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SPORTSCOVER VAFA MAJOR SPONSO R Football has been a slowly evolving game over its life time but in the past 15 years the game has gone through a revolution . Let's be honest, it wasn't too long ago that football was pretty basic - centre the ball and kick it to the big bloke up front . Denis Pagan changed all that when he pushed the forwards up and invented the famous "paddock" for Wayne Carey to play in . It was brilliant plan built around the super skills of one player but, when you think about it, "Pagan's paddock" was really just a jazzed up version of Tommy Hafey's "long bombs to Royce" . Basically, the idea was to get it to the big bloke up front . Since then we have seen floods and super-floods that have had many people concerned about the state of Australian Rules at the elite level and now it is possession football that is raising eyebrows . I guess the question for us in the Victorian Amateur Football Association is, will these trends set by the professionals filter through into grass-roots football ? The answer is yes . Although the general consensus at the moment is that our players do not have the skills to carry out such strategies, I beg to differ . One day a coach will come into the association and he will organise his team to execute these game plans . And if that coach wins games he will be a genius . I don't care what some very experienced coaches say, football is about winning . There is no point looking pretty when you get belted each week . The possession game that we're seeing more and more of in the top level may look ugly but it takes discipline, organisation and good foot skills to pull off . And frankly, I would rather see a game that is a contest rather than a 100-point floggin g When people kick up a fuss about possession football generally what they don't like is the kick backwards . And let's face it, 20-years ago, kicking backwards and across goal was a major "no-no" . But what we're seeing now is a player's first instinct is to look across and backwards, rather than forwards . At times it seems some players are relieved to have
delivered the ball to a mate because it is no longer his problem. When the hysteria of possession footbal l simmers down, peopl e will realise it is not vastly different to what has been happening for years . You can see teams implementing the first steps of this in the amateurs today. When the centre-man swings out of the middle and sees his half-forward on the lead and in space he will try and hit him . Why? It's better to go to him and keep the ball than it is to kick to a pack and run the risk of giving up the pill and allowing your opponents to counter-attack . Kicking to a bloke on his own is nothing new in football - it is the going backwards and sideways that is the supposed problem . If you have ever watched good teams play this way it actually can be exciting when the ball is eventually delivered to the speedster who has the licence to break the lines and set up the goal or slot one from 50 metres . Football is in great shape and it's only a matter of time before coaches start trying a variety of different tactics in the amateurs . They are experiments, and sometimes they will work and sometimes they won't but what will never go away in football is your big bloke up front . And when he is taking marks the best policy has - and always will be kick the ball to him .
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.... .. ... ... ... .... ..... .. .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ... .., ... ., .. .. ... ... .. ... ..63-fi4
Apparently n school-kids play soccer than AFL the ; days . It's an extraordinary stat; a bit like being told tl, .t .yic .,ebat .;, is he most widely played band on Triple R . Even more amazing is that another Barkers Road heathen, a RUGBY PLAYER, has emerged as the key to their old boys' side . Matt Handley is 20, built like Brutus Beefcake's brother in law and played rugby union at school . With minimal footy experience, he won the Under 19s goal-kicking last year, kicked a swag of goals in the seconds in the first few rounds and waltzed onto `"^ senior scene with bags of 7 & 9 . As incongruous as a union player in a Xavier footy jumper t'arely holds a candle to the sight of an AGE JC _IST (le horreurl) dominating across half forward .-r C-_ Scotch . Ben Doherty, late of the Canberra Tir ;"+ of the Spencer St Soviet, was mighty in )is first senior game (after kicking 7 in fore) . He didn't figure in r'" h e amateurs let me know at u nc i in lichmond that he is one of the m+ n around at Camberwell for ma ty a weren't disgraced but lost ioovey to in - r i't get much out James Hope, who was taggeu out of proceedings . Speaking of excitement machines, it's hard to top the mark of De La's Jarrod Maloney, who I'm told took the greatest hanger seen in A Grade footy since OMs' James Miller put a foot on myself and Tim Silvers' head in 1 999 and rose vertically . Haven't seen them thus far, but there's a bit to like about De La . Duggan & Payson are tearing up the midfield, Harrison & Mannix (sensation) arr -째 so-- - $ ) .. . .. -d and Corin looks impenetrable at Cl- n a cosy month ahead and people are startinc L : them up . Andrew Ramadan was easily Trinity's b..,, 1. People are also taking up Messrs Potter and Hopwood, of St Bernards and Haileybury respectively, who both had day outs in front of goal on Saturday . Potter led the Bernies to their first win over Uni in donkey's years while Hopwood's eight was another nail in the coffin of the struggling OMs . Important to note Carl Steinfort's good game for the Bloods while the Snakepit now rivals the Badlands as Amateur football's very own house of horrors . Joe Sturrock was best for Uni, who are still a factor, but increasingly (and oddly) losing touch . Selections Right, De La will annihilate Old Melburnians, no question about it .
Uni should, and must, defeat Old Trinity at the Varsity . Xavs, with more players back, will touch up -Ivanhoe at Toorak Park. Haileybury will demolish Marcellin on Sunday . So there's four . . . . The match of the day the the 'Pit is much tougher . Scotch have done nothing wrong, have a forward line brimming with talent and a combined height advantage of about six kilometres . But the Bernies play their home ground to perfection and may have a little bit more run on what is a big ground and excellent surface. Home side by a goal . Trivia . Which A Section footballer is also a champion surf life saver and recently competed in the National Championships on the Gold Coast? No prizes this week. Last week's answer : The Foo was a champion shot putter and discus thrower, as well as being a handy golfer, lower order pinch hitter on the cricket field and (incredibly) a nimble and reliable WICKET KEEPER for the Haileybury's First Xl . Former nemesis Damien Joyce, from North Old Boys, wins the lunatic soup .
Potter, Callan O'Farrell, Brett Cultrera, Andy Handley, Matthew Hopwood . Heath Flynn, Matthew Gerstm i, James
A -77' -
OLD XAVERIANS 0 20 Handl t z. 17 Smith, Da. ' a OLD XAVERIANS 5 Cations, Scott OLD SCOTCH 0 12 UNI BLU)~S 1 12 `Nestmore, James Widmer, Timothy OLD SCOTCH 4 12 Harris, Patrick ST BERNARDS l 9 DE LA SALLE 2 8 Rlorwood,Sam results weren't received . Any discrepancies may be due to nonsubmission of results by clubs.
, .~.•'__ `
Old Ivanhoe would IE : ;; to congratulate `on reaching 100 games this week. Sam, a solidly built onballer(wingman with good hand and kicking skills, has been a stalwart player in the reserves and an all-round great clubman as well , The Old Scotch Football Club congratulates club captain Tristan B eranger for playing his 100th game with the club last Saturday. Tristan leads the club with distinction both on and off the field and has made a great impact in his time at the club . He leads from the front and a great team effort was a fitting reward for Bear's milestone . Old Scotch also congratulates Charles Swan, . and Adam Routledge who have all played 'their c ame for the club this season . Old Xavs congratulate ih{ean who today plays his 150th Game - Simon join~-d Old Xavs in 1997 and has played in 5 A grade Premierships and proudly represented Victoria on 9 occasions . Well done Simon from all at the Club .
oi, ;_ fltd ; D',
11 .10 i ; . .5(S9) 7 .8 1 010 (70) :iynn 3, B. C arty 3, T. Belanger 2, S . Troon , son A, Quatl, P. Bu,Ier, A . Pugsley, T. Beranger, A . R,utleC 2 Buller 2 Getlinqs 2 Dawkins Georgiou Low Si .ens ;>on i r Da ; Low Geilmgs. Umpires: Russell D, s )arm 1 (B)'tiNiam Stokes (B) Vin Vesccv i r' c1
21 93 11 .5 12 .9(81) 2,5 6.6 12.7 15=11 (1 01 ) A . Bourke, A. Ramadan, T. Eckrsley, M. n Burrows . A . Kenna, D . Buttler, A Payson 2, M . Duggan, J . LaragY. B 3 . Coriq D . Lowe, L, Seeger. M. :: Jamie Kvrns (F) Simon Stucco (F) Brendan K) _u (G) Michael O'coquiell (G) 2.3 4 .3 5.4 (34) 9.7 18. 9 21 .11 (137) P n. ' 3usso. Best : A. nr, C, a, Old Hail: Goats: H. Fh _ ^,C.Stein',ort2, N Corcoi If s, C. Stemfort, D t.i< Brom. r Satc6fte (F) Dean Her rB) Can ro Craig __ .ei Scully (G ) Sf rda 16 .6 (102) 8.2 Be y, c.2 16 5.9 9.16 (70 ) SI G{ C. PoRer 6 . . S adori 3, C . Lr a 2, D . Jar des 2, ?7 . M . illy. Best: C . Potter, D. Janudes, J . Madden, C. Liberau C arm But Blues: Goals j, Cordy 3, T. Rankin 2, 0. GI on, J . Cassell, T. Hurter Best: J . Sturrock, 0 . Giessen, A. L( : non. M Kordicz Umpires: Grant Waldrop (F) Peter L° tattcev Jenkir°°° '9) Dan ;eE Brookes (G) Lucas 6.4 10.6 (66) 17.9 20 .11 (131 ) R . Iacoms, t 13ren . C. ti C. t°!o , R D; 4,F 2 . S. J( c 2, in i, J a F Colbert, Handley, A Bi an, A C 3e1d. S . Y U A res : Wayne Hinton F) Luke Holmes tr; tramersn Hayes P Gat t (G ) Andrew Esposito (G )
St Bernards v Old Scotch University Blues v Old Trinity G r Old Xaverians v Old Ivanhoe De La Salle v Old Melburnians Old Haileybury v- .-arcellin OC - at
Marcellin QC 0.4 1,6 18(14) Old Xaeerians 8.4 11 .6 16 .10 (106) Marc: Goals: A. Ceccomancmi . Best : C . G . Cull, L. Watkins, P. O'Callaghan, L . Boyd, G . Petroff Old Xav: Goals : D . Smith 5, D. Walsh 5, L . Ginnivan 2, S, McCarthy, J. Frascati . D . Higgins, A . Ryan . Best D . Walsh, S. Skidmore, P. Ryan, A. F in ;. Si 3.1 5.5 67 7.8(50) Of 2 .3 6,11 (59 ) D P ni . ` ., . . ~.~.. :~f: F.§ .Juncsk.ay, : Goals: L. A. Popko. Best, artl 7 .1 ~ 12.6 17 .10 (112) 0.2 33 5.5 6.9(45 ) l I Sz ch : Goals . J . BQaurepare 4, T. Widmer 4, T. Wilson 2, B . Dean 2, N. Hildebrandt, T. Hocking, T. Je;bart, W. Snaddon, J . Davis . Best: H . Dick, T. Keck, R. Josephs, N . Hildebrandt, B_ Dean, T . Widmer Did Ivanhoe: Goals: G . Fowler 2 . D. Hawkes 2, Z. Keane, K . Theodossi . Best : N . Pratt, J. Bioney, R . Butler, G. Fowler, K. Theodossi, S. Morris DI el arnians 1 .2 5,3 7.3 10.6 (66) QIr bury 2 .5 4.6 5.8 5.10 (40) Oh Goals: G. Tsiotras 3, N . Barrett 2, J . Byrne 2, E. Selby 2, B. Nicoll . Bes . 2 -an, A . Permits,, N . Russell, G . Tswtras Old Hail:tJ"'Ism-,D n 2 . G . Ghipper5eld C. Ferguson, F LAobammad. Best: T. G, t,,., J Be':, P O'Donnell, L. Floyd, M. Dowling Old Trit 2 .1 3.3 11 .5 12.6 (78) Of ' Be 7_1 7.2 Z9 (51) Old' i: Z .' isms 6, M_ Donahoo 2, D. Rowley 2, S. Amore. S . B!adeni. Bi tA . Donahoe, Z . Williams . J . Burgess, S . Amore DLS: Goals: A Johnstone 3, 5_ trwood 2. R. 15'almsley, M, Dakin . Bet : W . Dwyer, D. Keely, A. Johns; V is,. J . irst, R McArdle
A r° DE LA : .l!;
Coach: Mark Lowe Ant Coach : fv:nan Cannol,y R . Coach: Many W11Club 18: Benjamin Burk
Coach : Vaughan Cleary Rs. Coach: Knrnell Dachs
Ras Ccadh : Ben McGee
1 D. Spithill 2 R. Buckley 3 B . Colin (C) 4 L. Harriso n 5 M . Duggan Sr A. Quick 6 M . Moore 7 P. Harrison (DVC) 8 J. La Ragy 9 J . Moloney 10 T. Silvers 11 P. Bourke 12 M . Fieldsend 13 A. Johnstone 14 W. Dwyer 15 B. Quinane 16 J. Oakley 17 N . Thompson 18 J. Stinear 20 A. Shields 21 D. Payson 22 M. Brown 23 R . Sherman 24 J. Morel 25 R . Warmsley 26 C. Punton 27 M. O'Donnell (C-Res) 28 J. Hirst 29 R. Marks 29 C. Browne 30 B. Mannix 31 N. Free 32 D. Lowe 33 N. Stewart 34 B . Vague 34 N. Harris 35 T. Demetriou 36 W. Jolley 37 P. Curran 38 D. Keely 39 B . Oakley y 41 M . Nichol 41r D. McInerney (C-Res) 42 T. Kovess 42r D. Jarvis 43 A. Greenhalg 44 J. Green 45 J. Dykes 45r T. Molan 46 L . Jarvis 47 M. Dakin 48 D. Black 49 R. Semmel 50 S. Conway 51 D. Browning 52 T. Moloney 53 N. Roberts 54 M . Nankervis 55 V. Moloney 56 L. Seeger 57 R. Hancock 58 S . Morwood 59 D. Colman 60 L. Casey
61 G. Hesse
1 B. Dobson 2 J. Carlson 3 C . MacLaren 4 G . Romanin 5 S. Considine 6 M. Bortolotto 7 S. Maguire 8 R . Frisina 9 L . Boyd 10 T. Stafford 11 T. Montagna 12 J. S me s Y 13 C. Woods 14 A. Layton 15 J . Bortolotto 16 S . Abrahams 17 G . Cox 18 D. Gartner 19 A . Papalura 21 R. Davis 22 D. Marson 23 D. Fraser 24 L. O'Flynn 25 R. laconis 26 S . Connell 27 S . Theisz 28 B . Carmody 29 B . Rule 30 A . Ceccomancini 31 A . McGlin 32 M . Leffanue 33 G. Cull 34 D. Jarred '~-'` S. Cropper 36 P Augustin 37 J. Pascuzzi 38 D. Gill 39 B. Colville J. Ormando 42 G . Perot 43 S. Pesavento 44 L . Hansen 45 D. Theisz 46 A. McGree 47 L. Watkins 48 G . Neskovcim 49 M . Cunningham 50 P. Symes 51 T. Money 52 P. Grapsas 56 D. O ,Brien ~ C. Purcell 73 T. Nisbet
Coach : Peter rscholson
1 C. Steinfort 2 S. Davey 3 P. Corrigan (C ) 4 S ~9~ d Jo ( (DVC) es 5 H. Hopwood 6 L Siapantas 7 M . Corrigan 8 F. Mohammad 9 M . Brewer 10 C. Etstathiou 10 S. Roberts 11 A. McIntyre 12 B. O' Farrell 13 B. Dolman 14 S .Jones 15 D. Mackenzie 16 P. O 'Donnell 17 K . Ford (VC) 18 N. Harrison 19 M. Armstrong 20 M. Fankhauser 21 A .Jenke 22 D. Mason 23 M. Seccull 24 B . Trollope 25 S. Ellis 26 J . Bell (RC) 28 D. Fisher 29 B. Carson 30 D. Worries 31 D. Lay 32 R . Dolman 33 S. Walden 34 J. Moresi 35 T. Chisholm 36 N . Corcoran 37 D. Brown 38 L . Floyd 39 A. Floyd 41 S. Saunders 42 J. Mueller 43 D. Salter 44 J. McLauchlan 45 M. Dowling 46 B. Crawford 47 R. Mitchell 48 G . Chipperfield 49 L. Pitcher 50 S. Janse n 51 H. McLauchlan 52 C. Ferguson 53 rA Levy 54 A . Vitolins 55 B . Langford-Jones 56 D. Armstrong 57 A . Kight `s8 A . Baker 59 N . Gibson 60 A . Shaw 62 G. White 67 C . Carroll
Coach: Gerard Sroky Ant Coach: Da»d Ge e
1 2 3 4 4 5
Res Coach: Bad Low A. Oates L . Lochran S. Curatolo S. Geilings B. Davis (Res) C. Georgiou V
6 S. Ge sc(h o 8 G . Hope 9 C. Sutherland 10 C. CrowleY(VC) 11 N. Butler 11 N. Russia n 12 C. Branigan (VC) 13 J . Binney 14 B . Thompson 15 N. Butler 16 S . Price 17 M . Veal (VC-Res ) 18 J . Hope (C) 19 B . Spoor 20 D. Hawkes C-Res 21 S . Fragiacomo 22 J . Britten 23 K .Theodossi 24 R . Butler 25 E . Byrne 26 I. Dawkins 27 G. Fowler 28 M . Mckie 29 R . Weddle 30 J. Leech 31 J. Stevens 32 M. Ferrantino 33 N . Pratt 34 A. Tiernan 35 A. Berry 36 G . Hartrick 37 A. Baldwin 38 Ge. George 39 Ga. George 40 J. Keane 41 Z. Keane 42 T. Harrison 43 L . Mckie . Luxo 45 44 M. M n Toovey 46 A Caple 47 G . Smith 48 M. Clarke 49 R. Fitzgerald 50 M. Verrocchi 51 T. Mcdowell 52 C. Lock 53 R. Coleman 54 S . Smith 55 S . Pearce (VC-Res ) 56 L. Courage 57 A . Steer 58 L. Bolzan 59 C. Crewes 60 E . Bowen 61 R. Mitchell 62 J . Mathew 63 C. Roger 64 M . Tobias 65 S . Morris 66 B . Leskie 67 M . Wickstead 68 B . Saunders 69 A . Foster 70 A . Gilbert 71 N . Clarke 72 A . Gloster
OLD MELDURNIANS Coach: Dean RA. Coach : F2b Ga s
1 T. Cudlipp 2 J . Beaumont 3 R. Matthew s 4 H. Lace y 5 T. Hor n 6 M . Wrigh t 7 H. Turne r 8 E . Farquarson 9 D. Harrison 10 A . Prows e 11 W. Pento n 12 W. Sangste r 13 B . Niccol 14 A .Voyage 15 E . Wilso n 16 J. Byrn e 17 C . Mille r 18 T. Fitzgerald 20 M Prowse 21 O. Webb 22 J. Dixon 23 E. Mitchell 24 M. Hawkin s 25 A. Ray 26 C. Kenned y 27 P. Oman 28 M. Marson 29 T. Barlow 30 J. Miller 31 J. Russo 32 W. Harvey 33 T. Butler 34 J. Wrigh t 35 C. Ray 36 C. Alder 37 J . Gran t 38 P. Toll 39 J . Tucker 40 N. Peters 41 J . Ray 42 A . Waddel l ~ A.Wu 44 E . Selby 45 J . Mitchel l 46 M . Best 47 S . Kennon 48 C. Jenkins 49 G. Tsitrou s 50 A . Pannitex 51 M . Kennon 52 J. Anderso n 53 D . Ormond 54 N . Barret t 55 C .Theodoulou 56 N . Russell 57 W. McDonald 58 R . Galbrait h 59 S. Galbraith 60 P. Mishura
SPONSOR SpOt $s ~ OdaP
proudly sponsored by :
A Section 09.D XAV ERIANS G David Labor s Res Coxh: Serge OAng~b Asst Coach : Pay Bear. 1 T Beranger (C) 2 T.Aurell-Smilh 3 J. Ross 4 C. Tallent (VC) 5 S . Dick
6 B . Snark}on 7 N. Laid 8 J. Barton 9 A . Pugs!ey 10 S. Lorenzini 11 N . Allen 12 A.OuaB 13 A. Nettleton 14 C. McKenzie-McHarg 15 S cations 16 E. Batrauneg 17 T. Wigr ey (VC) 18 W. Lewis 19 R.Josephs S. Tmon 21 A. Routtcdgz
R. Ashton 23 W. Elliott 24 D.Brooke 25 R Butler 26 T. Wilson 28 T. WBttne r M . Grnatt A. Pearce 31 L .Armstrong 32 J. Gerstman (VC)
J. Keays 35 M .Ftynn 36 H. Dick 37 J. Cade 38 T. Jebar t 39 L . 40 N. 41 S. Thompson 42 T Seattle
43 T. Pritchard 44 T. Keck 45 B . Dean 46 J.Beaurepai re 47 T. Hosktg 48 S .Jonas 49 T Leeds 50 J . Porter 51 M.Ramage 52 A . Wallace-Smith 53 W. Symington 54 A. Sutherland 57 J . Crane 58 A . Grant 59 A Mitchell 61 R . Eva 62 T Gaunt 63 C . Emmett 64 T. Harkness 65 J. Brownell 66 T. Graham 67 A. Philalay 68 G . Fitzpatrick 70 A. Perry
71 Callender 75 J. Davis 76 N. Hildebrandt 77 G . Dick 99 B. Doherty
IA- : 's
3eut : uate Bowe r Res. C. ...:fi: Vic Salapo Club 18: Crag Heaven I A . Kenne 2 K. Butter 3 A. Bairk.e 4 B. Walsh 5 D.Bunows 6 P. Gnatt 7 T.VanDerVenne 8 A. Medtan d 9 S. Pretty 10 S. Dal 1 S. Kennedy 12 A. Cutirera 13 J. Cade 4 R. Troon 5 A. Hooke 6 C. Hdla s 7 R. Burrows 8 J. Healy 9 A. Andrews S. McPherson 21 M . Davies 22 G. Dean-johns 23 A.Ramsden 24 W. Goldenberg 25 F. Camero n 26 M . Dwuahca 27 R. Cumming 28 J.CrLstou 29 T. Heal y 30 D. Zarnmit 31 S . Bladni 32 M.Duggan 33 J. Ailknn 34 J.Kenna 35 J. Burgess 36 D. Buttle r 37 S . VanOerVerne 38 R.Ramsden 39 J . Webster 40 41 42 43 44
D. Beardsley S. Lauletla S. Amore A . Greene J . Mai
45 T Morpeth 46 T Oi¢fietJ 47 F. Stewart 48 M. Burgess 49 N . Romney 50 K.Condron 51 R . Gamble 52 T. Harrod 53 C. Amima 54 Z.Wdliams 55 A. Marsden 56 E. Best 57 M, Cole 58 D. Rowley 59 T. Cade 60 T. Walsh 61 D.Cris6ano 62 J.Hidcie 63 S. Cade 64 A. Collins 65 TJaNine 66 M . Weston 67 W. Brady 68 A. Hu 69 R. Hipas 70 J. Best 71 H. Swinnarton 72 H. Doyle
73 M . Burke 74 R. Hill 75 D, Wilson 76 TAu 77 K . Au 88 B .Chan
Coach : Barry Rchardton Res Coach : Antt~i Bourke
1 M . Graham 1 A. Fox 2 C. Santalucia 3 J. Pasceri 4 Ja. McDonnell 5 B. Hackett 6 A. Oswald 7 S . Lethlean 8 T. Fleming 9 D. Lynch 10 M . Beardsley 11 L. Howard 12 A . Bowen 13 T. Ruyg 14 H . Murphy 15 L. Ford 16 S . Mollard 17 A . Chatfield (VC) 18 S.MacCu e 19 D. Walsh 20 J. Scanlan 21 S. McCarthy 22 T. Oddeshaw (C) 23 S. Johnston 24 A.T Jones 25 R . Carey 26 C. Larkins 27 P. Rya n 28 Je. McDonnell 29 C. Beetham 30 T. Clark e 31 J. Arnold 32 O . Gidley 33 N. Bingham(VC) 34 R. Colbert 35 D. Smith 36 D.Sapuppo 37 T. Maher 38 S. Freer 40 D. Higgins 41 M . Callinan 42 A . Pyle 43 T. Woodruff 44 N. Hulett (RC) 45 M . Walsh 46 S . Skidmore 47 A . Ryan 48 M . Handley 50 L. Ginnivan 55 N . Har t 57 A . Sobel 59 L. Harry 60 M .O'Hanlon 63 T O'Meara 65 N . Serafini
STAERMARDS Coach: Sense Madde n
Asst Coach : Garry Foubs Rea. Coach: Arnkew Bryson I D. Barari n 2 B. Garth 3 J . Spinetta 4 G. McIntyre 5 D .lannazzo 6 M. Satvadori 7 C . L8»mtore 8 J. Evans 9 M. Kavanagh 10 N . Mitchell 11 C. Davi s 12 B. Hogan 13 C. Mitchell 14 B. Ryan 15 T.Wiltunson 16 D.BAmt 17 C.Potisr 18 FrI . Maggwre 19 G . Stewart 20 D. Evans 21 B. Loughlin 22 Ty Pearson 23 L. WiNcinson 24 D. Road 25 D. McLaughlin 26 A. Smith 27 J. Hughes 28 S . ChatfieM 29 B .Miziewicz 30 M . Stapleton 31 P.HaMs 32 J. Harvey 33 N.P. Smith 34 J. McVr!tq 35 Tate Pearson 36 A .Manan 37 N . Smith 38 S .Iannazzo 39 M . Juricskay 40 J . Madden 41 S. Matthaws 42 J . Spiteri 43 J . Stapleton 44 N .CosteHo 45 M. Bourke 46 P. Mount 47 D . Hurley 48 B. Runnals 49 D. Dugina 50 R . Schrockr 51 T W~inson 52 S. Mitchell 53 Spited Tim 54 N .Basaraba 55 A. Kavanagh 56 T. Liberatore 57 A. Satemme 58 P. Thompson 59 A. Gil 60 M . Slowed 61 F. Hogarm 62 J. Flannery 63 M . Ryan 64 S. Dodds 65 R. Ware 66 J. Egan 67 W. Sumrer 68 D. Jantdes 69 A.Bryson 70 S . Kilkenrn{ 71 T. Keen 72 A. Caridc 73 T. Bishop 74 AJ. Mitchel 75 O.Jago 76 A . Matthews 77 G.Joseph 78 P. Hayes 79 D.Considine 8fl L.Vasalb 81 P.ODea 82 D . Dean 83 0.O'Connor A . O'Connor
1 P.B 1*o 50 H F ar%. 2 TNU.av~ 51 ZCe.erAry 3 J. Stu; rcez 52 J. Crawled 4 D Goorgerrh 53 J.4:1ror e 5 J. Vdanr 54 A .R~ an 55 BG , 7 8 J .FIrJ;w 57 A"c 9 AL .evox& 59 J. . 590.1: 1 0 E. W&scn it Ltwrtlh 60 D : 12 0 Gkooai(C) 6t J1 .. ... t3TCwdxd 62C R 14Af on 63P E15B .~MoCrwX4 64AFt , (iS t. G
17 G r 66 ~e 18 N.AMerswi 67 19 M .Tanry 88 20 J.Y#a2s 69 N' ~d 20 Id . C c J v r « n 7 0 I t 21 JCady 7t P.Ma 22 B.WaN 72 D.!lars*a.5 23 TWdctt 73 F1Kc;'j 24TP74T. 25 A L _ 75 J. MW27 R.'76 L F eday 28 1-14 . 77 J. men
78 T. ha68 r
29A",.79P.&tks 30 7n 80 R.Fdts I- deFW 81 LBord tM. Shaughresiy 82 Ataaah 83 N.R dan 84 J.tYark T.6'--on 85 J.bSxarry C, F . _ ner 86 M. usc„+s;ran 36 J .Fa 81D.ttw y 37 1( 88 J Scr- nxm 38 D.CarrzCy 89 T39Dt !tlOG • 40 C.BroN'es 91 8.F 47Lt}m 92 AFanc 9
93 T vas 43d M-,ter 94 W 44 J.Nta1 -5 C y W.Flapdrok 97 M. . H.1 , 98 M. Dods 47 C f99 T Caai 48L F 49P.5 fz
Ma Old Trinity Or v St 'nards Old Melburnians v Uni Blues "arcellin OC v DE all e Old Scotch v Old Xaverians Car 1 1 Gear at 11am Old Ivanhoe v C :. Haileybury
1 University Blacks v Caulfield O r Beaumaris v Old Trinity O r Old Brighton Or v Old Camberwell Or Old Melburnians v Whitefriars OC Old Carey Or v Old Paradian s
RIEUM Whitefriars OC v Collegians Mazenod OC v Old Brighton Or Caulfield Or v Melbourne High School OB St Kevins OB v Old Essendon Or - at SportscoverArena Saturday University Blacks v Beaumari s
La Trope University v Old Ivanhoe Or Old Essendon Or v Emmaus St Leos DC Melbourne High School 0B v Ormon d St Bedes Mentone Tigers v Ajax Bentleigh v Oakleig h
~ Ormond v Paths Vulture s Hampton r s v AJAX Old Camberwell v Lid Paradians North Old Boys/St Patricks Col v St Bodes Mentone Tigers Monash Blues v Fitzroy Reds
Aquinas has the bye Rupertswood v Old ?, estbourr= e Bulleen Templestosve v Therry Penola 08 Kew v Old Xaverians (2 ) Fitzroy Reds v North Old Boys/St Patricks Col
P1 SECTSO N Old Mentonians v Banyul e Ther y Penola OB v Bul e n Templestow e Old Carey Or v Old Geelong Fc Emmaus St Leos OC v Rupertswood Prahran v Yarra Valley O B
M 1 Oakleigh Clayton v Hampton Rovers Old Mentonians v Monash Blue s De La Salle OC v Old Haile arians - to Parkdale Vultures -
02 SECTION Williamstown CYMS v Aquinas OC Werribee v Ivanhoe Assumptio n Peninsula OB v La Trobe University Oakleigh v St Johns O C Glen Eire v Salesian
03 SECTIO N Old Westbourne v South Melbourne Districts UHS-VU v St Mary s Swinburne University v West Brunswick Elsternwick v Bentleigh Monash Gryphons v Kew 04 SECTION Hawthorn v Bulleen Cobras Box Hill North v Albert Park Syndal Tally He v Eltham O C North Brunswick v Richmond Central Power House v Eley Park Shark s
;i 0 B Jim O C vionash Blues Whitefriars O C
~ /s(St Pat F' :' a Co t :, f r m :1 Trini
St L
U'99 !11 Rupertswood v St Bernard s Banyule-Viewbank v St Kevins OB Collegians v Marcellin OC Old Xaverians (1) v Old Scotch Be La Salle OC v University Blues
Two by Two has equated to eight for Old Brighton in the past fortnight while for the h--) less SKOB it has equated to absolute zilch . REVIEW Another heart stopper at the Park for Old Brighton, which is doing nothing for Andy Mullett's heart palpitations . Controlled it early did the Tonners, until half way through the second quarter, when SKOB took control of the air and the clearances to hit the front and look the likely winners . But it was the class and experience of Nick Perry and Adam Pirrie in the end that helped Old Brighton win . Marcus Dollman made a fine return from a bout of appendicitis . Mazenod reckon that if I can still kick a goal I should appear at training, as their lack of forwards are costing them dearly . The Blacks led all day and returned to the winning list but a 10 goal return on a perfect day for football says something for the tightness of the Nodders defence who were all brilliant . Matt Watson, Pat Barry and Dan Costello who is having a great season were all good for the Blacks . Nick Lewton, Dave Chamberlain and Luke Morgan all did well . After a good opening term by Caulfield, Beatty struck back, and but for some shabby converting could have been right in the game at the main interval . The floodgates opened in the third as the classy Fields slammed on 7 twins to put the contest beyond doubt with a 10 goal buffer at the end . In no particular order Strain, Wright and Winter were all good Fields . Mark Ensor kept Brett Sinclair goalless in a superb performance, and Mark Boon was good, as was big Luke McNicholas . OEG versus Collegians was a good one to watch with plenty of contents in the air from two tall sides. Was it a Grand Final preview I wonder!!! Tom Bull and Shura Taft kicked vital goals for the Lions when needed, and deserve to be in the best along with defenders Andrew Baxter and Clint Harris . Stand out for OEG was Julian Kavanagh down back, Chris Goullet was ferocious with Leask and Skurrie against his old club also prominent . Whitefriars returned to Friar Park after the disappointment of last week looking for a win to mark Ben Janson's 100th . But is was not to be, as a combination of inaccuracy, ferocious tackling and a powerful MHSOB midfield saw the Unicorns come away with the 4 points .in a great result . Youngsters Lachie Evans, Tim Dunne and Will Taft were well backed up b y 8
the experienced Ewan Thompson and Roger McIntyre . Better ones for the Friars were Janson, Hill and Stafford . PREVIEW Beaumaris and Mazenod clash in a must win game for both club's at Shark Park. Both sides have been pretty competitive but have been struggling to score enough goals to win . Today it will be the defences who will control the result by limiting the chances of their opponents. Tough one to pick but perhaps the class of Aaron Salisbury and a parochial home crowd will see the Sharks over the line . Never easy to beat OEG at home no different for the Friars today. OEG have perhaps underachieved with the list they have at their disposal and will be looking to turn it on today for their home supporters . It will just be a bit tough for the plucky Friars to win . Collegians are certainly the form side and are looking forward to Parko's return to the Trott . The Blacks have been showing some improvement of late but will need t o
%.i," GEJ .
B SECTION Sinclair, Brett CAULFIELD GR 0 16 Chard, Ryan ST KEVINS OB 2 13 Aitken, Johnny MELB . HIGH S . OB 0 12 Jorgensen, James COLLEGIANS 1 10 Teal, Lachlan OLD ESSENDON GR 0 10 Dunne, Timothy MELB. HIGH S . OB 4 9 Teesdale, David BEAUMARIS AFC 1 9 B SECTION RESERV E Irwin, Daniel UNI BLACKS 5 ] 6 Martin, Nicholas UNIBLACKS 5 15 Gate, Ben CAULFIELD GR 4 13 Gamble, Adam WHITEFRIARS OC 2 12 Logan, Andrew CAULFIELD GR 0 10 Lynch, Myles COLLEGIANS - 9 Edwards, Nicholas CAULFIELD GR 2 8 "째' results weren't received . Any discrepancies may be due to nonsubmission of results by clubs . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2006
show a lot more to totally trouble the Lions who are such an even combination . It's the Lions for me . MHSOB greet the ever improving SKOB at the school oval . Two heartbreaking 2 point losses must have devastated the young Skevvies, but they are a resilient lot and will continue to fight . But the High with their young guns showing the way have a bit of a sniff now and in a close one I'm expecting my hosts of the day to win . A ripper awaits at South Road as the Fields make the short trek across town to tackle the Tonners . Good test for both sides as it will show us all where they stand in the pecking order. It is particularly hard to tip against Old Brighton at home but I just have a feeling that with a few players still to return to their lineup, they may struggle and that the almost full strength Fields might do the impossible and win at Brighton . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS As usual I need your assistance to write this column . A brief match report including players worthy of mention by 8pm Monday Nights please . Contact Details are 0403 433 016 or drop me an email to brainco@optusnet .com .a u
STO ; Whitefriars OC Football Club wishes to congratulate Ben Janson on his 100th game last weekend . After debuting in the Under 19s in 2000, BJ made his senior debut in 2001, and has since been a fixture in the senior team . This has included the C Grade premiership of 2002, and the push to A Grade for the first time in 2004. A player with rare skill and tremendous courage, he is a favourite of the Friar Faithful. Congratulations from all at Old Brighton to our brave Reserves skipper, Chris McNicol who chalks up his 100th game for the club today. One of the most popular and dedicated men in Red and Blue, Chris is now in his seventh year at Old Brighton, and his determined attack on the ball is a continuing inspiration to his team . A Reserves Best and Fairest winner in 2002, Chris is enjoying another excellent season and he will hopefully enjoy some finals action this season . Well done Noodle . Best wishes from all of us and good luck for the next ton !
Beaumaris v Mazenod O C Old Essendon Or v Whitefriars OC Melbourne High School OB v St Kevins OB Old Brighton Or v Caulfield Or Collegians v University Blacks
B SECT r St Keeins 08 3.2 7.3 11.7 11 .11 (77) Old Brighton Gr 5.1 8.3 9 .4 12 .7 (79) SK08: Goals : M . Dollman 4, R . Chard 2, J. Charles, W. Chillier, A. Lynch, M. Mulgrew, D . Ryan. Best: M. Sullivan, W. Guilder, M . Doliman, L. Mahoney, D. Wissell, D. Sheehy Old Br : Goals: Mason 2 Toll 2 Pirrie 2 B Gadsden M Gadsden Buckley Jakobi MacGillivray Perry. Best: Phelan Edwards B Gadsden Jakobi Buckley Tolj. Umpires: Dirk Kramer (F) Albie Firley (F) James Gregory (8) Robbie Mayston (B) Sam Perrin (G) Tristian Collin (G ) Collegians 3.3 7.6 9 .7 13 .9 (87) Old Esaendon Cr 1 .1 22 5 .4 6 .7(43) : T. Bull 3, S Coll : Goals . Taft 2, B. Robbins 2, G. Blumfield, J. Jorgensen, C. Unsworth, S . Woolley, R . Harkness, R . Hosking. Best: C . Harris, T. Bull, B . Robbins. A. Baxter, S. Taft, C. Hoist Old Ess: Goals: D. Flaherty 2, S. Playtair, R. Baddeley, D. Caridi, S. Demorton. Best: J. Kavanagh, C Goullet, J . Leask, T. Skurrie, C. Innes, L . Teal Umpires: Shane Mackintosh (F) Robert O'Gorman (F) Ryan Place (B) Mark Hamilton (B) Adam Edwick (G) Daniel Dalpos (G ) OdhitefriarsOC 1 .5 3.7 4.9 6 .t5(51) MHSOB 4.0 9.0 9 .6 13 .7 (85) White : Goals : J . Anderson, B. Stafford, B. Torrey, N . Handley, C. Smith, G. Hill. Best: B. Janson, G . Hill, B . Stafford, L. Swain, J . Marchesi, N . Handley hinSOB: Goals : T. Dunne 4, L . Horne 2, D . Wiseman 2, J. Anderson, S. Anderson, L. Evans, J. Garner, W. Taft. Best : L. Evans, T. Dunne, W. Taft, R. McIntyre, E . Thompson, J. Richmond Umpires : David Phillips (F) Sacha Koffman (F) Blake Curtis (B) Frank Palermo (B) Matthew Cowley (G) Bruce Stephens (G ) Caulfield Gr 4.3 7.7 14.9 17.13 (115) Beaumaris AFC 2.2 3.9 5.10 7 .14 (56) Cant : Goals: J . Wright 4, G. Winter 3, R. Foote 2, C . May 2, B. Carboni, A. Docker, C. Hammond, G. Knight, M. Liddell, J . Sayers . Best: A . Strain, J . Wright, G. Winter, C. Hammond, M . Pennycuick, R . Foote Beaum: Goals: M. Matulick 2, M . Boon, M Lee, D . Teesdale, A . Salisbury, B. Presnell. Best: M. Ensor, M. Boon, A. Catlin, J. Heath, S. Lynch, C . Martin Umpires: Dharshaka Peiris (F) David Lepair (F) Simon Abel (B) Glen Kennedy (B) Graeme Booth (G) Clive Shipley (G ) University Blacks 3.1 6.6 8.10 10 .13 (73) Mazenod OC 1 .1 3.2 4 .4 7 .6 (48) Uni Blacks : Goals : M . Battista 2, M . Kempton 2, T. Bevacqua, J. Dowsley, J. Green, A. Jesse, M. Sawge, J . Sibdia . Best : D . Costello, M . Watson, P. Barry, L . O'Connell, M . Saville, M. Battista A9az: Goals : D . Dunne 3, L. Morgan 2, D . Kelly, N. Marmo. Best: N . Lawton, D . Chamberlain, B . Chamberlain, N. Parry, P. Nelson, S . Moran Umpires: Field Rdfl (F) Boundary Rdfl (B) Goal Rdfi (G) Peter James (F) Chris Mills (B) Edward Boal (G) B RESERV E Whitetriars OC 1 .4 2.8 3.12 5 .t3 (43) MHSOB 2.1 3.1 4 .5 9 .7(61) White : Goals: A. Gamble 2, D. Crea, A. D'aloisio. Best: G . Day, J . Carlo, J . Pumpa, A. Gibbs, L . Kaidor, A . Kenez rAnSOB: Goals: N. Orchard 3, G . McCully 2, T. Pitts, M . Hamilton-Ho, K . McDonald, S . Bayliss. Best: A . Saultry, A. O'Brien, M. Bowen, N. Orchard, M . Feferkranz, S. Mitchell 7.15 10 .20 (80) St Kevins 08 5.6 6.9 Old Brighton Gr 0.1 3.4 3 .6 4 .9 (33) SKOB: Goals: L . Kalesaran 3, J. O'Rourke 3, R. Caldow, J . Dempsey, M . Paxino, F. Monty. Best: J. O'Rourke, L . Kalesaran, S . Mount, R . Caldow, J. Lynch, R. Boyse Old Brighton: Goals : S . Eastgate, A . Vandendungen, A . Walsh, A. Clark. Best: C. Stewart, A . Kennedy, M . Smith, T. March, C . McNicol, A. Clark 12 .18 20.23 (143) Collegians 3.6 6.9 Old Essendon Gr 2.1 21 12 5 .3 (33) Coll : Details not received . Old Ess: Goals: A. Fewster, C. Kalogiannis, C . Morgan, T. Rumble, P. Rogash . Best: M . Flaherty, P. Rogash, C. Morgan, M . Hycenko, L. Kavanagh, A. Fewste r Caulfield Gr 5 .10 8,11 13 .15 17.16 (110) Beaumaris AFC 0.0 2.0 3 .2 6 .5(41) Cool : Goals: B. Gale 4, S . Am et 3, N . Edwards 2, A. Goold 2, R. Chapple, G. Crathern, C. Fagan, A. Green, E . Kalaja, W. Rudd. Best: A. Green, M . Sundberg, J. Franklin, W . Bowes, N . Edwards, W. Hepworth Beaum: Goals: M. Pigs 3, A. Kent, S. May, T. Whiny, Best: S . McNicholas, B . Gray, K. Bliesner, T. Whitty, B . Soutar, M. Pitts University Blacks 7.3 10.7 16 .9 25.1g (160) Mazenod9C 0.1 0.2 1.6 1 .7(13) Only Blacks : Goals : N . Martin 5, D. Irwin 5, T. Brumby-Rendell 3, J. Rippon 3, A . Else 3, A. Ross 2, G . Allan, E . Hardy, E. Ryan, C. Wallace . Best: T. Brumby-Rendell, K. Prestidge, A . Else, N . Martin, D. Irwin, R . Wood Maz: Goals : D . McMullin. Best: S. Gastricum, S. Paalucci, L. Hawkins, D . Grant, J. Schiano, D. McMulli n
C,h h AsstCo.;.h: Res Coach
1 M . Dugga n 2 L . Wonnacott 3 J. Heat h 4 M . Matulic k 5 M . Ensor (VC) 6 A. Spenc e 7 S. Lynch 8 M . O'Brien 9 B. Cousins 10 L. Buller 11 M . Lee 12 L. Heaiv 13 J . WhitC• 14 T Collins 15 PA . Boo r
16 A . Salisbury 17 S . May 18 N.Kennedy 19 M . Atkins 20 K . Bliesner 21 S . Cable 22 L. Atkin s 2= ; B . Gray 25 D.T 26 A . C 27 B . _ 28 J. Vance ~- . s C) 29 C . :_ .3rtin (C) 31 C . Graham 32 L. Ferrari 33 A . Wl t, n 34 H . : Ilan (Res VC) 35 S . hc 36 N ., ns 37 R . Presnell 38 M. son 39 L . c 40 J. 41 R . He c<w 43 T. . . . ^:^ough 45 M. Kui,u 46 T. Dean 47 A. Kent 48 T. Whitty 49 B. Souter 50 A. Clemente 53 A. Pol l
54 B. Presne!I 55 L, Quirk 56 A. Horton 57 B. Filson 58 J Bramwell 59 J .Roney 61 M . Bramwell 62 C.Shone 64 D. Murphy 65 G . Shattoc'r, 66 P. McConchie 63 B .BoWker 70 D. James 71 D Sawl e 74 K .Gaspenno 76 C. Terpsinis
AsstComdt : t Res. Cosh: Da-
1 N . Ta >eIi 2 A . Bruhn 2 B . Hall 3 C . Knight 4 M. Liddell 5 S. Kendall 6 C . Hammond 7 R.O'Neill 8 R . Foote 9 M. Frater 9 S. Cuniiffe 10 A.1'.'ll 11 B. Cc coni 12 D. F -ce 13 A.f-: 14 B.t ::^s 16 t" r 17
18 W. R j 19 B. E :,s 19 J. F .c 20 H .' a 21 M. F mycuick 22 C .I' 2: A.' 24 L . 24 C 2E 25
26 27 28 29 30
S J. J. is C. S-
31 by 31 es 32 A. Lawson 33 S . Fr-rs 34 H. I = or 35 R. S troth 36 C.Jc = 36 G . C am 37 B. .r t 38 N. L is 3S A Lc n
3 I 4E 41 42 43 44
E .~ :: .: ._ . Strain T. Gerrand B.G:
45 S .1'hrr 46 J . Fie i 47 S .Je: isen 48 R. Ch--x ,e 49 W. H > th 50 N . Green 51 K . Bigg s 52 M .Sundberg 53 E . Kalat a 54 D . Smale 55 C . Hooper 56 T Doake 57 P. Farmer 58 M . Fallon 59 T. Basham 61 M . Benkemoun 62 C . Sheppard 63 Z. D'Arcy 64 E. Andrew 65 A. Stobart 66 C . Grigg 67 J Sc~fl 71 M. Cassidy
1 J. Dixon (VC) 2 T. Bul l 3 B. Mooney 4 A. Shinkiield 5 R.Henebery 6 N. Baxter 6 S. Woolley 7 S. Taft 8 C. Unsxorth (C) 9 J Fry 10 J . Jorgensen 11 N. Burrows 12 N. Harrison 13 J . Casserly 14 J . Ashrr, 15 C. Holst 16 A.Ba 17 R. Ho: 17 D. Phi~. 18 J. Heritage 19 K . Jones 20 M . Parrent 21 C. Harris 22 M . Williams 23 D. Surkitt 24 E . Waters 25 R. Mui r 26 T. Baxter 27 G. Revision 28 N . McCann 29 N . Stone 30 L. Moon 31 N . Roach 32 C . Blumfiefd (VC) 33 B . Hoist 34 M. Wagner 35 M. Lync h 36 M. Roberson 37 R . Harkness 38 A . Felon s 39 N . Tsindos 40 0. Howard 41 N . Baxter 42 S. Arnett 43 T. Parkinson 44 B. Robbins 45 A . Stone 46 J. Hampton 47 Z. Moon 48 J. Baldwin 49 M. Rose 50 F. Bolan d 51 T. Rodgers Wilson 52 M Naylo r 53 C . Bi g 54 J.Adgemis 55 T. Cockles (RC) 56 A Smith 57 D. Williamson 58 N .Bobett 59 A. Wright - Smith 60 D. Nicholls 61 N. Wilson 72 ' .' Dyer 76 o. Hag e
Coach : Matti Murzy Asst Coadres: Tent Fr„s b Ar,dsrx SauYry Rea. Coach: T. Wr ight
1 T. Castricu m 2 M. Chamberlain 3 D . Hansen 4 S . Mora n 5 D . Chamberlain 6 P. Nelson 7 S. Reed 8 W.Occhiuto 9 D. Kelly 10 B. Chamberlain (C) 11 D . Hose 12 J. Cuberes 13 M. Regan 14 N . Meehan 15 N . Parry 16 M. Apoltonio 17 C . Poletti 18 D. Dunne 19 L . Buszard 20 C. Murray 21 S. Polan 22 S. Veltman 23 S.Oldman 24 D. Nisbett 25 S. Stanley 26 J.Dunne 27 S. Kerr 28 J. Diaz 30 D. Maskeli 31 S. Castricum 32 S. Paolucci 33 S. Balloon 34 B. Regan 35 J. Aeillo 36 G . Miller 37 T. Vallance 38 L. Morgan 39 D. Cloonan 40 L. Hawkins 41 A. Quinn 42 C. Paine 43 L. Perkins 44 B. Costin 45 S . Paine 46 C. Bray 47 D. Micallef 48 C. Jayaweera 49 M . Vog t 50 L. Appolonio 51 M . Quinn 52 G. Tilling 53 J . Mather 54 D. Grant 55 L. Fuller 56 A . Bray 57 P. Souter 58 D. Morri s 59 C . Azzopardi 60 A . Bouchereau 61 M . McDowell 62 A . Longmuir 63 M . D'Rosana 64 A . Man)ikian 65 P. Harrington 66 J. Schiano 67 G. Bates 68 J. Di Pietro 69 N . Persia
1 2 3 4
J. Bamer t S. McCully M. Neilson M. White
5 J. Simpson 5 L. Campbell 6 M. Brain (DVC ) 7 N . Orchard (RVC) 7 S. Whittingto n 8 J. Garner 9 D. Fairchild 10 C. Viltanrn 10 I . Tua
11 R .Ternes 12 J. Aitken 12 M. Feferkranz 13 S. Anderson 14 G . Leslie 14 M . Hamilton-Ho 15 A. O'Brie n 16 C. Kelly 16 R. Clovres 17 G . McCully 18 R. Limerick 19 L. Jones 19 S. Wrigley 20 L. Horne 20 T. Fraczek 21 J . Davi s 21 W. Taft 22 A. Svirskis 22 K . McDonald 23 A. Hogan
24 S .Yue 25 T. Dunne 26 L. Evan s 27 P. Spottissood 27 W.BadcWay 28 S . Moore 29 R. McIntyre (DVC) 30 R. Newton
31 L. McKinnon 31 M. B,-wen (RVC) 32 A .Cassell(VC) 33 A . Saultr y 34 E . Thompson (C) 35 J . Richmond
35 P. Rujevic 36 T. Bartholomew 37 M . Tin g
37 T. Harper 38 P Fountain 39 C . McGrath 40 A . Littlehales 40 A . Lust (Be) 41 J. Anderson 42 A. McCubbin 42 B. Betheras 43 D.Rosma n 43 R . Coxon (RVC) 44 J. Newton
45 R .Czwarno 46 I. Ousting 47 A. V,cendese 51 K. Harding 52 A. Villani 53 S. Mitchell 54 A. Li m 55 D. Wiseman 56 T. Wright 58 P. Greenhill 59 A. Hall
60 M. Nicholas
Major S pon c ;; :` south :~~ .
Cust odian Wealt~ l Builders
Coach : Greg FAArlagMin Asst Coach : Adam MCCtonned Res Coach: J. Coy
Coach : Dan" Ha .y Res. Coach : Craig Rdey
Coach: Dave Murray Asst Coach: Ta}y At :ker Res Coach: Rob Gross
Coach: MRhory Parka Asst Coach : IARiw. W.Hv:na Res Coach: Chns Rartett
Cosch : Pat Mann u Asst Coach: Peter Rand.!I. Wayn e Reardon & Danwen Tayb r
1 N. Perry 2 A. Pirrie 3 C. Barrow 3 S . Olliver 4 A. MacGillivray (DVC) 5 A. Edge 6 R. Stewart 7 C. Reddin (VC Res) 8 C. McNicol (C Res) 9 P. Phelan (C) 10 J . Edge 11 B . Mason 12 J . Parrett (DVC) 12 S . Eastgate 13 R. Kent 14 C. Buckley 15 B . Gadsden 16 M . Gadsden (DVC) 17 A . Van Den Dungen 18 A . Salem 19 S . Ginnivan (DVC)
1 B . Hakim 2 C. Goullet 3 D. Forrest 4 D. Ryan 5 S . De Morton 5 L. O'Brien 6 R . Phelan 6 S . Dawson 7 J . Leask 8 L. Teal 9 M . Vetardo 10 M . Schappacher 10 M . Flaherty 11 J . Buckley 12 J. Kavanagh 13 J . Dazkiw 14 D . Cerantonio 15 A . Parker 16 T. Wilson 17 S. Towner
19 P. Angelini
18 D . Flaherty 18 M . Tanner 19 S. Play(air 20 R . Baddeley 21 S. Dale 22 M . Portia 23 T. Skurrie 23 P. Xhayteau 24 J. Dazkiw 25 A . Frazer 25 C . Morgan 26 C . Ward 27 J. Williamson 27 A. Mckenzie 28 A. Fewster 29 P. Rogash 30 C . Inness 31 D. Caridi 32 D. Poulton 33 D. Grant 34 D. Podger 35 T. Rumble 36 C . Obliubek
20 M . Smith 21 R. Joseph 21 T. Ewert 23 D. Dawes (VC) 24 T. Jakobi 25 N . Edwards
26 A . Ginnivan 27 N . Williams 28 A . Bristow 29 J . Dickerson 29 M . Bartlett 30 T. March 31 A . Paroissien 32 A . Goldner
33 L. Dale 34 A . Morley
35 C. Stewart 36 J . Salem
37 D. Hughes 38 T. Marshall 39 B . Crilly 40 J. Maguire 41 B. Blatt 42 L. Hendra (VC) 43 M . Ryan 45 C . McKimm 46 C . Toll 48 L. Ross 49 B. Scott 50 W. Leaf 51 J. Lynch 52 B. Paterson 53 A. Clark 54 J. Dooley 55 R . Joseph 57 N . Powell 58 C . Butters 59 N . Larkin 60 C . Brown 61 A. Walsh
62 A. Bradford 63 D. Ellis (VC Res) 65 A. Kennedy
17 J . Lloyd
37 L . Fitzgerald
38 T. Campbell 39 K. Dawson 40 C . Kalogiannis 41 B. Overman 42 N . Bertram
2 M . Mulgrew 3 B . Dowd 4 L. Mahoney 5 M . Doliman 6 D. Mahoney 7 S . Mount 8 Tom . McCann 9 B . Fields 10 D. Wissell 11 T Duggan 12 M . Sherman 13 E . Waldron 14 J. Chades 15 M . Sullivan
16 B . Garvey 17 D. Ryan 18 R. Chard 19 D. Sheehy 20 D. Mount 21 R. Maguire 22 J. O'Keefe 22 M . Mazzarella
23 R. Boyse 24 D. Sullivan 25 R. Arnott 26 S . Betsey
27 P. Aughton 28 W. McCann 29 D. Gibbs 30 T. O'Hanton 31 A . Lynch 32 S . O'Connor 33 M . Maguire 34 A . white 35 J . Pope 36 N . O'Haoolran 37 M . Shannon 38 J . Liston 39 P. longmore 40 L. Kalesaran 41 M . Drinkwater 42 P. murray 43 R. Caldow 44 J . Kelsel 46 F. Monty 47 D . Steer 54 G. Holland 56 D . Walsh 67 A . Grant 82 S . Mitchell
43 J. Wilson 44 L . Kavanagh 45 N . Halaris
47 S. Howard 48 M. Makris 49 A. Christou
1 J. White 2. T. Sheldon 2 S. Chandler 3 P. Geister 3 R . Hamilton (RC) 4 A. Evans 5 E. Hardy 6 A. Bevacqua (VC)
26 D. Batten 27 M. Savige 28 D. Costello 29 N. Poyner 30 A. Jesse 31 P. Yeomans 32 A. Else 33 A. Fisher 34 L. Batten 35 B. Villella 36 M . Prowse 37 B. Harley
1 C. Woo d 3 R. Pawlik 5 B . Phan 7 S . Brosol o 8 B . Janso n 9 A . Pawlik 10 J . Anderso n 12 A . Brosol o 13 G. Hill 14 G. Power 16 J . Powe r 17 S . Anderso n 19 A . Hil l 20 L. Swai n 21 N . Handley 22 N . Cunningham 23 A . Woods 24 J. Daou 25 G. Day 26 J. Marchesi 27 P Stag g 28 B. Stafford 29 A . Glenn 30 J. Hogan 31 M . Vardy 32 R . Verno n 33 N . Crowe 34 E . Abdallah 35 J. Pedtro 36 C . Dyer 37 A . Adgemi s 38 R . Mattinson 39 C . Smith 40 D. Atkins 41 A . Thorpe 42 A . Kene z 44 L . Kaldo r 45 A . D'Aloisio 46 M . Duffy
38 B. Furness
47 C . Arthurson
39 C. Brook 40 N. Martin 41 R. Green 42 T. Legoe 43 C. Beaton 44 E . Ryan 45 D. McLeod 46 M . Battista 47 T. Smith 50 A . Goonan 51 R. Wood 58 O. Scott 66 T. Ferguson 70 J . Green 77 T. Brumby-Rendell
48 R . Hil l 49 T. Hilton 50 D. Crea 51 J. Baranello 52 L . Arthurson 53 C . Pelos i 54 A. Garreffa 55 M. Cassin o 56 J. Smith
7 K. Mario
8 C. Haynes 9 P. Kempton 10 G . Shaw 11 L. Van Kempen 12 S. Grigg 13 A. Ross 14 L. O'Connell 15 H. Whitehead 16 J. Lalich 17 T. Purcell 18 C. Groom 19 M. Kempton (C) 19 K. Prestidge 20 C. Sandiford (VC) 21 J. Sibilia 22 C. McAssey 23 P. Barry 24 J. Dowsley
58 P. Poulney
59 M. Cahill 60 E. Wadiel d 62 A. Gibb s 65 D. Eames 66 J. Box 67 B. Wilson
68 N . Mandicos 69 L . Twomey 70 P. Neofytou 71 A. Gamble ~7N
Just Group Stedas Dromana Hotel WHK Smith Read Paris Life Planning
67 s. Cooney 68 M. Dubyna
A .F.C . 1 â&#x20AC;˘
V.A .F.A .
"Your Coaches' Association"
Former long standing and highly respected player at during the day for the past 10 years . The intensity of training Richmond Football Club, Duncan Rellatvay, now playing with also needs to be high given the relatively limited time Caulfield Grammarians, agreed to this interview with Geoff available for training . Reilley. GR : As a qualified physiotherapist and a player who suffered GR : Duncan, when did you play your last AFL game and what numerous, serious injuries, do you have any suggestions for have you been doing in the interim to stay in shape ? coaches regarding player management, particularly at DK : My last game was about round 14, 2004 . 1 have stayed amateur level? generally fit with a bit of running and the occasional weights DK: It's a good idea to have protocol in place to provide session and swim. I was reasonably fit but footy fitness is a guidelines for players and staff to follow . Having contacts different kettle of fish and I needed to become involved in pre- such as a sports physician and physio that you know and can season at Caulfield, especially to get the body used to refer players to is also important . " physical contact again . GR : Which AFL playerls, past or present, do you regard as the GR : Did you think when you retired that you may play again ideal role models ? at a lower level? DK: I think Chris Judd, also a Caulfield Grammarian, is as DK: The thought was in the back of my mind but I knew I was good a role model for either young or experienced players as going away to travel and work overseas in 2005 so I wasn't there is going around these days . A great player, fair and, sure if I would get the opportunity to play again . On returning importantly, also pursuing interests away from footbal l home my good mate, Andrew Will, current Caulfield Grammarians Club Captain, was going around for one more GR : You spent some time in the UK recently. Was it to further year and my body felt good so I thought why not . your professional career and did any aspect of sport in the UK impress you ? GR : What was the determining factor in deciding to play with DK: I worked in a sports medicine practice for a few months Caulfield Grammarians ? and applied for jobs at Fulham and Tottenham . I received DK: I am a past student of Caulfield Grammar and therefore interviews with both clubs but was not successful in getting knew quite a few of the guys at the football club . Although the a placement . majority of my closer schoolmates have retired, they still I have to say that the ball control of the Premier League follow the club and turn up to most matches . I consistently soccer players is really incredible and they also have great watched my mates play with the Grammarians throughout my speed . AFL career and therefore had an ongoing affinity with the club . GR: Do you have any thoughts of coaching Australian Rules in the future ? GR : You are one of three brothers to play in the VFL/AFL . Was DK: Happy to just have a kick this year and will see where I there any one coach who had a particular influence on you, or am at when the season finishes . your brothers Lochie and Andrew, to pursue the game at the elite level ? GR: Duncan, welcome to amateur football, thanks for your DK : Not really. We all just loved playing footy and aspired to time and good luck for the remainder of the season . play the highest standard we could. The support of our (The support group for Australian Rules football at Caulfield parents all the way through our footy careers has been Grammar School is named the 'Kellaway Club' and instrumental in us all doing well . acknowledges the outstanding playing careers of Lachlan, I should also say Peter Schwab really assisted me in making Duncan and Andrew and the exceptional contribution by their the transition from U19's and reserves to playing senior AFL parents Peter and Annette . Lachlan is in his second season as footy Assistant Senior Coach at Caulfield Grammarians . Peter, Annette and Andrew are regular supporters at Caulfield's GR : What do you regard as the most important quality in a matches) . coach ? DR : Definitely honesty . GR : What do you think is the key element for worthwhile training in amateur football given there is usually only tw o training sessions per week ? DK : Good lights at the ground! I have been spoilt by trainin g "I 12
~tFVlbourroe High School Old Boys' Association Inc . Established in 1907 and still going strong .
Colin Foley u403 574 500 or Gus Martonhelyi 0429 106 596
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Congratulations to two of our senior players on reaching their first 50 game milestone for the club . :'y an Czwamo played his 50th against Whitefriars last week and formed part of a n excellent ; backline that restricted scoring ; opportunities. 'Rhino' has played most of his football in the Ressies but after a committed pre-season he was given his chance of playing in the seniors . He has grabbed this opportunity and not looked back . Well done 'Rhino', may there be
plenty more at mHSOB. Luke Campbell plays his 50th game today at home against St Kevins OB. Luke is an integral part of the on-ball division an d always runs in straight` lines . His ability to break open packs and drive the ball into the forward line is an important factor in our young team's performances . Luke comes from a great sporting family, his father Blair and brothers all playing quality football and cricket . An excellent effort Luke .
GARY McBEAN'S SPECIALTY MEATS Shop 515 Prahran M arke t South Yarra Vic 3141 Ph. g625 0째15 Fa x tk427 cfJ11 AsktorlCen or Gary ano+ say ;.THSOBFC
Very special thanks to Neil Duncan and his team at Hydro-Chem for their continuing valuable support of MHSOBFC in 2006 . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2006 13
by Fraser Camero n Monash -v- AJA X The Students hosted the Jackas on a beautifull y manicured surface which should've suited th e visitors . No wind tunnels to speak of which (in m y own experience) is extraordinarily rare . AJAX jumped out of the blocks with the first 3 snags, but then went into their shell as the Ashers started to gain the ascendancy after quarter time . Tim Blackley held firm down back and the home side's defence only let one goal through in the second term, meaning Monash were back in the hunt . After the main break, the Students lit the torch on the back of Andrew Costley in the ruck (well matched against the impressive Jared Raleigh) and Tom Craven, who rammed through 3 majors to gain the critical advantage . They 'won ugly' thereafter by choking the Jackas runners and denying their forwards room to convert . Old Camberwell - v- Hampton RoversIt was a fast paced, intense start out at GBO . The Rovers' defence had the task of locking down the Wellers key forwards from the get-go, and they recovered from a slow start winning crucial stoppages and providing good delivery to their own forward line . A few positional changes at the first break robbed Hampton Rovers of their ruck dominance, allowing the Wellers runners, led by Paul Byrne, to swoop into their forward-line to kick 5 majors for the term . After the main change, Old Camberwell kicked into top gear kicking 9 goals to one for a 71 point lead, including 3 from Andrew Clarke . The last quarter saw Hampton Rovers add respectability to the end result, but they're back to the drawing board this wee k STBMT -v- Fitzroy Red s It wasn't for the first time this season that the Reds had to play catch-up footy, trailing by 4 goals midway through the first term at Brindisi Street . The loss of Tiger wingman Paul Groves signaled a Roy Revival as they slammed on the next 5 majors to lead at the first change . With a few choice words of encouragement behind them, the home side lifted their intensity in the second term with Aaron Sawers and Damian Waters leading the way . Andrew Scafidi and David Kinsella were the main beneficiaries of the Tigers' midfield's largesse, converting the numerous opportunities provided as the home side 14
eased to a 9 goal win . Ormond -v- Old Paradian s Unlike St Kilda, wh o always play poorly i n milestone games, the same could not possibly be said of Old Paradians who saluted one of their greatest (if not the greatest) servants, Peter Brabender with a gritty 20 point win at The Gunn . Trailing just before halftime, the Parade boys flicked the switch with the next 4 biscuits to take a 16 point lead into the main change . The Monds wasted crucial chances in the third as the game looked to be slipping away with the visitors hold a 28 point lead at the final change . Derham was always dangerous up front for Parade, ably assisted by Godfrey and Curran around the ground . In the end, despite the efforts of Simon Keleher and Bryce Deledio, the Paradians finished strongly enough to ensure the away rooms were pumping at 5pm . NOBS -v- Parkdal e The Vultures swooped on the Combine in the close one at the Gillon . It was nip 'n' tuck all day, with les s
LST'.':';; TOTAL
Loats, David OLD CAMBERWELL 4 38 Chisholm, Robert ORMOND AFC 3 18 Craven, Thomas MONASH BLUES 3 15 Maghamez, Kane FITZROY REDS 5 14 Barker, Michael NOB/ST PATRICKS COL . AFC4 13 Bloom, Aaron AJAX AFC 1 13 Greenwood, Nick HAMPTON ROVERS AFC 5 13 C SECTION RESERV E Cugola, Adrian NOB/ST PATRICKS COL . AFC4 13 Terrell, Luke ST BEDES/tv1. TIGERS AFC 5 13 Tornese, Joe FITZROY REDS 0 11 Hanson, Daniel OLD CAMBERWELL GR 3 10 Lethb ri dge, Anthony MONASH BLUES 0 10 Davis, Stephen ORMOND AFC 0 9 Joyce, Damien NOB/ST PATRICKS COL . AFC 1 8 results weren't received . Any discrepancies may be due to nonsubmission of results by clubs . M THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2006
than 2 goals separating the sides pretty much throughout . Unfortunately, despite a gem from Heath Maplestone and 4 large ones from Mick Barker, the Combine have slipped further down the slope . Parkdale were suitably served by Team Sullivan, whilst Rock `n' Rowley were the major goal scorers in a critical away victory. Tips No time to lose here as the season is fast approaching the first main break . As I suspected, Parade are starting to piece things together, and a home game against Hampton Rovers (set your alarms early boys, it's a good hour trip!!!) should see Parade string two wins together. Parade by 3 goals . Parkdale host a resurgent Monash and I reckon the Students are a good thing at the moment . Monash by 31 points . The Marquee Match-Up has to be STBMT versus Old Camberwell at Mentone Reserve, where I think the visitors will put up a good fight, but fall 16 points short . The Jackas at the Wick are usually a good thing, but Ormond will be seething . Expect a quick, exciting tussle here, with the Monders home by 5 points . Finally, the RebNob Cup is up for grabs at W T Peterson, I managed to inspect the surface there during the week, and it definitely will suit the home side . Fitzroy comfortably, well by 5 goals methinks . McGoos Paradians, Monash, Wellers, Ormond and Fitzroy .
L .dJ 1;7 :t . E} NS:7 S.3 ::~. Parkdaie Vultures would like to congratulate Mick Sullivan who played his 200th Senior Game vs Fitzroy Reds in Round 3 . Mick has been a fantastic player for the club and played in the Seniors 2001 premiership . Well done Mick . Congratulations also to Michael Dixon who plays his 15 0 th club game this week vs Monash Blues . Michael is a past league and club best & fairest winner and also played in the 2001 premiership where he was judged Best On Ground . Well done guys ! r-
Parkdale Vultures v Monash Blue s St Bedes/Mentone Tigers v Old Camberwell Old Paradians v Hampton Rovers Fitzroy Reds v North Old Boys/St Patricks Co l AJAX v Ormond - at Sporfscover Arena - Saturday
Old Camber' II 9 .7 1L? 19.12 (126) Hampton8c:zr .-5.2 7 .3 7 .u 01) OCG: Goals : U . Loots 4, A. Clarke 3, A. Hardenberg 2, G. Tolson 2, S. Harrison 2, B Christie, D. Desanctis, J. Heffernan, C. Hendne. D . Mitchell, M. Hough. Best: D . McGuigan, D. Pike . P. Byrne. A Clarke, A. Harderberg, D . Loots Hampt Rov: Goals N. Greenwood 5, C . Lambert 3, A . Brovrne, G. Cannell, M Devereaux, J . Ng, T. Wilmott, J. Yelland . Best: A. Bro^,vne, N. Greenwood, C. Lambert, T. Wilmit, M . Lawrence, J. 'dg Umpires : Daniel Site ( F) Tim Saunders (F) Sean Collins ( B) Alex Koutsoukfs (B) Ormond AFC 3.2 5 .4 6 .6 8 .9 (57) Old Paradians 2 3 7.8 10 .11 11 .11(77) Orm : Goals: R . Chisholm 3, S Keleher 2 . D. B- Deladm, M. Miller, Best : S Keleher, D, Robbins, R. Martin, M. Mart W C Deledio Old Par: Goals D, Boundy 3, M. Derham 3, A . Hughes 2, P. Brabendec D . Loney, M. Matko. Best: D . Loney, M . Derham, M . Godfrey, A. Curran, M . I o . A . Chambers Umpires: Ashley Hoagendyk (F) Sean Scully Jnr (F) James Scu ti y ( B) Kevin Segota (G) Elise Van Grondefle (B) Peter Teesdale (G) Pdanash Blues 2 .4 3.5 7 .7 9.10 (64) AJAX AFC 31 4.3 44 66(44 ) Mon Blues: Goals : T. Craven 3, B . Mackenzie 2, B Cruickshank, C . Gregory, J. Smith, A. Vincent. Best: A. Hickey, A . Vincent, B . Mackenzie, C . Greg( M . Davidson, T. Blackley AJAX : Goals: A. Bloom, A . Lewski, Y. Rapoport, J. It rmao, J. Seidl, B, h;issen Best J . Ritterman, E . Routman . A Levski, C . Jankie, E. M . Janke Umpires: Rob Mayston {F) Ken MsUeice ( F) Cameron Sm ith (B) run Kinsey (B ) North Old Bpyst"t tricks Coll 2 .1 2.2 66 9 .8 ( 62) Park Vult 2 .6 3.8 5 .11 9.12 (66) NOB/St Pct: Goa' er 4, S . Sleep 2, T. Brady. T. Roberts, T. Spurling . Best: H . Map!estone, ; . its, C . Hosking, D. Brady, S. O'Connor, S Sleep Parkdale Vultures : Goals: ' I t 4, S, Rowley 3, T. Macgeorge, T. Barr. Best : S. Sullivan, P. Sullivan, T, Macgeejâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; D. Dryden, S. Hecker, B . Richards Umpires: Field Rdfl (F) Boundary Rdfi (B) Peter Angel is (F) Glen Young (G) Goal Bull (G ) St BedeslMentone Tiger AFC 3 .10 11 .10 13 .10 18.21 (129) Fitzroy Reds 5 .1 7.3 10 .6 10 .7 (67) SiBl Mi: Goals: A . Scafidi 4, M. Rhoden 3, J . Tyquin 3, S. Kidd 2, U. Gorda, M . Hilton, A . Sawers, L . 1^tintle, S . Zakic . A. Haves, Best : D . Kinsella, N . Cards, A. Hayes, A. Scafidi, L. 4Yiotle, S . Ansley Fitz Reds : Goals : K . Maghamez 5, V. Cahill 2, A. Pace 2, J. Rawlins. Best: V. Cahill, C . Dullard, C. P.9eighen. T. Clarke, KARaghamez, S. Drury Umpires : David Irons ( F) Joseph Hartwig (F) Gavan Dawe (B) Matthew Proctor (B) John Robinson (G) Peter Maddocks {G} C RESERV E PAonash Blues 5.3 5.6 5 1 0 6 .12 (48) AJAX AFC 4 .4 5.6 7 .6 10 .7 (67) Mon Blues: Goals : J. Rosengarten 2, R . Porker 2, R. Shields, P. Wills. Best : J. Rosenga rten, B . Nlnd, R. Feenaghty, D . Metlikovec, B. Main, N . Brennan AJAX: Goals : S. Boon 2, D. Arousi 2, D . Bloszteiq J . Kagan, R . Kagan, B. Oviss, A. Porat, A . Wollner . Best : B. Yudelmn, R. Kagan, D. Arousi, A. Parai, B. Perelherg, D. Blusziein St BedeslMentene Tigers AFC 3 .7 6 .10 16.17 (113) 10 .13 Fitzroy Reds 2.4 4 .6 6 .8 {44) 01 SiBlRiT: Goals : J . Terrell 5, M. McGetiigan 3, D. Po rter 3, M. Andrew s 2, L. Kelly 2, A. McMahon . Best : M . McGettigan, J. Lynch, A . Hpvaell, C . Jamieson, D. Porter, L. Kelly Fitz Reds : Goals R . Holderhead 2, R . Hunter, S. Battle, J. Parsons . G . Hunter. Best: C . Sullivan. G. Hunter, D. Clark, R . Holderhead, S. Baillie, C . McGrath Ormond AFC 05 1 8 5 .10 7 .11 (53) Old Paradians 1 .4 5.5 6 .14 12 .16 (8 8) Orm : Goals : T. Naylor 3, B. Robbins 2, B . Upstill 2 Best: S . Barnes, C. Keleher, T. Denatris, T. Woolfe, T. Banks, T. Naylor Old Par. Goals: D . Hussey 2, T. Lombardi 2, S . Rehlicki 2, A. Dean, T. Girovski, L . Harf ord, B . Holden, A. Sinclair, D . Zivanovlc. Best: J. Seneca, R. Thomas, M . Joyce, D . Hussey, D. Zivanovic, S. Rose ' orth Old Boys/St Patricks Coll 4.6 8.8 15 .16 20.21 (141) Parkdale Vultures 1 .4 1 .2 1 4 1 .4(10) HOB(SiPt : Goals : R . Kirk 6, A. Cupola 4, J. Browne 3, J . Van Dyk 2, R. Citroen, D . Joyce . B . Sheehan, A. Wellman, C . Dobson . Best : C. Le Maitre . C. Dobson, J . Browne, B . Sheehan, A . Wellman, G . Irvin Park Vuft: Goals : M . Jennings . Best: P. White, L. Davies, C. Pearson, K . Pridham, M . O'Meara, R . Haslemore Old Camberwell Gr 6.2 13.8 16 .13 20.17 (137) Hampton Rovers AFC 1,3 2.3 3 .5 3 .5(23) OCG: Goals: G . Alessio 3, D . Hanson 3, C. Nicholls 3, B . Co ttrell 3, A . Allan 2, S . Peasnell 2, A. Mackenzie, D . Morley, C . Payne, J. Webb. Best: A. Allan, J . Davis, C. Nicholls, D . Morley, B . Cottrell, D. Hanson Hampt Roe: Goals: J . Cornett, T. McCarthy, B. Theodore . Best : R . McKeon, B. Theodore, D. Williams, J . Williams, B . McDonald, J . Corbett
C Sectio n AJAX
Coach : Tim O'Shaughnessy Asst Coach : Mark Louis Res Coach : Matt Dudakov
C=h : Gran- euroan
c-, : &an iMrmrtn
coah: And- WGr.;or
Asst Coxh: Chin TM, Asst Coach: Dam Kane
R. Caach : Ty Nzumo6
1 N. Gold (C) 2 J . Israelsohn 3 Y. Rapaport 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Ritterman 6 D.Vaneken 7 M . Jankie 8 E . Raleigh 9 A. Rosen 10 J . Seidl 11 M . Segal 12 E . Janaver 13 B . Klein 14 A . Wollner 15 J . Segal 16 E . Routman 17 J . Kagan 18 D. Gelbart 19 D. Sutton 20 J . Sharp 21 A . Lewin 22 A . Lewis 23 A . Let ski 24 O. Henzel 25 M . Blashki 26 B . Duzenman 27 A . Bloom 28 A . Zemski 29 B . Harshen 30 B . Oviss 31 J . Givoni 32 E. Wollner 33 R. Kagan 34 J . Raleigh 35 C . Jankie 36 D. Markov 37 J. Kestenberg9 38 B . Hershan 39 D . Blusztein 40 G. Massey 41 R . Heine 42 B . Goldbloom 43 A . Goldman 44 D . Arousi 45 B . Yudelman 46 A . Porat 47 A . Bloom 48 W.Sevel 49 D . Rubenstein 50 A . Spicer 51 D. Seidl 52 A. Sacks 53 M. Chester 54 B. Nissen 55 R . tvtorris S. Segev ~ B. Ritte man 57 58 T. Skovron 59 R . Spilberg 60 J. Wajnberg 61 E. Winter 64 J. Lewis 68 J. Lewski
R" Comb: C-mg t'"' n I J.G'Rc-~7y
2 R HoMerhead 2 M. G'os='na~•° 3 M. L.s-Gi4 s Ks,ner 5 P~w~ 6 B~~ d 7 N .a>tbon g g Eck-d 9 T. Da»s 10 L Ha#~head
12 P~. 13 M.Da t4 iCiarne a K. Nye t5 M . sneamer is c. Du~3rd 17 B Lea is P. Ca20 T M,IW 21 GWgha n 22 c. suavan 23 K Magramez 24 L . Gap"" 25 y " 27 J Tea 27 B. charrnan 28 T. Linehan
29 V. CanA 30 N. E am 31 JLay 31 G . Hunte r ,2 R T„~
33 s Dsury 34 R G-j 35 R. MkD°na~ 35 J' " 36 M . R 37 L Mage aa K. westro,r 39 J wii~ SB"~' 40 R. rn'naa 41 Gx~ante 42 I. M Eur y 43 s. Eai~re 44 A. aacs 45 J. Bone 49 J. pkAUbeY
50 D Ryan 51 J R~~ s 53 s. Ad~on 54 T WB-}' 55 Mzar~s 56 J. 57 R Rome
95 D. Ftsnagan
SPONSORS The Lord Newry Hotel, Ph 481 3931
The Fitzroy Shop ~ P,'
I H. Tregear 2 B. Henry 3 G . Connell 4 G . Carr 5 C. Lambert 6 L. Holt 7 T. Wilmott 8 Drew, Anderson 9 N. Pinto 10 S. Blanchard 11 J .Yelland 12. M .Terech 13 G . Woods (VC) 14 Daniel . Andersen 15 A. Browne (C) 16 N. Greenwood 17 L. Cave 18 J . McCarthy 19 M . Lawrence 20 C. Malthouse 21 S . Parkinson 22 S . Burggraaff 23 M . Gray 24 C. Christiansen 25 T. Rootsey (RVC) 26 M . Devereaux 27 J . Parmansche 28 B . Kezilas 29 M . Fletcher 30 A . Quon (RC) 31 T, Pucella 32 David. Anderson (RC) 33 D. Sargent 34 A. Crowther 35 N. Goss 36 A . Byrt 37 S . Cannell 38 D. O 'Brien 39 A . Crisp 40 D. Williams 41 N . O ti 42 J . Williams 43 C. Cooper 44 M . Pearson 45 G. Davis 47 L. Wheeler 48 S . Seletto 49 B. Corking 50 N . Foster (RVC) 51 J. Glanville 52 E . Salvage 53 J. N9 54 D . Marshall 58 T. Mitchell -- --,--~- . . _
. . .. . . . . .
. .
Ph 9580 6464 °
Dominos Pizza , Carlton, Ph 9348 8366
Asat Caxh : lan W.
R . Coach: Marcus Spencer 1 S. Chapman 2 R .Turton 4 B. McKenzie 5 J . Rosengarten 6 M . Davidso n 7 P. Farrar 8 A. Hickey 9 C. O'Sullivan 10 S . Lloyd 11 M . Spencer 12 G . Smyth (VC) 13 M . Pay 14 B. Merlin 15 M .Tinkler 16 B . Nind 17 K. Mudge 18 D. Fuzzard 19 B. Cruickshank 20 A. Vincent 21 C. Gregory 22 T. Blackley 23 B . Jansse n 24 T. Craven 25 J . Hawkins 26 27 RWiIIs N. De Young 28 J . Main 29 A . Costley 30 L. Creamer 31 J . Lui 32 A . Gains 33 J . Smith (C) 34 R. Shields 35 D. Murchie 36 A . Williams 37 C. Dennis 38 N. Brennan 39 A . Fyfe 40 J . Mazur 41 Michael . Bolton 42 M Coe 43 R. Feenaghty 44 L. Leviston 45 M . Phillips 46 D. Jones 47 S . Mentha 48 M . McMahon 49 M . Pettingill 50 A . Lethbridge 51 B . Hindl e 52 N . Moresi 53 M . Chapman 54 D. Metlikovec 55 I. McCormick 56 M . Jones 57 R . Porker 58 A . Thompson 59 N . 6 0 D. Leonard 61 P. Campbell 62 L . Kats 63 B. Hillman 64 D. Gemmell 65 D. Hill 66 T. Wittingslow, 67 B. Mai n 68 M. Meehan 70 Z. Anderson 71 A. Khoury 72 B. Green 73 J. Healy 74 P. Westbrook
co. ):To 1, ht ~s 0o; . , &~m S-las 1 D. StribleY 2 J . Penell 3 T. Sheehan 4 S . Sleep 5 A. Crameri 6 H. Mapleston e 7 J . Brown e 8 D. Zare k 9 S . Collin s 11 T. Roberts 12 G . Maxton 13 S . O'Connor 14 B . Flemin g 15 J . Nihil l 16 T. Brad y 17 T. Spurlin g 19 P. Flanders 20 J . Sutherland 21 A . Wellman ~ D g~dDy k 24 M . Fitzgerald 26 A . Brady 27 C. O'Bree 28 D. Joyce 29 C . Hosking (VC) 30 D. Dellwo 31 C . Dobson (RVC) 32 B . Sheehan 33 M . Barke r 34 R . Citroen 35 N . Tonkins 36 D . Tonkin (C) 37 D . Coffey 38 R . Davis 40 J. Hunte r 41 D . Gargan 42 A . Wood 43 M . Nunan 44 J. Also 45 G. Irvi np 47 L . Delmenico 48 N . Rice 49 A .Cugola (RC) 51 B. Garrote 52 B. McGowa n 53 S. Butcher 55 C . Stribley 56 J. McKenzi e 58 N . Barden 59 B. Govett 60 C . Gordon 66 P Bryar ry 69 M. Perry 70 L . Kee n
Sponsors: Fitzgerald Family Hotels Royal Oak - North Fboy Grand View - Brunswic k Matt Fitzgerald 94814693
Paul Fitzgerald 9380 806 0
- .hamptonrovers .com .au
P1 Sl F,
Coach: PaW o'sharrossy
Coach: Data FAcCann Asst Coaches: Michael Hanford Simon Vincent Res Coach: Peter Cosgrrfi
Fes Coach: Aran Schrrvdl
1 P. Byrne 2 D. MeGuinan 3 M . Hough 4 C. Hendrie 5 D. Loats 6 S. Lowerson 7 K. Batzloff 8 J. Heffernan 9 D. Morley 10 B. Christie 11 A. Whelan 12 D. De Sanctis 13 A. Salipas 14 R. Whitehead 15 T. Hobart 16 L. Weaver 17 T. Angove 18 D. Hanson 19 S . Peasnell 20 D. Mitchell 21 A . McKenzie 22 T. Forknall 23 B . Atkinson 24 W. Spring 25 A . Hardenberg 26 B . Cottrell 27 C. Hillier 28 C . Payne 29 D . Gough 30 T. Hallo 31 B . Craven 32 J . Clyne 33 M . Shanks 34 D. Schmidt 35 C . Munro 36 S. Derry 37 J . Webb 38 D. Walpole 39 G. Alessio 40 C . Jellis 41 C . Nicoll 42 L. Robertson 43 W. Austenbeny 44 M. Jury 45 T. Burrow 46 W. Knight 47 J . Martin 48 T. Jury 49 S. Beckett 50 D. Pike 51 M. Salipas 52 J. Robertson 53 S. Gregory 54 A. Margetts 55 B. Langford 56 M. Cottrell 57 C. Myres 58 N . Payne 59 J. Davis 62 D. Middleton 69 S. Jones
1 D . Zivanovie 2 A . Hughes 3 D. Dean 4 A . Curran 5 A. Paglia 6 J. Seneca 7 M. Cosgrift 8 A . Sinclair 9 P. Palermo 10 P. Brabender 11 M. Joyce 12 L . Dore 13 S. Rose 14 P. Pratt 15 B. Holden 16 M. Godfrey 17 B. Geary 18 M. Spinoso 19 A. Dean 20 S. Maher (DVC) 21 D. Loney (VC) 22 S. Fantone 23 P. Walsh 24 T. Lombardi 25 D. Hussey 26 D.Boundy(C) 27 K. Jenkins 28 J. Kreuzer 29 R. Ryan 30 M. Ryan 31 G . Vincent 32 B. McAllister 32 S. Corcoran 33 N. Riseley 34 M . Gale 35 D. Salvation 35 D. Berthet 36 B. Dintinosante 37 P. Turner 38 A. Harvey 39 M . Derham 40 L. Harford 41 R. Thomas 42 R. Murray 43 R. Petrou 44 M . Patena 45 M . Matko 46 T. Girovski 47 W. Connelly 48 A . Chambers 50 Tenson 52 Pratt 53 D. Furz 54 A . Elliott 55 S . Egan
Li; ; ;:
PARKDALE V ULTURES Coach : T«y taa«.taorp
Coach : Cava Res Ca h: F Jt,
Asst Coach: Jack Tully Res Coach : Paul Mann
1 S. Rowley 2 S. Hecker 2 B. Darcy 3 M. Dixon 4 M. Hayes 5 A. White 6 C . Stephens 7 C . Atkins 8 K. Little 9 M. Meyer 9 P. Emmett 10 T Kight 11 C. O' Meara 12 A. Baker 13 M. Ryan 14 C. Johnston 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C. Sullivan 18 S. Sullivan 19 C. Stewart 20 D. Kelly 22 B. Liddell 23 Matt. Sullivan 24 T Linthorn e 25 B. Richards 26 A. Rock 27 R . Layton 28 A. Castles 29 G . Crilley 30 P. Marin 31 J. Drury 32 B. Fogden 33 Matt. Walsh 35 M . Johnstone 36 C. Ogier 37 T. Macgeorge 38 S . Perrazo 41 C. Rock 42 T. Barr 43 M . Barr 45 M . Kight 46 W. Wheatleyy 48 Mick. Walsh 50 S . Scullin 51 A . Wood 52 S . Wingrave 53 D. Noonan 54 J. Thurgood 56 S . Wilson 57 R. Bittner 58 R. Haslemore 59 D. O'Keefe 60 M . O 'Meara 61 T. Banks 62 D. Scerri 63 N . Levett 64 X . Smith 65 G. Wilson 66 A . Kerr
1 L. Deledio 2 D. Beckett 3 R . Chisholm 4 M. Jones 5 M. Martinov 6 D. Whelan 7 S. Keleher (C) 8 M. Miller 9 T. Banks 10 R. Martin 11 D. Robbins (VC) 12 B. Deled o(VC) 13 C. Lees 14 J. Bridges 15 M . McConvill 16 D. Brosnan 17 L . Russell 18 W. Cove 19 D. Cleary 21 R. Wiley 22 D. Bailey 23 T. Naylor 24 J. Muzzell 25 J. Dale 26 T Harvey 27 S. Barnes 28 A. Clinch 29 G . Evans 0 L. Wells 31 D. Black 32 L. O'Brien 33 A. Cook 34 A. Russell 35 D. Te Hennepe 36 D. Casey 37 C. Everett 38 S. McConchi 39 L. Pincott 40 B. Robbins 41 B. Upstill 42 C. Keleher 43 T. De Natris 44 M . Broadhurst 45 S . Davis 46 T Leary 47 A. Goonan 48 C. Medcratt 49 T. Woolfe 50 A . Bartley 51 D. Haysom 52 T. Haysom 53 S . O'Sullivan 54 M. McClelland 55 B . Rayson 56 A . Weisz 57 A . Warwarek 58 S . Mitos€os 59 M. Purcell 60 P. Konstanty 62 J . Turnbull 63 L. Upstill 68 B . Cromack
Res Coach: T. Lamb Club is: Marc Wsud
a wmae. 64 P WGenr,an 2 t..wm°, . (c) ee G. Alan 3 B . C 66 R. Parsons 4 S . Ar 67 S. M.eehan 5 s . n ., ea M. ksrarher 8 J . K, ..~ 69 B .wrght 7 AI-so di 70 L Terrell
g A3, Soab 71 J Tenet 9 M. Terror 72 D. t:Hueief to M. wmd® 73 P De'ahuny 12 P. Groves 74 B . Schwarz.
18 N . Cordon 75 L. Pon. 14 K iqerrse 76 J Matar~y 15 T McCall 77 s . Burg~ s A. Hpa 78 ta. Hecker 17 N . Conde 79 A Van Den 18 D. Poner eknk 19 ta.Hamn ao J. hkt~ 20 L t~~~s' at 0. Grea`e' 21 J . Coru,etj 82 t.. Sume r 22 u tnadaocks 83 A . UHUffsr 23 D. Lynch 84 M. t.tnsud 24 .1 Tone 85 M ~ 25 A. tactaahon €s a Drury 26 k~~o'~r~ 27 t..8e+er~e 2e M Andrsws 29 0wyters ~ ht tkGengan 31 J. wmd~ank 32 G . Kernnster 33 S. Zak~ 34 D k-Pa 35 A`~"~ 36 A vraista b 37 P. Brennan 38 A. Hayes 39 D. Femuo 40 L . Ke#y 41 s. Doukas 42 M. W tson 43 A. Paterson
44 M . Rtwden 45 t .. Cies:a.e as L . Bare11a 47 S Race 48 c. Keonan 4e S. Ra~rso so S. Kidd at T L~ 52 T Beasley 53 C. .lam~oson 54 M phcr-"aW 55 R.Sarrq~n ~ sWsba n sa s.w Di rsa, 59 n. wtwnson eo e e;nea 61 M . Zahara e2 W. Parker 63 A Perham
Bendigo Bank Parkdale &
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Swan Hotel Richmon d
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Scicluna's Fruit & Veg
ROu n u ` . , In a close game at Keysborough, Old Geelong narrowly prevailed (by seven points) over a persistent Old Mentonians, whose newly endowed Centurion Rowan Ball was amongst their best players . It was close all day, with the OGs just that little but stronger in the final term . Matt Vasey was the last quarter hero for Old Geelong with four goals in the fourth stanza. Prahran found it difficult to breach the BulleenTemplestowe defence, succumbing to the Bullants by 44 points at Toorak Park . The visitors also exploited the wings at Orrong Road to great effect, the result evident on the scoreboard . Malty Bain's collection of freakish goals for the Bullants was worthy of any highlight film . Another nail-biter, this time in heavy conditions at John Pascoe Fawkner Reserve, saw Rupertswood take the bacon by a seven point margin over Therry Penola. Not one for the aesthetes, with both sides making basic skill errors on a regular basis, frequently turning over the ball . Rupo in particular failed to show full efficiency in front of the posts, and it was their backline, featuring the likes of Timmy Boxall, David Collins and Kurt Shaw that led the way. Out at Bennetswood, Old Carey established a healthy lead at the half time break, and it was pretty much even from then on in, as the Panthers beat St . Leo's Emmaus by 32 points. Again, not necessarily great to watch as a spectacle, despite relatively good conditions . Josh Carr was a shining beacon of skill for Carey . while for the Animals, Anthony Ballard battled hard in the ruck before being moved with greater effect to centre half forward . Finally, yet another thriller saw Banyule get up by six points against Yarra Valley . I . PREVIE W Bulleen-Templestowe host Old Mentonians at Ted Ajani Reserve, having eased themselves into the four. The Bullants should be reasonably confident of their chances, although the Panthers have been competitive for the greater part of their season so far. Jordan Wise and Greg Chivers continue to exhibit their class at this level for the home side, while players at Old Mentonians could do worse that follow the lead set by the ever reliable Danny Field . Winning form is good form however, and it's hard to overlook Bulleen-Templestowe today. Prahran make the journey to Warringal Parklands for their match against Banyule . The Bears have started to get their season back on track with wins in the last two weeks, and will fancy their prospects of squaring their win-loss ledger against the struggling Two Blues . Michael Radywonik will
be a key figure for the Two Blues, but I'm no ytconfidehrabl to capitalise on the opportunities he'l klprovidenthuc contests . I'll take the Bears today. Yarra Valley OB take on Emmaus St . Leo's at Domeney Reserve in a game between two teams in the ladder's nether regions . Valley are seventh on the ladder, but have only one win after five rounds . The Animals are still seeking their first win of 2006, and I'm sure will see this as a great opportunity to break their duck . At home, and with the likes of James Keam setting the pace, it's the Valley boys for me . At Como Park, it's Old Geelong versus Therry Penola between two of the better teams so far this season . Whilst some may say that the wheels are beginning to fall off the Lions bandwagon, they are in the midst of a very difficult part of the draw. Both sides have been very sound defensively this season, and have certainly had their moments up forward . If it eventuates, a head-to-head duel in the midfield between Mark Vickers-Willis (OG) and Darren Goodwin (TP) will be one to savour. If they play to their full c?pacity however, then there is no reason why the 0 1:3 shouldn't win .
P, on, Allister OLD CAREY GR 3 22 Bannister, Corey THERRY PENOLA OB 2 21 17 Twentyman, Chad OLD MEtv'TONI ANS 6 Vickers-Willis, Mark OLD GEELONG FC 3 13 Lecordier, Daniel YARRA VALLEY OB 2 12 O'Brien, Colby OLD GEELONG FC 1 12 Skicko, Craig BArvYULEAFC I (I Allen, Gi OLD GEELONG FC 0 12 Keenan, Richard THERRY PENOLA OB 2 11 Stroud, Matthew OLD MENTONIANS 0 10 Walker, Kieran THERRY PENOLA OB 0 10 Angus, Tim OLD CAREY GR 0 9 Atkins . Charles OLD GEELONG FC 0 9 Jordan, Anthony RUPERTSWOOD AFC 0 9 results weren't received . Any discrepancies may be due to nonsubmission of results by clubs .
Finally, the undoubted match of the round takes place in Sunbury, as Rupertswood square off against Old Carey. Both teams have yet to lose a game between them, and must be certainties for this year's finals on current form . Both sides are stacked with talented youngsters, have ironclad backlines and fit, hard-running midfielders . Rupo's ability to win the close ones has been extraordinary, and this could be advantageous . Old Carey are still awaiting the return of regular senior players, and despite having done well with an understrength line-up, this may be a bridge too far. Tough call, but at home, I'll throw my lot in with Rupo. Please submit any match reports, milestones, social notes, etc . via email to both Peter.PS .Williamson@centrelink .gov.au and theqwill@hotmaii .com (as I have no idea where I'll be each Monday!), ideally by 5pm Monday (please take into consideration our space limitations) . Have a great VAFA Weekend . "The QWill" -_J :
Old Mentonians wish to congratulate Rowan Ball and Justin O'Brien, who played their 100th and 50th games for the club respectively in last week's game against Old Geelong . Rowan came up via the U/19's, playing for the VAFA rep . team and is now a valued member of the senior side. He has come a long way since his verbal stoush with Austen Tayshus at Elsternwick Park. Justin, work commitments permitting, and when he's not at the gym building the body beautiful, is a consistent and important member of the reserves . We look forward to many more games from these two great clubmen . Well done Ballsy and Juzzie . Congratulations also to the Old Geelong duo of Charlie Atkins and Tim Carey. Hardworking midfielder Charlie played his 50th game against Old Mentonians last week after joining the Ogs in 2003, winning the Reserves B & F in his first year and playing in the Reserves premiership in 2005 . Tim also joined in 2003 and is due to play his 50th this weekend . Tim has been a consistent, reliable defender in the reserves who's also known for sneaking forward for the occasional goal . Congratulations Hollywood and TC from all at the Oggers.
Yarra Valley OB v Emmaus St Leos OC Banyule v Prahran Rupertswood v Old Carey Or Bulleen Templestowe v Old M entonians Old Geelong FC v Therry Penola OB
L° Prahran AFC 2.2 4 .5 5 .8 7.t3 (55) Balleen Tempi ate,,e AFC 3.2 7.3 13 .7 15.9 (99) Prahran: Goals: L. Fox 3, D. Ballard 2, L. Stafford, C . Northway . Best: H. Hodgson, D. James, L . Northway, M . Radywonik, A . Pitts, H. Pitts Bulletin Temp: Goals: G . Chivers 4, D . Tulloch 3, M . Bain 2, D . Matthews 2, J. Barker, S. Smith, W. Thompson, T. Waters . Best: M. Stella, M. Pietryk, P. Hare, D. Tulloch, 0. Bone . T. Waters Umpires: Matthew Simpson (F) Anthony Simpson (F) Gavin Roberts (G) Dominic Napoli (G) Santo Caruso (B ) Emmaus St Leos OC 2.5 4.6 8.8 11 .14 (80) Old Carey Or 5.2 10.4 15.9 15.16 (112) Emmaus SL : Goals: A. Brown 2, S. Le Clare 2, P. Baranello, P. D'amico, D. Lear, R. McGloin, E . Mitchell, S . Penchi, A. Volpi. Best: J . Pascoe, A. Prosser, A. Ballard, S. Le Clerc, A. McKenzie, P. D'amico Old Carey: Goals : A . Parton 3, A. Remmers 3, T. Angus 2, A. Willingham 2, J. Carr 2, D. James, A . Kent, C. Laidlaw, S. Collins. Best: M. Zander, J. Glynne, D. James, J . Carr, A. Remmers, A. Willingham Umpires : Galan Skandarkumar (F) Graham Templar (F) Yarea Valley 08 4 .5 4.8 8.9 i1 .10 (76) Banyule AFC 2 .1 5.3 6.6 12 .1Ž (82) Yaera Valley : Goals: A. Drew 2, R . Drew 2, J. Keem 2, D . Lecordier 2, B. Peake, S . Savage, A. Stone. Best : D. Lecordier, C. Britt, A. Drew, R . Drew, S. Savage, S . Yee Banyele : Goals : J. Tsingarls 2, C . Davies, B. Dimeck, M . Gray, M. Morgan, L . O'Donnell, K. Shepard-Mueller, C . Skicko, M . Smith, J. Swift, T. Elmaeri. Best : M . Morgan, M . Gray, J. Tsingaris, K . Shepard-Mueller, A. Rothe, J. Swift Umpires : Craig Braitberg (F) Cameron Davidson (F) Paul Leggett (B) Michael Roche (B) Old r4entonians 4 .3 8.5 12.6 14 .11 (95) Old Geelong FC 4 .1 7.5 9.9 15.12 (102) Old r4ent: Goals: C . Twentyman 6, R. Alexander 2, G . Snow 2, M. Basile, S. Cleave, T. Millis, R . Ball. Best: R. Ball, C . Palmer, G . Snow, D . Field, C . Tvrentyman, S. Cleave Old Geel : Goals: M. Vasey 4, M . Vickers-Willis 3, J . Bell 2, D. Kimpton 2, C . Mollard, T. Fallaw, C. O'Brien, T. Fyshe . Best: M. VickersWillis, M . Vasey, T. Fallaw, C. Millard, M . White, S . Lansdell Umpires: Ben Ryde (F) Lionel Katz (F ) Therry Penola Be 1 .3 3.4 5.5 6 .9(45) Ruperiswood AFC 2 .3 3.5 5.11 6 .16 (52) Therry People OB: Goals: C. Bannister 2, J. Bannister 2, J. Harmes, J . Quinn . Best : J . Bannister, J . Hanlon, J . Quinn, M . Faroldi, B. Barron, R . Skiathitis Rupertswoed AFC : Goals : T. West 2, S . Bishop, R. Hatty, R . Keenan, D . McGovern . Best : T. West, T. Boxall, S . Sweeney, K. Shaw, R . Jaeger, N . Webb Umpires: Brendan Devlin (F) Robert Sheridan (F) Damien Ractliffe (B) Julian 99accioni(B) 01 RESERV E Therry People OB 2 .6 6.9 7.14 8 .18 (66) Rupertsweod AFC 3 .1 4.2 7.4 11 .7 (73) Therry Pen : Goals: R . Keenan 2, B. Taylor 2, D . Pirpinias, G . Russell, J . Sacco, W. Stevens. Best: A. Moloney, R . Bannister, B . Taylor, B. Corrigan, A. Nancarrow, D . Hanlon Ruperts : Goals: B . Quinn 3, D . Glenn 2, A . Carlo, D . Keenan, L . Temming, M . Walsh, P. Barry, A . Fennessy . Best : 0 . Glenn, B. Quinn, A. Soutaris, P. Barry, D . Keenan, A. Fennessy Prahran AFC 3 .4 0.7 9.9 11 .11 (77) Bulletin Templestowe AFC 1 .2 4 .4 6.6 8 .8 (56) Prahran : Goals: M. Windridge 3, W. Barber 2, R. Marriott 2, S. Kennett, P. Carroll, M . Bond, B . Gibson. Best: A . Donachie, M . Windridge, T. Szabadai, G . Hancock, J . Killeen, W. Barber Bull Temp: Goals: A . Verge 4, G. Hanson 2, A. Bernecich, P. Tsokas. Best : G . Theodorakakos, A . Bernecich, D. Rogers, C . Morrison, C. Pdikolakopoulos, A. Parris Yarra Valley OB 5 .0 5 .3 7.5 8,7(55) Banyule AFC 4 .2 9.6 90.11 16 .16(112) Yarra Valley: Goals : M. Laing 5, G . Courts, T. Oliver, T. Morris. Best : A. Wingate, J. Marcek, M. Laing, B. Drew, A . Thorne, T. Morris Banyule: Goals: L . Brickland 5, P. Adams 2, G . Fikaris 2, C. Stavropoulos 2, J . Plant 2, L. Ferrell, J. Poyser, M . Hampson . Best: L . Ferrall, M. Van Poeteren, L . Brickland, J . Plant, M. Hampson, C. Stavropoulos Old Pfientanians 2 .4 3 .8 4 .9 5 .13 (43) Old Geelong 2 .3 5 .6 14 .8 19 .11 (125) Old Mend: Goals : P. Mevel 2, T. Bournon, G. Smith, J. Williams. Best: P. Mevel, M . Frances, R . Caswell, J . Williams, M. Elliott, C. Alexander Old Goal: Goals : R. Paul 2, C. Teague 2, T. Waters 2, C . Wilson 2, A . Marriot-Smith 2, S . Jones 2, T. Cannon, R. Ellis, R. Herd, N . Kemp, M. Leslie, J . Malpas, L. Best: N . Kemp, T. Cannon, L . McGregor, L. Teague, C . Wilson, M . Verge Teague Emmaus St Leos OC AFC 0 .2 0 .6 0.8 4 .11 (35) Old Carey Or 3 .7 5.11 9.15 10 .15 (75) Emmaus SL: Goals: A. Farrugia, B. Henricus, M . Qttobre, D . Pitcher. Best: D . Laterite, J . Gibb, M. Ottobre, D . McInerney, D . Pitcher, G . Simondson Old Carey: Goals : H . Doggett 2, C. Battle, C. Campbell, J. Carpenter, S . Jessup, T . Rossignuolo, P. Unkles, K . Scrase, M . Cornwell. Best: S . Jessup, C . Battle, T. Robinson, T. Wood, P. Unkles, M. Cornwell
.. ,_._ . .. . . . . 1 :PiNt)GRI I Cas.h
R®s Coach : ~
m ~~i:E
e EasU3n
R n Coach: II-an Eastcn
I J . Redfern 1 G . Chivers. (C) 2 S . Green 2 M. Stella 3 N . Taylor (C) 3 S. Millar 4 J . Tsigaris 4 W. Thompson 5 A . Brown 5 M. Pietryk 6 M . Morgan 6 A . Tehan (VC) 7 A . Rothe 7 P. Robertso n 8 A. Demetriou 8 D . Bone 9 J . Plant 9 A . Stavretis 10 A. Bottomley 10 J . Wise 11 T. Elmaneh 17 C . Frost 12 J . Poyser 12 A . Parris 13 A. McGovern 13 D.Tulloch 14 L . O'Donnell 14 A . Wilke y 15 S. Gra 15 J . Barker 16 M. Christian 16 S . Smith 17 C. Davies 17 O. Hill 18 J. King 18 K. Burrid9e 19 D. Gayfer 19 G . Hanson 20 C . Skid o 20 T. Waters 21 B. Dimeck 21 P. Gannas 22 M . Smith 22 C. Cherbakof 23 M . Gray 23 D. Matthews 24 L. Richardson 24 C. Nikokopolous 25 S . Toull 25 L . Norbury 26 C . Fenno 26 S. Boyd 27 S . Kayrooz 27 D. Dynon 28 B . Herbert 29 P. Tsokas . 29 J . Swift 30 D. Florence 30 J . Brockwell 31 A . Bernicich 31 Z . Wenke 32 R . Williams 32 P. Adams 33 P. Florence 33 D. Stokes 34 S . Lambropoulos 34 S . Tuckman 35 D. Daskalou 35 K. Shepard-Mueller 36 P. Hare 36 M . Lardo 37 M . Voglis 37 T. Thomson 38 A . Verge 38 K. Clarke 39 D. Buccachio 39 A. Hopgood 40 G. Theodrakakous 40 A. Plant 41 J . Antonelli 41 L . Brickland 42 P. Eames 42 K. Ismail 43 P. Gallo 43 L . Ferrel (RC)) 44 R. Beholder 44 S. Gray 45 D. Rogers 45 D. Nichols 46 A. Coulston 46 A. Kayrooz 47 C. Morihovitis 47 M. Depetro 48 A. Morihovitis 48 G . Fikaris 49 B. Touriganis (DVC) 49 J. S icer
50 A . Stavropolous 51 M . Hampson 52 S . Thomas 53 T. Baldack 54 B . McKenzie 56 R . Rafaul 57 B . Hodgson 58 D. Snowdon
57 A. Smith 58 A. Nicol 64 C. Tzalabiris
. ... . . . .
.. .
P,-- Casah : T Ymas Arc Coasts 6! Faamqa
1 P. Baranello 2 J. Pascoe 3 E. Mitchell 4 C . Phyland 5 S . Buckle 6 M . D'Amelio 7 R . McCann 8 C . LeClerc 9 D . Lear 10 S . LeClerc 11 S . Kay 72 T. McCann 13 A . Krebs 14 A . Brown 16 A . Kelly 17 N. Robin 18 R. McCann 19 P. D'Amico 20 A. Ballard 21 G . Simmondson 22 M. Contessotto 23 S. Carson 24 D. Anderson 25 A. McKenzie 26 A. Prosser 27 J. Waters 28 E. McLaughlan 29 M. Hayes 30 M. Ottobre 31 G. Contessotto 32 C . Cincotta 33 R . England 34 B . Henricus 35 J. Briggs 36 S . Bavage 37 S . Manton 38 N. Hodder 39 B . O'Brien 40 J . Gay 41 M . Dimbie 42 C. Landy 43 J . Gibb 45 S. Penchi 46 J. Little 47 M. McInerney 48 S. Duncan 50 A. Volpe 51 P. McGloin 52 R . McGloin 54 L . Virgo 55 B. Jackson 59 D. Pitcher 60 C . McDonald 61 J. Blandthorn 62 A . Rayner 63 P. Nolan 64 M . Montgomery gomery' 65 N . Foley 68 J . Papillo 67 P. Farqhuar 69 S . Mescher 70 D. McGloin 71 D. LaFerlita 72 A . Farrugia 74 M . Tan 75 T. Ymer 76 G . Donovan 77 C. Vaughan
79 T Tribe 88 S. Pitcher 89 D. Winduss
Cc S. Dick
. . .
Co. i: Cam
Res C<
. ...
3 M . White 4 C. Stinchcornbe (C)
5 M . Vidcers-Willis (C) 6 J. Bel l 7 J. Paul 8 G. Allen 9 D. Kimpton 10 M . Avery 11 L Stevens
12 T. Paul 13 L Cannon 14 D. Taylo r 15 H-McCarGry 16 T. Follow 17 T P=ats 79 N. 20 JA 2t L-., ~9u e 22 L F !es 23 C . Fairbaim 24 S. Lansdetl (VC ) 25 C. W ~~ca t 27 W . Pau l 29 "Brien 30 1 1 31 ° o .. . 32 33 E. o: le a 34 S. an 35 M . serge 36 T. Makin 37 T. Waters 38 L. Smith 39 J. Kilpatricr. 40 L Teague 41 S . Ross 42 C. Lego e 43 R. Parsons 44 J. O'Har e 45 H~ Legoe 46 J. Morley 47 J. Cole 48 R Herd 51 J. Kilpatrick 52 A. Higgms 53 A. Hosking 54 R. Hughes 55 C. Atkins 56 M. Leslie 57 B. Symons 58 J McCarthy 59 R . Kilpatrick 60 B. MaClean 62 G . Leishma n 63 D. AMI e
53 A. Fluitsm a 54 L . Baseli 55 P. Busse 56 R . Graham
65 R . Bel l 66 H . Burgess 67 J . Burnell 68 B . Churc h s9 A . Southey
57 T. Deb>nham
70 N1. De Fegley
58 K . Scrase C . Mason 61 P. Maniotis 62 T. Robinson 63 C . Maslin 64 C. Smith
71 R . Ellis
65 D. Elsner
79 N. Robinson
~3 H. Folett ~ d 75 T Greena 76 M . Haye s 77 S . Monaghan 78 L Morrison
66 J . Zester 67 M . Cornwell 73 P. Tires .
. . , .
_ - _ - - -~
1 Gokism 2 N. Cashoutt
1 C . Angus 2 D. Faelis 3 M. Angus 4 D. James 5 C . Williams 6 C . Campbell 7 R . Oppy 8 T. Collins 9 B . Andrew s 10 K . Shrives 17 K . Parke r 12 L. MacFarlane 13 G . Trumbull 14 M . Zander 15 N. Bull 16 T. Angus 16 H. DoggeY 17 L. Mas'in 18 S. Collins 19 T Wood 20 E. Halliday 20 B. Bennett 21 T. Howgate 22 C. Battle 23 H . Van Cuylenberg 24 P. Unkles 25 A. Willingham 26 L . Vdraight 27 A. McQueen-Parton 28 T. Chapman 29 J. Joslin 30 A . Day 31 J. Ward 32 P. Graham 33 N . England 35 M . Watts 36 S . Wood 38 L. McKinnon 39 B . Laing 40 P. No~veland 41 J . Carpenter 42 J . Ashworth 43 J . Glynne 43 B. Joyce 44 C. Laidlaw 45 T. Bull 46 J. Carr 48 S. Carr 49 D. Courtot 50 A. Kent 51 J. White
. ..
80 C. O'Brien 81 G. Ritchi e 82 T. Smith 83 R. Stevens 84 S. Tresise 85 M . Vasey 86 J. White 88 J. Hawke r
-- - ' ------ - - ; 87 J. Imhoff 89 P Kb:ste r 90 E.Jetterey
C, ResCz-~ :r:,
. C
C--.h: L. < ft. C.~-.,'~ : . . .,._: : A L< r~xe
1 T : .',_ : 2 C . - is . -i (DVC)
1 J.
3 P S, -'an
R . Ball
. --4 S C, C.. 67 Mu 8 R i 9 D, (;c 10 T.'' -11 A
4 S. r~ 5 H. 6 A. rF > chip TI
8 .
12 C . D -: 13 B. Russo 14 h' Cc Stro, . 15 J.
- ;' }
16 C . Du; , 17 C 19 F I C [t 22 E
. s)
~ Ho ~ 'n , 10 C ,ay 11 12 '. >cca 13 L ~rthway [ C ] I L
15 K 4 16 :7 _ ~
& 23 D2 1 nald
24 r, j ` 26 F 27 C
2 L. c,
C..C B.
~, ~ . . ~ 34 H. nN 35 P p 36 D. Alex 37 M . Francis 38 T. Millis 39 J. Vick 40 G . Snow 41 G . Pekalis 42 J. Williams 43 R. Caswell 44 P. Monahan
45 A.N . Wilson 46 G . Smith 47 J. Kelly
48 D. Stevens 49 N . Fisher 50 K. Regain
51 A.P. Wilson 52 M. Watts 53 C . Smith 54 D. Goodbody 55 A. Donegan 56 B. Andriske 57 M. Fisher 58 S. Worrell 59 J . PraNse 60 N . Ky azis 61 B . Saunders 62 C . Sinclair 63 M .Lawes 64 M . Austin
as y
r dr .w ~~ .R voni k 31 M. h1i :.~: .~eeny 32 D . Bali: d 33 W. ¢ber 34 G. Hai )ck 35 J . rd 36 G. 1
39 A . Grc 40 S . Fox 42 S . R 43 S . Kennett 44 M . Evans 45 M . Scicluna 46 M . Bond 47 J. Killeen
48 B . Gibson 49 ;,9 . Ogden ~~ SWeish 51 D. Boon 52 C. Jones 53 M . Shipley 54 M . Gargano 55 M . Vag9 56 T. Kohn 57 T. Szabadai 59 J. Leigh 60 M. Wilson 61 B. Campbell 62 M. Craig 63 L . Page
64 J. Belcher 65 N . Gill
65 S . Worrell 66 K. Kell
66 S. Adamson 67 B Sodoma .
68 A . Wor I
68 N . Scicluna 69 M. Pitts 70 B. Lindblom
c~ Ft_ . x;o__ ... ,
1 2 2 3 4 5 6
n V{a_
J . Pillips M . Tempting
A. Walsh P. Reid D. Burrowes J. Ramsay S. Gallus
7 B. Whitehead
8 L . Brennan 9 S. Sweeney 10 T West 11 S. Clark 12 R . Keenan 14 J. Plummer 15 N . Webb 16 R . Monzell
17 R . Hatty 18 K. McEwan 19 D. Collins (C) 20 G. Maule 22 M. Gaunt 23 M. West 25 D . Keenan 27 R .Jaeger
. ..
cany aat~
Crsch:Ben* Caine
1 B . Corrigan 2 T. Goodwin 3 R. Bannister 4 M . Elliott
5 J . Bannister 6 J . Hermes
7 S . Bannister 8 L. Hollow 9 C. Bannister (C) 10 J . Quinn 1 i J . Crotty 12 J . Betsey
13 G . Russell 14 J. Fenton 15 A. McMahon 16 R . Skiathitis 17 D. Pirpinias 18 A. Maloney 19 M. LaCorcia 20 K . Walker
: k- e,:
iEescaach:A w H i R. Pearce 2 A . Mcleod 3 R. Thompson
4 G . Coutts 5 A. Drew 6 R. Drew (VC) 7 C. Beal (VC) 8 L. Morris 9 J. Keem 10 11 12 14
T Hancock T. Mctiraith D. Lecordier B. Nickolas
15 N, Pack 17 A. Laing 18 C. B ritt 19 J. Stron g 20 T. Hal e 21 D. Stevenson 22 B. Drew
22 D. Goodwin 23 D. Callagari 24 M. Faroldi (C) 25 M. McWhinney 26 B. Lewis 27 N . Kenessy
23 R . Yea 24 N . Lear 25 S. Seabourre 27 S. Savage 28 M . Rcakick 29 D. Hickey 31 B. Vo s 32 J . Tc ins
28 D. McDonald
29 S. Goodwin
33 S . Fulle r
30 K . Shaw 31 T. Box al l 32 N. McGovern 33 M . Clarke
30 B. Taylor 31 A . Forster-Knight 32 J. Sacco 33 J . Hanlon 34 D. Weston
3 B.S
35 C. Carlo
36 B. Taws 38 R. Hales 39 J . Anderson
42 Z . Milne 43 T. Butson 44 A. Ce rto 45 D. Hum 46 B. Ang 47 J. McCrann
49 M . Burns 51 C. McConville 52 D. Jordan 53 B. DeBono 54 B. Quinn 55 P. Barry 56 G . Harry 57 S. Carmody 58 P Flinn 61 M. Walsh 63 B. Moule 69 D. Wallace 70 L. Temming 71 A. Soutaris
21 G . Henderson
B . Owen
37 D. Castaldi 38 M . Nancarrax 39 D. Delaney 39 S . Boyle 40 G. Tsinaris 41 B . Barron
42 M . Palazzolo 43 M . Balsillie 44 C. Matton 45 M . Thom 46 S. Stepien 47 C. O'Brien 48 A. Nancarrow 50 S. Hallam
51 M . Reynolds 55 R. Munzel 56 P. Dunn 57 C. Ferguson 61 S. McGuigan 63 D. Hanlo n 66 D. O'Shea 71 D. Kelly 77 K . Watson 89 A. Christie 99 J. Brosna n
35 B . Peake 36 S . Stoyan 37 D. Blashaw 38 C. Walke r
39 D. Corde s 40 M . Wines 42 A . Stone 43 S . Yea 45 A . Wingate 46 T. Olive r 50 J. Peake 51 H. Clarke
54 S. Simpson 56 T. Lloyd
59 A. Joiner 60 S. Laird 61 P. Valoppi (C) 62 P. Buruma 65 M. Norrish 65 A. Russell 67 B. Glennie
71 M. Laing 74 A. Middli n 78 N . Peter s 82 D. Redfern 91 S. Clear y 92 T. Peters
73 D. Walsh 77
M . O'Callaghan
81 D. Souta ri s
McD( DS €')rag71'!(J Hotel
D, 'IS LF_u TUDOR It C'r'"_TE
fJC-DPUS Staffing ~, . . Recruitmen t n i
1 .45 pm : Exclusive Live A Section Football Broadcast .
Rd 6 - - Old Xa% _ ri ._ . 째 3I d Quarter by Quarter A Section score updates . Local sports Round-Up .
3 .30 pm : John Kelly's live interview with VAFA CEO Michael Sholly, including a review and preview of VAFA matches .
9 :39--a0 :30 ario : VAFA SUNDAY
7.00-8 .00 pm : North West Amateur Footy Report including special club features in all sections : St Bernards in A Section, St Kevin's, Old Essendon & University Blacks in B, Fitzroy Reds, Old Paradians & North Old Boys/St Patricks College Ballarat in C, Therry Penola & Rupertswood in D1, La Trobe Uni in D2, West Brunswick in D3, and North Brunswick in D4 .
6 .00-9 .00 pm : North West Amateur Footy Report including special clu b features in all sections . This week's special guests will be VAFA Manager o f Football Operations Jeremy Bourke .
Leader Community Newspapers produces 30 mastheads weekly across Melbourne, covering all the VAFA. From match reports to feature stories, reporters Paul Amy, Brad Beitzel, Lee Crossley and Michael Gleeson have your VAFA news covered .
6 .00 - 6 .15pm : W-,:-.` Seg n ent . Scores, chat and news of local VAFA team s
All VAFA Match results in The Age & Herald Sun each Sunda y 24
- Pat Hawkins (Collegians, B Section) Pat McKenna (Oakleigh, U 19(3)) : at Hawkins - Pat has been at the helm of Collegians since 2002 . During his time the club has spent 2 years in C Section (02-03), 1 year in B Section (04 & current) and 1 year in A Section (2005) . Pat started his coaching career at Old Xavs as U19 from 96-99, then Senior Assistant Coach on 2000 & 2001 . Hard recruiting work from Pat and his team has seen 9 different players play in Round 1 from the last round of 2005 . Pat is an accredited Level 2 coach . "r -' McKenna - Pat was Oakleigh AFC senior coach in 2005 . He coached Oakleigh Reserves 2003-04 . Previousl y coached at Moorabbin West in the SFL and is now a strong advocate of the VAFA . Regarded as a great clubman at Oakleigh, Pat is a wealth of football knowledge .
OLD XAVERIANS ) Did Xaverians full forward, ~ a' ; 11, 11 r, is the nominee for the Club Warehouse Rising Star N ominatio n for Round 5. Has anyone had a better start to their Amateur career than Matthew ? In the Round 1 game against University Blues he began the game on the bench in the seconds . With second s remaining, on the boundary line he snapped one from 40 metres to give his team a three point win . He followed this up with bags of 10 and 7 . In Round 4, Matthew was promoted to the seniors and didn't disappoint . His first six kicks in A Section wer e all majors and he finished off his debut with 7 . Last Saturday, in a best on ground performance, he had 5 by quarter time and finished the day with a lazy 9 . In five matches he has kicked 36 goals after winning last year's Under 19 goalkicking with 65 . Matthew is 6' 4" in the old terms, has a quick lead and is able to hold out an opponent with his strength and excellent judgement . He certainly won't be missed by the umpires with his blond hair and athletic features . Well done to Matthew and we may be seeing a new generation of glamour forwards in the VAFA .
Top played bottom last Saturday and Willy gave Peninsula a good run for their money . It shows that D2 this season is very even . Saying that and due to popular demand, here is my premiership market . $ 3 .20 - Peninsula OB $ 3 .80 Aquinas DC $6 .50 - Salesian AFC - Oakleigh A FC $8 S12 - Werribee AFC $21 - La Trobe Univeristy AFC ~R l - St John's Q C $51 Glen Eire AFC Williamstc in C"".3 m Ivanhoe i ~, .sur My ti ing improved ! t w four correct from the names, r? n tr? ?„ es : Lot
rribee here, but wit h i a to , ..I go in full of confidence . playing k :all too, and with their onl y l. .iis season to St John's by one point, coach arow fears no oth-r club in the competition . 's >hane Cooper a 1 G Sean Leonard were good or P inas in their h z f_, ; ; ~ , ~ ~? 33 point win against n _ira last Saturdf.aI_ i~ ; :f. Andrew Barrie at centre half back and th, ; I: 'r- ;r in the match . The', ; boys were in the goals r in "eir 101 point demolition of La Trob E , ar il ;n and And :w Tedeso continued with tha r go ' seasons thus far. Aquinas at home should __ too st ro ng here . Experienced Aquinas on-bailer Glen Whitehead will i r . " ;_ s; '- over `"•° I`-r , here " ' 30 - oints .
of negation
iili5 Sdason .
, ucial match ' staring don.
The Hoe's were neve r
t t gainst Oakleigh last Saturday, and after i n ckman Chris Hunter went down injured in th e thir i :rm, their task was made even harder. Hunter remains in doubt for today's game, and his presence . ill be missed if he does not pull the boots on . Hoe's hackman Andrew Wood impressed in his third senior game for the club as did Dave Neilson and Steve Graham . Glen Eire started their match well but were overrun by a determined Aquinas out, it . It was the usual suspects of Massis, Tsirogiannis and Sheedy which kept Glen Eira in their game and this trio will need to find plenty of the ball today if they are to take the four points back to Carnegie . Tough match to pick. ? think it will b e 26
tight . If Hunter plays, I think the Hoes will get the points . Ivanhoe by 7 points . La Trobe University AFC $-`0 v V4 $3 .1 0 La Trobe were on the wrong side of a 101 point drubbing against Werribee in round five, and will be happy to be back playing in Bundoora today . Willy's form on the road this year has been quite good, as shown by their tight tussle against Peninsula last week . It was great to see inspirational skipper Tim Wheeler back in the side and his six majors almost got his side over the line . La Trobe will need big games from Pruscino, Waterman and Fehring if they are to bounce back to some good form here while Willy will fancy their chances at this ground as they have won here before . If McGuiness and Cocks can win the ball in the midfield and get it down quickly to Wheeler one out, then we could see an upset here . Ho-ever, at La Trobe I have to side with La Trobe, The str nts to win " y 19 points .
IGH AFC S` an C' A OB 6 23 Lee, Daniel - 7 If C1 I,1'C 5 t7 Bromley , Trevor Garrard.7ohnathon 1S . °C 3 1 7 QiI : . ; 0 1 6 ° i .Cl '7stopher
3 1? DC r AQC' ; OC 3 1 3 Lougi7nan, m a tthew . '17- 3 13 c Czajkowski, Michael -, Fossey .Dean Ci'! AFC 3 it :- Johnny Mario . .= FC 3 11 At, ' isma, Jonathan Its it ! i be d ue to nonsut
this match may 1 crL '( ie if d of the season . Salesian were ;_ . _ . . n' turn of ~._' _ A Davey and Liam Kelly i . . ;ir their 61 point win over St John's, anu along i idrev+ Thain up forward, they proved far too E n- for St John's . Oakleigh thrashed Ivanhoe Assumption with star Trevor Bromley snagging five goals for the match including four in a row in Oakleigr's nine goal second quarter . Bromley will once ag-in ` 째 . man if Oakleigh are to get the four points to(' nd his midfield matchup with Aaron Stevens or Shane Oldfield will go along way in deciding who takes 1 ; oints . Should be close . S-iesian by 12 poi-'-, .
Two losses on g=_tetor :,m St John's playe against Salesir째 wh01e mate PE four points today's fo DO", ;
so their g-" iQda , favour -Z Peninsula, howe up on him . Reed Peninsula and I points .
. .. .. .' ..~ a must win rs Peninsula. la Saturday ;s an for th e
r!, ard for the n outfit, and rwerhous e
9 .11 (651 15 .8(98) C . .ssis 2, L . Prydc rah, J. Serpanchy, )y, son . Best : C. Sass s, L. Pryae, : r,ts, A. Sheedy, M. mnts Aquinas : Goals: Box 3, Jess open 2, Den Brater 2 , it. Barre, Leonard, Cooper. Best: ms, Fox, Jess , ires: Jamie Mayhew-F - Stubbs (F) Benedict s(B) 7.6 18 .12 1 .14 25.18 (168) 2 .0 21 4 .5 8,7(55) B. T- Bromley 5, C . Hogan 3, D . Mackenzie 3, D . Counihan Rutter. Best A. N.itts, M . Bell, S. Collins, R . : Goals: J . Garrard 3, D. Neilson test : - 4,d, S . Grooms, D. Neilson, J . :: Philip Callil (F) Anthony Damen (F) doss Richards (G) James Exton ,G ) 0 .3 5 .6 6.11 6.11 (47) 11 .9 16.12 (188 ) 7 .2 18 F d--os 2 . A. Abela, D . O'Connor, C . Peake, J. Ryan Best : che , . D . O'Connor, A . Abe1a, D . Rydquist Sales : S .1 ',. --P ""nre. Fi. Hazel, Best: A . S L . xelly Umpires : Eli Hayes 5 .3 P
;la can u icy are on 0 On top t3i
If he premiership ix last Saturday fo r nar options tc ; ~ .
.9 21 11 (131) z .s 4 .6 (30) R . the 2, A . B.Starnebnnk , S . Pro ) 2, J. Clough, T. m c S. tr site, A. Sherrift , tea r,tct;crvtne (F) Kieran McInerne y 2
110 11 .14 {째" ', 7.6 11 .7 (73) ,-all . Best : S Nyze, d : Goals: I i t ;.lunro, L. Ryan, S. `^ Paul To n (F )
r- We,, , :int s
13 .12 (90) 7.3 11 .5(71) rron, N Bowman . tA. n, N. Bowman, T. ) da3,G. J . '.treat, D.
2 .2 4 .5 4-6 8 .9 (57) 3 .4 6 .7 8.11 9 .13 (67 ) D. F)ssey 3, S. Hollow 2,1. Adem, T. Chatfield, M. Beddoe . Best 't (rave, B. Zwar, S. He :!ow, S. Emmett Aquinas: Goals : , .R Chapman 2, C. Ryan. Best: R. Chapman, G . Day, P.
t, M. Wall 53 9 3 11 .5 15.12 (102) 1 .7 5.11 1 S798(118 ) 2, J . t_ 2, < D . Jones 2, D . est : C . Riley, tZ . S Logan 3, M . a, P. Dolman, S . -vans, P Norman, J .
;TEUR 700 ; -1- , -11
D2 Section AQUINAS
Coach: MchaN Glzssbortow Res Coach : Ri;chael Lynch
Coach : T Walsh R. Coach : M Erg
1 L . Toomey 2 S. Tibb 3 S. Voursoukis 5 M. Hunter 6 R . Brown 7 C . Glennie 8 J. Jess 9 T. Harkin 10 D. Boland 12 R . Jeeves 11 S. Cooper 13 C. Jeffrey 15 Ad. Williams 16 J. Hunt 17 B. Redwood 18 T. Olarenshaw 19 G . Whitehead (C) 20 D. Skinner 21 J. Pierce 22 S. Flynn 23 M . Visser 25 B. Volombello 26 J . Box 27 C. Tzoumanekas 28 B . Helme 29 L. Elliott 30 C . Collive r 31 G. Evans 32 J . Bleakney 33 C .Wooden 34 M . Tarulli 35 A . Chapman 36 M . Hope 37 S. Leonard 38 B . Moran 39 A . Arnold 40 R . Tainton 41 G . Davies 42 R . Moran 43 M. Slattery 44 J. Tapply 45 D. McCartan 46 T. Vandersluis 47 An. Williams 54 M. O'Halloran 55 L .Stafford 56 P. Cruickshank 58 H. Tyssen 59 B. Cooper 61 I . Drew 62 C. L n yg 63 A . Barrie 68 D. Sullivan
1 S. Vamvakis 2 P. Khazaal 3 C. Massis 4 S. Diamond 5 A. Tsirogiannis 6 M . Farah 7 D. Clarke 8 M . Ryan 9 E . Stuchbery 10 G . Richards 11 L. Pryde 13 G. Brown 14 B . Clements 15 S . Dyason 16 S . Lithgow 17 A . Haines 18 D. Race 19 A . Devries 20 A . Diamond 21 B . Cummin 22 S . Emmett 23 A . Hassan 24 M . Embling9 25 M . Kennedy 26 P. Tsa h g 'oti s 27 J . O' Rya n 28 P. Howarth 29 M . Scalia 30 L. lzod 31 D. Santalucia 32 D. Fossey 33 A.Sheedy 34 G . Burley 35 S. Hollow 36 B. Zurek 37 A. Farah 38 T. Cannard 39 M. Beddoe 40 M. Cosgrove 41 T. Chatfield 42 J. Serpanchy 43 I . Adam 44 P. Rohr 45 A. Caruana 46 S. Gangs 47 B. Zwar 48 J. Haliwell 49 S. Hall 50 D. Eade 51 H. Hussien 52 S. Miller 53 G. Cassar 54 M . Vodstrcil 55 C. Hollow 56 C. Hogan 57 Y. Rabi 58 L. Goulding 59 D. Dunlevie 60 TJoseph 61 D. G r imbl e 62 R. Marshall 63 A . Diyire 64 T. Joseph 65 A . Scott 66 T. Stavropolous 67 J. Gilchrist 68 B. McNally 69 G. Egan 79 M. Merrick
14AM )_u ;." - _ : ~T 11 Coach: John Ganard Rea Coach : Richard Poop~as
1 T. Powell 2 M . Cross 3 P. Harris (C) 4 T. O'Neill 5 J . Scoble 6 B. Garrard 7 F. Rawl ey 8 D. Crupi 9 L. Kennel] 10 P. Lee 11 J . Garrard 12 B . Galloway (VC) 13 M . McPherson 14 S . Watson 15 G. Boyd 16 M . Joyce 17 T. Nixon 18 T. Borchers 19 D. Wood 120 N . Pye 21 M . Knight 22 A . Height 23 L. Cole B . Frew 25 S. Ngu 26 P. Cameron 27 B , Walthers 28 S. Graham 29 C . Hunter M. Wilson t son 3 1 30 T. Wes 32 C . Hanchetie 33 D. Neilson 34 C . Traeger 35 S. Conley 36 C . Zeegers (RVC) 37 P. Cotter 38 N . Haddon 39 ~.B ~agallo gg 41 A. Price 42 K. O'Dwyer (VC) 43 A. Shemshedin 44 M. Shepherd 45 R . Fort 46 P. Martin 47 T Peggie (VC) 48 A . Toogood (RC) 49 K. Moussa 50 A. Wood 51 S. Hicks 52 D. Meredith 53 M . Chazan 54 M . Vardis 55 K . Toulson 56 J. Trescowthidc 57 M . Frannich (RC) 58 D. Williams 59 C. Mcinne y 60 J . Nemtsas 61 D. Turner 62 T. Lynch 63 N .Tancredi 64 D . Adam s 65 J . Scares 66 D . Patience 67 J . Finnlayson 69 J . Mazocca 70 M. Harrison 71 T. Zappula 76 A. Trage r 78 C . Brown 79 J. Kirkland 80 J. White
84 K. Gazzner
85 A. DeGiorgi o 87 H . Mills 88 A. Travaskis
Senior Coxh : Zoran Colo= Asst See Good- Wu,am Bream & David Huffer R. Cosch : Robert Efl.
Coach : Pat 0.'zKenna Res Coach: Mails Rya n Asst Coach : Shave Kitts
Club xvul Coach : car-ran Block 1 A. Coulter 2 A. Oakley 3 M. Evans 4 H . Davies 5 S. Adamthwaite (DVC) 6 A. Mann 7 C. Marx 8 B. Van Ooi 9 K. McGough 10 J. Nelson 11 M. Dingle 12 W. Ritchie 13 T. Ludeman (C) 14 H. Lancaster 15 S. Brooks (VC) 16 P. McMullan 17 G . Waterman 18 M . Redmond 19 B . Holland 20 D. Brennan 21 F. Caldow 22 R. Maatman 24 G. Walsg ott 25 A . Borrelli 26 P. Davies 27 S . Pruscino (DVC) 28 D. Waterman 29 M . Yang 30 B . Nicholson 31 D . Martin 32 A . Murphy 33 J. Paterson 34 C . Munro 35 F. Tiernan 36 T Mawdsley 37 K . Fleming 38 B. Gaylard 39 R . Slater 41 L . Merrington 42 D. McMaster 43 T. Pick 44 D. Kerrison 45 A. Sheriff 46 G . Moloney 47 A. Samson 48 B.Pollard 49 C. Geddes 50 J. Clough 55 C.. Fehring 59 J. Clark 70 J. Dumaresq 83 A. Knight
1 A . Murray 2 J. Tolley 3 D . Britt 4 G. Harry 5 C . Kokkino s 7 M . Short 8 S. E a r l 9 C . Hogan 11 J. Rutter 12 D. Furnel l 13 L . Curtis 14 J. Nevezi e 15 G . Redford {RVC) 16 M. Bel l 17 D. Perry 18 J. Connellan 19 R. Keatin g 20 J. Halpin 21 A. Perdikornatis (RC) 22 D. Wills 23 J . Kerley 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A. Kitts 27 D. Zulu (VC) 28 A. Khod r 29 K . Holden 30 P. Holden (DVC ) 31 T. Bromley (C) 32 P. Luca s 33 S . Bando 34 L. Head 35 R.Nuske 36 M Ryan 37 S . Briggs 38 S . Cammis s 39 W. Plaukovt s 40 J. Briggs 41 S . Wayg 42 S . Dalton 43 A . Hinton 44 N . Wills 45 E . Videk y 46 R . Holden 47 M . Stevenson 48 J. Reynolds 49 S. Collin s 50 C . Lamb 51 B. Nguyen 52 R . Doole y 53 C. Pollock 54 B. Gant 55 P. Malcol m 56 B. Kin g 57 D. Nagel P.Torpe y 59 T. Orchard 60 E. Benneft 63 M. Cookie 64 A. Woo d 65 T. Krotofi l ~~ ~Q~ E - - - - '
40 Oxf ord St ree t ,
Oakleigh 316 6
PH: 9564 7044 FAX : 9564 7205
Coach: t+ G Rea C to Nnc C _ i
Coach: Mac Hazek Asst Coaches: I an Pncuet & Sm- S 3rd Res. Cr r: t t Fiarrzphp
Coach : Rod Water Res . Coach: M~asi Ha%ock
Coach : Paul Beddo.
1 S. Parsons 2 S. McMahon
3 M . Goldthorp 4 E. Bowen 5 N. Kent 6 M . Warner 7 S . Murray 8 R.Staintorth 9 T. Coghlan 10 M . Falkiner 11 B . Mitchell 12 S. Ferguson
13 T. Rees 14 S . White 15 J . Davis 16 A . Wood 17 J. Coghlan 18 M. Barron 19 A. McKinstry 20 A. Minchin 21 M. D Day a
22 A. Atchison 23 R .Powney
24 T. Prendergast 25 J. Atchison 26 A. Murphy 27 S. Payze. (CAPT) 28 K. Krake 29 A. Law 30 A. Crean 31 T. Madder 32 B. Uuzzi
33 L. Coghlan 34 C. Bannister 35 T. Braden 36 N. Bowman 37 J. Heron
38 R. Smith 39 E . Wittich
t C. Pattie
I T. Wheeler
1 A . Stevens 2 A . Thain 3 P. Dolman
2 M . Peake
2 J. Digrazia
3 D. O'Connor
2 C. McCracken
4 S . Holmes
3 J. McCutcheort
4 M . Hazel]
5 B . Hilton
3 D. Wouda
5 M . Canavan 6 M . Loughnan 7 N . Pirouet 8 S . Logan
6 M . Phaedonos 7 N. Chalk 8 J. Ryan 9 A . Jones
4 S. WtKhatsah 5 D. Elias
9 A . Campbell
10 S. Old(ield (CC) 11 A. Davey (VC) 12 R. Ross 13 I. B Bobetic
14 P Evans 15 C . Rose 16 S. Sutherland 17 Ma- Forbes 18 D. Bar ry 19 T. Fairbairn 20 S. Francis RVC 21 A. Bonnici ( ) 22 R. Stevens (CC) 23 P. Dunne 24 S. Thornton
25 J . Rogers 26 J . Nannes 27 S . Payne 28 C. Savage 29 B. Young 30 A . Brett 31 B . Fahrner 32 L. Phipps 33 D. Cant 34 C. Goulden 35 J . Morsello 36 P. Norman 37 B . Chalmers 38 S . Rizio 39 M . Ware
46 J . Hood 47 B. Birt
40 C . Thomson 41 M . Smyth (RC) 42 T. Henson 43 M. Van Suylen 44 L . Romanelli 45 D. Allen 46 S. Greely 47 I. Rozankovic 48 H . Singh
48 N . Heffernan
49 M. Oakley
49 C . Stevens 50 E. Kemp
50 M. Cooke 51 S. Stevens 52 S. Henry 53 J. Bolitho 54 S. Dennehy 55 S. lonnides 56 D. Kalogiannis 57 M. Broome 58 A. Williams 59 J. Silk 60 Mick . Forbes 61 S. Matheson 62 S . Egan 63 J. Robertson
40 R. Tricksy 41 S . Taylor
42 N . Claringbold 43 R . Sharpin 44 A . Pearce 45 L Prendergast
51 G. O'Connor-Price
52 Z. Milenkovic 53 A. Creffield 54 5. Grigg 55 L. Curson 56 M. Ken m 57 P. Wignall 58 D. Smith 59 S. Scott
60 G . Kennedy
64 L. Kelly
65 T. Wilson 66 B . Crowley 67 P.Hanto nn 68 K . Woodman 69 P. Delahaye 70 A . Sambrooks
10 R . Devitt
11 J . Kelly 12 P. Walker 13 K . Arnold (C) 14 C . Peake 15 M. Kosmala 16 L. Callaghan 17 M. Hanger 18 C . Emery 19 J . Cotton 20 B. R uist (C) y~ () 21 T. McEachern 22 G . Roberts 23 L. Mara 24 B. Waters 25 D. Waters 26 H . Wathen 27 M. Handby 28 A. Dexter 29 D. Jones 30 B. Morton 31 D. Rydquist 32 A. Rudd 33 W. Joyce 34 A. Fonceca 35 R. Dowsett 36 A. Dragwidge 37 C. Riley
38 G . D'Oliviera 39 A. Abele 40 M . Furnell 41 G. Wilson 42 F. Monterro 43 M . Van. Houte (RC) 44 S. Peake 45 A. Hall 46 M . Ladson 47 W. Ladson 48 P.Chandar 49 M. O'Connor 50 S . Reynolds 55 J . Gaget
6 D. Grieve
7 J. Hynes C. 8 9 J. Munro 10 B . Cocks 11 T. Smith 12 L. Henry 13 D. W4liams 14 T. Hynes
14 J . Street 15 D,Taylor 16 F. Henry Hen J . Butt~~g 17 W. Gardner 18 DOkrham 18 L R n ~ 19 S. Barlow 20 S. ~~~ 21 L. Gouper 22 J. Gallivan
23 M. Elias 24 C. Pack 25 G . Burgess 25 A. Manton 26 C. Taylor
27 L. Kuret 28 A. Kosmatos 29 B. Griffin 30 K. Dowsey 31 L . O'Sullivan 32 B. Hinsley 33 M . Cavarra 33 L . McKenzie 34 J. Anderson 35 G . McCallum 36 G . Smallman
37 B. Hynes 38 D. Jory 38 G. Shaw 39 TCarter 39 D. Paul 40 P. Thomson 41 B . Gray
42 P. Geraghty 43 J. Cook 44 M. Manning 45 D.0'Keefe 46 P. Azzoparrk 47 M. Braszell 48 R . S6mpson 49 S. Freeman 50 S .
51 A .Wuchatsdt 52 Z Mikin-Laurie 53 S. McKinnon
54 N . Grant 55 R . Nisbet 56 T. Bowers 57 M. Welsh 58 P. Gallivan
59 D. Pitt 60 E DiBlasi
WII.I .IAMST速WH Comb : one Fkdwd Res Coach : Danoem Hynas 52 J. Anderson 21 P. Azzopardi
19 S. Barlow 26 T Bowers 33 M. BraszeU 25 G . Burgess 17 J. Buttigi2g 39 T Carter ~ M . ~~"a to B . Cocks 35 J. cook
36 L. Couper 46 F. DiB asi 2 J. Du{razia 30 K . Dowsey 5 D. Elias 23 M . Elia s
42 S . Freeman 43 J . Galliva n 45 P. Galliva n 47 W. Gardner 48 P. Geraghty 49 B. Grant 50 N . Grant i i B. Gray 6 D. Grieve 29 B. Griffin 41 M. Grossman
51 16 12 32 77
S. Hall F. Henry L. Henry B. Hinsley B . Hyne s
53 T. Hynes 38 D. Jory 28 A. Kosmatos 54 L . Kuret M. Manning `M 56 A. MManta 27 C. McCradce n 22 J F~~~ 20 S. McGuinness 58 L. McKenzie 59 S. McKinnon
8 C. McNamara 60 Z Mikin-Laurie 9 J. Munro 55 R. Nisbe t 61 D. Oldha m
62 D. O'Keefe 31 L. O'Sulfluan 24 C. Poch
63 64 65 18
D. Pau l D. Pit t D. Ridd L. Ryan
66 G. Smallman
67 T. Smith 68 R . Stimpson 14 J . Street 69 C . Taylo r 15 D .Taylor 40 P. Thomson
57 M. Welsh 1 T. Wheeler 13 D. Williams 3 D. Wouda 70 A. Wuchatsch
4 S. Wuchatsch
ir: . Who's ~ :., .,. v'v`h"o' s do:ng .vhst . . ::av .~-i ~-;e ;] ms :,vv?` F' r.io~f- .t-y ~art=': :=r:r:~e ir~e ,~porrv`s c 2 i~
:he :s~=su re,9.s
.~: .-~ Michael Christian >> r GyO .; d,e iat~st res ;al-s, ne ws
Gr - ._rn:,Iete vvra>: `r:;-r, th . ir T irne v~Dt_: t.5 en_itc 92 7, 5 .,,:'0-9ar vvee' :
Miners become instant miyonnaires and earn new Cockney name of Channel Niners ; another cheque-book hero Douglas "Boxy" Woods has another miracle escape whilst Rex returns to fish for unpaid sex . The Flakes may have their major sponsorship cut in half by the post-nuptial agreement of the Great White Missus whilst potential joy for the Stationmasters as the DOI consider railway stations underground and first class amenities above . News that Einstein strug led with maths drew att€ 'an to teamsheets and Top Op Jeremy au s decided to call z t,. <_, : ire error a "Kovco" whi' t non-delivery of the same will be known as a Nei-on with appropriate fines to follow . Also missing in action have been the Blenders, Winos and Understandables. Good to see improvement from Climbers, Clydesdales and Stan Rofes . The silent assassins include Clockers, Storms, Charmers and Sand Belts . Enjoyed great hospitality from the Beasley and Wintle clans at the Triads beach pad last week - these extended families underline what ammo footv is all about - offering ammo writers a bed for the night ! ! S1 . ~ He . . . ..a the Storms (01C Poppers or 1
Uncannies (')Id Melburnians). August), P2
mes for A Section the basis of last week's Slab Jackpot : Barrels (St Bemards) y ' Blue Smarties or Skies (University Blues) Threesomes (Old Trinity) Cor k ') Metrognomes (De La Salle) Mario's Knights (Old Ivanhoe ) ) ; ngle Malts (Old Scotch) and John Batmans or Medi` tors (Ol d .ct entry out of 24 attempts however a slab each for F il - (Ides of (Backyard Boys) and Tim Madden (Socialists) all of,. . :iom got 8 right . Great excitement at Ansell with the Red NO- Trophy today sahifls? *ha Purple carts continue to set :'ao€ . p- ^e : ; cvi"s the Artists, T` .
e Malts, zg€ . ,ewers ad Exclamations . Briet _ : for ?oa m ers, Skies, B rii and Albino B rothers after R5.
Slab Jackpot - 2 Slabs : First correct entry to phille~rui~agirrius .com .au Name the Hille names for the B Section clubs . Entries close 4 .00pm on Monday. ed act : The Reds played Sunday games from 1982 to 199 0 t : The Reds are as sisting the Merri Creek restoration in June l : The Reds are supz~orted by Melbourne Piano Compan y e".e:is have an > i iisnee with Fitzroy Junior Football Clu b
速 VAFA Re p resen tative Squads trimme d The Representative Squads for this year's games were this week shortlisted from those originally announced . The squads are listed on the VAFA website . 速
VAFA U23 v Western Australia
Just a reminder to VAFA followers to get down to Spo rt scover Arena next Sunday ( June 4th), to see the cream of the VAFA's young talent take on Western Australia . The two sides are both locked at 4 points each at the top of the AAFC table . The winning side from the Tri-Series ( over three years) receives the most representation of players for the forthcoming tour of Ireland in 2007 . The VAFA is not only keen to see that our strong tradition of success continue in AAFC games, but as many of our boys as possible receive the chance to represent Australia on the Ireland tour : So get behind the "Big V" on June 4th and show your suppo rt for the rising stars of the VAFA .
r-si s
"Dangers aa; _ Over last weekend, clubs were asked to collect money for Cystic Fibrosi s Victoria in the annual " Bangers an d Cash" promotion . We are looking forward to tallying sizable donation s to this wo rt hwhile cause from our member clubs . The "Bangers and Cash" Challenge is run as a lead up to the Cystic Fibrosis Community Cup on June 10th between the VAFA and the Southern Football league . The club that raises the most funds between the two leagues will win a sensational new BBQ from Barbeques Galore . Club Secretaries are asked to bring in their Collection Tins with them to the VAFA Secretaries meeting on Monday June 5th . All tins must be returned as we have registered their numbers with CFV.
Barry Hickey In his 16 years in official capacities with both Old Carey GFC and the VAFA, there aren't many roles Barry has not undertaken . Since joining the OCGFC Committee in 1990, he has been Secretary, Minute Secretary, Football Manager and VAFA Member. For the OCGFC Football Department h e has been Fitness Coach, Back-up Reserves Coach, Sports Trainer, Chairman of Selectors and Team Manager for the Seniors, Reserves and Club XVIII sides . Barry has always had an active involvement in not only the running of his club, but also with the running of the Association as a whole . For the VAFA he has undertaken the voluntary roles of Amateur Football Scribe for 14 years, Finals Duty Officer for 7 years and Investigations Committee Member for 5 years . He also assisted the VAFA Representative Sides as Properties Officer and Interchange Steward for 3 years running . Barry was recently an Executive Member of the VAFA from 2003-2005 as well as a member of the Administrative Committee of the Executive during the same period . Barry has been a loyal servant of the OCGFC and the VAFA in whatever role he has undertaken and has been awarded Life Member of the OCGFC. The VAFA would like to thank Barry for his contribution to both his Football Club and the Association as a deserved recipient of a VAFA Certificate of Merit .
速 Bonus f o r Beaumari s Beaumaris Football Club were delighted to see John Condon from Elite Financial Solutions (EFS) attend their game a few weeks ago . John brought with him a cheque for $1020 to donate to their club after one club member took out a housing loan using his business . EFS became a sponsor of the VAFA this season and your club could be the winners . "We are delighted to be part of the VAFA," said John . 'This is the first loan to have been generated by a VAFA club and we are pleased to be able to give some money to the clubs which support us . I'm sure Beaumaris will be delighted to have an extr a
,1000 to assist in the administration of their club.' If you need to get finance for a housing loan or compare rates, ring John at Elite Financial Solutions on 9375 4259 . The Sharks players repaid the favour with a nail biting victory over St Kevin's .
Bernard's unit taking on the undefeated Old Scotch side. Some of the "family friendly" stories from the day may appear in next week's issue .
The hard working women behind the VAFA clubs are holding a luncheon in the Ebeling Room at the M CG on Friday June 16 . Get a table together or come by yourself to listen to the stories from ABC journalists, Angela Pippos and Jane Clifton . Angela is the author of The Goddess Advantage and Jane is passionate about women in local sport and is a regular guest on Red Symon's breakfast program . $ 65 per head gets you a two course meal and drinks . For more information contact Executive Member Devine Connors-Calhaem on 0425 724 351 .
The VAFA were hosted at St Bernard's for their clash against University Blues last Saturday. No longer do visitors have to put up with cramped rooms, concrete floors cold showers and visitors from the local marshes . The state of the art complex has multiple change rooms, medical rooms for both teams and an entertainment area that boasts a better view than the Medallion Club at Telstra Dome . If you are watching your team play there this year, be sure to get up to the afternoon tea at half time of the main game, the best $5 you will spend . Seems like everyone is happy at the pit, with their Seniors sifting nicely on 4 wins with victories over Old Haileybury and Uni Blues on their home patch .
There will be an extra bit of excitement this Sunday at Sportscover Arena with a Bollywood film company filming some scenes during the match between Old Haileybury and Marcellin. The story revolves around the "Hero" taking his love interest to a game of Australian Rules Football . Australian extras have been hired by the company to boost the atmosphere - extras that have knowledge of our game and know the appropriate time to cheer. The Film will acknowledge the support of the VAFA and the clubs in their credits and some of the action may even make it into the movie, to be viewed by millions of people . e A dietitian was addressing the VAFA Representative Team during the week . "The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here years ago . Red meat is awful. Soft drinks erode your stomach lining . Chinese food is loaded with MSG. Vegetables can be disastrous, and none of us realizes the long term harm caused by the germs in our drinking water. But there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all have, or will, eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it? " Peter "Agate" Harris in the front row stood up and said, "Wedding cake. "
- Class of 6 3 St Bernard's are also holding a reunion this weekend for their 1963 Seniors and Reserves E Section Premiership sides . A big day is planned for the members of these sides and I'm sure by the end of the day the stories will be bigger than Ben Hur. Sadly, a number of players from these teams are no longer with us and the boys will have plenty of fond memories of those times . The Senior match promises to be a beauty with the in form St
"Where an inciucnt takes place involving players pushin,- . scragginR . jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "
by Gec !
re !iaping as d r`n t',~-.at to Os 1 dership in C Section and they also he led strel ., ., . t in their reserves,' tP:tm who were
9 E o
sitti-- second with a s- mg p rcc ige . At home, Essendon held o°`a rvin 14 .17 to 11 .13 but Glen Ei ; wit g worthy of the fourth place on the am difference in the gtme is Old compar- -_ 1 â&#x20AC;&#x17E;- -
: wind
r i nd Anthony led s t er, P aul for -al .i,lg the ice '
In DI 0 ; rey fell at the last hurdle agai . . .,t -ho looked well beaten 20 points dot into tin e on . OGGS then kicked 4 in as many minutes and their final score line, 16 .4 to Carey's 14 .13, on a windy day, was testament to the value of accuracy in front of the big sticks . For OGGS, Will Paul was sensational and "i put in a huge effort all over the ground . T' : other two Bauls, J & T were also most effective . __.As Battle was a rock in defence for Carey and Cal Phillips and Andrew Kent were good contributors . Eivion Bowen was writing for D2 Section and was of the opinion that Mentone Amateurs had already confirmed their superiority over the rest of the grade . His reasoning, and fair enough, was Mentone's comprehensive victory over previously undefeated Salesians, 20 .11 to 11 .12 . Tony Macgeorge kicked his usual bag for Ivlentone but still didn't make the best -O'Heara, Ogier, Dixon, M Barr, Rowley an d ot the nod . Nannes, Canavan, Bobetic, Sutherland and R Stevens were best for Salesians . D2 s'~ction coaches were Ser-w Stttherli (La Tr o _Qoi ~. Cl
)P _ ow .
. .. .. . . . . .
j)B) j
. .,. .,,
., . ..aon
~u3 ui the Junior se-, :-ions in his editori : j. and announced that due to unprecedented numbers, a fourth division of U19 fool ' had been introduc ' in th' : son . The new ms were A ~ as, I Old Old Trinity and Yarr a Phil also stated `it is worth noting that six of the present Section 1 junior teams are linked to A Grade clubs', confirmation to those of us who expounded the virtues of striving to have your junior teams play at the hi-hest levels! Phil also paid tribute to the outstanding work of executive member, Max Lyon, who after an outstanding 9 year contribution to the welfare of the U19 competition was taking a well earned rest . For the 1996 season, the role previously handled by Max was to be assumed by a subcommittee of seven ! Paul Luby was writing for B Section and predicted that we may see a century goal kicker in the section as it rained goals in fine weather. At the home of the VAFA Old Ivanhoe was the home side and hosted Old Brighton in a key game for both clubs . As predicted it was an enthralling contest with Old Ivanhoe jumping out of the blocks with 6 fi rst quarter goals to hold a 17 point lead . Douglas ( 3), Pidoto (5) and Lachlan McLean (4) were very dangerous forwards for Ivanhoe and caused a headache for the Brighton defenders all day . Brighton rallied in the second term and matched Ivanhoe in the third as Perry ( 5) and March (7) stamped their mark on th e
game . The final quarter was fast and furious, to the extend that umpire Graeme Thwaites handled the whole game in the second half due to his partner's "hammy" givii~,_ It looked as though Ivanhoe would hold o~ snap-- ~ F--illia--'ly ct) for Brighon mt s(32?0 I
id( i`- - -Ige, was previewing D ading tipster for the season to Late . covering E Section, was reall y d: i}i,_ iD~ _ .' :ith only 8 - ins, plus a draw
and the T cuf-tani
goals . y id -_BC's c_st anL- -, Qui__ kic___ 13 oals .
n '- :: s four when they _ . Malvern . Ormond had to ~ i ( ~ _ De La played an excellent third m with 6)als to 1, In tight last quarter Ormond found enough to be- , ancied D's 12 .13 to 10 .11 The enigmatic Jo t kicked 5 for the m, and s joi d I n, in the I, -T ; C tke, Dev( and I3onlen .
of the week was Power House legend, Les' last two hundred games of his tota l isecutive and he was regarded a s the "Ross Gregory" like the back of hi s iior coach .~' 'r--,2r nuf-^ .
:ction __:0 to id ,
All at Banyule congratulated 100th game . Martin was also k rrbasketlndfic_` qualities in football ;째 ; an on o ,
-e La the previous season's Section premiers, suffered their first def_,t in A S tiam when they went down to Old Trinity 7 .10 to 6.7 . De La held on to top spot by percentage, closel3 followed by St Bernards and North Old Rnys . Trrni held sway for [ , Beek, the whole game and their best ere El , std tawson Bill Peers, Rob P .ers . C__ , r, Lv'ons, R slotted three goals . vHalassa and Loft were De La's better ph yers . Old Scotch, top in B Section, played bottom team Old Carey and were in for a bit of a shock early on as Carey jumped the Scotchies to hold an 8 point lead at the first change . Scotch then took control and with Peter Sherwen dangerous up forward maintained their stronghold for the remainder of the game before running out winners, 15 .14 to 7 .9 . Speer, Marx, Cox and Sherwer (5) for good for the ladder leaders . Rovo s, C Tappas, I'eo and R Elliott worked hard for Car J . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2006
. Brighton I said tht ._ _ . ', Tunks and Boland al l "shc- .:d tc .is of i;., .ermination" . Great contest in the Junior Section between Ormond and " - Scouts with the winner taking fourth spot and the loser staying outside the top four . Hampton started better and retained a 7 point lead at half time in a low scoring affair. Ormond kicked 4 goals to l in the third term to gain the ascendancy and held of the fast finishing Scouts with the final result, 8 .10 to 8 .6 in the Monds' favour . John Taylor did a great job at half back for Ormond and was supported by Barry Mann and Kevan Chalker . No mentions from the Scouts' camp ! In Social tqotes, a very interesting passage from Uni Hig
:' Boys -`Notice of motion for next UH DB ee meetir째 - o' ~r official cha i n . n ai_ ernony
r 2 .40pan on any pril and F withou t conrB .;it :..,: . ..< .cessar y will prov' le a suitabl e ,rernony'. 35
With the Swans winning on the we :,kend, pundits are placing them as flag favourites, however, I feel Bentleigh a .e still -[ 3nt runners, and am on West Brunswick's bandwagon to be a major challenger . I see the Wickets and the Warriors fighting it out for the other place . Review Kew's horror season continued with a comprehensive win by Bentleigh . Much interest surrounded the debut of former Collingwood player Andrew Dimmatina for the Demons, but it was teammate Chris Sharp stealing the show, .booting 11 . For the Browns, John Simpson's boy "Mutts" was good again while the "Moore Dog" won plenty of hard balls . ' Match of the season saw South Melbourne and Elsternwick at Sportscover Arena under lights . In an ugly first half, little separated both sides, and it was still only 3 points between them at orange break . The Wickers superior fitness should have seen them through, however South proved us all wrong with what could be a season defining quarter, as Cheevers went to town to deliver an impressive 23 point win for the Bloods. West Brunswick easily accounted for UHS-VU by 14 goals . The win was not without its price, with 4 dislocated/broken fingers to two Magpie players . For UVB Jarrod Sudholz impressed and set up an intriguing battle next week. St .Mary's season of woe continued, going down to Monash . Another lapse in concentration for the Saints proved costly . Harrison and Schembri were brilliant at both ends of the ground pulling down marks to give Michael Learmonth some hope to turn it around . For the Gryphons it was Nick Rutherford who set it up in a stellar performance . No official report from the Old Westbourne/Swinny game, however, some of my Warrior buddies said they were happy to sneak away with the points after trailing late in the match at a ground they had not won at previously . Prev iew My two favourite D3 sides do battle at "the House of Pain" in an intriguing battle of the Westies . Both teams have shown plenty this season, though I think the Magpies go into today's match as deserved favorites . However, as has been the case in their many previous encounters, form counts for little and a close result can be expected . I am particularly looking forward to a potential encounter between Fairfield and Smythe who have had a lot to say to each other in previous encounters . For my tip, I cannot jump off the Magpie bandwagon as I pick them to win a thriller against my old club . It is "Australia Post Day" at the Postage Stamp as the club's with the two smallest grounds in D3 battle it out for the "Philatelist Cup" . Elsternwick are in danger of losing touch with the top four coming off two tight losses in a row should they go down today and will be looking to the return of star s 36
Greene, Cotter and Mason to [ turn it around . Unfortunately for the Saints, I cannot s,-,-, them breaking the duck today even with Cam Armstrong an d Luke D'Astoli continuing their good form . M y tip is, Wickers by plenty. Today's match between Kew and Swinburne presents Swinburne's last chance to dance with the D3 big boys, while it provides New with an opportunity to pull itself away from the bottom two . It is a tough one to call as the Razorbacks were impressive last week, however I think we will witness the continually improving Kew register win number two and some much deserved breathing space for coach Rohan Doherty . With a bit of breathing space, and not much chance of making the finals, l am finding it hard to know where the Gryphons will find motivation as they face a Demons side baying for blood . With small men Brad Meehan and Scott Lawry covering more ground than the early settlers and one of the best taggers in D3 in Marn Soufan blanketing Gryphon star Nick Rutherford, it will be Bentleigh by a sizable margin . Top versus bottom as the South Melbourne juggernaught host UHS-VU in a match that can only go one way . I am anticipating plenty of fireworks as the students pile the numbers behind the ball, but these tactics will just stave oft the inevitable as the Swans march on to win by plenty .
Sharp, Christopher BE . TLEIGH AFC 11 35 Higgins, Matthew S W INBURNE UNI AFC 4 27 Haysey, John WEST BRUNSWICK AFC 2 20 Wright, Matthew UHS-VUAFC 2 17 Horsburgh, Justin OLD VdESTBOURNE 3 16 Aquilina, Steven STH MELB . DISTRICTS 0 14 Grace, Scott ELSTERNWICK AFC - 14 3 '.( Henderson, Earl STH MELB . DISTRICTS 2 16 Parker, Matthew MONASH GRYPHONS 4 16 Ledger, David SWINBURNE UIdI AFC 3 11 Adaway, Shaun BENTLEIGH AFC 2 8 Bernardi, Jason ST MARYS AFC 1 8 Coxhead, Brett MONASH GRYPHONS 2 8 Elbaz, Ohad ELSTERNWICK AFC 0 8 results weren't received . Any discrepancies may be due to nonsubmission of results by clubs
Social Bentleigh hosts its Past Players function this Saturday, this is always a great day, so see Dimmer for bookings and enjoy a fun day. Special Mention The VAFA spirit was shown in the Bentleigh v Kew Reserves game on Saturday. After a severe head clash, the Kew player came to the Bentleigh rooms complete with ice pack still on his own head to check on the progress the Demon who had come off much the worse for wear (broken nose , fractured cheek bone etc) .
El- , icx congr ulatt an d for their milestone games against South Melbourne last eek, 11111 and RA respectively . This week Daniel 째C ba' ;Gee plays his 200th game. Daniel has been at the club since 7 years old and now hitting 30+ he is an ' raluable n er o' ;I . E' also congratulate theii on his tme . Jack rec 'y returned from a two year stint in Wall ,. On his return he told of how he would go runnhry in the rain airur vivj n . His lovely wife would look out at the sleet and snow and ask "why do you do it to yourseif%' Jack's reply was that the only thing keeping him going was the thought of coming back to play for the Wickets and he needed to keep himself fit . His i" ' work paid . off, and for the first time he took out the i : in last year's premiership season (after coming r n r cord 67 times). All wish the big man well . Cult figure John 'Choc' Liliakis also play : Ns this week for the Wicks. This year, Choc put in ; nas son. He was duly rewarded with a fit new body, which unforlonateiv was not enough to qualify him for Big Brother. f ; nous around goal and sublime skills will ensure that he kicks rr y a bag this year. Good luck Choc. plays 100 games _ . .h this week. A committee member and premiership p ' I plays an important role in the Swinburne Smior 3I -r, and is aiw s a strong contender for the CI _~t and Fairest . Congr ons' Uildmr '. Si , congrat t o on playing respectively. Well done guys, , respected by every member o
Wesi i'unswdic' ; v Old )urne South Melbourne Districts v UHS-VU St Marys v Elsternwic k Kew v Swinburne University Bentleigh v Monash Gryphon s
4.4 5.8 7.11 11 .12 (78) 9.5 12.11 18.16 (124) 5.2 . - -a. J. Looker 2, C. Watts 2, C. Home 2, F Lamanna 2, D. Mutton, M . Natoli, G. B'. It T. Moore, D. RonnfeldG G. But, D . MuYon, M. Natoli, C. Horne Bent Goals: C. St 11, L . T ngas 2, A. Banks, C. McFadden, A Mikkelsen, J . Robertson, A. Di, na. Best: C. Sharp, A Banks, M . saurian, B. Meredith, S. Lawry, B. Meehan drolly David Longv,orOi (f) Nicholas Brown (F) is 233 5.7 12.8 13.9 (87) 3.1 5.4 6.9 10 .12 (72) Goais : J. Bm ass 5, G . Kent 2, k Schultz, G . still, L. Vatlance, R. A. in K r:herian. Best N . Rutherford . L. Wells, J. Burgess, B . Rose, J. Rc e : Goals: C . Adam 2, S. Nicholson 2, B. Howard 2, N. A >, . Json, G . Schembri. Best G . Schembri, S. Johnston, S. Purcell Umpires: Peter Cahill to Geoffrey Deveson (F) 1 .2 2.5 4.5 5.5(35) 3.0 5.3 10.5 18.1g (118 ) ht 2 .1 Bow-,,s D . razakedey, A. Tit than. Best S. Greed, S. P. G<e, M . Diciero V : Goals: J . Sudholz 4. 2,1 . 8ridoo3:te 2. B . Irvi R. st. C. Lehmann, B. Gr i ;rs . Jest J . SuJholz, C . Lehmann, R . Bentamin, P. Statham, B . to Jeremy Heffernan (P) Travi_ Stortl (F) Thomas 4discter (B) 1 .1 6.3 8.5 10.8 (68) 4.1 5.3 8.5 11 .7 (73) 4 D . lano 3. C. 0'keefie. B . Prior Manning. Best: A. Fufler, B loals : J. Horsburgh 3, K. F. 3. Best L. Fair,`eld, M. Jai Gunn (F) Paul Wallington (G) Patrick Nev,son (G ) 4.3 6.7 6 .10 (46) 6.11 9 .15 (69) 6 P. Cneevers 3, W. McGee 2, A. Hannan, P. avers, S. Aquilina, A. Hannan, D. Bell, C. -Sharp (F) Daniel SiI(o (F) Robert , Mutton (B) son (G) 7.8 12 .10 (02) 2.1 3.5 5.5 (35) L. on 2, N . Anderson, J. Ulika2is, L. ssag!tia, P. Stuchfa?ry, M. 12, S . 71cDougali, S . Quinn, C. P. S. Quinn, D . Kohn-sheen, R . Mitchell ? 5.4 6.4 8.7(55) 2 6.5 8.11 8 .13(61 ) an 2, S . Dov aq G. G mmins, J . Wa kec Beat A. G sans?, k Mairis, M. Maiherson Bent Goals : D. M. f s, R. Punter, M. Thomas . Best G . Richards, C. S . Macleo d .5 5.6 8.8 9 .14 (69) 0.1 4.3 7.5 8.7(55) n 2, C . Higgins, J . Memnon, J . Gaut, G. Massie. S. Berry, 0. Butt, J. Bunc!째 010 West Goals: J an. L Squarci . Best: N. Smith, A Board, .5 13 .11 14 .14 17.19(121) 2.0 4.4 4.6 4.8 (32) arker 4, R. Fletcher 3, B . Coxhead 2, A George 2, M . Grayden, R hiiiiard, G . Soft, F Mandrakis . Best: 0 . Marecrky, R. ;orgs, F :Randra;as St Marys: Goals: M . Aikman, A. B. Slade. Best: 0. Hind, M . Aiknan, M . Sexton, B . Tage11, P. 0.1 0.5 1 .6 2.7(19) 8.5 11 .7 13 .12 15.13 (103) P. nas, J . Murphy. Best E . Ritciuti, O. Wallace, B. Briggs, J. r. M. Davidson Wes! Bruns : Goals: S . Jackson 3, T. Thompson 3, E. nson 2, C. Terry, F. Purcell, G . Saisarl's, B. Phillips, A Gunn. Beat : R. in, T. 2mpson, B. Phillips, E. Wailer, C. Terry
o G= xP
neqt 1. R~ G
1 C. Sharp 2 J . Paul 3 A . Pittito 4 S . Sice 5 J . Robertson 6 R. Dolman 7 S . Holmesby 8 C . McFadden 9 L.Tangas 10 J . Vlahos 11 D. Martin 12 T Wright 13 S . Craven 15 B . McClelland 16 D. Chapman 17 S . Francis 18 S .ldaway 19 M, Wilson 20 R. Fsh3ock . . A . Ferns 22 A . Smit h 23 GAcFarlar,e 2, 2E
1 L. shy 2 L. Eeddingfield 3 J.Yernm
4 D. Grace 5 K. Cummins 5 M. Whelan 6 M. Theirs 7 J . McAdam 8 M. Greene 8 S. Cam e 9 J . Banky 10 T. Huggins 11 L.t1i>sag6a 2 S. Croorutelt 13 S. Soppet 14 8.€vCaheny 15 T.Leaper 16 M. Surman 17 G . CuEahaw 18 A . h'- I 19 J .H,...ter 20 E.G ;ma n 21 H E 22 G . 23 S. 24
Coa=sR~. Re C , --. : L. 7 B. Outruns 2 N . Castiey 3 D. WrtcMil 4 G Cnrr.mms 5 L.E icusa 6 N .T G) 7 G .L _ 9 C .F'-.e •ne 8 A. . .._,^s (RCAJC) 10 6. B 1it 12
G :S4 Asst Ccech : G R. Cnech: Ph re~
1 S. Bourbon 2 V. Coffey (RVC) 3 L. Valiance 4 N. Rutherford (VC) 5 J. Watson 6 B. Senior 7 J. Garani 8 C.Yanni 9 G . Wadley 10 J. Fleming 11 R. Healey 12 J. Land'oerg 13 J. Stratford 14 A. McKenzie 15 A. Clark e 16 P. Rennison 17 R. Fletcher 18 M . Paolucci 19 A. D-nyer 20 C. G, -!d 21 J. Ro-Pin 22 8.C of 23 B.
24 D. :.: C 25 26 L 27
28 G. ton 9 L2 3: 31 GtF 32 A. " 3- 4 31
( r.FabG ..anr aue ,ri ChrstC Mat!t- Carr91ar:9 Res Co.-', : Danny Horny R . Asst: C3iN Lewr
1 T. Roszak 2 J. Braham 3 Trav. Edwards 4 C. Leve r 5 S. He;vit t 6 J. Horsburgh 7 B. Merryweather 8 A. Horsburg h 9 F. Pavez 10 P. Chalmers 11 M. Christo (C) 12 M. Baulc h 13 P. Hudson 14 C . Hudson 15 A. Board 16 S. Christo (RC) 17 M. Aquiline i8 G . Walker (VC) 19 J. Ma , n 2t) D. HL Dn 21 0 , .. 22 S. tr'VC) 23 S. VC) 24 L . Fa h , A d 25 Troy. Ec rds 26 J.CI< . 27 28 29 3-0 31
T. . : . . D.I . ~.._: S. .1 :d: ; .` ... B.' :: ~ee A.
32 G . 33 03A C . Br I 35 J. Ta r 36 J. Nita 37 D .Ch in 38 L . Sq == .:i 39 C . He 40 J. Mon.
42 `,.3rc
52 53 J. 54 i. E .. us 55 J . S 56 T. G :-57 R . S 58 59 60 S.Tur , 61 J. Lae 62 S. King 63 D . HeIlmig 64 jarr. Wilson 65 roscio 77 ,yior ton not, ore
Cannon Toyota 473 Lowe r Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg 38 T- MATEUR Fa4TBHL LER 2006
Car =h : M Lea-ri». Ca R. C-
M. Learmonth G . Scembri (C) A. Ballantyne A. Lane C, Weller A. Dwver D. Year s C. Armstrong D. Cop e J. Bemadi S. Nicholson J. Hill S. Johnston M. Purcell C. Adam L. D'Astob B. Frai l S. Gibson B. Richards F n C e P. S. N ~ 29 31 H. 1 33 J. y 34 L. Armstrong 35 G . Treoharris 36 B . Gm-'tzer 37 C. Freshwater 38 S . Gnfin 39 C. 5 .-dy 40 L . .T d , E 43 L. He a 44 L. C -.za 45 M . tviarchette 46 B . Lillp white 47 A . J nan 4£ hA :d 49 S' I 50 C. 51 D.+ 52 0. 53 t,1 . S ;n 54 M . irke 55 B . Tageli 56 N. Hot, L. Knight M . P. o A. 62 S .
:carl .
Ce- .'.:: Glenn 7: w R. Coach : Geasr , 3r.8afis
Co-c h: 7 &°a 4':.
. Washington _1J
2 M . Hannan (C) 3 G. Sim m 4 A . fliemann 5 S . Kin g 6 S . Glendenning 7 A .Hanna n 8 V1. McGee 9 S. Aquilino 10 M . Lan e 11 C . Batchelor 12 P. Madden 13 E . Hendesen 14 D . M I 15 B. Whelan 16 D. Philips 17 N . Mocjen 19 J . Whetan 20 M. Black 21 B.Johnson 22 E . Bouchard 23 B. Downbing 24 M . Costello 25 A . Ray 26 R . Mitchel l 27 P Cheevers (VC) 28 A. Lam:rto n 29 G. Milatovic 30 B. Miniahielb 31 S. Hermann 32 D. McGee 36 A. Argyriau 37 J . Clyne 38 E. Costello 40 S. Atherton 41 = s 41 N 43 - . . _, ~a , ~c v
I C. Cello 2 J.Sheedy 3 J. Piirotvski 4 A. Fidler 5 M. Hanrahan 6 S. Hutchins 7 J. PAurchs e 8 M. Higgins 9 L . Morrison 10 J. Burc1e 11 D. Milano 12 J. Rya n 13 J. Coy 14 R. Goode 15 D.Ledger 16 C. Walsh 17 J. Roberts 18 M . Flack 19 B.0Mara 21 J . Young 22 A.Schapman 26 S.- y 28 %, Pe=ron
ra. vrr ;aht 2 R. Th a n 3 D r'azakertey
3 Lc=n; =
s J."'e S.~'r?N 7 J. 5 Or lA . i= :' . *rsJ 5 D d io M L. 11 0.Fc -12VLSr 13 t7. P.a 14 J. 15 fl.L 16 t' 17 C i 18 , n 19 J.'. .
20 21 22 23 24 25
G. : ar.o J.Ha.q G. d G. N. D ,
<6 n. .
27 A. C 28
la M . Drain lb A. Hamilton 2 K. King 3 B. Irving 4 C. Lehmann 5 J . Hayse 6 SPie 7 J . Bnrgler 8 S . Monagie 9 C. Ashley 10 J . Thorneycroit 11 P. Norman 12 T. Maguire 13 S . Brockiey 14 S . Dishon 15 J . Sudhoiz 16 C. Pric e 17 J .Brugler 18 J . Curtin 19 J . t9elican 20 D.Coonan 21 A . Thompson 22 J . Hugi ; 23 N . L.:vton 24 J .Jaro 25 26 27 28 29 an 30 1- C'31 32 J .-o r 33 T.uon 34 35 0 .
36 Z. P 37 B . : r^nson 38 C. Gai 39 R, Vie., 40 S .Te-- e I S
ronan 54 S. 55 J. Pohlner 56 B. Martin 57 S. Puccio H . Masters J . Stc rens FS.Ttas 63 B.Joske 67 L . . . ., - ., _ 68 D. t~F'li .
70 S. flun n 71 P. Swannson 72 P Hanna n
Aloe Park in or Sports Centre Woodland " 5 .e financial ices
~ .~ ;F- ..-f . . ,. ' . . . . z
amberwell South Cellars ! " )2 , C moe : at
The i i e(Glenhuntly Foad) is open evc -The rear gate (off St . Kilda Street) will only be open when there are no matches scheduled for Elsternwick Park No . 2速val . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that wou1d allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accorc",,_'y. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tic` :ots for players and officials . 40 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2006
AIARKEUNG by Steve McCarthy & Leah Gallaghe r It's the Simpsons! ! JK: There was once a very No, it's not Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie . It's the VAFA attractive football supporter Simpsons - Anthony, Peter, Matthew and Graham . run out on the ground and kiss ~ In an absolute Simpsons extravaganza last Saturday at Toorak n -theumpirdngabk Park, the four of them teamed up to umpire a combined total play . . . of 1,000 VAFA games . Father Graham, who started in the Best sledge from a supporter the careful, AD) ? 1960s, umpired 304 games . Son Anthony (ex-goal umpire), AD : In front of the club rooms at Glen Eira, spectator yells to debuted in 1993 and was a field umpires in game 278 . Older me at a boundary throw in, 'Hey Ump, I bet I know what you son Peter (ex-field umpire) who debuted in 1988 ran the do for a!iving - you're an airline steward aren't you? " boundary in game 323 . And Peter's son Matthew (ex-goal JK : My friends in the scoreboard at St Bernard's always make umpire) who debuted in 2001 was the other field umpire in me laugh with their comments (not always directed at me!) . game 95 . Second time retiree Peter tells us- The bloke who Helen Kenna from Old Xavs regularly offers me the use of her started it all, Dad tossed the coin in the centre of the ground dog to help with my decision making . before the game and the obligatory photos were taken, sun Which amateur player could make a good umpire and why? reflecting perfectly off Santo's scone! After the half-time break AD : There are plenty of players that umpire every game they when Matt called up Bulleen-Templestowe by yelling out from play in, but Steve Polan (Super), No. 21 of Mazenod actually the middle of the ground (as you know the away rooms at called decisions correctly more often than not, and from 40-50 Toorak Park are way over the other side of the ground out of metres away whilst standing near the second umpire! Plus he site & ear shot) . After 3/4 time when I got tired of waiting for knew every trick in the book so he would know what to look the fieldies to do something, the boundary umpires Santo and for, where to look and when ! I decided to whistle up the teams ourselves . Of course they JK : Former players: Bob Girdwood & Anthony Parkin - always both broke up straight way . Santo and I were getting thirsty by forthright with suggestions for the correct way to pay frees but then . after the match they are happy (more so than some umpires) The game having 4x20 minutes and little time on, finishing at to receive the feedback for why they might not have the 4 .20pm ie 1st Crownies at 4.25pm! I then very comfortably decision right. . . . slipped back into retirement again, body well and truly shot! Current: Nick Mitchell - he would always make sure the full The 'after match' included Dad being presented with the match forwards 'finally' get a fair go ! ball, signed by both coaches . First game : with who and the teams? The Simpson family would like to thank both clubs, and in AD : Wayne Henry, St Kevins v State Bank D section . I had particular Nei l umpired State Bank the week before in the twos against 'Bubba' Wallmeyer and Prahran for hosting us on the day, Powerhouse . The State Bank runner ran past me during the going well into the 5th quarter . second quarter and said 'I don't know why the other ump is We would also like to thank the many umpires, families and trying to teach you . You're killing him! ' friends who came to the game and/or joined us for dinner that JK: At the Brens Oval, UHSOB vs Brunswick . Single umpire in night . Special thanks to Gavin Roberts, Dom Napoli & Santo 1989 - I had only umpired country footy to then and wondered Caruso for being a big part of the day out on the ground . " if I had the right venue - there were no utes with filled eskies An absolutely sensational umpiring dynasty that surely must backed up to the boundary fence! ! be a record! (Norm Nugent?) A great advertisement for the Thankfully no old ladies with umbrellas either ! family that plays together stays together. Simmos - we're all Is there anything you wish to still achieve in umpiring ? proud of you here at the VAFAUA . AD : And if not that, 400 games, and if not that, the ability to ignore the ratbag supporters who get personal with their Milestones abuse, be able to report them and make their club responsible Congratulations to Anthony ( AD) Damen on 350 games . for their behaviour. Secondly to Jamie (Pretty Boy) Kvins reaching 250 (at Uni JK: My wish would be to encourage more players to take on Blues v Old Trinity) . Jamie, the fastest man to reach 50 games the challenge of umpiring . Former players make for great then the longest to get the other 200 games . umpires for so many reasons . Returning their experience to the playing field would really help our great game to grow . Boys, a few questions to please the readers: Tell the funniest thing you have seen on the field of play? Thank you, Salesian OC Football Clu b AD : Really muddy day, spectator bagging me all day from the To Salesians a thank from fellow umpire Paul Tuppen for the fence and I'm on my own in my first season. Late in the last way that as a club you look after the umpires during the game quarter, boundary umpire throw-in slipped and both ruckmen & at the after match but also their offer the same warmer charged and punched the waterlogged ball HARD straight into welcome to his wife every time she goes to a match when he the mug spectator's face . Knocks him over and when he gets is umpiring at Salesians home games . Thanks to the club . The up his face is completely covered in mud, just his eyes hospitality shown by most clubs is greatly appreciated by the showing (like the Three Stooges) . All the players and I p---ed umpiring group . ourselves laughing . Had to stop play.
AL . : . 速 c 速
Yet another intriguing round of footy! Cries of ' I almost tipped this' as North BrunsK#ick had a great win over Syndal . Watch out, here they come! Eltham have now graduated to the `hotpots' whilst Eley Park continue to confound ! Review The Eltham Hawthorn duel was top notch up until half time, at which point the Turtles slipped into overdrive, with a 9 goal third quarter. Runco of half back starred whilst Coach Blagrove was a handful up forward with 7 goals . Runnalls was best for the Hawks . An upset occurred when North Brunswick accounted for Syndal by a mere three points . Recruits McLaughlin and Wall were the winners starts whilst Richardson was the Sinners best. It was raining goals as Edwards continued his domination of the Power House forward line as he slotted 17 goals. The countdown is on for the magical 100 mark already! He was well supported by Grahek whilst Speakman was again good for Richmond . Bulleen revved up their form, this time at the expense of Box Hill North . A great start meant they were never really troubled despite a late surge form the home side. Arcoraci again kicked goals up forward whilst Daley was again in good form. One of my favourite D4 players, Riscalla, was good for BHN . Finally, another great result for Eley Park as they comfortably accounted for Albert Park . Cresswell was in everything for the Sharks whilst the Albert boys were well served by Bennett and Baker.
Another intriguirrountl however my b is that it will take until at least the half way mark before clubs sort themselves out in this grade . In what a few weeks ago shaped as a mismatch . Eltham welcome North Brunswick . The Turtles were very impressive last week and have been installed as flag favourites . It was great to see North hit back however luck is against as they hit the in form side of D4 . Hard to go past Eltham . Box Hill North makes the short trek across to Eley Park in what could provide to be a pivotal game for the visitors . No doubt the Box Hill bovs have improved however they will need to convert some improvement to wins shortly . Eley Park has been the surprise packet with most pundits expecting them to be lower table this year . I haven't gone for them too many times this year however they have me convinced, Eley Park for me ! A close tussle is predicted as Bullen host Power House . Both sides were highly fancied at the start of the year and this game was pencilled in early as a bi g
D4 : CTION Edwards, Paul POWER HOUSE AFC 17 39 Viola, David ELEY PARK SHARKS 4 24 Penny, Daniel BOX HILL NORTH AFC 4 24 .icClaren,Adam ELTHAMOC 4 20 Venables, Shaun ALBERT PARK AFC - 18 Blagrove, Matthew ELTHAM OC 7 17 Martini, David BOX HILL NORTH AFC 0 17 LI-9 SECTION RESER U Carter, Darren NORTH BRUNSWICK AFC 4 16 Abbott, Matthew ELTHAM OC 1 15 Olson, Bradley BOX HILL NORTH AFC 5 13 Unwin, Mark BULLEEN COBRAS AFC 1 12 Weston, Scott ELTHAM OC _11 10 Papanastasams . Frank NORTH BRUNSWICK AFC 2 9 Kyne. Bri an POWER HOUSE AFC 0 8 results we re n't received . Any discrepancies may be due to nonsubmission of results by club s 42 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2006
one . The House have some good form on the board whilst Bulleen have been a touch inconsistent but did return to form with a good win last week . No surprise that Edwards holds the key to this game however I fancy that Bulleen might be able to exert a little too much pressure in the midfield and hence cut down the supply line . Bulleen for me . Syndal Tally Ho was disappointed to lose to North Brunswick, a game they had pencilled in . They travel to Albert Park in a game that has had me chopping and changing . Expect this to be a close one (like most of the Sinners games this year) however have not written the Sinners of just yet, Syndal for mine . Finally, Hawthorn will be looking to return to the winners list as they travel the short trip to Richmond for a local derby. Once again, Richmond were more competitive last week however it is hard to see them winning this one, especially as the Hawks welcome back Broomhall and Garlick into their line up . CORRESPONDE NT S Remember, ed .sill@locker.com .au or 0418348723
N orth Brunswick congratulates AcCallum on reaching 100 games . It has been a while in coming for this well respected young man . Probably the only player at Allard Park who owns a suit, he is regarded as a solid defender at Centre Half Back. His courage and attack on the ball & his opponent can never be questioned . Always the consummate clubman, his regular attendance at club functions is well noted by all his peers . Well done to Ben and whatever the future holds, everyone knows that he will put his heart and soul into achieving his goals . North Brunswick also congratulates Cameron Twaddle on reaching 50 games . A typical left footer, his long penetrating kicks either at goal or deep into the forward line always advantage the Green & Golds . His commitment to making the ball his is there for everyone to see . His hard running trying to make position ensures that his teammates will always look for his searching leads . A joy to coach, his attitude on the track and in games cannot be faulted .
Eley Park Sharks v Box Hill North Richmond Central v Hawthorn Eltham OC v North Brunswick Bulleen Cobras v Power House Albert Park v Syndal Tally Ho
n :~FCT1R N Syndal Tally He AFC ~ .4 6.9 7 .12 11 .15 (81) North Brun ick AFC 5 .2 8.3 10.6 12 .12 (84) Syadal TU: Goals: C. Cachia 4, I kenzie 2, D . Richardson 2, S . Crew, G . Fox, 1 . Taa. Best : 0. Richardson, I . Mackenzie, 1 . Toa, G. Fox, I. Bingham, L . Hanneman n Nth Bruns : Goals: P. Tomklns 3, J. Boudoloh 2, L . Greening 2, P. McLachlan 2, D . Newton, H . Boyd, R . Wall . Best : A. Sammartmo, B . Robertson, P. McLachlan, R . Nall, P. Tenuous, A. Taha Umpires: Michael Fords (F) Mark Farrell (F ) Albert Park AFC 1 .2 5.4 8 .6 10.12 (72) Eley Park Sharks 6.2 8.4 15 .18 19.11 (125) Albert Park AFC : Details not received . EPS: Goals: D . Viola 4, M. Viola 3, D . Snell 3, G. Psaltopoulas 3, C . Cresswetl 2, D. Broadbear, D Payne, J . Verde, B . Reado . Best : C. Cressvrell, D . Roll, D. Bowen, T. Houlden, M . Viola, D. Snell Umpires : Bruno Savi (F) Jonathan Kerr (F) Power Rouse AFC 6.6 12.9 18.12 24 .17 (161) Richmond Central AFC 0.2 1 .4 3.6 7.8 (50) PH : Goals : P. Edwards 17, M . Taylor 2, D . Boland, P. Basic, J. Earl, A . Foster, D. Grahek . Best: P. Edwards, D . Grahek, C . Bowrley, M . Taylor, P. Sosic, P. Arnold Rich: Goals: J . Matheson 2, M. Goonan, N . Nuske, J . Dunn, C. Crough, D. Morrison . Best: 0 . Speakman, N . Nuske, C . Crough, D . Morrison, J . Robertson, M . Goonan Umpires: Peter Griffiths (F) Ron Marryn {F) Andrea Mason (B) Brendan Dowling 'B) Boa Hill rth tFC 2 .2 6 .4 8.6 13 .10 (88) B 1 n 6 .10 12.13 14 .17 15 .19 (109) B 'enny 4, C . Riscalla 2, T. Thoi 2, A . Odza, A . Sallantioglo, S . Irvine, C S. Smhh,'t Hood. Best : C . Riscalia, B. Marcakis, K. Outfield, C . Langley, D. Penny, A. Stee(a ! II C 6: Goals: F. Arcoraci 5, M. Rowe 5, T. Conn 2, T. Fradkin, M . Mann, B. Thomas Best R . Daley, F. Bianca, D. Trinchi, M . Rowe, N . Ritchie, T. Moore Umpires: John Cahir ( F) Gerard Roffs (F) Robert Seymour (G) Garry Clancy (G ) H 5 .5 8.7 8.9 10.10 (70) Eftham UC 3.5 9.6 18 .10 21 .14 (148) H Goals: M, Tyson 4, D . Pritchard 2, M . Caruana, D . Lauletta, C . Rice, L. Aitken . Best : B. Runnalls, J . Dawson, L. Aitken, P. McKenna, M. McVeigh, R . Beattie EBham : Goals: M . Blagrove 7, A. McClaren 4, G. Turner 4, T. Andrews 2, B . Galvin 2, J. Foo, L. Mason. Best : R . Runco, J. Galvin, M. Biagrove, R . Thomas, T. Wenborn, G . Turner Umpires: Brent Woodhead (F) Christian Schaefer (F ) Q4 RESERU E Albert Park AFC 5.5 11 .7 13 .9 22 .17 (149) Eley Park Sharks 2.2 4 .4 6 .4 10.8 (68) Albert Park: Details not received . EPS: Goals : J. Newbound 4, R. Baseggio 4, L. Mellington, M . Keown. Best: B . Craske, D. Heynes, W. Wallace, B. Doppler, L. Maiden, R. Baseggi o Hawthorn AFC 0 .2 0 .4 2.6 3.7 (25) â&#x201A;ŹRham UC 3 .5 6 .8 9.9 11.12 (78) Haar: Goals: S . Tropes 2, N . Opie . Best: W. Duffy, J . Murphy, D . Holland, E. Jenkins, T. Crivelii, N . Opie Eltham : Goals : S . Weston 3, L. Barnes 2, M. Partisan 2, M. Abbott, J. Baud, M . Jarvis, T. Kaye . Best: E . Baud, L . Mee, T. Kaye, S. Mead, L . Barnes, M. Olari s Syndal Tally He AFC 5 .2 7.6 8 .10 9 .16 (70) North Brunswick AFC 2 .4 4 .5 5.9 7 1 0 (52) Syndat TH: Goals : M. Glenister 3, M . Buckley, S. Miller, D. Paolone, A . Rowe, L. Dickenson, J. Rowe . Best : C . Fracas, D. Bogged, A . Dance, A. Davis, T. Bartholomew, J . Rowe Nth Bruns : Goals: D . Carter 4, F. Papanastasatus 2, M. Taha . Best: J . Freeman, L. Spero, M . Pisasale, B . Williams, J . Wolter, D . Rowland s Box Hill North AFC 3.4 10.7 11 .8 12 .11 (83) 9 .6(60) Bullen Cobras AFC 3 .3 5.5 9 .6 BHN : Goals : B. Olson 5, J. Howarth 2, L . Penhalluriack 2, J. Tambakis 2, P. Currie . Best : J . Howarth, B . Olson, M. Lacey, G. Robinson, M. Bell, D . Lay Ball Cob: Goals : A. Vincitorio 3, G . Anderton, T. Mazzarella, M . Soumelidis, M. Unwin, P. Whitehouse, C . Borreili. Best: M . Unwin, T. Mozzarella, S. Coombs, J . Lewis, J . Sotto, C . Borrell i Power House AFC 8.6 14.9 22.12 28 .17 (173) 5.8(38) Richmond Central AFC 2 .3 3 .4 3 .5 PH : Goals: N. Moresi 5, 0 . Roche 5, D . Gough 3, G. Cockshutt 3, N. Vougioukas 2, M . Burgess 2, J . Bath 2, G. Armstrong 2, C. Plazzer, D. Mullen. Best: D . Roche, N. Moresi, D . Gough, C . Plazzer, M. Burgess, P. Barrett Rich: Goals: C. Coates 2, A. Piani, A. Read, M. Janes . Best: T. Wallace, J. Lane, J. Goode, T. Mundy, N . Krake, C . Coate s
D4 Sectio n ALBERT PARK Coach : Petcr Bedard Res Coach : Pau! Stopa e
BOX HILL N O Coach : P. A,,mstr-g Res Coach: J. Pran
1 B Hansen 58 T W-ed 2 A. Cook Morgan60 59 G. V Seed 2C 3 R Baker 78 N. Sarts 4 M Nandi 79 S. AHkr,k 4 G. Baker 80 R VIRa . s 5 S. Hay~v_s 81 J. Vdâ&#x201A;Źi. rts 5 S Allan 82 KDunne 6 A. Mcu'ands 83 P Snvudsn 7 S VenaMes 84 J.Gc&~n 7 J. Worm.a4d 85 J A gar
1 J . Howa rth 2 C. Riscalla (VC) 3 A . Ooze (C) 4 T. Manno 5 J . Garre tt 6 D. Martini 7 H. H e 8 C. Langley 9 A . Sallantioglu 10 S . Coo k
8 A. Sutherland 9 P.Chamters 10 S.Thoavtan 11 J. {,kKay
11 T.Thoi 12 A . Dick
12 R.Fertero 13 a. Pay. 13 C.weHon 14 M . H}ams t5 Ptktctre4 16 J.Marshalf 17 S. Btaurstl 17 K.t.rfttts 18 G. Coils'is 19 N Co. 20 J. Baker 22 J. Hannott 23 8. Harrics 23 G Lester 24 T. Green 24 B. ChiNdranund 25 J.W.r 25 G. Fate; 26 G.lAavrce 26 K.Begloe 27 W. Mdrdoe 27 J. Py'~x.+ 28 J.0'SuNrtan 28 R. ANan 29 J.Murptry 29 S Piu,* 30 J. Harr:,",on 31 S. McGuire
35 5 Tel 35 M. HazeEton 36 D.Lyne 37 L Hogan 38 G. Goodyear 40 Z Sauyta 41 C. feMvog 42 M . Larrbrd 44 B.Isard 45 J.Geort,p 48 M .Snavden 49 D Banned 52 N.Peare.ar 53 M. Vddi:ans 55 D.Guxdan 55 T Egan
57 J. Sutta 57 S. Daffy
rPtS/ESttttt .<wr...
RealEstateAngel.com .au Ph : 1300 781 901
Rising Sun Hotel Richmon d The Water Rat Hate - South Melbourne
13 M . Cumming 14 L. Penhalluriack 15 L. Keillor 16 M . Penny 16 W. Drew 17 G. Covello 18 B . Marcakis 18 C. Butler 19 C. Collis 20 K . Otdrield 21 A . Blake 21 M .O'brien 22 A . Steele (VC) 23 D. Penny (VC) 24 P. Doyle 25 P. Kotsaridis 26 R. Bal l 27 G.Tanaka 28 S . Brosolo 29 M . Rogers 30 B . Olson 31 D. Olson 32 I .Oldfield 33 D. Lay 34 J . Irish 35 C. Liston 37 R. Charlton 38 B . Crosthwaite 39 J . Tambakis 40 S . Irvin e 41 P. Currie 42 S . Smith 43 R. Doyle 44 C. Garre tt 45 M . Sintield 46 M . Hood 47 A . Andrews 49 T. Elli s 50 C. Irvine 55 J . Pratt 60 N. Benbow 63 J . Aspinall 64 J . Vagias 66 C. Plunkett 67 A . Manerheim 68 N. Gal l 69 B . Pearce 70 H. Gist 72 P. Nhonthachith 74 L. Dias 77 P. Domaingue 80 S . Evan s 82 D. Dovaston 84 M . Lacey 85 S . Cox 89 S .Yalamanchile 99 G. Robinso n
Bl3L:' : .: ' .: .' Coarh :J.D'an AsstCoach; EAra ..,tA . Res Coasts PAGran ;
1 N . Polites 1 I. Mcleod 2 T.Orwi n 4 N . Cartledge 5 M. Mann 6 J . Laurence 7 T. hAehrez 8 T. Mazzarella 10 A . Gencarelli 11 R . Badanjek 12 P. Whitehouse 13 C .Bafl 14 T. Fradkin 15 J . Trinchi 16 D. Trinchi 17 T. Conn 18 F. Arcoraci 19 B. Thomas 20 P. Vaugha n 21 N . Lykopandis 22 J . Daniel s 23 T. Sette 24 A . Farqua 25 T. Moore 26 F. Bianco 27 T. Pearson 28 A . Fos.kett 29 R .Sheehan 30 B. Cookson 31 R . Pasinati 32 M .Rowe 33 A . Cook 34 M. D.Angelo 35 M . Unwin 36 P. Dall'oglio 37 J . Paastch 38 G. Brown 39 M . Mifsup 40 G. Richards 41 R . Dun n 42 A . Vincitorio 46 J : Lewis 47 N . Peters 48 M. Soumelids 49 G.Anderton 50 R . Lock 51 R . Daley 52 D. Palermo 53 R . Rodrigues 55 N . Ritchie 57 S. Petrill i 58 N . Petropoulos 60 B. Dimas i 63 K . Kellett 65 T. Karanikos PROUD SPONSORS
ELEY PARK Coach : Jason Broadbear Res Coach : David Versteegen J . Alexandridi s G . Arendse J .Arnott J . Baker G . Bastian S . Bird D. Bowen S . Brachman D.Broadbear J . Broadbear J . Broadbear B . Cavell M . Cavell A . Chislett D. Cowling C.Cresswell B . Deppler L. Doubtfire P. Foerste V. Fukishima A . Gardiner M . Gilbert D. Haynes G . Heath T. Houlden N. Hudson S . Jackson C. Joll y T. Kaye M . Keown L. Kett T. Kinsella H. Ly M . MacTaggart L. Mellington J . Nelson J . Newbound D. Payn e M . Payne A . Powell B . Powell B . Reade D. Rol l J . Silver D. Smith D. Snell L. Ta n S . Thomas K . Truong J . Verde D. Versteegan D. Versteegen D. Viola M . Viola W. Wallace A . Young
1 T. Andrews 2 D.Lynch 3 B. O'Malley 4 L . Maso n 5 L . Austin 6 J . Galvin (C) 7 T. Duggan 8 B. Jorgensen 9 J . Foo 10 B. Marshall 11 J . Mizzi 12 M . Blagrave 13 M . Luttick 14 R. Runco 15 J . Paisley 16 L. Me e
17 T. Wenborn 18 B. Galvin 19 M . Crooks 20 S. Weston 21 M . Hart 22 R. Foo (VC) 23 S. Clark 24 A. Hargrave 25 R. Thomas 26 J . Baud 27 J . Stockdale 28 M . Pattison 29 D. Howgate 3D M . Abbott 31 A.Jupp 32 C. Bau d 33 A. Howgate 34 J . Howgate 35 G . Smith 36 A. Whyte 37 A. Chapman 38 A. Mok 39 A. McClaren 40 E. Baud 41 T. Kurtschenko 42 C. Conole 43 M . Jarvis 44 A. Mann 45 G . Turner 46 G . Macrides 47 M . Claris 48 S . Dutton 49 L. Barnes 51 J . Simpson 52 C. Pain e 53 S . Mead 54 S .Todman 55 T. Brown 56 R. Love 57 B. Bosua 58 N. McPherson 59 B . Evans 61 J . Settle 62 D. Rowe 63 L. Ogilvie 64 A . Scull i 65 M .Zuccon e
Trash an' Stash
Village Roadshow
SY H➢ AL TALl.Y H ® Cc h : Peter Tyscxi Res Coach: Cobs Recd
Co i : D. Po Res Coach : B. Garter
1 J. Dawson 2 J. Ridley 3 A . Knott 4 S. Fisher 5 S . Ave ry 6 P. Avery 7 T. Dixon
1 D. Newton (VC) 2 D. Adams 3 P. Tannaus
8 L Aitken 9 R . Ogge (VC) 10 T. Hyland
8 S . Monte
11 J . Pi
11 J. Boudoloh
12 J . Fulton
12 S. Care 13 N. Perry 13 N. Giovanoglou 14 A.Taha 15 P. McLachlan 16 S. Tsiattas 17 A. Kyriazis
13 M . McKenna 14 D. Lauletta (C) 15 M . Tyson
16 C. Rice 17 B . Ruzicka 18 P. Begg 19 G. Broomhall 20 S . Parker 21 A. Collins 22 D. McClenchy 23 L. Collins 24 J. Jackomos
25 T. Ryan 26 B. Collins
27 R. Beattie 28 T Crivelli 29 P. Grafts
30 M. Aitken 31 D. L~`0ns 32 S. Pfsonck 33 M. Caruana 34 M. McVeigh 35 R . Mundy 38 J. Willliams 37 C. Jarvis 38 D. Pritchard 39 D. Garlick 40 E. Jenkins 41 C .Drieber9 42 R . Baynes 43 L. Broom 44 B. Alk3er 45 C . Pritchard 46 P. Nunan 47 N . Opie 48 A . Rowell 49 B . Gebhardt 50 B . Runnalls 51 S . Tropea 52 D. Moss 53 B . Blakeman 54 S . Sheeran 55 A. Saulle 56a S . MacKenzie 56b M . Owen 57a P. Clancey 57b S. Ryan 58a D. Taranto 58b L. Morgan 59a D. Holland
4 M . Sorted
5 H. Hassan 6 D. Pizzari (C) 7 J . Britta (RC)
1 J . Neilson 2 J. Dunn 3 S . Dalton 4 B. Shaw 5 1 . Burgess
1 M . Taylor 2 D. Boland
3 N. Pavtou . umphreys 4 3 S R. HLynch 5 P. Sosic 6 J . Vereshaka 7 C. Richardson 8 A. Ho we 9 D. Roche 10 D. Cooper (C) 11 B. Phillips 12 B. Brady 13 M . Verberne 14 W. Elliot 15 P. Haseler 16 A. Foster 16 G .Hanmer
6 T. Dukic 7 A. Mussy
Cash: Tony Rewe Res Coach: Mark Eder
I G. Healy. (VC ) 2 t . Bingha m 3 T. Rowe
4 P. Henderson 5 I . Tua 6 D. Palone 7 A. Bums 7 L. Dickenson
18J.Ea l 19 L . Adams 19 P. Edwards
8 D. Speakman 9 A. Piani 10 A. Zuxaro 11 Pd .Tully 12 S. BriHer 13 J. Goode 14 C. Crough 15 A.Rajter 16 J. Chandler 17 T Wallace 18 B. Jenkins
18 R . Mused
20 J. Nicholls
18 J. Lawes
19 L . Spans 20 A. Said 21 S. Famulari 22 J. Freeman 23 P. Tomkins 24 M. Taha 25 L. Greening (C) 26 J. Murphy 27 V. McErlain 28 T. Ackland(RVC) 30 D . Carter 31 J . Heck 32 B . Robertson 33 J . Rotella 34 M . Pisasale 36 A . Taha 37 C. Twaddle
21 D. Miller
20 0. Bergin 21 P. O'Meara
19 L sanders
22 J. Petering
21 M. McCormack
23 G . Gardner
22 A. McKeown
24 T. Guthrie 25 A. Read
24 M. Macfarlane
26 L Beardsley
37 D. Green ; M . Detreitas 39 H. Dautovic 40 J. Smart 42 D. Momson 43 W. Bracken 44 N. Krake
26 N . Hunter 27 M. Leplea 28 D. Dapiran 29 A . Sheer 30 S . Crew 31 A . Dance 32 L Hannermann 33 T. Bartholamew. (RC) 34 M. Elder. 35 C. C~hia . (C) 36 S . McFarlane 37 B. Robinson 38 F. George 39 D. Hallisey (VC) 40 N. Woadhead 41 P. Agne b 42 M . Glennister 43 A. Brawn
45 A. Glover
44 T. Zaharopoulos . (RC )
46 M . Jones 47 M . Kutg 48 J. McGrath 49 P. Valkov, 50 A. T" 51 C. Alley
45 C. Franes 46 A. Davis 47 G. Clemment
53 J. Robertson
51 J. Scene
54 S. Hibbins
52 T. Turpin 53 K.
9 A. Sammartino 10 A. Mountney
38 T. Seventh
39 C. Rhook 40 B . McCallum 41 A. Taha 42 B. Williams
43 F. Papanastasatos 44 D. Rowlands
45 G . Panagiotidis 46 B. Powell 47 L. Powell
48 J. Wolter (RVC) 49 Y. Taleb 50 P. Guk:as 51 J. Comley 52 R .Bond
54 J. Slater 55 A. Pokrajac 56 R . Peasnell 57 R . Wall 58 Y. Hussein 59 N . Myers 60 H . Boyd 62 B. Carter 66 A . Boudoloh
17 C. Macleod
22 G . Pocock
22 R . Wals h 23 M. Leahy 24 R . Davies 25 M. Driessen 26 P. Miskelly
27 A . Contreras 28 N . Vougbukas 29 N . Seewang 30 T. McFarlane 31 R . Marshall (C-Res) 32 M . Verberne 33 J . Erorini 34 D. Williams 35 M . Burgess 36 C. Doolan 37 S . West 38 R. Wright 39 S . Fishlock
R . Marrow
27 N . Nuske 28 J . Matheson 29 J . Hayes 30 L Fari ednoam 31 RETIRED JUMPER
32 G.Triantafillou 33 P. Bedmano 34 K. Pumpe 35 T. Mundy 36 B . Pumpa
40 C. Bowley 41 M . Talbot 42 P. Arnold 43 B. Rouse A3 J . Howes 4 J-Taybr
46 D. Mullen 47 J. Neal 48 D. Overdevest 49 C. Brady 50 A. Vol . Graker z51D 52 E. Gamble 53 P. Barrett 54 D. Gough 55 J. Bat h 56 C. Plazzer 57 S. DeMour rey 58 J. Gregson 59 B.Kyne 60 J. McCarthy 61 A. Clyne
57 M. Goonan
57 E. Hill 58 S. Fiske
62 J. Tinkler 63 M. Weber 64 G. Cockshutt 67 C . Russell
59 S. Collins
68 R Dun n 69
p~~ mra~n 72 L. Gand ._,---
59b B. Santalucia
60 L . Btandthorn
Cowh: Met] J~
C Sr Rob Sa- ; And Coaoh: Paid E Ns Ron Cn:h: Resce Hurriphreys
61 P. Soto 62 T. Graham 63 M Hudson .&rmeau 64 J. Miragaya 65 C . Coates 66 A . GeOie 67 J . Lan e 69 T. Melville 79 D . Hards
8 R. Bennett 9 D. Richardso n 10 G . Fox 11 M. Meyer 12 A. Herm ann 13 S. Mille r 14 S. O'Boyl e 15 D. Reynolds 16 J. Dwyer
17 A. Fleming
20 I. Mackenzie
25 M. Kell y
48 M . Eppel 49 M . Starr
50 C. Kimitsis
54 D. Flynn
55 G . Deckers 56 A. Treasure 57 A. Vagiaties 58 J. Rowe 59 A. Clements 60 A. Inglis 61 B. Reeman
Every round the Best on Ground fr
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Section 3 : Old Ivan1D s Ge lhn ~' re
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S ec tion Red: Old Xaverians (2) v Bulleen Templestow e Seak oi_ . 9 -, .tes v C Clayton
Sports & Medical Supplies
~eaton (u1s1) , r._'li I . :l G :J r61eciGh (U1 9 2 & Red) & Alastair D wy er (U1 9 3 & Blue )
SECTION 1 Time for a little nibble, time for a mini mid season review. Lets take it from the bottom. BV - Yet to win a game . . .getting mighty close though . Expect bi g things from Round 18 onwards . SKOBS - Disappointing - the boys are already planning the footy trip from what I can hear. Collegians - Not even the appearances of several celebrities in the Club 18 can save these guys. Its time to go . . . . . . Collegians". Marcellin -two from five and my former premiership favourites (MFPF's) are on the way down . Train like you play boys and don't get spanked by 20 goals again! Old Scotch - Gave the snakey ones a good run last week . Much improved, but you need to do more than that for me . Midfield at best. Rope Team of the year I reckon . Just outside the four and ready to pounce. Forget about the blues last week. Eye on the ball fellas. Blues - Record of 4 and one speaks highly . A real Litmus test this week . Will they turn blue or red? St Bernards - After crawling around in the snakepit, they seem to have found their niche. Percentage to play for this week will see them hungry for spot number two . Xavs - Brilliant. Lovin' it. Be La Too big, too skilful, playing with arrogance . I love that sort of stuff. And the winners of round 6 are . . . . . . : Rupo at leafy, Xavs to humble Blues, Be La to smash Marcellin . SKOB, and Bernards to beat an improving BV . Correspondents. Any feedback to beatonc@tabcorp .com .au. Thanks to Paul L for his continued support and the house of Prowse for his mentoring . Happy punting !
Section 2 The match of the year left Carey behind the stick, saying "we can't kick ." The OM's v Panthers bout was close, but looking at the scoreline, Carey's kicking was as indirect as one of Danny Green's punches, (14 behinds) . Bull could only muster 2, while Code kicked two for the OM's . 9th defeated 3rd as Brighton recorded their first win against the Raiders . Michael Dewar held Parade sharpshooter, Soloman to a goal and starred in the 16 point win . Brosnahan was strong at CHB, while midfielders Gunning and Jack Geddes powered through the guts delivering to James Sest who kicked with 5 . Redmond and Cox were good for the Raiders. The Sharks beat the Fielders in a nail-biter with Shark Doug Pritchard slotting 4 . The Wellers made a mess of the T's, pantsing them by 123. And in a 46 point thumping, the Blacks touched up the Friars, who are currently lost in the wilderness . Jess and Linley starred for Blacks . Caulfield will go down to the beach, playing Brighton who will by high after last week and close to full strength . Their next 3 weeks are against lower ladder sides, so they will be looking to gain momentum . After disposing of the bottom side the Wellers will be looking to do the same against the Sharks, and will by 6 big ones . 10th vs 1st this week and I don't think I will say any more . OM's by a lot. The Friars host the Panthers . Both sides are coming off demoralizing losses but the Panthers should bounce back by 25 points. In this week's showdown, the Raiders host the Blacks . Parade has surprised me a few times this year but the Blacks have been solid . Visitors by 7 points . bernecich@netspace .net .au 48
Section 3 Review St . Bede's Mentone an d Oakleigh remain undefeated so far this season after both agai n won convincingly last weekend . The clash between SBMT and Bentleigh did not live up to its billing with St. Bede's Mentone proving they are a force to be reckoned with even when playing away . They held an eight goal lead at half time thanks to the good work of Chris Mouritz and Robert Swayn and cruised to an 85 point victory, with gun forward Mitch Bodinnar kicking 8 majors. Lee Barrand and Tim Edwards helped themselves to 6 goals each as Oakleigh had little trouble disposing of MHSOB, with Daniel Wills and Michael Doyle providing Oakleigh with plenty of drive . Old Ivanhoe thrashed a hapless Emmaus St. Leo's, while Ormond held off a very determined La Trobe by just 15 points . A cracker of a game was played out between Old Essendon and Ajax with little separating the two teams all day, with Old Essendon holding on by just two points to celebrate their first win of the season . Skipper How Wilson led from the
[llg (1) Benson, Richard OLD XAVERIANS (1) 5 20 Pretty, Jared RUPERTSWOOD AFC 2 20 Kelly, Luke OLD XAVERIANS (1) 4 18 Parisi, Matthew OLD SCOTCH 2 17 til9 (2 ) Bull, Marshall OLD CAREY GR 2 22 Solomon, Marcus OLD PARADIANS 1 19 O'Meara, James WHITEFRIARS OC 2 16 IJ12(3) Bodinnar, Mitch ST BEDES MENT. TIGERS 8 28 Ellis, Kyle OLD IVANHOE GR 4 28 Barrand, Lee OAKLEIGH AFC 6 27 i119 (B1tte ) Bogar, Nicholas MAZENOD OC 5 22 Kovarik, Adam DE LA SALLE OC BYE 20 Davis, Stefan iviAZENOD OC 3 17 U19 (Red ) Ligris, Christopher FITZROY REDS 5 16 Voelis, Peter BULLEEN TEMP . AFC 3 15 Barnett, Thomas FITZROY REDS 0 14 Loorham, Joshua KEW AFC 2 14 Sidwell, Daniel OLD WESTBOURNE BYE 14 "" results weren't received . Any discrepancies may be due to nonsubmission of results by clubs . Scribe notes also detirmine SS qty.
front all day for Old Essendon kicking 4 goals, ably supported by Dylan Moore and Jordan Young . Preview Round 6 should be named the Blockbuster Round, for each game's result could go either way . The only team that should be a certainty to win is Ormond at home against Old Essendon, and while I think they will, the boys from Essendon Grammar will be buoyed by the confidence boosting win last week . The two undefeated teams of Section 3 finally meet this week in a salivating clash between Oakleigh and St . Bede's Mentone at Scammell Reserve, and one of these teams will be tasting the bitterness of defeat for the first time come Saturday. Both teams have an even spread of talent and rarely rely on one or two players to get across the line, however saying that, Bodinnar has been a goal kicking machine for SBMT this season and will be a man Oakleigh would need to nullify if they are to get the points. In a tough one to tip, I will stick with SBMT in a close one . Ajax host MHSOB in a very winnable game for them and with David Selzer in top form I am tipping them to take the points at home . La Trobe travel out to Emmaus St. Leo's in another tough encounter for Coach De Bono's troops, however, they have showed so far that they like a scrap and should take the points home with them. Old Ivanhoe versus Bentleigh is another blockbuster that will round out the weekend's games, and with Old Ivanhoe's Daniel Geilings and Mitchell Bodycoat providing the opposition with plenty of headaches, they should get the points at home . Send match info into al-vafa@hotmail .com U19 Blue Review The Monash Blues have entered the top four for the first time with a n impressive away win against Hampton on the weekend . Monash's Tom Johnstone, Matt Sutherland and Kade Collins took Hampton apart in the first quarter with an 8 goal to 1 start, and they were never headed on their way to a 50 point win . Nick Lyall was one of very few winners for Hampton on the day, and while I have stuck with Hampton in recent times, their time for showing what they can do is fast running out . Parkdale Vultures showed they may be improving with a commendable showing against undefeated Mazenod, but they couldn't get enough of a score on the board. Nicholas Bogar was again Mazenod's best player, with Luke Castledine and Peter Stanley providing him with plenty of support. Liam Degeorge's 5 goals helped Oakleigh Clayton to thrilling 3-point win against Powerhouse/Sth Mornington, while Old Haileybury remained undefeated with an away win against Old Mentonians. De La had a bye . Preview In a mouth-watering Round 6 clash, Mazenod take on a well rested De La Salle this weekend at Central Reserve in what will give us a glimpse of two teams destined to play finals . This is nearly impossible to tip as both teams are yet to taste defeat, however, I will stick with Mazenod only because it is being played at their home ground . Old Haileybury's Chris Casey and Stefan Martin should again be ones to watch as they take on and beat Parkdale at home, while an intriguing couple of clashes make it a tipping nightmare for my good self . Monash Blues play host to Oakleigh Clayton, with both teams coming off confidence boosting wins, but with Sutherland kicking goals and Monash back at their familiar surrounds, they should win in a close one . Powerhouse/Sth Mornington welcomes Old Mentonians in the battle of the bayside teams, with both teams in a similar vein of form . Old Mentonians Brad Norton and Jacob Moon were shining lights last week in their lose to Old Haileybury as were Sam Wright and Ben Price for Powerhouse/Sth Mornington in their close one against Oakleigh, so in a tight affair, I will stay with Old Mentonians in a very close match . Hampton has a bye, a week to have a good hard look at where they are at. Send match info into al-vafa@hotmail.com 49 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2006
Social U .19 Parents & Supporters Luncheon - Waverley Park social rooms Midday June 3- $25.00 a hea d RSVP: Phil Proy 0402 841981 or Paul Lourey 040145125 3 U19 Re d Section RED is becoming as unpredictable as Chris Tarrant's kicking with two huge upsets on the weekend . Therry took care of a derailed Rupertswood with a comfortable six goal win. Classens and Page were solid in the middle while Costello, Conboy and Jack Walker kicked 3 each . New boys, Old Xavs have definitely found their footing, destroying an Aquinas side that should be hovering around the top of the table. Tom 'Motley Crue' Lee kicked 4 while Austin Ley starred for Xavs . The Bullants won by 9 points but had 9 more scoring shots than the Old Boys . Bad day in front of goal . The Voglis cousins kicked 3 each, while Ford and Kyle Adams were good for the visitors . The Reds walloped early ladder leaders Kew as Chris Ligris registered 5 majors . I might have to start re-thinking this top 4 pretty soon . This week, two teams I'd never think to tip against will go down . Firstly, the Old Boys host Kew and the latter have left me asking questions about their final's chances. NOBSPC in an upset that'll go down to the wire . Second, a lack-luster Aquinas will go down to the Lions, who are on fire at the moment and will take it by 4 goals . Xavs, who are running hot in Section RED, will topple the Bullants who were unconvincing winners last week. Xavs by 23. While the Reds will take Westbourne to the cleaners in a 40 point + demolition at Jock McHale Stadium . Rupertswood go to the pub. bernecich@netspace .net.au
1 1 St Kevins OB v Collegians Marcellin OC v De La Salle OC University Blues v Old Xaverians (1 ) St Bernards v Banyule-Viewbank Old Scotch v Rupertswood U19 (2 ) Old Trinity Gr v Old Melburnians Old Camberwell Gr v Beaumaris Whitefriars OC v Old Carey Gr Caulfield Or v Old Brighton O r Old Paradians v University Blacks U19 (3 ) Ormond v Old Essendon Gr Emmaus St Leos OC v La Trobe University Oakleigh v St Bedes Mentone Tigers AJAX v Melbourne High School O B Old Ivanhoe Gr v Bentleigh U19 (Red ) Therry Penola OB v Aquinas Rupertswood has the bye North Old Boys/St Patricks Col v Ke w Old Xaverians (2) v Bulleen Templestowe Old Westbourne v Fitzroy Red s U19 (Blue) Powerhouse/Sth Mornington v Old Mentonians - at Mentone Playing Fields, Keysborough Monash Blues v Oakleigh Clayto n Mazenod OC v De La Salle OC Old Haileyburians v Parkdale Vultures Hampton Rovers - By e 49
Banynle-Viewbank 3 .1 4.4 1 .6 8 .14(62) Collegians 3 .2 0.0 0.8 9 .13 (67) Banyule VB : Goals: D . Kayrooz 3, G . Dim ek, D . Drapac, R . Gutterson, S . Touh, J . Mugavm . Best: D . Drapac . L Shepherd, G. Dimok, S . Griffith. N. Swift, N. Braddy Colt : Goals: W. Tardif 3. A. Scott 2, L . Saunders 2, B . Sims, P. Standen. Best : A. Scott, I Zimbachs. S . Inglis. W. Todd, L . Saunders, B . Sims Umpires: Daniel Dinneen (F) Paul Dinneen IF) Rupertraroed AFC 2 .2 3.5 3.6 3 3 (25) University Blues 3 .1 5.5 6 .10 8 .17 (65) Ruperts: Goals: J_ Pretty 2, 0. Gregory. Best: J. Ata. A . Evans, M . Quigley, J. Bradley, D. McGovern, H. Spinner Uni Blues: Goals : S . Houghton, T. Braids. D. Hayter, J . Lynch, M . Sykes, H . Flanagan, H. Weddell, J . Crameri. Best: E . Hamer, J. Van De Pol, M. Maltmano, N- Bradley, R. Wilson, H . Weddell Umpires: Michael Gdday (F) Nathan Sheppard (F ) Old Xaverians (1) 5 .4 11 .7 16.11 23 .17 (155) Marcellin OC 0 .6 1 .6 2.6 3 .6(24) Old Xae: Goals: R. Benson 5- L. Kelly 4, J . Gross 4, S . Doyle 3 . T. Dynun 3, A Ross, D. Quinn, W . Bull, J . Mercuri . Best: N . Saunders, T. Grigg, J . Cross, S . Doyle, A. Bonmce, W. Smith Marc: Goals : J. Winstanley 2, N . O'Halloran . Best : M . Nash, A Zaicos, T . Montaigne, J. Mahoney, J . Winstanley, K Wise Umpires : David Anselmi (F) Michael Hooper (F) St 8emards 4 .7 5 .8 6.11 7.17 (59) Old Scotch t .0 4 .2 6.2 7.6(48) St Bem: Goals: T. Doynaam 2, J . Ryan, A. Stapleton, A . Harrison, L . Sweeney, B. Considine. Best : 0. Igoe, B . Considine, S . Marchment, K. Qalmau D. Mitchell, G . Baseggeo Old Scotch: Goals : M . Parisi 2, J. Pearce 2, M . Aylett, P. Rattray. C . Perkins . Best: S. Angus, S . Bradley, J . Pearce, W. Cox, M . AyleU, A . Tummel Umpires : Matthew Stoward (Fj Jack Fagan (F) Be La Salle OC 3.2 6 .5 11 3 17AI (113) St Kevins OB 1 .2 4 .3 6 .6 &.9 (57) DLS : Goals: R . Breda 4 . A. Kovarik 4, S . Fairbrother 3, N . Thompson 2, L. Bull, G . Hesse, S. Nethersole, N. Roberts . Best : W. Fenton, G. Rae, S. Nethersole, G. Hesse. J . Hansen, L. Bull SKDB: Goals: T. Laflanzio 2, A Mirchandani 2, M . Murphy, N . Rogers, H . McPherson, J. Mullen. Best : T. White, S. Conlin, S. Neohoribs, A. Mirchandani . R . Nissen, B. Liu Umpires : Ryan Robertson (F) Mark Duthie (F ) UNDER 19 (2 Old Trinity Or 1 .0 1 .1 1 .2 3.3(21) Old Camberwell Gr 7.4 12 .10 151 3 21 .18 (144) OTGr Goals: N. Bachli, M. Bilney, W. Pilakui . Best: T. Howell, M . Bilney, W. Pilakui, L. Fisher, A . Cicutto, H. Bonfield OCG: Goals : Hillier 7 Pillay 5 Wright 2 Shanks 2 Wilson Bourke Nichols WeDenhall De Vries . Best: McCabe Pdlay Bonyhady Shanks Hillier Nichols. Umpires: Matthew Brennan (F) Tim Norton (F ) Beaumris AFC 2 .2 6.6 6.10 12 .14 (86) Caulfield Or 2 .7 4 .11 9.16 10 .21 (8 1 ) Beaum: Goals : D. Pritchard 4, K . Barnes 2, R . Gillespie, M . Dekoning . R . Willis, J. Gregory, M . Mc Nally, J . Torcasio_ Best: M . Mc Nally, M. Wilson, C. Badman, K . Barnes, 0. Pritchard, S . Gray Caul: Goals : M. Hardy 3 . B. Hyland, M. Sessler, A . Ross, M . While, B. Mitchell, T. Spinks, T. Robinson . Best: B. Hyland, A. Ross, A. Spinal, A. Webb, T. Robinson, J. Jenning s Umpires : Michael Hagan (F) Chris Thorburn (F ) Old Brighton Gr 3 .2 8.4 18 .10 13 .14 (92) Old Paradians 1 .1 16 63 11 .8 1 74) Old Br. Goals : J . Sest 5, C . Dowling 2, M . Browning, J . Geddes, A . Gunning, J . Miller, M. Burge, H. Harr. Best : M . Finlayson, A . Gunning, J . Geddes, J . Best, L . Bresnahan, M. Dewar Old Par. Goals: S. Valente 4, C. Sage 3, N. Curcio 2, M . Solomon, P. Marini . Best: C. Khoury, R. Young, M . Stace, P. Marini, A. Cox, A . Asdagl Umpires : Paul Tyrer (F) Mark Jenkins (F) Mitchell Hutchison (8) Old tdelburnians 8.6(54) Old Carey Gr 6.14 (50) Old 61e1b: Goals: T. Code 2, N. Morrison 2, B. McKie, T. 0'Shaughnessy, S. Playfair, P. Kennon. Best: T. Code, N . Morrison, B. McKie. W. Kiel, P. Kennon, P. Kruger Old Carey: Goals: M . Bull 2, L . McQueen-Miscamble 2, B . Smithwick, D . Elliott. Best : L . McQueenMiscamble, A . Pattison, C. Fitzpatrick, J. Newnham, J. Wagner, D . Elliott Umpires : Jason Evans (F) University Blacks 4-5 7 .11 10.16 13 .22 (100) Whitetriars OC U19 3.0 5 .1 7.5 8 .6 (54) Uni Blacks : Goals: M. Bond 2, T. Napier 2, J . Russell 2, N. Dornauf 2, J . Cordner 2, N . Waters, L. Read, S. Miller. Best: S. Jess, D . Linley, T. Napier, N. Waters, A. Summons, H . Macdonald White: Goals: R. Petracca 3, J . O'Meara 2, S. Keogh, A. Harris, M. Blueming . Best : P. Mitchell, S. Aliemand, M. Mandicos, M . Mirabella, P. Hayes, R . Petracca Umpires: Matthew 0'keefe (F) Chris Witkowski (F ) R 9 La Trobe University 0.~~3 1 (~4 .4 5 .6 8 .7 (55) Ormond AFC 3.5 4 .6 7.9 10.10 (70) LaTrobe: Details not received . Orm : Goals: Simpson 2 Lack 2 Ashton Duthie Frazier Cribles Foy Ward4ey. Best : Cribles Foy Calvert Knoester Ryde Vtashfold . Umpires: Sean Scully (Snr) (F) Andrew Straughair (F ) Bentleigh 3.1 6 .2 6 .5 9 .9 (63) St Bedes'Mentone Tigers 7 .3 14-5 21 .7 23 .10 (148) Bent: Goals: I . Fridman 4, C. Clement 2, J. Coyne, J. West, T. Brew. Best : B. Lydster, J . WesL B . Stevens, J. Viahas, B. Halliday, I . Fridman StB/IdT: Goals: M. Bodinnar 8, J . 50
Lebretan 4, R . Swat 3, C . Tobin 2 A. Falkmer, S. L'huillier, D. Lynch, C. Mourne, D . tis, C- Keenan. Best : G . Mouritz, M . Bodinnar, R . Swayn, B . Neville, J. Lebreton . T. Marks Umpires: Logan Smith (F) Luke Michalskp (F ) AlHSOB 41 4 .3 6,4 8,5(53) Oakleigh AFC 7 .0 9 .3 13.6 20 .1 0 (130) MHSt78: Goals : N . Campbell 3, S. Sotat 2, A. Higgins, D. Bird, B. Calder. Best: S . Wrigley, D. Bird, N . Campbell, J. Kiteley, J . Bunting, S . Sofat Oakleigh AFC: Goals: L. Barrand 6, T. Edwards 6. D. Costigan 3, S. Doherty 2, M . Doyle, D . Wills, C . Meyers . Best: D, Wills, M . Doyle, L. Barrand, T. Edwards, A. Pound-Gow, M . Donato Umpires: [an Kennedy (F) Marlyn Bona (F) Old Essendon Or 7 .3 9 .8 12.12 13.17 (95) AJAX AFC 3 .3 81 13.8 14 .9 (93) Old Ess: Goals : D. Francis 4 . H. Wilson 4 . A Gough 2, C. Morton, B . Madden, D . Trevaskis . Best : H . Wilson. D . Moore . J. Young, T. Robertson, R . Jones, D. Benson AJAX: Goals : J . Smith 4, J. Kegan 2 . B . Rotstein 2. L. Belobmv, M . Shmeding, R . Grant, M . Herscu . 0 . Selzer, B . Bromberg . Best: D. Selzer, R. Grant, B. Rotstein, J . Smith, J. Osoeaicki, A . Freedman Umpires : Anthony Lil!ey (F) Tony Millar (F) Old Ivanhoe Gr 5 .5 9.7 15.11 19 .14 (120) Emmaus St Lees BC AFC 0 .0 0.2 1 .4 1 .7 (13) 01: Goals: K . Ellis 4, T. Rosenlis 4, G . Hartrick 3, J . Minas 3. M . Bodycoat, T. Pantaoo, R . Gieschen, R. Hondromatidis, C. Nichol . Best : D . Geilings, R. Gieschen, M . Bodycoat, T. Penland, T. Rosenlis, L. Page-Woad ESL: Goals : J . Rossit. Best: N . Tamburro, J . Quirk, J. D`albsrio, A. Crivelli, M. D'orazro, S . Kars Umpires : Jason Lane (F) Stephen Cage IF) ORE M= Old Mentonians 41 9 .4 9 .4 9,4(58) Old Haileybu ri ans 3.2 5.6 9.11 12 .18 (90) OM : Goals: J. Prowse 2, T . Speers 2, M . Campbell 2, M. Lumsden, K . Goulding, M. Jenkins. Best: B . Norton, M. Campbell, J. Moon, L. Mitchell, M. Wilton, A. Triantafyllou OH : Goals: R . Johnson 5. 0. Korlos 2. N. Crdicos 2, C. Casey, S . Martin, K . Stamford. Best: C . Casey, S . Martin, N . Bourke, B . Dolman, R . Johnson, N . Waite Umpires: Michael Ryde (F) Paul Jones (F) Parkdale Vultures 2.0 33 5.10 8 .11 (59) Mazenod OC 3.5 5.8 10.10 13 .19 (97) Park Vult: Goals: J. Chitty 2, F,9. Kight, D . Scerri, A . Hunter, M. Labiris, J. Gwozdz, J. Hespe. Best: A . Wood, A. Hunter, D . Scerri, C. Terranova, P. Diluvio, R. Horler Mar. Goals: N . Roger 5, S . Davis 3, N . Kiavins 2, A . Weckes 2 . P. Stanley. Best: N. Boger, P. Stanley, L. Castled no, N. Graham, J. Miller, S. Fraser Umpires : Sarah McGill (F) Frank Stokes (F) OakteighClayton 12 5.3 7.5 11 .10 176) PowerhouselSth iAomington 4 .3 7.5 9.6 11 .7 (73) Oak Clays: Goals: L. Degeorge 5, P. Hill 2. J. Simon, T. Price, N . Naiou, C. Phillips. Best: L. Lagrange, N . Naiou, T. Collins, D. Harper, C . Phillips, T. Price PHlSth Morn: Goals: N . Coy 3, L. Jackson 2, T. Marmo 2. J . Stanley 2, R. Wood, S- Kemp . Best: S . Wright, B . Price, C. O'Brien, J. Morrissey, M. Spencer, T. Marmo Umpires : Richard Yann (F) Grant Joyner IF) Hampton Rovers AFC 1 .3 4.5 5.7 8.8(56) Manash Blues 8.4 9.6 12 .14 15 .16 (186) Hampt Row: Goals: R . White 3, N . Lvall 3, B . Randall, J. Ward. Best: N . Lyall, J. Schafer, K. Pinto, C. Gleeson, B . Dwyer, N . Morecroft Mon Blues: Goals : M. Sutherland 5, K . Collins 2, A. Jordan 2, 0. Coe 2, J . Waldron 2 . J . Shopov, S . Quintet. Best: T. Johnstone, K. Collins. M . Sutherland, J . Rudd, D. Morgan, J . Crook Umpires: Dean Schwab (F) Peter Pullen (F) BYE - De La Salle, UNDER 19 (RED) Aquinas OC 2 .3 4 .4 6.5 7 .5(47) Old Xaverians (2) 5 .2 10 .9 13 .11 19 .18 (132) Aquinas : Goals: A . Nautty, 3, S . O'Donnell, S. Ragozzini, M. Sweeney, P. Cross . Best : T. Taranto, S. Kenner, A. Ragauskas. A . Naulty, L . O'Brien, D. Zuccon Old Xaa : Goals : T. Lee 4, H . Whiting 3, A . Fazio 2, G. Grigoriadis 2, K. Lunardi, T. Preece, A . Ley, A. Torre, J . French, L. Guirguis, P. Mitchell, J . Di Stefano . Best: A . Ley, if. Whiting, L . Guirguis, A . Torre, C. Chisholm, J. French Umpires: Patrick Coulthard (F) David Ewens (F) RupertswoodAFC 1 .2 3 .8 8 .8 10.11 (71) Therry Panels OB 3 .4 5 .4 18 .6 16 .10 (106) Rupert.s: Goals : J . Cariss 3, J . Cheep 3, C. Thill 2, M. Braddy. J. Smerdon . Best: J . Cheep, C . Thill, J . Quinn, J . Cares, J. Smerdon, A . Cascio Therry Pen: Goals: J . Walker 3, M . Conboy 3, M. Costello 3. R . Brennan 2, D . O'Donnell 2, A. Drummond, P. Clancy, D . McKibbin . Best: A. Page, M . Costello, J . Claassen, J. Walker, L . Dated, D. McKibbin Umpires: Michael Giiday (F) Nathan Sheppard (F ) Fitzroy Reds 4.4 8 3 13.13 15.16 (1 DS) New AFC 2.1 4.5 4,5 5.7 (37) Fitz Reds : Goals : C . Ligris 5, K . Donato 3, J . Bolton 2 . L . Halliweli 2, R. Dance, D. Olarenshaw, F. Alasso . Best: M . Biggs, C. Ligris, K. Donato, F. Alasso, J . Beech, D . Lee Kew: Goals: J . Loorham 2, J . Deangelis, R . Wyley. T. Fitzpatrick. Best: D . Wall, T. Smith, D. Berry, T. Wang, J . Deangelis, R . Wyley Umpires : Mail Howarth (F) Phil Howarth (F) Bufleen Temptestowe AFC 6.9 9.10 11 .14 14.18 (102) North Old Boys/St Patricks College 1 .0 6 .6 9 .8 14.9 (93) Bull Temp: Goals: D . Voglis 3, P. Voglis 3, D . Tonelli 2, A. Foci 2, M . Coulston, R. Illingworth, M . Carh, D . Morabito. Best: M . Coulston, C. Burridge, M . Carti, P. Voglis, R. Matz, 0 . Morabito NOB/StP: Goals: C. Ford 4, J . Molloy 3 . L . Bastin 2, A . Torpy 2, K. Adams, T. newer, A. Kirk. Best : K . Adams, A. Forbes, A. Kirk, C . Ford, J . Dunell, J. Molloy Umpires: David D'attera (F) Patrick Maebus (F ) BYE - Old Westbourne . a THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 2006
Under-19 - Section 1 BARYULE-VIE WBANK
Coach: Greg Wood
Coach: Mzhael Jones
i N.Braddy 2 D.SchNes 3 G.D-k 4 J Mummery 5 M . Holmes 6 N.Swh 7 T Tewah 8 D.Kayrooz 9 D. Lucedc 10 M . Late it K.SWInan 12 A Darie 73 C. BudCey 74 S. Dock 75 C.Adams 16 RGunerson 17 D. Drapac 18 J.Duasta~e 19 S. GrAfih 20 D. ShaPhard 21 L Morgan 22 J. R~r 23 J. Muqwnn 24 0. Isam 24 S. Steton
Coach; Dowd Madigan Asst Coach: Ttra Ford 1 J.Hams 2 S, Edwards 3 N . Harm; 4 G . Hesse 5 J Gotch 6 J,flidwr(VC) 7 LW 8 J .pausto 9 A. Cox 10 N .Roberts (VC) 11 W.Fentan 12 J Hansen 13 S. Freenvnde 14 M. Moae 15 S.Mt~arrs i6 hM.Hetkess(C) 17 J . Crowe 18 N,Tfompscm 19 C . u 20 S. D6. 21 J. Ma-rood 22 T. KeEy 23 N. Roberts 24 J. Oakley 25 S Pkriheru#e
I S.Grant 2 B.Sms 3 TThomas 4 L. Saunders 5 A . Scott 6 B. Louis 7 R . Bladdey 8 N . Yeah 9 J . Batdwut 10 TZmbachs iI R . Marrs 12 S, Jeffrey 13 M. Lightoxere 15 P. Blarden 16 Vd.Tardrff 17 S . Grass 18 L. S.-des 19 SHunter 21 S . trg8s
23 J, Dawns 24 T CoWc 27 T. Rutherlord 29 D. AGhatt 30 A. Rest em 52 B . Paver
24 Tsnept,erd
26 B .Hagn
25 S. Test 27 K.ShapardMuecer 28 S. WWan6eek 31 D. O'Leary 32 J.Iem 33 S. Mc2n 36 M.Pa(uaAw 37 A Sdei;nan
27 S Fadrothcer 28 M.Garezel 29 S Picker! 32 D.Lo+re 33 N.Stznart 34 J. Jarvt; 37 G.Rae
.17 ... ., ;
Coach : Dean Rossaty 1 T,Montagna 2 J.Winstanley 3 D. Del Mastro 4 L . O 'Halloran 5 J. Crimmins 7 M. Johnstone 8 M. Considine 9 N . Biffell 10 l.Wlse
11 J. Gasoarini 14 P. Zaicos
15 S. ?esavento 16 B. Pel l 17 L . Apolloni 18 P. Welty 19 J. Cropper 20 N . Arter 21 J. Delahunty 22 J. Symes
23 M. Grigoruk 24 J. Hogarth 25 G. Williams 26 S. Wise 27 M . Turner 28 C .Newnes 29 M . Nash 30 D. Redmond SPONSORS
SPORTSWEAR RUPERTSVd000 Coach : Greg Braky
Cosch : Theo V&.
OLD SCOTCH Coach : Pay Laaffne n I W.Cex 37ATyer s 2 M .Ayien 39 N . Wu 3 A. Gray 43J .Mene~r 4 G D!dc 44 J Da9gran 5 B Saunders 46 E. Kitshen (VC. 6 A.Argar 47J .P-ce 7 M . Ez49 H .Tajas 8 RRanray{VC) 50T.Va3f T Gherareba (C) 57 S- Lake 'a .ChapM,e 58N .Oughared tG 111 . Grad 69TGreen 12 R. Hwnme,ian 75 J. Dxas 13 N. Lawrence 15 M . Pans 6LAkDaxwgh 178.tJzGrzgx 78 8. Mi~ce 19J.Cm w Durham 20 C. Pi.. 21 A. Pike 22 C. Z3 L Bough 24 C. Man ers 25 T Slattery 26 N . Hkiebmrd 27 B. Kaye 28 JDate 29 g qngL . 30S.Bradtay 31 D.Chanw_rs 32 A . Twnmc3 (VC) 33M,HMebrardt 36 8.2hou
Coach: Crag Wood
Coach : Owen Hourxi}an
UNiVE, .SITY BLUES Coach : Steve Carrell
1 T. FtrCrsdie 24T. O'Conno r 1 A. SJvesler 40 A. Jorces 2 C.ANRwt 41A.Coeds 3 D. ArBwrscn 42 J. Murphy 5 CBman 43C.TtiJ 6 J. Pretty 44 M. Ow9ley
i T. Slk 33 L Hany 2 A. Lawrence 34 N.Momson 3 K. LunarrH 35 J . R"' 4 S.0'Bnen 37 C.Domney 5 T Byrne 38 J. Fcrtest 6 T. Preece 39 J. Dn~x„ey 7 LKeIIy 40 N.0'Connell 8 M. Labroy 41 N. Saunders 9 J . f.tortensan 42 J. H~kay 10 S . Mcf Iade 11 J . S Moore ready 44 43 N.Smflh H 12 A. Ross 46 J. Srreeney 13 A. Bonn3ce 51 E. BoEa~ 14 J.RoI!e
a J. Brady 44 R . Ac12A.Evans 45N .Buns 13 J. Aa ;8 D. Monaghan i5 M . E~ 47 T. Broughton C}rnsterttat 48 J . Lore i6D.Drum d9P.MCKay 17 J. Anderson 50 D . Erens t9 D McGovern Si L McGmrem 20D.Gre~rq 52B.Yfdan~
21TSmrC, 54J .Sinqson 22 G, Rubes 55 D. Nan z3 H . spu~er 56 M. Bradiy
368 .L0+en 37 C.Ga#re) 38 M. McCourt 39J,Smerdon 4", Cynss
8 S . Seen 9 A. Palmer 0 M. Brigand 11 S Bergin 12 X. Co x 13 D.lviicttaN 14 S. Morris 15 L. Cookson 16 LBaird 17 LSweanay
6 7 8 9
19 M . DaHc 20 J. unei 21 M .Marwn 22 A. Harrison 23 G. Bessaggio, 24 T Isaacs 25 S. Vance ,
15 T. Vincent 16 R. Durham 17 J . Koutoumas 18 H . Low 19 W. Brown 20 J . Pollard 21 J . Pallamara 22 P. Harrison 23 C. O'Halloran
28 W. Raffle 29 J. Ryan 30 S. Gah n 31 M . O'Dea
25 M . Peal 26 N Counsel 27 B . Retortion 29 S .Langtn 30 J. Rrtzgerald 31 J Mu! 321'^•:
35 s .vanderawrK
5 A. Keeley
~ N.Wer~n
24 Flndanrw
32J.Cheap 33T.Murqry 34J Cum.
6 J. Cotton
e C. Hughes
18 S.DiStefano t9 C . Murphy 20 J. Kay 21 C . Thomas 22 D. Smith 23 TL.
3tKPlunrr~er 78TBakr~er
1 2 3 4
7 T McGlade
is S.Bndgadand 16 S. Hcxi,ghton 17 s. Darte
24L.Mwnsm 5aC .Dmv 26M , McPtre 59 B . Akarraid. 28 8. Brennan 60J ' Lm 29 D. Barry 67 L. Bad~'ey 30 M. Momce 74 D. Sleigtl
i M. Deurscher 2 N.Cattapan 3 M. Hughes 4 K. Da lma
T .--
13 J.Taylor 14 A . Peloza
32 T.Caven
33 S.Marchment 34 M . Byrn a 35 J. Brrarxla 36 D. Igoe 37 P. Concerti 38 S.JOhansen 39 R . Peart 40 L Sprrroaa,
26 C. Thompso n 27 R. Nisse n 28 R. Holroy d 29 J .Keogh 31 S. Lan e 32 L. Griffiths
42 1 43 44 45
T. Duydham J . Foulds A. Sing Won A. Stapleton
46 L. van Meet
Harris Freer Toyota
T. Dixon S. Neohoritis D . Mesuea T. McCarthy 10 N . Rogers 11 T. White 12 T Crooks
24 T. lerado 25 T.Lattanzio
41 N . StainsLrtry, i .x
L . Kenyon J. Mullen M. Murphy S. Conlon
48 J .Indemenico
33 H. McPherson 34 T. Boston 40 T. Brame
41 A. Merchandandi 43 J. Kerr 44
B. Liu
2 T. BrC(ds 25A PGpko 3 S. MmifitRxe 26T G 'rans~e 4 E. Hamer 27J.Caiet i 5 Z. Coventry 28N . Bradley
6 B. bScConneH 29J. Gates 7 W. Fitzpatrick 30A. Barckll
8 T Lafrarxfa 31 T. Skidmor e 9 N. Anderson 32 R . Wilso n 10S, Houghton 33H .W~ 11 S. Harrison 34 M. Stewar t 12J.LyriOh 35S.Gi~Ortson
13A.Sumrrrons 36TWhel :n 14H , Guthrie 37T. Carter 15D. Hanrahan 38 D. Hayter 161A. Sykes 34H .Raf13,Sja n 17JPoyner 40F. Kennedy 18 L Butler 417 Roberts 19 P.0'Cwrrwll 42S . Hardwick 20 D. Wood 43J . Van De Pat
21T.Daitz 44E .Dorne9rg 22 B. Merriman 45S .Gill 23S. Burt
,, .
Under-19 - Section 2 BEAUMARIS B„rke
Coach : John Asst Coach: Phil BadT~an 1 J. Banton (VC)
2 R . Gillespie (VC) 4 S. Gray 5 C . Badman 6 M. McNally 7 T. Hunt 8 J. Murton 10 A. McKenzie 13 W. Sanchez 14 B. Wall (c) 15 R . Scrivenor 16 J. Nicholson 17 Z. Alcott 18 J. Torcasio 22 K. Barnes 25 B. Strong 27 J. Gregory 29 M. Dekoning 31 C. LaRocca g 32 J. Richter 33 C. Medley 37 A. McNeil (VC) 43 A. Chinery 44 M . Wilson 46 R. Willis 47 A. Mueller 48 D. Pritchard 51 M . Beruldsen
Coach Sa CaIa~,o e
- m 1 A . Missen
2 M . Seeder 3 N . Andrew 4 A . Clarke 5 A . Spittal 6 J . Allaway 7 A . Nesci 8 G. Macdonal d 9 L. P rice 10 B . Gatehouse 11 S . Lister 12 S. Powley 13 J . Sanchez 14 M . White 15 A . Ross 16 T Spinks 17 L. McIntosh 18 Z. Gould 20 T. Robinson M. Jose m 22 M. Hardy 23 R . Dux 24 J. McCahon 26 A. Hazelden 28 A. Griffin 29 A. Webb 30 A. Hoy 31 C . Scully 33 B. Hyland 34 C . Mitchell 47 J. Jennings
OLD BRIGHTON Coach: Joe Ly~tan 1 K . Presnell 5 J. Miller 6 J. Geddes (VC) 7 L . Brosnahan 8 D. Jennings (VC) 9 T Gunning g 10 C . Betts (C) 13 T. Edwards 14 M. Browning 16 R . Baines 17 M. Dewar 18 J. Ward 19 A. Hubbard 23 C. Dowling 24 R . Eastgate 26 M. Finlayson 27 N . Paterson 28 J. Seat 30 B. Stephens 31 K. Floyd 32 P. Janholt 35 S. Rada 37 M. McKimm 38 H . Hor 39 T. Williams
OLD CAMBERWELL OLD CARE Y Coach: Stephen Clarke Coach: a,~, P~r 1 J . Goldblatt 1 A. Lewu ski
T. Loga n 2 T Barrow 32J . Van Cuysnherg
3 C. 4 J. 5 N. 6 P.
Poynton 4 H. Adams . Erot Rowan 5 6 D C. Fitzpatrkk Tsindos 7 D. Ross ds .woo d Christie 8 sR G . Hodges
8 M . Illia 10 A. Hems ey 9 D . Walpole 1 2 G . Parke r . Lov e 10 S . Bonyhady 1314E J. Frtzgerald
11 N . Hall 15 A. Pamson . Andrews 13 W. Robinson 1617M T. Wallace 14 D . DeSanctis 18 P. arming e 15 J-Tuohey 19 E20Lov B. Smitnwia c 16 A . Renshaw 21 S . McGrath (C) 17 D. Morley 22 J.. Wagner McQueen (C) 18 N . Wallace 2324L J. R.I.
19 T. Peasnell 25 7 Watson-Munro 20 J. Davis 26 27 A. ~`' " J. Thompson 21 L. Taylor 29 J. Macready-Brown . Sake` 24 W. Wettenhall 3031M J. Eddy 25 N . Charles 32 A. Davy . New"nam 26 C . Hillier 3345J M . B0 1 27 D. McGuigan 69 D . Elliott
29 D. Harry
30 T. Angove 31 M. Shank s 33 C . Bennett 34 G . Tolson 36 A. Thomas
SPONSORS ' I .. _.
--- -
~ E urxt-r,Pr+r.tt:tat
1 S. Playtair 2 T Bennison 3 J . Fenton 4 B. McKie 5 W. McLaughlin 6 A. Mackay 7 N. Morrison 8 K . Spies 9 D. Coga ~ann 10 G . Hanger 11 T. Bachei
12 C. Wilmoth 13 B . Baine s 14 W. Guthrie 15 B . Finnertz 16 E . Lappin 17 P. Kennon 18 J . Stuart 19 T Paule 20 T. Cod e 21 S . Fletcher 22 C. Clements 23 L. Hopkins 24 T. Paton
25 N . Anderson 26 A . Carter 27 S. Taylor
28 P. Kruger 31 T. O'Shaughnessy 44 W. Kiel 74 N . Lawler
proudl y sponsore d by
OLD PARADIANS Coach: Mark Spinoso Asst Coach: Noel Vincent t J . Kanditakis (DVC) 2 P .Marini 3 R . Bugeja (C) 4 G. Connell y 5 N . Curcio
6 7 8 9
M. Solon= (VC) P. Watson P . Jessop A . Seneca
10 C . Khoury 11 A . Asdagi (DVC)
12 C . Nanni 13 A. Serafin
14 L Cattogio 15 R . Young 16 T. Gibbons 17 K. O'Brien 18 M. Stace (DVC) 19 D. McKenna
22 D. Mahony ~or n 23 A. Cox 24 A. Cunningham 34 T. Shanahan 37 S. Valente 46 A. Sheehy 52 K. Barry 53 M. Bellizia 54 C. Sage (VC) 55 P. Daly 56 L .Devine 57 J. Donald 58 B. Hosking 59 J .Kruezer 60 B. McAlister 61 M. Redman 62 A. Recline 63 L Lucas --
OLD TRINITY Coach: Leo Curran
1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
S . Cole R. McDonald T. Delphine T. Kennedy H. Banfield A . Hayho D. Bell T. Howell
11 E . Delaney
13 T. Eckersley 14 M . Bilney 15 D. Peyton 16 R. Bicknell 18 C . Stockdale 19 L. Donald L. Bruin 21 A . Morgan 22 L. Fisher 23 C . Beaton 25 M . Jessup 28 A . Cicuitto 33 N . Bachli 26 A . Milaszewicz 27 D. Melkonian 43 S. Meigher 47 S. GUnsberg
52 I. Huynk 68 R . Blythman
UNI BLACKS 1 .'1ITEFV+ E 3 Coadc .Aubn Gray
Coach: Lionel ANem; d
Asst Coaches: Ard;,.rn Gray 6n,,m wa"ef 2 S . Alleman d 2 J q~j ` 4 S. Bullock 3 E . Ar 5 C. Taou k 4 N. eotta 5 M . Bamsta
6 P. Celotti
6 M . Bond 7 M . Stafford 7 TBurde 9 8 B . Carr 8 J. Hill 9 R. Chapman 9 M. Mandicos 10 S . Geary 12 M. O'Sullivan t t J . Gordr»r 12 L. Davis . Siorovinga s 13 N . DomzN 13 P 14 S . Ebner 15 A. Schaller 15 M. Flight 16 B. Spadetto ts J , Russe9
17 S. Jess 17 A. Harris 18 Haines 18 M . Mirabell a is B. z Mikus . Mitchell ~ c.Harris 19 P . Akers 22 T. Hutton 20 C 23 J . 21 24 0. Jofira
M . O'Leary
25 T Ki t«, 22 J . O'Meara 26 D. Li 23 S . Keogh 27 C . Hele M 24 B. O'Leary 29 S Miller 25 P. Hayes 30 S. Adam 31 PN~~ 26 A . Spurrell 32 e. abst 27 J . Parke s 33 A. Panr n . Kaldo r
34 T. Polkirghorne 28 D 35 S. Potter 29 M . Blueming
~ D. ~ad'Y 30 B - Torney 38 M. Reid 31 J . Scannell 39 D. Gomwn 40 J, St errr;n
41 A. S,n~s 2 4 snThoma 43 B. Tronso 44 R .vanderTorren 45 N. Waters Proudl y Sp onsored by
THE CLYDE HOTEL cnr Elgin & Cardigan St Carlton 3053
SPONSOR S Just Grou p
Stella's Dromana Hote l WHK Smith Rea d Paris Life Planning
Under-19 - Section 3 RA
Coach: Mk Lee Asst Coach: Geoff B
A. Freedman
2 J. SmRh 3 J. Sacks 4 J.Owss 5 J.Kegen 6 L Bebt.vov 7 C.JaNae 8 J. Fek}y 9 D. Bluszten t0 B.Rotstem 7 R.Grant 12 B.Hershan 13 M . Hersa 14 J.Kochsn 15 G. Mdn_w
16 B . Bromberg 17 N. Shulman IS J.Dorewtch 19 D.Fishar 20 A . Gandel 21 P.PJem 22 A . Moss 23 S . Karnherg 24 A .Kras 25 M.Lexn 26 J .Faneth 27 A .Pinkus 28 M. Schmerhrg 29 P.Retman 30 J . ShaSr 31 Y. Rosenbaum 32 D . Selze r 33 M. Unger 34 N . Wanen 35 J .Kestenberg 36 D. Simon 38 Y. Kaminski 39 D.Wolman 40 B Entice 52 YR~ `
1 J. Coyne 2 A. Fogarty 3 O . Lewis 4 S. Lawry 5 J. Coles 6 B. Meehan 7 R. Rossi 8 B. Halliday 9 L. Morrison 10 J. Convery 11 J. West 13 B . Zylberszta)n 14 B . Lydster 15 L. Armstrong 17 A . West 18 S . Macleod 22 S . Frost 23 T Bai l 26 T. Dewar 27 T. McIntyre 29 A . Quinn 30 M . Nyary 31 B . Steven 32 C . Fidler 34 B . Hunt 35 M. Bell
A10S0 B
Coach : Be. PBey Asst Coach : Paul Barto#o. A!ex Maunder learn Manager: Sarah Pamella
Coacir. Martm deBwr o
: Paul O'Canne'J
1 N.Tamburro 2 J . Quirk
3 J . Dalberto 4 J . Chu n 5 N. Baranello 6 A . McCann 7 T. Mutin g
8 T. Crevelli 9 S . Mills 10 J. Rossit 11 B . Scully 12 M. Milner 13 S . Lindsay 14 P. Mahon 15 S. Kars 16 M. D'Orazio 17 C . Gagliardi 18 N . Vecci 19 B. Cavell 20 M. Small 21 22 23 33
M. Dobson M. Needham M. Mclver M. Pelos i
49 A. Brock 59 P. McCluskey
D.Burns-WaNace J.Amirthanathan K .Dorw~.an C.Johnston J.Parkins J.Luranlonio J.Parham C.Gnmow H.Ambrosio J.We:ght B .Muir V.Cricenh J .Rowe D.Conhaady D.Cooper R .Bennatt B.Hodge N .Clark (OdC) R .Smith DA4arhn G.Davies THoeke (VC) A.Oakley R .Maatman (C ) M.Pattinson T.KeWy M.TatNascMVik D.Maae A.Lucas S Harkin B.Hunt C.Thomas N.Chisxetl G .Bence TDabu A.Jesser H.Biggs S.Vyas TTayhr H.Ngyren
1 M .Andrews 2 N. Badcatsas 3 L .Benakazar 4 D. Bled 5 D. Brooks Reid 6 J.BunGng 7 B. Calder 8 0. Cameron 9 N.CampbeA 10 A.Cun' am 11 I . Fern a 12 M . Fmczek 13 B. Fry 14 B.Herskope 15 A. Mrs 16 D. Jahn
17 T. Ki 18 J.Kitreey(VC) 19 S .Wrrgkry 20 D.~ u 21 G.Byme 22 P Osborne 23 B . Pretty 24 B . Rebakis 25 L. Robertson 26 L. Evans (C) 27 J . Rosenhain 28 N . Ruddall 29 S Seat 30 P. Smith 31 N .Tangirala 32 C .TemP6n 33 J .Tsaousidis 34 T. Railings 35 J . Richmond 36 T. Barttwlarrew 38 P. Fountain 40 A. Uttiehales 54 A. Lim (DVC) 55 A. Gdnholz 56 N . Lavars 57 S.VIllan i
Booran HOLDE N
ORMOND et Oaten
1 D.Coumhan 2 M. Harold (C) 3 D.Cosbgan 4 J. Fitzgerald 5 C.Groake 6 M. Doyle 7 L.CaHery 8 P.1. Mackenzie 9 D. Will s 10 W. Manning 11 M. Bennett 12 R . Stafford 13 C. Virgona 14 N. Miller 15 D. Cleary 16 J. Denis 17 G . Bennett 18 J. ChappIe 19 P. Disiarvi 20 A. North 21 S. Doherty 22 A. Pound-Gow 23 T. Edwards 24 S. AWone 25 M . Donate 26 J. Pasitchnyj 27 A. Middlemiss 28 M . Bond 29 Ristevski 30 L . Barrand 42 M . Shenke r
1 J. Ashley 2 D. Bailey 3 R. Chisholm 4 J. O'Connel l 5 C. Woodford (DVC ) 6 L. Simpson 7 S. Fisher (C) 8 J.Toruolo 9 A.Jewefl 10 L. Calvert 11 J. Ward6ey 12 B. McCarthy 13 A. Friedman 14 R. Keane 15 TJohnson 16 T Foy 17 S. Watson 18 L.Washtold 19 R. Abaft 20 D. Machm 21 R. McGirr 22 0. Lack 23 M . Naylor 24 S . Ashton 25 A. Bcgalin 26 L.Knoester 27 A.Cribbes 28 C. Austin 29 R. Morris 30 L. Duthie (VC) 31 L. 35 0. Polly Frazier 36 A . Holman 39 N.Ryde 41 L Upsldl 46 J. Harry
BETTER TORQUE AUTOMOTIVE 40 Oxford Street , Oakleigh 3166 PH: 9564 7044 FAX : 9564 7205 TWO
Coach: Ben Nenbdd Coach : Cam qxwhek
Coach: Brad ShadleoA
1 J . Young
2 D. Moore 3 L. McGorry 4 M . Williams 5 C. Morton 6 D. Benson 7 A. Gough 8 D. Cerantonio 9 J . Lowcock 10 H. Wilson 13 M .Tanner 14 M . Tait 15 P. Kouppas 16 B . Remboulis 17 T Day 18 J . Milane 19 L. Elliot 20 D. Trevaskis 22 E . Saltau 24 C . Chatterton 27 B . Madden 31 R .Jones 32 J . Dalinkiewicz 33 B . Raine y 36 P. Miziewick 38 D . Bianchi 42 T. Robertson
i R. Gelschen 2 J.Muas 3 M . Golden 4 T. Nicola 5 J. Mckeo n 6 M .Costanzo 7 K. Ellis 8 B . Harrison 9 M .Bodycoat 10 A . Pantano II R.Hondroma6dls 12 0. Workma n
13 E . Spargo 14 C. Nidml 1 5 E . Ware 16 A . Donates 17 t Roseniis 18 H . Do Kretser 19 M. Young 20 D. Madigan 21 LTerenyl 22 A . Smith 23 A Blazon (C) 24 J . Curve" 25 J, Henderson 26 B .Mccormadc 27 M. Banks 28 L.Pace 29 C . RosenNs 30 D. Geilings 31 S.Bettello 32 D. Manzln 33 L Page-Wood 35 G.Hartridr 36 A . Baldwm 38 N .Lacaze 39 P. Coben 40 J . Burns 41 M. Cookson 42 S. Leggett
ST ~ ED as Gi~! T!G`: P 3 Coach : Owen Labr 1 M. Bodinaar 2 A. Fauikiner 3 I. Frid nan 4 M. Geshke 5 D. Graham 6 J. Hunte r 7 S, Jones 8 D. Kell y 9 J. LeBreton 10 C. Lee 11 S. CHuill)er 12 0, Lynch 13 T. Mark s 14 S. McLaughlin 15 C. Mouritz 16 B. Neville 17 C. Ritchards 18 J.Swayne 19 R.Swayna 20 C. Tobin 21 D. Wearne 22 C. Keenan 23 W. Alderman 24 G. Brmm 25 J. Callaghan 26 M .Canwri ght 27 T. Clegg 28 P. Considine 29 T. Feste r 30 H. McLean 31 T. Quinn 32 a Flashy 33 A. Ryan 34 D. Sinclair 35 J .Villamar 36 D. Atkins 37 B . Parke r
Bendigo Bank Parkdale & Mentone East Swan Hotel Richmond Scicluna's Fruit & Va g
Under-19 - Section Blu e DE LA SALLE GOLDS
Coach: Robin Smith Asst Coach: Matt Sheehan
Coach: Cam McGregor
Coach: Shane Regan
1 S . WiYnams 2 L. Semmel 3 N . Higgins
4 J. Phillips
1 K. Collins
1 J. Simon (VC)
3J.McCq 33JStlimt z 4 K~.xo 34 T
2 P.Gun
4 T.Bailey
3 M . Philips 4 D. Morgan 5 J .PJlaye
2 K.Nguyen(C) 3 J.la o
to M. Corry
9 C . Grant
11 q . Rou
10 J. Lamb t t P. Monaghan 12 K. Robertson
72LBad t3 OTI10~T'~'~" 14T'~ u U wa tsns
5 N . Graha m s F Deegan 7 D. Ciawrella
8 S. Cummings 9 J. Cmnren 10 N . Bogar 11 C. Srrxth 72 J.Arrroki
73 C 14 LAten . Brown 75 C. Duke
16 g R~,ry
14 A . Roberts 15 D. Hyne 16 D. DeLuca 17 J. Comerford
17 q. n dce«~ tg e~8
18 A. McKenna 19 M. Gomizel 20 R . Breda (C) 21 D. Reid
22J.G;asou m 23 E .L«~ e 24 ra LYO
16 M. Bayliss 20 M.0'Connor 22 K Seenan 23 C ABChm 24 d Cattery 25 B. Roberts
19 M,D20 S . Px~er
27 M. Aldso,
26 P. Stanley
zsc.s~ 26 J. Wad z7u.sa~, 28 J. we_
22 J .Jarus 23 D.Ouamd 24 T. Krezel
30 T. M.Ca"m
1 D . Galt 12 S. Gallagher (DVC) 13 J. Evangelist a
13 B . Harding
14 B . Main 15 Q Godsil 16 G. Ngyuen
15 J. Nevitt 16 D. Gilmore 17 B. Forbes 18 G . Daniells
17 l. Treadwell 18 J . Rudd 19 N. Rhoden
19 V. Lim 20 D. Elkan 21 D. Stepanoz 22 S. Levy (VC)
}1,C~'1~;1# ff auto www.hamptonrovers .com .au
Coach : Mark Fairbanks Asst Coach : Adam Acreman 1 T. Speers 2 S . Fairbanks
Coach: David Lappage
26 J . Castello 27 T. Broughton
49 R. Devanny
28 P. Coo k
62 S . Worrall 63 J . Stephenson 83 G. Svenson
30 J . Moffat 31 C. Dureau
3 J . Moon (C)
M . Campbell M . Wilton (VC) B . Norton B . Bracke n D. Daperis
7 N. B.A. 8 L~doffl 9 N Wane 10 S. R oberts
11 J.Safter 12 i. Gooddhere
9 A.Triantatyllou 10 S . Rooke 11 C. Dennis 12 M . Lumsden
13 C. Duck 14 C. Follett 15 M . Jenkins 76 C. Duncan 17 R. Onvin 78 A . Rodrigues
34 J . Price 35 C. Fletche r 36 G . Mesley
40 J .Joseph 41 J .CrovRhe r 42 S Bue a 43 R.Thoma s 46 C. La Rocca
79 L Mitchell 20 E . Sweeney 2t R . Goulding 22 S . Cleave 23 J . Thompson 24 M Siemer . s 25 S. Royston 26 K. Goulding 27 P. Gartner
Coach : Don Kemp 1 K. Hunt 2 R . Matthews
3 R . Wood 4 B. Price 5 L . Fitzsimmons 6 S. Wright 7 C. O'Brien 9 D. Edwards 10 S. Barr
11 J. Stanley 12 D. Barron 13 T. Jefferie s 14 T. Mirabella
20 M . Fankhauser 21 N. Hutshmson
14 S. Redmond
15 M. Spence r
15 N . Hocking 16 J. Hespe 17 A . VanStavaren 18 D. Goddard 19 M . Brown 20 M . Kigh1 21 C . Munday 22 C . Terranova
~ A. C
28 J. Mdunda y 29 A . Can"
30 B Don31 T Doukas 32 S . Moran 33 R. J~~ 34 A .Temcy
23 T. Danckert
24 J. Barry 25 R . Layton 26 K. Leather
35 T Chisholm 37 L. Darana Posa{age 38 A . W¢,t
63 D.Mas«
~`"'"''° I
16 P. Mauracher 17 J. Morrissey 18 T. Marmo
r~ .- •,r- r., .-~ ,
.-, . .. _ . _ . ~ .. :r ~ !
20 D. Colema n 21
N. Coy
22 K. O'Loughli n 23 L. Jackson 25 A. Huskisson 27 M . McGreal 31 L. Brouwer 34 J . Mauracher
•-- -- -
V, J ~a
i~ ^ •. J j
~ `~ c °
19 S. Kem p
10 P. Lukas 11 S . Young 12 M . Labiris 13 J. Chitty
25 K . Stamtord
40 G. Snow 59 J . Pra:vse (VC)
9 D . Scerri
23 J. EIbw 24 D. Kailas
32 J . McConville
Custodian Wealth
13 D. Maps 74 P. ~er M. i6 watsn ~ rt T. Wyett, 78 N. Hanson to R. Davs 22 C J"^"
33 S . Kurt h
66 S. Fraser
coach: Dean Andrew Asst Coach : Alan Walsh 1 A . Hunter (C) 2 M . Foulds 3 A . Wood 4 R . Horler 5 J. Gwozdz (VC) 6 M . Beaman (DVC) 7 S . Cud6y 8 J. O'Meara (DVC)
5 TGiG
29 B.Osbourn e
52 N . Levnoa
t A. Fauro 2 C Casey 3 B. Hampton 4 N. Crftos
14 D. N i
23 K . Adjei 24 C. Witkowski
21 S . Barton.
Major Sponsor
4 5 6 7 8
10 A . Thompson i t B . Cruickshank 12 S . Jacobson .
23 L. Townley 24 S.C. Lev y 25 S.Wonacott
38 J. RisNey 41 K Kelly
29 S. Brown 30 T. Kovarik (VC)
8 C. Thompso n 9 J. Adams 10 A. Plozza
22 C. Handley
36 S. McAda m 37 D. Key
28 M. Andreatta
6 J. Sajenko 7 L . De George (DVC)
20 J .Shopov
35 N . Fox
27 B Hogan
7 A . Jordan 8 D. Padulla 9 A . Vincent
30 P. Johnson 34 A. Weeks
26 8 Hit
6 R. VanDerMerwe.
4 J. Linke 5 S. Janji c
27 N . Klavins 28 S. Davis 3t L Casae&ne 32 S. Varley
29 D rowg
25 A. Kovarik
Coach : Gary Williams
2 RV:ae 32 M .i""'
8 N . Gill
13 P. T~d
2 N . Cramen 3 J. Miller
7 A . Bressan
6 J. Parkins
Coach: Bruce Waldron
I L sR& at J.taaaxo
5 N. t~ 35 N,~ sN.MOrewn agJ.slasodem 7 C Gkc.cn 37 0 . Atlcax g R. y J ~w
5 S .Cus!
at r nrcx $ rnee T. maw2vw
rty For.
TWO 6m 9TF1 iR Gr1hTRIlI I CO onna
Under-, Coach : Danny ; in 2 E . Smith 3 W. Collins 5 P. Cross 8 N . Weidemann 9 N . Gordon 10 T Syme 12 L. O'Brien 13 M. Jones 14 M. Sweeney 15 S. Kenner 20 S. O'Donnell 21 D.Zuccon 22 C. Williams (C) 24 Y. Jayasinghe 25 L . Demunk 26 S. Raggozini 28 P. Maaskant (VC) 29 A. Naulty 30 J. Temperly 35 S. Silve r 50 A. Raguaskas 58 D. Thatche r
1 K. Jenkins 2 R.IIlingworth 3 M . Coulston 4 A . Poci 5 D. Tonelli 6 D. Morabito 7 P. Naido s 8 C . Papaziakis 9 M. Meadows 10 B . Gauci 11 A . Radatti 12 A . Fabris (c) 14 C . Aza r 15 A . Checcin 17 M. Carti 18 D.Tonelli 19 C . Burridge 20 D. Rametta 21 S. Glenn 22 R . Mat z 23 A. Carolan 28 D. Voglis 29 J. Raptopoulos 37 P. Voglis 38 D. Buff 43 M. Mignon e
1. K. Donato 23. A. Karwas 2. D. Horne 24 . D .Los 3. T Wh,•.e 25. G. Marc,an 4. B. kAinnis 26. S. Rayner S. J. Boyle 27. G . Linger 6. J. Ritchie 28. J. Harris 7. J.Bezch 29. C.WiIIs 9. D. Odaren- 30. S. Kidd shew, 3at . T Osborn 10 . C. Louis- 32. P. dAase Gleason 33. M.Wamer 11 . R. Dance 34. L. Halttwelf 12 . M . Bsggs 35. M. Blaxey 13 . J. Gum 39. S.Borraaa 14 . F.Alass o 15 . J.DaasonSuch 16 . H. Topp IT C. Ltgrs 18. K.
65 C. Jolty
SPONSORS The Lord Newry Hotel, Ph 481 3931
Harp of Erin Hotel 636 High St, Kew
The Fitzroy Shop, Ph 9580 6464
Cannon Toyota 473 Lowe r Heidelberg Rd, Heidelberg
Dominos Piz:, Carlton, Ph 9AaR R36 6
Coach : Greg Fagan I B. Tanner 2 J . Amore 3 S. Dunn 4 J .Tanner 5 N. Gardy 6 F. Bertone 8 T. Williamson 10 L. Square 12 M . Williamso ' n 13 P. Ecke l 14 A . McAlindan 15 C. McQueen 17 B . Spite n 18 H. Templeton 19 A . Smit h 20 D. Chan 21 B . Whiting 22 R . Borg 23 J . Heiniger 24 M . Unwin 25 A . Sbriglio 26 R . Hal l 27 D .81dWell 28 D . Ricci 29 D . Griffi n M . ArUtfUnow
0. Hickey C. Hudson
ULD X. :---------- (2)
1 G. Williams 2 & O'Shea 3 R . Wyley 4 A . Hat e 5 J . DeAngelis 7 M. Cochrane 8 A. Lucisan i 9 D. Gallagher-Lyon 10 T. Wang 11 N . Lawrence 15 N . Howard 19 T McKay 20 A. Pike 23 J. Eggby 26 R . Nash 30 0. Gregory 35 M . Matherson 36 D. Matony 38 J. Fuflheim (C) 54 A. Franklin (VC) 57 C. Jackson
Coach : Theo Vlahos
Coach: Kevin Quin n
1 T Silk 25 M. Pee t 2 A. 26 N . Counsel Lawrence 27 B. 3 K. Lunardi Robertson 4 S . O'Brien 29 S. 5 T Byrne tangdon 6 T. Preece 30 J. 7 L. Kelly Frtzgerald 8 M . tabroy 31 J . Mu6arry 9 J . 32 D. Clyne Mortensen 33 L Harry 10 S .Sheedy 34 N. 11 J . Moore Morrison 12 A . Ross 35 J . Role 13 A Bann4ce 37 C. Downey 14 J . RoNe 38 J. Forrest 15 S 39 J.Downey Bru7geland 40 N. 16 S. O'Connell Houghton 41 N. 17 S. Doyle Saunders t8 S. Di 42 J. Hickey Stefano 43 H. 19 C . Murphy McGade 20 J. Kay 44 N. Smith 21 C .Theme 46 J . 22 D. Smdh Sweeney 23 T. Lee 51 E . Boland 24 F.Indovinn
i J. PM PS 46 L CarlarW 2 C. A1!{mn 47 J. Bro4fitcn 3 A.T mant 48 LBrerman 5 B.Ouwn 48 A Day 6 J. Pretrj 48 D Gregory 8 J.Brs dxy 49 D. 15 ' T Wast M -nagm?sa 12 A. Evans 50 D. Enn 73 N. F¢5 51 A. Cava .. 115 D GI.52 & WA.6 D Dow 53 B . k.Mxdam 77 J. Al-, n 54 J. Wal4zce 1 7 M Q" - ;55 S-Mo3arN 19 G .MOUis 56 M.Braddy 20 M F^' ^t 5-3 C.Drne r 21 T. : 59 B . PlkamauEa 22 G . . fT) LWehster 23 H. °, .F.._ .67 D.AtRhJrsm 24 L.& .- 67 L.Bab'wy 26 M. ``^e 74 D. Saqrt 28 8Brenran 78 M .Harrrwn 30 M!lmmce 79 cwrhart 31 M. Fm.ary 80 M VurtrastW 32 O A Cl , 33 T. h 35 e L. 36 D.! ~m 37 R . t 38 M" 39 IT N 40 S .t wop 40 A J4i A.Cascn 42 J Murphy 3A. L..sahatcre a BCakry 4a c M-V~ 45 T Er,-3n
i J. Molloy 2 D. Ronan 3 C. Ford 4 A.Torpy 5 J. Clark 6 S. Coghtan 7 J. Dunei l 8 K. Adams 9 M . Rape 10 Ti Kleser 11 P. Christo 12 A. Forbes 13 A. Hunter 14 T. Smith 15 Ty- Klewer 16 R Scott 17 T Joss 18 D. King 19 M. McCloskey 20 S . Richardson 21 L. Gastin 22 M. Gastin 23 D. Treppo 24 G. Butcher
Fitzgerald Family Hotels Royal OakNorth Fitzroy Matt Fitzgeral d 94814693 Grand ViewBrunswick Paul Fitzgerald 93808060
TH ER R Y PEHOLA Coach: Shane Doyle
1 R . Skiathitis (C) 2 J. Claasse n 3 A. Drummond 4 K. Helou 5 B. Harding 6 G . Rees 7 L. Dele o 8 P. Clancey 9 A. Page 10 P . Tomkinson 11 R. Brennan 13 C. Desousa 14 N.Somerton 15 B. Morell 18 M . Costello 22 M . Conboy 23 C. Rees 24 S . Portelli 25 B . Mitchell 26 D. Walshe 27 B . Cannon 28 D. O'Donnell 29 A . Sileo s 31 L. Conboy 32 M . Costello 33 J . Hanlon 35 D. McKibbin 38 K . Robertson 41 J. Walker 51 M . Reynolds
C9 C7 ~
nzl" IrGV r -..
Co O
N (` ~
CY) G7
~ C O -= Q-
Winning Edge Presentations
The big question arising from Round 5 results is ; how could I pick the card in Sections 1 and 2 yet only select one winner in Section 3?? In racing terms I would be swabbed! My success rate of 73% was aood enouoh to enable me to loo k straight ahead at Jonathan Horne (he of 80% success) . REVIE W Section 1 Prahran continued its upward ascent with a 25 point win over an accurate Old Scotch . University Blues regained winning form with a 36 point victory over Mazenod . In the clash of the Old Xaverians at Righetti Oval, the leaders "The Crocodiles" defeated the "Thirds" by 11 points to give further proof to my assertion that intra Xaverian games are closer than inter college clashes . St Kevin's had a percentage building 102 point win over St Bede's Mentone Tigers, who are struggling to reach the required standard of play . Second placed De La Salle triumphed over Old Melburnians by 40 points. Section 2 St Bernard's scored an 87 point win over Therry Penola, whose players tried hard but whose defenders did not always clear the ba!l with thought. Best for the winners included Tristan McGlade, Travis Carrick and Xavier Cox . Former Fitzroy, Footscray and Victorian footballer Peter Foster came off the bench to score a goal for St Bernards . Therry Penola were well served by Jonathon Brosnan, Andrew Pirpinias, Shaun Hayes and the consistent, Dean Boden. Mt Lilydale had a day out in the hills against Marcellin who fell short by 128 points in the final analysis . Whitefriars came from 25 points down at the long interval to defeat University Blacks by 8 points in a game where the ascendancy fluctuated in a tense final term . Best for the winners were full back Atkinson, the consistent Travis Jackson and midfielder Hennessy . Fitzroy Reds defeated the inaccurate Collegians by 26 points at the Peterson Reserve . Their best were Daniel Flanagan and Damian Hannam while Collegians' Captain Matthew Day was their best. Monash Blues gave another powerful display when they accounted for Old Brighton Grammarians by 140 points . Monash, who were well served by Phil . Arnott, John Gaffney, Luke Richardson and Tom Haines (8 goals) increased their 56
lead in each quarter. Section 3
St Leo's to u
winning form quickly as they bounced back to defeat Old Trinity by 11 points . My early premiership favourites Caulfield Grammarians slipped from first to second through their 16 point loss to the improving La Trobe University . Old Geelong faltered against Old Scotch when they lost by 12 points . North Old Boys/ St Patrick's triumphed at Beaumaris when they defeated the home side by 28 points in a high scoring game . Fitzroy Reds went to Section leadership when they defeated a lack lustre Old Essendon Grammarians by 16 points at McHale Stadium . Old Essendon can blame their scoreless first quarter as a primary reason for their defeat. Their best were Hughes, Poulton and the evergreen John Chapman . PREVIE W OF ROU N D 6 Section 1 Only percentage separates fourth placed University Blues
=n-1&W OLD XAVERIANS 5 30 Rush, Daniel Altis, Matthew OLD XAVERIANS (2) 5 17 Harvey, Peter Howard, Mark
Simon, Nicholas
CLUB 1812) Haines,Tom
Vassallo, Luke ST BERNARDS 7 28 WHITEFRIARS OC 1 19 O'Brien, Peter Carolan, Patrick MT LILYDALE OC 7 17 WHITEFRIARS OC 3 16 Ellio tt , Norman CLUB 18 (3)
OLD TRINITY GR 0 10 Hill, Rowan Fisher, Brendan CAULFIELD GR 0 8 Jones, Stephen OLD GEELONG 0 8 Kelly, Matthew FITZROY REDS 2 8 Margeri son, John CAULFIELD GR 1 8 Ullangara, Romeo OLD TRINITY GR 2 8 "" results weren't received . Any discrepancies may be due to nonsubmission of results by clubs . Scribe notes also detirmine SS qty.
from the leaders, Old Xaverians . After today I expect the Xaverians will be a game ahead as they will prove too experienced and talented for the students . Old Xaverians 2 should be able to record their first win of the season by defeating St Bede's! Mentone Tigers at the TH .King Reserve . Long standing rivals St Kevin's and De La Salle should play another closely contested match, which will be a test of talent for each team . To the winner will go the Anthony Molan Cup in honour of the late St Kevin's player. I favour St Kevin's because of their form over the last few weeks against Old Xaverians and Mazenod . It seems the greater the pressure, the better St Kevin's play . Old Scotch at home, should prove talented enough to defeat Mazenod . Prahran, with their perennial stars now returning to their zenith should win again over Old Melburnians .
to their erratic record . On the other hand, La Trobe University is enjoying a successful season . It is virtually an "eight point" game for La Trobe as Emmaus St Leos is their main challenger for fourth place . I can't win with the Combine ; they lose when selected and win when not . I select them again, purely because the game is at Bennettswood . Old Essendon have the chance to regroup against the rising in confidence, North Old Boys/ St Patricks, who won well last round . Old Essendon were not impressive early last week and to be sure of victory they must play out the full four quarters . Old Essendon are my selection . Old Scotch should comfortably defeat Beaumaris, who languish in tenth place . Fitzroy Reds, who show more skill each week should defeat Old Trinity on the Hudson Oval, whose size will not intimidate the Reds and whose enthusiasm and team work should see them emerge victorious .
Section 2 The two winless sides in Marcellin and Old Brighton meet in Bulleen Park . Old Brighton have scored more over the five weeks and as forwards win matches, I select them albeit without much confidence. Therry Penola could spring an upset by defeating Mt Lilydale at Oak Park, where many visiting teams have crashed over the seasons. Mt Lilydale are an enigma ; lions at home and lambs away as their scores indicate . I select them solely because I know Therry Penola are not the strong side they once were . Is this enough ammunition, Bob? Whitefriars were impressive last Saturday as their well balanced side overcame the Blacks . Today, at home, they should account for Collegians, who will find Donvale a strange environment . The academic clash at Monash between the all conquering Blues and the Melbourne Blacks should be a cerebral affair from which a lot of players should emerge livid. The Blacks threw away their chances last week and today they will find the Blues just as talented . I select Monash Blues to win again . The contest between leaders Fitzroy Reds and would be finalists St Bernard's at the "Snake Pit" should be one of high standard and one which could determine the real strength of each side . Luke Vassallo is a bonus for St Bernard's who field several formed A Section players along with a sprinkling of youth under the experienced tutelage of Andrew Vinecombe, Brian Moon and now Peter Foster . I doubt the Reds can match this, especially in the unfamiliar St Bernard's environment, which has intimidated many sides . St Bernard's should win .
Team M anagers Thanks to those who supply details . Please contact me either by telephone 9467 2857 or e mail nknugent@bigpond .com no later than noon Monday .
Section 3 Caulfield Grammarians, who faltered on the big ground last Saturday, should be able to defeat Old Geelong at Glenhuntly . Emmaus/ St Leo's are a week to week proposition according
â&#x201A;Ź .i_-STONE S Old Xavs say well done to Nick Silk who today plays his 50th Game against Uni Blues for our Club XVIII side 1 - Nick came from the College in 2003 and has cemented a position as a Regular with the Crocks .
CLUB 1 1 University Blues v Old Xaverian s Old Xaverians (2) v St Bedes Mentone Tigers St Kevins OB v De La Salle O C Old Scotch v Mazenod OC Prahran v Old Melburnian s CLUB 18 (2) Marcellin OC v Old Brighton G r Therry Penola OB v Mt Lilydale OC Whitefriars OC v Collegians Monash Blues v University Blacks St Bernards v Fitzroy Red s CLUB 18 ; Caulfield Gr v Old Geelon g Emmaus St Leos OC v La Trobe University North Old Boys/St Patricks Col v Old Essendon Old Scotch v Beaumari s Old Trinity Gr v Fitzroy Red s
Old Xaverfiai-,s 4 .6 53 8.5 10 .9 (F- ) Old Xaverians (2) 1 .2 3 .4 74 94 (58) Old Xav (1): Goals: D. Rush 5. L_ Hardwick, A. Jones, M . Jones, J . Silk, A. Barrel, Best: J. Hardwick, D . Rush, A Jones, A McCarthy, B . Perry, P. Torres Old Xav (2) : Goals: M . AIBs 5, M. 0'Hanion 2, S. Bridgland . D . Mackay. Best: D. Ford, J Richards, M . Alts. M . Roache, J . Watson. R. SpeekmanUmpires: Richard Benson (Jnr) (C) Anthony Bymes (C) Mazenod OC 2 .2 5 .7 811 8 .13 (61) University Bit 2 .11 5.16 6 .21 12 .25 (97) R9ar Ga°" ^~^r^ 4 5, S Dresser, S . Fisher, J. Wilmot. Best: T. Bridgland, J . Cro-er PoIPL, P. Reed, PA Fothergsll UB : Goals: A Brennan 6 . J. McDonald 3, W. D Marshall, L Skidmore . Best: N1. Shaughnessy, A. Brennan, D . P,laloney. T. Mc '°y, L. 0'Shannessy, D. Marshall Umpires: Lindsay McIntyre (N) Pheft Parker (CI Old PAeihumians 3 .0 7 .2 7 .4 7 .5(47) Be La Salle OC 3 3 5 .4 9 .8 12 .15 (87) Oft Goals: H. Tomlinson 3 . 5, Wettenhall 2. R . tf,effiatt 2. Best : P Lima, T Schofield, S . Wettenhall, W. McDonald, A . Rush, K . Caution OLS : Goals : A. Thurman 3, J . McGuinness 3, S. Miles 2, R. Buckley, L. O'Donnell . A. Powell, L . Walker. Best: R . Buckley, L . Walker, M. P ;cone, R . Marks, A . Powell, B . Rooster Umpires: Jason Ovans (F) St Bodes Martens, Tigers 1,4 2 .7 4 .10 4110) St R"„ns OB 5 .2 10.5 14 .7 21 .11 G: ;) S18 ` Goals: J . h9attir.gbj. S. Newsome, T Waters, S. Burgess. Best: S . Ne re pr °r, A. Pothtcs, J . Dagroot, T. Waters, J . tw4attirgh '"98 : ^--'s R, Br ^ T. , i aorrocks 3, N. Moore 3, D. Peirce 3, D . Dun- 9 W. , in 2, L . H A . Short. H . Bergin . R. Horrocks, A Rin T.1 D . I Um,{vi Wekselman (F) Pra"• AFC 5 .4 8 .9 10.11 13 .1 E Old ~cutch 10 51 7 .1 11 .3 (ae Pr:' 'a: tA. Hoivard 3 . T,' ;on 3, ti. Gregson 2, D . Buttenvorth, B . Cartlv4ge, P Curer, S . I z^q . L . Farrell. Be: Jackson, M . Howard, T. McIver, G . Scott, L . Farrell, I t OS: G( N i 5' . Grant 3, R . Craves. N. O'Brien. S. W'J1is. Best: T. t:u , A. Grant, M. i, C . )gan, N . Smith Umpires : Francis Kavanagh (C) waim Hit Lit ° OC 6.5 12.8 16.11 23.12 (150) tdarcelon OC 0.2 23 3 .3 3,4(22) Mt Lity: Goals: P. Catalan 7, M. Rhodes 3, R. McKenzie 2, L. Kemaghan 2, B, Salle, G . Bird, C. Gibson, T. Vanstnjp, M . Fellows, D. Harris, H . PAoyes, . Best: P. Catalan, D. Harris, M . Rhodes, H. Mayes, 0. Cerra, C. Gibson Fitzgerald, G, Moyle Marc : Details not received Umpires: Dean Banova (C) St Bemards 4.2 10.4 12 .5 18.12 (120) Therry Penola OB 2 .2 1 .0 it 5,3(33) SIB : Goals: L. Vassallo 7. M . Byrne 2, N . Weir 2, T. t9cG(ade, W. Sumner, R. Peart, L. Cookson, M . Ryan, P. Foster, R. Stapleton. Best : T. McGlade, R . Peart. R. Stapleton, M . Byrne, L . Vassallo, A . Catterall TP: Goals : R . Bacelic, D . Boden, i . Mardesic, R. Rose, B . Wood . Best. B . Mill, A. Pirpinias. S. Hayes, J. Brosnan, R . Rose, B. Tozer Umpires: David Windlow (C) Old Brighton Cr 20 41 7 .1 8.2(50) Monash Blues 5.1 12.5 22 .8 30.10 (190 OB : Goals: G . Earl 2, A. Liptrot W. Earl, M . Stockdale, E. Dimitriou, C. Walker, T. Tucker.
E . Dwmtrioa . C . V : = ker . Couc IParson6, A. L- too, M. Woods, N. Costello, ". J'D Parsons . P. Coughlin, T . Haines . P. Art U . a J .
Lambert '.)
Fitzre in 3.6 Cot 1 .2 FR : .." A . Dawson 5. S . ~ 2, P Crc A. Dawson, T. Car R. E I, S. Bt Heins . P. Lazar, P u rd-d, Pt. S~ " ' B. Hams, D. GamGaro Umpirz: University Blacks Ydhitetr: : F~ OC Uni BL, 3: o,,,. Goals : E. Dun . N. Poyne ;, u. "-s' ,,, I . : ;enaessy 3 .
7.11 1 .3
9,13 10 .15 (75) 2 .8 6.13 ;49) im . A. E. Clark, .oi :. u . o. )ay 2, B . ' '" S. Day, P. La?er,
P. O'Brie n : Paul 1;'
U One if l Em :, OT: Goals But Me P. R :,n Marion, L. (77) .15 (105) .' Sherman, T. nacK, ~ uz. c U. ver or , i . i P Irons U01 ,: Gap— ' EC 1 C. 0'St van, R. Stel hens, N . , , D . v_. _, R . G . .an, , . ' zr, A. _gan, D. Ganged, M . Nunn, C. Gordon, Sr. Pepper.-Umpires: 'n on Brooks (C) Old Geelong 1,4 aa 8,12(60) Old Scotch 1 .3 U .S 1 .11 10 .12 (72) 00: Goals : G. Stannard 2, L. Herbert, B. Grills, i ' ,Is, R. inile, T. Yoal, A. Burns. Best: H . Lackie, R . tlevile . T Youl, G. Stannard, C. ~ . ~s, W. Reed OS: Goals : K Lacey 3, L. Neilson, S . Newton, S. Osborne, N. Thom . G . •'t A. Piu-ey, J . Harrison. Best: N. Thorn, P. Deschepper, A . Kyriakou, R. Wam, ,, . L n, J . Barnett Umpires: Trevor Hansen ( C) Simon Fearless (C) La Trotu; University 1 .0 5.2 5 .5 6 .10 (46) Caulfield Or 3 .3 4 .3 4 .3 46(30) LaTrobey: Goals : J. Lania 2, J. Dumaresq, R . TGlliday, D. Waterman, A. "z"ellino. Best: A. 6Ael6no, J . Lania, A . Samson, D . Mann, T. 41c intosh, G . Jansz Caul: Goals. T. Bookman 2, J . Margeris0n, R . Saunders . Best: I Bookman, J . Jacobs, S . Stevenson, J. Pitts, M. Benkemoun, A . Johnson Umpires: Malcolm Foard (C)
Roy ad 5 Rank Nam e I Gavan Flower 2 Tom Brain 3 Al Dwyer 4 Ed Sil l 5 Jonathan Horn 6 Peter Willamson 7 Adrian Be rn ecich 8 Charles Beato n 9 Norm Nugent 10 Jono Healy 11 Fraser Cameron
Divisio n D3 B U/19 D4 A D1 U/19 U/19 Club XVIII D2
Score 4 4 7 3 4 5 6 4 11 4 4
Out of 5 5 9 5 5 5 9 5 15 5 5
Total Score Out o f 20 20 35 19 18 18 31 17 49 14 14
25 25 45 25 25 25 45 25 73 25 25
% 80% 80% 78% 76% 72% 72% 69% 68% 67% 56% 56 %
Leaders in custo for -N T,_
;d tops and shorts . J~
Call us for your special needs :
Ben Baines, Old Melburnians ( Under-19) . Kicking, 6 matches . Andrew Saultry, MHSOB ( Reserves) . Attempting to strike, 1 match . *Anthony Schaepman, Swinburne University. Striking, 2 matches, *James Briffa, North Brunswick ( Reserves). Striking, 2 matches, * "ccepte ( ' Pr~scribed Panalty
Old Camberwell and Fitzroy Reds charged with a major melee which allegedly occurred in their senior match on Saturday May 13 at Camberwell .
DATE June4
June 10-12
Sportscover Arena (Sunday) t13i een's 3irt~d~.,f weekend Bl'e i c ; all ~cCiiOn s
VN.Ft; v S ; L- (Saturday) VAFA 째: Und~.r i 3 G ;,oBr; (Sa : ur July 15 A~,, sectlor, July 15 V.SFA ~, S'-.~;FLUnder 23 Sporiscor~lr A.ren~ (Saturday ) August 7 Members' i;',eeting August 27 Club XVIII Grand Final s September 2 C - D4 & U19 section finals begi n September 4 Presentation Night - Carlton Crest September 9 A & B section finals begi n September 16 C - D4 and U19 section Grand Finals September 23/24 A & B section Grand Finals December 4 Annual General Meetin g June 10 June 10 ;
Charge proven . Old Camberwell fined $600 plus a suspended fine of $300 for 12 months . Fitzroy Reds fined $300 . Yarra Valley and Bulleen Templestowe charged with a major melee which allegedly occurred in their senior match on Saturday May 13 at Bulleen . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty Yarra Valley $200 (first major melee over the last two year period and Bulleen Templestowe $300 (second major melee over the last two year period . Yarra Valley charged with conduct unbecoming a member of the Association in that during the above match Water Carrier Damien Dour got involved in a melee when he slung a Bulleen Templestowe player and used abusive and obscene language towards an umpire. Damien Dour suspended for 4 matches . Marcellin charged with conduct unbecoming a member of the Association in that during their under-19 match against Rupertswood on Saturday May 13 at Marcellin College, Marcellin timekeeper / team manager Peter White, allegedly constantly abused the umpires and then at three quarter time allegedly entered the field and acted in a physically intimidatory fashion towards the field umpire . Peter White suspended for 12 months . 61
v 0
0 z
THE CHALLENGE : Name the grid square where you thir' : the ball was in the original photo . PRIZES : Successful entrants who correctly nominate the grid square in which the majority of the ball was, go into a major "Lucky draw" at the end of the season . The winners' names and original photo (showing where the ball was) will appear in each subsequent issue of the "Amateur Footballer" . LAST WEEK THE BALL WAS IN C1, SPOT THE [,: .LL No winners . HOW TO ENTER : One entry per person . Tear c`" entry section which appears down right hand side of this page, fill in and mai l to: VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 . P'速 taxed entries .
Entry to be received by noon Tuesday 62
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5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 0
1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 5 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
462 473 347 298 335 30 1 258 284 221 167
160 336 288 249 294 33 0 2 96 369 509 477
16 16 16 12 12 8 8 8 0 0
L 0 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5
D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
618 512 546 478 382 437 564 480 396 215
Ag Pis 310 20 376 16 397 12 434 12 372 12 416 8 537 8 527 8 554 4 705 0
- • ~,= . :
L ~ Far
4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
0 457 0 431 0 458 0 432 0 321 0 453 0 328 0 348 0 338
231 242 419 448 425 505 390 442 464
P 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
W 5 5 5 3 2 2 1 1 1
L 0 0 0 2 3 3 4 4 4
U For 0 634 0 621 0 536 0 238 0 244 0 384 0 362 0 212 0 174
268.75 140.77 120.49 119.68 113.95 91 .2 1 87. 16
~ ~
16 16 12 12 12 8 8 8 6
197 .8 4 178 .1 0 109 .3 1 96 .4 3 75 .5 3 89 .7 0 84 .1 0 78.7 3
Ag P8s 226 20 246 20 235 18 355 12 392 8 637 8 489 4 382 4 468 4
% 280.53 252.4 4 228.09 67.04 62.24 60.28 74.03 55.50 37.1 8
72 ,84
5 4
0 409
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4 4 4 3 2 2 1 1
1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4
0 461 0 331 0 328 0 306 0 297 0 235 0 320 0 162
262 232 249 280 334 303 380 518
16 16 16 12 8 8 4 4
175.95 142.67 131 .73 109.29 88.92 77.56 84.2 1 31 .27
5 0
0 226
50.6 7
4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
495 520 390 387 366 407 376 269 209
218 180 274 286 337 338 364 330 615
20 16 16 12 12 8 8 4 4
227 .06 288 .89 142 .34 135 .31 108 .61 120.41 103 .30 81 .52 33.98
5 0
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P W 5 5
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311 .70 M ( ;,;,SH BLUES
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g Pts 158 20
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656 481
156 340
16 16
420,51 141 .47
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1 2 3 3 4 5 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
364 400 370 403 268 246 196
304 381 321 519 606 570 569
16 12 8 8 4 0 0
126.32 104.99 115.26 77. 65 44.22 43.16 34.45
5 5 5 4
0 1
0 524 0 510
173 419
20 16
302 .8 9 121 .7 2
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
3 3 2 2 1 0 0
2 2 3 3 4 5 5
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352 280 394 352 615 633 657
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124 .7 2 98 .2 1 96 .4 5 85 .2 3
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453 48-0 447 390 432 454 360 340 260
322 294 389 388 450 496 445 450 570
16 12 12 12 8 8 8 4 0
% 174. ue 140.68
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Ag pts 221 20 247 20 356 16 352 12 395 12 524 8 510 4 364 4 631 4 849 0
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
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4 3 2 2 1 0 0
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699 695 530 525 499 338 405 255 276 227
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189 222 189 299 366 278 292 503 440
16 16 16 14 12 8 8 6 4
186 .24 146 .85 137 .04 93 .98 66 .07 167 .27 124 .66 58.25 62 .73
5 0
0 243
61 .36
~ 316 .29 r ® A® - - ®®v®® ® ®®®®, - ®® ® 281 .38 ~ ---- --- - ~ 148 .88 149 .15 - - -' ' `--- °' °- - -d--126 .33 y_ -z 64 .50 79 .41 70.05 $~C',,RT~C~VER ~ - ' - - " - -- -i -n w- ~sPar+~ 43 .74 ~ ;rz) ® ® 26.74 ~® l~?'~~~ m v u ~ ~rr a mnbile phem to Ibis L
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L D For .9g Pts % 0 0 428 325 20 131 .69 1 0 540 282 16 191 .49 1 0 431 377 16 114.32 2 0 472 379 12 124.54 2 0 379 357 12 106.16 3 0 392 429 8 91 .38 3 0 355 433 8 81 .99 4 0 373 412 4 90.53 4 0 377 492 4 76.63 5 0 180 483 0 37.27
~ 5 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 0
L 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5
W 5 4 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 0
L D For Ag Pis ~ 0 0 504 245 20 205.71 1 0 452 308 16 146.75 1 0 443 410 16 108.05 2 0 405 431 12 93.97 3 0 407 400 8 101 .75 3 0 344 361 8 95 .29 3 0 322 371 8 86.79 3 0 255 381 8 66.93 4 0 317 473 4 67.02 5 0 354 423 0 83 .69
5 5 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 0
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If L D For Ag Pts % 5 0 0 576 293 20 196.59 3 2 0 408 370 12 110.27 3 2 0 392 356 12 110.11 3 2 0 504 473 12 106.55 2 3 0 392 426 8 92.02 2 3 0 316 344 8 91 .86 2 3 0 353 422 8 83.65 2 3 0 412 495 8 83.23 2 3 0 289 359 8 80.50 1 4 0 321 425 4 75.53
W 5 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 0 0
D Fat Ag PLs % 0 495 176 20 281 .25 0 518 218 20 237.61 0 372 289 16 128.72 0 368 236 12 155.93 0 311 268 8 116.04 0 236 319 8 73.98 0 182 334 8 54.49 0 242 350 4 69.14 0 201 377 4 53.32 0 113 471 0 23.9 9
518 196 20 264.29 521 216 20 241 .20 343 287 16 119.51 463 274 12 168.98 369 234 12 157.69 261 301 8 86.71 197 364 4 54.12 203 439 4 46.24 187 422 4 44.31 182 511 0 35.62
L D Far Ag PLs % 0 0 638 111 20 574.77 1 0 497 242 16 205.37 1 0 441 250 16 176.40 1 0 370 241 16 153.53 2 0 544 266 12 204.51 3 0 385 289 8 133.22 3 0 212 325 8 65.23 4 0 138 616 4 22.40 5 0 237 426 0 55.63 5 0 24 767 0 3.13
PIN L D For Ag Pts OLD CAREY GRAMMARIANS 5 5 0 0 534 318 20 167 .92 RUPERTSW000 AFC 5 5 0 0 447 315 20 141 .90 OLD GEELONG FC 5 4 1 0 458 332 16 137 .95 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE AFC 5 4 1 0 481 425 16 113 .18 THERRY PENOLA OB 5 3 2 0 388 279 12 139 .07 BANYULE AFC 5 2 3 0 398 429 8 92 .77 YARRA VALLEY OB 5 1 4 0 402 437 4 91 .99 OLD MENTONIANS 5 1 4 0 415 493 4 84 .18 EMMAUS ST LEOS OC AFC 5 0 5 0 382 601 0 63 .56 PRAHRAN AFC 5 0 5 0 252 528 0 47 .73
PW L D For ag PLS °s
OLD GEELONG FC 5 5 0 0 627 148 20 42 165 OLD CAREY GRAMMARIANS 5 5 0 0 444 220 20 201 .82 RUPERTSW000 AFC 5 4 1 0 412 314 16 131 .21 OLD MENTONIANS 5 3 2 0 346 357 12 96.92 THERRY PENOLA OB 5 2 3 0 368 300 8 122 .67 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE AFC 5 2 3 0 320 329 8 97 .26 BANYULE AFC 5 2 3 0 314 483 8 65 .01 EMMAUS ST LEOS OC AFC 5 1 4 0 203 366 4 55.46 PRAHRAN AFC 5 1 4 0 239 454 4 52.64 YARRA VALLEY OB 5 0 5 0 209 511 0 40 .90
P W L D For
4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 0
1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5
Ag Pis
0 514 317 16 162.15 0 489 370 16 132.16 0 557 345 12 161 .45 0 452 326 12 138 .65 0 426 325 12 131 .08 0 393 440 12 89.32 0 308 441 8 69.84 0 292 446 8 65 .47 0 353 610 4 57.87 0 266 430 0 61 .86
Ay Pfs
5 0 0 463 288 20 160.76 4 1 0 417 197 16 211 .68 4 1 0 563 305 16 184.59 4 1 0 492 292 16 16B,49 3 2 0 443 412 12 107.52 2 3 0 332 358 8 92 .74 2 3 0 298 385 8 77.40 1 4 0 212 496 4 42.74 0 5 0 228 460 0 49.57 0 5 0 163 519 0 31 .4 1
P W L D For
Ay Pis
STH MELBOURNE DISTRICTS 5 5 0 0 636 278 20 228 .78 OLD WESTBOURNE 5 4 1 0 471 291 16 161 .86 WEST BRUNSWICK AFC 5 4 1 0 517 353 16 146 .46 BENTLEIGH AFC 5 4 1 0 573 431 16 132.95 ELSTERNWICKAFC 5 3 2 0 508 378 12 134 .39 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY AFC 5 2 3 0 401 47S 8 84 .42 MONASH GRYPHONS 5 2 3 0 355 491 8 72.30 KEW AFC 5 1 4 0 378 528 4 71 .59 ST MARYS AFC 5 0 5 0 364 639 0 56.96 UHS-VU AFC 5 0 5 0 263 602 0 43 .69
a Weet :3nd : . :atches (Fri) ® Umpires .~ppoirb : .nents
Scores (Sat. night) L
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