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EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s
As Dr Donald Cordner uttered the words" . . . and it gives me a great sense of satisfaction and pride to join with the VAFA in opening the extensions to the Alex Johnson Pavilion . .", thoughts flooded through my mind as to how much has happened over the 5 year period I have been involved with the VAFA as General Manager. So many people work so hard to get things organised and accomplished and certainly in regards to the two major achievements in my time - the celebration of the VAFA's Centenary Year (1892-1992) and the unveiling of the magnificent new building at Elsternwick Park the work of many goes vastly unrecognised by the majority and in true Amateur spirit that's the way these people like it. To all those who contributed tothe building - well done and thankyou . ThattheVAFA continuesto expand and the numbers of our players increase, particularly with Victorian football being in a state of flux at the moment, is satisfying and the Executive and Administration is forever mindful of the importance of maintaining the style and nature of Amateur football for which it has become renown . Perhaps a brief review of Amateur football will give football followers some things to think about and talk abouttoday as we embark on the 102nd season of the Victorian Amateur Football Association . From an Association of just 10 clubs with approximately 250 players we have grown to be the largest single league competition playing the game of Australian Rules Football in Australia with 75 clubs and close to 200 teams competing every week . It is worth noting that in the first 10 clubs we had the 3 types of clubs that still form the backbone of the competition today i .e. Old Boys, District Teams and Institutional Teams. All were represented in the original 10 teams and may they well continue to flourish and each be competitive. People often askthe question - How, at atime when other Australian Rules football bodies are struggling to hold players against all the various sports that compete against them, have the Amateurs been able to thrive and expand to the extent that at the end of 1992 there were a further 16 clubs who had made application to join the Amateurs but who were unable to do so due to various reasons? We have grown from a competition with 250 players and 10 teams to a competition with over 10,000 players and close to 200 teams and in
examining the reasons for the continued growth in the Amateurs it is impo rtant to note that at the highest level the number of teams has been dramatically reduced . Li ttle more than ten years ago we had : VFL 12 VFL Reserves 12 VFL U19s 12 VFA 2 Divisions 24 VFA Reserves 24 VFA U19s 24 108 This top level as we knew it had some 108 teams competing each week . We are now headed towards an AFL with 16 teams VFA with 12 teams VFA Reserves 12 teams State U18s Competition 12 team s
52 Thus leaving 52 teams . In other words over the past decade the playing opportunity at the top of the competition has been reduced by over 50% . As well as the decline in the number of teams at the top level the number of other teams playing Australian Rules in lower levels has also been in decline for some years. A competition like the YCW which once had 5 separate divisions now no longer exists . The reasons for this are most likely many and varied but I cannot help thinking that as wages paid to VFL footballers surged in the mid 80s before the introduction of the salary cap, so too did the amount being asked for in minor competitions also rise. As players began asking for more and more money, the people who ran these clubs, all voluntary themselves, got sick of raising money to pay players who had very little loyalty to the club, and were playing only for the money . It is this sense of loyalty that puts Amateur football on its own . In the face of this dramatic change to the structure of football what is the role of Amateur football? In my opinion Amateur football fulfils many roles in society as we know it. Most importantly Amateur football is there to provide the highest standard of football available at the lowest possible cost to the player who wishes to stay outside the professional environment . We run a competition tha t continued page 22 â&#x2013;ş
April 17th, 1993 Price: $1 1 .00
VOL. 93 No. 2
A SECTION by Adam Kenyon
~ .~ ~p - REVIEW Ormond went to the top of the A Section ladder whe n they easily accounted for O. Brighton at South Road last week. The first half was very even with neither side able to gain any advantage . Ormond's 6 goal third term set up the victory as Brighton faultered under pressure . Mark McDonald was the main forward target and finished with 5 goals . As usual Andrew Jobling, Nick Sebo and Brett Connell were named in the best for Ormond . A depleted Brighton can gain heart from the form of defenders Michael Hendrie, Simon Mercer and Chris Brook . Collegians were given afright by Old Scotch when the Cardinals charged home only to see victory slip out of their grasp by one point . Collegians will find it difficult to replace Mount, Hibbens, Davidson, Thompson, Parkin, Laussen and Hinchen, and who wouldn't? Scotch's desperation was a credit to them but they too were undermanned . Although the football wasn't pretty it wastough -just ask James Bennett who hitthe deck in the second term . The single Collegian final term goal in perfect conditions may put a question mark on theirfutures . Scotch won't be easybeats this year if they continue to apply themselves as they did . North Old Boys, with a 7 goal 1st term, set up their 46 pt victory over Old Trinity. North's running game was in full flight and the proof of this is the fact that they had 12 goal kickers . Trinity too, with 10 goal scorers looked impressive at times especially in the midfield where Allibon, Rogers and Norman picked up manytouches. Steve Brazil in the ruck teamed magnificently with Tim Jones, while Tony Egan and Damian Cerini provided the options up forward . Are North back in form after spending a year in the wilderness? Trinity have a!ot of work to do but every newcomer in A Section does. 0. Xaverians were most impressive asthey dispoed of O. Haileybu ry by 27 pts . The Xavs had power up forward with Damien Stoney, Doug Bailey and Matt Bourke always looking dangerous . Brett Carly and Jeremy Rae battled hard for the Bloods but there were too many passengers when the going got tough . The Xavs ran hard, straight and withstood the Haileyburian challenge in the 3rd term . Haileybury will be a far better side when Weedy Phillips, Gary Phillips, Chris McKenzie, GlenTannerand Billy Baxter return, but you can't play one quarter of footba!l and expect to win . The Xavs are looking ominous - beware - they could be the sleeping giant ! De La Salle took nearly 3 qrtrsto get going agains t Ca ~ ..~.. ..~.Jf~ M . 'i . .,L. . . .. 4 1, r.., r7i ,4 fh-â&#x20AC;&#x17E; n,aro f-t - /ir
St Bernard's either fell asleep or ran out of legs after appearing to be well in control . De La managed to kick 4 goals in time-on in the 3rd term to give themselves a chance. Julian Maloney made certain of a Da La victory by kicing 3 g!s in the final term . Brett Mahoney and Co! McClounan were instrumental in getting De La back from the dead . St Bernard's would be very disappointed but with Trevor Spencer in the wings they will be one of the top teams this year. PREVIEW 0. Scotch unveil their new home ground at Camberwell when they take on Nort h Old Boys . No rt h were very impressive in round one when they easily accounted for O. Trinity. Scotch too, certainly looked the goods but failed by a point to grab victory from Collegians. Where Scotch depended on Duncan McCall to score their goals, North had a massive 12 goal scorers . Steve Brazil should control the ruck which will give Brian Hanlon, Tim Jones and Luke Boyle first use of the ball . Scotch will depend on its aggressive and determined style of play to try and win this game. John Handbury was impressive on his wing as was Tom Wilson and Gavin Eagle, but it is hard to see Scotch having enough talent to win this game. North by 12 points . Ormond are at home to Collegians who will be looking to find more system up forward . The Moods are sitting pretty on top of the ladder and their young side will be tested today . Fortunately for Mike McArthur-Allen he still has many players with experience who can teach his young charges some tricks of the trade. The Lions look like a completely different side with 7 players missing form their GF line up. Garry Irvine will have a great duel with the tenacious Ashleigh Orr, but I feel that this game will be won in the ruck . Brett Jefferson and Chris Pollock may give Matt Galbraith and David Hoyle too many opportunities for Ormond's lineup. It is likely that Nick Sebo will pickup Rick Schober and this will be a highlight . Collegians for mine, but only just! The Lions by 10 pts . De La Salle take on Old Brighton at East Malvern . Frankly De La will be too strong for the undermanned Brighton . De La were impressive when they finally got going last start and today will give them afurther opportunity to gather momentum . The experiment of playing Pat Mannix in defence has been interesting but I don't feel that Bernie Dunn will have to play him theirtoday . Mike Hendrie, Chris Brook and Simon Mercer were valiant in defeat against Ormond, but their task of holding Sam Hunter, Julian Maloney, Nick Fraser and Mannix will certainly test them . With Tom Hayden playing at ¢anririnnham RrinhtnnhavavarvfawnlAVerSwhocan
kick a winning score. For my money it will be De La all day . De La Salle by 25 pts . The unpredictable O. Haileybu ry play host to St Bernard's who basically gave the game away against De La two weeks ago . The Bloods have tremendous talent but can be put off their game if the ball doesn't bounce their way. It was unusual to see St Bernards all but give up last start, especially when they spent all of last season building a reputation of always having a red hot go. Matt De Mafia and Wes Byrns are the main avenues to goal and they will be enormously helped if Gary Phillips takes his play today. The stars of St Bernard's such as Luke Gollant, Vin Comito and Wayne Carey will direct traff ic all day. This will be a very physical contest and could go either way. Im leaning toward St Bernard's as Haileybu ry are still undermanned . St Bernard's by 6 pts. Old Trinity also unveil a new home ground today when they play the Old Xavs at Arden St . The Xaverians were most impressive in the season's opener and they will be firm favourites today . With the like of Bailey, Stoney, Nicolios, O'Sullivan and Bourke manning the forward line it is hard to give Trinity any chance of stopping them . Luke Hannebery and Dave Rogers will have a great tussle on the wing as will Andrew Allibon and John Bowen and Trevor Norman and Richard Green, but their duels are unlikely to have much bearing on the game. Rod Heath, David Hatfield and David O'Shaughnessy will really have to up their tempo if an upset is going to occur today, but the Xaverian defence run straight and hard and will not allow Trinity much latitude today. The Xavs by 20 pts.
0. SCOTCH vs NORTH OLD BOYS (Camberwell Sports Grd) Field: A Kilner, S . McCarthy Boundary: P. Mierisch, L. Russell Goal: D. Webster, B. Hoare ORMOND vs COLLEGIANS Field: J. Toohey, P. Gersch Goak M . Lentini, W. Fowle r DE LA SALLE vs OLD BRIGHTON Field: P. Cherry, R . Bel l OLD HAILEYBURY vs ST BERNARDS Field: R . Simon, W. Hinto n Goal: G . Wright, R. Barichovi c OLD TRINITY vs OLD XAVERIANS (Arden St . Nth Melb) Field: M . Jackson, D . Dalgleis h Boundary: T. Little, M . Tierney Goal: M. Murray, K. Pitche r
SENIORS Stoney, Old Xavs DeMattia, Old Haileybury McCall, Old Scotch M . McDonald, Ormond RESERVES R O'Sullivan, Old Xavs T. Stewart, Ormond La Greca, Old Haileybur y 1 ►
O! ~''®~
SENIORS NORTH OLD BOYS 7.2 11 .4 18.7 24.9.153 OLD TRINITY 1 4 5.7 11 .9 16.11 .107 NORTH OLD BOYS Boyle 4, Egan 3, Clayton 3, Cerini 2, Martin 2, Hanlon 2, Jones 2, Abrahams 2, Phyland, Brazil, O'Farrell, Kennedy . BEST Brazil, Delac, Jones, Egan, Boyd, Cerini . OLD TRINITY Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . COLLEGIANS 4.4 8.4 11 .8 12 .9 .81 OLD SCOTCH 2.1 6.3 8.6 12.8.80 COLLEGIANS Hoyle3, Dulmanis3, Lake 3, Wallace, Pollock, Irvine. BEST D. Hoyle, A . Dulmanis, M . Lake, N . Proctor, V. Cleary, B . Jefferson. OLD SCOTCH McCall 5, Duthie2, McCulloch 2, Handbury, Chambers, Hooper. BEST J . Hanbury, C. Reid, K. Stokes, D. McCall, G . Eagle, T. Wilson . OLD BRIGHTON 4.2 6.2 7.7 10.8.68 ORMOND 3.4 9.8 9.13 15.17.107 OLD BRIGHTON Lennox3, Talbot 2, McLachlan, James, Perry McLean, Oliver. BEST M . Hendrie, S . Mercer, S. Lennox, C. Brook, A. Phillips, C. Anderson . ORMOND McDonald S, Orr 3, Jobling 2, Marnow, Wood, Gilmore, Joy, Fitzgerald . BEST A . Jobling, Orr, Sebo, Grace, M . McDonald, B. Connell . ST BERNARD'S 7.2 8.7 12 .8 16.10.106 DE LA SALLE 4.3 5.8 11 .9 19.15.129 ST BERNARD'S Gilmour4, L. Gollant3, Farrell 2, J. Gollant 2, V. Comito, Vasallo, Walsh, Calthorpe, Mallia. BEST P Gilmour, V. Comitto, M . Egan, L . Gollant, R. Doolan, R . Purcell . DE LA SALLE Mononey 4, Mahoney 3, Hegan 2, McCloonan 2, Brideson 2, Mannix 2, D . Smith 2, Wright, Dillon . BEST B. Mahony, A . Macintosh, G . Sheedy, B. Smith, J . Maloney, D. Rosman . OLD XAVERIANS 7 .2 13.3 18.3 20.7.127 OLD HAILEYBURIANS 2 .1 8.5 13.5 15.10.100 OLD XAVERIANS Stoney 6, Nicolios 4, O'Sullivan 3, Blood 3, Bailey 2, Dillon 2 . BEST A . Egan, D. Bailey, L. Hannebery, M . Bourke, J . Bowen, R . Green. OLD HAILEYBURIANS Demattia 5, Byrns 3, Lappage 3, Walden 2, Kraus, Rae. BEST J. Rae, B. Conobie, G . Anderson, B. Carty, M . Demattia, D. Seccull . RESERVES NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .0 4 .3 8 .7 11 .8.74 OLD TRINITY 5.2 7.6 7.6 11 .8.74 NORTH OLD BOYS Collison 2, Milionis 2, Finlayson, Peloso, Leigh, Moodie, Irvine, Alevraz, P. Considine. BEST Zumbo, J . Considine. B. Girolami, Alevraz, Lambrou, Irvine . OLD TRINITY Papas 3, Adam 2, Beamish 2, Wallace 2, Clarke, Coleman. BEST Roberts, Clarke, McCulloch, Farrell, Orwin, Adam . COLLEGIANS 4 .3 6 .4 9 .5 11 .6 .72 OLD SCOTCH 3 .4 8 .6 11 .9 13.13 .91 COLLEGIANS D. Stubs 3, Coyne 2, Baxter 2, Foard, Harry, C. Manuell, Twaddle. BEST D . Stubs, Twaddle, Gribble, R. Conron, Oliphant, Mitchell. OLD SCOTCH Anderson 2 . Bailey 2, Da Costa 2, Lloyd 2, Winneke 2, Aston, D . Fox, Shepherd . BEST Jackson, Crump, Anderson, Lloyd, Griffiths, Norman . OLD BRIGHTON 3.2 6 .3 7.4 10 .8.68 ORMOND 6 .0 11.7 16 .9 22 .11 .143 OLD BRIGHTON P. Grant 3, J. Pyers 2, J . Ryan 2, M . Fisher, A. Delbridge, J. Holt. BEST Luke Fieldes, J . Holt, J. Ryan, C . Hailing, A . Shelton, P. Grant. ORMOND Stewart 4, Cleary 3, Templeton 3, D . Connell 2, Gallagher 2, Kingston 2, Gribble 2, Krawczuk 2, Forsyth, Doyle . BEST Templeton, Krawczuk, Egan, Stewart, Doyle, Kingston . ST BERNARD'S 4 .4 7.7 7.9 9.11 .65 DE LA SALLE 6 .7 8 .9 11 .11 12 .14 .86 ST BERNARD'S Rogerson 2, Parrett 2, C. Wood, G. Wood, Looker, Stubbings, Law. BEST G . Wood, Freeman, Bond, C . Wood, Lynch, Doolan . DE LA SALLE Tessier 2, Bell 2, McHenry 2, Slattery 2, Duckett, M . Mannix, G . Jackson, Wolowiec. BEST Duckett, M . Mannix, Webb, Abbott, Hynes, Fiume. OLD XAVERIANS 4 .6 8 .5 11 .14 18 .18 .126 OLD HAILEYBURIANS 2 .3 6 .3 8 .4 9 .5 .59 OLD XAVERIANS P. O'Sullivan 6, G . Dalton 3, R . Dalton 3, Dann 2, Fay 2, A . Landrigan 2 . BEST Sassi, D . Dalton, P. O'Sullivan, A . Landrigan, Duggan, D. Landrigan. OLD HAILEYBURIANS LaGreca 4, Roberts, B . Main, Bingham, Arnold, Smith . BEST Roberts, B . Main, LaGreca, Dow, Kretschmer, Dunn .
MELEES - BEWARE A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or nther similar such cnnriur•.t"
71~ 150 GAM ES TO `THE DOCTOR' Congratulations to David `Doc' Rogers who played his 150th game for OTs against North Old Boys on 3/4 . Doc commenced with the club in 1985 and quickly cemented a spot in the senior side. His pace, high marking and long goals have thrilled all Trinity supporters overthe years. Career highlights to date have been the 1992 ' B' Grade P/ship and the' B' Grade VAFA B&F Award in 1992. David's dedication to the club, commitment to training and improving his game have led to his appointment as club vice captain for 1993 . Well done on a fine achievement . 150 GAMES TO M ARK GILMOR E All at Ormond congratulate our utility player Mark Gilmore on his 150th game today (17/4) . He has been a fine player and excellent clubman for Ormond . A member of Ormond's premiership sides during the 80s and capable of playing in most positions, give Mark a job to do and he always does it well . This season he has been appointed deputy VC . Best wishes for today and in the future with the hope of many more games to come. M ILESTONES AT OLD TRINITY Congratulations to Luke Thomas and Marshal l Adam who both played their 50th games for the club on 3/4. Both players are products of the U19s : Luke as a member of the 1989 premiership side and Marshall of the 1991 Runners up . Both played in the Reserves GF of 1992 and will be a big part of OT's future . DE LA CONGRATULATION S After viewing the additions at VAFA HQ, De La extends congratulations to the Executive on a job well done; also the Curator for the excellent surface presented for the opening round on April 3 & 4 . All at De La extend warm and sincere congratulations to Jason Richardson on winning Australia's greatest footrace, the Stawell Gift . Wonderful effort, Jason! Jason was a De La player for many years before crossing over to O. Xavs .
~ ~ L~ FI
(OLD MENTONIANS EC . ) The 6th of April 1993 represented a very sad day in Amateur footba!l circles as Old Mentonians Football Club legend, Ron Bungey, passed away at the age of 43 . Ronny was a founding member of the Old Mentonians in 1968 and, after missing the 1st game due to a wedding commitment, played the next 237 games of his 301 game career consecutively without a break . Even more impressive was that Ron never played in the Reserves until the opening round of 1983 because of cricket commitments . Ron played almost all of his football in one of the most onerous, testing and thankless positions, that of "full back", although in the ear!y, years he could be heard to say that he would be "the best centre half forward the competition has seen" . Apartfrom his obviousfootba!!ing talents, "Uncle' Ron held almost every administrative position at the Club at some time or another, be it President, VicePresident, Secretary, Delegate or any other role . He was also Club record keeper and statistician from 1970 until 1992 and has picked up many playing awards and in 1985 received the Certificate of Merit from the VAFA . Apart from his 361 game career at OMFC Ron also played over 300 games atthe Old Mentonians Cricket Club, where he also held many positions and received many accolades . Ron's passing is mourned by all past and present members of Old Mentonians Sporting Clubs, the Society, Mentone Grammar School, the VAFA and the many friends he made over his extraordinary career. We would like to express our condolences to his wife Jan and children Nathan and Megan, together with his sister Lyn and mother Adele . May you rest in peace Ronny as you will never be forgotten as a!egend in football and in life . David Hollan d OMFC
Club secretaries are asked to note the following procedure as per VAFA Rule 59 (A.1 ) Secretaries wishing, on behalf of a reported player, to request the prescribed penalty must officially make this request by phone to Sue Anderson by 12 noon on the Monday following the match . The club secretary will be advised during the afternoon if this request has been granted or denied .
If granted witnesses and umpires will be advised accordingly. If witnesses and umpires are not contacted the case will be heard .
~~~ 611z--a,1NE 1993 %~~~ ~~~ U, 0 (9, 6, AU 3 9 2 1 THIS SERVICE ' IS AGAIN OPERATING FOR THE SEASON AND WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING : • Genera l snippets of information for clubs (Mon-Thurs) • Umpire appointments for weekend matches - to assist clubs in supplying officials when required (Friday) • A final Saturday morning update ( approx 11 am) indicating to participating clubs the number of umpires to be supplied for each matc h • Final siren scores of all matches played ( Saturday evening) Service provided cou rt esy of Computer Implementation Consultants, Po rt Me!b.
TAP OUTS by The Rover
Well the season is well and truly underway and with itwent the opening of the new Administration Block at VAFA Headquarters. Dr Donald Cordner the VAFA's new Patron-in-Chief opened the new extensions to the Alex Johnson Pavilion . Following the opening, St Bernard's and De La Salle set about entertaining the masses in a highly skilled and quick moving game . Another highlight of the day was the half time entertainment for the children . Specific age group running races were the main attraction, and at completion of each race every competing child was given a Schweppes guzzler bottle, a can of Schweppes soft drink and a VAFA Centena ry Cap/Visor. Special thanks must be extended to Simon Barre t-Smith of Schweppes for his help on the day. Thanks Simon . Congratulations are extended to three of the four new clubs in F2 who won their first game the week before Easter. Well done Canterbu ry, Nth Baiwyn, Oakleigh and Yarra Valley. It would also be remiss of me to not mention Camberwell who, up from G Section in '92, had a very good win against VUTFIT. Some of you maybe asking who was the Media Personality of the Year and, when was the M edia Launch for the '93 season . Well to answer one of the above questions-the Media Launch will be late in April and at this luncheon the 1992 Media Personality of the Year will be announced . It was considered with the move back into the new Administration Block and other functions, that having it in April would give more time to concentrate on getting the season up and running . While on the topic of media, this year the VAFA will be prevalent in many weekend sporting round-ups . Beginning on Saturday with Adam Kenyon in the 'Herald-Sun' with the Diodora Player of the Week . Continuing on in Saturday's 'Herald-Sun'with adverts about the VicHealth Match of the Day and with full coverage of matches in both the Sunday 'Herald-Sun' and Sunday 'Age'. Finally on Monday in the Footy Liftout in the 'Herald-Sun' all match details for both A & B Sections, plus ladders from A through to Club ~~~
XVIII and U19 Sections . Allowing much coverage and exposure for the VAFA. "For the Love of the Game" - A man who certainly does is the Monash Blues (Bring South back from Sydney) stalwart Keith Fre arson . After catching a bus to Elsternwick Park to pick up the records, Keith on the return journey, whilst reading TheAmateurFoot bailer umpire appointments, noticed no boundary umpires appointed - yet he had heard on the Telephone Mailbox that morning that two were appointed . Perplexed, Keith pleaded with the bus driver that there was an emergency and he had to use a phone. So the bus stopped, 40 startled passengers watched 'The Prof' dash into a nearby phone box and emerge happily a few minutes later with a grin on his face after he'd found from HQ that yes, he had been allocated 2 boundary umpires . The new building has not been without its teething problems. Take for example the attempt by Life M ember F red Coldrey to walk through walls. At the new weekday entrance at the south end of the building at Elsternwick Park the doors are a little hard to make out . One minute we saw Fred, the next we heard him . Bang! Into afloor-to-ceiling plate glass wall. Fortunately for all concerned Fred was unharmed and soldiered on manfully. Bulleen United had a lotto play for in the first round, when they lined up against Powerhouse. The Bulls were playing without the spearhead chf John Ci ro . John tragically passed away over the summer and to all concerned, deepest sympathy is conveyed . Great to see some new scribes on the block . Let's take a look at how they fared . In B Section The Dutchman bombed out with 2 out of 5, Kenno faired a little better with 3 out of 5, Michael Lloyd has nearly gone all the way with 4 out of 5 . I n F1 Michael Noonan failed to score and the F2 Guru only 2 out of 5 . Well done guys, and happy tipping (guessing?) for the remainder of the year.
St; d
ALL C to F,1119 & Club XY111 teams are to deliver or fax to Elsternwick Park on the proper form, goalkickers and 6 best players each wee. These must be received by 12 noon each Monday. A and B section seniors do not have to do this as these details are given to Norm Nugent on Saturday nights . However, A and B reserves do have to conform with the above directive . Enquiries : Sue Anderson - 531 8333
B SECTION by David Holland
REVIEW With Round 1 and my first stint in this colum n completed, I must admit that a 40% success rate is nothing to write home about, however, I did feel more comfortable beside Tommy Brain and his big 'donut' . Perfect conditions for football and the '93 season was away with some interesting results . Uni Blues were most impressive in their 32 pt win over home side Banyule at Heidelberg Park. The Blues booted 7 .5 in the 1st and 3rd quarters to hold a 31 pt lead at the last break. The Bears, after receiving a 'tongue lashing' from coach Grant Lawrie, tried hard and finished well but it was all to no avail . The Blues had many winners with Adam Lennen (6 gls) and Travis Doherty (5 gIs) on top up forward, Travis O'Brien dominating at centre half back and the 'veteran' John Kanis taking the BOG award . Forthe Bangers ; Turnbull, Maloney, Sutterby and Burns (who took a'screamer' in the 2nd quarter) were good contributors in a losing side . OM's without many top Senior players, would have been happy just to take the 4 pts and run after their thrilling victory over Fawkner at Mutton Reserve . The game was played at a frantic pace with both teams applying enormous pressure, hence the inaccurate kicking . The dominance of brilliant ruckman 'Henry' Lawson was apparent from the outset however, Fawkner did not take full advantage and with errors coming at crucial stages in the game, could not peg OM's lead back. 'Minnie' Thompson starred for the OM's and, together with new recruits Theodore and Hewitt, used the dominance of Lawson to their advantage . Fawkner were well served by new recruits Dave Heenan and Brad Crouch with Lawson clearly best on ground . In a surprise result, Marcellin, despite a clear-out of many players, had a morale-boosting win over Whitefriars at the College Oval, after a tough summer . Although the'Friars settled 1st the Eagles dominated the game from the 1st break, capitalising on their opponents many handball errorsto run out winners by 34 comfortable pts - right margin, wrong team, Dutchy!! For Whitefriars, Matt Bateman, McNiell and Brisbane stood out with Pratty booting 5 . The Eagles had many winners, notably Matt Amad at centre half back, marking everything that came his way, John Pappas, newcomers Anthony Labagnara and David Waters and Nick Bourke who booted 7. The clash between Old Mentonians and BulleenTemplestowe saw a close contest for the 1st 3 terms with the greatest margin at a break being 4 pts . In a very low standard game, riddled with many errors and handball overuse, the Panthers finally got their act together in the final term, kicking 8 .5 to the Bulls 3 .1 to win by 35 pts . Panthers ruckman Dave Campbell dominated all day with new player Guyan Strou d ---- .. ..,. .,, . :: .. : .,.0 ..,-4 t~A--
who bagged 7 in a fine display at full forward . The Farrow-Pace battle was eventually won by the former after Pace kicked 5 in the opening quarter and just a single for the rest . Despite Acreman's 7 gls, Glen Alexander did a good job in defence . Also contributing well were Cumming, Martin and Robertson . The game that really'nailed my cophin' was at Oak Park where Ther ry wallopped Old Paradians by 103 pts . Despite a 6 goal lead at half time, newTherry coach Terry Quinn, was disappointed with the scrappy 1st half from his charges who had much of the play but failed to convert . The home sidethen proceeded to humiliate OP's, booting 15 gls to 4 before final siren, due to a more direct approach . Ruckman 'Chief' Petrevski provided on-ballers Matton and Eastmore with plenty of possessions and up-forward Zanetti and Taylor were focal points kicking 9 and 3 respectively . PREVIEW OF ROUND 2 GAMES OM 's are at home to Banyule and, with improved kicking, I expect them to make it 2 from 2, despite the return of O'Brien, Grey and Dave Gent for the Bears, which will obviously help their cause . The key will be the centre breaks with Turnbull and Sutterby up against Thompson and Theodore in the roving dept . OM's by 3 gls . The battle of Round 1 losers will be played at BulleenTemp against Whitefriars . Bulls coach Harry Harisiou will want a more complete performance from big forward Steve Pace and this could well be the difference between the two sides . 'Friars coach Geoff Reilley won't be panicking at this early stage but he will realise the vital importance of early games. It'll be close - a slight lean towards the Bulls by 2 pts. Old Parade are at home to Old M entonians and, despite their respective Round 1 results, I believe this will be a good contest . These sides have had some great clashes over previous years and this will be no different . The battle between respective full forwards Acreman and Brabender will be interesting as will the ruck duels of Way and Campbell . Panthers just - 3 pts. The final game is the match of the day at headquarters between 1st Round winners Ther ry and Uni Blues. Therry emerge as an awesome combination, even at this early stage whilst Blues are a young side with the required touch of experience capable of doing anything on their day . The battle between Therry captain Paul Matton and the experienced John Kanis should prove a highlight . Therry by 9 pts . SELECTIONS : Old Melburnians, Marcellin, BullTemp, Old Mentonians, Ther ry. Club Press Correspondents : Good effortfrom most last Round - please remember to include a match summary with details (Best players [6] [full names] and their positions, Goal Kickers and any milestones etc .) FAX r,sq 1aqq hv 11 nn am Mnnciav mornina .
SENIORS 7.5 10.7 13 .11 .89 BANYULE 1 .2 16.12 18 .13.121 7.4 9.7 UNIVERSITY BLUES BANYULE D. Witchell 3, R . Brockwell 2, Sutterby 2, K. McCansland 2, . Turnbull, B. Moloney, J. Gilham, . Turnbull, M . Gray. BEST J L. Burns2, J G. SutterbyT. , Short . Lennen 6, Doherty 5, Dodds 2, Harris 2, Shaw, UNIVERSITY BLUES Jukes, Teelow . BEST J. Kanis, T. O'Brien, T. McIntyre, A . Lennen, T. Doherty, T. Harris. FAWKNER 4 .6 8 .10 13 .14 16.21 .117 OLD MELBURNIANS 6 .3 11 .13 14 .20 17.24.126 R. FAWKNER Young 4, Cohen 3, Lawson 2, Crouch 2, Ford 2, Mitchell, Ford, J . Wilson . La Rose, K . Wilson . BEST Heenan, Lawson, Crouch, Grey, OLD MELBURNIANS S. Oliver 4, A . Thompson 3, C . Thompson 2, R . Webb 2, Wallace-Smith, Hewitt, A . Witts, Merrington, Theodore, Useinov . BEST A . Thompson, Boyden, Useinov, Theodore, Hewitt, C . Thompson. 12 .12.84 5.3 7.5 10.7 WHITEFRIARS MARCELLIN 3.1 9.6 14 .12 17.16 .118 WHITEFRIARS Pratt 5, J. White 3, Lee 2, M . Carbone, Travis, BEST M . Bateman, McNeil, Pratt, Brisbane, Coghlan, Jackson . MARCELLIN N . Bourke 7, Boysen 2, Waters 2, Treganowan 2, Merton 2, Slattery, Pappas . BEST M . Amad, J . Pappas, A. Labarnaro, D. Waters, A . Duncan, N. Bourke. 4.4 7.7 9.11 17.16 .118 OLD MENTONIANS BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 5 .1 8.5 10.7 13.8 .80 Acreman 7, Dickson 2, Edmonds 2, Solley 2, OLD MENTONIANS Bournon, Curran, Sly, Stroud . BEST D. Campbell, S . Farrow, M . Brookes, . Sly. D. Murphy, G . Stroud, J BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE Pace 6, Matthews 2, McLaren 2, Agostia, Cumming, Nigro . BEST Alexander, Pace, Robertson, Martin, Cumming, Nigro. THERRY CCOB 4.3 9.9 15 .11 24 .16.160 OLD PARADIANS 2 .0 4.2 6.7 8.9.57 THERRY CCOB Zanetti 9, Taylor 3, O'Rourke 3, A . Baker 2, Eastmure 2, McKay 2, Carter, Caruana, Petrevski . BEST M . Petrevski, P Matton, J. Zanetti, A. Baker. S. Eastmure, M. Crotty. OLD PARADIANS P. Brabender 3, D. Way 2, Haberman, O'Loughlin, Swindon . BEST O'Loughlin, Swindon, M . Geary, Batchelor, Haberman, Wayman . RESERVES BANYULE 2 .2 4 .4? 4 .5 6 .6 .42 UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .2 12 .6 17.12 17.16 .108 BANYULE Goal Kickers not received . BEST Clark, Healy, Agostinelli, McIntyre, Lad, P. Witchell . UNIVERSITY BLUES Gray 5, Keats 3, Dawson 2, McCarty 2, Hall, Unsworth, Lamb, Farrier, Primmer . BEST Dawson, Unsworth, Norman, Farrier, Hall,Gray. FAWKNER 0.0 4.2 5 .2 6.3.39 OLD MELBURNIANS 4.7 8.7 12.10 15.12.102 FAWKNER S . Walker 2, G . Walker 2, R . Leahy, W. Radley. BEST Radley, Leahy, Rokay, G . Walker, Dewitt, S. Kelly. OLD MELBURNIANS Fraser 9, Wright 2, Manson, P . Nelson, Cox, Q. Keeble . BEST Wright, Fraser, Manson, Keeble, Correll, R . Nelson. WHITEFRIARS 2 .2 4 .5 11 .7 13.13 .91 MARCELLIN 3.2 7.4 8 .4 9 .6.60 WHITEFRIARS Bonnyman 5, T. Strike 2, M. Harrison, Wise, Mcrohan, Vernal, W. Sharkie, Buckley. BEST Burke, Strike, Lester, J . Naismith, Johnson, Haynes . MARCELLIN Rule 4, J . Kann, Bechetti, Gallagher, Sexton, Delahunt . BEST Delahunt, 0'Fiynn, Bearzatto, Rule, Sandy, V. Gallagher. OLD MENTONIANS 3.3 7.7 7.7 8 .11 .59 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 .6 3.7 8.16 15.20 .110 OLD MENTONIANS Leone 2, Riley 2, Harrington, Bond, Pride, O'Brien . BEST Bond, M . Leone, Pride, Harrington, Sherriff, Austin . BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE Nagle 4, McWaters 3, Darby 2, Minney 2, Fois 2, Edwards, Shine. BEST Edwards, Philpots, Minney, McWaters, Nagle, A. Rozanitis. THERRY CCOB 3.3 15.11 20.13.133 10 .4 OLD PARADIANS 0 .3 1 .3 2.3 4.4.28 THERRY CCOB McMahon 6, Hollow 5, Crotty 2, Nitzke 2, Falcone 2, Pinner, Raysmith, Court . BEST Boyle, Griggs, Pearce, Raysmith, McMahon, Crotty . OLD PARADIANSLivy, Fuller, D. Hall . BEST Ellks, Ziebell, O'Toole, Joyce, Flynn, Mills.
AL JOINS PANTHERS `100 GAME CLUB' Old Mentonians players, supporters & committe e Congratulate AI Petrov who today (17/4) plays his 100th game forthe Panthers. Sincejoining the club inthe mid 80s A! has become widely known for his straight ahead approach and sparkling dashes out of the backline . The hard ba!l is his favourite and an issue is never skirted when Al plays. Good luck today Al, and in your continuing involvement with the club . 50 UP FOR 'THE GENERAI : AT OMFC All at Old Mentonians congratulate Stua rt Farrow who last week (3/4) played his 50th game for the club. Keep punching Stu!!
OLD MELBURNIANS vs BANYULE Field: M . Gibson, P. Wiseman Goal: J . Velleman, G . Clancy FAWKNER vs MARCELLIN (EP - Sunday) Field: A . Damen, R . Maysto n Boundary: F. Martinez, M . Kolpin Goal: A . Bishop, B . Seymour RESERVES - 11 .50 am Boundary: D. Gourley, D. Fowler Goal: W. Fowler, L . Mirachi BULLEEN(TEMP vs WHITEFRIARS Field: T. Hales, G . Rid d Boundary: S . King, C. Condos Goal: G. Simpson, A . Simpso n OLD PARADIANS vs OLD MENTONIANS Field: S . Clinch, M . Bushfiel d Boundary: I . Lilley, S . Branagan Goal. R . Tucknott, G . Grig g UNI BLUES vs THERRY (EP - Saturday) Field: L . Harrison, P. LaVal e Boundary: J . Huckson, B . Corcoran Goa k I . Smith, J . Tyrel l RESERVES 11 .50 am Boundary: M . Shelton, D. Brevitt Goal: N . McTaggart, C . Linczowski ~ .
SENIORS Zanetti, Therry N . Bourke, Marcellin Acreman, Old Mentonians Lennen, Uni Blue s Pace, BulleenTemplestowe RESERVES Fraser, Old Melburnians McMahon, Therry Hollow, Therry Gray, Uni Blues Bonnyman, Whitefriar s
NEW OR ALTERATION TO TELEPHONE NUMBERS DE LA SALLE OC ASSISTANT UMPIRES ADVISOR President : John O'Halloran 661 1487 (B) Brian Goodman 782 0734 (H) OLD SCOTCH MONASH GRYPHON S Camberwell Sports Ground 882 0373 Secretary : Peter Burke 571 5829 (H), 344 4821 (B)
C SECTION by Ken Bremne r
REVIEW - ROUND 1 Monash Blues may well rue the one that got away come seasons end . To be so close yet so far away by 2 pts from a victory at home is a bitter pill to swallow . Converselythe boys from Kew will be ecstaticto notch up numero uno in a game that they may well have marked down as a debit entry. Caulfield Grammarians felt the wrath of Ivanhoe to the tune of 52 pts . Grammar were always playing catch-up football due to Ivanhoe's superior running game and constructive handball . Worth noting that Caulfield only had 9 of last years G/F team on th field . Best for the visitors were centreman Brohier, Harris ruckroving, Matthews at CH B(not David) and Horton at CH F . The victors, according to my snoop (thanks Simmo), were well served by a good even team performance . I've heard that one before. Not much in the Parkside vs St Kilda/Sth Caulfield game before the Red Devils won out by 16 pts . Congrats to the Parkers in registering their first win for over a season . A greattonic forthe club and a buzzfor all the stalwarts who have stuck through thick 'n' thin, a la Tommy Johnston . Best afield was Leo Panjarri well supported by Gary Williams as a HBF cum ruck-rover. Evergreen Ralph Bergman chipped in for a lazy 10 snags for the Saints, not a bad day work in anyones language. Ex Ivanhoe smallman Tony Jackson also stood out for the tome team as a ruck-rover . 'Gubby' Allens brother Ken after 4 years absence had an enthralling duel in thecentre with his Saints opponent . Honours about even . At Sth Yarra only 2 pts separated the teams at quarter time then the Schoolers slammed on 10 majors to seal the fate of the Bankers. After the long interval the visitors were outgunned and outnumbered but stuck to their task well against a very, very talented team . MHSOB big winners by 2 pts short of a 'Bradman' . Schoolers had winners everywhere and it was pleasing to see the form of 'I nner'Coma, 'Fish' Mourney, 'Caff' and'Dicko' . Forthe Bankers, Reid, Melican, Linford, Rolfsand Short were all 4 quarter goers . At oval # 2, Albert Park we had a real goal shoot-out between the 'Noddies' and 'Jackers' with the visitors justfinishing on top with a scoreline of 23 plays 22 . Either both sides have 1 . very poor defences, 2 . very, very good attacks, or 3 . are both sensational teams. Only time will tell but in the meanwhile both teams will rgister more wins than losses on Saturdays form . Mazenod got home by 10 pts away from home which already equals their '92 performance of away wins. And remember, theywonthe'Flag' falling into the finals with
PREVIEW - ROUND 2 Caulfield Grammar vs Monash Blues - Both first round losers sure to be hellbent on recording their first win for'93. Can only be one winner though and at home I'll tip in favour of the Grammar . Not sure they'll think it's any favour but the 'kiss' is better on them than the 'Blues' because the good professor (Keith Frearson) would hound me to death if I put the dreaded on his beloved 'Blue' boys . Sounds all very plausible to me so not it's over to you Caulfield to salute by 2 majors . St Kilda/Sth Caulfield vs Ivanhoe - At home I rate the Saints a fair chance of success but the visitors will be well primed to offset the feed system into the Saints forward line. With the on-balling strength of the'Hoes giving their attack plenty of use of the'Sherrin' I believe the weight of numbers or at lest opportunities will favour Ivanhoe to get home by about 4 twins . Commbank vs Parkside - If T.J . reads this script before kickoff time and he gives me 5 goals in, then a 'slab' of his preference is on the line . No pushover this for the Parkers but they are entitled to start favou rites on round one form and with their 'guns' firing this early in the season . The'bankers' will be a little bit better off this time round but may just fall short of the required personnel to register their first win of their season . A turn-up here would notsurprise but bias asidethe Red Devils by 5 snags. mazenod vs MHSOB - A promoters dream this early in the season between the 2 teams I'm tipping to be G . F. contenders. A visit to Columbia Park Reserve isn't something to be relished at the best of times but better to get it out of the system early especially whilst your firing as the Schoolers are . This encounter will tell the 'Noddies' supporters if they've arrived or not . A lot of very talented players to keep under check and/or tag and unlessthe noddy spies have done their homework it's just enough to bring them to their knees . Whilst I have the utmost respect for Mazenod I've got to go with the Schoolers whom I know a lot more about .Betterthe devil you know that the one you don't . Schoolers by 1 solitary. Kew vs Ajax - Victoria Park has brought down many a team but this year I think the Jackers' can rise above the problem and get even with the win/loss scorecard . 'Bomber' is gunna love me fortipping against him again and I can expect an earful on the 'blower' from him very shortly if they get the points . Good luck to him, I love hearing his dulcet tones . Ajax's runners giving their key forwards ample opportunities will tell in the end against Kews hard atthe man and hard at the ball style . Should be a very good spectacle with the 'Jackers' to win by 3 six packs.
SENIORS 1 .2 6 .9 3 .5 6 .10
19 .1 4 15 .19.109 KEW MONASH BLUES Crampton 3, Baring 3, Broun 2, Hilderbrand 2, pouglass, Alexander, Malakellis, Hipwell, Trumble . BEST McGregor, Baring Roach, Alexander, Hilderbrand, Trumble . KEW N. King3, Busuttil3, Bradley2, Cullen 2, White, Jack, Wood, Porte, McMahon . BEST Busuttil, Love, Bradley, Lord, Barry, Cullen . IVANHOE 10.9 17.10 23,17.155 14.13.97 CAULtE DGRAMMAR 2 .1 6.6 1911 IVANHOE Ford 4, P. Flynn 3, G . Bullen 4, E. Flynn 2, Raywood 2, Nibali 2, McGo~,ven 2, Lee, Larosa, Maud, Kennedy . BEST Kennedy, T. Flynn, R . Stewart, C. Tucker, G . Bullen, P. Flynn . CAULFIELD GRAMMER R . Harrison 4, Caple 3, Horton 2, Murtagh 2, Matheson, Harris, Dicrosta, Restarick. BEST Brohier, Harris, B . Mathews, Horton, Cox, Will . PARKSIDE 2 .5 7.10 11 .13 16 .15.111 ST KILDA/STH CAULFIELD 3.5 6 .8 10.8 14.11 .95 pARKSIDE Freeman 4, Panjari 3, Sansonetti 2, Chilcott 2, Whelan, Mezzatesta, Bradley, Hoyne, Jackson . BEST Jackson, Bradley, Panjari, MacNamara, Williams, Mezzatesta . ST KILDAISTH CAULFIELD Bergman 10, Riddell 2, Morgan, Capiron . BEST Gilmore, Bergman, Buckley, Eckholdt, McGaw, Capiron . MHSOB 4 .1 13 .4 21 .11 22 .22.154 COMMONWEALTH BANK 3 .2 4 .3 7.5 8 .8 .56 MHSOB Mourney 7, Woodley 3, Bamert 2, P. Knight 2, Caffrey 2, Dixon 2, Pertzel, Comer, Fairchild, R . Knight . BEST C . Young, D. Comer, R . Knight, J . Dixon, P. Albergo, I, Gillespie. COMM . BANK A. Pitts 2, Ralfs 2, Howarth, Short, Wallmeyer, McNamara . BEST McNamara, Rolls, Linford, Melican, Ried, Short . AJAX 4.1 11 .2 16.9 22 .11 .143 MAZENOD 6 .6 11 .11 15.13 23.15.153 AJAX Hoppe 6, Sheezel 6, Pat 3, C . Cohen 2, Goetz 2, Rozenes, Dunne, Abraham. BEST Bloom, Hoppe, Grundman, J. Wrobel, Feldman, Klooger . MAZENOD Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .
SENIORS Bergman, St Kilda Hoppe, Ajax Sheezel, Ajax RESERVES D. Flynn, Ivanhoe Kalb, Ajax Webb, Ivanhoe
10 6 6 3 3 3
KEW C7ILESTONES All at Kew congratulate Stua rt Harrison and Robert Bruno on each playing their 50th game last round (3/4) against Monash Blues. Stewie gave another polished display on the wing to help the Senior home by two points, whilst Robbie, just returning from a knee reconstruction, proved a solid defender for the Reserves. Good luck "Rowdy" and Robbie for the next fifty . JACKERS WELCO M E NEW COACH Ajax Football Club welcomes new coach Mark Sarau and his assistant Wayne Holdsworth tothe club. Since their arrival both have brought a much needed professional approach and the atmosphere at the club is at an all time high . All at the club wish them success and a long association with the Jackets . MHSOB SPONSORS Our sincere thanks are extended to our major '93 sponsor, Williams & Co of Sth Yarra and Harris, Wood Toyota ofi Camberwell . Your generous support is greatly appreciated during the'93 Amateur season . JACKERS STAR'S INJURY All at Ajax wishes Darren Roth a speedy recovery following the severe break to his right arm during the opening round match against Mazenod . Knowing Darren, he will come back better than ever .
RESERVES MONASH BLUES 3.3 4.7 7.10 7.14.56 KEW 0.4 3.10 5.12 6.14 .50 MONASH BLUES Harrison, Spencer, Mastos, A. Leitch, J . Andritsos, Alexander, Dowsley. BEST Dowsley, Newman, Mentha, Gale, Kellock, J . Andritsos. KEW Mascitts2, J . Kitson, Brassil, Dellis, Bakagiannis . BEST Bakagiannis, Peric, Brassil, Pedretti, R . Bruno, Langton . IVANHOE 1 .5 3.6 5.7 11 .8.74 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 0.3 2 .4 3.7 4.9.33 IVANHOE D. Flynn 3, Webb3, Thackwray2, Doyle, Scott . Angellini . BEST Thackwray, Pekin, Webb, Fawley, Northey, Angelini . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR Wo rthington, Lauritz, Barker, R . Royals . BEST Allsop, Luritz, Scholten, O'Brien, Oakley, Dachs . PARKSIDE 1 .3 2 .5 3.5 7.9.51 ST KILDAISTH CAULFIELD 0.0 4 .2 7.4 7.4.46 PARKSIDE Dunbabbin 2, P. Smith, G. Smith, Lofler, Wilson, Andrew Stuart . BEST Bugden, Gray, G. Smith, P. Smith, A. Stuart, Andrew Stuart. ST KILDAtSTH CAULFIELD Pope 2, Wood 2, Tayler 2, Hartwig . BEST Credlins, Pope, Tayler, Pirola, Strain, Cappilari . MHSOB 6 .6 12.9 19 .13 23 .19 .157 COMMONWEALTH BANK 1 .0 2.2 2 .3 3 .3.21 MHSOB Wix 6, Helmot 5, O'Brien 3 . Exton 3, Feferkranz 3, A . Palmos, S. Konstanty. BEST S.Helmot, M . Feferkranz, D. Menzies, A . Palmos, B . Ansell, Wix . COMM . BANK Maya 2, G . Jones. BEST Rachor, K. Sparrow, G . Smith, Maya, G . Jones, Lucas. AJAX 4.3 8.6 9.7 11.11 .77 MAZENOD 2.1 4.4 8.9 10.10.70 AJAX Kalb3, Feldy2, B. Cohen 2, S . Roth, Balbin, Goldberg, Berkovitch . BEST Rozenberg, Redlich, Poswell, Fredman, S. Frid, Galbin . MAZENOD Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .
CAULFIELD GRAM vs MONASH BLUES (Oval 2 Albert Park) Field: S. Burdack, M . Jenkin s Goal: M . Mayhew, B. Armstron g ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD vs IVANHOE Field. G . Curran, J . Moore Goal : S . Kahn, S . Pitcher COMMONWEALTH BANK vs PARKSIDE (Lakeside Oval Sth Melbourne) Field: P. Molloy, C . Keeton Goal: R . Dunstan, D. Murray MAZENOD vs MHSOB Field: Brad Lowe, G . Fallett Boundary: D. Chalmers, C . Sullivan Goal: C. Chalmers, G . Chalmers KEW vs AJAX Field: D. Harford, G. Thwaites
D SECTION by Tom Brain
And so the ball has been bounced and we have the winners and the losers . One senses from the results there will be no easy games around in D-Grade this year and it appears it will be a very even competition, but all will be unveiled in the next few very important weeks . A disappointing start to the season from all the Press Correspondents with only 5 teams making contact . Come on fellas, it's not too hard to spend 4511 on a phone call or a $1 .00 on a fax . Your secretaries have all the paperwork so come on, give your club and players someexposure. Thankstothe Rover, Mike, Cougar, Dino and Donald for their efforts . Everyone else please take a leaf out of their book . REVIEW Without a doubt a disappointing start for St Kevins after all the hype of their preseason, but Williamstown proved to be worthy winners and played a very impressive brand of football . Whilst not looking for excuses they never do the Skobs with some 40 new faces at the club may take a few weeks to get their game together but showed plenty of promise for the future . Their best players were 1991 B&F Michael Pivetta on the forward flank, that name rings a bell somewhere, first gamer Larry Donahue from the school and just back from overseas ruck rover Damian McNair . Out at Allard it was a fairly even contest until half time, when Old Ivanhoe, despite having some senior players still unavailable, took complete control of the game to win comfortable against the Northies and gave a great startto new coach Kevin Maclean who was thrown into the hotseat and earnt himself plenty of respect in the process . Good players for Old Hoes were Marty 'Showstopper' Stewart at full foward with plenty of assistance from new player S . Kent while Jarryd Weedle in the ruck, George Haros and George Farlacas effectively overwhelmed North by getting plenty of possessions . It's just a pity they all kicked for goal like one legged drunks suffering from gout . For North, who always come back hard, Paul Mari n was good in the ruck while ever reliable 'Midge' Di Marco and Vinnie Lirosi were sturdy in defence. The shock of the round was way out north where Thomastown proved far too strong, fast and fit for a very disappointing St Bede's who had great difficulty in hiding their dismay at their performance. The Towners (many apologies for last weeks misprint) are a very young side going through a rebuilding process, are fit and playa very good fast running game which brought about the Beda's downfall, combined with the experience of Tony Fellows, Adam Smith and Simon Plant they are going to be a danger all year . A lot of soul searching at Mentone this fortnight . An interesting game between 2 fast running sides took place at Urn Land . It was rip and tuck all day until
the last quarter where I thoughtthe Blacks height and fitness just took its toll on the Rovers in the end . The Blacks were impressive and if they can maintain that form they will trouble a few sides. All at Hampton were naturally disappointed with their performance, but they showed they can be competitive, perhaps need to improve their fitness and listen to their Coaches and each other a!ittle bit more. Young veteran Jamie Ross was a fine player in the middle, Stewie McDonald held sway across his wing, Chip Le Grand made a fine comeback game and Alfie, with 5 goals, gave the Rovers something to kick to. No news from the Blacks regarding better players . The final game of the round saw the OGS come away with a hard fought victory over Brunswick but not as easily as they would have liked . My spies tell me that Geelong have one of the tallest sides ever seen in DGrade for many years. Unfortunately neither could make contact this week . Come Mr Lemon, you as the previous D-Section scribe knows how important it is to receive information while at Wick!and - you're never normally silent Wato! PREVIEW After a week off with the Easter break it's like almos t starting out all over again, and we have some interesting battles this week . St Kevin's are really looking forward to their battle with their old 'rivals Old Ivanhoe, and their record at the Hoes ground is good, 5 wins from their past 6 trips, so this sways me to give the Skobs another chance . Two first round losers clash at Mentone, where they combine play forthe firsttime . They may not know the context of the ground just yet, neither side would want to drop another game, but home ground just sways me to the Tigers. No matter what their position on the ladder I am not allowed to tip against the Rovers for fear of all form of retribution so I'll tip them today but with plenty of reservation based on the Bears first round performance. OGS and the Blacks will be an interesting tussle . They both like playing on big grounds but at Como Geelong are awesome and will win. Williamstown, buoyed by their excellent performance last week, will fire too many cannons for Brunswick and at home will win . SELECTIONS : St Kevin's, St Bede's, The Rovers, Old Geelong, Williamstown . MILESTONES : Congratulations to 2 of my former team mates atANZ, Brian 'Feet' Curthoysand Peter'Gloria' Marshall for both reaching their 100 game milestones . Press Correspondents : A pretty dismal start . Don't forget the numbers - Ph : 690 7279(W), 571 4808(H) or the fax : 569 8766. Go to it.
ST LEO'S 150 Shaun `Dog' Walsh plays his 150th game today (17/4) following a long and distinguished career controlling the backline . The Dog has resumed playing after retiring to work on having afamlly and his skill and experience will be a great asset to the Leos in 1993 . THE PREZ REACHES 100 GAM E S Congratulations to Peter 'Moth' Marshall on reaching his 100th game with the Zedders. Peter has given the club great service, both on and off the field during his time at ANZ and his never-say-die attitude persists through the club's good and bad times . In his second term as Club President, Moth should continue to make a contribution to the Zedders, even if the body slows down his endeavours on the field .
OLD IVANHOE vs ST KEVINS Field: A . Ladd, P. Simpson ST BEDES/MENTONE vs NORTH BRUNSWICK Field: J. Natoli, A. Taylo r HAMPTON ROVERS vs THOMASTOWN Field: P. Keogh, R . Eastwood Boundary: K . Eastwood, A . Rusmussen OLD GEELONG vs UNI BLACKS Field: M . Gilday, P. Buchanan WILLIAMSTOWN vs BRUNSWICK Field: M . Forde, T. Zapadlo i
SENIORS ST. KEVINS 3.3 8.8 13.14 17.19.121 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 .2 11 .7 15.13 20.20.140 ST. KEVINS Welkin 5, G . Lee-Conway 3, G. Gross 2, Brady, Bendorrichio, Callil, Stone, Clohessey, McNee, Fox . BEST Pivetta, McNair, Donahue, Watkin . R . Gross, O'Brien . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Van Dongen 7, Bryan 2, Hampson 2, Lynch 2, Turnley 2, Cetinich, Grigg, Harry, Morgan, Pinkney. BEST Harry, Cetinich, Morgan, Cannon, McLeod, Lynch . NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 .3 6 .3 9 .4 9 .9.63 OLD IVANHOE 3 .4 8 .14 13 .22 19.25.139 NORTH BRUNSWICK D. Demorton3, A . Tirchett 3, Angeloni, Hehir, Keay . BEST Merin, Dimarco, Lirosi, Briffa, Hodgson, Androutsos . OLD IVANHOE M . Stewart 5, J. Hampseed 4, J. Stevens 2, R . Weddle 2, Luk 2, Goad, D. Jones, Yozer, M . Power. BEST S.Kent, G .Haros, J. Weddle, G . Fazlacas, J . Hampseed, M . Stewart . THOMASTOWN 3.5 7.6 14.7 23.10.148 ST BEDES/MENTONE 4.3 7.8 12 .12 12.16 .88 THOMASTOWN A. Smith 3, D. Langbourne 3, S. Plant 3, D . Farchione 3, L. Smith 3, P. Ristevski 2,J . Hart, G. Petsinis, S. Papioanou, L . Azzarone. BEST P. Ristevski, D . Langbourne, L. Azzarone, T. Fellows, A . Smith, J. Hart . ST BEDESIMENTONE McGeorge 3, Markham 2, McCraw, Tomlinson, M . Besley, Parsons, Hutchinson, Freeman, BEST Kinsella, Parsons, McCraw. McLachlan. Tomlinson . Sebire.
UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 .6 11 .8 14.16 22 .20.152 HAMPTON ROVERS 5.2 9.3 13.4 17.6.108 UNIVERSITY BLACKS G . Evans 6, Rourke 5, Caccaviello 3, Merrett 3, S. Middleton 2, A . Gray 2, Desavento. BEST Townsend, Bandt, Rourke, S. Middleton, G . Evans, Caccaviello. HAMPTON ROVERS Panagiatidis 5, Blake 3, E . Melnjak 2, M . Crawford 2, Natoli, Boyle, Anderson, McKellar, Doukas . BEST Ross, S. McDonald, C . Le Grand, R. Melnjak, A . Panagiatidis, Crawford. BRUNSWICK 4.7 6 .9 10 .10 12 .10.82 OLD GEELONG 6 .3 9 .4 12 .6 16 .11 .107 BRUNSWICK Jacobs 3, Moore 3, Williamson 3, M . Sayers, P . Sayers, Stevens. BEST Black, Carroll, Hall, Moore, Stevens, Cross. OLD GEELONG Furphy5, Bain 2, Spiden 2, Howell 2, O'Halloran, Ritchie, Davis, Neville-Smith . BEST O'Halloran, Spiden, Glascott, Manton, Williamson, Bain . RESERVES ST. KEVINS 5 .5 8.6 12.9 13.12 .90 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 3 .1 5.4 8.7 10.12.72 ST. KEVINS Morton 3, Williams 2, Sheeds 2, D. Chapman 2, Evans, Thomas, Stackpole, O'Connor. BEST Morton, Panagiotopolous, O'Connor, Sheeds, Bare, M . Chapman. WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS W. Payne 4, Cabansag 2, Dawson 2, Finch, Morelli. BEST M . Payne, Singleton, Bond, Cabansag, Campbell, W. Payne . NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .4 3 .5 5 .8 7.7.49 OLD IVANHOE 4 .0 8 .5 10 .9 14 .12 .96 NORTH BRUNSWICK P. Randello, Adams, Gretgrix, Jewell, Monterasso, S . Tsialtas, Houston . BEST Lawton, M . Briffa, Jewell, Adams, Gretgrix, P. Randello. OLD IVANHOE T. Coemack 3, M . Colledge 3, T. Stevens 2, B. Hall 2, D. Toll, D. Caddy, S . Conboy, Conway . BEST D. Caddy, P. Wall, C. Dunnell, B. Hall, Cargin . T. Stevens. THOMASTOWN 2.1 2 .2 2 .4 2 .4 .16 ST BEDES/MENTONE 5.8 10 .11 15.14 21 .20.146 THOMASTOWN B. Pellegrino, T. Gannon. BEST R. Geremia, G . Latouf, B. Pellegrino, N . D'Avoine, M . Giacobbe. ST BEDES/MENTONE Foot-Connolly 4, Randall 4, Edwards 3, Campbell 2, Murray 2, Naylor 2, M . Beasley, B. Beasley, Clagnan, Grech. BEST Goodchild, Glagnan, Naylor, McCarthy, Edwards, Strom . UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .5 9.10 18.11 24.15 .159 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .1 2 .3 2 .4 3.4.22 UNIVERSITY BLACKS Little 5, Hallam 4, Spinks 4, Devlin 3, Hynes 2, Miriklis, M . Middleton, MacGowan, Newton, Lukies, Phillips. BEST Gleason, Jackson, Hallam, Little, C. Ritchie, Phillips , HAMPTON ROVERS M . Alessi 2, Sutton . BEST Ivey, M . Alessi, Chalikias, D. Rogerson, Carter, Casella . 1 .3 2.3 5.3 5.7.37 BRUNSWICK OLD GEELONG 4.3 6.8 9.13 12 .17,89 Conduit 3, Forrest, Strachan. BEST B. Gibsen, Spezza, BRUNSWICK Conduit, Barley . Burbank3, Coleman 2, Stubbings, Lillie, Groom, Strauss, OLD GEELONG J . Wilson, M . Wilkinson. BEST Pescott, J. Wilson, J . Dowling, Groom, Lillie, . Nadenbousch
Please - no phone calls to Administration or Registration Secretary to see if permits have gone througn . All notifications will be viathe mail sent out on Wednesday nights after permits have been processed . If permits aren't received DO N 'T play those players . Interviews related to permits or resintatements will be advised through the mail, and will be based on paperwork lodged before Wednesday 10.30am . Again, don't turn up looking for an interviewto be given on a Wednesday night .
. make amends for last year's seasonon the No. 2 oval ROUND 1 REVIEW Elsternwick play Bufleen United Four out of five winners picked in the firsts and ail five in what should be the closest game of the round, winners in the seconds is not a bad start to the season, however I'm tipping the wickers who commenced the although St Leos have let me down . year showing some good mOld eCamberwell, SELECTIONS : Aquinas , Elsterrnnrick celebrated their remaining in' E' section . Glenhuntly, Doveton, Elsternwick hwin ove a ry keencandr going i n Congratulations to Shaun 'Dog' Wals 1(7t~jg3s Wattle r ad both Ap dessvein match which . However, Elsternwick with more Park) who plays his 150th game today ( ) and to. hard forthe ball early Dave Osborne (Elsternwick) who plays his 50th game options up forward with full forward Mick Andrews . kicking 7 goals and brother Geoff best on ground the Well done response to you both for A good from press correspondents last wickers went to to a comfortable win . Better players week although still to hear from Old Camberwell, Old Aquinas included Upton, Leavy and Flynn . long winning streak has finally Essendon and Glenhuntly. A reminder to fax your game le Parks Leos Watt St who had a decisiv reports to me on Monday morning on 268 4141 . Glenhuntly ended atthe hands of o Leos wh o St Leos pcreditdtheenwiovr y a It nal half with only 17dfitpplay e players. T outscored Glenhuntly 7 goals to 3 in the last quarter . vu~ THE FEET PLAYS HIS 100TH Best players for St Leos were Gavin Robinson, Steven to Brian `Feet ' Congratulations from all at ANZ Ingram and Jon O'Meara . Congratulations to Frank game for the Zedders . 100th on playing his Dincolantonio St Leos the Italian Stallion who played Curthoys A stalwart of the Zedders reserves Brian has been a. his 100th game in the reserves and was amongst the great contributor to the club, both on and off the field best on the ground . Although he doesn't do himself anyfavours come preform with a Dovetan have continued their '92 . Phil Giddens season, 'Feet' gives it his all on the track, on match. convincing 107 point win over ANZ days and again behind the bar at the after-match playing at centre half back dominated and up .forward There's es left in him, if he For the with Dyke kicking 10 goals and Goodwin 4 can get through the pre Zedders who fought out the game, they had strong performances from Jack McDonald, Ralph Koegler (in ST LEOS 10 0 his return to the club), debutant Brendan Pentland and Frank Dtncolantonto, the Italian stallion, reached his 100th game milestone against Glenhuntly reserves Peter Smith . held ontotakethe 4 points (3/4) and again was amongst the best on the. ground As predicted Powerhouse We are following his reserves B&F award in 1992 s ground for Bulleen in what was the closest game of the against. Powerhouse completely dominated the first half g charging he dow n round contrgoloh led by strongmarking centre half forward Peter Ford and certain more games providin running backman Jim Hall who set up many attacking . of pasta . The second half belonged to AT BULLEE N moves from defence A PAIR OF MILESTONES Bulleen who allowed only 1 goal from Powerhouse but 50 games is racked up this week (17/4) by Rob n Although he is "the quiet one" of a family who held off olnts Bullee king co ch eff Scotland ao Divirgilo . winnersby 2 p very that hs been representing the Bulls for who has made relieved man . 1992, have Divs is an up & coming young playe, r after a disappointin Old Camberwell, his mark with nouse, skill and especially the big spiral g otrm with a started off the season in promising that gets the crowd on their feet. Congratulations Old Essendonâ&#x20AC;˘ comfortable win over a depleted Robbie, from everyone at Bulleen United . hi s Thisweek(1714) also sees Phil Avery runr who ROUND 2 PREVIEW . Curley is a great young player who should be too 50th the Bulls Aquinas host holdsfor down a permanent position in the senior side Old Essendon strong and register their first win for the season . with his pace, leap and skill, but especially his giving them a big wrap St Leos Wattle Park(after impossible finger-tip marks that have earned him the and after Old Camberwell last week) do battle against new nick of 'Tentacles : However, Phil is one of those last week's form I'm tipping Old Camberwell to come people who make that extra effort to make footy the fun and friendly game that it is, holding down a out on top! who should run G(enhuntly ANZ combat an inform committee position and now turning & out the goal statskas out easy winners. newsletter as well as keeping game finish last week should . Forthat, let oldsPreCondt merciless bethe Powerhouse after a nail biting side trying to be outclosed by a powerful Doveton
first to thank and congratulate you, Phil -all the best from all the Bulls . 50 GA MES DAVE OSBORN E Dave Osborne (Elsternwick) plays his 50th game this week (1714) against Bulleen United . Dave is a valuable clubman who has given good service since starting with the Wickers . From all at Elsternwick congratulations .
~ f , ~ -~I' ~c~11jM --~ --! _
OLD ESSENDON vs AQUINAS Fie/d: T. Sutcliffe, S . Ha rford ST LEOS vs OLD CAMBERWELL Field: J. O'Rourke, R . Byrnes Boundary: C . Rya n ANZ BANK vs GLENHUNTLY Field: K. Segota, Brian Lowe POWER HOUSE vs DOVETON Field: H . Li tt le, L . Symons ELSTERNWICK vs BULLEEN UNITED Fie/d: D. Knott, W. Henry Boundary: L. Henry, C . Pauline ® ®
SENIOR S Dyke, Doveton Brown, Glenhuntly Horskins, Old Camberwell RESERVES Burke, St Leo s Wormesley, Doveto n ! l
10 7 7 5 4
~ f 7~'i_ ~~~
SENIORS 7.9 .51 AQUINAS OB 3 .2 5.2 6 .5 ELSTERNWICK 3 .5 7.10 9.12 14.18 .102 . Goal Kickers and Best Players not received AQUINAS OB ELSTERNWICK M . Andrews 7, G . Andres, A. Conlin, Cosmas, Hankin, P.Osborne, Shine, Ward . BEST G . Andrews, M . Andrews, Walker, Shine, Ward, McIntyre . OLD CAMBERWELL 6 .4 11 .6 18.8 23.13.151 OLD ESSENDON GRAM . 1 .2 2.2 4 .5 6 .6.42 OLD CAMBERWELL S. Horskins 7, D. Provan 6, A . Aibbs 4, T. McManus 3, T. Walker, D. Fourie, D. Hayer BEST A . Kyriacou, R . Spurritt, A . Aibbs, S . Horskins, G . Ewertt, D. Hayes. OLD ESSENDON GRAM . Batchelor 2, Souter 2, Tapungao, Cook . BEST Wrigley, Bilby, Morrish, Cram, McEncro e GLENHUNTLY 3.2 7.4 15.9 18.9.117 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 3.6 3 .10 6 .13 11 .17.83 GLENHUNTLY Brown 7, Lefty 5, Millar3, Rafferty 3 . BEST Rositer, Millar, SitveyCraig Horsey, Brown, Rafferty . ST LEOS WATTLE PARK Caoine 2, Davidson 2, Kelly 2, Shacklock 2, B. Vaughan 2, Corrigan . BEST Robinson, S . Ingram, O'Meara, Gill, Bourke, McNamara . DOVETON 5 .3 10.8 15 .12 24 .19.163 ANZ BANK 1 .0 3.2 4.5 8 .8.56 DOVETON M. Dyke 10, B. Goodwin 4, J. Reiger 2, A . Campbell 2, P. Cipressi 2, P. Warren 2, P. Murphy 2. BEST Dyke, Warren, P Gidden, VanBeek, J. Reiger, S. Reiger. ANZ BANK Lengacher 4, Larkin, Malone, Snelling, Sanetli. BEST J . McDonald, Koegler, Q. Smith, Pentland, Shoppee, Bennetto. BULLEEN UNITED 2 .4 4.8 8.11 9 .15.69 9 .17.71 POWERHOUSE 6.3 8 .10 9 .12 BULLEEN UNITED Keays 6, Coleman, D. Thompson, Hopkins. BEST . Creighton, A . Humphrey, Keays, Portbury, Moran, Avery POW ERHOUSE Scalzo 3, Ford 2, Acott, C . McLeod, Richardson, Speirs . BEST J. Hall, s. Kervin, D . Desler, N . Pavlou, P. Ford, B. Higgins.
RESERVES AQUINAS 1 .3 3.5 8.6 8 .7.55 ELSTERNWICK 1.3 2.4 3.8 8 .11 .59 AQUINAS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ELSTERNWfCK Ramsay 4, Botte 2, Daniels, Tsihrinizis . BEST Abrahams, Grandemarge, Trevena, Hammer, Mahoney, Ramsay OLD CAMBERWELL 6.3 9.4 9 .6 13 .8.86 OLD ESSENDON GRAM . 2 .3 6.8 9 .9 12 .9 .81 OLD CAMBERWELL R . Purcell 2, A . Gale 2, P. McCrae 2, A . Kent 2, B. Pyke 2, M . McHutchison, J. Swann . BEST D. Humann, A . Gale, C. Strachan, N . Brown, R . Purcell, A. Kent. OLD ESSENDON GRAM . Stevens3, Dudderidge 2, Evans 2, Racovalis . BEST Bellman, Mansfield, Swift, Racovalis, Eastway, Shaw . GLENHUNTLY 2 .3 4.4 6.6 8.9.57 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 5.3 10.8 12.9 14.11 .95 GLENHUNTLY Talarico 2, Lamb 2, Gilmour 2, Oaten 2 . BEST Talarico, Lamb, Gilmour, Timms, Oaten, Casser . ST LEOS WATTLE PARK Burke 5, D . Ingram 3, Knowles 2, Pitcher 2, Ryan, Milner. BEST D. Kenny, F. Dincolantonio, Van Den Acker, Danckert, Pitcher, Burke . 3.4 7.7 13.10 18.14.122 DOVETON SJOC ANZ BANK 2 .2 2 .4 2 .7 2 .10.22 DOVETON Wormesley 4, D. Giddens 3, Ashwood 2, McDonald 2, J . Wilson, Gibbs, Page, Beugeloar, D . Charleston, Campbell, Sumondis. BEST Ashwood, McDonald, Beugeloar, McHugh, Brown, Clarke. ANZ BANK Strahan, Bayes . BEST M . Sweeney, Byrne, Hayes, Morse, Stein, Bayes. BULLEEN UNITED 1 .1 2.4 5 .4 6.5.41 POWERHOUSE 4 .4 6 .6 8 .7 9 .9.63 BULLEEN UNITED Kelly 2, Flanagan 2, Lambevski, Hammond . BEST Cartledge, Hammond, Stewar, Kelly, Rainbow, Flanagan . POWERHOUSE D. Phelan 2, P. Kemp 2, J . Blowfield 2, B. Wilson, M . Pittoni, W. Dodd. BEST W. Dodd, J. Gill, C . McLeod, R . Bond, P. Kemp, J. Scott .
~ **REMINDER,k **
UMPIRES COMPULSORY MEETING ON MONDAY 19TH A PRI L at Parkside, Pitcher Park, Cnr. Mercil Ave & Parkland Ave Fairfield (31-B9 ) 6 - 7.30 PM OR ON . . . W EDNESDAY 21ST APRI L at Elsternwick Park, VAFA Headquarters, Elsternwick (67-D3 ) 6 - 7.30 PM ALL CLUB UMPIRES ARE TO ATTEN D
MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is "Where an incidenttakes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each otherto the ground or other similar such conduct".
F1 SECTION by Michael Noonan
They say a great man is not one that never falls but one that triumphs after having fallen . If this is so, I am hoping to bounce back this week after failing to pick a winner in the first round of matches . As I expected, and as mostclubswould agree, first round winners are always difficult to predict . In all, it was a week of surprises, rude awakenings and convincing wins . REVIEW Latro be Uni got off to an encouraging start to the season with a well-deserved 35 pt win over Old Carey. The Carey Boys, now with champion forward Hickey, lacked fitness and were overrun by a confident and youthful Latrobe, who had seven new players in the side . At Glen Iris, a disappointing St Pat's were second at the ball and lacked teamwork as a Dick Clay-led St Mary's eased to a 61 point victory. St Pat's coach Brett Sebire was pleased with a second half resurgence but told his players that they "could not be satisfied with their display". Despite a semmingly poor pre-season, Salesian came out with all guns firing and cruised to a 14 goal win over Peninsula . A strong backline, led by Brendan McLardy, and inaccurate kicking by Peninsula were the driving forces behind the win . After an even first half, St Andrew's stormed away with a8 goal third qtr to take the points against UHSOB . Coach Laurie Thornelowe was "absolutely livid" atthe performance and is hoping for aturnaround thisweek . St John's took no prisoners in the 22 goal annihilation of West Brunswick and let everybody know that they will be a force to be reckoned with this season . PREVIEW On Round-One form, St Pat's should struggle against a new look Latrobe at Southern Road, although first impressions can be deceiving . Latrobe 's new-found confidence and St Pat's fighting spirit should set the scene for a bumper contest and I wouldn't be surprised if it goes all the way down to a kick on the siren . St Mary's will continue on their winning way with an easy 10 goal victory over West Brunswick . At Coburg St And re w's, with star recruit and former Richmond player Greg Conlan, should continue their good form with a4 goal win over St John's in the Match of the Day. Old Ca rey will be looking to regroup against a muchimproved Salesian and should get it together with a strong lastquarterto notch up itsfirst premiership points for the year. At Mt Eliza, Peninsula will take on UHSOB in what is traditionally a close match-up after the two drew twice in 1991 and came close again in 1992 . Although both teams were beaten soundly in Round One and will be looking for improvement, the Pirates will have the home
MILESTONES ® Peninsula's Steven Wiltshire is donning the guernsey for the 200th time this week . Steven has been a long serving player and Committee member and has represented the VAFA state side on many occasions . * Steve Wright of UHSOB is celebrating 50 games against Peninsula this week. ® Brian Kellet of St Pat's celebrated his 50th game for the club in the first round clash against St Mary's . Better late than never, BK . SOCIAL ® St Mary's are going European with an "Italian Night" on 24 April . • Peninsula are holding a celebration for all past and present players at the club this week . ® Latro be Uni will be heading to the Royal Oak after Saturday's game whilst it will all be happening for UHSOB at the Fenwick Hotel in Carlton . • St Pat's will be welcoming the local community with a free family BBQ during today's game and a Racing Night to follow afterwards . FACT FIL E St Patrick's Mentone FC was formed in 1969 and has since participated in three different leagues, winning senior premierships in '76, '82 and '89 and reserves premierships in '85 and '92 . The club pulled out of discussions to merge with St Bedes/Mentone last year, deciding to 'go it alone' in 1993 .
SE N IORS 20.15 .135 4.2 12 .7 17.11 LATROBE UNIVERSITY OLD CAREY 5.5 8.7 11 .9 14 .10.94 LATROBE UNIVERSITY Kreuzer 3, Liersch 3, A. Thompson 3, Bakogianis 2, Brown 2, Cousins 2, C . Thompson 2, Hawking, Henderson, Robinson. BEST Carbone, Liersch, D. Edmunds, Henderson, T. O'Connor, Bakogianis . OLD CAREY Price 4, Macrae 3, Daniels 2, Skene 2, Harris . BEST Skene, Harris, Daniels . ST MARY'S 7.6 14.10 15.16 17.21 .123 ST PATRICK'S MENTONE 2 .2 4.3 6.4 9.7.61 ST MARY'S Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST PATRICK'S MENTONE Stuhldreier 2, Wise 2, Johnston 2, O'Brien, Nelson, Wilson . BEST Barry, Wise, M . Sullivan, Andrews, Murphy, O'Brien . ST JOHN'S OC 5 .6 14 .8 19 .14 29 .18.192 WEST BRUNSWICK 0 .3 3 .8 7.8 8 .9.57 ST JOHN'S OC Charlton 6, Higgins 5, Back 4, Walton 4, LaBrooy 3, Sheehan 3, Doherty 2, Emery, Matheson BEST LaBrooy, Doherty, Saunderson, Back, Wiggins, Walton . WEST BRUNSWICK Robinson 3, D'Andrea 2, McNiece, Scarafilo, T. Buckingham. BEST Grey. Sheriff, Morrissey, Robinson, D'Andrea, Criechton . UHSOB 2 .1 5.1 5 .2 10 .7.67 ST ANDREW'S 3.4 6.8 14 .11 18.18 .126 UHSOB Epifano 2, Strahan 2, McLean 2, Gunthorpe, Buchmasser, Bennett, Roberts. BEST Strahan, Bales, Verdi, Gunthorpe, Lugg, McLean . ST ANDREW'S Fox 3, J. Tapner3, Tulloch 3, Wilson 3, Ford 2, Bernardi, Conlan, Funnell, G . Tapner . BEST Ashby, Burns. Ford, J. Karslake, Serbo,
3.3 8 .7 17.7 22 .9 .141 SALESIAN OC PENINSULA OB 0 .4 3.11 5 .15 8.21 .69 SALESIAN Cincotta 7, Canavan 4, Hayes 2, Healey 2, Lawton 2, McCabe 2, Castalpi. BEST M. Brennan, Seedsman, McLardy, Cincotta, Hancock. PENINSULA OB Torossi 3, Marks 3, C . Mannes 2, Wiltshire, Nelson . BEST Angus, Brown, Nelson, D . Morley, Dentay, Torossi . RESERVES LATROBE UNIVERSITY 1 .0 3.3 7.5 11 .8.74 OLD CAREY 1 .10 2.11 2.11 2.14.26 LATROBE UNIVERSITY Ivey 4, Blaskett 3, Frederickson 2, Birrell, Lehrke . BEST Haynes, Ivey, Lehrke, Blaskett, Birrell, Richards. OLD CAREY McKittrick, Bell. BEST Zadnik, Nance, Clarke, McKittrick . 2 .3 4.7 7.10 9.13.67 ST MARY'S ST PATRICK'S MENTONE 4.1 6.2 9.7 13 .11 .89 ST MARY'S Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST PATRICK'S MENTONE Perrin 7, Rahilly 2, Fatouros, Fraser, Lewis, McKay. BEST Perrin, Fraser, Gibbins, Wood, Fatouros, McKay . ST JOHN'S OC 2.3 4.6 6.10 11.13.79 WEST BRUNSWICK 2.1 4.2 5.2 6 .2 .38 ST JOHN'S OC Canal 3, Pattison 2, Pye 2, Adamson, Duca, Liddell, Shaer. BEST Adamson, Munnikius, Pye, M . Ladson, Ham, Corcoran . WEST BRUNSWICK White 2, Hatstavrou, Hickey, Kyriakidis, Colagi . BEST White, Jones, Chappell, Hatzistovrou, Barnes, Wilkie. UHSOB 4 .1 6.2 10.4 13 .5.83 ST ANDREW'S 4.2 7.4 7.5 9 .9.63 UHSOB Jones 5, Mazza4, Wood 2, Shone, Bunn . BEST Williams, Flavel, Alexos, Mazza, Jones, Psuik . ST ANDREW'S Campbell 4, King 2, Foote, K . Iles, Smith . BEST Ashton, Casey, Galea, Vercoe, Wallace, J. Wilcox . SALESIAN OC 4 .2 4 .3 5 .3 7.5 .47 13.17 18.20 .128 PENINSULA OB 3 .5 9.11 SALESIAN Stasinos 2, Gilmore 2, Miller, Faul, Perna . BEST McKnight, Power, Stoffaridies, Nanovich, Stasinos, Mitsios . PENINSULA OB Franks 6, Krohn 3, Cross 2, Phillips 2, Stewart, Morgan, A . Micari, Crean . BEST Corke, Brancatisano, Morgan, Paisley, King, Franks .
lk° ~ l . l_~ I Id ST PATS MENTONE vs LATROBE UNI Field : R . Smith, M . Wilso n WEST BRUNSWICK vs ST MARYS Field: J. Ishia, G . Lowe ST ANDREWS vs ST JOHNS Field: P Harris, C. Rowe PENINSULA vs UHSOB Field. P. Maebus, T. Foley OLD CAREY vs SALESIANS Field: B. Reichelt, M . Head
SENIOR S Cincotta, Salesians Chariton, St John's Higgins, St John's
Perrin, St Pat's Franks, Peninsula OB Jones, UHSO B
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Hugh Lyon
F2 SECTION by Peter Matovi c
Well, what can I say. Tom 'No'Brain gets promoted to the D-Grade section, Mick Noonan scores 0 winners out of 5 and Norm Nugent has a new photo. I have to be honest, if I was put in a beauty contest against the other scribes I would win hands down . I have to admit though, I've seen better heads in my rock garden . Getting back to football congratulations go to Camberwell, CN Balwyn, Oakleigh, Yarra Valley and Richmond Centrals on their first up win . The other sides that were beaten don't worry, as there are still 17 rounds to go and anything can happen in this time. REVIEW Match of the day was at Hawthorn where an inaccurate Richmond Central got home by 3 points against Uni Reds . Camberwell, one of the newly promoted sidesfrom G Grade, surprised us all with athumping 20 goal win over a disappointing VUT/FIT to head the ladder after the first round . Ex ESEFA sides Oakleigh Amateurs and Balwyn Combined did battle with Oakleigh being too talented for the Combined to win by 12 goals. Yarra Valley, having to travel to Werribee with a sleeping bag and a cut lunch, surprised this tipster with a great 10 goal win over Old Westbourne in a high scoring game . In the last game Canterbury/Nth Balwyn were untroubled all day to defeat a very disappointing Boronia Park to win by 7 goals . The Parkers must show more discipline on the field as a player was sent off early and CN Balwyn took advantage of this by setting up their win early in the second quarter. PREVIEW Chirnside Park, after a bye in the first round, travel to Baiwyn to play the combined in what should be a close game. Of preseason reports that I have heard about Chirnside Park it should make them favourites for this game so I see them starting the season with a 3 goal win . In match of the day Oakleigh travel to Yarra Valley in what should be a great game. The boys from Park Orchards surprised us all and I feel this will be a very close match . Oakleigh by 2 goals after tossing a coin . Old Westbourne travel to Boro nia Park in what should be a do-or-die effort for both sides . Boronia Park with home ground advantage I feel will be too talented for the Werribee lads and should be winners by 4 goals . In another great game last weeks winners Camberwell and Canterbury Nth Balwyn clash at Hawthorn in what should be an interesting affair. At home I tend to lean towards Camberwell to getthe points by 4 goals . in tho it nama tn rannrt ( Ini Reds and VUT/FIT
do battle at Brunswick Street Oval and with both teams losing last week this game is vital to both . At home Uni Reds should be too accomplished for VUT/FIT and should come out winners by 10 goals . Richmond Central have the bye. SELECTIONS : Chirnside Park, Oakleigh, Boronia Park, Camberwell, Uni Reds. FU N CTION S : Social Boronia Parkwill be having a Karoake night at the club rooms starting at 8 .00 pm . Rumour has it 2nd's captain Mich Metherall will be singing 'I'm too sexy' . Chirnside Park have a players auction on 24 April at the club rooms. TIPSTER PROGRESSIVE: Max Lyon, U19 - 5 . Norm Nugent, G South - 4. Peter Mtovic, F2 - 3 . Mick Noonan, F1 - O.
BALWYN COMBINED vs CHIRNSIDE PARK Field: P. Curry, M . Pinney Boundary: A . St. Lephan, S. O'Connor YARRA VALLEY vs OAKLEIG H Field: D . D'Altera, A . Kiel BORONIA PARK vs OLD WESTBOURNE Field: G . Waldron, V. Vescov i CAMBERWELL vs CANTERBURY NTH BALWYN Fie/d: B . Hayward, P. Lukie s UNIVERSITY REDS vs VUT/FIT Field: K. Cou g hlan, D. Benjamin RICHMOND CENTRAL - BY E
SENIORS Forrest, Oakteigh Bouyer, Camberwell Park, Yarra Valley B . Ford, Yarra Valley RESERVES Parking, Yarra Valley Barr, Balwyn Combined Bollas . Balwvn Combined
SENIORS .136 OAKLEIGH AFC 5 .6 12 .9 16.11 20.16 BALWYN COMBINED 1 .6 3 .10 7.13 8 .15.63 OAKLEIGH AFC Forrest 9, Leslie 3, Brereton 3, Hall, Atexandrou, Tomlinson, Hamilton, Bruerton . BEST Brereton, Forrest, Torpsy, Adamic, Ferguson, Aliss . BALWYN COMBINED Galatas 2, O'Hoy, Prestow, Spagnol, Tanner, Vella, Gibellini . BEST Healy, Gibellini, P. Lane, O'Hoy, Rogers, Tanner. OLD WESTBOURNE AFC 1 .1 9 .4 14.6 17.8.110 YARRA VALLEY OB 7.4 13 .6 21 .10 26 .12.168 OLD WESTBOURNE AFC Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 2, YARRA VALLEY O8 Park 5, B . Ford 5, Box 4, Simpson 4, Ireland McLeod 2, Kay 2 . White, Stephens . BEST Kay, Fung, Box, B . Ford, N . Park, Simpson. CANTERBURY NTH BAL 5 .8 9.15 15.19 18 .20.128 BORONIA PARK 1 .3 4.5 7.7 12 .11 .83 3, Crooks 2, Dewar 2, CANTERBURY NTH BAL P. Mernagh 4, Petch Manning 2, K . Tibaldi 2, Rennie, Baldi, Wain . BESTChurcher, P. Mernagh, Wain, Broun, Sheehan, Dewar . BORONIA PARK Keltie 3, Weinlich 2, Hinksman 2, Challis 2, Monish, Greene, D . Creak . BEST D. Creak, Weinlich, Goodger, Kettle, Dean, Polw~orth . 3 .2 4.3 6.3 8.6.54 VUT/FIT 19.14 26 .21 .177 CAMBERWELL AFC 3.7 14.13 VUTIFIT Chamberlain 4, Nelson 2, McNerney, Riggio . BEST Breheny, Case, Nucara. CAMBERWELL AFC S . Bouyer 5, W. Glazebrook 4, D. Zavarella 3, S. Duff 3, R. Lord 3, M . Owen 2, Adam Heitmann 2, S . Hartley 2, P. Alsop 1, B. Kemp. BEST S. Bouyer, Adam Heitmann, P . Barker, B. Kemp, P. Alsop, S . Hartley. RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 .7 7.15 9.17 14 .22 .106 UNIVERSITY REDS 4 .3 6.4 11 .5 16 .7.103 RICHMOND CENTRAL Krisohos 3, Pearson 3, Holt 2, Bastow 2, Yaman 2, Hickey, Piquer . BEST Piquer, Krisohos, Tate, Whiteside, Pearson, Bastow. UNIVERSITY REDS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . RESERVES OAKLEIGH AFC 2 .0 5.4 8.6 9 .7.61 BALWYN COMBINED 3.2 4.8 8.18 14.19.103 OAKLEIGH AFC B. Garner 2, S. Kelly 2, M . Crugnale 2, R . Bourke, J . Knorpp, P. Bamfield. BEST C. Taylor, S. Kelly, C . Moore, P. Barnfield, J . Theofilopoulos, M . Fowles . BALWYN COMBINED Barr 4, Bollas 4, Braionie 2, G . Busse, McGregor, McSwiggan, Theophanous. BEST V . Blakeman, S. Barr, T. Braionie, G . Bolles, A . Theophanous, P. Finn . OLD WESTBOURNE AFC 1 .1 1 .4 4 .8 4.11 .35 YARRA VALLEY OB 5.3 6.6 9.9 15.15.105 OLD W ESTBOURNE AFC Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . YARRA VALLEY OB N . Park 5, N . Ford 3, Penwill 2, Davies 2, Cockerell 2, Savaris. BEST N . Ford, Reynolds, Davies, Gleason, Ross, Penwill . CANTERBURY NTH BAL 1 .2 3.2 3.4 6 .9.45 BORONIA PARK 5 .5 7.9 8.13 13.17.95 CANTERBURY NTH BAL Issa 3, Martin, Primbas, Knight . BEST Wearne, Keily, Knight, Primbas, Mullinger, R . Mernagh . BORONIA PARK Ashman 3, Grego 2, Greenshields 2, Close, Menke, Doll, Rasdell, Christoforou, Metherall . BEST Christoforou, Doll, Rasdell, Tooze, Borthwick, Lechner. 7.5 7.5 9 .5.59 VUTIFIT 4.2 CAMBERWELL AFC 3.0 3 .1 4.6 5 .8.38 VUTIFIT Masesse 3, Fodovic 2, A . Wheelahan 2, Dinatale, Darmanin . BEST Team Effort. CAMBERWELL AFC Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . RICHMOND CENTRAL 4.8 5.9 8.14 9.17.71 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 .0 5.4 7.5 10 .10.70 RICHMOND CENTRAL D. Rizio 2, Jackson 2, Vathis, Corker, Dallas, Ricketts, Reid. BEST Vasic, Fenton, Vathis, Reid, Corker, Warne . UNIVERSITY REDS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . CHIRNSIDE PARK - Bye
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C; =KS PLl-:YS 250T H Canterbury Nth Balwyn would like to congratulate Michael Crooks who steps out for his 250th game this week (17/4) . Crooksie started his career with the U13s and progressed through the grades to the seniors . He has also held several committee positions over the years, including Vice Pres and Secretary . Congratulations Michael from all the players and committee at Cobra Land . WILBUE M AKES 200 GAME S Steven Wiltshire (Bombee) played his 200th game against Salesians (3/4) . Victorian Rep, B&F on 3 occasions at Pirate Land . All the best from Blithe players and supporters at Peninsula . 50 AT UHSOB TO STEVE WRIGHT UHSOB extend congratulations to Steve "Boove" Wright on reaching 50 games . Over a fairly short period Steve has improved his skills greatly and also gained the benefits from some solid gym work . Steve hasthe potential to be aconsistent seniors player and the club hopes to see Steve playing many more games at that level . All the best, Boove, in game no . 50. IT'S BACK TO THE FENWICK INN HOTEL FO R UHSOB PLAYERS & SUPPORTER S The Committee of U HSOB is proud to announce the Fenwick Inn Hotel (the best pub in Carlton) as its major sponsor for the '93 season . After all away games the Fenwick will be the venue for the post-match celebrations and/or critical self-analysis . You never know who you'!l meet at the Fenwick . Last Saturday, for instance, Rod "Rocket" Buchmasser was seen passing on some goal-kicking tipsto Steve Kernahan! CONGRATULATION S Raelie & John Mills on your Wedding and Sam Birrell for your 18th birthday.
will run a free INTRODUCTION TO UMPIRING COURS E for students 15 years and over . The course runs from Monday 19th April t o Friday 23rd April 2pm to 3pm daily . CERTIFICATES TO AL L PARTICIPANTS will be presented on Friday 19th, which includes refreshments . Parents most welcome . ~ Don will include special speakers, current and past players and umpires .
Participants will be involved in both theory and practical sessions. BOOK NOW BY RINGING BRIAN WOOI .DHEAID - 531 8333
CLUB XV111 North & South by Norm Nugen t
The greatly reduced Club XVIII sections produced results that saw me fail by only one match to tip each sectional card in what should make Max and Peterthink again before setting their challenge in concrete! REVIEVi! - NORTH St Bernards and Old Geelong played an evenly contested match at Como before St Bernards, due to more accurate kicking, emerged victorious by21 points. The final margin for Eltham over Marcellin was 71 points which was mainly due to Eltham's superior fitness and good second half form . My 'Man at the Match' suggested the Turtles looked good whilst the ' Eag!es' needed more feathers with which to fly!! Good Turtle contributors included John Weatherill (chb) and Kim Tucker (centre) . An under-manned Therry proved to be little opposition for a rejuvenated Bulleen Templestowe who won by the unusually high margin of 135 points . The 'Bullants' ground Therry as they maintained a consistent scoring pattern throughout the game whilst Therry did not bother the scoreboard attendant after quarter time! Old Paradians, after a season's hiatus, returned with a convincing 34 point victory over traditional rival No rth Old Boys . This win must have been a panacea to Parade after their Therry debacle! Kew had the bye. REVIEW - SOUTH M azenod did indeed outplay Monash G ryphons and posted an 80 point victory while Old Melburnians upset my prediction when in a low scoring game they inflicted a 19 point defeat on De La Salle. According to Martin, my match representative, Old Melburnians superior fitness carried them to victory after an evenly contested first half . Bloods did not ease up on the returning Powerhouse as they cruised to a 132 point victory. Old Scotch, despite inaccurate kicking, proved too talented for Collegians and won by 36 points whilst in the replay of last season's Grand Final, Old Xaverians greater accuracy enabled them to defeat Monash Whites by 34 points . PREVIEW - NORT H I am unsure of the outcome of the meeting of 'the two cultures' between Therry and Old Geelong . At home I expect Therry to show better form whereas the necessity to travel to the previously unknown Pascoe Vale area will negate Old Geelong's ciaim to victory . Although Round 1 form pointsto an Old Geelong victory I feel Therry at home will take the points . The match of the round will see Eltham meet Bulieen Templestowe. In many respects the outcome of this match will see the winner clearly established as
after the first round results showed no flaws . At home Eltham will win . North Old Boys should be able to win against Kew at Dunstan Reserve even though Kew's 1993 form is unknown . In another clash of traditional rivals St Bernards are at home to Old Paradians in what will be a severe test for the visitors . The euphoria of flag unfurling will'pump up' the Saints and withtheir home supporters cheering vociferously the Saints should win well . Marcellin has the bye. PREVIEW - SOUTH Two last round winners Old Melburnians and Mazenod meet today and as forwards win matches I select Mazenod whose forwards were the more impressive in Round 1 . As it appears De La Salle has slipped from its 1991 strength and Bloods are as strong as ever, I will stay with the home ground advantage and select Bloods to win . Collegians should prove too stron g for rhouse whereas the Monash Whites and Old Scotch game poses selection difficulties . At home Monash have an advantage and Scotch do not!iketrave!ling, especially to Clayton which isfurtherthan some ofthe'Cardina!s' travel on holiday! Monash Whites will win . Theircousins the G ryphons will not have things their own way against reigning premiers, Old Xaverians, who should win well . SELECTIONS : No rt h - Therry, Eltham, No rt h Old Boys, St Bernanis . South - Mazenod, Bloods, Collegians, M onash Whites, Old Xaverians .
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SOUTH SECTION Hutchinson, Blood s Hawkins, Old Scotch Greene, Bloods NORTH SECTION McCann, Old Paradians Parris, BulleenTemp Murphy, Bulleen-Temp Shallard, Bulleen-Tem p
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OLD GEELONG 4 .5 6.6 8 .8 8.10 .58 ST BERNARD'S 1 .1 6.5 10.7 12.7.79 OLD GEELONG R . Forber 2, C. Stewart, J. May, A . Dawson, C. Hollis, T. Gough, G . Pithie. BEST C. Stewart, G . Dickson, J . Shakes, R. Forbes, T. Gough, A . Currie. ST BERNARD'S Runting 2, Hampson 2, Mahady 2, Creak 2, Doolan 2 . J . O'Connell 2 . BESTHampson, Denahy, Creak, Mahady, O'Connell, Runting . BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 21 .16.142 THERRY 1 .1 .7 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE L. Parris 4, W. Murphy 4, C. Shallard 3, M . Pilbean 2, A . Ibraham, J . Prior, N . Waddell, P. Reid, G . Parkinson, C. McMahon, P. Brindley. BEST L . Parris, N . Waddell, A. lbraham,W . Murphy, G . Daisley, G . Parkinson. THERRY Hudson . BEST D. Lyons, Jinkins, Hudson, Slavich, Sandman, McIntyre. 3.1 4.4 5.5 8.6.55 MARCELLIN ELTHAM OC 3.2 8.3 13.5 20.6.126 MARCELLIN Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ELTHAM Stickland 4, Weatherill 3, Peterson 3, Mitchell 3, Thorsen 2, Pitcher 2, K . Tucker, McFarlane-Smith, Grattan . BEST Weatherill, Stickland, Thorsen, Morrow, Mitchell, Hamshare. OLD PARADIANS 3.3 5.4 9.4 11 .8 .74 NORTH OLD BOYS 0.2 3 .8 3.8 5 .10.40 OLD PARADIANS McCann 4, Stuckey 3, Healy, Mills, L. Vear, M . Vear. BEST M . Vear, P. Healy, Stuckey, L . Vear, McCann, Mills . NORTH OLD BOYS McGrillen, Lynch, Fennelly, Steward, M . Girolami. BEST Henderson, Bevanda, Morabito, Lynch, Holmberg, O'Dwyer. KEW - Bye
MAZENOD 5.3 11 .6 16.9 21 .9.135 MONASH GRYPHONS 4.1 5.3 6.6 7.7.49 MAZENOD Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . MONASH GRYPHONS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . DE LA SALLE 5.7.37 OLD MELBURNIANS 8.8.56 DE LA SALLE Manassa, Buick, Hayes, Jennings, Hoy . BEST Francis, Hayes, Lambe, Commerford, Daly, Bourke. OLD M ELBURNIANS Taylor3, Hockney 2, VanDenDungen 2, Wilson, Hamilton. BEST Hamilton, Newman, Wood, Woodhouse, Cordner, Hargreaves. POWERHOUSE 1 .0 1 .2 1 .4 2 .5.17 BLOODS 5.1 9.5 14.10 23.11.149 POWERHOUSE S . McDonald 2 . BEST S. McDonald, N . Kossivas, T. Tzaninis, H . Fares, S . Silva, M . Hunt. BLOODS Hutchinson 9, Greene 4, Amarant 2, Findlay 2, Jarick, Gee, Sexton, Van, Varella, Melzak . BEST Greene, Gee, Amarant, Hutchinson, Howard, Melzak. OLD SCOTCH 9 .14 .68 COLLEGIANS 5.2 .32 OLD SCOTCH Hawkins 6, Russel, Sleeman, Steele . BEST Nicholls, Hoffman, Leeton, S. Montgomery, Hawkins, Sutherland . COLLEGIANS Peles 2, Nancarrow, Muirden, Latchford . BEST Muirden, Lie, N . Comley, Taylor, C . Comley, Lockwood. OLD XAVERIANS 13.9.87 MONASH WHITES 7.11 .53 OLD XAVERIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . MONASH WHITES Sinn 3, D. Gemmola 2, Murray 2. BEST Truong, M . Gemmola, Murray, O'Hara, Plehn, Sinn .
6TH APRIL 1993 J W ILSON, Fawkner - Striking - 4 matches. D CROPLEY, Fawkner - Striking - 4 matches. B DARBY, Old Carey - Striking - 2 matches D MUFSUD, West Brunswick - Striking - 2 matches *H IKIZ, Old Essendon - Striking - 2 matche s *1 DELLAS, Richmond Centrals - Striking - 2 matches . *Accepted prescribed penalty.
As a result of an incomplete hearing 1/8/92 a striking charge was heard against Ajax player Dean Bu rford. Player Burford suspended for 8 matches for striking Uni Blacks player R . Reilley. Upon serving his penalty the player will be asked to show cause why he should be granted a permit toplay in the VAFA.
U19 SECTIONS by Max Lyo n
Firstly, a quick whinge - only 6 of the 15 winning clubs contacted me with info on their games and only 2 have responded to my request for prospects for our U18 Representative Team . I hope your players are making a better effort for you ! REVIE W OF LAST WEEK'S GAMES Division 1 1 got off to a flukey start in my challenge to Hagar and the F2 Mafiosa by getting a perfect score with 5 out of 5. De La got home from OM's by 3 goals in a game where the lead seesawed . Ange Fountalakis and Peter Conroy were D's best in a good team effort . The umps got a good report in this game as I thought they earned in the game I saw between Mentone and Chirnside but I was puzzled as to why they elected to throw the ball up and not bounce it on the perfect surface. The 'Italian Connection' did well for Parkers with Fabian Paola, Joey Pignatora and Vinnie Picciolli (5 in the first half) all firing . Alsbury and McIntosh also got 5 each for Parkers. Defending champs, Xavs got off to a flying start with a 25 goal margin over Lobba's Lads . Petroff with 8 and Stones with 6!ed Xavers scorers with Hawkins and Bluzniak making good contributions . BLACKLIST Mazenod and Ormond . Division 2 Centra l Hagar had an easy day at Bulleen where Therry romped home with Jason Goodger and John Woodgate being the 2 who caught our esteemed umpire's eye. Struggling for numbers 2 weeks ago, Ivanhoe got it all together in time to easily account for Blacks who Hoes coach reckons will kick on better than '92 . Ben Joyce with 11 filled the hole left by John Raywood's move to the 'ones' very capably and Luke Pither and Richard Pace got 5 each . Devlin and Gittos (a well known name at Ivanhoe) also did well . A replay of the'92 Prelim . Final saw Blues reverse the result over the defending champs with a 2 goal win (I predicted a one point win) . A 7 goal 3rd term saw Wells lead into the last quarter but Blues finished better thanks to top efforts from backmen Wilcox and Bungey . Blues thought the umpiring was first class - what did Wells think? BLACKLIST Therry, O.Parade, UV/friars, O.Carey. Division 2 Sout h Short report here - only Tonners contacted me. Thanks Michael . Tonners almost paid the penalty for a lack of pre-season hard work when their 40 point lead at the last change ended up as a2 point winning margin over Bedas . Dan Atkin booted 9 and Campbell Jackson and Simon Williams were amongst Tonners best . ~ 0 -- - - --f]I A
T. 80lJG:Al1 A!'S
PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAMES Division 1 O Ms are at home (where's that?) to Nodders and this should be pretty close as OM's only put things together before their first outing and they will be better for that 'practice'. However, I think Nodders will be rewarded for their better pre-season workout . D's will be far too good for Marcellin but the other 3 games should be pretty close. Chirnside have a great home ground advantage over the pioneers who make the trek there . This week it is Ormond's turn and I expect they will suffer the same fate as all the 1992 visitors to the Parkers but only just. Two of last week's losers Haiieybu ry and M entone meet at McKinnon and both will be out to improve on last week although they both did betterthan the scores indicated. At home, I think the Bloods can win . Bernies did well at Mazenod and I would go for them at home today against any team but Xavers. SELECTIONS : Mazenod, De La Salle, Chirnside Park, O.Haileybu ry, O.Xavierians. Division 2 Central Friars started on a good note last week and should beat the Bullants whilst Nob's should notch their first win for 2 years at Old Hoes' expense . The match between the Students should favour Steve's Blues whilst Hoes good win last week leads me to tip them at home against the newcomers from St Leos. Carey and C'well had a close practice game and I expect today will also be tight. Carey didn't have much of a workout last week whilst Wells had a tight match and I think this will put them in good stead today. Parade had a good win over old rivals Nob's last week but today face Therry at Therry. I can't retract my claim that the Roys are my pick for No. 1 this year and I think they'll sneak home today . SELECTIONS : Ther ry, VV/friars, Ivanhoe, Uni Blues, O.C'well, North OB. Division 2 Sout h Even though the Fields started with a win and Ashers with a loss, I thinkAshers can open their account today whilst Tonners will show Red's Rovers why they have such a home ground advantage atthe Wind Tunnel with a good margin today. Bedas may also reverse their fortunes by rolling Collegians whilst High's good win last week prompts me to go for them against the Jackers in their debut . SELECTIONS : Monash, O.Brighton, St Bedes, M HSOB. Once again, a request to winning clubs to ring me (and the answering machine) on 568 4727 over the weekend or fax me on Monday on 646 0872 with your 2 or 3 best players and main goalkickers . Slab Challenge A lazy start to '93 . OM's are the first mentioned in today's draw so I'll give the 24 greenies
SECTION II OLD MELBURNIANS vs MAZENOD (Oval 14, Albert Park) Field: Ted Keating, D. Ear p Boundary: B . McKee, R . Kisley MARCELLIN vs DE LA SALLE Fie/d: G . Knight, M . McCrohan Boundary: K . King, T. Russell Goal: R . Liddle, R . Schneider CHIRNSIDE PARK vs ORMOND Field. D. McInerney, B. Johannsen OLD HAILEYBURY vs OLD MENTONE Fie/d: G . Walter, D. Kramer Boundary: T. Creighton, R. Valentine Goal: T. Stephens, A . Drape r ST BERNARDS vs OLD XAVERIANS Field: G . Moore, A . Harri s SECTION 2 CENTRAL THERRY vs OLD PARADIAN S Fie/d: C. Swale, G. Keane WHITEFRIARS vs BULLEEN/TEMPLESTOWE Fie/d: P. Rapke, C. O'Donohu e Boundary: A . Alexander, N . Smith IVANHOE vs ST LEO S Fie/d: G . Morgan, B . Calleja Boundary., N . Walker, A . Stapleton UNIVERSITY BLUES vs UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field. R . Martyn, B. Noona n Boundary: Russ. Martyn, D. Walton OLD CAREY vs OLD CAMBERWELL Field: N . Nugent, N . Woods Boundary: L . Stapleton, D. Jensen NORTH OLD BOYS vs OLD IVANHOE Field: G . Lawlor, T. Nathan OLD TRINITY - BYE SECTION 2 SOUTH CAULFIELD GRAMMAR vs MONASH BLUES (Oval 11 Albert Park ) Field: S. Caple, R . Krishnan Boundary: B. Collins, R . Braun OLD BRIGHTON vs HAMPTON ROVERS Field: D. Ashton, S . Meredith Boundary: C. Brattberg, W. Allen COLLEGIANS vs ST BEDES/MENTONE Field: G . Kelly, A . Firley Boundary: B . Taggell, J . Goyen MHSOB vs AJAX Field: D. Miller, A . Flack Boundary: L. Gallagher, T. Toohey
SECTION 1 Petroff, Old Xaverlan s Stones, Old Xaverians SECTION 2 SOUTH Atkin, Old Brighton Razga, St Bede's Howard, Caulfield Gr McCue, Old Scotch SECTION 2 CENTRAL Matthews, Old Carey Joyce, Ivanhoe Mulvahill, Old Paradians Naismith, Whitefriars
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UNDER 19 SECTION I MAZENOD 5.2 10.6 16.11 19 .12 .126 ST BERNARD'S BLUE 4 .5 7.7 9.11 13 .16.94 MAZENOD Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST BERNARD'S BLUE M . Farmer 4, Webb 2, D. Rogers 2, B. Chatfield, Dobson, Scerri, Kavanagh, A. Farmer. BEST Scerri, A . Farmer, Dobson, M . Farmer, D . Rogers, Hande. DE LA SALLE 2 .2 7.6 10.8 14.15.99 OLD MELBURNIANS 4.1 7.4 10.8 12 .9.81 DE LA SALLE Conroy3, Grant 2, Greene 2, Macorra2, Satchel] 2, Larkin, Scott, A . Grant . BEST Fountoulakis, A. Grant, Conroy, Makinson, Malitzia, D. Smith . OLD MELBURNIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ORMOND 5.10 9.14 16 .21 24.27.171 MARCELLIN 4.3 7.5 8.7 13.10 .88 ORMOND Kovacic 6, Barret 4, McGaw 4, Malaria 2, Milliken 2, Neat 2, Phillips 2, Airey, Jeffrey . BEST Monk, Reither, Wilks, Malane, Neel, McGaw . M ARCELLIN Ibrahim 4, Thompson 2, Nasrallah 2, Bromage 2, D . Moran, Fava, Leffley. BEST Ibrahim, Abbott, Godwin, Lowry . Thompson, Toscano . OLD MENTONIANS 2 .5 4.10 6.12 9.13.67 CHIRNSIDE PARK 8.1 16 .6 23.8 29.19 .193 OLD MENTONIANS C. Leone 3, B. Murphy, Martin, I . Jones, Finnis, Williams, P. Appel . BEST Elliott, Linford, Katris, Winduss, Martin, C . Leone. CHIRNSIDE PARK Piccioli 5, Rattray 5, Alsbury 5, Henderson 3, Pignitaro 3, McIntosh 2, Paola, Woodward, Reaby, Sutherland . BEST Pignataro, Walker, D. Paola, McIntosh, Rattray, F. Paola . OLD XAVERIANS 9 .4 16.7 22 .8 33 .15.213 OLD HAILEYBURY 1 .2 1 .3 5 .6 9 .6.60 OLD XAVERIANS Petroff 8, Stones 6, De Stefanis 5, Kennedy 4, Jones 3, Gill 2, Fitzsimon 2, Hawkins, Lally, Oluzniak . BEST Petroff, Hawkins, Oluzniak, Stones, Fitzsimon, De Stefanis . OLD HAILEYBURY Anastasios 2, Buchanan, Evans, Pound, Prins, Raby, Stack, Stevens. BEST Bartholomeusz, Allen, Boothman, Pound, Buchanan, Prins.
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 CENTRA L OLD PARADIANS 11 .4 15.5 19 .11 27.15.177 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .1 8.5 9.7 14.10.94 OLD PARADIANS A. Mulvahill 6, A. Nitsou 5, S. Farrell 5, L. Smith 3, D. Horsington 2, D. Digney2, L. Dyer 2, A. Heffernan, S . Drummond . BEST A. Nitsou, A . Heffernan, D. McCrohan, D. Horsington, P. Phelan, M . Anderson . NORTH OLD BOYS McMahon 3, Sandini 2, Roumeliotis 2, Haifa 2, Mattiazzi 2, Ward 2, Bryce. BEST Roumeliotis, McMahon, Ward, Drum, Bryar, Moshos . BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE - Forfeited 11 .9.75 THERRY 25 .17.167 OLD TRINITY 5.2 10.6 11 .10 15.13.103 WHITEFRIARS 4 .5 11 .7 15.9 18.12 .120 OLD TRINITY Gibson 5, Smith 4, Davey 2, Alysandratos 2, Hodson, Jervis . BEST Vargo, Clark, Denby, Gibson, Ramsden, Smith . WHITEFRIARS Naismith 6, McFarlane 2, C . Carrigg 2, Cameron 2, Heath 2, James, Larratt, Thwaites, D. Carrigg . BEST Cameron, C . Carrigg, Naismith, Vanblaricum, Quilty, Kook. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 11 .16 .32 IVANHOE 27.12.174 UNIVERSITY BLACKS McCudden 3, Birks 2, Lerman 2, Miller 2, Whitely 2 . BEST McCudden, Terrill, Birks, Crommellin, Cook, Joy . IVANHOEJoyce 11, R . Pace5, Pdher4, Devlin 3, Mallia2, Laver, L . Pearce. BEST Devlin, Joyce, Hird, Pither, O'Shea, R . Pace. OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .5 7.6 14.6 15.6.96 UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 .4 10.11 12.13 15.19.109 OLD CAMBERWELL C. Patterson 4, B . McManus 3, S . Williams 2, S. Bremner 2, S . Lethlean, T. James, D. Talbot, D. Walker. BEST B. McManus, D. Walker, J. McKenzie, S . Lethlean, I . Strachan, A. Waternorth .
OLD IVANHOE 2,1,13 OLD CAREY 39 .25.259 OLD IVANHOE Mansfield, Ulrick. BEST Schoene, Stott, Mansfield, Georgiou, Beckwith, Lambert , OLD CAREY Matthews 12, Dunn 4, Mitchell 4, Vassilopolous3, Campbell 3, Yamall 3, Nance 3, Morrison 2, Addison 2 . BEST Good Team Effort . ST LEO'S WATTLE PARK - By e
UNDER 1 9 SECTIO N 2 SOUT H MONASH BLUES 3.3 5.8 8.10 8.10.53 MHSOB 0 .2 1 .3 6.3 11 .6.72 MONASH BLUES Campbell 3, Moon 2, Fawcett, Bennett, Colombies . BEST Arnott, Colombies, Bennett, Alexander, Tuohey, Moon . MHSOB Luttick 4, Paton 2, Duketis 2, Goldin 2, Fountas . BEST Goldin, Barge, Saultry, Lam, Cookman, Luttick. HAMPTON ROVERS 4 .1 5 .5 8 .13 10.15 .75 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 .4 8 .4 12 .7 15.16 .106 HAMPTON ROVERS Tregear 4, Wills 2, Bulmer, Dakis, Fletcher, Smith. BEST Hope, Tregear, Dakis, Blick, Williams, Wills . CALILPIELD GRAMMAR Howard 6, Boyd 3, Lubransky, Wailes, Hill, Tapp, Gross, Samuel. BEST Kuppe, Tapp, Howard, Smith, Cassidy, Lubransky . ST BEDE'S/MENTONE 4.2 8.5 8.10 14.17.101 OLD BRIGHTON 3.1 7.6 14.12 15.13.103 ST BEDE'S/MENTONE M . Razga 7, S . Scullin 5, Paul Razga 2 . BEST J. Carroll, M . Razga, B . Ellerton, M . Hecker, S. Scullin, M . Time. OLD BRIGHTON D. Atkin 9, M . Billionis 3, Williams 2, D. Wilson, BEST C. Jackson, Williams, D. Atkin, Bezley, P. Robinson, G. Newman . OLD SCOTCH 4.5 6.7 10.14 12 .14 .86 COLLEGIANS 5.3 7.8 11 .9 15.12 .102 OLDSCOTCH McCue6, Clancy, Elliott, Grigg, Heath, Simpson, Teasdale BEST Teesdale, Stewart, Heath, Seymour, Gregory, McCue . COLLEGIANS Semmens 5, Grant 3, Rose 2, Kelson 2, Lumley 2, N . De Young . BEST Mollard, Semmens, Grant, Kelson, Lumley, Lucas . AJAX - Bye
A-Editorial continued from page 1 is not shackled by the restraints of professionalism where the players are as our history so often states, playing "for the love of the game". I believe Amateur football has an important role to play in our socio-economic environment . Within the Amateurs we have an enormous cross section of players who come from enormously different social and economic backgrounds . On the football field however, the only thing that makes any one player stand out more than another is his ability to play the game .
The social interaction that occurs after the games and at functions and the lasting friendships that are made in Amateur football are enormously important when considering the long term development of the social framework we live in . The VAFA gives any aspiring footballer the chance to continue playing Australian Rules Football after he leaves school . His ability to play football is of no consequence. In a competition that runs from A section to F section, Club XVIII and 3 Under-19 sections, there will be a niche for anyone, no matter what level of ability they may possess from the would be AFL player to the social reserve player. They will always get a game in the Amateurs . Amateur football also importantly gives a path way to higher levels of football if that is what the individual desires. Top players who achieve State representation put themselves on display to AFL clubs and if they are good enough and dedicated enough there is no reason why they cannot go on and play at the ultimate level . Asa ridertothis I think it is importantto note atthistime that in the new restructuring that is being proposed, it is still envisaged that players will be ableto be drafted directly from the VAFA into the AFL . It may be of interest to note that : ® The VAFA was the first competition to adopt the concept of reserve players (19th man 1920s) • The VAFA was the first competition to adopt the order off rule (1930) . • The VAFA was the first competition to bring in a system of minimum set penalties in orderto try and make the tribunal a more efficient body. • The VAFA was the first competition to ban the consumption of alcohol amongst spectators while the game was being played (1983) . • The VAFA was the f irst competition to adopt a melee rule. These arejust some of the many innovations that have been made by the VAFA over the last 100 years and I'm sure that our Association will go on and continue to have a positive influence on the development of the game of Australian Rules Football as we know ittoday .
COACHES CLIPBOARD edited by Brian Woodhea d
RESOURCES & SUPPORT Alan Jeans has often said that one of the biggest difficulties he faced when he commenced his coaching career in the 60's was the lack of 'resources' available at that time. There was really nowhere to go for support or advice. I know when I first began coaching under 16's in 1970, things really hadn't improved too much . You called on the things your own coaches had taught you over the years, maybe added a thought or two of your own, but basically it was pretty much recycled stuff . Things have certainly changed for the coach of the 90's . The obvious improvement in the area of 'resources/ support' is the introduction of the 'Australian Football Coaches Association'. Besides the three newsletters (Coaching Update) per year, the Association provides the opportunity to participate in special seminars and enable coaches at all levels to meet periodically on educational and motivational occasions, as a means of support . The A .F.C.A . is not restricted to current coaches as membership is open to anyone with $12 and an interest in our game . Newspaper articles provide resources on a daily basis. The vast amount of reporting on ALL sport can provide information forthose keen enough to read them . The basketball team that overcame a mid-year slump, the baseballer who overcame serious injury, or the local soccer club that overcame lack of local support can all be relevant . One of my favourite stories came from a small article tucked away in a local ' Leader' Newspaper (I can almost see some little wry smiles coming ontothe faces of some 'Northern' footballers as they read this) . The article was about KAROLY TAKACS, who was the Hungarian National pistol shooting champion of the 1940's who lost his right hand (his trigger hand) in a grenade accident and finished up winning an Olympic Gold Medal at pistol shooting in the 1952 Helsinki games with his LEFT hand . I like to relate that story to the player who claims to be too old to develop his weaker side . There are RESOURCES in every newspaper, every day . Another obvious development in the past 15-20 years is the use of videos as a resource. Now I realise a lot of clubs cannot afford the cost of equipment to video their games each week, but the trusty old 'FOOTY REPLAY' on Saturday nights, and the Friday night/Sunday games can provide an interesting study . The recording and studying of these games can provide acoach with an insight into emerging tactics, strategies, team styles etc . Too often the game is viewed in a general way and the fact is overlooked thatthe player receiving the ball in the top of the picture had to run from somewhere else to get to that position . After one of the early seminars in the first year of the A .F.C.A ., a successful V.F.L . coach told a small group of us how in the early 80's he had studied a V.F.L . Grand Final video, and for every goal the premiers had kicked he had established an initiating point, then plotted the bal l ,M TYC Auwrr. .n cnevre. . . . - .- __
movement through to the final act of kicking the goal and had designed drills from them . The same could be done for methods of moving the ball from defence, or through mid-field etc. Resources are where we look for them . If your team is struggling in a certain area, perhaps a study of the'FOOTY REPLAY' may provide some tips . One of my favou rite resources are the footy talk shows on the radio . The stations that provide football coverage always lead into the game with a'Chat show', mostly with interviews, special guests etc . I always ask my wife to audio tape 3L0 from 1-2 on Saturdays to record their interviews . I particularly recall an interview with Paul Feltham the year after he was sacked by the 'Bears' . In the final game of the previous season, (his last game) the 'Bears' had beaten eventual premiers Hawthorn, and I can recall reading Michael Tuck's comments about how the 'Bears' seemed to have 30 players on the field . It was interesting to hear Feltham reveal some of the tactics employed that day to create numbers and loose men . Another of his tactics revealed from that day was his use of John Gastev who received two brownlow votes that day and gathered some 20 odd possessions . Gastev was in fact John Plattens TAGGER in that game, and Feltham instructed his team to LOOK FOR H I M at every opportunity, reasoning that he was the last player that Hawthorn would expect to be a running link player (this was before the tagger was expected to gain possessions as well) . The radio chat shows, pre/post game interviews can prove a great source of information . The National Australian Football Council has a wide range of videos and manuals available . Some videos available for hire or sale are : Tactics and Team Play (31 mins) Leading AFL coaches talk about the tactics they use and the reasons for them . The Coaches - No. 1 (41 mins) Current and former AFL coaches Allan Jeans, Wayne Schimmelbusch and Terry Wheeler talk openly on a range of topics essential for successful coaching . They include effective player-coach communication, mental preparation priorto a match and qualities of successful players. Great viewing for all coaches. The Players - No. 1 (40 mins) Leading AFL players Andrew Collins, Tony Shaw, Stephen Lawrence, Tony Liberatore, Stephen Clark and Tony Hall outline their thoughts for successful performance in football . Topics include self motivation, goal setting, visualisation, overcoming injuries and prematch preparation . Provides a great insight into the minds of players . Psychology & Motivation in Football ( 38 mins) â&#x20AC;˘ Importance of mental preparatio n â&#x20AC;˘ Techniques : Preparing for a gam e continued next page s
® COACHES CLIPBOARD continued from previous pag e • Overcoming adversity or obstacles • Importance of communicatio n • Concept of motivatio n • Mental attitudes to injury recovery (prepared byAnthonyStewart, Psychologist, Hawthorn FC ) Fitness for Football (39 mins) • Methods of attaining fitnes s • Stages of an annual fitness program • Four components of fitness Speed/stamina/strength/supplenes s • Pre and Post match preparation • Weight training priorities • The role of functional training • Diet COST OF VIDEOS: To buy: $25 ($20 foraccredited coach/AFCA member - means ALL V.A .F.A . coaches! To hire: $10 per video plus $20 deposit. Level One Coaches Manual $10 Level Tino Coaches M anual $10 Manuals and Videos available from the NAFC Office 2nd Floor, 120 Jolimont Road, Jolimont 3002 Phone : 650 4977 or Fax : 650 1303 Books : MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKS, owned and managed by SANTO CARUSO offers a wide range of books on all major sports. Santo is a long time supporter of Amateur Football, and offers a 10% discount to V.A .F.A . coaches, and ALL Amateur people will receive excellent service and prices . Just mention the V.A .F.A . MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKS 9 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne 3000
Trading Hours : Monday - Thursday 9.30 am-5.30 pm Friday 9.30 am-7.00 p m Saturday 9.30 am-1 .00 pm Phone: 621 121 1 As an extension of this article, starting this week, we will present the'Resource of the Week' here in'Coaches Clipboard', and we invite all amateur coachesto share a resource with us. It could be a video you've come across, book you've read, newspaper/magazine article etc. Let's hear from some coaches and let's start sharing some information . Santo Caruso has generously donated goodstothe value of $20 at MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKSforthe 'RESOURCE OF THE MONTH . The award will be selected from the weekly contributions and will be awarded for the months of May-August . Contact me with your ' Resou rce' by 3 pm each Thurs . JOHN KEENAN Ph : 467 2043 (h) 412 7853 (w) Fax: 412 780 3 As a lead off, this weeks 'Resource of the Week' is the bookBEYOND WINNING (The timeless wisdom of great philosopher coaches) by Gary M . Walton . Beyond Winning provides true insight into the lives of Vince Lombardi, Woody Hayes, John Wooden, James 'Doc' Counsilman, Brutus Hamilton and Percy Cerutty, six of the most successful personalities who made a lasting impact, not only in the world of sports, but also in the fields of teaching, psychology, planning and organisation . Beyond Winning is available from Santo Caruso at Melbourne Sports Books and is priced at $25 . (Win a 'Resource of the Month' award and it will cost you only $5) . John Keenan (Without Portfolio!)
1993 ster icPark Programme VicHealth Matches of the Da y to be held at Elsternwick Park as follows: THIS SATURDAY: THIS SUNDAY: NEXT SATURDAY: NEXT SUNDAY:
3L0 774 AM stere o
6 .20 pm Saturday Phil Stevens chats about A Section followed by all section scores .
Sat 11-11 .30 am . - Amateur Footy Show hosted by Larry Stephens with studio guests . Sat 6 .30 pm - All VAFA results .
Thurs 3 .15 pm - John Kelly chats about Amateur footy with Phil Stevens. Sat 6 .30 pm - VAFA results with Andrew Clifton
"VAFA SUNDAY" ON SOUTHERN FM 88 .3 every Sunday Morning 9 - 9 .30 am with host Michael Schiavello and accompanied each week by either Adam Kenyon or David Holland . Scores, interviews, competitions and comments .
9 .20 am every Frida y Adam Kenyon presents VicHealth VAFA Report on Leon Wiegard's Good Sports Sho w
IN THE P1AXPE S ... FRIDAY ~ T ~,T Adam Kenyon previews weekend matches and the Diadora HERALD- S ~J 1`al Player of last week's round is announced . SUNDAY PAPERS
SUNDAY HERAL D °S U 1`i Adam Kenyon reviews matches . SUNDAY AWE Pat Maher reviews matches played .
Adam Kenyon presents a full wrap up of all matches
including ladders for all sections .
MARKETING NEWS by Phil Stevens
Each week I will be giving a VAFA Sponsor the opporunity to talk about their association with the VAFA, talk about special offers to clubs or simply explain products or services on offer to VAFA clubs and supporters during the year. This week I have asked Sue Hall from Cadbury (Red Tulip) to explain the Cadbury Fundraising scheme which was presented to all Club Presidents at the 1993
Sponsors' Night -A wonderful opportunity for clubs to support a sponsor and generate funds for themselves . Many thanks also to Cadbury for supplying a most magnificent casket of Easter Eggs as a prize for Southern MFs'VAFA Sunday' show. The lucky caller who answered the question, Paul Weigall of McKinnon (an Old Haileybury and Ormond supporter), must still be enjoying the chocolate delights! Thanks Cadbury .
Fund raising has never been easier . . . because more people really do say YES to Cadbury ! These days meeting your fund raising targets is becoming more and more difficult . The trouble is finding a new idea that your organisation's friends will support . Now you can sell something everyone knows, trusts and likes ! So Cadbury have developed a support service called the Cadbury Fund Raiser Club to make your job easier and more rewarding . This includes a FREE organiser's kit, incentive prizes for your organisation and delicious Cadbury'Freddo' Frogs which can be used to reward your team . How much profit can you make with Cadbury? (See table on this page) . Joining the Club is totally free and if you want full details call the Service Line on 008 809 444 . Cadbury will send you a Fund Raiser Club Information Kitwhich explains everything . Or you can have the Kit delivered by our Cadbury Fund Raising Consultant who'll bring along afree samplejustto remind you of how good our chocolate really is . Why not take your share of the many million blocks of Cadbury chocolate sold every year in Australia? Call Cadbury now on 008 809 444 to get your Cadbury Fund Raiser drive underway.
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O KING BACK by Noel Rundle
ROUND 2 5 YEARS AGO - 198 8 The VAFA announced their Gala Race Day at Caulfield on Wednesday, May 25. Assistant Umpires' Advisor, Graeme Simpson, celebrated 25 years involvement with the VAFA . 200 games to Bulleen-United's Howard Turney, a dour backman, always first on the training track and very active as a social committee member . Reinstatements granted so far to Robert Newton (Collegians), Warren Keeghan (St Kevins), Andrew Jobling (Ormond), Allan Lawson ( Hampton Rovers), Mark Hibbins (Collegians), Peter Drummond (Old Scotch), Peter Adams ( Ivanhoe), Glyn Evans (Powerhouse), Brendon Dowling (MHSOB) . The 1988 Media Launch was launched at the MCG with former Umpires' Advisor, Ian Cleland (sometime ABC football commentator and self proclaimed trotting and lawn bowls exponent) as guest speaker . Jon Anderson of the Sunday Press received the 1987 Media Award - a cheque for $500, $500 Clothes Voucher from Australian Wool Corporation, and two tickets to the Gold Coast from Ansett Airlines . VAFA players to make their VFL debuts were Terry Board (Old Paradians 1987) and Mark Summers (Old Xaverians 1987) . Which AFL clubs did they play with? "'Answer at end of 'Looking Back') . Therry continued their good form with an 8 goal win over Caulfield Grammarians, 19 .10to 11 .9. Bestwere Matton (6 goals), Biddlestone, Lyman (T) and Cooney, Nalder, Harris (CG) . Aquinas, Premiers in F in 1987 were level with Old Geelong at half and three quarter time but then were overrun in the final term to go down 11 .9 to 15 .12 . Best were Butler, Gunn, Jamieson (Old G .) and Wilkinson, Grierson, Whelan ( Aquinas) . 'A' Section coaches were Bruce Ferguson ( Coll .), Wayne Walsh (De La Salle), Neil Le Lievre (Marc.), Matt Hanneberry (NOB), Simon Tallent (Old Scotch), John O'Connell ( Old Paradians), Mike McArthur-Allen (Ormond), Danny Corcoran ( Old Xaverians), Frank Melican (St Bernard's), Alan Salter (Uni . Blues) . 10 YEARS AGO - 198 3 Bill Nettlefold, former Richmond, North Melbourne and Melbourne player, had returned as playing coach of St Kevins and led the team to a crushing win over MHSOB. 'A' Section Umpires were J . Smith, R . Tracey, W. Henry, T. Flannery, P. Wiseman, C. Mead, J . Horwood, B . Goodman, C . Willis and D . Dodds. (Peter Wiseman is the only survivor - NR) . Old Paradiaris (B Section) held off a strong finish by Uni Blacksto win by 11 points, 13.19 to 12 .14 with best players, P. Wood, Gleeson, Considine, (O.P.) and
Pattinson (5 goals), Clarke and Curtis ( Uni Blacks). Michal Butler (record game player at Marcellin - 207 games) was appointed coach of his old club replacing Peter O' Donohue who had retired on doctor's advice . Ajax contratulated Barry Markoff on his 200th gam e with the club, during which he played in every grade from E to A. Barry is also well-known as author of the book 'The Road to A Grade' . 'Man about Amateur Football' David Dressing had been appointed coach of Ajax . Peter Fox also reached 200 games with No rt h Brunswick and capping a great career as a player and administrator of the club, was now playing alongside his son Craig, in the Seniors . Brothers Michael and Henry Ritterman were opposing captains when St Bernard's lined up against Ajax . Uni Blues, 27 points up at the last change, survived a strong final term 6 goal burst by Ormond to win by one point, 15.14 to 15.13. Stars were Yeo, Wood, Angel ( Uni Blues) and Smith, Morris, Tonkin, Ricky Jackson (rover with Melbourne) ( Ormond) . 15 YEARS AGO - 197 8 John Wilson, Senior coach of Caul . Grammar., 1961 to 1971, (Premiers'F' 1961 and 'A' 1970) had succeeded Claude Ullin as President of the club. 'A' Section coaches were Ian Cameron Caulfield Gramm., Bernie Sheehy De La Salle, Gavin White Marcellin, Laurie Aghan Old Scotch, Mike McCooke Ormond, Gus Mitchrell St Bernard's, Bob Beynon Uni Blacks, Alan Salter Uni Blues, Alan Condrie Ivanhoe. Milestones : Uni Blues rover Barry Church first 200 game player with club . Advertisers were McLean's Tetof, OK Paper Bags, Sherrin, Merrett Hassett, Don McQueen and Millson Homes. St Bernard's, 35 points ahead of No rt h OB at half time were overwhelmed in the third quarter 7 .3 to 1 .7 but came back in the final term to win by six points. Best were Doolan, Schwazenberg, Pieters ( St Bernard's) and O'Connor, Magquire and Anderson (North OB) . Ajax kicked their way to defeat in 'C' Section with 11 .22 to Old Brighton's 14 .12 . Best : Warnock, Cameron, Priestly ( Old Brighton) and Rozen, Kaye and R . Marks (Ajax) . 20 YEARS AGO - 197 3 1972 Premiers Ormond suffered the indignity of defeat after unfurling their premiership pennant . In a real upset No rt h OB cleared out in the third quarter to establish a winning lead and held Ormond off to score by 29 points . Best were Crooks, Wilson, Power (No rth) and Moran, Pearce, Logan (Ormond) . Caul . Gramm . put in a great second half after trailing Uni Blues by 10 points at half time, kicking 18 .15 to 5.3. McNicol, Voyage (5), S . McLaughlin, P. McLaughlin, Griffiths and Morfett were best for victors.
100 games to Barry Lyons (De La Salle) and Don Munro (AMP) . Old Paradians reported on farewell dinner given by clubtoJohn Booth, player 1957to 1964 and coach 1966 to 1972. Top scorer for day was State Saving Bank who kicked 28.26 .194 in a 140 point defeat of Old Geelong, stars for SSB were Morrison, Evans, Webster, McGill, Spithill and Brennan . 25 YEARS AGO - 196 8 'A' Section coaches were Bob Spurling ( North OB), John Wilson (Caul . Gramm.), John Booth (O .R), Geoff Hibbins (Collegians), Alan Salter ( Coburg), Peter Kanis (MHSOB), Frank Snell (Kew), Don Howell (Old Scotch), Brian Gleeson ( Uni Blacks), Les Hughson (Uni Blues) . Can you name the 6 who played V.F.L'? Lex Hibbins Collegians, retired after playing 222 games. Old Carey congratulated John Elliott and Bruce Edwards on 150 games with the club . Kew, who outplayed Old Paradians all day to win by 5 goals, and Uni Blacks were the only undefeated 'A' Section team after two games . 35 YEARS AGO - 1958 Old Xaverians repeated the 1957'B' Section Grand Final with an 11 point win over Alphington . Slattery, Capes, McPhail, John Sanders (5 goals) were Old X's stars with Miller, Shaw and P . Whitfield best for Alphington .
Junior Athol Guy later to win international fame as a'Seeker', made a sensational debut with MHSOB seniors kicking 9 of the club's 17 goals in their 31 point defeat of Kew. New team St Kilda CBCOB received good wish telegrams for their first match from Laurie and Kevin Mithen, Peter Brenchley, Don Williams, Terry Mountain, Frank Dunin, Brian Walsh, Brian Moloney, Geoff Feehan and Allan Killigrew (past pupils prominent in League ranks) . Coach was Joe Sheehan, captain of Ormond's 1950 'A' Section premiership team . Popular UHSOB captain Jack Kalaf, in his last game before going overseas, starred with 5 goals in the club's big win over South Melbourne City. 'A' Section umpires were Watt, Luckman, Lance, Halliday and H . Roberts. 45 YEARS AGO - 194 8 'A' Section umpires were Creighton, Gamble, Walsh, Jennings and Wilkins. Current ABC football commentator Doug Heywood kicked 8 goals from half-forward flank for Uni Blacks against Hampton Rovers. Another prominent figure mentioned - John Kennedy's vigorous rucking brought Teacher's College many opportunities . Hampton Scouts, led by Roy Harper, 'kicked the sweep' against Ormond Juniors - 24.19,163 to 11 .9.75. *Answer - Terry Board (Fitzroy), Mark Summers (Richmond) .
UMPIRES CORNER by Mike Murray and Steve McCarthy • Judging from the reports, last Saturday's outing at Caulfied was a real winner. Again, forthose who missed the results, the placing in the VAFAUA Handicap were - 1st - Kenny's Best Pal (Therese Pitcher) - 2nd -Burst (Michael Lentini) - 3rd -Justice Prevails (Therese Toohey ) - U nplaced Favourite - Slight Chance (Wayne Binch) • It must be thirsty work being a part-time boundary umpire judging by David 'Ball-tearer' D'Altera's 'Stout' hearted performance at a recent MHSOB practice match . He's obviously looking for a spot in the 'Guinness' (Book of Records) . • It would now appear that there are four sta rt ing times on Training nights : On-time ; Late ; Later ; Showers . The latter category appealed to Wayne `Chuck' Hinton one recent Thursday. He was obviously sprucing up for his birthday the following day . • It was lovely to catch up with Norma Fullerton at two recent VAFAfunctions. Norma, whose late husband Jack was a VAFA 'heavyweight' (and 'Umpires man'!) during the 60s and 70s, wishes to be remembered to all her VAFAUA friends and convey her best regards to all current umpires . (Do you still need your lawns mown, Norma?) • Quote of the week: Brian 'HOR' (Husband of Robyn) Bulluss - our esteemed Advisor, upon addressing the troops at a pre-season meeting : "If the player with the ball has got the ball . . " • The final nominations for the VAFAUA Oscars are: - 'Forever Young' (Peter Wiseman ) - 'Reckless Kelly' (John Kelly) - 'Never on Sunday' (Steve McCarthy) - 'Scent of a Woman' (Sharon Alger) - 'The Distinguished Gentleman' (Les Harrison) - 'Gone with the Wind' (Rod Clarkson ) - 'The Odd Couple' (Kevin Segota/Colin King) - 'Loaded Weapon I' (John Slater) - 'The Crying Game' (John Natoli ) -'For a Few Dollars More' (Steve Hopper) - 'Last of the Mohicans' (Bob Dunstan) - 'Sister Act' (Brian and Gary Lowe) - 'Nowhere to Run' (Peter Harris)
- 'Strictly Ballroom' (Darren Dalgliesh) -'Homeward Bound' (Geoff Moore) - 'A Few Good Men' (B. Bullus, B. Goodman, R . Francis, G . Baumgarten) . . . . And the winner is . . . - 'The Bodyguard' (Richard Eastwood ) • Rumour has it that (former) goalie great, Julian `The Rabbi' Velleman is about to don the hat and coat for a'Me!ba perforance'. He's only doing it for the money! • PROFILE : While the 'rank and file' are still filling in their sheets, today we probe the Chairman of the Umpire Committee Name: Peter William Hutchinson Nickname : Hutch Occupation : School teache r Year commenced umpiring: 1961 Year finished umpiring: 196 1 Umpiring highlight : Reporting former VAFA umpire, Daryl 'Whiskers' Hill, in a Bentleigh HS House match! VAFA playing career : 363 games -(355 Powerhouse ; 8 Camberwell Gr) . Playing achievements: 7 B/Fs (Power House) ; State team (1960, 61) ; undefeated coach of VAFA'C-F' side (1980-82) . Greatest influence on career : Les Gordon (Power House player/ coach) . Pet Hates: Players who lose concentration and argue with umpires . BestAmateurFootballer seen : Frank Tuck (Assumption OC ) Best Umpire : Bill Maso n What I like about umpiring: The need to be committed to be successful . Ambition : To continue to maintain a strong relationsip with the Umpires Association as well as seeing the VAFA continue to expand and grow stronger . • Has anyone seen Gary Clancy? If so, would you kindly inform Ted McNamara (Uni Blues) . • Dates to Remember : - April 18th : Annual Golf Day April 22nd : VAFAUA Executive April 29th : VAFAUA Monthly meeting May 8th : Progressive Dinner. • RACV TRAVEL : What a way to go !
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AGN. 004 060 833 LTA 307 5=
L D FOR AGST % PTS A SECTION ORMOND 1 0 0 107 68 157.35 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 0 0 153 107 142 .99 4 OLD XAVERIANS 1 0 0 127 100 127.00 4 DE LA SALLE 1 0 0 129 106 121 .70 4 COLLEGIANS 1 0 0 81 80 101 .25 4 OLD SCOTC H 0 1 0 80 81 98,77 0 ST BERNARD'S 0 1 0 106 129 82.17 0 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 1 0 100 127 78.74 0 OLD TRINITY 0 1 0 107 153 69.93 0 OLD BRIGHTON 0 1 0 68 107 6355 0 B SECTIO N THERRY CCOB 1 0 0 160 57 280.70 4 MARCELLIN 1 0 0 118 84 140 .48 4 OLD MENTONIANS 1 0 0 118 86 137.21 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 0 0 121 89 135.96 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 1 0 0 126 117 107 .69 4 FAWKNER 0 1 0 117 126 92 .86 0 BANYULE 0 1 0 89 121 73,55 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0 1 0 86 118 72,88 0 WHITEFRIARS 0 1 0 84 118 71 .19 0 OLD PARADIANS 0 1 0 57 160 35 .63 0 C SECTION MHSOB 1 154 56 275.00 IVANHOE i 155 97 159.79 PARKSIDE 1 111 95 116.84 MAZENOD OC 153 143 106.99 1 109 107 101 .87 MONASH BLUES 0 107 109 98.17 AJAX 0 143 153 93.46 ST KILDAlSTH CAULFIELD 0 95 111 85.59 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 0 97 155 62.58 COMMONWEALTH BANK 0 1 0 56 154 36.3 6 D SECTION OLD IVANHOE 1 0 0 139 63 220 .63 THOMASTOWN 1 0 0 148 88 168.18 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 0 0 152 108 140 .74 OLD GEELONG 1 0 0 107 82 130.49 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 1 0 0 140 121 11570 ST KEVINS 0 1 0 121 140 86 .43 BRUNSWICK 0 1 0 82 107 76 .64 HAMPTON ROVERS 0 1 0 108 152 71 .05 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGE 0 1 0 88 148 59,46 NORTH BRUNSWICK 0 1 0 63 139 453 2 E SECTIO N 42 359.52 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 1 0 0 151 DOVETON 1 0 0 163 54 291 .07 4 ELSTERNWICK 1 0 0 102 51 200.00 4 GLENHUNTLY 1 0 0 117 83 140.96 4 69 102 .90 4 POWERHOUSE 1 0 0 71 BULLEEN UNITED 0 1 0 69 171 97.18 0 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 0 1 0 83 17 70,94 0 102 50.00 0 AQUINAS OR 0 1 0 51 ANZ BANK 0 1 0 56 163 3436 0 OLD ESSENDON GRAM 0 1 0 42 151 27.81 0 Fl SECTIO N 57 336.84 4 ST JOHNS OC 1 0 0 192 SALESIAN OC 1 0 0 141 89 204.35 4 ST MARY'S 1 0 0If 123 61 201 .64 4 ST ANDREW'S 1 0 126 67 188.06 4 LATROBE UNIVERSITY 1 0 0 135 94 143 .62 4 OLD CAREY 0 1 0 94 135 69 .63 0 126 53.17 0 ST PAOTRICK'S MENTONE 0 1 0 61 123 49.59 0 PENINSULA OB 0 1 0 69 141 4894 0 WEST BRUNSWICK 0 1 0 57 192 29.69 0 F2 SECTION CAMBERWELL AFC 1 0 0 177 54 327.78 4 OAKLEIGH AFC 1 0 0 136 63 215.87 4 CANTERBURY/NTH BAL 1 0 0 128 83 154.22 4 YARRA VALLEY OB 1 0 0 168 110 152 .73 4 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 0 0 106 4 103 102.91 CHIRNSIDE PARK 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 4 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 1 0 10 106 97.17 0 OLD WESTBOURNE AFC 0 1 0 110 168 65.48 0 BORONIA PARK 0 1 0 83 128 6484 0 BALWYN COMBINED AFC 0 1 0 63 136 4632 0 VUT/FIT 0 1 0 54 177 3051 0 A RESERVE SECTION OLD XAVERIANS 1 0 0 126 59 213.56 4 ORMOND 1 0 0 143 68 210.29 4 DE LA SALLE 1 0 0 86 65 132.31 4 OLD SCOTCH 1 0 0 91 72 126.39 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 0 1 0 74 74 100.00 0 OLD TRINITY 0 1 0 74 74 100.00 0 COLLEGIANS 0 1 0 72 91 79.12 0 ST BERNARD'S 0 1 0 65 86 75 .58 0 OLD BRIGHTON 0 1 0 68 143 47.55 0 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 1 0 59 126 46 .83 0 8 RESERVE SECTION THERRY CCOB 1 0 0 133 28 475 .00 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 0 0 118 42 280 .95 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 1 0 0 102 39 261 .54 4 BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE 1 0 0 110 59 186.44 4 WHITEFRIARS 1 0 0 91 60 151,67 4 MARCELLIN 0 1 0 60 91 65.93 0 OLD MENTONIANS 0 1 0 59 110 53.64 0 FAWKNER 0 1 0 39 102 38.24 0 BANYULE 0 1 0 42 118 35.59 0 OLD PARADIANS 0 1 0 2 8 133 21 .05 0 C RESERVE SECTION MHSOB 1 0 0 157 21 747.62 4 IVANHOE 1 0 0 74 33 224.24 4 MONASH BLUES 1 0 0 56 50 112.99 4 PARKSIDE 1 0 0 51 46 110.87 4 AJAX 1 0 0 77 70 110.00 4 MAZENOD OC 0 1 0 70 77 90.91 0 Si KILDA/SiH CAULFIELD 0 1 0 46 51 90.20 0 KEW 0 1 0 50 56 89.29 0
W L 0 FOR AGST % PTS D RESERVE SECTION ST BEDES/MENTONE 1 0 0 146 16 912 .50 4 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 0 0 159 22 722 .73 4 OLD GEELONG 1 0 0 89 37 240 .54 4 OLD IVANHOE 1 0 0 96 49 195 .92 4 ST KEVIN'S 1 0 0 90 72 125.00 4 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 0 1 0 72 90 8000 0 NORTH BRUNSWICK 0 1 0 49 96 51 .04 0 BRUNSWICK 0 1 0 37 89 41,57 0 HAMPTON ROVERS 0 1 0 22 159 1384 0 THOMASTOWN 0 1 0 16 146 1096 0 E RESERVE SECTIO N DOVETON 1 0 0 122 22 554 .55 4 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 1 0 0 95 57 166 .67 4 POWERHOUSE 1 0 0 63 41 153.66 4 ELSTERNWICK 1 0 0 59 55 107.27 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 1 0 0 86 81 10617 4 OLD ESSENDON GRAM 0 1 0 81 86 94.19 0 AQUINAS OB 0 1 0 55 59 93.22 0 BULLEEN UNITED 0 1 0 41 63 65,08 0 GLENHUNTLY 0 1 0 57 95 6000 0 ANZ BANK 0 1 0 22 122 1803 0 Fl RESERVE SECTIO N LATROBE UNIVERSITY 1 0 0 74 26 284 .62 4 PENINSULA OB 1 0 0 128 47 272 .34 4 ST JOHN'S OC 1 0 0 79 38 207.89 4 ST PATRICK'S MENTONE 1 0 0 89 67 132 .84 4 UHSOB 1 0 0 83 63 13175 4 ST ANDREW'S 0 1 0 63 83 75.90 0 ST MARY'S 0 1 0 67 89 75 .28 0 WEST BRUNSWICK 0 1 0 38 79 48 .10 0 SALESIAN OC 0 1 0 47 128 3672 0 OLD CAREY 0 1 0 26 74 3514 0 F2 RESERVE SECTIO N YARRA VALLEY OB 1 0 0 105 35 300 .00 4 BORONIA PARK 1 0 0 95 45 211 .11 4 BALWYN COMBINED AFC 1 0 0 103 61 168 .85 4 VUTIFIT 1 0 0 59 38 155.26 4 RICHMON CENTRAL 1 0 0 71 70 10143 4 CHIRNSIDE PARK 1 0 0 0 0 000 4 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 1 0 70 71 9859 0 CAMBERWELL AFC 0 1 0 38 59 64.41 0 OAKLEIGH AFC 0 1 0 61 103 59 .22 0 CANTERBURY NTH BAL 0 1 0 45 95 47,37 0 OLD WESTBOURNE AFC 0 1 0 35 105 3333 0 CLUB XVIII - NORTH BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 0 0 142 7 2028 .57 4 ELTHAM 1 0 0 126 54 233.33 4 OLD PARADIANS 1 0 0 74 40 185.00 4 ST BERNARDS 1 0 0 79 58 136 .21 4 KEW 7 0 0 0 0 0.00 4 OLD GEELONG 0 1 0 58 79 73 .42 0 NORTH OLD BOYS 0 1 0 40 74 54,05 0 MARCELLIN 0 1 0 54 126 42 .86 0 THERRY 0 1 0 7 142 4,93 0 CLUB XVIII - SOUTH BLOODS 1 0 0 149 17 876.47 4 MAZENOD OC 1 0 0 135 49 275 .51 4 OLD SCOTCH 1 0 0 68 32 212.50 4 OLD XAVERIANS 1 0 0 87 53 164.15 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 1 0 0 56 '1' 15135 4 DE LA SALLE 0 1 0 37 56 6607 0 MONASH WHITES 0 1 0 53 87 60 .92 0 COLLEGIANS 0 1 0 32 68 47 .06 0 POWERHOUSE 0 1 0 17 149 11 .41 0 MONASH GRYPHONS 0 1 0 42 0 0 .00 0 UNDER 19 - SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 1 0 0 213 60 355 .00 4 CHIRNSIDE PARK 1 0 0 193 67 288 .06 4 ORMOND 1 0 0 171 88 194 .32 4 MAZENOD OC 1 0 0 126 94 134 .04 4 DE LA SALLE 1 0 0 99 81 122,22 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 0 1 0 81 99 81 .82 0 ST BERNARD'S 0 1 0 94 126 7460 0 MARCELLIN 0 1 0 88 171 51,46 0 OLD MENTONIANS 0 1 0 67 193 34.72 0 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 1 0 60 213 28.17 0 UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 CENTRAL OLD CAREY 1 0 0 259 13 1992 .31 4 THERRY 1 0 0 167 75 222 .87 4 IVANHOE 0 1 0 17 482 212 .20 4 OLD PARADIANS 1 0 0 177 94 188 .30 4 WHITEFRIARS 1 0 0 120 103 11650 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 0 0 109 96 113 .54 4 Si LEOS WATTLE PARK 1 0 0 0 0 000 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 0 1 0 96 109 88,07 0 OLD TRINITY 0 1 0 103 120 85 .83 0 NORTH OLD BOYS 0 1 0 94 177 53,11 0 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0 1 0 82 174 4713 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0 1 0 75 167 44.91 0 OLD IVANHOE 0 1 0 13 259 5 .02 0 UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 SOUT H CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1 0 0 106 75 141 .33 4 MHSOB 1 0 0 72 58 124 .14 4 COLLEGIANS 1 0 0 102 86 118.60 4 OLD BRIGHTON 1 0 0 103 101 101 .98 4 AJAX 1 0 0 0 0 0,00 4 ST BEDE'S!MENTONE TIGE 0 1 0 101 103 98 .06 0 OLD SCOTCH 0 1 0 86 102 8431 0 MONASH BLUES 0 1 0 58 72 80 .56 0 HAMPTON ROVERS 0 1 0 75 106 7075 0 'Forfeited Match .
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