The Amateur Footballer, Week 8, 1974

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Ju~e 8,1 974 ML


`A" Section


Western Pacific Permanent Building Society

491 Bourke Street, Melbourne 67-6351

Printed by Hedges & Bell Ltd ., Sutton Road, Maryborough, and published by George McTaggart, of 12 Ripley Grove, Caulfield North, for the Victorian Amateur Football Association .


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Victorians' great win over South Aust . St . Bernard's beat Geelong to hold top spot B lacks knock North down to third 3 ig scores by Trinity, S.S . Ban k By GEORGE McTAGGART Victoria regained its lost crown of top Amateur football state with a meritorious 11-point win over South Australia at Adelaide last Saturday . South Australia's four wins in the last five games, incuding two Carniva l wins, had been a severe blow to Victoria's prestige . This win was Victoria's first win in Adelaide since 1966 . On the home front St. Bernard's finished too strongly for Geelong and won by five goals. By doing so, they held top place and are now clear leaders. North Old Boys' defeat by University Blacks caused them to drop to thir d (they were level on points with St . Bernard's), and Ormond have now moved up to second . Old Trinity and State Savings Bank kicked big scores against Power House and LaTrobe Blacks respectively - Trinity scored 32-j9 (201 points) and Bank 41-24 (270) . Kew beat Old Scotch by nearly 8 The dominance, of St . Bernard's goals and Ivanhoe had plenty to spare centre line and rovers in the second over Melbourne High . De La Salle half was the deciding factor in their scored easily from Old Carey and favour. Geelong led by a goal at the Monash Blues finished more than 6 interval, but St . Bernard's put on 8 goals ahead of Collegians . goals to one in the third term and Marcellin suffered their second held on to win well . successive defeat when they went University Blacks opened up a big down to Old Haileybury by 11 points . lead on North in the first half and Uni . High beat St . Kilda CBC by were 6 goals up at half-time, but North nearly 8 goals and Old Brighton scrapput in a strong challenge later in the ed home by 9 points from Parkside . eame and got to within 15 points . Alphington easily beat Assumption Then Blacks steadied and were winand Old Melburnians were too strong ners by 23 points . for National Bank . Coburg were 5 goals ahead of Old Commonwealth Bank sprang a surParadians at half-time but Parade's prise when they beat Hampton Rovers strong finish (6 goals in the last quarby 15 points . It was Rover's first ter) coupled with Coburg's poor shootloss, perhaps it would be more correct ing, nearly won it for them . They failto say they beat themselves - by ed by 2 goals . kicking 6-22 to Bank's 10-13 . Reservoir Old Boys were not troublOld Camberwell were no match for ed to score a runaway win over UniOld Ivanhoe and Brunswick thrashed versity Blues, slamming on 9 goals in St . Kevin's . the last term, while Ormond won as Old Geelong beat AMP Society by they liked against Caulfield Gram26 points and AJAX swamped Elsternmarians . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER - June 8, 1974 Page 3

wick by nearly 10 goals . St . Pat's scored by 15 points from West Brunswick and St . Bede's went down to ANZ Bank by 16 points . LaTrobe Reds beat University Reds by 21 points in a low-scoring encounter and Beverley Hills beat Dookie & Co . by 17 points . North Brunswick and Old Mentonians had big wins over Glenroy and Thornbury . Monash University scored a surprise .37-point win over University Blues in the Junior Section and Beverley Hills ran the Blacks to 5 points . In Section 2, Ivanhoe proved too strong for Hampton Scouts and but for shocking kicking, might well have won by more than their 7-goal margin . Parkside trounced Geelong, BulleenTemplestowe beat AJAX by 16 points, and Parade beat Caulfield by 14 . Fifty-one teams kicked century scores, two of them exceeding the 1200-point mark . Five bosers were among the century-scorers .

THE BLACK LIS T Missed publication deadline (4 .50 p .m .) - Reserves 3 p.m . Fine - ONE DOLLAR. LA TROBE REDS RESERVE S ST . PATRICK'S O .C . OLD ME NTONIANS COBURG JUNIORS PARKSIDE JUNIORS AJAX Missed phoning scores to Herald before 5 .30 p .m . Fine - THREE DOLLARS . OLD CAREY GR . GLENROY POWER HOUSE JUNIORS UNIVERSITY BLACKS JUNIOR S Failed to phone scores or details to Press Correspondent before 7 p .m . Fine - ONE DOLLAR . GLENROY POWER HOUSE JUNIOR S Phoned incorrect scores . Fine - ONE DOLLAR . LA TROBE REDS GLENROY .UNIVERSITY BLACKS JUNIORS BRUNSWICK RESERVE S LA TROBE REDS RESERVE S

100 GAMES TO ST . BEDE'S DEFENDER St. Bede's congratulate JIM SERON G on playing his 100th game last Saturday . Jim has been with the club since the late 60's and was captain of the firsts in 1972 .


For all your football needs - boots, socks, shorts, jumpers, track suits, training oil etc . call to the Melbourne Sports Depot.

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A SECTION Ormond 5 .5 10 .8 18 .10 22 .16-148 .13 Caulfiel d ORMONDram Kozlo sski3 9, M . Graham 56 Naylor 3, Smythe, Foulsham A . Graham, Pearce. Best: I . Cameron, K ,A?lGrahamJen• kins, R. Cameron, Murphy , . Mathieson 2, CAULFIELD GRAMM . : I . Fletcher, Goold . Voyage 2, Morphet 2, G Best : Goold, Morphet, Dickeson, I . Mathieson, G . Fletcher, Long . Reservoir OB 7 .4 11 .10 15 .13 24 .20-16 1 .181, 4137 .8 4UniverstyBluO Aston 5z .B . :3.4 Mc Crohan RESERVOI R Trevascus 4, Devlin 3, O'Brien 2, Scott , Crook . Best : Aston, Devlin, Trevascus, Letson, Crook, McCrohan . UNIVERSITY BLUES : Sleeman 5, Church 3, Bruton, P . Nicolson, Vivian, O'Kane, !VOigt . Best : Church, Vivian, Carmody, Sharp, Lyle, Sleeman. St . Bernard's OC 4 .2 8 .3 16 .8 20 .12-132 Geelong 2 .0 9 .3 10 .4 16 .6 -102 ST . BERNARD'S O .C: . Thompson 6, Wade 3, Paul Pearson 2, Burgin 2, Sullivan 2, Phelan 2, King, Angel, G . Mahoney . Best : Hogan, Phelan, Thompson, Drenan, Angel, Wade . GEELONG : Heard 3, Davis 2, J . Casboult 2, Lowcock 2, Bullen 2, Smith 2, Wookie, Eddy, Neilson . Best : Paulke, Davis, David, ° Smith, Wookie, McArthur . Coburg 4 .8 9 .12 13 .18 17 .24-126 Old Paradians 2.1 5 .6 11 .9 17.12-114 COBURG : O'Brien 3, Gilmour 2, Green 2, Hughes 2, Williams 2, Phil Cleary 2, Paul Cleary 2, Clark, Scanlon . Best: Gillingham, Hughes, Liddle, O'Brien, Leckie, Clark . OLD PARADIANS : Jordan 6, Ford 4, Moran 2, Price 2, Bahen, Mansfield, Weyman . Best: Jordan, Hough, Kohut, Symes, Tudor, Gilmartin .

Kew 6 .3 12 .9 15 .10 22 .18-150 Old Scotch Coll 5 .1 10.4 14.6 16.7 -103 KEW : McEwan 6, Murphy 4, Fletcher 2 , Hayes 2, Berry 2, Wiseman 2, Mullin, Wailes, Antoniou, Rodda . Best : Fletcher, Hayes, Murphy, Antoniou, Rodda, Paterson . OLD SCOTCH : McDonald 5, Ainger 4, Nicholls 3, Steele, Moulds, Morgan, Booth. Best: McDonald, Welch, Morgan, Booth, Purnell, Ainger. Ivanhoe 2 .8 8 .11 13 .17 19.23-137 MHS Old Boys 3 .3 7.7 9 .10 11 .13- 79 IVANHOE : Wilson 6, M . Callinan 3, Quinlivan 2, Phillips 2, Neale, Field, Robinson, Dean, Adley, Renshaw . Best : N . Callinan, Quinlivan, Neale, Steen, Adley, Rojo . MHS OLD BOYS : G . Todd 2, Ponton 2, Wood, Staley, Hutton, Cooper, Cherry, Evans, V . Cosmos . Best : Silberberg, Cherry, P . Ternes, Featherby, Nish, Ponton . Old Trinity Gr 12 .3 20 .4 25 .6 32 .9 -201 Power House 1 .3 3.9 8 .11 11 .15- 81 OLD TRINITY : Stephens 11, Quarterman 4, Piggin 3, G . Fellows 3, Dann 3, Christie 2, Watsford 2, Hansen, Hodges, A . Kennedy, Fletcher, Stephens, G . R . Peers . Best : Fellows, Hansen, Weir, Quarterman . : Upton 3, Digby 2, NewPOWER HOUSE ton 2, Potter 2, Daniel, Hailes . Best : Potter, Miller, Newton, Godfrey, Hadjigorgiuo, Upton . De La Salle OC 6.5 7 .10 11 .13 16 .15-111 Old Carey Gr 2.1 6 .4 7.6 9.7 - 61 DE LA SALLE : Fahey 4, Dunn 3, Rapon e 3, McDonald 2, Pollard, Fitzpatrick, H . Halasa, Mitchell. Best: Loft, R. Halasa, Dunn, Donegan, H . Halasa, Fahey . OLD CAREY : M. Cooke 4, Keddie 2, Sharp, Pel, Rowe . Best: M. Cooke, Bell, Rowe, Raymond, Elliott, Kelaher .

Univ6rsity Blacks 7 .5 10.11 14 .12 17 .15-117 North Old Boys 2 .3 5.5 9 .9 13 .16- 94 UNIVERSITY BLACKS : Moffatt 8, Cordne r 3, Batten 2, Bouchier 2, Johnstone, King . Best: Bridge, Moffatt, Cordner, Perrett, Holmes, Johnstone . NORTH OLD BOYS : Anderson 3, Welch 3, D . Maguire 3, Joss, Murray, Wilson, Biagi . Best : Welch, Joss, O'Neill, Scanlon, Drew, Harding .

11 .5 13 .8 - 86 Monash Blues 2.4 4 .4 Collegians 1 .3 4 .6 5 .7 6 .11- 47 MONASH BLUES : De Young 4, Hopkin s 2, Hargreaves 2, Ross 2, Cohn 2, Severs . Best : Skinner, ray, Sweetland, Griffiths, De Young, Galbraith . COLLEGIANS : Hibbert 3, Permezel, Purdue, Merry . Best: Edwards, Mason, Rice, Zent, Boucher, Rejan .

100 AND 150 TO CAULFIELD MEN Caulfield Grammarians would like to congratulate IAN MATHIESON on reaching 150 games this week and also TIM UPSTILL in playing his 100th game. It is hoped that they both will play many more games with Grammarians in the years to come .

MORE CENTURIES AT ALPHINGTON Two more Alphingtonners in Murray Smith and Peter Newman, both of whom have worked their way up from the Junior team have reached the 100 game mark ; both have given the club good service and have a good deal of football to give the club yet.


P,age 5

Last Week's Results - Continued D SECTION

C SECTION Alphington 4.8 8 .18 13 .24 18 .28-136 Assumption OC 2 .2 6 .4 10 .6 13 .10- 88 ALPHINGTON: Shea 4, Hale 4, Cecil 2, Eaton 2, Shaw 2, McKay, Williams, Skerr y , Candy . Best : Wayman, Johnston, McKay, Eaton, Hale, Williams . ASSUMPTION OLD COLL. : Simmons 5, Egan 3, Avery 2, P . Nugent, Howard, T . Kelly. Best: Ryan, Gallagher, Avery, Simmons, Egan, L . Howard . UHS Old Boys 4.2 7 .9 14 .12 17 .16-118 St . Kilda CBOC 2 .4 8 .6 9 .10 10 .11- 71 U .H .S . OLD BOYS : McMahon 6, Reid 4 , Griffin 2 Flavel 2, Morrell 2, Hadlow . Best: Byron, Johnston, Hume, Trewratha, Hadlow, Griffin . ST . KILDA CBOC: Calleja 6, Spence 2, Busing, Jennings . Best : Halpin, Carroll, K . White, Dynon, Calleja, Leahy. Old Haileyburians 2 .5 6 .9 9 .17 11 .18- 84 Marcellin OC 1 .5 3 .5 6 .11 10 .13- 73 OLD HAILEYBURY : Roberts 3, Paul 2 , Gadsden 2, Gyngell, G . Lucas, Shapter, Hattam . Best : Gadsden, Houghton, G. Lucas, McQuarrie, Mason, Paul . MARCELLIN O .C. : Alosio 2, Gartiver 2 Sartori 2, Aherne, Allen, Hurley, McDonald . Best : Shaw, Wilson . Old Brighton Gr 3.4 8.6 9 .7 16 .12-108 Parkside 3.6 6 .8 11 .12 14 .15- 99 OLD BRIGHTON : Agar 8, McBriar 2 , Belmaine 2, Warner 2, Kemp, Devine . Best: Sedgwick, Robertson, Agar, Devine, McBriar, Castle. PARKSIDE : Goalkickers, best players not received. Old Melburnians 21 .17-143 National Bank 12 .7 - 79 OLD MELBURNIANS : Miller 5, Austin 3, Weir 3, Roberson 2, Stuckey 2, Woodbridge 2, McMullin 2, Loughlin, Pisarkski . Best: Pisarkski, Loughlin, Roberson, Thomas, Hepworth, McMullen . NATIONAL BANK: Bate 4, Lucas 4, Gale 2, Anthony, Winzar . Best: Evans, Ferrier, Morris, Johnson, Brooke, Lucas . ANOTHER BRUNSWICK CENTURY Congratulations to Brunswick Reserve s player ARTHUR "HORSE" BARNETT who plays his 100th game today . Since joining the club in 1968 Arthur has given consistent service first as a wingman and now as a back pocket . His determination and `never say die' attitude has been an excellent example to fellow players . Rumour has it he may also get his 100th kick today . Everyone at Old Mentonlans congratulates Rick 'Mechanical Man' Burbury and Ray `Burgers' Burgoyne on playing 50 games last Saturday . Both are tremendous clubmen and 100 games will be just around the corner.

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Brunswick 5 .7 7 .10 12.16 21 .22-148 St. Kevin's OB 2.2 3 .7 3.8 4.9 - 3 3 BRUNSWICK : P. Hanlon 5, B . Watt 5, Gillett 5, S . Staples 2, Johnstone, White, Jones, Abernathy . Best : Gillett, P. Hanlon, Clarke, B. Watt, Jones, Johnstone. ST . KEVIN'S OLD BOYS : Johnson, King, Reynolds, Hannan . Best : McGuinness, Radford, Olle, Nolan, T . Griffen, Fernon . C'wealth Bank 6.5 9 .6 10.10 10.13- 73 Hampton Rovers 0 .1 0 .5 3.9 6.22- 58 C'«7EALTH BANK : McKinney 2, D'Orsa 2, Wyatt 2, Lovett, Borrack, Myers, Curtin . Best: Reid, W . McCrimmon, Myers, Curtin, Borrack, Hutchins . HAMPTON ROVERS : Rowston 2, Shanks, Marshall, Bennett, Vickers. Best : Arthurson, Nash, McNaughton, Wells. Old Ivanhoe Gr 1 .4 10 .4 17 .7 23.9 -147 Old Cam'well Gr 3.2 6 .5 8 .6 9 .11- 65 OLD IVANHOE: Wilson 4, Galbraith 4 , Allen 4, Love 3, Wiltshire 2, Smith 2, Gurney 2, Mackenzie, Gill . Best : G . Stevens, Wilson, Smith, Williams, Goldin, Gurney . OLD CAMBERWELL : J . Steven 2, Hogarth, Spargo, W . Trahar, R . Hanson, I . Trahar, James, Stewart . Best : Potter, Riley, Stewart, D . Steven, J . Steven, W. Trahar. State Sav . Bank 8.7 18 .10 29.18 41 .24-270 La Trobe Blacks 1 .1 3 .3 4.3 4.3 - 27 STATE SAV . BANK : Eacott 10, Horwood 5, Cameron 4, McGill 4, Walsh 4, Webster 4, P. Brennan 3, Inglis 2, Julier 2, Laidlaw 2, Wright . Best : McGill, Wright, Julier, ameron, Wynd, Eacott. LATROBE BLACKS : Goalkickers, best players not received . Old Xaverlans a bye .

GROUND CHANGE NEXT WEEK Players and supporters of North Old Boy s and Geelong are reminded that next week's game between these clubs will be played at North Melbourne Football Ground . Meals and Refreshments will be available at the Social Club after the match . Nonmembers of the Social Club will be admitted on payment of $1 visitor's fee.

COBURG BACK "HOME " Clubs in A Section and Junior Section 1 are advised that Coburg have moved back home to De Chene Reserve, East Coburg . (East Coburg tram in Swanston Street t o


Last Week's Results - Continued E SECTION Fawkner 4 .1 11 .13 18 .17 26 .23-179 10 .11- 71 Footscray ITOB 5 .5 5 .5 6 .9 FAWKNER : M . Stapleton 7, F. McMaho n . Ward 4, Deans 4, Prouse 3, S . Thomas 4, K 2, Phillips, Cash . Best: M. Stapleton, F . McMahon, Stewart, Phillips, Duggan, Deans . FOOTSCRAY I .T.: Goalkickers, best players not received . old Geelong 6 .5 11 .11 13 .14 18 .18-126 AMP Society 3 .1 6 .6 12 .6 15.10-100 OLD GEELONG : B . Spiden 5, J . Spiden 3 , Dennet 3, Paton 2, McGilvray 2, Gilbert, Whiting, Lilly . Best : Gilbert, Weibye, B . Spiden, Whiting, Lily, Anderson . A.M.P . SOCIETY : Roulston 8, D . Brooks Ferrall, Thompson, Lucas, Gates, Crosby . Best: Withers, Ferrall, Roulston, Thompson, Rowell, Lucas . AJAX 5.5 7.8 12.12 15 .17-107 Elsternwick 0 .1 1 .7 1 .11 6 .15- 50 A .J .A.X . : Ritterman 5, D . Freeman 2 , Schulberg 2, Olenski, Rozen, Grace, Bog,tin, C . Freeman, Garfinkel . Best: C . Freeman, Ritterman, D . Freeman, Goldfarb, Rubenstein, Rozen . ELSTERNWICK : Weekly 2, J . Perkins, P . Mahoney, Rosewarne, Rigg . Best : Everitt, Willials, Weekly, A . Ramsay, Allen, Johnston . St . Patricks OC 6 .2 8 .6 13 .10 15 .10-100 West Brunswick 3.4 6 .7 8 .11 12.13- 85 ST . PATRICK'S O .C . : Goalkickers, best players not received . WEST BRUNSWICK: Foote 4, Waters 3, Byrde 2, Condon 2, Brockwell . Best : Brockwell, Foote, Ivey, Lewis, Vazquez, Waters . ANZ Bank 4 .3 10 .8 12.13 15.18-108 St. Bedes OC 4 .2 7.5 10.7 14.8 - 92 A.N .Z. BANK : McCutcheon 6, Crough 3, Green 3, Gale, Harnetty, Wescott . Best: Baker, Gilroy-Scott, Lambert, McCutcheon, May, Wescott . ST. BEDE'S O .C.:. Signoretti 6, Evans 3, O'Brien 2, Trevena 2, Terrell . Best : Kean, Kurth, Vaughan, Terrell, Bradbu ry , Mul% ::ny.

STOLEN CA R Keep your eyes open for a dark blue Datsun 1200 Wagon, registered N-UA 636, it was stolen from one of our umpires . KEVIN (THE TOAD) McDONALD plays his 50th game for ANZ BANK today . Kevin has given great service to the club durin g he last four years . A tenacious player, 1 :evin has been a good acquisition to the club both on and off the field . The club congratulates Kevin on his fifty games . Well done TOAD !

F SECTI ON La Trobe Reds 21 4.4 7.6 9.11- 65 University Reds 1 .3 1 .6 2 .13 5.15- 45 LA TROBE REDS : Rowe 3, Gordon, Kerr , Hardman, Sheehan, Wright, Hendrick . Best: Porter, Shaw, Rowe, Hedrick, Drew, Wright . UNIVTRSITY REDS : Goalkickers, best players not received . Beverley Hills 1 .0 6.1 10.5 10 .9 - 69 Dookie & Long. 2 .4 2.7 3.8 7 .10- 52 BEVERLEY HILLS, DOOKIE & LONG . O .C. : Goalkickers, best players not received . Old Mentonians 9 .6 13.10 17 .14 24 .19-163 Thornbury 1 .2 4.4 5 .8 8 .11- 59 OLD MENTONIANS : Ingram 4, Sinclair 4, Peel 4, Everett 3, Runge 3, Nicholson 2, Rafter, Schrape, B . Watts . Best : Peel, Sinclair, Ingram, J . Upham, Rafter, G . Watts . THORNBURY: Staff 3, Lowan 2, McCorlick, Smith, T . Hope . Best: Williams, Briggs, J . Liversidge, R . Liversidge, Staff, Greenwood . North Brunswick 5 .2 11 .4 17 .8 23 .16-154 Glenroy 3 .2 8 .4 10 .5 10 .8 - 68 NORTH BRUNSWICK : Hamilton 4, I . Duncan 3, Gibbons 3, G . Handley 3, Giacobbe 2, Turner 2, Manias 2, Fox 2, Kenny, D . Payne. Best: D . Payne, Handley, Giacobbe, Scullin, Hamilton, Fox . GLENROY : Byers 3, Joyce 3, Williams 2, Agius, Ross . Best : Byers, M . Wilson, Aguis, McKinley, Willie, M. L. White . Monash Whites a bye . AUSTRALIAN AMATEUR TEAM Eleven Victori ans have been named amon g the 22 players selected to represent the Australian Amateurs in the Australian Football Council Section 2 Championships at Sydney during the Queen's Birthday weekend (June 15-17) . South Australian Captain, Paul Rofe, who won the Medal for the Best and Fairest player in the Australian Amateur Carnival in Melbourne last year, will lead the side, and Bruce Bourne, Victorian Captain will be Vice-Captain . The Coach is Howard Mutton, of Sout h Australia . The team is : D. Barclay, B . Bourn e (Vice-Capt.), it. Duke, K . Grose, B . Hibberd, A . Irel an d, B . Kefford, S . Maguire, C. McCrae, M. O'Donnell, R . Wood (Victoria), B . Ferris, R . Griffiths, N . Harri s, S . Johnson, J . Katsaros, P. Role (Capt .), S . Trumble, K . Underdown (South Aust .), S . Palmer (Tasmania), G, Matcham, G. Neesham (West Aust .) . The team which will assemble in Melbourne will leave on Wednesday, June 12th and the Victorians will return to Melbourne on Monday night, June 17th . Mr, Lou Zachariah is Manager and Mr . Keith Sims (South Aust .) is Assistant Manager.




Last Week's Results - Continue d JUNIOR SECION 1


Coburg 2 .2 7 .11 10 .14 17 .19-121 Old Scotch Coll 4.0 7 .0 8 .3 8 .3 - 5 1 COBURG : Simmons 3, Finlay 3, Ryland 3, Western 2, G . Hughes 2, Ferraro, Martin Brown, C . Green, McAuliffe. Best : Mann, J. Beattie, O'Brien, Ferraro, Egan, Taylor . OLD SCOTCH: Dick 3, Heggie 2, Cox 2, Anderson . Best : Shirrefs, Heggie, Rankin, Dick, MacRae, Woods . Monash Univ. 0 .7 4 .11 10 .18 14 .24-108 Univ. Blues 2 .1 6.1 9 .3 11 .5 - 71 MONASH UNIVERSITY : Bamford 4, Ellis 3, Golding 3, Greenwell 2, Anderson, Webb . Best : Olds, Bamford, Ellis, Gunning, Bally, Ryan . UNIVERSITY BLUES : Goalkickers, best players not received . Power House 3.7 9.13 12.15 16.21-117 St. Bern ards OC 1 .2 2.4 6.8 9.9 - 63 POWER HOUSE : Goalkickers, best players not received . ST. BERNARD'S O.C . : Dalmau 3, G . Hughes 3, Loughlin, Kavanagh, D. Hughes. Best: McNamee, Mahoney, Dalmau, G . Hughes, Power, McDonall . Ormond 4.5 11 .10 18 .11 25.14-164 North Old Boys 3.5 5.7 7.9 12.13- 85 ORMOND : Fisher 10, Wilson 4, Gough 4 , Mcllroy 3, McLean, Reynolds, Nolan, Sinclair. Best : Nolan, Fisher, Foulsham, Bowen . Wilson, Pritchard . NORTH OLD BOYS : Donaldson 4, O'Donnell 2, Marzella, Hogan, Hill, Morrison, O'Connor, Leheny. Best : Donaldson, O'Connor, O'Donnell, Frost, Marzella, Nelson . University Blacks 3.6 7 .12 12 .14 15 .22-112 Beverley Hills 4.6 6 .10 12 .16 15 .17-107 UNIV . BLACKS : Moore 3, Shelton 2, Maguire 2, Midgley 2, Blundy, Finkelde, Bateman, Humphries . Best : Maguire, McLean, Moore, Finkelde, Steele, Bellingham . BEVERLEY HILLS : Goalkcikers do not tally with scores . Best: Mason, Holly, Studdock, McCrory, Cameron, Amad .

West Brunswick 7.1 18 .10 20.13 23.17-155 Old Brighton Gr 5.5 6 .6 8 .10, 11 .16- 82 WEST BRUNSWICK : Allen 5, Tartagli a 4, Briges 3, Goodison 3, Russo 2, White 2, O'Halloran 2, Leopald, Manning. Best : Allen, Coleman, Goodison, Leopald, O'Halloran, Tartaglia . OLD BRIGHTON: Larkin 5, Hunt 3, Mitchell 2, Corns . Best : Tapp, Salter, Larkin, Hunt, Williams, Cannington . Old Paradlans 5 .2 8 .5 10 .8 13 .9 - 87 Caulfield Gram . 2.4 5 .10 9 .11 10.13- 73 OLD PARADIANS : Luxon 5, Muller 2 , Collins 2, Brown, Johnston, Livy, Cudice . Best : Muller, Hughes, Adams, Luxon, Rowlands, Collins . CAULFIELD GRAMM . : Strugnell 3, Cassidy 3, Everitt, Hamblin, Bugg, Robb . Best : Welch, Hamblin, Everitt, Forster, Bitmead, Strugnell . Parkside 4 .1 12.5 17.14 28 .19-187 Geelong 3 .4 6.7 9 .9 11 .11- 77 PARKSIDE : Goalkickers, best players not received . GEELONG : Leeds 3, Friend 2, Davies 2, Benci, Ludowtk, Barrow, Colewso . Best: Mills, Benci, G . Trevaskis, Leeds, Bond, Davies . Bulleen-Temple 3 .2 9.9 11 .13 18 .16-124 AJAX 5 .1 7.7 10.11 16.12-108 BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE : Goble 6, J. Tenace 5, A . Jenkins 5, Cualton, Kelly. Best : Goble, Dagostino, A . Jenkins, J . Tenace, Walton, L. Tenace. A .J .A.X . : Zucker 6, B . Wein 5, Lemish 3, Davis, Silver . Best: B . Wein, Zucker, Lemish, Ncbyl, Friede, Aaron s Ivanhoe 5.6 8 .12 11 .22 15 .29-119 Hampton Scouts 1 .2 5.6 8 .8 11 .11- 77 IVANHOE : Veitch 3, Gunn 3, Golding 2 , G . Dean 2, Wise 2, Bryce, Biviano, Bird . Best: Johnson, Lauder, Glennon, Golding, Gunn, Wise . HAMPTON SCOUTS : Earle 4, Cross 3, Malon, Morecroft, Bell, Brannan . Best: Bird, Kelly, Salmon .

Last Week's' Results - Continued B RESERVE SECTIO N

A RESERVE SECTIO N Ormond 5 .2 9 .4 12 .8 21 .9 -135 Caulfield Gram 0 .4 1 .5 3 .7 5 .9 - 39 ORMOND : Holman 7, C. Fitts 5, Chapman 2, Rowse 2, Wood 2, Sandilands 2, B . Fitts . Best : C . Fitts, R . Peterson, Hardman, Holman, Sandilands, Chapman . CAULFIELD GRAM. : Creswick 2, C . Tamblyn, Upstill, Worthintgon. Best : Upstill, Hartley, Rutledge, Jennings, P . Waxman, Irvine . Reservoir OB 4.5 11 .10 15 .14 19 .19-133 University Blues 3.1 5 .3 8 .4 11 .5 - 71 RESERVOIR O.B . : Goalkickers, best players not received. UNIV. BLUES : Scarcella 2, Hersbach 2, Langdon 2, Isles 2, Nichols, J . Plunkett, Templar . Best : Hersbach, Westmore, Langdon, Speers, Radford, Fogaarty . St. Bernards OC 11 .3 15 .7 17.17 24 .22-166 Geelong 0 .1 1 .2 1 .4 2 .6 - 18 ST. BERNARD'S O .C . : Dailey 6, Egan 4 , Blake 4, Considine 3, Isaacs 2, Holland 2, Walker 2, Mitchell . Best: Mitchell, Blake, Daffey, Walker, Egan, Tyler . GEELONG : M . Betts 2. Best : M . Betts, Gill, Baker, T . Hamilton, G . Chisholm, Poulton . Coburg 2 .6 4 .6 4 .16 11 .18- 84 Old Paradians 2 .4 5 .10 7 .11 8 .11- 59 COBURG : Lewis 3, Webb 2, Hutchinson 2 , 1 . Liddle, Whittaker, Taylor, Henry . Best : Royal, Hutchinson, Webb, Fox, Taylor, Lewis . OLD PARADIANS : Black 2, McLoughlin 2, Fitt, Foster, O'Farrell, Roe . Best : Neeson, Quinn, Whitehead, O'Farrell, Mount, Black . North Old Boys 2 .6 6 .10 11 .11 17.15-117 University Blacks 2.1 2 .5 5 .6 9.7 - 6 1 NORTH OLD BOYS : O'Connor 5, Fennelly 5, Sheahan 2, Fitzpatrick, White, Russell, Agnoletti, B . Arthurson . Best : Hennessy, Ryan, A . Arthurson, White, Fennelly, Waters . UNIV. BLACKS : Collins 4, Kovess 2, Jacobs, Forrest, T. Costello . Best : Grahame, Kovess, Hanna, Breheny, Collins, Jacobs .

Old Scotch Coll 3.2 6 .9 11 .11 15 .13-103 Kew 2.0 4.0 5 .0 7.1 - 43 OLD SCOTCH : Simpson 3, R. Birch 3 , Clarke 3, McLean 2, Crawford 2, Whitford, Ramsay . Best: Ramsay, R . Birch, Simpson, Frew, Milner, Swan . KEW: Goalkickers, best players not received . Ivanhoe 12 .11- 83 MHS Old Boys 5.5 - 35 IVANHOE : Hick 4, Gillon 3, Thompson 3, Bryant, Forristal. Best : Jones, Gillon, Thompson, Giles, Dawson, Greg Borchers. MHS OLD BOYS : Orchard 2, L. Cosmos 2, J . Todd . Best : Asbury, B . Burns, Orchard, L. Cosmos, Austacarnas, Stafford . Old Trinity Gr 3 .3 4 .6 7 .13 12 .16- 88 Power House 2 .3 4 .4 7 .7 9 .11- 65 OLD TRINITY: Fekete 4, Grant 2, Leaper 2, Frood 2, Stockdale, McKinnon . Best : Ross, Clingin, Cumming, Galbraith, Frood, Vaughan . POWER HOUSE : Alcock 2, Stapleton 2, Kemp 2, Butcher, O'Brien, Westerink . Best : Stapleton, Kemp, Alcock, Goddard, Wilson, Driscoll. De La Salle OC 3.4 6 .8 11 .9 16.10-106 Old Carey Gr 1 .2 2 .3 2 .5 2 .8 - 20 DE LA SALLE : O'Donnell 4, Enticott 2 , Kelleher 2, A . Wilson 2, Glover 2, P . Sandilands, G . Hale, Dorizzi, Andrews . Best: Whitelaw, Greig, Tormey, D . Hale, Sherman, Dickenson . OLD CAREY : Wiseman, Fink. Best: HutcNins, Ustick, Andrews, Craig, Morey, Hames . Monash Blues 5 .3 7.6 8 .9 10 .10- 70 Collegians 2 .0 3.0 4 .2 4 .3 - 27 MONASH BLUES : Berry 4, Gomm 2 , Murray, Hirons, Roger, Warnette . Best: Lette, Hildebrandt, Murray, Gomm, Hirons, Lucas . COLLEGIANS : Tucker 2, Wiliamson, Kinsman . Best : West, Emmett, MacDonald, Williamson, Cookes, Cartledge.


FAULKNER' S `Na ~ive' Brand Foo Ma//




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Page 9

Last Week's Results - Continued C RESERVE SECTION Assumption OC 3 .7 7 .9 10 .11 11 .14- 80 Alphington 1 .2 3.6 3 .10 5 .13- 43 ASSUMPTION OLD COLL. : Mirabelli 3 , Bristow 3, Caruso 2, J . Fitz, Serafini, Cat. anese. Best: Clements, Shaw, Serafini, Bristow, Mirabelli, Caruso . ALPHINGTON : P . Whitfield 2, L . Arthur, D . Arthur, Hayes. Best : Smith, Newman, Mitchell, P . Whitfield, L. Arthur, Belcher . St. Kilda CBOC 2.3 4 .9 8.13 11 .14- 80 UHS Old Boys 4.3 6 .5 6 .7 7.7 - 4 9 ST . KILDA CBOC : Danckert 2, Salter 2, Kay 2, Girdwood, J . White, Zotti, Bilston, Broomhall . Best: Danckert, Carey, Bilston, Tarquinio, Zotti, Field . U.H.S . OLD BOYS : Tighe 3, Massenhelder, Waters, Bridge, Blampied . Best : Blampied, Thomas, Tighe, Saliba, Bridge, Scholes . Marcellin OC 3 .3 7.5 9 .7 16 .11-107 Old Haileybury 2 .2 3 .3 8 .5 9.5 - 59 MARCELLIN O.C . : Cullinan 4, Bramwel l 3, Butler 2, O'Sullivan 2, Gooley, Holmes, O'Connor, P . Price, Quinn . Best: Holmes, Gooley, Kelly, O'Connor, O'Sullivan, Welsh . OLD HAILEYBURY : Young 3, Passalaqua 2, S. Lucas, Langford-Jones, Poole, Whiteman . Best : Campbell, Irving, Passalaqua, Whiteman, 4Vilson, Young . Parkside 6 .2 6.5 9 .9 12.17- 89 Old Brighton Gr 2 .2 3.3 6.5 8.7 - 55 PARKSIDE : Goalkickers, best players not received . OLD BRIGHTON : Hamilton 3, Smith, Notman, Flack, Trotter, Bond . Best: Hamilton, Dixon, Edmondson, Johnston, Rose, Notman . Old Melburnians 5 .0 10 .3 14 .7 20 .11-131 National Bank 0 .1 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 - 9 OLD MELBURNIANS : Caldwell 6, Pascoe 5, Liley 2, Millis, Marks, Benson, A'Beckett, Roberts, Ristrom, Jenkins . Best : Caldwell, M. Allen, Millis, Pascoe, A'Beckett, Liley. NATIONAL BANK : Kearney . Best: Thompson, Titterell, Scott, Borserio, Bentley, Peters .

D RESERVE SECTIO N St . Kevins OB 3 .6 7 .10 11 .14 16.17-113 Brunswick 3 .3 5 .3 9.8 13.8 - 86 ST . KEVIN'S OLD BOYS : Trewin 4, Hogarth 3, Rolle 3, B . Hawkins 2, Gaven 2, M . Molan, Low . Best : Hogarth, Johnston, Gaven, Molan, Low, Trewin . BRUNSWICK: Dean 8, S . Taylor 2, Schuyler, P . Egan, Knox . Best: Dean, Thompson, Jowett, P . Smith, Munday, Toohey . Hampton Rovers 1 .7 3.16 5 .20 11 .26- 92 C'wealth Bank 2 .1 2 .2 3 .4 4 .6 - 30 HAMPTON ROVERS : Combe 4, K . English 3, Rolls, Smith, Slattery, Earle . Best : K. English, Slattery, Kelly, Rolls, Earle, Amore . C'WEALTH BANK : Johnson, Cox, Wilson, Thynne . Best: Noonan, Johnson, Dunkley, Simms, Kink, I . McCrimmon . Old Ivanhoe Gr 1 .3 4 .4 11 .8 13.10- 88 Old Cam'weli Gr 1 .1 3 .2 5 .2 9 .3 - 57 OLD IVANHOE : Grace 3, Doddrell 2, Jennings 2, S . Harris, Pratt, Woods, Carroll, Wolstencroft, Burns . Best: Doddrell, Baker, S . Harris, Wolstencroft, Burns, . Jennings . OLD CAMBERWELL : P . Hanson 5, D . Brett, Wood, Richmond, Cottrell . Best : McPhail, P . Hanson, Graham, Locke, Reid, Turner. La Trobe Blacks forfeited to State Sav . Bank. Old Xaverians a bye .

Great to see IAN (CHOCOLATE) JOHNSTON playing his 50th game at last for OLD TRINITY against Old Scotch today . "Choco" came to Old Trinners from Uni . Blacks in 1971 and has since been an excellent player in the seniors, mainly at centre half back . Your didn't beat "Shad. ow", but you've killed them anyway . Just keep going and you'll kill him to 50 senior games.



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1,ast Week's Results - Continue d E RESERVE SECTION


6 .5 9.11 12.17 18.24-132 Fawkner Footscray ITOB 0 .1 1 .1 1 .3 3 .4 - 22 FAWKNER : Mills 3, Ferguson 2, Graha m 2, Kouyoukidis 2, Atkins 2, McKay, Prenti Barry . ce, Corrie, Barnes, aFerBe Kou o~kidis, Mills Graham, Prentice~uson y FOOTSCRAY I .T. : Goalkickers, best players not received ,

La Trobe Reds 3 .7 8 .12 14 .14 16 .17-113 University Reds 0 .1 0 .2 1 .1 4 .4 - 28 LA TROBE REDS : Not supplied. Best : Weaven, T. Bennett, Angus, Walsh, D . Cowling, Irvine . UNIVERSITY REDS : Goalkickers, best players not recieved .

Old Geelong 4 .4 11 .7 14 .11 21 .13-139 AMP Society 1 .2 4 .2 4 .2 6 .4 - 40 OLD GEELONG : Geyer 6, Josephson 3 , Clarke 3, Collins 2, Gurner 2, McClellan 2, MacKinnon, Fullerton, Jenkins . Best : MacKinnon, Geyer, Brown, Josephson, Clark, Collins . A .M .P. SOCIETY : Jephson 2, Hirons 2, Jenkins 2 . Best : Crompton, Bell, Gay, Brainley, Haining, D . Henderson . 8 .7 9 .9 - 63 AJAX 4 .0 7 .4 Elsternwick 1 .2 2 .3 5 .8 8 .12- 60 A.J .A .X. : Hirsch 3, Pruzanski 2, Iglick i 2, Kretsch 2 . Best: Grundman, Markoff, Iglicki, Eizenberg, Hirsch, Sput . ELSTERNWICK : Comber 2, Curtain 2 , Jenkin, Stevens, Pitts, Zimmer . Best : Dudley, Wright, D . Mahoney, Cochrane, Curtain, D . Perkins . West Brunswick 3.1 7.2 9.3 9.9 - 63 St. Patricks OC 1 .0 2 .3 4.7 6.7 - 43 WEST BRUNSWICK : Harrison 2, Musca t 2, English, MacDonald, Mann, Spencer, Webber. Best: Aiellio, Grambrau, Harrison, B . Marshall, Oakley, MacDonald . ST. PATRICK'S O .C. : Goalkickers, best players not received . ANZ Bank 5 .5 10.5 15.6 26 .11-167 St . Bedes OC 1 .0 2.2 7 .5 F,t5 - 53 A .N .Z . BANK: Dancer 8, Pryor 8, Harper 2, Hickford 2, McDonald 2, Vigus 2, Fehring, Laird. Best : Dancer, Daykin, Harper, Pryor, Vigus, Walsh . ST. BEDE'S O .C. : Irving 4, Bourke 2, Oliver, Hulett. Best : Butler, Bolger, Bourke, Lagerberg, Irving, A . Hester .

Old Mentonlans 3.5 10 .8 12 .14 16 .19-115 0 .2 1 .2 2 .2 2 .3 - 15 Thornbury OLD MENTONIANS : Ericksen 3, Fisher 3, Norton 2, Whitton 2, Wittick 2, McKinlay, Hill, Furness, Gadd . Best : Fisher, McKinlay, Francis, Wittick, Hill, Norton . THORNBURY: Tevion, Moore . Best : Moore, Hampl, T. Hope, L . Hope, S . Crocker, C . Crawford. North Brunswick 0.5 1 .6 5 .7 6.7 - 43 0.2 1 .6 2 .9 4.10- 34 Glenroy NORTH BRUNSWICK : Hamilton 2, Archibald, Marks, Carlyon, N . Walsh . Best: Manias, Melican, Azzaro, Carlyon, Archibald, Daniels . GLENROY : Wakeling 3, Gelai . Best : Wakeling, Bennett, P . Punton, Perry, Westgarth, A . White. Marcellin OC (2) a bye. Monash Whites a bye .

150 TO OLD HAILEYBURY RESERVES LEADE R Today against traditional rivals Old Brighton, DICK METHERALL plays his 150th for OLD HAILEYBURY . A star in the 1968 Senior Premiership and the 1967 and 1973 Reserves Premierships, Dickie has been among the most valuable and fastest men at the club . This year the Reserves are progressing steadily under his experienced leadership . He joins the select few who have reached this goal with the club and all join in congratulating him and look forward to his continuing career in the years to come .

FORTHCOMING MATCHES AT EILSTERNWICK PARK June 15 - Marcellin OC v. St. Kilda CBOC June 22 - North Old Boys v. Ormond

June 29 - Caulfield Gramm. v. St. Bernard's OC THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER-June 8, 1974

Page 11


1 McDonald, R . 14 Mathieson , (dvc) I. G. 2 Long, J . 15 McLaughlin, P . 3 Dunn, D . J . 16 McLaughlin, 4 Tamblyn, M . J. S. J. 17 Clark, D . J . 5 Peters, M . (Cr) 8 Dickeson, D . 18 Upstill, T. S . 19 Morphet, B . 7 Miller, R . J . 8 Butcher, J . 20 Tamblyn, G . L . 9 Fletcher, R. 21 Watson, W. 10 Williams, D . 22 George, T. 23 Morphet, B . 11 Tootell, G . (c) . (vc) 12 Denny, A. G 13 Fox, G .

Coach : John Caspers. Reserves : John Wilson 24 Goold, A. 36 Worthington, 47 Irvine, J . 25 McNicol, L. C. J . 48 Boyes, J . 26 Waxman, P . 37 Voyage, G . A . 49 Nichol, C . H . 27 Geddes, G. W . 38 Pearson, R . G . 50 Britten, D . J . 28 Mathieson, 39 Caffyn, M . 51 Jennings, R. A . R. 40 Rutledge, G . J . 52 Knight, D . 29 Fletcher, G . 41 Hartley, G . 63 Waxman, B . 30 Bierwirth, P . 42 Collins, R . 54 Smith, R. 31 Lupson, P. J . 43 Bird, J . 55 Knowles, L. J . 32 Hamblin, A . 44 Buchanan, 56 Monotti, A . J . 33 Middlaton, R. L. R. 59 Hampton, N . 34 White, B . R . 45 Spooner, R. N . 60 Hockridge , 35 Kerry, S. 46 Gerrand, P . W. J . R. W.

COBllRG Coach : Alan Sia iter . Reserves : David Shea 1 Clsary, P . R . 10 Hibbard, B . W . 18 Coles, G . S . 28 Starbuck, C. S . 38 Taylor, J . F . 2 Handley, A. J . 11 McFarland, 19 Price, T . 29 Fox, K. J . 39 O'Brian, P . A. 3 Podesta, A . G . C . L . 20 Henry, T . D. 30 Buckley, J. 40 Lewis, P. J . 4 Imbery, K . 12 Clark, J . R . 21 Walker, A . J . 31 Clark, G . W . 43 Whittaker, C. 5 King, R. A. 13 Scanlon, T . G . 22 Ellis, R. F . 32 Russo, C . 44 Leckie, N . R . 8 Hughes, M . L. 14 Hutchinson, 23 Clark, D . J . 33 Cleary, Paul 49 Gillingham,

7 Green, G . V. M. A . 24 Williams, S . F . 34 Wills, S.

R. P .

8 Warfe, G . L . 15 Callesen, P . G . 25 Finlay, M . 35 Zori, E . R. 50 Thomas, K . G. (c) 16 Liddle, I . 26 Webb, P . 36 Zenon, A . 51 Liddle, G . J . 9 Sabrl, J . 17 Sullivan, G . F. 27 Salter, T . W . 37 Royal, H . F. 52 Liddle, I . 55 Tolley, W . GEELONG 1 Andrews, K. T. 2 Davis, I . W . (vc) 3 Hampson, K . E . 4 Wilkins, A . R . 5 Eddy, V. P . 8 Wookey, R . J . 7 Paulke, G . 8 Sheringham, R . 9 Neilson, G . 10 But an, L. J . (c)

Coach : John Vautier. Reserves : Don Barton 11 Casboult, J . R. 23 Davies, W . 33 Betts, M . J . 45 Ross, D . J .

12 Hamilton, D. W . 24 Azzopardi, 34 Briston, W . P . 46 Harrison, R. 13 Vautier, J . G . P. F . 35 Hunter, M . J . 47 Ballantyne, P . 14 Herd, F . D . 25 Lucas, W. 36 Coad, R. J . 48 Bumpstead, G . 15 Oman, G . 26 Collins, D . J. 37 Sing, D . J . 49 Thompson, J . 16 Cardinal, F . 27 McArthur, D . A . 38 Lawler, R . J . 50 Armour, M. D. 18 David, G . A. 28 Baker, W. 40 Batten, D. L . 51 Hestia, R . 19 Betts, P . L . 29 Casboult, R . A . 41 Trevaskis, A . L . 52 Langley, T . 20 Lowcock, G . R . 30 Hamilton, T . I . (dvc) 53 Pope E. 21 Poulton, I . R . 31 Barton, D . C . 42 Gill, N. F . 54 Scholfield, D . (vcr) (or) 43 Searle, G . S . 55 Kay, P . 22 Birreli, P . C . 32 Barling, S . 44 Chisholm, R . S . 58 Tucker, G . N . 57 Carlisle, D.

NORTH OLD BOY S 1 Maguire, S . B . 2 is, L . 3 Biagi, Rov A. A. 4 Anderson, B . 5 Wilson, G . M . 6 Borcich, M. 7 Spurling, R. W . 8 Crooks, A . F . 9 George, D. P . 10 Holland, A . 11 Power, K . (vc) 12 Welch, M . R . 13 O'Neill, M .

14 Dullard, A . M . 15 O Connor, B . 16 Hogan, J . 17 Robertson, N. 18 Murray, L. F . 19 Agnoletti, W . 20 Carroll, P . 21 O'Keefe, G . 22 Dempsey, P. 23 Gourley, J . 24 Maguire, D . B . 25 Marzella, P. 26 Sheaics, M . J . 27 Drew, B. F .


1 Burt, P . 13 Black, R . 2 Grace, A . 14 Carroll, G . 3 Ford, H . 15 Galloway, R. 4 Behan, B . 18 Gilmartin, P . 5 Jordan, J . 17 Moran, P . 6 Hart, C . 18 Mount, J . 7 Duke, R . 19 Fitt, R . 8 Roe, A. 20 Kohut, S . 9 Kyrie, M . 21 Wilson, G. 10 Johnson, A . 22 Symes, P . 11 Cain, G . 23 Mansfield, B. 12 Booth, T . 24 Jordan, P .

Coaches : Shane Maguire and George Moloney 28 Sheahan, M . 42 Creswell, R . 56 Maguire, J . 29 Harding, R. 43 White, C . 30 Ferguson, P . 44 Lecack, F. 31 Sheahan, G . P . 45 Fraser, K . 32 Diviny, K . J . 46 Napoli, D . 33 Russell, J . 47 Hennessy, G . 34 Englefield, M . 48 Meredith, K . 35 Adams, M . G . 49 Crooks, S . 36 O'Donnell, V. 50 Young, R. 37 Fitzpatrick, R . 51 Nathan, S . 38 Fenneily, P . 52 Bray, G . J . 39 Robertson, D. 53 Walker, M . 40 Hughes, K . 54 Fogarty, D. 41 McCann, R. 55 Arthurson, A .

57 Waters, I . 58 Chard, J . 59 Nenna, R . 60 Stimpson, L . 61 Walker, G . 62 Kilmartin, J . 63 Ryan, D . 64 Fitzgerald, J . 65 Moloney, J . 66 Redden, B . 67 Maguire, K. 68 McCann, B. 69 Sheehy, B . 70 Arthurson, B .

Coach: Denis Dalton. Reserves : Cliff Hart 25 Kendall, S . 37 McLoughlin, J . 49 Muller, G . 28 Price, G . 38 Gilmore, D . 50 Gregor, R . 27 Collins, G . 39 Neeson, C . 51 Lyons, W. 28 McCormack, D . 40 Tellefson, M . 52 Ryan, B . 29 Booth, W. 41 Whitehead, D. 53 Rooth, R . 30 Hough, M . 42 Kondy, E . 54 Noonan, L. 31 Considine, T. 43 Collins, L . 55 Kondys, L. 32 McCarthy, C . 44 Foster, Lin 56 Hughes, C . 33 Weyman, B.- 45 Gregor, M . 57 Brown, R . 34 Johnston, P . 46 Quinn, R . 58 Grace, C . 35 McKinley, M . 47 Tudor, J . 59 Barlilard, C . 36 Kissane, P . 48 Rowlands, W . 60 Gregor, P. 62 Miller, B .

ORMOND 1 Dove, S . W. 2 wood, R . J . (c) 3 Dexter, P . D . 4 Murphy, P . M . 5 Jenkins, ~R . C . 6 Ladd, K . (dvc) 7 Schl(efert, L . J . 8 Cameron, I . M . 9 Graham, A. M . 10 Corben, B . F. 11 Graham, A . E. 12 Foulsham, D. A . 13 McInerney, P. J .

14 Logan, R . J . 15 Curtis, Bob 16 Kozlowski, I . A . 17 Hoey, P. D. 18 Cameron, R . 19 Le Page, N . L . 20 Bourne, B . vc) 21 Russ, J . I . 22 Russ, S . J. 23 Naylor, A . R. 24 Burney, C . W . 25 Thomas, G. T.

RESERVOIR OLD B~ Farrar, W . 1 Bates, M. (vc) 1 1 Laird, R . 2 Aston, S . 3 Paulka, J . 14 Clark, P . 4 O'Brien, D . 15 McCrohan, K . 5 Scott, D . 16 Jarvis, W . 6 McLaughlin, L. 17 Martin, J . (c) 7 Ashworth, A. 18 Aston, V . 8 Trevascus, G . 19. Tuininge, G . (dvc) 21 Barclay, D . g dAassey, Gary 23 Heenan, M . 1 0 Tuininga, F . 24 Shepherd, A .


Coach : Ted Farrell ; Reserves : Ken Rowse 26 Crumpton, T . R . 38 Richardson, P . W . 50 Turner, G. J . 27 Curtis, Rob 39 Hammond, T . 51 Horsham, L. A . 28 Buckley, C . 40 Anrep, R . C. 52 Sandilands, R . S . 29 Farrell, E. F . 41 Minchinton, H . 53 Goold, S . ° 30 Lewis, M . Sc . 42 Fitts, C . R . 54 Wood, R. P. 31 Joakim, N . A . 43 Paterson, D . L . 55 Wright, G . T . 32 Grace, D . J . 44 Chapman, R. K . 56 Rowse, R . B . 33 Crump, W . G . 45 Lowe, R . N . 57 Russ, K . M. 34 Hammond, J . C . 46 Rogers, G . 58 O'Connor, J . W. 35 Mortimer, J . I . 47 Smyth, J . F . 59 Owens, B . F. 36 Holman, G . J . 48 Meeking, J . P . 60 Surrey, S . L. 37 Pearce, G. W. 49 Fitts, B . J .

25 Crompton, R . 36 Barclay, M . :`6 Byrne, W . 37 Slater, G. 27 Grose, K . 38 Wilson, T. 28 Veith, G. 39 Stevens, G . 29 Byrne, T. 40 Coles, C . 30 O'Brien, P. 41 O'Brien, T . 31 Letson, R . 43 Wilson, S . 32 Devlin, H . 44 Massey, Greg 33 Horne, J . 45 Rutty, G . 34 Pellet, W . 46 Mansan, K . 35 Archer, T . 47 Crook , P .

Coach : Gus Mitchell ;

Coach : Laurie Aghan 48 Edwards, H . 49 Laird, P . 51 Dunn, A. 52 Taggart, R . 53 Laudani, R . 54 Dobson, G . 55 Beckworth, J . 56 Galea, M .

57 Macklin, N . Reserves : Paul Daffe y

Phelan, R . M . 37 Isaacs, A . G . 50 Merrick, R . 1 Slater, V . A . 13 Mitchell, G . P . .26 Schwarzenbery 38 Smith, G. J . 51 Tyler, K . J . 2 Burgin, D . C . 14 Thompson, P . S. 27 K . F . 52 Holland, P. J . 3 Gtnnivan, M . J . 15 Considine, P. J (dvc) 39.Rizzoll, m, P 40 Seb53 re, G . O enhei pP . 28 King, R. H (c) 16 Anget, B . F J. A. 41 Dalmau, M . J . 4$anamaria, 17 Phelan, K . F . 29 Pearson, Paul 54 Walker, T . . J . 42 O'Loughlin , D . G . 18 Mahoney, M . 30 Whelan, M 55 Prendergast, B. G. 5 Rackham, P . D . (vc) 31 Blake, M . J . 43 Nathan, S. A. N. 6 lannazzo, M . P . 19 Mahoney, K . D . 32 Harvey, I . R . 56 Hilbert, A . 44 McDonough, ) . 20 Pearson, M . J . (vc 7 Wade, G . F P . F. 57 Collins, P . J . P. 8 Amott, P. J . 21 Kennedy, P. A . 33 Sullivan, F.. J 58 Flanagan, R. F . 45 Johnson, P . G . . 9 Egan, B . J . 22 Anderson, D . W . 34 Daffey, P . G. 59 Hogan, G. 46 Hughes, J 10 Aughton, P. G . 23 Sheahan, M . G . (or) 60 Waldron, A . Hande . R . M . 11 Davis, T . J . 24 Drennan, M. J . 35 Pearson, Peter 47 61 Hilbert, B. J. 48 DeLuca, P . M. 12 Hogan . P. N . 25 Mahoney, G . A . 36 OyWCa Ilaghan , 49 McArdle, D . J . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach : Peter O'Donohue ; Reserves : Noel Sharpe . 26 Hanna, R . J . 38 Forsyth, T. K . 53 Jacobs, S . W . 1 Johnson, G . A . R .14 Llewellyn . D. .K27 Williams, M . T .39 Joyce, J . 54 Saines, G . R . 2 MacCalium, D . J . 15 Bridge, S . L . 28 Saines, R . N . 40 Brodzik, J, W . 56 Mitchell, P . A . 3 MountJoy, G . H . 16 Holmes, A . 9 17 Moffatt, A . R . 29 Molloy, D. K . 41 Pascoe, D . 57 Bourke, M . 4 Stephens, C. .L.(dvc) 30 Bellingham, 42 Bouchier, D . S. 58 Malone, O . 5 Crowe, P . T 18 Webster, J . J . R . J . 43 Leathan, G . 59 Sharpe, N . H . 6 James, M . J.. 19 . A . (or) Christophersen, W31 Sutherland, 44 Redman, B 7 McLean, B . C . S. 45 Dickinson, P . 60 Costello, J . F . 8 Connell, J . D . 20 Hill, K . G . C Cusack, P . 46 McNamara, 61 Davies, R . A . 9 King, A . D. 21 Senini, P . G . 32 . 33 Johnstone, A . B . P. 64 Costello, T . G . 10 Kovess, C . 22 Costello, S. A 11 Wilkinson, (vo) 34 Forrest, T . M . 47 Robb, W. J . 66 King, I . M . . 48 Fredericks, D . 69 Champion, M . L . J . W. 23 Cordner, R . I . 35 Breheny, M 49 Hillier, A . J . 99 Collins, S . 12 Fisher, A. D . 24 Perrett,R.M . 36 Grahame, S.. JR. .52 Stewart, B . D . 13 Batten, J. L. 25 McRae, C . F . 37 Costello, A


1 Hager, R . 13 Gtrdwood, R . (c) 2 Schroeder, D . 14 Nichols, D . 3 Scarcella, B . (cr) 15 Jones, G . 4 McLachlan, S . 16 Mann, J . 5 Ainger, D . 17 Hickey, P. NO 6 Robertson, A . 18 Pleydall, G . 19 Langdon, M . 7 Sharp, J . 8 Templar, D . 20 Small, D . 2 1 Marshall, D . 9 Nicolson, S . 10 Speirs, R . 22 Radford, M 11 Baquie, P . 23 Westmore, G. 12 Hersbach, A . 24 Weston, P .

Coach : 25 Sleeman, M . 26 Barr, G . 27 Church, B . 28 Tyquin, M . 29 Carmody, J . 30 Hickey, J . 31 Randall, R . 32 Tucker, R . 33 Nicolson, P . 34 Moran, L . 35 Fogarty, G . 36 Bartlett, I .


Dave Mithen ; Reserves : Bruno Scarcella 37 Ryan, D . 49 Volgt, 1 . 38 Isles, D . 50 Warne, H . 39 O'Kane, W . 51 Dunin, A . 40 White, G. 52 Plunkett, M. 41 Tarqulnlo, L . 53 Willing, G . 42 Plunkett, J. 54 Nelson, R . 43 Standish, T . 55 Stafford, A. 44 Campbell, R. 56 Southwell, R . 45 Holdsworth, G . 57 Murphy, D . 46 Farrow, B. 58 Brukner, P . 47 Leitch, C . (vcr) 48 Bruton, K . 67 Lyle, R. 69 Vivian, D .

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VICTORIA'S WIN IN ADELAID E Victoria broke South Australia's recent domination of Interstate matches when they scored an exciting 11-point win at Norwood Oval last Saturday . The turning point was Victoria's 7-goal burst against the breeze in the third quarter, which converted a 13-point deficit into a lead of 15 points . But the game was by no means over until the last few seconds, as South Australia fought back strongly in the last term and snatched a short-lived 3-point lead halfway through the quarter. Both teams played in spasms - Victoria opened well- and held South to a lead of 5 points at the first change, despite a sharp burst of 3 goals midway through the term . Victoria got to the front in the second quarter but South Australia's short game, effective handball and ability to create the .loose man, combined with remarkable accuracy in front of goal, enabled them to forge ahead . The Vic's appeared to tire shortly before the interval and looked to be in for another sound defeat but they were a revitalised side in the third quarter and made S .A . look sluggish . Victoria levelled the scores early in the third term but could not really shake South Australia off. Then South lost their earlier accuracy under pressure, and Victoria had gained the upper hand . But there were more surprises in store - for South Australia jumped out in the

last quarter and cut Victoria's 15-point lead to one point. However Victoria had the answer and their steadiness prevailed in the closing stages. DETAILS OF INTERSTATE GAME VICTORIA 4 .2 7.7 14 .10 18 .14-122 SOUTH AUST. 5 .1 10.2 12 .7 17 .9 -11 1 VICTORIA - Goals: Wood 6, Grose 4, Duke 3, O'Donnell 2, Ireland, Mahoney, Smith. Best : Wood, Kefford, Grose, Duke, Bourne, Ireland . SOUTH AUST. - Goals : Roache 5, Rafe 3, Wells 2, Annear 2, Lenthall 2, Harris, Griffiths, Ferris . Best: Underdown, Roache, Rofe, Johnson, Wells, Lenthall . BLUES-BLACKS, NEXT WEDNESDAY The University Blues - University Black s matches, drawn for May 25th, and intended to have been played on Wed ., May 15th, will now take place next Wednesday, June 12th . The Senior game is at 2 p .m . and the Reserves at 11 .45 a.m. both at University Oval . The Juniors will play at Crawford Oval, Princes Park, at 12 noon .

TOTAL A BSTAINERS EARN BIG CASH BONUSES INSURANCE BENEFITS TO PROVIDE FOR ® ADVANCED EDUCATIO N ® LONG SERVICE LEAVE ® AND EVEN RETIRE M EN T (For the not so young past players and stayers!) ENQUIRIES TO INDEPENDENT ORDER OF RECHABITES 518 Elizabeth St., Melbourne, 3000 . or ring either Mr . Rintou l or Mr . Marteley on 347 2733 for personalised attention. Page 14


LOOKING BAC K By Noel Rundl e 5 Years Ago Coburg remained unbeaten with a runaway 12-goal win over Caulfield Grammarians - kicking 10.15 to 2 goals in the second half . Best for Coburg were N . Beattie, Parkes and Warfe . North Old Boys won their first match for lie season at the expense of Melbourne tigh kicking 3 goals early in the last quarter after scores had been level at the last change. Milestones were Brian 'Harry' Lauder (Parkside) 200 games, Ron Faul (De La Raserves coach) 150 games, Bob McKinnon (Old Brighton) 100 games, John Vander iGeelong) 200 games and Geoff Lamb (Geelong) 100 games . Leading goalkickers were Atchison (Caulfield Gramm .) 23 (A Section), Hughes (Old Scotch) 28 (B), Wayman Alphington 37 (C), Bowring (Old Hailey) 22 (D), Priestley (Old C'well) 30 (E), I . Wilson (MHSOB) 29 (Junior 1), Sullivan (St. Bernards) 49 (Junior 2) . 10 Years Ag o Ormond emerged as clear leaders after their comfortable win over University Blues wiih Old Paradians, Blues and Old Xaverians level in second place. St . Bernards (D Section) suffered their first defeat, caused by .an inaccurate 5 .15 - ;) to Fairfield's 8 .8 (56) while Old Geelong iLi inflicted the first defeat on North Old Boys 9 .13 (67) to 8.7 (55) . Wawn, Stephens and Fenton were best for O .G .G .'s while Connaughton, Croule and Murray did well for North . 'A' section umpires for the day were Henderson, McKay, Hillard, Read and D. K . Smith . 25 Years Ag o 'A' section captains were Mick Dexter (Univ . Blacks), Doug Arnold (Hampton Rovers), J . Bennie (Ivanhoe), Joe Sheehan (Ormond), Ted Cordner (Old Melburnians), Ted Jane ( Malv.), who captained Brunswick, Coburg, Old Scotch and Old Xaverians . V.A .F.A. were holding 'Kira Ora' Sports Parade at Prahran Town Hall, and Collegians and Elsternwick clubs were entertaining visiting South Australian team to a 'SMOKE SOCIAL' . Geelong's strong half-back line of Alan Reid, Stan Stephens and Ross Cottle led them to a comfortable 40 pt . win over Alphington to put them on top in `B' section . Among the Kew notes - "youngest player, Ken Rogers, turned on a brilliant display to win the trophy" . Old Paradians (C section), welcomed the reappearance of captain coach, Jim Lang, who led them to a 7-goal win over Glenhuntly.


Are you prepared for long servic e I eave? If your long service leave is, due in a year or two, it's a good idea to start preparing nowto be able to do all those things you planned . And the best way to prepare for tomorrow today, is in the State Bank Calendar Club. You can operate your own Club account for any period from 3 months to two years, and you receive your payout-the money you've saved plus interest-in the month you nominate . You choose the amount you want to save each week from $1, $2, $5 or $10 coupon books . Prepare now for your long service leave-in the State Bank Calendar Club . State Bank State-Savings Bank of Victoria 304 7

Page 15

FIXTURE & RESULTS "A" SECTI C APRIL 20 Cob 12 .17 Geei 8 .8 Res 13.17 StBern 9 .11 NOB 15.9 Ormond 12 .19 OPar 17.22 UniBlu 8 .8 C1fGr 14.8 UB1k 12 . 7 APRIL 27 StBern 10 .24 C1fG 12 .10 Omd 13 .8 Cbg 8 .13 NOB 12.9 UniBlu 8 .7 OPar 11 .14 Res 8 .17 UniBIk 11 .17 Geel 5 . 8 MAY 4 OPar 16 .12 CGr 14 .16 ROB 22.12 NOB 10 .10 Glong 15 .9 Orm 13 .13 Cbg 26 .16 UB1s 11 .19 StB 13 .18 UBlks 10 .2 1 MAY 1 1 Glong 19.15 UBIs 10.5 Cbg 30 .9 ROB 15 .19 NOB21 .13CGr9.11 StBrn 21_17 OPar 9 .12 Orm 18.16 UBlks 13 .1 1 MAY 18 CGr 16 .9 Cbg 10.13 Glong 22 .16 Res 14 .4 Orm 15 .23 UBles 6 .9 StBrn 13 .10 NOB 11 .22

UBlks 16 .27 OPd 5.12 JUNE 22 Geelong v Reservoir OB MAY 2 5 Coburg v Geelong Ormond v Uni Blues Glong 9.18 CGr 7 .9 StBern OC v Reserv OB Nth Old B v St Bern OC Omd 16 .12 ResOB 11 .12 Nth 0 Boys v Ormond `Uni Black v 0 Paradians StBrn 10 .11 Cbg 8.19 Old Pared v Uni Bluesi JULY 2 7 NOB 13.13 OPd 9 .10 Uni Blacks v Caul Gram 'Caulfield Gram . v Gael UB1s UniBlk ply Jne JUNE 2 9 (Reservoir OB v Ormond 12th Caul Gr v St Bern OC StBernard's OC v Coburg JUNE I Ormond v Cobur g (O Paradians v Nth Old B Orm 22 .16 CGr 8 .18 Uni Blues v Nth 0 Boys Um Black s Res 24.20 UBIs 13 .14 Reservoir OB v 0 Farad AUGUST 3 Blues StBrn 20.12 Gig 16 .6 Geelong v Uni Black s Ormond v Caul Gram Cob 17.24 OPar 17.12 Uni Blu v Reservoir OS JULY 6 UBIks 17 .15 NOB 13 .1 6 O Parad v Caul Gram Geelong v St Bern OC JUNE 8 Coburg v 0 Paradians TF :9 . v . VIC . at Hobart Geelong v Old Paradians Nth 0 Boys v Uni Blac k Ormond v StBern's OC Nth OB v Reservoir OB AUGUST 1 0 Uni Blues v Caul Gr . Geelong v Ormond Paradians v Geelong Coburg v North 0 Boys Coburg v Univers Blues Old StBern's OC v Ormond Reservoir OB v Uni B I Uni Black v StBern O C Caul Gr v Uni Blues WED . JUNE 12 JULY 1 3 Nth Old Boys v Coburg Uni Blues v . Uni . Blacks Unl Blues V Geelong Uni Blacks v Reserv O B Reservoir OB v Coburg JUNE 1 5 AUGUST 17 Caul Gr v Reservoir OB Caul Gr v Nth 0 Boys Reservoir OB v Caulf Gr St Bern OC v Uni Blues StBern OC v 0 Paradns Uni Blues v St Bern OC North 0 Boys v Geelong Ormond v Uni Blacks Geelong v Nth Old Boys Old Paradians v Ormond JULY 20 Ormond v Old Pared's Uni Blacks v Coburg Coburg v Caulfield Gr Coburg v Unl Black s

The Grounds ® Where and Ho w Here is the list of grounds to be used by various clubs this season, together with directions as to how they may be reached . Unless otherwise stated, Reserves play on same ground as Seniors .

A SECTIO N CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS . Oval 3, Albert Park. (Train to Albert Park, or South Melbourne tram in Collins street to South Melbourne Technical School . ) COBURG : De Chene Reserve, Bell street, East Coburg . (East Coburg tram in Swanston street to terminus . )

GEELONG : Queen's Park Oval, Newtown . (Continuation of Aphrasia street; on Newtown bus route. ) NORTH OLD BOYS: W . J . Brans Oval, Royal Park, opposite Zoo gates . (Brunswick, Coburg or North Coburg tram in Elizabeth street to Leonard street . ) OLD PARADIANS : Yarra Park, opposite Olympic Park . (Batman avenue tram from Princes Bridge . ) ORMOND : Ormond Park . (Train to Ormond; walk north along Newham grove .) RESERVOIR OLD BOYS :' Barling Reserve, No. 1 Oval, opposite Reservoir High School, Plent y

Page 16

road, Reservoir . (East Preston tram in Bourke street to terminus, then bus . ) ST . BERNARD'S OLD COLLEGIANS : St . Bernard's College Oval, end of Buckley street, West Essendon . (Train to Essendon, then bus . ) UNIVERSITY BLACKS : University Oval . (Moreland or East Coburg tram in Swanston Street, or Brunswick, Coburg or North Coburg tram .in Elizabeth street .) RESERVES : Crawford Oval, south-east corner of Princes Park, opposite Ormond College, Parkville, or new ground near Carixon Football Ground . (Brunswick, Coburg or North Coburg tram in Elizabeth street to College crescent . ) UNIVERSITY BLUES : University Oval . (Moreland or East Coburg tram in Swanston street, or Brunswick, Coburg or North Coburg tram in Elizabeth street .) RESERVES : Crawford Oval, south-east corner of Princes Park, opposite Ormond College, Parkville, or new ground near Carlton Football Ground . (Brunswick, Coburg or North Coburg tram in Elizabeth street to College crescent . )


MPORTANT NOTES PREVIEW The A .B .C. Sporting Session from 3LO each Friday (which commences at 6.30 p.m .,) will include a preview of the following day's amateur matches . Be sure to listen to this broadcast .

RESULTS OF MATCHES Results of amateur matches are broadcast in the Sporting Sessions of Radio Stations 3LO, (commencing at 6 .20 p .m.), 3DB and 3RZ (included in 7 p .m. News) each Saturday eveni ng and from Television Channels ABV-2 and HSV-7. Repeat on 3KZ, 9.30 a.m. Sunday. Channel 2 also provides quart er-by-quart er scores of A Section matches each Saturday afternoon.

HOW TO CONTACT EMERGENCY UMPIRES Emergency umpires for all sections will be located at Elsternwick Park, and will be available to proceed to any ground if required . The telephone number will be 91-6491 . Should the appointed umpire fail to appear, it wi ll be necessa ry to phone Elsternwick Park and ask for an emergency umpire to be sent . ' Clubs must make themselves familiar with the system, and ring the correct number : 91-6491 .

NUMBERS TO NOTE Clubs in A Section should note these numbers . For teams on Thursday night (as early as possible after 7 .30 p.m . piease--and certainly before 9 p.m .) . The Sun 63-0211-Jack Dun n The Age 60-0421-Mike Sheahan This applies to clubs in main game only as advised . Quarter-by-quarter scores this week:91-6491 Watch for this number week by week .

CLEARANCES ALL CLEARANCES INVOLVING BODIES OTHER THAN THE V.A .F .A . must be forwarded to the secretary, Mr Jack Fullerton, 5 Correa Avenue, Cheltenham, 3192 (phone 93-1545).

SCORES TO "HERALD" -NUMBERS You MUST phone final scorea to the HERALD office as soon as possible after the match - if your scores are received before 4 .50 p.m they will be published. If rec~ived after that time, they will not be published, but if you miss the 4 .50 p .m . deadl3ne, YOU MUST STILL PHONE BEFORE 5 .30 p .m. Our representative will be in attendance until that time. If you fail to phone the scores to the Herald office before the publication deadline of 4 .50 p .m., you will be fined one dollar . If you also fail to phone scores to the Herald before 5.30 p .m . you will be fined an extra two dollars - making three dollars in all. If you miss out on the Herald you must phone the scores to the Press Correspondent before 7 p .m ., otherwise you are fined another dollar . Clubs in "A" and "B" Sections will still be required to furnish ALL goalkickers and six (6) best players for each team to the Press Correspondent - Phone 53-1290 . A Section before 6 p .m. - B. Section between 6 p .m . and 7 p .m. A short summary of the match is also required. "HERALD" PHONE NUMBER S You may now dial DIRECT to the Amateur Football representative at the 'Herald" Office. The numbers are:652 1 479 or 652 1893 If you have any difficulty, you may ring 63 0211 and ask for EXTENSION 1479 or 1893 . RESERVE SECTION RESULTS to be phoned to 852 1892 BEFORE 3 p m . or DIAL 63 0211 EXTENSION 1892 Any phone calls not directed to these numbers go astray, and clubs wi ll be reg arded as not having phoned the scores, and will be fined accordingiy . When phoning scores, please state firstly the Section, the teams concerned, and then the winners, before giving the actual scores . Correct scores must be phoned, otherwise a fine wi ll be incurred . Check with Goal Umpires for correct scores . This is the responsibility of the HOME CLUB. SCOREBOARD Clubs are advised that the Scoring Boar d at Elsternwick Park must be operated by responsible club officials at all times. Children must not be allowed in the Scoring Board . DUTIES OF RUNNERS The duty of an Official Runner is to carry messages from the coach to players and NOT to engage in altercations with players . The runner, in carrying such messages, must take the shortest possible route to the player concern ed, and leave the field immediately aftei delivering the message .



UMPIRE'S CORNER By Kevin R71cKpy 15 METRE PENALTY This penalty rule was written into the laws of Australian football for players who deliberately waste time, and should be applied in the following- case :1 . If a player deliberately holds an opponent who has marked the ball or been awarded a free kick . 2 . If a player deliberately withholds the ball from the ri ghtful player by : A. Retaining possession of the ball unduly . B . Throwing or rolling the ball away so that the rightful player has to cover unnecessa ry ground to retrieve it, or when in possession of the ball fails to make a genuine attempt to return the ball to the rightful player on the full . C. Knocking the ball from the rightful player's hands . 3 . If a player deliberately goes over the spot where an opponent has been awarded a mark or free kick, or moves back too slowly when in front of the spot . 4. Any other obvious and deliberate attempt to waste time or deprive the rightful player possession of the ball . It should be noted that there must be undue delay in the play and that the infringement must be deliberate. This rule like all others should be used with commonsense . Only last Saturday in "The Amateur Footballer" was it written - re -"sounding the bell or siren", and yet on that same day we had a warning device that did not function correctly . Do not place blame on my umpires they can only act when they hear the bell or siren . Congratulations to the club bounda ry umpires who (in the games I have seen) appear to be policing the centre square rule really well . Congratulations to Laurie Aghan and his team on winning the interstate match and placing Victoria in its right position as top State in Amateur Football - well done . "SOCIAL" 7 p .m . is the suggested time to arriv e at "The Chalet", Park Orchards, tonight, for our dinner dance . David Dressing and his social committee have been doing a lot of work to make tonight successful, so don't let them down. It's a bring your own show - birds and flat lemonade - new umpires come along and have a good night .

Page 18

Well, I s'pose it 'ad ter 'appen sooner or layter, yairs, youse 've guesst it, we got dunn . Propperlee dunn, too, I mite add --not jest a few points but 7 flarnin' goals - you'd 'ardly credit it, wood yer. But their it wuz on the score-bored, and the score-card, too - 7 flammin' goals - wow. Mind yer, I thin k __ I tolled yuz I didden think we wuz playin' as well as we shoold, but I didden reckon we'd go down that bad . Jest as well the Vic's landed the bacon over in Adderlade - them Croweaters wuz gettin' too big fer there boots, an' if they'd wun this wun, we cooda 'erd 'em crowin' from 'ere. Doan wanna say mutch about our game - it wuz jest too 'orrerfuli for werds . Nevva looked like winnin' it ackcherly . The uther mob gotta way ter a 4-goal lead in the first quarter an' the ferther we went the ferther they got in front . My blokes wuz too slow an' missed marks an' kicked lousy - nuthin' went rite . Coarse they've reely copped it at trainin ' this week - I reely runnum inter ther ground . 'Ope I avven madem work too 'ard but - oh no I don't think so . Well, matey's, sorry I don't sound so cheerfull this week, but it wuz a bittuva shock ter git beeten afta sutch a good run . Anyway - see you'se neckst week . 'Ope we can win terday .

LEADING GOA L KICKERS A SECTION J . Casboult, Geelong (2) Kozlowski, Ormond (9) J."Jordan, Old Parad. (6) McCrohan, Res . O .B . (8) Butcher, Caul . Gram. <-) Ladd, Ormond (-) .~turray, North O .B . (1) Moffatt, U. Blacks (8) Ford, Old Parad . (4) Sullivan, St. Bern . (2) O'Brien, Coburg (3)

30 26 25 21 18 17 17 17 17 16 16

Gill, Old Ivanhoe (1) Galbraith, O . Ivanhoe (4) E SECTION P . Yencken, O . Geel . (-) Rigg, Elste rnwick (1) McCutcheon, ANZ Bk. (6) Gurfinkel, AJAX (1) B . Spiden, O . Geel . (5) D. Brooks, AMP Soc . (2) Roulston, AMP Soc . (8) J . Spiden, O. Geel. (3) Terrell, St . Bedes (1 )

15 Goble, Bull/Temp . (6) 19 15 G . Dean, Ivanhoe (2) 1 7 Bird, Ivanhoe (1) 16 Devola, Hamp . Sets . (-) 1 5 28 A RESERVE SECTION 28 Price, Old Parad . (-) 25 27 Rowse, Ormond (2) 22 26 Smyth, Ormond . (-) 21 26 C. Fitts, Ormond (5) 19 25 Russo, Coburg (-) 1 2 24



B SECTION Stephens, Old Trin . (11) . Harley, MHS OB (-) R Hughes, Ivanhoe (-) Murphy, Kew (4) McDonald, O . Scotch (5) Dann, Old Trin . (3) Ireland, Ivanhoe <-) Vtoore, Mon . Blues (-) Griffiths, Mon . Blues (-) Ponton, MHS OB (2)

31 28 27 19 19 18 17 16 14 14

F SECTION Peacock, Mon . Whties (-) Ingram, Old Ment . (4) R . Payne, N. Bruns . (-) Kenny, Nth . Bruns. (1) Fisher, Old Ment . (-) Noris, Tho(nbury (-) Officer, Mon . Whites (-) Smith, Thornbury (1) Everett, O . Ment . (3)

31 25 18 18 13 13 13 13 13

C SECTION Calleja, St.K . CBC (6) sadsden, Old Hailey . (2) A,ar, Old Brighton (8) McMahon, UHS OB (6) Butler, Marcellin (-) Bate, Nat . Bank (4) Wayman, Alphington (-) Drinan, St.K . CBC (-) Williams, Old Bailey . (-)

31 22 22 19 17 17 13 13 12

JUNIOR SECTION 1 Fisher, Ormond (10) Wilson, Ormond (4) Humphreys, Un . Blks . (1) Simmons, Coburg (3) G . Hughes, Coburg (2) Dick, O . Scotch (3) Ryland, Coburg (3) Ellis, Mon . Uni . (3) G . Hughes, St. Bern. (3) O'Loughlin, B. Hills (3)

25 18 16 15 14 14 13 13 12 12

D SECTION P. Hanlon, Brunswick (5) Vickers, Hamp. Rov . (I) S . Staples, Brunswick (2) Gurney, O . Ivanhoe (2) Tregear, H . Rov. (-) Young, Hamp . Rov. (-) Fraser, O . Xaverians (-)

29 28 23 22 18 17 16

JUNIOR SECTION 2 Earle, Hamp. Scts . (4) Larkin, O. Brighton (5) Davies, Geelong (2) Bryce, Ivanho e Zucker, AJAX (6j Gunn, Ivanhoe (3)

33 22 22 21 20 19

B RESERVE SECTION Stockdale, O . Trin . (1) 24 R . Wilson, Ivanhoe (-) 14 Bryant, Ivanhoe (1) 13 Moore, O . Trin . (-) 12 Gallagher, Mon . Blues (-) 1 1 C RESERVE SECTION O'Connor, Marcellin (1) 17 Kay, St .K . CBC (2) 15 Hamilton, O . Brighton (3) 15 J. White, St.K . CBC (1) 13 Bristow, Assump . (3) 12 D RESERVE SECTION P . Hanson, O . Camb . (5) 18 Dean, Brunswick (8) 15 D'Orsa, C'wealth Bk . (-) 14 Love, O . Ivanhoe (-) 14 Grace, O . Ivanhoe (3) 1 3 E RESERVE SECTION McVeigh, ANZ Bank (-) 20 Whalley, O . Geel . (-) 18 Stokes, Elsternwick (-) 15 Geyer, O . Geel . (6) 14 Barry, Fawkner (1) 1 1 F RESERVE SECTION Burley, Mon . Whites (-) Ericksen, O . Ment . (3) R . Brekke, N. Bruns . <-) Gregory, Marcellin (-)

28 19 12 10

Congratulations from State Savings Bank to Peter Julier on playing his 50th senior game today. Peter who could play almost anywhere has always given the Bank great drive from wherever his services have been required . His quick thinking, immaculate foot and hand passing and speed make him one of the most elusive players the Bank has had . He is having a great season at the moment and we only hope he continues his form today . Once again congrats to Pete from all at the Bank . CENTURY TO ST . BEDE'S SKIPPER St . Bede's congratulate TONY VAUGHAN on playing his 100th game today . Tony has always given the club great support both on and off the field and this year was elected capain of our firsts .



Page 19

TRIBUNAL (May 4th Round) P . Guatta (Wet Brunswick) was found guilty of striking G . Withers (AMP Society) and suspended for four matches . W. Park (West Brunswick) was found guilty of striking D . Brooks (AMP Society) and suspended for four matches . G . S . Sutherland (University Blacks Reserves) was found guilty of using abusive language to the field umpire and suspended for four matches. C. MacFarlane (Coburg Reserves) was found guilty of charging into a pack of players and striking at least two University Blues Reserves players and was suspended for three matches. G . Wood (MIIS Old Boys Reserves) was found guilty of striking S . Schneider (Monash Blues Reserves) and suspended for four matches . P. Clingin (Old Trinity Gramm . Reserves) was found guilty of striking S . Carter (Collegians Reserves) . and suspended for four matches . J . Day (Old Trinity Gramm . Reserves) was found guilty of striking S . McKay (Collegians Reserves) and suspended for six matches . G. Ireland (Thornbury Reserves) was found guilty of striking G . Hill (University Reds Reserves) and suspended for four matches . (May llth Round ) A . Groves (De La Salle O .C .) was found guilty of striking P . Ternes (MHS Old Boys) and suspended for four matches .

E . Attard (Glenroy) was found guilty of striking P . Ingram (Old Mentonians) and suspended for six mathes . R . James (Old Mentonians) was found guilty of striking Geoff Ford (Glenroy) and suspended for four matches . Graham Ford (Glenroy), charged with striking and kicking R. James (Old Mentonians) and who was ordered off the ground, was found guilty of striking but not guilty of kicking, and suspended for ten matches . T . Sing (Parkside Juniors) was found guilty of striking J . Campbell (Hampton Scouts) and suspended for four matches . G. Defteros (West Brunswick Juniors) was found guilty of striking G . Yeomans (Caulfield Grammarians Juniors) and suspended for eight matches . (May 18th Round ) I . Cave (Hampton Rovers Reserves) was found guilty of striking M . Cukier (Old Ivanhoe Gramm . Reserves) and suspended for two matches . (May 25th Round) Gary Massey (Reservoir Old Boys) was found guilty of striking B . Bourne (Ormond) and suspended for four matches . S . Stuart (Assumption O .C. Reserves) was found guilty of tripping R . Passalacqua (Old Haileyburians Reserves) and suspended for four matches .

PA RKROYAL MOTOR IN N 441 ROYAL PARADE, PARKVILLE . TELEPHONE : 38-922 1 Offers - First Class Accommodation . Offers - The Copper Grill Restaurant with a Dinner Dance every night including Sundays . ~ Offers - Private Function Rooms for Weddings, Parties, Conferences . ~ Offers - Personal attention . "WE CARE "

Page 20



On ground of first named Club at 2 p .m . Reserves at 11 .45 a.m . Likely winners of Senior and Junior matches in Bold Type. Umpire for Reserves shown in brackets.

A SECTIO N Geelong v Old Paradians - Mason (Wakefield) . Ormond v St . Bernard's O .C. - George . Goal : Hillier, Bennett (Gow) . University Blues v Caulfield Gramm . Rowell. Goal : Dunstan, Peters (Pascoe) . Coburg v North Old Boys - Jorgensen . Goal : Sanderson, Stratton (H . Roberts) . Reservoir O .B . v University Blacks - G . Simpson . Goal : Ahlm, McCusker (Roach) .

F SECTIO N Thornbury v Glenroy - Blair-Holt (Adamson) . University Reds v Old Mentonians - Parsons (Haywood) . Dookie & Long . O .C . v La Trobe Reds Cogdon . (La Trobe Reds Reserves a bye .) North Brunswick v Monash Whites - Cordner (Butler) . Beverley Hills a bye . Marcellin O .C. (2) Reserves a bye .

WED . JUNE 12t h University Blues v University Blacks - To be appointed .

JUNIOR SECTION 1 St . Bernard's O .C . v Ormond - Marsden . Old Scotch Coll . v Power House - Marks . University Blues v Coburg - Pritchett . North Old Boys v Beverley Hills - Reilley . Monash University v University Blacks Allan .

B SECTION Power House v Old Carey Gramm . - Rowe. : R . McKenzie, Kong (Gannon) . Goal Old Scotch Coll . v Old Trinity Gramm . I . ' Simpson . Goal : D . McKenzie, Smith (Slattery) . Ivanhoe v Kew - (at Elsternwick Park) Goodman . Goal : R . Hill, Wilson (Mannix . De La Salle O .C . v Monash Blues - Dodds . Goal : Box, E . Jenner (Saunder) . M .H .S . Old Boys v Collegians - D. Hill . Goal : Bridges, K. Jenner (McInnis) . C SECTIO N Old Haileyburians v Old Brighton Gramm . A . Mackenzie (Cowling) . Alphington v Marcellin O .C. - Johnston (Muller) . St . Kilda CBOC v Assumption O.C . Keating (Lowe) . Parkside v Old Melburnians - Robinson (Maebus) . U .H .S . Old Boys v National Bank = Hindle (Minson) . D SECTION Old Ivnahoe Gramm. v State Sav . Bank Bonnyman (Andrews). St Kevin's O .B . v Old Camberwell Gramm. - Kollmorgen (Fowler) . C'wealth Bank v Brunswick - Bishop (Corcoran) . La Trobe Blacks v Old Xaverians - McTaggart (Medley) . Hampton Rovers a bye . E SECTION A .J.A .X . v St . Patrick's O .C. - McMahon (Carter) . Fawkner v Elsternwick - B . Roberts (Duckworth) . A .M .P. Society v Footscray ITOB - Knowles (Geier) . West Brunswick v St . Bede's O .C . - Jenkin (Randall) . Old Geelong v A .N .Z . Bank - Halbish (C . Nichol) .

WED . JUNE 12th Universi tysluylueyBesluys University Blues v University Bl'acks (at 1 2 noon) - To be appointed . JUNIOR SECTION 2 Geelong v A .J .A .X . - Muir . Caulfield Gramm . v Hampton Scouts - B . Nicholls . Old Brighton Gramm . v Parkside - Botsford . Bulleen-Templestowe v Old Paradians King . Ivanhoe a bye . West Brunswick a bye. EMERGENCY UMPIRES Wills, Dressing, J . Field, Amor, Fogarty, Myors, Sutherland, A . Williams . Goal : L. Williams . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS POST REPORT EACH SUNDAY.-It is absolutely essential that copy be received by the Editor BY FIRST POST ON MONDAY EACH WEEK . Copy received after this time will not be considered. The only way to ensure delivery on Monday is to post SUNDAY - EARLY . ADDRESS ALL MATTER FOR PUBLICATION T O "THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER" Box 1 564P, G .P .Q., MELBOURNE, 3001, and not to the Editor's private address . (Use addressed envelopes provided) . POST EARLY Press Correspondents are advised to post copy EARLY on Sundays . The final clearance time of pillar boxes is now as early as 6 p.m . In some areas, and not later than 8 .30 p .m . anywhere. Make sure you don't miss the post - POST EARLY !


Page 21


Next Week's Matches ® June 1 5 At 2 p .m. - RESERVES at 11 .45 ,a .m. A SECTION Caulfield Gramm . v Reservoir O .B . St Bernard's O.C . v University Blue s North Old Boys v Geelong (at North Meib . Football Ground ) Old Paradians v Ormond University Blacks v Coburg B SECTIO N Kew v MHS Old Boys Old Trinity Gramm . v Ivanhoe Monash Blues v Power Hous e Old Carey Gramm . v Old Scotch Coll . Collegians v De La Salle O .C . C SECTION Assumption O .C . v UHS Old Boy s Marcelin O .C . v St. Kilda CBOC (at Eisternwick Park) . Old Melburnians v Old Haiieyburians Old Brighton Gramm . v Alphington National Bank v Parkside D SECTION Brunswick v Hampton Rovers Old Camberwell Gramm . v C'wealth Bank Old Xaverians v Old Ivanhoe Gramm . State Sav . Bank v St Kevin's O .B . La Trobe Blacks a bye

E SECTION Footscray ITOB v Old Geelong Elsternwick v AMP Societ y St Bede's O .C . v AJAX St Patrick's O.C . v Fawkner ANZ Bank v West Brunswic k F SECTION La Trobe Reds v Beverley Hill s Old Mentonians v Dookie and Loog . O .C . Monash Whites v Thornbury Glenroy v University Reds North Brunswick a bye JUNIOR SECTION 1 Coburg v Monash University Power House v University Blues Beverley Hills v St Bernard's O .C . Ormond v Old Scotch Coll . University Blacks v North Old Boy s JUNIOR SECTION 2 AJAX v West Brunswick Old Paradians v Geelong Hampton Scouts v Buiieen-Tempiestowe Ivanhoe v Parkside Old Briahton Gramm ., a bye. Caulfield Gramm ., a bye .

Next Week's Matches at Elsternwick Park June 15th, 1974

MAKELLIN ® . v . ST . KILDA C.B.O.G. at 2 p.m . Reserves at 11 .45 a .m . Admission : ADULTS 40 cents ; Children accompanied by an adult FREE . Ample car parking facilities available at Ground PARKING FEE 30 c How to get there - Train to Elsternwick or Carnegie tram in Swanston Street to Glenhuntly Road, walk west along Glenhuntly Road .



A SECTION W L For Agst q'n Pis *St. Bernard's OC 5 1 679 581 116 .9 22 Ormond 5 2 761 537 141 .7 20 ~ North Old Boys 4 2 662 624 106 .1 1S Coburg 4 3 777 626 124 .1 16 Geelong 4 3 644 599 107.5 16 *&Univ . Blacks 3 3 572 486 117 .7 12 Reservoir O .B . 3 4 743 752 98 .8 12 Old Paradians 3 4 598 704 84 .9 12 8 C'-,ulfield Gram . 2 5 561 703 79 .8 Univ . Blues - 6 398 783 50 .8 B SECTIO N Ivanhoe 6 1 797 519 153 .6 24 Old Trinity Gr . 6 1 804 552 145 .7 24 Kew 5 2 779 623 125 .0 20 Monash Blues 5 2 673 552 121 .9 20 De La Salle O .C. 4 3 552 567 97 .4 16 Old Scotch Coll . 3 4 643 647 99 .4 12 Collegians 2 5 511 636 80 .3 8 Power House 2 5 561 817 68 .7 8 *MHS Old Boys 1 5 601 722 83 .2 6 *Old Carey Or . - 6 423 790 53 .5 2 C SECTION Marecellin O .C. 5 2 634 403 157.3 20 Old Haileybury 5 2 665 501 132 .7 20 Parkside 5 2 631 539 117.1 20 Alphington 4 3 660 555 118 .9 16 Old Brighton Or . 4 3 606 537 112 .8 16 Assumption O .C . 2 5 552 674 81 .9 8 St . Kilda CBOC 4 3 652 607 107.4 16 Old Melburnians 3 4 533 529 100 .8 12 UFIS Old Boys 2 5 472 674 70 .0 8 National Bank 1 6 393 789 49 .8 4 D SECTION Hampton Rovers 6 1 714 442 161 .5 24 Brunswick 5 1 696 418 166 .5 20 Old Ivanhoe Or . 42 711 405 175 .6 16 Old Xaverians 4'2 654 532 122.9 16 State Say . Bank 3 3 723 451 160 .3 12 C'wealth Bank 3 3 504 510 98.8 12 Old Cam'well Or . 2 4 415 497 83.5 8 4 St . Kevin's O .B . 1 5 393 706 55.7 La Trobe Blacks - 7 252 1141 22.1 E SECTIO N Fawkner 6 1 835 463 180.3 24 Old Geelong 6 1 827 518 159 .7 24 ANZ Bank 5 2 682 579 117.8 20 *AMP Society 4 2 773 565 136 .8 18 AJAX 3 4 618 590 104 .7 12 Elsternwick 3 4 623 703 88 .6 12 Footscray ITOB 3 4 447 815 54 .8 12 *St . Bede's O .C . 2 4 632 658 96 .0 10 West Brunswick 1 6 465 940 49 .5 4 St . Patrick's O .C . 1 6 347 715 48 .5 4 F SECTION North Brunswick 6 1 803 417 192 .6 24 Old Mentonians 5 1 809 393 205 .9 '20 University Reds 5 1 624 409 152 .6 20 Monash Whites 4 2 776 453 171 .3 16 Thornbury 3 3 574 632 90.8 12 La Trobe Reds 2 4 438 528 83 .0 8 Beverley Hills 2 5 424 889 47 .7 8 Glenroy 1 5 419 630 66 .5 4 Dookie & Long . - 6 288 804 35 .8 JUNIOR SECTION I Ormond 5 2 749 537 139 .5 20 Monash University 5 2 552 448 123 .2 20 Coburg 5 2 577 470 122 .8 20 Power House 5 2 439 614 71 .5 20 **University Blacks 4 2 592 417 142 .0 16 *"University Blues 4 2 587 502 116 .9 16 Old Scotch Coll . 2 5 515 613 84.0 8 Beverley Hills 2 5 541 791 68.4 8 North Old Boys 1 6 509 718 70.9 4 St . Bernard's O.C . 1 6 400 667 60.0 4

A RESERVE SECTIO N W L For Agst ~'n Pis Ormond 6 1 806 319 252 .7 24 North Old Boys 6 1 586 353 166 .0 24 St . Bernard's O .C. 5 2 608 338 179 .9 20 Reservoir O.B. 4 3 569 382 149 .0 16 Coburg 3 4 485 504 96.2 1 2 Univ . Blues 3 3 414 546 75.8 12 **Univ . Blacks 3 3 348 463 75 .2 12 Old Paradians 2 5 412 506 81 .4 8 Caulfield Or. 2 5 353 555 63 .6 8 Geelong - 7 256 871 29 .4 B RESERVE SECTION Monash Blues 7 - 568 282 201 .4 28 De La Salle O .C . 6 1 543 284 191 .2 24 Ivanhoe 6 1 644 363 177 .4 24 Old Trinity Gr . 5 2 564 495 113 .9 20 *Collegians 3 3 401 489 82 .0 14 Old Scotch Coll . 3 4 416 442 94 .1 12 Kew 2 5 413 530 77 .9 8 MHS Old Boys 2 5 341 525 65 .0 8 'Power House - 6 395 516 76 .6 2 Old Carey Or . - 7 256 615 41 .6 C RESERVE SECTIO N Marcellin O .C . 7 - 669 271 246.9 28 St . Kilda CBOC 6 1 593 297 199.7 24 Parkside 5 2 500 296 168 .9 20 Old Haileybury 5 2 589 360 163 .6 20 Assumption O.C . 3 4 421 359 117 .3 12 Old Brighton Or . 3 4 503 446 112 .8 12 UHS Old Boys 3 4 344 493 69 .8 12 Old Melburnians 2 5 436 475 91 .8 8 Alphington 1 6 366 612 59 .8 4 National Bank - 7 111 1038 10 .7 D RESERVE SECTIO N Hampton Rovers 6 1 511 319 160 .2 24 Old Ivanhoe Gr . 5 1 527 304 173 .4 20 *Old Xaverians 4 1 435 301 144 .5 18 St . Kevin's O .B . 4 2 409 301 135 .9 16 State Sav. Bank 4 2 212 213 99 .5 16 *Old Cam'well Or . 2 3 331 301 110 .0 10 C'wealth Bank 1 5 358 458 78 .2 4 Brunswick 1 5 347 469 74.0 4 iLa Trobe Blacks - 7 119 701 17 .0 E RESERVE SECTION ANZ Bank 7 - 807 259 311 .6 28 Fawkner 6 1 616 349 176 .5 24 Old Geelong 5 2 600 316 189 .9 20 Elsternwick 4 3 485 272 178 .3 16 AMP Society 4 3 371 488 76 .0 16 St Bede's O .C. 3 4 404 530 76 .2 12 AJAX 2 5 332 538 61 .7 8 West Brunswick 2 5 264 519 50 .9 8 Footscray ITOB 2 5 331 653 50 .7 8 St . Patrick's O .C . - 7 161 576 28 .0 F RESERVE SECTIO N Monash Whites 6 - 550 160 343.8 24 Old Mentonians 5 1 365 197 185.3 20 North Brunswick 5 2 440 321 137 .1 20 Thornbury 4 2 153 299 51 .2 16 La Trobe Reds 3 3 425 243 174 .9 12 Marcellin O .C . (2) 2 4 334 387 86.3 8 University Reds 2 4 172 472 36.4 8 Glenroy 1 5 83 477 17 .4 4 JUNIOR SECTION 2 (Four points allowed for each bye .) Parkside 7 - 814 345 235 .9 28 Ivanhoe 6 1 767 329 233 .1 24 Hampton Scouts 5 2 867 474 182 .9 20 Geelong 3 2 585 457 128 .0 20 *Bulleen-T/stowe 2 2 486 517 94.0 18 Old Brighton Or. 2 4 440 554 79 .4 12 Old Paradians 2 4 392 698 56 .2 12 *West Brunswick 2 4 512 858 59.7 10 Caulfield Or . 1 5 349 767 45 .5 8 AJAX - 5 341 761 44.8 8 *Drawn Game . 'Unregistered player May 25. **To be played June 12 . ',Unregistered May 18 .

`A" Section

W es tern P acif ic Western Pacific Permanent Building Societ y 491 Bourke Street, Melbourne 67-635 1

9 P .A . at call I

Printed by Hedges & Bell Ltd ., Sutton Road, Maryborough, and published by George McTaggart, of 12 Ripley Grove, Caulfield No rth, for the Victorian Amateur Football Association .


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