The Amateur Footballer, Week 1, 1989

Page 1

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President's Message

telcome to another season, in fact the Association's 98th . e r, It A ns an d 'an U nder\iV19 Section 3 teurs who will compet 1 Sect ouna Kontias and Salesian OdsB oys H and I banovale . for the first time I trust you also enjoy your football . 3o all players who will compete in the V .A .F.A This season the Association will cater for 71 Clubs, 186 teams and some 10,000 registered playersand the L Leagu e the MCG in Ju ePInradd tioe an aA us .otbal t Australian ghos t ain do battle against the VFA, VCFL and VMF e r-19 ~s play a Dateur de team will participate in the NFL's Division Two Championships in Tasmania over the Queen's Birthday

omising lad wf Aust . Amateu patrick ex Pc urning, Richa )all game, alor who have be( and finals wou omber' Surde win a thrillec day in `A Grad m iership Sid :owell and Lc re Parkside ti r been hard I in Queenslan , players, Ma with Marcelli ball . A dang is good as If !, and I exp e

oc aponsors of the uitual Grou and a s1amthNionl soc atd~ioingand I Iaoktforward to foster ng the relat onshipHwith the'IAusotral an Dental Ass in conclusion I urge you to 'enjoy your football', and as I said to Members at the first meeting of the season, . I wish you the success your efforts deserve" . J . HAWKIN S wish you well ekend .

Marketing Segment by pay Sneddon

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Welcome readers t g this activities as well as inform all clubs of new marketing initiatives . g o Marketin The VAFA Marketing Committee, headed by Executive Member, Bob Welch has been hard at work durin . Our hip arrangements for season 1989 and beyond e 'off season' negotiating sponsor s ended by representatives from all 71 Clubs plus our Major Marketing Forum held on February 15th, was att with ponsor Group. ., depending'' It was a most successful evening and it enabled clubs to discuss opportunities with sponsors direct or In fact, up to 11 .5% p .a subject ofg pongoes, placeseupon olubaand Assocpat o Qmarketingf whiler on the Aembers on y balance . i VAF A onafmarthee ofess . To take advantage of it, just call at any h e following lists our 1989 Sponsor Group National Mutual Royal Bank and enquire


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VOL . 89 No.

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Major Sponsors - National Mutual Group of Companies & Victorian Health Promotion Foundatio n (Vic Health and Australian Dental Association) Plus National Mutual Trustees Ansett Airlines BDF Australia Cadbury Schweppes DBC (Ricoh ) Australian Wool Corporation Grover's Wines Mast Business Systems Puma Australia Southern Cross Hotel Four'n Twenty Pies Beaurepaires MSS Patrol Services Carlton United Breweries Keenan's Sport s James Dickson and Co. Manifold Stationers Spaldin g Hugh Lyon Knitwea r We thank the above companies for their support and further details on their sponsorship arrangements with VAFA will follow in ensuring editions . Next edition I want to discuss 'net working' and how to apply it at Club level . Until then, good luck for season '89 . Ray Sneddon VAFA MARKETING CONSULTAN T

A Section by Tom Johnsto n

Welcome to all on the start of a new season, where reputations will be made or broken, with the promotion of Parkside and Kew. The A Section, now consists of 3 district sides, which is good for amateur football . The opening round in A Section, see Ormond unfurling the 1988 flag, against Uni Blues . This game promises much . Both Captains, Russel 'Mad dog' Barnes, and John 'The Recruiter' Kanis, have to set the example and lead from the front . Ormond with new players, Dean Adams, Nick Cox, from the Carlton '87 draft, along with Tony Mau and Steve Grace, ex St . Kilda, have been able to recruit many proven footballers, which will make many clubs envious . However their opponents Uni Blues have also been recruiting with Mike Yendall, back from W .A .,m Geoff Allardice, from Melbourne, along with former Caulfield Grammarians footballers, Andrew Norman, Sam Stevenson, and Alan Nalder. Uni Blues `Mr. Smoooth' Tony Schlicht holds the key to the game, if 'Mr. Smooth' can hold Paul Schuhkraft to a low tally of goals and with Stuart Carboon, out injured and Ross Tonkin retired, I expect Yandell to control the rucks, I expect history to rear its head again, and Ormond to lose the first game of the year, '3 years in succession' ! Collegians play North Old Boys at the Har ry Trott Oval, in what should be a close game. New players for Collegians, Jim Bennett , ex Hawthorn, Fitzroy, his brother Tim Benne tt , from Prahrah, Stuart Eason former State winger, and Ray `Mr. Golf' Berzins from Caulfield No rt h have gained ex State player, Tony Cahill . Back fro m W.A . Amateurs, also another W.A . Amateur ruckman Peter Leagh, along with country recruits Geoff Bell, Paul Daniel and Peter Gayfer, I expect this game to be the closest game of the fixture but Collegians did beat No rt h twice in '88. I expect Collegians to win with Jim Bennett being the key player. Old Xaverians venture to the Old Parade Oval, in a clash with similar importance to last years preliminary final . Parade who have replaced their coach John O'Connell, due to illness, with Serge D'Angelo ex Kew & Box Hill . Parade will need to show some improvement on last year's final form . David Way returns from Collingwood, along with Paul Zappa from Fitz roy U19's. Xavs have been hard hit with the loss of several players, Michael Atkins has gone to Melbourne, John McKay to Collingwood, Geoff Greetham overseas, along with Peter Cu rt ain, Paul and Steve Cu rt ain retiring . Xavs have gone for youth, and are relying on their Under 19 players from last season. Damien Stoney, Paul O'Sullivan, Rob Visentini, Mark Ellis and Andrew Wilson, also another good player is Mark McClelland ex Caulfield . Parade lost to the Xavs three time in '88, 2


and Captain Frank Gleeson is determined to change this, however, Xavs practise form has been good, and I lean to them to win a close game. Old Scotch will be tested by Kew at Yarra Park . Scotch have picked up Simon Twitt a promising lad who captained the school in '88, Rob Emme tt from Old Geelong, David Stanton a rover from South Aust . Amateurs and Andrew Hart . Kew with help from the re-instatement committee have added Brett Fitzpatrick ex Port Melbourne, Peter Burke ex Coburg, Dallas Moore count ry and two former Kew players returning, Richard James and Gary White. Scotch led by Robbie Fuller, who plays such a dedicated tough ball game, along with 1988 `A Grade' Best & Fai rest, John Moir, will have too much talent for the Kew boys, who have been on the local 'tom-toms' telling everyone that they have arrived . (One would think their last 2 grand finals would dampen their confidence). Kew will fight this game out right to the end, and have Captain Brett 'omber' Burden in fine touch . However their lack of height will tell against them and I expect Old Scotch to win a thriller. Marcellin venturesto Pitcher Park where Parkside will unfurl their 1988'B' Grade flag', and play in `A Grade' for the first time in their amateur history. Parkside have lost some good players from the `88 Premiership side, Captain Mark Page is going overseas along with Peter Harris, also out injured are Lindsay Cowell and Lou Inserra . The tribunal has taken care of Goran Yoksich, Leo Panjari and Chris Freeman (are Parkside the Collingwood of the Tribunal?) Frank Sansonetti is battling for fitness. Marcellin have similarly been hard hit with retirements, Andrew Cullinan, Derk'The Doc' Ebert and Tim O'Hehir, Chris Slatte ry is in Queensland, David Winterbottom is overseas, Ga ry Petro ff at the moment is in the country . Parkside star players, Mark Sturges, Gary Williams and Mark Sedgwick will need to be at their best for the traditional clash with Marcellin . Matt 'Captain' Getson had a fine season last year, and should give Marcellin the first use of the ball . A danger player for Parkside to watch will be Joe Amad . The Red Devils Centre Line Players are as good as the Richmond side of the 60's! Sturgess, Williams and Pappas will control across the centre, and I expect Parkside's first game in 'A Grade' to be successful in another thrilling game. Congratulations on their appointments Australian Amateur Coach John 'Mr. Handshake' Fisher Victorian Amateur Coach Mike 'Mr. Professional' McArthur-Allen C-H Amateur Coach Rick 'Mr. Confidence' Brockwell U19's Amateur Coach Max 'I Been everywhere' Lyo n Umpires Brian 'Where are those umpires' Woodhead My tips UNI BLUES ORMOND v COLLEGIANS v NORTH O.B. OLD PARADIANS v OLD XAVS OLD SCOTCH KEW PARKSIDE v MARCELLI N

B Section by the "Bucchan Brothers" Peter Grant and Doug Dic k

This year's "B" Grade competition is shaping up to be a contest of young sides valiantly team building in their quest for promotion to "A" Grade . De La Salle and St. Bernard's are both hoping to immediately bounce back to the Premier division . It's Bernie Dunn's first year as coach of De La after a five year stint at Therry . Young dashers Craig Wright and Michael Bolt have shown good pre-season form and will no doubt be helped by the welcome return of "The Legend", Mich Greene. Forwards Nick Fraser and Carl Anderson will also appreciate the leadership qualities of Captain, Ga ry Connolly. After massive pre-season turnouts at training, St . Bernard's Frank Melican is looking forward to the 1989 season . Captain Greg Wood and B & F winner Simon Melican will form the nucleus of the team but will be strongly supported by Gary McAllistair and Simon Walsh . Spearhead, John Peason is hoping to start the year with a swag of goals. After coming 4th in 1988, Bulleen-Templestowe is hoping to go 3 places better under the watchful eye of coach, Allan Paris . It will be Andy Smyth's 3rd year as on field leader and a young, enthusiastic side will be hard to roll at home. Half forward, Tim Puls, is looking forward to blitzing the opposition from the first bounce. Old Melburnian's and Old Brighton would both like to keep the momentum up and play off in another Grand Final this year. Alan Stoneham is again coach and Andrew Fitts is captain . David Cordner is a'handy' addition up forward and should account for the loss of McMullin . Andrew Cochrane and David Sands are also 'useul' players . Old Brighton's coach, Mark Sarau (4th year), is expecting the players to go one step further, but the first aim is make the finals . Came ron Lade (C) and Paul Woff are both anticipating successful season . Seoul Olympic rower, Andrew Cooper, will be a "power house" of strength . THE





Fawkner's coach, Stephen Buckley (2nd year), is quietly confident the boys can make the four. Captain, Brendan Saggers, and star forward, Peter Majerzak, have been joined by a number of new recruits . Meanwhile, Monash coach, Brian Ford, (5th year), is hoping Jamie Sturgess, John Quin and new recruit, Barry Seaton can team well to score a win on Saturday . Another new coach to be appointed is Therry 's Tony Crotty. Players such as Terry Quinn and Rodney Egglestone are sure to give him full support, Russell Forbes, (1st year), is sure Trinity can give the Flag a shake. Captain, Andrew Allibon, and B & F winner Trevor Norman will form a formidable combination with ruckman, Mick Turner. University Blacks will be coached by the ever enthusiastic, Kevin Morrison . Very little is known about the students at this stage but we have been assured that plans for the new flag pole are under way . Predictions for this week: Old Brighton to defeat Fawkner Old Melb . to defeat Therry De La Salle to defeat Trinit y St . Bernards to defeat Bulleen-Templestowe Uni Blacks to defeat Monash .

C Grade - C. Rowston

"What can we expect this year to bring, could well be the question . A year of progress from everyone . This not only will be asked but demanded ." Not my words, but the opening column by Jack Fullerton back in 1976 when I first experienced C grade, to me the chopping block of Amateur football . Either your club advanced to B grade or drops back unable to cope with the standard experienced in this grade . It's quite noticeable that many clubs get to C grade and go no further. Of the Clubs in today opening round 3 clubs lined up in 1976, Old Haileybury, Hampton Rovers and Old Ivanhoe . Maybe some supporters will remember some of the players I list today . From Old Ivanhoe, Galbraith, G . Stevens, Campbell, Grace, Cropley and none better than Purcell, one of the most determined C grade players I saw in 10 years . From Old Haileybu ry, Code, Bouris, Cocks, Paul, Hattam, Mason and the best ruckman and strongest mark in John Houghton . From Hampton Rovers, Huckett, Brian Bird, Young, Malone, Nash, Josephs, Bennett and Scarlett the biggest so called ruckman I saw! F rom that era Kew, Fawkner, Parkside & Old Melburnians have all had success while UHSOB & Power House have slid back . Alphington has disbanded . Looking at today's games a win first up is all important . Winning the early rounds can help carry clubs through the wet winter months, either to set up promotion or help starve off relegation . St . Kilda CBOC has had good pre-season form but I'll stick to Banyule for the points at Elsternwick Park. Preston play at home to Old Haileybury. This will be very interesting, the Bloods have had excellent practice match form but will miss Ga ry Phillips and Glen Tanner who have made senior VFL lists at Geelong and Collingwood respectively. Hampton Rovers are always hard to beat at home and will take the points from long time rivals Old Ivanhoe. I don't know much about Ivanhoe, Lew Balcum tells me the club is down to C grade for the first time in 55 years . This may give themselves a chance to regroup and today will take their first step by defeating St . Kevins who went down to AJAX last week . Balaclava have climbed through the grades and stopped at C grade . Caulfield Grammar have more experience and I'll select them in a close game today. Predictions for the year - Banyule to start favourites for the flag, Old Hai!eybu ry, Preston, Ivanhoe and Hampton Rovers to be the top five sides and St . Kevins, Old Ivanhoe and Balaclava to fight out relegation . How do I know - well, prove me wrong! - All the best to all clubs for the year . N .B. Cub correspondents to ring me with results on Sunday night (H) 598 8347 and Monday morning (W) 555 8911 and/or Fax 555 2610 . Todays selections Banyule v St . Kilda CBOC Hampton Rovers v Old Ivanhoe Balaclava v Caulfield Ivanhoe v St . Kevin s Preston MBOB v Old Haileybury

D Section by Ian Cairns If the Annual Presidents, Secretaries and Members' Dinner is any sort of guide to form, 1989 looks like being a very closely contested season in 'D' grade . Most Club Presidents were keen not to give too much away, but practice match form suggests that M HSOB, State Bank & AJAX could be the early season pacesetters. Tim Gallop reckons training at MHSOB is the best he's ever seen in the past 10 years and even though there's been a large turnover of players, coach Tony Sho rt has had them showing good pre-season form . State Bank coach Ken Bremner must be disappointed that his players didn't get a full game against Hampton (seems that some old rivals take these practice games pretty seriously), but they were showing enough by then to suggest a good year is ahead . AJAX look like being the big improvers . New President, Stephen Pinch and coach Mark Feldy have obviously worked hard over summer and have had some ecellent pre-season successes with wins over St . Kevins & Bulleen United . Match of the day in the opening round is probably at Mentone where the Panthers play host to State Bank . Roly Stephens says their ground is in good shape and should provide a good game to start the year. Gary Norton has been appointed captain of Old Mentone again, but I don't think he'll be able to lead his side to a win against the Bankers . AJAX take on Power House in front of what should be a good crowd, if they stay on after the big AJAX Supporters luncheon . Powerhouse will be without playing coach Gyn Evans, who will still be serving the remainder of a suspension from 1988. AJAX move the ball very quickly and even though they might lack some height, should have a comfortable win . Elsternwick travel to Whitefriars where coach Ray Keane has had his young side showing some good preseason form . Elsternwick have a new coach in Steve Huckett . Former coach Gary Rosewarne will continue playing and fronts for his 295th game for the wickers . However the young legs of Whitefriars should prove to be a bit speedy for Gary and his team-mates and should carry the home side to a good win . New Old Camberwell coach, Butch McCul!um had had his players producing some good form, but MHSOB have looked excellent, particularly against Old Ivanhoe . Ex-captain Tony Short is now coaching and should get his wide off to the right start with a close win . The last game is at Bulleen United where "The Bulls' play host to old rivals Thomastown. It's about 5 years since the 2 clubs last met and both sides have gone through many changes. New Bulls coach Vic Harv ie returns to the club after some 6 years successful coaching of local junior sides . However, the Bulls have lost 10 players from last years finals side but have recruited well and expect ex GTV-9 players, Waldren & Dennis to help fill the gaps. Thomastown coach John Walsh has also pinned his hopes on youth and will be looking to them to help stop the slide to lower grade. This game should also be close but the Bulls should just get home . So, selections are (in capital letters ) Old Mentone v STATE BANK AJAX v Power House WHITEFRIARS v Elsternwick Old Camberwell v MHSOB BULLEEN UNITED v Thomastow n

E Section by Kevin McNichoff 1989 - A new season complete with new clubs new faces and new challenges not to mention a new correspondent covering "E Section" for the Amateur Footballer . A sincere thank you to Peter French for giving me this opportunity. While speaking of Peter may I say on behalf of "E Section" well done Peter and the best of luck in your new position . With limited first hand knowledge of most teams in the section it will be difficult to predict what this year may hold never the less I will attempt to give some indication of the likely strengths or otherwise of the teams as I see them . Aquinas, strong again and out to make up for missing out last year. Old Essendon, disappointed at lack of promotion in '87 and '88 certain finals contenders. Old Geelong were the improvers in 1988 and are keen to continue the good work . UHSOB, disappointing in 1988 and need to regroup if they are to hold on . Doveton, always tough competitors and will be eager to do well in the higher grade. La Trobe, coached again by Peter O'Donohue and on last years form must be regarded as finals prospects . St . Bede's, slipped in '88 and will need to improve if they are to be a threat . Brunswick are in the same boat but may find some extra incentive with two other "Brunswick" clubs in the same section . "West" obviously found the going hard in "D" and should feel more at home this year . "North" have had two bad seasons i n


a row and will need to improve in order to avoid another . Heatherton face a similar taks and will need to fight hard to avoid further decline. Peninsula can only consider themselves lucky to still be in "E" Section, and must take drastic action to prevent another disastrous season . Likely winners in round 1 - St . Bedes to defeat West . Doveton against Heatherton . Aquinas against UHSOB. Old Geelong to defeat Peninsula. Old Essendon to beat Brunswick and La Trobe should account for North . Good luck to all competing clubs for 1989 .


U19 Sections° 1, 2 by Norm Nugent


Another season opens today with each club confident of success and coupled with no real form to guide me I face a difficult taks to select today's winners . Welcome to season 1989 and thanks to KODAK for sponsoring my solumn . G SECTION De La Salle journey to Kew whose 1988 form was below that of De La . Given the new enthusiasm at Malvern I expect the visitors to win . Although Bulleen Templestowe could be short of players I believe they will have too much talent and experience for Collegians even at Albert Park . Monash W hites are at home to Old Melburnians . The students are always a force especially on their "farm" . Despite their lack of time to develop team work I select Monash Whites. Reigning premiers Bloods journey to M arcellin whose numbers are small, according to my sources . Bloods carried all before them in 1988 and I expect them to open Season 1989 with a resouding win . Old Scotch will be at home to St . Bemards who, according to rumour have enjoyed a successful pre-season . I favour St. Bernards to take the points . Old Xaverians, promoted from H Section should prove too fast, too fit and too talented for Port Colts whose form fell away in 1988 . H SECTIO N New Club Kontias are an unknown quantity while Old Geelong displayed inconsitency in 1988 . I favour Kontias whose enthusiasm should carry them to victory. State Bank play Richmond Central on Oval 4 . The Bankers always play well at h ome and this fact coupled with my doubts of Richmond's consistency prompt me to select the home side. The bottom sides of 1988 G and H Sections meet on the Ross Grego ry Oval when Power House play Old Haileybury . As I once represented Power House I will select them . GTV9 journey to CBC St . Kilda . The Coughlin Oval has brought many good sides to grief in season's past and today I feel GTV9 will join that ist . Last year's runner's up St . Kevin's should be able to account for Balaclava whose best ever form came late last season . Newcomers Salesian College are at home to Therry whose 1988 form was inconsistent . Salesians will be keen and ready to play whereas the reported lack of players could adversely effect the standard of Therry's game . Hence I select Salesian College. UNDER 19 SECTION 1 The newly promoted sides Banyule & Whitefriars meet on the small Banyule Oval . The ground size will restrict Whitefriars as will the prevailing winds . Nevertheless I believe last season's premiers wil prove too talented and too fit for Banyule . Collegians, who disappointed last season, meet the promoted Ormond today. The Ormond side regrouped in 1988 and I expect them to signal their return to Section 1 with victory today . My mail from University Blues is that they have recruited well and that rejuvenated Coach Frank Henagen has them ready for a successful season . On the other hand my correspondents tell me PAan:etlin is struggling for numbers and that the Club is missing last year's leader M ick Wilson . For all these reasons I select Univ. Blues. Last year's premiers De La Salle Blue are at home to Old Xaverians whom they defeated in last year's Grand Final . De La Salle showed me glimpses of good form when I saw them in a practice match. Old Xaverians given their influx of school footballers are always a strong side . With no great confidence I selec De La Salle. Old Paradians Green are returning Coach David McCormack are at home to Old Haileybury, The Paradians are a ta!l side which blends youthful enthusiasm with Under 19 experience . As I have heard no such report of Old Haileybu ry form I will select Old Paradians . UNDER 19 SECTION 2 Melbourne High Schol Old Boys down from Section 1 play Old Brighton Grammarians who have won promption . I am told the Grammarians are stronger than last year. Given this fact plus the struggle Melbourne High has faced in fielding sides in 1987 and 88, ! select Old Brighton . Two of last season's disappointing sides University Black's & Bulleen Templestowe meet on the Crawford Dal . Bulleen Templestowe have struggled for numbers during pre-season practice while the Students will not have settled into a team as yet . At the risk of being very wrong I select University Blacks. Old Melburnians journey out to St. Bernard's where the home 6 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989

side is always hard to defeat . There was little between the sides last season so I will favour St . Bernards due to their home ground advantage. Caulfield Grammarians will be at home to Therry who return to the Section after a season in Section 1 . Caulfield could open with a victory as Therry is reportedly short of numbers . Old Scoeth are at home to North Old Boys who showed me a glimpse of form last week against Old Paradians. Selecting the winner is difficult despite Terry Mills being optimistic about North's chances. I select Old Scotch . Two promoted sides M onash Blues & Old Paradians Purple meet at Monash . At the University last season the Paradians suffered a rare defeat. On the other hand University commitments have prevented an ideal preparation for football . As the Paradians have had the opportunity to play in five matches to date they will be the more forward in their preparation . I recall the first match last season when the Paradians won largely because Monash didn't play as a team . After careful consideration I select Old Paradians Purple. SECTION 3 Aquinas with their 1988 experience should prove too strong for the visttors Ivanhoe who have re-entered the competition after a season's recess . Two of last season's new sides De La Salle Gold & Parkside will meet at Albert Park . According to reports P a rkside has lost many players and given the noticeable improvement in De La Salle I select them to win which should please Coach Pat Sheedy. Hampton Rovers make the on journey to Old Essendon and despite the Rovers loss of key players, they should prove capable of defeating Old Essendon who were not always competitive in 1988. Two newcomers Albanvale & Mazenod meet . With no known form it is difficult to predict a winner. At home I favour Albanvale but I could easily be proven wrong again!! In 1988 I believed St . Kevns had the best side on paper but they didn't produce their expected form on the field . I will give them the benefit of any doubts today by selected them to win over Thomastown who didn't field an Under 19 side in 1988. For the first time to my knowledge Old Trinity will field an Under 19 side . Fawkner who return to the section after nearly two season's absence, journey to Trinity confident of success . Given that I have heard good reports of Fawkner's pre-season form I select them to win today . Newcomers Bulleen United have the bye.

Personality Pars 100 GAMES AT BRUNSWICK Brunswick start the new season on a high this wee k with Larz Cordes playing his 100th game . Larz first joined the club in '83 and has quickly notched up the ton . He was a key member in our premiership side in '85, and has been a popular personality around the place . Larz has given many people great delight in watching him take numerous spectacular marks throughout the years . Most of his footba!l has been played at Centre Half Back with a dashing style of game always charging straight through and setting up many goals . Well done Larz and thanks for the memories . The club wish both you and Michelle all the best and a safe trip to Europe, as you both will be sadly missed at Brunswick . "THE NOSE KNOWS" FIFTY UP AT 01s Peter "Scotty" Scott today plays his 50th game for Old Trinity. Scotty is always to be found around the club, whether it be under packs or around the girls at social functions . He has been a terrific club man since he came to us in 1985 . He has developed from being a runner up in the reserves best and fairest in 1986 to being a regular senior p!ayer . All at Old Trinity wish him the very best today and hope to see him play 50 more . P.S . Is it true that when Scotty plays on the back flank his plays on the wing? WANTED- ACCOUN TA NT LOOKING FOR A CHANGE ! N .C. RUNDLE & CO. is a city firm of Chartered Accountants concentrating on accounting and tax with some audit. You don't have to be qualified, but expereince in our profession is preferred . Please contact Sandy Gilbert on 629 4631 if you are interested'. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989

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Phone us on 419 3363 or 417 7883 243 Gertrude Street, Fitzroy 84 Smith Street, Collingwood 7



Wthie (More details in following issues)

The Scores etc. A representative of the home club must phone the final scores to M r. Ron Hally on 379 8171 prior to 5 p.m . on the day of the match . If you miss the 5 p.m . deadline, phone Mr. Hally prior to 5.30 p.m . Any club which misses the 5.30 deadline must phone the scores to the Press Correspondent by 6 p.m . Failure to meet each dealine will involve your club in a fine which accumulates for each failure . Total failure to pone scores incurs a fine of $20 . RESERVE SECTION SCORES and scores of any G and H SECTION MATCHES PLAYED EARLY, to be phoned through to MR . HALLY before 3 p.m . on the day of the match . In the case of a forfeit, it is still necessary to advise MR . HALLY to this effect. If a forfeit is known prior to the day of the match, notify the Press Correspondent accordingly, as well as the General Manager. If any match is transferred to Sunday, notify Press Correspondent, George McTaggart (phone 528 3319) to this effect and phone final scores on Sunday to the Press Correspondent, instead of Mr. Hally.

Memo to A & B S ection Clubs In addition to the above matter, A and B Section Clubs are required to attend to the following . If away from home supply opposing Club Secretary with a list of goal-kickers and names (including first names) of SIX best players, giving their playing positions . If at home, obtain list from opposing Club and phone both lists together with quarter-by-quarter scores and a SHORT summary of the match to PRESS CORRESPONDENT - A Section before 5 .30 p.m . and B Section between 6 and 6.30 p.m . (Match Summary NOT REQUIRED from B Section, only scores and Best Players and goalkickers) .

Any Statutory Declaration submitted must set out (1) the reason for the player's inability to attend the hearing and (2) a full description of the incident (or incidents) the subject of the report . If any player required to attend the Tribunal is unable to do so owing to sudden illness or injury, he must contact the Tribunal Secretary (at home, 528 3319 until 6.45 p.m .) or at Elsternwick Park (531 6491) after 7 p.m . Any reported player who fails to attend or submit a Statutory Declaration, as provided, or fails to give notice as above, may have the charge or charges heard in his absence. Similarly, any witness who failes to attend or submit a Statutory Declaration or fails to give notice as above, may be dealt with as the Tribunal thinks fit . Any such non-attendance will usually incur a period of suspension, as determined by the Tribunal . Any player or witness (or umpire) who has a legitimate request for an early hearing e .g . work or study commitments, must submit such request by telephone to the Tribunal Secretary as early as possible, and no later than 5 p.m . on the day of the hearing . WITNESSES . A reported player may call a witness (or witnesses within reason), to assist in his defence of the charge or charges against him . Such witnesses must have actually seen the incident concerned . A witness is not permitted to give a character reference on behalf of the accused player . An accused player who desires to call a witness should notify the Tribunal Chairman at the commencement of the hearing . All witnesses are warned that if the Tribunal considers evidence to be of a misleading or unsatisfactory nature, they may be charged accordingly, and dealt with by the Tribunal .

The Independent Tribunal All players reported, and witnesses in connection therewith, are required to attend before the Independent Tribunal at Elsternwick Park, and report to the Tribunal Secretary by 7.30 p.m. on the TUESDAY following the match in which the report occurred . Club Secretaries, Team Managers and Officials of the Day are warned to ensure that all players concerned are instructed accordingly, and that players' copies of Reports are handed to the players concerned . No other notice is given and excuses for non-attendance with not be accepted . Statutory Declarations may be accepted if any party to a report is unable to attend owing to work or study commitments), or in the case of illness or injury, providing the Secretary to the Tribunal (George McTaggart), is notified as early as possible after the report, and that such Statutory Declaration is lodged either with the General Manager or the Secretary to the Tribunal no later than 7 p.m . on the day appointed for the hearing (Tuesday) . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989

Players Under 19 only 1 . The reported player may appear before the Tribunal either on his own behalf or with a person who shall act as his advocate ("the player's advocate") . Such advocate shall be the Secreta ry of the reported players Club or a person duly appointed in writing by the said Secreta ry. 2 . Where the reported player appears with a player's advocate, the player's advocate (i) may ask questions on behalf of the reported player or any witness called before the Tribunal, (ii) May ask questions of the reported player, (iii) May may oral submissions to the Tribunal on behalf of the reported player. 3. No person shall act as a player's advocate who is holder of a degree in law or who is a Barrister and Solicitor of any Supreme Court in the Commonwealth of Australia . 9


TUT[TiI ~ T (DD Y A SECTION PARKSFDE V MARCELLIN Field: G . McKeeman, K . Segota Goal : M . Murray, A . Belcher COLLEGIANS V NORTH OLD BOYS Field: R . Simon, S. McCarthy Goal: B. Folwer, K . Tyler ORMOND V UNI BLUES Field: G . Hardiman, P. Keogh Goal: M . Serong, K. Pitche r OLD PARADIANS V OLD XAVERIANS Field: S. Caruso, S . Clinch Goal: G . Clancy, W. Binch OLD SCOTCH V KE W Field: R . Francis, P. Wiseman Goal: M . Lentini, P. Also p B SECTION OLD TRINITY V DE LA SALLE Field: F. Wright, R. Bel l Goal: R . Clarkson, D. McKenzie UNI BLACKS V MONASH BLUES Field: W. Henry, S . Alge r Goal: B .P. Kent, P. Thompson ST. BERNARD'S V BULLEENTEMP Field: D . Dalgliesh, J . Natoli Goal: S . Livingston, B. Seymour OLD BRIGHTON V FAWKNER Field: W. Lyons, M . Bushfield Goat: J . Velleman, B. Dunstan THERRY V OLD MELBURNIANS Field: M . Thomas, C . Kin g Goal: B . Ross, C. McGray C SECTION BANYULE V ST. KILDA Field. G . Rid, (Res) H . Little Goal: L . Wilson, J . Kell y Boundary: T. Zapadlo, P. McTaggart HAMPTON ROVERS V OLD IVANHOE Field: M . Gibson Goal: G . Sargent, N . Griffiths Boundary: J . Curtin, E . Lesic BALACLAVA V CAULFIELD GRAM M Field: C. Keeton IVANHOE V ST. KEVIN'S Field: P. Simpso n PRESTON V OLD HAILEYBURY Field: M . FORD E D SECTIO N BULLEEN UNITED V THOMASTOWN Field: G . Thwaite s AJAX V POWERHOUSE Field: D. Newman OLD MENTONIANS V STATE BANK Field: C. Sutherland WHITEFRIARS V ELSTERNWICK Field: P. Krake OLD CAMBERWELL V MHS OLD BOYS Field: A . Stubbs 10



UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 MHS OLD BOYS V OLD BRIGHTON Field: K . Walke r UNI BLACKS V BULLEENTEMP Field: D. Wiggins ST. BERNARD'S V OLD MELBURNIANS Field: B. Heyward CAUL. GRAMM V THERRY Field: L. Ghelle r Goal: A. Grindlay, J. Dexter OLD SCOTCH V NORTH OLD BOYS Field: G . Duk e Goal: M . Gracias, S. Hoppe r MONASH BLUES V 0. PARADS PURPLE Field: T. McKenzi e Boundary: S . Mannix, S . Fleming

UNDER 19 - SECTION 3 AQUINAS V IVANHO E Field: A . McDougal l DE LA SALLE GOLD V PARKSIDE Field: Ted Keatin g OLD ESSENDON V HAMPTON ROVERS Field: Tim Keatin g Goal: K . NcNiece, A . Hogan ALBANVALE V MAZENOD Field: P. Rapke Goal: N . Johnson, B . Hensell ST. KEVINS V THOMASTOWN Field: S . Caine Boundary: D. Fowler, D. Dreier OLD TRINITY V FAWKNER Field: S . Vander Sluys Boundary: A . Moore, F. Martinez BULLEEN UNITED - BY E

Next Week Matche s A SECTION North O.B . v Parksid e Marcellin v Old Scotch University Blues v Collegians Old Xaverians v Ormond Kew v Old Paradians B SECTION Monash Blues v Old Trinity De La Salle O.C. v Therry Bulleen/Templestowe v Univ. Blacks Fawkner v St . Bernards O.C. Old Melburnians v Old Brighton C SECTION Old Ivanhoe v Banyul e St . Kilda CBOC v Presto n Caulfield Grammar v Hampton Rovers St . Kevins v Balaclava Old Haileybury v Ivanho e D SECTION Power House v Bulleen United Thomastown v Old Camberwell State Bank v AJAX Elsternwick v Old Mentonians MHSOB v Whitefriars E SECTION Old Essendon v Doveton SJOC St . Bedes v La Trobe Univ. Heatherton v Old Geelong North Brunswick v UHSOB Peninsula O.B. v West Brunswick Aquinas O.B . v Brunswick


G SECTION St . Bernards OC v Collegians De La Salle v Port Colts BulleenlTemplestowe v Marcellin Old Xaverians v Monash Whites Bloods v Kew Old Melburnians v Old Scotch H SECTION Balaclava v State Ban k Old Geelong v Salesians O.C. Richmond Central v St . Kilda CBOC Therry v Power House GTV9 v Kontias St . Kevins - BY E UNDER 19 SECTION 1 Ormond v Banyul e Whitefriars v Old Paradians Green University Blues v'Collegian s Old Xaverians v Marcelli n Old Haileybury v De La Salle Blue UNDER 19 SECTION 2 North O.B . v University Blacks Old Brighton v Monash Blues BulleenlTemplestowe v Caulfield Grammarians Old Paradians Purple v St . Bernards O.C. Therry v MHSO B Old Melburnans v Old Scotch UNDER 19 SECTION 3 Thomastown v Old Trinit y Mazenod O.C. v Aquinas O.B. Hampton Rovers v St . Kevins Fawkner v Old Essendo n Bulleen United v De La Salle Gol d Parkside - BYE Ivanhoe v Albanvale


April 15th (C) Banyule v St . :ilda CBOC April 22nd (F) Old Carey v'vvaverley Amateurs `April 23rd (B) De La Salle O.C . v Therry CCO B April 29th (C) Balaclava v O. Haileybury (11 .45 a.m .) Hampton Rover v St . Kevins OB . (2 .20 p.m) *April 20th (A) Marcellin OC. v North OB. May 6th (D) Power House v Old Camberwell 'May 7th (A) North OB . v Old Scotc h May 13th (B) Monash Blues v BulleenTemplestowe May 20th (B) Old Brighton v Old Trinit y `May 21st (A) Ormond v Collegians June 3rd (A) Kew v Uni Blues June 17th (A) Uni Blues v Old Paradians July 22nd (A) Parkside v Old Xaverians ' Sunday

R . LOVE (Kew) - M PAG E (Parksid .` G . YOKSICFi ( r R . GARD (Pa . :

VAFA players have gone into action for five seasons in Woolblendmark jumpers . Now every VAFA club can offer to their players and supporters their own club colours `wool warm up rugby tops', which are made from the same yam as their players' jumpers. These fashionable tops are available to clubs at this season's special price of $28 per garment on a minimum order of 20 . At this price, `wool warm up rugby tops' offer not only


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°D . FOX (Old Brighton U19 ) - Strik'ira `Referred M . GEARY (Old Paradia n L . PANJARI (Parksido) Z . USEINOV (Old M e S . BRUNO (Kew) - W88fu°, H . Le G RAN D (Hampton . P. GRE EN (®e La Salle C D. KlNS E LLF (De L : i . WELLS (C?!d 1v, : M . RGFiI . . ( . A . Sl'EFt-. .loE ; B . KEILAR 41 .' tivet

Garment by

Hugh Lyon `151%,iblzndmark isa certification trademark osmsd be the Australian 111%11 Corp, ration



LLER 1989


GRAND FINA L ORMOND to 8 .7 10.2 14.18.102 OLD XAVERIANS 4 .3 4.5 7.8 8 .11 .59 ORMOND Carboon 3, Kingston 2, McCooke 2, Schuhkraft 2, Jobhng 2 . Sutherland, C. Tonkin . BEST Forsyth, D.McDonald, Carboon, Cox, Kingston, R . Tonkin . OLD XAVERIANS S . Curtin 3, Grummet 2, Tiernan, Callan . Taylor. BEST Atkins, J .McKay, Grummet, Marks, D. McKay, Greetham. UMPIRES Hardiman, Swale.

GRAND FINA L DE LA SALLE BLUE 2.3 4.9 8.13 11 .17.83 OLD XAVERIANS 1 .2 4.2 7.3 9.3 .57 DE LA SALLE BLUE Toohey 3, C . Bourke, Davey, Watts, Sheedy, Walker, M . O'Callahan M . Bourke, Higgins . BEST Brasher, Ronchi, Davey, Sheedy, Steiger, C .Bourke OLD XAVERlANS Gorozidis 4, Haycox 2, Connors, Visentini, Webb . BEST Wilson, Dalton, Jaffer. Quilty, Stoney, Klvac . UMPIRES Bushfield, Toohey.

GRAND FINAL ORMOND 3.3 6.9 7.12 12.17.89 MARCELLIN 1 .3 3.3 5.7 6 .8 .45 ORMOND Burns 3, Tobin 2, Strahan, Eishold, Robertson, Casey . Madden, Connell, Mehrten, BEST Robertson, Symeopalous, Burke, Burns, Strahan, Mehrten . ' MARCELUN Buhagiar 2, Archdeason, Woder, Hesse, Battistella, BEST Dillon, Bourke, Day, Battistella, P.Harvey, Golds. U M PIRES Coughlan, Cher ry.

GRAND FINA L PARKSIDE 2.2 2 .7 3 .12 9.12 .66 KEW 3 .3 6 .4 8 .5 11 .11 .77 KEW McAllister 5, Barry 2, Harrison, M . Peric, Bra, luliano, BEST B. Casuaria, Barry, M . Peric, Hicks, Bradley, Kendall. PARKSIDE Bannister 3, Bestow . R . Gard, King, Matkaris, Soligo, Papatheodorou, BEST King, Soligo, Coleman, Torre, Bradley, Rodwell . UMPIRES Lippold, McRae

PICK THE PREMIER S Ansett Airlines and The Chateau Commodore announce a Pick the Premiers Competition which is open to all readers of the Amateur Footballer . Simply cut out the coupon and forward to : Pick the Premiers P .O . Box 359 ELSTERNWICK 318 5 The first or nearest correct entry to be drawn following the A Section Grand Final will win a weekend for Two in the Harbour City flying Ansett . All entries will be held by the Association's auditor, Mr. Bruce Church . All entries to be received by Friday 26th [Jay, 1989 .

GRAND FINAL KEW 1 .10 2 .14 3.16 5 .18.48 PARKSIDE 3 .0 6 .3 9 .6 15 .8.98 PARKSIDE Williams 3, G .Panjari 2, Glasgow 2, Sedgwick 2, Sturgess 2, Inserra, L. Panjari, Papas, Yoksich . BEST Buckhorn, Williams, Rowe, Sherlock, Papas, Sansonetti . KEW Griffiths, Crimmins, Schober, Haralambopoulos, Duncan . BEST O'Kayli, S. Lord, Bruno, Thornley, Schober, T. Peric . UMPIRES K . Segota, Wiseman .

(BOEING 737-200 ) A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct" . ~.




Take sharp, dear 35 mm pictures with the new KODAK S30OMD Camera . Auto advance, motorized rewind and focus-free lens keep you ready for action . And the built-in electronic flash lets you shoot in nearly any light The KODAK S Series Camera Outfit, Model S30OMD, comes complete wlth twu AA-size KODAK SUPRALIFET M Batteries and a roll of KODACOLOR GOLD Filmeverything you need to start taking great pictures! THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989



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ROUND 1 - 5 YEAR S AGO, 1984 President, John Dillon welcomed Williamstow n CYMS and Preston M arist Brothers Old Boy, and also Old Essendon Grammarians who last competed in 1971 . Peter King was President of VA .FA.U.A . with Fred Grubb as his deputy, and assisted by John Smith as Secretary and Joe Segota as Treasurer. Bulleen-Templestowe celebrated their debut in 'A' Section with a 17 point win against Kew in a superb high scoring game with the scores close all day. The Bullants who bit hardest on the day with Smythe, Palmer, Ongaro (8 goals) while Kew's best were Busuttil, Filipovic and R . Zerbi . Laurie Aghan had been appointed Interstate Coach with Shane M aguire as his deputy. Gavin White who had coaching experience at M arceiiin O.C. and had taken De La Salle O .C. to an 'A' Section premiership was coach of the CDEF side with Trevor Read re-appointed coach of the Under-18 team . Ormond and Old Xaverians opened the season at Elsternwick Park with Ormond after a sluggish first term, on top in the last three terms to win by 16 points. Best were Sutherland (up from U19s), Kingston, y(Ormond and S. Curtain (7 goals), Millard, M O'Shaughnessy (Old Xaverians) . 10 YEARS AGO - 1979 The season saw Banyule, Princes Hill and St . Pius join the V.A.F.A. The junior competition consisted of three sections for the first time - Banyule played only in Junior competition . The Moomba Parade saw the Association march for the first time in the Monday Parade, Many clubs were represented and the contingent was most colorful . Second world war veterians Alex Johnson and Alf Keam marches with style and panache while youngsters Manson Russel and John Dillon did their best! Old Paradians were celebrating the golden jubilee of the club and kicked off with a Golden Jubilee Dinner in the Parade College Hall at Bundoora . Among the guests were V.A .F.A . President, M anson Russel, and many former 'greats' of the Old Paradians A .F.C ., including former league champions . `Phonse' Kyne and Alan La Fontaine, and members of the great premiership teams, including John Tudor, Brian Weyman, Brendan Danaher and coach Maurie Considine . Old Scotch unfurled the 1978 'A' Section flag in the presence of De La Salle O.C. who inflicted a three goal defeat on Laurie Aghan's boys, 9.14 to 6.14. Best were Burke, Donegan, M cDonnell ( De La Salle) and Meado w s, Duke, Tallent (Old Scotch) . 15 Y RSAGO-1974 Glenroy and Bulleen-Templestowe made their THE AM ATEUR FOOTBALL ER 1989

; . -_:>i u cion officedebut in V.A .F.A . bearers were Daryl George V(president) Ken Jorgensen (secretary) J_ n Field (treasurer) and David Dressing (social secretary) . George M cTaggart, editor of " A mateur Footballer" since 1946 was honoured with life membership of the Association , 'A' Section umpires for the day were Rowell, George, Mason . r .8 : :nmePsn and Jorgenson . 100 games to 9_ : ain-in (Old X .) and Richard Thomas (Old _idj~ B .0j . 20 YE- -: _3 AGO 'A' Section coaches were Ji . Al-nn Salter (Coburg), Sr . . ) - :_ ( . : : 1;.: __ : 1 ), G . 'v im Calverley (Uni . s), '.rd Farrell (C i : Peter Kanis ti . .. . : . : ;, vohr. ÂŽrr : :a (Old Pc : an',), John W ilson ;aid . Gramm), Peter Eaico .ozr ( Collegians) and ' . in Williams ( N orth O.B .) . * c a Roach (Collegians) played his 150th game for the club while Peter Eames, ruck (Parkside) reached the century . That popular ladies' man Claude Ullin, was very active as President of Caulfield Gramm . Social Committee. With veteran umpire Harry Marks in control Ormond celebrated their return to 'A' Section with a 14 goal win against _ "' ne H igh. 30 ' . '. 3 - - 195 9 Advertisers in tF st issue included M .S .D ., e ' :sne ot e , ='--,o T.V., M M S ammit Sof . E . ; . . . Sherr 'ira oo )alls , F iikne r

:)urne Fr ur , r . 9tore, i . . BvJ 9 c . i S -. aeting E v e-, Penguin Christie' s and Frank : : - vE .>s r . :n ', L w1-s. D , La Salle made their 'B' Section debut .

Of ' Scotch Collegians accepted with regret the resignation of their president, M r. Y.T. Tilley, only the fourth to hold office since the Club's inception in 1921 . Vern Tilley was secretary from 1931 to 1948, vicepresident from 1949 to 1952, and in 1953 was elected president . Ian Cleland, umpires' coach for previous two years, was reappointed . 40 YEARS AGO - 1949 A, B, and C Sections - 10 teams each ; D Section - 9 teams, and Junior Section - 9 in all 48 teams for the opening game. 3AW were advertising 'Expert' commentaries on all League games in 'London Stores Show' (1949 version of 'World of Sport') - leading the choir wer e 17


Alan Killigrew, Harry (where's my coat) Valiance, 'Ron Baggott, Gordon Abbotf, Harry Collier, and `Chicken' Smallhorn . Coach of Coburg was Bill Brown . Collegians were in 'B' Section for only the second time in 56 years. Moreland Amateurs made their debut in 'D' Section -'testing ground for our parent club Coburg", as they stated . Melbourne High were Advertising a dance at the school -'`streamers, novelties, excellent orchestra and first-class supper" all for 4/6d .

Personafity Par AJAX would like to welcome all the members of its Jackas Coterie to todoay's season-opener against Powerhouse and thank them for their generous support both this year and in seasons past . We would also like to welcome our guests from the VAFA, Victoria-Maccabi and Powerhouse . Hope you all enjoy the lunch ! 1989 shapes up as a big year for the club, with a new-look administration and new feeling around the club that says its time to return AJAX to the higher grades of the VAFA . Let's hope the Jackers score the first of many victories for the season this afternoon at Oval 2 . 100 GA M ES AT OLD MENTONIANS All at Old Mentonians Football Club congratulate Mark Barrett on playing his 100th game today against State Bank . Mark's popularity and dedication to the Club are well respected by his team mates and Club supporters. Mark won the Senior Best and Fairest Award several seasons ago, rewarding him for his courageous and attacking style of play. Well done "Constable" on a fine achievement and we hope you are around the Club for a long while yet.

-.- .

150 GAM ES UP AT M ONASH BLUES Richard Culvenor started his career with Monash Blues in 1980, and this week plays his 150th game for the Club. Known as "Massive" for reasons other than the length of his kicks, Dick graduated from the Under 19s in 1981, and after one year, and a Best and Fairest, in the Reserves, he became an excellent and accomplished senior player. Highlights of his career include two awards for Most Determined Player, and a starring role in the 1987 Premiership Side. Everyone at the Club congratulates "Massive" on being only the 6th Monash Blues player to pass the 150 milestone . We are all certain that should that fiery competitive spirit remain strong as ever, and Cheryl remain out of the family way, Dick will continue to be an integral part of the Monash Blues team for many years to come . May he gon on to his 200th !

ROSEY MAKES IT TO 50 Last year, Mark Roseman joined the ranks of Hudson, Yeates, Watson, Greene, N . Daniher and others when he successfully made a comeback after a knee reconstruction . Today, he plays his 50th game for AJAX against Powerhouse. Rosey joined AJAX in 1985 from Mt Scopus and our Under 17's and quickly established himself as a sale and reliable back pocket or half-back who usually took on and beat opponents a few inches taller . Rosey did his nee at Old Brighton in 1987, and endured an agonising 12 months before he could play again . He passed the time watching the Saints but was far happier when he could play again for AJAX . No doubt, Rosey's true wish for today would be to add to his career tally of two goals . Congratulation Rosey on making it to 50 from all at AJAX . We look forward to the next 50 games and two goals .

Playing at Elsternwick Pa.rk? then Revenue is available for your Club . - Advertise on the new electronic scoreboard at Elsternwick Park and Help your Club . - 20 x 6 second spots on each Saturday or Sunday match . Costs $100. (50% rebate to your Club) . - Contact your Club's business people and entrepreneurs and have them advertise on the board . - Get 10 Advertisers - Make $500 . - Get 20 Advertisers - Make $1000. - Your club does not have to be playing at Elsternwick Park to reap the benefits . - Have the sponsorship chairman on your committee contact the business people in your cubs and advertise ! - Write your 40 character spaced message .



ÂŽw they Lined Up 1988 A Section Premiers - Ormond Backs : Half Backs : Centre : Half Forwards: Forwards : Rucks : Interchange : Coach : Asst . Coach Umpires : Field Boundary Goal

A . Best P. Forsyth G . Russell V. Gervasoni M . Gilmore R . Tonki n T Hill e M . McArthur-Allen G . Rile y

B . Nas h M . McDonald P. Kingston S. Carboon P. Schuhkraft A . Joblin g C. Tonkin

G . Hardiman P McTaggart M . Serong

C. Swale P Johnson B . Farrow

D . McDonal d R . Barnes (Capt) P Sutherlan d S . Taylo r A . McCooke P. Cox

B Section Premiers - Parkside Backs: Half Backs : Centre : Half Forwards : Forwards: Rucks : Interchange : Umpires: Field Goal Boundary

T. Pavi a W. Buckhorn J . Pappas B. Glasgow L . Panjari L . Cowell G . Panjar i

T. Franklin F. Sansonetti M . Page (Capt) G, Yoksich M . Mitchell N . Vincittoro P. Harris

Peter Wiseman Ken Pitcher Tom Zapaldo

Kevin Segota Gary Clancy Gtaham Blan d

M . Sherlock M . Rowe (V.C.) M . Sturgess L . Inserr a G . Williams M . Sedgwic k

Under 19 Section 1 Grand Final - De La Salle O.C . Backs : Half Backs : Centre : Half Forwards : Forwards : Rucks : Interchange :

C . Steiger A . Seager A . Macintosh M . Kruge r P. Brasher A . Ronchi G . Hyne s

C . Watts G . Sheedy N . Eastman R . Walker M . Bourke M . O'Callaghan (V.C .) M . Dimattra

Umpires Field Goal Boundar y

Mark Bushfield Mike Murray Andrew Moore

Justin Toohey Andrew Belcher Chris Keeton


W L D FOR AGST % Pis . G SECTION 15 1 0 1147 556 208 .09 60 14 2 0 907 666 136.19 56 12 4 0 818 570 143.51 48 11 5 0 951 671 141 .73 44 10 6 0 904 596 151 .68 40 7 9 0 716 815 87.85 28 6 10 0 546 992 55.04 24 5 11 0 576 922 62.47 20 4 12 0 534 910 58.68 16 4 12 0 446 1284 34 .74 16 3 13 0 588 1002 58.68 12 3 13 0 367 900 4018 1 2



G . Curran L . Vanderplight R . Dave y D . Toohey (Capt) D . Higgin s C . Bourke C . Stucki J. Richardson

W L D FOR AGST % Pis. H SECTIO N 16 0 0 1530 251 609.56 64 14 2 0 1327 486 273.05 56 12 4 0 1061 467 227 .19 48 8 8 0 790 860 91 .86 32 8 8 0 744 823 90 .40 32 6 9 1 867 822 105 .47 26 6 10 0 658 1236 53.24 24 3 12 1 520 1011 51 .43 14 3 13 0 213 1261 16 .89 12 2 14 0 318 1677 18.96 8






A SECTION OLD PARADIANS 14 4 0 1413 1288 109 .70 56 ORMOND 13 5 0 1773 1110 159.73 52 OLD XAVERIANS 11 7 0 1479 1253 118 .04 44 MARCELLIN O.C. 10 8 0 1410 1383 101 .95 40 UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 10 0 1198 1252 95.69 32 COLLEGIANS 8 10 0 1421 1531 92.82 32 NORTH O.B. 8 10 0 1434 1626 88 .19 32 OLD SCOTCH 8 10 0 1321 1508 87 .60 32 DE LA SALLE O.C . 6 12 0 1255 1459 86.02 24 ST BERNARDS O .C. 5 13 0 1192 1486 80 .22 16 B SECTION KEW 17 1 0 1821 1004 181 .37 68 PARKSIDE 15 3 0 1738 1298 133 .90 60 THERRY 12 6 0 1989 1399 142 .17 48 BULLEEN/TEMP 10 8 0 1379 1309 105 .35 40 MONASH BLUES 8 10 0 1456 1428 101 .96 32 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 10 2 1364 1541 88 .51 28 OLD TRINITY 6 11 1441 1848 77 .98 26 FAWKNER 6 12 0 1512 1639 92.25 24 CAULFIELD GRAM . 5 12 1504 1744 86.24 22 IVANHOE 3 15 0 1099 2093 52 .51 12 C SECTIO N OLD MELBURNIANS 15 3 0 1999 1193 167 .56 60 BANYULE 15 3 0 2099 1393 150.68 60 OLD HAILEYBURY 13 5 0 1745 1226 142 .33 52 OLD BRIGHTON 12 6 0 1786 1536 116 .28 48 ST KILDA CBOC 9 9 0 1839 1476 124 .59 36 ST KEVINS O.B . 9 9 0 1551 1681 92.27 36 BALACLAVA 5 13 0 1758 1962 89 .60 20 OLD IVANHOE 5 13 0 1452 2158 67 .28 20 THOMASTOWN 4 14 0 1228 2062 59 .55 16 M .H .S .O.B. 3 15 0 1225 1995 61 .40 12 D SECTION HAMPTON ROVERS 13 5 0 1939 1298 149 .38 52 PRESTON MBOB 13 5 0 1791 1199 149 .37 52 OLD MENTONIANS 13 5 0 1517 1059 143 .25 52 BULLEEN UNITED 12 6 0 1487 1484 100 .20 48 STATE BANK 11 7 0 1584 1441 109 .92 44 ELSTERNWICK 9 9 0 1535 1653 92 .86 36 AJAX 6 12 0 1376 1728 79.63 24 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 13 0 1216 1626 74 .78 20 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 14 0 1257 1737 72 .37 16 WEST BRUNSWICK 4 14 0 1243 1788 69 .52 16 E SECTION WHITEFRIARS O .B. 15 3 0 1942 1220 159 .18 60 AQUINAS O.C. 14 4 0 1775 1399 126 .88 56 0. ESSEND. GRAM . 13 5 0 1497 1179 126 .97 52 POWERHOUSE 11 6 1 1505 1478 101 .83 46 OLD GEELONG 11 7 0 1651 1293 127.69 44 ST BEDES 6 10 2 1580 1519 104 .02 28 BRUNSWICK 7 11 0 1631 1654 98 .61 28 HEATHERTON 4 14 0 1396 1923 72 .59 16 U .H .S .O.B . 4 14 0 1169 1971 59.31 16 PENINSULA O.B. 3 14 1 1415 2132 66.37 14 F SECTION LA TROBE UNI 15 3 0 2186 991 220.59 60 OLD CAREY 15 3 0 1862 1050 177.33 60 DOVETON SJOC 14 4 0 1854 1077 172 .14 56 ST ANDREWS 14 4 0 2307 1628 141 .71 56 W'STOWN CYMS 11 7 0 1638 1405 116 .58 44 COMM . BANK 9 9 0 1759 1567 112 .25 36 UNIVERSITY REDS 9 9 0 1476 1448 101 .93 36 FIT. 8 10 0 1447 1616 89 .54 32 ANZ BANK 4 14 0 1269 2166 58 .59 16 ST LEONARDS 4 14 0 1027 2126 48.31 16 CLAYTON 3 15 0 1085 1962 55 .30 12 ELTHAM O.C. 2 16 0 1062 2165 49.05 8 A RESERVE SECTION DE LA SALLE O .C. 15 3 0 1721 951 180.97 60 ST BERNARDS O.C . 13 4 1306 1232 106.01 50 ORMOND 13 5 0 1627 1181 137.76 52 OLD XAVERIANS 11 7 0 1557 1211 128 .57 44 MARCELLIN O.C . 11 7 0 1566 1240 126.29 44 COLLEGIANS 8 9 1210 1498 80.77 34 OLD PARADIANS 7 11 0 1131 1207 9310 28 UNIVERSITY BLUES 7 11 0 1238 1374 90 .10 28 NORTH O.B. 4 14 0 965 1691 57 .07 16 OLD SCOTCH 1 17 0 1024 1790 57 .21 4 B RESERVE SECTIO N PARKSIDE 16 2 0 1371 888 154.39 64 BULLEENITEMP 14 3 1 1444 801 180.27 58 KEW 13 4 1 1377 740 186 .08 54 IVANHOE 9 9 0 826 1059 78.00 36

W L D FOR CAULFIELD GRAM . 8 10 0 1083 FAWKNER 8 10 0 971 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7 11 0 971 MONASH BLUES 6 12 0 875 THERRY CCOB 5 13 0 1027 OLD TRINITY 3 15 0 612 C RESERVE SECTION OLD HAILEYBURY 16 2 0 1437 BANYULE 15 3 0 1923 ST KILDA CBOC 14 4 0 1307 OLD MELBURNIANS 13 5 0 1047 THOMASTOWN 9 9 0 1107 M .H .S.O.B . 7 11 0 777 ST KEVINS O.C. 6 12 0 894 BALACLAVA 5 13 0 934 OLD IVANHOE 3 15 0 620 OLD BRIGHTON 2 16 0 676 D RESERVE SECTION STATE BANK 16 2 0 1556 PRESTON MBOB 15 3 0 1667 BULLEEN UNITED 13 4 1 1367 HAMPTON ROVERS 12 5 1 1447 WEST BRUNSWICK 8 10 0 1085 A .J.A .X. 7 10 1 967 ELSTERNWICK 7 11 0 1098 OLD MENTONIANS 6 11 1 844 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 15 0 757 NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 17 0 577


% Pts . 1033 104.84 32 966 100.52 32 1118 86.85 28 1351 64 .77 24 1227 83 .70 20 1556 39 .33 1 2 707 203 .25 969 198.45 790 165.44 797 131 .37 1160 95.43 1156 67.21 1152 7Z60 1385 67.44 1689 36.83 1405 48.11

64 60 56 52 36 28 24 20 12 8

773 201.29 728 228 .98 797 171 .52 946 152 .96 1176 92 .26 1025 94.34 1356 80 .97 1418 59.52 1574 48.09 1604 35 .97

64 60 54 50 32 30 28 26 12 4

E RESERVE SECTIO N WHITEFRIARS O.C. 16 2 0 1443 649 222.34 64 OLD GEELONG 15 3 0 1563 642 243.46 60 ST BEDES 14 4 0 1187 760 156.18 56 0. ESSEND . GRAM . 11 6 1 1373 674 203.71 46 AQUINAS O.C. 11 7 0 1282 946 135.52 44 POWERHOUSE 9 8 1 924 1050 88 .00 38 HEATHERTON 5 13 0 642 1434 44 .77 20 BRUNSWICK 4 14 0 693 1692 40 .96 16 U.H .S.O .B. 3 15 0 556 1244 44 .69 12 PENINSULA OB 1 17 0 466 1429 32 .61 4 F RESERVE SECTIO N LATROBE UNI 18 0 0 1750 538 325 .28 72 DOVETON SJOC 14 4 0 1671 633 263 .98 56 W`STOWN CYMS 12 6 0 1456 1022 142 .47 48 CLAYTON 12 6 0 1184 1034 114 .51 48 ST ANDREWS 11 7 0 1465 1058 138 .47 44 F.I .T. 11 7 0 1347 1075 125.30 44 OLD CAREY 10 8 0 1173 1106 106 .06 40 UNIVERSITY REDS 6 12 0 938 1256 74 .68 24 ANZ BANK 5 13 0 949 1453 65 .31 20 ST LEONARDS 4 14 0 717 1317 54.44 16 COMM . BANK 4 14 0 653 1427 45.76 16 ELTHAM O.C . 1 17 0 590 2125 27.76 4 UNDER 19 - SECTION 1 DE LA O .C. BLUE 16 1 1 1723 881 195.57 66 MARCELLIN O.C . 13 4 1 1919 1943 183 .99 54 OLD XAVERIANS 13 5 0 1977 1008 196 .13 52 UNIVERSITY BLUES 11 7 0 1380 1080 127.78 44 0 . PARADS. GREEN 11 7 0 1637 1381 118.54 44 OLD HAILEYBURY 6 12 0 1470 1579 93 .10 24 THERRY CCOB 6 12 0 1048 1670 62 .75 20 COLLEGIANS 6 12 0 1060 2237 47.38 24 BULLEEN/TEMP 4 14 0 1002 2019 49 .63 16 M .H .S .O.B . 3 15 0 865 1534 59.49 12 UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 WHITEFRIARS O.B . 17 1 0 2247 941 238 .79 68 ORMOND 13 5 0 1665 1059 157.22 52 BANYULE 12 6 0 1570 1474 106.51 48 OLD SCOTCH 11 7 0 1547 1151 134 .40 44 ST BERNARDS O.C. 9 9 0 1092 1133 9638 36 NORTH OB 8 10 0 1317 1492 88.27 32 CAUL. GRAMMAR 7 11 0 1031 1384 74.49 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 7 11 0 1039 1399 74.27 28 ST KILDA CBOC 5 13 0 804 1548 51 .94 20 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 13 0 610 1543 39.53 20 UNDER 19 - SECTION 3 0. PARADS PURPLE 15 3 0 1458 888 164 .19 60 OLD BRIGHTON 14 4 0 1717 1010 170 .00 56 MONASH BLUES 13 5 0 1554 1085 143 .23 52 HAMPTON ROVERS 13 5 0 1326 1071 123 .81 52 ST KEVINS O.B. 11 7 0 1684 1193 141 .16 44 PARKSIDE 8 9 0 1250 1392 89.80 32 AQUINAS O.C. 7 11 0 1387 1456 95 .26 28 DE LA OC . GOLD 6 12 0 864 1640 52 .68 24 OLD ESSENDON 3 15 0 99 1700 5.82 8 'W'STOWN CYMS 0 8 0 65 580 11 .21 0 *Withdrew after Round 8


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