29 S . Hillier 30 L. Fotheringham 31 Retired Jumper 32 D. Hards 33 P. Berimano 34 M . Ve rvoorn 35 P. Krisohos 36 G. Evans 37 D. Green 38 M. Defreitas 39 H . Dautovic 40 A . Murray 41 C . Duff 42 D . Trenellen 43 S . James 44 G. Begley 45 C . Halliwell 46 M. Jones 47 M. King 48 M. Goonan 49 P. Brunt 50 A. Tilley 51 D, Moffat 52 J. Pik e 53 J. Robe rtson 54 C . Cartwright 55 M. Davies 56 T. Kristof 57 E. Hill 58 M. Hanna 59 W. Bracken 60 B. Jolle y 61 P. Karamichalos 62 G . Gardiner 67 J. Lane 69 T. Melvill e 74 S. Gray 77 S. Liuzzi 79 A. Potter 80 D . James-Schirme r
Coac h : MchaeI Learmca}th Res Coach: George Koernantatalds
1 M . Banks 2 B.Perelberg 3 G . Schemb n 4 A . Ballantyn e 5 A. Lan e 6 C. Weller 7 A . Dwyer 8 R. Kodifuwak u 9 C. Armstrong 10 D. Cope 11 J . Bemardi 12 S . Nicholso n 13 J . Hill 14 L. Goldsworthy 15 M. Purcell 16 M. Aikman 17 L. Anthony 18 B . Frai l 19 V. Rya n 20 A. Waller 21 M. Gilchrist 22 C . Adam 23 F. Harrison 24 A. Latimer 25 M. Blac k 26 S. Crilly 27 S. Grillo 28 J. Inne s 29 P. Harrison 30 M. Lynch 31 H . Ada m 32 S. Johnston 33 C . Ferg 34 L . Armstrong 35 G . Theoharris 36 B. Graetzer 37 C. Freshwater 38 S. Griffin 39 B. Richardson 40 M . Karis 41 T. Cummin s 42 M . Davies 43 L. R azg a 44 G . Koumantatakis 45 M . Maschette 46 T. Tahos 47 P. Rousi s 48 M . Goold 49 W. Smit h 50 C. Wigg 51 N . Andrews 52 0. Hin d 53 D. Anders 5 4 P. Goonan 5 5 B . Tagell 56 P. Roseman 57 58
A . Bul l J . Wright
59 C . Mackenzie 60 W. Goldsworth y 62 L. D'asto li 64 C . Chan 69 P. Murphy
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energy drinks
Mot4eriGrastza r
Jason Israelsohn
Andrew Kent
Brad Yamore Michael Matulick
Banyule Beaumaris
G..o-- Trumble
Mark Boon
Michael Atkins Mark Ensor
Travis Bull Mark Vickers-Willis
Greg Chivers
Beaumaris Bulleen-Templestowe
Scott Grace
Steve Buckle
Emmaus St. Leos
Michael Basile Justin Costello
Tim Davis Alex Tsriogiannis
Fitzroy Red s
Glen Porteous
Sam Parkinson
Glen Eira Hampton Rovers
Anthony Sinclair Michael Miller
Heath Tregear
Hampton Rovers
David Robbins
George Smyth
Monash Blues
Gerard Bevan
Julian Smith Christian Gregory
Monash Blues
Adam Sleight
Monash Blues Oakleigh
David Keenan
Oakleigh Old Camberwell
Matthew Kempton
Old Camberwell Parkdale Vultures
Alistair Smith Bryce Shaw
Trevor Bromley Jon Rutter
David Mitchell Kane Batzloff Sam Hecker
Tom Evans Eammon Halliday
Nick Casboult
Paul Edwards Judd Lalich
Old Carey Old Carey, Old Carey Old Carey Old Carey Old Geelong Old Geelong Old Nlentonians Old Mentonians Old Paradians Old Paradians Ormond Ormond Prahran Prahran Rupertswood Therry Penola University Blacks University Blacks University Blacks University Black s
Round 3 What a big week in FIDA football, and boy did we have some ripper results . The first game was between Ballarat 10 .5(65) who were in the end just to strong for the Broadmeadows 1 3 .6(24) The second game played was on Oval 1 were a one sided battle was shown seeing 13rer ffi c 2 rr 2 11 .5(71) demolish a travel sick Ovea,s 1 .1(7) . The other game being played at Parkvilie was on Oval 2, where we saw a close encounter Bulleen Templestowe 5 .3(33) nudging out Ovens & Murray 1 3 .6(24) .
We had some of the closes margins recorded at Port Melbourne with 3 exciting games being played . Por t Colts 2 4.2(26) vs Ringwood Blues 3.7(25) was the first game to be played and it was neck and neck all game and Port colts were just able to hang on . The next game played was also decided by a point, where Mambourin Tigers 5 .1(31) were able to hold off a hard fighting Mazenod 2 4 .6(30) . The last game to be played was between the new Mazenod Panthers 1 12 .9(81) and Port Colts 1 3 .1(19). Showing Mazenod had far more skill on the day. The last set of matches were being hosted by Moonee Valley and all i re very one sided games . The first between 2 7 .13(55) comfortablyo over the host team ee Valley 3 .7(25). The next game could not be completed, but the score at that point was H ookl 14 .7(91) easily beating Maribyr _ 2 .3(15) .
The Final game of the round was easily won by the overall might of H r 8 .15(63) defeating Parkside 2 .6(18).
Oval 2 will host a close encounter between Maribyrnong 2 and Ovens & Murray 2 but Maribyrnong 2 by 10 points .
Ringwood Blues will be hosting Mambourin Tigers this week and I think at their home ground they are bound to get the 4 points . Port Colts 1 are to host Parkside this week and should win comfortably by 5 goals . Port Colts 2 are playing Mazenod 2 in the following game and boy it's gonna be close . Port Colts by a goal based on the home ground advantage . Ballarat are at home this week and after a strong win last week I can't see them losing to Maribyrnong 1 . The Knights by 7 big ones . We now come to the last 3 exciting matches of the round and what games they are building up to be . Kananook 1 Vs Broadmeadows i in the first match at Frankston, where the mighty Kananook Tigers' strength will prevail . Kananook by 5 goals . The next show case is Kananook 2 to play a confident Bulleen Templestowe, but at home Kananook by 16 points . To finish off the rounds preview of games we see Broadmeadows 2 take on Moonee Valley and Broady to continue a great start to the season . Broady by 36 points .
"p P W L D F Agst % ft KA. TIGERS 1 1 1 0 0 91 15 606,67 4 PdOr ' KNIGHTS 1 1 0 0 65 24 270 .83 4 BRf OC > KANGAS 1 1 0 i 0 24 65 36 .92 t} tR)NG BULLDOGS 1 1 Q 1 0 1 5 9 1 16 .48 0 ~ P W L D Pis '-"OD "PANTHERS 1 i 1 0 0 4 (X . TIGERS2 1 1 D 0 4 BULLEEFI TtiMPLESTOWE 1 1 0 6 4 ' S& MURRAY 1 1 0 1 0 0 PA' SIDE 1010 0
iRTGO( .TS1 1 1 0 1 0
JO':; ; KAtIGAS 2 1 1 0 0 'i )NG BULLDOGS 2 1 1 0 0
4 4
Round 4
Here we go another exciting week of FIDA football games to come . There are 2 games to be played this week Elsternwick: Oval 1 sees Mazenod Panthers I vs Ovens & Murray Jets 1 . this will be a close encounter until half time until the fitness and overall skill of Mazenod comes out to blitz the second half.
PORT COLTS 2 1 1 0 0 4 L"1PviB0UR3 N 11 00 4
'7- OD PANTHERS 2 1 fl i 0 0 ' OOD BLUES 10100 00ueEVALLEY MAGPIES 1 0 1 0 0 oVC"S & MURRAY JETS 2 1 0 1 0 0 I # had bye last round 'Received forfeit last round
W A速速 m Sports & ;a"Aical Supplies
~ (U19 2, 3 & Blue ) 0 6 1 (U19 1 & Red )
Section One
St Kevins remain the sole undefeated side in Section One, after an unconvincing win over reignin g premiers De La Salle . Running out ten point winners despite having five less shots on goal, St Kevins were lucky to escape with victory as De La charged home in the final term . Extracting some revenge for their grand final loss last year, St Kevins now sit clear at the top of the section one ladder but have shown that they are not as infallible as first thought . In the round's other big match Collegians slumped to their first defeat of the new season, losing by the smallest of margins to the fast finishing Uni " iming to knock off the Blues . Trailing all section's two day the Uni Blues sides in got over the line in undefeated consecutive weeks, the a thriller, home by 1 point after a Blues host ladder-leaders four-goal-to-two St Kevins in undoubtedly final term . the match of the round." All eyes will be on the game at Crawford Oval this weekend, as the Uni Blues return home after a successful win on the road last week. Aiming to knock off the section's two undefeated sides in consecutive weeks, the Blues host ladder-leaders St Kevins in undoubtedly the match of the round . At home and in form the Blues should take the game to St Kevins who will have to be at their very best to keep their unbeaten record intact. St Kevins by 5 pts. In the round's other games, Collegians to return to the winners list away at Old Scotch, Old Brighton to win at home against St Bernards, and Marcellin to be too strong on home turf against Old Xavs . Section Tw o
The fields certainly brought their a game on Saturday, running madly over the Bombers with Hammond and Hepworth heavily havoc-focused . The OMs kept good pace with the Sharks to the main change, but fell away dramatically, leaking 13 goals to 2 in the second half. Voracious Sharks included Hill and Cupples who shone brightly . The Rupo boys withstood a firm Bears challenge in the 3rd term and ran away with the bikkies in the final term . In the OC showdown, there was the barest margin separating the two sides, with Carey prevailing courtesy of McQueen and Tiras . Finally, some good signs at Donvale where I witnessed a very entertaining shootout (albeit bereft of any defensive skills) . The Friars won easily after a big first half, hitting big Ben Torney and Adam Gamble
up front with monotonous regularity , courtesy of some clean running and the sure boots of Luke Kaldor and Ryan Carruthers . For the vanquished, Smithy was sublime, Willo very impressive and there were plenty of snags from big Ferg and Tim Howell . Predictions Some big margins here, and i make no apology . . . . . Bears by 7 goals, the Fields by 8 points, Old Carey by 11 goals . Rupo by 28 points and (sigh) the Wellers by plenty. Section 3 On an un-seasonaIlv soft surface at La Trobe, the home side forced the Raiders to play accountable footy as both sides' defences held sway . Once
CLI;G U19 (1 1
Old Xaverians Handley Old Scotch pearc e St Kevins O'Rourke Marcellin Fraser U19(2 )
9 20 1 16 4 16 5 15
Old Camberwell Tolson 3 25 Banyule Viewbank Tsingaris 0 23 Old Carey Tirus 5 21 Rupertswood Baddeley 0 18 Caulfield Grammerians A Goold 4 18 U19 3 Oakleigh Cleary 2 27 Uni Blacks Battista 6 20 Monash Blues Collins 15 Uni Blacks Napier 2 15 U19 (BLUE) Salesian Scorpians Singh 6 31 Peninsula D Smith 6 26 Mazenod Bogar 0 24 Hampton Rovers White 2 21 Ormond Bailey 4 20 U19 (RED) Aquinas Raggazoni 17 Bulleen Templestowe P Voglis 4 17 Kew Bailey 7 17 Emmaus SL Croughhan 10 1 7
parade adjusted to the open spaces, Clayton & Bugeja found plenty of the pill and the visitors drew away slowly to win by 40 points . Good to see the Ashers break through for a win on the back of some heartening performances in recent weeks . Meanwhile, the Tigers upset the Demons' applecart with a tense and willing 5-point win . The Unicorns, who were well led by :Lim and Bartholemew, recorded an even narrower win . The Jackas had enough of the pill, just couldn't convert!! Finally that Blacks man Battista proves to be a thorn in most sides, producing another 6 goals against Oakleigh . 'Jimmy' Jess and 'Ra_v shaw, who would've enjoyed the 8 goal final term, ably assisted him . Predictions School's in at Frearson, at it'll be Monash by 3 goals . The Demons to recover over the Hoes by 7 goals . The Tigers will make little impression on the blacks - Uni by 44 points . The raiders to continue on their merry way by 14 goals . Oakleigh likewise by 57 points . Section Blue
With the top 3 sides well clear of the pack, I'm going to make a ridiculously early call and state that the remaining 6 sides are simply playing for 4th spot!! Salesian touched up the O'Clays in a match chock full of intensity and aggression . The Clays jumped out to an early lead, but the Scorpions gelled early in the 2nd quarter and from there never looked back. Of note in recent weeks, the improvement in the Scorpions defence, with Fahrner, Francis and Butterfield rock solid . Elsewhere. Mazenod had another strong win over the Bloods . Although the Nodders won by over 10 goals the game was much closer than the scoreboard indicated, but Mazenod's overall strength around the ground proved to be the difference in the end. The Menders continue to hammer opposition sides, and last week the rovers stepped up to the block, and failed to fire off a shot in the first term - game over. Ormond's rotational policy kicked in thereafter . . . . Finally, the pirates upset my tipping by running away from De La at Mt Eliza . Smith & Byrt were back in goal-kicking form, and the visitors couldn't match them . Predictions Massive game at Waverley, and (sorry Shane) I'm thinking the scorpions narrowly here by 14 points . Ormond will humble the Bloods by 62 points . Peninsula should oust the O'Clays by 33 points and Hampton Rovers will persist to then end for a 21 point win over De La . Section Red
Just seven days after coming within four points of ladder-leaders Aquinas, reigning premiers Fitzroy slumped to their third defeat of the season at the hands of Emmaus St Leos . Struggling at home against a proven Emmaus outfit, Fitzroy kicked just 3 .2 in a 191 point thrashing. Croughan was sensational up front for the winners kicking ten majors, with D'Amico, Barry and Hickey amongst the best. In the round's other games, Kew kicked THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
32 .18 in their 165 point belting of Rupertswood, Bulleen-Templestowe responded to their 80 point thrashing the week before to defeat Old Westbourne by 60, and Therry Penola ran out 27 point winners after a six-goal-to-two final term against Old Scotch . The match-of-the-round is undoubtedly out at Aquinas College this weekend, as the ladder-leaders host second placed Kew . With the winner to go four points clear at the top of the table and firm as premiership favourites, both sides have more than enough to play for . So far this season Kew have been in sensational form, kicking 111 goals in just five weeks of football . On the other hand, Aquinas has conceded an average of just six goals per match this season, and will be fresh after an extra week on the track. Aquinas by 5 pts . In the round's other matches, Emmaus to record another four points away at Old Westbourne, Old Scotch to win away at Rupertswood, and Therry to be too strong on home turf against Bulleen-Templestowe .
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 University Blues v St Kevins
Old Scotch v Collegians Marcellin v Old Xaverians De La Salle - Bye Old Brighton v St Bernards UNDER-19 SECTION 2
Old Essendon Gr v Banyule Viewbank Beaumaris v Caulfield G r Old Melburnians v Old Carey Rupertswood v Whitefriars Old Trinity v Old Camberwel l UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Monash Blues v La Trobe Uni Bentleigh v Old Ivanho e
St Bedes Mentone Tigers v University Blacks Old Paradians v MHSOB - Naughtin Oval, Parade Colleg e AJAX v Oakleigh - Oval 11 Albert Park (South Melbourne Districts ground) Under-19 (21 Blue
Mazenod 0 C v Salesian Scorpions at 1 .30 p.m. Ormond v Old Haileybury Oakleigh Clays v Peninsula 0 B - at Keeley Park, Clarevale St . Clayton (79 D5 ) De La Salle (2) v Hampton Rovers at Waverley Park Under-19 (21 Red Rupertswood (2) v Old Scotch - on Oval 2
Aquinas 0 C v Kew Fitzroy Reds - By e Therry Penola 0 B v Bulleen Templestowe Old Westbourne v Emmaus St Leos 0 C to played on Co ll ege Oval (entry off Gate C off Marquands Road )
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 ST:1{EEVINS OB 2.1 5 .4 9.6 10.8 (68) 1}E IA SALLE 0.6 3.10 4.12 7.16 (58) SKOB: ORatrke 4 Mkis 3 Menrouriat 2 Cordon. Best Sherman ORwrke Feet>an Lui Longmare C Murphy . iNS: Nethersale 4 Keeh• Fieldsend Hogan . Best Rrntss Harris Pitcher Nethersole Bull Close. t}mpins : Jason Evans Brett Herskope (F) Hagen Cospiff Peter Mafdoeks IG) COLLEGIANS 3.2 7.7 10.9 12 .11 (83) D[dVF22SIt'Y BLUES 2 .3 6.5 8.10 12 .12 (84) CoIl: Bushnell 2 Baxter 2 Rutherford 2 Quick 2 Donegan Reekes Louis Zltnbachs . Best Curtis Blackley Baxter Hampton Ltghtow•lers Zuu6achs . Uni Bletes: Brennan 4 Foyrtg' 2 Pyke 2 Farrell StainfarOt Ma<ldocks Brulky . Best Maddocks Hayter Marshall Farrell Wood Staudath . Umghts: Logan Smith Jantle MayhewSharp (F) Will Burne B) Daniel Reid Akx Roberts (G ) 22.16 (148) 9.2 14.7 17 .11 MARCF1S.IIt OLD SCOTCH 2 .1 6 .2 8.4 9.7(61) Mam Fraser 5 Bortolotto 4 Tabum3tiaa 3 Nash 2 Ga .gal'utt 2 O'Hallsan 2 Warner 2 Turner Stafford . Best Bortobtto Fraser Turner Warner S}mes Augustine. Old Sc 7ltmuml2 Whtrehead 2 Pearce Powmy Slatte ry Porter Y. Best Gray Cox Ayiett Bralky Kaye Mines . Umpdres : Brian V.balltead David ,ens (F) Nick Kelly Amin, Messiba (B) OLD BRIGHTON HAS THE BY E OLD %AVERSANS 3 .4 7.6 8.8 14.12 (96) ST BERNARDS 2.0 2.4 2.7 6.7(43) Old Xav: Handley 9 Sltcedy 2 Bob Thomas Bernice . Best: Mortensen Handley Di Stefano Lahrvy D Smith Bell. St Barr: Kavanagh 2 Sahnelore Stapleton Salome Vale. Best Hughes 6nclerner>ko Raffle Creasey Salerno Salvadure . SFmpdrm Robert O'Gorman Michael Ryde (F) UNDER-19 SECIIQN 2 4.5 4 .9 11 .10 13 .11(89) BANYtII,E-Vtt,1VBANK RUPERTSW000 4.2 8.6 13 .7 22.10 (142) Ban Vksabenk: Poyser 5 Brown 2 L.Morgan 2 Ka}roaz Gutterson Spicer Brockwell . Best Planer Buckley Shepard-Muelter Katrooz L Morgan Brown . Rvperts: Morrison 5 T Smith 4 McPhee 3 Quitm 2 Quigtey 2 Dean 2 PretteAltpat L Smith Tennant Best Bradley Glenn Quigley Et'ansTSmith Morrison . iJmpitts : David Murray Bruno Savi (F) CAU1Fffidl GR 7 .3 10 .6 12.12 19.18 (132) OLD ESSBN" 1 .1 3.4 3.4 3.6(24) Caul: A GooM 4 Hammond 3 Pdce 3 McKay 2 Gatehouse 2 aans 2 Sessta Z Gook3 iVood. Best: Nob3Mt Wood Hammond Hepworth McKay Price . Old Ess: Haklm Rankin Capponetto . Best J Williams, Rawlins Glassful. Umpfies: Logan Smith Adam Conquest (F) Caueort Smith Brendan Dowling(B) CGaigArnol John Robsyrtson (G ) OLD F.ffi.BURHIAflB 3.4 7.6 8,8 9.11 (65) BFADMARIS 4.3 9.4 14.8 21 .11 (137) Old Md& Code 5 Russell 2 Forte Miller. Best Code Forte Fletcher Russell Mitchell Ray. Her r+m: Hill 4 Cripples 3 Shone 3lmlarh 2 McKenzie 2 Bliesiter 2 Clemente 2 Camera 2 Edmeades . Best HID Cuppes Waller Clemente McKenzie Wilson . Ilampfres: Adam Conquest Nick Keating (F) Matt Procter Chris Thodruni (B), WfpiEpR1AR5 7 .4 16 .8 21 .12 29.17 (191) OLD 4RIIZII'Y 2 .4 6.5 11 .7 17,11013)
White: Torney 9 Gamble 5 Fulton 3 Carruthers MirabeIla 2 O'Callaghan 2 DAloisiO 2 AtxlallaL 2 . Best Torney Gamble L ftakla M'vabella Rrollkow•sld Carruthers. Old Trim Howell 7 Stewart 5 Okl6eki 2 Smith Wilson Cole. Best Howell Wilson Stewart Greene Smith Peyton . Umpfms: Anthony Ltlley Matt Simpson (F)
OLD CAREY 3 .4 7.5 10.10 16.13 (109) 5.5 8.8 13 .8 16.12 (108) OLD CAliffiER8'1xI. 51'fagner 2 Remmers 2 Laid)aw 2 Carpenter McQueen Patterson (Ad Carey: Tiras De Leijer. Best: Abed McQueen Wagner Thus Lord Van Cut9enberg. Old ( amtx Tolson 3 M Shanks Toshey Davis Christie 2 Bonytaly Harry Bennett Thomas DeSazutlS. Best: Barryhady Harry Christie Shanks Morley Tslndos . Umpires: Nick Brown GeotrDeteson (F• 1 MM-19 SECTICti 3
6.5 8.6(54) IA'IROSE UNI 1 .1 4.4 OLD PAR8DIANS 2.5 6.9 10.12 13.16 (94) La Tinker Bored 2 McLean Taylor Clough Mincltinton Clark Caltkrw . Best Holland PattLSon }{utp,~t McMaster Costin Eastrnazt . Old Par. Kandialds 2 Matko 2 Patens 2 Bugeja Clayton Holland Senecal Serafin Thomas UAente. Best: Clayton Bugeja Rose Geary McAllister Pratt Umpires :- Jason Lane Brian Mann (F) 0.3 3.3 6 .7 9 .12 (661 OLD IVAN IOE h1ONA6H BLUES 3.7 5.11 8.13 11 .16 (82) Details net received. IImp res: Daniel Silit, Tim Saunders (F)
2 .4 7.8 10.10 13 .13 (91) BENILFdGH 4.2 6.3 8 .11 13 .8 (86) StB)Mf: Bodner 2 Hunter 2 Finch 2 FauIloia 2 White Johnson t,&wsom Mattatg}y. Best McConnell Bodinnar Falldne' D Lynch Burger Hunter. Beat : J West 3 Convay 2 Quinn 2 A Vest Halliday Zy3berszlajn Morrison Meehan Hunt Best LeMs Ross J West Lawry Cantetv Fidler . Umph- Samh McGill Torn Haysom (F) Jessica Rollo Andrew •triantafylou (B) MHSOB 3.1 7.2 11 .3 13.6 (84) AJAX 3.5 5 .7 11 .9 12.11 (83) MHSOB: Bartholomew 4 HiteEey 2 Barkatsis 2 C McGrath 2 Anderson H Bailey Cameron. Best Bunting Ashworth Kiteky Andersen Lim Harthobrrtew . AJAX: Majtlts 3 Grot3 Mlleckd 2 CA•lss 2 Kemp Markav . Best Moss Ezekiel GrolGoldste.in Shulman Marka+. Umpires Simon Stokes (Rot) Brett Bazky (F ) 15 .7 23.8 (146) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4.3 9 3 OAHIF.IGH 4 .2 7.6 107 15.8 (98) Uni 13lacJcs: Battista 6 Shaw 3 Ross 3 Bell 3 Napier 2 Davies 2 Fleming 2 Howson 2. Best, Russell Jess Moor Legoe Shaw Bettista Oekle3gh: Pound-Gow 4 Groarice 3 Cleary 2 Counthan 2 M . Bennett Derks Virgona Best: Cwn1h2n Derks . IImphes : Matt O'Keefe Tom Wmd)aw ..' Fitzgerakl Groarice Pannd-Gow Stafford (C 18) (F) &man McInerney Mark Ra}wn (B ) .' UNDER,-19 f21 BLUE 3 .4 13.6 21.9 32.15 (207j SALESIAN SCORPIONS OAHIEFGH CLAYS 4 .0 7.1 10 .7 13 .8 (86) Sales Scarp ; Singh 6 Curtis Jordan 5 Toga 4 T Mallard 3 Mein 2 Butterfield Francis Norman Morselb Phipps D Thomson Gavin . Best Phipps Curtis Mein Toga D Thomson Fahma . Oak Clays : De George 4 Sa}enka Castello 2 Jansc Margelis Mesky Ngutrn Thomas . Best: Sqjenko Castelb Gallagher Janjk EtangeBsta Gilmore, Umpires: Matt Brama David Anselml (F) 4.1 6.6 9.8 10.11 (71) OLD HAII,SYBURY MAZENOD 7.4 10 .8 17 .11 21.14 (140)
Old Hal, Doukas 5 Gffby 2 W}eth Fankbauser fCorbs . Best : Doukas Campelj Fankhauser Campbell Hudson B}ass.l4iez Duke 5 RCSeky 3 Moran 31{a .artagh 2 Battey 2 Seem Ross Apollottio Cocks Augerkm Micallet Best Moran Risek}• Deegan Lewtott Regan Racs. Umpires : Mark Farrell Mark Duthie (F)
1 .1 2.2 4.6 6.9(45) 9 .7 15 .11 16.16 23.18 (156)
Hampt Borer Rootsev 2 White 2 Corbett HMtk. Best Zameagbotie Blanchard Suk}7nan Smith Hllie Westheal. Gcmoad : Bailey 4 Ashley 3 Chisholm 3 Leary 3 t,1cLe0and 3 Barnes 2 Kncester Mullin R}de Sayers Woodford . Best Woodford
Leary Barnes R}de Duthie Bailey. Umpires : Dean Schwab Avi N@kselman (F) PENINSULA, OB 3.4 5.9 10.12 18 .17 (125) DE IA SA1IE 4.5 11.6 14 .10 14.13 (97) Pmins: D Smith 6 J Byrt 4 P Wlgnall 3 T Madder 2 N Coy A Road M Warner.
Best- J Byrt H Nestor D Smith A Prar¢i P Wgmall M Kenny IHS : S Mwwood 3 A Nasyr 3 L O'Dormell 2 D Harhins T Robson S Crktclt J Casey D HasSaballa M Dean . Best: Edwards Silvas Fishers Crinch fieanev Morwaa i
Umpires Steve Castersen Paul T}7er (F) Josh Tyrer (B) UNDFT2-19 (21 RED OLD SCOTCH 1 .3 5.9 9.12 11 .14 (80) .A 3 .8 6.9 9.14 15.17 (107) 1HERRY pENG1 Old Se M Needham 4 E Ritchat 2 A Perry 2 J Daggan T Vogt N Oughlred . Best J Daggan E Bowen M Small M Needham N Gughtred TVogt'Ihc=y Pen: Amazelt Elmi 4 Jeff Orr 3 Kane Robertson 2 Adrian Ferraro 2Nick Samerion Karin' Helen . Best Baum Helen Josh Cooper Jeff Orr A¢rereh Elml Guy Dore Nick Somertou . Umpires: Mark Jenkins John Hughan i n 11 5 W 9.5 18.11 26.15 32 .18 (210) RUPERTSWOOD (2) 2 .4 3.5 5.7 6 .9(45) . McGregor 7 Bailey 7 Lawrence 5 Jackson 4 Matherson 2 Ludarto 2 Callan Kew FLltheim DaAngelis Hennessy Bazant . Best Franklin Wang Williams Lawrence McGregor Wyky. IhrQats(2} Lovell 3 Driver McGam [)3y. Best Catalano McGmen Casso Murphy Balmer. Umpires: Sean Scully Sur Jack Fagan (F) James Scully (B) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 5.2 9.7 15 .11 18.16 (124) OLD WESTBOURNE 3.7 3.8 6.8 9.10 (64) Brill Temp: Meadows 4 P Voglts 4 ktsHdls 3 Ranxtla 2 Coniston NickolakoPotflls Samaras Serakco Stavtb~tlakds . Best Millar Coniston P Voglis Iosiflidi5 Rametta Samaras. Old Wct: He'allger 2 MrAfhuloit 2 Squard 2 Amore Gardy Smith. Best, Dunn Amore TertPletrnt Tanner Spileri SbrigJlo. Umpires: Nathan Sheppard Richard Yam M 3 .2(20) FSI7120Y RIDS 1 .0 2.1 3.1 EMMAUS ST LEAS 6.6 12.14 19.23 29 .27 (201 ) Fitz Reds: McKenzie Donato Maroon . Best Osborn Beach Minnis Rltchie Mikhail Jants .seu. Emmmz SL: Croughan 10 Barry 3 D'Amico 3 Robin 3 Brogdet 3 Bratshaw 2 Quirk Hickey Eduart Lakr P Baranelln . Best Crou91an DAmtco Barry Hickey Brogden Ahern. Umpires Mi chael Fade Lee Crossley (F7
Under-19 - Section 1 COLLEGIANS
Coach : Michael Jones I A. Bridgeman 2 M . Williams 3 N. Crams 4 T. B-ter 5 A. Scott
6 M. Feld 7 R. Blackley 8 J. Curtis 9 M. Lynch
10 T. Zimbachs 12 S. Jeffrey 13 C . Weeks 14 N . Quick 15 D . Hynes t 6 W. Tardrn
t7 J . Hamilton 18 D . Rajkuma 19 T. Donaga n 20 M . Weeks 21 F. Boland
22 B . Sims 23 J . Davies 24 T. Cook 25 D. Adgemis 27 T Rutherford 2s B. Sutton 33 C. Bushnell
40 M . Lightowers
DE LA SALLE (BLUES) Coach : David Madigan Asst Coach : Tim Ford 1 T. Kovess 2 J . Fletcher 3 M . Fieldsend 4 D. Close 6 J . Pitcher 7 D. Keely 8 J . Greenhalg 9 A. De Marie 10 N . Roberts 12 L . O'Donnell 13 A. Nasr 15 T. John 16 M. Herkess 17 L . Casey 18 W. Dwyer 19 M . Demicoli 20 D . Hassaballa
11 J . Gasparini 12 P. Augustin 13 P. O'Callaghan 14 A . McGlin
15 S . Pesavento 16 C. Warner 17 L. Boyd 18 D. Fraser
Coach : Joe Lyttleton 1 N . Kaplan 2 D . Jennings 3 S . Oliver 4 S . Rowell 5 J . Miller 6 J . Geddes 7 J . Salem 8 M . Bartlett g T. Gunnin g 10 J . Edge 11 K. Sheehan 12 J. Priestley 13 J. Best 14 R. Doherty 15 J. Leaf 16 S. Mulligan
S(1) Coach : Bruce Armstrong S(2) Red Coach : Ian Leit h Asst Coach : Craig Kernick 2 M AM 34 nt Small 3 T eaaan 36 s E~der 4 E Whitehead 37 R Hockm g
5 B Samders 38 ML. 6 An+ad~u 35 Nw u 7 L Armurcrn7 40 M Needham 8 D Pvxney 41 8 Dumares g io T Hancness 43 J Manor n NNlen 44 J Oaggian 12 ATesdapt 46 E Kitche n
14 T Leeds 47 J Pearce 15 !A Paruv 48 A Perry 18 G LiY~y 48 H Taylor 1 7 A watace 50 T srr~, 5 1 N ~rgo 18 5 Haeces 52 H WAsai
19 T Gaum 53 C L. 20 M Ramage 54 G wood
20 N. Birrell 21 J. Dowling 22 J. Symes 23 M . Grigoruk
21 J . Kenyon 22 J . DelOsa
24 J. Hogarth 25 J. Crimmins 26 S. Preece 27 M. Turner 28 C . Cogdon 29 M. Nash 30 D . Redmond
24 J Poner 62 5 tvadcmtosh 25 T Slanery 64 E Eo«en 26 AMadun 65 MlhcWmnney
26 J . Hanson 27 S . Miles 29 T. Kovarik 30 A. Demard e 32 D. Lowe
23 K. Presnell 24 A. Tregear 25 R . Eastgate 26 L. Hanson
11HIt1P & IloPnP
31 D. Bolger
21 L. Bull
22 T. Donlan 23 J . Casey 24 S . Edwards 25 S . Nethersole
Coach : Adam Sassi Coach : Greg Wood Assistant: David Gaibalf y y 1 T. S111, 2 D. Hurley . Lawrence 2A 4 M. Walsh 3 K . Lunardi 5 J. Hughes 4 S . O'Brien 5 T. Byrne 7 C . Liberatore 6 T Preece 8 S. Matthews 7 L. Kelly 8M ~~~ 9 D . Evans 10 B. Garth 9 J. Mnnensen te S. Sneeay 11 A. Marion 1 12 D . Oconnor 1 12 n . ao~ss 15 A . Mitchell 13 A. Bonn ice 6 01 14 J. Rode 16 P. Oxenford 15 S. Bridgeland 17 C . Rogers S. Houghton 20 M . Maggiore 17 S. Doyle 21 T. Whelan 18 S. Di stetarw 19 C . Murphy 23 D. lanauo 20 J. Kay 24 B . Runnals 21 c .'rtromas 25 C. Govan 22 D . Smith 23 T. Lee 27 M . Salvadori 24 F. I'~d°mno 30 D. Lancashire 25 M. Peel 33 M . Gourley 26 N . Counsel 35 B. Ryan 27 B . Roberlson 29 S . Langdon 38 K. Buis ~ J . Ftzgerald 39 L . Demorton 31 J . Mullany 40 A. Kavanagh 32 D. Clyne 33 L. Harry 43 J. Stapleton 34 N. Morrison 45 B. Johnson 35 J. Rode 50 R . Schroder 37 c. oaYneY 38 J. Forrest 58 B. Pitts 39 J~+neY 59 T. Pearson 40 N. O'Connell 70 E . Prendi 41 N. Saunders 75 C . McDermott 42 J. Hickey 46 J. Sweeney Sr E. Bolan d
1 S. Farrelly 2 R . Tabacchiera 3 A. Del Mastro 4 N . O'Halloran 5 J. Bortolotto 6 S . Abrahams 7 C . MacLaren 8 D . Valsorda 9 D . Considine
17 B. Moon 18 B Blatt 19 M. Browning 20 G . Fielke
43 H. AkGlade 44 N. Smith
Coach : Dean Rossely
19 J . Crapper
Coach : Owen Hourigan y 1 L. Ken o n 2 S . Betsey 3 B . Dowd 4 S . Conlon 5 J . Marchesani 5 K . Sahely 6 C. Brotherly 6 R. Taylor 7 S. Neohoritis 8 S. Ryan 9 P. McLennan 10 A. White 11 T. White 12 M. Sherman 13 P. Mercouriou 1 5 M. Sullivan 16 R . Arnott 17 J. Charles 18 H . Low 19 W. Browne
K . Mios 201 J . Moussi 22 P. Harrison 23 H . Feehan 24 D. Sullivan 25 J . Mullen 26 P. Longmore 27 J . O'Rourke 28 M . Murphy 29 J . Nissen 30 T. 0'Han lon 31 J . SYme 32 M. Murphy 33 C . Viti 35 X. Gasparini 39 C . Murphy 41 B. Liu
22 w Cox 57 S Lake 23 IA Cadre ei w Harvcy
27 6 Kaye ee N Ougnaoa 28 H Dick 67 J Mused 29 J&o»„es 69 D Kkrg 30 s&adeq 70 F Browne 31 JCaae 81 AGray 32 ATununel
33 C Barbican
32 T. Montagna 44 B. Pel l
21 w ororun 55 M ENKKI
, . . . ., _ . . . ,
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : Steve Carrol l
O 1 R. Minns 2 N. Anderson 3 D. Wood 4 M. Kelly 5 H . Guthrie 6 M. Syke s 7 A. Farrell vc 8 T Maddocks (c) 9 Z. Elliott 10 N . Bradley 11 M. Dwyer (vc) 12 D . Marshall 13 J . McCarty 14 J . Poynter 15 S . Mortimer 16 T. Bronte 17 D. Carmod y 18 M . Mark Lesko 19 D. Hayte r 20 C. Pyke 21 P. Birks 22 A. Brennan 23 L. Butler 24 J . Sundermann 25 M. Kibbis 26 L . Halliday 27 S. Meade 28 D . Hanraha n 29 L . O'Shannesy 30 T. Stainfort h 31 B . Gannon 32 S . Gilbert so n 33 J . Lynch 34 C . Blizzard
.` . ,, U) ~ _ ' ; 0 0 ~` ~ .. (f~ Q Q ®, (
LL ¢ ~>
Z OQ n. (q ()
W co o C (
(f~ >
LJnder®19 - Section 2 BANYULE•VIEWBANK Coach : Phiv Demetriou
1 D Pa~k
2 J&o"reb 3 G D-c k 4 T. Shepherd e t.t Hoods 6 M S~e . Kennedy 7~ 6 0 Ka o~z 9 tit ~~jian
10 C Sravrc~pa~rs 11 12 J.D Poysw C guckwy
14 L.O'donne~ (Co .Capq 15 M. tarao (Co Coon
16 R Gunerson 17 D Caps 18 S. Griffith 19 J . Spcer 20 C . Srcxo 21 D Herbert 22 J . Rn1nr 23 D Shepherd
224 A 5 S T~ 26 J Mane<~wry 27 R. Hartnen 28 S. Green 29 J gv.,rt 30 S . &mvn 31 K. Shepam-r.tuei>Er 32 J Tsmyar~s 33 S Dack 34 J. Du nstor r• 35 F. Dyson 36 tA.t.brgan
t_atwgan 38 C . Coa 39 S . t.!omn 40 Ro Moore 49 R . Saker
BEAUMARIS Coach : John Burke Asst Coach : Paul Berry 1 K . Gasperino
2 R . Gillespie 3 J. Sinko 4 L . Hill 5 C . Badman 6 M. Bramwell (VC) 7 T. Hunt 8 A. Clemente 9 J. Starke 10 A. Mckenzie 11 J . Dickie 13 M . Wilson 14 B . Wall 15 B . Norris
17 L. Tckell 18 V. Camera 20 T. Waller (VC) 21 R . Fenton 22 J . Atkins 24 R . Imlach 25 B . Stron g 26 C . Shon (VC) 29 M . Gravina ' 31 C . Graham 32 B. Woodland 33 J. Kilgore 37 B. Fraser 38 J. Edmeades 39 A. Little 40 D . Reiby 41 J. Nicholson 43 D. Cupples (C) 46 R. Scrivener 47 A. Mueller 49 M . Cairns 51 M . Beruldsen 52 J . Williams 61 K . Bliesner
1 T. Cudlipp 2 A . Haralambous 3 D . Oman 5 E. Hardy 6 J . Tucker 7 L. Jones 8 R . Moffatt 9 A. P(OWSe
10 A. Kauye 11 A. Manahan 12 A. Mermagas 13 C. Hanchette 14 A. Armstrong 15 E. Baker 16 W. Christian 17 W. Penton 18 J . Dick 19 E . Mitchell
20 A. Pannife x 21 N. Russell 22 J . Beckley 23 D. Osmond 24 N. Russell 25 M. Schivo 26 L. Bender
27 W. Richardson 28 J . Brener 29 C . Hawes 30 L . Jones 31 C . Theodoulou 32 A. Kauye 33 D . Miller 34 J. Rafferty 35 J. Beaumont 39 F. Thompson 44 A. Ray 47 B.Lugg
Coach: Rob Frenc h
Coach: Anson Brownless
1 T. Noblett
1 J . Goldblatt
4 J . Carpenter
2 M . Sessler 3 N. Andrew 4 A . Clarke 5 A . Spittal 6 C . Hammond 7 G. Thomson 8 T. Hartlett 9 L . Price 10 B. Gatehouse 11 R . Evans 12 S. Powleyy 13 S Wood
2 T. Barrow 3 C . Poynion 4 J . Rowell
5 A. Shedden 6 T. Davis 9 M . Cornwell 10 C. Laidla w 13 J . Rimingto n 16 M . Laldlaw 19 T. Locock 20 A . Winn 21 A . Remmers 25 S. Mead 26 J. De Leije r 27 T. Howgate 28 G . Lord 30 A. Day 32 A. Newhouse 33 J. Nevmham 34 A. Alexander 35 B . Laing ~ J . Vujovic h 44 D. Stocco J . Sinclair
. 14 C . May
15 B. Pearce 16 K. Biggs 17 A. Goold 18 Z . Goold 19 W. Hepworth 20 M . Sundberg 21 M . Lopiccolo 2 23 R. Schrdoth 24 M . Benkemoun 25 J . McCahon 26 E . Kala a 27 T Doak~e 28 B . McDonald 29 A . Webb 30 D . Mason 31 A . McKay 33 A . Guagas 35 C . Scully 39 A. Nesci THE RACECOURSE HOTEL CNR. DANDENONG & WAVERLEY RD'S, MALVERN EAST.
5 N . Tsindos
6 P. Christie 8 M. 116a 9 D . Walpole 10 S. Bonyhady 11 N . Hall 13 W. Robinson 14 D. DeSanctis 15 J. Tuohey 16 A. Renshaw 17 D. Morley 18 N. Wallace 19 T. Peasnell 20 J . Davis 21 L. Taylor 24 W. Wettenhall 25 N . Charles
26 C . Hillier 27 D . McGuigan 29 D . Harry "/ 30 T Angov e 31 M. Shanks 33 C . Bennett 34 G . Tolson 36 A. Thomas
(77M1 SP O N SO R
Mitchell Partners
---------- --- -
__ . . . . .___ ._'__ ._ . . . ._ . ,.
Coach: Leo Curran
Coach : Greg Bradley
1 Cole S 2 Parker A 3 Marsden A V/C 4 Israel J
I J PHILLIPS 42 d uunPaY 2 ca.LtFeRT 43 Ao-a.v.vataRE 3 x TEnwOt+T 44 e GG'w5t"Y 5 eG'2`''r 44 cvccMILLE 6 J PRETTY 45 T EGa .n;
5 Simmons H
8 J BRADLEY 46 L CAFdNi o 10 TvresT 47 JBROUG!tltkrd
6 Delphine T V/C 7 Greene A 8 Stewart F 9 Howell T 10 Smith B 11 Burke M 12 Delaney E 13 Bicknell J 14 Bilney M 15 Peyton D 16 Spragg T 17 Lesinskis M
18 Stockdale C 19 Oldfield T 20 Laher Y 21 Grant J 22 Doyle H 24 Burke A Capt. 25 Milaszewicz A 27 Law B 29 Wilson D 31 de Bruin S 40 Wood L 44 Baylis M 68 Blytham R
12 A ry~~ ;~ L~~;t~a 13 t! FELL 48 A DAY 15 DG~LEnr . bs DGREGG9Y tfi DD~..u1 49 D~TA:~:E58 17 J ANDERSON 50 D E1ltdia 17 h!ou1GLEY 51 ACATAaxO 19 G 6OULE 52 B tvLLMS on rJGAUr,T 53 a ra.CADUa 21 T :tarit'' 5; J wAL LkGE 22 G PN3 ,L1P8 55 S A~fiGAMI 23 RsPT+NEp 56 tJ[~AppY 24 L k.oRRISOv 58 CDRIVER 26 r7MGPNEE 59 B ALKEAAUE
2e saREtwr.tt 60 Lw1:eSTER 30 MuoRRICE 87 Dutt+ues0`t 31 uErrERY e7 L BzeDELY 32 tJELU$ 74 D SLEIGHT enRisTEttSOn 78 MtupR;SOy 31 TtauAP; ;Y ;3 CwisHrJ3T
'.';111TE(tslidIS Coach : Andy Dalrymple 1 E . Abdalla h
3 A . DAkdsi o 5 J . Omeara 6 S . Keogh 7 C. Taouk 8 D. Yore 9 8 . Torne y
11 A . Gambl e 12 A . Petts 13 C . Lucarel4 f 14 A. Kene z 16 N . Cro~.ve 17 M. Bon d 18 K. Laski 19 S. Greenland 20 R . Carruthers 21 C. KroGkowsk i 22 J. Tartaglia
24 C. Harri s
25 N. OCallaghan 26 K. Walker 27 H. Fulton
28 L. Hamblin 29 A. Spurrel 30 A. Gibbs 31 C. Power 32 L. Kaldo r
35 B LDVETi 60 MvNt50XTEL 35 o~~~y
37 Rrta~ES 36 MADpax3 '- J TAYLOR 40 scuSw2 'a A JONES 41 a GASC~o
. : . , .;_,. .. . .. . . .. .. .. .. . t :>n::c~
Under-19 - Section 3 AJAX Coach : Michael Konsky 1 D. Brouze 2 J. Smith 3 B. Oviss
4 A. Freedman 5 J. Kegen 7 M . Chester
8 J. Feldy 9 D. Blusztein 12 B. Hershan 13 R. Sol fY3rg
14 J. Kochen 15 A. Goldstein 16 17 18 19
E. ROutman N. Shulman D. Skurnik A. Chrapot
Coach: Mick Lee Asst Coach: Geoff Brew 1 J . Coyne 2 A. Fogarty 3 O . Lewis 4 S. Lawry
5 J . Coles 6 B. Meehan 7 R . Rossi
8 B. Halliday 9 L . Morrison 10 J. Convery
11 J. West B. ZyIberSZt) dn B. Lydster L . Armstrong A. West 18 S. Macleod
20 D. Markov
13 14 15 17
21 P. Wein 22 A. Moss
22 S. Frost
23 R. Grof 24 J. Sacks 25 R. Kagan 27 G . Measey
27 T. McIntyre
30 J. Shafir
29 A. Quinn
31 G . Milecki
30 M. Nyary 31 B. Steven
32 C. Yudelman 33 D. Majtlis 34 S. Ezekiel
37 T Kohn 39 C. Cahn 40 J. Kestenberg
B . Holland A . CuNenor D. McMaster M . Suoweeks N . Beck P. McGrath Hedge
J. Easton B . D. Paton D. Gladman C. Marx N Clark C. Edwards G. Davies S . Condron T. Hooke A . Knight A. Oakley B . Mrinchrnton R Maatman B . Van Our T. Nlxon R. Tol4iday W, ManG. Girdwood M . Pattinson K . McGough P. Nunan J. Daniels J. Witham
32 C . Fidle r 34 B. Hunt 35 M. Bell
J. Doyle T. Taylor J Hedrick L. Carmody y
41 L . Belobrov
45 J. Kaplan 46 D . Simon 47 Y. Kozminski
Coach: Mick Holden 1 D . Counihan 2 M . Harold (C) 3 D . Costigan 4 J . Fitzgerald 5 C. Groake 6 M . Doyle 7 L. Callery
M . Mackenzi e
P. McMullan B . Hare T. Elliman G. Parr P. Dawes A. McLean T. Anderson N. Bucci F. Cakfow B . Paman A . Jones D. Larsen M. Kenneoy G. Walsgofl J. Clough C. Nertd J. Paterson J. Dlcknson H Lancaster T Dickinson M. Steele J. Weimar V. Cncent, K . Donovan S . Foster J. Perkins T. Ing6s J. Parham J. Koopmans A. Palone
L. Lorenzin B . Ramming
23 T Bail 26 T. Dewar
OLD IV'- :: : :
Coach: Ben Covelli
Coach : Mark Spinos0 Asst Coach : Simon Vincent 1 J . Crosthwaite
1 M . Ferrannno (vrcapt) 2 J. Minas
1 2 3 5 6 7
3 M . Golden 4 T Nicola 5 A. Bacon 6 hi . Cookson 7 K. Ellis 8 T Harrison 9 A.
D. ZivanOViC B . Holden R. Bugeja (VC) A. Serafin M . Solomon A. Cowles
N. Pratt
12 R. Stafford
13 J . Binney (wcapt)
13 S. Rose
13 C. VlrgOna 14 N. Miller 15 D. Clea ry
14 A. Foster 15 L . Page - Wood 18 B. Saunders t7 T. Rosenbs 18 G . Hamrick 19 C . Grewes
22 D. Richardson 23 S. Rehlicki 25 D. Hussey
18 J. Chapple 19 P. Disiervi 20 A. North 21 S. DOherly
22 A. Pound-Gow 23 J. Collins 24 S. Aidone 25 M. Donato
26 P. West 27 A. Middlemiss
28 T. Edward s 30 L . Barrand 42 M. Shenker ~.. .
~m~ ? BETTEflTORQUE AUTOMOTIVE ~ lord Street, oakleigh 3166 1 7044 FAX : 9564 7205
1 M . Andrews 2 D. Ashwort h 3 H. Bailey 4 c. BaBey 5 N Barkatsas 6 T. Bartholomew 7 A Bar . mi ha m 8 D Brooks aid 9 J. Bunting 10 D. Cameron 11 H. Comeadow
1 .K Collins 2. P. Gurr
13 Anderson 14 Fd. HamiHon-Ho 15 M . Fraczek 16 . Hersk 7A . Higg ns~ 18 T. Kavanagh 19 J. Krteley 20 K. La m 21 W. Taft 22 J. Larkins 23 A. Lenehan 5 24 G . m Les6e 2 A. Li 26 L. Evans 27 A. Litlebales 28 C. 29 S McGrath . McGrath 3A L . McKinnon 31 E. Mulvey 32 C. Peck 33 Pretty ; Pro E Rebakis 35 B. 36 J. Rosenham 37 N. Ruddell 38 J, Simpson 39 D. Sneddon 40 N. Tan 41 N . Tang-la 42 C . Templm 43 O . Walsh 44 P. Warne r 45 L . Woodard
10 A Thompso n 11 B Cruickshan k 12 S Jacobson 13 B Harding 14 B Main 15 C Godsi l 16 G Ngyuen 17 L Treadwel l 18 J Rudd 19 N Rhode n 20 J Shopo v 21 S Barton 22 C Handle Y 23 K Adjei 24 CWitkowski 49 R Devanny 62 S Worrall
3. M Philips 4' D Morga n 5. J . Maye 6. R VanDerMerw e 7. A Jordan 8. D Padulla
9. A Vincen t
12 ~ Dxon
A. McMahen
10 T. Pantano 11 N . Ciarne (capp 12 M. Itson
17 G . Bennett
Coach : Bruce Waldron
Coach : Brad James Runner: Tim Fitzgerald
.. ..
63 J Stephenso n 83 G Svenso n
. ... .. .. .. .
Booran HOLDE N
9 D. Wills 10 W. Manning 11 M . Bennett
16 J . Derks
Coach : Zoran Collavlc
9 R. Petrou 11 M . Matko
32 B. McAllister 33 D. Clayton 34 R . Thomas 35 J. Ber th et 37 S. Valente 38 M. Irvine
20 D Madigan 21 L . Terenyl 22 B. McKin!ey 23 G . Reynard 24 M. Perolh 25 J . Hyndman 26 D . Nichol 27 E . Spurge 28 J . Burns 29 0 . Roger 3 S ' Leggett 31 0 S . Leslre 32 S . Keta!as 33 A Steer 34 A . Gloster 35 C . Lock
I . Fndma n B . Collins D . Camprsano S . Johnson S . L'Hudber
B . Schwa-
to J . McNei l
it L Katy 12 J . Marks 13 J . Mattingly 14 R . Burger 15 J . Hunte r 16 J . Kieran t7 B . Neville 18 D. Lynch 19
W. Parker
20 P'Y'ght
21 M . Lawler 22 C. Barr
23 J . Cahill 24 L. Thomas
28 C. Mount,
50 A . Lag O 51 A . Cirill0 52 J . KandilakiS
4 6 7 8 9
43 M. Christie
47 B. Geary
1 T. Laver 2 J . Terrell 3 K. McDonnell
25 N. Kane 28 A . Falkmer
46 M. Slace
'~~ ~fiG013
Coach : Owen Lator
39 J. Seneca (DVC) 42 M. Patena (C) 44 D . Whyley 45 G . Vincent
81 `ii- )
C. Tobm
29 A. KnowMs 30 J. Hunter 31 T. Smith 32 S. Brown
34 M . Knuppel 35 to . Sapna 37 M . Bodinaar
Coach : Justin Gray Asst Coaches: Andrew Gray Bruce Warren, Craig Thompso n 1 J . Arde y 2 M. McCombe 3 J . Rippon (C) 4 M Barron
5 B . Batter s 6 M. Battista 7 H . Beaumont 8 J . Bell I J . Barge
T. Burchell
11 T. Ross (VC) 1z W. Ho~xson 13 D. Bartow 14 O. Close 15 T. Davres i 6 W Ezr y 7 B . Flem i 18 D. Moar ~ 19 J . Finniga n 20 A . Gild 21 E . Harrison 22 M . Hodgson
23 J. Hughes 24 D. Lane 25 A . Legoe 26 S . Lesli e 27 R. h4cBurney 28 D. Costel b 29 B . Mikus 30 A. N a 'akos ~
31 J. oy
32 H. Porte r 33 O . Ramsa 34 N Scheeliy s 35 G . Show ~ 36 R. Alhtl 37 J. Elk s
38 B. McGowan 39 J. Hamilton 40 S. Jeremah 41 S. Jess 42 C. Le Maitr e 43 TNaPier
Proudly Sponsored by
Proudly Sponsored b y
Buxton Real Estat e Kingston Chiropractjce IFCO
THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t
Clearcut Hairdressing
Carlton 3053
Under-19 - Section BLUE DE LA SALLE ( GOLD) Coach: Robin Smith
I M. Herkess 38 J. M
2 W. Dyer 39 M . Cnrnwn 3 M. Febsentl 40 A . Breda 4 T John 41 J. Fisher 5 J . Pitcher 42 T . Rr,bson 6 N . HoMrcs 43 I. Ganry 7 T. Kovess 44 M. Dean 8 M. Moore 45 M. Munoz 9 W Fenbn 46 S . Manrood ie L 0'Donnelt 47 0. Keaney
1 T. Silvers
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Dale Ross
3 J . Lao 4 J . Linke
4 . I Nicholls 5. N Ulbrick 6. S Blanchard 7. D Kettle 8 . N Pinto 9 . R Semmel 10 . L Smith
17 J. Mather 18 D . Micallef 19 S. Moran
23 J . Casey 24 C . Bas 25 G . Hess 26 J. Hanson
26 . M Deluca 27 . J William s 28 . R White
27 S. Miles
30 . A Bice 33 . T Rootsey 35 . M Westhead 38 . R Lang 39. K Cho 40. J Hille
Coach : Michael Oaten
12 D . Hensman 13 P. Johnson t4 J . Kavanagh 15 J . Lambert 16 S. Mann
22 . J Ba Barry n
22 L. Casey
17 J . Hendry
21 . S Suleyman 24 . B McDonald 25 . R Sharpe
33 0. Hassabana 34 J. Oakley 35 J. Oreenre kj 36' S. Edxards 37 a 0IM.
1 A . Folino
2 K . Nguyen
3 S . Castricu m 4 D . Cau he g y 5 A . Ciavarella 6 G. Cock s 7 B . Costin 8 M. Cummins 9 W. Evans 10 D . Grantham
i5 . R Henry 76 . J Corbett 17 . T Mitchell 18 . D O'Brien 20 . M Curry
28 J. Fte:cher 29 T. Kovart 30 A. Demarde 31 0 Lave 32 A. Naar
I J . Simon
I M. Bertone
2 N . Bradley
74 A. Cox 75 S. Nemer~ 16 J Tonwb 17 0 . Keely 18 J . McKenzie
19 l . Bull
2. A Ross 3. G Connell
73 T Oanegan
20 N . 8ums 21 N . Stewart
Coach : Gary Williams Team Manager: Greg Evangelista
1 . D Zampaglione
11 . T Fallon 12 . R Kenny 13 . P Woods
12 0 . Mescher
Coach : Shane Regan
29 . C Gleason
43, J Schafer 44. T Skewes
I rr
Coach : Tony Thripp
20 A. Norman 21 D . Nutting 22 M. Pecora
23 D . Power 24 25 26 27 28 29
D . Regan E. Roberts B. Ross S. Smith P. Souter S. Stanley
30 T. Steinfort 31 W. Vandergert 32 A. Weekes 33 R . Wi c krem as ing he 34 A-Winstanley
Coach : David Lappage 2 M. Scholes (VC) J . Walsh J . Mill s S . Podandi s L. Petrovic h D . Gilby (VC) F. Mohammad N . Waite 10 S. Wilson
3 4 5 6 7 8
5 S . Janjic 6 J . Sajenko 7 L. De George
8 C . Thompson 9 C . RoBSenlis 10 A . Ptozza 11 A . Nasr
11 A. McIntyre
12 N . Harrison (C) 13 D . Maye s 14 S. Jone s 15 K. Maltans 76 A. Temby 17 J. Stanley 18 T. Douka s 19 S. Roberts 20 M. Fankhause r 21 M. Ellis Siiberer 22 S. 23 J. Elliott 24 D. Korlo s
12 S . Gallagher 13 J . Evangelista 14 D . Ni t5 J . Nevi n 16 D . Gilmore 17 B . Forbes
18 G. Mosley 19 D . Smith 21 K . Onurulu
25 S. Lockwood
22 S . Levy
26 A. Byass 27 S. Campel j 28 C Casey
23 L . Townley
24 S.C . Levy 25 D . Davidson
29 T. Wyeth
30 B. Dolman 31 A. Campbel l 32 M . Doyl e
26 J. Castello 27 S. Masoud 28 P. Cook
~ R. Johnson
29 J. Bolitho
34 R. Davis 35 T. Chishol m 37 T. Gil l
30 J. Moffat
31 C . Duress 33 S. Kurth 34 J. Price
35 C . Fletcher 40 J. Jose h 43 R . Thomas
I 1
"~ ~~1 i -
t ~~ • '
j :: _--°-
SALESIAN SCORPIONS Coach : Michael Hazell Asst. Coach : Michael Fore r
1 J. Ashley 2 D . Bailey 3 R . Chisholm 4 S. Barnes 5 D . Brosnan 6 T- Denatris 7 M. Mclelland 8 R . Sayers 9 A. Jewell 10 L. Calvert 11 S. Fisher 12 G . Evans 13 D. Haysom
1 L. Walke r 2 R. White 3 E . Wittich 4 R. Smith 5 D. Smith 6 B . Mitchell 7 N . Coy 8 P. Wignall 9 B . Coldrey 10 M . Wenner 11 M . Kenny 12 A . De Lange 13 S . Robertson
1 R. Batten 2 B . Crowle y 3 P. Norman (Co-Capt ) 4 C. Hogan 5 L. Kelly (Co-Capt ) 6 L. Peterso n 7 D. Katogianni s 8 J . Butterfield 9 T. Mailard 10 S . Toniazzo 11 H . Sing h 12 B . McCarthy
14 L. Upstill
14 L. Coghlan
13 B . Farhne r
15 T. Johnson 16 A. Wilson 17 J. Harry 18 L. Washfold 19 T. WOolfe 20 D. Machin 21 R. Mcgirr 22 S . Vipond 23 M . Violi 24 J . Turnbull 25 C. Woodford 26 L. Knoester 27 A . Cribbes 28 L. Kinniard 29 T. Leary 30 L. Duthie 32 C . Freeman 33 N . Ryd e 44 B . Robbins
15 S . Byrne 16 M . Lewis 17 D . Felvus 18 T. Madder 19 A . Crefield 20 S . McGuiness 21 H . Nestor 22 S . Taylor 23 C . Witzelll 25 J. Rees 26 J. Murphy 27 J. Wilmot 28 R . Trickey 29 J. Bill
14 R . Mei n 15 L. Phipps 16 M . Dempster 17 S. Curtis 18 R . Jorda n 19 P. Dunn e 20 D . Lentin i 21 S. Francis (V.Capt) 22 C . Thomso n 23 T. Wilso n 24 J. Silk 25 T. Togia 26 D . Thomson 27 M. Fullma n 28 D . Demaria 29 J. Morsello 30 K. . Batte n
Under-19 - Section RED AQUINAS
Coach : Danny Mirrogue
Coach : Harry Harisiou
1 N . Morrison-Story 2 J. Price 3 W. Collins 6 J . McGregor 7 T. Chapman 8 N . Weidermann 11 M. Hale 13 C . Ryan (c)
7 S. Mountain 8 A. Eccles 9 D. Thomson
16 L. Neame
20 S. O'Donnell 20 A . Ragauskas 21 D . Zuccan 22 C . Williams (c) 26 S . Ragozzini 27 J . Thompson 32 G. Day 34 C . Sheridan 43 M . Sawyers
12 D. McColl 13 B. Teki n 14 J. Newman 15 S. Millar
16 R . Tremayne 17 P. Voglis
10 T. Lee 11 M . Voghs
18 B. Moran 19 C . Lapadoula 20 B. Lapadoul a
55 J . Bicknell
33 P. Murch
6 J . Ritchie
10 T. Wang
7 J . Beach
11 N . Lawrence
11 S . Kay
8 A . Brown
15 N . Howard
9 S . Bombed
19 T. McKayY 20 A . Pike 23 J . Eggb y 26 R. Nash 30 0 . Gregory 35 M . Matherson 36 D. Malony 38 J . Fultheim (C ) 54 A. Franklin (VC )
24 A. McKenzie
33 M. Lator
11 R. Danc e 12 B . Janisse n 13 D. Miller 14 D. Sulemenovski 15 L. Williams 16 H. Topp 17 C. Dullard 18 K . McKenzie 1 9 J. Bolton 21 J. Bramha m 22 M . Mikhail 23 K. Maghamez 24 D. Lee
~ tss -
Harp of Erin Hote l 636 High St , Ke w
Cannon Toyot a
30 W. Townsend 31 T. Osborn 32 N . Scott
473 Lower Heidelber g Rd, Heidelberg
RUP 00D Coach : Kevin Quinn
I J. P++,^P,, 50 D- E"'as 2 C.AJ W 61 A Catabno 3 A.Tennant 52 B.Yftbams
THERRY PENOLA Coach : James Sandman 1 L. Conboy 3 R. Keenan
e e o- 53 e. M .-id-
4 K . Helou
6 J, Piety 54J .wa~
5 Y.HelOu
it NAt~,~ 47 dPearce 12 ATesftO aa APm7 t4 TLeeas a9 HTayacr
4 J. Tanner 5 N . Gardy 6 F. Berton e 8 T. Williamson 10 L . Squarci 12 M. Williamso n 13 P. Eckel 14 A . McAlindon 15 0. Hickey
t5 MPars, 50 T"
17 B . Spiteri
21 T.sr,rm eo M.vawo,ciet
14 N . Somerto n
16 G trey
18 H . Templeton 19 A . Smith 20 D .Chan 21 B . Whiting 22 G. Christopher 23 J . Heiniger 24 F. McGregor 25 R . Borg 26 B . Hughes 27 C. Hudson 28 N. Russell 30 M . Aruijunow, 54 A . Cain
22 o~ PtvnW 23 N .Spp24 Lr,,26 M 28 a&er'°ar' 30 C. E', 32 M Eft- ry c^r''t'S0f 33 L Muryhy
15 B. Toze r 17 J. Webbe r 18 G . Dore 19 M. Reynold s 20 A. Mert 21 L . Harpley 22 J . Mammolti 23 C . Ree s 24 C . Matto n 32 J . Cooper 33 S . Harriso n 38 K . Robertso n 44 A . Gentile
, 8e .' 40 MNieotliim 6 A"Gt RDumarESq 7 LAa ig 42 T Foviarider
8 DR 6.y 43 JMaW
5 T Grows, 44 J Da~,an 10 T Hukr~ 46 E Kktwi
51 N sRargo
17 AY're#3[C 52 Hv"F'w'~
S111111 53 CL. is Stares 5e Cvmro 19 TGa:ra 5s MEruni 20 taRamage 57 8take 21 WC- 61 wHaney 22 WC- 62 s M'acwtosh 23 MC
. 64 E BOwen
24 J Po E5 M rxwmr,nei 25 TS y 66 ayrared zs Au 1 67 lraul,s 27 at< 69 D" 28 HD 70 F6ro-.me
29 J E A 81 AOray 30 S E 3 1 JC A,,, I
e u .eramy 55 s r,+ayanb 10 T.WeSt 56 M.8radtl y 12 A. Eves 58 C . arver 13 N.Fe% 59 B.Aqcema4e
15 0 . cum 60 L Webster 16 D . Dean 67 D . Authurson 17 d Ar.prsoo 67 L a3ddely
n M. a,g'er 74 D . s~yr s G r,wu:e 78 M. Harn20 ra.ca„re 79 C w5nan
3s e . Level 36 D. Map-
37 fl"cr s 38 r't"Adar' .Yl0f O 39 3~T ao s . BOW 40 AJ-i,
6 M . Cannon 7 J . Muha r 8 A. Elm i 9 D. Allender 10 P. Tomkinson 12 A. Ferraro 13 C . Desousa
41 A Casco 42 J Murph y 43 A. D~salvatcr e u B CmY.ey
33 C . 3n
4a C Rkwmr~&e
36 M :• .36 g E
45 T Ega n 46 L . Carianf 47 J Braughian
Major Sponsor : Werribee
57 D.Jackso n 65 C. Joll y
20 D. McPhee
26 L . Davidson 27 R . McKeown 28 L . Magee 29 F. Novello
Coach : Greg Fagan
3 S. Dunn
10 P. Manoli
25 G . Maroo n
37 Ribemg
3 TB . .'~ 36 Misr :z?i 39NV:u 4 E6
4 A . Hal e
10 S . Randall
46 P. Naidos 50 T. Austen
1 K. Donato 2 K. Bayley 3 T White
9 S . Eduatti
45 M . Makin
Coach : Tim Bell Coach : Matthew Jac k Asst Coach: Tony Dullard Team Manager : Janiene Hari 1 G . William s Runner: Leo Dynes 2 S . O'Shea 3 R . Wyley 5 J . DeAngelis 7 M . Cochran e 8 A . Lucisan i
34 E . Odza 35 M. Ramondetta 36 A . Coulston 37 J . Wolnizer 38 M. Crooks 40 P.losdidis 41 A . Smith 42 S Roussidis 43 D.Seraicco
S (1) Coach : Bruce Armstrong S(2) Red Coach : Ian Leith Asst Coach : Craig Kemick
4 B . Minnis 5 J . Boyle
13 M . Dorazio 14 G . Croughan 15 T. Ahern 16 J . Barry 17 N. Robin 18 M. Wright 19 P. D'amico 20 J. Brogdon 21 N. Cadden 22 J. Anderson
22 A. Benerichs 23 A. Stavrehs 24 M. Meadows 26 A . Geargakopoulos 27 S . Hoysted 28 M. Fill 29 M. Coulston 30 P. Florence 31 P. Gallo 32 J . McDonald
71 R. Papworth
Coach : Ben Pilley
1 P. Baranello 2 J . Quirk 3 A . Hickey 4 D. Monfort e 5 N . Baranello 6 R. Stafford 7 K . Adriaanse
46 J . Reece 58 D. Thatcher
~,{ Mazda
~ A. o Y~ ' 8 D Gregw y
4 49
- .
.. .
. ~
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rk rtagnese
Could we be seeing a transfer of power in Section . 1? The defeat of Old Xaverians was just one of several surprising results in Round which gave me a 64% success rating . Review of Round 5 . Section I . De La Salle made a welcome return to form with a forty four point win over their traditional rival, St Kevin's . There will be no jokes this week about your leadership, Nick . University Blues won for the first time in this section by defeating the nomadic Mt Lilydal e by thirteen points after an evenly contested match . Mazenod easily outpointed Old Brighton by seventy six points . On the Junction Oval, Old Scotch scored a thirty eight point win over fellow pioneer, Old MeIburnians . Last week Old Xaverians fell in by a point . This week, they suffered their first loss in a year as well as incurring several serious injuries when they went down to Prahran by the comfortable margin of thirty seven points . Best for Prahran included
Leaders, University Blacks had a n o t h e r percentage building wi n when they defeated Old Trinity by seventy nine points . At Punt Road, Oval Fitzroy Reds, despite inaccuracy, defeated Therry Penola by fifty points . Section 3. Old Scotch kept their finals' hopes alive wit h a seventy point win over Old Carey. Fitzroy Reds surprised me (and North Old Boys) with a convincing victory by forty eight Points over the second placed side . On the neutral terrain of Koonung Park, leaders, Whitefriars had a tough tussle before securing an eight point win over Old Geelong. Emmaus - St Leo' set up their win over La Trobe University with a six goal haul in the second quarter . La Trobe rallied in the final stages but went down by eighteen points . Caulfield Grammarians had the bye .
; Paul Limoti, Darren Blake and Lucas Kitchen . For the Xaverians ; Bart Calman, Nicholas Hart and Patrick Hall were best . Section 2 . Marcellin, who edged ahead of Box Hill Sharks during the first half, led by six points at half time. The Sharks through greater skill and quicker ball movements, took over control in the second half. At the final siren, Box Hill C 1 tlt Sharks led by twenty points . Best for the Prahran Cartlidge 6 23 Sharks were ; ruck man, Daniel Grant and key Old Xaverians Hall 5 21 fonvard, David Viola . For MarceIlin : Damian Old lvieibournians Arden 14 Coutts and Nick Gribble were best . Prahran Howard 0 1 2 Monash Blues scored their first win when they CIS 2 j defeated traditional rivals, Collegians by fifty five points. The Students set up their victory Old Essendon Cariss 4 19 Box Hill Sharks Viola 2 with a high scoring first quarter and they 17 Uni Black s Wood I 1 finished as they had started with a high Old Xaverian s scoring last quarter Roach 3 1 0 . Best for Monash were ; Ci& ( 3) Coughlin, Butler and Johnstone . Old Scotch Old Essendon's form last week must have Lacey 6 1 4 Caulfield Grammerians Brokman been an aberration because this round they 1 11 Emmaus SL Manton pushed Old Xaverians to two points at Victoria 6 11 Park. W'hitefriars O"Brien 6 10 56
wo successive weeks on a big ground will take toll on the Emmaus players' legs and so I select Old Geelong to win . Preview of Round 6. Section 1 .
St Kevin's cannot take University Blues lightly as the Blues have proven competitive, without being able to win until Round 5 . I select St Kevin's as they have the more consistent form . Old Scotch will possess too much talent for the determined Mt Lilydale side . The clash of the round will be that between Old Melburnians and Old Xaverians . Although I expect the Melburnians to seriously challenge the Xaverians, I do not believe their talent will enable them to win the match as the Xaverians will rise to the challenge . De La Salle, with confidence restored should be able to defeat Mazenod, whose 2005 form is not up to their own standard of Season 2004 . Prahran should defeat Old Brighton with comparative ease even at Brighton Beach . Providing Prahran players concentrate, chase and not become complacent they should consolidate top position .
Section 2 . Monash Blues, with their newly found form should defeat Marcellin at Monash . ,Old Essendon, should score a comfortable win at Keilor over Collegians, whose form has regressed since the early Rounds . The Old Xaverians versus Fitzroy Reds match should prove a good guide to the actual strength of each club . The Xaverians have won under pressure and with ease . The Reds are determined competitors, who never shirk an issue and who through great endeavour support each other constantly. I reckon on a close contest, which will be won by Old Xaverians through their greater fitness and pace . University Blacks face a danger game against the Box Hill Sharks, who will give all to cause an upset . I suspect the greater depth of the Blacks talent will enable them to overcome a serious Shark challenge and so remain undefeated . One team must record its first win when Jherry Penola visit Old Trinity . I select Old Trinity to win at home through possessing the greater fitness needed on the big ground .
Section 3 . North Old Boys, who have yet to produce the consistent play required by a top side, play Caulfield Grammarians, who are coming off a bye and who may be short of a run . I will give North the benefit of my doubt and select them to win this likely final preview . Fitzroy Reds will defeat La Trobe University in their match at Ramsden Street . Leaders, Whitefriars should have another good win at the expense of Old Carey . The Old Geelong versus Emmaus - St Leo's match should provide a competitive encounter . Emmaus looked good for the first half last week but then their advantage was whittled down . Two successive weeks on a big ground will take toll on the Emmaus players' legs and so I select Old Geelong to win . Old Scotch has the bye . Team Managers.
I would like to hear your teams' details either by telephone 9467 2857 or by e mail nknugent@alphalin k . com . a u Note : Old Xaverian players, Peter Conquest, Michael Jones an d Matthew O'Kane all suffered serious injuries in last week's match against Prahran . They are all wished a speedy recovery and all friends and opponents alike hope they will soon be back in action with "The Crocodiles" .
CLUB 18 (1 ) University Blues v St Kevins Old Scotch v Mt Lilydale 0 C Old Melburnians v Old Xaverian s De La Salle v Mazenod 0 C - at Waveriey Park Old Brighton v Prahran Club 18 (2) Monash Blues v Marcellin
Old Essendon Or v Collegians Old Xaverians (2) v Fitzroy Reds Box Hill Sharks v University Blacks Old Trinity v Therry Penola 0 B Club 18 (3) Old Scotch (2) - By e
North Old Boys v Caulfield Or Fitzroy Reds (2) v La Trobe Uni - at Ramsden Street Oval, Clifton Hill (44G2 ) Old Carey v Whitefriars Old Geelong v Emmaus St Leos 0 C
CLUB 18 (11 ST KEVIN S 3 .0 4 .1 5 .3 9.5 (59) DE LA SALLE 3.2 8 .2 12 .7 14.9 (93) SKOB: Horrocks 2 Crowley 2 Scarfo 2 P Harvey D Dunn Game. Best : Crowley T Dillon Searfo Salisbury Macey Griffiths. DLS : Nicholas 5 MannLx 3 Norton 2 Laff Ford Brasher Jarvis. Best : Dimble Nicholas P Brasher Throne Moloney Tucker. Umpires: Tony Byrnes Joe Salvatore (F) MT LILYDALE 3 .5 5 .9 7 .12 10.13 (73) UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.1 7.4 10 .5 13 .11 (89) Mt Lily: T Flanagan 3 G Bird M Rhodes P Atkinson C Gibson K Maniscalchi M Ciccone B Egan. Best: Callanan H Flanagan Egan J Hickev Vanduuren Atkinson . Uni Blues: Nottman 3 Fulton 3 Glass 2 McKinley Buchanan T Girwood B Girwood Foster . Best : Tyers McKinley Nottman McQufflen Glass. Umpires: Bob O'Halloran Dean Banova (F) OLD MELBURNIANS 5 .2 6 .2 8.5 9.7 (61) OLD SCOTCH 2.2 8 .3 11 .6 15.9 (99) Old Melb: Details not received . Old Sc : N Simon 6 Fraser 3 Stevens 3 Craven 2 Glen. Best : Logan Johnston Wilkinson Addison Collie . Umpires : Simon Brooks Steve Mason (F) MAZENOD 1 .4 6 .7 11 .13 16 .18 (114) OLD BRIGHTON 5 .0 5 .1 6.2 6.2 (38) Maz: Occhiuto 5 Jacobs 3 Fothergill 2 Reed 2 Busby Davis Gonsalves . Best : Scasserra Occhiuto Grenda Fothergili Costin S Azzopardi . Old Br : Earl 4 McNamarra McLachlan . Best: Carra Parnham Earl Oakley Bullin Davies. Umpires: Danny Carroll Rhett Parker (F)
PRAHRAN 3.3 9 .6 12 .8 16 .12 (108) OLD XAVERIANS 5 .3 6 .3 9.4 11 .5 (71) Prahran : CarWdge 6 Erickson 3 Storer 3 Zissis 2 Farrell Cranfield . Best : Erickson Blake Storer Cartlidge Limoli Macpherson T Belej . Old Xav : Hall 5 Caiamara 4 Dillon 2 . Best : Calman Hall Landrigan Hart Healy Carrodus. Umpires: Tony Robbins David Windlow (F ) CLUB 18 (21 MARCELLIN 4 .3 5 .7 6.7 8.10 (58) BOX HILL SHARKS 3.3 4 .7 7 .8 11 .12 (78) Details not received . Umpires: Peter Kelly Simon Pearless (F) COLLEGIANS 0 .2 4 .7 5.8 9.8 (62) MONASH BLUES 6.5 8 .8 10.11 17 .15 (117) Coll: Oakley 3 Parkinson 3 B McDonough 2 Haines . Best : M Day B McDonough Parkinson Schneider JayaBlake Perkov . Mon Blues : Richardson 4 Haines 3 M Woods 3 Johnstone 2 Coughlin 2 L Woods Blasch De Robiilard . Best : Summons Riddle Richardson M Woods Johnstone Dods. Umpires: Paul Rapke (F) OLD XAVERIANS 4.3 5 .5 6.5 8.9(571 OLD ESSENDON 1 .0 3 .3 5.7 8.7(55 )
Old Xav: Roach 3 Warrv 2 Allis McLean Richards. Best: Prueell Chapman Carey Jones Saddler Francis . Old Ess : Cariss 4 Fraser 2 Hughes Hammon. Best: Rush Hay Overman Papal Hughes. Umpires: Malcolm Foard Mark Thornhill (F) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 .2 8 .9 10 .13 17.16 (118) OLD TRINITY 1 .3 2.3 5 .3 6 .3 (39) Old Melb : Details not received. Old Trin : Dickenson 2 La Hilderbrandt Cumming Thompson. Best: Cumming Welsh Christians Hilderbrandt Gamble Herrod. Umpires: Rod Penaluna Tom Windlow (F) FITZROY REDS 2 .3 3 .8 6 .12 9.16 (70) THERRY PENOLA 2 .3 2.3 2.5 2 .8 (20) Fitz Reds: Foster 2 Marcon Crowe Holderhead Grimmet Gleeson Holland Watson . Best: McCarthy Hurley Neugebauer Rome Foster . Therry Pen: Murnane 2. Best: Murnane Marrinon Kennessey Saunders Mattews Keenan. Umpires : Trevor Hansen Rick Benson (F) CLUB 18 f31 OLD SCOTCH 5 .4 8 .10 11 .12 18.14 (122) OLD CAREY 0 .1 3.2 7.3 8 .3(51) Old Sc: Lacev 6 Henwood 5 Saunders 3 B Walters Proud Ballan Paul . Best: Maltmann Smedley Lacey Henwood Lethlean B Walters . Old Carey: Mees 2 Guerra Brinsey McCromie MeNorfolk . Best: Redly Steer Grinza Guerra Leon Eddy. Umpires: Gerard Dowling Lindsay McIntyre (F) CAULFIELD GR HAS THE BY E FITZROY REDS 7 .5 12 .10 15 .12 17.15 (117) NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .2 6.3 7.7 10 .9 (69) Fitz Reds : Fl an agan 5 Price 3 Hunter 2 Spyker 2 Jackson 2 Everard Cockshutt Bermett. Best: Flanagan Jackson Cockshutt Masggs Bahr Price . NOB: Ludeman 2 Cerini 2 Deilwo 2 O'Sullivan 2 Anderson Wright. Best: Ludeman O'Sullivan Muscat Norton Barden Rocco. Umpires: Paul Matton Frank Kavanagh (F) 5 .3 6 .10 10.12 13.14 (92) WHITEFRIARS OLD GEELONG 3 .1 6.2 9.4 13 .6 (84) White : O'Brien 6 Jackson 3 Elliot 2 Hennessey Dixey . Best : Ryan Ward O'Brien Jackson Collins Johnson . Old Geel: Allen 6 Jeffery 3 Wilson Boyle Grills Bell . Best: Avery Allen Legoe Stephens Boyle Wilson, Umpires : Tony Hegan (F) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 2 .3 4.5 6.10 9 .15 (69) EMMAUS ST LEOS OC 2 .1 8.6 11 .8 13 .9 (87) La Trobe : A Mann 2 M Watson 2 M Catalan M Castle C Clamp J Doyle J Lania. Best: M Carolan M Fanning J Waterman A Mann G Girdwood W Thurgood . Emmaus SL : P Manton 6 S Carson 2 J Dunn 2 J Gay J Pirini D Carey. Best: P Manton D Carey J Dunn D McGloin R England J Gay. Umpires: Joe Ciccotosto Brian Nunn (F)
Enroll now t become a
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r , rr.-(aY'il_ ,
% Reg New Dono rs Donors Total M'ship
Peninsula OB 10 parkdale Vultures AFC 9
Reg New % Club Donors Donors Total h9'shi p
4 14 15 .6%
St Bernards OC 2
2 1 .4%
9 8 .7%
Prahran AFC 2
2 1 .3%
Hampton Rovers AFC 8
1 9
5 .1%
Old Ivanhoe Grammar AFC 2
2 1 .2%
Collegians AFC 6
2 8 4 .6%
Old Essendon Grammarians 2
2 1 .0%
Old Carey Grammarians 8
8 4.2%
1 .0%
Ormond AFC 6
1 7
Elsternwick AFC 1
1 1 .1%
WerribeeAFC 5
2 7 4 .5%
Syndal Tally Ho AFC 0
1 1 .1%
DeLaSalleOC 7
7 2 .8%
Salesian OC I
1 1 .1%
St Bedes Mentone Tigers AFC 6
6 4 .6%
Power House AFC 1
1 1 .0%
6 4 .1%
Caulfield Grammarians 1
1 0 .8%
Fitzroy Reds AFC 6
3 .1%
St Johns OC 1
1 0 .8%
Old Trinity Grammarians 5
5 2 .8%
Old Paradians AFC 1
1 0 .7%
Old Haileyburians AFC 4
4 4 .2%
North Old Bovs I
1 0 .7%
Box Hill North AFC 4
4 3 .9%
Glen Eira AFC 1
University Blues 4
4 3 .1%
Aquinas OC 1
1 0.7%
St Kevin's OB 4
4 2 .1%
Old Scotch Collegians AFC 1
1 0 .7%
Old Mentonians 3
3 2.8%
LaTrobe University AFC I
1 0 .6%
Richmond Central AFC 3
3 2.8%
Whitefriars OC 1
1 0 .6%
Bentieigh AFC 3
3 2 .3%
Mazenod OC 0
1 0 .6%
2 .3%
Oakleigh AFC 1
1 0.6%
Yarra Vallev OB 3
3 2 .2%
Old Geelong FC I
Old Melburnians 3
3 1 .9%
Old Brighton Grammarians 1
1 0 .5%
Monash Blues AFC 2
1 3 1 .6%
University Blacks
1 0 .4%
4 n/ a
Old Camberwell Grammarians 2
1 3
St Mary's AFC 2
Swinburne University AFC 2
2 2 .1%
2 .3%
Rupertswood AFC 2
2 1 .4%
Hawthorn AFC 2
2 1 .4%
Miscellaneous Total s
New Donor Rate
0 .5%
155 14 169
8 .3%
Congratulations to Peninsula OB who receive 2 new Sherrin footballs from Spalding, for being the leader after Rd5 . Clubs yet to register Captain Bloods are ineligible to win prizes so sign up your Captain Blood no w - visit the VAFA webstte fhttpc/ /zot.uux.vaj'a .com.au/far ms/ - Other section) and join up no w .
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Results of Tribunal Hearings-Tue~igy_" IV 17. 2005 From ,','ay 7 Johnny Aitken, MHSOB (Reserves). Striking, 2 matches. . From May I Stephen Buckle, Emmaus St . Leos . Striking, 2 matches. Nick Betts, Old Geelong . Disputing umpire's decision,l match . Matthew Goldsworthy, Old Geelong . Striking, 2 matches. Frank Raso, Old Essendon (Under-19) . Audible obscenity, 2 matches . John Dalinkiewicz, Old Essendon (Under-19) . Striking, 4 matches. Kane Dawson, Old Essendon ( Under-19) . Elbowing, 4 matches. Paddy Oman, Old Melburnians ( Reserves) . Kicking, 6 matches . 'Ashley Russell, Ormond . Striking, 2 matches. 'Luke Penhalluriack, Box Hill North ( Reserves) . Abusive language, 2 matches. `Craig Ridley, Old Essendon ( Club 18). Striking, 2 matches . 'Accepted Prescribed Penalty Result of Inaestiaation Tuesday Man 17 200 5 Ivanhoe Assumption and Rupertswood charged with a melee in their senior match on Saturday May 7 at Ivanhoe . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty for a minor melee . Ivanhoe-Assumption fined $100 (1st offence over the last two year period), Rupertswood fined $150 (2nd offence over the last two year period) .
~ : ; .'c~ - ~8 :3t 5 Lr1TE SCORES First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25); third offence ($50); fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100) .
Seniors/1119 Reserves/C18 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm mt . Li(ydale (C) West Brunswick (S) Old Melburnians (C) Sth Melb . Dist (S) Marcellin (C) Old Scotch (U192) Fitzroy Reds (C2 ) Phoned incorrect scores - Round 4 Collegians (S), North Old Boys (S), Prahran (S), Power House (S), Old Brighton (U19), Old Westbourne (U), Therry Penola (U19), Fitzroy Reds (U), Uni Blues (C), Old Xaverians (Cl )
Rank Nam e 1 Tom Brai n 2 Gavan Flower 3 Norm Nugent 4 Glen Harrison 5 Ed Sill
6 Fraser Cameron 7 Barry Hickey 8 Cam Natio n
9 Peter Willamson 10 Johathan Horn 11 Andrew Wu 0
Division B D3 Club XVII I C D4 U/19 D1 U/19 D2 A
Score Out of Score Out of
76% 72% 70% 68% 65% 64% 64% 60% 56% 52% 36 % 2005
THE CHALLENGE : Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES: Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest Hotel Accommodation Package . Last week : ball was in E8 . Winner: Chris Roberts (La Trobe) . 8 Entries received . HOW TO ENTER One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 . No Photocopies or faxed entri es .
Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round .
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
:" 5 5 5 3 2 2 1
L 0 0 0 2 3 3 4
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For 620 625 518 397 371 322 280
,' st 155 226 203 401 355 364 453
48 .89
5 5
1 0
4 5
0 0
196 186
545 559
35 .96 33 .27
4 0
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
W 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 0
L 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For A gst 621 218 401 314 534 238 256 385 511 370 352 312 239 320 393 260 218 557 646 183
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
W 5 4 4 2 2 1 1
1 D 0 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 4 0 4 0
For 624 699 795 557 527 416 298
ast 371 394 501 510 654 616 465
168 .19 177 .41 158 .68 109 .22 80 .58 67 .53 64 .09
Pis 20 16 16 8 8 4 4
4 0
47 .47
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
~ 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1
L D 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 0 4 0
Fot Agst 51 4 173 768 367 559 288 291 418 358 554 288 482 267 465 436 570 472 308
~(,(f~ p~ O j
1 0
164 .39
5 5 5
4 4 3
1 0 1 0 2 0
436 397 476
267 323 376
163 .30 122 .91 126 .60
16 16 12
% P#s UI E, ::#p 19M BLUE 4GO .00 20 MAZENOD 0 C 276 .55 20 ORMOND 255 .17 20 SALESIAN SCORPIONS 99 .00 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 104 .51 8 PENINSULA 0 B 88 .46 8 DE LA SALLE (2) 61 .81 4 OLD HAILEYBURY
j92 RSSEf3YE
% 284 .86 127.71 224 .37 150.39 138.11 88.64 74.69 66.16 39.14 28.33
Pts 20 16 12 12 12 12 8 4 4 0
~~~~~ p~ (~} ~~@
Pts OLD SCOTCH % 335 .00 20 OLD XAVERIANS 215 .49 16 ST KEVINS
% Pts 297 .1 1 20 209.26 20 194 .10 16 69.62 12 64 .62 8 59.75 8 57.42 8 4 76.49 65.25 4 %
P 5 5
W 5 4
L 0 1
D 0 0
For 536 459
Agsf 160 213
115 .19
2 0
109 .55
5 5 5
3 3 2
2 2 3
0 0 0
360 305 316
309 313 341
116 .50 97 .44 92 .67
5 5 5
3 2 1
2 0 3 0 4 0
387 362 257
378 469 348
102 .38 77 .19 73 .85
12 8 4
82 .42
4 0
66 .31
71 .31
5 0
24 .30
12 .73
'Ineligible player round 3
UNDER p$ (p)
P W 5 5
5 4
L 0 1
D 0 0
For Apt
386 334
228 276
169.30 121 .01
P 5 5
65 5 5
L D 0 0 0 0
Fat 550 485
Agst 207 238
1 0
2 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
4 0
51 .19
4 0
35 .04
5 0
F 5 5 5 5 5 5
~ 5 4 4 3 3 2
1 0 1 1 1 2 3
D 0 0 0 1 0 0
Far 464 432 305 343 334 302
Ag st 283 306 217 302 263 353
3 1
91 .77
5 5
1 1
4 0 4 0
226 131
481 363
46.99 36.09
4 4
gAWER 19 2
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1
0 1 2 2 2 2 4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
563 705 551 616 572 519 459 335
OLD TRINITY ' OLD MELBURNIANS ineligible player round 2
478 344 336 389 451 476 622 546 778 596
L D ___ Far A __ _$st
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
587 618 687 450 349 231 343 307 390 352
240 412 374 524 46 9 445 391 386 569 629
Pis ~~~/~ ps' (~} 20 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 16 OLD XAVERIANS (2)
117 .78 204 .94 163 .99 158 .35 126 .83 109 .03 73 .79 61 .36
20 16 12 12 12 12 4 4
37 .79 31 .21
f 244.58 150.00 183.69 85 .88 74.4 1 51 .91 8732 79 .53 88 .54 55 .96
#Ineligible player round 3 ' Ineligible player round
~ 20 20 16 12 8 8 4 4 4 4
Pls % 265.70 2 0 203.78 2 0
Pts °~ 163 .96 20 141 .18 1 6 140 .55 1 6 113 .58 1 4 127 .00 1 2 85 .55 8
'Ineligible player round 3
t'-"'------ -- --- -- -- --- --- - --- - , L j_ teSented b R 11d le I 1® I
1atches (Fri) a Wee e Um p ires App o intments Scores ( Sa t . night)
~~ar~~saoasoa 1 char ~ rr~ be hr t~r Irom a motrik hare fa Ihis servrce) -~-------------- --
. .
. .. . ... .. .. ... ... .- _ ' .~
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Pts 18 16 12 12 12 10 8 4 4 4
4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
D For Ayst
5 5 5 5 5
5 4 4 3 2
0 1 1 2 3
0 0 0 0 0
566 498 513 543 501
408 349 373 427 512
138.73 142. 69 137.53 127 .1 7 97 .85
92 .98
5 5 5 5
2 2 1 0
3 3 4 5
0 0 0 0
393 365 399 349
495 492 510 595
79 .39 74 .19 78 .24 58 .66
8 8 4 0
For Agst
5 5 5
4 4 4
1 1 1
0 0 0
483 467 459
332 354 360
145.48 131 .92 127.50
483 461 450 443 299
515 455 535 593 712
161 .62 145 .83 130.00 125.47 108.45 99.59 82.95 79.41 68.46 54.98
64! 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1
L 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
For A sY 442 968 566 460 490 386 681 703 532 509 403 432 543 728 612 650 266 705
For Agst
5 5 5 5 5
5 5 3 3 2
0 0 2 2 3
0 0 0 0 0
534 450 401 375 375
234 209 395 370 404
228 .21
92 .82
20 20 12 12 8
84 .29
5 5 5 5
2 2 1 0
3 3 4 5
0 0 0 0
247 235 234 254
311 318 410 467
79.42 73.90 57.07 54.39
8 8 4 0
D For A~st
6 4 3
0 2 2
0 0 0
833 452 399
223 412 265
373.54 109.71 150.57
24 16 12
93.79 101 .32 84 .11 74 .70 41 .99
12 8 8 0 0
376 485 453 428 437
75 .27 55.05 52 .32 65 .42 60 .18
8 8 8 4 4
0 0 0 0 0
D For Ayst
5 5 5
5 4 4
0 0 0
391 394 485
1 1 3
206 .62 158 .31 1 87 .73 113 .61
5 5 5 5
P's C RESERVE 20 20
5 5 5 5 5
2 2 2 1 1
3 3 3 4 4
0 0 0 0 0
283 267 237 280 263
For A
i69 .01
131 .75
5 5
3 3
2 2
0 0
334 282
31 1 3 73
12 12
5 5 5 5 5
2 2 2 2 0
3 3 3 3 5
0 0 0 0 0
341 307 328 248 263
345 333 372 353 462
107.40 75.60 98.84
For Agst
716 551 446
2 1 0 0
3 4 5 5
0 0 0 0
464 451 453 268
527 625 616 723
88.05 72.16 73.54 37.07
D For Agst
5 5
5 5
0 0
0 0
709 717
272 426
260 .66 168 .31
P 5
1Y 5
L 0
D 0
148 .11
5 5 5 5 5 5
4 2 2 2 1 0
1 3 3 3 4 5
0 0 0 0 0 0
631 441 389 356 418 453
478 497 512 575 644 696
132 .01 88 .73 75 .98 61 .91 64 .91 65 .09
16 8 8 8 4 0
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
W 5 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 0
L 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 5
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Far Apt 61 7 25 1 681 385 445 449 493 45 3 470 479 487 583 449 496 398 549 496 320 377 596
101 .35
6 6 5
2 3 3 5 5
101 .52
3 2 2 0 0
215 .31
5 5 5 5 5
% Pi s 219.00 20 123.04 1 6 126.94 1 2 96.87 1 2 95.68 1 2 93.29 1 2 74.59 8 94 .15 4 37 .73 4
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
D 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
For Agst 383 619 525 360 559 430 537 428 526 485 481 483 428 516 405 510 445 650 342 622
L 0 1 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4
92.19 88.17 70.25 56 .93
8 8 8 8 0
Pfs_ % 135 .38 20
278 .98
5 5 5 5 5 5
4 3 3 2 2 1
1 2 2 3 3 4
0 0 0 0 0 0
392 569 379 395 272 338
295 201 367 392 408 460
132 .88 283 .08 103 .27 100 .77 66 .67 73 .48
16 12 12 8 8 4
0 0 5 0 162 590 27.46 GLEN EIRA 5 % Pts • Ineligible player round 2 _________ ________________ _ 245.82 2 0 176. 88 20 99.11 1 6 108.83 1 2 98 .12 12 resented b Weekend 8 hr 83 .5 3 90 .5 2 4 72 .50 4 R SPORTSCOVE VA FAMAlORSPONSOR 64 .52 4 e 63 .26 0 (cnar ma t~ hi her tiom a mob le phorre to Ihu servic t'------~' -~-----=-------) ---_' I
Matches (Fri) Umpires Appo intments Scores ( Sat .ni ght)
r: ~~ ~
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