The Amateur Footballer, Week 9, 1991

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EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s

Cood afternoon football followers . i a t this yer has important 75th e~amt of hepV Amateur A soc ation~~ y noefmywtas{ g ; As ened a player rny eyes anda coach for a number of years, who often may have been frustrated by (when variousthei umpires' apparen rteam tins r es and the ack ofdunderostandion g of football knowledge (when decisions wentp~ata e, ihe difficelties faced by ump :.;,~e t " game!) I have, this new rolethe come to ap .byinthose over other side of the fence or running around inhav footbali gear .ern d ectVeresudlt .I,n the umpires n retent onyof high nbumbers soa of the udmpaes and the enfortsimpve t d'Bnr the Godma i "dthe I bef Brian Woodhead's level of energy given by these three men . 1 have decided today to ask Brian Goodman, a long serving Amateur umpire and one of , ;sistants to inform readers about umpiring in the VAFA . AMATEURS . To start with you need UMPIRING IN THE Umpiring football at all levels is certainly a challenge, but it requires a lot more than that to be physically fit, have a positive mental attitude, learn the rules, learn where and when to run, learn and develo epelth egood tcommunicator, ump estobecomegoodat,Whataboutcommittment cthaactehandteamwos kucha xpec skilsCthingsthatoonewoud a s b fe because without them it is very difficult to survive as an umpire . or thi ame and m nots tforworry as idt takes time to sett e naand with wWelt'sokfurh,wnaygotblhs hard work the he is told by his team mates, coach and supporter s that s third game and b rg gen t meto setie rov e and wil on the roughrhisihe f r~ second andnex . How is this seatmnfr1hospossible? ealpmutghi ,trin, because you, the football public, want and expect a. good consistent umpire week By who? It starts with theevery Umpires Advisor, Brian Woodhead ; t , Recruitmen Well as stated earlier it is by learning and being educated Anderson Don Jolley and the great uppop of the VAFA executive. headed by Phil Stevens, M+ ~a McArthur-Allen All of these people devote lot of time and committment t and Philip Rowell (Chairman of Umpire Committee) ires must als g the o help p the pyoung andrinexperienced umpinres helplearn ing tphem to oovercome theiar fearsoanodnYesprob}lemstand encouragi maren orveum a hard rk a nue to cont Sime to settle , d wilel ake i aturdaysthe 1 exper en'ced ump~e hasdto go it alo e a them not to ve u . t e a m , v r y b i g n d l t h o u s m e some mistakes he or she knowsthey will develop the character needed to continue, and waiting for the week whe he kno nd d experience or games and w th ouge umberpspncreas ng tea mheywilnat h ~estln um sen p o Ou a~m es to have two fiel . make the grade 'weekthis is a real possibility, and with the wealth of talented umpires helping our younger we all want . and inexperienced brigade the umpiring standard will continue to improve and this is certainty what Brian (Benny) Goodma n ORRESPG L:

. As% L







L L91 ÂŽ. 9 June 1st g 1991 Price : $1 .10 VO

by Phil Sieve~ s a~d Mle i~acf th ÂŽ e n ROUND 7 MATCHES - REVIEW Scotch become giant-killers at Brunswick, Uni Blues clip the Eagles' wings, the Lions run into the De La wall, Haiieybu ry easily down Melburnians, and Ormond show some grit at the Park . Last week's Preview cautioned NOBS that Scotch would not be easy and that A Section had been uncharacteristically devoid of upsets in the first 6 rounds so that one was due . At half time in this match North led by 22 pts and should have been further in front. The NOBS on-bailers and H Fs were clearly in the ascendancy but failed to kick accurately . The Cardinals were not very impressive but had somehow hung in there . The 2nd half was an amazing transformation with Scotch kicking 11 .3 to North 66 as the Scotch players lifted their workrate and ran much harder at the ball . Millar kicked 6 from the FP and was a real handful for North defenders, the experienced Smith, Brown and R eddish all contributed where it counted and Tvaitt and Lloyd were good defenders. For North Egan was on fire early but like too many faded from view in the 2nd half . Considine was solid all day and Boyle kicked 3 . Scotch, at last, have shown they can match it with the top sides and are to be congratulated on inflicting NOBS first defeat for 1991 . De La have taken overtop position with a sound victory over 3rd placed Collegians . The game was a scrappy affair in the 1st half with Schober's marking at CHF being the only high standard feature . At the long break the ran out scores were all even but the Lions were disgraceful in the 2nd half kicking only 1 .9 to De La's 7.7. who the term Scott in the easy winners by 34 pts . In fact, in the final qtr Collegians capitulated to only kick 4 pts for ruck gave plenty of the ball to Kinsella and Borg who were 2 fine rovers in Mahoney's absence with injury. For solid . the Lions very few 4 qtr performers but Schober can hold his head up and Wright was OM team was evident Haileybu ry at home were too accomplished for Melburnians but improvement from theHaileybu ry unleashed keeping with their oppositon for the 1st 3 qtrs and only trailing by 22 pts at the last change . a 9 goal last term and O M were unable to stay with them kicking 2 .4. The McKinnon selectors are pleased with to some the form of Peter Thiessen adjudged their best for the 2nd consecutive week at HB . Orton . returned form in the ruck and McKenzie built upon hisfitnessfrom the previous week to turn in a good game For Melburnians Nelson at FB and Newman at HB were valient defenders turning aside opposition attacks . Uni have slowly welded themselves into a good team and unlike last week they did not waste this opportunity to give a side higher on the ladder a hard time . They jumped the Eagles kicking 5 straight in the 1st qtr and 6.2 in the 2nd to lead at half time by 27 pts. Jamieson jumped high and controlled the rucks with Stevenson and I Finlayson collecting a lot of kicks as 2 excellent rovers and young exuberant Davis was a real positive force. for Uni . Up forward David Koczkar kicked 6 and McInnes kicked 4 and that was what was lacking last week For M arcellin Caifiry kicked 5 and Slattery ruck-roved well . The Lions have dropped 3 consecutive games and must be in a serious slump dropping to 7th after such a promising start to the season . Ormond really turned it on at Headquarters on Sunday with a commanding performance showing lots of signs of last year's form returning and in doing so would be a cause for concern for all other A Section sides . Therry was made really had too many players who contributed very little and have now lost 3 in a row. Ormond's victory just before of courageous stuff losing Connell in the 1st qtr, Barnes in the 2nd, with serious injuriesthen Kingston with only 15 fit players in the 2nd half outran and Ormond . A brilliant 9 goal 2nd qtr set up a 50 pt lead half time injury lead well and kicked and outplayed Therry kicking 11 .7 to 6.5 after half time . Schuhkraft despite a hand 7 and Jobling was outstanding on the ball . Paul McDonald (Ruck) and David McDonald (BP) were terrific. For Ther ry, Ramsay (Centre) and M atton (Rover) were 2 of few Therry good players . ROUND 8 M ATCHES - PREVIEW ry through Collegians host Haileybu ry at the Harry Trott and this game matched 3rd against 4th. Haiieybu some genuine application has moved steadily up from 7th overthe last 3 weeks and Coach Meehan will be demanding the consistency continues . McKenzie is getting back to form and fitness and Walden returned last week kicking a good unit . The clashes of Seccull vs Schober and Baxter 4 . Tanner has class and the defence has settled into vs M ount may determine the result . The Lions will be anxious to show their supporters that last week's fadeout was a momentary slip but was it a sign of more disturbing problems? The answer lies in their performance today and we think Haileybury can continue their current surge . back in the winning Marcellin take on Old Melburnians at Bulleen and would be looking to this game to get themcourting disaster as mode after 3 nightmarish weeks . However, simply assuming 4 pts against OM would be. In A Section, it is rare Melburnians showed improved form last week and, like Fitzroy, must break through soon that a team will remain winless for half a season so if the Eagles take this week too lightly they could continue on their downward spiral . Looking at the Marcellin playing lineup there seems to be a good array of talent but they have not lived up to the high expectations we have had of them . C'mon OM by persistence this may be your long awaited 4 pts. THF AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1991

The 2 giant killers clash at Swan St with Scotch fresh from downing NOBS taking on Uni Blues still with the victory scent in their nostrils after their defeat of Marcellin . This should be an absorbing contest with both teams realatively evenly matched . Uni on-bailers Stevenson, Furphy, Worsley will be kept honest by Keipert, :-: c : c' 3s, Reddish. Emmett meets Jamieson in the ruck and the Uni ruckman has urprised afew more credentialled ruckmen this year with his big spring . Walsh on a wing may get the job on Allen and that will be a trial between 2 very talented young players . Lloyd and Hunter in defence for Scotch will have to curb 1Coczkar and M clnnes. ; cotch should-win by a narrow margin but Uni could spring a surprise - they are playing well . Therry are at home to North and must make a stand after a disastrous month . Once difficult to beat at home, they have only won 2 of 4 home games so far and their current form suggests this may be another vital home game loss . They performed poorly last Sunday and have lost considerable ground on the leaders . N OBS lost their first last week to Scotch and will be angry at their slip-up. North have the talent with players like Egan, Kearney and Boyle up forward, and big man strength with Considine and PAartin . W riggleworth will have a big job to give h~s players a share of ihe ball and Biddlestone and Grocock will need top games to prevent N orth from bouncing back to winning form . Sobert Hyde will have given his 1Vorth players a tough time on the track this ~reek to get their minds back on the job and Ton~ Crotty will have also been looking deeply for some answers . ~IOBS to win . C inally ihe 2 great Amateur rivals Ormond me2t top side De La and it never really matters where these 2 are onthe ladder when ihey meet as they seem to bring the best out of each other . They have had some terrific contests over the years . This will be no different . At stake for the D's is the loss of only recently claimed top spot if N OBS win; for the 'F~onds a chance to move out of relegation zone for the 1st time this season . The small confines of Gunn Reserve leave no place to hide and will not suit the running waves of De La play. Ormond like it tough and will try to close down De La's options and pressure them into mistakes . B&F winner Petering should return for Ormond and the form of the Ormond defence took a definite upswing last Sunday and may prove the stumbling block for De La . Tactical moves by respective camps will be critical as thorough preparation will be requried to win . "Know thy enemy" is essential. Not much slips past Bernie Dunn and Co. and he will be trying to counter Ormond'a height advantage . This could be the match of the season so far and Ormond may be on the start of a roll Ormond in an upset .

B SECTION by Tom Johnston

Once again B Section provided some major shocks . Old M entonians had a great team win over ;-arisic w . Old Xaverians replaced their coach and had a convincing win over the injury depleted Banyule . St Bernards kicked a club record score in annihilating Blacks. Old Paradians finally showed their true form in accounting for Old Brighton . Old Trinity were far too strong for Kew . The Villian only picked 3 winners missing out on the great Old M entonians (welcome to B Grade) and the rejuvenated Old Xaverians . St Bernards on the rebound gave a great football exhibition on their school oval averaging 8 goals a quarter to kick a club record score of 34.22 .226 (previous score 199 points) to win by 188 points against the undermanned University Blacks . Ruck rover Greig Wood, 6 goals and 47 possessions, was awesome for the Doggies as was the very underrated Luke taollant, 10 goals, at full forward, rover M att M ulkearns, was the best rover afield . Blacks best players were hard to find . The match of the round and the upset of the round was the way Old Mentonlans went about their task in destroying Parkside. Old M entonians opened impressively giving Parkside little of the ball, who could not come to grips with the shape of the ground . Old M entonians looked good, their teamwork and use of the ball was excellent . At half time, the match was in effect over as Old M entonians led by a staggering 63 points, Parkside was glad the siren went showing them only losing by 75 points to the very enthusiastic and determined Old M entonians. Best on ground was Old Mentonians full back (3 weeks in succession) Stuart Farrow who killed some highly rated footballers. Parksides were hard to find although the smallest bloke on the ground, G reg Griffiths, won more than his fair share of the ball , Old Paradians reversed their losing trend by recording a much needed victory over a disappointing Old Brighton. The kicking for goals by both sides throughout the match had to be seen to be believed (a shocker) . The further the game went the stronger and more determined the boys from P arade got, in fact the'Tonners looked like they %'eren't interested in playing football, their inability to contest consistently must be a worry forthe Brighton hierarchy. The other shock of the round was at the Yarra Park oval where the rejuvenated Old Xaverians, now coached by ex-Under 19 coach Michael Rusk, came out bubbling with confidence to defeat the unjury riddled Banyule . Xavs took the inititive right from the start bouncing away to a handy lead . Bany ule's task was always going to be hard with both recognised forwards out injured, could only play catch-up football, as the game progresse d THE AMATEt1R FnnTUa1 I cc -a

Xavs final!y looked like a good side and increased their lead throughout the match, before running out comfortable winners by 64 points . Old Xaverian's best player was full back John Dalton, another young state U19 hopeful whose age belies his experience. Banyule's best player defender Stew art Coulson had a red hot go . Old Trinity continued to set the running with a predictable away win over Kew . With the turf wicket area at Victoria Park a quagmire Trinity opened sensationally winning plenty of the ball, however, their accuracy was astray, the honours were even in the second quarter with Kew showing plenty of dash . Trinity put the match beyond doubt inthethird quarteradding 7 .7to Kew's 2Kew battledthe game right out, in fact it was probablytheir best showing . Best on ground for the season . Trinity had a good team winning performance to run out victors by 81 points was the fu!I forward forTrinity, Roger Boxtel, whose 9 goals was his best tally for the season . Utility David Bala:-3y was a dangerous player. Defender Anthony Dunn had his best match for the season . Kew's best player was forward Greg Porte he's now becoming a consistent player. Defender Rob "Proud Dad" Schober was back to his best. Leo Tenace in defence has strung several good games in succession . THIS WEEK S PREVIEW (ROUND 8 ) The match of the round between Banyule and Parkside should be a ripper. Both sides suffered unexl acted ck, losses last week. Both sides have won 5 and both sides have talented on-ballers . Banyule must stop S . Panjari, Vincitorio and Griffiths, all who have shone in previous past matches . Old Paradians play host to Kew in what should be a victory to Parade. Kew really arestruggling, their commitment cannot be denied, their lack of depth is . Parade had a good victory last week and this should be the incentive to o on with the job and creep closer to the four. Old Paradians by 36 points . it Bemards visit Old Brighton at the Beach oval, in a match of vital importance to both sides . The Doggies after kicking a club record score last week must not take the Tonners too lightly, who were extremely disappointing are both last match against Paradians. The duel between the centremen should be a beauty . Purcell and Pryor gun players. Luke Gollant at fu!l forward will be the danger for the Tonners . I expect the Doggies to have too much experience for the Tonners . St Bernards by 29 points . Old Trinity at home to Old Mentonlans is also a match that could be listed as match of the day . Trinity are going along very nicely, their form since the opening round cannot be faulted . I was very impressed with Old Mentonians last week, their teamwork and committment was excellent . Home ground advantage leans me to Old THnity (sorry Mentonlans) . Trinity by 6 points . The match at Elsternwick Park between University Blacks and Old Xaverians should be a one-sided affair. Blacks must take stock of themselves, fancy being thrashed 4 weeks in succession by over 100 points! (you're not that bad). Old Xaverians with a change of coach and new enthusiasm should now start playing. to their full potential . Xavs must keep winning if they want a place in the finals . Old Xaverians by 40 points Old Paradfans St Bernards Old Trinity Old Xaverians SELECTIONS : Parkside A special thanks to all at Old M entonians for the after match social drink, well done . Club correspondents to Fax me best players (use full na mes) and players positions, with a brief summary of games by midday each Monday - FAX 489 9051 (or Phone 489 9511) . BLACK LIST: The first perfect score, thank you .

MELEES A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct" . -

wu. xr~~~o CnM'QAI I CR 1


C SECTION by Les "The Accurate One" Argen

REVIEW - ROU N D 8 . Might not be too! Although tipping 5 winners last week! Could be the start of a brilliant new career as a tipster . all the winners I was surprised by the size of the margins recorded by Bank and Monash . The well and had tuares bu .lndthenexttoquartears~hitetriars were able s Wagolfredtquim the F riars had too much run and . The margin was 9 points at the final change but . The Towners to keep the lead to repeatedly set up loose men on the forward line to again finish strongly and record a 25 point victory Petsinis (6 goals) and he got plenty of support from star centreman Fellows, along with ,welcomed back Bubis . Thecombii ar and Smith . State/Comm Bank arestarting tolook thegoods! Other c!ubstakeheed eng y better every week and knerwillattesttothis!Their trademarkisthepressure they app Bank kicked 5 goals to 1 . The first quarter was even at Albert Park but the and complementary running game . The last quarter remained pretty even which . The third quarter was an 8 goal to 3 and decisive one in the second P,ro ided a1 bit o aTheadache' ~ekmanby Li nto and did asterl g ob . My Banksou ces also admitted that backline ! at Preston which could have been the understatement of the year had things much their own way against Preston and even was the most . There onlyoptimistic 3 goals insupporters it at half time but the Bu i n-Temp realise that D grade is becoming more and more likely for 1992 aheir touckkick . Th e .3 in te las Sowers a rathe piled on 17 . . Better players for Preston tMcG t e dayhn a we halef retsr~d to form ate 27 .6 4o~th3 looked a close affair but in reality it was a quite extraordinary contest . Noble. On paper the Ivanhoe/St Kilda clash to 3. The Saints have shown the capacity started with all guns blazing and at Ya time it was 10 goals Ivanhoe to fight back when down and in the nexttwo quarters turned thegame match to kick goalsto butright in thearound final term the 13 Hoare cameIvanhoe's storming St Kilda's . Observers at ~/a time must have thought it was to be . Champion forward Bergman had only 1 2 narrow loss for the season home to win by 6 points . St Ki4da's third . Key Saints Caperon and Buckley again were inthe best players . goal at half time but still finished with 7 for the match t ene In the fina match onash ~ td showed plenty of figh Ashnfe who erBml but never got again kicked the C grade dieaItlnhsco c oser$haona4 goals to the onash rall of M in this match but did not have the answers for the slick running game . sweep which has allowed them to regain some of the percentage which was wiped off in Round 1 9 PREVIEW ROUND . All teams will finally have the full picture of what This week sees the completion of the first half of the season they are up against and it may be an interesting time to ask press correspondents if they would like to have a wild .,guess at the composition of the final four? Coming off 5 winners last week I can tackle the unenviable task of picking week . winners with a little more confidence (ha ha ha etc .) this Both sides have losttheir last 2 matches so the Bullants . to return to the winning list as they Preston have a small journey across to Thomastown I will go with the Bears at Thomastowrn have a chance on form!! However roll, whilst the Saints have the edge in talent and depth . CBOC. The Bank is on an all conquering State/Comm Bank will be visited by St. Kilda Cobras and if the weather suits it could This will be a real test for the have narrowly lost their last 2 encounters ground . A close game for sure, but turn into a high-marking extravanganza from both sides on the smallish Bank . ingagainstthewarmfavourltesonformandtippingthedeterminedSaintstonotchupamuchneededvictory the Ashes I 'm . Judging by their big wins over Preston and Thomastown Fawks to put up a greater challenge as o nash Blues travel north to Fawkner expect the don't seem to mind the northern safaris . However they can . This should be a classic C-Grade encounter with both they will be keen to atone for their poor showing last week (not by much) . sides poised to jump into the four . I'm going for Monash Buileen-Tempiestowe. Ivanhoe The match of the round is the clash between top side Ivanhoe and second team . I favour Ivanhoe for 2 reasons : will hostthe game and I'm sure it will be a hardfought and high standard. All match aspiring C Grade finalists will look at they are at home and have been more consistent over the last fortnight the result with interest . have certainly been playing better footy in general this season . I wouldn't be amazed Finally Caulfield host Whitefriars. W hitefriars Caulfield are not easy-beats and especially at home should make this to an even contest . but who, accordin g thel4vae hernat {east nit~fr3arsrites with W to see the Fielders T hwin this but I'l lomastown go St Kilda CBOC sh SELECTIONS : . work Monday but I was under the weather. 1yo u 21trie dMoto catch me a RE R t n d a y 5 2 7 2 8 4 weekR~SuOnBday evenings 571f8 As uualCtÂŽs s

D SECTION by Peter Lemo n

A number of position changes on the ladder after a day of comfortable wins, with injuries to key players seeming to have a major effect on a number of teams each week . The Trobers' foray into the Four was as brief as their reporting, as they put in their most disappointing effort in weeks (thereby ensuring SKOBS coach n Bremner's cat enjoyed an injury-free weekend) . Important forward . The game was Wilson did not play for the Uni, and the side seemed to flounder on the small St Kevin's groundMichael Pivetia with 5 goals, never in doubt after quarter time ; captain Steve Kerr enjoyed his return from injuryplayed well enough to get their was again SKOBS' best, and Andy Beale, Pat Hagerty and Owen Hourigan names in print in this column for the first time . to a lead of 7 goals early in the game and leaving The Jackers continued where they left off last week, going . The Jackers are still picking up players, with a BOG Old Ivanhoe to play catch-up football with limited effect returned to form in what was a 4-quarter team effort. performance from first-gamer M at Pat, and Dean Sheezel ; it is rumou red that a low-flying aircraft was forced The highlight of the day was the Goetz "Mark of the Decade" but they missed to take easive action . For the 'Hoes, Mark "Skills" Dyson played his customary great game, "Desert Head" Hail Stevens and Cavanagh . Simon Corlett again contributed well, whilst first-gamer Brendan is reported to have put in a polished performance . Stacks of goals at MHSOB (did boundary ump . Orchard really see out two games?) resulted in High taking the points comfortably - yet the Wells still kicked 18. It was a remarkable 13-goal second term for the home side 2 goals at the last break, that did the damage, though the Camberwell boys fought back in fine style to be within Dawson, to the fore before fading again . High had usual names, Jason Bamert (his customary 5) and Ash berwell have a young Cam with The Chief, "Bert" Newton and R ay Knight heading a good team effort .. Old team whose runners troubled High at times but who couldn't put in 4 quarters No contact again this week, I'm afraid, so no names. Last week's article suggested it would be case of "Old Geelong - not much up forward" . The consensus after their comfortable win over the Bedas was "D Section tipster - not much up top". Ritchie "did" play for OGS, the game deprived them of a lot to good effect ; Seely "didn't" for St Bedes, and the Mills hamstring early in and Blair Hutchinson of e:omph .'Tim (one of the many) Beasley was back in form for the Bedas, and Peter McColl (in an unaccustomed defensive role) performed well . For the visitors, the Scottish trio of Angus (week-after-week) Macdougal, Sam Baylis and Dominic Colaci were prominent, Nick (now-just-one-stone-overweight) Lillie came under notice, and it was a good team effort . . However, Injuries again took their toll for Hampton Rovers, with Pangiotidis and the consistent Pappon both out the Hunters the Rovers were well in it till half time, thanks, in part, to Glenhuntly's inaccurate kicking . But then particularly piled on 10 .3 in the 3rd to turn the game right around . The backline for `Hunters was outstanding - the Hunters 'Miitze, Mance (yet again) and *Davies - and I've been asked to note that the real captain for and their other good is Rafferty - sorry about last week's mix-up. Gavin Hoggett rucked tirelessly for Hampton,. players were Wayne "Salary" Capp, Gavin Devereaux, M att McKellar and Ian Boyle THIS WEE K and are growing in confidence by the minute - especially St vin's make the journey to Bangholme. today, guys) with a number of senior players expected back The Bedas (thanks for the after-match hospitality last week, seem to be something of a shadow of last year's team and it's hard to seem them taking the points . Como Park Old Geelong take on the Rovers. OGS seem to be playing better away this year than at home and writing this on is of little advantage. I've no idea if the R overs "guns" will be playing (it would be so much easierthe OGS . a Friday) but the game should be a close one, regardless . With little confidence I'm leaning to . The Wells, who are now of whom face difficult games ells, both the Trobers or the W No report this week from moving closer to the tail-end of the ladder, travel to Old Ivanhoe who are expecting a few back ; despite the'Hoes recent problems, I think they will win . And at the Uni ground, two teams with four wins meet in a clash which is AV (absolutely vital) . High are another club who are not troubled playing away, and they have been playing consistently for a number of weeks . The Trobers will tell me that every side has a bad day occasionally and that they'll bounce back today, but I feel that the visitors will win it . AJAX travel to Glenhuntly this weekend and on form should take the points - yet I think they'll be meeting as much opposition as they've encountered this season . The Hunters are edging back to full strength, and could well cause an upset, but on the balance I've got to go for the visitors . AJAX M elbourne High Old Ivanhoe St Kevins Old Geelong SELECTIONS : ; 663 8618 (Fax) . midday Monday 663 8611 (Bus .) PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : Contact me by

E-ST .~~ Torn

plenty betweenthem and everybody ,ed and gave their al . Perhap s Another interesting round saw most of the Top Sides winning thus putting p . ~yodders the , 5/6and the hiotthies ed the+r mark with a great victory over Willy who were ea°~+ djgOth and another for}me, some g keep goin . The Buiis stamp as ete~quinas ame the previous week ed some }mpact w+lf wn th+s week, whiVe Scotty en} y the hard g Saints ~ic~s wrn wat last °f the ~~Vi~W r time with an 8 goal lead the game was cons+stency th Saints and by quarte . overall teyrwtne a ~a ° tootall had no trouble with the e and fo oward Buiis the a+r allowing his small men fiirst use of the rt As predicted thecontrolled ball (sorry) akersnow won 515 the Bulls have made . Having g fierce y, manytimesthe all but over . P.very Vick through the centre . As well as their Ruckman good for the Sa0 tse1t returned with pace on a lon tlnde ~emnd~ Sn99sY~ line only rettwaiting for someone above them to fall 9StAndre~swerewe}Iserve lent afpossession, . a remarkable recovery to be sitting p Y . and -Henry" Winkler ormances from © uZhan guiisweren aWte+e1mnostimpressed with first up pec~rf ~oHe~ Heaney a +ckngTim up p sipuhip Y into ~ eeV~ ddeo every~th~dn9oc Indeed a comprehensive report from a gtamVe oame ougtf ri ghW th ak st+ so TheSaintsperhaps unluckily yetto aand goal at br / Todd g who went to the orange with their tenacity and led by Fish while Craiglas Grimmo they surprised the N odders mnotshak s ehthe' stheir2ndand3rdquarte sbuc ouldwasbegino ige°d°mnateSfe din y an d was still touch and go, inaccurat . Stewie ~ . The final quarter set up Dave M urm e3calio'snrdt s settled the play, . e~lany tShainks r finding goo n defence repelled many attacks FlIeki c Greg CYe e were E3ur'tkand Simon d touch Bell Ohe the Edodders with Sam . c and elent game cause but finally recorded a 21 point victory i n an t ex enr~ ieP°ng afew players with injuries from their torrid encounter last weeke,teDovsh for the excellen Brendan e quarte to Kathy and tdorthies to Coveton• After an even uir th r r momentum, allow'ng t oosteadtily North , despite the tact that they proved the+r mettle with a strong victory over unfortunately could not keep up a~d d+d not contest as hard as expected first 3 goals, +t was all North, the Doves . North kept up the pressure after /2 time and S°a featudre of their game . score some 8 goals to nif in the 2nd quarter became perhaps . it appeared the Dov~somejne een and Goilazy hose runninq vot and Jason Tr o u throughoutthe 2nd halt s nothing the fine in th side, this is take h Hehir y theto bal iteit e orthies• piWarren `~ J ohnston from a Doveton Grimaldi continued his excellent focoketrm o n ver orientated are wa l f a m i l y , Vinny l round Doves kept up the family name in the back pheads up forood I. hevictory rett over the Oi=G's• it was another good al Cross could hold their . lame from Garth and Freddy ~y'+~9 @r naoutsdig -Ford- back Brunswick got back on the track withbyasome p Y 9 12 goalkickers Harriso ng in had SP people looking performance from the Wicks highlighted nants eute Ashen both ways with a strong 11 ~u~ie or near Easendon he is in superb form at the me foe moment, Bombeass,able out seen ers residents . It appers were ducking after injury set a fine examplor Wright was agan prominent on his wing e backyards, supporters performance, while "in An interesting sidelightGrammar are not too fussed about people retnevng foWybtalpig{oyst at at th hcable reason fell into a hole about the turned up Boys & Girls In Blue some . During , .my inexp for cover when the the Westies kicked away early, but for 't kick goals when they were reallywasfaidy needed impress+ve . They just couldn +n his Sig 150 Atof Ross Gregory Scotty Tommy Johnstone, 'ze Albert Park to totally lose the plot gn am s+ g ree wdh these Ocker), s(I a a a good was ~h esti e OK, for thet hiscontinue The West are really looking forward to theirVouchers. next two tenure in att diae ce isnt5 were always tryin9 • need some help with Petroi Warriors• The MeRieice and Konstantinidis Macca and the Doves both away, me t h)t on V inflicte g1991 first loss on the Willy ' s were inks they h att+mes a bit indirect which resultedh games the Pdoddess dalthou whose attitude and th efootbal A~quinas . first half Bloods led by y 6 goals to 2, and were able to maintain this lead throug Bloods were very business } k . Both sides report it was a good clean game, and although i acknowledge d . In a low scoring eals majors in a few turnovers s perseverence, While $ ~ fe o l abit ofet the 2 nd halt where both side s rom the victors th and earnt scored prais e some revious week . ~t iiitian were beatenWilty kept e e for previou persisting hat that Willy maytag have bit sore from hard tussl and look forward to today's game, but admit the the unbeaten hasbeen beenaremoved fromthe their sholders beaten by the better side on the day~Aag~arn coach Denis Kelly was impressed .With overally performers teami n ~ilHi the Blood's gate" Harris performance iCer and Wheels for special praise y Harry . Did "A Y and ruck rover Alan but did single out Sern Turniey in defense, centreman Larr Y Anderson Mark enjoy the new Social Rooms? PREVIE onWtheir day they have the capabilities to beat anybody, to ~uig►ave, as they travel Westies Along trek for the

but today won't be it, as the N oda will consolidate their position. I still have respect for Powerhouse having seen them last week it is not ill founded, but Brunswick at home exploit their advantage better than anyone, so I'll trust you again Rod . Doveton and the OEG's, oh boy what a dilemma, with no faith, hope or confidence I'll stick with the home side even though Kerrie won't like it too much . Again I'm not supposed to select the Bells but today at Hallam Resere a ground not disimilar to their own, they will break the ice and look forward to a better 2nd half . The final 2 games provide very intereting ramifications for all concerned, as losses here can change ladder positions quite substantially. Even though they must travel to the other side of the city, you cannot fault VVilly'a season so far. One hiccup along the way is no cause for concern at this stage, the Bulls have improved and are certainly dangerous, but even at home I feel Doublel and the Warriors will come up trumps today. The form of both these sides is very good, the Northies are unobtrusive and consistent, the Bloods are team oriented and committed and have done no wrong . It's a long way to travel, N orth play Allard Park very well, so I feel Northies will gain the 4 points and gain 4 ponts (on the ladder) at the Blood's expense. Brunswick, Williamstow n North Brunswick SELECTIO N S : M azenod Doveton St Marys MILESTONES : None this week . SOCIAL : All at Williamstow n are looking forward to their Annual Ball during the long weekend on June 8th, Anyone requiring tickets please see Lionel Waddell . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : 10/12 again this week . Thanks to umpire N ude Nut for his summary on the BuG ; . Half way mark of the season this week let's get 12/12 for the first time . Don't forget - Ph : 571 4808 (H) or 417 6044 (B) or Fax 569 8766 by 6pm Mondays . This weeks Blacklist : Bulleen and Powerhouse.

Hugh Lyon

F-TROOP by Peter Hille


REVIE W - ROUND 8 The Sham rocks kicked the Irish Sweep against the Stationmasters who tried to fool their visitors by putting all the goal posts at the one end and pretending that they'd lost the tossing coin . Even in the reserves, Vitamin ' D played 5 men short just to throw the opposition off guard . No wonder senior coach Bear was seen trying to break into his car with a piece of string after the usual Snakepit festivities which included back to back birthdays for Phantasy Physio Fae. Despite a Pavorotti performance by Young Poet mentor Danny De Vito at the long break, the Poets could not peg back a revitalised Socialists who kicked away in the last stanza to record their ( first victory against a team above them and to emphasise the even competition amongst the seven teams below = the Van Winkles who in turn had a favorite number of scoring shots against the Botanists. And the W in kles are not yet atfull strength - it's hard to get on them at the Tabaret . The Sailors came back in the last stanza against the Elitists but were outclassed on the day. The Elitists had good running from the backline - a feature of the side when in form - and an irrepressible forward pocket in Ian Cleary who bagged eight . Led by Adrian Contin in and Laine McCooke, the Backyard Boys tackled their way to their best win of the year against the Brewer's a good standard game at the Bre wery. BEST PLAYERS : Brewers Winger Greg "Dy" Dyson and half back Simon Ustick Botanists Van Winkles On ballers Manny Nicolosi, M aurice Sanelli and Paul Ganley Shamrocks Rover Peter Barry, forward Mark "Doc" Hewson and winger Dean Andrew Sailors CHF M att Golopy and onballers Mick Goding and Wayne Sparks Elitists Winger David Watt and defenders Brad Rothwell and M ick Grant Socialists Utility Justin Doyle, ruckman Fran k Gosdchan and defender Serge Salzano Backyard Boys Full forward Mick Andrew and ruck rovers Benny Hill and "Spider" ChristieBourke Young Poets' Society CHF John " M antis" Hannis and defenders M ark Castala and Mickatt `Showbag" Stationmasters Mr Consistent, ruckman Mick Warton, defender Peter Warton and forward M Sunglasses with a bag of five twins . UP AN D COMER: Westbourne G-Stringer, Graham Murdoch with 6 goals last week promises to rise in the Amo ranks over the next few seasons. Sweeney both record M ILESTO N ES : Winkle dew kickers David "Killa" Killmartin and M artin " [Vl r Opal""Johnny Ironmonger" their 50th games today. Congratulations. Socialists' Leo "P rofessor" Dynes and B re tt

I41au played their 50th games in recent weeks - both great clubmen . 50 games for Backyard Boys this week - John Biennerhasset and "Lukey Dukey " Luke M cGregor. SOCIAL NOTES : The Leprechaun reports that only 4 of the lads failed to make the exhaust pipe of the bus on the recent nightclub tour and that the boyohs are having a racing night at the end of the financial year where they dress up as horses and have a whip around . The Beaker reports that the Young Poets will be let off homework on the 15th June so they can participate in a sports music video trivia night - bookings through Hungry Jacks . Getta reports the Winkle Trivia Night was a great success with answers expected within weeks . The Winkles are not gearing themselves for Sunday's 500 to 1 draw. Sailor twins Alex and Sebastian Micari celebrated the big 21 last week in typical seamen style . Elitists raffle at the Great Northern in Carlton North was won by the fast departing ticket seller Mick Grant who may or may not appear at tonights annual Bush Dance . PREVIEW Solvol reckons the Brewers will be hard to toss on the rebound after two upsets pricked their balloon ride and I agree with him - however, l feel the Socialists will be able to record their second consecutive victory of consequence by a two twin margin at the Kevin Murray Plot in what promises to be a high standard fixture . The Leprechaun has been off his potatoes this week as the Shamrocks have gone through the paces for the important clash with the Young Poets. The lads have been the improvers of the month with the coach booting goals and the confidence starting to grow . I'm picking them to win at Gal way Bay but the Poets attack the ball and don't like getting rolled so the Guinnes will be hard earned . Shamrocks by 4 twins . The Backyard Boys will have a big win over the Botanists who can kick ten goals but not twenty against the higher sides. The Stationmasters have precipitated a national rail stoppage in protest at the carnage being caused in their weekly fixtures but this industrial action will not stop the Elitists recording a two handful victory at the Snakepit . The big challenge between Boycey Ace of Spies and Bucko after the game should be a highlight . The Sailors are at home to the Van Winkles who are expected to go on their merry way with another ten plus result . Enjoy next week's break - I will!

SECTIONS by Norm Nugen t

REVIEW OF ROUND 8 - MAY 2 5 The half way point of the season has now passed and it proved disastrous to my tipping record . A 53% return places me in the cellar of the tipster's ladder . In fact I must be facing relegation!! G NORT H Four right from the eight matches gave me my worst record of the season . North Old Boys form really somersaulted as they easily accounted for the disappointing Old Xaverians by the wide margin of sixty-one points . Leaders St Bernards built percentage at the expense of Therry with a seventy point victory while way out west the grossly inaccurate A lbanvale had sufficient venom to record an eighteen point victory over Footscray Institute who really appeared to be fortunate to be only three goals down at the sound of the final siren . In the closest match of the round Kew justified my faith in them by defeating M arcellin by seven points. Old Scotch finally broke through for a win in the hinterland when they defeated Old Paradians by ten points . The uncannily accurate Chirnside Park showed why they are placed second on the ladder when they pushed Bulleen-Templestowe from the top four with a thirty-six point victory despite having only one more scoring shot than Bulleen-Templestowe . Eltham rose to the occasion and won their match at Hopper's C ro ssing against Old Westbourne by twenty-one points . My man at the match reported that the play and the umpiring were of a high standard . ln fact he said the last quarter was a heart stopper as the lead fluctuated before Eltham broke the nexus through the good play of half back "Banger" Kernaghan, forward Ken Tucker and winger Glenn O'Donnell . Banyule broke the ice with a seven point victory over Collegians. It would appear Collegians finished so close only because Banyule wasted several scoring opportunities . G SOUTH Four correct selections from seven matches was a fairly poor effort by your favourite scribe . De La Salle showed why they are premiership favourites when they outplayed second side Bloods and won by sixty-one points after a one sided match . Monash W hites consolidated their position in the top four with a forty point victory over Old Geelong . Only inaccuracy in front of goal prevented a bigger Monash victory . Old M elbumians maintained pressure on the top sides when they accounted for M onash Gryphons by forty points. Thanks Phil for the details on the THE AMATEUR FQtlTRALLER 1991

Gryphons and other new clubs . Mazenod upset my prediction when they aeteated the inaccurate CBC St Kilda negated a lot of their by twenty-seven points. St Kilda had their share of the play but their shocking inaccuracy St Kevins by twenty good efforts . In a match marred by inaccurate kicking the enigmatic Glenhuntly defeated Caulfield one points . Glenhuntly moved up one rung on the ladder as a consequence of their victory . Kontias-North Old Halleybury who . thanks to their very accurate kicking Old Halleybury finished only twenty-two points behind had much more of the play moved three rungs up the ladder as a reward for their victory. AJAX could not raise to St Johns the complement or the day trip to Dandenong and consequently gave the first forfeit of the season who without effort moved to second place on the ladder . PREVIEW OF ROUND 9 - JUNE 1 G NORT H we who now find themselves out of the No rt h Old Boys will probably startfavourites over Bulleen Templesto Park travel to Albert Park, where, despite top four. I favour Bulleen Tempiestowe to win narrowly. Chirnsideback on their home terrain should be able to local conditions, they should win against Collegians . Old Scotch who are not enjoying the fruits win well againt lowly placed Therry. Albanvale come east to meet Old Paradians select Albanvale to win well . St Bernards at home are my selection to defeat the. of victory. Even at Bundoora IThe "Crocodiles" must take stock or they will continue to slide down the ladder disappointing Old Xaverians . must soar early to makethe ground Old Westbourne will await M arcellin with aspirations of victory. The "Eagles" on time and I suspect they will be tired early in the game . At home I select Old Westbourne. Footscray institute will play FIT on their will be at home to Eltham. Maybe the "Turtles" have holidayed at Werribee this week and . Banyule fresh from their way home . Despite not being at full strength away from home I favour them to win today side whose success first win meet Kew today. The "Brown and Gold" lineup will prove too talented for the Banyule is unfrequent . G SOUT H . De La Salle are shaping like premiers and champions even though we are only half way through the season Today I expect them to continue their winning streak by defeating Old Haileyburians . AJAX at home should be. able to take the field against kontias- North Caulfield . Once on the field I select the visitors to win well over AJAX seemingly they have Glenhuntly are a real enigma as they lose when all appears to favour them but win .when will St Kevins may extend Old no hope. Today against Old Geelong, Glenhuntly should win and I believe .they The main game of the round will be Melburnians but I favour the OM's to finish in front at the end of the game week whilst Monash have, that at M onash University where Bloods visit the Whites . The Bloods crashed last in typical University fashion, gathered momentum as the season has progressed . In Seidel they have a secure the game will be a fast and close contest route to goal, whereas the Bloods have no focal point in attack . I believe rest St Johns may take from which Monash Whites will emerge victorious by a few points . After an unexpected Mazenod who are serious contenders, at this stage, for a final's berth . Form a while to gain top form today against who are only a shadow of their former days of . CBC St Kilda, favours St Johns and I think they will win again who are not enjoying success in the field . glory, should return to the winning list at t he expense of Monash G ry phons

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U1 9 REPRESENTATIVE TEAM : The final trial to enable selection of an initial training squad will be held at headquarters tomorrow commencing at 2 .00 pm . All invitees must be in attendance by 1 .00 pm . REVIEW OF LAST WEEK'S GAMES DIVISION I De La survived their hardest challenge for the year when their depleted side beat Xavs by 45 points. D's lost bit Dave Dean in the first 1/4 but Tim Ford did a great job rucking all day and the consistent Justin Duckett provided good support . Xavvers best were Davies and Egan . Bernies beat Tonners by just under 100 pts after being only 15 pts in front at 1/2 time . I thought Tonners disposal spoilt some of their good efforts in getting the ball . Pollock did a good job at full back for Brighton and Pyers and Farrar also tried hard to stem the tide . The game between Haileybury and Ormond resembled rugby more than football . Monds again showed their improvement and went down by only 2 pts . It was a big day for the Andersons at the Bloods as Greg, Dale and Paul all gave James Pa rton a nudge for the B.O.G . "skol". The match of the "dewkickers" at HO is likely to be costly for Marcellin and M azenod with 2 melees going on the report sheet as well as another player "report" . Despite a consistent effort from Sandor Josza and a good showing from Brendan King, the Nodders' bad kicking gave them no chance of winning . The Eagles were best served by "Wogga" Becchetti, Dennett Merton and A~(who impressed "Flash Phil" early in the game)DIVISION 2 NORT H Therry won the vital game against the inaccurate Aquinas by 4 goals . New big boy M atthew Sharp was the coach's choice as the Roy's best for the 2nd week in a row while the Bakers - Adrian and Glen - both did well . Albanvale annihilated 2nd placed Trinity by over 20 goals but the win was soured by the report of star goalkicker Brett Gatt-10 this week . Other stars forthe Cobras were the consistent Volpato, Padden and Liddell . Chirnside were rewarded for their guts in "cleaning out" their team earlier in the week with a good win over North who had slipped away to a 4 goal lead at 1/4 time . Spurred on by the reference to their "cow paddock" (opposition opinion - not mine!) the Chirnside boys fought back to get home by 11 goals, Andrew Schafer made a good debut in the ruck with help from "Libber" Harvey. "Excellent" was the description of the performance of the umps - Stubbs and Reichelt. Well done - we need more like you . DIVISION 2 SOUT H An elated Monash coach, Bob Hellyer, is now setting his sights on the finals as his Ashers continued their improvement at Caultield's expense. Bob is hoping to pick up a few more recruits like Chris Dillon (any relation to the "famous" FJX?) who dominated the ruck . OMs did it pretty easily against Nodders but bad kicking cost them vital percentage . Mark Cornell brought up his half ton with another 6 whilst Simon Fraser did well in his first game backfrom injury. Branchflower and Rhoden also did well for OMs. Spurred on by the "slab challenge" Rovers put in an improved effort against AJA X for 3 quarters but Jackers' 12 goals to nil in the 2nd shut the gate . Skipper Jason W roebel and Rod Israel were Jackers' best while Julian De Vries got 5 from the wing . De La kepttheir spot in the 4 with a narrow win over M elb High in a high scoring game. Juliann Taylor and Ben Fitzgerald were De La's best . The battle between undefeated neighbours and keen rivals St Bedes and O . M entone produced what the "Villain" says is one of the best U19 games he has seen in ages . Bedas inaccuracy proved costly but nothing but praise could be given to Tones for booting 5 goals in the last few minutes to get home . Peter Appel, Keith Richardson and Dave Campbell were best for Tones. Bedas suffered a big loss when Simon Zahra did his shoulder in the 3rd 1/4 but Mick Hecker and Simon Farmer gave them plenty of chances to hang onto top spot only to have bad kicking let them down . PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAMES DIVISION 1 De La will continue on their winning way this time at the expense of the rapidly improving Ormond . Nodders face up to the long trek to Bundoora today with memories of their disappointing effort last week very fresh in their minds . I think Adrian can get their accurate boots back on well enough to sneak home today . St Bernards will keep their unbeaten home ground record intact at the expense of Uni Blues whilst Xavs will get the 4 points against Collegians but, like everybody else at Albert Park, they won't find it easy . (Don't forget Xavs - don't leave your gear in the rooms - thieves lurk there) . Assuming that Brighton can get a fit complement this week, they will be too even for Scotch over the 4 quarter journey. I saw both M arcellin and Haileybury last week and on that form I'd have to go for the Eagles. SELECTIONS : Mazenod St Bernards O . Xaverians O. Brighton Marcellin DIVISION 2 NORT H NOBs having recovered from last week's trek will put together 4 quarters and be too good for the Towners . Parkside got their first win for the season last week and are improving every week but I don't think enough to win against Old 'Hoes even at Pitcher Park . I can't see Aquinas stopping Albanvale's unbeaten run even at home

should be an even too good for the disappointing Friars. Old Trinity and Chirnside whilst Therry should be have learnt a lot last week and should bounce back hoping to hold their spot in the four. contest with 07s surewill to be just as keen to keep in touch with the four and I think that their winning form is good However, Chirnside form, Bulleen-Temp have the bye . Therry Aibanvale Chirnside Park North OB Old Ivanhoe SELECTIONS : DIVISION 2 SOUT H atone for their narrow loss last week and by kicking a bit straighter will get home easily St Bedes are sure to selection.l4shers are confident of giving the finals a nudge against Old C'WeII . Melb High and Monash is a tough I fancy High as their effort last whilst the "mini" oval has been the downfall of many better sides than Ashers . will absolutely annihilate the hapless Caulfield boys . Home ground entone week against De La was not bad . M St Peter's whilst Ajax face Hampton Nodders to beat advantage is the only reason I can think of for picking . Everytime Rovers better effort last week I expectthe Jackersto win again for the 2nd week in a row and despite they comethe up trumps and their form has been pretty consistent in the last few weeks. I select against the Golds Golds and tip OMs. OMs, although inconsistent, have still to lower their colours this year . I'll do the rig ht thing by the O. Melburnians Blacks AJAX M azenod entone . M HSOB O SELECTIONS : M if they can knock off Xavvers . SLAB CHALLENGE : To the consistent Collegians form Collegians ; O. Parade (again!); St Bernard's; BlTemp ; : A very poor effort!ast week no reports BLACK LIST . morning (568 4727) or fax (646 5053) on Monday morning . night, Sun Phone me Sat C'well . Parkside and O . with details so all winners can be acknowledged . Thanks .

7 ED

Ex-amateur players whose playing careers are nearing an end to join the VAFA umpires. Money payable to club from where the umpire came upon him commencing a second year of umpiring with the VAFA. Pictured is ex-Parkside champion Geoff Ridd, currently one of the top Amateur umpires.


Readers of the footba!l magazine, "Inside Football", may have noticed that the Amateur column has been deleted . Because this magazine has gone national to keep in step with the new National competition many domestic competitions have been ignored . The VFA was to have been one of these but through sheer weight of phone calls management decided that they had to include a VFA column . After many discussions between I .F. management and myself they have agreed that if Amateur supporters want a column they will respond in a similar way did in regards to the VFA . So if you fee strongly on this issue speak to ANDRE MAHER 601 4247. This notice has been included a second time as only one person contacted Andrew after its first run ! Last Sunday's Trophy Town Player of the Week was Ormond's evergreen roustabout Brett Burden whose performances this year have been so consistent that he looks likely to be a starting performer for the Big-V in Perth during the Carnival (June 7 - June 16) .


Another Community Radio Station 96.5 F M - 31NR based at Warringa! Plaza Shopping Centre now features an Amateur Football 112 hour 11-11 .30 am on Saturday morning . The host, Larry Stephens, looks at clubs in the areas of Heidelberg, Preston, Bundoora and Doncasterso it covers Banyule, Preston M .O.B., Ivanhoe, Parkside, Bulleen Templestowe, Marcellin, Old Paradians, Old Ivanhoe etc . If your club would like to participate contact Larry Stephens on 457 1718 and tune in you are in the north eastern metropolitan area .

Personality Pars TWO MILESTONES AT AN Z All associated with the ANZ Bank AFC Club today (4/5) heartilycongratu!e Neil "Rack" Walsh who plays his 100th game and Rich "Julio" Heuston who participates in his 50th . Both these players have been through the good times and the bad times at the Zedders and are certainly enjoying our success of the past two seasons . Neil has been around along time in reaching this milestone, always tries hard and has played many fine games for the club along the way to this achievement, culminating in being Runner-upto the "Living Legend" in the Ressies B&F a few years ago. "Julio" has been one of our most improved players overthe past 12 months, always gives his best, always runs straight at the baIl and is an inspiration to his team mates with his fierce desire . All associated with ANZ congratulate you both and wish you well today (4/5) and in the future . STATE/COM M . BANK MILESTON E The first milestone of the historic merger of the Government Banks took place last Saturday (20/4) when Andre Pitts played his 50th senior game against Thomastown . Andre is renowned for his skills on the wing or half forward line, but this year he has made Ns name on the backline . Andre has worked hard on his fitness over the last two seasons which has put him in good stead for the rigours of senior football . "WELL DONE ANDRE"

50 TO THE ROBOT That little dynamo Ralf "Robot" Koegler today (20/4) plays his 50th game for ANZ . A great achievement for a giant hearted strong man who had never played football until he joined our club . Let's hope he plays many more! PETER RIEDEL - 50 GAM ES (20/4/91 ) Peter started at Powerhouse in 1988 and was a solid player in our seconds for 2 seasons . 1990 saw "Doggy" come of age as he completed a meteoric rise from our H Grade 3rds to finish the season as a dashing half-back flanker in our Ones! This sason has been interrupted by his 21st birthday and a sojourn in South Africa but we are sure it won't be long until he is once again dashing round the Ross Gregory flanks . All at Powerhouse congratulate Doggy on his 1st fifty games for us and hope there are many more . WILLIA M STOWN CYMS is holding its ANNUAL BALL on Saturday 8th June . This year it is to beheld in the more welcoming Altona Civic Centre rather than theh cold and draughty Williamstown Town Hall . Tickets are $80.00 for a double and $45.00 for each single. The cost covers a 4-course meal, beer, wine and soft drinks . Tickets or tables of 10 can be obtained by ringing Darren Dawson on 391 8112 (AH) or Lionel Waddel on 398 5301 (AH) . All our welcome to this terrific venue so book early to avoid disappointment .

Personality Pars


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GAM ES RECOR D AT CAULFIELD GRA MM ARIAN S Chris "Mouse" Worthington plays his 323rd game for CGFC this week, breaking the record set by Greg Tootal in the 70s . Having won most awards at CGFC, the 38 year young life member, with selective training and dodgy hamstrings, is still a most consistent performer and valued players in our club . He is an inspiration to us all, going about his business in his own quiet determined way. (Obviously the upcoming marriage has urged him on!) "Mouse", from everyone at Caulfield, may we say "thankyou" for your truly outstanding achievements and club spirit . UP TO SCRATCH AT DOVETON The first 200 gamer for Doveton is . . .the senior runner, Geoff "Scratcher" O'Neill, who has been an invaluable assistant to playing coaches forthe entire twelve year history . Geoff, compleat with flowing beard, and wife Heather have been two of the staunchest club people you could wish to have . A highly commendable effort Geoffrey!! ! JOHN RYAN'S 200TH GA M E Last Saturday (25/5) saw a magnificent milestone reached by Aquinas veteran John "Heffa" Ryan, when he became the first player in the 11-year history of the club to reach the 200-game mark . John was also the first player to reach 100 and 150 games, and his first 101 games were consecutive . He was senior captain from 1981 to 1984, which included the premiership years of 1983 and 1984 and was club B&F in 1981 (by a huge margin) and 1982 . In 1982 he also won the competition B&F, after being runner-up in 1981 . He was one of the best players in the 1987 'F' grade premiership and since then has played in two unsuccessful Reserves Grand Finals . During a3 year tenure as Club President from 1988-90, John was instrumental in establishing the Aquinas U19 side and in overseeing the construction of new club rooms, amongst his other achievements . In this, his last year as a player, congratulations are due from all at Aquinas OC for this great clubman, a shining example of the sort of person who makes Amateur football possible . 150 MILESTONE FOR MONASH BLUES Due to the transient nature of players at a University Clubfew players reach 150 games and with this in mind all at Monash Blues congratulate Graham Gale on achieving this milestone against Thomastown last Saturday (25/5) . It is a credit to Galey that he is still a valuable senior player (even at his age) . "Horse" started at Monash back in 1981 with such big names as Neil Searle and Adam Gray . He has developed from a spindly youth due to his strict diet of meusli and is known to drink only Kahluaand milk when celebrating . He was a member of the premiership senior team in 1987 - a year when he set the record for "2 laps of the fun run" during pre-season . Known for his red shorts, penetrating left foot kicks and dicky knees the big question is "has Mr Gale Senior watched more games than Graham has played?" Graham will also earn a life membership this season after proudly bearing No . 5 for 10 seasons . Well done, Galey!! 50 AT PRESTON Everyone at Preston MBOB congratulates Gary Phillips on his 50th game for the Club today. Gary was a member of our 1988'D' Grade Premiership side and also holds the club match record of 14 goals . Keep puttin' 'em through, Gazza .

MARKETING NEWS by Mike McArthur-Alle n


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Next weekend sees one of the highlights on the VAFA calendar - The Australian Amateur Football Carnival . We're all quite aware of the date at Ansett Australia - after watching our Group Travel Supervisor swear an curse as he tried to fit all players and officials on the appropriate flights to Perth . I hope you enjoy the flights (apartd from the satisfaction that it will give our nameless Group Travel Supervisor) and consider travelling again before the end of the football season . So many Melbou mites confine themselves to their own State between April and September, solely to meet those weekend football commitments . It doesn't have to be like that. Deregulation means airfares are now so cheap you can afford a midweek break - even in the football season . Try these for size • 3 nights at Wolngarin on the Sunshine Coast (including return airfares) $474 per person . • 5 nights on the Gold Coast staying at Aloha for $473 (including airfares) . • 3 nights in Coffs Harbour at The Tahitian for $436 (including airfares) . OR for something really special • 4 nights on Hamilton Island for $699 (including airfares) . Alltheabovearefrom Ansett Australia's new range of Big Deals . For more information just call our Holiday Travel Department on 131344. Going away mid season might mean a break from tradition, but think of the wife . After half a season of washing football gear and cutting sandwiches on the canteen, doesn't she deserve a break ?

SUMMIT TOTAL CANTEEN SUPPLY SERVICES It is with much pleasure that I am able to contribute to this column as the member clubs worktheir way towards the half way mark of the season . Since the beginning of the season we have met many of the club excecutives and it is pleasing to see so many clubs are being run with a high degree of professionalism . The service that Summit offers the clubs with the supply of all the food, confectionary, sauces, papergoods, cleaning material etc. is also operated on a professional level to assist you with your canteen management . The many clubs that have availed themselves of the servic e that Summit offers have found it so easy to order during the week, and know the stock will arrive at the ground as requested . It is worth taking a moment to consider the importance of the club canteen . It serves two vital functions, one of which is to supply food and drinks to the supporters and the other is to operate profitably to allow the club a continuing form of revenue throughout the season . If any clubs wish to make the canteen function easier to run and more profitable, please ring us at Summit, and we will be happy to explain how many clubs are already taking advantage of our canteen supply service . Geoff Wakefield, Managing Director, SU MM I T ..

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~~ A MOUTHGUARD FACT VI CTORIA In USA Grid Iron Football 25% of total injuries were dental injuries . Mouthguards have reduced dental injurie s

0 of total in juries. to 1/o SAFEGUARD YOUR TEETH . . . WEAR A FITTED MOUTHGUARD !


VicFealth Matches of the Day to be held at Elsternwick Park May/June/July as follows : This Sat Univ. Blacks v Old Xaverians (B) w ., ekend : Sun No matches at E .P this day June 8/9 : Sat/Sun No matches- Queens B'day weekend June 15th : Sat Kew v University Blacks (B ) June 16th Sun No matches at EP this day June 22nd Sat Ground avail . for A or B Section match (on request) June 23rd Sun VAFA U19 v Teal Cup Team June 29th Sat Collegians v Marcellin (A) June 30th : Sun U19 double header ; 2 matches to be determined Sat Old Trinity v Kew (XB) July 6th

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~ .,

July 7th Sun No matches at EP this day July 13th Sat North Old Boys v Therry (A) July 14th Sun No matches at EP this day July 20th Sat Old Haileyburians v Collegians (A) July 21st Sun No matches at EP this day July 27th Sat U19 doubleheader ; 2 matches to be determined July 28th Sun No matches at EP this day Sat C or D Section doubleheader ; Aug 3rd matches to be determine d Aug 4th Sun Old Scotch v Old Haileybury (A)


•® _,



Under 19 Section I COLLEGIANS DE LA SALLE Coach:

BLUE Coach : Denis McGrory 1 . D. Dean (VC) 2 .J. McCarthy (C) 3 . G . Jackson 4 .A.Sheedy S. O.Schu6n g 7. P Marsh (DVC) 10. L . Vivon a 11 . M . Laffan 12. S. Greely 13 . D. Crowe 14 . C, Johnson 15 . K . Keely 16 . C. Lester 17. S. Neeson 18 .T Grogan 19 . J . Duckett 22. M . Lafferty 24. J. Hayter 26. R. Makinson 28. N . Vanderplight 29 . M . Mastroianni 30 . M . Murra y 31 . G . Borg 32 . C. Belleville 51 . K . Pollard 53, D. Rosman 54. M . Smith 57. B. Fitzgerald 59. A . Greely MAJOR SPONSOR

ic)=lc;~~_i (;~=

OLD PARADIAN S GREEN Coach: 1 . T Jones 2 . M . Colaci 3 . A . Collings 4 . M . Dickason 5 . M . Liv y 6. N . Condie 7. T. Kell y 8. S. Batchelor 9. M. Harrison 10. D. Baird 11 . S. Swindon 12. S . Metaxis 13 . K . Jenkins 14 . D. Vicino 15 . B.Johnson 16. D. Hai l 1T J Biandford 18 . B. Joyce 19. C . Natoli 20. B . Brodie 21, P McGinley 22. C. Henry 23, S. Wallis 24, R . Perry 25 . A . Pekin 2& L. Peyton 27. D. Pilson 28 . L. Smith 29, S. O'Keefe 30. S. Willmore 31,B.Pannam 32 . C . Brown 37. A . Thomas 38. M. O'Keefe 45, A, Joyce 48, N. Wayman 49- 5. Vincent 50. J- Reidy 51 :<A. Finanzio

OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIA NS Coach : Terry Kendall 1 . J . Bock 2. M . Ewing 3 . J. Harris 4 . A. Warner 5 . D. Ise r

6 . M . Steel 7, J . Lawson 8 . S. Woodhouse 9 . C. Allard 10. J. Hanneberry 11 . H . MacNeil 12. A . Simpson 13 . C. Sublet 14 . D. Norman 15 . I . Lilley 16 . J . Hosking 17. S. McConnell 18 . L . McDonnell 19 . M . Robertson 20. D. Johnson 21 . G . Eagl e 22. J . Laird 23, E . Bethke 24 . J . Kinley 25 . S . Hume 26 . A. McKenzie 27. A . Mitchell 28 . R . Piekusis 29 . L . Robertson 30 . D. Searby 31 . A . Crawford 32 . J. Gallagher 33 . L. Warwick

M ARCELLIN 1 . D. Bearzatio 2 . C. Darby 3. S . Neal 4. D. Sticc a 5. A . Tranqudli 6. P. Sexton 7. M . Curry 8. M. Amad 9. S . O'Reilly 10 . A . Ryder 11 . J. Walli s 12 . V. Gallagher 13. M . Becchetti 14.G .Bennett 16. 5.' G . Vimparn 16. D. Merton 17. A. Booth 18. B. Rule 19. A . Weisz 20 . B . Gorman 21 . M . Moran 22 . C. Healey 23. M . Heath 24. D. Barlow 25.M .Edmonds 26. N . Quarrel] 27. S. Beasley 28. M . Entwisle 29. J. Rime s 30. S . Ellis 31 . T. Cox 32. M . Meehan 33. M. Williams 34 . S . Edwards 35 . N . Daicos 36 . P. Dimattina 37. S . Dimattina 38. N . Abbott 39. M . Erwin 40. M . Englese 41 . Aaron Merton 42. J . Keays 43. N . Mark 44 . M. Cromie 45. S . McKenzie 46. M . Gallagher 47. B. Crimmins 48 . H . Aarons 49 . S . Tucker

50 . A . Jackson SPONSOR C 11r31

MAZENOD Coach: Adrian Williams t . M . Tetle y 2 . N . Little 3. J. Mannix 3. A . King 5. B. King (Capt) 6. P. Occhipinti 7. J. Lenette 8. G . Makin 9.B.Howe 10 . C . Varney 11 . D. Gil l

12 . W. Marshall 13. S. Josza 14. M . McCusker 15. M . Cavanagh 16. D. Horben 17. D. Weston 18. S . Powell 19. P. Maiden 20. M . Goudie 23. T. Walker 24. W. Sargeant 25. M . Guiliano 26. A. Littl e 27. J . Walsh 28. A. Morris 29. J. Fisher 30. S . Barton MAJOR SPONSOR TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial • Domestic

OLD BRIGHTO N Coach : Mark Swain 6. A . McLachla n 7. M. Devine 9. P . Haydon 12 . J. Hendrie 15 . J . Moore 17. D. Moreton 19. J. Pyers 21 . T. Smith 23 . S . Bishop 36 .R .Carter 41 . S . Crowe 43. J. Farrar 52 B.Jones 53. P Murphy 54. A . Naughton 55. K . Payne 56. B. Pollock 57. A. Skelton 58. M . Spence 59. N . Wartman 60. M . Wilson 61 . M . Toll 62. A . Delbridge 63. N . Hil l 64. A. Lomas 65 . D. McCormack 66 . M . Reid 67. L . Hamilton

• Commercia l

558 525 5

OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Tony Gilchris t 1 . J . Delalande 2. M . Allen 3. D. Andersen 4 . G . Anderson 5.P.Dow 6 . D. Pasco 8 .S. Harro d 9 . D. Bugalski 10. S . Lyons 11. C. Kraus 12 . T. Hunte r 13 . A. McLaughlin 14 . T. Rice

15 . D. Kelly 16.E .Bingham 17. N . Mistry 18. B . Mui r 19. M . Phillips 20 . B. Arnold 21 . B. Canobie 22 . S . O'Brien 24. J, Parton 25. A . Newman 26. S. Healey 27. A. Dunstan 29. D .Lappage 30. J. Panetta 31 . A. Fothergill 33. J. Bryce 34. R . Home 35. A . Whitelaw 37. P. Vine 38. J. McLean 40. D. Naisbitt 42. J. Dran e

ST. BERNARDS Coach : Terry Davi s

ORMOND OLD XAVERIANS 1 . A . Caputi 2. R . Hansen 3 . S . Barlow 4 . P. Brady 5 . N . Cook 6 . A . Keyhoe 7. R . Salter 8. A . Ega n 9. B . McDonald 10. A. Burke 11 . C . Burke 12. L. Hannebery 13 . S . Nattill i 14 R Finn 15. M . Scalzo 17. I . Purcell 18 . D. Bailey 19 . M . Juracich 20. S . Hogan 21 .J . Boston 22. R . Tucker 23. A. Duggan 24 . D. Landrigan 25 . D. O'Sullivan 26 . M . D'Amico 27. D. Clarke 28. J . Hilbert 30, S. Power 34. L. Davies 35. M . Meehan 36. J. Portelli 37. C. Green 41 . M . Dillon 42. J . Flynn 44. T. Collins 55. P Salter

1 . S. Jones 2. C. Byrne 3. A . Brebner 4 . J . Comito 5. S. Looker 6 . M . Hande 7. S. Parrett 8 . L.Vassalo 9 .J .Kennedy 10. N . Mitchell 11 . P. Scerri 12, A . Dailey 13. D. Garvey 14. S . Chatfield 15. M . Egan 16. P. Gilmour 17. A . Comito 18. S . Hal l

19 . B. Atkins 20. B. Jarrett 21 . C. Mallia 22 . M . Farmer 23.D.Rogers 24. M . Cashman 25. D. Raffl e 26. F. Giordano 27. D. Farrell 28 . B . Hor n 29 . S. Martin 30 . A . Webb 31 . S. Fox 32 . D. Calderon 33. D. Solomon 34. M . Dailey 35. M . Tormey 36. T Paradowski 37. H . Bradshaw 38. S . Parkhil l 40. A. Noonan 41 .T. Backhouse 43 . M . 44. S. Taylo r 69. G. Arrowsmit h 0

Under 19 North ALBANVALE Coach: Peter Robertson 1 . J. Karagiannis 2 . T. Febey 3. B. Gait 4, J. Smith 5. J. Hodge 6 . A . Grech 7. J. Triplett 8 . B . Williams 9 . J . Mason 10. B. Dorrough it . S . Ragusa 12 . S . Caulfield 13. S. Cooper 14.A .Paddon 15. W. Nicholls 16 . M . Mitchell 17. A . Leetet 18 . S. Bucsko 19 . D. Sebastian 20. J. Procko 21 . P. Phillips 22 . J . Wilson 23. J. Psail a 24. A . Leahy 40. D. Liddell 69. B. Vitalone A . Cilmi R . Razbocan M . Bourke D. Canavan C. Gergis J .Swansson



Coach : Peter McCall 1 . M . Pemberton 2. B. Greensill 3. S . Marks 4. P Pedler 5. C. Gellert 6. M .Thomson 7. V. Picciol i 8. A . Spirli 9. S. Foster 10. M . Sorace 11 . D. Paola 14.G . Woodcock 17. S . Condi e

18. P. Smit h 20 . M . Edward s 22 . M. Van Leemput 23 . R . Foste r 24 . P Egan 37. E . Kerr 39. D. Toohey 45. P. Pop e

OLD IVANHOE OLD TRINITY Coach : Andrew Ryan 1 . J . Cran e 2. D. Proli 3. J. Fox 4. D . Tol l 5 A . Moh r 7. M . Greenhatgh 8. R . Schmid t 9. T. Pitt 10. I . Roxburgh 11 . B . Elsworth 12 . R . Ivey 13. S . Shepherd 15. B. Barker 19.M .Wu 20 . D. Morant 21 .T. Keusgen 23. A. Bachelor 25. G . Brown 26. H . Fitzgerald 29. P. Congleton 30. S . Gaylor 31 .S .Roe 32 . C. Lutz 33. M . Hore 34. E . Lerner 35 . C . Dermeris 36 . L. Hut 37. D. McLelland 38 . M . Tozza 42 . C. Pitt 69 . M . Squirrell


Coach : L. Colema n 1 . G . Brimble 2 . N . Sims 3.T. Gibson 4. M . Smyth 5. P. Gutteridge 6. P. Peterson 7. C. Symonds 8. C . Smith 9 . S. Beamish 10. T. Vains 11 . E . Best 12 . S . Hindi 14. J. Curry 15. T. Harvey 16. J . Seuling 18. S. Lloyd 22 . S. Williams 29 .A .Howe 31 . D. Denby 37. M . Adam 44 . T Roberts


THERRY Coach : A . Le Maistre 1 . R . Bannister 2. S. Hollow (VC) 3. D. Ford (DVC) 4. J. Schembri 5. A. Newbould 6. K. Grant 7. M . Fitzpatrick 8. M . Moro z 9. G . Baker 10. D. Howson 11 . I . Sheedy 12 . C . Masters 13. S. Villella 14. C. Noonan 15. J. Washbrook 16. N . La Fontaine 17. D. Goodwin 18 . K . Sexto n 19 . S. Boyle (Capt) 20. G . Carbi s 21 . P. Stanko 22. B. Scuilli 23. A. Baker 24. J. Delaney 25. D.Hoaureau 26. G . Grocock 27_ D. McGuire 28. M . Sharp 29. F. Zahra 30. S. Bonnar 31 . D. Irwi n 32 . N . McKinnon 33 . M . Goodwin 34 . C . Rizzo 35 . R . Stevens 36 . T. Pinner 37.J. Dimech 40 . S. Forbes 42 . A . McKay



Coach: Terry Mills 1 . G . Vain a 2 . M . Leigh 4 . C. Mulle r 6 .S , Thomasello 10 B. Collinson 13. F. Salvatore 14. L. Roberts 19 . R . Papaleo 20. A . Radi 21 .A.Newport 23. S . Boczar 31 . L . Boyle 32 . G . Phyland 35. C . Camponella 38. B. Del-R e 39. J. Considine 41 . P. Serong 42 . C. Horne 43. M . Elliot

44. M . Girolami 46. N . Culnane 48. M . Bangit 52 . D. Dela c 54 . D. McLachlan 57. R . Mezetta 65 .F.Sartori 69 . M . Davis

THOMASTOWN 1 . George Joseuski 3 . C. Hutchinso n 4 . J . Gatevski 5 . F. Dillorenzo 6 . M . Daghistani 7 . C . Sahin 8 . J . Pougios 9 . T. Morroney 10 . S. Kotevski 11 . D . Pougios 13 . F. Farchione 14 . T Jimoulis 15 . M . Trouatello 16. F. Jarro d

20, A . Ryan 21 . A . Skora 22 . M. Inzitari 23 . R . Dimmagio 25 . E . Valentino 27. M . Grech 28 . P Kotso s 29 . J . Valiotis 30 . R . Gerinia 31 . T. Cakovski 35. D. Dimouski 37. D. Stevenouski



Coach: Leon Jones 1 . D. Quilty 2 . M . Hickox 3. A . Wise 4. D. teBockhurst 5. D . Larrett 6. J . Cox 7. G . Gibbons 8 . T. Haynes 9 . C . Tilling 10. P. Milla r 11 . R. Reidy 12 .J . Forde 13. M . Irwin 14. G . Johnson 15 . J . Ciardulli 16 . A . Ravenarki 17. A . Carbone 18. N . Par r

19 . N . McGrath 20. J. White 21 . M . Foley 22 . M. Notley 23 . J . Slattery 24. D. Dorazio 25 . M . Young 26 . M . Houston 27. P Martin 28. J . Delaney 29. P. Belfor d 30. D. Carapellotti 31 . N . Smir k 32. S. Smirk 33. B. McGauchie 34. V. Barker 36. S. O'Sullivan 46. M . Vernal 48. 8. Wilkinson 63. M_ Jackson 72 . H . Flanagan

Under 19 South A .J.A .X.

CAULFIELD GRAMM . Coach: Graeme Woolridge 1 . G . Harrison (Capt) 2 . A. Moore (VC) 3. J. Richards 4. C. Hose 5.1 . Crosher 6, M . Salter T M . Jones 8. C. Adkins 9. T. Smart 10 . A . Beasley 11 . T. Henri

12 . N . Johnson 13. A . Babarczy 14. J. Rya n 15 D. Mori 16. J. Patterson 17. A. Lourie 18 W. Byrne 19.S, Carmichael 20 . T. Henri



HAMPTON ROVERS DE LA SALLE Coach : GOLD Graham Smith 1 . M . Johannsen Coach: 2. N . Hasel l Tony Spencer 1 . L . Bakli s 3. B. Broadhead 6. T Spencer

8. P. Satchel 10. P. Spencer 11 . A. Whitfield 13 . S. Brown 14 . B. Buick 21 . R . Grace 33, T Green 36 . S. Enright 39 . A . Hynes 40, M . Hil l

43. L . Mclnneny 44,T. Magree 45. L . Maher 46.S . Mahoney 47 . E . Maillard 48. J. Raf u 49. D. Smith 50. A. Raynor 58. J . Taylor 73, A . Truscot t

M .H .S .O.B .

MAZENOD BLACKS Coach: Steve Thompson 1 . S . Del1'Oro 2 . P. Saynor 3. C. Falloon 4. S . Griffith 5. S . Polan

3 . C. Amoore 4,B . McGregor 5 J . Alessi 6 . R . Abraham 7. P Harvey 8. A . Catma k 10. A. Fairweather 11 .S. McGregor (VC) 12 . N . Murray-White 13 . R . Bulme r 14 . M . Clarke 15 . J . Day IT R . Capes 20. J . Robbins (Capt) 21 . D. Hellas 22,R .Brabner 28 . D. Wilton 34. C . Voulgarakis 35 . J . Biancardi 40. S. Anderson 43. M . Atkinson 52, S . Scarlett 53. M . Lester 71 . C . McGregor MAJOR SPONSOR S

6. S . Fraser (Capt) 7, P Evan s 8 . S . Prendergast 9 . J . Warke 10. B. Mounter 11 . M . Kein 12. B. Martin 13. T Willis 14, M . Quirk 15 . C. Dalgleish 16 . C. Harrison 17 S. Azzopardi 18 . S. Kropman 19 . A . Byrne 20. A. Pawsey 21 . K . Duffy

22. B. Parker 23 . R . Ebert 24 .8 . Hickleton 25 . B . Borg 26 .S, Bourbon 27. J. Wickman 28 . C. Nas h 29 . M . Hancock 30 . R . Burrows MAJOR SPONSOR TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial • Domestic


• Commercial

558 525 5 MONASH BLUE S Coach: Bob Hellyer L D. Gurvich 2 C. Signorelk 3 M . Williamson 4. P Cliffor d 5. R . Barker 6, J Howard 7, V_ Sheehan 8. J. War d 9. M . Smith 10, A. Wozencroft 11, S- Gill 12. C. Dillon 13 S. Arnett 14,P Bertacco 15. D. Corrigan 16 . T. Gason 17, G . Wadley 18, P. Dre w

19, S. Watkins 20. B Kile 21. P Hay 22 . P Tocknell 23-1 McCarthy 24, A . Froelich 25 D Berlingen 28.A. Brumley 30 M . Pond 31 . A. Archer 33, L Ong 35.J Sutton 37. S Mentha 42. P Millie


Peter Robinson 1 . A. McKenzie 2 . J . Eadie 3. J. Metcalf 4. B. Taylor 5. T. Nixon-Smith 6.R.Jepson 7. R . Froomes 8 . C. Porter 9, B . Jones 10. T. Walker 11 . J . Nichol s 13. A . Kolmorgan 14. A. Gal e

15. A. Kent 17 . J . Smith 18 . R . McCahon (DVC) 19 . S . Woods (Capt) 20. T. McManus (VC) 21 . M . McHutchison 22. A . Wilson 23. C. Town 24 . C. Fisher 25 . R . Nash 26 . C. Brown (DVC) 27.S . McCann 30. A . Opra y 31 . J. Harcourt-Horsheld 33. J . Fletcher 34. A . Gregory 35. P. Cunnington ' . 36. M . Nixon-Smit h 37. M . Jaboor 39. M . Mudge

OLD OLD ST. BEDES MELBURNIANS M ENTONIANS Coach : John Mayer 1 . S . Yass Coach : Coach : 2, B. Smith David Elam 1 . D. Milne 2 . S. Wil l 3 M . Cornell 4 . A . Nelson 5 . P. Donovan 6. C . Branchflower 7. M . Rose

8. A . Morrell 9. J. Correll 10 . D. Burdeu 11, W. McLean 12 . W. Salter 13 . P. Alle n 14 . M . Metzner 15, T. Cooper 16. G. Tyrrell 17. B. Vile 18, M . Weis 19. D . Trinidad 20 . H . Hope 21, N . Rhoden 22 . D. Kegler 23. M . Sneezwell 24. J . Gourlay 25. G. Tyrel l

26. J. Thomas 27. D. Kozckar 28. S. Co x 29. C. Dixon 30. L . Duffy 31 . S . Frazer 32. C . Gillard 33. J. Blythe 34 .T. Muscamp 35. J . Bul l 36. P. Sheehan 37. E . Koch 40 . M . Blood 44. C . Bisogni 46. P Sin n

48. A .C. Smith 49. A . Smith 51 . W. Ward

Peter Murphy 1, A. Howar d 2 . D. Campbell (DVC) 3, C . Schaller 4 . D . Murphy (Capt) 5. A . Oxland 6. N . May 7. B. Mueller 8. M . Sichlau 9. A . Marshall 10. M . Raymond 11 . W. Jones (VC) 12. T. Riley 13 . K . Richardson 14 . P. Appel 15 . B . Murphy 16 . L . Waters 17, A . Riddle 18 . G. Pride 19, M . Boldiston 20. S . Mullin 21 . D. Paterson 22. P. Harrington 23 . J . Polkinghorne 24 .C.Radm 25. C . Allse p 26. M . Leone 27, N . Graham 28. M . Bond 29, G . Worrell 30. L . Murphy

3. D . Barr 4. D . Beasley 6. R . Bite s 7, I . McNicol 8. D. O'Brien

9. S . Flannery (VC) 10 . C . Ross 11 . M . Hecker 12 . J. Libbis 13 . S. Zahra 14, D. Beesley 15 . A . Maloney 16. T. Garlick 17. S . Crowe 18. S O'Brien 19. L . Cahill 20 . M . McCraw 21 . P Farrell 22, C. Bracchi

23 . M . Kinsella (Capt) 24 P Campagna (DVC) 25 .S.Farmer 26 . D. Goodchild 27.P Reaby 28, C. Loos 29. A . McFarlane 30. S. 0'Kelly 31 . M . Ellerton 32 . M . Law

ST. PETER'S CLAYTO N Coach : Ron Lumb 1 . D. Hall 2 . M . Crugnale 3. L . Billin g 4. T. Hnsovergi 5. M . Ayou b 6. P. Williamson 7 . G . Wil d 8 . M . Grant 9 . J . Mercuri 10. E. Lema 11 . S . Woodbridge 12, G . Redford 13. P. Kinsella 14. A . Schultz 15 T. Tomlinson 16. R. Schwass 17, G . Doman 18. J. McKay 19. S . Lazzara 20. M . Gavin 21 . S . Lampard 22. G . Hal l 23. J Wylie 26.E .Jone s


I.(n J




MARCELLIN Snr. Coach : N . Le Lievre Reserves Coach : A . Paatsch 1 . A . Paatsch 2. T. Day 4. C. Carr 6. G . Petroff 7 . M . Dillon 8. M. Amad 10. A . Gallagher 11 . C. Slattery 12 . N . Bourke 13. M . Stapleton 14, D . Howe

15 J .Seabury 16. G . Woole r 17. M . Getson (Capt) 18. A . Caffry 19. M . Delahunt 20 . S. O'Flynn 22 .T. O'Hehir 24. A . Hewitt 26. D. O'Callaghan 27, R. Gross 28 . C . Maso n 30. A . Bendoricchio 31 . I . Patterso n 32 . A. McIntosh 33. A . Treganowan 34. L. Getson 35. J. Pappas 36 G Walsh 37 . TJ . Slattery 38 M . Chun 39. C . Castagna 40.D. Cooper 41 . S. Duc k

42 . A . Duncan 43.N . Duncan 44 . P McIntyre 45. P Randall 46. J. Golds 47. T. Buhagair 48. D. Bromage 49. S . Mangan 50. S . Kolednik 51 . T. Mahon 52. T Smith 53 . T. Slattery 54 . N . Menzies 55. S . Beatti e 56. Jeremy Golds 57 . B . Day 58. S . Boysen 59 K. Robinson 60 S . Watson 61 M . Bushell 62 M . Szakacs 63 .J .Kann 64 . M .Rozenboom 75 .J . Dinneen


BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Coach : Paul Ryan , Mal Prior 2. T Drive r 4.P.Saw 6. L . Parris 8 A . Bennett 9. P. Reid 10. G . Hatton 12 . D . Merrett 13 . A . O'Loughlin 15 . B . Lederman 16 . C . Shallard 17. 0 . Hal f 18 . W. Murphy 19 . M . Prior 21 . C. Connelly 24. P. Rya n 25. P. Edwards 29. G . Parkinson 32. A . Saw 39. C. McMahon 41 .R .Boon 49. G . Daisley 58. D. Cummin s

N ORTH OLD BOYS Coach : D. Fogarty 1 . D Birrell 2.L .Joseph 3. P. Millett 4, B . Hickey 5S. Dowlin g 6. P. McSweeney 7. M . Collin s B . Carbon 9 . A . Hoffman 11 . G . Carroll 12 . P Weir

13. S. Garde 14.D. Fogarty 15. M . Hibbert 17. D. Perrone 19. M . Stormont 20 . M . Molone 21 . P. Greaves 23 .L.Bevan 24 . J . Rae 25, J, Schmidt 26 . G . O'Hare 28 . P. O'Dwyer 29 . J . McIntyre 31 . G . O'Toole 32 A. Schmidt 33. 8. Dubois 35. D Fitzgerald 36,F Kennedy 37. P. Hehir 38 . G . Macri 39 . M . ManUneo 41 . D. Nixon 42 . A . Baker 410. Hofstede 44 . P. Solomon 45. J. Horan 46. C. Moore 47. S. Moloney 49. A Price 50. P Kett 51 . J . Cahill 52 . J . Mcllroy 53 . M . Egan 54 . T Alfonsi 55 . P Callaghan 56 B. Cruickshank 57 V. Tirotta 58. D. Perris 59 . D. Cotter 60 . S . Scollo 61 A .Orelli 64 . McGrillen 66 J Ciccotosto

CHlRAISlDE PARK Coach: Ross Heinrich 1 . J . Par k 2. P. Anthony 3. S. Wheeler 4 . M . De Jong 6. G . De Jong 7. U . Bourke 8. G . Andrew 9. R . Gray

11 . G . Wyngaard 12 . C. Mathieson 13 . C . Parker 14 . J . Schroen 15 . M . Warren t6 . F. Romano 20. T. Sanderson 23. D. Foster 24. R . Heinrich 25.M . Thomas 26. T. Marks 29. M . Harrington 30. K. Bass o 34. B. Hayes 35. P. Campbell 40. W. Cornelissen






David Kay 21 . S . Wilson 28.L.Higham 31 . M . Clunies-Ross 32 . P. Edwards 33. M . Godwin 34. K . Burrowes 35.T. Bloch 36.A .Hawdon 37 . D. Lelievre 38. A . Craw 39. S. Hawkins 40. H . Berry 41 .B .Dart 42 . S. Finlay 43. D Ferguson 44. G . Air d

45. E . Hutchinson 46. A . Clunies-Ross 47, A . Greenaway 48. K. Fuller 49. A . Sutherland 50. D. Campbell 51. A . Hannaford 52. E . Johnston 53. H . Middleton 54.P.Groenewegen 55. S. Psichalos 56. D. Steele 57. C. Williamson





Coach ; Greg C rowe 1 . P. Albergo 2. G . Baker 3. A. Belcher 4 . A. Board 5. 0. Clowes 6 G . Crowe 7. D. Evans 8. T. Ferris


Coach : Paul Shaw (C/Coach) Coach: Wayne Taylo r 12.P.Shaw . B Prowse 1 . B. Tomelty 3. M . O'Dea 2 . J. Do e 4, A. Tucke r 3. J . O'Kane 6. Richard Macisaac 7.S .Nunan 4 M . Phillips 5. H . Fernandez 8. M . Glenister 9. D. Maclsaac 6. F. Garci a 7. P. Byrnes 10 . C. Northam 8. M . Haynes 11 . A . Phelan 9.R Tait 12 . M . Wawn 10. M . Drakoulis 13 . M . O'Hanlon 11 . T. Williams 14 . A . Livingstone 12, G . Ziegler 15 . L Oakle 13. M . DAngelo . A . Lazaru y17 s 14 . M . Williamson 18 . C . Curtai n 15. A. Radojkovic 19 . C . Maclsaa 16.E. Mido n . Furlong c20,M 18. C. Chamberlain 21 . A . Boland 19. T. Johnstone 22 . J . Vanderzalm 20 . A . Ricketts 23 . J. H o 21 .R.0'Connor 24 . 5 . James )VC) 22 . P. Cliffs 25. Robert Maclsaac ~'. 23 . E. Darmanin 36 . R . McEncroe (DVC)] 24. S. Stout T.Vana M . Manley 25 S. Tringali 26.V. Bibas W. Stengartls R . McGregor 28. S. Case . Morley M . Doyl e 29. P 30. G . Whitehill 32 . W. Taylor BOARDWALK BAR 33. M . Robertson Banana Alley, City 37. M . Bevanakis **~r 38. K. Thielman 39. P. Allen VAUGHAN PRINTING 42 . D . Connolly 624 High St, E. New 43. M . O'Shannessy 45. M . Bonke 817 4483 46. J. Tassapoutis 47 . N. Barbounis 48. G . Pattison 53. A. Barbounis 54. P. Armetas 55.T Nucara 56. M. Budimi r

9. W. Fleming 10. 0. Freeland 11 . A. Freer

12 . T. Weir 13.T. Gigas 14. A . Goates 15. G . Harris 16. J. Heffernan 17. D. Horsburgh 18. A . Horsburgh 19. S. Karunaseewa 20 .P. Kuklych 21 . M . Lourds 22 . J. Manalokasis 23 . S. MacBean 24 . G Murdoch 25. P. Ostrum 26 . S. Porter 27. W. Taylor 28 . D. Reeves 29 . A . Vincent







BLOODS Coach : B . Jaric k 1 . P. Ellis 2 .M .Cadman 3. R . McAsey 4, P Green e

5 P Gayno r 6 C. Hutchinson (C) 7. H . Iliopoulos 8. S . Curtis 9, D. Stoc k 10 . B Jarick (Coach) 11 . R Ellam

12 . C. McDonnell (VC) 13 . P. Bainbridg e 14, R . Howard 15 J . Nanovich 16 B . Risely 17 .D Legge 18 . S. Powel l

19, B . McDonnell 20. P. Neylan 21 . D. Rust 22 N . Stevenson 23. D. Thomas 24. N Van

25. J. Grant 26 S . Smith (DVC) 27, D. Wilts 28 G . Hart 29. S Tressider 30. J Rowbottom 31 . P Amarant 32.K Shannon 33. M . Turner 34.C McAsey

1 D . Joyc e 2 A . Alexandrou (C) 3 B Tchcakeria n

4 . T. Balderanos 5 N . Lambrinos Z N . Lambrinos 8 . A . Karveli s 9. N . Alexandrou (VC) 13. M . Zuegn 14. A . Williams 17. H . Yiannakis 19. G . Kantarias 20 .S.Bond 21 . P. Bourlotos 22, A. Cowan (VC) 23 . C, Emmanouel 26 . P. Poulopoulos 27. K. Smith

29 C, Lording 30 . J . Hatzidakis 31 A . Giannakis 32, G . Bellamy 33, J . Kyparisis 34 D, Kirwan 35 P Anderson 36, J . Mellas 39. G. Balderanos 40 F. Giannakis 43. M . Herbert 44 J. Vasi l 45. C. Podandi s



Coach : Ch ri s Ladd s 2. J. Wood 4 J, Robertson 6. Whitehead 25.S O'Leary 27, M Reed 30. R. Wilson 31 .C . Lan e 33 T. Johnston 35 N . De Rated 40. G . Powell 41 . R . Stewart 42,P Flockar t 44. A, Kirkwood-Scott 47 R Dobson 52 M . White 55. C.Ladds 56.B. Ladds 5T G . Taylo r 61, D. McCrimmon 62 . A . Johnston 63. M . Bride 64. D Kretchmer

Coach: Greg Furlon g 4. M . Deayto n 5, S. Costantino (DVC) 6 S. Corcoran 7.J.Ladson 8. T Cantwell 9 . A . Rachelle 10, D. Owen s 11 . S. Coppins (DVC) 12, G . Matheson 13.S .Ham 14.J.Sheehan 16, W. Chariton (VC) 17. J Brodie 18.M Dunsmore(DVC) 19, S . McCrees y 21 . G . Caster 22 . C. Suttie 23 . M . Janson 24 . M .Zannon 25 . D. Kelly 26 . C . Frerker 28 .G .Thomas 29 . A . lorlano 30 Z . Monroe 31, D . Higgins (Capt) 31 P. Liddell

Coach : Danny Wai n 2 . S . Palamara 3. S. Campbell 4. D . Carr (VC) 5. S. Bateman 7.P Deega n

8. A . McCormack 12 . A . Wilk s 14 . R . Murray 16 . D. Cox 17. T. Tsiauis 20.C .Hearn 21 . J . Dicintio 22 . S. McDonald 23. M . Sayers 25. L . Phillips 28. G . Noone 30. B. Carr

31, 1 . Nei l

33. N . Wareham 34. C. Emery 36. S . Anderson 37. N . Collins 38. A . Green 39.R .Bourbon 40. M. Birch 41, P. Sharp 43. A. Chilcott 44 . G . Smith 45. G . Rogers 46.S .Grady 48. D Wain (Capt) 49. M . Fitzpatrick 50. T. Halla m 51 . N . Robinson 53. J. Wilkson 54, R . Uren 55.D.Brennan 56.R .Sehgo 57. M . Jackson 58. M. McKdtne 59.G .Daubeny 60. A . Willis 61 .J .Kennedy 62. P. Chalker 63. R . Jennings 64. A . Bright 65, M. Blast 66. Scott Bray 67.R .Charman 68. T. Noonan 69. S . Kerr 70. D. Roach 71 . P Steinfort 72. C . Dalgleish 73 . K. VanDerHilst 74 . M . Brigh t

75. T. Hadfield 76. J . Cincotta 77. Steve Bray 78. J . Boyl e MAJORSPONSO R

TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial • Domestic • Commercial

558 5255

MONASH GRYPHONS Coach : Crai g Robinson 1 . W. Spensley 2 . N. Marvin 3. L . Wapling 4. C. Robinson 5. A . La Cava 6. J. Dukes 7. S . Ogilvie 8, B. Kosmer 9. S . Olive 10. B . Searle 1L S. Bloom 12, M . Walsh 13 . B . Prendergast 14 . M . Morrow 15 . M . Campbell 1& 0 Anderson 17. M . Kilner 18. A . O'Brien 19. M . Hall 20. J. Anderson 21 . D. Gravina 22 . C . Barker 23 . L . Baker 24- T. Prendergast 25, T. William s 26. M . Luncar 2T B. Duncan 28. C. Robertson 30. D. Grabau 35. V. Rya n 44 . S, Hogan 45 . C. O'Brien 49 . J . Hotton 69 . D. Adam s

ST. KEVIN'S Coach : Tim Corrigan 1 . T. Arnol d 2 . P. Cantone 3 . P. Civitella 4 . T Corrigan 5 . R . Davey 6. R . Douglas 7 . M . Durrant 8 . J . Freeman

9 . S . Haidamous 10. S. Kazi 11, G . Long 12- P Lon g 13. D. McDonald 14. J. McDonald 15 B . Millar 16, A . Nanfra 17. C. Nolan 18. C . O'Keefe 19. M . Shaw 20. M . Sheehy 21 . C . Wiggins 22. D . Gil l 23. R Gill

24. A. McLaughlan 25. B. Barclay 26. B. O'Brien 27. J. Sweeney 28. M . McCol l

MONASH WHITES 1,T. Dionyssopoulos 2. A, Bainbridg e 3 J. Young 4. M . Petrescu 5. P. King 6.G .Bunshaw 7. P. Edwards 8. T. Gualano 9. A . Rezauskis 10, J . Donnelly 11 . D. Gemmola 12 . R . O'Nei l 13, B. Kenny 14 . R .Treverton 15.D .Sinn 16 . D. Graham 18 . S. Terry

19 . D . Foster 20. G . Leech 21 . W. Farley 22. A . Par k 23. G . Shaw-Stuart 24 . B . Ninni s 25. D. Rowley 26. M . Kotsanis (Capt) 27. J. Fox 28 . S_ Pogue 29 . M . Fleming 31 . M . Young 32 . P. Seidel 33 .D.Snadden 34 . P Jone s 35, A . Kowanyko 36. S. Warner 37.P.Dawson 38 . J . Conquest 39 . G, Coutts 40 . C . Jeffers 41 . K. Lakusa 42 . M . Skarkey 44 . N . Paine 45 .T Shaw 46 . B. Lloyd 47. S . Dods 50 . G . Coutts 55 . M . Car r 63 . P. Kevekordes 72 . G . Sammells 75 . B . Muhktar 77. J . Salvatore 99 . A . Wilson


LLE A O.C. l






TRI-GLOBA L Tpn a WSt .t:tatx,E 419-0141


ST. KILDA C.B .O.C. Coach: Ralf McCueeda 1 . M . Nicklasen 2 . A. Barnar d 3 . J . Howard 4, B . Boyd 5 . M . Gillan 6 . P. Degering 7. C . Capiron 8 . G . Baker 9 . P. White 10. P Buzza 11 . A. Gailey 12 . M . Raher 13. P. Susovich 14.S. Mooney 15.F. Buckley 16. G . McAllister 17. C. Battershill 18. A . Fitzsimon 19. M . Kin g

20 . A . Riddell 21 . S. Degering 22 . P. O'Sullivan 23 . J . Pasara 24. C . Gray 25 . M . Murrihy 26 .A .Joyce 27. R . Storai 28 .A . Woodward 29 . I . Hammam 30 . D. LaFontaine 31 . P. Sherman 32, M. Fawa z 33 . N . Anderson 34. G . Kerian 35 . B . Mance 36 . J . Parsonage 37. J . Kolokossian 38 . S. Wood 39. J. Otto 40 . G . Sossa 41 . G . Rosenberg 42 P. Keria n 43. M . Schnellrider 44 M . Howard

45 P Trabinger 46. D. Capellar, 47. G . Hofer t 48. M . Broadhead 49, M . Rogers 50. P. Rogers 51 . M . CrerJlin 52 . T. Pearl 53, S. Morgan 54 .S .Chapman 55 J, Fletcher 56 . A, Presnell 57 D Dunlevi e 58 . J Galanopolous 59 .G . Josep h 60 . S . Harris 61 .R . Pope 62 . B. Kelly 63 . B . Capetian 64 . M . Boyd 65 . I . Richards 66 J Ryan 67. M . O'Sullivan 68 . B .Jackson 69 . J . Price 70.J . Rush 71 . R . Rafts 72 . A. McGaw 73 J Ryan 74 B. Derham 75 . C. Hickey 76. A . Liddell 77. C . Hussey 78 . M . Gleeson 79. M . Goble 80,B .Hawker 81 . G . Hawker 82.D .Langdon 83. R. Grant 84 . M. Driscoll 85 G, Saad

F Section


P Founded 190 6

ANZ BANK Senior Coach : Tony Kennedy Reserves Coach : Graham Anstis 1 . S . Duke 2, A. Kennedy 3 . G . Skei n 4 . P. Cummins (DVC) 5, L . McLeo d 6. P. Marshall 7. T. Ree d 8. C . Riley 9. E. Nicolosi (VC ) 10. H . Birkenfield (C-Res) 11 . M . Sanell i 12 . G . Larkin 13. W. Lassiett 14. M . Szeitz 15 . V. Bourke 16 . P. Knight 17 . 0. Morros 18. P. Boyle 19. N . Pastras 20 . R . Koegler 21 .P.Shoppee 22 . A . Sor e 23. A. Bennett (DVC-Res) 24. D. Rivallano 25. J. McDonald (C) 26. C. Eldridge 27. D. Kilmartin 28 .P. Dawson 29 . G . Walkley 30 .S .Vergos 31 . T. Harbinson 32. M . Farrell 33. J. Shei l 34. R . Morelli

35. M . Birrell (VC-Res) 36. W.Duscher 37, M . Sweeney 38 . S. Pastras 39 . G . Downs 40 . B, Fernandez 41 . P. Ganley 42. I. Warre n 44. R . McDonald 45. B. Holland 50. S. Granland 52 . B. Dickens 55 . T. Brain 58.S .Byrne 60. N . Wals h 63. M . Xuereb 65. R . Ely

BORONIA PARK Senior Coach : Peter Martin Rese rves Coach : Chris Challis 1 . M . Nicolson 2 . D. Weinlich 3 S. Nicolson 4 . Allen Carew

5. G . Hincksma n

6. Daryl Harper (Capt) 7. D . Monish (VC ) 8 . D. Bates 9 . S . Carew 10 M . Hawken 11 . I . Cooksey 72 . W. Briant 13. S . Brown 14. M. Poun d

15. D. McDowell 16. R . Van Buul 17. N . Borlhwick 18 . D. Featonby 19 . R . Luiyf 20. R. Walter 21 . M . Pittonno 22 . G . Breed 23 M . Neal 24. M . Mitchell 25 C. Challis (Capt-Res) 26. G . Christoforou 27. Philip Martin 28. J. Brown 29 . T. Lowry 30 . A . Nicolson 31 . D. Paulka 32. Peter Martin 33. S . Whit e 34. B . Hine 35. S. Wheeler 36 . G . Coath 37. D. Anstee 38. T. Wright 39. G . Bates 40 K . Paulka 41 E . Joyce 42 . S. Chariton 43 . P. Matovic 44S.Borthwick 45 . G . Nilsen 48. N . Baldini 50. R . Dean

ELSTERNWICK 1 . L . Murphy 2 . S . Bean 3 . J . Eklom 4 . C . Farrington 5 . S. Bell 6. M . Lloyd 7. M . Spink 8. R . Stafford 9. A . O'Conno r 10. J. Blennerhasssett 11 . P. Mahony 11a. P. Bolte 12 .J .O'Mahoney 13 . A . Guinane 14 . Albert Conlin 15. L . McCooke 16. A. Abrahams 17. J . Ward

18. P. Harris 19. P. Ritchie 20. P. Southall 21 . W. Nicholson 22 . L . McGregor 23. N . Christie 24, D. Conlin 25 .J . O'Connor 26. D. Mahony 26a. R . McIntyre 27. D. Nola n 28. B. Hill 29. R . Passante 30. S. Quir k 31 . R . Bulluss 32 . R . Eklom 33 . J . Schul z 34. Adrian Contin 35. D . Osborne 36. R . Port 37. G . Marshall 38 . B . Hammer 39 . M . Barber 40 . M . Daniels 41, S. McLennan 42. B. Jackson 43. A. Hankin 44. C. Walker 45. R. Grandemange 46. N . Taylo r 47. B. Phelan 48 . P. Stankovich 49 . S. Attar d 50. C. Crawford 51 . R . Torrance 52 . C . Tsaloumas 53. A . Parks SPONSORED BY F f`,lljr1

OLD CAREY senior Coac h Ricky Daniels Rese rves Coach: Gil Huckstepp 1 . L . Hopkin s 2 . C. Hickey (VC) 3 . N. Chipp 4 . R . Cutlack 5. R. Daniels (C/C) 6. H. Hughe s 7. R. Evans 8. G . Brown 9. S. Macrae 10. K. Shrives it . M . Hoyle 12 . W. Ballagh 13 .A .Cope 14 . C . Bryan (DVC) 15. C. Hughes 16. M . Jones 17. C. McWilliam 18. J. Sgarioto 19. G . Berti

20 . J . Raft 21 . B . Dunshea 22. J . Hands 23. R . Stockman 24. S. Brown 25. M . Harris 26. J . McQuie 27. S . Neate 28,R Nance 29. V. Occhipinti 30. A . Drever 31 . C. Ruddle 32 . S . Patterson 33 . P Harris 34 . G . Earney 35 . P. Gittins 36. M . Ker r 37. D . Llewellyn 38. G . Huckstepp 39. P. Bennett 40, R . Bartlett 41, M . Graham 42 . S . Ustick 43 . V. James 44 . B . Oliver 45.L .Strachan 46. A. Kanis 47 . G . Skene 48. J. Cope 49. M . Ward 50 . J . Thomas 51 . D . Pitts 52.R Pang 53. D. Wright 54. G . Wilson 55. D. McCleer y 5& A . Thorne 57. N . Collyer 59, R . Tape 63 . T. Styles 64 . N . Morgan 65.D.DAdam 77.J .Keeble




UNIVERSITY REDS U.H .S.O.B . RICHMOND CENTRA L senior Coach : Mark Bestow Reserves Coach : Dennis Ricketts 1 . G . Paras 2. M . Alevras 3 . W. Lon g 4 . D. Shannon 5. C . Miranda (VC-Res) 6. S. Pickett 7. R. Peatling 8 . J . Agorakis 10. S . Peatlin g 11 . D. Ricketts (C/C-Res) 12 . M . Luttgen s 13. P. Warton 14. C. Shannon 15. I . Lang 16. B. Simmonds 17. D. Sand o 18. M Venaskie (DVC-Res) 19. D. Asschert 20 . G . Dorme r 21 . K. Davis (DVC-Res) 22 . C. Kenned y

23 . M . Fund a

24 . M . Bestow (C/C) 25 . D. Egerton 26 . R . De Santis 27. R. Sutherland (DVC) 28 . B. Park 29. D. Jiggins (VC) 30 . S. Fenton 32 . A. LeSueur 33 . J . Fawcett 34 . D. Hol t 35 . P. Conway 36 . B. Young 37. S. Peters 38 . D. Gibson 39 . J . Donazzon 40, K . Bowen 41 . M . Sutherland 42. S. Gloufchev 43 . C. Johnson-Clark 44 . P. Sando 45. A . Glanz 46 , C. Johannsen 47. V. Jarrett 48. J . Hughes 49 . D. Gibson 50. J . Redfern 51 . M. Sungalis 52. M . Pickett 53. R . Jiggins 54. B. Healey 55. M . Wood 56. L. Black 57. D. Blampied 5& R . Gadsden 62. L . Forth 73. M. Warto n DOWNARD PICKFORDS A World of Experienc e TRAINOR & SONS TROPHIES 289 Flinders Lan e 654 8361 CAIRNS SOUTH BALACLAVA F.C.

SALESIAN OL D COLLEGIANS Senior Coach: Chris Pecora Reserves Coach : Des Perkins 2 . M . Castaldi 3 . S. Anastasi 5 . M Canavan 6. M . Clarke 7. G . Caspan 8. D . Sutherland 9. N . Gibbons 10. D. Oliver 12. A . Gaspari 13. I . Bobetic 14 . P. Schembri 15. P. Forbes 16. A. Chiappini 17. M . Forbes 18 . S. Sinclair 19 . S. Carfora 20. A . Seager 21 . A. Perna 22. M . Power 23. M. Clohesy (VC) 24. R. Cincotta 25. M. Pradel 26. P. Miller 27. A . Mandile 28. M. Byrne 29. A. Healey 30. D. Lawton 31 . P. McKnight 32. B. Quinn 33 . J . Garafolo 34 . A. Grace 35. C. Zoi s 36. A. Stevens 37.J. Brennan 38 . P. Barry 39 . G . Stoffaridis 40 . D. Ramsdale 41 . J. Gooden 42 . J . Ebinger 43 . M . Tassone 44. C . Hun t 45. J. Quirk 46. M . Bourke (Capt) 47. P. King 48- P Rossi 49. D. Scotti 52 . S . Brownhill 55. G . Agapitos 57. R . Thompson 60. S. Shelley 62_ D. Perkins

ST. PATRICK'S ME NTON E Senior Coach : Mark Bowden Reserves Coach: Peter Fatouros 1 . A. Cam m 2 . P. Morrow 3. C . Duggan 4.P.Lewis 5. P. Emmerson 6. A . Davis (DVC) 7. P. Kingsbury 8. R . Lister 9. P. Emmett 10. P. Barry 11 . P. Fatouros (C-Res) 12. M . Henso n 13. S . Scanlan 14 . G . Houlihan 15. J . Mackay 16. B. Piper 17. W. Mackay 18. T. Sullivan 19. C. Stevens 20. M . Bowden (C) 21 . T. Razg a 22 . P. Murphy 23. D . Murphy 24. M . DiPill a 25. W. Leonard (VC) 26. M . Mulcah y 27. D. Seedsman 28. M . O'Brien 29. S. Adams 30. M . Noonan 31 . J. Bailey 32 . S . Oliver 33. D. Andrew 34. D. Sheehan 35. H . Kellett (DVC-Res) 36. M . Gibbins 37. T. Symons (VC-Res) 38. M . Crawford 39. J. Wright 40. D. Nicholls 41 . S . Bailey 42 . M. Houlihan 43. V. Carter 45. N . Saunderson 46 . J . Mulholland 47. B. Kellett 48 . M . Dix 49 . G. Wolter 50. A . Ladds 51 . A . Walsh 52 . M . Sheehan 53 . D. Noonan 54 .R . Duncan 55 . B . Capuano 56 . B . Moloney 57. L. McDonald 58 . D. Dickson 59 . R . Schmidt 60 . M . Walsh 61 . D. Halloran 62 . D. Borg 63 . P. Symons 64 . R . De Vos 65 . P. Tully 66 . P. Stevenson 67. Capuano G. 68 . C. Li m 69 . D. Horler 70 . M . Wise

Senior Coach: Ross Higgins Reserves Coach : Paul Hooper 1 . A. Flavel 2. R . Higgins 3. G . Smit h 4. S . Freeman 5. S . Shone 6. S . Smit h 7. C. Skinns 8. T. Hallifax 9. R. Smith 10 . P Burns 11 . R . Burns 12 . G . Bales 12 . C. Arnol (Res) 13 . P. McLea n 14 . D. Regan 15 . M . Davidson 16 . D. Cresswell 17. B. Rothwell 18 . P. Hooper 19 . G . Mazza 20. T. Trantino 21 . M . Grant 22 . D. Bennett 23. I . Cleary 24. A . Kountios 25. G . Allan 26. C. Gamble 27. K . Strahan 28. M . Rothwell 29. A . Haseloff 30. S. Epifano 31 . D. Watt 32 . D. Bunn 33. S. Wright 34. J. Palmer 35. B. Lugg 36. R . Clements 37. P Kem p 38. A . Boyce 39. M . Herrmann 40. A . Sawchyn 41 . S . O'Halloran 42 . D. Wallace (Capt) 43. L. Mastrosavas 44. P. Veseta s 45. C. Lightfoot 46. M . Roberts 47. R . Drane 47. L . Keatiner (Res) 48. B. Hudd 49. G . O'Bryan 50. J. Marzico 52 . J . Forest 53 . P. Shanahan 55 . P. Holmes 56 . R . Hillgrove 57. A . Morris 58 . D. Ross 59 . A . Ferguson 69 . S. Williamson 71 . A . Diflorio 74. K. Bishop 75 . B . Tune

Senior Coach : Graham Burgen Assistant Coach: Shane Ryles Reserves Coach: Leo Dynes 1 . G . Burgen (Coach) 2 . G . Schiavo 3 . D. Fosse 4 . S. Maus 5 .P. Barone 6 . G. Newing 7. G . Coburn 8 . B. Klau 9 . S. Katsiamakis 10. D. Cahir 11 . R . Smith

12. W. Simpson 13. J. Grassby 14. E . Suigeest 15. G . Ricci o 16. J. DeAngelis 17. L . Auffray 18. M . Moran 19. T. Carty 20. G. Cook 21 . N . Capp 22 . R. Smith 23 . B . Condon (Capt) 24 . A . White 25. S. Jackson 26. M . Urban 27. S . Ryles (Ass . Coach) 28. S. Baroane 29. G .DuChateau 30. M . Jelnic 31. R . Zapelli 32. C. Teha n 33. L . Dynes (Res . Coach) 34. M. Edgley 35. D. Goldberg 36. F. Salzano 37. C. Mizi s 38. T. Bell 39. S . Salzano 40. D. Delaho y 41 . M . Angelodemou 42. M . Priest 43. G . Lambourne 44. P. White 45. R. Sjogren 46. P. Heaphy 47. A . Saint 48. P. Hutchings 49. G . Gretch 50. W. Beacom 51 . I . Mezalira 52. D. Kane 53. D. Holland 54. M, Ros s 56. I . Marcantonio 57. J . Doyle 58. G . Molnoey 59. S . Merrigan 60. D. Shaw 64. J . Cavalli n 65. G . Christopalous 66. P. McCormack 69. A. Sheridan

96. F. Godschan

A Section OLD HAILEYBURY Senior Coach : Simon Meehan Rese rve Coach :

COLLEGIANS Senior Coach : Leig h Carlson Ass. Senior Coach : Stephen Mount Reserves Coach : Chris Warner Ass. Reserves Coach : John Farmer 1 . S . Williams 2 . D. Hoyl e 3. B . Woolhouse 4. S. Laussen 5 . D. Greeves 6 . A. Ingleton 7. C. Higson 8. C. Pollock 9. S . Mount 10 . C. Warner 11 . W. Daly 12 . M . Conron 13. N . Mila t 14. R. Schober (VC) 15. D. Marin o 16 A . Wallace (VC) 17, A . McGibbon (VC-Res) 18. J. Bennet (Capt) 19. P. Scott 20. M . Whittaker 21 . I . Robert . G. Parsons s2 23. A. Wright 24.D.Ramshaw 25. S. Fraser 26. H . Stephens 27. R. Brown 28 . S. Blackman 29 . A . Kenneally 30. M . Galbraith (VC) 31 .S.Lie 32. S. Bowtell 33. G . Irvine 34, R . Happell 35. P. Dickson 36. N . Pike (Capt-Res) 37. C. Coyne 38. C . Manuell 39.B .Jones 40. A . Lord 41 . D. Stubbs 42 . L . Griffin 43 . M . Foard 44 . D. Parkin 45. P. Harry 46. A . Mitchell 48. J. Lemon 49. G. Kenneally 50 . B . Jefferson 51 . P Baxter 52 . P. Wolff 59. R . Lancaster (DVC-Res 61 . R . Oliphant 66. G . Oakley 69. M . Burgess 75. N . Proctor

Roger Gamy

DE LA SALLE OLD COLLEGIANS Senior Coach : Be rn ard Dunn Reserves Coach : Len Hannah 1 . G . Borg 2. B. Mahony 3. A . Phillips 4. M . Edmonds 5. N . Fraser 6. P. Gree n 7. C. McClounan 8. C . Wright 9. C . Campbell 10. D. Tessier 11 . R. Prezens 12 . D.Toohey 13. P. Beddoe 14. A . Rogers 15. G . Hynes 16 . B . McGee 17. P. Gree n 18 . A. Scott 19 . N . Vanderplight 20. P. O'Brie n 21 . A . Klarica 22 . S . Hunter 23 . M . O'Callaghan 24 . M . Lowe 26. P. Wyles 27. D . Kinsella 28. M . Knuppel 30. P. Rennie 32 .G .Sheedy 33. P. Rennie 34. J . Tully 35 . A . Macintosh 36 . C . Swift 37.A.Ronchi 38 . 5. Rud d 39 . G . Sharrock 40 . P. Waldron 41 . K . Mullin s 44. L . Vanderplight 46. M . Hega n 48. A . Banks 50. P Mannix 52 . S . Harrison 54. P. Fiume 55 . P. Dwyer 56. M Kruger 57. G. Curran 64 . B . Byrn e


MARCELLIN Snr . Coach : N . Le Lievre Reserv es Coach : A. Paatsch 1 . A. Paatsch 2 . T . Day 4 . C . Carr 6 . G . Petroff 7 . M . Dillon 8. M . Amad 10. A . Gallagher 11 . C . Slattery 12 . N . Bourke 13 . M . Stapleton 14 . D . Howe 15 . J . Seabury 16 . G . Wooler 17 . M . Getson (Capt) 18 . A . Caffr y 19 . M . Delahunt 20. S. O'Flynn 22. T. O'Hehir 24. A . Hewitt 26. D. O'Callaghan 27. R . Gross 28 . C. Maso n 30 . A. Bendoricchio 31 . i . Patterson 32 . A. McIntosh 33 .A.Treganowan R..4 L . Getson 35 . J . Pappas 36,G . Walsh 37. T .J . Slattery 38. M . Chun 39. C . Castagna 40 . D. Cooper 41 . S . Duc k 42 . A. Duncan 43 . N . Duncan 44 . P. McIntyre 45 . P. Randall 46, J . Golds 47 . T. Buhagair 48. D . Bromage 49. S. Mangan 50 . S . Kolednik 51 . T. Mahon 52 . T. Smith 53 . T . Slattery 54 . N . Menzies 55. S . Beattie 56. Jeremy Golds 57 . B. Day 58.S . Boysen 59. K . Robinson 60. S. Watson 61 . M . Bushell 62. M . Szakacs 63 . J . Kann 64 . M . Rozenboom 75 . J . Dinneen

NORTH OLD BOY S Senior Coach: Robe rt Hyde Reserves Coach: Jim Marchbank 1 . A. Egan 2 . T . Jones 3 . D . Martin 5 . M . Schmidt 6. A . Cahill 7. P. Booth 8. F. Muto 9. S . Brazil 10 . B . Hanlon 11 . S . Hoffman 12 . J . Tierney 13 . B. Curulli

14 . 0 . Abrahams 15 . P. Kearney 16. M . Hadley 17. M . Boyd 19. P . Considine 21 . D. Baker 22. N . Goodear 23 . C. Alevras 24 . P . Curtin 25 . D. Cerini 26 .S . Hibbert 27 . R. Atkinson 28 . N . Garnham 29 . P. Daniel 30 . M . Lynch 31 . L. Boyl e 32. G. Phyland 33 . S. O'Brien 34 . B . Conti 35 . M . Fennelly 36 . P . McMenamin 37 . J . Zumbo 38 . K. Scott 39 . B. Sheehan 40 . 1 . Turnbull 41 . P. Dwyer 42 . C . Horn 43. G. Irvine 44 . B . Girolami 45 . M . Devine 46 . N. Cuinane 47 . J . Wiggins 48 . A. Rolls 49 . J . Mcllroy 50 . B. Devine 51 . J . Cahill 52 . D . Goodear 53. S. Biscaro 54. A . Trimboli 55. S . Zocco 56 . T. Siluca 57 . B . Allman 58, T . Keogh 59 . J . Hatzi 60 . L . Nandella 62 . B . Cruickshank 67 .S .Bevanda

. Baxter (1) 11. A A. Wigg (2) 2 . D . Connell (1) 2 . J. Wood (2) 3 . N . Schmid t

4 . C .G . McKenzie (1) 4. D . Craig (2) 5. F . Mai n 6. W. Smith (1 )

B. P . Robinson (2) 7. D. Merrett 8 . M . Orton 9 . Bugalski (1) 9 . B. Herbert (2) 10 . P . Bennett 11 . C . Kraus(1) 11 . J . Rae (2) 12 . D .P. Seccull 13. B . Carty 14. A . Phillips 15. D. Scaunich 16 . E . Bingham 17 . W .D . Cox (1) 17 . W . Cox (2) 18 . M. Constable 19 . R.D. Gerny 20 . A .W . Sher 21 . A . Walden 22. M . Fisher (1) 22. P . Wigg (2) 23. P .J . Noske 24 . D. Williams (1) 24 . R . Lavender (2) 25 . M . Colston (1) 25 . S . O'Leary (2) 26 . S . Melican

27 . C . Dunn (1 ) 27 . H . Broadbent (2) 28 . S.G. Meehan (Capt) 29. D . Ray 30. A . McGorlick 31 . B . Main 32.A .Roberts 33 . G . Tanner (1) 33 . W. Caspers (2) 34 . R. Home 36 . M. Armstrong 37 . C . Taranto 38 . D . Cotton 39 . B . Steenholdt 40. M . Lak e 41 . R . Plecher 45, T. Doran 46. B . Dowling 48 . P .G . Merrell 60 . AS . Armitag e

THE Sw4,4a 'S HAT

ORMOND OLD MELB llFitd IA PdS Senior Coach: Alan Stoneham Rese rves Coach : Guy Nelson 1. A . W:tts 2 . S. Hunt 31 J . Nichols (VC) 4, N . Wright

5 .N . Boyden 6 .R .Dery 7 .C . Thompson 8 . J . Keebl e

9 . D . Coroner 10 .A .Joyce 11 . B . Murphy 12 .G.Borton 13 . S. Ros e 14 . S. Bardsley

1& D, Phillips 16. P . Wood IT M . Rose

18. W . Ward-Ambler 19. M .Daddo 20. A. Salek 21 . T. Wertheimer (Res-VC) 22 .1 . Mackay 23 A . With; (Capt) 24 . D. Wilson 25. R . Nelson (Res-Capt) 27 . C. Bryan 28. C. Terrill 29. R, Meade 30. C. Elstoft 31 . S . Frazer 32. R . Webb (DVC) 33. G Dixo n 34. C. Anastasakis 35. M . Hibbins 36.S .Newman 37- G, Curti s 38. M . Naylor

39, A. Holt 40. M . Blood

41 . P . MacDonald 42. E . Smithers 43. P . Birrel l 44. J . Harty 45.Z .Usemov 46. P . Sinn 47. A. Tymms 48. A.C . Smith 49.T . Stuckey 50. B. Cook 51 . W. Ward 52 . D . Dowling 53 . C. Kopa 54. A. Wilson 55 . R. Cameron 56 . M . Wilkenson 57 . H . Dautevic

58- A. Sutton 60. J. Walmsley

61 . J. Shelton 62 . A. Geogiani 63 . D . Perkins 64 . S . Burge 65 .J .Cunnack 66. P. Tsiampas 67. D. MacDonald 68 . S . Conlan 69. P. Jos t 70. R. Williams 71 .K. Daddo 72 .S. Hargreaves 73 . T . Hogg 74 . D . McGuiness 75 . P. Harris 76 R. Gee 77 . J . Jarvis 78 .J .VanHecke 79 . J . McConnel l

OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach : Peter Sherwen Reserves Coach: John Coidham 1 . E . Allen 2 . S . Reddish 3 . R. Lloy d 4, R. Fuller (Capt) 5 . A. Aston 6 . D . Hooper 7 . A . Lloyd 8 . J . Laird 9 . R . Auiard 10 . J . Kerr 11 . D . Stanton 12 . M. Veselik 13 . N . Hooper 14 . A . Chambers 15 . D . McCall 16 . N . Trib e 17 . R . McLeish 18 . R . Macmillan 19 . S. Glasscott 20 . R . Hume 21 . S. Gibb s 22 . S. Rodwell 23 . A . Millar 24 . R . Emmett 25. G . Eagle 26. A . Hart 27 . C . Winneke 28. G. Jackson 29. A . Price 30. F. Kiel 31 . A . Smith (VC) 32. G. Stokes 33. G. Mahon 34 . J . Wes t 35. B . Steele 36. C . Hunter 37. J . Sinclair 38. M . Mall 39. R . Steele 40. P . Brown 41 . J . Hart 42 . S . Twill 43 . R . Austin 44 . W. Allen 45 . B . Cai n

46 . B . Shepherd 47 . N. Hart 48 . R . Petty 49 . A. Cowper 50 . Wigney 51 . M . Steele 52 . J . Russell 53 . C. Billing 54 .R.Hodges 55 . D. Kay 56 .G . Bennett 57 . Sunderland 58 . T . Byrne 59 . T . Hart 60 . B. Crump 61 . N. Howell 62 . M . McGregor 63 . A. Stubbs 64 . G . Woodhouse 65 . K. Richards 66 . R. Williamson

Senior Coach: M ichael McCa rt hy Assistant Coach: Geoff Reilley 1 . B . Burde n 2. P . Schuhkraft 3 . T. Boyanton 4. R . Barnes 5. D. McDonald 6 . A . Best 7 . B . Connell 8. M . Gilmore 9 . S . Grac e 10 . M . McDonald 11 . R . Strahan 12, N . Sabo

13 . P . Kingston 14 . S . Samild 15 . M . McConvill 16 . M . Brown 17 . J . Clarkson 18 . P . Turley 19 . A. Jobling 20 . Darren Wood 21 . S . Cartoon 22 . M. Stone 23 . P . McDonald 24 . S . McCooke 25 . P . Forsyth 26 . C . Clarke 27 . T . Hille 28 . B. Collins 29 . G . Petering 30 . D . Roth 31 . G . Stewart 32 . B. Madden 33 . A. Roe 34 . G . Russell 35 . A. Grace 36 . T . Stewart 37 . A. Orr 38 . P . Milner 39 . R. Nankivell 40 . D . Edgell 41 . R . Oaten 42 . D . Robertson 43 . P. Harrington 44 . A. Fitzgerald 45 . R . Singleton 46 . M . Hayes 47, N . Cod y 48 . R . Burgess 49 . D . Hansen 50 . S. Harrold 51 . C . Thomas 52, A . Connolly 53 . S. Gribble 54 . J . McDavitt 55 . B . Egan 56. J . Gilliam 57 . G . Fisher 58. S. Morgan 59. M . Broadbent 60. S. Morgans 61 . J . Bol t MAJOR SPONSOR



Senior Coach : Tony Crotty AssistantCoac h : Terry Quinn Reserves Coach : D . Baden 1. G. Biddlestsone (VC) 2. J. Zanetti 2. J. Sandman 3. J . Toohey 4. J . Schembri 5. S . Ramsay (C) 6. T. Quin n 7. P. Jones 8. S . O'Brien 8. J. Serratore 9. M . Grocock 10 . R . Egglestone 11 . S. Bannister 12 . S . Seymour 13 . M . Bosanko 14 . J . Reddick (DVC) 15 . P. McCann 16 . M . Goodwi n 17. R . Lyons (Res-Capt) 18 .B .Carter 19 . A . Ratcliffe 20. R . Gunston 21 . M . Fitzpatrick 22 . J . Gallagher 22 . M . Devereaux 23. C. Bye 24. G . Falchk 25. M . O'Rourke 26.P Rya n 27. M . Tadinac 28. M . 0'Kearney 29. M . Vaina 30. B. Mielicki 31 . G . Bourke 32 . R . Costello 33. S. McMahon 34. M . Donohue 35. L . Clifton 37. D. Castaldi 38. G . Pinner 40. G . Gentz 41 . M . Crotty 42 .R Ryan 43. A . Whelan 44. J. Vain a 45. M . Petrevski 46. C . Rya n 47. P. Ratcliffe 48. D . Wrigglesworth 50. M . Purcell 51 . R . Moran (VC-Res) 52 . M. O'Connel l 53. S. Gibson 54. J. Blai n 55. M . Jacobson 57. D . O'Sullivan 88. P. Murphy

MAJOR SPONSOR Commercial Rd Prahran

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B Section

BANYULE Senior Coach: John Simpaon Reserve Coach : Glen Waite 1 . P Adams 2 . D. Witchell 3. L. Holt 4 . M . Legge 5 . C. Ladd 6 . P. Williams 7. J . Fraumano 8. B. Moloney 9. C. Pyers 10. M . Fraumano 11 . Peter Barnes 12 . P. Broster 13 . A . Short 14 . A. Date 15. S . Gray 16. R. Doherty IT G . Williams 18. J. Turnbull 19. A . Thompson 20 . C. Holst 21 . G. Foster 22. J. Gilham 23. D. Glass 24. W. Ashton 25. M . Power 26. P. Harding 27. J . Allan 28. A . Weston 29. G . Sutterby 30. B. Giilies 31 . T. Ayres 32 . C. West 33 . T. Kearsey 34 . C . Stevens 35 . R . Parry 36. A . Mill 37. D. Gent 38. C. Duncan 39. T. Morgan 40. W. Gibson 41 . R . Cullen 42. D . Taylor 43. T. Benham 44. B. Hogan 45. M . Gilbert 46. S. Howes '.. 47. A. Kelly 48. R . Hogan 49. P. Mayerhoter 50 . M . Phillips 51 . L . McGuinness 52 . S . Coulso n 53 . G . Castledine 54. M. Gray 55. D. Williams 56. P. Healy 57. M . Harte 58. Philip Barnes 59. B. Bowler 60. B. Hobb s


Senior Coach: Richard James Reserves Coach : Keith Tusti n 1 . M. Lord 2 . G . Porte 3. C . Bradley 4. G. Crimmins 5 . B . Irwin 6 . D. Sticca 7. A . Morgan 8 . S. Oliver 9 . A. Peric 10. J. Campion 11 . R . Okalyi . S . Lord . 12 13 . C. Kiriakou 14 . P. Clayton (VC) 15. G . Whit e 16. A. Bowater IT A. Blake 18. N . King 19. R . Barry 20 . D. Stephen 21 . P. Thornely (Capt.) 22 . R . Schobe r 23. R. James 24. R. Smith 25. B. Ryan 27. R . Love 28. L . Donavan 29. A . Barnes 30. O. Greenwood 31 . C. Voight 32 . J. Brassil (Res-Capt) 33. M . Hammond 34 . A. Noonan (Res-VC) 35 . L . Bradley 36. M . Jack 37. C. McLeod 38. H . Tzmentis 39. S . Harrison 40. A. Price 41 . C. Tustin 42 . M . Langton 43. S. Tusti n 44. S. Clayton (Res-VC) 45 . M . Carydis 46. D . Wood 47. P Walsh 48 . M . Peric 49 . R . Macr i 50. G . Bakogiannis 51 . P. Morgan 52 . P. Pedretti 53 . B . Cullen 54. J. Blowfieid 55. S . Quirk 56. C. Hibberd 57. W. Marshall 58. J. Quir k 59. T. Hammerstein 60. J. Kolovos 61 . M . Furlong . J . Whitbread P ro udly sponsored 62 63. P. O'Connor BUNDOORA 65. D . Murray



Macedon Templestowe Dry Cleaners


Harp of Erin Hotel EAST KEW

OLD BRIGHTON Senior Coach : Mark Parker Reserves Coach : Shane Young 1 . C. Smit h 2 . M . McLennan 3. A . Pryor 4. C . Anderson 5 . M . Waddington 6 . M . Allen 7. J. Rya n 8 . S. Fitchett 9. M . Fisher 10. C . Lade 11 . C . Blai r 12 . D. Cochran 14 . J . Bennett 15. R . Crompton 16. M. Hendrie IT A. Rickarby 18. M . Talbot 19. C. Brook 20 . T. Grant 21 . C . James 22 . J. Jacoby 23. M . Shippen 24. L . Rides 25. J. Templeton 27. J . Styles 28. A . Gale 29. P. Latzer 30. R . Phillips 31 . S . Murray 32 . H . Jarvis 33 . R . Hopkins 34 . G . Brown 35 . D. Swan 36. A . Kerr 37. M. Selby 38 . J . Tregaskis 39 . S. Jackson 40 . A . Donlen 41 . S. Duggan 42, N . Hillard 43. R. Wraith 44. A. Brown 45. J. Carnegie 46. R . McKenzie 47. B . Broome 48. C. Haling 49. S. Youn g 50. M . Hutchinson 51 . P. Fitzgerald 55. P. McMahon

OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach: Be rt Calvert Reserves Coach : Paul Hodges 1 . A . Acreman 2.*P. Beynon 3. R. Newman 4. M. Barrett 5. M . Turner 6. V. Sciacca 7. G . Norto n 8. N . MacQuire 9. R . MacQuire (Capt) 10. M . Durac k 11 . D. Solley 12 . T. Appel 13. S. Sharp 14. D. Rogers 15. C . Davis 16. D. Grant 17. C. McKinnon 18. T. Bournon 19 . R . Thompson 20. S . Farrow 21 . C. Ericksen 22 . A. Leaver 23. N . Moodie 24. M . Brooks 25 . S. Willey 26 . B . Scalzo 27. C. Appel 28 . B . Coyle 29. P. Hyland 30. D. Ridley 31 . S. Ingram 32. J . Sl y 33. C. Gardiner 34. D. Holland 35. P. Hodges 36. M . Dew 37. S. Scurria 38. D. Wright 39. R . Beynon 40. M . Osborn 41 . N . Sher 42 . J . Norman 43. C . Best 44. M . Dyer 45 . G . Dickson 46 . A. Petrov 47. J. Konicanin 48. D. Johnson 49. M. Hargreaves 50. C. Funston 51 . N . Daou 52 . T. Scalzo 53. G. Barnes 57. D. Schinzel 58.T Low 59. G. Buxton 60. A . Holland 61 . T. Cowell 62 . B. Trebilcock 68 . G . Gakovic

OLD PARADIANS Senior Coach : " Michael Mulvahill Reserves Coach : Tony Hayes 1 . P. Considine 2 . B . McClements 3. M . Considine (Capt) 4. S. Phil p 5 . G . Powick 6 . J . Geary 7. P. Cosgriff 8. D. Reeve s 9. A . Canavan (VC) 10 . B. Considin e 11 . D. Beck 12 . M. Geary 13 . R . Mills 14. P. Board 15. J . Atta 16. M . Heffernan 17. Michael Vear 18. P. O'Loughlin 19. P. Brabender 20 . P. Pric e 21 . C. Brown 22 . A . Reagan 23 . P. Robertson 24 . D. Stuckey 25. A. Morelli 26. P. Martin 27. N . Kerr 28. P. Shannon 29. P. Zappa 30. F. Gleason 31 . P. Walsh 32 . M . Skerritt 33 . A . Peyton 34 . L. Thomas 35 . J . Steindl 36 . J . Beveridge 37. T. Canavan 38. M . Mullavey 39. P. Nailer 40. M . Price 41 . P. Digney 42. P. Hammond (C-Res) 43. P. Healy 44. J. Constantini 45. P. Henry 46. B. Flyn n 47. R . Aanenson 48. P. Russell 49. J. Tobin 50. J. Mills 51 . P. Reid 52 . C. Ray 53 . D. Geary 54 . Matthew year 55. L . Vea r 56. T. Joyce 57. D. Keenan 58. T. Liv y 59. B. Joyce 60. D. Freeman 61 . J . Elks 62 . D. Casselton 63. C . Henry 64. N . Wayman 65 . S. Vincent 66 . C . Zahra 67. A. Villanti 68 . D. Quigley 69, M . O'Keefe 70 . B . Pannam 71 . W. Bulot 72. A . Reidy

~., PARKSIDE OLD TRINITY GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach : Alan Johnson Asst . Coach: Tom Flower Reserves Coach : Chris Glass 1 . A. Dun n 2 . C. Robiso n 3. A . Allibon (VC) 4. T. Norman 5. D. 0'Shaughnessy(DVC) 6. A . Taylo r 7. R . Forbes 8. R. Beardsley 9. A. Johnson (Capt) 10. A . Parkes 11 . T. Phillips 12 . A. Vize 13. D. Balazsy 14. R . Boxtel 15. T. Pontefract 16. A . Blac k

17. T. Farrell 18. N . Beardsley 19- G . Hudson 20 . T Lob b 21 . S. Drum 22 . P. Robison 23 . J . Adgemis 24 . A . Anderson 25 . E . Borghesi 26 . L. Coleman 27. I . Wallace 28 . G . Harvey 29. I . Frazer 30. C . Anderson 31 . M . Turner 32 . N . Sammut 33. P. Scott 34. A . Curtis 35. A . McAree 36. R . Heath 37. R . Sella 38. R . Philliips 39. J. Hodder 40. M . Beamish 41 . A . Spinks 42. A . Clunning 43. C. Neave 44. A. Turner 45, C. Cooper 46. I . Gelle r

47. G . Harmer 48, D. McCulloch 49 .C.Backman 50. D. Wallace 51 . D. Rogers 52 . A . Smit h 53 . S . Cowley 54 . M . Malizia 55 . D. Pettigrove 56 . D. Ashe 57. M . Adam 58. M . Noughy 59 . B. Davey 60 . A . Daniels 61 . D . McClay 62 . J. J.P Adgem 63. A . Paulet 64. C . Orwin 65. T. Glar e 66. M . Harrison 80. A . Smith

OLD XAVERIAN S 1 . D. Juracich 2. R . Hansen 4 . R . Curtain 5. D. McKay 6. M . Elli s 7. W. Denton 8 . J . Dickson 9 . A . McCorkel l

10. A . Peters 12. T. Stoney . S . Lynch 13 M . Collopy 14. 15. A. McLean 16. L . Meehan 17. J . Dalto n

18, P. O'Sullivan 19. M . Dalton 20. A . Calla n

21 . J. Richardson 22 . R . Visentini 23. T. Devin e 24. J. McKay 25. D. Taylor 26. T. Atkins 27. D. Doolan 28. D. McLean 29. A . Wilson 30. D. Dann 31 . R . Ralph 32. J . Hilbert 33. D. Landrigan 34. J. O'Sullivan 35. C. Mortensen 36. L . Hannebery 37. A . Landrigan 38. M. Holmes 39. J . Mahoney 40. R . Dalto n 41 . A . Dillon 42 . D.Honan 43 . W. Mithen 44 . B . Heaphy 45 . P. Dalton 46 J Kennedy 47. J. Flynn 48, M . Logan 49 . D. Bailey 50 . G . Dalton 51 . P Connors 52 . D. King 53 . A . Klvac 54 . J . Petroff 55 . M . Kelliher 56 . A . Hall

57. M . Fennessy 58. M . Lovelock 59. J . McGrath 60. S. Lovegrove 61 . J. Lowe 62 . R. Salter 63. P. Burke 64.A .Sheehan 65. B. Dethridge 66. D . McInerney 67. G . Horne

68. A . Bourke 69. M . Gibson 70. A . Luxton 71 . M . Williamson 72. C . Ralph

Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach: Marc Bradley 1 . L . Inserra 2 . G . Griffiths 3. F. Sansonetti 4. R . Gard 5. T. Gard 6. A . Stewart 7. G . Yoksich 8. J. Chilcott 9. G . Dunrabbin 10. M . Sturgess 11. M . Hoyne 12. P Colisimo 13 . D. Goodier 14 . M . Sedgwick 15 . J . Papas 16 . K . Jergens 17. C . Freeman 18 . D. Gray 19 . S. Rodwell 20. M . Page 21 . B . Glasgow 22. P Coombe 23. M . Sherlock 24. G . Williams 25. J. Kiriakidis 26. M . Bradley 27. L. Panjari 28. T. Franklin 29. M . Rowe 30. G . Petropoulos 31 . J . King 32. L. Cowell 33 . A. Botta 34 . D. Moodie 35 . G . Panjari 36 . J . Asquini 37. J. Panjari 38 . N . Vincitorio 39 . L . MacNamara 40. B. Inserra 41 . M . Penrose 42 . B. Gaw 43. M . Brown 44. J . Williamson 45. R . Fitzgerald 46. P. Sherlock 47. A. Worrell 48. S. Blackney 49. G. Page 50. B . Irwin 51 . S . Dyer 52, W. Evans 53. M . Corazza 54.S. Locke 55. C . O'Neil l 56. A . Papadimitriou 57. G . Polloc k 58. T. McMurtry 59. A . Stefanile 60. M . Zigomani s

SPONSORS Ferguson Plarre Bakehouses 434-6699 * Grandview Hotel 481 5849 *

P & W Transport 462 248 8 * Heidelberg Mitst;bishi 4581222 *

UNIVERSITY BLACKS Senior Coach: Steven Cerni Reserves Coach :

ST. BERNARDS Senior Coach: Frank Dunell Assistant Coach: Paul Daffey Reserves Coach : John Newbold 1 . M . Sulliva n 2 . P. Fitzgerald 3. J. Law 4. G . Mathewes 5. S . Walsh 6. C. Wood 7.S. Parrett 8. A. Capes 9. G . Wood 10 . J . Federico 11 . P. Capes 12 . D. Godfrey 13 . R . Purcell 14. S. Doran 15. L. Overman 16. F. Dunell 17. W. Carey 18. A . Purcell 19. L. Gollant 20. J . Fraser 21 . C. Mallia 22. M . Mahady 23 . C . Overman 24 . K . Mahady 25. F. Comito 26. J . Gollant 27. A. Nathan 28. P. Morrice 29 . J . Overman 30. B. Mulqueen 31 . C. Bond 32 . P. Runting 33 . M . Mulkearns 34 . J . O'Connell 35 . J . Saundry 36 . P. O'De a 37. M . O'Connell 38 . D. McAllister 39 . A . Vinecombe 40 . S. Byrn e

Mick Shaddock t . M . Woods 2. J . Radford 3 R Grummet 4 A. Gray 5 J. McDonald 6. C McCamish 7.J . Coburn 8 J. Somme-lie 9. 5. Ph,ihpson 10, S. Bromel l

11 . M. McErvale t2 . T Thomas 13, H . O'Neale 14. W. Taylo r t5 G . Anderson t6. 8 Ketla r 17. N Hopkins 18 M . Lagastes 19. P. vaughan 20 S. McMahon 21 . T. Whitehead 22 . S Glover 23, R . Reilley 24 J . Stah 25 . M, Gibney 26 A Bandt 27. S . Stefan 28. S Cheels 29 J . Gray 30. G . Keys 3t C. Past,, 32 N Pappas 33. G . Miller 34. M Giltrap 35. O. Perry 36, M . Hynes 37.A,Hengel 38. A . McArthur 39 N . Adams 40. J. Ganly 41 . M, McLaughlin 42 . G. Wines 43 J. Omlty 44 P Dillon 45 T Purdey 46 B Danielson 47. R . Heath 48,S Wilson 49. S . Cerr n 50. S . Shaddock 51 . G, Robinson 52 . M Bell 53 P Jordan 54. S . Longley 55 B.Jackson 56 R. Barbary 57. A. Heins 58 C Ganly 59. S . Malor 60. A. Merritt 61 . C . Morgan 62. A MacGovsn 63 B. Smith 64 A Stone 65. C. Gamble 66. S. Spmks 67. L . Spetch 68 C. Watson 69 A Batey 70 M . Donovan 71, B Murphy 72 A. Morrison 73. R . Newcombe 74 K, Sammons 75 M . Edmonds 76, A Leon

41 . D. Looker 42 . M . Marshall 43 . A . McCleave 44 . T. Matkov 45 . S. McKnight 46. J . Patterson 47, R. Kennedy 48 . B. Doolan 49. C. Rye

50. A . Walsh 51 . P. Flynn 52 . M . Boucher 53 . R . Doolan 54 . B. Gallaugher 55 . P. Rogerson 56 . D. Brebner 57. S. Denahy 58. H . Tobi n 59. A . Nugent 60. C. Whitehead 61 . J. Dynan 62 . M . Urbaniak 63. P. Wals h 64. M . McNamara 65. S. Millen 66. A. Moodie 67. P O'Connell 78. M . Devers ~

77 T. Leemmg 78C Browne 79 J Bokor 80 A . Burke 81 Costello 82 A Donal d


Parkside Panels 459 8516 I

Coopers & Lybrand chartered accountants

BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach: Ken Baker Reserves Coach: David Keast 1 . G . Clark 2 . S . Drive r 3 . S. Wotherspoon 4 . D. Fitt 5 . M . Agrotis 6. C. Parri s 7 . R Robertson 8. N . Bon e 9. S . Pert 10. P. George it . S. Farley 12. A . Parris 13. J. Mcinnerney 14. D. Matthews 15. P. Faulkner 16. S. Smit h 17. D . Mayne 18 . T. Course 19 . R Nigro 20. J. Kalpakis 21 .D.Hooper 22 . K. Titbaidi 23 . S. Pace 24 . H. Murtic 25 . T. Merrett 26 . It . Minney 27, B. Kelly 28. C. Mutimer 29, P. Bone 30. It. Field 31 . A. Shine 32 . P. Harvey 33. C. McWaters 34.P. Bell 35. M . Osborne 36. A . Bolinko 37. D. Martin 38 .S.Young 39 .C .Young 40 . W. Smith 41 . A. Rozandis 42 . W. Arthur 43. M . Mason 44. J . Rozanitis 45. D. Philpots 46.T.Agosta 47 . D . Agosta 48. D. Frazer 49. S . Espenchied 50. N . Glove r 51 . C. Buse 52 . S . Doggett 53 . N . Wapdall 54 . B . Pascoe 55 . G . Pemberton 56, D, Brennan 57. J . Caft

CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Senior & Res Coach : Ray Keane 2. D . Hart 3.8. Matthews 4. T. Nelson 5. W. Horton 6. It . Harrison 7. G . Boston 8. S. Pearce 9 . G . Dind 10. D. Cronin 11 . It . Morrissey (DVC) 12 . G . Bendal l 13, J . Turner 14. S. Klose 15 . C. Cooney 16 . T. Royals (VC) 17 . G . Williams 18. N . Cox

19. J. Restarick 20. G . Bourke 21 . N . Brohier 22 . W. Sheppard 23 . D. Allen 24 . K. Dachs 25. S . Allen 26. S . Holmes 27 . N . Caple 28. J. Maestros 29. A . Dachs 30. A . Cohen 31 . D . Gur r 32 . M. D'Crosta 33. C. Simpson 34. C. Roseman 35. R . Harri s 36. C. Worthington 37 . M . Scholten 38. S. Thompson 39. J . Roseman 40.S.Roseman 41 . S . Fletcher 42 . B. Isaacs 43 . It . Royals 44 . C. Bettany 45 . M . Stanjo 46 . P. Roseman 47. A . Gooding 48 . K. Pereira 49. S . Morrison 51 . K. Hedin 52 . S. Cossart-Walsh 54.S. Donath 55. M . Affinita 56. M . Frank 57. J . Sherrill 58 . H . McDonnell 59 . D. Lee 60 . C . Wilson 61 . G . Embleton 62- R . Johnson 71 . G . Paine


FAWKNER Senior Coach: Mark Tyrants Reserves Coach: Gilbert Ould 1 . M . Tymms 2. M . Middlemo 3. G . Busst 4. W. Hoare 5. N . Horvath 6. S . Lydiatt 7. D. Cropley 8.I .Habgood 9. P. O'Leary 10. P Villani 11 . K. Kavanagh 12 . P. Tymms 13. P. Kerslake 14. M . Roach 15 . D. Terry 16 .L .Cohen IT G . Oul d 18. J . Madden 19. D. Clark 20. S. Holt 21 . G . Salerno 22 . S . Buckley 23 . N . Gosewinckel 24, R . Lawson 25. B. Young 26. B. Selleck 27- G . Young 28. M . Kane 29. M . Barrett 30. N . Palet 31, & Molloy 32 . A . Johnston 33 . P. Majerczak 34 . W. Bygate 35. P. Barrett 36. C. Kell y 37. C . Ford 38.J.Roach 39. C. Habgood 40. C . Gleeson 41 . D. Cecchini 42 . K. DeHenin 43 .S. Gleeson 44. G . Mitchell 45 . D. Smith 46 . B . Smit h 47. S. Ovieda 48. G . Walker 50, R . Cohen 55. G . Kelly

IVANHOE Senior Coach: Kelvin Shaw Reserves Coach: Robe rt McDowell 1 . R . Armstrong 2 . A . Kew 3. C. Tucker 4. R . Purcell 5. P. Manuel 6.T Jackson 7. J. Matthew'

8. J . Freemans(Capt) 9. M . Thackwray 10.G .Kennedy 11 . V. Sammartin o 12 . M . Lengacher 13. P. Rawley 14. P Flynn 15. E . Flynn 16 . T. Kassimioths 17. A . Zanatta 18. S . Money 19. G . Bullen 20.R . Stewart 21 . D. Howard 22 . It . Angelini 23 . D. Delaney 24 . M . Flyn n 25 A. Barro (VC) 26.S . Lynn 27. D. Nibali 28. P Pettingill 29.P.Lee 30. J. Makin 31 . A. Smith 32 . M. Peacock 33 . C . Flynn 34 . D. Flynn 35 . M . Maud 36. D. Szygalski 37. M . Rooney 38. D Hoffman 39. M. Irving 40. D. Malta 41, C. McDonald 42 . D. Cartwright 43. J . Stoviadia 44. B. Woolcock 45, S, Hall 46 . T. Scoble 47. A. Wolczko 48 . L . Cenagdziga 50. W. Lloyd 52.D. Web b 53. M . Calleja 54. R. Harrison 55. P Vidajic 56. It . Blythe 57. P Haros 60 . A Wooife 65 P Jackson

M ON ASH UNI BLUES Senior Coach: Brian Ford Reserves Coach : Marcus Hanlon 1 . J . Alexander 2 . I . Kohler 3. I . Sest 4. B. Cornwell 5. G . Gale

6, 1 . Hildebrand 7. B. Seaton 8. A . Barker 9. L. Baring 10. It . Houghton 11 . M. Spencer 14. R . Hyett 15. It . Knight 17. S. Zacharidis 18 . G . Hipwell 19 . A. Hoogeveen 20. A . Tuhan

21 . D. Lawrence 22 . B . Rodoni 23 . D . Lynch

24 . It . Mezzadra 25. M . Kellock 26. A . McGregor 27. D. Newman 28. P. Little 29. A. Headberry 30. J. Sturgess 31 . J. Smit h 32 . K . Haeusler 34. J. Qui n 35. A . Quin 36 . M . Quin 39 . D. O'Brien 40 . J . Harrison 41 . A . Kiers 42 . P. Millie 43 . G . Enders 44. L . Champness 45. J. Lochowiak 4& D. Walsh 47 . M . Christiansen 50 . G. McHenry 51, B. Hodgson 52 . J. Milli e 55 . Z . Marto 57 . M . Kanizay 58. M . Hanlon 63. M . Sinclair 64. It . Knott 65.D. Wood 71 . M . Hay 72 . C. Conroy 73. A . Parsons

Peat Marwic k Chartered Accountants

_~'" 1 yVH1TEFRIAR



ST. K►lDA C.B .O.C. Senior Coach : chart" CaPtC°n

THOMQSTOW A SeniorCoach B{oo coach . RTK ena n G .. Velkos 2 C Cedro P. Valeri 4 G . Petstnis Y R . Kenned s g R . DeThomasi

: ~Step~henCtA~t>eY Senior Coach Jackaon . Craig 1 M . N+cMasen senior coach' s: Reaervas 3' j }{rd pavid Je ch: 5 M8GYdan S. Ctne R R ~tl Cateulr l 67. C ~nonn9 . Hume 24. ' R D. ' entpleton 1C 2. R- Herbert B G 8aker 5. J. Beare g L Johnston (Capt1 9 P. Nn'm°) 6. Andrew Maher PBu% 4 . C small (DVC 7 .1 . Beer it. A R~ Ranganut 5 D Caton M er g . J. t2 . M . A. . Andrews . Su~n 9. G 13P D O'Brien Moor"N . Walke r to B Z ' Culph . BuckteY 15 11 . A. .Pitts I& F G M"*GsAer 89. JD. Heenan Bunnell 13 M . Durham 17 G Bad . A 10 . J . MounseY . M 1a 18 fnxs`mon BaAer . RKIng 11 . S .. Yendatl t5. S NatmeYer NC) 12- P ~. A ~dde11 16 N . 2tS .DerJeung 13 A. Philp . U t7 . Coltman P. OSukrvan 22..J 14 . Zubak 1S, K . Matherson Pasara 23 17. p~Qs Mabel 19 .. Anthony n 24 C Mruiphy J Co9hta 20 . Jackson ~ M. Faure y A . JoFe 21. A Jones 21 . N . WaikleY 23. G . I ~ A ~YjjodWard . Bultock 22. P 24. A. Da" s 29 t . Hamma"' 23 Coteman 30 D- taFonlalne 25 .JMnrtord 24. A . Bullock 35 P Sherman 26 . R . . McGm+van 25. S Richardson 27 . F tsgro ~ G ~~on . Shor t 27.S . 28. N . Jackson (CC) 29. C 28 . A . Mien nce 35. B Ma per 29. C. McGaw 30. O.Noronha 30R Dean . Lucas 31 R 37 J J K°lok~~n G Masset 38.S .Wood 31'. t 32. P. Hyde 39 J Ono 32- G . BeMet 33 .P Raohor 40 G . SOse berg . Tanner (Res CIC) . S 33 R Clicutt 34 . G. Joyce 41. G . Ro 34 36 . DStelkenbe9 42 P Keh~lnder 36- N . Maynard 36 Noward . oh .D R Manning 38'.GJohnstone . 37 a 38. ADob7e 46 P 39 . Ftnikandtes . 46 O~Capeitan Doonan 40 43. D.. Curtin P 47~ G . 8~~dhead 41 . D. .DPhi1 46 J . Cosn'ello 42 49 U . Roger' 43 N, Calcutt 50 P Rog51, M Credrn 44p. McKenna . MountneY 52 T.Peart n J 46 53 . S. Mor9a . Jah~ tou 47. P 54 s Chapman 48. C. C 55 j Ftetcher . Cesao 49. P 16 A Pies 50 R-Bohanna 57 D ~n`'~ S& J GalarwP~~s 51 . J. iziemek ~ 5.H 54. R. GarveYn 61 P. RoPe 55. C. Barbara 62 8 ~IY lan 57. R . Gilson _ . s~4-B O~d s 58 . A . Rcnard 6q, ~J.iShortst R&M YECI A

. Re ddman 3P 4. S. Stnk e 5R' H~sion (VC) 6 . C. hta n 7. P.Co9 . McKea+,n 8. A 9 P Harrison . 10 T Prat t

7 S . Plant Ca t) 8 . A . Fettov,5 ( P Statos

t0 8 . Learotd 11, q . Fleming tae 13 R .Mo1ei Jenkins (VC,Res) 14 B . Pethgrtno (DVGRes) 15 . 8 e 16. D- Faa eton 17 . 0. la 18 . an Haritng .Andrews 20.S 21 . E- Lent+nr s . Tsalko 22. C Fetlows (ws) 23 D-. Karambe 24. J . Bradford 25. S . Tsakmaks 26. V 27 A,Formos a 28. L . Mort Ito g ~o Kevin Hartin

65 .1

MR~~rtNVan . j67 68 B Jackson 69 j Pnce 70.J Rnsh 71 R µ~a~ 72 A. 73.J Ryan . Dert'ar" 74 8 75- C HckeY 76 A t7& M Gteeso" 79 M Gotie B Kew ~, G Hawker 82,0 ng 63 R G an1n B4 M Dn`'coll 85 G ~d


r~{Coanch : Senio ~ Hanan : Reseryea Coach . Taylor men . Lan e t .P

t1 . R . ReidY . SPears (Capt) 12 . M . Rerdy 13 . M , 14 M . s' n 15.. SHarr .Bonack 16.M .Carbone 17 .A . D Mullins 18

19 . D Crowe ;tte .SMcAu' 20 .1 McNel 21 . Bourke 22 C . P Ciardulii 23 n 24.J.BonnYrna l \25. WLyal rts .Rob e 26.M

27. 8 . Cro+ve 28 .8

M . 8 t Bnen , 30. Paul O 31 N. Jenkins 32 . P F~utill 33. G .. Lowell

34 S . 1'err30 . C AbdelnOu r 35 .J.Dunbar 31 .. RS. . 36. P. Bunn rien PaPatoanou 3 . Peter O'8 233 . J . Zaicos 7

. M. Whtie 4. R . Lovett 38 Gordon Kite Colosimo 40. 8. T'erneY 56TA, Smith 41

. Ctardulli . Bat6sta a2. .SG . Setkir k 37. P .t-atout 4,N_Roberton G 38 . O Donnell D 39 . P Badey y 44 . k

40. A. Clark 45 B_ Star. buc Hoath 41 . W. CooPer 46 M

42 . L . Mrkevskr 47 p. Mason 44 . B. BUf ~lc 48 . P. RoCHU9h . 40R M rcholas 45.M . G.N 46 . J Perrone 51 G, Slid M50 47 . Plownght r .Pnnzt G 52- ..TaYlo 48.P on M Jacks 53 49 . J . Bub 54,T_Ed9oose .Gilpin .R iSO M Boyden 55. J . Gibblrn 56. A. TY Wnk e . tezzr

52 . A. Naumovskr ~ 58.re9 . GerratY 53. J 59- P . 8retter 5a . D. NaZ,to'~ 60 o . Mat . F 56 6t D. Barclay 62 B,Rohan 57. J. S~ulkoun 58. M 63 C. Pelt 59 P. Cecaldo 64, Flanagan 60 . S. toanrodis 65 . T. Jane1' 71 F Budak . G .Roker D'Avorn s 1 66 67. A. Roker 75. S . Horking tCapt-Res 82. P . D'Avan e 68 B. McAllen 83 . N 69. K SpONSOREp B y


. Midro 70. D . 71 72 NBeana9a^ S 73 T .O'Bnen

74 . DZavaretta SPONSOR AUD OEP D►p CT


Est . 196 7 MELBOURNE HIGH SCHOOL OB GLENHUNTLY Senior Coach : John Sist 1 . B. Wilso n 2 . (A) D. Gregory 2 . (B) P. Jones

3 . T Hil l

4 . B . Rafferty 5 . M . Hill 6 . S. Timms 7. M . Kouts 8 . P. Ashcroft 9 (A) Phil O'Keefe 9. B. Angwi n 10. M . Smith 11 . G . May 12. P. McGrath 13. S . Smit h 14. R. Patterson 15. H . Zabalegui 16. D. Casser 17. Craig Horsey 18. Cameron Horsey 19. S . Withers 20 . R . Bateman 21 . D. Frow 22 . P. Austerberry 23 . G . Schultz 24 . R . Stocker 25 . M . Hollaway 26 . D. Mance 27. I . Wiyhers 28 . D. Isaacs 29 . D. Murphy 30 . G . Halpin 31 . G. Oaten 32. S. Hill 33. P. Harrison 34. B. O'Shannesy 35. G . Brow n 36. W. Crooke 37.P. O'Shannesy 38. M . Miitze 39. (A) T. Rossiter 39. (B) K . Drinan 40. G . Boxshall 41 . S. Tallarico 42. G. Fletcher 43. M . Richards 44 . M . Gilmour 45. R Lam b 46. R. Horowitz 47. N . Morris 48. P. Crossin 49, R . Hall 50 . R . Grinstead 52 . C. Tho m 53 . M . Ley 54 . M . Davies 55 .S .Jones 56 . T. Mance 57. J . Dilosa 58 . A. Antonio 59 . C. Ryan 60 . G . Lewis 62 . A . Eason 63 . D. Wright 64 . W. Smith 65 .B .Lowden 69 . G . Hurst

HAM PTON ROVER S Senior Coach: Jeff Costello Reserves Coach : Kyle Ivey 1 . R . Hetherington 2. N . Hasel l 3. E . Panagiotidis 4. A . McGregor 5. D. Rogerson 6. D. McConville 7. J . Aless i 8. A . Nippard 9. D. De Luca 10 . W. Boyle 11 . I. Rogerson 12 . W. Capp 13 . C. Dwyer 14 . A. Lucas 15 . R . Thompson 16 . J . Hunter 17. B . Bird (VC-Res) 18. G . Devereaux 19 . A. Winkler 20. S. Devereaux 21 . G . McDonald 22 . M . McKellar 23. D . Devola 24. M . Youn g 25. R . Melnlak (DVC) 26.J. Ross 27. M . Gill 28. N . Dwye r 29. S. Pappon (VC) 30 . S. McDonald 31 . D. Blakey 32 . A. Williams 33 . A . Windmill 34 . G . Hoggett (DVC-Res) 35 . D. Alessi 36 . S. Baskett 37. M . Moss 38 . M . Hynes 39 . K . Ivey (CC-Res) 40, S. Mulholland 41 . B. Hibbs 42 . M . Andrews 43 . J . Mather 44 . M . Hender 45 S . Kanneberg 46 . T. Murray-Whit e


FASHIONS Ladies & Mens Wear Hire & Sale s 532 0577

LA TROBE UNIVERSIT Y 1 . R . Little (Capt) 2. D. Huffe r 3. P Rae 4. F. Stafford 5. M .Gabbe 6. J . Dumaresq 7.T.Zoch 8. G . Eldridge 9. D. Shaw 10. M . Bakogianis (DVC) 11 . L . Athanasaki s 12 . T. McCombe 13 . D . Mitchell 14. G . Molyneux 15 . M . Lewi s 16 . G . Liersch 17. J. Limperakis 18 .T. O'Connor 19 . T. Taylo r

20. S . Tighe 21 . D. Edmunds 22. M . Edmunds 23. S. Dunin 24. T. Fawcett (VC) 25. D. Sidebottom 26. C. Lloyd 27. A . Sheehan 28. T. Demeo 29. A. McDonald 30. V Cavallieri 31 . S. Lonergan 32. F. Andreula 33. A. Couroupis 34. N . Morrice 35. A. 0'Suliivan 36. J. Scanlon 37. A . Conroy 38. M. Dall'Oglio 39. P. McComb 40. A. Blaskett 41 . B. Harwood 42. G . Dimovski 43. A. Huffe r 44. J . Mills 45. S . Turner 46. D. Wright 47. R . White 48. J. Russel l 49. C. McLachlan 50.5 . Brownlaw 52. J . Cousins 54. S . Fredrickson 55. A. Cummings 56. M. Kreuzer 64. T Wilson

Snr Coach: Ron Verma Res Coach: Paul Kotz 1 . J . Adduci 2 . A . Atchison 3. R. Verma 4. D. Menzies 5. R. Martin 6. J. Bamert 7. R. Knigh t 8. J. Dixon (DVC) 9. D. Comer (Capt) 10. M . Beazley (DVC) 11 . S. Harries 12 . J. Palmo s 13 . A. Dawson (VC) 14 . G. Peckham 15. B. Glove r 16. P. Kotz 17. C. Tyrrell 18. R. Wi x 19. A. Snaidero 20. A. Athanasopoubs (DVC) 21 . C. Sumne r 22 . M . Roach 23. D. Walker 24. G . Wilson 25. 0 . Suckling 26. G . Tyrrell 27. A. Moore 28. P. Andueza 29. C. Drake 30- R . Newton 31 . C. Barage 32 . L . Apostolou 33.C.Young 34. B. McGrath 35. S. Konstanty 36.J.Bahen 37. G. Miceli 38.S.Grahame 39.P.Yee 40. R . Ansell 41 . P. O'Connor 42 . P. Fanning 43. G . O'Brien 44. M . Feferkranz 45. P. Risks

46. D. Hirst 47. B. Ansell 48.R . McGregor 49. M . Webster 50. M . Gately 51 . R. Real e 52 . A. Palmos 53 . T. Peters 54 . A . Sainsbury 55 .T.Sounas 56 . G. Thompson 57. B. Sargeant 58 . P Kanstanty 59 . A . Wooif e 60 . D. Exton 61 . C. Chaplin 62 . D. Baker 63 . A . Webster 64 . M . Crabtree 65. B . Hatzis 66.M .Lou 67. M . McKenzie 68. J . Scott i 69. M . Morrisroe 70 . P. O'De a 71 . P Defteras 72 . D. Burford 73 . M . Pdliangas 74. M . Eckerman 75. D. Waters 76.A .Kennedy

9,,F-DES Q C




OLD CAMBERWELL Senior Coach : Ken Schwab Reserves Coach : Patterson Chene y 1 . S . Ballar d 2 . A . Mitchell (DVC) 3. J. Harvey 4. R. Paterson 5. S . Spicer 6. D. Haintz '.. 7. P. Kerkvliet (Capt) 8.P Jepso n 9 . R . Bea t 10. E . Smith (VC) 11 . A. Dance 12. J. Wilson 13. A. Kyriacou 14 . S . Jackson 15. R . Spurritt 16, W. Inkster 17. R . Pike 18, G . Adams 19 . J . Ga n 20. T. McManus 21 . A . Mance 22. M . Sugden 23 . M . Armstrong (DVC) 24 . S. Burmeister

25 . N . Huntley

26 G. Young (Capt-Res) 27. D. Provan 28. B. Leitch 29. W. Forward 30. S. Swingle' 31 . J. Forwood 32. J. Nei l 33. A. Walker 34. P. McCrea 35. Q . O'Brien 36. D. Essery 37. C. Strachan 38. R . Curtis 39. M . Mudge 40. W. Ear l 41 . C. McHarg

43 . B. Salvaris (VC-Res) 44 . D. Hayes 45. N . McCann 46. R. Lee 47. P. Lenton 48. S. Crundell 49. C. McCulloch 50. N . Brow n 51 . A. Wilson 52 .R . McCahon 53.5 . Woods 54. B. Ellio t 55. R. Wood 56.R.Jones 57. A . Gibb 58. S. Jardine 59 . E . Morel 60 . A . Scholl 61 . B. Town 63. C . Evans 64. R . Dowling

GEELONG Senior Coach : Alan Quaiffe Reserves Coach : Bruce Harwoo d 1 . S .Furphy 2 . W. Davis 3. P. Clarke 4. C. Gunn (Capt) S. R. Burn 6. D. Ritchie (VC) 7. B Harwood 8. J. Handbury 9 . Stubbings 10..6 A . MacDougall 11 . D. Colac i 12 . G . Fawcett 13 . B. Smith 14. T. Ligh t 15 M Williams 16. S. Burgess 17. W. Dowling 18. C. Richardson 19. J. Manton 20. C. Ross 21 . J . Munnings 22 . P. Handbury 23 . M . Davis 24 . M . Bayley 25 .A . Peake 26. A . Heritage 27. J. Young 28, C. Jones 29.J. Pescott 30. P. Jones 31 .T Jackson 32 . C. Landale 33. T. Killworth

34. H . MacGowurr

35. C. Hollis 36 D. Oliphant 37. J . Ritchie 38 A. Gray 39 R. Hann 40. R . Rice 41 . E . Spiden 42. B. O'Halloran 43. B .Loga n 44. C. Kaaka 45. J . Cox 46. C. Fayers 47. M.Bodey 48 .C .Begg 49. D O'Berln 50. T. On Steiger 51 . C . Fladgate 52. M. Youngman 53. G. Jennings 54. P. Law 55 . A . McMillan 56. J. Le e 57. J. May 58. G . Lavender 59. D. Macleod 60 . S. Bayliss 61 . C. Pappas 62 . D. Cler k 63. C. Pearson 64. T Howes 65. D. Satchel[ 66.A. Dawson 67. C . Siorach 68. J. Stewart 69. P. Stock 70. R . Woods 71. N . Haslem 72. J. Morton 73 . M . Youngman 74. J . Stanley 75. N. Glley 76 . J . Dowling 77. J . Twigg

Rennison M ackinncxt & AssOCfates

OLD IVANHOE GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach: Alan Salter Reserves Coach : Steven King 1 . B. Yarwood 2 . M . Dyson 3. A. Jenkins 4. I . Well s 5. J . Stevens 6. M . Hall 7. B . Cockerill 8 . S. Corlett 9 . B . Parry 10. B. Hall 11 . B. Jensen 12 . A . Parker 13. S. Shepherd 14. D. Scott 15. G . Alexander 16 T. Stevens 17. T. Smith 18. M. Colledge 19. P. Walli s 20. M . Huber 21 . A. Haug 22 .R Ryan 23. J. Maycock 24. W. Parry 25. N . Weston 26. G . Farlacas 27. P. Ritchie 28. D. Jones 29. R. Knight 30. D. Caddy 31 . G . Woodhead 32. M . Rochford 33. D. Minogue 34 . D. Greenhalgh 35. S . Conboy 36. L . Raftopolous 37. R. Sutherland 38. P. Triandos 39. S . Boyd 40 . M . Giovannetti 41 . J. Marshall 43 . T. Theodore 44. A . Triandos 47. D.Cuttriss 49. M . Dodderill 50. C . Dunnell 52 . A. Novak 54. M . Poglog 59. R . Bell 61 . P. Naim

Senior Coach: Vern Boag Assistant Coach : Ray Purcell Reserves Coach : Bob Bums 1 . S . McNamara 2 . D. Marshall 3. M. Beasley 4. B. Ridewood 5. B. Connolly 6. R. Parsons (VC-Res) 7. N. McColough 8. D. Seele y 9. C. Lancaster 10. S. Gray 11 . R. Grech 12 . B . Burke 13. S. Zahra 14. P. Lannan (DVC) 15. P. Walke r 16. B. Barry 17. R . Cerolini 18. G . Burke 19. B. Tomlinson 20. M . Beasley 21 . A. Whitelaw 22 . C. Bracchi 23. B. Hutchinson 24. T. Beasley (Capt) 25. D. Smit h 26. B. Burns (Capt-Res) 27. J . Elmore 28. C. Loos 29. B. Hambridge 30. G . Fitzgibbon 31 . C. Dunlop 32. M . Beasley 33. R. Purcell (VC) 34. A. Boag 35. B . Mills 36 . L. Walker 37. N . Fitzgibbon 38 . B. Dunstan 39. D. Taylo r 40. S. Egan 41 . T. Bryant 42 . P. Griffiths 43. C. Parks 44. R . Bryant 45. M . McCraw 46. M . Santagada 47. B. Wilso n 48. W. Miles 49. P. McColl 50. S . McQueen 51 . M . Paynter 52. M . Hollingworth 53. B. Mentiplay 54. M . Daniell 55. M . Ellis 56. P. Pagani 57. M . Inkster 58. D. Trease 59. P. Newport 60. G . McLachlin 61 . S. Noble 62 . S. Algeri 63 . D. Cozzi 64 . B . O'Dwyer 65 . S. Campbell 66 .T Battuso 67. N . Williamson 68 . B . Woodland 69. M . Hampton 70. D . Spencer 71 . P. Maley 72 . B . Rak 73, R . Smallwood 74. M. Kelly 75. A . Cusack 76. A . Bartsch

ST. KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Senior Coach : Ken Bremner Reserves Coach: David Walpole 1 . R . Hawkins 2 . M. Hard y 3. A . Varasdi (VC) 4. Jon Sargeant 5. R . Callanan 6. M . Grac e 7. S . Kerr (Capt) 8. P. McNee 9. J. Fogarty 10. H . Stone 11 . G. Mulcahy 12 . R . Arthurson (DVC) 13 . M . Pivett a 14 . P. Joyce . P. Hagerty 1 5 S. Bazley 16. 17. O. Hourigan 18. A . Donovan 19. J. Watkin 20. M . Quinlan 21 . M . Terzini 22 . M . Kerr 23 . M . Aumont 24 . P. Meagher 25 . D. Walpole 26 . J . O'Brien 27. J. Quinlan 28. J . Bare 29. P. McCann 30. B. Snell 31 . J.F.X . Sargeant 3Z R Charles 33. S. Loorham 34. M . Warton 35. R . Davey 36. M . McKaige 37. A . Beale 38. D. McNair 39. D. Chaffey 40. J. Shaw 41 . R . Dealy 42. P. Panagiotopolous 43 . R. Snel l 44 . P. Chaffey 45. A. Croag h 46 . D. DeRooden (Res-C) 47. R. Marks 48 . A . Richardson 49 . P. Stewart 50. C . Wiggins 51 . C. Stone 52 . P. Lewin 53. M . McColl 54. D. McDonald 55. C . O'Keefe 56. B. Barclay ST R Long

TRI-GLOBA L Si 1 ERAHNUATH7PV & It7SUr1e NC E 419-0141

c. F 0. M ~ZENO D

AQUINAS Senior Coach : Dents Kelly Reserves Coach: Ga ry Stack 1 . G . Clarke 2, A . Crosby 3 . K. Crouc h 4. M . Wilkinson 5. A . Coster 6. S. Kenny 7. P. McCafferty B . B . Graham 9 .P.Leavey 10. P. McManus 11 . D. Savari s 12 . D . O'Loughlin 13. T. Alford .D. Hodg e 14 J. MacNamara 15. 18. R .A . Cronin ierson 19 . I'M 20.cKenna 22 . J .Ryan 23. J . Livtngstone 24 . P. Sheehan 25. S. Bell 26. M . Gay 27 . I. Shaw 28. G . Wrigh t 29. S. O'Loughlin 31 . L . Kin g . Vankerkoven 32 33 . BM. Fitzgerald 34 . M . Tarulli 35. S . Livingstone 36. D. Phela n 40. G . Clifford 43. C . Rogers 44. J . McEvoy 45L . McKenna 46 . D. Langdon 47. P. Kvievtelaitis 50. P. Grierson 54. A . Clifford 55. B. McDonald 57. P. Tymesson 58 . Mick Tarulll 60. B. McKellar 70 . P. Sainsbury 71 . L . Brooksbank

WC BRUNSWICK Senior Coach Peter Motion Reserves Coach Jeff Gibson 1 . .) . Sango s 2 . B, Owens 2. M . Green 3. A . Stracha n 4. PConduit (VC-R) 5'6 . Steven s 7. D . Carroll 8 . D. Clarke 9 . I . Campbell 10 . R . Watkins 11 . M . Snelson 12 . S. Hewitt (Capt) 13. S . Kannegiesser 14. P. Spezz a 15. T. Barley 16 . G . Cross 17. P. Hardy 18 . A. Tack (VC) 19 .J. Gibson 20 . D. Portelii 21 . G. Robertson 22 . C . Christodoulou 23. S . McLea n 24. S. McBride 25.P. McKinnon 26 . A . Kowalewsky 27. H . Cayl r 28 . B. Gibson 29. J. Haines 30.R .Jacobs 31 . L . Cordes 32 .S . Gibson 33 . J . Ralph 33 R. Shaw 34 . S . Bell 35. D. Sedgwick 36. R. Kennedy 37 . S. Matusko 38 . M . Jameson (C) 39 . M . Lehman n 40 . S. Moore 41 . R . McCulloch 42. C . McCulloch 43. M . Bourke 44. R. McKissack 45. R . Ogilvie 46. D . Pearc e 47. B. Petrollini 48 . D. Rogers 49 . J . Smith 50. J. White 51 . R. Bourke 52 . W. Smith 53. S. Deshong 54 . N . Campbell 55. K. Beaumont 56. D. Roberts 58. J. Wrigh t 59. M . Benns 61 . D. Jacobs 65. R . King




Senior Coach: Max PAcColi Reserves Coach Coach : Michael Flanagan Senior Keith Wilson 1 . R . Schneide r Reserves Coach : Bill Stephens 2 . R . Morley 3. J . Rainbow 1 . C. Wormesley 4 . N. Cartledge (C-R) n 2 . L . Nguye Polglaise 5. S . Scanlo n 3. D 7. G . Stallworthy 4. B. Handy 7. R. Divirgilio 5. J. Muirhead 8.C .Gay 7. J. Reige r 9 . C . Parke r 8 . R . Murphy 9 . H. Turvey 9 . T. O'Donnell 10. B . Snape 10 . T. Webster 11 . R . Creighton 11 . J. Johnston 12. D. Thompson 12. S. Westerman 13. G . Cotterill 14. A. Simpson 13. S. Irvine 15. P. Warre n 1 4. BMott 16. R . Gibbs 16 . m 17. F. Kahlil 17 . ndolfo NY 18 . D. Ulrich . McLaren 19 . M . Wilaso 18-SD. Robbins 19. 20. .ston Ch enrl 21 . J. Moran . Goodwin 21 . B 21 . M . Davey . Giddens 22 . D 23. J . Redfern 23 . D. Reige r 24. A . May 24. J. Potter 25. M . Harris 25. M. Labinski 27. R Lor d 26.R . McGoogan 30 . D. Berkfeld 27. P. Giddens 31 . T. Hodges 28 . A. Campbell 32. P. Whiting 29 . M . Pag e . Divirgiho 33. SA 30. L . Vurlow 34. . Ave, 31- J . Sweeney 35. R Avery 32 . K . Wilson 36 . A . Sill 33. J . Wilson 37. M . Stratton 34 . S. Wilson 38. R.Inglese 35 . S. Beugelaar 37. P. Flew (VC) 36. W. Burgess 39. M . Flanagan 37. G . McDonald 40. A . Humphrey 39. J. Leveque 41 . D. Adamopoulos 40. K. O'Donnell 42 .H .Roberts 41 . W. Stephens 43. S . Dicenso 42 . R . Beasley . Brener 44. M 43. S. Reiger 45. W. Reynolds 44 . A . Brown . Lacaria 46. V 45 . B . Walker 47. M. Deface 46. T. Carter . Coleman 48, L 47. P. Brodie 49. M .iacuone 48. P. Payet . Olney 50. W 49. B. Giddens 51 . D. Hopkins 50 . D. Baker 54 . P. Zorzi 52. T. Mortis 56. N . Borg 53. C. Pepper . Huntington 58. R 54. C. Smith



Senior Coach : RAatt .tohnson


Res. Coach: C . Boyle 1 N KendFil i 2 M Jphnson (1) 2 S, Palamara (2 ) 3 S CarrmpSe!I (VCR) 4 D Car (2) 4 W. Mclean (1) 5 S eat-in 6 W France 7.P Dee9an 8 T LuCas (i) (DVC) 8 A. l.icca+mack (2) 9 P Hal l 10 S we'd 11, T. Smith 12 S Noble (1) 12A.WAYS(2) '. 13. P Fitzgerald 14, R Murray 15 . D Barker 16 DC0 .e 17 T Ts-is 18. M Smclair 19 s McMullm 20 C Murray (1) 20 C Hearn (2 ) 21 T ChdWtt (1) (c)

Senior Coach ., Dino DiRAarco Reserves Coach : Rodney Burrows 1 . P. Clarke 2 . K . Lianeas 31 M. DeMorton 4. P. DiMarco 5. G . Cutter 6. V. Grimaldi 7. J. Briffa 8 . J . Boudoloh 9. A. Sammartino to . A . Tirchett 11 . K . Hehir 12. C . Cortese 13. P. Briff a

22 DOTNS1e (lj ) 22 S McDonald (2) 23. C berth (1) 23 M . Sayers (2) 24 C. Teed 25 L Phillips 26 W PouUer 27 R Palamara (VC) 28 N . Wilson (1 ) 28. G . Noone (2) 29 P Luxlprd 30 6 Can 31 1 Nt i 32 .5 McCormack 33 N. Wareham (2) 34 C Emer y 35 Paul Rfley 36 S Anse37 N Ca`shns 38. A. Green 39 R Bourtwn ,40 M arch 41 P Sharp 42 .JGnmson 43 A Chdcoti 44 G Smith 45 . G Rogers 46 S Grady(DVC-R) 47 Peter Way 48 T Hoard (1) 48, D Wain (2) 49 M RtZpatnCk 50 T Halla 51 N Rabanson m 52 M O'Hara 53J wdksen 54 . R uren 55,0 Brennan 56 R 5e;'g0 57. PA Jackson . Mc McKrttne 58 59. G Dautrany 60 A Willis 61 J Kennedy 62 P Chalker 63 R Jennings 64 A. Bright 65 M Bias 66 Scar Bray 67 R chairman 68 T Noonan 69 S Ker r 70 D Roach 71 P Stenton 72. C Dalgiers h 73 K Van car Wist

14. G . Parkinson 15. H . Tsailtas 16 . S. Tsailtas 17. A . Tabbit 18.J . Mansour 19. V. Lirosi

20 . R . Thorpe 21 . J . Androutsos 22. C. Fox 23. V. Rispoli 24. F. Miraglia 25 . M . Mason 26 . J . Tirchett 27. P. Randello 28. J . Kibizi s 29 D Adams 30.B.Thorpe 31 . A. Sherrill 32 . G . Kyrannis 33 . M . Demirkol 34 . A . Kyriazis 35. P. Dowsett 36. B. Attard 37. D . DeMorton 38. D . DeVito 39. M . Cannon 40. G . McCall 41 . V. Randello 42 . L . DeMorton 43 . A. Garling 44. S . Gibbons 45. J. Houston 46. C. Jewell 47. B. Gerdsen 48 . D. Fox 52. J. Fotias 53. R . Latorre 54. A . Crosma 55.J.Roussos 56 . A . Ferguson M AJOR SPONSOR

774M = 5 7T d 76 J Cir>colta 77 Sime, Billy 78 S Rrcci 79 J Fisher 80 G Gye 81 M BackhDUSe 82 J Nugar a MAJOR SPONSOR


Industrial o Domestic • Commercial

558 5255



Senior Coach : George Tsolacos Reserves Coach : Senior Coach : Peter Hoiloavood Vin Catogglo 1 . D. Le Deux Reserve Coaoh: 2 . R . Sarosi Paul Henry 3. C. Corbett 1 . F. Klem m 4. T Dennehy 2 J. Magennis 5- A. Mille r 3 . J . McEncroe 6. D. Healey 4 . D. Soteriou 7. L . Gallo 5 . A . Soteriou & J. Kemp 6. T Vfahek 9 . A. Morris 7. J. Wilimott (DVC) 10, M . Hansen 9. S. Gowty 11 . A. Wiides 10. I . Stevens (C-Res) 12 . M . Maddox it. M . Price 13. W. Dodd 12. T Stanford 14. B. Hall 13 . R . Ashen 1& J. Scotland 14 . M . Ega n 16. M . Lang 15- S. Bishop (VC) 17. N . Trompf 16 . D. Olarenshaw 18. F. Doyle 17. A . McConville 19. A. Escott 18 . R . Wright 20 . D. Dealer 19 . G. Koroneos 21 . S . Cross 20. M . Pigott 22- P. Stewart 21 . L. Shaw 23. M . Silva 22- M . Tonelli 24. R . Williams 23. S . Coe 25. J. Harris 24 . J . Nield 26- J. Senior 25. B. Panagiotopoulos 27. C. Newland 26. P. Crameri 28. R . Devlin 27. R . Thomson 29. G . Newman 28 . D. Eastway 30. R . Martin 29 . P. McKenzie 31 . P. O'Sullivan 30 .S.Lyall 32. B . Wilson 31 . G . Evans 33. L . Misaglia 32 . T. Withers 34. A. Sanderson 33. J. Briggs 35. T. Stavropoulos 34 D . Maddern 36. P. Hollowood 35. P. Henr y 37. C. McLeod 36. P. Carmichael 38. S . Wilmot 37. C . Singleton 39. 0. Rees 38.J. Nyasole 40 . P. Riedel 39. J. Johnstone 41 . A . South 40. C. Dunkley 42 . R. Ireland 41 . M . Walimeyer 43 . N. Kerr 42. R . Guthrie 44. M . Skewes 43- J. Dervan 45. A . Cope 44. S . Parker 46. S. Sergeant 45. P. Dudderidge (C) 47. T. Johnston 46. D. Bellma n 50. A . Georgantas 47. W. Crossley 51 . S . Silva 48. J . Murray 52 . J . Fisher 49. B. Milner 55. T. Fosdick 50. J. Panagiotopoulos 60. D. Angell 51 . J. Simmons 61 . M . Brown 52. T. Horoch 63. F. Copes 53 . R . Edwards 71 . A. Cottrel 54 . M . Rei d 88. G . Scotland 55 . S. Muller 56 . M . Gowty



Senior Co .:ch 1 Gar ry Connolly Reserves Coach : Greg Ross Si: ANDR EWS 1 . M . Learmonth Senior Coach: 2 G' Hurley Malcolm Webster 3 . R . Livingstone Reserves Coach : 4 . D. Gray Rodney Pepya t 5 . N . Power 6 . R . McNamara 1 . I. Spiteri 7. P. Malcolm 2 . I . Ashby 8. J . Sinicco 3 . C. Peterson 9 . M . Huebner 4 . R . Davies 10.T Jones 6 . G . Casey 11 . B . Clark 7. J. King 12. G . Mullins 8 . A . Ford 13. A. Lindsay 9. K . Wright 14. T. Heubner 10. S. Rul e 15. D. Andrews 11 . R Goldsworthy 16. S . McKoy 12 . J . Nicholls 17. M . Ritchie 13. R. Lindsey 18. C. Rankins 14. N . Taylor 19. D. Lupton 14- C. Galea 20. F. O'Rourke 15. 0. lies 21 .T.Ymer 16. C. Beard 22 . G . Sloan 18. J . Rainbow 23.T Brideson 19. L . Henkel 24. I . Goullet 20. J. Tapner 25. C. Jackson 21 . A. Park 26. A . Ellett 21 . R. Pepyat 27. G . Baxter 22 . D. Smith 28.R Heubner 23. S . Lucas 29. J. Fuller 24. T. Burns 30. I . Ellett 25. B. Kenyon 31 . C. Matthews 26. B. Emblem 32. S. Bennett 27. C . Overend 33 . A. Bourke 28. J. Kilkenn y 34 .T-Burt 29. N . MacDonald 35. R. Burns 30. M. Wast e 36. E . Evans 31. D. Briggs 37, C. O'Brien 32. G . Unwin 38. P. Fulle r 34 . D. Lynch 39 . M . Paine 35. J . Wilcox 40 . M . Boyd 36 . B. Sculley 41 . J. Queiruga 36 . P. Grandy 42 . G . Ogde n 39 . C. O'Leary 43. D. Shepherdson 40 . M . Serbe 44. M . Kendal l 41 . G . DAngelo 4& N. Faulkner 42 . G . Palmington 46. L. Gilmour 45 . R . Sonci n 47. C. Stanton 48 . M . Stuart 48. P Binyon 49. A . Gleisner 49.G. Wade 50 . T. Winkler 50- A . Huntington 51- D . Moysey 51 . J. Fain 52 . A. Tunzi 52 . M . Pearson 53 . G . White 53. M . Jansen 54. P. Bovezza 54. L. Pearson 55,R .Heaney 55. S. Preston 56. M . Richards 56. D . Weir 57. M . Alle n 57. M . Jarvis 58. M . Tale b 58. R . Kimberley 59. Atef Abou-Eid 59. J. Stewart 60. M . Robinson 60. M . Burrows 61 . A. Carmen 61 . F. Sadler 62. M . McLachlan 62 . D. Collins 66. K. Varkopoulos 63. G . Clark 67. M . Saa d 64. G . Chapman 69. R. Griffiths 65. R . Pickering 76. B . Funnell


66, M . Rawson 67. S. Swanson I NiTE o ioTO R

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WEST BRUNSWICK Senior Coach : Brian Taylor 1 . I . McNeice 2 . T. Johnstone 3. M . McRostie 4. S. Casley 5. P. James 6. S. Capron 7- N . Jenks 8. G . McDonald 9. D. Fowler 10- S . Fyffe 11. G. Barnes 12. K . Buhagiar 13 . J . Jackson 14 . D. Anderson 15 . P. McNaughton 16 . D. Moore 17. S. Downer 18 . J . Rainon e 19 . S. Bargiamidis 21 . D. Lampard 22. N . Magafas 23. M . Sassine 24. J. Beaumont 25. G . Sherif f 26. R. Hokkanen 27. P. Robinson 28. C. Bor g 29 . D. McAllister 30. B. Kyriakidis 31 . R . Gorman 32 . L . Kir k 33 . H . Johston e 34 . C. Konstantinidis 35 . R . Ashdowne 36 . G . Andoniadis 37. D. Frencham 38, D. Marlow 39 . B . Wilkie 40. R . Baker 41- M . Moore 42 . Carl Sabatini 43. Chris Sabatini 44. P. Hennessy 45. D . Melia 46.S. McGraw 47.S . Burton 48. P. Keenan 49. C . Griffith 50. A . Mitsou 62 . J.P, Trayno r

.9®tan .-ia': - :,a 's

{e. . . Senior Coach : Alan Elliott Reserves Coach: Larry Turnle y 1 W Butters 2, a Dawson 3. A . Harry 4. J. Tuck 5. P Dervan & G . Hyland 7,M .Cannon 8 R. Gun n 9. G . Case 10 E . Mazzeo 11 A, Elliot t 12 Andy Featherston 13 P Graham 14, A Cook 15 D White 16. A . Teagie 17. Anth . Featherston 18, A .Langham 19 I . McCuliagh 20. M . Dervan 2t a Mazouns 22. G . Henderson 23. P McNamara 24 R Medal, 25A.Cabansag 26. P Lindeman 27, B. Tuck 28, S. Caiderwood 29. M . Anderson 30 A- Morelh 31 .0 Clough 32 . Vi Deller 33.T Cannon 34 B, Hann 3S & Kennedy 38 R . zammrt 37 M . O'DnscWl 38 D Macleod 39. G . Cler k 40. L. Turnley 41 S Damn 42 i Zadel 43. F. Neudin. 44. B Cetmich 45 D. D+Genova 46, S. Esposito 47 D Elliott 48 R. Evans 49 G Dona SO.P.Campagna 51 . D. Bubnic 52 . P. Culhane 53 A. Thomson 54,P McGowan 55, D. Wariond 56 D. Mills 57, G . Hunter 58 G . Stephens 59.J.Neenan 60 S .LUgonSki 61, D Goucher 62.I.McGowan 63. L Waddell 64, L . Hal f 65. W. Kewan 6& G. Brien 67.J, Hicks 68. C. Ansiee 69 . P Burns 70. U Svnderski 7t G . Leras 72 . M Bennett 73. J. Hicks 74. R. Zahra 75 GVan Wyngaarten 76, A Shields 77, L. Hall 78. A . Ryan 79 G Smith 80. A- Finch 81 . C Langham 82 . A. BmNl 83. D. Martin 84. W. Rozenzweg 85 M Tuc k 86, G . McDonald 87 D, Mitchell 88T. Fern s 89 G . Cim 90. S. Vines 91, C Muscat

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Looking Back by Noel Rundle


5 YEARS AGO - 198 6 Uni Blues MarkTyquin made club history with his 220th game breaking the record of former Blues champion rover Barry Church . "Nail" tipped the "A" Section goalkickers in 1976 with 82 goals and captained the team 1982, 83, 84 . Peter Keogh had been selected to umpire a Herald Shield game at VFL Park . Ivanhoe farewelled veteran nuggetty back-pocket Billy Baker after 9 years of senior football and winning the 1981 B&F. 150 games to the man in white, Ken Coughlin - 10 years finals in the field, D, E, F, Under-19 and A and B Reserves and A and B Section Grand Finals as a boundary umpire. MHSOB, on top in "C" were held all day by bottom team Old Camberwell, fell in by 1 point, 15 .8 to 15.7 . Flegeltauba, Lord, Todd were best for MHSOB . Nick Bourke was the hero in Old Xavs (B) narrow win at Bundoora kicking 2 sixty metre goals with the heavy ball in the closing stages to record Xavs only scores for the term to give them a win 7 .2 to 4.17. Best were Paul Cu rtain, Dalton, Somers (Old Xav.) and S. Exton, P. Wood, M cCann (Old Paradians) . Old Mentonians (D) had a 80 points win against West Brunswick 14.17 to 3.3. Best were Thompson, R . Newman, Ac re man (6 goals) (Old Ment .) and Briggs, Buckley, D . Lampard (West B .) . 150 games to Stephen Pace (T'town) . After 3 years at Bulleen-Templestowe, Stephen had returned to his former club to help them up the ladder . Bill Denton, Old Xaverians 1985 captain surprised notonlythe Dentonfamily, buthis team mateswith his announcement of his engagement to Phillipa Dwyer. Ivanhoe, 7th, at home to North Old Boys (3rd) trailed No rth Old Boys 1 .0 to 6.5, then in the final 3 terms kicked 24.8 to 9.9 to win by 9 goals . The 'Hoes best were Peter Adams, Dominic Howard, Tony Loton, Dale Bocabella (8 goals) . AJAX held on to 4th place in "C" Section when Oid Haileyburians wilted in the 2nd half to go down 9 .12 to 15.12 . Best were Basser, R . Marks, Feldy, S . Zelinski (6 goals) . 150 games to Paul Considine (NOB) and 200 games to Gary "Darkie" Wilson (NOB), both "A" premiership players, Gary in 1976 and Paul in 1982 . Bernie Angel brought up his 200th game, acareer that started with St Bernards from 1972 to 1983, and then joined Uni Blues in 1983. Bernie, despite a light build, rarely missed a game, and his determination and dedication were rewarded in 1980 when he won the "A" Section Best and Fairest Trophy . Leaders De La Salle dropped to 3rd when the Bullants defeated them by 26 points. Bulleen were in complete control and led by 10 goals at one stage

in the last quarter until De la Salle rattled on 6 goals . Tony Keenan (FF, 5 goals), Neal Palmer, Shane Gilmo re , Leigh Brannigan and Phil Espenschied were best for the winners. Under-19 Section 2 coaches were John Purdue (Coll .), Doug Neal (Old Brighton), Max Lyon (Old Haileyburians), James Nixon (Old Melb.), Brian Lewis (St Bernards), S . King (fherry CCOB), Bill McNamara (T'town), Don MacCallum (Uni . Blacks) . 100 games to Collegians captain, Stuart Hinchen, Best and Fairest 1983, Under-19 State Captain 1982, 1984 VAFA senior side. St Kilda CBCOC, 3rd in "B" toppled "B" Section leaders Old Xave ri ans displaying wonderful accuracy 25 .5 to 20 .13. The Saints trailed by 19 points at half time and kicked 14 .2 to 6.9 in the second half. Best were Lopes, Gillan, Reiche (8 goals), Capi ro n (8 goals) (St Kilda) and O'Sullivan, Brien, Dalton (Old Xav.) . 15 YEARS AGO - 1981 The long awaited clash between the two unbeaten teams in "D", AJAX and Old Xaverians turned out to be a fizzer as AJAX overwhelmed Old Xaverians to win, 26 .13 to 10.7. Best were Rozen, Ritterman, Schulberg, Bialek (AJAX) and Higgins, O'Neil, Sholley (Old Xaverians). Old Brighton member and member of Umpires' committee, John Sotheran, died suddenly. Ian Rice, captain of Collegians, had shown great form since joining the club in 1973, ater being captain of the school team in 1972 and winning best and fairest award . Runner-up in club best and fairest in 1973 and 1974, Ian won the award in 1975, and had already won interstate representatiopn against Tasmania in this season . 150 games to Old Haileybu ry 's ironman Andrew Williams. Best and fairest in 1970, Andrew had given great service in the centre, wing and as a ruck rover . "B" Section captains were : Bob MacDonald (C . Gramm .), Ian Rice (Coll .), Ian Davis (Geelong), Bill McWhinnie (Ivanhoe), M . Power (Marc.), M ike Yeo (0. Carey), G . Car ro ll (0. Parad .), J. Anderson (0. Scotch), and Kevin White (St Kilda) . 200 games to Parkside veteran Jim "Mumsey" Byrne, the only club member to play in the two premiership teams, 1963 and 1972 . Jim amazes the opposition with his long baggy shorts on his "muscle bound" body, and his long raking DROP KICKS . Only undefeated teams were : Old Haileybury (C), AJAX (D), and West Brunswick (F) . 20 YEARS AGO - 197 1 Collegians opened their account when they held off a determined challenge by De La Salle to score by 10 points.

The only undefeated team after first round of home and home matches (9 games) was Reservoir Old Boys in "D" Section . Bogs Paradians congratulated Graham Mansfield on his 150th game . Graham had played in 4 premiership teams and represented Victoria at the 1964 carnival. Hampton Rovers' full-back John Dean had alo reached 150 games after great service with the club, starting in the juniors. 25 YEARS AGO - 196 6 M HSOB ("A" Section) suffered their first defeat for the year when they went down to Old Scotch in a close fought game . : 3 were still on top by 8 points to Collegians while Ob;' i cotch, level on 20 points with Caulfield Gr_ mmarians, were fifth on percentage . Best for Old Scotch were : Simpson, 1 . McLean, 1. Wilson, and for MHS : J . Nelson, Bowater, Featherby. With a great second half, Hampton Rovers, 13.14.92 almost toppled "C" Section leaders St Bernards, who owed their victory to their accurate kickinq, 15 .6.96.

J . Wilson, L . Smith and MacKenzie were Hampton's best, while G. Amott, Hanneberry and Reidy contributed to St Bernard's early ascendancy.

Geelong farewelled Dr John McPhee, president for the last 12 years, who was leaving for an overseas appointment . John had been a player, and also senior and Under-15 coach . His successor was Milton Poulston, a club stalwart of many years .

40 YEARS AGO - 195 1 Old Melburnians inflicted Commonwealth Banks' first defeat when in a tight game they finished slightly better. Mal Hastie (ruck), Bryce Thomas (jet propelled on the wing) and Trevor Downs (back pocket) were stars for O Ms . In another close game, Hampton Rovers (3rd) went down to University Blues (2nd) by 3 points, the final socres being 12 .21 .93 to 12 .18 .90 . Mick Eggleston was prominent all day with beautiful football while Rick Morrison was tireless and saved the game three or four times in the last quarter . It was a great fight-back by the Blues, who trailed by 20 points at half time. Sam Birtles played a great game for Rovers with 6 goals, while John Morgan, Merv Davidson and Jim McQueen were also prominent.

Personality Pars 150TH AT OLD PARADIANS Congratulations to "Squire" Hammond on playin g his 150th senior game for OPs on 25/5 against Old Brighton . Phil has been associated with OPs since the age of 14 playing in the junior competition and progressing through to the senior club . Phi! (son of Ivan) played in the 1980 U19 premiership side as well as the '85 Reserve Premiership side and is the captain of the reserve side this year. All at Old Paradians wish Phil all the best for the rest of the year. MILESTONES AT BULLEE N U N ITED He's been in and outthrough injury si nce 1982, but David Gandolfo lines up for his 100th game (1/6) . Known for his great dashes through the pack and around the wing for a long goal, Snaggles certainly is a dashing galloper (better than the nags he bets on) . He makes it look slow-mo, but it can't be because he never gets caught! A great club worker too, Nag just keeps on putting in as Vice Pres Who Walks on Water by getting Sponsorship . Another of the'82 U19sDarren Berkefeld plays his 100th game for the Bulls (1/6) . Top motivator out on

the field is Booty, theTwos don't really seem to gettheir act together unless Booty is conducting from the pivot . Good player too! We're repeatedly amazed at what he can do on that one Peg . Off the field he is a great asset to the Club, using his organizing skills to spin the finances out of almost thin air. Congratulations Berky on the milestone and good luck for the future . One of the strong men at Bulleen United plays his 50th this week (1/6), yep, Big Wes Reynolds finally makes it after a year behind the counter . A good strong mark and accurate kick, Wes will always be a key player on the forward line. It's just that summer takes such a toll on his waistline - well it's great to see him back in fighting trim . Since appearing as old fella in '86, Wes has shed the years and has years to go at the Bulls . Congratulations Wes , AQUINAS CONGRATULATE ANOTHER Terry `Tubby' Aiford plays his 100th game today (1/6) . In his stay with Aquinas Terry has been a loyal player, committee member and "all round" good guy . The players, committee and supporters congratulate you on this milestone. (See you for a quiet one after the game.) I,

uv !;i~ ~) _ -'~~'i`~~ C :-


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C01 : '6-a' ., . .~C edited by Mike Mc en The editorial by Phil Stevens in the "Amateur Footballer" on April 20th centred aroun d

one word - DISCIPLINE - that we hear, or read many times, particularly during the course of a football season . But what does it mean? No doubt we all have our own interpretations of the word - Commitment, Control, Character, Courage, Pride, Loyalty etc ., most of them connected, all are worthy. The Oxford Dictionary provides two descriptions : 1 . "The practice of the Mental, Moral and Physical powers to promote order, regularity and efficient obedience." and 2 . "To chastise, to chasten, to bring into a state of order and obedience ." Alan Jeans says of the first: "The best form of discipline is voluntary, self imposed, observed by intelligent people who understand the cause, and want to achieve the objective . In football, the cause is the team, the objective to win ." He believes that discipline begins with morale and morale starts when you have a group of people who believe it is worth sacrifice to achieve an objective . It is a mixture of determination to do the right thing themselves, and have faith that their team-mates ar e doing the same . (At Thomastown, the U19s have formulated a "Code of Conduct", a list of 10 rules, with their own set of penalties for breaking them, ranging from fines to helping clean the rooms . They seek the respect of their peers and coach . ) Of the second Oxford description Alan Jeans says : "Shouting at players, threatening, fining, physical penalties, suspending or clearing them to other clubs is WEAKNESS, not strength - a failure for everyone concerned ." An example of this would be the situation where a player makes several handball errors at training . Surelythere is little to be gained by making that player do push ups and feel humiliated in front of his team mates . Perhaps a better response would be to get the player to perform 100 handpasses after training . The following statement by a WW1 corporal from the book "The Broken Years", says it all : "Discipline by some persons is believed to consist of breaking a man's natural spirit under continuous and rigorous drill varied with punishment for the slightest failure to obey . To get proper discipline one must first inspire his men with desire for the work and pride of performance ; get the right spirit into them as people and not automatons . Give orders if you will when necessary, but give the REASON for such orders and your men will carry them out with twice the understanding, 20 times the energy, and 100 times the success :" Each of us has the potential for success in SOME endeavour, but we will only achieve this if we apply ourselves and work at it . How can be acquire persistence and discipline? There is no simple, fast formula, but here are some basic elements. "WON'T POWER" . This is as important as WILLPOWER . The ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius said, "Men must be decided on what they will not do, and then they are able to act with vigour in what they ought to do ." Discipline means choices . Everytime you say yes to a goal or objective, you say no to many more . Every prize has its price . The prize is the yes, the price is the no . The difficulty is often in achieving a balance . Don't confuse discipline with rigidity ; true discipline achieves a balance of producing, but not pushing ; of diligence not driving . True discipline isn't on your back needling you with imperatives ; it is at your side, nudging you with incentives, giving the peace of mind that comes from being in charge of yourself . We are at our best - physically and mentally-when we are disciplined, and it is habit forming, a little leads to more, because the benefits prove increasingly desirable . Team sports like football teach commitment, courage and loyalty : They teach, and require DISCIPLINE . John Keenan - Reserves Coach, Thom astown, AFCA Membe r

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TUESD:= ;Y - 1AY 28th 1991 A . KING (Mazenod Blues) - Striking - 3 matches . D . RAYNER (Parkside) - triking - 3 matches . *G . GIANNOPOULOS (Parkside) - Striking - 3 matches . *R . SCHWASS (St Peter's) - Unduly rough play - 3 matches . *K . DUFFY (Mazenod Blacks) - Striking - 3 matches . *D. HUFFER (Latrobe Uni) - Striking - 3 matches . *L . VURLOW (Doveton) - Striking - 3 matches . *T. WEBSTER (Doveton) - Attempting to strike - 2 matches . T. KASSIAMOTIS (Ivanhoe) - Striking - 3 matches . R. EGGLESTONE (Therry) - Striking - 3 matches . B. GATT (Albanvale) - Kicking - 4 matches . T. MORRONEY (Thomastown) - Striking - 3 matches . J. BROWN (Ormond) - Attempting to Strike - 2 matches . G. CRIMMINS (Kew) - Striking - 3 matches . M . STRATTOR! (Bulleen United) - Abuse of Umpire - 2 matches .

*Accepted Prescribed Penalty -9 ~

i. 7 • __~:~

;. ;ike McArthur-Alien, Tribunal Co-ordinator - '-N - r -7-~ i i _ . ~_


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has been umpiring some of the bigger games Tooheyes him look a lot quicker than he really is . d use tha t he just- n (ihh he Chilli , Judge) notice whoTuesdays ma k A few people have ago . She was walking around trains wit fe of lately., They say its Dec -di e verfind out who th e Mrs gie44nand Mrs aMayStonrwould a ke a please ex I " saying "Who's Rob?Stud other week that oth his n e~t thatallhepresent getskhlast ow+dn p impressed week . KiineP's cold was so heavy the id is ea r + Our spies tell us thatTasmania? While on the subject we e a nice toucg g Some we recruit him f rom a The footballer and umpire motifs on his pyjamor Kilner. Male, female of a `no-s ow . now on d had the unfortunate situation . an4y dressing room from was inflicted with oUh ~ ony McKenzie on puntuality has mstructed T ) Bell Rus Robert ( m . `14y~~ pbviously . wecoincidence all feel soseen sorry for you partner. Belly Just a - nothing to do with the blackboard incident Rusty? was sporting stitches above his eye lasty s Peter 'Rags' Keogh ,ofhi learn . ® Seems that some blokes will never hoto session is on hold for now ~'~ -wee e Tuesdays result of some unusual p s to were th Also the Rags-ruin yetba injur k urie Thursdays at EP Ra gs!! . Hi s . injuries week of Iasi and arri efd from 4~oHy~ood Tyler they are goalie p k hotorhasngt year Stic camera being used for the . Since the retirement of Roof this year The Ctnerssssc®Pic goeiies' tunneibaii team boys, because Julian will take you over the salary caP• ® Havri t heard much about the June draf t searching for leadership ~. You'll in the ® HIGHLIGHTS OFTHi GOLF DAM Winner Andrew Kiine r : "How's the bruise?") 1~unnr: ;"uP Billy Fowler (Chilli says ) ~p _ Greg Grogan (R+ddy's mate e pin Too many to mention!! mourforwhackingStudbetweentheshoul e r driv Lon, the t to Ciinchy for organising the day and to Bol . . We Special .thanks Thanks also to Sei[eys and Mt Aitken for the trophies ® There the Uni last week . Seems that a b!adesmust be a state game looming- Why else would Benny th+nk of a comeback atrts f Sqinto ueezing P tycC4rnchY would have loved to reun er' s really couldn't have `m was ~~~~ ~e got theres st in t e nick o got stuck in traffic o world . o We should . have . with the Ablett of the umpiring stayi • APOLOGIES to Gary Geoff (born in the ~~~) Curren who made it to A Section twon weeksTeam ag s his Saope g . Appears our treasurer wasn't f i4teenminute uood with n~umbereildone,Geo .sexcutivmngahCb

® Notes from last Mond y . Right time - wrong floor And the {ate, but fifteen floors late BNi t yAnualTrivh

® SOCIAL NOTES : City of Melbourne g owling Club Saturday 15th June by Rusty and Big Mike' it should be a great night, even if it is compered ®RACV - their goal is to get you going!!

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FOOTEi&lt_ER 1991

~ A SECTION MARCELLIN vs OLD MELBURNIANS Field: Justin Toohey, Andrew Kilner Goal: Andrew Hogan, Gary Clancy ORMOND vs DE LA SALL E Field: Robert Bell, Stephen Clinch Goal: Mike Murray, Gary Baumgarton THERRY vs NORTH OLD BOYS Field: Richard Simon, Darren Dalgleish Goal: Ken Pitcher, Julian Velleman COLLEGIANS vs OLD HAILEYBURY Field: Noel McDonald, Russell Francis Goal: John Kelly, Bill Fowler OLD SCOTCH vs UNIVERSITY REDS Field: Steve McCarthy, Mark Jenkins Goal: Mike Lentini, Bernie Hoar e B SECTION BANYULE vs PARKSID E Field: Graeme Thwaites, Garry Lowe Goal : Steve Hopper, David Jobling OLD PARADIANS vs KEW Field: Mark Gibson, Sharon Alger Goal: Bob Seymour, Jason Tyrell OLD BRIGHTON vs ST BERNARD'S OC Field.- Tony Hales, Peter Wiseman Boundary: David Fowler, Leah Gallagher Goal: Bob Dunstan, Bill Ross OLD TRINITY vs OLD MENTONIANS Field: Geoff Curran, Peter Keogh Goal: Roy Tucknott, Don McKenzi e UNIVERSITY BLACKS vs OLD XAVERIANS (EP Sat) Field: Peter Mair, AFL Umpire Boundary: Shane Mannix, AFL Umpire Goal: Denis Webster, AFL Umpire UNIVERSITY BLACKS vs OLD XAVERIANS (Reserves) Field: Norm Nugent, Ted Keating Boundary: Alby Firley, Jim Brown Goal: Nancy McTaggart, Graeme Simpson C SECTION THOMASTOWN vs PRESTON MBOB Feld: Jason Moore, Chris Keeton STATE/COMMONWEALTH BANK vs ST KILDA CBOC Field. Michael Ford, Mike Gilda y FAWKNER vs MONASH BLUES Field: Paul La Vale, Geoff Moore IVANHOE vs BULLEEN/TEMPLESTOWE Field: Andrew McPherson, Simon Vandersluys CAULFIELD GR vs WHITEFRIAR S Field: Alan Ladd, Brian Lowe D SECTION OLD IVANHOE vs OLD CAMBERWELL Field., Andrew Belche r ST BEDES vs ST KEVINS Field: Tim Keatin g OLD GEELONG vs HAMPTON ROVERS Field: David Miller, Fred Wright LATROBE UNI vs MHSO B Field: Anthony Damen GLENHUNTLY vs AJAX Field: Richard Eastwood E SECTION MAZENOD OC vs WEST BRUNSWICK Field: Damien Donohue, Damien Knott DOVETON vs OLD ESSENDO N Field: John Natoli, Paul Rapke WILLIAMSTOWN vs BULLEEN UNITED Field: Tom Zapadlo, Tim Sheare r ST ANDREW'S vs ST MARY'S Field: Tony Murphy


E SECTION continued NORTH BRUNSWICK vs AQUINAS OB Field: Clark Thuys, David Harford BRUNSWICK vs POWERHOUS E Field: Peter Harris, Jeff Bear F SECTION ELSTERNWICK vs BORONIA PARK Field: Gary Knigh t Boundary: Brad Hodge, Anthony Gabriel Goat: Neil Edwards, Mike Richardson RICHMOND CENTRAL vs UHSOB Field.- Ken Walke r ST PATRICK'S vs SALESIAN OC Field: Rob Mayston Boundary: Luke Kirton, Adrian McMaster PENINSULA vs ANZ BAN K Field: Jeff O'Rourke UNIVERSITY REDS vs OLD CAREY (Sunday) Field: Santo Caruso UNDER 19 SECTION 1 DE LA SALLE BLUE vs ORMON D Field: Pat Maebu s Goal.- Trish Boyd, Adam Harri s OLD PARADIANS vs MAZENOD BLUES Field: David D'Alter a Boundary: Dean Costantin, Paul Costantin ST BERNARDS vs UNIVERSITY BLUES Field: Ron Smith COLLEGIANS vs OLD XAVERIANS Field: Bary Rechelt Goat: Reno Barichievic, J . Pickett OLD SCOTCH vs OLD BRIGHTON Field: Brad Lowe MARCELLIN vs OLD HAILEYBURY Field: Peter Graha m Boundary: Don Walton, Brad Laferlita UNDER 19 NORTH SECTION NORTH OLD BOYS vs THOMASTOW N (7.30 Friday Night - Gillon Reserve) Field: Mark Bushfield, Andrew Taylor PARKSIDE vs OLD IVANHO E Field: Geoff Ridd, Chris Box AQUINAS vs ALBANVAL E Field: Anthony Podesta, Mike Wakelin OLD TRINITY vs CHIRNSIDE PARK Field: Rob Dooley, Ken Coughlan WHITEFRIARS vs THERR Y Field: Alan Stubbs, Rob Collie BULLEEN/TEMPLESTOWE - BY E UNDER 19 SOUTH SECTION ST BEDES vs OLD CAMBERWELL Field: Gary Beasley Boundary : Michael Shelton, Warren Allen MHSOB vs MONASH BLUES Field: Glen Furness Boundary: Brad Johansen, Brett Collins CAULFIELD GR vs OLD MENTONIANS Field.- Ashley Dreier, Cam Swale Boundary: Tim Creighton, Robert Condon Goal: Rob Liddle, Geoff Grigg MAZENOD BLACKS vs ST PETER'S CLAYTON Field: Mark English, Wayne Henry Boundary: Robert Swinton, David Billimoria Goal: Gordon Chalmers, Craig Chalmers HAMPTON ROVERS vs AJAX Field: Kevin Segota, Tony McKenzie Boundary: Ben McKnee, Mark Cimdin s DE LA SALLE GOLD vs OLD MELBURNIANS Field: David Ashton



NORTH OLD BOYS 3.6 9.11 11 .16 14 .17.101 OLD SCOTCH 2.5 6.7 14.8 17.10.112 NORTH OLD BOYS Kearney 4, Hanlon 3, Boyle 3, Egan 2, Hadley, Martin. BEST McMenamin, Egan, P. Considine, Conti, Kearney, Hanlon . OLD SCOTCH M illar 6, Aujard3, Keipert 2, McCall 2, Reddish 2, Smith, B . Steele. BEST Emmett, Hunter, Twitt, Aujard, Lloyd, Millar . 20.24 .144 OLD HAILEYBURY 341 7.9 11 .17 OLD MELBURNIANS 2A 5 .5 9.7 11 .11 .77 OLDHAILEYBURYWalden 4,Tanner3,Phillips3,Armstrong 2,Meehan 2, Kraus 2, Thiessen, Robinson, Steenholdt, Main . BEST Thiessen, Orton, Seccull, Tanner, McKenzie, Armstrong . OLD MELBURNIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. ORMOND 6 .3 15 .6 18 .10 26.13 .169 THERRY CCOB 5 .2 7.4 11 .6 13.9.87 ORMOND Schuhkraft 7, Roth 5, S . race 4, Jobling 2, Forsyth 2, Brown 2, Wood, McConville, Kingston, Gallagher. BEST Jobling, Paul McDonald, Burden, David McDonald, Gilmore, Schuhkraft. THERRY CCOB S. Eastmure3, M . Goodwin 2, Matton 2, O'Rourke 2, Bosanko, Fitzpatrick, Ramsay, Grocock . BEST J . Vaina, Egglestone, Ramsay, Goodwin, Grocock, Matton . UNIVERSITY BLUES 5.0 11 .2 15.3 18.5 .113 MARCELLIN OC 3 .3 6.5 11 .8 15.15 .105 UNIVERSITY BLUES Koczkar 6, Macinnes 4, Stevenson 3, Davis 2, Wallis, Dodds, Allardice. BEST Davis, Koczkar, Jamieson, Stevenson, Finlayson, Williams . MARCELLIN OC Caffry 5, Boysen 3, Petroff 3, Castagna, M . Getson, B. Cooper, Delahunt. BEST Hewitt, Castagna, Caffry, Slattery, L. Getson, O'Flynn . DE LA SALLE OC 4.2 9.2 13.4 16.9 .105 COLLEGIANS 4 .4 8.8 9.14 9.17.71 DE LA SALLE OC Hunter 4, Tully 3, Kinsella 2, Borg 2, Campbell 2, Mullins, P. O'Callaghan, Mackintosh . BEST Rosman, Scott, Kinsella, Campbell, Hagan. Borg . COLLEGIANS Mount 3, Daly 2, Pollock, Jefferson, Milat, Lemon . BEST Schober, Wright, Daly, Lord, Scott, Mount

M ONASH BLUES 8.2 12 .4 19.11 26.15 .171 CAULFIELD GR 2 .5 7.8 9.12 12 .15 .87 M ONASH BLUES Spencer 5, Alexander4, Hip„e113, Seaton 3, Sturgess 3, Hildebrand 3, Koop 2, J. Millie, Corrigan, Baring . CAULFIELD GR Cape 3, Harris 3, Brohier 2, Kalinski, Holmes, Wills, Kellaway. BEST Caple, Simpson, Wills, Kellaway . Bourke, Holmes. BULLEEN-TEMP. 5.2 9.4 17.6 27.6.168 4.12 7.15.57 PRESTON MBOB 1 .4 4.9 BULLEEN-TEMP. Pace 8, Matthews 6, Mayne 3, A . Parris 3, Mitilineos . BEST Shine, Mayne, Mitilineos, 2, Shine 2, Harvie, Bell, Wotherspoon Martin, A. Parris, Driver. MBOB McKenna 2, Faure, Smart, Hume, Finikaridies, PRESTON Kyriacou. BEST Bullock, Coleman, McGaw, Noble, Philp . STATE/COMM . BANK 5.4 10.8 18.13 24.19.163 FAWKNER 4 .5 5 .9 8.15 12.17.89 STATE/COMM . BANK Jenkins 7, Wade 3, Beare 3, A . Pitts 2, Maher, Wilson, Beer, Buchanan, A . Jackson, Andrews. BEST Linford, McDonald, Templeton, Wallmeyer, Wade, A . Pitts. FAWKNER M . Majerczak4, Lawson 4, M . Roach 2, Holt, L . Cohen. BEST Lawson, Buckley, I . Habgood, Busst, Mitchell, M . Majerczak. WHITEFRIARS OC 2 .5 7.10 12.17 18.25 .133 5.2 9.4 15.8 16.12 .108 THOMASTOWN WHITEFRIARS OC R . Reidy 4, Pratt 3, Lane 3, B. Crowe, Carbone 2, Strike, McHugh, McKeown, Johnson . BEST Gibbins, R . Reidy, G . White, Carbone, B . Crowe, Spears . THOMASTOWN Bubis 6, Langbourne 4, Papaiaonou, Lentini, Nazifouski, Plant, D. Fellows, Petsinis. BEST A . Fellows, Bubis, Petsinis, Smith, Papaiaonou, Nazifouski . ST KILDA CBOC 3 .0 6 .5 14 .10 16.12 .108 17.12 .114 IVANHOE 10.2 11 .5 11 .8 ST KILDA CBOC Bergman 7, Riddell 3, Capiron 2, Chapple, Degering, . BEST Capiron, Buckley, Chapple, Bergman, Kolokossian, Battershill Fitsimon, Battershill . IVANHOE Kassiamotis 5, Lengacher 2, Kennedy 2, Tucker 2, P. Flynn 2, E . Flynn, Bullen, La Rosa, Jackson . BEST Rowley, Stewart, Barro, kennedy, Pettingill, O'Connell .

. ---- ----- -- -----------t .1_ ST C ERidARDS 8.5 14.14 23.18 34.22.226 UNIVERStTY BLACKS 0 .1 1 .3 1 .5 5.8.38 ST LERNARDS L. Gallant 10, G. Wood 6, Mulkearns 3, F. Comito 3, V. Comito 2, Hogan 2, Purcell 2, Walsh 2, Overman, Doran, Law, McCleave. BEST Greig Wood, Mulkearns, L. Gollant, R. Purcell, Law, V. Comito. UNIVERSITY BLACKS Hengel 2, Somerville 2, l.ongley. BEST 0' Neale, Spinks, Anderson, Mengel, Bromell, Somerville . OLD M ENTONIANS 6.5 13.10 17.14 19.20 .134 rARKSIDE 1 .2 3.7 4.12 7.17.59 OLD M ENTONIANS Bournon 5, Acreman 4, Solley 4, Turner 3, Best, u,ckson, N . Macquire. BEST Farrow, Gardiner, Best, Barrett, Bournon, Davis. PARKSIDE Cotter3, Freeman, Panjari, Yokish, Vincitorio. BEST Griffiths, Franklin, Colosimo, Bradley, Inserra, Rodwell . OLD PARADIANS 5.5 7.14 10.17 17.21 .123 OLD BRIGHTON 3 .7 4 .12 4.17 7.19.61 OLD PARADIANS Skerritt 6, Cosgriff 3, J . Geary 2, Philp 2, Beare 2, O'Keefe, Vincent . BEST B. Joyce, Nelson, Skerritt, Shannon, O'Loughlin, Brabender. OLD BRIGHTON Allen 2, Hayden 2, Pryor, Gilmore, McLaughlan . BEST Pryor, Brook, Perry, McLaughlan, Marion, Carter. OLD XAVERIANS 4.4 6 .5 11 .12 18 .19.127 BANYULE 0.4 4 .8 6 .9 8.15.63 OLD XAVERIANS G. Dalton 3, A . Landri9an 3, M. Logan 3, Connors 2, J. McKay 2, Dillon 2, Bailey, Mithen . BEST J. Dalton, Mithen, G . Dalton, Connors, barn, Bailey. BANYULE Broster 4, Ladd, Glass, Sanders, Gilham . BEST Coulson, Scaterby, Gilham, Gent, Adams, Broster . KEW 1 .2 4.7 6 .12 9 .15.69 OLD TRINITY 6.7 10.14 17.21 21 .24.150 KEW Porte 4, C . Tustin 2, White, James, Okalyi. BEST Porte, Schober, Tenace, Love, M . Peric, Okalyi . OLD TRINITY Boxtel 9, Balazsy 2, Heath 2, Parkes 2, Harmer, Johnson, R. Phillips, Roberts, Rogers, Smith . BEST Boxtel, Balazsy, Dunn, Heath, R . Phillips, Parkes, Team Effort .

H;.f, PTO, d ROVERS 3.2 9 .6 9.10 13.14.92 2 .8 4.12 14 .15 18.17.125 GLENHUi4TLY HAL]PTON ROVERS G . Devereaux 4, Hippard 3, Deluca 2, Capp, C . Dwyer, I . Rogerson, Voulgarakis . BEST Hoggett, Capp, C . Dwyer, I . Boyle, McKellar, G . Devereaux . GLENHUNTLY M . Smith 6, Gregory 3, Halpin 2, C. Horsey 2, T. Hill 2, Isaacs, Bateman, Rafferty. BEST I . Withers, Schultz, Mance, Timms, Miitze, Davies. 24 .18.162 MHSOB OLD CAMBERWELL 18.15.123 MHSOB Bamert 5, Dawson 3, Young 3, Snaidero 3, Comer 3, C . Tyrrell 2, Atchison 2, Dixon, Moore, R . Newton, BEST Dixon, Dawson, Knight, Newton, J. Palmos, C. Tyrrell, Adduci. OLD CAMBERWELL Armstrong 3, S. Forwood 2, Harvey 2, McCahon 2, Heintz 2, Salvaris, Woods, Jackson, Mance, Swingler, Kyriacou, Mitchell . BEST Woods, Adams, Kyriacou, Spicer, Jackson, McCahon . ST BEDES 4.0 6.0 7.3 8 .5.53 OLD GEELONG 2.3 10.7 14.9 17.12.114 ST BEDES Gray 3, McColough 2, Algeri, Whitelaw, Walker. BEST Tim Beasley, Purcell, Hutchinson, Smith, McColl, Algeri . OLD GEELONG Ritchie 7, Furphy 3, Manton 2, Pescott 2, Bayliss, Colaci, M . Davis. BEST Baylis, Macdougal, Colaci, Pescott . Manton, Ritchie . AJAX 7.1 12.4 17.7 18 .9.117 OLD IVANHOE 0.2 4.7 7.8 10.18 .78 AJAX D. Sheezel 6, A . Gordon 3, D. Pat 2, D . Marks 2, P. Goetz 2. D . Briskin 2, M . Pat . BEST M . Pat, D . Pat, R. Bloom, G . Rozenberg, L . Burstin, G . Sheezel . OLD IVANHOE B . Hall 4, Yarwood 2, W . Parry, Dyson, Pidoto, Corlett . BEST Jensen, Corlett, Dyson, Parry, Yarwood, Taylor . ST KEVINS OB 2 .3 8.8 14 .12 19.15 .129 LATROBE UNI 2.2 3.3 4.3 6 .5.41 ST KEVINS OB Kerr 5, Beale 3, NcNee2, McCann 2, Gross 2, Hourigan 2, Stone, Panagiotopolous, Mulcahy. BEST Pivetta, Beale, Hagarty, McNair, Arthurson, Hourigan . LATROBE UNI Bakogiannis 2, Tighe 2, Fawcett, McLachlan . BEST Little, Liersch, Lewis, Engler, O'Connor, Fawcett .

AQUINAS 3.2 6.6 9.9 16 .11 .107 WILLIAL1STO5'JfJ CYMS 2.4 2.7 6.13 12 .17.89 AQUINAS Whelan 5, Wilkinson 3, Coster 2, Lablache 2, Sauze, Clarke, Spiess, J. Livingston . BEST Spiess, Leavey, Whelan, Phelan, Vankirkhoven, Tarulli . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Graham 4, T. Cannon 3, Featherston, Case, McCannon, Anderson, M . Tuck. BEST Anderson, Turnley, Harry, M . Dervan, Teagle, T. Cannon. POWERHOUSE 4.4 8.7 16.10 21 .13.137 WEST BRUNSWICK 5.2 6.7 7.10 13 .14.99 POWERHOUSE Devlin 6, J. Ha115, B. Ha113, L. Gallo, S . Gross, Scotland, Martin, Vagg . BEST B. Hall, J . Scotland, Cross, Newland, Morris, Desler . WEST BFIUNSWICK McNeice 4, T. Johnstone 2, Magafas 2, Bargiamidis, Konstantinidis, Chapple, Kyriakidis, Johnson . BEST T. Johnstone, McNaughton, McNeice, Magafas, Konstantinidis, Bargiamidis . DOVETON 9.16 .70 NORTH BRUNSWICK 21 .10 .136 DOVETON Dyke 2, J . McDonald 2, S. Reiger, J. Reiger, K. Wilson, T. O'Donnell, Beugelaar. BEST Warren, Campbell, Johnston, Khalil, O'Donnell, Simpson . NORTH BRUNSWICK Grimaldi 6, Boudofoh 3, B. Thorpe 2, D. DeMorton 2, Fox 2, Cutler 2, J . Briffa, Hehir, Attard, Rispoli . BEST Grimaldi, J. Tirchett, B. Thorpe, Hehir, A . Tirchett, Parkinson. ST M ARYS 5.2 8.4 15.8 16 .10 .106 MAZENOD OC 4 .3 9.10 12 .11 19 .14.128 ST MARYS T. McCaskell 3, M . Learmonth 3, M . Ritchie 2, B . Clarke, R . Livingstone, I . Ellett, J. Sinnico, W. Mullenger, A . Ellett, T. Brideson, T. Jones. BEST T. Brideson, I . Burt, T. Jones, S . Stone . MAZENOD OC Noble 4, D. Murray 4, Rekic 2, Dicintio 2, McCormack 2, Chilcott 2, Gye, Kendall . BEST McMullin, Todd, Fisher, Gye, Rekic, Grimison. OLD ESSENDON 1 .4 5.6 9.11 13.16.94 BRUNSWICK 3.0 11 .5 16 .8 21 .11 .137 OLD ESSENDON McConville 5, Dudderidge 4, Chakley, Willmott, McEncroe, Vlahek. BEST Harrison, Ashen, Wright, Vlahek, McConville, Milner. BRUNSWICK N . Campbell 5, M. Sayers 3, I . Campbell 2, Jacobs 2, Hardy2, Barley, Carroll, Kannegiesser, Cross, Williamson, Conduit . BEST Cross, Green, Spezza, McBride, Black, Cordes . BULLEEN UNITED 9 .4 14 .9 20 .15 28 .20.188 ST ANDREWS 1 .2 4 .6 6 .8 9.10.58 BULLEEN UNITED Divirgilio 7, Ciro 5, Hopkins 4, Kelly 4. Creighton 2, Morley, Mott, P. Avery, S . Avery, Snaps, Borg . BESTCreighton, S . Avery, Dellaca, Snape, Divirgilio, Kelly. ST ANDREWS Tapner 3, Chamra, D'Angelo, Funnell, Smith, Waste. BEST Emblem, Ford, Heaney, Oguzhan, Smith, Winkler.

UNIV F"SI TY REDS 5 .1 12 .2 16.5 22 .8.140 SALESIAN 5 .2 9.5 13.6 15.8 .98 U~ :IVE ~31TYREDSP.Satzano9,G.Schiavo4,Fossa3,Cahir2,Condon 2, Warwick, Ryles. BEST Maus, S . Salzano, Gosdschan, G . Schiavo, J. Schiavo, B. Condon . SALESIAN Garafoto 4, Byrne 3, Nannes 2, A . Grace 2, Cincotta, Healey, A . Gaspari, G . Gaspari . BEST Nannes, Bourke, Healey, Castaldi, Garafolo, A. Grace . ANZ BANK 9 .5 21 .12 31 .18 41 .29.275 BORONIA PARK 3.2 6.4 9.6 10 .8.68 ANZ BANK Nicolosi 8, Sanelli 6, N . Pastras 6, Marshall 5, Xuereb4, Boyle 3 . Koegler 2, Kringoudis 2, Ganley 2, S . Vergos, J. McDonald, Smith . BEST Nicolosi, Sanelli, Ganley, S . Vergos, J . McDonald, Reed, Boyle and everybody else. BORONIA PARK Featonby 2, Hincksman 2, Weinlich 2, Ton, Borthwick, White, Neal . BEST Weinlich, Featonby, Hincksman, Wright, Coath, Hawken . RICH M OND CENTRAL 4 .3 6.5 11 .8 12.8.80 ST PATS MENTONE 6.7 14 .16 22 .19 31 .23.209 RICH M OND CENTRAL Sungalis 5, Fultonz 2, Dormer 2, Bastow, M . Warton, D. Jiggins . BEST M. Warton, P. Warton, Sungalis, Holt, S . Pickett, D. Jiggins. ST PATS MENTONE Bowden 8, Henson 7, Murphy 4, Symons 3, Johnston 2, Horler 2, Barry, Emmerson, Andrew, Bailey . BEST Barry, Henson, Andrew, Bailey, O'Brien, M . Houlihan . OLD CAREY 4 .3 7.6 10 .10 14.12 .96 ELSTERNWICK 3 .3 8 .7 14 .10 17.14.116 OLD CAREY Hickey 7, Dunshea 2, Evans, Patterson, Chipp, Bertalli, Bryan . BEST Ustick, Hickey, Dyson, Ballagh . ELSTERNWICK M . Andrew 6, Alb Contin 3, Guinane 3, Hill 2, G. Andrew 2, Blennerhassett . BEST M . Andrew, Hill, Christie, Farrington, McCooke, Guinane.

UHSOB 7.8 13 .11 21 .13 29 .14 .188 PENINSULA OB 3.1 8.3 11 .5 20 .6.126 UHSOB Cleary8, Epifano 6, Kountios 5, Grant3, Smith, Wood, Wallace, McLean, Boxshall, Watt, Hooper. BEST Watt, Cleary, Bates, Rothwell, Strahan, McLean . PENINSULA OB Goal Klcl 2 rs and 8,1,-t Players not receiv- J . (- .

OLD . :; 'rERIANS 3.9.27 NO :F H OLD BOYS 13.10.88 OLDXAVERIANS F. Mclnnerny, A . Luxton, C . Pearson . BEST M . Tyrell, D. Pearson, A. Ellis, A. Sheehan, J . Sadler, A. Rogers . NORTH OLD BOYS D. Ryan 3, Perrone 2, Eeles 2, Fogarty 2, Hofstede 2, Goodear, Sheahan . BESTTrimboli, Nardella, Sheahan, Masic, Macri, McGriller. THERRY 3.6.24 ST BERNARDS 14.10 .94 THERRY Brisbane2, Grant . BEST Brisbane, Grant, Mohren, McIntyre, Larose, Swift. ST BERNARDS Looker 5, Devers 2, Vaneck 2, Creake, Moodie, P. Monaghan, Tobin, Denahy. BEST Looker, Burke, Creake, Van Eck, Doolan, Devers . ALBANVALE 1 .2 2.6 3.8 6.13 .49 FIT 2.3 4.5 4.8 4.8.32 ALBANVALE E . Walker 2, M . Phillips 2, J . Bigham, S. Brearley. BEST J . Bigham, C. Bigham, T. Larter, D . Guastalegname, S. Brearley, A. Pari-rey. FIT Moebus, P. Cliffe, Gale, Thielman . BEST W. Taylor, P. Cliffe, J . Perre, G . Ziegler, T. Johnstone, K . Thielman . M ARCELLIN 3.3 6.4 9.4 12 .8.80 KEW 2.1 5.5 10.8 13.9 .87 MARCELLIN T.G. Slattery 4, O'Callaghan 3, Dinneen 2, Archdeacon, Barlow, Rozenboom . BEST Currey, Barlow, Tino, Archdeacon, M . Tyrrell. KEW Robert Maclsaac 5, O'Dea 4, Quinn 2, Phelan, Tucker. BEST Robert Maclsaac 5, Greenwood, Furlong, Phelan, D. Maclsaac, M . Doyle. OLD PARADIANS 1 .1 4.1 4.1 8.4.52 OLD SCOTCH 2 .2 5.5 9 .7 9 .8.62 OLD PARADIANS Goal PCictsera and Bgat PI ra not ntceIred . OLD SCOTCH Price 6, MacMillan, Hawkins, Clunies-Ross . BEST Hawdon, McLeish, Kay, Price, MacMillan, West . BULLEENTEMP. 1 .1 3.4 4 .5 6.9.45 CHIRNSIDE PARK 3.0 6.1 9.2 13 .3.81 BULLEEN TEL4P. A . Saw, P. Saw, Edwards, Quaife, Shallard, Shine. BEST Parkinson, Driver, Hall, A. Saw, G . Hatton . CHIRNSIDE PARK Thomas 4, Warren 3, G. De Jong 3, Foster, Marshman, Scardimawglia . BEST G . De Jong, Carusi, Wheeler, Scardimaglia, Bourke, Cornelisson . OLD WESTBOURNE 4.4 7.4 7.8 9.11 .65 ELTHAM 1 .1 5.6 7.7 13 .7.85 OLD WESTBOURNE Murdoch 6, Horsburgh, Gigas, Manalokakis . BEST Crowe, Sunny, Murdoch, Belcher, Horsburgh, Geier. ELTHAM K . Tucker 4, Peterson 3, Thorsen 2, Millar, A . Tucker, Sticklnd, Mitchell. BEST K . Tucker, A . Tucker, P. Kernaghan, Weatherill, O'Donnell, Peterson . BANYULE 4 .4 7.9 8 .11 10.13.73 COLLEGIANS 3 .2 6.3 7.6 10.6 .66 BANYULE A . Parry 2, Sturrock 2, Healey 2, Rigby, Barton, Jakober, Davis. BEST Riqby, Rohan Doherty, Sturrock, A . Parry, Stephens, M. Gray COLLEGIAt' S Heriott 3, Dunne 2, Choo 2, Tadgell, C. Mackay, Mariakis. BEST Byrne, Mariakis, Heriott, Choo, Davies, Schiller.

BLOODS 75 .47 DE LA SALLE 15.18.108 BLOODS Thomas, C. McDonnel, Smith, Watkins, Van, Findlay, R . McAsey. BEST Van, Turner, Smith, McKenzie, Findlay, Bainbridge. DE LA SALLE Pegoli 3, Bolt3, Hegan 2, P. Brasher, McBeth, M . Mannix, O'Dwyer, Jennings, Williamson, Moore . BESTJ. O'Catlaghan, F. SeftonMcGraw, Manning, Pegoli, Bolt, Hagan. OLD GEELONG 7.4.46 MONASH WHITES 11 .20.86 OLD GEELONG P. Jones 3, Barrow 2 . McMillan, Begg . BEST Spiden, P. Jones, Begg, Brocksopp, Allender, Baxter . MONASH WHITES Goal Klckers and Beat Players not recahfad . OLD MELBURNIANS 13 .10.88 MONASH GRYPHONS 7.6.48 OLD MELBURNIANS Reid 5, Parslow 2, Dugdale, Buttery, Weaver, Hockney, O'Connor, Van Der Duncan . BEST Reid, Francis, Hockney, Weaver, Buttery, Parslow. MONASH GRYPHONS J . Williams 2, ???2, ???, F. Chesire, G . Hymus. BEST S . Hogan, M . Leishot, D. Gravina, P Kevedores, C . O'Brien, J . Williams.

- -- :DD 2.2 7.3 8.8 9.10 .64 C__. ,. ST :I L i .5 1.5 3.8 4 .13.37 R" CD Hallam 3, A . Noone 3, Anderson, Cara, Hogan. BEST Cara, A. Noone. G . Noone, Bourbon, Paul Smith, Murray . C- C$"i' , ~!'_iTA Nardeila 2, ???, Kerian. BEST Nardetla, ???, Schne3lridet Harris, Caiafa, Fitzroy. 4.11 .35 STt :'?`(~3 GLEiI7LY 7.14.56 STI .~'~M .lswis2,Bazley1,Barclay . BESiMiilar,Freeman, O'Keefe, O'Brien, a. Bare, Stewart GLE;41 IUI TLY Ottaway 2, Breslin 2, Holman, Thom, Kane . BEST Harding,'.tiarren, Breslin, Bryant, Whelan, Ottaway . OLD N = .! LEYBURY 13 .13.91 K !.F-ryELD 11 .3.69 Lane 4, Herbert 2, Krause 2, White 2, Irvine, Smith, OLD HA[LEYBU . BEST Irvine, Herbert, Craig, Aughterson, McCrimmon, McCrimmon Dowling . LFIELD N . Alexandrou 4, P. Spiliopoulos 2, A . KONTIAS.NTH Atexandrou, Zuegn, Lording, Hatzidakis, Kantarias . BEST G . Kantarias, . Spitiopculos, K . Smith, S. Bond, N . Ate :candrou . J. Hatzidakis, P S7JC : ; : _ ^-CEr: -D FOR : JT FDO7:7 A.l=.X

0.0 5 .3 4 .5 6.11 14 .16 21.23. OC rton, Wa rtman, Pyers.Mitch -1, Hamilton, C~_7'~ 1 _ :! Haydon 2, No Payne 'Pollock, Pyers, Farrow, Skelton, Hamilton, Devine. - 3 OC Gilmour 7, Byrne 3, Stromei 3, Brebner 2, Chatfield 2, Loot Kennedy, Comito. BEST Looker, Stromei, Horn, Brebner, Satom ~rne . OLD 1 , - . :L :-YBU -1iARtS 5.4 12.4 14.8 19.11.125 5.4 9.2 14.9 18.14 .122 0_r, ;, t_ IJ r ANS Devrar5,D.Andersen4,Fothergi113,P.Anderson . BEST G . Anderson, J . Parton, D . 2, Mistry, Lyons, Kelly An,i-"-.., F. Anderson, Kelly, Dewar. .-, Brown 6, Hurfey4, Gribbie 2, Burgio, Fischer, Agar, Masnow . C lur , Carboon . BEST Hurley, Sparrow, Gribble, Lough, Osborne, Taylor. 251.158 OLD ' A NS 1 .4 13.7 16.8 6.3 9.6 10.12 11 .16 .82 OLD SCOTCH Brodie 10, Wallis 6, Hayes 5, Vicino 2, Btandford, Hall . OLD PARADLANS BEST C. Henry, S. Wallis, M . Hayes, B. Brodie, N . Condie, S. Bachelor. 3, Crawford 2, Roberts 2, McWhirter, Piekusis, OLD SCOTCH Lawson M . Robrtson, Steel. BEST Lawson, Hanneberry, Bock, Norman, Woodhouse, Warner. 6 .5 8.5 9 .7 10.8 .68 OLD XAVEF := 17.11113 DE L$ 7.'LLE -!I !E 1 .3 6.6 10.10 OLD X 7E@;! " . : Warner 3, Burley 3, P. Salter, Hilbert, Hogan, Cook . BEST Davies, Egan, Purcell, P. Salter, Burley, Keyhoe. DE LA SALLE EWE Duckett 3, Lafferty 3, Crowe 2, Makinson 2, Schuiling2, D. Smith 2, Truscott 2, Brown, BEST Duckett, Ford, M . Smith, Murray, Broun, Magree. VA--NOD BLUES 2 .5 3 .7 4 .14 6.19.5 5 3L' "A CC 6 .2 8.3 11 .4 14.6.90 3, A . Little, Josza, Lenette. BEST Josza, B. 3 BLllES Weston Mounter, t.enette, Marshall, Griffiths . Boysen 3, Edwards 2, Quarrel 2, Becchetti 2 . Neal, i` '. .',-!.LIP1 OC Ryder, Bennett , Vimpani, Edmonds. BEST Becchetti, Merton, Tranquilli, Bearz -,'Reilly, Edmonds. UI :V 7 ~::i7YBLUES 1 .1 3.2 7.3 8.5.53 COLLL^I ;. : :-1 6 .2 11 .10 13.14 21 .16.142 U ; :I,rE~":~'TYBL!S$a 5,DuNy,Macavr,Unsvrorth .BESTBakor, lee na . . , .r~c ?emellan, Christie, Grummet . COLLEG3,1,t : ; ' .' tstos7,Ssyzr ;6,Blackman2,Fredman2,Batiste2, Farringlcn, F- , . BEST Bare, Mastos, Frednian, Kenr illy, Symons, GiirS

i 11 .3 '16.12.120 2 .2 7,9 11 .10 13A0 . 2 3 :/ McKay 4, Hollow3, Starke 3, G . Baker 3, Schembri 2, A. Baker, Carets, G . Grocock . BEST Sharp, G . Baker, A . Baker, Hollow, McKay, Star!"~-

F .U ~ : =AS Hacking 4. Whitehead 3, S. Jones 2, Chamberlain 2, C . Belli . BEST Chamberlain, Zuponavich, Colliver, Upton, Flynn, Jones . 4.5 11.7 16.14 20.18.138 BULL-E 3 ; 7, - , : THfl?,1A5T0 :4 1 .2 3.5 5.7 7.12.54 GttLLE_ :'- ~!mr.Bennie 4,McLaren4,Kemp 3, McWaters 3, Doggett 2, Car . iltoguo, Dunsmore, Tulloch . BEST Datloglio, Scott, Nagel , D^^ . I. wlooh Kemp. 7, ;" .'' .,>T Ste 3,Daghfst ani,Katovski,Cakovski,Doukas . BEST Doukas, Gretch, Daghistani, Skora, Geremia.

PARKSIDE 4.4 11 .5 13 .8 15.10.100 WHITEFRIARS 3.3 4.4 8.7 8.13.61 SIDE Coombes, Ellis. Damilitas, Williams, Harvey, Miller. BEST Ellis, D. Pasquale, McAinch, Delivgini, Williams, Coombes. W44ITEFR1FiRS Miller 2, Dorazio, Carapellotti, O'Connor, Tilling, Ciardulli, Barker. BEST Dorazio, Tilling, N . Smirk, O'Connor, Ciardulli, Parr. CHIRNSIDE PARK 3.4 9.7 16.11 26 .14.170 NORTH OLD BOYS 7.3 8.3 12 .5 16.7.103 CHIRNSIDE PARK R . Foster 4, Harvey 4, Woodcock 3, Condie3, Pope 3, Piccioli 2, S . Foster 2, Gellert, Schafer, Kerr, Greensill, Pemberton . BEST A Good Disciplined Team Effort . NORTH OLD BOYS Salvatore 2, M . Girolami 2, Sartori 2, Bangit, Del Re, Leigh, Fisher, Muller, Vaughan, Tomlinson, Vaina, Haifa, Edwards . BEST White, Leigh, Tomlinson, Salvatore, Newport, Boozer. 10 .10 12.12 25.18 29.21 .195 ALBANVALE OLD TRINITY 1 .1 3.2 6.3 10 .8 .68 ALBAPIVALE Galt 10, Williams 5, Leetet 3, Phillips 2, Buscko 2, Cilmi 2, Febay 2, Triplett, Vitaione, Liddell . BESTCilmi, Psaila, Dorrough, Leahy, Vitalone, Edwards . OLD TRINITY Denby 3, Gutteridge 2, Sutherland, Gibson, Lloyd, Brimble, Curry . BEST Gutteridge, Denby, Adam, Sutherland, Sims, Green . OLD IYNN H OE - BYE

5.11 17.20 20.23-11 - 3 ROVERS 1 .4 5 .6 11 .7 16,10.10 :, es5,Hoppe 3,Fagenblat3,Jason Wroebel2,Slade 2,Israe l 2, t;ukerman, Kol, Levine BEST Jason Wroebel, Israel, Jeremy Wroebel, Devries, Krongold, Toiler. .:_:PTO@d ROlIERS Anderson 3, Fairweather 3, Bulmer 2, Phillipson 2, Harvey, C. McGregor, Robbins, Wilton, McLean, Warland . BEST Taylor, Robbins, Kay. MONASH BLUES 4.8 8.10 16 .13 24.18.162 CAULFIELD GR 0.1 0.2 1.2 1 .2 .8 MONASH BLUES Froelich 4, Bertacco 3, Gill 3, Dillon 3, Dowsley 3, Signorelli'2, Tocknell 2, Douglass, Beck, Smith, Harris. BEST Dillon, Mentha, Gill, Dowstey, Smith, Signorelli . CAULFIELD GA Goal Kickers and Seat Pt rs not resolved . OLD MELBURNIANS 4.6 7.11 11 .18 13 .22.100 MAZENOD BLACKS 0.1 2.3 3.6 4.8.32 MELBURNIANS Cornell 6, Terrill 2, Fraser 2, Harding, Rhoden, OLD A. Smith . BEST Branchfiower, Sneezey.ell, Nelson, Rhoden, Sinn, Fraser. M AZENOD BLACKS Goal Kickers and Beat Players not received . ST PETERS CLAYTON 1.3 4.8 7.16 8.1765 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 .5 10.7 18.9 23.14 .152 ST PETERS CLAYTON Goal Kickers ; and Beat Players not received . OLD CAMBERWELL McManus 10 . BEST McManus, Mudge, Town, Nash, Forwood, Kent. OLD MENTONIANS 4 .1 11.3 12.7 18.12 .120 ST BEDES 2 .8 5 .10 13.20 15.24 .114 . Patterson 3, Pride 3, Camobe3i 2, Sichlau OLD MENTONIANS Riley 5 2, Waters, Carter, Murphy . BEST Appel, Richardson, Campbell, Marshall, Ma, Mur hy. ST Bailey 3,Hecker 3,Zahra2,Lang 2,Smith 2,McCraw, Farmer . Ross. BEST Hecker, Barr, Loos, McCraw, Smith, Farmer. EtE'LA SALLE GOLD 5.10 8 .15 15 .20 22.22 .154 ; : ;OB 4.3 10.9 13.11 19.15.129 L° ~ 'LLE GOLD Goal Kickers andBest Players; nat received. _ 3 Gilho3me 5, B .Anseil 3, Parris 3, Theobold 2, Bradley 2, Clowes 2, Goldin, Wilkes. BEST Vidal, Webb, Lansley, Gilholme, Wilkes, Goldin, Bradley.

1 .1 4.5 C.£1 8.115~ I :C,i11+OLD o ..'_19.9123 3.5 10.5 13.7 OLD G0UiC H . BCr"I'i H OLD 3C, 3 B . Girolami 2 Polls, Curtin, M . Schmidt, Collison, Allman, Tierney. BEST M . Schmidt, Turnbull, Mcllroy, Radi, Cruickshank, Tierney 2, OLD SCOTCt9 Aston 5, Kiel 3, Shepherd 3, T . Hart 2, N . Hooper Jackson 2, W. Allen, D. Hooper. BEST Crump, T. Hart, Aston, N . Hart, Laird, D . Hooper OLD HA ILEYBURY 5 .4 8.5 11.8 14,9.93 7.5 11 .8.74 OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .1 5.1 OLD HAILEYBURY Rae 3, Taranto 2, Sher 2, Chegwin 2, Lavender, Lards, Noske, Parton, Roberts . BEST Parton, P. Merrell, Colston, Chegwin, Roberts, Noske. OLD MELBURPDIANS Dixon 3, Tsiampras 3, Kopa 2, Ward-Ambler 2, Jost. BEST Bardsley, D. McDonald, P. Nelson, S. Rose, Joyce, McKay.

0717.9OHD 7.4 19.6 20.10 24.13 .157 THERRY CCOB 2.3 6.3 9.4 12 .5 .77 OFi i .1OHD Gribbte 6, Stone 5, Stewart 3. Strahan 3, Fitzgerald 2, Morgons, Nankivel, Dickson. BEST Fitzgerald, Stone, Orr, Stewart, Clark, Nankivel . THERR Zanetti 3, G . Pinner 2, O'Brien 2, Pearce, Petrevski, Lyons, Falcone, Clancy. BEST Devereaux, A . Eastmure, S . Bannister, Davies, Clancy, Pinner. UNIVERSITY BLUE 5 .4 8.5 10.5 14 .12 .96 MARCELLIN OC 4.2 8.8 13.9 14.10 .94 UNIVERSITY BLUE Walton 3, Jaksic 2, Matthews 2, Ogilvy 2, Garner, Ide, Bonadio, Stephens, Formosa. BEST Ide, Christie, Stephens, Walton, Nugent, de Dear. C~ARCELLtN OC Beattie 4, Zannoni 4, T.J . Slattery 3, Paonessa 2, Seabury. BEST Golds, Zannoni, Beattie, Howe, Triangulo, Dillon . DE LA SALLE OC 5 .1 10.7 12.8 16.16 .117 COLLEGIANS 3 .1 7.3 9.8 10.12 .72 DE LA SALLE S. Rudd 6, Wyles 2, Jackson 2, McGee 2, Pat Green, Smith, Kruger, M . Fraser. BEST S . Rudd, P. Vanderplight, P. Rudd, Pat Green, Mark Jackson, P. O'Brien . COLLEGIANS Foard 5, Coyne 2, Griffin, Nancarrow, Singleton. BEST Laussen, Foard, Oldfield, Lancaster, Ingleton, Harry, Mitchell .

DO 5.1 15 .7 17.11 24 .17A61 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .3 1 .4 4 .5 4.5 .28 STE -R:' Parrett 6, O'Connell 4, Mulqueen 3, O'Dea 3, Matthews 2, Fitgerald, Fitzpatrick, Gallagher, Marshall, Byrne, Doolan . BEST Mulqueen, Byrne, Marshall, Parrett, Gallagher, O'Connell . UNI BLACKS Lagastes, Jordan, Ganly, Purdey . BEST Keys, Ganly, McLachlin, Dillon, Batey, Bell . OLD MENTONIANS 5.1 8.2 11 .6 11 .11 .72 PARKSIDE 2 .3 5.6 5.6 7.6.48 OLD MENTONIANSJohnsen 5, Hyland 2, Dyer 2, D . Holland, McKinnon . BEST Sharp, Dyer, Ingram, Appel, Coyle, Johnsen . PAFtKSIDE T. King 3, J. Panjari 2, Shanahan 2. BEST Globan, T. King, J. King, Rowe, Debiasi, Gray. OLD PARADIANS 6 .2 15.6 19.6 21 .10.136 OLD BRIGHTON 0.1 2.1 2 .1 2.1 .13 OLD PARADIANS Aita 5, Hammon 4, Kerr 3, Reagan 3, Pannam 2, Aanenson 2, R . Mills, P. Nailer. BEST Fahey, Afla, Pannam, Reagan, Mullavey Aanenson OLD BRIGHTOH Bennett, Fitzgerald . BEST Bennett, Fox, Treverton, Hassel, O'Donoghue, Gale. OLD XAVERIANS 5.1 12 .7 15 .9 21 .11 .137 BANYULE 1 .1 2 .3 3 .5 3.6 .24 OLD XAVERIARIS Heaphy 4, Callan 4, M . Dalton 2, Kennedy 2, Dickson 2, Klvac 2, King, Lynch, McCorkill, Flynn, Fennessy . BESTCallan, King, Wilson, McCorkell, Lovelock, Kelliher ^cAHYULE Gibson, Thompson, Kearsey. BEST R . Parry, Gibson, Taylor, B. Hogan, R . Hogan, Thompson. ICEW 4.1 6.3 12 .4.76 6 .2 OLD TRINITY 3.4 5.8 8.8 8.11 .59 KEW Kyriacou 6, Barker 2, Mazri 2, Dellis, Price . BEST Quirk, Kyriacou, Gourdoulis, Price, S . Clayton, Jack . OLD TRINITY Neave 3, Hudson 2, Banfield, M. Beamish, P. Robison . BEST T. Phillips, Banfield, McClay, Cooper, Farrell, M . Beamish .

L'Oi? `,SH BLUES 1 .0 4.4 5.7 10.9 .69 CAULFiELD C .:At" :'1R 5.2 12 .2 14.5 16.9.105 MONASH BLUES Walsh 2, Harrison 2, Adelaide 2, Kellock 2, Hanlon, O'Brien . BEST Knott, Harrison, Cohen, Andritsos, Kellock, Kennedy. CAULFIELD GR Pearse 3, Dimitriou 3, Resterick 2, S. Williams 2, AHinita 2, Wilson 2, Dachs, Doneth . BEST C . Roseman, Stanjo, Dimitriou, S . Williams, Resterick, Brigh t BULLEENTEA9PLESTOWE 7.3 11 .6 18.7 23.12 .130 PP.ESTOH M BOB 2.2 5.2 5.3 5.5 .35 BULLEEN-TEMP Clarke 6, Nigro 6, George 3, Frosinoss 3, Mathews 2, Bond, Alyward, Faulkner. BEST George, Mathews, Nigro, Faulkner, C. Young . PRESTOH MBOB Culph, Herbert, McDonald, Lowden, Calcutt. BEST Cahill, Caton, Shortis, S. Tanner. STATE/COMM BANK 5 .1 6 .4 11.7 14.8 .92 FAWKNER 3.2 6 .5 8.8 10.16.76 STATEfCOM M BANK Noronha3, Murray2, W . Brown 2, Ellaz2, Rachor, Cank, Hyde, Lucas. BESTArnephy, Walker, Corboy . Hyde, Johns, Rachor FAWKNER Payet, Green, Cole, Villani, Leahy, Middlemo . BEST M . Mullinger, S . Liddiatt, M . McMahon, D. Ceccini, N . Payet, S . Walker. THC A6@ATCIIR Cf}nTii611 092 1001

VdHITEFP.L=:R3 5.2 10.3 12.4 15.10.100 THO'': : .STO':.'H 1.1 1 .3 3.9 6.10.46 VAHITEFFIAE3 Bonnyman 4, Hughes 2, Harrison 2, S . Ciardulli, Paul O'Brien, Burke, Lyall, Peter O'Brien . BESTS . White, Zavarella, P. Ciardulli, Lyall, Harrison, Ryan . THOMASTOWN B. Jenkins 3, D. Farchione, Micevaki, Latouf. BEST Bailey, Latouf, D. Farchione, Micevski, B . Jenkins. ST KILDA CSOC 4.1 5.5 8.8 9 .11 .65 IVANHOE 2.0 5.1 6.2 8.3.51 ST KILDA P. Degering 6, D. Duntevi 2, J . Dunlevie. BEST Sherman, Murrihy, P. Degering, Pearl, Pasora, Woodward. IVANHOE Strangwick 3. Lynn 2, Cartwright, Manvel, Mathew. BEST Strangwick, Szycatski, P. Jackson, S . Lynn, D. Hoffman, C . Flynn .

2 .1 7.3 0,3 10w.~5 4.4 6 .5 10 .6 13.8.C3 I ROVERS Ross 3, Ivey 2, Murray-White 2, Hibbs, Hunter, Pryi ST Murray-White, Ivey, Blakey, Ross. GLE : :',1U :STLY S. Hill 2, Lukies 2. S. Smith 2, Fletcher 2, Kouts, Aus«rberry, Noble, Talarico, Antonia. BEST Stocker, Inkster, Lays, Ryan, Kouts, Ashcroft. MHSOB 14 .9,92 OLD CAMBERWELL 13.1 .79 M HSOB Drummond 9, Wix 2, Lai 2, Verma . BEST Drummond, Pitliangas, A . Palmos, Lai, Suckling . OLD CAMBERWELL an 6, Walker 4, Young, Proven, Hill . BEST Howard, Wilson, Walker, Brown, McDonald, Beal . ST BEDES 3.5 3.7 6.8 8.10.58 OLD GEELONG 2.0 2.3 4.4 9 .4.58 ST BEDES Ma tthew Beasley 2, Burke, Grech, Mark Beasley, Ellis, Ridewood, Egan . BEST Egan, Ridewood, Burns, Burke, Mark Beasley, Grech . OLD 5 'aEELOHG Alexander 3, Hollis 2, Peake 2, M . Naylor 2, Oliphant. BEST P. Hanbury, Lee, Slorock, Clerk, M . Bailey, M . Naylor. AJAX 1 .1 5 .2 6.3 9.10.64 OLD IVANHOE 1 .3 3.7 4 .9 6.10.46 AJAX Perch 3, Rubenstein, Rockawin, Rozenes, L . Goldberg, Mordech, P. Lebransky. BEST Kormornik, Vetleman, Gatbin, B . Zielinski, Shenker, Mordech . IVANHOE Dusice 2, Greenhalgh, Colledge, Cracker, Theodore. BEST Caddy, Raftopotous, Maycock, Cracker, Ritchie, B. Parry. ST KEt'i uS 3.4 5.5 8.7 10.9.69 L .- T R_ : -UHI 1.1 3.6 4.10 5 .12.42 ST KEVI :IS Sargeant 3, Harrison, Hawkins, M . Kerr, Warton, McColl, R . Snell, Walpole . BEST Hawkins, Harrison, Kerr, Croagh, Joyce, Loorham. LATROBE UNI Wright 2, Athanasakis, Shaw, Wheaton . BEST Harwood, Chilco, Russell, A . Huffer, Morrice, Scott.

3.4 f 9.10 9 .11 .6 5 ILLIf~ ~ H CVf .1S 1 .1 2.3 7.5 11 .6.72 AQUII ,1S Ryan 4, H . Hewitt, Maher, Sheehan, Stahl, S . O'Loughlin . BESTS. O'Loughlin, Rogers, Haggarty, Commers, H . Hewitt, D. McKellar. WILLIAMSTOWN Dawson 3, Mazouris3, Turncliffe 2, Kennedy, Mills, Zammit. BEST Langham . Quinn, Doria, Mills, Mazouris, Turncliffe. POWFIR HOUSE 5.0 9.3 12.5 14.15.99 WEST BRUNSWICK 3.2 5.5 8.6 9.8.62 POWER HOUSE Williams 4, Wilson 4, Plant 2, Reidel, Dodd, Fisher. BEST Williams, Dodd, Plant, Reidel, Silver, Cope . WEST BRUNSWICK Andoniadis 3, Sadard 2, Lapsley, Burr, Hickey, Tersigni . BEST Sadaro, Hatzistavrou, Marlow, Lapsley, Lewis, Andoniadis . DOVETON 7.5.47 NORTH BRUNSWICK 16.16.112 DOVETON B. Giddens 2, D. Tantrum 2, Charleston, McKenzie, Mertis . BEST B. Giddens, D. Tantrum, Womersley, Charleston, Sheppeck, Labinski. NORTH BRUNSWICK Dowsett 3, Houston 3, Liancas 3, H . Tabbit 2, Cannon, Kyrannis, Wright, Crosina, Fergusson . BEST Kyrannis, Wright, Cannon, Miraglia, H . Tabbit, M . Briffa . ST M ARY'S 2.1 3 .2 5 .5 5.6.36 MAZENOD OC 3.1 11 .5 13 .8 19.12.126 ST MARY'S R. Corbett 2, R . Burns, P Norman, P. Sheperdson. BEST R . Kimberley, J. Murray, M . Kendall, M . Huebne r MAZENOD Paul Riley 8, Tsiavis 5, Fitzpatrick 2, Smith 2, Campbell, Boyle. BEST Peter Riley, Kennedy, Smith, Tsiavis, Paul Riley, Fitzpatrick . 6tS

OLD ESSENDON 4.3 8.10 110.12 13 .14 .92 BRUNSW ICK 0.0 0.0 7.4 7.4 .46 OLD ESSENDOIN GR Clohesy 2, W ttingslaw 2, Price 2, Withers, Briggs . Singleton, Murray, Go+r+ty. BEST Price, Withers, Dunekley, Singleton, Crossley, Gowty . BRUNSWICK R Sayers3, S. Gibson2, Clarke, Roberts. BESTS. Gibson, P. Sayers, Conboy, Clarke, Quinn, Lehmann . BULLEEN UNITED 3.4 4 .5 7.6 7.10.52 ST ANDREWS 0.3 0 .4 3.4 4.8.32 BULLEEN UNITED Hodges 2, Coleman 2, Redfern 2, lacuone . BEST Reynolds, Cartedge, Huntington, Coleman, Tymms, Irvine . ST ANCampbell 2, Nicholls, Wright. BEST Campbell, Gleisner, Goldsworthy, Iles, Lynch, Nicholls .

UNIYE^ -- I-, r REDS 1 .3 1 .5 4.6 4.10.34 8.7 12.9 10.11 .71 SALESIP ,1 5.5 UNIVERSITY REDS Gilbert, Sheridan, Basile, Dynes . BEST Keck, Suidgeest, Johnson, Ross, Basile, Beacom. SALESIAN Gibbons 6,'Brownhill 2, M . Grace, Perkins. BEST Scotti, Schembri, Clark, M . Grace, Gibbons, M . Forbes . ANZ BANK 18 .14.122 BORONIA PARK 6 .1.37 ANZ BANK Cox 4, Curthoys 3, Fernandez 2, Kovals 2, Zafiridis 2, Sweendy 2, Chatzi. Flaherty, Wilkinson . BEST Flaherty, Lasslett, Cox, Zafiridis, Sweeney, N . Vergos. BORONIA PA RK Greco 3, Knowles 2, Matovic . BEST Whale, White, Knowles, Pound, Paulka, Greco . RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .2 3.4 5.7 5 .10.40 7.4 8.7 15 .15.105 -ST PATRICK'S MENTONE 2 .4 RICHMOND CENTRAL Peters 3, B . Carroll, C . Smith . BEST Peters, Bosco, Alevras, Lang, Ricketts, Famett . ST PATRtCK'S Camm 8, Gibbins 2, Oliver 2, S. Lewis. Houlihan, Walsh . BEST Nicholls, Fatouris, M . Noonan, Saunderson, Ladds, Kingsbury . OLD CA REY 2.4 3.10 5.10 6.13.49 ELSTERNWICK 1 .3 5.3 7.4 9.7.61 OLDCAREY S. Jones2, Hands, Nance, Blizzard, Kerr. BEST Paterson, Wilson, Keeble, Morgan, Nance . ELSTERNWICK Wollar 3, O'Neill 2, Hammer 2, Abrahams, Marshall . BEST Marshall, Byrne, Nolan, Paulovic, Harris, Hammer . 5 .7 6 .7 12.10 12 .14 .86 UHSOB PENINSUL A OB 0.1 3 .4 3 .4 4 .7.31 . BEST Hallifax, Cresswell 6, Bunn 3, Gathercole 2, Gunthorpe UHSOB Gathercole, Trantino, Gunthorpe, Bunn, Cresswell . and Beat Players not received . PENINSULA Goal Kickers

TP Clubs are reminded that by dialling the above number from Wednesday afternoon on they can find out how many FIE L D UMPIRES, BC-t- . .-".y UMPIRES and GOAL U F loI . they may have been allocated for the followin g weekend's round of matches . Ri n g a ga in Friday or l a23 atrra c v~~ aroas


- WF V . RECORD~:L : : ---SSAG ES

Official photographer to the V.A.F.A . 14 4 SYDf '=-Y . .®_ ` .L, C®_1U R G

Don't neglect the History of your club . Have your teams photographed by ASTRA STUDIOS. The experts in the Business. Established 40 years.

T OUND FAILED TO PHONE FINAL SCORES BY 3PM 0. MELBURNIAN'S (G Sth) 3 .45 *ST MARY'S (Res) 3 .30 SYSPM UNI BLUES (Snr) 5 .04 UHSOB (Snr) 5.0 5 *ST MARY'S (Snr) 5.11 O. PARADE (U19/1) 5 .03 UNI REDS (Snr) 5 .06 *O. MELB. (U19/S) 5.10

*Clubs had to be contacted for scores . PHONED 1 N e®FifiEC'f S C®RES ANZ (Snr) 0 . PARADE (U19) ALBANVALE (G Nth) 0. WESTBOURNE (G Nth) NOB (Res) UNI REDS (Res)

'® 1- li:: t.3 now has a full licence and at 9am each Sunday will broadcast a 30 minute SOUTHERN FM 88 Amateur Footy Show hosted by Graham Byrnes and Mark Anderson . RESULTS ® REVIEWS ® PREVIEWS UPCOMING VAFA FUNCTIONS ® CLUB SOCIAL NOTES ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT AMATEUR FOOT Y TUNE IN NEXT SUNDAY 9- 9.30 AM ON SOUTHERN FM 88. 3 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1991

IMPORTANT NOTE TO PRESS CORRESPONDENTS All faxed best players and goal kickers must be faxed by 12 noon Mondays to be included in this list . A SECTION Schuhkraft (Ormond ) Mclnnes (Uni Blues) Kearney (North Old Boys) Mount (Collegians) B SECTION Gollant (St Bernard's) Weston (Banyule) Acreman (Old Mentonians) C SECTION Bergman ( St Kilda) Pratt (Whitefriars) Pace (Bulleen-Temp) Riddell, St. Kilda D SECTION Panagiotidis (Hampton Rovers) Ritchie (Old Geelong) Wilson (Latrobe) E SECTION DeMorton (North Brunswick) Graham (Williamstown) Corbett (Power House) F SECTION Hickey (Old Carey ) Cincotta (Salesians) Epifano (UHSOB) G NORTH Price, Old Scotc h Lederman (Bullen-Temp) Maclsaac (Kew) O'Dea (Kew) G SOUTH Seidel (Monash Whites) Haidamous (St Kevins) Suttie (St Johns)

UNDER 19 SECTION 1 (7) 31 R . Makinson (2) 54 (4) 28 Perrett (St Bernards) (-) 41 (4) 28 Gilmour (St Bernards) (7) 40 (3) 27 UNDER 19 NORT H Gatt, Albanvale (10) 62 Mitilinas (Bulleen-Temp) (-) 29 (10) 37 Hacking (Aquinas) (-) 29 26 (4) UNDER 19 SOUT H 26 Cornell (Old M elburnians) (6) 52 Riley (Old Mentonians) (5) 41 (7) 47 Pride (Old Mentonians) (3) 32 (3) 41 A RESERVE (8) 339 Aston (Old Scotch) (5) 24 2 Dixon (Old Melburnians) (3) 23 Gribble (Ormond) (6) 2 2 (-) 47 B RESERV E (7) 39 Heapy (Old Xaverians) (4) 26 (-) 38 Hammond (Old Paradians) (4) 2 4 Hudson (Old Trinity) (2) 22 C RESE RV E (4) 2 49 Degering (St Kilda) (6) 48 Clarke (BuileenTemplestowe) (6) 21 (-) 38 Spencer ( Monash Blues) (-) 18 Calcutt (Preston) (1) 1 8 (7) 46 D RESERVE (1) 37 M cGrath (MHSOB) (-) 20 (6) 31 Fletcher (Glenhuntly) (1) 1 6 Martin (MHSOB) (-) 15 Drummond (MHSOB) (-) $5 E RESERV E Ryan (Aquinas) (4) 31 Riley Paul (Mazenod) (8) 31 Rispoli, North Brunswick) (-) 2 8 F RESERVE 21 Hille (University Reds ) 27 20 Xuereb, ANZ Bank 26 20 Gibbons (Salesians) 25



(Scores avadzL,oe ei-aer 6 .30 pm) THE







6 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 0

1 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 5 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0





8 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 1 0

0 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 7 8

0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0





RESERVE SECTION 8 0 0 696 6 1 1 643 6 2 0 676 5 3 0 526 4 3 1 472 4 4 0 544 3 5 0 510 1 7 0 422












442 157.47 32 503 127.83 26 534 126.59 24 489 107.57 20 456 10351 18 500 10880 16 555 9189 12 606 6964 4 596 6644 4 733 56 21 4


6 1 0 922 479 192 .48 24 5 2 0 951 536 177 .43 20 5 2 0 755 632 119 .46 20 5 2 0 903 770 117.27 20 5 2 0 768 690 11130 20 3 4 0 728 665 10947 12 2 5 0 727 742 9798 8 2 5 0 624 785 7949 8 2 5 0 510 1102 4628 8 0 7 0 548 1035 5295 0 C SECTIO N 6 2 0 1011 844 119.79 24 5 2 1 890 712 125.00 22 5 3 0 1024 819 _ 125.03 20 5 3 0 956 961 99.48 20 4 4 0 883 763 11573 16 4 4 0 884 802 110 22 16 4 4 0 1014 965 10508 16 3 5 0 766 983 7792 12 2 5 1 715 959 7456 10 1 7 0 593 1042 5691 4 D SECTIO N 6 2 0 918 743 123.55 24 5 2 1 782 587 133 .22 22 5 3 0 940 773 121 .60 20 4 4 0 997 919 108.49 16 4 4 0 755 890 8483 16 4 4 0 746 899 8298 16 773 109.83 14 3 4 1 849 870 9092 12 3 5 0 791 3 5 0 703 845 83 20 12 2 6 0 81 2 994 8169 8 E SECTIO N 7 1 0 114 3 683 167 .35 28 6 2 0 1082 6 2 0 1128 5 3 0 1007 5 3 0 651 4 4 0 840 3 5 0 818 3 5 0 764 2 6 0 879 0 8 0 723 0 8 0 46 9 F SECTIO N



959 648 147.99 24 850 626 135.78 24 757 651 116 .28 20 769 689 111 .61 16 795 771 10311 12 783 846 9255 12 740 801 9238 12 601 749 W24 ' 12 783 781 100 26 8 564 1039 5428 0




647 150.08 28 725 149 .24 24 771 146.30 24 851 11833 20 917 92 .80 20 851 9871 834 9808 i62 999 7648 12 921 9544 8 1143 6325 0 1333 3518 0

1333 1029 1005

489 272.60 32 821 125.33 22 884 113.69 20 916 903 101.44 20 948 848 111 79 18 967 747 12945 16 925 926 9989 16 894 977 9150 12 637 1183 5385 4 581 1457 3988 0

A RESERVE SECTIO N DE LA SALLE 7 0 0 872 463 188 .34 28 OLD SCOTCH 6 1 0 786 507 155 .03 24 NORTH 0.B . 5 2 0 627 575 110.78 20 4 2 1 733 551 133 .03 18 ORMOND OLD HAILEYBURY 3 4 0 570 609 9360 12 3 4 0 597 669 8924 12 COLLEGIANS 2 5 0 582 672 8661 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 0 531 806 6588 8 THERRY 2 5 1 5 1 543 612 88 .73 6 MARCELLIN 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 6 0 445 923 4821 B RESERVE SECTION 7 0 0 812 237 342 .62 28 OLD PARADIANS 6 1 0 334 233 .83 24 OLD XAVERIANS 5 2 0 766 350 218 .86 20 ST BERNARDS OC 4 3 0 480 517 92 .84 16 KEW 4 3 0 501 592 8463 16 BANYULE 3 4 0 520 410 12683 12 OLD TRINITY 3 4 0 440 666 6607 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 5 0 345 687 5022 8 OLD BRIGHTON 1 6 0 231 696 3319 4 OLD MENTONIANS 0 7 0 244 705 3461 0 PARKSIDE C RESERVE SECTIO N 8 0 0 775 295 262.71 32 ST KILDA CBCOB BULLEEN/TEMPLESTOWE 7 1 0 838 305 274.75 28 5 3 0 646 454 142 .29 20 IVANHO E 4 4 0 588 629 93.48 16 STATE/C'WEALTH BANK 4 4 0 550 616 8929 16 FAWKNE R 3 5 0 538 563 9556 12 MONASH BLUES 3 5 0 608 673 9034 12 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 5 0 369 716 5154 12 ' WHITEFRIARS 2 6 0 446 706 6317 8 THOMASiOWN 4 1 7 0 308 814 3784 PRESTSON MBOB 'Unreaistered Player 11115791) tPomts Returned from Round 1 Appeal Upheld

MAZENOO O .C. 8 0 1037 274 378 .47 32 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 2 776 388 200.00 24 NORTH BRUNSWICK 6 2 859 464 185.13 24 414 148 .55 24 AQUINAS O B 6 2 615 492 13679 24 OLD ESSENDON GR 6 2 673 4 4 629 9348 16 BRUNSWICK 588 619 7674 16 ST MARY'S 4 4 475 661 5930 8 BULLEEN UNITED 2 6 392 380 707 5375 8 POWERHOUSE 2 6 6 442 873 5063 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 387 766 5052 4 ST ANDREW'S 40 5 814 4975 4 DOVETON 1 17 F RESERVE SECTION 443 169 .53 24 A .N .Z . BANK 6 2 0 751 456 147.37 24 ELSTERNWICK 6 2 0 672 505 145 .54 24 U.H .S .O.B. 6 2 0 735 563 117.94 20 SALESIAN O .C. 5 3 0 664 456 15132 16 OLD CAREY 4 4 0 690 482 13506 16 PENINSULA GB 4 4 0 651 567 12063 16 ST PATRICK'S MENTONE 4 4 0 684 565 112 92 16 UNIVERSITY REDS 4 4 0 638 1039 3734 4 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 7 0 388 1034 2989 0 BORONIA PARK 0 8 0 21 6 G SECTION NORTH ST BERNARD'S O.C. 7 1 0 750 378 198.41 28 CHIRNSIDE PARK 7 1 0 564 355 158 .87 28 OLD SCOTCH 6 2 0 6 07 397 152 .90 24 ELTHAM OC 6 2 0 632 420 150 .48 24 KEW 6 2 0 642 537 11955 24 BULLEEN7EPr1PLESTOWE 5 3 0 613 448 136,83 20 OLD XAVERIANS 5 3 0 599 521 11497 20 rMARCELLIN 4 4 0 532 498 10683 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 4 0 473 471 10042 i6 ALBANVALE 4 4 0 442 480 9208 16 . 4 4 0 508 593 8567 16 OLD WESTBOURNE FIT 2 6 0 287 589 48 .73 8 OLD PARADIANS 1 7 0 323 613 5269 4 THERRY 1 7 0 323 613 5269 COLLEGIANS 1 7 0 332 670 4955 4 BANYULE 1 7 0 270 814 3317 4 G SECTION SOUT H DE LA SALLE 8 0 0 956 284 336.62 32 ST JOHN'S OC 7 1 0 714 422 169 .19 28 BLOODS 6 2 0 705 353 199.72 24 MONASH WHITES 6 2 0 683 389 175.58 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 3 0 557 474 11751 20 MAZENOD OC 5 3 0 526 454 11586 20 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 5 0 402 483 8323 12 ST KILDA CBCOB 3 5 0 380 524 7252 12 ST KEVIN'S 3 5 0 445 705 6312 12 KONTIAS NTH CAULFIELD 3 5 0 474 792 5985 12 OLD GEELONG 2 6 0 363 657 5525 8 GLENHUNTLY AFC 2 6 0 332 670 4955 8 MONASH GRYPHONS 1 7 0 405 718 5641 4 AJAX 1 7 0 250 639 3912 4 UNDER 19 SECTION 1 DE LA SALLE BLUE 7 0 0 1316 406 324 .14 28 ST BERNARD'S OC 6 1 0 1061 442 240.05 24 MAZENOD BLUES 5 2 0 812 560 145.00 20 OLD HAILEYBURY 5 2 0 906 660 137.27 20 MARCELLIN 5 2 0 556 460 12087 20 OLD XAVERIANS 4 3 0 871 570 15281 16 12720 12 COLLEGIANS 3 4 0 767 603 OLD PARADIANS 3 4 0 668 869 7687 OLD BRIGHTON 3 4 0 496 721 6879 OLD SCOTCH 1 6 0 420 1371 3063 0 ORMOND 0 7 0 500 952 5252 0 'UNIVERSITY 0 7 0 264 1135 2326 UNDER 19 NORTH SECTIO N ALBANVALE 7 0 0 1139 302 377.15 28 BULLEEN/TEIHPLESTOWE 5 2 0 823 585 140 .68 20 OLD TRINITY 5 2 0 722 587 123 .00 20 THERRY 5 2 0 731 646 113.16 20 CHIRNSIDEpARK 5 2 0 724 721 10042 20 NORTH 08 4 3 0 704 499 14108 AQUINAS O B 4 3 0 763 653 116.85 THOMASTOWN 3 4 0 459 691 6643 WHITEFRIARS 2 5 0 566 740 7649 OLD IVANHOE 1 6 0 254 763 3329 PARKSIDE 1 6 0 374 1202 3111 UNDER 19 SOUTH SECTION OLD MENTONIANS 7 0 0 1306 485 269 .28 28 7 0 0 969 381 254 .33 28 OLD MELBURNIANS ST. BEDE'S 6 1 0 978 425 230.12 24 DE LA SALLE GOLD 5 2 0 1071 719 148 .96 20 AJAX INC 4 3 0 883 702 12578 16 MONASH BLUES 3 4 0 555 514 10798 12 MH SOB 3 4 0 621 954 6509 12 MAZENOD BLACKS 3 4 0 541 859 6298 12 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 5 0 633 848 7465 8 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1 6 0 422 797 5295 4 ST PETER'S CLAYTON 1 6 0 444 1175 3779 4 0 HAMPTON ROVERS 0 7 0 559 1183 4725 Vaughan Printing Ply Ltd 624 High S(reeet East Kew Telephone 817 4483

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