The Amateur Footballer, Week 16, 2005

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~e ultimate performance ~ Pty Ltd 616 Somerville Road Sunshine 3020 ephone: (03) 9311 1122 (

,,.t.,n said that amateur football is a ye-rig 1's game . Though Old Haileybury's -ull makes a mockery of such a statement , e is no doubt that the VAFA is a little difff -ent our country and metropolitan counterpart s

iat it is a very youthful competition , C is is partially attributable to ie strong isis placed on U19's and also - e flow-on from school football, there are c factor s :__y . The lack of match payments us __ can difficult to fully commit to in ~ igours o f training and playing for a long period of dine . The nature of amateur footy clubs also means that travel, work and family commitments can inon players' longevity .

player last vear in his first ear out of school and has icked on in style , culminating in a cracking

performance in the 2005 rep g; °s . Not much of him bu t s up for it with skill ,


: and uncan., . I ia a 0-~ie . :~is

world and not the ;< ound but has the rare

t'ith this in mind, Club Warehouse IasC i ;iitiated the VAFA's 'Rising Star' award ~r

~eep getting the ball in tight to win the ball every time a t

iremier Under 23 player in the competition . ' inaugural winner was Old Melburnians' el m who won his club's best and d was runner up the yea r atelv missed out on the Under 23 _ar due to irfury. _. € d who was recruited from :rribee Football clubs . A real is ` I later this year and will b e lub's quest to avoid relegation . ; ider James Beaumont, who snared a $25 0

and a cool thousand dollars for his club . ) of this, Uni Blues' Ross Young and Mat t ne-7, Old Trinitv s Alistair Neville, St Bernards'

?3 players to score a berth s rep side < ;ainst the VCFL. Acquitte d

-ll ag. nst bigger bodied opponents beja pivotal member of the All Australia n - fling to Ireland .

is Goullet and Fitzroy Reds' Kane MaghaT 1,-z

2re all snapped up by VFL clubs, illustra+i- : c' ~pth of young talent in the VAFA's ranks . this year's draft pool is considered a i than previous years, there is a scr ,e of an amateur player b rig . are some pups from the 200 5 ~ •r e for the Club Warehouse Ai ; d ully kick on at a higher level ' 20 06 . ki - Ajax Sliper impressive midfielder with VFL experience ho would have to be a red hot favourite to v .rin the c,.ion Best and Fairest . Was best on ground in Gt~Je match against Western Australia . - marcellirr ^, ba"~f ',io u- . ; a seniors



'- be- players in other leagues are °, hard nosed, well paid veterans , iteur teams are often (bu t fresh faced, uninhibite d ; season near completion, these no doubt be the key to their club' s G ra,~,

~r Rising Star who has flown under the er- -1 il Jonathan Horn -

bit .'.


ar - .uk or Brett Connell Jonat-~ ; . Horn

- 1- IOi ]

v; . C_ In the 1< cvo years, the might y have lost four or five of the best amateur footballers you would ever want to see . "Good night Bernie", we said. "Stuff you", they replied and proceeded to knock off the premiership fancies on their own turf, Scotch at Camberwe ll and ran Haileybury to a draw at the Badlands. They had a high profile coach, wonderful new facilities and some gun recruits . Seven games later, they're in a bit of strife and B Grade is a serious possibility . It's hard to conjure with the thought of Bernard's in B Grade ; somewhat like Alphonse Gangitano going back to pinching han dbags . Personally, I reckon they'll hang on . It's significant that Gou llet was back from Williamstown last week and they also are fortunate that Geelongs reserves have the bye in the last round, which would allow Jay Cheep and Danny Byrne (who would be red hot chance to win Geelong's B&F) to return .

cDonald p' _ ed his best 1 game for the season thu s far for Xavs, who are definitely off the boil . But really, since when were they int rested in winning flags from ist nosition?

spy to Get T3 its" Saturday as the first time I've seen Trinity thi : year and ;iough they deserved to win, St Kevin': would be ruing the fact that they let it slip . SKOB: threw a star studded line up at the home side who impressed with their hardness at stoppage : and discipline down back . Anthony Rer ucertainlyhas bitofmongrelinhimandh +

played well and even Rambo was dishing out ~ few, particularly just before half time! In man : ways however, his second half turned the game along with Jack Healy, who took some tellin ; marks and Kristian Butler, who kicked tw~ match-winning last quarter goals .

Go+ 9

Let's ta : e nothing away from Collegians, who tamed t__e Snakepit and enhanced their own chances of staying up . It's not unreasonable to say that Pat Hawkins has been the coach of the year thus far; few outside The Trott gave them one iota of being competitive this year, yet he has moulded a bunch of kids with a select group of veterans and has them playing great footy . Cil Saturday, Shura Taft and Tom Bull had stellar first halves while a trio of recent graduates, Josh `Im- "ark Parrent and Matt Naylor all held fi n in dei nce .

These , o aiays seem to give us entertaining games __id i .ith Scott Cations (6 ) James Gerstman (5), Scott Mollard (5) and Damien Lynch (5) all on song up forward, it was a good old fashioned shoot out at Camberwell . Dale Tapping can take great heart from the fact that his side didn't fade out like last time, whilst he would also be rapt, i~' , form of Tim ; inocchiaro . '-nthony

a ings -those Bloods : I apologise and retract comments I mad in relation to the Old Haileybury AFC . They wer in no way meant to be derogatory or insulting u any way. (Johnathan Horn) . They certainly have one hell of a footy team dow ; at MeKinnon, with Jeremy Bourke playin another cracker and Carl Steinfort turning in hi best game for the club and Disco Seccull's c : -or

~ Old Scotch Old Haileybury

Gerstman B . O'Farrell

hiarcellin Old verians

Cullman Lynch

rv Efstathiou Old .l( Old verians Rush Unix - iry Blues Coleman

5 59 4 51 5 51 5 46 5 44 1

27 26


200 games at 37 years of age is jus t enai. Blues kicked themselves out o f nti n but got typically good games out of erson and Luke North, two players who out their B&F. Very significant tha t

- was best on ground in the twos , !_by and Andrew Henderson are als o of naking comebacks . Don't write IHSt vet .

yr - lg V . , according to the script at tsco -er. i rcellin moved to third . Cullman d e . Rice played another belter. OMs were t b it not quite good enough . Nothing to se e is

•nard's lose they are cactus, Xavs are playin g uble chance and Uni may cost themselve s als berth if they can't see off the very rous Trinity . With that in mind . . . y by 5 points over OM s by 7 points over Mareellin 1-- 3 points over Trinity 17 over Collegian s 3 points over St Kevin' s Jonathan Hor n

oo .co .uk

_ek . With a .._a eer nc . .

3 deca s lark first represented th e U/19s inl~o7 . After trying out wit h mond and St .Kilda, and then a stint pringvale, he rejoined thelub in 1990 an d a member of the B Grade Premiership tha t second B Grade flag followed in 1995 . is been a Club Captain, and also

d the State in several of hi s :sen ~Hive appearances . At the tender age of it is a testament to Disco's wonderfu l itive < . ; and high level of physical ditionii, th< . he is playing as well now as at time in i, is career and has been a key to th e s resurg . :nce in 2005 . Congratulations from OH to Mark on this great achievement and 35ociated L`~°` abership of the OF ." -C

Otd i , lburnsans v Old Ha~i . .'ury Old Xaverians v Marcellin University Blues v Old Trinity St Kt ins v St Bernards iat

Col' ?ians v Old Scotch THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005


c-~_- :--~ :'S~ 7. :; 7.8 13.12 14.12(~ 3) ti 3 2 .2 5 .9 6 .14 8.19 (67 ) ske 5 O7arrell 4 SeccuIl 2 Siapantas Barker Jenke . Best : Bourke La- Stehrfort Ford Jenke OTarrell . Uai Blues : DeCrespigny 2 buh :c ; Lowrc>`k Scambler Steele Clark. Best : North Paterson Butko F Steele Wilcox. U Ru : sell Davidson Tim Sutcliffe (F) Ben Parsons Danten Anthony iF - . 2<- Ichael O'Donnell (G) . . . 5 .3 6.9 12 .10 17 .13 (115) r' 4,2 7.4 10 .8 13 .11 189) Ilan 4=faclaren 2 L Considine Waters Rice Fraze r . ~r : Jarred 14bods Bortolotto Rice Hugustur Culllnan. Old 3 1rmon 3 Lacey 3 49 Berrv 2 Hawkins Jo. Miller. Best: J ~„ay Stud}LUtn Kerman M Berry Harvey . elm Kofrnl3n Peter James (F) Robbie MaNsion Rob Mutton (B) L phson Chris Davie (G) OLD SCO 7.4 10 .6 14.13 21 .15 (141) 05 . . PSi`S 4 .4 8 .7 11 .11 15.14 (104) 0 : Cations 6 Cerstman 5 Pugslev 3 Wigney 2 B Phillips 2 O'Connor 2 Tr , t: Firrocchi3ro Crow Cations Kitchen Ashton Ross . Old ®~av: Lh 5 Used 5 Clarke Jones Boven Beetham Chatfield. Best: 4'. on Bowen Biugitarrr Ford Beardsley Scanlon . U : C nf Caulfiekd Simon Clue (F) Adam Rogers Cameron Hayes (B) Garin 3erts Steven Piperno (G ) 4.1 6.2 9 .7 15 .11 (101) S 4.0 7 .7 8 .10 12.14 (86) 0 K Butler 3 Cultrera 3 Reynolds 3 J Healy 2 McPherson 2 D Bt °r Da . Best: J Healy Brown Kenna Dann A Ram.`den D Buttler. Chard 4 Mulgrcw: 2 Traraglia 2 Garlick McKee Dowd Lucas . Best : t L honey Garlick Travagia Do)lman Chard. U. . me Hinton Jason tdeNiece (F) Matt Jenkinson Michael Sa>>*u -s (B) Paul Gait Andrew Esposito (G) S 2.3 4.6 7 .8 12 .13 (85) 7.2 13 .8 15 .11 16 .14 (110) 51,. Bv-c: Pe r 4 Goullet 2 Gi ll 2 Liberatore Uren Madden Legudi . Best : Roach T hison Potter HaDarin Uren Gill . Call: Taft 5 Bull 5 Dixon 2 Blru 2 A Baxter Weekes . Best : Ashman Roach Taft Bull Naylor H ¢-on . U: ; : L In Gallagher Brent °'" :a4read (F) Brendan Corcoran Ryan ) Lucas Robson Daniel Scully (G) 4 . 7 .2 8.5 12 .6 (78) 2, 4,5 9.9 11 .9(75) ttniou 5 Chipperfleld 3son 2 Ferguson Eight . Best: Kight on, ;eLaughlan F,v.d . Jai B : Coleman 41Vestmore 2 :2 Rr 6ins. Best: Hayter Gin Heinz hlePhall Tanner . 1 .1 1 .5 2.5 2 .5(17) 4.4 9 .9 15.14 21 .23(!49) roG. Best : Wignell Weston Paseuzzi Cahill- Conte . Old 5 Grant 2 Matthews 2 hi Prowse 2 Anderson Dixo n Waddell . Best: Anderson Pannifex C Ray Neeson A 1 .4 3.7 4.11 7.17 (59) AS 1 .5 1 .8 3 .12 5.13 (43) ea: S Graham 2 Allen Sutcliffe 0 Crane . Best : Sutcliffe Teastiate Craham Allen Beattie. Old SCaa: Beattie 2'49oti3art 2 Ginna4tin 2 M k : VY'aLsh H ~rdgtns Tatulaschwile Agius Howard Larkins . 1 .3 3 .4 6 .7 6.9(45) 2.5 3.7 6 .8 8.11 (59 ) 01 Trln . ~- . 2 S Amore J Burgess J Kenna S VanDorVenne . Best : Lau IStore J Burgess Anucorll Mai . SiiOB: P Mount 2 Durm 2 mtor D Mount Taylor Shannon . Best: Hughes Mitchell Undcn at t Dempsey OToole . 6.2 8.5 10.8 11 .9 (75 ) Cl 1 .3 3.4 7 .6 9.8 (62 ) SL . .- : Perrett 3 Hurley 2 Hughes Walsh P7iiizatlotiic Miziewicz Spinner Andreas . Best: S lannazzo Hurley btizimcz Hughes Walsh Pearson . Coll: Z Moon 2 Adgemis 2 Harding T Krotiris Davies Kemtealty . Best : Holies Farlev BobeiT Fabrls L Moon Muir. 3

Co: :-h: Pat Harkins Re` : Dar _ 1 Phillip s

Co va, an Cleary F :3 Coa:h : rent Collins

Cc - :h : Dean Rice Res Coach : Fab Gatti


C uRayr

2 3 4 5 6

J. Dixon V C M. Parrent B. Mooney A . Shinktietd R . Henebery N . Baxte r

6 S . Woolley 7 S . Taft

7 J . Farley 8 C . Unsworth Capt 9 J . Fr y 10 J . Jorgensen 11 C. Weekes 12 N . Harrison Capt 13 M . Naylo r 14 J . Ashman 15 C. Hoist 16 A . Baxter 17 J . Heritage 17 D. Phillips 18 D. Barber 19 K . Jones 20 M . Holies 21 C. Harris VC 22 N. Lockett 23 C. Mallard 24 E. Waters 25 R. Muir 26 P. Krotris 27 G . Revision 28 B. Couch 28 D. Browning 29 N. Burrows 30 L . Moon

31 N. Roach 32 C. Blumfield VC 33 B. Hoist 34 D. McCaughan 35 L . Nesbi t

36 M. Roberson 37 S.Humphry 38 A. Rebu s 39 D . Cannizzo 40 D . Strachan 41 W . Tarddf 41 B. Duff 42 T. Sank 43 E. Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Stone 46 J . Cooke 47 Z. Moon 48 B. Low 49 M. Rose 50 M. Rice 51 B. Shadbatt 53 T. Rutherford 54 B . Woalhouse 55 T. Cookes Res Cap t 56 M. Stetanidakis 57 D . Williamson 58 N . Bobeff 59 A . Wright - Smith 60 D . Mutto n 61 E . Healey 62 0. Howard 63 A . Kenr.eally 64 N .Cra!g 65 A . Smith 66 J . Adgemis 67 A . Nichola 6-3 M . Gromotga 70 D. Slatyer 76 B . Hage

1 B. Dobson 2 J. Rice 3 D. Waters 4 J. Fraze r 5 D . Johnston 6 G . Romania 7 S. Maguire 8 R . Frisina 9 L . Considine 10 D . Cullman 11 N . Addison 12 B. O'Donnell 13 C . Woods 14 A.Layton 15 J . Borto}otto 16 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (C) 18 D . Gartner 19 A . Papaluca 20 M . Hermans 21 N . Walker 22 D. &9arsan 23 M . Leffanue 24 L.0'Flynn 25 R. Galat i 26 D. McMillan 27 S . Theisz 28 B . Carmody 29 S . Brooks 30 S . Considine 31 M . BoRototto 33 F. Dorbolo 34 D. Jarred (VC) 37 C. Maclaren 38 S. Matthews 39 B. Colvill e 40 C . Purcell 41 J. Seabury 42 G . Petroff 43 J. Pascuzzi 44 L . Hansen 45 D . Theisz 46 52 53 54 55

A. F7icGree A. Rivstovski R . laconis J . Forbes J . Wallis 57 B . Wignell

59 R . Conte 62 Ari . McCartin 63 C . Pezzimenti 70 D . Cracknell 83 G. Neskovcim

1 C . : infert 2 S . Davey

3 P. Corrigan (C ) 4 S. Lsa.j'ford,onos (DVC) 5 J . Bourke 6 L. Siapantas 7 M . Corrigan 7 AH",on 8 F Mor haired 9 M. Ba':er (DVC) 10 C. E 11 A . Moir F : 12 B. o' 13 B. 14 S. Jones 15 D. 16 P. ODc :?I 17 K. Ford (VC) 18 D. Thr j 19 M. Armstrong 20 M. Graves 20 M. Fart'r.hauser 21 A Janke 22 D. Mason 23 M. Sr ...Jt 24 B. Trc.-- (DVC) 25 S. Pro at 26 J. Be' (RC) 27 ~ n_ ; 28 S. C-

29 B. Car=on 30 D . Warn; 31 D. Lay 32 B . FRkVnF,1 33 S . Walden 34 P. Larrztordi 35 T. Chistort n 35 D.Lappage 36 L McPherson 37 D. Brctm 38 L Floyd 39 C. Y:'ar71an 40 H. cop 41 S. Saur-s 42 J. t3rJ: . Sa.43D 44 J. s in 45 Do '3 48 B. Cra vviord 47 R.

48 G .C 'I 49 L. ~OVC) 50 R. L 51 H . 52 C. Fe. (RDVC) 53 .! 54 A 4 55 56 D .&, t 57 R Ka 33 ABa 59 N . Gtf-t 60 A ShaW 61 D . Sh:o'd 62 G. dJhne 67 C . Carrc4


T Cudlipp

2 Ja Beaun-iani 3 M1 E .ilmg 4 H Lacey 5 D Fhlme 7 H Turner 8 Je BeaurrRnt 9 D Harn;on 10 T Roeerts it R Ferraro 13 E Wilson 14 A Voyage 15 ! Weu

16 J Byme 17 Ja Miller ta T Prtzgerala 19 E Studnam 20 RlLulqumey 21 H tdhdeSt•=+ad 22 J Dixon

23 hq Berry 24 M H-rctns 25 1 t . 26 C Kv. .. =ay 27 P r a n 28 ' ~

32 E 33 J' 34 P C ~35 37 J G-nt 38 LE? ^n "s9 J T 40 HL 41 J P42 A `

44 c Fc-.:-ih45 J" -..~ :€I 46 C 17

D :: .-> .s


49 Ggo A P - id n 51 6A Kenr;on 52 JA. s53 D^-T 54 55 c' 58 1 7 : 57 W "^r: aid

61 D' 62 T -=m son 6 3 R' .:_::ihe,a;s 65 P GNndy 66 N Peters 88 M Best 70 J Russo 71 T But" 72 CAider 73 N Russell 74 N La~xF2r 75 S r--'-q 78 E .c :5€I 77 e r+a78 : .: 79 E l &0 0- ..<~ .v~ or -

PF Hie

1 T. Earang>r (C) 2 B. Phillips (VC) 3 J . Ross 4 C . Tallett (VC) 5 S. Collins (VC) 6 A. Crow 7 J . Kitchen 8 S. Dick 9 A. Pugs!ey 10 C . Smith 11 T. Pritchard 12 S . Hurne 13 A . Nettleton 14 C . McKenzie-McHarg 15 S . Cations 16 E . Batrauney 17 T VYtgney (VC) 19 R. Joseph s 20 S .Treon 22 R. Ashton 23 0. Crane 24 D. Brooke 25 M . Saunders 27 T. Demetriou 28 A. Quail 29 M . Gnati

30 T. Fnocchiaro 31 N. Leitl 32 J. Garstman 33 E. Reid 34 C. Phillips 35 P. O'Connor 36 J. Suicide 37 G . Carroll 38 T. Jalbart 39 S. Graham 40 T. Aurel-Smith 41 W. Leer s 42 T. Beattie 43 A . RouBecge 44 D . Jackson 45 R . Teesdale 46 J . Beaurepaire 47 T. Reeking 49 B . Snaddon 50 M . Wa€kom 51 L. Freeman 53 AS, Symington 54 A . Sutherland 55 S . Dipasquale 56 T. Dipasquale 57 J . Crane 59 W. Elliott 61 A.'.'{. Sutherland 62 M . Graham 63 T. Col!ie 64 S. Lorenzeni 68 T. Keck 72 B. Smith 73 M. Giu7ari 86 S.Ainge r




Co-CCcuci, s Leigh Carlso n & Phil Gaut Res Coach : Dale Bower Club 18 Coach: Ed Best 1 Kenna A

2 Butler K 3 Reynolds L 4 Walsh B VEC 5 Burrows D 6 Petdro J 7 Van Der Vence T VtC 8 Medland A 9 Pretty S 10 Dann S 11 Kennedy S 12 Cuttrera A DNlC 13 Cade J 14 Troon R 15 Hooke A 16 Hillas C DNlC 17 Weston M 18 Healy J 19 Saunders R 20 McPherson S 21 Davies M 22 Wawrzynczak M 23 Ram an A Capt: 24 Goldenberg W 25 Cameron F 26 Conchae B RNlC 27 Cumming R 28 Ch ristou J 29 Hogarth J 30 McKinnon R 31 Burgess J 32 Brown S 33 Aitken J 34 Kenna J 35 Bladeni S R/DNlC 36 Buffer D 37 Van Der Venne S 38 Ramsden R 39 Webster J 40 Beardsley D 41 Lauletta S 92 Amore S 43 Amore J 44 Mai J 45 Morpeth T Res . Capt 46 Roberts S 47 Bell D 48 Burgess M 49 Romney N 50 Dickenson A 51 Gamble R 52 Harrod T 53 Amiconi C 54 Williams Z RNtC 55 Stebbins N 56 Best E 57 Cole M 58 Heaven C 59 Cade T 60 Walsh T 61 Cristiano D 62 Arrovrsmith J 63 Cade S 64 Gra y J 35 O'Shea M '6 Blackmore B 67 Amiconi A 68 Hii A 69 McDonald E 70 Parker D 71 Hildebrandt D 72 Welsh L 73 Swinne rton H 74 Tang J 75 Read S 76 Miller P7 McDonald C 78 Kok K 79 La D 80 Adgemis J 81 Thwaites m 83 Thompson G I Brown L ' 5 Sketchley M , 3 Brawn A tt7 Jurrie R

Coach cat 3icinaroson Res Coc- n: Anthony Bourk e 1 A . Fox 2 C . Santalucia 3 J. Passe d 4 James McDonnell 5 D. Rush 6 A . Oswald 7 S . Lethlaan 8 A . McDonald 9 D . Lynch 10 M. Beardsley ...', 11 L . Howard 12 A. Bowen 13 T. Ruyg 14 J. Agiu s 15 L. Ford (Capt) 16 S . Mallar d 17 A . Chatfield (VC .) 18 M . Scanlan 19 D . Walsh 20 J . Scanlan 2t S. McCarthy 22 T. Ockleshaw (VC .) 22 M . Rus h 23 S. Johnston 24 C. Purss 25 R. Carey 26 P. Purcell 27 P. Rya n

28 Jeremy McDonnell 29 C . Beetham 30 T. Clarke 31 J. Arnold 32 T. Purss 33 N. Bingham 34 R. Colbert 35 R. MacWhirter 36 D. Sapuppo 37 C. Larkins 38 S . Freer 39 M . Green 40 A. T.Jones 41 M. Callihan 42 A. Pyl e 43 T. Woodruff 44 N. Hulett 45 M . Walsh 46 0. Gidley

47 S . Tatulaschwile 50 L . Ginnivan 51 N . Beattie 52 P. Chapman 56 J. Watson 57 N. Moylan 59 M . Higgins 60 M .0'Hanlan 62 D. King 63 T. O'Meara 65 N . Serafini


rr h Sr ,~n dden ' ---a. Darren HE :.;.'. :; ; I C.Keunen 2 B . Garth 3 C . Goullet 4 D . Ballann 5 C . Liberatore 6 M. Harrison 7 S. Clarke 7R S. Perrett 8 J. Evan s ..' 9 M . Kavanagh (vc) 10 N . Mitchel l 11 C . Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C . Mitchell (vc) 14 B. Ryan 15 T. Wilkinson 16 D. Blunt 17 C. Potter 18 J. Cheep 19 A. Mitchell 20 D. Evans 21 B . Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson

23 L. Wilkinson (vc) 24 D . Roac h 25 D. McLaughlin (C 26 A. Smith 27 J. Hughes 28 P. Holland 29 L. Spinner 30 M . Stapleton 31 G. Campbell 32 S. Harvey 32R J . Harvey 33 N . Smit h 34 D . Byrne 35 Tate Pearson 36 A. Marian 37 A. Catterall 38 S .lannazzo 39 M . Juricskay 40 J . Madden 41 S . Matthews 42 B . Miziewicz 43 L . Micel i 44 M. Walsh 45 T. Legudi 46 R . Were 47 D. Hurley 48 L . DeMorton 49 N. Thomas 50 A . Gil l 51 D. Dugina 52 J . Stated 53 P. Harris 54 L . Evans 55 S. Buaryn 56 R . Winduss 57 M. Stewart 58 S. Andrews 59 L. Jordan 60 M . Gourlay 61 D. O'Connor 62 M . Mihaifovic 63 S . Crouch

nay i : Tony a r Res .', : :h : Rob Gross 1 N . Pope 2 M . Mulgrew .. 3 S. Garlick ..,' 4 L. Mahoney (c) 5 M. Dollman 6 D . Mahoney 7 J. Travaglia 8 T McCann 9 B. Field s 10 M . Lucas (dvc) 11 T. Duggan 12 S . McKee 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 W. Guilder 16 B. Garvey (dvc) 17 D . Ryan 18 R. Chard 19 D. Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R. Maguire 22 J . Mount 23 T. Simpson (vc) 24 A . Lync h 25 D . Manton 26 C . Taylor 27 T.OTQol e 28 M. Giansiracusa 29 C. Underwood 30 N. Dowlin g 31 W. Keenan 32 S . O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 34 N . Perrett 35 J . Dempsey 36 P. Mount 37 M. Shannon 38 J. O'Brien 39 M . Dwyer 40 L. Kalesaran 41 M . Drinkwater 42 S . Mount 43 A . DeKretse r 44 John-Paul . Mount 45 A. Smit h 46 L . Gullifer 48 A. Conlan 50 R . Horrocks 51 D. Bare 52 D. Mount 53 B . Hughes 54 G. Holland 56 D. Walsh 57 J . Liston 58 L . Giansiracusa 59 P. Aughto n 60 S. O'Connor 61 R . Caldow 62 A. Jageurs 63 C. Lucas 64 D. Prior 65 R. Short 66 J . Marchesani 71 A . Mulkearns ''. 75 R . Campagn a 82 S. Mitchell 99 P. Murray

1 P. Butko 2 T. Hutchins 3 J. Sturroc k 4 D. Guengench 5 J . Tanne r 6 M . Rigby 7 R . Young 8 J . Hayter 9 A. Lowcock 10 R . Martin 11 L . Nort h 12 0 . Gleason 13 T. Foster 14 A. Henderson 15 L. Ryan

16 M . Kordick 17 G. De Crespigny 18 N . Anderson 19 M. Torney 20 M. Coleman 21 C . Notman 22 B. Millard 23 T. Wilcox 24 S . Russell 25 A . Belly 26 J . Scambler 27 R . Wilkie 28 M .Thomas 29 A . Terrill

30 T. Muhlebach 31 M. Shaughnessy 32 M. Paterson 33 B. Gates 34 T. McKinnon 35 J . McKay 36 R. Minns 37 J . Robbins 38 C . Bradley 39 D . Heinz 40 C . Brookes 41 L . Quin

42 S. Fletcher 43 N . Shuttleworth 44 J. Wood 45 B. Waters 46 H. Rankin 47 A. Millar 48 L. Fishly 49 P. Steele 50 H . Nailon 51 N . Vanderbosh 52 P. Marriott 53 J. Westmore 54 A. Waxman 55 B. Gi n 56 T. Rankin 57 T. Irvine 58 J . Albanis 59 B . Hutchinson 60 D. Strack 61 J . Ritchie 62 C . Ross 63 P. Eden 64 D . McPhail 65 E. Clarke 66 L . Woodhouse 67 D. McAloon 68 J. McKerrow 69 G . Mui r 70 J. Meade 71 P. Marshal l 72 D. Gavara-Nanu 73 C . Hopkins 74 H . Munro 75 J . Moylan 77 J . McQuillan 86 D . Bannister

Old Haileybury v Old Xaverians Old Scotch v Marcelli n Old Trinity v Old Melburnians St Bernards v University Blues Collegians v St Kevin s

C~ SGTT QNMonash Blues v Old Camberwell Beaumaris v Therry Penola 0 B University Blacks v Hampton Rovers Old Paradians v Parkdale Vulture s AJAX v Banyule - at Trevor Barker Oval, Sandringham

D l E TIM Glen Eire v Emmaus St Leos 0 C Old Carey v Ormon d Aquinas 0 C v Old Mentonians Prahran v Bulleen Templestowe Yarra Valley 0 B v Fitzroy Red s k)2 SEC'k'1速% Rupertswood v Oakleigh BenUeigh v Old Geelong Williamstown CYMS v La Trobe Uni Peninsula 0 B v Salesian 0 C Ivanhoe Assumption v Swinburne Un i

123 SEcTZQN West Brunswick v Old Westbourne Power House v South Melb Districts St Johns 0 C v UHS-V U

Moorish Gryphons v Werribee Amateurs Syndal Tally-Ho v Ke w D4 SECTION Box Hill North v Elsternwick Albert Park v Eltham Collegians North Brunswick - By e

St Marys v Hawthorn Amateurs Richmond Central v Bulleen Cobra s -19 SECTtO3~ St Kevins v Marcellin Old Xaverians v Collegians Old Scotch - Bye St Bernards v University Blues Old Brighton v De La Salle

De La Salle v Mazenod 0 C North Old Boys v old Brighton - at Sportscover Arena -Sat

Old Essendon Gr v Whitefriars St Bedes Mentone Tigers v MHSOB Caulfield Or v Old Ivanho e

U _ Banyule Viewbank v Old Melburnians Old Carey v Caulfield O r W ititefriars v Beaumaris Old Camberwell - Bye Old Trinity v Rupertswood


CTzQ~ ~

La Trobe Uni v St Bedes Mentone Tigers University Blacks v Old Ivanhoe MHSOB v Bentleigh

Oakleigh v Monash Blue s AJAX v Old Paradians - Oval 9 or 11 , Albert Park L3tdllER-19 ( 2)':3T.iTI1

Salesian Scorpions v Hampton Rovers Old Haileybury v De La Salle (2) Mazenod 0 C v Oakleigh Clays Peninsula 0 B v Ormon d ER-19 (2) E D Old Scotch - Bye Fitzroy Reds v Kew - at Ftasnsden Street Reserve Bulleen Templestowe v Aquinas 0 C Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Rupertswood (2) Old Westbourne v Therry Penola 0 B

CLUB 1$ (1 1 August 14th . 2005 - at Spost.scover Arena 2 .15 P .M . Preliminary final CLUB 11.0 August 14th . 2005 - at Sgortscover Arena 11 .45 a.m . Preliminary fina l CLUB 1$ I31 August 14th, 2005 - at Sgsortscover Arena 9 .20 a .m . Preliminary final


. ~ .. . . V0" :•'_ out . Yih:)'S ~~.+1z7g ;nJhoG . 9:~a}% G i the


wv5 =r>rne T., . .e 4=' 7 .

t -7d Michael ."-,V1-,,, ;r1 r'vu t! -,e sr re,=-:i_4 . r`)ev : - . . : vs . 2 7 ;~ .? FFk: i~4



Kicking into the breeze down at V .entone _lie Fields started the game strongly by kicking 5 goals in the first stanza . From then on it was a mere procession as Caulfield put together 4 quarters of consistent football to keep in touch with the four and stave off relegation whilst perhaps consigning the disappointina into Section C. Brett Sinclair on fire u ; 8, Nathan Guyett got 5 and Richard Foote marked everything that came to him . A tough contest at Sportscover saw both Old Brighton and Whitefriars showing flashes of form but not being able to maintain it . But the Tonners came from behind at the orange break and finished the stronger because their extra height allowed them to exploit the conditions and win in the air. Robbie Kent was terrific all day, David Dawes had hands like glue and Adam Pirrie again dangerous in front of the sticks . In MMA'S big game the i I side played with the same intensity of last week and set up their win with a great first quarter . Although trying very hard the undermanned NOES could just not make

what was preabr.f i th eir best wi n or the s eason ' a any leeway on their visitors who won every, quarter. Kelly, Bourbon and the Chamberlain* s were good for the victors . A fantastic win for Old Ivanhoe out at Essendon . In what was probably their best win for the season the Hoers put together 4 dominant quarters of footy to completely swamp QEG . And things can only get better . Rowan Weddle put in a big one . Hope marked everything and Scott Curatolo good too . DLS bounced back with a 35 point victory in front of a solid crowd at Waverley Park . Pretty close encounter for the first half until De La started to dominate the clearances and sharpen their skills . Bennv Mannix took marks at both ends of the ground, Damien Rayson, and Luke Seager moved the ball quickly and Jarrod Moloney made a welcome return .


:s welcome to Donvale . I

believe that the Friars are not far away from a win an d will certainly have a crack today but even away from home can't go past De La . This time last year in exactly the same situation Mazenod beat Old Brighton and wrecked their finals chances . The Nodders certainly won't be without confidence and form has been good of late but Old Brigton are in good nick too and with the return of a few defenders will just be a bit strong . Chelsworth Park awaits the Tigers in a tough road trip . The young Tigers put in a shocker last week and will be looking to redeem themselves today . O1d. Ivanhoe just keep on keeping on and will just have too many big guns and too much firepower for the Tigers . NOB come across town to visit Caulfield Grammarians who after a minor stumble are now back in good touch . Important as far as finals' aspirations for the Fields today . NOBS are badly undermanned at the moment and try as they will it's the Fields for me at home.

Fourth spot could be well and truly decided tonight at 5pm after MHSOB welcome Old Eu<er'dcra to the School Oval . Plenty of motivation with the vital spoils of a finals berth going to the

N orth Old Boys Caulfield Grammarians Old Brighto n MHSOB B S MHSOB Whitefriars Old Ivanhoe De La Saf e

Minton-Connell Sinclair Pirrie Pertzel

Aitken Woods Hawkes L Walker

66 47 43 41 0 27 0 27 2 27 0 24


one prepared to put their hand up follow team rules and do the hard things . At home in front of a supportive crowd I think it will be the Unicorns . a 0 EN'FS . PRESS Cl Please drop me an email to braincoCqDptusnet .com .au .


3 `Z.` OY

vanhoe - congratulate Chris Georgiou an d Richard Butler on reaching 5 0 games on the 30/7 and this week respectively . Chris has come up thru the U119s, and has shown the grit and determination to come back from a full knee reconstruction to cement a place in the seniors as a sweeping half back flanker, while Richard also thru the U/ 19's, is now a tall versatile player who can play as a defender or forward and is doing well in our successful reserves team . Chris Murphy - Caulfield Grammarians notched up his 50th game last Saturday . U19 captain in '04, Murph has stepped up this season to play consistent footy . A terrific young guy at our club, all at the Fields look forward to man y

ore games in the blue & the white . Salle - 1 0 43 Games up for Andrew :ish . Andrew played his first 2 games wit h ! Golds in 2000 and completed his 52 game Under 19 career with the Blues . Andrew, who broke into the Senior team in round 14 of the "A" Grade 2004 season achieved the 100 game milestone in the least time possible, a tribute to his fitness and dedication .A confident and reliable defender, Andrew is sure to add to his Senior tally in the near future . Well done Andrew! iiorth Old Boys - congratulate Matthew Cribbes on playing his 50th game for the club today . It's been a while coming for Malty, who started with '_dorth in 2002, but he's got there finally . Gisborne born and bred, he's been a fantastic contributor to the club on and off the field. His form as a reliable hackman, leadership and devotion to the club were rewarded with the reserves captaincy this year, and he's led from the front with his second to none courage and ,ommitment . Well done on getting to the 50

un s Matty, now to the 100 .

.. .

Whitefriars v De La Salle Mazenod 0 C v Old Brighton - reserves to e ce at 10 .40 a .m . " ;OB v Old Essendon O r Old Ivanhoe v St Bedes Mentone Tigers Caulfield Or v North Old Boys

~_,~ DE IA 5 :?- LE 2.5 5.10 11.14 14.18 (102) ivuiSOB 3.1 5 .6 7 .8 9.13 (67) DLS: Manrtix 4 Moore 4 Rayson 3 Johnstone J Moloney Vague . Best: Manrllx Jarvis Moore P Harrison Seager Rayson . MHSOB : Bamert 2 Fairchild 2 Horne Pertzel Walker White Rosman . Best: Gerner Hogan Fairchild Thompson Pertzel Walker . Umpires : David Phillips Jaime Kvins (F) Dean Herskope Simon Abel (B) Daniel Kofo:xl Anthony Kyrkou (G) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .2 7.5 9.10 13.15 (93) FRIARS 3 .1 7.2 12 .4 13.8 (86) Old Br* Pirrke 6 Dawes 2 Kent J Edge CrIIly Mason Perrett . Best: Kent Dawes Picnic S Gadsden MacGillivTay Gimllvan . White: Tomey 4 Carrigg 3 Ross 2M Carbone Crea Cunningham MarchesL Best: Phan G Power CanYgg Cunningham Kennedy A Carbone . Umpiaes: Steve McCarthy Rob Mayston (F) Will Stokes Peter Monotti (B) Daniel Brookes Eddie Boal (G ) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .0 4 .2 6.4 9.6 (66) hIAZENOD 4.5 7.10 10 .11 14 .14 (98) BOB : M Barker 3 Sleep 2 Butcher Tonkin Curry Citreon . Best: Tonkin Map)estone Cassell T Sheehan Hooking Alsop . PRaz: C Jayaweera 4 T Castricum 3 Bourban 2 Kelly 2 S Castrtcum Fuller Dunne . BesC Kelly Bourbon B Chamberlain Reed D Chamberlain Meehan . Umpires: Mark Gibson Dirk Kramer (F) Matthew Jackson Brendan Cannon (B) Clive Shipley Graeme Booth (G) OLD ESSENDON GI2 0.1 3 .4 5 .4 6 .5(41) OLD IV OE 7.6 11 .8 15.16 19.21 (135) Old Fee: Forrest 3 Flaherty Bartram Leask . Best : Towner Flaherty Fewster Ryan Biggs Frazer. Old Iv: Weddle 5 Haras 3 Lochran 2 Theodossi 2 DtnakLs 2 Russian Kent Price Branigan Collings . Best : Kefalas Curatolo Branigan Hope Price Weddle. Um : Luke Holmes Daniel Wardley (RFL) (F) Andrew ErrinE ,aton Steven Rich (RFL) (B) Bernie Hoare Mark Taylor (RFL) (G ) ST BEDES RSE2drOF4E TIGERS 1 .4 3.6 7 .10 12.12 (84) CAULFIELD GB 5 .2 12 .4 15.5 22 .10 (142) SLBJ1W1': L Terrell 4 Beveridge 3 Scafldis 2 M Terrell Connolly L Wintle . Best: McColl Connolly Tyquin Beveridge Rowse M WinOe . Caul: Sinclair 8 Guyett 5 James 2 Kendall 2 Wills Wright Barker B Gross Gerrand . Best: Sinclair Foote Knights Hammond Sayers Guyett . Umpires : Simon Stokes Joe Hartwig (F) Paul Carroll James Gregory (B) Matthew Kent Craig Arcot (G) B RESERVE DE LA SALLE 1 .2 3 .5 3.5 5 .7(37) MHSOB 4 .0 4 .1 8.4 9.6(60) DLS : Browning Buckley Cosstick Ellis Hirst . Best : Gilbert Casshck McLeish Quick Skinns Hirst. B: Coxson 5 Dunne Backway. Best: Coxson Bowen Moore Robinson Czwarno Dunne. OLD BRIGHTON 1 .2 1 .2 5.4 6 .4 (40) 0.1 5.6 6 .8 8 .13 (61) WHITEFRIARS Old Br. Salem 2 Maguire Angelmi Ellis Larkin . Best : McNteol Ellis D Paterson Perry Reddtn Salem. White; Brisbane 4 Wallace 2 Stafford M Baker. Best : Stafford Webb Brisbane Wallace Cleven Dav. NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .2 4 .3 6.5 7 .5(47) MAZENOD 5.1 10.6 13.10 20.13 (133) NOB: 0'Conner 2 Barden 2 D Joyce 2 Watt. Best : McKenzie Braid Barden O'Conner B Sheehan Cugo)a. Maz: Paine 9 Nelson 4 Miller 2 Boyd Schiano Murray Paine Tilling. Best : Raine Miller Murray Souter Veltman Boucherau. OLD ESSENDON OR 4.5 8.6 9.10 9.11 (65) OLD IVANIIOE 0.1 3.5 5 .7 7.10 (52) Old Ess: Hakim 4 Caponetto 2 Stone Parker Flaherty. Best: J Daz}dw Stonnont Stone Rumble Kavanagh Parker. Old Ivanhoe: Cornelius 3 Hawkes 2 Matthew Pearce . Best: Cornelius Smith Tiernan Ge . George Keane McKie . 51 NE TSGERS 6.3 9.6 17.9 18.15 (123) CAULFIELD GR 2.0 5.3 5 .3 9.5 (59) St BBRT : Andrews 3 Osborne 3 Buck 2 T Groves 2 M McColl 2 Zahara 2 Cieslak Hlpwzll Napier Paterson . Best : Napier Kidd Paterson Buck Waters Cleslak. CauL• Cassidy 3 Scott 3 Grigg Murphy Deal . Best : Foley Bosna McGrath Deal Hasforth Rudd .


Coach: Stepr i Wright as Coach: Lachlan Kellaway Res: Peter OtivtEri

1 J Foley 2 A Bruhn 3 C Knight 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendall 6 N Crave n 7 R O'Neill 8 R Foote 9 M Frater 10 A Will (C) 11 B Carboni 12 D Pearce (VC) 12 M Sainsbury 13 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Docker 16 N Fallu 16 J Wright 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxter 18 J James 19 B Evans 20 H Vella 21 M Pennycuick 22 C Fagan 23 C McGrath 24 C Murphy 25 B Sinclair 25 N Dorman 26 5 Widlaja (VC) 27 J Sayers 28 J Jacobs 29 N Guyett 30 M Sharpe 30 D Elias 31 W Bowes 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryers 34 H Baker 35 S Thompso n 36 G Crathern 37 B Scott 38 N Edwards 39 A Bosna 40 M Wilson 41 B Jeffkins 42 A Strain 43 T Gerrand 44 B Hasforth 45 B Acfield 46 K Weir 47 S Jenkinson 48 R Chapple 49 G Poutter 50 N Green 51 WRudd 52 G Winter 53 J Gross 54 T Franklin-Jones 55 C Hooper 56 B Napier 57 P Farmer 58 S Cunlit# e 59 D Buckthought 60 R Saunders 61 T Royal 62 C Sheppard 63 Z D 'Arcy 64 T Wailes 65 B Jenkinso n 66 C Grigg 67 D Loetje 68 L Cotton 71 M Cassidy THE








Cksu 111- nm Cw K

1 L. Walker C r 2 R. Buckley C 3 B . Corin 4 L. Harrison DVC 5 M . Duggan VC 5r R . Quick 6 M. Moore 7 P. Harrison DVC 7r M. Ellis 8 J . La Ragy g J . Moloney 10 T. Silvers 10r R. Hardacr e 11 P. Bourk e 12 M . Fieldsend 13 A. Johnstone 14 W . Dwyer 15 P. Bowden 16 S. Hyland 17 L . Bowden 18 A . Coffey 19 R . McArdle 19r G . Gilbert 20 A . Shields 21 D. Payson 22 M . Brow n 23 R . Sherma n 24 J. Morel 24r A. Powell 25 C . Hyde 27 M . O'Donnell 28 J Hirst 30 B . Mannix 31 S . Hyde 32 D. Lowe 33 N. Stewart 34 B. Vague 36 W. Jolley 38 V. Moloney 39 B. Oakley 41 D . McInerney 42 A . Skinns 42r D. Jarvis 43 A . Greenalgh 44 D. Close 45 R. Walmsley 46 L. Jarvi s 47 S. CossLCk 49 A. Boot s 50 S. Conway 51 P. Hesse 52 T. Maloney 53 D . Browning 55 A . McLeish 56 L. Seeger 57 R . Hancock 59 D. Colman 62 C. Punton

Asst C~ Ar , R. C~a i .y 1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 D. Christie 4 C. Lee 5 D. Chamberlain 6 P. Nelson 7 S. Reed 8 A. Morris 9 D . Kelly 10 B . Chamberlain 11 D . Hose 12 J . Cuberes 13 M . Regan 14 N. Meehan 15 N. Parry (VC) 16 M. Apoltonio 17 T. Pitts 18 D . Dunne 19 L . Buszard 20 C . Murray 21 S . Castricum 22 S . Veltman 23 S . Oldman 24 D. Nisbett 25 S. Stanley 26 J. Dunne (C) 27 M. Regan 28 P. Jones 30 D . Hansen 31 P. Delmastro 32 A . Strewn 33 S . Batfoch 34 C. Boyd 35 R. Hawkins 36 G. Miller 37 T. Valiance 38 D. Hallet 39 D. Oldman 40 G . Massey 41 M. Venturini 42 C . Paine 43 J . Schiano 44 D . Linden 45 S . Paine 46 D. Hensman 47 A . Manjekian 48 C. Jayaweera 51 M . Murray 52 G . Tilting 53 J. Mather 54 D . Grant 55 L . Fuller 57 P. Souter 58 D . Morris 60 A . Bouchereau 61 M . McDowell 64 T. Bourbon 66 J . Pereira 67 J. Bates 68 L . Hawkins

C, :h : Tony Egan Res G ch: Brendan Smale s

R. C 4_ :a : ur ~~ wn 1 J. Cassell 1 J Bamert 2 S McCully (S-Capt) 2 J. Penel l 3 D Rosman 3 T. Sheeha n 4 M White (S-VC) 4 S . Stee p 5 B Bethera s 5 A . Cramen 6 M Brain 6 H . F,Aapleston e 7 S Whittington 7 J . Brown e 8 J Garner 8 S . Cox 8 J Dixon 9 L. Curry g D Fairchild 10 To. Brad y 10 P Smith 11 T. Robert s 10 1 Barrett 12 G . Max'ton 11 R Temes 12 J Aitken 13 S. O'Connor 12 M Felerkranz 15 J. Nihill t3 S Anderson 16 C . Dyno n 14 M Hamilton-Ho 17 T. Spurting 15 A O'Brien 19 P. Flander s 16 J="datker 20 J . Sutherlan d 17 G McCully 21 A . Wellman 18 R limbrick (S-DVC ) 22 D. Tehan 18 C Wright 23 S. Minton-Connell 19 S Robinson 24 M. Fitzgerald 20 L Horne 20 T Frac>_ek (R-DVC) 26 D . Brady 27 C . O'Bree 21 W Tatt 22 A Svirskis 28 D . Joyce 23 A Hogan 29 C . Hosking (VC ) 24 J Pertzel 30 D . Stribley 25 H Taylo r 31 L. Boyle 25 A ycendese 32 B . Sheeha n 26 L Evans 33 M . Barker 27 W Backway 35 M . Carney 28 T Dunne 36 D. Tonkin (C) 28 S Moore (R-DVC) 37 A. Farrar 29 W White 38 M. Amor 30 K McDonald 40 A.Egan 31 M Bowen 32 A Cassell 41 Gargan 33 L Campbell 42 D .Sheehan 34 E Thompson (S-DVC) ~ J . McKenzi e 34 D Henzel 45 G . Irvi n 35 P Rujevic (R-VC) 47 J . Mahe r 36 S Magee 48 M . Kelly 37 T Harper 49 A. Cugol a 37 M Ing 53 S. Butcher 38 C Nai;on I 54 B. Govett 39 D Fox 55 C . Strbtey 40 A Lust (R-Capt) 58 R . Citreon 41 J Anderson 42 C Wright 60 M. Cribbes (RC ) 43 R Cozen 64 Ti. Brady 44 J Newton 66 P. Bryar 45 R Czwarno 46 I Dealing 47 D Holkenberg 48 M Webster 49 S Yu e 50 K Harding 51 D Vicendes e 52 M Land y 53 5 Mitchel l 54 D Learmont-Walke r 55 C Eva 56 T Wright 57 S Fole y 58 P Greenhill 59 A Hal l 60 M Nicholas . .

Rag$'ye & Horn e


C t e r . : E "1


Major Sponsor Custodia n . . , I uilder s



n : Greg


;t : Adam


Cc-: .fm ,^,,.; Perry ? A. Pine 3 C . Barrow

3 L. McDonald :

A. FrtacGiliivray (dvc)

5 A. Edge

6 R . Stewart

7 C. Pertai n 7 8 C . McNicol (Co C .R .) 9 P. Phelan (Capt) 10 J. Edge 71 B. Mason 12 J. Parrett (dvc ) 12 S. Eastgate 13 R. Kent 13 N. Edwards 14 S. Williams

15 B . Gadsden 16 J . Hamann . Van Den Dungan 17

18 A . Salem 18 M. Jackson 19 S . Ginnevan 19 P. Ameiini 20 M. Smith 21 F . Joseph 21 T Ewert 22 J . Murch

23 D . Dawes 24 S. Gadsden

25 A. Kennedy

26 A. Ginnnan 27 D. Paterson 28 A. Bristow 29 J. Dickerso n 29 B. Richardson

30 T. March 31 A. Paroissten 31 S. Jackson

32 A. Goldner 33 L. Date

34 T. Gibson 35 C. Stewart 36 R. Henderson (Co C. R.) 17 D• Hushes IT si

Coach: David Calthorpe 1 D . Biggs 2 T. Biggs

2 L . O'Brien 3 D . Forrest 4 D. Ryan 5 S. De Mo rt on 5 T Hargreaves 6 C. Ridle 6 T. Hand y 6 B . Dawson 7 J . Leask 8 B . Hakim 9 J . Stormont 10 M . Flaherty 11 D . Cetantonio 11 B . Papal

L. c R . Fishe r 45 C . PicKimm - ~.1. Townsend 48 R Thomas

49 B. Scott

50 Vd. Leaf 51 J. Lynch 53 H. B°kett 54 J, ~e y 56 B. Paterson 57 P. Paterson 8 G. Brown

59 N. Larkin

60 C. Brown 62 J . Bulfin

63 D . Ellis

64 M .Red 66 A .Tregear 67 S . Cooney 68 M. Dubyna 69 A. Mandylaris 71 B. Humphreys

72 N, Allardice 74 C.Butterss

1 2 3 4

A . Oates L. Lochran (V/Capt) S. Curatolo S. Geilings (Sens) B. Davis ( Res)

5 C . Georgia

6 S. Kent 7 J . Gieschen 8 G . Hope

9 D. Payne

10 C. Crowley {ViGapt} 11 N. Russian 12 C. Branigan 13 A. Alagona 14 B. Thompson 15 T. Beinke 16 S . Price

12 J . Kavanagh

17 M . Veal

13 M. Bossi 14 R . Legudi 15 A. Parke r 16 C. Day 17 S. Towner 17 J. Lloyd 18 D. Flaherty 18 C. Devereux

20 D. Hawkes ( Capt-Res) 21 S . Fragiacemo 22 B . Nagel 23 K . Theodassi 24 G. Haros 25 E . Byrne 26 I. Dawkins

19 T. Wilson

27 N . Holloway (V1C-R)

20 R. Baddeley

28 M. Tobias

20 A . Burbrrdge 21 S . Dale 21 T. Stone 22 M . Portia 23 J . Hughes 23 T. Skurrie 24 J . Dazkivr 25 A . Fraz er 25 E . Baskan 26 C . Ward

29 R . Weddle

27 J . Williamson 27 A. Mckenzie 28 A. Fewster 29 S. Jose 30 C . Inness 31 D . Candi 32 P. Grapsas

32 D. Poulton 4 1 1. --ire ( ) r~ra v

Coach : Gerard E _diy F Cc :h: Brad Low

6 , Cc ch : Dan Winkel

33 J. Dazkiw 34 D. Podger 35 T. Rumble 36 C. Gbliubek 37 L. Fitzgerald 38 T. Campbell 39 t Hargreaves 40 C. Kafogiannis 41 B . Overman 42 N. Barham 43 A . McGowan 44 L. Kavanagh 45 D. Winkel 45 P. Bar ry 46 M. Makris 47 S . Howard 48 A . Salvo 50 A . Chapman 51 C . Brooks 52 C . Davies 53 J. Phansour 54 L . Bones 55 A. Christou 55 C . Morgan 56 L . Frazer 57 L . Wilson 61 A.Nowland

18 J . Hope (Capt) 19 P. Dinakis

30 J. Leech

31 J. Stevens 32 5. Ketalas 33 N. Pratt 34 A. Tieman 35 M . Pollock 36 G . Ha rtrick 37 A. Baldwin

38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J . Keane 41 Z . Keane 42 S . Low (V1Capt) 43 W. Cornelius 4 4 M Luxon 45 N . Antoniou 46 R . Butler

47 S . Snell

48 G. Smiih 49 C . Quinlan 50 M. Verrocchi 51 J . UI ans 52 B. Wright 53 L . Courage 54 S. Smith 55 S. Pearce 56 B. Leskie 57 B. Smart 58 L. Balzan 59 R. Stagg 60 J . Siegersma 61 L Skoul4os 62 J . Mathew 63 D. Ber ry 64 J . Bntte n 65 D. Campbell- Frase r 66 D. Waikley 68 B . Parker 69 M . Corr 70 M . Tolley 71 A . Parker

Co-•ch: Russell Barnes Res Coach : Tim Lamb 1 B Collins

2 L Wintle 3 L Beretta 4 L Beveridge 5 S Napier

6 J Kan-

7 S Rose 8 A Scafidi 9 M Terrell 10 M Wmtle 12 P G ro ves 13 R Sampieri 14 A Connolly

15 T McColl

16 A Hip ;vell 17 N Corda

18 D Lynch 1 9 M .Hton 20 L McMurray

21 J Connel ly 22 L Capsalis 24 J Tyquin 25 J Knuppel 26 M Hecker

27 S Kingwell

28 M Andrews 29 D Waters 30 M fv9cGettigan 31 C Osborne

32 G Kempster 33 S Zakic 34 L Carson

35 A Sewers

36 A Walstab 37 T Groves

38 J Maddocks 39 D.Lynch 39 M McColl 40 M Kelleher 41 M Rowse 41 O .Suckling

42 M Wilson

43 A Paterson `14 M Rhode n 45 L Cestak 46 B .Wdsnn 47 E Ritchie 48 J Heys 4 9 S Rowse 50 S Kidd 51 A Buck 52 T Beasley 53 LGeargradis 54 S Bell 55 4i Fi rt h 56 L Flavelle 57 S Meehan

58 C Chariton

59 B Logan 61 M Zahara 63 M Lomagno 64 P McGeitigan 66 R Parsons 67 J McEniry 69 N Gordon 70 L Terrell

Coach Pat Manni x Asst. Coach : Peter Randall Res . Coach : Chris Rubic k 3 M. Carbone 5 B. Phan

6 P. Campbell 7 S. Brosol o B. Janso n 9 A. Pawlik 11 T. Wallace 12 S . Phelan 13 J . Anderson

14 L Carng g i6 J . Powe r 17 A . Carbon e 18 M . Baker 19 A . Hill 20 L. Swai n 21 S. Alexander 22 N . Cunningham 23 P. Stagg 24 J. Daou 25 G . Day 27 B. Gardine r 28 A. Bake r 29 A. Glen n 30 M . Powe r 31 A. Baggoley 32 G. Kenned y

33 C. Fulton 34 D. Gbufchev 36 C. Dye r

38 C. Carngg

39 N. Brisban e 40 D. Atkin s 42 S . Anderso n 43 N . Elliot t 44 B . Bird 45 S . Cleve n

46 M. Duffy 48 J . Treyvau d 50 D . Cre a 52 R . Pig go t 54 C . Ross 55 P. Tobi n

57 A. Woods 58 P. Poutne y 59 T Nunan 60 R. Pawlik 62 B. Stafford 63 Z . Webb 65 D. Eame s 66 J . Box 70 C. Pelos i 71 R. Matt iso n 72 K . Papproth

Buxton Real _ _

Kingston ChiroppacticE

72 L. McKie

M iles Real Estat e

? i• Fnrrn/

Be ndi g o B ank , E35t 6YaPlhae


FCL Interstat e T ranspo rt Service s 9396900 0 WWW .fc l .COrll .a(1


A.F.C . ii ,



;j V.A .F. A.

"Your Coaches' Association "

I must have read at least a dozen articles ( why we never let our assistant coache s . The boardman is an on the role of the assistant and while most work the game board of them have been quite informative I can't say that any of them have touched on the most important ingredient in being a successful assistant coach . The assistant coach must have the ability to be flexible, to change the way he goes about his role to best fit in with the type of senior coach he is working with . All senior coaches have strengths and weaknesses and the better assistants can identify these, fit in with their demeanour and style of coaching and give more in the areas of the senior coach's weaknesses . At our club we are big on player feedback , our senior coach does an evaluation of each player, rates their game and gives some positive and negative written feedback . All players are encouraged to approach the senior coach if they have any queries but it seldom happens and the reason for this is that part of my role during the week is to get to each senior player during training/before or after and spend about 5-10 mins talking about what we like about what they are doing but also offering up ideas for how they can improve certain parts of their game . Our senior coach runs training and while I assist with training my role is primarily a one on one mentoring one . I believe we have got it right for as Graham "Burgs" Burgen says, anyone can move hats around, these kids need to get access to your knowledge, knowledge you have gained from watching football for a lifetime . Game day is another thing all together and you have to be able to see what is going to happen before it happens that's

important role it is not the role of the assistant coach so for all you assistant coaches out there working the board on game day you are either being wasted or you're not the assistant coach you are in fact the board man . The more footy heads you have got watching the game on game day the better and that's why come finals time we always approach opposition coaches that aren't involved in finals to see whether they would like to be involved with a minor role with us during finals . We haven't had a knock back yet ! because most coaches know they would like more help on game day . In the breaks at 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 time I am first in, I am always positive, I speak quietly and clearly and make no more than 2-3 points before our senior coach addresses the team . The most important thing I do week in week out is to monitor the mood of the senior coach and evaluate how to best fit in with him to complement what he is doing and what collectively we are trying to achieve for this playing group and the club as a whole . Darren Kane Assistant Coach Fitzroy Reds FC Level2 Coach THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 26C



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L ~. . _o :JUSE .

SPORTS AN D M EDICAL SUPPLIES 156 George Street, Fitzroy Vic . 3065 Tel : 9419 7344 Fax: 9417 7419


There can be no doubt the ultimate strength of the senior club in the VAFA competition is very dependent on the strength of its Under 19 team . There are several current MHSOBFC Under 19 players who have already played a number of games with the B Grade senior team . Many more current seniors have come through the ranks of the 19s and the lower age groups teams at the school. Will Taft, Matthew Hamilton-Ho, Lachie Evans and Simon Anderson have all had games in the seniors in 2005 and now they are back in the 19s the side is performing very well indeed . Continued victories in the remaining three games may even see them gain a spot in the finals. We are particularly pleased with the rapport between coach Brad James and the young lads, most being university students . Training times are difficult to achieve for many players, yet their

Brad James, the MHSOBFC U19 Coach endeavour on the field of a Saturday is unquestioned. Brad's ability to bring the best out of the lads is evidence of his total commitment and high quality communication skills, so important with this age group . However, we do need to pay attention to servicing the 19s with sufficient game day staff so the coach just has to coach and the players just have to play. Greater parental support would be appreciated, together with the support of committee and supporters, at least on a rotational basis ,

All at MHSOBFC congratulate Ash Hogan on playing his 50th game for the club against De La Salle last Saturday. Ash's brilliance on the wing has been a major factor in our success in 20045. Ash has been the winner of our Albon-Betheras Award for the past 2 years, the best senior footballer under 21 years of age. 13

Five cracking games of amateur footy with two absolute thrillers and the others close all day, before the winners edged clear . Six teams into four spots still doesn't equate, so which teams can hack the pace with just three to play.

next season . McWhinney, Forster Knight and Crotty were gallant an d

Edwards was again a shining light for TP .

REVIEW What a game! Amateur footy at its finest between two desperate teams hungry for victory. 90 seconds to play and the Wellers hit the front! At the bounce, the Sharks pressed forward and Matulick marked . From 40, with just moments to go, he slotted the most valuable of his half dozen to break OC hearts . Perryman and Credlin were outstanding for the vanquished, McNicholas and Pitts just as good for the winners .

They had played for three quarters and still Parkdale Vultures and the Ashers couldn't be separated . It was fierce and frantic in the final term, but the experienced Vultures just managed to outlast the young Students . The Sullivans were instrumental in the Parkdale win . Williams, Renton & some of the youngsters were exciting for Monash . Ajax burst from the blocks kicking four goals to zip within the opening ten minutes against Paradians and virtually carried that margin for the remainder of the day . Segal and Israelsohn rushed the ball forward and Jackas Kirzner, was there to consolidate . Boundy and Harford were the leading goalscorers for OP, but it wasn't enough to stop them falling from the four . The result may look comfortable enough, but that was only due to a nine goal last term blast by Uni, as they finally shook off a determined and committed Banyule . Costello, Barlow and Al Smith were Blacks stars, as the young Bears threw everything at the ladder leaders, only to run out of puff at the end . H ampton Rovers led by Browne, Burggraaff and Fletcher had their noses in front of Therry and ran away from the home side in the final quarter to condemn the hosts to Dl


a ; --d t-_ , Wellers might k d i~-" Pw -tlyq but has y co :- 3 __zree weeks . early . . . ' PREVIEW OP and the Wellers might think differently, but has finals footy come three weeks early, with the top four sides in action against each other? Gentlemen, start your engines! Parkdale Vultures have the toughest run home of the finals combatants and with three teams nipping at their heals, just one loss could curtail playoff aspirations . The Blacks also have a tough run, but their top two place is already assured . Uni won this clash by ten large in Rd . 7 and whilst it will be closer today, they will again salute .

Ajax bounded back to the winners list accounting for a finals rival last week and ar e

N Ajax Therry Penola Old Camberwell C RESERVE Beaumaris Old Camberwell Old Paradians Beaumaris


Kirzner Edwards Loat s

4 77 4 61 3 58

Vance Craven Spinoso Bowker

0 2 0 0

32 29 28 24


eager to repeat the dose against the Sha_`-s, in what will be another ripper game . As good sides do, when it seemed lost last week, Beauy dug deep and found a way to win . They are certainly good enough to chalk -win number 12, but I think their last start may have sapped them a little and I'll pick the Jackets . OC know they may have done their finals dash, but to have any chance they must win their remaining matches and that means beating Therry, which they should do . It's a similar story for OP who also must win to try and reclaim their top four place . They will not want to take the young Bears lightly who are playing with nothing to lose, but Paradians must win . It's been a disappointing year for both Hampton Rovers and Monash, but today is a chance to earn some bragging rights . In an even contest, the Students will prevail . Correspondents : Glen Harrison hiiiarroCayahoo .com

>n - :aveas - The Kid play s 'f3

Gat--_e . Congratulations Mr - :.


I c : e1l ar on achieving this milestone . Matthew is a past B&F txrirnler ; club Captain ; VAFA state representative and one of few to play in the last three premiership teams . Congratulations Kid on an outstanding Career . Old Camberwell - congratulations to Sarn Hors ' s who played his 150th game last week. Sam first joined the club in '92 . During his time he has won an Association B&F, club B&F and played in several premiership teams . His value to the club on field is matched by his organization skills off field . Also Tom Kearney who played his 100th game against Hampton Rovers . Tom joined the club in '99, was a premiership player in '99 & '00 and 01 with the reserves . He has worked on his abilities in the past seasons & is developing into a fine player for the club . Well done to both players .

C C: E '.^.~ ~-!1 Hampton Rovers v Monash Blue s

Old Camberwell v Therry Penola 0 B Parkdale Vultures v University Blacks Banyule v Old Paradian s AJAX v Beaumaris - at Trevor Barker Oval, Sandringham

:~ O ::iSlz ::LUL3 4 .3 4 .5 9.6 11 .9 (75) P A1,E VULTURES 3.1 5 .7 8.12 10.17(77) Man Blues : O'Sullivan 3 Bolton 2 Pay 2 Craven 2 Coe Williams . Best: Renton Williams Smith Smvth Blackley MacKenzie . Park Vult: Macgeorge 4 S Sullivan 3 M Sullivan T Right Hayes . Best: S Sullivan M Sullivan P Sullivan Rechford McCraw T Barr. Umpires: . ck Fennessy Peter Angelis (F) Sam Perrin Jack Regester (G)

5.2 7 .4 I1 .6 13.7 (85) 6.4 9.8 13.12 19 .14 (12s ) 7'hePry zu Edwardes 6 McW7vnnev 3 Capm-ell Fenton D Goodwin Henderson . Best : Mcl:'hinnev Forster-Knight Crotty T Goodwin Quinn Farokt . Ha:npt Ron Power 5 Browne 3 Fletcher 2 Lambert 2 Parkinson 2 Pinto 2 Burggraaff Holt Woohich . Best: Browne Parkinson Burggraafi Zampaglione Power Fletcher. Umglres : Ken MeNiece Brendan Devlin (F) Paul Leggett Sean Collin s v(B) Dominic Napoli Daniel Dal Pos (G ) BEAUMARIS 4 .1 6.1 8.3 11 .7 (73) OLD CAMBERWELL 2 .6 5.6 7.10 10 .11 (71) Be,num: Matuhck 6 Caote 2 Lee 2 Hogarth . Best : Matulick Pitts L MeNichalas Corte Graham Teasdale. Old Camb : Hardenberg 2 D uling Hardman Horgan Horskins Howard B Ryan P Tempone Tyrannous . Best: Perryman Mitchell Credlin B Ryan Hardman Pike . Um : Shane Mackintosh Rick Love (F) Jordan Maystan Martin Kinsey (B) Bruce Stephens Greg Rollo (G ) Bill BL4 .CIKS 3.4 7.5 9.8 18.14 (122) BANYUI E 4 .2 6.5 10.6 11 .9 (75) Doll Blacks: Lallch 3 Savage 2 Green 2 Barlow 2 DowslYy 2 Kempton 2 N Hamilton 2 Hardy Evans Sandlford . Best : A Costello Snith Goonan Abeltharpe Scarlett Barlow. B•npule: N Taylor 4 Phelan 2 Willmore Sldcko Wise Davies Green . Best: Oconnell Lards Willmare Skkeko C Tavlor Green . Umpires: David Irons Justin Lipson (F) Elise Van Grondelle Amanda Whittaker (B) James Muga4in Tristan Collin (G) PARADLUiS 2 .2 4 .5 8.9 11 .13(79) AJAX 5.3 10 .5 13 .7 16.9 (105) Old Per: Boundy 6 D Burford 2 Curran DintinoGante htatko . Best: Gale Brabender Boundv McAllister D Harford Curran . AJAX- Kirzner 7 Gold 2 Porat 2 Blieder Codran Heine Klein IsmelJohn. Best : M Seigal Israel,John KIIZner E Raleigh Buzemnan Klein . Um : Anthony Calderone Ian Senunens (RFL) (F) Julian Macciord Gu s Carp.zano (RFL) (B) Peter Maddocks C RESERVE MONASH BLUES 3.3 8.5 11 .9 13.10 ( PARKDALE 0.3 2 .4 2 .4 6.5(41) Mon Blues: Mazur 4 Murchie 2 Jones 2 Lul Hatns Anderson Hindle Dennis. Best : De Young Payne Anderson Mains Mazur Murchie . Parkdale. Wilkins 3 Rowley Stewart Waters . Best: Walker Scerd Stewart Rowley Wilkins O'Meara T[ . .'1 dOLA 3.1 7.5 10.5 15 .10(100) : .. _ :. . rOPd ROVERS 2.3 2 .4 6 .8 7.10 (52) Theory Pen: Keenan 5 Clarke 3 Kenessey 2 S Goodwin Karst Maloney Marrtnon Anderson. Best : Kelly S Sacco Kenessey biarrinon Keenan Munalne. Hampt Ron Mosbey 2 Blkk 2 McKellar Fisher Anderson. Best : Crowther Wheeler Mosbev Davis Foster McKellar . BEA S 1 .2 3 .2 5 .4 8.7 (55) OLD CAMBERWELL 2.1 5.5 9.5 11 .5 (71) Beaum: Kirta 3 Shattock 3 Vance J Whitty . Best : A O'Brien J Wintry Bramwell McConchfe Kuria Presnell. Old Camb: MarwDod 3 Gough 2 Brauer L Heffernan Jones Joyce Kearney A Whelan . Best: S Derry Schmidt Sheerly Jells Kearney Maru~md. Uiv'd BLACKS 3 .2 7.4 10.9 13 .14 (92) BANYULE 0.3 1 .3 1 .4 2 .6(18) Unl Blacks : Maffat 3 Jesse 2 Cameron 2 Beaton Prestige Brumby Rendell Mcasste Rossv. Best : Jesse Rossy Scott Thompson Henry Powell . Banyule: Witchell Depetro. Best : Hopped Thomson Mutton Ferral Wilmore Prior. OLD PARADIANS 2 .4 4 .5 6.7 9 .13 (67) MAX 1 .0 3.5 6.6 7 .7(49) Old Pan Spinaso 3 T Ryan 2 Derham 2 L Harford Joyce . Best: T Ryan Egan DiFabto Joyce Furze Spinoso . MAX : Yudelman 2 Thurin Kagan Lukav Redlich Goldbloom. Best : Gokibloom R Hagan Rubenstein Yudelman Zemski Siedl.


C Section AJAX

Coach : Tim 0'Shaughnessy Res. Coach: Barry Simon i N. Gold (Capt) 1 B. Borensztein ® 2 J. Israelsohn 2 B. Rose @ 3 Y. Rapoport 4 M. Dudakov (Capt Res) 5 G . Blieden 5 J . Rotstein ® 6 D . Vanaken 7 L. Krafchek 7 D. Rubenstein ~ 8 E . Raleigh 8 W. Sevel ® 9 A. Rosen 11 M . Segal (VC)


Coach: Greg Whitcroft Res Coach: David Wdchel l 1 T. Prior 2 D . Witchell 3 N . Taylor 4 P. Gloury 4 M . Creak (res) 5 B . Willmore 6 M . Morgan 7 C. Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 10 A. Dooley 11 S. Griffith 12 A. Brown 13 J. King 14 S . Green

11 J. Goldman ®

15 R . Gutterson

12 D . Goldenfein 13 B. Klein 14 D . Codron 15 J . Segal (VC) 15 S . Newstadt ® 16 E . Boatman 17 D. Weislitzer 18 J. Kirzner 18 B. Lukav ® 19 D . Sutton 19 R . Silberman @ 20 J. Sharp 21 A . Lewis R . Silberman ® 22 A . Lewis 22 J . Thurin ® 23 A. Lewski 23 P. Glazer ® 24 0 . Henzel 25 M. Blashki 26 B. Duzenman 27 J . Berger 28 A . Zemski 29 R . Kagan 30 J . Kagan 33 P. Bryner 34 J . Raleigh 34 D. Seidl ® 35 J. Givoni 35 B. Ritterman ® 36 B. Nankin 40 D . Seidl 41 R . Heine 41 A . Sacks ® 42 D. Gerber 44 B . Eichler 47 A. Porat 50 J. Dvash 51 J. Kestenberg 54 D . Rutko 55 A . Grosman 59 N . Diamond 60 J . Wajnberg 62 J . Hoppe

16 A . Demetriou 17 C. Davies 18 T Wise 19 L. O'Connell (c) 19 T Nasrallah (res) 20 S. Playfair 22 C . Taylor 23 M. Gray 24 S . Giansiracusa 25 D . Phelan 26 J . Szeremeta 27 D. Drapac 28 P. Adams 29 G . Fikaris 30 D . Mutton 31 C . Bassett 32 L . Richardson 33 D . Stokes 34 A . Bottomley 35 S . Dowian 36 M . George 37 T. Thomson to res) 38 D. Gayfer 39 A. Hopgood 40 M . Smith 41 A. Tshaikiwsky 42 G . McLellan 43 L. Ferrell 44 S . J. Gray 45 A . Rothe 46 A . Spicer 49 G. Bell 52 M . DePetro


l p

Coach: :k Loveioy Asst James 5+ r &

HAMPTON ROVER S Coach: Brett Mcllwraith Res Coach : Tony Naumoff

Coach : Jon Edga r Res Cc r h . Dale Murchie

Mick Carty

A~: Jono P`0tt 1 . M. Duggan 2 . H . Gibson 3 . J . Heath 4. M . Matulick S. M . Enso r 6. A. Spence 7. S. Lynch 8. M . O'Brien 9. B. Cousins 10. L . Buller p M. Lee 12. L, Healy 13. J . Whitty 14, T. Collins (DVC) 15, M . Boon 16 . A. Quin 17 . M . Pills 18 . N. Kennedy 19. M . Atkins (VC) 20 J Black 21 . S. Coate 22. L. Atkins 23. A. Catlin 24 . B . Gray 25 . D. Teasdale 26 . A. O'Brien 27 . B. Haynes 28, J. Vance (Res C) 2g, C. Martin (C) 1-0. C. Lambert 31 . C . Graham 32. L. Wonnacott 33. S . May 34. H . McMilian (Res DVC) 35 . S . McNicholas 36 . N. Atkins 37 . R. Presnell 38 . M . Wilson 39. L . McNichoias 40. J. HocJarth 41 . G . Jury 42. B. Gillespie 43. T. Woalnough 44 . C . Collins 45 . M. Kuria 46 . J . Gerrand 47 . A. Kent 48 . T. yhitty 49. J. Bryce 50, S. Dicks 51 . J. Mitchell 53. A. Poll 55 . L. Quirk 56 . D . Wall 57 . L. Ferran 58 . J . Bramwell 59. B . Griffiths 60. D. Bird 61 . D. Foley 62. J. Dickson 64 D Murphy 65. G . Shattock 68 . P. McConchie (Res VC ) 68 . B. Booker 71 . C . Evans 72 . A . Collings 74. M . McDonald 75. N. Higgs

76. C. Terpsinis 77. C. Sinko

1 S . Chapma n 2 L. Rento n 3 L. Hollowa y 4 B . McKenzie 5 J . Rosengarte n 6 M . Davidso n 7 P. Farra r 8 A. Hickey 9 C . O'Sullivan 10 S. Lloyd 11 M. Spencer 12 G. Smyth (vc) 13 M. Pay 14 B . Merli n 15 M . Tinkler 16 B . Nind 17 L. Cave . McCarthy 17 K. Mudg e 18 J 19 M . Lawrence (DVC ) 18 R. Glove r 20 A A. Powe r 19 M . Payn e 21 S. Parkinson 20 M . Edsall 22 S. Burggraaff 21 C. Gregory 23 M . Gray (Res VC) 22 T. Blackley 24 C. Christianso n 23 B. Janssen 25 M. Lake 24 T. Crave n 26 M. Devereaux . Flynn 27 M 25 J . Hawkin s 28 B. Kezilas 26 p, Will s 29 M . Fletcher 27 N . De Young 30 A . Ouon (Res C) 28 J. Main 31 T. Pucell a 29 A. Costle y 32 D. Anderson (Res) 30 L . Creamer 32 J.~ Hanlo n . Mosbey 31 J. Gree n 33 B 34 A. Crowther 32 A. Bains 35 N . Goss 33 J. Smith (c) 36 M. Hefferr}an 34 R . Shields 37 D . Lillecrapp 35 D . Murchi e 38 A . Fisher 36 A . William s 39 A . Crisp 37 C. Denni s 40 M . Flahive 38 N. Brennan 41 B . McCallum 42 C. PJlahhouse 39 A. Pyl e 43 C. Lambert 40 J. Mazu r 44 A. Blake 41 Michael Botto n 45 G . Davis 42 M. Coe 46 L . Woolrich 43 R . Feenaghty 47 L . Wheele r 44 L . Levisto n 48 G . Giasoumi . Helliger 45 T. De Youn g 49 S 50 N . Foster 46 D. Jones 52 A . Ross 47 S . Mentha 53 J . Ng 48 M . McMahon 54 D. Marshall 49 M . Pettingil l 55 L. Jame s 50 A Wilso n 56 T. Porter 51 T. Haine s 57 D. Williams 52 N . Moresi 58 C . Delosa 59 T. McNamara 53 J . Peel 60 M. Bell 54 B . Adamso n 61 A . Kavanagh 55 I. McCormic k 62 D . Kroker S6 M . Jone s 57 J . Choang 58 J . Lui s , 59 C . McKenzi e --- ~ ~ -'~ 60 C . Banks 61 P. Campbel l BRIGHTON SANDRINGH 62 L . Karla REAL ESTATE WITH RESPECT 63 B . Hillman Ph: 95 48 8222 68 M . Meeha n 70 Z . Anderso n `I'IIE OPTIMISE 72 B . Green . GROUP PIT LFI) 74 P. Westbroo k 75 R . Turton

t H . Tregear 2 M. McKellar 3 G. Cannot 4 G. Carr (DVC) 5 J . Prantzos 6 L. Hall 7 A . Duddy 8 Drew Anderso n 9 N. Pinto 10 S. Blanchar d 11 J. Zampaglione 12 T. Barker 12 N . Corcoran 13 G . Woods (VC) 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A . Browne (C ) 16 N . Greenwood

Ph : 9597 01 66

77 D . Nei l


r G. ;n : Paul 0'Shannassy I Coach : Ken Schawb I A. During 2 M . Horgan 3 W. Taylor 4 C. Hendrie 5 D. Loats 6 R. Taylor 7 K . Batzbff 8 J . Heilema n 9 B . Tymmons 10 B . Christie 11 A . Whelan 12 R . Perryman 13 L . Gladman 14 R . Whitehead 15 L . Heffernan 16 L. Weaver 17 N. Credlin 18 D. Hanson 19 S . Peasnall 20 D. Mitchell 21 T. Hardman 22 B . Howard 23 D. Chatters 24 M . Shanks 25 A . Hardenberg 26 D . Clyne 27 A . Sheedy 29 D . Gough 30 J . Clyne 31 B. Craven 32 G . Ormsby 33 D. Joyce 34 D. Schmidt 35 C. Munroe 36 S. Derry 37 J. Goodale

33 S. Marwood 39 S. Young 40 C. Jellis

41 T. Kearney 42 A. Mackenzie 43 C. Grant

44 L. Elridga 45 T. Lawrie 46 M. Jackso n 47 M. Rogerson 48 T. Sigalas 49 J . Hadley 50 D . Pike 51 B. Ryan

52 A. Salipas 53 L . Orr 54 M. Wallace 55 S. Fogharty 56 M. Cottrell 57 R. Whelan 58 N. Paine 59 C. Rodgers

62 T. Webb 63 T. Nisbeth 64 B . Cottrell 65 S . Gregory 66 T. Parkes 67 S . Horskins 68 A . Cocks

Coach : Dale McCann Res Coach: Peter Cosgriff

t;oacst: fony P^george ist : Paul arc -r R, ;., t;-,;h : Paul Marlin

1 D. Zivanovic

1 S . Rowley

2 A . Hughes 3 D . Dean 4 A . Curran (DVC)

5 A. Paglia 5 D . Hanford 6 D . Giddings 7 M. Cosgriff 7 t Girovski 8 A. Sinclair (C) 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 M . Joyce t2 L Dore 13 S . Rose 13 N . Allen 14 P. Pratt 14 M. Rose 15 B. Richardson 16 M. Godfrey 17 T. Ryan 18 G . Porteous 18 M. Spinoso 19 A. Dean 19 D. Spitty 20 S . Maher 21 D. Loney 21 S . Luft 22 S . Fantone 22 D. Richardson 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 D . Hussey 26 D . Boundyy ( ) 26 P. Turner 27 K. Jenkins 28 J. Kreuzer 29 R . Ryan 30 M . Ryan 31 D. Breen

31 M . Hyde

Coach : Garry Datson R Coach : Bernie Carter

Rob Paterson, Matt Fitta!an i 1 B. Corrigan

2 S . Hecker 2 B . Darcy 3 M . Dixon 4 M. Hayes 5 A. White 6 C . Stephens 7 C . Atkins 8 K. Little 9 M. Meyer 9 P. Emmett 10 T. Kight 11 C. O 'Meara 12 A . Baker 13 M . Rya n 14 C. Johnston 1 5 Mick Sullivan 1 6 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan 18 S. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 D . Kinsella 21 D . Kelly 22 B. Liddell 23 Matt Sullivan 24 T. Linthome 25 B. Richards 26 D. Rochford 2"o A. Rock 27 R. Layton 28 A. Castles 29 G. Crilley 30 P. Mann 31 J . Drury 32 B . Fo9den 33 N. Wilkins

2 T. Goodwin 3 R. Bannister 4 M . Elliott

5 A . Baker 6 M . Nancarrow

38 S. Perrazo 39 S. Waters 40 D . Granger

7 S . Bannister 8 L. Hollow 9 C . Bannister 10 J . Veins 11 J . Crotty ttY 12 J . Quinn 13 G . Russell 14 J . Fenton 15 A. McMahon 15 B. Owen 16 D. Clifton 17 D. Pirpinias 18 A. Moloney 19 M . La Corchia 20 J . Clarke 21 G. Henderson 22 D. Goodwin 23 D. Callegari 24 RA . Faroldi 25 P. Edwards 26 B . Lewis 27 M. Bosanko 29 S . Goodwin 31 A . Forster-Knight 32 J. Sacco 33 L . Kuret 34 D . Weston 36 1 Goseiti 37 D . Castaldi 40 G . Tsinaris 41 B. Barron 42 A. McKay 43 M . Warren

41 C . Rock

45 J . Kruger

34 Matt . Wals h 35 M. Johnstone

36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge

42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 M. Kight 46 W. Wheatley 48 Mick. Walsh 49 G . Allan

46 S . Stepien 47 D. Goodwin 48 M . Nancarrow 50 S . Hallam 52 A . Gleason 53 M . Villani

50 S . Scullin

54 J. Frauetto

56 P. Dunne 57 C . Ferguson 59 T. Robinson 69 J. Ellender 77 K. Walker 87 S. Daniel

49 M . Sykes 50 A. Tenson 53 D. SaNatico

51 A . Wood 52 S . Wingrave 53 D. Noonan 54 M . McCraw 55 J . Thurgood 56 S . Wilson 57 R . Bittne r 58 R . Haslemore 59 D . O'Keefe 60 M. O'Meara 61 T. Banks 62 D . Scorn

55 S . Egan

63 N . Levett

32 S . Corcoran

33 N. Riseley 34 M . Gate 35 S . Simpson 38 B . Dintinosante 37 A . DiFabio 38 A . Harvey 39 M. Derham 40 L . Harford 41 J. Sandy 42 R . Murray 44 D . Furze 46 J. Martinelli 47 W. Connell y

57 A . Elliot

47 C. Rowland

_ ..~ Coach : A„arony Parkin Res C^nh : Lachlan Bosto n Assis,-ms : Michael Ride I A . Costello 2 T. Sheldon 2 S. Chandler (Res) 3 P. Ge~ster 3 R . Hamilton (Res ) 4 A. Evan s 4 R . Myers (Res) 5 E. Hardy 6 A. Bev cqu a

7 S. Price 8 C. Haynes 9 P. Kempta n 10 W. Hanna 11 S. Walc h 12 A . Torrey 13 A. Ros s t3 C. Baulch (C18 ) 14 C. Price 15 B . Shaw 16 J . Latch 17 I Purcel l 18 C . Groom 18 K . Prestidge (Res) 19 M. Kempto n 20 C . Sandiford . McAsse 23 F 22 CBarry Y 24 L. Martin 25 A. Katsaros 26 D. Batte n 27 M . Sawge 28 D. Costello 28 P. Otsuka (Ct8 ) 29 N. Poyner 1 30 A . Jesse 3 B . Costello 32 A . Camero n 33 M . Lmdh

34 D. Bartow 35 C . Carrall 35 M. Prowse 37 J . Wood s 38 J. Ki n 39 M. Ab ethorpe 40 N . Marti n

41 R . Gree n 42 A. Smrth 43 C . Beato n 44 E. Ryan

45 R. Scaratt 46 A. Kelly 47 B. Murphy 48 T Portal

49 C. Terry

50 A. Goonan 51 R R. Wood

52 R. Ault 53 D.O'KeeB e 54 S . Welding 55 S. Thomso n 56 A . Merrell 57 K . Made 59 A . Woolle y

60 R . Kercheval 61 J. Black 62 J. Matheson 63 K ..L HiIG~ 4 N . Hasiett 6 65 66 T Ferguson 67 N. Goona n 70 J. Gree n

64 X. Smith 65 G . Wilson

73 J. Dwye r 74 J. Dovas!e y 76 H. Barlow 77 yT.V Pamby-RUndeil ~ 8 83 P Molloy 85 B . Webe r 87 E . Duncan

66 A. Kerr

94 A . Powell

97 L. Mario

69 S . Janes

98 K . Begely

75 Bruce

~-. .

2C"~ " ajDr Sponsor

Proudly Sponsored b y



cnr Elgin & Cardigan S t

Carlton 3 0 53 17

0 0 0 AFL Internati onal Rules In Town The 2005 international football Cup is now in full swing with matches having been played yesterday and last Wednesday. Tomorrow the Round Robin will continue with matches at T.E .A .C. Oval at 10, 11 .45 and 1 .30and Optus Oval at 11 .45 and 1 .30 . All 11 nations will play in Wangaratta on Tuesday . Semi Finals will be on Thursday at Murphy Reserve, Port Melbourne . The grading games will be Saturday next at T .EA .C . and Optus at 11 .45 and 12 .45 . The Grand Final will precede the Carlton /Collingwood match at the M .C .G . at 4 .30 . . These games offer a rare opportunity for all football supporters to see how our game is being developed throughout the world . It may be possible for clubs to invite visitors to share their facilities . Details should be available from Ed Biggs at the A.F.L . 9643 1999 . Several V .A.F.A . Clubs have helped overseas players and all clubs are encouraged to foster the game by helping a visiting player to join their ranks . It is not too early to plan to be more involved at the next carnival in 2008 .

0 Q 0 Eddie's Best - the Cak e Good to see that VAFA Executive Member and North Old Boys stalwart Bruno "Cake" Conti is still firmly remembered by the one and only Eddie Maguire . Eddie made a guest appearance on SEN last Saturday Morning and was asked who were some of his toughest opponents during his school football days at CBC St Kilda . Without hesitation Eddie named Bruno as the one who gave him the most trouble and was pleased to report that he still kept in regular contact with the "NOB Legend" .

0 0 0 W ic kers narne Legend s The final wash up from the Elsternwick Centenary Dinner was Induction of ten "Legends" of the longest serving District Club into the Hall of Fame . The Club Committee set up a rigid Criteria upon which a person could be elected into the Hall of Fame . The inductees 18

were people hat achieved or performed at least one of the following duties around the Club . President, Life Membership, Senior Coach Office Bearer, or someone who had made an outstanding contribution to the EAFC . Congratulations to the following who were inducted as initial Hall of Fame Members of the Wickers ; 1 . Graham Holmes 2. Max Leslie 3 . Charles Lougrey 4. Paul Mahony 5 . Norm Mcdonald 6. Richard Patey 7. Alan Ramsay

8 . Ian Ramsay 9 . Gary Rosewarne 10 . Jock Sellers

OR C C' :-:= =II sp th-





Just a short note to extend our thanks and compliments to Old Carey Club 18 team from division 3 . They are winless and on the bottom of the ladder and one could be forgiven if they did not turn up on Saturday to play Whitefriars, the top side and undefeated, in the last round . However, they did, and 15 players took the field right on time to play us . We, just like those 15 players, wanted a game, and so we decided to play on 15 on the ground, just as they had, to make it a man on man game. Yes the result was a big win to Whitefriars, but the whole attitude of Old Carey, from the players through to the coach and other staff at the game, was exemplary . They battled hard all day, and never once dropped their heads . We would like to acknowledge Old Carey for their sportsmanship and general attitude on Saturday . Undermanned, they play like they enjoy it . A privilege for us to play against, we hope they achieve success in their senior, reserve and Under 19 teams this year. A big thank you once again, they are the perfect model for an Amateur football club who just love playing football . Please pass on our regards and best wishes .

0 0



s = s '~o Lv .__. 1

T'~. re are 2 extremely important roles Prahra n Cricket Club need filled as they are seen as crucial to the ongoing improvement and pursuit of success on and of field at the Club . The positions are Team Manager and Practice Captain for the 2005/06 season . For more details contact : Prahran Cricket Club, c/o ; Barry Neivandt, Coach 0419-565 723 .

0 0 0 Grace the Oah- s While in cricket mode, Elsternwick AFC Senior Coach Dennis Grace is to take the reins at Oakleigh Cricket Club (VSDCA) for the new season . Seems some guys just love their coaching . For the record the Oaks won the South East Section VSDCA Premiership in 2004/05 .

0 0 0 cads The American The United States Australian Football National team - the American Revolution - will arrive in Melbourne this week for their second attempt to take home the International Cup . This talented bunch of American footballers will be playing under an Australian coach, making the return to his home town . World Footy News profile USA coach Alan Nugent . Alan Nugent grew up in the Northern Melbourne suburb of Bundoora . Years later he was to play ten seasons with the University Blues football club in the Victorian Amateur Football Association . It was a work opportunity on offer in 1999 that saw him leave Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne to take up a position at the Children's Hospital Boston / Harvard Medical School where he could add to his medical training. It also took him from his retirement from the Blues to playing with the Boston Demons . From just turning up for a kick, he then progressed to coaching for the first time, coaching the Demon's for three years .

Nugent took over the Revolution coaching job in early 2004 after being the assistant coach at the Cup in 2002 . The team is well prepared with a carefully planned and lengthy selection process . Getting better value out of their trips

downunder are a handful of players playing the whole of the 2005 season with Clubs in Australia . An AFL team is hosting each club in the International Cup . The USAFL has a strong link with Essendon who have hosted a promising young American footballer for the last three years during the preseason .

In 2002 the US team lost only to New Zealand and eventual winners Ireland, finishing fifth overall . The Revolution will be looking for a higher finish in 2005 and the massive incentive of battling it out on the MCG turf for the Cup as the curtain raiser for the Carlton vs Collingwood match . But overall Nugent's expectations of his team are simple "to play to the maximum of their potential . If they play the best footy of their lives and come last, then fine . The fitness progratn, team rules and game plan have all been in place from months ago . They are representing their country and are highly motivated . They were selected on their character and work ethic and I see no reason why this group of guys won't land in Melbourne relaxed and fully prepared to play the footy of their lives . "


GR,'-- 7'1



CARE Y _.:~.~S F.C. INC .

w w w .ocgfc .com Section I31 2005 Invites applications for the Se ni or, R e s er ve, U/19 & Club XVI H coaching positions for season 200 6 ALL APPLICATIONS TO :

OCGFC Cotham Post Office PO Box 307 5 Kew Vic 310 1

Application closing date 16th 200 5 Applicants should hold a(evel I coaching accreditatio n


Today the 2nd Semi-ists meet the Ist Semi teams in an interesting preview of rela~ .ve strengths Technically, the Animals aren't there just yet, but they will replace the C's courtesy of their less difficult run home . LAS _ Glen Ei L went down gallantly to Temp, with the Bullants now lookir~g safe from relegation . Vamvakis, Clements, & Tsirogiannis (Alex has to be on the shortlist of favourites for Section B&F!), flew the Saints flag with honour ; as did all the Saints last week against Reds in case anyone got tl-째 wrong impression from my remark about missing match reports ! C ~r belted Old Me .. :._:_'z are looking good heading into finals time . Simon Keleher, Leigh Deledio, & Danny Byra stood out in a red-hot team display! Peter Russo wasn't happy in general with his Panthers, but Peter Flaskis in the middle plus David Emerson & Matthew Elliott could hardly be faulted . Old Carey was no match for the Anirara-_ who clearly showed it is the more finals worthy side of the two . Steve Buckle & Paul Hampshire ran riot across HE, with OtBer Phil Carse not far behind . Peter Unkles & Tom Zavecz rucked well for the Cs with Evan s

had great games for the Bloods . i was too steady for I'mr=~ ey and booked a lst Semi berth as well! Cuddles McCudden starred in the Two Blue's forward line, with strong support from Hus Pitts and Gerard Beven . James Keem tried hard to lift the Bushrangers, as did Ash Middlin, & Michael Wines but the spark generally just wasn't ere!

should take the points ove r t Keysborough by 4 goals or s o not atford to r 'ax . : Leo's host in a real test home side's finals eligibility . The

. . .ends won by 65 points last time round but will find today's Animals a very different propo : iic . The visitors should still win a close g< e by 2 goals or so . The s i '11 be too strong for the Bloods at the T__ .1jani and win by 5 goals . -. meet . at the De Cherie and will wa-it to get even for their 11 point R7 loss to th ~ Two Blues . Reds should win by a couple of goals but they'll need to be focussed or they'll gc ~ bitten again!

. ec : - r e re reptac~ the C's c difficult run hon .- . " & Kent once more good round the packs . Aquinas went down bravely to 째째 Is who were unchacteristically inaccur< s up forward . Something I'm sure Burgo will be working on at training this week! John Hunt CHB & Greg Evans FB & Hans Tyssen BP ~ .l


62 48 46

Fitzroy Reds Ormond Aquinas







Fitzroy .- ds Old _.__-nta_ :ans Fitzroy Reds

Capodiferro 3 67 Stroud 2 47 Tornese 3 6


YVOB & the Cs continue their traditional rivalry, though both sides have had disappointing years via injuries ard absences . There was little between them ist time round, but today the Bushrangers ~ k 11 triumph by a few points. Reserves winners should be: Panthers, Monds, Bullants, Reds, & Cs . Correspondents contacts : 9889 1979, & bhi98371 Cbigpond .net .a u

'T Yarra Valley 0 - :- eeleb~ as two events this round . _ - w L g plays his 150th today . Matt was a key member of the 1997 Snr & 2002 Res Flag sides as a goalscoring rover . He was named as a rover in the Reserves team of the decade . He possesses pace & poise round the goals and is enjoying another consistent year in 2005 . Matt is also a successful events organizer for the Club . Michael `Racks tar' Rolsicfci plays his 5 0t;Fa game today . He began with the U 19s in 2002 & is a vital member of the Snr team . Predominately a CHF, Michael is equally effective at stopping opposition key forwards . The Bushrangers congratulates Matthew & Michael on their achievements . Ormond - congratulates Jacob -, 1) Dale for playing 1° 0 l cs for his club . Starting his junior career with Murrumbeena, Jake then joined the Ormond U 11's in 1990 . In his first year with the U19's, 1997, Jake took out their B&F as well as beginning his Senior career with 3 games . The next few years saw Jake mix it with both the Seniors and Reserves as well as winning the 2001 Reserves B&F . Work commitments and injury have taken their toll on his game count but now Jacob is enjoying consistent Senior football . Jacob was awarded Club Person of the Year in 2003 and is the current Club treasurer . Well done Yakka for your fine contribution from all your friends at Ormond . (IVice, .aork Yakka - Bear) .

TL' ,. 1 . Old Mentonians v Glen Eir a

Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Ormond Bulleen Templestowe v Aquinas 0 C Fitzroy Reds v Prahran - at C21 2 Yarra Valley 0 B v Old Carey

ITM 4 .z 9.4 12.7 15 .9 (99) S .2 13 .4 24.7 27.14 (176) 7 Farar 3 Chandler Clements A Devries A Diamond Clements Tslrogiamus Farar Massis A DeVries. . ..ip: Florence 5 Wise 5 Chvers 3 Tehan 3 Williams 3 Matthews 2 Stella 2 Daskalov Thompson Tourogi.atus Tulloeh . Best: Touroglanis Pietrvk F}^rence Tulloch TelLan Wise. UmpL : Vaughan Sidelxutom Phil Callil (F) Matt Proctor Duncan Nicol (B) Jim Rvton 11 .5 19.11 24.18 31 .26 (212) OLD_ . .._J_,__ .S 2.1 4.7 5 .10 9.11(65) Ormo td : A Russell 7 Byre 5 Deledio 4 Milker 3 Keleher Jones Beckett Cook Robbins 2 :~ ;:ledio Dale . Best : Jones B}ra Keleher A Russell L Deledio Metz . Old Ment: Kiantos 2 Masile Dinner Emerson Fisher Flaskis Twenttnami Wiltshire . Best: Palmer Mantes Flaskis Elliot Emerson Mitvaisky . Umpires : Paul Jones David Trott (F) Ben Bracken John Robinson Trevor Foy (G) OLD CAREY 2.3 6.5 9.8 11 .10 (76) E US ST LEOS 4 .5 13 .7 21 .9 23.13 (151) Old Carey: Kent 4 Evans 2 Wagner T Angus Crosher Battle C Angus . Best: Unkles Zmecz Bowley Evans Howgate Wagner . Emmaus S1, McKenzie 4 Dintcolantotllo 4 Hodder 3 Ballard 2 Baranello 2 Carse 2 T McCarm 2 Levins P Meglain. Best : Buckle Corse T McCann McKenzie Ballard Hickey. Uzm: Paul Dinneen Geoff Deveson (F) Tom lViseher Michael Roche (B) Marcus Lefebure Chris Doyle (G ) 1S 3.0 5 .4 9 .6 11 .8 (74) 1 .2 )Y 335 6.3 6.10 10.15 16.22 (11$) t'ams: Box 3 R Moran 2 D Boland 2 Tarulll 2 Toomey Visser . Best: Ti ey Hunt R Moran Wooden Davies Box . Fitz Reds: Ritchie 4 Cianei 4 Bombed 2 Magee 2 O'Reilly 2 Mitchel DtacgEogls . Best: Zanos Drury 0'RetIly Gleeson Cahill Meighan . Um : Paul Tuppen Peter James (F) PRAB:RAN 4 .4 6 .9 13.11 17 .15 (117) YARRA Y 2.1 6.4 6.8 10.8 (68) Prahmm MeCudden 5 H Pitts 3 Mulqueeny 2 Fox 2 Ballard 2 Plummer Docherty Northway. Best: Harrison Bumiett Narthway Beven McCudden Plummer. YV: Keem 3 M Laing 2 Middlln 2 Thompson Hale Valoppi . Best : Stevenson A Laing Middlin Valoppi Wines R Drew. Umpires: Santo Caruso Grab= Templar (F) Andrea Mason (B) Travi s Sloth Matthew Cowkev (G) GLEN EI1tA ._, 7.3 11 .5 11.7 (73) B "'IE TOFIE 0 .3 1 .7 1 .9 8 .11 (59) Glen Eim: Fidogiannis 6 Lundberg 3 Serpanchy Brown, Best: Fidogazuus Serpanchy Zurak Lundberg Denies Brown. BnTPemp: Toscano 2 D Florance Mitilanos Theodorakalcos Ferguson Tsokas Verga . Best: Schneider Mitilanos Theodorakaos Verga . ORMOND 5.4 5.6 12.14 14 .20 (104) OLD h1ENTONIANS 2 .0 4.1 5 .2 12.2 (74) Ormond . Davis 5 Warwarek 2 Stewart South Johnstone Wiley Muzzell Ray=nn Navlor. Best: Muzzell Johnstone Ashford Upstill Wiley Goonan . Old tRent: Bournon 4 Stroud 4 Me Convtll 2 Brady Palmer . Best: Bournon Wilson Stroud Stevens Donegan Saunders . OLD CAREY 1 .2 7.4 9.7 13 .11 (89) E US ST LEOS 3.3 3.4 4.6 8.10 (58) Old Carey: White 5 Konstanthudis 3 Thompson 2 Simwn Ashworth L Guerra . Best: White Thompson Andrews Joyce Carr Mudge . Emmaus SL: Henrtcus 4 Duncan Ford Heves Simondson . Best : Ottobre Briggs Henricus Simondson. AqUPLAS 0.0 0.1 0.1 0 .2(2) e7fZROY REDS 6.5 15 .6 20 .11 27.13 (175) Aquinas : Best : Kinghorn Parker Pierce Saliba Harkin Arnold . Fitz Pedse Capodirerro 12 Tornese 5 Sheather 4 R Ho :derhead 2 Lee McDonald Nuttall Tice . Best: Mcdonald Capodiferro T McBurney Wilkins Sheather Lee. PRAHRAN 1.2 3.4 6.5 10.7 (67) Y U T 4 .3 5 .3 7 .4 8.6(54) Prahmm Marriott 4 Pang 3 Gartland Cremate Hann . Best : Gartland Adamson Pang Marriott Creature Hann. YV: Seegar 3 Thompkins 2 Farrugta Simpson S Pask . Best: Simpson Cordes Joiner Seegar Clark .


D1 1 1;~- °on EN 1€ MP {° M Coach : Steven Bell Res Coach : Terry McEvoy

Coach : Steve Easton Res Coach : Andrew Parris

1 . L . Toomey 2 . S. Tibb 3 . S . Vou saukis 5 , M . Hunter 6 . R . Brown 7- C. Glennie 8. J . Jess 9. T. Harki n 10, D. Boland 12. R . Jeeves if . S. Coope r 13 . C . Jeffrey 75 . Ad . Williams 16 . J . Hunt 17 . B . Redwood 18 . T. Olarenshaw 19. G . Whitehead (c) 20. D. Skinner 21 . J. Pierce 22. S. Flynn 23 . M. Visser 25 . B. Volombelto 26 . J . Box 27 . C. Tzoumanekas 28 . B . Helme 29. L. Ellio t 11 30. C. Colliver 31 . G . Evans 32. J. Bleakney 33. C .Woode n 34 . M. Tarulli 35 . R . Chapman 36 . M . Hope 37 . S . Leonard 38. B . Moran 39. A. Arnold 40. R. Tainton

1 G . Chivers ( Capt) 2 M . Stella 3 L .Thompson (VC) 4 W. Thompson 5 M. Pietryk 6 A. Tehan (DVC 7 P. Robertson 8 D . Glover 9 J . Matthew s 10 J . Wise 11 C. Inca 12 A . Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 A. Wilke

41 . G . Davies

42. R . Moran 43 . M. Slattery 44 . J . Tappry 45 . D . McCarta n 46 . T. Vandersluis 47 . An . Williams 54. M . O'Halloran 55. L.Stafford 56. P. Cruickshank 58. H. Tyssen 59. B. Cooper 61 . I. Drew 62 . C . Lyng 63 . A . Barrie 68 . D . Sullivan

15 R . Ferguso 9 n 16 S. Smith 17 P. Voglis

18 R . Schneider 19 L.Slott 20 T. Waters 21 P. Gannas 22 C. Cherbakof 23 D. Matthews 24 T. Agosta 25 L. Norbury 26 S. Boyd 27 A. Clarke 28 P. Milesi 29 P. Tsokas 30 D. Florence 31 A . Bemicich 32 R. Williams 33 P. Florence 34 S. Lambropoutos 35 D . Daskalou 36 P Hare 37 J. Frangos 38 A. Verge 39 D . Buccachio 40 G. Theodrakakous 41 R . Lea 42 A. Stavretis 43 D. Horvath 44 0 . Hill 45 D . Rogers 46 A. Coulston 47 C . Morihovitis 48 A. p,iorihovitis 49 B. Touriganis 50 I. Roxburgh 51 R . Toscano 52 M . Daska4ou 57 A. Smith 58 D. McMahon 60 M. Scarano 64 C . Tzalabiris



Coach: Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan t j.o' t-D H-"a, 2,B), 2 i_ 1W Is 1 4 , S1 4 a. 5.1 cg ~ 5.E 6 b-d 6A.!-, 7. w nbbea zL a,,re a-J-ntms 8a autr 9 TDnz e.C P= 1pL~"~ te wN~ F01n .e .~*eW 1M tz N G~ 12 . J R. ta k! Z, 13, &U t4T~~~" 14 t't; 15!!`~" iSA 16. C P.~a so G. G

17 8~ 77 R~ 1&P~-~, i&1.>3~ 79.P.CW, M 8 M:D~.b 20 TKw 21 T E Z`c~Me" 21.T( p. S. . 5i~ ~o 23T J' 23xt I her~w 2:, LC. -2a G e . r25 slime 25. D <,, R~- ~ 1 26 N,t>lch -

27.JEmra 27. J . 28 T , 21 M . arss`el

24 VA 29, d z_ r+ 30 h . E ns 30 L T" 31.J.Lay 31-a.G~ V R Tru3 32. D . D33SDt 33-n, K''VIJ 34 (3-9 34 TL. R 35,J I ' 35 . PBaR 36 M ; 36 s7.L 31A, eDR taa :n.R~ez at G t~ ¢t i i az r6rrep 45 L;rw as s Bag* ea a . W116 4 + A, Pre ss. D . E .:,' 4Ej Da"' 45' J. (31"1ell . '° ~r t' ~' "s'T 47 PR n- 47 w ea, 45 R, _,. Vz 491 :9. .t. Prce 50, D Ry°` 59, E ; ~ 51 J pa, 56 T .


53. S~ b~~ a. „ 54 T ~~. ro. ~ SM4 55 d 7Z4 n , T. ~, 56 1 core 77.ti r357. R. Re- rA, G. ~ 65 s o`" 83, BtJ~ 5. ~D

Coach: Terry Walsh Res Coach : Matt Embling

Coach: Peter Russo Res Coach : Jamie Winduss i T. MitvaVsk y 2 C. Twentyman (DVC) 3 R. Bal l 4 B. Carroll 5 A. Kiantos 6 C . Alexander 7 D . Emerson 8 G. Ferguson 9 D . Cochrane 10 T. Wiltshir e 11 A . Man 12 C. Dwyer 13 B . Russo 14 M . Stroud 15 J . Costello (C) 16 C. Duncan 17 C .Gourley 18 M. Basile (VC) 19 A. Palmer (DVC ) 20 C . Palme r 21 J . O'Brien 22 B . CCoghtan 23 A . Drinan 24 R. Ironmonger 25 B . Fairbanks 26 R. Schkoef(e l 27 G. Katris 28 D. Kills 29 A. Carter 30 D. Russo 31 M. Elliott 32 P. Wilson 33 B. Lane 34 P- Flaskis 35 E . Millis 36 D . Alexander (RVC) 37 M . Francis 38 T Milli s 39 J. Vick 40 R. Alexande r 41 G . Pekati s 42 A. Noonan 43 G . Hubbard 44 L . Sunte r 45 A . Erskine 46 G. Smit h 47 J . Kelly 48 D. Stevens (RC) 49 N. Fisher 50 K . Regan 51 A. Wilson 52 M . Watts 53 R . Johnson 54 D . Goodbody 55 A. Donega n 56 S . Brady 57 S . Fairbank s 58 M . Lewis 60 W. Steabben 61 B . Saunders 62 C. Sinclair 63 G . Gods 64 M . Austin

1 S. Vamvakis 2 P. Khazaal 3 C . Massis 4 C. Pincott 5 A . Tsirogiannis 6 J . Zagame 7 D. Clarke 8 D. Lyons 9 A. Russo 10 M. Chandler 11 L . Pryde 12 B. King 13 G. Brown 14 B . Clements 15 E . Stuchbery 16 N . Davi s 17 R. Conroy 18 R. Oldham 19 A. Devries 20 A. Diamond 21 M . Watt 22 S. Emmett 23 T. Deal 24 M. Embling 25 J. Fidogianni s 26 P.Tsagl'rotis 27 J . Simos 28 L. Shellard 29 M . Sca'de 31 C. Hollow 32 I . Detac 33 A . Sheedy 34 T. Turnbull 35 S. Hollow 36 B. Zurek 37 P. Merrick 38 S. Lithgow 39 A. Gargiut4 40 M. Cosgrove 41 J . Devries 42 J . Serpanchy 43 M . Kennedy 44 S . Diamond 45 A. Diriye 46 S. Gange 47 B. Zwar 48 J. Haliwell 49 S. Hall 50 D . Eade 51 H . Russian 52 S . Miller 53 I. Adam 54 M . Vodstrcil 55 J . Lundber . Hogan g56C 57 P. Rohr 58 M . Farah 59 A. Hassa n 60 M. Abdulte 61 M. Tkocz 62 L . Iz0d 64 A. Dini 65 J . Mills 66 A . Dint


APPd Group (Wust) Pry Ltd, 1F Marine Parade ,

Abbotsford VIC 3067



Ph: 03-9419 7707


D1 U11" Coach : Dav o Ma tthews Res Coach: Peter O'Dea 1 L. Deledio 2 D. Becke tt 3 L Murphy 4 M . Jones 5 M . Martmov 6 B . Arnold 7 S . Keleher 8 M . Miller 9 S . Metz 10 T. Banks 11 D . Robbins 12 B. Detedio t3 C . Lees 14 J. Bridges 15 C . Tetley 16 T. Stewa rt 17 L Russell 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 20 D. Te Henne pe 21 R. 22 H. Brown Wiley 23 T Nay4or Muzzell 24 J. 25 J. Dal e 26 T. Harvey 27 T. Ashford 28 A . Clinch 29 S . Barker 30 L. Wells 31 D. Black 32 L. O'Brien 33 A . Cook 34 A . Russell 35 G. Bailey 36 J Putz 37 C . Everett 38 D . Byr a 39 R . McIntosh 40 B. Robbins 41 B. Upstill 42 C . Keleher 43 B. Parsons 44 M . Broadhurst 45 J. Franklin 46 C. Johnstone 47 A. Goonan 48 C. Medcra ft 49 H. Putz 50 M . Te Hennepe 51 D. Brosnan 52 A. Woodman 53 K. Ha rvey 55 B. Payson 56 G. Smith 58 S. Mitsios 60 P. Konstanty 63 S . McConchie 68 B . Cromack 75 M. Lance


Coach : Steve Maus Res Coach : Craig Williams t . C . Angus (VC) 2. D . Faelis 3. M. Angus 4. D. James 5. J . White 5. P. Konstaniinidis (RVC) 6. C. Campbell 7. T Evans 8. A . Stewart-Holmes 9. D. Shutie 9. B . Andrews (r) 10. K . Shrives 11 . K. Parker 12 . L . MacFarlane 13 . G . Trumbull 13 . R . Davey ( r) 14 . M. Zander 15 . N . Bull 16 . T. Angus 1 6 . H . Doggett (r) 17 . A . McQueen-Parton (C) 1 7 . T. Connell (r) 18 . D. Bowley 19 . T. Wood 20 . E. Halliday 20 . S. Bennett ( r) 21 . N. O 'Brien 22. C. Battle 23. H. Van Cuyienberg 24. P. Unkles 25. A . Thompso n 26. A . Wood 27. R. Adams 28. N. Sulman 29. J . Jaslin 30. K . Drummond 31 . P. Niven 31 . J .Ward (r) 32. T. Zavecz 32. P. Graham (r) 33 . N . England 34 . C . Williams 35 . M. Vardy 36 . L . McKinnon 37 . C . Adam 38 . L . Guerra 39 . R . Deuis 39 . P. Bennett (r) 40 . C . Matthews 41 . R . Phillips 42 . J. Ashworth 43 . Y. Glynne 43 . D . Joyce ( r) 44 . T. Rossignuoto 45 . T. Bull (VC) 46 . A . Barr 47 . B. Crasher 48 . S. Can 49 . O . Smyth 50. A . Kent 51 . R. Hall 52. D. Ma rt ini 53. W. McConnell 55. P. Busse 56. A . Boyd 59. C. Mason (RC) 61 . B . Croft 64. C. Smith 65. 0. Elsner 84. C. Withington



C : Leigh z) taftord Res t,on : Shaun Campbell 1 . N . Fuller 2. L . Stafford 3. D . Livingston 4. D. Crommie 5. H. Pitts 6. A. Donachie 7. T. Greening 8. I . g• A ~. Bunnett 10. M . Mc Cudden 11 . A . Pi tt s 12. C. Hall 13. L. Nort hway 14. L. Fox 15. J . Small 16. S . Campbell 17. M . Harrison 18 . J . Matherso n 19 . S. Ramage 20 . D . James 21 . E. McDonald 22 . A. Sleight C 9{) 23 . M. Windridge 24 . K. Plummer 25 . L . Aitken 26 . B. Dempsey 27 . W. Watford 28 . K. Watford 29 . P. Gartland 30. M. Rad``onik 31 . M. Mutqueeny 32. D. Ballard ~ W. Barber 34. R. Alcock 35. J. Bedford 36. G . Seven 37. T. Wheeler 38. S . Moylan 39. N. Duncan 40. R. Ferrero 41 . J. Upton 42. A . Warhurst 43. S . Kennett 44. I . Sparrey 45. M . Scicluna 46. T. McClure 47J . Killeen 48" J . Vagg 49 . P. Robertson 50 ' S. Conley 51 . D . Cordy 52 . C . Jones 53 . M. Shipley 54 . M. Gargano 55 . M. Vagg 56 . A. Docherty 57 . N . Scicluna 58 . M. Pinney 59 . P. Ramage 60 . T. Raclin 61 . B. Campbell 62 . M. Craig 63. R. Marriott 64. J. Belcher 65. N. Gill 66. S. Adamson 67. S. Oliver 68. M . Laverty

69. B. Hodgson



C Stuart Coo k Re., ... h : Terry Ymer 1 D . Mclnerny 2 J. Pascoe 3 E. Mitchell 4 C . Phyland 5 S. Buckle 6 M. DAmelio 7 R. McCann 8 J. Fennell 9 D. Lea r 10 B. Ellis 11 M . Levins 12 T. McCann 13 A . Krebbs 14 P. Hampshire 15 P. Carey 16 A . Kelly 17 M . Ford 18 R . McCann 19 L. McDermott 20 A . Ballard 21 G. Simmondson 22 M . Contesso tt o 23 S . Carson 24 D . Bruce 25 A . McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 J. Waters 28 E. RAcLaughlan 29 M. Hayes 30 M. Ottobre 31 G . Contessotto 32 C . Cinco tta 33 J. Dini 34 L. Virgo 35 J. Briggs 36 S. Ravage 37 S. Manton 3 8 N. Hodder 40 J . Gay 41 M . Dimble 42 C. Landy 44 J . Fornaso 45 S . Penchi 46 J . Little 47 M . Mclnerny 50 A . Volpe 51 P. McGloin 52 R . McGloin 56 T. Morrison 59 D . Pitcher 60 C . McDonald 61 J . Blandthorn 62 A . Rayner 63 P. Nolan 64 M. Montgomery 65 N . Foley 66 J. Papillo 67 P. Farquhar 69 S. Mescher 70 D . McGloin 74 M. Tan 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C . Vaughan 79 T. Tribe 88 S. Pitcher

89 D. Winduss

70. K. Contra

: .~

----.i ~:_ .

CUB Mercury Ste


. ..

17 V

Coach: Am Kiltworth Res . Coach : John Frazier 2 A. Mcleo d 3 R . Thompso n 5 A. Drew Captain 6 R. Drew 7 C. Beal 8 L. Morris 9 J . Keem 10 T. Hancoc k 11 T. Mclllraith 12 D. lecordier 13 L. Gillies 14 B . Nickola s 15 N . Pas k 16 L. Taylo r 17 A . Laing 18 C . Bri tt 19 J . Strong 20 T. Hale 21 D . Stevenso n 22 B. Drew 23 R . Yea 24 N . Lea r 25 S. Seabourne 26 J. Longvaa rt h 27 S. Savag e 28 M . Rockicki 28 B. Reynolds 29 R. Cou tt s 30 D. Potter 31 B . Vowle s 32 R. Crawfor d 33 S . Fulle r 34 B . Seege r 35 B . Peak e 36 S . Stoyan 37 D. Balshaw 38 C. Walker 39 D . Cordes 40 M . Wines 42 A . Stone 43 S . Yea 44 B. Whitechurch 45 A . Wingat e 46 T. Oliver 48 R . Davi s 50 J . Peake 51 H . Clark e 52 A. Ha rt net t 53 S. Fyffe 54 S. Simpso n 55 B. Tetfar d 56 T. Lloyd 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi 62 P. Barum a 63 D. Whitechurch 64 S. Cleary 65 M . Norrish 66 A. Russel l

67 B. Glenni e 71 M Laing 74 A. Middlin

76 G. Coutt s

Orrong Hotel i ~ _ . =• :

YArn "

A~-~ s :r=:an :.=r-" fI+

78 N. Peters 82 D. Redfern 92 T. Peters


Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m For news, views and previews, tune t o

The UA Fj - ,

Then fo i CV : P from 6.30pm for reports and a comple::,, full-time score service

1 ~~ ~~

!2P l.tEiaW 9

V. ,FA SEGMENT Scores, c hat an d new s of local VAFA teams betw een 6 .00-6.15pm each Satu rday night .

W_ A SUNDAY 9 .30 - 10.30 a.m. 9N & STEVE McCARTHY TUNE IN 1' , - - : 7i : :' B _L THE VAFA NEWS This weeks guest : Neil Wallmeyer (General Manager - Prahran AFC ) 24 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2M'

® t>


4) .

Sunday 8 .00-8.30 pm

The Sunday Age W VAFA pnatches,1


ffl C .lPtCO



---z )akes writes about Saturday ,

039)91"j009 F a u~v

0_ ie Day and Joh na th an Horn ,snday's Age


® Ln"S- ° Z"-4~ ~I , ~a c.0 .

zrry Penola, A

{° WCS .7, i' € EI341 S Friday 7 .Ofl-8 .0^-)m Includes weekly chat on all matters VAF'A.


H-7_~__l KNITWEAR The battle for fourth spot appears to be a race in establish a goo d two between Williamstown and Oakleigh after both platform going into clubs beat relegation contenders and La Trobe was the finals . I'm gonn a crushed by flag favourite Old Geelong . take Rupo on this The season from hell continued for Swinburne, one . beaten this time by the Seagulls to the tune of 45 Oakleigh take on Old Geelong at Scammel points . But Dene Macleod's men have plenty of Reserve, still pressing for a finals berth . Like improvement left with nine of their best 21 LaTrobe, they won't have an easy time of it come watching the game from the sidelines . these last few weeks, especially against an Old Ivanhoe Assumption copped an almighty hiding Geelong combination who are still doing the from Peninsu la, beaten by 115 points in Mt Eliza . business quite comfortably. I simply feel that the Their battle with Bentleigh this week is likely to OGs have too many guns all over the park . Old decide who joins the Razorbacks in D3 next Geelong to win . season .

Williamstown CYMS make the journey to Chadstone for their game against Salesian OC. „- Willy made the most of their opportunity agains t cite Macleod's men have

plenty of improvement lef twihneofrbs21watchin ."


Swinny last week to shake themselves out of their recent funk, while Salesian were probably unlucky to fall short against Rupo . Not an easy task to keep on winning, but with more to play for than the home side, this extra motivation should see them over the line . Willy for mine .

Oakleigh kept alive its finals hopes setting up a 25- Swinburne University entertain Peninsula OI3 at point win over the Demons with a six-goal to three St . James Park in a game the Pirates should win, second quarter . The Krushers got good service out confirming their spot in the finals . Peninsula to of Rutter and five goals from Bromley while Banks win . Bentleigh travel to The Boulevard for their contest and Robertson featured prominently for the Dees . The rampaging Old Geelong annihilated La Trobe against Ivanhoe Assumption in this battle of the by 86 points and restricted the Trobers to just two relegation candidates . Both teams also face goals in three quarters in an ominous display . Swinburne before the end of the season, while the Glenn TaY lor's men from Bundoora now need to Hoes must also play Salesian, and the Demon s

win their remaining three matches to sneak into the four, while Michael Lockman's charges can get ready for another finals series . Their opponent in week one Rupertswood ended Salesian's season when they overcame a three-goal

half-time deficit for a thrilling four-point win . Brennan booted four for the victors but was beaten for BOG honours by Collins while Logan and

Oldfield battled hard for the losers . PREVIEW

LaTrobe University host Rupertswood at Bundoora in a contest of great importance to the hosts. With results going against them last week, the Trobers are now two games off fourth spot, an d

with a difficult draw ahead, may struggle to win another game . Rupo however have the personnel to exploit the space at LaTrobe and will want to

F:,7 . . . .I'Ol D2 SECTION Peninsula Rupertswood Bentleigh D2 Williamstown Old Geelong Rupertswood Peninsula


16 72 1 62 1 51

Burgess Leishman A Jordan Goldthorp

o 10 0 4

Payze L Brennan

46 43 39 39


have Old Geelong, so it could well be a case of "adios amigos" for the loser today . Hoes it is . Correspondent s Please send any correspondence to Peter.PS .Williamson(acentrelink, ideally by 5pm Monday or Andrew 4Vu m

ANEiREW'S TEP S Rupertswood Old Geelong Williamstown Peninsula Ivanhoe

20 16 18 45 1

MILESTONE S Saleian OC - congratulations to Phil 'I3i dals' Dolman who plays his 50th game for Salesi an . Phil has been a consistent performer for the club with his hard running from the backline, his great reading of the play, an d good use of the ball . He may think he's old but he's sti ll a spring chicken compared to many at the club . Looking forward to plenty more quality games over the coming seasons for the club .

Williamstown - congratulates Mick Alarming on reaching 150 games and Simon Phemister on reaching 100. Since coming through the Under 19's Slick (who bears an uncanny resemblan ce to Nol ticket holder and Victorian premier Steve Bracks) has proven to be one of the most popular personalities at the CY's. The long-kicking hackman (who like a ll backmen fan cies himself as a forward) has made himself a reputation as one of the tightest defenders in the comp. In previous years when the side has been down Mick has been asked to take on monumental roles for a guy his size . He is often first to put up his hand to take on the comp's crack forwards an d is seldom beaten . At every club a guy seems to come along every few years an d makes a name for himself instant aneously . Simon Phemister is one of those guys. A gutsy on baller/back fl anker his dedication to the sport is unsurpassed. Rewarded with the captaincy after only 58 games he has relished the role and has proven to be an inspirational leader. Courageous and skilful he is looking to taste finals for the first time under his captaincy this year. His work off the field is as dedicated as his on- field roles . Secretary of the club for two years an d still continues to work tirelessly for his team an d club.

La Trobe Uni V Rupertswood Oakleigh v Old Geelong Salesian 0 C v Williamstown CYMS Swinburne Uni v Peninsula 0 B Ivanhoe Assumption v Bentleigh

P21 ! Cno N RUfI . r6t700D 3.2 5.5 8 .8 10.14 (74) SALESIAN OC 4.3 8 .5 8.6 10.10 (70) ltu : Brennan 4 Clark McGovern Reid Sumett M West Whitehead . Best : Collins Brennan Monzell Boxall M West J Plummer . Saks: Thain 3 Nannes 2 Bormki Stevens Rogers Deahaye Downey. Best: Logan Oldflek) Bobetic C Rose Campbell DeLahaye. Umpires: Jason Waszaj Ross Payne (RFL) (F) OLD GEELONG 2 .9 5.14 11 .17 17.19 (121) IA THOBE UNI 1 .4 1 .4 2 .4 5.5(35) Old Gee1: C OBrten Higgins 3 Fallaw L Stevens M Vickers-Willis Waters 2 H McCarthy Vasey J Bell . Best: Best : Fatrbatrn Casboult E Babies White J Bell Vickers-Wills. La Trobe Uni: Davidson 3 Brooks Benton . Best Cossar Forrest Oakley Benton McMeekin Ulph . Umpires : Daniel Sitfo Robert O'Gorman (F) Gary Clancy Paul Whitehead (G ) BENTLEIGH 3.6 6.9 11 .13 13.16 (94) OAMEIGH 5 .4 11 .8 13 .14 17 .17 (119) Bent : Paul 3 Sharp 3 Reid 3 Wright McCulloch Bretag Robertson . Best : Banks Robertson Sire Reid Sharp Chapman . Oak : Bromley 5 Bell 3 S Briggs 2 A Kitts 2 Dalton Reynolds Rutter Way . Best : Rutter Reynolds Kevin Holden P Holden Bromley Collins. Um : Dimitri Pappas Anthony Simpson (F) Tristan Reith Lachlan Simpson G ) B'IId.iAi&RS'SOWN CYSii& 5 .2 8.8 16 .11 22 .15 (147) SWINBURNE Ul`dI 3 .1 10.2 11 .3 16 .6 (102) With Lee 5 Barlow 2 L Henry 2 Any 2 King 2 Ryan 2 Thompson 2 Cocks ach Gallivan Phemister Wuchatsch . Best: B Hynes L Henry Lee Greive Taylor King. Swim Higgins 5 Murchie 5 Trickey 3 Orr O'Keeffee Piorrowskl . Best: Trickey O'Mara Filder Piotrowski Higgins Mennan . Umpires : Michael Forde Andrew Shirts (F) PENINSULA oB 8 .7 13 .8 22 .15 26.21 (177) IVARHOE AS5UA3PTIOIY 0 .1 7.4 7.6 9.8(62) Penins : Payee 12 J Coghian 6 T Prendergast 2 Murphy 2 Claringbokl 2 Atchison T Coglilan. Best : Payee J Coghian Wood Claringbold Rees Davis. Ivan Asn : O'Dwyer 4 Wilson Rawley Peggte Brown Barbagello . Best: Pegg le Galloway Brown Nixon Ebbage Crawford. Umpires : Lionel Katz Sean Brailsfard (F) DZ RESERVE RUPEt2T5@1000 3.4 5 .7 12 .11 13.14 (92) SALESIAN 0 .1 2 .2 3.5 4 .6(30) Reports : Price 3 Johnson 3 Powell 2 Hum 2 Ang 2 Bronsema. Best Clarke Johnson Jarrsz B Monte House G Ratty . Sales : Henson 2 Pitts Montgomery. Best DmTy Montgomery Allen Trakas Moore Brennan . Otd? GEELONG 4 .4 6 .7 10 .15 15.17 (107) LA TROBE UNI 3 .3 6.3 6.3 7 .3 (45) O'-.d Gee1: S OBrfen Symons 3 l.eishman Slattery 2 G Allen Ellis Goldsw•or thy M Leslie Strauch. Best : S O'Brien Symons T Bayles Morley J Hope-Johnstone Letshman . LaTmue: Coulter 3 Mawdsley Spring Redmond Kerrison. Best Van Got Merrington Spring Tiernan BEIvTLEIGH 0 .0 4 .2 4.4 4 .6(30) 0 IGH 3.3 6 .4 8 .5 10.10 (70) Bent: Beatie Wtthnigton Brown Punter. Best : Huchisan Hayes Okifield Francis Punter Richards . Oak: Fraser 5 Herry 2 Khodr Plavkouvts Videky . Best: L Malcom Short Perdikomatis Redford Herry Halpin. 3.3 9 .9 14.16 22.21 (153) WII.L WN CLB38 SIFIIiBUAtdE UNT 1 .2 1 .2 1 .4 1 .4(10) With Burgess 7 Carter 5 Downer 3 Hinsley 2 Woods 2 Adams Kosmatos Paul. Best: Carter Burgess Williams Kosmatos Wanda Dowsey. Swin : De Marie . Best: Carter Liston Handrv Peirson Goode Beyton. PENINSULA OB 4.1 6 .3 10 .7 16.10 (106) IVANHOE ASSUIvU>'rION 2 .1 5 .3 6.5 6 .7(43) Penins: Goldthorp 3 Haley 3 Cahir 2 Smith 2 Day 2 Hynes Law McKtnstry Neal. Best: Law Lethbridge Day McKinstry Smith McMahon . Ivan Asn : Shuttlwvrth 2 Joyce Turner Nemtsis Toogood. Best: Nemtsis Toogood Meredith Haddon Frantch Zeegers .




D2 Section OENTLEIGH Coach: Justin Paul Asst Coach: Troy Lupoi Res Coach : Steve Hall

IVANHOE ASSUMPTION Coach : Anthony McKay Asst Coach : Doni Valkanis Res Coach : Richard Peoples


Coach : Glenn Taylor Asst San Coaches : David Huffer & Bob Ellis Res Coach : Bob Elli s Club XVIII Coach : Cam Black

5 J. Robertson 6 R. Dolman 7 S. Holmesby 8 C. McFadden 9 L . Tangas 10 J. Vlahos 11 D. Martin 12 T. Wright 13 S. Craven 15 B. McClelland 16 D. Chapman 17 S. Francis 18 S. Adaway 19 M. Wilson 20 R . Fishlock 21 A. Ferris 22 A. Smith 23 G . McFarlane 24 J . Roberts 25 D . Gold 26 B. Padgham 27 J . Seeley 28 M. McCulloch (C) 29 A. Clough 30 A. Lee 31 A. Banks 32 D . Kopitschinski 33 P. Withingion 35 P. Hutchison 36 M. Ferris 37 L. Holmesby 38 B . Fox 39 G. Prigg 40 A . Steward 42 A . Mikkelsen

1 S. Conley 2 M. Maud 3 P.Harris 4 T. O'Neill 5 J . Scoble 6 E . Healy 7 P. Fawley 8 J . Shuttleworth 9 R . Peoples 10 P. Lee 11 D . Valkanis 12 B .Galloway 13 B .McCrohan 14 D .Neilson 15 G.BoYd 16 M .Joyce 17 T.Nixon 18 A .Boyd 19 D. Wood 20 N. Pye 21 N. Blainey 22 A . Height 23 L.Cole 24 B . Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 B .Walthers 28 S .Graham 29 J . Crapper 30 T. Mehmet 31 D.McFarlane 32 J . losefo 33 S.Hicks 34 C.Trea9 er 35 P.Veitch 36 C.Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 N .Haddon 39 M. Ebbage

42a M . Hayes 44 R . Punter

40 J.Barbggallo 41 C . McDonald

T Cohen N . Dunne

45 S . Ferris 48 R . McEvoy 49 C . Kamus 51 P. Sampson 52 L. Sampson 53 E . Box 54 R . Oldfield 55 G. Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 D . Clarke 60 B . Grant 61 H . McKenzie 64 M . Hayes

42 K. O'Dwyer 43 A. Shemshedin 44 M.Shephard 45 R .Fort 46 P.Martin 47 TPeggie 48 R . Toogood 49 A.Rosenfeld 50 R . Shing 51 D . Pearce 52 M.Wilson 53 M. Chazan 54 J.Skirving 55 S.Carter 57 M. Frannich 58 D . Hager 59 C . Mclnney 60 J . Nemtses 78 C . Brown

D . Fennell M . Garret K . Hickman S . Jackson C . Knee P. Lias A . Mann S . Miller G. Nelson X . O'Donnell L. Ryan L. Heathcote C. Francis S . Gloury S . Moore S . Pitaro J . Waterman B . Laidlaw D. Hill J . Rotell a C. Sage

1 C. Sharp 2 J. Paul 3 A. Pittito 4 S. Sice

4 H . Davies 5 S . Adamthwaite

6 D . Gleeson 7 T. Mannes 8 C. Correnti 10 M . Forrest 13 T. Ludeman 14 D. Butler 15 S . Brooks 16 P. Farrant 18 C. Blight 19 A . Benton 20 A . Coulter 21 M . Harvey 22 D. McMeekin 23 M . Cossar 24 L. Envall 26 M . Dingle 27 S. Pruscino 31 A. Mambwe 32 S. Gibson 34 H. Spring 35 F. Tieman 36 T. Mawdsley 39 R . Slater 40 S. Murphy 42 D . Robson 44 D . Kerrison 45 D . McMeekin 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 55 C . Fehring 70 J. Dumaresq 73 J. Sewell 78 J . Clark C . Clamp



B. Hider M . McDonald



Coach : Pat McKenna Res Coach : Mark Ryan Asst Coach: Shane Kitts 1 A. Murrayy 2 J . Tolley 3 D . Britt 4 G. Henry 5 C . Kokkino s

Coach: Michael Lockma n Res Coach : Michael Verge Asst Coach: Matt Edmonds 1 M. Goldsworthy 2 N . Casboult 3 M. White 4 C . Stinchcombe (C)

7 M . Short 8 S . Ead

7 J. Paul 8 G . Alle n

9 C . Hogan 11 J . Rutter 12 D . Fumell 13 L. Curtis 14 J . Nevezie 15 G. Redford (RVC) 16 M . Bel l 17 D. Perry 18 J . Connella n 19 R. Keating 20 J . Halpin 21 A . Perdikornatis (RC) 22 D. Wills 23 J . Kerley 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A . Kitts 27 D. Zula (VC) 28 A. Khodr 29 K. Holden 30 P. Holden (DVC) 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 P. Lucas 33 S. Bando 34 L. Head 35 R. Nuske 36 M. Ryan 37 S. Briggs 38 S. Cammiss 39 W. Plaukovits 40 J. Briggs 41 S. Way 42 S. Dalton 43 A. Hinton 44 N . Wills 45 E. Videky 46 R . Holden 47 M. Stevenso n 48 J. Reynolds 49 S. Collins

50 C . Lamb 51 B. Nguyen 52 R . Dooley 53 C . Pollock 54 B . Gant 55 P. Malcolm 56 B . King

57 D . Nagel 58 P' Torpe y 59 T. Orchard

5 M. Vickers-Willis (C )

6 J. Bel l 9 D . Kimpton 10 M. Avery 11 L . Stevens 12 T. Paul 13 T. Cannon 14 D . Taylor 15 H . McCarth y 16 T. Fallaw 17 T. Betts 18 J . Malpas 19 N . Bens 20 J . Lego e 21 L. Teagu e 22 T. Bayles 23 C . Fairbaim 24 S. Lansdell (V-C ) 25 C . Wilson 29 S. O'Brien 30 D . Youl 31 A . Munro 32 T. Ayerb e 33 E . Bayles 34 S . Makin 35 M . Verg e 36 T. Makin 37 T. Waters 38 L. Smith 39 J . Kilpatric k 40 L. Teague 41 S . Ross 42 C. Legoe 43 R. Parsons 44 J . O'Hare 45 H. Logos 46 J. Morley 47 J. Col e 48 R. Herd 51 J. Kilpatrick 52 A. Higgins 53 A. Hosking 54 R. Hughes 55 C. Atkins 56 M. Leslie

57 B. Symon s 58 J. McCarthy 59 R. Kilpatrick 60 B. MaClea n 62 G . Leishma n 63 D. Ardlie 64 J. Atkins 65 R . Bel l

66 H . Burgess 67 J. Burnel l 68 B. Churc h

60 E . Bennett

89 A. Southey

63 M . Couttie 64 A . Wood 65 T. Krotofil

70 W . de Fegley 71 R . Ellis 72 H . England 73 H . Foletta


75 T Gree n 76 hi. Hayes

W~ql "T^;~

77 S. Monaghan 78 L. Morriso n 79 N . Robinso n 80 C .O'Bne n 81 G. Ritchie


82 T Smit h

A~,, . ~ -~%--

BETTER TORQUE AUTOMOTIVE 40 Oxford Street, Oakleigh 3166 PH : 9564 7044 FAX: 9564 7205

83 R . Stevens 84 S . Tresis e 85 M . Vasey

86 J . Whit e

88 J . Hawker 87 J . Imhoff

89 P. Ktooste r 90 E . Jettere y



PENINSULA Coach : Julian Sill Res Coach : Joe Coy 1 S . Parsons 2 A . Parsons 3 M. Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 M. Warner 7 S. Murray 8 R . Stainforth 9 T. Coghlan 10 A. Haley 11 G . Lethbridge t2 S . Ferguson 13 T. Rees 14 S . White 15 J . Davis 16 A . Wood 17 J . Coghlan 18 J . Wheaten 19 A . McKinstry 20 S . Prendergast 21 M. Barron 22 A. Atchison 23 R . Feeney (VC) 24 T. Prendergast 25 J. Rowe 26 A. Murphy 27 S. Payze (CAPT) 28 B. Taylor 29 S. Pratt 30 A. Crean 31 D. Brennan 32 B . Liuzzi 33 A . Law 34 M . Falkiner 35 T. Braden 38 N . Bowman 37 J . Growcott 38 M. Day 39 A. Minchin 40 P. Dade-Bell 41 A. Vidotto 42 N . C4aringbo.d 43 B. Dunne 44 A. Pearce 45 L . Prendergast 46 T. Moran 47 M . Hawkins 48 N. Heffernan 49 S. Smith 50 K. Krake 51 A. Quinlan 52 M . Cahir 53 T. Neal 54 C. Hines 55 A . Jopp 57 A . McCullough



Coach : Peter Turley Res Coach : Jon Brennan 1 A . Stevens 2 A . Thain 3 S . Sutherland 4 A . Healey 5 M . Canavan 6 M. Loughnan 7 G . Tucker 8 S. Logan 9 A. Campbell 10 S. Oldfeld 11 A. Davey 12 L . Rose 13 I . Bobetic 14 P. Evans 15 C. Rose 16 P. Dolman 17 Matt Forbes 18 p Barry 19 T. Fairbaim 20 A. Seeger 21 A. Bonnici 22 S . Downey 23 P. Hanton 24 E . Hanapy 25 J . Rogers 26 J . Nannes 27 E . Maillard 28 C . Savage 29 P. Delahaye 30 A. Brett 31 L . Seville 32 G . Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 C. Goulden 35 P. Knott 36 S. Nolan 37 B. Chalmers 38 K. Woodman 39 M . Ware 40 S . Trakas 41 M . Smyth 42 T. Henson 43 M . Van Suylen 44 P. McClaren 45 D . Allen 46 S . Gree ty, 47 I . Rozankovic 48 T. Dod son 49 M. Oa ke 50 J. Oakley 51 S. Stevens 52 S. Henry 53 P. Allen 54 S. Brown 55 J . Ngo 56 C. Ryan 57 M . Smith 58 M . Ferwerda 59 A . Simon 60 P. Forbes

t" TY

Coach : Manny Debono Res. Coach : Carmel o Dell 'Ollio 1 D Odulm 2 J Sheedy 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidler 5 J Demarte 6 D Harmer 7 J Murchie 8 M Higgins 9 L Morrison 11 D Milano 13 J Coy 14 R Goode 15 D Ledger 16 C Walsh 17 J Roberts 18 M Flack 19 B OYvtara 21 J Young 22 S McKenzie 23 S Fitzgibbon 24 C Higgins 26 TListon 27 H Hodgson 28 J Ryan 29 J Gordon 30 J Mennen 32 P B, n 33 S Chn ov 34 A Fricke 36 J Carter 37 B Caimes 38 M Tricky 39 B Prior 40 J Kane 41 M Handby 42 M Dell'Ollio 43 J Arnlrirro~ubs 44 M Pullen 45 D Morris 46 J Sandhu 47 T Morris 48 Achun g 49 L Orr 50 M George 51 M Pearson 52 E Fudan 53 J Grabovic ~ M Eby 55 M~nnin9 56 H Kimura 57 C 0 'Keefle 58 S hutchins 59 R granger 60 P'I째째es

Proudly sponsored by : e -- -------


1[ . G

akl NW ATERG00)}S




Restaurarrt & Bar

The Elgin Inn Burwood Road Hawthorn

WILlIAMSTD W D CYM S Coach : Dene Macleod Res Coach : Damien Hynes 1 T. Wheeler 2 P. Jame s 2(r) J . Di Grazia 3 D. Woud a 4 S . Wuchatsc h 5 D. Elias 6 D. Greive 7 L. O 'Sulliva n 8 L. Ryan 9 J . Munro 10 B . Cocks 11 C . McCraken 12 S. McGuines s 13 M. Grossman 14 J. Street 15 D . Taylor 16 S. Phemiste r 17 R . Hart 18 D . Oldham 19 S. Barlo w 20 L. Coope r 21 M . Welsh 22 S . King 23 C. McNamar a 24 C. Pach 25(r)G. Burgess 25 L. Thomas 26 D . Le e 27 B . Grant 28 A . Kosmato s 29 B. Griffe n 30 K. Dowse 31 J. Hynes y 32 T. Hynes 33 T. Boz 34 L. Henry 35 C. Bergin 36 F. Henry 37 B . Hyne s 38 M . Elias 39 T. Carter 40 P. Thompson 41 A . McKensie 42 B . Hinsley 43 P. Azzapardi 44 M . Manning 45 J . Buttigeig 46 G. Singleton 47 B. Robinson 48 B. Gray 49 F. Diblas i 50 B. McKay 51 S. Mandan 52 D . Paul 53 A. Lewis 54 L. Keating 55 R. Nisbett 56 Z . Milken laud e 57 D. Jory 58 S . Vinning 59 T. Manning 60 S . Hal l 61 S . Adam s 62 C. Hoilland 63 M . Holland 64 D .0'Keetfe 65 D . Wilfred 66 B . Koch

Prou dly sponsore d b y:


Sara's Bistro Glenferrie PLUMBIN G SERVICES 73'9 .I955 Road Hawtho rn .





--------------------- {t}LD HAILEYBl1RY) (OLD IVANHOE) (U~"ERS3TY BLACKS) L , ." US ST LEOS EELONG ) )G (ST JOHNS OC) (ELTHAM OC) . .. - .. . . .. .. ... ... J


Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18). 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 0 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening.

Phone : 13 15 52 24 Hour Emergency 0418 333 11 8



If you a re the perso n circled, presentfi photo at t~:l-VAFA Reception during n e xt week and you wi ll receive Cadbury

product or a Cadbury hamper.








t ._

Old Ivanhoe's defeat of top team St Bernards had a two fold effect . St Bernards were now vulnerable at the "top of the tree" and relegation was now between four clubs, MHSOB, Old Melburnians, Old Ivanhoe and M arcellin OC . Yes, A Section was again "hotting up" and with four remaining rounds, there were opportunities for many more twists and turns at our elite level . St Bernards had gone into this game minus some very important players in Nick Mitchell (quadriceps), Steve McKeon (infected hand), Adam Merrington (Carlton), Damien McLaughlin (Port Melbourne) and Jason Gallant (suspended) . Despite these absences, at half time the Bernies were 25 points up . Old Ivanhoe were also without some valuable resources as Matt McKie, Marcus Toovey and James Hope were all playing in the VFL and Paul Donaldson did not play, yet they performed magnificently in the third term scoring 7 .6 to 2 .1 and it was "game on" . Old Ivanhoe increased their lead in the last quarter and ran out winners 16 .17 to 14 .10, their supporters were delighted and believed avoidance of relegation to be a real possibility . McLean (5), Corcoran, the two Weddle lads and Douglas stood out for the winners . Collins, Jordan, L Gollant, D Byrne, C Mitchell and Grey were St Bernards' best .


t was certainly out of character for these two role model s to be "booked" . Old Brighton's dominance of B Section (2 games clear on top and 40% surplus over the next best) caused scribe Damian Carroll to claim they would have warranted a place in the A Section top four. Strong claim and disputed by some but Brighton's demolition of Old Paradians (sixth) would tend to give Damian's claims some substance . Brighton's 21 .13 against OP's 8 .9 at OP's ground maintained their strong percentage with best players as follows ; Dennis , 34

Lennox, Williams, Hendra, Bradley (6) and S Gadsden . O'Loughlin, Dintinosante, Sinclair, Holland, Gale and Stevens

deserved some credit for Paradians . B Section field umpires were ; Simon Olive, Sharon Alger, Peter James, Graeme Hunichen, Neville Boyle, Justin Garrett, Mark Jenkins, Peter Simpson, Gene Hodgins and Rick Love . Results from the Tribunal Hearings included 2 decorated players from representative teams, Nigel Brohier (Caulfield Grammarians) and Cam Matthews (Old Carey) . Brohier's 2 weeks were for striking and Matthews received 1 week for attempting to strike . It was

certainly out of character for these two rol e models to be "booked" .

Round 16 in C Section was expected to consolidate the double chance for both Ivanhoe and Old Geelong . Well Ivanhoe made a certainty of it by easily defeating K ew, 13 .9 to 3 .6, in less than perfect conditions . Old Geelong were at home to Whitefriars but the Friars' full forward, Tim Pratt, made it his own show when he kicked 5 .7 from 6 .15 and received excellent support from James Begley, Mark Bateman and Anthony Carbone . Old Geelong's final score of 7 .1 left them 8 points short and only Stu Glascott and John Smythe warranted a mention from the Peter Lemon (C Section scribe) . OGGS would now face having to hold off the fast finishing Old Ivanhoe in the remaining games . Southbank CBA enjoyed a substantial win over Glenhuntly, 21 .28 to 4 .3, and took Caulfi eld Grammarians' spot in the top four when the Grammarians failed against Thomastown . Southbank had many good players in the poor conditions, which may have accounted for their poor conversion rate, but in the main it was Eastham, Keighran, McNamara, Williams, Bluhm an d THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2605

Perry (6) who did most of the damage . Rossiter, Thomas, Augustine, Breslin, Turner and Hall battled hard for Glenhuntly .

Tootell and Bierwirth west best for the "Fields . C Price, McDonald, C Mahon, Power, Gartner and O'Sullivan earned the plaudits of their supporters .

b In A Section Bullen Templestowe's defeat of Old Xaverians, 13 .7 to 9 .11, meant that the Xavs looked to be headed to B Section for the 1986 season . Bulleen Temp never looked in danger and Gilmore, Lockhart, Harisiou, George, Asdagi and Kazuro made sure of their team's victory with their commitment . The Xavs' best were Klein, O'Shaughnessy, Greetham, P Curtain, Trainor and O'Sullivan . In B Section Parkside (third) did not have it all their own way against St Kilda who had now lost their opportunity to play finals' football in 1985 . St Kilda's fight back in the second term meant there was only 1 point in it at the main break but Parkside's physical strength allowed them to forge ahead in the second half to win 10 .10 to 6 .8 . Jones, Yoksich, Torre, Page, Evans and Pavia were the Red Devils' best while Gillan, Latham, Driscoll, White, Capiron and La Fontaine were hard workers for St Kilda . It seemed nothing would stop Old Trinity in C Section as they kept their undefeated status with a powerful display against North Brunswick, 17 .15 to 3 .9 . North Brunswick's best were Cootee, Cortese, Scullin, DiMarco, De Morton and Jewson . There could have been more best players named for OT but Phillips, Pontefract, Alibon, Norman, Dobson and Maizels "got the nod" .

A Section finals' aspirants Coburg remained in contention after they defeated the powerful Uni Blacks combination 12 .15 to 10 .21 . Coburg were now fifth and the Blacks remained in second place . O'Brien (3), Leckie, King, Hutchinson, Handley and Mann were best for Coburg, Bellingham, Larkins, Simon Costello, Clarke, Holmes and Perret were the Blacks' best . Caulfield Grammarians held on to their fourth place in B Section by narrowly defeating Marcellin OC 14 .11 to 14 .9 . Morphet (3), Watson, Clarke, Dickeson, 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

In C Section St Kilda CBC had to work hard against Old Haileybury to maintain their undefeated status . Eventually the Saints drew away to win 7 .19 to 4 .8 . Similarly, North M elbourne CBC, in D Section, started slowly against Tooronga M alvern before winning 12 .13 to 7 .6 and retaining their unbeaten run for the season .

"Ball Briefs" recorded news from various clubs and acknowledged a number of "50 gamers" . Old Haileybury's full back, Alan Ross, brought up his half century and was known for his high flying marks and exceptionally long kicking . Graeme "Tarzan" Kingston, determined Parkside half forward, also played his 50th and Kew's Brian Weston celebrated his 50th with a great game .

Old Melburnians (second) sounded a real warning to top side Ormond by running away with the game in the second half to win comprehensively, 19 .16 to 11 .4 . OM's had difficulty deciding their best among the many contributors but highlighted the outstanding performance of Cromby for his skilful handball and play on game, Wallace displayed his magical disposal and Ramsden was the "pinnacle of determination" . Ormond said Graham Schrober was their "most successful player" and rued the unavailability of Stock and Rundle due to leg injuries . The OM's were now only 2 games behind Ormond but neither side could miss out on playing in the second semi-final in a few weeks time . Both Uni Blacks (third) and Uni Blues (fourth) also looked likely to have a mortgage on a first semi-final berth . In the leading goal-kickers, it seemed Blues, from the finals' aspirants, may rely more heavily on one player to score their goals as Dahlenburg with 65 for the season to date was well clear of Dowling (Blacks) 38, Fenton-Smith (Ormond) 31 and Cox (Old Melburnians) 28 . 35

Review It was a strange match at the "House" where West Brunswick got off to a flyer, kicking the first six goals of the match, and extended that lead to 50 points through some great work from Morgan, Benjamin and West . However, the Bees fought back, and with Ryan Bell converting and Walsh playing well in his return match, Werribee got within 7 points . However the Pies steadied and recorded a season defining 19 point ivin .

Power House started slowly against a near full strength Westbourne outfit and was never in the hunt from there on in, though was competitive for most of the match . While West and Hill tried hard for PH, they were never going to match the class of "Burra" or Chris Hudson in their 50-point defeat . A depleted Kew side tried hard against St . J ohns for three quarters but a final quarter blitz saw the result blow out to 88 points . Best players for Kew was again skipper Nick Tinetti and defenders Aaron Carman and Tom Moore who both tried valiantly . M onash now has some breathing space after a good home win to Syndal . It was a tight affair in the first half but a disappointing second half for Syndal as their chances of staving up slipped further. Fletcher down back and Damian Richardson again up forward were the best for the Svnners . The match between South Melbourne an d UHSVU went as expected with the depleted Students going down by 88 points . The win keeps the Swans slim finals hopes alive while UHS now has three important matches coming up to stave off the relegation demons .

'-,e win keeps the Swans slim ats hopes alive . " Preview The local Zoo derby pits an undermanned S against a rampant West Brunswick in a match I can only see going one way . The Westies now have top place in their sights and have now flr ;ned to outright favoritism for the flag, while the students

could slip into the bottom two if their slide continues. My pick is the Pies by plenty, 88 points to be exact . Round 16 throws up some great match ups, and the Westbourne versus South Melbourne match is one of them. Today's match is a make or break game for South Melbourne given a loss will all but assure Westbourne fourth place . While South won the corresponding fixture first time around, I am going with the Warriors today by 17 points because they are at near full strength and have the Attic Park advantage . Werribee host St .Johns today in what could be dubbed a mini-fmal with the winner a big chance to take the double chance and the loser likely to meet Old Westbourne in a month's time . The last meeting between these two resulted in a St .Johns win, and I predict that today will be no different as they sneak home by 5 points . Without wanting to sound unkind, today's match between Kew and Monash is one that has little significance on both ends of the table, but does still have a lot to do with pride . However, being at home, and with the good form of Anthony Vecchio on the ball I am sticking with Kew to win by 21 points . When you look at the ladder, and given percentages and the form of UHS, you can almost say that today's loser between Sy ; ' . I Tally H e

D3 9?C1'ION Werribee Old Westbourne Werribee Ke w D3 RESERVE Werribee St Johns OC UHS VU

C Lee 1 55 J Horsburgh 2 45 D Lee 0 43 Vecchio 1 4 1 Marinis Callaghan Forbes

1 54 6 52 4



and Power House is next to certain to be down in D4 next season, while the winner can hold onto the glimmer of hope they can leapfrog UHS if results go their way . For my pick, I am going with power House as I was impressed by their endeavor last week and believe this will be enough to get them over the line by 23 points .

correspondents Thanks to my regular contributors . Please get any reports to gavan .flower(dspotless .com .au by no later than midday on Monday.

P3-s =ri C':ST BRUNS":3CK 7.3 12.5 14 .8 18 .10 (118) WE EE AMATEURS 1 .3 7 .3 11 .8 15 .9 ( 99) West Bruns: Haysey 3Smythe 3 Benjamin 2 Ellis 2 Hamilton 2 Irving 2 Maguire 2 Monagle Sudholz . Best : Morgan Monagle West Hamilton Pietsch Ellis . Wea : Bell 4 Palmington 4 An. Taylor 2Walsh 2 Ayling Borg Lawernce. Best: Kidd Hassel Walsh Carson Simpson Bell.

Umpires: Mick Gilday Bruno Sari (F) Blake Curtis Alex Koutsoukis (B) Vin Vescovi Michael Jones (G) ST." MELBOURNE DI5iT2IC155.5 12.14 16.18 20.21 (141) UHS-V17 3.1 3.6 5 .9 7.11 (53) Sth Rie18 Dist : DAndrea 7 Batchelor 4 Mahoney 3 P Hannan M Hannan A Hannan Mckenzie Calabrase . Best: Washington Hannan Atherton Batchelor Cronan D'Andrea Hannan . UHS-VU : Tate 2 Forbes Carroll Cracknell Sanson Hall . Best: Creek Carroll Sparks Garringe P Clarke

Power House - Nick Bish~- -D and Ash Brownjohn register 5v garues eaeh . Congratulations from all at Power House to the "iwo pretty boys" of the team . This week marks just the first of many milestones that have finally been written about for both of these boy's and we are all verv confident that man_v more will continue to occur, well done . Syndal Tally - congratulates Chris Cachia on his 20C - for the club this week . Chris has been the clubs' inspirational captain for the past four seasons, winning three best and fairest awards at the Synners and leading the clubs goal kicking . He was a vital member of the 2001 premiership team and his desire to win every time he steps over the white line is second to none . He is a loyal clubman . who has rejected a number of offers from other amateur clubs . All at Syndal Tally Ho congratulate the skipper on this tremendous achievement, and we look forward to some successful seasons ahead under his leadership . Old Westbourne - Warriors , an d Aaron Miller join the : ; club this week .' Marty', joined the club from Sedd and has added great Ruck and Forward strength to the Warriors in his three seasons, all in the ones, enjoying the senior flag in 2004 . 'Azza' has come on in leaps and bounds in '05 cementing himself in the senior line-up with some exceptional defensive efforts and a bright future is in stall . Both will be looking forward to plavi,,,; finals this season . Congratula! i ms frca 1 c .Ib .

UHS-VU v'-t 1 runsic k

Old Westbourne v South Melbourne Districts Werribee Amateurs v St Johns 0 C Kew v M onash Gryphons Symdal Tally-Ho v Power House THE AMATEUR

Cracknell .

Umpires : Ian Kennedy Pat Machos (F) POWER HOUSE 1 .3 7.4 8.4 13.4 (82) OLD W"'STBOURNE 6 .5 9 .9 14 .13 19 .18 (132) Power House: A Brownjohn 2 D Cooper 2 B Turner 2 S West 2 P Anold R Benson M Hill J Marshall P Sosic . Best: S West M Hill J Conway P Sosic D Boland P Haseler Old West : J Horsborough 4 A Horsborough 3 Tray Edwards 3 M Chrism 3 T Whitting 3 C Hudson P Husdon Huntington Best : A Horshorough C Hudson Huntington Fairfield Trav Edwards Hodgson .

Umpires : Sean Scully Snr Paul Hoffman (F) James Scull y ST JOHNS O C 5 .6 9 .9 10 .16 21.20 (146) KEW 2 .3 3 .4 5 .6 8 .9(57) St Johns: Ryan 8 Phaedonos 4 Chalk 2 2,4eEachern C Peake Jones Roberts O'Connor. Best: Ryan Gaget Chalk Phaedonos Diaz Ice . Kew: McKerrow 2@tood 2 Woodhouse 2 Allen Evans . Best: Tinetti Carman Dalrymple Vecchio Moore Allen. Umpires ; Matt Brennan David Longworth (F) MONASH GRYPHONS 2.5 8.10 11 .12 17.19 (121) SYNDAL TALLY HO 4 .3 8 .3 9 .7 10 .7 (67) Mon Grgp-a: Pocock 4 Watson 3 MacNamara 3 Sharkey 2 N Rutherford 2 McKenzie G Harrah D Bradshaw . Best: Wells Schultz MacNamara Flowerday J Rutherford Watson . Syndal TH : Cachia 3 Hafflisey Miller MacKenzie Robinson Tua Revnolds D Richardson . Best : Fletcher MacKenzie Robinson D Richardson Tua Browne . Umpires: Rob Sneddon Richard Yann (F) D3 RESERVE WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .0 4.1 4 .2 6 .4 (40) WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2.4 5.8 10.12 14.13 (97) West Brenm : Russell 2 Gorman Hussy Purcell Saisanas . Best: Satsanas Purcell Waller Tobin Clark Stewart . Werr: Djakovte 4 Marinis 4 Harding 3Waldron 2 Moir. Best : Alabakis Barker Camaheri Collier Cunningham Davidson .

STI: MELBOURNE DISTRICTS 5.2 6.4 9 .9 15.13 (103) USIS-VU 0.2 3.2 4 .5 5 .6(361 Sth Melb Dist: Henderson 4. Best : Henderson Phillips Polner, UHS-W : Gilmore 2 Thomas P Mihajlovic Trevethan . Best: Gilmore Kennedy Catteral }rlihajlovie Trevethan Ashton . POWER HOUSE 2 .5 4.5 7.5 10.8 (68) OLD TESTBOURNE 4.1 6.5 8 .8 9.8(62) Power House: E Gamble 2 R Humphreys 2 J Scotland 2 A Contreras P Cooper S Hatchard C Plazzer Best: E Gamble A Contreras C Plazzer M Talbot G Holden S Hatchard . Old West : Croswell 3 Anderson 2 Merryvreather 2 S Cristo Ristevskl Best : Depiazza Troy Edwards Board Mason S Cristo Jenlanso n ST JOHNS 0 C 4 .4 4 .10 7 .11 12 .11 (83) B_.7 3.2 4.2 6.2 6.3(39) St Johns OC: Callaghan 5 Dowsett 2 Carmody 2 Hall Wathen Dragwidge. Best: Carmody D Rydqu)st Van Houten Holmes Merrigan Rudd . Kew: Marchesarti 3 Sabien 2 Glenn. Best : Bovlan Jacobs Glenn


-en Doig Hamilton . GRYPHONS 3 .2 12 .6 15 .13 25 .17 (167) .., TALLY HO 1 .1 2.1 3.1 4.5(29) on Gryph: Grenfell 8 Landberg 4 Wadley 3 Hetherington 2 Mullin s

Gross Callus Gould Stirling Park Coffey Burgess. Best: Burgess Grenfell E Bradshaw Hetherington Park Callus. Syn TIi : O'Boyle 2 Treasure Williams. Best : Thomas Crew Paolone Christiansen Elder Hunter.




D3 Section K EW Coach : Rotten Doherty Res Coach: Brendan Dove r I B. Latranchi 2 K. At- (VC) 3 B. Debruin 4 G. Crimmins 5 A . Carman 6 N . Tnetti (C) 7 H . IkDermat t 8 D . Mainsbridge (DVC) 9 A .Makds(RDVC) 10 B. Cullen 11 B. Woodhouse 12 M. Gnd4ey 13 B. Marchesarx 14 1 Looke r 15 A. Fountain 16 D. wood 1'r G . Scan 18 N. Dahlstrom 19 A . Vecchio 20 A . Actield 21 M . Anderson 22 T Aitken 23,Blank 24 C . Stephens 25 C . Watts 26 S. Symes 27 T. Moore(VC) 28 S. Ryan 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante 31 D.Ianni 32 A. Drago(RVC) 33 L . Maunsell 34 D. Pococ k 35 R. Bruno 36 B. Roberts 37 Johnston 38 D. S' North 39 J. Dennis 40 D. Kinross 41 L. Coulter 42 S . Parker 43 S . Livingston 43 M. Chrvers 44 T. Lmngston 45 G . Evans 46 J. Hamitton 47 J. Sab+en 48 R. Mahomet 49 P. Dennis 50 B. Roach 51 M .Blar 52 M . Sparsi 53 B . Carroll 54 J. Doumis 55 J . Jacobs 56 T. FrRh 56 R . Waiter 57 R . Hosking 58 B, Bumett(RVC) 59 J . Rakusz 60 G . Muckian 61 M. Glenn 62 M. Chalmers 63 N. Gncks (RC) 64 N. Hyndes 65 S. Pietersen 66 R. McKerrrrN 68 M .Thackwray 70 S . Mound

Harp of Erin Hotel 636 High St, Kew

-AP.f= OF ~-~t :6i

Cannon Toyota 473 Lowe r Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg

MONASH GRYPHONS Coach : Steven Bourban Asst Coach : Geoff S6II Res Coach : Phil Warren 1 L. Clark 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady 4 N . Rutherford 5 J . Watson 6 J. Leroy 7 J Garoni 8 C . Yanni 9 G . Wadley 10 P. Williamson 11 B. McNamara 12 J . Landberg 13 J . Stratford 14 A . McKenzie 15 A . Clark e 1 6 P. Rennison 17 S . Sewell 18 M . Paolucci 19 R . Coxhead 20 C . Staff 21 J. Bingham 22 B. Coxhead 23 B. Clark 24 D. Baxter 25 M . Malone 26 A. Denyer 27 M . Mullins 28 C Lesion 29 P.Warren 30 T. Vessey 31 G. Roche 32 A. Shuff)ebottom 33 A. Burgess 34 M. Graydon 35 L . Vesey 36 G . Block 37 J. Fleming 38 J. Rutherford 39 D Grenfell 40 M . Willocks 41 C. Archer 42 A. Robilliard 43 D. Bradshaw 44 L. Well s 45 J . Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 M. Parker 48 L . Mannikhuis 49 C . Robinson 50 J. Bingham 51 Luke Leeton 52 A. Flowerday 53 M. Davies 54 G . Still 55 G . Harrak 56 A . Palumbo 57 W. Pocock 58 J . Rutherford 59 A . Yanni 60 A Grady 61 A . Waters 62 N . Mitchell 63 I . Bagnall 64 J. Park 65 J. Healy 67 V. Coffey 68 0 . Lloyd 69 Bill Leeton 70 B . Clark 71 M . Baldwin 75 P Gomizel 76 J . Harrak 77 R . Sharkey 80 R . Fletcher


Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Snr Asst : Michael Christo Res. Coach : Scott Walker 1 B . Gerac e 2 J . Braham 3 Trav. Edwards 4 J. Bartoto 5 S. Hewitt 6 J. Horsburgh (VC) 7 B. Merryweather 8 A. Horsburg h 9 F. Pavez 10 C. Lever 11 S . DePiazza 12 M . Baulch 13 M . Ristevski 14 P. Hudson 15 A . Board 16 S. Christo 17 M. Aquiline 18 G . Walker 19 J. Mason 20 D. Hudson 21 L. Hudson 22 S . Anderson 23 S . Huntington (VC) 24 L. Fairfield (C) 25 Troy Edwards 26 P. Mesman 27 T. Whiting 28 D . Slattery (Res C) S. Balloon A. Mokrusch A. Mille r 32 G . Jenkinson 33 D. Benn 34 C. Bramwell 35 G . Robson 36 K . Pilsbury 37 C. Molitoris 38 D . Nikola 39 M . Oldham 40 J. Morsello 41 K. Miller (VC) 42 T. Brooker 43 A. Runciman 44 B. Lennon 45 E. Sandstrom 46 M . Whiting 47 T. Theodore

48 R. Van Engelen 49 J . Miller 50 P. Habersatt 52 N . Wallace 53 J. Manobkakis 54 M. Crosswell 56 D . Carruthers 57 R. Kamay 58 C. Larki n 59 L. Barnes 60 N. Aquiline 77 T. Dennis 88 H. Hodgson C . Hudson D . Trustlove

POWERHOUSE Coach : Brett Devli n Res Coach: Gary Dean 1 M . Taylor Sen DVC 2 R. Humphreys 3 J . Marshall 4 B . Turner Sen VC 5 P. Soslc 6 M. Verbeme 7 C . Richardson 8 M. Hill San Dept 9 B. Reardon 10 D. Cooper 11 B. Phillips 12 A. Brownjohn 13 J. Spence 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 A . D'Intino 17 C. Macleod 18 F. Doyle 19 S . Matheson 20 J . Nicholls 21 D . Miller 22 R . Walsh 23 K. Anthony 24 N . Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 D. Harris 26 B . MacCormack 27 R. Davies 28 D. Boland 28 P. Cooper 29 M . Beasley 29 A . Foster 30 T. McFarlan e 31 R . Marshall Res Capt 32 M. Verberne 33 H. Clarke 34 J. Conway 35 S. Hatchard 36 M . D'Intino 37 S . West 38 R. Benso n 39 B . Wooderson 40 R . Marshall 41 C . Byrne 42 P. Arnold 43 J. Howes 44 B. White 44 D. Glanville 45 A. Contreras 46 S. Campbell 47 D. Cran e

48 N. Sharp 50 A . Vol z 55 G. Hamner 56 C . Plazzer 58 J . McClure 63 M. Weber


Coach : Ben McGe e Res Coach : Rod Walker 1 K Arnold 2 M Peake 3 D O'Connor 4 S Holmes 5 B Hilton 6 M Phaedonos 7 N Chalk 8 J Ryan 9 A Jones 10 L Memgan 11 J Kell y 12 P Walker 13 B Pickering (C) 14 C Peak e 15 M Kosmala 16 A Paterson 17 C Carmody 17-R S Cockayne 18 C Emery 18-R A Dexter 19 J Cotton 20 B Rydquist 21 S Koppers 2t-R J Fardon 22 G Roberts 23 J Diaz 24 L Mara 25 D Waters 26 M Nelson 26-R H Wathen 27 R Dowsett 28 G D'Oliviera 29 T Ellis 30 C Riley 31 B Skinner 32 A Rudd 33 W Joyce 34 M Hancock 35 J Sacco 36 J Russell 37 D Rydquist 38 M Webb 39 T McEachem 41 L Callaghan 42 W Monterio 43 M Van Houten (RC) 45 A Hall 48 A Fonceca 50 C Horbury 52 D Jones 54 D Sinclair 55 J Gaget 56 AAbela 57 G Kowalski 60 A Dragwidge 66 J Scardamaglia

MAJOR SPONSOR Werribee Mazda


SOUTH I :-'.3®URRE DISTRICTS Coach : Earl Henderson Res Coach : Brett Downing 1 J . Washington DVC 2 Ma. Hannan C . 3 J. Mervcich 5 S. King 6 L . Kealy 7 A. Hannan 8 X. Kidd 9 S. Aqualina to D . McCormick 11 P. Daly 12 A. Argynou 13 E. Henderson


39 A. Engle 40 B. Bulpi t 41 T. McQualter

38 M. Christiansen

42 G . Ga :or y 43 W. D'Andrea V.C . 44 D . Geary 45 C . Roe 46 A. Ray 47 J. Royle 48 C . Maloney 52 M. Anderson 53 D . Phillips 54 A. Glanneiis 55 J . Pohlner 61 M. Margianrns 64 M. Stefanidakis

39 D . Hallise 40 B. Thomasy 41 Y. Kaieunte 42 M. McFarlane 43 A. Brown 44 T ZaharopoWcs 45 C . Pmnes 46 C . Jonas 47 P. Fyf1eH 48 S. Crew 49 M. Starr 50 C . Hall 51 M. Hale 52 S. Anderson 53 C . Connolly 54 A. Dance 56 A. Treasure 81 C . ConnG(h~

15 B. Lazzaro 16 J. Nelml 17 P. DAndrea 18 G . Cox 19 A. Red 20 W . Brown 21 B. Johnson 22 T. Milne 23 B. Downing 24 B. Joske 25 S. Atherton 26 R . Mitchell 27 P. Cheevers 28 T. Paterakis 29 J. Adgemis 30 T. Zantuck 31 S. Hermman 32 D . McGee 33 M. Doyle 35 N . i•teofen 37 J. Clyne 38 D . Rowe

- ~, ,,. .. . . . .„<

., . .. ., .

Jetport Parking ~DWSeiY naineerin g

The Rose


Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach : Rob Rantmo

WEST BRUNSWICK Coach : Angus Hamilton Res Coach: Damian Shaw

Reserves Coach : G . Vandals Assistant Coach: G. Ternes

1 G . Healy 2 I. Bingham 4 P. Henderson 5 I. Tura 6 D . Paolane 7 A. Bums (Res Capt) 8 P . Bennett 9 D . Richardson 10 G . Fox 11 M. Meyer 12 A. Hermann 13 S. Miller 14 S. O'Boyle 15 D . Reynolds 16 D . Venness 17 C . Hayes 18 J. Lawes 19 B. Boucher 20 C . Hall 20 I. MacKenzie 21 D . Kennett 22 M. Buckley 23 B. Bayliss 24 B. Bayliss 25 M. Kelly 26 J. Dascoh 27 M. Leplaa 28 N . Williams 29 A. Sheer 30 B. Holland 31 A. Richardson 32 L . Hannemann 33 T. Bartholomew 34 T. Rowe 35 C . Cache (Capt) 36 M. Elder 37 B. Robinson

14 D . Bell


Coach: Shane ttxrttram . Assistant: D. Forces

Coach : Tony Rowe Res Coach : Mark Elder


I 2

J Sparkes R . Thorp

W. Smit h N . Rose

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

D. Nedinis (Res ViC) C. Lee D. Flack S. B . Cunningham M . Walsh B . Stomeixink M . Palrningtan J . Aylirig M . Keogh (Sen Capt.) M . Green B . Black R. Bell (Res Capt.)

4 5 6 7 8 SR 9 10

L. Gomnge S . Mottram S. Cracknell D . Zulicki S . Hams M. Gerolemou D . Moartield M Butera


D . Forbes


J . Mitchell


J. Mannis

15# R Lapish 16 J . Tate 17 eLanger r~dart 1 8 A . Helln 19 J . Uebergang 20 G. Madngrano 21 J . Hall 22 G. Marxialu 23 G. Temes 24 N . Carroll 25 D. Cree k 2 6 P. Thomas 27 A . Cusick 28 B . Mcinnes 29 A Pashley 30 J . Partridge 31 P Dolence 3 2 S . Dimand 33 J . Schulz

14a 15 16 17 18 18a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35

Aa Taylor A. Murphy P. Daly A. Tedesco D. Vehsha A. Morrow S . Daly N. Renaut A Borgg A. Dibabsta D. Lee L. Carson N. Addamo B. Vasilau T. Davidson D. SCzajewski (Sen V/C) P. pry S. Simpson M . Jordon S. Wiggins F M-hmet B. Burnvonh

36 37

A. Taylor P. Keogh T. Towers (Res VC) L S. Fuller ~

3 3r

12 13


J . Nation T. Cleveland

J . 0'neill

35 S . Orooru 36 A . PendleLwry 37 G. Catterall gg „ M Sanders 39 M. Rea 40 L. Maguire 4 1 A . Ludlow 4 2 D. Wall ace 43 R. Franc 43r M.Oheill 46 D. Fazakedey

47 M. Turvey 4 8 G. Gilmore 49 S . Smits 50 J . Corbett 51 S . Cal 52 J . Bowes 53 ~J .g~~ Thomas , 54 55 M . Tul l 57 C. Thomas 58 T. Ashton 59 J . Maguire 60 "T Harris 61 T. Strathopxbs 62 M . Kennedy 63 T. Byrne 64 B . Walpole 65 D. Harris 6 6 P. Clarke 67 M . Deluise 68 4 S . Greed 69 A. Do'adell 70 A. Quinn 71 M . Mora 72 N. Estrad a 73 D Clark 74 C. P~J9 75 S. Mill s 76 A. Trevethan 77

G. Brady


B. Carruthers

79 S. Cul l 81 J. Sanson 86

P. Marasco

87 P.Miha;bvic 88 PGreenbank 85 Q N. Maguir e 99 M . H~ggins

I 2 3 4

38 39

1a 1b 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

M . Drain A. Hamilton P. Hamilto n B. Irving C. Lehmann A. Cannane S . Pietsch (V. Capt) S. Benjamin (Capt.) S. Monagu e A. Morphett D. Jelbart P. Norma n T. Maguire

13 14

S. Brockley C. Bowshall - Tanner

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40

J. Sudholz S. Edward s J. Haysey G . Ellis W. Touze l R. Bamford A. Thompso n N. Hart D. Rud d J. Jenkin S. Smyth e R. Benjamin D. Manouklnn E. Walle r C . Shabby A. Goode R. Miller J. Bacon T. Thompsan I. Twylord M. Carmichael Z. Rudd T. Dempse y D . Coonay n R . Wes t T. Fromhold


D . Garvey

42 43 44

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

B. Hoga n J. Tobi n T C . Stephens R . Howard M. Quigley L . McGregor Y y N . Hutchens L . Sherry M. Gormo A. Hoga n A. Meila k D . Chic-ch i S. Darlin g A. Williamson D . Simmond s N . Simmond s M. Spragu e K. Hilto n M. Curtis

63 64

J. Gartla n L. Stewart (Res. Cpt )

2 3



46 47 48

56 57 58 59 60 62 63 64 65 66

G . Grogan J. Purton A. Renaut T. Johnstone C. Aabakls B. Patton L . Moore B. Sinfie'd R. Zu6an C. Mercia B. Daniels S. Hartley A. Waldron A. Hassell E. R Baker A. Trainon J. Rigors B. Hardman M . Cz2p..vski B. Russell J. Callahan M. Hollow L . Foster L . Brooks

65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

N . Sea l R . Hussey J. Smith J. Ward M. Goonan S.Jackso n M. Sloa n J . Hanson R . White


R, Hyssoli


D . Dainto n


M. Patton A. Moir S. WhitDng M. Cations


J . Hey wood

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ~

69 70 71 79


A . Minney




6 Brendan D in

5 Wavne Hinton

5 Max

6 Paul Hoffman

7 Sean Scully (Jnr)

7 Paul O'Loughlin

6 Dash Peiris

7 Robert O'Gorman

8 Bruno Savi

8 Steve Castersen

7 David Trott

8 Landan Blackball (RD F

9 Russell Davidson

9 Steve Caple

8 Sean Brailsford

9 Matthew Brennan

10 Sean Scully (Snr)

i i Tom Havsom

10 Vaughan Sidebottom

10 Avi Wekselman

11 Dirk Kramer

12 Jamie Kvins

11 Paul Tuppen

11 Luke Holmes

12 Daniel Siifo

14 Michael Gilday

2 Sean Rothe

12 Dean Schwab

17 Geoff Caulfiel d

15 Phillip Callil

4 Ian Kennedy

14 Sharon Alger

18 Matthew Simpson

17 Brett Herskope

5 Michael Sneddon

15 Bob Kaindl

19 Andrew Fyfe

18 Tim Sutcliffe

6 Luke Moncrieff

16 Jack Fagan

20 Brian 1:'oodhead

20 David D' Altera

7 David Anselmi

17 Mark Gibson

23 Peter Griffiths

23 Anthony Calderone

8 Grant Joyner

18 Jason McNiece

24 Graham Templar

24 Miles Argall

19 Steve McCarthy

25 Lionel Katz

25 Richard Eastwood

21 David Iron s

20 Russell Nation

26 Daniel Dinnee n

26 Sacha Koffman

22 David Longworih

21 Patrick Maebus

27 Anthony Simpson

27 Ron Johnso n

23 Robert Sneddon

22 Nick Fennessv

28 Ken McNiec e

28 Leah Gallagher

24 Nick Brow n

23 Paul Dinnee n

29 Peter Jame s

29 Gerard Rolfs

25 Logan Smith

24 Graeme Hunichen

31 Robert Senunens (RDFL)

30 Simon Olive

26 Patrick Coulthard

25 Geoff Moore

32 Anthony Damen

31 Rob Schuller (RDFL)

27 Paul Jone s

26 Andrew Shiels

33 Michael Forde

29 Peter Liddell

28 Ron Martyn

30 Justin Lipson

34 Stephen Morgan

33 Simon Stokes

32 Eli Hayes

36 Jason Waszaj

34 Jeremy Heffernan

31 Peter Angeli s

33 Robert Mayston

36 David Phillips

37 David Murray

33 Roland Fuhrmann

35 Jason Lan e


9 Peter Pu ll en

0 Anthony Lille y

7 Joseph Hartwig

36 Matthew Meier 37 Matt Goold



by Steve McCarthy & Leah I" ~he r Well done Noddies! ten-cent piece . Well done to all involved at the Mazenod OC Dirk, this is still a in regard to Mike McArthur-Allen's 500 game bit too light . Try celebration last Saturday night . A fantastic going for the big fifty-cent piece, at least you night and tribute to the VAFA's Supercoach . could find that in the mud . Woody, can you These two scribes were honoured to be run a skill drill on coin-tossing one Thursday present at an event that highlighted the true night ? bonds of the VAFA "family" . P ea-shooter It happens to the best of us! A Section grand Running coach Richard Eastwood decided to give a young final umpire Albie Firley was hit with a little boundary umpire some running tips to help whistle trouble recently . On first blow of his improve his style. It seems Richard thought whistle in a game he found it was full of mud the youngster who held his arms too low, from the previous week . He reached for his should raise them to a comfortable height to spare (which we all should be carrying) gain maximum speed . Richard was soon put which promptly broke in half' Suppose a in his place when told that the boundary muddy whistle had to be better than none at umpire has a personal best time of 11 :00 all ! seconds for the 100 metres and that his style is the way to go . On yer bike Rich ! 11 ot too early to start thinking about it . Youngsters on the way up Not getting a kick in the ressies? Time Recently some of our young goal umpires to hang, up the boots? T his is a great way to be ventured to training at the VFL to get a taste of what's required at the next level up . These involved in regular seniorfooty. " guys ; Andrew Esposito, Paul Gait, Chris Doyle, Anthony Kyrkou, Lucas Robson, Steve Recruitment for 243 0 6 Piperno and Michael O'Donnell went through Not too early to start thinking about it . Not the paces with the VFL squad in all training getting a kick in the ressies? Time to hang up drills which include both the physical stuff the boots? This is a great way to be involved and the all important skill drills . The reports in regular senior footy . Contact the VAFA's back are that we have a great set of guys with Umpire Operations Manager, Brian talent which promises a future at higher Goodman on 9531 8333 or email levels if their wish is to do so . Great effort by brianCvafa .com .au for details . these guys, also not forgetting our goal umpire advisors Shane Herbert and Andrew Social Barnes with their work on the group . Don't forget our next big social function is the Pre-finals Dinner to be held at the Coin toss Victoria Club on Monday August 22nd . This Dirk Kramer has a track record of having is a compulsory function so if you are unable troubles tossing the coin before a game, to attend please contact John Robinson as landing on the roof and just recently losing soon as possible . the coin in the mud . Dirk's problems stem for the fact he uses a five-cent piece for the And yes, our next "Blood Drive" is the day job, however he has gotten wise to this and after on Tuesday August 23rd . See Brendan has progressed up in the currency order to a Corcoran for details .


Round 15 went to plan for the sides vying for the final four . Well done to Ed, tipping the four results before his overseas sojourn . Round 15 Review Box Hill North jumped out to great start against Hawthorn at Elgar Park, but some wayward kicking meant they lead by only 7 points at quarter time . From there, the Hawks took control of the game with Collins and MeKenna major ball winners. Plunkett was the best for the home side . Elthaan kept in touch with the finals race with a solid win at home against N orth Brunswick .

a :ereeke for the , of the

ad fo zrr, wit hfbacr of _ p top five aping up against each other. " Clark and McClaren had plenty of the footy and knew where the big sticks were, booting 7 between them, whilst Menta battled hard all day for the visitors .

Elsternwick followed up last week's 9 goal first quarter with an 11 goal effort against Albert Park . Hunter made the most of the day kicking 10 and returning himself to the top of the goalkickers, while Beddingfield was the general for the Wicks . Chambers and Storey were the best of the Falcons . Finally, Richmond took on the daunting task of travelling to Ferndale Park . Whilst they fought bard all day, St Mary's had too many winners in what was an even team performance and kept them right in the hunt for the double chance . Bulleen Cobras had the live. Preview A big weekend for the shape of the final four, with four of the top five shaping up against each other . The final four could be potentially settled on Saturday, or conversely it could get as tight as it's been all season . The fifth contender, Hawthorn, have the rest . Meanwhile, plenty of pride at stake in the lower half of the ladder too as bragging rights going into next year will be fiercely contested .



It's the battle of the Northerners, with Box I North travelling to North Brunswick, b coming off sizeable defeats at the hands of fin contenders . Battling for pride and 6th spot on ladder, home ground advantage might be enoi. to decide the game . Eltham travel to the ladder leaders with a v almost essential for them to keep their fm< hopes alive . A loss and a win to Bulleen woi spell the end to the Turtle's 2005 campai~ whilst a win keeps them 'in the mix' . Meanwhi Elsternwick seem out of their brief mid-seasi rut and back into the groove and would be lookii to send a message to other prospective finalist They'll be too good for mine .

In the other game with a final's bearing, St Mary travel to Bulleen for Match of the Dav. The Cobr< won't have given up on 2nd place and know a wi here would keep them in the hunt . The Saints o the other hand will be keen to consolidate the position in the double chance race . It promises t be an absolute crackerjack of a game and in a cot toss, I reckon Bulleen might just sneak the points . Finally, Richmond host Albert Park and wouh see this as a gilt edged opportunity to turn thei : improved second half of the season form intc another win . The Falcon's haven't been travel .lin~ too well of late, but to be fair have struck mosi sides on the rebound or at peak form . They should still have enough to get them over the line.

Cl's D4 5 ;s CTI01Y Eistermvick Bulleen Cobras Hawthorn Amateurs

Elsternwick D4 RESERVE Eltham Albert Park Elstern,~: ick

!ST':': : [~Tt째. L Hunter Badanjek Lauletta S Grace

4 11 4 4

Krohn S Allan Goldman

3 50 3 43 1 37

70 66 63 54


Correspondents Due to an unfortunate type in last weeks Amateur Footballer, my email address was printed incorrectly . Apologies to those that couldn't get lileir reports through. For next week, the email address is glenn .carleaap .cspie .com and 1%: ilatever help I can get would be much appreciated .

North Brim > - 150 .°anes Jeremy : rzem .Well done to Jezza on this milestone . One of the most travelled footballers at the club, he comes & goes from near the Dandenongs for training & playing, he has shown outstanding dedication & club loyalty to the Green & Golds . His direct attacking style at the ball is a feature of his game . Many an opposition player have seen this guy running at them & thought look out. A member of the 2003 Reserves Premiership his play helped set up the win . A past Secretary of the club & occasional MC on Saturdays his presence at the club has earnt e: eryone's respect & admiration . 1â‚Ź3 0 Games ^_ a ig Rhook. Also well done to Craig for finally reaching this milestone. Cut down by various injuries he has been a sorry sight at most training nights trying to get his body ready to play. Probably one of the best kicks at the club his booming drop punts have set up many moves from half fonvard or in the midfield . Another straight ahead player his attack on the ball can sometimes be ferocious . If he can stay fit he will be a permanent fixture in the Seniors for many years to come . 51 oC tslrew Mountney . One of the finds of past couple of years Ange has set a new standard in backline play at Allard Park. Also a member of the 2003 Reserves Premiership he has progressed into one of the premier Senior backmen in D4 . Playing mainly at Full Back he has taken on the best opposition forward & acquitted himself very well . Whether spoiling from behind or outmarking his opponent, his ability to read the play is outstanding. Hope there will be many more games for this talented footballer. Well done to all three players from everyone at North Brunswick .

.8 2 .9 5 .10 6 .11 (47) 2.1 9 .5 11 .5 21 .6 (132) : Prestopino 3 Cook Russell Riscalla . Best : Plunkett Riseall a as Sallantioglu K Oldfleld Dovaston . Raw: Tyson 5 Jackomos 4 Rice 2 Lauletta 2 D Pritchard 2 Vance 2 S Avery Malcolm Tounge A Collins. Best : Vance Bradley Jackomos Lauletta . Umpires : Anthony Darren Albie Firley (Rot) (F) Peter Teasdale Frank Palermo (B) Robert Parry Pat Mitchell (G ) ELi COLLEGIANS 6.7 14.12 19 .16 26 .18 (174) H . . . . .U ICK 0 .0 1 .2 3.2 6 .4(40) Eltham: Andrews 4 McClaren 4 Austin 3 Clark 3 Turner 3 Savage 2 J Foo B Galvin Hargrave Luttick O'Donnell Ryall Whyte . Best : Clark McClaren Hargrave Turner R Foo Andrews . Nth Bruns: Twaddle 2 Orr Adams Boudo(oh Robertson . Best: Menta Pisasale Greening Orr Pizzari Adams . Umpires : Jon Kerr Peter Pullen (F ) ALBERT PARK 2 .0 6 .1 9.3 13 .6 (84) ELSTE CK 11 .10 18.15 30 .25 35 .30 (240) Albert Park: Chambers 4 Grace 3 Pane 2 Burton Venables Snowden Harnett. Best: Chambers Sutherland Storey Cain Marshall Burton . Eist: Hunter 10 S Grace 6 C Mahony 4 Huggins 4 B Mahony 3 Byrne 2

Paley Greene Beddingfleld Foster S Mahone Curtain . Best:

Beddingfield S Grace Hunter B Mahoney Nevill Stuchbery .

Umpires : Bob Kaindl Shane McNamara (F) Cameron Smith James Travers (B ) BULLEEN COBRAS BYE

ST MARYS 7.8 15.14 24 .21 29 .29 (203) RICHMOND CENTRALS

1 .2 1 .3 2.5 4 .7(31)

St Marys : V Ryan 4 C Armstrong 4 Richardson 4 Andrews 2 Dwyer 2 D'astoli 2 Cope 2 Grillo 2 Schembri 2 Weller Wright Harrison L Armstrong Purcell . Best : D'astoli C Armstrong Richardson Harrison Andrews Dwyer . Rich Cent: Nushe Gillart Lake luizzi . Best : Melville Nashe Goonan Luizzi Taylor Zuccaro .

Umpires: Peter Griffiths David Anselmi (F) D4 RESERVE BOX HILL NORTH 0 .2 1 .3 1 .3 2 .5 (17) HAWTHORN 4.8 5.12 11 .21 13 .26 (104) BFiU : Langley Cavalio. Best : P Doyle Street Yalamanchffit I Oldfleld Langley. Haw: Ruzicha 2 P Ryan 2 B Collins 2 P1 Vipe Cattis Murphy Houghton Opie Sheperd . Best : Hyland B Collins Ruzichu Crevalli Shepherd. ELTI


3 .3 9 .8 13 .13 20 .16 (136)

RO : . . 2UFd: ICiC 0 .0 0.0 2 .0 3 .1 (19) Eltham: Krohn 4 Pattison 4 Carter 3 Love 2 Paine 2 Abbott J Howgate Kurtschenko Todman Toulson. Best : Love Weston Pattison Kurtsehenko Todman Rashid . Nth Bruns : A Taha DiDomenica Papanastasatos . Best: Belbin Giovanoglou Spoon Briffa Freeman Boudoloh. ALBERT PARK 3 .2 4.3 8 .5 9 .6 (60) ELSTERNWICK 3 .2 8 .6 8.8 12 .10 (82) Albert Park: S Allan 4 Surace 2 Fairfield Green R .Allan . Best : Hvams Walkley Downie Sutton Cook Williams . Elst: P}inan 5 Powell 2 D Grace 2 McAdam Tannat Rvan . Best : Pvman D Grace Anderson Tennant Lasnitski Nolan .

North Brunswick v Box Hill North Elsternwick v Eitham Collegians

BULLEEN COBRAS BYE ST MARYS 7 .6 15 .14 20 .18 32.23 (215) RICHMOND CE NTRALS 0.1 0.4 0 .5

Hawthorn Amateurs - Bye Bulleen Cobras v St Marys


St Marys : Bernardi 11 Hill 5 Anthonv 4 Theoharrts 4 Murphy 2 Latimer 2 Koumantatakis 2 Griffin Frail . Best : Bernardi Smith Frail Theoharris R9aschette Hind. Rich Cent : Best: Trenellen McGrath

Richmond Central v Albert Park 2. Dautovic MueyLane Gerimano THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005 43

Coach : Pete Smnn Res Coach : Paul Shoppee

Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach : Jon Pratt

RU6.4E( :'

0 . .,- e

Coach : Joe DAngelo Res Coach:TBA

ELSTERHWBCK Coach : D Grace Asst P McNally

-r , Coach : Wayne Reardon Res Coach : Paul Grego r

.. Coach Res: M Hosking

1 P. Smith 2 N . Pastra s .. 2 A . Morgan 3 R . Baker 3 P. Shakepeare 4 M. Naudi 5 S. Allan 6 J . Storey 7 S . Venables 7 M . Burto n 8 N . Wheeler 9 P. Chambers 10 M. Phillips 11 D . Bree 12 N. Langdon 13 B . Payne 13 M . Tutfin 14 M . Hyams 15 D. Barley 15 P. Guicas 16 C . Roberton 17 S. Bennett 18 G . Collins 19 N. Cain

20 K . Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J. Hannett 22 J. Marshall 23 B. Harries 23 D. DeZoete 24 T. Green 25 J . Wier 26 B . Moore 27 A . Jackson 28 R . Alla n 29 R . Humphrey 30 W. Johnson 31 S. McGuire 31 J. Williams 32 M . Smith 33 M . Wall 34 T. Houston 35 S. Toth 35 C . Downie 36 J. Dudi 37 L . Hogan 38 S. Fairfield 41 R. Williams 42 C. Cook 44 B .Isard 45 J . Agar 46 G. Price

48 M.Snowden 50 S. Thompson 51 J. McKay 52 D. Allan 53 M . Williams 55 D. Quinlan 57 J . Sutton 57 J . Baker 58 S . Gitsham 59 L . Barr 60 V. Surace 62 P. Cramer 77 S. Garcia 78 T. Tuhoro 79 S . Thompson 80 J . BovAb y

1 G. Wilson .' 2 C. Riscalla 3 A . Ooze 4 T. Manno 5 J. Garrett 7 S. Stewart 8 C. Langley 9 A. Sallantiogtu 10 S . Cook 11 T Thai 12 A . Dic k 13 M . Cumming 14 L . Penhalluriack 15 L . Keillor 16 M. Penny 16 W. Drew 17 G . Cavallo 18 C. Butler 19 C . Callis 20 K . Oldfield 22 A. Steele 23 D . Penn y

23 J. Naumovski 24 P. Doyl e 25 P. Kotsaridis 26 R. Ball 28 Z. Veteski 29 M . Rogers 30 B . Olson 31 D . Olson 32 I. Otdfield 33 M. Marinovic 34 H. Ho 35 C. Liston 36 S . Russell 38 J . DAmato 39 J . Tambakis 40 D . Worrell 41 P. Currie 42 A. Tarulti 43 R . Doyle 44 C. Garrett 45 M . Sinfield 46 P. Mortimer 47 A . Andrews 49 T. Ellis 50 C . Irvine 52 S . Darcy 53 N . Chau 54 L . Van den Akker 55 J. Pratt 56 H. Shiba 57 M . Mason 58 M .Azmi 59 J . Screen 60 N. Benbow 61 J . Howarth 62 C . Henry 63 J. Aspinall 64 J. Vagias 65 D . Woolridge 66 C. Plunkett 67 A. Manerheim 68 N. Gatil 69 B . Pearce 70 H . Gist 73 D . Francis 76 M. Lacey 78 A. Leavers 79 G . Bennett 80 S. Evans 81 J . Hopes 82 D. Dovaston 84 M . Lacey 86 G. Archer 88 M . Edgle y 89 S. Yafamanchite 99 G . Robinson 111 A. Maguire

Rising Sun Hotel Richmond an d Rising Sun Hotel South Melbourne KAZBAR, GUARDIANMEDIA

'.., 2 T.Orwin 3 S . McLaren Capt 4 N . Cartledg e 5 M. Mann 6 G . Fortune 7 T. Mehrez

8 T. Mazzarella 9 M . Kyriakou 10 C. Powderham it A . DeJong 12 P. Whitehouse 13 N . Edga r 14 T. Fradkin 15 J. Trinchi t6 D. Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 B . Thomas 20 J . McQuatter 21 N . Lykopandis 22 J. Daniel s 23 A. Nasr 24 A. Gemes 25 W. Olne y 26 M . Nathanielsz 27 J . Cartledge 28 A . Foskett

29 R . Sheehan 30 B. Cookson 31 R. Pasinati 32 S . Wagg 33 A . Cook 34 M . DAngeb 35 M. Unwin 36 P. Dall'Ogtio 37 J. Paatsch 38 G . Brown 39 C. Cha n 40 G . Richards 41 C. Borrelli 42 V. Dam 43 T. Whittaker 44 B. Saaksjarvi 45 N . Khalil

46 J. Lewi s 48 M . Soumellidis 49 G .Anderton 50 R. Lock 51 R. Daley 52 T. Bett e 53 R . Rodrigues 54 S. Nelson 55 N . Polites 56 I . Baccini 57 C. Batt 58 T. Moore

59 R. Hadisutanto 60 J . Lowri e 77 S . Fisher 101 J. DAngelo


1 T. Andrews 2 D . Lynch 3 E. Savag e 4 L. Mason (VC) 5 L. Austin 6 J . Galvin (C) 7 B . Rashi d 8 B. Jorgensen 9 C . Watson 10 B. Marshall 11 J. Mizzi

12 M . Blagrove 13 M . Luttick 14 R. Runco 15 J . Paisley 16 D . Brick 17 T. Wenbom 18 B. Galvin 19 J. Gilbert 20 S. Weston 21 M . Hart 22 R. Foo (VC) 23 T. Carter 24 A . Hargrave 25 A . Thamas 26 J. Glare 27 J. Stockdale 28 M . Pattison 29 D. Howgate 30 M . Abbott 31 B . Keleher 32 C . Bau d 33 A. Howgate 34 J. Howgate 35 M. Crooks 36 N. Ryatt 37 P. Krohn 38 A . Mok 39 A . McClaren 40 E. Baud 41 T. Kurtschenko 42 C. Conole 43 R. Carrucan 44 N. Duncan 45 A . Whyte 46 S . Clark 47 A . Emini 48 B. Turney 49 L . Barnes

50 B. Richardson 51 J. Simpson 52 D. Justice 53 J . Foo 54 S . Todman 55 K. Toulson 56 A . Lov e 58 N . McPherson 59 B. Evan s 61 A. Stockdate 63 L . Ogilvie


Trash 'n' Stash Village Roadshow


on CENTRAL Coach : Peter Tyson Res Coach: Patrick Ryan is M. McVeigh to B. Blakeman 2a J . Ridley 2b J . Thompson 3 A . Collins 4 N . Martin 5 S . Avery 6 P. Avery 7 C. Alexander 8 S . Gallas 9a R. Ogge (vc) 9b M . Houareau 10 J . Hall 11 J . Dawson 12 J . Pi 13 J. Murphy 14 D. Lauletta ~

15 M. Tyson 16a C. Rice 16b J. Shepherd 17 B. Ruzicka 19 T. Hyland 20 S. Parker 21 P. Ctennett 22 D . McClenchy 23 L. Collins 24 J . Jackomos 25 T. Ryan 26 B . Collins 27 L. Flannigan 28a D. Mackenzie 28b T. Crivelli 29 K . Rimmer 33 M . Caruana 35 S. Davies 36 M . Sheridan 37 C. Jarvis 43 I . Chops 44 B. Alfder 46 T. O'Hanlon 55 A. Saulle 58 T. Dixon 59 G . Cade 62 D . Pritchard 75 M. Daou 80 N . Exton

Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Harry Tsialtas

Coach : Thomas Dukic Res Coach : Steven Lake

1 D . Newton 2 D . Adams 3 D . Orr 5 H . Hassan 6 D . Pizzari 7 J . Briffa 8 S . Monte 9 A . Sammartino 10 A . Mountney

I W. Old 2 T. Quick 4 D. Miller 5 B. Porteus 6 T. Dukic 7 S. Lynch 8 D. Speakman 9 A. Piani 10 A. Zuccaro

11 J. Boudoloh

11 S. Lake

12 P. Tannous 14 M . Sorlete 15 H. Tsialtas 16 S . Tsialtas 17 A. Taha 18 R. Masan 19 L. Spans 20 A. Said 21 R . Santacmce 22 J. Freeman 23 D . Kehagias 24 A. Belbin 25 L. Greening 26 M. Terra 27 N . Pollokis 28 T. Ackland 30 D. Carter 31 A . Boudoloh 32 B . Robertson 33 J . Ferns 34 M . Pisasale 36 A. Taha 37 C. Twaddle 38 E. Caccamo 39 C. Rhook 40 B. Mc Callum 41 A. Taha 42 J. Papanikolaou 4,3 F. Papanastasatos 44 D . Donnelly 45 G . Panagiotidis 46 F. Vafen 47 P. Micallef 48 J . Wolter 49 S . Hearn 50 P. Giucas 51 N. Giovanogtou 52 K . Hassou n 57 S . Nabbs 62 B. Carte r 66 R. Pretty 67 J. Heck

12 S. Britter 13 J . Goode 14 J . Mcgrath 15 C . Barry 16 J . Birt 17 J . Neilson 18 A. Taylor

18 P. Moulday 19 C . Quay 20 D. Bergin 21 D. Phelan 22 J. Petering 23 B . Breese 24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Read 26 R. Prentice 27 N. Nuske 28 C. Dimitriou 29 S. Hillier 30 L . Fotheringham 31 Retired Jumper 33 P. Berimano 34 M. Venroom 35 P. Krisohos 36 G. Evans 37 D . Green 38 M . Defireitas 39 H . Dautovic 40 M . Pescott 41 C. Duff 42 D. Trenellen 44 G . Begley 46 M . Jones 47 M . King 49 P. Brunt 50 A. Tilley 51 D . Moffat 52 J. Pike 53 J. Robertson 54 C . Cartwright 55 M . Davies 56 T. Kristof 57 M . Goonan 57 E . Hill 58 M . Hanna 59 W. Bracken 60 B . Jolley 61 P. Karamichalos 62 G . Gardiner 63 T. Soderstrom 64 A. Musey 65 D . Coromande l 67 J. Lane 69 T. Melville 74 S. Gray 77 S . Liuzzi 79 A . Potter 80 D . James-Schirmer



; i~ Leamionth Res Coach; George Ko, imantalaids 1 M. Banks 2 B. Perefberg 3 G. Schembri 4 A . Ballantyn e 5 A . Lane 6 C . Weller 7 A . Dwyer 8 R. Kodituv+ak u 9 C. Armstrong 10 D. Cope

11 J . Bemardi 12 S. Nicholson 13 J. Hil l 14 L. Goldsworthy 15 M . Purcel l 16 M . Aikman 17 L . Anthon y

18 B. Frai l 19 V. Ryan 20 A. Waller 21 M. Gilchrist Adam 23 F. Harrison 24 A . Latimer 25 M. Black 26 S . Chilly 27 S . Grillo 28 J . Innes 29 P. Harrison 30 M . Lynch 31 H. Adam 32 S. Johnston 33 C. Ferg 34 L. Armstrong 35 G . Theoharris 36 B. Graetze r 37 C . Freshwater 38 S. Grii6n 39 B. Richardson 40 M. Kari s 41 T. Cummin s 42 M. Davie s 43 L. Razga 44 G. Koumantatakis 45 M . Maschette 46 T. Tahos 47 P. Rousis 48 M . Good 49 W. Smit h so C. wrigg 51 N. Andrew s 52 0 . Hind 53 D. Ander s 54 P.Goonan 55 B.Tagel l 56 P. Roseman 57 A. Bull 58 J . Wright 59 C . Mackenzie 60 W. Goldsworthy 62 L D'asto! i 64 C . Cha n 69 P. Murph y



c- r.

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energy drinks

Gr.e-tzer a rsrz : :-srs

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Svnior - (1st XVIII teams) Any registered playe r permit can play finals (except ; :L/VFL players wi" a permit - see below) . Reserve. - (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be registered and must have played at least four (4) reserve grade matches and not more than ten (10) senior matches in the home and away games (first round) . Where both first and second XV(N's are playing on the same day the reserve grade player must only have pia ) two (2) games in either the seniors or reserves o For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals o difl days of the same weekend (re . 1st semi SatL .r( semi Sunday - read as above teams playing on the . day) . Under-19 teams - Players must be registered and hold a permit . If a player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 Under-19 matches during the season. If a player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final . Where a team has (2) U19 teams or is involved in hybrid arrangement, the following shall apply . Where a club has two U19 teams a player must have not played more than 10 matches with the U19 1 side to play in the (2) team .

;nt _ .ie hybrid team in the finals the playe r m :., s . ; r-)resented t : ._ hybrid team in (5) first round ches - not including finals . - Players must be registered an d h'- at least four (4) Club XVIII matche s ; wish to represent) and not hav e p,' ;C n a tc'-' of eight (8) senior and rf 7g the irst round . n Club XVIII teams a -ire than 8 matche s piaced side(s) to play in a ,_<.yer will be eligible to play i n als for his : a) VA FA club as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of these matches must have been played after June 30th . b) Senior VfiFA team as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) senior and/or U19 VAF A matches for the team he wishes to represent in the fin-.Is . At least two (2) of these matches must h.- ;- Then played after June 30th . 8 player must have played five (5) VAF.', ,tches for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the finals . For TAG players there is no requirement to play a certain number of matches af er June 30th .

The rn (CleniiG F The rear gate (oii S . Ida Street) will only be oper an there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park K _ . 2 C .'al . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropri- .te number of :i--kets for pla~, ~s and officials . 46 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

Round 9 Another big week in FIDA football, with some big results . There were 2 games played at ElsternGViek Park last round with some letting wills . First game played was between Broadmeadows 2 and Port Colts 2 . This was a close game all day until Broadmeadows 2 slammed on 5 unanswered goals in the final term to win with the score line reading . Broadmeadows 2 7 .4(46) def Port Colts 2 2 .9(21) . The second game played was between -Valley and Mazenod 2 this was to be a show case game and it really was with Mazenod 2 winning 4.8(32) to Moonee Valley 2 .9(21) . The Panthers by if .

Kananook was hosted 2 games with the one sided results . Kamanook 1 accounted for Maribyrnong 1 . 15 .16(106) to Marit- nong 2 .2(14) . ""•e second game played was a little closer but 'Ieen Ten too good in the doubling c otr 2 score. The end result reads . . Bulleen Templestowe 5 .7(37) to Kananook 2 2 .3(15). This biggest win of the round is no big surprise with .,. t Colts i cruising to victory of Parkside . The lop sided score line reads . Port Coltsl 18.16(124) to the hapless Parkside 0 .2(2) . This turned out to be good training for the Port Boys leading up to the finals .

urin hosted K~ '2 with a big result e doggies, cementing top spot in a big way , e was one sided all day as the result will show . Maribyrnong 2 9 .1(55) defeating Mambourin 1 .6(12).

ie last three games are all forfeits . do 1 forfeited t o 1 forfeited to Ove ;, rt - 1 forfeited to eas e_y 2

Ao a 1 0 Well here it is, the final round for the home and away season before a big finals series . There are three games being played at Elsternwick this ~ k . The 1-st game will see Kananook 1 defeat s turs 1 by at least 13 goals.

The second game will be close for a half bu t ook 2 should end up taking care of Ovens & NF y 1 by a comfortable 6 goals . The last game to be played will see Broadmeadows 2 win by about 34 points for them to secure a finals bi: ih .

Maribyrnong will be hosting 2 games this week with their first and third division sides looking for good lead up games before they play in finals . Maribyrnong 1 will be out classed by Ballarat by a comfortable 8 goals with the Pviaribyrnong 2 accounting for Moonee Valley by about 9 goals as they will cement the top spot at the end of the home and away season . aplestowe is also hosting 2 games this week, with the first game building up to be an absolute gem of a game. The game is against Port Colts 1 . With the away side in good form they should just get over the line against an inform Bulleen stc 'e .

The last game will be another close match between and Port Colts 2, the end result will b e

close but I think the Colts by 8 points. The last 2 games will be played at Mazenod and with some big results expected . 9^n by 4 goals over Mazenod 2 . 1 by 16 goals over Parkside.

ishing all teams good luck in your final round of the home and away season and hope all teams have a good result.

FI ?D 9 % Pis DIUI: P W L B F Agst KAid .C KT3GERS 1 7 6 1 0 438 134 328.87 24 *NORTH ; ALLARAT KNIGHTS 7 5 2 0 3613 258 142 .64 20 MARIBYRNONG BULLDOGS 1 7 3 4 0 282 351 80 .34 12 BROADMEADOWS KAt1GAS 1 70 7 0 112 383 29 .24 0 P W L D F Pts DIVISION 2 PORT COLTS 1 7 6 1 0 5 17 24 Bk1LLE*R TE4APLESTOWE 7 5 2 0 347 20 3D PANTHERS 1 7 4 3 0 436 16 Ki n100K TlGERS 2 7 4 3 0 392 16 `DaEtdS & MURRAY 1 7 3 4 0 349 12 PARKSIDE 7 Q 7 0 44 Q DIVISION 3 P W L D F Pis MARIBYRNONG BULLDOGS 2 7 6 1 0 366 24 MAr4iBOURIN TIGERS 7 5 2 0 207 20 BROADP,1cAD06'dS KAPd6AS 2 7 4 3 0 270 16 PORT COLTS 2 7 4 3 0 200 16 MAZENOD PANTHERS 2 7 3 4 0 270 12 *OVENS & MURRAY JETS 2 7 3 4 Q#57 12 MOONEE VALLEY MAGPIES 7 2 5 0 206 8 RINGWOOD BLUES 7 1 6 0 168 4 # had bye last round * Received forfeit last round




Sports & "' :dical Supplies

(U19 2, 3& Blue ) ' (U191 & Red )

Section On e St Kevins' all but relinquished any chance of playing finals football last weekend after falling eight points short at home to Uni Blues . In a game that would have put the home side eight points clear of their nearest rivals, St Kevins now sit precariously in fourth spot and face the competition's top two sides in the closing weeks . Conversely Uni Blues, who in effect were playing for their season last weekend, now have a week off before meeting the competition's bottom two sides in the final fortnight of the season . In the round's other games, Collegians led all day in their 43 point win over Old Scotch, St Bernards slammed on fifteen second half goals in their 108 point demolition of Old Brighton, while Marcellin weren't troubled in their 56 point win over Old Xavs . The minor premiership is up for grabs this weekend as Marcellin and Collegians go head-tohead in a top of the table bout out at Marcellin College . Last time the sides met Collegians kicked a measly 3 .14 in a 61 point loss despite having just six less chances in front of goal . Expect a closer margin this time around but a similar result, Marcellin by 21 . In the round's other games, St Kevins to beat Old Scotch in a must-win game, De La to halt St Bernards winning streak at one, and Old Xavs to record their ninth win of the season away at Old Brighton . Section Two On what was a reasonably pleasant afternoon for footy. Rupertswood enjoyed the drier conditions and handed out an unexpected hiding to Whitefriars . With young Ben Torney debuting in the seniors (whilst still at school!), the home side were robbed of some forward firepower, but Rupo had so much more possession it didn't really matter . Quick ball movement was the key for Rupo, and had they kicked straight it would've been damn ugly . Good efforts from fine Friars in Cam Power and Steve Keogh . Sadly, the Bombers have been grounded for the remainder of the season, and Banyule enjoyed the week off. The Fields kept their finals' hopes alive with a heartstopping win over the Sharks, and Goold grabbing a six-pack in the process . However, the may be too far adrift of Rupo to sneak into the finals . . . . Elsewhere, Old Carey made heavy work of things against the much improved OMs . Cudlipp again shone for the visitors, whilst Hodges and McQueen played well for The OC . In the final

match, Old Trinity were outgunned by Old `Camberwell a t the Barnyard, where De Sanctis took home the goal-kicking award with 11 snags, but somehow BOG went to Barrow . Trinity's Brett Smith shortened further in the club B&F after another great effort on-ball, Tips Banvule, OMs, Whitefriars, Rupertswood (!) and Car r, e -o > dealt a killer blow to the Demons' final s a 4 goal win at Pine Lodge . Frankly, i t ssioutuve ueen more, but Ellis and Rofer certainly got the job done . The Blacks got their big guns back from semester break, and the Tigers suffered as a result . My mail is there are more inclusions on the way for St Bede's MT, to assist the Brothers McConnell, so don't expect them to be pushovers v'zen (e id I') they ma ' :c the final four . The big upset : .~.~ th,~ Unicorn,.- pii tting the Paiders to th e

St Kevin s

Old Xaverians Old Scotch U19 (2)

O'Rourke Handley Tummel

4 2 1

50 45 27

Whitefriars Torney 11 54 Old Carey Tirus 2 53 Banyule Viewbank Tsingaris 0 52 U19 (3)

Oakleigh Cleary 6 58 Uni Blacks Battista 3 56 Monash Blues Collins 0 38 U19 (BLUE ) Mazenod Bogar 0 64 Ormond R Chisolm 2 63 Peninsula D Smith 5 59 Salesian Scorpians Singh 0 58 U19 (RED) Emmaus SL Croughhan 4 65 Bulleen Templestowe P Voglis 2 48 Emmaus SL Robin 2 3 6


adder-leaders Just three rounds to go in the homeE mmaus S t Leos and-away season sun-andered their and still as manv as invincible tag last six sides are weekend, after escaping competing for a from the clutches of finals berth . with fourth spot unlikely defeat at home to Old to be decided until Westbourne. " the final day of the season . Therry, Westbourne and Fitzroy are all tied up on eight wins, with the three sides all playing each other in the final three rounds . Westbourne hosts Fitzroy this weekend in yet another vital fixture, with the winner likely to go four points clear in fourth . A massive game in the Section Blue Ormond were outstanding in the first half but the context of the season, both have been impressive Scorpions didn't help their own cause with against Emmaus in the past few weeks but another flat start. Chisholm was on fire in front of Westbourne should have the edge at home . Old goal for Ormond, finishing with 8. In the 3rd Westbourne by 23 . In the round's other games, quarter, The Scorpions turned it on, to reel in an Emmaus to knock off Therry, Aquinas won't be 8 goal half time deficit, back to 3 at the final troubled at home to Old Scotch, and Bulleen in a break . As might have been predicted though, the thriller away at Rupy. Scorps were a spent force in the last . Ormond drove home the message to their opponents i'uat one good quarter won't win games . For the Scorpions, Francis and Dunne fought hard all day. The Bloods really let the straight-shooting Old Scotch v St Kevins Pirates run away with the chocolates in the ;,Rarcellin v Collegians second and third terms, failing to capitalise on a University Blues - Bye good start . End result, Peninsula eased to the line De La Salle v St Bernards in a 4 goal w-in . Mazenod had a strong win over Old Brighton v Old Xaverians . although they didn't take full Hampton Rovers UNDER-19 SECTION 2 advantage of their first quarter dominance . Beaumaris v Banyule Viewbank However, in the next term, the Nodders ran hard Old Melburnians v Caulfield Or and scored freely, putting the result well beyond Whitefriars - Bye doubt . Hampton Rovers certainly rallied in the Rupertswood v Old Camberwell second half, to their credit, but Klavins, Kavanagh Old Trinity v Old Carey and Fraser (good name that!) were a class above . UNDER-19 SECTION 3 In the final game, an 8-goal third quarter Bentleigh v La Trobe Un i avalanche from De La made up for an inaccurate St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Old Ivanhoe first half. Monash Blues v MHSOB Tips Old Paradians v Oakieigh Salesian, Hampton . Mazenod, Ormond . AJAX v University Blacks - Oval 9 or 11, Albert Park Section Red Ladder-leaders Emmaus St Leos surrendered UNDER-19 (2) BLUE their invincible tag last weekend, after escaping Peninsula 0 B v Salesian Scorpion s Hampton Rovers v Old Haileybury - Soortseover from the clutches of defeat at home to Old WestArena, Friday 6 .15]2m bourne . Trailing at every break, Emmaus kicked De La Salle (2) v Mazenod 0 C six goals to one in the last, but showed clear signs Ormond v Oakleigh Clays that they're not as far ahead of the mid-table pack as many have suggested . In the round's other big UNDER-19 (2) RE D result, Therry Penola dropped a vital fixture away Aquinas 0 C v Old Scotch at Bulleen, intensifying the race for fourth spot Kew - By e ,,vith Therrv, Westbourne and Fitzroy now all tied Rupertswood (2) v Bulleen Templestowe - TBA on eight wins apiece . Elsewhere, Rupy were Therry Penola 0 B v Emmaus St Leos 0 C impressive in their 41 point win over Old Scotch, Old Westbourne v Fitzroy Reds - to played on College Oval (entry off Gate C off while Kew kicked 16 goals to 6 after quarter-time M arquands Road) at 1 .30 p .m . to defeat Aquinas by 48 .

s :rord, building on a handy quarter time lead and l,,uvshing the visitors on the school postage stamp . Messrs Bartholomew and Taft had days out by the river, and were the toast of the crowd on the hill . Lastly, but not leastly. Oakleigh kept their noses ahead of the Blacks with a regulation win over AJAX. The damage was done early, with Cleary and Edwards providing good avenues to goal . Gallant Jackas included Hershan and Milecki . Finally, La Trobe beat Monash by 40 points and (sadly) that's all I know . . . Tips Bentleigh, St Bedes MT . MHSOB . Oakleigh, Uni Blacks .


4 c~. '.~ _ ST. KEVINS OB 0.5 3S 7 .9 9 .12 (66) UNIVERSITY BL-uE8 3 .0 7.2 8 .4 11 .8 (74) SXOB: O'Rourke 5 Mercouriou 2 Belsey Liu . Best : Feehan C Murphy Liu Low Shaw T White. Uni Blues : Brennan 3 Carmody 2 Maddocks Havter Guthrie Dwyer Elliott Bradley. Best: Dwyer Kelly Elliott Guthrie Wood Marshall. Umpires: Tom Haysom Sarah McGill (F) Will Burne David Cameron (B) Hagen Cosgriff Andrew Summers (G )

COLLEGIANS 5.2 12 .3 16.4 20.9 (129) OLD SCOTCH 3 .1 8 .1 11 .5 1 1 8 (86) Coll: Tardiff 3 Bushnell 3 Quick 3 Williams 2 Scott 2 Znnbacks 2 Louis Rutherford Feld Lynch Hampton . Best: Lightollers Zimbacks Rutherford Bridgeman Quick Boland . Old Scotch : McCann 7 Baltand Pearce Wood Parisi Bradley Feeney . Best : Wallace-Smith McCann Tumme( Leeds Gray Daggian. Umpires : Brian Nunn (C 18) Paul Motion (C I8 )(F) OLD RAVERIANS 0.0 0 .6 3 .10 5 .11 (41) MARCELLIN 5 .6 10.7 11 .8 14 .13 (97) Old Xav: Dl Stefano D Smith Preece Handley Doyle . Best: Doyle Silk Indovino Handley D Smith Bell . Marc: Crimmins 5 Bolger 3 Birrell 2 Winstanley Nash Montagna Tabarcheira . Best: Crapper MeGlin Tabaccheira Bond Abrahams Crimmins . Umpires: Tom Windlow (C 18) Lee Crossley (F) DE LA SALLE BYE

UNIV:?STTY BLACKS 1 .4 7 .6 8 .6 11 .8 (74 :'-', I ;PvTOI .-T TIG7°31 .3 2 .4 4.7 8.9(57))ST-3D Uni Blacks: Batista 3 Davies 3 Napier Shaw Bell Howson . Best : LeMaitre Batten Jess Cordy Logue Harrison . StB)MT : Bodinaar 4 LeBreton Kelly Sapina, Best: A . McConnell K. McConnell Laver Hunter Marks Kelly. Umpires: Simon Fearless (C 18) (F) Robert Seymour Chris McKendry (G) RSIISOB 5.2 10.8 16.17 20.23 (143) OLD P IANS 3.5 3.7 6 .9 6.11 (47) MHSOB: Bartholomew 6 Anderson 3 Evans 3 Taft 3 Tan Kitelev Lim Pretty Hamilton-Ho . Best: Ashworth Bailey H Taft Evans Anderson Bartholomew . Old Par: Hussey 3 Holden Irvine Thomas . Best: Geary Clayton Richardson Thomas Ziella Serahts . Umpires : Matt O'Keefe Brett Bazley (F) Alex Roberts Daniel Reid (G ) OAKLEIGH AFC 8 .3 8.13 14 .18 18 .21 (129) AJAX 1 .1 5.4 9.5 12 .12 (84) Oak: Cleary 5 Edwards 4 Costigan 3 M Bennett 2 Derks Doherty Harold MacKenzie. Best : Derks Wills Cleary Ristevski Schenker Pasitchnyj . AJAX: Blusztein 3 Sacks 3 Ezekiel 2 Milecki 2 Measey Grof . Best : Oviss Hershan Sacks Blusztein Ezekiel Mileeki. Umpirea : Ross Kennedy Mark Duthie (F) Dan Frazier Richard Beane (G ) UNDER-19 (2) BLUE SALESIAN SCORPIONS 2.1 4 .2 10.6 12 .6 (78) ORMON")r 3.2 11 .7 13 .7 18.12 (120) Sales Scarp : Jordan 4 Crowley 3 Pullman 2 Morsels 2 Butterfield . Best: Francis Mailed Morsels Stanton C Thomson . Ormond : Chisholm 8 Bailey 3 Denatris 2 Duthie 2 Brosnan Jewell Woolfe . Best: Cribbes Denatris Chisholm Brosnan Barnes LearvDunne . Umpires : Marl Farrell Avi Wekselan (F)

ST BERNA11t'1.S 5.2 12 .8 20.11 27.12 (174) OLD BRIGHTON 4 .2 5.4 7 .7 9.12 (66) St Bern: Viney 7 Schroder 5 Indemenieo 5 Galea 3 Creasey 2 Bergin 2 Overman Runnalls Hinkley . Best : Vmey Schroder Bassaggio C Hughes A Stapleton Hinkley. Old Br: Salem 3 Henle,y 2 Seat Oliver Priestley Jennings, Best : Priestley Fox Gunning Browning Rest Eastgate . Umpires : OLD HAH.F.YBURY 4.3 5 .5 8 .10 11 .17 (83) PENINSULA OB 4 .0 10.2 15.3 16.9 (105) Nathan Sheppard Jack Fagan (F) Bernie Jephson Nick Booth ( G Old Hail: N Waite 3 Walsh 2 Mohammad 2 Doukas Fankhauser Chisholm Byass. Best: Mohammad N . Waite Chisholm Monday Ridgway Harrison . B-§NYULE VIE `K 19 .17 (131) OLD ESSENDON 11 .81741 Peninsula OB : D Smith 6 Wignall 4 Coy 2 De Lange 2 Taylor Wilmot . Best : Trickey White Kenny Madder D Smith Crefreld . Umpires: Jamie Gunn Old Eesendon season forfeit Dean Schwab (F)


.5 4.6 8.9(57) CAULFIELD G IANS 4.5 9.3 11 .8 13 .10 (88) MAZENOD 4 .6 13.10 16 .13 22 .14 (146) BEA S 1 .5 17 9.10 11 .15 (81) Ilampi Rov: Gleeson 4 White 3 Rootsey. Best: Schafer Gleeson Caul: Goold 6 Clarke Spinal Gatehouse Pearce Schroth Mccahon Ka)aja . Zampaglione Kobayashi Connell Ross . Mnz : Crotty 3 Bogar 3 Moran 3 Best: Gould McCahon Schroth N Andrew Webb . Beaum : Lmlach 3 Hunt 2 Duke 2 Bailey 2 J Crameri 2 Bayliss 2 Micallef Mann Risele-v Feeora N Scrivenor Wall Gillespie Bliesher Nicholson Cupples. Best: Wall Wilson Crowed . Best: Moran Kavanagh N Cramer] Klavtns Pecora . Umpires: Bllesner McNeill Gillespie Clemente . Umpires: Peter Cahill Brett Herskope Mark Jenkins Michael Rode (F) (F) Brendan Dowling Keith Lewis (B ) OAKZ.EIGH CLAYS 3 .1 8 .4 10.5 13 .9 (87) OLD CAREY 5 .2 11 .5 14 .8 18.12 (120) DE LA SALLE 1 .8 3.12 11 .15 15.16 (106) OLD MELBURNIANS 2.1 7.2 13 .5 16 .7 (103) Oak Clays: Simon 6 Castello 5 Nguyen Gait . Best : DeGeorge Simon Old Cerey : Tiras 5 Cleve 2 Day 2 Remmers 2 Andrianopolous Wood Castello Gait Osbourne Adams. DLS: Morwood 5 Keanev 3 Hassadalla 2 Sheddon PatOsan Carpenter. Best: Stocco Baker Hodges Ttras Shedden Rae Clinch Fonlolo Miles Silver Kovarick. Best: Fisher Hanson Morwood McQueen. Old Malin Mitchell 4 Cudlipp 3 Code 3 Landale 2 Linacre Muner Keeney Kovarik. Umpires : Steve Castersen David D'Altera (F) Tzoiras Cowey. Best: Cudlipp Tzokas Code Mitchell Landale Ray . UNDER-19 t21 RED Umpires: Peter Liddell (Rot) David Chippindall (YJ) (F) OLD SCOTCH 3.4 6.7 8 .8 10.11 t71) WHITEFRIARS 0 .2 1 .7 4.7 6.10 (46) RUPERTSWOOD (2) 6 .1 10.2 13.8 17 .10 (112) RUPERTSWOOD 7.6 11.13 15 .23 17 .29 (131) Old Scotch : M Needham 2 T Gaunt 2 A Perry J Brownhall 2 H Taylor. White : C Power 3 O'Meara 2 Walker . Best: Keogh Carruthers Crowe Best: T Gaunt S Machin W Cox J Brownhall M Needham H Tavlor . Mirabella Harris Walker. Ruperts : McPhee 5 Baddetey 3 Quigley 2 Ruptt-ts : Quinn 8 Lovett 2 Smith 2 D'Salvatore 2 Jones Day Alkemade . Morrison Harrison G Philips Tennant Dean Pretty Spinner. Best: Spinner Best: A Catalano A Day A Jones B Quinn Smith. Umpires: Logan Smith Gaunt Glenn McPhee Baddeley Dean . Umpires: Jason Lane Christian David Murray (F ) Schaefer (F ) KEW 1 .4 8 .6 12.8 17 .17 (119) OLD CAMBERWELL 8.9 15.11 20 .12 28 .16 (184) AQUINAS OC 3 .5 6.9 8.13 9 .17 (71) OLD TRINITY 0.2 6 .4 9.4 10.5 (65) Kew: Pike 5 O'Shea 3 Lawrence 2 Fultheim 2 DeAngelis Franklin Jackson Old Camb : De Sanctis I I Tolson 3 Barrow 2 Walpole 2 Morley 2 Tsindos Lucisano Lav. Best : Williams Pike Fultheim Lawrence Wyley DeAngelis . 2 Clarke 2 Taylor 2 Genies Povnton . Best: Barrow De Sandia Tolson P Aquinas : Ragauskas4 Papworth Williams Weidemann Raggozini Sheridan . Christie Gemes Paynton. Old Trin: Greene 5 Stewart 2 Oldfield Neils Best: Neame O'Donnell Thatcher Reece Maaskant Papwrorth . Umpires: Smith. Best: Smith Neils Delphme Stuchlik Hickey Bourke . Umpires: Jason Evans Paul'ivrer (F) Josh Teter Simon McInerney (B ) Richard Eastwood (Rot) Matt Goold (F) FITZROY REDS BYE UNDER-19 SECTION 3 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3.7 6.11 11.15 14.16 (100) LA TROBE UNI 4 .1 6.1 11 .5 16 .8 (104) THERRY PENOLA 3 .2 5 .5 9.6 14 .10 (94) MONASH BLUES 4 .2 7.6 7 .8 9 .10 (64) Bull Temp: Coulston3 Rametta 2 Stamboulakis 2 Alleri lositldis Meadows LaTrobe: Holland 8 P Davies 2 Beek 2 Maaiman 2 Doyle Walgott . Best: Nikolakopoulos Tekin P VogHs Woodward . Best : Samaras Hunt Millar Walgott Holland McLean Hooke P Davies Inglis . Mon Blues: Collins 2 Stamboulakis P Voglis Tektn. Therry Pen : Ferraro 4 Keenan 3 Elmi 2 Cruickshan 2 Vincent 2 Podolia . Best: Vincent Barton Padulla Cruickshan Heleu Orr Conbey Tozer Walker . Best : Allender Muhar Tomkinson Cooper Phillips Thompson Umpires: Fr an k Kavanagh (C 18) Matt Simpson (F) Orr Keenan . Umpires : Anthony Llliey John Hughan (F ) OLD IVANHOE 4.3 6.8 8.15 13.19 (97) BEN TLEIGH 3 .3 5.4 7 .6 11.8 (74) Old Iv : Ellis 4 Baldwin 2 Rosenlis 2 Binney Foster Roger Ferrantino Minas . Best : Ellis Rofer Botlycoai Pagewood Bo)zan Foster . Beat : Hunt 4 Dewar 2 Lewis Meehan Zvlhertajn West Coles . Best : Meehan Rossi Lawry DewarMorrison . Umpires: Tim Saunders David Windlow (C 18 )(F)

EMMAUS ST LEOS GC 1 .4 4.5 7 .6 13.7 (85) OLD WESTBOURNE 3 .3 4.6 7 .11 8.12 (60) Emmaus SL: Croughan 7 Lalor 5 Ahern. Best : DAmico Lalor Brogden Croughan Brayshaw McKenzie . Old West: J Tanner 3 M Williamson 2 Chan Gardy Squarci. Best: Heiniger Eckel M Williamson M Mitrovski Spiteri J Tanner. Umpires: Nick Brown David Ewens (F)


1 A. Br"vJgeman 2 M . Williams 3 N 4 T Baxter . Cramp

5 6 7 8

A. Scoi7 M. Feld R. Blackley J. Curtis

9 M. Lynch to T. Zimbachs 11 B. Louis

12 S. Jeffrey 13 C. Weeks 14 N.Ou :^..k 15 D. Hynes 16 W. Tardr<f 17 J. Hamilton t8 D. Rajkuma 19 T. Donagan 2o M. Weeks 21 F. Boland 22 8. Sims 23 J. Davies 24 T. Co:Jk 25 D . Adgemis 27 T. Rutherford 29 B Sutton 33 C . Bushnef; 40 M. Ughtoxrers

S(1) Coach : Bruce Armstron g Coach; Dean Rossely Coach : Joe Lyttieton C, ch: Uavid Madigan S(2) Red Coach : Ian Leith Asst Coach : Tim Ford Asst Coach : Craig Kernic k 1 T. Kovess {vc) 1 S. Farrelly 1 N . Kaplan 2 S . Edwards 2 R . Tabacchiera 2 D. Jennings 2 h1A~ 34 M Smaz.". 3 M. Fieldsend 3 A. Del Mastro 3 S . Oliver T f 36 S Ex.=er 4 D D . Close 4 N . O'Halloran 4 S . Rowell 3 5 T. John 5 J . Sandford, ;a p2 L. ~ 5 J . Miller 5 B S6 J . Pitcher 6 S. Abrahams 6 At:.c c1 39Nwu 7 0 . Keely(vc) 6 J . Geddes 8 G G. Hesse 7 C . MacLaren 7 J . Salem 7 L'~o"g ~ M ~''a"~ a D pearly 41 R c :eeq 9 A . Cox 8 D . Valsorda B M . Bartlett 10 N N . Roberts 9 D . Considine 9 T. Gunning 9 6 T~~ ~ ~ k~' 1 1 W. Fenton 10 T. Stafford 10 J . Edge 77 N~JI 12 J . 11 J . Gasparini 11 K . Sheehan 12 ATadorsRt 46 E I , 14 A . DenMane 15 N N . Harris 12 P. Augustin 12 J . Priestley 14 T Leeds 47 J Pearce 1 5 M P ara 48 A Ferry 16 M Herkess ( C) 13 P. O'Callaghan 13 J . Seat 16 G 49 HTaytcr 17 L. Casey 14 A . McGlin 14 R. Doherty 1 7a` z 50 TVay 18 W, Dwyer .Pesavento 15 S 15 J . Leaf 51 N Snar~ 19 J . Crowe 16 C . Warner . Mulligan t8 s i :+es 52 Hvrr~ 20 D. Hassaballa 17 L. Boyd 16 S 19T1; rnt 53C L 21 L. Bull 17 B . Moon 18 D. Fraser 22 T. Donega n 18 B.. Blatt ~M 19 J . Crapper 21 N7 Cr ~e ;n 54 55 C'v~ M ELM 23 J . Casey 19 M . Browning 20 N . Birretl 22 W Cox 57 S Lake 24 J . Fletcher 20 G . Fielke 23 M Cat:~e 61 W Ha,vey 25 S S . Nethersole 21 J . Dowling 21 J . Kenyon 24 J Pater 62 8 a=zc~r.asi, 26 B B . Hogan 22 J . Byrnes 27 S S . Miles 23 M . Grigoruk 22 J . Delosa 25 T Slattery 64 E&_W.~r' 26 A Mad. 65 Si tFCV.Tz~rwy 29 T. Kovank 23 K. Presnell 24 J . Hogarth 27 a ica, e 65 N[ sed 30 N. Thompson 25 J . Crimmins 24 A. Tregear 28 H Disk 67 J r 32 D C . Lowe 26 S . Preece 25 R . Eastgate 33 N Stewart 29 J E•- 5a D . 34 J. Oakley 27 M . Turner 26 L . Hanson 30 S 2 70 F'. 81 A Gray 37 G G. Rae 28 C. Cogdon 37 J Cad , 32 ATur,m~:d 46 J. Ton~olo

le orne 222lr! . ;'Ci1~

Assistant : David Ga diy T Si€ # A. Lawrence K . Lunardi & O'Brian T. Byr n T. Preece L. Kelly M . Labroy

9 J. M,ortensen 10 S. Sheedy II J.tACwre 12 A . Ross

13 A . Bonaire 14 J. Role 15 S. BridgMand 16 S. Houghton 17 S. Doyle 1 8 S, Oi Stefan 19 C. Murphy 20 J. Kay 21 C.Thomas 22 D. Smith 23 T. Lee 24 F.Indovino 25 M, Peel 26 N . Counsel 27 B. Robertson 29 5.Langdon 30 J. Fitzgerald 31 J. Mullany 32 D . Clyne 33 L. Harry 34 N . Morrison 35 J . Falls 37 C . Downey 38 J . Forrest 39 J . Downey 40 N, O'Connell 41 N Saunders 42 J . Hickey 43 H . McGlads 44 N . Smith 46 J . Sweeny 51 E . Boland

33 C B `""a"

_ ,> . .

. . ._ .,_ .

S? . ~IVER~~TY BLUE S ST CCoach : Greg Wood Coach : Owen Hourigan Coach: Steve Carroll

Coach : 2 3 4 5 6 7 6

29 M . Nash 30 D. Redmond 31 D. Bolger 32 T. Montaign e 44 B. Pell

D . Hurley M. Walsh J. Hughes C . Liberatore S. Matthews 9 D . Evans 10 B. Garth 11 A. Marion 12 D . Ocannor 15 A . Mitchell 16 P. Oxenford 17 C . Rogers 20 M . Maggiore 21 T. Whelan 23 D . terrazzo 24 B . Runnals 25 C . Govan 27 M Salvado 30 D. Lancashire 33 M . GourlaY 35 B . Ryan 38 K . Buis 39 L. Demorton 40 A. Kavanagh 43 J . Stapleton 45 B . Johnson 50 R. Schrode r 58 B. Pitts 59 T. Pearson 70 E . Prend' 75 C. McDermott 2 4 5 7 8

1 L. Kenyon 2 S. Betsey 3 B. Dowd 4 S. Conlon 5 J. Marchesani 5 K. Sahety 6 C . Breheny 6 R . Taylor 7 S. Neohoritis 8 S. Ryan 9 P. McLennan 10 A. White 11 T. White 12 M. Sherman 13 P. Mercauriou 15 M . Sullivan 16 R . Arnett 17 J . Charles 18 H . Low 19 W. Browne 20 K . Mio s 21 J . Moussi 22 P. Harrison 23 H . Feehan 24 D. Sullivan 25 J . Mullen 26 P. Longmore 27 J . O'Rourk e 28 M . Murphy 29 J . Nissen 30 T. O'Hanlon 31 J . Syme 32 M . Murphy 33 C. Viti 35 X. Gasparini 39 C. Murphy 41 B. Liu

1 R . Minns 2 N . Anderson 3 D . Wood 4 M. Kelly 5 H . Guthrie 6 M . Syke s 7 A . Farrell (vc) 8 T. Maddocks (c) 9 Z. Elliott 10 N . Bradle y 11 M . Dwyer (vc) 12 D . Marshal l 13 J . McCarty 14 J . Poynter 15 S . Mortime r 16 T. Bram e 17 D. Carmod y 18 M . Mark Lesko 19 D. Hayte r 20 C. Pyke 21 P. Birks 22 A. Brennan 23 L. Butler 24 J . Sundermann 25 M . Kibbis 26 L. Halliday 27 S. Mead e 28 D. Hanrahan 29 L. 0'Shannesy 30 T. Stainforth 31 B. Gannon 32 S. Gilbertson 33 J. Lync h 34 C . Blizzard


~-- :~ 0 Z ~ ~

~i- -" -~

-- r ~ ~ 0 _Z -5

~ Q >

~ .o .




I A-

(L Z (n 0

< :E Q 0 ILL <


Coach: Phiv Dernetriou 1 D Park 2 J. &od3 G. DFmmx*

4 L Sheikherd 5 M. rV~nes 6 M, Kennedy 7 Pa' }k~e 8 D . Kayrwz 9 M. Chrattan to C . Stavrop~ tt e. 0~rrack 72 J .O . Poys?r

93 Coz :h : John Burke Asst (;e h : Paul Berry

Coach : Rob French Lc-,n : Sam Caiagero

1 K . Gasperino 2 R . Gillespie 3 J . Sinko

1 T. Noblett 2 M. Sess4er 3 N. Andrew

4 L• Hill 5 C . Badma n 6 M. Bramwell (VC)

4 A. Clarke 5 A. Spittal 6 C. Hammond

7 T. Hunt 8 A. Clemente 9 J. Starke 10 A. Mckenzie 11 J. Dickie

7 G . Thomson 8 T Hartlett 9 L. Price 10 B . Gatehouse

13 C. Buckley

13 M . Wilson

11 R . Evan s 12 S . Powley

14 L O'Conne~ (Co.Capq

14 B. Wall 15 B. Norris

14 C . May

13 S . Wood

Coach : Anson Brownles s 1 J. Gokiblatt 2 T. Barrow

3 C. Poynton 4 J. Rowatt 5 N. Tsindos 6 P. Christie

8 M . ilia 9 D. Walpole 10 S . BOn had 11 N . Hall y Y 13 W. Robinson 14 D . DeSanCtis

15 M . L (Co.Capg 76 R. G, san

17 B . Giles

15 B. Pearce

15 J . Tuohey

77 D D

t8 V. Camera

16 K. Biggs

16 A. Renshaw

te S G , to J. sp 20 C.t 21 D. felt 22 J. F ,

20 T. Waller (VC)

17 A. Goold 18 Z. Goo d 19 W. Hepworth

23 D. Sh~herd 24 ADoy*

26 C . Shone (VC) . 29 M . Gravin a 31 C . Graham

25 S~TQ~ y ~ p~r 27 JR.Rarcclen S . SG„re~Green 29 28 J "

30 A 8mn 31 K T~~ , ~ 33 S. oack 34 J. Dunsrana 35 F, pp~ :w M, Magan 37 L . t,!wga n 38 .c co,' 39 S. Mxan 40 Ro, Moore

21 R. Fenton

22 J . Atkins

22 M . Hardy

20 J . Davis 21 L . Taybr

23 R. Schroth

24 W. Wettenhall

24 M . Benkemoun

25 N. Charles

40 D . Reiby 41 J. Nicholson 43 D. Cupptes (C) 46 R. Scrivenor 47 A. Mueller 49 M . Cairns 51 M . Beru ld se n 52 J. Williams 61 K. Bliesner

OLD ESSENDON Coach: Greg Evans


18 A. Remmers 19 T Locodc

39 A. Little

49 R. Sa4er

26 C. Hillier 27 D. McGuigan

31 E . James

30 D. Mason

31 M . Shanks

31 A . McKay 33 A. Gua as 35 C. Scul y 39 A. Nesci

33 C. Bennett

38 M . Baker 44 D. Stocco (VC )


SPONSOR Mitchell Partners


Coach : Leo Curran

72 G. Hodges

34 G. Tolson

38 A. Thomas

15 D . Byrne

11 Burke M


12 Delaney E 13 Bicknell J 14 Bilney M

te G bOutE 49 DM:~;Ta,GttESE 20MGW 5e oEt"`7S



21 S. Fletcher 22 A. Ray

24 A. Mermigas 25 A. Quine

28 L. McMeniman 33 A . Manahan

proudly sponsored by


4 Israel J

5 Simmons H 6 Delph!ne T V/C 7 Greene A 8 Stewart F 9 Howell T 10 Smith B

15 Peyton D 16 Spragg T

17 Lesinskis M 18 Stockdale C 19 Otdfietd T 20 Laher Y 21 Grant J 22 Doyle H 24 Burke A Capt . 25 Milaszewicz A 27 Law B 29 Wilson D 31 de Bruin S 40 Wood L 44 Baylis M 68 Biytham R



---- - •


Coach: Greg Bradley



29 D. Courtot 30 A . Day (VC)

1 Cole S 2 ParkerA 3 Marsden A V/C

16 V. PALf

27 T. Howgate

30 T. Angove

t T. Cudlipp 2 L. Gatti 3 N . Stogdale 4 A . Nabiakos 5 F. Linacre 6 S . Playfair 8 E. Mitchell 10 E. Hamer 11 N . Russell 12 S. Godley 13 P, Smith 16 J. Ardley 17 W. Landate 18 A. Forte 20 T. Code

23 L. McQuee n 24 A. Willingham 25 S. Mea d 26 M . Dudman

29 D. Harry


16 M. Laldlaw

22 J. Wagner

38 J . Edmeades

37 B. Fraser

15 A. Pattiso n

21 T. Howgate

25 J McCahon 26 B. Kalaja 27 T. Doake 28 B, McDonald 29 A. Webb

32 B. Woodland

7 L. Andrianopoulos 8 R. Wood 9 B . Laing 10 C. Laidiaw (Cl 11 J Van Cuylentrerg 12 G. L ord 73 P. Tras 14 D . Croni n

19 T. Peasnell

M. Lopiccolo

33 J . Kilgore

4 J. Carpente r 5 A. Shedden 6 T. Davi s

18 N . Wallace

20 M. Sundbarg

24 R . Imlach 25 B . Strong ~

17 D . Morley

1 B. Norfolk 2 T. Robinso n 3 J. De Leije r

Coach: Andy Dalrymple

t d PRLPS 40 S 6rSHO? 2 CA.IiFtWT 40A "KS 3 A'rEt~uxt 41 a CasCD

I E . Abdallah 3 A. DAlatsio 5 J . Gmeara

5 8arJ ;tt 42 J MURPHY 6 t pR~y ,~ A D~Vk~ 8 d 88~Ey 44 eCO,ytEy

6 S. Keogh 7 C . Taou k 8 D . Yore

to t WEST 44 CucCOVaatE 2 A Ev Rs AS T ES A N t3ttFEL asLCetpzxD . ts DC-tEt~t 47 J 8~cttrOV 16 oc=.Ati 48 L aREtz~t 17J ANDERSON 48ADAY

9 B. T0`itey 7 A. Gamble 72 A.Pett s 73 C. Lucarelii

21 rSa,ml Sr AcnTatAt~ 22 G PHitLh, 'S 52 B ri "d119tta 23 R SPt.,wER 57 8 k~ADAM

24 L MQRPW1 54 J WALLACE 26 MMCPHEE 55 S ktC4t(;}tm

28 8 88Er0ut1 58 M887~r 30 MA ORR~E 53 C DRIVER 31 MEMORY 59 e~~ 32 MEtlts. Ep L yy~S;ER CHRiS1Er+S~t e7 DatmrttaSay 33 T MLRPtv 57 L gap,DELY ' 74oSLEtGNT 35 8LOVrt 36 ortcC~rEtat 78 MtIt.RRi~t 37Rt§C%ES 79CWrrHAR T 38 MaD?a?0 80 MvaWXlEl

~6 N. Ceowe t7 M Band 18 K. Leski

19 S . Greenland 20 R. Carruthers 21 C. Kroaka.vski 22 J. TartagGa 24 C. Harris 25 N . O'Callagha n 26 K . Walker

27 H . Fulton 28 L. Hambtin 29 A . Spurcel 30 A . Gibb s 31 C . Powe r 3,2 L Kak7o

A ~~~!, . . . ._ .....>. ._ . .. .z>.>.. . . .~.,. .. . .~_ . . .. .. ... .~'" ._

39 JTAn .at

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Under- 19 - S ! Coach : Michael Konsky 1 D . Brouze 2 J . Smith 3 B .Oviss 4 A . Freedman 5 J . Kegen 7 M. Chester 8 J . Feldy 9 D . Blusztein 12 B . Hershan 13 R . Solberg 14 J . Kochen 15 A. Goldstein 16 E. Rcutman 17 N . Shulman 18 D . Skumik 19 A. Chrapot 20 D . Markov 21 P. Wei n 22 A. Moss 23 R . Graf 24 J. Sacks 25 R . Kagan 27 G . Measey 30 J. Shafir 31 G . Mileckl 32 C . Yudelman 33 D. Majtli s 34 S. Ezekiel 37 T. Kohn 39 C. Cahn 40 J. Kestenberg 41 L . Belobrov 45 J. Kapla n 46 D. Simon 47 Y. Kozminski 49 D. Wotman

Cu :ic Mick Lee Asst Coach : Geoff Brew 1 J . Coyn e 2 A . Fogarty 3 O. Lewis 4 S . Lawry 5 J . Coles 6 B . Meehan 7 R . Ross i 8 B . Halliday 9 L. Morrison 10 J . Convery 11 J . Wes t

13 B . Zylbersztajn 14 B . Lydste r 15 L. Armstrong 17 A . Wes t 18 S . Macleod 22 S . Frost 23 T. Bai l 26 T. Dewar 27 T. McIntyre 29 A . Quinn 30 M . Nyary 31 B . Steven 32 C . Fidler 34 B . Hunt 35 M . Bell



10 W. Manning 11 M. Bennett 12 R . Stafford 13 C . Virgona 14 N . Miller 15 D . Cleary 16 J. Derks 17 G . Bennett 18 J. Chapple 19 P. Oisiervi 20 A. North 21 S. Doherty

22 A-Pound-Gow 23 T. Edwards 24 S.Aidone 25 M. Donato 26 J. Pasitchnyj 27 A. Middlemiss 28 M. Bond 29 Ristevski 30 L . Barrand 42 M. Shenker

0! . Coach : Ben Covelli I M . Ferrantino (VtCapt) 2 J. Minas 3 4

le . Golden T. N :col a

5 G Reynold 6 M . Cookson 7 K . Elli s 8 T Harrison 9 M . Bedycoat 10 T. Pantano 11 N. Clarke (Capt) 12 M . Bun 13 J . &nney (VrCapt) 14 A . Foster 16 B . Saunders 17 T Rosen6s 19 C. Crewes 20 D. Madigan 21 L. Terenyl 22 B . McKinley 23 A . Bolzan 24 M . Pero'.h 25 J . Hyndrran 26 D. Nichol 27 E .Spargo 28 L. Page-Wcod 29 C . Roge r 30 S . Leggart 31 N . Cevelp 32 S . Katsina 33 A . Steer 34 A . Gloster 35 C . Lack 36 G. Hetrick 37 A . Bald38 J . Sr i 39 J .Bums

MILES REAL ESTATE BETTER TORQUE . . JTOMOTIVE 40 Oxiord Street, Oakleigh 3166 PH: 9564 7044 FAX: 9564 7205

B . Hare G. Parr A . M.cLean 1, Anderson N Bua , F. Cadivu B.Pttman A.Jones D . Letwn M. Kennedy G. Walsgatt J . Clough C . Neild J . Paterson J . Dickinson H . Lancaster T. Dote valet M. Steele J . Welnher V. Cricenfl K .Danovan S. Foster J . Perkins T.IngHs J . Parham J .Koopmans A. Paone L.Lorennn E. Flenunmg B. Holland A . CuPvencr D . McMaster M Sudweeks N . Beck P. McGrath J . Easton B. Hodge D . Paten D . Gladman C . Marz N . Clar k C . Edwards G . Dawtes T. Haar.. A. Knight A. Oakley B. Mmch,nton R . Maatman B. Van Dal T. Nixo n R . Tollo-day W. Murray G . Gudwaod M. Pattmson K. McGaugh P.Nunan J . Daniels J . tfitham T,Taybr J . Hedrick L . Camrody C . Cooper A, McMahen

Coach : Bruce Waldron

Coach : Brad James Runner: Tim Fitzgerald I 2 3 4 5 6

M . Andrews D. Ashworth H. Badey C. Bailey N. Barkatsas T. Bartholomew A . Berma r. ham 0. Brooks Red J. Buntin g D. Cameron H.Comeadow L. D-n S . Anderson

M . Hamhon-Ho M . Fraczek B . Herska;r; A, Higgins T. Kavanagh J. Kfleley K . Lam W. Taft J. Larkins ALenehan G. Leslie A . Li m L. Evans A . Littlehales C. McGrath S . McGrath L McKinncn E .MuNey C. Peck B . Pretty E . Pretty B . Rehaku J . Rosenhain N . Ruddell J . S :mpson D,Sneddon N . Tan

t .K Collins 2. P. Gurr 3. M Philips 4. D Morgan 5. J . Mays 6. R VanDerMerwe 7. A Jordan 8. D Padulla 9. A Vincen t 10 AThompson 11 6 Cruickshank 12 S Jacobson 13 B Hardin g 14 B Main 15 C Godsil 16 G Ngyuen 17 L Treadwell 18 J Rudd 19 N Rhoden 20 J Shopov 21 S Barton 22 C Handley 23 K Adje i 24 CWitkarrski 49 R Devanny 62 S Worral l 63 J Stephenson 83 G Svenson

N . Tangirala C .Temp' n O. Walsh P. ~.,_n., ..

o6ra31 Hp{-DEN A

Coach: Mick Holden 1 D . Counihan 2 M. Harold(C) 3 D . Costigan 4 J. Fitzgerald 5 C . Groak e 6 M. Doyle 7 L . Callery 8 M. Mackenzie 9 D . Wills

oach : Zor an Collavic P. McMullan T. Ellman P. Davies


Coach: iYiarR Spinoso As t Cr ich : Simon Vincen 1 J . Crosthwaite 1 D. Zivanovic 2 B . Holden 3 R. Bugeja (VC) 5 A . Serafin 6 M . Solomon 7 A . Cowles 8 N. Pratt 9 R. Petrou 11 M . Matko 13 S . Rose 22 D. Richardson 23 S . Rehlicki 25 D. Hussey 32 B . McAllister 33 D. Clayton 34 R. Thomas 35 J . Barthel: 37 S . Valente 38 M . Irvine 39 J . Seneca (DVC) 42 M . Patena (C) 43 M . Christie 44 D. Whyley 45 G. Vincent 46 M . Stace 47 B . Geary 50 A . Logo 51 A . Cirillo 52 J . Kandilakis

7 T. Laver 2 A Know9es 3 J . Hunter 4 B Collin s

5 D . Camp+sano 6 D . Lynch 7 1, Fridrnan 8 J . McNeil 9 S . L'Hmlfsr 10 L. Kelly 11 12 13 14

C . Ban J . Marks N .Kane S . Braran

15 P. McGettgan 16 T. Foster 17 W. Parker 18 C . Teen to M.Knuppal 20 M. Bodinaar 21 M.Law^,er 22 T. Hxknrott 23 M. Curao 24 B .Schwarze 25 R Sway's 27 P. Might 34 M.Sapma 35 L Thomas 38 A. Falkmer 47 S . Johnson 49 S. Newsome 61 C . Moun[z 63 J . Terrel l 66 R . Burger 67 J . Mattmgly 75 K. McConnell

Proudly Sponsored by Buxton Real Estate Kingston Chiropractice IFC O Clearcut Hairdressing

Coach :Jusnn Uray Asst Coac s: Andrew Gray trace Warren, Craig Thompson JM Ard "_leas 2 3 A Ba= (C) 5 B . Batter s 6 M . Battrsta 7 H. Beaumont 8 J. Be t 9 J. Bergin 10 T. Burchell 17 T Ross (VC) 12 W Ho'xson 13 D. Barlow 14 O. Close

15 T. Davaas 1 W. Ezzy 176 B Flemmg 18 D. h4oar 19 J. Finnigan 20 A . Gild 21 E . Harrison 22 M. Hodgson 23 J. H . ugShes 24 D .Lar 25 A . Legx 26 S . Lesl~e 27 R,McBumey 28 D. Costello 29 B . Mikus 30 31 32 33 34 35

A . Nas+akos J . Newland H. Porter O. Ramsay N. Schee6rrgs G. Shaw

36 R. Allrtt 37 J . Elfi s 38 B .MeGowan 39 J . Hamilton 40 S . Jeremiah 41 S . Jes 42 C, Le MaRre s 43 T. Nap:er

Proudly Sponsored by THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 305 3


_T -

Coec, : Hooin JmiAsst : Matt Franci s

1 J . Fisher 2 J . Fletcher 3 J . Tonio4o 4 D. Hassaballa 5 T. Robso n 6 M . Munoz 7 O. Keaney 8 W. Fenton 9 S . Clinch 10 J . Casey 11 D. Gould 12 S . Morwood 13 C. Bal l 14 J . Bird 15 P. Tibed 16 S . Miles 17 A . Marino 18 D. Mescher 19 J . McKenzie 20 C . Dowling 21 L. O'Donnell 22 C . Russell 24 D . Harkins 25 R . Breda 27 B . Flanigan 28 T. Silvers 30 T. Kovarik

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

J . Ashley D. Bailey R . Chisholm S. Bames D . Brosnan T. Denatris M. Mclelland R . Sayers

9 A. Jewell 10 L . Calvert 11 S. Fisher 12 G . Evans 13 D . Haysom 14 L. Upstill 15 T Johnson 16 A. Wilson 17

J. Harry

18 L . Washfotd 19 T. Wootfe 20 D . Machin 21 R . Mcgir 22 S. Vipond 23 M. Violi 24 J. Turnbull 25 C . Woodford 26 L . Knoester 27 A. Cribbes 28 L . Kinniard 29 T Leary 30 L . Duthie 32 C . Freeman 33 N . Ryde 44 B. Robbins

., ,: Dale tto t D . Zampagiione 2 A . Ross 3 G. Cannell 4 1. Nicholls 5 N . Ulbnck 6 S. Bianchard 7 D . Kettl e 8 N . Pinto 9 R . Semml 10 L . Smith 11 T. Fallon 12 R . Kenny 13 P. Woods 15 R . Hendry 16 J. Corbett 17 T. Mitchell 18 D . O'Brien 20 t9. Curry 2t S. Suleyman 22 J. Barry 24 B. McDonald 25 R . Sharpe 26 M. Deluca 27 J. Williams 28 R . While 29 C. Glee on 30 A. Bee 33 T. Rootsey 35 M. Westhead 38 R . Lang 39 K. Cho 40 J. Hd4e w J. Suiafer 44 T. °'_°es

1 L . We :r 2 R . White 3 E. Wittich 4 R . Smith 5 D . Smith 6 B. Mitchell (CAPT) 7 N . Coy 8 P. Wignall 9 B. Coldrey 10 M. Warner 11 M. Kenny 12 A. De Lange (VC) 13 S. Robertson 14 L. Coghlan 15 S. Byrne 16 M. Lewis 17 D . Felvus 18 T. Madder 19 A. Crefield 20 S. McGuiness 21 H. Nestor 22 S. Taylor 23 C. Witzelll 25 J. Rees 26 J. Murphy 27 J. Wilmot 28 R. Trickey 29 J. Birt

Ccu,ru Shape Regan Ass C : ::ch: David Stanley 2 Pd .PSC= a 3 J. Kavanagh 4 T_ aaley 5 N. Graham 6 F. Deegan 7 D. Regan 8 S . Mann 9 J. Cramen 10 N. 6oga.r 11 D. Povxer 12 J. Arnold 13 J.Auqannos 14 D. r'°„ :f 15 S . t 16 FA . ea ; ...s 20 B, Ross 22 K .5 nan 23 N. Cramen 24 C. Duke 25 L. Apdlon,,o 26 P. Stanley 27 N. Slaves 28 M. Klavlns 30 P. Johnson 31 J . McGregor 32 G. Cocks 34 M. htLexso 35 N . Fox

as D. Crotty 37 J . RuJderham 38 J . R .01.y 41 K Kelly 42 B . Cxnn=r 52 P7 . Lc .-io n S.c r S.F:

^=^h : Gary Tea n [Eva I J . S!- (VC) 2 K Nguyen (CAPT) 3 J . Lao 4 J .Lmke 5 S.Janpc 6 J . Sa}ar,ko

7 L De George (DVC) 8 C . Thompson 9 J . Adams 10 A.Pbzza 11 D . Gait 12 S. Gailagher (DVC) 13 J . Evarsuebsta 14 D . Na 15 J . N?vitt 16 D . Glmrue 17 B. Forbes 18 G . Daniells 19 V. Lm 20 D .E@cn 21 D .Stepanoz 22 S. Levy (VC) 23 L .TCar~=y 24 S.C . Lacy 25 S. Y4o ° ;tt 26 J. C27 T. : +t 28 P. 29 61 so J. 31 C 33 S 3 J P, 3' C 3i @ . 40 ' 41 J.6.G . 42 S at',.w' 43 R .T .._ -s C.L

h : D< La 1 2 3 4


A. FadC. Casey J. Walsh J. M,`1 5

5 S .POdanCs 6 S. Lockwood 7 D. G~ay tVC) 9 F. :+o-hammad 9 N. Wark e 10 S. Roberts 11 A. A+.clntyre 12 N. H:Jrison ( C) 13 D.P.tayes 14 S .JOnes 156 JM. .Stanley 1s Sch¢~e


17 T Vdyeth t8 T. Doukas 9 R. Dar!, ; 20 M . Fankhauser 21 M. S:k#Y_rer

22 S . Ellis 23 J. 24 D. Ellis' Kortas 25 J. Moy4a 26 A . Byass 27 S . Ca,-'+ 28 J. Mx

29 an

1 R. Batten 2 B. Crowley 3 P. Norman (Co-Capt) 4 C. Hoga n 5 L. Kelly (Co-G, t) 6 L. Peterson 7 D. Kalogiannis 8 J . Butterietd 9 T. Mailard 10 S. Teniazzo 11 H. Singh 12 B. McCarthy 13 B. Farhner 14 R. Mein 15 L. Phipps 16 M . Dempster 17 S . Curtis 18 R. Jordan 19 P. Dunne 20 D. Lentini 21 S . Francis (V.Capt) 22 C. Thomson 23 T. Wilson 24 J . Silk 25 T. Togie 26 D. Thomson 27 M . Fullman 28 D. Demons 29 J . Morsello 30 K . . Batten


T_ .; _ . : Coach: Danny Minogue i N . 69ordson-Story

2 J . Price 3 W. Collin s 6 J . McGregor

7 T Chapman


9 D. Thomson 10 T. Le e 11 M . Vogi s 12 D. McColl '

16 L Neame

17 P. Vogils

16 R. Tremayne

10 S. Randall

20 A. Ragauskas

20 B. lapadoula

21 D . Zutxan 22 C . Williams (c)

22 A. Benerichs 23 A. Stavret :s 24 M . h9eadows 26


32 G . Day

28 M . Fill

46 J. Reece

71 R . Papworth


38 M LI 3s

-- = 2 - -_ 'z - .-

s ti . . . 5 ,+ , .-... ` ~

a Ill 53 Ci 0


29 M . Coulston 30 P. Florence

31 P. Gallo

't 01 ' 55

V"""e -qt > 9La~,.

,vv et Wn;.wcy yaCcx 52 sr' . se, Mc V 64 65 tuE . ~_ .. . ~ I . 1 i_ .. .

7 J. Beach 8 A. Brown 9 S. Bombed 10 P. Manoli 11 R. Dance 12 B. Janisse n 13 D. M~iler 14 D. Sulemenovs4

15 L. Williams 16 H. Topp 17 C. Dullard


21 N . Cadden

18 K .

22 J. Anderson

19 J. Bolton

20 D. McPhee

24 A. McKenzie

33 P. Murch 34 E. Odza

33 M. Lalor

45 M . Makin

31 T. Ostrom

46 P. Nadas 50 T. Austen

32 N. Scott

1 B. Tanner

2 J. Amore 3 4 5 6

S. Dunn J. Tanner N . Gordy F. Bertone 8 T. Williamson 10 L . Squarci 12 M. Williamson 13 P. Eckel 14 A. McAlindon

15 C . McQueen 17 B. Spited 18 H . Templeton

25 G. Maroon

u n: Kevin Quinn I i r" PS --~D CAL 32 k m~~ ~y s aaJsu++ 48 si~0c ' s J eaa.o>.LV 4t c = rota-sr 50D : A 1 2 dEV1 a FE '2` '3N is °e" 16 ocr F'


TEL -.

. ,_ . r

69 ul

28 R . !Hall

36 p W-o :ru 37 n r._ ES 38 ''

ie F` Sr AG'ay

27 D .Sidwell 28 D . Ricci

aosr ::IG R~-==

29 D . Griffin 30

M. ANtj'JnOYd

54 L) . Hickey C . Hudson

41 ncx : _ 42 :fRUF;i .. n

19 T. McKay 20 A. Pike

23 J. Eggby

26 R. Nash 30 0 . Gregory 35 M . Matherson

36 D. Malony 3-8 J. Fultheim (C ) 54 A. Franklin (VC )

57 D. Jackso n 65 C. Joll y



Harp No Hote l

27 R. McKeown 28 L. Magee 29 F. Novella

636 High Si , Ke w

Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelberg

Rd, Heidelber g

, Coa;.h: James sandma n

19 A. Smith 20 D . Chan 21 B. Whiting 22 R . Borg 23 J. He:niger 24 M. Unwir~ 25 A. Sb:+gho

15 N. Howard

28 L. Davidson

30 W. Townsend


7 M . Cochrane 8 A. Lucisani 10 T. Wang 11 N. Lawrence

22 M . Mikhail 23 K. Maghamez 24 D. Lee

_. CerGreg Fagan

5 J. DeAngeli s

21 J . Bramha m

35 M . RamondeHa 36 A. Coulstcn 37 J. Woln¢er 3J M . Croaks 40 P. loeiid:s 4t A. Smith 42 S Rouss:d :s 43 D. Sera :cco

1 . . S(1) Co.- : Bruce A :-stra,y S(2) Red Coach : kin Leith Asst C .h : Craig KemHk 2 t+%- : 3% Rt

6 J. Riche

15 T. Ahern 16 J. Barry 17 N . Robin 18 M. Wright 19 P. D'amicro 20 J. Brogdan

32 J. McDonald

55 J. Bicknell 58 D . Thatcher

4 B. Mmnis 5 J. Boyle

11 S. Kay 13 M. D'orazio 14 G . Croughan

A. Geor ako uios S. Ha sted ~

27 J . Thompson

2 K. Bayley 3 T Wh :te

5 N . Baranello 6 R . Stafford 7 K. Adriaanse 9 S. Eduatti

8 B. Mora n 18 C. Lapadoula

43 M. Sawyers

4 D . Monlorte

14 J. Newman 15 S. Millar

20 S. O'Donnell

coach : Tim Bell Cc, t : ,:. . .rJ&~k Asst Coach : Tony Dullard Team @.- r °r: Janiene Hari 1 G . William s Runnei: Leo Dynes 2 S. O'Shea 3 R. Wyle y 1 K. Donato 4 A. Hal e

1 P. Baranello 2 J. Quirk 3 A . Hickey

8 A. Eccles

13 B. Tekm

34 C . Sheridan

coach : Ban Pil4sy

7 S. Mountain

8 N . Weklerman n 11 M. Hale 13 C . Ryan (c)

26 S. Ragozzini


:o : Harry Harisiou

1 L . Conboy 3 R . Keenan 4 K. Helo u 5 Y. Halo s 6 M. Cannon 7 J. Mahar 8 A. Elm i


D . Allende r

10 P. Tomkinso n 12 A. Ferraro 13 C . Desousa 14 N . Somerto n 15 B. Toze r 17 J. Webbe r 18 G . Dore

19 M. Reynold s 20 A. Mart 21 L . Harple y 22 J. MammoHi 23 C . Rees

24 C . Mellon 32 J. Coope r 33 S. Harrison

38 K. Robertso n 44 A. Gentil e


" e calrr 44 c o-K„+.7m!a ~ ae T =_enr +

Major Sponsor : W erribee Mazda Se : ;d .iNA(3EFAENT


Most results in the final Round went according to prediction . No last minute changes occurred to the ladders so the Semi Finals this weekend wil be as expected . Again my percentage success ratel was 93 % Review of Round 15 . Section I St Kevin's finished second for the first time through their one hundred and one point demolition of University Blues who have not enjoyed a good season . Old Scotch insured fourth place when they defeated Mt Lilydale by ninety points . Mt Lilvdale, despite innumerable difficulties fulfilled their commitments, which is commendable , Old Xaverians were untroubled to account for Old Melburnians by one hundred and two points, Veteran, David King must have impressed the "Crocodile" selectors with his slick movements around the forward Iine . He was well supporteci b y

Blacks could never reduce . Best for the "Sharks" were ; Sam Thomas, Hiep Ly, John Verde and Dave Viola (7 goals) .

Old Trinity forfeited to Therry PenoIa . Section 3 Caulfield Grao nmmarians easily accounted for North Old Boys by one hundred and eight points . Fitzroy Reds scored over La Trobe University by ninety two points . Wh= : `-iars defeated a determined but undermanned Old Carey by one hundred and o :e points . Bst for the rvinners were ; P` J'Bn째n (9 goals), Ben Fisher and Gar v Johnson, . in c_ closest and lowest scoring game of the Round Emmaus - St Leo's defeated Old Geelong by -n points, after the game was unable to be

con )le .cd due to serious injury to an ESL player, 01d -'ch had the b

i Fin 3 . (Gillon Oval) . fellow veteran, Tony Landrigan and Bart Caiman . Be La Salle, despite their seventy six point win over Mazenod, were unable to stage a fairy tale finish and finish in the four . Prahran, just failed in a desperate effort to regai c and place, whe n o they held nse l sso Old d Brighton oal by rtw an thirty gfive points. Section 2

;ani final (: .j the enigmatic Prahran face Old Scotch, who hav e played consistently during the season . No one doubts the enormous skill within the Prahran team . The unknown factor is, how it Will be applied todayr The only meeting between these sides i iis season was i T ~ Round 9 at Camberwell . Prahran won tha t

Marcellin, who led Monash Blues throughout the first three quarters faltered in the last and went do- ttho the Blues by six points . Best for Monas h included

; John Gaffney, Steven Mentisa and Brock Mills. Ruck man Matthew McCartin, Simon Mathews and Tim Hargraves were best for cis 1. 1 Marcellin . Old Xaverians Nall 3 53 Collegians proved themselves the best side outside the four when they defeated second placed Prahran Cartlidge 0 43 Old Essendon by thirty two points Old Scotch . After a N Simon 3 42 sluggish start Collegians have played well for Cl9(2 ) several weeks only to fall short of the four on EleyPark Sharks Viola 7 percentage . 81 Old Essendon Cariss 0 31 Old Xaverians scored a thirty nine point win over Fitzroy Reds, which will give the "minor premiers' Monash Blues Haines 3 26 confidence for the finals and sap that of the Reds . t;1B (3 ) Eley Park "Sharks" proved too strong for Whitefriars Elliot 4 31 University Blacks, who lost by fifty nine points in Caulfield Grammerians Margerison 0 3 0 what was a virtual elimination final . The "Sharks" Caulfield Grammarians Ta Bockman 0 25 attacked early and built a big lead , which th e Caulfield Grammarians Baxter 0 2 5



game by thirty eight points . Prahran's stars were acpherson, Slawinski, and Storer. Howar d ;;icked four goals . These players along with consistent goal scorer Cartledge will again prove troublesome to Old Scotch . Conversely Prahran ,,rill be troubled by the skills of Andrew Millar and N . Simon. I select Prahran but won't be surprised if Old Scotch triumph . Second Semi Final (Saturday) Old Xaverians, and St Kevin's meet for the third time this season . Old Xaverians won each of the minor round matches comfortably despite St Kevin's desire to succeed in this competition . After a and season hiccup the Xaverians are now back on track in the quest to win their tenth consecutive premiership . Hall at full forward supported by veteran David King, consistent Bart Calman and Luke Hardwick will cause a lot of concern to Bernie Dunn and his advisors .

I expect another Old Xaverian victory . Section 2 First Semi Final ( Sunday) Eley Park "Sharks" and Fitzroy Reds met in Round 9 when the Reds won by twenty six points . Today on a bigger ground, I suspect the "Sharks" will prove superior . Daniel Grant gives great drive to the smaller players such as the fleet footed Corey Cresswell who can kick the ball forward confident David Viola will convert most chances . Sam Thomas and Club Best and Fairest winner David Payne are two other key "Shark" players v: ho must be nullified for Fitzroy Reds to win . Although the Reds have a closely knit defence led by avid reader, Nick Auden, it is my opinion that Eley Park will win today.

Second Semi Final (Saturday) Old Xaverians has twice narrowly defeated Old Essendon during the season . At home they won by two points and two weeks ago at Kellor their margin was eleven points . Saddler was a Xaverian star in each game . They also rely on the forward work of Chamberlain and Silk each of whom must be quietened for Old Essendon to do well . On the other hand Papal has done well for Old Essendon and the consistent Chapman's name is often "mentioned in dispatches" I select Old Xaverians, who have really been the benchmark of the Section all season . Section 3 First Semi Final (Sunday)

Fitzroy Reds and Old Scotch have met only in Round 8 when an inaccurate Reds won by forty eight points .(thirty shots to twelve) . The season's form does point to a Fitzroy Reds' win as they finished two and a half games clear on the ladder . There has been little between the two forward lines but the Red's defenders have let less scores pass . The big ground could worry each side as each is accustomed to a smaller playing field . I select Fitzroy Reds to win . Second Semi Final (Saturday)

The first two meetings between Whitefriars and f") THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005

Caulfield Grammarians saw Whitefriars triumph each time . I suspect that they did not play the "real" Caulfield in Round 1 when fifty four points separated the sides, whilst Whitefriars . were victorious at Donvale in Round 10 by twenty nine points . The fifteen rounds' results do point towards a Whitefriars win but I wonder about their marked inaccuracy in front of goal . The lack of solid opposition over recent weeks could also tell although Caulfield has won easily as well as having two gameless weeks . The outcomes of the forward duels between the two leading sharp shooters Elliott (Whitefriars) and Margerison with their opposition defenders, will have a marked bearing on the result . Whitefriars are my selection because they seem to have had players do well when required and I believe their fixtures have been the more demanding. Team managers . Details of your game will be appreciated by 6 p .m. Monday either by telephone (467 2857 or e mail nknugent0aalphalink .com .au

E5`~ONE S Old Xaverians - congratulate Patri ck Hall . 11 times premiership play who last Saturday against Old Melburnoians played his 200th game for the club . From the College in '92 Pat was Captain of the '93 U19 premiership team . Pat was voted Best Finals player in '01 and 04. This year he is Captain under his brother Andrew (Coach) . Well done Pat from all at the club .

TODAY'S ATCHE S CLUB 18 (1 1 August 6th, 2005 - 2nd semi-final - Gillon Oval, Brunswick, (29 E6) - 2 .15pm Old Xaverians v St Kevin s August 7th, 2005 - 1st semi-final - Gillon Oval, Brunswick, (29 E6) - 2 .15pm Prahran v Old Scotc h CLUB 18 f August 6th, 2005 - 2nd semi-fmal - Gillon Oval, Brunswick, (29 E6) - 11 .45am Old Xaverians (2) v Old Essendon August 7th, 200 5

ist semi-final - Gillon Oval, Brunswick, (29 E6) - 11 .45am Eley Park Sharks v Fitzroy Red s CLUB 18 f31 August 6th, 2005 - 2nd semi-final - Gillon Oval, Brunswick, (29 E6) - 9 .20am Whitefriars v Caulfield Gr . August 7th, 2005 - lst semi-final - Gillon Oval, Brunswick, (29 E6) - 9.20am Fitzroy Reds (2) v Old Scotch (2)


CLU' : .~ ;-: (1'-) ST I•iEbZtlS 6.3 7.10 9 .13 UIa3VERSifiY BLU ES 0 .1 0 .1 1 .2 2.2(14 )

SKOB: Crowley 4 Petrou 4 0'Brfen 3 Halpin 2 Moore D Dunn W Dunn. Best: Petrou Grant Macey Halpin Powell Crowley . Uni Blues : McKinley 2. Best : Hopkins Conn Aldours Tyers Marshall Buchanan. Umpires: Joseph Salvatore tF) MT LILYDALE 3 .5 12 .8 16 .10 19 .17 (131) 0 .4 0.5 430 5 .11 (41) OLD SCOTCH Mt Lilydale : Millar 7 S Dipasquale 4 T Dipasquale 3 Glen 2 Comport Hooke Pritchard . Best: Philalay S Dipasquale T Dipasquale Glen Addison Snow. Old Scotch : R4anisealchi 2 Rhodes Hickev Carolan . Best : Collation Walsh Brebner D Hickey . Umpires : Danny Carroll (F) OLD XAAVERIANS 5 .4 12 .5 14.8 20.12 (13 MELBURNIANS 1 .1 2.2 2 .5 4 .6(30) :OLD Old Xav : Colman 6 Ireland 3 Hall 3 Perry 2 King 2 L Hardwick 2 DaviesHawkins. Best: L Hardwick Colman Davies Perry Nolen Landrigan . Old Idelb; Wettenhall Dick Ironmonger Anderson . Best : 'Ricker Ward Fitzgerald Dick Tomlinson Schofield . Umpires : Tom Windlow Cameron Ball(F) MAZENOD 2.0 5 .2 $ .3 10.5 (65) DE LA SALLE 5 .5 8.5 16 .6 22 .9 (141) Match details not received . Umpires: Simon Brooks (F) PRAHRAN 10 .5 17.7 25.12 37 .15 (237) 01 (2) OLD BRIGHTON 0.0 0 .0 0.1 Prahram Butterworth 16 Davies 4 Macpherson 3 Erickson 3 Storer 3 CranHeld 2 Cartlidge 2 Kitchen Slawinski 1Raughan Farrell. Best: Cartlidge Fung Storer Farrell Scott Kitchen Erickson Butterworth . Old Br: Best: G Earl C Trim D Cooper A Liptrot S Davies . Umpires: Rick Benson Tony Byrnes (F) CLUB I8 12 ) AL9RCELLIAI 4 .2 6.3 9.6 10 .9 (69) MONASH BLUES 2 .1 5 .4 8.7 11 .9 (75) Marc: Wall 2 Cracknell 2 Nutbean 2 P Symes 2 S Mathews M Serves, Best : M Symes Cracknell Mccartin Harberts Grimes Walker . Mon Blues : Richardson 2 Coughlin 2 GafYney 2 Brown 2 Butler hS Woods Dods. Best: Coughlin Gaffney L Woods Blasch Johnstone Mentha . Umpir": David Windlow Simon Pearless(F ) COLIx'ttl .2 .1 8.3 11 .5 16 .7 (103) OLD____ . :DOId 3.2 4 .2 7 .6 10 .11 (71) Coll : Oakley 6 R'>icDonough 3 Burn 2 Grant 2 Heins 2 Perkov . Best : Halns Oakley Johnson Oldham Barber Treacy. Old £ss: Fraser 3 Evans 2 Overman Morgan Turner Buck], Eddy. B, :: Bu1ey Turr, r Sit . m s

Evans Papal. Umpires: Paul Motion Brian Nunn (F)

2 .2 2 .4 5 .6 7 .61's) 1 .2 6.2 7.3 13 .9 (87) to is: Buckley 2 Foster 2 Platinum Hurley Vaughan. Best : Aude n Hurley Belleville Everard Walsh Holderhead . Old Xav : Purcell 4 Richards 2 Stribley 2 Allis O'Hanlon bi Meehen Roache 1Varry . Best Grath Purcell Chapman Travato Stribley. Umpires : Steve Mason (F) 2 .1 3 .3 7.8 (50 ) Y! A( 0.0 „ .. . . . 5 .3 10.4 15 .7 17.7(109) Bad -l0 2 Brown 2 Witnfsh Chandler . Best : Woolley Merlo Browr ka T~ ry Corrie. BHS: L'lola 7 Trotter 3 Cressw^el] 2 Thomas 2 Pric . °lson. Best : Payne Thomas Viola Cresswell Ly Bowen . U : r Ilv Tony Robbins(F) 1~ .9 (93 ) . . ;:10 . Fy 8.11 (59) forfeit CLUB 18 (3 ) OLD ;H (2) BYE : q .' . i Ott 6 .5 7.13 14 .20 23.22 (160 ) 0 .0 4.1 4.2 8 .4(52) Cant: Me erlson 6 Baxter 6 Nikos 4 Fisher 2 Tra Backman 2 R Nadebaum Tre Backman Brown . Best : Fisher Baxter Nfkos Pitts Tre Bockr an B Jenkinson. NOB : Cerini 4 Tehan TrimbolI Rocco Det)wo. Best : 5t hens Nunan Cermf Wright Trimboli . Umpires : Trevor Hansen Geoff F ) . . Jt ;P,SITY 1 .2 1 .2 1 .2 4.4(28) FtfZ73EDS (2) 2 .4 7 .10 11 .15 17.18 (120) LaTrobe: At Castle J Lania A Mann Shepherd. Best : Prior 5 Clark 2 Cockshult 2 Marshall 2 Bennett 2 Buhr Maggs Lea D Toner . Fitz Reds (2) : M Carolan Shepherd J Lanfa A Mann P Casparf D .tann . Best : Seholfleld Prior Marshall Box Jackson Bennett. Umpires : Frank liavan h (F)

""°T' 9.7 15.13 18 .17 27 .21 (183) 0 Y 0 .0 3.1 8.1 10 .2 (62) nuitc: .,nri, .i 9 Elliott 6 Jackson 3 Ward 2 Fisher 2 Ferguson Tattei on Sifted Dodd Vey . Best: O'Brien Jackson Fisher Tatterson Dalton Ward . Old Carey : Winn 2 Arnold Munro Newhouse Brunt Witeombe . Best: White Winn Vlfteombe Newhouse Bennett Shrives . Umpires: Malcolm Foard (F) EMMAUS ST LEOS 2 .1 7 .7 8.8 8 .8 (56) OLD GEELONG 2 .3 4 .3 7.4 7 .4(46) Game incompl:1e due to injury

in-Ares: Mark Thornhill (F)






2 2 ,-

Richard Schioei(el, Old Mentonians . Striking, 2 matches . Doni Valkanis, Ivanhoe Assumption . ;ittempting to striking, 1 match . Corey Riscalla, Box Hill North . Misconduct, 2 matches . Colin Phillips, Old Scotch ( Reser ves) . Striking, 2 matches .


1 9, Old Vdestbourne . ipire, 2 matches . )Id Carey (Under-19) . Misconduct, 2 mr' ;hes . 19 AUG (FRI - i"~ S ENTONE T째sE- ; S(Ul9 )

?0 UG L ` t ST. B ; 1 AUG CL ..


~7 .'.UG v1 AZEN C)D flC V =ISOB AUG FIt?s - GRAND Fl' . ., 5 B' : D SEMI FINAL 3 SEPT


To m Gle r Gavar? ' Fare - C Barr~, F Peter Willan

0 C D3 U119 D1 D2 U/ 19

:',5);, =_co . : - affenee (S25) ; ($50) ;jourth offence ($100) ; Uent offence ($100). Seniors/U1 9 E failure to phone failure to provide ,scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Old Geelong (R) Bentleigh (S) Prahran (C) St . Johns OC (S) Jni . Blacks (C) Old Carey (U ) collegians (C)

12 13 4 4 4 5 3 5 5 5 9 13 5 5 5 5 5 8 2 5 5 5

160 45 52 55 55 146 53 53 82 46 42

207 6{} 70 75 75 204 75 75 120 70 75

째la 77% 75% 74% 73% 73% 72% 71% 71% 68% 66% 56% 61

-ame Le a!id squa vrl~~. ;~

: ou

was in the original photo.

PRIZES : Successful en trants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was . go into a major "Luc' : Draw" at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest 1 ' Accommodation Package . Last week: Ba ll was in G 3 . Winner(s' :


(10) entri 3 .

HOW I - t: One entry per person . Tear c_= entry section which appears down right hand side of this page . . . . in and mail to : VAFA P0 Box 359 Elsternwrick 3185 . No Photocopies or fa


Entry to b e received by n- )n Tuesday following each rou n


--- - - - _--


OLO GEELONG 15 15 0 0 1705 4e9379.73 60 RUPERTSWOOD 15 13 2 0 1552 747 207.76 52 daIILLIAP7ST0VdN CYMS 15 10 5 0 1360 749 181 .58 40 LA TROBE UNI 15 10 5 0 1301 722 180.19 40 PENINSULA 0 B 15 10 5 0 1066 998 106.81 40 OAKLEIGH 15 4 9 2 782 1243 62 9 1 20 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 15 4 10 1 832 1139 73 05 18 SWINBURNE UNI 15 3 11 1 655 1381 47-43 14 SALESIAN 0 C 15 3 12 0 625 1605 38.94 12 BENTLEIGH 15 1 14 0 5E$ 1431 40 .95 .

)ND 15 1 3 2 0 1871 978 19131 52 3000C 15 12 3 0 1557 1141 136.40 48 SALESIAN SCORPIONS 15 10 5 0 1767 1211 145 .91 40 HAMPTON ROVERS 15 8 7 0 1465 1362 107 .56 32 PENINSULA 0 B 15 7 8 0 1549 1632 94 .91 28 OLD HAILEYBURY 15 4 11 0 989 1534 64 .47 16 DE LA SALLE (2) 15 3 12 0 1134 1739 65 .21 12 OAKLEIGH CLAYS 15 3 12 0 1120 1855 60 38 1 2

SI dUh 7 : 3 0C 15 13 2 0 v58 21743 52 WE",--~'.BEEA-EURS 15 12 3 0 1505 678 22148 48 AflONASH GRYPHONS 15 11 4 0 1120 756 148 .15 44 SOUTH PAELB DISTRICTS 15 9 6 0 951 855 111 .23 36 WEST BRUNSWICK 15 8 7 0 871 808 107 .80 32 UHS-VU 15 6 9 0 1022 1063 96 .14 24 KEW 15 6 9 0 890 979 90 .91 24 OLD YdEST80URNE 15 6 9 0 861 1058 81 .38 24 POWER HOUSE 15 4 11 0 643 1314 48Q3 16 SYNDAL TALLY-110 15 0 15 0 501 1694 29 .57 0

S 0 C 15 12 3 0 1264 820 154 .15 48 K- '.'l 15 11 4 0 1576 1104 14215 44 THERRY PENOL'x 0 B 15 8 7 0 1139 1134 100 .44 32

OR 1~

`US ST LEOS 0 C 15 14 1 0 1616

OLD `h'ESTBOURNE 15 8 7 0 934 1020 91 .57 32 FITZROYREDS 15 8 7 0 1011 1220 82 .87 32 BULLEEN TENiPLESTO1iE 15 6 9 0 1217 1305 93 .26 24 RUPERTSW000 (2) 15 6 9 0 769 1448 53 .11 24 OLD SCOTCH 15 2 13 0 721 1503 47 .97 8



1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1238 1184 1207 1195 996 966 686 660 329



Aqst-- ,'n 515 240.39 526 225.10 732 164.89 879 135.95 875 113.83 1013 95.36 1186 57.84 1202 54.91 1574 20.9 3

50 48 48 38 36 28 20 20 12

PW __ t D For_ A,gs# % _ 7 !r 15 12 3 0 1435 888 161 .60 48 15 12 3 0 1149 935 122 .89 y 15 10 5 0 1157 739 156 .56 40 15 9 6 0 1013 949 106 .74 36 15 9 6 0 1152 1199 96.08 36 15 8 7 0 1027 953 t07.76 32 15 6 9 0 1003 1307 76 .74 24 15 6 9 0 940 1417 66.34 24 15 3 12 0 924 1567 58.97 1 2



ULD CARE 15 13 2 0 11181 142 .42 52 OLD CAF.iBer, ELL 15 12 3 0 1922 350 202 .32 . ..BANYULE VIEI .ANK 15 12 3 0 1676 113e 147 .54 RUP'eRTS',"d00D 15 10 5 0 1"si 1016 180 .71 CAULFIELDGR 15 9 6 0 12 . :: 1220 184 .10 36 WHITEFRIARS 15 6 9 0 1393 149 96 .14 24 BEAUMARIS 15 5 10 0' .. 80 .81 20 OLD TRINITY 15 4 11 0 . : :! 46 .71 16 OLD -:=LBURNIhdS 15 3 12 578 60 .14 12 OLD ESSENDON GR 15 1 14 } 1920 45 .63 4










OLD7.: .I:0C3---- 15 13 2 0 1377 776 177 .45 52 ST KEVINS 15 12 3 0 1475 784 188 .14 48 PRAHRAN 15 12 3 0 1529 826 185 .11 48 OLD SCOTCH 15 10 5 0 1222 850 143 .76 40 DE LA SALLE 15 9 6 0 1175 839 14005 36 MAZEN00 0 C 15 7 8 0 1076 1151 93 .48 28 OLD MELBURNIANS 15 4 11 0 938 1250 75 .04 16 UNIVERSITY BLUES 15 3 12 0 645 1193 54 .07 12 OLD BRIGHTON 15 3 12 0 586 1726 33 .95 12 '.--i LILYC'_E 0 C 15 2 13 0 746 1553 48 .04 8




L II For Agst

OLD ;+ c . 'S (2) 15 13 2 0 1310 669 195 .81 52 OLD ESSEND( : GR 15 11 4 0 1133 657 172 .45 44 ELEY F,„ SHARKS 15 10 5 0 1366 913 149 .62 40 FITZROY REDS 15 10 5 0 1025 805 127 .33 40 COLLEGIANS 15 10 5 0 1040 998 104 .21 40 L tERSITY SLACKS 15 8 7 0 1222 845 144.62 32 ,IhC .SH BLUES 15 5 10 0 892 1147 77 .77 2 0 !G€LLIN 15 4 11 0 673 1152 58 .42 16 i BY PENOLA 0 B 15 3 12 0 607 1559 38 .94 12 C)T Y 15 1 14 0 622 1434 43.38 4


OLD Pi ''. D IANS 15 13 2 OAKLEIGH 15 11 4 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 15 11 , ST 8e"DES MENT TIG 15 9 6 P,IHSOB 15 8 7 BENTLEIGH 15 7 8 OLDIVAPiHOE 15 7 8 LA TROBE C`t! 15 4 11 AJAX 15 3 12 .':. dASH BLUES 15 2 1 3

693 233.19 56

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



1835 912 201 .21 52 1682 1135 14819 44 1471 11243 118 .34 44 1352 1117 121 .04 36 1235 1151 107 .30 32 1236 1091 113 .29 28 1113 1285 86 .61 28 940 1540 61 .04 16 991 1524 65.03 12 787 1853 42.47 8



L A For A k iF

itS 14 135 0 1 1403 719 195 .13 CAULFIELD GR 13 11 .0 2 0 1367 868 157 .49 FITZROY REDS (2) 13 10.0 3 0 1068 642 166 .36 OLD SCOTCH (2) 13 7 .5 5 1 981 740 132 .57 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 14 8.0 6 0 1126 891 126 .37

96 .43 84 .62

76 .92 57.69 57.14 NORTH OLD BOYS 13 4 .5 8 1 719 1206 59 .62 34.62 OLD GEELONG 14 4 .5 9 1 915 1189 76 .96 32.14 LA TROBE UNI 13 1 .0 12 0 5E3 1197 47 .45 7.69 OLDCAREY 13 0 .0 13 0[1607 42 .31 0.00

presented bv `~~-~,i•f\ ~ SPO RTSCOV~ER j c thts serv;ce)



P W L tt For .9 .r.X TIa*1N OLD HAILEYBURY 14 11 2 1 1483 1078 137.57 46 OLD XAVERIANS 14 11 3 0 1512 1189 127 .17 44 MARCELLIN 14 10 4 0 1321 1141 115 .78 40 OLD SCOTCH 14 9 5 0 1460 1200 121 .67 36 UNIVERSITY BLUES 14 9 5 0 1367 1125 121 .51 36 OLD MELBURNIANS 14 5 9 0 1150 1279 89 .91 20 ST BERNARDS 14 4 9 1 1223 1478 82 .75 18 OLDTRINITY 14 4 10 0 1180 1350 87 .41 16 COLLEGIANS 14 4 10 0 1106 1539 71 .86 16 ST KEVINS 14 2 12 0 1145 1568 73 .02 8 L t! For A n Pts B SEI:TION P W OLD IVANHOE 14 12 2 0 1460 838 174 .22 48 DE LA SALLE 14 11 3 0 1586 1061 149 .48 44 OLD BRIGHTON 14 11 3 0 1444 1221 118 .26 44 MHSOB 14 7 7 0 1255 1243 100.97 28 OLD ESSENDON GR 14 7 7 0 1243 1328 93.60 28 CAULFIELD GR 14 6 8 0 1252 1261 99.29 24 WHITEFRIARS 14 5 9 0 1209 1376 87 .86 20 MAZENOD 0 C 14 5 9 0 1034 1308 79 .05 20 ST BEDES MENT TIG 14 4 10 0 1118 1518 73 .65 16 8 NORTH OLD BOYS 14 2 12 0 1017 1535 66 .25 C SEC TIETN P w L 0 F~ ~~st I UNIVERSITY BLACKS 15 13 2 0 1506 960 156 .88 52 BEAUMARIS 15 11 4 0 1278 1099 116 .29 44 PARKDALE VULTURES 15 10 5 0 1419 1133 125.24 40 AJAX 15 9 6 0 1432 1369 104.60 36 OLD PARADIANS 15 9 6 0 1395 1441 96.81 36 OLD CAMBERWELL 15 8 7 0 1477 1221 120 .97 32 HAMPTON ROVERS 15 6 9 0 1461 1255 116 .41 24 MONASH BLUES 15 5 10 0 1177 1281 91 .88 20 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 15 2 13 0 1120 1667 67 .19 8 BANYULE 15 2 13 0 1051 1890 55 .61 8 P W L D For a~sr Pzs DI SECTION % FITZROY REDS 15 14 1 0 1751 899 194 .77 56 ORMOND 15 12 3 0 1871 1046 178 .87 48 PRAHRAN 15 10 5 0 1485 1267 117 .21 40 OLD CAREY 15 9 6 0 1408 1320 106 .67 36 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 15 8 7 0 1524 1318 115 .63 32 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 15 7 8 0 1450 1658 87 .45 28 OLD MENTONIANS 15 6 9 0 1283 1514 84 .74 24 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 15 5 10 0 1441 1569 91 .84 20 AQUINAS 0 C 15 2 13 0 1029 1756 58.60 8 8 GLEN EIRA 15 2 13 0 909 1804 50.39

L ELSTERNWICK 15 13 2 0 2198 1048 209 .73 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 15 11 4 0 1956 1300 150 .46 ST MARYS 15 11 4 0 1820 1237 147 .13 BULLEEN COBRAS 15 10 5 0 1798 1301 138 .05 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 15 9 6 0 1553 1034 150 .19 BOX HILL NORTH 15 6 9 0 1266 1791 70 .69 NORTH BRUNSWICK 15 6 9 0 1230 1886 65 .22 ALBERT PARK 15 6 9 0 1083 1689 64 .12 RICHMOND CENTRAL 15 3 12 0 731 2347 31 .15



F- Affse


OLD XAVERIANS 14 13 1 0 1197 593 201 .85 187.03 OLD SCOTCH 14 10 4 0 1298 694 ST BERNARDS 14 8 6 0 1015 953 106 .51 OLD MELBURNIANS 14 7 7 0 828 717 115 .48 COLLEGIANS 14 7 7 0 727 786 92 .49 UNIVERSITY BLUES 14 6 8 0 881 949 92 .83 ST KEVINS 14 6 8 0 819 1002 81 .74 OLD HAILEYBURY 14 6 8 0 842 1057 79 .66 OLD TRINITY 14 5 9 0 724 935 77 .43 MARCELLIN 14 2 12 0 514 1288 39 .91

P W L L8 Far AgsB

52 44 44 40 36 24 24 24 12

52 40 32 28 28 24 24 24 20 8


DE LA SALLE 14 12 2 0 1401 547 256 .12 OLDIVANHOE 14 12 2 0 1049 727 144 .29 48 MHSOB 14 9 5 0 909 705 128 .94 36 MAZENOD 0 C 14 7 7 0 1087 840 129 .40 28 WHITEFRIARS 14 7 7 0 800 1004 79 .6 8 .:i ST BEDES MENT TIG 14 6 7 1 983 941 104 .46 OLD ESSENDON GR 14 6 8 0 764 1034 73 .89 24 NORTH OLD BOYS 14 4 10 0 719 1321 54 .43 16 OLD BRIGHTON 14 3 10 1 728 985 7 1 91 14 CAULFIELD GR 14 3 11 0 741 1340 55 .30 1 2

C RESERVE P~ L n Fos ~ r UNIVERSITY BLACKS 15 12 3 0 1166 518 225 .10 = .. BEAUMARIS 15 12 3 0 1211 666 176.53 48 OLD CAMBERWELL 15 12 3 0 1121 758 147 .89 48 OLD PARADIANS 15 11 4 0 1013 768 131 .90 44 HAMPTON ROVERS 15 7 8 0 840 992 84 .68 28 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 15 6 9 0 809 1133 71 .40 24 15 5 10 0 740 1000 74.00 20 AJAX BANYULE 15 4 11 0 687 1098 62 .57 16 PARKDALE VULTURES 15 3 12 0 852 1080 78 .89 12 MONASH BLUES 15 3 12 0 824 1230 66 .99 1 2

P W L D For Apt ___!j Pts 02 SECTION 15 14 1 0 1945 853 228.02 56 OLD GEELONG .81 52 RUPERTSWOOD 15 13 2 0 1745 1205 144 PENINSULA 0 B 15 10 5 0 1640 1182 138.75 40 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 15 9 6 0 1413 1337 105.68 36 OAKLEIGH 15 8 7 0 1603 1502 106 .72 32 LA TROBE UNI 15 7 8 0 1378 1314 104 .87 28 SALESIAN 0 C 15 6 9 0 1216 1366 89 .02 24 IVANHOE ASSUMPTION 15 4 11 0 1221 1844 66 .21 16 BENTLEIGH 15 4 11 0 1197 1874 63 .87 16 0 SWINBURNE UNI 15 0 15 0 926 1881 49 .23

$1 ~ . . P W i D For Agst '/ Pis FITZROY REDS 15 13 2 0 1575 510 308 .82 52 .30 52 ORMOND 15 13 2 0 1468 575 255 OLD CAREY 15 9 5 1 1115 943 118 .24 38 PRAHRAN 15 9 6 0 1031 922 111 .82 36 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 15 7 7 1 975 1056 92 .33 30 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 15 7 8 0 1197 1042 114 .88 28 OLD MENTONIANS 15 7 8 0 1174 1094 107 .31 28 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 15 4 11 0 769 1288 59 .70 16 AQUINAS 0 C 15 3 12 0 587 1567 37.46 12 8 !13 SECTION P W L tt For AW % Pis GLEN EIRA 15 2 13 0 532 1504 35 .37 ST JOHNS 0 C 15 12 3 0 1514 875 173 .03 48 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 15 12 3 0 1776 1048 169 .47 48 WEST BRUNSWICK 15 12 3 0 1444 1178 122 .58 48 OLD WESTBOURNE 15 10 5 0 1397 1059 131 .92 40 presented by SOUTH MELB DISTRICTS 15 8 7 0 1499 1347 111 .28 32 KEW 15 7 8 0 1322 1450 91 .17 28 .34 20 MONASH GRYPHONS 15 5 10 0 1315 1597 82 UHS-VU 15 4 11 0 1106 1562 70.81 16 SPORTSCOVER ; vn~AmaroasAaa~ $ POWER HOUSE 15 3 12 0 874 1557 56 .13 12 15 2 13 0 1063 1637 64.94 8 ' ch3rpe; te hi he~ hana mobiW„ phorz to this s~°rrice -- - ,) SYNDAL TALLY-HO 1---°-~-'- ~--~-------------'~ -

ei .cn i':saichez~ ('; ~ g Urrpires :Tpo : :a#rr:1 -lls

® Scores (Sat . night)



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