The Amateur Footballer, Week 18, 1991

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Without argument the best and most progressive rule introduced into the VAFA has been the no drinking alcohol, at any amateur venue rule. This rule has enabled the family to once again attend local football without fear of harrassment by those "under the influence", thinking that they are supermen capable of taking on all comers . The VAFA has allowed its member clubs however to serve liquor with a pre-match luncheon after having first gained approval in writing from the VAFA . In recent times the interpretation of this has been a matter of conjecture . For example, does this mean that even though the game has started that patrons at the pre-game luncheon can continue drinking until bottles, jugs and glasses not consumed or not emptied before 2 p .m . can be emptied? After a fairly well rumoured and spoken about recent hearing involving the interpretation of this rule the Amateur Executive has issued the following directive to clubs who hold such pre-game luncheons . The organisers of any luncheon must ensu re that no alcohol is consumed after 2 p. m . and non adherence to this rule can have a member club charged with "Conduct unbecoming to a Member Club of the Association" . The Association in recognising the importance of such lunch eons to fund raising and entertainment of the sponsors, offers the following guidelines to clubs holding such luncheons 1 . Organisers should ensure that no alcohol is served after say 1 .45 p .m . so that the dilemma of patrons having full bottles, full jugs, full glasses at game time is not a problem . 2 . Waiters/waitresses should ensure that at approximately 1 .45 p .m. half empty bottles and jugs are moved to tables requiring alcohol to save new bottles being opened or jugs being filled for these particular tables . 3, That an announcement is made at the start of the luncheon stating that no alcohol will be served after 1 .45 p.m . and that is is hoped that patrons at the luncheon will leave the dining facility at 2 p .m . and enjoy the spectacle of the football, which is the dominant reason after all for attending the ground on that particular day . 4. That the organisers of the luncheon ensure that pre-luncheon drinks are completed by at least 12 .15 p .m . and guests are seated by this time and the meal served by 12 .30 p.m . enabling the meal and any accompanying speeches to be completed well before qame time . The Executive has recognised that clubs are seeking guidance in this area and that various interpretations of the alcohoUluncheon rule have been in use in the past and as such the Executive is hoping that these clear directives will assist clubs in enjoying pre-game luncheons and making sure that the "VAFA no alcohol rule" is more clearly understood and adhered to. After all, as mentioned earlier, the game of football is what we are all going along to enjoy between the hours of 2 and 4 .30 p.m . Let's all enjoy the sponsor's product in a responsible way at the end of the day . Have a good day at the football . Phil Stevens General Manage r


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ROU N D 1 6 MATCHES - REVIE W The shuffling continued with positions 3 to 8 changing hands . North reasserted itself as top dog, the Lions fell to a brave Ormond, the Eagles dash Haileybury's hopes, Therry take over 3rd and Scotch keep the spark alive. It's all still unsettled with 2 rounds to play . North, anxious to atone for last week, led visitors De La by only 8 pts at half time in a very low scoring affair. With 3rd place at risk De La knew this was a critical game but their 2nd half would have again etched the worrylines deeper into Bernie Dunn's brow as they failed to really measure up kicking 1 .4 in a vital half of football whilst NOBs completely took over the game kicking 4 .11 . Obviously it was a wet track but if North had kicked straight they would have annihilated De La . N orth may be back on track after the detour at Harry Trott but De La are a mystery and not travelling well at all . Stephen M oloney back from Hawthorn played superbly at CHB for North along with experienced Bruno Conti at HB and promising Luke Boyle at HE For De La, Andrew Ronchi was good in the ruck, well supported by Colin McClounan roving . The battle at Harry Trott of the last 2 year's Grand Final protagonists, Collegians and Ormond, clearly demonstrated that there is still plenty of character in last year's Premiers . The Lions, bouyed by last week's success over North and knowing their impressive home ground record againstOrmond, were shocked by Ormond's opening quarter when Ormond led 3.3 to 1 .2 . Collegians bounced back with a terrific 2nd term of 5 .4 to 'Monds 2 goals to lead by 9 pts at the half. An even 3rd quarter saw only 6 pts separate the teams at the final change . Whatever Mick McCarthy said at the break must have fired up his troops as they completely dominated the final quarter playing inspired footy to kick 8 goals whilst keeping the Lions to 2 pts. Steve M cCooke continues to relish this time of the season with another wonderful performance at HF, Craig Clarke at HB and Brett Connell as rover with 3 goals were 2 other great players . Collegians were well served by Andrew Lord (FB) and Paul Scott (BP) . After a reasonably even 1st term, Marcellin just cut loose out at Bulleen and tallied 12 .5 after quarter time while Haileybury could only manage 3 .7 for the same period including failing to score at all in the final term . It was a very disappinting end to Haileybury's charge over the past month and has cost them dearly slipping from only 2 pts from 4th to now 8th, such is the congestion in the mid part of the ladder . With M eehan backthis was a game Haileybury expected to win but N eil Le Lievre's boys were just great and showed all that their season, although filled with ups and downs, may not be over as quickly as some thought . Anthony Caffry was sensational kicking 7 from HF but Robert Gross continues to be outstanding in defence at either CHB or FB and Anthony Zannoni (W) was also excellent . For H aileybury, Darren Seccull (HB) and M ark Orton (R) were their best . Uni Blues have admitted there is no escape this year and faded badly in the heavy conditions at Uni to a very keen T herry side . The game was well and truly over at the last change with "fherry leading by nearly 7 goals and the last stanza was a very uninspired affair as players dragged weary bodies through the mud . Only 1 goal was kicked for the quarter so the siren was a relief . Anthony Ratcliffe ( H B), Simon Eastmure (R) and that man again, Scott Ramsay (C) were Therry's very good players . For Uni, Paul Walsh (W) and Justin Jamieson (Fi) were named as best . Old Melburnians matched Scotch for the 1st quarter but after that Scotch rammed on 6.6 to O M 's 1 .3 and the deficit at half time was 6 goals. From that point on the scoring was relatively even with Scotch kicking a further 11 .1 and OM a further 9.3 . This has been the story for much of OM's games this year much to Alan Stoneham's enduring frustration . His side can match it with a number of opponents for part of the game but are unable to maintain their bestfor4 quarters . AtA Grade level there is notimefor loafing and it isthisthat has cost OM a number of opportunities to improve their win/loss ratio . Scotch too, have let some tremendous opportunities slip past them this year but with a crop of good young players this may be a great education for them . The talented Andrew Millar kicked 8 from HF, Camero n Hunter (CHB) and Tom Keipert (C) were very good players for Scotch whilst Richard Webb (C) and Jeremy Nichols (rov) kept it going for OM . ROUND 17 M ATCHES - PREVIEW The penultimate round in A Section poses some absorbing possibilities for the makeup of the final four . Could Therry exceed their wildest dreams and grab 2nd from Collegians? Can De La fall out at this late stage? Which, if any, can steal 4th? With 4 teams locked together who will gain the benefit NOW from those earlier percentage boosts? Who will be rueing those missed goals or those momentary defensive lapses? Who will sleep well if Ormond get there? North play host to M arcellin and as they showed last week the Eagles are giving it their all . They know their percentage is poor so wins are all they are focusing on . They will travel to Brunswick knowing their entire season rests on the line and have a lot more at stake than North who are firmly placed in the 2nd Semi . This comfort zone can often produce poor performances as was the case at Harry Trott 2 weeks ago . Going through the motions and carefully avoiding injuries is not unusual . If they fall for this Marcellin could jump them but the experienced N orth match committee will demand full concentration as preparation forwhat lies ahead . I cannot seethe Eagles winning if North are switched on but stranger things have happened . 2







Ormond play OM at Gunn Reserve and in their present mood it should be no contest . The 'Monds know now th _ have a chance for 4th and with their increased performance level overthe past few weeks would strike substantial fear nto the minds of all finalists . But to get there they just cannot afford any slip ups and they have to rely on other results. They cannot control other games so all they can do is make surethey attend to their duties . They will do that here . Da La meet Therry who have now moved up a cog and are only 2 pts from 2nd spot . This game takes on just so much importance for both clubs as a loss could cost the D's 4th place. The rivalry between the 2 sides has grown and with Bernie Dunn having coached at both clubs there is added spice . Will he have a better insight into'iherry's make-up or has he taught Tony Crotty so well that the pupil can now outwit the previous teacher? Does Crotty have an Ace yet to play or will Dunn show his own depth of A Grade experience and that character that has come to mark his highly respected Club . If De La cannot become more consistent Therry will win but then again at East Malvern De La are difficult . De La just . Scotch play Collegians in a make-or-break for both . A win is essential ; a loss will be disastrous for Scotch and very very costly for Collegians . In fact, the Lions could tumble unexpectedly out of the finals if they lose the last 2 and against Scotch and N OBs this is a very real possibility. How the fickle fortunes of footy can swing? 2 weeks ago giant killers, now potential casualties! Scotch do play the Swan St ground very well so this will be a good contest . If Scotch can contain Schober and Mount they can win . Haileybury may have kissed their dream goodbye in the mud at Bulleen last week but are still in with a remote chance provided they can slice up Uni Blues this week to improve the poorest percentage of the 5 teams vying for 4th place. That will not be so easy . Uni may be facing relegation but still have some fine running players in Furphy, Kanis, Stevenson, Jamieson, McCarty, Hazeldine, Worsley, and all are capable of some terrific performances. Haileybury too have some very good players and the education of this year in the top Section should makethem better. It would bethe culmination of a great achievement forth e club given its rise from C Section if it was to get into the finals in its first ever year in A Grade . I don't believe it will be this year and indeed they would need to play much better than last week if they want to win this one . Uni have been poor for the past fortnight but could turn it around to the level they showed to down Collegians in the Uni mud in Rd 14 . Uni to win . THE 1991 "A" SECTION BATTL E Team Pts Percentage Rd 1 8 North 54 131 .39 Collegians H Collegians 40 119 .24 North A Therry 38 96 .44 Marcellin A De La Salle 36 124.91 Old Melb. EP - ---------------- ----------------------Ormond 32 120.48 Uni Blues ----------------- A Scotch 32 111 .87 Haileybury A Marcellin 32 98.75 Therry H Haileybury 32 93.84 Scotch H -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------Uni Blues 20 67 .17 Ormond H Old Melb . 4 59.82 De La EP

Personality Pars BULLEE N UNITED MILESTONE - 250 GAMES FRO M HOWAR D TURVEY 15 years ago, a crazy porn was cleared from Thornbury Amateurs to Bulleen United-well now he is, as he says an Orzie", but he is certainly a bull too . Bulleen is still trying to come to terms with the soccer tactics because Howard is of the old dog persuasion when it comes to new tricks . A spritely 40 years old - well he has learned to settle down a bit with a wife and 2 lovely kids - Howard's kicks off the ground have slowed him down a bit this year because he is playing with a broken foot (don't tell the coach) . He had to make the 250 this year because he might not be allowed out next year . Congratulations Howard, and we'll see you pull on the boots next year too - but watch out for those trams in pre-season ! POW ERHOUSE - 2 50 FOR "Sl'ROPPA" All at Powerhouse wish to congratulate Peter "Stroppa" Stewart on playing his 250th game against Mazenod today (17/8) . Peter joined the club in 1971 as a strapping teenager and soon established himself as a reliable full back . Peter was a member of the 1973 "C" Section Premiership team, wasthe most improved player in 1975 and 76, won the Reserves B&F in 1986 and was finally awarded the Best Clubman award in 1989. Peter has provided invaluable service

to Powerhouse both on and off the field and is truly one of the great characters of Powerhouse Football Club . All the very best Stroppa on this great day and let's see if those old legs can get to 300 ! 200 GAMES TO "JOCKA" HOWAR D John "Jocka" Howard brings up the 200 game milestone for the long-sleeve no . 3" against Fawkner today (17/8) . Jocka is the third of the "Howard clan" to reach the 150 club and the second to reach the 200 club (a fine achievement in Amateur football) . Known for his "high marking and goal-kicking prowess" (yes, John we all remember that goal at Ivanhoe) . Jocka has made a reputation for himself as a strong, straight ahead backman and of recent years wing man . Off field, John has shown fantastic committment to the club having been a hard-working committeeman for in excess of 10 years. This year he has become the clu b's first "fly-in" playercommuting downfrom Sydney each week . Jocka your courage on the field is a source of inspiration for those who know you and we congratulate you on your fine achievement . SNAKE PART Y Richmond Central is having an end of season party in club rooms after today's game (17/8) . Entry is free. Live band performing and food and drink available . Everyone is welcome .

B SEC---4'3N by To -<. ~ ~31

The 16thOld round of B Section solved afew problems and I believe the four is now settled : St Bernards, Old Banyule, Xaverians. Certain to be relegated are University Trir.s :},~ and Kew. The weather improved slightly, however many grounds were in poor condition . The Villain wasBlacks back to his brilliant best picking 5 out of 5 . In atrocious conditions out at Banyule, Old M they meant business providing a great contest in the first quarter. Slowly but surely Simmo got entonians his taggersshowed to put Acreman, Turner and Solley out of business whilst the Bangers forwards made the most of their opportunities . Best for Banyule was the kid David who easily was the best defender on the ground . Forward Stuart Coulson Witchell constructive ground play . Young Shane Stanton and rover was terrific either in the air or with his David Gent were also good players . Old M entonians' best player was defender Dean Rogers who really stood out gaining many kicks and taking some great marks . Utility John Sly has been a gun player of late. Craig Best continues his excellent form of late . Old Trinity played Old Paradians at Oval 3 Albert Park and produced their best football for quite some weeks . Trinity started the game with far more purpose and against good opposition and on a firmer track Trinity looked like a good side scoring a good win by 45 pts. Old Trinity best player was the ex Bulleen-Temp forward Rod Heath whose 6 goals made Rod the match winner. Utility David Balazsy centerman Andrew Allibon are gun players producing when needed ; full back Rick Beardsley also played and well . Best for Old Paradians was young state rep Nick Wayman who is a real player of the future . Vincent came under notice with his creative play ; rover Frankie G leason - I say it again - a real gunSimon player and a great effort . Old Xaverians at home against 08d Brighton out to be a pretty good match with Xavs running out comfortable winners by 25 pts . Xavs must be moreturned consistent if they are to trouble the top three Brighton can only be encouraged by their display . Xavs' best player was forward Landrigan who, as always, showed a high degree of commitment . Forward Mark Rosel's 5 goals was a bigDavid bonus ; defenders John and David mc r--y both had good games . Brighton's best player was defender Chris Brook who repelled many Xavs attacks . Torn Hayden playing at centre half forward was a match winner kicking 3 good goals and taking many strong marks ruckman Nick Perry and Alex Rickarby were honest triers. ; Parkside on their home ground against University Blacks were made to work hard before achieving victory by 23 pts . Parkside's best player was the skipper F rank Sansonetti, who led by example controlling the backline with great authority. Winger M ark Sturgess (not a backman) had a very good match as did defender M ark Page ; Lou Inserra continues his consistent form . Black's best was utility Andrew Gray who was terrific ; centreman Justin Gray repeatedly won the hard ball ; forward Richard Reilly is playing very good footy. The match between St Bernard's and Kew was fairly predictable . The Doggies rested several players (were they injured?) including captain coach Frank Dunnell . St. Bernard's looked very sluggish early- Kew were making the Doggies work very hard . St Bernard-s' best player was centreman Cory Malia who is playing great ammo football . Winger Simon Walsh had a good match ; Rob is a real goer as is lively forward Greg Wood who kicked 5 goals ; a real danger player is full forward LukePurcell Gollant whose 6 goals was a great effort . Kew's player was gun utility P aul Clayton - 3 weeks in succession best . Defender Sean McMahon had a good match ; rover Adam Bowater is playing consistent football ; full back Sam Bruno continues to be very reliable. Kew are seeing some encouraging signs for next season with their youth policy. Congratulations to 3 Doggies personal milestones - Kevin Mahad (200 games) ; John `Frog' Federico players reaching (150) and Paul Morrice (100th) . ROUN D Bernard's play Banyule at Elsternwic Park~nD th1 e match of t~he day . Make no mistake, this should be a first class game. The difference between the two sides is the7two gun forwards Luke and Jason Gollant and this will be the difference at the end of the match . St Bernard's by 10 pts in a great match . Parkside visit Old Paradians in a game which will be a good contest . Both sides have had a wasted seaso . Old Paradians are very hard to beat at home, howeve nadwilto gesrmhinfrota Parkside is my tip - Parkside by 5 pts . Congratulations to Chris Freeman on finally reaching his 150th game (God help Parkside). Kew play host to Old Brighton at Victoria Park in another match which could go either way. Old Bri ghton desperate to avoid relegation have too much to lose. Old Brighton by 10 pts , iBlacks nity Ol o clash at Melbourn won't suit Old T e ability of Old Trinity wil+l l jhov overcome Un versify Black's endeavour Trinity by 39 pts . . Old Old M entonians are hosts to Old Xaverians in a match that Xavs can i8 afford to lose. Old M entonians are a very confident side at home and this game will be a test of character for Old Xaverians - a test Xavs will pass. Old Xaverians by 20 pts . SELECTIONS : St Bernards Parkside Kew Old Trinity Old Xaverians BLACK LIST: Old Paradians, University Blacks (late!) Please fax by Monday midday - players full names and positions etc . Fax 489 9051 or phone 489 9511 .

"'The Accurate One" ' 6

Preston to D Grade in 1992 . REVIEW - g{qt} N p 17 an accompany . arrans`^'+!l t hat eI-ionash Blues ► Gsamn e rin ~u~ no~lmus r ly on Monaeh o! Relegation is decided and-Temp Caulfield ~hitefriars . and the i round to Bulieen g must itmak y theywill then meet in the second semi at The four however, is not finalised . ~a~a ~a~ nhaseems I kelpy the Ivanhoe will also Play off for proma~+a and BulleenTemP• left in this season!! ash to see who would earn the chance to or Ivanhoe to lose . If e and this favoured the home s+ de who would be more round heavy r did battle at Ivanhoe m a was desperat toe Bank st brlltiantly to kick 5 goals to 1 1 n t>e espoints . The g t got to wi theFioers control their own destiny into the four the case stage i r third d quarte and ~o~ t victory hi r 3 ~aie The C° and at n Whatever one r fough mcustoedhni,ocas , demande d d the thei har n eser v e d ,sofr ac Cobras battled hard as the were the better side an s sefort ad+ed and on the day in the hills this Graham Andrews was fireless +n~e an but. Forthev+si~o~soe the Hoers ste toamck win 7he lead d e he ongly visitng changed inthefour . Ivanhoe n and nearly conditio Neil Short p ~lhitefriars and served it right up 4cearf tocapoff frustrating pawrkner for Faevkner .ltwascloseatldayandwasa gameofh4gheTromlasotyeaes point Vead . Favrkne reolmlMnacy thesop final side lined up ►arshe{da3p season roundtheclubshou{dhelpthem nurneroutimesbu d tatthefrna{belltheFr y s . In fact only 10 pla feels that the strength of the for young Players Twer a sLawson Buckley, year of injuries an retirement Mark TYm~s . vp~ too! B ~~ ~G~4C re+nlur es woul last Saturday . Coach . Afew n keen seas hen. e he Saint less oare and d Cohen utthewinsontheboard next again) , t+~itchetl , Hoar Pmy top for the League B&64 point at the Students who only got better as made it 6 in rowbefore with a convincing and this theaweek and threw everything day was due largely to Monash Blues ress+ve and the run of Gate, t~aY to atone for their loss to Preston .7 early, Monash adde d p . Ater being 3 . The an Blues' backline wasofirontof im showed his class goal, from restricted chances the contest wore on the opportunities their run .and handball (Bad created 9 luck to Chris "taoosie' created many scoring andavenues ~erran played r consistently for the lose and CramAton . The ground a t ) he never seems to miss!aBarnard buth was on winning side! Gray but at least one Maffra boy in C Grade with their third win in 4 matches with a 5 goal to 1 first term with the dry bail, Caulfieldn Caulfield's hopes of staying Preston destroyed Buti nt{heo the the conte?t. Att f~rsidraged ihemse es thdrobee ug h Preston was very heavy and the mt ud fight?) as play 3 points . Preston are were desperate and relentlessly slogged battle ( . The last quarter was an epi c e Bullants to hold on and win by ive them some more reduced to 10 points scored the only allowing th started to click and g ofmajor eason have SI aturday)ay the mud and Caulfield recruits from mid s have their vote-count after depth the game next must be a serious w+IV n a much improved side and a couple enthusiasm 1 992 Presto and the avok of reserves . The club is united and keen to do welitilw n th e . same ( enthus d r i v e .ect d d O'Brien andown The Fielders may not be going and Thomasto~vn . P ledaan were Bullock, Bu 1 for Preston - ~emo ~break . ~'homaat©'~n . Best effort worry for the club tenac+ous at the malar break . it was On Sunday I ventured to Elsternwick Park for the dashthe between Bears ontheir to At w{a but all credit Bulleen Terr+P• a fairf Y comfortable win for the Sto r etsm Pace, Agrotis and AAaYt use o small breeze the first change but after equal ®v ~'ed and kihas a coup forwards that made the difference with very handy the eoin gan g hit the front, but th g StBo e the Bulleen-TemP• hosnastown is thaScott ~P ant, ~au d Fetl~~e T a the 21 minute mark of the last term the Bears news . The good the d ub4e chance t toot Bears were Big " 6 dthewiny for . Best for the (y-honyrny-gun in hand!) . . 18 Carroll and Ricky PREVIEW - ROUND predictions for the home andea~the season . on 51/85 = 60% here comes the fm at list o sea on for and are playing better than at any stage M onaah ar e Sitting confidently have a lot ta p aY , . ve and this will keep the result close, e vs Thomastown• P~onash competi ti any chanc showed last week that they arenot very comp . St Kilda v s are favourites lost at home and mus a+n Bank The Bears reasons Bank have t o theh po enea this year forovanousg into th . . Bank vs Preston . efavourits Ivanhoe must n . contest from 2 off dtes wl°o d donfttl eV upder, but ag vs lvanhoe . A win for Presto finals . Caulfield . Slleenf . Will ho be ood a good strength of last week's results Fawkner e knows hrtefriars• Grand finaeli preview? +~oth s des the y a outo play in a close match on th t=ausrkner Nis W vour Buli en i'ernP weren't all that convincin g win to stay in the four and they l~lhitefriars may 1oseBui lose ~enTernP• Whitefriae disappointing Sunday and se th p were i'em l e ide in aynimportant matcehnext week! If lose they wil for. If Butteeni'emP•. I favour home the Ivanhoe the double chance onash Bank SELECTIONS* M

D SECTION by Peter Lemo n

to match the The H unters became the second team destined to leave the Section when they failed in the end and Guthrie improved Old Camberwell last week, so that part of proceedings is now settled . The return of Pike Old Camberwell has lifted the W ells, and Spurrit put in another good one, whilst "Jacko" was "superb" as went away in the latter part of the match to win comfortably . conditions . Their half back St B edes' day started well when they comfortably disposed of La Trobe in heavy a good team performance, but line, led by Brad B erry and the goal-sneak Dave Smi t h, stood out in what was M their efforts of the day and previous weeks came to nothing when they heard that elbourne High had defeated conditions, and although the Old Ivanhoe . High won this game in the first quarter, kicking 8 goals to 1 in heavy Hoes got back to within 18 points just before half time, that was the end of it . The 2" D's" - Dyson and "the Bulldog" . found other good players hard to come by . High's acrossthecentre were great contributors for the Hoes, but D .S height in the form of their full forward, Lockett-Bamert (6 goals) was a major problem for the Hoes ; the visitors also had other winners in a rock-solid backline, lead by Chris Tyrrell at centre half back and Mathew Seazley . With just 16 fit men by half way through the first term, a broken wrist early in the third, and another injury and a 15-minute send off in the last, Old Geelong were never a great chance against AJAX . The Jackers' runners, and were perhaps inspired by the sight of Goetz playing at centre led by "Ace" and Danny (Pat?) had a field-day(no second name supplied) whose marking has improved every half back! Certainly something inspired Greg week. Led by John Manton, Sam B ayliss and Angus MacDougall, OGs battled valiantly, held the lead until 3/4 time, but were then overwhelmed . The third thriller in a row at Bluff Road saw St K evins leading by 3 goals at the last break before the home team stormed back to edge in front for the first time in the game . The lead changed twice more before "Devastating" "Cougar" McKaige on Dean Deluca (7 goals at full forward) snapped truly to give the Rovers the game . M ark half forward Damian M c Nair on a half a back flank was SKOB's best, along with M ichael Pivetta (roving) andHetherington and Darren M cConvil[ back flank . For H ampton, Doug Hobson at CHF, Wayne Capp, R oss made up for the late withdrawal of a couple of their better known players due to injury . THIS WEEK'S GAMES The 2 clubs which will depart D Section play their last match at Glenhuntly . It's been a disappointing second . half of the season for both, but it's the Hunters who will at least go out with a wi n against the Trobers under their belt d clash has now lost much of its significance, but both clubs will want to en edes/Old Camberwell The St B the season on a winning note after a good run in recent weeks . This should be a close, high standard game and I'm picking the Bedas because of their home ground advantage and for that reason alone . who Old Geelong still have a chance of taking second spot, but their first, big hurdle is a win against SKOBs will be keen to make up for the efforts of the past few weeks . OG will need a good performance from a number . coming up from the Twosto winthis one, but providing theycan keep 18 men onthe ground I thinktheycan justdo it ; a tremendous effort from a club which playd in last M elbourne H igh vs AJ AX . AJAX are now safe (again) year's E Section Grand Final to make the D Section 2nd Semi this year . However, M elbourne High have a chance need Dawson last week, and they have for second place ; they've not put a foot wrong in weeks, they didn't even still spitting more chips 2 major club identities (Comer and Dixon) today playing 100th games. In addition they're than an East Gippsland pulp mill over their effort in their last clash with the Jackers . In that game they led by 8 goals at 3/4 tme ony to fall victim to a classical AJAX comeback and lose the match! The AJAX runners will be restricted for space on the narrow High ground today, and I expect the home side's greater motivation will win them this game, and (controversial statement!) by a fairly comfortable margin . . With the Hampton Rovers - another Club with a good second half to the year - are now safe in D Section pressure of recent weeks now off, however, I suspect they run a great risk of relaxing . On the other hand, relaxation much is something which Old Ivanhoe cannot possibly afford, lest they lose that second place . Tipping would .be easier if I had some idea of the availability of a number of key players this week, for that could be crucial Without . such knowledge, I'm tossing the coin and going for the R overs in yet another close one Hampton Rovers Old Geelong Melbourne H igh SELECTIONS : Glenhuntly St B ede's 5 out of 5 last week . Despite this late surge, it appears that I am still about 67 selections behind Max Lyons, with just 10 games left on the board . "Light" or "heavy" for that slab Max? (Of course, to offset that I could always threaten to reveal the true identity of the C Section tipster unless he/she gives me a slab . week PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : Thankyou tothe majority of clubs who - win, lose or draw-faxed or phoned after week during the season . I'd still like to hear your thoughts about next Saturday's games as well . By midday Monday - 824 7423 (H) ; 663 8611 (B) ; 663 8618 (Fax) . TuC ARSRTC 11o

CnnTafiI (



Willy stumble against the very committed Bells who now, barring mishaps or surprise results, will avoid the dreaded relegation and live to fight another season . Bells have hardly faulted in the past few weeks - a credit to their determination and commitment to survive . REVIEW Doveton with the finals out of their reach were a little bit disappointing against the luckless St Andrews who have gradually improved as the season has progressed . It was a good close game with neither side giving an inch, but the Doves just that little steadier in the crisis . Tony Ahdore continued his excellent 2nd half season, and setthe wheels in motion for Freddy in the centre, while Warwick Capper was a very good defender. Barry Funnell, who finished with 5 goals, played well up forward for the Saints, who also had good players in Ashby, Unw in and the consistent Tapner. The Bloods took the risk by moving this game away from their home ground so they could play in and get use to drier conditions . It certainly worked as they kicked some 26 majors and certainly enjoyed themselves. Powerhouse had a fair dinkum dip, went in hard and at times ran the ball very well . Aquinas were very happy to win, but were slightly disappointed with their 3rd qtr and know they must concentrate all day to win a final's match . The game produced atop effort from Go Son Go forthe B loods who were also pleased with the good form shown by Woody and Pants. The North Brunswick machine started very well and set up their victory with a 5 goal opening term . After that it was just an average game and did not reach any great heights . North's form is improving and they will be dangerous . The Westies were asked by BT for some special efforts and although not winning they were much more committed than previously. Chris Keay and M ark DeMorton were excellent contributors across the backline for North and Vinny Grimaldi was again a very good rover. Warren Woollard rucked all day, Jeff Sheriff at full back contested everything and Ian McNiece gave the Westies something to aim at . No worries Ocker. M azenod bounced back fairly strongly from their defeat the previous week to soundly beat the Wicks who found them just that little bit too strong . With 6 changes from the previous week and some hard training during the week, the Nodders outscored Brunswick in each stanza . The M urray Bros were very good . Billy Leggett and Big Karl dominated the rucking duals setting it up for Simon Fisher who did plenty of crumbing while Greg Gye and Travis Hadfield controlled the wings . Carroll and McBride across the centreline tried hard to quell the flow, Mc Lean across half back stood tall under pressure and Dasher as usual was always around . A very undermanned OEG line-up travelled to Flanders Field to take on the Bulls who were still clinging to some form of faint finals chance . The ground, as has been the norm lately, was very muddy which suited the physically stronger Bulleen who had not much difficulty in recording another victory by out muddying the Bombers who must really be looking forward to the end of the season and the chance to regroup . They had good players in Thomson and CHF, Olarenshaw roving and Harrington in the back pocket. At St M ary's the Bells repeated their GF performance of last year by again defeating the Warriors, this time with only four members of that team on the field . The Bells desire to avoid relegation left the CYs for dead as their performance after 1/2 time was thorough and complete as they cohesively inflicted a devastating and morale sapping loss on Willy so close to the finals . For the Bells the whole team played well but Froggy (again), Trevor Jones, the Captain, Wa ll y, and Orka were outstanding in a most important victory for the club . Last week's fax just didn't comethrough Kathy . Perhapsthe best 3 of a disappointing bunch of Warriors were Steve Calderwood, Anthony Cook and Andrew Featherston, all on-bailers. PREVIEW And so to the last game of the season for 8 sides, one that has provided plenty of interest and intrigue which continues today as the Bells and the House still battle for survival . The last round always produces surprises and today will be no different. The Saints, even away from home, will win their first game of the season against the OEGs. The Bells and Powerhouse will be desperate and dressed for success but neither Aquinas or the Nodders would like a defeat on the eve of the finals and it won't happen today . West would love to finish their tenure in E-Street with a win . They beat Brunswick first time around but will struggle today against Brunswick who have been a very competitive side all year. The Doves on their slightly drier ground will finish on a high note by just edging out Bulleen in a close one. The match of the round at Allard sees North welcome the W arriors on the rebound, should be a great name, both sides I feel are more suited to the drier conditions . I'll go for thejugular and tip an upset . Horthies to win . SELECTIONS: St Andrews Aquinas M azenod Brunsw ick Doveton North Brunswick PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : Last round for some of you this week . Let's make that special effort and finish with a big 12/12 . For those still participating in the finals, please include a short preview in your next report includin g l~ Reserves . Don't forget Ph 571 4808 (H) or 417 6044 or Fax : 569 8766 by 6pm Monday. BE P WHISPERS : Larry Turnley (Willy), Vinny Grimaldi (N . B'wck), Dasher Stevens (B'wck) and Ian Ashby (St . 'ind with the darkhorse Froggy Ymer (Bells) . THE ARflATF1IR FnC3TRÂŽ1 I FR 1001

The old columns been taking a beating recently as I've had more trips than the S°a Zion mesters leaving their pavvy. So again I need to be brief . Well the four is settled - a brave effort by the Young Poets' Society but they'll need to wait another year . The but they now Poets had a six-pack win over the Elitists in boggy conditions at Southland to secure fifth spot the W inkles. In a high face the Backyard Boys coming off a loss and keen to fine tune for their return match withedged ahead in the last standard game at the Backyard ( Bouncer Santo equated it to C Grade) the W inkles quarter after the scoreboard had see-sawed throughout . The Boys proved themselves worthy opponents but the W inkles deserved their chance at 18 straight. The Brewers got away to a good start when their favourite whistle-blower N ude N ut arrived and Val Evans sent for another batch of lamingtons . A good start in ordinary conditions meant the Shamrocks chased all day. Finals for the Brewers. Nude Nut washed down the lamingtons with a cold shower and a fair percentage of a slab in between Baptist and Catholic philosophical ramblings . The Botanists rolled outthe mud carpet forthe Socialists who were at least pleased to get back on the winning list after a horror patch . Day's highlight was the fine gesture of the Emperor in the Ressies whereby he umpired. forward pocket nine-tenths of the ground allowing a bemused Barry Russ to operate in a relatively mud-free The Sailors, in a brilliant team effort, kicked a Bradman against the Stationmasters . A club record of 15 goals was kicked by Lou "The Looney" Marks. BEST PLAYERS : Socialists : P Barone, T. Whi°fort and D . Kane. Botanists : Full forward Eeator iby, ruckman Van Buul and full back Cooksey. flanker Timmy Reed . Van Winkles : Ruck rover °., .nny N icolosi (8 goals), rover Gary "Pewter" Larkin and Andrew. Backyard Boys : Winger ',I . i urphy, ruckman Adam Hankin and ruck rover Mick . Bre wers : Defenders Nick ' * ~ .311y" Collyer and Simon Ustick with ruckman John Raft Shamrocks : Sailors: Full forward Marks and centreliners "1 cf.~_ !on and Warne-Smith .Adam Healey in the pivot. Poets : Half backs Gino Caspari and "Eggy " £ r_ ;er with Mr Consistent Elitists: Rob Sutherland . Stationmasters : Ruckman M ick Wharton, defender John "Aggro" Agorakis and on-baller : MILESTONES • Paul "Tich" Orchard has taken 18 years to play his 150th for the Zedders . I know the feeling! Well done "Tich" but forget the 300 ! • Backyard Boys Brian " M C" Hammer can rail-up his 50th tankard . Well done Brian! . • Congratulations from the Crew and F-Troop to Brendan Collopy and Sue Leaver on their recent engagement Fish cracked a hornpipe! ! The Big • Wayne " M achetti" Long is 27 years old!!! SOCIAL N OTES : • W inkies have a luncheon today followed by a Disco/Vote Count tonight . Great combination! • Sailors Vote Count tomorrow at Collopy's Seamen's M ission . Band : "The Clang" . Eastern suburbs • End of Season Party at the Snakepit tonight featuring Vic Rail Garage residents are duly warned to have a weekend in the hills reports Bucko who was semi-buried in his semi-comeback in the Ressies last week . PREVIEW 4 out of 5 last week leaving the slab percentage at 82% . win over the Sailors at the Kevin M urray Plot . • Socialists to tune up for their Ad Hocery by taking a six-packto loss by 5 twins. • Poets to go down valiantly to the Boys at Southland . Boys average earlier • W inkles to have a perfect record to the tune of 8 goals against the Bre w ers, Lakeside . • Elitists to do enough at home to win against the Shamrocks by 5 twins. • Bucko's Botr 3 to triumph at last at the Snakepit by de-railing the Emperor's train . An F-Troop slab if they can do it!

Another round and yet another slab. This time it is the High boys turn to collect after their good win over the Jackers which makes them the best ~team Eo~utOoFf th~e~"~TO~~E4C,S GAME S DIVISION 1 almost fell victim to the improved skiing conditions but managed to put together the bare 18 which Collegians . Winger Andrew Braun and Cain was enough to just get home from Parade who also just got a team together Bernies as they got their second thrashing The wheels have really fallen off the Lions. Lester both did well for the . The Salters -R & P - each booted 6 whilst Scalzo continued his goodt in a row, this time Xavs were the killers las upset my prediction and ensured that M onds will finish in the quinella fornals form as did D . Dalton . Old Scotch in atight game with the lead changing afew times in the last quarter . James Harris and David Iser big stickss. 6 g stick best whilst a player I believe is capable of kicking a "ton", Roland Fieicuss, popped Students with Christian Varney, again performed below their best North of the Yarra and just got homeEagles from the down to 4th spot with a convincing M Adrian Little their best . De La knocked the arty M cCusker and rowe who had a field day on his wing . D's Damien C . No one seemed to want to get near win at East Malvern were another 2 to play well for D's. The Eagles were best served by "mudlark" Justin Duckett and Julian Taylor who showed a return to form whilst "Stork" said he should get a mention but didn't Shaun O'Riley and Boothy say what for! H DIVISION 2 NORT good win at alive and dented Therry's double chance with ants The Bullants kept their hopes of a finals berthscore best team . Alan thought it was the A look respectable Therry's Oak Park . Only a few late goals made Chirnside park made a better job of . being singled out for a special mention effort with only Simon Doggett and may have sealed their spot in the finals . Their best were wading through the "cow paddock" than A quinas . The Cobras again got a walkover - this time Old 'Hoes were the culprits . Pedler Gareth Woodcock and Brian DIVISION 2 SOUTH kicking 8 and M ark Cornell getting 4 on his return . O Ms did it easily against the Fields with Paul Theodore . The High boys, motivated by the "slab", were too good were 2 of OM 's best Smith Greg Tyrell and A ndre w workout against St their best . St Bedes again had a good for Jackers with John Lipsco mbe and Jack Vidal Bedas. Tones put in what they called . Paul Farrell got 4 for their best as usual Peters with Christian Loos ichael Bond and Jack Jones were 3 of the an "average effort" but still beat Wells by 10 goals . G reg Pride, Mwith Ben Buick and M orris Mastrianni their got a good workout at the Ashers "average" performers . De La . best . N odders thrashed Rovers PREVIEW O F TODAY'S GAM E S will register comfortable wins over H aileybury and Brighton. The two top teams De La and Xavsbut DIVISIOP21 will need to perform better than they did last time they met . The Eagles should beat the Monds respectively Boys skiiers . The Bundoora Nodders should beat Collegians who hopefully will be strengthened by the returning . I'm going for St Bernards Students should get a fufl muster at home and f expect they can just sneak home from the but not with any confidence because their recent form has been woeful and they could miss the to beat Scotch finals if they lose today . azenod Marcellin Old Paradians St Bernards SELECTIONS : De La Salle Old Xaverians M . The Buttants have their last fling at the 4 today on their A good round of matches today DIVISION 2 NO R TH can also probably say goodbye to the finals if they lose today . As usual, . NOBs "alternate" ground at Doncaster . After their experience in the mud last week, Chirnside in the tough selections, I'll pickthe home team - the Bullants is just a little better than the Roys should be well prepared for their encounter with Therry . I think their recent form . Let's hope that Old 'Hoes get their act together this and expect them to ensure their first finals appearance have been disappointing this year but at home should give a good week and give OTs a good hit out . W hitefriars but I still think the visitors will just get there . showing against Aquinas s BufteenfTemptestow e Chirnside Park Old Trinity Aquina SELECTIONS : La should have a solid the Fields but De won't raise a sweat whilst crushing Bedas DIVISION 2 SOUT H OMs should be comfortable winners over the Wells whilst the hit out before getting the points over the Jackers. the season . Tones High boys will scrape home in a close encounter with St Peters to notch their 10th win for Hampton at home . r,on't squander their unblemished record when they meet last week's big disappointment . winners n MHSOB selectio m justifies Ashers, recent for i Despite Nodd good wi n last M onashay Oid ~enton tr~elburnias Bedes De La Go1 dk Old and Mazenod Blues . BBLACK LIST : Only 3 - O . Haileybury, Thomastown Ants with an extra half dozen for SLAB CHALLENGE : This week it goes to N OBs in their vital game against the . coach Terry if they're successful




_ -, 1.a' ION S ugent

REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY FINALS - AUGUST 10 G NORTH The determined St Bernards had another great O'Dea when they overcame a slow start to clearly outpoint. first change Eltham by fifty-two points . A good first quarter by the "Turtles" took them to a three goal lead at the as St Bernards However, as the game progressed Eltham's lack of fitness and commitment became apparent onslaughts had Eltham floundering . proceeded to build a match winning lead . Their second and third quarter powered to thei r After quarter time the "Turtles" kicked one goal while St Bernards added twelve as the Saints and defender Wayne Darren Bishop Glenn O'Donnell, centre, winger . Eltham's best were fifty two point victory P. O'Dea, Fraser and McAllister were named as best . The season has therefore Wood while for St Bernards, whose players now have time to reflect on what will be needed for success in 1992 . closed for Eltham G SOUT H Grand Final . As predicted the reliable Bloods did defeat St Johns and did qualify for their fifth consecutive to the fitter Bloods in the last stanza. St Johns started well and led for the first three quarters before succumbing by twenty points, Bloods outscored St Bloods margin was seven points . After quarter time when St Johns led Johns by adding eleven goals to seven by the Dandenong based side. Each side had a star forward as Charlton five to his semi final six . St booted seven for St Johns while veteran Blood captain Hutchinson added anotherCharlton and wingerCotville Johns again received great drivefrom the consistent ruck rover Caster, full forward and ruck rover Amarant . while Bloods best were M cDonnell, C. McAsey ( centre, half-forward) PREVIEW OF GRAND FI N ALS - SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 at ELSTERNWICK PAR K

G N ORTH (2 p .m .) of St Bernards who In this game the skill of Old Scotch will be pitted against the effervescent determination between the have overcome a late season slump to record two meritorious finals' victories . There has been little St on a day on which Bernards sidesthis season although Old Scotch scored a meritorious fifty-one point victory Par k arena, I expect a closer contest . never really made the game a contest . On Sunday, on the big Elsternwick F. Monoghan, coach Devers and P . Wood as well as the consistent Fraser must nullify the finals' specialist Scotch has the leading section who did well last week and on June 29 against Old Scotch . On the other hand Scotch Sunderland, goalkicker Price who didn't feature in the semi final statistics . Consistently good Old Scotch players are capable of turning the match for their side if given any latitude by St Bernard's and Clunies-Ross Hawkins Kidd and the unorthodox St Bernard's opponents . The off field decisions by Scotch's experienced coach Dave . I know both sides are capable will obviously play a big part in deciding the match outcome Mick Devers leader of winning although on the big ground I favour St Bernards to win narrowly and thus take the pennant from fourth place. G SOUTH (12 noon ) Salle will contest their second consecutive Grand Final today although the outcome should Bloods and De La game by sixty-five points . De La Salle have be vastly different from that in 1990 when Bloods won a one sided with four defeats have been in outstanding form this season and have lost only once ( to Mazenod) whilst Bloods De La Salle won then not displayed the same degree of form as in seasons past . The sides met on July 20 and De La Salle by thirty points in a display that almost doubled the Bloods score. it is difficult to know the actual line up because the club has used this side as a means of regaining match fitness for injured A Section players Murtagh with five goals did - nevertheless they do have consistently good players in Davey and O'Dwyer while work of C . McAsey and well in the semi final . Bloods finals form has been excellent mainly through the. forward Around the ground De La Salle Hutchinson each of whom is capable of winning the match off his own boot have a consistently good defender . must nullify 'rover' McAsey and ruck rover Smith . While in Rowbottom Bloods sides and although De La Salle have the "score The big Elsternwick Park ground will test the fitness of both their strong on the board" I have a hunch that Bloods will triumph today . I base my hunch on theirfine finals form, . forward line and the fact that De La Salle haven't really had to play under pressure this season

BET. A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct" .

Now, there's a fast new color film designe d with revolutionary technology from Kodak . If you're serious about 35 mm SLR photography, and you want incredible detail . . . even on night shots, sporting events, and other low-light or fast-action situations, start with the finest-grain "high-speed film" in the worldKODAK EKTAP. 1000 Film .

Personality MILESTONES GALORE AT ST KILDA CBCOB Belated congratulations to a number of players who have achieved important milestones for the club in recent weeks. Steve Degering, the Vice-Captain of the Reserves reached the 200 game milestone on 4/8, 1 week earlier than his brother Peter who is currently the C Reserve leading goalkicker. The Monash Blues game also had special significance to A ndre w "':he Woodster" Woodward (100 games) and James "Jimmie" Otto and Randall "The" Pope (50 games) . Each of these players is a vital cog in the Reserves' quest for a premiership . Congratulations from the players and supporters of St Kilda CBCOB . 200 GA M ES TO ORM O N D'S PAUL FORSYTH Congratulations to Paul Forsyth on playing his 2003;h game today (17/8) . Paul has been a great player for Ormond, playing in many positions but mainly on the half back or half forward flank . Possessing a great football brain which allowed him to be ableto read the play very well, he has appeared in no less than 8 Ormond premierships - Under 19 in 1979, Reserve 82, 84, 86 and Senior 85, 87, 88, 89 . Well done Paul, all at Ormond say thanks and hope you have a great day . 100 GA M ES TO NATHAN McCOLOUG H All the "brothers" down at Beda land wish to congratulate our resident Aboriginal on reaching 100 games . Being atypical black man, Nat is blessed with more skill than your average white fella although this sometimes is not reflected when it comes to vote night . Nat started with St Sedes in 1985 while still in Year 11 at school . Nathan's new found aggression this year has seen him put in his most consistent year and with a touch of luck may score a vote or 2 this year. Keep up the good form Coon, and Nat, don't rag up about this column .

200 GA M ES AT OCGAF C The old man - George Young - will reach 200 club games this week (17/8) after nearly having to wait until next season because of injury earlierthis year. George is an awesome presence atthe club and is best known for his eccentric sense of humour . After a few years at full back in "the two's" he was given a new lease of life up forward and now plays anywhere he likes!! Congratulations on your 200 games and the club also salutes you for being the captain of the first OCGAFC Reserves team to make the finals . 150 GAME S FOR ANDY MAC Andre w John M cG regor plays his 150th game for M onash Blues this afternoon (17/8) and I can tell you we're all pretty proud down here! He joined the Blues in 1983 from Richardson Hall and immediately rose to prominence with his marking strength and ball getting ability. It wasn't until 1986 that he became the Ashes "Salt of the Earth" when he won the "Lionel Pepper Trophy" for the best and fairest player in D Grade. Famous for his torpedoes, red hair, associations with members of the opposite sex and sign language (which he uses when he is blind ratherthan deaf), Mac's Amateur profile has become so high that he in fact is said to be closely associated with certain Amateur personalities . It is said that he is to our own Les Argen what Jimmy Olsen was to Superman even though he has no beeping watch . Mac has been a consistent contributor around the club for many years, a past Secretary and Editor of "Ashes to Ashes" (the Monash Blues' official newsletter) and occasional chaperone of the great Professor Keith Frearson himself . If you are unsure of his whereabouts or identity, he's number 26 and he's at the bottom of every pack and let's hope he stays there for another 100 or so qames .


91 Ii,T,,-7,IdS P1 II ~33Subject to alteratio n


FIRST SE M I Elsternwick Park 1/9/91 Elsternwick Park

SECOND SEMI Elsternwick Park 8/9/91 Elsternwick Park



To be advised 24/8/91 Hampton 24/8/91 To be advised 24/8/91 Parkside 24/8/91 Won by BLOODS 3/8/91 Won by ST BERNARDS 3/8/91 To be advised 31/8/91 Parkside 31/8/91 Monash Uni 31/8/91 - 11 .30am

Brunswick 31/8191 Harry Trott Oval 24/8/91 Monash Uni 24/8/91 Oval 4, Albert Park 24/8/91 Won by DE LA SALLE 3/8/91 Won by OLD SCOTCH 3/8/91 Monash Uni 7/9/91 - 2pm Old Scotch 31/8/91 Monash Uni 31/8/91 - 2pm

PRELI M INARY FINAL Elsternwick Park 15/9/91 To be advised

GRAND FINAL S Elsternwick Par k 22/9/9 1 Elsternwick Par k


21/9/9 1

Brunswick Elsternwick Par k 7/9/91 14/9/9 1 Harry Trott Oval To be advised 31/8/91 7/9/9 1 To be advised Harry Trott 31/8/91 7/9/9 1 Oval 4, Albert Park To be advised 31/8/91 7/9/9 1 Elsternwick Par k Won by BLOODS 10/8/91 18/8/91 - 12 noon (Sun ) Elsternwick Par k Won by ST BERNARDS 10/8/91 18/8/91 - 2pm (Sun) Brunswick Elsternwick Par k 14/9/91 21/9/9 1 Monash Uni Elsternwick Par k 7/9/91 - 11 .30am 14/9/91 - 9a m Hampton Elsternwick Park 7/9/91 15/9/91 - 9a m

ÂŽ Please note that many changes have been made from last week's display for the 1991 Finals Program - 3 venues are still to be confirmed (negotiations with prominent venues are still in progress at the time of going to print) . Also note that durng the finals series, venues may be altered according to the participating teams (once known) . ~ .`:~~~



M . DEVINE (Old Brighton U19) - Striking - 3 matches . D . LAPPAGE (Old Haileybury U19) - Striking - 3 matches. C . COYNE (Collegians) - Misconduct - 3 matches . P. CARMICHAEL (Old Essendon) - Striking - 3 matches. A . WALDEN (Old Haileybury) - Striking - 5 matches. D . GRAY (Parkside) - Striking - 3 matches. K . JERGENS (Parkside) - Striking - 4 matches. A . TEAGLE (Williamstown) - Striking - 5 matches. K . HARLING (Thomastown) - Abuse of Umpire - 2 matches. W. COOPER (Thomastown) - Abuse of Umpire - 2 matches. *Accepted prescribed penalty Mike McArthur-Allen, Tribunal Co-ordinato r



VAFA against THERRY on a charge of conduct unbecoming a member club in that in its Under 19 match against Old Trinity (3/8/91) Therry runner B . Grocock did use abusive, threatening and insulting language afterthe game totheumpire - runner found quilty, club fined $100. VAFA against OLD ESSENDON on a charge of conduct unbecoming a member club in that during the game Old Essendon and Powerhouse (played 27/7/91) senior coach Vin Catoggio did abuse the umpires afterthe game and query a report made during the game - Catoggio found quilty, reprimanded for his behaviour and the club fined $250. VAFA against MAZENOD and WILLIA M STOWN CYMS in that its senior players engaged in a melee during their match playe d 3/8/91 . Bothclubsfoundguiltyofconductunbecomingamemberclub-A4azenodfined$300(prioroffence)being$50above first offence fine as spectators were involved . VAFA against NORTH BRUNSWICK on a charge of conduct unbecoming a memberclub in that afterthe Brunswick and Nort h Brunswick senior match played 3/8/91 the No rt h Brunswick senior coach did use abusive language towards one of th e field umpires in the clubrooms after the game - coach found guilty and North Brunswick club fined $250. VAFA against OLD IVANHOE in that player M . Cavanagh did strike player S . Burmeister (Old Camberwell) in the game played 20/7/91 - player found guilty, suspended 6 matches . VAFA against MHSOB on acharge of conduct unbecoming a member club in that its Under 19 coach did use insulting language towards the field umpire in its match against St Bedes played 3/8/91 - coach pleaded guilty - severley reprimanded (good past record) . Phil Stevens, General Manager

It was great to see Bernie Hoy at last Saturday's sponsors luncheon before the Elsternwick Park match Ajax and Old Geelong . Bernie, who is associated with VAFA sponsor National Mutual Trustees, has been a long time friend at the VAFA well before his company became associated with the VAFA . Sadly Bernie's wife, Denise, passed away a fortnight ago, after battling illness for a long time, and all associated with the Amateurs offer our condolences to Bernie and his family. FINALS SLIGIBILITY SENIORS : All registered players with a permit SENIORS/RESERVES : If both teams are playing, reserve player must have played at least 2 matches (be registered and have a permit) . UNDER 19 : Must be registered and have a permit. If player has played in an aggregate of 5 or more senior and reserve matches he must have played at least more than 5 U19 matches during the season . RESERVES : Must be registered with a permit . Must have played 2 matches and not more than 8 senior matches during the season . TWO U19 SIDES : Exactly the same conditions as per the senior team/reserve team playing on the same day or senior team playing only or reserve team playing only . NB. U19/1 team assumes the role of the senior team . An answer from Old Carey to Mrs Lowe (refer last week's "Editorial" - parts have been deleted ) Dear Phil ., PLEASE PASS THIS LETTER ON TO YOUR CORRESPONDENT, Mrs . J . Lowe, whose letter tore at our heartstrings (Amateur Footballer 10/8/91) . Dear Mrs. Lowe, Please rest assured that is is not your husband who requires the "professional help" - it is the Club which did NOT avail itself of his volunteered services!!! To have an absolute gem such as your husband - ready, willing, able, prepared and polished - and then not to use him - SHAME, SHAME!! ! We at Old Carey would never treat one of our willing band of helpers in such a cavalier fashion!!! Indeed we bolster their feelings of self-worth by nightly telephone calls, pleading, begging, cajoling and bribing them to come and give us the help we so desperately need . They are treated like kings and queens when they arrive, are listed in our Year Book, and included in all our club social functions . WE NEVER FORGET THEM (nay, I do not mean we never let them get away from us) . All I can suggest to you and your grieving spouse is to come over and join us at Old Carey where his true worth will be appreciated . We are prepared to grovel to have such a Iiving treasure in our midst . He would not be deserting Melbourne High - I myself am an ex MacRobertson Girls High School pupil ; our senior ruckman wentto Melbourne High, as did our Assistant Coach and our ex-president also attended that fine school . COME AND JOIN US AND BE TRULY APPRECIATED . . .WE WILL SUPPLY THE FLAGS, COATS . Sincerely, VAL EVANS All clubs (secretaries and press correspondents) are asked to ensure they read thoroughlythe memo to secretaries which should now be in each secretary's possession . Note should be made that WINNING TEA MS only have to phone final scores and then Q by Q scores, goalkickers and best players for BOTH PARTICIPATING SIDES . Please ring Phil Stevens (531 8333) or Nancy McTaggart (528 3319) during the week coming up if any detail on the sheet is not clear in any way . By now all teams certain of playing in the finals, or hopeful of playing in the finals, should have lodged their final's teamlists . If not they must be typed and faxed to E . Park during Monday morning . Fines are invoked for players who wear numbers other than those shown in 'The Amateur Footballer' . Brian Woodhead (Umpires Advisor) has requested any C, D, E or F section reserve grade umpire not involved in finals with his club who would like to assist as a boundary or goal umpire to contact VAFA Administration 531 8333 - particularly next Saturday which is particularly busy with the last round of matches for A, B and U19 sections as well as finals C-F seniors and rese rves . Please ring and leave details for Brian to contact you . TIFIC AFAATCIIQ Cl1f1TCAi I CO ♌ oef~





~ ~~~~ ~



~ Mi E l6OUFN

PH : 720 6399 14

FAX : 720 6808

..E'I'°I'~ VAFA FLTJ T: ~-_i=- v'I G OFFER 1991 With the season approaching its climax, we would like to make a special offer to all VAFA clubs . At Dilettare we have put together a range of wines that can be used with great effect as a simple and efficient fundraiser. The keynote here is the simplicity with which the objectives can be achieved . We will supply you with comprehensive tasting notes and order forms for you to distribute to your members and associates. We will even supply you with tasting stock if you wish to hold a tasting of the wines for all concerned . Once the orders have been collated we will then deliver to you when and where you want . The wines are all of outstanding quality and will sell to your 'customers' at less than $7.00 per bottle, making them exceptional value . If you can sell 50 dozen bottles, not a difficult task, your club will nett in excess of $800.00. Another proven method of fundraising are PORT CROCKS. If you have something to celebrate this year, like an important club milestone, or hopefully a premiership, these superb quality PORT CROCKS are a great commemorative item . Once again we will do all the hard work, organising the artwork, colours and order forms . All you have to do is sell them . Minimum quantities are for 50 crocks and if you sell them for $29 .00 you will nett about $10.00 per unit (depending on artwork) . If you would like anyfurther information, or wish to discuss your individual requirements further, please call Peter Marr on 555 9844 or 018 36 2401 .


T'_-`4' TOW N Trophy Town in Eastern Trade Centre, Kilsyth, is certainly the place where clubs and organisations prefer to shop . There are literally thousands of trophies on display in what Trophy Tow n describe as a "supermarket concept" - the only one of its kind in the world . Customers can also reap the benefits of buying direct from the manufacturer, which means prices are about 30 percent less than anywhere else. Also, customers are able to browse through the store, order form in hand, whilst they choose the number, design and size of the trophies they wish to purchase . Along with trophies ranging up to large silver varieties, there are medallions, plaques, pennant flags and glassware from which to choose. Trophies are shrink-packaged before they are collected . Computerised engraving machines operate full time for prompt and efficient service . Trophy Town also offers computerised invoicing which means that clubs, at the point of purchase, know immediately how much they have spent . Trophy Town is open five and a half days a week and after hours by appointment . For more information phone (03) 720 6399 and speak to Linda or David Penaluna.

Personality Par s 100 GA M ES FOR PETER SOUTHALL AND LEIGH MURPH Y Elsternwick boys Peter Southall and Leigh Murphy have reached their respective 100th game . Peter Southall is a determined and talented onbailer who played his 100th game last Saturday (3/8) . "A .B ." always figures prominently in the best players, and is serving his second season as Elsternwick's Vice Captain. His running goals are a highlight of his play, with the "on the run" banana goal becoming something of a specialty lately . Keep them coming "Southy". Leigh M urphy this week (10/8) will play his 100th game against ANZ Bank . "Boris" has now T4lC A&AATGIIR C(1f1TRAl 1 GR 1 Q 01

established himself as a consistent and leading player for the'Wicks, which was rewarded at the start of the season by being named Deputy Vice Captain . Leigh is currently in "schintilating" form, and is looking forward to big game today. Also Leigh has a big hand in organising events around the club, and promises a big weekend in Adelaide later in the year for all the boys . Both Peter and Leigh have stuck with Elsternwick despite the club's recent poor seasons, which is acredit to their character, and both will play important roles in the upcoming finals . All the best and congratulations to both Peter Southall and Leigh Murphy, from everyone at the "Backyard" . i


Woolblendmark football jumpers are tough enough for VAFA footballers . Woolblendmark supporter's jumpers are soft, comfortable and smart enough to look good on both male and female supporters . Woolblendmark school sports jumpers have the versatility to make them a natural choice for all school team sports from hockey to lacrosse, from baseball to canoeing and rowing. Each bears the Woolblendmark as the manufacturer's certification of

compliance with the performance specifications of the Australian Wool Corporation . For further information, contact Dougal Pleasance at the Australian Wool Corporation on (03) 3419111 or call Hugh Lyon Knitwear on (03) 583 3277 .

Garment by

'The Woolblendmark is a certification trademark owned in Australia by the Australian Wool Corporation .

Hugh Lyon

MAZENOD COLLEGIANS [3E LA Sr . _LE Coach : Phil Astrons 1 . A. Bamford 2 . J . Grigg 3 M . Haintz 4. F Donaldson 5, M. Trdto n 6. L . Heath 7-J .Sneddon 8. D. Hopkins 9- D. Warner 10. A. Batiste 13, D. Stub b 14. S Jenkin (Capt) 15. D. Grant 16. J. Fredman 1T S. Truster 18, J, Bare 19- L . Sayers 21 R . Berryman 22. A . Brau n 23. M . Farrington 25 T Symons 26. C. Lester 28. S . Blackman (VC) 29 A . Kenneall y 30. A . Quayle 32. B. Allan 33. T. Smith 34 . B. Barker (VC) 35, P. Mastos 44. N . Collinson 57. S, Stephens 99 T Lester

OLD PARADIAN S G R EEN Coach: David Way 1 . T. Jones 2 . M . Colact 3 T Kell y 4, M . Dickason 5 M . Livy 6 N . Condie 7. A . Collings 8. S. Batchelor 9, M. Harrison 10 . D. Baird 11 . S. Swindon 12 . D. Hall

13 . K . Jenkins 14. D. Vicino 15. C . Natoli 16. R . Perr y 1 7, J. Blandford B Joyce 1& C . Hoobin 19. 20 B . Brodie 21 . P McGinley 22 . S . Cross 23, S. Wallis 24.B Pannam 25 A . Pekin 26 L . Peyton 27.B .Johnson 28, L . Smith 29. S . Metaxis 30, S . Willmore 33. C. Henry 37 A . Thomas 43 . S O'Keefe 44 . M . Hayes 4& A . Joyce 48 . N . Wayman 49-S. Vincent 50 . J . Reidy 5' A . Finanzi o A "JR SfiQNSO

BLUE Coach : Denis McGrory 1 . D. Dean (VC) 2 .J. McCarthy (C) 3 . G . Jackson 4,A .Sheedy 5 D. Schuilin g

7. P. Marsh (DVC) 10.L . Vivona 11 . M . Laffan 12- S. Greely 13 D. Crowe 14 .C.Johnson 15 K . Keely 16 . C . Lester 17. S. Neeson .T Grogan 1 8 J . Duckett 19, 22 . M . Lafferty 24 . J . Hayter 26 . R . Makinson 28 . N. Vanderpfight 29 . M . Mastroianni 30 . M . Murray 31 . G . Borg 32 . C. Belleville 51 . K. Pollard 53.D .Rosman 54. M . Smith 57. B. Fitzgerald 59. A . Greely


OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIANS Coach : Terry Kendall 1 . H . McNeil 2 .5. Woodhouse 3. J. Lawson (Capt) 4. A . Warne r 5 C. Johnson 6. C. Allard 7, J . Harris 8 . C. Barber 9 M . Steel 10. S. Hardy 11 . J. Gallagher 12 . A . Simpson 13. L . Robertson 14.D. Norman 15-J. Bock (VC) 16, D. Kidd 17. D. Iser 18,P Roberts 19. D.Johnson 20. J. Kinley 21 . M . Robertson 22 . D. McWhirter 23.J.Hannebery 24.J.Knox 25. A. Crawford 26. J. Fraser-Smith 27 . R . Piekusis 28.P Robers

MARCELLiN 1 . D. Bearzatt o 2 . C. Darby 3 . S. Neal 4. L . Curran 5 A . Tranquilli 6. P Sexton 7. J. Murray 8. M . Amad 9. S. O'Reilly 10- S . Ellis

11 . J . Walli s 12 . V. Gallagher 13. M . Becchetti 14. G . Bennett 15 G . Vimparn 16. D. Merton 17. A . Booth 18. B . Rule 19. T. Cox

20 . B. Gorman 21 . D. Sticca 22 . C . Healey 23. M . Curry 24. M . Boysen 25 N. Quarrell 26. M . Heath 27. M . Edmonds 28. D. Barlow 29. M . Entwisle 30. S. Abbott 31 . C. McKenzie 32. J . Rimes 33 . A . Ryder 34 . M . Moran 35 . N . Daicos 36 . M . Williams 37. S . Dimattina 38 . S. Edwards 39 . D. Boothe 40. H . Fitzgerald 41 . R. Collusi 42 . S . McKenzie 43, M . Cromie 44,J. Keays 45, A . Weisz 46, S. Beasley 47 . N . Marr 48 H . Aarons 49. J. Daffy 50, A Merton 52 M . Meeha n SPONSOR

Coach : Ad ri an Williams 1 . M . Talley 2, N . Little 3 . J Mannix 3, A . Kin g 5 . B King (Capt) 6 . P Occhipinti 7, J. Lenette 8. G . Makin 9.B.Howe 10. C. Varney it. D. Gil l 12 . W. Marshall 13 . S . Josza 14 M . McCusker 15 . M . Cavanagh 16 . D. Horben 17. D . Westo n 1& S. Powell 19. P Maiden 20. M . Goudie 23 . T. Walker 24 . W. Sargeant 25 . M . Guiliano 26 A' Little 27. J. Walsh 28 . A . Morris 29 . J . Fisher 30.S. Barton MAJOR SPONSOR TWO TONE PAI N TING Industrial • Domestic

OLD BRIGHTO N Coach: Mark Swain 6 A McLachlan 7. M . Devine 9 R . Haydon 12. J . Hendrie 15. J . Moore 17 . D. Moreton 19, J . Pyers 21 . T Smith 23, S . Bishop 36.R.Carter 41 S. Crowe 43, J . Farrar 52 .B-Jones 53 . P. Murphy 54 . A. Naughton 55 K . Payne 56, B . Pollock 57. A . Skelton 58 . M . Spence 59. N . Wartman 60. M . Wilson 61 . M . Tol l

62 . A. Delbridge 63, N . Hill 64, A . Loma s 65. D . McCormack 66. M . Rei d 67, L. Hamilto n

• Commercial 5585255

OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Tony Gilchris t 1, J . Delalande 2 M . Allen 3. D. Andersen 4. G . Anderson 5,PDow 6. D. Pasco 8 . S . Harrop 9 . D. Bugalski 10.S , Lyon s 11- C. Kraus 12. T. Hunte r 13. A. McLaughlin 14. T. Ric e

15. D. Kell y 16 E . Bingham 17. N . Mistry 18. B. Mui r 19. M . Phillips 20. B. Arnold 21 .B.Canobe 22 . S. O'Brien 24.J.Parton 25, A. Newman 26. S . Healey 27. A . Dunstan 29. D.Lappage 30.J. Panetta 31 . A . Fothergill 33 .J . Bryce 34 . R . Home 35, A . Whitelaw 37. P Vine 38 .J . McLean 40. D . Naisbitt 42 . J . Dran e

ST. BERNARDS Coach : Terry Davi s

OLD XAVERIA NS Coach: Andrew Ralph 1 . A . Caput i 2 . R . Hansen 3. S- Barlow 4. P Brady 5 N . Cook 6 A. Keyhoe 7, R Salter 8 A. Egan 9. B McDonald 10. A . Burke 11 . C. Burke 12 . L . Hannebery 13. S. Nattill i 14 P Finn 15. M . Scalzo 17. I . Purcell 18. D, Bailey 19 . M . Juracich 20S.Hogan 21 J . Boston 22 R . Tucker 23. A, Duggan 24, D. Landrigan 25. D. O'Sullivan 26. M . DAm'co 27. D . Clarke

28, J . Hilbert 30 .S .Power 34 . L . Davies 35 . M . Meehan 36 J Portelli 37. C. Green (Capt) 41 . M . Dillon 42 J . Flynn 44 T Collins 55 P Salter

ORMOND Coach : J . Veal 1 . B . Turner 2. J . Brown 3. D Auslander 4 .J . Osborne 5 G . Marinic 6, A . Fische r 7 . P. Marnow 8 R . Butner 9 . D, Barton 11 . D. Taylor 12, C . Keleher 13 C.Loug h 14, S . Montgomery 15. C. Karageorgio 16. D Abrahams 17. J . Schulman 18. C Wood 20. P. Hurley 21 . P. Absalom 24 R . Carboon (DVC) 27 J . McCarthy 28 K . Sparrow (Capt) 29- M . Gribble (VC) 32 C . Sparrow 37,J. Agar 38 P. Conroy 48 C . Montgomene 516- Burgi o 54T. Percoco 74. A. Taylor

1 . S . Jones 2 . C . Byrne 3. A. Brebner 4. J. Comito 5. S . Looker 6. M . Hande 7 . S. Parrett 8 . L . Vassaio 9 .J .Kennedy 10. N . Mitchell 11 . P. Scerri 12, A . Dalley 13. D. Garvey 14 . S . Chatfield 15 . M . Egan 16 . P Gilmour 17. A . Comito 18 . S. Hall

19- B Atkins 20. B . Jarrett 21 . C . Mailia 22 . M . Farmer 23 . D. Rogers 24 M, Cashman 25 . D. Raffl e 26 F. Giordano 27, D. Farrell 28, B . Horn 29.S. Martin 30. A . Webb 31 . S . Fox 32 . D. Calderon 33. D. Solomon 34. M . Daffey 35 M . Tormey 36 T.Paradowski 37. H . Bradshaw 38. S . Parkhill 40 .A .Noonan 41 .T.Backhouse 43 .M .McGeown 44. S. Taylo r

69 . G Arrov,~mdh

Under 19 North ALSA,NVALE Coach : Peter Robertson 1 J Karagiannis 2 T Febey 3 B Gait 4 J. Smith 5.J Hodge 6 A . Grech 7 J Triplett 8 B Williams 9. J Mason 10 B Dorrough 11,S Ragusa 12 S Caulfield 13 S Cooper 14 A Paddon 15 W . Nicholls 16 M Mitchell 17 A Leetet 18 S. Bucsko 19 D Sebastian 20 J Procko 21 P Phillips 22 J Wilson 23 J Psaila 24. A Leahy 40. D Liddell 69 B Vitalone A Cilmt

R M 0 C J

Razbocan Bourke Canavan Gergis Swansson

AQUINAS Coach : Peter Davison 2 P Dunn e 3 M . Glenni e 4 B, O'Connor (C) 5 S Upton (VC) 6 K Denver 7 C Glennie 8. J Hewitt 9 S Flynn 10 J Scott 11 . J Hacking 12 C . Burde u 13 B Chamberlain 14 C. Belli 15 A Ward 168May 17. L Stackpole 18 C Zuponavich 19 G Whitehead 20 C Colhve r 21 A James 22 .S.Jones 23 J Livingstone 24 A . Wright 26 J ,Swann 27 M . Riseley

10 I Roxburgh 11 B . Elsworth 12 R Ivey

13 S Shepherd 15 B Barker 19. M . W u 20. D. Morant 21 T Keusgen 23 A Bachelor 25 G Brown 26 H Fitzgerald 29 P Congleton 30 S Gaylo r 31 S Roe 32 C Lutz 33 M Hore 34 E Larner 35 C Dermens 36 L Hu t 37 D McLelland 38 M Tozza 42 C Pitt 69 M Squirrell

BULLEEN TEM PLESTOWE Coach : Alan Parris 1 P Nagel

2 . C Mutimer 3 D, Tulloch 4 B Pascoe 5 N Mann 6 S Mdilmas 7 P Dall-OgOo 8 C McWaters 9 R Pulverenti 10 G McLaren 11 N Waddell 13 A Kem p 15 J Pederick 16 D Brennan 17 G Pemberton 18 J Cal f 21 . S Doggett 22 B Cowan 25 M Cumming 29 C Ellis

30 G Shallard 34 J Scott 44 M Hyd e

Coach : Peter McCall 1 . M Pemberto n 2 B. Greensill 3 S Marks 4 B Pedler 5 C Geller t 6, M Thomson 7 V Picaol ; 8 A Spirh 9 . S . Foster 10 D. Harvey 11 . D . Paola 13 E . Kerr 14G Woodcock 15 N Romano 16 C Lancaster 17 S Cond e

18 P Smit h 20 M . Edwards 21 A . Schafer 22 . M . Van Leemput 23 . R . Foste r 24P Egan 37, T Connell 39.C. Derham 45 P Pope 50 P Di Ciero 51 C Devoy



Coach : Terry Mills 1 G . Vaina 2 M Leigh 4 C Muller 6 S Thomasello 10 B Collinson 13 F Salvatore 14. L Roberts 19 R . Papaleo 20 A, Fact 21 A Newport 235 Boczar 31 . L . Boyle 32 . G Phyland 35. C Camponella 38, B Del-R e 39. J. Considine 41 P Sarong 42 . C. Horne 43 M Elliot 44 . M . Girolami 46 . N Culnane 48 M Bangit 52 . D Delac

54 D McLachlan 57 R . Mezetta 65 F Sartori 69 M Davi s

29 D Henderson 30 J Knights 33 J Crouc h 35 M Kennedy(DVC) 44 J McEwan

OLD IVANHOE OLD TRINITY Coach: Andrew Ryan 1 J Cran e 2 D Proll 3 J Fox 4 D Toll 5 A . Moh r 7 M . Greenhalgh 8 R . Schmid t 9 T Pitt


Coach : Leigh Coleman 1 C Bougas 2 N Sims (Capt) 3 T Gibso n 5 G Brmble 6 P Peterson 7 J Bennet t 8 L . Sanguinett i 9 S Beamish (VC) 10 T yam s 11 . E Best 12 S Hindi 14 J Curry 15 T Harvey 16. M . Seuling 17. B Greet 18 S. Lloyd 19 P Gutteridge 20 T Roberts 22 S Williams 23 G Hyndman 24 J Giles

29 A Howe 31 D Denby 37. M Adam 42 C Symonds SPONSORS :


PARKSIDE THERRY Coach : P. Harvey Coach : 1 J McAmch A. Le Maistre 3 R Bannister 2 . B1 Ba6ns 4G2 S s Hollow (VC) Galarn 5A 3 D Ford (DVC) Worrell 6 J Schembn . M4 Dipasqal e . 5 n A. Newbould A DeIIe~Verg~r 8 6 K Gran t 7 S Marshal l .T 7 Fitzpatrick e CamM 10 8 M Sharp 9 D Craig . G Baker . R Martinez 12 D. Howson 11 G Hun t 10 9 . C . Walsh-Holme s . I . Sheedy 13 . A Crawle 12 y11 . C Masters 14 85 1 Dowset 13t S Villella

16 14 C Noonan N . Dam~lrta s . R La Rose C Ellis 8G16 N La Fontaine i7 Giannopobus 15 19,S . S Elli s 17 D Goodwin 20 Arnol 18 d K Sexton . J D,mech . J Stuart 22 20s19 G Carbis 21 C William 23 21 P. Stanko A Harvey 24 22 T Wilso n B Scuilb 25 23 A Baker P Conti n 26 24 J Delaney A Wilson 27 25 D Hoaureau MChara 28 26 G . Grocock A Athanasiou 29 27 K Fitzpatrick L Caruana 30 28 P Higgins R Grundy 31 29 S William s P Lora . M Goodwin D Barker 33 35 n33 R Stevens 32 R Dunca 34 36 T S Dzemailosk i Pinner 35 39 aS Boyle (Capt) . C. Garci D Lombard ; 42 A McKay 36 A Luch 37 N Memos ''.. 38 D Rayne r 39 R Rogers 40 R Salisbury 41 D Tolson 42 S White 43 G Tsaikos

SPONSORS Node Clothing 489 9511 Parkside Panels 459 8516 P&w' Transport 462 2

THOMASTOWN 1 George Joseuski 3 C Hutchinso n 4. J . Gatevski 5, F Dillorenzo 6 . M Daghistani 7 C Sah m 8 J Pougios 9 T Morroney 10. S. Kotevski 11 D Pougios 13 . F Farchione 14 T Jimoulis 15 M . Trouatello 16F Jarro d

20 A . Ryan 21 . A Skora 22 . M Inzitan 23 R Dimmagio 25 E . Valentino 27, M Grec h 28 P Kotsos 29 J . Valiobs 30 R . Gerinia 31 T Cakovski 35 D Dimouslu 37 D Stevenousk

WHITEFRIARS O .C. Coach : Leon Jones 1 D Owlt y 2 M H ckox 3 A . Wise 4 D teBockhurst 5 D. Larrett 6JCox 7. G . Gibbons 8T Hayne s 9 C Tilling 10 P Millar 11 R Reidy 12 J Forde 13 M Irwin 14, G . Johnson 15 J, Ciardulli 16 A Ravenarki 17 A Carbone 18 N Parr 19 N McGrath 20 J Whit e

21 M . Foley 22 M Notley 23 J Slattery 24 D Dorazio 25 M Young 26 M Houston 27 P Martin 28 J Delaney 29 P Belford 30 D Carapellotti 31 N . Smir k

32 S. Smirk 33 B McGauch,e 34 V Barke r 36 S, O'Sullivan 46 M Vernal 48 B, Wilkinson 63 M Jackson 72 H Flanagan

Under 19 S -_ A .J .A . X . 1 R . Lipto n

2 . D Lewenberg 3, J, Hoppe (DVC) 4 . J . Carp 5, 6 7 8

P Loewy 0 . Kalb B. Chizik J Wrobe l

10. D Not 11 . A . Slade (DVC) 12, D. Berkovitch 13, Ashley Krongold 14 R, Israel 16 L . Moses 17 . J. Perelberg 18 . A . Redlic h 20 J. Wrobei (Capt) 21, D Totte r 23. M Serry 24,Z . Rosenberg 25 0. Cukierman 28, Z . Fried 29 S . Rosenberg 30 D, Reic h 31 . G . Sheezei 33 J . Bram 34 T Fell (VC) 37 D. Bendel 39 A . Pakula 41 J De Vries 47 0. Shlakht 60 .D.Bryfman 66 M . Fagenbiat 69 A . Traye r

CAULF : '_ 3 G R AL i w8 . Coach : Graeme Wooiridge 1, G . Harrison (Capt) 2 . A . Moore (VC) 3. J . Richards 4. C Hose 5.1 Crosher 6 M. Salte r 7 M Jones 8 C Adkins 9, T. Smart 10 A . Beasley 11, T. Henri

12 N . Johnson 13 A . Babarczy 14,J . Rya n 15. D Mori 16 J . Patterson 17, A . Lourie 18. W. Byrne 19 S. Carmichael 20 T. Henr i MAJOR SPONSOR


DE LA SALLE GOLD Coach : Tony Spencer 1, L Bakii s 3 S.Broadhead 6,T Spencer 8, P Satchel 10 P Spencer 11 . A . Whitfield 13. S Brown 14. B Buick 21 . R . Grace 33 . T Green 36 . S . Enright 39, A . Hynes 40, M. Hil l

43 L . Mclnneny 44. T Magree 45. L . Maher 46 . S . Mahoney 47. E, Maillard 48 . J Ral u 49. D. Smith 50. A. Raynor 58 . J Taylor 73 A . Truscoit

71 . A. Levine

MONASH EI L.UE:S Coach : Bob Hellyer 1 D. Gurvic h 2, C . Signoreili 3 M . Williamson 4, R Clifford 5. R Barker 6 J Howard 7. V. Sheehan 8, B. Hahnel 9 M . Smith 10 A . Wozencroft 11 S. Gill 12 C. Dillon 13, S, Arnett 14 .P Bertacco 15 D. Corrigan 16 T Gason 17 G . Wadley 18 .PDrew 19 S. Watkins 20 B . Kil e

21 . W . Douglas 22, P. Tocknell 23 D. Arnall 24 . A . Froelich 25 . D. Berlingen 26 J Harris 27, S. Rowland 28 S.Pogue 30, M . Pond 31 . A . Beck 32 . A. Archer 33 . L. On g 34 B. Dowsley 36 . G Urquhart 37 S . Mentha 38. A . Brumley 39 G . Pasqua 42 P Millie

OLD CAMBERWELL Coach : Peter Robinson 1 . A McKenzie 2 J Eadie 3 J Metcalf 4 B Taylo r 5 T Nixon-Smith 6 R .Jepso n 7. R . Froomes 8, C. Porter 9.S,Jones 10, T. Walker 11, J. Nichols 13 . A, Kolmorgan 14 A . Gale 15 A Kent 17. J Smith 18 R, McCahon(DVC) 19 S. Woods (Capt) 20T. McManus (VC) 21 M . McHutchison 22 .A . Wilson 23 C Town 24, C. Fisher 25 . R . Nash 26C Brown(DVC) 27 S McCann 30 A, Opray 31 . J Harcourt-Horsheid 33, J . Fletcher 34 A . Gregory 35 P. Cunnington 36. M . Nixon-Smith 37 . M Jaboor

39 M . Mudge

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : David Elam 1 D Milne 2, S Wil l 3 M . Cornell 4 A . Nelson 5 P. Donova n

_- : N IRS

M . H .S.O. B .

Coach : Steve Duketis Coach : I N Bradley (VC) Graham Smith 2 P Albergo 1 . M .Johanneen 3 A . Saultry 2, T. Phillipso n 4 T Wilkes 3- C Amoore (DVC) G Theobald 4- B_ McGregor (DVC) 5 6 D . Pilmore 5. D Wood 7R,Goodman 6. R Abraham 8. B. Gordon 7, P Harve y 9- S . Nea t 8. A Cakmak t0 .T, Roberts 9. D. Ari z 11 . K Wailes 10 . A Fairweather 12 . J Knight 11 .S. McGregor (VC) 13 C . Parris 12 . E . Murray-White 14 R . Zwar 13, R . Bulmer 15 J Dukett s 14. M . Clarke 16 A . Chenowith 15. J Day 17. J. Lipscombe 16. G . Taylor 18 B . Web b 17 R. Capes 19, P. Barge 20. J . Robbins (Capt) 20. P Lansle 21 . N . Skinne r 21, M Konstanty y (C) 22. R . Bracher 22. T. Angelopoulos 25.C. McLean 23 . B Ansel l 27. J Dakis 24 . N . Gregory 28, D Wilton 25 . M . Clowes 34, C . Voulgarakis 26, N Archdall 35. D Halia s 27, J Vidal 40 S. Anderson 28, P Baker 48, M . Atkinson 29 M James 50 C . Scarlett 30 L Flood 52 . M Lester 31 . D, Lander 53 B Kay 32 . J . Boman 60 . C . Worland 33 RGustone 71 C. McGregor 34 M Guinea 80 . J . Alessi 35. B Gilholme 88 S. Biick 36 M . Mackenzie J Biancardi 37 D Marti n J . Bridger 38, C, Young D. Hobson 39 C Glover M . Hope 40, S, Gaff T Kells 41 J Goldin M Looschiider 42 . S. Greenland J, MacAlister 43 P Howarth A . Manago 44.A Rehak B. Nelson 45. S . Robins L Scouilar 46,J Stewart R . Shaw 47 J Willis D . Stafrace 46 M Wilson S Whitby 49 M Rees MAJOR Q-0-SOM S 50. G Mackie 51 . B Etchell

6 C. Branchflower 7. M . Ros e

8 A . Morrell 9. J. Correll 10. D. Burdeu 11, W. McLean 12- W_ Salter 13. P Alle n 14. M . Metzner 15.T. Cooper 16. G . Tyrrell 17. B. Vil e

18, M . Weis 19, D Trinidad 20 . H . Hope 21 . N Rhoden 22 . D Kegler 23, M . Sneezwell 24, J Gourlay 25 . G, Tyrell 26.J Thomas 27. D Kozckar 28,S Cox 29 C. Dixon 30 L . Duffy 31, S, Frazer 32, C. Gillard 33. J . Blythe 34,T Muscamp 35 J Bull 36.P Sheehan 37 E Koch 40 44 M C Bisogn, Blood 46 P Sinn 48. A .C Smith 49 A Smith 51 W Ward

ST. 62 ei-ES Coach : John Mayer 1 . S . Yas s

2. 8 Smith 3 D Bar r 4, D. Beasley 6 R Bilos 7. I . McNicol 8. D. O'Brien 9 S . Flannery (VC) 10 C . Ross 11 . Hecker 12 . JLibbis .M 13. S. Zahra 14. D Beesley 15, A . Maloney 16, T Garlick 17, S, Crowe 18. S. O'Brien 19, L Cahill 20 . M . McCraw 21 P Farrell 22, C. Bracchi

ST. PETER'S CLAYTO N Coach: Ron Lumb 1 D Hal l

2 . M . Crugnale 3 L Billin g 4 . T Hnsovergr 5 M Ayoub i 6 P Williamson 7 G Wild 8 M . Grant 9, J Mercun 10. E Lem a 1t . S Woodbridge 12, G. Redford 13 P Kinsella 14. A . Schultz 15 T Tomlinson 16, R Schwass 17. G Doman 18 J McKay 19- S . Lazzara 20 M, Gavin 21 S Lampard 22 G Hal l

23, M . Kinsella (Capt) 24 P Campagna (DVC) 25. S Farmer 23 J Wylie 26, D Goodchild 26 E Jones 27 P Reaby 28, C Loos 29. A . McFarlane 30. S. O'Kelly 31 . M- Ellerton 32 M Law

OD Coe ,h : Steve `i ompson 1 S. Dell'Oro 2.P Saynor 3 . C Falloon 4,S - Griffith 5 S Polan 6 . S. Fraser (Capt) 7, P Evan s 8 S . Prendergast 9 . J Warke 10. B. Mounter 11 . M Kern 12 . B . Martin 13. T Willi s 14. M . Quirk 15. C. Daigleish 16 C. Harrison 17. S Azzopard, 18. S . Kropman 19. A Byrne 20 . A Pawsey 21 K Duffy 22 . B. Parker 23 R, Eber t

24 B . Hickieton 25 B Borg 26.S Bourbon 27 J Wickman 28 C . Nash 29 M Hancock 30 R Burrows M AJOR SPONSOR TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial ® Domestic

® Commercia l

55 8 525 5

Coach: Pa : r : .. shy 1, A. Howard 2, D. Campbell OVC) 3 C . Schaller 4 . D. Murphy (Capt) 5 A . Oxlan d 6 N . May 7. B Mueller 8 . M . Sichlau 9. A . Marshall 10. M . Raymond 11, W, Jones (VC) 12. T Riley 13 K. Richardson 14 P Appe l 15 C- Flanagan 16 L Waters 17 A . Riddle 18 . G . Prid e 19 M . Boldiston 20 S Mulli n 21 D Paterson 22 P Harrington 23.J Poiknghorne 24. C Radi n 25 A Carter 26 M Leone 27 N . Graham 28 M, Bond 29. G . Worrell 30 L . Murphy 31 B Smith 32 B Stamforth 33. T McNamara 34 P Sullivan 35 J Styles


® COLLEGIAN S ALSA N VALE t S Lowe 2 J Charte r 3 J Bigham (C) 4 T Courtney 5 J Debono 6 A Padrey 7 J El m 8 D Eil .s 9 V Agms 10 C Taylor 11 T Harvey t2 C &gham _ 13 J Almenara (Coa h) 14 C Agms(DVC)

15 D Guastelegname 16 M Holdsxorth (VC) 17 J ArvalwLs 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

T Larter M Higgins E Walker C Griffiths J Van Meel J Joseph T Kabc

25 R Turner 26 S Mitchell 27 P Carngan 28 M Ph' lips 29 B Clark 30 S Brearley 31 G Radford 32 J Francese 33 D Barnard 34 P Kras,cky 35 M Bradiz,~ 36 A McDonaid 37 F Lorenzon 38 M SmR t 39 A Schoefbaenker 40 0 Kirk 41 W Bentley 42 D Chapman 43 D Dodema,de

SULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Coach : Paul Ryan , Mal Prto r 2. T Dnver 4 P Saw 6 L Parns 8 A Bennett 9 P Re d 10 G Hatton 12 D Merrel l 13 A O'Loughlin 15 B Lederman 16 C Shailard 17 D Hail 18 W Murphy 19 M Prro r

21 C Connelly 24 P Rya n 25 P Edwards 29 G, Park' nson 32 A Saw 39 41 49 58

C McMahon R Boon G Oaisley D Cummins

CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach : R . Heinric h 1 J Park 2 P Anthony 3 S Wheeler 4 M De Jong 5 J King 6 G De Jong 7 V Bourke 8 G Andrew 9 R Gray 10 R Mathyssen it G Wyngaard 12 C Mathieson 13 C Parker 14 J Schroen 15 M Warren 16 F Romano 17 P Scardamaglra 18 M Carus 20 T Sanderson ' 21 M Mazur 23 D Foster 24 R Heinrich 25 M Thomas 26 T Marks

29 M Harrington 30 K Basso 34 B Hayes 35 P Campbell 40 W Corne6ssen 41 0 Marshman

Coach : D. Tadgell 1 6 Latchford 2 M . Whittaker 3N 4 J Parsons . Siccing 5 A Davies 6 P Dunne 9 C Comely 10 K Dunne 11 . C. Woods 16 S Mackay 17 R Blee 19 C Mackay 24 D. Tadgeli (Capt) 27, C, Chappel l 29 G. Kenneally 32 R. Nancarrow 33 S Irwi n 34 . R Wilson 35 A Taylor 41 S Byrne 43 . N. Comiey 57 Phil Swan 58 Peter Swan 64 C. Singleton 65 1 Lockwood 66 G Sutherland 69 M Burgess

ELTHAM Coach : D . Tucker 1 G O'Donneli 2. S. Murdoch 3 A. Tucker (Capl) 4DWhite 5. S Fitzpatric k 6 S Mitchell 7 D Bishop 8 P Sinclair 9 G Constantine 10 P Saga r 11 K Tucker 12 J WeatheNl 13 N Hampshire 14 W Wood (VC) 15 P Taylor 16 F Mandler 17, B Evan s 18 P Kernaghan 19 L Dawson 20 B Anderson 21,S Millar 22, 0 Wilton 23 C Toy 24 T St.ckland 26 M Deianey 2T S Feely 28, W Gaff 29. R Haber 30 A Gardner 3L C Butter 32 M Co➢ mgs 33 G Hali 34 S Shaw 35 J Pitcher 36. I Chesser 37 J West 38J Collings 39. M Barden 40. A Peacock 41, L Woods 42 . S McVcar 43, G Moore 44 M Bar6ng 45 D Thorsen 46 C Penna 47 M Peterson 48 D Bishop 49 S Jablonski 50 . J Skidmore 51 . A Koster 52.S McPhail 53 A Smark 54 M Penot 55 S Tozer 56 S Eastaway 57 R Leedham 58 S Ward 59 M Jackson 60 R Lovett



Snr. Coach: N. Le Llevre Coach: Wayne Taylo Reserves Coach: 2 J Perr e A. Paatsc h 3 J O'Kane 5 N . Barbounis 7 P Byrnes 12 G Ziegle r 14 M Williamson 16 E Midon 19 T Johnstone 22 . P CIAte 23 E Darmanm 26. V &bas 28 S Case 29 P Morley 32 W. Taylo r 33 M Robertson 39 P Alle n 40 K Thielman 42 D Connoll y 43 M O'Shannessy 55 T Nucara 99 B Hobart P Armetas A Barboums M Bonke A . Oldie D Edwards M Esteban F Garcia M Gale M Haynes F Kilroy B Mahar B Moebus T Murton C Pattison G Pattison J Schembn B Tomeity W Ward


KEW Coach : Paui Shaw 1 P Shaw (ClCoach) 2. B Prowse 3 M. O'Dea 4 A Tucke r 6 Richard Maclsaac 7 S Nuna n 8 M. Glenieter 9 D Maclsaac 10 C Northam 11 A Phelan 12 M Wawn 13 M O'Hanlon 14 A Livingstone 15 1 Oakley 17 A Lazarus 18 C. Curtain 19 C Maclsaac 20 At . Furlong 21 A Boland 22, J Vanderzaim 23J Ho 24 James (VC) 25 S Robert Maclsaa c 36 R McErNroe (DVC) T Vana M Manley VJ Stengards R McGregor M Doyie

1 A Paalsc h

2 . T Day 4 C Carr 6 G Petrotl 7 M Dillon 8 M Amad 10 A Gallagher 11 C Slattery 12 N Bourke 13 M Stapleton 14 D Howe 15J Seabury 16 G Woofer 17 M Getson (Capt) 18 A Caftr y 19 M Delahunt 20 S O'Flynn 22 T O'Hehir 24 A Hewitt 26 D O'Callaghan 27 R Gross 28 C Maso n 30 A Bendoncchio 31 I Patterson 32 A McIntosh 33 A Treganowan 34 L Getson 35 J Pappas 36 G Walsh 37 TJ Slattery 38 M Chun 39 C Castagna 40 0 Cooper 41,S Duck 42 A Duncan 43 N Duncan 44 P McIntyre 45 P Randall 46 J Golds 47 T Buhagair 48 D Bromage 49,S Mangan 50 S Kolednik 51 T Mahon 52 T Smith

53 T Slattery 54 N Menzies 55 S Beattie 56 Jeremy Golds 57 B Day 58 S Boysen 59 K Robinson 60 S. Watson 61 M. Bushell 62. M Szakacs 63 J Kan n 64 M Rozenboom 75 J Dinnee n


THERRY Coach: J. Kite 1, M. Conway 8 S Lyons 10 H Aya d 11 B O'Sullivan 15 S Brisbane i6 P Doherty 18. J Grant 24, G Falchk 25 A Smith 28 D Sandman 31 L McIntyre 32, R. Costello 33 S Gibson 40 R De Vila 41 W Lmd

BOABDWALR BA 48 D Lyons C P.Aohren Banana Alley, City, ;9 55 M Jacobsen * * *

VAUGHAN PRINTIN 624 High St, E . Kew

60 P Rope r 75 J Kira (C) 76 T Hewat 77 D Jink,ns 79 J Bo6tho 96 S Redden

NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : D . Fogarty 1 D Brrel l 2 L Joseph 3 P Miliett 4 B Hickey 5 S Dowhng 6 P McSweeney 7 M Collin s 8 Carbon 9 A Hoffman 11 G . Carroll 12 P lh'e+ r 13 S Garde 14 D Fogarty 15 M Hibbert 17 D Perrone 19 M . Stormont 20 M Molone 21 P Greaves 23,L. Bevan 24 J Rae

25 J Schmidt 26 G O'Hare 28 P O'Dwyer 29 J McIntyre 31 G O'Tooie 32 A Schmidt 33,8 Dubois 35, D Fitzgerald 36 F Kennedy 37 P Hello 38 G Mac n 39 M ManUneo 41, D Nxon 42 A Baker 43 D Holstede 44 P Solomon 45 J Horan 46 C Moore 47 S Moloney 49 A Price 50 P Kett 51 J . Cahill 52 J . Mcliroy 53 M Egan 54 T Ailonsi 55 P Callaghan 56 B Cruickshank 57 V Tvotta 58 D Perris 59 D Cotter 60 S Scoilo 61 A Oreih 64 McCnlien 66 J Ciccolost o

OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIA NS Coach : David Kay 6 R Maxwell 11 K Fuller (L) 28L H,gha m 30 S Stokes (Capt) 31 M Clumes-Ross 32 R . MacMtllan 33 A Japp 34 S Vforner 35 H Middleton 36 W Strangward 37 D Lel,evr e 38 S Wilson 39 M Godwin 40 D Steele 41 A Price 42 . D Wearne 43 D Bnerly 44 P Moir, win 45 G Ard 46 S Montgomery 47 M McGregor 48A Hawdo n 49 R . McLeish 50 S Gibbs 51 S Rodweli 52 S Hawkins 53 C Perkins 54 A Greenaway (VC) 55 D Kay 56 A . Clan es-Ross 58 JNRussel 57 Howelll 59 S Ps:chalos 60 A Sutherland 61 K Richards 62 D Hoyl e 63 S Knowles 64 C Lockett 65 P Law 66 S Finla y 67 E Hutchinson 68 C Adam s 88 I B~de9

OLD PARADIANS Coach: Peter Martin 1 M Dean 2 P Woroptoa•v 3 0 Geary


7P 8 J Caruso Lor 10 J Natol i it V Scarcella 15 P Pric e

21 P Burge 22. E Bourke 23 P Dgney 24 J Caddy 26 P. Martin (CC) 27 P Stevens 28 P Brennan 33 N Puccio 34 L Thoma y s35PLub 40 D Quo 44 D Graven 45 P Henry 46 A Joyce 47 S Barker 48 P Caddy 49 R Lew-Kee 50 W Buiot 51 . P Reid 52 C Ra y 53 D Blackley 54 A4 year 55 L.Vear 56 J Caruso 57 D Keenan 60 S O'TOOie 61 J Elks 66 C Zahra 67 A Vdlanh 68 D Qmgiey 72 R Toonan 73 A Reid y


Coach : Greg Crowe i P Albergo 2 G Baker 3 A Belcher 4 A Board 5 D Ciowes 6 G Crowe 7 D Evans 8 T Fern s 9 W Fleming 10 0 Freeland 11 A Freer 12 T Weu 13 T G.gas 14 A Goates 15 G Harris 16 J Heffernan 17 D Horsburgh 18 A Horsburgh 19 S Karunaseewa 20 P Kuklyc h

21 M Lourds 22 J Manalokass 23 S MacBean 24 G Murdoch 25 P Ostru m 26 S Port er 27 W Taylor 28 D Reeves 29 A Vincen t

OLD XAV ERIANS 1 Rogers 2 Teha n 3 O'Sullivan 4 Jurastch 5 Marl y 6 Rush 7 Silk 8 Orsin i 11 O'Sullivan 12 Alant

23 J Sadier 26 S Millard 27 R. King 28 M Taylor 34 P Grotchen 36 M Gibson 59 J McGrath 77 W Peppard 78 S Hawev

G South A .J .A .X . t R Upton 2 0 Lewenberg 3 J Hoppe (DVC) 4 J Carp 5 P Loewy 6 0 Kalb 7 B Chizik 8 J Wrobel 10 D Ko l 11 A Slade (DVC) 12 D Berkowtch 13 A Krongold 14 R Israel 16 L. Moses 17 J Pereiberg 18 A Redlich 20 J Wrobei (Capt) 21 0 Wier 22 M Seigel 23 M Serr y 24 Z Rosenberg 28 Z Frie d 29 S Rosenberg 30 D Patch 31 G Sheezel 33 J Dunne 34 T Fell (VC) 37 D Bendel 39 A Pakula 40 J DeVnes 47 D Shlakht 66 M Fagenblat

BLOOD S Coach: B. Jarick 1, P Ellis 2 M Cadman 3 R McAsey 4 P Green e 5 P Gayno r 6 C Hutchinson (C) 7 H Ihopoulos 8 5 Curtis 9 D Stoc k 10 B Janck(Coach) 11 . R Plans

12. C McDonnell (VC) 13 . P Bainbridge 14 . R Howard 15, J Nanovich 16 . B Riseiy 17. S D Powel Leggel 18

19 B McDonnell 20 P Neylan 21 D Rus t 22 N Stevenson 23 D Thomas 24 N Van

25.J Grant 26 S Smith (DVC) 27. D Witts 28 G Ha n 29 S Tress.der 30 J. Rowbottom 31 P Amarant 32 K Shannon 33 M Turner 34 C McAsey

MONASH GRYPHON S Coach : C. Robinson 1 W Spensley 2 N Marvin 3 L Waplmg 4 C Robinson 5 A La Cava 6 J Dukes 7 S Ogilvie 8 B Kosmer 9SOlive 10 8 Searle it's Bloom 12 M Walsh 13 B 14 MPrendergast Morrow 15 M Campbell 16. 0 Anderson 17 M Kine r 18 A O'Brien 19 M Hall 20 J Anderson 21 D Gravma 22 C Barker 23 L Bake r 24 T Prendergast 25 T William 26 M Luncars 27 8 Duncan 28C Robertson 30 D Grabau 35 V Ryan 44 45 49 69


Hogan O'8nen Holton Adams

MONASH WHITES L T D~onyssopoulos 2 A Bainbndg e 3 J Young 4, M Petrescu 5 P Kin g 6. G Bunshaw 7. P Edwards 8. T Guaiano 9, A Rezauskw J Donnelly 10 0 Gemmoia 11 12. 8 O'Nei l

13 B Kenny 14 R Treverton i SO Smn 16 0 Graham 17 L Colombies 18 S Terry 19 . D Foster 20. G Leech 21 W Farley 22, A Par k

23 G Shaw-Stuart 24 B Nmnrs

25. D Rowley

26 M Kotsams (Capt) 27 J Fo x 28 . G Ridley 29 . J Selth 30. G Morgan 31 . M Young 32 . P Seidei 33 D Snadden 34 P Jones 35 A Kowanyko 36 D Ymg 37 P Dawson 38 J Conquest 39 M Pmkey 40 C Jeffers 41 K Lakusa 42. M Skarkey 44 N Pa.n

45 M Van Der Schoot 46 B Lloyd 47 48 49 50 55

S Dods A Park A O'Hara G Coutts M Car r

72 G Sammeils 75 B Muhktar 77 J Salvatore 99 A Wd=_on

GLENHUNTLY Coach: B. Brina n 2 S Warren 7. 5 Noble 10 BDnnan 11 D Holman 12 . A, Di x 13J . 0'Donoghue 14 . C . Whelan 15 R . Nicholls 16 W . Duet 20 D Ottaway 21 R .Vmnard 25 A. Levey 30.G .TOOgood 31 R . Barnes 33 P Hyde 34 . G. West 35 B Trezise 42 R. Gray 43. G Nayar (Capt) 44 C Harding 50 C Rya n 52 . C Thom (VC) 53 R Hall 60 Fisher



KONTIAS Coach : D. Joyce t D Joyc e 2. A Aiexandrou 3 M Copeland 4 N Barbousas 5 N ( .ambrinos 7 N. Lambs nos 8 G SPhopoulos 9 N Aiexandrou 13 P Sp6opoulos 14 A Will.ams

17. N Andonopoulos 19 G Kantanas 20 S Bond 21, P Boudotos 22. A. Cowan (VC) 23 N. Farley 26 M .Zuegn 27. K . Smith 29 C Lordmg 30 J Hatzidakis 31 . A. Grannak ss 32 M Doulgerak.s 33 J Kypans.s 34, D Cowa n 35 P. Andersson 36 C Fountoglou 39 A . D tmaws 40 F G iannak ss 43, M. Herbert 44 J Vasil 45 C Podandis C Emmanouei 4 Karvelr s H, Ycannak.s G Velon. s B Tchakenan J Meila s J. Papagenns S Drouga s A Gounan s

Coach : Chris Ladds 2 J Woo d 4 J Robertson 6 Whitehead 25 S O'Leary 27 M Reed 30 R Wilson 31 C Lane 33 T Johnston 35 N De Read 40. G Powell 41 R Stewart 42 P Fiockart 44 A Krkwood-Scott 47 R Dobson 52 M White 55 C Ladds 56 B Ladds 57 G. Taylor 61. D McCnmmon 62 A Johnston 63 M Brid e 64 D Kretchmer

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach: R . Van Den Dungan I A Woodhous e 2T Farndon 3 J Francis 4 J KHiam 5 DJ Hamilton (DVC) 6 J Elam 7 R Heath 8 S Hunt (Capt) 9 T O'Lear y 10 R Hockney

n . A . Reid

12 S Hargreaves 13 D Dawson 14 S Potte r 15 D Hawke 16 G Pardons i7 L Mates 18 A Sutcliff e 19 M Wanng (VC) TEAM LIST 20 A Butterly NOT SUPPLIE D 21 S Conlan 22 A O'Connor 23 B Morphett 24 J Correl l 25 R . Van Den Dungan 26 C Daddo 27 A, Georg ;one Coach : Greg Furlong 28 D Hawke 29 D Stephenson 4 M Deayto n 30 D Perkin s 5 S Costantmo (DVC) 31 T Wilson 6, 5 Corcoran 32 A Joyc e 7.J. Ladson 33 D McDonald 8 T Cantwele i 34 M Naylor 9 A. Racheil 35 J. Davi s 10 D Owens 16 P Nelson 11 . 5 Copprns (DVC) 37 N . Oschro 12 . G Matheso n 38. H Ingleton 13 S Ham 39 R Pergra 14 J Sheehan 40 T. Richards 16 W Chariton (VC) 41 P Tnndade 17 J Brodi e 42 A Wanng 18 M Dunsmore (DVC) 43 M Dowd 19 S McCreesy 44 J Dowd 21, G Cester 45 J Vlalmsley 2Z C Softie 46 C Hanchette 23 M Janson 47 S Laycock 24 M Zannon 48 J McConnell 25 0 Kelly 49 J Harding 26 C Frerker 50 J Butt 28 G Thomas 77 B Rowland 29 A lodano 86 J Kellam 30 Z Monroe SPONSOR : 31 D Higgins (Cap!) 31 P Liddell M. REINER & CO .



MAZENOD O.C. Coach: Danny Wain 2 S Palamar a 3 5 Campbeii 4. D Carr (VC) 5 S . Bateman 7 Pa n 8 A. Mc ormack 12 . A. Wilks 14 R . Murray 16 0 Cox IT T Ts,auis 20 C Hearn 21 J Dcmt.o 22 S McDonald 23 M Sayers 25 L . Philiips 28 G Noone 30 B . Carr 31, I. Ne d 33 N. Wareham 34 . C . Emery 36 S. Anderson 37 N, Collins 38 A Green 39 R Bourbon . Bac h V1, P M Sharp 43 A Chdcott 44 G Smith 45 G . Rogers 46 S . Grad y 48 D Wain (Capt) 49 M Fitzpatrick SO T Hallam 51, N. Robinson 53 J Wiikson 54 R. Uren 55 D Brennan 56 R. Sehgo 57 M Jackson 58.M .McKmne 59G. Daubeny 60. A Will's 61 J Kennedy 62, P Chalker 63 R Jennings 64 A Bright 65 M Bia s 66 Scott Bray 67, R. Charman 68T Noonan 69 S Kerr 70 D. Roach 71, P Stemfort 72 C Dalgiersh 73 K VanDerHdst 74 M Bright 75 T Hadfield 76. J Cincotta 77 Steve Bray 78, J Boyle


TWO TONE PAINTING 558 525 5 ST. KEVIN'S Coach: Tim Corrigan 1 T Arnol d 2 . P ~antone 3 P CrvRella 4 T Corrigan 5 R Davey 6 R Doug as 7 M Current 8 J Freema n

9 S Haidamous 10 S K11 G . Long 12 P Lon g 13 D McDonald 14 J McDonald 15 B Miller 16 A Nantra 17 C Nolan 16 C 0Keefe 19 M Shaw 20 P.f Sheehy 21 C Wiggins 22 0 Gil l

23 P Gill 24 A McLaughlan 25 B Barclay 26 B O'Brien 27 J Sweeney 28 M McColl




ST. KILDA C. B.O .C. Coach : R . McQueecla 1 M Ncktasen 2 A Barnard 3 J Hiard 4BB 1 5Mnn 6PC rg 7C( n 8G i 9PW 10PBu✓a 11A6 ey 12 M Raher 13 P Susovnch 14 S Moon2y 15 F Buckley 16 G MUAser 17 C Batiersh4 18 A Fd~ 19 M King

20 A. Riddell

21 5 ng 22,P 0 23J Pasara 24 C Gray 25 M Marshy 26 A Joyce 27RS~ 28 A Woodward .'.. 29 I Hammarn .'.. 30 D LaFort4vr~ 31, P Shemran 32 . M Faa.tiaz 33 N Anderson 34 G Kenan 35 B Marr,e 36 J Parsonage 37 J Kcbkz ssan 3&. S thLrod 39J OM 40 G ~„a 41 G Rosenberg 42 P Kenan 43 M Schrir .drxfer 44 M Howard 45 P Trabu~sr 46 D Cape9an 47 G Hc%en 48, M Broadhead 49 M Rogers 50 P Roger s 51 M CraU n 52 T Pearl 53 S 54 S FChaprr~ian 55 J Re<Gher 56 A Preshell 57 D D.,ne,ne ~ G Joseph s 60S Harris 61 RPope 62 B Kely 63. B Cape"an 64 M Boyd 651 Richards 66JRyan 67 M O' uSu"~an 68 B Jackson 69 J Puce 70 J Rush 71 R Palle 72 A McGaw 73 J Ryan 74 B Dertrarn 75 C Hickey 76 A. L djell 77 C F4ussey 78 M G9eeson 79 M Gable 80 B Hawker 81 G HaMer 82 . 0 Langdon 83 R Grant 84 M DrGcd 85 G Saad

Foa.rzd. .'d190S

OLL C . .- ' ` Y AP' : . Senior Coach : Tony Kennr Reserves Cot 1 : Peter Smith 1 . P- Smith 1A .S Duke 2 M Sanelli 3 G Skei n

4 P. Cummins (DVC) 5 L . McLeo d 6 P Marshall 7 D Mulle r 8. W . Simmonds 9. E . Nicolost (VC) 10. H . Birkenfield (C-Res) 11 . S . Byrn e 12 . G . Larkin 13. S. Hall 14. M . Szeitz 15. N Pastras 16. P Knight 17. R . Hueston 18 . P Boyle 19 . W Lasslett 20. R . Koegler 21 .P Shoppee 22. A . Sore 23. A Bennett (DVC-Res) 24. M . Birrell (VC-Res) 25. J. McDonald (Capt) 26. P Ganley

27 . 0. Morros 28.P Dawson 29r T Reed 30. S. Vergos 31, T Harbinson 32, M. Farrel l 33 . K . Krnngoodis 34 . N Vargas 35 J . Zafaridts 36 . G . Flaherty 37. M . Sweeney 3& & Pashas 39 . D. Kilmartin 40 A .Lucbn 42, B. Curthoys 43 M Cox 44 R McDonald 45 S Kovacs 50. M . Whelan 52 C. Westblade 55 . T. Brai n

57, P Wilkinson 58 B Fernandez 60 . N . Walsh 63 M Xuereb

Senior Coac h Rick Daniels Assistant Coach : Greg Sken e Reserves Coach : Gil Huck3tepp 2 . C . Hickey (VC) 3. N . Chip p 4. R . Cutlack 5. R . Daniels (C/C) 6, R . Hughe s 7. R. Evans 8. R . Keppell 9. S. Macrae 10, K. Shrives 11, M . Hoyle 12 . W . Ballagh 13. A, Cop e 14. C- Bryan (DVC) 16 M .Jone s

ELSI"ERtdWIC K Senior 1 ~ ; :.. h : ~r ;.-. .rd n

R~fr rv - (each: t;nri C, . tills 1 . M . Nicolson 2 . D. Weinlic h

3. S. Nicolson 4 . Allen Carew 5 G . Hincksman

6 . Daryl Harper (Capt) 7 . D. Monish (VC) 8. D. Bates 9. S . Carew 10 . M . Hawken 11 .1 . Cooksey 12 . W. Briant 13 . S. Brown 14 . M . Pound 15- D. McDowell 16 . R . Van Buul 17. N . Borthwick 18 . D. Featonby 19 . R . Lwyf 20. R . Walter 21 . M. Pittorino 22. G- Breed 23. M . Neal 24- M . Mitchel l

25. C . Challis (Caot-Res) 26. G . Chnstotorou 27 Philip Martin 28. J . Brown 29 . T. Lowry 30 . A . Ntcofson 31 . D. Paulka 32 . Peter Martin 33 . S. White 34 B . Hine 35 . S . Wheeler 36 . G . Coath 37. D. Anstee 38. T. Wright 39 . G . Bates 40 . K. Paulka 41 . E . Joyce 42. S. Charltor 43 P. Matovic 44 S .Borthwick 45, G . Nilsen 48, N . Baldini 50. R . Dean

1 . L Murphy 2. S . Bean 3 J . Eklom 3a . M . Andrew 4 C Farrington 5. S . Bell

6. M . Lloyd 7 T. Heath 8. B . Howard 8a . R . Stafford 9. A. O'Connor 9a . G . Andre w 10 . J Blennerhasssett 11 . P. Mahony 11a. P. Bolte 12 . R . Eklom 13 . A . Guinane 14 . Albert Conlin 15 .L. McCooke 16, A . Abrahams 17. J . War d 1& P Harris 19 . M . Bullard 20 P. Southall 21 . W. Nicholson 22 L. McGregor 23. N . Christie 24, D- Comm 25.J. O'Connor 26.D. Mahony 26a . M. Pachler 27- M- Spin k

17. C. MCWil6am 18. I . Paterson 19. G . Bert

20, J . Raf t 21 . B. Dunshea 22 . J. Hands 23 G . Dyson 24 . S . Brown 25. M . Harris 26. J . McQuie 27. S. Neate 28 P. Nance 29. V. Occhipinti 30. A. Drover 31, C. Fuddle 32 . S. Patterson 33. P. Harris 34, G . Earney 35. P. Gdtins 36. M . Ker r

28 B Hil l 29. R . Passante 30. S. Quir k 31 R . Bulluss 32 . M . MinrnU 33. J. Schulz 34. Adrian Conlin 35. D. Osborne 37. G . Marshall 38 B . Hammer 39S.Topaks 40 D Nolan 41 .5 . McLennan 42 . B Jackson 43 . A . Hankin 44 . C . Walke r

45 R . Grandemange 46 M . Barbe r 47 B. Phela n 48 P Stankovich 49 . M . Ingram 50. R . McIntyre 51, R . Torrance 52. C . Tsaloumas 54 . M . Byrn e 55. M . Roberts SPONSORED BY I

37. D. Llewellyn 38. G . Huckstepp 39 . P Bennett 40 . I . Chisholm 41 . M Graham 42 . S . Ustic k 43 . V. James 44 B, Oliver 46 .A .Kans 47. G . Skene 48. J . Cope 49. M . Cooke 51 . D. Pitts 52.P Pang 53. J Hubbard 54. G . Wilson 55. D, McCleery 57. N . Collyer 60. B. Blizzard 61 . A. Bennett 63. T. Styles 64.N . Morgan 65.D .DAdam 67. K . Egerton 68. C . Bertallt 69 . G . Neate 76. M . Frank 77. J Keeble 78.5- Paterson

79. D . Zadnik 8T S, Jones

PENINSULA OLD BOYS Senior Coach : W. Sparks Rese rves Coach : A. Powell 1 M San:pson 2 S McMahon (VC) 3 G Harns 4 J Pratt 5 M Godmg 6 D Morgan 7 N Franks (DVC) 8 R Kerley 9 P Kroh n 10 M Chesterman 11- R Sharpe 12,S Farrow 13 J Quirk 14 R Whee!er 15 S Wdtshue 17 M Atkins 18 S Glover 19 M Freeman 20 P McKay 21 P Come 22 J Tripp 23 M Cailopy 24 M Fisher (C-Res) 25 S 26 G Marlyn (VCR) 27 M Kidde r 28 L Marks 29 A Macn 30 R Blood 31 J Levin 32 W Sparks (CC) 33 A Barr y 34 J Nagel 35 B Jarret 36 T Parke r 37 P McNamara 38 A Thnpp 39 S Taylo r 40 W Red 41 G Calder 42 P Angus 43 R Horngan 44 G Glover 45 R Ukozic h 46 V 8rancabsano 47 S GreenN11 48 J Bieast7y 49 S Warner 50 G Debruyn 51,S Degorgr o 52 R Parker (DVCR) 53 P LeIIzk e 54 P Carlson 55 A Povxil 56 S Kemp 57 D Burton 58 A Jarrel 59 P West 60 D Oienzuck 61 D WarneSmrth 62 B Socia l 63. R Caner 64,13 Coi!opy 65 J Hopk-ns 66 D Crovrder 67 R Graham 68 G Scott 69 D Hunter 70 P Crowder 71, M Jeffs 72 J Harrison 73 J LaBrody 74 T M¢chener 75 D MatNson 76 C Gardiner 77 A Dolphin 78 J Crowder 79 . M Burnei: 80 G Robnson 81 C Sharpn 82 N Bath 83 A Cailagane 84 S Macan

R I C H MOND CEN TRA L Senior Coach : Mark Bestow Rese rves Coach : Dennis Ricke tt s 1, G Fee s 2 M Alevras 3 W Long 4 D Shanno n 5 C Miranda (VC Res) 6 S Pockett 7 R Peatlmg 8 J Agorakis 10 S Posting 11 12 13 14 15

D Ricketts (C!CRes) M Luttgens P Wagon C Shannon I Lan g

16 B S,mmonds 17 D Sando 18 M Venask,e (DVCRes) 19 D Assche rn20GDorme

21 K Davis (DVC Res) 22 C Kennedy

23 M Funda 24 M Bastow (CC) 25 G Tate 26 C Fulto n 27 R Sutherland (DVC) 28 B Park 29 D J,ggms(VC) 30 S Fento n 32 A LeSueur 33 J Fawcett 34 D Holt 35 P Conway 36 B Young 37 S Peters 38 D Gibson 39 J Donazzon 40 K Bowen 41 M . Sutherland 42 J Gunderson 43 C Johnson Clair, K 44 P Sande 45 A Glanz 46C Johannsen 47 V Jarrett 48 J Hughes 49 D Gibson 50 J Redfern 51 M Sungal,s 52 M Pickett 53 R Jigg,ns 54 8 Healey 55 M Wood 56 6 Carroll 57 D Blamped 58 R Gadsden 59 J Topsom 60 J Littl e 61 T P,Icher 62 L Fort h 63 P Woodman 64 R Bosco 65 G Be n

66 M Fredrickson 67 P Harriso n 68 J McPhee 69 S Carro! 70 C Ware 71 P Docking 72 G Hasne!! 73 M Vlarton 74 C Smith 75 J Curran 76 I Smit h

QUADRO HAIR FASHION 544 5508 * R & F PLU M BING 018 33926 9 * GEEBUNG POLO CLUB 882 7388

~ TRAINOR & SONS 654 8361

UNIVERSITY RED S I.I .H .S .O.B . SALESIAN OL D COLLEGIANS Senior Coach : Chris Pecora Reserves Coach: Des Perkin s 2 M . Castaidi 3 . S Anastasi 5 . M . Canavan 6 . M . Clarke 7. G . Gaspan 8 . D . Sutherland 9 N . Gibbons 10. D. Olive r 12 . A . Gaspan 13. I . Bobetic 14. P. Schembri 15. P. Forbes 16. A Chiappini 17. M . Forbes 18. S- Sinclair 19. S. Carfora 20, A, Seeger 21 . A . Perna 22. M . Powe r 23 . M . Clohesy (VC) 24 . A . Healey

25. M . Pradel 26. P Miller 27. R . Cincotta 28. M . Byrne 29.J .Nannes 30. D. Lawton 31 . P McKnight 32. B. Quinn 33. J. Garafolo 34. A. Grace 35. C. Zo s 36. A. Stevens 37 . J . Brennan 38. P Barr y 40 D Ramsdale 41 .J .Gooden 42. J . Ebinger 43 M . Tassone 44 C Hun t

45. J. Quir k 46. M . Bourke (Capt) 47 P. Kin g 48. P. Rossi 49. D. Scot6 52 . S . Brownhdi 54. G . Stoffaridis 55. G . Agaptos 57. R . Thompson 60. S. Shelley 62 . D. Perkins

ST. PATRICK'S MENTON E Senior Coach: Mark Bowden Rese rves Coach : Peter Fatou ro s 1 A Camm 2, P Morrow 3 C Duggan 4 P Lewi s 5 P Emmerson 6 A. Davis (DVC) 7 P Kingsbury 8 R Liste r 9 P Emmett 10 P Barry 11 P Fatouros (GRes) 12 M Henson 13 S Scanlan 14 G Houlihan 15 J Mackay 16 B Pipe r 17 W Mackay 18 T Sullivan 19 C Stevens 20 M Bowden (C) 21 T Razga 22 P Murphy 23 D Murphy 24 M DiPtll a 25 W Leonard (VC) 26 M Mulcahy 27 D Seedsman(DVC-Res) 28 M O'Brien 29 S Adams 30 M Noonan 31 J Bailey 32 S Oliver 33 D Andrew 34 D Sheehan 35 H Kellett 36 M Gibbn s 37 T Symons(VC-Res) 38 M Crawford 39 J Wright 40 D Nicholls 41 C Johnston 42 M Houlihan 43 A Drake 45 N Saunderson 46 J Mulholland 4T S Kellet t 48. M Dix 49 K Gunter 50 A Ladds 51 A Walsh 52 M Sheehan 53 D Noonan 54 R Duncan 55 8 Capuano 56 6 Moloney 57. L McDonald 58 D. Dickson 59 R Schmidt 60 M Walsh 61, D Halloran 62 8 Symons 63 P Symons 64 R De Vos 65 P Tully 66 P Stevenson 67 Capuano G 68 C Lim 69 D Horie r 71 Peter Murphy 72 S Lewis 73 M Wis e


Senior Coach: Ross HI ggins Reserves Coach : Paul Hooper 1 . A. Flavel 2- R . Higgins 3. G . Smit h 4. S. Freeman 5.S.Shone 6. S. Smit h 7. C . Skinns 8 . T. Hallifax 9 . R . Smith 10. P. Burns 11 . R. Burns 12- G . Bale s

12- C. Arnoi (Res) 13. P. McLea n 14. D. Regan 15. M . Davidson 16 . D. Cresswell 17. B. Rothwell 18 . P Hooper 19 . G . Mazza 20. T. Trantino 21 . M . Grant 22 . D. Bennett 23. i . Cleary 24. A . Kountios 25. G . Allan 26. C. Gamble 27. K . Strahan 28. M . Rothweli 29. A . Haseloff 30.S. Epifano 31 . D. Watt 32 .D.Bunn 33. S . Wright 34. J. Palmer 35. B. Lugg 36. R . Clements 37 . P Kem p 38. A . Boyc e 39. M . Herrmann 40.A .Sawchyn 41_ S . O'Hallora n 42 . D. Wallace (Capt) 43. L . Mastrosavas 44. P. Veseta s 45. C . Lightfoot 4& M . Roberts 47. R . Drane 47. L. Kealiner (Res) 48.B.Hudd 49. G . 0'Bryan 50. J. Marzico 52 .J . Forest 53 .P Shanahan 55 . P. Holmes 56 . R . Hillgrove 57. R . Morris 58 . D. Ross 59 . A . Ferguson 69 . S. Williamson 71 . A . Diflorio 74. K . Bishop 75 . B . Tune

Senior Coach : Graham Burgen Assistant Coach: Shane Ryles Reserves Coach: Leo Dynes 1 . G. Burgen (Coach) 2. G . Schiavo 3. D 4. S . Maus Fosse 5. P. Barone 6. G . Newing 7. G . Coburn 8. B. Klau 9. S . Katsiamakis 10 . D. Cahi r it . R . Smit h 12 . W. Simpson 13 .J . Grassby 14 . E . Suigeest 15. G . Ricci o 16. J . DeAngelis 17. L. Auffray 18. M. Moran 19. T Carty 20 . G. Cook 21 . N . Capp 22 . R . Smit h 23 . B . Condon (Capt) 24 . A. White 25- S. Jackson 26. M- Urban 27. S. Ryles (Ass . Coach) 28. S . Baroane 29. G .DuChateau 30. M. Jelnic 31 . R . Zapelli 32. C . Tehan 33. L . Dynes (Res. Coach) 34. M . Edgley 35. D. Goldberg 36. F. Salzano 37. C. Mizi s 38. T Bell 39. S . Saizano 40, D. Delaney 41 . M . Angelodemou 42 . M . Priest 43 . G . Lambourne 44 . P. White 45 . R . S)ogren 46.P Heaphy 47. A. Sain t 48 . P. Hutchings 49 . G . Gretch 50. W. Beacom 51 .1 . Mezalira 52 . D. Kan e 53 . D. Holland 54 . M . Ross 56 . 1. Marcantorno 57. J. Doyle 58 . G . Moinoey 59 . S. Merrigan 60. D. Shaw 64 . J . Cavalli n 65. G . Chnstopolous 66. P McCormack 69. A. Sheridan 96.F Godschan


Senior Coach : Simon R9aehan Rese rve Coach :

COLLEGIANS Senior Coach : Lei g h Carlson Ass. Senior Coach: Stephen Mount Reserves Coach : Chris Warner Ass. Reserves Coach : John Farme r 1 . S . Williams 2 . D. Hoyl e

3. B. Woolhouse 4.S. Laussen 5. D. Greeves 6. A . Ingleton 7. C. Higson 8, C . Pollock 9. S. Mount 10. C. Warner 11 . W. Daly 12 . M . Conron 13. N . Milat 14. R . Schober (VC) 15 . D . Marino 16 . A . Wallace (VC ) 17. A . McGibbon (VC-Res) 18 . J . Bennet (Capt) 19 . P Scot 20. M . Whittaker t 21 . 1 . Roberts 22. G . Parsons 23. A . Wright 24.D.Ramshaw 25. S . Fraser 26. H . Stephens 27. R . Brown 28. S . Blackman 29. A . Kenneall y 30. M . Galbraith (VC) 31 . S . Li e 32 . S. Bowtell 33.G . Irvine 34. R . Happell 35. P. Dickson 36. N . Pike (Capt-Res) 37. C . Coyn e 38. C. Manuell 39.B.Jones 40. A. Lord 41 . D. Stubbs 42. L. Griffin 43. M . Foard 44. D. Parkin 45. P. Harry 46. A . Mitchell 48. J. Lemon 49. G . Kenneally 50. B. Jefferson 51 . P Baxter 52 . P. Wolff 59. R . Lancaster (DVC-Res) 61 . R . Oliphant 66 G . Oakley 69. M . Burgess 75 . N . Proctor

Roger Gamy

DE LA SALLE OL D COLLEGIANS Senior Coach: Bernard Dun n Reserves Coach : Len Hannah 1 . G . Borg 2. B. Mahony 3. A. Phillip s 4. M . Edmonds 5. N . Fraser 6. R Gree n 7. C. McClounan 8. C. Wright 9. C. Campbell 10. 0. Tessier 11 . R . Prezens 12. D. Toohey 13.P.Beddoe 14 .S . Hunter 15. G . Hynes 16. B . McGee 17 . P. Gree n

18. A . Scott 19 . N . Vanderplight 20. P. O'Brie n 21 . A. Klaric a 22 . P. O'Callagahan 23. M . O'Callaghan 24. M . Low e 25. M .OeMatta 26. P. Wyles 27. 0. Kinsella 28. M . Knuppel 30. D- Rosman 31 . C. Belleville 32 .G .Sheedy 33. P. Rennie 34. J. Tull y 35. A. Macintosh 36, C. Swift 37. P. Rudd 38. S . Rud d 39. G . Sharrock 40. P. Waldron 41 . K . Mullins 44. L . Vanderplight 45. A. Cris: 46. M. Hagan 48.A.Banks 50. P. Mannix 52. S. Harrison 54. P. Fiume 55. P. Dwyer 56. M . Kruger 57. G . Curran 64, B. Byrne MAJOR SPONSOR

MARCELLIP! Snr. Coach : N . Le L ievre Rese rves Coach: A . paatsch 1 . A . Paatsch 2. T. Day 3. M . Chu n 4. C . Carr (VC) 5. A . Tranqutlli 6. G . Petroft 7. M . Dillo n 8. M . Amad 10. A . Gallagher 11 . C . Slattery (DVC) 12. N . Bourke 13. M . Stapleton 14 . D . Howe 15. J . Seabury 16. G . Wooler

17 . M . Getson (Capt) 18. A . Caffry 19 . M . Delahunt 20. S. 0'Flynn (DVC) 22 . T . O'Hehir 24 . A. Hewitt 25 . I . Patterso n 26 . D . O'Callaghan 27 . R. Gros s 28 . C . Maso n 30 . A. Bendoricchio 31 . B. Cooper 32 . A. McIntosh 33 .A.Treganowan 34 . W . Getson 35 .J . Pappa s 36 . G . Walsh 37. T .J . Slattery 38 . J . Triangolo 39. C . Castagna 40. D . Cooper 41 . S. Duck 42 . A. Duncan 43 . N . Duncan 44 . P. McIntyre 45 . P. Randall 46 . J . Golds 47 . T . Buhagair 48 . D . Bromage 49 . S . Mangan 50 . S . Kolednik 51 . T . Mahon 52 . T . Smit h 53 . T . Slattery 54 . M . Menzies 55 . S . Beattie 56 . Jeremy Golds 57 . B. Da y 58.S. Boysen 59 . A . Robinson 60. S. Watson 61 . M . Bushell 62. M . Szakacs 63.J Kan n 64 . M . Rozenboom 65. P. Borrell o 75 . J . Dinneen

NG~ iTH OLD BOY S Senior Coach : Robert Hyda Reserv es Coach: Jim M archbank 1 . A. Egan Z T . Jones 3 . D . Martin 5 . M. Schmidt 6 . A. Cahil l 7 . P . Booth 8 . F . Mute 9 . S . Brazil 10 . B . Hanlon 11 . S . Hoffman 12 . J . Tierney 13 . B . Curulli

14 . O. Abrahams 15 . P. Kearney 16 . M. Hadley 17 . M. Boyd 19 . P. Considine 21 . D . Baker 22 .N .Goodear 23 . C . Alevras 24 P. Curti n 25 . D . Cerini 26 .S .Hibbert 27 . R . Atkinson 28 .N .Garnham 29 . P. Daniel 30 . M. Lynch 31 . L . Boyle 32 . G . Phyland 33 . S. O'Brien 34 . B . Conti 35 . M . Fennelly 36 . P. McMenamin 37 . J . Zumbo 38 . K . Scott 39 .B .Sheehan 40 . I . Turnbull 41 . P. Dwyer 42 . C . Horn 43. G. Irvine 44. B . Girolami 45. M . Devine 46 . N . Culnane 47 . J . Wiggins 48 . A . Rolls 49. J . Mcllroy 50. B . Devine 51 . J . Cahill 52. D. Goodear 53. S . Biscaro 54. A . Trimboli 55. S . Zocco 56. T . Siluca 57. B . Allman 58, T . Keogh 59 . J . Hatz i 60 . L . Nandella 62 . B . Cruickshank 67 .S .Bevanda

1 . A . Baxter (1) 1 . A . Wigg (2) 2. D. Connell (1) 2. J . Wood (2) 3. N . Schmidt

4. C .G. McKenzie (1) 4. D. Craig (2) 5 . F. Main 6. W. Smith (1 )

6. P . Robinson (2) 7. D. Merret t 8 . M . Orto n 9 . Bugalski (1) 9 . B . Herbert (2) 10 . P . Bennett 11 . C . Kraus (1) 11 . J . Rae (2)

12 . D .P . Seccull 13 . B. Carty 14 . A. Phillips 15 . D . Scaunich 16 . E . Bingham 17 . W.D. Cox (1) 17 . W. Cox (2) 18 . M. Constable 19 . R.D. Gamy 20 . A.W. Sher 21 . A. Walden 22 . M. Fisher (1) 22 . P. Wigg (2) 23 . P.J . Noske 24 . D . Williams (1) 24 . R. Lavender (2) 25 . M. Colston (1) 25 . S . O'Leary (2) 26 . S . Melica n 27 . C . Dunn (1 ) 27 . H . Broadbent (2) 28 . S .G. Meehan (Capt) 29 . D . Ray 30 . A. McGorlick 31 . B . Main 32 .A .Roberts 33 . G . Tanner (1) 33 . W . Caspers (2) 34 . R . Hom e 36 . M . Armstrong 37 . C . Taranto 38 . D . Cotto n 39 . B . Steenholdt 40 . M . Lak e 41 . R . Plecher 45 . T . Doran 46 . B . Dowling 48 . P .G . Merrell 60 . A .B . Armitag e

THE SWAG!, -'-,,`iN'3 HAT



OL D ME LB UR N IA NS Senior Coach: Alan Stoneham Rese rves Coach: Guy Nelson I A, Wills 2- S. Hunt 3 . J . Nichols (VC) 4 . N . Wright 5 . N . Boyden 6 . R . Dery 7 . C . Thompson 8 . J . Keebl e 9 . D . Cordner 10 . A . Joyce 11 . B . Murphy 12 . G . Boron 13 . S. Rose 14 . S. Bardsley 15 . D . Phillips 16 .P. Wood 17 . M . Rose 18 . W . Ward-Ambler 19 .M .Daddo 20 . A . Salek 21 . T. Wertheimer (Res-VC) 22 .1. Mackay 23 . A.'vVitts (Capt) 24 . D . Wilson 25 . R . Nelson (Res-Capt) 27 . C . Bryan 28 . C . Terrill 29 . R . Meade 30 . C . Elstoft 31 . S. Frazer 32 . R . Webb (DVC) 33 . G . Dixon 34 . C . Anastasakis 35 . M . Hibbins 36 . S. Newman 37 . G . Curti s 38 . M . Naylor 39 . A . Holt 40 . M . Bloo d 41 . P. MacDonald 42 . E. Smithers 43 . P. Birreli 44 . J . Harty 45 . Z. Useinov 46 . P. Sinn 47 . A . Tymms 48 . A .C. Smith 49 . T. Stuckey 50. B . Cook 51 . W . Ward 52 . D . Dowling 53 . C . Kopa 54 . A. Wilson 55. R . Cameron 56 M . Wilkenson 57 . H . Dautevic 58 A . Sutton 60 . J . Walmsley 61 . J_ Shelton 62 . A . Geogiani 63 . D. Perkins 64 . S. Burge 65.J .Cunnack 66 . P. Tsiampas 67 . D . MacDonald 68 . S. Conla n 69 . P. Jost 70 . R . Williams 71 .K .Daddo 72. S. Hargreaves 73.T. Hog g 74 . D. McGuiness 75. P . Harri s 76. R . Gee 77. J . Jarvi s

78. J . VanHecke 79. J . McConnell tlAJOR SPONSOR

Commercial Rd Prahran

OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach : Peter Sherwen Reserves Coach : John Coidham 1 . E. Alle n 2 . S . Reddish 3 . R . Lloyd 4 . R . Fuller (Capt) 5 . A . Asto n 6 . D. Hooper 7. A . Lloyd & R . Hodges 9 . R . Aujard 10. J. Kerr 11 . D. Stanton 12 . M . Veselik 13. N . Hooper 14. A . Chambers 15. D. McCall 16. A. Cowper 17, R . McLeish 18. D. Bingley 19. G . Eagle 20.T Keipert 21 . S . Gibbs 22 . S . Tvritt 23. A . Millar 24. W. Allen 25. S. Stokes 26. A . Hart 27. C. Winneke 28.S. Glascott 29. J. Laird 30. F. Kiel 31 . A. Smith (VC) 32 . G . Jackson 33. C. Hunter 34. J. Wes t 35. B. Steele 36. A . Price 37. R . Emmett 38. N . Tribe 39. D . Wilson 40, P Brown 41 . J . Hart

42 R . Hume 43. R . Austi n 44 A . Stubbs (Res VC) 45. B. Cai n 46, B. Shepherd 47. N . Howell 48. R. Pett y

49. R. Steele 50. T Byrne 51 . C . Billing 52 .S. Wigney 53. J. Sinclair 54. J. Russel l 55. M . Sunderland 56. G_ Bennett 57. D. Kay 58. M . Newnham 59. T. Hart

60. B . Crump

Senior Coach : Michael McCarthy Assistant Coach : Geoff Reilley 1 . B. Burden 2 . P. Schuhkraft 3 . T . Boyanton 4 . R. Barnes (Capt) 5 . D . McDonal d 6 . T . Gallagher 7 . B. Connell 8 . M . Gilmore 9 . S. Grace 10. M . McDonald (VC) 11 . R. Strahan 12 . N . Sabo 13 . P. Kingston 14 . S. Samild 15. M . McConvill 16. T . Stewart 17 . A . Best

18. P. Turley 19 . A. Jobling (DVC) 20. D . Wood 21 .S.Carboon 22. M . Ston e 23 . P. McDonald 24 .5. McCooke 25. P. Forsyth 26 . M . Brown 27 . T . Hille 28 . B. Collins 29 . G . Petering 30 . D . Roth 31 . G . Stewart 32 .B. Madden 33 . A. Roe

34 . G . Russell 35 . A. Grace 36 . C . Clark 37 . A. Orr 38 . P. Milner (Res VC) 39 . R. Nankivel l 40 . D . Edgell 41 . R. Oate n

42 .D . Robertson (Res . C) 43 . P. Harrington 44 . A. Fitzgerald 45 . R. Singleton 46 . M . Hayes 47 . M . Devine 49, D . Hansen 50 . S . Harrold 51 . C. Thomas 52 . A. Connolly 53 . S . Gribble 56 . J . Gilliam 57 . G . Fisher 58 . S . Morgan 59 . M . Broadbent 60 . R. Morgans 62 .S.Sharp 63 . G . Dickson 65 . B. Egan 66 . C . Crook 67 . G . Planner 68 . N . Riseley 70 . G . Ritchi e MAJOR SPONSOR

T : 9U',^Y Senior Coach: Tony Crotty iatant Coach : Terry Quin n Reserves Coach : D. Boden 1 . G . Biddlestsone (VC) 2 . J . Zanett i 2 . J . Sandman 3. J. Toohey 4. J. Schembri 5. S. Ramsay (C) 6. T. Quin n 7. P. Jones 8. S. O'Brien 8. J. Serratore 9. M . Grocock 10. R. Egglestone 11 . S. Bannister 12 .S. Seymour 13. M . Bosanko 14. J. Reddick (DVC) 15. P. McCann 16. M . Goodwin 17. R . Lyons (Res-Capt) 18. B. Carte r 19. A. Ratclifte 20 . R . Gunston 21 . M . Fitzpatrick 22 . J. Gallagher 22 . M. Devereaux 23 . C . Bye 24 . P. Matron 25 . M . O'Rourke 26 .R Rya n 27. M . Tadinac 28 . M . O'Kearney 29 . M . Vaina 30 . B. Mielicki 31 . G . Bourke 32 . S . Eastmure 33 . S. McMahon 34. M . Donohue 35. L. Clifton 36 . A . Smith 37. D. Castaldi 38 . G . Pinner 40. G . Gentz 41 . M. Crotty 42 .R Ryan 43. A . Whelan 44. J. Vain a

45. M . Petrevski 46. C . Ryan 47. P. Ratcliff e 48. D . Wrigglesworth 50. M . Purcel l 51 . R . Moran (VC-Res) 52 . M. O'Connell 53 .S. Gibson 54 . J . Blai n 55 . M . Jacobson 57. D . O'Sullivan 60 . B . Pearse 88 . P. Murphy

UNiVELSITY BLUE S Senior Coach : Reser ves Coach: 1 . A . Mitchel l 2 . R . Furphy 3 . G . Williams 4 . E . Banks 5. M . Bolton 6. W. Carroll 7. R . Walton 8. M . Yandell 9. M . McCarty 10. A . Davis 12 . J. Kani s 14 . J . Ingleton 15 . B . Dowling 16 . G . Allardice 17. P. Stephens 18 . S. Kirsanovs 19 . D. Buckley 20. A . Venturini 21 . J . Finlayson 22 . R . Nummnuts 23. J. Buckley 24. A . Walli s 25. D. Bake r 26. D. Maclnnes 27. J . Jamieson 28. G . Hazeldine 29. B. van Denderen 30. R . Gree n 31 . M . Formosa 32 . A. Nugent 33. C . Lov e 34. H . Worsley 36. N . Macaulay 37. D. Lewis 40. D. Kozckar 41 . M . Currie 42 . P. Kistler 43. J. Dunn 45. A . Lennon 46. S. Lawley 47. J . Garner 48, J. Dawson 49. D. Christie 50. G . Markley 51 . B. Dudley 52 . A. Ogilvy 53. L. Bonadio 54. J. Id a

55. R . Harris 56. N . Myers 58. L. Bonadio 60. A . Hamilton 61 . D. Freyer 64. N . De Dear 65 . A . Jackson 66 . T. McGregor 67. T. McIntyre 68 . R . Mitchell 71 . N . Smith

Coopers & Lybran d chartered accountant s

TAP!`dULE Senior Coach : John Simpson Reserve Coach : Glen Well s 1 . P Adams 2 . D. Witchell 3. L . Holt 4. M- Legge 5. C . Lad d 6. P. Williams 7. J. Fraumano 8 . B. Moloney 9. C . Pyer s 10. M. Fraumano 11 . Peter Barnes 12. P. Broste r 13. A. Short 14. A . Dale 15. S . Gray 16.R .Doherty 17. G . Williams 18. J. Turnbull 19. A . Thompson 20 . C. Holst 21 . G. Foster 22 . J. Gilham 23- D. Glass 24 . W. Ashton 25. M . Power 26. P. Harding 27. J. Allan 28. A. Weston 29. G . Sutterby 30. B. Gillies 31 .T. Ayres 32 . C . West 33.T. Kearsey 34. C. Stevens 35. R . Parry 36. A . Mil l 37. D. Gent 38.C .Duncan 39. T. Morgan 40. W . Gibson 41 . R . Cullen 42 . D. Taylor 43. T Benham 44 . B . Hogan 45 . M . Gilbert 46 . S. Howes 47. A . Kelly 4& R . Hogan 49 . P. Mayerhofer 50. M . Phillips 51 . L. McGuinness 52 . S. Coulso n 53 . G . Castiedine 54. M. Gray 55. D. Williams 56. P. Healy 57- M . Hart e 58. Philip Barnes 59, B. Bowler 60, B. Hobbs

Proudly sponsored BUNDOOR .4 SPORTS STOR E


KE W Senior Coach : Richard Jame s Reserves Coach: Keith Tustin 1 .M .Lord 2 . G . Port e 3 . L. Tenac e 4 . G . Crimmins 5 . B. Irwi n 6 . G . Bakogiannis 7. A . Morgan & S. Oliver 9 . A . Peric 10. J. Campion 11 . R . Okalyi 12. S. Lord 13. C. Kinako u 14. P Clayton (VC) 15. G . White 16. A . Bowater 17. A. Blake 18. N . King 19. R . Barry 20, D. Stephen

21 . P. Thornely (Capt) 22 .R.Schober 23 . R . James 24 . R . Smith 25. P. Pedretti 27. R . Love 28. L . Donavan 29. A. Barne s 30. 0. Greenwood 31 . C Hibbard 32. J. Brassil (Res-Capt) 33. M . Hammond 34. A. Noonan (Res-VC) 35. L . Bradley 36, M . Jack 37.C. McLeod 38. D. Christensen 39. S . Harrison 40. A. Pric e 41 . C Tustin 42. A . Thomas 43. S . Tusti n

44 S Clayton (Res-VC) 45 A . Skerritt 46 D Wood 47 M . Tustin 48. M . Peric 49 R. Macri 50 P Murdoch 51 . J . Harvey 52. P. Hattersley 53. B. Cullen 54 J Blowheld 55, S. Pag e 56. C . Voight 57. W. Marshall 58 V Dimasi 59 D Martini 60.J Kolovos 61 . T. Gourdoulis 62. J . Whitbread 63. N . Delli s

04. S McMahon 65 P. Barke r

Macedon Templestowe D ry Cleaners 19 MACEDON RD LOWER TEMPLESTOWE

Harp of E rin Hotel EAST KEW

OLD BRIGHTON Senior Coach : Mark Parker Reserves Coach : Shane Young 1 . C. Smit h 2 . M . McLennan 3. A . Pryor 4. C . Anderson 5. M . Waddington 6. M . Alle n 7. J. Ryan 8. S. Fitchett 9. M . Fisher 10. C. Lade 11 . C. Blai r 12 . D. Cochran 14. J. Bennett 15. R- Crompton 16. M . Hendrie 17- A . Rickarby 18. M . Talbot 19. C . Brook 20. T. Grant 21 . C . James 22.J .Jacoby 23. M . Shippen 24 . L . Fildes 25. J. Templeton 27. J . Styles 28. A. Gale 29. P Latzer 30. R. Phillips 31 . S . Murray 32 . H . Jarvis 33. R . Hopkins 34. G . Brown 35.D.Swan 36. A. Ker r 37. M . Selby 38. J. Tregaskis 39.S.Jackson 40. A. Donlen 41, S- Duggan 42 . N . Hillard 43. R . Wraith 44. R . Brown 45. J. Carnegie 46. R . McKenzie 47. B . Broome 48. C. Haling 49.S.Young 50 . M . Hutchinson 51 . P Fitzgerald 55 . P McMahon

OLD MENTONIAN S Senior Coach: Bert Calve rt Reserves Coach : Paul Hodges 1 A. Acreman 2 .R .Beynon 3. R . Newman 4. M . Barrett 5. M . Turne r

6 V.Sciacca 7. G . Norton 8. N . MacQuwre 9. R . MacOure (Capt) 10. M Durac k 11 D. Solley 12. T Appel 13 S . Sharp 14 D. Rogers 15. C . Davis 16 D . Gran t

17. C. McKinnon 18.T. Bournon 19. D . Zatc 20, S . Farrow 21 . C Ericksen 22. A . Leaver 23. N . Moodie 24. M Brooks 25 A . Holland 26 B. Scalzo 27 C . Appel 28. B. Coyle 29. P Hyland 30. D. Ridley 31, S . Ingram 32 . J . Sl y 33. C. Gardiner 34. D. Holland 35.P Hodges 36. M . Dew 37 .S.Scurna 38. D Wright 40 M . Osborn 41 . N . Sher 42 J Norman 43 . C . Best 44 . M . Dyer 45 G Dickson 46 . A . Petrov 47. J. Konicanin 48 D Johnson 49 M Hargreaves 50 C Funston 51 N . Daou 52 T Scalzo 53 G Barnes 57 D.Schmzei 58.T Low 59. G . Buxton 61 . T Cowell

62 . B Trebtlcock 68 G Gakovic

OLD PARADIAN S Senior Coach: Michael Mulvahill Rese rves Coach : Tony Hayes 1 . P Considine 2 . B . McClements 3. M . Considine (Capt) 4. S. Phil p

5. G. Powick 6 . J . Geary 7. P. Cosgrdf 8 . D Reeves 9 A . Canavan (VC) 10 B. Considin e 11 . D. Beck 12 . M . Geary 13, R . Mills 14 P. Board

15. M McNamara 16. M . Heffernan 17 Michael Vear 18. P. O'Loughlin 19. P Brabender 20. J Atta 21 . T. Nelson 22.A, Reagan 23. P Robertson 24. D. Stuckey 25, A, Morelli 26 P. Marti n 27 . N . Kerr 28.P Shannon 29.P Zappa 30 F. Gleason 31 . P. Walsh 32 . M . Skerritt 33 A Peyton 34 T. Beare 35 . J Steindl 36 J Beveridge 37.T. Canavan 38. M . Mullavey 39. P. Nader 41 . M . O'Keef e 42 P. Hammond (C-Res) 43. P. Heal y 44 . T. Livy 46 B . Flyn n 47 R . Aanenson 48 P Caddy 49 P Russell 50 J . Mills 51 . P. Reid 52. C . Ray 53 D. Freeman 54 Matthew Vear 55 L . Vea r 56. B Joyce 57.D Keenan 60.1 Booth 63 J Toby

64. N . Wayman 65. S . Vincent 66. C Zahra 67 A Vtllant, 70 B Panna m MAJOR SPONSO R


OLD TRIP' ;TY GRAMMA R IANS Senior Coach : Alan Johnson Asst. Coach : Tom Flower Reserves Coach: Chris Glass 1 . A. Dun n 2 C. Robiso n

3. A . Alhbon (VC) 4. T. Norma n 5 D 0'Shaughnessy(DVC) 6. A . Taylo r 7. R . Forbes 8, R- Beardsley

9. A . Johnson (Capt) 10 . A . Parke s 11 . T. Phillips 12 . A . Vize 13 . D. Balazsy 14 . R . Boxtel 15 . T. Pontefract 16 . A . Black 17. T. Farrel l 18 . N . Beardsley 19 . G . Hudson 20, T Roberts 21 . S . Drum 22. P Robison 23. J. Adgems 24. A. Anderson 25. E . Borghesi 26. L . Coleman 27. I . Wallace 28. G . Harvey 29.1 . Fraze r X C. Anderson 31 . M . Turner 32. N . Sammut 33. P. Scot t 34 . A. Curtis 35.A. McAree 36. R. Heath 3T R . Sella 38. R. Phillips 39. J . Hodder 40 . M . Beamish 41 . A . Spinks 42. A . Banfield 43 C. Neave 44. A. Turner 45 C. Cooper 46. I . Gelle r 47. G . Harmer 48 . D. McCulloch 49 . C. Backman 50. D. Wallace 51 . D. Rogers 52, A . Smith 53 .B .Beamsh 54 . M . Malizia 55 . D. Pettigrove 56 . D, Ashe 57. M . Adam 58 . M Nougher 59 . B . Davey 60 A . Daniels 61 . D . McClay 62 . J.P. Adgemis 63 . A . Paullett 64 . C. Orwi n

65 . T. Glare 66 . M Harrison 67. M . Green 68 . N .Torzeau 69, L . Thomas 80 . A . Smit h


!9~ :IVERSITY BLACK S OLD X : :IE'IAN S Senior Coach: Michael Rush Reserves Coach : Michael O'Shaughnessy, 1 . D. Juracich 2.R . Hanse n 4 . R . Curtain (VC) 5 D McKay(VC) 6 M . Elli s 7 W. Denton (Capt) 8 J Dickso n 9. A . McCorkell 10 D. Richardson 11 G. Greetham t2 T Stoney 13S Lynch 14 . M Collopy 15 A. Mclean 16 L Meehan 17 J Dalton 18, P O'Sullivan 19 M. Dalton 20 A Callan 21, J Richardson 22 R. Visentini 23 T Devine 24 J McKay 25 D Taylor 26 T. Atkins 27 D Doolan 28 D McLean 29 A Wilson 30, D. Dann(VC) 31 . R. Ralp h 32, J. Hilbert 33. D Landrigan 34 J O'Sullivan 35 C . Mortensen 36 L Hannebery 37 . A. Landrigan 38 J Mahony 39 M . Holmes 40. R . Dalto n 41 . A. Dillon 42. D.Honan 43 W Mdhen 44 B Heaphy 45. P Dalton 46r J, Kennedy 47 J Flynn 48. M Logan 49 D Bailey 50, G . Dalton 51 P Connors 52. D King 53 A Klvac 54 J Petroff 55 M Kelliher 56 A, Hall 57 M Fennessy 58 M . Lovelock 59 J. McGrath 60 S . Lovegrove 61 . J Lone 62 . R Salter 63. P Burke 64.A Sheehan 65 B Dethridge 66. D McInerney 67. G Horne 68 A. Bourke 69. M Gibson 70 A . Luxto n 71 M . Williamson 72 C Ralph

t=_ (33 IDE Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach: Marc Bradley 1 . L. Inserra 2 . G . Griffiths 3 . F. Sansonetti 4 . B . Pestling 5 . T. Gard

6 . A . Stuart 7. D. Goodier 8 . J . Chilcott 9 . G. Dunrabbin 10. M . Sturgess 11 . M . Hoyn e

12 . P Cohsimo 13. G . Yokslch 14. M . Sedgwick 15. J. Cotte r 16. K. Jergens 17. C. Freeman 18. D. Gray 19. S. Rodwell 20 . M . Page 21 . B. Glasgow 22 . P Coombe 23 . M . Sherlock 24 . G . Williams 25 . P. Torre 26 . M . Bradley 27. L . Fenian 28 . T. Franklin 29 . M . Rowe 30 . J . Papas 31 . J. King 32 . L . Cowell 33 . A . Botta 34 . M . Brown 35 . G . Panjan 36 . G . Asquini 37. J . Panjari 38 . N . Vincdorlo 39 . D . Deblast 40. B. Inserra 41 . M . Penrose 42 . B . Gaw 43.5. Blackney 44 . A Kin g 45 . R . Fitzgerald 46, R Sherlock 47. L . Clarke 48 .R .Shanahan 49. N . Slattery 50. K . Hart y 51 . T. McMurtry 52 . R . Gard 53. L. Macnamara 54. A . Globan 55.P. Meehan 56. M . Jarrouge 57. J. Hehi r 71 . C. Ferry SPONSORS Ferguson Platte Bakehouse s 434-6699 A Parkside Panels 459 8516 # Ivorie Clothing 489 9511 ~ Grandview Hotel 481 5489 ~ Heidelberg Mitsubish i


.~(S ST. Senior Coach : Frank Duneli Assistant Coach: Paul Dattey Reserves Coach: John Newbold 1 . M . Sulliva n 2 . P. Fitzgerald 3 . J . Law 4 . G . Mathewes 5. S. Wals h 6. C. Wood 7. S. Parrett 8 . A . Capes 9 . G . Wood 10. J. Federico 11 . P. Capes 12 . D. Godfrey 13. R . Purcell 14. S. Doran 15. L. Overman 16. F. Dunell 17. W. Carey 18. A . Purcell 19. L. Gollant 20. J . Fraser 21 . C . Mallia 22. M . Mahady 23 . C. Overman 24 . K. Mahady 25. F. Comito 26. J . Gollant 27. A . Nathan 28. P. Morrice 29. J . Overman 30.6 ' Mulqueen 31 . C. Bon d 32. P. Runting 33. M. Mulkearns 34. J. O'Connell 35. J . Saundry 36. P. O'Dea 37. M . O'Connell 38. D. McAllister 39. A. Vinecombe 40. S . Byrne 41 . D . Looker 42. M . Marshall 43 . A. McCleave 44 . T. Matkov 45. S . McKnight 46. J . Patterson 47. R . Kennedy 48. B. Doolan 49. C. Rye 50. A. Walsh 51 . P. Flyn n 52. M . Boucher 53. R. Doolan 54. B. Gallaugher 55. R Rogerson 56. D. Brebner 57. S . Denahy 58. H . Tobi n 59. A. Nugent 60. C. Whitehead 61 . J . Dynan 62. M . Urbaniak 63. P. Walsh 64. M. McNamara 65. S . Millen 66. A. Moodie 67. P. O'Connel l 78 . M . Devers

Senior Coach : Steven Coml Reserves Coach: Mick Shaddock t M Gibney 2 J. Radford 3 R . Grummet 4 A . Gray 5 . J McDonald 6 .C McCamish 7. J Coburn 8 . J Sommerville 9 S. Philhpson 10 S Bromell tt M . McErva4e 12 . M . Bel l

13. H . O'Neale 14 T Thomas 15 G Anderson 16 B Keife r 17 N Hopkins 18 M. Lagastes 19 P Vaughan 20. S McMahon 27 . T Whitehead 22. S . Glover 23 . R . Reill y 24 J Start 25 . A 26. A . Band t 27. S Stetam 28,S Cheat 29 J Gray 30 G Keys 31 C Rusin 32N Pappas 33 G. Miller 34 M Gdtrap 35 0 Perry 36 M Hynes 37 A Hengel 38 A . McArthur 39 N . Adams 40 . J Ganl y 41 M McLachlm 42 G. Wines 43 . J Qwlty,

444, R Dillon 45 T Purdey 46 B Danielson 48 M Donovan 49 S Cer m 50 S Shaddock 51 G Robinson 52 M Bel l 53 P Jordan 54 S Longiey 55 C Morgan 56 R Barbary 57. A He is 58 . C Ganly 59 S. Major 60 A Merrill 61, 3 Jackson 63 B. Smith 64 A Stone 66. S. Spmks 67 L, Spetch 68 C Watson 69 A Betsy 70. B Murphy 71 B Smith 72 A, Morrison 73 R. Newcombe 74 K Semmons 75 M Edmonds 76 A Lenm 77 T Leeming 78 c. Browne 79 J Bokor 80 A, Burke 81 Costello 82 A Donal d

Coopers & Lybrand cha rt ered accountants

C Section f -V\

4Al9LFlELD~ i , , i; -"'.:L~-.iAI~S

t± ®

BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Harry Harls3ou Reserves Coach: Gerry Miles 1 . G . Clark 2 . S. Drive r 3. S. Wotherspoon 4. D. Fitt 5. M . Agrotis 6. C. Parri s 7. P. Robertson 8. N . Bone 9. S . Mitilinas 10 . P. George 11 . S. Farley 12 . A . Parris 13 . J . Mclnnerney 14 . D. Matthews 15 . P. Faulkner 16. S. Smith 17. D. Mayne 18 . T. Course 19 . P. Nigro 20. J. Kalpakis 21 . D. Hooper 22 . K. Tilbaldi 23.S. Pace 24. H . Murtic 25. T. Merrell 26. R . Minney 27. B . Kelly 28. C . Mutimer 29,R Bone 30. R . Field 31 . A. Shine 32 . P. Harvey 33. C . McWaters 34. P. Bel l 35, M . Osborne 36. A . Bolinko 37. D. Martin 3& S. Young 39. C . Young 40. W. Smith 41 . A. Rozanitis 42 . W. Arthur 43. M . Mason 44. J. Rozanitis 45. D . Philpots 46. T Agosta 47 . D. Agosta 48. D. Fraze r 49. S. Espenchied 50. N . Glove r 51 . B. Bond 52 . M . Cumming 53. T. Mathews 55. M . Bellato 57. J. Edmonds 58. S. Alyward 59. R . Smit h


Senior & Res Coach: Ray Keane 2 .D.Hart 3. B. Matthews 4. T. Nelso n 5. W. Horton 6. R . Harrison 7. G . Boston 8. S. Pearce 9. G. Din d 10. D. Croni n 11 . R . Morrissey (DVC) 12. G . Bendall 13. J. Turner 14. S . Klose 15. C. Cooney 16. T. Royals (VC) IT G . Williams 18. N . Cox 19. J. Restarick 20. G . Bourke 21 . N . Brohier 22 . W. Sheppard 23. D . Alle n 24. K . Dachs 25. S. Allen 26. S. Holmes 27. N . Caple 28. J. Maestros 29. A . Dachs 30. A . Cohen 31 . D. Gur r 32 . M . D'Crosta 33 . C. Simpson 34 . C. Roseman 35 . R . Harris 36 . C. Worthington 37. M . Scholten 38 . S. Thompson 39 . J . Roseman 40. S. Roseman 41 . S . Fletche r 42 . B. Isaacs 43 . R . Royals 44. C . Bettany 45 . M . Stanjo 46. P. Roseman 47. A. Gooding 48. K . Pereira 49. S. Morrison 51 . K . Hedi n 52 . S . Cossart-Walsh 54. S. Donat h 55. M . Affinita 56 . M . Frank 57. J. Sherrill 58, H. McDonnell 59 . D. Lee 60 . C. Wilson 61 . G . Embleton 62 .R .Johnson 71 . G . Paine




FAWKNER Senior Coach : P^artz Tymms Rcsarves Coach: Gflbcrt Ould 1 . M. Tymms 2 . M . Middlemo 3. G . Busst 4. W. Hoare 5 . N . Horvath 6 . S. Lydiatt 7. D. Cropley 8 . 1. Habgood 9. P. O'Leary 10. P. Villani 11 . K. Kavanagh 12. P. Tymms 13. P. Kerslake 14. M . Roach 15. D. Terry 16. L . Cohen 17. G . Ould 18. J. Madden 19. D. Clark 20. S. Holt 21 . G . Salerno 22 . S . Buckley 23 . N . Gosewinckel 24. R . Lawso n 25. B. Young 26 . B. Selleck 27. G . Young 28 . M . Kane 29 . M . Barrett 30 . N . Palet 31 . S. Molloy 32 . A. Johnstc 33 . P. Majerczak 34 . W. Bygate 35 . P. Barrett 36 . C . Kelly 37. C. Ford 38 . J . Roach 39 . C . Habgood 40. C . Gleeson 41 . D. Cecchini 42. K. DeHenin 43 .S. Gleason 44 . G. Mitchell 45 . D. Smit h 46 . B. Smith 47. S . Ovieda 48 . G. Walker 50- R . Cohen 55. G . Kelly

IVANHOE Senior Coach: Kelvin Shaw Reserves Coach : Robert McDowell 1 . R . Armstron g 2 . A . Kew 3 . C. Tucker 4 . R . Purcell 5. P. Manuel 6.T. Jackson 7. J . Matthews 8. J . Freeman (Capt) 9 . M . Thackwray 10, G. Kennedy 11 . V. Sammartino 12 . M . Lengacher 13. P. Rawley

14. P. Flynn 15. E . Flyn n 16. T. Kassimiotis 17. A . Zanatta 18. S. Money 19. G . Sullen 20.R . Stewart 21 . D. Howard 22 . R . Angelini 23 . D. Delaney 24 . M . Flyn n 25. A. Barro (VC) 26. S . Lynn 27. D . Nibali 28. P. Pettingill 29.P.Lee 30. J . Makin 31 . A . Smith 32. M . Peacock 33 . C. Flynn 34 . D. Flynn 35. M . Maud 36. D. Szygalski 37. M . Rooney 38. D. Hoffman 39. M. Irving 40. D. Malia 41 . C . McDonald 42 . D . Cartwright 43 . J . Stoviadia 44 . B. Woolcock 45. S . Hal l 46. T. Scoble 47. A . Wolczko 48. L . Cenagdziga 50. W. Lloyd 52. D. Webb 53. M . Calleja 54. R. Harrison 55. P Vidajic 56. R. Blythe 57. P. Haros 60. A . Woolfe 65. P Jackson

MONASH UN I BLUES Senior Coach: Brian Ford Reserves Coach: Marcus Hanlon 1 . J. Alexander 2 . I . Kohler 3 . I . Sest 4 . B . Cornwell 5. G. Gal e 6 . I . Hildebrand 7. B. Seaton 8 . A . Barker 9. L. Baring 10. J. Koo p 11 . M . Spencer 12 . M . Cramptom 14. R . Hyet t

15. R . Knight 16. D. Corrigan 17. S .Zacharidis 18. G . Hipwell 19. A . Hoogeveen 20 . A. Tuha n 21 . Q Lawrence 22 . M . Cohen 23. D. Lync h 24. R. Mezzadra 25. M . Kellock 26.A. McGregor 27. D. Newman 28. P. Little 29. A . Headberry 30. J. Sturgess 31 . J . Smit h

34. J. Quin 35. A . Quin 36. M . Quin 37. J . Andritsos 39. D. O'Brien 40. J. Harrison 41 . A. Kiers ~42 . P. Millie 43. G . Enders 44. L. Champness 45. J. Lochowiak 46. D. Walsh 47. M. Christiansen 48. S. Fielk e 50 . G . McHenry 51 .B.Hodgson 52 . J. Milli e 54 . R . Houghton 55 . Z . Mari c 57. M . Kanizay 58. M . Hanlon 63 . M. Sinclair 64 . R. Knott 65. D. Wood 66. C. Ketsakidis 71 . M . Hay 72 . C . Conroy 73 . A. Parsons

PR2STtJld MBOB Senior Coach; Martin Debono R Ru~1t Ca~icut :th 2. R . Herbert 3- L. Johnston (Capt) 4. C. Smart (DVC) 5. D. Caton 6. A . Hepburn 7. D. O'Brien 8 J. Culph 9. D. Heenan 10. J. Mounsey 11, A . Hodgson 12 . P YendaU (VC) 13. A . Philp 14. M. Zubak 15 I . DeBono 16. C- Lykopanagos t 17. W. Stewar 18. M. Noble 19 . G . Phillips 20- M- Faure 21 . T Bullock 22 . P Bullock 23. P. Colema n

24, A, Bullock 25. A . McDonald 26. A. Brydson 27.S. Richardson 28. A . Alle n 30 R . Dean 31 G . Masset 32. G . Bennett 33.S.Tanner 34. R . Calculi (Res C!C)

36. N . Maynard 37. E. Kyriacou 38 .G .Sabah 39. R, Johnstone 40. A . Finikandres 41, J. Lowden

42. T Muir 43.R. McGaw 44. P McKenna 46.8. Howe 46. J. Mountney 47. G . Hi m 48. G. Cutph 49. P. Cesaro 50. R- Bohanna 51 . P McDonald 55 .C.Tanner 56. M . Vesclo 57 R- Barbara 60. W. Shortrs

d Phoae: 3571;111

STATE/ COMMONWEALT H BANK Senior Coach: Craig Jackso n

Reserves Coach: David Jenkins * 1 S. Cloke 2- R . Gniel 3. M. Bunnell 4 . D. Templeton S. J . Beare (DVC) 6. Andrew Maher 7.1. Beer 8 . J . Panginui 9. 0 . Andrewu 10. V. McDonald 11 . A- Pigs 12. Anthony Maher 13 . D. Jenkin s 14- W. Keighran 15.S,Sennett 16 . N . Waltmeyer 17. D. Coltman 18. P. John s 19. R. Buchanan 20.J.Coghlan 21 . A . Jackson 22 .B. Wade 23. C.Arnephy 24. B. Wilson 25 . J . Murray 26 . R . Linford 27. F. Isgro 28 . H . Shor t 29 . C . Jackson (C/C) 30.O,Noronha 31 . R . Lucas 32 .P Hyde 33.P.Rachor 35. D.W. Brown 36, P . Stekelenburg 37. G . Elta z 38. G . Smith 39. P. Pitts 40. G- Cank 41 . G . Phelps 42. L Smith 43 . A . Corboy 44, J. Nolan 45, R. Meharry 46. J. Curtin 47 M. Durham 49, R . Williamson 50. C, Moore 51 . P Kemezys 54, B- Walker 55. W. Brown 56 . K . Athanasopoutos

ST. t ;1LV, :, C.B.O.C. Senior Coach: Charles Capiron Re ryas Cowh: Stephen Moone y

1 . M. N Ckasen 2 . A . Barnard 3, J. Howart l 4, B . Boyd S M . GG@an 6 P Degenng 7. C. Ca~ron 8. G. Baker 9.P,Whrt= 10. P Buzze }1. A. Sway 12. M . Payer t3. P Susovich 14. S. MawFey 75. F 8uckey t& G . MG4fG5ter 17 C. Batter;fi 'm t8. A. Firzsunon 19, M . King 20. A . RtdrkrA 21.S . Degenng 22 . P O'Su((ivan 23. J Pasara 24. C. Gray 25, M . Murphy 26.A.Joyce 27. R . Storaa 28. A . V &'-Od yard 29. I. Harnmam 30, D LaFontaine 31 . P Sherman 32. M. Fav,az 33 N Andersen 34. G . Keen 35. B. Manse 36.j, Parsonage 37, J. Kolokossian 38. S. W~d 39"). Otto 40, G. Sossa 4t. G, Ro<enberg 42 P Kenan 43. M- Schrw.dfrrder 44 M Novard 45 P Tra6in -,r 46 0. Capeltan 47. G. HcGert 48. M Broadhead 49, M . Rogers 50. P. Rogers St . M. Cre~~n S2 .T Peart 53. S, Morgan 54.S. Chapman 55 . J. Fte tpher 56 A. Presr aif 5 7 D. Durte,ae 58 J. Galar opcjous 59 G.JosePh 60 S. Hems 61, P. Rope 62. S. Keily 63. B. cape<9an 64. M. Boyd 65 1. Rlhard; 66, J. Rya n 67 M O'Suttivan 68. B Jackson 69. J. Pt, 70. J. Rush 71 . R. Refta 72 A . McGaw 73, J . Ryan 74. B. Derham 75 G. Hickey 7& A. Liddell 77. C. Hussey 78, M Geeson 79 M, Gable 80. 8 Hawker 81 G. Hawker 82. Dtangdon 83 R. Grant 84 M. Dnscctll 85 G. Saud



Senior Coach : Peter Hannan Reserves Coach : Glenn Taylo r 1 . P bane 2. S . Woodman 3. P. Reidy

Coach: rth Reserves Coach : J nan 1 . G . Velkos 4. S. Strike 2. C. Cedro 5. R . Baker 3 . P Vater i 6. C . Houston (VC) 4. G. Petsinis 7. P Coghlan 5. R. Kennedy 8.A . McKeown 6. R. De7homasis 9. P. Harrison 7. S. Plan t .. 10. T Pratt 8. A . Fellows (Capt) 11 . R . Reid y 9. Z Statics 12. M . Spears (Capt) M. B. Leavold 13. M. Reidy 11 . A . Fleming 14. S. Huntley 12 . F. Farchione 15. M, Harrison 13- R . Moltel a 16. M . Barrack 14 . S. Jenkins (VC-Res) . A. Carbone 15 . B . Petiigrino (DVC-Res) 17 18, D. Mullins 16. D. Farchion e 19, D. Crowe 17. D. Leale 20. S. McAuliffe 18. Ken Harling 21 . T. McNe(1 20, S . Andrews 22 . C . Bourke 21 . E . Lentini 23. P. CiarduAi 22 . C. Tsalkos 24.J. 8onnyman 23. D. Fellows (VC) 25 . W. Lyat t 26. M . Roberts 24- J, Karambellis 27. B. Crowe 25. S . Bradford 28.B.Lee 26. V. Tsakmakis 27. A, Formosa 29. M. Bateman 30. Paul O'Brien 28- L, Moribito 31 . N . Jenkins 29. Kevin Harting 32 . P Hackett 30. C. Fellows 33. G. Feutrill 31 . R . Abdelnour 34. S. Low`etl 32 . S . Papaioanou Dunbar 33. J. Zaicos 36,P, 35 J Bun n 34. R. Lovett 37. Peter O'Brien 35. T. Colosimo 38. M . White 36. A . Smith 39. Gordon White 37. P Battista 40. B, Tierney 38. G . Latout 41 .S rdul(i 39. P Bailey 42. G.. Ciaikir Se k 40. A. Clar k 43. N . Robenon 41 . W. Cooper 44. D. O'DonneA 42 . L . Mikevski 45, B. Starbuck 44. 8, Maurovic 46. M. Hoat h 45. M. Burn 47. P Mason 46 . J . Perrone 48. P. Rohan 47. M, Plowright 40.R.McHugh 48. P Pnnzi 50. G . Nicholas 49 . J . Bubis 51 G . Reidy 52. G . Taylor 50. R . Gilpin 53. M. Jackson 51 . M. Boyden 54,T.Edgoose 52. A . lezzi 55. J . Gibbtin 53. J . Naumovski 56 . A . Tymms 54. D. Nazifovski 58. Greg White 56. F. Mai o 59. P. Gerraty 57. J, Sturrock 60. H . Bretier 58. M . Mulkoun 6 1. D. Barclay 59. P Ciccaldo 62 . B. Rohan 60. S. loannidis 63. C. Flett 71 . F. Budak 64, J. Flanagan 75. S . DAvoin e 65 82. P Horkings (Capt-Res) 66..LG Janey . Poker 83- N, D'Avoine 67.A. Raker SPONSORED B Y


68 . B. McAllen 69. K . Barr y 70. D. Midro 71, S, Begley 72, H . Flanagan 73. T, O'Brien 74- D. Zavarella t SPONSO R


D Section

Est . 196 7 GLENHUNTLY A .J .A .X . Senior Coach : Mlchael Rttt erman 1 . D. Marks 2 . A. Klooger (Capt) 3 .A .Kie l 4. M . Fried 5. M . Silver 6 . M . Ritterman (Coach) 7. P. Goetz 8 . M . Roseman 9. A . Bursztyn (VC) 10. R. Bloo m 10. J. Flinkier 11 . L . Burstin 12 . A . Shenker 13. A . Gordon 14. G . Poswell 15. Oren Komornik 16. R . Marks 17. Ofer Komornik 1T D. Burford 18. S . Skurnik 18. D. Segal 19. A. Micmacher 20, M . Rosner 21- D.Sheezel 22 . W. Krongold 23. P. LeBransky 24. B. Rozene s

25. M . Gross OVC) 26. B . Rothschild 27. B. Goldberg 28. G. Rozenberg 29. D. Briski n 30. D. Retch 31 . G . Sheezel 32 . A. Mordech 33. M . Pat 34. D. Gunn 35. A . Halphen 36. G . Velleman 37. D. Rockawin 38. J . Stern 39 . J . Mond 40 .P.Berman 41 . D. Szuk 42 . A. Shostak 43 . B . Spicer 44. D. Smorgon 45. 0. Galbin 46. D . Krongold 47. D.Shlakht 48. L. Goldberg 49 . A . Horne 50 . A . Mordech 51 . W. Levy

52 . A . Zielinski 53 . M . Ben-Meir 54 . Paul Klein 55 . B . Zielinsk i 56 . 0. Szwarcburg 57. M . Perch 58. R . Zubin 59 .S. Akoka 60 .J . Roseman 61 .O.Jagoda 62 . C. Vati 63 . D. Pat 64 . D. Markham 65 . J . Davi s 66 . D. Marlowe 67. G . Neate r 69. J. Rubenstein 71 . A. Wool f 73. A . Levy

Senior Coach: Mick Smith Reserves Coach : Greg Schultz 1 . B . Wilson 2. (A) D. Gregory 2. (B) P. Jones 3. T. Hil l 4. B. Rafferty 5. M . Hil l 6. S . Timms 7. M . Kouts 8. K. Palmer 8. P. Ashcroft 9. Phil O'Keefe 10 . M . Smit h 11 . G . May

12 . P. McGrath 13 . S. Smith 13 .N. Monaghan 14 . R . Patterson 16 . D. Casse r 17. Craig Horsey 18 . Cameron Horsey 19 . S . Withers 20. R. Bateman 21 . D. Wrigh t 22 . P. Austerberry 23. G . Schultz 24. R. Stocker 25. M . Hollaway 26. D. Manc e 22 I_ Withers 28. D. Isaacs 29. D. Murphy 30. G . Halpin 31 . G . Oaten 32 . S. Hil l 33. P. Harrison 34.B. O'Shannesy 35. G . Brown 36. W. Crooke 37. P 0'Shannesy 38 . M . Mutze 39 . (A) T. Rossiter 40 . G . Boxshall 41 . S . Tallarico 42 . G . Fletcher 43 . M . Richards 44 . J . Gilmour 45 . P. Lam b 46 . R . Horowitz 47. N . Morris 48. M . Inkster 49. R . Hal l 50 . R . Grinstead 51 . S. Nobl e 52 . M . Lukais 53 .M .Ley 54. M . Davies 55.S.Jones 58. A . Antonio 59. C. Ryan 65. B. Lowden

HAMPTON ROV ER S Senior Coach: Jeff Costello Reserves Coach : Kyle Ivey 1 R Hetherington 2 M Blake 3 1 Boyle 4 A McGregor 5 D Rogerson

6 D McConville Capt) 7 J Aless 8 A Nippard 9 D De Luca 10 W Boyle 11 I Rogerson 12 W Capp 13 C ovrye 14 G Russell 15 R Thompson 16 S Mulholland 17 B Bird (VC Res) 18. G Devereaux 19 A Winkler

20 S Devereaux 21 G McDonald 22 M McKellar 23 D Devon 24 M Young 25 R Meln)ak (DVC) 26 J Ross 27 M Gill 28 N Dwyer 29 S Pappon(VC) 30 S McDonald 31 P Pavlov 32 A Williams 33 A Windmill 34 W Austin 35 R Davis 36 S Baskett 37 M Moss 38 M Hynes 39 K Ivey (CC-Res) 42 A Pryor 43 G Hoggett 44 M Handler 45 G Kanneberg 46 T Murray-White 47 C Holto n

48 T Worland 49 D Blakey 50 J Hunter 61 M Grimmer 87 D Nuttal l D Aless, N Andrew M Andrews G Cox S Crisp M Curry P Curry P Derrick S Guy 8 Hibbs D Hutchison G Kelly

P Kell y J Kibblewhrte A Luca s G McQueen J Mathe r P Poulter P Rogerso n

LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 1 . R . Little (Capt) 2 . D . Huffe r 3 . P Rae 4 .T.McCombe 5 M . Gabb s 6 . J . Dumaresq 7.T.Zoch 8 . B .Franzman 9 . D. Shaw 10. M . Bakoglanls(DVC) 11 . L . Athanasakis 12 . P. Chilco 13. D . Mitchell 14. G, Molyneux 15. M . Lewi s

16. G . Liersch 18.T. O'Connor 19. R . Taylor 20 . S . Tighe 21 . D. Edmunds 22 . M . Edmunds 23 . S . Duni n 24 . T. Fawcett (VC) 25. D. Sidebottom 26. C. Lloyd 27. A . Sheehan 28. T Demeo 29 . A. McDonald 30. V. Cavallien 31 . S. Lonergan 33 . A. Couroupis 34 . N . Morrice 35. R . Scott 36. J . Scanlon 37. M . Moeliker 38. S . Davidson 39 . P McComb 41 . B. Harwood 42 . M . Crawley 43 . A . Huffer 44 . G . Eldridge 45 . S. Turner 46 . D. Wright 47. D. Ride r 48 . J . Russel l

49 . C. McLachlan 50. S . Brownlaw 52. J. Cousins 53 . M . Engler 54, S Fredrickson 55 A. Cummings 56. M . Kreuzer 57 . M . Pearc e 58r A. Brennan 60. A. Wheaton 6L P. Christian 63 . S . Male 64 .T. Wilson 65. R. Spiers 66. D. Watson 67. D . Fakhry 68 N . Bolger 69. M Nitschte 70 . A. Chiodo

izicL® :1 :l~i ;d HIGH SCE00L O8 Snr Coach : Ron Verma Res Coach : Paul Kotz 1 J Adduc, 2 A Atchison 3 R Verma 4 D Menzies 5 R Martin 6 J Bamert 7 R Knigh t 8 J Dixon (DVC) 9 D Comer (Capt) 10 M Beaziey (DVC) 11,S Harrie s 12 J Palmas 13A Dawson (VC) 14 6 Glover 15 16 17 18 19

G Peckham P Kotz C Tyrrell C Young A Snaider o

20 A Athanasopoulos (DVC) 21 C Sumner 22 M Roach 23 D Walker 24 G W. son 25 0 Suckling 26 G Tyrrell 27 A Mcore 28 P Andueza 29 A Green 30 R Ne :+ton 31 C Barage (Res DVC) 32 L Apostolou 33 A Drummond 34 M Webster 35 S Konstanty 36 M Feterkranz 37 P O'Conno r 38 C Drake (Res VC) 39 P Yee 40 D Baker 4t R Wr x 42 B McGrath 43 G 0 Bonn 44 M La , 45 A Kennedy 46 D Hirst 47 B Ansel l

48 R McGregor 49 T Saunas 50 D Burford 51 D Exto n 52 G Lrttle 53 P Defleros 54 D Waters 55 J Bahen 56 A Palmas 57 A R .ska 58 6 Sergeant 59 C Chaplin 60 P Konstanty 61 M Ryder 62 M Morrisroe 63 M Prthangas 64 P Femmxig 65 R Ansel i 66 M Gately 67 T Peters 68 A Webster 69 M Crabtree 70 8 Hatzis 71 PODea 72 A Anketell 73 S Bradley 74 A Muller 75 W McConnell






Ladies & Mans Wear Hire & Sales 532 0577

-- ~ 610 Camberwell Rd LMCT 537 Camberwell . Ph. 609 2466 .


OLD CAMBERWELL Senior Coach : Ken Schwab Reserves Coach: Pa tterson Cheney 1 . S . Ballard 2 . A . Mitchell (DVC) 3. J Harvey 4 R . Paterson 5. S. Spicer 6, D . Heintz 7 P. Kerkvliet (Capt) 8 P.Jepso n 9, R . Beal 10 E . Smith (VC) 11 . A Dance 12, J, Wilson 13 A . Kyriacou 14 .S, Jackson 15 R . Spurritt 16 . W. Inkster 17. R . Pike 1& G . Adams 19 . J . Gan 20 T McManus 21 A Mance 22 M . Sugde n 23 M . Armstrong (DVC) 24 S . Burmeiste r 25 N . Huntley 26 G Young (Capt-Res) 27, Q Prove n 28. B. Leitch 29, W. Forward 30, S . Swingler 31 .J .Forwood 32. J . Nei l 33. A Walker 34 P McCrea 35 Q . O'Brien 36 D Essery 37 C .Strachan 38 R. Curtis 39 M . Mudge 40 W. Earl 41 C . McHar g 43 B . Salvaris (VC-Res) 44 D Haye s 45 N . McCann 46 R . Le e 47. R Lenten 48 . S . Crundell 49 . C. McCulloch 50. N Brown

51 A, Wilson 52 R . McCahon 53 S Woods 54, B Elliot 55 R Wood 56R,Jones 57 A, Gibb 58 . S . Jardine 59 E . Morel 60 A . Schott 61 B Town 63 .C. Evans 64 R Dowling


OLD GE E LON G Senior Coach: Alan Quaiffe Rese rves Coach : Bruce Harwood 1 .S Furphy 2 W Davis 3 P Clarke 4 C Gunn (Capt) 5 R . Burn 6 D . Ritchie (VC) 7. B. Harwoo d 8 JHandbury 9 C . Slorach 10 A. McDougal 11 J Pescot t 12 G Fawcett (DVC) 13 B Smit h 14 J Ritchie 15 M Williams 16. S Burgess 17 W. Dowling 18 C Richardson 19. J Manton

20 . C Ross 21 . J. Munnings 22 P.Handbury 23 M Davis 24, M Bayley 25, A.Peake 26 A Heritage 27 J Young 28 C.Jones 29 B Logan 30 P Jones 31 .T Jackson 32 C Landale 33 T Killworth 34. P La w 35 C Hollis 36 D Oliphant 37. T Light 38 A, Gray 39 R Hanna 40. R . Rice 41 G Stubbngs 42. B, O'Halloran 43 D. Colac i 44 A . Dawson 45 JCox 47 D Oberin 48 C Begg 49 N Haslem 50. T. De Steiger 51J Le e 52 . P Stock 53 C Kaaka 54 C Fayers 55 A McMillan 56 D Clerk 57 N Lilli e 58 M Naylor 59 C . Walker 60 S Bayliss 62 M Macinnon 63 T Hibbard 66 E . Spide n 67. C Siorach 68 C Cameron 69 J. Manifold 70 G Bennet t

III, Benniskin Mackinnon & Asscx:iates

OLD IVANHOE GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach : Alan Salter Reserves Coach : Steven King 1 . B. Yarwood 2 . M . Dyson 3. A. Jenkins 4- I . Wells 5. J. Stevens 6. M . Hal l 7. B. Cockerili 8, S . Corlett 9. B. Parry 10 . B. Hal l

11 . 6- Jensen 12 . A . Parker 13 . S . Shepherd 14- D. Scott 15. G . Alexander 16. T. Stevens 17. T. Smith 18. M . Colledge 19. R Wallis 20. M . Huber 21, A. Haug 22 . P- Ryan 23 . J . Maycock 24 . W. Parry 25 . N . Weston 26 . G. Farlacas 27. P Ritchie 28 . D. Jones 29 . R . Knight 30 . D. Caddy 31 . G . Woodhead 32 . M . Rochford 33 . D. Minogue 34 . D. Greenhalgh 35.S.Conboy 36. L . Raftopolous 37. R. Sutherland 38. P Triandos 39. S . Boyd 40. M . Giovannetti 41 . J . Marshall 43. T Theodore 44,A.Tnandos 47. D.Cuttris s 49, M . Dodderili 50. C. Dunnell 52. A . Novak 54. M . Poglog 59. R. Bell 61 . P Naim

Senior Coach : Vern Boag Assistant Coach: Ray Purcell Reserves Coach: Bob Bums 1 . 5. McNamara 2 . D. Marshall 3 . M . Beasley 4 . B. Ridewood 5. B. Connolly 6. R. Parsons (VC-Res) 7. N . McColough 8. D. Seeley 9. C. Lancaster 10 . S. Gray 11 . R . Grech 12 . B. Burke 13 . S.Zahra

14 . P- Lerman (DVC) 15. P. Walke r 16. B. Barry 17 . R . Cerolini 18. G . Burke 19 . B. Tomlinson 20. M . Beasley 21 . A . Whitelaw 22 . C. Bracchi 23. B . Hutchinson 24 . T. Beasley (Capt) 25 . D. Smith 26 . B . Burns (Capt-Res) 27. J. Elmor e 28, C. Loo s 29 . B . Hambridge 30 . G . Fitzgibbon 31 . C . Dunlop 32 . M . Beasley 33 . R . Purcell (VC) 34 .A.Boag 35. B. Mill s 36 . L . Walker 37. N . Fitzgibbon 38 . B. Dunstan 39 . D. Taylor 40,S .Egan 41 . T. Bryan t 42 . P. Griffiths 43 . C. Parks 44 . R . Bryant 45. M . McCraw 46. M . Santagada 47. B. Wilso n 48. W. Miles 49 . P. McColl 50.S . McQueen 51 . M . Paynter

52. M . Hoilingworth 53. B. Mentiplay 54. M . Daniel l 55. M . Ellis 56, R Pagan 57. M . Inkster 58. D. Trease 59, R Newport 60. G . McLachlin 61 . S . Noble 62 .S.AIgen 63. D. Cozz i 64. B. O'Dwyer 65. S. Campbell 66. T. Battuso 67. N. Williamson 68. B. Woodland 69. M . Hampton 70. D. Spencer 71 . P. Male y 72 . B. Bak 73. R. Smallwood 74 . M . Kell y 75. A . Cusack 76. A. Bartsch

ST. KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Senior Coach : Ken Bremner Reserves Coach : David Walpole 1, R. Hawkins 2 M. Hardy 3 . A . Varasdi (VC) 4 . G . Gross 5 . R . Callanan 6 . P. Hagerty 7. S. Kerr (Capt) 8. P. McNee 9.J .Fogarty 10. H . Ston e 11, G . Mulcah y

12 . R . Arthurson (DVC) 13, M . Pivett a 14. P Joyce 15, M . Harrison 16 . S. Baziey 17. O. Hourigan 18. P McCann 19 . J . Welkin 20. M . Quinlan 21, i . Fullagar 22, M . Kerr 23, M . Aumont 24. P Meagher 25. D. Walpole 26. J, O'Brien 27, J . Quinlan 28. J. Bare 29. P McCann X B. Snell 31, J.FX. Sergeant 3Z P Charles 33. S.Loorham 34, M . Warton 35, A . Donovan 36 . M . McKaige 37. A. Beale 38 . D McNair 39 . D. Chaffey 40 . J . Sha w 41 . R . Dealy 42 . P, Panagiotopolous 43 . R . Snell 44 .P.Chaffey 45,A.Croagh 46,D.DeRooden(Res-C ) 47. R . Marks 48. A. Richardson 49. P Stewart 50. C. Wiggins 51 . C . Stone 52. P Lewin 53. M. McColl 54, D. McDonald 55. C. O'Keefe 56, B. Barclay 57 P Long


Q C.F ~ . 3ULLEEN U N I TE D AGUL "- - S Senior Coach: Denls KeIIy Reserves Coech : Gary Slack 1 . G . Clarke 2 . A . Crosby 3. K. Crough 4. M . Wilkinson 5. A. Coste r 6. S . Kenny 7.P. McCafferty 8. S . Kelly 9. R . Leavey 10. G . Clifford 11, D. Sevens 12 . D. O'Loughlin 13 . T. Alfor d 14. D . Hodg e 15 . J . MacNamara 16. G . King 17.J.Sauze 18. R .A. Cronin 19. T. Grierson 20 .B . McKenna 21 . A . James 22 . J. Rya n 23 . J . Livingstone 24 . A . Whelan 25 . S. Bell 26 . M . Gay 27. I . Shaw 28 . G. Wright 29. S. O'Loughlin 30 . M . Dempster 31 . L . Kin g 32 . M . Vankerkhover. 33. B. Fitzgeral d 34. M . Tarull i 35. S. Livingstone 36. D. Phela n 37. J . Hewitt 38. A . Felazzo 39. T. Mahar 40. D. Wright 41 . M- Walsh 42. B. Hale 43. C. Rogers 44. J. McEvoy 45. L . McKenna 46. D.Langdon 47- P. Kvietelaitis 48. C. Reiter 49 . J . McLaughlin 50. P. Grierson 54 . S . Alford 58. Mick Tarulli 60. B. McKellar 61 . C . Duff y 62. P- Rosbrook 65. R . Maurice 70. R Sainsbury 77. L. Brooksbank 80 . M . Joyce

BRUNSWICK Senior Coach Peter Notion Reserves Coach Jeff Gibson 1 . J . Sangos 2 . B. Owens 2 . M . Green 3 . A. Stracha n 4 . P. Conduit (VC-R) 5 . D. Steven s 7. D. Carroll 8 . D. Clarke 9 . I. Campbell 10. R . Watkins 11 . M. Snelson 12 . S . Hewitt (Capt) 13. S. Kannegiesser 14. P. Spezza 15. T. Barley 16. G . Cross 17. R Hardy 18. A . Black (VC) 19.J. Gibson 20 . D. Portelli 21 . G . Robertson 22 . C. Christodoulou 23 .S. McLean 24 . S. McBride 25 . P. McKinnon 26 . A . Kor+'alewsky 27. H . Cayi r 28. B. Gibson 29. J . Haines 30. R .Jacobs 31 . L . Cordes 32 . S . Gibson 33. J . Ralph 33. R . Shaw 34. S. Bel l 35. D. Sedgwick 36.R .Kennedy 37. S. Matusko 38. M . Jameson (C) 39. M . Lehmann 40. S . Moore 41 . R . McCulloch 42 . C . McCulloch 43. M . Bourke 44 . R. McKissack 45 . R. Ogilvi e 46 . D. Pearce 47. B. Petrollini 48 . D. Rogers 49 . J . Smith 50. J . White 51 . R . Bourke 52. W. Smith 53 . S. Deshong 54 . N . Campbell 55 . K . Beaumont 56 .D.Roberts 58. J . Wright 59. M . Benns 61 . D. Jacobs 65. R . King

Senior Coach : Max McColl Reserves Coach Michael Flanagan 1 . R. Schneide r 2 . R . Morley 3. J. Rainbow 4. N . Cartledge (C-R) 4. J. Empey 5 .S. Scanlon 6. M . Kell y 7. G . Stallworthy 7. R. Divirgilio 7. C. Veitc h 8. C . Gay 9. C. Parker 9. H . Turvey 9. D. Robbin s 10 B. Snape (Capt) 11 . R . Creighto n 11 R . Divirgtlio . Thompson 1i 6 12. P Lamin g

13. G . Cotterill 13. S . Irvine 14. B. Mott 14. J. Empey 16. M . Tymms 17, D. Gandolfo 18. D. Kidd y 19 D. Robbins 19. C. Parker 20. J . Moran 21 M . Davey 23 . J . Redfern 24 . A . May 25. M . Harris 26. C . Cahill 27. M . Stratton 27. R . Lord 30. D. Berkteld 31 . T Hodges 32 . P. Whiting 32 W. Olney 33. A . Divirgilio 34. S. Avery 34. R . Rees 35. P. Avery 36. R . Ingtese 36 . G. Stallworthy 37. M . Stratton 38 . A . Sill 37. P Flew (VC) 39 . M . Flanagan 40 A . Humphrey 40 .S.Dowd 41 . D. Adamopoulos 4i H . Robert s 43. S. Dicenso 44 . M . Brener 44 . S. McLaren 45. W. Reynolds 46. V. Lacana 47. M . Dellaca 48. L. Coleman 49. M .lacuone 50 W. Olney 51 . D. Hopkins 52 . M . Fitt

53 . D. Toon 54 . P Zorzi 56 . N . Borg 57. J. Ciro 58 . R . Huntington .' 59. C . Cahill 60. C . Portbury



OLD COLLEGIAN S DOVETON A . F.C . Senior Coach: Keith Wilson Reserves Coach : Bill Stephens 1 . C. Wormesley 2. L. Nguyen 3. D. Polglaise 4. B. Handy 5. J. Muirhead 7. J . Reiger 8. R. Murphy 9. T O'Donnell 10. T. Webster 11 . J. Johnston 12 . S . Westerman 14. A . Simpson 15. P. Warren 16. R . Gibbs 17. F. Kahlil 18. D. Ulrich 19. M . Wilson 20. K. Charleston 21 . B . Goodwin 22. D . Giddens 23. D. Reiger 24 .J . Potter 25. M . Labinski 26. R. McGoogan 27. P. Giddens 28. A. Campbell 29- M . Pag e 30. L . Vurlow 31 . J . Sweeney 32 . K . Wilson 33 . J . Wilson 34 . S . Wilso n 35 . S. Beugelaar 36 . W. Burgess 37. G . McDonald 39 . J . Leveque 40. K . O'Donnell 41 . W. Stephens 42 . R. Beasley 43. S. Reige r 44. A . Brown 45. B. Walker 46. T. Carter 47- P- Brodie 48. P. Payet 49. B. Giddens 50. D. Baker 52 . T. Marts 53 . C. Pepper 54 . C. Smith

Senior Coach: Matt Johnso n


Res. reach : C. Boyle 1, N Kendall

BRUNSWICK Senior Coei Dino Dl M erco

2 M . Johnson (i) 2 S Palamara(2) 3 S Campbell (VCR) d 0 Garr, (2) 4, W McLean (t) 5 S Bateman 6. Vt F.-

Reserves Coach: Rodney Burrows 1 . M Cannon 2 K Lianeas 3. M . DeMorton (C) 4 P. DiMarc o

7 P Dasgan 8 T Lucas (i) (OVC) B A Mccormack (2) 9 P Hal 10 s. War" 11, T Smith 12 S NeMe (1) 12 A . Wilks (2) 13. P Fitzgeraitl 14 R Murray 15 D Barker 10 Cm 17, T T-las 18. M 9rslair 19 S MCMU}lin 20 C. Murray (1) 20 c Hearn (2) 21, T Chitiott (1) (C) 21 J Dx,mno (2) 22. D Trusler (1 ) 22r S' McDonald (2) 23. C . Smith (1 ) 23 M Tv hi (2) 24 C , 25 L. Phillips 26 w PGNter 27 R. Paiamara tVC) 28 N . W1- (1 ) 28 G. Neone (2) 29 P 1--ford 30 8 Carr 31INeA 32. S. McCormack 33 N Wareham (2) 34 C Emery 35 Paul Riley 36 5 Anderson 37 N Co16ns 38 A Green 39 R . Bourbon 40 M Birch 41 P Sharp 42. J Gnmrson 43 A. Chiicott 44. G Smith 45. G . Rogers 46SGratlY(0VC-R) 47 PNer Ri.o-/ 48 T. Howard (1) 48 D Wam (2) 49 M Fitzpatmck 50 T Hallarn 51 N Robnson 52 M. O'Hara 53 . J Wilkson 54 R. Uren 55 D Bronnan 56 . R Se1Lgo 57. M Jackson 56, Mc. McKittne 59. G . Daubarry 60 A Wil6 s 61 J Kennetly 62 . P Chalker 63 R, Jennings 64 A Slight 65 41 Btav 66 Sc«t 8ray 67 R . Charman 68 Noonan 69 $ Ker r 70 0 Roach 71 P Stc rpprt 72 c oalgte,sh 71 K Van Der Hill 74 M . Brigh t 75 T Haoflefd 76 J Cincotta 77 Steve Bray 78 5 R+cu 79 J Fisher 80 G Gye 81 .1 0 Backhouse 82 J Nugara

5 G . Cutle r

6 V Grimaldi (DVC) 7 . J. Briff a 8. P Clarke 9 A. Sammarlino 10 A Tirchett (VC) 11, K . Hehir 12 C Cortese 13 P Bnfta 14 G Parkinson 15 H Tsadtas 16 S Tsailtas 17 A Tabb t 18 M Briffa 19, V. Lrosi 20 R, Thorpe 21 J Androutsos 22 C . Fo x 23. V. (fispoli 24 . F. Miraglia 25 M. Mason 26 J, Tirchett 27 P Randello 28 J Kibizis 29 0 Adams 30 B Thorpe 31 . A. Sherrill 32 . H Tabbit 33 M, Demirkol 34 . A. Kyriazis 35 P Dowsett (C-Res) 36 M . Payne 37 0 DeMorton 38, D. Devit o 40 . G McCall (VC-Res) 41, J . Boudoloh 42 L DeMonon 43 A Getting 44 S Gibbons 45 J Houston 46 C Jewel l 47 B Gerdsen 48 0 Fox 49 0 Demetnou 50 D Prouse 51 R . Johnston 52 J . Fotias 53 R. Latorre 54 . A Crosina 55 . J. Roussos 56 A Ferguson 57, C Keel 58 B. Laurie 59 B Allard 61 C Burrows 62 G Kyrannis 63, T Wright 64 M . Young 65 S . Marinelli 66 V Randello 67 N . Alhoub 69 Kevi n



Industrial • Domesti I Commercia l

555 5255



OLD ESSENDON GRAMM'NS Senior Coach : Vin Catoggio Rese rve Coach: Paul Henry t J Wtllmott (DVC) 2 S . O'Dwye r 3 J McEncroe 4 D Sotenou

..' 5 J Callanan '.. 6 . T. Vlahek 7. D. Chakiey 8 D Soteriou 9 S Gowt y 10 1 Stevens (C-Res) 11 M Price 12, R, Wright 13 R Ashen 14 D. Eastway 15 S_ Bishop (VC) 16 D Olarenshaw 17 R .Thomson 18 J, McGinnes 19 D . Cox 20 G Harrison 21 . L, Shaw 22 . S. Co e 23, J Johnstone 24. R . Cram 25 B, Panaglotopouios 26 P Crameri 27 D Carmichael 28 A McConvill e 29. J . Panaglotopolous 30 R . Guthri e 31 D WltUngslow, 32 . T Withers 33 J. Briggs 34 D, Maddern 35 P Henry 36. P Carmichael 37. C. Singleton 38 J . Nyasoia 39 M Reid 40 C Dunkley 41 C Clohesy 42 P Moroney 43 J Dervan 44 S Parker 45 P Duddendge(C) 46 B Koochew 47. W. Crossley 48. J. Murray 49 B. Milner 50 D Bellman 51 A. Chnnick 52 N Evans 53 R. Edwards 54 . C Clows 55 S . Muller 56 R Vldler 57 D Poulton 58 P McKenzie 59 S McGinley 60 R Aylet t

-~"~ ~s"~JinSS?0!lr ~S YJUNL. S

POWERHOUSE Senior Coach : George Tsolacos Rese rves Coach: '.. Peter Hollowood 1, D . Le Deu x 2 . R . Sarosi 3. C . Corbett 4.T Dennehy 5. A . Miller 6. D . Healey 7. L . Gallo 8. J. Kemp 9. A . Morris 10 . M . Hansen 11 . A . Wildes 12 . M . Maddox 13 . W. Dodd 14 . B. Hal l

15. J. Scotland 16. M . Leng 17. N . Trompf 18. F. Doyle 19. A . Escott 20 . D. Desler 21 . S. Cross 22 . P. Stewart 23, M . Silva 24. R . Williams 25. J. Harris 26.J. Senior 27. C. Newland 28. R- Devlin 29. G . Newman 30. R . Martin 31 . P. O'Sullivan 32 . B . Wilson 33. L . Misaglia 34. A. Sanderson 35. T Stavropoulos 36. P. Hollowood 37. C. McLeo d 38. S . Wilmot 39. D. Rees 40 . P. Riedel 41 . A . South 42, R. Ireland 43. N . Kerr 44. M . Skewes 45. A . Cope 46. S. Sargeant 47. T Johnston 50. A . Georgantas 51 . S . Silva

52 . J . Fisher 55.T, Fosdick 60. D. Angell 61 . M . Brown 63. F. Copes 71 . A . Cottrel 88. G . Scotlan d


460 0266

Senior Coach : Garry Connolly Reserves Coach : ST. ANDREWS Greg Ross Senior Coach : 1 . M. Learmonth Malcolm Webster 2 . G. Hurley Reserves Coach: 3. R . Livingstone Rodney Pepyat 4, D. Gray 5. N . Power 1 . I . Sprten 6. R. McNamara 2 . I . Ashby 7 P. Malcolm 3 R, Ralph 8 . J . Sinicco 4. R . Davies 9 . M Huebner 5 W . Abou-Eid 10. T. Jones 6. G . Casey 11 . B. Clark 7. B. Campbell 12. G . Mullins 8. A . Ford 13. A . Lindsay 9. K . Wright 14. T, Heubner 10 S Rule 15.D.Andrews 11, P. Goldsworthy 16. S . McKoy 12 . J Nicholl s 17. M . Ritchie 13, R . Lindsey 18. C. Rankins 14 N . Taylor 19. D. Lupton 14 C Galea 20. F. O'Rourke 15 W,Chamra 21 .T.Ymer 16 C . Beard 22 . G . Sloan 17. C Goyne 23T. Brideson 18. J. Rainbow 24. I . Goullet 19, L . Henkel 25 . 6. Jackson 20 .J .Tapner 26. A . Ellet t 21 . A . Par k 27. G. Baxter 21 R . Pepyat 28.P.Heubner 22 . D Smith 29, J. Fuller 23 .S,Lucas 30. I . Ellett 24 T. Burns 31 . C . Matthews 26 . B Emblem 32 . S. Bennett 27. C. Overend 33 . A. Bourke 29 N . MacDonald 34 . T. Burt 30 . A . Carmen 35 . R . Burns 31 . D Briggs 36 . E . Evans 32 G . Unwin 37. C. O'Brien 33. MOguzhan 38 . P. Fuller 34 D . Lynch 39. M . Paino

35 J. Wilcox 36 P Minnitt 36.P Grandy 37 D. Iles

39. C. O'Leary 40 M . Serbe 41, G. D'Angelo 42 G . Palmington 43 N . Blancato 44 . P Hawking 45 R Sonc m 46 . Ali Abou-Eid 47 K Iles 48 M . Stuart 49 A . Gieisner 50 . T. Winkler 51 D. Moysey 52 . A . Tunzi 53. G . White 54 . P, Bovezza 55,R .Heaney 56 M, Richards 57, M Alle n 58 W. McLean 59, Atef Abou-6d 60. M . Robinson 61 N . Stabbing 62 M McLachlan 66 K . Varkopoulos 67. B. Grysza n 69 R. Griffiths 74 . M . Weate

40. M . Boyd 41 . J. Queiruga 42, G . Ogden

43. D .Shepherdson 44. M . Kendall 45. N . Faulkner 46. L . Gilmour 47. C. Stanton 48. P. Binyon 49,G . Wade 50. A . Huntington 51 . J . Fai n 52 . M. Pearson 53. M .Jansen 54. L . Pearson 55, S . Preston 56. D. Wei r 57. M . Jarvis 58. R. Kimberley 59 . J . Stewart 60. M . Burrows 61 . F. Sadle r 62 . D. Collins 63 . G . Clark 64 . G . Chapman 65 . R . Pickering 66 . M . Rawson 67, S . Swanso n JNITED MOTO R A AAUCTI o



BRUNSWICK United Motor Auctions * HOTEL Cnr Albert & Lygon St, Rod Runco A M P Agent * EAST BRUNSWICK Krueger Builders

ILLIAMSTOWN G.Y.M .S. WEST BRUNSWICK Senior Coach : Brian Taylor 1- 1. McNeice 2- T. Johnstone 3 . M . McRostie 4. S. Casley 5 . P. James 6 . S. Capron 7.N .Jenks 8. G . McDonald 9. D . Fowler 10. S . Fyffe 11 . G. Barnes 12 . K . Buhagiar 13 . J . Jackson 14, D. Anderson 15 . P McNaughton 16 . D. Moor e 17. S. Downer 18, J . Rainon e 19. S. Bargiamidis 21. D. Lampard 22. N . Magafas 23 . M . Sassine 24 . J . Beaumont 25 . G . Sheriff 26 . R . Hokkanen 27. P. Robinson 28 . C. Borg 29 . D. McAllister 30. B . Kyriakidis 31 . R . Gorman 32 . L . Kirk 33. H . Johstone 34. C . Konstantinidis 35. R . Ashdowne 36. G. Andoniadls 37. D. Frencha m 38. D . Marlow 39. B. Wilkie 40. R . Baker 41 . M . Moore 42 . Carl Sabatini 43. Chris Sabatini 44. P. Hennessy 45. D. Meli a 46. S. McGraw 47.S. Burton 48.R Keenan 49. C. Griffith 50. A . Mitsou 62 . J .P. Traynor

John Platten's

Senior Coach: Alan Ellio tt Reserves Coach : Larry Tumiey 1 . I Zadel

2,D. Dawson 3 . A . Harry (C) 4 . J . Tuck 5, P. Dervan 6 . G . Hyland 7. M . Cannon 8 . R . Gun n 9 . G. Case 10.S.Lugowski 11, S . Quin n 12 . Andy Featherston 13, R Graha m . A. Cook (VC) 14 D. White 15, 16. A. Teagle 17. Anth. Featherston 18.A.Langham 1 i, McCullag h 20 M . Dervan 21 . B. Mazouris 22 . G. Henderson 23. P. McNamara 24, R. Meilak 25 R. Evans 27, 6 Tuc k 28. S. Calderwood 29 M. Anderson X A. Morell i 1, tough 32 F Nuedinl 33 T Cannon 34, B. Hann 35.S .Kennedy 36. R. Zammit 37. G . Clerk 3& D. Mills 39,D. McLeod 40 . L, Turnley 41 . A . Morgan 42 . D.Goucher 43 . G . Smith 44, B . Cetmich 45, D. DiGenova 46 . M . Tuck

47. P Culhane 48 . C. Turncliffe 49 . G. Doris 50 .A.Cabansag 51, D . Bubnic 52 . W. Deller 53, G . Corfield 54 . G. A-Bond 55, A . Thomson 56 .G .Rushen 57 D Grigg 58 .T. Gleason 59 . P Linderman 60 .P.Campagna 61 . W.Kenan 62 . L . Hall 63. A . Ryan 69 . P. Burns

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Look- " ?aek Ne-A



5 YEARS AGO - 198 6 Old Scotch made "A" Section or 1987 a certainty when they were on top of Ormond (4th) all day to win 12 .9 to 8.10. Best were Ford, R. Senior, M oir (Old S .) and Young, Russell, Boyanton (Orm .) . In "D", Monash Blues (on top) kicked very inaccurately against Balaclava (2nd) to lose 14.22 to 22.8. Best were Dickson, S. Withers, Angwin (Bala .) and Sturgess, Connelly, Hay (Monash) . 100 games to Rodney Bryant (St Bedes), Steve Gibson (Therry), M ark Young (H . Rovers), Rick Friedman (AJAX), Tom Gard (Parkside), David O'Shaughnessy (Old T.) . 200 games to ANZ Bank's living legend Harry Birkenfelds, and Old Haileyburians' country boy John Corrigan . 250 games to field umpire Richard Tracey, 28 finals, field umpire v. VCFL - AAFC Carnival in 1985, President, VAFAUA - Richard had been a wonderful man for Amateur football . Fawkner (5th in "B") went down to top team Old Paradians by 1 point, 8.11 to 8.12 . Best were Busch, Grills, Nelson (Old P) and Buckley, M . Barrett, Mitchell (Fawk .) . Leading goalkickers were A. R oberts (Call .), B .J. Mitchell (Old Melb.) 45, C. O'Shaughnessy (Old T.) 79, D.P. Hackney (Cob .) 54, E . Jenkins (State Bank) 69, F. Wilson (StAndrews) 77, G . Hearn (Old Carey) 43 . Caulfield Grammarians saluted one of their greats, Warwick Watson on his 200th game . Warwick's career included captaincy, best and fairest, treasurer, club delegate, and above all skilful and most determined football . 10 YEARS AGO - 198 1 Top goal kicker for year in Junior 2 was Grahame Osborne of Bulleen Temp.,109 goals . Othertop true boot artists were "A" Tony Jones (Marc.) 92 ; "B" John Priestley (Old Brighton) 74 ; "C" Devere (B:Temp.) 70 ; "D" Ryan (St Bedes) 68 ; "E" S. Scullin (N . Brunswick) 82 ; "F" M . Legge (Banyule) 66 ; J.1 . Corcoran (Old Parad .) 82 ; J.3 . Goetz (Old Brighton) 66 , 150 games at Thomastown to Stephen Gerny and Warren Kernaghan . 450 games to umpire Bob Dunstan, field and goal (Bob has now passed the 600 game mark - N .R .) . Old Xaveri ans and Ormond met to decide secon d place in "A" . In a stirring game, Old Xaverians, 13 points down at the last change, kicked 4.5 to 1 .1 in the final quarter to win by 9 points. Best were J . Pirrie, Corcoran, M eehan (Old Xavs) and Robertson, Kingston and Buckley for Ormond . No team went through the season without losing a game - one defeat teams were Coburg "D", Thomasto wn "D" and Old Brighton Grammar Junior 3. Collegians, on top in "B" lost yet another game - this time to Old Paradians, 3.9 to 5 .9. Best were THF A0 .AATGII 0 Cnf1TCiA11 CO yau .

M . M cCarthy, N . Hughes, Asvsttafor Old Paradians and Wagstat, G . Parsons and Baum for Collegians . 15 YEARS AGO - 197 6 Ivanhoe kept their "B" Section hopes for the four alive when they defeated Old Paradians by 6 goals . It was a real form reversal as Old Paradians had beaten Caulfield Grammarians and Marcellin in the previous 2 games. Ivanhoe's best were C . Stewart, R . Stewart, Stredwick and for Old Paradians, Johnson, Tellefson, Symes. 150 games to Hampton Rovers' ruck mainstay Don "Village" Scarlett - biggest man in the club in "both" directions . 200 games to Old Haileyburians' great clubman Don Lord . 100 games to Victor Tsakmakis (T'town), Richard M ullett (Old Camb .), Mick Wilson (Marc .), John Zechariah (Old Xavs), John Mahan (Old Camberwell) . Old Trinity 4th in "A" Section, and 4 points ahead of Ormond and University Blues, met Ormond in the final game, while Uni Blues played second bottom team, M onash Blues. Ormond beat Old Trinity, but Blues were much too strong for M onash Blues and regained their place in the finals to go on to meet St Bernards in the first semi . Old Scotch managed to win their first ever game at Queen's Park but failed to spoil the festivities at Geelong's Old Players' Day attended by some real old timers - first captain-coach Vic P ro4itt (1926-1930), Ewen Laird (26-28), Ray Fidge (29-33), Pat W heeler (28-39) and Bill King (30-31) . Congratulations went to Bob Poulton (1937), Peter Robinson (1965) and Phillip Marshall (1967) fortheir wonderful organisation . President of the Umpires' Association was Ken Jorgensen, a former player for over 5 seasons with Commonwealth Ban k, gaining interstate selection in his first year and representing the State on 4 occasions . Top tipster for the season was Keith Findlay 69 points, with Norm Nugent runner-up, 3 points behind . 20 YEARS AGO - 1971 St Bernards practically clinched a place in the final four when they scored a decisive 45 point win over a sluggish and disappointing Coburg . The winners were best served by Sullivan, Santamaria and Hannaberry while Warfe, Sullivan and Zylan tried to keep Coburg in the game. Coburg trailed all day and were never a threat, Ormond (1st) kicked 8 goals in a brilliant first quarter against University Blues (3rd) and finally won 20.11 .131 to 13 .14.92 . Logan (5 goals), R . Cu rt is and Corben starred for Ormond with Barkley, Nicholls and Renowden best for the losers . Most exciting game of the round was the desperate battle for survival between Old Xaverians an d

Commonwealth Bank (second last and last in "B" Section) . No satisfaction to either -a draw -16.13 .109 to 15 .19.109. Gowers, K . O'Shaughnessy (4) and Raffaele (Old Xavs) and Dick, Torrens, Inbe ry for Comm . Bank were best. Leading goal kickers were "A" David Barkley (U . Blues) 81 ; " B" Moffat (U. Blacks) 52 ; " C" Bevan (ToocMalv.) 88 ; " D" Eccles (P'side) 85 ; " E" Shannon (St Pat's) 98; and " F" Gartner (Marcellin) . First playerto score 100 goals was Martin Bartlett of Powerhouse - 54 goals with the seniors and 52 with the juniors. Congratulations were passed on to goal umpires Bill Ahlm and Ralph Bridges, who were nominated for life membership of the Umpires' Association . 25 YEARS AGO - 196 6 University Football Club were celebrating the centenary even though recent research had shown that the club was actuallyformed in 1859. The club joined the VAFA in 1921 with the Blues and the Blacks, and Blacks were immediately successful, winning premierships in both 1921 and 1922 . Footscray Tech . had a big win in "B" Section, kicking 16.22 .118 to UHSOB's 8.11 .59. As the scribe said, "Outstanding feature in Footscray Tech's win was the big fellows marking, namely Ga ry (Shorty) Dempsey. He must have had putty on his fingers." "B" Section leaders, Kew, showed its supremacy with a 10 goal win over De La Salle (5th) . Briggs (4), Crowe and Fisherwere Kew's best while Faul, Tame and Murphy starred for De La . 200 games to Itel Davidson (Caulf . Gramm .) - the first player ever to achieve that record with the club . In early years a star centre halfback, he has recently been a devastating forward pocket . John Wall of National Bank also reached 200, and again was the first for the club . M HSOB regained top place in "A" Section following Coburg's sensational defeat by Old Paradians . Coburg led Parade by 26 points at half time after being well on top but a much more determined Parade blanketed them in the second half and won by 10 points. Coburg's only score after the interval was a goal just before the final siren . Proctor, Danaher and Mansfield were best for Old Paradians and McIntosh, Scanlon and Dumayne for Coburg . Lowest scoring team for the round was ANZ Bank's 2 .1 .13 against OGG's 14.14 .98 in "D" Section . 40 YEARS AGO - 195 1 Veteran field umpire Jim Walsh retired after 21 years umpiring Amateur matches . Jim had also been honorary secretary of the Umpires' Association for many years and was remembered by many players as a wonderful umpire . In his playing daysJim used to kick goals for Brighton VFA team . (Readers may remember also Jim's sons, Jim (Junior) who played with Comm . Bank and Brian who starred for Ormond and later went on to play many wonderful games as a back pocket playerfor St Kilda .) In difficult wet and greasy conditions Old Scotch held on to 4th place in "A" Section with a sound win over Ivanhoe . Brian Thomson and "Baron" Jim Per ry (ruck) starred for Old Scotch, while Neil Whittaker, Kevin Clarke and Len I rvin were best for Ivanhoe. Ormond Juniors, the only undefeated team in all sections, continued on their winning way with a massive victory over Caulfield Grammarians, kicking 25 .28

to 2 .4. Best were Bishop (7 goals), Col Wilson (6), Lindsay Shannon and Frank Forbes . University Blacks (7th), trying to keep in touch with the four, beat 3rd placed Hampton Rovers by 9 points after trailing by 12 points at half time. Hampton's poor kicking in the first half (6.12 to Black's 6.2) contributed to their defeat . Doug Arnold, Rus Warnett and Eric Pearson were best for the Rovers. St Andrews kept their chances alive for the "D" Section four with a 3 goal win over St Pat's OC. Best were Frank Plummer, "Joe" Dorman and "Marbles" Ellison for St Andrews and Jack Callander, Kevin Currie, Noel Panetteri for St Patricks .

THE BLACK LIST AUGUST 10 1991 FAILED TO PHONE FINAL SCORES BY 3PM WHITEFRIARS (Res) LATROBE UNI (Res)* BY 5PM PENINSULA (Snr) OLD MELBS (U19/S) 5 .21 OLD MELBS (Snr) 5 .02 AJAX (U19/S) UNI BLUES (U19/1)' 5 .23 ST BERNARDS (G-Nth) 5 .13 CHIRNSIDE PARK (U19/N) 5 .1 7 BY 5.30PM PENINSULA (Snr) 5 .44 AJAX (U19tS)" 5 .45 *Clubs had to be contacted for scores . **Scores obtained from goal umpire PHONED INCORRECT SCORE S ST BERNARDS (G-Nth) OLD IVANHOE (Res )

. -i '~ ~ u 1 ;~~

10 S

Official photographer to the V.A .F.A .


386425 8 Don't neglect the History of your club. Have your teams photographed by ASTRA STUDIOS . The experts in the Business . Established 40 years .

Vic Health Matches of the Day to be held at Elsternwick Park for rest of season . This Sat St Bernards v Banyule (B ) weekend : Sun G Section Grand Finals 12 noon (G-Sth), (G-Nth) Aug 24th Sat Old Melburnians v De La Salle (A ) Aug 25th Sun No matches at EP this day Aug 31st Sat B Section First Semi-Final Sept ist Sun A Section First Semi-Fina l 1'i~ ~ a


-® ;-~




been missed . Ralp hlines has r A recen Ralph has been onday o is well on the road tore Acovery afte M r on t Dinne nua{ e h Bridge s rtunately can't attend , ou r fAn ® Grea J news to hear that RaP wis h you wel Ralph and hope t arsand unf o th e VAFAV tfewy i the as ni ht in the st c<<s a regular at this ' function and must be most disappo+ ted daughter, Bo Lauren last Suoda g S~ in r ba Y fthei forward to seeing y you're fighting N a n. We look Congratulaitons to John and Jane ~ on a t Saturday afternoa you didn't let it Graham Thwaites well done Well done Jane, David Fio eord~and g cheer o D a y f i n al attendanc to the 2 newest members of the ATeam brushed-back hair . • lasses and g ® congratulationsr the sta s is a to lon yourself! Get rid of set t You e boys! Hope a n wake up to he can afford to purchase a spar ® Andrew (Hollywood) Hogan, o.a4+e, Don (the Butcher) ~~aps e He might even be able to have his umpiring eShowabitfdcrumlkeowg has had a nice fittle Tattslotto collect' p the beautiful Therese• Now that Kenny Pitcher `stay at-home sPouse, e eems he was the last firem}~ee} Hoare . of car keys for his laundered from now on . revealedenat i Tucknott and Bernie ( Pentrid9e gear p roperlyon his round Austhoia "run' , it now can be Conductor) Trarn n erformers Roy ( d thet umpir big clash between ® With Simrna e audience. just edging out those 2 marat front of aver ycaptiv ~ adlo and Anthany Dam oayw+n+n goal 5 Tommy not required to shower with ® A couple of weeks back Centre, P TheUmpires home tearn hadwere anthe easywall, 2 f Remand ~m e ~ o and the Melbourne No shortage of volunteers either, when the ball went F p fine work during the recent~~1eCtDa~i~ g the players . . . like to sincerely thank the followinGeoff Ridd, John @datoli, Alby Firley, Binch and Wayne Way ® Big Mike would John Kelly , Exchange Bernie Boyd, ie Hoare, Council's Primary Seymour, Trrsh Sports Sey schools . He'll be missin Bill Fowler, BobY much appreciated . Gaurtay, Rob Lidd{e, r forced him out 'ofstay action fortothe remainder of the year Your efforts were vehas tuned this pag calicos till next year he assuresgvi . ebster W Denis , his knee injury . Although he s o won n o while on Big Mike, e during the finals ,tbewavingh hs first finals series for many years . "You threw at at it . ' yda few ksbac and won the pen' is still at fu l{ strength, aftern o his fellow ump+res me that his `poison McDonnell had alast dog week, y t+tle is in danger Macca the right Chris b Keeton's ® Heard that Glen for air. .Tro nmatch at th e onents d op runs w tpdgasping the ball hehmugst bounce it ortouch it onthe groundg t®Aa~1efrCollegia and o~mo r .1f a playe 10-2the commencement of his run, whether running in a straight line or turrnn : Rulefrom at least once every f+fteen Week metres Rule of the ® Benny's and dodging ' . ® REPR1PlDERS : ear including stockings and band-aids on nipples) . Monday Night* End of reason Di ~atch gear Me1b Tuesday 27th: Photo session {f ou needTRAVEL - for that end of season holiday - RACV



Your next transaction at your local RACV Branch, When conducting y lft . e n present this voucher aod urec ni y to pick up a brochure o Opp Why not take the Finance, Travel or any other Membership, Insurance we 11 get you going . . . . . RAC ' ,servicyound

We'll Get You Going

YOUR vlayl A SECTION l,:)RTH OLD BOYS vs MARCELLIN "- 1d: Steve McCarthy, Noel McDonald Boundary: David Fowler, David Gourley Goal: Denis Webster, Gary Glancy ORMOND vs OLD MELBURNIANS Field: Darren Dalgleish, David Harford Goal: Mike Lentini, Reno Barichievich DE LA SALLE vs THERRY CCO B Feld: Graham Thwaites, Mark Bushfield Goal: Mike Richardson, Gary Baumgarto n OLD SCOTCH vs COLLEGIANS (Old Scotch Oval) Field. Geoff Ridd, Justin Toohe y Goal: Ken Pitcher, Bernie Hoar e OLD HAILEYBURIANS vs UNIVERSITY BLUES F"--Id : Richard Simon, Tony Hales Goal: John Kelly, Steve Hopper

B SECTIO N ST BERNARDS vs BANYULE (EP - Saturday) Field. Peter Mair, Tim Sheare r Boundary: Jim Huckson, Frank Martinez Goal: Andrew Hogan, Jason Tyrrell Reserves Field: Club Umpires Reserves Boundary: Brad Hodge, Brett Collins Reserves Goal: Trish Boyd, Nancy McTaggart OLD PARADIANS vs PARKSID E Field: Peter Wiseman, Geoff Curran Goal.• Bob Seymour, David Jobling KEW vs OLD BRIGHTON Field: Andrew McPherson, Mark Gibson Goat: Sam Kahn, Don McKenzie UNIVERSITY BLACKS vs OLD TRINITY Field: Peter Keogh, Rob Mayston Goal: Julien Velleman, Nick Edwards OLD MENTONIANS vs OLD XAVERIANS Field. John Natoli, Gary Low e Goal : Bob Dunstan, Adam Harri s C SECTION MONASH BLUES vs THOMASTOWN Field: Michael Forde, Paul La Vale STATE/COMM . BANK vs PRESTON MBOB Field: Santo Carvso, Alan Lad d ST KILDA CBOC vs FAWKNER Field: Chris Keeton, Anthony Damen CAULFIELD GR vs IVANHO E Field: Kev Segota, David Miller BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE vs WHITEFRIARS Field: Geoff Moore, Mike Gilday D SECTION HAMPTON ROVERS vs OLD IVANHOE Field: Wayne Henry, Damian Knott Boundary: Luke Kirton, Dirk Kramer ST BEDES vs OLD CAMBERWELL Field: Damien Donohue, Tony McKenzie Boundary Anthony Gabriel, Brad Johannse n ST KEVINS vs OLD GEELONG (St Kevins College) Field: Peter Simpson, Andrew Taylor GLENHUNTLY vs LATROBE UN I Field: Andrew Belcher, Brad Lowe MHSOB vs AJA X Field. Tony Murphy, Clarke Thuys E SECTION POWER HOUSE vs MAZENOD OC Field: Pat Maebus, Allan Conway AQUINAS vs ST MARYS Field: Ken Walker BRUNSWICK vs WEST BRUNSWICK Field: Tony Podesta, Robert Cooke OLD ESSENDON vs ST ANDREWS Field: David D'Altera, Russell Francis (Rot) NORTH BRUNSWICK vs WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field: Tim Keating (Rot), Dave Ashton


E SECTION continued DOVETON vs BULLEEN UNITE D Field: Geoff Kelly, Brian Lowe (Rot) F SECTION SALESIAN vs ELSTERNWIC K Field: Graeme Morga n Boundary: Warren Allen, Mark Cimdims RICHMOND CENTRAL vs BORONIA PARK Field: Ron Smith, Tom Zapadlo UHSOB vs ST PAT'S MENTONE Field: Norm Nugent, Gary Knight UNI REDS vs PENINSULA Field: Ted Keating ANZ BANK vs OLD CARE Y Field: Peter Harris, Mark Jenkins (Rot) G NORTH SECTION GRAND FINAL (2 .15 pm) OLD SCOTCH vs ST BERNARD S Field: D. Windlow, G . Pollard Boundary: R. Cooke, J . Inglis Goat: Rob Liddle, Bill Fowle r G SOUTH SECTION GRAND FINAL (12 noon) DE LA SALLE vs BLOOD S Field: T. Robbins, T. Gleeson Boundary: D. Plaisted, M. McNamara Goal: Nancy McTaggart, Leo Wilso n UNDER 19 SECTION I OLD HAILEYBURIANS vs DE LA SALLE BLUE Field: Brack Hayward, Glen Furness OLD BRIGHTON vs OLD XAVERIANS Field: Rob Collie Boundary: Vin Vescovi MARCELLIN vs ORMOND Field: Barry Reichel t

MAZENOD BLUES vs COLLEGIANS Field: Andrew Kilner (Rot), Adrian McMaster Boundary: David Chalmers, Michael Shelton Goal: Graig & Gordon Chalmers OLD SCOTCH vs ST BERNARDS Field: Mike Wakeli n Goat: Bill Fowler, Hany Ei d OLD PARADIANS vs UNIVERSITY BLUES Field: Ron Martin Boundary: Dean Costantin, Paul Costantin UNDER 19 NORTH SECTION BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE vs NORTH OLD BOYS Field: Cam Swale, Alibis Firley Goal: Roy Tucknott, Geoff Grigg THERRY vs CHIRNSIDE PARK Field: Ken Coughlan, Peter Graham OLD IVANHOE vs OLD TRINITY Field: Gary Beasley Boundary: Don Walton, Brad Laferlita WHITEFRIARS vs AQUINAS Field: Marc English, Alan Stubb s UNDER 19 SOUTH SECTION CAULFIELD GR vs ST BEDES Field: Jason Moore (Rot), Glen McDonnell Boundary: Craig Brastberg, David Pearson Goal: James Cheshire, John Picket t DE LA SALLE GOLD vs AJAX Steve Clinch (Rot), Chris Bo x OLD MELBURNIANS vs OLD CAMBERWELL Field: Jeff O'Rourke Goal: Leo Wilson, Graeme Simpson ST PETER'S CLAYTON vs MHSOB Field: Paul Rapke Boundary: Ben McKee, Tim Creighto n OLD MENTONIANS vs HAMPTON ROVERS Field: Jeff Bear, Rob Doole y Boundary: David Billimoria, Robert Swinton MONASH BLUES vs MAZENOD BLACKS Feld: Rob Bell (Rot), Rob Condon

Personality Pars 150 GAMES TO FREEZE R Parkside's forward, Chris Freeman, plays his 150th game on Saturday (17/8) against Old Parade. Chris started at Parkside in 1982, and kicked 3 goals in the Grand Final to help the club win the flag that year. He was leading goalkicker in B Gradefor 1987 and 1988, and although missing the Grand Final that year, his contribution throughout 1988 played an extremely important part in helping his club into "A" Grade the next year. A well known identity not only at Parkside, but at Elsternwick Park, where he has made a number of visits on Tuesday nights. We all congratulate Freezer on reaching this milestone. 150 GA M ES TO KINN A To be greeted with "Don't ever kick the footy" can sometimes destroy a player but it strengthened the resolve of Damien Kinsella who last week played his 150th game against NOBs (10/8) . After commencing with the De La U19s in 1983 Kinna has progressed to now being an integral part of the De La senior side . A member of the 1987 A Reserves Premiership and the 1989 B Grade Senior Premiership, Kinna has

developed his enormous courage and commitment to be a worthy recipient of the 1989 Most Improved Trophy. After a brief, but worthwhile, sojourn in 1990 to the USA Kinna is very lucky to have made it to 100 games. He had the misfortuneto spend a night at club identity Woody's and shortly after leaving a bomb blew the place up . As a result Bernie Dunn is able to add to his grey hair collection when Kinna has to kick .


ST BEDES OLD COLLEGIANS FOOTBALL CLUB INC. The best Club in D Section requires applications for the position o f

the position of NON PLAYING

for season 1992 Renumeration negotiabl e Applications to : NEIL BUCKLEY (Sec.) R .C .A .F.C . P.O. Box 836, Mount Waverley 3149 Ph : 548 8379

150 GAMES AT FAWKNE R Last week (10/8) G re g Mitchell played his 150th game at Fawkner. Greg has been playing seniorfootball since 1984. He played in the Under 19 Premiership side back in 1983 and with a group from that side helped form a very good young Fawkner side in the mid 1980sand was a very good player in our 1985 Premiership side . He has played many great games over the years and won the club Best & Fairest in 1989, and has represented the VAFA on several occasions . These days Greg is a very hard working committeeman and is well respected at Fawkner. Everyone at Fawkner would like to congratulate Mitch on playing his 150th game last week . "Well done Mitch "

FOR SEASON 1992 Applications by 30th September 1991 in writing to : FRANK KEA N 4/122 Ferntree Gully Rd Clayton 316 8

ANNUAL G OLD P% .SS & "UIG V" MEMBERS ' SUNDAY 1ST SEPTEMBER, 1991 11 .45 - 2.15 PM $38.00 ALL INCLUSIVE (Members $33) ALL FORMER STATE PLAYERS, BEST & FAIREST PLAYERS AND LEADING GOALKICKERS WELCOME . SUPPORTERS WELCOM E GUEST SPEAKER : MR JOHN LANDY, MBE Special Guests : 1956 Olympic Team RING SUE ANDERSON 531 8333 to reserve a plac e Confirm your booking w ith a cheque payable to VAFA as seating is LIMITED!

MARCELLIN OC 2.5 8.7 12 .7 14 .10 .94 OLD HAILEYBURIANS 1 .1 2 .3 4.8 4 .8 .32 MARCELLIN Caffry 7, Zannoni 2, M. Getson, Sexton, Boysen, A. Gallagher, C . Slattery. BEST Gross, Zannoni, Tranquilli, Boysen, Caffry, Petro f . OLD HAILEYBURY Walden, Connell, Phillips, Steenholdt . BEST Seccull, Orton, Connell, Pletcher, Tanner, Meehan . COLLEGIANS 1 .2 6.6 8.6 8.8.56 ORMOND 3.3 5.3 7.6 15.8.98 COLLEGIANS Marino 2, Mount, Wallace, Happell, Irvine, Oliphant, Oakley. BEST Lord, Scott, Kenneally, Irvine, Galbraith, Oliphant . ORMOND Carboon 3, Connell 3, McConville 2, Brown 2, Gilmore, Stone, Petering, Orr, McCooke . BEST McCooke, Clark, Connell, Petering, Brown, Nankivel . UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.1 3 .2 3 .4 4.9.33 THERRY CCOB 2 .5 5.6 9.10 9.12 .66 UNI BLUES Matthews3, Wallis. BEST Walsh, Jamieson, Wallis, Furphy, Hazeldine, McCarty. THERRY Zanetti 3, McKay 2, McCann, Goodwin, Ramsay, Ratcliffe . BEST Ratcliffe, Eastmure, Ramsay, McCann, McKay, Bennett . OLD MELBURNIANS 12 .12 .84 OLD SCOTCH 20 .12 .132 OLD MELBURNIANS Cord ner 6, Mead 2, Will 2, Nichols, Gillard . BEST Webb, Nichols, Sinn, Blood, A . Witts, Mead . OLD SCOTCH Millar 8, Aujard 3, Brady 3, Keipert 3, J. Hart, Smith, B . Steele. BEST Millar, Hunter, Keipert, J . Hart, Aujard, Brady. NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .0 5.2 7.3 9.13.67 DE LA SALLE OC 1.4 3.6 3.9 4.10 .34 NORTH OLD BOYS Hanlon 2, Boyle 2, O'Farrell, Egan, Tierney, Abrahams, Martin . BEST Moloney, Conti, Boyle, Phyland, Daniel, Cerini . DE LA SALLE Harrison, Hunter, Maloney, Rosman . BEST Ronchi, McClounan, Rosman, Campbell, Harrison, Mackintosh .

BANYULE 4.1 8.3 10.5 13 .7.85 OLD MENTONIANS 4 .2 5.3 7.4 7.7.49 BANYULE Legge 4, Short 3, Coulson 2, Sutterby, Stanton, Gent, Fraumano . BEST Witchell, Gent, Coulson, Stanton, Ladd, Turnbull . OLD MENTONIANS Acreman 2, Best 2, Turner 2, Splay . BEST Rogers, Sly, Best, Barrett, Bournon, N . Macquire. OLD TRINITY 16.16.112 OLD PARADIANS 9.13 .67


AEIATGilO Cl1nTOAt I co ~nn~

OLD TRINITY Heath 6, Boxtel 4, Harmer 2, Johnson 2, Allibon, Anderson. BEST Heath, Balazsy, Allibon, R . Beardsley, Dunn, Boxtel . OLD PARADIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . OLD XAVERIANS 8.4 9.5 11 .6 16 .10.106 OLD BRIGHTON 2 .3 6.6 10.8 12 .9 .81 OLD XAVERIANS Reel 5, J . McKay 3, Dann 2, Mithen 2, D . Landrigan 2, Taylor, M . Dalton . BEST D. Landrigan, Rosel, J . McKay, D. McKay, Mithen, Curtain . OLD BRIGHTON Shippen 4, Hayden 3, Perry 2, McLachlan, Talbot, Fitchet . BEST Brook, Hayden, Rickerby, Fisher, Pollock, Perry . PARSIDE 4 .6 5.10 6 .16 10.17.77 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .2 2 .4 6 .6 8.6.54 PARKSIDE Vincitorio 3, Pestling 2, Goodier, Sedgwick, Cotter, Freeman, Williams . BEST Sansonetti, Page, Inserts, Vincitorio, Macnamara . UNI BLACKS Reilly 2, Vaughan 2, O'Neale, J . Gray, A . Gray, Bromell . BEST A. Gray, J . Gray, Reilly, O'Neale, Gibney, Major . ST BERNARDS 4 .4 7.7 12 .7 17.12 .114 KEW 1 .2 4.4 6 .5 6.7.43 ST BERNARDS L . Gollant 6, Wood 5, J . Gollant 2, Purcell, Overman, Capes, Walsh . BEST Mallia, S. Walsh, R . Purcell, Wood, L . Gollant, V. Comito . KEW Porte, Kinn Morgan, A . Peric, Brassil, McMahon . BEST P.Clayton, McMahon, Bo : .ater, S . Bruno, Barry, Hibbard .

THO W^STOWN 4.6 8.6 13 .10 17.11 .113 BULLEc'N/TE69P 4.2 11 .6 15.7 20.10.130 THOMASTOWN D. Farchione 3, Petsinis 3, D. Fellows 3, Karambelas 2, Milevski 2, D'Avione, Carroll, Latouf, F . Farchione. BEST Maurovic, D. Fellows, Carroll, D . Farchione, Petsinis, Kev Harling . BULLEENITERSP Pace 7, Mayne 3, Agrotis 3, Harvie 3, Bell 2, Wotherspoon, Shine. BEST Young, Pace, Wotherspoon, Shine, Philpots, Osborne. IVANHOE 3 .3 5 .6 7.7 10.10.70 STATEICORAP9 BANK 1 .1 1 .8 5 .10 6.10.46 IVANHOE Sullen 2, Kassimiotis 2, Howard 2, Cartwright, E . Flynn, Lengacher, Rowley. BEST Kennedy, Fawley, Tucker, Freeman, Buller, Lengacher. STATE/COAAhA BANK Roles, Beare, Wallmeyer, A . Pitts, Arnephy, Wilson . BEST Andrews, Andrew Maher, Beare, Linford, Gniel, Short . WHITEFRIARS 2 .3 3 .6 8.7 11 .10.76 FAWKNER 3 .1 3 .5 7.7 11.7.73 WHITEFRIARS McNeil 2, Midro 2, Pratt, Lee, Carbone, McKeown, Reidy, Coghlan, Bateman. BEST McNiel, Jenkins, McAuliffe, Carbone, Reidy, Lee. FAWKNER Mitchell 3, M . Tymms 2, Buckley, Hoare, M. Roach, Majerczak, Lawson, L . Cohen . BEST Buckley. Lawson, Mitchell, Hoare, L . Cohen, Cropley.

PRESTON 5 .2 5.8 7.10 7.11 .53 CAULFIELD GR 1 .2 2 .3 6 .6 7.8.50 PRESTON Herbert 2, Noble 2, Smart, Zubak, McGaw BEST McGaw, Smart, Bullock, McKenna, Bennett, O'Brien . CAULFIELD GR Wills 3, Morrissey, Holmes . Simpson, G . Harrison . BEST Mathews, G . Harrison, Wills, Wilson, T. Royals, Simpso n 3.5 7.7 12 .8 20.8 .128 MONASH BLUES ST KILDA CBC 2.1 4.2 7.3 10 .5 .65 MONASH BLUES Seaton 4, Hildebrand 3, Koop 3, Baring 2, Newman 2, Lawrence 2, Corrigan, Sturgess, Alexander, Gale . BEST M . Hay, B. Seaton, A . McGregor, J . Sturgess, D. Corrigan, T. Kiers. ST KILDA Bergman 5, Sherman, Capiron, Buckley, Morgans, Kerian . BEST O'Sullivan, Buckley, Boyd, Chapple, Sherman, Capron .

OLD IVANHOE 1 .1 4.2 5.6 5.9 .39 MHSOB 6 .3 9 .5 12.8 14 .11 .95 OLD IVANHOE Cavanagh 2, Alexander, Cocker II, P doto BEST Taylor, Dyson, Ritchie, Jenkins, Wells, Knight . MHSOB Bamert 6, Green 3, Snaidero3, Atchison 2 . BEST Beazley, Dixon, C . Tyrrell, S. Konstanty, Yee, Barren . LATROBE UNI 0 .1 1 .3 1 .5 2 .9.21 ST BEDES 5 .2 7.5 8 .12 10.14.74 LATROBE UNI Wilson, Cummings . BEST Cummings, Lersch, Dumaresq, Brownian, Bakogianis, Lewis . ST BEDES McNamara 3, Mills 2, Lannan, Walker, Berry. McLachlan, Purcell. BEST Berry, Boag, Lannan, Tim Beasley, Smith, Ferruccio AJAX 1 .3 5.5 7.8 13.12 .90 OLD GEELONG 4 .4 7.4 9.6 10.7.67 AJAX Gordon 5. D. Marks 2, R . Marks, Bugarski, A . Burstin, Briskins, D. Pat, L . Burstin. BEST L . Burstin, Goetz, D . Pat, R . Marks, Zubin, Gordon. OLD GEELONG Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 3.4 6.6 9.12 10.17.77 OLD CAMBERWELL GLENHUNTLY 1 .1 3.3 5.5 5 .9.39 OLD CAMBERWELL Harvey 2, Pike, Adams, Provan, Niel, Ballard, Essery, Mance, Kynacou BEST Jackson, Spurritt. Guthrie, Kyriacou, Jepson, Mance. GLENHUNTLY Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . . HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .2 4.5 5 .11 10.12 .72 ST KEVINS OB 4 .3 6.5 8.8 10 .11 .71 HAMPTON ROVERS Deluca 7, Capp, G . McDonald, Amoore. BEST Hobson, Deluca, Capp, Hetherington . Young, McConville. ST KEVINS Callanan 3, Pivetta 2, McNee 2, Hourigan, McNair, Mulcahy . BEST McKaige, Pivetta, McNair, Sergeant, Varasdi, Walpole .

AQUINAS 6.3 15.9 19.11 26.18.174 POWERHOUSE 6.3 8.6 13.10 15 .15 .105 AQUINAS Coster 6, Hodge 4, Spiess 3, Whelan 3, Hurley 2, Wilkinson 2, J . Livingston 2, M . Haggerty, Tarulli, P Sheehan, L . King . BEST J Livingston, J . McEvoy, Coster, Tarulli, Spiess, P . Gnerson . POWERHOUSE G . Scotland 4, N . Kerr 3, Dodds 2 . Desler 2, A . Morris 2, S. Cross, J . Hall . BEST Scotland, Hansen, J . Hall, B. Hall, G . Newland, A Escott

5.2 7.4 11 .7 13.9 .87 ST ANDREWS DOVETON 6 .3 10 .8 11 .9 13 .12.90 ST ANDREWS Funnell 5, Tapner 3, Taylor 2 . Adams, Ashby. MacDonald. BEST Ashby, Funnell . Minnitt, Soncrn, Unwin, Weat e DOVETON P. Giddens 6, Burgess 2, Murphy, Campbell, Ahdore. K. Wilson, Muirhead BEST Ahdore, Warren, Khalil, Burgess, P Giddens, J. Reige r ST MARY'S 4 .4 7.5 16.6 20 .12 .132 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 4 .5 10 .8 12 .11 15.11 .101 ST MARY'S T. Ymer 6, T. Jones 4, T Brideson 2, T. Burt 2, R . Corbett 2, P. Sala, S . Preston, B . Clark, M . Plumndge. BEST T. Ymer, G . Mullins, M . Plumridge, W. Mullenger. WILLIAMSTOWN P. Graham 8. T. Cannon 2, M. Cannon 2, Gunn, Turnley, Calderv.-ood. BEST Graham, Cook, Langham, Turnley, Calderwood, Andrew Featherston . WEST BRUNSWICK 2 .0 3 .4 4 .4 4.5.29 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .4 8 .10 11 .13 14.16 .100 WEST BRUNSWICK Borg, Jackson, McNeice, Johnstone. BEST Wool aid, Sanalko, Fyffe, Sherrill, D . Benedetto, D'Andrea NORTH BRUNSWICK D. Demorton 4, C Fox 4, Grimaldi 2, B Thorpe, P. Dimarco. Mason . BEST Keay, M . Demorton, Young, Sammartrno, P Dimarco, Grimaldi . BULLEEN UNITED 4 .1 6 .6 7.8 11 .10 .76 OLD ESSENDON 2 .4 2 .4 2.8 3.8.26 BULLEEN UNITED Morley 2, Thompson 2, Dellaca 2, Whiting 2 . Hopkins 2, McLaren. BEST McLaren, Kelly, Morley, Shape, Flew OLD ESSENDON Thomson, Shaw, J . Pana. BEST Thomson, Olarenshaw, Harrington, P . Carmichael, J . Pana McEncroe . MAZENOD OC 12 .16 .88 BRUNSWICK 3.7.25 MAZENOD Noble 4, D . M urray 4, Gye2, Kendall, C. Murray, BEST Gye, Hadfield, Leggett, Kendell, Fisher, Vanderhtlst . BRUNSWICK Shaw, Strachan, Sawyers BEST Stevens, Carroll, 'IcBride . Cullinan, McLean .

ELSTERNWICK 6 .5 7.5 14 .7 17.10.112 ANZ BANK 5.5 11 .9 13 .12 19.15.129 ELSTERNWICK M . Andrew 7, Alloy Contin 3, G . Andrew, Blennerhasset, Brizzio, Christie, Hankin, Hill, Southall . BEST Murphy. Hankn, M . Andrew, Southall, Hill, Bell . ANZ BANK Nicolosi 8, Szeitz3, Morross 2, Sa nelli 2, Harbinson, McLeod, Marshall . BEST Nicolosi, Larkin, Reed, Heuston, Sanelli, S . Pastras. PENINSULA OB 11 .1 19.8 23.10 34.15.219 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .1 7.5 11 .7 14.8.92 PENINSULA Marks 15, McMahon 7, Fisher 6, Nelson 2, Warne-Smith, Rowe, Roding . Cross BEST Marks, McMahon, Warne-Smith, Angus. Fisher, Goding . RICHMOND CENTRAL Fenton 4, Sungalis 2, Agorakis 2, D Jiggins 2, Bestow, R . Sutherland, Tate, M . Warton . BEST M . Warton, P. Warton, Agoraks, Fenton, Bastow, R . Sutherland . OLD CAREY 5 .3 6.4 9.5 11 .8 .74 ST PAT'S MENTONE 1 .0 3 .1 3.3 3.4 .22 OLD CAREY Ballagh 8, P Harris, Berti, Skene. BEST Raft, Collyer Bryan, Harris. Ustick, Ballagh . ST PAT'S MENTONE Bowden 2, Saunderson . BEST Gurtler, Barry. Henson . Horler. Lewis, Saunderson

THF flMflTF11R Fr1r9TR$I 1 FR

1 4R1

BORONIA PARK 5 .12 .42 UNIVERSITY REDS 11 .13 .79 BORONIA PARK Featonby 3 . Weinlich, Hincksman . BEST Featonby, Van Buui, Cooksey, Clarke, Delaney, Wein6ch , UNIVERSITY REDS McDonald 4, Condon 2, Tehan, Cahir, P . Barowe, : ne, Ross. BEST Kane, Whitfort, P Barone, Cahir, De Angelis, ;,lsDonai d SALESIAN 4.5 5.9 6.11 11 .16.82 UHSOB 2 .4 3 .7 4 .8 6 .9.45 SALESIAN Byrne 2, Canavan 2, Cincotta 2, Healey 2, Chiappni, Nannes, Quinn . BEST Nannes, Healey, BobehG Cincotta, Bourke, G . Gaspari, Shelley. UHSOB Bunn 2, Grant, Freeman, Epfano, Smith . BEST Freeman, Grant, R . Smith, S Smith, Bunn, Straha n

PRvLi@JtIRIARY FINA L ELTHAM 4.6 4.8 5 .11 5.13 .43 ST 6ERNARDS 2 .0 7.6 12.10 14 .12 .96 ELTHAia Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST BERNARDS Creake 3, P. Monaghan 3, Runting 2, Wood, O'Dea, Devers, Muir, J . Monaghan, F . Monaghan . BEST Wood, Fraser, Muir, O'Dea, O'Connell, P Monagha n

PR-_1_4d~64i:~Y FINA L STJOhN'S 4.3 7.3 9.7 11 .9 .75 BLOODS 1 .1 5.4 8.8 12 .10 .82 ST JOHN'S Chariton 7, Sutio 3, Higgins BEST Ceste[ Colville, Chariton, Sheehnan, Deayton, Koppers . BLOODS Hutchinson 5, McAsey 2, Shannon 2, Stock, Smith, Bainbridge, BEST McDoneii, McAsey, Amarant, Rowbottom, Bainbridge, Hutchinson ,

OLD BRIG I-iTON 1 .1 2.3 3.5 5.6 .36 OLD HAILEYBURIAN 7.7 12 .14 14 .18 20.21 .141 OLD BRIGHTON Moore 2, Webster 2, Carter BEST Webster, Piers, ( . r: is, Mitchell, Hayden, Devine. OLD HAILEY BURY Dewar 5, W hdeiaw 4, Lappage 3, Kelly 2, Phillips , Dow, Canobie, Hoare, Parton, Healy . COLLEGIANS 2 .4 5 .7 9.8 14.13.97 OLD PARADIANS 2 .6 6 .7 7.9 11 .9 .75 COLLEGIANS Blackman 3, Grant 3, Heath 2, Donaldson, Fredman, Sayers, Braun, Warner, Rickards BEST Braun, Scott, Fredman, Donaldson, Heath, Warner, OLD PARADIANS Harrison 3, Wdlmore 2, Brodie 2, Henry, Wallis, Vnino, O'Keefe, BEST Wallis, Henry, Jones, Harrison, Smith . Jenkins OLD XAVERIANS 5 .1 7.4 13.6 17.8 .110 ST BERNARD'S OC 0.0 0 .0 1 .0 1 .0.6 OLD XAVERIANS R. Saiter6, P Salter 6, Scaizo, Duggan . Davies, Green Black . BEST Scalzo, D . Dalton . Hansen, Keyhoe, R . Salter, Collins ST BERNARD'S Mitchell . BEST Horn, Rogers, Kavanagh, Fox, Webb, Kennedy

ORMOND 4 .1 5.2 9 .8 11 .9.75 OLD SCOTCH 5 .3 6 .6 10.8 13 .13.91 ORMOND Brown 4, Turner 4, A . Taylor 2, C. Sparrow. BEST A. Taylor, D. Taylor, P. Marnow, J. Brown, K . Sparrow, P Absalom . OLD SCOTCH Piekusis 6, Knox 2, Norman 2, Bock, Hosking, C . Johnson, Kidd. BEST Harris, Iser, Pekusis, Roberts, Simpson, Norman . UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .0 8.1 10.1 11 .2 .68 MAZENOD BLUES 4.4 7.6 11 .8 12.11 .83 UNI BLUES Dodds 4, Gurner 3, Brien 2, Moran, McCarthy . BEST McCarthy, Moran, Lidgett, Tippert, Bell, Stone . 64AZENOD M . Tetley 3, A. Little 3, M . Giuliano 2, A . King 2, P. King, D. Horban . BEST C. Varney, M . McCusker, A. Little, M . Carbery, D, Horban, S . Griffiths . DE LA SALLE BLUE 2 .4 3.7 6 .11 9,14,68 MARCELLIN OC 1 .1 1 .2 2 .3 4.4.28 DE LA SALLE BLUE Duckett 2, Murray 2, Vivona 2, S . Greely, Lafferty, D. Smith, BEST Taylor, Duckett, Crowe, McCarthy, Grogan, Murray, MARCELLIN Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .

THERRY 1 .2 1 .6 1 .6 4.6.30 BULLEEH/TEG9P 3.3 6.5 7.11 10 .13.73 THERRY K. Fitzpatrick2, A. Baker, Sexton . BESTGriggs, R . Bannister, Sharp T Pinner, G . Baker, Villella . BULLEEHlTEt.1P McLaren 4, Mitihneos, Hyde, Kemp, McWaters, Tulloch . BEST Cumming, Doggett, Tuiloch, Pascoe, McLaren, P. Nagel . CHIRNSIDE PARK 2 .2 2 .2 2.5 3 .5.23 AQUINAS 1 .4 1 .7 1 .7 1 .8.14 CHIRHSIDE PARK V. Piccoh 2, T. Spirii . BEST Team Effort . AQUINAS J. Hewitt . BEST Chamberlain, May, Burdeau, A . Wright, Denver, Suponavich . TH O69ASTO W P1 6 .0 10.7 13.8 17.10.112 WHITEFRIARS 5.3 8.5 10.9 13.11 .89 THOMASTOWN D, Pougios 5, Doucas 5, Gatovski 2, Kotevski, Damoski, N Grech, Skora . BEST J. Pougios, Dagastani, Velioto, R . Brown, N . Grech, D Pougios WHITEFRIARS Wise 3, Doherty 2, O'Connor 2, Carduili 2, Foley 2, Haynes, Parr. BEST Johnson, Vernal, Wise, Ciarduili, O'Connor, Bateman . ALBANVALE RECEIVED FORFEIT OLD IVANHOE FORFEITED

OLD i:1ELBURFllAC1S 8.6 12.9 17.13 21 .17.143 CAULFIELD GR 0 .0 0.1 0.1 0.1.1 OLD i.'ELBU RNiANS Theodore 8, Connell 4, G . Terrill 3, Burden 2, Correll 2, Frazer. BEST A. Smith, Correll, Theodore, Cox, Terrill, Branchflower. CAULFIELD GR . Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived . AJAX 2.1 5 .1 8.2 11 .9 .75 M HSOB 3.5 7.7 12 .11 14 .11 .95 AJAX Berkov+tch 4, Slade 2, Pakula, Levine, Krongold, Loewy, Hoppe . BEST Slade, Kol, Fell, Pakuia, Berkovdch, Tofler . 69HSOB J. Duketis 4, Vidal 2, Saultry 2, Stubbs 2, Helmot2, M . Konstanty, Gunstone. BEST Lipscombe, Vidal, James, Wailes, Zwar, Mackie, ST BEDE'S 5.5 7.8 11 .10 15 .12 .102 ST PETER'S CLAYTON 1 .1 3.3 3.6 3 .8.26

The Dominator : Wayne Johnston $13 Tactics in Modern Football $19 Peter Daicos : Collingwood and Me $15 Skills and Drills $15 Doug Hawkins : My Story $19 Premiership Football : David Parkin $15 Dale Weightman : Save Our Skins $10 Complete Book of VFL Finals $15 Hawthorn FC : History $40 S.A .N .F.L . Record Book $10 Brian Taylor Diaries $11 .50 Tony Shaw: A Shaw Thing $12 Collingwood 1990 WEG Posters $10 History of W.A . Football $22 Kill for Collingwood $2 0

1ST FLOOR, 23E -L- - -v LANE, M7L `° .. ® THF adAIITFiiR FrlllTRbl i FR yooy

E (03 ) 650 978 2

ST BEDE'S Ross 5, Farrell 4, Loos 2, Barr, Campagna, Rivalland, McCraw. BEST Loos, Rivalland, Farrell, Smith, Campagna, Barr. ST PETER'S D. Hall, Redford, L. Billing . BEST D . Hall, G . Redford, R . Schwass, P. Williamson, G . Hall, A. Schultz . 4.2 7.7 7.9 8.11 .59 OLD CAMBERWELL OLD MENTONIANS 3.3 6.5 11 .12 18 .18 .126 McKenzie 3, Nixon-Smith 3, Gale, Nichols. BEST OLD CAMBERWELL McKenzie, Taylor, Mudge, Metcalf, Lambert, Nichols . Waters 4, Riley 4, Pride 3, Oxland 3, Patterson 2, OLD MENTONIANS Carter, Raymond . BEST Pride, Bond, Jones, Carter, Riley, Pride . MAZENOD BLACKS 14 .14 .98 2 .5.17 HAMPTON ROVERS MAZENOD BLACKS N . Little 5, Parker 3, Mounter 2, Polan, Evans, Thek, Occhipinti . BEST N . Little, Walsh, Martin, Polan, Parker, Thek . HAMPTON ROVERS Bulmer, Phillipson . BEST Robbins, Clarke, Ross, Artz, Lester, Shaw . MONASH BLUES . 1 .2 4.2 5.5 9 .10.64 DE LA SALLE GOLD 4 .4 8.7 11 .10 15 .11 .101 BLUES Froelich 2, Signnorelli 2, Bertacco 2, Millie, Dowsley, MONASH Rowland. BEST Signorelli, Pond, Dowsley, Pasqua, Bertacco, Rowland . Maher 3, Losinno 3, Mastroianni 2, Truscott 2, DE LA SALLE GOLD Turley, Laffan. Favaloro, M lard, Raju . BEST Buick, Mastroianni, Mclnneny, Laffan, Losinr- T°ley .

MARCELLIN OC 2 .1 2 .2 6.3 6 .3.39 OLD HAILEYBURIANS 2.0 3.4 3.4 4 .6.30 MARCELLIN Archdeacon 2, Wooller, Delahunt, McIntyre, Chun. BEST Julian Kann, O'Hehir, Trianguto, Chun, Delahunt, McIntyre . OLD HAILEYBURIANS Gerny, Cotton, Robinson, Irvine . BEST Ray, Kraus, Constable, Merrell, Noske, Kirkwood-Scott . COLLEGIANS 2 .1 4.3 5 .5 7.6 .48 ORMOND 6 .2 10.4 12 .10 15 .16.106 COLLEGIANS Coyne 2, Anderson 2, Stubbs, Fraser, Griffin . BEST Milat, Higson, Anderson, Warner, Stubbs, Griffin . ORMOND Harri ngton 4, Roth 3, T. Stewart 3, Cleary, Forsyth, Robertson, Gallagher, Strahan . BEST Forsyth, Collins, Harrington, Cleary, Best, Edgell . UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .0 3.5 3.8 3.10.28 THERRY CCOB 3 .7 4 .10 6.12 7.16.58 UNI BLUES Banks, Stephens, W. Carroll . BEST Burgman, Ide, Markley, Stephens, Christie, Banks . THERRY Purcell 2, Jones, Petrevski, Bye, Lyons, Falcone . BEST M . Carter, Moran, Donohue, Purcell, Petrevski, Pearse. 3 .4.22 OLD MELBURNIANS OLD SCOTCH 22 .25.157 . BEST A. Reid, Francis, Dixon, Curtis, Organ OLD MELBURNIANS Curtis, Howell, Scrinis, Tsampas . OLD SCOTCH N . Hooper 7, Aston 5, Jackson 3, Lloyd 3, Chambers, A. Hart, T. Hart, Petty. BEST N . Hooper, Petty, Lloyd, Chambers, A . Hart, Laird . NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .7 4 .8 5 .8 6 .9.45 11 .13 .79 DE LA SALLE OC 2 .3 5.6 8.13 NORTH OLD BOYS Girolami 3, Dwyer, Irvine, Collison . BEST Irvine, Zumbo, Horn, Turnbull, Cotter, Zocco. DE LA SALLE Pat Green 4, S . Rudd 3, O'Brien 2, Dwyer, Tessier BEST M . O'Callaghan, Pat Green, Dwyer, Tully, S . Rudd, Mullins .

3.2 7.3 8.6 10.8 .68 BANYULL OLD t, ~=NTONIANS 0.2 2 .2 2 .2 2 .6.18 BANYULE Gillies 3, Glass 2, Knight 2, Stevens, Ayres, M . Gray. BEST M . Gray, Duncan, Holst, Gillies, Kearsay, West . OLD MENTONIANS Ericksen, Sharp. BEST Moodie, Appel, McKinnon, Sharp, Buxton, Johnsen . 11 .8 .74 OLD TRINITY OLD PARADIANS 12•6•78 OLD TRINITY Thomas 5, Hudson 3, O'Shau ghnessy, Harrison, Spinks . BEST T. Phillips, A. Turner, O'Shaughnessy, Thomas, McCulloch, McClay. OLD PARADIANS Kerr 4, Steindl 2, Pannan 2, Hammond 2, Nelson, Harrison . BEST P. Joyce, B. Joyce, Elks, T. Nelson, R. Mills, M . Harrison .

OLD XAVERIANS 6.4 7.3 10.1 29.13 .187 OLD BRIGHTON 0.0 1 .1 1 .2 1 .3 .9 OLD XAVERIANS Denton 9, Connors 7, Callan 3, Mahony2, P. O'Sullivan 2, R . Dalton 2, Dickson, Ellis, Kennedy, Lynch . BEST Devine, Callan, Greetham, Dickson, Denton, Connors . OLD BRIGHTON Allmand . BEST G . Brown, Young, Bennett, Jarvis, Allmand, McLennan. PARKSIDE 1 .7 2 .8 2 .9 4.10.34 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0.3 2 .7 5 .9 8 .11 .59 PARKSIDE Dunbabbin 3, Slattery . BEST Slattery, Franklin, Globan, Gray, Stone, Dunbabbin . UNI BLACKS Hynes 2, Hopkins, Bell, Spinks, Whitehead, Hengel, Jordan. BEST Lagastes, Splnks, Danielson, Jackson, Keys, MacGovran . ST BERNARD'S RECEIVED FORFEIT KEW FORFEITED

THOMASTOWN 0 .0 2.2 2 .2 3 .2.20 BULLEENlTEMP 6 .8 10 .10 16.15 19.19.133 THOMASTOWN Wells 2, Leale . BEST Sturrock, Bell . Nazifovski, lezzi, Boyden, Matolo BULLEEN/TEMP Merrell 6, Hoopoer 2, W. Smith 2, R . Minney 2, J . Rozanitis 2, D . Mills 2, C. Deer, Faulkner, C . Young . BEST T. Mathews, C . Young, B . Bond, S. Smith, T. Merrell, Faulkner . IVANHOE 2 .2 3.4 4.7 7.9 .51 STATElCOMM BANK 1 .1 3 .1 4.1 5.1 .31 IVANHOE P. Flynn 3, M . Flynn, Lynn, Maud, Woolfe. BEST Lynn, Manuel, Lloyd, Zanatta, C . Flynn, P. Flynn, Forsythe. STATE/COMM BANKCorboy3, Kemezys, Giliam . BESTCurtin, Murray, Corboy, Kemezys, Hyde, Coghlan . WHITEFRIARS 1 .2 1 .2 2 .4 2.4.16 FAWKNER 1 .2 6.7 8 .8 10.8 .68 WHITEFRIARS S . White 2 . BEST Feutrill, P. Ciardulli, Tymms, Ryan, Almatrah, Rohan. FAWKNER Villani 3, Terry 2, G . Young 2, Bazzano, Cecchini, C . Hapgood . BEST Horvath, Lydiatt, Cecchini, J . Madden, Ford, Selleck. PRESTON MBOB 6.2 7.8 9 .12 12 .17.89 CAULFIELD GR 0.1 0.1 1 .1 2 .3 .15 PRESTON Ferguson 7, Hodgson 3, Barbara, Finikaridies . BEST Masset, Dean, Hodgson, Finikarides, Barbara, Ferguson . CAULFIELD GR Barrett 2 . BEST Isaacs, Harley, Maestros, Knight, Klose, Barrett. MONASH BLUES 2.4 3.5 3.7 5 .7.37 ST KILDA CBC 2 .1 3.5 4.5 9.8 .62 MONASH BLUES Spencer 2, Sinclair 2, Hillie . BEST McHenry, Hyatt, Ketsa, Sinclair, Andritsos, Headberry . ST KILDA P Degering 6, Jackson 2, Healy . BEST J. Howard, Orgill, Derham, Schnellreider, Otto, P. Degering .

OLD IVANHOE 1 .3 1 .5 2 .6 4 .6.30 MHSOB 4.4 4.7 4.8 6 .10 .46 OLD IVANHOE Cormack, Marshall, Stevens, Duske . BEST Mills, Maycock, Marshall, Edwards, Naim, Dowall . MHSOB Drummond 2, Martin 2, O'Brien, Peckham . BEST Feferkranz, Moore, Andueza, Drake, Roach, Kotz . LATROBE UNI 0 .0 0.1 0 .1 0 .2 .2 ST BEDE'S 3.2 5 .2 7.7 7.9.51 LATROBE UNI BEST Dunin, Wright, Longergan, Marriot, A . Huffer, Scanlon . ST BEDE'S Ridewood 4, Mark Beasley 2, Seeley . BEST Matthew Beasley, Bennett, Ellis, Clagnan, Ridewood, Whitelaw. AJAX 3.1 4.3 6.5 7.7.49 OLD GEELONG 3.3 8.5 10.8 14 .15 .99 AJAX Shenker 3, Mordeca2, Halphen, Sneezel . BESTGalbin, Rockawin, Berman, B. Zielinski, Rosner, Rubenstein. OLD GEELONG Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. 1.1 1 .1 4.1 4 .2.26 OLD CAMBERWELL GLENHUNTLY 2 .0 4.1 4 .2 5.2 .32

CONTACT : BRONWYN PAUL 2/391 ST KILDA RD MELBOU RNE VIC 3004 PH : 820 2611 FAX : 820 1191

OLD CAMBERWELL Gan, Hill, Lenton, Town . BEST Lenton, Lee, Salvaris, Crundell, McCrea, Wilson . GLENHUNTLY Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. HAMPTON ROVERS 3.2 .20 ST KEVIN'S OB 25.19.169 HAMPTON ROVERS Hunter2, Lowrie. BEST Gill, Russell, Thompson, Ivey . McGregor, Devote . ST KEVIN'S Sargeant 6, Hawkins 4, Lewin 4, Meagher 4, Bare 3, Quinlan 2, Harrison, Kerr. BESTSargeant, Bare, Harrison, Lewin, Quinlan, Dealy.


AQUINAS 1 .5 5.7 9.9 11 .11 .77 POWERHOUSE 0 .2 0.2 3.2 4.4 .28 AQUINAS Cronin 4, Maher 3, S . O'Loughlin 2, Hewitt, McCafferty. BEST Cronin, Crosby, Maher, Hewitt, McCafferty, Gommers . POWERHOUSE S . Silva 3, M . Silva . BEST S. Wilmott, S . Maddox, S . Sergeant, D. Stewart, M . Silva, S. Silva. ST ANDREW'S 2.2 4 .5 8 .5 12 .7.79 DOVETON 1 .3 2 .6 5 .7 6.8.44 ST ANDREW'S Campbell 3, McLachlan 3, D. Iles 2, K . Iles, Gleisner, Nicholls, Vimba . BEST Great team effort by all 19 playeres . DOVETON Kay, Stephens, L . Reiger, K . O'Donnell, Walker, Pepper . BEST Sweeney, Kay, B . Giddens, Pepper, Stephens, Mertis. ST MARY'S 1 .2 3.2 3.2 5.5.35 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 .6 5 .7 11.9 14 .11 .85 ST MARY'S B. Perry 2, I . Ellett, M . Ritchie, D. Andrews. BEST B. Perry, P. Murphy, I . Ellett. WILLIAMSTOWN Quinn 5, Dawson 2, Morelli 2, Cabansag, Zammit, Thomson, Brierty, Temby. BEST Great team effort especially Temby . WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .1 2 .2 3.2 3.2 .20 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4.2 8.7 13.16 16 .21 .117 WEST BRUNSWICK Hokkanen, Gerrard, Andoniadis . BEST Jenks, Gorman, Gerrard, Andoniadis, Marlow, Frencha m NORTH BRUNSWICK Liangas 3, Rispoli 3, P. Briffa 2, M . Briffa 2, H . Tsialtas 2, R. Thorpe 2, Adams, Kyrannis . BEST Kibizis, J . Briffa, P Briffa, Carling, H. Tsialtas, Cortese. BULLEEN UNITED 1 .5 2.5 3.9 5.14 .44 OLD ESSENDON 0 .0 0.2 0.2 0 .2 .2 BULLEEN UNITED Coleman, Flanagan, Stratton, Cartledge, Rainbow . BEST Schneider, Divirgilio, Gay, Gandolfo . Huntington, Portbury. OLD ESSENDON BEST Crossley, Moroney, Eastway, Reid, Bellman, Henry. MAZENOD OC 31.16.202 BRUNSWICK 0.0 MAZENOD Riley 7, Boyle 7, A . Rogers 5, Dicintio 3, Francis 2, Kerr, Campbell, Fitzpatrick, Bateman, Morley, Palamara, Connolly. BEST Connolly, Grimison, A . Roger, C . Smith, Boyle, Howard . BRUNSWICK BEST Conboy, Lehmann, Bell .





ELSTERNWICK 2 .4 6 .7 8 .8 10.9.69 ANZ BANK 3.2 4 .4 4 .7 6.11 .47 ELSTERNWICK Walker5, P. Mahony, B. Jackson, Nolan, Hammer. BEST Nolan, Walker, Abrahams, Heath, Hammer, Lloyd . ANZ BANK Xuereb 2, N . Vergos 2, Fernandez . BEST N . Verges, Orchard, Raspa, Skien, Fernandez, Hayes . PENINSULA OB 5.8 7.14 9.17 12 .19.91 RICHMOND CENTRAL 0.1 0.1 2.2 2 .3 .15 PENINSULA Pratt 6, Kemp 3, Blood 2, Crowder, R . Parker. BEST A . Jarrett, Crowder, Pratt, Degregorio, Powell, Blood . RICHMOND CENTRAL Jones, Redfern . BEST M . Pickett, Fredrickson, Fulton, Jarrett, R . Jiggins, Miranda . OLD CAREY 1 .3 1 .4 2 .4 3.5.23 ST PAT'S MENTONE 1 .0 2 .1 2 .4 2 .6 .18 OLD CAREY Hands 2, Llewellyn . BEST Evans, S. Brown, A. Bennett, Keeble, Hands, Nance . ST PAT'S MENTONE Camm, J. Morrow. BEST S . Lewis, M. Noonan, L . McDonald, Mulholland, J . Morrow, P . Morrow. BORONIA PARK 4 .4 .28 UNIVERSITY REDS 11 .14.80 BORONIA PARK BEST Wright, Dean, Joyce, Foster, Luyif, Breed . UNIVERSITY REDS Ross Smith 5, Heaphy 2, S. Barone, Jackson, Bell, Warwick. BEST Heaphy, Hutchings, Capp, Ross Smith, Watts, Basile. SALESIAN 1 .3 2 .3 4 .8 6.8.44 UHSOB 1 .2 2 .5 6 .5 10.9.69 SALESIAN Grace 3, Gibbons 2, Oliver BEST Castaldi, McKnight, Miller, Brownhill, M . Forbes, Oliver. UHSOB Racine 3, Shone 2, Mastrosavas 2, G . Smith 2, Drane . BEST G . Smith, Psiuk, Lugg, Wright, Crane, Skinns


M o n -lir- 'e d : Next Weekends Matches Wed-Fri : Umpire Appointments Sat-Sun : Results of Matche s

When VAFA teams travel they always we-- Farah tAusR1i° ~>,o

KEN LIANEAS - NORTH BRUNSWIC K Ken played his 100th game vs Brunswick (3/8) . Part of the Greek connection, Kenny has been a vital part of Nth Brunswick's charge into the 1991 finals . Whether in the ruck winning games or in the forward line taking big marks and kicking goals, Kenny has been an excellent contributor to the green and gold cause. Congratulations Ken . 100 GAMES FOR KILLER Last week (3/8) B rian Smith played his 100th game at Fawkner. "Killer", as he is affectionately known, played hisfirst senior game back in 1983, after returning from a 2 year stint at North Fawkner. Before that with the Under 19s. Killer is without doubt one of the most skilful players at Fawkner and is renowned forthe length of his kicks and passes a good 60 metres (straight up 30 metres and straight down 30) . He is also one of the most likable characters you would wish to have in a football club, we at Fawkner are very lucky indeed . Congratulations on your 100th game, Brian Smith . "WELL DONE KILLER " 100 GAMES x 2 AT MHSO B Today (17/8) at Melbourne High School, 2 of our great players and clubmen play their 100th games for MHSOB. Both Dean Comer and Jamie Dixon epitomise what loyalty, ability and great club spirit are all about . Dean Comer, current Club Senior Captain and committeeman, would have to be the finest example to hisfamily and hisclub of what leadership, dedication and great team spirit mean . Dean sets and leads by example every Saturday and never stops trying for successfor MHSOB . Runner-up in the D Section Best & Fairest in 1989 and 1990, and a fair bet to take it out in 1991, Dean was a former VAFA Under 19 State Captain and has represented his state in the CDE&F grade team on many occasions, doing the VAFA and MHSOB very proud . Always first at training, a strenuous worker at club functions and on committee matters and a tireless putter-in on the field, Dean is a very well acknowledged and credentialled leade in VAFA circles and his talents never cease to amaze not only his team mates but most opposition players . Dean, from all your many good friends at MHSOB, we sincerely congratulate you on thi fine milestone . Jamie Dixon (Dicko) again is another great product of Melbourne High School and commenced with our U19s in 1986 and went on to become U19's Captain in 1988 before graduating to senior ranks where he really made his mark . Knownfor histenacioustackling, his great ball skills and tear-thru style of play, Dicko has become an integral part of the senior side and MHSOB and in 1991 was named Deputy Vice-Captain in recognition of his talents, service and dedication to our great club . Dicko, again sets the example off the field with his extraordinary performances at club functions, especially lazy Saturday nights at the Boardwalk and most certainly on the field with his magnificent dedication to winning the hard ball and attaining success for MHSOB, particularly in 1991 with our race to the finals . Jamie is a fine example to the younger players in the club and a credit to his parents, Brian and Marie, both dedicated supporters . Congrats Dicko on this great occasion .

100 GAMES TO NORTH OLD BOYS' BEN CURULL I Congratulations from all at North Old Boys to Ben Curulli on having played his 100t1a game with the club last week (10/8) . Having started in the U19s, Ben has developed into averytough half backflanker or backpocket after being a speedy wingman in his early days . Ben's career has been interrupted by study and travel, however everyone believes that he has the ability to continue and post another 100 games in the next few seasons . Congratulations Benny . 1991 M ILESTONES AT CY M S The Williamstow n CY MS takes this opportunity to record the yet to be acknowledged milestones achieved by many of its players during the 1991 season . mark "Big Bird" Cannon 50 senior games ; Mick Dervan and Pepe Doria 150 club games each ; dazzling Darren Da wson, "Didge" DiGenova and Bernie Tuck 100 club games each ; finally 50 club games to Steve "Little" Calderwood (it has only taken 9 seasons), Peter Graham, Brett Hann, Sean Quinn and Graeme Smith . Congratulations to all of you . BESTY "CRAC KS" THE BIG 50 AT OMF C All at OMFC congratulate Craig "Crackers" Best who today (3/8) plays his 50th game for the club. Now in his 3rd season, Besty is well known forthe "racehorselike" speed he possesses playing on the wing for our senior side. He won't forget that 1st goal he kicked in last year's grand final and we all hope Crackers is around the club for many years to come . BIG 50 TO THE ZEDDERS VC All at ANZ Bank AFC today (3/8) congratulate our senior vice-captain M anny Nicolos i on reaching his 50th game for our club. Manny has been a very consistent player during his time with us and 1991 is his best and most productive season to date . Never short of a word he loves taking marks and kicking goals, but has yet to fully understand what handball is all about . He has been in no small way responsible for the resurgence of the Zedders over the past couple of years, and we all hope this continues into September 1991 . Well done Emmanuele from all at ANZ, have a big one today, we look forward to many more games from you and to seeing that floral shirt celebrating in Horror tonight . 50 AT OLD CARE Y Ross " Rapper" Cutlack achieves the 50 game mark today (318) against Richmond Centrals . Ross joined the club in 1987 and then had atwo year stint overseas before dusting off the boots again this season . Never short of giving his opponents some advice on the ground, "Rapper" always makes the ball his object and gives his best everytime he runs on the ground . Well done Ross, all Old Carey congratulate you ! 50 AT OLD CAREY Grant Earney today (3/8) plays his 50th game for Old Carey. He joined the club in '89 and has played both seniors and reserves with many fine performances which saw him win the Reserves Coach's Award in '90 . Grant is a good clubman, alwlays ready to help out wherever possible and is a regular on the track . Well done Grant, we look forward to the next 50 .

IMPORTANT NOTE TO PRESS CORRESPONDE NTS All faxed best players and goal kickers must be faxed by 12 noon Mondays to be included in this list . A SECTION i iiller (Old Scotch ) Mount (Collegians) Schuhkraft (Ormond)

U N DER 19 SECTIO N 1 (8) 57 R . Makinson ( De La Blue) (-) 112 ( ) 55 Gilmour (St Bernards) (-) 54 ( ) 50 Perrett (St Bernards) (-) 4 3

B SECTION Gollant ( St Bernards ) Boxtel (Old Trinity) Solley (Old Mentonians)


Pratt (Whitefriars ) Pace (BullenTemp.) Bergman (St Kilda)


D SECTION Panagiotidis (Hampton Rovers) Bamert (MHSOB ) Wilson (Latrobe) E SECTIO N Graham (Williamstown) DeMorton (North Brunswick) Rekic (Mazenod OC ) F SECTION Hickey (Old Carey) Nicolosi (ANZ Bank) Cincotta (Salesians) G NORTH Price (Old Scotch ) Thomas (Chirnside Park) O'Dea (Kew) G SOUTH Suttie (St Johns) Seidel (Monash Whites) Alexandrou (Kontias)

70 6) 53 (1) 38

U N DER 19 NORTH Gatt (Albanvale) (-) 71 McLaren (Bulleen-Temp.) (-) 37 Stanko (Therry) (-) 35 Hacking (Aquinas) (-) 35

UNDER 19 SOUTH Riley (Old M entonians) (4) 69 Pride (Old Mentonians) (3) 56 Cornell (Old Melburnians) (-) 52 A RESERV E Aston ( Old Scotch) (5) 45 (-) 6 9 Hooper (Old Scotch) (7) 30 (6) 66 Gribble (Ormond) (-) 2 9 (1) 6 2 B RESERV E Heapy (Old Xaverians) (-) 40 Hammond (Old Paradians) (-) 40 Kerr (Old Paradians) (-) 29 (4) 82 C RESERV E (-) 5 7 Degering (St Kilda) (6) 74 Spencer (Monash Blues) (2) 29 Maud (Ivanhoe) (1) 25 (-) 68 D RESERV E (8) 54 Drummond (M HSOB) (2) 41 (2) 5 2 Martin (MHSOB) (2) 34 McGrath (MHSOB) (-) 25 E RESERV E 45 Ryan (Aquinas) ( ) 45 (-) 53 Riley, Paul (Mazenod) (-) 53 ( ) 45 Rispoli (North Brunswick) (3) 4 6 F RESERV E (3) 40 Gibbons (Salesians) (2) 52 {-) 30 Camm (St Pat's Mentone) (-) 51 ( ) 27 Walker (Elsternwick) (5) 43 (- 73 65 (5) 57

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L D FOR AGST 94 PTS A SECTION 13 2 1 1553 1182 131 .39 54 10 6 0 1593 1336 119 .24 40 9 6 1 1380 1431 96.44 38 9 7 0 1700 1361 124.91 36 8 8 0 1612 1338 12048 32 8 8 0 1668 1491 111 .87 32 8 8 0 1501 1520 96 .75 32 8 8 0 1386 1477 93,84 32 5 11 0 1031 1535 6717 20 1 15 0 1121 1874 5982 4

B SECTIO N ST BERNARDS OC 13 3 0 1819 973 186 .95 OLD TRINITY 13 3 0 1852 1048 176 .72 11 5 0 1671 1454 114 .92 BAN YULE OLD XAVERIANS 10 6 0 1660 1341 123 .79 OLD MENTONIANS 9 7 0 1304 1467 88 .89 PARKSIDE 8 8 0 1381 1341 102 .99 OLD PARADIANS 7 9 0 1551 1484 104 .51 OLD BRIGHTON 5 11 0 1237 1576 78.49 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 12 0 1096 1914 57 .26 KEW 0 16 0 980 1953 5018

52 52 44 40 36 32 28 20 16 0

C SECTIO N BULLEENtTE&1R 12 4 1 1738 1317 131 .97 50 WHITEFRIARS 12 5 0 1886 1538 122 .63 48 MONASH BLUES 11 6 0 1775 1441 123 .18 44 IVANHOE 11 6 0 1648 1573 104.77 44 STATEtCOMM BANK 10 7 0 1842 1520 121,18 40 FAWKNER 7 8 2 1687 1557 10835 32 Si KILDA CBCOB 6 11 0 1483 1606 9234 24 THOMASTOWN 5 10 2 1472 1810 8133 24 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4 12 1 1389 1854 7492 18 PRESTON MBOB 4 13 0 1082 1900 5695 16 O SECTION AJAX 13 4 0 1749 1409 124 .13 52 OLD IVANHOE 11 6 0 1654 1361 121 .53 44 OLD GEELONG 10 6 1 1517 1159 130 .89 42 10 7 0 1807 1417 127.52 40 MHSOB ST BEDES 8 8 1 1272 1327 9586 34 ST KEVINS 7 9 1 1520 1431 106 .22 30 HAMPTON ROVERS 7 9 1 1394 1692 8239 30 OLD CAMBERWELL 7 10 0 1355 1534 8833 28 GLENHUNTLY AFC 5 12 0 1353 1702 7949 20 LATROBE UNI 5 12 0 1207 1796 6720 20 E SECTIO N MAZENOD OC 14 3 0 2015 1138 177.07 56 WILLIAMSTOWN 14 3 0 2298 1320 174 *09 56 CYMS 13 4 0 1979 1355 146.05 52 NORTH BRUNSWICK 12 5 0 1615 1419 113 .81 48 AQUINAS 08 BULLEEN UNITED 10 7 0 1491 1418 10515 40 DOVETON 9 7 1 1520 1365 11136 38 BRUNSWICK 9 8 0 1685 1715 9825 36 ST pAARYS 7 10 0 1518 1766 85 .96 28 POWERHOUSE 6 10 1 1525 1675 91 .04 26 WEST BRUNSWICK 4 13 0 1192 1832 6507 1 6 2 0 0 127 S ESSENN GR 3 14 2 1044 2470 4227 1 ST ANDREW 0 D F SECTIO N ANZ BANK 17 0 0 2294 1085 211 .43 68 12 5 0 2111 1625 129 .91 48 OLD CAfl YICK 10 5 2 1810 1416 127 .82 44 UNIVERSITY REDS 11 6 0 1579 1301 121 .37 44 SALESIAN OC 9 6 2 1685 1434 11750 40 UHSOB 9 8 0 1670 1609 10379 36 Si PATRICK'S MENTONE 8 9 0 1548 1578 98 .10 3 2 PENINSULA OB 5 12 0 1810 2038 8881 2 0 OCENTRAL 0 17 0 1058 2490 42 .49 0 RICHMOND A RESERVE SECTION OLD SCOTCH 15 1 0 1674 923 181 .37 60 DE LA SALLE 14 2 0 1607 913 176 .01 56 ORMOND 11 4 1 1453 950 152 .95 46 NORTH OB 10 6 0 1323 1229 107.65 40 MARCELLIN 8 7 1 1135 959 11835 34 OLD HAILEYBURY 7 9 0 1192 1180 10102 28 COLLEGIANS 6 10 0 1155 1428 80 .88 24 THERRY 4 12 0 990 1396 7092 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 4 12 0 959 1583 60 .58 16 0 UNIVERSITY BLUES 0 16 0 685 1799 3808 8 RESERVE SECTION 15 1 0 1668 OLD PARADIANS OLD XAVERIANS 14 2 0 1718 ST BERNARDS GC 13 3 0 1572 OLD TRINITY 9 7 0 1146 BANYULE 9 7 0 913 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 11 0 733 KEW 5 11 0 751 PARKSIDE 4 12 0 614 OL D OLD MENTONIANS 2 14 0 41 2 C RESERVE SECTION ST KILDA CBCOB 14 2 1 1285 BULLEENlTEF,iR 12 5 0 1488 FAWKNER 12 5 0 1086 IVANHOE 11 5 1 1249 S BANK 19 8 0 10 31189 MONASHO BLUE WHITEFRIARS 6 11 0 844 THOMASTOWN 5 12 0 849 CAULFIEL B GRAMMAR 2 3 ~5 0 658 D PRESTSON MBO

492 339 .02 60 586 293.17 56 594 264 .65 52 720 159.17 36 1184 77.11 36 1213 60 .43 20 1313 5720 20 1258 48.81 16 1388 4373 16 8 1541 26.74 637 201 .73 58 715 208.11 48 848 128 .07 48 933 133.87 46 1007 10318 40 950 12495 36 1186 71 .16 24 1240 68 .47 20 1595 5310 12 1526 4312 8

W L O FOR AGS T 45 PTS D RESERVE SECTION 691 188,28 E: 16 1 0 1301 MHSOB 814 168 .55 14 2 1 1372 OLD GEELONG 951 111 .67 4G 11 6 0 1062 OLD CAMBERWELL 910 119.45 40 10 7 0 108 7 ST KEVIN S 9 7 1 907 798 11366 38 ST BEDES 933 10461 32 AJAX 8 9 0 976 932 9764 32 8 9 0 910 OLD IVANHOE 1030 71 17 20 GLENHUNTLY AFC 5 12 0 733 2 15 0 719 1214 5923 8 LATROBE UNI 9 1605 4168 4 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 16 0 66 E RESERVE SECTION 446 454 .71 64 16 1 0 2028 MAZENOD OC 727 234.80 55 14 3 0 1707 NORTH BRUNSWICK 713 213.18 52 13 4 0 1520 WILLIAMSTOWN CYM S 673 125 .66 48 12 5 0 $09 7 AQUINAS OB 1 1024 1132 9046 38 ST MARYS 0 1006 940 107,02 36 OLD ESSENDON GR 9 8 1 802 1055 76.02 30 BULLEEN UNITED 7 9 7 10 0 942 1372 6866 28 BRUNSWICK 4 13 0 782 1328 5889 16 DOVETON 4 13 0 717 1344 5335 16 POWERHOUSE 3 14 0 720 1544 4663 12 ST ANDREWS 0 60 4 1609 3754 1 2 WEST BRUNSWICK 3 1 4 F RESERVE SECTION 811 173.49 56 UHSOB 14 3 0 1407 757 176.35 52 ANZ BANK 13 4 0 1335 842 156.77 48 ELSTERNWICK 12 5 0 1320 862 151 .74 44 ST PATRICK'S MENTONE 11 6 0 1308 907 12811 40 OLD CAREY 10 7 0 1162 910 13758 36 PENINSULA OB 9 8 0 1252 1208 9189 32 SALESIAN DO 8 9 0 1110 949 11064 28 UNIVERSITY REDS 7 10 0 1050 1811 33.68 4 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 16 0 610 1915 2073 0 BORONIA PARK 0 17 0 397 G SECTION NORTH ELTHAM OC 12 2 1 1182 618 191 .26 50 OLD SCOTCH 12 3 0 1126 543 207 .37 48 CHIRNSIDE PARK 12 3 0 1158 613 188.91 48 ST BERNARDS OC 11 3 1 1130 649 174 .11 46 BULLEENTEMP. 11 4 0 1218 670 18179 44 KEW 11 4 0 1130 738 15312 44 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 5 0 866 702 12336 40 OLD WESTBOURNE 8 7 0 937 989 9474 32 MARCELLIN 7 8 0 931 837 11123 28 OLD XAVERIANS 6 9 0 799 1054 7581 24 ALBANVALE 4 11 0 688 929 7406 16 OLD PARADIANS 4 11 0 641 1030 6223 1"0 COLLEGIANS 4 11 0 616 1098 5610 16 FIT 3 12 0 485 1112 4362 12 THERRY 2 13 0 458 1262 3629 8 1474 3548 8 BANYULE 213 G S ECTION 0SOUTH23 DE LA SALLE 14 1 0 1549 413 375 .06 56 ST JOHNS OC 13 2 0 1261 651 193 .70 52 MONASH WHITES 12 3 0 1307 601 217.47 48 BLOODS 11 4 0 1169 617 189.47 44 MAZENOD OC 10 5 0 884 727 12160 40 ST KILDA CBCOB 9 6 0 827 801 10325 36 OLD MELBURNIANS 7 8 0 843 791 10657 28 GLENHUNTLY AFC 6 9 0 563 1003 5613 24 OLD HALEYBURY 5 10 0 681 990 6879 20 KONTIAS NTH CAULFIELD 5 10 0 764 1325 57 .66 20 MONASH GRYPHONS 4 11 0 704 1154 61 .01 16 ST KEVINS 3 12 0 608 1358 4477 12 ~p,1p,X 2 13 0 427 1092 39 .10 8 OLD GEELONG 1 14 0 605 1162 51 .18 4 UNDER 19 SECTION 1 DE LA SALLE BLUE 16 0 0 2723 763 356,88 64 OLD XAVERIANS 12 4 0 1882 965 195 .03 48 ST BERNARDS OC 12 4 0 1851 970 190 .82 48 MARCELLIN 12 4 0 1278 965 132 .44 48 MAZENOD BLUES 11 5 0 1653 1054 15683 44 OLD HAILEYBURY 10 6 0 1700 1388 12248 40 COLLEGIANS 7 9 0 1456 1641 8873 28 OLD BRIGHTON 5 11 0 914 1840 4967 20 OLD PARADIANS 4 12 0 1115 1764 6321 16 OLD SCOTCH 4 12 0 1083 2225 4867 16 ORMOND 2 14 0 1002 1903 52 .65 8 4 UNIVERSITY 1 15 0 561 2142 2619 UNDER 19 NORTH SECTIO N 16 0 0 2007 620 323 .71 64 ALBANVALE 12 4 0 1329 979 135 .75 48 OLD TRINITY 11 5 0 1703 1312 129 .80 44 CHIRNSIDE PARK 11 5 0 1223 1031 118 .62 44 THERRY 10 6 0 1202 1018 11807 40 NORTH OLD BOYS 10 6 0 1226 1077 11383 40 BULLEEN/TEMP. 9 7 0 1161 1037 11196 36 AQUINAS OB 1172 1522 7700 26 THOMASTOWN 6 9 5995 16 WHITEFRIARS 4 12 0 961 1603 42,76 14 OLD IVANHOE 3 12 1 579 1354 2538 12 PARKSIDE 3 11 0 495 195 0 UNDER 19 SOUTH SECTIO N 269.99 64 2330 863 OLD MENTONIANS 16 0 221 .28 56 14 2 1768 799 OLD MELBURNIANS 1817 848 214.27 48 ST BEDES 12 4 2142 1333 160.69 4 8 DE LA SALLE GOLD 12 4 1406 1591 8837 36 MHSOB 9 7 1690 1584 10669 28 AJAX INC 7 9 1039 1248 8325 24 MONASH BLUES 6 10 1004 1588 63.22 24 MAZENOD BLACKS 6 10 1451 2034 71 34 20 HAMPTON ROVERS 5 11 1177 1835 6414 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 11 972 2078 4678 8 ST PETER'S CLAYTON 2 14 746 1962 3802 8 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 14

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