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Waverley Park, June 1992 ., The VAFA soundly defeated the PSAAF6, Here,Danny-Thomso n dashes clear supported by -, druno Conti and Wayne Carey.
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-Viofo~~~member~f the~entakhlealth Se rv~ Ur~~~19 team . .". winners ef the 1992 Vic Health ul19 Championships. Coach John Simpso n (with bait) is pictured proudly amongst his players . I
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EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s FOOTBALL CK~1C~ ',£,~~ L~Dr_`~,r LANGFORD JONES WRITES 7' KV','3~ k!, ;9S 1 QAL a a a "THE V.A .F.A. TODAY" What is the role of the VAFA in modern day football within Victoria? Many ardent football followers ask this question year in and year out . Is it important that we be seen to be leaders in setting the direction that our code is heading within Victoria? The current Executive believe the responsible answer is to have a bet each way. Whilst we try to remember that we are only the current custodians of a competition that has now proved to be most successful for over one hundred years built solely on the premise that we are an Amateur competition providing the facility whereby amateurs can play our great game at the cheapest possible cost, but at the same time trying to balance this with the best possible conditions and played under the safest possible standards that can be provided at a reasonable cost . It is not easy trying to balance standards and conditions provided against the costs of doing so . All clubs should try and understand that all members of the Executive are former club administrators who are well aware of the difficulties the clubs are currently facing in these depressed times . Today I would liketo touch onthree orfour issuesthat I feel the clubs need to have a better understanding of . 1 . The good bloke synd ro me. As chairman of Permits and Reinstatements the most commonly quoted remark that the Permit & Reinstatement Committee is offered is that the applicant is a "really good bloke". Whilst the VAFA has this high on their list of qualities desired by its members, we are not just a competition for "good blokes" . I would like to think all football competitions are full of good blokes . Our distinction is that they must be either "amateur good blokes" or eligible for becoming "amateur good blokes" through the reinstatement process . There are many alternative competitions for "good blokes" who don't meet out strict standards of amateurism . 2. Rules Review Commi ttee and other Advisory Committees . It is now policy that each year the Executive seeks as much advise as it can on important issues that affect either the game itself or the way it is administered . Over the last five years or so a Rules Review Committee has been established to reviewthe rules and conditions by which we play. This committee is changed on a regular basis sothat new ideas are constantly being floated or reviewed . Some of the recent changes to the way the VAFA operates on the Saturday which the Rules Review
Committee and othercommittes have initiated include : a) The reduction of the 50 metre penalty to 25 metres. b) The withdrawal of the line across the centre circle . c) The abandonment of the "no handball after a free kick" rule . d) The revision of the reinstatement guidelines last year . This year's committee will comprise myself as Chairman ; Phil Stevens, General Manager ; Phil Rowell, Vice President VAFA ; Peter Hutchinson, Chairman of Umpires ; Leigh Carlson, Mark Parker, Mark Tymms (reigning A,B & C section premiership coaches with the exception of Mark Parker - Alan Johnson retired) ; Serge D'Angelo (representing D to F section coaches) and John Simpson (VAFA/AFCA representative) . The job of this committee is to review the rules by which we play. Any recommendations are then passed on to the full Executive which discusses all proposals at its yearly Seminar. 3. The three interchange rul e The introduction of a third interchange player this weekend has, on the whole, been received most positively. For every objection we have received twenty positive responses . Let me go on record as saying that for those that believe it was brought in merely to upstage the AFL, this could not be further from the truth . There were a number of considerations : Whilst recognising the importance of winning we should never lose sight of the fact that the game of Australian Rules is exactly that - a game . At the end of the day the result of the game will not change the world, but the health and welfare of our players is most important. One of the reasons why players choose our competition over others is that they can be provided with a good, hard, fair game of football whilst being reasonably assured that they won't suffer a "king hit" or the like behind or in play . We have achieved this over the years by our tough approach to investigations and tribunals. Similarly, if through the introduction of a third interchange player we can assist the over zealous coach from not having to send an injured player back onto the field then the exercise will have been worthwhile . Most people consider it was introduced to prevent clubs having to send concussed players back into the fray . This is only partly correct . We also believe that players with any injury, be it ankle, knee, shoulder or whatever , continued page 5 P
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A SECTION by Adam Kenyo n
REVIEW Trinity fell asleep for the 2nd time this year when the y held a 14 pt lead going into the last qtr - in which they had the wind . Ormond nearly doubled the score inthe final term despite kicking into the wind . Normal backman Adam Fitgerald kicked 4 telling goals in thefinal and he, along with Brett Connell, were the prime movers in the last qtr barrage . Rod Heath kicked 5 gls from 1/2 forward and, as usual, Trevor Norman was in everything . Sid Myerswould be most disappointed with the final term fade out - and the question of fitness must be raised . Ormond on the other hand are gaining momentum and are sitting deservedly just outside the four . De La withstood a final qtr Scotch charge to score a 12 pt victory. De La had a 5 gl 3/a time break and relaxed in the final term . Chris Slattery was in great touch across 1/2 forward for De La which is an ominous sign . Scotch couldn't match the superior De La running game and were left to play catch-up football all day . Andrew Ronchi gave Col McLounan and Brett Mahoney first chance with his fine ruckwork . Duncan McCall played hard at full forward finishing with 6 goals but Scotch is starting to get back to full strength with the return of Rob Fuller and they will trouble many teams . 0. Brighton thrashed St Bernards despite trailing by 8 pts at qtr time. The Tonners, led by Tom Hayden, piled on 21 gis to 5 after qtr time . St Bernards have certainly gone from chocolates to boiled lollies - one would think they they have an attitude problem because we all know they havethetalent . Discipline was thrown out of the window when, for the 2nd time this year, St Bernards had 3 players sent off in a qtr. Michael Hendryatfull backand Brad Pollockatchb set the game up with solid defence that rattled St Bernards . Paul Capes was the sole St Bernards defender to offer resistance to the Brighton charge . It was always going to be a physical game but an 86 pt Brighton victory? ! North Old Boys maintained top spot with a less than impressive 38 pt victory over Haileybu ry. North's winning margin was impressive, but their display of football was not one that would overly please Robert Hyde . Steve Brazil keeps dominating and Luke Boyle keeps finishing off . The Bloods, with the suspension of Matt DeMattia, had nothing to kick to up forward and are still awaiting the return of Wayne and Gary Phillips and Chris McKenzie. North are teaming well and despite an ordinary 1st term, managed to pile on 11 gls to 6 after qtr time. Dave Connell and Peter Thiessen continue to do well for the Bloods, but Dennis McGrory must be most concerned about his team performance . The Xavs outscored Collegians in every qtrto score a stunning 41 pt victory and send a warning to De La and North that there is another genuine contender in A-section this year.
Doug Bailey took control of this game and simply directed playfrom the half forward line . Atthe other end of the field Rick Schober was doing nearly as well for Collegians . The standard of football was a credit to both teams, but the Xavs played fou r complete qtrs of football and deserved their victory. Michael Blood dominated the ruck and he gave Richard Green first use of the ball . Collegians will be smarting at this loss and they will certainly want to make amends today against St Bernards . PREVIEW 0 . Brighton are riding high and play O . Trinity a t the Beach Oval . The B-section GF replay will certainly be a willing affair as their is no love lost between these two clubs . Brighton have been buoyed by the return of Tom Hayden and Andrew Pryor and will certainly start as favourites because of their home ground record . Trinity are not well known for having lapses in concentration - but they do play well when they concentrate. Trevor Norman and Rod Heath have been the leaders on the field . There will be some contesting duels today : Pryor vs Allibon, McLachlan vs Hopkins, Lennox vs Rogers . Should be a great game this one . I'll go with the Tonners at the Beach by 10 pts . St Bernards are at home to Collegians. Usually this would be a simple game to select but St Bernards are playing very ordinary football . Collegians are on the rebound and could fall out of the four if they lose today . I wonder how the St Bernards line up will stop Galbraith, Schober, Thomson, Proctor, Hibbins and Irvine . The home ground advantage is enormous and St Bs will have to use every ounce of ittoday . Trevor Spencer and Luke Gollant can easily kick a winning score but I wonder who is going to get the ball down to them . I'll stick with Collegians by 2 gls . The in-form Xaverian combination take on North OBs at the Lake Oval . The Xavs have only had one hiccup this season when they went down to St Bernards at St Bernards - which is no new occurrence . To win this game the Xavs will have to curb Steve Brazil in the ruck . If any team can stop Brazil, the Xavs can . With Michael Blood and Doug Bailey it will be a case of 2 against 1 . Luke Boyle is an elusive forward and Ben Herald is providing great drive from the midfield . The Xavs also have a strong midfield, especially with the acquisition of Dale Tapping . John Bowen is a handy player and Dan Richardson has been in great touch in defence. Toss a coin, but since I have to select a team, I'll go with the undefeated North by 1 pt ! Ormond venture out to De La Salle with great hope but not too much chance today. The De La line up is full of stars - Col McClounan is in greattouch as is Julian Moloney and Brett Mahoney . The addition of Peter Rennie and Chris Slattery makes the line up even stronger and they are certainly, on paper, as strong if
notstrongerthan any side in the competition . Ormond got out of gaol last week, but they won't be given the =ame chances today . At last some Ormond players ar e ~,,, ;ng goals but it seems to be a new name every week . The Monds will contest every issue but the like of Connell, Sebo, McDonald and Siderellis need a bit more assistance . De La by 20 pts. Scotch play O . Haileybu ry at Elsternwick Park on Sunday and anything could happen . I have no doubt that this will be a most physical game . The two teams go in hard and all eyes will be on Andrew Walden who will most likely be picked up by Andrew Hart . Duncan McCall seems like the only player on the ground that can kick a winning score . Rob Fuller's return has brought some extra stability back to the Cardinals . Haileybury are playing without any confidence or system . Dave Connell, Matt Armstrong and Peter Thiessen cannot continue to carry the rest of the team . The Bloods can turn it on but they haven't shown any form this year. Scotch by 15 pts.
SENIORS NORTH OLD BOYS 2.2 7.3 11 .7 13.11 .89 OLD HAILEYBURY 1 .2 2.4 4 .9 7.9 .51 NTH 0 BOYS Boyle 4, Clayton 3, Martin, Conti, Beare, Egan, Manassa, Considine. BEST Brazil, Beare, Little, Curran, Herald, Booth . 0 HAILEY Kraus 2, Lapage 2, Rae 2, Tanner. BEST Arnett, Bayne, Connell, Armstrong, Thiessen, Orton . COLLEGIANS 3.3 5.5 8.8 10.15.75 OLD XAVERIANS 4.3 7.9 11 .13 16.20.116 COLLEGIANS Schober 4, Lake 2, Cleary, Harrison, Dulmanis, Galbraith . BESTR. Schober, G . Irvine, D . Kerr, N . Proctor, A. Dulmanis, M . Galbraith . O XAVERIANS Stoney 3, Landrigan 3, Bailey 2, O'Sullivan 2, Blood 2, Bowen 2, McDonald, Tapping . BEST D. Bailey, M . Blood, D . Richardson, R, Green, D . Tapping, D. Stoney. OLD BRIGHTON 2 .6 10.9 17.11 23.16.154 STBERNARDS 4 .2 6.7 7.11 9.13.67 0 BRIGHTON Hayden 7, Pryor 3, Schneering 3, McLachlan 2, Talbot 2, Mercer 2, Timms, James, McLean, Lennox. BEST Hendrie, Pollock, Pry~rr, McLean, Mercer, Timms . ST BERNARDS Taylor 2, Gilmour 2 . Gollant 2, Spencer, Capes, Wood . BESTCapes, Gilmour, Taylor, Ogstem, Stubbings, Egan . OLD SCOTCH 3 .3 7.6 12 .6 20 .11 .131 DE LA SALLE 4 .5 10.6 16 .12 21 .17.143 0 SCOTCH McCall 6, Hosking 3, Wilson 3, Stokes 2, Handbury, McDougall, Eagle, Hart, Smith, Fuller. BEST A. McDougall, McCall, A. Hart, Wilson . Fuller, J . Handbury. DE LA SALLE Crowe 4, Evans 3, Mahony 2, Smith 2, Swift 2, Slattery 2, McClounan 2, Mastrianni, Laffery, Moloney, Fraser . BEST Slattery, Toohey, Ronchi, McClounan, Moloney, Mahony . OLD TRINITY 2 .7 8.12 15.14 17.15.117 ORMOND 4 .2 7.4 14.6 20.9.129 OLD TRINITY Heath 5, Allibon 3, Sutherland 3, Phillips 2, Anderson, Sutcliffe, Rogers, O'Shannesy . BEST Hopkins, Norman, Heath, Anderson, Beardsley, Rogers. ORMOND Fitzgerald 7, McDonald 3, Turner 3, Connell 2, Orr, Siderellis, Kravrczuk, Doyle, Kingston . BEST Fitzgerald, McDonald, Connell, Siderellis, Turner, Kingston . RESERVES NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .4 7.10 10.15 16.20.116 OLD HAILEYBURY 1 .5 3.5 7.7 9.7.61 NTH 0 BOYS Kearney 6, Dwyer 4, Gravina 2, Collison 2, Howard, Leigh . BEST Collison, Fisher, Schmidt, Gravina, Peloso, Kearney . 0 HAILEY La Greca 3, Bingham, Chegwin, Devenish, Dunn, Francis, Rowe, BEST Bingham, Kirkwood-Scott, Main, La Greca, Bennett, Lyons. COLLEGIANS 3.4 5 .6 7.7 11 .11 .77 OLD XAVERIANS 4 .2 5 .7 8 .10 13 .14.92 COLLEGIANS Anderson 6, Coyne 2, Stubs, Wright . Bracey. BEST Stubs, Anderson, Levin, Zappa, Milat, Tweddle. 0 XAVS Nicolosi 5, Berry 3, Lynch 2, Sassi, Bourke, Hilbert . BEST Dalton, Duggan, Collopy, Holmes, Dillon, Nicolosi . OLD BRIGHTON 3.3 5.7 11 .12 15 .14.104 ST BERNARDS 2 .3 7.4 11 .4 14.5.89 0 BRIGHTON Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . STBERNARDS Hayes 6, Looker2, Farrell 2, Ha112, 0'Connell . Mathewes. BEST Hayes, Parrett, Godfrey, Doolan, Fatnowi, Brain.
OLD SCOTCH 3.4 6 .6 8.10 11 .14 .80 DE LA SALLE 4.3 7.3 8 .6 9 .6 .60 O SCOTCH Hooper 3, Aston 2, Hume 2, Fox 2, Hart, Chambers . BEST R . Hume, S. Hume, N . Hooper, Terzzini, Winneke, Jackson . DE LA SALLE Rudd 4, Bell 2, Brideson, Mannix, Bria . BEST S . Rudd, O'Brien, Brideson, Brasher, Furlan, Leonard . OLD TRINITY 2 .2 2.3 4.4 6 .8 .44 ORMOND 7.1 12.4 17.7 23.9.147 O TRINITY Beet 2, Ashe, Wallace, Thomas, Borghesi . BEST Farrell, Vanderhook, Robison, Phillips, Banfield, Sammut . ORMOND Reidy 6, McCullough 5, Stewart 3, Barton 2, Gribble 2, Templeton, McConvill, Block, Sheppard, Forsyth . BEST McCullough, Templeton, P. McDonald, Reidy, McConvill, Agar.
I OLD XAVERIANS vs NORTH OLD BOYS Field: R . Simon, A . Kilner Goal. B. Hoare, M . Murray ST BERNARDS vs COLLEGIANS Field: D . Dalgleish, R . Bel l Goal : K. Pitcher, D . Webste r OLD BRIGHTON vs OLD TRINITY Field: L . Harrison, M . Bushfield Goal: G . Grigg, R . Barichievitch DE LA SALLE vs ORMOND Field: P. Gersch, W. Hinton Goal: C. Chalmers, A . Hoga n OLD SCOTCH vs OLD HAILEYBURY (EP - Sunday) Field: S . McCarthy, M . Gibso n Boundary: J . Wright, D. Gourlay Goal: A . Hogan, I . Smith Reserves Boundary: T. Kramme, D . Brevitt Reserves Goal : L . Mirachi, N . McTaggart f ®
SENIORS BOYLE, No rth Old Boy s HEATH, Old Trinity McCALL, Old Scotch STONEY, Old Xavs LAKE, Collegians RESERVES KEARNEY, North Old Boys STEWART, Ormond FOX, Old Scotch DWYER, North Old Boys
26 24 (6) 21 (3) 18 (2) 13 (6 i s 15 (2) 14 (4) 1 2
100 GA M ES TO BENNO Congratulations to Paul Bennett on playing hi s 100th game with O. Haileybu ry (2/4) . 'Benno' joined theclub in'86 (U19), made his snrdebut in '87 and was member of the '90 B section prem team . A not so dashing left footed wingman, Benno is a master at reading the play, especially when the grounds are heavy. Well done Benno. DARREN SECCULL - 100 GAMES Secc' plays his 100th game with O. Haileybu ry at EP on Sunday (16/5) . Darren first played in '87 and became captain in '88 under coach Phil Stevens . Known for his leadership qualities, Secc is a key position player who played in the clubs' ;89 & ;90 (C&B) premiership victories . The added responsibility of fatherhood has seen a rejuvenated Darren Seccul in '93. The Seccull family's commitment to OH has been greatly appreciated .
TAP OUTS by The Rover
Thanks to all of you who supported the VAFA U18s in their two games over last weekend . Especially those mums who ventured out to Windy Hill last Sunday (Mothers' Day) to cheer the boys on . Despite recording W losses the boys proved that they were a very talented bunch, and that given a little more time to prepare and become familiar with one another's games, the results may well have been reversed . Special thanks are extended to M ax Lyon, John Simpson, Mark O'Loughlin and Peter and Pat Harris . Any others I missed! apologise . Well done team and let's hope that this becomes an annual event for talent identification . Today sees the trial of three Interchange players . Football Chairman, Andrew Langford-Jones was quoted as saying in the Age (8/5) that "while winning was important, some clubs were chasing victory atthe expense of their players' welfare." The VAFA sees ths trial as an important step to eradicate the necessity to put injured players back onto the field where the risk of injury again is imminent . It is only a trial and in the coming weeks it will be interesting to see if the move issuccessful, that is if it is used at all by clubs, becaus e it is by no means compulsory to use the 21st man . In the last month the VAFA Independent Tribunal has averaged 23 hearings on a Tuesday evening . This is an alarming figure even given the sheer magnitude of the association . Discipline is an important ingredient in today's style of football . It is certainly heavily policed in the VAFA . Let us hope that players and umpires alike seethe light and get on with entertaining the spectators ►Editorial continued from page 1 will recover quicker if the clubs are able to replace the injured player immediately without being disadvantaged . How the clubs use this facility is up to them . Some may only use two interchange players, with a third being a player who has already played in the reserves being asked to standby just in case . This is being left to the individual clubs to decide themselves . 4 . The VAFA intro duced the third interchange to upstage the AF L For over a century the VAFA has led the football community with innovative changes . These have not been introduced to upstage anyone . They have been done to improve the game we play, always keeping in mind the standard and reasons for why we play. Over the years some of the VAFA's innovative moves have included : • The introduction of the 19th & 20th man . • Interstate football . • Interchange players . • No alcohol at games after 2pm . • The melee rule. • Independent Tribunal • Abolishment of the line across the centre, the kick after
at VAFA matches, rather than behaving in an undisciplined manner and ruining a great spectacle . This week my spies indicated that one of the administration staff at EP was hobbling around on crutches . Seems our effervescent Brian 'Woody' Woodhead prides himself on his basketball skills . Except that in doing so'Woody' damaged a cartilage in his left knee . Let's hope he is back up and moving soon . This week former VAFA Executive Officer and now Ormond Senior Coach Mike McArt hur-Allen returns from a two week suspension . Mike returns to take the reigns back from Assistant Coach Frank Melican . He did somewhat of an Alan Joyce, for with his two games Frank coached Ormond to two victories, both coming from behind in the last qtr. Welcome back Mike, well done Frank . With the new EP draw now out, those sides wishing to train at EP should contact Brett Connell at the VAFA on 531 8333 to organise training times . With less than a month to go today both the Senior State (A&B) and the C-F Squads are up and training, with the viewto retaining theirtitles over the SAAFL on the Queen's Birthday weekend (June 12 & 13) . A few cheerios . Justin B ro wn (Glenhuntly), I hope you have recovered from the white tailed spider bite and are back in action soon . Tony Karageorgiou, Chris (Ormond) is playing well - when are you coming down to see him? a tree kick rule and the 50 metre rule reduced to 25 metres. I hope some of the above has explained the motives behind much of what the Executive does . I would also like to invite all Amateur football followers through their clubs to offer any submissions that they feel would improve this great game of ours . We will always welcome ideas that can improve the way the VAFA is being run or administered . Andrew Langford-Jones Chairman of Football ~-'~~ ® ► ~ ~~F ~~; • TESS SMASHES CLUB RECOR D The "veteran of veterans", Danny Tessier achieves a unique milestone in braking Co! Glover's all-time games record of 255 games for the De La Salle FC. Over his distinguished career, 'Tess' has played in 9 GFs, including 5 premierships and was the Reserves B&F i n'82 . Known for his timid approach to the game, 'Tess' has become an extremely popular clubman . Tess recalls a career lowlight of being sent from the ground byAdrian'Ox' Fisher forswearing . Despitethe greying moustache, 300 games are well within his grasp. Congratulations Danny on a magnificent achievement!
B SECTION by David Hollan d
Once again, Banyule proved me wrong when they scored their 2nd win for'93 in a classy display against Old Parade. After a very even 1st half the Bears kicked away in the 2nd against an uncommitted Old Paradians . The Bears had winners in Lincoln Burns who, was particularly significant in the 3rd term, "Sponge' Gillham brilliant at full back and Barney Glass alongside him . For Parade, defenders Brett Pannam, B re ndon Flynn and Michael Geary were kept busy and did a pretty good job, as did Peter Brabender on the ball . Old rivals Fawkner and Therry battled it out for the Northerners title in a game which would have both pleased and disappointed Fawks coach Mark Tymms . After a big 1st 1/4 from Therry, Fawks began to play the sort of footy we know they are capable of . Inaccurate kicking wasthe disappointing factor asthey had more scoring shots than Therry in each of the next 3 qtrs and the final score tells the story . Therry's backline of Crotty, Dalgliesh and youngsters Fitzpatrick and Bannister, were tested and played their best footy this season . For the diggers, And rew Brown starred at full back, the "markologist Brad Crouch had sore hands after the game and Rob Lawson had the better of "Chief" Petrevski in a great battle. They say that "complacency, in football, is a sin" . Well, no one at old Mentonians is arguing after their upset loss to Whitefriars at the College. Had it not been for very inaccurate kicking from'Friars itcould have been worse, as they had 14 more scoring shots than the Panthers . Whitefriars running players dominated the game, and, with Paul Coghlan, Mark Bateman, "Crowey" and "fish" Phillips in the centre, they continually fed the ball from the pivot . Panthers Dave Campbell yet again, was brilliant and, together with Stroudy, were the only Mentonians to put 4 qtrs together. I said the 'Friars 1st win wasn't far away but I didn't think so soon . 3 qtrs of high standard footy followed an 8 gl 1st term from OMs which had Bulleen-Temp playing catch-up football and never really getting close. A side such as OMs cannot be allowed any latitude at all or it's "Good night Dick!" Ski Jeremy Nicholls and right-hand man Richard Webb were once again dominant players for OMs whilst up forward the boys raffled each one that came their way. Scott Teal, back from the clouds, booted 5, Witts 4 and Oliver 4 . For the Bullants, Tulloch and Philpott were good running players and Field did a good job on big Steve Pace, but none were switched on until 1/4 time. At Melbourne Uni, the Blues took on Marcellin in a very hard fought game which was virtually a battle of the backlines until the last 15 minutes of the game when Blues booted 4 majors to steal the game from the Eagles' nest . Big Bob Steele was a key factor in the ruck and Toby McIntyre and Steve Kirsanovs stood firm in defence, repelling the swooping Eagles . For
Marcellin, Steve Psoras in a back pocket and Andrew Treganowan were better players forthe young Eagles, PREVIE W Therry, at home to Banyule should be an interestin g game asthe Bears had a good win last weekend Therry could quite easily have gotton Fawkner off the mark n,Obviouslythe"Cfand wilbethky the centre but Dave Williams is also playing well and has a good runner in Bruns, Carroll and Sutterbyto feed to. Ther ry 's forward line seems to be a stronger combination and should help their sideto a 20 pt win over the Bangers. Old Mentonians play host to Fawkner in a danger game for the Panthers . Before last weeks round Toners would have been hot favourites, however, they have eased in the market somewhat following their shock loss to'Friars and Fawks huge improvement . (That familiar cliche) Home Ground advantage will give them aslight edge. The question of how good "Hen ry" is will be answered today when he takes on the in-form Dave Campbell in what should be a great contest. Panthers by 13 pts . Whitefriars take on Uni Blues in the "Match of the Day", although I don't believe either will feature come finals time. Geoff Reilley had a composed grin on his face after last weeks upset and the Blues are still to play at full strength . If Pratty can capitalise better on the work up-field, I believe'Friars will have the edge . The Blues, on the other hand have a strong back line and many players capable of kicking goals . I'll fall off the fence, Whitefriars way, by 3 pts . Old Parade could have done with a win over Banyule last week - at least their confidence would have been up when they take on the goal kicking machine of OMs at home. The forward line at OMs will need to be unsettled early if Parade have any hope - and I don't think they do - of winning . Teal and Oliver combine well up forward and they have excellent runners to feed them. Parade rely too much on Brabender and Co . and will be outpointed in most positions . OMs, easy, by 9 gis. Bulleen/Temp should get back on the winning list today when they take on the disappointing Marcellin at home. There is no way Har ry "Who" will allow his charges to give the Eagles any amount of latitude after last week. Marcellin coach Kerin Lawson is still experimenting with combinations of his young players to find a winning formula - if he does his chemistry Bullants by 29 pts. SELECTIONS: Therry, Old Mentonians, Whitefriars, Old Melburnians, Bulleen/Temp. PROGRESS : 68 % MARK OF THE WEEK : No nominations received . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : Fax by 11 .00 am Monday morning # 583 1993 or phone 585 0646 Last week's blacklist : Old Melburnians.
SENIOR S 7.6 13 .12 18.16 .124 gArJYULE 2 .3 2 .4 6 .8 9 .9 12 .14.86 OLD F~RADIANS BAN', ULE Mooney 4, Daley 4, Burns 3, Carroll 2, O'Brien, Brockwell , L ' .itchelli, Cadd. BEST Burns, Gilham, Glass, Carroll, Gilbert, Holt. pp-, ;;ADIANS Ellks 4, Harrison 2, O'Loughlin, Nitsou, Wayman, Philp, Brabender. BEST Brabender, Pannam, Flynn, Geary, Nitsou . 7.11 9 .12 13.17.95 FAWKNER 1 .5 THERRY CCOB 6 .2 9 .5 14 .8 18 .10.118 FA~'✓KNER Young 2, Saggers 2, Lawson 2, Molloy 2, Heenan, McMahon, Mitchell, LaRose. BEST Brown, Crouch, Lawson, Gray, Johnston, S HERRY Zanetti 4, Goodwin 2, O'Rourke 2, Castaldi 2, Baker 2, McKay Ef?'+a- :;re, Dalgleish, McMahon, Bannister. BEST T. Taylor, M .O'Rurke, D~igleish, S. Eastmure, M . Petrenski, D . Castaldi . WHITEFRIARS 4 .5 8 .12 10.15 14.22.106 ,OLD MENTONIANS 5 .1 10.2 11 .4 14.8.92 WHITEFRIARS Travis 3, Pratt 3, Brisbane 2, Bateman 2, Coghlan 2, 'Carbone, Crowe. BEST Bateman, Coghlan, Crowe, Bateman, Travis, Carbone. 0 MENTONIANS Acreman 5, Stroud 3, Love 3, Cambell 2, Cueran . BEST Cambell, Stroud, Grant, Bond Acreman Love . OLD MELBURNIANS 8.3 12 .8 18.10 22 .12 .144 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 .0 4.7 10.12 14.14 .98 OMELB . Teal 5, Wilts 4, Oliver 4, Thompson 2, Bardsley 2, Theodore "2, Thomson, Webb, Rhoden. BEST J. Nicholls, A. Witts, S . Oliver, R . Webb. J Francis, J. Stuckey. BULL/TEMP Martin 3, Page 3, Tulloch 2, Matthews 2, Panon 2, Mclaren, Alexander. BEST N . Tulloch, Field, Matthews, Philpots, Agosta, Martin . UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.3 4 .6 6.9 10 .14.74 MARCELLIN 2 .2 4.9 9.13 9.15 .69 UNI BLUES Waters 3, Evans 2, Doherty 2, Worsley 2, Hutchins . BEST Steele, Waters, Keats, McIntyre, Hazeldine, Evans. MARCELLIN Treganowan 3, Bourke 2, Waters, Psoras, Sexton, Ryder . BEST Psoras, Merton, Treganowan, Moran, Boysen, J . Kann .
THERRY vs BANYULE Field: R . Mayston, T. Hales Goal: G . Wright, M . Mayhew OLD MENTONIANS vs FAWKNER Field: P. Wiseman, P. Mollo y Goal: G . Clancy, G . Chalmers WHITEFRIARS vs UNIVERSITY BLUES Field.: G . Ridd, G . Thwaites Boundary: P. Mierisch, N . Walker Goal: R . Dunstan, G . Simpso n OLD PARADIANS vs OLD MELBURNIANS Field: S. Clinch, P. LaVal e Boundary: S . Branagan, A . Stapleton Goal: A . Simpson, W . Fowler BULLEENlTEMPLESTOWE vs MARCELLIN Field: A . Damen, G . Curran Boundary: D. Jensen, C. Condos Goak S. Hopper, B. Seymou r ,t BANYULE vs OLD MENTONIANS FAWKNER vs WHITEFRIAR S OLD MELBURNIANS vs THERRY CCOB MARCELLIN vs OLD PARADIAN S UNIVERSITY BLUES vs BULLEEN/TEMPLESTOWE
RESERVES BANYULE 1 .3 6 .4 7.6 7.6 .48 OLD PARADIANS 3.7 4 .9 4 .12 10.15 .75 BANYULE Richmond 4, Boucher 3 . BEST R . Doherty, Boucher. Richmond, Agostinelli, Healy, Styles . O PARADIANS Kerr 4, Beck 3, Zeneli 2, Livy. BEST Beck, Herman . Harford, Baird, Batchelor, Kerr. FAWKNER 1 .2 1 .3 2.4 4.6.30 THERRY CCOB 5.7 11 .9 13.12 16 .15.111 FAWKNERSelleck, Korp, Horgan, Kelly . BEST Horgan, Horvath, Leahy. Rokay, Korp, Cohen . THERRY HoIIow5, Falcone3, Pinner2, Ndzke2. Kotch, Raysmith . Pearce, Lyons . BEST Pearce, Raysmdh, Court, Bye, Moran, Hollow . WHITEFRIARS 4.1 7.3 10.7 15.9 .99 OLD MENTONIANS 4.2 6.6 7.10 10.12 .72 WHITEFRIARS O'Brien 3, Lee 3, Bonnyman 2, Haynes 2, Sharkie 2, Strike, Parr, Rohan . BEST Butler, McKeown, Wise, Haynes P . O'Brien . Rohan . O MENTONIANS Konicinan 2, Oxland 2, Russo 2, Carter, Davis . Leone . Pride. BEST Sherrif, Korncinan, Russo, Holland, Davis, Sharp . OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .3 5.4 11 .9 15.10 .100 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2.5 5.7 5.9 11 .9.75 O MELB Fraser 7, Dixon 2, Rose, James, Carlton, Keeble, Jenz . BEST P. James, J . Carlton, R . Nelson, S. Fraser, D . Maskiell, G . Dixon . BULL/TEMP Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.2 2.4 6.4 8 .4 .52 MARCELLIN 2.5 4.9 9.9 11 .14 .80 UNI BLUES Reade3, Calnon, Jackson, Zimmerman, Dudley, McKenna . BEST Moran, McKenna, Calnon, Lamb, Reade, Unsworth . MARCELLIN Dineen 3, Abbott 2, Gill 2, Colussi 2, Keays, Beattie . BEST Beattie, Keays, Sandy, Colussi, Norden, Donegan .
'JACKS BACK' WITH 150 AT OMFC Last week (8/5) saw the long-awaited 150th game for John Konicinan at O. Mentonians . Johnny K' has been playing for the Panthers since '82 and, over the years, has served both the senior side and, in recent years, the reserves, well as a half fwd flanker/on-ball player. Johnny is well known for his quick handballing and short passing, and doesn't mind the odd torpedo or two! Congratulations Jack from all at Pantherland - when is the 151st ?
~~ aV~1e~' ~ :C®Z® SENIORS ACREMAN, Old Mentonians ZANETTI, Therr y N . BOURKE, Marcellin PACE, Bulleen-Templestowe McKAY, Therry RESERVES HOLLOW, Therry BONNYMAN, Whitefriars FRASER, Old Melburnians McMAHON, Therry NAGEL, BulleenlTemplestowe
(5) (4) (2) (3) (2)
26 24 23 21 18
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C SECTION by Ken Bremner
This Tipping caper is nightmarish . Just when you think you've got it down 'pat', up bobs a result you couldn't forecast with a Crystal Ball, Tea Leaves, orTarot Cards. Mathmatically Kew couldn't get near St Kilda/ Sth Caulfield . Allow me to explain the theory/formula ; Grammar beat Kew (approx 4 gls), Saints slam Grammar (approx 12 gls) . Sum total, Saints should defeat K's by approx 16 . No way Jose, Kew ramshackle the Saints by 20 majors. Goes to show that there are lies, damn lies and statistics and/orthe herbs and spices added to the soup mix after Thursday Night Training out yonder at Victoria Park, Kew . REVIEW - ROUND 5 Leader of the competition, Mazenod had a short trip over to the Monash Campus for a tilt at the Blues. Noddies weren't overly comfortable at the long interval, however as is the trademark of a good side were able to switch 'on' in the 2nd half and with systematic style, 'kick' away to a dozen goal victory and in doing so, double the `Blues' scoreline . Noddies by 73 pts . Ivanhoe courtesy of a not so pleasant training regime through the week promptly 'stung' the Ajax lads and snuffed out any hope of them registering 4 on the trot . From all reports both teams relied on 'Goers' rather than'Guns'to keep them in the contest . In the context of the season thus far, a terrific win to the 'Hoes and a hiccup for the `Jackers' . Ivanhoe home by 56 pts. Parkside hosted MHSOB in what turned out to be a not so friendly with the home team having up to 5 players off the field at the same time . My Sunday morning spies tell me that 6 of the `Red Devils' went into the book all from the pen of the same umpire . Trust he won't want his dinner kept warm for him . Final washup the `Schoolers' recorded an easy 19 gl win . CommBank did battle with neighbours Caulfield Gr on neutral ground at oval 2 Albert Park . The'Bankers' were well primed for a must win, but alas were blown away by a hard running, hard hitting grease lightning Grammar combine served in grand style by Ben Matthews, Rod Royals, Andrew Will and Paul Murtagh . Best of the triers for the Bank were McIntyre, Green (again) and Reid . Grammar, home and hosed by l/2 time eventually ran out the easiest of victors by 102 pts. As scribed in this weeks introduction, Kew' walloped' St Kilda/Sth Caulfield by just on 20 majors, Kew mentor, Brett Burden has pleaded with me not tojump on his wagon . Read and Weep at the previews 'Bomber' is my succinct reply to your cynacism . PREVIEW - ROUND 6 History with 3 interchange players being allowed at seniors level . Just wonder how many will go along with it? Ajax Vs Monash Blues - The minor hiccup suffered by the `Jackers' may well be just the spur they need to get over a most competitive 'Blues' unit . If big
'Rozey' can win the jumps to feed his onballers then the forward line trumps of Ajax should be able to convert on enough occasions to ensure victory . Monash runners a la 'Ball' baring and hipwell will keep the 'Blues' in the event butfor how long is the big question . 'Jackers' by 24 pts. MHSOB Vs Ivanhoe - 2 of the top 4 to do battle in what appears on paper at least likely to go down right to the 'wire' . The eveness of the Ivanhoe troops up against a star studded `Schoolers' outfit sometimes known for their inconsistency. No doubt Ivanhoe coach John Simpson will have done his homework well in an effort to close down the midfield strike power of his foe . On the other side of the ledger you can safely wager that 'Rotten' Ronnie will have hischargeswell and truly primed . Flip of the coin, heads for `Schoolers' to salute by 11 pts . Parkside Vs Kew - Working on the theory that the tribunal has continued itstrend of nottoo many beating the 'wrap', one would suggest the `Parkers' will be a little light on for manpower. Kew having resurrected itself will be brim full of confidence and even with the overpowering 'burden' ofthistipster(no pun intende d Brett) will win in a center by 6 big ones . Mazenod Vs Caulfield Grammar - It's hard to tip against the top team (Noddies) and let me assure you I ain't going to in this match-up . I do however believe that Grammar will really serve it up to the hosts in what is a replay of their 'D' Section Grand Final won by Mazenod . Just a case at this point in time of too many in-form players at Mazenod for the Grammar Boys to close down . In a beauty, `Noddies' by 9 pts . Commbank Vs StKilda/Sth Caulfield (Elsternwick Park) . The wide open spaces of the park should be right up the `Saints' alley. Plenty of holes and open spacesfortheir keyforwardsto lead into, and from there kick a winning score. Strike power isn't a trump card for the 'Bankers' at present and resilient defence doesn't win games . Saints by 40 pts . 'C' grade players presently training in the'C-F' State Trial Squad - Baring, Hipwell (Mon . Blues) Brohier, Ben Matthews (Caulfield Grammar) Burden, Porte (Kew) Comer, Young, Newton (MHSOB) Jackson, Panjari, Williams (Parkside) Marshall, D . Murray, M . Murray, Noble, McMullen, Fisher, Green (Mazenod) Melican, McNamara, Rolfs(Commbank) Hoppe, Bloom, Sheezel (Ajax) Kennedy (Ivanhoe) .
SENIORS f, pNASH BLUES 3 .4 6.5 8 .7 10 .11 .71 .3 10.6 17.10 23 .12 .150 C 4 MAZENOD 0 ~ oNASH Hay, BLUES Barker,oCrampton,pHtldebrand Newman . p MA2ENOD Noble 8, Green 6, Marshall 3, Barker 2, Hunt 2, Brookes, ' :urro 3EST Marshall, Noble, Barker, Belleville, Hunt, Brookes . IVANHOE 3 .5 6 .9 13.11 19 .15.129 AJAX 4.2 8 .4 10.6 11 .7.73 IVANHOE Newbold 5, Raywood 3, Bulleen 3, E. Flynn 2. P. Flynn 2, Devlin Kennedy. BEST Northey, Nibali, Maud, Larose, Blackwood, c.~tu=h u AJAX Hoppe 4, Sheezel 2, Gogtz 2, Klooger, Poswell, Fredman . BEST , ; oinbzrg, Cohen, Fredman, Galbin, Levy, Klooger . PARKSIDE 11 .11 .77 MHSOB 28 .25.169 PARKSIDE McGaw 3, Horoch 2, Williams 2, Allan, MacNamara, Smith, Tkocz. BEST Horoch, Panfarr, Chilcott, Gray, McGaw, Allan . MHSOB Mourney 6, Caffrey 6, Helmot 5, McClements4, Knight 2, Bamert 2, Comer, Webster, Dixon. BEST A great team effort . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4.3 12 .8 17.12 24.18 .162 COMMONWEALTH BANK 1 .3 2 .5 4 .9 8 .12.60 CAUL GRAMMAR Harrison 5, Murtagh 4, Matthews 3, Lourie 2, Will 2 r:rrison 2, Royals, Klose, Dicrosta, Restarick, Brohier. Matthews. BEST tathe:,,s, Royals, Will, Murtagh, Simpson, Brohier. COMM BANK Beare 2, Wallmeyer Linford, Lewis, Pitts, Walsh, Maher. BEST McIntyre, Green, Melican, Reid, Roberts, Pitts . KEW 7.2 15 .8 21 .11 28 .14.182 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 3 .3 3.6 6 .9 9 .10.64 KEW Busuttil 11, King 7, Barnes 2, Burden 2, Wood 2, Jack, McMahon, White, Barry. BEST Busuttil, Thornely, McMahon, King, Bruno, Peric. ST KILDAISTH CAUL Gilmore 4, Bergman 2, Alderuccio, Riddell, Strain . BEST Riddell, Morgan, Sparks, Eckholdt, McGaw, King .
AJAX vs MONASH BLUES Field. C . Keeton, P. Keogh Goat: D. Murray, W. Binch (Rot) MHSOB vs IVANHO E Field. G. Fallet, W. Henry Boundary: L. Henry, M . Kolpin Goat: M. Lentini (Rot), M . Symons PARKSIDE vs KE W Field: J. Natoli, P. Simpson Boundary: K . King, S. King Goal: I . Smith, S. Kah n MAZENOD vs CAULFIELD GRAMMAR Field: Brad Lowe, J . Garrett Goai: T. Stephens, S. Pitcher COMMONWEALTH BANK vs ST KILDA (EP - Sat) Field: M. Forde, D. Harfor d Boundary: D. Fowler, M . Rusmussen Goal: L . Wilson, N . McTaggart Reserves Boundary: M . Shelton, C . Brajtberg Reserves Goai: A . Draper, M . Richardso n
~ ~~.
200 TO KEW'S "BOMBER " All at Kew congratulate their effervescent captain/coach Brett Burden on playing his 200th game for Kew today (15/8) . 'Bomber' joined the U19s In '75 and immediately impressed by being appointed U19 VC in '77, winning the U19 Encouragement Award and playing 6 snr games . Since then Brett has been a permanent snr player winning Club B&F 3 times, annexing the 'B' Grade B&F in '88 and earning State selection from '87=93 including the coveted white All Australian Amateur jumper. During all this Bomber has managed to be a successful captain/coach ('87-88, '92-93) with Kew gaining successive promotion from 'C' to 'A' ('87-88) and finalists in '92 . Congratulations Brett on a marvellous career and all at Kew wish you well for this milestone and for the future with your beloved Kew FC .
RESERVES MONASH BLUES 1.0 2.2 3 .5 4 .5.29 MAZENOD 0 C 6.1 10.4 15.7 21 .10.136 MONASH BLUES Malakellis, Mastos, Leitch, Andritsos . BEST Sinclair, Mentha, Alexander, Harrison, Mastos, Leitch . MAZENOD Couttie 6, Boyle 4, Amy 3, Tsiavis 3, McCusker 3, Richards, Mounter. BEST Connolly, Mounter, Lenette, Hall, Mannix, Boyle . IVANHOE 3.5 4.8 8.9 9 .11 .65 AJAX 3.0 3.3 3.5 4.9 .33 IVANHOE Strangwick 3, Canazi 2, Thackwray, Webb, Dowling, Ebbace . BEST Thackwray, Strangwick, Pitt, Angelini, Gananzi, Capetola . AJAX Gross 2, Kalb, Shenker. BEST Zielinski, Janover, Krongold, Gross, Szue, Kalb. PARKSIDE 0.0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0.6 MHSOB 6 .6 9 .12 16 .13 23 .16 .154 PARKSIDE Shortis. BEST A . Stuart, P. Jackson, Castellan, A . Stuart, P Sherlock, Harty. MHSOB Wix 7, Exton 4, Bradley 2, Fefferkranz 2, Kennedy 2, Palmos, Oxlade, Williams, Webster, Apostolou, Holland . BEST Bradley, Exton, Wix, Kennedy, Holland, Menzies . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 5.2 8.6 13.8 14.12 .96 COMMONWEALTH BANK 0.2 2.5 6.5 9.7.61 CAULFGRAMM Barker3, Pearce, Caple, Thomas, Worthington, Williams, Payne, Holmes, Millard, Santiago, Holloway, Allsop . BEST Thomas, Millard, Williams, Lowe, Schultz, Caple . COMM BANK Maya 3, Henderson 2, Perry 2, Ralfs, Jones . BEST Howarth, S . Hancock, Galanopoulos, Sparrow, Dobson, G . Rolfs. KEW 2.3 5.4 5.5 8.5 .53 ST KILDA/SOUTH CAUL . 5.4 8.6 12 .9 20.13.133 KEW Mascitti 4, Kiriakou, Barden, Dellis, Wells . BEST Brassil, Price, Wells, Barden, S. Kitson, D. Hope. ST KILDA/STH CAUL Kolokossian 4, Ballarin 4, Degerins 2, Fawaz 2, Wood 2, Fitzroy, Joseph, Atchison . BEST Hofert, Howard, Credlins, Derham, Wood, Kolokossian .
SENIOR S 33 26 26 21 19 RESERVES 20 16 11 11
JOSEPA'S 150TH Belated congratulations to Bruce Josem of Ajax who played his 150th game for the club several weeks ago. Bruce joined the club in '81 when the club was in A grade and has been a reliable and consistent utility player playing in most positions from defence, centreline, attack or on the ball . During the difficult years in the 80s Bruce established himself as a regular and determined snr player, and all at the club wish him success in his next 150 games. Bruce's determination is a lesson for all young players - well done Bruce .
D SECTION by Tom Brain
0. Geelong continue on their merry way. O. Ivanhoe bounce back as the Tigers and the Wicks consolidate their positions. Congratulations to the following DGraders who are training with the VAFA state squads . In the senior squad we have John Manton, Mark Brady and Robert Gross and in the C-F the following are all a big choice to make the side Danny Hall, Anthony Black (B'wick) George Farlecas, Jason Weedle, John Stevens and John Hampseed (0 . Ivanhoe) Scott Plant, Adam Smith (T'town) Dan Ritchie (OGs) and McGeorge, Walsh and Tim Beasley from the Tigers. REVIEW What a difference a week makes and even on their home turf the SKOBS just could not best O. Geelong . It was a tight match with little difference between the teams until the 3rd term where the OGs took control to set it up . Highlight of the day was the spirited contest between Manton and Olive, Edmonds was perhaps OGs bestwith full marks totheir backline including the quiet achiever Angus Rigby. Best for St Kevins were Damien McNair up forward along with the consistent Michael Pivetta and Marcus Olive. The replay of last years grand final was a bit of a non event with neither side setting too high a standard, C ro ssie was a fine focal point for the Wicks with another 6 gls . It was pretty even in the 1st 1/2 then Brunswick went away in the 3rd quarter and North could just not bridge the gap even though as usual they never stopped trying . Brunswickwere happyto get the 4 pts in a hard game. Shane Moore played well on the wing Dayson "Snake" Carroll played a great game continually running the ball out of defense the Captain played his usual sound game as did Watt and Blackie. For North Barry Thorpe continues his excellent season form, and Ange Samma rt ino and Chris Keay were also good players . As predicted Uni Blacks needed to be wary out Thomastown way and this is exactly what happened . Once again a slow start by the Blacks had them on the back foot all day, but to their credit Spina's Baby Bears (11/20 are under 20) are slowly but surely adopting to the rigours of senior football and successfully stopped the Blacks running game to record a very meritorious victory. Evergreen's David Langbourne, and Kev Harling were fine players along with youngsters Anthony Volpe, Jim Bubis, 17 yo Luke Smith and Big Ben who took 8 marks in a brilliant last quarter. Better Blacks were Daniel Moorfield up from the Ressies and John Guilty who was extremely light in defense. The Hoes bounced back with a big win over Hampton Rovers outscoring the visitors in every quarter to boost their percentage rather significantly. The Rovers did try to keep persevering, need to play closer to their opponents and did showsome encouraging signs with a 6 gl last quarter . No news from the Ivanhoe camp this week, better Hampton players
were Chris Scarlett who battled hand in the ruck all day Darren McConville played a sterling game at Full Back and Mark Crawford chipped in with 7 twins and Robbie M elnjak had a great battle with John Stevens . St Bedes/Mentone Tigers were first to the ball and set up the early lead . Willy dominated the 2nd stanza but could not convert kicking 10 pts in a row . The 2nd 1/2 was a prety scrappy affair with neither side able to exert any real influence on proceedings although the Tigers did lean very well together which is a sure sign that things are starting to come together for them and they now pose a serious threat . M ick Beasley, Peter Lannan (again) and Tony Giaquinta were all fine players for the Tiges while the Cy's have again been forced into silence. PREVIEW A big test for St Kevins this week as they tackle an in-form Brunswick. The smaller ground will not suit the Skobs running game, the Wicks get Danny Hall back to tackle Olive, Brady will probably find himself tagged, and I think the Wicks will win . How's that Cougar. There is nothing drastically wrong, with the Blacks they perhaps have just forgotten how to win the close ones, but today on the big uni oval where they play so well they will break the draught . The Towners are getting better if they don't make the top 4 themselves they will certainly have a big say in who does and I'm tipping them to beatthe Cy's who are a bit hot and cold at the moment. The two top sides meet at Como which should be the match of the season so far . Both sides are in good form, both have some great players and there should be some great match ups, but in front of their home crowd and it's sure to be a large one the OGs will win and maintain their unbeaten record . The final match of the round sees St Bedes/iNentone Tigers travel up the road to their neighbours at Hampton . The Rovers after a promising start have slipped a bit in the last fortnight but today is different and after a big week on the track, could surprise and cause the upset of the round . Brunswick, Uni Blacks, SELECTIONS : Thomastown, O . Geelong, Hampton Rovers . SOCIAL : The Tigers are having a Trivia Night after their game against the OGs on the 22nd May. Seats are limited so get in early. Book with Phil/Corbs or Betty. MILESTONES : The Tigers feature again with 200 gamesto a great clubman Vin L'Huillierthis week. All at the club wish you well Vin and thank you for your dedication . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : It would be great to get a 10/10 . Let's all make a concentrated effortthis week . Don'tforgetthe all important numbers, Ph : 571 4808(H) 690 7279(W) and the Fax 569 8766 by 5.30 pm Mondays .
SENIORS 2 .1 5 .2 7.7 8.10 .58 SYKEVINS .1 8.5 13 .8 14.11 .95 OLD GEELONG 5 KE51tNS Lee-Conway 2, Clohessy 2, Gunther, Morton, Watkin, Pivetta . yST-ST f'cNair, Prvetta, Olive, R . Gross, Watkin, Hourigan . O GEELONG Howells 7, Wilson 5, Groom, Pescott . BEST Manton, _crri Glascott, Ferguson, Williamson, Howells. 1 .1 5 .3 7.4 12 .7.79 NORTH BRUNSWICK BRUNSWICK 3 .2 7.4 14.6 18.8.116 NTH BRUNS Tirchett5, Attard 2 . Sir, Demorton, Angelloni, Hehir, Briffa . BEST Keay, Lirosi, Thorpe, Demorton, Dimarco, Tirchett . BRUNSWICK Cross 6, Gibson 4, Moore 3, Wiliamson, Sayers, Hewitt, ont . Carroll . BEST Carroll, Hewitt, Moore, Cross, Watt . i 110MASTOWN 5 .4 9.7 10 .11 16.19 .115 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .0 6.9 10.14 13.17.95 THOMASTOWN Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . UNI BLACKS Evans3, Moorfield 2, Pesavento 2, Caccaviello 2, Bromell, r-=It, •~ddleton, Gray . BEST Saffin, Burnett, Gray, Bromell, Smith, :, n ;en d OLD IVANHOE 4 .7 13.11 20 .14 29 .16.190 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .3 4 .4 6.4 12 .7.79 OLD IVANHOE Hempseed 8, Olson 7, Stewart 5, Tozer3, Stevens 2, Ryan, .i „ras, Karryannis, Yarwood . BEST J. Hempseed, M . Huber, M. Veal, M . pon, ? G . Haros, G . Farlacas . HA dPTON ROVERS Crawford 7, Natoli 2, Ross, Melnjak, Cullen . BEST :nett, McConville, Blake, LeGrand, R . Meinjak, Ross, Crawford . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 1 .2 3.12 7.14 12.20.92 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGER 6.4 7.4 13.12 16.16 .112 WILLIAMSTOWN Morgan 3, Bryan 2, Grigg 2, Payne 2, Featherston 2, Turnley BEST Cannon, Turnley, Bryan, Case, Harry, Grigg . ST BEDEStMENTONE MacGeorge 3 Edwards 3, Beasley 2, Diggins 2, Walsh 2, Lannan, Giaquinta, Leyden . BEST M . Beasley, Lannan, T. Beasley, Giaquinta, Clagnan, Leyden .
BRUNSWICK vs ST KEVINS Field: A. Taylor, K. Segota UNIVERSITY BLACKS vs NORTH BRUNSWICK Fiefd: H . Little, T. Sutcliffe THOMASTOWN vs WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field: A . Ladd, S . Harford OLD GEELONG vs OLD IVANHOE Field: J. Moore, M . Gilday HAMPTON ROVERS vs ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Field: P. Buchanan, Brian Lowe
E .® P
SENIORS HOWELLS, Old Geelon g STEVENS, Old Ivanhoe CRAWFORD, Hampton Rovers HEMPSEED, Old Ivanhoe STEWART, Old Ivanhoe RESERVES MOORFIELD, University Blacks LITTLE, Uni Black s SPINKS, University Blacks STRAUSS, Old Geelong
RESERVES ST KEVINS 4.2 6.2 7.4 10.8 .68 OLD GEELONG 0 .2 3.7 7.8 8 .9 .57 ST KEVINS Lewin 5, Fogarty, Morgan, Fox, Chapman, Lee-Conway . BEST Panagiotopolous, Fox, Coombe, Lewin, Callanan, McKaige . OLD GEEtANG Burbank 3, Strauss, Dowling, Logan . BEST Hutchesson, Burbank, MacGowan, Morton, Jeffries, Peake. NORTH BRUNSWICK 6.6 8 .8 10.13 11 .14.80 BRUNSWICK 0 .0 2 .3 3 .6 6.10.46 NTH BRUNS Cortese 3, Bulman 3, Stamataicos, Kibizis, Laurie, Ward, Gretgrix . BEST Cerolini, Engellener, Randello, Laurie, Kibizis, Gretgrix . BRUNSWICK Sedgwick 2, Forrest, Kennedy, Snelson, Owens. BEST Mitchell, Clarke, King, Forrest, Barley . THOMASTOWN 1 .1 3.6 4.8 5.8.40 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 .5 7.7 9.8 12 .12 .84 THOMASTOWN Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . UNI BLACKS Spinks4, Little3, Philips, Jackson, Wynes, Devlin, Miriklis . BEST Van Gerrivik, Lewis, Devlin, Hall, Wynes, Ritchie . OLD IVANHOE 2 .2 5 .4 9 .7 15 .11 .101 HAMPTON ROVERS 3.1 3 .4 4 .5 4 .6 .30 OLD IVANHOE Pidoto 6, Hall 4, Jones 2, Caddy, Marshall, Cormack . BESTJ . Marshall, B . Hall, P. Golding, S . Pidoto, D . Lowson, J . Maycock. HAMPTON ROVERS Dwyer, Wilson, Anessi, McGregor . BEST Worland, J . Alessi, C . Dwyer, Ivey, D . Terry. WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 0.2 0.2 7.4 10 .6.66 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGER 1 .4 4.6 6.6 7.10.52 WILLIAMSTOWN Zadel 5, Singleton 3, Dawson, Ipsa . BEST Ipsa, Singleton, Campbell, Zadel, Hann, Davies . ST BEDES/MENTONE Griffiths 3, O'Brien, Newport, Hutchinson, Beasley. BEST Newport, O'Brien, L'Huillier, Griffiths . Marshall, Hutchinson.
29, 24 23 22 18 17 16 14 14
The A .F.C.A :V.A .F.A . invites all registered V.A .F.A . coaches to an evening with ANTHONY STEWARI; Sports Psychologist, currently with Hawthorn Football Club and has had extensive experience in sporting circles . Anthony Stewart will discuss a number of issues that will benefit all coaches, and will make his new publication PERSONAL BEST available on the night . PERSONAL BEST, which has received very high praise form many sportspeople, covers topics such as : self responsibility, self image, goal setting, motivation . (Refer Coaches Clipboard 3 April 1993 - No. 1 Amateur Footballer for a synopsis of Personal Best . ) VENUE : Elsternwick Park TIME : 7.30pm DATE : Wednesday 26th May Refreshments available. This night is a must for coaches who wish to add to their repertoire of ideas . PLEASE RING BRIAN WOODHEAD 531 8333 TO BOOK YOUR SEATS
E SECTION by Michael Lloyd
REVIEW Another perfect score of all 5 winners - I've certainl y got my finger on the pulse, with my tipping rate going up to 80 % So after 5 rounds only, Doveton remains the only undefeated team and became the undisputed early favourites. Can they go through the season undefeated? Who is going to be the team that can beat them? The weeks ahead will tell . Aquinas have continued on their winning way with a win over Powerhouse . Aquinas had a day out when they kicked an incredible 19.3 . In an even game to 3/4 time Aquinas, led by Captain Tarulli kicked 6 gis to 1 in the last quarter to run out winners by 33 pts . Old Camberwell had a convincing win against Bulleen United . After an even first quarter, Old Camberwell ruckman Nick Brown playing his first game this season and rover Chris Town started to dominate around the ground, their efforts lifted the whole side to go onto a 78 pt win . In the match of the round for outright ladder leadership, Glenhuntly played host to Doveton who continued on their match-winning way with a decisive 43 pt win . In an even game to half time (scores level), Doveton went away in the third quarter to outscore Glenhuntly by 5 g!s. Dovetons three pronged attack and marking superiority carried the day. Best players for Glenhunt!y were Antonio Bre shin and Stewie Withers, whilst for Doveton Burgess was influential when it counted and Stan Wilson made a strong return . More disappointment for the Zedders in their match against Old Essendon . After an even first quarter, ANZ lost touch during the second term and Old Essendon went on to what was a comfortable victory. Again the Zedders battled well in patches but were no match for a reasonably strong tackling and running Old Essendon . For the Zedders Steve Gamble and Rich McDonald worked hard in midfield, whilst Old Essendon were served well bytheir ruckman Tonics and their full forward Troy Tanford who kicked 12 g!s in his first senior game. In the final game, Elsternwick suffering from injuries, endured another huge loss against St Leos Wattle Park who, for the first time this season, played 4 qtrs of attacking team football and at no stage let Elsternwick get intothe game . Thetwo blues had winners on every line and continued their running game all day resulting in a great team victory. For the wickers Captain Denny Contin and Adam Hankin, 3 gls were their better players! PREVIEW Bulleen United play host to Aquinas who have acquired that winning feeling over the last 2 weeks and in what should be a very even game . IT predict Aquinas.
Doveton take on Old Camberwell this week and should be too strong in the match of the round . Glenhuntly should quickly return to the winners list with a win over Elsternwick. Powerhuse play Old Essendon and, in what should be an exciting game, Old Essendon to run out winners . In the final game ANZ will again find no joy against an in form St Leos Wattle Park. SELECTIONS : Aquinas, Doveton, Glenhuntly, Old Essendon and St Leos . Congratulations to all "E" Section p layers selected in the VAFA "C-F" State Training Squad, Bernie Rafferty (Glenhuntly) already named Captain of the team, Ewart (Old Camberwell) McDonald (ANZ) Tarulli (Aquinas OB), Dyke and Campbell (Doveton).
BULLEEN UNITED vs AQUINAS OB Field : C . Box, C . Rowe Boundary: S. Clohesy, N . Zoides DOVETON vs OLD CAMBERWELL Field : R . Eastwood, M . Wilson Boundary: K . Eastwood GLENHUNTLY vs ELSTERNWICK Field: J. Ischia, J. Toohey (Rot) POWERHOUSE vs OLD ESSENDON Field: G . Moore, P. Lukie s Boundary: B . Tagell, A . Donlon ANZ BANK vs ST LEOS WATTLE PAR K Field: P. Harris, R . Burns
SENIORS DYKE, Doveton (7) 27 ANDREWS, Elsternwick (0) 26 LENGACHER, ANZ Bank (4) 22 VAUUHAN, St Leos WP (8) 21 D. PROVAN, Old Camberwell (5) 1 9 RESERVES (3) 1 4 CROUCH, Aquinas PYKE, Old Camberwell BURKE, St Leos WORMESLEY, Doveto n
100 GAMES AT ST LEO' S All at St Leo's congratulate Jim `Trumpet' Callaghan on his 100th game today (15/5) . Trumpet's physical presence and steady head have been a great asset to the club both on and off the field for many years . Jim is well endowed with natural talent and together with his sure ball handling and penetrating kicking make him a crowd favourite . Well done Trumpet!
ELSTERNWICK Hankin 3, Osborne, Shine, Bolte . BESTContin, Osborne, Mahoney, Murphy, Hankin, Welt . ST LEOS Vaughan 8, Caoine 6, Davidson 3, D . Dincolantonio 3, Douglas 3, Corrigan 2, F. Dincolantonio 2, Pitcher 2, Ingram, Kelly, McNamara, J. Murphy, P. Murphy, Sergeant . BEST Douglas, Murphy, Vaughan, Davidson, Dart, Gill . (Team Effort .)
i SENIORS 4.0 10.2 13.2 19.3.117 AQUINAS 0 B POWERHOUSE 5.5 7.9 10 .13 11 .18.84 AQUINAS Coster 6, Joyce 4, Tarulli 3, Livingstone 3, Clifford, O'Loughlin . BEST Hacking, O'Connor, Flynn, Upton, Tarulli, Coster. POWERHOUSE Stafford 7, Ford 2, Scotland, Senior. Morris, Stafford, Kemp, Kervin, Senior, Masaglia . OLD CAMBERWELL 3.3 9.8 11 .12 17.17.119 BULLEEN UNITED 3.1 3.4 5.5 6 .5 .41 0 CAMBERWELL Provan 5, O'Hara 3, Cocks 2, Kyriacou 2, Walker 2, Gale, Town, McManus . BEST Town, Kerkvleit, Brown, Essery, Mitchell, Smith . BULLEEN UNITED Coleman 4, Thompson 2 . BEST Creighton, Flew, Coleman, Moran, Humphrey, Hopkins. GLENHUNTLY 5.8 7.9 9.12 10.15 .75 DOVETON 3 .5 7.7 14.11 17.16 .118 GLENHUNTLY Millar 4, Jancovic 3, Horsey, Antonio, Halpin . BEST Antonio, Withers, Breslin, Halpin, Silvey, Millar . DOVETON Dyke 7, Brown 5, Burgess 4, Charlston . BEST S. Janbeek, S . Reiger, D. Boots, J . Johnsen, W . Burgess, P. Giddens . OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 5 .8 13.11 21 .17 25.26 .176 ANZ BANK 2 .1 4 .5 5 .5 7.7.49 0 ESSENDON Stanford 12, Grey 4, Bishop 3, Pana 3, Agosta, Murray, West. BEST Stanford, Pane, West, Bilby, Tonks, Crameri . ANZ BANK Lengacher 4, McDonald, Waulley, McCarthy. BEST Gamble, McDonald, Lengacher, Hayes, Snelling, Koegler . ELSTERNWICK 1 .2 2 .3 3 .5 6 .9.45 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 8 .10 15 .14 26 .19 35 .22 .232
RESERVES AQUINAS 0 B 2 .2 5.5 7.6 9.7.61 POWERHOUSE 3 .2 6.4 7.7 9 .7.61 AQUINAS McCafferty 3, Crouch 3, Bradbury 2, Field . BEST Langford, Johnson, Kenny, Keeley, Field, McCafferty . POWERHOUSE Scotland 2, Bond 2, Baxter, O'Sullivan, Blowfield, Rogers. BEST Phelan, P. O'Sullivan, Tucker, Boschert, Towk, Higgins . OLD CAMBERWELL 9.4 16 .9 22 .13 26 .17.173 BULLEEN UNITED 0.1 0 .1 0.4 0 .4.4. 0 CAMBERWELL Burmeister 7, Pyke 6, Lenton 5, Crundall 3, Swann 3, Leitch, Kent . BESTS . Burmeister, D. Fourie, P. Lenton, L . Daley, B . Pyke, C. Brovm. BULL UNITED 0 Goals. BEST Lambevski, Humphrey, McFarlane, Robbins, Irvine. GLENHUNTLY 0 .1 0.2 2.5 3 .7.25 DOVETON 5 .0 9.5 12 .11 17.13.115 GLENHUNTLY O'Donnell, Bird, Hollaway. BEST Oaten, Timms, Halls, Smith, Wilson, Lamb . DOVETON McDonald 4, Hill 4, Ruston 2, Gibbs, Brown, Lambert, Page, Sweeney, Wormesley. BEST Giddens, Lambert, McGougan, Gibbs, McDonald, Hill. OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR11 .2 16.6 20.10 25.16.166 ANZ BANK 0 .0 0.0 1 .2 1 .3.9 O ESSENDON Wuiske 7, Evans 4, Lukasz3, Stevens 3, Hearne 2, Morden 2, Tonks 2, Casey, Emerson, Grant . BEST Wuiske, C. Grant, Eastway, A . Tonks, Swift. ANZ BANK Walsh . BEST Liddell, Farrell, Toomey, Westblade, Haggar, Stein . ELSTERNWICK 0 .1 2.2 2 .5 5.8.38 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 4 .5 9 .10 15 .12 18.13.121 ELSTERNWICK Boribon, Eklom, Lloyd, Mahony, Thain . BEST Eklom, Anastiadis, Whelan, Trevena, Thain, Lloyd . ST LEOS Alford 4, Morris 3, Milner 2, Oakley 2, Box, Compton, Greely, Lenaghan, weetland, G . Vaughan, J. Vaughan. BEST Morris, Compton, Box, Kenny, O'Meara, Sweetland.
Further information : David Kerr (AH) 596 8644 Cheques payable : Collegians Football Club, with return addres s C/o James Bennett, 139 Gladstone Avenue, Northcote 3070
Fl SECTION by Michael Noonan
After another week of unpredictable results, St Marys remain undefeated and Old Carey are still yetto notch up a win . Salesian lost their second on the trot and have now plumetted to fifth spot after having led at the end of Round Three. St Pats and Peninsula also suffered defeat and are now in danger of losing touch with the top four, while St Johns, St Andrews and West Brunswick are all gaining confidence after having won their last two. REVIEW The supposed Match of the Day between St Marys and Salesian fizzled out into a one-sided affair with the home side thumping Salesian by 120 pts . The Saints took no prisoners as they steam-rolled a disheartened Salesian in the last half and confirmed their favoritism for the F1 flag . St Pats were hoping to improve on their Round Four form with an upset over St Andrews at Southern Road . After being down all day, the Patters, led by new player Matt Sullivan, hit back in the last term after trailing by more than five goals at the final change . St Andrews, with the help of star players J Karslake, Wilson and Fox, managed to hold on and win by 2 pts . A frustrated Old Ca rey were on the receiving end of yet another thrashing as a confident West Brunswick cruised to a ten-goal win . Carey were second for the ball and are still desperately lacking the '92 form that propelled them to the finals . St Johns jumped to third spot and re-affirmed their finals contendership with a 35 pt win over UHSOB. Despite a 9 gl third term and the effo rts of Sand ro "Plugger" Epifano, who booted 8 gls, U HSOB were outclassed and beaten by a stronger side . Peninsula had a Iong trip home from Bundoora after going down by more than ten to an unpredictable Latrobe, The Pirates hate to leave their domain and will be glad to be back there next week to try and stay in the finals race. PREVIEW St Pats and Peninsula will meet in the F1 Match of the Day at Mt Eliza. Both teams have lost their last two and must win to stay in touch with the final four . St Pats will struggle without injured forward Murphy and the Pirates' home ground advantage will be too great a hurdle. Peninsula should keep their finals hopes alive in a close finish . The Reserves match, a repeat of last year's Grand Final, should also be an interesting encounter. St Ma rys will remain undefeated and on top when theyjourneyto Parkvilletotakeon UHSOB. The Saints should have notroubleand will be aiming to boosttheir percentage with a 20-g1 win . At Coburg, St Andrews and West Brunswick will fight it out in what should be a tough physical contest .
West Brunswick are currently on a high and should upset the home team with a four goal win . Old Carey have appointed a new coach and will be hoping for better things this week against St Johns at Dandenong . St Johns have gone from strength to strength in recent weeks and should snatch second spot with a solid win . Salesian and Latrobe will both have a lot to prove when they clash at Chadstone. Salesian will want to stop their losing run and crawl back into the four while Latrobe will be hoping to find some consistency and string together afew consecutive wins . Latrobe should get the points and push Salesian further down the ladder. M ILESTONES • Congratulations to David Oliver of Salesian who is playing his 50th game this week. • Everybody at St Pats Mentone congratulates Dean Andrew on playing his 100th game against St Andrews last week . • Well done to David "Cookie" who played his 100th game for Peninsula last Saturday after not having played a game for three years. SOCIAL • UHSOB are holding a "Funny Money Night" at the club rooms this Saturday. • St Johns will be having a "Saturday Night Stay Back" at their rooms this week after their Round Six clash . • Peninsula will be hoping their battle with St Pats doesn't drain their players' performances at the club's "Talent Night" this week . • St Pats will hold its annual $1000 reverse Raffle on Sunday, 23 May. FACT FILE University High Old Boys AFC was formed in 1932 and joined the VAFA in the same year. The club won senior premierships in 1960 (B Grade) and 1970 (C Grade) and reached A Grade in the 1960's. It has also won five Reserves premierships in 1963,84,85,90 and 91 . The club's 1970 Premiership coach was Col Kinnear, who went on to coach the Swans in recent years .
SENIORS LATROBE UNIVERSITY 5 .4 12 .9 15.13 21 .19 .145 pENINSULA 0 B 4 .0 5 .2 7.5 8 .9 .57 LA TROBE UNI Kreuzer6, Robinson 4, Cousins 3, Ivey 3, Brown, Liersch, 0'connor, Pavone, Sidebottom . BEST Brown, Robinson, Kreuzer, O'Connor, Liersch, Ivey . PENINSULA Hayes 2, Warne-Smith 2, Cross, McMahon, Nelson, Brown . ,BEST Hayes, Goding, Peterson, Cross, Morley, Brown . ST MARYS 7.2 12 .6 19.9 27.19.181 SALFSIAN 0 C 2.5 5.5 8.6 9 .7.61 ST MARYS Mullins 8, Bernadi 4, Burt 3, Livingstone 3, Clark 2, Balck 2, Binyon 2, Ymer, Bourke, Heusner. BEST Livingstone, Sloan, O'Rourke, Evans. SALESIAN Cincotta 4, Hayes 2, Gilmore, Bourke, McLardy. BEST McKnight, McLaroy, Hunt, Hayes, Hood . ST JOHNS 3 .3 9.8 17.9 24.18.162 UHSOB 1 .4 6.6 15.6 20.7.127 ST JOHNS Charlton 4, Walton 4, Sheehan 4, Doherty 3, Pattison 3, Giacomini 2, Nichalsen 2, La'Brody, Roberts. BEST Adamson, Sheehan, Back, Walton, Nichalsen, Meegan . UHSOB Epifano 8, Hallifax 5, Skinns 2, Davidson, Rothwell, Wallace, Verdi, Bennett . BEST Epifano, Bunn, Hallifax, Wallace, Neal, S . Smith. ST PATRICKS MENTONE 1 .6 9.9 11 .11 17.16 .118 ST ANDREWS 6 .9 10.13 15.19 16.24.120 ST PATS Allison 3, Perrin 3, Sullivan 2, Johnston 2, Sullivan, Hawkins, Barry, Wise, Wood, Coxon, Sebire. BEST Sullivan, Barry, Kellett, Allinson, McCarthy, Coxon . ST ANDREWS Wilson 6, Fox 4, Beard 2, Vercoe 2, Conlan, Karslake . BEST Conlan, Fox, D. Kerslake, J . Kerslake, P. Kerslake, Wilson . OLD CAREY 2.1 3.1 7.4 8.6.54 WEST BRUNSWICK 6.1 9.4 11 .10 18 .13.121 0 CAREY Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . W BRUNS Capron 7, McNiece 3, Magafas 3, D'Andrea, Scarafilio, Vitale, Moore, Gray. BEST D'Andrea, Gray, Vitale, Bargiamidis, Konstantinidis, Capron, Di Benedetto. RESERVES LATROBE UNIVERSITY 2 .0 4.3 7.3 7.4.46 PENINSULA 0 B 3.3 5.4 5.4 6 .5.41 LATROBE UNI Ryder2, Blaskett, Fredrickson, Hawking, Scanlon, Wright . BEST Richards, McNamara, Wright, Heaney, O'Connor, Weeks . PENINSULA Peisley, Mannes, Parsons, Baxter, Taylor, Nolan . BEST Nolan, Bowen, Farrer, Dentry, Parsons, Stewart. ST MARYS 3.0 8.3 9.6 10 .11 .71 SALESIAN 0 C 2.3 4.4 5.7 6.11.47 ST MARYS Siwicco 3, Burns 2, Kyracopoulos, Jackson, Halden, Rothnie, Cuddon . BEST Goulett, Jackson, Pope Kyracopoulos. SALESIAN Zois 2, Stoforidis, Pearson, Eager, Faul . BEST Nanovich, Sutherland, Eager, Miller, Queirgar, Bogetic . ST JOHNS 0 C 2.2 3.4 8 .5 9.10.64 UHSOB 1 .1 1 .2 5.2 8.2.50 ST JOHNS 0 C Dalton 2, Fort 2, Saunderson 2, Jancovic, Canal, Hancock. BEST Kelly, Dalton, Emery, Dousha, Cockayne, Canning UHSOB Duncan 2, Smith 2, Bennett, Jones, Mazza, Roberts . BEST Roberts, Ham, Duncan, Marzico, Marasco, Viljoen . ST PATRICKS MENTONE 2 .4 5 .5 8 .7 12.7.79 ST ANDREWS 3.2 6 .8 11 .10 16.10 .106 ST PATS Hawker 4, O'Brien 2, Nelson 2, O'Connor, Smith, Capuano, Gibbins. BEST Hawker, Capuano, O'Brien, Oliver. ST ANDREWS Campbell 7, Iles 2, Peterson 2, Tapner 2, Galea, King, Lucas. BEST Campbell, Galea, Gelel, Peterson, Staples, Wallace . OLD CAREY 2 .10 5.11 6.14 7.16 .58 WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .1 7.1 7.6 10.8 .68 0 CAREY Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . W BRUNS Pepi 4, Elso 2, Edwards2, Hokkannen, Kimpton . BEST Moore, Fyffe, Hokkannen, Baker, Pepi, Hatzistavrou .
SENIORS CINCOTTA, Salesians CHARLTON, St Johns KREUZER, Latrobe Uni EPIFANO, UHSO B WILSON, St Andrews Coburg RESERVES CAMPBELL, St Andrews Coburg MARKS, Peninsula MANNES, Peninsula BLASKETT, Latrobe Uni
(4) (4) (8) (6) (7) (0) (1)
33 30 17 17 17 15 14 14 12
CONGRATULATIONS TO 'THE WORM ' St Patrick's M entone FC congratulates Dean `The Worm' Andrews on playing his 100th game against St Andrew's last week (8/5) .
±' F1 SECTION SALESIAN vs LATROBE UN I Field : P. Maebus, D. Benjamin Boundary: W. Allen UHSOB vs ST MARYS Field: G . Knight, B . Noonan Boundary: L. Stapleton, S. O'Connor ST JOHNS vs OLD CARE Y Field: A . Kiel, T. Foley PENINSULA OB vs ST PATRICKS Field: G . Wolter, T. Natha n ST ANDREWS vs WEST BRUNSWICK Field: G . Beasley, L . Symons F2 SECTION UNIVERSITY REDS vs CHIRNSIDE PARK Field: M . Cox, D. Earp Boundary: N . Gardiner, F. Martinez RICHMOND CENTRAL vs OAKLEIGH Field: G . Waldron, B. Johannsen VUT/FIT vs OLD WESTBOURNE Field: D. D'Altera, R . Smith CAMBERWELL vs BALWYN COMBINED Field: G . Lowe, G . Kean e BORONIA PARK vs YARRA VALLEY OB Field: S. Caple, D. Knott
CLULSa ~~E r,%,5L- NOT E Some messages regarding d ress re qui rements : • Umpires and members of the Executive will report breaches of dress requirements and clubs will be automatically fined for these breaches. • Interchange steward - white coat, VAFA armband . • Runners - orange shirt, tracksuit pants or shorts (not to be the colou r of other participating team) . • Medical Staff - white top, VAFA armband . • Trainers and drink carriers - white tops, VAFA armbands, tracksuit pants or shorts (not to be the colour of other participating team) . • Playing jumper - must have V logo, numbered correctly, home or away shorts, club socks. • Bike shorts - flesh coloured only. • Field/Boundary umpires ( club supplied) - VAFA shirt, white shorts, navy socks. Other league's umpiring gear is not acceptable . • Goal Umpires - white coat, 2 flags (45x45 cm) .
1 993 Elsternwick Park Programm e VicHealth Matches of the Day to be held at Elsternwick Park as follows : Each A and B Section club has been rostered to play at least one of its 9 home matches as an Elsternwick Park game and each A and B club gets a second game at Elsternwick Park, this time as an away team .
This year some A and B Section clubs have been allocated a second home Elsternwick Park match (Ormond, St Bernards & North Old Boys). This decision has been made by the Administration and Finance Committee (Football Management) and has filled all existing gaps in the Elsternwick Park program which were not being filled by clubs requesting a second home game . TODAY: SUNDAY: MAY 22 :
MAY 23 : MAY 29 : M AY 30 : JUNE 5: JUNE 6: JUNE 19 : JUNE 20: JUNE 26: JUNE 27 : JULY 3 : JULY 4 : JULY 10 :
It is the recommendation of this committee that clubs allocated a second home E .P. game in 1993 will only be rostered to play one home E .P. game in 1994 .
From this weekend senior teams are at liberty to include a third interchange player on its teamsheet, bringing to 21 the number in a senior team each week . This trial will be examined by the VAFA's Rules Review Committee then will be fully discussed at the Executive Seminar at the end of the season, before a decision is made to adopt 3 interchange players as a rule in 1994 . Clubs are not compelled to have 21 players and may decide to not change from the current 20 per matchday. The purpose of the 3rd interchange is to hopefully alleviate the situation where coaches have to send back an ill or injured player to keep 18 able/semi-able players on the field (see todays Editorial). One way of using the 3rd interchange is to ask one of the reserves players to sit on the bench and be used only in an emergency - of course the 3 interchange can be used as the 2 are at the moment . Remember the 21st player must be shown on each teamsheet . P. Stevens on behalf of the Executive
T~der 19 Section 1
CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach: M . Carusf 1. B. Rattray 2, S. Fischer 3. T. Spirli 4 . J . Carusi 5, A . DeVincentis 6. M . Reab y 7 V Picaoh (VC) 8. F. Paol a 9, S. Foster .J, Woodward 10 D. Paola (C) 11. 12. M. Burk e 13 . E . Kerr 14 . L. Lowen 15 . N . Romano 16, L . McGuire 17. J. Pignataro 19. M . Quinn 20 . C, Crosland 21, M . Sontag 23. J. Cochrane 24. P. Ega n 25, M . Mobilia 26. M . Walker 27. S. McIntosh 31, P. DiCiero 32. D . Sutherland (DVC) 34. R . Henderson 35. P. Di Ludovico 41 . J . Mosc a 47. A. Alsbur y
filqR r ! (03) 736 1366 ~I 018 33508 6
OLD MELBURNIANS 1 . D . Fiel d 2 . A. Henshaw (VC) 3 . J . Disney 4. J . Wilson 5. P. Gason 6. T. Hudson 7. T. Treseder 8. J. 0'Carroll R J. Campbell to . R . Hewitt 11 . M . McCarty-Salmon 12 . M. Thomas
13 . G . Stooke 14. D. Ya n 15. A . McIntosh 16. D . Brockeridge 17. G . Muchian (VC) 18. R . Egleton 19.D.Tnndade 20 . B . Luckoc k 21 . L . Silk 22 . J . Spry 23. M . Jobling 24.T. Carmichael 25, S. Kuh n 27. B . Telford 28.A . McKean 30. J. Gourky 32 . T. Elstoft (VC) 35. M . Pringles 39, H . Selby-Smith 41 .C .Sonneberg 42 . McLean 44 . A. Read
~.~ Ca n.
DE LA BLUE Coach : Noel Jenkinson 2. A . Scot t 3. D. Gleeson 4 . D.V. Smith 6 . A . Fountoulakis 8 . P. Gran t
9 . M . Macorra 10. C. Makinson 11 . A. Grant
12. A . Malitzi a 13. P. Conroy (Capt) 15. D. Parr 16. K.T. Greene 17. D. Larkin 18 . D. Pearson 19 . B .Fuog 20. A. Frawle y 21 . T. Dundon (VC) 22 . C . Hynes 24. P. Satchell (VC) 32. J . Gallagher (VC) 47. M . McGrath 48 .P.Ronch i
MARCELLIN MAZENOD Coach: Scott Christiansen Coach : Tom De Young 1 . J . Keays 1 . D. Huggins 2. C. Williams 3 . C. Purcel l 4 . Jason Ibrahim 5 . A . Nasrallah 6 . L . Toscan o 7. L. Thompson 8. D. Mora n 9. D. courts 10. N . Godwin (VC) 11 . John Ibrahim 12. A . Labagnar a
13 . S . Mathews (Capt) 14 . Troy Co x
15 . D. Evans-Smith 16 . M . Lowry 17. R . Bromage 18. B. Moran 19. Rob 20. R . Carafe 21 . M . Sanelli 22 . S. Abbott 23 . M . Sammut 24 . C. Leffley 25 . G . Fava 26 . A . Howard 27. D. Waters
OLD PMENTONIAN S Coach : Paul Hodles 1 . J. Wiliams 2 . P. Appe l 3 . L. Sheddo n 4. G . Katris (Capt) 5 . C . Leon e 6. N . Linford (V.Capt) 7. S . Kitto 8. G . New 9. 1 . Jones 10. S . Martin 11 . L. Dwyer 12, M . Dail 13 . C. Leave r 14 . D.Jorgenson 15 . B . Murphy 16. M l 17. L.Lean . Sewel 18. J . Winduss 19. M . Finnis 20. B. Karp 21 . G. Lucas 22 .D.Johnson 23 A . Swan 24. K . Perry 25. M . Elliott 26. G. Angelis 27. B .Samild 28. D . Murphy 29. C . Littl e 30. S. Ellaway 31 .T.Langler 32 5 Anderson 33. C. Rushworth 34 . P. Fiaskis 35. S . Ryan
2 . S . Bruce 3 . D. Butler 4 . M .Goud e 5 . P. King 6. J . Fisher 7. S. Morga n 8. B. Borg (DVC) 9.D . Carter 10. P. McCusker 11 . D . Medley 12 . S. Coulso n 13 . D. Steinfort (VC) 14 . S. Henderson 15. R . Savy 16. J . Gardiner 17. D . Egan 18. M . Little 19. W. O'Hara 20 . D.O'Donaghue 21 . G . Hansen 22 .J. McCarthy 23. B . Harpe r 24. C . Falloon 25. F. Orso 26. M . Occhiutto 27. D. Kro m 28. G . Barrin 29. S . Sullivan 30. T. Bil s 31 . A . Fahey 32. D . Moore 33 . A. Loucas 34 . D. Nash 35 . R .Ebert 61 . M .DeNavi 64 .S.Bourbon 70. L . Clarke (Capt) MAJOR SPONSOR
OLD HAILEYBURIANS Coach : Chris Lan e 1 . R . Buchanan 2 . T. Boothman 3. G . Stac k 4. S . Boothe y 6. M . Anastasios (DVC) 8. D. Wickenton 9 . R . Weber 10. A . Wood 12 . B . Metherali 13. D. ScoBern 14. D. Plumridge 15. R . Bartholomeusz 16. D. Prin s 17. C. Rice 18.M .Rowe 20.T Evans 21 . C. Steven s 23. A . Pound (Capt) 26. C Alle n 29 . Kerr 30.. A . Alcoc k 34. B. Adamopouios 36. A. Whitaker 37, B. Nicholls 38 . M .Jones 39 . D. Hayter 40. J . Raby (VC) 50, A . Hilton 52 . A. Chin 53. D . Burn 54.D .Hobbs 58, M . Kelly
PAINTING Industrial • Domestic • Commercial
558 5255 OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Chris Anderson 1 . M . Fitzsimon (DVC) 2. G . Dermentzi s 3 . D. de Stefanis 4 . L. Westmore 5 . R . Ralph 6. S. Delmo 7. S. Blac k IT J. Fitzgerald 9. J Hawkins 10. N . Fay 11 . M . Wilkinson 13 P. Lechte 15 D. Curtain 16 . S. Dluzniak 17. A . Reis 18.A .Jones 21 . W. Gil l
22 . G . Anderson 23 . S. Waddingham 24 . M . Petrof f 25, M . McIntyre 26 . D.Strachan 2T S . Kennedy 29 . C . Howard 30. M . Shortall 32 . P. Thomas 33. A . Walsh 34. D. Stones (VC) 35. E . Guidic e 42. M . Iacovangeio 53. P. Hall (Capt) 67. S. Lally 68. P O'Brien
ORMOND Coach: Michael Holden t . L . Barrett 2 . G . King 3. L . McGaw 4. G .Goldman 5. C. Turner 6. J. Kelleher 7. W. Philips 8. S Parkilas (VC) 9. D. Wilks 10. L, Haddon 11 . D. Morgan 12 . D. Monk 13. D Casperz 14 N . Rowell 15 C. Williams 16. R. Milliken 17. B . Kin g 18. C. Neel 19. D. Wright 20 B.Rether 21, J . Hallam 22, T Malaria (C) 23. A. Casey 25. L Fraser 29. F. Cavicic 31 . S Edwards 52.F Egan 54 . D Wheeler 55.L .Auey MAJOR SPONSOR
+' ty .~~~~~n 1 f,~
ST. BERNARD'S Coach : Terry Davi s 1 . A .Webb 2 . D. Sawicki 3 . B Hemley 4 . D . Raciti 5. S. O'Keefe 6. M . Hande 7. C. Perrett & B. Chatfield 9. A. Zagari 10 . M . Castles 11 . P Scern 12 . M . Conroy 13 . J . Ferns 14. S. Fo x 15. D . Croker t6. M . Wright 17. G . Mornsh 18 S.Lync h
20 J . Kavanagh 21 . S. Chatfield 22 . M . Farmer 23 . D. Rogers 24.S.Kennedy 25.L .Rogers 26 P Zein e 27. D. Raffle 28. A . Farme r MAJOR SPONSOR
Lincolnshir e Arms Hote l 1 Keilor Road, North Essendon, Vic .3041
Under 19 Central BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Coach: Mal Prio r I N Waddell 3 G Hatton 5L 4 GParris Da se' 6 G Taylor 7 A Saw 8 A Ibrahim 9 S Fraser 10 R Robertson 11 P Rei d 12 C McMahon 14 G Parkinson 16 C Shallard 17 D Hall
18. D Cummins 20 R Lambest B Croft 21 P Bnndley 22 27 W Murphy 32 G Massey 49 M Pdbeany 55 J Prior
ST LEO'S WATTLE PARK Coach : S. Keneal y 1 2 3 4 5 6
A O'Reilly J Crook S Manton B McHugh P Chiodo A N'Dru e
IVANHO E Coach : Rob Pearce 1- B Joyce 2 M Pearce 3 D Fulivrood 4 D Lynch 5 L. Pearce 6 J Pace 7 N . Panel 8 P. PosR c 9 M Stapleton to M O'Shea 11 . S Ford 13 S Maiha 15 J Anazakis 16. G . Pdkington 18 R Gatos 20, R Hird 21. L Blackwood 22 L Pit he r 23 S Carter 26 . S.Devhn 30, H . Langford 31. P Jennings 32 .J Raywood 33 R, Laver 34 R Pace 49. S Mollo y SPONSORED BY
Coach : J . Marchbank
Coach : Rick Jame s
1 J Joyce (Capt ) 2 . J Bandit 3 F Borrello 4 . F Haifa 6 P Brya r 7. P Cremona 8 S Dru m 9 M Hicks 10. J Ker r 11 . A. Mattiazzi 12 C. McMahon 13. J. Mihonis 14. T. Parry t5 T Pritchard 16 S Saliouh 17. D Sindom 18 G . Stunneil 19 S . Trenton 20 R . Hard 21 D. Zappulla 22 D Appleyard 23 B. Bryce 24 B.Egan 25 M.Roberts 26d Jenkins 27.S Sarong 28. a Tonkin 29. H . Datfe y 30 P. Roumellotis 31 S Sasic
2 R . Burnett 3 A. Kokinos 4 TRe d 5 5 Horskms 6.1. Strachan 7 B. McManus 8 S Bremner 9, T Homes (Capt) 10 T Jame s 11 A Richardson 12 . S . Wiiliams 13 C Paterson 14 D. Talbot 15 D imberger 16 . S.. Lethiean Palmer 17. D t8M, Mitchell 19 R . Elsom 20. A Miliins 21 . A Strachan 22 B Summons 23 J Bodn a 24 J McKenzie 25 M . Walker 26 C. Porter 27.P Gooch 28 L Giadman 29. J . Hancock 30 N. Hmdaugh 31, A Williams 32 T Hardman 33 A Hill s 34 . A, Watervmrth 37 N Thomson 41 . D Walker 42 S Norn s
32, L Collins 33 B Monos
838 Heidelberg Rd Alphington Ph: 499 7177
7 D Glass (Capt) 8 A McKenzie 9 M Hov2rd 10 T Munro 11 K Martin (CVC) 12 D Wells
13 A. Nankerms(CVC) 14 A Smith 16 M Dempsey 17 S Bambndge 18 T 0, Kell y 19 A Danckert 20 M Fewster 21, R Byrne 22 M O'Laughlin 24 S Corcoran 25 H Meehan 26 S Morris PROUDLY SPONSORED B Y
THERR Y Coach: J . Toohey 1 R Bannister (VC) 2 M Slazy k 3 J Woodgate 4 M Eliiott 5 J Browning 6 J Tate 7 C Kennedy 8 L Hollow 9 G . Baker it W Conla n 12 S Watherhead 13 D Ramm 14 C Noona n
16 N LaFontaine (C) 17 D Goodwm (VC) 19 J Dimech 20 D Forbes 21 P Stanko 22 E Crockiord 23 J Drenen 26 J Goodger 27 K Fitzpatrick 28 P H ggms 30 A Ur h 3t A Cullen 32 M MorOz 32 H Flynn 35 M Kelly 36 D Hal areas 37 D Large 58 M Finniga n
1 . E. Elliott
2 . R . Jamieson 3 L . Patterson 4 J Dun n 5 D Walsh 6, C McCormick 7 M Addison 8 M Yarnall 9 P Ega n
10 C Shodand 11 A Bel l 12 N . Doggett 13 M Gilbert 14 . M Nance (Capt) 5 .J Newnham 16 P, Dalto n 17 T. LlcheV 18DLee 19 J Bayes 20 C Campbell (VC) 21 S Lord 22 D Hirst 23 C Matthews (DVC) 24 D. Lawrence 25 N. Behrense 26 G Cole m 27 N . Vasilopoulos
28 C Isaacs
29 B. Smith 30 A Berry 32 M Thomas 33 M . Currey 35. H Morrison 36 M . Belcher 39. P. Merry 54 B CrargC 55 T Kin g A . Coward V Donoudis N Everett J Murphy R . Parker N Peters D Watt s MAJOR SPONSO R
PARADIAN S Coach : A . Morelli 1 . D Digney (VC) 2. A Nitsov 3 P Phelan 4 M Anderson 5 N Bali 6 B Montgomery 7 L. Smit h 6 L Dyer 9. S Drummond 10 B. Brabender 11 B Hetfernan 12 . D Hester 13. M, MoCrohan 14. D. PvlcCrohan 15 J Wa y 18. C Caliis 19 I Morelh 20 G. Beadle 21 S Moore 22 0 Ciavoi a 23 P Curti s 24 M McBryan 25 M Basile 26 D HoBmglon 27 S Farrell 28 M Geary 29 D Neal 30 A Mulvah,ll 31 S Weyman 33 M Garottolo 34B Swindon 35 A Vanrca (Capp 36 A Farrel l 37 D Cosma 38.5 Kavanagh 40 T Walli s 52 . M Campbell
1- A Atkinso n
2. M Tolle y
3 M Clarkson 4. A Randall 5.A.Schoene 6 P. Cha n
7, D. Hartley 8 D. L nley 9. P Quic k 10 C Lutz 11 .T. Ryan 12 . M . Tozer 13 C. Chan
14 J . Mansfield 15 G Douglas 16 M . Woods 17.J Lu k
16 C Ferguson 19. T. Young 20 T,Rowson 21 . C Uinck 22. D Stott 23 B Appleby 24 G Hams 25 P. Edbrooke 26. M . Smith 27 J, Sing h
28 A Beckwith 29 R . Weddle 30 . N . Mancini 31 N Beliamy 32 D Goad 33 A . Martin
34 S Ken t 35 S. Varopoulos 36 C Weber 37. T Brya r 49. J Hempseed 7i . T Byrne 88 . C Georgiou
Hotel Bagdad
UNI BLACKS Coach : R. Grummet 1 J-P Ric e 2 . B Schreenan 3 F Stinso n 4. A Macpherson 5 B Masr 6 0 Lennen 7 N Griffin 8 B Wright 9 C Whitely 10 M Torney 11 R Terrd l
12 M. Strazd,ns 13 G Stafford 14 A Smit h 15 N Simmonds 16 M Sherrill 17 D Ryan 18. J Patterson 19 L Macrae 20 C McDonald 21 N Mille r 22 N Middleton 23 M. McLellan 24 P Luca s 25 B Livingston 26 S Kerr 27 P Jen s 28 P Hodgson 29. R Henderson 30 R Egan 31 R Doepel 32 A Crommelin 33 J Coventry 34 J Cook 35 G Brazier 36 M Bowles 37 D Bilks 38 A Batsak,s 39 M. Ancesch i SPONSORED BY
Coach : Andy Harris
Coach: P. Atkinson 1 B Clark 2_ M DeStetanis (DVC) 3 T Gibson (DVC) 4 C . Smit h 5 J Shein (VC) 7 R Hatfield (Capt) 8 W Guttendg e 9 C Hodson to T Carey 1L 5 Davey 12 F Camero n 13 D Aiysandratos 14 8 . Winstanley 15 S Cad e 16 N King 17 D Varg o 18 B Campaign 19 T Antonopouios 20 A Alexander 21 A Sealey 22 .5 Wynke 23 P Makns 25 J Stud Ito 26 B Gerovasdis 27 S Donaldson 28 D Ennwsle 29 L Jervis 30 ARamsden 31 R Denby 34 S. Gleeson 35 NTayle r 39 P Sklavenib s
速 Carlton.
UNI BLUE S Coach : S. Car roll 1 . C. Nave 2 .M .Bungey(VC) 3. R J. Owe n 4. P Bommanto 5 G Muscatello 6 R. Menzies 7 AFC Wilcox 8 SB Waters (DVC) 9 B Speers 10 R Bales (Capt) 11 K M . Jamieson 12 D D Habe r 13 OB Hutchinson 14 P Aston 15 N, Cavalier 16.1 Bracken 17 M J Stanch 18. DJ Barnaby 19 A R Cook 20 S B X Becket 21 M D. Werner 22 L R Norton 23 H H . Irving 24 N .1 Ambrozy 25 J Anderson 26 S Barber 27 T. Crane 28 G Forbe s 29 S Gomes 30 M Jukes 31 . R Calvert 32 G Kluge 33 5, McCaw 34 A McLead 35 S Roth +36 M Read
37, A Robinso n 38 39 40 41
S Shaw A Teelow L Velieley M Warne r
速 Carlton.
WHITEFRIARS Coach : G. Kallinikos 1 . D James 2.R Cameron 3. D. Naismlh
4 D McLaughlin 5 J Littl e 6 M Power
7 J. Ba n 8 T. Carr.gg 9 C Carrigg 10. C Qwlt y
11 . J . McFarlane (Capt) 12 S Pinchbeck (DVC) 13JRio 14. M Rat6s 15, M . Duffey 16. D. Wheeian 17 L Storey 18 M . Falzon 19 A . Larratt 20 W Uren 21 . T. Burgoine 22 . V Finn 23 C Law(VC) 24 M. Heath (DVC) 25 C. Pellegrino 27 C Hobbs 28. D Koo k 32 M . Carbone 34. S Van Biaicum 36 M Wigney 47 B Brisbane 61 A The2its SPONSORED BY
Under 19 South AJAX Coach : Mark Zuker Assistant : Steven Bendel 1 . Meh l 2 . J . Klooger (DVC) 3. Gelbart 4. Gold 5. M. Rajch 6. Rotstein 7. Moss 8. Jeremy Wrobel (VC) 9. Rosen 10 . Nathan 11 . Asseraf 12 . Krasnostein (DVC) 14, Steiner 15. Szwider 16. Weisier 17. Segal 18. B. Frid 19. Fin k 20. Smorgon 21 . Popper 22 . Duzenman 23. Abraham 24. Roshandler 25. Cukierman 26. Kirzne r 27, Grosman 28. Kleiman 29. Meltzer 30. Lewis 31 . Chrapot 32. Braun (Capt) 33 . Bra m 34 . Aladjem 35. C . Cohen 36. Matov 37. Goldstat 38. Pearce 39. Engelman 40. E . Silver 41 . Rube n 48. Feldman
CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Coach: Peter Ofivieri 1 . C. Boyd 2 . N. Babarczy 3. C. Mathieson 4. B. Samue l 5. D. McKenzie 6. B. Webster 7. T. Waile s 8. M. Tapp (VC) 9. M. Humphries 10. M . Foster 11 . M . Cassidy 12 . R .Ravensdale 13. R . Zylberman 14. M . Howard 16. N . Lubransky (DVC) 17. J. Last 19. M . Barnett 20. D. Hil l 21 . R . Morrison 23. D . Ash 25. J. Ewinger 27. N . McCartin 30. N . Gross 32 . A. Engleman 34. M . Thomson 35. B. Kuppe (Capt) 40. E . Fellows 42. A . Smith MAJOR SPONSOR
Coach: Steve Rust 1 . S. Gorenstein 2 . N . Fawcett 3 . R . Pethybridge 4. E . Moo n 5. M . Arnett 6. D. Barnes 7. J. Vo 8. D. Bennett 9. D. Green 10. P. Tuohey 11 . S.Forsyth 12 . J. Caldwell 13, J . Gleason 14. J . Beer
15. S. Fros t 16. P. Johnston 17. A. Barret t 18. Y. Colombies 19. D. Campbell 20 . J . Grac e 21 . C. Alexander 22 . L . Goodson 23. M . Bruce 24. D . Nuroo 25.G .0'Shaughnessy 26. S. Slatter y 27. C . Chipperfield 28. P. Holland 29. T. Crozier 30. B. Kohler 31 . M . Bridges 32. D . Nixon 33. P. Maher 34 . S .Castricum 35. A . Rei d 36 . J . Sgroi 37. C. Rubick 38 . A . La i 39. A . Crompton 44.T.Spencer
2 . S . Mollard 3. A . Kelson 4. A . Oldham 5. R. Stubs 6. A. Quayle 7. L. Bell 8 . D. Lumley 9 .D. Degen 10. S . Sheezel 11 . B . Mooney 12. M . West 13. G . Briglia 14 . A. Semmens 15. L . Grant (Capt) 16. M . Johnston 17. J. Samlal 18 . M . Hassell 19 . D. Godfrey 20. C. Williams 21 . S . De Young 22. C . Hudson 23. S . Grierson 24. A. Muir 25. N . Lehman 26. A. Gluth 27. C . James 28. D. Munro 29 . M . Fradkin 30. S . Clarke 31 . J. Bell 32 . L . Wills 33 . N . De Young 34 . N. Manuell 35 . M . Saunders 36 . A . Hoy
MHSOB Coach : Ray MacGil l 1 . A. Clarke 2 . S . Dankert 3. M . Wilson 4. J. Pertzel 5. J. Duketis 6. 0. Randhawa 7. J . Goldin (Capt) 8. P. Barge (DVC) 9 . A. Saultr y 10. B. Cookman 11 . Z . Curran 12. M . Luttick 13 . A. Lam
Coach : John Harper 2 . J . Dakis (Capt) 3. H . Georgeanakis 4. M . Hope 7. A . Ross 8 . R . Bulmer 11 . M. Atkinson 13. G . Taylor 16. M . Clarke 17. N . Smith 20. S. Blick 27. M . Collins 31 . T. Williams 32. C . McKellar 33 . B. Busby 34 . S . Will s
14 . S . Roberts 15 . P. Fros t
35 . C. Morrison 37. M. Fletcher 38 . A . Haggerty 44. H . Tregear 50. M . Atkinson 55. P. Harvey 63. D . Pavi s
71 . C. McGrego
.lr~_'0-aL ~
FASHIONS Ladies & Mans Wear Hire & Sales 532 0577 ~~_ R=
16. J . Ramasamy 17. P. Fountas 18. T Jackson 19. I . Gillespie (VC) 20. D. Senn (DVC) 21 . D. McAllister 22 . N . Paton 23. E. Thomas 24. M . Atkin 25. C. Kelly 26. L . Elliott 27. J . Clarke 28. A. Gibbons 29. P. Lansley 30. L . Sayers 31 . D. Wilson 32 . D. Meena 33 . M . Zaghloul 34 . S. Stephens MAJOR SPONSOR S
47. M. Lucas
48. C . Kringoudi s REAL ESTATE AGENTS PHONE: 866 4411
COLLEGIANS Coach : Phil De Young 1 . A. Rose
Coach : Michael Hill 1 . S . Williams 2. B . Ker r 3. C. Gordon 4. J. Bradlex 5. S . Magee 6, C. Jackson 7. T. Lawrence 8. J . Mendoza 9 . S . Wilson 10. M . Nikakis 11 . S . Williams 12 . A. Arendsen 13. D . Smart 14. G . Sloan 15. B. Stefanou
16. K . Tescuendorff 17. R. Wavis h 18. R. Watnutt 19.P Wood 20. P. Robinson (DVC) 21 . D. Atkin 28. T. Ward 34. M . Taylor 35. S. Swanell 39. D. Begled 41 . M . Biuonis (VC) 44 . J. Newma n 46. T. McNamara 47. D. Wilso n 49 . A. Carr 59 . T. Farrar (Capt) 62 . E . Dime r 64 . S. Antonia 65 . P. Paterson REAL ESTATE
OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steven Aird 1 . B . Penfoid 2. A . Elliott 3. S . Teesdale 4. S . White 5. T. Simpson 6. J . Millie 7. A . Seymour 8 . D. McGowan 9 . R . Gregory 10.S . Veenker 11 . P. Macmillan 12. A . Strahan 13. S . Pryde 14. A . Speed 15. S . Grigg 16. A. Gaylard 17. M . Black 18. C. Hosking 19. T. McCue 20.T Joyce 21 . C. Heath 22 . D. Roberts 23. L . McDonnell 24 R Roberts 25. C. Stewart 26. J. Batchelor 27. H . Everard 28. H . McAlpin 29. R. Hardy 30. T. Pilki n
Jones Lang Wootton
ST E*/
610 Camberwell Rd LMCT 537 Camberwell. Ph. 80 2466.
' E~ Coach : Terry De Koning 1 . C . Stewart 2.S. Hunter 3. S . Napier 4 . C. Meyer 5. S. Scullin 6. B . Ellerton 7. A . Chang 8 . K . Bouker 9 . D. Kinsella 10. J. Carroll 11 . M . Hecker 12 . K . Goodchild 13. J. McGrath 14. M . Corderoy 15.P.Razga 16. T. Phil p 17. L . Marsh 18. A. Hayes 19. S . Napier 20. M . Time 21 . M . Razga 22 . Q. Pendergast 23. H . Donnellan 24. J. Stoppa 25. S . Hecker 26. J. Sebire 27. T. Georgoulis 2& D. Hayward 29. A. Lawlor 30. T. Fisher 31 . S. Markham 32 . L . Patrick 33 . J . Johnstone 34 . L . Summers 35 . R . L'Huillier 36 . C . Price 37. T. Georgoulis 38. N . Mulquiney
Club XV111 Nort h BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Coach : Mal Prio r 1 . D. Nutbean 3. M . Rollands 4 L . Cassano 5. A. Smith 6. J. Prior 7. D. Bone 8.B. Brenner 9. R . Vassallo 10 . A . Daroumbus 11 . G . Proban
12 . D. Lavett a 14. G . Pemberton 16. M . Brown 17. J. Paul 18. B. Bell 20 .B.Lowan
WELDED MESH PTY LTD Phone : 369 7211
MONASH GRYPHON S 1 . W. Spencely 2 . P. Smith (Capt) 3 . L . Waplin g 4. C . Robinson 5. K . Fetterplace 7. R . Hardma n 10. P Barton 11 . D Adams 12 .S .Jones 14. J. Williams 15. M . Campbell 16. D. Parasol 17. A. Rezauskis 18. A . O'Brien 19. J. Rubio 20.D. Adams 21 . J. Spencely 22 . C. Gasparotti 25. L. Worth y
27. J . Fuller 30 . D. Grace 31 . G . Payne 32 . A. Backstrom 34. C . Freeman 35. M . Graydon 36 S. Olive r 38 S. Hamilton 39. G . Coutts 40. D . King 42 . M . Giuffrida 45. C. O'Brien 47. P. Burke 48. J. Blandford 50 J. Dorward 51 . S. Horsfall 52. M . Lewi s MAJOR SPONSOR
ELTHAM COLLEGIAN S Coach : David Tucker 3. A. Tucker (Capt) 5. D. Mouat 6. S . Mitchel l 7. N . Hamshare 8. S . Crowther 10. P. Sager 11 . K. Tucker 12 . J . Weatherill 13. M. Delaney 14. W. Wood 16. F. Mandler 18. M . Gately 19 . B. Turney 20. R . Haber 21 . S . Millar 22 . R . White 24. T. Stickland 26. S . Webster 27, S. Feely 28.D.Hughes 29 . L . Cor k 31 . P. Morrow 35 . J . Pitcher 44. M . Barling 45 .D.Thorsen 46 .C .Penna 47. M . Peterso n 48 . T. McFarlane Smith 50 . M . Gratta n 53 . A . Shark 55 . A . Koste r
NORTH OLD BOYS Coach: Dennis Fogarty 1 . D . Birrell 2 . M. Bangit 3.6 * Barry 4. R . Bugel a 5 . O. Cannizzaro 6 G. Carrol l 7. A . Stenard 8. D . Cotter 9. S. Co x 10. M . Fennell y . C . Henderson 1 1 T. Lascum 12. 13 . J . Litperakis 14 . D. Fogarty 15 . D. McGrilleth 16 . F. Milett o 17. D . Perrone (Capt) 18.J . Lynch 19 . S. Biscard 20.T.Phee 21 . D Pasquariello (V.Capt) 22. E . Sal a 23 . P. O'Dwyer 24 . G . O'Toole 25.J .Schmidt 26. P. Henie 27. P. Kett 28 . P Callagha n 29 . A . Schmidt (DVC) 30 . B . Swai n 31 . V. Tirotta 32 . M . Bevanoa 34. L. Tone r 35. R . Gale 36. J. Trimbo6
KEW 1 . A . Wilson
17. I . Oakley 18 . C. Curtain 19. C . Maclsaac 20. A. Hallam 21 . T. Pierce
22. R . McCormack 23 . P McCormack 24 . S . James 25 . J . Leonard 26 . R . Maclsaac 27. S . Jackman 28 . M . Hand 29 . S . Gray 30 . R . Guerrini 31 . A . Bainbridge 32 . S . Wol f 33 . P. Howe 34. P. Shaw 35. J . Napier 36. R .McEncroe 37. M . Shaw 38. J . Vanderzalm 39. A . Wol f 40. M . Quinn 41 . M . Pryor 42 . M . O'Dea 43. M . Furlong 44. A . Bel l
The Skinny Do~ Hotel BAR & BISTRO 155 High St Kew . 853 8023 Everyone has their day at th e
OLD GEELONG Coach : Tim Killwort h 1 . A . Currie 2. G . Pithi e 3 . M . Belshaw 4 . M . Moore 5 . P. O'Brien 6 . A . Whit e 7. T. Gough 8 . A . Colquhoun 9 . A . Guest 10. J. Mantello 11 .P.Ingham 15. P Mahoney 17. M . Wilkinson 27. B. Cogan 31 . T Jackson 36. J . Richmond 44.A . Dawson 49. T. Killworth 51 . R . Forbes 53. C . Kaaka 54. J. May 60.C .Spand 67. H. Magowan 69. A . Brocksop p
2 . R . Davies 3 . A . Payne 4 . A . Tucker 5 . M . Doyl e 6 . M . Edmonds 7. A . Lethlean 8. C . Northam 9. D . Maclsaac 10. A. Francis 11 . A . Phelan 12. M . Hansen 13 . M . O'Hanion 14 . T Reynolds 15 . A- Lazarus 16 . A . Holten
ST. BERNARD'S Coach : Marcus Crea k 1 . D. Solomon 2. T. Devers 3. P. Farmer 4. V. McGuire 5. D. Copeland 7 . M .Creak 8 .J . Monaghan 9 . D. Klaaysen to. M . Gollant 11 . P. Klaaysen 12 . M . Dowling 13. I . O'Loughlin 14. T. Matkov 15.F. Monaghan 16. J. Pearson 17. M . Cunningham 18. H . Tobi n 19.P Wood 20 . J. Fraser 21 . GTota 22 . M . Mahady 24. K . Mahady 27.5 . Denahy 28.J . Klaaysen 32 . P Runting 33. R . Klaaysen 34. R . O'Connell 35.J .Saundry 36.P. O'De a 3T M . O'Connell 38. D . McAllister 44. B. Moon
48. B. Doolan 54. S. Brooks 58. S. Tobin 78. M . Devers MAJOR SPONSO R
Lincolnshire Arms Hote l 1 Keitor Road, North Essendon, Vic. 3041
THERRY Coach: P. Mott 1 . M . Conway 2 . J. Sandman 4 . P Mott (C) 8 .S, Lyons 10. H . Aya d 11 . B . O'Sullivan 14. J. Blain 16. D. Lyons 17. D. Jinkins 18. J. Grant 20. G. Carb s 22 . M . Hudson 24. G. Falchk 25. L. McIntyre 27. A. Minchin 32 . R . Costello 36. A . Smith 41 . W. Lind 48. D . Lyons 49. C . Mohren 75. J. Kite 76, T Hewer 79. J. Bolitho 82 .P Roper 9& S . Redden
BLOODS F.C. Coach : Nell Van 1, P. Amarant (Capt) 2, G. Carrol l 3. P Dipietrantonio 4. G . Taylo r 5, J, Wilts 6:R. Howard 7. M Payne 8, M . Sexton 9. S. Powell 10. D. Horelsi 1 2. S- Curtis 13. G . Batley 14. A. Betts 15. B- Broome (VC) 16. C Hutchinson 17.P Greene (VC) 18. D, Payn e 19. M . Rohan 20. J . Rowbottom 21 . N, Va n 22_ A, Varela 23, R . Findlay 24, R . Gee 25. J Melzak 26. B.Janck 27. P Gaynor 28. J . Nanovich 29. S. Smith 30.D, Thomas 31, J. Grant 32. J. Toomey 33. M . Turner 34, C . Burnham 35, M- Payne 36 P Cantone 37. J Murray
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach: R . Hackney A . Wilson 2 R. Farndon 3 S Hun t
4, A . Coroner 5. S. Potter (Capt) 6 R . Hockney 7. P. Harris 8. S . Conlan 9. N . Osucuro 10. A Joyce 11 . R . McCuskey 12. A. Georgione 14 A . Woodhouse(VC) 15. C Douglas 16.P. Wood IT G . McLaghlan 18 D. McDonald 19. J . Walmsley 20 A Kenyon 21 . P. Wait e 22 J . Metcalf 30 T Taylor (VC) 34. A. Scrinis 36 S . Newman 38- J. Harding 41 . J . Kella r 42 . T Richards 44 . P. Trindade 46 R.A . Sutcliffe 51. S . Burnet t 52 . R . Sutherland 54, A . Wilso n 56. 5. Hargreaves 61 . R. Van Den Dunger 62 . J Davi s 64 . D . Doyle 68. R . Perer a 69. D . Hamilton (VC)
® Ca n .
Coach : David Tadgell 1 B. Latchford 2. R . Campbell 3 N . Sibbing 4. N . Carrol l 5 A . Davies 6 P Dunn e 7. M . Wallwork 8. D. Leve r 9. C . Comley 10 . D. Peles 11 C. Woods 12 . G . Cook 13 . C. Muirden 14 C. Chappell 15 . P Wolff 16 . S. Mackay 17 .S .Byrne 18 A . Ker r 19. C . Mackay (DVC) 20. M . Whittake r 21 . P. Milford 22 . G . Parson s 24. D Tadgell (Capt) 25. W. Mahoney 3L1 . Lockwood 32 . R . Nancarrow 35. A. Taylor 39.R.Jones 40. R. Walke r 41 . S. Lie 42 . L. Griffi n 43 . N . Comley (VC) 45 . P. Harr y 46 . A. Mitchell 49 . G . McColi 52 . B . BArker 53. J. Smith 54 . A . Holland 55 . R . Cross 56, J. Levin 59. C Manuell 60. A . Burgess 66. B. Simpson 69. M . Burgess 71 . P Evan s 85. M . J. Emmett 88. A . Mvakian
OLD SCOTC H Coach : Stephen Hawkins 1 . M. Clunies-Ros s
2 . P Edwards 3 S. Hawkins (Capt) 4. T. Russel l 5 S. Montgomery 6. A . Field 7. A .Sutherland 8. R Featherstone 9.J .Forbes 10. H . McCallum 11 . K . Fulle r 12. S . Gorman 14. A . Sleenan 15. C . Billing 17. R . McLeis h 18. A . Clumes-Ross 20 D. Murtas h 21 . S. Wilson 22 . S. Bennett 23 D. Leeton 24 H . Middleton 27 E . Montgomery 28 L . Higham 38 .A.Hawdon
Jones Lang ~ y - Wootton
DE LA SALL E Coach : Roy Main 1 . A Kin g 6 . B Hoy 8. D. Jenn,ngs 10. S. Francis 13. C . Bourke 16. S. Haye s 18. M . O'Driscoll 20 . B. Brasher 21 . B . Manassa 25 P Daly 26. M . Williamson 27. D . Lambe 29 . P Commerford 31 . A . Worstehng 36 . A. Vomero 38 . M. Shaw 43 . S . Buic k 51 . P. McKenzie 59 .P Cowan 60 . M . Thorn
MAZENOD Coach: Danny Wai n 3 S . Campbell 6 W. Francis 9. P Hall 10. M . Tetley 17. T Tsiavis 18 M . Sinclair 21 . M . Quirk 22, S. Williams 23. M . Morley 26 W. Poulter 27 R . Palamara 28. N Little 31 . C . Smith 33. J Boyle 34. D. Connolly 35. S. Ker r 36. M . Pollett i 37, N . Collins (Capt) 39.R Bourbon (VC) 40. M . Birch (DVC) 42. J Grimison 43 G. Am y 44 B . Meadows 45 G. Rogers 46. M . Johnston 4T P. Riley 49. P. Crowhurst 53. D. Williams 54. W. Maloney 56 . M . Couttie 57. B. Baxter 58 . D. Cahil l 59 . I. Neil 63 . P Welch 64 . B. Field 65 . P Foley 66.S. Fraser 67. S. Ritchie 69. C . Desmier 78 . J. Wals h
Industrial • Domestic • Commercial
POWERHOUS E Coach : P.Hollowood 1 . J . Terzakls 2 . P Brown 3 C. Hunter 4 . J. Armstrong 5 . D. Wallis 6 T. Pollock 7. H . Fares 8 . T. Tzanmis 9 J. Genes 10. R . Pollock 11 . J . Skinner 13. N . Kossivas 14. P. Pollock 17. Mark Hunt 19. G . Allexehs 23. M Silva 26. S McDonald 34 .J . Cha n 36 P HoIlowood (CC) 37.S. McLeod 39. N . McKay 40. M . Birch 49. J Caracos 50. A . Georgantas 51 . S . Silva (VC) 56. N . Malonis 61, M . Brown
62. B, Miller 63 D.Shaw
MONASH WHITE S 1 T. Dionyssopoulos 2 . A Bainbridg e 3. J- Young (Capt) 4. M . Dietrich 5. P King 6. M .Colella 7.R Edwards 8, R Later 9. J. Fairweather 10. A . Tilley 11 . J. Farrell 12. J . Murray 13. N . Salvatore 14 D O'Brien 15. D Sinn 16 D. Graham 17 L Colombies 18 S. Dod s 19 J. Hewitt 2G . N . Capp 21 . W. Farley 22 M. Gemmola 23. J . DeVoi l 24. H . Truoag 26. J Plenn 27 . J. Fox 28. G. Ridley 30. G. Morgan (V.Capt) 31 M Young (DVCapt) 33. M . Tull y 35. A . Kousanjku 38. K . Shoebridge 42. M, Sharkey 49. A . O'Hara 77 G. Sammells 99. R O'Neill
F1 Section LATROBE UN I Senior Coach: Dartd Hackney Assistant Coach : Sean Dunin 2 0 Huller 3S Frednckson 4ACo!e 5 G, Elicit 6 J Dumaresq 7 D Haxkng 8 P Hentlerson 9 0 Shax t0 M Bakog,ans iI PJohn Son 12 S Fdzpairrok 13 A Ita6ana 14 S Haynes 1S G Robnson I& G Lersch 17 0 Sm ;t h
B. T O'Connor 19 R Richards 20 P Lockwood 21 D Edmunds 22 M Edmunds 23 S Dumn 24 J Scanlon 25 B Brown 26 C Livid 27 D Pavone 28 CThomson 29 N Capone 30 V Cavalen 31 SLonergan 32 T Coldly 33 D Fakhry 49 R any 34 D Rider 50 S Swell 35 T Johnston 51 0 Wines 36 R Evans 52 J.Cousns 37 A Chronic 53 M . Wnghd 38 M AuidiN 54 L .Vdalns 39 A Weeks 55. A. Cummmgs 40. A Sackett 56 S Pop e 41 J Seabrook 57 P Lehrke 42 L, Page 58, A, Brennan 43AThomson 59.L McNamara 44 B Laurukonrs 60 G LGey 45 S Turner 61 B O'Connor 46.0 Wrght 62 A.Ree.e s 46 M Krause' 63 M . Schreenan 48 T 0'Bnen 68. D Sdehattom
ST. JOHNS OLD COLLEGIAN S Seniors Coach: S. Mooney 1 R 0'Connor 2R Back 3 Ntch 4 8 ta'Broat 5S Costanuno 6S Corcoran 7 J Ladson 8 0 Jankov~c 9, A Rochelle 10 T Cantae7t 11 MeeganC 72. G. Matheson 13 S Ave 14 J Sheehan 15. D Sutton 16. W Charlton 17 D Chnsiian 18 C Frerker 19 dA Mdler 20 L Adamson 21 S KOppens 22 J Doherty 23 J Cana l
24 P Chips' 25 P Ldde9 26 C Emery 27 8 Wallin 28 G Thomas 29 D Higgns 30 R Storai 31 P Tam 32 C Anaya 33 Z Monroe 34 G tYaters 35 J Sacco 36 F Schena 37 dA Hancock 38 M Ladson 52 M Grundell 39 5 Canr,mg 53 P Guergues 40 J Owen 54 P Demeneres 41 M D'Oh"aro 55.5 McCreesh 42 T Duca 56 D 0'Netll 43 J Calton 57 S Pepper 44 G Shaer 58 M Were 45. N Saunderson 59 G CarroEt 46 D Pye 60 M Via(luns 47 D Fen 61 S Cockayne 48 G Parson 62 J Colton 49 S Dousha 63 P Kelly
50 A Pradel 64 S KImolon 51 L Munn loss 65 P Paxagnan
OLD CARE Y Senior Coach: Barry Rist Atilt. Coach: Tim Style' Rss Coach : John Hands 4 R Cu6ack(Cap1) 6 R Hughes 8 P Horns 9 S Macrae 10 K Shm,as ii A Cope 12 W Saliagh 44 J Ri s 13 . SJones 45 A Newnham 14 C Bryan 46 D 4tebsdaie 15 . C Hughes 47 A Steady 16 . M Jones 48 A Cop e 17 C G6ndemann 50 P Bremner 18 . B Darby 51 STaebrmg 19 G BPrti 52 P Meldrum 20 J Raft 56 N Clements 22 J. Hands 57 & Fuggle 23 T Price 58. A. Thomas 24, S Brown 59 C Scott 25 M Harris 60 M ashen 26 J McCue (VC) 61 R Salah 27, S Neale 66.C Anderson 28 P Nonce (Res-0) 68 D Fllzpainck 29 T MauNon 77 J.Ke°„b'e 30 A Chem, 78, M Whippet 31 M McPottnCk 79 D Zadn,k 32 G Neale M Blackburn 33. A Nelsen 8 Lane 34 G Earney M Merry 35 R,McDaxall S Greeneaed 36 M Eastham G Dyso n 37. D Llerwilyn D Paruscro 38 D. Freeman J Bayard 39 P Benneit A Srel6ng 40 G Hancock M Ward 41 A Clark M Cooke 42 S Ustck B Gorman 43 M C`zIg P Jakcl_ r MAJOR SPONSOR
PENINSULA Sertions Coach: R. Kerley 1 M Sampson(C-Res) 2S McMahan Going (Capt) 3M 4 A4 Canny 5 R Godng 6 M Cross 7 N Franks
8 P Angus (VC) 9 P Kroh n 10 P Sm :dt 11, A Mican
12, V Brar>ra6sarw 13 . D Matheson 14 D Warne Smith (DVC) 7 5 A O'Neil i6S Pfltshue 17 M Marines
18 S. Glover 45 M Freeman 19 S Perim 46 L Marks 20 F Bra,m 47 J Per ry 21 S ddcLorman 48 J Slea_Wyy 22 A Coke 49 S Bader 23 A Nolan 50 D Crowder 24 MM Fisher 51, G Dawes 25 P Coulson 52 dA . Cook 26 A Thnpp 53 A Paisley 27. M Hayes 54 D Modey 28S 55 S King
29 D Morgan 56 S Dtgregor.n 30 R Blood 57 A 8ase n 31 5 Farrer 58 J Plummer 32 A Parsons 59 P West 33 C Mantes 60 P Carison 34 G Nelson 6 1C Cress 35 8 Jarrett 62. J Cross 36 A Jarrell 63 M Butler 37 D Bunch 64 A, Lindley 38. P McGarrn 65 M. BuM,er 39 STaylor 66 A McKee 40 S Peterson 67 T Stes2n 41 S Bryant 68. R Caner 42 D Phtli,ps 69 A Gross
10 D 06ver 41 T Peper it D Perkns 42 T Purde 2 G Slots 45 43 6.1 Tassone 13. I BobeFC 44 B Gu•nn 14 P McKn:ghi 45 C Hunt 5 T 1'Jalbndge 46 . D Newnham 16 E dAa!Iiard 47 S Rhodes 17 A1 Forbes 48 . R Seedsman t8 S S-Iart 49 . C
19 M Fletcher Stamatopoulos 20 A Seager(DVC) 50 C Stasnos 21 .A Perna 51.S Bennett 22 M Power 52 T Fuhgan 23 dA Spencer 53 L Pearson 24 A Hea!ey 54 D Eager 25 M Ross, 55 J Gooden 26 P MJler 56 T D~mopoutos 27 G Hancock 57 0 Ghebt:k~.an 28 J Queruga 58 T M,ts:os 29 5 Brwrnh It 59 M Forbes 30 D Lar.ton 60 S Ennght 31 B McLardy 61 R Hayes 32 dA Paul 62 J Makeham 33 T Michell 63 P Naito 34 S BobeOc 64 M Paul 35 C Zois 65 S Shelley 36 IA Narrovzh 66 T Hamdton 37 J Brennan 67 J Walker 38 G Farmer 68 Ri Byrne 39 A Hood 69 T Geeson 40. G McCabe 70 dA Grace
ST. ANDREWS COBURG Snrs Coach : M. Webster i G Conan 2 1 Ashby 3 . C Di Clanm 4 R Dawe s 55 Lucas (Ben/Cap :) 6 A Glesner 7 C Fox 8 A Ford 9 K Wright 10 Lynch 7L P. 0 Golds.wnhy 72. M Patrici a 13. P Kerslake (VC ) 14 C Galea 39 C Tapner 15 P Adams 40 P Staples 6 C Beard 42 G Fhlr :ry,r 17,J Wlkox 43 R Pepyat 18. S Rule 44 C Carl 19. P Harvey 45 A Forde 20 J Tapner (DVC) 46 P Serb o 21 B Leavald 47 A Abdu .Ed 22 B Funnel 48BCampbe!i 23 .P Leaver 50 P Lttl e 24 G Houston 51 S Milan 25 C Arena 52 K Lowe 26,S Menta 53 R Pretty 27 44 Tulia:h (Capt) 54 P Bavezza 28 G Tapner 56 K Vence 29 N MacDonald 57V Bernard, 30 1 Foote 60 C Pepjat 31 J Kerslake 61 J Kng 32 D Saddler 62 T Burns 33 M VVeate 63 G Casey 34 K Iles 64 T WIN' 35D Kars{ake 65B Mahn 36 W Jorgensen 66 P Grandy 37 C Overend 67 M Lybens 38J Smnh 69 C Ashton
43 R Prichard 70 P MacNamara 44 S Toros, 71 tA Chesterma n
0 S CROWDER .x 8 r . T~
Cnr. Albion & Lygon Sts East Brunswick 3057 Phone : 386 148 6
Senior Coach: Dick Clay Res. Coach : Graham Mullinger i M learmc,uh (CaptRes) 2 T Bun 3 R. Lmngstone 4 P Surlro n 5 W Vul6r4jer 6 S Stone 7 P Malcolm 8 J $in:cco 9 M Huebner 10 T Jones 11, B Clark 12 G Mullins 13 M Rappocoo 14 A Huebner(VC) 15 0 Andrews 16 W Black 17 A Bourke 18 l9 Ross 9 0 Lupto n 20 F O'Rourke (Capt) 21 T Yme r 22 S Grant 23 S Preston 24 I Gou'ett 25 A Salterioy (VC Res) 26 M Carperver 42 D Woodcock 27 J Bernard 43 M Cuddon 28 J noes 44 M Kendall 29 J Fu'ler 45 N Faulkner 30 C Stanton 46 C Bryant 31C 0'Bnen 47 S Jackson 32 M Chariton 48 G Clar k 33 C Halden 49 G Knsraniiy'm-, 34 B Duke 50. D Pop e 35 R Burns 51 D Hendrck_wn 36 E Evans 52 F Saddter 37 D Bourke 53 P Nenman 38. P puler 54 T F'r'h,coushi 39 R KWng 55. A Ryan 40 D Kennedy 56 S Boast 4 1 T Kyamoou!os 57 H Bosses
SALESIAN S Senior Coach: Michael Mitchell Reserres Coach: Leigh Gilmore I M. Bourke (Cap!) 2 M Casta',d , 3 M Brennan(VC) 4 L Gimore(ResGC) 5 M Canavan 6 M Clark To Gaspar 8 D Sutherland 9 R Cncopa
ST. PATRICK'S MENTON E Seniors Coach : B. Sebire An Coach: D. Stuhidreier Has. Coach: P. Fatouros i T Camm 2 P Barry (Cap!) 3 .0 Seedsman 4 P lern s 5 C Johnston 6 T Cam 7 K Gurfler 8 D Pemn 9 P Emmett 10 B Seor e fl PFamums(Res CC) 12 M Notation (VC) 13 Scott lass /4 T Al6son 15 G Cora, 16, J McCarthy 17 8 Mackay 18 T Suihvan(DVC) 19 C Stevens 20 8 Kellett 21 P Hawkms 22 P Murphy 23 M Sulirvan 24 S O'Connor 25. M Smth 47 B RaInily 26 M Mulcahy 48 D 6'1ngh ; 27 M W:se 49 SteveYass 28 M 0'Bnen 50 A Ladds 29 S Adams 51 A Wash 30S Harker 52 N McIntyre 3t T Nelson (DVCR)53dA Yiannaudes 32 G Wdson 54 I Coggm s 33 D Andrer,s 55 D Michel, 34 D Sheehan 56. G Rahdly 35 H Keel 57 A Neson 36. 6A G,bb:ns 58 0 Conch 37 T Symons 59 F Kouras 38 K Wood 61 0 Halloran 39 S 0nmr 62 M Di x 40 D N:chods(VCR) 63 A Gunler 41 C Fraser 67 G Cap-,rano 42 M Hou6han 69 P Dynes 43 D Murohy 71 P Murphy 45 5 Leahy 72 S Lex, s
U.H .S .O.B . Senior Coach : L. Thornebe i G, Haeus!er i A. Flzvei (2) 2 1 Cleary 3 R SR t h 4 C McLennan 5 C Shon e 6 S Smah 87 TC Hal Sir am Ian 9 R Smth 10 P Burns 11 6 Britten 72 G Bales 12 C And (2) 13. P McLean 74 D Rega n 15 M Davidson 16 . P Gunihorpe 17 B Rothr.ek 78 . P Hooper 19 G Maua 20 T TranUno 21 B Ybod 22 D Bennet! 23 P waters 24 A KoutWs 25 C C GatheroCe Bennett 26 27 K Strahan 28 M Rothnell 29 M Duncan 30 S Epdano
31 V1 Widen 32 D Bunn 33 S Wight 34 J Primer 35 8 Lugg 36 R Verai 37 A Gladlu 38 A Boyce 39 C Stone 40 D Simon~ 55dA Roach 41 1 . lads SHOW ants 42 D Wallace Cast) 57 D Roy 43. l Mastrosa:as 58 C Alexakos 44 R Buchmasser 59 K Jones 45 C Lghttoot 60 P Pender 46 M Roberts 62 J Stevan 47 R Lghttoot 63 G Schurr, 48. B Hudd 69 S V6lhamson 50 J Marzto 70 R Jone s 53 P Shanahan 71 J 6'Jnght
WEST BRUNSWIC K Senior Coach: P. Hickey Res. Coach: D. Moore t I McNexe 2 B Cnch,on 3 F Vita! e 4 S Buckingham 5 C Barnes 6 S Capron 7 J Gray 8 P Mornssef 9 D Moore 10 S Fyffe 17 A Scaratiio 12 H Johnston 13T 8uck:ngham t4 P Robmson 15 P McNaughton 16 D Anderson i7 d Jack:o n 78 8 WiIkes 79 S Barg amcs 20 P H;ckey 21 M Kaanac 22 N Magafas 24 V Dt Benedetto 25 M Cox 26 R Hokkanen 28 A Moor e 29 D Mv1lhster 30 IA Les s 31 L Kuk 32 S D'Andrea 33 G Chappei 34 C Konstantm:ds 35 .0 Marlo w 36 F Bel! 38 6 Jones 40 R Baker 47 DCoiagi 42 G Sherdl 43 8Kynakd~s 44 DFra[male 46 M Tesgni 47 D Mlsud 48 C Halzas;avrcu 49 M Chapman 54 8 Fietcher 51 L Whne 58 M Moore 53 G Net 591 Cocaaras
F2 Sectio n BALWYN COMB. Snr Coach: Shane Ware Reserves Coach : Mark Barr (VC) 4 J SCc'^' (Cast) 7P_ 1 8 T Preston 9 J Verde to A Radio B L :7noe 7f q 14 D C='-rkey 15,L'c_-h i6 A hann Rhodes
17 I s{C-R) 40 N Suss= tE A B>>ne 41 G Busse 19 D Grzham 42 F <se 20 P 8. :€k 43 W B u&m 21 M Tonz,ng 44 W h4rAipm 22A Lane(VC) 45 P Fl nn 23. D Mcioto>h 46 J Knott 24 0 Rogers (VC) 47 S Rocks 25 G Bennett 48 t't Lehmann 28S Tanner Rhodes 27. V Symons 49 A Theophanous 28 S Barr 50 M McSwiggan 29 G Guam K) 51 A Do can 39. R Van Der Slms 52 . D Rogers 31 . G tampard 53 . P Heaiy 32 G Healy {VCR) 54 J Ddoa 23 K Flint 55 C Tanner 34 A Busse 56S Giadman 3+ J Galatea 57 J Shnge!I 36 A t1.cGregor 58 M Bakr 37_S Larcombe 59 V Blakeman 38 D Angeli ,o (VC-R) 39Pt.1wras 60.J-MBKn s
300 St Georges Rd, No rthcote Phone : (03) 416 981 1
OAKLEIG H Senior Coach : Rod Bourke Reserves Coach : Brad Osborne 1 T Tom6nson 2 T TiUey 3 M Forrest 4 S Pe!6sser 40 C Taylor
BORONIA PAR K Senior Coach : Adrian Kettle Reserves Coach: Mick Hawken 1 J Greene 2 DDWeiniFch 3 Durk 4 0 Monoh 5 G H,nksman 6 D Grego 27 V Strahan 7 C Banks 28 D Creek 8 M Creek 29 D L?chc-er 9 R Vanbuul 30 8 Murphy 10 M Ha.r.en 31 W Brant tt A Wilson 32 J T1,lllo 12 C Lloyd 33 M Cummmgs 13 G Gerrard 34 RGreensheds 14 M Pound 35 D Gootlger 15 . A Keare 36 G Coat h 6 T Cpoper 37 I Ashman 17 N Nonhack 38R Greenshe:ds 18 J We;, 39 M Methere➢ 19 K Hamson 40 G Cooing 20 P Curran 41 M Artm 21 Polwnrth 42K Chats 22 R Close 43 D Robinson 23 C Menke 47 P Clos e 24 C Hurley 48 .5 Charlton 25 M Botched 50 R Dean 26. G Chr-stotorou 69 C Tooze
5 W Glazebrook (Cap!) 7JPa:ey
8 B Kemp 9 M YLLamson 10 G Kerr ti NTerney 12 P Recalls 14 G M na s 15 D Clutterouck 16 A Sil l 17 P Englehart (VC) 18 P MacDonald 20 D Murphy
21 G Broadey 22 D Lm 23 . M Manoi:s 24 M Chian 26 0 McNamara 27 R Lord 28 A Hure 29 P Barker 30 G Warhurs; 40 A McKs!lop 31 S Bouyer 41 T PaVrck 33 . S Duff 43 S Hartlei(DVC 34 A Hedmann 44 A Hanley
OLD WESTBOURN E Coach : Rob Thomson Reseries Coach : Daryl Montgomery I G Murdoch 33 G Pone r 2 M Gnma 34 B Joiner 3 J Mitchell 35 A MdT ;,a 4 P Sector 36. J West . 5 D Closes 37 M Matherson 6 C Jones 38 A Jorda n 7 A Crisis 39 A Kelly 8 A Horsburgh 40 M Becher 9 A Schmdt 41 D Masters 11 A Stafford 42J 8mmons 12. G Harris 43. N Ashe r 13 J Scent 44 S Nicholson 14 T Gerer 45 S Beliant i5 A Board 46 8 Hale y 16 J Blank 47 G Robson 17 A Goa!es 48 D Eads 18 P MaNnsen 49 H Quick 19 S Chnsto 50 S Lo+xry 20 J Manaiokakrs 51 N Jansz 21 S Louk,des 52 P Harris 22,8 Shen 53 P Armies 23 S Porter D Evans 24 A Botcher 0 Freeland 25T Ferns B Lucas 26P Mesman D Jag o 27 D aliment D Montgomery 28 R Harns A Vincent
5 D McKenner 41 61 Crugnale 6 A Croke 42 J Wild 7 M Shon 43 J tttd'&iodhos 29 D Horsburgh S Hoare 8 C HarEey, 44 J Bruerto n 30 M Holey, F Borg 9 8 Byrden 45. P Leslie 31 Pt Taylor C Gaiv,n 10 P Dcke 46 PAt&, irlpol 32 G Jenkns J Morley 11 B Matheson 47 C Garbur o 12. B N:chatas 48 K Bourke 13 T Fmn (VC) 49 M Rya n 14 R Schrvzss 50 0 McCracken 15 T McDonald 51 R Bourke 16 G Redtord 52 G Hughes 17 P Ham iton 53 J Knorpp 18 A Walsh(Capt) 54 T Mahoney Senior Coach: Gary Hickey 19 P Taylor 55 J Mulholland Reserves Coach: Danny Hickey 20 T A.damc 56 J Als o i D Jrggms 37 K Gordon 21 A Monaghan 57 P Yiil~amson 2 R Austm 38 Z Mon 22 . T ianchelb 58 P BarnLeid 3 T 0Sui6~an 39 R Hughes 23 S Capons 59 J Host s 4 D Shannon 40. S Re>d 24 C Moore (CR) 60 B Anastasatos 5 S Shannon 41 0 Bryant 25 G Doman 61 S Woodbndge 6S Pekdt 42 0 Dormer 26 J Russo 62 P Aruuappibs, 7 R Peat!ng 43 J Cohen 27, A Crothers 63 T May,, 8 D Gree! 44 D H:ckei(VC) 28 G Brereton (VC) 64 S Kelly 10 S Peat4ing 45 T Hmoporos 29 D Hail PVC) 65 P Rodnlf 17 D Rkke ;ts 46 J Oath s 30. J Green 66 B Gerner 12 R Jggms(DVC.R)47 H Dautorc 31 C Old! 70 M Edwards 13 C Pearson 48 C Barry 32 8 Osborne 71 A Anse!I 14 C Shannon 49 S Wdl~ams 33. A Schnitz 72 J JeNuns 15 . G Tate 50 F vaman 3-4 M Foaies 73 E McDonald 16 . S Adams 51 K Hose 35C Perguson 74 J Wny',e 17 C Warne 52 S MeConvlle 36. A Freeman 75 . R Wnney 18 . M Zar}ac 53 A Austin 37 P Taipei 76 D Crane 19 P Woodman 54 P. Whrtes:de 38 R Ma y 20 D K~g 55 I Dz3as 39. N Alerandrot, 21 R Corker 56. G Russell 22 L . Quarreii 57 0.t Saunders 23 P Stephens 58 M Luttgens 24 h1 BaNOU(Capi) 59 C Hayes 25. D Rico {VGR) 61 T Richer 26. J Boaan 62 T Hogan 27 R Sutherland 63 J Brod6s 28 A Mars 64 M Franca 29 F Rquer 65G Bell 30S Fenton 66 J FORMULA ONE 32 D Vas,c Kotzapanag :otrs 33 P Lygon 67 M Tap!ey HAIRSTYLISTS 34 0 HaY(DVC) 68 C Meads 35 C Knsohos 69 B Koterk, ATHERTON RD., OAKLEIGH 36 P Jackson CRes) 70 J Mammng
Oxford St, Oakleigh
CAMBERWEL L Senior Coach : Steve Sherry Reserves Coach : Mark Williamson 2 G Rocco 3 A Hertm3nn 4 P Alsop
35 T Palats>des 46 R Pearson 36 A Georg,evski 48 0 MacLeod 37 D Zavareila 49 E Sit
VUT/FIT Senior Coach: Wayne O'Connor Reserves Coach: Peter Foster ID . Tome•.?y 2 R Ma<_sessa 3 P Foste r 4 F Cerantomo 5 N Whee!anan 68 Moebus 7 P Byrnes 8 N Dunmor e 9 N DI non 74 8 Tomel ;y 10 A . Seeman 84 P Kennedy 11 J Breheny(Capt) S Adrgr~u
12 G Ziegler G Andl,anopaous 13 5 McNerney R Bagna:o 14 M McGiade R Spat t5 S Dnata!e M Bosae>I 16 E M,don D Casper 18 . S Bard R Chapman 19 S Hanei (DVC) A Crib
20 S Vickery W Cook 21 J R'ggo C Dars 22 P Chne(VC) M Frendo 23 E Darmar,in P Hanman 24 L Strong I Hoxnt 25 R Latrore S Laird 26. 3 Case S Mass 27 1 Antonopo!ous P Marle y 28 N Alvarado D McCel:and 29 D Chambertan L McCormack 31 M Kozo 0 McNerney 32 M . Wheelahan P. Nelson 33 M Robertson W Nichol' 35 S Insane J Oupn 39 P AIen P Pagc
44 R Mart!n R P~truzzelio 45 . N Forawc J Tabore 52 T Moebus A Telford 53 T Murton R To,meNy 55 T Mucara F Tr.mboi, 56 M D'Angelo W Ward 57 R Papakos A 4lheelahan 69 S Hallstatt A1 456i16 MAJOR SPONSORS :
THE CARAVAN CENTRE 1357 Sydney Rd, Fawkner Tel: 359 9999 *
MAJOR VIDEO 289 Ballarat Rd, Footscray Tel : 318 4448
CANTERBURY NORTH BALWY N Senior Coach: Tony Course Reserves Coach: Stephen Wigney 2 M Braun 3 B Hoare 4 A lutlca 5 D PWgnei 6 S Wigney 1 0 Renrse 8 M Croaks 9 M Sheehan 10 P Stephen 11 C Mernagh 12 A Issa
13 D Anton d R Jackson 15 G Mammng 16 S Lbaid, 17 P Churcher 18. T Course 19 S Dewar 20 . P Mernagh 21 0 Gregory 22 K 'ba'd, 23 A Smo n 24 C Noumertns 25 J Simo n 26 S Drummond 27 G Mu:hrrger 28 8 Ydearn e 29 S Fetch 30 D Bettina 31 G Horridly 32 P 0Bnen 33 J Rausa 34 B Learhman 35 A Cook 36. D Krnght 37 A Pappa s 38 C Hanlon 48 1 McLeod 39 R Memagh 49 P Kelly 40TW,4s 50AKemm 41 M Smetng 51 A Man:n 42 B Mon 52 J Damdson 43 D Wan 53. D Hanger 44 M Burne 54 N C :mno 45 N Pnmbas 55 F Bald 46 PAbraharns 56 A ipsiant :s 47 J D:na<ale 57 R Ye e
UNI RED S Senior Coach : Ian Ewing Reserves Coach: Tim Bell 2 N Banman 3 D Hepbur n 5 I Rough.~edge 6 P Y'endal l 7 T Ytn4lprd 8 M Farrell 9 0 Angw,n 10 M Ross 11 B Pckett 13 M James 14 ht Bethune 15 S McGa.ran 16J DeAnge',s 7S Maler
19 D Jer.kms 20 G Cook 22 M Faure 23 1 E. "g 24 A Atria 25 G Roughsedge 26 M Urba n 28 C Thatcher 29 C Ross 31 A Zapei9 32 C Tehan 33 L Dynes 35 A MacKurrwn 36 f,4 Wul f 37 C P.1-s 38 T Bell 39 R Johnson 40 M Scnrooder 42 S Lake 44 P 4Yh,te 46 P Heaphy 47 A Perkans 48 D Papazog!ou 49 N Arnott 50 C Oaaider 52 D Kane 54 1 DeBono 57 R DarR:ng 66 J Taranto 77 T Emerson 80 G Box
CHIRNSIDE PAR K Senior Coach : Paul Campbell Reserves Coach: Ross Heindch 1 A De Iuir o 2 P Anthony 3 G Sken 4 M D2Jong 5 8 Fabler 6 G Deicing 7 S Cond e 8 C Hervekson 9 R Gray 10 G 0akiei 11 G .44yngaard 72 M Brennan 13. M Thompson 14 J Schroen
15 M Warren 16. D Soomrw 17 8 Jones
18. M Smmonds 19 S 0'Conno . 20 A Sore 21 D McHenry 22 J Ham !!oa 23 D Duc k 24 C Dewy 25 M Thomas 41 P Harman 26 B Tay:or 42 R Crosby 27 J R,chter 43 D Kann 28 M Mazur 4 4R 8 29 A Skllern 45 W h , 30 K Basso 46 M C:.' 31 M OgSan 47 C .:' . 33 C Greenhaigh 48. N 34 M Taylor 49 A II-"_- c 35 P Campbell 50 R lie---r 36 D Karp 51 J Harmar, 37 P Pope 52 D Hr-an 38. G Kimpton 53. R Da. _on 39 D Harvey 54 P Alle n 40 W Cornehssen 55 J Dpetro SPONSORED By,
Lilydale Pizza Place and Bistro 735 178 8 143 MAIN ST. LILYDALE
YARRA VALLEY Senior Coach: Wayne Reddaway Reserves Coach: Jerrold Dickso n 2 M Penxll 3CBax 4Ml Fun g 5 P,S S,mpson
6 D House 7 J Datms 8 M 6Uiner 9 C Ross 10 N For d 11 C Reynolds 12MWh4e 13DKay 14 K Schaller 5 T 0'SO64an 16 T Crean 17 8 D;nnmg i8 T CoCYSrelr 19 N Park
20 S Frame 21 C James 22 P Mann 23 E Kea, 24 61 Dawes 25 M Johnson 26 G McLeod 21 R FeP,s<heer 29 A BenneB 31 B For d 32 D Uiner 33 D Ireland 34 M Ross 35 C Morns 36 R PenaWea 37 D Co e 38 M Col e 39 T Reddaary 40 R Stephens 41 N Hutchens 42 P Dul y 44 E Zsmmerman 46 D Hue5o n
47 D Cah, ;: 55 R For d 4B P.1 Gleason 56 A Stanrstreet 49 0 Stamcreet 59 B CooperSm,th
COLLEGIANS Senior Coach : Leigh Carlson Reserves Coach: Greg Tregear 1 . G . Palme r 2 . D. Hoyle 3. B. Woolhouse 4. S. Lausse n 5. D. Greeves 6. A . Ingieton 7. C. Higson 8. C. Pollock 9. M. Hibbins 10. J . Grigg 11 . N . Hibbins (C-Res) 12 . A. Dulmanis 13. S. Hinchen 14. R . Schober (VC) 15. W. Green 16. A . Wallace (VC) 17. D. Stubbs 18. J. Bennett (Capt) 19. P. Scott 20. M . Wittaker 21 . V. Cleary 22 . D. Ker r 23. A . Wright 24. N . Anderson 25. A . Harrison 26. N . Milat 27. L. Tracy 28. S . Blackman 29. A . Kennealiy 30. M . Galbraith (VC) 31 . S. Li e 32. D. Thomson 33 . G . Irvine 34 . L . Twaddle 35 . N . Evans 37. C. Coyne 38 . M . Lake 39 . B . Jones 40. A . Lord 41 . G . English 42 . L . Griffin 43. M . Foard 44. G . Oakley 45. P. Harry 46. A . Mitchell 47. M . Lucas 48. J. Lemon 49. G . McColl 50. B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52. B. Barker 53 . D. Varlamos 54 . T. Holland 55. J . Levi n 56 . D. Warner 57. T. Smith 58 . C. Kringoudis 59 . C . Manuell 60. A . Burgess 61 . R . Oliphant 62 . J . Sneddon 66. B. Simpson 70. R . Conron (VC-Res) 75. N . Proctor
DE LA SALLE OL D COLLEGIANS Senior Coach Bernard Dun: n
Reserves Coach : Dave Rawlings 1 . M . Mastroiani 2 . P. Fium e 3 . A. Menara 4 . D. Rosman 5 . N . Fraser 6 . C. Slattery 7. C . McClounan 8 . C. Wright 9. C. Campbell 10. D. Tessier 11 . A. Evan s 12. D.Toohey 13. J. Maloney 14. S . Hunter 15. G . Hynes 16. M. Jackson 17. D. Crowe 18 . B. Mahoney 19 . D. O'Brien 20. P. O'Brie n 21 . J . O'Callaghan 22. P. O'Callaghan 23, M . O'Callaghan 24, M . Lowe 25. M . Bria 26. P. Wyles 27. D . Kinsella 28. M. Lafferty 29 . C. Beaverstock 30 . B . Smit h 31 . G . Solomon 32 . G . Sheedy 33 . P. Bennie 34. J . Tully 35. A . Mackintosh 36 . C. Swifte 37. A. Ronchi 38. S. Rudd 39. M . Wilms 40. R . Furlon 41 . M . Dillon 42 . P. Leonard 43. E. Bell 44. N . Van Der Plight 45. A . Crist 46. M . Hegan 47- G. Jackson 48. S . Cataifamo 49 . G . McHenry 50. P. Manni x 51 . P. Cummerford 52 . C . Bourke 53 . P. Satchel] 54. J . Duckett 56 . P. Conroy 58. T. Brideson 59. P. Cowan 60. D. Wolowiec 79. J. Webb
N ORTH OLD BOYS Senior Coach : Robert Hyde Rese rves Coach : David A rt hurson 1 . A . Egan (Capt) 2 . T. Jones 3 . D. Martin 4. T. Beare 5 . M . Schmidt (C-Res) 6 . B. Clayton 7. P. Booth 8. B. Collison 9. S. Brazil 10. B. Hanlon 11 . C . Lambrou 12. J. Tierney 13 . B. Curulli (VC-Res) 14 . 0. Abrahams 15. P. Kearney 16. B . Herrald 17. M . Boyd 19 . P. Considine 20.D.Kennedy 21 . D. Baker 22. C . Peloso 23. C. Alevraz 24 . J. Rus h 25. D. Cerini 26. M . Fisher 27. A . Trimboli 28. D. O'Farrell 29 . P. Daniels 30 . P. Tatter 31 . L. Boyle 32 . G . Phyland 33 . M . Daffey 34 . B . Conti (VC) 35 . S. Manassa 36 . P. McMenami n 37. J. Zumbo (DVC-Res) 38. K . Scott 39. J . Considine 40. I . Turnbull 41 . P. Dwyer 42 . C. Horn 43. G . Irvine 44. B. Girolami 45. C . Muller 46. D. Howard 47. R . Little 48. D. Delac 49. J. Finlayson 50. B. Devine 51 . J . Curran 52. A . Day 53. M. Leigh 54. M . White 55. S. Zocco 56. J. Charteris 57. G. Lear 58. T. Keogh 59 . J . Bugeja 60 . C . Ferry 61 . M . Keogh 62 . S . Morabito 63. A . Hil l 64. C. Phelan 65. C. Hussey 66. A. Moodie 67. P. O'Dwyer 68. C. Goodear
OLD BRIGHTON Senior Coach : Mark Parker Reserves Coach: Shane Young 1 . A. Krazneak 2 . M . McLennan 3. A . Pryor (Capt) 4. C. Anderson 5. A . Oliver 6. M . Allen 7. J. Ryan 8.S .Lennox 9. M . Fisher 10. C. Lade 11 . N . Perry
12 . D. Cochrane 13 . A . Delbridge 14 . G. Bennett 15 .T Hayden 16 . M . Hendrie 17. A . Rickarby 18 . M . Talbot 19. A . Grant 20. M . Rei d 21 . C . James (VC) 22. R. Schober 23 . A . Augustine 25. L. Hamilton 26. T. Desmyth 27. L. Fieldes 28. A . McLean 29 . A . Maratus 30. J . Pyers 31 .S. Murray 32, B. Williams 33 . R . Morton 34 .P McMahon 35 . S. Mercer 36 . B. Pollock 37. A. Cooper 38. J. Tregaskis 39. N . Hoa r 40. N . Timms 41 . T. Phillips 42 . A . Shelton 43. P. Grant 44. A. McLachlan 45. R. Oakley 46. B. Shelly 47. C . Gilmour 48. C. Hailing 49. S . Young 50. R. Carter 51 . D. Morton 52. J. Hol t 53 . S . Merce r 54 . C. Brook (DVC) 55 . S. Crowe 56 . M . Shippen 57. J. Tompkins 58 . S. O'Donnell 59. M . Sloan 60. T. Brook 61 . W. Browne 62 . P. Kin g
C))lD; ~, HtAL tJIAI t
Senior Coach : Denis McGro ry Reserves Coach: Michael Cart y 1 . A . Baxte r 2 . D. Connell (VC) 3 . W. Byrns 4 . C . McKenzie (Capt) 5 M . Carty 6 . W. Smith 7. R . Makinson 8 . M . Orto n 9 . G . Anderson 10. T Chegwin it . J . Rae 12 . D . Secculi 13.B. Carty 14. D. Cotton 15. W. Phillips 16. M . De Mattia 16. E . Bingham (2) 17. A. Arnot t 18. M . Constable 19. M . Armstrong 20. C . Kraus 21 . A. Walden (DVC) 22 . P. Thiessen 23. M . Seccull 24. C. Lovell 25. L. Pegoli 26. G . Phillips 26. D. Kretschmer (2) 27.C.Dunn 28. G . Bor g 29. D. Ray 30. J. Thiesse n 31 . B. Main (VC-Res) 32 .A .Roberts 33. G . Tanne r 34. B. Adamopoulos 35. D.Lappage 36. D. Chapman 37 . B . Arnhold 38. J. Hayter 39. D. Hayter 40. B. Canobie 41 . D. Hoare 42 . M . LaGreca 43. R. Pleche r
44. A . Kirkwrood-Scott (GRes) 45. M . Alle n 46. M . Krause 47. P. Bennett 48. P. Merrett 49. S . Lyons 50. P. Dow 51 . F. Bayne 52. A . Chin 54. S . Francis 55. J. Panetta 56. D. Blackley 57. S . Healey 58. M . Rowe 59. C. Horstmann 60. J . Shulman 62. M . Baxter
ORMOND OLD SCOTC H senior Coach : Peter Sherwen Assistant Coach : Ian Muller Reserves Coach : David Kay 1 . E . Alle n 2. S. Reddish 3. J . Moi r 4, R, Fuller (Capt) 5. A. Asto n 6. D. Hooper 7- A . Lloyd 8. S . Hume 9- R. Aulard 10 . J . Kerr 11 . D. Fox 12 . R. Hume 13- N . Hooper 14, A . Chambers 15 . D. McCal l 16 . J . Hosking 17. R . McLeish a B. Simpson 19. G . Eagle 20. T. Wilson 21 . S. Gibbs 22. K . Stokes 23. S . Duthie 24, J. Handbury 25. R . Polkinghorne 26. A. Hart 27. C . Winneke 28. N . Hart 29. C. McCulloch 30. J. Laird 31 . A. Smith (VC) 32 . G . Jackson (C-Res) 33. C. Hunte r 34. R. Price 35. B. Steele 36. G . Bennett 37. E . Montgomery 38. A . Macdougall 39. S. Woodhouse 40, P Brow n 41 . J . Hart 42 . A . Fox
43. P. Daoosta 44. C. Reid 45. A . Warner 46. A . Griffiths 47. M . Terzini 48. R . Petty 49.M .Newnham 50.T. Byrn e 51 . D. Murtagh 52 . A. Duncan 53. D. Norman 54. R . Austin 55. T. Main 56. C . Heath 57. M . Holliday 58.J .Forbes 59. T. Hart 60. B. Crump 62 . R. Anderso n
Jones Lang Wootton
OLD TRINITY GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach : Sid Myers Reserves Coach: Chris Glas s 1 . A. Dun n 2 . C. Robison (C-Res) 3. A . Allibon (Capt) 4. T. Norman 5. D. O'Shaughnessy 6. R . Heath 7. D. Rogers (VC) 8, R . Beardsley 9. S. Hopkins 10. S . Hatfield 11 . T. Phillips 12. G. Clarke 13. D. Balazsy 14. J. Stickland 15. M . Hadley 16. M . Seuling 17. M. Jennings 18. N . Beardsley 19. G . Hudson 20 . T. Roberts 21 . S. Dru m 22 . P. Robison 23 . Marshal Adam 24 . A. Anderson 25 . E . Borghesi (VC-Res) 26. L . Colema n 27. I . Wallace 28. G . Harvey 29 . M . Sutherland 30. A. Taylor 31. M . Turner 32. N . Sammut 33. P. Scott 34 .R Papas 35. N . Stokes 36. J . Sutcliffe 37. R. Sell a 38. R. Phillips 39. J . Hodder 40. M. Beamish 41 . A . Spinks 42. A . Ban6eid 44. A. Turner 45. L . Farrell 47. G. Harmer 48. G . Pavey 50. E. Best 52. P. Beet 54. C. Naidu 55. S. Williams 57. C. O'Halloran 58. A . Vise 59. D. Ashe 62. J .P. Adgemis 63. C. Orwi n 71 . L . Thomas 80. A . Smith 86. D. McCulloc h MAJOR SPONSORS
OLD XAVERI A N S Senior Coach: Matthew Hannebery Reserves Coach : Andrew Ralph Assistant Coach : John Carmody 1 . M . Blood
2 . M . Bourke (Capt) 4. D.Landrigan 5. D. McKay (VC) 7. A. Keyhoe 7. T. O'Sullivan 8. M . Holmes 9. A. McCorkell 10. S . Colquhoun 11 . A . McDonald 12. J. Bowen 13.S . Lync h 14. M . Sadler 14. D. Stoney 15. G . Clare 16. M . Nicolosi 17. D. Richardson 18. P. O'Sullivan 19. R. Green
20. D. Tapping 21 . L . Hannebery 22 . R . Visentini 23. A . Duggan 24. J. McKay 25. D. Taylor 26 . R . Salter 27. L . Fay 28 .J . Hilbert 29 . C . Burke 30 . D. Dann 31 . P. Klein 32 . J. Cardillo 33 . A . Sassi 34 . A . Ega n 35. C . Mortensen 36. M . Ellis 37. T. Landrigan 38. D. Dalton 39. D. Berry 40. R . Dalton 41 . A. Dillon 42. J. Lowe 43.1 . McKinnon 44. M . Dillon 45. D. O'Toole 46. J . Kennedy 47. A . Bourke
48. C. Thorogood 49. D. Bailey 50. G . Dalton 51 . P. Connors 52. M . Fraser 53. C. Green 54. J. Murray 55. P. Slater 56. A. Caputi 57. S. Barlow 58. M . Collopy 66. T. Collins
Senior Coach : M . McArthur-Allen Assistant Coach : Frank Melican 1 . N, McColough 2 . P. Schuhkraft 3 . A. Fitzgerald 4 . A. Grace 5 . D. McDonald 6 . T. Gallaghe r 7. B . Connell (VC) 8. M . Gilmore (DVC) 9. R. Woodlan d 10. M . McDonald 11 . D. Edgell 12 . N . Sebo 13 . P. Kingston 14 . S. Samil d 15 . M . McConvill 16 .T.Stewart (VC-Res) 17. E . Frase r 18 . P. Cleary 19 . A. Jobling (Capt) 20. D. Wood 21 . M . Koppens 22 . R . Block 23. P. McDonald 24. S. McCooke 25. P. Forsyth 26, D. Connell 27. T. Hille 28. B. Collins 29. W. Doyle 30. D. Arnfield 31 . B 32 . S. Reidy 33. M. .Egan Shepherd 34. P. Hurley 35 . P. Marnow 36 . M . Templeton 37. A. Orr 38 . P. Milner (Res-C) 39 . C . Karageorgiou 40 .P.Joy 41 . B. Turner 42 . C. Kelleher 43 . T. Siderellis 44 . C . Krawczak 45.D.Barton 46. D. Abrahams 47. T. Aldridge 48. L . Dickson 49. M . Horsfield 50. D. Conway 51 . S. Montgomery 52. J. Agar 53. S . Gribble 55. J. O'Connor 56. J. Guertson 57. T. Boyanton 58.C.Symes 59. C. Montgomery 61 . A. Kukuljan 67. J . Osborn e
ST. BERNARDS Senior Coach : Frank Dunell Assistant Coach: Phil Brown Reserves Coach: Darren Looker 1 . D. Godfrey 2. P. Hayes 3. P. Scerri 4 . V. Comito 5 . S. Walsh 6 . C. Wood 7. S . Perrett 8 . L . Vassallo 9. G . Wood 10. M . Beilby 11 .P Capes 12 . S. Looker 13. R. Purcell 14. S . Doran 15. M . Egan 16. F. Dunell 17. W. Carey (VC) 18. A. Purcel l 19. L . Gallant (Capt) 20. N . Lync h
21- C. Mallia
22 . C. Caithorpe 23 .T. Dobson 24 . G . Mathewes 25. A . Comito 26. J. Gollant 27. A. Nathan (C-Res) 28. P Gilmou r 29. J. Overman 30. R . Doolan 31 .T Spencer 32. T. Brain 33. T. Ogston 34. J. O'Connell 35. P. Daffy 36. D . Farrell 37. F. Comito 38. D. McAllister 39. S. Byrn e 40. C . Delahunty 41 . D. Looker 42. M . Marshall 43. C . Doolan 44. J . Stynes 45.J .Kennedy 46. D. Solomon 47. P Freeman 48. R . Fatnowni 49. S. Hall 50. M . Stubbings 52 . R Rogerson 54.A.Brebner 56. C- Bon d
I-- _ -- ------
Lincolnshire Arms Hotel 1 Keilor Road, North Essendon, Vic. 3041
B Section
BANYULE Senior Coach : Grant Lawrie Reserves Coach: Mart in Legge 1 . D. Gen t 2. D. Witchelt' 3. L . Holt (VC) 4. M . Legge (Capt-Res) 5. C. Lad d 6. P. Williams 7. M . O'Brien 8. B. Moloney 9 . G . Sutterby 10. R . Cullen 11 . L . Burns 12. T. Kearsey 13. A . Short 14. K . McCausland 15. S . Gray 16. C. Boucher 17. P. Carroll 18. J. Turnbull 19. A. Thompson 20. C . Hoist 21 . G . Foste r 22 . J . Gilham (Capt) 23. M . Gray 24. J. McIntire 25. D. Tribolet 26. G . Mooney 27. D. Meredith 28. R. Brockwell 29. C. Pyers 30. B. Gillies 31 . B . Clark 32 . C. West 33 . D. Glass 34 . C. Stevens 35. P. Howe 36. B . Daley 38. P. Forbes 39. B . Bowler 40. C . Denning 41 . B. Styles 42. D. Taylor 43. A . Capotosto 44. B. Hogan 45. M . Gilbert 46. P. Agostinelli 47. C . Raywood 48, R. Hogan 49. J. Kouryialas 50. R. Roach 52. S. Coulson 55. D. Williams 59. P. Healy Pro udly sponsored
Courtney & Patterson FOR D *
FAWKNER Senior Coach: BULLEEN/ Mark lymms TEMPLESTOWE Rese rves Coach : Senior Coach: Har ry Harisiou Reserves Coach : Gerry Miles 1 . P. Nagle 2. S. Driver (Capt) 3 . S . Young (VC) 4 .D.Fitt 5 . M . Agroti s 6 . R . Minney (VC) 7. P. Robertson 8. N. Bon e 9. S. Mitilenos 10. P. George 11 . S. Farley 12. A . Parris 13. D. Philpots 14. D. Matthews 15. P. Faulkner 16. S . Smit h 17. D. Mayne 18. P. Harvie 19. R Nigro 20. A . Pawola 21 . D. Hooper 22. G. McLaren 23. S . Pace 24. D. Tulioch 27. G . Alexander 29.R Bon e 30. R . Field 31 . A . Shin e 33 . C . McWaters 34 . D. McInnes 35 . M . Osborne 37. D. Martin 38 . C . Darby 39 . C . Young 41 . A. Rozanitis 43. M . Mason 44. J. Rozanitis 45. M . Cumming (DVC) 48. D. Fraser 50. D. Glover 51 . B. Bond 52. T. Agosta 53. T. Matthews 55. M . Bellato 57. P. Edwards 58. S . Alyward 60 . J . Catt 61 . A . Teunisse n 99. J . Frosinoss (DVC) MAJOR SPONSO R
WELDED MESH PTY LTD Phone : 369 7211
Terry Young 1 . T Young 2 . J. Roach 5 . N . Horvath 6 . R . Wilson 7. M . McMahon 8. D. Heena n 9. P. O'Leary (VC) 10. J. Wilson 11 . K . Korp 12. P. Tymms 13 . D. Cropley 14 . B . Crouch 15 . A . Saggers 16 . L . Cohen (VC) 17. K . Wilson 18. R . LaRose 19. B. Green 20. S . Walker 21 . G. Rokay 22 . W. Radley 23 . N. Gosewinckel 24. R . Lawson (Capt) 25. B . Young 26. B . Selleck (Capt-Res) 27. G . Youn g 28. S. LaRose 29. S. Gray 30. S. Kelly 31 . S . Molloy 32 . A . Johnston 33- K . Cohen 34. S . Sergienko 35. T. Yavuzcan 36. C. Kell y 37. C. Ford 38 . J . Simmonds 39. R . Leahy 40. B. Horgan 41 . A. DeWitt 42 . P. Lightfoot 43. R . Constantine 44 G . Mitchell 45. M . Foster 46. M .P. Toohey 47. A . Brow n 48. G . Walker (VC-Res) 49 . C. Stefan o 50. R. Cohen 51 . B. Ibrahim 52 . A . Stock 53. C . Sutch 69. P. Col e GOLD SPONSORS
663 1883
Senior Coach : Paul O'Brien Reserves Coach: Guy Nelso n 1 . T. Witts 2 . S . Theodore 3. J. Nichols (Capt) 4. P. O'Brien 5. N . Boyden 6. P. Handbury 10. A . Gallagher 7. C. Thompson 11 . A . Booth 8. J. Keeble 12 . N . Bourke 9. J. Campbell 13. M . Stapleton 10. A . Merrington 14. D. Howe (VC) 11 . B. Murphy 15. N . Duncan 12 . A. Hewitt 16. J. Wallis (VC-Res) 13. S. Ros e 17. M . Getson 14. S 18. Jeremy Khan (DVC-Res) 15. D.. Bardsley Maskiell 19. M . Delahunt (C-Res) 16. P. Wood 20 . S. O'Flyn n 17. M . Rose 21 . D . Cooper 18. M . Berry 22 . M. Gallagher 19. J. Correll 23 . M . Becchitti 20. A . Salek 24 . S. Beattie 21 . N . Rhoden 25 . G. Favia 22 . I . Mackay 26. M . Moran 23. A . Wilt s 27. Julian Kann 24. S. Teal (DVC) 28. G. Norden 25. R . Nelson 29 . A . Labagnara 26. B. Vil e 30. A . Treganowan 27. C . Bryan 31 . J. Douglas 28. C. Terrill 32 . V. Paonessa 29. R. Meade 33. T. Slattery 30. N . Howell 34. L. Getson 31 . S. Frazer 35. J. Pappas 32. R . Webb (VC) 36. Jeremy Golds 33. G . Dixo n 39. J. Ibriha m 34 . C. Anastakis (DVC) 41 . A . Ryder 35. A. Thompson 42. A . Duncan 36. S. Newman 44. J. Sand y 37. Q . Keebl 46. Jamies Golds 38 . D. Clements 57. B . Day 39 . M . McGregor 58. S . Boysen (Capt) 40. E . Smithers 60. S . Mora n 41 . P. Theodore 68. D. Frawley 42 . B . Williams 43. P. Birrell 44. H . Wallace-Smith 45. Z . Useinov 46. P. Sinn 47. A . Nelson 48. N . Wright 49. T. Stuckey 50. D. Robinson 51 . R . Sutherland 52. S. Burnett 53 . T Carlyon 55. S. Oliver 58 . M . McLean 61 . R . Van Den Dungan 65 . P. Tsiampras 67. D. McDonald 69. P. Jost 70. J. Franci s 1 . S . Psoras 2 . G. Wooller 3. D. Waters 4. C. Carr (DVC) 5. A . Tranquilli 6. P. Sexto n 7. P. Randal l 8. M. Amad (DVC) 9. D. Merto n
® Ca ne
UNIVERSITY BLUES OLD MENTONIANS Senio r Garry Connolly Res Coach : Mal Cater 1 . A . Anreman 2 . D. Campbell 3 . C. Scott 4. M . Barrett 5. M . Turner 6 . D. Paterson 7. G. Norto n 8 . N. Macquire 9. S . Mullen 10.A .Sheedy 11 . D. Solley (VC) 12 . G . Dickson (DVC) 13. S. Shar p 14. C . Love 15. C . Davis 16. D. Grant 17. M . Edmonds 18. T. Bournon 19. D. Za}c 20 . S . Farrow 21 . B . Joycey 22 . P. Harrington 23 . N . Moodie 24 . C. Radin 25 . A. Holland 26 . G . Curran 27. C . Appel 28 . M . Bond 29 . A. Carter 30. M . Brooks 31 . S . Ingram 32 . J . Sly (Capt) 33 . C. Gardne r 34 . D. Holland (Res-Capt) 35. Darren Murph y 36. B. Paterson 37. M . Sichlau 38. M . Sherrill 39.R . Beynon 40. M . Ouwerhand 41 . N . She r 42 . T Riley 43. C. Best 44 . M . Dyer 45. A . Szadura 46. A . Petrov 47. J . Konicani n 48. D. Johnson (VC-Res) 49. B. Murray 50. T. O'Brien 51 . G . Pride 52. A. Oxland 53. A . Riddle 54. P. Appel 55. G. Worrell 56. M . Leone 57. W. Jones 58. J . Williams 59. G. Stroud 60. D. Nock 61 . M . Stokie
62 . Daniel Murphy 63. L. Murphy 64. M . Austi n
65. Damien Murphy 66. M . Jones 67. B. Trebilcock 69.T Russo 70.R Dynes
OLD PARADIAN S Senior Coach : Michael Mulvahill Reserves Coach: M . Jones 1 . S . Vincent 2 . P. O'Loughlin 3. M . Considine 4. S. Philp (VC) 5. N . Wayman 6. J. Gear y 7. P. Cosgriff (DVC) 8. D. Beck 9.R Shannon 10. P. Brabender (C) 11 . N . Willitts 12. M . Geary 13. R . Mills 14. D. Smith 15. D. Way 16. B. Joyce 17. D. Vicino 18, L. Mansfield 19. T. Canavan 20 . B . Pannam 21 . N . Mills 22 . B. Haberman 23 . P. Robertson 24 . N . Ellks 25. R. Aanenson 26. M. Livy 27. N . Kerr 28. S . Lennon 29. P. Zappa 30. C. Pagon 31 . P. Walsh 32. S. Batchelor 33. M . Harrison 34.R Joyce 35. G . Zeneli 36. S . Swindon 37. C . Fuller 38. D. Hal l 39. K . Jenkins 40. D. Baird 41 . P. Digney 42. L. Thomas 43. P. Healy 44. D. Blackely 45. P. Henry 46. B. Flynn 47. A . Herman 48. D. Griffiths 49. S. O'Toole 50. C . Zieball 51 . J. Frazier 52 . A. Stuckey 53. J. Edmonds 54. D. Gravell 55. J . Digney 56. D. Geary 65. J . DiMitrio 68. M . Donoghue MAJOR SPONSOR
THERRY Senior Coach: T. Quinn Rese rves Coach : D . Boden 1 . G . Biddlestsone 2. J . Zanetti 3. M . Nitschke 4. D. Dalgleish 4a . A. Eldrett 5. T. Taylo r 6. N . Court 7. P. Jones 8. H . Kotch 9. P. Slavic h 10. P. Egglestone 11. S. Banniste r 12. R . Moran (Res-VC) 13. P. Bruno 14. J. Reddick (VC) 15. A. Crotty 16. M . Goodwi n 17. R . Lyons (Res-Capt) 18. B. Carte r 18. K. Sexton 19. A. Ratcliffe 20. M . Carte r 21 . M . Fitzpatrick 22 . S . Griggs 23 . C. Bye 23a. A . Bake r 24 . P. Marlon (Capt) 25 . M . O'Rourke 26 .R Ryan 27. A . Finnigan 28. M . O'Kearney 29 . F. Falcone 30. A. Dalgleish 31 . S. Hollow 32. S. Eastmure (VC) 33. S . McMaho n 34 . M. Donohue 35. S . O'Halloran 37. D . Castaldi 38. G . Pinner 39. S . Boyl e 40. M . Talbot 41 . M . Crotty 42. A . McKay 43. L . Caruana 44. J. Vain a 45. M . Petrevski 46. B. Raysmith 47 . M . Davies (VC-Res) 48. D. Wrigglesworth 50. M . Purcel l 60. B. Pears e
Senior Coach: Grant Williams Reserves Coach : Nick De Dear 1 . L . Bonadi o 2 . T. Hutchins 3. J. Hutchings 4. J. Frit h 5 . P. 0'Donnel 6 . W. Carroll 7. J. Shaw
8 . G . Lam b
9 . M . McCarty 10. A. Sudholz 11 . T. O'Brien 12 . H . Worsley 13. N. Harris 14. J. Buckley 15. P. Stevens 16. P. Kistler 17. J . Kanis 18. S . Kirsanovs 19. J. Keat s 20. Z. McCarty 21 . T. McIntyre 22. A . Wilson 23. B. Furphy 24. R . Calnon 25. C. Taylor 26. T Reside 27. J. Jamieson 28. G . Hazeldine 29. T. Doherty 30. G . Malone 31 . M. Mudge 32. A. Nugen t 33. M . Zimmerman 34. J . Young 35. M . Dukes 36. B. Steele 37. A. Lennen 38. M . Unsworth 39. D . Evans 40. A . Mitchell 41 . D. Parkinson 42. D. Coulter 43. C . Primmer 44. M . Zurbo 45. J . Wood 46. J . McAinch 47.P Ryan 48. J. Dawson 49. R . Dodds 50. G . Markley 51 . B. Dudley 52 . A . Ogilvie 53. A. Gray 54. J. Id e 55. D. Ord 56. A. Farrar 57. A. Hall
5& M. McCarthy 59 . J. Bokor 60 . S. Hall 61 . D. Frye r 62 . S. Davidson 63 . A . Teelow 64 . A . Tippet 65. C . Allard 66. A . Jackson 67. P. Roche 68. A . McKenna 69. P. Saw 70. P. Furphy 71 . T. Harris 72.J . Norman 73. J . Knox 74 . R . Lucas 75. T. Moran 76. M . Sheen 77. P. Holmes 78. C . Moore 79. A . Davi s
~~~~ SERVitfi
® Carlton.
AIYAE IN 10 PAPENtV S WHITEFRIARS Stir Coach : Geoff Reilley Asst Coach: Brian Grills Res Coach: W. Sharkie 1 . R Lan e 2 . Mark Bateman 3 . J. Phillip (DVC) 5 . M . Stevens 7. P. Coghlan (Capt) 8 . A. McKeown
9 . P. Harrison 10. T. Pratt
12. M . Spears 13. W. Sharkie (Res-CC) 15. M . Harriso n 16. B. Crowe 17. A . Carbone 18. D. Mullins 19. D. Crowe 20. S. McAuliffe (VC) 21 . T. McNei l 22 . C . Burke (VC-Res) 23 . P. Ciardull i 24 . J. Bonnyman 25. W. Lyal l 26. G . Selkirk 27. M . Jackson 28 . B. Lee 29 . D. Murray 30. Paul O'Brien 31 . N. Jenkins (DVC) 32. M . Carbone
33. G . Feutrill 34. J . White 35. N . Krake 36. A . Travis
37. Peter O'Brien 38. M . White 39. M . O'Connor 41 . J. Ciardulli 42. N. Par r
43. N . Robertson 44. Matt Bateman 45. M . Leste r 46. G. Johnson 4i., B. Brisbane 48. P. Rohan 49. R . McHugh 50. H . Flanagan 51 . A . Wis e 52 . M . Vernal 53. B. Williams 54. D. D'Orazio 55. J. Naismith 56 . T. Strike 57. T. Hughes 58 . D. McCrohan 59 . A. Liversey-Cole 60 . S. Buckley
61 . N . McGrath 62 . N . Mullins 63 .A. McGann 64 . A . Power 65 . C. Tilling 66 . C. Maguire 67. G. McKeown 68 . P Hughes 70. D. Midro 71. T. Haynes 72 . B. Kelsey 73 . B. Brown 75. S. Butler
FORESTERS Friendly Society
A .J .A.X. Senior Coach. Mark Sarau Assistant Coach : Wayne Hoidswo rth Rese rves Coach : Sol Skurnik 1 . D. Marks 2. A . Klooger (Capt) 3. Bugalsk i 4 . Levy (DVC) 5. M. Silver 6. Rozenberg 7. Goetz 8. Roseman 9. Bursztyn (VC) 10. Bloom (DVC) 11 . Flinkie r 12 . Shenker 13. Gordon 14. Poswell 15. B . Cohen 16. R . Marks 17. Levi n 18. D. Roth 19. Dunne 20. W. Krongold 21 . Sneeze[ 22.Josem 23. Abraham 24.Rozenes 25. Gross 26.Hoppe 27. Goldberg 28.Zurbo 29 . Briski n 30 . Fredman 31 . Chrapot 32 . Braun 33 . Pa t 34 . Gunn 35 . C, Cohen 36 . Galbin 37. Rockawin 38 . Grundmann 39 . Engelman 40 . Redlic h 41 . Szuc
42 . Jas. Wrobel 43 . Israe l 44. A . Krongold 45 . Kalb 46 . D. Krongold 47. S . Roth 48 . Feldman 49 . S. Frid 50 . Levine 51 . Den 52 . A . Zielinski 53 . Jelinek 54 . Fel l 5& B . Zielinski 56 . Freeman 57. Szklarski 58. Frie d 59. Berkovitch 60. Janover 62 . Vati 63. Neeter 64. Stern 65. Arrow
Coach : David Matt hews Assistant Coach : Chris Collett
Rese rves Coach : Stephen Alle n 1 . D . Matthews (Capt) 2 . A . Louri e 3. B . Mathews 4. C. Simpson 5. W. Horton 6. M . Millard 7. P. Murtagh 9. G . Harrison 10. A . Hil l 11 . R . Morrissey 12. R . Harrison 13. C. Wilso n
14. S . Klose (C-Res) 15. S . Pearce 16. T. Royals (VC) 17. G . Williams 18. N . Cox 19. J . Restarick 20. M . Klose 21 . N . Brohier 22 . S . Barker 23. D . Allen 24. K . Dachs 25. M . O'Brien 26. S. Williams 27. N . Caple 28. M . Schultz 30. D. Lowe 31, J . Holloway 32. M . Dicrosta 33. N . Johnson 35. R. Harri s
36. C. Worthington 37. M . Scholten 38. A. Alle n 39 . J . Santiago 40 . C. Antigeorgiou 41 . M . Lauritz (VC-Res) 42 . D. Synma n 43. A . Royals 44. R . Berzins 45. M . Stanjo 46. D. Kitchen 47. J . Headlam 48. C . Moston 49. D . Crai g 50. C . Mathieson 51 . K . Hedi n 52 . C. Adkins 53. J. Fletcher 54. R . Knight 55. R . Allsop 61 . D. Oakley 62 . S. Cossart-Walsh 64. A . Kalinsk i 71. G . Pain e MAJOR SPONSO R
CO MM ONWEALTH BAN K Senior Coach : Craig Jackson Reserves Coach : Ken Bre mner 1 .T. Rei d 2 . P. Dawson 3. M . Bunnett 4. N . Wallmeyer (Capt) 5. J . Beare 6. A . Corboy 7. W. Keighran 8. V. McDonald 9. G. Andrews 10. J. Bellinger 11 . A . Pitts
12. C . Devlin 13. C. Arneph y 14 . S . Melican (VC) 15. J . Ross 16. C. Green 17. D. Howarth 18. D. Coltman 19 . A. Maher 20. L. Van Loon 21 . J. Lewis 22 . N . Roberts 23. A . Rolfes 24. G . Rolfes 25. R . Gniel 26. R . Lindford 27. T Smith 28. N . Short 29. C. Jackson 30. K. Sparrow 31 . R . Lucas 32. F. Maya 33 . P. Rachor 34 . D. Walsh 35. B. Dobson 36. P. Galliford 37. M . Thomson 38 . G . Smith 39 . G . Jones 40. G . Hamilton 41 . 0. Hogan 42 . D. Dawson 43. L. McDonald 44. J. McNamara 46. J . Curtin 49. S. Redfern 52 . J . Coghlan
IVANHOE Senior Coach John Simpson : Rese rves Coach : Ian Forsyt h 1 . R . Armstrong 2. R La Rosa 3. C. Tucker 4. M. Maud 5. P. Manuel 6.T Jackson 7. J . Mathew 8. J. Freema n 9. M . Thackwray 10 . G. Kennedy 11 . S. Ford 12 . V. Sammartino 13 . P. Rawley 14 . P. Flynn 15 . T. Flynn 16 . M . Fabris 17.P.Lee 18 .A .Zanatta 19. G . Bullen 20. R . Stewart 21 . L. Blackwood 22. R . Angelini 23. P. Pettingill 24. D. Mallia 25. A . Barro 26. N . Capitols 27. 0. Nibali 28. D. Forsyth 29. D. Flynn 30. J . Makin 31 . I . Forsyth 32. J. Raywood 33 . S. McGowan 34 . R . Doyl e 35 . G. Strangwick 36 . Robert Gittos 37. S . Northey 38 . T. Gropp i 39 . J . Sampson 40. S. Cava r 41 . C. McDonald 42 . 0. Cartwright 43. R . Lee 45. A . Woolfe 46. Richard Gittos 47. D. Hoffman 48. A . Peki n 49. Sr Molloy 50. W. Lloyd 51, A. Sanderson 52 . A . Purcell 53. A . Scott 54. D. Webb 55. D. Hochfel d
KEW Senior Coach : Brett Burden
Reserves Coach: Nicolas Sticca 1 . M. Lord
2. G . Porte (VC) 3. D. Sticca 4. G. Crimmins 5. L. Bradley 6. M . Langton 7. A . Burden 8. J . Busuttil 9. A . Peric 10 . B. Cullen it . A. Barne s 12 . C . Chipman 13. C. Kiriakou 14, P Clayton 15. G . White 16. D. Woo d 17. D. Menzies 18. N . King (DVC) 19. R. Barry 20. S. Harrison 21 . P. Thornely (Capt) 22 . D. Mascitti (C-Res) 23 . R . Jame s 24 . B. Burden (Coach) 25 . P. Pedretti 27. R . Love 28 .L.Donavan 29 . M. Williamson 30 . 0 . Greenwood 31 . A. Well s 32 . J . Brasstl 33 . M. Jack 34- S . McMahon 35 . S . Bruno 36 . R. Bruno (VC-Res) 37. D. McClay 38.B.Sheahan 39. B. Campbell 40. A. Pric e 41 . G. Theodoridis 42 . R . Burgess 43. P. Proko p 44. A. Cutineiii 45. N . Dellis 46.C. Hope 47. D. Hope (DVC .Res) 48.J . Paron 49. D. Kin g
50. G . Bakogiannis 51 . S. Kitson 52 . J. Kitson 53. B. Bayne 54. A. Skerritt 55.J . Northrop 56. S. Chamarenko 57. M . Gree n
Macedon Templestowe Dry Cleaners
838 Heidelberg Rd Aiphington Ph: 499 7177
Soft Cloth Car FMash
Coburg Coach House Motel/Peppermill Restaurant 844 SYDNEY RD . COBURG
Q -7
2i -
MAZENO D " OLD COLLEGIANS senior Coach : Tony Paatsch Rese rves Coach : Chris Boyl e
1, N. Kendall 2, D. Murray 3, T. Chilcott (Capt) 4 W. McLean 5. D. Conroy (DVC) 6. W. Franci s
7. P Deegan (Capt-Res) 8. Peter Gree n g, p Hall 10. M- Tetley
11 . T. Smith (VC-Res) 12 S. Nobl e 13. Pat Green 14. C. Belleville 15. D. Barker 16J. Lenette 17. T. Tsiavis 18. M. Brookes t9. S. McMullin 20. C. Murray 21 . D . Trusler 21 . M . Quirk (2) 22 . S . Williams 23. M . Moriey 24. A. Hanley 25. D. Richards 26 . W. Poulter 27. R . Palamara 28 . N . Littl e 29 . M . McCusker 30 . S . Fishe r 31 . C. Smith 32 . W . Marshall 33 . J. Boyle 34 . D. Connolly 35. S . Kerr 36. M . Polletti 37. J . Mannix 38. B. Mounter 39.R . Bourbon 40. M . Birch 41. B. Welch 42. J . Grimison 43. G . Amy 44. B. Meadows 45. G. Rogers 4& M- Johnston 47. Peter Riley 48. T. Howard (DVC-Res) 49. P. Cro:vhurs t 50, A . Rogers 51 . M . Murray 52 . M . O'Hara 53. D. Williams 54. W. Maloney 55. D. Gil l 56. M . Couttie 57. B . Baxter 58. D. Cahill 59. I . Neil 60. S . Polan 61 . D. Nelson 62 .S.Jozsa 63 . P. Welch 64 . B. Field 65. P. Foley 66. S. Fraser 67. S, Ritchie 68. M . Sinclair 69. C . Desmier 78 . J. Wals h
TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial • Domestic
• Commercial 558 5255
MELBOURNE HIGH SCHOOL OB MONASH BLUES Senior Coach : Snr Coach : Ron Verma Brian Ford Asst Coach : Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach : Res Coach : Paul Kotz Andrew Hadley 1 . J. Bamert 1 . J. Adduci (2) 2. P. Albergo 3.P.Day 3. R . Verma (2) 4, A . Kenned y 4. D. Menzies (Res-Capt) 5. A. Caftr y 5. R . Martin (2) 6. R . Wix 7- R . Knight (DVC) 8. J. Dixon (DVC) 9. D. Comer (Capt) 10., M . Beazley (VC ) 11 . M . Webster (DVC-Res) 12 . P. Knight 12 . M. Feferkranz (VC-Res) 13. A. Dawson(DVC) 14. B. Glove r 15. B. McClements 16.P.Kotz 17. A. Webste r 18. C. Young 19 . A Muller 20. B Mourney 21 . D. Reeves 21 . C. Sumner (2) 22. D. Woodley 23. D. Exton 24. D. Fleming 24. G. Wilson (2) 25. M . Lynch 26. A. Cruddin 27. S. Helmot 2& T. Canavan 29. C. Drake 30. R. Newton 31 .P.Yee 32 . L. Apostolou 33 . C. Oxlade 34 . P. O'Connell 35 . S. Konstanty 36 . A. Palmos (DVC-Res) 37. P Detteros 38. B. Ansell 39. D. Fairchild 40. G . Peckham 41, P. Browne 42 . N . Bradley 43. G . O'Brien 44 . R. Williams 45. D. Baker 46. C. Wilson 47. M . Konstanty 48. M . Guinea 49. A . Muraca 50.J . Pertzei 51 . J . McGennis 52. A. Sainsbury 53. J. Goldi n 54. B . Sergeant 55. I . Gillespie 56. B . Archdall 57.S.Keane 58. S. Duketis 59.R.Zwar 60. P. Konstanty 61 . P. Barge 62 . M . Atkin 63. C. Parris
1 . J .M . Alexander 2. D. Carma n 3. B. Hodgson 4. W. Douglass 5. G . Gal e 6. I . Hildebrand (DVC) 7. P. Farrar 8. A . Barker 9. L. Baring 11 . M . Spencer 12. M . Crampton 13. J. Harrison 14.V.Sheehan 15. D . Eley 17. S . Zacharidis 18. G. Hipwell (VC) 19. D. Roch e 20. M. Malakellis 21 . D. Lawrence 22. D. Walsh 24. A . Castricum 25. M. Kelloc k 26. A . McGregor (Capt) 27 . D. Newman 28. S. Rowland 29. A . Headberry 31 . J. Smit h 32 . G . Wadley 33. D. O'Brien 34 . B . Dowsley 35 . P. Mastos 36 . H. Cavalier 37. J. Andritsos 38 .S .Broun 39 . S . Chalatzoukas 40 . S . Leitc h 43 . G . Enders 44 .A. Leitch 45. R. Anderson 46.J.P Alexander 47. S. Menth a 48. P. Andritsos 49. R. Hal l 50. A . Randall 51, B. Hodgson 52 . J . Millie 53. A . Hadley 55 . D . Trumble 57. D. Tilley 61 . R. Mansfield 63 . M . Sinclair 65 . D. Woo d 71 . M . Hay SPONSORED BY
PPr:RKSODE Senior Coach : M . Were Reserves Coach : M . Wilso n
S WOO D ® T O Y .,O?T;;A 610 Camberwell Rd LMCT 537 Camberwell . Ph. 809 2466.
Senior Coach:
Roger Gerny 1 . A . Jackson Reserves Coach : 1 . C. Walsh (2 ) . Glen Bake r 2. P. Meehan 2. C. McGaw (2) 1 . G . Sparkes 3 F. Sansonetti '.. 2 . R . Gamy 3. G . Pcyntz (2) 4. B. Boyd 4. M . Hoyn e 5. A . McGaw 4. P. Jackson (2) 6. S. Morgan 5. G . Williams 7. C. Capiron 5 . S . Mifsud (2) 8. M . Strain 6. G . Smit h . Healey 9. G 6 . A . Stuart (2) 10. N . Fitzroy 7. G . Yoksic h 11 . M . Alderuccio 7. R. Fletcher (2) 12. R . Gilmore 8. J. Chilcott 8. G. Hunt (2) 13, G . Joseph 14. C. Gray 9. G. Dunbabin 9. S. Modica (2 ) 15. F. Buckley 10 . D. Whelan 16. P. Rogers 10 . S. Gill (2) 17. M . Eckholdt 11 . K.Jergens 18. A . Fitzsimon 12 . M . Sturgess 19. M . Kin g 12. W. Shortis (2) 20 . T. Riddell 13. D. Mezzatesta 21 . G. Hofert 13. S. Rizzolio (2) 22. P. O'Sullivan 14. P Georgiou 23 . J . Pasara 14. P. Smith (2) 24. B. Gill 15. D. Moodie 25.R.Pope 15. M . Gard (2) 26. W. Gilmore 16. G . Masset 27 . R . Bergman 16. B. Smith (2) 28. P. Pirola 17. C. Freeman 29. M . Murrihy 17. G . Giannopoulos (2) 30. P. Sherman 18 . D. Gray 19 . C. Williams 19 . T. Gard (2) 20. M . Pag e 20. A. Wilson (2) 21 . J . Cotter 21 . M . Tapping (2) 22 . K . Alla n 22 . G. Galanis (2) 23 . M . Sherlock 24 . A . Borsato 25. L. Digiacomo 2& M . Bradley 27. L . Panjari 28. V. O'Brien 29. L. Macnamara 29. M . Rowe (2) 30. R . Dean 30. A. Stuart (2) 31 . G. Horoch 31 . M . Mentha (2) 32 .R .McGaw 34 J. McCal l 34 . T. Rusitovski (2) ..' 35 . J. Tkocz 35 . D. Hehir (2) 37. J . Panlari 38. S. Castellan 41 .P Bugden 42.P. Dean 54. A . Globa n
SPONSORS Parkside Panels 459851 6 *
Ivorie Clothing 489 951 1 ~ Heidelberg Mitsubishi 458 1222
31 . F. Descalco 32 . J . Dunlevie 33. N . Cole 34. P. Cappilari 35. S. Degering 36.A .Suppa 37. N . Buck 38 . S. Wood 39 . A . Atchison 40 . D. Cappilari 41 . P. Degering 42 . P. Kerian 43 . A. Hall 44 . M . Howard 45. J . Kolokossian 46.P.Dynon 49 . M . Credlin 50. B. Meadovrcroft 54. C. Renni e 55. P. Jackson 56. C. Day 57. B. Derham 58. D. Eddy 59. J. Hartwig 60. M . McMahon 61 . D. Dunlevie 62 . J . Tayle r 64. A . Crough 66. T. Pearl 68. M .Fawaz MAJOR SPONSOR S
D Section
~ BRUNSWICK 1 . P. Sayers 2 .S . Moore 3. A . Strachan 4. P. Conduit 5. D. Stevens 6. A . Watterson 7. D. Carroll 8. D. Clarke 9. I . Campbell 10. J . Forrest 11- M . Snelso n 12 . S . Hewitt (Capt) 13- S. Kannegiesser 14. B. Gibson 15. K . Beaumont 16. G . Cross 17. E . Pavo 18. A . Black 19. P. Kadissi 20. D. Watt 21 . R. King 22 . B. Petrollini 23. J. Carroll 24. S. McBride 25. R . Shaw 26. P. Spezza 27. a Hal l 28. T. Mathews 29 . J . Haines 30 . R . Jacobs 31 . I . Cordes 32 . S . Gibson 33. J . Ralph 34. D. McDonald 35- D. Sedgwick 36. R . Chessels 37. W. Holman 38. C. Short 39. G . Smith 40. C. Slater 41 . D. Roberts 42 . C. McCulloch 43. B . Owens 44. R . McKissack 45. G. Brunt 46. G. McCulloch 47. J . Darley 48. G . Williams 49. G . Santacatterina 50. R . Easdal e 51 . S. Lewis 52. A . Conboy 53- K. Ludekens 54 . N . Campbell 55 . J . Williamson 56 . R . Cockerel] 57. B. Watterson 58. J . Wright 60. P. Sheehan 63. A . Conboy
HAMPTON ROVER S Senior Coach : Gary Hetherington Reserves Coach : David Ter ry 1 . J. Ros s 3. C . Amoore 4. S. Anderson 4. J. Pearce (2) 5. E. Melnjak (VC) 5. D. Rogerson (2) 6. D. Cullen 7- J . Alessi (Capt-Res) 8. M . Blake 9. S . McDonald 10. D. McConvill e 11 . S. Wilson (VC-Res) 12 . G . Lambiri s 13- H . LeGrand 15. G. Hetherington 16. L. Carte r 19. B. Hibbs 20. G . Deveraux 20. P. Chalikias 21 . G . McDonald 22 . M. McKellar 23. C . Dwye r 25. R . Melnjak 26. K . Butler 27. D. Terry 28. A. LeGrand 29. R. Abraham 30. M . Alessi 31 . I. Boyle 32 . J. Matson 33 . A . McGregor 34. I. Rogerson 35. V. Micalizzi 36. A . Sutto n 37. J . Porcino 39. K . Ivey 40. M . Doukas 41 . A . Natoli 42. N . Murray-White 44 . R . Thompson 45 . C. Scarlett 46. J . Alessi 47. L . McLeod 48. T. Murray-White 49. F. Casette 50. M . Crawford 54. A . Panagiatidis 55. T. Brai n
FASHIONS Ladies & Mans Wear Hire & Sales 532 057 7
Senior Coach : Dino DiMarco Reserves Coach : Peter Dowsett 1 . A . Tirchet t 2 . D. Adam s 3. M . DeMorton (Capt) 4. P. DiMarc o 5. C. Cortese 6. V. Grimaldi 7. J. Brifta 8. C. Keay 9. A . Sammartino 10 . P. Mari n 11 . K . Hehir 12 . L . DeMorton 13. K . Lianeas 14. G. Parkinson 15. H . Tsialtas 16. S. Tsialtas 17. C. Borell i 18. S. Sir 19. V. Liros i 20 . M . Angeloni 21 . B. Laurie 22 . A. Gretgrix 23. B. Attend 24. J. Houston 25. J. Androutsos 26. J. Tirchett 27. P Randello 28. J. Kibizis 29. M . Cannon 30. B. Thorpe 31. S. Hodgson 32 . M . Glenister 33 . J . Cannizzaro 34. T. Monterosso 35. P. Dowsett 36. J . Boudoloh 37. D. DeMorton 38. B. Pisasale 39. V. Randello 40. G . McCal l 41 . J . Saunders 42. M . Briffa 43. D. Lawton 44. S . Ward 45. 0- Munro 46. C. Jewel l 47. J. Engellener 48 . K . Christodoulou 49. G. Kyranni s 54 . J . Pi o 55 . J . Roussos 58. A . Boudoloh 63. T. Wright 69. Kevi n
16 1
589 6444
~ Sweet Success hndraising
OLD GEELONG Senior Coach: Stua rt Glascott Reserves Coach : Russell Parkinson 1 . S. Furphy 2 . W. Davis 3 . P. Clarke 4 . C . Gunn 5 . A . Howells 6. D. Ritchie 7. S. Glascott 8. A . Rigby 10. M . Oliphant 11 . J . Pescott 12. G . Fawcett 13. P. Herman 14. B . Edmonds 15. C. Stewa rt 16. S. Burgess 17. W. Dowling 18 . C . Richardson 19 . J . Manton 20. C. Ross 21 . D. Morrison 23. M . Davis 24. A . Gunnerson 25. A. Peake 26. R . Williamson 27. D. Morton 29 . C . Jeffries 30 . P. Jone s 31 . T Jackson 33 . G . Stubbings 34. P. Law 36. M . Bai n 37. J . Richmond 39. J. Ferguson 40. S . Bones 44. E . Spiden 45. J. Wilson 47. M . Wilson 48. S . Nadenbush 50. M . Robson 51- J . Lee 52. P. Stock 54 . J . Groom 66 . O'Halloran PROUD SPONSOR S
IN BC & ~~~ iKAI
OLD IVANHOE GRA M MARIA N S Senior Coach: Kevin McLean Reserves Coach : Steve King 1 . B . Yarv+nod 2. M . Dyson 3, M . Clarkson 4. I . Well s 5. J. Stevens 6. M . Hall 7. G. Farleacas (VC) 8. T. Stevens 9. M . Karayannis 10. B. Hall it . T. Ryan 12 . M . Tozer 13, D. Lowson 14, M. Colledge 15. G . Douglas 1& M. Woods 17,J.Luk 18. C. Ferguson 19.T Young 20 M . Huber 21 .A.Haug 22 . C. Dunnell '23. M. Stewart 24. G . Haros (DVC) 25, J. Maycock 26. P. Golding 27. J . Weddle 2& D. Jones 29. R. Weddle ,30.D.ToII 31 .D.Caddy 32.A .Noonan 33,T. Cormack 34. S . Ken t 35. D. Soon 36. D. Super 37. C. Lynch 38. S. Conway 39. M . Campbell 40 . S. Purcell 41 . J. Marshall 42 .S .Vaughan 43. P.Sigley . 44. D . Simonsen 45. D . Chan 46, A . Jenkins 47. M . Dunn 48. S. Pidoto 49. J. Hempseed 50. M . Veal (Capt) 51 . M. Power .', 52 . P. Cargin 53. D. Craker ',. 54.F. Wal l 5& C. McLaughlin 56. A. Ongarello 57. B. Elsvrorth 58. A. Ryan 59. D. Cutteriss 60. C. Pitt 62, P. Ritchie 63. P. Murgia 64. N . Weston 68. R Bainbridge 69, J. Lunt
94, B . Wilson MAJOR SPONSOR S
a 1\,
Hotel Bagdad
ST BEDES! MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach : Mark iyquin Rese rves Coach: Greg Connolly 1, M . Kinsell a 2. D. Marshall 3, B. Beasley 4. V. L'Huillier 5. G . Connolly 6. R . Parsons 7. D. Diggins 8. B. Hambridge 9. M . Jones 10 . D. Feben (Capt) 11 . R . Grec h 12, C. Stewart 13 . D. Johnston 14 . P. Lerman 15 . M . Freeman 16. B . Berry 17. A . MacGeorge (DVC) 18. M . Griffith s 19 . B . Tomlinson 20. A . Giaquinta 21 . M . Hanrahan 22 . S. McCarthy 23. B. Hutchinson 24. T. Beasley (VC) 25. D. Smit h 26. E. Leyden 27. R . Randall 28. J. Clagnan 29. C . Thomson 30 . A . Maso n 31 . G . McLachlan 32 . J . Dickinson 33. A . Walsh 34 . A . Boag 35 . R . Bilos 36 . S. Markham 37. S . Gray 38 . a Edwards 39 . A . Bonica 49 .T. Bryant 41 . J. Naylor 42 . D. O'Brien 43 . R . Lomagno 44 . D. Goodchild 45 . Mick Beasley 46 . G . O'Brien 47. J. Higgi n 48. M . Lomagno 49 . M . Murray 50. W. Earle 51 . A . Pettinella 52. J. Sebire 53. A. Naylor 54. M. McCraw 55. Matt Beasley 56, R O'Connor 57. S . Algeri 58. R . Strom 59. P. Newport 61 . M. Bateman 62 . P. Bateman 69. S. Campbell 71 . M . Atherto n . . `.' .: "._ .I _
ST. KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Senior Coach: Michael Petrie Rese rves Coach : Michael Harrington 1 . H . Ston e 2. P. Curtai n 3. A . Bendoricchio 4. S . Coomb e 5. R . Callahan 6. G . Gross 7. G . Lee-Conway 8. P. McNe e 9, J. Fogarty 10, A. Donohue 11 . P Callil 12. D . McNair 13. M . Pivetta 14. L . Mahoney 15. M . Olive 16. R. Kelly 17. 0. Hourigan 18. P. Scal a 19. J. Watkin (Capt) 20 . P. Clohessy 21 . M . Durrant 22 . P. Gunther 23 . D. Morton 24 .J . O'Connor 25. D. Williams 26. J . O'Brien 27. R . Gros s 28. J . Whitbread 29. A. Thomas 30. M. Prindiville 31 . N . Cause r 32. John Sergeant 33. P. Harding 34. D. Sheehy 35. M. Verberne 36. M. McKaige 37. A . Beale (VC) 38. A . Lyon 39. J. Bare 40. P. Panagiotopoulos 41 . Jeremy Sargeant 42 . J . Herman 43. J. Fox 44. P Stackpole 45.P McCann 46. D . DeRooden 47. M . Brady 48. J . Dynon 49. E . Footner 50 . J . Drake 51 . J. Quirk 52 . P. Lewi n 53 . D. O'Hanlon 54 .B .Keenan 55 . P. Hopkins 56. R . Evan s 57 . M . Chapman 58. A. Morgan 59. T. Bare 60. P. Varasdi
John Allan
M5NTONE South/Melbourne
THOMASTOWN Senior Coach: M . Sp(nosa Rese rves Coach : D . Leale 1 . S. Papaioanou 2 . M . Reid 3. A. Smith 4. G . Petsinis 5. F. Acorachi 6 . B. Pelligrino 7. S . Plant 8 . A. Fellows 9. T. Maroney 10. D.Langbourne 11 . C . Surhan 12 . F. Farchione 13. P Alfonsi 14. J. DAngelo 15. J. Theodorou 16. D. Farchione 17. D. Leal e 18. R. Geremia 19. G . O'Brien 20. L. Azzarone 21 . E . Lentini 22. C. Plan t 23. R . Dimaggio 24 .T. Gannon 25.R . Kennedy 26. P. Ristevski 27. A. Formosa 28. L. Moribito 29. Kevin Harting 30. C . Fellows 31. G . Pikovski 32. G . Dimouski 33 J . Zaicos 34. M . Giacobbe 35. A . Colosimo 36. L. Smith 37. D. Dimouski 38. A . Inzitari 39. P. Gloutfsis 40. S. D'Avoine 42. S . Hardstaff 43. J . Chahoud 44. N . Argyiou 45. J . Hart 46. L. Sellese 47. D. Plowright 48. P. Prinzi 49. D. DeLuca 51 . M . Boyden 54. F. DeLorenzo 55. G . Latouf
56. M . Daghistani 59. F. Bortolani 60. S . Marinelli SPONSORED BY
Senior Coach : Justin Coburn Rese rves Coach : Kim Kershaw 1 . M . Newton 2 . J. Radford 3 . M . Burnett
4 . A. Gray (Capt) 5. T. Rourke 6. G . Evans 7 . S. Mill s 8. D. Hallam 9. S . Spinks 10 . S. Bromell 11 . B. Jackson 12 . M . Bel l 13 . M . Nihill 14 . B . Townsend 15 . G . Anderson 16. P. Caccaviello 17 .S. Longley 18. J . Lewi s 19 . B. Saffi n 20. S. McMahon 21 . T. Whitehead 22 . S . Glover 23. R . Rielly 24. A . Bandt
25 . A . MacGowan 26 . A . Phillips 27. S . Middleton 28 . D. Moorfield 29 . C. Ritchie 30 . G . Key s 31 . M . Hynes 32 . N . Pappas 33 . A. Merritt 34 . J . Sprunt 35. M . Oldham 36. M . Begley 37. R . Hal l 38. A. Gallon 39. P Somerville 40. J . Ganl y
41 . D. VanGerrevink 42. G . Wines 43. J. Quitty 44. P. Dillon 45. K . Bowden 46. B. Danielson 47. A. Hengel 48. S. Miriklis 49. P. Anderson 50 . P. Barrie 51 . A . Neville 52 . P. Pesavento 53 . N . O'Sullivan 54 . D. McFarline 55. M . Nixo n 56. R . Devlin 57 . B . Hennessy 58. K. O'Farrell 59. S . Majo r
61 . J . Yorston 69. S . Little 76 . R . Gazelle 77. A . Aaro n 79 . Perrett/Costello 82. A . Donal d
ÂŽ Carlton.
WILLIA MSTOWN C.Y.M .S . 1 . S. Bryan 2. D. Dawson 3. A . Harry 4. J. Tuck 5. D. Macleod 6. G . Clerk 7. M. Cannon 8. A . Morgan 9. G . Case 10. G . Hampson 11 . D. Temby 12. A . Featherston 13. N . Bezzant 14. S . Lynch 15. D. White 16. P. Dervan 17. P. VanDungen 18. D. Grig g 19. B. Ce tt inich 20. M . Dervan 21 . S . Wei r 22 . W. Payne 23. P. McNamara 24. R . Meilak 25. R . Evans 26. A . Bond 27. B. Tuck 28. S. Calderwood 29. M . Anderson 30. A . Morell i 31 . M . Tuck 32 . J . Pinkney 33. T. Cannon 34. B . Hann 35. N . Crof t 36. D. Digenova 37. A. Finch 38. D. Ipsa 39. S. Lugowski 40. L. Turnley 41 . T. Campbell 42 . R. Engler 43 . D. Elliott 44 . D. Mill s 45 . C. Muscat 46 . M . Payne 47. S . Quinn 48 . T. Riley 49 . R . Scott 50.J. Stevanonski 51. D. Bubnic 52. T. Williams 53. T. Carter 54. B. Macleod 55. C. Salmon 56. T. Gleason 57. T. Davies 58. E. Varg as 59. M . Sutherland 60. N . Bucktand 61 . C. Singleton 62 . S. Burt 63. W. Kewin 64. N . Stovall 65. M . Bennett 66. G . Doria 67. F. Walsh
E Section
Pounded 19p6
ANZ BANK Senior Coach: Alan Quallo Assistant Coach : Jack McDonald 1 . P- Smith 1 . S. Duke (2) 2. M . Sanell i 2. T. Kennedy (2) 3. 0. Morros 3. M . Azzato (2) 4. S . Gamble 5. P. Cairns 6. P. Marshall 6. G . Smith (2) 7. D. Steere 8. L . Snelling 8. W. Simmonds (2) 9. G . Walkley 10. M . Phillips 12 . G . Larkin (VC) 12 . P. Straiten (2) 13. S. McCarthy 13. M . Xuereb (2) 14. M . Lengacher 15. M . Evan s 16. M . Malone 16. P. Knight (2) 17. T. Harbinson 18. P. Boyle (DVC) 19. N . Pastras 20 . R . Koegler 21 . P. Shoppee 22 . M . Cox 23. A . Bennett (Res-VC) 24. M . Lawrence 25. J. McDonald (Capt) 26. S. Smit h 27. G . Perkins 27. W. Humphrey (2) 28. C. Mors e 29. B. Pentland 30. C. O'Brien 31 . D. Kraljik 32 . M . Farrell 33. A . Stein 34. W. Lasslett 34. C. Westblade (2) 36. R. Liddel l 37. M . Sweeney (Capt-Res) 38. L . Waddingham 39 . J . Liddel l 40 . B . Fernandez 41 . G . Ritchie 42 . M. Whelan 43 . N . Ward 44. R . McDonald (VC) 45 . P. Hagga r 46. D. McAllister 47. A. Toomey 48. P. Heyes (VC-Res) 52 . P. Vanderwal 57. B. Curthoys 58. N . Walsh 60. M . Birrell 61 . R. Salmoni 62- A . Quaife 63. A . Andrianakis 64. S . Nicholson 65. A . Spinner 66. D. Grieve 67. C . Riley 68. P. Ganley 69. S . Bayes 70 . B . Francis 71 . Q. Kliener 72 . P. Barton 73 . M . Tunzi
AQU I N AS Senior Coach: Dave McCormack Reserves Coach : John Ryan 1 . T. Jess 2- G. Clifford 3- D. Joyc e 4. M. Wilkinson 5. A. Coster 6.S .Kenny 7. C. Glennie 8. S . Kelly 9. R. Leavey 10. M . Hurley 11 . J. Hacking 12 . B. May 13. D . McKellar 15. S. Upton 16. C . Bell i 17. P. McCafferty 18. R .A. Cronin 19. A . Grierson 20 .B . McKenna 21 . J. Knights 22 . J. Rya n 23. B . O'Connor 24. S. Flyn n 25. R . Wans 26. M . Gray 27. I . Shaw 28. R . Winnen 29. S. O'Loughlin 30. C . Colliver 31 . L . Kin g 32 . M . Vankerkhoven 33.P.Rosbrook 34. M . Tarull i 35. S. Livingstone 36. D. Phela n 37. D. Crawford 38. D. Peters 39. J. Langford 40.J .McEwen 41 . R . Chamberlain 42- R . Milto n 43 . C. Rogers 44 . J . Scott 45, M . Haggerty 46 . D. Langdon 47. P. Kvietelaitis 48 . R . Sehulties 49 . C. Lambourne 50 . P. Grierson 51 . D . Johnstone 52 . P- Sheehan 53 . A . Twyford 54. M . Kealy 55. J . Crouch 56 . K . Denver 57. L . Denver 58.T Hogan 60. B. McKellar 61 . C. Duffy 70. P. Sainsbury 80. M . Joyce MAJOR SPONSOR
Senior Coach : Andrew Smythe Reserves Coac h Michael Flanagan 1 A. McFarlane 1 F. Laming 1 R, Schneider 2. R Morley 3 S. McLaren 3. J. Rainbow 4 N . Cartledge (Res-Capt) 4, R. Schneide r 5, S . Scanlon 5 G . Radford 6, M Kell y
7. C. Portbury (VC) 7. J Cartledg e 8. D, Robbins 9. H. Turvey 9r R . Hamilton 9 N Borg
0 . W. Olney
O. A . Humphrey 11 . R. Creighton 12 . D. Thompson 13. G . Cottenli 13. S. Irvine 14. 8, Mott 15, A. Stewart 16. C. Battiscombe 16. J. Star k 1Z D. Gandolfo t7. A Meney 18 R. Pasante 19, R. Hamilton 20 C. Parker 20. J Moran 21 P Avery 22 . P. CottenIl 22, C Brown 23, J . Redfern 23 R Phi pot 24. C Battiscombe 24 P. Brown 25. CG Frayne 25. W, Olney 26 P. Coen 26. A McFarlane 27, S Fatouros 27 . D. Humphrey 28 A Money 29 RInglese X G, Christopoulos 30 C. Parker 3t D Tnpp 32 S. Fatouros 32. C Mutimer 33 R Divirgil .o (VC-8) 34 . L. Coleman 35. C . Mutimer 35 S Irvine 36 . L. Thompson 37. P Fiew (CapQ 38 . C . Frayne 39 M . Flanagan 40, D. Tsokas 41 . S . Stratton 42 . R, Phdpo t 42 H. Roberts 53. S. Stratton 43 B. Lari 53 P, Cottenli 43 A . Stewart 54. A May 44. P Tsokas 55. P. Rees 45. R. Hamilton 56. N . Borg 46 A. Humphrey 57. G, Connolly 47. P. Coen 58 D Thick 48. M. Dally-Watkin s 48 A. May 59. A Chafer 48, P. Laming 59. M . Fitt 49, S Irvine 60 W. O'Brien 50. D. Atkinson 60. S Portbury 51, D. Hopkins 71. P Avery 52. P. Brown 82. C Frayne 53. C. Brown tn . P Laming aeEq~ %I~~r
'A ,"'9 '7F1~
DOVETO N Senior Coach : Adrian Brown Reserves Coach: Paul Ciptessi 1 . C. Wormesl y 2. A . Campbell (VC) 3. P. Ashwoo d 4 . L . Vurlow 5. J . Muirhead 6. P- Cipressi 7. J . Reiger 8 . R . Murphy 9 . M . Page 10. F. Khali l 11 . J. Johnston 12 . C. Pepper 14. K . Charleston 15. P. Warre n 16. D. Boots 17. C. Pauline 18. S . Campbell 19. R. Forgiarini 20. J . Zoubek 21 . B. Goodwin 22 . K. McHugh 23. M . Dyke 24. S. Van Beek 25. M . Lobinsk i 26. B. McGougan (C'Res) 27. P. Giddens (Capt ) 28. Adrian Brown (Coach) 29. J. Butler 30. P Hil l 31 . J. Sweeney (VC-Res) 32 . T. Mertis 33. R . Gibbs 34. S . Wilson 35. D. Rusto n 36. W. Burgess (DVC) 37- G . McDonal d 38. K. Wilson 39. J. Leveque 40. B . Turner 41 . L. Borg 42. S. Sumondis 43. S. Reiger 44 . Andrew Brown 45. D. Charleston 46. T. Fairweather 47. B. Sheppeck 48 . G . Campbell 49, P. Eyr e 50. D. Clarke 54 . J . Wilson
ELSTERNWIC K Senior Coach: P. Purcell Reserves Coach : G. Connolly 1. L. Murphy (VC) 2. A Hankm 3 . M . Andrew 4 G. Andrew 5 G. Connolly 6 . P. Tsiampas 6 . M. Lloyd (2) 7. T Heath 7- A . Cosmas (2) 8. C O'Connor 9. A . O'Connor 10. R. Bravmgton 7t . P. Mahony It . P. Bolte (2) 12 . R . Ekiom 13, P.Slankowch 14, A. Comm (OVC) 15. L . McCooke t6. A. Abrahams 17. J. Ward 18 P. Pavlowc 19. M . Byrne 19. M . Bullard (VC-Res) 20. P. Shin e 21 . P. Osborne 22. L. McGregor 23. N . Christie 24. D. Conlin (Capt) 25.J. O'Connor 2& D. Damn 27. M . Daniels 28. M . Whelan 29.S . Mahony 30. G . Builuss 31 . R . Bulluss 32. P. Harris (Capt-Res) 33. B. Ivett 34. A. Conlin 35. a Osborne 36. B. Bravington 37. G . Marshall 38, B . Hammer 39. G . Trevena 40 . D. Nola n 41 . L . Boribon 42 . S . Ramsay 43. M . Werena 44, C . Walker 45 . R . Grandemange 46. T. Tsihrintzi s 47. C. Tsaloumas 48. M . Payed 49. D . Zaffiro 50 . R . Mcintyre 51 . X. Nathan 52 .PGrey 53. C. Collins 54. S. Kirkham 55. K . Coo k 56. M . Murgana 57. J. Eklo m 58, R . Passante 59.5 McLennan 60. M. Pacifier 61 . B. Hill 62 . A . Gulnane 63. S. Crowe 64. K . Biilman 65.D,Mahony 66, J. Schultz 67,J . Dunnache 68. P. McGarry 69. R. English 70. Marty Copeland 71 . Mathew Copeland 72. M. Scott 73, W. Smith 74 . G. Cunningham 75. R. Bloomfield 76. B . Bawe r 77. A. Hutchins 78. C. Shuttleworth 79. D. Pickard 8o. D. Torrence 81. D. Hughes SPONSORED B Y
11 ~ i~i; r ~ .t : ~; i fo>~~~~-
OLD CAM BER WEL L GLENHUNTLY senior Coach : B. Raffert y Rese rves Coach: S. Timms 1, B. Wilson 2. S. Jankovic 3. T. Hil l 4- B . Rafferty 5. G . Dickson 6. S. Timms 7, M . Kouts 8- A. Hil l 9, G . Halpin (Capt) 10- G . Richard s 11- T. Rossiter 12- B . Stewart 13. S. Smith 14. J. Bird 15, P. Breslin 16. M . Hollaway 17. Craig Horsey 18. Cameron Horsey 19. S. Withers 20. T. Silvey (VC) 21 . J. Gilmour 22. M . Davies 23 . C. Ryan 24 . D. Trewarn 25. S. Caliafiore 26. D. Mance 27. I . Withers 28. D. Isaacs 29. L . Black 30. C. Thom 31 . G. Oaten 32. P. Lamb 33. P. Harrison 34. B . O'Shannesy 35. B. Millar 36. R- Hall 37. J. Brown 38. A, Antonio 39. D. Maide n 40 . D. O'Shannesy 41 . S. Talaric o 42 . C. Whelan 43 . S. Jone s 44 . B . O'Donnell 45. T. Mance 46 . R . Horowitz 47. R . Day 48 . D. Casser 49 . M . Ley 50. J . O'Donough 51- A . Levey 52- M . Gordon 53. L . Farley 54. G . Boxshall 55. N . Morris 57. S. Dunphy 58. W. Crooke 59. S . King SPONSORED BY
Senior Coach: Graeme Ewart Rese rves Coach : Ron Purcell i . R . Purcel l 2 . B. Taylor 3N-Bra n
. Mitchell n4A 5S. Harkins & B . O'Hara 7. P. Kerkiviet (DVC) 8. D. Hayes 9. G. Ewart 10. E . Smith 11 . A. Kyrfaoou 12. J. Wilson . A . Gibbs i 34S.Jackson 15.R,Spu«d 16. T. Walker 17, A . Cocks 1& M . Carrick 19, M . Polbnghorne 20, D.Praran
21 . C. Tow n
22 . M. Hopkins 23, M . Armstrong 24,T. McManus 25 . A. Taylor 26 . G . young 27. F. Lodge 28, 8. Leitch 29 . W. Fore.bod 30. N . McCann 31 . J. Howard 32 . D . Alex 33 . M . McCutcNnson 34 . P. McCrea 35.D.Faune 36. D. Essery 37. C .Strachan 38. A. Hardenberg 39. L . Heath 40 J. Harvey 41, T. Nixon-Smith 42 . S. Burmeister 43 . T. Hoskins 44 . W. Earl 45. A. Gale 46, R. Lee 47,R Lenion 48. C. Brown 49. A. Kent 50. E. Watt 51. N . Humphries 52. A . Kallmargen 53. P. Matheson 54. A . McKenzie 55. D. McDonald 56. C. Evans 57. G . Fulton 5& A . Mjtsou 59. L. Daly 69. J. Gan 60. J . Neil 70. D. Human 67 . A. Wright 71, A. Inkster 62. J. Swann 72. W. Inkster 63. A . McCulloch 73, B. Larkey 64, J . McCann 4 N . Huntley 65, A . Bryson 75. M . Pealing 66, D. Wilson 76, S. Woods 67. C. Fisher 77 . A. Papalia 68. J . Forv~rood 78. I . HiII
Senior Coach : John McEncroe Reserve Coach : Mike Evans 1- D. Tonks 2. A . Cook 3. J. McEncroe 4. M . Evans (Capt-Res) 5. S . Racavali s 6. H . Ikiz 7. B. West 8. C. Grant 9. M . Tapunago 10 . I . Stevens 11- G . Mumford 12 . J. Hearne 14 . A. Smit h 15 . S. Bishop (Capt) 16 . M . Goodwill 17. G. Crameri 18 . J . Briggs 19 . R . Cram 20. C. Bilby 21 . L . Shaw 22 . P. McKinnon 23. D. Poulton 24. P. Murto n 25- B. Panagiotopolous (VC) 26- P. Crameri 27. D. Eastway 28. C. Souter (DVC) 29. S. Morris h 30. G . Richards 32 . J . Mansfield 34- D. Maddern 35. D. Whitfield 36. I . Agosta 37. L . Wrigley 38. B. Foote 39. M . Swift 40. C. Merry 41 . J- McDonald 42 . C . Batchelor 43. J. Simundza 44. S. Parker 45. T. Harvey 46. M . Wuiske 47. R. Circus 48. D. Howard 49. A . Hutchinson 50. D. Bellman 51 . J. Simmons 52 . S . Bristow 53 . J . Wilcox 54 . A . Hughes 55 . S. Casey 56 . D. Moredan 60 . H . Bradshaw 61 . P. Dudderidge
1 . S. Sellick 2 . J. Hal l 3 . F. Stafford 4 . A. Escott 5- S . Kelly 6 . M . Taylo r 7. C . Richardson 8 . N . Paviou 9 . A. Morris 10. M . Hansen 11 . L . Massaglia 12 . M. Maddox 13. W. Doods 14, B. Hal l 15. J. Scotland 16. B. Higgins 17. J. Robertson 18. F. Doyle 19. J. Evans 20. D. Dealer 21 . L. O'Sullivan 22- P- Stewart 23. R. Bond 24 . R. Williams 25. S . Evans 26. J . Senior 27. C . McLeod 28. J . Tucker 29. G . Newman 30. G . Scalzo 31 . P. O'Sullivan 32. B . Wilson 33. A . Wildes 34. S . Kervin 35. S . Speir s 36. P- Hollowood 37. C . McLeod 38. A . Sergeant 39. J. Gill 40. P. Reidle 41 . C . Weinert 44. D. Baxter 45. A. Cope 46. S . Sergeant 48. D. Phelan 49. A . James 50. M . Pittoni 51 . S . Silva 52 . C. Boschert 54. J. Blowfield 55. A . Miller 56. S. Acott 60. A . Georgantas 61 -R Ford 69. D . Angel 88. G. Scotland
ST LEO'S WATTLE PARK Senior Coach : S. D'Angelo Rese rves Coach : R. Alford 1 . P. Murphy (DVC) 2 . R . Steward 3 . D. Miller (Capt) 4 . T. Van Den Akker 5 . C. Kenn y 6 . G . Grandy 7. J . Murphy 8 . I . Milner 9 . R . Sweetland 10- P. Davidson 11 . M. Shacklock 12 . G . Robinson (DVC) 13. M . Faulisi 14. D. Corrigan (VC) 15. G . Burke 16. P McNamara 17. S . Greely 18. G . Sargent 19. P. Kelly 20 . A. Gil l 21 . S. Ingram 22 . R . Alford 23 . S . Nankervis 24- D. Kenny 25. S . Walsh 26 . B . Vaughan (Snr) 27. D. Glas s 29 . R . Knowles 30. C. Ingram 31 . F. Caione 32. A . N'Dreu 33- A. Douglass 34 . J . Callaghan 35. A. Box 36. K. Morris 37. N . Currie 38. M. Anderson 39. B. Vaughan (Jnr) 40. P. Dart 41 . B. Compton 42 . P. O'Halloran 43 . A. Morgan 44 . F. Dinicolantino 45. S . Ronchi 46. D. Ingram 47. J. O'Mear a 48. D. Dinicolantino 49. P- Steward 50. L . Bourke 51 . T. Oakley 52 . P. O'Connor 53. M . Lawlor 55. L . Danckert 56. S. Jones 57. D. Bray 58. A . Nankervis 59. D . Pitcher 60. C . Ryan 62 . J . Vaughan 63. C . Guilty 64. J . Cronin 65. C . Blanco 66. R . Porter PROUDLY SPONSORED BY
~ ANA Friendly Society
Three out of Five winners last Saturday didn't help my average much with Old Westbourne in the upset of the round or maybe the season, getting the points over Richmond Central and Boronia Park with their first points of the season over Batwyn Combined . Oakleigh who at this stage look like being very dominant ( a la St Leos 1992) thumped Um Reds by 20 in a one sided affair, appear to be the side to beat thisgis year . Chirns. W REVIEW 131 Pt win over Camberwell . Match of the day between Oakleigh and Uni turned out to be a fizzer with Oakleigh stamping Reds their authority with a massive 116 pt win over the Reds . In the upset result of the round Old Westbourne were too good for Richmond Central to the tune of 11 pts . Canterbury/Nth Balwyn had guns for VUT/FIT by winning easily by 153too ptsmany . Boronia Pk celebrated with a convincing 21 pt win over an innacurate Balwyn Combined who ran out of legs in the last quarter. tlni Reds who were onthe~W ~ receiving end of a hidin last saturday, will be looking to make amends againstg Chirnside Pk who are traveRing well at the moment At always hard to tip against the reds but I feel. theyhome will its have tooby many for Chirnside Pk and should win easily 8 glsguns . Match of the day is at Hawthorn where travel to do battle with Richmond Centrals Oakieigh . Oakleigh who seem to be getting better with each game should be too talented for Richmond Centrals and they should come out winners by 7 gls . VUT/FiT and Old Westbourne do baffle in a vital game for the Werribee boys . Should they win they still keep in contact with the four so I feel they will be too talented for VUT/FIT and come out winners by 10 gis . Camberwel l and Balwyn Combined also willtoo be another close game, with the combined having many guns for Camberwell to contend with so Balwyn by 7 g)s. In the last game Yarra Valley travel to Boronia Pk in what will be a danger game for them . Boroia Pk who will be very confident after their first win, will find Yarra Valley who have taken all before them, are a very fas and talen d theirtundef ated reoord intact bydwlnn ngt)hes gamet o the tune of 6 gls .
THANIC All the 'boys' a V UT Ff~ ouLAIr-S ldDke to pass on a very special thankyou to the ladies (mums, wives, girlfriends) at the club . Today is our Ladies Day and we want to take this occasion to formally acknowledge the work and support provided by our most tolerant partners . Enjoy your day, you are earned it. ~® ® FORREST, Oaklefgh SENIORS SIMPSON, Yarra Valley PEARSON, Richmond Central CREAK, Boronia Par k YAMAN, Richmond Central JACKSON, Richmond CentEraj ES THOMAS, Chirnside Par k ISSA, Canterbury Nth Balwyn
A`Hall of Fame' is to be set up as part of the new Elsternwick Park extensions .
Any club who has produced a player who has played 300 or more Amateur games is invited to supply a framed photograph of this Player to be displayed .
Please include a brief description of th e player and his career, These details will be inscribed on a small plaque and mounted on the player's photo . Each week names of 300 game players' photos received will be published . ------------ Enquiries: Phil Stevens
i SENIORS CHIRNSIDE PARK 8.4 12 .15 17.19 27.26 .188 CAMBERWELL AFC 0.3 3 .8 6.8 8 .9.57 CHIRNSIDE PKScortino 8, McHenry4, Condie 3, Skein 2, Pedler2, Pope 2, Harvey 2, Greenhalt, De Jong, Di Ulio. BEST P. Anthony, D . Scortino, A Sore, B . Pedler, K . Basso, D. McHenry . CAMBERWELL Barker 3, Broadley 2, Pearson, Cochrane, Gason. BEST Barker, Cochrane, Hartley, Gason, Glazebrook, Alsop . OAKLEIGH 4 .5 10 .10 13 .13 23 .18 .156 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 .1 2 .1 4.8 5 .10.40 OAKLEIGH Forrest 7, Leslie 6, Alexandrov 2, Tomlinson 2, Schultz 2, Hall, Brereton, McKenner, Taylor. BEST Hanley, Hamilton, Schultz, Brereton, Moutis, Walsh . Arne], Farrell, Heaphy, McGowan, Yendall . BEST Arnel, E UNI REDS McGowan, Johnstone, Ross. OLD WESTBOURNE 14 .16 .100 RICHMOND CENTRAL 12 .17.89 OLD WEST Haley 6, Grima 3, Robson 2, Manalokakis, Porter, Joyner, Blank. BEST Horsburgh, Christo, Robson, Haley. RICHMOND CENT Greet 4, Pearson 2, Yaman 2, Stephens 2, Brodelis, King . BEST Holt, O'Sullivan, Pearson, Krisohos, Stephens, Shannon . CANTBRY/NTH BALWYN 10.4 17.11 23 .14 32 .20.212 VUTlFIT 1.0 4.0 7.4 9 .5.59 CANT/NTH BALWYN Crooks 7, Beattie 5, Mernagh 5, Wain 4, McLeod 3, Jackson 2, Sheehan 2, W ills 2, Dewar, Tibaldi. BESTCrooks, Jackson, Sheehan, Beattie, Drummond, Wain . VUT/FIT Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . BALWYN COMBINED 4.5 7.9 10 .16 8.17.65 BORONIA PARK 3.1 6.2 8.4 13 .8.86 BALW YN COMB Tanner 3, Grace 2, Butera, Vella, Lane. BEST Gibellini, Grace, Lane, Rogers, Spagnol, Tanner. BORONIA PK Creak 7, Hinksman 2, Lochner, Keltie, Briant, Borthwick . BEST Creak, Hurley, Weinlich, Goodger, Lechner, Challis . YARRA VALLEY A BYE
RESERVES CHIRNSIDE PARK 3 .2 8 .6 11 .16 19.24 .138 CAMBERWELL AFC 2 .0 3 .1 3 .3 3.3 .21 CHIRNSIDE PK Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . CAMBERWELL Rossitto 2, MacDonald . BEST Rossitto, MacDonald, MacLeod, Mathews. OAKLEIGH 1 .4 2 .9 3.16 6 .18 .54 UNIVERSITY REDS 2 .2 3 .3 3 .3 3.3 .21 OAKLEIGH lanchello 2, Forrest, Brown, Crugnale, Monaghan . BEST lanchello, Bourke, Andonopoulos, May, Tilly, Billing . UNI REDS Watts, Spanos, Tehan . BEST Bethune, Emonson, Bowman, Urban, Scanlon, Watts . OLD WESTBOURNE 5.7 .37 RICHMOND CENTRAL 22 .11 .143 OLD WEST Mitchell 2. BEST J . Mitchell, S. Nicholson, A . Jordon, P. Harris, G . Jenkinson . RICHMOND CENT Williams 6, Brodelis 5, Jackson 4, Reid 2, Barry, Hickey, Jiggens, Austin, Corker. BEST Brodelis, Bryant, Vathis, Barry, Howe. Williams. CANT/NTH BALWYN 1 .5 4 .11 8.14 10 .21 .81 VUT/FIT 2.2 3 .5 4 .5 4.8 .32 CANT/NTH BALWYN Issa 2, O'Callaghan 2, Paatsch 2, ludica, Knight, Noumertzis, Virgona. BEST Paatsch, Cimino, Knight, O'Callaghan, Keily. VUT/FIT Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . BALWYN COMBINED 1 .3 2 .12 13.10 10 .16 .76 BORONIA PARK 0.1 1 .1 2 .2 2.5 .17 BALWYN COMB Carrucan 3, Blakeman 2 . Finn, Gladman, Bini, Barr, Busse. BEST Blakeman, Busse, Flint, McGregor, Mavrodis, Optgyne. BORONIA PK Close, Spackman . BEST Gillman, Artini, Smart, Banes, Pound, Charlton . YARRA VALLEY A BYE
Round 5 results netted your ailing tipster a perfect score in the South and one error in the North where I failed to appreciate the strength of E(tham . Today's round, especially in the South, presents a real test and I will need to be in top form to select the card . - NORT H NorthOld BoysEneverWallowed OtdGeetongintothe d afte r one-sided game . Old Paradians continue on th+e r inexorable march to the finals by defeating BuileenTemplestowe by fifty eight points . Kew and 1fAan:ellin played an evenly contested game which Kew won by nine points due in some measure to Marcellin's more inaccurate kicking . Ettham stamped themselves as premiership favourites when they defeated St Bemards by thirty points after a comparatively high scoring game, Therry had the BYE . REVIE o- SOUT H W leading four sides consolidate dWC their positions nsolidated as shown by Mazenod who due to greater accuracy defeated M onash Whites by twenty eight points .
In what could be a fins pres~p!d Xaverians play PRaze n od in YarraOldPar . at this stage of the season form oints to an kXaverian victory However it is more pdifficu(t to forecastthe result of the .O(d Scotch and De La Salle game. Statistically little separates the sides but Old Scotch have won three more games . At home I favour Old Scotch to win narrowly . Monash Gryphons and Powerhouse, who appear evenly matched, will be striving to prove their respective talents today .l suspect Monash G ryphons, after their traditionally slow start to the season, have the more talent and so should defeat the men of Powerhouse . In another potential final preview the undefeated Old M elburnians travel to M onash where the Whites are slowly finding form after a subdued openin g At this stage of the season, even allowing for their t trave . I believ will prove l strong e Collegians versus r Blood s promises to be an evenly contested one . Their comparative form is hard to gauge as each side has displayed fluctuating form over the first five rounds . However when judged on last week's results I must select Bloods.
In a game where both sides kicked inaccurately leaders Old Xaverians proved too strong for De La Salle when the " Cro codiles" won by thirty-two points . Third placed Old Scotch did defeat Powerhouse, with comparative ease by seventy one points which enabled "The Cardinals" to build valuable percentage Old Melburnians maintained their undefeated record when OLD GEELONG vs KEW XVIII NORTH despite marked inaccuracy, they defeated traditional BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE vs MARCELLIN rivals Collegians by thirty six points . HowevertheOMs THERRY vs OLD PARADIAN S thirty one scoring shots to ten should have given them ELTHAM OC vs NORTH OLD BOYS a much wider winning margin which must concern CoCoaches Hockney and Wilson MAZENOD vs OLD SCOCH!! SOUTH . Bloods did display DE LA SALLE vs aMreturn to form with a forty-two point victory over onash G ryphons . Bloods OLD MELBURNIANOSWvs OLDU XAVERIANS had a control of the ball BLOODS vs MONASH WHITE S much more and their more effective forward display MONASH GRYPHONS vs COLLEGIAN S should increase their chances of future victories . PREVIEW Old Paradians ontin~ e on their winning way at the expense of Old Geelon g who may be unfamiliar with territory as far north HAWKINS, Old Scotch SECTION as Bundoora . Two former powerful sides in Kew and Butieen-Temptestowe 79 SlNN, Monash White s meet 12 at Victoria Park and on form displayed this season HALL, Old Xaverians I 11 HUTCHINSON, Blood s select Kew to win . St Bernard's stiff hopeful of a top 9 four place travel east to meet Marcellin who also are McCANN, Old Paradlan~s H SECTION not enjoying a successful season . St Bernard's 24 HALLAM,Kew must win today or be classified among "the easy beats" . I STICKLAND, Eltham 12 CROWTHER, Eltham 11 am confident they can do so! In an innovation North Old Boys play Therry on Friday evening under lights 11 . I am sure these traditional rivals will produce a high gam e y worthy Uof the occasion s Although l wil uncertainhoweman d .nder19Player A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, l select, I still favour NOBs pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to win because of their better performances this season . Bltham has the BYE to the ground or other similar such conduct" .
~ .t!,
CWB XVIII NORT H OLD GEELONG 3 .0 3.0 3.0 5.2 .32 7.7 11 .10 15.12 .102 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .4 OGEELONG Wilkinson, McMillan, Mooney, Sutie, Forbes . BESTForbes, Boucher, White, Dickson, Dawson, Richmond. NTH OLD BOYS Morabito 2, Lynch 2, Steward 2, Carroll 2 . Sala 2, Allman 2, Phelan, McSweeney, Girolami . BEST Scott, Keogh, Carroll, Allman, Lynch, Girolami . 3.5 3.7.25 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0.0 0.2 OLD PARADIANS 5 .2 8.5 8.9 12 .11 .83 BULLEEN TEMP Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 0 PARADIANS Edmonds 2, McCann 2, Michael Vear 2, Mullarvey 2, Hester, Pagan, Primiera, Matt Vear. BEST Venturini, Mullarvey, Michael Vear, Pagan, Reid, Busch. 1 .1 1.4 4.6 7.10.52 MARCELLIN KEW 2 .2 6.3 7.5 9.7.61 MARCELLIN Crimmins, Day, Dimattina, Hesse, Kennedy, Nasarallah, Wallace. BEST O'Callaghan, Day, Wallace, Gallagher, Hesse, Thompson . KEW Hallam 6, McEnroe, Guerrini, Maclsaac . BEST Hallam, Wilson, Hansen, P. McCormack, R . McCormack, Tucker. ST BERNARDS 2.0 4.4 8.5 10.7.67 ELTHAM 0 C 4 .2 7.5 12.9 14 .13 .97 ST BARNARDS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ELTHAM Sovanouski 6, Thorsen 3, Ham 3, Mouat, Tucker . BEST Lloyd, Thorsen, Webster, Haber, Janouski, Mouat . THERRY A BYE
MAZENOD 0 C 2.2 3 .4 7.5 10.6 .66 MONASH WHITES 0.2 2 .3 3 .7 5.8.38 MAZENOD Collins 2, Baxter 2, Krom 2, Quirk, Smith, Hubery, Field . BEST Guiliano, Neil, Smith, Evans, Collins, Baxter . MONASH WHITES Sinn 3, Tilley, Plemn. BEST Young, Tilley, Ridley, Colombies, Sinn, Sharkey. DE LA SALLE 2 .10 .22 OLD XAVERIANS 7.12 .54 DE LA SALLE Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . O XAVS Dalton 5, O'Shaugnessy, King . BEST King, O'Shaugnessy, Cummins, Kelleher, Dalton, Kinna . POWERHOUSE 2 .1 4.2 5.4 6 .7.43 OLD SCOTCH 2 .4 7.7 10 .11 17.20.122 POWERHOUSE Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 0 SCOTCH Steele 4, Fox 3, Russel 2, Sleeman 2, Walsh 2, Hawdon, Hooper, McLeish, Montgomery . BEST Hooper, McLeish, Sutherland, Steele, Russel, Montgomery . OLD MELBURNIANS 10.21 .81 COLLEGIANS 7.3.45 O MELB Birrell2, Silk, Curtis, Kellam, Fennell, Joyce, Taylor, Potter, Doyle . BEST Birrell, Potter, Woodhouse, Newman, Cordner, Wood . COLLEGIANS Muirden 2, Peles 2, Whittaker, Parsons, Manuell. BEST C . Mackay, Whittaker, Lever, Lockwood, Manual], C . Comley. MONASH GRYPHONS 7.3 .45 BLOODS 13.9.87 MONASH GRYPHONS Serena 2, King 2, Blanford, Harriman, Spensely . BEST W. Spensely, P. Smith, D. Grace, L . Worthy, P. Burke, J . Dorward . BLOODS Jarrick 2, Hopkins 2, Finlay 2, Varella 2, Broome, Gee, Gale, Vann. BEST D. Payne, N . Vann, B. Finlay, R . Howard, R. Hopkins, Melzak .
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ALSO AT 67 SWANSTON STREET WA LK. PH : 650 5133 The VAFA expresses its gratitude to the MSD for allowing clubs to pick up their "Amateur Footballers" from this excellent city location . The MSD offers the following discounts to club people who make purchases whilst picking up their "Amateur Footballers," from the MSD .
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U19 SECTIONS by Max Lyo n
Apologies to all who sent me details of best players etc in Round 4. Apparently NSWfax machines don't work too well as your info didn't reach E'wick Park in readable form last week (not my handwriting either! ) REVIEW OF LAST WEEK'S GAMES DIVISION ON E Only 4 results here as a result of Marcellin's unexplained forfeit to Berries. Nodders had a comfortable margin over Haileybu ry whose "tails" kept them on their toes. Shannon Morgan kicked truly 9 times with Darren Carter dominating at midfield . Monds got a percentage boost against Tones which enabled them to move into the 4 . Jason Looby had a big day and booted an even dozen with Luke Haddon and Leon McGaw2 of Mond's best 22. OMs planned well and shut out Parlcers keys in D. Paola and Picciolli to run out easy winners . Ben Luckock bagged 7 whilst Matt Thomas' tagging role was top class . Derek Yan and Alister McKeon also pleased Les with their efforts. Must apologiseto De La who missed out on the "slab" but who provided such a terrific contest they deserved it anyway. I watched the last half of a good game but left my wallet at home (reminded of it when I saw Xavs celebrating "slab" going into the rooms) . After an even first 1/2, Xavs got a run on in the 3rd 1/4 which gave them enough space to hold off the determined Ds in the last . Lechte and Thomas were a couple of good players in an even Xavs side whilst Stones and Dluzniak each kicked 4. DIVISION 2 CENTRAL Parade brought Ivanhoe's undefeated run to an end with aconvincing win despite a last 1/4 lapse. Farrell was the top scorer with 5 whilst Heffernan, Ciavola and Way were some of their best. Tri nity learnt from their previous week's loss and jumped Carey to lead by 6 gis at 1/4 time and kept that margin safe forthe rest of the game. Andrew Sealey (6), Chris Smith and Luke Jervis were OTs best . Matthews booted 5 for Carey and Morrison and Campbell were their better contributors. St Leos broke the ice against Old Hoes whose inaccuracy cost them dearly. Anthony McKenzie and Hamish Meehan did well for Leos as did Andrew Nankervis who kicked 5 . C'well benefitted from their accuracy against Blacks who matched their scoring shots. Hills and Strachan were Wells' best whilst Paterson (7) and Walker (5) led the goalkickers . Friars paid the penalty for lack of discipline - 17 men are seldom better than 18 - to lose to NOBs despite their extra scoring shots . Damien Naismith got another 4 for Friars who were best served by Cameron and James. Black List - NOBs . DIVISION 2 SOUT H The Tiger Bedes got out of the close/finish rut with an easy win over the unpredictable Scotchies . Stuart Scullin got 8 for Bedas with Sam Hecker and Heath Donnellan their best . Andrew Semmens again starred for Coliegians in their comfy win over the Fields whilst Travis Mulder led the charge from the centre. Tonners got home comfortably from High in a fiery encounter with Sam Swannell getting 7 and Simon Antonis getting 5 . Black List Jackers .
PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GA M E DIVISION ONE For the 2nd week in a row we see the 2 top teams matched - this time Xavs are at home to Nodders . I haven't seen Nodders this year but have been impressed by Xavs all round teamwork and backing up on the two occasions I've seen them . Nodders have not been renowned for their efforts away from Columbia Park so I'll go for Xavs again . De La should be untroubled by Mentone and I expect OMs will also get in comfortably against Haileybu ry. Chirnside will get back into the winners' circle against M arcellin . Ormond and Bemies should be a good contest. Now that the Monds have made the 4 I expect they'll work extra hard to stay there and just get home today. SELECTIONS: O.Xavs, DeLaSalle, Ormond, O .Melb, Chirnside Park DIVISION 2 CENTRAL NOBs play Blacks under lights at Brunswick and after their good win last week I expect they'll make it a black night for the Students . Trinity broke the ice last week with a good team effort and a repeat today will see them home against Old Hoes whilst C'well's form continues to improve and they should be too strong for Leos. Ivanhoe are at home to Therry whose form has been down the last 2 weeks . I think Hoes can just make even without resorting to Simmo's ground watering trick of last week for their "ones". The big one today is between the Blues and Parade. Both teams have been impressive when I've seen them this year and I can only find home ground advantage as a reason for tipping the Blues . SELECTIONS : U.Blues, OTrinity, O.C'well, NOB, Ivanho e DIVISION 2 SOUT H On current form this section's final 4 is looking ominously to be already decided . Let's hope the current bottom 5 can turn things around before long . Jackers will continue on their winning way at Asher's expense while the up and down Scotchies will get back on the winning list against Red's Rovers . The Tiger Bedes should-hold off the High boys to give themselves a 2 game greak over the field . The "equal 2nd" teams Colleg i ans and Brighton - meet in the battle for 2nd spot. I wouldn't hesitate to tip Tonners if they were at home but I have a hunch that they can really fire up at the Trott as well and just get the pis today . SELECTIONS : Ajax, O.Scotch, St .Bedes/Mentone, O.Brighton . Winning clubs phone details to 568 4727 (w/ends) or fax 646 0872 (Mondays) . SLAB CHALLENGE : Maybe a slab is what "Tooters" needs to get Therry up and firing again - Go Roys!
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 f4AZENOD BLUES 3 .3 11 .5 21 .6 27.8.170 OLD HAILEYBURY 4 .3 8 .5 8 .8 11 .10 .76 MAZENOD Morgan 9, McCusker 4, O' Donaghue 3, Huggins 2, Steinfort `2, McCarthy 2, Carter, Occhiutto, Butler, Rice, Bourbon. BEST Bruce, Clarke, Carter, Savy, Huggins, Bourbon . O HAILEY Anastasios 2, Evans 2, Alcock, Boothman, Hayter, Hilton, Nicholls, Stack . BEST Nicholls, Boothman, Hilton, Stevens, goothey. Hayte DELASALLE 4.2 6 .5 8.7 11 .10 .76 OLD XAVERIANS 2 .5 6 .7 10.11 14.13.97 DE LA SALLE Conroy 3, Dundon 2, Favaloro, Frawley, Greene, Hosking, Maccora, Raju . BEST Frawley, Grant, Dundon, Lambe, Hosking, Conroy . 0 XAVS Dluzniak 4, Stones 4, Kennedy, DeStefanis, Gill, Hall, Walsh, Jones . BEST Lechte, Dluzniak, Thomas, Ralph, Ries, Lally. ORMOND 6 .3 13 .7 21 .16 26.22 .178 OLD MENTONIANS 2 .2 3 .5 3.5 4.10 .34 ORMOND Looby 12, Facchino 3, Malaria 3, Wilks 3, McGaw 2, Barrett, Milliken, Redher. BEST Looby, McGaw, Haddon, Malane, Casey . Reither. O MENTONIANS Leone 2, Linford, Martin, BEST B . Murphy, Winduss, Katris, Wright, C. Leone, Martin . OLD MELBURNIANS 17.11 .113 CHIRNSIDE PARK 7.20 .62 0 MELB Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . CHIRNSIDE PK Pignataro 2, McIntosh, Alsbury, Carusi, Foster, McQuire. BEST Di Cierio, Carusi, McIntosh, Woodward, Lowen, Pignataro . ST BERNARDS BLUE Received fo rfeit 21 .14(140) MARCELLIN Fo rfeited 8.13(61 )
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 CENTRA L OLD PARADIANS 5.5 6.9 12.10 16.13.109 IVANHOE 2.1 3.4 4.7 9.8.62 O PARADIANS Farrell 5, Mulvahill 2, Horsington 2, Ciavola, Phelan, Digney, Cosma, Dyer, Geary, Morelli, BEST Heffernan, Farrell, Way, Ciavola, Horsington, Morelli . IVANHOERovis2, Langford2, Pearce, Pace, Fanelli,Tonkin, Laver . BEST L . Pearce, O'Shea, Fanelli, M . Pearce, Scott, Langford . OLD TRINITY 7.4 10.5 12.7 16 .8.104 OLD CAREY 1.1 6.4 8.7 12.8.80 0 TRINITY Seeley 6, Smith 4, Entwisle 3, Gibson, Alysandratos, Gutteridge. BEST Smith, Jervis, Seeley, Gutteridge, Cameron, DeStefanis . O CAREY Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 6.2 7.6 9 .7 12.8.80 OLD IVANHOE 3.4 3.5 4 .8 7.14.56 ST LEOS Nankervis 5, McHugh 2, Wells 2, Murphy, Dempsey, Mitchell . BEST Crook, Edwards, McKenzie, McHugh, Merrigan, Smith . O IVANHOE Tolley 2, Lutz 2, Clarkson, Webb, Woods . BEST Clarkson, Atkinson, Liniey, Mansfield, Martin . Woods . UNIVERSITY BLACKS 9.15 .69 OLD CAMBERWELL 19 .7.121 UNI BLACKS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 0 CAMBERWELL Paterson 7, Walker5, Imburger 2, McManus 2, Prior 2, Bremner. BEST A . Hills, A . Strachan, D . Walker, C . Paterson, M . Frigo, T. Homes. WHITEFRIARS 3.6 5.10 13.15 16.15.111 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 .2 13.3 14.5 20.6.126 WHITEFRIARS Naismith 4, Quilty 3, McFarlane3, Rio 2, James, Duffy, Carrigg, Power. BEST Cameron, James, VanBlaricum, Storey, McFarlane, Duffy. NTH 0 BOYS McMahon 7, Roberts 5, Mattiazzi 3, Ternes 2, Haifa 2, Sindoni . BESTAutupuno, McMahon, Mattiazzi, Borello, Aboueid, Ternes. THERRY A BY E UNIVERSITY BLUES A BYE
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 SOUT H HAMPTON ROVERS 3.0 3.1 6.3 6.3.39 AJAX 7.3 16.9 23 .12 32 .18.210 HAMPTON ROVERS Williams, Hunter, Tehan, Tregear, Phillipson, MurrayWhite. BEST Wills, Fletcher, Murray-White, Haggerty, Taylor, Tehan . AJAX Shlakht 7, Rajch 6, Mehl 5, Brann 3, Rotstein 3, Moss 2, Aiadjem, Krasnostein, Lewis, Nathan, Rosen, Wrobel . BEST Braun, Chrapot, Engelman, Nathan, Shlakht, Krasnostein. ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGER 6.9 13.15 25 .20 30 .24 .204 OLD SCOTCH 1 .3 3.5 4.5 7.10.52 ST BEDES/MENTONE Scullin 8, Tims 4, Carroll 3, M . Razga 3, Corderoy 2, Philp 2, Hayes 2, Stewart, Hunter, Marsh, P. Razga, Georgoulis, McGrath . BEST Philp, Georgoulis, McGrath, Carroll, Tims, Scullin . O SCOTCH Grigg 3, Teasdale 2, Heath, McDonnell . BEST Elliott, Grigg, Gregory, Roberts, Seymour, Speed .
CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1 .3 7.3 8.8 14 .9.93 COLLEGIANS 4.5 6 .11 11 .19 21 .23 .149 CAUL GRAMMAR Howard 3, Webster 3, Morrison 2, Lubransky 2, Kuppe, Smith, Engleman, Mathieson . BEST Cassidy, Webster, Boyd, Engleman, Smith, Morrison . COLLEGIANS Degen 4, Williams 4, Bell 3, Grant 3, Manuell 2, Bell, DeYoung, Johnston, West, Semmens. BEST Mulder, Semmens, Bell, West, Lumley, Johnston . MHSOB 2.3 3.8 5.9 7.12.54 OLD BRIGHTON 5.6 9.7 18 .10 25 .14 .164 MHSOB Fountas 3, Barge, Thomas, Saultry, Goldin . BEST Goldin, Barge, Saultry, Gillespie, Magna. O BRIGHTON Swanell 7, Antonia 6, Wilson 4, Ferrer 4, Bilionis 2, Teschendorff, Magee . BEST Team Effort . MONASH BLUES A BY E
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS vs MAZENO D Field: D. Ashton, C. O'Donohue OLD MENTONIANS vs DE LA SALLE Field: A . Belcher, D. Kramer Boundary: C. Sullivan, B. Collins ORMOND vs ST BERNARDS Field: G . Kelly, S. Meredith Boundary: J . Huckson, D. Chalmers OLD HAILEYBURY vs OLD MELBURNIANS Field: D. Mclnterney, A . Firley Boundary: L. Gallagher, T. Creighton Goal: K . Walker, R. Schneider CHIRNSIDE PARK vs MARCELLIN Field: A . Stubbs, R . Krishnan U19 SECTION 2 CENTRAL UNIVERSITY BLUES vs OLD PARADIANS Field: K . Coughlan, A . Alexander OLD IVANHOE vs OLD TRINITY Field: M . Jackson (Rot), A . Flack Boundary: I . May, T. Littl e OLD CAMBERWELL vs ST LEOS WATTLE PARK (1 .30 start) Field: D. Anderson, N . Woods Boundary: P. Batty, A . Stephen NORTH OLD BOYS vs UNI BLACKS Friday May 14, 6.15pm at Gillon Ova l Field: M . Jenkins (Rot), M . Pinney IVANHOE vs THERRY Field: T. Keating, B . Calleja Boundary: C. Ryan, N . Smith BYES : OLD CAREY, WHITEFRIAR S U19 SECTION 2 SOUTH AJAX vs MONASH BLUES (1 .30pm start) Field: C. Swale, T. Ovadi a Boundary: R . Valentine, B . McKee OLD SCOTCH vs HAMPTON ROVERS Field: D . Miller, M . McCrohan Boundary: C. Waters, R . Killey ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS vs MHSOB Field: B. Hayward, A . Harris Boundary: R. Braun, T. Shakespeare COLLEGIANS vs OLD BRIGHTON Field: R . Marlyn, P. Rapke BYE : CAULFIELD GRAMMARIAN S ,
® ®
SECTION 1 PICCIOLI, Chirnside Par k (0) 25 PETROFF, Old Xaverians (0) 24 LOOBY, Ormond (12) 223 STONES, Old Xaverians 2 SECTION 2 SOUTH RAJCH, AJAX (6) 29 KELSON, Collegians (0) 21 SCULLN, St Bedes Mentone Tigers (8) 17 FOUNTAS, MHSOB (3) 15 M . RAZGA, St Bedes (3) 15 SECTION 2 CENTRA L MATTHEWS, Old Carey (0) 31 NAISMITH, Whitefriars 26 JOYCE, Ivanhoe ( ) 23 S . FARRELL, Old Paradians (5) 22
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THIS SERVICE IS AGAIN OPERATING FOR THE SEASON AND WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING : • Football Feedback - Phil Stevens Editorial • Umpire appointments for weekend matches - to assist clubs in supplying officials when required (Friday) • A new service: Thursday morning - all permits approved th e previous Wednesday evening will be read out . U19 permits approved on Friday will be listed Friday afternoo n • Final siren scores of all matches played (Saturday evening ) Service provided courtesy of Computer Implementation Consultants, Port Melbourn e
1E I ~~i `~
MARKETING NEWS by Phil Stevens
Once again Spo rtscover is proud to be associated with VAFA as a Level 3 Sponsor for season 1993 . our communication and relationship has again been prosperous with the majority of clubs . However some clubs still fail to see the advantage of having Spo rtscover, and let their players go unprotected for another season . Spo rts Insurance is a vital pa rt of any clubs activities, especially where the club is facing such daunting stati stics as :. Approximately 50% of all footballers get seriously in j ured in any one season . • Spo rtscover paid out over $30,000 last year to Amateur players for their non-medicare costs . ** Fort unately there were no serious disabilities in th e
VAFA as have occurred in other Leagues * * Those clubs who tookcover should be congratulated on accepting the responsibility of protecting the players that represent them . And looking for the best interests of the club. For, an injured player who can't afford to seek medical treatment is not of great benefit to the club . But hopefully the club he represents is of benefit to him . If your club doesn't insure, isn't it time to take the responsibility of taking the risk out of playing football especially in these hard times, where an injury that is not insured can not only affect the individual, but the family unit . Support family football and ensure your players can afford to play. Insure with Sportscover, (03) 887 9255.
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LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundl e
ROUND 6 - 5 YEARS AGO - 1988 Umpire Corner reported afirst - field umpire Brack Hayward tried to start the game without a whistle! The front cover of the Amateur Footballer featured Ormond's captain and interstate player, Russell Barnes, executing a handpass . Some of his teammates commented that a Barnes handpass usually meant execution for someone. Old Paradians, 10 pts down at the last change, outplayed NOB in thefinal term, 7.5 to 3 .3, to win by 16 pis to give them a 5 win 1 loss record after 6 games . Best were Abrahams, Gleason, Peyton (Old P) and Paul Considine, Turnbull, O'Rourke (NOB) . " 250 games to St Kilda !s Mark Kay, 150 games to David Matthews of Caulfield Grammarians, to Old Geelong's president, Tim Jackson . "D" Section coaches were Mark Feldy (Ajax), Max McColl (Bull .Uni .), Gary Rosewarne (E'wick), Ian Rice (H . Rovers), David Bellett (North B'wick), Terry Rossiter (Old C'well), Bob Jamieson ( Old Ment .), George Tsolaccos (Preston), Ken Bremner State Bank), Les White (West B'wick) . It was a big day when Old Mentonians ran out against West Brunswick and it was 300 games for the club for Colin 'Conga' Ericksen . The c!ub's first Life Member, best clubman three times, VAFA Certificate of Merit Award winner and committeeman for the whole 21 years of the club's history - the team did the day proud by beating W .B . 13 .14 to 8.7 . Best for Old Mentonians were their star, Ga ry Norton, Rogers, Bournon and Neil Maguire while Davis, D. & S. Lampard were best for the losers. ROUND 6 - 10 YEARS AGO - 198 3 The Building Appeal was launched at the Presidents, Secretaries, Members Dinner held in the Long Room at the MCG . The President welcomed His Excellency Rear Admiral Sir Brian Murray and the Appeal was launched by Or Donald Cordner who presented a cheque for $1000 on behalf of the Melbourne Cricket Club. A Section coaches were Bruce Ferguson Coll ., Neil Le Lievre De LaSalle, Bob Edmonds Ivanhoe., Terry Scanlon North 0 B, Trevor Read Old Scotch, Mike McArthur-Allen Ormond, Syd M yers Uni Blues, Laurie Aghan Old Melb ., Michael Butler Marcellin, Gerard Sholly Old Xavs . Congratulations to Adrian "Twing" Hunger UHSOB, 100 games, Lino Blasi Clayton, 100 games. I n F Section Old Geelong suffered its first defeat when , after an even first half U HSOB was far too strong in the second half, winning 17.20. 122 to 8 .16.64. Best were Vesetas, Webster, DeRowing (UHSOB) & Pearson, Morrison, Jewell (O .G . ) 15 YEARS AGO - 197 8 'D' Section coaches were Lionel Allemand
(Country Colleges), Trevor Read (MHSOB), Peter Hutchinson (Old C'well Gramm), Mike Perry (Powerhuse), Allan Olle (St Kevins OB), John M urrie (SSB), & Robert Reid (UHSOB), who coached Elsternwick, Heatherton, West Brunswick ? Congratulations to 200 games Ajax Reserves player Tony Robin, a dedicated worker for the Club on and off the field . Life member of M UJFC, Frank Henegan boundary umpired his 200th game for University . 150 games to De La Salle's "Swivel Hips" Chris Lofts, State Bank's ex Portland Boy Alan Pitts, Old Brighton's John Barry. Heatherton farewelled Peter Schiller on his transfer to the London office of his company - and thanked him for his magnificent coaching record, 3 premierships and a runner-up in 5 years . Powerhouse staged a great second half to come back from 25 pts down to go down by 2 pts to St Kevins OB in a high scoring game, 17.18.120 to 19.8122, with both teams kicking 7 gls apiece in the final term . McKaige Hannan ( 4 gls) Hewitt & Cross were best for St Kevins OB . 20 YEARS AGO - 1973 'A' Section coaches were John Caspers Caul . Gramm ., Alan Salter Coburg ., John Vautier Geelong, John Bennetti Ivanhoe., Clive Laidlaw Mon Blues., Bob Spurling North OB, Denis Dalton 0 Paradians, Ted Farrell Ormond, Bus Mitchell St Bernards & Les Hughson Uni Blues . QUIZ: Can you put the names to these questions? One previously coached Alphington and later University Blacks . One went on to be chairman of selectors at Fitzroy in 1993. One went on to coach University Blues, Old Ivanhoe, and Ivanhoe. Four played VFL football for Collingwood, Carlton, Footscray and Melbourne . Top team Caulfield Gramm . had a close call at Geelong when they beatthe locals by only 9 pts . Clark, S McLaughlin, Dickeson (CG) & Davis, Birrell, Lowcock (6 gls) (Geel .) were best . De La Salle's inaccurate kicking 12 .19 to Kew 14 .10 left De La on the bottom of B Section after 5 games without a will . 100 games to Peter M itchell De La Salle, 50 games to Andrew Dick Old Brighton & John Spiden Old Geelong . Umpire's Corner asked a good question - if the ball is in the air and the siren goes and the ball goes over the boundary line on the full, is it a free kick ? 25 YEARS AGO - 1968 Burly Ajax ruckman Hiram Janover played his 150th game. North Old Boys' press correspondent celebrated
Les M urray's 100th game with the comments -"one of the best players ever to wear the purple and white guernsey, has represented Victoria on two occasions, has won North's best and fairest award". Collegians & Old Scotch, one win each appeared evenly matched . However, at three-quarter time Collegians led Old Scotch 11 .12 to 0 .1 Old Scotch rallied in the last quarter to kick 4.3 . Old Trinity lost top place in E Section to AMP when they went down by 13 pts . AMP were best served by C rompton, Metcalf & Phelan while Old Trinity's press correspondent also had a bad day like his players . 35 YEARS AGO - 195 8 Collegians trounced Old Melburnians to continue their unbeaten run . Rush (6), Farrell, Sunderland (Coll .) & Fro omes, Turner, Ramsden (OM) were best with scores 22 .8 to 6.9 . Joint unbeaten leader Old Xavs struggled hard all day against a dogged Uni Blues before winning by 12 pts . Best were Tony Capes (of Footscray fame) Corby, Johnson Old Xavs., & 1A/iicox, Tully, Hiscock (Uni Blues) . Other undefeated teams were Uni Blacks (B), Parkside (C) and Uni Reds (E) . Leading goalkickers were (A) Woodhouse, Uni Blues 21 ; (B) Browne Uni Blacks 22 ; (C) Barton (Nat. ,
Bank 17; (D) O'Brien St Kevins 25 ; ( E) Ridley ola B. 24 . 100 games to hard-hitting back pocket Bill Colenso Old Melb . In the battle of neighbours Alphington held their place in A Section four with a 16 pt win over Ivanhoe . Feldt, J. Whitfield, Heffernan (Alph .) & Hughes, Neeson Burt ( Ivanhoe) were best . 45 YEARS ago - 1948 B Section teams were Parkside (6 wins), Old Xavs., Comm Bank, Brunswick (4), Uni biues, Baiwyn (3} ; S.S .Bank, Elsternwick ( 2), Parkdale, Teachers College (1) . Geelong on top in C Section were in trouble atthreequartertime against Caul . Grammarians, but kicked 6.3 to 1 .1 in the last quarter . Stars for the winners were Jack Lamb (captain, Max Lowe & Fred Herd . Teams yet to record a victory were Malvern, Coll egians (A), Caul . Grammarians ( C), UHSOB (D) and Murrumbeena ( Junior) . Cliff Geer kicked 8 for Old Scotch against Collegians . (awnoqaW) Melple-1 aA110 pue ((ejostoo=I) 6ullindS qo8 •(poo~,6ulpoD) uof190 Slue(] •(uotlje0)1}iauua8 uqor aatlES ueld •Ila4ol!W sn0 • IlaaaeA pal :arnp ot jenssuq
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BY 5.30 P M UNI BLACKS U19 5.50•( *Clubs had to be contacted for sco re s tScore obtained fro m opponents
PLEASE NOTE: Standard fines will apply for clubs guilty of the above offences . Clubs who offend on three occasions for the same type of offence will be charged with "conduct unbecoming a Member club of the Association "
F_ IS 719 ~) n 0 R R rMPONDENTS /
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COACHES CLIPBOARD edited by Brian Woodhea d
STATISTICALLY S PEAKI N G by John Simpson, Senior Coach, Ivanhoe Amateur Football Clu b The use of statistics has for many years been a subject for debate. Many coaches believe there is little to be gained from the collection of player statistics . On my journey through this coaching life I have become convinced that statistics can provide a coach with vital information for his use when analysing individual and team performance . The tool I use to assist with the analysis of collected data is an IBM Compatible PC and Harvard 2 .3 Graphics Software. I can then use aformat that can simply be updated weekly to measure 1 . Quarter by Quarter - Kicks, Handballs, Tackles - and <2 . Individual player - Kicks, Handballs, Tackle s all information prescribed in graph form and compared to averages. The adage of "If you can't measure it . . . you can't improve it" is the key issue when analysing the information I then provide all senior players . Established work rates (which I shall keep to myself at this stage of the season) are known and targets set for each quarter, for each individual for each group of players . The graphs are professional in their presentation and players are eager to see during the week how they went as a team, as an individual or as a group (e .g . mid field group) in relation to established targets and averages such statistical information becomes a vital motivator for all players and formalizes both individual and team goals. It gives all players a focus and something to shoot for. For those critics who may believe it would encourage a selfish attitude amongst players I can assure you that I don't limit my collection of data to these aspects of the game. I also target turnovers as a crucial statistic and centre breaks . Both are not just courted but each one is analysed . There are other statistics that I take, the details of which I sha!l retain until my retirement! The message however is clear - such information collected by a team of 6 on Saturdays contributes significantly to my coaching of players, development of tactics and selection of teams instead of relying on opinion and conjecture alone I can back up my opinions with cold, hard facts . Every Sunday morning I spend an hour organising the data . The use of the computer technology simplifies the task and provides me with easily accessible files for all games that I can scan at a moments notice . Sample copies of the graphs I have mentioned are available from Brian Woodhead at Elsternwick Park . As a P.S. I read with interest my good friend Max Lyon's article re Discipline and thought that my coaching colleagues would be interested in knowing that prior to last Saturday's game the Senior players I have the pleasure of coaching at Ivanhoe held a meeting alone to establish their own set of rules . The code of conduct that they have all agreed to has now been documented and without giving too much away includes :
ÂŽ Any player sent off during the game - all players to train on Sunday morning at 9 am . â&#x20AC;˘ For every 25 metre penalty - all senior players required to run the equivalent in 400's on Thursday night Just two of a number of self determined rules. In my opinion the best form of discipline is self imposed . Well done lads- I'1l count the 3 400's this Thursday for you . John Simpson Senior Coach Ivanhoe Amateur Football Clu b RESOURCE OF THE WEEK : 'Resource of the week' section is aimed at providing ALL VAFA people with the opportunity to contribute to 'Coaches Clipboard'. A 'Resource' can be a book, video, newspaper/ magazine article, an idea for a 'Coaches Clipboard' article, or even a'Footy Idea' you're prepared to share with us . All submissions to 'resource of the week' become eligible for the 'RESOURCE OF THE MONTH' award to the value of $20 from Melbourne Sports Books. This weeks 'Resource of the week' is David Wheadons first book "Drill and Skills": The book contains over 100 illustrated drills, with many variations which have all been tested and developed over many years attop AFL level by several clubs. The book does not intend to cover all the different components of training necessary for Australian Rules. Its aim is to make available skill drills which David has found to be useful . In addition, there are chapters which deal with skills, skillstesting and sports psychology. "Drills andSkills" is available from Melbourne Sports Books for $15. MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKS Books on all major sports 9 Elizaeth Street Melbourne, 3000 Owner/Manager Santo Caruso Trading hours: Mon - Thurs 9.30 - 5.30 Friday 9 .30 - 7.00, Saturday 9.30 - 1 .00 Phone : 621 121 1 Submit 'Resource' by 3 pm each Friday. JOHN KEENAN BRIAN WOODHEAD Ph : 467 2043 (H) at VAFA 412 7853 (W) OR Ph : 531 8333 Fax : 412 7803 Fax : 531 660 1
MELEES - B EWARE A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each otherto the ground or other similar such conduct".
11TH MAY 199 3 A . COMMITO, St Bernards - Striking - 4 matches . J . GOLLANT, St Bernards - Striking - 4 matches . G . SMITH, Parkside - Tripping - 3 matches . R. GASON, Camberwell - Charging - 2 matches. P. ENGLEHART, Camberwell - Charging - 2 matches . M. SHERLOCK, Parkside - Striking - 2 matches A . SCARAFILIO, West Brunswick - Violently pushing an opponent - 2 matches. J . HART - O . Scotch - Striking - 3 matche s S. M AGEE, O. Brighton U19 - Misconduct - 2 matches. S. DUKETIS, Runner MHSOB U19 - Assault - 6 matches.
A . SEYMOUR, O. Scotch U19 - Elbowing - 4 matches. *V. COMITO, St Bernards - Striking - 2 matches . *J . TKOCZ, Parkside - Misconduct - 2 matches . *S. NEATE, O. Carey - Misconduct - 2 matches . *M . STEWART, O . Ivanhoe - Audible offence - 1 match . *S . HARVEY, VUT/FIT - Audible offence -1 match . *M . McGlade, VUT/FIT - Striking - 2 matches . *Accepted prescribed penalty. B. WOODHEAD Tribunal Co-ordinato r
VAFL U18s vs Cent rnnl, I1rag®ns VAFA U18s 0 .1 3.3 8.5 9.8 .62 Central Dragons 7 .3 9 .7 11 .8 14 .13 .9 7 Despite a customary stirring pre-match address from coach John Simpson, our boys seemed overawed bythe occasion and watched almost helplessly asthe Centrals piled on 7 goalsto our none in the first quarter . The second quarter saw us get going and we outscored the Centrals during these quarters . Unfortunately, they steadied in the last quarter with ex-VAFA player, Kirzner, starring on their forward line . GOALKICKERS : L . Pither 2, I . Bracken 2, B. Rattray 2, D. Mezzatesta, S. Stanton, S . La Ferlita . BEST: S. Stanton, I . Bracken, D . Mezzatesta, L . Pither, S. Davidson, S . La Ferlita .
Eastern Ranges vs VAFA U18s Eastern Ranges 2 .2 4 .3 6 .5 8 .13 .61 4 .11 5 .13 .43 1 .4 3 .7 VAFA U18s A number of positional changes were made for this game, most of which were successful . We had many chances to get clear during the first three quarters having the majority of play in our forward zone, but our absolutely atrocious kicking for goal kept the Ranges in the game . They got the early breaks in the last quarter and the loss of Luke Pither through injury made the task a little beyond us . GOALKICKERS: L . Pither, I . Bracken, P . Stanko, B . Rattray, S . Stanton . BEST: D . Mezzatesta, N . Carbone, I . Bracken, P . Zeine, M . Horsfield, P . Stanko . Thanks to coach John Simpson and all support staff fortheir contribution during this "crash" campaign . Also once again, thanks to the Parkside FC for the use of their ground for our training session .
UMPIRES CORNER by Mike Murray and Steve McCarthy • There's an old saying -"It's been a long time between drinks" - in this case it's certainly true. ,Congratulations to Alan `Arch' Bishop who goal umpired his first (official) 'A' Section game last week. Alan returned to our ranks last year having retired from VAFA Field Umpire duties in 1979 . Previous to that, he ran his last'A' game in 1972, even though he'snubbed' inthe goals for the 1975'A' NOBs vs St Bernards clash . Well done, Alan, on your latest appointment . • Congratulations too, to Craig Chalmers and Ia n Smith (no relation to Ronny) for makng itto'A' Section in the goals as well . Keep up the good work ! o Milestones to John & Jane Natoli and Ken & Therese Pitcher on notching up their 10th and 26th (respective) Wedding anniversaries last week . Whilethe former couple had a quiet celebration, observers found the Pitchers dining at Clancy's (the Restaurant not Gary's) on one night followed by an 'M . Butterfly' appearance the next . Ken's fitness obviously ensures his ability to stay awake on Saturday afternoons. • Why doesn't Che ry l 'w-o-s' M cCarthy (Wife of = Steve) ever receive a mention on this page? Steve says she craves anonymity ! • Congratulations to 'Pump' (Past Ump) Darryl 'Whiskers' Hill on behing awarded the `Publ ic Service Medal' (for services to the Exporting Industry) as part of the 1993 Australia Day Awards. A former VAFAUA President and current Life Member, Darryl is still putting in today as an Observer. • While on the subject, former VAFAUA Secretary, Graham Halbish, was recently appointed Chief Executive of the Australian Cricket Board . Having spent many happy moments 'out in the middle', Graham is now confined to 'observing the middle' behind the security of the glass in the Great Southern Stand . Remember your mates on Boxing Day, 'GH' ! o Word has it that former umpire and VAFAUA legend, Keven McKay, thought he'caughtthe eye' of afemale spectator during a recent Pat M aebus/Mark Pinney performance. Seems he backpedalled a little when young Mark exclaimed, "Mum's the word! " • Mickey 'Dildo' Gilday struts his stuf for the 200th time today . Congratulations Michael (Whatch out for a profile soon .)
• A torn calf muscle saw goalie Sam Kahn miss his first game after 126 'on the trot'. It's good to have you back, 'Fingers'. • Retraction from last week's edition : Richard Simon had the first 'go' at the'no name' flagon . Apologies to 'Buster' and 'Chuck'. • Congratulations to Mrs Geoff Grigg on winning a trailer (filled with food) - to the value of $1,000 - the result of a local shopping centre promotion . Knowing Geoff, he'll probably try eating the trailer as well . • Watch out for some Progressive Dinner 'tid-bits' next week . • Today we Profile an umpire whose services to the Association are duly recognised . Congratulations to : Name : Wayne David Henry . Nicknames: 'The Arouser' ; 'The Koala' . Commenced umpiring : 1976 VAFA . Games: 350 (310 - Field ; 40 - Boundary) . Highlights: VAFAUA President ('88) ; Life Membership ('89) ; 12 (Field) GFs ind C Section '89 ; 9 (Boundary) GFs incl 5 A Section ; 8 Interstate/Rep . games . Playing career: 1967-72 . Mentone and Cheltenham (Federal League) . Greatest influence on umpiring : Allan O'Neill, John Moss, Neville Nash . Pet Hates: People who call umpires 'cheats' ; supporters who only see the negative aspects of the game. Most memorable matches : First 'A' Grade '81 ; 150th (with brother Denis) ; 200th (with brother Ian) ; 350th (with daughter, Leisa) . BestAmateur Footballers seen : S . Hinchen, P. Kingston, M . Borcich, T. Young, A . Roe, C. Capiron, J . Bussitil . Best umpires : P. Rowell, J . Horwood, R . Simon, G . Hardiman . What I like about umpiring: Personal challenges (physical and mental) ; friendships made with clubs and colleagues . Personal ambition : To umpire every game to the best of my ability. Next week's profile : Bernard Joseph Hoar e • Normie Nugent and Shane Burdack : Your mates hope you are recovering and getting fitter each day . • Benny's Rule of the Week : "If the field umpire has sounded his/her whistle for a free kick, he/she may cancel such a free kick by calling 'Play On' if the side offended against will be penalised by enforcing the free kick ." • Remember: May 20th (Executive) ; May 27th (Association meeting) . M ike and M acca
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Packages available for your next weekend or club trip away . Contact Nikki for details Ph: 510 248 6 &Oti'11. AUTONOOILF. CLUII OF tRCIORIA (RACI') L"ID . AGN . 004 060 833 LTA 39752
L D FOR AGST % PTS A SECTION NORTH OLD BOYS 5 0 0 551 383 143 .86 20 DE LA SALLE 4 1 0 658 541 121 .63 16 OLD XAVERIANS 4 1 0 593 514 115 .37 16 COLLEGIANS 3 2 0 470 456 103.07 12 ORMOND 3 2 0 459 465 98.71 12 OLD BRIGHTON 2 3 0 504 558 9032 8 OLD SCOTCH 1 4 0 482 499 9659 4 OlD TRINITY 1 4 0 576 625 92 .16 4 OLD HAILEYBURY 1 4 0 449 497 9034 4 Si BERNARDS 1 4 0 490 694 70,61 4 SECTION THERRY CCOB I 5 B ~0 N 627 373 168.10 2 0 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 0 0 729 462 157 .79 20 OLD MENTONIANS 3 2 0 537 458 1~7 .25 12 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 2 0 622 587 105.96 12 MARCELLIN 2 3 0 453 518 87.45 8 BANYULE 2 3 0 583 667 87.41 8 OLD PARADIANS 2 3 0 479 564 84 .93 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 3 0 421 568 74.12 8 WHITEFRIARS 1 4 0 432 549 78 .69 4 FAWKNER 0 5 0 480 617 77.80 0 C SECTIO N MAZENOD 0 C 5 0 0 780 445 175.28 20 IVANHOE 4 1 0 638 503 126.84 16 MHSOB 3 2 0 668 469 142.43 12 AJAX 3 2 0 649 565 114.87 12 KEW 2 3 0 540 560 96.43 8 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 3 0 529 571 92 .64 8 ST KILDAI5fH CAULFIELD 2 3 0 546 591 9239 8 MONASH BLUES 2 3 0 488 555 87 .93 8 PARKSIDE 2 3 0 503 754 68.71 8 COMMONWEALTH BANK 0 5 0 338 722 4&81 0 0 SECTIO N OLD GEELONG 5 0 0 597 314 190 .13 20 OLD IVANHOE 4 1 0 797 473 168 .50 18 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIG 4 1 0 542 377 143.77 16 BRUNSWICK 4 1 0 478 430 111 .16 18 ST KEVINS 2 3 0 561 555 101 .08 8 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 3 0 589 614 95.93 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 3 0 511 711 71 .87 8 THOMASTOWN 1 4 0 424 550 77 .09 4 • UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 4 0 372 584 63 .70 4 NORTH BRUNSWICK 0 5 0 354 784 45 .15 0 E SECTION DOVETON 5 0 0 788 396 198 .99 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 1 0 582 349 166.78 16 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 4 1 0 677 412 164 .32 16 GLENHUNTLY 4 1 0 524 390 134.36 16 0. ESSENDON GRAMMAR 3 2 0 549 511 107 .44 12 AQUINAS 0 B 2 3 0 457 493 92 .70 8 POWERHOUSE 1 4 0 385 469 82 .09 4 BULLEEN UNITED 1 4 0 421 564 74 .65 1 4 ELSTERNWICK 1 4 0 449 798 5627 4 ANZ BANK 0 5 0 324 774 41 .86 0 F7 SECTION ST MARYS S 0 0 598 381 156.96 20 ST ANDREWS 4 1 0 554 493 112 .37 16 ST JOHNS 0 C 3 2 0 695 474 146.62 12 LATROBE UNIVERSITY 3 2 0 607 485 125 .15 12 SALESIAN 0 C 3 2 0 568 561 101 .25 12 Si PATRICKS MENTONE 2 3 0 517 508 101 .77 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 3 0 484 525 92 .19 8 PENINSULA 0 B 2 3 0 408 567 71.96 8 UHSOB 1 4 0 465 563 82.59 4 OLD CAREY 0 5 0 350 689 50.80 0 F2 SECTION YARRA VALLEY O 8 5 0 0 529 399 132 .58 20 OAKLEiGH AFC 4 1 0 837 293 285.67 16 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 1 0 584 356 158 .43 18 CHIRNSIDE PARK 4 1 0 511 329 155 .32 16 UNIVERSITY REDS 3 2 0 780 415 187.95 12 CANTERBURY N BALWYN 3 2 0 627 492 127.44 12 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 3 2 0 469 593 79 .09 12 BALWYN COMB A F C 1 4 0 308 434 70.97 4 BORONIA PARK 1 4 0 382 662 57 .70 4 CAMBERWELL A F C 1 4 0 399 699 57.08 4 VUT/FIT 1 4 0 199 933 2133 4 A RESERVE SECTION OLD XAVERiANS 5 0 0 521 334 155 .99 20 OLD SCOTCH 5 0 0 530 394 134.52 20 ORMOND 3 2 0 694 426, 139.44 12 COLLEGIANS 3 2 0 393 359 109A7 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 2 1 454 473 95 .98 10 DE LA SALLE 2 3 0 389 383 101 .57 8 OLD BRIGHTON 2 3 0 314 444 70 .72 8 OLD TRINITY 1 3 1 369 487 75.77 6 Si BERNARDS 1 4 0 377 442 85 .29 4 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 5 0 242 509 47 .54 0 B RESERVE SECTION THERRY CCOB 5 0 0 564 227 248.48 20 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 0 0 463 222 208 .58 20 OLD PARADIANS 4 1 0 441 314 140.45 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 2 0 453 361 125.48 12 WHITEFRIARS 3 2 0 422 447 94.41 12 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 4 0 293 341 85.92 4 OLD MENTONIANS 1 4 0 278 460 60.43 4 MARCELLIN 1 4 0 193 323 59 .75 4 BANYULE 1 4 0 246 508 48 .43 4 FAWKNER 1 4 0 170 568 29.93 4 C RESERVE SECTION MHSOB 5 0 0 607 188 322.87 20 IVANHOE 5 0 0 441 223 197.78 20 AJAX 3 2 0 330 251 131.47 12 MONASH BLUES 3 2 0 332 321 103.43 12 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 2 0 295 363 81 .27 12 MAZENOD 0 C 2 3 0 468 293 15973 8 ST KILDA/STH CAULFIELD 2 3 0 406 330 123 .03 8 8 PARKSIDE 2 3 0 192 461 41 .65
W L D FOR AGST % PTS D RESERVE SECTION UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 0 0 656 222 295.50 20 ST KEVINS 5 0 0 384 262 146 .58 20 OLD IVANHOE 4 1 0 431 218 199 .54 16 OLD GEELONG 3 2 0 520 312 166.67 12 ST BEDESIMENTONE TIGE 2 3 0 401 238 168.49 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 3 0 238 442 53.85 8 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 1 4 0 251 457 ' 54 .92 4 , NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 4 0 206 443 46,50 4 THOMASTOWN 1 4 0 233 557 41 .83 4 BRUNSWICK 1 4 0 197 471 41.83 4 E RESERVE SECTIO N OLD CAMBERWELL 5 0 0 564 206 273 .79 20 DOVETON 4 1 0 537 239 224 .89 1 .37 16 6STLEOWAPRK41086259 POWERHOUSE 3 1 1 354 315 112 .38 14 AQUINAS 0 B 2 2 1 334 323 103 .41 10 O. ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2 3 0 427 298 143 .29 8 GLENHUNTLY 2 3 0 404 380 106 .32 8 ELSiERNWICK 2 3 0 332 434 76.50 8 BULLEEN UNITED 0 5 0 172 617 27.88 0 ANZ BANK 5 0 104 679 , 1532 0 Fl RESERVE SECTION LATROBE UNIVERSITY 5 0 0 ' 418 192 217.71 20 ST JOHNS 0 C 4 1 0 366 308 118.83 16 PENINSULA OB 3 2 0 537 279 192 .47 12 UHSOB 3 2 0 382 331 115.41 12 Si ANDREWS 3 2 0 437 387 112 .92 12 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 2 3 0 354 409 86,55 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 3 0 285 367 7766 8 ST MARYS 2 3 0 310 548 56.57 8 OLD CAREY 1 4 0 281 387 72.61 4 SALESIAN 0 C 0 5 0 287 449 63 .92 0 F2 RESERVE SECTIO N RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 0 0 478 178 268 .54 20 CHIRNSIDE PARK 5 0 0 401 234 171 .37 20 1 0 629 208 302.40 16 OAKLEIGH A F C 4 UNIVERSITY REDS 3 2 0 413 160 258 .13 12 BALWYN COMB A F C 3 2 0 291 208 139.90 12 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 3 2 0 216 281 76 .87 12 BORONIA PARK 2 3 0 393 411 95,62 8 CANTERBURY N . BALWYN 2 3 0 320 379 84 .43 8 VUT/FIT 2 3 0 116 355 32 .68 8 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 1 4 0 203 583 34,82 4 CAMBERWELL A F C 0 5 0 61 640 9.53 0 CLUB XVIII - NORTH ELTHAM 0 C 5 0 0 525 275 190 .91 20 OLD PARADIANS 4 1 0 419 269 155.76 16 NORTW OLD BOYS 4 1 0 364 240 151 .67 16 KEW 3 2 0 251 304 82 .57 12 THERRY 3 2 0 173 377 45.89 12 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 3 0 277 270 102 .59 8 ST BERNARDS 2 3 0 346 376 92 .02 8 MARCELLIN 1 4 0 203 357 5686 4 OLD GEELONG 1 4 0 121 325 37.23 4 CLUB XVIII - SOUTH OLD MELBURNIANS 5 0 0 443 214 207 .01 20 OLD SCOTCH 5 0 0 353 241 146.47 20 • OLD XAVERIANS 4 1 0 387 177 218.64 1 6 MAZENOD 0 C 3 2 0 385 313 123.00 12 BLOODS 2 3 0 254 267 95.13 8 COLLEGIANS 2 3 0 331 353 93.77 8 MONASH WHITES 2 3 0 269 309 87.06 8 DE LA SALLE 1 4 0 225 298 7550 4 POWER HOUSE 1 4 0 164 609 26 .93 4 MONASH GRYPHONS 0 5 0 195 541 36 .04 0 UNDER 19 - SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 5 0 0 842 383 219 .84 20 MAZENOD 0 C 4 1 0 703 406 173.15 18 DE LA SALLE 4 1 0 847 449 144 .10 16 ORMOND 3 2 0 658 523 125 .43 12 Si BERNARDS 3 2 0 621 503 123.46 12 CHIRNSIDE PARK 3 2 0 636 539 118.00 1 2 • OLD MELBURNIANS 2 3 0 333 392 84.95 8 OLD HAILEYBURY 1 4 0 508 784 64 .80 4 OLD MENTONIANS 0 5 0 320 1024 31 .25 0 • MARCELLIN 0 5 0 188 730 25.75 0 UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 CENTRAL UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 0 0 560 298 187 .92 20 OLD CAREY 4 1 0 722 373 19357 16 IVANHOE 4 1 0 548 353 155.24 16 OLD PARADIANS 4 1 0 372 351 105.98 18 WHITEFRIARS 3 2 0 639 384 166.41 12 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 2 0 696 466 14936 12 THERRY 3 2 0 303 372 81 .45 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 3 0 525 617 8509 8 OLD TRINITY 2 3 0 375 485 77 .32 8 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 2 3 0 318 564 5638 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 4 0 328 573 57.24 4 BULLEEN/TEMPLESfOrYE 1 2 0 75 381 19.69 4 OLOIVANHOE 0 5 0 198 875 22 .63 0 UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 SOUTH AJAX 5 0 0 669 239 279.92 20 COLLEGIANS 4 1 0 895 353 196 .88 16 OLD BRIGHTON 4 1 0 720 369 195 .12 16 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIG 3 2 0 504 356 141 .57 12 MHSOB 2 3 0 411 557 73.79 8 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 3 0 440 645 68.22 8 MONASH BLUES 2 3 0 274 491 55 .80 8 OLD SCOTCH 2 3 0 260 570 45.61 8
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