The Amateur Footballer, Week 11, 2005

Page 1

,e ultimate performance IN Pty Ltd 616 Somerville Road Sunshine 302 0 Telephone : (03) 9311 1122 (www.azuma

From A to B There are two adages of varying validity that are frequently bandied about in amateur football circles . One is that you can't win an A Grade flag without a dominant ruckman . Well, Uni Blues and Old Xavs have pretty much dispelled that one . The other is that there is no bigger jump than the rise from B to A and that you need at least three or four quality recruits to cut the mustard . De La Salle, like Trinity several years ago, are experiencing the yo-yo effect of rising between B to A and should things go to plan, they are poised to compete in A Section for the fourth time in six years . Though they have been somewhat unlucky in their forays into A Section, they personify how hard it is stay alive in the top tier. On the other hand, it almost seems unfair that Old Scotch have toiled in A Section for nearly 3 decades without a senior flag, whilst lower graded clubs have consistently topped up their trophy cabinets . In recent times, clubs such as De La, Whitefriars, Old Brighton, Old Ivanhoe, MHSOB, Old Paradians and Mazenod have been promoted to A Section, only to fall away within one or two years . For the second consecutive year, we are faced with the possibility of both promoted teams going straight back down (even though St Kevin's recruited very well over summer and retained most of their B Section Premiership team) . The last team to really make a decent fist of it was Old Haileybury, who rose from 2nd position in B Grade to an A Section finals spot in 2003 . As their coach at the time Mick Dwyer said however, "with the players we picked up in the pre season, a finals spot was very realistic" . He makes a good point, given that their summer acquisitions included Paul & Mark Corrigan, Michael Barker and Stewart Loewe . The roller coaster factor in the other Grades would appear to be a little more extreme . Uni Blacks look set to rise from D to B in a year whilst Glen Eira is headed in the other direction . Recently, clubs such as Mazenod and Whitefriars have risen dramatically through the grades while Ormond has gone from a powerhouse to a club plummeting and back to a club rebuilding itself, all in less than a decade .


More than the lower grades, A Section is a massive step up, indeed virtually a different competition and necessitates a vastly different approach . The general consensus seems to be that the standard of A Section has picked up markedly in the last 5 years or so (at a conservative las t count there were 16 players with AFL experience in the top section) and some are advocating a change of policy. Several A Section coaches and administrators say that the " two up / two down" system should be replaced by a"premiers and wooden spooners only" process . Ken Petrucco touted a similar line on his Inner FM radio program last Saturday .

"-_ -ore t han the lower grades, A S ection is a massive step up, indeed virtually a different competition and necessitates a vastly different approach. " As competition CEO Michael Shelly says however, "the relegation system is one of the strengths of our competition . To have 4 new teams in 5 of the sections provides great interest in the relegation matches right up until the final matches of the year . If there was only one team relegated, it would leave more 'dead' games" . The way things are progressing, it is not beyond the realms of possibility that in five years time, Uni Blacks could be playing Uni Blues on the University Main Oval and Fitzroy Reds could be taking on Old Xaverians at the Brunswick St Oval . Only our fast tracking relegation /promotion system could ensure this . If your club is good enough, shrewd enough and lucky enough, the possibilities are boundless . Thoughts? Feel free to email me at jonathan_g_hornCa,yahoo .co .uk Jonathan orn



Jul y 2nd, 2005 Price : $2.00 Vol . 05 No . 1 1 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJOR SPONSO R Haileyb Glee ! Err . . . yep. As always at a Scotch game, plenty of talent both on and off the field as the home side went all out t o keep themselves in final's contention . Though Scotch played well . Haileybury always looked a touch better and hung on gamely. The ramifications of this game may b e huge and the question must be asked ; is the final four now settled ? Ben Waite held Gerstman . Scott Goldsworthy played with great poise and Disco Seccull continued his great form . They welcomed back Shane Walden after a two year hiatus, the brother of my old friend Kate Walden and also of Andrew Walden, one of the best and toughest amateur players I have seen . Scotch's Andrew Pugsley had a good tussle with Brett O'Farrell (though the big man had a great last quarter) . Rob Ashton was very impressive and Lorenzo Lorenzini showed a bit of dash off half back . Signifieantly, their reserves team was brimming with senior standard players (Nettleton, Aurel-Smith, among others) so they still have a bit left in the tank Bit of a fizzer in the Bulleen Derby with Marcellin once again establishing their dominance over all teams below with a eomfortable, though hardly inspiring win over Trinity. Chunky Dobson was their best, with support from Cameron Woods and Brad Carmody . For Trinity, David Beardsley did a number on Dangerous Dan .

With its list in tatters, St Kevin's bought back Kane Bowden, a teacher at the College . to play with many of his former students in the crunch game against Uni Blues . SKOBS served it up early but the students did it in a canter at a time of year when they traditionally struggle . For a bloke who used to be a full forward . Luke North is now an accomplished half baek, while Rob Wilkie and Liam Ryan have more than offset the blokes who went bush over summer. Ryan Chard. Marcus Dollman and Luke Mahoney all toiled away for the Skobsmacked home side. After a good start, St Bernard's were well and truly touched up by Xavs, who got another even half dozen out of Henry Ramsey in the goal-square . Yet another youngster, Brendan Ryan, bobbed up for Bernies but they have been decimated by injuries . Madden 's side is one of the youngest I call recall in A Section . so they can only get better and they should be able to hang on in the top Grade . For the top side, Scottie Moilard, who almost disemboweled me in my first senior amateur game in 1996, played a cracker in his 100th game . The man who was once described by my predecessor Jasper Jetset as the "wild eyed Mollard" has certainly taken his mussy mop to all points of Australia in his footy career, but is enjoying a renaissance in his twilight years as a defender .

Dan Rush's exploits in the twos deserve a mention as well ; the big youngster bagged eleven, an extraordinary feat given that reserves games are often shortened affairs . A Few Things about OMs i/ They don't like me ii/ Former star Mick Hazell is widely tipped to take a leading role in the foreseeable future. iii/ Their list is starting to look awesome . In the last fortnight they've brought back Cam Kennedy, who is on fire, Micah Berry, whose credentials cannot be questioned and David Harrison, who is a former All Australian Teal Copper and best on ground by a mile on Saturday .

iv! They are going to scare the Barry BeeJesus out of the top teams . v! When they start getting written up like this, it can only go the way of the pear . Riddle Me This . . . Can a sane man tip the Old Melburnians to win three in a row? With a full list, a home game and a bucket load of confidence, it's usually a recipe for disaster . Having said that . St Kevins really are undermanned . OMs by six goals . Meanwhile, Haileybury will wallop Trinity on Sunday, Xavs likewise at home over Collegians and Marcellin should see off St Bernard's . Scotch and Uni is a little trickier, simply because of the rout earlier in the year. However, Scotch are a bit of a tease and Uni were born to play on big grounds. Blues by eight goals . Toodle-oo, enjoy your Saturday at the football! Correspondents - jonathan_g_horn~a,yahoo .co.u k

CLU B A SECTION Old Scotch Marce llin Old Xaverians Old Haileybury St . Bernards A RESERVE Old Haileybury Old Scotch Old Xaverians


Gerstman Cullman Lynch B . O'Farrell Potter

(.S T

1 48 1 35 6 35 2 34 2 33

Efstathiou 1 34 Beaurepaire 8 23 Rush 11 2 0


T TL ;S~ ~-;TTE S burnians --congratulates one of its favourite sons,

Cam -- hompson, on reaching his 250-game milestone with t'ue club this week . Tommo, whose retirement from the game t the end of 2004 lasted just 10 months, becomes just the fourth player to reach this milestone at the club . A popular Iubman and a favourite amongst supporters, Tommo, a twotime premiership player (1994 and 2002) now in his 16th sxason with the elub, is respected by all at the OMs for his , kill, friendly personality, exemplary sportsmanship and loyal >~rvjce both on and off the field . Congratulations Tommo on this magnificent milestone !

:,iarceRin 0CFC - congratulate Da ll as Jarred and Gianluca Romanin in reaching 100 games for the eagles . Both highly respected players and members of the Marcellin community they have also achieved numerous personal and team awards. We wish them all the success for the remainder of ti • olaying careers . ?~-sity Blues - Andrew "Ace" Lowcack and Georg e de Crespigny play their 100th games for Uni Blues . From Tallangatta, Ace earned selection in the VAFA ( 19 1

p Team in 1999 and 2000 . Captaining the side in 2000.

attracted the attention of AFL clubs in 2001 and played fo r agaroos in 2002 . He returned to Blues in 2003 an d

t year played in the Senior VAFA Rep Team as well as being club Vice Captain and a key member of the 2004 Premiership am . George "Duey" de Crespigny is the second to rack u p 100 games this week. After a stint with the Carlton Reserves midway through his ist year at the club (1998), "The F:xciiement Machine" was promptly selected in the VAFA Rep i eam in 1999. He has since become a regular feature on the '.-Grade Sharp Shooters list - hardly surprising given is well documented philosophy that leaving the goal

quare equals "unrewarded running" . A premiershi p Inlayer and an immensely popular clubman, everyone at Writ Blues congratulate "The Marlin" on 100 five-star men for Uni Blues .

GM 521eyb 21congratulate Brett O'Farrell on playing hi, 50th game for the Bloods against Old Scotch last week . it returned to the Bloods in 2002 after stints at the Sydne y

s& Hawthorn and made an immediate impact with hi s eight & marking ability. Missed most of last season with a lislocaied elbow, but has been our leading goalkicker in .002/03 and currently heads this year's list with bags of 5 - 7 to his credit . We all look forward to this popular giant ing more milestones at ON . Well done'Boff.

,vi-- - Dave 'Shutdown" Sheehy will play game r 200 for St .Kevins Old Boys. Since joining the club in Jave has been a tremendous contributor both on and field for SKOB . Once considered a Ressies specialis t winner in '98 and '01, and Captain in '02) Dave has I an Indian Summer late in his career and is now a +r. !he seniors - including a starring role in the 2004 B in Senior premiership. Well done Penguin - here's hopin g .n=er dcesn't shutdown just yet .


C ffi .'r l

Old Haileybury v Old Trinity - at Sportscover Arena, Sunday It4arcellin v St Bernards Old Xaverians v Collegians Old Melburnians v St Kevins University Blues v Old Scotch - at Spartscover

Aa'ena, Saturday

&E-IMOB OLD SCOTCH 2 .2 8.2 10.3 13 .5 (83) OLD HAB.EYBURY 2 .6 6.7 6.13 12 .6 (88) Old Sc: Wigney 4 Hume 2 Gnatt 2 B Philips Gerstman McKenzie-Mcl-larg Routledge Lorenzint. Best : Pugsley Hume Ashton Wigney Lorenzini Tallent . Old Hall : Siapantas 4 O'Farrell 2 Jenke 2 Bourke Barker Ford Walden. Best: Waite Goldsworthy Seccull Corrigan Siapantas Jenke . Umpires: Tim Sutcliffe Jamie Kvins (F) Matt Jaildnson Damien Anthony (B) Pm Vescovi Chris Boyle (G ) OLD TRIPd1TY 4.4 6.4 7.7 8 .9 (57) 3 .1 9.3 12 .8 13.11 (89) MARCELLIN Old Trim Walsh 3 J Heath Cultrera A Ramsden Saunders. Best : Beardsley McPherson A Walsh J Healy Brown. Mam Maclaren 4 Rice 2 Fraser 2 J Bortolotto Frisina S Considine Waters Cullinaan . Best : Dobson L Considine M Bortolotto S Considine Carmody Woods . Umpires: Grant Joyner Jason McNiece (F) Andrew Errington Cameron Hayes (B) Matthew Kent Travis Stortt (G ) ST 15E1Ld.4RDS 3.5 7.8 7.12 10 .13 (73) OLD XAVERLiINS 3 .5 10 .7 15 .11 21 .15 (141) St Be= Legudi 3 Potter 2 Liberatore 2 Satvadort Blunt Spinella . Best: Madden Blunt C Mitchell D Iannazzo T Wilkinson Ryan . Old Xav: Lynch 6 Arnold 5 Clarke 4 Colbert 2 Bowen Ockleshaw Purss Scanlan . Best : Arnold Mollard Purss Ruyg McDonald Bingham . Umpires: Wayne Hinton Leah Gallagher (F) Peter Monotti Michael Saunders (B) Bernie Jephson Daniel So* (G) COLLEGIANS 3 .2 3.4 4 .7 7.10 ( 52) OLD 1dEL8 S 6 .1 9 .6 14 .9 15.14 (104) Coll: Blumfleid 4 Taft Tardiff Bull . Best: BlumNeld Tardiff Fry Mooney Unsworth Harris . Old Airlb: Hicks 4 Kennedy 4 J Miter 3 M Berry Hawkins Lacey. Best : D Harrison Mulquiney J Beaumont Hawkins Burin Whitehead . Umpires: Geoff Caulfietd Sacha Koffman (F) Paul Carroll Peter Teasdale (B) Michael O'Donnell Andrew Esposito (G ) ST 14E'ILYS 2 .1 4.4 4 .6 5.8(38) UNIVERSITY BLUES 5.8 7.12 9.17 17.18 (120) 51tOB: Mahoney Greeiil :am Gfansiracusa Chard. Best : Chard Dollman Dowd Liston L Mahoney Dowling . Out Blues: Willde 5 DeCrespigny 3 LowTock 2 Ryan 2 Robbins 2 North Gleeson Clarke . Best: North Ryan MeKinnon Anderson Sully Lo~roek. Umpires: Russell Davidson Rob Mayston (F) Dean Herskope Ben Parsons (B) Lucas Robson Dominic Napoh (G ) A RESERVE 4.6 10.10 12.13 18.18 (126) OLD SCOTCH OLD 1tA.B.EYBUR'Y 3 .1 5 .2 5 .3 5.4 (34) Old Scotch : Beaurepaire 8 Cations 4 Brooke Carroll Letil Lllley O'Connor Teasdale. Best: Sutcliffe C Phillips Carroll Beaurepaire Cations AurelSmith . Old Hal: Waxman 2 Efstathlou Graves Chipperfield. Best: J Mclaugtan Graves Davey Barker White B Langford-Jones . OLD' YrPY 1.4 4.4 6.10 9.11 (65) .1 .-[.1N 1 .1 2 .2 3 .2 3.3(21) Old .T, :: R Ramsden 2 K Butler M Burgess Christou Romney Webster Williams S Van➢erVenne. Best: J Kenna Davies Christen Petdro S Vai>Ikrlenne R Ranvsden . Marc: Galatl V Galati Gill . Best: Colville Maguire Thirsz Pascuzzi Galati Davis .

ST. BERNARDS 1 .1 3 .2 6 .3 9.4 (58) OLD XAVERIANS 3.2 8.5 15.7 20 .10 (130) St Bern: Harris 4 J Evans 2 Gourlav Perrett Mlaewlcz. Best: A Mitchell Hogan Miziewirz Harrison J Evans Davis . Old Bav: D Rush 11 Agus 3 Moylan 2 M Walsh D Walsh McDonnell Beattie . Best: D Rush Agius D Walsh Carey Pasceri Tatts . COLLEGIANS 1 .1 2 .2 3 .4 4.5(29) OLD URPdIAfiiB 2.1 4.2 6.4 7.6(48) Coin Naylor 2 Parrent Waters. Best: Ashman P Krotiris Parkinson Muir Malone Z Moon . Old idelb : Matthews 4 Miller 2 Prowse. Best: Ray Genis Matthews Waddell Thompson Theodopoutos . ST E -S 5.1 8.6 11 .10 14 .14 (98) R51'"' Y BLUES 2 .3 3 .4 7 .7 9.9(63) SKOB : Mulgrew 4 Maguire 2 Drinkwater 2 Mount P 2 Shannon Dunn Murray Mount J. Best: Maguire Drinkuater Mulgrew Shannon Gibbs L Gullifer. Uni Blues: Shuttlewrorth 3 Coleman 2 Irvine 2 LVestmore MeKav . Best : Heinz Irvine Westmore McPhail Moylan Bradley .




Coach : Pat Hawkins Res : Damien Phillips

Coach: Vaughan Cleary Res Coach : Trent Collins

1 J. Dixon VC 2 M. Parrent 3 B. Mooney 4 A. Shinkfield 5 R. Henebery 6 N. Baxter 6 S . Woolley 7 S . Taft 7 J . Farley 8 C . Unsworth Capt 70 J .Jo Jorgensen 7 11 C . Weekes

12 N . Harrison Capt 13 M. Naylor 14 J. Ashman 15 C . Hoist 16 A. Baxter 17 J. Heritage 17 D. Phillips 18 D. Barber 19 K. Jones 20 M . Hoiles 21 C. Harris VC 22 N. Lockett 23 C. Mollard 24 E . Waters 25 R . Muir 26 P. Krotiris 27 G. Rowston 28 B . Couch 28 D . Browning 29 N . Burrows 30 L. Moon 31 N . Roach 32 C . Blumfield VC 33 B. Hoist 34 D. McCaughan 35 L . Nesbit 36 M . Roberson 37 S. Humphry 38 A. Fabris 39 D. Cannizzo 40 D. Strachan 41 W. Tardiff 41 B . Duff 42 T. San k 43 E . Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 A . Stone 46 J . Cooke 47 Z. Moon 48 B. Low 49 M. Rose 50 M. Rice 51 B. Shadbott 53 T. Rutherford 54 B. Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes Res Capt 56 M . Stefanidakis 57 D. Williamso n 58 N. Bobeff 59 A . Wright - Smith 60 D. Mutton 61 E . Healey 62 0. Howard 63 A . Kenneally 64 N .Craig 65 A. Smith 66 J. Adgemi s 67 A.Nichola 68 M. Gromotga 70 D . Slatyer 76 B.Hage

1 B. Dobson 2 J . Rice 3 D . Waters 4 J. Frazer 5 D . Johnston 6 G . Romanin 7 S. Maguire 8 R. Frisina g L. Considine 10 D. Cullman 11 N. Addiso n 12 B . O' Donnell 13 C. Woods 14 A .Layton 15 J . Bortolotto 16 L. McMillan 17 G . Cox (C) 18 D . Gartner 19 A. Papaluca 20 M. Hermans 21 N . Walker 22 D. Marson 23 M . Letianue 24 L. O'Ftynn 25 R. Galati 26 D. McMillan 27 S . Theisz 28 B . Car~y 29 S . Brooks 30 S . Considine 31 M . Bortolotto 33 F. Dorbob 34 D . Jarred (VC) 37 C . Maclaren 38 S. Matthews 39 B. Colville 40 C. Purcell 41 J. Seabury 42 G . Petroff 43 J. Pascuai 44 L. Hansen 45 D. Theisz 46 A . McGree 52 A . Rivstovski 53 R . laconis 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Wallis 57 B. Wignell 59 R . Conte 62 M. McCartin 63 C . Pezzimenti 70 D . Cracknell 83 G . Neskovcim

YaT'T'c`i Valley

Country Club •' B u ll een

1 C . Steinfort 2 S. Davey 3 P. Corrigan (C) 4 S. Langford,la_ (DVC) 5 J. Bourke 6 L Ss-zpanias 6 W. Smith 7 M . Corrigan 8 F. lvlo~tarrttnad 9 M . Barker (DVC ) 10 C. Efstathsou ' 11 A McIntyre 12 B . O'Farrell 13 B . Waite 14 S . Jones 15 D . Mackenzie 16 P. O'Donneil 17 K. Ford (VC) 18 D. Thurmond 19 M. Armstrong 20 M. Fankhauser 21 A Janke 22 D. Mason 23 M . Seccull 24 B. Trolbpe (DVC) 25 S. Rowlands 26 J . Bell (RC) 27 B . Johnston 28 S . GabSSwNry 29 B . Carson 30 D. µ/~ 31 D .Lay 32 B. Mitchell 33 S. Walden 34 P. Langford-Jones 35 T. Chisholm 35 D. l .appacp„ 36 L McPherson 37 D. Brown 38 L Floyd 39 C. Waxman 40 H. Gopu 41 S . Saunders 42 J . Mueller 43 D. Salter 44 J . McLauchlan 45 M. Dowling 46 B. Crawford 47 R . Mdct>eH 48 G. Chqaperfiadd 49 L Pitcher (RDVC) 50 R . Ladd 51 H. McLauchlan 52 C. Ferguson (RDVC) 53 M. Levy 54 A. Vrto'~ ' 55 B. Langford-Jones 56 D Amstrong 57 A~

1 T Cudypp 2 Ja Beaumont

3 M Biting a H Lacey s H Turne ~ r g Jo eeaumax s D Harrison to T Roberts t R Ferraro t3 E Wilson

14 A Voyage is J Byrne yme i7 J. MiCer ts T Fitzgerald 19 E Studham 20 R Mu4quiney 21 H Whitehead

22 J Dixon 23 M Berry ~~ Hawkins

26 C Kennedy 27 PMO"'`'n 28 Manson 29 M Prowse 30 Jo Me, 31 J Berry 32 E~~, 33 J Magee 34 P TOM 35 j~ar,t 38 I. Bunn 39 J Tucke r 40 H O'erien 41 J Ray 42 A Weddell 43 Awu 45 E Farquharson ~ C Marks 48 C Jenkins 49 G Tsiorras 50 A Pannaex Si M Kennon 52 J Anderson 53 00smond ~ M Barrett 55 56 JO~otl°"b" Tucker 57 W McDwra!d 58 A Pravs e 59 W Wh n 60 A Goals arto 61 o Woodford 62 THarr'56f 63 R Matthews 65 P Grundy 156 N Peters

70 M Best 71 T Buffer 72 C AU. 73 74 N N Russel L,w ., l 75 S Gooiey 76 E Mncnaa T7 S Hareri 78 M each 79 E Baker 80 C erett-Young A a ~ ~ pGalhraah E 83 R 6e l Gaffi 65 S Guest 85 E gg AKauyer

89 w Kiel Be wtardale 91 A Manahan 92 owaanron t~a~e 93

59 N. Gibson 60 A Shaw 62 G. White


coach : oaeTappng Ass! Cosch: arct'e" Smith & s:me , Talent Res Coach: Sorge D'tvge:b Asst Coach: Ray Bette

i T. Beranger (C) 2 B. Phillips P(VC) 3 J. Ros s 4 C. Tallest (VC) 5 S. Collins (VC) 6 A. Crow 7 J . Kitchen 8 S . Dick 9 A . Pu sle 10 C . Smith g y 11 T. Pritchard 12 S. Hum e 13 A. Nettleton 14 C . McKenzie-McHarg 15 S. Cations 16 E. Batrouney 17 T. Wigney (VC ) 19 R. Josephs 20 S. TrWn

22 R. Ashton 23 0. Crane 24 D. Brooke 25 M . Saunders 27 T. Demetriou 28 A . Quai l 29 M. Gnatt 30 T. Rnocchiaro 31 N . Leff 32 J. Gerstman 33 E. Reid C. Phillips 35 P. O'Connor 36 J. Sutcliff e 37 G . Carroll 38 T. Jelbart 39 S . Graham 40 T. Aurel-Smith 41 W. Lewi s 42 T. Beattie 43 A . Routl e ~ 44 D . Jackson 45 R . Teasdale 46 J . BeaurePaire 47 T. Hosking 49 B. Snaddon 50 M . Walko m 51 L . Freeman 53 W. Symington 54 A. Sutherland 55 S. Dipasquale 56 T. Dipasquale 57 J. Crane 59 W. Elliott 61 A. W. Sutherlan d 62 M. Graham 63 T Collie 64 S .LOrenzen i 68 T. Keck 72 B . Smith 73 M. Giuleri 86 S.Ainger

94 S Radywonik



Coach : Peter Nicholson Coach: Dean Rice Res. Coach : Andrew Bonwic k Res Coach: Fab Gatti

proudly sponsored by : I r ~i




A S ti®n a~p

Co Coaches : Leigh Carlson & Phil Gaut Res Coach : Date Bower Club 18 Coach : Ed Best 1 Kenna A 2 Butler K 3 Reynolds L 4 Walsh B V/C 5 Burrows D 6 Petdro J 7 Van Der Venne T V/C 8 Medland A y Pretty S t0 Dann S 11 Kennedy S 12 Cuftrera A DN/C

14 Troon R 15 Hooke A 16 Hillas C DN/C 17 Weston M 18 Heaty J 19 Saunders R 20 McPherson S 21 Davies M a k M 22 23 Ra en A Cap t 24 Goldenberg W 25 Cameron F 26 Donahoe B~V/C 27 Cumming R 28 Christou J 29 Hoqarth J 34 McKinnon R 31 Burgess J 32 Brown S 33 Aitken J 34 Kenna J 35 Bladem S R1DN/C 36 Buttler D 37 Van Der Venne S 38 Ramsden R 39 Webster J 40 Beardsley D 41 42 reS '. 43 Amore J 44 Mai J ;5Morpeth T Res . Capt ~£ Roberts S 47 Bell D 48 Burgess M 49 Romney N 50 Dickenson A 51 Gamble R 52 Harrod T 53 Amiconi C 54 Williams Z RN/C 55 Stebbins N 56 Best E 57 Cole M 58 Heaven C 59 Cade T 60 Walsh T 61 Cristiano D 62 Anowsmith J 63 Cade S 64 Gray J 65 0'Shea M 66 Blackmore B 67 Amiconi A 68 Mi A 69 McDonald E 70 Parker D 71 Hildebrandt D 72 Welsh L 73 Swinnerton H 74 Tang J 75 Read 8 76 Miller P 77 McDonald C 78 Kok K 79 La D 80 Adgemis J 81 Thwaites M 83 Thompson G 84 Brown L 85 Sketchley M 86 A 87 Jurne B R



Coach : Simon Madden Coach : Barry Richardson Res Coach: Anthony Bourke Res Coach : Darren Handley 1 A. Fox 2 C . Santalucia 3 J. Pascer i 4 James McDonnell 5 D . Rush 6 A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlea n 8 A. McDonald 9 D . Lynch 10 M. Beardsley 11 L . Howard 12 A . Bowen 13 T Ruyg 14 J . Agius 15 L. Ford (Capt) 16 S . Mollard 17 A . Chatfield (V.C .) 18 M . Scanlan 19 D. Walsh 20 J . Scanlan 21 S . McCarthy 22 T. Ockleshaw (V.C.) 22 M . Rush 23 S . Johnston 24 C. Purss 25 R. Carey 26 P. Purcell 27 P. Ryan 28 Jeremy McDonnell 29 C. Beetham 30 T. Clarke 31 J. Arnold 32 T. Purss 33 N . Bingham 34 R . Colbert 35 R . MacWhirter 36 D . Sapuppo 37 C . Larkins 38 S. Freer 39 M. Green 40 A. T.Jones 41 M. Callinan 42 A. Pyle 43 T. Woodruff 44 N . Hulett 45 M . Walsh 46 0. Gidley 47 S . Tatulaschwile 50 L. Ginnivan 51 N . Beattie 52 P. Chapman 56 J . Watson 57 N. Moylan 59 M . Higgins 60 M . 0'Hanlon 62 D. King 63 T. O'Meara 65 N. Serafini

1 C . Keunen 2 B . Garth 3 C . Goullet 4 D . Ballads 5 C . Liberatore 6 M . Harrison 7 S . Clarke 7R S. Perrett 8 J . Evans 9 M . Kavanagh (vc) 10 N. Mitchell 11 C. Davis 12 B . Hogan 13 C. Mitchell (vc) 14 B . Ryan 15 T. Wilkinson 16 D. Blunt 17 C. Potter 18 J . Cheep 19 A. Mitchell 20 D. Evans 21 B. Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson 23 L. Wilkinson (vc) 24 D. Roach 25 D. McLaughlin ( C) 26 A. Smith 27 J. Hughes 28 P. Holland 29 L . Spinner 30 M. Stapleton 31 G . Campbell 32 T. Harvey 32R J. Harvey 33 N . Smith 34 D . Byme 35 Tate Pearson 36 A . Marian 37 A. Catterall 38 S . Iannazzo 39 M . Juricskay 40 J . Madden 41 S . Matthews 42 B . Miziewicz 43 L. Miceli 44 M . Wals h 45 T. Legudi 46 R. Ware 47 D. Hurley 48 L. DeMorton 49 N. Thomas 50 A. Gill 51 D. Dugina 52 J . Spiteri 53 P. Harris 54 L. Evans 55 S. Bugryn 56 R. Windus s 57 M. Stewart 58 S. Andrews 59 L . Jordan 60 M. Gourley 61 D . O'Connor 62 M. Mihailovic 63 5. Crouch NORTH SUBURBAN SPORTS CLUB. INC.



Coach: Dave Murray Asst. Coach : Tony Miller Res. Coach: Rob Gros s

Coach : John Kani s Res Coach: Joe Sturroc k

1 N . Pope 2 M. Mulgrew 3 S. Garlick 4 L. Mahoney (c) 5 M. Dollman 6 D . Mahoney 7 J . Travaglia 8 T. McCann 9 B. Fields 10 M. Lucas (dvc) 11 T. Du an 12 S. McKee 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Greenhorn 15 W. Gullifer 16 B . Garvey (dvc) 17 D . Ryan 18 R . Chard 19 D . Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R . Maguire 22 J . Mount 23 T. Simpson (vc) 24 A . Lynch 25 D. Manton 26 C. Taylor 27 T. OToole 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 C. Underwood 30 N. Dowling 31 W. Keenan 32 S. O Conno ' r 33 M . Maguire 34 N. Parrett 35 J. Dempsey 36 P. Mount 37 M. Shannon 38 J. O'Brien 39 M. Dwyer 40 L . Kale-saran 41 M. Drinkwater 42 S. Mount 43 A. DeKretser 44 John-Paul . Mount 45 A. Smith 46 L . Gullifer 48 A. Conlan 50 R . Horrocks 51 D . Bare 52 D . Mount 53 B . Hughes 54 G. Holland 56 D . Walsh 57 J . Liston 58 L. Giansiracusa 59 P. Aughton 60 S . O'Connor 61 R. Caldow 62 A . Jageurs 63 C. Lucas 64 D. Prior 65 R. Short 66 J . Marchesani 71 A. Mulkeams 75 R. Campagna 82 S. Mitchell 99 P. Murray

1 P. Bunke 2 T. Hutchin s 3 J. Stunoc k 4 D. Guengerich 5 J. Tanner 6 M . Rigby 7 R. Youn g 8 J. Hayte r 9 A. Lowcock 10 R. Marti n 11 L. North 12 Q . Gleeson 13 T. Foster 14 A. Henderso n 15 L. Ryan 16 M. Kordic k 17 G . De Crespign y 18 N . Anderso n 19 M. Torne y 20 M. Coleman 21 C . Notman 22 B. Millard 23 T. Wltrox 24 S. Russell 25 A. Solly 26 J. Scamble r 27 R . Wilkie 28 M. Thoma s 29 A. Terrill 30 T. Muhlebach 31 M. Shaughnessy 32 M. Paterson 33 B . Gates 34 T McKinnon 35 J . McKay 36 R . Minns 37 J . Bradley 39 D . Heinz y 40 C . Brookes 41 L. Qui n 42 S . Fletche r 43 N . Shuttleworth 4 4 . Wood 45 JB . Waters 46 H . Rankin 47 A . Millar 48 L. Fishly 49 P. Steele !.. 50 H. Nailon .! 51 N. Vanderbosh 52 P. Marriott 53 J . Westmore 54 A. Waxma n 55 B. Gi n 56 T. Rankin 57 T. Irvine 58 J. Albania 59 B. Hutchinson 60 D. Strack 61 J. Ritchie 62 C . Ross 63 P. Eden 64 D . McPhail 65 E. Clarke 66 L . Woodhouse 67 D . McAloon 68 J. McKerrow 69 G . Muir 70 J. Meade 71 P. Marshall 72 D . Gavara-Nan u 73 C . Hopkins 74 H . Munro 75 J . Moylan 77 J . McQuillan 86 D . Bannister


A SECTION St Bernards v Old Haileybury Collegians v Marcelli n St Kevins v Old Xaverians - at St Kevins College Universitv Blues v Old Melburnians

Old Scotch v Old Trinity B SECTIO N St Bedes Mentone Tigers v De La Salle - at Sportscover Arena, Sunda y Caulfield Or v Old Brighton Old Ivanhoe v Mazenod 0 C - at Sportscover Arena, Saturday MHSOB v Whitefriar s

North Old Boys v Old Essendon O r C SECTIO N Old Paradians v Monash Blues AJAX v Therry Penola 0 B - at Trevor Barker Oval, Sandringham

Banyule v Old Camberwel l Parkdale Vultures v Hampton Rovers Beaumaris v University Blacks - at Optus Oval Dl SECTION Prahran v Glen Eira

Yarra Valley 0 B v Ormon d Fitzroy Reds v Emmaus St Leos 0 C - at De Cherie Reserve Bulleen Templestowe v Old Mentonians Old Carey v Aquinas 0 C D2 SECTION Peninsula 0 B v Rupertswood Ivanhoe Assumption v Old Geelong Swinburne Uni v Oakleigh Salesian 0 C v La Trobe Uni Bentleigh v Williamstown CYMS D3 SECTIO N

St Bernards v St Kevins Old Brighton v Collegians De La Salle v Marcellin University Blues v Old Scotch Old Xaverians - Bye

UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Old Camberwell v Banyule Viewbank Old Trinity v Caulfield Or Rupertswood v Old Melburnian s Old Essendon Or v Beaumari s Whitefriars v Old Carey - switched from original draw UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Oakleigh v La Trobe Uni AJAX v Old Ivanhoe - TBP,

Old Paradian s v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Monash Blues v Bentleigh University Blacks v MHSOB - Brens Oval, Parville 11 .30am (TBC )

UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Oakleigh Clays v Salesian Scorpions Mazenod 0 C v Old HaIIeybury Ormond v Hampton Rover s De La Salle (2) v Peninspla 0 B WIDER-49 (21 RE D Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Scotch Old Westbourne v Ke w Therry Penola 0 B v Bye Rupertswood (2) v Aquinas 0 C Fitzroy Reds v Bulleen Templestowe - at Ramsden Street Oval CLUB 18 fl) Prahran v St Kevin s

Mt LIlydale 0 C v Old Brighton - switched from original draw - TB A De La Salle v Old Melburnians - at Waverley Park University Blues v Old Scotch Old Xaverians v Mazenod 0 C

Monash Gryphons v West Brunswick Syndal Tally-Ho v South Melb Districts Kew v Old Westbourne

CLUB 18 f2 l

Werribee Amateurs v Uhs-Vu

Eley Park Sharks v Old Xaverians (2) Monash Blues v Old Essendon O r Fitzroy Reds v University Blacks - at Ramsden Street Oval

Power House v St Johns 0 C

D4 SECTION St Marys v Box Hill North

Richmond Central v Eltham Collegians Bulleen Cobras v Elsternwick Hawthorn Amateurs v North Brunswick Albert Park - Bye


Therry Penola 0 B v Marcellin Old Trinity v Collegian s

CLUB 18 f3 1 Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Scotch (2) Old Geelong v Caulfield O r Old Carey v Fitzroy Reds (2) North Old Boys - Bye La Trobe Uni v Whitefriar s


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REVIEW Behind early the Caulfield Grammarians slammed on 10 unanswered goals to have the game sewn up at the break . The second half was the same as their hard running football was too much for the disappointing Whitefriars . Mark Liddell was a dominant player as were Richard Foote and Al Green and just ask Mark Frater who took "the mark of the year" . De La continue to stamp their authority this time accounting for the NOBS by 78 points out at Brunswick . NOBS put in a good second term but the rest of the day belonged to DLS . Cult figure Mick Duggan put in a big one with 6, Ryan Sherman and Jeff Morel also outstanding Unlike most of their matches this year the Hoers came out firing and had set up a match winning break by the first change . This was the pattern for the rest of the day as they completely outplayed a sluggish Melbourne High side . Good players on every line for the victors with Chris Branigan, James Hope and of course Luxy the pick of the bunch .

Old Brighton bounced back with a terrific win out at Essendon. Three good quarters set up the victory with Greg McLoughlin just a bit disappointed with some loose marking in the last . Adam Pirrie with his new red hair kicked a few, Jon Perrett best again, both Edges terrific and young Blair Mason won plenty of it . Brindisi Street had it's biggest crowd since last year's Centenary Game . And the Tigers didn't disappoint them with a 5 goal opening . The Nodders clawed their way back into the game and by half way through the last levelled the scores . But the young Tigers steadied to kick the last 3 and record a great win . Luke Beveridge and Michael Wintle were great midfielders set up by evergreen Tim Beasley. Tim Bourbon, Nick Meehan and Scott Castricum best for Mazenod . Who kicked the goal of the year ? PREVIEW Old Essendon have been dangerous against the top sides and have beaten a couple against the



odds. Today at Malvern they have the chance to claim another scalp a . ThestheyviDLS home side have been sensational of late and that form should see them win at home today . It would be a fool to write Nlaaenod off at this stage . But the Fields have really found form of late, form that even away from home will take them to another victory and keep them within distance of fourth spot . Danger game though . Whitefriars really have their backs to the wall now as they welcome Old Ivanhoe to Donvale . Four straight losses in a row and now they cop the top side . At home they play better than away but the Hoers can't be faulted at the moment . The Friars certainly can improve and will but not enough to win I'm afraid . South Road awaits the ever improving young Tigers . Have gradually been getting better as a few players return to the fold and they will certainly take the gafne right up to their hosts . But the Tonners at home almost impossible to crack and they will take the points . MHSOB welcome NOBS to the school oval. Both would have been disappointed with their results after showing some promising form . Tough one to tip so as usual will take the easy way out and stick with the home side .

I~, 11~a CLUB LST 'L%' ;( TOTA L B SECTION North Old Boys Minton-Connell 5 54 MHSOB Pertzel 3 34 Caulfield Grammarians Sinclair 4 33 Old Brighton Pirrie 5 3 3 B RESERVE De La Salle MHSOB De La Salle

L Walker Aitken B Vague

3 5 1

24 23 21


PRESS CORRESPONDENTS . Don't forget the numbers 9553 1561 home phone and fax, 0403 433 016 is the mobile or mail to braincoCaoptusnet .com .au . By 8PM Monday Nights please . T - `a . • r-i ;"~-a r :~ ~ :~ J~ ~~ €~

De La Salle - Legend plays his 200th . Unusually, but typical of Ben hi a lslix, he played his first 8 games with the De La t3'arriors (Club 18) starting in 1992 . His 200, which was attained last week against traditional rival NOB's, incorporates 150 Senior (104 "A" 46 "B"), 8 Reserves, 12 Club 18 and 30 Under 19 games . Benny was Club Champion in 1998, Runner Up "A" Grade B&F 1998, State Rep 1999, VAFA RI Cordner medalist, DLS Best in Finals and premiership team member,2003 . Ben has exhilarated all who have been privileged to see him play with the quintessential Mannix marking style prominent and he becomes the only 29th DLS player to reach 200 games . All congratulate Ben and trust that he completes the next 50 Senior games to become the 7th player to achieve the fantastic 200 Snr games . Caulfield Grammarians - Wi ll Bowes - 150 games . After a recent stint in Sin City, "Bowsie" returns to The Fields to notch up 150 games . Triple premiership player in '98, '00 & '02, Best Finals player in '98 and U19 captain & B&F winner in '96, Will has been a terrific player and clubman whose attack on the footy and commitment to the team is unquestionable . Well done Will, form all of your mates at The Fields . Old Brighton - Simon "Punch" Williams celebrates his 200th game for OBGFC this Saturday, becoming a "Life Member" as a result . "Punchy" first came to the club in its inaugural year, in A grade and soon established himself as a solid, uncompromising back man . Club Captain a record 6 times from 1999 to 2004, he epitomises all that Old Brighton look for in a player. Loyal, club orientated and a fantastic work ethic . Well done Punchy !

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De La Salle v Old Essendon Or Old Brighton v St Bedes Merit Ti g Mazenod 0 C v Caulfield Or Whitefriars v Old Ivanhoe MHSOB v North Old Boys

D-H~~ NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .2 7.4 10.5 12 .8 (80) DE LA SALI E 8 .4 10.8 17.11 24.14 (158) NOB : Minton Connell 5 Con 2 Barker Amor D Brady B Sheehan Spurting. Best: Roberts spurting Curry Amor Nlltill Hosk-ing. DLS: Duggan 6 Lowe 3 L Harrison 2 C Hyde 2 McArdle 2 Moore 2 Morel 2 Rayson 2 Man nix Corin L Bowden . Best :Sherman Morez Duggan Lowe McArdle Conn . Umpires: Dirk Kramer Tim Rath ( RFL) (F) Brendan Cannon Brandon Cooper (RFL) (B) Eddie Boa] John Foster ( RFL) (G ) OLD BRIGHTON 3 .5 10 .9 15 .12 19.17 (131) DID FS.9EidDOPi OR 2 .2 5.5 7.9 14 .15 (99) Old Br. Pirtle 5 Kent 3 Phelan 2 Hendra 2 Perrett 2 Dawes 2 J Edge Leaf Mason. Best : Perrett J Edge A Edge Bristow Hendra Phel an. Old Ees: Scurry 2 Baddeley 2 Day 2 Fraser 2 D Flaherty 2 Stormont Portia Bartram Hand. Best: D Flaherty Ryan Towner Biggs Bartram Baddeley. tn.' 1 .r es: Peter James Luke Holmes (F) Bre ndan Corcoran Frank Palermo (B) Craig Arnol Daniel Brookes (G) ST EWIGN11I TIGERS 5 .2 8.5 9.9 13.12 PO) t-' 0 C 3 .1 6.6 8.8 10 .11(71) B/ T: Kane 3 Beveridge 3 Tyquin 2 L Terrell 2 Collins M Terre ll Scafidi. Best : Beveridge M ti'lintle Beasley Corda D Lynch J Connolly. Ma= Bourbon 3 N Chamberlain 2 Murray 2 J Dunne Linden Jayaweera . Best Bour'oon Murray Kelly D Chamberlain Meehan Castricum . Umpires: Albie Firley David Phillips (F) Will Stokes Rob Mayston Jnr (B) Kevin Segota Bruce Stephens (G ) C.AULFIELD GR 3.2 11.6 15.10 21 .13 (139) WHITEFRIARS 3 .2 4 .3 7 .5 9.7 (61) Dank Liddell 6 Gross 5 Sinclair 4 Hammond 2 Green Jacobs Kendall : Liddell Foote Green Hammond Frater Strain . White : Canigg Wright . Best 3 M Barbone 2 S Anderson Kennedy M Power Webb. Best : Brescia Carrigg Kennedy A Carbone Phan Baker . Umpires: Steve McCarthy Richard Eastwood ( F) Simon Abe l James Gregory (B) Bernie Hoare Gavin Roberts (G) OLD INANE 7.5 10.10 16.13 2 1.14 (140) 2 .4 4 .6 6.8(44) MHSOB 1 .1 Old Be Luxon 5 Branigan 5 Prfce 4 Cornellus 3 Getlings Lochran Theodossi J Hope. Best: Branigan J Hope Ke(alas Price Bolzan Lochran. IrSI180B : Pertzel 3 Bamert Hogan Walker. Best : Campbell Limbrick Hogan Evans Pertzel Smith Umpires: Peter Liddell Dash Pettis (F) Glen Kennedy (B) Paul Gatt Robert Par ry (G) B RESERVE NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .1 4 .3 7 .8 8.8 (56) BE L4 SALIE 6.2 12.3 17.5 20 .10 (130) NOB: D Joyce 3 Maher 2 Cugola Fitzgerald Penell. DLS: Browning 4 P Bowden 3 Walker 3 Gilbe rt 2 Bourke Coffey Colman Cosstick Hancock Jarvis Moloney Vague. Best: O'Connor hackle Farrer Fitzgerald Penell Maher. Best : Vague Po well O'Donnell Browning Cosstick Shields. OLD ESSENDON 1 .5 2.9 7.10 10.12 (72) OLD BRIGHTON 1 .3 6 .6 7 .6 10.8 (68) Old Ess: M Flattery 3 J Dazkiw 3 Hakim 2 Cerantonto Fitzgerald . Best : Jose FttzgeraklDazkiwFlaherty Fewster Romeo Cerantonio . Old Br. Salem 5 Girmar an 2 Meniehol Megulre Joseph . Best: PerrySalemGinnavanMegutre PattersonHenderson. ST ! 3.1 6.1 9 .6 12.7 (79) 3.1 5 .3 7 .3 10.3 (63) MAMOD StB/R4T: Andrews 3 Hlp•ell 3 Beretta 2 Bell McGettigan Sawers Waters . Best: Waters Beretta Sawers Maddocks Kelleher Hlpwell . Maz: Castrlcum 4 Hawkins 2 Grant Morris Nisbet Raine . Best: Mather Va llance Hawkins Morris Miller Murray . CAULF'IELD GR 0.4 0 .5 4 .8 7.10 (52) WIB'IEFRIIeRS 3 .1 8.4 9.8 14.11 (95) Caul Gerrand 2 Murphy 2 DArcy Guyz tt Scott. Best: Gen-and Crathem Guyett Thompson D'Arcy Bowes. White: Woods 5 Brisbane 3 Phelan 3 Ross 2 Piggott. Best: Clrren Duffy Day Brisbane Woods Phelan. OLD IYAPdHOE 1 .3 2.5 6.7 8.8(56) MHSOB 1 .3 3 .5 3 .6 5.8(38) Old Be Georgiou 3 Z Keane 2 Antonlou Dinakis Pearce. Best: Veal J Keane Z Keane Dinakts Georgtou SneIl . MHSOB: Aitken 5 . Best : Bowen Fraczek Aitken Nicholas Lust Orchard .


CAULFIELU Coach : Stephen lht as Coach : Lachlan ttellaway Res : Peter Olivteri

1 J Foley 2 A Bruhn 3 C Knight 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendal l 6 N Craven 7 R O'Neill 8 R Foote 9 M Frater 10 A Will O C 11 B Carboni 12 D Pearce (VC) 12 M Sainsbury 1 3 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Fallu 16 J Wright 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxter 18 J James 19 B Evans 20 H Vella 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Fagan 23 C McGrath 24 C Murphy 25 B Sinclair 25 N Dorman 26 S 27 J Sayers ( VC) 28 J Jacobs 29 N Guyett 30 M Sharpe 30 D Elias 31 WBowe 32 A swson 33 S Fryers 34 H Baker 35 S Thompson 36 G Crathern 37 B Scott 38 N Edwards 39 A Bosna 40 M Wilson 41 B Jeffkins 42 A Strain 43 T Gerrand 44 B Hasfarth 45 B Acfield 46 K Weir 47 S Jenkinson 48 R Chapple 49 G Poulter 50 N Green 51 W Rudd 52 G Winter 53 J Gross 54 T Franklin-Jones 55 C Hooper 56 B Napie r 57 P Farmer 58 S Cunliffe 59 D Buckthought 60 R Saunders 61 T Royal 62 C Sheppard 63 Z D'Arcy 64 T Wailes 65 B Jenkinson 66 C Grigg 67 D Loetje 68 L Conan 71 M Cassidy THE RACECOURSE HOTEL CNR . DANDENONG 8 WAVERLEY RD'S , MALVERN EAST

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Asst : Adnan G^~+-R~ Many k , Club te: eeqar - x,6

1 L. Walker C r 2 R . Buckley 3 B. Corin C 4 L. Harrison DVC 5 M . Duggan VC Sr R. Quick 6 M . Moore 7 P. Harrison DVC 7r M . Ellis 8 J. La Ragy 9 J Moloney Sr B . Vague 10 T. Silvers 10r A . Thornton 11 P. Bourke 12 M . Fietdsend 13 A . Johnstone 14 W. Dwyer 15 P. Bowden 16 S . Hyland 17 L. Bowden 18 A . Coffey 19 R . McArdle 1 9 r M . Ellis 20 A . Shields 21 D . Payson 22 M. Brown 23 A . Sherman 24 J . Morel 24r A. Powell 25 C. Hyde 27 M. O'Donnell 28 J Hirst 29 C . Postlethwaite 30 B. Mannix 31 S. Hyde 31r K. Mannix 32 D . Lowe 33 N . Stewart 34 V. Moloney 36 W. Jolley 38 S. Cosstick 39 B. Oakley 41 D. McInerney 42 A Skinns 42r D. Jarvis 43 A. Greena h 44 D. Close ~ 45 R. Walms4ey 46 L. Jarvis 47 A. Stevens 49 A. Boots 50 S. Conway 51 D. Browning 52 T. Moloney 55 A. McLeish 56 L. Seager 57 R. Hancock 59 G. Gilbe rt 62 C. Punton

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Asst Coar' ... A SuftaAarW! A, .w I_ r g an. wech: Tary Co°.»s

1 T. Castricum 2 M. Chamberlain 3 D . Christie 4 C . Lee 5 D. Chamberlain 6 P. Nelson 7 S. Reed 8 A. Morris 9 D. Kelly 10 B. Chamberlain 11 D. Hose 12 J . Cuberes 13 M . Regan 14 N. Meehan 15 N. Parry (VC) 16 M . Apotlonio 17 T Pi tts 18 D. Dunne 19 L. Buszard 20 C. Murray 21 S . Castricum 22 S . Veltman 23 S . Oldman 24 D. Nisbett 25 S . Stanley 26 J . Dunne ( C) 27 M . Regan 28 P. Jones 30 D. Hansen 31 P. Delmastro 32 A . Strawn 33 S . Balloch 34 C . Boyd 35 R . Hawkins 36 G. Miller 37 T. Vallance 38 D . Hallet 39 D . Oldman 40 G . Massey 41 M. Venturini 42 C . Raine 43 J. Schiano 44 D . Linden 45 S. Paine 46 D . Hensman 47 A. Manjekian 48 C . Ja aweera Y 51 M. Murray 52 G . Tilling 53 J. Mather 54 D. Grant 55 L. Fulle r 57 P. Souter 58 D. Morris 60 A. Bouchereau 61 M . McDowell 64 T. Bourbon 66 J. Pereira 67 J. Bates 68 L. Hawkins

Asst CoacF^^: Spe:os Bastes $ ,,._ Ren Fall Rec Co=h: Jam;z Dreon

1 J Bamert 2 S McCully ( S-Capt) 3 D Rosman 4 M White (S-VC) 5 B Betheras 6 M Bra n 7 S Whittington 8 J Gemer 8 J Dixon 9 D Fairchild 10 P Smith 10 1 Barrett 11 R Temes 12 J Aitken 12 M Feferkranz 13 S Anderson 14 M Hami@on-Ho 15 A O 'Brien lWalker 1 7 16 J G M1icCu ty 18 R Umbrick (S-DVC) 18 C Wrigh t 19 S Robinson 20 L Home 20 T Fraczek (R-DVC) 21 W Taft 22 A Svlrskis 23 A Hogan 24 J Pertzel 25 H Taylor 25 A Vicendes e 26 L Evans 27 W Backway 28 T Dunne 28 S Moore ( R-DVC) 29 W White 30 K McDonald 31 M Bowen 32 A Cassell 33 L Campbell 34 E Thompson (S-DVC) 34 D Henzel 35 P Rujevic (R-VC ) 36 S Magee 37 T Harper 37 M Ting 38 C Nailon 39 D Fox 40 A Lust ( R-Capt) 41 J Anderson 42 C Wright 43 R Coxon 44 J Newton 45 R Czwarno 46 I Coatin g 47 0 Hollenberg 48 M Webster 49 S Yu e 50 K Harding 51 D Vicendese 52 M Landy 53 S Mitchell 54 D Learmont-Walke r 55 C Eva 56 T Wrigh t 57 S Foley 58 P Greenhill 59 A Hall 60 M Nicholas

NORTH O LD BOYS Coach: Tony Egan Res Coach : Brendan Smale s 1 J . Cassel l 2 J . Penell 3 T. Sheehan 4 S . Slee p 5 A . Crameri 6 H . Mapleston e 7 J . Browne 8 S . Co x 9 L. Curry 10 To . Brady 11 T. Roberts 12 G . Maxton 13 S. O'Connor 15 J . Nihili 16 C . Dynon 1 7 T. Spurting 19 R Flanders 20 J. Sutherland 21 A. Wellma n 22 D. Teha n 23 S. Minton-Connell 24 M . Fitzgerald 26 D. Brady 27 C. O'Bree 28 D. Joyce 29 C. Hosking (VC ) 30 D. St ri ble y 31 L . Boyle 32 B. Sheehan 33 M . Barker 35 M . Carney 36 D. Tonkin (C) 37 A. Ferrer 38 M . Amor 40 A. Ega n 41 Garga n 42 D.Sheeha n 43 J . McKenzie 45 G. Irv in 47 J . Mahe r 48 M . Kell y 49 A. Cugola 53 S . Butcher 54 B . Govett 55 C. Stribley 58 R. Citreon 60 M. Cribbes (RC) 64 Ti. Brady 66 P. B ryar

Major Sponso r

Raine & Horne



Wealt h Builders



Section L .l. :G6iTON

GairA : Greg McLoughlin Ass 3nt: Adam McConnell Res. Coach : Nick Perry A. Pixie 23 C nmy Ba 3 L McDonald 4 A. MacG ( vray ( d c) 5 A. Edge 6 R . Stewart 7 C . Reddin 8 C . McNicol (Co C.R.) g g Phelan (Capt) 10 J . Edge it B . Mason 12 J . Pemztt (dvc) 12 S . Eastgate 13 R. Kent 13 N. Edw ards 14 S . Williams 15 B . Gadsden 16 J . Fkcmann 17 A Van Den Dur gen 18 !`ti Salem 18 M . Jackson ' n 19 S. Ginnsva 19 P. Angetini 29 M . Smith 21 R. Joseph 21 T Ewen 22 J. Murch 23 D. Dawes 24 S. Gadsden 25 A. Kennedy 26 A. Ginnivan 27 D . Paterson 28 A. Bristow 29 J . Dickerson 29 B. Richardson 30 T. March 31 A . Paroissien 31 S . Jackson 32 A . Goldner 33 L. Dale 34 T. Gibson 35 C. Stewart 36 R . Henderson ( Co C . R.) 37 D. Hughes 38 T Matess 39 B . C69y 40 C. Craig 40 J . Maguire 41 J . Murch ie 42 L. Hendra NO AS R. Fisher C. McKimm TownsendTownsend r T mas B. W. Leaf 51 J. Lynch 53 H. Bickett 54 J Dooley 56 B. Paterson 57 P. Paterson 58 C. Brown 59 N . Larkin 60 C . Brown 61 A. Walsh 62 J. Ruffin 63 D . Ellis 64 M.Reid 66 A. Tregear 67 5. Cooney 68 M. Dubyna 69 A . Mandyiaris 71 B . Humphreys 72 N .Atlerdice 74 C.Bu tterss


C `..D

Coach : Gerard Sholly Res Coach : Brad Low

Coach: David Calthorpe Assistant Coach : Dan Wurtcel 1 D . Biggs 2 T. Biggs 2 L. O'Brien 3 D . Forrest 4 D . Ryan 5 S . De Morton 5 T. Hargreaves 6 C. Ridley 6 T. Hand 6 S . Dawson 7 J . Leask 8 B . Hakim 9 J . Stormont 10 M . Flaherty 11 D. Cerantonio 11 B. Papal 12 J . Kavanagh 13 M. Rossi 15 A. Parker 16 C . Day 17 S. Towner 17 J. Lloyd 18 D . Flaherty 18 C . Devereux 19 T. Wilson 20 R . Baddeley 20 A . Burbridge 21 S. Dal e 21 T. Stone 22 M . Port ia 23 J . Hughes 23 T. Skurrie 24 J . D az kiw 25 A . Fraz er 25 E . Baskan 26 C. Ward 27 J . Williamson 27 A . Mckenzie 28 A . Fewster 29 S . Jose 30 C. Inness 31 D. Caridi 32 P. Grapsas 32 D. Poulton 33 J . Dazkiw 34 D. Podger 35 T. Rumble 36 C . Obliubek 37 L . Fitzgerald 38 T. Campbell 39 T. Hargreaves 40 C . Kalogiannis 41 B. Overman 42 N . Bertram 43 A. McGowan 44 L . Kavanagh 45 D . Winkel 45 P. Barry 46 M . Makris 47 S . Howard 48 A . Salvo 49 A . Ch ri stou 50 A . Chapman 51 C. Brooks 52 C. Davies 53 J . Mansour 54 L. Bones 55 A. Christou 55 C. Morgan

56 L . Fr aze r 57 L . Wilson

61 A. Nowland

1 2 3 4

A . Oates L. Lochran (V/Capt) S . Curatolo S . Geilings (Sens) B . Davis ( Res) 5 C. Georgio 6 S . Kent 7 J. Gieschen 8 G . Hope 9 D. Payne 10 C. Crowley (VtCapt) 11 N. Russian 12 C. Branigan 13 A. Alagona 14 B. Thompson 15 T. Reinke 16 S. P ri ce 17 M. Veal 18 J. Hope ( Capt) 19 P. Dinakis 20 D . Hawkes (Capt-Res) 21 S. Fragiacomo 22 B. Nagel 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Haros 25 E. Byrne 26 I . Dawkins 27 N . Holloway (VEC-R) 28 M . Tobias 29 R . Weddle 30 J . Leec h 31 J . Stevens 32 S . Kefalas 33 N . Pra tt 34 A . Tseman 35 M . Pollock 36 G . Hartrick 37 A . Baldwin 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J . Keane 41 Z . Keane 42 S. Low (V/Capt) 43 W. Cornelius 44 M Luxon 45 N. Antoniou 46 R . Butle r 47 S. Snell 48 G . Smith 49 C . Quinlan 50 M. Verrocchi 51 J. Uljans 52 B. Wright 53 L . Courage 54 S. Smith 55 S. Pearce 56 B. Leskie 57 B . Smart 58 L. Bolzan 59 R . Stagg 6 0 J . Sieesma 61 L. Skoullos 62 J . Mathew 63 D. Berry 64 J . B ritten 65 D. Campbell- Frase r 66 D. Walkley 67 B . Mckinley 68 B. Parker 69 M . Corr 70 M . Tolley 71 A. Parker 72 L . McKie

Miles Real Estate

ST DEDES M ENTONE TIGERS Coach: Russell Barnes Res Coach : Tim Lamb 1 B. Collins 2 L. Wintle 3 L. Borella 4 L. Beveridge 5 S. Napier 6 J . Kane 7 S. Rose 8 A. Scafidi 9 M. Terrell 10 M. Wintle 12 P. Groves 13 R . Sampieri 14 A. Connolly 15 T. McColl 16 A. Hipwell 17 N . Gorda 18 D . Lynch 19 A . Drury 20 L. McMurray 21 J. Connelly 22 L. Capsalis 23 J . Lynch 24 J . Tyqw'n 25 J . Knuppel 26 M . Hecker 27 S . Kingwell 28 M . Andrews 29 D. Waters 30 M . Mcuettigan 31 C. Osborne 32 G . Kempste r 33 S . Zakic 34 L. Carson 35 A. Sewers 36 A. Walstab 37 T. Groves 38 J . Maddocks 39 E. McKenzie 39 M. McColl 40 M. Kelleher 41 M. Rouse 42 M. Wilson 43 A. Paterson 44 M. Rhoden 45 L . Cieslak 46 M. Hilton 47 E. Ritchie 48 J . Heys 49 S. Rouse 50 S . Kidd 51 A . Buck 52 T. Beasley 53 L. Giorgiadis 54 S . Bell 55 M . Firth 56 L. Flavelle 57 S . Meehan 59 B . Logan 61 M . Mitsud 63 M . Loma no 64 P. McGettigan 66 R. Parson s 67 J . McEni ry 69 N. Gordon 70 L. Terrell


Coach : Pat Mannix Asst. Coach: Peter Randall Res . Coach : Chris Rubick 3 M . Carbone 5 B. Phan 6 P. Campbell 7 S. Brosot o 8 B. Janso n 9 A. Pawlik 11 T. Wallace 12 S. Phelan 13 J. Anderson 14 T. Carrigg 16 J. Power 17 A. Carbone 18 M. Bake r 19 A. Hil l 20 L . Swai n 21 S. Alexander 22 N . Cunningham 23 P. Stagg 24 J . Dao u 25 G. Day 27 B . Gardiner 28 A . Baker 29 A . Glenn 30 M . Power 31 A . Baggole y 32 G. Kennedy 33 C. Fulton 34 D. Gbufchev 36 C. Dyer 38 C. Carrigg 39 N. Bri sban e 40 D. Atkins 42 S . Anderson 43 N. Ellio tt 44 B. Bird 45 S. Cleven 46 M. Duffy 48 J. Treyvau d 50 D . Crea 52 R . Piggot 54 C . Ross 55 P. Tobi n 57 A. Wood s 58 P. Poutney 59 T. Nuna n 60 R . Pawli k 62 B . Stafford 63 Z. Webb 65 D . Eames 66 J . Box 70 C. Pelos i 71 R . Ma tti so n 72 K . Papproth

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A .F.C . If'-'~ ;i) V.A .F.A . "Your Coaches' Association"

Here is a summary of interview by Gec ' Reilley with former star Sydney Swans player, Steve Wright, new senior noach at Caulfield Grammarians . GR - Steve, can you give me details of your coaching background ? SW - I started as Captain Coach of Clarence in Tasmania (93/93) followed by stints as non playing coach Central Districts (SANFL 96/97), NSW ACT Rams (98/00), Queanbeyan Tigers (Assistant Coach 01), Western Creek (ACT 02) and North Ballarat (VFL 03/04) .

GR - Your outstanding playing career at the elite level is well documented including club best & fairests and inclusion in the Swan's Team of the Century . At what stage did you decide that coaching would be a continuation of your football career? SW - I was also development officer with the Swans for 10 years and therefore in constant touch with coaching . I decided on Tassie because it is a state wide competition and allowed me to continue playing for a time .

GR - Steve, what AFL coaches do you admire and why? SW - Leigh Matthews for his ability to make the transition from champion player to champion coach and also to be able to manage his players so well . Tom Haley's coaching philosophy has formed the basis of my coaching career and has influenced me the most . GR - What were your first impressions of VAFA football ?

SW - I came in it somewhat blind but I have been very impressed that the players play for the right reasons . Clearly they play for the love of the game, to play with their mates and in many cases to continue playing with their mates from school . GR - Does your approach to coaching at amateur level vary from say the VFL? SW - Not fundamentally . I strongly believe that you should treat players well and honestly . If you are up front with them, and despite some pain that comes with honesty, there is no come back if players have been fairly and are honestly assessed and informed . GR - Your son Josh has played a few games at Caulfield this season on release from Springvale . How do you df fierentiate from being a father and a coach simultaneously?

SW - I will always treat him as any other player. We have a strong relationship yet he receives no special treatment. Above all I want him to enjoy his football and especially what it brings from being in a team. I will always be happy if he is having fun playing the game . GR - How have you found the attitude of players at training compared to say the VFL competition ? SW - At VFL or professional levels you clearly have more hold over players given the remuneration they receive . At the Caulfield Grammarians Football Club I ask the players to make training for instance, the highlight of their day . After coming from a day's work, I encourage them to enjoy the aspect of then working with and for their mates . GR - Any particular comments about coaching in the VAFA or about the VAFA in general?

SW - One of the most pleasing aspects of the VAFA is that opposing coaches have all joined each other in the rooms after the game and have been prepared to talk about the game in general . I think it is good for the game and good for amateur football that they make the effort to converse with each other . GR - Steve, welcome again to amateur footy and thank you for your time . Best wishes for the remainder of the season and beyond.

Stevie Wright ( centre) enjoys victory with the Fields .


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Brilliant rover for Carlton 1977-86 (132 games) and St Kilda 1987-89 (53 games) . 3 times Carlton premiership player i n 1979, '81 and '82, kicking the sealing goal in the 1979 gran final against Collingwood . Victorian representative . St Kilda coach from 1990 - 1993 .

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Congrats to Anthony Cassell for playing his 150th game for the dub today against North OB . He has been a fearless defender and great inspiration for team mates with his straight-line follow-through game . Good luck today Anthony and may there be many more quality games in store for MHSOBFC.


The Bears are out of hibernation! A fantastic four quarter effort earned them their opening victory in a stunning upset . OP threatened , but the gritty Wellers held firm for a gutsy win and third on the table, whilst the Jackas moved to fifth. Both ladder leaders edged further ahead. REVIEW New rooms opened and a milestone match was all it took for Banyule to notch their first for the year, against the Vultures . Trailing by 11 at the last change, the home side through the Taylors and O'Connell would not be denied and the Bears had an evening to savour . Parkdale's fantastic kicking at goal kept them in it and Macgeorge slotted eight, in a game the visitors may have mistakenly penciled in . When the game had to be won, the Wellers stood up and claimed the points against OP . Predictably the game was much closer than the Rd .l clash, but OC's Tempone, Whitehead and youngster Christie, helped get OC home . In a game of great endeavour Maher and Loney were among the home sides best . The Jackas roared out of the gates and by half time were nearly 50 points to the good, against the Rovers . Hampton Rovers halved the advantage in the next term, but the lead was too great and Ajax extended it further by game's end . Kirzner dobbed seven, Berger was everywhere and Klein impressive for the hosts . The green and golds better players included Deveraux and Blanchard . The Sharks were always in command in their -match against Monash. Haynes and Heath were imposing as was Martin for the winners . The Students, Gregory and Blackly never stopped trying, helping to reduce the margin to 15 points late in the game, but Beauy wasn't going to drop this one . Uni's tussle with Therry was far closer than

the scoreline suggested. The Blacks through Lalich, Smith an d Scarlett move d away early and finished with some goals at the end, but scores during the middle terms were equal, Therry actually holding the ladder leaders goalless in the premiership quarter . Borom and McMahon fought until the end . PREVIEW Ajax are on the road when they square off against the Wellers . The Jackas have worked so hard to close the gap on the top four they can now touch it, but the Wellers are tough to toss and they are out to cement their own final's placing. Both teams have great full forwards and that alone is worth getting along to see, but with slightly more options to goal, I think it'll be the Jackas .

The Cowan-Frearson Cup is again on the line and Monash not only want the trophy back, they need the four points against the Blacks . The teams above the Students are just starting to slip away and despite their best efforts, Uni are quite fond of their lates t



LST 1'J!t TOT-71

C SECTION Ajax Kirzner 7 52 Old Camberwell Loats 5 48 Therry Penola Edwards 0 45 Parkdale Vultures Macgeorge 8 43 C RESERVE 27 Beaumaris Vance Old Camberwell Craven 23 21 Old Paradians Spinoso Bowker 20 Beaumaris


silverware and they won't be surrendering their trophy at day's end . 16

o w will the Vultures respond is the question the Sharks have aske d themselves all week? " How will the Vultures respond is the question the Sharks have asked themselves all week? I think it's fair to say Parkdale will be fired up today, last Sunday's early session not wanting to be repeated tomorrow . Beauy will be ready and they'll win . Now the duck is broken, can Banyule make it two in a row, against the Rovers . The bayside club's hasn't won since Rd . 6 but I think at home, they can change that today . Therry host Old Paradians and both teams for their own reasons must win . The pack are forging ahead of Therry and finals could slip away from OP . In an even contest, OP will inch clear and cling to the leading group of teams . Glen Harrison Corespondents : hiharro@yahoo .com

10 ,i..t E k3I.. .t•..+ ;1.V .t=1 t. AJAX - Captain Nick Gold finally reached his 100 against Parkdale recently . Nick started with AJAX in the Under 19s in 1993 before crossing to VFA clubs Sandringham and Port Melbourne . Rejoining AJAX in 2000 Nick became one of the leaders at the Club and was made Captain in 2001 . Unfortunately Nick was injured in a pre season game and only played one match . Since then he has not missed and in 2003 led the side to runners up . His courageous marking and long left foot kicks have been a feature of his game . Probably would kick more with his right but his form guide might fall out of his boot. Well done St Nick .

C .S~ .CTIO N Monash Blues v University Blacks Therry Penola 0 B v Old Paradians Old Camberwell v AJAX Hampton Rovers v Banyule Parkdale Vultures v Beaumaris

BEAU ' IS 5 .1 8.3 10.7 12.9 (81) SdONASIi BLUES 1 .2 2 .5 4 .9 8.10 (58) BeanmarLs: Duggan 2 L McNtcholas 2 Woolnough 2 Buller Coote Haymes Lee Spence Wonnacott . Best: Martin Haynes Heath Woolnough Teasdale L Atkins. Mon Blues : Gregory 3 Farrar 2 De Young Holloway O'Sullivan . Best : Gregory Blackly Holloway Smith Hickey Davidson . Umpires: Rick Love Justin Lipson (F) Ben Bracken Matt Proctor (B) Greg Rollo Ross Richards (G ) UNIVERSrrY BLACKS 7 .5 11 .8 11 .15 17.18 (120) ThIERRY PENOfA 2 .0 3.0 7.4 9 .5 (59) Uni Blacks: Savage 4 Shaw 3 Barry 2 T Evans 2 Barlow 2 M Kempton l .allch Batten Brumbv-Rendell. Best: Scarlett Batten M Kempton Twney Lallch Smith. Therrg Penola : Walker 5 Bannister 3 Faroldl. Best: Borom Mcmahon Walker Callegari Hollow Crotty . Umplres : Jeremy Hefferan Simon Olive (F) EHse Van Grondelle Jordan Mayton (B) Clive Shipley Sam Perrin (G ) OLD PARADIANS 3.2 5.6 8 .7 10.8 (68) OLD CAhMERWELL 5.3 7.6 8 .8 13 .10 (88) Old Par : Porteous 5 Hughes 2 Brabender D Dean Tenson. Best: Maher D Dean Murray Loney Gale P Pratt. Old Camb : Loats 5 P Tempone 2 B Ryan 2 Goodale 2 Darling R Tayiov Best : P Tempone P Christie Lawrie Hobart Loats BatzkofC. Umpires: Ken McNtece Peter Angelis (F) Blake Curtis Alex Koutsoukis (B) Matthew Cowley Pat Mitchell (G) 6.5 11 .8 14.8 17.16 (118) AJAX 1L5MPM ROVERS 3 .1 4.2 10.8 13 .10 (88) MAX: Ktrzner 7 Berger 3 Brvner 2 Routman 2 Lewskl Marko v Rapaport. Best : Berger Lewski Kirzner IsraeLsohn Klein Rapaport. Hampt Rov: Anderson 2 Duddy 2 Power 2 Blanchard Browne Deveraux Lawrence Pinto Semmell Zampagllone . Best : Deveraux Zampag(tone Anderson Blanchard Duddy Semmell . Umpires: Joe Hartwig Shane Macintosh (F) Gaven Dawe Andrew Tr7antaCyllou (B) Trevor Foy John Robinson (G ) gAN yt1LE 5.6 9.12 14.16 18.19 (127) 5.1 11 .1 18.3 20.5(125) PARKDALE VULTURES Banyule: 0 Connell 5 N Taylor 4 Davies 2 Demetriou Shepherd Poyser Phelan Richardson Christian Sktcko. Best: N Taylor C Taylor Smith 0 Connell Slacks Davies. Park Vult : Macgoorge 8 White 3 Sullivan 2 Barr 2 Hampton Ryan McCraw Rock Johnston . Best .: Macgeorge McCraw M Barr 0 Meara Hampton . Umpires : Lionel Katz John Deering (RFL) (F) Sean Collins Gus Carpenzano '. (RFL) (B) Steven Ptperno C RESERVE BEAUMARIS 1 .3 4.4 6.9 8 .11 (59) 3.1 5 .1 7 .2 8.3 (51) MOPtAS1I BLUES Beaum: Hogarth 2 Bowker 2 A O'Brien Jury N Atkins C Collins . Best: M Wilson Hogarth Foley C Collins Gibson Evans . Mon Blurs: Kars 3 Mazur 2 Bolton Jones Murchie . Best : McMahon Mudge Brennan Shields Kars Fenaghty. UNIVERSITY BI.ACKS 5.4 9.9 16 .14 20.18 (138) 0 .0 0.0 1 .1 1 .2(8) T1B;RRYPENOIA Vol Blacks: Jesse 3 Portet 3 Moffat 3 Hardy 3 Beaton 2 Wakh 2 Cameron 2 Price 2. Best: Hardy Portet Bowles Henry Price Cameron . Them Pem Hanlan. Best : Capewell Owen Kuret Hollow Toohey Sacco . OLD PARADIANS 2 .1 5.5 6.6 7 .11 (53) OLD CA MRWELL 5 .0 6.1 10.2 11 .2 (68) Old Par: Derham 2 A Dean L Harford Lombardi Palermo Walsh . Best: M Ryan Riseley Joyce B Richardson Godfrey Palermo . Old Camb : Craven 3 M Cottrell 3 L Heffernan 2 Horsktns 2 Munro. Best : Kearney M Cottrell Grant Joyce Jells Hoskins. MAX 1 .2 3.5 5 .6 6.8(44) HAh7T ON ROVERS 1 .2 3.4 6.5 11.8 (74) AJAX: Boon Dudakov Dvash Raleigh Segal Yudelman . Best: Dudakov Segal Glezer Boon Seidl Sacks . Hampt Rov: Gtasoumt 4 Anderson 2 Helllger 2 Lambert 2 Flahhe. Best: Glasoumi Cave Lambert Williams Crowther Blake . BATTLE 6.1 11.2 13 .3 15 .5 (95) PARKDAI.E VULTURES 4 .1 4 .3 4.5 7 .6(48) Bnnyule: Machine 3 Witehell 2 Fikaris 2 Express 2 Bottomley 2 Spicer Bassett Bell Chewbakker. Best: Bell Mutton Tshaildwsky Gray Thomson FIlraris. Park Vn1C Wilkins 2 Walker 2 Grainger 2 Sullivan . Best : Emmett 0 Meara Wheatley Grainger Kerr .


C Section AJAX

Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Res. Coach: Barry Simon 1 N . Gold (Capt) 1 B. Borensztein ® 2 J . Israelsohn 2 B. Rose @ 3 Y. Rapoport 4 M. Dudakov (Capt Res) 5 G . Blieden 5 J. Rotstein ® 6 D. Vanaken 7 L . Krafchek 7 D. Rubenstein ® 8 E. Raleigh 8 W. Sevel ® 9 A. Rosen 11 M . Segal (VC) 11 J. Goldman ® 12 D. Goldenfein 13 B. Klein 14 D. Codron 15 J . Segal (VC) 15 S . Newstadt ® 16 E . Routman 17 D. Weislitzer 18 J . Kirz ner 18 B . Lukav ® 19 D. Sutton 19 R . Silberman ® 20 J . Sharp 21 A . Lewin 21 R . Silberman @ 22 A. Lewis 22 J .Thurin ® 23 A. Lewski 23 P. Glazer ® 24 0. Henze] 25 M. Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 J. Berger 28 A. Zemski 29 R. Kagan 30 J. Kagan 33 P. Bryner 34 J. Raleigh 34 D. Seidl ® 35 J . Givoni 35 B . Ritterman ® 36 B . Nankin 40 D. Seidl 41 R. Heine 41 A . Sacks ® 42 D. Gerber 44 B . Eichler 47 A . Porat 50 J . Dvash 51 J . Kestenberg 54 D . Rutko 55 A. Grosman 59 N . Diamond 60 J. Wajnberg 62 J. Hoppe

Coach: Greg Whitcroft Res Coach: David Witchell 1 T. Prior 2 D. Witchell 3 N . Taylor 4 P. Glou ry 4 M . Creak (res) 5 B . Willmore 6 M . Morgan 7 C . Taylor 8 B. Cantwell 9 M. Willmore 10 A. Dooley 11 S. Griffith 12 A. Brown 13 J. King 14 S. Green 15 R . Gu tterson 16 A. Demetriou 17 C. Davies 18 T. Wise 19 L. O'Connell (c) 19 T. Nasrallah ( res) 20 S . Playfair 22 C. Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 S . Giansiracusa 25 D. Phelan 26 J . Szeremeta 27 D. Drapac 28 P. Adams 29 G. Fkaris 30 D. Mu tt on 31 C . Bassett 32 L. Richardson 33 D . Stokes 34 A . Bottomley 35 S. Dowlan 36 M. George 37 T. Thomson (c res) 38 D . Gayfer 39 A. Hopgood 40 M. Smith 41 A. Tshaikiwsky 42 G . McLellan 43 L. Ferrell 44 S. J . Gray 45 A. Rothe 46 A. Spicer 49 G . Bell 52 M . DePetro


Coach: Mtk Lovejoy Asst : James Mtle & Mick Carty Res : Jorro 1-'.at

1 M . Duggan 2 H. Gibson 3 J. Heath 4 M . MatulkJc 5 M . Ensor 6 A . Spence 7 S . Lync h 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M. Lee 12 L Healy 13 J, Vlhifly 14 T. Collins ( DVC) 15 M. Boon 1 6 A. Qu[n 17 M. Pins 18 N . Kennedy 19 M. Atkins ( VC) 20 J. Black 21 S. Cook, 22 L . Atkins 23 A. Catlin 24 B. Gray 25 D. Teesdale 26 A. O'Brien 27 B. Haynes 28 J. Vance (Res C) 29 C. Ma rtin (C) 30 C Lamben 31 C. Graham 32 L Wannacott 33 S May 34 H. McMillan ( Res DVC) 35 S . McNicholas 36 N. Atkins 37 R . Presne ll 38 M . Wilson 39 L. McNicholas 40 J . Hogarth 41 G. Jury 42 B . Gillespie 43 T. Woolnough 44 C . Collins



Coach : Brett Mcltwraith Res Coach : Tony Naumoff

Coach : Jon Edgar Res Coach : Date Murchie

1 H . Tregear 2 M. McKellar 3 G . Cantrell 4 G . Carr (DVC) 5 J. Prantzos 6 L. Hoft 7 A. Duddy 8 Drew Anderson 9 N. Pinto 10 S . Blanchard 11 J . Zampaglione 12 T. Barker 13 G. Woods (VC) 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A . Browne (C) 16 N . Greenwood 17 L. Cave 18 J . McCarthy 19 M. Lawrence (DVC) 20 A. Power 21 S. Parkinson 22 S. Burggraaff 23 M. Gray ( Res VC) 24 C . Christianson 25 M. Lake 26 M. Devereaux 27 M. Flynn 28 B. Kezilas 29 M. Fl etcher 30 A. Orion (Res C ) 31 T Pucella 32 D. Anderson (Res) 32 J . Hanlon 33 R. Mosbey 34 A. Crowther 35 N. Goss 36 M . He fferna n 37 D. Lit{ecrapp 38 A . Fisher 39 A . C ri sp 40 M . Flahive 41 B . McCallum 42 C. Malthouse 43 C . Cooper 44 A . Blake

I S. Chapman 2 L . Renton 3 L . Holloway 4 B. McKenzie 5 J. Rosengarte n 6 M. Davidson 7 P. Farrar 8 A. Hicke y 9 C. O'Sullivan 10 S . Lloyd 11 M . Spence r 12 G . Smyth (vc) 13 M . Pay 14 B . Medi n 15 M . Tinkler 16 B . Nin d 17 K . Mudge 18 R . Glover 19 M . Payne 20 FA. Edsall 21 C . Gregory 22 T. Btacktey, 23 B. Jansse n 24 T. Craven 25 J. Hawkins 26 P Wills 27 N . De Young 28 J. Main 29 A. Costley 30 L. Creamer 31 J . Green 32 A. Bains 33 J . Smith (c) 34 R. Shields 35 D. Murchi e 36 A . Williams 37 C. Dennis 38 N Brenna n 39 A . Fyfe 40 J . Mazur 41 Michael Bolton 42 M . Co e 43 R . Feenagh ty 44 L . Leviston 45 T. De You ng 46 D . Jone s 47 S. Menth a 48 M. McMaho n 49 M. Pettingil l 50 A. Wilso n 51 T. Haine s 52 N . Moresi 53 J. Peel 54 B. Adamso n 55 I . McCormic k 56 M .Jones 57 J . Choong 58 J . Lui 59 C. McKenzie 60 C. Bank s 67 P. Carnpbell 62 L. Katts 63 B . Hillman 68 M . Meeha n 70 Z. Anderso n 72 B . Green

45 G. Davi . Woolrich s46L 47 L. Wheeler

45 M. Kuria 48 G. Giasoumi 46 J . Gerrand 49 S. Helliger 47 A. Ken t 50 N . Foster 48 T. yyhmy, 51 J. Glanville 49 J. Bryce 52 C . rt 50 g, Dicks 53 J. N m~ 51 J. Mitchell 54 D . Marshall 53 A. Poll 55 L . James 55 L Quirk 56 T. Porter 57 D. Williams 56 D. Wall 58 C . Detosa 58 J. Bramwell 59 A. Ross 59 B. Griffiths 60 M. Terech 60 D. Bird 61 A. Kavanag h 61 D. Foley 62 D. Kroker 62 J. Dickso n 64 D. Murphy 65 G. Shattodc D P 66 P. McConchie (Res VC) 68 B. Bowker 70 S . Crossley SANDRINDRARd & BRIGHTON 71 C. Evans 72 A . Collings REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT 74 M . McDonald Ph: 9598 8222 75 N. Higgs 76 O.Terpsinis THE OPTLMISE 77 C. Sinko

GROUP PTY. LTD. Ph : 9597 0166

74 P. Westbrook 75 R . Turton 77 D. Neil

vxw.hamptonrovers .coma u 16



Coach : Paul 0'Shannassy Res Coach: Ken Schawb 1 2 3 4 5

A. Duding M. Horgan W. Taylor C . Hendrie D . Loats

6 R . Taylor

7 K. Batzloff 8 J . Heffernan g B.. Tymmons 10 B. Christie 11 A. Whela n 12 R . Perryman 13 L. Gladman 14 R . Whitehead 15 L. Heffernan 16 L. Weaver 17 N . Credlin t8 D. Hanson 19 S. Peasnell 20 D. Mitchell 21 T. Hardman 22 B. Howard 23 D. Cheffers ,24 M . Shanks 25 A. Hardenberg 26 D. Clyne 27 A. Sheedy 29 D. Goug h 30 J. Clyne 31 B. Craven 32 G . Ormsby 33 D. Joyce 34 D. Schmidt 35 C. Munroe 36 S. Derry 37 J. Goodale 38 S. Marwood 39 S. Young 40 C. Jellis 41 T. Kearney 42 A. Mackenzie 43 C. Grant 44 L. Elridge 45 T. Lowrie 46 M . Jackson 47 M . Rogerson 48 T. Sigalas 49 J. Hadley 50 D. Pike 51 B. Ryan

52 A. Salipas 53 L. Orr 54 M . Wallace 55 S . Fogharty 56 M . Cottrell 57 R. Whelan 58 N. Paine 59 C. Rodgers 62 T. Webb 63 T. Nisbeth 64 B . Cottrell

65 S . Gregory 66 T. Parkes 67 S . Horskins


Coach: Dale McCann Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff 1 D. Zivanovic 2 A . Hughes 3 D. Dean 4 A . Curran (DVC) 5 A . Paglia 5 D. Harford 6 D. Giddings 7 M . Cosgrift T. Girovski 8 A . Sinclair (C) 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 M . Joyce 12 L. Dore 13 S . Rose 13 N . Allen 14 P. Pratt 14 M. Rose 15 B . Richardson 16 M. Godfrey 17 T. Ryan 18 G . Porteous 18 M. Spinoso 19 A. Dean 19 D . Spitty 20 S. Maher 21 D . Loney 21 S. Luff 22 S. Fantone 22 D . Richardson 23 P. Walsh 24 T Lombardi 25 D . Hussey 26 D . Boundy (VC) 26 P. Turner 27 K. Jenkins 28 J. Kreuzer 29 R . Ryan 30 M . Ryan 31 D. Breen 31 M . Hyde 32 S. Corcoran 33 N. Riseley 34 M . Gale 35 S. Simpson 36 B. Dintinosante 37 A. DiFabio 38 A. Harvey 39 M . Derham 40 L. Harford 41 J . Sandy 42 R. Murray 44 D. Furze 46 J . Martinelli 47 W. Connelly 49 M . Sykes 50 A . Tenson 53 D. Salvation 55 S . Egan 57 A . Elliot

68 A . Cocks



Coach : Tony Macgeorge Assist : Paul Dwyer Res Coach : Paul Martin 1 S . Rowley 2 S . Hecker 2 B . Darcy 3 M . Dixon 4 M . Hayes

Coach : Garry Datson Res Coach: Bernie Carter

5 A . Whit e

6 C Stephens 7 C. Atkin s 8 K . Little 9 M. Meyer 9 P. Emmett 10 T. Kight 11 C. O'Meara 12 A . Baker M. Ryan 14 C . Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan 18 S . Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 D . Kinsella 21 D . Kelly 22 B. Liddell 23 Matt Sullivan 24 T. Linthome 25 B. Richards 26 D . Rochford 26 A. Rock 27 R . Layton 28 A. Castles 29 G . Crilley 30 P. Marin 31 J. Drury 32 B. F~de n 33 N . Wilkins 34 Matt. Walsh 35 M. Johnstone 36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge

38 S. Perrazo 39 S. Waters 40 D. Granger 41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 M. Kight 46 W. Wheatley 47 C. Rowland 48 Mick. Walsh 49 G . Allan 50 S. Scullin 51 A. Wood 52 S. Wingrave 53 D. Noonan 54 M . McCraw 55 J . Thurgood

56 S. Wilson 57 R. Bittner 58 R. Haslemore 59 D. O'Keefe 60 M . O'Meara 61 T. Banks


Coach: Anthon Parkin Res Coach : Lachlan Beaton Assistants : Michael Rizio Rob Paterson, Man Fmdani

1 B. Corrigan 2 T. Goodwin 3 R . Bannister 4 M. Elliott 5 A. Baker 6 M. Nancarrow 7 S. Bannister 8 L . Hollow 9 C. Bannister 10 J. Vaina 11 J . Crotty 12 J. Quinn 13 G G . Russell 14 J . Fenton 15 A. McMahon 15 B. Owen 16 D. Clifton 17 D. Pirpinias 18 A . Moloney 19 M . La Corchia 20 J . Clarke 21 G . Henderson 22 D. Goodwin 23 D. Callegari 24 M . Faroldi 25 P. Edwards 26 B . Lewis 27 M . Bosanko 29 S . Goodwin 31 A . Forster-Knight 32 J . Sacco 33 L. Kuret 34 D. Weston 36 T Gosetti 37 D . Castaldi 40 G. Tsinaris 41 B . Barron 42 A . McKay 43 M . Warren 45 J . Kruger 46 S . Stepien 47 D . Goodwin 48 M . Nancarrow 50 S . Hallam 52 A . Gleason 53 M. Villani 54 J. Frazzetto 56 P. Dunne 57 C . Ferguson 59 T. Robinson 69 J. Ellender ~ K. Walker 87 S. Daniel

1 A . Costell o 2 T. Sheldon 2 S. Chandler (Res) 3 P. Geister 3 R . Hamilton (Res) 4 A . Evan s 4 R . Myers (Res) 5 E. Hardy

6 A. Bevau a 7 S. Price 8 C . Haynes 9 P. Kempton to W. Hanna 11 S. Watch 12 A. Tome 13 A. Ross y 13 C . Baulch (Cis) 14 C . Pnce 15 B. Shaw 16 J. Lalich 77 T. Purcell 18 C. Groom 18 K. Prestidge (Res) 19 M . KemPton 20 C. Sand~ford 2t J. Sicili a 22 C. McASSey 23 P. Barry 24 L. Marti n 25 A. Katsaros 26 D. Batte n 27 M . Savige 28 D. Costello 28 P. Otsuka (C18 ) 29 N. Poyner 30 A. Jesse 31 B. Costello 32 A. Camero n 33 M . Linde 34 D. Barlo w 35 C. Carrol l 36 M . Prowse 37 J . Wood s 38 J . Kir~g 39 M . AY{ethorpe 40 N. Martin 41 R. Green 42 A . Smit h 43 C. Beaton

44 E . Rya n 45 R. Scadett 446 A ..7B Murph y 48 T. Porte t 49 C. Terry 50 A A . Cwona n 51 R ' Wood 52 R . Ault 53 D . 0'Kesne 54 S . Wading 55 G. Thomson 56 A . Merrett 57 K . Merlo 59 A . Woolle y

60 R . Kercheval 61 J . Black 62 J . Matheso n 6~ . HdiG~ 65 4N L . Haslett 66 T. Ferguso n 67 N . Goona n 70 J . Gree n 71 B. Calle n 73 J . t7rryer 74 J . Darsley 76 H . Barlow 77 T. Brumby-Rundel l

62 D. SceRi

63 N. Levert 64 X . Smith

81 w. Pascoe 83 P. Mollo y 85 B. Weber

65 G . Wilson

87 E. Dunca n

94 A. Powel l 97 L . Marto

66 A. Kerr

,89 S . Jones

98 K. Begely

75 Bruce

2005 M ajor Sponsor

s. .째 < .r

Proudly Sponsored b y

THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t

Carlton 3053 0' THF AMATGI IQ G(1flTRA1 I FC1'Jr1r1F


Cert ificate of Merit Profile : Alan Rcdma n • Continuous service as Team Manager for 26 years • Banyule AFC (1979-92 ) • Ormond AFC (1993-2001 ) • Old Ivanhoe Grammarians (2002- )

• Conscientious, diligent, polite & always with a kind word • Has the ability to turn a seeming disaster into a flexible situatio n • A true gentleman of Amateur Football ® 0 Bears Open New Cave


Celebrations at Banyule kicked on until the early hours after one of the biggest days in the 25 year history of the Banyule AFC . Over 200 attended the luncheon which marked the opening of the new pavilion which is now the home of the Banyule Sports Club which incorporates the Junior and Senior Football clubs and Cricket Clubs . The highlight of the luncheon was the naming of the ground the Rick Brockwell Arena after the B a n y u 1 e President who drove the project with

" he highlight of the luncheon was the naming of the ground the Rick Brockwell Arena after the Banyule President who drove the project with great enthusiasm . "

great enthusiasm . Their was tremendous community feeling as most of the materials and labour were all donated by tradesmen who wanted to support their local sporting club . To cap off a great day the Seniors secured their first victory of the season when they snatched the lead with seconds to go and held on in a nail biter. All seems on the up at Banyule so watch out in the second half of the season as the Bears are on a roll . ® 0 0 Blues Reverse Dra w The Monash Blues Reverse Draw is being held on Sunday July 10 at Prince Alfred Hotel in Richmond . This massive event kicks off at 1pm and all ticket holders have the opportunity to

win the major prize of $5000 as well as 9 other cash prizes . Tickets are $100 which provides entry for 2 people and food and drinks for the afternoon . Get in quick for the limited tickets and ring the master of the draw Marcus Spencer on 0408 364902 .

0 Boundary Sharing

C'2 ®

Ormond U 19's versus DLS U 19's recently saw Ormond allocate 2 old timers to run one side of the ground sharing duties as boundary umpire . All time legend Phil Kingston also the Life Members Association President an d Wayne Holdsworth current OAFC President did a fine job and were constantly confused with Josh Ross as they swooped on the out of bounds ball to throw the ball in splendidly. This was part of the thrust to ensure that the U19's are given the profile that they deserve at this famous district club that sees the U19's on top of the ladder, reserves undefeated and the Seniors equal top all this as the 2 U17 teams take all before them .

® ® ® Hoers Golden Years What a great Day at Ivanhoe-Assumption AFC last Saturday where about 55 players from the Club's "Golden Era" from 1955 until 1961 assembled for a Reunion Luncheon organised by John Miles . It was terrific to see so many in attendance and the camaraderie between the guys was a sight to behold . FTLOTG certainly enjoyed being in their presence listening to their memories of what was a wonderful era for their club .

Club Vice President Peter Rawley gave the guys a terrific insight into where the club was at now and heading into the future, with VAFA Executive Member Tom Brain giving the lads an informative talk about the evolution of Amateur Football from 1955 until the present . The boys then gave tremendous vocal support to the players as they completed an important victory, and the stories grew well into the night as they mingled and celebrated with the current players . Well done to John "Plumber" Miles for having the insight and organisational skills to put together such a wonderful da y 0




AJAX coach runs away And eve ry one's away Round 10 of the VAFA season saw the foll o g AJAX FC Senior Coach Tim O'Shaughnessy wi ll not be coaching his team this break their ducks Banyule weekend, even thought the a nailbiter at home at Bears won s the season turns Jackers are on a roll. You see Tim the RJ Brockwell Arena, Ivanhoe d towards finals an has gone to Indonesia to coach Assumption stirred on by their battles for finals and his athletics stable which Golden Era Past players brought includes Craig Zvlottram and home the bacon, while cellar relegation hots up there is bound to be plenty of Benita Johnson . Rumour has it Richmond Central in dwellers he's been in touch with Mazenod D4 got off the mark for the 2005 opportunity for the three OCFC Senior Coach Mike season with a well deserved win . above mentioned sides others to grab McArthur-Allen seeking his As the season turns towards and advice, after Mike did spent the finals and battles for finals and unlikely victories . " first three rounds of the seaso n relegation hots up there is bound overseas, while the Nodders trotted out a handy 2to be plenty of opportunity for the three above 1 start to the season . mentioned sides and others to grab unlikely {{

victories .




Collegians Marcellin OC Marcellut OC Marcellin OC Marcellin OC Old Haileybury Old Haileybury Old Haileybury Old Haileybury Old Haileybury Old Haileybury Old Haileybury Old Haileybury Old Melburnians Charles Tallent Old Scotch Cam McKenzie-MCI-Iarg Old Scotch James Gerstman Old Scotch Andrew Crow Old Scotch Andrew Ramsden Old Trinity Andy Cultrera Old Trinity Lincoln Reynolds Old Trinity Damian Lynch Old Xavertans Travis Ruyg Old Xaverians Adam Chatfield Old Xaverians Caydn Beetham Old Xaverians Justin Arnold Old Xaverians Old Xaverians Tim Ockleshaw Richard Taylor Old Camberwell Old Camberwell Nigel Credlin Kane Batzloff Old Camberwell Shura Taft Brett Dobson Joel Rice Daniel Cullman Dave Waters Paul Corrigan Michael Barker Laz Siapantas Brett O'Farrell Kynan Ford Carl Steinfort Andrew Jenke Brett Trollope James Beaumont


Simon Garlick Matthieu Lucas Steve McKee Tom Simpson James Marchesani Quinton Gleeson Liam Ryan Mark Paterson James Hayter Andrew Lowcock Tim McKinnon Mark Liddell Peter Harrison Ewan Thompson . Ashley Hogan Jon Perrett Adam Pirrie Leigh Hendra Daniel Flaherty David Biggs James Hope Stuart Low

Simon Fraglacomo Mark Luxon Josh Cassell Matthew Power Murray Pitts David Boundy Gerard Bevan Daniel Harford

St . Kevins OB St . Kevins OB St . Kevins OB St . Kevins OB St . Kevins OB University Blues University Blues University Blues University Blues University Blues University Blues Caulfield Grammarians De La We OC MHSOB

MHSOB Old Brighton Old Brighton Old Brighton Old Essendon Old Essendon Old Ivanhoe Old Ivanhoe Old Ivanhoe Old Ivanhoe North Old Boys Whitefriars OC Beaumaris Old Paradians Prahran Old Paradian s




In the past 6 D1 seasons only twice have teams not already in the 4 (or 5 as in 99 ) after the 9th round made it to the finals . In 2000 Caulfield Grammarians went fro m 5th at R9 to Premiers, then in 2001 Aquinas went from 6th to be a 1st Semi Finalist . So our recent history heavily favours the R9 four seeing finals action, but this year the entree level may be 13 wins not 12 !

o our recent history heavily vours the R9 four seeing fmcis action, but this year the eret r'de level may b e 1 3 wins not 12! „ LAST WEE K Old Carey scrambled a win over a very determined Glen Eira who put in their best performance this season . Ruckman, Peter Unkles did well for the Cs, as did Andrew Kent at midfield, and Geoff Trumble at CHB . Danny Lyons played a blinder for GE with great support from forwards Vamvakas & Pincott . Aquiras stretched Ormond, but the latter's all round ability won the day : also no doubt the Monds were pleased to get the 'fenceless ground' monkey off their back! The hard running Bryce Deledio & Brendan Robbins starred for Ormond, and Simon Keheler continued his great season . Bloods liked the efforts from John Hunt at CHF, Bobby Moran at FB, and Gary Davies OtB .

Pr$hran reversed the R1 result against Emmaus St Leo's after the Animals lead early . Good to see Gerard Bevan back at his best in the middle for the Two Blues after his head clash in the Rep side's SFL match . Prahran had Matt Harrison in top



well . Daymo n Bruce, Cam Phyland, & Ryan McCann all worked hard in defence for the Animals . Yarra Valley's pre-match expectation wouldn't have been a 7 goals loss to Old Mentonians (nor mine either!), and while both sides had impressive goal ratios, the Panthers were on song and the Bushrangers weren't! The Panthers stars were D .Alexander, Ferguson up forward and Justin Costello, with the other 19 not far behind from what I hear! Yarra had good games from Andy & Matt Laing, plus Dave Stevenson on a generally ordinary day ! Fitzroy Reds was too strong for BulleenTemp and their 2/1 conversion rate accentuated the difference between the sides! Steve Addicott OtB and Steve Drury in defence had top games for the Reds . The Bullants' standouts were Greg Chivers up forward and Billy Touriganis at FB .

r"1-7 Dl SECTION Ormond Old Mentonians Aquinas Fitzroy Reds A1 RESERVE Fitzrov Reds Fitzroy Reds Old Mentonians Ormond


Beckett Basile Wooden Cianci


1 40 1 38 1 38


Capodiferro 0 49 Tornese 4 35 Stroud 5 33 Stewart 6 26


TODAY Glen Eira will face Aquinas at the Packer with some confidence after pushing the Cs in . but the Bloods should still win by 4 R .10 goals . Ormond won't find Prahran as easy as they did in R2, still, on the Buxton, they have enough edge in class to win by 4 goals . Emmaus St Leo's owe 速B one from R2 and should take out a narrow home groun d

old M entonians will be revved up for Reds at Keysborough but the ladder leaders' firepower will give them a 5 goals win . The Bullants will be backing themselves against Old Carey today, but I'm hoping the young Cs unit has enough left in the tank to produce a one kick win after a very tight contest . Reserves winners should be : GE, Monds, :animals, Reds, & Cs . Correspondents contacts : bh198371 Cbigpond . net .a u

9889 1979, &

~:~~' TLE STONES . Aquinas OCFC - congratulate Cliffy Lyng and Andrew Barrie on playing 1 00 games recently . Both Cliffy and Bazz began at the Bloods in the Under 19's and both have gone on to play some good footy at the club. The club and especially footy trips wouldn't be the same without these two and their sense of humour - although some jokes leave a lot to be desired . Well done again boys .


I)1 SECTI Orl Glen Eira v Aquinas 0 C Ormond v Prahra n Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Yarra Valley 0 B Old Mentonians v Fitzroy Reds Bulleen Templestowe v Old Carey

Q OLD C .AREY 6.1 10 .1 14.4 15.6 l= J) GLEN EIRA 3 .3 6.5 9 .5 11 .7 (73) Old Carey: Kent 7 Parton 3 T Bull 2 Ashworth Crusher Shutie . Best: Unkles Kent Niven Smith Trumbull Parton. Glen Eire VamLakas 5 Pincott 3 Tslrogtamus Stag@otLs Clements. Best : Lyons Clements VamvakLs Pincott Emmett Tstrogiannic . Umpires: David Irons Geoff Deveson (F) James Mugavin (G ) A gUINAS 2 .4 5.7 7.10 8 .12 (60) ORMOND 2.3 8 .5 10.9 13 .15 (93) Aquinas: Tarulll 3 Skinner 3 Wooden D Boland . Best: Davies Gtennie Toomey Hope Whitehead D Boland. Ormond: Robbins 3 Murphy 2 Bpra 2 A Russell 2 Bridges 2 Beckett B Deledto. Best: L Deledio Keleher Robbins Martinou Miller Murphy. Umpires: Paul Jones Anthony Caiderone (F) PRAHRAN 5.2 10 .4 11 .9 15.13 (103) EMt.SAUS ST LEOS 3 .4 7 .8 8,15 10 .17 (77) Prahran: H Pitts 4 Stafford 2 Campbell 2 A Pitts 2 Ballard Radywonik Sleight Greening James . Best: Harrison H Pitts Beven Campbell Norihvray Plummer. Emmaus SL: Dirllcolantonto 2 Ellis 2 Fennell Krebs Mitchell P McGloin R McGloin Roncht. Best: Bruce Pemland R McCann Hodder Tribe Krebs . Umpires: Santo Caruso Phil Callil (F) Andrea Mason (B ) YARRA VALLEY 2 .4 5 .5 10.6 14.6 (90) OLD tdIAfl'S 5.1 14.1 17.1 21.5 (131) Yana Valley: Stone Laing M Keem 3 Rokicki 2 Dunk Yeo R Pask N . Best: Laing A Stevenson Valoppt Beal Middlin Stone . Old Meut: Fergusson 6 Cochrane 3 Basile Flaskis 2 Alexander D Costello Emerson Kiantos M1tvaLsky Palmer Twentvman Wiltshire. Best: Alexander D Ferguson Costello Emerson Elliott Hubbarb. Umpires : Eli Hayes Paul Tuppen (F) Tom Wiseher Michael Roche (B) FITZROY REDS 4.1 9.3 12 .7 19.9 (123) BULLEEN TE WE 2 .4 3 .4 6.6 6 .10 (48) Fitz Reds. P Clanci 8 K Maghamez 4 S Keleher 2 B Pollard T Clarke K Westlow J Rawlins V Caflllt. Best : J Rawlins P Cianet S Drury S Keleher L Galvin T Clarke . Bull Temp: D Florence 3 G Chivers R Williams D Tulloch. Best : P Hair W Thompson B Touroglannis 0 Hill M Pfetry k Umpires : Jason Waszaj Paul O`Loughlin (F) Anthony Kyrkou (G) DI OLD CAREY 4.2 7.5 12 .6 18.9 (117) GLEN EIRA 2.0 2 .2 4 .3 4 .5 (29) Old Carey: L Guerra 7 Konstantinidis 4 Smyth 2 Carr 2 Connell Vardy A Guerra. Best: L Guerra Vardy Busse Connell A Guerra Eddy . Glen Eira: Farah 2 Adem Embling. Best : Farah Ltthgow Haines Sraife Adem Cosgrave . A9UIP7A.S 0.3 1 .4 2 .7 2.8 (20) ORMOND 6.3 12.7 19.10 26.13 (168) Aquinas : Pierce Tzoumutekas. Best : Kinghorn Sorace Barrie Dalton Chapman M Boland . Ormond : Naylor 9 Stewart 6 McCumber 4 Warwarek 3 Arnold 2 tVeDs Brown . Best: Wells Arnold Naylor Stewart MeCumber Wanvarek. PRAHRAN 3.3 43 7 .4 9,5(59) E US ST LEOS 1 .1 5.2 7 .3 11.5 (71) ott 3 McClure 2 Docherty Fuller Livingston Ramage. Best: Fuller Livingston Gill Sparrey Gartland Craig . Emmaus SL : Heartens 3 Landy 2 M Contessotto Ford Hampshire Hemkus Kelly Simondson. Best : C Vaughan McDermott Booted M McInerney Ottobre McCtusky. YARRA VALLEY 0 .2 5.4 10.11 13 .14 (92) OLD MENTONLANS 3.2 5 .4 8 .4 11 .7 (73) Yarra Valley : Seeger B Pask S Peake J 3 Smith D 2 Balshaw Hayter. Best : Russell Smith D Seabourne Peake J Morris L Cordes . Old Meat: Stroud 5 Ballantine 2 Alexander R Cog)ilan Kyriazis Lane. Best : Dwyer Alexander R Coglilan Stroud Worrell Wilson. FrfZItOY REDS 5.5 9.8 15.10 19 .14 (128) BULLEEN TE WE 1 .1 3.2 4 .2 4.2 (26) Fitz Reds: Tornese 4 Buckley 3 Evans 3 Nuttall 3 Sheather Baillie McDonald Rome Hurley Parsons . Best : BallUe Buckley Tice Rome Bare McDonald. Bull Temp : No details received.


DI Section AQUINAS Coach : Steven Bell Res Coach : Terry McEvoy 1 . L. Toomey 2. S. Tibb 3, S. Voursoukis 5. M . Hunter 6. R. Brown 7. C. Glennie 8. J . Jess 9. T. Harkin 10. D. Boland R. Jeeves 11 . S . Cooper 13 . C. Jeffrey 15 . Ad . Williams 16. J . Hunt 17. B . Redwood 18 . T. Olarenshaw 19 . G. Whitehead (c) 20, D. Skinner 21 . J . Pierce 22 . S . Flynn 23 . M . Visser 25 . B . Volombello 26 . J . Box 27 . C. Tzoumanekas 28 . B . Helme 29 . L. Elliott 30 . C. Colliver 31 . G. Evans 32 . J . Bleakney 33 . C.Wooden 34 . M . Tarulli 35 . R . Chapman 36 . M . Hope 37 . S . Leonard 38 . B . Moran 39 . A . Arnold 40 . R . Tainton 41 . G. Davies 42 . R . Moran 43 . M . Slattery 44 . J . Tapply 45 . D . McCartan 46 . T Vandersluis 47 . An . Williams 54 . M . O'Halloran 55 . L.Stafford 56 . P. Cruickshank 58 . H . Tyssen 59 . B . Cooper 61 . 1. Drew 62 . C . LYng 63 . A . Barrie 68 . D . Sullivan

BUILLEEN TEMR EST06"rrE Coach: Steve Easton Res Coach : Andrew Parris I G . Chivers ( Capt) 2 M . Stella 3 L. Thompson (VC) 4 W. Thompson 5 M . Pietryk 6 A. Tehan (DVC) 7 P. Robertson 8 D. Glover 9 J . Matthews 10 J . Wise 11 C. Ince 12 A . Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A . Wilke 15 R. Ferguson 16 S . Smith 17 P. Voglis 18 R. Schneider 19 L. Stott 20 T. Waters 21 P. Gannas 22 C. Cherbakof 23 D. Matthews 24 T Agosta 25 L. Norbury ry ~ S . Boyd 27 A . Clarke 28 P. Milesi 29 P. Tsokas 30 D. Florence 31 A . Bemicich 32 R. Williams 33 P. Florence 34 S . Lambropoulos 35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 J . Frangos 38 A. Verge 39 D. Buccacho 40 G. Theodrakakous 41 R. Lea 42 A . Stavretis 43 D. Horvath 44 0. Hill 45 D. Rogers 46 A . Coulston 47 C. Morihovitis 48 A . Morhovitis 49 B . Touriganis 50 I. Roxburgh 51 R . Toscano 52 M . Daskalou 57 A . Smith 58 D. McMahon 60 M . Scarano 64 C. Tzalabiris


Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan 1 .J.oRaef 1.11 H~2.e.NCac.r~A^kh 3.u .Lnes~sa 3.S .ob~ <. S, K,er 4 A . t~war 5.P.oxcgorp s.E ice 6"8.pc~aa e.J.e~a, zN.rbb3 r.L BFre s.J.1J,~ra s. .~ stem s,c p„~ to L~ to, ww~-~n n .D .atVW It u .FOSW 12 N. cvW 12 J. Barn 13 ta .Zz~z 13.5 14. 1 CLafe 14"R N~f 15.6f .81~ 15.ASt~icbn 16. C. D.9.d ttx G . Gare

17 a tee n R. E.0 18,pG~ tqµBal . 1s.8.racDa~au; ~ T RUW & T~~ 21-c.~ 21.iCanpder a S. ~ a o~ Sub. 33.K~arex 23.tJ~w, 24, L Gaim 24. G . Mom rao.rrVxe 25.o .ianr 25R. wd1,qtW 25"N" AIM 2zJ.Tane 2t.d .exvM ~.1"~,~ ~" K ~~ 29 v CaW 23J Z30, N E~ 30 uT" 31 .J.tzy 31 .p.Ga,e 32airgg 32D.D.,tra, 33SDy 33" N . KAY 34' n' Gwsi 34 T. LW 35.Jk*4 ;~'P.eUrp 30. ta. tt~ 36. S. GkCara,y 37.uM.)ee 37.AORsuy 3 8.K Wesd. 38.u.tIXM,m, t. ~ . a G~ ~.J. Wf 40 R. 40 D ~ 41 . G. v~ <1.1a, srd~s ¢2 i_ MCS" wi 42. S p* 43. s. D:~e a3. J t~ ~. A, p- u.aEas a5.J.6crux 45.J .~a 46. T. p~m 46 . N. lA~ at.aDwm 47 w.ear 48. R_ 4g_ N. wa9l'. as.J.t3w~y e3.J .pns 50, D~Ryw 5il FW . 5td~z 56.T~e" . yn a~ ~ ~ST"F~y ro"~~ Sc M. 71 7~ 5&j Ca~,e n.n.clz szRra~rre [a.G .eac sS.S.oe s1 .J'Sa`ase ~"~ 55. D. FWWm


Coach: Terry Walsh Res Coach: Malt Embling 1 S. Vamvakis 2 P.Khazaal 3 C. Massis 4 C. Pincott 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 J .Za ame 7 D. Clarke 8 D. Lyons 9 A. Russo 10 M . Chandler 11 L. Pryde 12 B . King 13 G . Brown 14 B . Clements 15 E . Stuchbery 16 N. Davis 17 R. Conroy 18 R. Oldham 19 A . Devries 20 A. Diamond 21 M . Watt 22 S . Emmett 23 T. Deal 24 M . Embling 25 J . Fidogiannis 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 J . Sino s L. Shellard 29 M . Sca fe 31 C. Hollow 32 I . Delac 33 A . Sheedy 34 T. Turnbull 35 S . Hollow 36 B . Zurak 37 P. Merrick 38 S . Lithgow 39 A . Gargiulo 40 M . Cosgrove 41 J . Devries 42 J . Serpanchy 43 M . Kennedy 44 S . Diamond 45 A . Dir ye 46 S .Gange 47 B . Zwar 48 J . Haliwell 49 S . Hall 50 D. Eade 51 H. Hussien 52 S . Miller 53 I . Adem 54 M . Vodstrcil 55 J . Lundberg 56 C. Hogan 57 P. Rohr 58 M . Farah 59 A . Hassan 60 M . Abdull e 61 M . Tkocz 62 L. Izod 64 A . Dini 65 J . Mills 66 A . Dini

OLD MENTONIANS Coach: Peter Russo Res Coach : Jamie Winduss I T. Mitvalsky 2 C . Twentyman (DVC ) 3 R . Ball 4 B . Carroll 5 A . Kiantos 6 C . Alexander 7 D . Emerso n 8 G . Ferguson 9 D . Cochrane 10 T. Wiltshire 11 A. Mort 12 C . Dwyer 13 B. Russo 14 M. Stroud 15 J. Costello (C ) 16 C . Dunca n 17 C . Gourley 18 M. Basile (VC) 19 A. Palmer (DVC ) 20 C . Palmer 21 J. O'Brien 22 B. Coghla n 23 A. Drinan 24 R . Ironmonger 25 B. Fairbanks 26 R . Schloeffel 27 G . Katris 28 D . K tto 29 A. Carter 30 D . Russo 31 M. Elliott 32 P. Wilson 33 B. Lan e 34 P. Flaski s 35 E. Millis 36 D . Alexander (RVC) 37 M. Francis 38 T. Millis 39 J. Vick 40 R . Alexande r 41 G . Pekali s 42 A. Noonan 43 G . Hubbard 44 L .Sunter 45 A. Erskine 46 G . Smith 47 J. Kelly 48 D . Stevens (RC ) 49 N . Fisher 50 K. Regan 51 A. Wilson 52 M. Watts 53 R . Johnson 54 D . Goodbody 55 A. Donegan 56 S. Brady 57 S. Fairbanks 58 M. Lewi s 60 W. Steabbe n 61 B. Saunders 62 C . Sinclai r 63 G . Gods 64 M. Austin

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APM Group (Aust) Pty Ltd ,


1F Marine Parade,


Abbotsford VIC 3067


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I)1 Section PRAHRAN


ORMOND Coach : David Matthews Res Coach : Peter O'Dea

Coach : Steve Maus Res Coach: Craig Williams

1 L. Deledio 2 D . Beckett 3 L Murphy 4 M. Jones 5 M . Martinov 6 B . Arnold 7 S . Kelehe r 8 M . Miller 9 S . Metz 10 T Banks 11 D. Robbins 12 B. Deledio 13 C. Lees 14 J. Bridge s C. Tetley 16 T. Stewart 17 L Russell 18 W. Cove 19 D . Cleary 20 D . Te Hennepe 21 R . Wiley 22 H . Brown 23 T Naybr 24 J . Muzzell 25 J . Dale 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Ashford 28 A. Clinch 29 S . Barker 30 L. Wells 31 D. Black 32 L . O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 A. Russell 35 G . Bailey 36 J. Putz 37 C. Everett 38 D . Byra 39 R . McIntosh 40 B. Robbins 41 B. Ups611 42 C . Keleher 43 B. Parsons 44 M . Broadhurst 45 J . Franklin 46 C . Johnstone 47 A . Goonan 48 C. Medcratt 49 H. Putz 50 M . Te Hennepe 51 D. Brosnan 52 A. Woodman 53 K. Harvey 55 B. Payson 56 G . Smith 58 S. Mitsios 60 P. Konstanty 63 S. McConchie 68 B. Cromack 75 M. Lance

1 . C . Angus (VC) 2 . D . Faelis 3 . M. Angus 4 . D . James 5 . J. White 5P. Konstantinidis (RVC) 6. C . Campbell 7. T. Evan s 8. A. Stewart-Holmes 9. D. Shutie 9. B . Andrews (r) 10. K . Shrives 11 , K. Parker 12. L. MacFarlane 13. G. Trumbull 13. R . Davey (r) 14. M . Zander 15.N .Bull 1 . . Angu s 616. T H ggett (r) 17, A . McQueen-Parton (C) 17. T. Connell (r) 18. D. Rowley 19 . T. Wood 20 . E. Halliday 20 . S. Bennett (r) 21 . N . O'Brien 22 . C . Battle 23 . H . Van Cuylenberg 24 . P. Unkles 25 . A. Thompson 26 . A. Wood 27 . R . Adams 28. N . Sulma n 29 . J , Joslin 30. K . Drummond 31 . P. Niven 31 . J . Ward (r) 32. T. Zavecz 32. P. Graham (r) 33. N. England 34. C. Williams 35. M . Vardy 36. L. McKinnon 37 . C. Adam 38 . L . Guerra 39 . R . Gauls 39 . P. Bennett (r) 40 . C . Matthews 41 . R . Phillips 42 . J. Ashworth 43 . Y. Glynne 43 . D . Joyce (r) 44 . T. Rossignuolo 45. T. Bull (VC) 46. A. Barr 47. B . Crosher 48. S . Can 49. O . Smyth 50. A . Kent 51 . R. Hall 52. D. Martin i 53 . W. McConnel l 55 . P. Busse 56 . A . Boyd 59 . C . Mason (RC) 61, B. Croft 64 . C . Smith 65 . D . Eisner 84 . C . WRhington




Coach: Leigh Stafford Res Coach : Shaun Campbell 1 . N . Fuller 2 . L. Stafford 3 . D. Livingston 4 . D. Crommie 5. H. Pitts 6. A. Donachie 7. T. Greening 8, I . Hunt g. A. Bunnett 10. M. Mc Cudden 11 . A. Pitts 12. C . Hall 13. L . Northway 14. L . Fox 15. J. Small 16. S. Campbell 17 . M. Harrison 18 . J . Matherson 19 . S . Ramage 20 . D . James 21 . E . McDonald 22 . A . Sleight (C) 23 . M . Windridge 24 . K . Plummer 25 . L. Aitken 26. B . Dempsey 27, W. Watford 28. K. Watford 29. P. Gartland 30. M . Radywonik 31 . M . Mulqueeny 32. D. Ballard 33. W. Barber 34. R. A{cock 35. J. Bedford 36 . G . Rave n 37 . T. Wheeler 38 . S. Moylan 39 . N . Duncan 40 . R . Ferrero 41 . J . Upton 42 . A . Warhurst 43 . S . Kennett 44 . I . Sparrey 45. M . Scicluna 46. T. McClure 47. J . Killeen 48. J . Vagg 49. P. Robertson 50. S . Conley 51 . D. Gordy 52. C. Jones 53. M. Shipley 54. M. Gargano 55 . M. Vag g 56 . A. Docherty 57 . N . Sciclun a 58 . M. Pinney 59 . P. Rama9 e 60 . T Perin 61 . B . Campbell 62 . M . Craig 63 . R . Marriott 64. J . Belcher 65. N . Gill 66. S . Adamson 67. S . Oliver 68. M . Laverty

69. B. Hodgson

EMMAIlS ST LEOS Coach : Stuart Cook Res Coach : Terry Ymer

I D. Mclnerny 2 J . Pascoe 3 E . Mitchell 4 C. Phytand 5 S . Buckle 6 M . DAmeli o 7 R. McCann 8 J. Fennell g D. Lear 10 B. Ellis 11 M. Levins 12 T. McCann 13 A. Krebbs 14 P. Hampshire 15 P. Carey 16 A . Kelly 17 M . Ford 18 R . McCan n 19 L. McDermott 20 A . Ballard 21 G. Simmondso n 22 M . Contessotto 23 S . Carso n 24 D. Bruce 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 J . Waters 28 E. McLaughlan 29 M. Hayes 30 M. Ottobre 31 G . Contessotto 32 C . Cincotta 33 J. Dini 34 L . Virgo 35 J . Briggs 36 S . Ravage 37 S . Manton 38 N . Hodder 40 J . Gay 41 M . Dimble 42 C. Landy, 44 J . Fornaso 45 S . Ronchi 46 J . Little 47 M . Mclnerny 50 A. Volpe 51 P. McGi n 52 R . McGloi n 56 T Morrison 59 D . Pitcher 60 C . McDonald 61 J. Blandthorn 62 A . Rayner 63 P. Nolan 64 M . Montgomery 65 N . Foley 66 J . Papillo 67 P. Farquhar 69 S . Mescher 70 D. McGloin 74 M . Tan 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 79 T. Trlbe 88 S. Pitcher 89 D . Wmduss

70. K. Centra

Orrong Hotel


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Coach : Tim Killworth Res. Coach : John Frazie r 2 A . Mcleod 3 R . Thompson 5 A . Drew Captain 6 R. Drew 7 C. Beal 8 L. Morri s 9 J . Keem 10 T. Hancoc k 11 T. Mclllraith 12 D . Lecordie r 13 L . Gillie s 14 B. Nickolas 15 N . Pask 16 L . Taylor 17 A . Laing g 18 C . Brm 19 J . Strong 20 T. Hal e 21 D . Stevenson 22 B . Drew 23 R . Yeo 24 N . Lear 25 S . Seabourn e 26 J . Longworth 27 S . Savage 28 M . Rockicki 28 B. Reynold s 29 R Court s 30 D. Potter 31 B. Vowles 32 R. Crawford 33 S. Fuller 34 B. Seeger 35 B. Peake 36 S. Stoya n 37 D . Balshaw 38 C . Walke r 39 D . Corde s 40 M . Wines 42 A . Stone 43 S . Ye o 44 B . Whitechurch 45 A . Wingate 46 T. Olive r 48 R. Davis 50 J. Peak e 51 H. Clarke 52 A. Hartnett 53 S. Fyffe 54 S. Simpso n 55 B. Telfor d 56 T. Lloyd 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joine r 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valopp i 62 P. Baruma 63 D . Whitechurc h 64 S . Cleary 65 M . Norrish 66 A . Russel l 67 B . Glenni e 71 M . Laing

74 A. Middlin 76 G . coutts 78 N. Peters 82 D . Redfern 92 T. Peter s


Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am

puma . C o m

For news, views and previews, tune t o

The VAFA Footy Show presented by Ken Petrucco with Norm Nugent & panel SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00am

Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e Live A Section Football Broadcast from 7 .45 p. m . every Saturday 2ND JULY U 1 DLUES V OLD SCOTCH JULY ST. V E3.D X??_?' :_Il. ~~

EASTERN COMMUNITY BROADCASTERS 'in tune with the outer eas t" VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6 .00-6.1 5pYn each Saturday night . n 速 VAFA segmen t

6 速 0 - 7 .00 pm . Saturday

TUNE IN TO TOMMY BRAIN & STEVE ;:IccAR7'FI? WITH ALL THE VAFA NEWS This weeks guest : Andrew Headherry (Monash Blues President ) 24


presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from St Kevins, St BernaOld Essendon (B), Old Paradians, Therry Penola, Uni Blacks ( C), LaTrobe Uni (D2) , West Brunswick, Rup ood (D3), North Brunswick (U4) . REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8.30 pm

VAFA Media Forum - Sunday June 12th.

The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and Johnathan Ho rn review s the competition in Monday's Age

F速速t~ ~yt-port presented by C - a Scarborough with guests from St Kevins, St B s (A), Old Essendon (B), Old Paradians, Therry Penola, Uni Blacks (C), LaTrobe Uni (D2), West Brunswick, Rupertswood (1) 3), N orth Brunswick (D4) . PREVIE WS Friday 7.00-8 .00pm Includes weekly chat on all matters UAFA.

a fflOao ~ao Lpu,-, g 7 a 0 o Radio Advert Promotion . (D THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER



Williasaast own's victory over the previously unbeaten Old Geelong has breathed life into D2 and shown that even the best team in th e competition cannot afford to be off their game if they are to win . Seagulls coach Dene Macleod must be happy with his side's improved fitness this season with his team overpowering the Ogs running machine in the final half to turn a three-point half-time lead into a decisive 37-point win . Damon Grieve starred for the Seagulls while Vasey was the Ogs' best . Rupertswood recovered from its loss to the Ogs by hammering Bentleigh by 79 points . The Woods were never threatened after a seven-goal first quarter with Brennan snagging eight, while Seeley was their best (Go Eddy - BC) . La Trobe's run of outs continued when it was upset by Ivanhoe Assumption at Ivanhoe Park, their sixth loss in a row . The Trobers paid dearly for their scratchy first quarter, in which veteran defender Travis O'Neill was prolific for the Hoes, but got within five points at the 18-minute mark of the final quarter . But onballers Tim Peggie, Eilan Healy and Ben Galloway held sway for the Hoes before Doni Valkanis goaled at the 23minute mark to give them some breathing space . The Trobers are now three games out of the four and with only eight games left to bridge that gap, their season appears to be in tatters .

inexperienced Razorbacks -~ceive+vZ a further blow with Mu rchie to b e sidelined for s e veralwee.,.~s after being diagnosed witL glandular fever. " U

Swinbaarne's nightmare season continued when it was given a 74-point pounding by Salesian, despite the best efforts of Ben Prior and Luke Morrison . The inexperienced Razorbacks received a further blow with Murchie to be sidelined for several weeks after being diagnosed with glandular fever. With eight goals from Payze and six from Coghlan, Peninsula booted a game clear of Oakleigh with an important 62-point win, their seventh straight victory keeping them in third position . The Pirates set up their victory with six goals in the first quarter and after a slow start to the season are now firmly in premiership


calculations but they will kno w exactly where they I stand in th e competition after their clash with the Ogs this weekend . PREVIEW Rupertswood host Williamstown CYMS in a battle between second and fourth . Despite Rupo's regulation win over Bentleigh, Willy might justifiably claim to be the form side of the competition after their recent run culminated in a comfortable win over the previously insurmountable Old Geelong . Is this due to the presence of the talismanic Shannon King? Both defences are evenly matched statistically, but Rupertswood appears to have too much firepower up front, and it is with this that I'll go for Rupo today . Old Geelong welcome Peninsula OR to Como Park in another match involving two sides in the top four . The Pirates continue to thrive after negotiating rough waters early, while the OGs can now start over and not worry about any preservation of winning streaks . This game promises to be a corker, with the potential of plenty of goals for both teams . Games like this can alter a team's season for good or bad (not to mention a tipster's) and I had a tough time coming to a conclusion . In the end though . it's Old Geelong for me . Oakleigh face an Ivanhoe Assumption outfi t buoyed by last week's result which takes them to a game plus less than 2% from safety wiu i

CCU~ D2 SECTION Rupertswood Bentleigh Peninsula Oakleigh D2 RESERVE

lS7 ' L Brennan Paul Payze Bromley

8 46 3 43 8 42 0 41

Rupertswood A Jordan 0 33 Williamstown Burgess 0 30 Peninsula Goldthorp 8 28 Old Geelong Higgins 0 26



eight games to go . The Krushers are in a trough at the moment (a la the Trobers, the Hoes' opponents last week) and arguably ripe for the picking, especially from an outfit desperate to escape relegation . However, if the Krushers still have serious final's ambitions, these are the games they must win, especially with the sides above them in action against each other today . Tricky call, but Oakieigh should get over the line today . A varsity battle takes place in Bundoora as Swinburne travel to LaTrobe with both teams in less than great shape . The Razorbacks are sti ll seeking their first win, while the Trobers have hit the wall after a bright start . Swinny continue to struggle without key forwards IvSurchie and Higgins (the latter due to return this week however), and I suspect that the home side have also been hit heavily by the ilzjuryJuni . holiday absences recently . Solely based on "form," I'll take LaTrobe . Finally, Bentleigh make the short trip to Chadstone for their match again Saleslan OC . The Griffins have had a mini-revival recently, and while a spot in the finals is probably beyond them, they do have an opportunity to feather their nest with another victory today . Bentleigh are still in the death seat just above the drop zone and with Ivanhoe's recent lift in form, will need to find some form of their own desperately . I'm not convinced that the Demons have the depth to challenge at this point in time . Salesian to win . ANREWS TIPS Rupertswood 16 Old Geelong 10 Oakleigh 20 La Trobe 12 Salesian 28 Correspondents Please send anv correspondence to Peter . PS .WilliamSon- cc ntrelink or Andrew Wu - v:uet ~~otmail .eom ideally by 5pm Monday.

I - salute Rose on playing his la e . Cam has been a consisten t er in the Reserves and Seniors ove r past 4 seasons . His direct-at-the-footy approach earns him the respect of his peers monents alike . A good user of the ball . to see many more games in the Gold, and Blue .

Rupertswood v Williamstown CYINIS Old Geelong v Peninsula 0 B Oakleigh v Ivanhoe Assumption La Trobe Uni v Swinburne Uni Salesian 0 C v Bentleigh

A2 sa.cilOtl 3.3 4.7 7 .9 10.12 (72) BE','-'LEIGH RUPE815WOOD 7.3 10.5 17.8 23 .13 (151) Bent: Paul 3 Reid 3 McClelland Sice Punter Banks. Best: Seeley Reid McCulloch A . Ferris Prigg Banks . Ruperts : Brennan 8 Gaunt 4 Ramsey 2 Walsh 2 Bradley Flinn McGovern Monte L . Plummer Sinneft Webb . Best : Johnson Gaunt Bradley Plain Brozman McGovern . Umpires: Anthony Damon Sean Brailsford (F) Lachlan Simpson Alex Roberts (G) 3.3 8.3 13.5 18.7 (115) OLD GEELO2dG 4 .5 7 .8 9 .11 11 .12 ( 781 Will CY2SS : Cooper 5 Thompson 4 Cocks 2 Lee 2 Wheeler 2 Barlow King Wuchatsch, Best : Greive Holland M Cocks Elias Wheier Pach . O Geel: Vickers-Willis 2 O'Brien 2 Casboult Higgins Kimpton Paul Stevens . Best: Vasey White Vickers-Willis Lansdell Paul Malpas . :'rTax t4ittman Bob Kaindl (F) Graeme Booth Gary dance (G) Lta ,ULi OH 6.6 14.11 17.15 21 .16 (142) t . . . .. 3H 1 .3 5 .8 7 .10 11 .14(80) Ins: Payee 8 J Coughian 6 Growcott 2 T Prendergast Powmey T Coghlan Clark d FauL>dner. Best: Pratt Payze J Coghlan Groivcrott T Prendergast 10: Dalton 3 Reynolds 3 Briggs 2 Groarke Lamb Zula. Best: xi. A Kitts S Is Zuia Stevenson NevezSe P Holden . U 1e : lick Fennessy Simon Stokes (Rot) (F) Jim Exton Paul whitchead ( G ) IOE ASSURIY?'aON 3 .1 6.6 11 .9 13.14 (92) 11 .11(77) 1 . Ti2OSE U?vT 0.4 4 .7 7.9 Iv ilsue Assn : A Boyd 5 Valkaills 3 Tucker 2 O'Dwyer 2 Healy . Best: Rawley Peggie Galloway Brown Crawford Harris . LaTrobe : McMullan 4 Dingle 2 Oakley 2 Brooks Forrest . Best: McMeekin Adamthwaite Davis Oakley. Uninires : Anthony Simpson Michael Forde (F) Chris McKendry Michael Jones (G ) 5 UP.TdE Ufd! 2.3 3.4 7.5 8 .11 (59) 6.2 11 .5 14.8 20.13 (133) 5. E Ir째sN Swim Milano 3 Chung 2 Watts Morrison Liston . Best: Prior Morrison Milano Chung Dent Piotrowski. Sales: Thain 7 Greely 3 Fairbaim 2 Canavan Bomllci Van Suylen Oldfield Healey Rogers Logan C Rose . Best: Downey Bobetic Nannes Thant Greeley C Rose. Umpires: Shane McNamara Robert O'Gorman (F) D2 RESERVE 1 .- .m 1 .1 4.3 6 .4 8S(53) It I tt' Ou 9.2 9.5 13.12 15 .14(104) at: Bretag 3 Chapman 2 Clough Gold P Brown . Best: Bretag Bounsal Chanan McFarlane Roberts Smith . Rupertse Temmings 5 Barry 2 Shaw 2 wash Gardner Burns Horn House Ang. Best : TenunUigs Burns Walsh Stevens Barn, De Bono . .~.~IT iC 1 .2 3 .6 6 .8 7.9(51) 4.3 5.4 7.6 10.7(67) LONG . E : Jan Welsh Elias wouda McKenzie Dow-sey . Best : McCracken Williams Elias McKenzie Di Graz ia Nisbett. Old h- A llen 2 Letshman 2 Makin Leslie O'Brien Symons L Teague Waters. Best: Herd Slattery Makin C Teague Bayles L Teague. .. . . . . : U .OE3 4.2 8.3 11.4 15.8(98) - _G ;GH 0 .2 1 .4 6 .6 7.10 ( 52) Penins: Gotdthorp 8 Dade-Bell 2&icKinstry Braden Arnold Hine s ,wen. Best: Braden Law Cahir Goldthorp Kent Warner McCullough . ~ :. .aeig'u: Plaukovits 4 Lucas Short Videky . Best : Redford Malcolm Short R Holden Plaukovits Halpin . 16: := : :3OEAS,S OIV 2 .2 3 .6 3.6 3 .8 ( 26) LFi -'2OBE UHI 4 .3 5 .6 11.10 16.10 (106) Ivanhoe Assn; Joyce 2 Cameron. Best: Toogood Ebbage Joyce Cole Zeegers Cameron. LaTr obe: Tiern an 4 Borrell i 3 Trevaskis 2 Kerrtson B ridges Ritchie Fan ning Login McKaIl J Waterman . Best : Kerrison Carter Patch Bridges Tiern an D Waterman . 9 .9(63) S UR1dE UNIT 3 .2 5 .4 7.5 S- rZS Uyp4 1 .5 1 .8 5.10 7 .11 (53) Swim Ledger 3 Carter 2 Roberts Ry an Mention Harmer . Best: Reynoldson Mennan Carter Sandhu Beynon Fahey. Sales: Evans 2 Cincotta 2 Chalmers Goulden Malllard . Best : Chalmers Riley Goulden Seager Savage Thek .


D2 Section BENTLEIGH Coach : Justin Paul Asst Coach : Troy Lupoi Res Coach: Steve Hall


Coach : Anthony McKay Asst Coach: Doni Valkanis Res Coach : Richard Peoples


Coach : Glenn Taylor Asst San Coaches: David Huffer & Bob Ellis Res Coach : Bob Ellis Club XVIII Coach : Cam Black


Coach : Pat McKenna Res Coach: Mark Ryan Asst Coach : Shane Kitts

1 C . Sharp 2 J. Paul 3 A. Pittito

I S . Conley 2 M. Maud 3 P.Harris

4 S. Sice

4 T. O'Neill

5 S. Adamthwaite

5 6 7 8 9

5 6 7 8 9

6 D. Gleason 7 T. Marines 8 C. Correnti 10 M . Forrest 13 T. Ludeman

1 q Murrayy 2 J . Tolley 3 D. Britt 4 G. Harry 5 C. Kokkinos 7 M . Short 8 S . Earl 9 C . Hogan 11 J . Rutter 12 D . Furnell

14 D. Butler

13 L. Curtis

J. Robertson R . Dolman S. Holmesby C. McFadden L . Tangas

10 J. Vlahos

J . Scoble E. Healy P. Fawley J . Shuttleworth R . Peoples

10 P. Lee

11 D. Martin 12 T. Wright 13 S . Craven 15 B. McClelland 16 D. Chapman 17 S . Francis 18 S . Adaway 19 M . Wilson 20 R. Fshlock 21 A . FerriS 22 A . Smith 23 G. McFarlane 24 J . Roberts 25 D . Gold 26 B . Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M . McCulloch (C) 29 A . Clough 30 A . Lee 31 A. Banks 32 D . Kopitschinski 33 P. Withington 35 P. Hutchison 36 M. Ferris 37 L . Holmesby 38 B. Fox 39 G . Prigg 40 A. Steward 42 A. Mikkelsen 42aM. Hayes 44 R. Punter 45 S. Ferris 48 R. McEvoy 49 C. Kamus 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 53 E . Box 54 R. Oldfield 55 G. Richards 56 C. Aitken 57 D. Clarke 60 B . Grant 61 H . McKenzie 64 M . Hayes

11 D . Valkanis 12 B.Galloway 13 B.McCrohan 14 D.Neilson 15 G .Boyd 16 M .Joyce 17 TNixon 18 A.BOyd 19 D. Wood 20 N. Pye 21 N. Blainey 22 A. Height 23 LCole 24 B. Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 B.Watthers 28 S .Graham 29 J . Crapper 30 T. Mehmet 31 D.MCFarlane 32 J . losefo 33 S .Hicks 34 C.Treager 35 RVeitch 36 C.Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 N .Haddon 39 M. Ebbage 40 J .Barbggallo 41 C . McDonald 42 K . O'Dwyer 43 A . Shemshedin 44 M.Shephard 45 R .Fort 46 P.Martin 47 T.Peggie 48 R . Toogood 49 A.Rosenteki 50 R . Shing 51 D . Pearce 52 M.Wilson 53 M. Chazan 54 J.Skirving 55 S.Carter 57 M . Frannich 58 D. Hager 59 C. MclnneY 60 J . Nemtses

78 C. Brown

4 H. Davies

15 S. Brooks 16 P. Farrant 18 C. Blight 19 A. Benton 20 A . Coulter 21 M . Harvey 22 D. McMeekin 23 M . Cossar 24 L. Envall 26 M. Dingle 27 S . Pruscino 31 A . Mambwe 32 S . Gibson 34 H . Spring 35 F. Tiernan 36 T. Mawdsley 39 R . Slater 40 S . Murphy 42 D . Robson 44 D . Kerrison 45 D . McMeekin 47 A . Samson 50 K. Hopkins 55 C . Fehring 70 J. Dumaresq 73 J. Sewell 78 J. Clark C . Clamp T. Cohen N . Dunne D. Fennell M. Garrat K. Hickman S. Jackson C. Knee P. Lias A. Mann S . Miller G . Nelson X . O'Donnell L. Ryan L. Heathcote C. Francis S . Gloury S . Moore S . Pitaro J . Waterman

B . Hider M. McDonald

Booran HoLOeN n,



17 D . Perry 18 J. Connellan 19 R . Keating

20 J. Halpin 21 A. Perdikornatis (RC) 22 D . Wills 23 J. Kerley 24 S. Kitts 25 C . Marshall 26 A. Kitts

27 D. Zula (VC) 28 A. Khodr 29 K. Holden 30 P. Holden (DVC) 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 P. Lucas 33 S. Bando 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske 36 M . Ryan

37 S. Briggs 38 S. Cammiss 39 W. Plaukovits 40 J . Briggs

3 M. White 4 C. Stinchcombe (C)

5 M. Vickers-Willis (C ) 6 J. Bell 7 J. Paul 8 G . AI4e n 9 D. Kimpton 10 M . Avery 11 L. Stevens 12 T Pau l

13 T. Cannon 14 D. Taylo r 15 H. McCarthy 16 T. Falla w 17 T. Sett s

18 J . Mal pas 19 N Bat 20 J . L s 21 L. Teagu e e 22 T. Bayles 23 C. Faimaim 24 S . Lansdell(V-C) 25 C . Wilson 27 W. Pau l 29 S . O'Brien

30 D . Youl 31 A. Munro 32 T. Ayerb e 33 E. Bayles 34 S. Makin 35 M. Verg e 36 T. Makin 37 T Waters

38 L . Smith 39 J. Kilpatrick 40 L Tea ue

41 S. Ross 42 C . Legoe 43 R . Parsons 44 J. O'Hare

41 S . Way

45 H . Legc e

42 S . Dalton 43 A. Hinton 44 N. Wills 45 E . Videky 46 R. Holden 47 M . Stevenson 48 J . Reynolds 49 S . Collins 50 C. Lamb 51 B . Nguyen 52 R . Dooley 53 C . Pollock 54 B . Gant 55 P. Malcolm 56 B . King

46 J. Morley 47 J. Cole 48 R. Herd 51 J. Kilpatrick 52 A. Higgins 53 A. Hosking 54 R. Hughes 55 C. Atkins 56 M. Leslie 57 B. Symon s 58 J. McCarthy 59 R. Kilpatrick 60 B. MaClean 62 G . Leishman 63 D. Ardlie

57 D . Nagel

66 H. Burgess 67 J. Burnell 68 B . Church

58 P. Torpey 59 T. Orchard 60 E. Bennett 63 M. Couttie

64 A. Wood 65 T. Krotofil

B . Laidlaw

D . Hill J . Rotella C . Sage


14 J . Nevezie 15 G. Redford (RVC) 16 M. Bell


Coach : Michael Lockman Res Coach : Michael Verge Asst Coach: Matt Edmond s 1 M. Goldsworthyy 2 N . Casboult

64 J. Atkin s 65 R. Bell

69 A. Southe y 70 W. de Fegley

71 R. Elli s 72 H. England 73 H. Foletta 75 T. Green 76 M . Hayes 77 S . Monagha n 78 L Morriso n


BETTER TORQUE AUTOMOTIVE 40 Oxford Street, Oakleigh 3166 PH : 9564 7044 FAX : 9564 7205

79 N . Robinso n 80 C . O'Brie n 81 G. Ritchi e

82 T. Smit h 83 R . Stevens 84 S. Tresise 85 M. Vasey 86 J. White

~ J. Hawke r 89 P. Klooster

90 E. Jefferey



Coach : Julian Sill Res Coach : Joe Coy 1 S . Parsons 2 A . Parsons 3 M. Goldthorp 4 E . Bowen 5 N. Kent 6 M. Warner 7 S . Murray 8 R. Stainforth 9 T. Coghlan 10 A . Haley 11 G. Lethbridge 12 S . Ferguson 13 T. Rees 14 S . White 15 J . Davis 16 A . Wood 17 J . Coghlan 18 J . Wheaten 19 A . McKinstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 M. Barron 22 A . Atchison 23 R. Powne y (VC) 24 T. Prendergas t 25 J . Rowe 26 A . Murphy 27 S . Payze (CAPT) 28 B . Taylor 29 S . Pratt 30 A . Crean 31 D. Brennan 32 B . Liuzzi 33 A . Law 34 M. Falkiner 35 T. Braden 36 N . Bowman 37 J . Growcott 38 M. Day 39 A . Minchin 40 P. Dade-Bell 41 A . vdotto 42 N . Claringbold 43 B . Dunne 44 A . Pearce 45 L. Prendergast 46 T Moran 47 M. Hawkins 48 N . Heffernan 49 S . Smith 50 K . Krake 51 A . Quinlan 52 M. Cahir 53 T Neal 54 C . Hines 55 A . Jopp 57 A . McCullough



Coach : Shane McLaughlan Res Coach : Adam Walsh

Coach : Peter Turley Res Coach : Jon Brennan


1 A. Stevens 2 A. Thain 3 S. Sutherland 4 A. Healey 5 M . Canavan 6 M . Loughnan 7 G . Tucker 8 S . Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S . Oldf'ield 11 A. Davey 12 L. Rose 13 I . Bobetic 14 P. Evans 15 C. Rose 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D. Barry 19 T. Fairbairn 20 A. Seager 21 A. Bonnicf 22 S . Downey 23 P. Hanton 24 E . Hanapy 25 J . Rogers 26 J . Nannes 27 E . Maillard 28 C. Savage 29 P. Delahaye 30 A . Brett 31 L. Seville 32 G . Riley 33 N. Callaghan 34 C. Goulden 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 B . Chalmers 38 K . Woodman 39 M . Ware 40 S . Trakas 41 M . Smyth 42 T. Henson 43 M . Van Suylen 44 P. McClaren 45 D. Allen 46 S . Greely 47 I . Rozankovic 48 T. Dodgson 49 M . Oakley y 50 J . Oakley 51 S . Stevens 52 S . Henry 53 P. Allen 54 S . Brown 55 J . Ngo 56 C. Ryan 57 M . Smith 58 M . Ferwerda 59 A . Simon 60 P. Forbes

SWtNURNE UNIYERSITY Coach : Manny Debono Res. Coach : Carmelo Dell'Ollio

1 DOdulm 2 J Sheedy 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidler 5 J Demarte 6 D Harmer 7 J Murchie 8 M Higgins 9 L Morrison 17 D Milano 13 J Coy 14 R Goode 15 D Ledger 16 C Walsh 17 J Roberts 18 M Flack 19 B OTAara 21 J Young 22 S McKenzie 23 S Fitzgibbon 24 C Higgins 26 T Liston 27 H Hodgson 28 J Ryan 29 J Gordon 30 J Mennen 32 P~~ 33 S Christov 34 A Fricke 36 J Carter 37 B Caimes 38 M Tricky 39 g Prior 40 J Kane 41 M Handby 42 M Dell'Ollio 43 JAndnnopoulos 44 M Pullen 45 D Moms 46 J Sandhu 47 T Morris 48 Achung 49 L Orr 50 M George 51 M Pearson 52 E Furlan 53 J GraboÂťc 54 M Eley 55 M Dinning 56 H Kimura 57 C 0'Keeffe S hutchins 59 R granger 60 P Jones

Proudly sponsored by: 'I

ea ,hatntna Resvauraut & Bar




The Elgin Inn Burwood Road Hawthorn

WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Coach : Dens Macleod Res Coach : Damien Hynes 1 T. Wheeler 2 P. Jame s 2(r) J . Di Grazia 3 D. Woud a 4 S. Wuchatsc h 5 D. Elias 6 D. Greiv 7 . O'S llivan eL L. RY an J . Munro 10 B. Cocks 11 C. McCrake n 12 S . McGuiness 13 M . Grossma n 14 J . Street 15 D. Taylor 16 S . Phemister 17 R. Hart 18 D. Oldham 19 S . Barlow 20 L. Coope r 21 M . Welsh 22 S . King 23 C. McNamar a 24 C. Pac h 25(r)G. Burgess 25 L. Thomas 26 D. Le e 27 B . Gran t 28 A . Kosmatos 29 B . Griffen 30 K . Dowsey 31 J . Hynes 32 T. Hynes 33 T. Boz 34 L. Henry 35 C. Bergi n 36 F. Henry 37 B . Hynes 38 M . Elia s 39 T. Carter 40 P. Thompson 41 A . McKensie 42 B . Hinsley 43 P. Azzapardi 44 M . Manning 45 J . Buffigeig 46 G. Singleto n 47 B . Robinson 48 B . 49 Diblasi 50 B . McKay 51 S . Manda n 52 D. Pau l 53 A . Lewis 54 L. Keating 55 R . Nisbett 56 Z. Milken-laude 57 D . Jory 58 S . Vinning 59 T. Manning 60 S . Hal l 61 S . Adam s 62 C . Hoilland 63 M . Holland 64 D.O'Keeffe 65 D. Wilfred 66 B . Koch

Proudly sponsored by:


Sara 'sBistro - Glenferrie PLUMBIN G SERVICES v~v7. tss 5 Road Hawthorn





Reg New % Donors Donors Total (` :>hi p

Swinburne University AFC 24 25 Parkdale Vultures AFC 31 4 LaTrobe University AFC 7 23 Peninsula OB 14 8 Caulfield Grammarians 13 5 MI-ISOB AFC 16 1 Hampton Rovers AFC 15 1 De La Salle OC 15 1 St Bedes Mentone Tigers AFC 1 4

Old Carey Grammarians 1 3 St Kevins OB 11 1 Old Haileyburians AFC 10 Collegians AFC 8 2 Old Mentonians 8 1 Ormond AFC 8 1 Werribee AFC 7 2 Fitzrov Reds AFC 9 St Mary's AFC 8 Old Essendon Grammarians 8 Old Melburnians 6 1 Bentleigh AFC 6 University Blues 6 Yarra Valley OB 5 1 Old Trinity Grammarians 6 Williamstown CYMS 4 1 Monash Blues AFC 3 2 Box Hill North AFC 4 Old Camberwell Grammarians 3 1 St Bernards OC 4 Elsternwick AFC 3 Salesian OC 3 Richmond Central AFC 3 Beaumaris AFC 3 St Johns OC 3 North Old Bovs 3 Hawthorn AFC 3 South Melbourne Districts 1 2

49 51 .60% 35 33 .70% 30 19 .20% 22 24 .40% 18 13 .50% 17 11 .60% 16 9 .00% 16 6 .40% 14 10 .80% 13 6 .80% 12 6 .30% 10 10 .50% 10 5 .80% 9 8 .40% 9 7 .30% 9 5.80% 9 4.60% 8 9.10째'~ 8 4.10% 7 4.30% 6 4.60% 6 4 .60% 6 4 .30째'~ 6 3 .40% 5 4 .20% 5 2 .70% 4 3 .90% 4 3 .10% 4 2 .80째' % 3 3 .30% 3 3 .20% 3 2 .800/. 3 2.30% 3 2.30% 3 2.20% 3 2.10% 3 2.10%


Reg idFl % Donors Dono rs Total M'ship

Mazenod OC 2 1 3 1 .80% Old Brighton Gramma rians 2 1 3 1 .50% Box Hill Skarks AFC 2 2 3 .40% Kew AFC 2 2 2 .20% Mt Lilydale OC 2 2 2 .20% Syndal Tally Ho AFC 2 2 2 .20% Albert Park AFC 2 2 2 .00% Monash Gryphons AFC 2 2 2 .00% West Brunswick AFC 2 2 2 .00% Old Paradians AFC 2 2 1 .50% Glen Eira AFC 2 2 1 .40% Rupertswood AFC 2 2 1 .400; Old Scotch Collegians AFC 2 2 1 .30% Prahran AFC 2 2 1 .30% Old Ivanhoe Grammar AFC 2 2 1 .20% Therry Penola AFC 2 2 1 .20% Whitefriars OC 2 2 1 .20% Oakleigh AFC 2 2 1 .10% Old Geelong FC 2 2 1 .00% VAFA-UA 2 2 1 .00% Eltham OC , 1 1 1 .30% Bulleen Cobras AFC 1 1 1 .00% Power House AFC 1 1 1 .00% Aquinas OC 1 1 0.70% AJAX AFC 1 1 0.60% Marceilin OC 1 1 0.50% Old Xaverians AFC 1 1 0 .40% University Blacks 1 1 0.40% Banyule AFC 0 0 .00% Bulleen-Templestowe AFC 0 0 .00% Emmaus St Leo's OC AFC 0 0 .00% Ivanhoe Assumption AFC 0 0 .00% North Brunswick AFC 0 0 .00% Old Westbourne Grammar AFC 0 0 .00% UHS-VU AFC 0 0 .00%

Totals New Donor Rate

363 87


19 .30%

Congratulations to Swinburne University who receive 2 new Sherrin footbaits from Spalding, for being the leader after Rd10 and having the greatest % increase from Rds 6-10 . Clubs yet to register Captain Bloods are ineligible to win prizes so sign up your Captain Blood now - visit the VAFA website (http;! /"orms / - Other section) and join up now.


C(a ~ i .-

A: B.

L i




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DI : r 00, EN Q 2: PLTE ~ L~Y RYAN SH 9.-KEY D3: [l4: SIMON L IU . ' ZZI

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( J! I I E FFSIfiY BLUES) f r~ ~ L ~ 1 " _ ~., D ~a R~'~, "'` 1 ri,~ S) , t~c~i "~lLE) ~-,t~Lz? I ;;S OC ;V,41N ~1HO E ASSUMPTION )( GR Y~ HaN s ) )(MONASH (RICHMOND CENTRAL )

W_ . .__W_W_ .. - W__ ....W_W W__W j

速 Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select hi s Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .

Phone : 13 15 5 2 24 Hour Emergency 041833311 8



If you are the person circled, present this photo at the VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbu ry hamper.





9a 速

The conclusion of the representative season was highlighted in the Editorial column and Phil Stevens thanked the representative coaches, Nick Bourke (A-B), George Voyage (C-D) and Steve Carroll (U19), and their respective support staffs, for their outstanding commitment . The A-B and C-D teams were successful by winning their games . Phil also acknowledged the support of all clubs as normal fixtures 'were not suspended during the representative games period . In A Section Old Ivanhoe, languishing in ninth position, completely overwhelmed Old Melburnians, 18 .13 to 5 .18 and joined the OM's on 12 points for the season. Did the mid-week departure of coach Kevin Tibaldi provide a wake up call for the 'Hoers? Hope in the ruck, Branigan (5), Douglas also up forward and the hard working midfielders, Donaldson and Tully, were best for the winners . Oram was the only multiple goal kicker for the "Redlegs" and some support was offered by Boyd and Reynolds . A Section was proving to be at its capricious best ! In B Section Old Haileybury were proving to be the enigmas of their grade and must have been frustrating the heck out of coach Mick Dwyer. They travelled to Brunswick to meet top four side North Old Boys, stormed out of the blocks to kick 8 goals in the first term to NOBs' one solitary major, held over 5 goal leads at the next two breaks before almost stumbling at the final hurdle . In the end they held on grimly to win by one point . Lappage with 6 goals and Hassett and White were strong contributors for the Bloods . Saad (5), Tonkin and Curry could not be blamed for NOB's loss .

In Junior Section Blue, St Leos Emmaus (second) handed out a reminder to leaders South Melbourne Districts that they were not the only team in the comp as they inflicted the first loss to the Red and Whites, 17 .15 to 10 .7, a comprehensive reminder for sure . Best players ; Boyd, McKean, Moss, Wood,

Irwin (8) and Cherry ( St Leos) and Cheevers (5), Brown, Neild, Aquilina, Ferguson and Wood (South Melbourne) .

In A Section, Old Melburnians had a danger game in their quest to stay in touch with the top four when they hosted Old Trinity at "The Junction Oval" . There were said to be 40 minute quarters and the game seemed to go on for ever. Only 6 points in favour of the OM's at three quarter time set up a great finish and they managed to hold on to win by 7 points . Best players were Hewitt, Theodore, Witts, Rose (3), Bryan and Anastasakis (OM's) and Dalrymple, Norman . Rogers, Harris, Balaszy and Taylor (OT's) . In E East Section there were two outstanding teams, St Leos Wattle Park and Yarra Valley Old Boys, each with 9 wins and I loss . It was to be 10 wins and I loss by the end of the round but very different score lines in their respective games . Yarra Valley, as an away team, had to contend with Aquinas and had a few scares before winning 6 .14 to 5 .7 . At St Leos' home ground it was entirely different as they simply smashed Balwyn Combined 30 .29 to 1 .5 . The goals were pretty well shared for St Leos as Vaughan (7), Dincolantonio, Davidson and Pitcher (5 each) led the way . Imagine if they had kicked straight !

In E Central North Brunswick held their top spot with a hard fought win at Eltham against the Old Collegians of that town . Best for North Brunswick were Grimaldi, Lirosi, D Demorton, Keay (3), Thorpe and McClure . Eltham didn't bother submitting any names . Beaumaris in E South remained unbeaten by overcoming home team Power House, 18 .12 to 9 .8 . Best were McNicholas, Thomas, Hanrahan, Wright, King (7) and Moloney and for The House, Williams, Doyle, Hoyle, Friend, James and Scotland .


Collegians won their first game for some time when they beat Uni Blues 18 .11 to 9 .6 at the Harry Trott . Collegians began to get on top in the second quarter and added 8 goals in the third with half forward Tony Baum bagging 4 in the term . Tim Bennett played in the ruck, rested in defence and was a very good player for the purple and gold . The Blues lacked effective forwards apart from Tyquin with 6 . Ashton and Salinger were good defenders for the Blues . Who would stop Fawkner in C Section, undefeated on top by 4 games and another top four team scalp, Old Camberwell, hanging on their belt, 18 .7 to 12 .20 . Best players ; Hills, Rhodes, Buckley, Johnson, Buust and Majerczak for Fawkner . Inkster, Spencer, Steven, Schwab, Armstrong and Jenkins were good players for Old

Kooyong had almost secured their "double chance" in E Section when they defeated AJAX, albeit narrowly, 11 .7 to 10 .8 . Best players ; O'Halloran, McColl, Coleman, Bartlett, E Lacey and G Pratt (Kooyong) and Mehl, Faganblatt, Merkel, Freeman, Synman and Goldfarb (AJAX) . The Club Histories' Section covered the life span of the Power House AFC from its beginnings in 1947 until the present . The actual Power House community organisation had commenced in 1929 when Lord Somers and Dr. C Gordon McAdam laid the foundation stones. By 1965 the football club was one of six sporting bodies under the Power House banner . Many successful community leaders had since emerged from this fine body . The football club was under the coaching leadership of legends John McClure (seniors), Les Gordon (reserves) and Ian Dakin (Juniors) .

Camberwell .

In A Section bottom placed team Geelong almost caused the upset of the season as they ran leaders St Bernards to a solitary goal, 16 .17 to 16 .11 . It had been close all day and the lead see-sawed constantly . Best - Burgin, Drennan, Slater (5), Snowden, Wade and King (St Bernards) and Davis (3), Ross, Tucker (6), Paulke,

; he Collegian scribe's summary rathe r included these disparaging remarks 'Unfortunately we lost by two 'fives" -firstly byfive minutes and secondly by a "bunch of ard fives" on our winning half-forward flank'! Must have got a bit willing as Coburg set abou t preserving the unbeaten run!"

Wilson and Allden (Geelong) .

Old Trinity's Bill Peers was the featured amateur player in this round and his photograph, complete in Victorian gear, showed a slight, athletic frame that had carried him far in only 55 VAFA games . He had certainly made an impact . Straight into Old Trinity's senior team from school, best & fairest in his first year and not surprisingly best first year player, Bill immediately became a key member of his team . The following season (1973) Bill was runner-up in the best & fairest and also represented Victoria at the 1973 Carnival . A sub-district cricketer in the summer, Bill Peers was a talented all round sportsman .

B Section leaders, Coburg, remained undefeated but did not have it all their own way against Collegians (equal fourth) . Collegians had not scored a goal at half time and with a score line of 6 .9 to 0 .7 against them, they rallied partly in the third term with three goals to outscore Coburg and then came rattling home with another 5 goals but just failed to snatch the game . Final scores were 8 .16 to 8 .11 in Coburg's favour . The Collegian scribe's summary included these rather disparaging remarks 'Unfortunately we lost by two "fives" - firstly by five minutes and secondly by a "bunch of fives" on our winning half-forward flank'! Must have got a bit willing as Coburg set about preserving the unbeaten run !







by Gavan Flower

Review No reports from Jocs/Swans but league leaders St.Johns went down again and have not won a match in nearly a month to go from chocolates to boiled lollies . In a seesawing affair, South snuck in by 3 points to keep their finals chances alive, while the Jocs now have to fight for the double chance . The other upset saw Westbourne go down to Monash . Always a danger game at the East Caulfield Reserve, it was Sharkey Who did the damage to put some space between his side and the relegation zone with a deserved 21 point win . The Westies continued on their merry way, and are now a real premiership chance as Jelbart, Bill "Morgan" and Shannon Monagle cut them up in an percentage building win . For Power House West tried hard but it must now be panic stations with relegation looking more likely with the Monash upset .

Syndal must be wondering how they are going to get their first runs on the board with another high scoring loss . With Hams on fire for the students and supported by "Freak" an awesome opening quarter all but assured UHS will remain in D3 in season 2006 . The match of the day saw Kew jump to a surprise 3 goal lead as Mainsbridge and Tinetti showed form . However, it was the Lee boys again who led the way for Werribee as they bounced back hard in the second quarter to put the game beyond the Browns . The win sees the Tigers take top spot, a game clear and firming in premiership betting . {t

the Pies appear to be hitting their straps . For my pick, I am reservin g my spot on the Magpie bandwagon as they make it three losses in a row for the Jocs with a season defming 28 point win . The Swans season has been a rollarcoaster ride, and for that reason, today's match presents a danger to their finals aspirations . Monash have their tails up at the minute, and a win today will certainly exorcise any relegation demons that may be lurking . However, I think at home the Swans have it all in their favour and should keep in touch with the top four with a tight 13-point win . Westhourne's form has been a bit like Melbourne's weather of late, hot one minute, freezing the next . Today I am expecting it to be cold, however, in a literal sense as the trip to Artie Park is never a pleasant one, and for the winless Syndal, it will be anything but a warm reception . Today I believe should the Synners string four quarters together, they may get up . However for my pick it is Westbourne by 14 points . Poor old UHS have had a season they would rather forget, and it isn't going to get any better for them today as they host a Kew side keen to bounce back from last week's defeat . Today will be Kew's day though, and I expect them to win well, by let's say, 38 points.

ITr 1 ;1 oth sides have undergone a serious transformation since that fatefu l

encounter, with St .Johns now off the boil, while the Pies appear to be hitting their straps. " Preview What a match we have in store as the Jocs travel to the "House of Pain" to meet a West Brunswick side keen to atone for the flogging they received the last time they met . Both sides have undergone a serious transformation since that fateful encounter, with St .Johns now off the boil, while

CLUB D3 SECTION Werribee Werribee Old Westbourne Kew D3 RESERVE Werribee St Johns OC UHS VU



C Lee 6 45 D Lee 4 36 J Horsburgh 0 34 McDermott 0 3 3 Marinis Callaghan Forbes

0 4 0

41 33 24


Werribee move up the road this week to the luscious Chirnside Park to host a Power House team that will be competitive, but not in the same class. Today's result is a foregone conclusion ; it is just the margin that is in doubt . My pick is a win by Werribee in the vicinity of 47 points. Correspondents Thanks to my regulars . The others, it's hard to mention your lads if I don't hear from you!! Get your reports in to gavan .flower@spotless .com .au by midday on Monday.

MILE S'I'ONESUHS - Warren "Wozza" Smith plays his 50th game (all in a row) this week, He is a bald headed marvel . Just keeps finding the ball plays a different position every week and for a 42 year old shows no sign of stopping! We congratulate him sincerely . Old Westbourne - One of the club icons, Adrian Board plays his 200th club game vs Syndal this week . A member of our inaugural team in Apri l

1991, 'Boydy' has played games in each of ou r fifteen seasons, only injury and trave l preventing this milestone sooner . The majority

of his games have been at Senior level and Ade has been a dour performer and all-round nice guy . We have seen a resurgence at Senior leve l in '05 and last season's Reserves premiership was great reward for a terrific career . Adrian has combined his playing duties with being club Treasurer for ten seasons . A mighty effort fo r our club Adrian, hope to see you swinging onto that left for a few more seasons! Also Dave 'Duddo' Hudson will appear for the 50th time . A true clubman, Duddo is a committee membe r and social leader at the Warriors . His football is constantly improving since his debut three seasons ago in our Under 19's . Well done an d keep up the great work. Kew - congratulate winger Nick `Dasher'

Dahlstrom on playing his 50th gam e today against UHS . Also congratulations t o goaisneak Ben Woodhouse for passin g 100 career goals with his bag of four last week against Werribee .

1 6o D3 SECTION West Brunswick v St Johns 0 C South Melb Districts v Monash Gryphon s Old Westbourne v Syndal Tally-Ho UHS-VU v Kew Werribee Amateurs v Power House - a t

Chirnside Park, Watton St, Werribee ( 205 H9)

D3 SECTION 9 .7(61) POWER HOUSE 1 .2 4 .2 8 .5 WEST BRUNSWICK 5.4 11.7 17.18 20.14 (134) Power House : B White 3 P Sosic 2 R Benson C Byrne M D']tino M Taylor. Best : S West P Sosic N Bishop J Marshall R Marshall B White . West Bruns : Monagle 5 Wing 3 Sudholz 2 S Benjamin 2 S Edwards 2 Anderson Cunnane Ellis Millard D Rudd Smvthe. Best: Piestch Sudholz S Benjamin Millard Monagle West . Umpires : Mick Gilday (F) ST JOHNS 0 C 2 .5 5 .8 8 .9 9 .10 (64) STH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS 2.1 5.5 6 .6 10 .7 (67) St Johns OC: Ryan 3 Abela 2 Chalk Jones Carmody Arnold. Best: Abela Mara Chalk Arnold Walker Carmody . Sth Melb : Joske 3 M Costello 2 Aquilina Cheevers A Hannan Bell Ray . Best: Aquilina A Hannan Kohnesheen M Costello Cheevers Riemann . Umpires : Steve Castersen Peter Griffiths (F) MONASH GRYPHONS 2.1 4.3 8 .7 13 .8 (86) OLD WESTBOURNE 3 .0 8 .1 8.3 10 .5 (65) Mon Gryph: G Harrak 3 Flowerday 3 Sharkey 3 Landberg 2 Garoni Paoluccl . Best: Sharkey Pocock Paoluccl Fleming G Harrak McKenzie . Old West : Whitney 5 Paver 2 Edwards 2 Braham . Best : Truslove Huntington A Miller Whiting A Horsburgh Lever . Umpires : Steve Caple Pat Maebus (F ) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 5 .2 12 3 14.5 15 .11 (101) UHS-VU 9.2 13.3 20 .6 24 .6 (150) Syndal TH : Vanderkruk 4 Cachia 2 Veness 2 Healy 2 Robinson 2 Henderson MacKenzie. Best: Miller Williams Robinson A Sheer Fletcher Vanderkruk . UHS-VU: Tate 6 Hall 4 Cusick 4 Forbes 2 Cracknell 2 Goringe 2 Hams Mottram Sanders Smith . Best : Carroll Goringe Sanders Mottram Hams Partridge .

Umpires: Matt Goold Matt Brennan (F) KEW 5 .3 6 .8 10.11 12 .14 (86) WERRIBEE 2 .5 13.10 17 .13 21.18 (144) Kew: Woodhouse 4 DeBlank 2 Mainsbridge 2 Aitken [anni Tinetti DeBruin. Best: Mainsbridge Tinetti Fountain lanni Woodhouse Scott . Werribee: C Lee 6 D Lee 4 Ar.Taylor 3 An .Taylor 2 Renaut 2 Czajkowski Tedesco Carson Cornell. Best: Carson M Keogh Tedesco C Lee Stornebrink Borg . Umpires: Nick Brown Jon Kerr (F) Nick Kelly Julian Maccionl (B) Hagen Cosgriff Michael Lee (G) D3 RESERVE POWER HOUSE WEST BRUNSWICK Details not received. ST JOHNS 0 C 4 .4 7 .9 10 .11 15 .12 (102) STH MELBOURNE DISTRICTSI .0 1 .3 3.5 3.7 (25) St Johns 0 C: Callaghan 4 Joyce 2 Van Houten 2 Dragwldge 2 Dowsett Ellis Hancock D Rydquist Monterlo . Best: D'Ohviera Dexter Van Houten D Rydqmst Cockayne Callaghan . Sth Melb: Henderson 2 Bradley . Best : P Moon D Moon Bradley Mijatovic McDougall Phillips . MONASH GRYPHONS 2 .2 5 .6 7 .10 9.14 (68) OLD WESTBOURNE 1 .1 2 .1 3.3 4.5 (29) Mon Gryphons: Grenfell 2 cents 2 Graydon 2 Parker Stirling Wadley . Best : Fletcher Parker Hetherington Graydon Rennison Block .

Old West: Edwards 2 Croswell Depiazza . Best: Barnes Depiazza Brooker Bramwell Edwards Larkin . SYNDAL TALLY-HO 0.1 3 .3 7.4 9.5 (59) UHS•VU 6 .1 6 .5 8.7 9.9(63) Syndal TH: Vagiatis 3 Thomas O'Boyle Elder M MacFarlane Zaharoupolas . Best : Francs Paotone Thomas Leplaa Vagiatis M MacFarlane . UHS-VU: Mthalovle 3 Swanson 2 P Thomas Bvrne Trevethan Gilmur . Best : Ternes Pashley Trevethan J Thomas J Bowes G Gilmour. KEW 2 .2 6 .4 9.6 12.10 (82) WERRIBEE 1 .3 3.5 8 .10 9.10164) Kew: Doumis 4 Roache 2 Dalrymple 2 Gtansante Glenn Crimmins Jacobs. Best: Johnston McKerrow Carman Jacobs Dournis Rourke . Werribee : Harding 3 Diker 3 Dirosa Johnstone Sandlant . Best : Sandlant Bell Marnis Flack .




D3 Section KEW

Coach: Rohan Doherty Res Coach : Brendan Dover 1 B . tatrancm 2 K . Allen (VC) 9 e. sDeb . Crimmin mCrimmin s4G 5 A . Carman 6 N . Trani (o) 7 H . McDermott e D . Mamsbnddge (DVC) 9 A . Makns (RDVC) to B . Cullen rt B . woaihause 12 M. Gndiey 13 B . Marchesani 14 J . Looke r 15 A . Founta~n 16 D . Wood 17 G . Scon ta N . Dahistrom 19 A . Vecchro

20 A . A~eld

M. Anderson 22 T. Anken 23 J . debark 24 C . Stephens 25 C . wans 26 S. Symes 27 T. M,owe(vcq 28 S. Ryan 29 M. Dalrymple 30 C . Giansante 31 D . ianm 32 A . Drago(RVC) 33 L. Maunsell 34 E. Pocock 35 R . Bruno 36 B. Roherts 37 5. Johnston 3e D . N째^h 39 J . Denni . Kinross s40D

41 L. Coulter 42 5. Parker 43 S. Livingsto n 43 M. Cheers 44 T. L)vmgston 45 G . Evans 4e J. Hamm,47 J. Saban 48 R . Mahomet 49 P. Dennis

50 B. Roac h 51 M. Blair 52 M. Spars 53 B. Carrell 54 J. 6rn'mis 55 J e8 T Frm, . Jacobs 56 R . war<er 57 R . Hocking 5s B. eumen(RVC) 59 J. Rakusz 60 G . Meekian 61 M. Glenn

e2 M. Chalmers 63 N. Gncks (RC) 64 N . Ny,oes 65 5. Pletersen 6e R . McKenow 68 M. rnackwray 70 S. Moussi

Haf of Erin Hotel Harp 636 High St , Kew 1 SAL -~ . . P pF _'i t- ; Cannon Toyota

Lower Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg

M 0 RGRYPH ORS Coach: Steven Bourban Asst Coach : Geoff Still Res Coach : Phil Warren 1 L. Clark 2 M. Healy 3 A . Grady 4 N . Rutherford 5 J . Watson 6 J . Leroy 7 J Garoni 8 C . Yanni 9 G. Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 B. McNamara 12 J. Lundberg 13 J. Stratford 14 A. McKenzie 15 A. Clarke 16 P. Rennison 17 S. Sewell 18 M. Paolucci 19 R . Coxhead 20 C . Staff 21 J. Bingham 22 B. Coxhead 23 B. Clark 24 D . Baxter 25 M. Malone 26 A. Denyer 27 M. Mullins 28 C Lepton 29 P.Warren 30 T. Vessey 31 G . Roche 32 A. Shuffitebottom 33 A. Burgess 34 M. Graydon 35 L . Vesey 36 G . Block 37 J. Fleming 38 J. Rutherford 39 D Grenfell 40 M. Willocks 41 C . Archer 42 A. Robilliard 43 D . Bradshaw 44 L . Wells 45 J. Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 M. Parker 48 L . Mannikhuis 49 C . Robinson 50 J. Bingham 51 Luke Leeto n 52 A. Flowerday 53 M. Davies 54 G . Still 55 G . Harrak 56 A. Palumbo 57 W. Pocock 58 J. Rutherford 59 A. Yanni 60 A Grady 61 A. Waters 62 N . Mitchell 63 I . Bagnall 64 J. Park 65 J. Healy 67 V. Coffey 68 O . Lloyd 69 Bill Leeton 70 B. Clark 71 M. Baldwin 75 PGomizel 75

76 J. Harrak

77 R. Sharkey 80 R . Fletcher

Oi.D WEa


POt"1 . :

Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Snr Asst : Michael Christo Res . Coach : Scott Walker 1 B. Gerace 2 J . Braharn 3 Trav. Edwards 4 J . Bartolo 5 S. Hewitt 6 J . Horsburgh (VC) 7 B. Merryweather 8 A. Horstwrg h 9 F. Pavez 10 C. Lever 11 S . DePiazza 12 M . Baulch 13 M . Ristevski 14 P. Hudson

15 A.. Board 16 S . Christo 17 M . Aquiline 18 G . Walker 19 J . Mason 20 D. Hudson 21 L. Hudson 22 S . Anderson 23 S . Huntington (VC) 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 Troy Edwards 26 P. Mesman 27 T. Whiting 28 D. Slattery (Res C) 29 S . Batloch 30 A . Mokrusch 31 A . Miller 32 G . Jenkinson 33 D. Berm 34 C. Bramwell 35 G. Robson 36 K . Pilsbury 37 C. Molitoris 38 D. Nikola 39 M . Oldham 40 J . Morsello 41 K . Miller (VC) 42 T. Brooker 43 A . Runciman 44 B .Lennon 45 E . Sandstrom 46 M . Whiting 47 T. Theodore 48 R. Van Engeleh 49 J . Miller 50 P. Habersatt 52 N . Wallace 53 J . Manotokakis 54 M . Crosswell 56 D. Carruthers 57 R . Kerney 58 C. Larkin 59 L. Barne s 60 N . Aquiline 77 T. Dennis 88 H . Hodgson C. Hudson D. Trustlove


Coach: Brett Devlin Res Coach : Gary Dean

Coach : Ben McGe e Res Coach : Rod Walker

1 M . Taylor San DVC 2 R . Humphreys 3 J . Marshall 4 B . Turner Ben VC 5 P. Sonic 6 M . Verbeme 7 C . Richardson 8 M . Hill San Capt 9 B . Reardon 10 D . Cooper 11 B . Phillips 12 A . Brownjohn 13 J . Spence 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 A . D'Intino 17 C . Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 S. Matheson 20 J . Nicholls 21 D . Miller 22 R . Walsh 23 K. Anthony 24 N . Bishop 25 M. Driessen 26 D . Harris 26 B. MacCormack 27 R . Davies 28 D . Boland 28 P. Cooper 29 M. Beasley 29 A. Foster 30 T. McFarlane 31 R . Marshall Res Capt 32 M. Verbeme 33 H . Clarke 34 J. Conway 35 S. Hatchard 36 M. D'Intino 37 S. West 38 R . Benson 39 B. Wooderson 40 R . Marshall 41 C . Byrne 42 P. Arnold 43 J. Howes e4 B. White 44 D. Glanville 45 A. Contreras c6 S. Campbell 47 D. Crane 48 N . Sharp 50 A. Volz 55 G . Hamne r 56 C. Plazzer 58 J. McClure 63 M . Weber

1 K . Arnol d 2 M . Peak e 3 D. O'Connor 4 S . Holme s 5 B . Hilton 6 M . Phaedono s 7 N. Chal k 8 M . Hartnett 9 A . Jones 10 M . Courmadias 11 J. Kelly 12 P. Walker 13 C. Horbury V.C. 14 P. Shar p 14-R M . Hanger 15 M . Kosmala 16 A . Paterso n 17 S . Cockayne V.C : Res 18 C . Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 B . Rydquist 21 S . Koppers C . 22 G. Roberts 23 J . Diaz D .V.C. 24 L. Mara 25 B . Waters 26 H . Wathe n 27 R . Dowsett 28 A . Dexter 29 T. Ellis 30 R . Walker 31 D . Rydquis t 32 A . Rudd 33 A . Foncec a 34 M. Hancock C. - Res 35 J . Sacco 36 P. Harris 37 D . Christian V.C: Res 38 D . Savio 39 P. Rudd 40 T. Hylan d 42 D . Sanders 43 M. Van Houte n 44 J . Ross 45 A . Hall 46 B. Callery 47 G . Bastone 48 J . Hargraves 49 A. Kizih s 50 J . Brown 51 C . Santoni 52 D . Harki n 53 C . Raffle 54 D . Vandenvert 55 B. Pickeri ng 56 A. Dragwidge 66 Joe Scardamagli a

-- I



Werribee Mazda

Ti t' I8at, m*r4hst,x s }rri


'째-UY HO

t 3U. Coach : End Henderson Res Coach : Brett Downing 1 J. Washington DVC 2 Ma . Hannan C . 3 J. Mervcich 5 S. King 6 L. Kealy 7 A. Hannan 8 X. Kidd 9 S. Aqualina 10 D. McCormick 11 P. Daly 12 A. Argynou 13 E. Henderson

coach : Tony Rowe Res Coach : Mark Elder


Coach: Share F.4oitram Assistant: D. Fares

it M . Meyer 12 A . Hermann t3 S . Miller

14 D. Bell

14 S . O'Boyle

14 J. Mitchell

15 B. Lazzaro 16 J. Neimi 17 P. D'Andrea 18 G . Cox 19 A. Reid 20 W. Brown 21 B. Johnson 22 T Milne 23 B. Downing 24 B. Joske 25 S. Atherton 26 R. Mitchell 27 P. Cheevers 28 T. Paterakis 29 J. Adgemis 30 T Zantuck 31 S. Hermman 32 D. McGee 33 M. Doyle 35 N . Moojen 37 J. Clyne 38 D . Rowe 39 A. Briglia 40 B. Bulpit 41 T. ti9~"^Oualter 42 G . Gaykor 43 W. DAndrea V.C . 44 D . Geary 45 C . Roe 46 A . Ray 47 J . Roy4e 48 C . Maloney 52 M. Anderson 53 D . Phillips 54 A . Gannelis 55 J . Pohlner 61 M. Margianrns 64 M. Stefanidakis

15 D. Reynolds 16 D. Venness 17 C. Hayes 18 J . Lawes 19 B . Boucher 20 C. Hall 20 I . MacKenzie 21 D. Kennett 22 M, Buckley 23 B . Bayliss 24 B . Bayliss 25 M . Kelly 26 J. Dascoii 27 M . Leplaa 28 N. Williams 29 A. Sheer 30 B. Holland 31 A. Richardson, 32 L. Hannemann 33 T. Bartholomew 34 T Rowe 35 C. Cacnia (Capt) 36 M . Elder 37 B. Robinson 38 M . Christiansen 39 D. Hal6sey 40 B. Thomas 41 Y. Kaleunte 42 M . McFarlane 43 A. Brawn 44 T. Zaharopoulos 45 C. Frunes 46 C. Jones 47 P. Fyfieid 48 S. Crew 49 M. Stan 50 C . Hal 51 M. Hale 52 S. Anderson 53 C . Connolly 54 A. Dance 56 A. Treasure 81 C . Connally

15# R . Ladish 16 J. Tate 17 C . Langendarf 18 A. Hellner 19 J. Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 J. Hall 22 G . Manuals 23 G . Temes 24 N . Carro ll 25 D . Creek 26 P. Thomas 27 A. Cusick 28 B. McInnes 29 A. Pashley 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 S . Dimond 33 J . Schul z 34 J . O'neill 35 S . Orbons 36 A . Pendlebury 37 G. Catterall 38; M. Sanders 39 M . Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D . Wallace 43 R . Franc 43r M . O 'neill 46 D . Fazakedey 47 M . Turvey 48 G. Gilmore 49 S . SmRS 50 JComett 51 S . Capogreco 52 J . Bowes 53 J . Thomas 544" B Mcleod 55 M . Tull 57 C. Thomas 59 J . Maguire 60# T. Hams 61 T. Strathopoulos 62 M . Kennedy 64 B . Walpole 65 D. Harris 66 P. Clarke 67 M . Deluise 68# S . Greed 69 A. Dawdell 70 A. Quinn 71 M . Mora 72 N. Estrada 73 D. Clark 74 C. Pegg 75 S . Ml 76 A. Trevethan 77 G . Brady

in ,

tt Engineering

WEST BRUNSWIC K Coach : Angus Hamilton Res Coach : Damian Shaw

Res Coach : G . M.andas Mat Coach : G . Temes

1 J. Sparr<es 2 R . Thorp 3 J. Nation Sr T. Clevelan d 4 L . Gornnge 5 S. Moflram 6 S. Cracknel l 7 D . Zulicki 8 S. Hams 9 D . Moorfield 10 M. Butera it D . Forces 12 W . Smith 13 N . Rose


WERRIBEE Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach : Rob Rantino

1 G. Healy 2 I . Bingham 4 P. Henderson 5 I . Tura 6 D. Paolone 7 A, Bums (Res CaPt) 8 R. Bennett 9 D. Richardson

to G. Fox



is S. Carruthers

81 J. Sanson

88 P. Greenbank 85# N . Maguire 99 M. Higgin s

I D. Nedin;s (Res V/C) 2 C. Lee 3 D. Fiack 4 S. 5 B. Cunningham 6 M . Walsh 7 B. Somebrink 8 M . PalmuxJton 9 J.Ayling 10 M . Keogh (San Capt.) 11 M . Green 12 B. Black 13 R. 8e~ (Res Capt.) 14 J. Mares 14a Aa Taylor 15 A. Murphy 16 R. Daly 17 A Tedesco 18 D . Velisha 78a A. Marrow 19 S. Dahj 20 N . Renau t 27 A, Borg 22 A. Dibat!sta 23 D. Lee 24 L Carson 25 N . A.ddarrw 26 B. Vasaou 27 T. Davidson 28 D . Cza7owsk (San ViC} 29 P Spry 30 S. Simpson 32 M. Jordan 33 S. Wggms 34 F Mehmet 35 B. Bunwahh 36 A . Taylor 37 P. Keogh 38 T. Towers (Res V1C) 39 L Laru3f~~d 40 S. Fuller 41 G. Grogan 42 J . Purloin 43 A. Renaut 44 T Johnstone 45 GAlahakis 46 B . Patton 47 L. Moore 48 B . Stated 49 R . Zulian 50 C . Marcia 51 B . Daniels 52 S . Hart}ey 53 A . Vfa,dron 54 A . Hassell ~ E. 56 A . Ba.ker T ~ 58 J . Rant 59 B . Hardman SO M . Czapwslu 62 B . Russell 63 J . Callahan 64 M . Hallow 65 L Foster 66 L' Brooks 67 R. Hyssdi 68 M . Purion 69 A. Moir 70 S . WhrtuN

la M. Drai n 1 It A. Hamilton 2 P. Hamilton 3 B. Irving 4 C . Lehman n 5 A. Cannane 6 S. Pietsch (V. Capt ) 7 S. Benjamin (Capt .) 8 S. Monague 9 A. Morphett 10 D . Jelbart 11 P. Norman 12 T. Maguire 13 S. Brockley 14 C . Bowshall - Tanne r

15 J. t6 S. Edwards l 17 J. Haysey t8 G . Elli s 19 W. Touzel 20 R . Bamford 21 A. Thompson 22 N . Hart 23 D . Rudd 24 J . Jenkin 25 S. Smythe 26 R . Benjami n 27 D . Manoukin n 28 E. Waller 29 C . Sheed y 30 A . Good31 R . Mille r 32 J . Babon 33 T Thompson 34 I. Twyford 35 M . Carmichae l 36 Z. Rud d 37 T. Dempsey 38 D . Coonan 39 R . West 40 T. Fromhold 41 D . Garvey 42 B . Hogan 43 J . 44 T. Stone 45 C . Stephens 46 R . Howard 47 M . Quigle y 48 L. McGrego r 49 J . Haysey 50 N . Hutchens 51 L. Sherry 52 M . Gorm o 53 A . Hogan 54 A . Meilak 55 D. Chiechi 56 S . Darling 57 A . Williamson 58 D. Simmonds 59 N . Simmonds 60 M . Spragu e 61 K . Hilton 62 M . Curti s 63 J . Gartlan 64 L. Stewart (Res . Cpt.) 65 N. Seal 66 R. Hussey 67 J . Smith 68 J . Ward 69 M . Goona n 70 S . Jackson 71 M . Sloan 72 J . Hanson 73 R. Whit e 74 D. Dainton 75 J . Heywood 76 A. Minney

7t M .CanonS 79 J. Diker


Albie Firley

6 Brendan Devlin

5 Wavne Hinton

5 Max Wittman

6 Paul Hoffman

7 Sean Scully (Jnr)

7 Paul O'Loughlin

6 Dash Peiris

7 Robert O'Gorman

8 Bruno Savi

8 Steve Castersen

7 David Trott

8 Landan Blackhall (RDFL)

9 Russell Davidson

9 Steve Caple

8 Sean Brallsfor d

9 Matthew Brennan

10 Sean Scully (Snr)

11 Tom Haysom

10 Vaughan Sidebottom

10 Avi Wekselman

11 Dirk Krame r

12 Jamie Kvins

II Paul Tuppen

11 Luke Holmes

12 Daniel Silfti

14 Michael Gilday

12 Sean Rothe

12 Dean Schwa b

17 Geoff Caulfield

15 Phillip Callll

14 Ian Kennedy

14 Sharon Alger

18 Matthew Simpson

17 Brett Herskope

15 Michael Sneddon

15 Bob Kaindl

19 Andrew Fyfe

18 Tim Sutcliffe

16 Luke Moncrieff

16 Jack Fagan

20 Brian Woodhead

20 David D' Altera

17 David Anselmi

17 Mark Gibson

23 Peter Griffiths

23 Anthonv Calderone

18 Grant Joyner

18 Jason McNiece

24 Graham Templar

24 Miles Argall

19 Peter Pullen

19 Steve McCarthy

25 Lionel Katz

25 Richard Eastwood

21 David Iron s

20 Russell Nation

26 Daniel Dinneen

26 Sacha Koffman

22 David Longworth

21 Patrick Macho s

27 Anthony Simpson

27 Ron Johnso n

23 Robert Sneddon

22 Nick Fennessv

28 Ken McNiec e

28 Leah Gallagher

24 Nick Brow n

23 Paul Dinnee n

29 Peter James

29 Gerard Rolfs

25 Logan Smith

24 Graeme Hunichen

31 Robert Semmens (RDFL)

30 Simon Olive

26 Patrick Coulthard

25 Geoff Moore

32 Anthony Damen

31 Rob Schuller (RDFL)

27 PaulJones

26 Andrew Shiels

33 Michael Forde

29 Peter Liddell

28 Ron Martyn

30 Justin Lipson

34 Stephen Morgan

33 Simon Stokes

30 Anthony Lilley

32 Eli Have s

36 Jason Waszaj

.34 Jeremy Heffernan

31 Peter Angelis

33 Robert Maysto n

36 David Phillips

37 David Murray

33 Roland Fuhrmann

35 Jason Lane

37 Joseph Hartwig

36 Matthew Meie r

37 Matt Goold


E USE '71F

by Steve McCarthy & Leah Gallagher

Absent Last week we didn't see umpire Mark Gibson running around, not such a big deal as we have lots of umpires at this time being unavailable . What makes this interesting is that Gibbo in his 17 years umpiring with the VAFA has only missed one game previously, is he the Jimmy Stynes of the umpires? Not only a true professional but obviously a "Man of Steel" as well . Hopefully he's shrugged off that injury and he's back out in the centre today . A few of these younger umpires who tend to pull out of games with a little sniffle should take a leaf out of his book . Would certainly make life a little more bearable for Benny as well . We're all in this together guys !

ew of these younger umpires who tend to pull out of games with a little sniffle should ta ke a leaf out of his boo k. " Late thank you

The Glen Eira Football Club would like to thank field umpire Sharon Alger for her assistance to one of their injured players when playing against Fitzroy Reds last month . Sharon stopped the game and attended to the player until trainers could assist (with Glen Eria wishing to also thank the Fitzroy Reds trainers), although not accredited with the VAFA trainers association we believe her over 15 years as a nurse held her in good stead . Well done Shaggers . Little Simmo Congratulations to Anthony and Anne Simpson who recently discovered that they'll

be proud parents on January 2nd next year . Obviously Simmo has a very understanding and accommodating wife who has allowed all this to happen in the "off season" . We know how much you enjoy your pre-season training Simmo, so don't even think of using those excuses of late nights with nappies and feedings for you not being on the track. All the best ! Best OFF the ground Last Saturday's game at the Glenhuntly oval of Caulfield Grammarians was marred by an intruder on the field of play . Well, it wasn't really ON the field of play, it was actually ABOVE the field of play! Yes, the famous gum tree at the Racecourse end of the ground managed to stop two goals! We suppose it was OK, considering it was one for each side . Knowing how strict and green the local councils are these days about "gardening" we would imagine the Caulfield boys will just have to put up with it . So if any residents of Glenhuntly hear the sound of chainsaws late, late at night, they'll know what's going on . Semi-comeback Good to see former A section umpire Mark (Sally) Morrison umpiring the reserves for Whitefriars last weekend . Noticed you haven't lost those trigger-points, Morro! (That's not a reference to your cowboy boots .) We're pleased to see you pick up the oars again, and do what you do well .

Social event Our next event is the "Christmas in July" night on July 23rd in the Umpires Rooms . Tables are filling fast so don't forget to put your names on the list on our noticeboard .


BDFOGOO Beiersdorf Australia Lt d

Not often Match of the Season gets knocke d off as headline news however it occurred thi s week as Richmond Central saluted for th e irst time in quite awhile! All footy fans woul d have been happy to see the results (except off course North Brunswick fans) . Round 10 Review

Richmond got off to a great start against North Brunswick before the game evened up by half time . With the scent of victory in the air, Richmond weren't to be denied with Nuske and Liuzzi the stars . No excuses ventured by North who had Greening and Taleb as their best . Elsternwick did make it ten on end as they increased their lead each quarter against the second placed St.Mary's . The Saints were happy with the form of Cope (6 goals) and Armstrong whilst the Wicks were a bit quiet with their report . Albert Park recorded a solid win against Box Hill North . An even first term before the Falcons clicked into gear during the second stanza . Collins bagged another 6 goals for the winners in a great display . Penny again starred for Box Hill . Finally, Hawthorn recorded a solid win over Bulleen. Form fluctuated during the match before the Hawks managed to get on top in the third quarter . Hall and McKenna starred for the Hawks, as did Ad Collins on his return to the seniors . Cookson was excellent for Bulleen . No despair for Bulleen though, plenty of guns still to come back into the side .

ri isternwick's dominance is ' shown by the fact that they are now four games clear on top and all but guaranteed of the minor premiership."


Eltham had the week off. Preview

Elsternwick' s dominance is shown by the fact that they are now four games clear on top and all but guaranteed of the minor premiership . What is unclear however is who their dance partner will be in the Second Semi . Four sides separated by percentage only with two more sides just a game out . What D4 lacks in relegation suspense is more than made up in the finals fight ! Clinker of a game when Eltham host St .Mary's . These two sides played out an epic back in round 2, a game that gave an indicator that perhaps Eltham might be on track for a good year . Cope and Tagell have been dangerous all year for the Saints whilst the Turtles have mixed up down forward for most of the year . It's not that long ago that Eltham were in 7th spot but how they have risen . I think they will continue to run and perhaps start the process of deciding second spot .


!Si iQirl!

D4 Si ;CTIOAI Bulleen Cobras Badanjek 0 45 Elsternwick Hunter 4 42 Hawthorn Amateurs Lauletta 5 41 Albert Park Collins 6 39 Elsternwick S Grace 7 3 7 D4 RESERVE Eltham Krohn 0 34 Elsternwick Goldman 1 34 Albert Park S Allan 6 26


Richmond Centrals joy of breaking through will be short lived as they visit the rampaging Elsternwick . All positive for the Wicks, impossible to see them not making in eleventh heaven this week . Another interesting game as North Brunswick host Bulleen . How do you read the form of North? Some great wins, mixed with some poor losses . Bulleen, on the other hand, have also mixed it up a bit in recent weeks . Again, not quite a crunch match for the home side however a loss would leave them 2 games and plenty of percentage out of finals contention . Bulleen to rebound and head back into the four. Finally, injury ravaged Albert Park travel across to Hawthorn in the battle of The Birds of Prey" . The Falcons were great last week as they kept their finals candle burning whilst the Hawks were happy with the ongoing development of their fledgling Hawks . The Hawks might lose Jackomos due to a self sustained groin injury however should have enough ammunition to win . Milestones Either email me on ed.sillOolocker .com .au or ring on 0418348723 .

D4 SECTIO N 24 .16 (160) ALBERT PARK 5 .6 11 .7 17 .9 5 .2 6.5 12.7 15.14 (104) BOX HILL NORTH Albert Park: Collins 6 Morgan 4 Payne 3 S Allan 3 R Williams 2 Cain 2 R Baker Quinlan Hartnett Barley . Best: Cain Borley Collins S Bennett Morgan R W1Iliams . Box Hill North : Penny 5 KeWor 4 Olsen 2 Langley 2 Manno Riscalla . Best: Penny Sallantioglu Shilield Cummings Cook Liston . Umpires: Jason Evans Ron Johnson (F) Will Burne David Cameron (B) ELTHAM COLLEGIANS HAS THE BYE 4 .8 8 .12 12 .16 (88) ST MARYS 2 .3 ELSTERNWICK 4 .1 9.6 16 .9 21 .13 (139) St Marys : Cope 6 Schembrt 2 Grillo Tagel Koditowaku Purcell C Armstrong . Best : Cope L Armstrong C Armstrong Johnson Wigg Wright . Elst: S Grace 7 Hunter 4 Byrne 3 Foster 2 Curtain 2 Huggins Banky Murphy. Best : Stuchbery B Mahony S Grace Neill Cummins Hunter . Umpires: Brent Woodhead (Rot) Daniel Silfo (F) Kyle Mackey Peter Maddocks (G) RICHMOND CENTRAL 7 .4 8 .6 10 .11 15.11 (101) NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.3 8.6 9 .14 13 .18 (96) Rich Cent : Duklc 5 Moffatt 4 Nuske 3 Robertson 2 Quay . Best: Nuske Liuzzi Porteus Dukic Moffatt Kristof. Nth Brims: Newton 4 J Boudoloh 3 Giucas 3 Pollakis Sammartino Twaddle. Best: Taleb Giucas Greening J Boudoloh Newton Menta . Umpires : David D'Altera Mark Alexander (F) BULLEEN COBRAS 4 .1 7 .6 9 .10 13.15 (93) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 6.2 10.5 15.11 19 .14 (128) Bull Cob: Farcoracl4 T Sette 2 T Whittaker 2 B Cookson 2 T Fradkin T Pearson S PetreW . Best : B Cookson D Trinchl T Mehrez T Conn T Mellinger R Dacey . Raw: Lauletta 5 Jackomos 3 D Pritchard 2 Hall 2 Horse Spoons Sauce Tongue Rice Fulton Tyson . Best : L Collins Mal Ads Horse McKenna. '. Umpires: Jamie Mayhew-Sharp Bruno Savi (F) D4 RESERVE ALBERT PARK 4 .1 8.3 13.5 17 .7 (109) BOX HI LL NORTH 4 .3 5 .6 5 .8 9 .8(62) Albert Park : S Allan 6 Fairfield 4 Green 3 Sutton 3 P Smith. Best: Dudt Fairfield Price Sutton Williams S Allan . Box Hill Nth: That 2 Tambakts 2 Cavallo 2 Drew Shiba Kotsaridis . Best: Robinson Plunkett Thai Screen Callus Drew . ELTHAM COLLEGIANS HAS THE BY E ST TdARYS 0 .0 4 .6 5.11 7.12 (54) 3.2 4.8 4 .10 5 .12 (42) ELSTERNWICK St Marys : Mackenzie 2 Murphy 2 Hill F Harrison Frail. Best : C Adam Allen Mackenzie Hind Anders Gilchrist . Elst : Goldman Lasnttzki Leaper McAdam Pyman . Best: Brennan Leaper Elvin McAdam Contin Baribar . RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .2 2 .3 4 .5 5 .6(36) NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 .3 4.3 7 .6 12.9 (81) Rich Cent : Dalton 3 Lane Jones . Best : Prentice Guthrie Berimano

D4 SECTION Box Hill North - Bye Eltham Collegians v St Marys Elsternwick v Richmond Central North Brunswick v Bulleen Cobras Hawthorn Amateurs v Albert Park

Jones Gardiner Phelan. Nth Bruns : Papanastasatos 4 Carter 3 DiDomenica 2 Sorleto Hassoun Papanikolaou . Best: Said Sorleto Heck Hassoun Papanastasatos Tannous . 11.16 (82) BULLEEN COBRAS 7 .3 9 .6 10 .11 2.3 2.7 3 .9 4 .13 (27) HAWTHORN AMATEURS Bull Cob: M Rowe 3 S Tropea 2 S Fisher 2 J Redfern 2 D Palermo N Lykapandis. Best: D Palermo G Richards I McLeod J Redfern M Unwin M Rowe . Raw : C Ho 2 Pi Gelhardt. Best: Opie Begg C Farrelly Pi X Farrelly .


D4 Section ALBERT PARK AFC Coach: Pete Smith Res Coach: Paul Shoppee 1 P. Smith 2 N. Pastras 2 A. Morgan 3 R. Baker 3 P. Shakepeare 4 M . Naudi 5 S . Allan 6 J . Storey 7 S . Venables 7 M. Burton 8 N . Wheeler 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips 11 D . Bree 12 N . Langdon 13 B. Payn e 13 M . Tuffiin 14 M . Hyams 15 D . Bodey 15 P. Guicas 16 C. Roberton 17 S . Bennett 18 G. Collins 19 N . Cain 20 K . Grace 21 P. ShoPPee 22 J. Hannett 22 J. Marshal l 23 B. Harries 23 D. DeZoete 24 T. Green 25 J. Wier 26 B. Moore 27 A . Jackson 28 R. Allan 29 R. Humphrey 30 W. Johnson 31 S . McGuire 31 J . Williams 32 M. Smith 33 M. Wall 34 T. Houston 35 S. Toth 35 C . Downie

36 J. Dudi 37 L. Hogan 38 S. Fairfield 41 R. Williams 42 C. Cook

44 B . Isard 45 J . Agar 46 G. Price 48 M . Snowden 50 S. Thompson 51 J. McKay 52 D . Allan 53 M. Williams 55 D . Quinlan 57 J. Sutton 57 J. Baker 58 S. Gitsham 59 L. Barr 60 V. Surace 62 P. Crame r 77 S . Garcia 78 T. Tuhoro

79 S . Thompson 80 J . Bowlby


Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Jon Pratt 1 G . Wilson 2 C. Riscalla 3 A. Odza 4 T. Manno 5 J . Garrett 7 S . Stewart 8 C. Langley 9 A . Sallanti oglu 10 S . Cook 11 T. Thoi 12 A . Dick

13 M. Cumming 14 L . Penhalluriack 15 L . Keiltor 16 M. Penny 16 W. Drew 17 G . Cavallo 18 C. Butler 19 C. Callis 20 K. Okifield . 22 A. Steele 23 D. Penny 23 J . Naumovski 24 P. Doyle

25 P. Kotsaridis 26 R . Ball 28 Z. Veleski 29 M. Rogers 30 B. Olson 31 D . Olson 32 I . Oldfield 33 M. Marinovic 34 H. Ho 35 C. Liston 36 S. Russell -~A J . DAmato 39 J . Tambakis 40 D. Worrell

41 P. Currie 42 A . Taruili 43 R . Doyle 44 C . Garrett 45 M . Sinfield 46 P. Mortimer 47 A. Andrews 49 T. Ellis 50 C . Irvine 52 S. D'arcy 53 N . Chau 54 L. Van den Akker 55 J . Pratt 56 H. Shiba 57 M . Mason 58 M . Azmi 59 J . Screen 60 N . Benbow 61 J . Howarth 62 C . Henry 63 J . Aspinall 64 J. Vagias 65 D . Woolridge 66 C . Plunket t 67 A. Manerheim

68 N . Galil 69 B. Pearce 70 H. Gist 73 D. Francis 76 M . Lacey 78 A. Leavers 79 G. Bennett

80 S . Evans 81 J . Hopes 82 D . Dovaston 84 M . Lace y

BULLEEN COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Angelo Res Coach : TBA

2 T. Orwin 3 S. McLaren Capt 4 N. Cartledge 5 M . Mann 6 G . Fortune 7 T. Mehrez 8 T. Mazzarella 9 M . Kyriakou 10 C. Powderham 11 A . DeJong 12 P. Whitehouse 13 N . Edgar 14 T. Fradkin 15 J. Trinchi 16 D . Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 B. Thomas 20 J. McQuatter 21 N. Lykopandis 22 J . Daniels 23 A . Nasr 24 R. Games 25 W. Olney 26 M . Nathanielsz 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 R . Sheehan 30 B. Cookson 31 R . Pasinati 32 S. Wagg 33 A. Cook 34 M . DAngelo 35 M . Unwin 36 P. Dall'Oglio 37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 C . Chan 40 G. Richards 41 C . Borrelli 42 V. Dam 43 T. Whittaker 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 N . Khalil 46 J. Lewis 48 M . Soumeilidis 49 G . Anderton 50 R. Lock 51 R. Daley 52 T. Salle 53 R . Rodrigues 54 S . Nelson 55 N . Polites 56 I. Baccini 57 C . Batt 58 T. Moore 59 R . Hadisutanto 60 J. Lowrie 77 S. Fisher 101 J. DAngelo


Coach : Dennis Grace Asst P McNally Coach Res: M Hoskin g i L. Murphy 2 A. Hamkm 2 L. Y~ingfeld 4 D. Grace 5 M . Whelan 5 K . Cummins 6 M. Thiele 7 J . McAdam -RC8 S. Currie 8 M' Greene 9 T. Hartley 10 T. H ns 11 L . Mi~ssialglia 12 P. Neville 13 S. Soppet 14 B. Mahany -VC15 C. McKenn a 16 M . Surman 17 J . Perkins 18 A . Neill 19 J . Hunter 20 E . Goldman 21 P. Stuchberry 22 G. Elvin

23 S. Curtain 24 A. Foster 25 T. Cotter

26 C . Mahony -C27 J. Banky 28 W. Morgan 29 S. Mahony t 30 T. Put 31 A. Lasnitzki 32 B . Mason 33 M . Cunningham 34 T. Leaper 35 P. McNally 36 J . Pyman 37 D . Nolan

38 B . Anderson 39 M. Tennant 40 A. Paley 41 D . Byme 42 J. Lilikakos 43 P. Clarke 44 S. Grace -VC45 J. Kaicer 46 L. Ryan 47 T. Perkins 46- M . Noonan

49 J. Banbar 50 M . Nicol 51 M . McKenna 52 E . After 53 A . Lewis

54 K. Poller 55 H . McGregor 56 P Freedman 57 M. Creak 58 B. Ellis 59 C. Spence 60 L. Smith 61 R. McKenna 62 B. Torrance 63 N. Anderson

64 M . Mandate 65 D. Brennan 66 M . Hosting 67 S. Gordan 68 M . Daniels

69 N. Utting 70 A . Conlin 71 S . Thompson 72 T. Marchetti 73 M. Nicol 74 A. Burne y

86 G. Archer

Rising Sun Hotel Richmond and Rising Sun Hotel -

South Melbourne

88 M. Edgley 89 S. Yalamanchile 99 G . Robinson 111 A. Maguire



Coach : Wayne Reardon Res Coach : Paul Gregor 1 T. Andrews 2 D . Lync h 3 E . Savage 4 L . Mason (VC ) 5 L . Austi n 6 J. Galvin (C) 7 B. Rashid 8 B. Jorgensen 9 C. Watson 10 B . Marshal l 11 J . Mizzi 12 M . Blagrov e 13 M . Luttick 14 R . Runco 15 J . Paisle y 16 D . Brick 17 T. Wenbom 18 B. Galvin 19 J. Gilbert 20 S. Westo n 21 M . Hart 22 R. Foo (VC) 23 T Carte r 24 A. Hargrav e 25 R. Thomas 26 J . Glare 27 J . Stockdale 28 M. Pattison 29 D . Howgat e 30 M. Abbott 31 B. Kelehe r 32 C . Baud 33 A. Howgate 34 J. Howgate 35 M. Crooks 36 N. Ryall 37 P. Kroh n 38 A. Mo k 39 A . McClaren 40 B . Bau d 41 T. Kurtschenko 42 C . Cono4e 43 R . Carrucan 44 N . Dunca n 45 A. Whyte 46 S. Clark 47 A. Emin i 48 B. Turney 49 L. Barnes 50 B . Richardso n 51 J . Simpson 52 D. Justice 53 J . Foo 54 S . Todman 55 K. Toulson 56 A . Lov e 58 N . McPherso n 59 B. Evan s 61 A. Stockdale 63 L. Ogilvie


Trash in' Stas h Village Roadsho w




Coach : Peter Tyson Res Coach : Patrick Ryan

Coach: Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Harry Tsialtas

ta M. McVeigh to B. Blakeman 2a J . Ridley 2b J . Thompson 3 A. Collins 4 N . Ma rtin 5 S. Ave ry 6 P. Avery 7 C. Alexander 8 S. Gatiss 9a R. Ogge (vc) 9b M . Houareau t0 J. Hall tt J. Dawson 12 J. Pi 13 J. Murphy 14 D. Laulett a Š 15 M . Tyson 16a C. Rice t6b J. Shepherd 17 B. Ruzicka 19 T Hyland 20 S. Parker 21 P. Clennett 22 D. McClenchy 23 L. Collins 24 J . Jackomos 25 T. Ryan 26 B. Collins 27 L. Flannigan 28a D. Mackenzie 28b T. Crivelli 29 K. Rimmer 33 M . Caruana 35 S . Davies 36 M. Sheridan 37 C. Jarvis 43 1 . Chepa 44 B . Alder 46 T. 0'Hanlon 55 A . Saulle 58 T. Dixon 59 G. Cade 62 D. Pritchard 75 M. Daou 80 N . Exton

1 D . Newton 2 D . Adams 3 D . Orr 5 H . Hassan 6 D . Pizzari 7 J. Bri fta 8 S. Menta 9 A. Sammartino 10 A. Mountney 11 J. Boudoloh 12 P. Tannous 14 M. Sorlete 15 H . TsiaHas 16 S. Tsialtas 17 A. Taha 18 R . Mason 19 L . Spano 20 A. Said 21 R. Santacroce 22 J. Freeman 23 D. Kehagias 24 A. Belbin 25 L. Greening 26 M . Taha 27 N. Pollokis 28 T. Ackland 30 D. Ca rter 31 A . Boudoloh 32 B . Robertson 33 J . Ferns 34 M . Pisasale 36 A . Taha 37 C. Twaddle 38 E . Caccamo 39 C. Rhook 40 B . Mc Callum 41 A . Taha 42 J . Papanikolaou 43 F. Papanastasatos 44 D . Donnelly 45 G. Panagiotidis 46 F. Vale ri 47 P. Micallet 48 J . Wolter 49 S . Hearn 50 P. Giucas 51 N . Giovanoglou 52 K . Hassoun 57 S . Nabbs 62 B . Carter 66 R . Pretty 67 J . Heck 67

RICHMOND CENTRAL Coach: Thomas Dukic Res Coach : Steven Lake

1 W. Old 2 T. Quick 4 D. Miller 5 B. Porteus 6 T. Dukic 7 S . Lynch 8 D. Speakman 9 A . Piani 10 A . Zucca ro 11 S . Lake 12 S . Britter 13 J . Goode 14 J . Mcgrath 15 C . Barry 16 J . Birt 17 J . Neilson 18 A . Taylor 18 P. Moulday 19 C . Quay 20 D . Bergin 21 D . Phelan 22 J . Petering 23 B . Breese 24 T. Guth ri e 25 A. Read 26 R . Prentice 27 N . Nuske 28 C . Dimitriou 29 S. Hillier 30 L . Fotheringham 31 Retired Jumper 33 P. Berimano 34 M. Vervoom 35 P. Krisohos 36 G . Evans 37 D . Green 38 M. Defreitas 39 H . Dautovic 40 M. Pesco tt 41 C . Duff 42 D . Trenellen 44 G . Begley 46 M. Jones 47 M. King 49 P. Brunt 50 A. Tilley 51 D. Moffat 52 J. Pike 53 J. Robertson 54 C. Cartw ri ght 55 M . Davies 56 T. Kristof 57 M . Goonan 57 E. Hill 58 M . Hanna 59 W. Bracken 60 B. Jolley 61 P. Karamichabs 62 G . Gardiner 63 T. Soderstrom 64 A. Musey 65 D. Coromande l 67 J . Lane 69 T. Melville

ST.MARYS A.F.C . Coach ; ~Lestmonth Res Coach: George Kaxrrar tate es M. Ban ks I 2 B. Perelberg 3 G . Schembri 4 A. Ballantyne 5 A. Lane 6 C. Weller 7 A. Dwyer 8 R. Kodituwaku 9 C. Armstron g 10 D. Cope 11 J. Bernard 12 S. Nicholson 13 J. Hill 14 L. Goldsworthy 15 M . Purcel l 16 M . rtikman 17 L. Anthony 18 B . Frad 19 V. Ryan 20 A. Waller 21 M . Gilchrist 22 C Adam 23 F. Har rison 24 A . Latimer 25 M . Black 26 S . Cri lly 27 S . Grillo 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harriso n 30 M, Lync h 31 H . Adam 32 S . Johnston 33 C . Ferg 34 L. Armstrong 35 G. Theohanis 36 B . Graetzer 37 C . Freshwate r 38 S . Griffi n 39 B . Richardson 40 M. Karis 41 T. Cummin s 42 M. Davies 43 L. Razga 44 G. Koumantataki s 45 M. Maschette 46 T. Tahas 47 P. Rousis 48 M. Good 49 W. Smith 50 C . Wigg 51 N . Andrews 52 0. Hind ~ D.~~ 54 P. Goonan 55 B. Tagell 56 P. Roseman 57 A. Bull 58 J. Wright 59 C. Mackenzie 60 'W. Go ldsworthy 62 L . Dastoli 64 C. Chan 69 P. Murphy




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77 S . Liuzzi 79 A . Rojter 80 D. James-Schirmer


Finals eligibility rules are found under Rules 51-55 of the Association . Below is a brief summary. Senior -(1 st XVIII teams) Any registered player with hybrid arrangement, the following shall apply . a permit can play finals (except AFLNFL players with Where a club has two U19 teams a player must have a permit - see below) . not played more than 10 matches with the U191 side Reserve - (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be to play in the (2) team. registered and must have played at least four (4) To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player reserve grade matches and not more than ten (10) must have represented the hybrid team in (5) first senior matches in the home and away games (first round matches - not including finals. round) . Club XVIII teams - Players must be registered and Where both first and second XVIII's are playing on have played in at least four (4) Club XVIII matches the same day the reserve grade player must only have (for the team they wish to represent) and not have played two (2) games in either the seniors or played in more than a total of eight (8) senior and reserves to qualify. reserve matches during the first round . For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different Where a club has two or more Club XVIII teams a days of the same weekend (ie . 1 st semi Saturday, 2nd player must have not played more than 8 matches semi Sunday - read as above teams playing on the with (either of) the higher placed side(s) to play in a same day) . lower team's final . Under-19 teams - Players must be registered and An AFL or VFL listed player will be eligible to play in hold a permit. If a player has played an aggregate of the finals for his VAFA club as long as he has played more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches for the team he have played more than 5 Under-19 matches during wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of the season . these matches must have been played after June If a player is ineligible due to having played more than 30th . 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain A TAC Under 18 player must have played five (5) selection in his club's senior team in the first second VAFA matches for the VAFA team he wishes to round match, he is then eligible to play in any represent in the finals . For TAC players there is no subsequent Under 19 final . requirement to play a certain number of matches Where a team has (2) U19 teams or is involved in after June 30th .

ELS1'E I PARK GATE S The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St. Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 46 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

Round 6 We had 3 games at Parkville that all turned out to be one sided . The first game played was between Maribynong 2 7 .5(50) and Port Colts 2 0 .4(4), Were we saw the doggies being just too good strong on the day . The second game was a good confidence booster for the magpies winning 7 .11(53 ) To the travel sick Ovens & Murray 2 2 .3(15) . The final game of the day was competitive for a quarter then the muscle of the Port Colts 1 were flexed winning easily 9 .8(62) to another travel sick Ovens & Murray 1 1 .2(8) . Maribyrnong I forfeited to Kananook 1 . The next set of matches were played at Mazenod were we saw the upset of the round . Mazenod Panthers 1 3 .5(23) went down to a determined Kananook 2 17 .10(112) the Kananook boys were just to good on the day . The other game played was a very close encounter where two gutsy teams went goal for goal all day. The final result Ringwood 6 .4(40) defeating a gallant Mazenod 2 5 .6(36) . Bulleen Templestowe hosted a struggling Parkside and gave them an absolute hiding . The end score Bulleen Templestowe 15 .15(105) destroying Parkside 1 .1(7) .

Werribee hosted 2 exciting games with close results. The first game played was a heart stopper, it was a tough, hard, close battle all game with the hosts Mambourin 2 .6(18) falling over the line against a brave Broadmeadows Kangas 2 1 .9(15) . The second game was played between Broadmeadows Kangasl and Ballarat but it was the flag favourites, Ballarat, winning. No scores were available from this game . Round 7 Here we go another round of brilliant FIDA football . Maribynong are to host two games which are building up to be great games . Maribynong 1 are playing Ballarat in the first match and I think the Knights are going too well to lose, despite the game being at the Doggies home . Ballarat by 3 goals . The next game should see Maribynong 2 win comfortably over the Ringwood Blues by 5 goals . Q THE AMATEUR

Port Colts 1 are due to play Kananook 2 and this will be a close game but the home ground will give the colts a slight advantage . Colts by 9 points . The next game will be a cracker, Port Colts 2 vs Moonee Valley and this will be a showcase game so in saying that I think the Colts 2 by 3 points . Off to Albury were we will see Ovens & Murray i Destroy a hapless Parkside by 13 goals and the Jets 2 will win by the barest of margins against Mambourin in the upset of the round . Mazenod are to host 3 games this week . The first game is between Mazenod 2 and Broadmeadows Kangas 2, this game will be close for a half then Broadmeadows Kangas will turn it on in the second half to win by 5 comfortable goals. The next game is between the 2 Division one sides were we will see a competitive game between Broadmeadows Kangas 1 and Kananook 1 . Based on form Kananook by 29 points . The last game of the round is between Mazenod 1 and Bulleen Templestowe, I think the Panthers will bounce back big from last week's defeat and win by 6 goals .

That raps up another round of FIDA football . RlpA LAIII)EIRS DIV ISIDt11 P W L 13 F A速st % Pts NORTr BA1:LARAT KNIGHTS 3 3 0 0 168 103 163 .11 12 KA1dAtl00KTSGERS1 3 2 1 0 182 61 298 .36 8 N3AR6{RNONG BULLDOGS1 3 1 2 0 102 167 61 .08 4 BROAD'1 J+DOWS KANGAS 1 3 0 3 0 72 164 43 .90 0 Ladders unable to be updated due to no score from Ballarat v Broadmeadows I DIVISION 2 P W L D F Agsi PORT COLTS 1 4 3 1 0 241 91 264 .84 12 KANANOOKTIGERS2 4 3 1 0 263125 210 .40 12 MAZENOD PANTHERS 1 4 3 1 0 326 171 190 .64 12 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOINE 4 3 1 0 207 136 15221 12 OVENS & MURRAY 1 4 1 3 B#12 223 50 .22 4 PARKSIDE 4 0 4 0 28 468 5.98 0 DIVISION 8 P W 1. p F Aesl % Pis MARiBYRNONGBULLD(3GS2 4 4 0 0 212 63 336 .51 16 MAMBOURIN 4 3 2 0 121 99 122.22 12 PORT COLTS 2 4 3 1 0 124 129 96 .12 12 BROADMEAfiOWSKANGAS2 4 2 2 0 182 144 175 .00 8 MOONE VALLEY MAGPIES 4 2 2 0 132 155 85 .16 8 RINGWOOD BLUES 4 1 3 0 113 131 86,26 4 OVENS & MURRAY JETS 2 4 1 3 0 62 205 30 .24 4 MAZENOI3PANTHERS 2 4(I 4 0 146136 162,94 0 # had bye last round ' Received fo rfeit last roun d




Section One the da y St Kevins slumped to their fourth defeat in five however was games last weekend, succumbing to a strong Old Angus Greene Xaverians side away at McHaIe Stadium . Entering who bagged 7 the game undermanned an d with a number of injuries, St Kevins were in large and then slotted into the backline where he the game until halfway through the second term when the home side and Duckers intercepted and rebounded the kicked away Sharks' desperate forays . End result - a 174 point . Struggling to recapture the form that saw the side win their opening five games, St turn around from round 1 . Nice . Tips Kevins will be desperate for the half-a-doze n players promoted to the 'ones' to return as the The Friars' joy is short-lived - Bears by 22 points . Wellers to skip over the Fields by 8 goals . business end of the season nears . In the round's other games, Old Scotch got home by 2 points in a Two in a row for Trinity by 4 goals . thriller against Old Rupo by 52 points over Beauy . Brighton, Marcellin ended St Bernards winning streak with a comfortable 43 Carey to bat and rack 'em up . point win, while De La weren't troubled at home Section Three against Uni Blues, with Dwyer and Close both Review kicking four in a 79 point win . The Blacks' second semester was far superior than Ladder-leaders Marcellin will be out to stamp thei , authority on the competition when they host lowly- T a Trobe's, with Ross the dux of the class baggin g placed Old Brighton this weekend 10 majors, whilst young Van Ooi played well for the . Brighton will be vanquished . The Unicorns' second term was full of confidence after almost snatching victory from Old Scotch last weekend, however tackling brilliant and set up a minor upset victory over th e Marcellin at home is a completely different matter . Marcellin by at least ten goals . Hoping to stay clear of the battle for a spot in the four, Collegians host St Bernards at Harry Trott Oval in a game the home side would be expecting to win . Fresh from an extra week on the track Collegians should have little trouble disposing of the eighth-placed side , U19(11 Collegians by 31 . In the round's other games, De La Old Xaverians Handley 39 over Old Scotch, and Old Xavs to beat Uni Blues St Kevin s . O'Rourke 3 34 Old Scotch Section Two Tummel 2 25 Old Brighton Review Salem 0 24 Old Camberwell walked over OMs and Rupo's Harrison, Quigley and Pretty feasted (though good to see OEG playing again) . We then get to the upsets, which included Banyule over a compiace m Carey by 11 goals . The Friars were seeking revenge against Caulfield and, despite going in without a ruckman, Torney and Mirabella proved handy targets (post yr 12 formal!) and Fulton & Abdallah were in great form . A really tight game saw th e home side only 7 points up at the final change . Whitefriars had the petrol tickets to seriously motor home, thanks to the great pressure they applied earlier. Finally to Trinity's first proper win this season, the fruits of 2 month's of genuine hard work . The Hyphen and the unsung Hickie were great link-men between the commanding defence of The Ox, and the power marking of Dippa . The hero

U19 I2 1

Banyule Viewbank Old Carey Whitefriars Old Camberwell UI (3) Uni Blacks Oakleigh Monash Blues U19 (BLUE) Mazenod Salesian Scorpians Peninsula Ormond t119 (_RED) Emmaus SL

Bulleen Templestow e Aquinas

Tsingaris 5 47 Tirus 4 45 Torney 8 33 Tolson 0 31 Battista 4 44 Cleary 5 44 Collins 0 31 Bogar 6 58 Singh 3 48 D Smith 4 44 R Chisolm 13 41 Croughhan 0 38 P Voglis 4 30 Raggazoni 0 2 7


Hoers . Meanwhile, Oakleigh asserted themselves early over the Tigers, and controlled proceedings throughout. Donato & Cleary were in fine form for Oakleigh, who now find themselves entrenched in third spot . The Demons recovered from an ordinary start to comprehensively outplay the Jackas . McIntyre slotted home 6 large ones and Lewis bobbed up again . The Raiders ensured there was no complacency against the Ashers and went on to record a solid win against the plucky students . Undaunted by the lack of onfield snags, the Monash boys dominated in the post-match snag department, delivering a brilliant effort at the sausage sizzle! ! Tips La Trobe to bounce back by 3 goals Oakleigh on song again by 51 points The Tiggers Back In Town by 37 points Le Raiders to prevail by 6 goal s Blacks by 15 goals, Ashers to clean up at the BBQ . Section Blue Hampton Rovers jumped out of the blocks making all the play early, but the Scorpions clicked into gear to take a 6 goal quarter time lead . From that point, the Scorpions had to fend off repeated attacks from a determined Rovers side, keen to cement their spot in the final four. For Salesian, Dunne was superb, Butterfield again shutdown his forward, and Crowley played his best game to date . Rovers' better players included Mr. Kobayashi ,(fresh from The Usual Suspects police interview?) and Suleyman . The big surprise win for the Bloods over De La begs the question - are there some schoolboys helping out whilst on holidays, or did Lappa's regulars pull one out of the box? Mazenod ventured to Clayton and it was a close struggle all day. Mazenod's skills were the difference between the two sides and the visitor's team effort, in sticking to the task and making every contest count, went a long way to a hard-fought win . In an entertaining shootout at the Gunn, the major gun째slinger was Robert Chisholm who may have the ground re-named following his 13 goal effort, including a left foot boomerang from the Memorial Tennis Court Forward Pocket . Tips Scorps by 28 points Bloods by 7 goals on Oval #2 Nodders in an upset by 8 points Peninsula likewise at home by 13 point s Section Re d Therry Penola inflicted one of the season's biggest thrashings last weekend, disposing of Rupertswood by 210 points . Elmi kicked eight and Keenan five, with the home side recording 59 scoring shots to 4 in one of 2005's most comprehensive victories . Clearly struggling for numbers, Rupy should be commended for simply fielding a side, and for 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

rallying in the last term to at least register one major on the scoreboard . In the round's other games, Aquinas slumped to their second successive defeat after spending more than two months unbeaten at the top of the Red Section ladder. Thrashed by 78 points by mid-table Old Westbourne, Aquinas remain at 8-2 but will clearly need to regroup in the coming weeks . In other games, Fitzroy defeated Old Scotch by 64, and Bulleen edged out Kew by 14 points . After two shock-losses in succession Aquinas will be aiming to return to the winner's list this weekend when they host mid-table Therry Penola . Three weeks ago Aquinas would have gone into this afternoon's game as unbackable favourites, but a reversal in results over the past fortnight will see the Bloods start as underdogs . Therry will need to kick just a third of last weekend's score to get up, and should further Aquinas' woes with an impressive away win. TP by 21 . In the round's other games, Fitzroy to beat Rupertswood, Emmaus St Leos to; down Kew, and Bulleen to beat Old Scotch in the battle of the cellar-dwellers .

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 St Kevins - Bye

Collegians v St Bernards Marcellin v Old Brighton Old Scotch v De La Salle University Blues v Old Xaverians UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Banyule Viewbank v Whitefriars Caulfield Or v Old Camberwell Old Melburnians v Old Trinity Beaumaris v Rupertswood Old Essendon Or v Old Carey UNDER-19 SECTION 3 La Trobe Uni v MHSOB - Heidelberg Football Ground, Heidelberg (32 C4 ) Old Ivanhoe v Oakleigh St Bedes Merit Tig v AJAX Bentleigh v Old Paradian s

Monash Blues v University Black s UNDER-19 (21 BLUE Salesian Scorpions v De La Salle (2) - at Waverley Reserve, Mt Waverley (61 G12) Old Haileybury v Oakleigh Clay s

Mazenod 0 C v Ormond - at 1 .30 p.m. Peninsula 0 B v Hampton Rovers UNDER-19 (2l RED Old Scotch v Bulleen Templestowe Kew v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Old Westbourne - By e Aquinas 0 C v Therry Penola 0 B Rupertswood (2) v Fitzroy Reds 49

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 3.2 9.3 15.4 17.5 (107) ST ILEVBBS 4.4 5.7 8 .8 9.9(63) Details not received. Umpires: David W2ndlow (C 18) Josh White-Spier (F) Brent Reid Andrew Summers (G) COLLEGIANS HAS THE BY E ST BERNARDS 1 .1 5.7 5 .9 10.15 (75) MARCELLIN 4 .5 8.7 11 .11 17.16 (118) St Bern : W Raffle 2 Schroder 2 Indementco Marian C Vale Creasev Rumialls Ryan. Best : Basseggio ]ndemenk•o Marian W Raffle A Stapleton Schroder . Marc: Wtnstanley 3 Stafford 3 Hogarth 2 Birrell 2 Tabbacheirra 2 Turner 2 Montagna 2 Pell. Best: Boyd Cinsidine Mantagna Smes Turner Valsorda . Umpires: Richard Yarn Ian Kennedy (F) Katie White-Spier (B ) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .4 5.8 11 .13 16.15 (111) OLD SCOTCH 7.4 9 .9 12 .10 17.11 (113) Old Br. Blatt 6 Jennings 3 Easgate 2 Sest 2 Presnell Mentlplay . Best: Jennings Geddes Blatt Tregear Cooney Mulligan . Old Sc: Pearse 5 Bradley 3 Tesdorpe 2 Tummel 2 Haines 2 Harknest Whitehead Gray . Best : Gray Parisi Ay)ett Tesdorpe Gherardtn Hocking . Umpires : Mark Farrell (F) Chris Thorburn James Travers (B) Richard Keane (G ) DE LA SAId.E 3.4 9.8 13.14 18.17 (125) UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.3 4 .7 5 .8 6.10 (46) DLS: Dwyer 4 Close 4 Edwards 2 Pitcher 2 Keely Nethersole Thompson Bull Fenton Donegan . Best : Fenton Close Dwyer Bull Koyess Hesse . Unit BluesGilbertson 2 Minns 2 McCarty Brennan . Best: Farrell Wood Elliot Carmody Dwyer Bronts . Umpires: David Anselmi Tom Windlaw (C 18) (F) Simon McInerney Anita Missiha (B) UNDER-19 SECTION 2

Counihan Harold Mackenzie. Best: Donato Harold Barrand Bond Cleary North. St B/MT: Fredman 2 Kelly 2 Mattingly 2 Faulkner Hunter . Best: Mauritz Faullmer Marks Parker Mattingly Burger. Umpfres: Brett Bazley Thu Saunders (F) AJAX 3.3 3 .7 5 .10 05.13 (43) BENILEIGH 1 .5 5.11 12.13 15.19 (109) AJAX- Graf 2 Blusztein Shmerltng Smith . Best: Bruce Rotstein Kochen wolman Graf Goldstein . Bent: McIntyre 6 Fogarty 2Lewis 2 Morrison 2 MeehanRassi A West. Best: Coles Dewar Lewis Vacala McIntyre West McLeod, Umpires : Jamfe Mayhew-Sharp Nathan Sheppard (F) Bob Mutton Peter leionotti (B) Craig Amol Michael Lee (G) OLD PARADIANS 4.6 16.13 21 .18 34.23 (227) MONASH BLUES 0 .2 1 .2 1 .3 3.4(22) Old Par: Zt}anovic 7 Holden 6 D Clayton 5 BugeJa 4lrnine 4 Crosthaaite 2 Vanente 2 Kreuzer 2 Kandllakis Patena . Best : Valente N Pratt Solomon Vincent D Richardson Irvine . Mon Blues: Haviick Cnnkshank Ngyuen. Best Jacobson Barton Vincent Cruik :hank Harding Vandeuere. Umpires: Jason Lane Patrick Couthard (F) UNDER-19 f21 BLUE HAMPTON ROVERS 0.2 5 .3 6.7 8 .10(5-8) SALESIAN SCORPIONS 5 .6 8.8 8 .11 10 .15 (75) Ham2# Row Ross 3 Gleeson 2 Kobayashi O'Brien Rootsey . Best Suleyman McDonald Skewrs ZampagUone Hendry Kobayashi. Sales Scorp: Sing 3 Toga 2 Crowley Curtis Phipps Jordan Kelly . Best: Crowley Ton4vzo Testa Butterfield Kelly Dunne . Umpires : Tom Haysam Dean Schwab (F) Keith Lewis Brendan Dowling (B) Dan Frazier Dantel Reid (G ) DE LA SALLE 0.3 3.5 7 .6 13.7 (85) OLD HAB .EIBURY 6.5 9.7 13.11 16.14 (110) OLD CAREY 4.4 6.9 8 .13 10.13 (73) BANYULE•VVIEWBANK 4 .2 8.6 12.8 21 .15 (141) DLS: Monwod 6 Dowling 3 Tortola Hassaballa Fisher Robson . Best : Flanigan Old Caxep: Ttras 4 Carpenter 2 Baker Latdlaw Wagner. Best : Partisan Van Keaney Fisher Morwvod Fletcher Toniolo . Old HsB : Johnson 6 Dolman 4 Cuylanberg McQueen Baker Tiras Willingboro . Benyvlc VB: Tsungaris 5 Korlos 3 Ellis Elliot . Best: Johnson Dolman Follno Davis Casey Wyeth . Drapac 6 Brockwell 3 Shepard-Mueller 2 Satter 2 O Donnell B Dinieck Doyle Umpires : Darren Rowlinson Mark Duthie ( ) Swift. Best: Toull G. Dimeck Suitt 0 Donnell Tsungaris Moors . Umpires : Andrew Smith Christian Schaefer (F) Tristan Collin Marcus Lefebure (G) WIHTEFRIARS 5 .1 6 .4 10.8 21 .18 (142) CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 3.3 6.8 8.13 8 .16 (64) White: Torney 8 Mirabella 4 Carruthers 3 Brescia 2 Abdallah 2 O'Callaghan Spurrell. Best: Mirabella Torney Abdallah Fulton Greenland Brosolo . Cask A

OAKLEIGH CLAYS 1 .4 4.10 8 .12 12.15 (87) MAZENOD 1.5 4 .6 9.9 15.9 (99) OakldgL Clays : K Nguyen S Levy D Gait 2 J Simon B Forbes S Gallagher J Sa}enko L DeGeorge B Osbourne . Best S Levy D Carl S Gallagher L DeGeorge

J Evangalista J Prappas. Maa: N Bogar 6 N Graham 5 J Pudderham S Moran T Balky F Deegan . Best: S Moran N Graham D Regan M Pecora N Cramen F Goold 4 A Clarke C May MeCahan Parker. Best: Biggs A Goold Noblett S Wood ' . Deegan. Umpiresc David Ewens John Hughan (F ) A Clarke Parker. Umpires: Peter Cahill Peter Pullen (F) ORMOND 4 .9 14.13 19 .18 28.19 (187) OLD CAMBERWELL 8 .7 11 .9 15 .11 (101) 25.16 (16b) ..', PENINSULA OB 4 .4


8.9(57 L

)OldMeburniasf OLD TRINITY 5 .5 7.9 13.10 15.11 (101) BEAUMARIS 4.3 8.8 11 .13 11 .16 (82) Old Trim Greene 7 Smith 2 Stewert 2 Stockdale Bilney A Bourke Blythman . Best: Green Smith Glalm-Bertelsen HickFe Okttleld A Bourke. Beason Clemente 3 Imlach 2 Hill 2 Scrivenor 2 Gillespie Cupples . Best Waller McKenzie Bramwell Gillespie Giles Blk.met Umpires: Brian Nunn (C 18) Simon Pearless(C 18) (F ) RUPERTSWOOD 11.4 23 .8 33.12 44.18 (282) OLD ESSENDON 0 .1 1 .1 1 .3 1 .3(9) Rupists: Harrison 10 Quigley 8 Pretty 6 McPhee 3 Hotles 3 Baddeley 2 Alpert 2 Tennant 2 Glenn 2 Dean Disalvatore Ennis Jones Morrison Gregory . Best : Pretty Quigley Harrison MePhee Glenn Baddeley. Did Ess: Caponetto. Best : Schappaches Caruso Nadgklskl Gough. Umpires : Sean Scully Snr David Wheeler (RFL) (F) James Scully (B) UNDER-19 SECTION 3 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.4 7.6 15 .12 21.18 (144) LATROBE UNI 4.3 6 .4 7.5 13 .6 (84) Uni Blacks: Ross 10 Battleta 4 Mtkus 3 Close 2 Bell Fleming. Best Napier Ross Lelxce Mikus Close Stringer . Latrobe : Holland 5 Glaugh 3 Clark Van Oat Minchinton McLean Tolllday . Best: Holland Van Gai McLean MeGaugh Wilson Knight . Umpires. Nathan Sheppard Matt O'Keefe (F) MHSOB 2 .7 9.12 15.16 18.22 (130) OLD IVANHOE 2.3 4.7 9 .12 13.18 (96) MHSOB: Pretty 6 Anderson 3 Hamilton-Ho 2 Bartholomew 2 Kiteley Leslie Tan Cameron Taft . Best : Taft Pretty Anderson McGrath C Tsaousklls Tan. Old ivanhoe : Baldwin 6 Harrison 3 Foster 2 Ellis Hindman . Best : Micas Botlytant Hindman' Baldwin Golden Faster. Umpires: Mark Jenkins Nick Keating in OAHLEIGH 6 .1 9.4 12.6 17.8 (110) ST BEDES/MENPONE TIGERS 1 .1 4.4 6 .5 8.7(55) Oakldgh : Cleary 5 Edwards 4 Bond 2 Pound-Gow 2 M Bennett Costigan 50

Ormoud: Chisholm 13 Cribbes 4 McClelland 2 Barnes Calvert Fisher De Natris Duthie Haysom Upstill Fotopoulas Woodford . Best: Chisholm Johnson Machun De Nat .-is Cribbes McClelland . Penfins: Smith 4 Willmont 3 Wignall 3 Byrne Stuart Coldrey Coy Cagtilan . Best Taylor Mitchell Rochvell Miienkavtc Byrne Feiws. Umpires; Brett Herskope Sarah McGill (F) UNDER- 19 f2l RED FTtZROY REDS 5 .3 10.7 11.14 13.18 (96) OLD SCOTCH (2) 1 .2 1 .3 2 .7 4.8(32) Fitz Reds: Manoll 5 Bramham 2 McKeown 2 Maroon 2 Sulememovskt Beech . Best : Topp Beech Manolt Donato Ritchie Marron . Old Scotch (2): S Lake 2 M Lin A Mitchell . Best Saunders Mitchell Small Machin Lin Lake . Umpires : Ross Kennedy Paul Three (F ) BTJId.F.EN TEMFLEST6WE AFC2 .3 4.5 10.10 14.13 (97) HEW AFC 4 .2 8.4 8.8 12.11 (83) Bull Temp: P Voglis 4 D Voglis 2 D Rametta 2 D Scalzo 2 P IosslQdis D McColl M Meadows J Woodward . Best : P Volts J Hunt P fossiHdis D Rametta B Tekin M Coniston. Kew AFC: J Fultheim 6 C Lay 3 A LueLano 2 C Jolly . Best: A Franklin J Fultheim T Wang C Jolly S Hennessy C Lay. Umpires: Anthony LWey (F) EMMAUS Sr LEOS HAS THE BYE OLD 81ESTBOURNE 0.3 5.7 9 .11 16.13 (109) AgUINAS 0.3 2 .6 2 .7 4.7(31) Old West: Squartl 6 Tanner 4 Sidazll 3 Amore Hall Rtect. Best: Squarci Tanner Stilwell Helneger M Williamson Gardy. Aquinas: Bignall 2 Zuocclor Deney. Best, Reece Thompson McGregor Neamle Geddes Bignall . Umpires: Paul Hoffman David Murray (F ) TIiERRY PENOLA 2 .5 10.15 19.21 32.27 (219) RUPERTSWOOD (2) 0.0 0.1 0 .0 1 .3(9) merry Pension Elan 8 Keenan 5 Tozer 4 Helou K 3 Cooper 3 Ferraro 2 Helen Y 2 Walker 2 Robertson 2 Webber, Best Mattan Tomkinsan Keenan Cooper Helen K Walker. Ruperts (2) : Moule. Best Driver Monta Wi lliams Murphy T Casio Turner . Umpires: Frank Kavanagh Jack Fagan (F) THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

I1n der-19 - Section 1 COLLEGIANS


Coach: Michael Jones i A. Bridgeman

2 M . Williams 3 N. Creme 4 T. Banter

Coach: David Madigan Asst Coach : Tim Ford 1 T. Kovess (vc) 2 J. Fletcher 3 M. Fieldsend 4 D . Close

5 6 7 8

5 6 7 8

A. Scott M . Feld R. Biackiey J. Curtis

T. John J . Pitcher D . Keely(vc) G. Hesse

14 N . Quick 15 D . Hynes 16 W. Tardrn

16 M . Herkess (C)

t2 S. Jeffrey 13 C . Weeks

17 J . Hamilton

17 L. Casey

16 Cl. Raikuma 19 T. Dnnagan 20 M . Weeks 21 F. Boland 22 B. Sims

18 W. Dwye r 19 J. Crowe 20 D . Hassaballa 21 L Bull 22 T. Donegan

23 J. Davies 24 T. Cook

25 D. Adgemis


4 S . o 3&ien 5 T. Byrne s T Preece 7 L Kelly 8 M . tabr0y 9 J. Mortensen 10 S. Sheedy 11 J. Moore 3 12AA'Boao5 . s nnitz 1 14 J. Rotte

15 S. Bridgeland 16 S. Houghton 17 S. Doyle , is S. DI State t9 C . Murphy 20 J . Kay s 21 C' Thoma 22 D. Smith 23 T. Lee 24 F. inaovino 25 M . Pe,,I 26 N. Counsel 27 B. Robertson

29 S. LarxJdon

30 J. Fitzgerald 31 J. Mullany 32 D . Clyne

33 L. Harry 34 N . Mo ' s° " 35 J . Rotle 37 C. Downey 38 J . Forrest

39 J . Drnmey 40 N. O'Connel l 41 N. Saunders 42 J. Hickey 43 H. McGl ade 44 N. ~+~ 46 J. Sweeney 51 E. Boland


8 M . Bartlett g T. Gunning 10 J. Edge 11 K. Sheehan

12 J. Priestley 13 J. Sest 14 R . Doherty 15 J . Leaf 16 S . Mulligan 17 B . Moon

5 B Saunders 38 M Lin 6 A Mr.dhel 39 N Wu

7 LArmstrong 40 r't Neidh `n 8 B Pamei 41 R eunareir T 42 11n T Hark~ 43 J Me n ~ 11 pt ARM 44 J D~i~n 12 ATes~t 48 E ~ 14 T Leeds 47 J Pearce

15 M Parisi 48 A " 17 Alyabm 50 T Tlbgi SRn 51 N~a go 18 S Haines 52 H wAson 19 TGaura 53 Cti e 20 M Rmnap 54 C woo d

25 S . Nethersole

22 J . Symes

21 J . Kenyon

23 M . Grigoruk 24 J . Hogarth

22 J. Deform 23 K. Presnell

25 J . Crimmins

24 A. Tregear

~ H~ ~,jH~

32 D. Lowe 33 N. Stewart

26 S. Preece 27 M . Turner

25 R. Eastgate 26 L . Hanson

29 J 13r01,1011 69 D tcm g 30 S eradkry 70 F erawn s

37 G . Rae

28 C. Cogdon

46 J. Tonioto

29 M . Nash 30 D. Redmond 31 D. Bolge r 32 T.Montagna 44 B. Pell

29 T. Kovari k 30 N. Thompson

Coach: Adam Sassi Assistant: David Gaktaliy 1 T Silk 2 A. Lawrence

17 L . Boyd 18 D . Fraser

5 J . Miller 6 J . Geddes 7 J . Salem

18 B . Blatt 19 M. Browning 20 G. Fielke

33 C . Bushnell 40 M. Lightafiars


8 D. Valsorda 9 D. Considine 10 T. Stafford 11 J . Gasparim 12 P. Augustin 13 P. O'Callaghan 14 A. McGlin 15 S. Pesavento 16 C . Warne r


Coach: Joe Lyftleton S (1) Coach : Bruce Armstrong S(2) Red Coach : Ian Leith Asst Coach : Craig Kemick 1 N . Kaplan 2 D . Jennings 2 MAywt 34 M Sall 3 S . Oliver 3 T selan 36 S Elder 4 S . Rowell 4 E Whitehead 37 R HaXir g

23 J . Casey 24 C . Dowling 26 B . Hogan 27 S . Miles

- -

S. Farrelly R . Tabacchiera A. Del Mastro N . O'Halloran


19 J . Clapper 20 N . Birrell 21 J . Dowling

27 T. Rutherford 29 B. Sutton


1 2 3 4

5 J . Bortolotto 6 S . Abrahams 7 C. MacLaren

9 A . Cox 10 N . Roberts 11 W. Fenton 12 L. O 'Donnell 13 A. Naar 14 A. De Marie 15 N. Harris

9 M. Lynch 10 T. Zmbachs 11 B. Louis


Coach : Dean Rossely

& Home Commercial


ST BERNARDS Coach : Greg Wood 2 D. Hurley 4 M . W a ls h 5 J . Hughes 7 C. Liberatore 8 S. Matthews 9 D . Evans 10 B. Garth 11 A. Marion 12 D . Oconnor 15 A . Mitchell 16 P. Oxenford 17 C. Rogers 20 M . Maggiore 21 T. Whel a n 23 D. lanazzo 24 B. Funnel s 25 C. Govan 27 M. SaNadori 30 D . Lancashire 33 M. Gouday 35 B . Ryan 38 K . Buis 39 L. Demorton 40 A . Kavanagh 43 J . Stapleton 45 B . Johnson 50 R. Schroder 58 B. pins 59 T. Pearson 70 E. Prendi 75 C . McDermott



ST.KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Coach : Owen Hourigan

1 L. Kenyo n 2 S . Betsey 3 B. Dowd 4 S. Conlon 5 J. Marchesani 5 K. Sahely 6 C . Brehen y 6 R . Taylor 7 S. Neoho t s 8 S. Ryan 9 P. McLennan 10 A . White 11 T. White 12 M . Sherman 13 P. Mercouriou 15 M . Sullivan 16 R. Arnott 17 J. Charles 18 H . Low 19 W. Browne 20 K. Mios 21 J. Moussi 22 P. Harrison 23 H . Feehan 24 D. Sullivan 25 J . Mullen 26 P. Longmore 27 J . O'Rourke 28 M . Murphy 29 J. Nisse n 30 T. 0'Hanlon 31 J. Syme 32 M. Murphy 33 C . Vti 35 X . G aspari n i 39 C . Murphy 41 B . Liu

21 w cra>;n 55 M Esar 22 w cex e7 s use 23 MCaaie 61 wHarvey 24 J Porter 62 S Mzaknksh 25 T Slattery 64 E Bowen 26 A M'' 65 M ttzwt~ .y

31 J Cade 81 A Gra y

32 AT'a-el 33 C e aa un s ,

„_ , . . _, . . . ,

UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : Steve Carrol l

1 R. Minns 2 N. Anderso n 3 D. Wood 4 M. Kelly 5 H . Guthrie 6 M. Sykes 7 A . Farrell (vc) 8 T. Maddocks (c) 9 Z. Elliott 10 N . Bradley 11 M . Dwyer (vc) 12 D. Marshal l 13 J . McCarty 14 J . Poynter 15 S. Mortimer 16 T. Bront e 17 D . Carmody 18 M. Mark Lesko 19 D . H ayter 20 C . Pyke 21 P. Birks 22 A . Brennan 23 L. Butler 24 J . Sunderman n 25 M . Kibbis

26 L. Halliday 27 S. M eade 28 D . Hanrahan 29 L . 0'Shannesy 30 T. Stainfort h 31 B . Gannon 32 S . Gilbertson 33 J . Lynch 34 C. Blizzard


0 Z ~ /~ n~ C7) of Q




C!~ Q ®~ Q r^> ~✓ J

O U) z O d



V w _ (n (J, ~ ► -~ C Q

^ (f~

I Q Q >


Under-19 - Section 2 RARYULE-d1EWBAAK Coach : Phiv Demetriou

1 D. Park 2 J. Srodnvei

3 G. Driad a T. Shr_ d 5 M. Halrtxs ~ 6 M Kenncdy 7 Ra. Moore 8 D. Ka ooz n

10 C. M Sta~ nSean~ 11 g D,meck 12 J.D. Poysrn

13 C . Buckley

14 L 0'Cwuie& (Co.Capt) 15 M Lar~ (Co.Cap ) 16 R . Gutterson 17 D . Drapac 18 S. Grdfim 19 J. Spcer 20 C. Sk~k0 21 D. H erbe d 22 J. R " e l r 23 D. Sr~,erd 24 A. Doyle 25 S. Tai3 27 R. Hanrn nr ~ y 28 S . Green 29 J. swift

30 ABrown 31 K . Srt~ard-MU ,~ser 32 J . Ts 33 s . D~

34 J . Dunstane 35 F. Dyson 36 M. Morgan 37 L Morgan 38 c. Car 39 S. Moran 40 R0 . Mme


Coach: John Burke Asst Coach: Paul Berry 1 K . Gasperino 2 R . Gillespie

3 J. Sinko 4 L . Hill 5 C . Badman 6 M. Bramwell (VC) 7 T. Hunt 8 A. Clemente 9 J . Starke 10 A. Mckenzie 11 J . Dickie 1 3 M . Wilson 14 B . Wall 15 B . Norri s 17 B . Gites 18 V. Camera 20 T. Waller (VC) 21 R . Fenton 22 J. Atkins

Coach : Greg Evans





I T. Noblett 2 M . Sessler

3 N . Andrew 4 A . Clarke 5 A. Spittal 6 C . Hammond 7 G . Thomson 8 T. HartleH 9 L . Price 10 B. Gatehouse 11 R. Evans 12 S. Powley 13 S . Wood

20 M . Sundberg 21 M .l ccolo .

31 C. Graha m 32 B. Woodland 33 J. Kilgore 37 B. Fraser 38 J. Edmeades 39 A . Little 40 D. Fieib 41 J . Nicholson 43 D. Cupples (C) 46 R . Scrivenar 47 A . Mueller 49 M . Cairns 51 M. Beruldsen 52 J . Williams 61 K. Bliesner

49 R. Saker


Coach: Sam Calagero

14 C. May 15 B . Pearce 76 K . Biggs 17 A . Gool d 18 Z. Goold 19 W. Hepworth

24 R . Imlach 25 B. Strong 26 C . Strone (VC) 29 M. Gravina


OLD MELDURDiANS Coach : Ben Dunn

22 M. Hardy 23 R . Schr oth 24 M. Benkemoun

25 J . McCahon 26 E. Kalaja

OLD G".':: =' .L 1 J . Goldblatt 2 T. Barrow

3 C . Poynton 4 J. Rowatt 5 N. TsindoS

6 P. Christie 8 M . Illia 9 D. Walpole 10 S. Bonyhady 11 N. Hall 13 W. Robinson 14 D. DeSanctis 15 J. Tuohey 16 A . Renshaw

17 D . Morley 18 N . Wallace 19 T Peasnell

4 J. Carpente r

5 A. Shedden 6 T. Davis 7 L. Andrianopouto s 8 R. Wood 9 B . Laing 10 C. Laidlaw (C) 11 J . Van Cuytenberg 12 G. Lord 13 P. Tras 14 D . Cronin 15 A . Pattisan 16 M. Laidlaw 18 A. Remmers

19 T. Locock 21 T. Howgate

22 J. Wagner

24 W. Wetienhall 25 N. Charles s

25 & Mea d 26 M . Dudman 27 T. Howgate 29 D. Council 30 A . Day (VC) 31 E . James 38 M . Baker 44 D. Stucco (VC ) 72 G. Hodges

26 C. Hillier 27 D. McGuigan

29 D. Harry 30 T. Angove 31 M . Shanks 33 . C Tolson ~n~tt 34 G. 36 A. T wmas


SPONSO R Mitchell Partners


1 B. Norfol k 2 T. Robinson 3 J. De Leite r

20 J . Davis 2t L. Taylor

28 B. McDonald 29 A. Webb aMason 3~ A" McK 33 A. Guagas 35 C. ScultY 39 A. Nes a

Coach : Leo Curran


Coa~.h: Rob French Coach : Anson Brownness


Coach: Greg Bradley

23 L- McQuee n 24 A. Willingham



Coach : Andy Dalrymple

1 T. Cudlipp

1 Cote S

I J PH'dtli%S 49 S 8&O

2 L . Gatti 3 N . Stogdale 4 A. Nabiakos 5 F. Linacre 6 S. Playfair 8 E . Mitchell 10 E . Hamer 11 N. Russell 12 S . Godley 13 P. Smith

2 ParkerA 3 Marsden A V/C 4 Israel J 5 Simmons H 6 Delphine T V1C 7 Greene A 8 Stewart F 9 Howell T 10 Smith B

2 cpILPORT wA'S 3 nTSI, uatr at AcASM 5 80uV81 42 J MURPHY

3 A. D'Alolsin 5 J. Omeara 6 S" Keogh

6 J PRcTtt 43 A L.:.ALVAiGRE

7 C. Taouk

15 D. Byrne

11 Burke M

17 MOUIGLEy 9 0 GREr#9y

16 J . Ardley 17 W. Landale 18 A . Forte 20 T. Code 21 S. Fletcher 22 A. Ray 24 A. Mermi9 a s 25 A. Quine 28 L. McMeniman 33 A. Manahan

12 Delaney E 13 Bicknell J 14 Bilneyy h4 15 Peyton D 16 Spragg T 17 Lesinskis M 18 Stockdale C 19 Oddfeld T 20 Laher Y 21 Grant J 22 Doyle H 24 BurkeA Capt . 25 MilaszewiczA 27 Law B 29 Wilson D 31 de Bruin S 40 Wood L 44 Baylis M 68 Blytham R

8 J BRA~.EV aa e COmEy o T WEST aa c Mcca vn E 12 A EVAtr ae T EG1~ H t3NFT:LL ,~LCA,~p,NO 15 DGLEtY7 47 J~MD?7

ts o~vl 48 l 8n-:mtv+ t7 J Atltk'R54H ag A DAY it G uA)(U 49 0WttnGk=_sE 20 MGALwr 50 DEtzlls TÂŁ"'~1 51 A CATAtPt~ 22 G F n 52 B Y1311AAIS 23 HS ER 53 8l. C.4DAA1 24 L HGO11 54 J WALLACE

26 ! F 55S~~nrm 286 AN 66 MBwwDY 3D ML CE ;a c o:uvB 31 MEMEAY 538A1KFJlAD 32 MqyG ~ L y,ggy~R ctta~sTEwSOH 67 DAU UHSCi 33 T MURPHY st L&4DOEtv 3BLGVEri 74oaEIGRi ~o~GOVEftv 78MrwtRSt~d

1 E. Abdallah

8 D. Yore B- TaTwy 9 11 A. Gamble 12 A. Petts 13 C. Lucarell i 14 A. Kene z 16 N Crowe

17 M Bond 18 K . Lesk i

19 S . Greenland 20 R . Carruthers 21 22 24 25

C . Krolikowski J . TartagG a C . Harri s N . O'Callaghan

29 30 31 32

A. Spurrel A. Gibbs C. Power L. Kakdor

26 K. Walker 27 H. Fulton 28 L . Hamblin

F. C<L,



proudly sponsored by (


Under-19 - Seer"-in 3 -: - L:GH

AJAX Coach: Michael Konsky 1 D. BrOUZe

2 J. Smith

3 B. Ovi55 4 A. Freedman J. Kagan 5 7 M . Chester 8 J. Feldy 9 D. Blusztein

12 B. Harahan 13 R. Solberg 14 J. Kocher .

15 A. GObsteln 16 E. Rudiment


Coach : N,_Lee Asst Coach : Geoff Brew

Coach: Zoran CoOavic P. McMullan B. Hare T. Elliman G . Parr P. Dames A. McLean

1 J . Coyne

2 A . Fogarty 3 0. Lewis 4 S . Lawry 5 J . Coles

T. Andersen N. Buca F. Cakfow B. Pitman A. Jones D. Letson M . Kennedy G . walsgotl J. Clough C. Neiki J. Paterson J. Dickinson H. Lancaster T. Dickinson M . Steele J. Washer V. Cricenti K. Donovan S. Foster J. P arkins T. fingg J. Parham

6 B . Meehan 7 R . Rossi 8 B . Halliday 9 L . Morrison 10 J . Convery

19 A. Chrapot

11 J . West 3 B . Zylberszlajn 14 B . Lydster 15 L . Armstrong

20 D. MarkOV

17 A . West

21 P. Wein 22 A. Moss

18 S . Macleod

D. McMaster M . Sudweeks N. Beck P. McGrath

22 S . Frost 23 T. Bail 26 T. Dewar

J. Easton B. Hodge 0 . Paton D. Gtadman C . Marx N. Clark C . Edwards G . Davies

17 N. Shulman 18 D. Skumik

23 R. Grot

24 J . Sacks 25 R . Kagan

31 G . MiWcki

27 T. McIntyre 29 A . Quinn 30 M . Nyary

32 C. Yudelman 33 D. M'th a S 34 S. Ezekiel

31 B . Steven 32 C . Fidler 34 B . Hunt

27 G . Massey 30 J . Shafir

37 T Kohn 39 C . Cahn 40 J . Kestenber g 41 L Balahrov

45 J . Kaplan

J. Koopmens A. Pabne L . L orenzm E. Flemm ing

B. Holland A. CuNenor

S. Condron T. Hooke A. Kn+ght A. Oakley B- Minchinton R . rA:zatman B. Van Doi T. Nixon B . Tolladay W . Marrow G . Girtr,urood M. Paninsan K. hlcGough P. Susan

J . Daniels J. Witham

35 M . Bell

J~Ne T Tayku J. Hedrick L. Carmody



46 D



Coach : Brad James Runner : Tim Fitzgerald

Coach : Bruce Waldro n

7 M . Andrews 2 D. Ashwodh 3 H. Bailey 4 C. Bailey 5 N. Barkatsas 6 T Bartlw;omsw 7 A. Bermir~gham Men

49 D . Wolma n


Coach : M:dc Holden 1 D. Counihan 2 M . Harold (C) 3 D. Costigan 4 J . Fitzgerald 5 C. Groake

6 M . Doyle 7 L. Cdllery 8 M . Mackenzie 9 D. Wills 10 W. Manning

11 M . Bennett 12 R. Stafford 13 C. V rgona 14 N. Miller 15 D. Cleary

16 J . Corks 17 G. Bennett 18 J . Chapple 19 P. Disiervi 20 A. North 21 S. Doherty

Coach: Mark Spinoso Asst Coach : Simon Vincent 1 J. Crosthwaite 1 D. Zivanovic 2 B. Holden

I M. Ferranhno (ViCapt)

2 J. Minas 3 M. Golden

4 T. Nico!a 5 G . Reynard 6 M. Cookson

3 5 6 7 8 9

7 K. Ellis 8 T. Hamson 9 M. Bodycaat 10 T. Paotano 11 N . Clarke (Capt)

12 M. Itson

23 S. Rehlicki 25 D . Hussey

20 D. Madigan 21 L. Terenyl 22 B . McKinley 23 A. Botzan 24 M. Perotli

25 J . Hyndman

31 N . CavelH

R . Bug ja (VC) A. Serafin M. Solomon A. Cowles N . Pratt R . Petrou

11 M. Matko 13 S. Rose 22 D . Richardson

73 J . Binney vICapA 14 A. Foster 76 B. Saunders 17 L Rosenfis 79 C . Crewes

26 J. Pasitchny 27 A. Mlddlemiss 28 M . Bond



Coach: Ben Covelli

26 D . Nichol

42 M . Shenker

6 . R VanDerMerwe 7 . A Jorda n 8, D Padull a 9 . A Vincent 70 A Thompson p` 71 B Cruickshank 12 S Jacobson 13 B Hardin g 14 B Mai n 15 C Godsil

J. Bunting D. Cameron H . Comeadow 2 L . Dxan S. Anderson 14 M . Hamitton-Ha 1 5 M . Fracze k 6 B. Herskope 1 7 A. Higgins 8 T. Kavanagh 19 J. Kite ley 20 K. Lam 21 W. Taft

16 G Ngyue n

22 J. Larkins 23 A. Lenehan 24 G . Lesli e 25 A. Um

17 L Treadwell

18 J Rudd

26 L . Evans 27 A 28 . 6kG ~ a r tt~ 29 S. McGrath 30 L . McKinnon

19 N Rhode n 20 J Shopav 21 S Barto n

32 C. P~ 33 B. Pretty

24 CWitkowsk i

22 C Handle y 23 K Adjei

31 E. Mutvey 34 E. Pretry

49 R Devanny

35 B. Rebakis 36 J. Rosenhain 37 N . Rudde n 33 J. Simpson 39 D . Sneddon 40 N 41 . T~ uala 42 C . Templm ~ 0. Walsh 4 3 44 P. Wmer

62 S Worrall 63 J Stephenson 83 G Svenson

45 L . w_ .M =

.__ . .. :

Booran HOLDE N

22 A. Pound-Gow 23 T. Edwards 24 S. Aidone 25 M . DOnatO

29 RlStevskl 30 L . Barrand

5 . J. May e

D. Brooks

A. McMahen

47 Y..Kozminski Simon

i-K Collin s 2 . P. Gur r 3 . M Philip s 4 . D Morgan

27 E. Stange, 28 L Page-Waud 29 C . Roger

a 5 6 7 8 9

e. Coen s D . Campisano D . Lynch I . Fridman J . McNetl S . CHuilher

10 L. Kelly 11 C . Barr

12 J . Marks 13 N . Kane

14 s . Brovm 15 P. P.kGett~gan 16 T. Foster 17 W. Parker


16 17 1a 19

y W. Ezr B. Fleming D. Moar J. Fmniga n

20 E

28 D' Costello 29 B. Mikus 30 A. Nasiakos 31 J. Newland 32 H, Porter 4 33 0 . Ramsey 3 N . ScheeNy ~s 35 G . Shaw 36 R. AB U 37 J. Ellis 38 B. McGowan 39 J. Hamilton 40 S. Jeremiah 41 S. Jess 42 C . Le Madre 43 T Napier

52 J . Kandilakis


13 0. Barlow 14 0 . Close 1 5 T Davio s

26 SS: ~~~

50 A . Lego 51 A . Cirillo

BE~®~~® ~~~~

T. Ross VC

1 2 W. Howso n )

24 B . Schwarze 25 R. Swayne 27 P Wight 34 tA . Sapina

19 M . Knuppel

20 M . eadinaar 21 M . Lawler 22 T. Hicwrwtt

35 L Thomas

38 A. Falloner 47 S . Johnson

49 S . Newsome 61 C. Mo-urrD

63 J, Terrell

66 R. Burger 67 J. MattlngI Y 75 K. M.cConnell

Proudly Sponsored by aE7TERTOROUEAUTOMOTIVE - Oxford street, oakieigh 3166 i~ ~1 9564 7044 FAX: 9564 7205 ,


23 M . Cu=

47 B . Geary


i J. Ardle M y2 3 J Rippon (C 4 F,~ . ~rm„ 5 B. Batter s M . Banist a 6 7 H. Beaumont 8 J, Bell 9 J. Bergio 10 T. Burd,en

38 M. Irvine 39 J. Seneca (DVC) 42 M. Patena (C)

45 G. Vincent 46 M . Stace

34 A . Gloster 35 C . Lock 36 G. Hartrncla 37 A . BaVdwm 38 J . SteFl 39 J . Bums

1 T Laver 2 A~ Knowles 3 J . Hunter


Coach : Justin Gra y Asst Coaches: Andrew Gray Bruce Warren, Craig Thompso n

18 C. Teem

44 D . Whyley

32 S . Kefalas 33 A . Steer

Coach : Owen Lalor

32 B. McAllister 33 D . Clayton 34 R . Thomas 35 J. Berthet 37 S. Valente

43 M. Christie

~ S . Leggan


. Hadmsan 22 M . Hodgson 23 J. H es 24 D. La ne 25 A. Legoe

Proudly Sponsored b y

Buxton Real Estat e Kingston Chiropractice


IFCO Clearcut Hairdressing

cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 305 3


Under-19 - Section BLUE DE LA SALLE JGOLD) Coach: Robin mith Asst : Matt Sheehan


1 J. Fisher 2 J. Fletcher 3 J. Toniol o 4 D . Hassaballa 5 T. Robso n 6 M. Munoz 7 O. Keaney 8 W. Fenton 9 S. Clinch 10 J. Casey 11 J. Bird 12 S. Morwood 13 J. Fishe r 14 A. De Marta 16 S. Miles 17 A. Marino 18 J . McKenzie 19 P. Tibe d 20 C. Dowling 21 L. O'Donnell 23 A. Marino 24 B. Roberts 25 A. Nas r 27 B. Flanigan 28 T. Silvers 30 T. Kovarik

1 D. Zampaglione 2 A. Ross 3 G . Cannell 4 I. Nicholls 5 N. Ulbrick 6 S. Blanchard 7 D. Kettle 8 N. Pint o 9 R. Semmel 10 L Smith 11 T. Fallon 12 R. Kenny 13 P. Woods 15 R. Hendry 16 J. Corbett 17 T. Mitchell 18 D. O'Brien 20 M . Curry 21 S. Suleyman 22 J. Barry 24 B. McDonald 25 R. Sharpe 26 M . Deluca 27 J . Williams 28 R. White 29 C. Gleason 30 A. Sh e 33 T. Rootsey 35 M . Westhead 38 R. Lang 39 K . Cho 40 J . Hills 43 J . Schafer 44 T. Skewes

Coach : Dale Ross

Raine & Horn e Commercial .j

MAZEHOD Coach : Shane Regan


Ass Coach : David Stanley 2 M. Pecara 3 J . Kavanagh 4 T.Baitey 5 N . Graham 6 F. Deegan 7 D . Regan 8 S . Mann 9 J . Crameri 10 N . Bogar 11 D . Power 12 J . Arnold 13 J . Augerinos 14 D . Micallef 15 S. Moran 16 M.BayGss 20 B. Ross 22 K. Seenan 23 N . Crameri 24 C . Duke 25 L Apo',lonio 28 P. Stanley 27 N . Klavms 28 M. Kfavins 30 P.JOhnson 31 J. McGregor 32 G . Cocks 34 M. McLeod 35 N . Fox

Team Manager: Greg Evangelista 1 J. Simon (VC) 2 K. Nguyen (CAPT) 3 J. Lao 4 J. Dnke 5 S . Janjic 6 J. Saienko 7 L. De George (DVC) 8 C. Thompson 9 J. Adams 10 A . Piazza it D. Gai t 12 S . Gallagher (DVC) 13 J . Evaru,}etist a 14 D. tJ 15 J . Nett 16 D. Gi'.rrrore 17 S . Forbes 18 G. Daniel!s 19 V. Lim 20 D . Elkan 21 D . Steparwz 22 S . Levy (VC) 23 L. Townley 24 S .C. Levy 25 S. Wonnacoti 26 J . Castello 27 T. Broughton 28 P. Cook 29 B .Osboume 30 J . Moffa t 31 C . Crreau 33 S. Kurth 34 J . Price 35 C . Fletcher 36 G . Mosley 40 J . Joseph 41 J .CrunNter 42 S Bugefa 43 R . Thomas 46 C . La Rocca

36 D. Crotty 37 38 41 42 52 59 66

J. Rudderham J. RlseWy K. Kelly B. Bonner N. LewRon S. Cox S. Fraser

Major Sponsor Custodian Wealth

Builder s ORMOND Coach : Michael Oaten 1 J . Ashley 2 D . Bailey 3 R . Chisholm 4 S. Barnes 5 D . Brosnan 6 T Denatris 7 M. Mclefland 8 R . Sayers 9 A. Jewell 10 L . Calvert 11 S. Fisher 12 G . Evans 13 D . Haysom 14 L . Upstill 15 T Johnson 16 A. Wilson 17 J. Harry 18 L . Washfofd 19 T. Woalfe 20 D. Machin 21 R . Mcgirr 22 S. Vipond 23 M. Vioti 24 J. Turnbull 25 C. Woodford 26 L. Knoester 27 A. Cribbes 28 L. Kinniard 29 T Leary 30 L. Duthie 32 C. Freeman 33 N. Ryde 44 B. Robbins




Coach : Anthony Th ri pp

Coach : Michael Hazell Asst. Coach : Michael Fore r

1 L. Walker 2 R. White 3 E . Wittich 4 R. Smith 5 D. Smith 6 B . Mitchell (CAPT) 7 N. Co y 8 P. Wignall 9 B . Coldrey 10 M . Warner 11 M . Kenny 12 A . De Lange (VC) 13 S . Robertson 14 L. Coghlan 15 S . Byrne 16 M. Lewis 17 D. Felvus 18 T. Madder 19 A . Crefiefd 20 S . McGuiness 21 H . Nestor 22 S . Taylor 23 C . Witzelll 25 J. Rees 26 J . Murphy 27 J . Wilmot 28 R . Trickey 29 J . Birt

Coach : Gary William s

OLD HAII .EYGURY Coach : David Lappag e

1 A. Folino 2 M. Scholes (VC) 3 J. Walsh 4 J. Mills 5 S. Podaridis 6 L Petrovich 7 D. Gilby (VC) 8 F. Mohammad 9 N. Waite 10 S. Wilson 11 A. McIntyre 12 N. Harrison (C) 13 D. Mayes 14 S.Jones 15 K. Matters 16 A. Temby 17 J. Stan4ey 18 T. Doukas 19 S . Robert s 20 M .Fankhauser 21 M . Silberer 22 S . Ellis 23 J . Elliott 24 D. KorlOs 25 S .Lackwrood 26 A . Byass 27 S . Campelj 28 C. Casey 29 T. Wyeth 30 B . Dolman 31 A . Campbell 32 M . Doyle 33 R .Johnson 34 R . Davis 35 T. Chisholm 36 D . Bubunaras


1 R . Batten 2 B. Crowle y 3 P. Norman (Co-Capt) 4 C . Hogan 5 L . Kelly (Co-Capt) 6 L . Peterson 7 D . Kalogiannis 8 J. Butterfield 9 T. Mallard 10 S. Toniazzo 11 H . Sing h 12 B. McCarthy 13 B. Farhner 14 R . Mei n 15 L . Phipps 16 M. Dempster 17 S. Curtis 18 R . Jordan 19 P. Dunne 20 D. Lentin i 21 S. Francis (V.Capt) 22 C . Thomson 23 T. Wilson 24 J. Silk 25 T. Togia 26 D.Thomson 27 M. Fullman 28 D. Demaria 29 J. Morsello 30 K. . Batten


Under-19 - Section RED AQUINAS


Coach : Danny Minogue

Coach : Harry Harisrou

1 N. Morrison-Story 2 J Price 3 W- Collins 6 J. McGregor 7 T. Chapman 8 N. We~ermann it M . Ha1e 13 C. Ryan (c) 16 L. Hearse S. ODonnell

7 S . Mountain 8 A . Eccles 9 D . Thomson

20 A. Ragauskas 21 D . Zttccan

22 C . Williams (c) 26 S. Ragozzini 27 J . Thompson 32 G. Day 34 C . Sheridan 43 M. Sawyers 46 J. Reece 55 J. Bicknell 58 D. Thatcher 71 R. Paphrorth

E MMAUS ST .LEOS Coach : Ben Pilley

12 D. McColl 13 B . Tekin 14 J. Newman

6 R. Stafford 7 K. Adriaanse

4 B . Minnis 5 J . Boyle

15 S . Millar 16 R. Tremayne 17 P. Voglis 18 B . Moran

9 S . Eduatti 10 S. Randall 11 S. Kay 13 M . D'orazio

6 7 8 9

79 C. LapadoW a 20 B. Lapadoul a 22 A. Benerichs

14 G . Croughan

15 T. Ahem 16 J. Barry 17 N. Robin 18 M. Wright 19 P. Damico 20 J. Brogdon 21 N . Cadden

23 A. Stavretis 24 M. Meadows 26 A. Georgakapoulos

27 S. Hoysted 28 M. Fitt

29 M. Couiston 30 P. Florence 31 P. Gallo 32 J . McDonald 33 P. March

22 J . Anderson

24 A. McKenzie 33 M. Lator

34 E . Qdza 35 M . Ramorrdetta 36 A . Caulston 37 J . Woimzer 38 M . Crooks 40 P. losifidis 41 A. Smith 42 S Roussidis 43 D. Seraieco 45 M . Makin 46 P. Na idos '


4 t 39 NWV 5 E 40 :d A~m 6 .: . 41 RDurarsq

.r. .~~ 42 TFo6nancu 43 J Me" - 44 . 1J Dapn u 45 E ftMn


47 J Pearce ae ARMY 49 HTay~ m TWO 9 51 N 52 H ,

53 c W 54 Cvsd

55 ME d 57 SLake Sr wt1~y 62 S taadw~h rn" ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ -,. 67 J f&SO 69 DKag 70 F Pr~

81 a6ay .



Major Sponsor :

J . Ritchie J . Beach A . Brown S . Bombaci

10 P. Manoh 11 R. Danc e 12 B. Janisse n 13 D. Miller

14 D. Sulemenovski 15 L. Williams 16 H. Topp

17 C. Dullard 18 K. McKenzie 19 J. Bolton 20 D . McPhee 21 J. Bramham 22 M. Mikhai l 23 K. Maghamez 24 D . Lee 25 G. Marcon

31 T osbom 32 N. Scott


Coach: Greg Fagan

W errib ee Mazd a

K. Donat o

2 K . Bayley 3 T. White

27 R . McKeown 28 L. Magee 29 F. Novello 30 W. Townsend

OLD WESTDOURNE 1 B. Tanner 2 J . Amore 3 S . Dunn 4 J . Tanner 5 N . Gerdy 6 F. Berton e 8 T. Williamson 10 L. Squarci 12 M . Williamson 13 P.Eckel 14 A. McAtindon 15 C. McQueen 17 B. Spiteri 18 H. Templeton 19 A. Smith 20 D. Chan 21 B. Whiting 22 R . Borg 23 J. Heiniger 24 M. Unwin 25 A. Sbrigtio 26 R . Hall 27 D . Sidwell 28 D . Rica 29 D . Griffin 30 M .Arutjunow 54 0. Hickey C. Hudson


26 L. Davidson

50 T.Au6ten S(1) Coach: Bruce Armstrong S (2) Red Coach: Ian Leith As,=t Coach : Craig Kemick 2 ta 37 a tbO`~r 3 TI 3a MLr,

Coach: Kevin Quinn


12AEVAOr, >tACArunND 13 N Feu 5.18 tmtwns ts DGLENN 53 a acaDa


~c ~Y ~yG~ Y 20raGAUNT 59 8AUCEUarDE 21 Tsa+mi 60 LvEasTE R ' S 67 D AUTtiUfl56Pl 22 G Piid1L 23 H SPINNER 67 L aAODELY

24 L uqRREON 74 o SLEIGHT 26M MCPHEE ro~~RWN 2e e eAEnr+AN 79 c wuuAT 30 M W'ACE 80 M v^t60XTEt 31 MEMERY 32 M ELLIS CHRiSTEhSON

~81"~ ;aDMCGOVERN 37 RHOtLES ~""~~ 39 J TAYLOR 40 sBtsHOP





Coach : Matthew Jack Coach: Tim Bell Asst Coach: Tony Dullard Team Manager : Janiene Hart 1 G. Williams Runner: Leo Dynes 2 S . O'Shea 3 R . Wyley

1 2 3 4 5

10 T. Lee ti M . Vag6s

P. Baranello J . Quirk A . Hickey D. Monfort e N. Barane110


4 A . Hate

5 J . DeAngelis 7 M . Cochran e 8 A. Lucisani 10 T. Wang 11 N. Lawrence 15 N. Howard 19 T. McKayY 20 A. Pike

23 J. Eggby 26 R. Nash 30 0 . Gregory 35 M. Matherson

36 D . Malon y 38 J. Fuflheim (C) 54 A. Franklin (VC) 57 D .Jackson

65 C . Jolly ~.~ . ~" fYc:s:~:.a

Harp of Erin Hote l 636 High St , Kew Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelber g Rd, Heidelber g


Coach: James Sandman 1 L . Conboy 3 R . Keena n 4 K. Helou 5 Y. Helou 6 M . Cannon 7 J . Muha r 8 A . Elmi 9 D. Allender 10 P. Tomkinson 12 A . Ferraro 13 C. Desousa 14 N. Somerton 15 B. Toze r 17 J . Webbe r

G . Dor e 19 M. Reynolds 20 A. Me n 21 L . Harple y 22 J. Mammofti 23 C . Ree s 24 C . Maso n 32 J. Coope r 33 S . Harrison 38 K . Robertson 44 A . Gentile 18

~E E


-~- - :~ ;-,



Winning Edge Presentations

Wouldn't you know it! Jonathan Horn names me "Tipster of the Year" ; players read it and then proceed to show by results, I don't know much about Club XVIII selection . A 64% success rate does not help my chances of maintaining my lead in the Connell Cup. Review of Round 10 Section 1 . Old Xaverians, proved their Round 9 effort was an aberration, when they made a comeback of "Lazarian" proportions to defeat the "Young Pretenders", St Kevins by seventeen points . For "Bernie's Boys", Victoria Park equated with Culloden or Armageddon! Best for the "Crocs" were ; Rathgeber, Hawkins and Meehan . For St Kevin's ; Harvey, Kearns and Captain "Jungle" Jim did well.

Mazenod, after a slow start to their season, now find themselves outside the top four on percentage after their thirty two point win over Mt Lilydale . Leaders, Prahran built percentage through their eighty five point win over Old Melburnians . De La Salle entered the top four after many weeks out when they crushed an undermanned University Blues by one hundred and two points . Best for the winners included the veteran David Jennings . Old Brighton made it two wins in a row when they defeated Old Scotch by the minimum margin . It was the second loss by a point for Old Scotch this season and they are now out of the four for the first time in many weeks . Section 2 . Marcellin, who encountered multiple pre game problems, then brought about the upset of the season when they led throughout and defeated Fitzroy Reds by thirty three points . Internal feelings were expressed that the Red's players lacked passion and team spirit . Not so my "critical friend", Nick Auden who played his usual serviceable game . For Marcellin best were ; Matthew McCartin, Michael Symes and Ben Nutbeam . Collegians, again found form as their nineteen point win over University Blacks, tumbled the Blacks out of the top four for the first time this season . As expected leaders Old Xaverians overpowered Therry Penola to win by ninety four points . Old Essendon Grammarians took a firm grip on 56


the double chance through their fifty four point victory over Old Trinity . -Eley Park Sharks returned to the winning list with a vengeance when they overpowered Monash Blues to win by eighty four points . For the Sharks, champion forward David Viola kicked a club record of sixteen goals as Corey Creswell and Sam Thomas kept kicking the ball to him . For Monash: Mentha, Lombardo, Summons and Woods were best . Section 3 . Old Scotch kept in touch with the leaders by defeating La Trobe University by seventy seven points . Despite poor kicking Whitefriars were able to hold out Caulfield Grammarians to win by twenty nine points . Full back, Ross Gibson did well for Whitefriars . Fitzroy Reds consolidated their top four position when they defeated Emmaus St Leo's by the minimum margin . Old Geelong received solid opposition from a depleted North Old Boys, who were valiant in a thirty one point loss to the O .G .'s . Old Carey had the bye. Preview of Round 11 Section 1 .

St Kevin's will be all out to defeat Mazenod in what promises to be a hard fought game . At hom e

CLUB G18(1 ) Old Xaverians Prahran Old Scotch St Kevins CIS (21

Hall Cartlidge N Simon Harrocks

1 39 0 38 6 30 1 27

Box Hill Sharks Viola 16 60 Old Essendon Cariss 0 30 Uni Blacks Moffatt 0 23 C18 (3) Caulfield Grammerians Margerison 5 23 Caulfield Grammarians Ta Bockman 0 19 Old Scotch Lacey 0 1 9



I reckon St Kevin's will redeem themselves with a will. Leaders, Prahran should record another good win by defeating Mt Lilydale . Now that Old Brighton have tasted victory, they will be confident of defeating Old Melburnians at Albert Park . Despite their recent poor form, I suspect the Navy Blues will take the points at home. De La Salle, now on a winning streak should be able to defeat Old Scotch, who seem to have lost their way of late . I am back on the Old Xaverian bandwagon, as they redeemed themselves last week . Today, they should build confidence and percentage with a big win over cellar dwellers, University Blues .

potential final will be played at "A Keilor between second placed Ol d Essendon and third placed Eley Park Sharks. " section 2. University Blacks face a danger game against the newly confident Marcellin . If the Blacks want to move back into the top four they must win today. I select them despite the fine "Eagle" form of Round 10 . Leaders, Old Xaverians should easily defeat Old Trinity, who have yet to win . Apotential final will be played at Keilor between second placed Old Essendon and third placed Eley Park Sharks . Home ground advantage will assist Old Essendon, whose defenders must quell Viola if they are to win . All round strength, is the ,prime reason I have for selecting Old Essendon to win after a torrid encounter . Two of last week's big losers in Monash Blues and Fitzroy Reds meet at Monash . The day will be important for the Blues as their veterans achieve a milestone . However, the Reds can't play so poorly two weeks in a row . Or can they? I suspect the Reds are the more talented team and I select them to atone for their loss last week . Section 3 . Leaders, Whitefriars should account for Old Scotch on the narrow confines of St James Park after a close contest especially as Scotch will be clinging to finals' hopes. A potential final preview will be seen when fourth placed Emmaus - St Leo's travel to Caulfield Grammarians, who hold second spot . I select ,Caulfield, who have been playing well for several weeks and who were not disgraced at Donvale last Saturday. Old Geelong are enjoying their best season ever tinder the coaching of Patrick Edgar and a final's

appearance is a reality . However today on the smaller and windier Ramsden Street, Reserve I favour third placed Fitzroy Reds to dent Old Geelong's forward march. Two of-the Section's battlers in North Old Boys and Old Carey meet on the Oillon Oval . North showed glimpses of form last week despite their lack of numbers. Today I select them to defeat their visitors, who lack the individual talent of North Old Boys . La Trobe University has the bye .

MILESTONE S Prahran - Andrew "Hollywood" Slawinski joined the Club (at Kew) in 1996 and the popular and flamboyant "Hollywood" has served his team well as a dour and reliable defender during each of his 100 games . Also against Old Melburnians, Chris Belej played his 100th game . Chris . is a defender who likes to test his talent by flying for "spekkies" with varying degrees of success ! Monash Blues - A rare event at a University based club will take place today at Monash Blues when Bryce Collier and Matthew Riddle play their 150th games . This represents over a decade of participation and achievement by each player, whose service to the Whites and Blues has been outstanding on and off the field . Mark Woods, who will play his 100th game today against Fitzroy Reds, is another who has been a great Monash contributor over the seasons .

CLUB 18 (1 1 St Kevins v Mazenod 0 C Mt Lilydale 0 C v Prahran - TBA Old Melburnians v Old Brighton Old Scotch v De La Salle University Blues v Old Xaverian s CLUB 18 (2) Marcellin v University Blacks Collegians v Therry Penola 0 B Old Xaverians (2) v Old Trinity

Old Essendon Gr v Eley Park Sharks Monash Blues v Fitzroy Reds CLUB 18 (3 1

Old Scotch (2) v Whitefriars Caulfield Gr v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Fitzroy Reds (2) v Old Geelong - at Ramsden Street Oval North Old Boys v Old Carey La Trobe Uni - Bye


CLUB 18 (1 ) Therry Pen : Murn an e 4 St,~ens 2 Bocelle . Best : Kennesey Murnane OLD RAY; `UANS 4 .6 6.8 9.11 11 .13 (79) Serong Bibby Matthews Bocelic . Old Rae (2): McGrath 5 Merolll 3 ST HEMS 0 B 2 .2 2.3 6.8 9 .8 (62) McLean 3 Stribley 3 M Meehan 2 N Silk Ginnivan Jones Purcell Won- V . Old Xav : L Hardwick 2 Hawkins 2 Ward 2 Davies Hall Ireland Perry Best : Ginnivin King Stribley Purcell N Silk McGrath . Umpires : Frank Meehan . Best : Curnow Rathgeber Perry Jones Meehan L Hardwick . Kavanagh (F) SNOB : Moore 2 Crowley W Dunn Horrocks Scarfo T Harvey Conlan P OLD TRINITY 0.0 2.1 4 .1 4.1 (25) Harvey. Best : T Dillon S Dillon Kearns Macey P Harvey D Dunn . OLD ESSENDON 3 .1 7.4 12.3 12.7 (79) Umpires: David Windlow Josh Wnite-Spier (F ) Old Trim S Cade 2 Welsh Cristiano . Best : Cristlano Heaven Brawn MAZENOD 7.8 9 .12 10.17 14 .19 (103) Gamble J Cade Tang. Old Ess : Fraser 3 Eddy 2 Duggan 2 Papal 2 Ridle y MT LILYDALE 1 .1 5.3 9 .3 11 .5(71) . Walker Rush. Best: Papal Davies Eddy Hay Duggan . Umpires : Simon Details not received, Umpires : Rhett Parker (F ) ..,' Pearless (F ) PR AHRA1d 4 .4 8.7 13 .11 20.13 (133) OLD AiELBURPdIANS l .l 2.4 4.5 7 .6(48) Prahran : Ivak 5 Howard 4 Kitchen 3 Cranfleld 2 Burgess T Belej Jones Fung Davies Storer. Best: Kitchen Kelly Ivak Howard Mendelsohn Macpherson Scott. Old HIelb: Arden 2 Ironmonger 2 T Harrison Bryant Selby. Best: A Rush Osmond Peters T Harrison Selby J Rush . Umpires : Tony Byrnes (F )

OLD BRIGHTON 4 .2 6.3 8.5 10.8 (68) OLD SCOTCH 2.2 7 .4 10 .5 ]0.7 (67) Old Br. G Earl 3 N Ryan 2 S Davies R Latta R Oakley C Trim B Wilson . Best: D Cooper S Davies G Earl T Handley C Trim N Ryan . Old Scotch : N Simon 6 Reid 4 . Best : Gyles Paterson Pritchard Lohman Graham Fayman . Umpires : Mark Thornhill (F ) DE LA SALLE 5.4 8 .9 13 .14 16.20 (116) UNIVERSITY BLUES 0 .1 0.2 0.2 2.2 (14) DLS: Rudd 5 Norton 3 Nicholas 2 Butler Ford Jennings Rossiter Brasher.Best: Rudd Felsbourg Buick N LaffertyJennings Hesse Laska Rossiter. Uni Blues : McKinley Glass . Best : Glass Buchanan Alders McKinley Gavara-Nanu Boyd . Umpires: Tom Windlow (F) CLUB 18 t2 ) FITZROY REDS 1 .3 3.5 3 .8 5 .13 (43) MARCELLIN 3 .2 9 .2 11 .3 12 .4 (76) Details not received . Umpires: Brian Nunn (F) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .1 6.6 6.9 7 .13 (55) COLLEGIANS 3.2 7 .5 9 .10 10.14 (74) Uni Blacks: Merlo 3 Pascoe Duncan Otsuka Murphy . Best : Scott Woolley Otsuka Duncan Black Pascoe. Coll : Adgemis 2 Oakley 2 Burn Brain Gambaro Grant Stefanioakis Williamson. Best: Perkov Oldham J Gay Hams Alexander Gambaro. Umpires; Paul Matton (F) THERRY PENOLA 1 .1 1 .3 2 .6 7,6(48) OLD XAVER1A1vS (2) 5 .8 9.9 16 .15 21.16 (142)


8.2 12.4 17 .7 22.11 (143) MONASH BLUES 2.1 5 .2 7.3 9.5 (59) Eley Park: Viola 16 Cresswell Thomas 2 Kett Roll . Best: Viola Mellington Cresswell Thomas Payne Roll. Mon Blues : Coughlan Haines Woods 2 Lombardo Tracy. Best : Woods Johnstone Summons Men[ha Lombardo . Umpires : Joe Salvatore (F)

CLUB 18 (3) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 0 .2 0.5 2.7 4.9 (33) OLD SCOTCH 2.2 7 .3 11 .6 17.8 (110) La Trobe : Shepherd 2 J Berton M Missen . Best: B Gayland G Girdwtrod J Dumaresq K Donovan D Mann J Lania . Old Scotch: Ballan 3 Foster 2 Lethlean 2 Jackson 2 Osborne 2 Newton 2 Walters Gordon Glover Henwood. Best : Iser Andrews Smedley Walters R Wood Osborne . Umpires: Tony Robbins (F ) WHITEFRIARS 2 .5 6 .12 9.15 13 .17 (95) CAULFIELD G S 3 .2 5.4 8 .7 9 .12 (66) White: Hennessy 3 Tatterson 2 Emmett Elliott Andrews Vey VanWinekel Singh Littlepage Welch . Best : Andrews Gibson Coffins Singh Tattersan Ward . Cool : Margerison 5&llnter 2 R Naudebaum T Beckman . Best: Whitmee R Naudebaum Cossard-Walsh Brow Margerison McDonald . Umpires: Joe Cicemosto (F ) EMMAUS ST LEOS 3.0 6 .5 8.6 8 .8 (56) A1T28OY REDS 2 .5 3.7 5.11 7.15 (57) Details not received . Umpires : Danny Carroll (F) OLD GEELONG 3 .4 5 .5 6.9 9.10 (84) NORTH OLD BOYS L 1 2.2 4 .3 5.3(33) Old Geel: B Grills 3 J Kilpatrick 2 C Stevens J Legoe R Neville B McLean . Best: M Avery J Legoe B Grills J Fitzpatrick S Ross R Neville . NOB: S Carvso 2 M Connolly 2 D Cerini. Best: S Carvso D Cerini P Boyd J Wright. Umpires : Simon Brooks (F ) OLD CAREY HAS THE BY E

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This day long workshop caters for all levels of trainers and those interested in becoming more involved with sports injury prevention, treatment and management . Qualified practitioners will guide you through the Basic to advanced strapping techniques, First Aid & On Field management of injuries . Includes Lunch .

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-~ .






irl_t of Tr ihqm ¢i Ir_ain- T i layJune 28,20 9 ark : idancarrov;, Therry Penola . Charging, 3 matches . Nathan Pye, Ivanhoe Assumption . Violently pushing, 2 matches . ;M arc Falkiner, Peninsula 0 B . Striking, 2 matches . 'Acs~pted prescribed penalty

Results of Inygginaffons Old Essendon reserve coach, Kernel Dachs reported for allegedly abusing the umpire during and after Old Essendon's reserve match against Whitefriars on June 4th at Whitefriars . Club fined. West Brunswick charged with conduct unbecoming in that alcohol was allegedly being consumed during their match against UHS-VU on Saturday May 28 . Club fined . Syndal Tally Ho and Werribee charged with a melee which allegedly occurred in their senior match on Saturday June 18 at Syndal . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty of $100 (first offence over the last two year period) . University Blacks and Old Camberwell charged with a melee which allegedly occurred in their senior match on Saturday June 18 at ~:'elbourne University . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty . University Blacks fined '1 100 (first offence overthe last two year period) and Old Camberwell $300 (third offence over the last two year period) .



L(: E' GG~2S First offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50);-fourth offence ( $1 00); each subsequent offence ($ 1 00) . Reserves/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Bulleen Cobras (S) Ivanhoe Assumption (R) Old Brighton (U ) St. Mary's ( R) Whitefriars (U) Old Trinity (U) Bulleen-Templestov+e (U) Phoned incorrect scores - Round 9 La Trope University (C )


Nam e 1 Norm Nugent 2 Barry Hickey 3 Tom Brai n 4 Fraser Cameron 5 Ed Sill

6 Gavan Flower 7 Glen Harriso n 8 Peter Willamson 9 Johathan Horn 10 Cam Nation 11 Andrew Wu 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

Score Out of 9 14 Club XVIII 4 5 D1 B 4 5 9 13 U/19 D4 2 4 D3 2 5 C 3 5 D2 3 5 A 3 5 5 8 U/19 2 5 D2


Total Score Out of 103 37 36 96 28 35 35 34 32 51 27

139 50 50 136 40 50 50 50 50 80 50

°!a 74% 74% 72% 71% 70% 70% 70% 68% 64% 64% 54 % 61

T ::1 CL,'-' i ~;~ IYG -~' : Name the grid square where you think the ball was in the original photo. PRIZES: Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky Draw" at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest Hotel Accommodation Package . Last week: Ball was in C2 . Winner(s) : Guy Rodrigues. 10 entries received . HOW TO ENTER: One entry per person. Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, Ell in and mail to: VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 .

No Photocopies or faxed entries . Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round .


% P IF L D For 70 CL'L 6' ELONG 10 10 0 0 1170 344 340 .12 40 =EF.TSW00D 10 9 1 0 1194 521 229 .17 36 PENINSULA 0 B 10 7 3 0 804 725 110 .90 28 10 6 4 0 881 533 165 29 24 LA TROBE UNI WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 10 6 4 0 856 594 144 .11 24 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 10 4 6 0 643 753 85 .39 16 SWINBURNE UNI 10 3 7 0 546 878 62 .19 12 OAKLEIGH 10 3 7 0 559 924 60.50 12 BENTLEIGH 10 1 9 0 435 991 43 .90 4 4 SALESIAN 0 C 10 1 9 0 391 1216 32 .15

P 1-11 L D For % r;: ORMOND 10 8 2 0 1419 727 195 .19 32 SALESIAN SCORPIONS 10 8 2 0 1313 811 161 .90 32 MAZENOD 0 C 10 8 2 0 1114 810 137 .53 32 HAMPTON ROVERS 10 5 5 0 1061 981 108 .15 20 PENINSULAOB 10 4 6 0 1123 1263 88.92 16 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 10 3 7 0 784 1299 60 .35 12 DE LA SALLE (2) 10 2 8 0 843 1195 70.54 8 8 OLD HAILEYBURY 10 2 8 0 635 1205 52 .65

03 ¢'{ES¢RVE P W L D For A.asf % Pis WERRIBEE AMATEURS 10 8 2 0 1076 466 230 .90 32 ST JOHNS 0 C 10 8 2 0 1005 474 212 .03 32 MONASH GRYPHONS 10 7 3 0 718 541 132 .72 28 NEST BRUNSWICK 10 6 4 0 588 562 104 .63 24 JHS-VU 10 5 5 0 811 736 110 .19 20 £OUTH MELB DISTRICTS 10 5 5 0 584 654 89 .30 20 ,_4 10 4 6 0 654 684 95 .61 16 CI.D WESTBOURNE 10 4 6 0 580 708 81 .92 1 6 ",6VERHOUSE 10 3 7 0 461 939 49 .09 12 0 NIDAL TALLY-HO 10 0 10 0 380 1158 32 .82

EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 10 9 1 0 1061 440 241 .14 36 AOUINAS 0 C 10 8 2 0 929 609 152 .55 32 KEW 10 7 3 0 1116 721 154 .79 28 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 10 6 4 0 794 833 95 .32 24 FITZROY REDS 10 6 4 0 733 824 88 .96 24 OLD WESTBOURNE 10 5 5 0 708 801 88 .39 20


~i=? :T EsE}$VE


L D hor

ADst % Pfs

ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 10 9 1 0 777 337 230 .56 36 ELSTERNWICK 10 8 2 0 822 326 252 .15 32 :TMARYS 10 8 2 0 788 574 137.28 3 2

LEEN COBRAS 10 6 4 0 734 658 111 .55 24 ; :'THORN AMATEURS 10 5 5 0 752 656 114 .63 20 ~RH BRUNSWICK 10 5 5 0 575 646 89.01 20 '_-_RT PARK 10 4 6 0 645 678 95 .13 16 ~4 HILL NORTH 10 4 6 0 534 869 61 .45 1 6 4 HMOND CENTRAL 10 1 9 0 185 1068 17 .32

9~_' .


D __f- _Apt


RUPERTSWOOD (2) 10 4 6 0 507 1039 48 .80 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 10 3 7 0 742 939 79 .02 12 8 OLD SCOTCH 10 2 8 0 498 882 56.46

CL UB 1$ ti) PW L D Fqr a~r % Pis PRAHRAN 10 9 1 0 1047 573 182 .72 36 10 8 2 0 873 610 143 .11 32 OLD XAVERIANS ST KEVINS 10 7 3 0 1000 638 156 .74 28 DE LA SALLE 10 6 4 0 836 623 134 .19 24 OLD SCOTCH 10 6 4 0 826 663 124 .59 24 MAZENOD 0 C 10 6 4 0 792 752 105 .32 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 3 7 0 684 915 74.75 12 MT LILYDALE 0 C 10 2 8 0 557 1063 52 .40 8 OLD BRIGHTON 10 2 8 0 396 1065 37.18 8 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 1 9 0 463 751 61 .65

% P W L D For ALS P kDsf % Pts CLUB 18 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 10 9 1 0 927 455 203 .74 36 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 8 2 0 881 414 212 .80 32 ELEY PARK SHARKS 10 7 3 0 950 656 144 .82 28 FITZROY REDS 10 7 3 0 694 570 121 .75 28 G'.JXAVERIANS 10 6 4 0 719 611 117 .68 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 6 4 0 851 559 152 .24 24 T`.EVIHS 10 6 4 0 788 721 106.52 24 .01 20 /ERSITYBLUES 10 6 4 0 797 850 93.76 24 COLLEGIANS 10 5 5 0 556 783 71 .D SCOTCH 10 5 5 0 767 915 83 .83 20 M ONASH BLUES 10 4 6 0 646 797 81 .05 16 .39 8 MARCELLIN 10 2 8 0 390 774 50 -,7 OERNARDS 10 4 6 0 662 972 68 .11 16 8 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 10 2 8 0 404 1060 38 .11 8 10 2 8 0 688 1069 64 .36 BRIGHTON 0 OLDTRINITY 10 0 10 0 464 984 47 .15 U1' .9 (1 J P '.'-.RCELLIN S u LLEGIANS Li S4LLE


10 10




8 2 0 976 637 153 .22 32 7 3 0 649 626 103 .67 28 10 6 4 0 890 594 149 .83 24



L D Fat Awst


PW L D For A - . i_(`') WHITEFRIARS 10 10 0 0 B60 494 174 .09 100.00 CAULFIELD GR 10 8 2 0 884 674 131 .16 80.00 FITZROY REDS (2) 10 7 3 0 659 492 133 .94 70.00 OLD SCOTCH (2) 10 6 4 0 690 525 131 .43 60.00 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 10 6 4 0 770 554 138 .99 60.00 OLD GEELONG 10 5 4 1 721 659 109 .41 50.00 'NORTH OLD BOYS 10 3 6 1 436 822 53 .04 30 .00 OLD CAREY 9 2 8 0 439 1036 42.37 22 .22 LA TROBE UNI 10 2 8 0 400 835 47 .9 20 .00 'Ineligible player round 9 PFs Match ratio after round 10 now replaces premiership points U i ' ~~) P IF L D Ftsr Apt _D PARADIANS 10 10 0 0 1365 535 255.14 40 r------------------------------7 1 a :ERSITY BLACKS 10 9 1 0 1209 807 149 .81 3 6 L .EIGH 10 8 2 0 1288 777 165.77 32 " 6EDES MENT TIG 10 6 4 0 842 845 99 .64 24 =NTLEIGH 10 4 6 0 818 797 102 .63 1 6 . --06 10 3 7 0 713 989 72 .09 12 ; $ 93fS :TROBE UNI 10 3 7 0 723 1054 68 .60 12 D IVANHOE 10 3 7 0 664 1001 66 .33 1 2 SPORTSCOVER VnFAUwroft s: - vs ~ 10 2 8 0 652 957 68 .13 8 SH BLUES 10 2 8 0 642 1279 50 .20 8 c~ 0 tre hi homa rr~avila p~hor~e to this ~rvice ~ _ --- J ----'~- .~'_'t--~---------


9 8 8 7 5 4 4 3 1 1

1 2 2 3 5 6 6 7 9 9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1143 1423 1177 1383 936 1016 960 673 608 520

881 129 .74 36 671 212 .07 32 827 142 .32 32 777 177 .99 28 884 105 .88 20 1079 94 .16 16 1072 89 .55 16 1357 49 .59 12 1337 45 .47 4 1170 44 .44 4

Lt :as (Fr i

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10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

8 8 7 7 5 4 4 2 2 2

LD 2 2 2 3 5 5 6 8 8 8

For Agst

0 1177 0 1096 1 1102 0 931 0 1080 1 971 0 842 0 812 0 834 0 752



827 142 .32 32 809 135 .48 32 827 133 .25 30 814 114 .37 28 893 120 .94 20 1065 91 .17 18 962 87 .53 16 1019 79 .69 8 1183 70 .50 8 1198 62 .77 8

L:-: 3t1;IIt/jv P W 1 D For Ay t k p~ ELSTERNWICK 10 10 0 0 1479 697 212 .20 40 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 10 6 4 0 967 714 135.43 24 1 HAWFHORN AMATEURS 10 6 4 0 1260 1008 125 .00 24 ST MARYS 10 6 4 0 1274 1053 120.99 24 BULLEEN COBRAS 10 6 4 0 1246 1066 116 .89 24 ALBERT PARK 10 5 5 0 834 1028 81 .13 20 NORTH BRUNSWICK 10 5 5 0 975 1212 80 .45 20 BOX HILL NORTH 10 4 6 0 1019 1273 80 .05 16 RICHMOND CENTRAL 10 2 8 0 585 1588 36.84 8

8 SECTION P W L D For Agst !A Pts OLD IVANHOE 10 8 2 0 1025 692 148 .12 32 DE LA SALLE 10 8 2 0 1199 826 145 .16 32 OLD BRIGHTON 10 8 2 0 1098 894 122 .82 32 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 5 5 0 993 946 104 .97 20 WHITEFRIARS 10 5 5 0 946 975 97 .03 20 CAULFIELD GR 10 4 6 0 890 904 98 .45 16 MHSOB 10 4 6 0 896 1002 89 .42 16 MAZENOD 0 C 10 3 7 0 726 969 74 .92 12 ST BEDES MENT TIG 10 3 7 0 766 1061 72 .20 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 2 8 0 777 1118 69 .50 8


C SECTION P W L D For At Pts % UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 9 1 0 1079 702 153.70 36 BEAUMARIS 10 8 2 0 981 750 130 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 6 4 0 1115 899 124 .03 24 PARKDALE VULTURES 10 6 4 0 1022 825 123 .88 24 AJAX 10 5 5 0 1063 1030 10320 20 OLD PARADIANS 10 5 5 0 946 1075 88 .00 20 HAMPTON ROVERS 10 4 6 0 1007 868 116 .01 16 MONASH BLUES 10 4 6 0 864 886 97 .52 16 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 10 2 8 0 777 1204 64 .53 8 BANYULE 10 1 9 0 722 1337 54.00 4

8 RESERVE P W 1 D For Agst °o Frs DE LA SALLE 10 10 0 0 1123 365 307,67 40 OLD IVANHOE 10 9 1 0 790 510 154 .90 36 MAZENOD 0 C 10 5 5 0 714 606 117 .82 20 MHSOB 10 5 5 0 601 568 105,81 20 WHITEFRIARS 10 5 5 0 585 754 77 .59 20 ST BEDES MENT TIG 10 4 6 0 644 732 87 .98 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 4 6 0 592 946 62 .58 16 OLD ESSENDON GR 10 3 7 0 583 771 75 .62 12 CAULFIELD GR 10 3 7 0 565 961 58 .79 12 OLD BRIGHTON 10 2 8 0 520 767 67 .80 8

Dl SECTION P W L D For Agst ~ PCs FITZROY REDS 10 9 1 0 1270 621 204 .51 36 ORMOND 10 9 1 0 1322 697 189.67 36 OLD CAREY 10 8 2 0 1072 879 121 .96 32 PRAHRAN 10 7 3 0 1089 983 110.78 28 OLD MENTONIANS 10 5 5 0 962 964 99.79 20 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 10 5 5 0 1042 1149 90 .69 20 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 10 4 6 0 951 960 99.06 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 10 2 8 0 964 1136 84.86 8 AQUINAS 0 C 10 1 9 0 739 1275 57 .96 4 GLEN EIRA 10 0 10 0 561 1308 42.89 0 tf2 SECTION P W 1 D For Affst % Pts OLD GEELONG 10 9 1 0 1361 634 214 .67 36 RUPERTSWOOD 10 9 1 0 1268 877 144 .58 36 PENINSULA 0 B 10 7 3 0 1179 909 129 .70 28 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 10 7 3 0 979 872 112 .27 28 OAKLEIGH 10 5 5 0 1170 1095 106 .85 20 LATROBE UNI 10 4 6 0 1004 992 101 .21 16 SALESIAN 0 C 10 4 6 0 844 966 87 .37 16 BENTLEIGH 10 3 7 0 849 1326 64 .03 12 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 10 2 8 0 841 1350 62 .30 8 SWINBURNE UNI 10 0 10 0 648 1196 54 .18 0


1 D For Agst


OLD XAVERIANS 10 10 0 0 975 456 213 .82 OLD SCOTCH 10 8 2 0 1035 481 215.18 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 6 4 0 597 572 104 .37 ST BERNARDS 10 5 5 0 723 769 94 .02 COLLEGIANS 10 5 5 0 499 572 87 .24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 4 6 0 622 733 84 .86 OLD HAILEYBURY 10 4 6 0 648 822 78 .83 OLD TRINITY 10 4 6 0 558 722 77 29 ST KEVINS 10 2 8 0 603 872 69 .15 MARCELLIN 10 2 8 0 447 837 53 .4 1


PW _L D For A~t



BEAUMARIS 10 9 1 0 886 483 183 .44 36 '.. OLD PARADIANS 10 8 2 0 749 527 142 .13 32 '.. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 7 3 0 846 422 200 .47 28 '.. OLD CAMBERWELL 10 7 3 0 766 599 127 .88 28 '.. HAMPTON ROVERS 10 5 5 0 586 689 87 .59 20 AJAX 10 4 6 0 540 675 80.00 16 BANYULE 10 4 6 0 495 719 68.85 16'.. PARKDALE VULTURES 10 3 7 0 687 692 99.28 12'.. THERRY PENOLA 0 B 10 2 8 0 517 866 59 .70 8'.. MONASH BLUES 10 1 9 0 533 953 55.93 4

Of RESERVE P W 1 D For A~st ~ fs ORMOND 10 9 1 0 1067 364 293.13 36 FITZROY REDS 10 8 2 0 1124 349 322 .06 32 OLD CAREY 10 6 3 1 740 658 112.46 26 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 10 5 4 1 722 732 98 .63 22 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 10 5 5 0 833 696 119.68 20 OLD MENTONIANS 10 5 5 0 802 753 106 .51 20 PRAHRAN 10 5 5 0 698 708 98 .59 20 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 10 3 7 0 551 906 60.82 12 AQUINAS 0 C 10 3 7 0 472 1041 45 .34 12 P W 1 D For Agst l Pts GLEN EIRA 10 0 10 0 311 1191 26.11 Q3 SECTION 0 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 10 9 1 0 1274 728 175,00 36 --------------------------7-1 ST JOHNS 0 C 10 8 2 0 1042 599 173 .96 32 WEST BRUNSWICK 10 8 2 0 967 794 121 .79 32 KEW 10 6 4 0 985 972 101 .34 24 OLD WESTBOURNE 10 5 5 0 894 818 109 .29 20 oresented b SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 10 5 5 0 965 1009 95 .64 20 UHS-VU 10 4 6 0 855 1081 79 .09 16 MONASH GRYPHONS 10 3 7 0 890 1059 84 .04 12 SPORTSCOVER POWER HOUSE 10 2 8 0 602 1006 59 .84 8 VAFA NJJOR SP6NSQR SYNDAL TALLY-HO 10 0 10 0 783 1191 65 .74 0 L____ [>?hultrertremamobdaFtronetothiss„avice) --_ j

Weekend Matches (Fri) Umpires Appointments I,;~, e~` ;~

Scores (Sat . night)




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