The Amateur Footballer, Week 14, 2005

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~e ultimate performance . arrfs Pty Ltd 616 Somerville Road Sunshine 302 0 Telephone : (03) 9311 1122 (

* :, :_ i the Bu : ra ie VCFL were worthy, though hardly emphatic liners of the Brian Molony Cup last Sunday a t ->ortscover Arena. Though the Amateurs wen t without some marquee players ( C3c1d eshaw , , O'Farrell . eamong others) a new loo k team hammed it up to their professional ad at one stage looked as though they d pull off a remarkable come-from-behind rV. The VCFL, who draw their players fro m major country competitions throughou t state, were probably a bit too big an d an, Uni Blues' CHF Andrew Loweesek was z it headache for the VCFL, showcasing isurpassed ability to time his leads and -]Paaly in front of his face . If not for thre e 째 first half, he could have had the on the ropes . Rep side debutant avs) and fellow small man ,Old Essendon) pounced on any d handled the muddy conditions os were a bit wwward in front of began to skip away. At half were points the better and looked i the bag. ' the VAFA kept chipping cap a Paul Ca pii king up sions at , i across the middle and half and Marcellin youngster J Rice (at 20 , ungest player on the field) showcasing hi s i .~,,mse talents on the membe s' wing . Hi s intercept mark and subsequent long goal - one of the highlights of il : dav. arlv in the I ,errn, Old Essendon's a :w and the home side had a ~e, however, the VCFL bottled thof nowhere, Gisborne's i n extraordinary goal to seal .:ie game. bar r, several players from lower grades to -estr'^* the VCFL to just one al ? :cker , e very impressive rove r 1alla) . Old Paradians' showed great poise , repelled time and time

Prahran's wen never gave ~E 11 day . The veteran Beven recently d )m Northcote Park in the DVFL and re elation for the Amateurs ; his one t j ggling mark on the grandstand side a particular highlight .

Others who toiled manfully for the Amateurs were Old Xavs' Travis Ruyg . who always picked the right option across half back, Old Brighton's Leigh who showed pier y )luck in his first re ~ L and former skipper den, who was regu -ly beaten to the tap but : awed his customary dash and agility around the ground . In the end, the VCFL probably had two or three more guns that were ultimately the difference . Apart from ArCiard, Myrtleford's Brad Murray and Maffra's g째 -- 째'asrgiel are two of the best country players of recent years with well stocked trophy cabinets . Their pace and hardness at stoppages proved telling. Their tail, solidly built defenders Line a and Dean' : (a former runner up in tne Liston Medal) were also impressive . Suffice to say, this fixture gets more fiercely contested by the year and we await the next contest eagerly . Here's hoping the VAFA can go bush in 2007 and bring hom e the bacon . n VAFA's best: Paul Corrigan, Gerard Beven, Joel Rice, David r3oundy, Murray Pitts . Justin Arnold, Travis Ruyg, David Biggs : Brad Murray, Dean Talbert, Line llington, Hayden Burgiel, Luke Saunders .

4 .2 7 .6 8 .12 13 .13 (91) 2 .4 3 .7 4 .12 8 .14 . (62 ) VC , .--~: Archard 3 Shipp 2 Saunders Cail eLa-;, : ;i :ev. man A Burgiel Shepherd McLean H Burgiel Best : Murray O'Sullivan Wellington Twitt H Burgiel Saunders Davies :--." Goats : Flaherty 3 Rice Gleeson Ramsden Low Corrigan Rice Corrigan Biggs Arnold Boundy Beven o ie Me : Brad Murray (VCFL Award only)

I''速a .~._ ..t_tio


St ..-, ;vin's did themselves proud in the Foundation Day clash at their Toorak campus, only to fall an agonising five points short . I don't reckon I've ever set foot on St Kevins' school grounds when it hasn't been pouring with rain and this day was a real rotter, freezing and dreary. Many puddles . Didn't seem to worry their fleet of mud runners Marcus Dollman, Luke Mahoney, James Marehesani and Nick Perrett, who slogged and dove and continually drove the ball forward . Though not in the best, Ryan Chard also provided a good option across half forward while Michael Mulgrew was busy up front . Amazingly, Rob Gross' reserves team pipped the undefeated Xavs in the early game .

For Xavs, Lachlan Ford has been a marvellously consistent amateur footballer for the best part of a decade and provided great drive off half back while Cadyn Beetham handled the wet ball with aplomb. They lost Travis Ruyg and Anthony McDonald to the flu before the game and Tim Ockleshaw came off injured just on half time . Still an impressive team but I reckon a quality, tall forward line could find them wanting . We'll see . Olds hammed it up to Uni Blues early but Gleeson, Paterson and first gamer Adam Terill got things going for the frat boys . They blooded two more debutants from the adjacent colleges, Dan Carmody and Dick Heinz, who if I'm not mistaken, used to host "Antiques Roadshow" on the BBC . Blues are just bubbling along. According to my mysterious contact "Brooke"at OMs, Ross Mulquiney was his usual prolific self, James Miller did well in his 150th and youngster Sam Gooley continued to impress . No surprises there . Safe for yet another year the Grammar boys .

Scotch are now hot on Marcellin's wing after they fell in by five 5 points against a gallant Trinity while Collegians touched up the Eagles to the tune of 50 points . Special mention "co Dick Henebery, who played his 100th game for Collegians . Big Dick used to play with Sale and train with Collegians during

the week but his decision to spend his weekends at the Trott has paid dividends . Kalev Jones in the ruck, James Jorgenson u p forward and Grant Rowston across the middle were all good for the Lions . And finally to the 'Pit, where the heroes of the 1975 flag gathered for a reunion in the new clubrooms, only to watch the pups of today methodically put away by a Haileybury team that grows in stature by the week. Oddly, I left Brett Trollope out of my Top 40 and 2004 team of the year but he and Paul Corrigan are two of the best performed players of the year thus far. , I left Brett Tr -, Top 40 and " -!c,

Of . of

";o r Exe year but he and P7 are t wo of th e best pe rf- a - .n A p l ayers of the year thus far . " A game that was a far cry from the watershed round 1 clash last year .

The Relegation Run Home . . . Four teams in the mix as I reckon it's worth including St Bernard's in this . Plenty to look forward to, as the relegation games are often

A SECTION Old Scotch Old Haileybury Marcelhn Old Xaverians A RESERVE Old Haileybury Old Scotch Old Xaverians

Gerstman B . O'Farrell Cullinan Lynch

0 50 3 42 2 41 2 40

Efstathiou 0 38 Beaurepaire 0 23 Rush - 23


crackers . Hope this makes sense . . . Bernard's - 4 .5 wins . Play Collegians, St l .evin's (A), Uni Blues, OMs (A), Trinity (A) . -,,'crdict : A Pretty cosy run home . Should hang on but they're shaky. The draw may save the day. Collegians - 3 wins. Play St Bernard's (A), Old ~cotch, St Kevin's, Uni Blues (A), Haileybury d.} . The last two are ball breakers and percentage is ordinary but they keep proving us v, ron g Old Trinity - 2 wins . Play St Kevins, Uni Blues ( A), OMs, Old Xavs (A) and St Bernard's . t_~rdiet: Some tough ones, the game against S t is the one . ---vin's - 2 Wins . Play Trinity (A), S t

Pcrnard's, Collegians (A), Old Scotch and : ccllin (A) . Verdict : Funnily enough, all thes e rc :; :nnable but the first two are the key. TI-upshmt? ~ idea . : :ixlg of which, here's today tips . il,~_ : bury, Old Xavs, Trinity, Scotch and ;,1:_r<<11in to upset Uni in the match of the day on ti_v Uni Main . H2 Oh Yeah!! Cc-mspoxleierats : Jonathan Hor n

71 , ihan_g_hornCayahoo .co .u k aL Z7 ~ _'!'s - congratulates one of its most and admired competitors, Ben on his 150t2r g e for the club < ainst Old Scotch . Ben is a tough an d lely courageous utility player who has n called on to perform tasks against muc h opponents over many years . H e 11ommenced in the senior team after : .(luating from the Under 19's in 1996 and highlight of his career has been the A L~ . rde premiership of 2002, in which he played ;nificant role . Well-done Ben and hopefull y . tll be many more great games in the veri s - congratulate Oliver Gi€liey ty plays his 50th game for the club . College in 2003, Captain of the U 19's Ollie won the B&F in '03 &'04 . We done Ollie and look forward to you long career at Old Xavs .



St Kevins v Old Haileybury University Blues v Marcelli n Old Melburnians v Old Xaverians Collegians v Old Trinity St Bernards v Old Scotch !JATEUR

0 .0 1 .5 1 .5 1 .8114) ST B,-OLD H.AII.EYBUftY 3.5 5 .8 7.11 9.14 (68) St Be•m: I Mitchell. Best: N Mitchell Kavanagh Potter Blunt Uren Ballarin. Old Hai: O'Farrell 3 P Corrigan Bourke Barker Meintyre Seccull Night. Best : McIntyre Trollope P Corrigan S Langford-Jones Bourke Walden . Um : Steve McCarthy Geoff Caulfield (F) Peter Teasdale Brendan Caution (B) Dominic Napolt Vin Vescovl(G ) 3.3 3.5 9.9 11 .14 (80) COLLEGIANS MARCELIM 1 .0 3 .4 3 .6 4.6(30) CalL Bull 2 Jorgensen 2 Taft 2 Blumfield Fry Rowston Dixon Unsworth, Best: Jones ShinkHeki Jorgensen Lockett Bull Ro°zston . Marc: Cullman 2 Abrahams Marson. Best : Augustin Jarred Woods L Considine S Considine B Dobson . Umpires: Tun Sutcliffe Russell Davidson (F) Andrew Erruigton Robbie Mayston (B) Kevin Segota Paul Gait (G ) ST :_ . T .. 2.2 5 .4 7 .8 8.10 (58) OLD : d .- . 3 .3 5.6 7.7 9.9(63) SKOU : :w 3 Greenham 2 Lynch Sheehy Bowles . Best: Perrett L Mahoney Simpson Dowd Giaiuiracusa Liston. Old Row Lynch 2 Johnston 2 Hc 3rd Chatfield Arnold Colbert Jones . Best: Ford Beethain Bowen Purss Scanlan Buu'dsley. U: Alble Firley Dirk Kramer (F) Dean Herskope Peter Monotti (B) CID I We Hoare (G) Ulf, NY BLUES 1 .2 2 .6 6 .11 6 .14 (50) OLD LI ,BURIa-IAPs`S 3.3 4.5 4.6 4 .6(30) Vol Blues: Millard 2 Scarnbier 2 Muhleback Lowrock. Best : Gleesan Paterson Low^mck Terill Wilcox Sally. Old Pdella : Farquharson Cooley Kennedy Is. Miller. Best: J Berry Hawkins Cooley Mulqutney Studham Jm . Miller. Um : Leah Gallagher Jason MeP7iece (F) Michael Saunders Paul Carroll (B) Craig Arnol Travis Storn (G ) OLD SCOTCH 0 .2 4.11 5.14 7.17 (59) OLD TPXMY 3 .6 3.7 6.11 7.12(54) Old -Be-- Wtgney 2 O'Connor 2 B Philips Crow S Dick . Best: Kitchen Beranger Wigney O'Connor McKenzie-McHarg B Phillips . Old Trin : Brown D Buttler Cultrera S Kennedy Pretty A Ranslen Walsh . Best: Beardsley A Ranvsden Dann D Burrows S Kennedy Reynolds . Um 'es: Sacha Koffman Peter James (F) Matt Jenkinson Damien Anthony (B) Robert Parry Bernie Jephson (G) A ST. ; 2- 3.2 6 .4 7 .8 8 .9 (57) OLD . .czt3Ufff 2 .3 3 .5 3.7 3.8(26) St r=ern : Harrison 2 Liberatore 2 Legudi Stha4rnic Pearson Ryan . Best: L Evans irixtiewlcz Garth Liberatore Ware Matthews. Old Hail: Davey Walies Floyd. Best: B Langford-Jones B Mitchell Mackenzie Chlpperfield Bell Mueller. 1 .3 3.7 7 .9 12.11 (83) COLLEGIANS NUARCELLIN 1 .3 1 .4 1 .4 3.4 (22) Oo21: T Krotiris 2 Parkinson 2 Wright-Smith 2 Adgemis 2 Muir 2 Bobeff Fletcher. Best : Adgemis Farley Stone Wright-Smith Roberson Parkinson . Marc : L O'Ffynu Colville Argondizzo. Best: Weston Colville McGree Davis VaL=ora Walker. ST KEVINS 1 .1 2.5 5.6 6.6(42) OLD RAVE Po`S 0.4 0 .6 1 .9 2.10 (22) SBOB: Byrne O'Connor Bare Maguire Shannon S Mount . Best: Holland Drinkwater Hughes L Grittier Mitchell Byrne. Old Xav: Details not UNFVERSrrY BLUES 1 .1 3.3 4.4 6.5(41) OLD PrfELBURIdLAIdS 2.2 2 .4 4 .4 4.8(32) Vol Blues: Marini 2 Coleman Gin Irvine Waxinan . Best: McPhail Gin Forster Shuttleworth Moylan Irvine, Old R3elb : J Anderson Marson Matthew, C Miller. Best: Waddell Alder Oman Thompson T Harrison J Anderson . OLD SCOTCH 2.2 3 .4 3 .4 6.10 (46) OLD 3.1 4.4 7.10 10 .10 (70) Old Scotch: Allen 2 Reid 2 0 Crane Sutcliffe . Best : Sutcliffe Josephs H Dick Beattie Loll Allen . Old Trin: Hooke 2 R Ramsden 2 Cluishand J Kenna Petdro Z tVilhams . Best: Petdro Cole Butler Christo Hooke Burgess .






Coach : Pat Hawkins Res: Damien Phillips

Coach: Vaughan Cleary Res Coach: Trent Collins

J . Dixon VC M . Portent B. Mooney A. Shinkfield R. Henebe ry

1 B . Dobson 2 J . Rice 3 D. Waters 4 J . Frazer 5 D. Johnston 6 G . Romanin 7 S. Maguire 8 R. Frisina 9 L. Considine 10 D. Cullinan 11 N. Addison 12 B. O'Donnell 13 C . Woods 14 A.Layton 15 J. Bortolo tto 16 L . McMillan 17 G . Cox (C) 18 D . Gart ner 19 A . Papaluca 20 M . Hermans 21 N . Walker 22 D. Maroon 23 M . Leffanue 24 L. O'FIyn n 25 R. Galati 26 D. McMlllan 27 S . Theisz 28 B . Carmody 29 S . Brooks 30 S . Considine 31 M . Bo rtolo tto 33 F. Dorbolo 34 D. Jarred (VC) 37 C. Maclaren 38 S. Matthews 39 B. Colville 40 C . Purcell 41 J. Seabury 42 G . Petroff 43 J. Pascuzzi 44 L . Hansen 45 D . Theisz 46 A . McGree 52 A . Rivstovski 53 R . Iaconi s 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Wallis 57 B . Wignell 59 R . Conte 62 M . McCa rtin 63 C. Pezzimenti 70 D. Cracknell 83 G . Neskovcim


OLD M ELBURNIANS Coach : Dean Rice Res Coach: Fab Gatti

Coach : Peter Nicholson Res . Coach : Andrew Bonwick


patch: Date Tabpn g hD4s~ ~%ntcoach: Res Asst Coach: Ray Beattr e

1 2 3 4 5

6 N. Baxte r 6 S. Woolley

7 S. Taft 7 J. Farley 8 C. Unswo rth Capt 9 J . Fry 10 J. Jorgensen 1 1 C . Weeke s 12 N . Harrison Capt 13 M. Naylor 14 J . Ashman 15 C . Hoist 16 A. Baxte r 17 J . Heritage 17 D . Phillips 18 D . Barber 19 K . Jones 20 M . Holies 21 C . Harris VC 22 N . Locke tt 23 C . Mollard 24 E . Waters 25 R . Muir 26 P. Krotiris 27 G . Rowston 28 B . Couch 28 D. Browning 29 N. Burrows 30 L. Moon 31 N. Roach 32 C. Blumfield VC

33 B. Hoist 34 D. McCaughan 35 L. Nesbit 36 M. Roberson 37 S. Humphry 38 A. Fabris 39 D . Cannizzo 40 D . Strachan 41 W. Tardiff 41 B. Duff 42 T. Sank 43 E. Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Stone 46 J. Cooke 47 Z. Moon 48 B . Low 49 M . Rose 50 M . Rice 51 B . Shadbott 53 T Rutherfor d 54 B . Woolhouse 55 T. Cookes Res Capt 56 M . Stefanidakis 57 D. Williamson 58 N . Bobeff 59 A . Wright - Smith 60 D. Mutton 61 H ealey 62 O . Howard 63 A . Kenneally 64 N.Craig 65 A . Smith 66 J . Adgemis 67 A.Nichola 68 M . Gromotga 70 D. Sla er ry

76 B. Hage

Yc'1I'7'1 ~`alle~' COUIltT'~- ~ ..~171 J BUIIPCtT

7 H Turner a Je Beaumont 9 D Harrison

1 0 T Roberts 11 R Ferraro 13 E wiison

8 F. Moharnm°d 9 M. Barker (DVC) 10 C . Efstath a 11 A. McIntyre 12 B. O'Farrell 13 B. Waite 14 S. Jones 15 D. Mackenzie 1 6 P. 0 Donnel1 17 K Ford (VC) 18 D. Thurmond 19 M . Armstrong 20 M . Graves 20 M . Fankhauser 21 A Janke 22 D. Mason 23 M .Seccu~ 24 B. Tralope (DVC) 25 S. Rowlands 26 J. Bell ( RC) 27 M. Barnes 28 S. Goldsworthy 29 B. Carson 30 D . 31 C . Lay ~ B. M~ 33 S. w~ 34 P. L~9i~ 35 TChisho4n 35 D. Lappag , 36 L~~~ 37 D. Brown 38 LFloyd 39 C. Waxman 40 H. GOp7 41 S . Saunders 42 J . Mueller 43 D. Saiter 44 J. Mclaudba n 45 M . Dowling 46 B. Crawford 47 R. Mitchell 48 G. Ch's~~ 49 L Pitcher ( RDVC) 50 R. Ladd 51 H. McLauchlan 52 C. Ferguson (RDVC) 53 M. Levy 54 A. Vdol(ns 55 B. D Langford-Jones 56 Armstrong 57 A. 58 A. ~ Baker 59 N . Gibson 60 A. Shaw 61 D .SI ucki 62 G. While 67 C . Carroll

14 A Voyage 15 i We 16 J eyme " 17

Ja Mdler

1 8 T Fitzgerald 19 E st wnam 20 R MuGqumey 21 H Whaehead 22 J Dixon 23 M Berry 24 M Hawkins 25 M K nmdy 27 P prnan 2a M Marson 29 M Proxse

30 Jo Millis , 31 J Barry 32 E Selby 33 J Magee 34 PToii 35 C Ray 37 J Grant 38 L Bunn 39 J Tucker 40 H O'Bnen 41 J Ray 42 AWaddeo 43 A wu 44 E Farqunarson

45 J Mitchell 46 C Neeson 47 D Mark s 48 C Jenkms 49 G Tsxitras

50 A Panmfex

51 M Ken,wn 52 J Anderson 53 D~=Qton d 54 M Barnett 55 C Tneodouinu 56 J Tucker 57 W McDonald 58 A Prowse

59 W Whanon An A Genis

61 D Woodford 62 T Hanson

53 R Manhews 65 P Grund y 66 N Peters An M Best 70 J Russo 71 T Butler 72 C Alder 73 N Russell 74 N Lawler 75 5 Godley 76 E Mitchell 77 S Haran 78

M Bach

A n as

A Kauy e W Kiel

79 E Baker An C Bren-Young 81 A Ray a2 0 Emrson 83 RGabraim L Gat 65 S Guest as E Hame r 90 vtt.andake 9 1 Awta,anan 92 D Miller 93 WPanton 94 S Rady.vonik

1 T. Beranger (C) 2 B. Phillips (VC) 3 J . Ross 4 C . Tallent (VC) 5 S. Collins ( VC ) 6 A. Crow 7 J . Kitchen 8 S. Dick 9 A . Pugsley 10 C . Smit h 11 T. Pritchard 12 S . Hume 13 A . Nettleto n 14 C. McKenzie-McHarg 15 S . Cations i6 E . BatrouneY 17 T. Wigney (VC ) 19 R. Josephs 20 S. Troon 22 R. Ashton 23 0 . Crane 24 D. Brooke 25 M. Saunders 27 T. Demetrio u 28 A. Quai l 29 M. Gnatt 30 T. Fnocchiaro 31 N . Leitl 32 J . Gerstman 33 E . Reid 34 C. Phillips 35 P. O'Conno r 36 J . Sutcliffe 37 G. Carrol l 38 T. Jelba n 39 S . Graham 40 T. Aurel-Smith 41 W. Lewis 42 T. Bea tt ie 43 A. Routled e 44 D. Jackso ng 45 R. Teasdal e 46 J. Beaur~aire 47 T. Hooking 49 B. SnaddOn 50 M. Walko m 51 L . Freeman 53 W. Symington 54 A . Sutherland 55 S . Dipa squal e 56 T. Dipasqual e 57 J . Cran e 59 W. EIliott 61 A . W. Sutherland 62 M . Graham 63 T. Collie 64 S . Lorenzen i 68 T. Keck 72 B. Smith 73 M . Giuter i 86 S.Ainger

proudly sponsored by :

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6 D Holme

7 A. HiItIX1


1 T cudtpp 2 Ja Beaumon t 3 M Billing 4 H Lacey

i C. Steinfort 2 S. Davey 3 P. Corrf;an ( C) 4 S. Langford-Jones ( DVC) 5 J. Bourke 6 L Sopantas 7 M. Corrigan

__ . ____- _ .




Co-Coaches : Leigh Carlson & Phil Gaut Res Coach : Date Bower Club 18 Coach : Ed Best I Kenna A 2 Butler K 3 Reynolds L Walsh B V/C 5 Burrows D 6 Petdro J 7 Van Der Venne T V/C 8 Medland A 9 Pretty S i0 Dann S 1i Kennedy S 12 Cuttrera A DN/C 13 Cade J 14 Trcezn R 15 Hooke A 16 Hillas C DN/C 17 Weston M 18 H,afyJ 19 Saunders R 20 McPherson S 21 Davies M 22 Wawrzynczak M 3 Ramsden A Capt : 24 Galdenberg W 5 Cameron r _ 3 6onahoo g RN/C 27 Cumming R 28 Christou J Hoqarth J 3-~ McKinnon R 31 Burgess J 32 Brown S 33 Aitken J , Kenna J 5 Bladeni S R/DN/C 5 Buttler D 37 Van Der Venne S '9 Ramsden R Webster J :7 BeardsleY D laudeita - Amore SS .t3 A, -re J J ~ T Res. Capt R,_I arts S :% eAD Burgess M :9 F=mney N -~ Dickenson A Gamble R 2 Harrod T 53 Amiconi C ~- : Williams Z RN/C `5 Stebbins N -5 Best E 51 Cole M 58 Heaven C 59 Cade T "J Walsh T CrisBao D =2 Arrowsmith J 3 Cade S Gray J CISKea M Blackmore B Amiconi A ; uii q '.' ;Donald E - -a<et D abrandt D hL nerton H ~~ J drPS -_ - ~•'cDonaki C d kok K L,i- a°mis D -' A J :~ T=vr3ites M i r=mpson G °"'n L --:uhley M 'A


ST. ~' ~'

Coach : Barry Richardson Coach : Simoa Madden Res Coach : Anthony Bourke Res Coach : Darren Handley 1 A. Fox 2 C. Santalucia 3 J. Pasceri 4 James McDonnell 5 D. Rush 6 A. Oswald 7 S. Lethlean 8 A. McDonald 9 D. Lynch 10 M . Beardsley 11 L. Howard 12 A . Bowen 13 T. Ruyg 14 J .Agius 15 L. Ford (Capt) 16 S . Mollard 17 A . Chatfield (' V C). 18 M. Scanlan 19 D. Walsh 20 J . Scanlan 21 S . McCarthy 22 T. Ockleshaw(V.C-) 22 M. Rush 23 S . Johnston 24 C . Purss 25 R . Carey 26 P. Purcell 27 P. Ryan 28 Jeremy McDonnell 29 C . Beetham 30 T. Clarke 31 J . Arnold 32 T. Purss 33 N . Bingham 34 RR . Colbert 35 R . MacWhirter 36 D . Sapuppo 37 C . Larkins 38 S. Freer 39 M. Green 40 A. TJones 41 M. Callinan 42 A. Pyle 43 T. Woodruff 44 N . Hulett 45 M. Walsh 46 0. Gidley 47 S. Tatulaschwile 50 L . Ginnivan 51 N . Beattie 52 P. Chapman 56 J. Watson 57 N . Moylan 59 M. Higgins 60 M. O 'Hanlon 62 D. King 63 T. O 'Meara 65 N. Serafini




1 C . Keunen 2- B. Garth 3 C . Goullet 4 D . Ballads 5 C. Liberatore 6 M. Harrison 7 S. Clarke 7R S. Parrett 8 J. Evans 9 M. Kavanagh (vc) 10 N. Mitchell 11 C. Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C. Mitchell (vc) 14 B. Ryan 15 T. Wilkinson 16 D. Blunt 17 C. Potter 18 J . Cheep 19 A. Mitchell 20 D. Evans 21 B. Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson 23 L. Wilkinson (vc) 24 D. Roach 25 D. McLaughlin ( C) 26 A. Smith 27 J . Hughes 28 P. Holland 29 L. Spinner 30 M . Stapleton 31 G . Campbell 32 T. Harvey 32R J . Harvey 33 N. Smith 34 D. Byrne 35 Tate Pearson 36 A . Marian 37 A . Catterall 38 S . lannazzo 39 M . Juricskay 40 J . Madden 41 S . Matthews 42 B . Miziewicz 43 L. Miceli 44 M . Walsh 45 T. Legudi 46 R . Ware 47 D. Hurley 48 L. DeMorton 49 N . Thomas 50 A . Gill 51 D. Dugina 52 J . Spited 53 P. Harris 54 L. Evans 55 S . Bugryn 56 R . Winduss 57 M . Stewart 58 S . Andrews 59 L. Jordan 60 M . Gouda 61 D . O'Connor 62 M . Mihailovic 63 S . Crouch NORTH SUBURBAN



Coach: Dave Murray Asst . Coach : Tony Miller Res . Coach : Rob Gross 1 N. Pope 2 M . Mulgrew 3 S . Garlick 4 L. Mahoney (c) 5 M . Dollman 6 D. Mahoney 7 J . Travag lia 8 T. McCann 9 B . Fields 10 M . Lucas (dvc) 11 T Duggan 12 S . McKee 13 R. Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 W. Gullifer 16 B . Garvey (dvc) 17 D. Ryan 18 R . Chard 19 D. Sheehy 20 T. Crowle y 21 R . Maguire 22 J . Mount 23 T. Simpson (vc) 24 A . Lynch 25 D . Manton 26 C . Taylor 27 T. OToole 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 C . Underwood 30 N . Dowling 31 W. Keenan 32 S . O'Connor 33 M. Maguire 34 N . Parrett 35 J. Dempsey 36 P. Mount 37 M. Shannon 38 J. O'Brien 39 M. Dwyer 40 L . Kalesaran 41 M. Drinkwater 42 S. Mount 43 A. DeKretser 44 John-Paul. Mount 45 A. Smith 46 L . Gull'rfer 48 A. Conlan 50 R . Horrocks 51 D . Bare 52 D . Mount 53 B. Hughes 54 G . Holland 56 D . Walsh 57 J. Liston 58 L . Giansiracusa 59 P. Aughto n 60 S. O'Connor 61 R . Caldow 62 A. Jageurs 63 C . Lucas 64 D . Prior 65 R . Short 66 J. Marchesani 71 A. Mulkeams 75 R . Campagna 82 S. Mitchell 99 P. Murray

UNIVERSITY BLUE S Coach: John Kanis Res Coach: Joe Sturroc k

1 P. Butko 2 T. Hutchins 3 J . Sturrock 4 D . Guengerich 5 J . Tanne r 6 M . Rigb y 7 R . Young 8 J . Hayter 9 A . Lowcock 10 R . Marti n 11 L . North 12 Q. Gleaso n 13 T. Foster 14 A . Henderson 15 L . Rya n 16 M. Kordick 17 G . De Crespign y 18 N . Anderson 19 M. Torney 20 M. Coleman 21 C . Notman 22 B. Millard 23 T Wilco x 24 S. Russell 25 A. Solly 28 J. Scamble r 27 R . Wilkie 28 M. Thomas 29 A. Terril l 30 T. Muhlebach 31 M. Shaughnessy 32 M. Paterson 33 B. Gates 34 T. McKinno n 35 J. McKay 36 R . Minns 37 J. Robbin s 38 C. Bradle 39 D. Heinz y 40 C. Brooke s 41 L. Quin 42 S. Fletcher 43 N. Shuttleworth 44 J . Wood 45 B. Waters 46 H. Ranki n 47 A. Millar 48 L. Fishfy, 49 P. Steel e 50 H. Nailo n 51 N. Vanderbos h 52 P. Marriott 53 J . Westmore 54 A. Waxman 55 B . Gin 56 T. Rankin 57 T Irvine 58 J . Albanis 59 B . Hutchinson 60 D. Strack 61 J . Ritchi e 62 C. Ross 63 REden D. McPhai l 65 E . Clark e 66 L. Woodhouse 67 D. McAloo n 68 J . McKe o w 69 G . Muir 0 J . Mead e 7 P. Marshal l 71 72 D. Gavara-Nanu 73 C. Hopkins 74 H . Munr o 75 J . Moyla n 77 J . McQuilten 86 D. Banniste r


5 A SECTION Old Haileybury v University Blue s Marcellin v Old Melburn(ans - at Sportscover Arena, Sunday Old Scotch v Old Xaverians Old Trinity v St Kevin s St Bernards v Collegians

B SECTION De La Salle v MHSO B Old Brighton v Whitefriars - at Sportscover Arena, Saturda y North Old Boys v Mazenod 0 C Old Essendon Or v Old Ivanho e St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Caulfield O r



Monash Blues v Parkdale Vultures Therry Penola 0 B v Hampton Rovers

Banyule Viewbank v Old Essendon Or Caulfield Or v Beaumari s Old Carey v Old Melburnians Whitefriars v Rupertswood Old Camberwell v Old Trinit v

Beaumaris v Old Camberwell University Blacks v Banyul e

Old Paradians v AJAX D1 SECTION Glen Eira v Bulleen Templestowe Ormond v Old Mentonian s Old Carey v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Aquinas 0 C v Fitzroy Reds Prahran v Yarra Valley 0 B D2 SECTION Rupertswood v Salesian 0 C Old Geelong v La Trobe Uni Benfleigh v Oakleigh Williamstown CYMS v Swinburne Uni Peninsula 0 B v Ivanhoe Assumption

D3 SECTION West Brunswick v Werribee Amateurs South Melbourne Districts v UHS-VU Power House v Old Westbourne

St Johns 0 C v Kew Monash Gryphons v Syndal Tally-Ho

D4 SECTION Box Hill North v Hawthorn Amateurs Elthani Collegians v North Brunswick Albert Park v Elsternwic k

Bulleen Cobras - By e St Marys v Richmond Central UNDER-19 SECTION I St Kevins v University Blues Collegians v Old Scotch Old Xaverians v Marcellin De La Salle - Bye St Bernards v Old Brighton 6



UNDER-19 SECTION 3 La Trobe Uni v Monash Blues Old Ivanhoe v Bentleigh University Blacks v St Bedes Mentone Tigers MHSOB v Old Paradians Oakleigh v AJA X UNDER-19 (2) BLUE Salesian Scorpions v Ormond Old Haileybury v Peninsula 0 B Mazenod 0 C v Hampton Rovers - game switched from original draw Oakleigh Clays v De La Salle (2) UNDER-19 (2 ) RED Old Scotch v Rupertswood (2) Kew v Aquinas 0 C Fitzroy Reds - Bye Bulleen Templestowe v Therry Penola 0 B Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Westbourn e CLUB is W St Kevins v University Blues Mt Lilydale 0 C v Old Scotch - ground TBA Old Xaverians v Old Melburnian s Mazenod 0 C v De La Salle Prahran v Old Brighto n CLUB 18 f2 l Marcellin v Monash Blues Collegians v Old Essendon Or Fitzroy Reds v Old Xaverians (2) University Blacks v Eley Park Sharks Therry Penola 0 B v Old Trinity - clash with seniors - TBA CLUB IS (3 1 Old Scotch ( 2) - Bye Caulfield Or v North Old Boys La Trobe Uni v Fitzroy Reds (2) Whitefriars v Old Carey Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Old Geelong



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1 il, 4 Old sendon despite the fact that Simon Mintongoals had a come from Connell kicked most of N OBS behind victory to win the Merri Creek Cup and keep their finals chances alive .

are now almost at full strength had a good MHSOB who in a game that was a hard slog victory over Whitefriars . Heath Taylor, Jason . But the High played well all day Bamert Julian Gerner and Michael Brain were all goo d

ssendon in an absolute must win for both sides . Caulfield have been in excellen t of late while OE G e starting to show u s e e talent they actually have . I firmly believ e best side out of the 4 and so will win .

betferse the :.- • - ids are the best

Unicorns . so viii win . " The capacity of He La's back 6 to minimise the Tigers out of the ~ c scoring opportunities was the catalyst for a slogging win for the Blue and Golds at EP on a reasonable Sunday as the tackle the full A danger game for Old Brighton afternoon Good players across every line for the victors High at their home surrounds . To put it strength N elb but they were certainly pleased with Michael Moore whose quite simply the High must will to keep their grip on 4th . The usual 6 goals showed a return to early season form spot while the Tonners must win to maintain pressure on . . Against the norm in my selection process I culprits Harrison's Rayson, and Duggan all again good those above Horror show for Mazenod at the park on the Saturday as will go with the visitors . Old Ivanhoe continued on the merry waY with a pretty What a game Old Ivanhoe versus He La Salle at . Such an imporiani . Set up with a 6 goal burst in the Chelsworth in front of a huge crowd convincing victory . James Hope, t while the ball was still dry game today, with the victor stealing a march on their rival opening CrBrad Thompson and Nick Russian all good for the Hoers, and virtually assuring themselves of the double chance while Dan Kelly showed his sublime wet weather skills to . De La are a terrific running side and come finals time be best for Mazenod supported by Michael Chamberlain even away from home are a formidable opposition . But I believe the Hoers with their extra height plus an array of and Daniel Nisbet . of Caulfield Leigh Hendra broke the hearts of hundreds onballers, strong defenders and multiple scoring options Grammarians as his terrific snap from 45 metres out in will be enough to take the points. a memorable victory the last seconds of the game sealed PRESS CORRESPONDENTS . . By It was a terrific struggle in the rain Please drop me an email to braincoaoptusnet .com .au for Old Brighton . .Toby Ewert excellent in the between two top quality sides 8PM Monday Nights please . ruck, Gadsen and Paroissien strong defenders, but there Mark Liddell best for the was no doubting OB'S hero. . Fields, along with Rohan O'Neill and Chris Knight PREVIEW. Some season defining games today at both ends of the scale . clash out at Out of form sides Whitefriars and zenod . Tough Donvale. Hopefully the break has done them well to tip a winner but it's at Friarland where they play better so Whitefriars just . welcome BOBS to Brindisi St Bedes PRentone-Tigers . I know the Street. Tough ask for visiting sides at any time Tigers will welcome a few back after our little sojourn and this combined with their vast parochial support gets them over the line . arians and Old Sportscover awaits Caulfield Gramm

B s N-TzO N

North Old Boys Minton-Connell 5 61 MHSOB Pertzel 0 40 Caulfield Grammarians Sinclair 0 37 B RE SERVE 0 2 6 mHSOB Aitken 4 He La Salle Lwalker 0 2 4 Whitefriars Woods 2 223 1 Old Ivanhoe Hawkes


~ Y• ;;~d i


MlI LsE STONE S . â‚Ź:. North Old Boys - Jono Maher, a reserves B&F vs-inner in 2003, this young man has been a ball magnet and unstoppable force in the twos since arriving in 2002 . Jono's work rate and determination are a inspiration to all, and is known his courage and hardness at the ball . When he started playing in the reserves in 2004, his game remained the same . A popular and respected clubman, it was great to see Rich play his 50th . May there be many more milestones ahead . Old Ivanhoe - congratulate Darren Payne on reaching 50 games against De La Salle in round 13 . Darren, who earlier in his career played both seniors and reserves for Fitzroy, and then stints in he SAFL and WAFL, possesses probably the best hand skills seen at the club . Well done Darren . St Bedes Mentone Tigers - this Saturday Tim Beasley breaks the club record for First 18 games when he plays his 244th match for the Tigers. Tim is the only player to have played senior football with St Bedes OCFC and St Bedes/Mentone Tigers AFC from VAFA 'E' Section right through to 'B' Section . Tim's achievements include being runner up in the -enior Best and Fairest award (1988 and 1990) before being winner of the senior Best and Fairest award on seven occasions he also won the VAFA Best and Fairest award in 1990 and 1991, club captain f1990 to 1992), and a VAFA state representative player (1992/3) . Tim has also served as a club committeeman ; was awarded Life Membership in 2000 and named as a Club Legend in 2004 . In Round 12 Steven Kidd played his 100th senior game for the Tigers . An elusive half forward Kiddy joined the club in 1997 and played in that year's premiership side . He was also a member of the 1998 Reserves premiership team. Well done . Shaun Napier 200 Games St Bedes / Mentone Tigers Rd 14 B Section . Shaun burst onto the scene in 1993 as a first year U19 player. During that year he played for the VAFA State side as well as 'ebuting in the Tigers senior side . A dynamic player, affectionately know as "the OX", Shaun has always had the ability to burst packs and to be an impact player at both ends of the ground . Well done C 3n 200 power packed game s

S!, .~;T--DN Old Ivanhoe v De La Salle MHSOB v Old Brighton Whitefriars v Mazenod 0 C Caulfield Or v Old Essendon Or - at Sportscover Arena - Sat St Bedes Mentone Tigers v North Old Boys :


B SECTION ST EL'L'ES B3ENTONE TIGERS 1 .3 3 .5 5 .6 7.11 (53) DE LA SALLE 4.2 7.5 11.11 14.14 (98) StB/R4T: Scafidl 3 L Terrell 2 Rhoden D Lynch. Best : Knuppell A Connelly J ConneN,, T McColl A Collins M Corda. DLS : Moore 6 Morel 2 Duggan Brown L Harrison Rayson P Harrison . Best : Duggan Morel Seager P Harrison Moore L Harrison. Umpires : Brent Woodhead Peter Liddell (F) Brendan Corcoran Rob Mutton (B) Greg Rollo Clive Shipley (G ) CAULFIEId) GR 4 .2 4.6 7 .6 9.6(60) OLD BRIGHTON 1 .0 5.5 8.8 9 .10 (64) Cads Liddell 5 Knight 3 Guyett. Best: Liddell OTleill Bruhn Knight WidJaJa Pennycuick. Old Br. Kent 2 Dawes 2 J Edge Perrett March Salem Hendra . Best: Mason Ewert Perreti Paroiss3en Hendra March. Umpires : Rob Mayston David Philips (F) Will Stokes James Gregory (B) Michael O'Donnell Anthony K_yrkou (G ) OLD IVANHOE 6.2 8.8 12.11 12 .13 (85) MAZENOD 0.0 1 .1 1 .3 1 .3(9) Old Be Branagan 2 Hares 2 Luxon Weddle Lochran Russian Low Price Cornelius Hope . Best: Hope GeLschen Ceilings Payne Thompson Russian. ASaz : M Chamberlain . Best: Reed Kellv M Chamberlain NLssbet Morris Hansen. Umpires: Simon Olive Simon Stokes (F) Cameron Haves Ben Parsons (B) Gavin Roberts Graeme Booth (G ) MFISOB 2 .4 5.6 6.9 8 .12 (60) PT1B1'EFRIARS 2.8 3.9 3.9 3 .12 (30) MHSOB: Barnett 6 Horne t.imbrtck . Best: Taylor Banzert Brain Gerner Rosman Horne . White; Carr(gg 2 Anderson. Best: G Power Kennedy Phan Cunningham Alexander Crowe. Umpires: Luke Holmes Richard Eastwood (F) Rvan Place Jordan Mayston (B) Beornn McCarthy Sam Perrin (G ) NORTH OLD BOYS 4.1 6.4 6.5 6 .7(43) OLD E^aSENWN OR 1 .2 3.4 4 .9 7.11 (53) NOB : Minton-Connell 5 Cox . Best: D Brady J Cassell Minton-Connel Husking To . Brady Sleep . Old Ess : Biggs 2 Ward Jose Hand Fewster R}an. Best : Rvan Biggs Fewster Flaherty Forrest Portia . Umpires: Dash Peiris Dwayne Connell (RFL) (F) Adam Rodgers Steven Rich (RFL) (B) Pat Mitchell David Hille (RFL) (G) B RESERVE ST BEDES MENTONE TTGER.S0.4 4.6 5.6 8 .8 ( 56) DE LA SALLE 2 .5 5 .5 8 .7 9.9(63) StB/RiT : Osborne 4 Hlpwell 2 Kelleher Zahra . Best: Andrews Suckling Paterson McInerney Paterson Napier . D1S : Conway 2 Buckley Ellis Jarvis Johnstone Kean McInerney O'Donnell. Best: ODomrell Powell Moloney Bowden Kean Conway. CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 0.2 1 .2 1 .4 1 .4 (10) OLD BRIGHTON 0 .4 5 .5 7 .6 8.9 (57) Caul: Minter. Best : Thompson Rudd Scott Cassidy McGrath Chapple . Old Br. Larkin 3 Maguire Brown Ryan Ginnivan Ellis. Best : Maguire Joseph Larkin Hughes Ellis Reddin . OLD IVANHOE 3 .2 5 .5 7 .8 8.10 (58) MAZENOD 4 .1 6.3 6.3 7.7 (49) Old Be Ge. George 4 G Smith Dinakas Hawkes Veal . Best : Dinakis Tiernan Nagel Ge. George Tobias Parker. Maz: Boyd 2 Raine 2 Murray Regan J Schiano . Best: Murray Raise Morris Tilling Grant Boyd. MHSOB 1 .1 4 .3 5 .7 7.17 (59 ) 3 .2 4.3 4 .4 4.4 (28) MHSOB : Coxson Czwarno Feterkranz Moore Robinson Webster T Wright. Best : Ternes Orchard Cntiarno Moore Robinson O'Brien . W-hIte: Woods 2 T Nunan Webb. Best: GloufcheF Over Webb T Nuru-m T Carrigg Treyvaud. NORTH OLD BOYS 0 .2 1 .3 2 .3 4.9(33) OLD ESSENDON 0.4 1 .5 3 .6 5.9(39) NOB: Cugola Citreon Jos Maher Braid . Best: Cugola D Joyce Cribbes Blackie D Sheehan Citreon . Old Ess: Eveans 2 Ltoyid Dazin Parker. Best: Kavanagh Fitzgerald Storment Williamson Rumble .




Cr ;n : Stepnen Wright as Coach : Lachlan Kel4away Res : Peter OGvleri

1 J Foley 2 A Bruhn 3 C Knight 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendall 6 N Crave n 7 R O'N eill 8 R Foote 9 M Prater 10 A Will (C) B Carboni 11 12 D Pearce (VC) 12 M Sainsbury 13 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Falls 16 J Wright 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxter 18 J James 19 B Evans 20 H Vella 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Fagan 23 C McGrath 24 C Murphy 25 B Sinclair 25 N Dorman 26 S Widjaja (VC) 27 J Sayers 28 J Jacobs 29 N Guyett 30 M Sharpe 30 D Elias 31 W Bowes 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryers 34 H Baker 35 S Thompson 36 G Crathern 37 B Scott 38 N Edwards 39 A Bosna 40 M 4 1 111 son 41 B Jeffkin s 42 A Strain 43 T Gerrand 44 B Hasforth 45 B Acfield 46 K Weir 47 S Jenkinson 48 R Chappie 49 G Poulter 50 N Green 51 W Rudd 52 G Winter 53 J Gross 54 T Franklin-Jones 55 C Hoope r 56 B Nap ier 57 P Farmer 55 S Cunlifre 59 D Buckthought 60 R Saunders 61 T Royal 62 C Sheppard 63 Z D'Arcy 64 T Wailes 65 B Jenkinson 66 C Grigg 67 D Loeqe 68 L Cotto n 71 M Cassidy

BE L FwS :

Club 18 :1 1 L . Walker C r 2 R . Buckley 3 B . Cohn C 4 L . Harrison DV C 5 M. Duggan VC Sr R . Quick 6 M. Moore 7 P. Harrison DVC 7r M . Ellis 8 J . La Ragy 9 J . Moloney 10 T. Silvers 10r R. Hardacre 11 P. Bourke 12 M. Ee4dsend 13 A. Johnstone 14 W . Dwyer 15 P. Bowden 16 S . Hyland 17 L. Bowden 18 A . Coffey 19 R . McArdie 19r G . Gilbert 20 A . Shields 21 D. Payson 22 M . Brow n 23 R. Sherman 24 J. Morel 24r A. Powell 25 C . Hyde 27 M. O'Donnell 28 J . Hirst 30 B . Mannix 31 S . Hyde 32 D. Lowe 33 N. Stewart 34 B . Vague 36 W. Jolley 38 V. Moloney 39 B. Oakley 41 D . McInerney 42 A. Skinns 42r D . Jarvis 43 A. Greenalgh 44 D . Close 45 R . Walmsley 46 L. Jarvis 47 S . Cosstick 49 A . Boots 50 S . Conway 51 P. Hesse 52 T. Moloney 53 D . Browning 55 A. McLeish 56 L . Seeger 57 R . Hancock 59 D . Colman 62 C . Punton

as c= AsaL c5 ~ ~~'ta~' M..._ .YPK. Res . C=h : Tony CO1 T. Castricum 2 M. Chamberlain 3 D . Christie 4 C . Lee 5 D . Chamberlain 6 P. Nelson 7 S . Reed 8 A . Morris 9 D. Kelly 10 B . Chamberlain 11 D. Hose 12 J. Cuberes 13 M . Regan 14 N . Meehan ehan 15 N . Parry (VC) 16 M. Apolbnio 17 T. Pitts 18 D . Dunne 19 L. Buszard 20 C . Murray 21 S . Castricum 22 S . Veltman 23 S . Oldman 24 D. NisbeH 25 S. Stanley 26 J. Dunne (C) 27 M. Regan 28 P. Jones 30 D . Hansen 31 P. Delmastro 32 A . Strewn 33 S . Bailoch 34 C. Boyd 35 R. Hawkins 36 G . Miller 37 T Valiance 38 D. Hallet 39 D . Otdman 40 G . Massey 41 M. Ventunni 42 C . Reins 43 J . Schiano 44 D . Linden 45 S . Paine 46 D. Hensman 47 A. Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 51 M . Murray 52 G . Tilling 53 J. Mather 54 D . Grant 55 L . Fuller 57 P. Souter 58 D . Morris 60 A . Bauchereau 61 M . McDowell 64 T. Bourbon 66 J . Pereira 67 J . Bates 68 L. Hawkins

co-~ vava Asst c='- :- 'as" & , _Te- ~ 31 Ras C=h : Jove D . on 1 J Bamerl 2 S McCully (S-Capt) 3 D Rosman 4 M White (S-VC) 5 B Betheras 6 M Brain 7 S Whittington 8 J Garner 8 J Dixon 9 D Fairchild 10 P Smith 10 I Barrett 11 R Tames 12 J Aitken 12 M Feferkranz 13 S Anderson 1 4 M Hamiiton-H o 15 A O'Brien 16 J Walker 17 G McCully 18 R Umbrick (S-DVC) 18 C Wright 19 S Robinson 20 L Home 20 T Fraczek (R-DVC) 21 W Taft 22 A Svirskis 23 A Hogan 24 J Pertzel 25 H Taylo r 25 A Vicendese 26 L Evans 27 W Backway 28 T Dunne 28 S Moore (R-DVC) 29 W White 30 K McDonald 31 M Bowen


Coach : Tony Ega n Res Coach : Brendan Smale s 1 J . Cassell 2 J . Penell 3 T. Sheehan 4 S. Sleep 5 A. Crame n 6 H . Maplestone 7 J. Browne 8 S. Cox 9 L . Curry 10 To . Brady 11 T. Roberts 12 G. Maxton 13 S . O'Conno r 15 J . Nihill 16 C. Dynan 17 T Spurtin g 19 P. Flanders 20 J. Sutherlan d 21 A. Wellma n 22 D. Teha n 23 S. Minton-Connell 24 M. Fitzgerald 26 D . Brady 27 C . O'Bree 28 D . Joyce 29 C . Hosking (VC) 30 D. Strible y 31 L, Boyle 32 B . Sheehan 33 M . Barker 35 M . Carney 36 D . Tonkin (C ) 37 A. Farra r 38 M. Amo r 40 A.Egan

32 A

41 Gar an

33 L Campbel Il~I 34 E Thompson (S-DVC) 34 D Henzei 35 P Rujevic (R-VC) 36 S Magee 37 T Harper 37 M Ting 38 C Nation 39 D Fox 40 A Lust (R-Capt) 41 J Anderson 42 C Wright 43 R Coxon 44 J Newton 45 R Czwarno 46 I Dosin g 47 D Hclbnberg 48 M Webster 49 S Yu e 50 K Harding 51 D Vicendes e 52 M Landy 53 S Mitchel l 54 D Learmont-Walker 55 C Eva 56 T Wrigh t 57 S Foley 58 P Greenhill 59 A Hall 60 M Nicholas

g 42 D .Sheehan 43 J . McKenzie 45 G. Irvi n 47 J . Maher 48 M . Kelly 49 A. Cugola 53 S. Butcher 54 B. Govett 55 C . Strib;ey 58 R . Citreon 60 M. Cribbes (RC) 64 Ti. Brad 66 P. Bryary



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Coach : Davui Calthorpe Cason : Greg Loughlin h: Dan Winkel Assist :: i am McConnell 1 t C Res . Coach: Nick Perry 2 A. Rate 1 D . Biggs 2 T. Biggs 3 C. Barrow 2 L . O'Brien 3 L. McDonald 3 D . Forrest 4 A. MacGillrmay (dvc) 4 D . Ryan 5 A. Edge 6 R. Stewart 5 S. De Mo rton 7 C. Reddin 5 T Hargreaves . McNcol ( Co C .R .) 8C 6 C. Ridley 9 P. Phelan (Capt) 6 T. Hand to J . Edge 6 S. Dawson . M ason 11 B 7 J . Leask 12 J . Parrett ( dvc) 8 B . Hakim 12 S . Eastgate 9 J . Stormont . Kent 13 R 10 M . Flaher ty 13 N . Edwards 11 D. Cerantonio 14 S . Williams 11 B . Papal 15 B . Gadsden 12 J Ka vanagh 16 J . Hamann 13 M . Rossi 17 A . Van Dan Dungan 14 R. Legud i 18 A. Salem 15 A . Parker 18 M. Jackson 16 C. Day 19 S. Ginnivan 17 S . Towner to P AngeGni 17 J . Lloyd 2(} M. Smith 18 D. Flaherty 21 R-Joseph 18 C . Devereux 21 T. Ewell 19 T. Wilson 22 J. Murch 23 p t s 20 R . Baddeley 20 A . Burbridge 24 S, Ge ,.„1en - A,' nedy 21 S . Dale 21 T. Stone an 22 M . Port ia D . P' wso n 23 J . Hughes A. E N J. C :rson 23 T. Skurrie 24 J. Dazkiw B. fi uvdson T. t 1 25 A. Fr azer I A. Paroassien 25 E. Baskan 1+ S. Jr z an 26 C . Ward -er t 27 J. Williamson L.' 27 A. Mckenzie j1 on 28 A. Fewster wart C. 29 S. Jose i R. Henderson (Co C . R .) 30 C . Inness D "°" s 31 D . Caridi f 32 P. Grapsas 32 D. Poulton 33 J. Dazkiw D . Podger 35 T. Rumble 36 C. Obliubek 37 L . Fitzgerald run 38 T. Campbell 39 'L Hargreaves i tas 40 C. Katogiannis - ~ ^ 41 B. Overman -- ~ ~ - ~ 42 N. Bertram :} 43 A. McGowan 44 L. Kavanagh g 45 D. Winkel 45 P. Barry F. P< rscn 46 M . Makris C. > : 47 S . Howard 48 A . Salvo Brcwn . .. 49 A . Christou 50 A . Chapman 51 C. Brooks

52 C. Davies !ar

la _is

53 J . Mansour 54 L.Bones . Christou 55 A C. Morgan 56 L. Frazer

57 L. Wilson 61

A . Newland

Coach : Gerard Sh y Res Coach : Brad Low 1 2 3 4

A . Oates L. Lochran (V/Capt) S . Curatolo S . GeBinas ( Sens) B . Davis ( Res) 5 C . Georgia 6 S. Kent 7 J. Gieschen 8 G . Hope g D . Payne 10 C . Crowley ( V7Capt) 11 N . Russian 12 C . Branigan 13 A. Alagona 14 B. Thompson 15 T Beinke 16 S. Price 17 M. Veal 1 8 J.. Ho . , 19 P. Dinakis 20 D. Hawkes (Capt-Res) 21 S. Fra lacom o 22 B Nagel gel 23 K. Theodossi 24 G . Hares 25 E. Byrne 26 I . Dawkins 27 N. Holloway (WC -R) 28 M . Tobias 29 R. Weddle 30 J . Leech 31 J . Stevens 32 S . Kefa!as 33 N. Pratt a4 A. Tema n 35 M . Pollock 36 G . Hart rick 37 A . Baldwin 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J . Keane 41 Z . Keane 42 S . Low (VlCapt) 43 W. Cornelius 44 M Luxon 45 N . Antoniou 46 R . Butler 47 S . Snell 4 8 G. Smith 49 C . Quinla n 50 M . Verrocchi 51 J . Uljans 52 B . Wright 53 L. Courage 54 S . Smith 55 S. Pearce 56 B . Leskie 57 B. Sma rt 58 L . Bolzan 59 R . Stagg 60 J. Siegersma 61 L . Skoullos 62 J. Mathew 63 D . Berry 64 J. Britten 65 D . Campbell- Fraser 66 D . Walkley 67 B. Mckinley 68 B. Parker 69 M. Corr

70 M. Tolley

71 A. Parker 72 L . McKie

. c, 1E Cor h: Russell Barnes Res Coach : Tim Lamb 1 B Collins 2 L Wintte 3 L Beretta 4 L Beveridge 5 S Napie r 6 J Kane 7 S Rose 8 A Scafidi 9 M Terrel l 10 M Wintle 12 P Groves 13 R Sampieri 14 A Connolly 15 T McColl 16 A Hipwell 17 N Cords 18 D Lync h 19 M. Hitto n 20 LPhcMurray 21 J Connelly 22 L Capsalis 23 J Lynch 24 J Ty4uin 25 J Knuppe l 26 M Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 M Andrews 29 D Waters 30 M P.icGettig a n 31 C Osborne 32 G Kempster 33 S Zakic 34 L Carson 35 A Sewers 36 A Walstab 37 T Groves 38 J Maddocks 39 D.Lynch 39 M McColl 4 0 M Kelleher 41 M Rowse 41 O .Suckling 42 M Wilson 43 A Paterson 44 M Rhoden 45 L Ciestak 46 B .Wilso n 47 E Ritchie 48 J Heys 49 S Row se 50 S Kidd 51 A Buck 52 T Be asley 53 L.Georgiadis 54 S Bell 55 M Fi rth 56 L Ftavelle 57 S Meehan 58 C Chariton 59 B Logan 61 M Zahara 63 M Lomagno 64 P McGettrgan 66 R Parson s 67 J McEni ry 69 N Gordon 70 L Terrel l

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Coach : Pat Mannix Asst. Coach: Peter Randall Res. Coach: Chris Rubick 3 M . Carbon e 5 B . Pha n 6 P. Campbell 7 S . Brosolo 8 B . Janson 9 A . Pawli k 11 T. Wallace 12 S . Phela n 13 J . Anderson 14 T. Carr gg 16 J . Power 17 A . Carbone 18 M . Baker 19 A . Hil l 20 L. Swai n 21 S. Alexander 22 N . Cunningham 23 P. Stagg 24 J. Dao u 25 G . Day 27 B. Gardine r 28 A. Bake r 29 A. Glen n 30 M. Power 31 A. Baggoley 32 G . Kennedy 33 C. Fufton 34 D. Gloufchev 36 C. Dyer 38 C. Carrigg 39 N. Bnsbane 40 D. Atkins 42 S . Anderson 43 N. Ellio tt 44 B . Bird 45 S . Cleve n 46 M . Duffy 48 J . Treyvaud 50 D. Crea 52 R. Piggot 54 C. Ross 55 P. Tobin 57 A . Woods 58 P. PoutneyY 59 T. Nuna n 60 R . Pawlik 62 B . Staffor d 6 3 Z. Web b 65 D . Eames 66 J . Box 70 C . Pelos i 71 R . Matt ison 72 K . Papprot h

9 396 9000


e McLauchlan ,ertswoo d R速' : Doutta Stars EDFL 1982-86 Sunbury RDFL 1988-1992 Lancefield RDFL 1993-94 Rupertswood VAFA - 2000 Assistant Coach : Lancefield 1993-94 Junior Coach Rupertswood 1998-2000 Reserves Coach Rupertswood 2001-2004 Senior Coach Rupertswood 200 5 cc Y. Firstly, arn the respect of the players.

Then you can educate, encourage and develop all players individually, so collectively they have a belief in themselves, their team mates and the game plan . FUTU ON : To continue building the foundations of the Rupertswood Football Club for the future . The desire of our young players to push for senior selection and our Under 16 players to push for Under 19 selection has created an excellent platform as we attempt to promote our club through the grades . With encouraged support for this type of attitude, we can meet each new challenge with confidence .

It is a very exciting time to be involved with the Rupertswood Football Club .

Ben Pillev C- -- : Emmaus St . Leos OC >. PLAYMG


Scotch College School Football - 1992 - 1997 Swinburne University AFC - 1999 - 200 0 Cai_ ~.)erwell Sharks JFC U/ 14 - U/ 15 Coach - 1999 - 2000 Surrey Park U J 15 through to Colts Division 1- 2001 - 2004 Oakleigh Chargers Development Coach - 200 4

YJ"'- , ^resentative Coach in Vic Metro Junior Championships - 2004/2005 Er maus St.l os OC AFC U/ 19 Coach - 2005 Being a relatively young coach, I try to enjoy and learn from all successes and challenges . Also, -',~ays be ca-1, always be in control . To be s nior coach of a club, to help take a club up the grades, and coach at the highest level l can . In the short term, an U/ 19 premiership with Emmaus St .Leo's ! 12


We are delighted to welcome Stewait Haries and Adam Lust to our admin team in 2005 .

Colin Foley 0403 574 500 or Gus Martonhelyi 0429 106 59 6

J A Dodd Ltd Rigby Cooke Lawyers Track Stars Collectable s

Grand Hyatt Melbourne BPA Print Group Azuma Sport s The Knight Williams Batter s

South Yarra Sports Centre Goldpats Accountants HydroChe m The Kitchen Place

GVP Fabricators The Frame Shop Spitting Image Catering The Hatton Hotel

Elastoplast S port Club Warehouse Gary McBean Meats ccal Hotel Queenscliffi Eels Hotel & Brewe ry iC~„h's Pies Eu_ G':;bal

Edward J Lynch Agencies Barrie Macdonald & Assoc Ivany Investment Group Australian Unity The Kingston Hotel Diadora

312 1 03)9428 5841 F 0;3) .28 0847 E kingi> .at@ne :oar~- .:_etau TfJQTikS ICi


I; s sponsQrship .>zrpcart in SBoSt3'r3 200.~'1

Stewie (top right) takes over the role of VP : Football O perations. This also includes Team Manager, invariably for both the Seniors an d Reserves, and is doing a fine job. Stewart was a dashing player for the club in the 1990's and has now seen fit to contribute back off the field in a most meaningful way. Hopefully his example will be replicated with a number of former senior players serving in an admin role in 2006 and beyond . Adam Lust is the new Club Secretary, taking over from Colin Johansen through his unavailability from work commitments. Adam is also the Captain of the Reserves and is a fine on-field leader who plays the game hard from defence. Adam brings to his roles a new vitality and sense of purpose. He has a clear view of the club's future and the commitments required from players and supporters to ensure suc-

i I cess and guarantee long term club viability.


Any former player who is able to provide admin support during the week, on game days and/or, in particular, as a club umpire for the Resreves in 2006, should contact President ° olin Green, '-' I o r . _' assoona s

possible so that planning for 2006 can proceed well before the end of this season . 13

It's just not football! Freezing cold, wind, rai n and mud, it's been years since we've heard o f such conditions, next think you'll be telling me footy's supposed to be a winter game! I t certainly didn't affect OF, who showed their first win against the Blacks was no flash in the pan . C Grade '05 is alive ! REVIEW It was in the balance at the final address and on their home mudpatch, many may have believed Uni would surge clear and whilst Torney, Barry and the Colonel tried, OP led by Maher, Gale and Chambers had other ideas, holding Blacks goalless and booting three of their own, to topple the ladder leaders for the second time this year . Banyule showed they're not done with C Grade just yet, keeping alive their slim hopes of escaping the relegation guillotine with a hard earned win against Therry . Just five points separated the teams late in the game, but the Bears through Gayfer and Green wanted it more . Crotty, Bannister and Callegari were Therry's most consistent .

A Parkdale four goal term may not sound like much, but when only four majors had been scored in a half of footy between them and the Wellers, it was decisive . Paul Sullivan, Barr and Hecker were instrumental in the victory that saw OC slip from third to sixth . Cheffers and Howard amongst Camberwell's best . In heavy conditions, having kicked just two for the afternoon and trailing by three goals at the last change, the signs were not good for the Sharks against the Rovers . However with Duggan and Weller hard at it and the Sharks talls getting their mits on it, they would break the Hampton Rovers stranglehold set up by Drew and Blanchard . On a tough day for forwards, Kirzner booted six and with help from Sutton and Lewski, the Jackas landed win number eight and a


Ashers, but Aja x were too accomplished and deserved their win . PREVIEW Uni fell attempting their ninth on end, will it be a similar fate for Ajax, who today tackle the Blacks, the last team to shade them? Just one loss between these sides in the last eight weeks shows these are the form clubs of the competition and whilst winning form is outstanding form, I'm tipping Uni to bounce back and prick the Jacka bubble .

inless after nine rounds , -anyute have been more L . -an cÂŽrr% :?et itive since and a wi n will ignite their belief they can the Students by year's end. " Despite their win last Saturday, OP face another clutch game against the Sharks . As they have for most of the year, the


CLUB C SECTION Aja x Old Camberwell Therry Penola C RESERVE Beaumaris Old Camberwell Old Paradians

Kirzner 55 Loats 0 55 Edwards 2 4 7 Vance Craven Spinoso

1 31 1 24 0 25


Bundoora boys are close to the top four but have been unable to break in, a loss could again harm their post season chances and that's why I think they will follow up their win against top, with a win against second . ,ionasBl know the acid is on them when they confront the nothing to lose Bears . Winless _'ter nine rounds, Banyule have been mor e than competitive since and a win today will _nite their belief they can pass the Students by year's end . The Ashers have struggled for consistency, but they know today is a must aad will triumph . s<overs had one of their best days of the cason when they crushed OC in Round 5 . A loss for the Wellers today, could almost pull he curtain down on their year and whilst titev will be desperate, I think Hampton ,Zovers will throw a real spanner in their ~ : orks. = berry Penola hike southward where the cultures await them . The visitors haven't %1.-on since Round 4 and their hosts for thi s )' rnoon are circling and will live up to the PA dale team mantra, of Eating'Em Dead . Correspondents - Glen Harrison 'alloo .com

V", F I

eas t

Written applications to: The Secret ary PAR K DALE VULTURES AFC Ian Thoma s 37 Southern Road ~ + ^ i1to41e, :~'. S,`i


C Banyule v Monash Blue s Parkdale Vultures v Therry Penola 0 B Hampton Rovers v Old Camberwell AJAX v University Blacks - at Oval 9, Albert P ark - TB C Old Paradians v Beaumaris

9=1 "ON 2.1 2 .4 4 .6 5.8 (38) Pdo?dASH BLUES MAX 2.3 4.4 8.4 9.6 (60) Mon Blues: Holloway Craven Gregory Bolos Smyth . Best: Blackley Costley Willlams Merlin Flicker Smith . MAX: Details not received . Umpires: David Irons Ken McNiece (F) Matt Jenkin ..~n Simon Abel (B) Daniel Kofoed Bruce Stephens (G) 'rHERRY PEYOLA 2 .2 3 .4 4 .4 6.5(41) 'YULE 3.3 4 .5 5 .8 8.11 (59) Therry Pen: Edwards 2 R Bannister Crotty Faroldi Goodwin D . Best: Crotty Callegari C Bannister Quinn Hallow T Goodwin . Banyule: Wise 3 Plapfair 2 Davies Richardson Smith . Best: Gayfer Green O'Connell Playft& Wlllmare Wise . Umpires: Joe Hartwig Mick Brown (RFL) (F) Santo Caruso Scott Grey (RFL) (B) Daniel Scull),, Lim Cooney (RFL) (G ) OLD C. LL 1 .3 2 .6 2 .8 4 .8(32) PARKDALE VULTURES 2.4 2 .6 6 .11 9.12 (66 ) Old C.amh: Cheffers Darling Gl3dmart B Ryan. Best : Cheffers Howard Rogers D Mitchell Horskins Gooda)e. Park Bult: M Sullivan 2 T Barr 2 Macgeorge C. Sullivan S Sullivan Hampton Me Craw . Best: P Sullivan T Barr Hecker Kelly Stephens Hampton. Umpirv : Shane Macintosh Paul Tuppen (F) Cameron Hayes Frank Palermo (B) Daniel Dal Pos Chris Doyle (G ) HARU'TON ROVERS 4 .7 4.7 5.8 5 .I0 (40) BEAUMARIS 0 .2 2.6 2.8 6 .12 (48) Hampt Rav: Browne Corcoran Sernmell Tregear Zampaglione . Best: Blanchard Drew Anderson Parkinson Burggraaff Corcoran Browne . Beaum: Lee 3 Buller 2 Teesdale. Best- Duggan Waller Matulick Wilson Ensor Lee. : Rob Mouton Anthony Damen (F) Robbie Mouton Jordan Ump Mavston (B) Mn vescovi Bernie Hoare (G) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .2 6.3 8 .3 8.7 (55) 1 .2 6.4 8.7 11 .7 (73) OLD PA RADIANS Uni Blacks : Evans 2 Savage 2 Smith Doxs!e•y Sandiford Lali*_h . Best : Torney Barry Sandiford Smith Savaghe D Costello. Old Paz : D Harford 2 G Permit 2 Hughes 2 Spitty Tenson Zivanovic Gale Brabender. Best: Maher Gate McCalister Chambers Richardson . Umpires : Peter Liddell Peter Angelis (F) Adam Rodgers Brendan Cannon (B) James Mugavin Dominic Napoli (G) 9-1 MONASH BLUES 1 .1 4 .6 6 .6 7.8(50) 5.0 5.0 10.3 12.4 (76) ' .Mn Blues : Feenaghty 2 Murchle M Jones Hawkins Green Ghaer . Best : : Gotdonfein 3 Rutko Green Wills Hawkins Kats Anderson Carstein. MAX 2"I`hurin 2 Szkolnik Dudakw Destenherg Sharp Kagan . Best: Seidl Raleigh Rltterman Zemski Kagan Thurin . 1OL9 2.0 4.3 4 .5 8.6(54) 2 .1 3 .1 5 .5 6 .6 (42 ) : J Sacco 2 Gleeson 2".to'.-oney S Goodwin Weston Kenessv. : Glecson A Nancarrow J Sacco Weston Kenessy Hallam . Bnnyule: Witchell 3 Giansiracusa Phelan Turnball . Best: Phelan Tshaiktwsky W[tchell Thompson Natoli Kennedy. 3 .8 6 .9 6 .10 12.12 (84) OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .0 2 .2 2.3 33(21) PARIMALE VULTURES old Camb: J Chile 3 Joyce 2 Munro 2 :;lessio Craven Pike Schmidt Tipper . Mackenzie Pike Jellis Grant Gough J Clete . Park Volt : Wood Darc y Walker . Best: Darcy M Kight Crllly Smith Wheatley . HAMPTON ROVERS 0.0 2 .0 3.0 5 .1(31 ) BEAUfiSARIS 4 .6 6 .8 10.13 11 .15 (81) Hampt Roc: Fisher 3 Lake Mosbey. Best: Ng Mosby Fisher Blangardo Chrishansen Davis. Beaum: Ferrari 4 Vance M O'Brien Presvvell J ik'tlltty Kennedy S McNichaLs Terpshtls . Best: JIvhltty McMillan M O'Brien D Wall Ferrari Jurv UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0 .2 2 .4 4.6 7.9 (51) OLD PARADIANS 0 .3 0.5 0 .5 1 .6(12) But BbArs : Price 3 Hamilton lt'oo?ev Bnimbv-Rendell Jesse. Best : Barret Hentv Hamilton White Prowse Cameron . Oki Pas : Walsh. Best: Lombardi Breen Godfrey on Fabio Fantone LuCt.


C Sectio n AJAX


Coach : Tim 0'Shaughnessy Res. Coach : Barry Simon

Coach : Greg Whitcroft Res Coach : David Witchell

1 N . Gold (Capt) 1 B. Borensztein ® 2 J. Israelsohn 2 B. Rose O 3 Y. Rapoport 4 M. Dudakov (Capt Res) 5 G . Blieden 5 J. Rotstein ® 6 D . Vanaken 7 L . Krafchek 7 D . Rubenstein O 8 E. Raleigh 8 W. Bevel ® 9 A. Rosen 11 M. Segal (VC) 11 J. Goldman ® 12 D . Goldenfein 13 B. Klein 14 D . Codron 15 J . Segal (VC) 15 S . Newstadt fl 1 6 E . Routman 17 D . Weislitzer 18 J . Kirzner 18 B . Lukav @ 19 D . Sutt on 19 R . Silberman ® 20 J . Sharp 21 A . Lewis 21 R . Silberman O 22 A . Lewis 22 J . Thurin ~ 23 A . Lewski 23 P. Glezer t~ 24 O. Henze[ 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 J . Berger 28 A . Zemski 29 R . Kagan 30 J . Kagan 33 P. Bry ner 34 J . Raleigh 34 D. Seidl ® 35 J . Givoni 35 B . Ritterman ~ 36 B . Nankin 40 D. Seidl 41 R . Heine 41 A . Sacks ® 42 D . Gerber 44 B . Eichler 47 A . Porat 50 J . Dvash 51 J . Kestenberg 54 D. Rutko 55 A . Grosman 59 N . Diamond 60 J . Wajnberg 62 J . Hoppe

1 T. Prior 2 D. Witchell 3 N . Taylor 4 P. Gloury 4 M . Creak (res) 5 B . Willmore 6 M . Morgan 7 C. Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 10 A . Dooley 11 S . Griffith 12 A . B rown 13 J . King 14 S . Green 15 R. Gu tterson 16 A . Demetriou 17 C. Davies 18 T. Wise 19 L. O'Connell (c) 19 T. Nasrallah (real 20 S . Playtair 22 C. Taylor 23 M . Gray 24 S . Giansiracusa 25 D. Phelan 26 J . Szeremeta 27 D. Drapac 28 P. Adams 29 G . Fikaris 30 D. Mutton 31 C. Bassett 32 L. Richardson 33 D. Stokes 34 A. Bottomley 35 S. Dowlan 36 M . George 37 T. Thomson ( c res) 38 D. Gayfer 39 A. Hopgood 40 M. Smith 41 A. Tshaikiwsky 42 G . McLellan 43 L. Ferrall 44 S. J. Gray 45 A. Rothe 46 A. Spicer 49 G . Bell 52 M. DePetro

: '. ::IS

Coach : Male Lovejoy Asst : James Whi6a & Mick Carty Res : Jaw Holt 1 . M . Duggan

2. H. Gibson 3. J. Heath 4. M . Matulick 5. M. Ensor 6. A. Spence 7. S. Lynch 8 . M. O 'Brien 9. B. Cousins 10. L . Buller 1 1 . M. Lee 12. L. Heaty, 13. J. VJhiry 14. T Collins ( DVC) 15. M. Boon 16. A. Quin 17. M. Pelts 18. N . Kennedy 19. M. Atkins (VC) 20. J. Black 21 . S. Coote 22. L. Atkins 23. A. Catlin 24. B. Gray 25. D . Teesdale 26. A. O'Brien 27. B. Haynes 28. J . Vance (Res C ) 29. C . Martin (C ) 30. C . Lambert 31 . C . Graham 32. L. Wonnacott 33. S. May 34. H . McMillan (Res DVC) 35. S. McNrc:holas 36. N . Atkins 37. R . Presnell 38. M. Wilson 39. L. McNicholas 40 . H«Jarth 41 .' J G. Jury 42. B . Gillespie 43. T. Woolnough 44. C . Collins 45 . M. Kurta 46. J . Gerrand 47 . A . Kent ,~ T~ ~ 49 . J . Bryce 50 . S . a~ 51 . J . Mitchell 53 . A . Poll 55 . L. Quirk 56 . D. Wall 57 . L. Ferrari 58 . J . Bramwell 59 . B . Gri ffiths 60 . D. Bird 61 . D. Foley 62 . J . Dickson 64 . D. Murphy 65 . G. Shattock 66 . P. McConchie ( Res VC) 68 . B . Bowker 71 . C. Evans 72 . A . Collings 74 . M . McDonald 75 . N. Higgs 76 . C. Terpsinis 77 . C. Sinko

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Brett Mcllwraith Res Coach: Tony Naumo ff 1 H . Tregear 2 M. McKellar 3 G . Cannot 4 G . Carr ( DVC) 5 J . Prantzo s 6 L. Hatt A . Dud Duddy d 8 Drew Anderson g N . Pinto 10 S . Blanchard 11 J . Zampaglione 12 T. Barker 12 N . Corcoran 13 G. Woods (VC) 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A. Browne ( C) 16 N . Greenwood 17 L. Cave 18 J . McCa rthy 19 M . Lawrence (DVC) 20 A . Powe r 21 S . Parkinson 22 S . Burggraaff 23 M . Gray (Res VC) 24 C . Christianson 25 M . Lake 26 M . Devereaux 27 M . Flynn 28 B . Kezilas 29 M . Fletche r 30 A . Quon ( Res C) 31 T. Pucella 32 D. Anderson ( Res) 32 J . Hanlon 33 R . Mosbey 34 A . Crowther 35 N . Goss 36 M . Heffernan 37 D. Lillecrapp 38 A . Fisher 39 A . C ri sp 40 M . Flahive 41 B . McCallum 42 C. Matthouse 43 C. Lambert 44 A . Blake 45 G. Davi s 46 L. Waolrich 47 L. Wheeler 48 G . Giasoumi 49 S . Hellige r 50 N. Foster 52 A. Ross 53 J. Ng 54 D. Marshall 55 L. James 56 T. Po rter 57 D. Williams 58 C. Delosa 59 T. McNamara 60 M' Bel l 61 A. Kavanagh 62 D. Kroker

. .



GROUT PTY. LTD. Ph : 9597 0166 .a u

LUES Coach : Jon Edgar Res Coach : Dale Murchi e 1 S . Chapman 2 L. Renton 3 L . Holloway 4 B. McKenzie 5 J. Rosen9art e n 6 M . Davidson 7 P. Farra r 8 A. Hickey 9 C. O'Sullivan 10 S. Lloyd 11 M . Spence r 12 G . Smyth (vc ) 13 M . Pay 14 B. Merlin 15 M . Tinkler 16 B. Nind 17 K. Mudge 18 R. Glove r 19 M. Payn e 20 M. Edsal l 21 C. Gregory 22 T. Blacktey, 23 B. Jansse n 24 T. Craven 25 J. Hawkins 26 P. Wills 27 N . De Young 28 J. Main 29 A. Costle y 30 L . Creamer 31 J. Gree n 32 A. Bains 33 J. Smith (c) 34 R. Shield s 35 D . Murchie 36 A. Williams 37 C . Dennis 38 N . Brenna n 39 A. Pyle 40 J. Maz ur 41 Michael Boha n 42 M. Coe 43 R . Feenaghty 44 L . Leviston 45 T. De You Young 46 D . Jone s 47 S. Menth a 48 M. McMaho n 49 M. Pettingil l 50 A. Wilson 51 T. Haines 52 N . Moresi 53 J. Peel 54 B. Adamson 55 I. McCormick 56 M. Jone s 57 J. Choong 58 J . Lu i 59 C . McKenzie 60 C . Bank s 61 P. Campbell 62 L . Katts 63 B Hillman 68 M . Meeha n 70 Z. Anderson 72 B . Green 74 P. Westbroo k 75 R . on 77 D . Neil


C Section OLD CAMBERWELL Coach: Paul 0'Shannassy Res Coach : Ken Schawb 1 A. Curling 2 M. Horgan 3 W. Taylor 4 C . Hendrie 5 D . Loats 6 R . Taylor 7 K. Batzloff 8 J. Heffernan 9 B. Tymmons 10 B. Christie 11 A. Whelan 12 R . Perryman 13 L . Gladman 14 R . Whitehead 15 L . Heffernan 16 L . Weaver 17 N . Credlin 18 D . Hanson 19 S. Peasnell 20 D. Mitchell 21 T. Hardman 22 B. Howard 23 D. Chatters M. Shanks 25 A. Hardenberg 26 D. Clyne 27 A. Sheedy 29 D. Goug h 30 J. Clyne 31 B. Craven

32 G . Ormsby 33 D . Joyce 34 D. Schmidt 35 C. Munroe 36 S. Derry 37 J. Goodale 38 S. Marwood 39 S. Young 40 C . Jellis 41 T. Kearney 42 A. Mackenzie 43 C. Grant 44 L. Elridge 45 T. Lowrie 46 M. Jackson 47 M. Rogerson 48 T. Sigalas 49 J. Hedley 50 D. Pike 51 B. Ryan

52 A. Salipas 53 L. Orr 54 M. Wallace 55 S. Fogharty 56 M. Cottrell 57 R. Whelan 58 N. Paine 59 C. Rodgers 62 T Webb 63 T. Nisbeth 64 B. Cottrell 65 S. Gregory 66 T. Parkes 67 S. Horskins 68 A. Cocks 69 S. Janes 75 Bruce



Res Coach: Peter Cosgrifit

Assist : Paul Dwyer Res Coach~: Paul Martin

Res Coach : Bernie Carter

1 D. Zivanovic 2 A . Hughes 3 D. Dean 4 A . Curran (DVC) 5 A . Paglia 5 D. Harfwd 6 D. Giddings 7 M. Casg fi 7 T. Girovski 8 A . Sinclair (C) 9 P. Palermo 10 P.Brabender 11 M. Joyce 12 L. Dore 13 S . Rose 13 N . Allen 14 P. Pratt 14 M. Rose 15 B . Richardson 16 M. Godfrey 17 T. Ryan 18 G. Porteous 18 M. Spinoso 19 A . Dean 19 D Spiny 20 S . Maher 21 D . Loney 21 S . Luff 22 S . Fantone 22 D . Richardson 23 P. Walsh 24 T Lombardi 25 D . Hussey 26 D . Boundy (VC) 26 P. Turner 27 K . Jenkins 28 J . Kreuzer 29 R . Ryan 30 M. Ryan 31 D . Breen 31 M. Hyde 32 S . Corcoran 33 N . Riseley 34 M. Gate 35 S . Simpson 36 B . Ointinosante 37 A . DiFabio 38 A . Harvey 39 M. Derham 40 L. Hartford 41 J . Sandy 42 R . Murray 44 D . Furze 46 J . Martinelli 47 W. Connelly 49 M. Sykes 50 A . Tarrson 53 D . SaNatico 55 S . Egan 57 A . Elliot

1 S. Rowley 2 S. Hecker 2 B. Darcy 3 M. Dixon 4 M. Hayes 5 A. White 6 C . Stephens 7 C . Atkin s 8 K. Little 9 M. Meyer 9 P. Emmett 10 T. Kight 11 C . O'Meara 12 A. Baker 13 M. Ryan 14 C . Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C.. Sullivan Sullivan 18 S 19 C . Stewart 20 D . Kinsella 21 D . Kelly Y 22 B. Liddell 23 Matt Sullivan 24 T. Linthome 25 B. Richards 26 D . Rochford 26 A. Rock 27 R . Layton 28 A. Castles 29 G . Crilley 30 P. Marin 31 J. Drury 32 B. F~den 33 N . Wilkins 34 Matt. Walsh 35 M. Johnstone

1 B. Corrigan 2 T. Goodwin 3 R . Bannister 4 M. Elliott 5 A. Baker 6 M. Nancarrow 7 S. Bannister 8 L. Hollow 9 C. Bannister 10 J. Vaina 11 J. Crotty 12 J. Quinn 13 G . Russell 14 J. Fenton 15 A. McMahon 15 B. Owen 16 D. Clifton 17 D. Pirpinias 18 A. Moloney 19 M . La Corchia 20 J. Clarke 21 G . Henderson 22 D. Goodwin 23 D. Callegari 24 M . Faroldi 25 P. Edwards 26 B. Lewis 27 M . Bosanko 29 S . Goodwin 31 A. Forster-Knight 32 J. Sacco 33 L. Kuret 34 D. Weston 36 T. Gosett 37 D. Castaldi 40 G . Tsinaris 41 B. Barron 42 A. McKay 43 M . Warren 45 J. Kruger 46 S . Stepien 47 D. Goodwin 48 M . Nancarraw 50 S . Halla m 52 A. Gleason 53 M . Villani 54 J. Frazzetto 56 P. Dunne 57 C. Ferguson 59 T. Robinson 69 J. Ellender 77 K . Walker 87 S . Daniel

OLD PARADIANS Coach : Dale McCann

Coach : Tony Macrgeorge

37 T. Macgeorge 38 S. Perrazo 39 S. Waters 40 D . Granger 41 C . Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 M. Kight 46 W. Wheatley 47 C . Rowland 48 Mick. Walsh 49 G . Allan 50 S. Scullin 51 A. Wood 52 S. Wingrave 53 D . Noonan 54 M. McCraw 55 J. Thurgood 56 S. Wilson 57 R . Bittner 58 R . Haslemore 59 D . O' Keefe 60 M. O'Meara 61 T. Banks 62 D . Scerri 63 N . Leven 64 X. Smith 65 G . Wilson 66 A. Kerr

Coach : Garry Datson


Coach: AnUanY Parki n Res Coach : Lachlan Beaton Assistants: Michael Rizia Rob Paterson, Matt Frttolan i

I A. Costello 2 T. Sheldon

2 S. Chandler (Res) 3 P. Geister 3 R. Hamilton (Res ) 4 A. Evan s 4 R. Myers (Res) 5 E. Hard y 6 A. Bevacqu a 7 S. Pric e C. Haynes P. Kempto n W. Hanna 11 S.Walch . Torney 12 A 13 A. Ross C. Baulch (C18) 1 4 C. Price 15 B. Shaw 1 6 J. Lalich 17 T. Purcell 18 C. Groom 18 K. Prestidge (Res) 19 M . KemPton 20 C. Sandrford 21 J. Sbil 22 se 23 P. Barr y 24 L . Martin 25 A. Katsaros 26 D. Batte n 27 M . Savige 28 D. Costello 28 P. Otsuka (C18) 29 N. Peo~ r 30 31 B. Costello 32 A. Cameron 33 M . Lindh 34 D. Barlo w 35 36 M . Prows e 37 J. Wood s 38 J. K q) 39 M. AYethor m pe 40 N. Martin 41 R. Green 43 C. Beaion 44 E. Ryan 45 R. Scariet t 46 A. Kelly 47 B, Murphy 48 T Podet 49 C. Terry 50 A. Goonan 51 A. Wood 52 R Auh 53 D. O'Keeffe 54 S. Welding 55 G. Thomso n 56 A. Merrell 57 K. Mena 59 A. Woolley 60 R. Kercheval 61 J. Black 62 J. Matheso n63 64 L . Hill G~ 65 N. Haslett 66 T. Ferguson 67 N. Goonan 70 J. Green 71 B. Callen 73 J. Dwye r 74Jwsley 76 H. Barlo w 77 T. Bmmby-Rundell W. Pascoe 83 P. Molloy

5 B. Weber8 87 E. Duncan 94 A. Powel l 97 L . Mario 8 K. Begel y9

2005 M ajor Sponsor

Proudly Sponsored by THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t

~ -.

Carlton 3053


The night will take place at the Mazenod OCFC Clubrooms, Central Reserve Glen Waverley, 7 .30pm on Saturday July 30 . Tickets are pre-sell only - for more details contact Brett Connell - brett@vafa .com .au Brian Goodman - brian@vafa .com .au, or Gerard Noone - gnooneCintgroup .com .au ~'r 速 (9 V,~ere would we be without Trainers Prahran AFC would like to express our gratitude to Mazenod Club XVIII medical staff for the assistance provided to one of our players last Saturday . The player concerned suffered, what was thought at the time, a serious neck injury and the assistance from Mazenod was greatly appreciated . Not only did Darren help out on the day but he also gave me a call on Sunday evening to enquire about the health of our player . A terrific effort .




::r$cks on Board 500 GX; :I-I'S CC3t1C D - We M ur-Alicn No-one can really pin down the exact date but after 26 years of coaching and having played 200+ games Mike McArthur-Allen will celebrate 500 games coached on Saturday July 30 at the Mazenod OCFC Club rooms . Having played with St . Pats Ballarat OC, Bulleen United, Ormond and Canterbury North Balwyn and having coached at Buileen United, Ormond, De La Salle OC, St . Kevins, Mazenod and the VAFA Senior representative team Mike's involvement in the VAFA is, to say the least long-standing . An amazing record of 5 premierships in A Section, Mike also worked as Executive Officer at the VAFA for a time . His love of coaching saw him lead the VAFA - Australian Football Coaches' Association (AFCA) branch and also win the AFCA Victoria Senior Coach of the Year (1990), as well as sitting on AFCA Victoria's Executive Committee . Details of the night follow, but all we can say is well done Mike you have been an ornament to the game of Australian Rules football and the VAFA in general, well done and all the very best . Tickets are $25 and include a two course meal . Drinks are at bar prices . 18

Victorian premier and Williamstown resident Steve Bracks has signed on for the number One ticket holder at the Williamstown CYMS . The premier is delighted to be involved in local football and attending a few games . Mr Bracks acknowledges the work the club plays in the community (shown by the recent blood bank drive) but also a place where friends and families can meet and enjoy VAFA football . He is looking froward to the club getting back to its home ground at the Fearon next year after the extensive renovations which are proceeding nicely . 0 0 0 Songs sung on grounds - unnecessary ?? The recent trend seems to be to copy the AFL and get together and belt out a clubs theme song after a win . No problems there, but in the AFL the songs are sung in the privacy of the rooms rather than in the middle of the ground or near opposition rooms or coaches boxes . Winning is one thing, winning with dignity is another. Let's hope the trend quickly disappears and winning teams celebrate appropriately in the confines of their own rooms . 0 0



r:esl ~-> a it Cave (Hai )ton Rove~*s writes) : I was ng The Amateur Footballer regarding ies in VAFA club football and I'm jus t ng where do you rank the match-u p en Beaumaris and my club, Hampton rs in terms of fierce local derby matche s ,~ ~FA? Plus what do you think is the grand final in VAFA history? -e Jason nominations : ,maris v Hampton Rovers (19= > C

'ion Grand Final-some say its V sc eaock result in VAFA grand i _ ." the Rovers coming form final to defeat the Shark sreviougambtwnh e

irashed Rovers by 12 goals) . Rovers v Thomastoian (1995 D )n Grand Final-Rovers first flag i n

sl v De La Salle (I 9 it ~ ' ''inal-tVOBs coming fro r

1 0 goals it lost by 5 points to De La Salle ) -s your tl .,)ugh.ts on some of the bes-

- r es Grand Finals and we'll run Laith hat are thrown up .

I Joe l

0 uung Joel Rice f- o e turns twenty Ias i iected on the wing in the -e, ;mtative game that lost to Sunday . Prior to that h e

he VAFA at U23 level against th e FC Match 2 and was named in

stralian team for the year . To boo t traveling to Ireland w째ith the AAFC late September. Gotta be a show for I Warehouse VAFA Rising Star 'hen again guys like Ari Lewski, Rayson, Michael Barker, Brendan

Josh Madden, David Boundy, Tim non, Ben Waite et al may have g to say about that . Missed someone .:-tic - a'' , .com .au 0






Ft4'-._ _ .


Ormond, Old Carey & Prahran all losing last week resurrected the D1 traditional disrespect for incumbent members of the Four. At least the Monds only lost to the No .1, but the Cs &

Two Blues hurt themselves badly by shrinking the margin they held over the Animals, Panthers and Bushrangers . There will now be a serious bun fight for 3rd & 4th in the weeks to come . LAST VITEEK

conditions. Bloods had super } efforts fro m Justin Box OtB, Andrew Barrie R , and David Boland across HB .


Danny Ballard OtB, had a top day for Prahran, with HF, Travis Greening, and R, David Boland big contributors .

The Saints pushed the Bushrangers right down to the wire, thereby proving their form over the three previous rounds was no fluke . Tim Kilworth would have been delighted to go home with the 4 points for his Bushrangers! Pryde, Lyons, & Clements gave their all for GE .

; Id Mentonians take on Emmaus St Leo's and what a critical match thi s is; the loser will just about kiss goodbye to any Senior finals action. "

Ormond may be a tad less physically imposing than Reds but there is really not much between Dl's leading sides . Both Clubs carefully refrained from giving anything away like match reports, but in the half I saw Milos Zika gave huge drive off his wing for Reds, and the Monds' 100 game man, Simon Keheler, dominated his flank . The Animals had the Bullants measure as indicated by the scoring shots and ESL's finals chances remain alive . Tim McCann put in another good one for ESL, with Krebs & Hopper standouts as well . Billy Touriganis & Phil Hare were great stoppers in defence for B-T, with Clarke & Chivers providing drive round the ground .

TODAY Reds play Glen Eira and while the Saints have shown they cannot be taken lightly, the Reds are too focussed to let this one slip & should win by at least 5 goal s Bullants host Ormond & will give the Monds a run for their money on the Ted Ajani . The visitors should have a sufficient edge in skill to win by 4 goals . Old M entonians take on Emmaus St Leo' s

Old Mentonians were more effective in the scoring zone than Old Carey and handled the dreadful weather better and are now only two games from the four. On ballers David Emerson and Peter Flaskis starred for the Panthers with Ryan Alexander steady up forward .

Dl SECTION Fitzroy Reds Aquinas Ormond Old Mentonians Dl RESERVE Fitzroy Reds Old Mentonians Fitzroy Reds Ormond

Aquinas shocked Prahran, itself & the rest of us with a great win in the day's ugly





iAt,1 E Cianci Wooden Beckett Basile

Capodiferro Stroud Tornese Stewart

LSTt'1 :( -,*,7iit 3 46 2 44 0 40 0 38 50 41 38 28


and what a critical match this is ; the loser will just about kiss goodbye to any Senior finals action . Even though both are playing better now than when the Panthers won at Bennettswood in R5, the home side should take the points today by 2-3 goals . yarra Valley and Aquinas embark on another chapter of their 'friendly rivalry, which the Bushrangers should win by 4 goals .

Prahran an d Old Carey meet in a season defining contest for both . The two are so evenly matched that if they don't play a draw, then one will win by a point! I'll back the Cs! Reserves winners should be : Reds, Monds, Animals, Bushrangers, & the Cs . Correspondents contacts: bhi98371 Cb igpond. ne t . au

9889 1979, &

MILESTCI\T E S Yarra Valley OB - congratulate Club legend, David 'Pottsy' Potts on playing his 200th game today. Pottsy started with the Club in its inaugural year of 1993, and is the first Bushranger to achieve the 200 . Playing mostly in the Reserves, of which he was Captain 1994-2004, B&F Runner up in 1997, leading goal kicker 1999, & Finals player in 1994-97 & 2002, as well as being named Captain of the Reserves Team of the Decade . Pottsy has set a great example with his teamwork, commitment, leadership, & skill . All Bushrangers wish him well today! Emmaus St . Leos - congratulate the 3 McGloin brothers on reaching 100 games over the last 3 weeks . David a tall marking forward in Round 13, Robbie one of the "bobcat twins" in Round 12 and Paul the other half of the lethal "bobcat twins" in Round 14, both play with tremendous courage and commitment . Also James Briggs 100 games . He's overcome some serious injuries to reach this significant ni 1estone, well done to the uncompromising defender.

D1 SEC'I'I速!I Fitzroy Reds v Glen Etta - at De Cherie Reserve Bulleen Templestowe v Ormond Old Mentonians v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Yarra Valley 0 B v Aquinas 0 C Prahran v Old Carey

GLEN EIRA 3.3 4 .7 6 .12 9.15 (69) YARRA VALLEY O B 3 .3 5.6 6.8 11 .9 (75) Glen Elm Massis 2 Clements S Diamond King Lyons Pryde Serpanchy Zagame. Best : Pryde Massis Tsiorgiamlls Clements Lyons Sheedy .YarmV-. Stone 5 M Laing 3 Thompson N Pask Lear. Best: Stone Stevenson Valappi A Laing Hale N Pask. Umpires : Anthony Calderone Paul Jones (F) Dean Herskope Matt Proctor (B) Lachlan Simpson Dan Frazier (G ) ORMOND 2 .6 2.7 7.9 7.10 (52) FIrZROY REDS 1 .2 4.4 5.6 9 .11 (65) Ormond: A Russell 2 Byra 2 Beckett Cook Chisholm . Best: Cook Keleher Jones Detadlo Metz Btra. Fitz Reds : Chachl 3 Cahill Galvin Magee Rawlins Gleeson Pace. Best : Drury Davis Pace Zika Clarke Gle,.wn. Umpires : Nick Fennessy Daniel Sitib (F) Peter Monotti Damien Anthony (B) Trevor Foy Travis Storti (G ) EM ,iAUS ST 1 EOS O C 2 .5 5.8 8.9 12 .17 (89) BUI3 .EEN 2EhIIR ESTOWE 3.4 5.4 8.5 8.5 (33) Emmaus Sk McKenzie 3 Ballard 2 T McCann 2 Baranello Dhllcolantonlo Hickey Hopper Levins. Best : T McCann Krebs Hopper Buckle Ballard Lear. Temp: Chtvers 2 Hanson 2 Matthews 2 Coniston Tulloeh . Best : Clarke Thompson Chivers Wilkie Touroglacmis Wise. Umpires: Grant Joyner Paul O'Loughlin (F) Sam Perrin Matthew Cowley (G) OLD MENfONIANS 3 .1 5.3 7.4 11 .5 (71) OLD CAREY 1 .3 2.7 4.8 6.9(45) Old Meat: R Alexander 4 Kiantos 3 Costello 2 Cochrane Flas6ds . Best: Emerson Flask7s R Alexander Mantes Fairbanks Schloeffel . Old Carey: Zavec 2 James Crusher N.Bull Kent . Best: Denis Unkles Trumbull Joslin Kent Bowley, Umpires: Graeme Templar Wayne Hinton (F) Jim Exton Paul Whitehead (G) AgUINAS 4 .4 5.4 5.4 7.5(47) PRAHRAN 0.3 3.8 5.10 5.11(41) Aquinas: Wooden 2 Hunt 2 TaruID Box Toomey. Best : R Moran Whitehead Barrie Davies Tarulh Bo.x . Prahran: Stafford 3 A Pitts Muiqueenv. Best : Harrison James Ballard A Pitts Plummer Hall. Umpires : Anthony Simpson Luke Holmes (F) Eddie Boat Pat Mitchell (G) D1 RESERVE GLEN ELBA 0.1 2.3 2.6 6.12 (48) YARRA VALLEY 0 B 5.4 7.4 10.8 10.9 (69) Glen Elm- A Diamond 2 J Denies Hussein Izod Hollow . Best: J Denies Fidoglamiis A Diamond Zurak Eade Rohd . Yarra V. Farrugla 5 Simpson 2 Nicholas J Peake Clark . Best: Nicholas Cordes Farnigla Oliver Clark. ORMOND 2.5 3 .5 5.9 5.10 (40) FiTZROY REDS 2 .0 2.5 4.7 7.12 (54) Ormond: Bridges Me Intosh Naylor Stewart Wiley. Best: Wiley Bridges Broady Franklin Keleher Telley. Fitz Reds: Evans 2 Benedetto 2 Sheather Rome Lee . Best: Battle Mc Donald Sheather Me Burney Rome Gleeson . EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 4 .10 5 .11 8.14 14 .20 (104) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0 .0 3 .3 3 .7 4.9(34) Emmaus SL: Ymer 3 Ford 2 Henricus 2 Kelly 2 Ptttornto 2 Duncan Prosser Simondson . Best: Kelly Simondson Ford Ymer Briggs Ottobre . Bull Temp: Daskalou Florence b1ltiLanos Verea . Best: Florence Mitilanos Riacht Verga Daskalou Tsokas . OLD MENfOh7ANS 0.6 6.7 9.9 13.10 (88) OLD CAREY 3.2 5 .5 7 .7 8.8(561 Old Meat: Boumon 5 Stroud 5 Kyrlazis 2 Duncan . Best: Stroud Stevens Bournon Wilson McComUe Kyriazis. Old Carey : L Guera 3 Mason Konstantintdis McKinnon White Martini . Best: Martini L Guera A Guera M Andrews White Joyce. AQUINAS 0.1 0 .2 1 .2 1 .4(10) 2.5 6.5 10.9 15.12 (102) PRAHRAN Aquinas : Hope . Best: M Wall S Wall R Broadhurst Jeev2s Hope M Boland . Prahran: McCudden 6 Pang 3 Kitten 2 Fuller Gill Gartland Jones . Best: Donachle Fuller Gill Pang Gartland McCudden.




. 1 . . rvgs ~ Coach : Steven Bell Res Coach: Terry McEvoy 1 . L. Toomey 2. S . Tibb 3. S. Voursoukis 5. M . Hunter 6. R. Brown 7. C. Glennie 8. J. Jess 9, T. Harkin 10. D . Boland 12. B . Jeeves 1 1 . S. Cooper 13 . C . Jeffrey Jeffre 15 . Ad. Williams 16 . J . Hunt 17 . B . Redwood 18 . T. Olarenshaw 19 . G. Whitehead cc 20 . D. Skinner 21 . J . Pierce 22 . S . Flynn 23. M . Usser 25. B. Volombeito 26. J . Box 27. C. Tzoumanekas 28. B. Helme 29. L . Elliott 30. C . Colliver 31 . G . Evans 32. J. Bleakney 33 . C .Wooden 34 . M. Tarull i 35 . R . Chapman 36 . M. Hope 37 . S . Leonard 38 . B . Moran 39 . A . Arnold 40 . R. Tainton 41 . G. Davies 42. R. Moran 43. M . Slattery 44. J . Tappty 45. D. McCartan 46. T. Vandersluis 47. An. Williams 54. M . O'Halloran 55. L .Stafford 56 . P. Cruickshank 58 . H . Tyssen 59 . B. Cooper 61 . I. Drew 62 . C . Lyng 63 . A. Barrie 68 . D . Sullivan



~Q~ :ham Surged Chris Tehan

un : Steve Easton Res Cc :h : Andrew Parris 1 G. Chivers (Capt) 2 M . Stella 3 L. Thompson (VC) A W. Thompson 5 M . Pietryk 6 A. Tehan (DVC) 7 P. Robertson 8 D. Glover 9 J. Matthews 10 J. Wise 11 C . Ince 12 A. Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 A. Wilke 15 R . Ferguson 16 S. Smith 17 P. VogIis 18 R . Schneider 19 L. Stott 20 T. Waters 21 P. Gannas 22 C. Cherbakof 23 D. Matthews 24 T. Agosta 25 L. Norbury 26 S. Boyd 27 A. Clarke 28 P. Milesi 29 P. Tsoka s 30 D . Florence 31 A. Bemicich 32 R . Williams 33 R Florence 34 S. Lambropoulos 35 D . Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 J . Frangos 38 A . Verge 39 D. Buccachio 40 G. Theodrakakous 41 B. Lea 42 A . Stavretis 43 D. Horvath 44 0 . Hill 45 D. Rogers 46 A. Coulston 47 C. Morihovitis 48 A. Morihovitis 49 B.Tour iganis 50 t . Roxburg h 51 R . Toscana 52 M. Daskalou 57 A. Smith 58 D . McMahon 60 M. Scarano 64 C . Tzalabiris

Coach : ierry Waish Res Coach : Malt Embling

.Cc : ;h : Peter Bus D Rey Cn„ch: Jamie ,dus s

r 10 r o, 2 8 2a v 3u --:~-_~ 3 s.[ ~ 4 S 4 at 5 P 5 E. To 6a eA P 7, 71~ ._. 8 .1 a 9% rui'

1 S. Vamvakis 2 P. Khazaal 3 C . Massis 4 C . Pincott 5 A . Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagame 7 D . Clarke 8 D . Lyons 9 A . Russo 10 M . Chandler

1 T. Mitvatsky 2 C. Twentyman (DVC) 3 R. Ball 4 B. Carroll 5 A. Kiantos 6 C. Alexande r 7 D . Emerso n 8 G . Ferguson 9 D . Cochrane 10 T. Wiltshire

11 L. Pryd e 12 B . King

71 A. Mort

,3'A 1 ta.s. ? 41 i C ta ra a

13 G . Brown 14 B. Clements 15 E . Stuchbery 16 N. Davis 17 R. Conroy 18 R. Old'nam 19 A. Devries 20 A. Diamond 21 M. Watt 22 S. Emmett 23 T Deal 24 M. Embling 25 J . Fidogiannis 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 J . Simos 28 L. Shellard 29 M . Scaffe 31 C . Hollow 32 I. Delac 33 A . Sheedy 34 T. Turnbull 35 S . Hollow 36 B . Zurek 37 P. Merrick 38 S. Lithgow 39 A. Gargiulo, 40 M. Gosgrove 41 J. Devries 42 J. Serpanchy 43 M. Kennedy 44 S. Diamond 45 A. Diriye 46 S. Gange 47 B. Zwar 48 J . Haliwell 49 S . Hall 50 D . Ead e 51 H . Hussien 52 S . Miller 53 I. Adem 54 M . Vodstrcil 55 J . Lundberg 56 C. Hogan 57 P. Rhr 58 M .Farah 59 A. Hassan

~1-e~ ;ati c -

rsk'rs A tE C. rsG' ~7 .8 te~. i1 n . i

t3,p ~ ,q M 9 e ?9 e c„F 31, 1. 211 E 21 C 21 T G' ~~~J r q za a 25 6. 6 a za'+ 1 zs N 27, J 5=- ra 1 22. i in-`-, 23 u. a 3 29 y,{, 293. ; ~ pt,E~ :ra Lta,~r 3t3 ixi 31 . P. C~ 3'-n Tn7; 32o rz sn 33sD~y 33N 34 i~ R r~' 35 P 35 v. F s S 37 Li "~o t` F "3 ~~~421, _._ -r ;as ea a.d 44 A Pa a o e 45. 3, B.- u 1 c 46 T a~s" 3s N dz aDr 47 W as. A cpoOvm 45 rt t 45 J~s-.r~ 41 P-° 50. D Rr' w 50 F` ~~ , rum~ ~, R F t 54 TMc&.~ 7au" ` 55. M. z-~m n T. ',7,A.( , sg.J.Cw~v 57. R Prxr~ at G. L. . 81A sa 65, S, D~~s. t~' =s~o. F&-,gw

12 C . Dwye . Russor13B 14 M. Stroud 15 J . Costello (C) 16 C . Duncan 17 C . Gouriay 18 M . Basile (VC) 19 A . Palmer (DVC) 20 C. Palme r 21 J . O'Brien 22 B . Coghlan 23 A. Drinan 24 R. Ironmonger 25 B. Fairbanks 26 R. Sch4oe"el 27 G . Earns 28 D. Kitt o 29 A. Carter 30 D . Russo 31 M. Elliott 32 P. Wilso n 33 B. Lane 34 P. Flaskis 35 E . Millis 36 D . Alexander (RVC) 37 M. Francis 38 T. Millis 39 J . Vic k 40 R. Alexander 41 G. Pekalis 42 A . Noonan 43 G. Hubbard 44 L. gunter 45 A. Erskine 46 G . Smith 47 J . Kelly 48 D. Stevens (RC) 49 N. Fisher 50 K. Rega n 51 A. Wilson 52 M. Watts 53 B . Johnson 54 D . Goodbody 55 A. Donega n 56 S . Brady 57 S . Fairank s 58 M. Lewis 60 W. Steabben 61 B . Saunders 62 C. Sinclair 63 G. Gods 64 M . Austi n

61 M. Tkacz 62 L. Izod 64 A. Dini 65 J. Mills 66 A. Dini



APM Group ( Aust) Ply Ltd, 1 F Marine Parade ,

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DI St : ion Coach : David Matthews Res Coach : Peter O'Dea

Coach : Steve Maus Res Coach: Craig Williams

1 L. Deledio 2 D . Beckett 3 L. Murphy 4 M . Jones 5 M . Marti w v 6 g Arnold 7 S . Keleher 8 M . Miller 9 S . Metz

1 . C. Angus (VC) 2. D. Faelis 3. M . Angus 4. D. James 5. J. White 5. P. Konstantinidis ( RVC ) 6. C. Campbell 7. T. Evans 8. A. Stewart-Holmes 9 . D. Shutie 9 . B. Andrews ( r ) 10 . K. Shrives it . K . Parker 12 . L . MacFarlane 13 . G . Trumbull 13 . R. Davey ( r) 14 . M . Zander is . N. Bull 16 .T Angus 16 . H. Doggett (r) 17 . A. McQueen-Parton (C) 17 . T Connell ( r) 78 . D . Cowley 19 . T. Wood 20 . E. Halliday 20 . S. Bennett ( r ) 21 . N . O'Brien 22 . C . Battle 23 . H . Van Cuylenberg 24 . P. Unkkes 25 . A. Thompson 26. A. Wood 27. R . Adams 28. N . Sulma n 29. J . Joslin 30. K . Drummond 31 . P. Niven 31 . J . Ward (r) 32. T. Zavecz 32. P. Graham (r) 33. N . England 34. C. Williams 35. M . Vardy 36. L. McKinnon 37. C. Adam 38. L. Guerra 39. R. Deuis 39. P. Bennett (r) 40. C. Ma tthews 41 . R. Phillips 42. J. Ashwo rth 43. Y. Glynne 43- D. Joyce (r) 44. T. Rossignuoto 45. T Bull (VC) 46. A . Barr 47. B. Crasher 48 . S. Can 49- O . Smyth 50 . A. Kent 51 . R . Hall 52 . D . Martini 53 . W . McConnel l 55 . P. Busse 56 . A. Boyd 59 . C . Mason (RC) 61 . B. Croft 64 . G . Smith 65 . D . Elsner 84 . C . Withington

to T Banks

11 D. Robbins 12 B . Deledio 13 C. Lees 14 J . Bridges 15 C. Talley 16 T. Stewart 17 L Russell 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D. To Hennepe 21 R. Wiley 22 H. Brown 23 T. Naylor 24 J. Muzzell 25 J. Date 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Ashford 28 A. Clinch 29 S B arker 3o L. Wells 31 D . Black 32 L. O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 A. Russell l 35 G. Bai ey 36 J Putz 37 G. Everett 38 D. Byra 39 R . McIntosh 40 B . Robbins 41 B . UpsGII 42 C. Keleher 43 B . Parsons 44 M. Broadhurst 45 J . Franklin 46 C. J ohnstone 47 A. Goonan 48 C. Medcraft 49 H. Putz 50 M . Te HennePe 51 D. B rosnan 52 A. Woodman 53 K. Harveyy 55 B. Rayson 56 G . Smith 58 S. Mitsros 60 P. Konstanty 63 S. McConchie 68 B. Cromack -5 M. Lance



Coach : Leigh Stafford Res Coach: Shaun Campbell I . N. Fuller 2. L. Stafford 3. D. Livingston 4. D. Crommie 5. H. Pitts 6. A. Donachie 7. T. Greening 8. I . Hunt g, A. Bunnett 10. M. Mc Cudden 11 . A. Pitts 12. C . Hall 13. L . No rthway 14. L . Fox 15. J. Small 16. S. Campbell 17. M. Harrison 18. J. Matherso n 19. S. Ramage 20 . D . James 2 1 . E. McDonald 22 . A. Sleight ( C) 23 . M . Windridge 24 . K . Plummer 25 . L. Aitke n 26 . B . Dempsey 27 . W. Watford 28 . K . Watford 2 9 . P. Gart land 30 . M . Radywonik 31 . M . Mulqueeny 32 . D. Ballard 33 . W. Barber 34 . R. Alcock 35 . J . Bedford 36. G . Beven 37 . T. Wheeler 38. S . Moylan 39. N. Duncan 40. R. Ferrero 41 . J . Upton 42. A. Warhurst 43. S. Kennett 44. I . Sparrey 45. M. Sciclun a 46. T. McClure 47. J. Killee n 48' J. Vag g 49. P. Robertson 50. S. Conley 51 . D . Cordy 52. C . Jones 53. M. Shipley 54. M. Gargano 55 . M. Vagg 56 . A. Docherty 57 . N . Scicluna M. PinneyY 59 . P. Rama 9 e 60 . T. Rodin 61 . B . Campbell 62 . M. Craig 63 . R . Marriott 64 . J . Belcher 65 . N . Gill 66 . S . Adamson 67 . S . Oliver 68 . M . Laverty

69. B . Hodgson

E M M AUS ST LEQS Coach: Stuart Cook Res Coach : Terry Ymer

1 D . Mclnerny 2 J. Pascoe 3 E. Mitchell 4 C . Phyland 5 S. Buckle 6 M. D'Amelio 7 R . McCann 8 J. Fennell 9 D . Lear 10 B. Elli s 11 M. Levins 12 T McCann 13 A . Krebbs 14 P. Hampshire 15 P. Carey 16 A . Kelly 17 M . Ford 18 R . McCann 19 L. McDermott 20 A . Ballard 21 G. Simmondson 22 M . Contessotto 23 S . Carson 24 D. Bruce 25 A . McKenzie 26 A . Prosser 27 J . Waters 28 E . McLaughlan 29 M . Hayes 30 M . Ottobre 31 G . Contesso tto 32 C. Cincotta 33 J . Dini 34 L. Virgo 35 J . Briggs 36 S. Bavage 37 S. Manton 38 N. Hodder 40 J. Gay 41 M. Dimble 42 C . Landy 44 J. Fornaso 45 S. Ronchi 46 J. Li tt le 47 M. PAclnemy 50 A. Volpe 51 P. McGloin 52 R . McGloin 56 T. Morrison 59 D . Pitcher 60 C . McDonald 61 J . Blandthorn 62 A . Rayner 63 P. Nolan 64 M . Montgomery N . Foley 66 J . Papillo 67 P. Farquhar 69 S . Mescher 70 D. McGloin 74 M . Tan 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 88 S. Pitcher

89 D. Winduss

70. K. Centre

Orrong Hote l CUB Mercu ry Ste


Coach: Tim Kilvrorth Res . Coach: John Frazie r 2 A. Mcleod 3 R . Thompso n 5 A. Drew Captai n 6 R . Drew 7 C . Bea l 8 L . Morris 9 J. Keem 10 T. Hancock 11 T. Mclllraith 12 D . Lecordie r 13 L . Gillie s 14 B . Nickolas 15 N . Peak 16 L. Taylo r 17 A . Laing 18 C . Bri tt 19 J . Stron g 20 T. Hate 21 D . Stevenso n 22 B . Drew 23 R . Yee 24 N . Lear 25 S . Seabourn e 26 J . Longworth 27 S . Savage 28 M . Rockicki 28 B . Reynolds 29 R. Courts 30 D. Po tter 31 B. Vowle s 32 R. Crawford 33 S . Fulle r 34 B. Seeger 35 B. Peake 36 S. Stoyan 37 D. Balshaw 38 C . Walke r 39 D. Cordes 40 M. Wine s 42 A. Stone 43 S. Yee 44 B. Whitechurch 5 A. Wingate 46 T. Olive r 48 R . Davi s 50 J. Peake 51 H . Clarke 52 A . Ha rtne tt 53 S . Fyff e ~ S . Simpso n 55 B . Telford 56 T. Lloyd 58 G. Kerr 59 A . Joine r 60 S . Laird 61 P. Valopp i 62 P. Baruma 63 D. Whitechurc h 64 S . Cleary 65 M . Norrish 66 A. Russel l 67 B . Glenni e 71 M . Laing 74 A. Middlin

76 G. co u tts . AC77VE PH YSOT HERapy

78 N. Pete rs 82 D. Redfern 92 T. Peters


0.00-10.00ar aSterect F M puma . C o m

Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00am For news, views and previews, tune t o The VA FA Footy Show presented by Ken Petrucco with No Nugent & panel SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-90 .00am

Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e Live A Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p. m. every Saturday . G, XTIVE ].'-'. , .:'属Y C;L~ TC4 30 V

- .7

EASTERI I ~ M-U : TITY B-2,0ALCASTE S "in tune with the outer east" VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of local VA FA teams between 6 .00-6 .15prra each Saturday night .

VAFA segmen t

速 7速09p 速 Saturday VAFA SUNDAY 9.30 - 10 .30 a.m. TUNE IN TO TOMMY BRAIN & STEVE McCART HY WITH ALL THE VAFA NEW S This weeks guest :Don Scarlett (Hampton Rovers ) 24 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005




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; ~p ~. T~.~







presented by Glenn Scarborough with guests from St Kevins, S t Bernards (A), Old Essendon (B), Old Paradians , Therry Penola, Viii Blacks (C), LstTrobe Uni (D21 ,

West Brunswick, Rupertswood (DS), North Brunswick (D4) . REVIEWS Sunday 6 .00-8 .30 p m Tune in at 6pm this Sunday to learn all out the history of one of the VAFA 's newest clubs - Rupertswood. ~-



The Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Cameron Noakes writes about Saturday VAFA matches, previews the Sunday Match of the Day and Johnathan Hor n reviews the competition in Monday's Age



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pre by Glenn


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tBE? tv ~orouvh with guests from

S t Kevins, St Bernards (A) , Old Essendon (B), Old Paradians, Therry Penola, N



Uni Blacks (C), LeTrobo Uni (1)2j , West Brunswick, Itupcrtswood ( D3 ) , North Brunswick (D4) . PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8.00pm Includes weekly chat on all matters UAFA .





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o Advert Promotion . E AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005


Rupertswood and Old Geelong have tightened their grips on a top two spot while up to five teams still remain in the hunt for the other two places in the top four . The Woods avoided an upset result agains t Ivanhoe Assumption thanks to a goal i n the dying minutes of the game

. Holding a two-point lead at the last change, the Woods kicked the opening goal of the final term to open up a handy eight-point break in the wet conditions but a Keiran O'Dwyer goal at the 15-minute mark leveled the scores . After scores were tied for the next 10 minutes, the Woods snuck the winner with just 90 seconds remaining . Defender Colin BroErm tried his heart out for the Hoes , while Keating was the Woods' best . A five-goal to nothing third quarter by Williamstown has helped it record a valuable 35-point victory over peninsula . The two teams are now level on eight wins with the Pirates' superior percentage seeing it retain third place . Big names Damon Grieve, Simon Phemister and Brendan Cocks were amongst the best for the Seagulls while Davis was the Pirates' best . La Trobe, With Brooks booting seven goals, kept alive its finals hopes with a 37-point win over the struggling Beratlegg}r_ The Trobers drew away in the final quarter, booting five goals to one for their seventh win of the year and are now just one game out of ,', e four.

In other matches, Salesian outgunned early season boom team Oakleigh to remain alive in 2005 while the Ogs pummeled the winless Swinburne to keep its hold on top position . P iTI.Ew The first match for preview sees Swinburne U-~ verslty host Z.upe= :swood at St . James f'<:=`~ . Rupo's sur,< towards a double

chance finish continues, while Swinburne hav e unfortunately been a terminal case for some t*ne now . The visitors however were mad e to work hard against Ivanhoe for the four points last time out and it will be interesting to see what effect, if any, this has on their performance . I'm going with Rupertswood on this one . An interesting contest at Chadstone a s i ir, hr s. 1 er,ta . _ p n "

rttes t r - Q E£$esLEd?n y


.. r~ t~ .€~ ~l® ' win against local r- ' OsaFsZe zg 1a last week continues keep them in t h e fr'amefor a_ four spot, "

Sal e sy$a>? OC take on Old Geelong . The Gryphons' Win against local rival Oakieigh last week continues to keep them in the frame for a final four spot, but may find that their chase will hit the skids against an imposing Old Geelong combination . Old Geelong for mine .

I32 8'---C' `{7 4 Rupertswood Bentleigh Peninsula Oakleigh D2 RFSE

Rupertswood c";Iliamsto~rn Peninsula

L Brennan 2 Paul 1 , d Payze 0 ;2 Briggs 0 41 A Jordan 0 39 Bur!~ess 4 34 GoiiiChorp 1 29


f}alkleigh make the trek to Bundoora for their match against LaTrobe University . The Krushers made life difficult for themselves once again, struggling to match Salesian, while the Trobers did what was required of them against Bentleigh . LaTrobe to win . Ivanhoe Assumption welcome Williamstown GYMS to The Boulevard in what promises to be an interesting contest . I'm gonna stick my neck out, take a leap of faith and tip the Hoes in a thriller . Peninsula OB entertain Bentleigh at Harry MacDonald Oval and will be looking for a better effort than last week . A turning point for both teams, but all signs point to a Peninsula win today . Press Correspondent s Please send any emails to the regular address : Peter . PS .Williamson(Cicentrelink .ciov .au or Andrew Wu - wuey43Cahotmail .com ANDREW'S TIPS Rupertswood 38 Old Geelong 20 La Trobe 3 Williamstown 11 Peninsula 47

D2 `I rTiOAI RUPER'15'. ~ OOD 4.3 5.4 5 .7 7.7(49) IVAIaHOE ASSL:~u"I'IOPI 3 .3 4 .3 5 .5 6.7(43) Ruperts: Brennan 2 McGovern 2 Ramsey 2\4'hitehead . Best : Keating J Plummer Ramsey Boxall McGovern Elliott . Ivanhoe Asn: Rawkey 2 Tucker Healy Valktnis 0`Dwy2r. Best: Brown losefo . Shepherd Galloway Peggie Ebbage . Umpires : Alb[e Firley Richard Adamson (RFL) (F) Paul Leggett Ben Powell (RFL) (B) Matthew Kent Tony GiIltes (RFL) (G ) OLD GEELONG 9.5 14.9 22.11 27 .16 (178) s8'IPtBURNE UPdI 0 .0 0.2 2 .2 2.2 (14) Old GceI: C OBrien 7 N Betts L Stevens 3 E Bayles Higgins H McCarthy W Paul va.sev vickers-Wiills 2 T Betts Malpas . Best : Doll C O'Brien W Paul Higgins McCarthy Casboult. Stvln: Ledger O'Mara . Best: Fidler Piotrowski Prior Orr Odlum J Ryan. Umplrts : Dirk Kramer Jamie Mayhew-Sharp (F) Gary Clancy Hagen Cosgriff (G) Q IGH 2 .1 3.2 3 .5 3.7(25) SALESIAN 0 C 4.1 6.3 8.5 10.8 (68) Oak: Barrand Clearv Lamb. Best : Rutter Earl P Holden K Holden Bell Collins. Sales: Thain 3 Bobetic 2 Greely 2 Tucker Rose Logan . Best : Rogers Dolman Campbell Bonnici Downey Rose . Umpires: Eli Hayes Peter Griffith (F) Peter Teasda)e Chris Thorburn (B) Daniel Reid Alex Roberts (G ) IA TROBE 1 .1 4.7 7.7 12.8 (80) BENTLEIGH 2 .3 2 .3 5 .5 6.7 (43) Is : Brooks 7 Ludeman Holland McGoustt McMeekin Borrelli. Best: Brooks Davis Butler McMeekin . Bent: Sharp Paul Robertson Banks McFadden Richards. Best : Sice Lee Seeley MikkeLsen Robertson Joyce . Umpires: Paul Dinneen Peter James (F) Blake Curtis Alex Koutsou}ds (B) Marcus Lefebure Tristan Colin (0) ',iSTOATtd CYhSB 3.2 4.2 5 .3 6.6 (42) 1 .4 L4 2.608) PENINSULA 1 .1 Will CYRSS: Barlow 3 Cocks Phemister V.'uchatxh . Best: Crone Phemister Cocks Wheeler O'Sullivan Manning. Pentn: Clartitgband Murphy. Best: Davis Parson S Crowcott Wood Ferguson McCullough . Umpires: Mark Gibson Brendan Devito (F) Andrew Errittgton Ryan Place (B) Robert Party TYJ a_FSRRV_F.



Phone : (03) 9721 4700 Fax: (03) 9721 471 1

:T-0 Swinburne Uni v Rupertswoo d Salesian 0 C v Old Geelong La Trobe Uni v Oakleigh Ivanhoe Assumption v Williamstown CYMS Peninsula 0 B v Bentleigh MATEUR

RUPERTS%OOD 4 .4 5.7 10.10 12.12 (84) IUANIiOE ASSUMPTION 0 .1 2 .3 3 .5 9.6160) : Quinn 2 Jaeger 2 Ang 2 House McConville D Walsh Temrning M Ru Walsh AWaLsh . Best: Juice Mceaan D Walsh Tetnming Smith Powell. Iv An: Joyce 4 Cole 2 Nemtsas Pye Peoples . Best: Joyce Franich Nemtsas Cole Pye Kirkland . 8.4 15.9 20 .15 25.19 (169) OLD GEELONG S URh"E UNI 0 .1 1 .1 1 .1 2 .1(13) Old G eel: Leishav.n Leslie 6 G Allen 5 Symons Waters 2 Atkins Cannon Slattery . Best: Leslie Waters Cannon Tavlor Symons G Allen . Swfn: Berr y ¢te. Bese Sandhu Christov Roberts Berry Fahey Grabovic. 0 . .- Z' ":H 2 .2 3 .2 3.5 6 .8(44) 9 .8(62) NO C 2 .4 5.4 8 .7 Gant Haloin Khodr Malcolm Plaukosits Videky . Best: Malcolm Halpin Ngu ; i Corutellan Pollock Gant. Sales : Cincotta 3 Hanlon 3 Barrv Brett Smyth. Best : Allen Henson Oakley Houton Savage Moore. LAITZOBE UNIVERSITY 2 .2 4.4 8 .10 11 .16 (82) BE2d97,EIGH 0.2 0 .4 0-4 2 .6(18) La : Tiernan 3 Watson 2 LeP.m 2 Redmond 2 Caldow Kerrison . Best: Kerrison Laid?aw Merrington Caldow, BentleigIt : Hutchison P Browrt. Best: Hutchison Francis Dumnatina Roberts Plinio Craven . 2 .3 4 .6 9.8 9 .8 (62) &'ILLIA0STOFIta CYNLS 3 .9(27) PENINSULA 0.1 2 .5 2.5 Will CYMS: Burgess 4 Dowsey 2 James 4kUiams Woolford . Best: Jury Welsh Williams Azzapardi Dowsey Hinsley . Pea3n . Bowen Goldthorp Parson. Best : Bowen Parsons A Krone Horan Haley McMahon .




D2 Section DEMTLEIGH Coach: Justin Paul Asst Coach: Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall 1 2 3 4 5 6

C. Sharp J . Paul A . Pittito S . Sice J . Robertson R. Dolman S . Holmesby 8 C. McFadden 9 L. Tangas 10 J . Vlahos 11 D. Martin 12 T. Wright 13 S. Craven 15 B. McClelland 16 D. Chapman 17 S. Francis 18 S. Adaway 19 M. Wilson 20 R . Fishlock 21 A. Ferris 22 A. Smith 23 G . McFarlane 24 J. Roberts 25 D . Gold 26 B. Padgham 27 J. Seeley 28 M. McCulloch (C) 29 A . Clough 30 A . Lee 31 A . Banks 32 D . Kopitschinski 33 P. Withington 35 P. Hutchison 36 M . Ferris 37 L. Holmesby 38 B . Fox 39 G. Prigg 40 A . Steward 42 A . Mikkelsen 42a M . Hayes 44 R . Punter 45 S . Ferris 48 R . McEvoy 49 C . Kamus 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 53 E . Box 54 R . Oldfield 55 G. Richards 56 C. Aitken 57 D. Clarke 60 B . Grant 61 H. McKenzie 64 M . Hayes


Coach : Anthony McKay Asst Coach : Doni Valkanis Res Coach : Richard Peoples 1 S. Conley 2 M. Maud 3 P.Harris 4 T O'Neill 5 J . Scoble 6 E. Healy 7 P. Rawley 8 J . Shuttleworth 9 R . Peoples 10 P. Lee 11 D . Valkanis 12 B .Galloway 13 B .McCrohan 14 D .Neilson 15 G.Boyd 16 M .Joyce 17 TNixon 18 A .Boyd 19 D. Wood 20 N . Pye 21 N . Blainey 22 A . Height 23 L.Cole 24 B . Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 B .Wahhers 28 S .Graham 29 J. Crapper 30 T. Mehmet 31 D.McFarlane 32 J. losefo 33 S .Hicks 34 C.Treager 35 P.Veitch 36 C.Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 N .Haddon 39 M. Ebba e g 40 J.Barbggallo 41 C . McDonald 42 K. O'Dwyer 43 A. Shemshedin 44 M.Shephard 45 R .Fort 46 P.Martin 47 TPeggie 48 R . Toogood 49 A.Rosenfeld 50 R . Shing 51 D . Pearce 52 M.Wilson 53 M. Chazan 54 J.Skirving 55 S .Carter 57 M . Frannich 58 D . Hager 59 C . Mclnney 60 J . Nemtses 78 C . Brown

LA TROBE URI Coach : Glenn Taylor Asst Sen Coaches : David Huffer & Bob Ellis Res Coach : Bob Elli s Club XVIII Coach : Cam Black 4 H . Davies 5 S . Adamthwaite 6 D. Gleeson 7 T. Marines 8 C. Correnti 10 M . Forrest 13 T. Ludeman 14 D. Butler 15 S . Brooks 16 P. Farrant 18 C. Blight 19 A. Benton 20 A. Coulter 21 M . Harvey 22 D. McMeekin 23 M . Cossar 24 L. Envall 26 M . Dingle 27 S. Pruscino 31 A. Mambwe 32 S. Gibson 34 H. Spring 35 F. Tiernan 36 T. Mawdsley 39 R. Stater 40 S. Murphy 42 0. Robson 44 D . Kerrison 45 D . McMeekin 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 55 C . Fehring 70 J . Dumaresq 73 J . Sewell 78 J . Clark C . Clam T Cohenp N . Dunne D . Fennell M . Garret K . Hickman S . Jackson C . Knee P. Lias A . Mann S . Miller G. Nelson X . O'Donnell L.Ryan L. Heathcote C. Francis S . Gloury S . Moore S . Pitaro J. Waterman B . Laidlaw D. Hill J. Rotella C. Sage



B. Hide r M . McDonald



Coach: Pat McKenna Res Coach : Mark Ryan Asst Coach : Shane Kitts 1 A. Murrayy 2 J . Tolley 3 D . Britt 4 G. Henry 5 C . Kokkinos

Coach: Michael Lockman Res Coach : Michael Verg e Asst Coach: Mart Edmonds 1 M . Goldsworthy 2 N. Castxiufl 3 M. White 4 C. Stinchcombe (C) 5 M. Vickers-Willis (C) 6 J. Bell

7 M . Short 8 S . Earl

9 C . Hogan 11 J . Rutter 12 D . Furnell 13 L. Curtis 14 J . Nevezie 15 G. Redford (RVC) 16 M Bel l 17 D. Perry

18 J . Connella n 19 R. Keating 20 J . Halpin 21 A . Perdikornatis (RC) 22 D. Wills 23 J . Kerley 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A. Kitt s 27 D. Zulu (VC) 28 A. Khod r 29 K. Holden 30 P. Holden (DVC) 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 P. Lucas 33 5. Bando 34 L. Head 35 R . Nuske 36 M. Ryan

7 J. Paul

8 G . Alle n 9 D. Kimpton 10 M. Avery 11 L . Stevens 12 T. Paul 13 T. Cannon 14 D. Taylor 15 H . McCarthy

16 T. Fallaw 17 T Betts 18 J. Malpas 19 N . Betts 20 J Lega e 21 L. Teague 22 T. Bayles 23 C . Fairbaim 24 S. Lansdell (V-C ) C . Wilso n 2~ 29 S. O'Bri e n 30 D . You] 31 A . Munro 32 T. Ayerbe 33 E . Bayles 34 S . Makin 35 M . Verg e 36 T. Makin 37 T. Waters 38 L. Smith 39 J . Kilpatrick

37 S.Briggs 38 S. Cammis s 39 W. Plaukovits 40 J. Briggs 41 S. Way 42 S. Dalton 43 A. Hinton 44 N . Wills 45 E . Videky 46 R . Holden 47 M . Stevenson 48 J . Reynold s 49 S . Collins 50 C . Lamb 51 B . Nguyen 52 R . Dooley 53 C. Pollock 54 B . Gant 55 P. Malcolm 58 B . King 57 D. Nagel 58 P. Torpey 59 T. Orchard ~ E . Bennett

40 L. Teagu e 41 S . Ross 42 C. Legoe 43 R. Parsons 44 J . O'Hare 45 H. Legoe 46 J . Morley 47 J . Cole 48 R. Herd 51 J. Kilpatrick 52 A. Higgins 53 A. Hosking 54 R. Hughes 55 C. Atkins 56 M . Leslie 57 B. Symon s 58 J. McCarthy 59 R. Kilpatrick 60 B. MaClean 62 G . Leishma n 63 i ~~pryt~n s 65 R . Bel l 66 H . Burgess 67 J. Burnel l 6g B. Churc h 69 A. Southey

63 M . Couttie

70 W . de Fegley

64 A . Wood 65 T. Krotofil

71 R . Ellis 72 H . England 73 H . Foletta 75 T 76 M HraYes 77 S. Monaghan 78 L. Morriso n 79 N . Robinson 80 C . O'Brie n

A a WATTS I N r.

BETTER TORQUE AUTO M OTIVE 40 Oxford Street, Oakleigh 3166 PH : 9564 7044 FAX: 9564 7205

81 G. Ritchie 82 T. Smit h

83 R . Stevens 84 S . Tresis e 85 M . Vasey 86 J . Whit e 88 J . Hawker 87 J . Imhoff 89 P. Klooste r 90 E . Jefferey



Coach : Julian Sill Res Coach : Joe Coy 1 S. Parsons 2 A. Parsons 3 M . Goldthorp 4 E . Bowen 5 N. Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S . Murray 8 R . Staintorih 9 T. Coghlan 10 A. HaleY 11 G . Lethbridge 12 S. Ferguson 13 T. Rees 14 S. White 15 J. Davis 16 A. Wood 17 J. Coghlan 18 J. Wheelan 19 A. McKinstry 20 S . Prendergast 2t M . Barron 22 A . Atchison 23 R. Powney (VC) 24 T. Prendergast J . Rowe 26 A . Murphy 27 S . Payne (CAPT) 28 B. Taylor 29 S. Pratt 30 A. Crean 31 0 . Brennan 32 B. Liuzzi 33 A. Law 34 M. Falkiner 35 T. Braden 36 N. Bowman 37 J. Growcott 38 M . Day 39 A. Minchin 40 P. Dade-Bell 41 A. Vdotto 42 N. Claringbold 43 B . Dunne 44 A . Pearce 45 L. Prendergast 46 T. Moran 47 M. Hawkins 48 N . Heffernan 49 S. Smith 50 K. Krake 51 A. Quinlan 52 M. Cahir 53 T. Neal 54 C . Hines 55 A. Jopp 57 A. McCullough




Coach: Peter Turley Res Coach : Jon Brennan - 1 A. Stevens 2 A. Thain 3 S. Sutherland 4 A. Healey 5 M. Canavan 6 M. Loughnan 7 G . Tucker 8 S. L a n og 9 A. Campbell 10 S . Oldfield 11 A . Davey 12 L. Rose 13 I . Bobetic 14 P. Evans 15 C . Rose 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 D . Barry 19 T. Fairbairn 20 A. Seeger 21 A. Bonnici 22 S. Downey 23 P. Hanlon 24 E. Hanapy 25 J. Rogers 26 J. Nannes 27 E. Maitlard 28 C. Savage 29 P. Delahaye 30 A. Brett 31 L. Seville 32 G. Riley 33 N. Callaghan 34 C. Goulden 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 B . Chalmers 38 K . Woodman 39 M. Ware 40 S . Trakas 41 M. Smyth 42 T. Henson 43 M. Van Suylen 44 P. McClaren 45 D . Allen 46 S. Greety 47 I . Rozankovic 48 T. Dodgson 49 M. Oakley 50 J. Oakleyy 51 S. Stevens 52 S. Henry 53 P. Allen 54 S. Brown 55 J . Ngo 56 C. Ryan 57 M . Smith 58 M . Ferwerda 59 A . Simon 60 P. Forbes

5WIDB E UNIVERSITY Coach : Manny Debonc Res . Coach : Carmelo Dell'Oll o

1 D Odulm 2 J Sheedy 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidler 5 J Demarte 6 D Harmer 7 J Murchie 8 M Higgins 9 L Morrison 11 D Milano 13 J Coy 14 R Goode 15 D Ledger 16 C Walsh 17 J Roberts 18 M Flack 19 B 07dara 21 J Young 22 S McKenzie 23 S Fitzgibbon 24 C Higgins 26 TListon 27 H Hodgson 28 J Ryan 29 J Gordon 30 J Mennen 32 P Beynon 33 S Choso 34 A Fricke 36 J Carter 37 B Caimes 38 M Tricky 39 B Prior 40 J Kane 41 M Handby 42 M DellOllio 43 JAndrirro~los 44 M Pulleenn 45 D Morris 46 J Sandhu 47 T Morris 48 Achung 49 L On 50 M George 51 M Pearson 52 E Furlan 53 J Grabovic ~ M Eley 55 M~nni~ 56 H Kimur a 57 C 0 'Keeffe S hutchins 59 R granger 60 P Jones

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The Elgin Inn Burwood Road Hawthorn


C~~S Coach : Dane Macleod Res Coach: Damien Hyne s 1 T. Wheeler 2 P. James 2(r) J . Di Grazi a 3 D . Woud a 4 S. Wuchatsc h 5 D . Elias 6 D. Greiv e 7 L . O'Sullivan 8 L . Rya n 9 J . Munro 1 0 B. Cocks 11 C. McCrake n 12 S . McGuiness 13 M . Grossma n 14 J . Stree t 15 D. Taylo r 16 S . Phemister 17 R . Hart 18 D. Oldha m 19 S . Barlow 20 M . Wels 22 S . King h 23 C . McNamara 24 C . Pac h 25(r)G . Burgess 25 L . Thoma s 26 D . Lee 27 B. Grant 28 A. Kosmatos 29 B. Griffen 30 K. Dowsey 31 J . Hyne s 32 T. Hyne s 33 T. Boz 34 L. Henry 35 C. Bergi n 36 F. Henry 37 B . Hynes 38 M . Elias 39 T. Carter 40 P. Thompson 41 A . McKensie 42 B . Hinsle y 43 PA7zapardi 44 M . Manning 45 J. Buttigei g 46 G . Singleton 47 B. Robinso n 48 B. Gray 49 F. Diblas i 50 B. McKay 51 S. Mandan 52 D . Paul 53 A. Lewis 54 L. Keating 55 R. Nisbett 56 Z . Milken_ auri e 57 D. Jory 58 S . inning 59 T. Manning 60 S . Hal l 61 S . Adam s 62 C. Hoillan d 63 M . Holland 64 D . O'Keeffe 65 D . Wilfred


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. E'------------------ ._--------------------------'^-----'7



速 Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . ~ 21 MVPs receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening.

Phone: 13 15 52 24 Hour Emergency 0418 333 11 8


It you are the person circled, present this photo at the VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hamper.







St Bernards retained the top position in A Section, courtesy of their solid win over Uni Blues . Their main rivals, Old Xaverians, received a substantial percentage lift when they destroyed Old Ivanhoe in one of the biggest A grade scores for some time, 30 .18 to 8 .6 . Dan Richardson and Adam Jones both kicked 8 for the Xavs . Other notable players were Landrigan, Sassi, Ellis and Kay . For Old Ivanhoe ; Spoor, Branigan, R Weddle, Corcoran and Sandilands . In the sharpshooters competition it seemed Luke Hawkins (Old Scotch) and Dan Richardson (Old Xavs), with 67 and 65 goals respectively would battle it out for the honour of leading A Section . In B Section Old Mentonians, although on the bottom of the ladder, kept their hopes of avoiding relegation alive by defeating Old Haileyburians by 1 point . Mentonians almost let the game slip after holding a solid lead in the fIrst half. Best players, Mullin, Kuramoto, Austin, Murphy, Webb and Falskis (Old Mentonians) and S Langford-Jones, Mason, Home, Mitchell, Forsyth and Ladd (Old Haileybury) .

In C Section, Bulleen Templestowe at home against Prahran, failed to make it the perfect day for their 300 gamer Chris Parris . Prahran proved too strong 21 .9 to 17 .8 . Chris was in the best players for BT and the left footer, known for his penetrating kicks and toughness at the ball, started his career in the juniors before becoming a key member of the senior club . D1 coaches were Laurie Aghan (Aquinas), Greg Whitcroft (Banyule), Dean Anderson (Caulfield Grammarians), Andrew Sutherland (La Trobe Uni), David Rogers (Monash Blues), Chris Moore (Oakleigh), Matt Hanlon (Old Camberwell), Mike Zemski (Old Carey), Gavin Keane (Old Essendon) and Dave Miller (St Leos Wattle Park) . Umpires in D2 Section were Michael Phillips, Chris Stevens, Peter Simpson, Anthony Simpson, Ron Smith, Pat

Maebus, Alan Stubbs, Geoff Moore and Luke Moncrief. Brad Beitzel's new column, For the Love of the Game' , was launched in this round . Brad's feature provided insights into various parts of the VAFA community . In this initial article he recorded a summary of his interview with Terry Burt ( St Mary's reserves) playing his 250th . Nothing unusual you might say except that Brad conducted the interview whilst Burt w as participating in the ressies' game . St Mary's were 8 goals up, Burt was at full forward and the brief interview was only interrupted when he led to the pocket to take a chest mark and goal from an acute angle . Great initiative Brad !

In A Section Ormond (third) an d Uni BI ,_ z s (fourth) turned up the heat on second placed Old Scotch when they both won narrowly and Scotch lost to the ladder leaders, Old Xaverians . Scotch's chances were not helped when their coach, Wayne Harmes, travelled interstate for business purposes forcing him to miss the game . Captain, Rob Fuller, was also unavailable to play and key players Gavin Eagle and Ken Stokes were lost before quarter time . Despite this Scotch were tenacious and had they kicked straighter (5 .13 to 10 .8) the game could have been closer. Stuart Gibbs had the better of Xavs' star Matt Bourke for most of the game before Bourke cut loose, kicked three of his four for the day and "fed off" a few more, Xavs kicking six goals to one in the last . Dann, Landrigan and Dillon were also very good for the winners .

It had been a very wet period over the past weeks and the big game in B Section, Old Haileybury (first) and Old Brighton (third) was moved to the Sandringham Oval, the best wet weather ground in the area . Brighton started well but Haileybury came back in the second when Eddie Bingham bagged three goals to give OH a 9 point brea k


at half time . It was all Haileybury in the second half and the clear flag favourites deserved their reputation as the team to beat with a final score of 15 .18 to 7 .12 . Rae, Gary Phillips, Mark and Darren Seccull and RalphSmith were best for the winners . Fildes, Mercer, Pryor, Pollock, McLoughlan and Barber were Brighton's best . In C Section Monash Blues (eighth) produced a major upset by defeating AJAX (fourth) and ensured that top four and bottom two were far from undecided . In the wet Monash had a great first term (5 .3 to 1 .3), maintained control at half time (7 .7 to 2 .7), staved off the Jacka attackers in the third and kicked a further 3 .6 to nil for a winning score of 11 .12 to 4 .10 . Hurley, Roche, White, Hipwell, Smith and Barker were best for Monash . For AJAX best were the brothers Goldberg, Rozenberg, Pat, Bloom and Marks .

There was a big turn up in B Section as St (fifth) demolished Old Kilda CBC Melburnians (fourth) 13 .22 to 4 .6 and drew within 4 points of a top four position . Baker, Fitzroy, Gillan, White, Kay and Driscoll were the best six for The Saints . OM's struggled to find six good players but eventually named Davine, Baglin, Elam, A Mitchell, Bradshaw and Waite . Leading goal kickers in this section were Filopovic (Kew) 74, J Mitchell (Old Melburnians) 61, Thomas (Old Brighton) 61 and Lopes (St Kilda CBC) 60 . Alan (Snapper) Haugh recorded his 300th game for Old Ivanhoe and all club members thanked him for his outstanding contribution on and off the field . Premiership player (1973), Best Clubman (1969) a number of broken bones, many seasons on committee and a stint as Reserves' Coach were but some of Alan's experiences since his first game in 1966 . The top side i ach senior section, St Bernards (A), Uni Blues ( B), St Kilda CBC (C), Hampton :lovers (D), AJAX (E) and Heatherton (F) all had the strong support of their reserves' teams . The closest to an exception was B Section where the Blues' reserves were fifth ; otherwise all others were in the top four . Clearly, at the business end of the season, the top senior teams relied on the performance of the seconds to maintain positive pressure on their players . 3 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

Possibly the most dominating player I have seen in amateur football, Mike Birrell, Old Carey's super ruckman, made a huge impact in his first three seasons . In 1971 he

ossiblil the most dominating player I have seen in amateu r football, Mike Birrell, Old C arey's super ruckman, made a huge impact in his first three seasons . " won the B Section best & fairest, repeated the feat in 1972 and was runner-up in 1973, losing by 1 point to Phil Pryor (Collegians) . In 1972 Mike was selected in the state team and won the best Victorian player award in both state games played that season . After playing in the Victorian Carnival team in 1973, he commenced travelling around Australia but returned in 1975 and was again in the best players in the Victorian team against Tasmania . All this by the age of 22, some player !

Old Geelong were enjoying a successful season to date and were sitting second in D Section with a 4 point plus percentage break over third team Preston . OGGS were now in their eleventh season and had achieved 2 premierships in 1956 and 1957 in D and C Sections respectively . They were coached by Brian Wawn, former Uni Blues and Canberra Uni player . Their most vocal supporters at the time were identified as Bob Lemmon and 'Nugget' Stevens . Former Olympic rower, Garth M anton, was President and had led the club strongly . They had come a long way since 1954 when the showers consisted of a 'scrub' in the nearby Yarra River ! ~ n D Section South Melbourne District s

went one game clear on top when they defeated St Pats Ballarat 12 .22 to 5 .6 and second placed Glenhuntly lost narrowly to third placed Murrumbeena, 11 .9 to 12 .7 . Best for South were Smith, B Evans, Hodge, K Evans, Robins, Summers, Lewis and Thrum and for St Pats O'Brien, Raphael, Black, Scott, Currie, Heath, James and Brian McKenna . 35

Vifflealth Thanks to St . Johns for pulling off a win and back after half tim e saving me from "clacks" with my tipping, to give their hosts a snaring only 1 out of 5 . The upsets have now scare . However, the opened up both ends of the ladder with some Jocs are back in form and steadied to win great matches in the upcoming weeks . comfortably and move back into second spot. Review Perhaps the upset of the year took place at the "House of Pain", which became the "House of Shame" as Syndal accounted for West Brunswick to reopen the relegation battle . With some good play by the Richardson brothers, the Synners held a handy lead at quarter time and then withstood a gallant come back from the Pies to win by three points .

The second upset was at the Lake where the Swans continued their inconsistent form to wallop the Browns and continue their midseason slump . Streaking to a 10 goal lead early in the match, it was catch up for Kew, and while Mainsbridge and Tinetti did well again for the Browns, they were in the minority as South kept their finals hopes alive with a 40 point win . Upset number three occurred at Artie Park, where the sub zero temperatures suited a gallant Westbourne side to a tee . Making use of the gale, the Warriors got the jump on Werribee, and while the Bees fought back hard in the second through Keogh and Czajkowski, they missed their chances . The Warriors then kicked away and the defence, lead by the star hackman "Millhouse" Aquilina, held off any challenges to record a memorable 38-point win .

Preview It does not get much better than two teams on the rebound, and that is exactly what is in store at the JJ Higgins where Kew host West Brunswick. My pick is for the Westies to bounce back in an attempt to reclaim their double chance spot with a 15-point win . Werribee were shell-shocked after Saturday's match and a 9am Sunday crisis meeting was held to steady the ship . For my pick, I am sticking with the Bees who will be hoping their kicking for goal can improve and the good form of Ben Stornebrink can continue as they retain top spot with a 28-point win . Speaking of inconsistency, Old Westbourne's form has been up and down like a yoyo and today host a UHS-VU side that is back in the relegation battle after last week's loss . With "H-Cha" in rare form, and "Fish" becoming a superstar up front, I think it will be the Warriors in a canter as they consolidate their finals spot with a 34-point win.



Upset number four saw a great win from Power House over UHS-VU by the narrowest of margins . No report from the game, but the win now makes it a four-way battle in the relegation stakes .

D3 SECTION Werribee Werribee Old Westbourne Kew D3 RESERVE

C Lee D Lee J Horsburgh Vecchio

Finally, a match that went as predicted! St . Johns got off to a good start through Arnold and Dasha, however, Monash came

Werribee Marinis St Johns OC Callaghan Werribee S Harding

LSTVJi, TOTA L 0 53 0 40 0 38 1 37 4 1 3

49 38 22


gyndal Tally Ho has quickly become one of the most important pieces of the finals puzzle, and today can play another part when they host St . Johns . For my selection though, I am going to be brave and stick with the Jocs to hold onto number two place with a 15-point win .

D3 6 .2 8 .4 (52) .2 6.19 (55) 5 .10 5 .19 Details not received-4 Umpires: Max Wittman Shane McNamara (F) Chris McKendr y V,'ESTBRUNSWICK 2 .1


STH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS 6 .4 10 .6 11 .7 13 .13(91) KEW

1 .3 1 .4 5 .7

7 .9(51)

Sth &4elb Dist: Bell 3 A Hannan 3 Ray 2 Cronan 2 Batchelor

he Gryphons a re tough to beat at home, and with Stratford and Wells playing they go in as slight favorites . "

Margiannis . Best: M Costello Aquilino E Costello Washington Glendenning Moojen . Kew : McDermott 2 Cullen Mainsbridge Vecchio Iaruti . Best : Matnsbridge Tinetti Vecchio Doig . Pietersen Carman . Umpires: Leah Gallagher Dimitri Pappas (F) Ben Bracken Andrew Trtantaryllou (B) Clive Shipley Andrew Summers IG ) OLD WESTBOURNE 3.1 7 .2 10 .3 12 .5 (77) WERRIBEE 1 .0 1 .6 2.7 5 .9 (39)

Today's match between Power House and Monash two weeks ago would have not had many D3 pundits batting an eyelid, but given the eventualities of the past two weeks, this game is now match of the round given that the loser has the statistical possibility to fall to last on the ladder. The Gryphons are tough to beat at home, and with Stratford and Wells playing they go in as slight favorites . My selection is almost a toss of a coin, but when in doubt, stick with the home team . Monash by 8 points .

Correspondents Please get your reports to gavan .flowerCspotless .com .au by no later than midday on Monday .

')TON E Nikola this week plays his 50th club game . The raking left-footer was a key member of last season's senior premiership and came through our inaugural U19 team of 2002 after attending the school . Niks also boundary umpired for the club as a 15 year old . We admire his talent and wish him well . Old Westbourne - David 'Niks'

Old West : Whiting 3 Hodgson 2 Baulch 2 Brahma 2 Bramwell Lever P.Hudson . Best : Hodgson Lever Aquilino Mokrusch Huntington Bramwell . Werr : Aaron Taylor Andrew Taylor Stornebrink Borg Czajkowski . Best: Keogh Stornebrink Czajkowski D .Lee Hilton. Umpires : Bruno Savi Tim Sutcliffe (F) Glen Kennedy Matthew Jackson (B) Gavin Roberts Andrew Esposito (G )

UHS-VU 1 .0 4.2 6.4 8.4(52) POWER HOUSE 2 .3 3 .7 5.9 7 .11 (53) UHS-VU: Franc Sparkes Gorringe Hall Mottram Tate G Ternes Fazakerley . Best : Sparkes Lapish McLoad Mottram Hams Partridge . Power House: Cooper 3 Brownjohn Miller Richardson Mi Verberne . Best : A D'Intmo Haseler D Cooper Hill Mi Verberne Hamner . Umpires: Mick Gildav Bob Kaindl (F) Michael Jones Bernie Jephson (G) ST JOHNS 0 C 2 .5 4.S 8 .12 13.14 (92) MONASH GRYPHONS 0.0 2 .3 4 .3 5.4(34) St Johns: Horbury 4 Diaz 3 Ryan 2 McEachern Pickering Mara B Rvdquist . Best : O'Connor Koppens B Rydquist Chalk Nelson Ryan. Mon Gryph : Fletcher Flowerday MacNamara Pocock Sharkey. Best: Stratford Kent Wells J Rutherford Coxhead MacNamara. Umpires: Russell Davidson Robert O'Gorman (F) Peter Maddocks Kyle Mankey (G) D3 RESERVE WEST BRUNSWICK 3.1 9 .2 12 .4 13 .9 (87) SYHDAL TALLY-HO 1 .1 1 .1 1 .3 2 .4(161 Details not received . STH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS 4 .2 5.3 6.7 8 .8 (56) KEW 1 .1 2 .3 2 .5 3 .5(23) Sth Aielb: P Moon 5 J Bradley 2 E Henderson . Best: L McKenzie J Bradley D Moon McDougall P Moon Phillips Kew : Giansante Jacobs Symes. Best : Dalrymple Bruno Fraser Sparzi North Marchesani . OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .1 2.1 7.6 7.6(48) WERRIBEE 4 .0 14 .6 14.6 19 .11 (125) Old West : Croswell 3 Morsello 2 Slattery Saandstrom . Best : Hewitt Miller Board Edwards Slattery Theodore . Werr: Bell 4 Martnis 4 Harding 3 Di Rosa 3 Waldron 2 Moir Fuller Collier . Best: DS Rosa Bell Fuller Velisha Mahoney Kidd .

D3 SEa:,_viro Kew v West Brunswic k Werribee Amateurs v South Melb Districts Old Westbourne v UHS-VU - switched from original draw

Syndal Tally-Ho v St Johns 0 C Monash Gryphons v Power House

UHS-VU 2 .8 3 .10 5 .14 5.15 (45) 0.0 2.3 2 .3 5,4(34) POWER HOUSE UHS-VU: C Thomas Ho Trevethan Gilmour Creek . Best : Kennedy Greenbank Ho Pendlebury Ashton Gilmour . Power House : Contreras 2 P Cooper Gamble Scotland. Best: Plazzer Doyle Matheson Wooderson Talbot Contreras . ST JOHNS 0 C 3.5 4.8 6.11 10 .12 (72) 0 .1 0 .7 1 .7 2 .9(21) MONASH GRYPHONS St Johns: Dowsett 4 Rydqutst 2 Callaghan Joyce Wathen Wilson . Best: D Rydquist Hilton Dowsett D Jones Gaget Merrigan . Monash Gryph: Robiliard Gonis . Best : Gonis Gross Park Robiliard Healy Leroy .


D3 Section KE W

Coach : Rohan Doherty Res Coach: Brendan Dover t B. tatrancb ,

2 K . Allen (VC) 3 B. Debrum G. cnmmms

5 A . Carman 6 N. Tinem ( G) 7 H. hicDe r'nD''r 8 D. Mansbndge ( DVC) 9 A . htakns ( RDVC) to G . Culle n II S . Woodhouse 72 M . Gndiey 73 e. Marcnesant 14

J . Looker A. Fcuntain

76 D . Wood t7 G . Scon

178 N . Dahlstrom 9 A. Vecchq

20 A. Ac(;elkl 21 M. Anderson 22 T. Artken 23 J. deBlan k 24 C. Stephens

25 C. wans 28 S. Symes 27 T. MooretVC ) 28 S. Ryan 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansania 31 D. ianon

32 A . Drago(RVC) 33 L. Maunseti 34 D. Pcceck 35 R. Bruno 36 B . Roberts

37 S . Johnston 38 D. North 39 J . Dennl s 40 D . Kmross 4t L. Ca,ne 42 S . Paler 43 S . U,nngsran 43 M. Chwers 44 T. uimr,gston 45 G . Evans 46 J . Ham~non 4 7 J . Sab .w 48 R . Manomet 49 a. Denn~s sp g Roach 5 1 M. e 52 M. Spars, 53 e. Carron 54 d. ooum,s 55 J. Jacobs 56 T. Forth 5e R. waner 57 R. Hosk,g 58 B. Bumett(RVC) 59 J. Rakusz

60 61

G. Mucaan M . Glenn

62 M . Chalmers

63 N. Gncks ( RC) 64 N. Hy"des 65 S . Pleeersen 66 R. McKenow 68 M . mad-ay 70 S . rnouss,

Harp p of Erin Hote l

636 High St, Kew

-r - P OF

Cannon Toyota

Lower Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg 38


Coach : Steven Bounden Asst Coach : Geoff Still Res Coach: Phil Warren 1 L. Clark

2 M . Healy 3' A. Gradyy 4 N. Rutherford 5 J . Watson 6 J . Leroy 7 J Garon i 8 C. Yanni 9 G. Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 B . McNamara 12 J . Landberg 13 J . Strafford 14 A . McKenzie 15 A. Clarke 16 P. Rennison 17 S. Sewell 18 M. Paolucci 1 g R . Coxhead 20 C . Staff 21 J. Bingham 22 B. Coxhead 23 B. Clark 24 D. Baxte r 25 M. Malone 26 A. Denyer 27 M . Mullins 28 C Lemon 29 P.Warren 30 T. Vessey 31 G . Roche 32 A . Shuf(lebottom 33 A . Burgess 34 M . Graydon 35 L. Vesey 36 G. Block 37 J . Fleming 38 J . Rutherford 39 D Grenfell 40 M Willocks 4 1 C . Archer 42 A. Robilliard 43 D . Bradshaw 44 L . Wells 45 J. Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 M. Parker 48 L . Mannikhuis 49 C . Robinson 50 J. Bingha m 51 Luke Leeton 52 A. Ftowerday 53 M . Davies 54 G . Still 55 G . Harrak 56 A. Palumbo 57 W. Pocock 58 J . Rutherford 59 A . Yanni 60 A Grady 61 A . Waters 62 N . Mitchell 63 I . Bagnall 64 J . Park 65 J . Healy 67 V. Coffey 68 0. Lloyd 69 Bill Leeton 70 B. Clark 71 M. Baldwi n 75 P Gomizel

76 J. Harrak

77 R . Sharkey 80 R . Fletcher

0 .~

Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Stir Asst : Michael Christo Res. Coach: Scott Walker

Coach : Brett Devlin Res Coach : Gary Dean

1 B . Gerace


14 P. Hudson

15 A. Board 16 S. Christo 17 M . Aquiline 18 G . Walker 19 J. Mason 20 D. Hudson 21 L. Hudson 22 S. Anderson 23 S. Huntington (VC) 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 Troy Edwards 26 P. Mesman

27 T. Whiting 28 D. Slattery (Res C) 29 S . Balloch 30 A . Mokrusch 31 A . Miller 32 G. Jenkinson 33 D . Benn 34 C . Bramwell 35 G. Robson 36 K . Pilsbu ry 37 C . Molitoris 38 D . Nikola 39 M. Oldham 40 J. Morsello 41 K. Miller (VC)

42 T. Brooker 43 A. Runciman 44 B. Lennon 45 E. Sandstrom 46 M . Whiting 47 T. Theodore 48 R. Van E elen 49 J . Miller ~ 50 P. Habersatt 52 N. Wallace 53 J . Manolokakis y} M . Crosswell 56 D. Carruthers 57 R . Kerney 58 C. Larki n 59 L. Barne s 60 N . Aquiline 77 T. Dennis 88 H . Hodgson C . Hudson D . Trustlove

M . Taylor Sen DVC

2 R. Humphreys 3 J . Marshall 4 B . Turner San VC 5 P. Sosic 6 M . Verbeme 7 C . Richardson 8 M. Hill San Capt 9 B. Reardon 10 D . Cooper 11 B. Phillips ~ 12 A. Brownjohn 13 J. Spence 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haunter 16 A. D'Intino 17 C. Macleod 18 F. Doyle 1 9 S. Matheson 20 J. N ic holls 21 D. Miller 22 R. Walsh 23 K . Anthony 24 N. Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 D. Harris 26 B . MacCormack 27 R . Davies 28 D. Boland 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Beasley 29 A . Foster 30 T. McFarlane 31 R . Marshall Res Capt 32 M. Verberne 33 H . Clarke 34 J . Conway 35 S. Hatchard 36 M. D'lnlino 37 S. West 38 R. Benson 39 B. Wooderson 40 R. Marshall 41 C. Byrne 42 P. Arnold 43 J. Howes 44 B. White 44 D. Glanville 45 A. Contreras 46 S. Campbeil 47 D. Crane 48 N. Sharp 50 A. Volz 55 G. Hamner 56 C. Plazzer 58 J . McClure 63 M. Weber

2 J . Braha m 3 Tray. Edwards 4 J . Ba rt olo 5 S . Hewitt 6 J . Horsburgh (VC) 7 B. Merryweather 8 A. Horsburgh 9 F. Pavez 10 C . Lever 11 S. DePiazza 12 M. Baulch 13 M. Ristevski


Coach : Ben McGee Res Coach: Rod Walke r 1 K Arnold 2 M Peake 3 D O'Connor 4 S Holmes 5 B Hilto n 6 M Phaedonos 7 N Chalk 8 J Rya n 9 A Jones 10 L Merrigan 11 J Kellyy 12 P Walker 13 B Pickering (C ) C Peak e 14 15 M Kosmala 16 A Paterso n 17 C Carmod y 17-R S Cockayn e 18 C Emery 18-R A Dexte r 19 J Cotton 20 B Rydquist 21 S Kopr e n s 21-R J Pardon 22 G Roberts 23 J Diaz 24 L Mara 25 D Waters 26 M Nelso n 28-R H Wathe n 27 R Dowsett 28 G D'Oliviera 29 T Elli s 30 C Riley 31 B Skinner 32 A Rudd 33 W Joyce 34 M Hancoc k 35 J Sacco 36 J Russell 37 D Rydquist 38 M Webb 39 T McEachem 41 L Cal :agha" n 42 W Montano 43 M Van Houten (RC) 45 A Hall 48 A Fonceca 50 C Horbury 52 D Jones 54 D Sinclair 55 J Gaget 56 A Abela 57 G Kowalski 60 A Dragwuige 66 J Scardamaglla

~ . . ------------- - - - r


Werribee Mazda

TILE )'' ~~' S t mls sn m a,46sn t g


' .LY HO Coacn ; Tony Rowe Cc .-~c Eari Henderson Res Cc-.:h: Brett Downing 1 J. Washington DVC 2 Ma . Hannan C. 3 J. Mervcich 5 S. King 6 L. Kealy 7 A . Hannan 8 X . Kidd 9 _ S . Aqualin a 10 D. McCormick 17 P. Daly 12 A. Argyriou 13 E. Henderson 14 D. Bell 15 B. Lazzaro J. Neimi 17 P. DAndrea 18 G. Cox 19 A . Reid 20 W. Brown 21 B . Johnson 22 T Milne 23 B. Downing 24 B. Joske 25 S. Atherton 26 R. Mitchell 27 P. Cheevers 28 T. Paterakis 29 J . A.dgemis 30 T. Zantuck 31 S. Hermman 32 D. McGee 33 M . Doyle 35 N. Moojen 37 J. Clyne 38 D. Rowe 39 A. Brigtia 40 B. Buipit 41 T. McQualter 42 G . Gayor 43 W. D'Andrea V.C. 44 D . Geary 45 C. Roe 46 A . Ray 47 J . Royle 48 C. Maloney 52 M . Anderson 53 D. Phillips 5 4 A. Giannelis 55 J. Pobiner 61 M. Margiannis 64 M. Stefanidakis

Res Coach : Mark Elder 1 G . Healy 2 I . Bingham 4 P. Henderson 5 I. Tura 6 D . Paolone 7 A. Bums (Res Capt) 8 R . Bennet 9 D . Richardson 10 G. Fox tt M . Meyer 12 A . Hermann 13 S . Miller 14 S. O'Boyle 15 0. Reynolds 16 D. Venness 17 C . Hayes 18 J. Lawes 19 B . Boucher 20 C . Hall 20 I . MacKenzie 21 D. Kennett 22 M . Buckley 23 B. Bayliss 24 B. Bayiss 25 M . Kelly 26 J. Dascoli 27 M . Lep!aa 28 N . Williams 29 A. Sheer 30 B. Holland 31 A . Richardson 32 L. Hannemann 33 T. Barthoromew 34 T Rowe 35 C. Cachia (Capt) 36 M . Eider 37 B. Robinson 38 M . Christiansen 39 D . HalGsey 40 B. Thomas 41 Y. ifaleun!e 42 M. McFarlane 43 A . Brown 44 T. Zaharopou4os 45 C. Frunes 46 C. Jones 47 P. Fyieki 48 S. Crew 49 M. Starr 50 C . Hall 51 M. Hale S . Anderson 53 C . Connolly 54 A . Dance 56 A . Treasure 81 C. Connolly

. ..

Jetport Parking Dowsett Engineering The Rose



Coach: Sham Mariam Assistant: D. Forbes

WEST BRUNSWIC K Coach: Tim Ellis Res Coach: Rob Rantino

Coach: Angus Hamilton Res Coach : Damian Sha w

Res Coach : G . Vandals

Asst Coach : G . Tenon 1 J . Sparkes 2 R . Thorp 3 J . Nation 3r T. Cleveland 4 L. Gorringe 5 S . Mottram 6 S . Cracknell 7 D. Zulicki 8 S . Hams 9 D. Moarfiekd 10 M . Butera 11 D. Forbes

12 W . Smith, 13 N . Rose 14 J. Mitchell 1 5# R . Ladish 16 J . Tate 1 7 C . Langendorf 18 A . Hslfner 19 J . Uebergang 20 G . Madrigrano 21 J. Hall 22 G . andslis 23 G . e 24 N . Carroll 25 D . Creek 26 P. Thomas 27 A . Cusick 28 B . Mcinnes 29 A . Pashley 30 J . Partridge 31 P. Dolence 32 S . Dimond 33 J . Schulz 34 J. 0'neill 35 S. Croons 36 A. Pendlebury 37 G . Catterall ~ M. Sanders 39 M . Rea 40 L. Maguire 41 A . Ludlow 42 D. Wallace 43 R. Franc 43r M . 0'neill 46 D. Fazakerley 47 M. Turvey 48 G . Gilmore 49 S. Smit s 50 J. Corbett 51 S. Capogreco 52 J . Bowes 53 J . Thomas 54r+ B Mcleod 55 M . Tull 57 C. Thomas 59 J . Maguire 60 # T. Harns 61 T. Strathopoulos 62 M. Kennedy 64 B. Walpole 65 D . Harris 66 P. Clark e 67 M. Deluise B8a S . Greed 69 A . Dowdell 70 A. Quinn 71 M . Mora 72 N. Estrada 73 D. Clark 74 C. P egg e99 75 S. f?irls 76 A. Trevethan 77 G . Brady 78 B. 79 S. Cull 81 J . Sanson 88 P.Greenbank 85# N . Maguire 99 M . Higgins

1 D . Nedinis (Res V;C) 2 C . Lee 3 D . Rack 4 S . Kidd 5 B . Cunningham 6 M . Walsh 7 B. Stanebrink 8 M . Palmington g J.Ayling 10 M. Keogh (San Capt.) 11 M. Green

12 B. Black 13 R . Bell (Res Capt.) 14 J . Marinis 14a AaTaylor 15 A . Mu ~Y 16 R. Daly 17 A. Tedesco 1 8 D. Velisha 18a A. Morrow 19 S. Daly 20 N. R.,naut 21 A. Bag 22 A. D'€batista 23 D . Lee 24 L Carson 25 N . Addamo 26 B . VasWu 27 T. Davidson C 28 D. Cz~ ~~vrski (SanIV) 29 P• Spry 30 S. Simpson 32 M. Jordan 33 S. Wiggins 34 F. Metrme t 35 B . Bunworth 36 A . Taylor 37 P. Keogh 38 T. Towers (Res VtC) 39 L. Langfield 40 S. Fuller 41 G. Grogan 42 J. Puricn 43 A.. R~~ 44 T ~~t~ 45 C. A!ab~3kls r;6 B. Patton 47 L. Moore 48 B . Sinfie; d 49 R . Zulian 50 C . Merc±a 51 B . Dan:els 52 S . Hartley 53 A. Waldron 54 A Hassell 55 B. 56 R. Baker 57 A. Trainon 58 J . R'~" 59 B. Hardman 60 M. Czajaasxa 62 B . Russell 63 J . Callanan 64 M . Hollow 65 L. Foster 66 L . Brooks 67 R. Hyssoli 68 M. Purloin 69 A. R=,oir 70 S. Waiting 71 JM Ok~


la M . Drain t b A . Hamilto n 2 P. Hamilton 3 B. Irvin g 4 C. Lehmann 5 A. Cannane 6 S. Pietsch (V. Capq 7 S. Benjamin (Capt .) 8 S. Monague 9 A. Morphett 10 D . Jelbari 11 P. Norma n 12 T. Maguir e

13 S . Brockley 14 C. Bowshal! - Tanne r 15 J . Sudholz 16 S . Edwards 17 J. Haysey ~Y 18 G . Ellis 19 W . Touzel 20 R . Bamford 21 A. Thompson 22 N . Hari 24 D . Rudd 25 S . Smythe 26 R. Benjami n 27 D. Manoukm n 28 E . Walte r 29 C. Sheedy 30 A. Goode 31 R . Miller 32 J. Babes 33 T. Thompson 34 I. Twy(ord 35 M. Carmichae l 36 Z. Rud d 37 T Dempsey 38 D. Gorma n 39 R. West 40 T. Fromhold 41 D. Garvey 42 B. Hogan 43 J. Tobi n 44 T. Stone 45 C . Stephens 46 R . Howard 47 M. Quigley 48 L. McGrego r 49 J . Haysey 50 N. Hutchens 51 L. Sherry 52 M . Gorm o 53 A. Hogan 54 A. Meilak 55 D. Chiechi 56 S. Darling 57 A. Williamson 58 D . Simmonds 59 N . Simmond s M. Sprague 60 K. Hilton 61 62 M Gordan 64 L. Stewart (Res . Cpt.) 65 N. Seal 66 R. Hussey 67 J. Smith 68 J. Ward 69 M. Gorman 70 S. Jackso n 71 M. Sloa n J. Hanso n 73 R . White 74 D . Dainto n 75 J . Heywood 76 A . Minne y



Albie Firle y

6 Brendan Devlin

5 Wayne Hinton

5 Max Wittman

6 Paul Hoffman

7 Sean Scully (Jar)

7 Paul OLoughlin

6 Dash Peiris

7 Robert O'Gorman

8 Bruno Savi

8 Steve Castersen

7 David Trot t

8 Landan Blackball (RDFL)

9 Russell Davidson

9 Steve Caple

8 Sean Brailsford

9 Matthew Brennan

10 Sean Scully (Snr)

11 Tom Haysom

10 Vaughan Sidebottom

10 Avi Wekselman

11 Dirk Krame r

12 Jamie Kvins

11 PaulTuppen

11 Luke Holmes

12 Daniel Sllfo

14 Michael Gilday

12 Sean Rothe

12 Dean Schwa b

17 Geoff Caulfiel d

15 Phillip Calfil

14 Ian Kennedy

14 Sharon Alger

18 Matthew Simpson

17 Brett Herskope

15 Michael Sneddon

15 Bob Kaindl

19 Andrew Fvfe

18 Tim Sutcliffe

16 Luke Moncrieff

16 Jack Fagan

20 Brian Woodhead

20 David D' Altera

17 David Anselmi

17 Mark Gibson

23 Peter Griffiths

23 Anthony Calderone

18 Grant Joyner

18 Jason McNiece

24 Graham Templar

24 Miles Argal l

19 Peter Pullen

19 Steve McCarth y

25 Lionel Katz

25 Richard Eastwood

21 David Irons

20 Russell Nation

26 Daniel Dinneen

26 Sacha Koffman

22 David Longworth

21 Patrick Macho s

27 Anthony Simpson

27 Ron Johnso n

23 Robert Sneddon

22 Nick Fennessy

28 Ken McNiec e

28 Leah Gallagher

24 Nick Brow n

23 Paul Dinnee n

29 Peter Jame s

29 Gerard Rolfs

25 Logan Smit h

24 Graeme Hunichen

31 Robert Semmens (RDFL)

30 Simon Oliv e

26 Patrick Coulthard

25 Geoff Moore

32 Anthony Dame n

31 Rob Schuller (RDFL)

27 PaulJones

26 Andrew Shiel s

33 Michael Forde

29 Peter Liddell

28 Ron Pviartvn

30 Justin Lipson

34 Stephen Morgan

33 Simon Stokes

30 Anthony Lilley

32 Eli Haye s

36 Jason Waszaj

34 Jeremy Heffernan

31 Peter Angeli s

33 Robert Maysto n

36 David Phillips

37 David Murray

33 Roland Fuhrmann

35 Jason Lane

37 Joseph Hartwig

36 Matthew Meier 37 Matt Gould


by Steve McCarthy & Leah Gallaghe r wiere's Melton? Last weekend with the A & B sections having a rest the senior squad of umpires were appointed to various grades, unless of course you were one of the lucky team of umpires who umpired with the Riddell league team . You know there's a bit of travelling to do when your appointment has a photocopy of map 330 from the Melways attached, ,,Vest Melton the destination . Reckon it would be a six can return journey . Hopefully Albie Firley enjoyed his trip to Rupertswood . Team Manager Thanks to Mick, team manager of South Melbourne Districts who not only had to get his team decked out in gear but helped out the field umpire with a brand new pair of blue umpires socks, when the original pair were forgotten and only black dress socks were the other option . By the way Mick, you should have kept the Medallion Club tickets for the Swans game on Saturday night .

umpires . We'd love to have you on board for next year. With severa l former players in our r an ks ( Richard Eastwood, Anthony Damen, Peter Liddell, Peter Angelis, Jeremy Heffern an , Simon Stokes, Phil Ca ll il, Paul Carro ll , Jamie Gunn, Jon Kerr just to name a few) . We even have former A Section best an d fairest winner Therrv Penola's Paul Matton running around in the lower sections . Feel free to speak to these guys ( if they umpire your games) in the



~f any footy players are thinking of retiring when the season is over, thin k about a career change and start again with the VAFA umpires . "

Umpire Recruitment

coming weeks if you're having any thoughts about taking up the whistle next year. They can tell you all about umpiring and the advantages it has . Don't worry about your age, we've had plenty of "latebloomers" who have shot up the sections . Its never too late .

Let's start now with trying to recruit umpires for next year. If any footy players are thinking o f retiring when the season is over, think about a career chan ge and start again with the VAFA

Association Meetin ^ Just a reminder that next Thursday the 28th is the VAFAUA meeting at ' ! Jmpires Rooms at 7 :30pm .

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Beier: Auadeaii _ 7 .1

Great win for Hawthorn as they accounted for ladder leaders Elsternwick . Eltham also recorded a great win, accounting for rivals Bulleen in an evenly contested game . Back on track for Box Hill North whilst North Brunswick also returned to the winner's list . The log jam between 2 and 5 continues, one loss can see the clubs plummeting . Round 13 Reviews Hawthorn traveled out to Elsternwick, hoping to prove up their form, which they managed to do in spades . Saulle was in everything for the Hawks, his fine season continuing . Not panic stations at the Wicks though . The ability shown in the first 12 weeks simply won't go away. B Mahony was the best for the Wicks .

Another great win for Eltham as they accounted for fellow potential finalists Bulleen. A purple patch in the third quarter set up the win for the Turtles who were best served by Runco across half back and Galvin in the middle . Con n


_: ur ?le peatch in ttee tiaard qzc er set up the winfor the Turtles "

continued his good year for Bulleen . Newton and Tannous were the stars as North Brunswick returned to the winner's list against Albert Park . A fast start was the key for North as the last three quarters proved to be closely contested. Bennett and Baker were the best for the Falcons . Finally, Box Hill North returned to the winner's list as they accounted for Richmond . Box Hill was erratic in their goal kicking in term 1 with the result that Richmond got their tails up during the second quarter . Box Hill steadied and managed to record a much required and morale boosting win . Manno and Riscalla were the stars for the winners whilst Evans was Richmond's best . St Mary's had the bye.



Another cracker of a round as finals L_ .J jostling continues . Percentage is going to be vitally important with both Eltham and Hawthorn in front on that score . Hawthorn host Eltham with the Hawks keen to make it a clean sweep, with the Turtles being their most recent loss . The Hawks were buoyed by last weeks win, particularly as the Hawks didn't rely on known match winners . The Turtles have been great for awhile now . Their fantastic percentage will keep them in good store although fancy the Hawks might be able to get over the line at home . Bulleen host Box Hill North with a win a must to stay in the final's race. If you look at the home sides from this year it has been fairly consistent, not dropping too many games you wouldn't expect . They also have a nice mix of youth and experience . Too much to play for, Bulleen for mine .

North Brunswick welcomes Elsternwick, full of confidence after returning to the winner's list last week . The Wicks have lost the last two but realistically it won't have caused any da=~,_- .

~,l.U., I D4 SECTION

Elsternwick Hunter Hawthorn Amateurs Lauletta Bulleen Cobras Badanjek Elsternwick S Grace

1 56 2 50 0 52 1 44

D4 RESERVE Eltham Elsternwick Albert Park Bulleen Cobras

4 40 1 35 3 36 4 35

Krohn Goldman S Allan M Rowe


With the double chance secured, expect the)n to start revving up for a finals campaign by accounting for North Brunswick . Finally, Albert Park travel to St .RRary째s . The Falcons have been hard hit with injuries whilst the Saints have no doubt used the break as an opportunity to freshen up as they continue their assault on the finals . Once again, too much to play for, St .Mary's for me . Press Correspondent s Either email me on ed .sill(aloeker .com .au or ring o :z 0'18348723 .

l;i t? arn OC - congratulations to - ney 1:_` :t with :.ho has reached the Eltharn Collegians . This achievement has taken some time to achieve, with Brad first representing the Turtles in 1992 . Injuries and work commitments have restricted Brad's progress, however, he has been a constant and popular fixture at the club over 12 seasons . Brad is a life-member of the club and was a premiership player in 1993 . It was fitting that he played his 100th in front of many of his premiership team-mates attending a past players luncheon last Saturdav . North Brunswick - 5 0 Games -<Jasorl Heck. Well done to 'Shrek' on reaching 50 games . It looked very unlikely after a knee reconstruction & being told he may never play again he has returned bigger & better than ever . A very agile & clever ruckman he has displayed great will & quality in his comeback . His ability to read the play brings many of his teamates into the game . Also having the added task of being Club Secretary he is a totally dedicated Green & Gold person . Well done Jason . 50 Games - Nick Giovanoglou. Also well done to Nick on reaching 50 games . A no nonsense straight at the ball player Nick has displayed some fine talent . Whether in defense or roaming the midfield his attack on the ball has never been in question . Having played some solid games in the Seniors when called upon, his coaches have great respect for his no compromise attitude to his opponents or the football . Well done Nick .



;_~. .-s,--~-,n.. i .~ ~

Bulleen Cobras v Box Hill North Hawthorn Amateurs v Eltham Collegian s North Brunswick v Elsternwick Richmond Central - Bye St Marys v Albert Park

BOX HILL rX,"-.-= 4.9 7._ .7 8 .18 13 .23 (101) HE . : )CENTRAL 2 .1 5 .1 5 .2 6 .6(42 ) Nth: 5 Cook 4 C Riscalla 3 D Penny 3 Marine 2 Garrett . Best : Mai o Riscalla D Penny Steele Rogers Cook . Rieh Cent : T Dukie N Nuske A Tavlor S Hiliier . Best : G Evans N Nustie D Speakman S Ltuzzi T Dulic J Robertson. Umpires : Steve Caple Pat Maebus (F) Tom wtscher Michael Roche (B) Michael O'Donnell Jack Regester (G ) 2 .6 4.8 8.10 8 .13 (61) ELT'rIARR COLLEGIANS BULLEEN COBRAS 2 .1 4 .1 5 .5 7 .8 (50) Eltham : McClaren 2 Savage 2 Thomas 2 B Galvin Andrews . Best: Bunco J Galvin Hargrave Whyte Jorgensen Stoekdale . Bull Cob: .'Jhittleker 2 Pearson Arcoraei Mullenger D Trmchi J D'Angelo . Best: Conn Mehrez PoGtis Mullenger whttticker McLaren. Umpires : Jon Kerr Sean Brailsford (F) Sean Collins Christine Brown (B) Steven Piperno Daniel Brookes ( G) 3 .5 3.5 5 .8(38) ELSTERNWICK 1 .3 2.9 5.11 11.15 13 .19 (97) HAWTHORN AMATEURS Eist: Hunter S Grace Beddtng8eld B Mahony Huggins . Best: B Mahone Cummins Neill Stuchbery Foster Missaglta . Haw: Saulle 4 Rice 4 Lauletta 2 Pritchard 2 McKenna . Best : Not received. Umpires : Matt Meier Luke Moncrieff (F) Amanda Whittaker Elise Van Grondelle (B) Craig Arnol Richard Keane (G ) NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .6 6.8 10 .12 11 .13 (79) 5.9(39) ALBERT PARK 2 .2 3 .5 4 .8 Nth Bruns : Newton 3 Twaddle 2 Pizzari Giucas Poilakls J Boudoloh Orr Adams . Best: Newton Tannous Robertson Sammartiuo Menta Mountney . Albert Park : Collins 2 R Williams Storey Burton . Best: Thompson S Bennett R Baker J Baker Quinlan . Umpires : Simon Stokes Ross Kennedy (F) Brent Reid Michael Lee (G) ST. MARYS BYE D4 RESERVE BOX HILL NORTH 2 .5 4 .8 6.16 7 .18 (60) 0 .0 4 .5 5.6 11.11 (77) RICHMOND CENTRAL Box Hill Nth : Pratt Russell Ball CacaIlo It Lacey Tambakis Thoi . Best : Russell P Doric Nadir Kotsartd(s Collis Pratt. Rich Cent : Dautovic 2 Titley 2 Lake 2 Prentice Braken Mosey Deheitas Quick . Best : A Titley R Prentice H Dautovic W Bracken J Petering J Lane . ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2 .4 5.4 8.9 13.9 (87) 5 .5(35) BULLEEN COBRAS 3.1 5 .3 5 .5 Eltham : Krohn 4 Love 2 Paisley 2 J Howgate Jarvis O'Donnell Paine Pattison . Best: Jarvis Turney Baud Paisley J Howgate Keleher . Bull Cob: Rowe 4 Bvrne . Best: Palermo Whitehouse Moore Byrne Rowe Kellett. ELSTERNFIICI{ 1 .2 4 .5 4 .5 7 .6(48) HAWTHORN AMATEURS 2.3 3 .3 5 .7 7 .9 (51) Elst : Creak 2 Whelan Goldman Leaper Hankin Ryan . Best: Clarke Creak McNally Brennan Morgan . Haw: Vance 3 Ruzieka 2 Hyland Houghton . Best: Not received . NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 .1 2.5 3.6 6 .10 (46) ALBERT PARK 5 .4 9 .7 11 .10 14 .12 (96) Nth Bruns : Papanikolou 3 Ahmed Taha 2 Abroad Talra . Best : Heck Giovanoglou Panagiotidis Ahmed Taha Ahmad Talra Donnelly . Albert Park: S Allan 3 Sutton 2 McGuire 2 Smith 2 Green 2 Toth 2 Jackson. Best : Tuffin Sutherland Deviate Sutton Toth Agar . ST. MARYS BY E




D4 Section ALBERT PARK AFC Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee


Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Jon Pratt

RUlLEEU COBRAS Coach : Joe D'Angelo Res Coach : TBA

1 P. Smith 2 N. Pastras

I G . Wilson 2 C. Riscalla

2 A. Morgan

3 A . Odza

3 R. Bake r 3 P. Shakepeare

4 T. Mann o 5 J . Garrett

2 T. Orwin 3 S . McLaren Capt 4 N . Cartledge 5 M . Mann

4 M . Naudi

7 S . Stewart

6 G. Fortune

5 S . Allan 6 J . Storey Stor e 7 S. Variables 7 M. Burton 8 N . Wheeler 9 P. Chambers 10 M . Phillips 11 D. Bree

8 C . Langley 9 A. Sallantioglu

12 N. Langdo n 13 B . Payne

16 W. Drew 17 G. Cavallo

7 T. Mehrez 8 T. Mazzarella 9 M. Kyriakou 10 C. Powderham 11 A. DeJong 12 P. Whitehouse 13 N. Edgar 14 T. Fradkin

10 S. Coo k 11 T. Thoi

12 A. Dick 13 M . Cumming 14 L. Penhalludack 15 L. Keillor 16 M . Penny

15 J . Trinchi

40 D. Worrell 41 P. Currie 42 A. Tarulli

31 S . McGuire

16 0 . Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 B. Thomas 20 J. MeQua@er 21 N. Lykopandis 22 J . Daniels 23 A. Nasr 24 A. Gemes 25 W. Olney M . Nathanielsz 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett 29 R . Sheehan 30 B. Cookson 31 R . Pasinati 32 S. Wagg 33 A. 34 M . DAngelo 35 M . Unwin

43 R. Doyle

31 J . Williams 32 M . Smith 33 M . Wall 34 T. Houston 35 S. Toth

44 C. Garrett 45 M . Sinfield 46 P. Mortimer 47 A . Andrews 49 T. Ellis

36 P. Dall'Oglio

13 M . Tuffin 14 M . Hyams 15 D . Borley 15 P. Guicas 16 C . Roberton 17 S. Bennett 18 G . Collins 19 N. Cain 20 K. Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J . Hannet t 22 J . Marshall 23 B . Harries 23 D . DeZoete 24 T. Green

25 J. Wier 26 B. Moore 27 A.Jackson 28 R . Allan 29 R. Humphrey 30 W. Johnson

35 C . Downie 36 J. Dudi

37 L . Hogan 38 S. Fairfield 41 R. Williams 42 C. Cook

44 B . Isard 45 J. Agar 46 G. Price 48 M . Snowden

50 S . Thompson 51 J . McKay 52 D . Allan 53 M. Williams 55 D . Quinlan 57 J. Sutton 57 J. Baker 58 S. Gitsham 59 L. Barr 60 V. Surace 62 P. Cramer 77 S . Garcia 78 T. Tuhoro 79 S . Thompson

80 J . Bowlby

18 C . Butler 19 C . Callis 20 K. Oldfield 22 A. Steele 23 D . Penny

23 J. Naumovski 24 P Doyle

25 P. Kotsaridis 26 R. Ball 28 Z . Veleski 29 M . Rogers 30 B . Olson 31 D. Olson 32 I.Oldetd 33 M. Marinovic 34 H . Ho 35 C . Liston 36 S. Russell 38 J. DAmato 39 J. Tambakis

37 J . Paatsch 38 G. Brown 39 C . Chan 40 G . Richards 41 C . Borrelli


Coach : D Grace Asst . P McNally Coach Res: M Hoskin g 1 L MURPHY 2 A HANKIN 2 L BEDINGFIELD









Sun Hotel -

Richmond and Rising Sun Hotel -

3 E. Savag e 4 L . Mason (VC) 5 L . Austin

6 J. Galvin (C) 7 B. Rashid 8 B . Jorgensen 9 C. Watson 10 B . Marshall 11 J . Mizz i 12 M. Blagrove 13 M. Luttick 14 R . Runco

15 J. Paisleyy 16 D. Brick 17 T. Wenbom 18 B . Galvin 19 J . Gilbert 20 S . Weston 21 M . Hart 22 R . Foo (VC ) 23 T. Carter 24 A. Hargrave 25 R . Thoma s 26 J. Glar e 27 J . Stockdale 28 M . Pattiso n 29 D. Howgat e 30 M . Abbott 31 B . Keleher 32 C . Bau d 33 A . Howgate 34 J. Howgate 35 M. Crooks

36 N . Ryal l 37 P. Krohn 38 A. Mo k 39 A. McClaren 40 E E . Bau d


41 T. Kurtschenko

43 T. Whittaker 44 B. Saaksjarvi


45 N. Khalil 46 J. Lewis

58 M . Azmi 59 J . Screen

48 M . Soumellidis 49 G. Anderton 50 R Lock 51 R . Daley 52 T. Sette 53 R . Rodrigues 54 S. Nelson 55 N . Polities 56 I . Baccini 57 C. Batt 58 T. Moore 59 R. Hadisutanto 60 J . Lowrie 77 S . Fisher 101 J . DAngelo


42 C . Conole 43 R . Carrucan

56 H. Shiba 57 M . Mason

52 S. Darcy 53 N . Chau 54 L. Van den Akker 55 J. Pratt

60 N . Benbow 61 J . Howarth

62 C . Henry 63 J . Aspinall 64 J . Vagias 65 D . Woolridge 66 C . Plunket t 67 A. Manerheim

68 N. Galil 69 B. Pearce 70 H. Gist 73 D. Francis 76 M . Lace y 78 A. Leavers 79 G. tt gp S . E ans 81 J . Hopes

82 D . Dovaston 84 M. Lacey 88 M. Edgley 89 S. Yalamanchil e 99 G . Robinson

111 A. Maguire


1 T. Andrews 2 D . Lynch

42 V. Dam

50 C . Irvine




44 N . Dunca n 45 A. Whyte

46 S. Clark 47 A. Emin i 48 B. Turney 49 L. Barnes 50 B . Richardso n 51 J . Simpson 52 D . Justice 53 J. Foo 54 S. Todman 55 K. Toulson 56 R . Love 58 N . McPherso n 59 B. Evan s 61 A. Stockdale 63 L. Ogilvie


86 G . Archer



Coach: Wayne Reardon Res Coach: Paul Gregor



Trash 'n' Stash Village Roadshow





Coach: Peter Tyson Res Coach : Patrick Ryan

Coach: Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Harry Tsialtas

Coach: Thomas Duk ic Res Coach : Steven Lake

t D. Newton 2 D. Adams 3 D. Orr 5 H. Hassan 6 D. Pizzari 7 J . Briffa 8 S . Menta 9 A. Sammartino 10 A. Mountney 11 J . Boudoloh 12 P. Tannous 14 M . Sorlete 15 H. Tsiaftas 16 S. Tsialtas 17 A. Taha 18 R. Massri 19 L . Spano 20 A. Said 21 R . Santacrace 22 J. Freeman 23 D . Kehagias 24 A. Belbin 25 L . Greening 26 M. Taha 27 N . Pollokis 28 T. Ackland 30 D . Cart er 31 A . Boudoloh 32 B . Robertson 33 J . Ferns 34 M . Pisasale 36 A . Taha 37 C. Twaddle 38 E . Caccamo 39 C. Rhook 40 B . Mc Callum 41 A. Taha 42 J . Papanikolaou 43 F. Papanastasatos 44 D. Donnelly 45 G . Panagiotidis 46 F. Valeri 47 P. Micallef 48 J. Wolter 49 S. Hearn 50 P. Giucas 51 N . Giovanoglou 52 K. .Hassoun 57 S. Nabbs 62 B. Carter 66 R . Pretty 67 J . Heck

1 W. Old 2 T. Quick 4 D . Miller 5 B. Po rt eus 6 T. Dukic 7 S. Lynch 8 D . Speakman 9 A. Piani 10 A. Zuccaro 11 S. Lake 12 S. Britter 13 J . Goode 14 J . Mcgrath 15 C . Barry 16 J . Bin 17 J . Neilson 18 A . Taylor 18 P. Moulday 19 C. Quay 20 D. Bergin 21 D. Phelan 22 J . Petering 23 B . Breese 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Read 26 R. Prenti ce 27 N. Nuske 28 C. Dimitriou 29 S. Hillier 30 L. Fotheringham 31 Retired Jumper 33 P. Bedmano 34 M. Vervoorn 35 P. Krisohos 36 G . Evans 37 D . Green 38 M. Defreflas 39 H . Dautovic 40 M. Pescott 41 C . Duff 42 D . Trenellen 44 G. Begley 46 M . Jones 47 M . King 49 P. Brunt 50 A . Tilley 51 D. Moffat 52 J . Pike 53 J . Robertson 54 C. Cartwright 55 M . Davies 56 T. Kristo f 57 M . Goona n 57 E. Hill 58 M. Hanna 59 W. Bracken 60 B. Jolley 61 P. Karamichalos 62 G . Gardiner 63 T. Soderstrom 64 A. Musey 65 D . Coromandel 67 J . Lane 69 T Melville 74 S . Gray 77 S . Lfuzz i 79 A . Roller 80 D. James-Schirmer

1a M . McVeigh ib B. Blakeman 2a J. Ridley 2b J. Thompson 3 A. Collins 4 N. Martin 5 S. Ave ry 6 P. Ave ry 7 C. Alexander 8 S. Gatiss 9a R . Ogge (vc) 9b M. Houareau 10 J. Hall it J. Dawson 12 J. Pi 13 J. Murphy 14 D . Lauletta 0 15 M. Tyson 16a C . Rice 16b J . Shepherd 77 B . Ruzicka 19 T. Hyland 20 S . Parker 2t P. Clennett 22 D. McClenchy 23 L. Collins 24 J . Jackomos 25 T. Ryan 26 B . Collins 27 L. Flannigan 28a D. Mackenzie 28b T. Crivelli 29 K. Rimmer 33 M . Caruana 35 S. Davies 36 M . Sheridan 37 C. Ja rvis 43 I . Chepa 44 B. Altder 46 T. 0'Hanlon 55 A. Saulle 58 T. Dixon 59 G . Cade 62 D . Pritchard 75 M. Daou 80 N . Exton



Coach : tifdiad ~~~ Res Coach: George Kasr antata~s 1 M. Banks 2 B. Perelberg 3 G . Schembn 4 A. Ballantyne 5 A . Lane 6 C . Weller 7 A . Dwyer 8 R . Kodituwak u 9 C . Armstrong 10 D. Cope 11 J . Bernardi 12 S . Nicholson 13 J . Hill 14 L. Goldsworthy 15 M . Purcell 16 M . Aikman 17 L. Anthony 18 B. Frail 19 V. Ryan 20 A. Waller 21 M . Gilchrist 22 C. Adam 23 F Harri son 24 A. Latime r 25 M. Black 26 S. C rilly 27 S. Grillo 28 J. Inne s 29 P. Harrison 30 M. Lynch 31 H . Adam 32 S . Johnsto n 33 C . Ferg 34 L. Armstrong 35 G. Theohard s 36 B . Graetzer 37 C. Freshwater 38 S . Griffin 39 B . Richardso n 40 M . Karis 41 T. Cummins 42 M . Davies 43 L. R az g a 44 G . Koumantatakis 45 M . Maschette 46 T. Tahos 47 P. Rousi s 48 M . Gould 49 W. Smith 50 C. Wigg 51 N . Andrews 52 0. Had 53 D . Anders 54 P. G°anan 55 B. Tagell 56 P. Roseman 57 A. Bull 58 J . Wright 59 C . Mackenzie 60 W. Goldsworthy 62 L. D'astol i 64 C. Chan 69 P. Murphy


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Senior - (1st XVIII teams) Any registered player with a permit can play finals (except AFUVFL players with a permit - see below) . Reserve -(2nd XVIII teams) Players must be registered and must have played at least four (4) reserve grade matches and not more than ten (10) senior matches in the home and away games (first round) . Where both first and second XVI1I's are playing on the same day the reserve grade player must only have played two (2) games in either the seniors or reserves to qualify . For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different days of the same weekend (ie . 1st semi Saturday, 2nd semi Sunday - read as above teams playing on the same day) . Under-19 teams - Players must be registered and hold a permit . If a player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 Under-19 matches during the season . If a player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final . Where a team has (2) U19 teams or is involved in hybrid arrangement, the following shall apply . Where a club has two U19 teams a player must have not played more than 10 matches with the U191 side to play in the (2) team .

To represent the hybrid team in ie finals the player ust have represented the h ;'Jrid team in (5) first round matches - not including finals . C( ' . . .. . . as - Players must be registered and have played in at least four (4) Club XVIII matches (for the am they wish to represent) and not have played more than a total of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first round . Where a club has two or more Club XVIiI teams a player must have not played more than 8 matches with (either of) iigher placed side(s) to play in a lower team's fi n An AFL or = . __ . player will be eligible to play in the finals for his : a) VAFA club as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of these matches must have been played after June 3r- , b) Senior VAFA team as long as he has playi minimum of five (5) senior and/or U19 ' matches for the team he wishes to rep- ;et, in the fi ils . At least two (2) of these matches must hm ' en played after June 30th . I B player must have played five (5) A VAFA m ; ches for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the finals . For TAC players there is no requirement to play a certain number of matches after June 30th .

The rn j , (Glenhuntly =oad) is ope n The te (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when th, are o matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that wo allow cars around you to be able to leave . - layers and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate nur 'aer of tickets for players and oftic := ;s . 46

TP'.i3,~ .`.1ATEUA FOOT :.'

Round 8 We had some big games in FIDA last week and close results as well. There were 4 games played at Parkville last round with some upset results . The first game played was between Maribyrnong 2 and Mazenod 2 the doggies came into the game as favourites but a late surge in the final quater saw Mazenod win 6 .5(41) to 5 .2(32) . The next game played was between a determined Ringwood and a fired up Broadmeadows Kangas 2 The game was close all day with the Kangas too good in the end winning 4 .5(29) to the Blues 3 .4(22) . In the section one match it was all one sided with the Dogs thrashing Broadmeadows Kangas 12 .4(76) to 1 .2(8).

The final game played at Park-Ale was between Port Colts 1 and Mazenod 1, this was a tight match all day but in the end it was the colts 5 .5(35) to Mazenod 4 .2(26) . Off to Werribee and what a game it was between Mambourin and Moonee Valley , This was definitely the match of the round, it was a close well spirited match with the home team winning by the barest of margins the end result reads, Mambourin 5 .9(39) to Moonee Valley 4 .11(35) WHAT A GAME

In Albury we saw Ovens & Murray host one game as the other was forfeited by Port Colts 2 . The game was between Bulleen Templestowe and Ovens & Murray 1, the away side proved to be too good winning 10 .9(69) to 6 .9(45) .

At Kannanook, Ballarat had their second loss for the season losing to a well tuned Kananook 1 . The end result showed Kananook winning 8 .3(51) to Ballarat 3.6(24) . The final game played for the round was between Kananook 2 and Parkside seeing Kananook 14 .5(89) o classy destroying Parkside 2 .2(14). other matches we had the City Vs Country match played at Elsternwick Park on July 17th, and it proved to be a big success with all the players from both sides playing well . The end result of the match was City winning 8 .2(50) to Country 1 .3(9) .

Round 9 This week we have 3 games to be played at the home of Amateur Football (Elsterwiek Park) . The first game to played is between Mazenod Panthers 2 and ,once Valley, this game will prove to be a rippe r think the Panthers may win this one by a

minor 4 points . The next to be played is between Broadmeadows Kangas 2 and Port Colts 2, this game will be close for a half and then the colts will go BANG and win by 6 big ones . The final game is between Mazenod I and Ringwood - after forfeiting their games in Albury - this is a scratch match. Off to Ballarat were the Knights will be hosting a struggling Broadmeadows 1, for the Kangaroos to win they need to do something special but for me the Knights easy by 8 goals . Kananook will be hosting some great games this week, the first is between Kananook 1 and Maribyrnong 1, this will turn out to be a great game by the home side should win by a 3 goal margin . The next game will see Kananook 2 win easy against Bulleen by 7 goals .

Mambourin have been in great form lately and I think they will carry that on this week against Maribyrnong, for me Mambourin by 15 points. Ovens & Murray are not hosting any games this week due to Ringwood and Ovens & Murray forfeits . The last preview of the round is going to be an easy one, Parkside are hosting an in form Port Colts 1 and will win by no less than 10 goals . P W LDF it % PIS 651 03 J 276 .67 26 3H i 6 4 2 0262 ; 1 _i7 .3$ 1 6 6 3 3 0 2 312 " -1 6 0 6 0£_ 27-, . .. : Q P W L €I PIS 6 5 1 0 20 6 14 2 0 16 6 4 2 0 16 S4 2 0 16 'OVE 6244B PAIiKS€6 S1 fi tj & 0 6

OPdGHl3LE.DQSS2 I I N (I .~ 'sERS S42 0 BROADFAEADOkVSY+AfIGAS2 6 3 3 0 12 MAZENOD PANI'HERS2 6 2 4 0 8 MOONEE VALLEY MAGPIES 6 2 4 0 8 OVENS & MURRAY 2 6 2 4 0& RINGWOOD BLUES 6 1 5 0 4 # had bye last round * Received forfeit last roun d Club Note : Delegates' Meeting, Monday July 25, Elsternwick Park, 7 .30pm' Clubs wishing to participate in finals are required to attend .






WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies

by ~

1(U19 2, 3 & Blue)

U: -y1 1~~` _ _ tl (U19 1 & Red)

Section One Another cold, wet and windy afternoon ensured a string of tight contests across metropolita n Melbourne, with three games decided by less than three goals and only one side kicking more than seven majors . Marcellin continued their lead of the competition, cruising to a 61 point win at home to Uni Blues in trying conditions . St Kevins stayed on par with the ladder-leaders by notching up their tenth win of the season despite getting a major scare from cellar-dwellers Old Brighton . Held goalless in the opening term and still trailing at the long break, the second-placed side were lucky to escape with a narrow 18-point win . In the round's other games, Collegians trailed for the entire match against De La before taking the lead in the closing stages to secure a come-from-behind 6 point win, while Old Scotch edged out Old Xavs by ten points in a thrilier. Although there is little more than a month of football remaining in the home-and-away season, no team is yet assured of a finals berth as the band of mid-table sides continue to put pressure on their ladderleading counterparts . De La Salle host St . Kevins in undoubtedly the match-of-the-round this weekend, as both teams aim to take a big step towards competing in the 2005 finals series . De La were unlucky not to win last weekend, throwing away a three-quarter lead in the final stages of their match against Collegians, while St Kevins struggled all afternoon against bottom-placed Old Brighton and were lucky to escape with the four points . De La by 7 points . In the round's other games, Collegians to defeat Uni Blues, Marcellin to cruise to win number eleven away at Old Scotch, and Old Xavs to be tested but end up victorious away at St Bernards . Section Two Rupo only kicked 7 points in the second half whilst the Fields slotted 2 majors for a pleasing 14 point win . Wertzberger was on the best players menu, together with "Happy" Hammond and "Simon" Townsend . Buoyed by some key inclusions, the Friars controlled the game early, but couldn't convert into the breeze . However, the arrival of heavy rain saw the breeze drop, together with OC's intensity. After half time, Tom Langford's ball handling was sublime, and Brosolo also revelled in the conditions . The Friars' defence, led by Crowe and Baranello, was superb, denying the OC a goal in the second half, and with Carruthers and Yore dominating around the packs, the home side had their best win for the year . No news from the 48

regulation Carey win over Beaumaris , whilst at Oval #1 , methinks OMs managed to run some guns back from the senior side in their 9 goal defeat of the Bombers . Finally, the Bears seriously slapped Trinity, as Drapac and Dimeck shone, whilst the powerfully built Matt Bilney enjoyed the heavy going for the Ts . Tips Friar, Friar white-shorts on fire by 9 goals Rupo to succumb to Banyule by 4 goals Bombers likewise to Caulfield by 17 points OMs over the Sharks by 9 point s OC double - trouble - Carey by 22 points Section Thre e La Trobe ran head-long into a Jacka ambush, and were belted by the relentless ground-level running of the visitors . Ajax should organise more Sunday games as they enjoyed the extra day off. Bluztein bagged 5 majors, Ezekiel was a visionary, an d

CLOD U19 (11 Old Xaverians St Kevin s Old Scotch U19 (21

; i i:;_ lST t':'I : Ti S i' Handley O'Rourke Tummel

1 42 3 37 0 26

Banyule Viewbank Tsingaris 0 52 Old Carey Titus 45 Whitefriars Torney 3 43 U19(3)

Uni Blacks Battista 0 50 Oakleigh Cleary 0 47 Monash Blues Collins 0 33 U19 (BLUE ) Mazenod Bogar 1 60 Salesian Scorpians Singh 1 53 Ormond R Chisolm 0 49 Peninsula D Smith 2 47 U19 [RED) Emmaus SL Croughhan 5 49 Bulleen Templestowe P Voglis 0 40 BuIleen Templestowe M Meadows 1 31 Aquinas Raggazoni 3 3 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

Shulman had a footy-feast . Mazeltoffl! The Raiders dodged another bullet at Pine Lodge where the sticky conditions were to the Hoers liking . Big Bolzan played a blinder for Ivanhoe . who almost stole the game at the end, whilst Crothwaite and Solomon were happy mud-larks up forward for Parade. Things looked grim for Monash at the final change, as they'd yet to score a goal, but Jordan stood up in the final term to save the side from doing a lap after the game with their shorts down . The Tigers were well served by Fridman, Collins and Swayne . As predicted, the Demons keep breathing fire, and pulled to within a game of the finals by trouncing Uni Blacks . The Unicorns also kept a faint finals flame flickering by dumping on Oakleigh . Tips parade to maul La Trobe by 10 large Monash no match for Le Hoers, a 38 point margin . Bentleigh to dent St Bedes by 3 goals AJAX will beat MHSOB by 15 point s oakleigh to nudge Uni Blacks out by 10 point s Section Blu e Mazenod travelled to Salesian for the double chance shoot-out on the school oval . Kicking into the breeze, Mazenod displayed good running football to lead 6 goals to 1 at quarter time, when Salesian Coach Hazell delivered his first big spray for season 2005! To their credit Salesian responded but, in the final term, Mazenod were rewarded for their forward movement and ran it out convincingly . Better players for Mazenod included Graham & Duke, whilst Salesian couldn't question the endeavour of co-captains Norman and Kelly . Ormond leaked 4 goals in the first term, and none thereafter, as they orchestrated a 23 point win at McKinnon #2 . At Waverley, Gleeson's six majors was a credit to his persistence and ability to handle not only difficult conditions, but also a quality opponent . Somehow, in atrocious weather, Hampton Rovers conjured 6 goals after half-time, and when Kettle soccered the Rovers' 6th goal of the day, De La were out of the running . The Pirates kicked away from the O'Clays in the final term . Byrt and Ernie, sorry Rodwell, had great games for the Pirates . Tips OH short of Salesian by 6 goal s Mazenod to handle Peninsula by 27 points Oakleigh will learn from Hampton by 3 goals De La a tad shy of Ormond, by 8 goals . Section Red Emmaus St Leos became the first Section Red side to book a finals berth last weekend after disposing of Bulleen Templestowe by 60 points . Extending their win-loss record to 12-1, Emmaus were clearly too strong for the struggling Bulleen with Croughan and Quirk both kicking five majors . In the round's other cames, Kew held off a fast-finishing Therry Penola ~ide to escape with a 14 point win, Old Westbourne 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

snuck home against Old Scotch by 15 points, while Aquinas were far too strong for Fitzroy, defeating the reigning premiers by 89 points . Therry, Westbourne ,1 herry, Westbourne and Fitzroy will continue their push and Fitzroy will for finals glory this continue their push for weekend, as the finals glory this three teams tied on as the three weekend, seven wins battle it teams tied on seven out for fourth spot . wins battle it out for Therry Penola look best-placed entering fourth spot . " the business end of the season, the in-form side boasting a superior percentage and scheduled to play bottom-placed Old Scotch. Therry Penola by 35pts . In the round's other games, Old Westbourne should stay on par with Therry Penola with a home win over Bulleen, Emmaus will be far too strong for Fitzroy who will have played the competition's top two sides in consecutive weeks, while Kew won't be troubled by Rupertswood .

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 De La Salle v St Kevins University Blues v Collegians Old Scotch v Marcellin Old Brighton - By e St Bernards v Old Xaverians UNDER-19 SECTION 2 Rupertswood v Banyule Viewban k Caulfield Gr v Old Essendon Gr - switched from o riginal draw - venue, time TBP. Beaumaris v Old Melburnians - Sportscover Arena, Friday 6.15pm Old Trinity v Whitefriars Old Camberwell v Old Carey UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Old Paradians v La Trobe Uni Monash Blues v Old Ivanhoe Bentleigh v St Bedes Merit Tig

AJAX v MHSOB - at at Oval 9, Albert Park - TBC Oakleigh v University Blacks UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE Old Haileybury v Salesian Scorpions - at Fisher Oval, Haileybury Coll ege, Keysborough at 1 p .m . Mazenod 0 C v Peninsula 0 B Oakleigh Clays v Hampton Rovers Ormond v De La Salle ( 2) - switched from original draw UNDER-19 (21 RED Therry Penola 0 B v Old Scotch Rupertswood (2) v Kew - at 11 .30 a.m . - TBC

Aquinas 0 C - By e Old Westbourne v Bulleen Templestowe to played on College Oval (ent ry off Gate C off Marquands Road) at 1 .30 p .m. Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Fitzroy Reds 49

L~ : ST. KEVINS OB 0 .2 2.4 4.10 7.16 (58) OLD BRIGHTON 3 .1 3.2 4 .5 6 .6(42) SKOB: O'Rourke 3 Mercouriou 2 Conlon Ryan . Best : Kerr Moussi Ma. Murphy Mi. Murphy Low Belsey, Old Br: 2 Sest Gunning Presnell Mason Jennings. Best: Jakobi Fox Flelke Clarke Geddes Jennings, Umpires : Mark Jenkins Lee Crossley (F)

St &es. Hunter 4 Matt it . ' i , . ._ _ -w, 3 Swayne Marks Falkiner Terrell LeBreton . Best: I .iTtch Collins Swc, .- ; Knowles Fridman Kelly . Mon Blues: Jordan. I ;st: Jordan Barton Jacobsen Shopov Devanny. Umpires : David Ewens Steve Castersen (F) Brendan Dowling Keith Lewis (B)

BEk"SLEIGH 2 .7 5.8 10.10 11 .12 (78) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0.2 1 .5 1 .8 t .10 (16) 2.1 3 .2 4 .6 7.9 (51) Bentleigh : T Dewar 2 Bell 2 Coles 2 Fogarty Fidler McIntyre Hunt Rossi 3.3 4 .4 5 .7 6.9(45) Zylbersztajn . Best : Vlahos Fidler A West Coles Meehan Morrison . But Call: Quick 2 Lynch 2 Williams 2 Curtis . Best: Sutton Lvnch Williams Blacks : Ross, Best : Jess Harrison Barron Cordy Legoe Rippen. Umpires : Scott Curtis Zimbaeks . DLS : Thompson 3 Keely Rae Dwyer . Best: Herkess Dash Peiris Ron Johnson (F James Gregory Andrea Mason (B) Fenton Casey Pitcher Dwyer Hogan . Umplres: Nathan Sheppard Matt MHSOB 6.3 9 .4 14 .8 15 .10 (100) Goold (F) Will Burne David Cameron (B) Eddie Beal Robert Parry (G) OAKLEIGH 0.1 1 .5 1 .11 5 .14 (44) MARCELLIN 0 .0 5 .2 9.4 14.7 (91) Details not received . Umpires : John Hughan Sean Scully Sur (F) James UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .1 3.3 3.5 4.6(30) Scully (B) Marc: Fraser 4 Crimmins 3 0'Halloran2 Boyd Gasparini MeGhn Pell COLLEGIANS DE LA SALLE

Seines. Best: Fraser Nash Pesavento Madmen Symes Bolger. Uni Blues : SALESIAN SCORPIONS 1 .2 1 .2 5 .5 5 .6(36) Hayter 3 Brennan . Best : Wood Maddocks Pyke Hailer Halliday Btouts . MAZENOD 6 .6 6 .10 8.10 12.15 (87) Umpires: Simon Olive Tim Saunders (F) Nick Kelly Julian Maceioni (B) Sales Scorn: Singh Stanton Pullman Togia Curbs . Best: Kelly Butte, field OLD SCOTCH 2.3 4.6 5 .9 6 .12 (48) Norman C Thomson Kr-tlogiannis Dunne . Mffiz : Riselev Crotty Len-ton 2 OLD XAVERL9NS 2.5 3 .7 5 .8 5 .8(38) Bogar Regan Kavanagh Moran Crameri Duke . Best: Lewton Moran N Old Scotch : Porter 2 Slattery Ballan Bradley Gherardht . Best : Whitehead Klavins Regan Bailey N Crameri. Umpires : Anthony Lilley Brett Barley (F) Gray H Dick Gherardin Wallace-Smith Leeds . Old Xav: Handley DlStefanu OLD HAILEYBURY 4 .2 4 .2 4.5 4.6(30) Forrest Kelly Thomas . Best : Harry Mortensen Silk Doyle Forrest ORMOND 1 .1 3 .3 6 .3 8.5 (53) DiStefano . Umpires: Peter Pullen Logan Smith (F ) Old Hall: Johnson 2 Jones McIntyre . Best: Doyle Harrison Gill McIntyre ST. BERNARDS BYE Bvass Johnson . Ormond : Bailey 3 Duthte 2 Jewell Ashton Machin . Best: UNDER-19 SECTION 2 MeLelland Woolfe Bailey Brosnan llpstill Ashton . Umpires: Mark Farrell 6 .6 7 .9 12 .17 22 .23 (155) Mark Duthie (F)

1 .0 2 .2 3.2 3.4 (22 ) PENINSULA OR 1 .2 3 .10 4.12 9.18 (72) Banyule VB : Christian 4 Dark 3 Park 3 Gutterson 2 Povser 2 G .Dimeck 2 O-9IfLEIGH CLAYS 4 .3 4.5 6 .6 7,6 (48) Griffith Holmes Swift Saker Drapac O'Donnell . Best : Drapac Swift Peain : D Smith 2 J Byrt 2 DeLange R Smith S Rodwell P Wignall T Gutterson Christian Shepard-Mueller G Dimeck . Old Trin : Bourke Madder. Best : R White J Rees S Rodweil J Byrt S Taylor L Corson . Oak: A Stewart Gan-Bertelsen . Best : Stewart Glatt-Bertelsen Delphme Bourke Plozza 2 D Gilmour J Adams D Gait S Levy J Evangalista . Best : J Adams BItney Smith. Umpire s : Geoff Deveson Jack Fagan (F ) J Simon L DeGeorge C Dureau J Lao J Moffat. Umpires : Steve McCarthy CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 3 .7 3.8 4.13 5.15 (45) David Anselmi (F) Paul Carrell Will Stokes (B) Ross Richards Greg Rollo (G) RUPERTSWOOD 0.4 3.6 18 3 .13 (31) 1 .4 3.9 7.12 9 .14 (68) Caul: McCahon 2 Sundberg Spittal Kalaja . Best : Wertzberger N Andrew HAMPTON ROVERS DELASALLE(2) 1 .4 2 .7 3 .11 3 .15(33) McCaHon Hammond Townsend Schroth . Ruperts: Pretty Steight Moule. Best : Spinner Gaunt Monte Gregory Sleight . Umpires: Jason Evans Brett Harald Rov: Gleeson 6 Curry Hendry Kettle, Best : Hair Gleesan Zampagllone Suleyman Ross Hendry. DLS (2) : Morwood Munoz Marino, Herskope (F) Tristan Reith Lucas Robson (G ) Best: Silvers Harkins Fletcher Tonioco Fisher Mecher. Umpires: Richard OLD MELBURNIANS 3.1 7 .4 9 .12 14 .17 (101) OLD ESSENDON 1 .8 4 .8 5.11 6.11 (47) Yann Tom Haysom (F) James Travers Jessica Rollo (B ) UNDER-19 f21 R.F Old Melb: Haralambous 3 Ray 2 Mitchell 2 Cudlipp2 Beaumont 2 Landale 2 .2 4.4 4 .5 4.6(30) Oman Linacre . Best : Panton Gooley Landale Beaumont Oman Lawler . Old OLD SCOTCH Ess : Not received . Umpires : Nichael Forde Nick Keatin (F) Simon OLD WESTBOURNE 2.2 3 .4 3.8 5 .15 (45) Old Scotch: Needham Pearce Gaunt Perry . Best: C Wood S Machin D McInerney BEAU14L1RIS 2.2 2 .2 4 .3 5 .4 (34) Downer T Gaunt J Pearce C Backsman . Old West: McAlindon Mitrovski OLD CAREY 5 .3 9.6 13.9 16.12 (108) Stilwell Smith B Tanner. Best: Stilwell T Wtliamson B Tanner H Templeton Details not received. Umpires: Richard Eastwood Michael R_vde (F) Ben B Spiterl Dunn . Umpires: David D'Altera Paul Tyrer (F) Josh Tyrer (B ) '. KEW . 5.5 10.7 10.12 12 .15 (87) Parsons Steve Durston-Ryan (B) W HITEFRIARS 0.5 4 .7 6 .11 9.17 (71) THERRY PENOLA OB 1 .3 5 .3 6 .6 11 .7 (73) OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .5 5.5 5.8 5.9(39) Kew: Lawrence 5 Luc9sano 2 Jackson Fultheim Franklin Tong 4lyley . White: Langford 3 Torney 3 O'Meara Brosolo Harris . Best: Brosolo'.. Best: Williams Franklin Lawrence Cochrane Jackson DeAngelis . merry Langford Power Mirabella Harris Carruthers . Old Csmb: Hillierv 4 Pen: Walker 3 Orr 2 Ferraro Mert Roberston Tozer Keenan Elm . Best : Mayton Rees Thompson Muhar Cooper Helen . Umpires: Jason :JcNiece Walpsle. Best: L Taylor D McGuigan M Shanks S Bonyhad-y P Christie . Ian Kennedy (B ) Umpires: Brent Woodhead Matt Simpson (F ) RUPERTSFTOOD BYE UNTIER-19 SECTIO N 6.4 10 .5 16 .10 18 .11 (119 ) AJAX 6 .1 12.7 16.11 21 .16 (142) AQUINAS LATROBE UNIVERSITY 2 .0 3 .4 3.5 4 .6 (30) 2 .2 2 .3 4 .3 7 .7 (49) FITZROY REDS AJAX : Blusztein 5 Bloom 3 Ezekiel 3 Smith 3 Oviss 2 Sacks 2 Grof Kaplan Aquinas : Ragauskas 3 Raggozini 3 Morrison-Storey 3 Adams 2 Papworth Majtlis . Best: Shulman Blusztein Sacks Oviss Feldy Wein . Latrobe: Taylor 2 O'Donnell 2 Williams Geddes Hale . Best: Maaskant Ragauskas 4 McGough 2 Caldow . Best : Sheriff Caldow Wilson Marx Taylor Davies . Morrison-Storey Thompson Rvan Thatcher . Fitz Reds : Sulemenouski Umpires : Dean Schwab Brendan Devlin (F ) Donato Topp Bombaci . Best: Donato Minnis Topp Barnhart Osborn OLD IYANHOE 3 .3 5.5 6.9 8.12 (60) Ritchie. Umpires : Jason Lane Patrick Coulthard (F) OLD PARADIANS 4.7 7 .8 8 .16 8 .16 (64) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3.1 4.1 5 .1 8.2(50) Old Iv: Harrison 2 Ferrantino 2 Ellis Kefalas Foster Clarke. Best : Bolzan EMMAUS ST LEOS 5 .8 7 .12 11 .17 15.20 (110) Clarke H}ndman Bodycoat Ferrantino Hartrick. Old Par: Crothwaite 3 Bull Temp: Rametta 3 Meadows Mignone Millar Nikolakopoulos Solomon 3 Clayton Kandilakis. Best: Vincent Ziella Stace Christie Seneca Woodward, Best : J Hunt Stamboulakts Rametta Tekin Iosiiidis Ailed . Crothwaite. Umpires : Peter Cahill Sachs Koffman ( F Emmaus SL: Croughan 5 Quirk 5 Baranello Cadden DAmico Later STBEDES MENTONE TIGERS4 .5 10.8 15.17 20.19 (139) Stafford . Best: Cadden Stafford Baranello Brogden Kay Rendell . Umpires: MONASH BLUES 0.0 0 .1 0.1 1 .2(8) Jamie Gunn Nick Brown (F ) 50 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

x 9 - Section 1 C~'.LEGIARS

1 A. BrvJgeman 2 M . Wmiams 3 N. Creme 4 T Baxter 5 A. Scott g M. Feld 7 R. Black€ey

5 T. John 6 J . Pitcher 7 D . Keely(vo)

8 J. Curtis 9 M. Lynch

8 G. Hesse


T. Zimbachs

11 B . Louis 12 S . Jeffrey 13 C . Weeks

14 N . Quick 1 5 D. Hynes

L LLt ;I

DE LA SALLE (BLUES) Coach : David Madigan Asst Coach: Tim Ford 1 T Kovess (vc) 2 S. Edwards 3 M. Fietdsend 4 D . Close

Coach: Michael Jones

9 A . Cox 10 N . Robe rts 1/ W. Fenton 12 J . Hansen 14 A. De Marie 15 N. Harris

Coach : Uean Rossely 1 2 3 4

S . Farrelly R. Tabacchiera A. Del Mastro N . O'Halloran

5 J . Miller

6 S. Abrahams 7 C . MacLaren 8 D . Valsorda

6 J . Geddes 7 J . Salem

9 D . Considine 10 T. Stafford 11 J . Gasparini 12 P. Augustin

13 P. O'Callaghan

17 L . Casey

14 A. MCGtin

1 7 J . Hamilton

18 W. Dwyer

15 S . Pesavento

18 D. Rajkuma 19 T. Donegan 20 M . Weeks 21 F Boland 22 B. Sims 23 J. Davies

19 J. Crowe 20 D . Hassaballa 21 L. Bull 22 T. Donegan 23 J . Casey

16 C. Warner 17 L Boyd

g M . Ba rtlett 9 T. Gunning 10 J. Edge 11 K. Sheehan 12 J. Priestley

13 J. Seat 14 R . Doherty D 15 J. Leaf 16 S . Mulligan 17 B . Moon 18 B . Blfltt

24 T. Cook

24 J . Fletcher 25 S . Nethersote

18 D. Fraser 19 J. Clapper 20 N . Birrell 21 J. Dowling

25 D . Adgemis

26 B . Hogan

22 J . Symes

21 J . Kenyon

27 S . Mites 29 T. Kovarik

33 C . eushrre€i 40 M. t`-5ta»ers

30 N. Thompson 32 D. Lowe

23 M . Grigoruk 24 J . Hogarth 25 J . C rimmins 26 S . Preece 27 M . Turner 28 C. Cogdon 29 M . Nash 30 D. Redmond 31 D. Bolge r 32 T.Montagna 44 B. Pell

22 J . Detosa 23 K. Presnell 24 A. Tregear 25 R . Eastgate 26 L . Hanson

27 T. Rutherford 29 B. Sutton

33 N. Stewart 34 J. Oakley 37 G . Rae

-- -~__ . . . ,

46 J. Ton'iolo

Raine & I tome C omr , il ., .C11a1


M& i

Assist . uavA Ga ally 1 T Sa 2 A Lawrence 4 S . O'aren~ 5 T.Syme z L_ Ke a tit ~boy 9 J. M or tensen 1 0 S. Steady 11 J. Moore 1 2 A -Floss .Rosa 13 A. 6onn

1a J . Rotte 15 S. erk~€and 16 S . Houghtc 17 S . oaAs 19 S . Di Stefano 9 C. Murphy 20 J. Kay 21 C. Thomas 22 D. Sm+th 23 T. Lee

24 F. trxkmrro 25 M. Pee✓

26 N . Counsel 27 B. Ropen;.on 29 S. tangdon 30 J . Frtzgeratd 31 J . Mul!an y 32 D . Clyne 33 L. Harry 34 N~~" as J. Rana 37 C. Downe Y 3e J. Forrest

39 J. Diw T ey C 4~i N. Soi,nders o 42 J. H~kcy, 43 H. t cGrade 44 N. Smith 46 J . Sweeney 51 E. Behind

Coach : Greg Wood 2 D. Hurley 4 M . Walsh 5 J. Hughes 7 C . Liberatore 8 S. Matthews 9 D . Evans 10 B . Garth 11 A . Marion D . Oconnor 15 A . Mitchell 16 P. Oxenford 17 C. Rogers 20 M . Maggiore 21 T Whelan 23 D. lanazzo 24 B. Runnat s 25 C. Gova n 27 M. Salvadori 30 D. Lancashire 33 M. GourtaY 35 B. Ryan 38 K . Buis 39 L. Demorton 40 A . Kavanagh 43 J . Stapleton 45 B . Johnson 50 R. Schrode r 58 B. Pitts 59 T. Pearson 70 E. Prendi 75 C . McDermo tt

Coach : Owen Hourigan

1 2 3 4

L. Kenyon S . Betsey B. Dowd S. Conlon Marc~sani 5 K. Sahe 6 C . Breheny R Taylor 7 S Neohoritis 8 S. Ryan 9 P. McLennan 10 A . White 11 T. White 12 M . Sherman 13 P. Mercourio u 15 M . Su llivan 16 R. Arnett 1 7 J. Charles 18 H . Low 19 W. Browne 20 K. Mies

21 J. Moussi 22 P. Harrison 23 H . Feehan 24 D . Sullivan 25 J . Mullen 26 P. Longmore 27 J . O'Rourke 28 M . Murphy 29 J . Nisse n

30 T. 0`Hanlo n 31 J. S me y 32 M. Murphy 33 C . Viti 35 X. Gasparini 39 C . Murphy 41 B. Liu


Coach : Joe Lyitleton S (1) Coach : Bruce Armstrong S(2) Red Coach: Ian Leit h Asst Coach : Craig Kemick 1 N . Kaplan 2 D . Jennings 2 MAysn 34 M Sma 3 S . Oliver 3 T easan 35 S Eiaer 4 S . Rowell 4 E N&tehezd 37 R FbckN

5 J. BOrtototto

16 M . Herkess ( C)

16 W. Tardfi


19 M . Browning 20 G . Fielke

5 B Sa~.~izrs 36 M Li n 6 AMd',-q 39 N Wu

oN 40 M ifeetfrarn 7 tARO"nay 41 R Duma,esq 8 D Pm 9n T C

42 j~

11 N Mw 44 J Daggi, n 12 ATesd arp 48 E Ktctr_m 14 T Leecs 47 J Pearce

15 M Pa~ 4 8 A Peny

17 A 47aYace 50 T TaNOr V4 51 N Sterile Smith 18 S H~ 52 H When e 1 9 Tcraa 53 Ctr 20 M Ra~ 54 C Wcc d 55 M Eriott 21 w C-.

22 W Cm 57 S€.ake 61 w Ha-y 23 M C.J. 62 S?Aadftsh 24 J Paler 2' T Slater, 64 E S a e " 26 AM~n 65 M McWrv`u ey ~ H~ ~,jNM ~ 29 J era-0 0 D K,1g 70 F&aw~ M S&awey 31 JCade 8 1 AC-ray

3. .' A iurrad 33 C Bad ~

_ . .•


=rS !TY BLUES Coach : Steve Carroll

1 R . Minns 2 N . Anderson 3 D . Wood 4 M. Kelly 5 H . Guthrie 6 M . Sykes 7 A . Farrell ( vc) 8 T. Maddocks (c) 9 Z . Elliott 10 N. Bradley 11 M. Dwyer (Sc) 12 D . Marshall 13 J. McCarty 1 4 J. Poynter 15 S. Mortimer 16 T. Brent a 17 D . Carmody 18 M. Mark Lesko 19 D. Hayter 20 C. Pyke 21 P. Brrks 22 A. Brennan 23 L. Butler 24 J. Sundermann 25 M . Kibhis 26 L . Halliday 27 S. Meade 28 D . Hanrahan 29 L. 0'Shannesy 30 Ti Stainfo rth 31 B . Gannon 32 S . Gilbertson 33 J . Lynch 34 C. Blizzard

1 3~'

t 1s ~

. _ I ~



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IJnder-19 - Section 2 RANYULE-VIEWOANK


Coach : John Burke

Coach : Phiv Demetriou

Asst Coach : Paul Berry I S. Park

2 J. Brockwel 3 G ..4T S~em ~' 5 M. Hd,mes 6 H. Kennedy 7 Ha hbwe 8 D. Kzy`ooz 9 M . Chesuan 1o C. Stawo~s 1t B. Dimzck 12 J .D. Poyxr 13 C. Buckley ta l .0'donne~ Co.Ca t ( P) 15 H . Lards (Co.Capt) 16 R. Gunerson 17 D. Drepac 18 S. Griffith 19 J. Spscer 20 CSkicko 21 D. Herbert 22 J. Rigler 23 D- Shep h erd 24 A . Doyle 25 S . T.11 26 J . Mumme 27 a . Harriett 28 S. Green 29 J . Snyr 30 A. Bnmr 31 K. Shepard~MUe.ner 32 J. Ts ~gam 33 S. Dack

I K . Gasperin0

2 3 4 5 6

R. Gillespie J . Sinko L. Hil l C . Badman M . Bramwell (VC)

7 T Hunt

10 A. Mckenzie

11 J. Dickie 13 M. Wilson 14 B. Wall 15 B. Norris 17 B. Giles 18 V. Camera 20 T. Waller (VC) 21 R. Fenton 22 J . Atkins







8 T. Hartlett 9 L. Pric e 10 B . Gatehouse 11 R. Evans 12 S . Powle y 13 S . Wood

8 M . the 9 D. Walpole

14 15 16 17 18 19

14 D . DeSanc6s 15 J. Tuohey 16 A. Renshaw 17 D . Morley 18 N . Wallace 19 T. Peasnell 20 J. Davis 21 L. Taylor 24 W. Wettenhall 25 N. Charles

C. May y B . Pearce K . Biggs A . Goold Z. Goold W. Hepworth

21 M. LO iccolo 22 M. Hardy 23 R . Schroth

24 M. Benkemou n 25 J. McCahon 26 E. Kalaja 27 T. Doake

10 S . Bonyhady 11 N . Hall

13 W. Robinson

26 C. Hillier 27 D. McGuigan

28 B. McDonald 29 A. Webb 30 D. Maso n 31 A . McKay

31 M . Shanks 33 C . Benne tt 34 G. Tolson

51 M . Beruldsen 52 J. Williams 61 K. Bliesner



OLD TRINITY Coach: Leo Curran

I T. Cudlipp 2 L. Gatti 3 N . St dal e ~ 4 A . Nabiakos

1 Cole S 2 Parker A 3 Marsden A V/C

5 F. Linacre 6 S . Playfair 8 E. Mitchell 10 E. Hamer 11 N . Russell 12 S.Gooley 13 P. Smith

5 Simmons H 6 Delphine T V/C 7 Greene A 8 Stewart F

4 Israel J

9 Howell T

10 Smith B

36 A. Thomas


Coach : Greg Bradley

8 R Wood 9 B . Laing 10 C. Laidlaw (C) 11 J . Van CuYlenber 9

12 G. Lord 13 P. Tres

14 D . Croni n 15 A . PatUSO n 16 M. Laidlaw 18 A. Remmers 19 T. Locock 21 T Howgate 22 J. Wagne r 23 L. McQuee n 24 A. Willingham 25 S. Mea d 26 M . Dudman

27 T. Howgate 29 D. Courtot 30 A. Day (VC) 31 E . James 38 M . Baker 44 D. Ste= (VC) 72 G. Hodges


1T= :l i . Coach : Andy Dalrympl e

6 J PP4E17Y 43 A D1SA1.vkT0nE

7 C. Taouk

g JBRADLEY ;u BCOa,BY 10 T WEST 14 c MCCGtPvnte 12 A evAr+S e5 T=Gn.a 13 u 46 LcnPtnt;D . 15 OGIFM 47 J 1380uGh'tO,N teDDw 4aLBBQUrnJr

16 J. Ardley 17 W. Landale

12 Delaney E 13 Bicknell J

19 G MdU .F 49 D MCwTAC-nESe 20 VGADn 50 DStats

18 A. Forte

14 Bilne

20 T. Code

15 Peyton D

21 S . Fletcher

16 Spragg T

17 Lesinskis M 18 Stockdale C 19 Oldfeld T 20 Laher Y 21 Grant J 22 Doyle H 24 Burke A Capi. 25 Milaszewicz A 27 Law B 29 `Nilson D

7 L. Andrianopoulos

1 E. Abdalla h 3 A. DAloisi o 5 J.Omeara 6 S. Keogh

17 J ANDERSON ea A DAY n M0116LEy 48 DGREC-Oay

22 A . Ray 24 A . Mermigas 25 A . Quine 28 L.. McMeniman 33 A . Manahan

T. Robinso n J. De Leile r J. Carpente r A. Shedden T. Davis

1 J rHnL;PS 4 0 S Bv! ;~ 2 C ALtFOAr ee A qNSS 3 ATEr.'rr 41 ACA.ep s B Ou1,'n 42 J MURPHY

11 Burke M


i B. Norfolk

2 3 4 5 6

SPONSO R Mitchell Partners

15 D . Byrne



4 J. Rowatt 5 N. Tsindos 6 P. Christie

39 A. Little 40 D . Reiby 41 J. Nicholson 47 A. Muelle r 49 M . Cairns

Coach: Greg Evans

i J. Goldblatt

2 T. Barrow 3 C. Poynton

38 J. Edmeades

36 M . Morgan 37 L. R'agan


1 T. Noblett

M. Sessler N . Andrew A. Clarke A. Spittal C. Hammond


Coach : Rob French

Coach : Anson Brownless

29 D. Harry 30 T. Angove

43 D . Cupples (C ) 46 R . Scrivenor

49 R. Saker



2 3 4 5 8

20 M. Sundberg

24 R. Imlach

34 J. Dunsmne 35 F. Dyson 38 C.Cwr 39 s.MOran 40 Ro. t+. owe

Coach : Sam Calagero

7 G . Thomson

8 A . Clemente 9 J. Stark e

25 B . Strong 26 C. Shone (VC) 29 M . Gravina 31 C . Graham 32 B . Woodland 33 J . Kilgore 37 B. Fra ser


Zt T StdtiN 61 A CAiAlPNO 22 G PH?illPS 52 B Yi~LLI0 .US 23 flSPa~yER 53 8MCADAAt 24 L UARfli$OA 54 J WALLACE

26 MMCPH=E 55 S moFGAtm 28 8BRltnut 56 MBflQDDy 30 My0qflIC8 58 C DRIVER 3t MEk4cA1' 598 AU~MA'9~' 32 MEWS Ep L WEBSTER

CHflISTErrSai 67 ontmiueSCa 35 T MURPHY 61 L eaDDELy

~8LOVErr 7째DSLdGrtr ~ DMCC~7vERr1 ia MP.ASflI~t 37 flr DzEs s CwsHar

8 D. Yore B. Tome y 9

11 A. Gamble 2 A. Pairs

13 C. Lucareil i ~6 N. Cerowe 17 M. Bond 18 K . Laski

19 S . Greenland 20 R . Carruther s 21 C . Krolikowsk i 22 J . TanagGa 24 C . Harri s 25 N . O'Callaghan

26 K. Walker 27 H . Fulton

28 L. Hambli n 29 A. Bourre t 30 A. Gibbs

31 C. Power 32 L . Karel

F ; . .: .. . ~., - .. . .


~C L

. . ., .- ..


31 de Bruin S

40 Wood L 44 Baylis M

68 Btytham R

- _--


proudly sponsored by




9 - Section 3 A JAX

Coach : Michael Konsky 1 2 3 4

D . Brouze J . Smith B . GViss A . Freedman

5 J . Kegen 7 M . Chester 8 J . Feldy 9 D . Blusztein

12 B . Hershan 13 R . Spi Iber g 14 J . KoChen

15 A . Goldstein 16 E . Routman 17 N . Shulman


LA TFi00E U01

Coach : Mick Lee Asst Coach : Geoff Brew

Coach : Zoran Collavic

1 J . Coyne 2 A. Fogarty 3 0 . Lewis

8 B. Halliday 9 L . Morrison 10 J. Convery 11 J. West

13 B. Zylbersztajn

20 D . Markov

17 A. West

27 G. Measey 30 J . Shafir 31 G. Mileclci 32 C. Yudelman 33 D. Majttis 34 S . Ezekiel 37 T. Kohn 39 C. Cahn

P. Dawes A . McLean T. Anderson N. Bucci F. Caklaw B . Pdman A . Jones D. Letsan M. Kennedy G. Walsgott J. Clough C. Neild J. Paterson J. Dickinson H . Lancaster T Dickinson M. Steele J. Vleinher V. CricenG K. Donm,an S . Foster J. Parkins T. Inglis J. Parham J. Koapmans A. Pabns L. Lorenzin E . Flemming

5 J. Coles 6 B. Meehan 7 R. Rossi

18 D . Skumik 19 A . Chrapot

24 J . Sacks 25 R. Kagan

T. Elliman G. Pan

4 S. Lawry

14 B. Lydster

21 P. Wain 22 A . Mass 23 R . Graf

P. McMullen S . Hare

15 L . Armstrong

B . Holland A. Cutienor D . McMaster M . Sudr+eeks N . Beck P. McGrath J. Easton B. Hodge D. Paton D. Gladman G . Marx N. Clark C. Edwards G. Dawns

18 S. Macleod 22 S. Frost 23 T. Bail 26 T. Dewar

27 T. McIntyre 29 A. Quinn 30 M. Nyary

S . Condron T. Hooke A . Knight A. Oakley B . Minchinton R. Maatman B . Van Cal T. Nixon R. Toikiday W. Marrow G. Girdwood M . Pattinson K. McGough P. Nunan J. Daniels J. With-

31 B. Steven 32 C . Fidle r

34 B. Hunt 35 M. Bell

J. Doyle T. Taylor

40 J . Kestenberg 41 L. BetObrov

47 Y. Kozminski

49 D. Wolman

J. Hedrxk L. Carmody CCooper-


45 J. Kaplan 46 D. Simon

A. McMahen

-~ ' :~- 11 v C

Coach : Brad James Runner: Tim Fitzgerald 1 M . Andrews 32D . Bzh~nh y 4 C. N 5 N.. Barkatsa Baile s 6 T Bartnobrtrew 7 A. Benni ham 8 D. erooks eW 9 J. Bunang 10 D. Cameron 11 H. ComeadaN 11 2 L. Dixon 1 3 S. Anderson 4 M . Hamitton -Ho 15 M . Fraczek 6 8. Herskop e 17 A. Higgin s 18 S Kavanagh 19 J. Kne;ey 20 K. Lam 21 W. Taft

22 J, Lark ;ns 23 A. Lenehan 24 G . Leslie 25 A. Ur n 26 L . Evans 27 A. Littkehates 28 GQ McGrath 29 S. McGrath 30 L . McKinnrn

31 E. Muivey 32 C. P~ 33 B. Pretty 34 E. Nett

35 B. Rebakis 36 J. ROsenha' n 37 N . Ruddel l 38 J. Simpsan 39 D, Sneddon 40 N ~a 41 N . Taira 42 0 43 C . Templm . wa,sh 44 P.WWame r



Coach : Ben Covelli

Coach : Mark Spinoso Asst Coach : Simon Vincent I J . Crosthwaite 1 D. Zivanovic

Coach : Owen Later

12 R . Stafford

13 C . Vrgona 14 N . Miller

15 D . Cleary 16 J . Derks 17 G. Bennett 18 J . Chapple

19 P. Disiervi 20 A . North 21 S . Doherty

22 A . Pound-Gow 23 T. Edwards 24 S . Aidone

25 M . Donato 26 J . Pasitchnyj 27 A . Midd4emiss 28 M . Bond 29 Ristevski 30 L. Barrand

42 M . Shenker C

1 M . Ferrant,na (VICapt) 2 J. Mmas

3 M . Golden 4 T. Nrcola 5 G . Reynard 6 M . Cookson 7 K. EI6s 8 T. Hanison 9 td . Bodycoat 10 T. Pantano 11 N. Ctarke (Capt)

2 3 5 6 7 8 9

B . Holden R. Bugeja (VC) A. Serafn M . Solomon A. Cowles N. Pratt R. Petrou

1 T. Laver 2 A. Knowles 3 J . Hunter 4 B . Co#:ns 5 D . Campisarm

6 D . Lynch

7 I . Fridman 8 J . McNeil 9 S . L 'HUIIIier 10 L. Kelly 11 C . Ban

12 M . ieson

11 M . Matko

12 J . Marks

13 J.B&nney(VlCapq 14 A. Foster 16 B. Saunders 17 T. Rosenlis 19 C. Crewes

13 S . Rose 22 D. Richardson 23 S. Rehlicki 25 D. Hussey

13 N' Kane 14 S . Brown 15 P. McGettgan 16 T. Foster 17 W. Parker 18 C. Tobin 19 M . Knuppel 20 M . Scouted, 21 M . Lawler 22 T Hickmoa 23 M . Curcio 24 g~won- e 25 R. Swayne 27 P. Wight

20 D. Madigan 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

L . Terenyl B. tt~Kinley A. Balzan M. Peroft, J. Hyndman D . NKhol E. Spargo L . Page-Wood

32 B. McAllister 33 D. Clayton 34 R. Thomas 35 J. Barthel 37 S. Valente

29 C . Roger

38 M. Irvine 39 J. Seneca (DVC) 42 M. Patena (C)

30 S. Leggart

43 M. Christie

31 N . Co"el6

44 D . Whyley

32 S. Kefaias 33 A. Sleer 34 A. Gloster 35 C . Loc k 36 G . Hartnck 37 A. 8aktwm 38 J . Strll 39 J . Bums

45 G . Vincent

46 M. Stace 47 B. Geary

50 A. Logo Si A. Cirillo 52 J. Kandilakis

34 M . Supine 35 L. Thomas

38 A. Falkiner 47 S. Johnson 49 61 63 66

S. Newsome C. R',ourrtz J. Terrell R. Burger

67 J. Mattingly 75 K. McConnell

Proudly Sponsored by

MILES REAL ESTATE EriERTORQUE AUTOMOTIVE ~rd Street, oakleigh 3166 65'_ 17044 FAX: 9564 7205

10 AThompso n 11 8 Cruickshan k

12 S Jacobso n 13 B Harding 14 B Main 15 C Godsi l

16 G Ngyuen 17 L Treadwel l 18 J Rudd 19 N Rhoden 20 J Shopo v 21 S Barton 22 C Handley

23 K Adjei 24 CWitkowski 49 R Devann y 62 S Worrell 63 J Stephenson 83 G Svenso n



11 M. Bennett

9. A Vincen t

45 L. Woodard : . .. .. . .. _ ._ . .. .. _ . .. .. .. . ~


3 D . GOSii9an 4 J. Fitz erald 5 C . Groake 6 M. Doyle 7 L . Callery 8 M. Mackenzi e 9 D . Wills 10 W. Manning

Coach : Bruce Waldro n 1 .K Collins 2. P. Gurr 3. M Philip s 4. D Morga n 5. J . Maye 6. R VanDerMerw e 7. A Jordan 8. D Padulla


Coach: Mick Holden 1 D . Counihan 2 M. Harold (C)


BEN速1~7速 BANK,



Coach : Justin Gray Asst Coaches : Andrew Gray Bruce Warren, Craig Thompson 1 J . Ard~e y 2 M. hkCornb e 3 J . Rlppon (C)

4 M. Barton 5 B . Batters

6 M. Banist a 7 H . Beaumont

8 J . Bell 9 J . Bergm

10 T. eurchell 11 T. Ross (VC)

12 W. Howson ia O. Close 15 T. Davies

16 W. Ezr y 17 B . Flawing 18 D . Maar 19 J . Fin Ngan 20 A . GFId 21 E . Harrison ~~ 22 M . 23 J . Hughes 24 D. Lane 25 A . Lego e 26 S . Les6e 27 A. McBumey

28 D. Costat ~

29 B . Mikus 30 A . Nasiakos 31 J. Newla nd 32 H. Porte r 33 O. Ramsey

34 N. Sakes ego 95 G. Shaw 36 R. All~tt 37 J. EIIi s 38 S . M.cGowan 39 J. Ham Ho miah n40 41 S. ess 42 C. Le MaBre 43 T Napie r

Proudly Sponsored b y

Buxton Real Estat e Kingston Chiropractice IFCO Clearcut Hairdressing

THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t Carlton 305 3


Under-19 - Section BLUE BE LA SALLE GOLD Coach: Robin Smith Asst: Matt Francis


1 J. Fisher 2 J. Fletcher 3 J. Toniolo 4 D . Hassaballa 5 T. Robson 6 M. Munoz 7 O. Keeney 8 W . Fenton 9 S . Clinch 10 J . Casey 11 D . Gould 12 S . Morwood 13 C . Ball 14 J . Bird 15 P. Tiberi 16 S . Miles 17 A . Marino 18 D . Mescher 19 J . McKenzie 20 C. Dowling 21 L. O'Donnell 22 C. Russell 24 D. Harkins 25 R . Breda 27 B . Flanigan 28 T. Silvers 30 T. Kovarik

1 D. Zampaglrone 2 A . Ros s 3 G. Connell 4 I . Nicholls 5 N . Ulbrio k 6 S . Blanchard 7 D. Kettle 8 N. Pinto 9 R. Semmel 10 L. Smith 11 T. Fallon 12 R. Kenny 13 P. Woods 15 R. Hendry 16 J . Corbett 17 T Mitchell 18 D. O'Brien 20 M . Curry 21 S . Suleyman 22 J. Barry 24 B. McDonald 25 R. Sharpe 26 M . Deluca 27 J. Williams 28 R. White 29 C. Gleason 30 A. Bice 33 T. Rootsey 35 M. Westhead 38 R. Lang 39 K. Cho 40 J. Hille 43 J. Schafer 44 T. Skewes

Coach: Dale Ros s

Rain~ & Horne Commercial DR M速ND Coach : Michael Oate n 1 J . Ashley 2 D. Bailey 3 R. Chisholm 4 S . Barnes 5 D. Brosnan 6 T. Denatris 7 M . Mclelland 8 R. Sayer s 9 A. Jewell 10 L. Calvert 11 S . Fisher 12 G . Evans 13 D. Haysom 14 L. Upstill 15 1 Johnson 16 A. Wilson t7 J. Harry 18 L. Washfold 19 T. Woolfe 20 D . Machin 21 R . Mcgirr 22 S.Vipond 23 M. Violi 24 J. Turnbull 25 C . Woodford 26 L . Knoester 27 A. Cribbes 28 L . Kinniard 29 T. Leary 30 L . Duthie 32 C . Freeman 33 N . Ryd e 44 B. Robbins


OAKLEIGH CLAYS Coach : Shane Regan Ass Coach: David Stanley 2 M,Peccra 3 J. Kavanagh 4 T.Baioy 5 N Graham 6 F. Deegan 7 D . Rega,i 8 S. M an n 9 J . Crameri 10 N . Eager 11 D J ..POwe r


Arnol d

13 J .Augennos 14 D . A4caIDi 15 S. Moran 16 M. Baykss 20 B. Ross 22 K .Seenan 23 N . Cramen 24 C . Duke 25 L. Apoltanlo 26 P. Stanley 27 N . Kiavms 28 M. Kavms 30 P. Johnson 31 J . McGregor 32 G. Cocks 34 M. McLeod 35 N . Fox

36 D. Crotty

37 J . R'bderham 38 J . Riseley 41 K. Kelly 42 B .Bonnar 52 N. Lewton 59 S . Cox 66 S . Fraser

Major Sponsor

! Custodian Wealth Builders

PF.iJ IP ,' -- C ;A

Coach: Anthony Thrip p 1 L. Walker 2 R . White 3 E . Wittich 4 R . Smith 5 D. Smith 6 B . Mitchell (CAPT) 7 N . Co y 8 P. Wignall 9 B . Coldrey 10 M . Wenner 11 M . Kenn y 12 A . De Lange (VC) 13 S . Robertso n 14 L. Coghlan 15 S . Byrne 16 M . Lewis 17 D. Felvus 18 T. Madder 19 A. Crefield 20 S. McGuiness 21 H. Nestor 22 S. Taylor 23 C . Witzelll 25 J . Rees 26 J . Murphy 27 J. Wilmot 28 R . Trickey 29 J. Birt

Coach : Gary Williams

Team Manager : Greg Evangelista i J. Soman (VC) 2 K.Nguyen(CAPT) 3 J. Lao 4 J. Linke 5 S. Janjx, 6 J . Sa;enko 7 L. De George (DVC) 8 C . Thompso n 9 J . Adams 10 A. Piazza 11 D . Car 12 S. Gatagher (DVC) 13 J . Evangelista 14 D . N, 15 J .Nertt 16 D . Gilmore 17 B.FOrbes IS G. Daniels, 19 V. Lim 20 D . Elkan 21 D . Stepanoz 22 S . Levy (VC) 23 L. Town'sy 24 S .C. Levy 25 S . wonnacott 26 J . Caste[;a 27 T. Broughtcn 28 P. Cook B .Gsbourne J . Mallet 0. Dureau S . Kurth J. Pnce C. Fletcher G. Masfey J.Jeseph 41 J.CroMrz:r 42 S Bugeja 43 R. Thomas 46 C.t.a Rocca

1 A.FNuro 2 C . Casey 3 J . Walsh 4 J . Mills 5 S . Podarrdcs 6 S . Lodcv;ood 7 D . G ,tby (VC) 8 F. Mohammad 9 N . Waite 10 S . Roberts 11 A . McIntyre 12 N . Hardsat (C) 13 D . Maye s 14 S . Jones 15 J . Stanley 16 M . Schotes (VC) 17 T. Wyet h 18 T. Doukas 19 R . Do x, 20 M .Fankhausor 21 M . Sitherer 22 S . Ells 23 J . El6odi 24 D. Kontos 25 J .4byla 26 A . Byass 27 S . Campetl 28 J . Munday, 29 B . Palo 30 B . Dolman 31 A . Campbell 32 M . Doyleson 33 R. 34 A . Temby 35 T. Chisholm 36 D.Bubunaras 37 T. Gill 38 M . Hies 39 M . well

41 A. Ridgwa y

SALESIAN SC : ;'. :% ." : Coach: Michael Hazel l Asst . Coach: Michael Forer 1 R . Batten 2 B . Crowley 3 P. Norman (Co-Capt) 4 C . Hogan 5 L. Kelly (Co-Capt) 6 L. Peterso n 7 D. Kalogiannis 8 J . Butterfield 9 T. Mallard 10 S . Toniazzo 11 H . Sing h 12 B . McCarthy 13 B . Farhner 14 R. Mein 15 L. Phipps 16 M . Dempster t7 S . Curtis

18 R. Jordan 19 P. Dunne 20 D. Lentini 21 S. Francis (V.Capt) 22 C.Thomson 23 T. Wilson 24 J. Silk 25 T. Togia 26 D . Thomson 27 M. Fullman 28 D . Demaria 29 J. Morsello 30 K. . Batten


9Etlll : Coach : Danny Minogue 1 N . Mornson-Sto ry 2 J Price 3 W. Collins 6 J . McGregor 7 T. Chapman 8 N . We'Hermann tt M. Hale 13 C . Ryan ( c)

7 S. Mountain 8 A. Eccles 9 D. Thomson 10 T Lee 11 M. Veglis

16 L. Neame

17 P. Vog6s B. Moran 18 C . Lapadoula 19 20 B. Lapadoula

20 S . O'Donnell 20 A . Ragauskas 21 D . Zu(xon 22 C . Williams ( c) 26 S . Ragozzini

27 J. Thom =an 32 G. Day p 34 C. Sheridan 43 M . Sawyers

12 D .McColl 13 B. Teki n 14 J. Newman

15 S. Millar 16 R . Tremayne

71 R. Papworth

OLD SCOTCH S(i) Coach : Bruce Armstrong S(2) Red Coach: Ian Leith Asst Coach : Craig Kemick n t -ng 32't 3"7 ~~

10 T

.S E

tt . 4; d=~ 12 A 0 40 APc 14 TI49 H T a 5 7 T V4

Sr N :^„2r.~ 52 Hson 53 Otr. ts s> 54 cw,.J 75 T~ 55 k, ~ 27 M 57 SLZe u

21 Y{( 61


22 ty( 62 styz .23 tat `' E~• '- ' 65 k, , ,:~ T'. y 66 C_....._-. y

25 67 _ r_ ~e? t~'-70 F

et AGray

6 J. Ritchie 7 J. Beach

S. Kay

M. Wright

8 A. Brown 9 S. Bombaci 10 P. Manoh

11 R . Dance 12 B. Janissen 13 D . Miller 14 D . Sulemenovski 15 L. Williams

5 J. DeAngeli s 7 M. Cochrane 8 A. Lucisani

10 T. Wan g 11 N . Lawrenc e 15 N . Howar d

19 T. McKayy 20 A. Pike 23 J. Eggby 26 R Nas h 30 0. Grego ry 35 M . Matherso n

19 P. D'amico 20 J . Brogdon 21 N . Cadden 22 J . Anderson

16 H . Tapp 17 C . Dullard 18 K. McKenz ie 19 J . Bolton

36 D . Ma4ony 38 J . Fuflheim (C) 54 A . Franklin (VC ) 57 D . Jackson

24 A . McKenzie

20 D . McPhee 21 J . Bramham 22 M. Mikhai l 23 K . Maghame z 24 D. Lee

65 C . Jolly

33 M . Later

25 G. Maroon 26 L. Davidson

27 R. McKeown 28 L. Magee

29 F. Novelle 30 W. Townsend

31 T Osborn 32 N. Scott

B. Tanner J . Amore S. Dunn J .Tanner N . Gerdy

Cc h: K ' "uinn

Harp of Erin Hotel 636 High St , Ke w Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg

I J PHILLIPS -cti<!Paar "j 2 ATEN`LiM 40L 3 .

:8ADAY s Baurvn e JRRErrv qaoGREGOrrr 8 J BRADLEY ip TKEST

49D6 "iTAGNE50 0 EnN15

Coach: James Sandman 1 L . Conboy 3 R . Keena n 4 K. Heto u 5 Y.Hebu 6 M. Cannon


7 J. Muha r

8 T. Williamson

t3NFEU 5zasaa~L4++s is D GLENN s2 a aacADnu

10 L.Squarci


8 A . Elmi 9 D . Allender 10 P. Tomkinson 12 A . Ferraro 13 C . Desaus a

12 M . Williamson 13 P. Eckel 14 A . McAllndon 15 C . McQueen 17 B . Spited 18 H . Templeton 19 A . Smith 20 D. Chan 21 B . Whiling

22 R . Borg 23 J . Heiniger 24

4 A. Hal e


Coach: Greg Fagan

6 F. Battens

e c 43 J yT 44 J

9 S. Eduatti 10 S. Randall


7 L42 TF

1, UV.

5 BS ENS 40 Mtk2(

1 K. Donato

2 K. Bayley 3 T. White

7 K. Adriaanse



Coach : Tim Bell Coach : Matttww Jack Asst Coach : Tony Dullard Team Manager: Janiene Hart 1 G . William s Runner : Leo Dynes 2 S. O'She a 3 R. Wyley

4 B. Minnis 5 J. Boyle


6 A 41 RQWr:a~._a J

4~ .~eae

P. Baranetlo J. Quirk A. Hickey D. Monfone N. Baraneilo R. Staffor d

26 A. Georgakopoubs

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5 6

22 A. Benenchs 23 A . Stavretis 24 M. Meadows

32 J . McDonald 33 P. Murch 34 E . Odza 35 M . Ramondetta 36 A . Coulston 37 J . 4'lolnizer 3 8 M, Croo ks 40 P. iosdidis 41 A . Smith 42 S RoussKLs 43 D.Seracco 45 M . Makin 46 P. Nodes 50 T. Austen

58 D. Thatcher

Coach : Ben Pithy

13 M. Dorazio 14 G . Croughan 15 T. Ahern 16 J . Barry 17 N . Robin

27 S . Hoysted 28 M . Fitt 29 M. Coulsron 30 P. Florence 31 P. Gelb

46 J. Reece 55 J. Bicknel l


Coach: Harry Hari siou

M . Unwin


11J ANDERSON 55sn±OF r~um rr r2 aJDI.EV _56 na e,RtDOV 19c MOuLF Saco RrrR ~MGAthNT '.,3- BAii.EMAtDE 2 T1 " iN W L4IEESTER 72 G i'1IFj 67 DAUPAfrn". 1

23HE-, '•_R srLezec_LV 7"-'= DsiEtc!rr ~~ .-TsrAHnaRuon ~5-. :.- .. .,-., 7ycvr~ ecra .:._ ::. . Bor~vaN~x~'. 3 1 MEldEn i ~ M Ews

cr.RIsTEr+sa+ 33 T""uRPHY 3 5aL0vErr 3GDbK60veeu^t

25 A . Sbriglio 26 R. Hall 27 D. Sidwell 28 D. Ricci 29 D. Griffin

32 Rto-axES 33 M ADAVO

30 M . A[utJilnow


54 0 . Hickey C. H udson


33JTAYLOR 40 s 8„HOa

4 0 A,r^t+ES

41 AcASC:o 42 J MURPHY


N . Somerto n

15 B . Tozer 17 J . Webber 18 G. Dore 19 M . Reynold s 20 A . Me n 21 L. Harptey 22 J . Mammoft i 23 C. Ree s 24 C. Mellon 32 J . Cooper 33 S. Harrison 38 K. Robertso n 44 A. Gentile

44BCavLE Y <sTECa:

Major Sponsor :

~Verribee Mazda { _ _ ~~.?ASSEr



Winning Edge Presentation s

The elements played a role in determining Round 13 results ; a few of which were unexpected . Wit h only two rounds remaining the quest for the finals in each Section retains interest as no four is yet finalized . My 79% success rate won't help my Connell Cup chances. Review of Round 13 . Section 1 . St Kevin's had a day out against Old Brighton, whose two scoring shots made my assessment "improving" a trifle exaggerated . St Kevin's triumphed by one hundred and forty nine points . Despite the saturated ground, De La Salle had little difficulty defeating the battling Mt Lilydale, who went down by seventy five points .

Inaccuracy cost Old Melburnians dearly as tenth placed University Blues defeated them by seven points .

t Kevin's had a day out against Old Brighton, whose two scoring shots made my assessment "improving" a trifle exaggerated. " For the second time this season, Old Xaverians defeated Old Scotch by the minimum margin . The "Crocs" staged a Lazarus like comeback as they trailed by thirty seven points at the last change . Prahran doubled the Mazenod score when they won by thirty six points . Hardly a"narrow' win as I predicted! Section 2. Old Trinity overcame a first half deficit to defeat Marcellin by six points . Their win was the first by Old Trinity this season . Collegians staked further finals' claims when they defeated Eley Park "Sharks" by thirty two points . The "Sharks' found conditions at the Harry Trott difficult although ; Paul Young, David Bowen and the consistent Corey Cresswell did well . Old Xaverians recorded a fifty nine point win over an indirect Monash Blues. A worrying fact for the Xaverians would be their scoreless last quarter, which allowed Monash to gain scoring respectability. Inaccuracy cost Fitzroy Reds dearly as they lost to leaders, Old Essendon Grammarians by eleven points despite having more scoring shots . The strong wind favoured one end and the Reds did not use it as well as did the home side . When all seemed lost the reds rallied and nearly scored a

surprising victory . Best for Old Essendon were ; Joshua Bucklev ,

Philip Rush an d Ben Overman, (isn't Overman, a St Bernard's name?) Best for the Reds were veteran Tony Jackson and Paul Crowle . University Blacks by "kicking the sweep" against Therry Penola have kept themselves in the final's race . The Blacks won by seventy points . Section 3 . An inaccurate Old Scotch still managed a ten point win over Old Geelong, who had much less of the play . North Old Bovs scored a big victory over La Trobe University by sixty six points . Leaders, Whitefriars defeated Emmaus - St Leo's by thirty three points . Emmaus - St Leo's kicked inaccurately, which marred their efforts . Whitefriars were well served by; Michael Singh, Trav. Jackson and Pete Tatterson . Old Carey forfeited to Caulfield Grammarians . Fitzroy Reds had the live . Preview of Round 14 . Section 1 . Traditional rivals De La Salle and St Kevin's meet at Waverley Park. Victory to St Kevin's could put them into second place and give them the coveted "double chance" for the first time . Despite the home ground advantage held by De La Salle, I select St Kevin's.

Now that University Blues have tasted success, I

CLUB c18(11


LST?'dh iOiP,L

Old Xaverians Hall 4 47 Prahran Cartlidge 3 41 Old Scotch N Simon 4 35 C1 8 (21

Eley Park Sharks Viola 0 62 Old Essendon Cariss 31 Uni Blacks Moffatt 0 23 C18 (31 Caulfield Grammerians Margerison 0 23 Old Scotch Lacey 0 23 Caulfield Grammarians Ta Bockman 0 1 9


believe they will make it two wins in a row today against the valiant but seemingly only "three goal" scorers, Mt Lilydale . Old Scotch should prove far too strong for a disappointing Old Melburnians and so keep themselves in line for fourth place . Mazenod should be able to account for Old Brighton even at Brighton Beach . The Old Xaverians versus Prahran match has seemed a likely second semi final preview for many weeks but now I am not so sure . The Xaverians have recaptured their top form, despite a splutter last week whilst Prahran have suffered injuries and seem to have "gone off the boil" in recent weeks . For the second week, Prahran must play on a big ground, which will test their suspect fitness . Old Xaverians have done everything asked of them for many seasons and although they lost to Prahran in Round 5 by thirty seven points, I select them to win today and send Prahran to third place with one game to play ! Section 2. At home Eley Park Sharks should be able to defeat Marcellin, who lack the depth to extend the "Sharks" . Collegians seem likely finalists should overcome long standing rivals, Monash Blues at the University . The Blues have many good players but they seemed to play in spurts last week I select Collegians . In a potential Grand Final preview, Old Essendon host Old Xaverians . In Round 5 the Xaverians won a close encounter by two points . Climatic conditions like last week can dominate at Keller and as Old Essendon know their ground much better than do the Old Xaverians, I select the home side . Old Trinity will be buoyed by their first win . However I cannot see them being strong enough to defeat the University Blacks especially as the Blacks still harbour finals' aspirations . Fitzroy Reds should return to the winning list by defeating Therry Penola even on the tricky turf of the Fawkner Reserve where so many visiting sides have been defeated over many seasons . Section 3 . Old Scotch should consolidate their position in the four by defeating Old Carey, who have struggled this season . Third placed Fitzroy Reds face a danger game at Gillen Oval, against North Old Boys . On their day and with a full complement North are a formidable side . However the Reds want to play final's football on this ground and their determination could prove the winning factor . Leaders, Whitefriars should enjoy the wide expanses of Como Park as they prepare for the finals . Their opponents Old Geelong are enigmatic at best and never play consistent football . Whitefriars consistency and depth should give them a clear victory . Emmaus - St Leo's should stay in contention for fourth place with a good win over La Trobe University .

Caulfield Grammarians have the bye . Team Managers . Details of your side's performance will be appreciated by 6 p .m . Monday. Telephone 9467 2857 or e mail nknugent@alphalink .eom .a u

Old Trinity - congratulates Jon Cade, who played his 15 0tla game for the Club against Marcellin . Jon began with the Club in 1995 while still at school . In 1997, Jon was a member of our U19 premiership team . Jon, who is a dedicated trainer and player has divided his time between the reserve and Club XVIII teams . Jon, his two brothers, Tim and Stuart as well as their parents have been tremendous supporters of Old Trinity for over a decade . Well done Jon . Bring on 200 ! Eley Park "Shark" - D avid Bowen played his 1 69 tlr game to break the Club record . Congratulations David . May you add many more to your total before "hanging up your boots" . Fitzroy Reds - Anthony "AWOL" Walsh celebrates his 100th game for the Fitzroy Reds this Saturday . Hailing from Sale in Gippsland (a Reds recruitment zone), AWOL has been a key member of several senior and reserves finals campaigns, runner-up in a reserves Best & Fairest and is now an integral part of the Reds' quest for their first Club 18 premiership. A popular stalwart, the club and the wider football community salute the raking left-footer on his milestone . Well done Walshy .

1 AY'S MATCHE S CLUB 18 (1 l De La Salle v St Kevins - at Waverley Park University Blues v Mt Lilydale 0 C Old Scotch v Old Melburnian s Old Brighton v Mazenod 0 C Old Xaverians v Prahran - switched from original dra w CLUB 18 (2 ) Eley Park Sharks v Marcellin Monash Blues v Collegian s Old Essendon Or v Old Xaverians (2) Old Trinity v University Blacks Therry Penola 0 B v Fitzroy Reds CLUB 18 f3 l Old Carey v Old Scotch (2) Caulfield Or - Bye North Old Boys v Fitzroy Reds (2) Old Geelong v Whitefriars Emmaus St Leos 0 C v La Trobe Uni




CLt% :1 18 (1 ) ST B:EVINS OLD BOYS 7.2 11 .10 17 .15 22 .24 (156) OLD BRIGHTON 0 .1 0.1 1 .1 1 .1(7) SNOB: Raulli 4 D Dunn 3 Horrieks 3 Halpin 3 Perrett 2 Searfo 2 Powell 2 LV Dunn 2 0 Brien Conlan T Harvey . Best : Crowe Powell T Harvey Halpin K McInerney. Old Br : A Pemberton . Best : C Trim B Farnham R Oakley M Wood D Cooper P Fitzpatrick . Umpires : Tony Byrnes (F)

DE LA SALLE 3.4 7 .8 9 .12 13.15 (93) MT LD.YDALE 3.0 3 .0 3 .0 3 .0(18) DLS : Details not received. Mt Lily : K Maniscalchi D Callanan C Gibson. Best M Rhodes D Johnson C Kennon B Gordon C Caltanan S Roche . Umpires : Tony Robbins Geoff Kelly (F) OLD B4ELBURIr7ANS 1 .6 3 .9 6 .12 6.16 (52) UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .1 6.5 7 .5 8.11 (59) Old Melb : Ironmonger 4 Bravo Tomlinson . Best : Jo. Tucker Bender N Barrett Osmond Theodoulou Selbv. But Blues : Millar 2 Gannon 2 Shutneworth Sunderman Foster Woodhouse . Best : Foster Woodhouse Mayman Sturrock Shuttleworth Millar. Umpires : Rick Benson Rhett Parker (F) OLD SCOTCH 3.3 3.9 8A I 8 .12 (60) OLD RAVERIAI6S 0.1 1 .7 2.10 8 .13 (61) Old Scotch: N Simon 4 Stevens Quail Graham Pritchard . Best: Quail Snow Collie Addison N Simon Keck . Old Xav: Hall 4 Ireland 4. Best : Carey Hall Ireland Perry Rathgeber Ward . Umpires: Frank Kavanagh Mark Thornhill (F) MAZENOD 1 .3 3.7 3 .8 4 .12 (36) PRAHRAN 4 .3 7.4 8.10 10 .12 (72) Maz: Details not received . Prshran: Cartlidge 3 Howard 2 Ivak 2 Macpherson McIver Davies, Best : Burgess Kelly Macpherson Fung Klindworth Farrell. Umpires: Danny Carroll Malcolm Foard (F) CLUB 18 (2) MARCELLIN 3.4 3.5 7 .10 7 .10 (52) OLD TRINITY 0 .2 2 .5 5.6 8 .10 (58) Marc : Details not received . Old Trin : Dickenson 4 Burgess S Cade Tang Bell . Best : Butler Burgess Brawn Parker Dickenson Heaven . Umpires : Joe Ciccotosto (F) COLLEGIANS 5 .4 6 .5 9 .10 10 .11 (71) ELEY PARK SHARKS 0.0 3.1 4.2 6 .3(39) Coll : R McDonough 3 Hatns 2 Burn A Gay Job nson Lazer Stedwell . Best: Johnson Oldham Osborne R McDonough Hains M Day . Eley Park

Sharks: Jackson 2 O'Brien Young Broadbear Cresswell . Best : Cresswell Payne Bowen Young. Umpires: Trevor Hansen Joe Salvatore (F) OLD XAVERIANS (2) 4.3 11 .7 13 .9 13.10 (88) MONASH BLUES 0.2 0 .2 1 .2 4.5 (29) Old %av: J Silk 4 filtis 3 Ockleshaw 2 Chamberlain Gleeson O'Hanlon. Best: Purcell Ockleshaw J Silk Richards Gleeson McGrath . Mon Blues : Coughlin 2 Richardson Haines. Best: L Woods Gaffney Coughlin Byrden Dods Summons. Umpires: Simon Brooks Steve Mason (F ) OLD ESSENDON 0 .0 5.3 5 .5 7.8 (50) FITZROY REDS 1 .8 3 .13 4.15 (39) 1 .7 Details not received . Umpires : Cameron Ball David Windlow (F) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 .5 11 .7 14.8 18 .11 (119) THERRY PENOLA 0.3 2 .5 3 .5 7.7 (49) Unl Blacks : Barlow 3 Otsuka 3 Duncan 2 Merlo 2 Merrett Wilson Murphy Chandler Peck Pascoe . Best: Otsuka Kerchevel Wading Matheson Wilson Black. Therry Pen: Murnane 2 Coda 2 Meleckl Stevens Bibby. Best : Toohey Saunders Stevens O'Shea Murnane Smith . Umpires: Gerard Dowling David Murray (F ) CLUB 18 (3 1

OLD SCOTCH 3 .7 4.7 5 .17 7 .19 (61) OLD GEELONG 2 .2 4.6 4.7 7.9(51) Old Scotch : Clarke 2 Smedlev Walters Iser Mailman Osborne . Best: lscr Dialtman Andrews Kvriakou Hazelwood Newton . Old Gael : Chadder 2 McLean Lockle Hughes Legoe Neville. Best: Legoe Hope-Johnston e Chadder Lockle Hughes Avery. Umpires: Brian Nunn (F) CAULFIELD GR 12 .16 ( OLD Old Carey Forfeit


7 .10 (52)

FITZROY REDS BYE NORTH OLD BOYS 4.3 7 .7 10 .12 16.17 (113) LA TROBE UNI 2 .2 4 .4 5.5 7 .5 (47) NOB : Kearney 5 Barden 3 Ryan 2 Wright 2 Nabbs 2 Cttreon Steve Lock . Best: Barden Ryan Gordon Kearney Ludeman Tehan . LaTrobe; Brown Castle Lania Matthews Miller Cotsopoulos . Best : Cotsopoulos Marchiatto Carolan Castle Iania Miller. Umpires : Paul Matton (F) WHITEFRIARS 4.2 7 .7 10 .12 13.13 (91) E- US ST LEOS 2 .2 4 .9 5.11 7 .16 (58) White : Jackson 4 Vernal 3 Davies Hennessy Vey Elliott Singh Davis. Best: Dalton Jackson Tatterson Vernal Singh Davies. Emmaus SL: Perry 4 D McGloin 2 England. Best: D McGloin Wood Perry Manton Foley England. Umpires: Simon Pearless Tom tVindlow (F )

e L;PnhtS hofos

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Resulfs ~~` iri n~( Heari n_-_it~~rdav Julv 19 . 2BB5 Adam Sleight, Prahran . Striking, 2 matches , David Boland, Aquinas OC . Failed to appear, 1 match . James Matthews, Bulleen-Templestowe ( Reserves) . Reckless contact of an umpire, 4 matches . Santo Di Benedetto, Fitzroy Reds (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches . *John Baribar, Elsternwick. iripping, 3 matches. * Warren Drew, Box Hill North (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches, *Accepted Prescribed Penally SUN IdX'I' SAT




V s C (13 ) t? C V

irse offence ($5); second offence ($25); third offence ($50); fourth offence (5100) ; each subsequent offence ($100). ReserveslC'i8 seniors/1.11 9 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2.30pm final scores by 5pm St. Kevins (C) Old Camberwell (S ) Marcellin (C) Old Scotch (i) (C)



-,ank Name Tom Brain Norm Nugent Glen Harrison Fraser Cameron Ed Sil l Gavan Flower Barry Hickey, Peter Willatnson Cam Nation Johathan Horn Andrew Wu

Divis B


Club XVl C U/19 D4 D3 DI D2 U/19 A


Phoned incorrect scores - Round 1 2 St. Bernards (S), De'Ea Salle (2) (U), Rupertswood (2) (U), Old Trinity (C)

Score 0 10 3

Ou t 0 0 13 5 14 4 5 5 5 8 0 5

Score Out of 46 60 135 180 48 65 128 178 37 52 45 65 45 65 44 65 104 69 39 60 34 65


% 77% 75% 74% 72% 71% 69% 69% 68% 66% 65% 52 %




: : ±me the s-id square where you think the ball wa le original photo . : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the gri d square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Luck y Dr, r at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest Hotel Accommodation Package . Last week : Ball as in (s) :

.(5) entries.

HOW T,) . : One enG per person . Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fiIl in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 . No Photocopies or faxed ent Entry to be received by noora'ftaesd-- --


°° each rouaic '

&~erER 19 W a.asZ P 6S' L D For A~P % rs ORMOND 13 11 2 0 1633 846 19 103 44 SALESIAN SCORPIONS 13 10 3 0 1624 1018 159 .53 40 MAZENOD 0 C 13 10 3 0 1298 1004 129 .28 40 HAMPTON ROVERS 13 7 6 0 1263 1131 111 .67 28 PENINSULA 0 B 13 6 7 0 1364 1436 94,99 24 OLD HAILEYSURY 13 3 10 0 833 1364 61,07 12 OAKLElGH CLAYS 13 3 10 0 948 1598 59 .32 12 DE LA SALLE (2) 13 2 11 0 968 1534 63 .10 8

P Y.' L dD For k~st % GEELONG- 13 13 0 0 1463 385 380 .00 'ERTSW000 13 11 2 0 1393 679 205 .15 fROBE UNI 13 9 4 0 1119 596 187.75 LlAMSTOWN CYMS 13 8 5 0 1106 714 154-90 lINSULA 0 B 13 8 5 0 885 9,32 98.12 NHOE ASSUMPTION 13 4 8 1 764 932 81 .97 KLElGH 13 3 8 2 693 1078 64,41 fINBURNE UNI 13 3 9 1 607 1161 52.28 LESlAN 0 C 13 3 10 0 576 1378 41 .80 NTLEIGH 13 1 12 0 503 1286 39 .11 3 .





kgs# % Pis

ERRIBEE AMATEURS 13 11 2 0 1374 558 246,24 44 f JOHNS 0 C 13 11 2 0 1207 592 203 .89 44 iONASH GRYPHONS 13 9 4 0 864 696 124 .14 36 tEST BRUNSWICK 13 7 6 0 765 672 11314 28 OUTH MELB DISTRICTS 13 7 6 0 768 785 97 .83 28 WS-VU 13 6 7 0 933 897 104.01 24 ;EW 13 6 7 0 812 830 97 .83 24 7L0 WESTBOURNE 13 5 8 0 736 937 78,55 20 'OWER HOUSE 13 3 10 0 544 1163 46 .78 12 0 >YNDAL TALLY-HO 13 0 13 0 445 1383 32 .18 L -- °

P 6Y



8 q-s1



l1N~7E?B °n P~ EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 13 12 1 0 1444 578 249 .83 48 i01 770.19 44 AQUtPdAS 0 C 13 71 2 0 ti93 KEW 13 9 4 0 1345 987 136.27 36 92,53 28 THERRY PENOLA 0 8 13 7 6 0 917 991 OLD WESTBOURNE 13 7 6 0 809 908 89 .10 28 FITZROY REDS 13 7 6 0 956 1133 84 .38 28 BULLEEN TEP4PLESTOWE 13 5 8 0 1090 1146 95.11 20 .'~ RUPERTSW000(2) 13 5 8 0 611 1265 48 .30 20 OLD SCOTCH 13 2 11 0 607 1263 48,06 8 Pts ~'e (V P 6K L 0 Ferr Agst % PRAHRAN 13 11 2 0 1266 718 176.32 44 OLD )(AVERtANS 13 11 2 0 1139 720 158.19 44 ST KEVtNS 13 10 3 0 1300 744 174 .73 40 DE LA SALLE 13 8 5 0 1008 714 141 .18 32 OLD SCOTCH 13 8 5 0 1014 786 129 .01 32 P.9AZEN00 0 C 13 6 7 0 908 958 94 .78 24 OLD PhELBURNlANS 13 4 9 0 885 1041 85.01 16 OLD BRIGHTON 13 3 10 0 532 1386 38 .38 12 UNIVERSITY BLUES 13 2 11 0 560 1035 54.11 8 MT LILYOALE 0 C 13 2 11 0 662 1351 49.00 8

ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 13 11 2 0 1038 432 240 .28 ST MARYS 13 11 2 0 914 633 144 .39 ELSTERNWICK 13 10 3 0 1026 442 232 .13 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 13 8 5 0 1027 798 128 .70 13 7 6 0 917 836 109 .69 BULLEEN COBRAS ALBERT PARK 13 6 7 0 813 853 95 .31 NORTH BRUNSWICK 13 5 8 0 643 974 66 .02 BOX HILL NORTH 13 5 8 0 604 1019 59.27 RICHMOND CENTRAL 13 2 11 0 323 1359 23,77

44 44 40 32 28 24 20 20 8

AM R19 (V



13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

~21 P~ L Q Frr ,4-t % Pf s OLD ESSENDON GR 13 11 2 0 1021 502 203 .39 44 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 13 11 2 0 1171 580 201,90 44 FITZROY REDS 13 9 4 0 845 707 119 .52 36 ELEY PARK SHARKS 13 8 5 0 1094 812 134 .73 32 98,85 32 COLLEGIANS 13 8 5 0 856 866 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 7 6 0 1061 726 146 .14 28 MONASH BLUES 13 4 9 0 756 997 75 .83 16 MARCELLIN 13 4 9 0 553 914 60 .50 16 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 13 2 11 0 503 1368 36 .77 8 OLD TRINITY 13 1 12 0 553 1230 44 .96 4 Pis



L L'

F,rr ,4gsf


10 3 0 1279 794 161 .08 40 10 3 0 911 761 119 .71 40 9 4 0 901 790 114 .05 36 8 5 0 1072 893 154,69 32 B 5 0 990 1024 96.68 32 7 6 0 825 757 108.98 28 6 7 0 864 1119 77.21 24 5 8 0 667 1190 56 05 20 2 11 0 858 1393 61 .59 8

'_ PW L 0 For -4.4st %

OLDCArvtY 13 12 1 0 1499 997 150 .35 48 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 10 3 0 1657 822 201 58 40 BANYULE VIEWBANK 13 10 3 0 1468 992 147.98 40 RUPERTSW000 13 9 4 0 1635 893 183 .09 36 CAULFIELD GR 13 7 6 0 1082 1080 100 .19 28 WHITEFRIARS 13 5 8 0 1186 1275 93.02 20 BEAUMARlS 13 5 8 0 1090 1356 80.38 20 OLD TRINITY 13 4 9 0 836 1676 49 .88 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 13 2 11 0 763 1395 54,70 8 OLD ESSENDON GR 13 1 12 0 743 1689 43 .99 4

OLD PARADIANS 13 12 1 0 1629 755 215 .76 48 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 10 3 0 1350 1C65 126 .76 40

KLEtGH 13 9 4 0 1432 1004 142,63 36 ST BEDES MENT TIG 13 8 5 0 1230 987 124 .62 32 BENTLEIGH 13 7 6 0 1106 929 119 .05 28 1 IHSOB 13 6 7 0 975 1063 91 .72 24 OLD IVANHOE 13 5 8 0 902 1158 77 .89 20 AJAX 13 3 10 0 866 1278 67 .76 12 LA TROBE UNI 13 3 10 0 822 1317 62 .41 12 MONASH BLUES 13 2 11 0 670 1635 40 .98 8 ___------_______---

CLUB ?S 3 PW ID Far n~r % Ratio WHITEFRIARS 12 11 .5 0 1 1065 640 166 .41 95.83 CAULFtELD OR 12 10 .0 2 0 1207 816 147.92 83.33 FITZROY REDS (2) 11 8 .0 3 0 849 594 142.93 72.73 OLD SCOTCH (2) 12 6,5 5 1 860 735 117 .01 54.17 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 12 6 .0 6 0 989 774 127 .78 50.00 NORTH OLD BOYS 11 4 .5 6 1 647 947 68 .32 40.91 OLD GEELONG 12 4 .5 7 1 852 978 67 1 2 37.50 LA TROBE UNI 11 1 .0 10 0 469 996 47,09 9.09 OLD CAREY 11 0 .0 11 0 613 1303 47 .05 0.00 ------------------------------ 'f I

+ Wr ekEl

: < c$9 e S (Fri) r Dres


* U nd p i ie S App aBF6 t rea ams

® Sc o re s (Sat . night)


m3 ts lronl a mob;le phone tn th!s a em~. ) .._ _ .._ .~c~ ...~ rhiqhe _ ..__________


P W L 0 For Ags: % Fu OLD XAVERIANS 12 10 2 0 1342 983 136 .52 40 OLD HAILEYBURY 12 9 2 1 1290 930 138 .71 38 UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 9 3 0 1212 925 131 .03 36 MARCELLIN 12 8 4 0 1102 964 114 .32 32 OLD SCOTCH 12 7 5 0 1225 1013 120.93 28 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 5 7 0 996 1098 90 .71 20 STBERNARDS 12 4 7 1 1055 1274 82 .81 18 COLLEGIANS 12 3 9 0 930 1330 69 .92 12 OLD TRINITY 12 2 10 0 955 1198 79.72 8 ST KEVINS 12 2 10 0 978 1370 71 .39 8 B SECTION P W L Lt For Agst > Pt OLD IVANHOE 12 10 2 0 1238 739 167 .52 40 OF LA SALLE 12 10 2 0 1426 907 157 .22 40 OLD BRIGHTON 12 10 2 0 1281 1051 121 .88 40 MHSOB 12 6 6 0 1104 1071 103 .08 24 OLD ESSENDON GR 12 6 6 0 1074 1118 96 .06 24 CAULFIELO GR 12 5 7 0 1035 1049 98 .67 20 WHITEFRIARS 12 5 7 0 1014 1163 87 .19 20 ST BEDES MENT TIG 12 3 9 0 916 1278 71 .67 12 MAZENDD 0 C 12 3 9 0 816 1139 71 .64 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 12 2 10 0 859 1319 65 .13 8 C SECTION






ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 13 8 5 0 1282 869 147 .53 32 BULLEEN COBRAS 13 8 5 0 1570 1232 127 .44 32 BOX HILL NORTH 13 6 7 0 1150 1433 80.25 24 NORTH BRUNSWICK 13 6 7 0 1160 1578 73 .51 24 ALBERT PARK 13 6 7 0 946 1313 720 .24 5 RICHMOND CENTRAL 13 2 11 0 700 2144 32 .65 8 P




For A~rt I

OLDXAVERIi .. ..5 12 11 1 0 1104 526 209 .89 44 OLD SCOTCH 12 9 3 0 1173 584 200 .86 36 ST BERNARDS 12 7 5 0 889 809 109 .89 28 OLD MELHURNIANS 12 6 6 0 655 666 98 .35 24 COLLEGIANS 12 6 6 0 610 701 87 .02 24 OLD TRINITY 12 5 7 0 669 821 81 .49 20 UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 5 7 0 696 857 81 .21 20 OLD HAILEYBURY 12 5 7 0 727 920 79 .02 20 ST KEVINS 12 4 8 0 698 920 75 .87 16 MARCELLIN 12 2 10 0 483 1029 46.94 8


UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 11 2 0 1285 839 153 .16 44 BEAUMARIS 13 10 3 0 1136 937 121 .24 40 PARKDALE VULTURES 13 8 5 0 1251 979 127 .78 32 AJAX 13 8 5 0 1281 1191 107.56 32 OLD PARADIANS 13 8 5 0 1225 1267 96 .69 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 7 6 0 1322 1078 122 .63 28 HAMPTON ROVERS 13 5 8 0 1263 1066 116 .30 20 MONASH BLUES 13 4 9 0 1001 1143 87 .58 16 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 13 2 11 0 956 1448 66 .02 8 BANYULE 13 2 11 0 915 1667 54.89 8


P W L li For A t o r ELSTERNWICK 13 11 2 0 1824 934 195.29 44 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 13 9 4 0 1699 1156 146 .97 3 .45 3 65STMARY13940852





For Agsf


DE LA SALLE 12 12 0 0 1309 423 3094 .26OLDIVANHE12093685 .75 9MHSOB12750693 2 b MAZENOD 0 C 12 6 6 0 887 716 123 88 24 WHITEFRIARS 12 5 7 0 662 897 73 .80 20 ST BEOES MENT TIG 12 4 7 1 763 858 88.93 18 .. OLD ESSENDON GR 12 4 8 0 624 927 67 .31 NORTH OLD BOYS 12 4 8 0 6,48 1091 59 .40 16 OLD BRIGHTON 12 3 8 1 640 840 76.19 11 CAULFIELD GR 12 3 9 0 627 1142 54 .90 1 2

P W 1 LJ

FI iZROY REDS 13 12 1 0 1517 785 193 .25 ORMOND 13 10 3 0 1539 887 173 .51 OLD CAREY 13 9 4 0 1272 1047 121 .49 PRAHRAN 13 8 5 0 1246 1139 109 .39 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 13 6 7 0 1240 1163 106 .62 OLD MENTONIANS 13 6 7 0 1139 1169 97 .43 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 13 6 7 0 1227 1471 83 .41 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 13 4 9 0 1171 1350 86 .74 AQUINAS 0 C 13 2 11 0 885 1483 59 .68 GLEN EIRA 13 2 11 0 770 1512 50,93

48 40 36 32 24 24 24 16 8 8

182 SECTION PW L tJ For Aqst % Pts OLD GEELONG 13 12 1 0 1685 748 225 .27 48 RUPERTSWOOD 13 11 2 0 1505 1066 141 .18 44 PENINSULA 0 B 13 8 5 0 1296 1055 122 .84 32 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 13 8 5 0 1171 1121 104 .46 32 LATROBE UNI 13 7 6 0 1267 1105 114 .66 28 OAKLEIGH 13 6 7 0 1396 1332 10410 24 SALESIAN 0 C 13 6 7 0 1076 1153 93 .32 24 BENTLEIGH 13 4 9 0 1038 1588 65 .37 16 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 13 3 10 0 1045 1572 66 .48 12 SWINBURNE UNI 13 0 13 0 755 1568 48.15 0 D3 SECTION P W L D For A~st / Pis WERRIBEE AMATEURS 13 11 2 0 1573 870 180.80 44 ST JOHNS 0 C 13 10 3 0 1262 744 169.62 40 WEST BRUNSWICK 13 10 3 0 1211 978 123.82 40 OLD WESTBOURNE 13 8 5 0 1151 928 124 .03 32 SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 13 7 6 0 1298 1190 109 .08 28 KEW 13 7 6 0 1164 1189 97 .90 28 UHS-VU 13 4 9 0 1004 1307 76 .82 16 MONASH GRYPHONS 13 3 10 0 1054 1464 71,99 12 POWER HOUSE 13 3 10 0 726 1285 56 .50 12 SYNDAL TALLY-HO 13 2 11 0 922 1410 65 .39 8


P W L B For Ar sd °.m BEAURIS 13 11 2 0 1086 588 184 .69 44 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 10 3 0 997 477 209 .01 40 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 10 3 0 989 677 146 .09 40 OLD PARADIANS 13 10 3 0 919 649 141 .60 40 HAMPTON ROVERS 13 7 6 0 762 831 9t70 28 AJAX 13 5 8 0 668 856 78 .04 20 BANYULE 13 4 9 0 619 917 67 .50 16 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 13 4 9 0 654 1038 63 .01 16 PARKDALE VULTURES 13 3 10 0 768 937 81 .96 12 MONASH BLUES 13 1 12 0 647 1139 56 .80 4

Ofi .a00

P W L 1? Frtr_AP;t 13 11 2 0 1275 471 270.7 0FITZROYEDS13204876 4 4 .99

OLD CAREY 13 8 4 1 975 804 121 .27 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 13 7 6 0 1062 834 127 .34 PRAHRAN 13 7 6 0 883 817 108 .08 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 13 6 6 1 840 941 89 .27 OLD MENTONIANS 13 6 7 0 981 913 107.45 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 13 4 9 0 680 1126 60 .39 AQUINAS 0 C 13 3 10 0 537 1311 40 .96 GLEN EIRA 13 1 ' 12 0 438 1355 32 .32

34 28 28 26 24 16 12 4


ct s ma i7 -hom a rr.e5rtz Fxwm to th+s s:, vreal ._ --"~----~------------ .~-°-~ J



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