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"David Parkin talking about the art of Coaching "
,astern Australia and a number of competitions/associations in this state will not permit coaches to take up ;.,)saion unless appropriately qualified . I have no doubt that in adopting principles of this t,vpe, we can immediately -J significantly, improve our football package for children, and probably adults too . Then I can travel to Geelong in early April and find 140 coaches prepared to give up 15 or so hours to qualify Level One, then the future of football appears more rosy than many would have us believe. Sc) what is a coach? At all levels he carries the can! The footballer wins when the team plays well . The coach .: es when it doesn't! We expect an aweful lot from him . He has to play many roles. A teacher who imparts new vledge and skills. Often a trainer he has to assist fitness levels . He is expected to be a motivator, generatin g oosit ve and decisive approach . As a disciplinarian, he has to determine a system of rewards and punishments it, good organisation he must manage and administrate . He needs to support and sustain as a friend and provide isel and advice in the manner of social worker. Like a good scientist he has to analyse, evaluate and synthesize any one time the coach needs to combine several roles . Maybe it's a trainer, motivator, or a teacher, scientist even a publicity agent and manager, or all of them at once . Who would want to be a coach ? PAaybethat'sthe bad news . The good news isthat he becomes part of the sporting scenario we know in football ,ere are many satisfactions to be found in thejob . Where his commitment is high and pride in his role is paramount iese rewards can be most fulfilling . The football coach can be a professional craftsman Not professional as in. ~oney, but as standard of performance. He aims for the ultimate in player development .and team success . The end result being a performance that is a sweet combination of humble aspiration and joyous fulfillment . To create such a performance the coach must give total commitment to the business of expanding his knowoa of football . That means taking education head on . Most coaches I have observed work extremely hard, have very good intentions and do a good job some ;re not really thinking about the footballer . They think essentially about his performance - about how. But they can ,e? the player to jump higher, hit harder, kick further, handball more accurately, etc . Rarely is the footballer committed enough as the prime mover in shaping his own destiny . There needs to be -,oodcommunication between coach and footballer in both directions . Both coach and athlete have responsib iity making it work . Communication is sometimes a delicate process but in almost all cases wortha the effort
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d afternoon football followers . : :eek David Parkin spoke to us abaout the importance of the coach to a grou p : juals. David stressed that the basis of all coach education should be planned - " ensure that the influence of the coaches is positive and productive . Today I present the second part of :
,Ve at the Victorian Football Development have a responsibility to prepare and service the coaches who are ~rbuting so much to football . More often than not, their work is voluntary . Our aim is to accredit all coaches ieast Level One, as soon as realistically possible, through the Australian Coaching Council and the Nationai ~ aching Accreditation Scheme .
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Coaches must understand that parents have a vested interest in their footballers . After all, it is their son that being put through all that training only natural then that parents should be interested in knowing what i _ o ;ng on . Coaches should therefore .beIt's not only willing, but make every effort to keep parents informed . One ofs ae most effective ways to achieve this is for the coach to hold parents' meetings . At the junior level of football some coaches are still caught up in the "winning is everything" philosophy . It's o on much a part of our sport culture in this country, but causes coaches to lose sight of what they should really ::e about . Even under-age football coaches should be trying to build winning teams, but I suspect that often :.inning becomes more important for the coach than for his players . Ed . Note : This year all U19 coaches were asked to attempt to gain accreditation to at least Level One - in 1990 ~~is will be insisted upon .
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August 19th, 1989 Price : $1 .00 VOL . 89 N o. 1 8
A SECTION by Tom "the Villain" J ohnsto n
Another exciting round of A Grade football . We had our first A Grade draw between top side and 4th place Marcellin . Old Paradians with their good win over Uni Blues grab 4th spot . OldCollegians Xaverians go well clear of the relegation zone. The match of the round was a ripper between Collegians and Marcellin, with scores tied 9-5 apiece at ,,f _ end of a very entertaining match . Marcellin started the game full of energy and enthusiasm and quickly ha-, the Lions on the rebound . Centreman Joe Amad was causing havoc. Tony Caffry was running riot . Mareellin added 5-1 to Collegians 2-0 to have a handy 19 point lead at quarter time. The second quarter was a tougi torrid affair, neither side could gain the upperhand . Marcellin outscored the Lions 2-3 to 2-1 to lead by 21 po1r,~ at the long break . The premiership third quarter was the Lion's best . Marcellin's team work started to be ,,,e, , haphazard . Matt Galbrath curbed Caffrey's influence. Berzins was drifting in and out of the match . Amad was tiring . Parkin was being well beaten by And rew Hewitt . The Lions dominated kicking 4-2 to lidlarcellin 1 goal to trail by only 1 point at three quarter time . The last quarter was terrific . Two sides locked in a titac c cattle, both sides had opportunities to win . Marcellin's Boysen missed what he should have kicked . Collegians' Berzins hit the post with the last scoring shot of the match . Collegians had added 1-2 to Marcellin 1-1 . Tt,r, match was a draw, a fitting result for a great match. Collegians best player Tony Wallace gave plenty, playrn : with great courage and dermination . Matt Galbrath continues to impress, undoubtedly Ma tt 's leadership qualiUe~ are enormous. Greg parsons had his best match for the season . Marcellin's best player Andrew Hewitt whcompletely shut out in-form player Tony Parkin . Mark Cooper is in excellent form making his club best player list 5 weeks in succession . Simon Lennox really put in, his determination was a credit to himself . All in all th was a great match . Another great match was Ormond, 4 point winners over a very determined North Old Boys. Surprising Gunn Reserve was in good condition, which did not show up on the scoreboard . No rt h Old Boys attacker] with the wind in the first quarter. Paul Booth playing full forward was causing the Ormond backline problemNo rt h Old Boys kicked 2-5 to Ormond 1-1 to hold a 10 point lead at quarter time . The second quarter Ormond had more system in their play . If Paul Schuhkraft had have kicked straighter the Monds would have led a half time. Paul McDonald and Geoff Russel had excellent quarters . Ormond trailed by 6 points at half time The premiership third quarter belonged to Nort h Old Boys ; they added 3-5 in the blustery conditions to Ormond's solitary 1 point . North Old Boys Bruno Conti left the ground on a stretcher in this quarter with a knee injury (let's hope it's not too serious) . Ormond were in trouble at three quarter time trailing North Old Boys by 27 points at three quarter time . Ormond started the last quarter with plenty of confidence. They put No rt h Old boys under enormous pressure forcing North Old Boys to make elementary mistakes . Paul Schuhkraft was back to his best (but where was his kicking boot) . Paul Booth was finally moved from full forward (maybe playing Coach Mark Hanneber ry made this move too late) . As Ormond hit the front the Monds hung on after kicking 4-8 to No rt h Old Boys solitary 1 point to win a thrilling game by 4 points . Easily best on ground was Ormond's Paul McDonald who gives all for his side . Paul Schuhkraft bagged 6 goals in a very encouraging display Geoff Russell was outstanding in defence giving his side a springboard for attack . North Old Boys Brian Hanlon was judged their best player for the second week in succession . Steve 'Mr. Skills' Moloney, quiet of late, made a welcome return to form . Paul 'Mr. All Australian' Considine was back to his very best form, The year is over for Nort h Old Boys . They promised plenty but failed to deliver when it counted . Old Scotch played Parkside, decimated by injury and suspensions, at Elsternwick Park in a very lack lustre game . Old Scotch kicking with the wind in the first quarter quickly took control with Captain Robbie Fuller returning from injury. The Cardinals looked the goods adding 5-7 to Parkside 2-0 to lead by 19 points at quarter time . The second quarter was a non event affair as both sides were really struggling . And rew Smith was in excellent touch . Scoth added 2-1 to Parkside 1-1 to increase their lead by 31 points at the half time interval, Parkside increased the tempo of the game, full forward Chris Fre eman was causing concern to the Scotch backman . Parkside had their best quarter of the matach adding 3-3 to the inaccurate Scotch 2-6 to trail the Cardinals by 28 points at three quarter time. Scotch started the last quarter bristling with confidence. They completely took control over the match hadding 5-4 to Parkside 2 points to run out easy winners by 60 points Best on ground for Scotch was And rew Smith (I hope this satisfies his wife), who had numerous possessions causing And rew to shorten for the A Grade Best & Fairest award . Brian Hodge (with a different gurnsey number). was back to his earlier season form . Rohan Aujard who has been very quite of late was in excellent touch. Parkside's best player was Nino Vincitorio who never gave in all day, displaying amazing stamina and skills . Old timer Bernie Hunt gave the Red Devils excellent drive from the back line. Coach Wayne Bannister a' 2 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
I back had the better of John Moir . Lindley Cowell returning from a groin operation played a lone hand " ! h e ruck for Parkside . Old Scotch have been in A Grade for the last 9 seasons without seriously challengin g for success. Parkside going back to B Grade must re-group and meet the the to get back work Grade . -,,allen9e t o Old Parade scored their most important win of the season over University Blues, leaving doubts that the Student's ability to handle wet conditions. Uni Blues started the game expecting to win, however they soon old Paradians were fired up for this important game . Uni Blues 1-4 to Parade nil score at quarter tim e ,,ndnot a big enough lead considering the conditions . Old Parade were brilliant in the second quarter . Peter Wood's team game was excellent . Lloyd Mansfield was creating havoc on the forward line . Parade added oals sraight to the Students 1-3 to lead by 11 points at half time . The third quarter was a torrid affair. There ;re no beg pardons from either sides, the conditions were taking their toll . Parade added 3 points to Uni Blues nts to trail the Bundoora Boys by 10 points at three quarter time . In the last quarter both sides were struggling , :;er ehard to come by. Parade added just one goal to the Student's solitary 1 point, to run out winners 5 pants in a hard fought game. Parade's best on ground was once again Vice Captain Peter Wood ideally ted to the conditions . Captain Frank Gleeson leads by example, and his courage is unbelievable . Michae l Skerriit was back to his earlier season form . Lloyd Mansfield 4 goals in the conditions was great value . Uni glue's best was big ruckman Mike Yandell, who has had a fantastic season . Ever reliabie Richard Furphy ;er stopped trying to lift his side. Darrel Gust named 8 games out of 9 in the Student's best players, continued excellent form . This match was a big test for the Students. A test they failed that Parade passed . a the battle of the bottom sides Old Xaverians moved well clear of Kew and Parkside with their hard fought -•ory over Kew at Victoria Park . Kew, hard hit by suspensions and injuries, really started the game with plenty -onftdence. Their opponents knew they were in for a torrid game with no beg pardons asked . In the first ?rter Kew 2-2 outscored Xavs 2-1 to lead by 1 point at quarter time . The second quarter Old Xavs lifted the _ npo of their game. They could not shake Kew off . Xavs added 1-4 to Kew scoreless to lead by 9 points at me. The third quarter the B rowns hit back again with Coach Steve Pirrie (and was that John Fisher oing) urging his charges on . Kew added 2-1 to the Xavs solitary 1 point to lead the Xavs by 3 points at three a .rertime. The fourth quarter was a no mans standing affair, as both sides gave plenty in desperation for _-; cry, It was to be the Xavs . They kicked 2-2 to Kew 1 point to run out winners by 10 points in a hard fought -itest. Best on ground for Old Xaverians was Steve King in the middle of a purple patch . Tony Walsh ha d nest game for the sason . Tony Callan again was a major contributor for Xavs . Kew's best player Neil Duncan =de a welcome return to his earlier season form . Bob Bruno only playing his fourth senior match this season wed his best game. Gino Kalac continues to be a major contributor for the Kew side . Both sides should congratulated for their endeavour . NOW TO TODAY'S GAMES : Another great round of football in store for us . The really big game of the round is at Bulleen where Marcellin are at home to Ormond 2nd, in what should be a beauty . Marcellin must win today or their season is over . Ormond want top spot . Marcellin last week let ladder leaders Collegians off the hook with a draw. Ormond we made to work very hard for victory over No rt h Old Boys. Earlier in the season Ormond had a narrow :-ory over an inaccurate Eagles team . Ormond will not like the wet conditions . Marcellin excell in heavy ,odtions, however I cannot see Marcellin combating Ormond's all round strength and greater consistency . selecting Ormond with confidence in what undoubtedly will be a first class game . Ormond by 11 points. Collegians travel to Pitcher Park to face Parkside in a game of no consequence . Collegians were lucky sneak a draw last match against Marcellin. Parkside were beaten in a one-sided affair by Old Scotch . I'm -aid I just can't see Parkside upsetting the Collegian side. Collegians should win easy. I expect the Lions have a good victory. Collegians by 49 points. North Old Boys at home face finals contender Old Parade in what should be a ripper. No rt h Old Boys _i most of last week's match against Ormond, but lost it in the last quarter. Parade on the other hand had excellent win against third place Uni Blues. No rt h have a very slim chance of making the four . Parade must let this game slip from their grasp or they could face the situation of playing for a finals berth in the las atch . In what should be an excellent game I'm selecting Parade (winning form is good form), to win in a veryt en game. Parade by 11 points . Kew travel to Melbourne University to tackle Uni Blues on the rebound . Kew gave an encouraging display = st week against Old Xavs . Uni Blues were very disappointing in their loss to . Earlier in the season Uni Blues easily defeated Kew by more than 15 goals in a one sided affair . I expectParade Kew to trouble the Students 'h their desire, however whatever way you look at'!t Uni Blues greater skill and consistency will win . Uni Blues 39 points. Long time rivals Old Xavs and Old Scotch meet in what could be the match of the round . Old Xavs fought arid for victory last week against Kew. Old Scotch went three quarter pace to beat Parkside. Much will depend 9 the backlines of both sides . With Robbie Fuller back the Cardinals look a better balanced side, however 3et a gut feeling Old Xavs will control the rucks, giving their on-ball players first use of the ball . Old Xavs, we their opponents Old Scotch, are capable of anything on the day . A flp of the coin - I go for Old Xavs by 5 points. T he Home Team have recorded 431/2 wins to the Away Team 361/2 wins . SELECTIONS : Marcellin vs Ormon d Collegians vs Colle g ians Uni Blues vs Ke w North Old Boys vs old Paradians Old Xaverians vs Old Scotc h P~S . What has the General Manager, Phil Stevens, got in common with the VAFA Umpires? Answer next week . 'NE AM ATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989 3
B Section by the "Bucchan Brothers " Peter Grant and Doug Dic k
Old Melburnians and Bulleen/Templestowe are seet to play a "Mini Grand Final" this week as both &n . battle for 4th spot . Therry sank Trinity's chances and still threaten Old Brighton for second spot . Mear :+;h :_ Monash are determined to stay in "B Grade" with only two games remaining . Despite earlier predictions t, season is far from over. OM's trek to Bulleen/Templestowe to decide their fate for 1989 . The Navy Blues would be well advi-, to pack both the short and long "stops" . One half of the Bulleen ground is quite dry while the other ha-i a"bog"! Bulleen's great win over Brighton last week has again proven that there is very little between -1 "B" grade sides . (Except De La, "Happy"!) Given the "mission" the BT's blasted the Tonners out of the garr : in the first half. `Maurie' Field, `Max' Merrit, `Robo' and `Camo' were determined not to let a whole seas, go down the drain . The Bulleen side dug in and showed the Brighton boys that they will be a threat IF ihe, can make the finals . This is an IF that will be determined today. Old Melburnians, despite their heavy loss to De La, bounded back to convincingly defeat the Northerners Peter 'Full' Nelson, `Cumun' Study, Con 'Alphabet' Anastasakis (Ex Melb High) and Jeremy Nicholls are hitting their straps and could pose a threat if they can knock-off Bulleen today . Logic suggests that Bulleen should win a close game, but unfortunately 'B' Grade isn't a logical competiton . 'Rocky' Stoneman has bee playing last years GF video all week . We think this could lift the Navy Blues to a six point win . Brighton visit the University and could well do with a little tuition on the difference between a "first SeFinal's Berth" and "The Double Chance". The Tonners showed their fighting spirit in the 3rd quarter last wee . but 25 minutes of football rarely wins the points . 'Gut' Bennet, 'Mar Mar' Lade and `Syd' James tried desperate, hard all day but their efforts were not enough . Monash on the other hand, can see "light at the end of It, tunnell". A win this Saturday may set them up to avoid relegation . Old favourites starred for the Blues last wee . -'Rosie' Sturgess, `Redback' and Quinny were amonst the best . With dry weather this week and the Jar,:-_ Monash ground, we'll have to stick with the Tonners to win an entertaining game . Trinity play Blacks in the battle of the "Also Rans" . Trinity had their chances on Sunday and for a morr.e, looked the goods. Unfortunately, Therry steadied and booted the Trinity boys out of the race for 1989 . Blacks can still help determine their final's position, but this week's match is purely for pride . We'!I tip the Blacks at horrTherry and Fawkner clash at Therry. We're hoping the Fawks don't simply go through the motions ar , go down without a fight . Meanwhile, Therry has everything to play for, trailing Old Brighton by only 2 po;r : on the ladder. Therry's consistent 2nd round is a credit to coach Tony Crotty . The $1,000.00 man Zanetti should be sympathetic towards Brighton's dilemma . However, we'll have to tip Therry . THIS WEEK'S PREDICTIONS : OMs to defeat Bulleen Old Brighton to defeat Monash Therry to defeat Fawnker De La to defeat St Bernards Blacks to defat Trinit y
L4st :•;eek I suggested the final four was complete, but not to be, as Old Ivanhoe defeated ~ ;oor for the Rovers . It's amazing what fear of relegation does to teams as Ivanhoe Balaclava opening defeated Caulfiel d ke t a three way tussle to stay in the grade . The golden rule in these circumstances is not to worry about -•„er results, but to win your own game and hope for the best . ~ :; seek was a tipsters nightmare, Hampton Rovers had a form reversal, taking the initiative away from kicking eight goaisy before the S t St b Krlda an escored . The game was all but won by half time Matt McKella playedwer eelusiv everygame pinforward to give the Rovers plenty of opportunity . . Mark Young Gavin Hoggett rMcConvill e reli u n s a b l e i Darre s defenc . St Kilda appeared slow n ad ac1ektdeirh usual sparkle, , ously missing the injured Riddell . Charlie Capiron kicked four goals and showed his class, while Struth , Fiddler and Bennett were the best for the Saints . old Ivanhoe kicking with the wind led by six goals to two at quarter time and showed real grit in holding ~o beat Balaclava and actually drawing away in the final term . The loss of Angwin and Hill from Balaclava's ,p must surely worry them today . If Old Ivanhoe can carry that determination into today's game their supporters at their monies worth . Best for Balaclava Bernie Ra ffe ry, Neil Monaghan, Steve Gates and Stua rt Withers. old Haileybu ry turned on the form again to totally outplay St Kevins. Ter ry Lyell on the wing was judged on ground combining with Glen Tanner and Wayne Phillips. St Kevins have dropped away in form, so need everything going for them today if they are to survive . another inconsistent display Caulfield showed a lack of commitment in their game against Ivanhoe. Too players left their desire at home and capitulated to a more enthusiastic Ivanhoe team, to lose by 27 points . -eat effort to the Hoes . Best for Caulfield Lowe, Rudden, Horton and T. Royals . Banyuie travelled to Preston and played in atrocious conditions, the heaviest ground so far However the , re from both sides provided an entertaining and hard fought match . Scores were almost level at. three quarter e,%ith quality goals by Banyule securing another victory for the Bears. Best for Banyule Turnball, Gray, Bluey Williams and West and Preston Sma rt, Sebeh, Kryager and Ewing . Now to today's games : (current tipping accuracy 75 .3% ) ,~e system of promotion and relegation in amateur footy is terrific . It gives clubs plenty to strive for. Nothing -e from the truth than today . In the race for the four I'm totally biased . Banyule won't want to get hurt, as rront up to Old Haileybury the following week, the Rovers need to win and given their latest form they the chance for a final's berth, if St Kilda defeat Balaclava who must be worred in losing onball players -ugh suspension . ba couldn't ask for a better game between Old Ivanhoe versus Ivanhoe . Absolutely nothing between them ~,,on last week, both are desperate, the result is anybodies guess . In a thriller Old Ivanhoe at home for e St Kevins play Preston . Over the season Preston proven to be the better side but today they really rothing to prove. St Kevins at home must rate a good have chance . Old Haileybu ry will be too good for Caulfield . conclusion I thank the club correspondents for help me put this segment together . Not always right but oy the comments I get . Good luck today !
Old Haileybu ry v Caulfiel d Banyule v Hampton Rovers St Kevins v Preston St Kilda v Balaclava Old Ivanhoe v Ivanho e
D Section by Ian Cairn s
C Section by Chris `Lofty' Rowston
aeport not received at the time of printing . This week's selections made by G . Paine (Promotions and :elopment Officer) _
ELECTIONS : Bulleen United to defeat AJAX by 55 points Thomastown to defeat Old Mentonians b 1 5 s You couldn't ask for a better conclusion to the competition with Balaclava and Hampton Rovers fightin, Powerhouse' to beY defeated point by Whitefriars b 60 t for the position and at the bottom end, three sides fight it out today with two sides heading for D Grade. Ther-- ! State Bank to defeat MHSOB by 48 points y poin s are several possible scenarios today, picking the right one is possibly beyond me. E!sternwick to be defeated by Old Camberwell by 12 points . 4
E Section by Kevin McNicholl
F -Troop with Peter Hill e
Last weekend saw top side La Tro be beaten by Doveton in a hard fought encounter in the wet at Dove,~ . The home side playing more direct football went in a half time holding a 38 point lead . The visitors lifted,,, ~, third quarter and at the last break held a 1 point lead . Doveton steadied in the final term and ran out wipr=by 22 points . This win helps keep Doveton in the four and they now only need to win against Wests to be,,.a s as a serious threat in the finals this year . La Trobe spearhead Terry Wilson turned in another fine performa c to kick 8 goals in spite of some spirited opposition and in doing so bought his tally for 1989 to 103 . Well done TerOther games saw Wests 9 .12 beat Brunswick 7.9 . St . Bedes 8.6 defeated UHSOB 1 .3. Old Essendon 14 .10 defeated Old Geelong 12 .4 . Aquinas 14 .16 easy winners over Heathert on 7.5 . No rt h Brunswick 1416 by 4 points over Peninsula who have shown better form in the last two weeks . Old Essendon now required a big effort from West Brunswick against Doveton if they are to feature this years finals. La Ti St. Bedes and Aquinas should all win today and this leaves Doveton needir-, win over West Brunswick to hold their place. Recent form indicates that they should do this . Today we h . ; West Brunswick at home to Doveton and while Doveton need a win to stay in the four lets not forget ,r .is Wests win, and either Aquinas or Old Essendon lose we would see West Brunswick smash in . Both sic should have plenty of incentive to produce their best in these circumstances. St . Bedes are at home to C : Geelong, Old Essendon meet UHOSB, Heatherton are host to Peninsula . Norths face Aquinas desperate a big win, and La Trobe are at home to Brunswick . My selections this week - St. Bedes, Old Essendon, Aquinas, Doveton, La Tro be and Peninsula to pro : the turn up .
Aebed,down under:;
.m .-Reser~sby3p .m E FIVpED~OLLARS~~~5p ( Cb) - Also failed to phone scores by 5.30 p.m . FINE : TEN DOLLARS . (Cc) - Failed to phone A Section details to Press Corresponder, by 5 .30 p.m .; scores (it necessary) by 6 p.m.; or B Secti respondent by 6.30 p.m. ;detailsoPrC FINE : TEN DOLLARS.
IVANHOE (San & Res) - Ca - $10 UNIVERSITY REDS (Sen & Res) - Ca - $10 OLD HAILEYBURY U19 - Ca - $5
Seeks applicants for the positions of :
RESERVES COACH for the 1990 season Applications may be made in writing to : The President , AJAX Amateur Football Club Inc., 2 Curral Road, Elsternwiclc, Vic 318 5
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"The Professional Auromotive People " Ring David Cheney on (03) 689 37 88
Applications close Monday, September 4, 198 9 0
So, the four is settled as expected : the Noddies, after an excellent initial year in Amateur ranks, deserve place and number one seeding for the Premiership . The Unde rt akers have been dogged in thei ermination to secure the double chance and the opportunity to be rid of the poison pen of F-Troop . Meanwhile r. Laurie Du ffus becomes only the second coach to take the Redz into a finals series . The Brewers have looked , :cie shaky in recent weeks but have held on to give themselves another finals chance . And what of the other F-troopers who play their last game of football this week (unless their Reserves are placed in the final four) ? Willy would consider themselves a little unlucky to miss out but on the other hand they never troubled the iour sides throughout the year. On the other hand, The Harry Trotters have defeated the Noddies, held ace in the four for most of the season and now find themselves most disappointed . Greater consistenc y ;i depth of commitment should lift these sides in 1990 . The Waves also lacked consistency but did well enough an amalgamted club in their first season . They have a good coach and keen committee which gives them Dig start for 1990 . The same can be said for the Zedders who have been more competitive this season than - many years. The Banjos had little success overall yet still manager to roll Redz kick a mammoth 46 ;oais in another match . With more on-field experience and appropriate recruitment and John Lord should have ; charges vying for a final spot next year . The Foot rot Flat Boys and the Art ists had very disappointing seasons c will need to undertake soul-searching in great depth to recover their club identities next season . I'm sur e Swannees Boys will regroup but the Art ists may need to re-establish themselves in G-Grade next season Last Week's Matches Williamstown Dock may have got the frigate contract but Willy got the cold shoulder at Mulgrave when I'll Noddies put paid to their finals hopes with a 6 major margin at the close . Better Noddies were "Woosha" Matthews, "Archie" Cox and "George the Fou rth" Hamilton . A special mention to "Jacks" Green th e at Noddie to chalk up 200 senior games . "Jacks" has given outstanding service as a key defender And speaking of defenders, what about the English batting line up . Fair dinkum its got more holes in it . than Beirut building . No wonder they're sending 16 to South Africa - there won't be anyone to car ry drinks . But it was drinks all round when 100 gamer "Gezza" Moloney led Redz to a substantial victory ove r -~ a Banjos who were jetlagged after their hike from Brighton to Bundoora . Its been 28 years since the Berlin Wall was constructed (by a team of unemployed grafitti artists) ; it's been 20 years since Ray Illingwo rt h toured Ulster with the British troopers ; and the difference between those events is the 8 years since Reds last made -ne finals (E grade 1981) . The Brewers with "Pinky" Ballagh, "Potato" Blight and the mad Swede, Carl Christensen fine touch . _ ade short work of the A rt ists and will plan for their semi-final with a barbecue on August 20th in at President ,,c Sausage's domicile. Drinks are on the Elders Stateman . Speaking of functions, the Unde rtakers, having now made the finals, are putting all their energies and ~reparation into their annual highlights - this Saturday's Rock'n'Roll extravaganza at Boot Hill with Def Leopard and next weeks Player Revue with Yobbo and Danny LaRue . The Unde rtakers didn't give the Footrot Flat Boys a look in during an even team performance . The Budget Cup between Trotters and Zedders was a lack lustre affair with the Har rys ne bar opened . The consistent "Davy Jones" . "Set the" Pace and Shane Nuptials a 3 majors up when performed well in the Trotters victory. Fenwick In n Don't forget to call in and commiserate with Jiimmy "Magpie" Belias and his pater George the 'older G reek at the Fenny. After theRoyboys finish with the Pies today, Jimmy's face will be longer than his list of cocktaiis. This weeks Matches (Last week 4 out of 5 ; current Rate : 81%) Waves to swamp Banjos ; Willy to clean up the A rt ists; Noddies to handle a strong outmanouvre Footrot Flat Boys ; Unde rt akers to bury Zedders; Redz to wait patiently . Brew ; Trotters to
G, H & U19 Sections 1, 2 & 3 by Norm Nugen t
Review of games played 12/8/198 9 G SECTION First Semi Fina l After a very even contest only five points separated the two sides at the sound of the final siren, Beca„ Po rt Colts had kicked straighter they triumphed over Old Melburnians.
Second Semi Fina l Kew had far more use of the ball but had their winning margin cut by dint of inaccuract kicking . The he Elsternwick conditions and the skill of Kew proved too much for Bloods who now find themselves facing traditior rival Port Colts today. H SECTION First Semi Fina l As I predicted CBC St . Kilda proved too strong for Kontias. The winning margin of sixteen points pro kt-attering to Kontias as St . Kilda had double their scoring shots. Credit goes to the Kontias defence who •cvessure out CBC St . Kilda under duress as their forwards shot for goal . Kontias can look back on a successi debutant season in Amateur ranks and hope to go on to better things in 1990 . Second Semi Fina l Richmond Central powered to a sixty two point victory over St . Kevins to go straight into the Grand Fin= Tne Richmond players were too talented and had the ball in their control for most of the game .
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 (Round 16 ) As has become the norm the results saw third and fourth places change again . It would seem that the fir, ,our will not be known until after the last round has been played . Ormond has the hardest road to home a their last two opponents are also in the final's race. The winner of the Old Haileybury and Ormond gamer, August 26 could well be rewarded with a final four berth . Whitefriars aided by pin point accuracy were ab~to defeat Collegians by twenty five points despite each side having equal scoring shots. Similarly greated Ormond accuracy coupled with Marcellin inaccuracy enabled Ormond to win by twenty five points even though ba s des scored twenty times . In a one sided match University Blues were overwhelmed by the leaders De La Salle Blue who triumphed by one hundred and seventy two points . After a fairly even first half Old Xaverians made the most of the good Albert Park conditions and ran away from Old Haileybu ry, as the game progressed, to win by forty five points . Old Paradians Green moved a game clear of their rivals for second place wher they won on forfeit from Banyule .
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 (Round 16 ) Old Scotch humiliated Melbourne High School Old Boys when the leaders inflicted a one hundred and eighty three point defeat on the High School boys . Monash Blues can blame their inaccurate kicking (eleven minor scores in quarter three) for their failure to defeat University Blacks on Oval 4 . As it was the Blacks came from behind in the final stanza to win by eleven points . In a low scoring game Old Brighton Grammarians with a twenty nine point victory drove St . Bernards from the top four while at the foot of the bladder Caulfield Grammarians triumphed over an undermanned North Old Boys to win by five points after a very even contest, Bulleen Templestowe triumphed over Old Melburnians by twenty three points which meant that Bulleen Templestowe jumped three places on the ladder and put themselves out of contention for relegation Therry made things hard for themselves through inaccuracy as they accounted for Old Paradians Purple by twenty two points . Ther ry re-entered the four but still lack a competitive percentage . UNDER 19 SECTION 3 Aquinas maintained their aspirations for a final's berth as a result of their forty seven point victory over St . Kevins . Scores in the game indicate that Aquinas had control of the ball more and that they had seventeen more scoring shorts . Despite their very inaccurate scoring Thomastown had the talent to defeat Albanvale by twenty eight points, while Parkside were no match for Fawkner who won by the wide margin of eighty three points. Mazenod who still trail Old Trinity on the ladder, inflicted an eighty seven point defeat on the leaders who must have been reflecting on their performance standard in Round 15. Ivanhoe with a solid performance were too good for De La Salle Gold when the Magpies won by thirteen points. Hampton Rovers had the Bye. Preview of games to be played 19/8/198 9 G SECTION ( Prelimina ry Final) Traditional rivals Bloods and Po rt Colts meet for the right to challenge Kew at Elsternwick Park. In their two meetings this season, the score stands at one victory each . On May 20 Bloods won by twenty points while 8 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
Po rt Colts won by twenty five points . The n July ii not suit their close checking play . However BloodsColts have the better current form although the groun d greater final' s or„ard focus in Thomas. I feel Iike going each way - Bloods have the 's experience scoring ability and have the potential and Port Colts dl to win the determination . Theand season's suggests another heavy ground which will suit Port Colts better ,to :ith my hunch select weather Po rt Colts . . I will H SECTION ( Preliminary Final) . Kevin's versus C .B.C. St . Kilda - Elsternwick Park No . 2 St St . Kevin's deserve to start favourites in this game because they have won the two encounters this season 0y twenty nine points on May 6 and by six points on July 22 o,ferall have lacked the scoring power of C.B.C . St . Kilda . St . Kevins won more games during the season although Griffin (St. Kevins) and Pouloupoulo (St. Kilda) have kicked over thirty goals each this season . For St . Kevins to win again s Corrigan must do as well again as they have done twice against Haidomous, Nolan Dizio and the two DeMaio's St . Kilda . The Saints will be looking to continue the form they have shown twice against St Je can take the game . Given their . Kevins so that their superior 1989 form I select St . kevins to win . UNDER 19 SECTION 1(Round 17 ) Banyule have the opportunity to record their third victory for 1989 when visit them today. Banyule ;uafly cannot avoid relegation but they could well leave the section onCollegians a winning note .,crecaate the trip out to Banyule nor their small and likely heavy oval . Collegians will not I expect Banyule will be keen to exploit them all . There are many danger signs for . At the risk of being wrong Banyule is my selectionCollegian s ney to Whitefriars . Marcelli n where homelittle sidedoubt will be anxious to continue their winning run and prove themselves best side outside the fourthe . I have Whitefriars will win . Ormond De La Salle Blue juggernaut. On form and standard of performance I must selectface a danger game against i be anxious to build percentage at the expense of yet to win University Blues De La Salle . Old Haileybu ry ~ckinto the four with one round to go . I have no doubt . Victory could Old Haileybu ry will win the game put Haileybu ry al Old Xaverians play Old Paradians Green . In another mini . The Paradians _ :d second place . Conversely the Xaverians who had a break last week will be keen to Joyce to fire them around the ground but Xaverians know defeat could stop them from being finalists . Paradians need through Wilson could nullify his influence -he centre will worry Parade while key Parade . Andrew Dillon forwards Peter Board ,, toe and Michael Gea ry must a chance of be containe dhave Th e ,st quieten~ As foorwards win matchesiand as th Patadianofolrward line has been athe mo e effective Parad e Old Paradlans G re en I to win a high standard and closely contested game . UNDER 19 SECTION 2 (Round 17) University Blacks have the chance to regain some missing form today against Old Boys . The Young High School side will challenge the Blacks, Melbourne High School =ent to win . Old Brighton Grammarians who neverthrless should possess sufficient should be able to record a comfortable victory over Caulfield
Grammarians despite the 'Fields' form reversal last Saturday . The disappointing North Old Boys can no mercy from St . Bernards who will be all out to build vital percentage and tc win by the maximum m ;,r, , possible intheir run up to the finals . Ther ry travel to Bulleen Templestowe for what could be a danger Therry has the incentive of a final to motivate them while Bulleen Templestowe know victory could save m, from all worry about consecutive relegations . Form does point to a Therry victory which I believe will be attd . :. after a close contest . Old Paradians Purple await the Old Melburnians who face the long Journey nort, Bundoora . The respective forward lines have kicked nearly equal points while the O.M . defence has kr- ,, . the more impressive record . The Paradians have worried better sides than O. M : s at Bundoora and at the o , of further offending my army of Old Melburnian readers I select Old Paradians Purple. Monash Blues prom,s -,• to steal the game agamst University Blacks last week but wilted in the final quarter . Today they can efi ) eno respite from pressure then they play leaders Old Scotch at the University . The Students must kick stra . • today if they hope to estend Old Scotch . Despite these possibilities I have virtually no doubt that Old Scotch
A I wi n
UNDER 19 SECTION 3 (Round 17 ) Hampton Rovers will appreciate their return to David Street and should keep their double chance opt e _:pe,- Ndh a victory over Parkside. Mazenod should prove equal to the task of defeating De La Salle Gold rih!Ist Thomastown at home should consolidate their final four position at the expense of Ivanhoe . Aquinas ,+nd have the incentive of a glimmer of final's hope to motivate themselves when they play Albanvale . Becaus :: ol their more active forward line and home ground advantage I select Aquinas. Old Trinity should be ai ;I,r : record a good win over St. Kevins to insure the double chance for themselves . Fawkner have the 6,'Z
The Fight for the Fou r (Home games in CAPITALS) A SECTIO N 3rd UNIVERSITY BLUES 44 - KEW, Old Xaverian s 4th OLD PARADIANS 40 - North O.B ., MARCELLI N 5tn MARCELLIN 38 - Collegians, ORMOND, Old Paradians B SECTIO N 4th OLD MELBURNIANS 32 - Bulleen/Temp, MONASH BLUES 5th BULLEEN/TEMP 28 - OLD MELBURNIANS, Fawkner 6th OLD TRINITY 28 - UNI BLACKS, St Bernard s 7th UNI BLACKS 28 - Old Trinity, THERRY C SECTIO N 3rd ST KILDA CBC 44 - Balaclava 4th BALACLAVA 40 - ST KILDA CBA 5th HAMPTON ROVERS 40 - Banyule D SECTION - FOUR IS SETE SECTIO N 2nd ST BEDES 48 - Old Geelong 3rd DOVETON 48 - West Brunswick 4th AQUINAS 48 - North Brunswick 5th OLD ESSENDON 46 - UHSOB 6th WEST BRUNSWICK 44 - DOVETON F SECTION 4th UNIVERSITY REDS 44 - By e 5th WILLIAMSTOWN 40 - ELTHAM 6th COMMONWEALTH BANK 40 - Footscray UNDER 19 SECTION 1 3rd OLD XAVERIANS 44 - OLD PAR GREEN, UNI BLUES 4th ORMOND 44 - DE LA BLUE, Old Haileybury 5th OLD HAILEYBURY 44 - Uni Blues, ORMON D UNDER 19 SECTION 2 3rd UNI BLACKS 44 - Mhsob, OLD SCOTC H 4th THERRY 44 - Bulleen/Temp, OLD BRIGHTON 5th ST BERNARDS 40 - North O .B ., Mhsob UNDER 19 SECTION 3 4th THOMASTOWN 40 - OLD ESSENDON, De La Gold 5th AQUINAS 36 - ALBANVALE, Old Essendon 6th ALBANVALE 32 - Aquinas, ST KEVIN S
while most umpires are counting down the weeks to the finals, Steven 'Technicolour' McCa rthy and GIe , Met ro Gold Pass' McKeeman are counting the weeks to fatherhood . 'Technicolour' (this is his first chil, so v:orrted about missing the big event that he takes a pager to the ground . Too bad for his running ma Cheryl starts labour during a game!! 'Metro Gold Pass' (who's been through it before) reckons that a ric n a bumpy road might solve the problem and clear him to continue running on Saturdays . One wonders wh ,, i happen if they are running together when the time arrives for their respective wives?? ? *** Speaking of finals, if last week's Footballer is to be taken as gospel then some of the goalies must be hidi r -e r i tness leveis under the proverbial bushel . The G and H Section Firsts and Second Semi-Finals he Ga ry Clancy, Stephen Hopper, And re w Hogan and Mark Sarong all running the in Field and most doin two games on the same day!! Does this prove how effective tunnell-ball and few quiet laps are as trainin e ;hods??? Budgie and Benny should investigate. *** As a warm applause for Pat "The Bouncer' Maebus achieving 300 games died down at last week's meetin( peter 'Agate' Harris was heard to murmur that he had umpired over 500 games!!! Asked to clarify, 'Agat~ .,-,[)lied that for the last 100-odd games he had umpi re d in official whites, while for the first 400-odd gam e "umpi red??" while playing for Alphington AFC. Sounds about right doesn't it??? *** Nothing like a game of mud rugby to bring out the competitive natures of some umpires . Mark Gri t Reaper' Bushfield and Kevin 'Chilli Pepper' Segota revel in the heavy and muddy going'The while th Appointments Board shudder in fear of mass injuries . Highlight of the night was Peter 'Rags' Keogh's crunc -,ckle on Mark 'Wingy' Thomas which got a 9 .0 and 9.5 rating from the judges . The tackle must have knocke s~me sense into 'Wingy' who retired to the mroe sedentary pursuit of run-throughs for the rest of the nig h ,t * *
The Forgotten Men of the VAFAUA : The depth and strength of the A, B and C umpire panels is depender - on the forgotten men of the VAFAUA, those who run in the D, E, F and U19 sections of the competitor : ; comparison with the higher sections, these umpires do it hard - usually running on their own and ofte , th a hostile and abusive crowd to boot . The D'Alteras, Smiths, Morgans, Nugents, Keatings and all th others deserve high praise for their determination and persistence week in and week out . Well done fellas ;y the way, any truth to the rumour that BB is organizing a potential WSU (World Series Umpiring) rebeliio -orn the D, E, F and U19 men??? *** Ron 'The Lip' Lippold came out of retirement last week and stepped straight into the match of the da - D grade . While his legs might not be as fast as they used to be, there is certainly nothing wrong with hi longue nor his thirst . Some of the players appeared a bit thunder-struck following 'The Lip's' comments aboL -eir playing ability, and this scribe had a large headache on Sunday morning due to Ronnie's determinatio i have one mo re for the road . (PS . 'Whitening' your shoes was a nice touch Ronnie!! ) *~* THE TRUMP (TRavelling UMPi re ) REPORT - cont: As a follow-up to last week, Doug 'The Wande re r tYiggans has further informed us that having walked across Niagara Falls to Boston the local constabular aexpectedly offered him temporary accommodation at the New York State Police Academy. Wonder if thi 1 be the basis of a new film called C rocodile Dundee III/Policy Academy 7???? More from 'The Wande re r the next meeting.
*** I . TRIP AWAY : List is full - those going $80D o Rursty ASAIpDERS!!! 2 . GOLF DAY : See Tim 'Sheep' Sheare r 3 . CLOTHING/GEAR : Money to Rusty ASAP 4 . UMPIRES DINNER : August 21 - North Melb FC - BE THERE 5 . NIGHT OUT Station Hotel - See Chill i 6. PRESENTATION NIGHT: September 29 - Bentleigh Club. $60 Double - BOOK NOW!! !
Keep Fresh for the Finals Mike and Russe l E AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
100 UP in cricket or football is certainly always a wonderful milestone and Latrobe's Terry Wilson, who move : from 95 to 103 goals during last Saturday's match, is certainly our SPORSTMAN OF THE WEEK . Congratulations Terry. I'm sure your achievement will be a lifelong memory to be treasured . *** Could golfing fanatics please note the change of date for the Annual Golf Day - is November 10th . ,t * *
Last Wednesday saw the holding of the first of our Vote count nights for the Best & Fai re sts in the different sectior : G & H secitons best were D. Lane from Port Colts (G) and M . Bastow from Richmond Centrals (H) . Leading goalkickers in these sections were D. Thomas (63) from Bloods and M . Tymms (37) from Richmond Centrals. *i~* FOR OUR RECORD S
Can you help us with addresses and phone numbers of the following : A Section Best & Fairest Winners Australian Amateurs 1984 R .J . Demart e - Bulleen-Templestowe, Rick 1950 J .L . Castle - Kew 1977 PG . Aughton - St . Bernards OC, Peter 1951 A .L . Reid - Geelong, Alan 1975 M .J . Bates - Reservoir OB - later Old Scotch, Michael 1951 BE Judd - Collegians, Bria n 1951 W.M . Judd - Collegians, Warren 1968 P.M . Moran - Uni Blues, Phil 1958 L .D. Eldering - Commonwealth Bank 1956 J .R . Hayes - Uni Blues, Joh n 1960 N .V. Lewthwaite - Ivanhoe, Nei l 1955 R .C. Fenton-Smith - Ormond, Dick 1965 B.M . O'Brien - Old Paradians, Bernie 1954 M . Davidson - Hampton Rovers, Mervyn 1979 J.C. Doolan - De La Salle OC, Fr. Joseph 1953 L .S . Mithen - Ormond, Lauri e 1983 B. Cooper - Marcellin OC, Berni e 1946 W. Stamps - Malvern, Bil l 1983 M . Jennings - Uni Blues, Michae l 1934 G . Weber - Brighton Tech OB, Geoff 1931 R . Lang - Teachers Colleg e 1930 R . Perry - Black Rock 1930 T.M . Taylor - Brigton Vale Please write to : Mr. Ian H . Munro C/- VA FA PO Box 359 ELSTERNWICK, Vic . 318 5 *** 12
National Mutual News Releas e
Maintaining the Single Lifestyle
S ngle people have a great advantage in life . ney have the freedom to do what they wish, when they wish . 3ui on the other hand, no one will take responsibility for you, as a single person, if you get sick or have a^ -i dent . There is no partner who can supplement the household income if the unexpected happens . ,our valuable independence can be threatened by an unexpected illness. %~tost healthy single people will say - 'but it won't ever happen' . Unfortunately it does ." says Tim Conneliar. ,p National Mutual agent who has had a long association with the VAFA . Statistics show that many young men under 35 are off work for at least three months as a result of a car ,- :dent . And a large number of those accidents happen on weekends so there is no Workcare to pay the bills . Serious illness can strike without warning too . But most employers allow only a few weeks paid sick leave d if you're self employed you are the one who would have to bear the burden of no income for weeks But is it possible to insure against that, even if you believe it won't ever happen to you ;' said Tim . %ational Mutual has developed an Income Protection Plan to ensure you continue to receive an income even ou have an accident or a serious illness . "he amount you pay depends on your age, occupation and income . The weekly benefit you receive is up , J 3 per cent of your average weekly income (if self employed, after deducting business-expenses but no income ;n added bonus of National Mutual's Income Protection Plan is that the payments are tax deductible . So even if you don't think it could ever happen to you, income protection is a good investment" said Tim And think of the peace of mind it will give you so you can go on enjoying the freedom of single life . For fu rt her information : Call Tim now on 882 839 9 Tim Connellan is well known in VAFA circles, .cecially amongst Old Xaverians, MHSOB, Ormond , Blues and Uni Blacks . He was Chairman of _-ectors at Ormond and coached Uni Juniors i n And that's not all . Tim was the Under 19 State ector in 1984 and Senior Side State Selector this Tim brings to the VAFA not only his wealth of '~ .:ledge of football but also his knowledge and --oerience in the insurance and business fields . H e a National Mutual Senior Agent and Premier cducer, Business Life Insurance Specialist and a ,oerannuation Specialist Agent. His business premises are located in Hawthorn and en his office manager Mike McArthur-Allen has -tball connections too. No doubt you'll recognise aname. He's Ormond's Senior Coach and current - torian Coach . -jr any queries, ring the guys who know both footy - d insurance : Tim or Mike on 882 8399 HE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
NOTICE TO CLUB SECRETARIES & PRESS CORRESPONDENT S PHONING OF SCORES, GOAL-KICKERS, BEST PLAYERS DURING FINAL S Set out below are the requirements for phoning of scores and etails during the Finals Series . PHONE FINAL FINAL SCORES : to 379 8171 (Mr. Ron Hally) Rese rves by 3 p.m . All other Sections by 5 p.m . WINNING CLUB IS REPONSIBLE . SUNDAY MATCHES - Not necessarylo phone scores to Mr. Hally. GOAL-KICKERS & BEST PLAYERS ALL SECTIONS : To the Press Correspondent (George McTaggart) All Goal-kickers and SIX (6) Best Players for each club are required . THE WINNING CLUB IS RESPONSIBLE . If you win, make sure you obtain details from the losers. If you lose, make sure you supply details to the winners. USUAL BLACK LIST FINES WILL APPLY except that failureto furnish ALL required information to the Press Correspondent may incur a fine to BOTH clubs . LOSERS : when supplying information to winners - PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY. WINNERS : When phoning Goal-kickers and Best Players, please spell ALL names, even common ones - for example - STEVENS : S-T-E-V-E-N-S, etc . Provided this ;nformation is given correctly, it will not be necessary to forward these details to "The Amateur Footballer". PHONE GOAL-KICKERS and BEST PLAYERS to the Press Correspondent as follows : RESERVES : All days of the Finals - AUG 26, SEPT 2, SEPT 9. To 531 4496 (Elsternwick Park) between 2 p .m . and 3 p.m . SENIOR AND U19 SECTIONS : To 528 3319 or 528 2471 (Home)
AUGUST 26th A and B SECTIONS : (full round) BEFORE 5.30 pm (as usual) C,D,E and F SECTIONS : between 4.30 p .m . and 5 .30 p .m .
(Administration rese rves the ri ght to alter p ro gram from week to week dependin g on particip ating senior and rese rv e clubs)
G and H SECTIONS - AUGUST 12th & 19th 12 NOON MATCHES : To 531 4496 (Elsternwick Pari .) before 3 p.m . 2 .15 PM . MATCHES : To 528 3319 or 528 2471 before 5 .30 p .m .
26/8/89 WAVERLEY
26/8/89 OVAL 15 ALBERT PAR K
2/9/89 ORMOND
9/9/8 9 NORTHCOT E
12/8/89 WON BY KEW 2 .15 pm
19/8/89 ELSTERNWICK PARK 2 .15 pm
27/8/8 9 ELSTERNWIC K PAR K 2 .15 pm
19/8/89 ELSTERNWICK PARK 12 .00
27/8/8 9 ELSTERNWIC K PAR K 12 .00
All members, their guests and friends are welcome . RING SUE ANDERSON 531 5452 to reserve a place . Cheques payable to VAFA for priority boo king as seating is limited this ye ar!
23/9/89 ELSTERNWIC K PAR K 9.0 0
2/9/89 KEW
16/9/8 9 ELSTERNWIC K PAR K 9.0 0
2/9/89 DE LA SALLE
16/9/8 9 OVAL 1 5 ALBERT PAR K
SEPTEMBER 2ND & SEPTEMBER 9TH B,C,D,E,F and UNDER 19 SECTIONS : between 4 .30 p .m . and 5.30 p.m .
AUGUST 27th ( GRAND FINALS ) Hand details to George McTaggartat Elsternwick Park as soon as possible after the match . A and A RESERVE SECTIONS (Sundays - SEPT 3, 10, 17 and 24 ) Hand details to George McTaggart at Elsternwick Park as soon as possible after the match . REMAINING HOME-AND-HOME MATCHES (AUG 12th, 19, 26th) It is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that final scores be phoned to Mr. Hally to enable finals fours to be determined . GEORGE McTAGGART Press Corresponden t
A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct" . 14
H Section ®► I
OLD GEELONG BALACLAVA Coach: Bernie Drinan 1 S. Warre n 2 . R Hail 3 C. Rya n 6 C . Whelan 8. G . Stevens 10. B. Drinan (CC) 12 . C . Stevens 13 W. Duell 14 D Ottaway 15. P. Georgiou 16. P McKay 33 .P Hyde 37. A . Di x 38. S . Di x 40. C. Fischer 41 . P. Goodwin 42 . D. Cassar 43. G Nayar 46. R . Calde r 47. M . McCaffrey 48 . G . Bryant 49 . D. McManus 52 . A . Demasson 66. D. Holman
GTV9 1 . C. Louchard (DVC) 2 . J. Murph y 3 . A . Beams 4 . B . Newland 5. M . George 6. M . Lehman 7. G . Miethe 8. D. Hear n 9. S. Macdonald 10. R. Lawerfule 11 . T. Maloney 14. J. Annesley (VC) 17. S . Lidgerwood 18, J. Markovic h 19. B. Fox 20. L . Care y 21 . N . Smith (Capt) 22 . J . Goudge 23.D.Rogers 24. G . Creaser 26 .G.Vangos 27. S . Mackay 32 . R. Mackay 35 . G . Driscoll 37. Tony Fox
KONTIAS Coach : Arthur Katogianis 3 . C . Kantaria s 4 .T. Balderanos 5 . N. Lambrinos 6 G . Anderson 7. N. Lambrinos 8. A. Karveli s
9. A. Calcaqicos 10 .S . Bond 11 . F. Dinatale 12. C. Skapetis 13. G . Boland 14. P. Karvelis 16. H . Yiannakis 19. G . Kantarias 20. J . Hatzidakis 21 . P Bourlotos 22. J. Kyparisis 23. T. Tsivak!s 24. P. Ouzounis 25. A . Giannakis 31 .T. Kovios 32 . V. Cannolo 33. R . Kelly
28 . J . Vasil 35 . J . Podaridis 36 . G . Lantouris 38 . S. Tamvakis 40 . F. Giannakis 42 . C. Athanasiou 45. C. Podaridis C . Fouskarinis C. Emmanauel 0. Jerzyn a
Sponsor MAGPI E
Coach: Jon Mollard 1 B . Harwood 2 . J . Twgg 3 . P Clarke 4 S Gude 5 R Bur n 6 S Burgess 7 T Johnstone 8 J Handbury 9. R Herma n 10. T Hogg 11 . D Colac, 12. M . Davi s 13 A Jamieson 15 D Oliphant 16 W. Dowling 11 D McLeod 17. C . Hollis 18. C. Richardson 19 M . Youngman 20. D Atkins 21 .J. Dowling 22. E . Spiden 23. C. Landale 24. D. Hollis 25. J Henderson 26 R . Hanna 27. D Catanach 28 . A. Turne r 29 . J. Neville-Smith 30 . B Allender 31 .T Jackso n 32 . M . Baxter 33. W. Robertson 34. W. Davis 35. J . Gaylard 36. R . Bennett 37 . M. Borthwick 38 . J. Mollard 39 . P Jewell 40 . H. MacGowan 41 . R . McDonald 42 .C.Pappas 43 . C. Slorach 44 . A. Morton 45 . C. Pearson 47. D. Clerk 48. P. Hayes 50. J . Grant 51 . P. Law 52. M . Williams 53.C . McKean 54. M . McPhee 55. A . MacMillan 56. J. Omond 57. C . Ross 58.R .Stubbs % C. Stewart 60 . B. Smit h 61. J. Stanley 62. A. Dawson 63.T.Brocksopp 65. P. Holloway 66. N . Robinson 67 . H . Youngman 69. B . Furphy 70, G. Lavender 71 . P. Wotherspoon 72. D. Laurie 73. B . Furphy 74. D. Leslie 75 . J. Munnings 76. J. Twig g 77 J. Ide
Bennison Mackinnon & Associates
Coach : Bob Hellyer
Captain/Coach : Ric Dakin 1 . J . Orchard
5 A Mand!ie 6. M . Anderson 7 G Gaspari (VC) 8 M . Clar k 9 A Healey 10 M . Pane 11 . D Oliver 12 N O'Donnell 13 M Canavan 14 T Gleason 15 C Hunt
2 . P Mathewson 3. A . Burman 4. R . Dakin 5. T. Dakin 6 .B .Beddoe 7. P. Cahil l 8 . T. Car 9 .Ploannou 10. M . Foy 11 . P. Hewitt 12 . G . Clements 14 . G . Coleman 15. B. Telford 16. R. Foster 17. M . Giglio 1& M. Jones 19. N . Brockwell 20 . S . Douglas 21 . D. Cross 22 . M . Hunt
23 . J . Krikas 24. J. Moore 25. C. Mille r 26. C. McFarlane 27 .D.Newnham 28.M .Newnham 29. M . Squire 30 . P Stewart 31 . P Telyszak 32 . S . Wasley 33 . J . Stodgell 34 . T. Patterson 35. J . Groves 36. I . Tognazzini 37. W. Tagnazz!n! 38. A. Lut z 39. L . Missaglia 41 . P. Daki n 48. S . Mason 61 . M . Brown 64. S. Nixon 68. N . Corbo
Professional Hair Care Ladies & Gents 440 Collins Street, Melb . (Gurners Lane )
670 3584
che r ars ;ny ~ ^9 ndo 4an Maane n Venask,e "aras Jones Davis .'. Vanryswvk
gester • Basto.v (DVC) I-erton ,,in ukes Park Jigg!ns(VC) .7 .nryswyk fdrker Foley 'AcGowan Perr in 3 Young (CC) Dios "`drews ' Ivogue Quigley Cooper Gtlen o Tymms Sando Underhill Birmingham AtWer Davey S Wild J Para s %' Alevras ~Jn r G Ricketts
SPO N SOR S T 7,AI@1OR & SONS TROPHIES 2?~ Flinders Lane, 654 *8361 ALPHA PRINTING P.O. Box 460 t .Waverley 3149 *
16 M. Kerm!n!d!s 17 A Draga
18 P. Carbis 19 S . Carfora 20 L Doyle (Capt) 21 A Pern a 22, M Power 23 G Stotondis 24 P Cleary 25 T Mazzeo 26 P Mille r 27, R Cincotta 28 M Mazzeo 29 A Chiappini 30 P O'Neill
ST .".E =: : aNK VICTORIA Coach : A . Favier 1 D Ha!gs (Capt) 2 A Pitts 3 J Inglis 4 J Paliotta 5 D Thurgood 6. A . Favie r 7 A Whitelaw 8. C . Orgill 9. G . Ric= 10 J . Rio 11 .J .Chan 12. S. Iiva 13, M Silva 14, N M!Ionas 15 F Calcagno 16 A Carr
17. G Waldron 18 A Pollock 19 G Lawton 20 P Wabbs
ST. KEVINS Coach : S . Butle r 1 . C Moone y 2 C Nolan (VC) 4 T Corrigan 5 A McKenzie 6 R Douglas 7 S Haidamous 8 S . Butle r
9 G 0'Mahony 10. P. Civitella (DVC) 12. T. Arnol d 13. M . Thomas 14 A Phillips 15, T Holder 16. S Kaz
17 P Lon g 18 B Millar (Capt) 20 A Giffi n 25 M Houngan 28 M Dowd 29 C Mooney 33 L Tighe
37. M Doble 39 D Banova 42 J Ogge 45 A Trainor 49 M Shaw 51 C Ogge 54 T Meagher 58 S Lopez 59 P Hurley 66 T Hedger 67 S Brown e
ST. KILDA C .B.O .C. Coach : R . Maqueda Asst. Coach R . Clinc h 1 I . Lynch (C) 2 . R Clinch (VC) 3. J.M . Ahern 4, G, Andrews 5 T. Butt a 6 S. Cada 7. J. Cap!ron 8 J Cart y 9. R Maqueda 10 D Mandas 11 . C . Demaio 12 F. Domain 13 W. Derham 14 . M Dz!o 15. V Ferre 16 W Gilmore 17 P Hail (DVC) 18 B Mandde 19 J Liebers 20 P Luc k 21 Jim Ahern 25 P Tesoriero 26, D Callen 27 T. Maqueda 28 . P Moresch!n! 29 L Nardeila 30 S Northeast 31 M Pavhch
32 P Poulopoulos 34 J Ryan
35 36 37 38 39 40
S Ryan E Skender F Skender R .Skender M Slays V Surace
THEnRY CCO B Coach: D. Boden 1 D Peac h 2 . S Braden 3 R Moreli, 4 .1 Sheedy 5 M Griffiths 6 P Mott 7 P Byrnes 8 T Herfa t
9 A Le Ma!stre 10 J Kit e 11 D Jinkns 12 J Bed er 13 .S, Carey 14 S Molnar 15 P Danggi 18 H Moss 20 P Kelly 21 B Smales
22 M Devereaux 23 B Mulle r 24 G Faickh 25 P Cavern 26 A Byrnes 31 D Boden(C) 32 R Costello 40 C Muscat 41 . W Lino 49 M Gribble 52 A Smith 54 D Lyons 96 S Reddan 119 S Lyons
G Section
A BULLEEN / TEMPLESTOWE BLOODS Coach : C. Hutchinson t . D. Legg e 2 . M .J . Cadman 3 R .N . McAsey 4 . C .B. McDonell 5 B .J . Risele y 6 P. Hendry 7 R . Bradley 8 D.A . Stock 9 C . Gardiner 10 P Watkins 11 R. Ellam 12 S K. Kell y 13 PC. Bainbridge 14 R . Howard 15 N G . Stevenson 16 J . Hutchinson 17 W,Johnson
18 S Blair 19 H illioupolos 20 A.J, Brown 21 R . Homberger 22 J Nanovich 23 P Greene 24 D Rust 25 J. Grant 26 B. McDoneli 27 SC . Smit h 28 CJ Hutchnson(CC) 29 I McKenzi e 30 B. Taranto 31 J . Davies 32 K .Shannon 33 B Jarick 34 B. Turner 35 S Powell 40 D Ford 41 R Woodhams
1 . R . Chaplin 2 K . Harvey 3.R.B71 4. P. Red 5. A . D'Agostino 6 . A . Theunissen 7. T 7agelaar 8 J. Edmonds 9, L. Hatton 10. C. Kelly
11. P Ryan (VC.) 12. P. Reid 14. D. Smith 1 5 G . Parkinson 17. M. Wenbourne 1a P Westao.'ay 19. R. Boo n 20, L. Parris (Capt) 21 . D. Cummins 22. J. McPherson 23 . L Galbraith 28. C. Smythe 30, R. Kennedy 31 . D. Hall 32, P. Busch 33. L . Tenace 36. P. Gilmore 37. D. McGuiness 38. W. Miller 39. P Rowland 42 . C . Durran 43. A . Saw 44. J. RoaniGs 45. G . Giles 46 C. Wilson 47. D. Booth
48. R . McKenzie 49. K . Theunissen 50. A. Williams
Coach : J . Purdue 1 . J . Purdue B. M . Milford 7.A.Shegog 9. P Milford 10. T. Stringer 11 . A . Holland 12. G . Cook 15. S . Li e 16. S . Mackay 19. C. Mackay 21, C . Thomas 27 A. Rogan 29, G . Kenneally 32 . R . Nancarrow 33 . A. Tobin 41 R . Teale 42, F. Parry 43 . N . Comley 45. J . Powell 46. A . Mitchell 48. C. Comley 49. M . Bullard 51 . P Baxter 55. M . Davis 56. J . Smith 57. A . Mantzounis 58. P Swa n 59. R . Lancaster 60 . P. Burn s 62 . G . West 63 . T. Carnes 65 . 1 . Lockwood 66. J . Josem
Coach : Noel Jenkinson 1 . C. Hutton 3 P. McKenzi e 4. P Tantrum (apt) 5 . N. Jenkinson 7. S. Poll 8 . L. Debiasi 9 . B . Gay 10. G . Furlong 11 . R. Stewart 12, K. Ladson 13. S. Muncaski 14. M . Kelliher 15. S. McGennis 16, P. Miller 18, G . Smith 19 . John Hunt 21, J. Ladso n
31 . Jim Hunt (V.C.) 34. M . Hawkins 37, G. Enge l 38, A . Goodyear 39. M . Casey 41, S . Buic k 42 . R . Mullaly 52 . M . Ladson 53 . M, Newton 56. P Moore 61 . D. McGennis
KEW Coach: Richard Macisaac 1 . P Shaw (VC ) 2 . M . Langton (DVC) 3. M . Manley 4. Robert Maclsaac 5 . M . Frenc h 6 Pilchard 7. A . MacDowell 8 . R . Lindsay 9 . D. Maclsaac 10. B. Prowse 11 . A. Phelan 12 .S . Pincer 13. J . Livingston 14. A . Livingston 15 . M . Glenister 16 . A . Wilson 17. M . Martin 18 . C . Curtain 19 . C. Maclsaac 20. K . Velthuls 21 . A. Holten 22 . E . Northam 23. M . Dalton 24.S.James 25. M . Van a 26. A . Borghesi 27. K. Doyle 28, C . Northam 29,A .Payne 30 . C. Johnston 31 . S. McLean 32 . J. Lo u 33 . M . Claasen 34 . M . Furlong 35 . J . Fo x 36. A. Macisaac 37. I . Oakley 3& M . O'Dea 39.S . Pop p 40. M . Squire 41 . M . Doyle 42. D. Jeh u
MARGELLIN Coach : J . Scott 3. M . Harvey 4. D. Pyrn 5 . F. Insabella 6 . D . Robinson 7. J. Gool d it . P Dyson 12 . A . Dickenson 15. S. O'Brien 16. A . Cooper 18. T. McAuliffe 22. P. Kelly 23,J .Leaming 24. D. Menzies 25. G . Kitchener 26. K. Robinson 42, J. Scott (C) 45. S . Relte r 48. M . O'Brien 51 . D. Mason 52, C . O'Brien 53. D. Slavero 54. E . Walsh 57. R . Dullard 58. M . Danaher 77. P. Culle n
Coach :
J. Salvatore
,I .ahi l
_ ;,Pshaw (VC)
jung rner .ard s mmels (DVC) l Demmola
9aivatore uraham 3lonyssopoulos =ade y t Gemmola nni s r otsarns (C ) Fleming Gay :1cFarlane Sharkey Car r ukthas
1 . N . Stapleton 2. R Farndon 3. J. Balmford 4 T Kellam 5 T. Kennedy 6 J. Francis 7 R . Heat h 8 S . Hun t 9. A. Fletcher tt0. R . Hockney 11 . M Tennison 12 . S . Hargreaves t3. P O'Brien 14 . S. Potte r 15 . E . Yurtsever 16 . P. Couples 17. L. Mates 18, A . Sutcliffe 19, M . Waring 20. T. Taylo r
21 .A. Woodhouse 22 . N . Thomas 23.D. McLeod 24. N . McladyarrTraJpe 2S R . Van Den Dorgan 26. T Richards 27, T Kennedy 28. A . Mayfield 29. C . Griffiths 30 A Kenyon 31 . J. Freeman 32 B Morphett 33 P Waite 34 . P, Harris 35. D. Dawson 36. S. Curtis 37.C.Ryamond 38 . D. Stephenson 39 . A . Barr y 40. R . Williams 41 . D. Hore)si 46 . C . Hanchette 7T B, Rowlands 99 . D. Hamilton 69 . M .Pockne e
43. R . McEnroe 44.T. Van e
45. P Horn e
VAUGHAN PRINTING High Street , East Kew Tel : 817 4483
OLD SCOTCH OLD COLLEGIANS XAVERIANS Coach : The Crocodiles Ian Bowden Coach : 15 . R . Bangs 16 . D. Fenton 17. A . Craw 18 . G . Stutterd 19 . J . Armstrong 20.P. Edwards 21 . C. Nicholls 22 . R . Mann
23. R . Petty 24, R . Hodges 25,D . Wearne 26. C . Williamson 27, A . Negri 28, L. Higham (DVC) 29, P. Morriso n 30. F. Kiel 31 . A. Pulia r 32 . R, Loughron 33. J . Macmillan 34. E . Hutchinson 35. B. Dart
36. G . Aird 37. D. LeLeivre (C) 38. D. McNa b 39. P Traino r 40. S. Montgomery 41 M . Middleton 42 . D. Kay 43 . S Rodwell 44 1 . Bowden 45 . A .Clunies-Ross 46 . M .Clunies-Ross 47. R. Buhagiar 48, J . Doherty 49 . K . Fuller 50, J . Forbes 51 . N . Elwood 52, S . Wilson 53 . A. Hare 54 . C. Wilson (VC) 55 . M . McGregor 56, J . Richardson 57 . S. Finlay 58. I . Williams 59 . M . Stirling 60. B. Crump 61,D.Hooper 62. W. Matthews 63. P. Edwards
Michael Plant 23. D. Berry 37. C. Bloom 17. M . Bury 7T N . Boileau 10,J.Connors 3. P. Cremon o 59. S. Dennison (VC) 34 .J, Drake 28, D Doyle 14, H . Fenwick 79. A Freeman 11 . M . Freeman 66 . G Grenvill e 4 .S Howe 26 .S.Jordan 90 . S Jorgenso n & R . Kennedy 12 M . Kinna 8. S. Lovegrove 2 . H . McCorkell 8,A . McLaughun 6, C . McNamara (C) 56 . M . McNamara 5 . J . Manley 15. J . Marshall 26 . S . Millard 12 . J . Mora n 1 A .Ongareilo 65C.Pearson 13. B . Qui n
62 . C . Richardson 43 . L . Sil k 17. M . Steele 113. G. Tomanovits 25 P Tomanovits 15. P. Toussaint 33. J . Wilso n 11 . E, Walli s 23, M. Lovelock
ST. BERNARDS OLD PORT COLTS COLLEGIANS Coach : G . Briggs Team Manager : J. Sawtel l 1 . G . Brigg s 2 . G . Harland (Capt) 3 . C . Bell 4 R . Twomey 5 S. O'Neil 6 . A . Mullins 7 V Smith 8 . R . Coffey 9 . M . Turne r 10. C. McDermottroe 11 . E . Imbriano 12 . C. Boyd 13. B. Cockle 14, R . Davey 15, P. Twomey 16 J Kondos 17, A, Birch 18. A Carlto n
19. B. McGuiness 20 G . Sweet (VC) 21 . D. O'Brien 22. J . Ramsay 23. D. Andrew 24, D. Schofield 25. D.Lane 26, K . Evans (DV/C) 27 P Wale
1 M . Sulliva n 2 P Fitzgerald 4 V McGuire 5 J O'Conno r 6 G McAllister (VC) 7 J Toohey 8 P Monaghan 9 G . Wood (C) 10, J., Federico it P O'Brien 12 P Hogan 13 R Purcel l 14 .S Mahican (DVC) 15 F Monaha n 16 J Pearson 18 A Purcell 19 S Byrne 20 J Fraser 21 C. Dooian 22, M . Mahady 23 S. Walsh 24 K, Mahady 25 G Toto 26 M McGrath 27 A Nathan 28 P Morrice 29 J McInerney 30 G Powel l 31 M Fitzpatrick 32 P Runting 33. M Redmon d 34 J O'Connell (DVC) 35 J Saundr y 36 P O'Dea 37 M O'Connell 38 D Sullivan 39 J Gollant 40 W Haddad 41 P Freeman 42 A Griffiths 43 A McCleave 44 G Powell 45 A Walsh 46 A Capes 47 G Dowling 48 B Dooian 49 D Constance 50 L Overman 51 A Sullivan 52 D McAllister 53 R Doolan 54 G Matthews 55 D Abfalter 56 M Syna n 57 A Hargreaves 58 B Not t 59, A Elliott 60 N Hiscox 64, D. Wood 65. T Bourke 66 D Bourke 74 S Phela n 75 P Hargreaves 76 D Copeland 77 M Dowling 78. M Driver s
A .N .Z . BANK Senior Coach : Tony Kennedy Rese rves Coach : Graham Anstus 1 S Duke 2 A .Kennedy 3 . R . Koegler 4 P Cumming 5 T Harbinson 6 P. Marshall 7 G Anstis 8 C Riley 9 G Simpson 10 H Birken6eld 11 D. Tyrel i 12 J McKillop 13 M Patterson 14 M Szetz 15 M . Furness 16 P Giblin
17 P Knight 18 P Boyle 19 G . Walkley 20 S . Briggs 21 P Shoppe 22 A Bennett 23 L . McLeod 24 M Shaper 25 P Strachan 26. M Birrell 27 G Smit h 28 R Harrington 29 J McDonald 30 R McDonald 31 E Nicosia 32 M Farrell 33 T Gleeson 34 C Westbiade 35 B Curthorys 36 W. Duscher 37 P Dawson 38 P Smid t 39 D Burgess 40 R El y 41 G . Downes 42 .S Hyde 44 G Skien 45 J Poulton 46 B Fernandez 47 T Carter
48 T Gray 49 J Slattery 50 M, Sweeney 51 D . Harbinson 52 B Dickens 53 P Jone s 54 R Hueston 55 T.,Brain 56 W. Tuckey 57 P Jones 58. D Kibell 59 R . Ma y 60 N Walsh 61 M . Deltrto 62 K . Murray 63, T Sullivan 64 D Duck 65 D Dohnt
CM7ilfiONW""ir~LTH BAN K Senior Coach: W. Kraska Rese rves Coach : W. Sparkes 1 .D. Chapman 2 . J . Scot t 3. P. Charle s 4 . S. Woodward 5 M . Shacklock (Capt) 6 P. Bowle s
7 D . Clode 8 . W . Kraska 9 M . Evans 10. A . Pitts 12 . B . Charles 13. J. Quirke 14. G . Dunkiey 15. J. Pratt 16. N . Keating 17 J. Jenkins 18. S Watson 19. R . Henry (Capt-R) 21 . A . Segrave 23. S . Kimpton 24 . G . Joyce (V.C.) 25. A. Greig (VCR) 26 W Ennor 27 G. Phelps 28. P Buttigieg 29 B. Jame s 30 J Giannakopoulos 31 M . McGonagle 32 . W Sparke s 33 P. Doenson 34 E.Shab o 35. J. Martin (DVC-R) 36. S Wedding 37 . S Scern 38 J. Post 39 D. Barker 40. R .Op e 41 A. Post (DVC) 42 . S. McNamee 43. B Abrahams 44. A . Aves 45 M . Pearson 46.J .Yusuf 48 G . Bibby 49 T. Parnell 50 A . Mastarng 52 . S . Morrissey 53 .1 . Kraska 55 . P. Wes t
56 . P. Pitts 57. C Matthews 59 . D. Sapac 60 . M . McCarthy 61 . P Bolienni 64 . K . Daniels
ELTHAM COLLEGE Senior Coach : Craig Bransgrove 1 . M . Stone 2 . S . McVicar 3. K . Tucker 4. M . Edwards 5. C . Bransgrove 6.R Badenhop 7. N . Hamshare 8. M . Fitzpatrick 9. S. McPhail 10. S . Keefe 111 .C. Panne 12 . J . Weatherill 13. D . Bishop. 14. R . Whelan 15. J. Pitcher 16. A . Gardiner 17. S . Shaw 18P Kernaghan 19.L . Dawson 20 . W. Stevenson 21, B . Hanley 22 . I . Kiddie 23 P Taylor 24 . S . Watson 26. M. Delaney 27. S. Fitzpatrick 28, A . Hal l 29. N Crawford 31 C Butler 32. D. Campbell 33 G . Hall 35. S . Biddle 36 I . Chesser 37 C Dare 3R M . Barden 40 A Peacock 43.BAnderson 44 M Barling 111 D Wilto n
Ansett Wridgway
FOOTSCRAY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Senior Coach: John Maroney Reserve Coach : Wayne Taylor 1 . D. Edwards 2 . B . Alla n 3. R . Gunn 4 D Jewell 5. G . Petropoulos & G . Mill s 7. P Byrnes 8 B. Kogioumetzidis 9 . D. Power 10. G . MacDonald 11 J . Breheny (C) 12 . R .Feeha n 13 K. Thielmann 14. M . Williamson 15. M . Russel
16. D . Tanner (RVC) 17.J. Maroney 18. P. Watson 19. T. Johnstone 20. V. Bibas 21 . D. Sutherland 22. P. Cliffe 23. M . Darmanin 24 . M . Brown 25 P. Lewi s 26 C. Allan 27. M . Mitchell 28. S . Case 29. D Bishop 30 D Chamberlain 31 C McManus 32. W. Taylor (RC) 33. M . Robertson 34. M . Edwards 35 D Hefte r 36. D . Hefter 37. M . Godkin 38. M . Johnson 39. P. Morgan 40. R . Borg 41 . I . Waiter 42 . P. Bettons 43. M .O'Shannessy 44. S . Icely
45. C. Davies 46. C . White 47 D. Hepburn 48. D . Bonner 49. D . Turner 50 P Byers 51 . M . Walter 52, J, Fitzgerald 53 . G . Burns 54 P. Alle n 55 T.Nucara 56 . G . Stefou 57 . P. Gibbs 58 . J . Perre 59 . M . Case 60 .T.Farrag 61, R Nelson 62 . A . Quinn 63 . B . Sullivan 64 . P. Richardson 65 . P. McKenzie 67. P. Kennedy 68 . E . Kiima n 69 . M. Phillips
OLD CAREY RAMiq ^l31 ;1ANS G ST. ANDREWS Senior Coach: Kelvin Shaw Senior Coach :
COLLE9a i,=1NS
Coach : R John Hand s
Senior Capt ; uGoac h Jim Fotiniotis Rese rve Coach : Kevin Kin g 1, J . Fotmiotis (C2 . G . Matthewws , 2 . Steve Palam 3. S . Campbell 4. D. Carr 5. S. Bateman 6. W . Francs TP Deegan 8.T. Lucas 9. P Hall 10. C. Boyle 11 . T. Smith 12- A . Wilks 13. P Fitzgerald 14. R . Murray 15. P. Ailsop 16. D. Cox IT A . Rogers 18. D . Rolfe 19. S. McMullin 20. P. Livolti 21 . J . DicinG o 22. S. McDonald 23 . M . Sayers 24, C. Tod d 25. F. De Mas t 26. W. Poulte r 27. R . Palamara (DVC) 28. C. Walke r
8 . D. Mashn 9 . C . Gibson 9 . G . Casey 10. S. Rul e
11 . P. Goldsworthy 12 . W. Chamra 13. R . Davies 14. N . Taylor 14. C . Galea
29. P. Luxford 30. B. Leggett 31 . I . Nei l
32 . S. McCormack 33. J. Boyle (VC-R) 34. A . Hamilton 35. M . Grady 36. M . Polietti 37 . N . Collins 38. A . Gree n 39. J. Kealy (DVC-R) 40. J. Ba rtel s 41 . T. Chilcott (VC) 42 . J . Grimison 43 . A . Chi colt 44 . G . Smith 45. G . Rogers 46 S. Grady 4T R Riley 49. M . Fitzpatrick (R-Capt) 50 .S. Minaha n 51 . N . Robinson 60, C . Bence 61 . G . Matthews 62 . M. Brooks 67, D. Hogan 68 . C. Carroll 69 . S . Thompson 71 . D . Lambour n
Palcorp Financ=ll Planning Services
Roland Magro Reserves Coach : David Saddler 1 . I . Steward 2 . G . Browne 3 .R .Sonan 4 . J . Tapner 5 . D. Iles 6 . D. O'Keefe 7. R . Magro(C.C.) 7 . K . Wright
7 Voght
D Molli e
0 McCleary ; Sheedy Ccllyer Barm6y ° rclair - ver 3arro slorga n ~ Chan P GOR Cutiack S Bolton Hogan McQuade Eldridge -= . R . Evans V Wappet S Watts 'A Somerville '~. . D Henderson S Chee r J Thomas 7 '-'^.Cullagh
15. R Cavanagh 16 . C . Bear d 17. P. Littl e 18 . M . McCormick 19 . G . Undy 20. G . Hibbert 20. C. Leopold 21 . A. Park (V.C .) 21 R . Pepyat (Res.C) 22 . B . Funnell (DVC) 23. C . Ad s 24, D . Saddler 25. R . Vimba 26. D . Westbury 27. C. Overend 28. J . Kilkenny 29. N . McDonald 30. B . Emblem 31 . D. Briggs 32 . L . Libardi 33 . C . Crooks 34 . D. Mauro 35 . T. Davies 36 . P. Grandy 37. B. Whitin g 42 . G . Palmington 43 . F. Cleary 44 . G . Phelan 49 . R Bartlett 50.R .Heaney 51 P. Westbury 54 . P. Bovezza 55. S. Fielding 56. J. Mansour 60. D . Bartlett 66. D Liddell 69. I Ashby 71 . P. Bartlett 72. M . lies
Senior Coach Laurie Duffus Asst . Coac h
ST. LEON ARDS Coach: John Lord Reserves Coach : Graeme Buiiuss 1 . S. O'Connell 2 .R .Goodman 3 . A . Guinan e 4 . A . Fitzgerald 5 M . Jackson 6 . R . Walker 7 . S. Madden 8. B . Dinning 9 . A. Lev y 10. S. Wigley 11 . A . Sher 12 . D. Ricco 13 . M . Brooks 14 . G . Bulluss 15 N . Timms 16 . C. Muldoon 17 . J . Ward
18 . T. Tsiavi s 19 . A. Abrahams 20. M . Ingram 21, M. Hayden 22 . N . Sher 23. M . Preston 24. A . Ainalidis 25 .A .Pound 2& G . McDonald 27. B.Jackson 28 . D. Ray 29 M . McComb 30 . S. Fletcher 31 . R . Bulluss 32 . M . Landseli 33. S. Harvison 34 . A . Jackson 36 . P. Claxton 37. S . Dunphy 38 .C.Johnson 39 . M . Dunphy 40 .D. Newman 41 . R . Lydster 42 . P. McConchie 43 . A- McCully 44 . M . Dyer 45 . A . Marchesani 49 . S. Lydster 51 . M . Valenttni 52. R . Sjogren 53. P. Lucas 54. T. Mason 57. A . Nicoiaca 58. P. Graffeo 59. N .N g 64. P. Tehan
Tim Hillis 1 . L . Duffus 2 D. Fosse 3 C . Walden 4 . S . Maus 5, R Barone 6 . C Hosking 7. S. Hayes 8 .GRoughsedge 9 . S . Katsiamakis 10. D. Cahi r
11 . D. Murphy 12 . P. O'Brien 13 . J . Grassby 14 .E .Swdgeest 15 K . O'Connell 16 . J DeAngelis 17. D . Upftl l 18 . V. Keep 19 . M . Moran 20. G . Pressey 21 . I . Jennens 22 . G . Cook 23.B.Condon 23.S.Giacon 24. A . White 25.5 Jackson 26. M .Jones 27. D. Fraser 28. K . Spor n 29 . G . DuChateau 30 . G . Crdiland 31 . R . Zappelh 32 . L . Kildey 33, L . Dynes 34 . P. Smithers 35 . R . Goldberg 36. G . Moloney 37. D . Power 38, C. Rogers 39. S . Salzano 40. D. Delahoy 41 . M . Angelo 42. Vl Johns 43. J . Rokamp 44 . P White 45 .E, Evans 46. D. Kent
47. M . Hayes 48. P. Hutchings 49. N . Lee 50. W, Beacon 51 . I . Mezzalira 52 . S . Quilty 53. A . Green 54- V Chow 5& R Phillips 56. A .Joselend 57. P. Butler 58 . G. Moloney 59 . R . Brewer 63 . F. Russell 69 . A . Sheridan 86 . B . Kla u 96 . F. Gosdschan
WAVERLEY AMATEURS Senior Coach : John Hartley Reserves Coach : Karl Conlon 1 . G . Hands 2 . M . Kane (DVC) 3 D Lawler 4 . I . North 5 . G . Flemming 6 . J . Marti n 7. M . Dinsdale 8 . P Burghardt (C) 9 S . Carro t 10 M- Luxa 11 . J. Dickson 12 . M . Rohan 13, S. Carvell 14 . N . Bell 15 . J . Bell 16 D. Smith 17. J . Murray 78 . S. Dunstan 19 . G . Marshall 20. S Warburton 21 . T. Pazianas (VC) 22 . N . Wathen 23.J .Keppei 24. J . Caygi B
25. G. Ross 26. G . Martin 2T D. Black 28 .P Mahoney 29 .R-Dupuy 30 .V. Caruso 31 .J.Vercese 32 . K . Conian 33 . J . Polmear 34 .K.Sneddon 35. L . Blasi 36. R . Duvallon 37. G . Wathen 3& D. Cooper 39-B.Hannan 40. S . Thomas 41 . W. Ha m
42 C . Bayne 43. K . Durose 44, E . Atgiaras 45. S Farley 46 R .NevRon 47. G . Jenkins 48. B. Nestor 49. G . Neate 50. P. Thomas 51 P. Battour 52 C. Finnegan 53. M . McNess 54 . T Lehmann 55 .D. Lyons 56 . A. Voice 57 . G . Russel
A-11C~eP'SOt1S OYOTA TOYOTA We kna.v TOYOTA ba:.~kwarde
WILLIAMSTOVJN C.Y.M .S . Senior Coach: Mark Cannon Asst . Coach : I. McGowan Reserves Coach : Damian M artin 1 . G . Lenas 2 .D.Dawson 3 . A- Harry 4 . R McGowan 5 . F. Van der Peet 6. G . Hyland 7 . M . Cannon (CC) 8. J . Borg 9. J . Neenan 10 . S. Lugowski 11 . A . Elliott 12. Andrew Featherston 13 .P. Graham 14, A Cook 15 . D. White 16 . R . Wederstein 17. Anthony Featherston 18 . G . Gammone 19 . S . Calderwood 20. M . Derva n 21 . B. Mazouns 22 . P. Van Dongen 23. J. Corfiel d 24. A . Ryan 25. C . McKenzie 26. C . Muscat 27. B Tuck 28 . G . Smith 29 .D .Goucher 30 . M . Anderson 31 . D. Elliott 32 . M Kennedy 33 . B, Ryan 34 . A . Morelli 35.S.Kennedy 36. G . Stephens 37. R. Meilak 3& A . Thomson 39 . R . Meilak 40 . C Elliot t 41 . B. Marr 42 . T Ferris 43 . A Morelli 44 . B . Cetinich 45. D. Digenova 46. S . McKenzre 47. T. Wallace 48. S . Smit h
49. G . Dona 50. A . Mann 51 . D Bubnic 52 . D. Darcy 53. A . Cabansag 54. P Campagna 57- B. Han n 58. P Culhane 59. P. Dervan 60, R . Butterfield 61 .R .I .McGowan 69 A . Teagle 70 . D. Martin 71 . M Bennett 72 . B. Smith
OLD ESSENDON GRAMM'NS AQUINAS Senior Coach : Denis Kelly Rese rves Coach : Sean O'Loughlin 1 C O'Tool e 2 A Crosby 3 C . Box 4 D . Wrigh . Hewitt5H s t6TJone 7 P McCafferty 8 6 Bolan d 9 G Brady 10 P McManus 11, D Sevens 12 . D. O'Loughlin 13 T Alford 14D Hodg e 15 J, McNamara 16 G . Kin g 17 P Smith 18 P Davison 19. A . Grierson 20 B McKenna 21 P Hewitt
22 J . Ryan 23 M . Carter 24 A. Whelan 25 S Bel l 26 G . Box 27, I Shaw 28 G . Wrigh t
29 S. O'Loughlin 30 G Hewitt 31J Dean 32 C Gridley 33 D Postlethwaite 34 M Taruil i 35 S Livingstone 36 D. Phelan 37 B.Jones 38,M McCarthy 39 E Whitfield 41 D. Croft 42 B . Spiess 43:C Rogers '.. 44 K Cox
I 45 R Bullen 46 M . Box 47 P Kvietelartis 48 C . Reite r 49 R . Leavey
50 P Grierson 52 1. Mitchell 53 S Alford 56 D Laws 60 B McKellar 67 A O'Neill 69 D. Farrell 70 P Sainsbury 77 L .Brooksbank 78 E Pegler
Major Sponsor
Senior Coach : BRUNSWICK Dar ryl Pa tterson Senior Coach : Senior Coach Assistant Coach K . Wilson S . King David Buc k Rese rves Coach : Rese rves Coach Rese rve Coach : W. Stephens F. Basal Wayne Elliott 1 . C. Wormesley 1 .L .Jones 1 . G . Kin g 2 . A . Battle 2 . B . Bassi (CCR) P. Ulbric k 3, Ralph Thorweston 23,. P 2 . B, Owen Sawyer(VC Res) 5. J. Muirhead 3. A . Strachan 4. R . Lovett (DVC ) 6. A . Ahdore 4 P. Condui t 5 . D. Zammit 7. J. Reiger 5 D . Stevens (DVC) 6 . A . Todd 8 . Ric Thorweston 6 . S. Hewitt (VC ) 7. S. Pric e 9 . I . Parker 7 D, Carrol l 8 . T. Howell (VC) 10, V. D'Aquio 8 . D. O'Sullivan 9 . S, Herft 11 J. Johnston 9 . I . Campbell 10 . D. Reddaway 12 . S . Westerman 10, R . Watkins 11 . R . Lyons (Snr) 13 . D. mai r 11 . M . Snelson 12 .5 . Lyons 14 . Mick Wilson Snr 12 A . Coo k 13 . R . Ticknel l 15 . P. Warren 13,5 Kannegiesser 14 . D. Patterson (CC) 16 . R . Gibbs 14 P. Spezz a 15. R . Watso n 17 . D. Biewett 15 T. Barley (Capt) 16, R. Todd 18. M Page 16 D Leheny B Norman 19, Mick Wilson Jun . 17 17. P. Hardy 18 M Panourias 20. S. Beugelaa r 18. A . Black 19. J. McMahon 21, B. Goodwin 19. N . Gunning 20 .T. Lovet t 22 . S . Petrie 20 T Farrelly 21 . M . Easey 23 . K . Wilson 21 D Marshall 22. A . Varmlis 24 . G . Battl e 22 G . Huckstepp 23. E . Cosgrove 25 S, Charlesworth 23 S . McLean 24.V.Evans 26 . R . McGougan 24 . S . McBride 25 M . Lyons 27. P Giddens 25 B Hul l 26 A . Perkins 27 A . Watson (Res) 26 C. Stevens 27.H .Jones 28.K .McHugh 27 M . Wade 28, R . Smith 29. R . Kay 28 B Gibson 29, R . Anderson 30. G . Bryant 29 C Birch 30, B . Scott 31, R . Spinks 30 A . Carter 30, D. Heins 32 P. Rankin 31 L . Cordes 31 . P Mule 33, J . Wilson 32 . S . Gibson 32 . M . Inglis 34 . S . Wilson 33 J . Ralph 33 .T.Easey 35 G . Fowler 34 T Leaney 34 . G . Paterso n 36, W. Burgess 35 . T Heaney 35 R . Lyons Jnr(DVC-R) 36 R. Kennedy (VCR) 37. P. Atkinso n F. Lipetr i 37. D. Polglaise (Res) 36 37, A . Watterso n 37,J Rabaul 38. B. Handy 38 . J. Wright 38. M . Anderson 39. S . Miller 39 .D Johnson 39. G . Watson 40. A . Webster 40. R . Elde r 41 . M, Richards 41, W. Stephens 41 K . Drysdale 42 A . Cai a 42 . A . Simpson 42, R . Barham 44. F. Khalil 43,S. Reige r 44 R . McKissack 44. M . Dillon 43 G . Jones (Res) 45. K . Snelson 45. D . Elan d 44. R . Murphy 46 M . Bon d 48 . G Clydesdale 45.J .Leveque 47 . R . Craigie 49 . D . Watson 46. L . Saye r 48 D. Murphy 50, W. Elliott (R .Capt) 47. J . Reiger (DVCR) 51 . D . Butterworth 48 .J .C .Rabaud 50, M . Green 52, S . Link 49 .J .Sweeney 52 . M . Hobden 53 B . O'Donnell 50 . R . Forgianni 54 N . Campbell 54 P Hopkins 51 . B McDonald 55 . T. Kempton 55. A. Herman 52. E . Garcia 5& R, Camp 57. R . Murphy 54.P.Ashwood 57 B, Watterson 60.D, Buc k 55. M . Labinski 61 . C. Pol l 59. B Sheppeck 69 R . Harvey 62 . K. Daly 66 T. O'Donnell S .Ryan B. Giddens D Boydak
LA TROBE UN I . Coach : P. O'Donohue Asst. Coach : C . O rvad Rese rves Coach : J. Williamson 1 . R . Little (Capt 2 . D. Huffer 3.A . McGibbon 4. 5. Benbow 5.R Shannon 6. M . Dalbosco 7. D . Moore 8 . B,Franzman 9 .J_ Sand y 10. M . Bakogianis 11 . L . Athanasakis 12 . P. Tucci 13 . J . Trimboli 14 . J . Harpe r 15 . M . Lewis (DVC) 16 . G . Liersc h 17 . J . Limperakis 18. A.Jensz 19. P. Gough 20 . A . Marriott 21 . P Henderson 22 . M . Edmunds 23 . P. Martin 24 . T. Fawcett 25, P. Gehrig 26 C. Polatos 27 J . Hubbard 28.C,Panozzo 29, Z. Zuccala 30 V. Cavahen 31 P Chilco 32 F Andruela 33S .Hands 34 . N . Morrice 36 D Poole (VC) 37. A Conroy 38 J . Span o 39 A . Taylor 40. A Blasketl 41 .R . O'Connor 42 . S Fredrickson 43. S. Visser 44 . M . Jones 46, M . Kreuzer 47, D, Sidebottom 48 A Cummings 49 C McLachlan 50 S . Brownlaw 52 .,. Cousins 53 M. Carrucan 59 i Wrigglesvrorth 64 T Wilso n ..65 S Turne r 66.P McKenna 170 M Bridgeman
NC E=: i !i BRUNSWICK senior Coach: David Beilette Rese rves Coach: Rodney Burrows 1 M . Cannon 2. K Lianeas 3 M DeMorton 4. P DiMarco 5. S. Odich o 6 V. Gnmaid: 7. J. Briff a 8 . A . Franci s 9 . A . Samartino 11 . K Hehi r
12 . J Serratore 13 D Dimarco 14 . G. Parkinson 15 . H . Tsailtas 16, S . Tsatltas 17 . A . Tabbi t 18. P. Bnffa 19. D. Baiazsy 20 . B. Psasaie 21J. Androutos 22, P Fo x 23 . C . Fox 24, S, Hog g 25. M . Mazzarella 26. V Lrosi 27 . P. Randello 28.J.Tehan 29, D. Adams 30 F Miraglie 31 . A . Sherrill 32 . D. Scenes 33, G . Mills 34. P Gennaccaro 35. P Dowsel t 36 . M . Payne 37. D. DeMorton 38 . B . Williams 39 . L . Robins 40 . 1 . Rooney 41 . G . Poulton 42 . C . Bore Ii 43 . E Cirdi o 44 . P. Stamatakos 45. M . Karratas 46. J. Cardassis 47. M . Bnffa
49. C . Keay 50. C . Jewell 5Z S . Gibbons 54 . R . Burrows 55 .J . Roussos 56 . W. Dew 58, G . Turner 69 . J Besseil
S or Coach : Reserve Coach: Brett Scot t h~ igan
I Gleaso n
i McEnroe(C) , . Bowden ,_ Fullarto n - ,, . Ross c 3 . Turner Da y i Steven s Pric e S.Btlby '.' . Ega n S. Bisho p L Cooney 's G Henry L C Bilby L. Shaw 1, G . Thompso n C. Mille r 5 B Panagiotopoulos R P. Cram an (VC) R, Thompson ?8 P Duddendge ,-9. F. McKenzie 3-G. Poison 3 ' G . Evans 32 R. Gathercole M_ Bradfor d 3 A . Middleton 35 P. Henr y c. P Carmichael 37 D. Wittingslow - 8 P Bartlet t :2 . N Baxter ;3 P. Bowde n S Parker (VC) C. McKay 7 W. Anthony : 8 R . Barnard 4 9 . B Milne r ~ ! J. Simmon s T. Fogart y ~ 3, B, Ford ham 55. B Scott 59 D. Marlyn 61 . R Miller 67 P Sotenou M, Spencer 9 M, Stindl 7~ W. Crossley 7', SA . Soteriou B3 P Baroch 8 : P Lewi s
91 N Bathin g
y~Pl0~2SS10Il21S YOUNGS~
OLD GEELON G Senior Coach: R ussell Parkinson Rese rves Coach : Chris Barnet t 1 B Harwood (C) 2 J Twigg (VC) 3 P Clark e 4 SGude 5 R Burn 6 S . Burgess 7 T. Johnstone 8 J. Handbury 9 R Herman 10 T Hogg 11 D Colaci 12 M . Davis 13 A Jamieson 15 D Oliphant 16 W Dowhng 11 D McLeod 17 C . Hollis 18 C Richardson (DVC ) 19 M Youngman 20, D, Atkins 21 J . Dowling 22 .E.Spiden 23 C Landaie 24 D Holli s 25 J. Henderson 26 R Hanna 27 D Catanach 28, A. Turne r 29 . J Neville-Smith 30, B. Allender 31 .T Jackso n 32 . M . Baxter 33 W. Robertson 34 W Davi s 35 J Gaylard 36 R Bennett 37. M Borihwick 38 . Jon Moiiard 39 . P Jewell 40. H. MacGowan (DVC ) 41 R McDonald 42,C,Pappas 43. C. Slorach 44 A Morton 45. C Pearson 47 D Clerk 48 P Hayes(ResCapt) 50 J Grant 51 P Law 52 M Williams 53 C McKean 54 M . McPhee 55. A MacMillan 56 J. Omond 57 C . Ross 58. R Stubbs 59 C Stewart 60 B Smith 61 J . Stanley 62,A. Dawson 63.T Brocksopp 65. P Holloway 66. N. Robinson 67. H . Youngman 69, B,Furphy 70, G Lavender 71 . P. Wotherspoon 72, D. Laurie 73,B .Furphy 74, D . Leslie 75 J Munnings 76 J Twigg 77 J Ide
F3ennfuln Mackinnon & Assocfates
Senior Coach : Vern Boag Reserves Coach: Rod B ryant 1 . N . Williamson 2 . D. Marshall 1 . M . Sampson 3. P. Riordan (Capt .) 2 . S . McMahon 4. B. Ridewoo d 3. D . Morgan 5. G . Connolly 4.A .Hume 6. E . Koti s 5. D . Crowler 7. N . McColough 6. D. Angeler i 8. D . Seeley 7. N . Franks (DVC) 9. R . Smallwood 8. P. McGowan 10. S . Gray (Sean) 9. P Krohn 11 . R . Grech 10. C. Burch 12.D .Spencer 11 . R . Sharpin 13 . S . Zahra 12. C. Sharpin 14 . P. Lannan 13. T. Dennis 15. P Walker 14. S. Baxter 16. B. Berry 15, C. Hawke 17 . M . Atherton 16.J. Bleasby 17. M . Marines (Capt) 18. G . Burke 19 . B. Tomlinson 18. S . Glove r 20. M . Beasley 19. B . Collopy 21 . A. Whitelaw 20. B. Bonnett 22 . C. Bracchi 21 . P Corrie 23. B. Hutchinson 22 . R . Horrigan 24. T. Beasley 23. D. Maughan 25. D . Smith 24, M . Fisher 26. R, Burns 25. J. Ricketts 27. J . Elmore 26. G . Martin 28, C . Free r 27. J . Harrison 29. B. Hambridge 28. P Gracie 30. G . Fitzgibbon 29. T. Mitchener 31 . J . Flaniga n 30.J.Labrooy 32 . Matthew Beasley 31, S . Warner 33. C . Dunlo p 32. A . Gracie 34. A . Boag (VC) 33. W. Franks 35. B. Mills (ResCapt) 36. M . LHued e 34. R . Graham 37. N . Fitzgibbon (DVC) 35. S . Farrow 38. B. Dunstan 36. C. Watt 39. Mark Beasley 37. M . Watts 40. R . Mann 3& J. Crowder 41,T. Bryant 39. A. Walsh 42.P.Kennedy 40. W. Reid 43. C. Parks 41 . A . Dolphin 44 . R. Bryant 42.P Anqus 45. T. Gattuso 43. B . Jarrett 46. C. Ros s 44 . W. Bovingdon 47. P. Thompson (ResVC) 48. S . Free r 4& R . Keenan Senior Coach : M. Sampson Reserves Coach: W. Franci s
46. G . Robinson 47. E. Davey 48. G . Glover 49. S . Beg g 50. G . Debruyn 51 . M . Burnell 52. C. Gardiner 53. S . Hamilton 54 . C. Dickman 55, D. Hunter 56. D. Jennings 57. L. Marks
58. D. Matheson 59.J . Roc k 60. G . Scott
49. A. Pettinella 50. S . Campbell 51 . W. Miles 52. D. Kelsey 53.T. Cusack 54. M . Daniell 55. S . Mclver 56. D. Antrobus 57. G . Mclver 58.P Rya n
59. P. Newport
U .H .S .O .B. Senior Coach : Alan Flavel Reserv es Coach: Anthony Boyce 1 . A . Flave l 2 . R . Higgins 3. R Flavel 4.1 . Donoghue 5. J. Zanin 6.S.Agnew 7.C.Sknns(DVC) 8. K . Hunter 9. D . Cattanach 10. P. Burn s 11 . N . Caine 12. C . Arno] 13. P. McLean 14. D. Regan 15. M . Davidson 16.J.Ho 17. A . Crawford 18.P Hooper
19. J. Clements (Res) 20.P. Wood 21 M Grant(VC) 22 S . Gregory 23 P Sarran t 24, A . Kountios 25 G . Beasley 26. C. Gathercole (C) 27. K . Straha n 28. A . Fighera 30.S. Epifano 31 . T. Hallifax 32 .D.Bunn 33. B. Taig 34. J. Palmer 35. B. Lugg 36. R . Clements 37. R . Burns 38. A . Boyce 40, R . Salmon 41 . P. Bourke 42. D. Wallace 43.C.Roussos 44. P,Vesetas 45. R . Thompson 46. M . Roberts 47. L. Keating 48,B.Hudd 49. G . Spinks 50. P. Williams 52 . M . Hopwood 53.P Shanahan 54 B. Leared 55. J. Tohill
56. M . Kostos 57. M . Rennick 58. B. Rothweli 59. H . La Motta 60. C. Servior 61 . P. Kemp 62 . S. Beliamo 63. D. Cother 64. J. 0'Rarn 65.N .Seymour 66. R. Morris 67 . T. Marchant 68. T. Trantino 69. I . Wal l 70. D. Broadbent 71 .C .Shone 72. C. O'Rani 73 . J . Dennison 74 . I . Chettle 75. A. Hunter 76. D. Brooks
WEST BRUNSWICK Senior Coach : A . Hall Reserv es Coach: P. Leathern 1 . I . McNe,c e 3 A . Hall (Capt) 4. S. Casey (DVC) 5. P. Leatham (C-R) & S, Capro n 8. S. Lababdi 9. B . Davis 10. S . Fyffe 11 . L . Kirk 12. K . Buhagiar 14 . D. Anderson 15. P McNaughton 16. P Magafa s 17 . R . Diacono 19 . S . Bargiamidis 20,S.Lampard 21 . D. Lampard 22, N. Magafas 23. J. Jackso n 25. C . Hatzistavrou 26. S. Fitzsimmons 27. G . Hatzistavroc 28. P Rogozi k 30. B. Kyriakidis 31 .k.Vazquez 32 . T. Johnstone 33. G . Chappel l 34. C . Konstantmidis 35. R . Campagna 36. G . McDonald 37. S. Penny 38. B. Millin 39. W. Wilki e 40. R . Baker(ResVC) 41 . R . Hokkane n 42. G. Sheriff 44. M. Rodgers 4& R . Taylor 46. W. Lewis 50. P Robinson 52 .J .Hogan 54 . M . McRostie 55. M .Chapman(DVtiR) 56. W. Herrman n 57. C. Leathern 58. A . Maxwell 59. R . Ashdowne 62, J .R Traynor (VC) 63. S . Godfrey 64 . D. Marlow 68. L . White
THE POTBELLY RESTAURANT Lunch & Dinner 328 1260 Biagio (Badge) Genovesi 415 Abbotsford St. Nth . Melbourne 305 1
6f 8 918! V
COLLEGIANS Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach : Chris Warne r 1 S William s 2 D Hoyle (VC) 3 R Berzins 4 M HWbbins 5 S Hunt 6 A Ingleton 7 C Higson 8 C Pollock 9 G Griffith 10 C Warner 11 . W Daly 12 A Web b 13 S Hinchen (Capt) 14 R Schober(DVC) 15 P Wolf f
16 A Wallace 17 P Blackman 18 J Bennett 19 . A Scott 20 G Peck 21 I Roberts 22 G Parsons 23 A Wright 24 D Tadgeil (ResCap) 25 A Bau m 26 T Habben 27.A Coope r 28 R Savedra (Res VC) 29 K, Parsons 30, M Galbraith 31 .P Lawrence (ResDVC) 32 A Copeland 33 A Tobin 34 P Kahn 35 N Evans 36 . N Pike 37. C. Coyne 38 M, Conran 40 A, Lor d 41 D McQueen 42 H Stephens 43 N Comiey 44 A . Parkin 45 J Powell 46 A Mitchell 48. J Lemo n
49 G, Kenneally 50 . R, Greeves 51 P Baxte r 52 M, Whittaker 54, A Cornelius 55 M Davis 56 J Smit h 57 N . Schmidt 58,P Swan 59 R Lancaster 60. 8 Woofhouse 61 . R . Oliphant 65 R Newton 66 J Schmidt 69 D Phillips 71 P Breen
ELLI N Snr. Coach : Marra, Browne Res. Coach : Michael Dillon 1 A Paatscn 2 . J . Origlasso 3 . M . Coope r 4 C. Carr 5, P. Carafe 6. A Caffry 7, M . Dillon (ResCap) 8 . T Ama d 9 . M Day (VC) 10 . A, Gallagher it 5 Johnso n 12 S O'Flynn 13 M . Stapleton 14_ D. Howe (VCR) 15. D Bonse r 16, B Murra y 17, M . Colson (C) 18. G Wooler 210. P Thornley (DVC) i:~.j 19. M . Delahunt 22R Schober •~ .Pappas 23 R . James ;--4 20,J . Amad (DVC) 24 B Burden (C) ~ 21 . J . O'Hehir . Jenkins 22 T 25. A C2 23,S.Lennox 26. P Burke e 27. R, Lov 24 C . Castagna 28 . D Moore 25 . M . Keays 29 E Bamundo Lod 26. A Hewit t 30 A Royston 27 D Winterbottom 31, C V ghottl 28 S Padres 32 J Brassd 29 P, Harvey 33 C Bradley 30, R . Stewart 34 P Hick s r1j 35 S Bruno 31 C . Mason 36 R Bruno 32 G Sheehan 37 33. S . Beattie 38 . M Cavanagh 34. L Getson 39 M Rya n 35 R O'Cailaghan 40 0 Greenwood 36 D Menzies 41, W. Keighran 37 P Sheeha n 42 P Howar d 38. D 0'Caiiagha n . B Vighotti 43 44. N . Dellis 39. F. Battistelia . M Carydis (ResCapt) 40 A . Zannorn 45 46. A . Price 41 . P. Chappeli . Bradley 42 J 47. L . Scott 48 M . Peric (Re VC) 43 P Randall 49, R Macri 44. P McIntyre 50 M Rigon i 51 J Campion 45 S Boysen 52 C Carydis 46 J . Golds 53 R Saggese 47.T.Buhagiar 54 A. Mantis 48 . J GGoid s 55. G . McCaig 49, . Hughes 56. S . Harrison 50 M Chun 57. H Kendall 51 . D. Cottenll 58 . A . Foreman 52 P Fdis 59 . . McAllister 53 G Gallagher 60 N 54 .S Johnston
Senior Coach: Stephen Pirrie . Reserves Coach William Burke t .A Penc 2 . N Griffiths 3 M Bria 4 G, Crimmins 5 B . Irwi n 6 D Slices 7 B Casun a 8 B, Fitzpatrick 9 10 T. O'Kayh 11 R O'Kayii 12 1 5 Lord 3 C Knako u 14, P Clayton (VC) 15 G . White 16.N .Duncan 17.J Casuna 18 G Kaiac 19, R Barr y
55 M . Tomasoni 56 . A Day
58 M Palmieri Ranges Hotel/Motel 59, M . Tomasorn GEMBROOK 60 . J Abbott
National Park Hotel KINGLAK E Spread Eagle Hotel RICHMOND
1®i® s
OLD BOYS Senior Coach : M . Hannebery Reserves Coach : G . Pearce 2 M Hannebery 3 J Tierney 4 A Cahill 5 M Schmidt 6 M Borcich 7 P Booth 8 F. Muto 9 . S. O'Rourke (Cap') 10 8 Hanlon 1 S . Hoffman 12 . P. Wei r 13 B. Curuili 14 P Millett 15 P Kearney 16 M Hadley 17 M Boy d
19 P Considine 20 P Greaves 21 D. Baker 22, S. Moloney 23 C. Alevras 24 J. Marchbank (ResC) 25J. Schmidt 26 S Hibbert 27 R Atkinson 28, G Del l 29 P Daniel 31 G O'Toole 32 B Sexton 33 W Hanley 34, B Conti 35 M Fenneiiy 36 F. Hehi r 37 . S . Bussell 38, M, Bowman 39 . K, Scott 40 P Leigh 41 P Dwyer 42 A, Baker 43 D Hofstede 44 B . Girolami 45 M . Devine 46 P. Gayfer 47 D Sharp 48.C Goodear 49 T Jones 50 C Hibbert 51 . J . Cahill 52 . A . Mute 53. S Biscaro 54, A . Schmidt 55 D Perrone 56 T S1 Inc a
57 J Shannon 58 T Keogh 59 1 Aquila 60 . S . Scoli) 61, K Healey 63. A_ Dwyer 65. T. Hogan 66 J . Ciccotosto 67 D, Hinchclrffe
Senior uo-rirb c® .y,te D'.
Coach : n Tallen t . s :•rvc u Coach :
Stmon relian t
R~ ~we C , 1Paul Luby P Considine 2 P Wood (VC) 3 M Cons idine (Dv 5 D Sp illane 4 M Beers 5 D Spillane 6 J Geary 7 P Cosgntt 8 D, Reeves 9 A Canavan 10 B Considine 11 M Woo d 12 E Flynn 1 3 J Natoli 14. P Board 15 D, 16. M Heffernan 17 M . Vear
18 B Grills 19 D Bibby
20 D Mcinerney 21 T Bear e 22 A .Regan 23 P Luchetta 24 O Abrahams 25 L. Mansfield 26 P Fahey 27 P Stephens 28 P Shannon 29 P Zapp a 30 F Gleason (Cap!) 31 D Rya n 32 M Skerrdt 33 A Peyton 34 M Reid 35 P LaRosa 36 B McClements 37 D Freeman 38 R Mill s 39.P Brabender 40 D Qwx D Jackson 41 42,P Hammond 43 P Heal y 44 A Pritchard 45 D Perryman (Res C) 46 S Philp 47 B Shannon 48 P Caddy 49 D Angove 50 8 Exton Si G Silby 52 C Ray 53 D Exton 54 P Nailer 55 N Mills 56 P Walsh 57 D Beare 58 . M . Mullavey 59 D Beck 60 D Wails 61, P Hew itt 62 P,Northey 63 P Healy 64 P Henry 65 J Jackson 66 D Wall s 75 G O'Donnel l
L . ," .FtTH i PTY . L'fD Transport Contractors 76 Cremorne Stree t RICHMOND 312 : Telephone 429 3 :->'
3tanton Veselh k Hooper Chambers cCall L Fraser Smith R McLe s h R Macmillan P Drummon d C Perkins
P Sherwe n S . Rodwel l D McNa b R Emmett R Maxwell A Hart ^ Wigne y ,i Forbes - Pric e A Hawdon A Smith (DVC) S Bone s S Il6ngv:orth J West M Lusi J Robinson R Morrison G Au d S Hawkins P Brown J Har t A Jap p R Austin M Godwi n B Cai n M Brady B Shepard R . Petty J MacMillan l . Hil l B . Arnold D. Rundl e S Montgomery R Mirams M McGrego r D Kay
N Ellwood 4 C Winneke T Hart 8 Crum p R Hume K Ke l R Buhagar : D Murtag h
Sa A Phillip s
A Pullar D Wearne 3 A Negri
OLD XAV ERI AN S Senior Coach: D . Corcoran Rese rves Coach : M . Callihan 1 P . Visenhrn 2 T.Stoney 3 D. Meagher 4, R Curtain 5 N Bourke 6 . J . Curtain 7 . W. Denton 8 . D McKay 9, M . Coliopy 10 . A . Walsh 11 . S . Slatter y
12 . M . O'Shaughnessy 11 A. McCorkell 14 . D . Stoney 15 . T . Watson 16 .L . Meehan 17 . A. Ralp h
18, P . O'Sullivan 19 G . Gooding 20, A, Callan 21 . S . Lethlean 22 . R. Visentini 23 . P . Web b 24 . S . King 25 . D . Taylor 26 . T Atkins 27J Kennedy 28 A Kivac 29,J Quwlty 30. D Dann 31 R Rai ph 32, C . Ralph 33 . P. Klein 34 . P. Grattan 35 . C . Mortensen 36 . M . Gibson 37 . M . Elli s 38, M . McClelland 39 .S.Heathenngton 40. J . McGrath 41 .R .Hobbs 42.D . Hoban 43. A . Warhurst 44 .B .Heaphy 45, N. Spangle 46 . S . Furphy 47 .C.Thorogood 48,0 McLean 49 J , Tull y 50 P, Watson 51 P, Connors 52 J Ralph 53 . J . Bloom 54 . M . Brennan 55 . C. Katopodis 56. D Berry
Senior Coach : M ike McArthur-Allen Assistant Coach: Mr. Geoff Riley 1 P, Cox 2 P Schuhkraft 3 T Boyanton 4 . R Barnes 5. D . McDonald 6 . A . Best 7 G Fisher 8 . M . Gilmore 9. C . Tonki n 10 . M . McDonald 11 . R . Strahan 12 . A . Mennen 13 . P . Kingston 14, S, Taylor 15 . N . Cox 16 . R . Eishoid 17 . P . Sutherland 18 . M . Burns 19 . A . Jobling 20 . B . Nash 21,S .Carboon 22 . B, Connell 23, P- McDonald 24 .S . McCooke 25 . P . Forsyth 26 . M, Brown 27 . T. Hili e 28, P . Nankervis 29 . P .Adams 30, D . Wood 31 . V . Gervasoni 32 B. Madden 33 . A. Ro e 34 . G . Russell 35 . S . Grace 36 . T Stewart 37 . D . Robertson 38 . P . Milne r 39 . W . Bramich 40 . M . Tobin 41 . R. Oaten 42, J . Casey
43 . P. Harrington 44 . T . Ma u 45 . R . Singleton 46 . M . Anderson 47 . W . Crump 48, D . Nes s 49 . D Hansen 50 . L . Black 51 . A . Connelly 52. T. Tsiavis 53. M . Crampton 54, M . McConville 55 . O . Eliui 56K,Benham 57 D Rot h 58, Bruce Williams 59 Brett Williams 60. D Cox 61 M . Nix 62. C . Conroy 63. J . Clarkson 64. A . Noblett 65. C . Jenszen 66 . R . Gow 67 . P, Konstanty 68 S .Egan
Senior Cr Wayne I rin k Assistant Coach : Jack King Reserves Coach: Mark Wilso n 1 W Bannister 2 B Glasgow 3 F Sansonett: 4 R Gard 5 T Gar d 6 L Jakovices=o 7 G Yoks,ch 8 R Shanahan 9 W Buchhorn 10 M Sturgess (CapO 11 P Hanse n 12 L Insane 13 V Soligo 14 M Sedgwick 15 J Papas 16 M Campbell t7 C Feeman 18 J Adducci 19 S Rodwe!I 20 P Smit h 21 D_ Debas, 22 M_ Wilson (CCR) 23 M Sherlock 24 G Wdl,ams(DVC) 25 J Kinakidis 26 M Bradley 27 L Pan)an 28 T Franklin 29 M Rowe (VC) 30 J Fakes 31 J King (VCR) 32 L Cowell 33 M Cotter 34 T Pa,a 35 G Pan7an 36 P Torre 37 P Coleman 38 N Vmcrtono 39, B Hunt 40 S Bannister 41 D, Wood 42 G Dunbabm 43 P Papas 44 L Clarke 45 P Matkans 46 P Sherlock 47 N . Mitchel! 48 W Smith 49 B Inserts y 50 K, Hart 51 G Pollock 52 G Naidis 53 A Taoulk 54 F Denami 55 D Watso n 56 P Papatheodorcu 57 S Tolley 58 D Pavrtt 59 T Jackson 61 J Pan)an 62 G Thomas 66 A Stuart 69 S Lock e
Ser r Coach : fFtan Salte r
Reserves Coach : Peter Kiplocks 1 8 Lowe 2 R Furph y 3 G Williams (V C } 4 M Yea 5 J Tratin)ek 6 W Carrot! 7 G Alie n
8 M Yande!I 9 M . McCarty 10 . A Nalder 1 C. Gunn 12 J Kants (C) 13 R Walton 14 D Gust 15 A Norman 16 G . Allardice 17 C Holmes 18 S Stevenson 19 D Karamoshos 20 S . Ballard
21 . A Schiicht 22 R Jaksic 23 T . Giles 24 A. Wallis 25 C Taylor 26 D Maclnnes 27 M Ligh t 28 G Hazeidme 29 D Buckley 30 P Steven s 31 M Formosa 32 .A Nugent 33 S Connolly 34 H Worsiey 35 M Johns 36 N Macaulay 37 A McDonald 38 A Mitchell 39 0 Freemarttle 40 D Coulte r 41 S Lowrey 42 B Cohen 43 A Kennedy 44 J Moors 45 G Taylor 46 B Dowling 47 M H,ckey 48, P Rowe 49 D Christie 50 I Wiimclh 51 C Watson 52 A . Carter 53, C . McDonald 54 J Young
55 D Atkins 56 S Cho w 57 58 59 60
0 Carmchae! T McIntosh D Christie T Vea l
61 W Harris 62 N Wylie 91 J Lawley
0oper s &Lybra n cnar:eree accountan
B Section I-V\ (~e il~[,
J k 'A
I.4P BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Alan Parris Rese es Coach : David rv Keast 1 G . Ciarke 2 N . Tsiotmas 3 T Rowe 4 D Fit t 5 D Shine 6 R Heat h
7 P Robertson 8, A, Smythe 9. P Bel l 10 P. George 11 S Farley 12. A Parris 13, J McInerney 14 T Pulse 15. PFauikner 16. P Corstorphin 17. D. Mayn e 18. A . Course 19, P Nigro 20, H . Harisiou 21 . Q Hooper 22 P. Engellener 23 .S Pac e 24 . H Murtic 25 T Merrett 26 R. Minnie 27 B . Kelly 28 P Mutimer 29 C Deer 30 R Field 31 .A.Panou 32 M Wilson 33.G Miles 34. N . Bone 35. M . Osborne 36. P. Gilmore 37 . N . Cameron 38. D . Cameron 39. T. Drive r 40. M . McInerney 41, A . Rozantis 42 . W. Arthu r 43 . P Anderson 44 . J . Rosarntis 45 D. Philpots 46 .B .Sheehan 47. T Bone
48, S . Slate r 49, K. Theunisse 50. A . Theunissen 51 .S .Hendne 52 . B Degoldi 53 M Agrohs 54P Bone 55 D Peters 56,S, Bond 57. M . Mason 58 J Frossinos
Ft n3l~
DE LA SALLE Coach : Bernard Dunn Asst . Coach : Peter Hannan 1, M . Green 2 . P. Barry 3 C, Anderson 4 B . Waldron 5 N . Frazer 6, P Green 7 L Pergol i 8 . C. Wright (DVC) 9 . C. Campbell 10 D Tessier 11 .J. Richardson 12 . D. Toohey 13 .P Beddoe 14 .T. Lazzaro 15 . G. Connolly (Capt) 16 . P. O'Tool e 17 P. Green 18 . C. Steiger 19 . M, Behan 20. P O'Brie n 21 . J. O'Callaghan 22 . S . Nash 23 . M . O'Callaghan 24 M . Lowe 25 . D . Carroll 26 P. Wyles 27. D, Kinsella
28 M Knuppel (VCapi) 29, M . Bolt 30.G . McHenry 31 . S Davey 32 G.Sheedy 33 P. Lync h 34, A. Cluning 35. B. Gray 36. L . Sullivan 37 . B. Heading 38,C.Kuchel 40.S .McGraw 41 . K . Mullins 42, N . Mitchell-Hill 43. M . Harrington 44.T. O'Callaghan 45. C . McClunan 46. M . Hagen 47. B . Kellett 48.T. Brideson 49. G . Mulcahy 55 . P. Dwyer
FAW KNER Senior Coach : Stephen Buckley Reserves Coach : Mark Tymm s 1 . M . Tymms 2 . P Rundle 3 . G . Busst 4 . W. Hoare 5 . S. Littl e 6 . R . Wilson 7. D. Cropley 8 .I .Habgood 9 .J . O'Leary 10 .B.Saggers 11 . K . Busst 12 . P. Tymms 13 . P. Kerslake 14, M . Roach 15 . D, Terr y
16 . L. Cohen 17. G . Ould 18 . K . Korp 19 . S . Barrett 20. G . Scott 21 . P, McAuliffe 22 . D. Boot h 23. N . Gosewmckel 24 . B . Youn g 25 . A . Staggers 26 . B . Sellec k 27. G . Livingstone 28 . A Scot t 29, M . Barrett 30, T Piccmin 31 .J . Madden 32, A . Johnston 33. P. Maferczak 34. D. Ruggerio 35. P Barrett 36, C. Kell y 37. M . Middlemo 38. P Smit h 39. L . Dowd 40. R . Buller 41 . D.CeccMrn 42 . K . Dehenin 43, M . Busst 44. G, Mitchell 45. D . Smith 46, B. Smith 47. A. Brown 48 . G . Walker 49 . D. Portelli 50. R . Cohen 51 . A . Wood 52. M . Potter 53. S . Lydiatt 54. M . Kane
55. M . Scurgeon 56. J. Harrop 61 . R . Kavanagh 62 . K . Kavanagh 63.T Kavanag h
Daytran 3Mi:F-ri.D Victorian Freight Experts
MELBURNIANS MONASH UNI . BLUE S Senior Coach: Brian Ford Rese rves Coach: Marcus Hanlon 1 .J, Alexander 2 . I . Kohler 3 . I . Sest 4 B. Cornwell 5, G . Gale 6 I Hildebrand 7 . B . Seato n 9 . L . Baring 10 . J . Keep 11, M . Spencer 12, G . Oakley 14 . R . Hyett 16. A . Quin 17,S.Zachandis 18. G . Hipwell 19 .D.Schwedes 20 . S Manuell 21 . S . Giles
22 B .Rodoni 24 . P . Triandos 25 . P . Baisanni 27 .D . Newman 28 . P . Littl e 29 . A. Headberry 30 . J . Sturgess 31 J . Smith 32 K Haeusler 33, N . Searle 34 . J . Quin 35 . A . Triandos 36. M . Kerr 37. J . Andritsos 39 . J . Spencer 40. M . Dhilion 41 . A . Kiers 43 . G. Enders 45, M . Later 46 . A. Hodgson 47 . J . Nicolopoulos 48 . P . Andrntsos 49 . K. O'Brien
50 . M, Servos 51, B . Hodgson 52 . A. Hadley 53 .J .Shady 54 . G . Lor d 55 . Z . Maric 57 . M . Kanizay 58, M . Hanlon 59 . H . Middleton 65 . D . Woo d 67 . P. Whiteside 68. G Scaizo 69 . D . O'Keeffe 70.S.Jones 71 .M . Hay 72,P Kavanagh 73, A Parsons 74 . C . Atkinson
O'Iouche Ross Chartered Accountants
OLD BRIG : -, TON Senior Coach : Mark Sarau Rese rves Coach : Jeff Bennet t 1 . G. Bennett (VC) 2 . M . McLennan 3 . A . Pryor 4 M . Barber 5 . M Waddington 6 . M Allen
7 .S O'Connor 8 . M . Sara u 9 . M . Fishe r 10, C . Lade (Capt) 11 . C . Blai r 12 . D . Cochran 14 . J . Bennett 15, R . Smith 16. M . Shippen 17, P . Woff
18 L . McMahon 19 C . Brook 20.T Grant(DVC) 21 C .Jame s 22 . L. Monument 23 . A . Cooper 25 . P . Grant 26 . C. Smith 27 .T . Burns 28 . T . Gal e 30 . G . Densten 32 . J . Wal l 33 D . Smyth 34, S . Green 35 . T Sunderman 37 M Selby 38 . J . Tregaskis 39,T . Hoar 40.K .Young 42. P . Thompson 43. R . Wrait h 44, R . Brown 45 . L. Fides 46 . D, Hogan
OLD BRIGHTON RESERVES Reserv es Coach: Jeff Bennett 1, J . Allmand 6 N. Hillard 9 M . Osborne 12 . D . Roberts 19 0 . Millis
10 . M . Hutchinson 25 . P. Latze r 48 . S . Kay
Ssnior Coach: Alan Stoneham Rese rves Coach : Simon Trumble
T, Wilts
.~: . R . Pisarski j, Nichols : . D_ Corone r I. = . P . Murray ~ . I. Arnol d 7 A . Cochrane 3 A . Tymms 9, G. Bradshaw
10 A Joyc e
, . N . Johnstone W Bagli n R . Seccull I5, J . Warmsiey 1F P Woo d !,' D, Ward-Ambler 18 . W . Ward-Ambler 19. P. Thompso n . _) . A . Sale k 21 J . Roysmith 22. M Ellinghaus ?3 A Wills 24 D . Wilson 25 R . Brown 26. T . Stucky 27, E, Coroner 28. C . Tyenl l - R, Mead 30 C . Elstoft 31, M Hope 32.R . Webb 33, X Bull '. 34 . C . Anastasakis 35. D McDonald 36 P Nelson 37 G . Curtis 38 M . Naylor 39. R . Nelson 40. C . Walker 41 G . Dixon 42. E. Smithers 43 . J . Dowd 44 J Harty 45,Z.Usenov 46 . J . Keeble 47. H . Summer 48. T. Werthmayer 49. S. Bardsley 50 T . Rea d 51 M . Edgley 53. N . Troupe 54 A . Wilson 55. D . Nelson 56 N Boyden 57 R . Anderson 58. T Kelsey 59 W . Kelso 61 . A . Stafford 62, A . Francis 63 B . O'Halloran 64 .M .Daddo 67 . S . Burny 68 . G . Nelson 69 . D . Hamilto n
ST . BERNARDS OLD TRINITY GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach : Russell Forbes Reserv es Coach : Craig Neave 1, A. Dun n 2 . C . Robiso n 3 . A. Ailibon (Capt) 4 . T . Norman (VC) 5 . D . 0'Shaughnessy 6 . A. Taylor 7 . R. Forbes 8 . A . Kenealy 9 . C . Glass 10 . C . Brent 11 . T . Phillips 12 . T . Clark 13 . B. Trotter 14 . P . Beer 15 . T . Pontefract 16, A. Blac k 17 . L Farrell 18 . A. Maizels 19 .J .Hope 20 . M Parlbett 21 .S . Drum 22 . P. Robison 21 J .Adgemis 24 .A. Anderson
Borghesi 26 . L . Colema n 27 . I . Wallace (DVC) 28 . G . Harve y 29 . A . Demme 30, D . Woods 31, M . Turner 32 . N . Sammut 33 . P. Scott 34 .P.Papas 35 . A . McAree 36, J . Carnegie 37 . R . Sella 38 . J Cash 39 . S. Stoddart 40 . K . Kenealy 41 . I . Teller 42 .R . Gruen 43 . C Neave 44 . A . Turner 45 . N . Kolitis 46 . M . Heat h
47 A .Phadoneos 48 . B . Beamish 49 . R . Bon d 50 . D . Wallace 51,D .Rogers 52 . D . Butera 53 . S . Cowley 54 . P. Dowling 55 . J . Francis 56 . P. Serron i 57 . P. Blankensop 58 . P. Deveraux 59, M . Nougher 60 . M . Stanley 6t . G . Heath 62. J .P. Adgemis 63 . J . Davey
Senior Coach : Frank Melican Rese rves Coach : John Wood 1, M . Sullivan 2 . P. Fitzgerald 3 L . Dailey 5,JO'Connor 6, G McAllister (V,C,) 7,J .Toohey 8, P. Monagha n 9 . G . Wood . (Capt .) 10 . J . Federic o 11 . P. O'Brien 12 .P. Hogan 13 . R . Purcei l
14 . S . Melican (D .V C .) 15 .F . Monagha n 16 J . Pearson 18 A Purcell 19 . S. Byrne 20 . J . Fraser 21 . C . Doolan 22 . M . Mahady 23 . S. Walsh 24, K . Mahady 25. G Tot o 26, M . McGrath 27 . A . Nathan 28. P . Morrice 29 . J . McInerney 30 . G . Powell 31 . M . Fitzpatrick 32 . P. Bunting 33 . M . Redmond 34 . J, O'Connell (D .VC .) 35,J Saundry 36 . P . O'Dea 37, M . O'Connell 38 . D . Sullivan 39 . J . Gollant 40 . W . Haddad 41 . P. Freeman 42 . A . Griffiths 43 . A McCleave 44,G Powell 45 . A Walsh 4& A . Capes 47, D . Dowling 48, B . Doolan 49 . D . Constance 50 L . Overman 51 . A Sullivan 52 D McAllister 53 . R Dooian 54 . G Matthews 55 D Abfalter 56 M . Syrian 57 . A . Hargreaves 58 . B . Nott 59 . A . Elliot 60 . N Hiscox 64 . D, Wood 65 . T . Bourke 66 . D . Bourke 74 . S. Phelan 75 . P. Hargraces 76 . D . Copelan d 77 . M . Dowling 78, M . Devers
THERRY Senior Coach : A . Crotty Asst . Coach : M. Purcell I G Biddlestone 1 . M Conway 2, J . Zanotti 3 .J .Toohey 4 . S . Eastmure 5 . S Ramsay 6 T . Quin n 7, P, Jones 8 . G . Bourke 9 M . Grocock 10 . R . Egglestone 11 . A. Crotty 12, J . Gallagher 13, M . Bosanko 14 . J Reddic k
15 . P . McCann/C . Barrett 16 .5 Gibso n 17 .R Lyons 1 8, T, Taylor 19 . A. Ratcliffe 20 . M . Ennis 21 . J . Tyler 22 S . Bourke 23 C . Bye 24 . P . Mellon 25 . M . O'Rourke 26 .P .Ryan 27 . M . Tadinac 28 . D . Sandman 29, M . Hudson 30 .G . McCormack 31 .S .Ryan 32 . R . Costello
31 S . McMahon 34, M . Donohue 35 . D . Aitken 36 . S . O'Brien 37, D . Castaid, 38 . M . O'Kearney 39 . M . Hudson 40 . C . Muscat 41 . M Crotty 42 .P .Ryan 43 A. Whelan 44 M . Doran 45 . P . Davern 46 C Ryan 47, P Ratcliffe 48 D . Wngglesworth 49, J . Mello n 51, R . Moran 52 . H . Ayad 53 . S . Cranwell 54 .P .Jones 55 . M Purcell 56 . M Bell 57 . G McCullough 58 . C Mill s 64 . P . Crotty 65 . M Hogan 75 P . Bruno 88 . P . Murphy
Senior Coach : Kevin Morrison Rese rve Coach : Rick Frazer 1 . P . Sjogren 2, J . Radford 3 R . Grummett 4 M Russel l 5 G . Salerno 6 A Coker 7 . S. Cern i 8. J . Somerville 9, S. Phillipson 10 . S, Brommel 1 1 .M . McErvaie 13 L.Banks t4 T. Marks t5 J . Garde I& B Keifer 17, N Hopkins 18 M Lagastes 19 P Vaughan 20 N . Capp 21 .C .Jobson 22 . G . Newing 23 .A Bearham 25 . M . Gibney 26 B Pattinson 27 . N, Heath (V .C } 28 . B . van Denderen 29 J Gray
30 G, Keys 31 J . Cummins 32 N Pappas 33 G Miller
34 P, Somerville 35 .J .Hughson 36 . J . Smit h 37 . G . Haeusler 38 . A McArthur 39,S Davie 40 . E . Popovic 41 . M . McLaughlin 42 . G Wines (C) 43 B Warre n 44 P Dillo n
45 E Heffernan 46 C Thompson 47 . L. Doyl e 48, A, Rogers 49 A Gray 50 .5 Shaddock 51 .J .Chomiey 52 M Bel l 53 . A Salerno 54 . S Thomas 55 . B Hains 56, D . Robinson 58 .T Hogan 59 P Weigard 60 M Ranki n 61 . A . Cunningham 65 A .Young 69,A, Bate y 72, M Giltrap 74. J Campigh 82 .A Donald
Peat Marwick Hungerfords
OL[? H r+,iLEY B URIANS .;.Aa`J`d'ULE SALd.CL. Senior Coach: Mike Smith Rese rves Coach : David Read 1 K Angwin 2 0 Gregory 3 A, Hill 4 B Rafferty (Capt) 5 M Hill 6 A Breslin 7 M. Kouts 8 . K Palmer (D'VC) 9 B Angwi n 10 D. Caddy 11, B Wilson 12 P McGrath 13 N Monaghan 14 R . Patterson 15 . P Bresli n 16 R Morrison 17 John Sist 1& K, Hartley 19 S Withers 20 M . Conroy 21 . C. Chalker 22. PAusterberry 23 G . Schultz 24. S. Gates 25. James Sist 26 A . Antonio 27.1 Withers 28 H . Dickson (VC) 29, R . Stocker (ResDVC) 30 STalanco 31 G . Otaen (ResVC) 32, S . Hill (Res Capt) 33 T. Hil l 34 . B O'Shannessy 35 . S .Kovacs 36 . R . Tangey 37 T Harmes 38, S Spalding 39,K.Dnnan 40 . G Halpin 41 . A . Levey 42. G . Brown 43.1 . Gailunas 44.G Toogood 45, M . Gamin 46. R . Calde r
47. A. Christensen 48 R Laffey 49. D . Cassar 50 A Harrison 51 J. Smith
Senior Coach : John Simpson Reserves Coach : Steve Scullin 1 S Scullin 2 C Holst 3, L Holt
4 M Legge 5 C,Lad d 6 P. William s 7 J- Fraumano (VC) 8, B. Moloney 9. G . Pyers 10 P Adams 11 S Sanders 12 D. Gilbert 13. A Short
14. D. Allard (C) 75. P. Moore 16. R . Doherty 17, 6 Collins 18. J. Turnbull 19. A . Dal e 20. G Gent 21 . A Cosoimo 22. J Gilham 23. W. Lusk 24. G . Foster 25. M . Power 26. A. Mil l 27 . G. Mooney 28 A. Weston 29. G . Sutterby 30 A Barry 31 M Veal 32, C. West 33 . D . Glas s 34. G . Donaldson 35 . C . Pyer s 36 . D . Turner 37. D Gent 38 . J . Bishop 39 . B . Bowler 40 . W. Gibson 41 . D. Taylor 42 . P Austi n 43 . C . Richmond 44 .B .Hogan 45. M . Gilbert 46. M Knowles 47. T Kearsey 48, M. Clos e 49. P, Mayerhofer 50. M . Phillip s 51 A. Thompson 52, S Coulson 53, G . Castledine 54. R. Knigh t 55. D . Williams 56.G .Lugg 57. R . Cullen 58, G. Anderson 59 . G. Plac e 60. S. Smith
B . A .F.C . proudly sponsore d
C:'-.UL F9ELU GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach : George Voyage Rese rves Coach : Rob Voges L D Matthews 2 J . Roseman 3. B. Mathews 4 R . Morrissey 5. W. Horton 6, D . Lowe 7, G . Boston 8. M Millard 9 G Din d 10 J Stone (VC) 11,J . Dickson 12. R . Harrison 13 R . Sweetland 14. T. Nelso n 15 C . Cooney (Capt) 16. T. Royals (DVC) 17. G . William s 18. N . Cox 19.J. Restanck 20, G . Bourke 21 N . Brohier 22. J, Clarkson 23 D. Allen 24 K. Dachs (ResVC) 25, J . Harle y 26 S . Williams 27 N . Capie 28, S Cossart-Walsh 29. R Castles 30. S. Kiose 31 . M.Rudden 32 . M . Dicrosta 33. P McNamara 34. C . Roseman 35. R . Harri s 36 . C . Worthingto n 37. M . Schoiten (ResCapt) 38 P. Atkinso n 39 . J . Maestros 40 . S. Roseman 41 .A . Hea p 42 D. Gregor 43, R . Royals 44 C Bettany 45. M . Stanio 46. P. Roseman 47, J Neater 48. B. Rossiter 49. S. Morrison 50. J . Headiam 51 . K. Hedi n
52 . S . Christopher 53. C Dale 54, B. Shaw 71, G . Paine (ResDVC)
HAr_)PTON ROVERS Senior Coach : Ian Rice Reserve Coach : Ian Cave 1 . M Coutts 2 A Lawso n 3 E . Panagiotidis 4 M . Andrew s 5, D, Rogerso n 6. D. McConville (Capt) 7 . B . Hibb s 8. C. Amoore 9. P. Wilson 10 . W. Austin 11 . I. Rogerso n 12 . W. Capp (DVC) 13 . P Poulter
14 W. Boyl e 15. S Mulholland 16. N . Hope 17. B, Bird
18, A Winkler 19. J. Hunter 20 . S. Devereaux 21 . E. Meinjak 22, R . Hetherington 23 . D. Devol a 24 . M . Young 25. R . Melntak 26. J . Ross 27, D . Griffi n 28 M . McKellar 29 S .Pappon 30. G Co x 31 S, McDonald 32 A, Lucas 33. J. Mather 34. P. Jones 35. P Hartshorn 36. P. Newman 37. P. Geuho 38 . J . Harper 39 . K . Ivey (C.Res) 40. P. Kalitsi s
41 R Rogerso n 42 . A. Pryor (V,C,Res) 43 C . Elliott 44 . L . Geeson 45 M . Cain 46. I . Boyle
47, B. HOistock 48 E . McKay 49, R . Malin 50. G . Hoggett 51 D. Fitzpatrick
FERRARI FASHION S Ladies & Mans Wear Hire & Sales 467 North Rd . Ormond 578 0943
I VA N .'- . Senior Coach : John Wise Rese rves Coach : John Kin g 1 . R Armstrong 2 . G Cameron 3 D . Hoffman 4. M . Donohue 5. P Manuel 6 J. Hoffman 7. J. Matthew 8. J . Wise 9. M . Thackwray 10. R Angehrn it . D. Witchell 12 . M . Lengacher 13, P. Rawley 14, E . Newbold 15. J . Djori c 16. R Pentingdi 17.A .Zanata 18. G . Peacock 19 . G . Builen 20. A . Woolfe
21 . C. Rose (VC) 22 . R . Gitto s 23. I . Forsyth (VC.) 24. A . Newbol d 25. A . Barre (Capt) 26. M . Lac y 27- T Anderson 28. A . Balcombe 29 . R . Malcolm 30 . J . Maki n 31 . W . Baker 32 . M . Peacock 33 . C. Flynn 34 . M . Fabri s 35. A. Sotiropoutos 36. S . O'Connell 37, R . Lewis 38,S .Lynn 39. D. Flyn n 40.L . Blakney 41 . C. McDonald (R .Capt) 42 . S . Hal l 43, M . Jones 44 J. Sampson 45. M . Pratt 46. R . Szygalski 47 . R Maloney 48. D . Libertone 49. A . Matthews 50. W. Lloyd 51 .D .Webb 52,J,Lynch 53 . P. Bisogrn 54 . L . Cenagdzqa 55, S . Murray 56, M . Flynn 57 . T. Oberin 58. M.Snedden 59. D. Carroll
Senior coach : Simon Meehan Rese rves Coach : Greg Meadows A. Baxter C Connell N Schmidt J, Robertson C McKenzie S Dangerfield G. Phillip
W Smith L C. Waring . 8 S, Meehan 9 . T Lyel l 9 . A, Mytton to, P Bennett 11, J . Rae 11 . R . Wilso n 12, D. Seccuil (Capt) 12. G . Meadows
3. S . Fuller 13. B. Carty 14. G . Lasscock 15. T. Dora n 15. W. Phillps 16. J . Bingham 17, W. Cox 18, M . Constable 18. C. Lan e 19. R, Gerny 21, A. Walden 22 R . Kingston 23. P. Noske 23. S. Kin g 24. R. Lavender 25 M . Colston 26, J . Barclay 27. G . Smith 28, D. Merrell 28, A. Gilchrist 29 W Byrns 29 T Jones 30 A . McGoriick 31 . N. Cameron 3Z D . Miller 33.G . Tanner 33. W. Caspers 34 D Fletcher 35 P. Derham 36 R. Parto n 37. P. Wigg 38 D. Cotton 38 A. Wigg 39 . A Hood 41 J . Wood 4 2 P.Flockhart 44,R Hawker 45 . i, Ridoutt 46 . C. Far r 47. R . Dobson 4& P Merrell 56 B .Ladd s
OLD IVANHOE GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach : B. Nievandt Rese rves Coach : 1 . B,Yarwood 2 . R . McKenzie 3, D . Faliaw 4. I . Wells (Capt.) 5. J. Stevens 6. D. Veal 7. B. Cockerili 8. P Skalberg 9. S . Bal i 10 . B . Hall 11 . A . Ryan 12 . A . Marks 13 . J . Marshall 14 . M . Huber 15 . P, Cargrn 16 . T Stevens 17. A . Trigardh 18 S Corlett 19 .S .Jenkins 20. M . Dyson (VC( 21, A. Haug 22. D. Scot t 23, S . Campbell 24. W. Parr y 25. B. Nievandt (Coach) 26. N . Glover 27 P, Ritchie 28,D .Jones 29. B. Wilso n 30. C . Warren-Smith 31 Jr Norman 32 N. Harris 33. S Ramsdell 34 . M. Lindley 35,S .Conboy 36. A . Ongarello 37. E . Fakhr i 38. 1 Stanley 39, R . Bashford 40 B. Bennett 41 .T. Cormack 42 . S. Chalkley 43 .C,Land 44, C. Haug 45. S . McKay 46.S,Burgen 47. D. Cuttriss 48 . M . Sherwood 49 . M . Dodderdl 50, P Wilde 51 . D. Taylor 52 . A . Novak 59 . R, Bel l 63 . N . Skaiberg
PRESTON MBO B Senior Coach : G . Tsoiacos Assistant Coach : N . Caicutt Reserves Coach : S. Ryles 1 . N . Calcutt 2 . i . De Bono 3. L . Johnston 4. S . Hinchcliffe 5. D . Cato n 6 D, Hepbur n 7, D. O'Brien (C Son ) 8. J. Culp h 9, D . Heenan 10, J . Mounsey (VC San) 11, A . Hodgso n 12, G . Hawke 13 . A. Philp 14 . M Zubak 15 D. Hal l
16 . 8, O'Conno r 17. G. Turner (VCSan) 18 . B . Milner 19 . G . Phillips 20. M . Faure 21 . M . Walkiey 22 . P. Bullock 23. i, Ewing 24. R, Warwick 25r S. McGowa n 26 A. Brydson (V.D.C-Sen) 2T S Richardson 28. A Allen 29 C McGaw 30. P Cahgiur; 31 . T Mason 32 . M . Mason 33 R Haysom 34 P Jones 35 S . Ryles (CC Res) 36 N . Maynard 37 E . Kyriaco u 38, G . Sabah (VC Res) 39 R . Johnston e 40 M, Hodgson 41 . D Phil p 42. M . Mitchell 43 . L Caiigiun 44, R Costello 45 . S. Baxter 46 J . Mountney 47, T. Richards 48 . J . McCorry 49 . T Trantmo 50 C Caligwn
Senior Coach: Alan Quaife Rese rve Coach : A. Cheste r 1 . R . Hawkins (VCR) 2. A . Chester 3. A. Varasdi 4 . J . Sergeant 6. G . Gros s 7. S Kerr (DVC) 8. P Joyce 9. J . Fogarty 10. M . Klvac 11 . H Stone (DVC) 12, R. Arthurson 13 P Hooper 14.J . Dyno n 15. O.Houngan 16, P. O'Brien 17. P. Foley 1& C Halfpenny 19. A . Rowbottom 20. A. Hall 21, T. Holde r 22 B. Campbell (VC) 23. M . Waters 24 .P. Meagher 25 D Rigoni 26 A Simmons 27 J. Quinlan 28, J . Bare 29 . J . O'Brie n 31, J.FX. Sergeant 32 . P Charle s 33 . S, Loorham 34 . R . Hourigan 35 R . Davey 36 M McKaige 37 A Beale (Capt) 38 A Richardson 39. D Chaffey 40, B, Clark (ResCapt) 41 . T Wilkinson 42 P Chaffey 43, S Bare 44 B . Millar 45 N Morrison 46 D DeRooden 47 M. Treloar
48 A . Nanfra 51,J O'Brien 52 . P. Lewin 59 N Jolle y
i S
~ 0N
ST. KILDA C .Z .O.C . Senior Coach : Peter 011vieri Reserves Coach : Bernie Salter 1 A . McGaw 2 L, Buckley 3 J Howard 4 B Boyd (Capt) 5 M Gtlia n 6 . M . Struth 7, C_ Capron 8 . A . Trabinger 10, P. Buzza 11 . M Driscoll 12 . A Avdabd e 13. P Susovich (ResVC) 14. M Lee 15, M . Lake (DVC) 16 M . Arien s 17 J Clagnan 18 B Gill 19 M Kin g 20 A . Riddell (VC) 21 .D.Behnk 22 .P.Dynon 23, M Clinc h 24 . A . Murphy 25 M . Harpe r 26 . M . Broadhead 27. P Berenger 28 .A .Brandwood 29 .1 Hammam 30 S McGarrity 31 P Sherman 32, M Murnhy 33 P Gonzales 34, M . Boyd 35 R . Baliann 36 . C Kraus 37. P. White 38, R . Oakley 39, G. Heal y 40 G Broadhead 41 D Phelan
42, J Naughton (ResDVC) 43 S Monagle 44. M . Howard 45 P O'Dea (ResCapt) 46 W Fiddle r 47 . R Salvirn 48 J. Palmer 49. N, De Raad 50 J Ahern 51 . J- Murrihy 52 A Pearl 53. A . Camm 54 B Cummins 55 P La Fontaine 56. P. Shorta l 57 F Awtabie 58 L Nardeila 59, M Kay 60 P Buzz a 61 D Bergman
} Sectio n
State Bank Victori a
f'ound®d 1906
BULLEEN U N ITE D AJA X Senior Coach : Mark Fledy Rese rves Coach : And rew Shenker I D Marks 2 A Kiooger 3 A Kiel 4 M Frieda 5 M Silve r 6 M Roseman 7 G Velieman 6 M Feld y 9 A Bursztyn 10 R Bloom 11 A Halphen 12 G Posvreil 13 J Mond 14 Brian Goldberg 15 P Goldber g 16 A Milmacher 17 Ofer Komornik 18 D Segal 19 S Joseph 20 D Marlow 21 D Sheezel 22 B Josem 23 A Lebransky 24 J Fhnkier 25 M Gros s 26 A Ka6nsk , 27 Braham Goldberg 28 D Rockavn n 29 D Bnskm 30 D, Alberts 31 A Phillips 32. M Borenstein 33 Oren Komornik 34 L Busti n 35 B Spicer 36 P Goetz 37 A Slade 38 J Stern 39 B Kay 40 P Berman 41 G, Neater 42 M Carp 43 J Midler 44 P Cherny 45 D Freeman 46 A Bassatl 47 J Jolson 48 L Goldberg 49 J Alberts 50 A Mordech 51 P Lebranksy 52 A Zelinski 53 G Pianko 54 S. Worth 55 B Zielinski 56 H Silver 57 M Sinclair 58 D Super 59 S Arcoca 60 D Krongold 61 M Hyams 62 W Krongold 63 M Fo x 64 R King 65 J Davi s 66 M Fagenblat 67 B Rothschild 68 M Edelstein 69 M . Gdansk, 70. N Diamond 71 A Woolf 72, C Winter 74, A Horne 75 M Oved 80 G . Meltzer 81, M Zurbo 87, R,Loune 88 R Bild 90 I Plack
Senior Coach : Vic Harv ie Rese rves Coac h Craig Veitch 1 . I . Cairns 2. R Morley 3. S . Dowd 4, N Cartledge 5 B. Wilso n 6 . M . Kelly 7. C . Veitch 8 . S . McLaren 9 . H, Turvey 10. F. Corsello 11 . R Creighton 12 D Thompson 13 G Cotenll 14. J Empey 15.P Dennis 16. C . Foley 17. D, Gandolf o
18 . B . Sharp 19 D. Robbins 20. A, Dolinko 21 P. Green 22, P. Waldren 23 . P Harvie 24 . A. May 25. M. Harris 26. P. Whiting 27 . J . Harvie 28. R . Wood 29. DSexton 30 . M. Fianagan Reynolds 31 . W 32 . I, Mul~mer 33. P, Sexton 34 Stephens 35. P. Banfield 36D.Speed 37.P.FIew 38 R .Pascoe 39 .5 Aver y 41 K 40 L Godwin Strachan 42. H Roberts 43 C Caddo 44, R . Corsello 45. G . Williams 46. D . Humphrey 47. G . Connolly 48, M, Porte r 49 G Taylor 50 W. Olney 51 . M. Beiato 52 . P Laming 53 . S Dowd 54 . J . McInnes 55 . S . Baggro 56, R . Gallagher 57 . D. Stacpooie 58. P, Zrozi 59. B. Mott
WILKINSON ,~ S V~0 R n ~ .d
ELSTERNWIC{C Senior Coach: Steve Huckett Reserves Coach: Peter Purcel l 1 . L Murphy 2. S. Bean 3 J. Eklo m 4. G Rosewarne 5 M . Whela n 6. M Lloyd 7. T Heat h 8, B . Howard 9 . A . O'Connor 10J . Biennerhassett 11 P, Mahon y 12 P Ballantyne 13 . P Harris 14 Alby Conlin 15. L . McCooke 16 P Tsiampas 17 G . Oakley 18 P. Broderick 19 A Connelly 20. P. Southall 21, W. Nicholson 22, R . Alisop 23 N . Christie 24, D. Conlin 25. A . Cosmas 26.D Mahony 27 . S. Bel l 28 T. Johnston 29 J . Coyne 30 P Ritchie 31 B Williams 32 . R . Elko m
MELBOURNE HIGH SCHOOL OB Senior Coach : Anthony Sho rt Reserves Coach : Ron Verm a 1 A . Legovich 2 A. Atchison 3 . R, Verm a 4 D. Menzies 5 R. Martin 6 S Bradley 7. R. Knight 8 . J . Dixo n 9, D . Comer (Sen .Capt .) 10. M . Lotheringto n
33 . T Papantoniou 34 . Adrian Conlin 35. M Wright-Smith 36.T. Weedo n
3T G, Marshall 38 . B Hammer 39 . P. Callahan 40 . M . Daniels 41 G. Dunn 42 . P Gmkei 43, A. Hankn 44. E. Hil l 45. R . Grandemange 46,D .Peake 47, E Wittenber g
48 L . McGregor 49 D Lloyd 50 J Daw 51 . G Hancock 52, M Saneili 53 .S.Peppard 54, P Street 55 . J . Reid 56 S . McLennan 57 . C . Amo s 58, G . O'Sullivan 59. T Nicholls 60, A . Gualano 61, 0 . Gillingham 69, J . Freeman SPONSORS JEFFERSON FORD * ELSTERN WICK HOTEL
11 . S . Harries
12 . G . McLardie (V.C .) 13 . A . Dawson (D.V.C .) 14 . A . Webste r 15 A. Moore 16 P. Kotz 17. A. Drummond 18 R . Wi x
19 J Marshal l 20 A Athanasopoulos 21, C. Sumne r 22 . S . Brown 23. C . Drake 24 . G . Wilson 25 . A, Capp 26. G . Tyrrell 27. C . Tyrrell 28C,Bavage 29. C . Geehman 30.P.Brydon 31 . M . Roach 32 . 1, Radlow 33 . R . Currie 34 S, Anderson 35. 0. Pomie 36. R . Terrens 37. J . McLoughlin 38 .C.Short 39 . P. Baumgartner 40, D. Bake r 41, P. Kent 42 . P. Penning 43.S.Bahen 44 E . Stents
T .,,,.
Senior Coach : Duncan McCallum Reserves Coach : Peter John s 1 . M Hodgson 2, A. Mitchell 3 . N Brown 4 A Inkste r
5. C, McCulloch 6. J. Lablache 7. P. Kerkvleit 8.P.Jepson 9. R . Beal 10. E. Smith 11, A. Dance 12 . S . Holding 13, B.Jackson 14 . A . Paterson 15. A . Gnerson 16. W Inkster 17, R . Pike
18, G, Adams 19, T Holding 20 . D. Proven 21, S. Spicer
22. S. Burmeister 23. M . Armstrong 24. R . Woo d 25. A . Keck 26 . G . Young 27.D. Woods 28, B . Leitch 29 . M . Hopkins 30. R. Paterson 31 . J . Howard 32 . B . Elliot 33. C . Guthrie 34, A . Rogers 35 . S. Swingler 36, A. Gibb 37. C.Strachan 38. N . Huntley 39, M . Todd 40. B. Salvans 41 . R Le e
42 . A. McCulloch 43 . M . Eades
45 . A, Sainsbury 46 D Walker 47, S. Gabrielso n 48, R. McGregor (Res.C.) 49. M, Webste r 50. M . Lai 51 .J . Behan 52 . B. Fulle r 53 . C . Hammond 54. M . Gately 55. G . O'Brien 56. P. Riska 57. G . Thompson 58.B .Sargeant 59, A . Greatorex 60 P Gedings 61 . N . Hansen 62, R . Real e 63. C. Flegeltau b SPORTS
44 . M . Canddoro 45 . T. Dukadinouski 46. C. Evans 47, P Lenten 48.R .Graham 49. M . Kershaw 50, A . Taylor 51 . R . Curtis 52 . A. Watt 53 .P. Gunton 54D.Adaway 55' N . McCann 56. J. Le e 57 Napier 58, P. Crundell 59 . D . Humann 60, S. Crundel l 61,B.Sugden 63, W. Earl 69.P Eades 84, B. Pkye 111 D, Haye s
Patterso n
=_ I
OLD MEPITONIAN S S e nior Coach : it. Jamison Reserves coach: M . Osborn Acreman J Norman R . Newman -i. M . Barrett C. Saville V Sciacca 7 G . Norton N . Macquire R . Macqure to. M Durack D. Meyer ? T Appel 3. S Sharp ~~,» D. Rogers 5 D.Sciacca 16 T. O'Brie n 17 T O'Toole 18. J Konicarnn 1 o W Beynon J R.Buxton 21 C . Erickson A . Leve r 23. N Moodie 24, D. Solley 25 W. Glue 26. B Scalzo 27 C. Appel ^8. M Hendry 29 G. Fathers 3r) 0, Ridle y 31 S. Ingram 32, J. Sly 33. P Vines 34 D. Holland 35. P. Hodges 36 S. Crick 37, T Birch 38 A . Newman 39 . R . Beynon 40 M Osborn a± S Gray 4e G . Mickelburough 43- C . Best G, Lindsay 45 T.Bournon 46 A Petrov 47 D Mussared .:8. D.Johnson 49. S. Jeffrey 50. C .Funston 51 .A.Szadura 52 . T. Scalz o 53, M . Chandekar 54, M . Stanhope 55. C. Davi s 56, D. Wilkie 57. D. Schmzei 58. L . Paterno 59 G . Buxton 60.P.Beynon 61_P. Pezos 62 R . Crouch 63 L . Mickelburough 64 A. Edward s 65, G . Fleming 66. D. Grant 67 C. Hutchings 58 G . Gakovic 69, J . Agius
POWERHOUSE Senior Coach: Glyn Evans Rese rves Coach : Rob Sa ros i 1 . Glyn Evans (CC) 2 . R .Sarosi (RCC) 3 C. Corbet t 4 . M . Stone 5 . A. Miller 6 . R . Wegner 7. C . Trist 8 . N . Pavlou 9 . A. Morris 10. M . Hansen 11 . M . Taylor 12 . P, Flaherty 13. M . Long 14. B. Hal l 15. J. Scotland (DVC) 16. T. Glase r
17. N . Trompf 18. G . Stewart 19. A . Escot t
20 . D. Desler (VC) 21 . S. Cros s
22 . P. Stewart 23, A . Kerr
24, R . Williams 25, J . Harris 26 . C . Atkins 27. C. Newland 28. D. Stewart 29. F. Stafford 30. R . Martin 31 . P O'Sullivan 32 . B. Wilson 33. M Bray 34. B . Morgan 35. S. Broadway 36. P. Hollowood 37. C. McLeod 38.R .Chapman 39. N . McKay 40. P. Riede l 41 . P Eaki n 42 . T Goldsworthy 43. D . Hood 44 P Graham 45. A . Cope
46 T. Richardson 47. N . Col e 48, S. Mason 49. J. Crawley 50 G . Menner 51 . T. Waters 52, P Isherwood 53. B. Traynor 54. T. Hislop 55. T Fosdick 56. G . Morgan 57. D. Brown 58. G . Scotland 59. D. Kretschmer 60, D. Angell 61 . M . Brown 62, R . Henderson 63. S . Comensoli 65. R. Morrow 66. D. Manner 67 . J . Haberman 68. S . Monaghan 69. M . Mason 70. G . Holledge 71 . A . Cottrell 72 .N .Deans 77 . J . Tonkin
STATE BANK Senior Coach: Ken Bremner Assistant Coach : Tony Bul l Reserves Coach : David Jenkin s 1 . S. Cloke (C) 2. R . Gnei l
3. A. Roll s 4. K. Dervan 5. J. Beare 6.P,Henderson 7.1 . Beer 8, L . Twycross 9, D. Walpole 10, L. Bull 11 . R. Hargreaves 12 . R . Burrage 13 . M . Price 14, M . Durham 15, M . Rerden 16. N . Wallmeyer (VC) 17. M . Purcel l 19 . A . Maher 20. J . Coghlan 21 . G . Smith 22. R Dupiessis 23 . M . Aumont 24 . D. Templeton 25 . M . Gu y 26 . R . Linford 27. F. Isgro 28 . D Grant 29 . G . Watt 30. J . Murphy 31 . G . Cramen 32 . M . Scott 33.C .Kenez 34 . C . McLean 35. D . Brown 36. D . Kay 37 . C. Arnephy 38. A . Brow n 39. G . Goldsmith (DVC) 40. J. Murray 41 . 0. Noronha 42 . M . Keatin g 43. D. Doonan 44. A. Gale 45, A . Garvie 46, J . Curtin 47 . S . CLifford 48. C. Shepherd 49. P Koukouzikas 50. J. Wood 51 . B . Mason 52.P Hyde 53, M . Elford 54. J. Pallotta 55, N . Hitchcock 56, G . Lawton 57 A, Car r
60. D. Jenkins
THOMASTOWN Senior Coach : Reserves Coach : 1, G Medwin 2 C Cadre 4 . G . Petsrns 5. L . Everit t 6. R . De ThomaslS 7 .P.Hopper 8, A- Fellow s 9, T. Staos 10. B. Leovold 11, A . Flemming 12 . F. Parch on : 13. C . Pearson 14. B. Jenkins 15. B. Pellegrino 16. D . Parch one 17. D. Ladl e
18. Ken Haring 19, G . Bubis 20 . P. Coverdale 21 . E . Lentini 22 . C. Tsalkos 23 . D. Fellows 24 . J . Krousoratis 25 . S . Bradford 26 . M . Spinoso 27. R . Kelly 28, L, Moribito 29 Kevin Harting 30 . C . Fellows 31 . C. Koullinos 32 .B.McCreddm 33, J . Zaicos 35 . A . LaRosa 36 . M . Golledge 37. J . Theodoros 38. N . Argynou 39. G . Kyrousis 40. A . Donnell 41 . W. Cooper 42 . M . Mirr o 43, G . Lattouf 44. G . Camillen 45. M. Bloodworth 4& A. Static s
47. M . Plowright 48. P Prinz i 49 . R Carroll 50. R Gilpin 51 . M . Boyden 52. K . Chandler 54 . G . Velkos 55. R. Cleaver 56. R . Molella 57. S . Cinaran 59. T. Mazoski 60. G Whitney 61 . G . Kerneghan 71 .F.Budak 73 . A. Smit h
75. J . Karambeias 82 . P. Horkings 83 .J .Loch e 88 . V. Taskmakis
tiBEMt1 5
WHITEFRIARS Senior Coac h Ray Keane Reserves Coach David Hil l 1, J. Philli p 2, S . Woodman (VC) 3 P. Reidy (Paul ) 4 S Strik e 5 R Van Raay 6 C Houston 7 P Coghian 8 A McKeown 9. P Harrison 10, T. Prat t 11 . D. Sutton 12. M . Spear s 13. M.F. Reidy (Mark) 14. D. Harris 15. M. Harrison 16. M . Borrack 17 S. Santamana 18 T McNeil 19, D, Crow e 20 B. Crowe 21 T Coghlan 22, M . Feutril 23. P. Ciardulli 24, J. Bonnyman 25. W. Lyal l
26. D. Caliina n 27. M .J. Reidy (Mick) 28, B. Le e 29. B. Dunn
30 P.O'Brien (Paul) 31 N . Jenkins 32 P Hackett 33. G . Guggenheimer 34. S . Lowel l
35.J. Dunbar 36.P Bun n 37, P, O'Brien (Peter) 38. L . McLaughlin 39, A . Smith
40, B. Tierney (Capt 41, J Housto n 43 N Roberton 44 . R . Baker 45.PHay 46. D. Bourke 47, P. Mason 48.P.Rohan 49, S, McAuliffe 50. R. Bennett 51 . S. Logi e
52. M . Lawson 53 J . Newton 54 . P Battersby 55 .D.Toohey 56 . J . Elliot 57. S. Croke 58 . G White 59 . P Gerraty 60 . T Lawson 61 . M . Roberts 62 . C. Goidrick 63, D. Flanagan 64 . J . Flanagan 66. M . Stevens 67. N . Hughes 70.D.Mdro 71 . P Sull y
72 . D. Thomas 73 S. Wegener
DE LA SALLE BLU E 1 R Sanders 2 R Knight (Capf) 3 M . Gray 4 M Barton 5 C Lynch 6 K Harnam 7 G Murnan e 11 G . Mooney 16 B Dyer 18 P Austin 21 . L . Southwell 23 R Hogan 24 B Grubb 26 T Connolly 27 P Jakober 29 P Lindgren 31 . A Jeffers 32 P Aldridge 35 R Cullen 40 D Stephens 41 M Bishop 51 B Hobbs 52 P Crapper 53 S Hol t 54 D Tice 55 M Armstrong 56 A Parr y 57 R . Welsh 58.T Poo n 59 W McCormack 60 P Arand t 61 A Garraway
Coach : David McCormack I P Board 2 J Stemd l 3 R Aanensen(DVC) 4 C Fuller (VC ) 5 A Reidy 6 B Joyce 7 D Cousins 8 N Conde 9 P Donoghu e 10 P Robertson 11 A Vdlanh 12 P Dgney 13 J Mills
Coach : Graham Daft 1 D Allan 2 A Kenneally 3 A Schiller 4 S Palme r 5 E Jones 6 B Howden 7 R Oldfieid 8 S Watson 9 F. Fo o 10 S Rogan 11 C Singleton 12 S Stapleton 13 C Fitzmaunce 14 D Brakley 15. C. Manuell 16, N Proctor 17 D Roberts 19, D Mills 20 J Nash 21 J Dsanto 22 J Docking 23 R Nancarrow 24. M Youn g
26 T Williams 27 B Jefferson 29 S. Clarke 30 M Storey 32 J. Hector 33 C. Vine 35 C Kakoutas 39 C Grttins 40. D. Lucas 42 . L. Griffin 44 A, Parkin 60, B. Woolhouse 69 D . Phillips
36 M O'Connor 37 D Gravel 38 B Flynn 39 J Rowe 40 Mark O'Brien 41 Justin OBrien 42 T Jones 43 D Carafa 44 S O'Toole 45 0 Keenan 46 L Thomas 47 T Canava n '.. 48 J Constanllrn 49 AA Ramadge 50 J Reidy 51 Mark 0loughfin 59 M Beveridge 60 Peter O'Loughhn 77 C Hewatt
i -' 5 Coach: A. Rogers 1 M . Fitz 2, P O'Sullivan 3 M Holmes 4 A Landrigan 5 W Naso n 6 C Orsini 7 M Kelliher 8 P Dalton 9 A Sheehan 10 H Fenwick 11 A McLean 12 J Moran 13 A Duguid 14 G Dalton 15 R Dalton 17 G Edwards 19 D McInerney 20 C . Rush
21 . J McGennis 24 J Petroff 25 J Ralph 27 D King 30 A . Wilson 32 A Barbarich 33 J Wilso n 35 P Mason 37. N, Stocks 41 A. Dillon 51 A Hall
6 G Walsh 7. S Beattie 9 . D. Taylor 10 .5 Reynolds 11, A . Balini 14 . A. Doolan 15. R Pertlch 16. R . Glbeilirn 17 A, Diornsio 18. P. Marshall 19. T. Slattery 20. J Golds (C) 21J Leonard 22 F Baressi 23, J. Neale 24. A . Hodgkinson 25. J, Douglas
26 J Kann SPONSO R
'.. 48, M . Worn 50 S. Bol t 51 C Stillman 52 M Stillma n
1 D, Bugaisk l 2 . A. Gordon 3 0 Morros 4. R . Cerokn i 5 . C . Thomas (Capt) 6 . D. Kal b 7,A Orr
8 J, Sperlin g 9 B Collins (VC) 10 D Woo d 11 D . Edge r 12 . A, Hayes (D.V,C ) 13, P Ward 14, M . Hatherall 15, & Farrow 16 T. Garavells 17 C. Keleher 18 A . Grace 19 N, Pastras 20, P O'Nei l 21 J Brown 22 R . Pelletier 23,S Grtbbie 25,N Sebo 26 .C Bannon 30 D Osborne 35 S Harrold 42 L, McDonald 44 N Dao u
49, 0, Saunders 50. B. O'Hara 51 . L . Blac k 65 B.Egan 77 J Schmidt
HA :L~ Coach : Gary March 1 . B Carty 2 . C Lasscock 3 M Armstrong 5 F Main 7 P Robinson 8 . C . McKenzie 9 H Broadbent 10T Chegwm 11 .J Peo n 12 . A O'Brien 13 N Barr 14 . M Krause 15 W Phillips 16 B Main 17, G King 18 N Gordon 19 R, Parton 21 .A .Labady 22 S Devenish 23 R . Pletcher 24 J Parton 25 S O'Leary 26 H Tri m 27 S McNldder 29 S Hoe y 30 . A Hamilton 32 . M . Aigle 34 S Spiers 37 G . Tarr
38 B Herbert 39 M Thoma s
41 D. Fay 42 . C. Rudd 43 M Kirwan 44 . M . Bourke 45, M . Fisher 46. G . Archer 47 . C . Meehan
14 C Dixon 15 P Joyce (Capt 16 Matt O'Keette 17 M Vest 18 P 0 Loughlin 19 P Braberder 20 N Vas lea 21 M Geary 22 W Brown 23 D Stuckey 24 Mike O'KeeBe 25 J Holmes 26 P Reid 27 D Quigley 28 P Silvio 30 M Findlay 31 A Roberts 32 D Craker 33 M Ward 34 D Castellon 35 T Lvy
Coach : Chris Hall 1 G . Curran (VC) 2 M Burgi o 3 P. Fume 4 M, Edmonds 5 M . Jackson 6 J.Brennan 7. D. Jennings 8 R, Pollock 10 C. Watt s 13 S Hubery 14 A Hal l 15 L Mcinneny 16 R . Brasher 17 D DeMattra 18 A, Maroshca 19 . A Mackintosh 20 P Mannin g 21 L Van Der Plight 22A Johnstone 24, J Tull y 25 A Edmonds 26 J . Marti n 27 S . Brown 28 C Hynes 29 D. Carroll 31 . R . Davey 33.P Hagan 34.A . Seeger 36.D .Schuhng 37 . L Meechay 38 M Kruger 39 P- Brasher (C) 40 B, Hoy
MARCELLIN Coach : Keith Bostock 1, M .Rozenboom 2 . S . Morgan 3 . D Woolle r 4 A, Bendoricchio 5 A . Duncan
44 A Kirdwood-Scott
Kevin Tibaidi C Muhmer ; D Robertson b.. J . Puls e 9 S. Smit h 10. A. Pulverenti (VC) ++ P. Ruddel l ' C Tustin 15 C. Chara 16. A. Shine (C ) 18 BWiliWghbry (DVf✓) 19. S . Tusti n 21 S Edmonds 24 C . McWaters 28 R . Pulverenh 29 . S. Aylward 30 . M . Tomaro : J Woolard 2 C . Parris ,6 P Walsh 38.S Brady 39.C Young 41 D Williams 43 C. McNamara 44 J Cornford 45. R. McMahon 46.R.Toscano 47 . G Shallard 48, RL Davison 49 R. Mascetti 53. M . Agrotis
55. A . Alfremko
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach: Frank Henagen 1, C Primmer 2.P,Shaddock 3,A Carte r 4, N Westo n 5 J, Koutsouks 6 S. Ballard 7. S. Connolly 8 . B. Mulvihill 9 . J Beckton 10. S. Dye r 11 . I . Nunn 13 . i, DeSilva 14 . R . Poole 15 .B, Madden 16 . J . Dawson 17 . J, Flnlayson 18. G . Markley t9. S. Glover 20. P. Wells 21 .C . Fagan 22 . D. McIntosh 23 . A Walker 24 . P Kistler 25. M . Daunt 26, R . Jackson 2T M . Jones 28.T Keane 29 . R Brew
30 P Nixo n 31, C Henderson 32 . D Newit t 33 . R Gartland 34 . S . Koroness 35. I . Mui r 36 R Watts
WHITEF F- ._ COLL'.~` r. . Coach :
Ray McVilly 1 M . Doherty 2 . M Bateman {, v 3 A. Carbone 4 . G White 5 C Dunbar 6 D Midro 7 T Penaluna 8, M . Essen 9 M . Lake 11 R . Reidy 12 P McGulnn 13. M Heath 14 C. Flett 15 P Howe 17 T Hansen 19 F Macvean 20 J Whit e 21 M White (Capt ) 22 D McIntyr e 24 J. Ciardulii 26. B Starbuck 30 T Strike 32 A Ravenarki 33 D . Guilt y 36 . A Macvean 37 T O'Sullivan 41 . M Scott 44 .S Alderson 4& D Willson 48 G Chandler 50. A . Livsey-Cole 71 G, Johnson 75 S. Butler
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : Simon Cooper L S. Stonie r 2 . S- Eggleton 3. P Jones 4. M . Brockhoff 5 A. Cleland
6 A . Smith 7 C. Walke r 8. Simon Stribling 9 D. Mos s 10, L. Daddo 11 .S.Cooper 12 . C. Griffiths 13 . G . Tirrel 14 . N . Power 15 S. Ros e 16 W. McKenzie 17. S. Osborne 18 . A . Clements 19, R . Clements 20. T. Dugdale 21 . B . Murphy 22. C . Murphy 23. J . Shelton 24, E . Coroner 25. P. McDonald 26. S . Plowman 27. H . Ingleton 28. R . Simpson ORRONG ROA D
Ray Baron 1 R Royals 2 T Barker 3 S Ewings 4 . M . Affinita 5 J . Dight & J, Dickson 7 S . Hil l 8 N . Caple 9 T Nelson 10 D,Hogan 11 . T. Brei t 12 E Jedwab 13 J . Turner 14 S. Williams 15.J . Restanck 16NCox 17. N Batzias 18 D Nisen 19 P Phillips 20 M Rubbed 21 LSieeman 22 . P Welch 23 . C Vorrath 24 . P Welc h
OLD PARADIAN S PURPLE Coach: Ian Bibby 1 . P Board 2 J . Steindl 3R .Aanensen 4 C . Fuller 5 A . Reidy 7 D, Cousins 8 N . Candle 9.P. Donoghue 10 . P. Robertson 11 . A. Villanti 12 . P. Digney 13 J. Mills 14 . C Dixon 15 P. Joyce 16 Matt O'Keeffe 17. Matt Vea r 18, Paul O'Loughlin 19. P Brabander 20.S . O'Connell 21 . M . Gear y 22. W. Brown 23. J Lawle y 24. Mike O'Keeffe 25. J Holme s
2& P. Rei d
27, D . Quigley Of 28. P. Silvio (DVC) 29. J Salzano 30. M, Findlay 31 . A Roberts 32 . D Crake r 33. M . Ward 34. D. Castleton 35. T Liv y 36. M . O'Connor 37, D. Grave l 38. B. Flynn 39. J . Rowe 40. Mark O'Brien 41 . Justin O'Brien 42. T. Jone s 43. D.Angove 44. S . O'Tool e 45, D Keenan (VC) 46, L . Thomas 4T T Canavan 48, J, Constantin 49. M .Ramadge 50 J Reidy 51 . Mar . O'Loughlin k 60. Peter O'Loughlin
M .H .S .O .B. Coach : Steve Duketis 1 P Antorn s 2 L Apostolou (VC) 3 A Palmas 4 J Palma s 5 B Sergeant (C) 6 P Yee 7 N Archdail 8 M Lansiey 9 T Buckley 10 M Butterworth 11 D Higgins 12,S Bradley 13 R 0 Conno r 14 T Paul 15 I Burndge 16 J Newton 17 0 Suckling 18 R Brown 19 B Harrison 20. R Pueis 21 D Exton 22 D Faux 23 B Hatza 24 D Sorrel l 25 J Marshall °A 26 B Archdali 27 P Anions 28 M Leonard 29 J McGough 30, I Lack 31 C Ruddick 32 D Walke r 33 .C Homewood 34 C Howel l
OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIANS Coach: Andrew Taylor 1 . A . Stubbs
2 . C. Billing 3 . R . Dooley 4 . R . Canvin 5 . T. Byrne 6 . A . Cowpe r 7. J. Sinclair (Capt) 8 . B . Steele 9 . C . Allard 10. M . Sproule 11 . R . Steele 12 . R . Dooley 13. N . Hart 14 .P.Roberg 15.T. Bloch 16.J . Buckley 17. D. Steele 18. H . Bradfield
19. J. Worssam (V.C.) 20. J . Raftopoulos 21 . E . Johnsto n 22 . P. Millington 23 . R . Winneke 24 . S . Pickett 25 . S . Fletcher 26 . G . Bennett 27. N . Howell 28 . S Gibbs(DVC) 29. A . Hutchinson 30. J . Earle 31 . A . Millar 32 . T. Wilson 33. R . Bruce 34. N . Buf f 35 . N . Carmichael 36 . M . Cotterell 37. B. Currie 38 . R . Fraser 39 . J . Laird 40. S . Twill
0~#J LW
MONASH BLUES Coach : Steve Giles 2 P Betts 3 J Harrison 4 D. Walsh 5. R . Burton 6 T Baldwin 7 M . Kellock 9. M Cox 10 G Thomas 11 .D Lawrence 12 . G Oakley 13 . P. Shattock 14, M . McColl 15. D, O'Brien 18 . G Shimmin 20. A O'Hara 22, M McFarlane 23. S . Kirby
24. M Green 26. A . Par k 27. D. Newman 28. M . Surridge 29,5 Ryan 30 T Sharrock 31 C Body 32 0 Lalo r 33. M Christiansen 34. R . Goodwin 35. R De Wi t 36, N . Ise r 3T S. MacFarlane 38, R, Knott 40. D. Bruce 42 D Pi Pile 45 M . Lalor 46 A. McGaf6n 47 . R . Huffer 49. P. Reynolds 51 . B . Hodgso n Sponsored by
©ToucheRoss Chartered Accountant s
ST. BERNARDS 1 . R . Doolan 2 . C. Woo d
3. M . Boucher 4. C. McEvoy 5. H . Tobi n 6. S . Martin 7. 5, Perrett 8. A . Brebner 9 J. Kennedy 10. K . Breen 11 . C . Overman 12. M . Mullins 13. J. Law 14. S . Doran 15. A. Comito 16. B . Gallagher 17. D. Garvey 18. J. Gollant 19. S . Gollant 20. B. Dowling 21 . C. Mallia 22 . S. Walsh 24. P. Capes 27. S. Murphy 28, B. Horn 32 .S.Jones 33. Paul Rogerson 43.M .McGowan 69, G . Arrowsmith
NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : T. Mill s 2 B Aquila 5 8 Devine 6 T Phee 7 A . Driscoll 10 J . Collard 12 . N Lithgow 13 M Sultana 14 R Divda
15 . B . Boccabella 16, M . Varna 17. J. Bugela 19 . R . Trewin 21 . D Perris 22, L Nardella 27, G . Irvin e
30 D Fitzgerald 35 A. Tnmboh 36. C Holcombe 38 B Ramsey 39 G Cutn 40 M Jarrouge 42, A, Steward 46, P Gayfer 52 M Ferro 54 L Lynton 63. A. Dwyer 64 A Tripodi 65 S Boozer 67 G Tatti 69 J Wiggin s
OLD BRIGHTON Coach: Mark Swain Manager: James Poynter 1 B Barke r 2 M Talbot 3 A Fever 4 H Swan 5 A Commo 6 L Legh 7 H JarvS 8 C Krnght 9 A Whithail 10 S Duggan 11 B Broome 12 0 West 73 R Phdlips 14 S Scott 15 D Anderson 16 M Johnston 17 A Hamryon 18 W Jackson 19 J Lade
20 T Patterson 21 R Patterson 22 B War d 23 M Reynolds 24 M Demne 25 J Rya n 26 J Hov:den 27 R Moreton 28 J Mar;o n 29 A Loos Cr,lde, 30 M Ayen 31 G Reynolds 32 J Templeton 33 P Wii6amson 34 8 Hall
1 . A . Nelson
35 S Lennox 36 D PWsar 37 A Holt 38 G Jackson 39 B Sloan
1 . S. McKibbon 2. J. Sandman 3 . C. Liontos 4 .J .Schembn 5. S . Forbes
40 41 42 43 44 45
6. K . Grant 7 . M . Fitzpatrick 8. A. N g 9 . W. Brundell 10. M . Carter 11 . I . Sheedy 12 . C. Masters 13, L. Clifton, (Capp 14 . D. McClo y 15 . N . Bull 16 . D. Ford 17. R . Smith 18 . M . Walsh 19 . L . Farrugia 20. B. Mle6cki 21 . B . Grocock 22. M . McIntos h
25. D. Goodear (VC) 26. J. Masters 33. M . Goodwin 38. G . Pinner 39. D. Gragat 41 . M Crotty 43. G . Grocock 51 . D. Barro n 66. G . Rossignolo
M On Petro S Hanna'.ord T Thompson J Roberts S Deparkars R Manc e
UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach: Mick Shaddock 1 J Bokor
2 C Fagan 3 A Lane 4 J Leeman 5 N Ldley 6 C McDonald 7 C McArthur 8 N Mark s 9 D Moor6eld 10 S Morgan 11 M Power 12 G Robinson 13 1 Solo on 14 C S~mmons 15 B Smith
16 A Tillyar d 17 6 Roqnawns (VC) 18 N Carr 19 C Brown 20 S Stetam 21 R Barbary 22 S Langley 23 J Start 24 C Ganly 25 J De Fraga 26 P Flyn n 27 D Wdson 28 M Hynes 29 D McKellar 30 P Pesavento 31 S Sprier 32 D McFarlane 33 M Fogarty 34 J Sprun l 35 D Brannd 36 B Hiskins 37 B Hennessy 38A Hengel 39 S Wilson 40 B Pickett
50 S Shaddock(DVC) 57 B Scanlon 59 P Weigard (C )
Proudly Sponsored by Peat Marwick Hungerfords
Under 19 Section 3 ALBANVALE Coach : T. Lanciano 1 D Crai g 2 D Simoni s 3 J Dombazalski 4 S Agw s
5 V Agius 6 C . Agiu s 7 R Razbocan 8 J Rollar d 9 W Duffy 10 J Zerafa 11 D Dodomaide 12 S Caulfield 13 A Leete t 14 A Paddon 15 S Smith 16 S Wilmot 17 P Davis 18 S Mitchell 19 M Bircham 20 B Vilalone 21 D Aitchiso n 22 N Koutsouradis 23 J Smit h 24 B Williams 31 W Bentley 40 D Liddlee
AQUINAS O.C. Coach : John Hickey 1 D McKella r
2 J McLaughlin 3 C Colhve r 4 B O'Connor 5 A Krakouer 6 A Ferlazzo 7 T Walsh e 8 P McCarthy 9 A McEvoy 10 R Monce 11 . T Mahe r 12 T Hogan 13 C Burdeu 14 S Rosbrook 16 D Mos s 17 S Kell y
18 P Sheehan 19 J Peake 21 C Clifford 22 S Upto n 23 J Livingstone 25 P Marshall 28 G Barr 31 L Denver 33 J McEvoy 44 P Harri s
55 B McDonal d
Major Sponsor MICHAEL NARDELLA & Co . P/L
BULLEEN UNITED F.C. Coach: P. Melto n 1 . M Radcliff 2 P Ceccetto 3 P Hol t 4 S Irvine
5 F Andrews 6 D Thompson 7 J Mora n 8 . A Pope 9 . R Kennedy 10. B Mot t 11 S Crockford 12 S McLaren 13 J Rainbow 14. M Stratton 1& C McInnes 16, M Belato 17. A Buse 18, S Godwin 19 A Do6nko 20 D Marks 21 B Marrett 22 M Pope 23. J Redfern 24 A May 25 P Harvie 26 R Williams 27.L Godwin 28 C Kernan 36 C Stratton 38 S Mi6lineos 39 M Fd t 40 A Humphrey 46 D Humphrey 44 R . Corsello 54 P Cottenl l
MAZENOD I C Smith (C )
2 S DiCamillo (VC) 3 W McLean (DVC) 4 G Morett o 5 D Paton 6 S Barton 7 D. Burt
8 P. Rile y 9 M Murray 10 C . Sullivan 11 R . Principe 12 N Wilson 13 J Lenett e 14 G Fitzsimmons 15 R . Signal 16 Brendan King 17 P. Demarco 18 A, Cooper 19 P Fraser 20 J Mathias 21 S . Fisher 22 R, Bourbon 23 D Biviano 24. P Proctor 25 M . Morley 26 S. Beovich 27 R .Cobban 28 M . Scott 29 M Bright
OLD ESSENDO N 1 A Manning 2 P Pruscin o 3. J Panagiohdis 4. S TMrlwall
5 S. Lyall 6 C. Bohn 7 J Clarke 8,S,Graham-Daws 9 F Costa 10 J Turco 13 S Anderson 18 J, Murray 19 D Arrowsmith 20 A Tweedley 21 J Cook
23. J Babbin 24 R Vidler 25 D. Gallus 26 A . Boore r 27 P Woloszczenko 28.B.Koochen 29 A . Conrad ; 30 B. Willcox 31, D. Cutler 32 B. Richards 33 .T.Ryan 34 D. Waddy 35 D. Salt
OLD TRINITY GRAMM'NS 1 . P Harve y 2 . C. Anderson 3. B. Dave y 4. M, Beamish 5. A . Parkes 6, S. Madner 7, L . Thoma s
8, D, McCulloch 9, C . Orwi n 10. T Lobb 11 A. Daniels 12,S,Webb 14, M Gutter 15 C . Lynch 16, W Noble 17, R . Evans 18. G . Doufas 20, B. Hatfield 23 . J, Hooper 26. M . Symols 28, G . Harvey 32, B Constanti 38 R Phillips 44 . A Turner
FAWKNER DE LA SALLE A .F.C. GOLD Coach : Coach : PatSheedy 1 G Curran 2 M Burgio 3 P Fium e 4 M Edmonds 5 M Jackso n 6 J Brennan (Capt) 7 D Jenning s
8 R Pollock 10 C Watts 13 S Hubery 14 . A Hal l 15 L Mclnneny 16 R Brasher 17 M Demattia 18. A Marosuca 19 A Mackintosh 20 P Mannin g
21 L, Van Der Plight 22, A Johnstone 24 J Tully 25 A Edmonds 26 J Marti n 27 S Brown 28 G Hynes 29 D Carroll 31 R Davey 33 P Hogan 34 A Seager 36 D Schuiling 37 L Meechay 38. M Kruger 39 P. Brasher 40.13 Hoy 41 D Fay 42 C Rudd 43 M Kirwan 44 M Bourke 45 M Fisher 46, G Archer 47. C Meehan 48. M . Worn 50 . S. Bolt
Tony Paul 1 . D. Ball (C) 2. P Mortillaro 3 M . Houston 4 B Doganer 5 P McAskil 6 D Pau l
7 M McMahn 8 0 Selek 9 S Maggs 10 J Karaca 11 P 0 Leary 12 M Centeno 13 M Nassl 14. A Fren
15. R Leahy 16 T Ralston 17 P Naughton (VC) 18 P Dakin 19 B Green 20 J Roach 21 N Violans 22 J Alessi 23 P Maslach 24 C Habgoods 26 Justin Wilso n
HAMPTON R' iVERS Coach: A . Naumoff 1 M Coutts 2 C Amoore 3 M Hender 4 B McGregor 5 J Ross 6 A Hol t 7 S Marion 8 P McCal l 9. M Luxmoore 10 H LeGrand 11 J. Wilso n 12 S Blasketl 13 B Nelson 14 D Hobson 15 A Williams 16 M McCali 17 W Hobson 18 R Greig 19 B McMurtrie 20 N M,la,
21 G Devereau, 22 . S . McGregor 26 D Wilto n 28 D Pat 30 L South 31 N Hassell 37 M Moss 41 W Earl e
55 A Fairweather 87 C Vouigarakis 88 R McDonald *
51 C Stillman 52 M. Stillman
Macrae & Fallon Real Estat e
PARKSIDE Coach : Dean Campbell 2, P Warrell 3. W Evan s 4. Papadimitriou 5. M Hansen 6.T.Fotinos 7. D, Moodi e 8, J, Chilcott (Capt) 9.T Kotsopoulos 10 J Marti n 11 . G Karagionnis 12. A . Stefani e .D Hanna 114. 3 R Moio 15, P Colisimo 16. B Colacino 17. A Stuar t
18, G . Tsiakos (VC.) 19,T. Mandoukos 20 . A. Valodimos 21 . S. Scott 22 . K . Mannoski 23 G . Grbesa 24 T. Thomas 25. D Murphy 26. G . Christof 51 . R . Salisbur y * MAJOR SPONSOR PARKSIDE PANELS
459 8516 * HEIDELBERG MITSUBISHI 458 1222
ST. KEVINS 1 . P. Hagerty (Capt) 2, M . Warton (VC) 3, A. Varasdi 4 . J . Sergeant 5 P Murphy 6 M . Quinlan (DVC) 7 P Foley 8. S . Bazley 9. D Nantra 10 M . Fraser 11 M Terztni 13 . S. Charles 14 . S. Smith 15 . P McCann 17. R . Marks 19 . A. Donovan 20,P Kearns 21 . M . Paterson 22 . C. Smedley 23. R . Lewis 24 . S. Bronwbill 27. S . Mooney 28 . C . Stone 29 . R . Drew 31 . A . Heaton 33 S. Thomas 35 . T. Potter 37. S . McCurd y
THOMASTOWN Coach : Dave Gann 1 . P Goulftsis 2 . P Battista 3 J . Vital e 4 . J . Gatovski
5 L MacNamara 6 A Formosa 7 C Sahin 8,J .Pougios 9 . S. D'Avoine 10 . S. Pares 11 . G . Joveski 12 .F. D'Avione 13 . S. Papaioanou 14 . E . Mustafa 15 . J . Naumovski 16 . E . Gikovski IT V. Fiume
18, D. Pougios 19 . Y. Sahin 20. M . Ward 21 . R Guelfo 22 B . Chilton 23, R . DiMaggio 27. M . Aydi n 28. C . Dafilis 29. C . Shalevskt 30.J .Julevski 35 D. Dimovski 70. N .DAvione 80 . C O'Connell 81 .1 . Arslan R. Ferrigno G Reed S . Lekatsas
Looking Back by Noel Rundle
ROUND 18 - 5 YEARS AGO - 1984 Amateur football was saddened to hear of th e sudden death of Jack Fullerton . Jack was secretary of the V.A .F.A . from 1952 to 1977, and in that period got wonderful help from his wife Norma to whom the Association extended deepest sympathy. Parkside's hopes (B) rally sunk with their shock defeat by Monash Blues by 27 points . It was MOnash Blue's first win for the season . 150 games to Ormond's Gre g Fisher (Ormond delegate for the last 7 years and still playing in 1989 N .R .). Old Xaverians thanked Nick Burne for his wonderful service on the occasion of his final game for the Club. Nick, All Australian and V.A .FA . player for many years had always given all and his determination, courage and fairness made one proud to be associated with football . (Old X were a bit premature with that 'final' game - Nick did go overseas for two years, then returned, came out of retirement and got back into the V .A.F.A . team that played V.C .F.L . at Lavington in 1987 and was one of the best) . In 1989 Nick was team manager of the V.A .F.A. team . 200 games to umpire Wayne Hen ry, 170 as central umpire, including 26 finals and 7 grand finals. One of Wayne's proudest moments was in 1982 when, umpiring in the two umpire system with his brother Denis, they celebrated their 150 and 100 games respectively. (Wayne is still going strong in 1989. N .R . ) Clyde Foulsham, 30 years a committeeman at Ormond, retired - as the scribe said, "in an amateur club's lifetime of survival, every now and then there's a person you wonder "How will we ever replace him? Clyde Foulsham is such a man". 10 YEARS AGO - 197 9 "A" Section to finish on a tense note - North Old Boys (4) need to beat Uni Blacks (3) to hold on to fourth, with Ormond (5) needing to beat Old Paradians (9) for whom victory would mean A Section 1980, and defeat, B . And the results, N .O.B. went down to Blacks, 62 to 109, and in a game remembered by all who played in it and say it, in a last quarter which went 35 minutes and saw the lead change 10 times, Shane Dove of Ormond marked 50 years out, 20 seconds to go, score level, and GOALED to put his team in th four - best were C.Hughes, Grills & P.Wood (Old Par.) and for Ormond, Hardham, Naylor, Bourne - a memorable vicory to celebrate Bruce Bourne's 250th game in his 13 year career, including "A" Best & Fairest, Interstate selection 15 times, Interstate captain twice and Australian Amateur representative six times. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
Marcellin (B) continuing their great form, took Old Xaverians 2nd spot and put the black and reds back to fourth . Marcellin were best served by J .Jones, B.Cooper, J. Ga rtner, T.Holmes while Sierakowski, Sholly and Sullivan did well for Old Paradians. St . Kevin's (C) produced their best form for some time but Kew were too strong and the boys from Heyington lost fourth place to Hampton Rovers who won their last 8 games . 15 YEARS AGO - 1974 Ormond on top in "A" scraped home from St . Bernard's in a desperate finish . It was St . Bernar's third defeat by less than a goal in the last five matches and cost them their place in the four- What was the St . Bernard's coach doing ? Ormond needed 2 goals to win with 90 seconds to play but got them within 25 seconds . Best were S .Russ, I .Cameron, Bourne (Orm .) and Wade, K .Phelan, Angel (S . Bernard's) . Ivanhoe (B) in third position, held off Kew's desperate finish to win by 2 points with stars Rojo, C.Stewart, Long (Ivan) and Lowe, Mitchell, Murphy (Kew) . Shane Murphy later played in 6 finals for Hawthorn, and on his return to Amateur football, played many fine games for De La Salle and Victoria . Parkside (C) desperately needing points, were held to a 7.12 draw by Old Melbournians . Umpire Trevor Rowe officiated at his 150th game . Jim Peters and Brian Nicholls were honoured with life membership of the Umpires' Association . Ray Wookey reached 200 games with Geelong . In an illustrious career (starting 1963) Ray captained the club in 1970 and 1973, represented Victoria in 1969 and at Perth Carnival in 1970. 100 games to Denis Flett ( Monash Blyes, Peter F re nch ( Marc .O.C.), Peter Rackham (St . Bern), [an Geddes, Mick Bourke (DLS) . Dynamic centreman Peter F re nch last week played his 100th game for Marcellin O .C. Peter began his illustrious career in our first team which played in the YCW. Known as the "Kookaburra" for his constant chatting both on and off the field, Peter has always been a great inspiration to all players . He is noted for his blind turns and left foot passes which have startled supporters and earned him several trophies 'at the same time. The Burra held an untarnished record as Press Correspondent until he took over the g ro und management of the MCC. He has also been the editor of "Dogs Eye" and a social committee member. Congratulations Peter and all Eagles hope you can again play regularly in the near future. Old Xaverians (D) kicked a mammoth score against La Trobe Blacks, 44.23 (287) to 4.10 (34) with 14 goals in second term and 16 goals in the final term . Stanley (9), Naughton, Noonan were best. 35
20 YEARS AGO - 196 9 Both leaders were beaten . Coburg went down by 17 points to Melbourne High (8th) and Ormond in a high scoring game were beaten by Uni Blues whose accuracy 26 .6 won the day against Ormond's 19.14 . Blues kicked 8.1 to Ormond's 5 .1 in the last quarter. Stars for Blues were Barkley ( 7 goals), Scarfe and Church, with Bourne ( 5 goals), Ian Cameron and Ferrier best for Ormond .
Ormond's chubby and talented full forward Greg James retired after 130 games, topping "B" Section goal kicking list 4 times, and winning his club's best and fairest . A day of milestones for many - 200 games to John Bloom (ANZ Bank captain coach), Peter Raffaele (Old Xaverians - first, with the club), Davi Burstin (AJAX - also first), Peter Power (St . Kevin's), 150 and Peter King (OGG), John 'Tiny' C re nnan (St . Bern), and Phos Lable (St . Patrick's) 100 . 30 YEARS AGO - 1959 Collegians, beaten in two previous matches returned to form to beat Old Paradians who lost their place in the four to Uni Blacks . Power House (C) and AJAX (DX) went through the season undefeated .
David Yuille, Old Carey captain was first player club to reach 100 games . Teams to go down were Ivanhoe, SSB, (A) MHSOB, Parkside ( B), Caul . Grm ., Malvern (C), Melb. Blues, South Melbourne City (D) . Junior Section four was Ormond, Alphington, West Brunswick, Old Scotch . (Among the West Brunswick players was wingman, Cliff Bastow - 1989 Registrar - NR) Best and Fairest players in Junior Section was Ross Smith ( Hampton Scouts) 24 points, from R .Humphries (Alph .) and G .Eddy (West B'wick) 19 points.
40 YEARS AGO - 194 9 Caulfield Gram . (D) Sec . lost their first match for the season when they went down to East Malvern by 7 goals in the final game . Geelong won the trophy for best club reports by 54 points (I wonder is Messrs . Fidge and McGeachy wer doing the club reports then - if so, slipped a bit since!) . Ivanhoe Juniors went through the season undefeatd and finished 3 games ahead of Caulfield Grammarians . Ron Saunder, now an umpire, finished on top of Junior goal kickers with 75 for the season .
Personality Pars "BIG" 200 AT BALACLAVA Balaclava living legend David Read celebrates his 200th game this week against St. Kilda CBCOB . DJ was a founding member of Balaclava's parent club North Caulfield in 1974 and, apart from one year, has been a permanent fixture around the club . David has had an illustrious career, being a member of the 1979 and 1980 North Caulfield premiership sides and was an important cog in Balaclava's run to the 1984 E Section flag . DJ has been a valuable contributor off the field as well, holding down the Secretary's position at North Caulfield in 1980, assistant coach of the 1986 D Section premiership side, acting president in 1987 and for the last two years vice president as well as being reserves coach this year. David "retired briefly" this year but when he discovered that he had only a few more games to go to reach his milestone out came the over-stretched No . 17 and suddenly the Reserves forward line came alive, DJ's soccer prowess was discovered back in 1984 when he attempted to kick the ball off the ground, only to be thwarted by a cockeyed goal umpire who got a bit too close to the action . David has provided the Balaclava Football Club with many magic memories, and the players, committee and supporters hopethis will continue for many more years. Well done "DJ". MILESTONE AT DE LA SALLE FOR RND 17 CONGRATULATIONS DANNY : 200 GAMES Congratulations Danny; 200 games . All at De La Salle would like to stand and applaud Danny Tessier on becoming only the 12th player to reach 200 games at the club . Danny joined De La in 1978 and played in the U19 side which lostthe Grand Final to Haileybury . In 1982 he proved his tremendous consistency by winning the Reserves B&F whilst playing no less than 9 games in the firsts. He also captained the seconds that year . Danny has always typified what De La Salle Football Club is all about . A hard but fair player who will always put his body in to shepherd a team mate rather tha n 36
wait forthe easy handball . He is also blessed with great football skills and it will probably go down as one of the mysteries of the club as to why he only played 25 games in the firsts . It was the club's most successful era and the winning combination was rarelychanged . Nowadays he's just too old . (Only joking, Tess! ) He has remained a great clubman and it's been an honour to play alng side you, mate. Best wishes and congratulations. JACKS 200 All at Mazenod would like to congratulate Adrian "Jacks" Green on his 200th game. Jack is the first player at Mazenod to achieve this milestone having played the majority of his football in the seniors . Jacks has served as Club Secretary and also as a committeeman, he has been a member of a number of senior and reserves premiership sides . He haswon bestteam man for the seniors as well as other club awards . Mainly seen in the back line where his rugged determination is a welcome sight and always seen as a fine example of good sportsmanship to the younger players . 200 AT KEW That old Kew war-horse and former Captain Joe Casauria returns from yet another ham-string injury this Saturday to play his 200th game. Joe began his Kew career in 1976 with the U19's and won the Club U19 B & F Award of that season . The next season saw Joe repeat that feat in the Reserves and then graduate to a senior winger earning the respect of opposition clubs with the top scalps he cut down to size . Now retired to the Reserves Joe has culminated his career with two Reserve Premierships and proving an inspiring example to our youngsters in the Reserve team . Congratulations and good luck today to Joe from all at Kew. BEST WISHES OVERSEAS Everyone at Richmond Central wishes Steven Peatling and team manager Peter McGowan all the best in their four weeks holiday in the U .S.A . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
TRIBUNAL TRIBUNAL - AUGUST 15TH AUGUST 5TH ROUND J. BRIFFA (North Brunswick) - Misconduct - Not sustained . AUGUST 12TH ROUND M. FISHER (Old Brighton) - Striking - Suspended three matches . M. SPINOSO (Thomastown) - Striking - Suspended two matches . C. SKAPETIS (Kontias) - Striking and Spitting - Suspended four matches . R. MASCHETTI (BulleenfTemp) - Striking - Suspended three matches . `S . MITCHELL (Albanvale U19) - Striking - Suspended three matches R. O'KAYLI (Kew Res) - Abuse to umpire - Suspended three matches . C. NEAVE (Old Trinity Res) - Abuse to Umpire - Suspended one match . *Accepted Prescribed Penatt y Abusive and Obscene Languag e Clubs are advised that the penalties that apply to the Under 19 competition in relation to the Abusive and Obscene Language will now apply to all sections of the competition . That is 'An audible obscenity will result in the player being automatically ordered from the field for 15 minutes of playing time . If a second offence occurs or if one of the umpires is the subject of the obscenity, the player will be reported and automatically sent off for 15 minutes of playing time "
BRUNSWICK (E) - Conduct unbecoming during July 22 match against Old Geelong in that verbal and physical abuse was shown towards the field umpire by players and spectators . Team fined $470 including $70 in damages awarded to umpire . (It should be noted in this case that the Brunswick officials were applauded for their care and responsibility displayed during and fater incidents. ) DOVETON (E) - Committee was satisfied that an incident took place behind play in the 22nd July game against Aquinas but was not satisfied with the identity of the player . Doveton given a week to produce correct player. (Result of this case reported next week .)
Personality Pars CRAB CLAWS HIS WAY TO 15 0 All at St . Bede's congratulate G re g "Crab" Connolly on playing his 150th game recently. Greg has given great service to the Bedas since playing Juniors in 1979 . He represented the VAFA in 1985 in the interstate carnival . "GREGOR" took over the Presidency of the club when it was on the brink of collapse, in 1983-84 and helped build it back to the power it is today. Well done Crab and let's hope your around for another 150 . If only you could crabwalk as fast as you drive that pizza van . 100 GAMES TO "CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS" Today in the match against Old Haileyburyat Alber t Park Doug 'Disco'Allen celebrates his 100th game with the Club. Doug is the current players representative on the committee and is always ready to lend a helping hand when there is ajobto be done . Doug has played most of his football on the backline where his strong and fearless play has earned him the respect of teammates and opponents . Doug joins his brother Steve (140 games) in nothcing up his personal milestone and is looking forward to passing him in the years to come . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
TON UP FOR "BILLY PICKEN " They said "he'd never make it but finally he came through". After much hard work, supreme dedication, regular training and some early Friday nights "Billy" alias Dav Marshall, has slammed the door on his lampooners and reached the 100 game milestone. Like a good wine "Billy's" football has improved with age . This season has undoubtedly been his best and he now boasts of spending more time inside the playing arena than he does warming the bench with young Donny Bayliss . St . Bedes salute the achievement of this modest teetotaller and hope to see him around for another 100 . THE "REVEREND" PLAYS 10 0 Old Camberwell Grammarians living legend Brad "Reve rend" Leitch played his 100th game August 12th vs Bulleen United . The "Reverend" is a no frills tough straight forward player with the ability to take the opposition right out of the game . Fear is a word the "Reverend" doesn't know both off and on the field . Well done and congratulations from everyone at Old Camberwell, 37
National Mutual Trustee s The future is assured .
V.A. F.A.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO PRESS CORRESPONDENTS ..w s All faxed best players and goal kickers must be faxed by 12 noon Mondays to be included in this i A SECTIO N Macinnes, Uni Blues Caffry, Marcellm Freeman, Parkside Berzins, Collegians Schuhkraft, Ormond Fitzpatrick, Kew Perkins, Old Scotch Roth, Ormond Aulard. Old Scotch Boysen, Marcelli n
B SECTIO N N . Heath, Uni Blacks R . Heath, Bull/Temp. G . Wood, St Benrards Hildebrand, Monash Blues Sheedy, De La Sall e Peter Green, De La Salle Waddington, Old Brighton Allen, Old Brighton Campbell, De La Salle Zanetti, Therry Cochrane, Old Melburnians Bosanko, Therry C SECTIO N Weston, Banyule Panagiotidis, Hampton Rovers Philips, Preston MBOB Riddell, St . Kild a Ross, Hampton Rover s A. Hill, Balaclava D SECTION Jenkins, State Bank . Whdefriars Pratt Acreman, Old Mentonians Evans, Power House C. Cedro, Thomastown Wix, MHSOB E SECTION Wilson, Lat ro be Uni D. DeMorton, North Brunswick Burgess, Doveto n Seeley, St . Bedes Patterson, Heatherton C . Stevens, Brunswick Wrigglesworth, Latrobe Un i F SECTION Ma rt in, Waverley McGowan, Williamstown Oliver, Old Carey Szietz, ANZ Bank Fossa, University Red s Merton, Uni Reds G SECTIO N Thomas, Bloods Dalton, Kew D. Maclsaac, Kew Warner, Monash Whites Prowse, Kew H SECTION Tymms, Richmond Central Phillips, Richmond Central Ricketts, Richmond Central Pouloupouios, St Kilda Lang, Richmond Central Griffin, St . Kevins 38
(1) (4) (3) (1) (6) (2) (-) (-) (2)
67 45 35 33 33 31 29 29 229 8
(4) 43 (4) 41 (2) 38 (1) 37 (-) 36 33 (-) (2) 32 (3) 32 (3 30 30 (4) 29 (3) 29 (6) (-) (-) (4) (-)
85 75 66 61 61 61
(3) 68 (3) 66 (-) 56 (-) 52 (2) 48 (1) 46 (8) 103 (-) 66 (2) 58 (1) 50 47 (1) 44 (1) 41 (-) 80 (-) 78 (8) 63 (2) 62 (-) 50 (-) 46 (4) 63 (1) 55 (1) 27 (-) 23 (-) 18 (1) 38 (3) 37 (1) 35 (-) 33 (1) 33 (-) 30
UNDER 19 SE ION 1 R . Brasher, De La Salle Fiume, De La Salle Griffin, Collegian s
C. Fuller, Old Paradians Green McIntyre, Whitefriars
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 Knight, Old Brighto n Perrett St Bernards Tripodi, North Old Boys Haizis, MHSOB Millington, Old Scotch Goodwin, Therry UNDER 19 SECTION 3 Riley, Mazeno d . Kevins Warton, St Naumovski, Thomastown S. Bolt, De La Salle Gold Walsh . Aquina s Hubery, De La Salle Gold A RESERVE Heaphy, Old Xaverian s McAllister, Kew Schmidt, Collegians Mitchell, University Blues Boyanton, Ormond B RESERVE Hendrie, Bulleen/Tem p Ould, Fawkne r P. Monogham, St . Bernards O'Keefe, De La Salle O.C . Selleck, Fawkne r O'Brien, Da La Salle C RESERVE Bowler, Banyule Haysom, Preston MBOB Devola, Hampton Rovers Robertson, Old Haileybury L . Caligiuri, Preston MBO B
(10) 78 (5) 58 (-) 49 (-) 33 (1) 3 1 (2) 74 (1) 43 (-) 40 (2) 38 (5) 35 (1) 3 2
The Victorian Amateur Football Association reminds all competing Clubs, players, officials, supporters and spectators that the CONSUMPTION of ALCOHOL at AMATEUR FOOTBALL is NOT PERMITTED, UNLESS, a permit has been issued by the Association for a function and a copy of the appropriate liquor licence has been forwarded .
(2) 46 (-) 42 (5) 41 (1) 36 (-) 35 (-) 34 (2) 42 (-) 35 (-) 30 (-) 23 (-) 2 3 (6) 28 (-) 26 (2) 25 (-) 19 (-) 16 (1) 1 7
The Executive is determined to ensure the success of the finals series in all sections and encourages family support at all matches . Breaches of regulations will result in heavy fines and Police presence from time to time will ensure that V. A. F. A . requirements are met.
D RESERVE Curtin, State Ban k Peter O'Brian, Whitefriars Camilleri, Thomastown Martin, MHSO B Young, Old Camberwel l E RESERV E (3) 53 (2) 38 (2) 35 (-) 33 (-) 32 (3) 25
Watson, Doveton Ryan, Aquinas Cavalieri, La Trobe Uni Penouris, Heatherton Bryant, St . Bedes Pegler, Aquinas F RESERVE Dawson, Williamstow n J . Boyle, Mazenod Hayden, St . Leonards Yusuf, Commonwealth Bank Graham, Old Care y Iles, St . Andrews
PHIL STEVENS General Manage r
83 26 23 22 17 14
ST. ANDREWS Browne 5, Tapner 5, Lindy 2 . Phelan 4. Mauro 2 . Funneli, Gibson MacDonald . Magro . Rule, Westbury BEST Great team effort by all players ~
A SECTION 14.18.102 O. SCOTCH 5 .7 7.8 9.14 .42 PARKSIDE 2 .0 3 .1 6 .4 6.6 .Allen, .Hooper 2, Moir 2, E A .Hart 4, Aufard 2, Brown 2, N 0 . SCOTCH Smith BEST Smith, Hodge, Aulard, N .Hooper, Brown . A .Hart PARKSIDE Freean 3, Inserra, Soligo, Torre, BEST Vincitoria, Hunt, Soligo, Pavia, Cowell, Inserra . 8 .3 9.5 .59 COLLEGIANS 2 .0 4.1 .5.59 MARCELLIN 5 .1 7.4 8 .4 9 . BEST COLLEGIANS Cooper S . Bennett . Berzins, Schmidt, Daly Wallace, Galbraith, G .Parsons, Schober, Wright, Coope r J .Amad, Boysen, Zannon. MARCELLIN Caffry 4, M .Getson, L,Getson, BEST Hewitt, Cooper, Lennox, J .Amad, Psoras, Battistella . .56 ORMOND 1 .1 3 .5 3 .6 7.14 2 .5 3 .11 6 .15 6.16.52 NORTH O.B . .McDonald, SchuhkrafL ORMOND Schuhkraft 6, Gervasoni . iBEST P Russell, Clarkson, Brown, Gervason NORTH O .B. Booth 2, Hanlon, Cahill, Boyd, Considine . BEST Hanlon, Moloney, Considine, Hannebery, Booth, Hogan . 6.3.39 0. PARADIANS ~.4 2 .07 251.3 1 212 24 UNI BLUES . BEST Wood, Gleeson, 0. PARADIANS Mansfield 4, Gleason, Angove Skerritt, O'Laughlin, Mansfield, B .Considme UNI BLUES Maclnnes, Gust BEST Yandell, Furphy, Gust, Allardice, Hazeldine, Macauley . 4 .4 .28 KEW 2 .2 2.2 4 .3 .38 0. XAVERIANS 2 .1 3.5 3 .6 5.8 . BEST King. Dann 0. XAVERIANS Taylor, Bourke, TStoney, T .Watson, Walsh . Callan, McClelland . R .Visenuni, Dann . KEW Grdiths 2, Fitzpatrick 2, BEST Duncan, R .Bruno, Kalac, Clayton, James, Barry .
BRUNSWICK 7.3 7.4 7.9 7.9.51 WEST BRUNSWICK 3 .1 3.4 5.8 9 .12 .66 BRUNSWICK Kannegiesser C Stevens. Farrelly. Gibson . Steven s nbelL Hardy BEST DStevens . McLean . Owens Hardy . Black
5.3 5.4,34 PRESTON 2 .0 4.3 BANYULE 2 .1 4.2 5.6 8.6 .54 PRESTON Hepburn 4, Sabah . BEST Smart, Sebeh, Krygger, Ewing, T.Mason . BANYULE Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 10.3 14.9 15 .10.100 HAMP. ROVERS 8 .2 ST. KILDA 0 .3 5 .5 7.5 9.8 .62 HAMP. ROVERS Panagiotidis 6, Ross 4, I,Boyle, G.Devereaux, Harp-:, McKellar, Pappon . BEST McKellar, Coutts, Capp, Pappon, I .Boyle, McConville . ST. KILDA Capiron 4, Benke 2, Driscoll 2, Hammam . BEST Caption, Struth, Fiddler, Bennett, Murrihy, Boyd . .6 10 .13.73 BALACLAVA 2 .1 6.5 9.10 15.14.104 0 .IVANHOE 6 .6 7.8 9 Halpin. BALACLAVA T,Hdl 2, John Sist 2, H .Smith 2, A .Breshn, Caddy, Monaghan . BEST Rafferty, Monaghan, Gates, SWither s 0. IVANHOE Yarwood 8, Dyson 2, Fallaw 2, Stevens, Jenkins, Hall . BEST Skalberg, Yarwood, Vaughan, Dyson, Nievandt, Jensen 12 .7.79 IVANHOE CAUL. GRAMMARIANS 8 .4.52 IVANHOE Manuel 3, Lengacher 2, Bullen 2, Fawley 2, Bisogni, Webb, Witcheli, BEST Bullen, Lynch, Barro, Baker, Newbold, Webb BEST CAUL. GRAMM . Horton 4, Morrissey, Rudden, Boston, Dicrosta Lowe, Rudden, Horton, TRoyals, Morrissey, Dicrosta . 16.19 20.21 .141 0 . HAILEYBURY 5 .4 8.8 ST. KEVINS 1 .1 1 .1 4 .1 4 .6.3 2, Snowbal0O l . HAILEYBURY Walden 4, Fletcher 4, Baxter 2,. Phillips Byrns BEST Lyell . Tanner, 2. Connell 2, Robertson, Meehan, Lyell, Phillips, Connell, Bingham, Meehan . Jolly . BEST O'Brien, ST. KEVINS Jeremy Sargeant 2, Hayden, Simmons, Varasdi, Bare, McKaige, Hooper .
j B -SECTION : 14.13 .97 THERRY 4 .5 5.8 8.13 0. TRINITY 0.2 5.7 8.7 11 .10 .76 Wrigglesworth THERRY Bosanko 3, Ramsay 2, McCann 2, M .Crotty 2, .Ratcliffe, Bye, 2, Zanetli, Clifton, Mallon . BEST Quinn, Grocock, A McCann, Reddic k 0. TRINITY Maizels 3, Allibon 2, Anderson, O'Shaughnessy, Borghesi . Rogers . Symons, Vize. BEST Rogers, Allibon, Parkes, Norman, Turner, Taylor. 6.4 .40 UNI SLACKS 42 .0 4 .2 5 .4 .2 6.5 9 .6 14 8 .92 DE LA SALLE 3 . Knuppen 2, Tully 2, Lowe, Dwyer, DE LA SALLE Campbell 3,. Fraser Mackintosh, Pat Green BEST Campbell, Sheedy, Anderson, JO'Callaghan, McClounan, Fraser . UNI BLACKS Heath 4, Chomley, Newing, BEST Russell, Van Denderen, Heath . Gibney, McArthur, Chomiey. 6 .8 8.9.57 ST. BERNARDS 1 .3 3 .5 MONASH BLUES 2 .2 4 .6 6 .8 9.12 .66 MONASH BLUES Alexander 3, Hildebrand, Champness, Cornwell, Koop, Kellock, J.Quin . BEST A .Qin, Cornwell, Hipwell, Kiers, Sturgess, Newman, ST. BERNARDS G .Wood 2, K.Mahady 2, Matthews 2, Daffey,. Walsh . BEST Muir, Walsh, G .Wood, Nathan, O'Connell, Monaghan .14 .74 0. BRIGHTON 3 .6 4 .8 9 .12 10.17.101 BULLEEN/TEMP 3 .5 8.10 11 .11 14 BULLEEN/TEMP. Field 6 . Heath 4, Mayne 2, Merritt, Puts. BEST TsioLnas, Field, Robertson, Cameron, Puts, Rowe . . 0. BRIGHTON Allen 3, Waddington 2, Barber, Denson, Fisher, A,Grant O'Connor. BEST Burns, Bennett, Denson, James, Lade, Barber . 4 .16 8.20 15.25 .115 0 . MELBURNIANS ~ 2 7.31 6 FAWKNER Z 0. MELB. Cochrane 4, Naylor 3, Stuckey 2, Webb 2, Con, Boyden, R,Nelson, N .Johnstone. BEST Stuckey, Nichols, Con, Webb, Boyden, P.Nelson . FAWKNER Johnson 2, Gray, Roach, BEST Ruggiero, Mitchell, Livingstone, L .Cohen, Majerczak Middlemo . 40
WEST BRUNSWICK Traynor 3, Hall 2 . Capron, Cecchi, McDonald IS BEST Campagna, Cecchi . Fitzsimons, Fyffe . Johnstone r UHSOB 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 1 .3 .9 ST. BEDES 3.3 7.4 7.6 8 .6.54 UHSOB Gathercole 1 BEST Burns Skinns . Strahan Grant Kemp ,, ,son
ST. BEDES Spencer 2 . Walker 2 . N Fitzgibbon . Seliey, Thompson . . ~. .-w BEST Mills Whitelaw. Boag, TBeasley . Newport . Riordan p,GEELONG 12 .4.76 p,ESSENDON 14.10 .9 4 0 . GEELONG Clarke 3 Stewart 2 . Williams Handbury. Neville-Smith ng, Harwood . Borthwick, Twigg BEST Clarke . Williams ~ a aod, Youngman . Pappas, Handbury 0. ESSENDON Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . AQUINAS 3.1 8.3 10 .6 14 .8.92 HEATHERTON 3.0 4 .1 5 .4 7.5 .47 AQUINAS Flieter 3. Croft 3. Hodge 2, Kweteiamis 2, M McNamara .- King, DO Laughlin, BEST team effor t
HEATHERTON Anderson 3 Ulbrick 2 . Tim . Patterson BEST Uibnck . - r Reddaway . Tim . Howell Anderso n PENINSULA 5 .4 8.7 12.7 14 .12 .96 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .7 5.9 10.12 14.16.100 PENINSULA R Sharpin 3 . Harrison 1 Jarrot 3 . Hayes 2 . Angus 2 ; nes 2, C Sharpin BEST Angus, Bieasby . Scott, R Sharpin . ~ - ~r :rpin, Labrooy, McMahon, Crowder NORTH BRUNSWICK Lianeas3, J Brifta 2, C Fox 2, Grimaldi 2 . Sherrd. ,,atore. Miragha . PBriffa, Adams BEST M Payne, Gibbons. PBnffa . .-, .°-~ :Idi . Laineas Sammartino DOVETON 5.8 9.8 10.18 15 .24.114 LA TROBE 3.5 4.8 11 .13 12.14.8 6 DOVETON Burgess 2 . Ric Thorweston 2, J Reiger 2 . Ashwood 2, Mair ~arger. Atkinson, A Battle. Beugelaac TO Donnell BEST S Reger, Donnel, Ashwood . Warren, Ric Thorweston, Murph y LA TROBE UNI Wilson 8, Little 2 . Wriggiesworth . Dalbosco BEST , 'm . Wngglesworth . Little . Kreuzer Huffer . Cousin s
14.13.97 0. CAMBERWELL 6.4 9.9 10.11.1 7.4 .46 BULLEEN UTD 2.1 2.1 2 Beal, Jepson, 0. CAMBERWELL Hodgson 4, Pike 3, J .Lee 2, Howard, Mitchell, Provan . BEST J.Lee, Pike, Armstrong, M .Eades, Howard, Guthrie . BULLEEN UTD Morley 2, Veitch 2, P .Harvie, May, Taylor. BEST Morley Kelly, Taylor, Dennis, Flew, P .Harvie . 10 .6.66 AJAX 28.10 .178 THOMASTOWN . .Golberg, Brian Goldberg, Bloom AJAX Silver 3, Klooger 2, Rasch, L Fagenblat. BEST Klooger, Bursztyn, Josem, Zurbo, Rosner, Brian Goldberg . THOMASTOWN Molella 5, F.Farchione 4, Kevin Hailing 3, Karambalas 3, Cedro 2, Horkings 2, A,Fellows 2, Carroll 2, Bubis 2, D .Feilows, Petsims, Lentini . BEST A . Fellows, Molella, Lentini, F.Farchione . 14 .21 17.26 .128 0 . MENTONIANS 8.6 9 .14 POWER HOUSE 1 .4 2.5 3.6 6.7.43 POWERHOUSE Wilson 2, Hall, Paviou, Glen Scotland, Sarosi . BEST Cross, Morris, Desler, Hansen, Escott, Crawley . ceived . 0. MENTONIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not re 3.3 6.7 6.10 8.11 .59 WHITEFRIARS STATE BAN K WHITEFRIARS Pratt 3, Sutton 2, Micro, Spears, Lowell . BEST Crowe. Houston, Hay, Jenkins, Bunn, Stevens . Beer, STATE BANK Jenkins 3, Burrage 2, Beare, Cloke, Hargreaves, Isgro. BEST Gniel, Cloke, Guy, Templeston, Isgro, Doonan . .12.90 MHSOB 3.1 6.6 9.10 13 14 .17.101 ELSTERNWICK 3 .5 4 .10 7.13 . BEST Yee, MHSOB Yee 5, Moore 4, Comer, Bahen, Sumner, Wix Moore, Bahen, McLardie . ELSTERNWICK Tsiampas 5, Christie 3, Rosewarne 2, Daniels . Connolly, Oakley, Broderick . BEST Alby Conlin, Bean, Rosewarne, McCooke, Tsiampas, Daniels. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
UNI REDS 8 .17.65 ST. LEONARDS 1 .8 .1 4 ST. LEONARDS Dinning 1 BEST Brooks, McDonald . Fitzgerald -: :-s Guinane, Dinning ST. LEONARDS Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived . MAZENOD 2 .5 5 .7 7.10 10.11 .71 WILLIAMSTOWN 1 .1 3.2 3.6 4 .9 .33 MAZENOD A .Rogers 2, Francis 2, Geoff Matthews 2, Lucas, Palamara . rAullm, Cox. BEST Geoff Matthews, Cox . Hamilton, Gr m son, colt . Robinson WILLIAMSTOWN Mazouns 2, Tuck, Calderwood BEST Dona . Harry, : derwood . Mazouns, Cannon, Andrew Feathersto n ELTHAM 7.8.50 OLD CAREY 33 .32.230 OLD CAREY Oliver 8 . W Brown 7, Blight 6, Ballagh 3, Christensen 3 . '~~~y R Hughes. C Hughes . Shaw, Pang A Cope BEST Great team .,h,i i
ELTHAM Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. ANZ BANK 2 .2 5.6 6.7 7.7.49 COMM . BANK 2.6 5.8 5.9 10.10.70 A NZ BANK Szetz 2, Nicolosi 2, Kennedy, McLeod, Schaper BEST ' , -olosi . Schaper, Furniss, Cumming, Anshs, Marshal l COMM BANK J,Post 4, Pearson 2, Evans, Clode. A .Pitts, Henry BEST _ )od team effort FOOTS. IT. 1 .1 1 .3 2 .4 4 .6.30 ST. ANDREWS 4 .12 17.19 24.26 27.33.195 FOOTS. IT. Breheny, Bibas . Brown, Cliffe BEST Phillips . M Edwards -ourt, Breheny, Byrnes, Lewi s THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
FIRST SEMI FINAL PORT COLTS 2.2 6 .3 6.5 7.5.4 7 0 . MELBURNIANS 2 .1 2 .3 3.3 6.6 .4 2 PORT COLTS Pasquill 3 . Harland 2, Smith . Lane BEST Lane 0Nei! Harland, Tinsley, Kondos, Pasquil l O . MELB. Troupe . Hockney, Taylor, Thomas, Heath . Hanchette BEST Francis. Dawson, Troupe, Slopes, Thoma s SECOND SEMI FINA L KEW 1 .2 1 .4 1 .7 4 .11 .35 BLOODS 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 .2 3 KEW Wilson 2, Dalton . Macisaac . BEST McEnroe. Wilson, Lindsay. Langton, West, Phela n BLOODS Thomas 2. McAsey BEST Brown Amarant . Hutchinson, Vann Witts, C,McDonnel i
H SE;CTIO N FIRST SEMI FINA L ST. KILDA 3 .5 4.8 6 .11 7.14 .56 KONTIAS 0 .1 1 .4 4.4 6 .4.40 ST. KILDA JCapiron 2, Moreschmi, Demato. Caifa, Luck . O'Hearn BEST O'Hearn, Nardella, Moreschmi, Andrews, J .Capiron, Demaio KONTIAS Lantouns 3, Skapetis, CalcaUpcos, Karvelis, BEST Lantouns, Skapetis . Cannolo, Ganakis, Balderanos . Bond SECOND SEMI FINA L RICHMOND CENTRAL 5.5 9.7 13 .9 15.12 .102 ST. KEVINS 1 .0 3.1 5.2 6.4 .40 RICH . CENTRAL Jukes 5 . Bastow 3, Phillips 3. Tymms . Ricketts, Young, Lang BEST Egerton, Bestow . Tymms, Park, Jiggms, Juke s ST. KEVINS Thomas 3 . McKenzie, O'Mahoney. Banova . BEST Thomas, Corrigan Vear Long O'Mahoney . Whela n
. . ,
. ..- .
UNDER 19 ZON E 1 0 . PAR GREEN received forfeit f ro m BANYULE . COLLEGIANS 3.2 5.4 7.7 11 .11 .77 W HITEFRIARS 4.2 11 .3 16.6 16 .6 .102 COLLEGIANS Oldfield 3. Fitzmaunce 2, Docking 2, Di Santo. Gittms Jennings, Proctor BEST Docking, Jefferson, Proctor. Schiller, Di Santo, Oldfiel d WHITEFRIARS Lrvesey-Cole 7, Carbone 3, G,White 2, F .Maclean . Chandler, McIntyre, Macvean BEST Reidy . Livesey-Cole, Ravenarki . Carbone . M .Whites. McGuin n MARCELLIN 3 .5 5.9 6.11 7.13.55 ORMOND 3 .2 3.3 9 .3 12.8.80 ORMOND Best C Keleher, S,Gribble, C .Kraus . S Harrold, PWard MARCELLIN Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . DE LA BLUE 29.22 .196 UNI BLUES 3 .6.24 DE LA SALLE R Brasher 10, Fiume 5 . Jackson 4, Demauio 3 . Hegan 2 . S.Rudd 2, Kruger, Hynes, Schulling . BEST Jackson, Hynes, Brasher. Fiume, Marostica, Rud d UNI BLUES Jones, Glover, Keane . BEST Jones, Jackson, Newitt, Maxwell, Markley, Patterso n 0. HAILEYBURY 2 .2 5 .6 6 .7 8.9.57 0. XAVERIANS 4 .4 6 .6 8.11 15.12 .102 0. HAILEYBURY Home 4, Devenish, R.Parton, Spiers, Chegwin BEST F Main, McKenzie, Home, Herbert, Jamieson, Armstron g 0. XAVERIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived . 41
29.21 .195 2 .0 .12
SMillar 11Gibbs. 2, , teele, Allardt Bradeld 3.,Canlt Blochn 0, Cowper, R . Cowper, Worssam, Millar, Bradfield, R .Steele. MHSOB Hatzis 2, BEST S .Konstanti, Suckling, Apostolou, Howell . Sargeant, Jackman . .8 9.12.66 UNI BLACKS 2 .1 4.7 6 .55 MONASH BLUES 1 .6 4.12 4.23 5 .25 . BEST Lillie 3, McFarlane 2, Moor6eld 2, Hengel, Smith UNI BLACKS McDonald, Lillie, Zappia, Barbary, McFariane . Shaddock. MONASH BLUES Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived . 3 .3 3.3.21 ST. BERNARDS 0.1 1 .2 .8.50 0. BRIGHTON 3.4 4.5 5.7 7 . Perrett, BEST Malia, ST. BERNARDS Malia, Law, Horn, McGeown Horn, Tralongio, Breen, McGeown, McEvoy . BEST 0. BRIGHTON Knight 2, Devine 2, Marion 2, Williamson Moreton, Marion, Williamson, Pulser, Jarvis, Joynson . 13 .11 .89 CAULFIELD . GRAMMARIANS 12.12 .84 NORTH O.B NORTH O .B . Pawsye 3, Tripodi 2, Phee 2 . Wigins, Fitzgerald, Perris, Angelucci. BEST Trimbole . Phee. Fitzgerald, Collard, Wiggins, Angelucci . CAUL . GRAMM . Goal Kickers and Best Playe rs not re ceived. .2 6 .7.43 0. MELBURNIANS 1 .0 3 .0 4.10 9.12 .66 BULLEENlTEMP. 4.3 5 .7 8 BULLEEN/TEMP. A.Puiverenti 5, McNamara, Basford, Willoughby, . Walsh, BEST A .Puiverenti, McNamara, Aylward, Willoughby, Edmonds McWaters. OLD MELB. Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived . 6 .15 .51 THERRY 2 .6 3.12 6.14 O. PAR . PURPLE 1 .0 1 .2 3 .5 4.5.29 BEST Condie, 0. PAR . PURPLE Ward, Brabender, Donoghue, J .Reidy. Robertson, O'Loughlin, Brabender, Cousins, Ward . THERRY Brundell 3, Morelli 2 . Goodwin . BEST Smith, Pinner, Ng, Schembri, Sandman, Grant ,
UNDER 19 ZONE 3 = 2 .1 2 .3 5 .4 6 .5.41 ST. KEVINS 12 .88 11 .14 4 .5 5 .8 AQUINAS 6 1 ST. KEVINS Kerr 3, McCurdy, McCann, Dwyer . BEST Marks, Wardlaw . Nanfra, Fraser, Kerr, Paterson . AQUINAS Marshall 3, Denver 3, Kristian 2, Livingstone 2, McDonald, A .McEvoy. BEST Kristian, Sheehan, Marshall, Denver, Maher, A.McEvoy. .6.42 ALBANVALE 2 .1 2 .2 6 .5 6.16.70 THOMASTOWN 2 .2 3.9 3.13 9 THOMASTOWN Naumovski 5, C .Sahm, Fares, Gikovski, Ward . BEST Shalevski, Battista, Formosa, Fiume, Papaioanou . ALBANVALE Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived . .6 5 .7.37 PARKSIDE 0 .4 3 .5 5.10 18.14.122 FAWKNER 5 .6 9.7 13 . BEST Hansen, Stuart, Chilcott . PARKSIDE No goal kickers supplied Moddie, Warrell, Salisbury, FAWKNER Ball 4, John Wilson 4, Selek 3, O'Leary 3, Nassif 2, Habgood 2. BEST Ball, O'Leary, Dakin, John Wilson, McMahon, Mortillaro MAZENOD 20.16.136 0 . TRINITY 7.7.49 MAZENOD Lenette 5, McLean 4, Riley 2, Principe 2, Ward 2, Smith 2, King, Fisher, Signal . BEST McLean, Cobban, Riley, Lenette, Ward . Fisher. . Turner, 0. TRINITY Adamson 2, Beamish, Spinks, Roberts, Thomas BEST Lobb, G .Harvey, Turner, Spinks, Papas, Gutteridge . DE LA GOLD 13.8.86 14.15.99 IVANHOE DE LA GOLD No goal kickers supplied . BEST Pollock, Rudd, Watts, P.Brasher, Fay, Hubery . IVANHOE Oberin 5, Cirkovic 2, Smith 2, Leonard, Johnstone, Isac, S.Cavar, Wiley. BEST Lee, Smith, Wiley, Oberin, Leonard, Isac . HAMPTON ROVERS A BYE . 42
iy,24.138 O. SCOTCH 5 .9 10.14 15.18 PARKSIDE 0 .0 0.2 1 .2 2 .3 .1 5 Gaylor 6, Mirams 3, Sherwen 3, J,Macmtllan 2 O . SCOTCH Bones, I .' -,D.Hooper, Perkins, Price, Shepherd BEST . .Hooper R .Macmilian, Shepherd, Hawkins, D PARKSIDE Denami 2, BEST Coleman, Pavitt, Denarni, Dunbar . Papatheodorou . G . Panlan . COLLEGIANS 3 .2 5 .6 8 .9 9,16,70 MARCELLIN 2 .5 3.6 4 .9 6,9•4 5 COLLEGIANS Coyne 3, Wolff 2, Blackman, Baxter . Higson. Whit BEST Peck, Wolff, Whittaker, Greeves, Blackman, Conron MARCELLIN Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 17.11 .113 ORMOND 3.4 6.8 11 .10 1.3 2 .5 2.6 2,6 .16 NORTH O .B . ORMOND Madden 4, Grace 3, Stewart 2 . Oaten, Tonkin, Darren ; ; - . , McConville, Boyanton, Adams, D .Cox, Harrington. . BEST McCor . Tonkin, Darren Wood, Milner, Strahan, Madden NORTH O.B. Handley, Pearse . BEST Scott. Keogh. Connor. Bar. r Poeorzelski, Bussell . 0 . PARADIANS 0.7.7 UNI BLUES 5 .5,35 0. PARADIANS BEST Bibby, Philp, Hammond, Natoli . Veac ArrBEST Kenne UNI BLUES Lowe 2, Lowrey, McIntosh, Formosa Formosa, Hickey, Holmes, Carroll, Nugent , .3.27 KEW 4 10,14 .74 0. XAVERIANS KEW Krnakou, R .O'Kalyi . Curtain, M .Vana BEST luliano, Lc .r CVigliotti, B .Vigliotto, Crimmins, M .Carydi s 0 . XAVERIANS Houlihan 2, Heaphy 2, Watson 2, Collopy, Curti Logan, O'Sullivan . BEST M .Coliopy, Slattery, Qudty, DMac, ::, Katapodis, C .Ralph .
BRESERVE=SECr~ 1 .7 4.10 6 .11.47 THERRY 0.5 0. TRINITY 4.3 6.4 6.7 6.8.44 THERRY McMahon 2, O'Brien, Schembri, Paul Jones, Ennis BEST Barrett, Paul Jones, McMahon, Griffiths, Bodn, O'Brie n 0 . TRINITY Neave 2, Sella 2, McAree 2 . BEST Neave, PRobison K .Kenealy, Francis, Smith, J .P.Adgemis. 2 .1 .13 UNI BLACKS 1 .0 1 .0 1 .1 DE LA SALLE 3 .2 6.5 7.9 9 .10 .64 DE LA SALLE Buckley 3, Brideson 2, Smith, O'Brien, Waidre, Harrington . BEST Team effort. UNI BLACKS Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived . 10.12.72 6.10 ST. BERNARDS 4.5 4.5 MONASH BLUES 2 .2 4 .2 4 .2 5.4.34 ST. BERNARDS O'Brien 4, Monaghan 2, McInerney, 0'Conne Creake, Toohey . BEST Too, Creake, McInerney, Freeman, TBurke MONASH BLUES M.Spencer 2, Balsarini, Schwedes, Lynch BEST Kallio, Hodgson, Hyett, Andntsos, M .Spencer, Nicolopoulos . 10.11 .71 0. BRIGHTON 2 .2 5 .9 8 .10 B ULLEENlrEM P. 5.1 7.1 9 .7 12.10 .82 0. BRIGHTON Smyth 4, Cochran, Hill . Hogan, Mier, Millis, Tregasks BEST Mier, Tregaskis. Young, Smith, McMahon, Monument . BULLEEN/TEMP. Hendrie 6, Minney 3, Panou 2, Miles, BEST Hendrie, Cameron, Peters, Faulkner, A .Rosandis, Panou . OLD MELB . 7.11 .53 . FAWKNER 2 0 3 .5 7.8 FAWKNER Ould 2, P .Barrett 2, R .Wilson 2, Terry. BEST Hoare, Cropley, M .Tymms . G .Scot, McAuliffe, Seileck . OLD MELB. Goal Kickers and Best Players not received.
PRESTON 3 .1 3 .2 5.5 6 .5.41 .17 BANYULE 1 .2 2 .4 2 .4 2 .5 PRESTON Haysom 3, Warwick 1, 2 unknown . BEST Team effort' BANYULE Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
HAMPTON ROVERS 9 .4 10.7 11 .8 13.10 .88 1 .1 2 .1 3 .5 3 .8.2 6 T. KILDA HAMPTON ROVERS Hunter 4, McDonald 4, W.Boyle 2, Worland 2, ,din_ BEST Ivey, Jones, Bird, Jopling, Hunter, Mather . supplied, BEST Harper, Gill, White, ST. KILDA No goal kickers T, :Lmger, Fawaz, Healy . 2 .4 2 .11 2.13 6 .15.51 BALACLAVA OLD IVANHOE 2.2 3.2 5.2 6.2 .38 BALACLAVA Chalker 2, Ottaway 2, James Sist, Talarko . BEST Rossiter, , : .issar, James Sist, Warrenn, Talarico, K . Hartley. OLD IVANHOE 3, Atkins 2 . Stanley. BEST Naim, Ritchie, Chalkley, :argin, Haug . McKi e IVANHOE 12.7.79 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 3 .3.21 IVANHOE J .HOHman 3, D.Flynn 3, Hall 3, King 3 . BEST M .Peacock, qngelini, Hall, Libertone, G .Peacock, D .Flynn . CAULFIELD GRAMM . G .Williams 2, Harley 1 . BESt G .Wiiliams, ~larrison, Schoiten, Hedin, Morrison, C.Roseman . 0. HAILEYBURY 4.5 6.6 7.11 12 .13.85 ST. KEVINS 0.1 2 .2 2 .2 2 .3 .15 0. HAILEYBURY Colston 2, McGorlick 2, Noske 2, Doran, Meadows, , asscock P.Wigg, Derham, Dangerfield . BEST Colston, Noske, rAcGoriick, Bennett, Doran, Mytton . ST. KEVINS S.Bare, Houngan . BEST Sharp, Clark . Fogarty, Mitch, C Stone, Wilkinson.
0. CAMBERWELL 2 .3 5 .4 5 .4 5.8.38 BULLEEN UTD 3 .5 5.10 7.14 7.17.59 0. CAMBERWELL Gan 2, RCrundell 2, Todd . BEST Can, P.Crundell, S.Crundell, Todd, Young, Wilson . BULLEEN UTD Redfern 2, Avery, C .Stratton, Banfield, A .Humphrey, Huntington. BEST Banfield, Thompson, Wood, Pascoe, Mitilineos, ~`.illiams . AJAX 1 .3.9 THOMASTOWN 17 .16 .118 AJAX Midlec BEST Wolff, Bassatt, J .Alberts, Levy, B .Zielinski, A . Krongold . THOMASTOWN D.Farchione 7, Camilien 4, A .Fleming 3, Taslkos, Everitt, Morabito. BEST D.Farchione, Valeri, A.Fleming, DeThomasis, Golledge, Cooper. 0. MENTONIANS 0.2 3.3 5.4 6.8 .44 POWER HOUSE 3.4 5.7 5.9 5.9 .39 POWERHOUSE Cottrell, Groves, Homes, O'Sullivan, Haberman . BEST Haberman, Trompf, Kretschmer, Waters, Cottrell, Fosdick . 0. MENTONIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . WHITEFRIARS 4 .2 5.3 7.4 9 .5.59 STATE BANK 2.1 3 .2 5 .2 6.2.38 WHITEFRIARS Callinan 2, Phillip 2, Peter O'Brien, Guggenheimer, Flanagan, Rohan, Paul Reidy. BEST Borack, Dunn, McKeown, Newton, ?hiilip, Paul Reidy. STATE BANK Curtin 4, D.Brown, A .Brown . BEST Watt, Carr, Coghlan, Nelson, Wood, Shepard . MHSOB 3 .8 6.10 12 .11 16 .15.111 ELSTERNWICK 1 .0 4 .0 4.2 7.2 .44 MHSOB Portia 3, Geehman 3, Sainsbury 3, Verma 2 . Martin, Flegeltaub, Webster 2, Radlow. BEST Flegeltaub, Sainsbury, Verma, Webster, Radlow, Bavage . ELSTERNWICK Harris 2, Dunn, Ramsay, Heath, Amos, Coyne. BEST Heath, McLennan, Amos, Hammer, Harris, Coyne .
BRUNSWICK 0.1 3.1 3.3 5.4 .34 WEST BRUNSWICK 4.2 6.6 8.6 9 .7.61 BRUNSWICK Barley 2, Kannegiesser 2, Watkins . BEST Heaney, Birch, Carroll, Wright, Mynott . WEST BRUNS . Sassine 4, Baker, McRootie, Marlow, Robinson, White . BEST Baker, Beaumont, Cox, Hogan, Sassine, White . UHSOB 0.1 0.1 0.1 0 .1 .1 ST. BEDES 1 .1 2.3 4.7 4 .9 .33 UHSOB BEST Shanahan, J .O'Rani. Kountios, Hudd, Halifax, Rothwell . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
ST. BEDES Burns 2 . Mann, Connelly. BEST Burns, Mark Beasley, Bracchi, Parks, Pettinella, Matthew Beasley OLD GEELONG 13 .18.96 0. ESSENDON 2.2 .14 OLD GEELONG Baxter 4, Henderson 3, McMillan 3, Robertson, Robinson, Smith, BEST R,Furphy, Ide, Henderson, Baxter, McMillan, Hayes O. ESSENDON Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived. AQUINAS 2 .2 4 .8 7.10 13 .15.93 HEATHERTON 2 .0 2 .0 2 .0 2 .0.12 AQUINAS Pegler 3, McManus 2, Ryan 2, Brady 2, M .Box 2 . Rogers, D . O'Laughlin . BEST Rogers, G.King, Leavey, Smith, Corsby, D .O'Laughlm . HEATHERTON Caia 2, BEST Buck, Potts, Caia, Pappas, Elliott, Link . PENINSULA 6.1 8 .5 11 .8 14 .9.93 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .1 7.4 8 .5 8.10.58 PENINSULA Bovington 5, Malks 3, Baxter 2, Richetts . DeBruen, Grace, Collopy, BEST Baxter, Marlyn . Richetts, Malks, Collopy . NORTH BRUNSWICK Mazzareila 2, Costello 2, PFox, D.Dimarco, Burrows, Stanatakos. BEST Burrows, P.Fox, Mazzarella, Jewell, S .Tsialtas, De.Dimarco . DOVETON 3 .1 4.2 8.3 8.3 .51 LA TROBE UNI 2 .3 5.9 6 .11 13 .12 .90 DOVETON Watson 3, Gibbs 2, McDonald, Blewett, Handy . BEST Murhead, Goodwin, Gibbs, McDonald, Sweeney. LA TROBE UNI. McGibbon 3, Cavalieri 2, Franzman 2, Zuccala 2, Andreula, Carrucan, Henderson, Morrice . BEST Franzman, Spano, Zuccala, Athanasakis, Frederickson, Carrucan .
RESERVE S ECTIO N UNI REDS 10.15.75 ST. LEONARDS 2 .0.12 ST. LEONARDS Hayden 2 . BEST Nicolaci, B.Jackson, Newman, Tehan . UNI REDS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. MAZENOD 2 .0 3 .4 4.7 7.11 .53 WILLIAMSTOWN 1 .4 1 .4 1 .5 2.6.18 MAZENOD Sinclair 3, Collins 2, Pouiter, D.Bray. BEST Luxford, Carr, Todd, Campbell, Collins, TSmith . WILLIAMSTOWN Muscat, Lerias. BEST Smith, F.VanDerPeet, Aryan, Campagna, Kennedy, Elliott . ANZ BANK 2 .3 8 .5 11 .8 13 .14 .92 COMM BANK 0 .1 0 .1 0.4 1 .4.10 ANZ BANK Riley 4, Birkenfelds 3, Curthoys 2 . Ely, Gleason, Heuston, Skein. BEST Holland, Leicester, Smith, Skein, Dickins, Heuston . COMM . BANK Keating. BEST .P.Charles, G .McNamee, Panagiotopoulos, S . McNamee, Mehmet, Watson . FOOTS . I .T. 2.1 2 .3 4 .6 5.7.37 ST. ANDREWS 0.3 5.7 10 .9 16.11 .107 FOOT. IT. Petropolos 2 . Darmaini Goodram . BEST Darmanin, Connolly, Petropoulos, Power, O'Shannessy, Alien . ST. ANDREWS Little 5, Chamra 3, Libardi 3, D .Iles 2, Burns, Whiting, Wright . BEST Allan, Burns, Chamra, Eiblem, D .Iles, Little, Peterson, Saddler. OLD CAREY A BYE.
Personality Par 100 GAMES TO CHRIS PEARSON OLD GEELON G Chris Pearson today (19/8) becomes Old Geelong's third Reserves player in two weeks to reach the 100 game mark. Chris started with the Club back in 1981 and won the Reserves Best and Fairest the following year, Despite his lack of height (it is rumoured he was once reported for striking an opposition player to the knee cap) he has always been a fine contributor on the field, usually in the obvious role of rover, His career was interrupted for a couple of years when his work took him out of Melbourne, but at long last he has made it . Congratulations from all at the Club . 43
Tip Top "Vickick" Demonstration
For the Prep-Grade 2 children a"normal" Vickick session will run . Normally this might last 60-70 minutes L~ut it involves :
AT MARCELLIN VS . ORMON D At half-time in the senior Marcellin Vs . Ormond game some children from the Templestowe Heights VicKick program will be involved in a display . The children are excited about it and it should be both entertaining and r,rormative for those who observe it . There will be two separate displays :
THEN THE B IG ONE SUNDAY SEPTEM B ER 24TH A SECTION G RAND F INA L featuring maybe COLLEGIANS v ????? Can Ormond win three in a row? Is it Collegians year ? Who'd write off University Blues?
• An introductory game : "Ball Chasey " • A skills session : Chest mark/pick-up/overhead mark/pick up rolling ball and kick . . A football game' a brief "grid game" (see below) specially modified . For the Grade Three-Four children, a football match known as a Grid Game will occur. • Six players per team (2 backs, 2 centres, 2 forwards ) • No tackling • No kicking the ball off the ground . Vickick, sponsored by Tip Top, now has over 15,000 primary school-age children involved . In the Northern Metropolitan area over 2,000 children participate at about 36 venues . The program is conducted by the parents who are supported and resourced by full-time Field Officers of he Victorian Football Development Foundation . It is an educational program which emphasizes FUN and PARTICIPATION while developing a range of skills . The programs are designed for all children from Preps to Grade 6. Vickick children also participae in Little League and Grid Games at VFL grounds and receive a wide range of benefits including 4 issues of "Football Life" magazine, membership of the VFL squadron, posters and much more. Anyone interested in finding out more about Vickick should contact the VFDF Field Officers in their metropolita n region . Northern Peter Hanlon Southern Stephen Kennedy Eastern Graeme Forsyth Western Russell Lawe Central Bob Batt y
or ring the Victorial Football Development Founda on on 654 4199 or 654 4425 .
12 noon to 2 p .m . - Organise a table from your clu b
435 0122 555 6688 762 5766 689 3100 887 991 1
Personality Par s LEW BALCOMBE'S 200th GAME AS GOAL UMPIR E Our Club is proud to acknowledge Lew's 200th Goal umpuring effort . His sense of humour and ability and readiness to offer all umpires plenty of advice are legend in the VAFA . Well done Lew and we hope you can do another 200 games . PLAYER MILESTONES AT MAZENO D Over the last few weeks a number of the clubs senior players have posted their 150th games. All three have been club legends in their own right and possess imposing playing achievements . Firstly Peter Riley has been a regular firsts player since 1980 . Peter had the honour of captaining ourfirst senior premiership at the age of 21 years old . He has been a consistent trophy winner and his determination to overcome injuries and set backs resulted in being a member of our 1988 premiership side . Peter has een a magnificent clubman, and spend many years serving on the committee. Secondly, Neil Robinson notched up the 150 game milestone . 'Robo' would be close to the best player to take the field for the Nods . This is evidenced by his amazing four senior best and fairests . He has played in all five senior premierships, including 1985'C Grade' flag where he was captain . Added to this 'Robo' has been a magnificent clubman . He served as a committeeman and Presidentwith distinction . Lastyear he was honoured with life-membership and this 150th milestone is just another ilestone for someone who is Mazenod through and through . Thirdly, Peter Hall completed his 150th . Peter also possesses an amazing playing career with Mazenod . He captained our team to last years premiership which incidentally was his fifth as a senior player . In our only 'A' grade year Pete wasthe club's most senior best and fairest . Pete's playing record includes six most determined awards which also shows his ability to lead from the front, especially in the years when we were physically undermanned . To all three players congratulations and thanks for eight years of dedicated service . 150 GAMES UP AT NORTH BRUNSWICK Jamie "Slim" Bessell will chalk up 150 games for North Brunswick in the last game for the 1989 season . It has taken Slim a few yearsto make this personal milestone as his career has been regularly interrupted by his main passion - eating ! Jamie is a favourite character around the club and is always one of thefi rstto volunteer when there is some hard work to be done for North Brunswick . The club owes a great debt to "Slim" (pay you next week!) and everyone wishes him well . Congratulations "Slim", from all at North Brunswick . BILLY BAKER PLAYS HIS 150th GAME Billy Baker Ivanhoe's Best & Fairest 1981, has reached his 150th game . Billy is known as the MOST ELIGIBLE CARD PLAYING BACHELOR and WORLD TRAVELLER at Ivanhoe . He is atrue stalwart who has come out of retirement again and is still one of the most prolific kick getters in the VAFA . Congratulations "Billy Bakos" . 46
150 TO ZEDDER LEGEN D One of the legends around ANZ Michael Farrell today plays his 150th game for the club against St . Andrews, a milestone that is thoroughly deserved . `MOTO' never gifted with great skills has worked very hard on his game over the years to reach this mark, and it is acreditto his determination and commitment to the task that he is where he is today . Although most of his games have been in the Reserves Michael has managed a couple of senior games even getting a vote in the B & F last year (we believe compliments of Getta) . He has served on many position on the committee over the years, is always one of the first to help when something needs to be done, rarely misses a social function is very popular with his peers and is especially popular with the ladies especially at the Forester's Arms after training where his exploits unfortunately cannot be put tp print, and he has even made an impromptu appearance on Perfect Match where his ability and charm won him and some lucky lady a trop to some North Queensland Island - he is very coy about what happened . A winner of the prestigious Best Clubman award 'MOTO' has been an ornament to ANZ his enthusiasm never waning through some difficult years he has always kept it up and is now reaping the benefits as his beloved ZEDDERS start to become more successful . Congratulations today Michael from all associated with the ANZ Bank Football Club, we hope it is a good one for you, that you enjoy yourself, we hope you score a vote tonight, and we look forward to many more games from you in the years to come . 150 GREAT GAMES AT M.H .S .O.B. The committee, supporters and all players prouldy pay tribute to our mentor, the inspirational Garh McLardie who today against State Bank at Albert Park plays his 150th gamefor MHSOB in acareerspanning 10 years in amateur football . From the very day when Garth played his first game for our U19's on 26/411980, and kicked 4 goals, we knew that a winner had arrived at M HSOB. Promoted to the seniors, the following week to keep his friend Tim Gallop, 1989 President, company on the half forward line, Garth has never really looked back being appointed club vice captain in 1983 and Seniorcaptain in 1985 when MHSOB played off in the 'D' Section grand final against Old Trinity . The McLardie influence at Melb. High has isn reality been unequalled, Garth's father, Frank having served on the committee since 1983 and beenclub Presidentfrom 1986-88 and Club Treasurer previously. Garth's unique ability to strive for greater efforts when down, to kickthat running goal and lift the whole team, to always be on the bottom of packs fighting for the ball and get the umpires not for guts, and on-field leadership have been magnificent and afine example for all . Garth's off-field activities have been fairly well documented also, ranging from impromptu happy hours on the players trips away, inspiring drinking .capabilities at away clubrooms, and some recent 21st birthdays to committee fund raising activities . Garth's 10 years service to MHSOB Football Club has given us all great pleasure and the memories will stay for-ever . To you Garth and your family we say thanks for the great games you've played, the spirit you've instilled around the club and most of all, your friendship you've bestowed upon us . Well done Macca. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
"Y®UR V221-511
TODAY A SECTION PARKSIDE v COLLEGIANS . Clinch, D. Dalgleish S eld: Goal: N . Griffiths, R . Barichievich PA 1RCELLIN v ORMON D : old,, R . Simon, G . Hardiman ~oundary : A . Moore - : G . Clancy, M . Saron g voal ;ORTH O .B . v OLD PARADIANS*** M . Thomas, G . McKeeman Goundary: G . Bland, H . Leig h ceei M . Murray, G . Baumgarton I,fORTH O.B. (RESERVES) v OLD PARADS UNIVERSITY BLUES v KE W -reld: W. Henry, K . Segota Boundary: L . Gallagher, P. McTaggart Goal: R. Seymour, R . Clarkso n OLD XAVERIANS v OLD SCOTCH - eld S . Caruso, P. Wiseman 9oundary : D. Costantin Reserve Boundary: P. Costantin Goal: W. Binch, W. Fowle r B SECTION OLD TRINITY v UNIVERSITY BLUES C. Sutherland, D Field: . Newma n DE LA SALLE v ST BERNARDS OC -old: R . Bell, P. Keogh Boundary: P. Kent, T. Zapadlo PyfONASH BLUES v OLD BRIGHTON ~reld W. Lyons, R . Francis Boundary: D. Fowler, J . Huckson BULLEEN/TEMP v OLD MELBURNIANS r!eld: S. McCarthy (Rot'n), J . Natoli Boundary: F. Matinez, M . Youn g u"oal: D. McKenzie, K . Tyler (Rot'n) FAWKNER v THERRY Field: G . Ridd, M . Bushfiel d C SECTION FANYULE v HAMPTON ROVERS Field: M . Gibson, R . Casey Goal: A . Belcerh (Rot'n), A. Hogan ST KILDA CBC v BALACLAVA 11eld: G. Thwaites, T. Fogarty Goal: S . Livingston, P. Alsop (Rot'n) CAULFIELD GRAMMAR v OLD HAILEYBURY -=ield: T. Shearer, S. Hill (Rot'n ) Boundary: A . Dreier, L . Large ST KEVINS v PRESTON MBOB F,eld: M . Forde D SECTION BULLEEN UNITED v AJA X R . Or Field: d THOMASTOWN v OLD MENTONIANS Field: P. Simpso n Goal: K . Pitcher (Rot'n), C . McGary POWERHOUSE v WHITEFRIARS ~ield R . Smit h Boundary : S. Large, K . Walker STATE BANK v MHSO B reld: P. Maebu s Boundary: D . Aylward, S . Mannix Goal: W. Ross, L . Wilson ELSTERNWICK v OLD CAMBERWELL Field: J . Kvins E SECTION 'NEST BRUNSWICK v DOVETON SJOC Field: P. Harri s ST BEDES v OLD GEELONG Field: G . Morgan THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 198 9
W L D FOR AGST % Pis . A SECTIO N 12 3 1 1458 1173 124 .30 12 4 0 1455 1003 145 .06 11 5 0 1340 1107 121 .05 10 6 0 1302 1262 103 .17 9 6 t 1439 1109 12976 8 8 0 1314 1241 10588 7 9 0 1306 1313 9947 5 11 0 t058 1275 8298 3 13 0 11 02 1633 6748 2 14 0 96t t619 5936 B SECTIO N 13 2 1 1851 1305 141 .84 11 4 1 1566 1259 124 .38 11 5 0 1318 1218 108 .21 8 8 0 1317 1229 107 .16
50 48 44 40 38 32 28 20 12 8
54 46 32 32 32 28 26 24 20 12
87 g 0 ~457 ~476 9887 1 8926 7 9 0 1271 1424 6 10 0 1244 1381 9008 5 11 0 1465 1596 9179 1 244 1786 6965 3 13 0 C SECTIO N 1089 223.51 64 2434 16 1 OLD HAILEYBURY 1280 174.92 56 2239 14 3 BANYULE 1435 112.89 44 1620 11 6 ST KILDA CBCOB 1570 114.97 40 1805 10 7 BALACLAVA 1755 9852 40 1729 10 7 "4MPTON ROVERS 1606 9888 32 1588 8 9 PHESTON MBOB 1634 9810 30 7 9 1603 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR i2 2049 6066 3 14 0 1243 IVANHOE 12 2122 53 25 3 14 0 1130 OLD IVANHOE 0 1905 5533 2 14 1 105 4 ST KEVINS D SECTIO N THOMASTOWN 14 3 0 2322 1505 154 .29 56 .80 52 OLD MENTONIANS 13 4 0 2075 1376 150 .49 48 WHITEFRIARS 12 5 0 1763 1273 138 .83 44 STATE BANK 11 6 0 1925 1620 118 OLD CAMBERWELL 8 9 0 1572 1578 9962 32 MHSOB 8 9 0 1630 1747 9330 32 POWERHOUSE 7 10 0 1535 7632 9406 28 BULLEEN UNITED 6 11 0 139' 1508 92 24 24 `cLSTERNWiCK 5 12 ~ !Z26 2188 5 466 6566 20 AJAX 1 E SECTIO N 1116 177 .06 54 LATROBE UNI 13 3 1 1976 1128 149.91 48 ST BEDES 12 5 0 1691 1375 145 .38 48 DOVETON SJOC 12 5 0 1999 1383 121 .62 48 AQUINAS OB 12 5 0 1682 1169 13704 46 OLD ESSENDON GRAM 11 5 10 1 1254 13102 44 1164 3 WEST BRUNSWICK 1$ 9 ~ 1497 11069 32 657 BRUNSWIC K 1709 9415 32 NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 1 1632 8554 28 0 90 0 1396 1609 OLD GEELONG 1779 7583 20 7 HEATHERTON 5 12 0 134 9 1975 44 15 8 UHSO8 2 t5 0 872 2445 4033 0 PENINSULA OB 0 F SECTION
16 1 0 1481 740 14 3 0 1333 660 12 5 0 1508 852
11 6 0 1295 8 9 0 985 8 9 0 928 10 0 900 10 0 741 2 15 0 720 0 0 579 E RESERVE SECTIO N 15 2 0 1601 13 4 0 1435 13 4 0 1233 11 5 1 149 0 11 6 0 1341 11 6 0 98 0 9 8 0 985 5 12 0 776 4 13 C 652 3 13 668 3 14 0 716 3 14 0 59 3
% F1 S 200.14 64 201 .97 56 177.00 4g 139 .2 5
700 228.71 685 209.49 725 1770 .07 739 201,62 95 879 3
to 52 52 46
1037 1117 1484 1224 1523 1578
F SECTION 16 1 0 1496 380 393 .68 6 : 14 3 0 1479 678 218.14 56 13 4 0 1233 653 188.82 52 11 6 0 808 798 101 .25 t0 7 0 922 762 70 7 0 749 8^4 70 0 702 902 6 11 0 831 n60 4 i3 0 586 1398 4' .~. 13 0 480 1674 286 7 2 it 0 200 60 3 . 14 12 11 11 tt 9 2 0 UNDER 15 15 11 11 10 7 7 5 4 4 4 2
19 SECTION 1 2 0 1996 4 0 1913 5 0 1503 5 0 1689 5 0 1592 7 0 1476 14 t6
.UNDER 773 258.21 986 194.02 857 175 .38 146 .36 1154 121 2 148 9 7 0 1093 1309 83' 9 .31-0572 0 704 t92 0 0 53' 2305 , . -
19 SECTION 2 1 0 1950 1 0 1718 5 0 1470 5 0 1269 6 0 1438 9 0 1443 9 0 1167 ti ? 924 11 1270 11 t t327 12 0 7037 14 0 53 1
56 48 44 44
767 254 .24 60 965 178.03 60 970 151 .55 44 1084 117 .07 44 1174 t22 1269 113 1113 1544 1527 ?--_ 1597 E 662 R°'o 2t0 0
905 220.22 64 16 1 0 199 3 MAZENOD OC 1 1129 166.43 60 2 0 1879 ST ANDREW S 1203 118 .37 48 5 5 0 1424 OLD CAREY 12 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1210 128 .51 44 UNIVERSITY REDS 11 6 0 1555 1347 11945 40 UNDER 19 SECTION 3 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 10 7 0 1609 1367 108 27 4 0 13 3 0 1279 1113 155 .35 52 COMMONWEALTH BANK 10 7 0 1480 OLD TRINITY 1350 12163 12 4 0 1880 913 205 .91 48 WAVERLEY AMATEURS 9 8 0 1642 MAZENOD OC 1644 9848 12 4 0 1034 927 111 .54 48 HAMPTON ROVERS ANZ BANK 8 9 0 1619 1655 8260 10 6 0 1706 1336 127 .69 40 11 11 0 0 1367 THOMASTOWN ST LEONARDS 3 6 9 7 0 1179 1141 10333 2029 4924 AQUINAS OB FI T 8 8 0 961 1230 7873 2875 272 0 ALBANVALE ELTHAM COLLEGE 2 15 0 782 7 9 0 1658 1347 12309 A RESERVE SECTION DE LA SALLE GOLD .72 813 186 7 9 0 1266 1513 836 1518 12 4 FAWKNE R ORMOND 576914258 978 131 .49 11 5 1286 PARKSIDE UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 9 1 1264 1653 7647 1031 116.59 1202 11 5 IVANHOE COLLEGIANS 5 11 0 1145 1946 588 1046 113.67 118 9 8 8 ST KEVINS OLD XAVERIANS 41 0174 3951247 ~ 1075 9033 971 OLD PARADIANS 8 8 BULLEEN UNITE D 1239 7708 7 9 955 NORTH O B G SECTION 1355 91 29 6 10 1237 .17 52 13 3 0 1125 551 204 KEW 945 1142 82 75 KEW 6 10 12 4 0 1155 611 189 .03 48 MARCELLIN 939 1292 7268 BLOODS 6 10 10 6 0 724 772 93.78 40 PARKSIDE 9 1340 7978 PORT COLT S 5 11 0 106 H 9 8 0 730 739 98 .78 36 OLD SCOTC OLD MELBURNIANS B RESERVE SECTION 8 8 0 743 828 8 " 14 2 0 11770 702 166 .67 56 OLD SCOTCH 8 8 0 569 788 7 ST BERNARDS OC .57 46 ST BERNARDS OC 11 4 1 1314 627 209 7 9 0 651 1023 63DE LA SALLE BULLEENtTEMP 1092 829 131 .72 44 11 5 6 10 0 765 895 854` BULLEENITEMP MONASH WHITES 904 845 106.98 44 11 5 6 10 0 637 913 6977 FAWKNER 861 865 9954 36 OLD XAVERIANS 9 7 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 10 0 628 1104 5688 .37 3 2 1057 893 118 DE LA SALLE OLD MELBURNIANS 8 8 4 12 0 578 1027 5628 787 1093 7200 24 COLLEGIANS 6 10 3 13 0 301 929 324 MONASH BLUES MARCELLIN 828 1210 6843 16 4 12 OLD BRIGHTON 057812694 3 13 12 H SECTIO N THERRY 648 1087 5961 1545 593 260 .54 60 2 13 0 OLD TRINITY 10 RICHMOND CENTRAL 15 1 1071 667 160 .57 56 C RESERVE SECTION ST KEVINS 14 2 0 15 2 0 1475 643 229.39 60 ST KILDA CBCOB 11 5 0 1193 715 166 .85 44 HAMPTON ROVERS 14 3 0 1472 720 204 .44 56 KONTIAS AFC 11 5 0 1014 802 126 .43 44 PRESTON MBOB 927 728 12734 40 14 3 0 1205 691 174 .38 56 SALESIAN OC 10 6 0 OLD HAILEYBURY 601 875 6869 32 13 4 0 1513 761 198 .82 52 THERRY 8 8 0 BANYULE 432 1142 3783 ?8 8 9 0 945 1136 8319 32 BALACLAVA 7 9 0 ST KILDA CBCOB 722 880 8205 8 9 0 868 1049 8275 32 STATE BANK 6 10 0 BALACLAVA 608 1179 5157 6 it 0 741 1241 5971 24 POWERHOUSE 6 10 0 IVANHOE 4 13 0 613 1444 4245 16 GTV9 5 11 0 352 625 563 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR "321 40` 1 15 1 545 1411 3863 6 OLD GEELONG 3 13 0 ST KEVIN S 6 1 15 1 486 1287 3776 OLD IVANHOE
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