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EDITORIAL by Phil Stevens
Congratulations to all clubs in A, B and Under 19 sections who are stepping out todayfortheirfirstfinals appearance ror 1989. Also to clubs still in the race for premiership honours in C, D, E and F sections, good luck and keep up tie entertaining football . "The Villain", Thomas Johnston, is overseas at the moment sunning his ample body so he has asked me ro preview today's first semi final - apologies to the club I select because I am coming outright last in the VAFA staff tipping competition .
A SECTION by Phil Steven s
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Last Saturday saw the conclusion of our 98th season of VAFA football first round matches, and what a way to conclude the first round with the Bundoora Battle for fourth place between Old Paradians and Marcellin . At three quarter time Marcellin lead by 12 point but Paradians had the use of a slight breeze . The quarter was a great contest with both teams showing outstanding desperation . McClements lifted Parade's rucks and running players but Marcellin's defence stood firm and it was 15 minutes before any score was registered (1 point to Parade) . Angore's brilliant goal at the 24 minute mark brought Parade within 4 points, however the Marcellin Eagles held on to record a great win and a semi final berth at Parade's expense . In other matches Ormond blitzed Parkside to win by 155 points and Parkside will go to B-section in 1990 to regroup and begin the climb back . Parkside showed in patches extremely good skills and a positive attitude to the game which are fine qualities to admire in a club under pressure of relegation . North Old Boys ended Kew's frustrating year and Old Xaverians also went into mothballs for 1989, but only after they dented finalist University Blues confidence with a satisfying 15 point win . At Elsternwick Park Old Scotch displayed the form which all know they are capable of by downing second semi finalist Collegians by 41 points . So now we lead intothe finals and predicting the premier atthis stage is pretty dangerous business, particularly as Collegians and Blues have suffered confidence-sapping losses on the eve of the finals . THE FIRST SEMI FINA L Marcellin will go into this match with a ton of confidence, firm in the knowledge that they will be the definite underdog and that University Blues' form of late has not been anything outstanding . Blues if they are not played tightly, man to man, will dominate the ball and move it quickly to classy full forward Don Maclnnes who doesn't often let the team down when he has the ball in front of goals . Marcellin's defence has given the Eagles the chance of participating in this "knockout final" and will require great assistance from players upfield, particularly against the Blues Yandell who is an extremely capable big man ,,who will bring a mosquito fleet into play if he gets his hands to the ball first . I apologise to aTim Naughton and the Marcellin if my seiection has inflicted them with a "Kiss of Death", but I think that M rcellin has enough momentum atcrew the moment to at least move into the Preliminary Final .
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B Section by the "Bucchan Brothers " Peter Grant and Doug Dick
_A After an unpredictable year in B Grade the shocks continued last Saturday . Monash Blues, who seemed destined to be relegated only two weeks ago, managed to stay in B Grade after knocking off both Old Brighton and OMs in consecutive games . Meanwhile . Uni Blacks, slipped into C Grade on the last home and away game . who at no stage of the year looked like going down, St Bernards finished the year on a sound note by easily accounting for Trinity . Both sides this year failed m7ealise their full potential, with St Bernards handing out the only thrashing to league De La Salle, at only winning seven games for the season . Trinity also had some inspirational wins butleaders, couldn't quite strin g the wins together. Last Saturday, Monaghan, McInerney and Woods starred for StBs while Chris Glass, Sammut a~d Norman played well for Trinity . . Monash must be kicking themselves for not winning the early games this season as they stormed home to record some fine wins. OMs were the latest victim of the students, receiving an eight goal thrashing last Saturday Melbourne showes signs this year that they were capable of going all the way but injuries prevented them from . settling into a stable unit . Best for Monash were Quin, Hipwell and Kiers while Pisarski, Nicholls and Andrew Witts performed well for the Navy Blues. Therry finished off a very good second round by defeating Blacks at Blacks . The scores were close at half ;ime but the winning feeling amongst the Therry boys held them in good stead after the break . Matton is hitting nis straps at the business end of the season while "Biddies" and the Old Man will be valuable players in finals . Black's stalwarts, Wines and Heath, could not prevent the demise of the sstudents on Saturday as fate turned against them . The relegation system provides interest in the competition until the last game and can strike a cruel blow to unsuspecting teams. Bulleen continued its run and defeated the Fawks in a tough game at Bulleen . The BTs deserve their place n the finals by showing that consistency is essential to qualify . Main, Clark and Mer re tt were amongst the best ;:hile the No rt herners were well served by "Johnno", Cohen and Young Unfortunately it has been a disappointing year for Fawkner but they will get their chance to rebound next.year . The De La Salle/Brighton game was entertaining from start to finish . Both teams have what it takes to go co A Grade . Brighton's inconsistent of recent weeks was forgotten on Saturday as they ran the ball well all day. De La may have been moreform concerned about the 2nd semi in a week's time or did they meet their match? Sarau, Marion and "Super Cooper" played well all day for Brighton while De La's best were Mick Knuppel, Frazer and Ronchi . This week's First Semi Final clash is cut throat . Brighton the BTs played only three weeks ago and Brighton was on the receiving end of an enthusiastic push by and Bulleen to make the four. Was the four an end in itself or will the flag only satisfy the Bulleen boys ? Bri g hton the other hand turned the corner on Saturday and looked like a genuine Grand Final team . Mark Sarau on proved last year that he knows how to lift his players for the big ones as they stormed from fourth position to narrowly miss winning the flag by one kick . The BTs have star players in Andy Smythe (C) and forwards Heath (who bagged six against Brighton last nme) and Pulse. Tsintinos and Bond lead the back line well so the match should be clo se. All year the Bucchan B rothers have sel ected Brighton to win and today is no exception . Brighton to move co the Preliminary Final .
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Australian Sports Medicine Federation
C Section by Chris 'Lofty, Rowston
and Victorian Football League
THE ASMF/VFL GRAND FINAL SYMPOSIU M Sponsored by Syntex Australia The Australian Sports Medicine Federation (Victorian Branch) will be hosting the 1989 Grand Final Symposium on September 29th, 1989 The 1988 VFL/ASMF Grand Final Symposium was a huge success and attracted many Victorian and inter-state participants from the sports medicine profession . This year's conference will be held at the Hilton International on the Park and promises to be even better than last year. The theme for the Symposium is "Back on the Ball" and will cover the areas of prevention and rehabilitation of football injuries . The program features many prominent personalities from the football and sports medicine arena, including half time entertainment with the "Coodabeen . Champions" in the new Hilton Hotel Comedy Bar. The patrons of the Symposium in 1988 enjoyed themselves immensely so we are anticipating significant participation for the Symposium in 1989 . We hope that the medical personnel from the VAFA accept our offer as the day promises to be an event not to be missed . For fu rther information telephone Judy Butler (03) 688 4219 . Sponso red by
~ St Kilda could not have ordered better conditions for last week's final at Waverley. Throughout the season : he Saints have performed very well in the wet conditions . After an even first St Kilda to dictate me terms, ably led by Charlie Capi ro n, the instigator of many moves downquarter, the ground His began ability on eithe r de of his body is a delight to watch . St Kilda had many good players, an overall team.effort . Being first to ne ball, stronger in the air, they appeared more pumped up for the game . Balaclava looked under-manned, rreir strength this year has been in their running players . Malcolm Lee successfully tagged Gregory and Peter B uzza tagged Bernie Raffe rty. As a result Balaclava had no drive and therefore their game plan was destroyed . Under constant pressure Balaclava could not produce and the game slipped away from them by three quarter rme. Loss of players through injury and suspension did not help their cause but neither did their lack of discipline. An exception was the smallest player on the ground, Neil Monaghan, who bored in all day and showed total commitment to his team . All up St Kilda, with the stronger line up, now await to play in the Preliminary Final . Best for St Kilda : Michael Struth, Malcolm Lee, Charlie Capi ,or Balaclava : John Sist, David Gregory, Paul Breslin and Neil ron, Peter Buzza and Paul Sherman ; and Monaghan . OW T r TODAY'S GAME:rf2oN D d SEM I O Today's finaNbri gs togethe performe des FINAL cotmpetiaon .gThroughouttthOe season they have oroven to be the sides to beat for the flag . With the game score at one a piece, today will produce a classic Grade final . Old Haileybu ry 's game plan revolves around the centre bounce, with Darren Seccull giving the smaller players first use of the ball . Chris McKenzie is the motivator, he's the one who gets the ball and creates the nose man, and from there the forward line players become so effective . Wayne Phillips, Andrew Walden an Glen Tanner are as good a half forward line as you will see, they have produced all year d nalf back will be John Bingham, a strong mark with plenty of muscle . Pivoted at centre . He will be ably supported by Andrew Baxter and B rett Ca rt y. Old Haileybury also have superb on-ball runners, David Connell, Terry Lyell and Simon Meehan to cap off a storng line-up . Banyule have equal billing for this game . They are the only club to have defeated Old Haileybury this year, ney should be confident on this large ground . Firstly, the leading goal kicker, Tony Weston (87 goals), will have olenty of room for his style of play. Banyule have shown a liking for varied line-up, but up forward will rely on he experience of Ma rt in Legge, Grant Mooney and G reg Sutterby. Big Dave Williams will have to produce Ills best game for the season in the ruck and I have no doubt that he will . He will give every opportunity to ,overs Leigh Holt and Peter Adams, both class performers this year . At centre half back Captain Jason Fraumano must beat Walden for his team to win . Wayne Gibson, Andrew Mills, Craig Ladd, Grant Pyers and Hoota Gray will be relied upon to hold Old Haileybu ry 's forward line . Where I believe Banyule ;heir young on-ball players, John Turnball and John Gilham, must produce is in both ruck roving have had great seasons for he Bears and today they must be at their best . There is not much between them . I feel Old Haiieybury rucks and rovers . The only fear I have about the Bloods has the stronger forward line and greater depth in Banyule attacks it harder, but on class alone I'm going for is inOld the way they attack the ball, history tells me that Haileybu ry to win . TODAY'S SE L ECTION : Old Haileybu ry v Banyule Preston v Hampton Rovers (Reserves )
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D Section by Ian Cairn s
The first day of the finals series produced some interesting results . The highlight was Old Mentonians drubbing of Thomastown by an impressive 63 points . Congratulations to O .M's coach Bob Jamieson and the players for their well deserved promotion to 'C' grade . The lowlight was the two sound defeats suffered by Thomastown despite being considered favourites to win both games . In the reserve games, MHSOB ran out comfortable winners over Thomastown and Whitefriars outscored State Bank by 22 points. This week, State Bank take on MHSOB in what should be an interesting game . Coach Ron Verma has the Unicorns playing some good team football that should see them overcome State Bar! for a place in the grand final against Whitefriars. In the first semi final of the seniors, Whitefriars won their way into the preliminary final in a game that never really lived up to expectations. State Bank never really got their game going and most of their "star" players were well ahead . Better players for Whitefriars were Hay, Bateman & Houston and for State Bank ; Isgro, Beare & Gneil . In the second semi final between Thomastown and Old Mentonians, the scene was set even before the ball was bounced with a behind the play incident involving a number of players . Mentone star Dean Sciacca was being tagged by Petsinis and the close checking lead to a scuffle in which Farchione ( Thomastown) appeared to have his number taken . Once the game got started, the defences of both sides were on top . Thomastown were doing most of the attacking but could not find the goals, thanks mainly to the play of Rogers across OM's half back line . Late in the quarter Mentone's big guns started getting into the play when Acreman handpassed to Bournon for their first, then Bournon to Sciacca for another followed quickly by another to cSciacca to give Mentone the lead by only 1 point at quarter time. In the second quarter, Mentone really started to take the initiative . Sciacca and Brown were proving to be real headaches for Thomastown, resulting in numerous changes in an attempt to stifle their brilliance . But, two more goals to Bournon another to Sciacca from a great snap over his shoulder then another to Acre man gave Mentone a commanding 30 point lead at half time . Carro! l and Fellows were trying hard for the Bears but their forward moves were constantly thwarted by Rogers who was playing a great game . In the third quarter, Thomastown persisted in being second to the ball and their crude tackling was giving Mentone many opportunities to attack . However, for the first 10 minutes of the quarter, the Thomastown defence kept them out . But eventually Acreman again combined with Bournon for his fourth, followed by another to Acreman from a clever tap from Sciacca, then of the ground for another to Bournon and at three quarter time Mentone had broken away to a 48 point lead . Thomastown had more of the play during the first 10 minutes of the last quarter, but, again, the Mentone defence held firm . D.Fellows kicked his second but Mentone again soon replied to eventually run out winners by 63 points. For Old Mentonians, major goalkickers were Bournon 6, Sciacca 4 and Acreman 3 with the better players being Rogers, Bournon, Macquire and Sciacca. Whilst for Thomastown, better players were Car roll, Bradford and LaRosa . This week, Thomastown take on Whitefriars in what should be an exciting game . If Thomastown are to win, they must change their style of play. They have to be first to the ball and must concentrate only on the ball . However, even with a change, it is hard to see them reversing their form of last week . On the other hand, the Friarucks are showing good form and still have some of their "stars" able to play better. Thomastown won't like it, but I think it will be Whitefriars who go on to 'C' Section .
E Section by Kevin McNichol l
Only two rounds of matches remain to be played for season 1989 . Last week saw some great football in both seniors and reserves with the casualties being Old Geelong in the reserves and Doveton in the seniors. Results from last week were :- Reserves 1st semi - Aquinas 10 .11 defeated Old Geelong 7.11 . Second semi final - West Brunswick 14 .15 easily accounted for La Tro be 5.15 while in the Seniors First semi we saw Aquinas 14.8 put 6 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
top to Doveton's run to D Section when Doveton could only manage 9 .13 . In the second semi La Trobe :med promotion for the second year running by proving too solid for St . Bedes and winning a close game , goals. Final socres, La Trobe 11 .10 to St . Bedes 9.10. This game provided some great football with St Bedes opening full of running and looking more talented . ., 3 n La Trobe . The half time break saw St . Bedes holding a 16 point lead and giving every indication of going v Icn it. In the third quarter we have a more determined La Trobe apply the pressure and at the final brea k La Trobe held a 4 point lead . Two quick goals in the final term and La Trobe were 16 points up but St . Bedes ,cadied and at the 15 minute mark scores were level and remained so for the next four minutes . La Trobe ,~a n lifted with two timely goals to seal the game . Today we see La Trobe reserves play Aquinas reserves ,-l o in the seniors, St . Bedes meet Aquinas. This will be a big day for Aquinas who will be desperate to win and earn promotion after missing out last ar, but I feel that the job may be too much for them . My tips Reserves - La Trobe to beat Aquinas . Sen iors St . Bedes to beat Aquinas . Whichever way it goes, good luck to all sides .
F -Troop with Peter Hille
So, it's congratulations to the Noddies on Achieving promotion to E grade under the leadership of Jim "the Fruite rer" Fontiniatis . The Noddies forced the Unde rtakers to play catch up football but after being 4 goals ;o .vn at half-time, they were 38 points in arrears at the close . Better players for the Noddies included "Delmonte" Todd, "Kenny" Rogers, "Entree" Palamara and "Town" Hall . The Unde rtakers were well served by Ft ro pp Best & Fai rest Quinella, "Mimi" Mau ro and "Redder" FUnnell, "Madjack" Phelan, "Debbie" Gibson ;od coach Roland Mag ro . On the other side of the Albert Park Lake, the Redz jumped the Brewers 5 to 1 in the first stanza and were -e :,er really in danger after that particularly against a B rewers defence that played with a fair degree of hesitation 2nd a forward line which was undoubtedly talented but perhaps too tall for the conditions . The Redz smaller r gade was most effective in winning possession and creating the space for forward thrusts. Better players -D r the Redz included Al Johnson, Al Grassby, Chicken Koop, Sidney Sheldon, Doc Jennens and coach Laurie Duff us. The B rewers had big possession winners in Kel Shaw and Banjo Patterson whilst Oliver Twist Pile fought spiritedly and Barney Rubble never gave up. The Brewers and coach Kelvin Shaw were very , sappointed to have once again blown a final opportunity but they are a young side with the potential to become top side over the next couple of years . And so, to the preliniary final (the battle for E-grade promotion) to be played at Har ry Trott Oval between , e Unde rtakers and the Redz. Guest Tipsters : Chris "Def" Leopold : We never lose to the Redz . Unde rtakers by 5 . Roland "Maggie" Magro : We will be in E-grade next year but we respect the Redz . They've done well this season but not well enough . Kel "Fairly" Shaw : I fancy the Redz . A good running side and they've hit form at the right time . Jim "the Fruite re r" Fontiniatis: I hope its a hard, slogging, draining match . Unde rtakers experience should =arry them through . John "Al" Grassby : Great win by the Redz last week should give them the confidence to knock of the Undertakers . Laurie "Disco" Duffus : We've run the Unde rtakers close twice this season . This time we'll run them off their e gs. Redz by 3 or 4 twins. Jim "Fenwick" Belias : Redz because everyone loves Charlie Hosking ! And my tip : I believe the Redz are on a roll and will, by virtue of good running and team discipline, be able 'o record their first victory over the Undertakers in living memory . As in earlier matches this year, I anticipate spirited contest with the Redz outlasting the Undertakers to win by about 20 points .
G, XI & U19 Sections 1, 2 & 3 by Norm Nugen t
G SECTION GRAND FINA L Bloods and Kew were expected to provide an epic close battle all day, which didn't eventuate as Kew seemed to have that little bit in reserve on all occasions to get that extra goal when it was most required . Kew 8.9 defeated Bloods 5 .2 . H SECTION GRAND FINA L Richmond Central overwhelmed St. Kilda CBC 14 .11 to 7.8 in the early game at Elsternwick Park last Sunday to take out the premiership. St . Kilda fought the game right out but were no match for the "hyped-up" boys wearing the "black and gold" who will enjoy reliving their achievement via the video of the game for weeks to come REVIEW OF GAMES PLAYED 26 .8.89 UNDER 19 (Round 19) SECTION 1 Marcellin ended the season with a resounding one hundred and eleven point victory over Banyule whc have found their return to Section 1 a very difficult task . Ormond defeated Old Haileybu ry by twelve points which meant Ormond qualified for today's semi final and the early section leaders Old Haileybu ry slipped to fifth place . By holding Uni Blues to just five scoring shots Old Xaverians managed to gai second place on the ladder as the result of their sixty seven point victory . Despite Old Paradians Green defeating Colleoians by eighty four points, the Paradians fell behind the Old Xaverians in their race for second place. The Paradians let Collegians score too much so their percentage fell accordingly . Whitefriars ended their season on a low note when they forfeited to De La Salle Blue . SECTION 2 St. Bernards left no stone unturned in their final's quest when they defeated Melbourne High School Old against Boys by fifty eight points . Caulfield Grammarians were able to turn a fourteen point half time deficit Monash Blues into a thirty point victory largely due to an eight goal burst in the third quarter. No rt h Old :T-oys continued their unpredictable form against Old Melburnians who failed by eighteen points to match the Northerner's score . Big improvers Bulleen/Templestowe really had a day out against Old Paradians Purple who went down the by eighty five points . University Blacks provided the surprise of the season when the Students outplayed loss of the season . Minor leaders Old Scotch to win a close contest by eleven points . It was Scotch's second Premiers Old Brighton just survived against Therry and won by five points . Inaccurate kicking by Brighton didn't help either !
„znrants compete in C Section for the first time. Given the comparative successes of today's sides I select Universlty Blacks . Second Semi Fina l The two most successful sides Old Brighton and Old Scotch meet at Kew. They have met only once this season on July 1 when Old Scotch led all day to defeat Old Brighton by seventy points . I have seen both :,des twice - one of my views of Scotch was their loss to Therry by eighteen points in Round 6 . Scotch are ,,oressive as Gibbs is capable of generating a lot of drive through Cowper (runner up in the B & F award) . ",e Steeles and Raftopoulos to Millington on their forward line. Brighton have two effective big men Williamson and"Joynson who win the ball effectively to feed the mobile Lade, Ja rv is, Howden and Devine . In full forward knight, the Brighton players have a focal in their forward line . I believe Scotch have the ability to move the cau better and despite their reversal last week I select them to win and regain Section 1 . UNDER 19 SECTION 3 : First Semi Fina l Hampton Rovers and Thomastown play at Brighton Beach for the right to play in next week's Preliminary ,,,,al. At their only meeting this season on July 22 (Round 13) Thomastown recorded a resounding ten goal actory on their home ground . I believe Hampton Rovers are fortunate with today's venue as they seldom play 3s well north of the Yarra as they do on their home territory . The ground and sandy soil bounce will help the =overs more than Thomastown . Another factor favouring the Rovers will be the ruck work of McCall who should .,rove too strong for his opponents. Coach Tony Naumo ff will have his game plan generated from taking advantage f McCall's dominance in the air. Captain Michael Moss will have to be at his best to ensure his runners have ear passage from the packs or else the Thomastown prime movers such as Steve Papaioanou and Pete r Battista will gain control of the ball . For Thomastown to win their star forwards Naumouski and the exciting Gatovski must convert their opportunities . The game should be a fast one as both sides like to move the ball iuickly into their forward line. I select Thomastown to win as I suspect they have a greater depth of talent . ; evertheless the contest should be close and prove worthy of a final . Second Semi Fina l The two best sides of the season Old Trinity and Mazenod play at De La Salle . The sides have met three -flies during the season with Mazenod winning two games by big margins . On a wet ground Trinity won by ie points in Round 13 . Today the Mazenod fortunes could well depend on the continuing good form of Bierans , aading goal kicker Riley, Signal and the consistent goal kicker McLean. This quartet were instrumental in steering Mazenod to its victories over Old Trinity. Conversely Trinity will be looking to G .Harvey, Davy, Gutteridge, Loss and Sparks to lead them to victory. When looked at objectively Mazenod must start favourite as the side eems to have extricated itself from a late seasonal slump . Compared with Old Trinity, Mazenod has far more =ifective forward and back lines each of which is an important factor in winning a game . This along with my observation that Mazenod's form over the last few weeks has been better than it was in July, prompts me to zelect them to win.
SECTION 3 Leaders Old Trinity defeated Aquinas by eighty two points to stop all Aquinas finals' aspirations. Fourth places Thomastown were no match for De La Salle Gold who were untroubled to win by thirty five points . Hampton Rovers again showed their dislike for northern suburban grounds when thanks to inaccurate kicking the Rovers lowered their colours to Fawkner. Albanvale proved no match for St . Kevins who won their games by eighty two points . Mazenod and Ivanhoe enjoyed a Saturday off due to Byes. PREVIEW OF MATCHES TO BE PLAYED SEPTEMBER 2, 1989 UNDER 19 SECTION 1 Old Paradians Green and Ormond meet at Monash University and the Paradians will recall their two victories over Ormond in the minor rounds . In Round 4 at Ormond, Old Paradians won by seventeen points, while in the Bundoora mud in Round 13, the Old Paradians won a one sided game by fifty eight points . Old Paradians this due had match winners that day in ruckman Paul Joyce and centre half forward Michael Geary. Today will acquit will be strengthened by O'Loughlin, Jones, Brabender and link winger Donoghue . Ormond themselves better if the ground is firm and they will again rely on Mor ros for goals and Ha ro ld, Black and Eden to do well around the ground . After due consideration I select Old Paradians Green . UNDER 19 SECTION 2 : First Semi Final . Their neutral venue is
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University Blacks and St . Bernards will meet for the third time this season today Oval 15 . The Blacks have won both minor round games - by nine points in Round 6 and by eight points in in these Round 15. The Blacks have been well served by Carra, Stoddard, Moorfield, Robinson and Weigard . The consistent games. While for St . Bernards the best have read like a who's who of the Club's founding fathers . Today the Blacks Overman, Doolan, Doran, Per re tt and Mullins have troubled the Blacks during the season . defenders will have to closely monitor Perre tt whose talent is such he could well kick St. Bernards to victory Bernards have narrowly missed returning to C Section for the first . St . Club prestige is at stake in this game time since 1967 while 1990 will see the Blacks who are the most successful Amateur Club in terms of A Section 8 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
FINALS' TIM E BEAT THE G.M . : One point was awarded if each final four side was placed in the correct finishing positior and another point if the number of points was exactly forecast . The GM's entry earned 14 points out of a possible 32 . A B C D Ormond ,, 60 X Old Brighton X 54 X Old Haileybury .- 68 ~ Thomastown ,- 60 . Collegians r 60 X De La Salle X 50 X Banyule ~ 60 x Whitefriars X 60 X North X 52 X Therry X 48 X Balaclava 48 X Old Mentonians X 48 X Marcellin ~ 42 Bulleen/Temp .- 36 X St Kilda ,- 44 State Bank ~ 46X The winning entry of 18 points was given by Greg Paine (Caulfield) Ormond ~ 56 r De La Salle 58 ~ Old Haileybury - 68 X Thomastown ,~ 60 ~ Collegians 56 X Therry ~ 51 ~ Banyule ,, 60 ~ Whitefriars X 56 X 48 ~ St Kilda X 52 X Old Mentonians X 52 v Un Blues r 52 X Old Brighton r North X 44 X Old Melburns X 36 X Balaclava X 44 ~ State Bank ,- 40 X Others : Ian Munro (16 Beat the GM) ; Peter Simpson, George Paras (14 Equal with GM) ; Max Lyon, Ken Pitcher (13 Beaten by GM) ; John Rockman, Stephen Anderson (12 Beaten by GM) ; David Cook (11 "Thrashed" oy GM) . *** SPORTSMEN AND SPORTSWOMEN OF THE WEEK are cordially invited to meet at Elsternwick Park on Friday September 15th at 5 .30 for a"Happy Hour" with the GM and staff . Winners are : P. Keogh, P. Harris, G . Hardiman, B . Woodhead, S. Alger (VAFA umpires) ; P. McGowan (Williamstown), G. Paine (VAFA), R . Fuller (Old Scotch), J. Ross (Hampton Rovers), T. Wilson (LaTrobe) and D . Angrove (Old Paradians) . Please note that the 15th is one day after the GM's birthday, so a card at least would be appreciated!! !
THEN THE BIG ONE SUNDAY SEPl'EMU1 E 24T H E WC. I®N G R AND FINAL featuring maybe MARCELLIN ???? ? Can Ormond win three in a row? Is it Collegians year? Who'd write off University Blues? What chance Marcellin?
*** A reminder that all finals reserves games start at 11 .45 am and seniors games at 2 .15 p.m . Also all reserves matches consist of four 20 minute quarters plus time on .
Personality Par s 200 GAMES TO JOHN KANIS University Blues Captain and leading Melbourne Restaurenteur John Kanis played his 200th Amateur game against Old Xaverians on August 26 . John is a dashing centre line player who rarely plays a bad game. Formerly a Caulfield Grammarian player John has settled at his new Club and is clearly one of those responsible for its rise up the A Section ladder . Well done John . AepanteS sno!Aajd aut yewe6un1 yt!nn leu!} e u! paAeld pep ay luauoddo s!y pot ueuaay{ (saa>{oej0) jafa d IIOTl Sana ETATjy Ol j am SII V
50 GAMES TO MICHAEL YANDELL Belated congratulations to University Blues ruckman Michael Yandell on playing his 50th game on August 19th . Michael joined the Blues in 1986 after two season with Collingwood U19s his debut in Amateur ranks was outstanding and his success had continued to improve, after his year long "Around Australia" in 88, he returned this year and has eclipsed most of the opposing rucks and more than just filling the gap left of the loss of the Blues Champion Mike Yeo. Michael at only 23 years is set to serve both the "Blues" and the State for many years to come . Good luck Mike you are True Blue !
12 noon to 2 p .m . - Organise a table from your clu b
Congratulations to Glen and Pam McKeeman for the arrival of their son Lachlan last Monday week (21/8) and Steve and Cheryl McCarthy for the arrival of their son Daniel last Friday week (24/8) . We are surprised that the ors weren't called Oscar as it was undoubtedly Steve and Gien's best performance of the year. Best wishes to both families from the VAFAUA .
The Victorian Amateur Football Association reminds all competing Clubs, players, officials, supporters and spectators that the CONSUMPTION of ALCOHOL at AMATEUR FOOTBALL is NOT PERMITTED, UNLESS, a permit has been issued by the Association for a function and a copy of the appropriate liquor licence has been forwarded .
The Executive is determined to ensure the success of the finals series in all sections and encourages family support at all matches . Breaches of regulations wi ll result in heavy fines and Police presence from time to time will ensure that V. A. F. A. requirements are met .
PHIL STEVENS General Manager
Congratuiations a!so goes to Rusty "Workcare" Francis for achieving 200 games - 93 with the Mid-Murray Jmpires 39 with the Goulburn Valiey Umpires and 68 with the Amateur. "WorkCa re" has been hit by illness and : variety of injuries over the past four years and is happy to see the end of his 11th Season approaching - so are some of the VAFA supporters!! Keep filling in those WorkCa re forms Rusty.
** *
The past few final series has seen a special atmosphere develop at the Amateurs Last year's A and B Grade ;F umpires really appreciated the support they got both on and off the field from .all Associaton Members . _veryone would like to see this continue, so as the number of finals dwindle, its important that all umpires to a tt end training to help those who are still running . (PS . Rumour has it that Woody and Simmo continue were going -D raff!e the A and B Grade GF appointments but Benny bought all the tickets!!)
~* *
Ron "The Lip' Lippoid was seen at Ormond on Saturday, conversing Fabulous Phii and "Salad" Dressing 3nd enjoying a f re e meal . Asked for his opinion of the umpiring Ron with replied that he was always looking for his beer glass whenever a controversial decision was paid . If only he would become an official obse rver!! ! *~* Talking of Ormond, the VAFAUA would like to thank Russell Nash for supplying the meat for the many BBQ's eld during the year. Russell has always been a good friend of the umpires from "One Eye Hiii" and we hope - s friendship with the VAFAUA continues for many years .
** * Congratulations should also go to Sharo n "Knickers" Alger, Charlie "Golden Whistle" Sutherland Peter "Slops" Alsop for being invited to attend summer selection trials for the VFL Development Squad .and We are confident that all three will develop their skills to the highest level . Looks like the annual "Baii Bash" is over for this summer "Shaggers"!! !
*~ * Graeme "Spike" Bland, the VAFAUA's hitman, struck at No rt hcote last Saturday when he twice attempted 'o disfigure Wayne "The A ro user" Hen ry 's heel prior to the start of the game We know that "Spike" is thinking going into the field next year, but maiming life members is not the way to. improve his selection chances! !
** *
Peter "Sweetie" Harris stunned us all at training last week by wearing a blonde wig excuse was not 'Pat his head was cold, but that in recent years he has been overlooked for appointments at. His fina!s time and this ear he wanted to be noticed . Well "Sweetie" you were noticed, but by the way Woody was shaking his head ^e was obviously still thinking about the "Fairy" phone call you made to him recentl y
** *
Umpire Ringside"Ba was at Xavs iast week when Mike "the Leviathan" Lentini !ined up against Simon "Ducks" Vandersluys in the tie t of the Boxers" (Shorts!!!) With big Mike "the Minder" as referee it was so cramped 'riat there were no neutral corners!! *~ * Reminders • The Trip Away is really looking good, and would look even better if all those going PAID-UP see Rusty . • Don't forget the meal at the Station Hotel following the D to F Grade Grand Finals - see Mr. Thwaites. • Book your tables for the Dinner Dance on September 29th - see Big Mike . "Finals Fo re ver" Mike and Russell
Beaurepaires - The Best Down Unde r One of the VAFA's long standing sponsor is Beau re pai res (a division of Tyre Marketers Aust . Ltd .). Beaurepaires has an on-going bronze sponsorship arrangement plus it provides assistance in the form of special prices for a VAFA clubs . Over the years Beaurepaires has subsidised an attractive package of high quality products for any club to use as raffle prizes or club auctions . Beaurepaires offer for season 1989 as outlined in the club marketing manual was excellent . They agreed to provide one set of four Dunlop Grand Prix or Olympic Marathon steel radial tyres plus a premium quality Dunlop Dynapak Battery - retail price of that package $5700 - Club cost only - $150. Beaurepaires was introduced to the VAFA by current South Australian State Manager for Beaurepaires, Kevin Halpin . Kevin, it so happens, is past VAFA General Manager Peter French's brother-in-law (is that 'networking' or you know what?), and was an administrator for St Kevins Old Boys Club . Now we are in great hands with Tim Grant - State Manager Victoria/Tasmania, who besides being a great supporter of Amateur Football, was known to have taken a $ or two in his playing days around the bush & ACT! However, we can balance that by saying Tim's boss, John Gurrieri - General an extensive background in Amateur Football - with St Kevins' Old boys . Manager Beaurepaires, did have Tim, by the way, is the 'Maurie Fields' of our sponsor group . . . He is in demand at functions as the 'person best to sit next to' for the latest stories and jokes . Well, at the end of the day, whilst we all look forward to a good yarn, I'm sure our boys from Beaurepaires are going to be more impressed if we purchase their products - tyres and batteries . So next time your family car of 'bomb' needs tyres, wheels or any under car service, take it into Beaurepaires . And please let him know that you're from the VAFA and let us know . . . it all helps! Thanks Tim and John and look forward to catching up with you both perhaps at our Golf Day . Beau re pai re s and the VAFA - G reat Deals with a Winning Tea m
t with winning team 0
When it comes to football, the VAFA is a winning combination . And so are Beaurepaires . With Australia's widest range of famous brand tyres and wheels, plus batteries and undercar FACTORY 13 TRADE WAY KILSYTH MEL. MAP 51 E10 . TRADE WAY
' Limit one trophy per dub . Proof of club required! Offer closes September 30, 1989 .
Just mention your support of the VAFA for a special discount .
service, be sure to call Beaurepaires first . We won't be undersold .
Beaurepaire s
The best down ur uder.
45 ® ®
(Administration rese rves the right to alter p rogram from week) to week dependin on participating senior and re se rve clubs • RESERVES 11 .45 • SENIORS 2 .15 • Note Change U19/2 Grand Fina l
23/9/8 9
26/8/89 WAVERLEY
16/9/8 9 PAR K 9/9/89
26/8/89 OVAL 15 ALBERT PAR K
2/9/89 ORMOND
9/9/8 9 NORTHCOT E
12/8/89 WON BY KEW
27/8/89 WON BY KEW
U1 9 ONE
2 .00
2 .00
PAR K 9 .00
2/9/89 OVAL 1 5 ALBERT PARK 2 .00
2/9/89 KEW
9/9/89 OVAL 1 5 ALBERT PARK 2 .00
16/9/8 9 OVAL 4 ALBERT PAR K 2 .00
2/9/89 OLD BRIGHTON 2 .00
2/9/89 DE LA SALLE
9/9/89 OVAL 4 ALBERT PARK 2 .00
16/9/8 9 OVAL 1 5 ALBERT PAR K 2 .00
2 .00
2 .00
National Mutual News Releas e
The Painless Way to Save How often do you put off making an important purchase because you just "can't afford it this week"? That v~eek can become a month, then a year and the delay could cost you and your family plenty in the long run . Budgetting is something that concerns all of us and part of our weekly budgetting should include our insurances , not just the house and contents and the car but also the various life insurances we should be considering for a secure financial future. An annual insurance premium could look horrendous but there are ways around this . You could pay six monthly or quarterly, even have the amount debited monthly from your bank account . However, deductions from your pay are perhaps the most painless way - what you don't see you don't think about. Paying life or disability insurances this way is no different from having tax deducted, or your health insurance premiums or superannuation payments deducted . Somehow you seem to develop a capacity to live on your net pay and meanwhile you are building up a tidy nest egg . It's a popular payment method . Well over 30 per cent of the Australian workforce have this facility available co them . National Mutual was one of the pioneers of PaySaver Plans, as this scheme is called . The company has developed schemes with over 5000 employers throughout Australia, who now provide these facilities for their staff . The sort of policies covered under a payroll scheme usually include various forms of life insurance, personal superannuation, term insurance and disability . The policies aren't just written on the life of the employee but may also be written on the lives of other members of the immediate family as well . The employer then sends the total amounts of the deductions to National Mutual . It's a nice, easy systematic way of saving for the future and providing life insurance protection without large outlays . For further information : call your National Mutual agent or ring Rhonda on 618 4248 .
Austra I ia's favourite beer. 17
Senior Coach : Murray Browne 1 . A . Paatsc h 3 . M. Cooper 4 . C. Car r 7. M. Dillon 8. T. Ama d 9. M . Day (VC) 10. A . Gallagher 13. M . Stapleton 14. D. Howe (VCR) 16 . G . Woolle r 17. M . Getson (C) 18. A. Caffr y
19. M . Delahunt 20 . S. O'Flynn 21 . J . Amad (DVC) 23. S . Lennox 25. M . Keays 26. J. Origlasso 28. S. Psoras 31 . B. Murray 34 . L . Getson 37. P. Sheehan 39. F. Battistella 40. A . Zannoni 43. N . Duncan 45. A . Hewitt 46. J. Golds 51 . J. Pappas 58 . S . Boyse n Sponsored by CHEMPLEX
Senior Coach: Alan Salter 1 . B. Lowe 2. R. Furphy 3 G .Williams (VC) 4 M . Ye o 5. J. Tratin7ek 6. W. Carroll 7. G. Allen 8. M . Yandell 9 M . McCarty 10. A. Nalder 11 .C . Gunn 12 . J. Kanis (C) 13. R. Walton 14 . D. Gust 15 A Norman 16 . G . Allardice 17 . C. Holmes 18. S. Stevenson 19. D . Karamoshos 20 . S . Ballard 21 . A . Schlicht 22 . A . Jaksic 23 T Giles 24 . A . Wallis 25. C. Taylo r 26. D . Maclnnes 27. M . Ligh t 28 G. Hazeldine 29. D. Buckley 30. P.Stevens 31 . M . Formosa 32 . A . Nugent 33. S . Connolly 34. H . Woreley 35 . M .Johns X N . Macaulay 37. A . McDonald 38. A . Mitchell 39. D . Freemantle 40. D . Coulter 41 .S . Lowrey 42.B.Cohen 43.A .Kennedy 44. J . Moors 45. G . Taylor 46. B. Dowling 47. M . Hickey 48, P. Rowe 49 . D. Christie 50. I . Wilmoth 51 . C. Watson 52.A.Carter 53. C . McDonald 54.J .Young 55. D. Atkins 56.S.Chow 57. D. Carmichael 58. T. McIntosh 59. D. Christie 60 . T. Vea l 61 . W. Harris 62 . N. Wylie 91 . J. Lawley
Senior Coach : Reserve Coach : Rese rves Coach : Mark Sarau Paul Luby Chris Warne r 1 . G . Bennett (VC) 8 . D . Reeves 4. M . Hibbins 2 . M . McLennan 13. J. Natoli 5. S . Hunt 3. A . Pryo r 17. M . year 6. A . Ingieton 4 . M . Barbe r 19. D . Bibby 7. C. Higson 5 . M . Waddington 22 . A . Regan 9 . G . Griffith 6. M . Alle n 23. P. Luchetta 10. C . Warner 7. J . Tomkins 25. L . Mansfield 15. P. Wolff 8. M . Sarau 26 .P Fahey 17. P. Blackman 9. M . Fisher 27. P. Stephens 19 . A. Scott 10. C . Lade (Capt) 31 . D . Ryan 20. G . Peck 12 . D. Cochran 35. P. LaRosa 22 . G . Parsons 15 . R . Smith 37. D . Freeman 24. D . Tadgell (R .Cap) 16 . M . Shippen 38. R . Mill s 26 . T. Habben 17 .P.Woff 40. D . Quix 27. A . Cooper 18. L . McMahon 41 . D. Jackson 28 . R . Savedra (R-VC) 19. C . Brook 42 . P. Hammond 29. K . Parson s 20. T. Grant 31 . P. Lawrence (R-DVC) 43 . P. Healy 21 . C. Jame s 45 . D. Perryman (R-C) 32 . A . Copeland 22 . L . Monument 47. O. Abraham s 34.P Kahn 23 . A. Cooper 48. P. Caddy 35 . N . Evans 24. S . O'Connor 51 . G . Silby 36 . N . Pike 25. P. Gran t 52 . C. Ray 37. C . Coyne 26. C . Smith 54 . P. Nailer 38. M . Conron 27. T. Burns 56 . P. Walsh 40. A . Lord 30 . G . Denson 58. M . Mullavey 41 . D. McQueen 34 . J . Goderidge 60. D. Walls 42 . H . Stephens 38. J. Tregaskis 62 . P. Northey 45 . J . Powel l 39. A . Hoa r 63. J. Caddy 46 . A. Mitchell 44. S. Youn g 64. P. Henry 49. G . Kenneally 75 . G . O'Donnel l 50. R . Greeves 51 . P. Baxter MAJOR SPONSOR 52 . M . Whittaker L. ARTHUR 57. N . Schmidt PTY . LT D 59. R. Lancaster Transport Contractors . 60. B. Woolhouse 76 Cremorne Street, 61 . R. Oliphant RICHMOND 312 1 Telephone 429 324 4 65. R . Newton . J . Schmidt 66 Sponsored by NETWORK SECURIT Y
Senior Coach : Alan Parris 1 . G . Clarke 2. N . Tsiotinas 3, 1 Rowe 4 . D. Fit t 6 . R . Heath 7. P. Robertson 8 . A . Smythe 10. P. George 11 . S. Farley 12. A . Parri s 13. J . McInerney 14 . T. Puts
15 . .Faulkner 17. D. Mayne 18 . A . Course 20. H . Harisiou 24 . H . Murtic 25 . T. Merrell: 28 . B . Bond 30 . R . Field 31 . A . Panou 32 . M . Wilson 37. N. Cameron 40. M . McInerney 43. T. Agosta 45. D. Philpots 58. J. Frossino s
Reserv es Coach : David Keast 4. D . Fit t 10 . P. George 12 . A . Parris 15 . P.Faulkne r 16 . P. Corstorphin 21 . D. Hooper 25. T. Merrell 26. R. Minnie 27. B. Kelly 28 . P. Mutimer 29 . C. Deer 31 . A . Panou 32 . M . Wilson 33 . G . Miles 35. M . Osborne 38. D. Cameron 39. T. Driver 41 . A. Rozantis 42, W. Arthur 43. T. Agosta 44. J. Rozanitis 46. B. Sheehan 47. T. Bone
48 . S . Slater 51 . S . Hendrie 52 . B . Degoldi 53 . M . Agrotis 54 .P Bone 55 . D. Peters 57. M . Maso n
Rese rves Coach : Mark Tymm s 1 . M . Tymms 4. W. Hoare 5. N . Horvath 6. R . Wilson 7. D. Cropley 8. I . Habgood 9. L . Dowd 11 . K . Busst 12 . P. Tymms 15 . D. Terry
17. G . Ouid 20. G . Scott 21 . P. McAuliffe 22 . D. Booth 23. N . Gosewincket 24 . B. Youn g 26. B. Selleck 27. G . Livingstone 28. A . Scot t 30. T. Piccinin 31 . J . Madden 35 . P. Barrett 36 . C. Kelly 38 . P. Smith 40 . R . Buller 41 . D. Cecchini 42 . K . DeHenin 45. D. Smith 49. D. Portelli 50. R . Cohen 52 . M . Potter 54. M . Kane
Senior Coach : Simon Meehan 1 . A . Baxte r 2 . D. Connell 3. N . Schmidt 4. C . McKenzie 6. W. Smit h 9. T. Lyell 10 . P. Bennett 11 . J. Ra e
Senior Coach : John Simpson 3. L . Holt 4. M . Legge 5. C . Ladd (VC ) 7 . J . Fraumano (Capt) 9 . G . Pyers 10.P.Adams (DVC )
12 . D . Secculi (Capt) 13 . B . Cart y 14 . T. Doran 15 . W. Philips 16 . J . Bingham 17. W. Cox
18 . M. Constable 19 . R . Gerny 20. S . Meehan 21 . A. Walden 23. P. Noske 24. T. Snowball 25. M . Colston 28 . A . Gilchrist 29. W. Byrns 33. G . Tanner 34 . J . Robertson 37.P.Wigg 38 . D. Cotton 39 . T. Jone s 41 . D . Fletcher
11 . S . Sanders 12 . D. Gilbert 15. P. Moore 18. J . Turnbull 22. J . Gilham 23 . W . Lusk 25 . M . Power 26 . A . Mil l 27. G . Mooney 28 . A. Weston 29 . G . Sutterby 32 . C . West 33 . D. Glas s 34 . G . Donaldson 40 . W. Gibson 42 . A . Barr y 52 . S. Coulson 55 . D. Williams 57. G . Castledine B.A .F.C. proudly sponso red
Sponso re d by INFORMED SOURCE S
Victorian Freight Experts I
Sponaored COOPERS & LYa AN D
1/4 tim e
1/2 time
3/4 time
1/4 time
1/2 time
3/4 time
1/4 time
1/2 time
3/4 time
1/4 time
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State Bank Victoria
Rese rves Coach : S . Ryle s 1 . G . Belford 4. S . Hinchcliffe 5. D . Cato n 7. A . Bullock 8. C . Smart 10. J . Mounsey (VC) 11 . A . Hodgso n 14. M . Zuba k 15 . A . Finikarides 24. R . Warwick 27 . S. Richardson 28. A . Allen 29. C . McGaw 33 . R . Haysom 34 . R . Calcutt 35 . S. Ryles (CC) 36 . N . Maynard 40. M . Hodgson 41 . D . Phil p 43. L . Caligiuri 44. P. Costello 45. S . Baxter 49. T. Trantino 51 . G . Bennett
Reserve Coach : Ian Cave 4. M . Andrews 5. D . Rogerson 7. B. Hibb s 13. P. Poulter 14. W . Boyle 15. S . Mulholland 17. B. Bird 19. J. Hunter 23 . D. Devola 24 . D. Jopling 27. A . Lawson 28. D. Griffin 30. G . Co x 31 . S. McDonald 32 . A . Luca s 33. J . Mather 34. P. Jones 36. P. Newman 37. P. Geuh o 39. K . Ivey (Capt) 40. P. Kalitsis 41 . P. Rogerson 42 . A . Pryor (VC) 43. C. Elliot t 44. L . Geeson 45. G . Ferrari 46. T. Worland 47. B . Holstock 48. E . McKay 49 . R . Malin 50 . G . Hoggett 63 . P. Hartshor n
FERRARI FASHION S Ladies & Mens Wear Hire & Sales 467 North Rd . Ormond 578 094 3
1/4 tim e
1/2 time
3/4 time
Senior Coach : John Walsh 2 C . Cedro 4 G . Petsinis 5. L . Everitt 6R DeThomass 7 P Hoppe r 8 A Fellows (Capt) 9 T. Staoi s 10. B. Leovold 11 . A . Flemming 12 . F. Farchioni 13. C Pearson 14 . B . Jenkins 15 B . Pellegrino 16. D. Farchione 17. D. Leal e
18 Ken Harting 19. G . Bubis 20 P. Coverdale 21 E Lentini 22. C Tsalkos 23 D Fellows 25. S . Bradford 26. M . Spinoso 27, R . Kell y 28. L. Moribito 29 Kevin Harting 30 . C . Fellows 31 C . Kouhnos 32 .B. McCreddin 33 . J Zaicos 35. A. LaRosa 36 M . Golledge 37 J . Theodorou 39 G . Kyrousis 40 I . Fleming 41 W. Cooper 42 M Mirro 43. G . Lattouf 44 . G . Camilleri 45 . M . Bloodworth 47. M . Plowright 48. P. Prinzi
49. R. Carroll Si . M . Boyden 52 . K . Chandler 54. G . Velkos 55. J . Kalpakis 56 . R Molella 57. S. Cmarari 60 . P Valer i 61 . G Kernaghan 71 . F. Buda k 73 . A. Smit h 75. J. Karambelas 82 . P. Horkings 83.J.Loche 88. V. Taskmaki s
1/4 time
V•A - F• A
Est . 196 7
Senior Coach : Ray Kean e 1 . J . Philli p 2 . S. Woodman (VC) 3. Paul Reid y 4. S . Strike 5. R Van Raay 6. C. Houston 7. P. Coghlan 10. T. Pratt 11 . D. Sutton 12 . M . Spears 13. Mark Reidy 15. M . Harrison 16. M . Borrack 18. T. McNeil 19. D. Crowe 24 . J . Bonnyman 27. Mick Reidy 28. B. Le e 31 . N . Jenkins 33. G . Guggenheimer 34. S . Lowel l 36. P. Bun n 37. Peter O'Brien 40. B. Tierney (Capt) 45.P.Hay 48. M . Bateman 49. S . McAuliffe 53. J. Newton 63. D . Flanagan 66. M . Stevens 67. N . Hughes 70. D . Midro
Rese rves Coach: David Jenkins 15 . M . Rerden 20. J. Coghlan 28. D. Gran t 29. G . Watt 30. J . Murphy 31 . G . Crameri 33 . C. Kenez (Capt) 35. D. Brow n 36. D . Kay 37. C . Arnephy 38. A . Brown 40. J. Murray 41 . O . Noronha 43 .D. Doonan 44 . A. Gale
46 . J . Curtin (VC) 48 . C. Shepherd 50. J. Wood 51 . B. Mason 52 .R Hyde 53. M . Elford 55 . T. Nelson 56 . G . Lawton 57 . A . Car r
1/2 time
ar>t umns rnrrcce
7 gtut~ ~ C
-a~~lMAE IN ~IDf P~BENtiS
3/4 time
Fina l
Reserves Coach : Ron Verm a 1 . A . Legovich 2. A . Atchison 3 . R . Verma 4. C . Drak e 5. R . Marti n 10 . M . Lotherington 16. P. Kot z 17. A. Drummond 19. E. Stents 22 . C. Flegeltaub 25. S. Bahe n 28. C. Bavage 29 . C. Geehman 31 . M . Roach 32 . I . Radlow 33. P. Andueza 34. R . Terrens 36. A . Sainsbury 37. M . Gately 40. D. Baker 41 . M . La i 42 . P. Fenning 44 . A . Greatorex 46 . M . Webster 47. S . Gabrielson 48. R . McGregor (Capt) 50. S . Glasso n 52. G . O'Brien 53 . K. Ludekens-Bini 54. P. Baumgartner 55. O. Pomie 56. G . Thompson 57. P. Riska 58. G . Wilson (VC) 59. R . Reale 60 . P. Brydon
Senior Coach : Vern Boa g 3. P. Riordan (Capt) 4. B. Ridewoo d S. G . Connoll y 7. N . McColough 8. D. Seeley 12 . D. Spencer 13. S. Zahra 14. P. Lannan 15. P. Walker 16. B. Berry 18. G . Burke 19. B. Tomlinson 20. M . Beasley 21 . A . Whitelaw 22 . C. Bracchi 23. B . Hutchinson 24. T. Beasley 25. D. Smith 26. R . Burns 27. J . Elmore 29. B. Hambridge 30. G . Fitzgibbon 33. C . Dunlo p 34. A . Boag (VC) 35. B. Mills 37. N . Fitzgibbon (DVC 38. B. Dunsta n 47. P. Thompson 59. P. Newport
1/2 time
Senior Coach : Denis Kelly 1 . C. O'Toole 3. C . Box 6. S . Kenny 7. M . McNamara 12 . D. O'Loughlin 14. D . Hodg e 15. J. McNamara 19. A . Grierson 24. A . Whelan 28. G . Wrigh t 31 . S . Bowtel l 32 . M . Vankerkhoven 34. M . Tarulli 35 . S . Livingstone 36 . D. Phelan 39. E . Whitfield 40. D . Wright 41 . D. Croft
42 . B . Spiess 43. C. Rogers 47. P. Kvietelaitis 48. C. Fleiter 50. P. Grierson 60 . L . King
Major Sponsor MICHAEL NARDELL A & Co. P/L
Reserves Coach : J. Williamson 3 . A. McGibbon 5 . P. Shannon 8 . B . Franzman (Capt) 13. J . Trimbol i 14. J . Harper
17 . J. Limperakis 18 . A . Jensz 19. P. Goug h 21 . P. Henderson 22 . M . Edmunds 23 . P. Gehri g 26. C . Polatos 28. C . Panozzo 29. S . Zuccala 30. V. Cavalieri 31 . P. Chilco 32 . F. Andruela (DVC) 34 . N . Morric e 37. A. Conroy 38. J. Spano 39. A . Taylor 40. A. Blaskett 41 . R . O'Connor (Capt) 42 . S . Fredrickso n 44. M . Jones 47. D. Sidebottom 49. C . McLachlan 53. J. Carrucan 70 . M. Bridgeman
Reserves Coach : Sean O'Loughlin 2. A . Crosby 5 . H . Hewitt 6 . T. Jones 7. P. McCafferty 9. G . Brady 10. P. McManus 11 . D . Savant s 12 . D. O'Loughlin 13 . T. Alford 16. G. King 17. P. Smith 18. P. Davison 20 . B. McKenna 22 . J . Ryan 25. S . Bell 28. G . Wrigh t 29. S . O'Loughlin 30. G . Hewit t 40 . D. Wright 43. C . Rogers 46. M . Box 48. C. Reiter 49. R. Leavey 60. B. McKellar 70 . P. Sainsbury 77 . L. Brooksbank 78. E . Pegle r
Major Sponsor MICHAEL NARDELL A & Co. P/L
3/4 time
1/4 time
1/2 time
3/4 time
Fina l
Senior Coach Laurie Dutfu s Asst . Coach Tim Hillis 1 . L . Duffus 2 . D. Fossa 3. C . Walden 5. P. Barone 6. R . Brewe r 9. S. Katsiamakis 10 . D. Cahi r 12 . P. O'Brien 13 . J . Grassby 14 . E . Suidgeest 15 . P. Gorman 16 . P. Sheldon 17. D. Upfil l 18 . V. Koop 19 . T. Carty 21 . I . Jennens 22 . G . Cook 23. B . Condon 24. A . White (Capt) 25. S. Jackso n 26. M . Urba n 29. D. Lambourne 36. G . Moloney 39. S. Salzano 42 . M . Merton 44. P. White 45. E . Evans 49. N . Arnott 53 . A. Green 56 . A . Joselend 59. G . Phillips 60 . D. Shaw 96 . F. Gosdscha n
1/4 time
1/2 time
3/4 time
Coach : Mick Shaddoc k 1 . A. Hamilton 2 . R . Barbary 3. P. Pesavento 4. J . Leeman 5. J . Hutchins 6. A . Lan e 7. S. Spinks 8. S . Longley 9. C. McDonald 10. S. Morgan 11 . D. Moorfield 13. I . Solomon 14. G . Robinson 15. M . Hynes 16. A . Tillyard 17. D. Wilson 18. N . Carra 19. C . Brown 20 . D. McFarlane 21 . A . Hengel 23 . N . Lillie 24 . C. Ganly 25 . B . Pickett 26. B . Smit h 27. P. Weigard (C) 28. S. Wilso n 31 . J . Boko r 45. B. Townsend (VC) 50. S . Shaddock (DVC) 56. P. Zappi a Pro udly Sponsored by Peat Marwick Hungerford s
Coach : Mark Swai n Manager : James Paynter 1 . M . Aylen 2. B . Barker 3. A . Comino 4. M . Devine 5. S . Duggan 6. A. Fishe r 7. A . Hamilton 8. G . Holt 9. J . Howden 10. H . Jarvis 12 . C. Knight 13. J. Lad e 14. A . Looschilder 15. J. Mario n 16. R . Moreton 17. R . Phillips 18. D. Pulsar 19. M . Reynolds 20. G . Reynolds 21 . M . Talbot 22 . J . Templeton 23. J. Rya n 24. D. West 25. P. Williamson 26. A . Witha l 27. H . Swan 28. L . Leigh 29. W. Jackson 30. B. Ward 31 . B. Hal l 32. S . Lennox 33 . B . Sloan 34 . M . De Pietro 35 . S. Toparkas
UNIVERSITY RED S Senior Coach: Roland Mag ro 2 . G . Browne 4. J. Tapne r 7. R. Magro (CC) 8. D. Masti n 9. C . Gibson 10. S . Rule 12. A . Ford 14. N . Taylor 18. M . McCormick 19. G . Undy 21 . A . Park (VC) 22. B. Funnell (DVC) 23. C. Artis 24. D. Saddler 29. N . McDonald 31 . D. Brigg s 33. C. Crooks 34. D. Mauro 36. M . Taylor 37 . B . Whiting 39. C . Hibbert 40. D . Bartlett 44. G . Phelan 45 . R . Soncin 49 . T. Burns 50 . R . Heaney 51 . P. Westbury 54 . P. Bovezza 60. J . Gauci 69. I . Ashby
Rese rves Coach : Damian Martin 1 . G . Lerias 2 . D. Dawson 5. F. Van der Peet 6. G . Hylan d 8. J. Borg 9. J. Neenan 10 . S . Lugowski 13 . P. Graham 15. D. White 16. D. Elliott 18. G . Gammone 19. S. Calderwood 23 . L . Waddel l 24 . A . Rya n 25. C. McKenzie 26. C. Muscat 29. A . Thomson 30. A . Morelli 31 . P. Campagna 32 . D. Temby 33. B . Ryan 34. B . Hann 35 . S. Kennedy 36 . G . Stephens 38 . T. Ferri s 39 . R. Meilak 40 . A. Teagle 41 . B. Marr 42. P. Dervan 44. B. Cetinich 45. D . Digenova 48. S. Smith
Rese rves Coach : David Saddler 1 . I . Steward 3 . R . Soncin 5 . D. Ile s 6 . D. O'Keefe 7 . K. Wrigh t 11 . P. Goldsworthy 12 . A . Ford 13 . R . Davies 14 . C. Galea 16. C. Beard 17. P. Littl e
21 . R . Pepyat (Capt) 23 . C. Arti s 24 . D. Saddler 25 . R. Vimba 26 . W. Chamra 27. C . Overend 28. J . Kilkenny 129. N . McDonald 30. B. Emblem 32 . L . Libardi 35. T. Davies 40. D. Bartlett 42 . G . Palmington 49. T. Burn s 50 . R . Heaney 56 . J . Mansour 60 . J . Gauci 62. M . Allan 67. A . Birch 69. I Ashby
49. G. Doria 51 . D. Bubnic 52 . P. Culhane 69 . R .I . McGowan
1/4 time
1/2 time
Coach : David McCormack Team Manager : Robert Digney 1 . P. Board 2 . J . Steind l 3. R . Aanensen (DVC) 4. C. Fuller (VC) 5 . A. Reidy 6 . B . Joyce 7. D. Cousins 8 . N . Condie 9 .P Donoghue 10. P. Robertson 11 . A . Villant i 12 . P. Digney 13 . J . Mills 14. C. Dixo n 15 . P. Joyce (Capt) 16 . Matt O'Keeffe 17. M . Vear 18 . Paul O'Loughlin 19 . P. Brabender 21 . M . Gear y 22 . W. Brown 23 . D. Stuckey 24. Michael O'Keeffe 25 . J . Holme s 26 . P. Reid 27. D. Quigley 31 . A . Roberts 33 . M . Ward 34 . D. Castleton 36. M . O'Connor 38. B. Flyn n 39. J . Rowe 40. N . Puccio 42. T. Jones 44. S . O'Toole 47. T. Canavan 60. Peter O'Loughlin 77. C. Hewatt
3/4 time
Fina l
1 . D. Bugalski 2 . A. Gordon 3 . O. Morros 4 . R . Cerolini 5 . C . Thomas (Capt) 6 . D. Kal b 7.A . Orr 8. J. Sperling 9. B. Collins (VC) 10. D. Wood 11 . D. Edgell 12. A . Hayes (DVC) 13. P. Ward 14. M . Hatherall 15. S . Farrow 16. T. Garavelis 17. C . Keleher 18. A. Grace 19. N . Pastras 20. P. O'Neil 21 . J. Brown 22 . R. Pelletier 23 . S. Gribble 25 . N . Sebo 26 . C . Bannon 30 . D. Osborne 35 . S. Harrold 42 . L . McDonald 44. N . Dao u 49. O. Saunders 51 . L . Black 65 . B . Egan 77. J. Schmidt
/4 time
1/2 time
3/4 tim e
Coach: Andrew Taylor 1 . A . Stubb s 2 . C . Billing 3 . R . Dooley 4 . R . Canvin 5 . T. Byrne 6 . B . Steel e 7. J. Sinclair (Capt) 9 . C. Allard 10. A . Millar 11 . R. Steele 12 . J . Raftopoulos 13. N . Hart 14. P. Roberg 15. S. Fletcher 16. J. Buckley 17. J . Worssam (VC) 18. H . Bradfiel d 19. D. Steele 20 . T. Wilson 21 . E . Johnston 22 . P. Millington 23 . A. Hutchinson 24 . B. Curri e 25 . R . Winneke 26 . G . Bennett 27. N . Howel l 28 . S Gibbs (DVC) 29 . N . Buf e 30 . N . Carmichael 31 . J. Earl e 32 . A . Cowper 40 . T. Bloch 42 . S . Pickett 44 . M . Sproul e
1/4 time
1/2 time
2 . C. Wood 3. M . Boucher 4. C . McEvoy 5. H . Tobin 7. S . Perrett 9. J. Kennedy 9. R . Carrozza 10 . K . Breen 11 . C . Overman 13 . M . Egan 14 . S. Doran 16 . P. Gilmour 17. M . Mullins 19 . S. Gollant 20. D. Edwards 21 . C . Mallia 27. S. Murphy 33. Paul Rogerson 35. J . Tralong o 38. A. Dwyer 44 . P. Dwyer 44 . S. Taylor 50. L . Overman 69. D. Garvey
3/4 time
National Mutual Trustee s IMPORTANT NOTE TO PRESS CORRESPONDENTS All faxed best players and goal kickers must be faxed by 12 noon Mondays to be included in this list . A SECTIO N
Coach : Tony Naumoff 2 . C. Amoore 3 . M . Hender 4. B. McGregor 6. A . Hol t 7. S. Marion 8 . P. McCal l 9. M . Luxmoore 10. S . Cris p 11 . J . Wilson 12 . S . Blaskett 13 . B . Nelson 14. D. Hobson 15. A . Williams 16. M . McCall 17. W. Hobson 18 . R . Grei g 19. B. McMurtrie 20. J . Higgins 21 . G . Devereaux 22 . C. McInnes 26 . D. Wilto n 28. D. Pat 30. L. South 31 . N . Hassell 37. M . Moss 41 . W. Earl e 55. A . Fairweather 87. C. Voulgarakis 88. R . McDonal d
Coach : Dave Gann 1 . P. Goulftsis 2 . P. Battista 3. G . Josevski 4 . J . Gatovski 5. L . MacNamara 6. A . Formos a 7. C . Sahin 8 . J . Pougios 9. S . D'Avoine 10.S . Pares 13. S. Papaioanou 14 . E . Mustata 15. J . Naumovski 16. E . Gikovski 17. V. Fium e 18 . D. Pougios 19. Y. Sahin 20 . M . Ward 22 . N . DAvoine 23. R . DiMaggio 27. M . Aydi n 28. F. D'Avoine 29. C . Shalevski 30. J . Julevski 35 . D. Dimovski 70 . B. Chilton 80. C . O'Connell 81 . I . Arslan
1 . P. Harvey 2 . N . Simms 3 . B . Davey 4 . M . Beamish 5. A . Daniels 6. C . Orwi n 7. A . Banfield 8 . D. McCulloch 9 . S . Beamish 10 . A. Batty 11, A . Spinks 12 . R . Evans 13. T. Adamson 14 . M . Guttendge 15. S . Madne r 17. R . Bingenham 18. T. Robert s 20. J. Hodder 21 . L . Thomas 26 . M . Symons 28. G . Harvey (C) 30. T. Lobb 32 . J. Midro 34 . P. Papas 38. R . Phillips 44. A . Turner
Coach : Adrian William s Team Manager : Mark Edwards 1 . J . Mathias 0 2 . R. Signa l 3 . B . Kin g 4 . W. McLean (DVC) 5.D.Burt 6. S. Fisher BEAUREPAIREs PAITYRE S 7. M . Murray . Smith (C) 8. C 9. D. Biviano 10 . P. Fraser 11 . M. Bright 12 . G . Moretto 13 . R . Bourbon 14 . P. Riley 15. N . Wilson 16. S. Beovich 17. Matthew Quirk 18. D. Paton 19. R . Cobban 20. S. Barton 21 . M . Morley 25. M . Tetley 26. J. Lenett e 27. S . DiCamillo (VC) 28 . R. Princip e 32 . P. Demarco 33. S. Ward 34 . M . Giuliano 44 . G . Fitzsimmons
aur~ -Ares
The Bo ° .1 Blue
FERRARI FASHIONS Ladies & Mens Wear Hire & Sales 467 North Rd . Ormond 578 0943
1/4 time
1/2 time
3/4 time
1/4 time
1/2 time
3/4 time
Maclnnes, Uni Blues Caffry Marcellin Schuhkraft, Ormond Freeman, Parkside Berzins, Collegians ,it-patrick, Ke w S Boysen, Marcellin :. .: ard . Old Scotch Perkins, Old Scotch Poth, Ormond
(2) 75 (2) 48 (11) 48 (-) 36 (-) 35 (-) 32 (2) 31 (1) 30 (-) 29 (-) 2 9
B SECTIO N N . Heath, Uni Blacks R Heath, BulllTemp. G Wood, St Bernards Peter Green, De La Salle Hildebrand, Monash Blues Sheedy, De La Salle Waddington, Old Brighton Allen, Old Brighton Bosanko, Therry Campbell, De La Salle Allibon, Old Trinity
(3) 50 (2) 47 (3) 44 (3) 40 (-) 37 (-) 37 (1) 36 (3) 35 (3) 33 (-) 31 (1) 3 1
C SECTION Weston, Banyule Panagiotidis, Hampton Rovers Riddell, St. Kild a Philips, Preston MBOB Ross, Hampton Rovers A . Hill, Balaclava
(-) 87 (-) 80 (2) 68 (-) 66 (-) 65 (-) 6 1
D SECTION Jenkins, State Bank Pratt, Whitefriars Acreman, Old Mentonians Evans, Power House C Cedro, Thomastown Wix, MHSOB E SECTION Wilson, Latrobe Un i D. DeMorton, North Brunswick Burgess, Doveton Seeley, St . Bedes Patterson, Heatherton Wrigglesworth, Latrobe Uni F SECTION McGowan, Williamstow n Martin, Waverley Oliver, Old Carey Szietz, ANZ Bank Fossa, University Reds Bulluss, St . Leonards G SECTION Thomas, Bloods Dalton, Kew D. Maclsaac, Kew Warner, Monash Whites Prowse, Kew H SECTION Phillips, Richmond Central Tymms, Richmond Central Ricketts, Richmond Central Lang, Richmond Central Pouloupoulos, St Kilda Griffin, St. Kevins
(1) 71 (1) 70 (3) 59 (-) 52 (2) 50 (-) 47 (3) 108 (-) 66 (-) 63 (3) 55 (-) 53 (2) 53 (-) 102 (-) 84 (1) 68 (-) 62 (2) 52 (-) 47 (2) (3) (-) (-) (-)
65 58 27 23 18
(3) 40 (-) 38 (2) 37 (1) 34 (-) 33 (-) 31
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 R . Brasher, De La Salle 80 Fiume, De La Salle (-) 63 Griffin, Collegians (-) 49 C . Fuller, Old Paradians Green (-) 33 McIntyre, Whitefriars (-) 3 1 UNDER 19 SECTION 2 Knight, Old Brighton (3) 85 Parrett, St Bernards (2) 54 Hatzis, MHSOB (-) 42 Tripodi, North Old Boys (-) 40 Millington, Old Scotch (2) 39 Goodwin, Therry (-) 32 UNDER 19 SECTION 3 Riley, Mazenod (-) 46 Naumovski, Thomastown (-) 45 Warton, St. Kevins (-) 42 S. Bolt, De La Salle Gold (-) 38 Hubery, De La Salle Gold (-) 36 Walsh, Aquinas (-) 35 A RESERV E Heaphy, Old Xaverians (-) 43 McAllister, Kew (-) 35 Schmidt, Collegians (-) 30 Boyanton, Ormond (1) 29 Roth, Ormond (2) 25 Mitchell, Uni Blues (-) 2 3 B RESERVE P. Monaghan, St. Bernards Hendrie, Bulleen/Temp Ould, Fawkner O'Keefe, De La Salle O.C . O'Brien, De La Salle Selleck, Fawkner
(5) 31 (-) 29 (-) 28 (-) 19 (1) 18 (-) 1 7
C RESERVE Bowler, Banyule (-) 51 Haysom, Preston MBOB (-) 44 Devola, Hampton Rovers (-) 24 Robertson, Old Haileybury (-) 22 L . Caligiuri, Preston MBOB (-) 20 D RESERVE Cu rtin, State Bank (2) 57 Peter O'Brian, Whitefriars (2) 47 Camilleri, Thomastown (1) 44 Martin, MHSOB (-) 36 Young, Old Camberwell (-) 26 E RESERVE Watson, Doveton (-) 55 Ryan, Aquinas (2) 40 Cavalieri, La Trobe Uni (-) 36 Penouris, Heatherton (-) 33 Bryant, St. Bedes (-) 33 Pegler, Aquina s (-) 31 Link, Heatherton (-) 31 F RESERVE Dawson, Williamstown (-) 83 J . Boyle, Mazenod (2) 35 Hayden, St . Leonards (-) 23 Yusuf, Commonwealth Bank (-) 23 Dicento, Mazenod (2) 22 Iles, St. Andrews (-) 1 8 25
Looking Back by Noel Rundl e
LOOKING BACK - TRIVIA (See Looking Back - 20 years ago) Who was the unregistered player who took the field for Assumption Old Collegians? To give you a hint, the player told his opponent he had played in another competition the previous Saturday - he still talks a lot about football on radio in 1989, some wisdom, and a lot of rot . Answers on page 9
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2ND SEMI - 5 YEARS AGO - 198 4 Ga ry Todd ( MHSOB) won the 'D' Section B&F with 19 votes, R . Morley (Bull . Utd) defeated Steve Wiltshire (Pen .O.B.) by 2 points to win the 'E' Section B&F for the second year in succession, and A . Elliot (W'stown CYMS) won 'F' Section . Under-19 B&F were won by Tom Cannon, CYMS (Zone 1), Ma rtin Tobin, (Zone 2) and Con Anastarakis MHSOB (Zone 3) . Alan Naylor played his 200th game in the second semi (A) against De La Salle . It was not a happy day for the 'Monds when 23 points down at the last change they kicked 6.2 to De La's 3 .2 to go down by 5 points . Phil Meh rt en's last snap could have meant a replay but just missed . Best were Lowe (6 gls), Murphy, Greene (De La) and Burke, A.Mehrten, Barnes ( Ormond) . It would be De La's sixth grand final appearance in 8 years . In the U/19 Alex Johnson Championship, Marcellin came from behind to defeat Old Scotch who had led all day. Marcellin hit the front when Day kicked a long goal from inside the centre square after a controversial decision went against the Old Scotch runner. Murray took a great mark and goaled soon after for Marcellin to win by 7 points. Marcellin lined up as follows :B : A .Robinson, Mike Smith, M .Day HB : P.Dennis, T.O'Hehir, M .French C : A.Caffry, Chris Slattery, R .O'Callaghan HF: B .Murray, B .McGrath, G .Norde n F : G .Box, L . Kivlighorn, D .Paruscio Rucks : B.Cullinan, C .Carr, D .Stafferi 1/C : G .Hughes, P.Cullen, J .Goold, M .Manassa Coach : Tom Wilson Umpires : Green, Wiseman . Best and Fairest results were as follows :- 'A ' R .DeMa rte ( B/Temp) 17, N .Wilton (Old X) and Mick Greene (De La), equal second on 13 . 'B' Section was won by Garath Yoksich ( P'sode) 22 from Robert Zubin (AJAX) 17 and Peter Fittos (I'hoe) 14.
Veteran Kevin White ( St. Kilda) 18 won 'C' narrowly from Old Brighton captain, Peter Grant, 17, with another St . Kilda player, Charlie Capiron, third on 13 . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
10 YEARS AGO - 197 9 Great clubman Bernie Dunn celebrated his 150th game with De La Salle C .O. with a brilliant performance in the 'A' second semi against U .Blues who however were too strong all day and withstood De La's 6.5 to 2.0 final term to win by 19 points . Best were Tyquin, Karvelis (6 gls), Carey ( U.Blues and Nugent, Dunn, McHen ry (De La) . Marcellin's solitary final term score - a goal - gave them a 2 point win over Old Xaverians and promotion to 'A' Section . John Jones continued his great finals performances to be Marcellin's best, and was well supported by Gartners, J & P. ; Nankervis, Noonan & O'Hurley were best for Old Xaverians . Clubs to win preliminary finals and gain promotion were BulleenTemp. to (C, AMP (to E), St . Pius (to F). Kew annihilated Old Brighton 24 .10 to 11 .16 in 'C' second semi with Fletcher, Walker & Blay (9 gIs) best for Kew. In a top class J .1 preliminary final Ormond beat Uni . Blues by 9 points . Best were Rogers, Roach, Russell (Ormond) and Nelson, F ry, S.Roberts (U .Blues). De La Salle O.C. Juniors established a VAFA record when, following promotion from J .2, the team finished home and away round on top of J .1 ladder - first time in 20 years such a performance had been achieved . 15 YEARS AGO - 1974 Ormond scraped home by a point from Coburg in second semi to win their way to the grand final . In a brilliant first quarter Ormond kicked 7 .1 t o Coburg's 6.1 . Four goals each in the second quarter and Coburg 5 points up at the last change . The lead changed hands several times . Ormond were 2 points in front at the final siren when Coburg had a change but the kick was worth only a point . Final scores were 19 .10.124 to 18.15 .123 with best : Ormond : Ladd (7), Corben, Alan Graham, Ian Cameron and Coburg : Hughes, A .Handley (4), Warfe, Phil Clea ry (6) . Monash Blues won their entry to 'A' Section by holding off Old Trinity who kicked 3 .1 to 0.2 in the last quarter to go down by 3 points . Best were Sweetland, North, Halliday (Monash) and Piggin, G.Fellows, R .Kennedy (Old Trinity) . Top goalkickers for the year at the end of home and away games were 'A' J.Jordon (Old P.) 84, 'B' Moore ( Mon .Blues) 65 ; 'C' Calleja (St . Kilda CBCOB( 81 ; 'D' RHanlon (Brunswick) 57 ; 'E' Roulston (AMP) 64 ; 'F' Burley ( Mon .Whites) 56 ; Junior 1 Fisher (Orm) 81 ; Junior 2 Bastow (Parkside) 73 . 27
Congratulations to Phil De Young - 150 games in the second semi and a club record at Monash University. 20 YEARS AGO - 196 9 Coburg won their way into the Grand Final with a convincing 29 point win over Ormond due to gaining a winning break in the third quarter when they kicked 5.1 to 1 .3 . Peter Callesen, Norm Beattie, Peter Scanlon and Rod McFarlane (5 goals) were best for Coburg with Ian Cameron, Roger Wood (5 goals), and Ray Carr (3 goals) starring for Ormond . Ivanhoe earned promotion to 'A' Section defeating De La Salle b 32 points . McWhinnie, Coulter, D .McMahon ( Ivanhoe) and I .Geddes, Tormey and B .Lyons (De La) were best . Assumption, who had won the second semi in 'D' Section and then lost it through playing an unregistered player, fought back to defeat West Brunswick in the Final and then earn the right to meet Old Haileybury in the Grand Final . Stars were (Assumption) and G .Howard, O'Dwyer, O'Keefe Allen, Margins, Murray ( West Brunswick) . Old Haileybu ry congratulated Peter McFarlane on playing his 150th game .
30 YEARS AGO - 195 9 'A' Section best and fairest was won by Ian Law (Old Scotch) 21 points by one point from John Winneke (U .Blues) with Duncan Wright (Alphington) a further two points behind . 'A' Semi Final results were : 1st Semi - Collegians 9 .17.71 defeated Uni Blacks and 7.5.47. Best for Collegians were Scott, G .Hibbins Jobling . For Blacks B.Roet, Portr and Brown . 2nd Semi - O . Scotch 10.14.74 defeated O. Xaverians & K .Melville starred 6 .13.49 . Russel, Harkness, Carrie.Gibson, B.Doyle and for Old Scotch whilst Carroll, G Stoney were named as best for Old Xaverians .
Ricoh. The star performe
40 YEARS AGO - 194 9 Old Scotch met Uni Blacks and hoped to reverse the 2 earlier defeats of 9 gls and 5 gls . The game was as St Kilda C .G . and the umpire was Colin Moncrieff . In the tight game Old Scotch hung on deperately all day to be 5 points behind at the last change, and then challenged strongly but kicked 1 .5 to Blacks 3 .1 to go down by 13 points. Half backs Finch, Dexter and Manual saved Blacks repeatedly and were their best players . Geelong won the 'B' Section flag in a great fightback, kicking 5 .3 to Uni Blues 1 .0 in the last quarter after trailing Blues by 15 points .
POWER HOUS E AMATEU R FOOTBALL CLUB D & H Grades, V.A. .A. Ross Gregory Oval, Albe rt Par k
Applications are invited for the following positions for season 199 0
AMATEUR FOOTBALL CLUB INC . E Grade, V.A .F.A . 199 0 Seeks applicants for the positions of :
Written applications should be forwarded to : The Sec retary Power House Football Club P.O . Box 4, . KILDA VIC 3182 ST Applications close on Monday, September 25, 198 9 Telephone enquiries : 699 7910 (B)
Applications may be made in writing to : The P re sident , AJAX Amateur Football Club Inc ., 2 Curral Road, Eisternwick, Vic 318 5
for the 1990 seaso n
Applications close Monday, September 4, 198 9
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0. MELBURNIANS 4 .1 5.3 9.5 14.6.90 MONASH BLUES 1 .2 4.4 4.6 5.7.37
UNI BLACKS Heath 3, Pattinson 2, Pappas, Campigh, A .Gray . BEST Wines, Heath, A .Gray, McArthur, Cummins, Chomley . 18 .13 28 .17.185 ORMOND 8 .9 14 .9 .4 4.6.30 PARKSIDE 2 .0 3 .2 3 .Cox 4, Taylor 3, Jobling 2, McCooke 2 . Schuhkraft 11, P ORMOND . Kingston 2, N .Cox, Connell, P.McDonald, Grace . BEST Schuhkraft . .McDonald, Russell, Brown, Clarkson P.Cox, M . Pavia . BEST Rowe. Williams . PARKSIDE Cotter, Sohgo, Sedgwick Sedgwick, Cowell, Bannister, Pavia . 7.4 8.5 9.7.61 0. PARADIANS 3 .3 .11 .65 MARCELLIN 4 .4 4.5 9.10 9 2, MARCELLIN Cattry 2, S .Boysen .Gettson, Lennox, Zannorn?BaOttislellao BEST J .Amd Onglsso, M Beck. n Angove PCons PCnsidine, M C emenisT Wood, GePerRnanD.lAngo e 3.10 3.11 .29 KEW 2 .2 2.6 .8 .86 NORTH O.B . 5 .1 9 .5 12.7 13 . . Fennelly 2, Hedley, Cahill, Dwyer, Gayfer . Booth 6 NORTH O .B Bowman . BEST Daniel, Bowman, Alevras, Boyd, Booth, Goodear KEW Shcca, Barry, Buden, BEST Kalac, Lord, Crimmins, Peric, Barry, Thornley. 8 .1 9.2 .56 0 . XAVERIANS 3 .0 6 .0 .10 5.11 .41 UNI BLUES 3 .3 4 .3 4 . Taylor, Walsh XAVERIANS Meehan McCorkell UNI BLUES Maclnnes 2, Stevenson 2, Macauley BEST Holmes, McCarty, Allardice, Moors . Allen, Wylie . .11 .83 2 .4 7.6 9 .9 12.10.124 COLLEGIANS 4.1 8.4 14 .7 19 O. SCOTCH .Hooper OLD SCOTCH Sherwen 5. A .Hart 3, Drummond 2, Hodge 2 . N 2, Kiel 2, AuJard, Brady, Brown . BEST Brady, Smith, Brown, Mir, Hodge, A .Hart . , Ingleton In glleton . Galbraith, BenSnet . Parkin 3, BEST Hinchen Galbraith, Wallace .
7.5 9.10 14.13.97 ST. BERNARDS 2 .3 .4 6.6 6 .7.43 0 . TRINITY 5.2 5 .Wood 3, Hogan 2, Gollant 2, Daffey . G ST. BERNARDS O'Connell 3,. BEST Monaghan . Mclnerney. McAllister, Walsh, K.Mahady, McInerney . K.Mahady, G .Wood, O'Connell Rogers, BEST Rogers, 0. TRINITY Turner 2, Allibon, Borghesr, Francs, Wallace, Smith, Glass, Sammut, Norman . .6 10.7 13 .14.92 .3 7 0. BRIGHTON 1 .3 6 .4 7.10 10 .12 .72 DE LA SALLE 3 2, Shippen 2, Cooper Grant, Monument, 0. BRIGHTON Allen 3, Brook Pryor, Waddington, Woff . BEST Pryor, Lade, Barber, Wolf, Cooper, Sara u Green 3, Knuppel 2, McClounan, Toohey, Tully, DE LA SALLE Peter Fraser, Mulcahy. BEST Knuppel, Fraser, Peter Green, Ronchi, Anderson, Sheedy. 3.7 4.9.33 0. MELB. 1,4 1 .7 9.4 12 .7.79 MONASH BLUES 4 .0 6.3 Alexander 3, Hipwell 3, Wood 3, Kohler, Spencer, MONASH BLUES .Quin, Hipwell, Kohler, Alexander . Culvenor. BEST Kiers, Culvenor, J . BEST Smith, Con, Pisarski, 0. MELB . Useinov, Harty, Con, R .Nelson Tyrrell, Nicholls, A .Witts . 4.2 6.4 6.7.43 FAWKNER 3 .0 .10.70 BULLEENlTEMP 3 .5 5 .7 9.8 10 Merrell, Smythe, Bond . BULLEENfTEMP Merrell, Murtic, Bond . BEST Rowe, Mai FAWKNER Middlemo 2, Kerslake 2, Outd 2, BEST Roach, Kerslake, Cecchini, L .Cohen, Johnston, BYoung . 5.4 6 .6 8.6.54 UNI BLACKS 3 .1 .3 8.7 14 .9.93 THERRY 3 .2 6 OMarlo n 'Rou3ke BESTQQu Quinn, Biddlestone, Gallagher , 6O'Rourke, 2H Bourke, Matton, Ramsay . in
GRAND FINA L KEW 2 .3 4.4 8.7 8.9 .57 BLOODS 1 .0 3 .1 3.1 5.2 .32 KEW Dalton 3, Langton, Velthuls, C .Maclsaac. O'Dea . MacDowell . BEST Langton, Lindsay, Velthuls, McEnroe, C .Maclsaac, West BLOODS Thomas 2, Legge, Blair, Hutchinson. BEST Smith, Van, Ellam, Legge, Brown, Grant .
FIRST SEMI FINAL .6 2.7 3.7.25 BALACLAVA 1 .4 1.10 8 .10 11 .13.79 ST. KILDA 2 .3 5 . Struth, Gillen BEST . Riddell 2, Caption 2, McGaw ST. KILDA Driscoll 4 Struth, Lee, Buzza, Sherman, Capiron, Driscoll . BALACLAVA Breslin, Sist, Smith BEST Monaghan, Gregory, S st . Breslin, Dickson, Withers .
FIRST SEMI FINAL 7.10 8 .12.60 WHITEFRIARS 3 .2 5.5 .2 STATE BANK 1 .0 3 .1 4 .2 6 .38 Mick Reidy. BEST WHITEFRIARS Coughlan 3, Sutton 2, Tierney, Pratt, Hay, Bateman, Houston, Tierney, Strike, Jenkins . STATE BANK Jenkins, Beer, Dervan, Isgro,. Rolls, Beare, BEST Isgro, Beare, Gneil, Dervan, Templeston, Maher SECOND SEMI FINA L 4.12 .36 THOMASTOWN 2 .5 2 .8 3 .10 .3 16.3.99 0. MENTONIANS 3 .0 8.2 12 OolDyMB t~ONa QSrB Bournon, Rogers, Barrett ., ~ Norton, Acreman THOMASTOWN D.Fellows 2, Cedro 2, BEST Carroll, LaRosa . Bradford, A .Fellows, D.Fellows, Lentmi .
FIRST SEMI FINA L 9.13.67 DOVETON 3 .3 4.8 7.10 .8 .92 AQUINAS 4 .4 8 .5 11.7 14 AQUINAS Vankerkhoven 6, Box 2, Kenny 2, Bowtell, Whitfield, . Livingstone, Whelan . BEST Whitfield, Tarulli, Livingstone, Kenny Bowtell, Croft 2, Bugelaar 2, S .Reiger, J .Reigec DOVETON Ric Thorweston O'Donnell, Ashwod, Murphy . BEST Bugelaar, Murphy, Warren, Parker, Battle, J .Reiger. SECOND SEMI FINA L 7.10 11 .10 .76 4.8 LA TROBE UNI 4 2 7.6 ST. BEDES Cousins 2, LA TROBE UNI Wilson 3, Wrigglesworth 2, Dalbosco.2, Bakogianns, Benbow, Poole . BEST Poole, Little, Kreuger, Lewis Cousins. . Walker , Hambridge, ST . Fitzgibbon, WhBelaw, Berry Seeley, Zahra BEST
FIRST SEMI FINAL 5.13 5 .15.45 OLD CAREY 1 .3 2 .7 11 .11 .77 UNI REDS 5.3 6.8 10.8 Duffus . BEST UNI REDS Cahir 4, Barone 2, Fosse 2, Arnott, Jennens, Grassby, Koop, Joseland, Jennens, Barone, Duffus . . OLD CAREY Ballagh 2, Oliver, Shaw, Brown . BEST Paterson, Shaw McQuie, Oliver, Barney . Newnham . SECOND SEMI FINA L 12.9 16.12 .108 MAZENOD 3 .4 7.8 .9.69 ST. ANDREWS 3 .6 4 .8 8 .9 10 .Rogers, MAZENOD Lucas 3, Palamara 3, Green 3, McMullin 2, A Fotiniotis . G .Smith, Geoff Matthews, Francis, BEST Palamara, ChilcotL Lucas, Hall, G .Rogers, Todd . Mauro ST. ANDR . BEST Bovez7aaylor Magro, Phelan, Mauro, Sorpic nr . ,UndyMTaEor THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
GRAND FINAL RICHMOND CENTRAL 5.2 9 .6 10 .8 14 .11 .9 5 . KILDA 4 .3 5 .5 6 .8 7.8 .50 ST RICH. CENTRAL Jukes 5, Phillips 3, Ricketts 2 . Travers. Bastow, Lang . Alevras . BEST Egerton, Jukes, Hirscher, Bestow, Jiggins, P .Paras ST. KILDA C.Demaio 3, Caiafa, Ferre, Moreschino, F .Skender, BEST FDemaio . C.Demaio, Northeast, Capiron, Andrews. Derham .
ORMOND 5 .3 12 .5 13 .10 14.14 .98 PARKSIDE 2 .3 4 .4 6 .7 8.9 .57 ORMOND Harrington 4, Oaten 2, Eishold 2, ???, Roe??, Boyanton . Anderson . BEST Forsyth . Stewart . Hansen, D.Cox, Harrington PARKSIDE J .Panari 3, Denami 2, Franklin, Dunbabin, King . BEST Lock, Dunbabin, Chilcott, Matkaris, Papatheodorou, Seneck . 0. PARADIANS 2 .0 4,3 5 .6 5.8 .38 MARCELLIN 1 .3 2 .4 2 .5 4 .5.29 MARCELLIN Buhagiar, Stewart, Murray, Cooper . BEST Stewart, STapleton. O'Flynn, Murray, Sheehan, Day. 0. PARADIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . KEW 2.4 4 .7 7.11 14 .11 .95 NORTH O.B. 1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 5.10 .40 KEW Bradley 4, Vane 2 . Love 2, luliano 2 . Vigliott Penc, Greenwood . Rigonr BEST Burke, Bradley, Lynch, Martin, Acreman, Pickles NORTH O.B. O'Toole 2, Weir, Pearse. S.Hibbert . BEST Pearse, Leigh, Scott, Robertson, J .Cahill, O'Toole . 0. XAVERIANS 1 .5 1 .5 2 .8 2 .8.20 UNI BLUES 4.1 10.4 14 .4 18 .5.113 UNI BLUES Howden 4, Carmichael 2, C .MacDonald 2, Lowe 2 . Freemantle, Cohen, Kennedy, A .MacDonald, Dowling BEST Kennedy . A MacDonald, C.MacDonald, Walton . Williams, Dowling. 0. . XAVERIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . COLLEGIANS 7 .7 10.10 11 .14 18 .16.124 0. SCOTCH 3 .2 4 .5 4 .8 4.9.33 COLLEGIANS Whittaker 3, Wolff 3, Woolhouse 3, Griffith 2, Kahn 2 . Coyne, Greeves, Oliphant, Tadgell, Habben . BEST Greeves, Conron, N .Schmidt, Whittaker, Oliphant, Wolff . 0. SCOTCH Gaylor 2, J.MacMillan, Price. BEST Nicholls, Rodwell, Forbes, R .MacMillan, Shephard, J .MacMillan .
ST. BERNARDS 4 .10 8.15 11 .20 16 .23.119 0 . TRINITY 0.0 0.1 1 .2 2 .4 .16 ST. BERNARDS Monaghan 5, Toohey 3, O'Brien 2, Doolan, Burke, Barbaro, Runting, Mathews, Saundry . BEST Mathews, O'Brien, Toto, O'Connell, Runting, Fitzgerald . 0. TRINITY Dunne, JPAdgemis . BEST Carnegie, Wallace, Dunne. Bertram, Clark, Nougher. 0 . BRIGHTON 0 .0 1 .2 2.2 3.220 DE LA SALLE 10 .3 11 .5 15 .6 18 .11 .119 0 . BRIGHTON Brown, Hogan, McMahon . BEST Tregaskis, Smith, Hutchinson, Hogan, Brown, McMahon . DE LA SALLE Sullivan 4, Pat Green 3, Richardson 2, Smith 2, PMannix 2, Pergoli 2, Buckley 2, O'Brien . BEST Pat Green, Sullivan, O'Brien, Barry, Bolt, Richardso n THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
0. MELB. Harris 4, Naylor 2, Salek, Ward-Ambler, Griffiths, Smithers . Kelso, Curtis . Elstoff . BEST Farndon, Arnold, Dawson, D.Wilson, Salek, Harris .
MONASH BLUES Schwedes 2, Lord, Jones, Zachands . BEST Hanlon, Rodoni, Andritsos. Manuell, Schwedes. Shady . FAWKNER 0.1 0.1 1 .2 2 .5.17 BULLEEN/TEMP. 6.1 7.4 7.6 9.6 .60 FAWKNER Wilson, Booth. BEST Hoare, Crapley, McAuliffe, Madden, R Cohen, A.Scott . BULLEEN/TEMP. Faulkner 2 . Parris 2, Glover 2, Mutimer, Wilson, Kelly BEST Kelly, A .Rosantis, G Miles . Cameron, Faulkner. J.RosanRs UNI BLACKS 0.1 2 .2 4 .3 7.4 .46 THERRY 2 .8 3 .10 4 .13 4.15 .39 UNI BLACKS Bearham 2, Newing 2, Perry 2. McDonald, Summerville. BEST Banks . Hausler, Bell, Coker, Cunningham, McDonald . THERRY Murphy 2, Paul Jones, Falchk. BEST McMahon, Gibson, O'Brien . Paul Jones, Bell, Peter Jones .
FIRST SEMI FINA L 0. HAILEYBURY 6.2 7.5 12 .8 16.9 .105 BANYULE 2.0 4.1 5.3 6 .4.40 0. HAILEYBURY Lasscock 3, Snowball 3, King 2, McGorlick 2 . Meadows 2, Colston, Gilchrist, Noske, PWiff . BEST Bennett, A.Wigg, McGorlick, Lasscok, Jones, Gilchrist. BANYULE Phillips 2, Turner 2, Gilbert, Coulson . BEST Veal, Hogan, West, Foster, Pyers, Coulson .
FIRST SEMI FINA L THOMASTOWN 0 .0 1 .2 2.3 2 .4.16 MHSOB 5.2 7.2 8.4 9 .4.48 MHSOB Pomie 4, Verma 2, Flegeltaub, Sainsbury, Lai, BEST Bavage, Atchison, Flegeltaub, Roach, Lai, Pomie . THOMASTOWN Camilleri, Horkings. BEST Tsakmakis, Prinzi, Flemming, Leale, Horkings, Budak . SECOND SEMI FINA L WHITEFRIARS 2.3 5.6 6.7 6 .9.45 STATE BANK 0.3 2.5 2 .5 3.5.23 WHITEFRIARS Peter O'Brien 2, Newton, Flanagan, Rohan, McNeill, BEST McKeown, Guggenheimer, Bonnyman, PReidy, McNeill, Callinan . STATE BANK Curtin 2, Watt . BEST Watt, Keating, DS.Brown, Hyde, Shepherd, Murray
FIRST SEMI FINAL OLD GEELONG 3 .6 4 .8 5.11 7.11 .53 AQUINAS 1 .2 3 .4 6 .5 10.11 .71 AQUINAS Bell 2, Leavey 2, Ryan 2, D.Wnght 2, G .Wright 2 . BEST Pegler, Brooksbank, Phelan, Bell, Leavey, Ryan . OLD GEELONG Robinson 2, C.Stewart 2, R .Furphy, Henderson, Johnstone. BEST McLeod, Pappas, Robinson, McMillan, Hayes, Jackson. SECOND SEMI FINAL LA TROBE UNI 2 .2 2 .10 2.12 5.15 .45 WEST BRUNSWICK 4 .5 6 .8 8 .11 14.15 .99 WEST BRUNSWICK McNeice 5, Sassine 4, Buhagiar 3, Hokkanen, Lewis . BEST Buhagiar, Davis, C.Hatzistavrou, Hogan, RLeatham, Sassine. LA TROBE UNI L mperakis 3, Blaskett Gehrig, BEST Bridgement, Harper, Morrice, Henderson, Spano, O'Connor .
RESERVE SECTIO N FIRST SEMI FINAL ST. ANDREWS 5.1 5.2 8 .3 8.6.54 WAVERLEY 0.1 2 .5 4 .5 6 .7.4 3 ST. ANDREWS Little 5, Burns, Gauci, Peterson . BEST Ashby, Bartlett, Emblem, Little, Palmington, Saddler. 31
WAVERLEY Marshall 3, Caruso, Conian, Cooper. BEST Conlan, Voice . Smith, Newton, Thomas, Cooper. SECOND SEMI FINAL MAZENOD 3.3 5.6 12 .8 14 .14.98 WILLIAMSTOWN 2 .4 4.5 5.6 6 .8.44 MAZENOD Sinclair 3, Boyle 2, Dicintio 2, Fitzpatrick 2, Grady, Campbell, Murray, Poulter, Wain . BEST Grady, Poulter, Luxford, TSmith, Carr, Minaha n WILLIAMSTOWN Waddell, Doria, Hann, Kennedy, Temby, McKenzie BEST Dervan, A.Ryan, Temby, Hyland, Teagle, Lerias .
MARCELLIN 20.15 .135 BANYULE 3.6.24 MARCELLIN Beattie 4, Moran 3, O'Connell 3, Slattery 2, Fifis 2, Neale, Taylor, Wooller, Golds, Dionisio, Douglas . BEST Slattery, Kann, Moran, Neale, Douglas, Taytor. BANYULE Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . DE LA SALLE BLUE received forfeit from WHITEFRIARS . 0. HAILEYBURY 1 .2 6.5 7.5 11 .6.72 ORMOND 5.1 6.3 10.5 13 .6.84 0. HAILEYBURY Tarr 4, Chegwin 2, Devenish 2, Algie, Home. McKenzie. BEST Armstrong, B .Main, McKenzie, Thomas, Chegvrin . ORMOND Daou 3, Kalb 3, Bannon 2, McDonald 2, O'Hara, Egan, Gordon . BEST Team effort! 0. XAVERIANS 3.7 5.10 10.13 12 .15 .87 UNI BLUES 1 .1 2.1 3.1 3.2 .20 UNI BLUES Keane 2, Daunt. BEST Markley, McIntosh, Fegon, Newitt, Weston, Jones. 0. XAVERIANS Goal Kickers and Beat Players not received . COLLEGIANS 3 .3 6 .5 9 .7 10.11.71 0 . PAR. GREEN 6.6 12.11 14 .14 23.17.155 COLLEGIANS Oldfield 5, Jennings, Jones, Fitzmaurice, Stubs, Docking. BEST Kenneally, Docking, Jones, Roberts, Lucas, Palmer . 0 . PAR. GREEN Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived .
ST. BERNARDS 9 .6 11 .6 14 .9 20.13.133 MHSOB 3 .1 5.2 7.4 11 .9.75 ST. BERNARDS L .Overmann 5, Kennedy 2, Martin 2, Parrett 2, Brebner Doolan, Jones, Rogerson, Mafia, C.Overman, Wood 3. BEST Horn, Overman, Brebner, Jones, Martin, Overman C . MHSOB Yee 3, Howell 2, J.Palmas 2, B.Archdall 2, Walker, Duketis . BEST Yee, Paul, Newhan, Apostolou, Sargeant, S .Konstanti . CAUL. GRAMM . 3 .1 5.2 13 .6 16.8.104 MONASH BLUES 5 .6 6 .10 8.10 10.14.74 CAUL . GRAMMAR Goal Kickers and Beat Players not received . MONASH BLUES Goal Kickers and Best Players not received.
0. MELBURNIANS 4 .8.32 NORTH O.B. 8.2.E p 0. MELB. Smith Rose, Griffiths, Murphy . BEST McDonald, Murpt, Plowman, Burge, Brockhoff, Jones . NORTH O.B. Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 0. PAR. PURPLE 1.1 2.1 2 .2 2 .4 .16 BU LLEEN/TEMP. 7.1 11 .6 13 .6 14,17.101 O.PAR . PURPLE year, Gravell. BEST year, Fuller, Holmes, Ward, Castleton, Gravell . BULLEEN/TEMP Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . UNI BLACKS 3.3 5.6 5.10 5.15.45 0. SCOTCH 2.1 4 .3 4 .6 4.10.34 UNI BLACKS Spinks 2, Longfey, Robinson, Lillee . BEST Moorfield, Barbary, Pesavento, Carra, Tillyard, Lillee . 0. SCOTCH Millington 2, Co°,vper, Ho+,veA . BEST Dooley, Bennett, Cowper, Worssam, B.Steele, Wilson . THERRY 0 .2 3.5 5 .6 7.11 .53 0. BRIGHTON 2 .3 3.8 4.12 7.16 .58 THERRY Brundell 2, Fitzpatrick, Goodwin, Morellu, Pinner, Rossignolo, BEST Smith, Grocock, Pinner, Grant, Fitzpatrick, Goodwin . 0. BRIGHTON Knight 3, Jarivs 2, Barker, Templeton . BEST Fisher, Withall, Talbot, Lade, Joynson, Holt .
OLD TRINITY 17A6 .116 AQUINAS 6.0.36 OLD TRINITY Symons 8, Beamish 4, Gutteridge 2, Orwin, Roberts, Thomas .. BEST Lobb, Papas, Adamson, Daniels, G . Harvey, Banfieid . AQUINAS Burden 2, Maher 2, Kristian, McLaughlin . BEST Sheehan, Kristian, Maher, Kelly, McLaughlin, Burden . DE LA GOLD 12.14 .86 THOMASTOWN 7,9,51 THOMASTOWN Fiume, Aydin, Arslan, Pares . Jolevski, D.Pougios. BEST MacNamara, O'Connell, Formosa, Aydin, N .D'Avome. DE LA GOLD Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . FAWKNER 2.2 6 .4 8.5 9.8 .62 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 .1 5 .5 7.10 8 .12.60 FAWKNER Ball 4, Selek 2, Naughton 2, Leahy . BEST Ball, Paul, Habgood, John Wilson, KaraCA, Ralston . HAMPTON ROVERS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. ALBANVALE 3 .2 5.5 5.9 8.13 .61 ST. KEVINS 4.2 8.5 13.7 21.17.143 ST. KEVINS Fraser 5, Warton 4, Terzini 3, Varasdi 3, Quinlan 2 . Paterson, McCurdy, Foley, Mooney . BEST Terzini, Paterson, Marks, Nantra, Fraser, Brierty. ALBANVALE Goal Kickers and Beat Players not received. MAZENOD A BYE . IVANHOE A BYE .
A SECTIO N AT ELSTERNWlCK PARK ist SEMI FINAL (SENIORS) UNI BLUES V MARCELLI N Field: K .Segota, WHenry, D. Newman (Emerg) Boundary.' L. Gallagher, PMcTaggar t Goal: M . Serong, K . Pitcher. 1st SEMI RESERVES COLLEGIANS V OLD PARADIANS Field: D . Newman, T Shearer Boundary: S. Mannix, L . Large Goal: R . Liddle, A . Hogan B SECTIO N AT ELSTERNWICK PARK 1st SEMI FINAL ( SENIORS ) OLD BRIGHTON V BULLEEN/TEMPLESTOWE Field- G .McKeeman, R .Simon, C.Sutherland (Emerg) Boundary: A . Dreier, P. Ken t Goal: B. Fowler, M . Murray 1st SEMI RESERVES BULLEEN/TEMPLESTOWE V FAWKNER Field: C. Sutherland, C . Keeton Boundary: D . Aylward, M . Smit h Goal: B. Ross, S . Hopper C SECTION 2nd SEMI FINAL (SEN ORSGHAM OLD HAILEYBURY V BANYULE Field: G . Hardiman, P Wiseman Boundary: G . Bland, A . Moore Goal: A . Belcher, G . Baumgarton 2nd SEMI RESERVES PRESTON V HAMPTON ROVERS Field: G .Thwaites, M . Forde Boundary: G . Duke, H . Little Goal: L . Wilson, J . Kell y D SECTION PRELIMINARY FINALR(SEN OlRS) THOMASTOWN V WHITEFRIARS Field: S . Clinch, S . Carus o Boundary.• D. Fowler, T. Zapaldo Goat: G Clancy, P Alsop PRELIMINARY FINALS RESERVES STATE BANK V MHSO B Field- M . Gilday, R . Ord Boundary: G . Morgan, C. Thuys Goal.' M . Stephens, B. Seymou r E SECTION PRELIMINARY FINALO( ENIORS) ST. BEDES V AQUINA S Field: S . McCarthy, M . Bushfield Boundary: J. Huchson, M . Young Goal: M . Lentini, B. Hoar
E SECTION ( Continued) D PRELIMINARY ORREMOENR SERVES LA TROBE UNI V AQUINA S Field- A . Stubbs, J, Kvins Boundary: S. Vandersluys, P Rapke Goal: S. Kahn, A . Hoga n F SECTION AT TROTT PRELIMINARY FINAL (SENIORS) ST. ANDREWS V UNIV. REDS Field.' R . Francis, D . Dalgleish Boundary: K . Walker, F. Martinez Goal.' R Fargie, M .Hinch PRELIMINARY FINAL RESERVES WILLIAMSTOWN V ST. ANDREWS Field: P Simpson, R .Mayton Boundary: T. McKenzie, T. Harkness Goat N . McTaggart, G . Sargent UNDER 19 SECTION 1 AT MONASH UNIVERSITY 1st SEMI FINA L OLD PARADIANS GREEN V ORMOND Field: A. Smith, S, Hil l Boundary: R . Smith, P. Maebus Goal: N . Griffiths, B. Barishievich UNDER 19 SECTION 2 AT KEW 1st SEMI FINAL UNI BLACKS V ST . BERNARDS Field: M, Thomas, P. Keogh Boundary: M, Nugent, B . O'Donnell Goal: R . Clarkston, S . Livingston 2nd SEMI FINA L OLD BRIGHTON V OLD SCOTCH Field: M. Gibson, R . Bell Boundary: P. Harris, Ted Keating Goal: D. McKenzie, L . Finn UNDER 19 SECTION 3 AT OLD BRIGHTON 1st SEMI FINA L HAMPTON ROVERS V THOMASTOWN Field: S Alger, F Wrigh t Boundary: D. D'Altera, J. Slater Goal.' M . Serong, K . Tyle r 2nd SEMI FINAL - AT DE LA SALLE OLD TRINITY V MAZENO D Field.' J. Natoli, G . Ridd Boundary: A . Ladd, B, Hayward Goal: K, Pitcher, C . McGary
TRIBUNAL - AUGUST 29th AUGUST 26th ROUND *M . BARBER (Old Brighton) - Striking - Suspended four matches . P. GRAHAM (Williamstown Res) - Misconduct, Abuse of umpire and Threatening umpire - Suspended for a total of eighteen months. *B. JARICK (Bloods) - Striking - Suspended three matches. *D. WITTS (Bloods) - Striking - Suspended three matches . *R JUKES (Richmond Central) - Striking - Suspended three matches . T. O'DONNELL (Doveton) - Strildngn - Suspended three matches . M . PHILLIPS (Banyule Res) - Striking - Suspended four matches. K . SHRIVES (Old Carey) - Disputing decisions and Abuse of umpire - Suspended eight matches . H . SMITH (Balaclava) - Misconduct and Abusive language - Suspended seven matches. *Accepted Prescrbied Penalt y
Abusive and Obscene Language Clubs are advised that the penalties that apply to the Under 19 competition in relation to the Abusive and Obscene Language will now apply to all sections of the competition . That is ' ;4n audible obscenity will result in the player being automatically ordered from the field for 15 minutes of playing time . If a second offence occurs or if one of the umpires is the subject of the obscenity, the player will be reported and automatically sent off for 15 minutes of playing time"
SEPTEMBER HOTLINE SERVICE PROVIDES - match scores, best players, goal kickers - match summar y - following weeks matches and venue s - mid week information (Club information ring 531 5452) - umpire appointments (Wed-Thurs) - match previews (Fri-Sat) - interviews (if someone of note "pop" into headquarters)
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AflSett . To order : Quote A00 4
NORTH BRUNSWICK FOOTBALL CLUB INC . Applications are invited for the following positions for Season 1990.
Seniors & Reserves Coach
Seeks applicants for the positions of :
(Playing or Non playing) Excellent facilities are availabl e Fully floodlit Oval Fully equipped Gymnasium Separate Social Room s
RESERVES COACH for the 1990 season Applications may be mad e in writing to : The President , Old Essendon Grammarians Football Club , C/- 32 G ro svenor St re et, Niddrie, Vic 3042
Applications in writing should be forwarded to : Mr. E . Cirill o 1 Downs Street, Brunswick 3056 or for further information ring 386 6566 A . H . Applications clos e Monday, October 2, 1989
Applications close Friday, November 17, 198 9
Security designed for your peace of mind .
For further information contact 646 3951 MPS178 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
D & E & F Vote Count Detail s D SECTIO N
E SECTIO N T. Beasley (St Bedes - ineligible) 18 D. Poole (Latrobe) 14 1 . Wrigglesworth (Latrobe) 14 D. Stevens (Brunswick) 14 R . Little (Latrobe) 13 P. Tucci (Latrobe) 11 R . Sharpin (Penins) 10 S . Bishop (0. Essendon) 10 J . McEncroe (0. Essendon) 10 M . Turulli (Aquinas) 10 C. Box (Aquinas) 10 A. Battle (Doveton) 10 W. Burgess (Doveton) 10 Goalkicking Medals awarded to : T. Wilson (E Sec. Latrobe) 105 goals and P. CYMS) 102 goals. M, Stone (Powerhouse) 24 D, Comer (MHSOB) 20 RÂŁ Gneil (State Bank) 16 A . Fellows (Thomastown) 13 G' Norton (0 . Mentonians) 13 A . Newman (0. Mentonians)12 C . Houston (Whitefriars) 12 G . Petsinis (Thomastown) 11 P. Harvie (Bulleen United) 10 C . Guthrie (Bulleen United) 10 B. Tierney (Whitefriars) 10
THE BLACK LIST (Ca) - Failed to phone final scores by 5 p.m . - Reserves by 3 p.m . FINE : FIVE DOLLARS (Cb) - Also failed to phone scores by 5.30 p.m . FINE : TEN DOLLARS . (Cc) - Failed to phone A Section details to Press Correspondent by 5.30 p.m.; sco re s (if necessary) by 6 p.m. ; or B Section details to P ress Correspondent by 6.30 p.m. FINE: TEN DOLLARS.
COLLEGIANS U19 - Cb + Cc - $20 FAWKNER U19 - Cb + Cc - $20 FAWKNER RED. - Ca - $ 5 ST. BERNARD'S RES . - Ca - $5 OLD MELBURNIANS RES . - Ca - $5
Persona lity Pars 200 UP FOR TONY Cngratulations to Anthony (Tony) Fellows o n
RUGBY ` TOP S VAFA players have gone into action for five seasons in Woolblendmark jumpers .
Now every VAFA club offer to their players and can ers suppo rt their own club colours `wool warm up rugby tops', which are made from the same yam as their players' jumpers . These fashionable tops are available to clubs at this season's special price of $28 per garment on a minimum order of 20 . At this price, `wool warm up rugby tops' offer not only 38
comfort and style, but also real value for money . An excellent opportunity for club secretaries to raise extra funds for the club . Call Hugh Lyon o n (03) 583 3277 and get your club players and supporters into custom designed `wool warm up rugby tops' while they're hot . Garment by
Hugh Lyon ' Rlwtbl endmark is a certification trademark owned by the Australian Rbo! Corporation
ioining the elite 200 Game Club at Thomastown (oday (2/9) . Tony started with the Club in 1978 and in the last twelve years has won a number of Club Best and Fairest Awards, played in finals and also captained the senior team . Included in his long list of personal achievements he has also won VAFA Best & Fairest Awards and played in the Amateur representative sides on a number of occasions . All the best for the next 200. 3 X 150 at THOMASTOWN Congratulations go to Adrian La Rosa, Ken Chandler and "Danny Pougios on achieving their 150th games with the club on the 19th August . These three players have all appeared in finals and shared Best & Fairest Trophies during their careers . Danny's 150 games being made up of 136 junior, 13 Under 19 and one senior game. We wish this trio all the best and hope to see many more games from them . 100 GAMES TO TWO UNDER 19' s All at Thomastown congratulate Leigh MacNamara and Chris O'Connell on reaching their 100th games . Chris returning to the club after a five year absence `rom football . Both these young men have won Best & Fairest Awards, and are looking forward to their first finals appearances at the Club with our Under 19's this :veek . All the best fella's. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1989
F SECTIO N D . Mauro (St Andrews) 20 B. Funnell (St Andrws) 14 M . Cannon (Williamstown) 13 A . Rogers (Mazenod) 13 W. Kraska (Comm . Bank) 13 M . Merton (Uni Reds) 12 M . Dinsdale (Waverley) 11 S . McPahil (Eltham) 11 R . Palamara (Mazenod) 11 S . Oliver (0. Carey) 11 S . McMullin (Mazenod) 10 A . Fitzgerald (St Leonards) 1 0 McGowan (F Sec. Williamstown
200 UP AT UNIVERSITY BLUES Popular University Blues Captain John Kani s played his 200th Amateur club game last Saturday, (26/8) John represented Caulfield Grammarians in 165 games and has had 35 with the "Blues" his 5 appearances for the Victorian state team during the one season earned him All Australian Honours. This year he was appointed Captain, after only one season with the "Blues". The Clubs confidence in him is well founded as he had led the "Blues" both on and off the field with distinction, we hope that John will be around the M .U.F.C . for many more games wearing the Black & Blue. Loyalty, true sportsmanship and dedication are what makes Amateur Football such a great sport to serve.
CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS' FOOTBALL CLUB INC . `C' GRADE VAFA 1990 Seeks applicants for the positions of:
UNDER 19 COAC H for the 1990 seaso n Applications to be made in writing to : The Secretary, Caulfield Grammarians' Football Club Inc. PO Box 309 Albert Park 3206 Applications close : Monday, October 2nd 1989 39
V. A. F. A . PREMIERSHIP LIST S W L D FOR AGST %PTS AGST % Pts . W L D FOR C RESERVE SECTION A SECTIO N 15 3 0 1537 741 207 .42 60 56 PRESTON 1099 157 .42 4 0 1730 14 15 3 0 1519 743 204 .44 60 ORMOND 54 HAMPTON ROVERS 1354 123 .93 4 1 1678 13 COLLEGIANS 15 3 0 1326 738 179 .67 60 .75 48 OLD HAILEYBURY 1221 123 6 0 1511 12 14 4 0 1613 805 200.37 Sr, UNIVERSITY BLUES 1260 124.60 42 BANYULE 7 1 1570 10 9 9 0 974 1097 8879 36 MARCELLIN 40 BALACLAVA 8 0 1479 1345 10996 10 8 10 0 993 1242 7995 32 NORTH 08 40 ST KILDA CBCOB 1406 10228 8 0 1438 10 7 11 0 790 1274 62 01 28 OLD PARADIANS 1473 10197 32 IVANHO E 8 10 0 1502 4 14 0 660 1565 42 17 16 OLD SCOTCH 28 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1388 8581 7 11 0 1191 1 16 1 519 1336 3885 6 OLD XAVERIANS E .82 12 OLD IVANHO 15 0 1189 1955 60 3 PARKSIDE 1 16 1 566 1476 3835 6 1 8 ST KEVINS 1835 57.1 2 16 0 104 8 KEW B SECTIO N D RESERVE SECTION 1471 139.90 58 3 n ON DE LA SALLE 14 17 1 0 1557 765 203 .53 68 111 .54 52 5 0 1488 1334 WHITEFRIARS THERRY 13 6S2' 206.89 60 15 3 0 1411 1432 120.95 50 STATE BANK 5 1 1732 OLD BRIGHTON 12 13 5 0 1846 866 190 .07 52 99 .74 40 0 1550 1554 THOMASTOWN 10 18 BULLEENITEMP 11 7 0 1316 1008 130 .56 44 100.99 32 1418 MHSOB 0 0 1432 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 9 9 0 1008 942 10701 36 97,29 32 10 0 1617 1662 BULLEEN UNITED OLD TRINITY 8 8 10 0 1010 1028 9825 32 1703 9659 28 POWERHOUSE 11 0 1645 MONASH BLUES 7 7 11 0 914 1236 7395 28 1559 90 .76 28 OLD MENTONIANS 11 0 1415 ST BERNARDS OC 7 0 7 751 1374 5466 2 8 it 8654 28 11 0 1414 1634 AJAX UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7 3 15 0 811 1460 5555 12 193 3 6979 12 OLD CAMBERWELL 15 0 134 9 FAWKNER 3 0 18 0 630 1826 3450 0 ELSTERNWIC K C SECTIO N 1172 221.84 68 17 1 0 2600 OLD HAILEYBURY N 169.05 56 E RESERVE SECTIO 1386 14 4 0 234 3 BANYULE 1656 114 .49 44 1 6 2 0 1759 713 246 .70 64 1896 LATROBE UNI 11 7 0 BALACLAVA 202,56 56 111.29 44 14 4 0 1503 742 1706 1533 11 7 0 WEST BRUNSWICK ST KILDA CBCOB 9871 44 13 5 0 1260 787 160 .10 52 1859 11 7 0 1835 OLD GEELONG HAMPTON ROVERS 12 5 1 1634 764 213 .87 50 1711 9766 32 1671 0 8 8 10 0 AQUINAS PRESTON MBOB 12 6 0 1042 820 12707 48 1801 93,61 30 7 10 1 1686 ST BEDES CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 11 7 0 1398 1026 13626 44 67.07 16 4 14 0 1391 2074 DOVETON SJOC IVANHOE 10 8 0 1058 1078 98,14 40 1988 58.30 14 3 14 1 1159 HEATHERTON ST KEVINS 5 13 0 817 1210 6752 20 5090 1 2 2269 3 15 0 115 5 UHSOB OLD IVANHO E 5 13 0 677 1535 4410 20 D SECTION NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 13 1 761 1265 60 .16 18 154 .53 60 2423 1568 15 3 0 OLD ESSEN . GRAMM . THOMASTOWN 3 15 0 606 1736 3491 12 2138 1477 144.75 52 BRUNSWICK 13 5 0 OLD MENTONIANS 8 2 16 0 664 1596 4160 140.83 52 1883 1339 PENINSULA OB 13 5 0 WHITEFRIARS 121.88 48 2050 1682 12 6 0 STATE BAN K 103,54 36 N 1727 1668 F SECTIO 9 9 0 OLD CAMBERWELL 9038 32 17 1 0 1622 380 426 .84 68 1692 1872 8 10 0 MAZENOD OC MHSOB 96.44 28 15 3 0 1479 679 217 .82 60 1515 1571 7 11 0 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS BULLEEN UNITED 9138 28 1601 1752 14 4 0 1319 680 193 .97 56 7 11 0 POWERHOUSE ST ANDREWS 6402 20 12 6 0 945 817 115.67 48 5 13 0 1306 2040 WAVERLEY AMATEURS ELSTERNWICK 45,91 4 11 7 0 922 762 12100 44 1189 2590 1 17 0 AJAX UNIVERSITY REDS 10 8 0 777 940 8266 40 SECTION E ANZ BANK 190.93 58 10 8 0 702 1028 6829 40 14 3 1 2169 1136 OLD CAREY LATROBE UNI 157.57 52 6 12 0 850 1297 6554 24 13 5 0 1842 1169 ST BEDES STLEONARDS 144 .39 52 5 13 0 644 1446 44,54 20 13 5 0 2085 1444 DOVETON SJOC COMMONWEALTH BAN K 128.41 52 4 14 0 528 1732 30 .48 16 13 5 0 1844 1436 .T. AQUINAS 0 8 FI 8 14500 50 2 11 0 200 610 32 79 12 5 1 1727 1191 E OLD ESSENDON GRAM ELTHAM COLLEG 127.76 44 11 7 0 1712 1340 WEST BRUNSWICK 99 .23 32 8 10 0 1677 1690 UNDER 19 SECTION 1 BRUNSWICK 8883 32 859 248 .54 60 8 10 0 1662 1871 16 2 0 2135 NORTH BRUNSWICK DE LA SALLE BLUE 80.59 28 7 11 0 1437 1783 929 184 .39 52 13 5 0 1713 OLD GEELONG OLD XAVERIANS 80.65 24 1180 179 .66 52 6 12 0 1496 1855 13 5 0 2120 HEATHERTON OLD PARADE GREEN 42.57 8 2 16 0 894 2100 1365 136 .19 48 12 6 0 1859 UHSOB ORMOND 40.97 0 1360 13331 48 0 18 0 1062 259 2 12 6 0 1813 PENINSULA OB OLD HAILEYBURY 1548 10233 40 F SECTION 10 8 0 1584 WHITEFRIARS 981 209.68 64 1441 8931 32 2057 8 10 0 1287 MAZENOD OC 16 2 0 MARCELLIN 1243 156.56 60 2272 6021 16 0 1946 4 14 0 1368 ST ANDREWS 15 3 COLLEGIANS 118.39 52 1500 1267 2195 3718 8 2 16 0 816 OLD CAREY 13 5 BANYULE 1210 128 .51 48 2541 2420 0 1555 0 18 0 615 UNIVERSITY REDS 12 6 UNIVERSITY BLUES 134.24 44 1874 1396 11 7 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 1435 114.70 44 1646 COMMONWEALTH BANK 11 7 UNDER 19 SECTION 2 118.27 36 1735 1467 17 1 0 1985 1037 189 .49 68 WAVERLEY AMATEURS 9 9 OLD BRIGHTON 1711 101 .29 36 1733 16 2 0 2093 849 246 .53 64 ANZ BANK 9 9 OLD SCOTCH 8490 28 1484 1748 13 5 0 173 1061 163.34 52 ST LEONARDS 7 11 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4861 12 2195 1067 12 6 0 1721 1290 133 .41 48 FIT 3 1 5 .C. ST. BERNARDS O 2646 8 1 3140 12 6 0 1426 1233 11565 4 8 2 16 0 83 ELTHAM COLLEG E THERRY 9 0 1534 1362 11263 36 A RESERVE SECTION . NORTH 0 0 904 191 .81 56 1734 103,10 28 14 4 11 0 1199 1163 ORMOND OLD MELBURNIANS 1056 143 .94 52 1520 12 0 1116 1664 6707 24 13 5 UNIVERSITY BLUES BULLEEN/TEMP 1091 133.55 52 1457 12 1 1286 1628 7899 22 13 5 COLLEGIANS OLD PARADE PURPLE 1119 104 .65 40 8 1171 13 1 1438 1810 79 .45 18 10 OLD PARADIANS MONASH BLUES 1208 10381 32 16 1254 5807 8 10 14 0 1169 2013 OLD XAVERIANS MHSOB 1516 9L69 28 8 7 11 1390 16 0 565 2363 2391 KE W CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1496 67.51 28 101 0 7 11 NORTH OB 1298 77.66 24 6 12 0 1008 UNDER 19 SECTION 3 MARCELLIN 1509 7628 24 1219 163.66 60 6 12 0 1151 15 3 0 1955 OLD SCOTCH 1521 67.26 24 OLD TRINITY 6 12 0 1023 990 200.51 56 14 4 PARKSIDE MAZENOD O C B RESERVE SECTIO N 1094 989 110.62 52 13 5 6 .90 60 HAMPTON ROVERS 859 153 0 1323 1859 1500 123 .93 44 15 3 0 ST BERNARDS OC 11 7 680 231 .47 54 THOMASTOWN 1 1574 0 1418 1299 10916 40 13 4 DE LA SALLE 10 8 891 136 .36 52 AQUINAS OB 0 1215 0 1328 1573 8442 36 13 5 9 9 BULLEENlTEMP R 911 107.24 48 FAWKNE 0 977 0 1821 1503 121,16 32 12 6 FAWKNER 8 10 0 1008 963 104.67 44 DE LA SALLE GOLD 11 7 0 1062 1576 67 .39 32 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 10 1005 118.61 36 ALBANVAL E 0 1192 1 1342 1755 7647 30 9 9 7 10 OLD MELBURNIANS 1224 74,10 28 IVANHOE 7 11 0 907 1 1492 1514 9855 26 MONASH BLUES 6 9 1400 63,50 16 PARKSIDE 4 14 0 889, 0 1358 2155 6302 24 6 12 OLD BRIGHTON S 1371 45.44 12 Sr KEVIN 3 15 0 623 0 174 1395 12 .47 4 Y 1 1 1 THERR 1307 5t 32 10 BULLEEN UNITED 1 723 2 15 OLD TRINITY
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