The Amateur Footballer, Week 24, 1974

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PRESIDENTS AND SECRETARIES DINNE R The Presidents and Secretaries Dirrner will be held on Wednesday, April 16th, 1975 at the Southern Cross Hotel . Mr . J . V. Dillon, Ombudsman for Victoria, will be Guest Speaker. The Executive Committee is investig;ating the possibility of extending the scope of this function to embrace Presidents, Secretaries and Members (Delegates) . This will be advised in the New Year.

functions more fully than has been the case in the past . Their activities will be channelled through the Secretary of the V .A.F .A .

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS - SEASON 1975 In view of the very poor arrangements and facilities and the "mess-up" of dates experienced in 1972, 1973 and 1974, the Executive Committee will hold all meetings for the 1975 season at PARKROYAL MOTEL, Parkville .



CHANGE OF CLUB NAME St . Patrick's (Ballarat) Old Collegian s has combined with Monivae Old Collegians, which will bring about a change of . name. It is anticipated that the :new ;Mnam,e will be ST. PATRICK'SMONEVAE OLD COLLEGIANS .


ELECTION OF OFFICEBEARERS FOR SEASON 197 5 The following office-bearers have been appointed by the ;Executive Committee for season 1975 . President : L. S. Zachariah .

Vol. 74, No. 24 .

,:- Secretary : J . Fullerton . Assistant Secretary : Mrs . N . L. Fullerton .

MARCH, 1975

Treasurer: N . C . .Rundle. Records Secretary : B. L . De Lacy. Press Correspondent : G . W. McTaggart .



The respective committees of the V.A.F .A. will in future carry out thei r Registered for posting as a periodical - Category "C" Page 4


RE-REGISTRATIONS Attention is drawn to the followin g

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Rules of the Association which were amended at the Annual Meeting on Monday, 3rd March, 1975 . Rule 12 now reads - "THE REREGISTRATION OF A PLAYER WITH THE ASSOCIATION SHALI.. BE EFFECTED IN SUCH FORM AS THE PERMIT COMMITTEE SHALL PRESCRIBE FROM TIME TO TIME" . Rule 13 (which follows) HAS BEEN DELETED. This Rule stated - "The Re-Registration of a player with the Association may be effected singly or with others on a list in duplicate which shall be in alphabetical order of surnames showing the said surname, initials and present address of each player whom it is requested be reregistered" . Rule 71 states - "THE PERMIT COMMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO THE ASSOCIATION TO PRESCRIBE THE FORM IN WHICH APPLICATIONS SHALL BE MADE TO THE ASSOCIATION FOR REREGISTRATION WITH THE ASSOCIATION" . ALL APPLICATIONS FOR REREGISTRATION MUST NOW BE 'MADE ON THE RE-REGISTRATION FORMS WHICH WERE DISTRIBUTED TO CLUBS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING. THE FORM MUST BE SIGNED PERSONALLY BY THE PLAYER . Under no circumstances will lists of players for Re-Registration be accepted .

PERMITS Clubs are reminded of the Clearanc e Agreement between the V .A.F .A . and the Victorian Country Football League. Clearances MUST be obtained for any new player with the V .A .F.A. who has played with a club or League affiliated with the V .C .F .L. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.

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UMPIRES FOR PRACTICE MATCHES All requests for Umpires for Practice Matches must be made to Mr . Lynton McLead, 9 Mason Court, Highett 3190. His phone number is 95-7321 .

CLOSING DATE FOR FIRST MATCH Permits for the first match of Season 1975 close with the Records Secretary, Mr. Bruce De Lacy, 67 Charman Road, Mentone, 3104 on THURSDAY, 10th APRIL. For subsequent matches, permits must be with Mr . De Lacy on Tuesday of each week. The Permit Committee will meet on Wednesday of each week . Re-Registrations close on Friday of each week . GET THEM IN NOW ! Club Secretaries are urged to forward Permit and Re-Registration applications for the first match to the Records Secretary as early as possible. With the admittance to the V.A .F.A. of so many new clubs and teams this year, the work load of the Permit Committee is very heavy for the first few weeks of the season . Please "Help Us to Help You" . Forward any applications that you have in hand, NOW . CAREFUL WHERE YOU SEND . THEM!!! Make sure you send ALL APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS AND REREGISTRATIONS to the RECORDS SECRETARY, and NOT to the Secretary of the V.A .F.A. Any which are sent to the Secretary of the V .A.F.A . will not be sent on to the Records Secretary, BUT WILL BE HELD UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THEY ARE PICKED UP BY THE CLUB CONCERNED. Players affected will of course not be eligible to play in the meantime . AMATEUR FOOTBALLER - MARCH, 1975

OLD PLAYERS AND OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION It is planned to establish an Ol d Players and Officials Association of the V .A.F .A . Any and all ex-players and officials will be eligible to join . It is anticipated that the annual membership fee will be ONE DOLLAR per member. It is not proposed that this body should be excessively active but it will serve two purposes 1 . As a means of renewing and retaining friendships and associations built up over the years . 2. To assist in the establishmerit and propagation of present-day Amateur . football . In the initial stages it is proposed that only two activities a year would be embarked upon, but of course, the area of assistance of this important adjunct to the V.A .F .A . would depend on the thoughts of members after the "ball is set rolling" . Clubs have been asked to notify the Secretary of the V.A.F .A . as to the numbers of ex-players and officials of their clubs who would be interested in joining, while ex-players and officials not at present actively engaged with any club should contact the Secretary of the V.A .F.A. (Mr . Jack Fullerton, 5 Correa Avenue, Cheltenham, 3192 - Phone 93-1545) directly.

TRIBUNAL MEETINGS All players reported and witnesses in conjunction therewith, are required to attend before the INDEPENDENT TRIBUNAL at the offices of the St . Kilda Cricket Club, 1st Floor Main Pavilion, St . Kilda Cricket Ground, Albert Park, at 7 .30 p .m. sharp, on the following Tuesday. Club Secretaries are warned to see that all players concerned are instructed accordingly as no other notification will be given, and no excuses for bon-attendance accepted. Statutory Declarations will not be accepted .

GROUNDS OF NEW CLUBS BULLEEN UNITED - Koonung Park , Allen Street, Bulleen (off Thompsons Road) ._ , HEATHERTON - Heatherton Reserve, Ross Street, Heatherton (opposite Moorabbin Airport, off Centre Dandenong Road). THOMASTOWN - Main Street, Oval, Main Street, Thomastown. (Train to Thomastown).

INCREASED FINES FOR LATE SCORE S Club Secretaries and Press Correspondents are reminded thet increased fines will apply this season for omitting to phone scores or other required information to the appropriate phone number, or for the late phoning of such information . Failure to phone final scores to the Herald office by publication deadlir^ (4.50 p .m . for Seniors and Juniors, 3 p .m . for Reserves) - THREE DOLLARS . If you miss the publication deadline, you must still phone final scores to our representative at the Herald office before 5.30 p .m ., otherwise the fine is SIX DOLLARS. If you miss out on phoning final scores to the Herald office before 5 .30 p .m ., you must phone these scores to the Press Correspondent before 7 p .m ., otherwise a FURTHER FINE of SIX DOLLARS will be incurred . Clubs in A Section are required to phone Goal-kickers and Best Players of BOTH sides to the Press Correspondent before 6 p .m . and those in B Section between 6 p.m . and 7 p .m. otherwise a fine of SIX DOLLARS is imposed. Make sure you phone the CORRECT scores . The fine for phoning INCORRECT scores is THREE DOLLARS . THE HOME CLUB IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ATTENDING TO THE PHONING OF SCORES AND OTHER NECESSARY INFORMATION .


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CHANGES OF GROUNDS There have been, some changes o f

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grounds this season . The new grounds are listed here:.NORTH BRUNSWICK -- Allard Park, Donald Street East Brunswick (off Holmes Street) . East Coburg or Moreland train in -Swanston Street to Donald Street . OLD TRINITY GRAMMARIANS City Reserve, corner Church and Highett Streets, Richmond . (Rear, of Richmond City 'Hall) . Flinders Street tram to corner of' Church Street and Bridge Road, or North Richmond tram in Chapel/Church Street to Highett Street. OLD PARADIANS JUNIORS - Parade College, Plenty. Road, Bundoora. UNIVERSITY REDS -- Princes Park, Royal Parade Parkville, next to Carlton Football Ground. (Brunswick, Coburg or North Coburg tram in Elizabeth Street) .

JEWISH HIGH HOLY DAY - SEPT. 6th,` 1975 (JEWISH NEW YEAR) If either of the AJAX teams (Senior or Reserve Section) are involved in the playing of- a, Semi-final, Final or, Grand Final°match on Saturday, September 6th, 1975, then all games in° that Section scheduled to be played on' that date will be deferred one week and played on Saturday, September` 13th. ` This only applies in E Section, will, only apply on = the date stipulated in , 1975 ; and will only apply if either , AJAX teams is drawn to play` on that date.

UNIVERSITY BLACKS v MONASH BLUES GAMES The University Bl`acks-Monash Blue s

INTER-STATE ACTION COMMITTEE A sub-committee has been • appo ed by the Executive to plan and ganise activities in connection v Inter-state games . The function of this sub-commit will be to arrange details of th games in conjunction with the S retary of the V .A .F.A . Two new, names have recently b added . Messrs . Clarrie Middling Brian Gibbs, and the Sub-commit now comprises Messrs . J . F . X . DiI (convenor), J. P. Byrne, J. E. Fic C . Middling and B . Gibbs .


pondents are reminded that the de line for ALL COPY (including Te Lists) for the first issue of The Arr eur Footballer is MONDAY, API 7th, the date of the next V.A.F meeting . The Editor will accept c-3(ON THE CORRECT FORMS) at meeting. The season opens on Al 19th. Secretaries and a Press Correspob ents are advised to study the Instr tions issued at the Annual Mee t and adhere st ri ctly to these instr tions . Clubs not represented at the Ann? Meeting are advised to collect Am eur .FootbaIler, stationery at the Al meeting or make arrangements for collection- from the Editor. Station( WILL=° NOT BE FORWARDED CLUBS, and COPY WILL NOT ACCEPTED IF NOT ON CORR E FORMS.

NEXT MEETING OF V .A.F.1 Club Secretaries and Deleg a

(Members) are reminded that the na meeting of the Association will be h, at the Amateur Sports Club, 14 14 RilIop Street, Melbourne on Mond ; No date, other than May 7th, can April 7th. be substituted'for this day . Make sure your club is represent 4 Page 4 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER- MARCH, 1 9 games, drawn for May 17th, will be played on Wednesday, May 7th .

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