~ ~~ !j LL~j -11 ii u , y :a .`
A rteur football in September and several come to mind . The smell of the grass, th e castles at Sportscover Arena, th e ble sight of an Old Xaverian on the victory often overlooked is the role that umpire s s and how important September actio n o our umpiring fraternity . As four-time A on Grand Final umpire Mark Gibson note d : "Like the footballers participating, i t res dedication and commitment, an ring self belief, an enduring passion and a I ire in the beilv" . year in which umpiring legend Brian Iman was appointed Umpire Operations er, it has been quite a season for the VAF A s. A year not without some controversy. A -hich saw three former VAFA umpires in Donlon . Corin Rowe and Matthew Hea d in an AFL game at the Gabba . Current 3ert O'Gorman officiated in the Gran d 'the International Cup held last title eCarthy, Peter James, Ken I an and Corcoran also scored gigs in t' lead u p
umps often feel the brunt of boozed up spectators . Peter Simpson, a former A Section umpire with more than 300 games experience, retired last year but still has fond memories of the social aspect that the VAFAUA brings . ' !r on any occasic,n h< I been made to feel uncomfortable abou t going to a vAFA after match for the traditional drink and chat", he says . "The VAFAUA is a strong and active organ isation which represents over 250 running and life members and has an excellent working relationship with headquarters . Also, the p id conditions in the VAFA are second to non e ropoli tan football " . The social aspect always comes to the fore in milestone games, where fellow ur- _s flock from all corners of Melbourne to help their comrades celebrate. M ark Gildav (4 00) Leah Ga llagher (350) . Vin Vescovi (300), Albie Firley (300), Dominic Napoli ( 250) and President Rob Mayston ( 250) are several to have celebrated significant miles'tonPs in 2005 .
)leasing trend is the crossover factor fro m mg ranks to the whistle blowers . Simon (Old Scotch), Peter Liddell (St John's) and atton (a former A Section B&F winner a t join Anthony Damen (Powerhouse) . d Eastwood (State Bank) and Phil Callil -'d Grammarians) as examples of umps z 째 made the successful transition from to officiating.
FA umpires have also distinguished res in other sporting fields . A Section ump rner had a respectable finish in last year's rathon and young boundary umpire 1 Saunders is considered a realistic chance :e the Commonwealth Games as an 800m . Most impressive of all is Adam Conquest ,
rofessional triathlete who has competed in th e IronMan and continues his dominance
orld PowerMan (duathlon) competition . ver, it is the social factor which seems to set r umpires : 7)art from other competitions, ;: hose
f2 Now all eyes turn to finals action . Vent your frustra .on , he umps if you must but never underestimate how much work they put in to officiate in our marquee games, nor how integral they are to the fabric of VAFA football . Come September, the players won't be the only ones nervous as they run out onto Sportscover Arena or the many other affiliate grounds . As Mark Gibson says: "enjoy the experience, look up into the sk y and thank that lucky star because you never know when or if it v 11 shine on you again" .
. ; 9fli' :
Seaeral months ago, a guy sidled up to me like some sort of Peter Lorre character, tapped me on the shoulder and informed me that Old Scotch were certainties for the 2005 premiership . "Pull your head in you donut", I repiied, all too aware of their terrible form, wretched injury list and inability to put sides like St Bernard's ati.,av. Fast forward two months and this windswept gent is starting to look like a soothsayer . demolished TV. on Saturday, the - full forward kicked e' .-'ot with one hand tied behind his back and they looked every inch a finals team . Players to stand out included Andrew Pugsley, one of the finest defenders in the caper and Mark Knatt, who helped shut down the much vaunted Eagle midfield . Scott Cations and Tom Wigney seem to have added some bite to their forward line as well . But . . . If they're to win the thing however, they'll have to beat either Haileybury or Old Xavs in a final at Elsternwick . vs had little form to speak of going into their clash at the Badlands but managed to shut down the Bloods, who were, to coin a tired phrase, a little off the boil . Cadyn Beetham is enjoying his best season in the amateurs and was again named best, Damien Lynch (8) is hitting form at the right time of the year and Mike Beardsley played another blinder . Still not sure about their backline but Xavs at Sportscover in September is like Tyson Beckford at the Marquee Club on NYE so they are obviously a team to fear .
Didn't see the game but I'm told that Ha .' - squandered a lot of opporti `."es, played badly and had little input from their guns . A good sign therefore that they went down by just two points to one a ' their fiercest premiership rivals . Whilst o : t_ - subject of premierships, U7 '
are slipping under the radar like that bloke Trev in last year's Big Brother, the guy who kept leaping out from behind the couch to
cries of "he's the funniest man since Cleesf A 15 goal win at the 'Pit, Matt Torney ba from Geelong, a fit Hayter and Ed Clari finally returning to form (after his best ( ground in the OF last year, Ed has had a ve quiet 2005) are all good signs and don't 1 anyone tell you they can't win it this y eThfactRobWilke(ruman)ws e in the reserves is also very significant . If y( were to form a market thev'd be fourth in ti line of betting but I'd be jumping on .
ok every inch afi rF. a . 99
Spea king of which . . . If you were forming a market on whethâ&#x201A;Ź Collegians or Trinity would go down, reckon it'd be an even $1 .85 spread . An despite being on the end of som slanderous Collegian sledging in my da =
Old Scotch Old Xaverians Ivlarcellin Old Haileybury A -RESERVE
Gerstman Lynch Cullinan B . O'Farrell
70 60 58 58
Old Haileybury Efstathiou 0 49 Old Xaverians Rush 1 33 Universitv Blues Coleman 2 2 8
,, a player and the fact that the Wesley As on the tram have given me untold grief nce I was 12, I'm gunning for the Lions t o
into A Grade in 2006 . Whilst Trinity .e upset by those pesky Olds (when i t ,,)mes to winning a finals spot or avoiding legatian, is there any more dangerous eeper than OMs?) Collegians continued >:eir remarkable rise from C Section with a inical and highly impressive win over - .
__evI.n ' s , the side that humbled them in I o :nals last year . James Jorgenson and Jon o ~n continue to be tricky match UPS Cam Unsworth and Nick Harrison ris Blumfield just keep keeping on . blokes who were heroes in B Grade
near it when they get promoted Collegians players have reall y ~d up a gear.
Old Xavs to send Trinity one step closer to B Section I`a .ileybury to deny Marcellin a finals berth t111s to beat Bernard's in a game that ^ .^ns diddly squa t ii to see off the dangerous Lions id Scotch to demolish St Kevin's C'orr esls o €rc3e aats - Jonathan Horn -
`sb 5 .7 10.10 12 .I4 (86) 3 .2 7.6 10. 8 13 .10(- _) Old . ,, : ;.il 3 Jones 3 Barker 2 P Corrigan Siapantas i. :ason H bicL>> an. Best: Jones Jenke Walden Lay Brown 1rntstrottg. Old R'ar Ltn, 8 Bc n 2 Ruyg Clarke Agtus . Best: BeeLharu McEouald Chatfield Lynch Beardsley Lethlean . Uap3xe~s : Peter James Jamie K,,uvs (F) Paul Carro ll Matt Jenkinson CB ) niet Scully Andr ew Esposito (G ) OLD SCO S'6E3 3 .2 9 .5 15.5 24.10 (154) '.IId 4 .4 5.6 10.7 12-7(79) inan 8 ti'igpey 5 B Phillips 3 Coda t Saunders ~nact t xcitiaro. Best: Pugsley Gnarl TaL_' t Beranger. 3= : S Considine 3 A4acLaren 3 Waters P raluca Marson Johnston Ro CuP'^,m. .'- ~st : Remount P` Bor,. - -s lugustin MacL aren ;dcCarthy Tim SuteL__ (f, ....unders Peter Mnne : t+ Robson (G ) 2.1 10.5 1 3.5 14.1 0 LABS 2.4 4.7 9.12 . 12 tt Walsh 7 Ciltrera 2 J Healv2 Brown A Rams<L t T ti l Best : B, D Bu~~~. tn..s K Butler I}vui . ~ . . Cudt 4 Ken 2 Ja . cut Je. Beaumont P in Best: tz . . t ry Cudltpp Ferraro R U M ..... it Brent µ`oodhead (F :is R. rs Brenda n u u,~~,tli U,~ u ~ui 2.3 4 .4 7.6 10-11(71) 1 .2 9.6 ~ .,.9 26 .12 (168) Legudi 3 Kati~ta 2 Sahadod Liberatore T Wilktn~n L ct iglilin. Best : itehell Roach Gill T Wilkinson Madden L L`nd l3u~:17~ 5 an 4 Lou'<cck 3 Gieeson 3 Hein z Wilms Soif % mnon Brookes Rank+.n Clarke . Best : -k Clarke Has i' an Kordick. avne Hintun (F) Andrew Errington Ben Parsons (B ) Jephson(G) 4 .3 8 .10 15 .14 17.15 (117) 2 .1 5.2 6 .2 12 .5 (77)
nathan_g_hornC(~-?,-ahoo .co .u k pan
MILE STONE S :r-ians - congratulate Michae l who plays his 50t" for th e
wday . Runner-up senior Best and °st in 2003, State Under 2 3
-sentative 2004/05 (Captain 2005) , i.ed to Captain the Inaugural AAF C ig Side to Ireland later this year . Thi s
ng half-back flanker has kicked goal s . but four of his games this yea r ding a bag of 6) from this position . id :s one of the most exciting players t o h in VAFA football . Well done 'Barks' .
:arcellin v Old Haileybury Old Xaverians v Old Trinity Old Melburnians v St Bernards University Blues v Collegians St Kevins v Old Scotch
5 Taft 2 Dixon 2 Jones 2 U 'ttt C Heist Blumfield Fry .C tJn~,*orth Jorgensen r Jones D3.:on Roach. 3 Li s 2 Bowles 2%Iu Tra ) Simpson 07oole I i r poad Field s inion Ouve Richard F_ wood (F) Cameron Haves Pete r 'in Vescou Gavin Roberts (G) 0.1
t .l i .l 1 .2(8) 7 .3 13 .7 16.10 (1C 6) auch'°n B Mitchell CrawPord Pitcher uones 5 McDonnell 2 Serafin9 Santalucia Rush Larkins . Best : Serafini TatuLas.chw7le 6 .9 13.11 19.38 (126) 0 .2 1 .3 2.4 2.4 (16) Allen 3 Armstrong 2 Crane 2 Carroll S Dick Je[bar t e. Best : Carroll Teasdale Beattie Aurel-Smtth Sutclifle 0FlYnn. Best: Semen Iaconis McGree Galatti Weston {. . . Ti' .1 .1 4 .1 4 .2 5 .3(33) Ok 7 . AN S 1 .2 3.4 10 .8 15.8 (98) Old R Rainsden 2 Mai 2 At ni. Best: T Walsh C}mstou Anueoni B Bu cs J Kenna. C Bvrne 4 Dixon 4 Matthews 2 Alde r ° Thompson ; dtu: .ead . Best: Dixon Oman Waddell Panrulex . 2.3 3 .5 8 .7 10.10(70) 4 .4 7.5 13 .9 16 .11 (107) 2 :vlihailovic 2(lavts Hughes S Iannarzo R~an Spinella Mizt :. Best : Davis Hughes N Smith Ware Ryan DeMerton . L'ni Blues: Robbins 3 Rigby 3 Coleman 2 Irvine 2119ePhail Millard Millar Wilkie Westmore Ross. Best : Wilkie Tertll Ross Rigby Robbins Millard . C3LLEGIANS 3 .2 5.5 8.7 20.6 (68) ST KEVIIVS 2.1 4.3 6 .6 5.8 (38) Coll : Roberson 3 Bobeff Parkinson Henebery Burrows Adgenus Muir KermeaIly. Best : Z`4foon Henebery Parkinson Smith Howwd Johnson . s€iO3:1'nderwcr~_,d 2 O'Connor Holland P Mount. Best: Holland D Mount McCann Grant Poor O'Connor . 3
cc » .=-
Coach: Pat Hawkins Res : Damien Phillip s 1 J. Dixon VC 2 M . Parrent 3 B . Mooney 4 A. Shinkfield ) 5 R. Henebery 6 N . Baxter 6 S. Woolley 7 S. Taft 7 J. Farley 8 C . Unsworth Capt 9 J . Fry 10 J . Jorgensen 11 C. Weeke s 12 N. Harrison Capt 13 M. Nayior 14 J. Ashman 15 C . Holst 16 A . Baxter 17 J . Heritage 17 D. Phillips 18 D. Barber 19 K. Jones 20 M. Holie s 21 C . Harris VC 22 N . Lockett 23 C. Mollard 24 E. Waters 25 R. Muir 26 P. Krotiris 27 G . Ravston 28 B. Couch 28 D . Browning 29 N . Burrows
30 L. Moon 31 N. Roach 32 C. Blumfiekl VC 33 B. Hois t 34 D. McCaughan 35 L . Nesbi t 36 M . Roberson 37 S .Humphry 38 A . Fabri s 39 D. Cannizzo 40 D. Strachan 41 W. Tardlff 41 B. Duff 42 T. Sank 43 E . Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 A . Stone 46 J . Cooke 47 Z . Moon 48 B. Law 49 M. Pose 50 M . Rice 51 B . Shadbolt 53 T. Rutherford 54 B . Woolhous e 55 T. Cookes Res Capt 56 M. Stefanidakis 57 D. Williamson 58 N . Bobeff 59 A . Wright - Smith 60 D. Mutton 61 E . Healey 62 0 . Howard 63 A. Kenneally 64 N .Craig
65 A . Smith 66 J .Adgemis 67 A . Nichols 68 M . Gromotga 70 D. Slatyer 76 B. Hage
Cc :ch: Vaughan Cleary Res Cc- '1 : Trent Collin s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B. Dobson J . Rice D. Waters J . Frazer D. Johnston G . Romanin S. Maguire R . Frisin a
9 L. Considine 10 D. Cullinan 11 N . Addison 12 B. O'Donnell 13 C . Woods 14 A .Layton
15 J . Bortolotto 16 L. McMillan 17 G . Cox (C) 18 D. Gartner 19 A. Papaluca 20 M. Hermans 22 D . Marson 23 M . Leffanue 24 L. O'Flynn 25 R. Galati 26 D. McMillan 27 S.Theisz 28 B . Carmody 29 S . Brooks 30 S . Considine 31 M . Bortelotto 33 F. Dorbol o 34 D. Jarred (VC) 36 P Augustin 37 C . Maclaren 38 S . Matthews 39 B . Colville 40 C. Purcell 41 J.Seabury 42 G . Patrol 43 J. Pascuzzi 44 L. Hansen 45 D.Theisz 46 A. McGree 52 R . Davis 53 R .laconis 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Walli s 56 S . Abrahams 57 B.Wignell 59 R . Cont e 62 M. McCartin 63 C . Pezzimenti 65 D . Fraser '.. 70 D. Cracknell 83 G. Neskovcim
(;oach: Peter :nc -on Res. Coach: Andrew Barwick 1 C . Steinfort 2 S. Davey
3 P Corrigan (C ) 4 S . Langfard,lorws ((NC) 5 J. Bourke 6 L Siapantes 7 M. Corrigan 7 A. Hilton 8 F. P,'Chamnad 9 M . Barker ( DVC) 70 C.Efstattou 11 A. McIntyre 12 B.0'Fane'd 13 B. Waite 14 S . Jones 15 D. Mackenzie 16 P.O'G.xuteEl 17 K Ford (VC) 18 D.TtvJrznorA 19 M. Armstrong 20 M. Graves 20 M . Fankftauser 21 A.Jenk e 22 D. Mason 23 F4. Secv'vJil 24 B.Tra~(C~JC) 25 S. Rorhartds 26 J . Bek (RC) 27 P~9 . Bames 28 S. Gold-worthy 29 B. Carson 30 0. Worries 31 D. Lay 32 B . M4dwa .., 33 S . Walden 34 P. Largfbrd,lorws 35 T Chisholm 35 D. Latpage 36 L. McPherson 37 D. Brown 38 L Floyd 39 C. Waxman 40 H. Gopu 41 S. Saunders 42 J. Mueller 43 B Salte r 44 J. McLauchlan 45 M . Daring 46 B .Cra'.vturd 47 R. Mitchell 48 G . Chipp rit'd 49 L Pcher (ROVC) 50 R . Ladd 51 H . McLauchlan 52 C. Ferguson (RDVC) 53 M . Levy 54 A Vdetira 55 B. Langiard„cnes 56 D. Armstron g 57 A Krght 58 A . Baker 59 N. Gbson 60 A. Shaw 61 D. Budd 62 G . White 67 C . Cartel]
ach : Dean Rice Coach : Fab Gatt i
Ta~un . .-- co_- .cSerc,-at Asst Coach : Ray Bs
1 T Cudllpp J . Beaumont 2 3 M Billing 4 H Lacey 8 D Hcime 7 HTurner 8 Je Bnaumont 9 D Harnscn 10 T Roberts it R Ferraro 13 E Wilson 14 A Voya 15 1 Wolr 16 J Byrne 17 J. M81a r t8 T Fi29erafd 19 E Studham 20 R Mulqum.ey 21 H Wntelw_ad 22 J Dlxcn 23 M Berry 24 M Haufuns 25 M Hicks 26 C Kennedy 27 P Oman 28 PA Marsen 29 M Pro`=vs, 39 Jo t.4ller 31 J Barr y 32 E Selby 33 J Magee 34 P Tell 35 C Ray 37 J Grant 38 L S.39 JTuc4:er 4D HOBru_n 41 J Ray 42 A Waddell 43 AWu 44 E Farctuharsrm 45 J
D 4$ C ..:,' .fn5 49 G Tc .:::ras 50 A Penmen 51 tA Kenr52 J Anderson 53 D Osmerxi 54 M Benoit 55 C Theodoulou 56 1 Tucke r 57 W McDonald 53 A Pra .rse 59 YdWharten 60 A Gems 61 D Woc 7 :ord 62 T Harrison 63 R tAatthevrs FS P Grundy 66 N Peters 68 M Best 70 J Russo 71 TBu- .72 C Aid 73 N Russell 74 N L 75 SG, 76 E Pd .:c I 77 S Hareu 7a M each 79 E Bai r BO C 8,.u-Your.r,~ 81 A Ray 82 D Emercn &.3 R Galbrarth 84 L Gar o 85 S Guest 86 E Harner 88 A Kauye 6-9 SN Klel 90 W Lard.! . 91 A Manahan 92 D M911e r 93 W Pant94 S Radyr.rn+k
1 T. Beranger (C) 2 B. Phillips (VC) 3 J . Ros s 4 C .Tal4ent (VC) 5 S . Coffins (VC) 6 A. Crow 7 J. Kflchen 8 S. D ck 9 A . Pugstey 10 C . Smith 11 T. Pruchard 12 S.Hume 13 A. Nettletan 14 C . P,9cKenzie-P.RcHarg 15 S. Cations 16 E . Batrouney 17 T igny Jose (VC) t9 R.W 'Ins 20 S.Troo n 22 R . Ashton 23 O. Crane 24 D. Brooke 25 M . Saunders 27 T. Dematriou 28 A Quai l 29 M. Gnatt 30 T. Finocchlaro 31 N . Ledl
32 J . Gerstman 33 E. Reid 34 C. Phillips 35 P.0'Connor 36 J. Sutc!rfie 37 G. Carroll 38 T Jelbart 39 S . Graham 40 T. Aurel-Smith 41 W. Lewi s
42 T. Seattl e 43 A . Routledge 44 D, Jackson 45 R. Teesdale 46 J. Beaurepaire 47 T.Hosking 49 B.Snaddon 50 M . Walkom
51 L. Freeman 53 W. Symington 54 A. Sutherland 55 S. Dipasquale 56 T. Dipasquale 57 J . Cran e 59 W. Elliot t 61 A. W. Sutherland 62 M .Graham 63 I . Cola 64 S. Lrenzeni 68 T Keck 72 B . Smith 73 M . Giuter 86 S.Ainger
p rou :'ly sponsored by : `_
Z, M
• . rrk -
r(1Y\TOr+i I
C___, ;ftes: Leign ~ansan & Phil Gaut Coach: Dale B+ GWb 18 Coach: Ed Best Kenna A
Butler K
Reynolds L Walsh B V/ C Burrows D Petdro J Van Der Venne T V/C Hand A -tY S nS
YS DN1C Q ji A
R A e C DN/ C -' , ton M _'. ,3 He ly J Saunders R :Pherson S i Davies M ak PA 3= A Capt z : g Goldenberg W :-. 5 Cameron F r shoo B RN/C Cc- ming R
Ch ; stou J
non R
C( a: Barry - aroson f a Coach : Anthony Bourke 1 A . Fox 2 C . Santalucia 3 J. Pascen
4 James McDonnell 5 6 7 8 9
D. Rush A . Oswald S. Lethlean A . McDonald D. Lyn c h
10 M. Beardsley 11 L . Howard 12 A . Bowen 13 T. Ruyg 14 J. Agius 15 L . Ford (Capt)
16 S. Mollard 17 A . Chatfield ( V.C.) 18 M. Scanlan 19 D. Walsh 20 J. Scanlan 21 S. McCa rthy 22 T Ockleshaw ( V.C.) 22 M. Rush 23 S. Johnston
24 C . Purse
1ani S R/"DN/C
rD n Der Venne S nation R ~ster J rdsley D Lautetta S 째 aroore S )re J J =th T Res. Capt ris S U~ M - ugess may N _ ensan A ible R od T is,, ~ni C
Williams Z RN/C
Stebbins N 3 Best E
V3 Heav2Mn C 53 Cade T , ) Walsh T ~t Cristiano D ~2 Arrowsmith J 3 Cade S :{ Gray J 85 O'Shea M 3 Blackmore B Amiconi A c 3 Hii A 3 McDonald E
3 Parker D
71 Hildebrandt D 2 Welsh L _73 Swinne rton H t Tang J 75 Read S
76 Miller P
25 R . Carey 26 P. Purcell 27 P. Ryan 28 Jeremy McDonnell 29 C . Beetham 30 T. Clarke 31 J. Arnold 32 T. Purss 33 N . Bingham 34 R . Colbert 35 R . MacWhi rter 36 D. Sapuppo 37 C Larkin . s 38 S. Freer 39 M. Green 40 A. T.Jones 41 M . Callihan 42 A. Pyle 43 T. Woodruff 44 N . Hule tt 45 M. Walsh 46 0. Gidley 47 S. Tatulaschwile 50 L . Ginnivan 51 N . Beattie 52 P. Chapman 56 J. Watson 57 N . Moylan 59 M. Higgins 60 M. O'Hanlon 62 D. Kingg 6 3 T O'Meara 65 N . Serafini
7 McDonald C 78 Kok K 3 La D Adgemis esM JThwait 3 Thompson G
I C. Keunen 2 B. Gart h 3 C. Goullet 4 D. Ballarin 5 C. Liberatore 6 M . Harrison 7 S. Clarke 7R S. Penett 8 J. Evans 9 M . Kavanagh Iva)
10 N. Mitchell 11 C. Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C. Mitchell (vat 14 B. Ryan 15 T. Wilkinson 16 D. Blunt 17 C. Potter 18 J. Cheep 19 A. Mitchell 20 D. Evans 21 B . Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson 23 L. Wilkinson (vc) 24 D. Roach 25 D. McLaughlin ( C) 26 A . Smith 27 J. Hughes 28 P. Holland 29 L. Spinner
30 M . Stapleton 31 G . Campbell
32 T. Harvey 32R J. Harvey 33 N. Smith 34 D. Byrne 35 Tate Pearson 36 A . Marian 37 A . Catt eratl 38 S . lannazzo 39 M . JuricskaY 40 J. Madden 41 S . Ma tthews 42 B. Miziewicz 43 L. Miceli 44 M . Walsh 45 T. Legudi 46 R. Ware 47 D. Hurley 48 L. DeMorton 49 N. Thomas 50 A. Gill 51 D. Dugina
52 J. Spited 53 P. Harri s 54 L. Evans 55 S . Bugryn 56 R. Winduss 57 M . Stewa rt 58 S . Andrews 59 L. Jordan
60 M . Gourley 61 D. O'Connor 62 M . Mihailovic 63 S . Crouch
c;oacn : Dave M urray Asst. Coach : Tony Miller Res . Cc. ..h : Rob Gros s I N. Pope 2 M . Mulgrew 3 S . Garlick 4 L. Mahoney (c)
5 M . Coltman 6 D. Mahoney 7 J . Travali g a 8 T McCann 9 B . Fields 10 M . Lucas ( dvc) 11 T. Duggan 12 S . McKee 13 R. Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 W. Gullifer 16 B . Ga rvey (dvc) 17 D. Ryan 18 R. Chard 19 D. Sheehy 20 T Crowley 21 R. Maguire 22 J . Mount 23 T Simpson (vat 24 A . Lynch 25 D. Manton 26 C. Taylor 27 T. OToole 28 M . Giansiracusa 29 C. Underwood 30 N. Dowling 31 W. Keenan 32 S . O'Connor 33 M. Maguire
34 N. Parrett 35 J . Dempsey 36 P. Mount 37 M. Shannon 38 J . O'Brien 39 M. Dwyer 40 L. Kalesaran 41 M. Drinkwater 42 S . Mount 43 A . DeKretser
44 John-Paul . Mount 45 A . Smith 46 L. Gullifer 48 A . Conlan 50 R. Horrocks 51 D. Bare 52 D. Mount 53 B . Hughes 54 G. Holland
56 D. Walsh 57 J . Liston 58 L. Giansiracusa 59 P. Aughton 60 S . O'Connor
61 R . Caldow 62 A . Jageurs 63 C . Lucas 64 D. Prior 65 R . Short 66 J . Marchesani 71 A . Mulkearns 75 R . Campagna 82 S . Mitchell 99 P Murray
ORTS i;LU6 . INC .
t Brown L
--i Sketchley M 86 Brawn A 7 Jurrie R
Cos h : 5irr~, i Maaoen Res Cc _ ~~i : Da -n Handley
n : john Kanis
a Conch : Joe Sturrock 1 P. Butko 2 T. Hutchin s
3 J. Sturrock
4 D. Guengerich 5 J. Tanne r 6 M. Rigby 7 R . Youn g 8 J. Hayter 9 A. Lowcoc k 10 R . Marti n 11 L . North
12 Q . Gleason
13 T. Foste r 14 A. Henderso n
15 L .Ryan 16 M. Kordid: 17 G . De Crespigny 18 N . Anderson 19 M . Torney, 20 M . Coleman 21 C. Notman 22 B. Millard 23 T. Wilcox 24 S. Russel l
25 A. Sally 26 J. Scambler 27 R. Wilkie 28 M . Thoma s 29 A. Terrill 30 T. Muhlebac h 31 M . Shaughnessy 32 M . Paterso n 33 B. Gate s 34 T. McKinnon 35 J. McKay 36 R. Minns 37 J. Robbins 38 C. Bradley 39 D. Heinz 40 C. Brookes 41 L . Qui n 42 S. Fletche r 43 N. Shuttlewort h
44 J. Wood
45 B. Waters 46 H. Rankin 47 A. Millar 48 L . Fishl y 49 P. Steele 50 H. Nailo n 51 N. Vanderbosh 52 P. Marriott 53 J. Westmore 54 A. Waxman 55 B. Gin 56 T Ranki n 57 T. Irvine 58 J. Albani a 59 B. Hutchinson 60 D. Strack 61 J. Ritchie 62 C. Ross 63 P. Ede n 64 D. McPhail 65 E. Clark e 66 L . Woodhouse D. McAloon 68 J. McKerrow 69 G . Muir 70 J. Meade 71 P. Marshall 72 D. Gavara-Nanu 73 C. Hopkinss
74 H. Munro
75 J. Mvylan 77 J. McQuillen 86 D. Bannister
- -- - ~
_ ~ --
pqgpga lA9BE99f8Eie5
Coach : Pat Hii a Res: Damien Phillips I J . Dixon V C 2 M. Parrent 3 B. Mooney 4 A. Shinkfield 5 R . Henebery 6 N . Baxter 6 S . Woolley 7 S . Taft 7 J . Farley 8 C. Unsworth Capt 9 J . Fry 10 J . Jorgensen
11 C. Weekes 12 N . Harrison Capt 13 M. Naylor 14 J. Ashman 15 C . Host 16 A . Baxter 17 J . Heritage 17 D. Phillips 18 D. Barber 19 K . Jones 20 M . Hoi!es 21 C. Harris VC 22 N . Lockett 23 C. Mallard 24 E. Waters 25 R . Muir 26 P KroHri s 27 G. Rowston 28 B . Couch 28 D. Brrn4n,ng 29 N. Burrows 30 L. Moon 31 N. Roach
32 C. Blumfield V C 33 B. Hoist 34 D. McCaughan 35 L . Nesbit 36 M. Roberson 37 S . Humphry 38 A . Fabri s 39 D. Cannizzo 40 D. Strachan 41 W. Tardi" 41 B- Duff 42 T. Sank
43 E. Malone 44 Y. Phillips 45 A. Stone 46 J. Cooke 47 Z. Moon 48 B. Low 49 M. Rose 50 M . Rice 51 B. Shadbolt 53 T. Rutherford 54 B . Waolhous e 55 T. Cosines Res Cap t 56 M . Stefanidakis 57 D. Williamson 58 N . Bobeff 59 A. Wright - Smith 60 D. Mutton 61 E . Healey 62 O. Howard 63 A . Kenneally 64 N .Craig 65 A . Smith 66 J . Adgemis 67 A. Nichol s 68 M . Gromotga 70 D. Salyer 76 B. Hage
Cl ch: Vaughan Cleary Res Coach : Trent Collins
Coach : Peter Nicneson kes. Coach: Andrew Barwick
Co ean Hice
R..v .. : i : Fab Gatti
1 B. Dobson 2 J. Rice 3 D. Waters 4 J. Frazer 5 D. Johnston 6 G. Romani n 7 S . Maguire 8 R. Frisina 9 L. Considine 10 D. Cullinan
1 C. Steinbrt 2 S. Davey 'eY 3 P. Corrigan (C) 4 S. LarglardJor'as (DVC) 5 J~~e 6 L. Siap,antas 7 M . Corrigan 7 A H~an
11 N . Addison 12 B. O'Donnell
11 A. P/r.Intyre 12 B. 0 farrefl 13 B.'rVa;te 14 S Jones 15 D. h9acssnzia 16 P.O'Dca^n,!1 17 K Ford (VC) 18 D Thurmond 19 M . Armstrong 20 M. Graves 20 M. FanSdtauser 21 A. Janke 22 D. t7'.a. 23 t i. Se:c+uil 24 B .Trolippe (DVC) 25 S . Rarian,a 26 J . Bell (RC) 27 t7i .8arnes 28 29S.Godsz.~~tfTy B~~
13 C . Woods 14 A.Layton 15 J. Bortolotto 16 L. McMillan 17 G. Cox (C) 18 D. Gartner 19 A. Papaluca 20 M. Hermann 22 D. Maroon 23 M. Lefranue 24 L . O'Fynn 25 R . Galati 26 D. McMillan 27 S . Theisz 28 B . Carmody 29 S . Brooks 30 S. Considine 31 M . Bortolott o 33 F. Dorbol o 3"-. D. Jarred (VC) 36 P. Augustin 37 C . P,iaclaren 38 S. Matthews 39 B . Colville 40 C . Purcell 41 J . Seabury 42 G . Petroff
8 F"`~~~~ 9M . Barker PVC) 10 C. Efstatlti~au
39 C WaXm,an
40 H, C~u 41 S . Saunders 42 J . Mue!!er 43 D. S:.Iter 44 J . McLauchlan 45 M . Daa.9ing 46 B. Cra;vbrd 47 R. P11dea 48 G . Chipparhetd 49 L Pitcher 'RD.1tC) 50 R . Ladd 51 H . McLauchlan 52 C. Ferguson (RDVC) 53 M. Lery 54 A Welkin 5.`' B. Larr3~rdJares 56 D. Armstrong 57 A. Nght 58 A Bake r 59 N. Gibson 60 A Shaw 61 D. &trod 62 G. White 67 C .Canc
Y<'ti'%' a N 2I 11 PS`
11 T. Pritchard
ts T ' Faz nraki 19 Stu am a 20 R 5sukqumey 21 H Ntmehaad
12 S. Hume 13 A. Nettleto n 14 C. P.AcKenzie-E.9cHarg 15 S. Cation s 16 E . Batrouney 17 T Yyigney (VC) 19 R . Josephs 20 S .Troon 22 R. Ashton 23 O. Crane 24 D. Brooke 25 M. Saunders 27 T. Demetriou 28 A . Quail 2~ M. Gna't 30 T. Finocchiaro 31 N.Le11I 32 J. Ger,!man 33 E. Reid 34 C. Phi l 35 P. O'Connor 36 J . Sutcb"e 37 G . Carrel l 38 T. Jelbar t 39 S. Graha m 40 T.Aurel-Smit h 41 W. Lewis
22 J Dixan 23 IA Sorry
24 tkt Hawkm 25 rs Hors 26 C KenrvVdy 27 P Cman 28 h+tpua 29 p'3 pr`"s° ro J . ~1i1~er 31 E ~~ 33 J Magee 3t P Tol l 35 Ray 37 C J Grant :.a L Bunn 39 JTucker 40 N O.Br.~n
41 J Ray 42 AV :al l 43 A t+1u
57 W tAcDcnatd 5a A Prcwse
42 T. Beattie
ss W whartcn 60 Gel1 i at AD+v~d 62 T Harnson 63 R ttarh-s
43 A. Rautledge 44 D. Jackson 45 R . Teasdal e 46 J. geaurepaire 47 T. Honking 49 B. Snaddan 50 M . Walkom 51 L. Freema n 53 W. Symingtan 54 A. Sutherlan d 55 S. Dtpasquale 56 T DipasGual e 57 J. Crane 59 W. Eliot! 61 A . W. Sutherlan d 62 M . Graha m 63 T. Collie 64 S . Lorenzen i 68 T. Keck 72 B_ Smit h 73 M. Giuler i 86 S.Ainger
65 P Grund y 65 N Peters
°$ B'st 70 ~{ J Russo 71 T 8uner 72 C A ueli 74 h La'zJer 75 S Gooey 76 E+nact,e 9 77
S Haran
t Bach 79 E Baker 78 ap C Bren-v«,n g at A Ray a2 D Emerson 23 R Gabraah 54 L Gam e5 S Guast 88 E .r .r 88 A ue'e as w Keel 91 92 D 93 v+r-anton 94 S Radivomk proudly sponsored by:
. _ --
t5 i we,r 16 J Byrr,e t7 Ja Mille,
48 C d::s 49 G Tae:;,50 A P-, `~ at M Keru+on 52 J Arn~Serson 53 D osmond 54 M Barrett 5 CTheodouiou 56 J Tucker
44 L . Hansen 45 D. Theisz 46 A. McGree 52 R . Davis 53 R . laconis 54 J . Forbes 55 J . Wallis 56 S . Abraham s 57 B . Wignell 59 R. Conte 62 M . McCartin 63 C. Pezzimenti 65 D. Fraser 70 D. Cracknel l 83 G. Neskovcim
Taiast R . oo-h: Serge oanF- b A3st Coach: By Be-T 4
45 J ~ D~-,,; ...
43 J. Pascuzzi
Coich : D'eTa% Asst G:ach: AMrm 3, S:r:or.
1 T. Beranger (C) 2 B . Phillips (VC) 3 J . Ross 4 C.Tallent (VC ) 8 S. Collins (VC ) 6 A. Crow 7 J. Kitchen 8 S . Dick 9 A . Pugsley 10 C. Smith
1 T Cuc,p Ja Baaumart 3 NI BIiGn9 4 H Lacey 6 D Holm 7 H Turr» r a Je Beaumcnt 9 D Hamson 10 T Roberts i 1 R Ferraro 13 E wison 14 AVaYag'
44 E Farqunarsa,
30 DWamzs 31 D. Lay ch 32 B. Mitchell 33 S. Waiden 34 R 35 7 Chisholm 35 D. ~F~c1= ;~ L. McPherson 37 DBror .'n 38 LFlo.A
; :%.CiEMEN T
® -r ~r nnan-rC11o Ch(1TRilt I FP ?i.
-----r_,n..Coaches: Leigh Cannon & Phil Gaut Res Coach : Dale Bc :r Club 18 Coach: Ed Best Kenna A Butler K Reynolds L Walsh B VJC 5 Burrows D 6 Petdro J 7 Van Der Vienne T V/C g Medland A ~ Pretty S 0 Dann S i i Kennedy S 1 Cultrera A DN/C 3 Cade J 4 Troon R 15 1 Hooke A tB Hillas C DN/C ; 7 Weston h9 i ;i Healy J i9 Saunders R } McPherson S p=, es M rrrrynczak M - ; c - .,<den A WCapt: g '..ron F a' B RNIC n .. ..g R sto u J ~ JR inon - >J "n S Is JJ ni S R{DNIC .r D -- [ r Venne S r .. ..n R ter J L,dsle~D t.~:nletta Amore S nmore J .'-- . J -crahT Res. Capt -- :- 3rts S ='_4 D Bvrqess M . ;iney N G enson A -: p~mble R " .-HnodT ni C _ms Z RNlC ..ins N EE ~~" M s heaven C Cade T Walsh T ~1 Cristiano D Arrowsmith J '.- 3 Cade S } Gray J i:5 0'Shea M 3 Blackmore B -.' Amiconi A ~, 3 Hii A l McDonald E l Parker D 7 1 Hildebrandt D , Welsh L ,3 Swinnert on H 4 Tang J - ~i Read S 7 3 Miller P +7 McDonald C '3 Kok K La D Adgemis J 81 Thwaites M 3 Thompson G Brown L i Sketchley M Brawn A Jurrie R .
Coach: Barry Richardson Res Coach : Anthony Bourke 1 A . Fox 2 C . Santalucia 3 J . Pasceri 4 James McDonnell 5 D . Rush 6 A . Oswald 7 S . Lethlean 8 A . McDonald 9 D. Lynch 10 M . Beardsley 11 L. Howard 12 A . Bowen 13 T. Ruyg 14 J . Agius 15 L. Ford (Capt) 16 S. Mollard 17 A . Chatfield (VC.) 18 M . Scanlan 19 D. Walsh 20 J . Scanlan 21 S . McCa rt hy 22 T. Ockleshaw (V.C ) 22 M . Rush 23 S . Johnston 24 C. Purss 25 R. Carey 26 P. Purcell 27 P. Ryan 28 Jeremy McDonnell 29 C . Beetham 30 T Cla xe 31 J . Arnold 32 T Purss 33 N . Bingham 34 R. Colbert 35 R. MacWhirt er 36 D. Sapuppo 37 C. Larkins 38 S. Freer 39 M . Green 40 A . T.Jones 41 M . Callinan 42 A . Pyle 43 T. Woodruff 44 N . Hulett 45 M . Walsh 46 0. Gidley 47 S . Tatulaschwile 50 L. Ginnivan 51 N . Beattie 52 P. Chapman 56 J . Watson 57 N . Moylan 59 M . Higgins 60 M . O'Hanion 62 D. King 63 T. O'M eara 65 N . Serafini
7 Coe 1 : ,a Res Cr ' i : Darren Handley 1 C .Keunen 2 B. Ga rth 3 C . Goullet 4 D. Balla n 5 C . Liberatore 6 M. Harrison 7 S. Clarke 7R S . Perrett 8 J. Evans 9 M. Kavanagh (vc) 10 N . Mitchell 11 C. Davis 12 B. Hogan 13 C. Mitchell (vc) 14 B. Ryan 15 T. Wilkinson 16 D. Blunt 17 C. Potter 18 J. Cheep 19 A. Mitchell 20 D. Evans 21 B. Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson 23 L . Wilkinson (vc) 24 D. Roach ' 25 D. McLaughlin ( C) 26 A. Smith 27 J. Hughes 28 P. Holland 29 L. Spinner 30 M. Stapleton 31 G . Campbell 32 T Harvey 32R J. Harv 33 N . Smithey 34 D. Byrne 35 Tate Pearson 38 A. Marian 37 A. Catterall 38 S. lannazzo 39 M. Juricakay 40 J. Madden 41 S. Matthews 42 B. Miziewicz 43 L. Miceli 44 M. Walsh 45 T. Legudi 46 R . Ware 47 D. Hurley 48 L. DeMo rton 49 N .Thomas 50 A. Gill 51 D. Dugina 52 J . Spiteri 53 P. Harris 54 L. Evans 55 S. Bug ryn 56 R . Winduss 57 M. Stewart 5 8 S. Andrews 59 L. Jordan 60 M. Gourley 61 D. O'Connor 62 M. Mihailovic 63 S. Crouch NORTH SUBURBAN ?ORTS i.UB. INC .
Coach: Dave Murray Asst. Coach : Tony Miller Res. Coach : Rob Gross
C :h: John Kani s Res Coach: Joe Stunock
1 N . Pope 2 M. Mulgrew 3 S. Garlick 4 L . Mahoneyy (c) 5 M. Dollman 6 D. Mahoney 7 J. Travaglia 8 T. McCann 9 B. Fields 10 M. Lucas (dvc) 11 T. Duggan 12 S. McKee 13 R . Bowles 14 P. Greenham 15 W. Gullifer 16 B. Garvey (dvc) 17 D. Ryan 18 R . Chard 19 D. Sheehy 20 T. Crowley 21 R . Maguire 22 J. Mount 23 T. Simpson (vc) 24 A. Lynch 25 D. Manton 26 C. Taylor 27 T. OToole 28 M. Giansiracusa 29 C. Underwood 30 N . Dowling 31 W. Keena n 32 S. O'Connor 33 M. Maguire 34 N . Parrett 35 J. Dempsey 36 P. Mount 37 M. Shannon 38 J. O'Brien 39 M. Dwyer 40 L . Kalesaran 41 M. Drinkwater 42 S. Mount 43 A. DeKretser 44 John-Paul . Mount 45 A. Smith 46 L . Gullifer 48 A. Conlan 50 R . Horrocks 51 D. Bare 52 D. Mount 53 B. Hughes 54 G . Holland 56 D. Walsh 57 J. Liston 58 L . Giansiracusa 59 P. Aughton 60 S. O'Connor 61 R . Caldow 62 A.Jageu s 63 C. Lucas 64 D. Prior 65 R . Short 66 J. Marchesani 71 A. Mulkearns 75 R . Campagna 82 S. Mitchell 99 P Murray
1 P. Butko 2 T. Hutchins 3 J . Sturrock D. Guengerich 5 J . Tanner 6 M . Rigb y 7 R.Young 8 J . Hayte r g A . Lowcock 10 R. Ma rtin 11 L. North 12 O. Gleaso n 13 T. Foster 14 A . Henderson
15 L.Rya n 1 6 M . Kordick
17 G. De Crespigny 18 N. Anderson 19 M . Torney 20 M . Coleman 21 C. Norma n 22 B . Millard 23 T. Wilcox 24 S . Russel l 25 A . Solly ~''6 J . Scamble r 27 R. Wilki e 28 M . Thomas 29 A . Terril l 30 T. Muhlebach 31 M. Shaughnessy 32 M . Paterson 33 B . Gates 34 T. McKinnon 35 J . McKay 3 6 R. Minn s 37 J . Robbin s 38 C. Bradley 39 D. Heinz 40 C. Brooke s 41 L. Quin 42 S . Fletcher 43 N. Shutt lewo rth 44 J Wood 45 B . Waters 46 H. Ranki n 47 A . Milla r 4 8 L Fishly 49 P. Steel e 50 H. Nailon 51 N. Vanderbos h 52 P. Marriott 53 J . Westmore 54 A . Waxma n 55 B . Gi n S6 T. Rankin 57 T. I rv ine 58 J . Albani a 59 B . Hutchinso n 60 D. Strack 61 J . Ritchi e 62 C. Ross 63 P. Eden 64 D. McPhai l 65 E . Clarke 66 L. Woodhous e 67 DMcAloo n 6 8 J . McKerrow 69 G. Mui r 70 J . Meade 71 P. Marshal l 72 D. Gavara-Nanu 73 C. Hopkins 74 H . Munro 75 J . Mo la n 77 J . McQuilla n 86 D. Banniste r
-05 A
Old Haileybury v Collegians Marcellin v St Kevin s Old Xaverians v University Blues Old Melburnians v Old Scotch Old Trinity v St Bernards
De La Salle v Caulfield Gr Old Brighton v Old Ivanho e Mazenod OC v MHSOB - at Sportscover Arena - Sa t Whitefriars v North Old Boy s Old Essendon Or v St Bedes Mentone Tigers
'17TH, 200 5
Trevor Barker Oval, Beach Road, Sandringham ( 76 F8) - Seniors 2 p .m . Reserves 11 .30 a.m .
Gerry Green Reserve, Nepean Highway, Parkdale (87 D8) - 2 p .m . 2nd semi final - August 27, 2005 lst semi final - August 28, 200 5
2nd semi final - August 27, 2005 lst semi final - August 28, 200 5
UNDER-19 (2) SECTIO N DI SECTION Box Hill City Oval, Maroondah Highway, Box Hill (47 G9) - Seniors 2 p .m . Reserves 11 .30 2nd semi final - August 27, 200 5
Garvey Oval - Parade College, Plenty Road, Bundoora (10 A10) - 2 p .m . 2nd semi final - August 27, 2005 1st semi final - August 28, 200 5
1st semi final - August 28, 2005 UNDER-19 (S) S ECTION D 2 SECTION
Central Reserve, cnr Springvale & Waverley Rd, Glen Waverley (71 C5) - Seniors 2 p .m . Reserves 11 .3 0
2nd semi final - August 27, 2005 lst semi final - August 28, 200 5
2nd semi final - August 27, 2005 ist semi final - August 28, 200 5
UNDER-19 (2) BLUE SECTION Gerry Green Reserve, Nepean Highway, Parkdale (87 D8) - 11 .15 a.m .
D3 SECTIO N Gillon Oval, cnr Pearson & Victoria Streets, Brunswick (29 E6) - Seniors 2 p .m . Reserves 11 .3 0
2nd semi final - August 27, 2005 lst semi final - August 28, 2005 D4 SECTION
Cheltenham Football Ground, Weatherall Road, Cheltenham (86 H3) - Seniors 2 p .m . Reserves 11 .3 0 2nd semi final - August 27, 2005 1st semi final - August 28, 2005
2nd semi final - August 27, 2005 lst semi final - August 28, 200 5 UNDER-19 (2) RED SECTIO N
Garvey Oval - Parade College, Plenty Road, Bundoora (10 A10) - 11 .15 a .m. 2nd semi final - August 27, 2005 1st semi final - August 28, 2005
O< g ,.'h G . ~ ay r.r: v~e f l' t f ;,? _ e ^;me Tit-:a =porz~s 927 .
S ~-I _ull
;nth any Mithen and M ichael Christian tx~T~g yv~,j the ri&,rv- and, i , : ,,â&#x20AC;˘, : .,,IV s . Jr'
t CO ~ir-` :_. . .-r:~. 927, 75,30
r ?f-:e! A av .
;; me Scott Curon o the could all club's please h{ 1 ;7 by submittu 1 t your nominations for the B Section exce 1 d imiddl e w . Any players the Year throughout 2005 and their piaying position P W• Chelsworth Park a daunting task at any time would be appreciated . and today will be no exception for the hapless Ivanhoe he ll bent o n NOBS as they tackle old REVIEW Old BE ;endora proved this pundit wrong with a comprehensive victory over the visiting Ur, it, es to keep the finals chances alive . St Be Mentflrre-'1• : igers kept their over y burning with a morale boosting victor
the disappointing MHSOB at Brindisi Street . A 10 goal buffer at the last break just showed how dominant the young Tigers had been through the first three quarters . Their visitorso added some respectability in the last but t
keeping their winning run intact prior to the . And this is exactly what they will do . finals season and tenure is on the line M eaaod's e o at home . today as thetackle Old E ss nd n Unfortunately for them OEG have just as much incentive as a finals spot still beckons for them . So this make ~ailoove tinals but y prevail
today relegation ma
no avail .
Brighton didn't give NOB's a sniff as
old they warmed upPerreheirHcrac k endra at and Edge week . Ewart ,
controlled the midfield, Rob Kent played great footy at CHF, Josh Dickerson slotted a rare couple and Gadsden and Leaf impressed up back. Be La started the game in scintillating touch n opening with a 7 goal term in which Damie
. yson was unstoppable with 6 of them This continued in the second and at the half it was not looking too good from zenod• Some harsh words from MMA and a new game plan saw a much better effort from Mazenod after half time as they minimise d the damage and won the second half . Another all round dominating will from C d Ivanhoe, who now have a firm grasp on top . As has spot with only 2 Rounds remaining been their pattern consistently of late the Hoers bounced out of the blocks and had . Goo things sewn up very early in the piece d los all t e Fields but a 75 poin th
last term by the same . Sam Ge?l~ri le anuk~uBol Lochran d dominate all day
. roll of the dice for CCU rttar'a.ec today as th _ [ , $J - at the Pnsia.gY StaMP,? Likewise at Sportscover the Tigers play for their lives against Whitefriars who mathematically are still in the relegation . . So this promises to be another beauty zone e The Tigers appear to have the wood over (-r
v 131 ~l Old North Boys Minton-Connell 4
70 3 58 Caulfield Grammarians Sinclair 5 50 Old Brighton Pirri e li Harvkes 3 32 Old Ivanhoe woods 0 28 Whitefriars 0 27 MHSOB Aitken
Priars in home and away games recently so i hey feel they have their opponents measure xid this will prove the crucial factor in their •,,Tin today . Last roll of the dice for Caulfield G3ans today as they visit MHSOB at > Postage Stamp . Both disappointed last ~ek t id will be looking to make amend s
today. The Unicorns are so much better on heir own turf in front of what is sure to be a large crowd, and I will give them one last ( Ilance to greet the judge and sew up 4th fosition . 141t purely and simply the winner today will , ew up second position and earn the double c hance in the finals, as De ha make the short trek across town to the South Road Oval . Terrific contest between these sides first time . :round and today should be no different . Prevailing conditions on the beach just have iile slightly leaning towards the Tanners, but nly just in a beauty. PRESS O
- . ?C9 ENTS .
Please drop me an email to braincoCaoptusnet . com . au .
B S ;c-13M DE LA SALLE 7 .2 14 .4 16.4 17 .6 (108) MAZENOD 0 C 1 .3 1 .3 4.4 7.6 (48) DLS : Rayson 7 Johnstone 4 L Harrison 2 Lowe Morrel Oakley wahnskev . Best : P Harrison Joltcry Rayson L Harrison Jarvis walmsley . h5az: Ja}aweera 3 Meehan Bourbon Hansen D Dunne . Best : Paine Fuller Jay-aweera Bourbon Reed B Chamberlain . Umpires: Russell Davidson Rob Mayston (F) Dean Herskope Will Stokes (B) Daniel Brookes Ross Richards (G ) NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .1 3 .2 6.6 8.10 (58) OLD BRIGHTON 7.7 13.14 14.19 19 .22 (136) NOB: Minton-Connell 4 M Fitzgerald 2 T Sheehan J Cassell. Best: J Cassell C Husking I Sheehan J Allsop D Brady Minton Connell . Old Br Pirtle 5 Dickerson 3 J Edge 2 S Gadsden VanDenDungen B Gadsden Hendra Mason Percent Phelan Bristow Kent . Best : Hendra Kent Perrett Pitrie Ewert Leaf. Um : Peter Liddell Joe Hartwig (F) Ryan Place Robbie Mayston (B) James Mugavin Daniel Dal Pus (G ) OLD r"SSENiXJN GR 5 .2 8 .7 14 .13 19.18 (132) 1 .3 5 .4 5.7 9 .9033) Old Eas: Forrest 4 Stone 3 Flaherty 3 Baddeley 2 D Biggs 2 Portia Jose Hargreaves Obliubek . Best . D Biggs Towner DeMorton Ryan Day Leask . White: Campbell 3 Carri?g 2 J Anderson M Carbone Cunningham Stafford. Best : Phan J Anderson A Carbone Stafford Crea G Power. Um : Jason MeNiece Bevan Connelly (RFL) (F) Sean Co)llns Anthony Grey (RFL) (B) Daniel Kofaed Jim Currel] (RFL) (G ) ST BEDES P 3EP7TOiS'E TIGERS4 .3 6.6 13 .8 15 .12 (102) MHSOB 2 .5 3.7 3 .11 9.15 (69) StB/MT: L Terrell 4 ScaIldi 3 Kane 2 Collins 2 Walstead Zakdc Rowse Beveridge . Best: Rowse T}yuin Beveridge L %Vnttle M Wintle McColl . Pa1HSOB: Cassell 2 'White 2 G McCully 2 Dunn Evans Barnett . Best: Evans Cassell Hogan Thompson Barnett Limbrick . Um : Dick Kramer Sachs Koffman (F) Jordan Mayston James Gregory (B) Robert Parry Bruce Stephens (G ) CAIII.F 7ELD GR 1 .1 3.3 3.7 7.10 (52) OLD 1vAN180E 6 .6 11 .8 17.12 19.13 (127) Old Iv: Gie6ngs 3 Tiernan 3 Hares 2 LwKon 2 Kefalas 2 Theodossi Geisehen Curatolo Crowley Georglou D'uialds Stevens . Best: Gielings Lochran Curatolo Georgiou Btenke Gieschen . CauL• Sinclair 3 Strain 2 Liddell Baker . Best : Carboni Hammond Foote Frater Knight Baker .
Old Brighton v De La Salle Mazenod 0 C v Old Essendon O r Whitefriars v St Bedes Mentone Tigers - at Sportscover Arena - Sat MHSOB v Caulfield Gr Old Ivanhoe v North Old Boys
Umpires: Simon Stokes Geoff Caulfield (F) Brendan Corcoran Damien Anthony (B) Eddie Boa) Graeme Booth ( G ) B RESERVE DE LA SALLE 2.2 6 .4 12 .8 18.10 (118) MAZENOD 2 .3 2 .4 3 .4 4 .4 (28) DLS: Vague 4 Browning 3 LarVT 3 Cosstick 2 Bourke Etiis Powell. Best: Walker O'Donnell Browning McInerney Felshourg H'ust. Mae: Josh Schiano Jordan Schiano Raine Murnane . Best: Murray Hawkins Grant valiance Souter Morris. NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .1 4 .4 4 .6 5.6(36) OLD BRIGHTON 2 .4 5 .11 7.16 14 .21 (105) NOB : Braid Hayden D Joyce Cugola Barden . Best: Pennell Hayden Butcher Barden Cugola McKenzie. Old Br. Salem 5 Reddin 2 Dooley 2 Goldner 2 Larkin McDonald Maguire. Best: Salem Reddht B Paterson Maguire Eastgate Joseph Walsh . OLD ESSENDON 4 .5 8.7 11 .11 13.12 (90 ) 5 .3 6.6 8.6 15.7 (97) Ohl Ess: Flaherty 5 Skurrie 3 Kavanagh Parker Josh Dazk9w Kalogiaiimis Cerantonio . Best : Flaherty Cerainonio Williamson Skurrie Ward Josh L=:ktw. White: Baggoley 5 Hilton 4 Gloufchea M Baker Glenn Phelan . Best: Alexander Hilton M Baker Baggoley over T Carrigg . ST BEDES ASENTONE TIGERS 3.2 6.4 11 .10 16.11 (107) 1riH8OB 1 .2 1 .6 1 .7 110(28) St BtEi'C: Osborne 5 Andrews 3 waters 2 HIpwTll 2 Buck T Groves Kidd. Best : Waters McMurray J Lynch Andrews Buck Kidd. AiHSOB : Orchard 2 O'Brien . Best : Czarnow Wright Orchard Robinson Nicholas Fraczek . CAULFIELD OR 1 .0 1 .0 1 .1 3 .2 (20) DID IVAN1i0E 1 .9 7.15 18.19 24.23 (167) Caul: Bowes Murphy Grigg . Best: Rudd Scott Bowes Vella D`Arcy Murphy . Old lv : Ge George 8 Leech 5 Hawkes 3 Corne3lius 2 Kent 2 Pratt 2 Snell Holloway . Best: Ge George Leech Tobias Cornelius Kent Snell.
Coach : Stephen 4. . .gri t
C< :h: Lachlan Kel vay Res: Peter OIIvieri 1 J Foley 2 A Bruh n C Knight 4 M Liddell 5 S Kendall 6 N Craven 7 R O'Neil! 8 R Foote M Frater 10 A Will (C) 11 B Carboni 12 D Pearce (VC) 12 M Sainsbury 13 A Green 14 B Gross 15 A Decker 16 N Fallu 16 J Wright 17 S Argyros 18 B Baxter 18 J James 19 B Evans 20 H Vell a
21 M Pennycuick 22 C Fagan 23 C McGrath 24 C Murphy 25 B Sinclair 25 N Dorman 26 S Widfaja (VC) 27 J Sayers 28 J Jacobs 29 N Guyett 30 M Sharpe 30 D Elias 1 W Bowe s 32 A Lawson 33 S Fryers 34 H Bake r 35 S Thompson 36 G Crathern 37 B Scott 38 N Edwards 39 A Bosna 40 M Wilson 41 B Jeffkins 42 A Strain 43 T Gerrand 44 B Hasforlh 45 B Acfield 46 K Weir
47 S Jenkinson 48 R Chapple 49 G Poulter 50 N Gree n W Rudd 52 G Winter 53 J Gross 54 T Franklin-Jones 55 C Hoope r 56 B Napier 57 P Farmer 58 S CunHffe 59 D Buckthought 60 R Saunders 61 T Royal 62 C Sheppard 63 Z D'Arcy T Waile s 65 B Jenkinson 68 C Grig g 67 D Laatle 68 L Cotton 71 M Cassid y
1 L . Walker C r 2 R . Buckley 3 B . Corin C 4 L. Harrison DVC 5 M . Duggan VC 5r R. Quick 6 M . Moore 7 P. Harrison DVC 7r M. Ellis 8 J.La Fogy 9 J. Moloney 10 T Silvers 10r R . Hardacre 11 P. Bourke 12 M . Radicand 13 A . Johnstone 14 W. Dwye r 15 P. Bowden 16 S. Hyland 17 L . Bowden 18 A. Coffey 19 R . McArdle 19r G. Gilbert 20 A . Shields 21 D. Rayson 22 M . Brown 23 R. Sherman 24 J . Morel 24r A. Powell 25 C . Hyd e
27 M. O'Donnell 28 J. Hirs t 30 B. Mannix 31 S . Hyde 32 D. Lowe 33 N . Stewart 34 B . Vague 36 W. Jolley 38 V. Moloney 39 B. Oakley 41 D. McInerney 42 A. Skinns 42r D. Jarvis 43 A . Greenalgh 44 D . Close 45 R . Walmsiey 46 L. Jarvis 47 S . Cosstick 49 A. Boots 50 S .Conway 51 P Hesse 52 T. Moloney 53 D. Browning 55 A. McLeish 56 L Seager 57 R . Hancock 59 D. Colman 62 C . Punton
Raine & Horne Commercial
1 T. Castricum 2 M . Chamberlain 3 D . Christi e 4 C. Lee 5 D. Chamberlain 6 P. Nelso n 7 S . Reed 8 A. Morris 9 D. Kell y 10 B. Chamberlain 11 D. Hose 12 J . Cuberes 13 M . Regan 14 N . Meeha n 15 N . Parry (VC 16 M . Apollonto ) 17 T Pitts 18 D.Dunne 19 L . Buszard 20 C. Murray 21 S. Castncum 22 S. Veltman 23 S.Oldman 24 D . Nisbett 25 S . Stanley 26 J . Dunne (C) 27 M . Rega n 28 P. Jones 30 D. Hansen 31 P. Delmastro 32 A. Strewn 33 S. Balloch 34 C . Boy d 35 R . Hawkins 26 G. Miller 37 T. Valiance 36 D. Hallet 39 D.Odman 40 G . Massey 41 M . Venturini 42 C. Paine 43 J. Schiano 44 D. Linden 45 S. Pain e
46 D. Hensman 47 A . Manjekian 48 C . Jayaweera 51 M . Murray 52 G. Tilling 53 J. Mather 54 D. Grant 55 L. Fuller 57 P. Souter 58 D. Morri s 60 A.Bouchereau 61 M. McDowell 64 T Bourbon 66 J . Pereira 67 J . Bate s ...' , 68 L. Hawkins
R. Cc
1 J Bamert 2 S McCully (S-Capt) 3 D Rosma n 4 M White (S-VC) 5 B Bethera s 6 M Brai n 7 S Whittington 8 J Garne r 8 J Dixon 9 D Fairchild 10 P Smith 10 I Barrett. 11 R Tames ',. 12 J Aitke n 12 M Feferkranz 13 S Anderson 14 M Hamilton-Ho 15 A O'Brien 16 J Walker 17 G McCully 18 R Limbrick (S-DVC) 18 C Wrigh t 19 S Robinson 20 L Horne 20 T Fraczek (R-DVC) 21 W Taft 22 A Svirskis 23 A Hogan 24 J Fenzel 25 H Taylo r 25 A Vicendese 26 L Evans 27 W Backway 28 T Dunn e 28 S Moore (R-DVC) 29 W White 30 K McDonald 31 M Bowen 32 A Cassell 33 L Campbell 34 E Thompson (S-DVC) 34 D Hense l 35 P Rujevic (R-VC) 36 S Mage e 37 T Harper 37 M Ting 38 C Nailon 39 D Fox
40 A Lust (R-Capt) 41 J Anderso n 42 C Wright 43 R Coxon ..', 44 J Newton
45 R Czwarno 46 1 Casing 47 D Hollenberg 48 M Webster 49 S Yu e 50 K Harding 51 D Vicendese 52 M Land y 53 S Mitchel l 54 D Learmont-Walker 55 C Eva 56 T Wright 57 5 Foley 58 P Greenhill 59 A Hal l 60 M Nicholas
1 J. Cassell 2 J. Pene1 1 3 T Sheehan 4 S . Sleep 5 A . Cramer i 6 H. Maplestone 7 J . Brown e 8 S . Cox 9 L. Curry 10 To. Brady 11 T. Roberts 12 G . Maxon 13 S. O'Connor 15 J. Nihil l
16 C . Dynon 17 T. Spurting 19 P. Flanders 20 J . Sutherland 21 A . Wellman 22 D.Tehan 23 S . Minton-Connell 24 M . Fitzgeral d 26 D. Brady 27 C.O'Bree 28 D.Joyce 29 C. Hosking (VC) 30 D. Stribey 31 L. Boyle 32 B .Sheehan 33 M . Barker 35 M . Carney 36 D.Tonkin (C) 37 A. Ferre r
38 M. Amor 40 A. Egan 41 Gargan 42 D .Sheehan 43 J . McKenzie 45 G. Irvin 47 J . Maher 48 M . Kelly 49 A. Cugola 53 S. Butcher 54 B. Govett 55 C. Stribley 58 R . Citreon 60 M. Cribbas (RC) 64 Ti. Brad y 66 P. Brya r
Major Sponsor Custodia n Wealth BUilCT-_r
ougnlin cConnell
Perry . - _ .~ -- V i. f "1 ay (dvc)
rt -- i째 --.-'. (Co C .Res) _ ._: i, ' Gapi ) 째 째 'er "t (dVc) astgate rels :._~...,~ nn ,3n Dungen
- __- ;-t . c ~ ;y an r:on A. . stow J. ~n - .- ,dson on .-: A . er Lt -irt 1 : l?erson (CcC1 .R) `.' D.Ht7es
_r -~ e
L Hendra ( vc) U, 1 F-ier - C~ P~ ( mm ~~ ~~n'd ~ Leaf h ..
;, Patr; . an '~~ ?ai2rsen
in n ~ `째'sh _c i Tre~-year
rays Q -
t: David Calthorpe
Coach : Gerard Shelly Res Cc:..;h: Brad Low
. it Cc. .rh : Dan Winkel 1 D. Biggs 2 T. Biggs 2 L . O'Brien 3 D. Forrest 4 D. Ryan 5 S . De Mo rton 5 T. Hargreaves 6 C. Ridley 6 T. Hand 6 S . Dawson 7 J. Leask 8 B. Hakim 9 J. Stormont
1 2 3 4
10 M. Flaherty
14 B . Thompson
11 D. Cerantonio 11 B. Papal 92 J.Kavanagh 13 M . Bossi 14 R. Legudi 15 A . Parker 16 C. Day 17 S . Towner 17 J Lloyd 18 D . Flaherty 18 C . Devereux 19 T. Wilson 20 R . Baddeley 20 A. Burbridge
A . Oates L. Lochran ( VJCapt) S. Curatolo S. Geilings (Sens) B. Davis (Res)
5 C. Georgia
6 S. Kent 7 J. Gieschen 8 G . Hop e 9 D. 90 C C. Crowle wieyy ( VJCapt) 11 N. Russian 12 C. Branigan 13 A . Alagona 15 T. Beinke 16 S . Price 17 M . Veal 18 J. Hope ( Capt) 19 P Dinakis 20 D. Hav.~kes (Capt-Res) 21 S. Fragiacomo 22 B. Nagel
23 K.Theodossi
24 G . Hares 25 E. Byrne 26 I . Dawkins 27 N. Holloway (V!C-R) 28 M . Tobias
29 R. Weddle
27 A . Mckenzie 28 A . Fesster 29 S. Jose
30 J . Leech 31 J . Stevens 32 S . Kefalas 33 N . Pra tt 34 A . Ternan 35 M. Pollock 36 G . Ha rtrick 37 A. Baldwin 38 Ga George 39 Ge George 40 J. Keane 41 Z . Keane 42 S . Low (VlCapt ) 43 W. Cornelius
30 C . Inness
44 M Luxon
21 S. Dale
21 T Stone 22 M. Portia 23 J . Hughes 23 T. Skurne 24 J . D azkiw 25 A . Frazer 25 E . Baskan 26 C . Ward
27 J . Williamson
31 D. Caridi 32 P. Grapsas 32 D. Poulton 33 J. Dazkiw 34 B. Podger
35 T Rumble 36 C.Obliubek 37 L. Fitzgerald 38 T. Campbell
39 T. Hargreaves 40 C . Kalogiannis 41 B . Overman
42 N . Bertram
43 A . McGowan 44 L . Kavanagh
45 D. Winkel 45 P. Barry
46 M. Makris 47 S. Howard 48 A. Salvo 49 A. Christou 50 A. Chapman 51 C. Brooks 52 C. Davies 53 J . Mansour 54 L. Bones 55 A .Chnstou 55 C . Morgan 56 L. Frazer
57 L, Wilson
61 A . Nowland
45 N. Anton 05 46 R. Butler 47 S . Snell 48 G. Smith 49 C . Quinlan 50 M . Verrocchi 51 J. Ul7ans 52 B. Wright 53 L . Courage 54 S. Smith 55 S. Pearce
56 B. Lesko
57 B. Smart 58 L. Bolzan 59 R. Stagg 60 J. Siegersma 61 L. Skoulios 62 J. Mathe w 63 D. Berry 64 J . Bntten 65 D. Campbell- Frase r 66 B. Walkley 67 B. Mckinley 68 B . Parker 69 M . Corr
70 M. Tolley
71 A. Parker 72 L. McKie
Coach Russell Barnes Res Coach : Tim Lamb 1 B Collins 2 L Wintle
3 L Beretta
4 L Beveridge 5 S Napier 6 J Kane 7 S Rose 8 A Scatidi 9 M Terrel l10MWintle 12 P Groves 13 R Sampieri 14 A Connolly 15 T McColl 16 A Hipwell 17 N Corda 18 D Lynch 1 9 M Hilton 20 L McMurray 21 J Connelly 22 L Capsalis 24 J Tyquin 25 J Knuppe l 26 M Hecker 27 S Kingwell 28 M Andrews 29 D Waters 30 M McGettigan 31 C Osborne 32 G Kempste r 33 S Zakic 34 L Carson
28 A. Baker 29 A. Glenn 30 M . Power 31 A. Baggole y 32 G . Kennedy 33 C. Fulto n
35 A Sewers
34 D. Gloutchev
36 A Walstab 37 T Groves 38 J Maddocks 39 D Lynch
36 C . Dyer
39 M McColl
40 M Kelleher
41 0 Suckling 42 M Wilson 43 A Paterson 44 M Rhoden 45 L Cieslak 46 B Wilson 47 E Ritchie 48 J Heys 49 S Rowse 50 5 Kidd
51 A Buck 52 T Beasley 53 L Georgiadis
54 S Bell
55 M Fi rth 56 L Flavelle 57 S Meehan S8 C Charlton
59 61 8 Zahara 63 M Lomagno 64 P McGettigan 66 R Parsons 67 J McEni ry 69 N Gordon 70 L Terrell 71 M Rowse
38 C . Carrig g 39 N . Brisbane 40 D. Atkins 42 S. Anderso n 43 N . Ellio tt 44 B. Bird
45 S. Clove n 46 M . Duffy
48 J. Treyvaud 50 D.Crea 52 R. Piggot 54 C. Ross 55 P. Tobin 57 A . Woods 58 P. Poutney 59 T Nuna n 60 R . Pawlik 62 B. Stafford 63 Z. Webb 65 D. Eames 66 J. Box 70 C. Pelosi 71 R . Ma tt ison 72 K. Papproth
Buxton Real
Estate Kingston Chiropractice e 9
Miles R eal Estate
FC ~~rnrrrr/
Bendigo B ank, East Ivanhoe
Coach: Pat Mannix Asst. Coach: Peter Randall Res . Coach: Chris Rubic k 3 M . Carbone 5 B . Phan 6 P. Campbell 7 S . Brosol o 8 B. Janso n 9 A . Pawli k 11 T. Wallace 12 S. Phelan 13 J. Anderson 14 T. Carrig g 16 J . Power 17 A . Carbon e 18 M . Bake r 19 A . Hil l 20 L. Swai n 2 1 S . Alexander 22 N . Cunningham 23 P. Stag g 24 J. Daou 25 G . Day 27 B. Gardiner
Ca ll
nuuS 5355
FCL Interstat e Transport _Services _ .-J 9 3 S~ WWW fcl .com .au
A .F.C .
Imagine the looks on your players' faces when you tell them "we have no team rules ." I must admit, I always get a kick out of their reaction when I say it to the new players in the Under 19s each year . I'm willing to bet it's probably the first time any coach has told them that . They would have been told all through their junior days, as many of us have, that "we have ten golden team rules that eari t be broken ." No "u-turns" is a common one, as is "always punch from behind," so let's consider those two for a minute . What happens to your back pocket when he finds himself 30 metres from the opposition goal, facing the wrong way and in possession of the ball with no team-mate running behind to receive? Does he think to himself, "I mustn't break golden rule number 3," and proceed to kick the ball 30 metres backwards through the other team's goal? If he follows the "golden rules," he has no other choice but to do so . Example two, you are 4 points down with seconds to play, the ball is kicked into your goal square, where your 6 foot 6 resting ruckman has the sit on the opposition's 5 foot 6 back pocket . Does he reach over the top and pluck the mark, or does he obey the "team rules" and punch from behind? I'm sure his team-mates would understand, "that's okay, we lost the game, but at least you obeyed the "golden rules ." Imagine if, instead of team rules, you had "team guidelines" to guide your players . Example one might see the player back his pace and take on the opposition, run around him and set up an attacking thrust . Example two would see the ruckman use his obvious
V.A .F.
"Yoaar Coacl :cs' Assoeiatio : '
height advantage to easily take the mark and go back to kick the winning goal . In bo~li examples, the player has the flexibility to make a decision that will benefit him best, a guideline gives that flexibility, a rule does not, by definition it is too rigid to allow it . Yes, we want to eliminate u-turns as much as possible, yes we want to punch from behind if possible, but if the player has no other choice, let him bend that guideline to suit .
Bear in mind, we are talking about "on the ground" guidelines here, there is still scope to have some non-negotiable rules in place, "Club rules," which would cover things like, always contact the coach if you can't train, don't go out late on Friday night, etc .
At the end of the day, are we not, as coaches, always asking our players to think for themselves and make good decisions? Why then, do we impose on them rigid rules during the game that takes that decision making out of their hands ? Lose the rules and implement a set ol guidelines, it will not only free up your team, it will also give them a sense of "ownership' over how they are allowed to play .
Colin Foley 0403 574 500 or Gus Martonhelyi 0429 106 5S C
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Consultant for all Corporate Promotiona; i~roducts Conference and Convention Marketin g Company Promotional Products incentive Marketing 81 Marriage Road Brighton Vic 3187 Telephone or F<<: : (03) 9592 tT: ~ 0 .,~ 1950-~= Mobile ~_ ?98 5= 3a 2
LT i_s Thanks to John Dodd and his company for again sponsoring the Unicorns in 2005 . tATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
Last weel: against St Bedes Mentone S,r :i~ony Svirskis, our tall front-line ruckman, played his 100th game for the club. Over the past couple of seasons Anthony has really come of age and now dominates the packs around the ground . His aerial strength provides a real asset for the club . Jamie Anderson, played his 50th game against St Bedes . His inability to train on a regular basis has restricted his appearances in the seniors this year but he has been playing excellent football in the twos. This week against Caulfield Grammarians Adam Lust (3rd from top) plays his 50th game for the club . Adam is the captain of the Reserves and has his side playing very good football at the right end of the season . Adam is also the current club secretary. Prior to coming back to MHSOBFC Adam played for AJAX . Former Under 19s captain Jimmy Walker (bottom pic) plays his 100th game for the club today. He has been building some good form on the ball in recent games in the seniors and provides numerous options to goal around the ground . An excellent goal scorer bursting through the centre. From a club perspective it is really pleasing to see the calibre of players like these lads reach important personal milestones . May there be many more in the years ahead for you all. 13
OP launched themselves into pole position for one of the remaining finals places as the Wellers and Jaekas joined the Vultures on ten wins . None of the four can afford to lose this afternoon, but at day's end, two clubs will join the other bottom four in Mad Monday commiserations . It has come to this ! REVIEW Parkdale started well, but once Paradians kicked into gear they left the Vultures in their wake and showed they were hungry for finals football . Boundy, Hughes and Harford proved a handful and whilst Ryan and Kelly were the visitors best players, it was a somber trip back to Gerry Green . The Wellers looked to have set up a match winning lead only for an indiscretion upon half time to pave the way for a Monash revival . OC's talls led by Durling and Horgan found the answers and Howard hit the packs hard to put the two blues back into the four. Hickey burned for the Ashers and Craven was the day's leading goalscorer . Rapaport had seven to half time and the Jackas pushed out to a handy main change advantage, after the Bears had been in front early in the second term . O'Connell was great for Banyule in the ruck feeding the Taylors, but with Lewski and Segal providing the drive, Ajax had the edge in the entertaining clash .
Hampton took the clash right up to the Blacks enjoying an eight point final term buffer, before Uni who were well served by Paul Kempton and the Colonel lifted and a five goal to one final term earned the top team win number 15 . After an even opening the Sharks were able to pull away from Therry and record a handsome win . Coote, Wonnacott and Catlin were impressive for the victors, whilst Callegari, Fenton and many of the Therry youngsters continued to fight the game out . PREVIEW The real elimination final is still a week away, but try telling that to Ajax, OC, and Parkdale where a loss will curtail their seasons . Paradians can still advance if they fail to salute,
but the_v'II not want to rely on other results . Uni and Beauy will want to maintai n winning ways, whilst Monash farewells the big Hover, after a stellar career . Four into two doesn't go, this IS the last roll of the dice !
he real elimination Jxna'. stil l a week away, i~ t t.eis.i$-tg that to Ajax, OC , Parkdale where a loss will their seasons. "
Knockout Game I . Parkdale at home to Ajax. The Vultures have been in the four all season & have chosen the worst time to fall out of the top bracket. Last week, I thought they would secure their spot, but failed to fire and today have it all to do . Ten wins from the last 12 have given the Jackas the springboard to reach the playoffs and whilst they will need OC to fall to advance, Ajax will push past their hosts . Knockout Game 2 . A loss for the Wellers when they head to Uni will end a season that started so grandly . After booting 63 majors in the opening three games, the goals and confidence dried up, but they are back to winning way s
CLUB C SECTION Ajax Kirzner 4 82 Therry Penola Edwards 3 70 Parkdale Vultures Macgeorge 0 61 Old Camberwell Loats 0 5 8 C RESERVE Beaumaris Old Paradians Old Camberwell
Vance Spinoso Craven
3 3
37 34 31
-ctle destiny is in their own hands. A plac e the finals is what they have to lose, bu t 1, their best endeavours, Blacks won't d o any favours and will prevail . 7s ible Knockout Game 3 . The Rover s
-,eould love to burst a finals aspirant's bubble ;aid they get the chance squaring off against ()p. The visitors can lose and still make it if the Wellers get rolled . I don't think it will come to ' and OP will win . â&#x20AC;˘= will be pressed against the Bears bu t have too many answers and in a las t ilun-ah for both sides, M onash will end'05 with victory against Therry . spondents - Glen Harrison -
1 :iilarroC.dyahoo .com k3 3
e- ~'sty Blacks
ON'7 :.7
congratulations to
Keith "Nugget" n who s game 1 0 0 for the club this weekend . ,11- get as he is commonly known is one o f very few Blackers to have ever played 100 club games . Former reserves B& F, U19 olc-: er and occasional senior rover, i)e_nilton is a club legend . The current i, casurer of Blacks, Nugget is adored by al l t the club . Congratulations Nugget, yo u slly have deserved this milestone and th e ect you receive within the club .
ften applications to : The Secretary PARKDALE VULTURES AFC Ian Thoma s 37 Sou- .ern oa 1 , .lenforse, 35~ . '
C 4=_'' C. 1
Therry Penola 0 B v Monash Blues Old Camberwell v University Black s Hampton Rovers v Old Paradians Parkdale Vultures v AJAX Banyule v Beaumaris
3.6 10.9 13 .12 (90) OLD CA 3.C 9 .7 12 .7 14.15 (99) Mon Blues: Craven 5 O'Sulllvan 2 Grrrv Mackenzie Davidson Holloway Bolton Hickey. Best : Hickey Davidson Kenton Craven Tm-ton Holloaay . Old Camb: Gutting 3 Gladman 3 Horgan 3 P Tempone 2 BatzloR Goodale Howard. Best : Howard Horgan Gladman Sheedy Hardenburg Heffernan . Umpires: Dash Perris Lionel Katz (F) Tom Wischer Nllchael Roche (B) Sam Perrin Jr^k RP ster (G ) B:.. ~ Uf 4.1 9 .2 12 .5 18.9 (117) T1.: .^1 . : :_. :D:__ 3 .2 5 .2 5.5 9 .5(59) Beatum Coate 5 Boon 2 Jury 2 Lee 2 M .6Vilsan 2 Heath Hogarth Kuria Lynch Spence. Best : Coote Wonnacott L MeNtcholas Duggan Lynch Catlin . Tteerry Pea: Edwards 3 M6Ytllrmey 2 Bannister Crotty Faroldl Fenton . Best: Callegari Fenton Quinn Owen Cap,vell Bannister. Umpires: Graeme Templar Luke Holmes (F) Ben Bracken Gavan Dawe (B) John Robinson Cli ve Shipley (G) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.5 4.7 5 .9 10.12 (72) HAR[PPON ROVERS 1 .1 6 .3 7.5 8 .6(54) Vol Blacks: Groom 3 Latch 3 Scarlett Do-asley Evans P Kennon . Best: Smith Lalich D Costello P Kempton Groom Scarlett . Hampt Rmr. Power 3 Woods 2 L Fletcher M Fletcher Lambert . Best: L Fletcher Cordin Woods Holt Power Zampagllone . Um : Nick Fennessy Richard Adamson (RFL) (F) Matthew Jackson Gus Carpanzano (RFL) (B) Craig Arnol Lita Cooney (RFL) (G ) OLD PAR.AD?RNS 1.4 6.7 9.12 15.16 (106) P VULTURES 2 .2 3 .4 4 .7 5 .8138) Old Pow Bound, 4 D Harford 2 Tenson 2 Brabender Chambers Dintmosante Hughes Matko McAllister Zivanovic . Best : D Hanford Hughes Boundy Chambers Loney M Ryan . Park Vuii: Ryan 3 Hampton Mick Sullivan . Rest- Ryan Kellv S Sullivan . Ui r Justin Lipson Ken McNtece (F) Glen Kennedy Julian Maccioni (B) Chris Do-kA Tristan Collin (G) Ali :-. 6.6 13.9 15.15 18.18 (126) NYUt E 6 .3 8 .6 12 .7 16 .12(108) ,WAX: Rapaport 8 Ktrzner 4 J Segal 2 Berger Goidbtoom Klein M Segal. Best: Rapaport Lewski M Segal J Raleigh Duzenman Berger . Banyule: N Taylor 4 WlIlmore 3 Davies 2 Playfair 2 Tstngads 2 Gutterson L Morgan M Morgan . Best: N Taylor C Taylor O'Connell Willmore Gayfer Broa7i . Umpires: Brendan Devlin Shane Mackintosh (F) Matt Proctor (B) Kevin
R4O7CASH BLUES i .u 5 .3 7 .5 8 .5(53) OLD CA.RiBE LL 6.4 8.6 8 .8 12 .9 (81) :,_an Blues : Mazur 4 Lloyd Rats 'am Murchte . Best: Lloyd Coe Mazur Main Pataie Wills. Old Csmb: Coitrell3 Mar-wood 2 Heffernan 2 O'Sullivan Ik'aanetis Kearney Hendrie Craven . Beat Salipas Jovice Hanson McKenzie Marwood Keranev. BF.A S 6.5 9.12 12.17 21 .23 (149) 'lY3gRRY 1EROLA 1 .1 1 .2 1 .2 1 .2(8) Beaum: Shattock 5 Bramwell 3 Vance 3 C Co)liiv5 2 McConchie 2 McMillan 2 May McDonald A O'Brien Terpsinis . Best : C Collins Kennedy Shattock Bramwell MeMlllan A O'Brien . Thersy Peuola: Carter. Best: Bibby Kenessy Marrinon Carter Buden Keenan. UMTVERSRY BLACKS 9.3 14.9 23.11 28.14 (182) HAMPTON ROVERS 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 1 .2(8) Vol Blacks : Moffat 8 Brumby-Randall 4 Cameron 4 King 3 Beaton 2 Woods 2 Chandler 2 Poyzier Wood Ault. Best Ferguson Cameron Woods Brumby- Randall Moffatt Ryan. Hampt Rom Marshall . Best: Crowther Lang James Pranthlos Marshall Quon. OLD PARADIANS 2.2 3.6 7.11 8.13 (61) P:IRFIDALE VULTURES 0 .3 1 .4 3 .4 6 .6 (42) Old Par: Spinoso 3 Lombardi 2 Derham Giddings Palet mo . Best: L Harford Breen R Ryan Corcoran DiFab .o Lombardi . Park Vnit : Wilson 2 Wood Granger Matt Sullivan Smith . Best: Wheatley Thurgood Seerri Stewart Matt Sullivan Granger . MAX 1 .2 2 .5 5 .9 8 .13 (61) BANYULE 2.2 7.3 10 .5 12 .7 (79) MAX: Diamond 2 Dudakov Dvash Kagan Redlich Rutko Silverman. Best: Dudakov Sacks Zemski Gtironi Goldenfehi Rubenstein . Banyule: Witchell 3 Redfern 2 Adams Bell S. Gray Kennedy King Phelan Prior. Best: M Gray Mutton Rothe Tshaiwisky Notch Gianstracusa.
AJAX Coach : Tim 0'Shaughnessy Res. Coach : Barry Simon
Coach : Greg Wn croft Res Coach : David Witchell
1 N . Gold (Capi) t B . gorensztein 6 2 J. Iaraelsohn 2 B. Rose ® 3 Y. Rapoport 4 M. Dudakov (Capt Res) 5 G . Blieden 5 J . Rotstein ® 6 D. Vanaken 7 L. Krafchek 7 D. Rubenstein 0 8 E . Raleigh 8 W. Sevel 0 9 A. Rosen 11 M. Segal (VC) 11 J. Goldman ® 12 D . Gotdenfein 13 B . Klei n_ 14 D. Codron 15 J . Segal (VC) 15 S. Nevrstadt ® 16 E. Routman 17 D. Weisldzer 18 J. Kirzner 18 B. Lukav® 19 D . Sutton 19 R. Silberman 0 20 J . Sharp 21 A. Lewis 21 R. Silberman ® 22 A. Lewis 22 J. Thurin ® 23 A . Lewski 23 P. Glazer ® 24 0. Henzel 25 M. Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 J . Berger 28 A. Zemski 29 R. Kagan 30 J. Kagan P. gryner 34 J . Raleigh 34 D. Seidl ® 35 J . Givoni 35 B . Ritterman ® 36 B . Nankin 40 D. Seidl 41 R. Heine 41 A. Sacks ® 42 D. Gerber 44 B. Eichler 47 A. Forst 50 J. Dvash 51 J . Kestenberg 54 D. Rutko 55 A. Grosman 59 N. Diamond 60 J. Weinberg 62 J. Hoppe
1 T. Prior 2 D. Witchell 3 N. Taylor 4 P. Gloury 4 M. Creak (res) 5 B. Willmore 6 M . Morgan 7 C . Taylor 8 B . Cantwell 9 M . Willmore 10 A. Dooley 11 S. Griffith 12 A. Brown 13 J- King 14 S. Green 15 R . Gutterson 16 A . Demetriou 17 C. Davies 18 T. Wise 19 L . O'Connell (c) 19 T. Nasraliah (real 20 S. Playfair 22 C. Taylor 23 M. Gray 24 S. Giansiracusa 25 D. Phelan 26 J . Szeremeta 27 D. Drapac 28 P. Adams 29 G . Fikaris 30 D. Mutton 31 C. Bassett 32 L . Richardson 33 D. Stokes 34 A . Bottomley 35 S . Dowlan 36 M . George 37 T. Thomson (c real 38 D. Gayfer 39 A. Hopgood 40 M. Smith 41 A. Tshaikiwsky 42 G. McLellan 43 L. Ferrell 44 S . J. Gray 45 A . Rothe 46 A. Spicer 49 G . Bell 52 M. DePetro
uaac h yMKk imretrp/ Asst rames Whnia &
Pz~ Carty Res: J°no Nov 1 . M. Duggan 2 . H . Gibson 3. J . Heat h 4. M . Matul"~c k 5. M . Ensor 6. A. Spence 7 . S. Lynch S . M. O'Brien 9 , B. Cousins 10. L. Buller it . M . Lee 12 . L. Healy 13 . J,Whitty 14 . T. Collins (DVC) 18, M. Boon t6. A. Quin 17. M. Pitts 18. N . Kennedy 19. M. Atkins (VC) 20 . J . Black 21 . S . Cooie 22 . L . Atkins 23 . A. Catlin 24. B. Gray 25. D. Teesdale 26. A. O'Brien 27, g Haynes 28 , J . Vance (Res C) 29 . C . Martin (C ) 30 . CLamb,rt 31 . C . Graham 32 . L. Wonnaco;t 33. S . May 34. H. McMillan (Res DVC) 35. S. McNicholas 36. N . Atkins 37 . R . Presnell 38 . M. Wilso n 39 . L. McNicholas 40 . J . Hogarth 41 . G Jury 42. B. Gilles " 43. T Woolnoug h 44' C. Collins 45. M. Kurta 46. J. Gerrand 47. A. Kent 48 . T. Whiiry 49 . J . Bryce 5o . S . Dicks 51 . J. Mitchell 53. A. Poll 55. L . Quirk 56. D. Wall 57. L. Ferrari 58. J . Bramwell 59. B . Griffiths 60 . D. Bird 61 . D. Foley 62 . J. Dickson 64, D. Murphy 65. G . Shattock 66. P. McConchie (Res VC) 68. B. Bowker 71 . C . Evans 72 . A . Collings 74 . M . McDonald 75 . N. Hkggs 76. C.Terpsinis 77. C. Sinko
Coach: Brett Mcllwrait h Res Coach : Tony Ton Naumo f 1 H. Tregear 2 M. McKellar 3 G . Cannell 4 G . Carr (DVC) 5 J . Prantzos 6 L. Holt 7 A . Duddy 8 Drew Anderso n 9 N. Pinto 10 S . Blanchard t 1 J. Zampaglione 12 T. Barker 12 N . Corcoran 13 G . Woods (VC) 14 Daniel Andersen 15 A . Browne (C) 16 N . Greenwood 17 L. Cave 18 J . McCarthy 19 M . Lawrence (DVC) 20 A. Power 21 S. Parkinson 22 S. Burggraaff 23 M. Gray (Res VC) 24 C . Christianso n 25 M . Lake 26 M . Devereaux 27 M . Flynn 28 B . Kezilas 29 M . Fletcher 30 A. Quon (Res C) 31 T. Pucell a 32 D. Anderson (Res ) 32 J. Hanlon 33 R . Mosbey 34 A . Crowther 35 N . Goss 36 M . Heffernan 37 D. Lillecrapp 38 A. Fisher 39 A. Cris p 40 M. Flahive 41 B. McCallum 42 C . Malthouse 43 C . Lambert 44 A . Blake 45 G. Davi s 46 L. Waolric h 47 L. Wheeler 48 G . Giasoumi 49 S. Helliger 50 N . Foster 52 A. Ross 53 J. Ng 54 D . Marshall 55 L. James 56 T. Porter 57 D. William s 58 C. Delos a 59 T. McNamara 60 M . Bell 61 A. Kavanagh 62 D. Kroker
1 S. Chapman
2 L. Renton 3 L. Holloway 4 B . McKenzie 5 J . Rosengarten 6 M . Davidson 7 P. Farra r 8 A. Hickey 9 C. O'Sulliva n 10 S. Lloy d 11 M. Spencer 12 G . Smyth (vc) 1 3 M . Pay 14 B . Merlin 15 M . Tinkle r 16 B . Hin d 17 K. Mudg e 1 8 R . Glover 19 M. Payne 20 M. Edsal l 21 C . Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 B . Jansse n 24 T. Crave n 25 J . Hawkin s 26 P. Wills 27 N . De Young 28 J. Mai n 29 A. Costley 30 L. Creamer 31 J . Gree n 32 A . Bain s 33 J . Smith (c ) 34 R. Shields 35 D. Murchie ~ A. Williams 37 C . Denni s 38 N . Brenna n 39 A . Fyfe 40 J . Mazu r 41 Michael Bolton 42 M . Coe 43 R. Feenaghty 44 L . Levisto n 45 T. De Young 46 D. Jone s 47 S. Mentha 48 M . McMahon 49 M . Pettingil l 50 A . Wilso n 51 T. Haines 52 N. Moresi 53 J. Peel 54 B. Adamson 55 I. McCormick 56 M. Jones 57 J . Choong 58 J . Lui 59 C . McKenzie , . - '_ .. . . - ..'c . _ . 60 C. Banks ttoat ca~ o~••,t:rea~act 61 P. Campbel l SANDRIHGH it & BRIGHTON 62 L . Katts REAL ESTATE WITH RESPEC T 63 B. Hillman Ph: 9638 8222 68 M. Meehan 70 Z. Anderson THF (~~ " TI'111S F 72 B Gree n ~x~~l•~ )r~: j~)~(~ . 74 P. Westbroo k 75 R. Turton
Ph : 9597 01 66
~- . . ..-.
Coach : Jon Edga r R, Cc h . Dale Murchie
vn+rx.hamptonrovers .com.au
77 D. Nei l
,]'] °," VEl.L
Coach: Paul 0'Shannassy Res Coach : Ken Schawb
Coach: Dale McCann Res Coach : Peter Cosgriff
1 A . During 2 M. Horgan 3 W. Taylor
1 D. Zivanovic 2 A. Hughes 3 D. Dean
4 C . Hendne
4 A. Curran (DVC)
5 D. Louts 6 R. Taylo r 7 K . Batzlofi g J . Heffernan 9 B .Tymmons 10 B . Christie 11 A . Whelan 12 R. Perryman 13 L. Gladman 14 R. YVhitehea d 15 L. Hefferna n 16 L. Weaver 17 N. Credlin 18 D. Hanson 19 S . Peasnell 20 D. Mitchell 21 T. Hardman 22 B . Howard 23 D. Chefters 24 M. Shanks 25 A . Hardenberg 26 D. Clyne 27 A . Sheedy 29 D. Gough 30 J . Clyne 31 B . Crave n 32 G. Ormsby 33 D. Joyce 34D. Schmidi 35 C. Munroe 36 S . Derry 37 J- Goodale 38 S . Marwood 39 S . Young 40 C. Jellis 41 T. Kearney 42 A . Mackenzie 43 C. Grant 44 L. Bridge 45T.Lowrie 46 M . Jackson 47 M . Rogerson 48 T. Sigalas 49 J . Hadley 50 D. Pike 51 B. Ryan 52 A. Sahpas L. Orr M . Wallace S. Fogharty M . Cottrell R. Whelan N. Paine - ;' C. Rodgers T. Webb T. Nisbeth B. Cottrell S. Gregory T. Parkes 67 S Horskins 68 A. Cocks 69 S. Jones 75 Bruce
5 A. Paglia S D. Harford 6 D. Giddings 7 M . Cosgriff 7 T. Girovski 8 A. Sinclair (Cl 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 M Joyce 12 L . Dore 13 S. Rose 13 N . Allen 14 P. Pratt 14 M . Rose 15 B. Richardson 16 M . Godfrey 17 T. Ryan 18 G . Porteous 18 M . Spinoso 19 A. Dean 19 D. Spitty 20 S. Maher 21 D Loney 21 S. Lull 22 S. Fantone 22 D. Richardson 23 P. Walsh 24 T Lombardi 25 D. Hussey 26 D. Roundly (VC) 26 P. Turner 27 K. Jenkins 28 J. Kreuzer 29 R . Ryan 30 M. Ryan 31 D. Breen 31 M. Hyde 32 S. Corcoran 33 N . Riseley
34 M. Gale 35 S. Simpson 36 B. DinUnosante 37 A. DiFabio 38 A. Harvey 39 M. Derham 40 L . Harford 41 J. Sandy 42 R . Murray 44 D. Furze
46 J. Martinelli 47 W. Connelly 49 M. Sykes 50 A. Tenson 53 D. Salvatico 55 S. Egan 57 A . Elliot
PAR K®AfC ~ T :' :. ; . ~i Coach : Tony Macgeorge Assist: Paul Dwyer Res Coach : Paul Martin i S. Rowley 2 S. Hecker 2 B. Darcy 3 M. Dixon 4 M. Hayes
5 A. White 6 C. Stephens
7 C . Atkins 8 K. Little 9 M. Meyer 9 P. Emmett 10 T. Kight 11 C . O'Meara 12 A. Baker 13 M. Ryan 14 C . Johnston
15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan
18 S. Sullivan 19 C . Stewart 20 D. Kinsella 21 D. Kelly 22 B. Liddell 23 Matt Sullivan 24 T. Linthorne 25 B. Richards 26 D. Rochford 26 A. Rock 27 R . Layton 28 A. Castle s 29 G . Crilley 30 P. Marin 31 J. Drury 32 B F°gde n 33 N . Wilkins 34 Matt . Wals h 35 M. Johnstone
36 C . Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S. Perrazo 39 S. Waters 40 D . Granger 41 C . Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M. Barr 45 M. Kght 46 W. Wheatley 47 C . Rowland 48 Mick . Walsh 49 G. Allan 50 S. Scullin 51 A . Wood 52 S. Wingrave 53 D . Noonan 54 M. McCraw 55 J .Thurgoed 56 S . Wilson 57 R . Bittner
THERRY PENOl.A Coach: Garry Datson Res Coach : Bernie Carter
Coach : Anthony Parkin Res Coach: Lachlan Beaton Assistants: Michael Rmo, Rob Paterson, Mall Fttdani
1 B . Corrigan 2 T. Goodwin 3 R. Bannister 4 R,t Elliott
5 A. Baker 6 M . Nancarrow 7 S . Bannister 8 L. Hollow 9 C. Bannister 10 J . Vaina 11 J . Crotty 12 J . Quinn 13 G . Russell 14 J . Fenton 75 A . McMahon 15 B . Owe n 16 D. Clifton 17 D. Pirpinias 18 A . Moloney 19 M . La Corchia 20 J . Clarke 21 G . Henderson 22 D. Goodwin 23 D. Callegari 24 M . Faroldi 25 P. Edwards 26 B. Lewis 27 M . Bosanko 29 S . Goodwin 31 A . Forster-Knight 32 J . Sacco 33 L. Kuret 34 D. Weston 36 T Gosetti 37 D. Castaldi 40 G . Tsinaris 41 B. Barron
1 A . Costello 1 J . White (Res) 2. T. Sheldon 2 S . Chandler (Res) 3 P. Geiste r
3 R. Hamilton (C-Res ) 4 A . Evan s
4 R. Myers (Res) 5 E . Hardy 6 A . Bevacqua 8 C. Hayne s 9 P. Kempton 10 W. Hanna 11 S . Watch 12 A . TorneY 14 C. Price
15 B . Shaw 16 J . La6ch 17 T Purcel l
17 R. Moffatt (Res) 18 C. Groom 19 M . Kempton 19 K . Prestidge (Res) 20 C. Sandfor d 22 C. McAssey 23 P. Barry (C) 24 J . Dowsley 25 T. Napier 26 D. Batten 27 M . Savig e 28 D. Costello 29 N. Poyner 30 A . Jesse 32 A . Cameron 33 J . Woods 34 D. Barlow 35 C. Carroll 36 M . Prowse
38 J . King 39 M . Ab4ethorpe
42 A. McKay 43 M . Warren 45 J . Kruger 46 S. Stepien 47 D. Goodwin
40 N. Marli n 41 R. Green 42 A. Smith 43 C. Beaton 44 E . Ryan 45 R. Sradet t
48 M. Nancarrow
46 A. Kelly
50 S. Hallam 52 A. Gleason 53 M. Villam 54 J. Frazzetto 56 P. Dunne 57 C. Ferguson 59 T. Robinson 69 J. Blender 77 K. Walker
47 C. Barre n 50 A. Goonan 51 R. Wood 52 R. Ault 55 G . Thomso n 58 O. Scott 60 N. Bowles 66 T. Ferguso n 70 J. Gree n 72 S. Henry
87 S. Daniel
77 T Brumby-Rendell
94 A. Powel l
58 R . Haslemore 59 D . O'Keefe 60 M. O'Meara 61 T. Bank s 62 D. Scerri 63 N . Levett 64 X . Smith 65 G. Wilson 66 A . Kerr
2005 M ajor Sponsor
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Scorpior 0
r1 young Scorpion w<_ s d U 19 Blue match and -, q attention . Full credit t ti '.ners who at"tendei, ro ~di, telv and kept him c = ,dance arriti I as sPTi
repeat's C Section, where a c()T,test to decide 'i e ptavr-d
Rove is
3ink ~- ~
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Dr~ .Is _ off Pearson, t? e e luring t : :: >dited Level 2 i_- .pire with tegrated into thc >ired the final on the Robbie O'Gorman las t g. =eoff, from Nashville -a s ir tensity of the games and the standard of play .
days a u t
Tt, e Co-,t v^'1 be, 850 f0_ f I - _ C a c K
0 0 to urged to . j -s, both 1c-__ act talk back rac- . grc :indswell of con, : ;~ ter will be address i a fait acre i . at
. ~ctbail -lub ayers and officials -al season 2006 .
- ball .org .au s ofinterest .
for 2 0
stress of a big Saturday . Busy lit i le a : ~a Duncan McKinnon Reserve in North -'oad, ivlurrumbeena . The habit obviouslv works as both Dennis and Russell lead their teams to important victories last Saturday .
torian Sub-Distric t Association i s
or new umpires fo r =)05I2006 season , i details may b e yd by contacting : Earle (VSDCA
it Secretary) Ph : 9311 8245 or Email : (%higpond .com or Geoff Hart VSDCA Committee Member Ph : 9369 343 2
• drghart(aflzemail .com .au . tay to stay involved in cricket and a ong Association too boot . 0 0
" -€iic f w' ile most coaches would spend >aturaay morning fine tuning their plans for Saturday's game, not Elsternwick AF C
or Coach D en nis Grace, you see he's in charge of Oakleigh Cricket Club ers of the VSDCA South East group an d itual runners-up to Malvern CC in the mpionship Final), and last week was ed overseeing a time trial of sorts at the can McKinnon sports precinct on irday morning - no rest for the wicke d
Sport and
The Department of Victorian Communities, Equal Opportunity Commission of Victoria and Victoria University are running a free workshop to assist community sporting clubs and associations ensure their activities are welcome and inclusive and therefore fair, safe and fun for all . The workshop will be practical and experience-based ; exploring community attitudes, best practice strat+ :g s and useful resources . The night will be held at the Victoria University e e, Tuesday
September 13 ,
. For mor e
yC<,Uoov .vfo.gov
details contact : p
0 -
a ad a ays super prepared . Also spotted was - iPn torse 'I'iger s S ezrimr Co aeh 9S . . ftu5 :- es heading off for a morning jog
ul : . :ic jcd% . ?`o doubt just easing the
plw'e i11N"olt'ili g ~)tls~litl~ . Scra~gill~, jtllil~)iii~;
illtc) }7aeks, t11r'owillg eac h Alel° to the ground or othe r or otkler silliilar stlch co11{Itlet Dennis Grace - slave to coaching . AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
Russo, Emerson & Mitvalsky were the best of the disappointed Panthers . Prahran kept jus t ahead of the B ullants in a high scoring affair that was also a kick for kick event . Prahran's best were all forwards, Cuddles McCubbin (becoming a big presence at FF lately!), Has Pitts, & Focca Fox . B-T had great games from forward Greg Chivers, Matty Stella in the middle, & Norbu*v in defence . YVOB couldn't hold the in Q4 but did themselves proud against DI's top outfit, especially in Q3! Mick Rockicki starred for Yarra at FB, Ben Nicholas did well in a run-with ta-c, while Mick Wines was also effective in a bi-locational role! Todd Clarke played a blinder in the centre for Reds, Vinny Cahill multi-tasked brilliantly as usual & Milos Tika again dominated his wing. TODAY Ormond won't be taking any chances against Glen Eira today . and on the Buxton will have enough of an experience advantage to win by 4 goals . The Animals will be trying to forget last week, & today against the Bloods should finish the year with a 5 ch aaz~a E , is tha t goals win . Mentonians will make sure Prahran don't have "~ Old i and things too easy but the Two Blues should take the of the ist points by 3-4 goals . 3ulleer3-Tenplestowe and Yarra Valley will be a great game of footy and the Bullants would love to snaffle 7th spot from the Bushrangers . The home L 3'° WEE K side should', in by a goal . The iainYs grabbed an early lead from the in form = Cc Câ&#x201A;Ź_w at Punt Rd Oval will be a & caused the boil-over of the season by r yielding it! Caruana was sensational up fnrv rd . as were Clements and Sheerly for GE . Rhino D cCann & Steve Buckle worked hard in defence for ESL. Adam Krebs was good up forward & Anthony Ballard again did well in the Ruek . The Cs were outclassed in the 1st Half by the skilful M onds, but regrouped in the 2nd to make the visitors ;iEC'1'I0~ work for their win . Simon Keleher was outstanding 3 65 Cianci across HB for Mends, Danny Byra & Metz weren't far Fitzroy Reds 5 61 behind! Cs best were runners Kent. Remmers . & Wooden Aquinas Evans . 4 57 Beckett Ormond Bloods upset the Panthers in a nip & tuck tussle that Ol iRESEItVE gave the Home side & supporters a big lift near the 67 Capodiferro 0 end of a very down season for them. Aquinas Fitzroy Reds defenders Hans Tvssen & David Boland put in top 0 54 Stroud Old ` :ntonians ~ames, as did v, nger John Jess (~ ho has make a 51 Tornese 4 Fitzroy Reds . Br,ndan ~great recoverv frem a serious lea i=ijuryD
The historic unpredictability of D1 rc .urned with a vengeance last week with the Saints boosting their own spirits by knocking off the Animals & thereby handed the Cs a finals berth . Then the Bloods brought the Panthers undone in another head scratching form reversal . What hasn't changed, is that the Reds and Ormond are streets ahead of the 1 st Semi Finalists, just check the percentages! To the finalists, well done, and to the Clubs not continuing after today, thank you for making our first genuine wintry season since 1996 so bearable ! To the players, committees . & supporters of Aquinas & Glen Eira thank you for the way you have presented all season . Relegation is gut wrenching, but the spirit you displayed all year is a credit to you both & indicates a quick reversal of fortune is on the cards A huge thank you to the people without whose ticks this column couldn't tock : Glen Whitehead & Craig Glennie (Aquinas) . Stewie Smith & Dean Matthews (Bulleen-Temp .). Andrew McCormack (Emmaus St Leo's), Graham Burgen (Fitzroy Reds) . Mick Lawson & Matt D'Zilva (Glen Eira), Duncan Palmer (Old Carey), David Holland (Old Mentonians), Sam Teague & Wayne Holdsworth (Ormond) . Basil Cleary (Prahran), & Tirl Kill) ^'i (Yarra Valle,)!! !
IR i
ectacle weather permitting, as the Cs will have best side in for many weeks . Even so. the Reds` Will see them Win by 4 goals . -v ; winners should be : Moods, Animals, p nhers . Bushrangers, & Reds . 9889 1979, & Oo ;•espondents contacts : 371@bigpond .net .au
hey OB congratulates Michael Wines who his 100th today. Michael started in 1998 as a member of the U lb Premiership side that year . Tiaei & injuries have limited his games tally but he has been an important part of the Senior team recently in the Ruck & up Forward . Winesy is skilled on both sides and very hard at the ball . All Bushrangers wish him the best for today & into the future ! Old Carey - Both Nick Bull & Phil FConstantinidis have recently reached the 100 game milestone . Nick is the first of the Bull herd to reach this milestone, and has transformed himself into a senior ruckman after years after several years as a utility player . He has been heavily involved in club life both on and off the field, including end of season festivities . Fabulous Philthy has been a renowned goalkicker over the years, using his elusiveness, high skill level, and low to the ground stature to bamboozle many an opponent . Our current reserves VC has won several goal kicking awards, including winning a comp reserves goalkicking title a couple of years back. Damian Joyce has recently reached the 50 game milestone . Joyce Dog was a late arriver to the club, with this Pro 30 member a solid and reliable hackman who must be near the oldest 50 game milestoner the club has had ! Emmaus St Leos - congratulate Andrew Prosser on reaching 200 games in round 16 . Pross started with the Under 19s in 1993 and is a hard working, dashing defender who gives great service both on the field and off, and the grey hair adds maturity to the team . Great effort Pross . Anthony Ballard with 100 games in round 17, started with 4 years in the Under 19s including the 2000 flag and the captaincy . Bally was a ready made senior footballer, athletie, high leaping ruckman who runs all day and is very hard to match up . Best wishes for a long and successful stay with the Animals . Glen Eira Saints - congratulate Josh Halliwell and Alex Caruana on reaching their 100 games and Adam Diamond for achieving 200 ,--,,raes . Well done boys!
CTI .~~-I~...
Ormond v Glen Eira Emmaus St Leos 0 C v Aquinas 0 C Old Mentonians v Prahran Bulleen Templestowe v Yarra Valley 0 B Fitzrov Reds v Old Carev - at Punt Road Oval
Dl SEC•, ^ GLEff_ 7 .5 10.10 13.12 17.14 (116) E USSTLEOSOC 4.4 8 .7 9 .10 15.12(102 ) Glen Eire: Canaria 5 Vanitakis 3 Massis 2 Parse King Lyons Paired Prvde Sheerly. Best: Canana Chandler Clements Tstrogiarmis Massis Sheedy . Emmaus SL: T?,2cCarm 3 A Krebbs 3 M Lewis 2 A McKenzie 2 P McCGloin 2S Ranch S Buckle A Ballard . Best: Buckle R McLean A Krebbs Ballard P .McClain Tribe. Umpires : Jeremy Heffernan Paul Jones (F) K}de Manlier (G) OLD CAREY 1 .3 3.5 8 .10 13.12 (90) ORhiO;iD 6 .2 9.6 11 .9 17 .14 (116) Old Carer. Thompson 2 Unkles 2 Riven 2 N Bull Stewart-Holmes Tiras Remmers Evans Bowlev Kent. Best : Kent Remoter Evans Stewart-Holmes N Bull C Angus. Ormond: Cook 5 Beckett 4 D Robbins 3 M Jones B Deledio Byro B Arnold J Bridges. Best: S Keleher D Byra S Metz D Robbins M Jones L Deledio . Umpires : Peter Angelis David Phillips (Rot) (F) Blake Curtis Alex Koui ..oukis (B) Steven Piperno Anthony Kyrkou (G) RgUINfiS 6 .2 6.2 8.6 10.7 (67) OLD RtENTOIe'tAStiS 2 .1 5.7 6 .8 8.12 (60) Aquinas : Wooden 5 O'Halloran Box Olarenshaw Toomey i)a-s°n. Best: Tvss.en Wooden D Boland Jess B Moran 147tithead . Old Ment: Basile 2 Costello 2 Emerson 2 Flaskis Russo . Best: B Russo Emerson Mitualskv Fisher Mort Donnegan. Umpires: Vaughan Sidebottom David Longworth (F ) PRAHRAN . 5 .3 10.7 16.9 21 .10 (136) BULLEEPd-TE. WE 7 .3 10.7 14.8 17.11 (113) Prahr^n: McCudden 7 H Pitts 3 Fox 3 Harrison 2 A Pitts Radvbvvnik Dempsey Sleight Ballard Beven . Best: McCudden Sleight Ballard Walford H Pitts A Pitts . Bull Temp: Stella 4 Ctllvers 3 P Florence 2 Touroglanis 2 Hare 2 Tehan Tulloch Waters Wise . Best : Tehan Florence Chtvers Clarke Stella Wilkie Umpires : David Irons Rick Love (F) Santo Caruso Andrea Mason (B) Greg Rollo Gary Clancy (G) YARRA VALLEY 1 .3 7.7 10 .10 11 .12 )78) FPCdBOY REDS 1 .7 3 .8 7.14 13 .17 (95) Yarm Valley: R Thompson 3 Middlin 2 McLeod R Drew Keem Lecordier Nicholas R Yeo. Best: Stevenson Roldck7 MeLeod Nicholas Valoppi Fuller . Fitz Reds: Cianci 3 Keleher Rawlins 2 Westlow Ritchie L Holderhead Davis Green Evans. Best : Zika Cahill Davis Meii:hen Clarke Green. Umpires : Jamte Mayhew-Sharp Daniel Dinneen F) Pat Mitchell Matthew Cowley (G) Dl RESERVE GLEN EIRA 2 .2 5.4 10.5 15.6 (96) E USSTLF.OSOC 2 .5 3.7 4 .8 7 .13 (55) Glen Eira: Watt 3 Hassan 3 Dmilecie 2 Chatfield Serpanchy Zuar Hollow Dirl}e Embling Hussein . Best : Dmilerie Hassan Watt Dini Hussein Chatfield . Emmaus SL: Henricus 3 Hoses Sunondson Virgo Ymer . Best: M Mclnerney Holes Pitcher Vaughan Virgo . OLD CAREY 2 .0 5.2 6 .3 7.4 (46) ORMOND 2 .4 7 .7 11 .9 17 .13 ( 115) Old Carey: Campbell 3 L Guerra 2 A titqiite Ashworth. Best : Campbell Doggett B Andrews Mason Mudge Adam. Ormond: T Stewart 4 C Keleher 2 A Wanvarelt 2 S Dana 2 R McIntosh 2 C Tolley T Naylor B Upstill . Best : A Watv.arelt T Ashford B Upstlll C TeAry G Smith T Naylor . AQUIPL§S O C 7.5 147) OLD MENLO 15 .12 (102) Aquinas forfeit FRAHRAN 4 .2 10 .4 14.9 20 .12 (132) BULLEEN-TEMPLES'1'OPdE 2 .1 5.1 6 .1 9.2(56) Prahran: Matherson 6 Barber 4 Movlan 3 Marriott 2 Pang Adamson Kennett Gartland Docherty . Best: McDonald Donachie Matherson Craig Gartland Moylan. Bull-Temp: Smith 2 Daskalou 2 Parris 2 Tsokas Verga Toscano. Best: Tsokas Verga Smith Daskalou Schneider Smith Theodrakakas. YARRA VALLEY 2 .1 5.2 5 .2 5.3(331 FTTZROY REDS 2 .2 5 .3 7.8 9 .11 (65) Yarra Valley: Crawford Farrugia 2 J Peake. Best: Hayter Seabourne Pellegrino B Drew Oliver L Morris . Fitz Reds : Tornese 4 Guest Sheather Kane McDonald Baillie. Best : Bare Guest Tice Stapleton Trigg V0odleyDaviS .
- ; -]
Coe :n: Steven Bell Res Coach: Terry McEvoy 1 . L. Toomey 2. S . Tibb 3. S. Voursoukis 5. M. Hunte r 6 . R . Brown 7 . C . Glennie 8 . J. Jess 9 . T. Harkin 10 . D. Boland 12 . R.Jeeves it . S . Cooper 13. C. Jeffrey 15. Ad. William s 16 . J. Hunt
1 7 . B.Redwood 18 . T Olarenshaw 19 . G. Whitehead ( c} 20. D. Skinner 21 . J . Pierce 22. S. Flynn 23 . M . Visser 25 . B. Volombello 26 . J. Box 27 . C . Tzoumanekas 28 . B . Helme 29. L. Elliott 30. C. Colliver 31 . G . Evans 32. J. Bleakney 33 . C. 4'looden 34 . M. Tarulli 35 . R . Chapman 36. M . Hope 37. S . Leonard 38. B . Moran 39. A. Arnold 40 R Tainton 41 . G . Davie s 42. R . Moran
43 . M . Slattery 44 . J .Tapply
45 . D . McCarron 46 . T. Vandersluis
47 . An, Williams 54. M . O'Halloran 55. L .Stafford 56. P. Cruickshan k 58 . H . Tyssen 59 . B . Cooper 61 . I. Drew 62 . C. Lyng 63. A . Barrie
Coach : Steve Easton Res Coach: Andrew Parris
Coach : Graham Burgen Res Coach : Chris Tehan
1 G . Chivers ( Capt) i i ct D 2 M . Stella 2 6 t i 2 ;.
3 L. Thompson (VC) , ~ ~ 3c# 4 W. Thompson x G1 _ -5 M. Pietryk
6 A. Tehan (DVC) 7 P. Robertson 8 D. Glover 9 J . Matthew s 10 J . Wise 11 C.Ince 12 A . Parris 13 D. Tultoch 1 4 A. Wilke 15 R . Ferguson 16 S. Smith 17 P.V°9lis 18 R . Schneider 19 L. Stoft 20 T. Waters 21 P. Gannas 22 C. Cherbakof 23 D. Matthews 24 T. Agosta 25 L . Norbury 26 S . Boyd 27 A . Clarke 28 P. Milesi 29 P. Tsokas 30 D. Florence 31 A. Bernicich
7 o-; T Dsns I ~~ " 111t6,___ 12 n .+ . ~r ' M t5 ~ t' 1 1~' ~_
; e
2u~''= 21 r~S .2- c r c` qK 24 L, c-.:. . 2; D 26 8'' r 28 i
29 111 C.
3 J1 t
31 F, :
at r E.-~s 31L ° 32 8 rmt
32 D[
36. vt a-am 37 t R.--
~6 ~ ' r 37 Y,k ,
33N t 3' S D"y 34 R C'~ 34 T 35J FP 1 ", P
32 R. Williams 33 P. Florence 34 S. Lambropoulos 35 D. Daskalou 36 P. Hare 37 J . Frangos 38 A . Verge 39 D. Buccachio 40 G . Theodrakakous 41 R. Lea 42 A. Stavretis 43 D. Horvath 44 O Hill 45 D . Rogers 46 A . Coulston 47 C. Morihovitis 48 A . Morihovitis 49 B. Touri9ani s 50 I . Roxburgh 51 R . Toscano 52 M. Daskalou 57 A . Smith 58 D . McMahon ~ M . Scarano 64 C. Tzalabiris
.r;FWr* &'
.,. 3 ;~. J. : aa.,sj 41 c, 41 .
42 i
43 S B 43 J 44 a hM u D. 45 i B°•- 45 D l 46 T~'''°' °9 u 47 R Las,. ez w,.~.a s pCa,~ n 4a tt 44 : st u'g 49 d a- -' k D F ivF! ' ~ SA ~ n1 ~ ~
54 T V 70 M~ 55 ta ~ ., b dCcy, 5,1 a Frs' S E~.
71 T n, n.
W G L~ S` 95 D ~ F'm tp,
Coach : Terry Walsh Res Coach : Matt Emlying 1 2 3 4
S . Vamvakis P. Khazaal C. Massis C. Pincott
A. Tsirogiannis
6 J. Zagame 7 D . Clarke 8 D . Lyons 9 A . Russo 10 M . Chandler 11 L. Pryde 12 B. King
1 3 G . Brown
14 B. Clements e 15 E. StuchbD' 16 N . Davis . Conroy 17 R 18 R . Oldham 19 A . Devries 20 A . Diamond 21 M . Watt 22 S. Emmett 23 T. Deal 24 M. Embhn g 25 J. Fidogiannis 26 P. Tsagliotis 27 J. Simos 28 L. Shellard 29 M . Sraife 31 C. Hollow 32 I . Delac 33 A. Sheedy 34 T. Turnbul l 35 S. Hollow
36 B. Zurek
37 P. Merrick 38 S. Lithgow 39 A . Gargiulo 40 M . Cosgrove 41 J . Decries 42 J . Serpanchy 43 M. Kennedy 44 S. Diamon d 45 A. Diriy e 46 S. Gange 47 B. Zwar 48 J . Haliwell 49 S . Hall 50 D.Eade 51 H. Hussien 52 S. Miller 53 I . Adem 54 M . Vodstrcil 55 J. Lundberg 56 C. Hogan 57 P. Rohr 58 M M. Farah 59 A . Hassan 60 M . Abdulle 6 1 M,Tkocz 62 L. Izod 64 A. Dini 65 J. Mills 66 A. Dini
68. D. Sullivan
Coach : Peter Rusr Res Coach: Jamie Wi ,us s 1 T. Mitvalsky 2 C. Tvrentyman (DVC )
3 R . Bal l 4 B. Carroll 5 A .Kiantos 6 C . Alexander 7 D. Emerson 8 G . Ferguson 9 D. Cochrane 10 T. Wiltshire 11 A. Mort
12 C. Dwyer 13 B. Russ o 14 M. Stroud
J . Costello (C) 16 C . Dunca n 17 C. Gourlay 1 8 M . Basile (VC )
19 A. Palmer (DVC) 20 C. Palmer 21 J. O'Brien 22 B. Coghlan 23 A Drina n ..24R Iranmonger 25 B . Fairbanks 26 R . Schloeffel 27 G . Katri s 28 D. Kitt o 29 A. Carte r 30 D. Russ o
31 M. Elliott
32 P. Wilso n 33 B . Lan e 34 P. Flaski s 35 E . Millis 36 D. Alexander (RVC) 37 M . Francis 38 T. Millis 39 J. Vick 40 R . Alexande r 41 G . Pekalis 42 A . Noonan 43 G. Hubbard 44 L. Sunter 45 A . Erskin e 46 G . Smith 47 J . Kell y 48 D. Stevens (RC) 49 N . Fishe r 50 K. Regan 51 A. Wilson 52 M. Wafts 53 R . Johnson 54 D. Goodbod yy 55 A . Donegan 56 S . Brady 57 S. Fairbanks
58 M . Lewis 60 W Steabben 61 B. Saunders 62 C. Sinclair 63 G . Goris 64 M. Austin
G It
() U I APM Group (Aust) Pty Ltd, IF Marine Parade ,
Abbotsford VIC 3067
Ph : 03-9419 7707
Coach :, o ;_-,, ~ord Res Ccoc 5 :. in CampbeI i 1 . C Angus (VC) 2. D Faehs 3, tw4 Angus 4. D James 5, J White 5. P Konstannnidis ( RVC) 6. C Campbell 7 T. Evan s 8 -,ar7-Halmes 9 . D Sri 9 B A es (r ) 10 .K. S 11 K P 12 L. ' 13 . G . 13 :째D~ 14 . M Z r der 15 t' . But 16 .T Angus 16HDk 17 .AMfic )n (C) 17 .TCc ~
18 D B: ., , 20EH 2C ~ E 21 . t`S O'Bren 22 . C Bt 23 . H, Van Cuylenberg 24. P Unk!e s 25 AThc-moson 26A .W: 27. R A< ~ 28 ': 째 29. J Jos 30 K ^ mcnd 31 F 31!, .-. .{r) 32, T :-r .vecz
32. P Graham (r) 3~ A England 34 C Williams 35. hA. Vardy 36, L McKinnon 37. C Adam 38. L. Guerra 39.R Deus 39 P. Bennett (r} 40. C . Matthews 41, R Phillips 42.J.Ashrvorth 43.Y Glynne 43, D Joyce ( r) 44. T. Rossanuolo 45. T. Bull ( VC) 4a". A. Barr
4T 6, Crasher 48. S Carr 49. 0 . Smyth 50. A. Kent 51 . R. Hall 52 . D. Martin i 53. W. McConnell 5 5 . P Busse Sa" . A. Boyd 59_C-Mason (RC) 61 . B Croft
64 . C Smith 6o D. Elsne r 84 . C. Withington
1, N. Fuller 2- L. Stafford 3 . D. Livingston D. Crommie 5 . H. Pttt s 6 . A . Donachie 7 . T. Greening 8 L Hunt 9 . A .Bunnefl 10. M. Mc Cudden 11 . A . Pitts 12 . C . Hal l 13 . L. Northvray 14 . L. Fox 15 . J . Smai l 16 . S . Campbell 17 . M. Harrison 18 . J . Matherson 19 . S . Ramage 20 . D .James 21 . E . McDonald 22 . A . Sleight (C ) 23 . M. Windndge 24 . K. Plummer 25 . L . Aitken
26 . B. Dempsey 27 . W. Walford 28 . K. Watford 29, P Gartland 30. M. Radywomk 31 . 1:1. Muiqueeny 32. D. Ballard 33, W. Barber 34. R . Atcoclt 35. J. Bedford 36- G . Beven 37. T Wheeler 38. S. Moylan 39. N . Duncan 40, R . Ferrero 41 . J. Upton 42. A. Warhurst 43. S.Kennett 44. 1 . Sparrey 45. M . Scfcluna 46. T. McClure 47. J . Killeen 48. J . Vag g
49. P. Robertson 50. S . Conley 51 . D. Corb y 52. C.Jones 53. M . Shipley 54. M . Gargano 55. M .Vagg 56. A . Decherty 57. N. Scicluna 58. M . Pinney 59 . P. Ra,mage 60. T. Redi n 61 . B . Campbell 62 . M . Craig 63. R. Marriott 64- J . Belcher 65 . N . Gill 66 . S . Adamson 67 . S . Oliver 68 . M . Laverty 69 . B .Hodgson 70 . K . Centra
Orrong Hotel CUB Mercury ste
Cc- : .cc__C Res (;each : an v 1 D. Mclnern y 2 J, Pascoe 3 E. Mitchel ! 4 C. Phyland 5 S. Buckle 6 M. D'Ameho 7 R . McCann 8 J . Fennell 9 D. Lear 10 B. Ellis 11 M . Levine 12 T McCann 13 A . Krebbs 14 P. Hampshire 15 P Care y 16 A . Kelly 17 M . For d
18 R. McCann 19 L. McDermott 20 A . Ballard 21 G . Simmondson 22 M . Contessoflo 23 S . Carson 24 D . Bruc e 25 A . McKenzie 26 A . Prosser 27 J . Waters 28 E . McLaughlan 29 M . Haye s
30 tVi . Ottobr e 31 G. Contessotto 32 C . Cincott a
33 J. Dmi 34 L . Virgo 35 J. Briggs 36 S. Savage 37 S . Manton 33 N . Hodder 40 J. Gay 41 M. Dimble 42 C .Landy 44 J.Fornaso 45 S- Penchi 46 J. Little 47 M. Mclnerny 50 A. Volpe 51 P. McGloin 52 R . McGloin 56 T. Morrison 59 D. Pitcher 60 C. McDonald 61 J . Blandthorn 62 A. Rayner 63 P. Nolan
64 M . Montgomey 65 N . Foley 66 J . Papilla 67 P. Farquhar 69 S. Meschar 70 D. McGloin 74 M .Tan 75 T. Yme r 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaughan 79 T Tribe 88 S . Pitcher 89 D. Winduss
2 3 5 A. 6 R . Or 7 CE xI 8 L . Morns 9 J.Keem 10 T Hancock, 11 T McII4a0 12 D. Lecordie r 13 L . Gillies 14 B. Nickolas 15 N. Past 16 L . Taylor 17 A. Laing 18 C. Bntl
19 J .Strong 20 T 21 D. 22 B. 23 R.' 24 N. I 25 S . Seab 26 J . Lor. .. . . . 27 S . :- . . . 28 . .. . . . . . 28 E 29 R . 30 D,r r 31 B .Vo,"Ies 32 R . Craord 33 Sr Fulle r 34 S . Seeger 35 S . Peaks 36 S . Staian 37 D . Balsharv 38 C . Walker 39 D . Cordes 40 6A.Wines 42 A . Slone 43 S.
I B. 45 A . 46 T Oliver 48 R . Davis 50 J. Pee' ..~ 51 H .CIa ; 52 ' -j s, . . 53 S = .-~ .+ 54 S. Simpson 55 B. Telford 56 T. Llov d 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Jo :ner 60 5. L + 61 P. V 62 P.B a 63 D.
64 S. Cleary 65 M_ No an 66 A. Russell 67 B. G!ennie 71 M . Laing 74 A. Middiin 76 G . Coutts 78 N. Peters 82 D. Redfern 92 T. Peters
puma .C o
Ed Selby talks all VAFA news after 9 .00a m For news, views and previews, tune t o The VAFA Footy Show pre sented by Ken Petrucco with Norm Nugent & panel SATURDAY on 96 .5 - 9 .00-10 .00am
Then to LOCAL SPORTS ROUND-UP from 6.30pm for reports and a complete full-time score servic e
Live 1" Section Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p. m . every So, _-i, Jay ~.`. .,~. .. .. ... .. ...
2C7 A 3 _13T
a °-~
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VAFA SEGMEN T Scores, chat and news of local VAFA teams between 6 .00-6 .1 5pm each Saturday ni ght. ® L,
VAFA segmen t 7a
, .,.... ; i
Sat r~ ay
VAFA SUNDAY 9 .30 - 10 .30 a.m. ®
S~WWd4 f4ea a 24
.. .
TUNE IN T®'T®M@®9Y BRAIN & STEVE MCCARY AY WITH ALL THE VAFA NEW S ) This weeks guest : Brian Goodman (VAFA Umpire Operations Manager 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 201
WeE y 6 .00-8 .30 p m
Guest: Brian C - (Ur_pire Operations Manager )
2 : :c stlruluy A W. A matches .
srry Penola , ~ ck (N) . PREVIEWS Friday 7 .00-8 .00-n u( s weekly chat on all matters UAFA.
C _./
U ~~ C~~ 1
_ -__ .J
Old Geelong to win, s punished the Trobers with big and gain first bloo d guns Brendan Cocks, Tim ~~heeler and Dave in their Lee all playing bi roles in the 105-poin t psychological war. . The win gdemolitn was set up in the second Oakleigh host 6~iitiasarsta~una CMS at quarter and the percentage given a massive Scammell Reserve in a game of little more than boost in t he final half as the Trobers academic interest after the CYs wrapped up r surrendered meekly . Coach Glenn Taylor will be fourth spot following their emphatic win ove
s LaTrobe . Willy to win . left pondering ng where where-*it it all allwent went wrong wrong for forhi his Peninsula OB make the trek to Bundoora for students . . For The OGs flogge d Bentleigh by 76 points but the their contest against LaTrobe University margin coul d have been greater with the flag all the talk about Old Geelong and Rupertswood, having more than double the number Peninsula have also shown during the year that favourite h a hots than the Demons . How well on their day, they can be a legitimate threat for
of scoring s be traveling at Como Park that they the flag . They should show these credentials they must b can play big Vickers-Willis away from the goal again today . Pirates to ~-~n . square and still have a forward bobbing up with Salesian O : take on -a: s~: a at a big bag a week . Bosco Street, both teams buoyed by significan t . Although other results last week Salesian restricted Payze to just three goals and wins last week as a result beat Peninsula by three goals . The went against them, the Gryphons were fantastic, . Pirates' abiliry to kick a winning score was especially after quarter time . Salesian to win Finally, Swinburne University have one last 0 they, managed just four goals to 1 restricted as after half-time in a worrying second half opportunity to break their duck in their game at St. James' Park against Berrtleiglr. The visitors fadeout . uninspiring Swinburne put in a however will see this as an opportunity to notch A flat an d performance against the Hoes, leaving up the big win they need in their quest to avoid r shoddy pe Manny Deb ono still trving to break his duck at relegation . However, I think Bentleigh have Park a . The Hoes will now be hoping the greater things at stake, and as such will have St James P Razorbacks can defeat the Demons next week to the greater motivation, which should spur them on to a comfortable vrin . keep them in D2 ,or 2006 .
Out at Sunbury, Rupertswood ended the Oakleigh's 2005 campaign when it overcame a 23-point deficit at the first change to overrun the Krushers by =9 points . .
r- . game up for preview is in fact the first o f back to back contests between Old Geelong an d Rupertswood (who'll face off again next week in the second semi final) at Como Park . It should be an e-~nple of D2 footy at its best . I'll pick
5t;iiJli Pen sula Rupertswood Oakleigh
Pu-ze L Brennan Bromle y
3 84 1 64 4 54
â&#x20AC;&#x17E; 2VE ttiit' ~msto~vn Old Geelon g ; minsula
Burgess Leishman Goldthorp
0 50 0 43 1 40
In other news, we will also be announcing the D 2 Team of the Year in the D2 Grand Final edition of the Amateur Footballer, so if you wish to nominate someone, whether from your team or not, for consideration, please send us an email . Correspondents please send any correspondence to peter.PS .VJiliiamsonCcentrelink .gov .au, ideally by 5pm Monday or Andrew Wu wLley43@hotmail .co m ArslDREVS TIP S Old Geelong 30 Williamstown 2 La Trobe 1 0
eigh 10
1V .L't f.7
sum-1-ion congratulates Ela n 째 H ealy and a . oe "Iron Fist" Mazocca on playing 100 es. Anyone who has ever played against DC knows that he always gives 100 per cent . His courage and hardness at the ball are exemplary, and he's never been one to take a backward step. The Hoes' vice-captain and former under i9s captain is also one of the finest marks around and usually lines up at centre half forward . "Iron Fist" Mazocca is a backbone of the Hoes' reserves, always prominent in defence and blessed with speed, agility and a big leap . His spoils have saved countless goals and frustrated numerous opponents over the years . He was also best clubman last season for his regular help with match-day duties in the seniors . The Hoes also congratulate Phil "Porno" Cameron on notching his 50th game last weekend . "Porno" was one of the first Assumption old boys to join the Hoes after the combine formed in 1999 . A hardworking utility who has had a lengthy apprenticeship in the ressies, "Porno" stripped fit over summer to become a seniors r, ;ular this season .
Old Geelong v Rupertswood Oakleigh v Williamstown CYIVIS La Trobe Uni v Peninsula 0 B
Salesian 0 C v Ivanhoe Assumption Swinburne Uni v Bentleigh ATEUR
{ _,-_olt[ RUPERTSWOOD 3 .5 10.7 17.8 20.13 (133) OAHI.EIGH 7.4 9.8 10.12 12 .12 (84) Ruperts : Burrows 5 M Temming 4 Sinnett 3 Whitehead 3 T West 2 Brennan McGovern Ramsey . Best : Sinnott Collins T West M,onzell M Teaming Burrows. Oakleigh: Broniley 4 Br igs 4 Dalton Kitts Murra v Rutter. Best : Holden Bromlev Rutter Kitts Bell Net-aie. Umpires: Bruno Sav! David Trott (F) Chris McKend ry Michael Jones (G) BERtI'LEIGH 3 .4 7 .6 7 .9 9.10 ( 64) OLD GEELONG 6.4 14.6 16.12 20 .20 (140) Bent: Sharp 3 Banks 2 Reid 2 Lewis Coles. Best: Batiks Coles Robertson Lawry Hunt Paul . Old Geel: Ca;boult 9 W Paul 3 Higgins 2 Vickers-Willis 2 Vasey 2 Bastes O'Brien Parsons Stevens. first: Daff Casboult VickersWillis J Paul O'Brien W Paul. Umpires : Anthony Simpson Peter Pullen (F) Chris Thorburn James Tracers (B) Peter hSaddocks Tristan Reith (G ) SIIIddAMS'POWId GYMS 6.1 11 .6 15 .10 24.13 (157) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 4 .2 6.2 7.4 8.4(521 Will CYMS : V.'uchatsch 6 Lee 5 Wheeler 4 Cocks 3 L Henry 2 McGu[6mess 2 Hinstey Thomson . Best : Cocks Hart Wheeler Wachatsch L Henry Lee . LaTrobe : Adanithuaite 2 .^.aldow 2 Meivtu llart Oakley Cossar Lambert . Best : AdatnGiwatte Cossar Fetuing Caldow Van Oct. Umpi~-es: Anthony Damen Max Wittman ( F) Dennis Webster Paul Gall (G) PEN'IIdSULA OB 6 .6 8 .7 11 .10 1116 (88) ' SALESIR23 2 .4 6.6 12.8 16 .10 (106) .. Peninse Payce 3 Murphy 3 Murray T Coghlan J Cogh4.n S Prendergast '. Povmey Clarin gnoki. Beat: Murphy Davis S Parsons Murray Atchison Ferguson. Sales : Thaln 4 Greely 3 Canavan 2 Delahaye 2 Rose Logan Ok3flekd Names Bonnici . Best: Barry Rozazil;ovic Canavan OldBeid Bobetlc Botuuci . But s: Patti Tuppen Paul O'Loughlin (F) n' - . OEFS$Uo-APTIOR 7 .3 11 .8 19 .10 23.10(I48) S . .. U UNI 2 .0 4 .5 8.6 12 .11 (83) Ivan Asn : O'Dwyer 10 Valltanis 3 Peoples 3 Nixon 2 Healy Fawley Scobl e
Brot:m . Best : Harris Healy O'Dwyer Wilson Galloway Nixon. Swim H ;ins 7 Murchie 3 Morrison Pio trowski . Best : Prior Higgins Piotrowski Ryan Mit an o Mnrch ;e . Ur-'res: Matt Simpson Andrew Smith (F) I32 RESEAVE [ '0 )D 1 .6 6 .10 11 .14 16.18 (114) O all 0.0 0.1 1 .1 2 .1(13) Rrts: Keenan 5 Gallus 4 Elliott 2 Price Butson C Ce rto L Temmetg Powell . Best: De Bono Gallus Butson L Temn>ing Elliott G Batty. Oakteigh: Kerley Kokkinos. Best : Cooke C Lucas Bemtett Malcolm Redford Coppock. BEN'rLEIGH 0 .1 1 .5 2.8 2 .8(20) OLD ELONG 10.3 12.5 15 .8 17.18 (120) & it: Punter 2. Best : Punter Prigg Wilson Richards Padgham Ferguson . O'. 1: Bavne 4 Leslie 4 Avery 2 Symons 2 L'rquahart Walters O'Brien B: s Allen. Best : Atkins Herd Waters Sytnons Hope,lotmson Youl . YdLLIt. riBT'oWN GYMS 1 .1 2 .5 5 .8 8.13 (61) LA 7 0&i UNIVERSITY 1 .1 7.4 11.5 15.7 (97) Will CY&i"d: Dowsey 2 Welsh 2 Butt7gieg Jory Koch F Henry. Best: Jory Oldham Dovusey GnIIen Welsh Buttigieg, LaTroM: Coulter 4 Mawdslev 2 TreYaskis 2 Spring 2 Le gin 2 Redmond Tertian Marx. Best : Coulter Gaylord Marx Spring Bridges . I :,IVt~'SULA OB 3 .1 6 .4 12 .14 17.20 (122) _ =ILESIAfd 6 .1 9.1 9.3 10 .5 (65) ' _mias: Color 3 .vtoran ' 3 Minchin 3 Brennan 3 Dade-Bell 2 Goldthorp Hynes Law. Best: Law Kent Lethbridge Braden Dade-Bell Curson . Sales: Allen 4 Trakas 3 McLaren Hxmt Riley . Best: All en Montgomery Woodman Maillard Hunt McLaren. IUA N HOE ASSUMPTION 2.4 8.5 9 .7 13 .9 (87) SWINBURNE UPdI 0 .2 1 .4 2 .6 5 .6 ( 36) Ivan Asn: Shut tleworth 5 Joyce 3 Turner Cole Clark Maud McDonald . Best: Franich Joyce Shuttleworth McKimtey Mazocca Fort Swin : Hanrahan 2 Dinning Carter Pearson. Best : Pearson Hatvahan Berry Liston Furlan Dinning,
Cc in Paul Asst Co . ~roy Lupoi Res Co h : Steve Hall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
lVA Nrs"
LA ~m6ve
Coach : Glenn Taylor Asst San Coach : David Huffer Bob Res Coach : BobIIElli s S. Conley Club XVIII Coach : Cam Black 2 M . Maud 4 H. Davies 3 P.Harris 5 S . Adamthwaite 4 T. O'Neill 6 D. Gleason 5 J . Scope 7 T. Mannes 6 E . Healy 8 C. Correnti . Fawley 7 P
Ceau : Anthony McKay Asst Coach : Doni Valkanis Res Coach : Richard Peoples
C. Sharp J. Paul A. Pittito S. Sic e J. Robertson R . Dolman S . Holmesby
I A . Murray 2 J .Tolley
Cos .h : t .._ L .r- n Res t; ch: ^=ei v Asst Coach : Marl Edrr nd ; orhy 1 N. Casbe u
3 D. Britt 4 G Harry
4 C. Sanchcombe (C) 5 M. Vicxers'Vdilils (C)
Coach F`.' :Kenna Res Coach : Rvan Asst Coach: Shane K:Gs
5 C. Kokkinos 7 M . Short 8 S. Earl g C. Hogan
8 C. McFadden
8 J. Shuttleworth
10 M. Forrest
11 J. Rutter
9 L. Tanga s 10 J . Vlahos 11 D. Martin 12 T Wright 13 S. Craven 15 B. McClelland 16 D. Chapman 17 S. Francis 18 S. Adaway 19 M . Wilson 20 R. Fishlock 21 A . Ferris 22 A. Smith 23 G . McFarlane 24 J. Roberts 25 D. Gold 26 B. Padgham 27 J. Seeley 28 M . McCulloch (C) 29 A . Clough 30 A .Lee 31 A . Banks 32 D. Kopitschinski 33 P. WdMngton 35 P. Hutchison 36 M. Ferris 37 L . Holmesby 38 B. Fox 39 G. Pngg 40 A . Steward 42 A . Mikkelsen 42a M . Hayes 44 R. Punter 45 S . Ferris 48 R. McEvoy 49 C. Kamus 51 P. Sampson 52 L . Sampson 53 E . Box 54 R . Oldiield 55 G. Richards 56 C . Aitken 57 D. Clarke
9 R . Peoples 10 P. Lee 11 D. Valkanis 12 B .Galloway 13 B .McCrohan 14 D.Neilson 15 G .Boyd 16 M-Joyce 17 TNixon 18 A.Boyd 19 D. Wood 20 N . Pye 21 N . Blainey 22 A . Height 23 L.CoIe 24 B . Frew 25 J . Frisina 26 P. Cameron 27 B.Walthers 28 S.Graham 29 J. Crapper 30 T. Mehmet 31 D.McFarlane 32 J . loseio 33 S .Hicks 34 C .Treager 35 P.Veitch 36 C_Zeegers 37 P. Cotter 38 N .Haddon 39 M. Ebbage 40 J.Barbagallo 41 C . McDonald 42 K . O'Dwyer 43 A . Shemshec6n 44 Pl .Shephard 45 R Fort 46 P.Martin 47 T.Peggie 48 R. Toogood 49 A.Rosenfeld 50 R . Shing 51 D. Pearce
13 T. Ludeman 14 D. Butler 15 S . Brooks 16 P. Farrant 18 C. Blight 19 A. Benton 20 A. Coulter 21 PA- Harvey 22 D. McMeekin 23 M-Cossar 24 L . Envall 26 M . Dingle 27 S . Pruscino 31 A . Mambae 32 S . Gibson 34 H . Spring 35 F. Tiernan 36 T. Mawdsley 39 R . Slater 40 S . Murphy 42 D . Robson 44 D. Kerrison 45 D. McMeekin 47 A. Samson 50 K. Hopkins 55 C. Feinting 70 J. Dumaresq 73 J. Sewell 78 J. Clark
12 D. Furnell 13 L. Curtis
C . Clamp T Cohen N . Dunne D. Fennell M . Garret K. Hickman S. Jackson C. Knee P. Las A . Mann S . Miller G. Nelson X . O'Donnell
60 B . Grant
52 M .Wilson
L. Ryan
61 H . McKenzie 64 M. Hayes
53 M . Chazan 54 J .Skirving 55 S .Carter 57 M . Frannich 58 D. Hager 59 C. Mcinney 60 J. Nemtses 78 C . Brown
L. Heathcote C. Francis S. Gloury S. Moore S. Pitaro J. Waterman B . Laidlaw D . Hill J . Patella
3 M . White
b J. Bell 7 J . Pau l
g G . Allen 9 D . Kin-peon to M . Avery 11 L. Stevens t2 T. Paul '3 T. Cannon 14 D. Taylo r
J . Nevezt e 4 15 G. Redford (RVC)
16 M . Bell 17 D. Perry ry 18 J.Conneilan 19 R.Keating 20 J. Halpin 21 A. Perd;kornatis (RC) 22 D. Wills 23 J. Kerley 24 S. Kitts 25 C . Marshall
24 S . Lanseell (V-C )
25 C. `t.hison 27 W. Paul 29 S. O' Bren 30 DYoul 31 A. Munro 32 L Ayerce 33 E . Bayie s 34 S.!3akm 35 M. Verge 36 T. Mak m
28 A . Kitts 27 D. Zula (VC) 28 A . Khodr 29 K. Holden 30 P. Holden {DVC7 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 P. Lucas 33 S. Bando 34 L . Head 35 R . Nuske
37 T. Water s
38 L. Smith 39 J. K ;Ipatncc 40 L. Teague 41 S. Ross 42 C Legoe 43 R . Parsons 44 J, O'Hare 45 H . Lagos 46 J . Morle y 47 J . Col e 48 R . Herd 51 J . Kil atrtck 52 A . Hin s
36 M . Ryan 37 S . Briggs 38 S . Cammiss 39 W. Plaukowts 40 J. Briggs 41 S. Way 42 S. Dalton 43 A. Hinton 44 N . Wills 45 E . Videky 46 R . Holden
53 A. Hosk,ng 54 R. Hughes 55 C. Atkins
47 M . Stevenson
48 J . Reynolds 49 S . Collins 50 C. Lamb 51 B. Nguyen 52 R . Dooley 53 C . Pollock
58 M. Leslie 57 B. Symons 58 J. t :cC- " 59 R . Ki l 60 Bu1enn 62 G. Ler ma n c3 D. Arc
54 B. Gant
55 P. Malcolm 56 B . King 57 D. Nagel 58 P Torppzy 59 T. Orchard 60 E. Bennett 63 M . Couitie 64 A. Wood 65 T. Krotofii
64 J . Atkins 65 A. Bel l 66 H. Burgess 67 ' Burnell 'cs B. Church 89 A. Southe y
70 V+. de Fc-gley 71 R . Elli s 72 H . E - -' and F 73 ~~ . . t 3 75 T t(79 77 5 n 78 Lc-r r
.~ .
79 N"83 C. O '
g4errart HOr_a ;rrs`3 A"I
M. McDonald
8t G .
C.Sage A. Peach B. Hider
15 H. McCarthy T_. rata3, 17 i. R~r's 18 J%Ja s tg I E 20 J. l i 21 L 22 TE 23 C . . u )ai m
82 T. 83 P.. S, . 84 S.Tres
: C . . 40 Oxford Street .
Oakieigh 3166 PH: 9564 7044 FAX : 9564 7205
85 M Vaze y ~ "J' He `r or 88
87 J.I m 69 P. E '` °
:h: . an Sill :h: Joe Coy
I S. Parsons 2 A Persons 3 M. Gokfthorp k E. Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 M. Warner 7 S. Murray 8 R . Stainforth 9 T. GctJhlan 10 A. Haley 11 G . Lethbridge 12 S. Ferguson 13 T Rees 14 S. White 15 J. Davis 16 A. Wood 17 J Coghlan 18 J Wheaten 19 A. McKinstry 20 S. Prendergast 21 Pt Barron 22 A. Atchison 23 R . Po'raney (VC) 24 T. Prendergast 25 J Rowe 26 A. Murphy 27 S. Payze CA P 28 B. Taylor ( ~ 29 5 Pratt 30 A. Crean 3 1 D. Brennan 32 B. Liuzzi 33 A Law 34 M. Falkiner 35 T. Braden 36 N . Bowman 37 J. Groarcoit 38 M. Day 39 A. Minchm 40 P. Dade-Bell 41 A. Vidotto 42 N . Clanngbold 43 B. Dunne 44 A. Pearce 45 L . Prendergast 46 T. Moran 47 M. Hawkins 48 N . Heffernan 49 S. Smith 50 K. Krake 51 A. Quinlan 52 M. Cahir 53 T Neal 54 C. Hines 55 A. Jopp 57 A. McCullough
Coach : Shane :Laughlan Res Coach: Adam Walsh
Coach : Pete~ - y Res Coach : Jon Brennan
1 A . Stevens 2 A . Thain 3 S. Sutherland 4 A . Healey 5 M . Canavan 6 M . Loughnan 7 G. Tucker 8 S. Logan 9 A . Campbell 10 S . Oldfield 11 A . Davey 12 L. Rose 13 I . Bobetic 14 P. Evans 15 C . Rose 16 P. Dolman 17 Malt Forbes 18 D . Barry 19 T. Fairbairn 20 A . Seager 21 A . Bonnici 22 S . Downey 23 P Hanlon 24 E . Hanapy 25 J . Rogers 26 J . Nannes 27 E . Maillard 28 C . Savage 29 P. Delahaye 30 A . Brett 31 L. Seville 32 G. Riley 33 N . Callaghan 34 C . Goulden 35 P. Knott 36 S . Nolan 37 B . Chalmers 9~~ Woodman 40 S . Trakas 41 M . Smyth 42 T. Henson 43 M . Van Suy len 44 P. McClaren 45 D. Allen 46 S . Greely 47 I . Rozankovic 48 T Dodgson 49 M . Oakley 50 J . Oakley 51 S . Stevens 52 S . Henry 53 P. Allen 54 S . Brown 55 J . Ngo 56 C. Ryan 57 M . Smith 58 M . Forwards 59 A . Simon 60 P. Forbes
Coach: Manny Debono Res. Coach : Carmelo Dell'Ollio 1 D Odulm 2 J Sheedy 3 J Piotrowski 4 A Fidler 5 J Demarte 6 D Harmer 7 J Murchi e 8 M Higgins 9 L Morrison 1 D Milano 13 J Gay 14 R Gocde 15 D Ledger 16 C Walsh 17 J Roberts 18 M Flack 19 B O'Mara 21 J Young 22 S McKenzie 23 S Fitzgibbon 24 C Higgins 26 T Liston 27 H Hodgson 28 J Rya n 29 J Gordon 30 J Mennen 32 P ~non 33 S Christov 34 A Fricke 36 J Carter 37 B Cornea 38 M Tricky 39 B Prior 40 J Kane 41 M Handby 42 M Dell 'Ollio 43 J Andrinopoulos 44 M Pullen 45 D Morris 46 J Sandhu 47 T Morris 48 A chung 49 L Orr 50 M George 51 M Pearson 52 E Furlan 53 J Gmbovic `"t M Eley 55 M Dinning 56 H Kimur a 57 C O 'Keeffe 58 S hutchins 59 R granger 60 P Jones
Proudly sponsored by : The Elgin Inn Burwood Road Hawthorn I Restrruraut&Betr 1 E >GuU S
Sara's Bistro Glenferrio Road Hawthorn
Coach: Dane Macleo d Res Coach: Damien Hynes 1 T. Wheeler 2 P. Jame s 2(r) J . Di Grazi a 3 D . Wouda 4 S . Wuchatsc h 5 D . Elias 6 D . Greive 7 n L. R anlhva 9 J . Munro 10 B . Cock s 11 C . McCrake n 12 S . McGuines s 13 M . Grossman 14 J . Street 15 D . Taylo r 16 S . Phemiste r 17 R . Hart 18 D . Oldha m 19 S. Barlow 20 L. Coope r 21 M . Welsh 22 S. Kin g 23 C . McNamara 24 C . Pach 25(r)G. Burgess 25 L. Thoma s 26 D . Lee 27 B. Grant 28 A . Kosmatos 29 B. Grifife n 30 K . Dowsey 31 J . Hynes 32 T. Hynes 33 T. Boz 34 L. Henry 35 C . Bergin 36 F. Henry 37 B. Hynes 38 M . Elias 39 T. Carter 40 P. Thompson 41 A . McKensi e 42 B. Hinsley 43 P Azza ardi p g 44 M . Mannin 45 J . Buttigei g 46 G. Singleton 47 B. Robinso n 48 B. Gray 49 F. Diblasi 50 B . McKay 51 S . Mandan 52 D . Paul 53 A . Lewis 54 L. Keating 55 R . Nisbett 56 Z. Milken -laurie 57 D . Jory 58 S. Vinning 59 T. Mannin g 60 S. Hall 61 S . Adam s 62 C . Hoilland 63 M . Hollan d 64 D .O'Keeffe 65 D . Wilfred 66 B. Koch
Proudly sponsored by : KENNED Y
PLUMBIN G SERVICES 939--355 nâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;~ . .
Finals eligibility rules are found under Rules 51-55 of the Association . Senior - (1st XVIII teams) Any registered player with a permit can play finals (except AFWFL players with a permit - see below) . Reserve - (2nd XVIII teams) Players must be registered and must have played at least four (4) reserve grade matches and not more than ten (10) senior matches in the home and away games (first round) . Where both first and second XVIII's are playing on the same day the reserve grade player must only have played two (2) games in either the seniors or reserves to qualify . For clubs with teams drawn in semi finals on different days of the same weekend (ie . 1st semi Saturday, 2nd semi Sunday - read as above teams playing on the same day) . Under-19 teams - Players must be registered and hold a permit . If a player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 Under-19 matches during the season . If a player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent Under 19 final . Where a team has (2) U19 teams or is involved in hybrid arrangement, the following shall apply . Where a club has two U19 teams a player must have not played more than 10 matches with the U191 side to play in the (2) team .
To represent the hybrid team in the finals the player must have represented the hybrid team in (5) first round matches - not including finals . Club XVIII teams - Players must be registered and have played in at least four (4) Club XVIII matches (for the team they wish to represent) and not have played in more than a total of eight (8) senior and reserve matches during the first round . Where a club has two or more Club XVIII teams a player must have not played more than 8 matches with (either of) the higher placed side(s) to play in a lower team's final . An AFL or VFL listed player will be eligible to play in the finals for his : a) VAFA club as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of these matches must have been played after June 30th . b) Senior VAFA team as long as he has played a minimum of five (5) senior and/or U19 VAFA matches for the team he wishes to represent in the finals . At least two (2) of these matches must have been played after June 30th . A TAC Under 18 player must have played five (5) VAFA matches for the VAFA team he wishes to represent in the finals . For TAC players there is no requirement to play a certain number of matches after June 30th .
ELSTERNWICK PARK GATE S The main gate (Glenhuntly Road) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2 Oval . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 30 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 20G5
--------------------------(COLL EGIANS ) (OLD IVANHOE) (OLD PA RADIANS)
Each section's Amateur Footballer scribe to select his Team of the Year (after round 18) . 速 Each section's coaches to vote on the 3 Most Valuable Players for his section . 速 21 MVP's receive a coates statuette at the VAFA Presentation evening .
Phone : 13 15 5 2 2 4 Hour Emergency 041 8333 11 8
If you are the person circled, presont thi~
photo at the VAFA Reception during next week and you will receive Cadbury product or a Cadbury hampor. 32
In A Section it w ;is < g game between M-F'=SOB and Old I=r nhoe at the High School ground . In a see-sawing game MHSOB looked to be in trouble at the final break trailing by two and a half goals . With relegation for both teams at stake, the home side drew away to win 12 .9 to 10 .11 and secured their place in the top grade for the 2001 season . Sherry, Pertzel, Fairchild, Limbrick, Krios and Bamert (4) were really good players . Ross, Tully, J Weddle, Tiernan, Hope and Corcoran gave it their all for Old Ivanhoe . A Vale notice appeared paying tribute to Uni Blues' former player, Randolph Creswell . This sterling ruckman played in the victorious VAFA Carnival in 1956 . Randolph subsequently transferred interstate for his engineering career and took to rugby union, continuing to play that code upon his return to Melbourne and representing the cream of Victorian rugby . Truly a unique record for this fine gentleman . In C Section AJAX grabbed their chance and took second spot from Therry Penola . Therry fell to top team Beaumaris, 16 .13 to 12 .4 while AJAX won at St Bedes' expense, 15 .8 to 12 .9 . Best for AJAX were M Segal, Dukes, Blashski, J Segal, Kalinski (6) and Weisler . St Bedes' best were McGraw, M Wintle, B Tomlinson, T Beasley, Giaquinta and Bell . AJAX forward Kalinski held a mortgage on the C Section goal kicking ladder with 71, his nearest rivals being Bocter (Beaumaris) with 49 and Hecker (St Bedes) on 47 . In D2 Section Thomastown made a valiant attempt to hold on to their fourth place but failed by one straight kick against the top team, Uni Blacks, 14 .18 to 16 .11 . Thomastown had kicked 6 .6 to the Blacks' 4 goals straight in the final term . Best for the Blacks were Beaton, Trevaskis, Bowles, Caccaviello (7), Moody and O'Beirne and for the unlucky Thomastown, Arcoraci, Gorski (6), L Smith, Lentini, A Smith and Scott . 34
Parkside's big win over Fitzroy Reds, 18 .7 to 2 .6, propelled them into the top four to take Thomastown's place . A change in the D3 Section top four occurred as W illiamstown CYMS moved from third to swap places with Central (second) . Richmond W illiams town did not have it all their own way against Hawthorn Amateurs, were down by almost 5 goals at half time before drawing level at three quarter time and then dominating the final term . Final Scores ; 21 .15 to 19 .6 . Best were Williams (8), Cocks, Sadler, Imms (4), McLeod, Manning (Williamstown) and Garlick, S Avery (7), P Avery, Ryan, Nunn and Zavarella (Hawthorn) . Williams, leading goal kicker for the section, now looked set to "break the ton" and was on 96 .
Old Scotch and Ormond both won their respective A Section games . Scotch defeated one of the teams to be relegated, Old Trinity, very easily 20 .14 to 9 .12 . Ormond however had to defeat fourth placed Uni Blues and it was a much closer tussle . 14 .15 to 11 .12 . Uni had the better of the first term but Ormond held sway at the remaining breaks and had a good last quarter to keep the result beyond doubt, 14 .15 to 11 .12 . Connell (3), McConvill, Gilmore, Sebo, Wood and Orr were very good players for Ormond . Uni's best were Furphy, Wilson, Vandenberg, Herrald, Hutchins and McIntyre . It was all set up for the following round when the Ormond versus Scotch game would decide the double chance .
In B Section Old Haileybury could not lose top spot but, at the Keysborough campus of Haileybury College, they were not overly impressive against 9th placed MHSOB . Almost 8 goals up at half time , 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
Haileybury had every reason to think they could coast to a big victory but MHSOB, driven by the opportunity to still avoid relegation, outscored the ladder leaders in the second half before succumbing 9 .12 to 15 .22 . The Bloods' best were Constable, B_Yrns, Morey (5), Bingham (3), Phillips and Walden . For MHSOB, Newton, Skinner, Dixon, Palmos, Archdall and Young were consistent performers . In C Section, M arcellias held on to fourth place with a great win over ladder leaders Ivanhoe and therefore deprived AJAX of finals participation . It was an impressive display by Marcellin as the final score showed, 17 .12 to 11 .16, but it had been the Eagles' first quarter with the wind that set it up (8 .3 to 1 .5) . Seabury, Theisz, Getson, Moran, Caffry (3) and Cooper were terrific for Marcellin and Lvnch, Tucker, Bunten, Armstrong, Lee and La Rosa were Ivanhoe's best .
Two favourites at Wlriteffriars, Paul Coghlan and Noel Jenkins, both reached their 150th . Two verv versatile and talented players, they had given great service to their club .
In A section the top four altcrcd when De La Salle defeated Old Scotc'? in a very tight game . It was simply a hard slog and Scotch were kept in it until half time by Jim Marx with 2 great goals . De La's Shane Murphy kicked two critical goals in the third term and then their defence, led by Deveson, Leonard and Bourke, really tightened up . Andy Smith was in everything for Scotch but De La held on to take the prize 8 .10 to 7 .7 .
In A Section North Old Boys were trying to wrest the double chance from Reservoir Old B oys . North were playing the competitive Coburg unit who could put themselves in contention for finals with a win . North got away to a terrific start with 7 goals in the first quarter to Coburg's 3 but Coburg kicked 6 to 1 in the second term to lead by 6 points at the main break . North with the wind in the third kicked 4 .13 and could well have 'blown' it but managed to hold off the fast 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
finishing Coburg 12 .24 to 13 .12 . As it turned out, Reservoir defeated Old Paradians and the four did not change .
eter O'Donohue still supports = amateur football and is one of
the ti-ue gentlemen of our code . " Important announcement in 'The Amateur Footballer' regarding the Carnival coaching appointment for the following season . Peter O'Donohue, former Hawthorn VFL coach and wonderful coaching contributor to amateur ranks would be in charge of the Victorian team in Adelaide in 1976 . Peter had been Assistant Coach to Gus Mitchell earlier in the season and then had coached the VAFA team against Tasmania . Peter O'Donohue still supports amateur football and is one of the true gentlemen of our code .
Collegians and Melbourne High School Old Boys were in the A Section 'match of the day' at St Kilda . The teams lined up as follows : Collegians B: Evans, D Walduck, Cranwell HB: Clark, C Roach, Read
M MSOB B : Wood, Green, Moller HB : Harley, Turnbull, Arthu r
C: Woods, Lucas, Webster HE Edwards, Daff, G Twaddle F : Levi, Ferguson, W Roach R : Symons, Hayes, Dunn Res : Boag, R Walduck
C : Featherby, Pascoe, Bowater HF: Billington, Birch, Shor t F: W Dick, Hendrey, Le e R: Nelson, Macdonald, Reed Res : Young, Tredinnic k
No change in the top four in either A or B Sections but in C Section, where a thrilling contest to decide the final four make-up was played, Elsternwick held on to defeat Teachers College and take their place in the final four . The teachers started well and held a 3 goal lead at the first break but the Wicks fought back to hold the upper hand at half time . Teachers College had most of the play in the third term but kicked poorly (3 .9) and Elsternwick finally took the points, 9 .15 to 8 .17, and celebrated the opportunity to take out a jubilee premiership in the coming weeks . 35
Revie r Westbourne booked a ticket to the D3 finals with a resounding six goal win on the road to West Brunswick . With an inspired performance from skipper "Platters" Fairfield in the back line, the Warriors powered ahead early and were never threatened in a morale-boosting win . Power House got the jump on South Melbourne and looked as though they were going to run away with it early on, however, the Swans fought back late in the match to steal the points . The win however was not enough to keep their finals hopes alive with the Westbourne victory ending their chances, while the loss for Power House means they will be down in D4 next year .
St. Jo hns bounced back to have an easy win and secure the double chance . After UHS-V'U their first (and only) goal of the match it was all one-way traffic . Mon ash Grypho ns played a spirited brand of football but were outclassed by a well-oiled Werribee machine who appear to be hitting peak form at the right time of the season . The 45-point win sees the Bees stay on top a game and percentage clear . The S ynners lead from start to finish to win by six goals and keep the season alive against a disappointing Kew . The Synners had all the answers to set up an intriguing final round for the club in their late charge to remain in D3 . Preview In a match that matters only for pride, South Melbourne host West Brunswick in a battle of the birds . For my pick, I am going for the home side to finish on a high with a 15 point win and perhaps relegate the Maggies to the away rooms next week should the Warriors get up .
Another match that matters little in the scheme of things and as such is a difficult match to analyse is the Westbourne v St .Johns game . The Warriors have been fantastic in the big matches this year, but have struggled in the "lesser matches" and as such, I think the Jocs will get up today by 22 points .
In a battle of th 0_=v Jestudn,ET host Monash today i n a match that has great significance for the club . The Vultures have a great deal to play for as their D3 fate rests on the result, however, they me-t, a Gryphon side that has been getti-;
better each week . Gryphons by 28 points . Given the result in the UHS-VU v Monash match, a win today for ; over W-r :: . will see them pull off a miracle and sta `- in D3 for 2006 . On the flip side, the Bees have little to play for though they would still like to have the psychological advantage of finishing on top of the ladder going into next week . If the Richardson boys can get on top up forward, I think the Svnners will stay with us next year with a huge wrin for the club . Synners by 11 points . The Kew versus Po wer House match is being played for nothing else but pride . Given the form slump of both sides, picking a winner is difficult, but I cannot go past the Browns at home . 1{ew by 24 points .
Z} ! CTION Gยงlerribee Werribee Old Westbourne D3 SERVE St Johns OC Werribee Werrihee
C Lee 1 58 D Lee 5 54 J Horsburgh 50
6 4 2
62 59 37
are now open for team of 'the Year. you have a player who deserves a 1 .3 3 .5 4 .8 7 .11 (53) 5.1 8 .5 11 .9 13 .10 (88) Umpires: Matthew Brennan Michael Forde (F )
please email me at D.verCu spotless corn . au . The final tea a 4-1 t2,- r-rnd Final edition of
U: '.
sse : B White 3 J Taylor 2 Mark Verberne 2 A Brownjohn D iseler B Turner S West . Best : P Sosic J Taylor D Boland S
be held at the ch against Ol d Tickets cost ? OC .
7 .8 10.11 12 .12 (84)
2.5 4 .10 8 .13 15 .17 (107)
nway P Haseler . 8th
Mello cheerers 5 Batchelor
ioney Henderson . Best: bloojen Aquilora Cheever s helor ' eman ,1 Eannan . tâ&#x20AC;&#x17E;eg Rowlings Sha 'ri( u
;F Jessica Rollo Simon I (
BI Beacon McCarrY ck
4 .4 10.7 16.10
18 .20 (128)
1 .1 1 .3 1 .9 1 .1006 ) . .:edonos 3 Diaz 2 DragnKdge . Best: Sinclair Ph.,edonos . SIHS-4'U: Deano . Best : Freak at Joyner (Rot) (F) 1 .2 5 .4 9 .6 11 .7(73) 5.5 8.11 13.17 16 .22 1 118)
y 2 Watson Sharkey Leeton Stratfor d Bourbon . Best: Sharcev Baxter Baldwin Flowerday rd . SVe~,: D Lee 5 Borg 2 Murphy 2 An Taylor 2 Bel l Walsh. Best : P Keogh Spry Walsh Langfiel d as Bob riandt (F)
7 .2 10 .6 12.8 16 .12 (108) 3 .1 5.6 5 .7 11 .10 (76 ) D Richardson 2 A Richardson 2 Healy 2 Cacill a D Richardson Healy Reynolds Fox Herrmann 3 Fountain 2 Allen 2 Borg DeB(ank Evans si An it Tinetti Lafranchi iSamshndge .
51 2.5 4.10 10.14 15.16 (106 ) 3 .3 3 .5 5 .7(37 ) 1.1 0 .4 3 .8 3.8 3 .15 (33) 3 .1 6 .3 13 .6 14.8 (92) v'erberne . Best: N Grinter G Ji ssen . Sth Mello P Moan 5 S
2 S'ing J Bradley. Best: J 9aomas J Bradley. 6 .6 1 1 .7 15 .14 18 .25 (133) It
1 .2 2.2
2 .3115 )
: ~aLaghan 6 Van Houten 2 Riley Roberts Paterson C Peake D uist Kosmala ?4cEaehern Dow-sett ASonterio Nelson . Best : Peak e D'0)iviera Paterson blonterio. i7Fi8-VU: Thomas Terns . iace Ashton Kennedy Mitchell Smith-
3.3 4.6 8 .8 9.14 (68 ) 3 .1 5 .2 8 .4 10 .5035 ) 3 Parker 2 Mitchell Fletcher Lloyd Grenfell . Best : 11 Roche Coffey Da4Kes . Wes: Marines 4 Hardin g t dung . Best: Davidson Si :npson Mour Mahone y
1 .1 5 .2 7.4 7.7(49) 2 .5 8 .9 13 .1 1 1815 (123) 2 Buckley Paotone Leplaa k"Illiams Teasare . Best :
rid'~,~ ~.~ FOC
is Kennett Gorton . Hew : latmi 4 Pocock 3 Reach Dait)strom 2 Gridlev Makris Watts Giansante . Best : Hamilto n I m Svines Gricks Giansante. 37
D3 Section KEW
Coach: Rohan Doherty Res Coach: Brendan Dover 1 B Latranchi 2 K Ali- (Vol 3 8 Debrum a G Cnmm:rs s A. Carman N. Tin _,b (C) 7 H. hic6armoti e D. tdainsbr~d9e (D'vo)
9 A Makns {ROdC) to e Cuiie n ti Bw^codhcuss t2 t.t Gr.c!ey 73 s. Varchesan: ta J Loot;er
t5 A. Fount. , tfi D +vvnod ' t7 G Scott ~a N.Danjstrom te A. veccn w 20 A. Acneld 21 td Anderson 22 T Atken 23 J de8lank 24 C. Stephen s 23 C Wans 26 5 6ymes 27 T Moore(VC) 28 S Ryan 29 tA . Dairyrnple
30 C Gnsante 31 D la32 A. Drag.(Rac) ^ 33 L . tAaunsell ''~R. D~~` 35 Brun o 36 8 Rw.,erts 37 S Johnston 38 D No'''n 3s J Denn, s 40 R Knross
4t L . Cooler 42 e. Parker 43 S t .nnngston 43 M . Ch44 T Liv:rr4stc. 45 G Evans 46 J xam:ncn 47 J satren 48 ft . .natwmet
49 P Denns so 8 Rcach 51 M, el-
52 NI Spare 53 S. Carmii 54 J Doum 55 J Jacabs' 5e T. Frith 56 R, vaailer 57 R Haswng 58 8 6urnen(FVC)
59 J . Rakusz 60 G Mucx:an 61 M. Glenn 62 ht Chalmers 63 N . GrF,s wC) 64 N H 7ndes
65 S P .z;ersen 66 R tacKerrer, 68 M.ThacKwray 70 S t: ouss,
Harp of Erin Hotel 636 High St , Kew
~ J^•'~~4 -aRfpF S~ .p
Cannon Toyota Lower Heidelberg Rd, Heidelb erg 38
ST JOHN S Coach : Steven Bourbon Asst Coach : Geoff Still Res Coach: Phil Warren
Coach : Jeffrey Wilson Snr Asst : i :hael Christo Res . Coacn: Scott Walke r
1 B . Gerace 1 L . Clark 2 M. Healy 2 J . Braham 3 A. Grady 3 Trav. Edwards 4 N. Rutherford a J . Bartolo 5 J. Watson 5 S . Hewitt 6 J. Leroy 6 J . Horsburgh (VC} 7 J Garoni 7 B . Merryweather 8 C . Yanni 8 A . Horsburgh 9 G . Wadley 9 F. Pavez 10 P Williamson . McNamara 10 C. Lever 11 B 12 J. Landberg 11 S . DePiazza 13 J. Straffor d 12 M . Baulch 14 A. McKenzie 13 M . Ristevski 15 A. Clarke 14 P. Hudson 16 P. Renn~son 15 A . Board 17 S. Sewell 16 S . Christo 18 M. Paolucci 17 M . Aquiline 19 R . Coxhead 18 G . Walker 20 C . Staff 21 J. Bingham 18 J. Mason 22 B. Coxhead 20 D. Hudson . Clark 23 B 21 L. Hudson 24 D Baxter 22 S . Anderson 25 M. Malone 23 S . Huntington (VC) r 26 A. Denye 24 L. Fairfield Cl( 27 M. Mullins 25 Troy Edwards 28 C Leeton 26 P. Mesrtlan 29 RWarren 30 T. Vessey 1 27 T. Whiting ( 28 D. Slattery (Res C) 31 G. Roche 32 A . Shutflebottom 29 S. Balloon 33 A . Burgess 30 A. 49okrusch 34 M . Graydon 31 A. Miller . Vesey 35 L 32 G . Jenkinson 36 G. Block 33 D. Benn 37 J . Fleming 34 C. Bramwell 38 J . Rutherford 35 G . Robso n 39 D Grenfell 36 K. PBsbury 40 M .4°Jillocks 37 C. tloldons 41 C . Archer 38 D. Nikola 42 A . Robtlliard 39 M. Oldham 43 D. Bradshaw 44 L. Wells 40 J. Morsell o 45 J . Gonis 41 K. Miller (VC) 46 G. Kent 42 T. Brooker . Parker 47 M 43 A. Runciman 48 L. tvSannikhus 44 B.Ler.non 49 C. Robinson 45 E. Sandstrom 50 J . Bingham 46 M. Whiting 51 Luke Lesion 47 T Theodore 52 A . Flowerday . Davies 48 R . Van Engelen 53 M 54 G . Still 49 J. Miller 55 G . Harra k 50 P. Habersatt 56 A . Palumbo 52 N . Wallace 57 VJ Pocock 53 J. Manolokakis 58 d . Rutherford 54 1f Crosswell 59 A-Yanni 56 D. Carruthers 60 A Grady 57 R . Kerney 61 A . Waters 58 C . Larki n 62 N. Mitchell 59 L. Barne s 63 1 . Bagnall 64 J . Park 60 N . Aquiline 65 J . Healy 77 T. Dennis 67 V. Coffey 88 H . Hodgso n 68 O. Lloyd C . Hudso n 69 Bill Leeton D .Trusiiove 70 B. Clar k 71 M . Baldwi n 75 P Gomizel 76 J .Harrak MAJOR SPONSOR : 77 R . Sharkey ~AlerribeePF~azda 80 R. Fletcher
Coach: Brett Devlin Res Coach : Gary Dean 1 M . Taylor San DVC 2 R. Humphreys 3 J, Marshall 4 B. Turner San VC 5 P. Sosic 6 M. Verberne 7 C. Richardson 8 M. Hill San Capt 9 B. Reardon 10 D. Cooper 11 B. Phillips
12 A . Brownjohn 13 J. Spence 14 W . Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 A. D'Intino 17 C . Macleod 18 F Doyle 19 S. Matheson 20 J. Nicholls 21 D. Miller 22 P . Walsh 23 K . Anthony 24 N Bishop 25 M . Driessen 26 D. Hans 26 B . P.1acCormack 27 R Davies 28 D, Boland 28 F. Cooper 29 M . Beasley 29 A . Foster 30 T. McFarlane 31 R . Marshall Res Capt 32 M . Verberne 33 H . Clarke 34 J . Conway 35 S . Hatchard 36 M . D'Intino 37 S . West 38 R. Benson 39 B . Wooderson 40 R. Marshall 41 C. Byrne 42 P Arnold 43 J . Howes 44 g Wnde 44 D. Glanville 45 A . Contreras
TILE €' " .+ . tl hay m
1 K Arnold 2 M Peake 3 D O'Connor 4 S Holme s 5 B Hilton 6 M Phaedonos 7 N Chal k 8 J Ryan 9 A Jones i0 L Marngan 11 J Kelly 12 P Walker 13 B Pickering (C} 14 C Peake M Kosmala 15 16 A Paterso n 17 C Carmody 77-R S Cackayne 18 C Emery 18-R A Dexte r 19 J CoSO n 20 B Rydquis t 21 S Kopper s 21-R J Pardon 22 G Roberts 23 J Diaz 24 L Mara 25 D Waters 26 M Nelson 26-R H Wathen 27 R Dowser! 28 G D'Oliviera 29 T Elli s 30 C Riley 31 B Skinner 32 A Rud d 33 W Joyce 34 M Hancoc k 35 J Sacco 36 J Russell 37 D Rydquist 38 M Webb 39 T McEacher n 41 L Callaghan 42 W Montano 43 M Van Houton (RC) 45 A Hall 48 A Fonceca 50 C Horbu rY
52 D Jones 54 D Sinclai r 55 J Bagel 56 A Abel a 57 G Kowalski 60 ADrag.vdge 66 J Scardamaglia
46 S . Campbell 47 D. Cran e 48 N. Sharp 50 A. Volz 55 G . Hamner 56 C. Plazzer 5;3 J. McClure 63 M . Webe r
- ---
Coach : Ben McGee Res Coach: Rod Walke r
V Coach: Earl Henderson Res Coach : Bre Downing 1 J Washington Vc 2 M Hannan C 3 0 Kohnesheen 5 S King 6M Mar 9iannis 7 A Hannan g S Aquiline 10 p Calabrese t i C Batchelor 12 A Argyriou 13 E Henderson
I G . Healy 2 I.B:ngham 4 P. Henderson 5 L Tura 6 D. Paolone 7 A. Burns (Res Caot) 8 R. Benret 9 D. Richardson 10 G . Fox 11 M . Meyer A. Hermann
13 S. Milker 14 S O'Boyle 115 D. Reynold s 16 D. Venr.ess 17 C. Hayes
23 B Downing 24 M Costello 25 D Moon Rese rves 25 A Ray Senio rs 26 R Mitchell 27 P Cheevers 28 A Lamert on 29 G P+ii}atovic 31 S Hermann
32 D Mcgee 33 J Bradley J Ro 4 i e
35 N Monen 1 37 J Clyne 38 E Costello 39 A Brigba 40 S Atherton 41 T Peters 43 W D'ar,drea 44 S Mahoney 45 T Milne 48 S Ellio i 49 P Hannan 51 D Phillips 52 A Riemann 53 J Conan 54 S Mcdougall 55 J Pohlner 56 B Ma rtin 57 S Puerile
7 D. Zulcki
7. B Stcnebnnk
8 S . Hams SR M . Gerelemou 9 D. Moorf ieid 70 M Butera 11 D, Forces 72 W. Sma h 13 N. Rose
8. M Paimingon q~ 9. J A 7~ 10 . M Keogn ( Sen Capt) 11 . M Green 12 . As Taylor 13 . R Bell (Res Capt)
14 J . Mitchell
14 . J Marinis
16 J . Tate 17 C Lanty_ndcrt
15 . A Murphy 16. R Day 17 . A Terksco
18 A . Hellner t9 J . Uebergang
21 .
39 D. HahtseY
47 M . Tuvey 48 G Gilmore
B T homes
33 J . Schulz 341 J. O•neBl
35 S . Orcons 36 A . Pardatrury 37 yG Carerall 38 to so. no 39 M . Rea 40 L. I qi~~ m
41 A . 42 D'. ...•.ace 43 R. Franc 43r M, 0 'netll 46 D. Faz akertey 49 S . Smile 50 J Corben 51 S . Capogreco 52 J. Bowes 53 J. T home s B . Mc ~ J M TuI I~ 57 C. Thomas
58 H Masters
47 P. Fyneld
58 T. Ashton
59 J Stephens 60 S Deng 61 M Thomas 62 V'd Rosows'ai 63 B Joske 64 M Rowwski 65 J Sadat 67 L M ckenzie rs8 S Robinson 70 S Quinn
48 S. Crew 49 M , Starr 50 C. Hall 1 ;,i . Hale 52 S. An _ ,~_ „Qr-„on 53 C. Connolly 54 A. Dance 56 A. Treasure 81 C Connolly
5 9 J. Maguire 60 ~ T Hams 61 T. Strarhopauios 62 M . Kennedy 63 T& r,~e 64 B . VaalooF 65 D. Harn s ' - P Clarke I. 6 7 M . Dyluise 68 p S . Greed 69 A. Do•n•dell 70 A. Gunn 7t M . Mora 72 N. Estrada 73 D Clark 74 c Pegg 75 S . Mi;Is
Albe rt Park Indoor Sports Centre and
;~9yothe rapy Solutions .
29 M Anderso n
23 G.Ternes
3t P. Dolence 32 S . D;mano
. . . _
76 77 78 79
A. Trevetha n G . Brady B. rs S.Cullutlw
11 P Norman
28 . D Cza}arski ( Sen VtC)
1 8a A Mcarow 19 . S Da y 20 ' N Renaut
30 J . Pa rt ridge
1a N Ha rt to A Hamilto n 2 P Hamilto n 3 B Irving 4 C Lehmann 5 A Germane 6 S Pietsch (vice capt ) 7 S Benjamin (capt. ) 8 S Monague 8b J Heywood 9 A P1,orpheit 10 D Jelba rt
23 ' D Lee 24 . LCa r_~cn 5 N Addamo 26 . BVasi lou 27 . T Davidson
18 . D Velisha
2 0 G. hiadrfarano 21 J . Hall 22 G. t:andalis 24 N. Carroll 25 D. Creek 26 P.Thoma s 27 A . Cusick 28 B .Mannes 29 A Pashley
Coach: Angus Hamilto n Res Coach : Damian Shea;
12 T Maguire 13 S BrIey 14 C Bowsbali - Tanne r 15 J Sud'nolz 16 S Edward s 17 J Hayse y 18 G Ellis 19 W Touzel 20 D Coona n 21 A Thompson 22 T Moore 23 D Rudd 24 J Jenkin 25 S Smythe 26 R Benjami n 27 C Clarke 28 6 Waller
19 B. Boucher 20 C. Hall 20 1. MacKenzie 21 D. Kennett 22 M . Buckley 23 B. Boyles 24 B Bayliss 25 V . Kelly 26 J. Dascoli 27 M . Leplaa 28 N. Williams 29 A Sheer 30 B. Ho:iand 31 A. Richardson 32 L . Hannemarr. 33 T Bartholomew 34 T. Rowe 35 C. Cachia (Capt) 36 M . Elder 37 B. Robinson 38 M . Christiansen 40
a o°E9isa6 r~
Coach : Tim Ellis Res Coach : Rob Rantno 1 . D Ned no (Res V;C) 2. C Lee 3. D Flack 4. S Kidd 5. B Cunningham 6. M Walsh
41 Y. Kaleunte 42 M . McFarlane 43 A. Brown 44 T. Zaharopoulos 45 C. Frunes 46 C. Jones
1 J Sparkes 2 R. Thorp 3 J. Natron 3r LC4ev eland 4 L. Coronas 5 S . Motiram 6 S Cracknell
15 ~ P. LaPi~n
18 J. Lawes
22 P Moon
Coacn: s . Ass ta nt :
Reserve- Coact., . .-, .s Assistant Coal i : G . i j~rnes
14 D Bell 17 G Co x 18 J Dunran 19 S Du ncan 20 W Brown 21 B Johnson
° .°Y N ®
Coach Tony Rowe Res Coach : Mark Elder
29 . P Spry 30 . S Simpson 31 . L DHkowc 32 . to Jordon 33 . G Wi,an 34 . J Cornell 35 . M Purt ;wt 36,~ An Taylor 37 . P Keogh 38, . T Towers( Res VAC) 39 . L Larqe!d 40 . S Fu!.!er 41 . S pVhitmg 42 . A Camaiieri 43 . A Waldron 44 . T Johnstone 45 . R Hyssoi 46 . B Daniels 47 . L Moore 48 . C Alaoakis 49 . R Zvlian 50 . S Herding 52 . S Henry 54 . A Hassell 55 . E Collier 56 . R Baker ~ ` ~ Paul Spry 60,~ M C~)ow°*i 62 . B Russell 64 . J Cafanan 69 . A Mar 79 _ J Diker
30 A Goode 31 S Edward s 32 J Bann 33 T Thompson 34 1 Twy(ord 35 M Carmichae l 36 Z Rudd 37 T Dempsey 38 A A led 39 R Wes t
40 T Fromhold 41 J Smit h 42 N Remfr 43 J Tobin y 44 T Stone 45 S Jackson 46 R Howard
47 M Quigley 46 L McGrego r 49 G Saidsns 50 N chen s L She 52 M Gorrr ~o 53 A Hoga n 54 F Purcell
55 S Verno n 56 S Darin g 57 A 'Alil6amso n 58 D Simmonds 59 J Bru ter 60 M Sprague ue 61 K Hilton 62 M Cu rtis 63 J Gart la n 64 L Stewa rt (Res . Cpt. ) 65 T Stone 66 D Shaw 67 J SmB h 68 J Ward 69 R Hussey 70 S Fyffe 71 M Sloa n 72 J Hanson
73 R Miller 74 D Dainton
81 JSanson 86 P. Marasco
e~iEe~~~ k
85 M N. Meouire aa
M H`g~ 'n s
~_ 'T TD C}iAA! " ~1T6fflUT tdI1TtCE a .e yrn.u~ FOR UP T.> LA TE DETAIL SECTION VENUE FG : .,J [.sE S A Box Hill City Oval 1st Semi 4-Sep Sunday Sporiscover Arena 2nd Semi 4-Sep Sunday Sportscover Arena Preliminary 11-Sep Sunday Sportscover Arena Grand 18-Sep Sunda y B Sandringham FG 1st Semi 4-Sep Sunday Sportscover Arena 2nd Semi 3-Sep Saturday Sportscover Arena Preliminary 10-Sep Saturday Sportscover Arena Grand 17-Sep Saturda y
C Sandringham FG 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday Sandringham FG 1st Semi 28-Aug Sunday Sandringham FG Preliminary 3-Sep Saturday Sandringham FG Grand 10-Sep Saturda y D1 Box Hill City Oval 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday Box Hill City Oval 1st Semi 28-Aug Sunday Box Hill City Oval Preliminary 3-Sep Saturday Box Hill City Oval Grand 10-Sep Saturda y
U19 (3) TBA 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday TBA tat Semi 28-Aug Sunday Bill Lawry Oval (Northcote) Preliminary 4-Sep Sunday Preston City Oval Grand 11-Sep Sunda y U19 (2) Parkdale FG 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday Blue Parkdale FG 1st Semi 28-Aug Sunday (11 .15am)Parkdale FG Preliminary 3-Sep Saturda y
Parkdaie FG Grand 10-Sep Saturday U19 (2) Garvey Oval 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday Red (Parade Coll ) (11 .15am)Garvey Oval 1st Semi 28-Aug Sunday (Parade Coll) Garvey Oval Preliminary 3-Sep Saturday '?arade Col!) G : ey Oval Grand 10-Sep Saturday Coll )
1) Spc,tscover Arena Grand 21-Aug Sunda y D2 Central Reserve 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday Central Reserve 1st Semi 28-Aug Sunday Central Reserve Preliminary 3-Sep Saturday Central Reserve Grand 10-Sep Saturday
Club XVIII (2 )
(11 .45am) Sportscover Arena Grand 21-Aug Sunday Club XVIII (3 )
D3 Gilion Oval (Nth OB) 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday Gillon Oval (Nth 0B) 1st Semi 28-Aug Sunday Bill Lawry Oval (Northcote) Preliminary 3-Sep Saturday Bill Lawry Oval
(Northcote) Grand 10-Sep Saturda y 04 Cheltenham FG 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday Cheltenham FG 1st Semi 28-Aug Sunday Cheltenham FG Preliminary 3-Sep Saturday Cheltenham FG Grand 10-Sep Saturda y
U19 (1) Parkdale FG 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday (2pm) Parkdale FG 1st Semi 28-Aug Sunday
(9 .20am)Sportscover Arena Grand 21-Aug Sunda y NB: All dates and venues are subject to change due to ground availability and confirmation in some cases .
Venues in bold italicised -TBC (to be confirmed ) An updated display will appear weekly in the Amateur Footballer and daily on the VAFA websit e
Finals costs : Admission Ca r
Parkdale FG Preliminary 3-Sep Saturday Parkdale FG Grand 10-Sep Saturda y
Club XVIII $ 1 0 Grand Finals
U19 (2) Garvey Oval 2nd Semi 27-Aug Saturday (2pm) (Parade Coll) Garvey Ova l (Parade Coll) 1st Semi 28-Aug Sunday Garvey Ova l (Parade Coll) Preliminary 3-Sep Saturday Garvey Ova l (Parade Coll) Grand 10-Sep Saturday
Finals & Grand Final s (A-134 & U19) $10
Children U16 & Pension card holders are admitted fre e
by Steve McCariily & Leah Gallagher m ilesto ne Last week field umpire Max Wittman ran his 150th VAFA game in the big match between Williamstown CYMS and La Trobe Uni . Max has over the years helped young umpires with advice and shown the way by the standards he sets, when partnered with them . Unfortunately his partner last Saturday (AD) was not young. Well done Max and hope there are more games for you . Thanks also to Williamstown CYMS for the hospitality given to Max on the day .
big smiles on their faces, and his supposed mate th e
field umpire suggested that he "give us ten" while he was down there . Bern, save those theatrics for the big stage of finals at ElsternvAek in September . (Lentils would have loved the "panto" . ) Retirees! Yes, we know the season's been long and the body is starting to grind to a halt, but don't give it away just yet . There's always one more season left in the body . Your involvement helps VAFA
has over the years helped young
ty survive . Come back for the pres-season in
pires with advice and shown the
2006 and have another crack . If you've got any mates out there who are interested in umpiring or even any current umpires who may be interested in changing football competitions join the VAFAUA. For more details on what to do and who to see, contact the VAFA Umpire Operations Manager, Brian Goodman on 9531 8333 or email brianCvafa.com .au and we'll have you on board .
way by the standards he sets, when partnered with them . " Trainers Just a little thank you to the club trainers and the work they do . Last Saturday a Salesians Scorpions U/ 19 player came under some friendly fire and required some medical attention . Trainers from the opposition club (Hampton Rovers) got to him first and kept him calm while an ambulance was called . Great effort from these people, who are volunteers . Once again the true VAFA spirit was shown .
Push-ups An absolute crowd pleaser at Camberwell last Saturday when the enigmatic goal umpire Bernie Hoare landed flat on his face when about to signal a goal . He laid there for what seemed an eternity. As you could imagine the sympathy was flowing . . . . not . A few players informed him of the score with
Social Don't forget our next big social function is the Pre-finals Dinner to be held at the Victoria Club this coming Monday August 22nd . This is a compulsory function so if you are unable to attend please contact John Robinson as soon as possible . Our guest speaker this year is "the voice of the AFL Craig Willis" . A big night with a big afterparty!!
And to drain out what we've put in the night before, our next "Blood Drive" is the night after on Tuesday August 23rd . See Brendan Corcoran for details .
L. the ai last h all t to ;i . kic - i g for go< half time, the -victors . Albert Park s kicking mean t advantage and ke ,
This would come Y ai Turtles finished sstrong breeze, cc ,-f
he ` :-al crian to run 7 nu 's . Luttick is th e
cor s .ted E"er=ldale P
sec . : -e thdouble chance ai dagn<Tstr,leibya spointhecdquar.
testament to their never sz, d< . ;
-,_ :T's hung in and with D'Astoli u p posePCsions, by the f'--' Sireai k'Shcltt s too 째 -tal four points by a mar~ ' t째 9 . hosted " ' ith f ' a s ,
chasing percentage to e au :a~_
) a
Hawthorn loss . And the-- ri ' . e ; in :_i?째s _ Badanjek and Cookson ' c, 2 7 go< 's between them as they moved into second position and took favouriti_m to finish there after 18 rounds, victors by 202 points .
Bul en Cobras Elstern 'c '
Round 18 Preview So with only four games left to play in the regular season, it comes down to a shoot out of percentage, with Bulleen, St Mar=='s and HavAhorn all on points and all pla, in g
82 81 64
Hat horn tateurs Kro
55 51
z1 s ternwie k - Matt & recently played his 150th game for 'lie Wicks . Moving from Gippsland, he has been a durable utility, playing on the ball and recently in defence . Despite his recent engagement, its hoped he'll reach his 200th in a few years time . Il= n"Pocisee s "
celebrated his : game in Round 15 . A dashing and courageous hackman ith a raking left boot and a future leade r the club . 's - Congratulations to G eorg e "Doc" Koumantatakis on playing his 100th game last week . George has been a great servant of the club as a player, Reserves coach and President and showed great spirit coming back from a broken leg in 2003 . Justin Hendy plays his 100th game this week A very fit experienced player who has comeback from a broken back in a triathlon mishap . Justin is very
satile and uses his guile and courage t o elp the younger play rs . " in" Cummins plays hi s
his week, which has incluc d s~er-d senior games this year. In his 3rd season at the club he has developed into a very handy utility who gives his all and is part of the reserves leadership group . Luke iz" Anthony is due to play his 50t h game after battling many injuries . On his day the enigmatic forward makes many defenders nervous, with his courage and marking a sheer delight . This milestone has been a long time coming . . . .Well done Wizzie ! Hawthorn - Shane "Viper" Parker played his 150th game in Round 14 . A member of the 1998 premiership side, the Viper is skipper of the seconds and leads by example with his hardness and ferocity at the ball, despite rarely training and having not yet paid his full subs .
D4 3 .1 7 .3 10 .3 11 .4 (70) 7CK 5.7 9.20 18 .24 25.34 (184 ) Box : Nth : D Penny 4 Cook 2 Bali 2 Langley 2 B Olson . Best : Plunkett Odza Steele Sinfeild Sallantioglu Howarth . Elst : Details not received . Umpires: Ron ivfartyn Peter Griffiths (F ) ALBE P PARK 2 .7 3 .8 8 .11 9.14 (68) EL- - OC 2 .2 3 .6 7 .7 12 .11 (83) , sort . . : Collins 3 Cain 2 Thompson R Baker Fairfield R Williams . Best : Stor 7 R Baker R Williams Grace Hannett Sutherland . Elths.m OC: Luttick 3 McLaren 2 Cono)e 2 R Fos 2 Turner Rvall Savage . Best : Turner Andrews Conole LutHek Hargrave R Foo . Umpires : Mick Gitdav (F) Will Burne David Cameron (B) Lachlan Simpson Richard Keane (G ) NORTH BRUNSWICK BYE ST MARYS HAWTHORN AFC
1 .1 4.3 7 .9 12.12 (84) 6 .4 8 .5 9.8 11 .9 (75)
St Marys: Ryon 3 Waller 3 C Armstrong 2 Adam 2 Dwyer Ballant}ate . Best : D'astoli Dwyer Ryan Wright Purcell C!+rmstrong . Hawn: McKenna 2 Bantle L Collins Malcolm Fulton Lauletta Vance JackomosGavtnHurse. Best: VanceHerb Garlick Horse Malcolm, Umpires; Daniel Silfo Nick Brown (F Andrew Summers (G) RICHMOND CEPs"rRAi. 2 .4 4 .4 10 .7 11 .9(75) BULLEEN COBRAS 11.4 23.11 30 .15 43.19 (277) Rich Cent : Dukic 4 Nuske 3 Robertson Green Goonan Read . Best : Nuske Green Miller Dukic Hillier Fattens . Bull Cob: Badanjek 15 Cookson 12 Conn 4 Fradkin 3 Areeraei 2 K'athanielsz 2 Rowe 2 Whittaker Daley Bette. Best : Badanjek Cookson Arecraci Trhncui Conti Polites. Umpires: Pat Maebus David DAltera (F) 1)4~ BOX HILL NORTH 2 .3 2 .4 2 .4 2 .5117) ELSTERFr'tXdCK 5 .5 10 .11 14 .14 23 .18 (156) Box Hill Nth: Prestopino Dick . Best : Thai Ho Benbouâ&#x20AC;˘ P Doyle Charlton Tambakis . Elst : Details not received . ALBERT PARK 2 .2 3 .6 5 .9 8 .11 (59) ELTF3Ah1 OC 3 .4 7.9 12.12 16 .18 (114) Albert Park : S Allan 4 Sutton 2 Cook Houston . Best : Sutton J Baker Houston Phillips McKay Agar . Eltham OC : Krohn 5 O'Donnell 4 Thomas 4 Fort Love Toulson . Best: Austin Thomas O'Donnell Love Mok Keleher. NORTH BRUNSWICK BYE ST P7iARYS 3.2 8 .7 12 .8 12.12 (84) ORN AFC 3 .2 5 .4 7 .7 10 .10 (70 ) St Marys : Theoharris 5 Rousis 2 Latimer Allen Ferg Bernardi Murphy, Best : Theoharris Anders Allen Latimer Karis
Eltham Collegians v Box Hill North Elsternwick - Bye
North Brunswick v St Marys Hawthorn Amateurs v Richmond Central Albert Park v Bulleen Cobras - switched from the original draw
Koumantatakis . Haw: Pritchard 3Guttls 3 Chris 2 Hyland Ruzicka . Best: Di Hyland Scott Opie Jules . RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .2 4.4 4 .7 8 .7 (55) BULLEEN COBRAS 10.5 16 .11 21 .15 26.21 (177) Rich Cent: Lake 2 Quick Mosey Brunt Dautovic King Bracken . Best: Dautovie Neilson Quick Lake King Jamshidl . Bull Cob : Petrilli 8 Moore 7 Soumehd(s 4 :4Sazzarella 2 McLeod Unrti7n Fisher Paatsch Edgar. Best : Moore Petrilli Palermo Mozzarella Vaughan McLeod .
D4 Section ALBERT PARK AFC Coach : Pete Smith Res Coach : Paul Shoppee 1 ? Smith .. 2 N . Pastras 2 A. Morgan 3 R . Bake r 3 P.Shakepeare 4 M . Naud i 5 S . Allan 6 J. Storey 7 S. Venables 7 M. Burton 8 N . Wheeler 9 P. Chambers 10 M . Phillips 11 D. Brea 12 N .Langdon 13 B.Payne 13 M.Tuttin 14 M. Hyams 15 D. Borley 15 P. Guicas 16 C.Roberton 17 S .Bennett 18 G. Collins 19 N . Cain
20 K . Grace 21 P. Shoppee 22 J.Hannett 22 J. Marshall 23 B. Harries 23 D.DeZoete 24 T, Green 25 J . Wie r 26 B. Moore 27 A.Jackson 28 R . Allan 29 R . Humphrey 30 W.Johnson 31 S . McGuire 31 J . Williams 32 M . Smith 33 M . Wall 34 T. Houston 35 S. Tot h 35 C. Downie 36 J . Dudi 37 L. Hogan 38 S . Fairfield 41 R . Williams 42 C . Cook 44 B. tsard 45 J. Agar 46 G . Price
48 M . Snowden 50 S . Thompson 51 J- McKay 52 D. Allan 53 M. Williams 55 D. Quinlan 57 J.Sutton 57 J. Baker 58 S . Gitsham 59 L. Barr 60 V. Surace 62 P. Cramer 77 S. Garcia 78 T.Tuhoro 79 S. Thompson 80 J. Bowlb y
BOX HILL NORTH Coach : Peter Armstrong Res Coach: Jon Pratt 1 G. Wilson 2 C . Riscalla
'.. 3 A. Odza 4 T. Manno 5 J . Garre tt 7 S . Stewa rt 8 C. Langley 9 A . Sallantioglu 10 S. Cook 11 T. Thoi 12 A. Dick 13 M. Cumming 14 L. Penhallunack 15 L. Keillor 16 16 W. M . Drew Penny 17 G. Cavallo 18 C . Butler 19 C. Calks 20 K.Oldfield 22 A. Steele 23 D. Penny 23 J . Naumovski 24 P. Doyle 25 P. Kotsaridis 26 R. Bal l 28 Z. Veleski 29 M. Rogers 30 B. Olson 31 D. Olson 32 I .Oldfield 33 M . Marinovic 34 H. H o 35 C. Liston 36 S . Russell 38 J. DAmato 39 J. Tambakis 40 D. Worrell 41 P. Currie 42 A. Tarull i 43 R. Doyle 44 C. Garre tt 45 M_Sinfield 46 P. Mo rt imer 47 A . Andrews 49 T. Ellis
50 C. Irvine 52 S. D'arcy 53 N. Chau 54 L. Van den Akker 55 J . Pra tt 56 H . Shiba 57 M . Mason 58 M.Azmi 59 J. Screen 60 N. Benbow 61 J . Howarth 62 C. Hen ry 63 J . Aspinal l 64 J . Vagia s 65 D. Woolridge 66 C . Plunkett 67 A. Manerheim 68 N . Galil 69 B. Pearce 70 H. Gist 73 D. Francis 76 M . Lacey 78 A . Leavers 79 G . Bennett 80 S. Evans 81 J. Hopes 82 D. Dovaston 84 M . Lacey 86 G . Archer 88 M . Edgle y 89 S . Yalamanchile 99 G. Robinson 111 A . Maguire
Rising Sun Hotel Richmond an d Rising Sun Hotel South Melbourne KAZBAR, GUARDIANMEDIA
~u~.- : ~
ELTHA M OC Coach: Wayne Reardon Res Coach: Paul Gregor 1 T Andrews 2 D. Lynch 3 E . Savag e 4 L. Mason (VC) 5 L . Austi n 6 J. Galvin (C) 7 B. Rashi d 8 B. Jorgensen 9 C. Watson 10 B . Marshall 11 J. Mizz i 12 M. Blagrove 13 M. Luttick 14 R. Runco 15 J. Paisley 16 D. Brick 17 T. Wenborn 18 B . Galvin 19 J. Gilbert 20 S. Weston 21 M. Hart 22 R. Foo (VC) 23 T. Carter 24 A . Hargrave 25 R- Thomas 26 J . Glar e 27 J . Stockdale 28 M. Pattison 29 D. Howgate 30 M . Abbott 31 B. Keleher 32 C. Baud 33 A . Howgate 34 J . Howgate 35 M. Crooks 36 N . Ryall 37 38 39 40
P. Krohn A. Mo k A. McClaren E . Baud
41 T.Kurtschenko 42 C . Conol e 43 R . Carrucan 44 N . Duncan 45 A. Whyte 46 S . Clar k 47 A . Emini 48 B .Turney 49 L . Barnes 50 B. Richardson 51 J. Simpson 52 D. Justic e 53 J . Foo 54 S . Todman 55 K . Toulson 56 R . Love 58 N . McPherson 59 B. Evans 61 A. Stockdale 63 L. Ogilvi e
Trash `n' Stash Village Roadshow
NORTH BRUNS W ICK Coach: Peter Tyson Res Coach : Patrick Ryan 1a M . McVeigh
lb B . Blakeman 2a J . Ridley 2b J . Thompson 3 A . Collins 4 N . Martin 5 S . Avery
6 P. Avery 7 C . Alexander
8 S . Gallas 9a R . Ogge (vat 9b M . Houareau 10 J. Hall 11 J. Dawson 12 J. Pi 13 J. Murphy 14 D. Lauletta 0 15 M . Tyson 16a C. Rice 16b J. Shepherd 17 B. Ruzicka 19 T Hyland 20 S. Parker 21 P. Clennett 22 D. McClenchy 23 L . Collins 24 J. Jackomos 25 T. Ryan 26 B. Collins 27 L . Flannigan 28a D. Mackenzie 28b T. Crivelli 29 K. Rimmer 33 M. Caruana 35 S. Davies 36 M. Sheridan 37 C . Jarvis
43 t . Chaps 44 B, Alder 46 T. O'Hanlon
55 A . Saute 58 T. Dixon 59 G. Cade 62 D. Pritchard 75 M . Daou 80 N . Exton
Coach : Ange Sammartino Res Coach : Harry Tsialtas
Coach: Thomas Dukic Res Coach: Steven Lake
1 D. Newton 2 D. Adams 3 D. Orr 5 H . Hassan 6 D. Pizzari 7 J. Briffa
I W. Old
8 S. Media 9 A . Sammartino 10 A . Mouniney 11 J . Boudoloh 12 P. Tannous 14 M . Sorlete 15 H . Tsiafias 16 S . Tsialtas 17 A . Taha 18 R. Massri 19 L. Spano 20 A. Said 21 R. Santacroce 22 J . Freeman 23 D. Kehagias 24 A. Belbin 25 L. Greening 26 M . Taha
27 N_ Pollokis 28 T. Ackland 30 D. Carter 31 A. Boudoloh 32 B. Robertson 33 J. Ferns 34 M. Pisasale 36 A. Taha 37 C . Twaddle 38 E . Caccamo 39 C . Rhook 40 B. Mc Callum 41 A . Taha 42 J . Papanikolaou 43 F. Papanastasatos 44 D . Donnelly 45 G. Panagiotidis 46 F. Valeri 47 P. Micallef 48 J . Wolter 49 S . Hearn 50 P. Giucas 51 N. Giovanoglou 52 K. Hassoun 57 S . Nabbs 62 B. Carter 66 R. Pretty 67 J. Heck
2 T Quick 4 D. Miller 5 B. Porteus 6 T. Dukic 7 S. Lynch 8 D. Speakman 9 A. Piani 10 A. Zuccaro 11 S. Lake 12 S. Britter 13 J. Goode 14 J_ Mcgrath 15 C . Barry 16 J. Birt 17 J . Neilson 18 A . Taylor 18 P. Moulday 19 C . Quay 20 D . Bergin 21 D . Phelan 22 J . Petering 23 B . Breese 24 T. Guthrie 25 A . Read 26 R. Prentice 27 N. Nuske 28 C. Dimddou 29 S . Hillier 30 L. Fotheringham 31 Retired Jumper 33 P. Berimano 34 M . Vervoorn 35 P. Krisohos 38 G . Evans 37 D. Green 38 M. Defreitas 39 H . Dautovic 40 M. Pescotf 41 C . Duff 42 D. Trenellen 44 G . Begley 46 M. Jones 47 M . King 49 P. Brunt 50 A . Titley 51 D . Moffat 52 J . Pike 53 J . Robertson 54 C. Cartwright 55 M . Davies 56 T. Kristof 57 M . Goonan
57 E . Hill 58 M . Hanna 59 W. Bracken 60 B. Jolley 61 P. Karamichalos 62 G . Gardiner 63 T. Soderstrom 64 A_Musey 65 D. Coromandel 67 J. Lane 69 T. Melville
74 S. Gray 77 S. Liuzzi
79 A . Roller 80 D . James-Schirmer
3T.h1ARYS A .F.G .
Z6 Is
Coach : Mxhaed Leannonth Res Coach: George Karmariatakis 1 2 3 4 5
M. Bank s B. Perelberg G . Schembri A . Ballantyne A . Lane
6 C . Waller 7 A . Dwyer 8 R . Kodituwaku 9 C . Armstrong
10 D. Cap11 J . Bernardi
12 S . Nicholson 13 J- Hill
14 L. Goldsworthy
r-----.':, _ '.-
15 M . Purcell 16 M . Aikma n 17 L. Anthony
18 B. Frail 19 V. Ryan 20 A. Waller
21 M . Gilchrist 22 C. Adam 23 F. Harrison 24 A. Latimer 25 M . Black 26 S. Crilly 27 S. Grillo 28 J. Innes 29 P. Harriso n 30 M. Lync h 31 H . Ada m 32 S. Johnston 33 C . Ferg 34 L. Armstrong 35 G . Theoharris 35 B . Graetzer 37 C . Freshwate r 38 S . Griffin 39 B . Richardson 40 M. Kari s 41 T. Cummins 42 M. Davies 43 L. Razga 44 G. Koumantataki s 45 M. Maschette 46 T. Tahos 47 P. Rouse 48 M . Good
49 W. Smith 50 C. Wigg 51 N. Andrews 52 0. Hind 53 D. Anders 54 P Goona n 55 B. Tagell 56 P Roseman 57 A. Bul l 58 J. Wright 59 C. Mackenzie 60 W. Goldsworthy 62 L . D'astoli 64 C. Chan
, -- --- .
----_ ~ -' --- -- -
. -
69 P. Murphy energy drinks ~7 i-~t Hot
`Graatza r . _rzass
-- ----
Aquinas 01 -, ootball Club Inc . Section D1 - 200 5 Applications are invited for the following coaching positions for season 2006 . Senior, Reserve, U1 9 (Both P,ay}ng or Non-ptaying iva/ be considered) All applications to :
Greg Toomey, President Aquinas Old Collegians Football Club Inc . P 0 Box 886 , Ringwood Vic 3134 Or email to : greg .toomey Insuranceadviser.net Applications close Friday 16th September, 200 5 Albert Park (D4 <nateurs) Football Club in its 53 ye .rs have never won a Senior Premiership . This is a chance to make history
Football Club r r c, Trainers . :or Season 200 6 `?epresenting M onash University, the M onash Blues Football Club i s !1 currently in "C" Grade of the argest football league in Australia, is Victorian Amateur Football ,ssociation (VAFA) . ?e presently have the need of the services of a 1 for season 200 6 & two 7-째 ideally the Head Trainer will have current Sports frainer Level 2 Certificate and will be required for Tuesday, Thursday training nights and Saturday . Trainers must have current Sports Trainers level 1 C E tificate or be in the process of obtaining you r
on-playing) ; SON 2006 I or non-playir S iSOr! 200 6
iplaying or non-playing) SEASOt, Applications in No-ifina to :
Mr. Tony Payne, e<`en t ^Ibert Park F :~- :
ocgic .co m 200 5 Invites applications for th e i^P Reserve, U119 & Club X111!1 coaching positions for season 2006
a ~~~E17' is now seeking expressions of interest for th e following positions for 2006 : Senior Coach *
Football Manager* Reserves Coach Colts Coac h 'n writing to : upperferntreegully@efl .org .au or PO Box 166, Ferntree Gully, 315 6 Phone enquiries to Peter - 0418 539 270 Applications close 2 September 200 5 'Remuneration negotiable . Upper Ferntree Gully Football Club - an equal opportunity club .
,ns t o GI-C Cotham Post Office PO Box 3075 Kew Vic 310 1 Application closing date 16th September2005 Applicants should hold a level I coaching accreditation
POWER " 77 AFC "The country club to join in Melbourne " www.powerhouse-afc.com We invite applications for the 2006 season for Seni o r, R eserves & Under 19 coache s All applications in writing to : Craig Richardson Level 3 88 Albert Road South Melbourne VIC 3205 Closing date - Friday 23rd September 200 5
enthusiasti c .unication skills , : and who are also
. ;qHpi -~~G105 6 11 8 veryuniqueG~optusnet .com .au 47
Sports & :. : :dical Supplies
(U19 2, 3 & Blue) . (U19 1 & Red )
Section One home on the Collegians time on top of the section one ladder backs of Imlach came to a sudden halt last weekend, thrashed by and Bliesner fo r a strong Old Xaverians side by 40 points . Kicking a shock 4 poin t eight goals to two in the opening hold termon ofto football the win!! . The Wellers had a rest whilst Rupo kicke d Xavs looked far too good for their ladder-leading 11 first quarter goals, before withstanding a opposition who will be lamenting their missed challenge from Trinity which saw the margin opportunity to finish the season as minor reduced to 4 goals just before lemon time . In the premiers . In the round's other games, Marcellin final term, Rupo ran amok as Allport, Dean & continued St Kevin's downwards spiral with a Harrison did as they pleased . "Bones" and hard-fo.ught 10 point win at home, St Bernards "Mars" were tireless workers for the T's . managed fifteen goals but still dropped 66 point s Tips : Trinity, Rupo, Banvule, Camberwell and short against Uni Blues, while De La were far too OMs good for Old Brighton in their 77 point win . The final weekend of home-and-away football forF Cast Cast '`aside aside ppre-match r concerns regarding the the season, and while the majority of sides wil l suitability of the surface, the undermanned be out celebrating 'Mad Monday' next week fou r Rars and the Jackas played competitiv e will remain in the hunt for finals glory . Marcellin spirited football from the 'get-go' . It was only in have already been crowned minor premier s the last quarter that the top side broke clear to regardless of what happens on the weekend, and overcome a very determined and spirited Jacka will be joined by Collegians . De La, and most outfit . AJAX were pleased with the direction of likely Uni Blues in the finals series . Uni Blues Spilberg whilst Solomon was strong for Parade . need to win this weekend against Old Brighton to Elsewhere, the Tigers played great ist and 3rd secure their spot in the four, but a loss would quarters against La Trobe to shore up 4th spot, still result in qualification unless Old Xavs were leaving MHSOB with the task of unseating them . to beat De La away . Collegians will be fighting to Uni Blacks are well and truly back, comfortably retain the second chance when they host St accounting for Old Ivanhoe in a consistent and Kevins at Harry Trott, while plenty of pride will be on the lin e when Old Scotc h host St Bernards . t's all academic = Tips : Collegians . Section 2, where P he" . Scotch, Uni Blues, only question is - will Be La . l~a n a~ute Section Two Handley 55 Two teams have double chance? Old Xaverians O'Rourke 0 52 already hung up St Kevin s Salem 34 the boots this season, and it's time for 4 more to Old Brighton join them after the completion of Round 18 . It's U19 (2 1 uhitefriars Torney 0 54 all academic in Section 2, where the only Titus 0 53 question is -~vill Banyule hold on to the double Old Carey chance? The manner with which they disposed o f Banyule G'ierabank Tsingaris 0 52 OMs suggests yes . as they won each quarter U19(31 comfortably and prevailed by over 20 goals . Their Oakleigh Cleary 4 64 opponents, Caulfield, put up a very stern fight Uni Blacks Battista 2 62 against the league leaders, who started Bentleigh Hunt 0 39 appallingly with 7 straight points . Both Goolds U1 9 tBLU E) were good for the Fields, whilst Carey had quiet Ormond R Chisolm 7 82 day, despite getting the 4 points in the end . A Mazenod Bogar 8 72 woefully inaccurate . and undermanned Friars Peninsula D Smith 6 68 dominated early and led by 45 points at the main U19 (RED) break, through Keogh, Harris and D'Alosio . Emmaus SL Croughhan 10 81 However, the Sharks caught them napping with Bulleen Templestowe P Voglis 1 52 greater intensity around the packs, and motore d Emmaus SL Robin 3 4 4 48
solid effort . Kudos go to Rusenlis and Pagewood Aquinas host Emmaus St Leos in the final round for Ivanhoe, as well as Legoe and LeMatire (out, of the home-and-away season, with the two topout!!) for Le Blacks . Despite a big win over of-the-table sides tipped to meet again in three Bentleigh, MHSOB's must defeat St Bedes weeks time. This weekend's match will Mentone Tigers to replace them in 4th . Fraczek determine just how far ahead of the rest of the and Bailey played rippers for the Unicorns, who competition Emmaus St Leos really are . Aquinas finished with a bang . Finally, in the battle of are fighting for the second chance, but Emmaus North Road, it was the boys from Scammel who just look far too good on paper, Emmaus by 29 prevailed easily over Monash . Chapple and pts . In the round's other games, Kew should Schenker had days out for Oakleigh, whilst move to second on the ladder with an easy win Shopov and Barton were shining lights for the over Old Scotch. Rupy will try to salvage some Varisty . pride when they host finals-bound Old Tips : St Bedes MT, Bentleigh, Oakleigh, AJAX & Westbourne, while Fitzroy and Therry will aim to Uni Black s finish the season off on a high in a game that a Section Blue Salesian and Hampton fought out a four quarter month ago was expected to be a battle for a spo t arm wrestle, with both defences dominant . The in the four . Scorpions backline of Crowley, Silk, and Dunne z; : Emma u were outstanding all day, repeatedly providing the attacking drive out of defence . The Sco : p's , "best-on" honours, went to Togia whose marking and ruck tap-outs all day were superb . Salesian finished 9 points clear at full time . The Bloods Collegians v St Kevins registered a pleasing win over De La (2) with Marcellin - By e Johnson going on a rampage in front of goals Old Scotch v St Bernards with 8 biscuits . Fankhauser starred for University Blues v Old Brighton Haileybury whilst Monvood and Marino were De La Salle v Old Xaverians solid contributors for the vanquished . The blustery conditions and Mazenod's inaccuracy in UNDER-19 SECTION 2 front of goals made for a close game at Central Caulfield Or v Banyule Viewban k Reserve last Saturday . Mazenod squandered Old Melburnians v Whitefriars many opportunities whilst Oakleigh Clayton Beaumaris v Old Camberwell were far more direct and accurate leading to and Old Trinity - Bye in front of goals . Bogar again saluted the scorers Rupertswood v Old Carey with almost half his side's goal tally, whilst the O'Clays were well served by Nyguen and "Happy" UNDER-19 SECTION 3 Gilmore . Yet another Ormond shoot-out ensued Old Ivanhoe v La Trobe Un i as they tackled the Pirates, who needed to win to St Bedes Mentone Tigers v MHSOB - at stay in the race . Peninsula kicked the first 5 goals, and were still in the hunt at half time, but Sportscover Arena Friday 19th at 6 .15 p .m . Bentleigh v Oakleigh fell away in the premiership quarter . Good to see Monash Blues v AJA X Nick Ryde back for Ormond after missing half Old Paradians v Universitv Black s the season (good timing Nick!!) . Tips : Salesian . Old Haileybury, Ormond, and UNDER-19 (21 BLUE Hampton . De La Salle (2) v Salesian Scorpions Section Re d Emmaus St Leos continued their charge towards at 11 .3 0 a.m . the Section Red flag last weekend, destroying Oakleigh Clays v Old Haileybury - at Keeley Rupertswood by 200 points in their biggest win Park Oval, Clayton ( 7 9 D5) of the season to date . Slamming home 36 .23 to Ormond v Mazenod 0 C - at Packer Reserve 6 .3 for the afternoon, Emmaus sent a strong Hampton Rovers v Peninsula 0 B- at Spring message to all their finals rivals, and look near Street Oval, Sandringham (77 A12 ) unbackable favourites going into September. Croughan kicked ten for the winners, and UNDER-19 ( 2 ) RED Hiekey. Lalor and Quirk all five, with their 15Kew v Old Scotch - at BAwyn Park, goal-to-i first term having statisticians reaching Balwyn (46 DS) for the record books . In the round's other games, Bulleen Templestowe - Bye Bulleen Templestowe upset Aquinas by 39 Aquinas 0 C v Emmaus St Leos 0 C points, Fitzroy s hopes of playing finals were Rupertswood (2) v Old Westbourne - on Oval 2 shattered with a narrow 13 point loss to Kew, (The Pines) at 2 p .m. while Old Westbourne booked the final spot in Therry Penola 0 B v Fitzroy Reds - No 1 Oval the four with a thrilling 4 point win over Therry Francis Street Oak Park Penola. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005 49
4 .4 6 .5 13.9 17 .14 (116 ) DN! --: BL'c`:S 2 .2 2.2 4.2 6.3 (39 ) C.. . : Cleary 4 Cos..gan 4 Edwards 3 Groarke Pound-Gow Riste-ki Schenker Stafford Wills. Best: Chapple Disiervi Doberty Mackenzie Mazzarella O'Han1on Charles Marchesani Murphy (Matthew) Murphy Schenker Stafford . Mon Blues; Shopov 2 Barton Harding Collins (Michael). Marc; Pesavento 5 Crimmins 2 MeGlin 2 Tabbaccheva 2 Cruickshank . Best : Jacobson Philips Main Shopav Barton Vincent Montagna Turner 14mstantey . Best : Considine Tabhacchelra Symes Umpires : Brett Herskope Tom Haysom (F) ST. [ :--' .NS on 8.4 5~8 8.9 11 .10 (76) RIARCELLIN 2 .1 8.1 9 .2 !-2(86) SISOB : O'Hanlon 5 Marehesani 2 Moussi 2 Charles Conlon . Best :
Abrahams Stafford Gasparini . Umpires : Rich ar d Yana Avi tYekselman (F) AJAX 2 .2 4 .6 6.8 7.13 ( 55) OLD XAVERIANS 8 .0 11 .1 14 .5 15.11 (lOI) OLD PPRADIANS 4.7 7 .6 9 .13 14 .14 (98) COLLEGLy,NS 2.1 5 .4 9.5 9 .7(61) AJAX: Blusztein 2 Ezekiel 2 Smith 2 Kegen . Best: Hershan Kechen Details not received . Umpires : Logan Smith Lee Crossley (F) Cameron Rotstein Sacks Blusztein Spilberg . Old Par: Bugeja 3 Claxton 3 Smith Callum Hilton (B) Hagen Cosgrifi Brent Reid (G ) Crosthwaite 2 Gearv 2 Hussev Kandilakis Seneca Thomas . Best: Kruezer OLD SCOTCH BYE ST BvRNARDS
2.5 9 .6 13 .11 15 .13 (103) UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .4 12.10 16.13 25.19 (169) Details not received. Umpires: Rob Sneddon Jack Fagan (F) OLD BRIGHTON 3 .2 6 .3 7 .5 8 .6 (54) DE LA SALLE 3 .7 8.8 14.11 19.17 (131) Details not received . Umpires : Ian Kennedy Nathan Sheppard (F) Brendan Dowling (B)
- 3ECT7022 2 u .4 14.8 21.15 26.20 (176) 1 .0 3 .3 4 .3 7 .7 (49)
Richardson Solomon Pratt Bug°Ja Hussey . Umpires: Ron Johnson Dean Schwab (F ) SALESIAN SCORPIONS 2.3 5 .5 8.7 9.9 (63) HA. Id ROVERS 1 .3 4 .3 5.5 8.6(54) Sales Scarp: Singh 3 Curtis Jordan Stanton D Thomson Togia Wilson, Best : Butterfield Togia D Thonis i dlman Phipps Morsello . Heroin Rov. Gleeson 4 McDonald Se met i ad 'hite . Best: Suleyman Sharp Semmel Pinto Skewes O'Brien . t . , e Leah Gallagher Brett Bailey F) OLD HAII.EYBURY 7.2 9 .6 14 .17 18 .19 (127)
DE LA SALLE (2) 1 .2 6.2 6.3 9.8162) Ban}nile-vB: Drapac 5 Swift 4 Christian 4 Sldeko 4 O'Donnell 3 Green 3 Old Hail : Johnson 8 Doukas 3 Elliot 2 Dolman Byass Fankhauser Ellis Moore B Dimeek Tou(1 . Best: G Dimeck Griffith Swift Christian Drapac Plveth . Best: Johnson Fankhauser Waite Ellis Silherer Davis. DLS (2): Skicko. Old R4elb: Mitchell 3 Haralambous 2 Knave Kline . Best: Stogdale Morlvood 5 O'Donnell Gould Hassdalla Dean . Best: Silvers Fisher Gould Lawler Tzoiras Hamer Mitchell Landale . Umpires: Jason Lane Jeb Penrose Marino Romney Morwood . Umpires : Mark Farrell Mark Duthie (F) (RFL) (F) MAZENOD 6 .5 7.11 13 .12 17 .20 (122) OLD CAREY 0 .7 4.9 5.12 7 .17 (59) 0.414,EIGH CLAYS 2 .3 6.4 10.5 14.8192) CAULFIELD OR 1 .3 3 .4 6.6 7.8 (50) Mae: Bogar 8 Johnson 2 Moran 2 Graham Rudderham Micallef Deegan Old Carey : Stucco 2 Wagner 2 Cleve 2 Day . Best : Wagner Ilowgate Kavanagh . Best: Regan Moran Bogar Bonner Bailey MiealieL Oak Clays: McQueen Stares Day Cleve . Caul: A Gould 2 Biggs D Goold D Clark Powley Castello 3 Cook 3 Gilmour 2 Simon 2 Gait Plozza Gallagher Evangalista. Sunnerg. Best : D Goold Biggs Webb Hepworth E Andrew Sessler . Umpires: Best : Nguyen Simon De George Gilmore Gallagher Gait . Umpires: Tom Windlow Simon Pearless (F ) Anthony Liffey Jason Evans (F) Amanda Whittaker Paul Leggett (B) Robert I . I1RS 1 .10 8 .15 9 .15 12 .22 (94) Seymour Paul Whitehead (G ) mIRIS 1 .1 2.6 9 .9 14 .14(98) PENINSULA OB 5 .3 86 11 .9 18.11(119) :.~te: C Power 2 Greenland 2 O'Meara 2 Carruthers Mandico s ORl40'D 4.2 11 .9 18 .10 22 .13 (145) O'Ca laghan Brosolo Hamblin . Best: Carruthers Fulton Brosolo Harris Penina: D Smith 6 A De Lange 4 P PJignall 2 J Rees E Wit[ich S Byrne M Crowe D:Alosiso. Be.aum: Inilach 5 Bliesner 3 Clemente 2 Couples Kenny N Coy T Madder . Best: J Byrt Z Milenkovie S Taylor D Smith H Grevena Hill McKenzie . Best Bliesner imlach Wilson Clemente McNetIl Nestor M Kenny . Ormond: R Chisholm 7 D Bailey 5 D Brosnan 3 S Ashton Giles. Umpires: David Windlow (C 18) (F ) 2 N Rvde 2 D Havsom T Leary L Upstill. Best: S Barnes D Bailey L Upst311 OLD CAMBERWELL 20 .16 (136) R McGirr T Denatris L Duthie . Umpires : Sarah McGill David Anselmi (F) OLD ESSENDON OR 10 .12 (72) UNDER-19 12i RED Old Essendon Forfeit OLD SCOTCH BY E OLD TRINITY 2.5 8 .7 13 .12 14 .13 (97) RUPERTSWOOD 11 .3 15.9 21.14 32 .19 (211) FITZROY REDS 0 .2 5 .6 7.7 9.12 (66) KEW 4.9 5.11 8 .18 10 .19 (79) Old Trim Stockdale 3 Stewert 3 Howell 3 Sundt 2 Greene Oldfield GlalmFitz Reds: McKenzie 2 Bombaci 2 Boyd Marcon Donato Manoli MeKeown. Bertelsen . Best: A Bourke Marsden Bicknell Smith Stewert Delphine . Best : Bombaci Dance Minnis Boyd Donato Topp. Kew : Pike 4 Lawrence 2 Ruperts : Baddetey 7 Harrison 5 G Phillips 3 Pretty 3 Quigley 3 J Phillips 3 Tennant 3 McPhee 2 Dean Bradley Brennan . Best: G Phillips Baddeley Bailey O'Shea Jackson Lucisano. Best : DeAngelis Wy(ey Pike Williams Smith Allport Dean Harrison . Umpires : David Chippindall Geoff Deveson (F ) McGregor Lawrence. Umpires : Rick Benson Paul Tyrer (F) Josh Tvrer (B) BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4.1 11 .5 16 .11 18 .11 (I19)
LA TROBE UIdi 0.3 7 .4 7.4 9.6(60) ST BEDES AYENfOPdE TIGERS 6 .3 9 .5 16 .12 17.16 (118) La Trobe: Holland 3 McLean, 2 McMaster McGough P Davies Doyle . Best : Clarke Holland Girdwocd P Davies McLean Parr . St B/MT: Hunter 4 Lebreton 3 Bodinaar 3 Swayne 3 McConnell L'Hutlier Faulkner Moritz . Best: McNeill Hunter McConnell Lebreton Swayne Bodinaar . Umpires: Christian Schaefer Brian Nunn (C 18) (F) UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .3 5.6 8 .8 12 .19 (91) OLD IVANHOE 1 .2 3 .4 3.6 4.6 (30) Uni Blacks : Bell 3 Battista 2 Shaw 2 Davies 2 Rippon Napier LeMaitre . Best: Legoe Napier Batten LeMaitre Battista Barron. Old Iv: Ellis 2 Nicol Rusenlis . Best : Rusenlls Golden Clarke Saunders Pagewood Foster . Umpires: Sean Scully Snr Matt O'Keefe (F) James Scully (B) MHSOB 1 .5 7.10 10.12 16 .19 (115) BENTLEIGH 3.5 3 .9 4 .12 4 .13 (37) MHSOB: Bartholomew 5 Leslie 3 Liu 2 Taft Tan C McGrath H Bailey Pretty C Bailey. Best: Taft Ashworth Hamilton-Ho Bartholomew C Fraczek Bailey . Bent : J West 2 Halliday Zylbersztajn . Best : J West Vlhos Morrison Fidler Halliday . Umpires: Michael Ryde Frank Kavanagh (C 18) (F) 50
AgUIPtAS 7 .3 9.3 11 .6 12 .13 (85) Bull Temp : Coutston 5 Meadows 5 :9ikolakopoulos 3 Samaras 2 Rametta P Voglis Woodward. Best : Millar Coulsion Hunt Rametta Austen P Voglis . Aquinas : Ragauskas 3 Sheridan 3 Williams 2 Raggozini O'Donnell Papworth 6i'eidemann . Best: Morrison-Storey Raggozitll Maaskant Neame Papworth Sheridan . Umpires: Jamie Gunn (F) EMMAUS ST LEOS OC 15.6 18 .9 29 .21 36 .23 (239) RUPERTSWOOD (2) 1 .0 4 .0 5.2 6.3 (39) Emmaus SL : Croughan 10 Hickey 5 Lalor 5 Quirk 5 P Baranello 3 RobOt 3 Brayshaw 2 DAmico 2 Stafford . Best : Robin Hickey P Baranello Croughan Quirk Matthews . Ruperts (2) : Jurczyluk 3 Lovett Balmer Murphy. Best: Hackett McGovern DiSah•atore Catalano Cascio Jurezyluk. Umpires : Patrick Coulthard David Ewens (F )
1.3 3.11 6 .16 8 .20 (68) OLD WESTBOURNE THERRY PENOLA 3 .3 4.5 6.6 9.10 (64) Old West : McAllndon 2 Squaret 2 Amore Chan Heineger ZabrigUo. Best : T Williamson Templeton M Williamson Gerdy Smith Heineger . Therry Pen: Elml 3 Keenan 3 MeKav Tozer Orr . Best : Muhr Keenan Al)eneter Or, Tomkinson Robertson . Umpires: Paul Hoffman Nick Keating (F) 1
G '-' .--- GIA NS
Coacil : Michael Jones I 2
A. Brdy-man M- Williams
GF ' Coaar. vavni Madigan Asst Cc :h : Tim Ford 1 T. Kovess (vc) 2 S. Edwards 3 4 5 6
7 R . Btacktzy 8 d Curtis
7 D . Keely(vc)
6 . S . Abrahams
8 G. Hesse 9 A . Cox 10 N . Roberts 11 W. Fento n 12 J . Hansen
7 . J . Crimmins 8 . D . Valsorda 9 . D . Considine
3 . J. Wtnstar,ley 4 . T MOntagana 5 . J. BortoloHo
13 C . Weeks
14 A . De Mare
10 . T. Stafford 11 . J. Gaspanni
14 N . Cork
15 N . Harris
12 . P. Augustin
16 M . Herkess (C) 17 L. Casey
13 . D. Catalan
15 D. Hynes 1 6 W.Tardrfi
17 J . Hamilton
21 F. Boland 22 B . Sims 23 J . Dawes 24 T Cook
23 J. Casey 24 J. Fletcher 25 S . Nethersole
25 D. Adgem :s
26 B . Hogan
27 T. Rutherford
27 S . Miles
29 T. Kovank
23. M . Grigoruk
30 N. Thompson
24. J . Hogarth 26. S . Preece
18 D . Rajkuma
19 T. Donegan
B. Sutton
33 C. Bushnell 40 M. Lrghta.vers
6 J . Geddes 7 J . Salem 8 M . Barlett
37 G . Rae 46 J.TOnio:o
11910€' ~~. lorfle
7 L Amstrcc: 40 k1 Ne . n 8 D P.-y A' 4[Ar T al ° t 0 ~ to T 1 s as J ' ' 11 N ; u J Da< . - .,
10 J . Edge 11 K. Sheehan 12 J . Priestley 13 J . Sest
12 A Kpi 15 Ill Ferns
48 A Pey
16G~y 49HTay',w 17 ANrad!ee 50 TVo~i 8,6 51 N Spaao is s Has- 52 H 4tAso n 19 T Goad 53 C L . 20 td Rsma~ :A C Ntrod
18 B. Blatt 79 M. Browning 20 G . Fielke
or W C- a M EFch 22 4v cm 57 5 Lake 23 64 Catlee 8 1 W'H.ar:sv 2 J Ponta 62 S>.+a *h G 254 T Sari_ry 64 _ 87 2e A :t^.,~n 65 !.t Met g2 66 4 o, i 27 B Kaye
21 J. Kenyon 22 J. Delosa
23 K. Presnell 24 A. Tregear 25 R . Eastgate 26 L . Hanson
27. M . Turner 28. C. Cogdon 29. M. Nas h 30. D. Redmond 31 . D. Bolge r 44. B. Pell
;e E K,u --.
14 T L~ 47 J Peeae
14 R. Doherty 15 J . Leaf 16 S. Mulligan 17 B. Moon
22 . J . Symes
32 D. Lowe 33 N. Stewart 34 J. Oakley
6 A 39 N t"tu
9 T Gunning
19 . J . Crapper 20. N. Enroll 21 . B . Houghton
S(1) Coach: b:uoe Armstron g S(2) Red Coach : an Leith Asst Coach: Craig Kernidt 2I 34 M Sma ;! 3t 36 S E "t .er 4 Ef 37 R Hut; : g 6 B s 33 M Lm
5 J . Miller
14. A .McGlln 15 . S . Pesavento 16 . C. Warner 17 . L. Boyd 18. D. Fraser
18 W. Dwyer 19 J . Crowe 20 D. Hassaballa 21 L. Bull 22 T Donegan
20 A4. Weeks
Coach : Joe Lyflleton 1 N . Kaplan 2 D. Jenning s 3 S . Oliver 4 S . Rowell
2 R .Tabacchiera
3 N . Crema p T. Baxter 5 A. Scotl 6 M. Feld
9 M. Lynch 10 T Zimbachs 11 B. Louts 12 S. Jeffrey
M. Fieldsend D. Close T. Joh n J . Pitcher
Coach: Dean Rossely 1 . S. Farrelly
28 H D:ck 67 J f:u 29 d a;armes 63 D tvr t :9 S&adiry 70 F? z
31 J Ca:,e 81 A Gray 32 ATu-I
33 C ezct-
Cw liner 'a ] _-
.._ ,
Ass tant: David G 31h{ 1 T Silk _ 2 A. 3 K. ~u nara 4 S O'Brian 5 T Bqme 6 T. Preece 7 ru L. Kelly $ ~r~, s J . t.lortensen 10 S. Sheerly 11 J Moore 12 A. Ross
13 A Borrnaca 14 J . Rotte 15 S. Brulgelarxi 16 S . Houghton 17 S. Day]' 18 S Dt Stetano 19 C . Murphy 20 J . Kay
21 C.T haas m 22 D. Smith 23 TL24 F. Indo+nne 26 py, Fee l 26 N. Counsel
27 B . Robertson 29 S . uangdon 30 J. Ftzc° ld .,ra 31 J. tdultarc7 32 D. Ctyna
33 L. Harry 34 N. Morri,:on 35 J. Robe
37 C. Drnvn°y 38 J. Forrest 39 J~ Downey 40 N. O'Connell 4 1 N. Saunders 42 J, Hickey 43 H . nl~tade ~ N~~ 46 J Sweeney 51 E. Boland
.. .
. - ._ .
Coach: Greg Wood 2 D. Hurley 4 M. Walsh 5 J . Hughes 7 C . Liberatore 8 S. Ma tt hews 9 D . Evans 10 B . Ga rth 11 A . Marion 12 D . Oconnor 15 A . Mitchell 16 P. Oxenford 17 C. Rogers 20 M M . Maggiore 21 T. Whelan 23 D. lanazzo 24 BB . Runnals 25 C. Govan 27 M . Salvadori 30 D. Lancashire 33 M . Gourley 35 B. Ryan 38 K. Buis 39 L . Demorton 40 A. Kavanagh 43 J. Stapleton 45 B. Johnson 50 R. Schroder 58 B. Pi tt s 59 T Pearson 70 E. Prendi 75 C. McDermott
. .. . _ ._ . .
. .
. . . . : .,
Cr h: Owen rtoungan 1 2 3 4
L . Kenyo n S. Belsey B. Dcvrd S. Conlon
5 J. Marchesani 5 K . Sahely
6 C . Breheny 6 R . Taylor y 7 S . Neohoritis 8 S . Ryan 9 P. McLennan 10 A . White 11 T. White 12 M . Sherman 13 P. Mercouriou 15 M . Sullivan 16 R. Arnett 17 J . Charles 18 H. Low 19 W. Browne 20 K . Mios 21 J . Moussi 22 P. Harrison 23 H. Feehan 24 D. Sullivan 25 J . Mullen 26 P. Longmore 27 J . O'Rourk e
28 M. Murphy 29 J. N issen 30 T. O'Hanlon 31 J. Sym e 32 M. Murphy 33 C . Viti 35 X. Gaeparini 39 C . Murphy 41 B. Liu
. .
..~ : .-i
Cc :h: Steve Carrol l 1 R . Minns 2 N . Anderson 3 D. Wood 4 M . Kelly 5 H . Guthrie M . Sykes 7 A . Farrell (vc) 8 T Maddocks (c) 9 Z . Ellio tt 10 N. Bradley 11 M . Dwyer (vc) 12 D. Marshall 13 J . McCarty 14 J . Poynter 15 S . Mortime r 16 T. Bront e 17 D. Carmody 18 M . Mark Lesko 19 D. Hayter 20 C. Pyke 21 P. Bilks 22 A. Brennan 23 L . Butle r 24 J. Sundermann 25 M. Kibbis 26 L . Halliday 27 S. Meade 28 D. Hanrahan 29 L .O'Shannesy 30 T. Stainforth 31 B. Gannon 32 S. Gilbe rtson 33 J. Lynch 34 C . Blizzard
ry -,-- L-L j 0 ~~ (f) Z 0 Q
r =
t~ Oil ®
(`+ . -~ <
-- -~ --= Q- LL Q >
" ~
~ Z ~_. --! __ ~ 0 (I) -
~ 0 ~
IQ >
U, I
CoaLn : John Burke Asst Coach : Paul Berry
1 K . Gasperino
2 R. Gillespie 3 J . Sinko
2 M . Sessler 3 N. Andrew
4 L. Hill
4 A . Clarke
5 C . Badman 6 M . Bramwell (VC)
5 A . Spittal 6 C. Hammond
2 3 4 5
7 T. Hunt 8 A . Clemente 9 J. Starke 10 A. Mckenzie 11 J. Dickie
7 G. Thomson 8 T. Ha rtlett 9 L. Pri ce 10 B. Gatehouse 11 R . Evans
3 G C - :. `,__ j 5 " u--_ :' 6~~
R, Gunersc n 0 Drnpac
17 B. Giles 18 V. Camera
t o S Gmt!rn
20 T. Waller (VC)
t9 J.Sp:xr 20 C Sk d'A
21 R. Fenton
21 0 Remen 22 J R ~er 23 D Shepherd 24 A Daft 25 S.Ta'H 26 J. tAw~,z:ery 2 7 R Nartr~n 28 S G-, 29 J S 30 A P n 31 K ; aM-,,,~?!~r
22 J . Atkins 24 R. Imlach 25 B . Strong 26 C . Shone (VC) 29 M . Gravina 3 1 C . Graham 32 B. Woodland
33 J. Kilgore 37 B. Fraser
38 J. Edmeades 39 A. Litt le
32 J.T
40 D. Reiby
33 g L 34 J. D_. ._ane 35 F Oy i 2s M Fan
41 43 46 47
37 L Morgan Is C CoR 39 S,t,aorzn 40 Re t, -e
J. Nicholson D. Cupples ( C) R . Scrivenor A. Mueller
49 M . Cairns 51 M, Beruldsen 52 J. Williams 61 K . Bliesner
49 R 52[tt
Coach : Greg Evans
Coach : Ben Dunn
T. Barrow C. Po~ nton J . Rowatt N . Tsindos
6 P. Christie
8 M . the 9 D. Walpole 10 S. Bonyhady 11 N N . Hall 13 W. Robinson
12 S. Rowley 13 S. Wood 14 C . May
13 M. Wilson 14 B. Wall 15 B. Norris
t4 L.0'donr,11I (C. Gael 1 6 1A Lzrdo ( CO Capp 16 t7
-: Coach: Anson Brownles s 1 J. Gotdblatt
2 J 8f
7~' °fe e D R=~+cuz s M Cstan to c B~avmpo-aus tt am~ t2 J D Pafser t3 C 2ucEJef
Coach : Sam Calagero 1 T Noblett
14 D. DeSanctis
15 B. Pearce 16 K. Biggs
15 J. Tuohey 16 A. Renshaw
17 A. Good 18 Z . Goold 19 W. Hepwort h 20 M . Sundberg 21 M . Lo piccolo 22 M . Hard y 23 R. Schroth
17 D. Morley 18 N. Wallace
19 T. Peasnell 20 J. Davis
21 L Taylor 24 W. Wettenhall 25 N . Charles
24 M . Benkemou n 25 J . McCahon 26 E . Kalaja 27 T. Doake 28 B. McDonald
26 C . Hillier 27 D . McGuigan ~n 29 D. Har ry
Coach : Hob rranch 1 B . Noriol k
2 T. Robinson 3 J . De Leijer 4 J . Carpenter
5 A . Shedde n 6 T Davis 7 L. Andrianopoutos 8 R . Wood 9 B. La i 10 C. LaidaI w(C) 11 J. Van CuYlenber9 12 G . Lor d
13 P.Tiras 14 D. Croni n 15 A. Pattison 16 M . Laidlaw,
18 A. Remmers 19 T. Locock
21 T. Homrgat e 22 J . Wagner 23 24 25 26
L. McQueen A Willingham S . Mead M. Dudman
27 T. Navigate 29 D. Gaurt ot 30 A . Day (VC)
29 A . Webb
30 T. Angove
31 E. James
30 D. Mason
31 M. Shanks
31 A. McKay
33 C . Bennett
33 A. Guaga s 35 C . Scully 39 A. Nesci
34 G . Tolson
36 A. Thomas
M. Baker
D. Stucco (VC) C)
72 G . Hodges
Mitchell Partners
R®PE (
Coach : Leo Curran
Coach : Greg B- Y
Coach: Andy Dal rympl e
1 T. Cudlipp
1 Cole S
2 L. Gatti 3 N . Stogdale 4 A . Nabiakos 5 F. Linacre
2 C au.F OITT 40 A .tSNES 3 ATEtatatti 4 1 ACaSO.b 5 8 aJ''"''a 42 J L~JRrtit' 6a J PRETTY 43 44 A DI'asL:ATORE J BRADLEY B COWF Y toT WEST uC W~Gov:vnLE 12 A `Vas 45 7 EGAv 1 3 N FELL 4e L GARLAND
3 A. D'Alofsi o 5 J.Omeara 6 S . Keogh
2 Parker A 3 Marsden A ViC 4 Israel J
1 5 DGLErZN <T J B;s..tfGHT~a
114 A .Kenez 16 N . Crowe
6 S.Playfair 8 E. Mitchell
5 Simmons H
40 s -- -1
12 S. Godley 13 P. Smith
6 DelphineT V/C 7 Greene A 8 Stewa rt F 9 Howell T 10 Smith B
15 D. Byrne
11 Burke M
1 7 teIXrG',! EY 48 DGeEGO;r'
1 6 J .Ardley 17 W. Landale 18 A . Forte 20 T Code 21 S . Fletcher
t2 DelaneyE 13 Bicknell J 14 Bilney M 15 Peyton D 16 Spragg T
t9GtKUtE 496k?OttTAGNESr 50 D Etavvis ~ MGAU Fm
2 1 isramr Sr nCATaL:ti O 22GLC ?3 528"n " S 23 Hs R 53 8 MADAM
22 A . Ray
17 Lesinskis M
26 V W
10 E. Hamer 11 N . Russell
24 A . Mermigas 25 A . Quine 28 LMcMeniman
A . Manahan
18 Stockdale C 1 9 OldfieldT 20 LaherY 21 Grant J 22 Doyle H 24 Burke A Capt . 25 Milaszewicz A 27 Law B 29 Wilson D 31 de Bruin S 40 Wood L 44 Baylis M 68 Blytham R
te D DEatt 43 L Br,'Ew:rJi n J 94OERS0h aa A DAY
24 L r
54 J Ftu1;d E
55 S ' C! Yil
28 BBRF 5,>rBn , -= :
's0 MIACr~.n~.r: 50 CC :: .Ji 3t'AEAfRY 598hd .KK!DE
1 E . Abdalla h
7 C. Tanu k 8 D.Yore 9 B .Torney
11 A . Gamble 12
A . Pens C . Lucarelli
17 M Bond
18 K. Laski 19 S, Greenlan d 20 R . Carruthe rs 21 C. KrWikovrsk i 22 J.Tartagim 24 C. Harris
N. O'Callagha n
26 K. Walker
27 H. Fulton 26 9 L HamW m 2 A . Spurra l 30 AA 31 C. Power
a:InEt,S caLtvEe~„ CtutiSTEta.q¢1 67 D uJ;raJgSOi; 32 L. Kaldor 33 T k"JFprTY 67 L BADDELY 35 BLOrErr 74 DSlEtGrti ~ D!.:..t~stERw ;a!~t{anPo~t; ._ . . , ... .- . 37R CE5 i9CV+"~u~4tni : : . .. . . . . ... . .. 33MAD Aao co vukOytE r= ; :a J TAYLOR
proudly sponsored b y
"inder®19 - Sec°ti Coach : Michael Kons 1 D. Brauze 2 J . Smith 3 B, Ovtss 4 A . Freedman 5 J .Kegen 7 M. Chester 8 J . Feld y 9 D. Blusztein 12 B . Hershan 13 R. Spalberg 14 J.Kochen 15 A . Goldstein 16 E . Routman 17 N. Shulman 18 D. Skurnik 19 A.Chrapot 20 D. Markov 21 P.Vveln 22 A. Moss
23 R. Graf 24 J. Sacks 25 R. Kagan 27 G . Measey '~0 J. Shafir 31 G . Milecki 32 C.Yuc?31man 33 D. Ma)ttis 34 37 ,q 40 41
Coach : Zoran Collavic
Coach : Mick Lee Asst Coach : Geoff Brew t J . Coyne 2 A . Fogarty 3 O. Lewis 4 S . Lawry 5 J . Cole s 6 B . Meehan 7 R. Rossi 8 B. Halliday 9 L. Morrison 10 J . Convery 11 J. West 13 B. Zylbarsztajn 14 B. Lydste r 15 L . Armstrong 17 A. Wes t 18 S. Macleod 22 S. Frost 23 T. Bai l
P. McMullan B, Hare T. Ell-an G. Par r P. Davies A . McLean T. Anderson N- Buca E Caldow B . Prtman A, Jones Dr Letson M- Kennedy G.Waisgatt J Clough C Ne;td J . Paterson J.NA'acon H . Lancaster T, D :ctilnson 'A. Steele J. Weather V.Cncenti K .Doncvan 5 .Foster J. Parkins T.Iny,+'~s J. Parham J . Koclcmaric A. Parana L. Lrenzm E. F!.-mg B . Holland A. Cufvznor D. A§cF.iaster M . Sudvaeeks N. Beck P. FA-Grath J. Easton B. Hodge D. Patch D. Gladman C. Man N Clark C Ed rards G . Davtes S,Condron T. Hooke A, Kh.,ghl A. Oakley B. Mm.chnton R . Maatman B. Van oei T. N;xon R.Tolhday W.Marrcw G. G ;rdwood M. PatCnsc r K. McGcw;gh P. Nunan J. Dawels J . Witham J. Dnile T Taylor J.Hedncc L . Carnxdy C . Cooper A. McMahe n
26 T. Dewar
S. Ezekel T. Kohn C . Cahn J. stenberg L. obrov J . ., in D.S or
27 T. McIntyre 29 A . Quinn 30 M . Nyary 31 B. Steven 32 C . Fidler 34 B . Hunt
35 M . Bell
Coach: Brad James Runner: Tim Fitzgerald I M . Andrews 2 D. Ashworth 3 H. Baiky 4 C Ba;~ 5 N Barkatsa s - T Barlha',ornevr 7 A. Bernaru{ham 8 D. Broo:cs Re ;d 9 J.Bunt ;ng to D.Cameron it H.ComeadaN 12 L . D.13 S. Anderson 14 M . Hamdton-Ho to M .Fraczek to B.Herskope 17 A. Hgg3ns to T. Kavanagh t9 J.Krtet«y 20 K. La m 21 W, Taft 22 J.Larkms 23 A.Lenehan 24 G . Lest. 25 A. Um 26 L.Evans 27 A . Lt1N~hales 28 C . McGrath 29 S. McGrath 30 L. P.1cKinn .^,rn 3t E . MuWy 32 C . Peck 33 6 .Pretry 34 E . Pretty 35 B .Rehaws 38 J, Rassnh37 N . Ruddcll 38 J . S. on 39 D. S. 'A n 40 N,Ta; 41 M1"
Coach : Bruce Waldron 1 .K Collins 2.P.Gurr 3. M Philips 4. D Morgan 5. J. Maye 6, R VanDerMerwe 7, A Jordan 8 . D Padulla 9 . A Vincent 10 A Thompson 11 B Cruickshank 12 S Jacobson 13 B Harding 14 B Main 15 C Godsd 16 11 Ngyuen 17 L Treadwell t8 J Rudd 19 N Rhoden 20 J Showv 21 S Barton 22 C Handley 23 K Adje i 24 CWdkov,ski 49 R Devanny 62 S 4Vcrrall 63 J Stephenson 83 G Svenson
47 Y. Kozmnski 49 D. Well-
t can 1 D. Counihan 2 M . Harold (C) 3 D. Costigan 4 J, Fitzgerald 5 C. Groake 6 M . Doyle 7 L . Callery 8 M. Mackenzie 9 D.WWill s 10 W- Manning 11 M. Bennett 12 R . Stafford 13 C. Virgona 14 N . Mille r 15 D . Cleary 16 J . Derks 17 G. Bennett 18 J . Chapple 19 P. Disiervi 20 A . North 21 S . Doherty A . Pound-Ga.v T. Edwards S . Aidone M . Donato J. Pasitchnyj i A . Middlemiss , 28 M . Bond zy Ristevski 30 L. Barrand 42 M . Shenke r
Coach : Ben Cov2lli
Coach : Mark Spinoso Ass Cot :h: Simon Vincen I J. Crosthwaite 1 D . Zivanovic 2 B . Holde n 3 R . Bugeja (VC) 5 A . Serafi n 6 M . Solomon 7 A . Cowles 8 N. Pratt 9 R. Petrou 11 M . Matko 13 S . Rose
i M. Fer.-anIlno (V?Capt) 2 J.Mma s 3 M-Goiden " T Ncda 5 G. Reynard M-Ceokscat 7 K, Bill's 8 T,Ham=_on 9 M .6odacoat 10 T.Pantano 11 N Claire (Captl 12 td .Itson 13 J. Bmney (ViCapt) 14 A. Foster 16 B. Saunders 17 T-Rosenis 19 C.Crerees 20 D Madigan 2t L Terenyl 22 B. tAcK~nley 23 A. BWzan 24 M . Perot; 25 J. F=ndman 26 D t . c! 27 E. Sp o 28 L. P hood 29 C R
22 D. Richardson 23 S. Rehlick i 25 D. Hussey 32 B. McAllister 33 D. Clayton 34 R . Thomas 35 J-Berthet 37 S. Valente 38 M. Irvine
39 J. Seneca (DVC) 42 M. Patena (C) 43 M. Christi e 44 D . Whyley 45 G. Vincent 46 M.Stace 47 B . Geary 50 A . Lago 51 A . Cirillo 52 J . Kandilakis
S Ketalas A Steer 34 A .Gloster 35 C Lod: 35 G Hartr&, 37 A . BalGnin 38 J S09 39 J Burns
JTOMOT : sigh 3166 9564 7208
Coach: Ones Lalor t T. Law r 2 A. Knowles 3 J . Hunter 4 B Co. " 5 D.Camp:sano 6 D . Lynch 7 I, Fndman 8 JlAcNeil 9 S . L'Hu,so-ar t0 L, Kell y 11 C Barr 12 J . Marini t3 N. Kona 14 S . Brown 15 P. M 3ettrgan t6 T. Foste r 17 L`J_ Parker i8 C.Tobm t9 p.S .Knuppel 20 M . Bod;naar 2t M .Lawder 22 T. H~ckmott 23 M . Curcro 24 B. Schvrarze 25 R .Swayne 27 P. Wight 34 M. Sap, na 35 L . Thomas 38 A . Faikmer 47 S Johnson 49 S. Nea;some 6t C . Mourrtz 63 J .Tenell 67 J . Mattlngly 75 K,McConne q
Proudly Sponsored by Buxton Real Estate Kingston Chiropractice IFCO Clearcut Hairdressing
Coach : .;es0n Gray Asst CoacF.-s : Andrew Gray, Bt-_s Warren 1 Tom Napie r 2 Vddl Ezzy 3 Jake R!ppon (C) 4 Tom Doom s 5 Ban McGowan (DVC) 6 Mick Bafficta 7 Grant Shaw (DVC) 8 Than Burchell 9 Gus Legoe to Jack. Be;l (DJC) 11 Tim Ross (VC) 12 Oily Clase 13 Chns Le Maitre 14 Eddie Harrmson t5 B.an Batter s t6 AaronCordy 17 Juhan Russell to Sam Jess 19 Mach Hodgsen 20 Beau F.';kus 21 Bas Jerem!ah 22 Huw Porte r 23 Darcy Idoar 24 Mae Barron 25 .'Pill Howson 26 Harley Beaumont 27 Andrew Ga l 28 Jock Hughes 29 James Ardley Paul Healey Xawer Nard ;no 2 John Bergn Ash Nas;akos Jem Newlan d 5 Olly Ramsay Nid; Sche=Sng s 7 Trevts Strtnger Lachlan Hams 9 Ban Flaming
Proudly Sponsored by THE CLYDE HOTE L cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 305 3 2005
Coach : Robin Smith Asst: Matt Francis 1 J. Fisher 2 J. Fletcher 3 J. Toniol o
4 D. Hassaballa 5 T. Robson 6 M. Munoz 7 O .Keaney 8 W. Fenton 9 S. Clinch 10 J. Casey 11 D. Gould 12 S. Morxood 13 C. Bali 14 J. Bird 15 P.Tiben 16 S . Miles 17 A. Marino 18 D. Mescher 19 J . McKenzie 20 C. Dowling 21 L. O'Donnell 22 C . Russell 24 D. Harkins 25 R . Breda 27 B . Flanigan 28 T. Silvers 30 T. Kova <
Coach : Dale Ros s 1 D. Zampaglrene 2 A . Ross 3 G. Cannot 4 1 . Nicholls 5 N. Ulbrick 6 S . Blanchard 7 D. Kettle 8 N . Pinto
9 R . Semmel 10 L. Smit h 11 T. Fallon 12 R . Kenny 13 P. Woods 15 R . Hendry 16 J . Corbett 17 T. Mitchell 18 a O'Brien 20 M. Curry
21 S. Suleyman 22 J. Barry 24 B. McDonald 25 R . Sharpe 26 M. Deluca 27 J. Williams 28 R . White 29 C. Gleason 30 A. Bic e 33 T Rootsey 35 M.YJesthead 38 R. Lang 39 K. Cho 40 J. Hille 43 J. Sc,hater 44 T.Skrxes
Coach: Shane Regan AssC h : D: .:'i Stanley 2 b1 Pecn a 3 J .Kavanagn 4 T. Bassy 5 N . Graham 6 F Deegan 7 D.Regan 8 S, Mann 9 J-Crerr.en 10 N . Begar 11 D.Pcwer 12 J. Arnold "s J Augannes 14 D Mrcal!at
15 S. Mora n 16 M . sayi20 B. R oss 22 K °°^-°n 23 N.Cr° an 24 C. D 25 L. 26 P. _ 27 N. 28 M . , 30 PJr~4n_m 31 J. cGregcr 32 G. Cocks 34 M . tAcLecd :b N Fox 36 D. Cory 37 J Rt rham 38 J.Rr 41 K 42 B . 52 i .
Coach: Gary V tms Ta C g Eva,*ista 1 J Skaon (VC ) 2 K . Ngsyen (CAPT) 3 J .Lao
4 J . Linke 5 S, Jar ;. 6 J . Sajern:o 7 L IN George (DVC) 8 C . Ttnmpso n 9 J . Adams 10 A. Ptazza 1 D .Gatt 12 S. Gallagher kDVC) 13 J .Evangehsta 14 D.N, 15 J. Newtt 16 D. Gilmore 17 B.Forbes 18 G . Damns 19 V U m 20 D. Eikan 21 D. Sts-parroz 22 S. Levy (VC) 23 L .Tc .C . t.24S 25 S.lYO, n=fatt 26 J. Cae 27 TS, rr 28 P.Cr: . . 29 B0r.. . no 2,0 J : - ...
Coach : David Lappage I A Pole 2 C. Casey 3 J.bMalsh 4 J. Mill s 5 S . Podaru}u 6 S .Locsweai 7 D. Gilby {VC) 8 F 69ohamn'rd 9 N . Wan e 10 S . Roberts 11 A. EAclntyre 12 N . Hamson (C) 13 D . Maye s 14 S . Jones 15 J . Stan;cr y
16 M. Scho e.s uC) 17 T Wvreth 18 19 20 21
1 Doukas R Da . ; M. Fanichauser M S,Fcare r
22 S. Eilu 23 J EIBe,t 24 D.Knries 25 J. Moyle 26 A.Byass 27 S.Cam~ei1 28 J.Munday 29 B Raqs 30 B.tman 31 A f: :. epbe,9 32 M. y[<
31 C-i_, ..
33 5 ; :.- .: ... 3, J Price 35 C. F 36 G . J. Joseph E40 41 J.Craatwr 42 S Bugsta 3 R.Th,znas 46 C. La RoCa
Coa : :i : „'"chaet Hazeli Asst. Cc : :h : Michael Fore r 1 J. Ashley 2 D. Bailey 3 R . Chisholm 4 S. Barne s 5 D. Brosnan 6 T. Denatris 7 M . Mclelland 8 R. Sayers 9 A. Jewell 10 L. Calvert 11 S . Fisher 12 G, Evans 13 D. Haysom 14 L. Upstill 15 L Johnson 16 A . Wilson 17 J . Harry 18 L. Washfold 19 T. Woolfe 20 D . Machin 21 R . Mcgir 22 S. Vipond 23 M. Violi 24 J . Turnbull 25 C . Woodtord 26 L. Knoester 27 A. Cribbes 28 L. Kinniard 29 T. Leary 30 L. Duthie 32 C. Freeman 33 N . Ryde 44 B. Robbins
1 L. Walker 2 R. White 3 E . Wittich 4 R . Smith 5 D. Smith 6 B . Mitchell (CAPT) 7 N . Coy 8 P. Wignall 9 B . Coldrey 10 M . Warner 11 M . Kenny
12 A . De Lange (VC) 13 S. Robertson 14 L . Coghlan 15 S. Byrne 16 M. Lewis 17 D. Felons 18 T Madder 19 A. Creftel d
20 S. McGuiness 21 H . Nesto r 22 S. Taylor 23 C. Witzelll 25 J. Rees 26 J. Murphy 27 J. Wilmot 28 R. Trickey 29 J. Birt
1 R. Batten 2 B . Crowley 3 P. Norman (Co-Capt) 4 C. Hoga n 5 L. Kelly (Co-Caph 6 L. Peterson 7 D . Kalogiannis 8 J . Butterfield 9 T. Mallard 10 S.Toniazzo 11 H . Singh 12 B. McCarthy 13 B. Farhner 14 R . Mein 15 L . Phipps
16 M. Dempster 17 S. Curti s 18 R .Jordan 19 P. Dunne 20 D. Lentin i 21 S. Francis (V.Capt) 22 C. Thomso n 23 T. Wilson 24 J. Silk 25 T Tagia 26 D. Thomson 27 M . Pullman 28 D. Demaria 29 J . Morsello 30 K. . Batten
: Ben Pfey I N . Mornson-Story 2 J. Price 3 W. Collins 6 J. McGregor 7 L Chapma n 8 N . Wedermann 11 M. Hale 13 C. Ryan (c) 16 L.Neame 20 S.O'Dannell 20 A. Ragauskas 21 D.Zuccon 22 C.Wilhams (c) 26 S. Ragozzini 27 J. Thompson 32 G . Day 341 C. Sheridan 43 M. Sawyers 46 J. Reece 55 J. Bicknell 53 D. Thatcher 71 R . Paoworth
S(1)1 S(2
7 S. Mcuntaun 8 A. Eccle s 9 D. Thomson 10 T. Le e 11 M.Vogl,s 12 D. McColl 13 B.Tekrn 14 J.Newman 15 S. Mille r 16 R.Trernayne 17 P VogVis 18 B. Moran 19 C. Lapadaula 20 B. Lapadoula 22 A- Same, ichs 23 A. Stavretis 24 M. Meadaws 26 A. GeorgakcgoWos 27 S. Haysted 28 1A. Fill 29 M. Coniston 30 P. Florence 31 P. Gall o 32 J. McDonald 33 P. Murch 34 E.Odza 35 M. Ramondetta 3-3 A. Conisto n 37 J. VJClrnzer 38 V Crocks 40 P. to ire 41 A S-in 42 Si ~c. 43 D. 1 ^ co 45 46 50 1
onice Armstrong :c h: an Leith . aky rw~ .37 Rt+a,~ . 3s Id L, ~5 N t4o
1 P Baranello 2 J . Quirk 3 A. Hickey 4 D. t7ionforte 5 N. Baranel!o 6 R. Stafford 7 K. Adriaanse 9 S. Eduatti 10 S. Randall 11 S. Kay 13 M . D'orazio 14 G .Croughan 15 T Aher n 16 J . Barry 17 N. Robin 18 M . Wright 19 P. D'amico 20 J . Brogdon 21 N. Cadden 22 J . Anderson 24 A. McKenzie 33 M . La!or
Coach : Tim Bell
w. C .
2 K 3 T White 4 B. Mtnnis 5 J. Boyle 6 J. Ritchie 7 J. Beach 8 A. Brown 9 S . Bombed 10 P. Morrell 11 R. Dance 12 B.Janissen 13 D. Mille r 14 D. Sufemenovski 15 L. Williams It H.Topp 17 C. Dullard 18 K. McKenzie 19 J. Bolton 20 a McPhee 21 J. Bramham 22 M . Mikhai l 23 K. Maghamez 24 D.Lee 25 G . Maroon 26 L. Davidson 27 R. McKeown 28 L Magee 29 F. Hove!4o 30 'N. Townsend 31 T Osborn 32 N. Scot t
Cc s . ., : James Sandman 1 B.Tanne r 2 J. Amore 3 S. Dunn 4 J. Tanner 5 N . Gerd y 6 F.Bertone 8 TWilliamso n 10 L . Scuarc i 12 M.V`tilliamson 13 P. Eckel 14 A. McAlindo n
15 G. McQueen 17 B. State d 18 H . Templeton 19 A. Smith 20 D. Chan 21 B. Whilin g 22 R . Borg 23 ! Hmce r
R . Hall 27 D.Sic ..a!I 28 D. Ricci 29 D. Griffi n 30 M. Anrituno'w 54 O . Hfickey C. Hudson
KEW Coach: Ptatt err Jack
As~ Can.ch: Tony Dullard Team Manager: Janiene Hart 1 G . Williams Runner : Leo Dyne s 2 S . O'Shea 3 R. Wyiey 1 K. Donato 4 A . Hal e . Bayley
1 L . Canboy 3 R .Keenan 4 K. He!ou 5 Y. Helo u 6 M. Cannon 7 J. Muha r 8 A. E!m i 9 D. Allender 10 P Tomkinson 12 A. Ferraro 13 C . Desousa 14 N .Somerton 15 B.Tozer
17 J. Webber 18 G . Dor e 19 M. Reynolds 20 A. Mert 21 L . Harpley 22 J. Mammoiti 23 C. Rees 24 C . Motion 32 J. Cooper 33 S. Harrison 38 K- Robertson 44 A. Gentile
5 J . DeAngelis 7 M . Cochrane 8 A . Lucisani 10 T Wan g 11 N. Lawrence 15 N. Howard 19 T. McKay 20 A . Pike
23 J . Eggby 26 R. Nash 30 O. Gregory 35 M . Matherson 36 D. Malony 38 J . Fultheim (C) 54 A . Franklin {V(.;) 57 D.Jac.ksa n 65 C. Joll y
636 High St, Kew Cannon Toyota 473 Lower Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg
The Darwinian theory, "survival of the fittest" ,
certainly was borne out at Sportscover Arena last Sunday when all Club XVIII players an d spectators were subjected to Antarctic like col d
and a howling northerly wind which markedly favoured the southern end throughout the three games . Until the final five minutes of the Section I match, I thought I had tipped the card . However in the end I had to be content with two successful tips . Review of I -y Finals . Section I If ever defeat was snatched from the jaws of victory, this result was the time . Prahran set the pace from the outset and with Butterworth doing well up forward, Macpherson dominating on aw-ing and the defenders clear St Kevin's forward thrusts with regular Prahran looked to be on their way to the 1`r, Final, Prahran led at f : .ch of the changes a : a lead of twenti = i pc is going into the I quarter, the Two seemed Grand Fi~~~al bound .
During the third some sagacious spectators had an inkling that the tempo was changing as Prahran were slowing down . In the final analysis, a goal into the gale by St Kevin's proved a match winning effort . Prahran moved players around and so much of their earlier drive was lost as Butterworth and Macpherson disappeared from the contest. Aided by two lifting goals from big forward O'Brien, St Kevin's constantly surged forward and by the seventeen minute mark, they had drawn level . Scores remained deadlocked for the next four minutes until another St Kevin's goal broke the nexus and the Prahran spirit . Prahran midfielders strove hard but they were unable to break through for an equalizing goal . It was a remarkable turnaround and certainly St Kevin's showed a game is not over until the final siren . 1 2
Ole -- verians started well with the gale and led by t :.enty one points at quarter time . Their second quarter effort to kick three goals into the gale, while restricting Fitzroy Reds to five goals with it, enabled the Xaverians to lead by twelve points at half time . They built their lead in a hard fought third quarter and went into the last change leading by twenty nine points . 56
The last quarter passed quietly . :ith each team kicking only one goal . The
Reds were unable to bridge the gap with the wind and could not take advantage of a loose man for a most of the last quarter. At the final siren, Old Xaverians were in front by thirty two points . They were well served by Michael Meehan, their unobtrusive forward with three goals . Others to do well included Jake Richards, whose sparkle around the flanks rivaled his poise on the club circuit . Fitzroy Reds had ge^ 째rs'^ ; Rowan Enright , Paul Crowe and on .
scoring op ling quarter, C broke a from an inaccurate to lead by twenty seven points at 1 h- I e . Although the Reds were able to post three goals in the third term with the gale, their earlier inaccuracy meant they still trailed by eight points at the last change . Caulfield Grammarians controlled the final quarter, despite inaccuracy and ran out comfortable winners by thirty points . The winners were well served by : Travis Backman (four goals), Ben Jenkinson and Rowan Saunders . For Fitzroy Reds, Clark, O'Reilly and Maags were best .
C"k Old Xaverians Patrick Hall 0 53 $ Prahran Cartlidge 0 43 ' Old Scotch N Simon 0 43 Cl 2 * Eley Park Sharks David Viola 0 82 ` Old Essendon Cariss 0 33 Monash Blues Haines 0 26 C18 f3 1
' Whitefriars Norm Elliott 0 34 ` Caulfield Grammerians Margerison 3 34 ' Caulfield Grammarians Ta Backman 4 3 2 Yinals Goals Included THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2005
Section 3 .
and Final ; and ,' - 's meet for the fourth time this season . The ' rians seek their tenth ,uccessive premiership r d their thirteenth in the past fourteen seasons . St Kevin's are in their first grand Final since 1988 when Old Xaverians defeated them in H Section . In their three previous meetings this season, Old Xaverians have won each time . Two weeks ago the margin was twenty points in a fairly low scoring match . It is difficult to see St Kevin's winning because of the all round depth of talent of the Xavier combination . They have a reliable forward in Patrick Hali, other goalsneaks like the Hardwicks and veteran David King, whose cameo nerformances are valuable to his side . Tony i,andrigan still wins his share of the ball while 3art Calman had a good day in the Semi Final . - ;t Kevin's showed great determination last Sunday to rise up and win against the odds . Their tonvards led by O'Brien and Horrocks can be relied upon to play well Dominic Dunn, th e Dillons and Kearns must again do well to keep St 'tevin's in the contest . Old Xaverians deserve favouritism and are my ,election despite the determination, St Kevin's will bring to their task.
cult to see St K v e
9ca ats e
of t alent of the
.~ .
I -r
Section 2
Old Essendon and Old Xaveri s meet for the fourth time this season. Old Essendon peaked two weeks ago when in a powerful exhibition they virtually won the game through a six goal burst in the second quarter .Their twenty six point margin was by far the greatest margin between the teams this season . Old Xaverians survived a hectic clash last week and they may be sore today. Old Essendon will not give way easily and they will be the bigger of the sides . Old Essendon will apply vigour although the younger and lighter Xaverians stood up to physical pressure last Sunday . Can they do so again? Old Xaverians surely will be ready for Old Essendon's greater use of man on man and contested marks, which will slow the play . I am reliably informed that the Old Xaverians are rocket powered and ready to take off their first Section 2 pennant . I select Old Xaverians on the basis of their record this season and on the speed of their younger players, who can outrun their opponents .
Whitefriars will start favourites to defeat Caulfield Grammarians for the fourth time this season . They were comfortable winners two weeks ago when Caulfield went down by forty seven points . Their unfortunate draw, coupled with the tiredness of their legs prompt me to select Whitefriars to win their first Club XVIII premiership . Through, Coach, Norm Elliott and veteran, Peter O'Brien, Whitefriars have two reliable goal kickers who should post enough goals to ensure victory . The match last week in trying conditions may take its toll today on Caulfield Grammarians, whose draw has prevented a lot of vital game time, which has prevented match fitness for many of their players . Whitefriars are entitled to favouritism and they should justify it by winning the pennant .
M ~~:_. .-
-; ?
Old Xaverians -D aviai King - Twelve times Premiership Player - Captain 1997/98, Playing Coach 1999/2002- Played his 213th game in the 2nd Semi Final against St Kevin's . Tony I 'g - Eleven time Prermiership Player Captain 1999/2002, Competition Best and Fairest 1996 - Equal Best and Fairest Second XVIII in 1991, today plays his 241st and Final game for the club . Jonathon Hardwick an d Ben Perry in recent weeks played their 150th game for Old Xavs - Hardwick played in the 1996 Under 19 Premiership and the past eight Club XVIII Premierships for the Diles . Perry the 1996 Under 19 Flag - Two 2nd XVIII Premierships and four with the Crocodiles . Tommy Curnow Seven Premierships, B lain Beetham - Four flags and Nick .:ber Six, all passed 100 games for the club during the year . Congratulations to all from the President, Committee and Members .
CLUB 18 (1 ) August 21st, 2005 - at Sportscover Are-na 2.15 p.m . Grand Final Old Xaverians v St. Kevins CLUB IS (2) August 21st, 2005 - at Sportscover Arcane 11 .45 a .m.
Grand Final Old Essendon v Old Xaverians (2 ) CLUB IS f3l August 21st, 2005 - at Sportscover Areana 9.20 a .m.
Grand Final Whitefriars v Caulfield Or.
1 . 1 .7 2 . 8 7 .12 (54) 4 .5 4 .5 6 .11 6 .12 (48 ) sic : : O'Brien 3 P Harvey 2 Crowley Petrov. Best : Gran t Kearns D Dunn J O'Brien T Dillon T Collins . 1'rahrars : Butterworth 2 leak 2 Limoli Macpherson . Best: Macpherson Burgess Fung S1aGVinski Storer Stephens . Umpires : David Windlow Frank Kavanagh (F) Peter Kelly Simon Brooks (B) Rhe '"3 -ker Mark Thornhill (G )
Coach: Andrew Hall Coach : Bernard Dun n , sn r<,y rYnai OLD XrSVE S 4 .3 7 .3 1 0. 8 11 .12 (78) FITZROY REDS 10 5 .3 6.3 7 .4 (46) Old Xav: Meehan 3 Richards 2 Silk O'Hanlon Chamberlain Warrv Purcell Jones. Best: Chamberlain Watson Larkins Meehan Stribley Purcell . Fitz Reds : Hannam 2 Crowe Rome McCarthy Foster . Best: Enright Marron Crowe MclVicol Rome Walsh . Umpires : Paul Marton Brian Nunn (F) Bob O'Halloran Gerard Dowling (B) Anthony Byrnes Steve Mason (G ) t )R_j3) :,y Final Cfi'1L" ' I v i.4 6 .4 9 .10 (64) 1~'1T: ; 9(2) 1 .4 1 .7 4 .8 4 .10 (34) Caul : Bockman 4 Margerison 3 Vella Fisher . Best : Saunders J nkinson Craven Backman Lowe CossardWalsh . Fitz Reds : Cockshutt 2 East Alm- Best : Clark O'Reilly Maggs Bahr Schofield Flanagan . Umpires: Joe Salvatore Joe Ciccotosto (F) Lindsay MeInt}o'e Tom Windlow (B) Simon Pearless Richard Benson (G )
CLUB 18 - 1 3 2 1 To,, :1 I Mark Picone De La Salle 5 1 1 18 2 Richard Oakley Old Brighton 2 2 6 16 3 Chris Gibson Mt .Lilydale 1 3 5 14 =4 Mark Davies Old Xaverians 4 0 1 13 =4 Jason Storer Prahran 3 2 0 13 6 Andrew Dimble De La Salle 1 3 1 1 0
G ;B 2 B Calman . . . 3 M Jones (VC) 4 N Ireland . . . . 5 P Hall (C) . . .
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6 B Perry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 N Silk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 A Nolan . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.. . . . 9 N Rathgeber . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 11 J Melvin-Smith . . . . . . . i . . . . 13 M Ward _ . . . . . . . . . . . :, . . . . 14 T Curno~,w . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . 16 J Poulus . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . 17 B Beeiham . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 18 A McCarthy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 T Farrow . . . . . . . . . . . . .i.. . . . 21 L Hardwick . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . . 22 D Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . 23 M Davies . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . 27 D King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . 28 R Prideaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 J Hardwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 A Belli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !,, . . . . 34 JHardvtidt . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . 36 P Conquest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 T Landrigan . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . 41 D Reese . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . 44 N Hart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.. . . . 71 M Hardwick . . . . . . . . . . .% . . . .
111 W Dwyer . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . 116J Hawkins . . . . . . . ....
CLUB 18 - 2 3 2 1 Total I David Perkov Collegians 5 2 1 20 2 Brett Papal Old Essendon 2 4 2 16 3 Brendan Hains Collegians 1 5 1 14 4 John Gaffney Monash Blues 2 3 0 12 =5 Sam Thomas Eley Park 3 1 0 11 =5 David Viola Elev Park 2 1 3 1 1 CLUB 18 - 3 3 2 1 Total 1 Tony Jackson Fitzroy Reds 5 4 2 25 2 Michael Singh Whitefriars 3 2 1 14 3 Damian Ballan Old Scotch 3 1 1 12 =4 Christopher Andrews Whitefriars 2 2 0 10 =4 Daniel Flanagan Fitzroy Reds 2 2 0 10
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G' 6 1 A Conlan . . . . . . . . . . . L . . . 2 T Mount . . . . . . . . . . . . :.. . . . 3 R Short . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 D Petrou . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 6 T Collins . . . . _ . . . . . . .I . . . . 7 J Raulli . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . 8 J O'Brien . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . 9 T Harvey . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . , 10 A Orlando . . . . . , . . . . . < . . . . 11 A Grant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 M Furlong . . . . . . . . . . . .', . . . . 15 A Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 17 S Dillon . . . . . . . . . . . . .i 20 T Crawley . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . 22 J Macey @ . . . . . . . . . . ; . 25 J Fox . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . 26 T Dillon . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . 27 P Harvey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 D James . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 P Halpin . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 33 A Aloi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 P Scario . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . 37 H Powell . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . 38 K McInerney . . . . . . . . ; . . . . 40 N Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . 44 W Dunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . 47 J Griffiths . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . 49 L Syme . . . . -. .1 . . . . ! . . . . 50 R Harrocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 S Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 S Kuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 G Simm . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . , 67 B Day (VC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 T Salisbury . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 80 D Dunn (VC) . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 88 M Crowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 91 A Kearns (VC) . . . . . . . . . . . .
3/4 TIME
A, ; j
Coach : Norm Elliott Ast Coach : Paul Dodd Coach : John Maroerison
Coach: Paul Barry Coach: Chris Warty G B
8 G~my
45 PBarry 5 L Bromwich . . . . . . . . . ;; . . . 9 J Buckle y . . . 28 B Carss . . . . 2 J Chapman . 52 C Davies . . . 57 N Duggan . . 39 L Eddy . . . . . 43 J Edmonds .
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53 S Evans . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 17 L Fraser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 J Goodger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 J Hay y
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G ;B .. .. :. . . . .. ;. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ... . J . . . _; . . .
15 M Roach . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' . 16 J Saddler . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . 17 T GleesOn J Richards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 23 M R al p h
, . . 26 J Silk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
24 D Hunter . . . . . . . . 27 C Jones . . 34 C Kandilis . 54 J Knox . . . 18 C Morgan . 33 A Morison 62 S Muir . . . 61 A Nowland 41 B Overman
Assist Coach: Jonnie McLean Team Manger : Adrian Jones Runner : Marcus Quinn 1 F Chamberlin . 2 D Mackay . . . . 3 M Stribley . . . . 5 M Altis . . . . . . . 6 R Ford (Capt.) 8 M Murray y .... 11 J White . . . . .
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11 B Papal . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 29 D Poulton . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . 6 C Ridley 3 J Rush . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . .
19 P Rush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
27 P Purcell . . . . . . . . 29 J Ireland . . . . . . . 32 P Ockleshaw . . . . . 36 J McLean (V.Caot .) 37 C War ry . . . . . . . . . 39 M Meehan . . . . . . . 45 M 0'Hanlon . . . . . . 46 D King . . . . . . . . . . 47 J Andrew . . . . . . . . 56 J Watson . . . . . . . . 81 R Speakman . . . . . 87 M Trovato . . . . . . . . 114 N Larkins . . . . . . . . 126J McGrath . . . . . . .
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59 J Sofra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 J Stevens . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 B Turner . . . . . . . . . . .i . . .
G !B 9.
B . Atkinson
... 12. C . Welch . . . . . 14. P. Hogg . . . . . . 18. R . Gibson . . . . 19. M. Taylor . . . . . 20. M. Vernal (VC) { 22. M. Nowicki . . . 26. J . O'Meara . . 28. P. Tatterson (C) 29. M. Singh . . . . . 32. S . Ward . . . . . . 33. A . Salted . . . 36. T. Jackso n . . . . 37. P. O'Brien . . . . 40. C. Andrews . . . 41 . B . Fisher . . . . . 42. S . van Winckel 43. N. Elliott . . . . . . 45. M .Dixey . . . . .
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46. G. Johnson . . . . . . . . 47. C. Davies
. . .. .. . . . , 48. M. Tekin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49. C. Collins . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;50. D. Murray . . . . . . . . ... 51 . J . Littiepage . . . . . . . . . .' . 52. A . Ferguson . . . . . . . . . ., . 53. S . Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. 55. A . Mullen . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . 56 . S . Davis ( . . ) 57. R. Fawley VC f 58. T. Emmett . . . . . . . . . . . .I . 60. M . Nawir- i . . . . . . . . . . :. 61 . P. Henessy . . . . . . . . . . . ;. 63 . C. Ryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 . W. Westmore _ . . . . . . . :. 68 . D. Hancock . . . . . . . . . . .' . 69 . B.Vey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Proudly supported by., Manhattan Hote l 9874 7777 Fire Rating Solutions 9899 7432 V & A Spilled Jaguar IndependentJaguar Specialists 9899 4851 1/4 TIME
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1 R Steer . . . . . . . . . . . 3 S Stevenson . . . . . . 4 J Geffand . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Minter . . . . . . . . . . 8 S Cossart-Walsh (C)) 9 D Loetje . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 R Nadebau m . . . . . . 14 A Johnson . . . . . . . . 15 Tra Bookman . . . . . . . 16 T Royals . . . . . . . . . . 17 C Nadebaum . . . . . .
B .
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18 B Baxter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 J Pitts . . . . . . . _ . . . . . ; . . . . 20 H Vella . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . .
22 T Townley . . . . . . . . . . 23 L Nickos . . . . . . . 25 B Fisher . . . . . . . 26 J Brown . . . . . . . 27 T Conl y . .. 29 J Whitmee . . . . . 30 D Lowe . . . . . . . . 34 J Margerison . . . 35 Tre Backman . . . . 39 T Wailes . . . . . . . 41 R Saunde rs . . . . 6 4 S J en knson . . . . 51 B Jenkinson _ . . 55 C Hooper . . _ . . 56 E Andrew . . . . . . 60 W Jacobs . . . . . . 61 J Stevens . . . . . . 62 C Sheppard . . . .
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Reg % Club Donors Donors Total -,-,'Ship
Reg Club Donors Donors Vi I
Swinburne University AFC 31 29 60 63 .20% Caulfield Grammarians 51 23 74 55.60% Parkdale Vultures AFC 43 7 50 48.10% Williamstown CyTvIS 34 10 44 37 .301/o Peninsula OB 22 9 31 34.40% Therry Penola AFC 38 5 43 25.30% Old Haileyburians AFC 21 21 22.10% LaTrobe University AFC 11 23 34 21 .80% MHSOB AFC 28 1 29 19 .70% St Bedes Mentone Tigers AFC 22 3 25 19 .20% VAFA-UA 23 7 30 15 .00% Hampton Rovers AFC 25 1 26 14 .60% Old Mentonians 14 1 15 14 .00% De La Salle OC 28 2 30 12 .00% Ormond AFC 12 2 14 11 .40% St Mary's AFC 9 1 10 11 .40% Old Carey Grammarians 21 21 11 .10% St Kevins OB 15 1 16 8 .30% Collegians AFC 12 2 14 8 .10% Fitzroy Reds AFC 15 15 7 .70% Werribee AFC 11 1 12 7 .70째!0 Bentleigh AFC 10 10 7 .70% Elsternwick AFC 7 7 7 .60% Richmond Central AFC 8 8 7 .30% Old Essendon Grammarians 14 14 7 .20% Old Camberwell Grammarians 8 1 9 6 .90% Yarra Vallev OB 7 2 9 6 .50% Universitv Blues 8 8 6 .10% Old Melburnians 8 1 9 5.60째1a Syndal Tally Ho AFC 3 2 5 5.40% Old Paradians AFC 6 1 7 5 .20% Eley Park Sharks 3 3 5.10째 Whitefriars OC 5 3 8 5 .00% Monash Blues AFC 7 2 9 4.90% Box Hill North AFC 5 5 4 .90% St Bernards OC 6 6 4.20% University Blacks 5 4 9 4.00% Monash Gryphons AFC 4 4 4.00%
Old Trinity Grammarians 7 7 3 .90% Old Westbourne Grammar AFC 5 5 3 .90% Albert Park AFC 4 4 3 .90% St Johns OC 4 1 5 3 .80% North Old Boys 5 5 3 .60% South Melbourne Districts 3 2 5 3 .60% Mazenod OC 5 1 6 3 .50% Hawthorn AFC 5 5 3 .50% Mt Lilydale OC 2 1 3 3 .40% Salesian OC 3 3 3 .20% Old Geelong FC 4 2 6 3 .10% Beaumaris AFC 4 4 3 .10% Old Brighton Grammarians 5 1 6 3 .00% West Brunswick AFC 2 1 3 3 .00% Rupertswood AFC 4 4 2 .80% Old Scotch Collegians AFC 4 4 2 .60% Prahran AFC 4 4 2 .60% Eltham OC 2 2 2 .50% Old Ivanhoe Grammar AFC 4 4 2 .40% Banyule AFC 3 3 2 .20% Kew AFC 2 2 2 .20% Bu lleen Cobras AFC 2 2 2.10% Aquinas OC 3 3 2.00% Glen Eira AFC 2 2 1 .40% AJAX AFC 2 2 1 .10째l0 Oakleigh AFC 2 2 1 .10% North Brunswick AFC 1 1 1 .00% UHS-VU AFC 1 1 0.90% Bulleen-Templestowe AFC 1 1 0.70% Marcellin OC 1 1 0 .50% Old Xaverians AFC 1 1 0 .40% Emmaus St Leo's OC AFC 0 0 .00% Ivanhoe Assumption AFC 0 0 .00% Power House AFC 0 0 .00% Miscellaneous 12 4 16 n/a Totals 709 157 866 New Donor Rate 18.10%
Congratulations to Caulfield Grammarians who receive 2 new Sherrin footbaits from Spalding, for being the leader after Rd15 and having the greatest % increase from Rds 1 1 - 15 . Captain Blood Luncheon - Sunday September 1 1, all Club Captain Bloods will be invited and the winner of the 2005 VAPA Blood Services Challenge will be announced.
Tuesuay August 16, 266 5 David Pritchard, Havdhorn Amateurs. Abuse of umpire, 1 match . Matt Allis, Old Xaverians ( Club 18) . Striking, 2 matches. *Scott Olliver, Old Brighton ( Under-19). Striking, 2 matches . *Tyson Harrison, Old Ivanhoe (Under-19) . Abusive language, 2 matches . *Paul Crowe, Fitzroy Reds ( Club 18) . Attempting to strike, 1 match . *Tony Jackson, Fitzroy Reds (2) (Club 18) . Striking, 2 matches. *Accepted Prescribed Penalty - '~ V 2C,TE TIGERS
Results of Investi af[t ion s Werribee Amateurs and St Johns 0 C charged with a melee which allegedly occurred in their senior match on Sunday August 6 at Werribee. Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty. Werribee Amateurs fined $150 (second offence over the last ~^,o year period) and St. Johns 0 C $300 (third offence over the last two year period) .
1 Norm Nugent 2 Glen Harrison
;zâ&#x201A;Ź C -ib XVIII C
3 Tom Brain B 4 Fraser Cameron U/19 5 Gavan Flower D3 6 Cam Nation U/19 7 Barry Hickey D1 8 Peter Willamson D2 9 Johathan Horn A 10 Ed Sill D4 11 Andrew Wu D2
L:i-' $61 r
irst offence ($5) ; se : :d offence ($25) ; zz q&-ence ($50) ; fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ($100). Reserves/C18 Seniors/U1 9 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm St. Johns (R ) AJAX (S ) St. Mary's (R) Old Xaverians (U191) Old Trinity (U) Salesian Scorpions (U) Old Haileybury (U) Peninsula O B Phoned incorrect scores - Round 16 Hampton Rovers (S), Banyule (S), Fitzroy Reds (R), Rupertswood (U )
core Out of Score Out of % 2 3 166 21 6 77% 4 5 63 85 74% 3 5 59 80 74% 11 13 168 230 73% 5 5 60 85 71% 7 8 95 136 70% 2 5 59 85 69% 3 5 59 85 69% 3 5 53 80 66% 0 4 45 68 66% 4 5 49 85 58%
:arne the grid square where you think the bai l was in the original photo. PRIZES : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was . go into a major "Lucky Draw' at the end of the season for a Carlton Crest Hotel Accommodation Package . Last week : Ball was in F8 . Winner(s): G. Carter (Salesian 4}C) . (13) entries. HOW TO ENTER-- One entry per person . Tear off entry section which appears down right hand side of this page . fill in and mail to : VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 .
No Photocopies or faxed entries . Entry to be received by noon Tuesday following each round .
17 0 0 1949 523 372 66 6 !01520739 156 12 5 0 1341 1092 12280 11 6 0 1524 878 17358 11 6 0 1430 856 167.06 6 10 1 1010 1219 8285 4 11 2 849 1481 5733 3 13 1 720 1621 44 .42 3 14 0 722 1830 39.45 1 16 0 650 1642 39,59
48 44 44 26 20 14 12 d
:OD 0 C
17 17 17 17
15 2 14 3 11 6 9 8
17 17 17 17
8 5 3 3
0 0 0 0
2228 1744 1901 1625
1121 1293 1422 1494
198,75 134 88 13 1 68 10877
60 56 44 36
9 0 1825 1848 98 .76 12 0 1185 1702 69 .62 14 0 1256 1931 65 .04 14 0 1236 2189 5646
32 20 12 12
15 2 0 1647 13 4 0 1248 852 14648 12 5 0 1641 826 1 9867 11 6 0 1122 935 120 .00 10 7 0 1046 877 119 27 7 10 0 1044 1088 9596 6 11 0 1069 1265 84 .51 6 11 0 945 1243 76 03 4 13 0 721 1482 48 .65 1 16 0 626 1"32 33 62
52 48 4 40 28 24 24 16 4
17 16 1 0 2003 806 248,51 6 4 17 13 4 0 1480 969 15213 52 17 13 0 1655 1170 141 45 52 OLD --60W JE 17 10 7 0 1111 1134 97.97 40 BUL -E 'LESTOWE 17 8 9 0 1429 1457 9808 3 2 1 :^'- 3 0 B 17 8 9 0 1277 1350 94 59 32 Fill 33 17 8 9 0 1127 1408 8004 32 RUP_. .., .-JOC2j 17 6 11 0 875 1780 49-16 24 . . . OLD ~ :" 17 3 14 0 751 1634 45,96 1 2
P _ f _.___ -0
0 0 1 1 8 7 5 3
144'l 1409 1392 126 5
PR A OLD SCOTCH DE LA SALLE PnA7 _ " . 3 0 C OLD : . .:LBUC'_ . .'JS UNI7 :. .. il . UES
0 124 2 9 0 1231 10 0 776 12 0 746 14 0 40 8
0 1D BRIG: . . _
II 13 4 0 1594 1513 , 13 4 0 1299 1 117.13 12 5 0 1446 853 ~69-52 11 6 0 1321 1302 101-46 10 7 0 1248 1103 11315 9 8 0 1164 1136 10246 8 9 0 1104 1382 79 88 6 11 0 1103 1744 6325 3 14 0 1 C6 7 1f3 5869
52 48 44 40 36 32 24 12
For Agst --=-'
15 15 15 15 15 15
13 2 0 1377 776 177 45 12 3 0 1475 784 18814 12 3 0 1529 826 185 .11 10 5 0 1222 850 143.76 9 6 0 1175 839 140-05 7 8 0 1076 1151 93 .48
15 15 15 15
4 3 3 2
11 12 12 13
P w
52 48 48 40 36
28 0 938 1250 75,04 16 0 645 1193 54 .07 12 0 585 1726 33,95 12 0 746 1553 48.04 8
~ Fcr ~
.-JAN S(2)
15 13 2 0 1310 669 19581 52 70N GR 15 11 4 0 1133 657 172 .45 44 ._, .. . EL :-r KS 15 10 5 0 1366 913 149,62 40 FI 12 ~ .":: . 15 10 5 0 1025 805 127 .33 40 Cf S 15 10 5 0 1040 998 104 .21 40 L 1' dL.4 ITS 15 8 7 0 1222 845 144 .62 32 €,C _-_S 15 5 10 0 892 1147 77 .77 2 0 vELLIN 15 4 11 0 673 1152 58 .42 1 6 THE 710560 B 15 3 12 0 607 1559 38,944 12 iY 15 1 14 0 622 1434 43 .38 4
LFIELD O R ., ;~ROY REDS (2) 67 24 OLD SCOTCH (2) o--24 i6 E6aAUS ST LEOS 0 C 47.08 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 45.83 4 OLD GEELON G
'~!-D PARF,,,,,,S 17 15 2% 0 i.'dIVERSITYBLACKS 17 13 4 0 04KLEIGH 17 12 5 0 -'BEDES MENT TIG 17 11 6 0 HSOB 17 10 7 0 BENTLEIGH 17 8 9 0 IVi - . .."'= 17 7 10 0 :- . 17 4 13 0 17 3 14 0 N BLUES 17 2 15 0
199p0 60
14 115 0 1 -ius r 19 195 .13 96.43 13 110 2 0 1367 8 157 .49 84.62 13 10.0 3 0 tOosJ ,i42 16636 76.92 13 7 .5 5 1 981 740 132 .57 57.69 14 8 .0 6 0 1126 891 126 3 7 57.14 13 4 .5 8 1 719 1206 59,62 34 62 14 4 .5 9 1 915 1189 76.96 3214 13 1,0 12 0 568 1197 47,45 7,69 13 0 .0 13 0 680 1607 42.31 0.00
.e _
130.03 52 11 246 147,19 48 1 1546 1230 125 .69 4 4 1517 1264 120.02 40 1374 1277 107 .60 3 2
1196 1452 8237 2 8 1071 1759 6089 16 1075 1753 61 .32 1 2
902 2136 4223 3
P OLD HAILEYBURY 16 12 3 1 1693 1212 139 .69 50 OLD XAVERIANS 16 12 4 0 1705 1382 123 .37 48 UNIVERSITY BLUES 16 11 5 0 1653 1288 128 .34 44 OLD SCOTCH 16 11 5 0 1705 1364 125.00 44 MARCELLIN 16 11 5 0 1507 1400 107 .64 44 OLD MELBURNIANS 16 6 10 0 1298 1497 8 6 .71 24 ST BERNARDS 16 5 10 1 1430 1735 8142 22 COLLEGIANS 16 5 11 0 1308 1707 76 .63 20 OLD TRINITY 16 4 12 0 1366 1570 87 .01 16 8 ST KEVINS 16 2 14 0 1311 1821 71-99
P If L @ For
A ps? 1 _
UNIVERaiiYBLACKS 17 15 2 0 1698 1124 151 .07 BEAUMARIS 17 13 4 0 1484 1211 122 .54 OLD PARADIANS 17 11 6 0 1652 1535 108 27 OLD CAMBERWELL 17 10 7 0 1736 1392 124 .71 4u PARKDALE VULTURES 17 10 7 0 1567 1359 115 3 1 40 AJAX 17 10 7 0 1611 1566 102 .87 40 HAMPTON ROVERS 17 6 11 0 1588 1426 111 .36 24 MONASH BLUES 17 6 11 0 1366 1453 94 .01 24 THERRY PENOLA 0 B 17 2 15 0 1260 1944 64 .81 8 8 BANYULE 17 2 15 0 1215 2177 55 .81 W % L D For Agst P FITZROY Reuo 17 16 1 0 1928 1037 185 .92 64 ORMOND 17 14 3 0 2087 1222 170.79 56 PRAHRAN 17 11 6 0 1681 1462 114 .98 44 OLD CAREY 17 10 7 0 1622 1517 106 .92 40 EMMAUS ST LEOS 0 C 17 8 9 0 1712 1534 111 .60 32 OLD MENTONIANS 17 7 10 0 1464 1635 89 .54 28 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 17 7 10 0 1609 1877 85 .72 28 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 17 6 11 0 1703 1795 94 .87 24
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