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' Waverley Park, June 1992 . , The .VAFA soundly defeated th e
~SAAFL':-Here:-Danny Thomson dashes clear support ed by druno Conti and Wayne Carey. ~
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V4o1ious members f theoen"eallh Serv*s Ur'0er 19 team .7 winners of the 1992 Vic Health u/19 Championships . Coach John Simpso n
with ball) is pictured proudly amongst his players.
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EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s
Today I write about two matters that people have been seeking some clarification ts ewill - will bebe ofof assistanc assistancee . statem on iately. Hopefully the foNowng
1 6 0IRDER-OF'F" IN AMATEUR FOOTBAL L A . SENIOR AND UNDER 19 FOOTBALL (incl . Club 18 Football ) (1) Any player reported for any offence under the rules by the field umpire must be ordered-off the field for either 15 minutes of playing time or for the remainder of the match . This player cannot be replaced by an interchange player . Or conversely any player ordered from the field for either 15 minutes of playing time or for the remainder of the match must be reported (2) it is entirely in the umpire's discretion as to whether the period the player is ordered-off is 15 minutes or the remainder of the match . Umpires are instructed that serious reports e.g . "king hitting" without provocation, assaulting an umpire or kicking etc ., require the player to be ordered-off for the remainder of the match . (3) If a player is to be ordered from the field for the remainder of the game, rather than for 15 minutes, the umpire shall at the first appropriate break in play advise the runner of the player's club of the fact that the player is ordered-off for the remainder of the game. The player is not replaced . (4) Any player reported for any second offence during the one game must automatically be ordered-off for the remainder of the game . Again this player cannot be replaced by an interchange player. (5) The player ordered off must leave the area at th e
interchange area where his exit is recoroe . it is we responsibility of the runner for the club to liaise with the timekeepers to notify the runner when 15 minutes of play has elapsed . At that time the player or an interchange player for him may then return to the ground . This must also be recorded by the interchange steward . (6) If a player is reported by an Association appointed goal or boundary umpire the player does not leave the field until the goal or boundary umpire has conferred with one of the field umpires who will then direct the player to leave the field and will advise as to the duration that the player is ordered-off . (7) For audible obscenities players are ordered-off for 15 minutes but not necessarily reported . The player is of course not replaced . (8) In Under 19 football for obscenities, whether audible from off the field or not, players are ordered-off for 15 minutes but are not necessarily reported (although they can and perhaps should be) . B RESERVE GR A DE FOOTBAL L (1) The rules mentioned above for Senior and Under 19 football apply for Reserve Grade football . (2) Club appointed field umpires also have the power in reserve grade matchesto order-off for 15 minutes without reporting a player or players . In such circumstances the player or players cannot be replaced during the 15 minutes .
/ oh can return t Injured players must leave the field via the interchange o ewas taken via they interchange didn't leave : area except (a) when a player is placed on a stretcher on the field (b) if the player is taken on a stetcher from the ground hecanbetakenfromthefieldatanypointtobetaken around the boundary line (not necessary) play player into the dressing rooms for attention . cannot be commenced until the stretchered As long asthis player lefttheground onthestretcher has been taken from the ground . rule as it is used in Amateur football Comment is invited from readers in relation to the "Order-off"Can How? it be improved? ® Has it deficiencies ® • Is it good for the game? . win 2 VAFA Centenary Year caps P Stevens will Best comment received in writing
Clubs playing EP matches are provided with entry tickets for players and officials . Clubs and players are advised that players who give their entry tickets away will have their clubs invoiced for the number of players/officials without tickets given "frPee~te ~terYs.
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A SECTION by Adam KenYOn
REVIEW Old Trinity t o De La Salle shook off a tenacious eventually run out 30pt victors . . Brighton had run Trinity through only trailed De Jim La bythe 3 pis at 3rd 1/2 time term but were to get level by 3/4 timehome booting 9 gls left behind in the 3rd term when De La piled on 7 gls + Collegians by 38 pt~ their race t erCrr , . The De La surge came l in the fina to lead comfortably by 3/4 time when Trinity's Grant Hudson was sent off during the 3rd . The good news for De La was that Peter Rennie North Old Boys term Brighton take on the injury riddled recaptured his form and wingman Damian Crowe to w n~ s game but anythingeesstthan fiuill sdtrength may continued his . Andrew Anderson and Steve Hopkins not be enough to win in the blustery conditions at South weware (and a 10pt lead!) when Hudson was sent off . . Luke Boyle has been North's focal point and his tThere o Road is something to be learnt there, somewhere! thigh injury will see him restricted - if he plays at all . At The North bubble well and truly burst when botto mh the other end of the ground, Tom Hayden has been magnificent since his return from Sandringham and he Bernanis knocked them right off their perc placed St. North were forced to make 6 changes to their certamly lifts his team's performance . Brad Pollock, Chris by 21 pts Brook, Adam McLachlan and Simon Mercer are . side becaus of d accomplished players who show their best at home e game could seethem struggle . And what of St Bernar Chris Calthorpe was the perfect rover for Wayne Carey North are a good side but with up to 9 players out I'll I and with Greg Wood proving to be a dangerous forward go with Brighton by 10 pts . . JackO'Connell played the entire to Old Trinity and will be the Saints rolled home Collegians are at home reserves game and then decided to kick 2 quick goals . Although they were sluggish expected to win this one last week, when the Lions roared in the final term they in the final term to seal this game. Steve Brazil played his usual good game and North actually hit the lead in showed thatthey are still aforce in A -section . Trinity keep the 3rd term but the unpredictable St Bernards came going close but just can't quite crack it for a win . It's back to notch a most important victory pointless trying to match the two sides on paper as . stormed y Collegians are far superior but Trinity plays a tough, Speaking of unpredictable - Haileyburby 22 pts Ormond persistent brand of football and they are capable - but home in the 2nd 1/2 to defeat surprise, surprise! The return of Gary Phillips gave thet Collegians at the Harry Trott oval rarely lose . Ahbon and Galbraith will lock horns in the centre in the duel of the Bloods a target up forward and when Ormond's Bretk day, but Collegians should win - if they want to - by 4 gls . Connell leftthe ground in the 1st t Were Gler ~o out to St Bernards over in the centre . Haileybury Old Scotch take the long road explode in the 1st 112 and especially when they got to . for a game that may turn out to be a close resemblance . Both teams are undermanned whether it be a 4 gl lead in the 2nd term, but Ormond fought back of a war . Scotch won on heart last week The Bloods booted 11 glsto 5 after 1/2 time and I'm sure from injury or suspension that Mike McArthur-Allen would have had some goal.9 and Rob Fuller s return certainly has made a big kicking practice at Ormond this week as they kicked 3not difference to the Cardinals . St Bernards came from I'm . Are the Bloods back in town? nowhere to beat North last week and maybe they are in the final term jumping on the bandwagon yet ! getting serious aboutthe 1993 season . The fotr ~ernards The Old Xavs defeated arch rivals Old Scotch in a Calthorpe and Wayne Carey is givin g St . Firstly Justin Hosking was greater opportunities up forward while Scotch look like game marred by incidents taken to hospital by Ambulance after only 10 seconds missing Laird and Hosking through injury . St Bernards . The game was re-started 15 minutes later as at home by 2 gls. of play their new position as A-section Scotch jumped the Xavs. The The O . Xaverians in at d 3 needed by Scotch as they also lost Jeremy Laird an Ormond the Lake Oval . The Xavs have leaders play impressed everyone this season and this week will have Richard Anderson in the 1st term . Scotch were on top until Tim Hart was sent from the field in the 3rd term and Matt Bourke back in the side. Mick Blood has run into . Anthony McDonald and good form in the ruck and with John McKay, Anthony the Xavs added 4 quick goals l Egan and Dan Richardson controlling the defence,l find Mick Blood led the Xaverian charge from their on-bal wounds, bu it hard to see Ormond kicking a winning score today t roles where Scotch were lef well served by forwards Tom licking ndrA drew Hartt . - especially if Brett Connell doesn't play, John Bowen is in great touch in the centre and with Stoney, Bailey Once again the send-off rule saw an avalanche occur and O'Sullivan up forward they should be on top at the final term to shake a dogge d Collegians took until the . Brighton led by 3 goals at 1/2 final bell . Andrew Jobling, Nick Sebo and Phil Kingston Brighton from their tails will have to use all of their experience and talent to pull time and the way the ball was coming from defence to this one off! The Xavs by 20pts .De La SalVe at th e attack was a picture to watch . Brad Pollock and Chris Brook were inspirational and with Tom Hayden at full Finally O. Haileybu ry plwell, but they k Lions McKinnon reserve. De La aren't playing forward Brighto n d diff erent fought bac a Davi m Bennett a~d like
are winning . The return of Gary Phillips and this week Matt DeMattla has given the Bloods a forward line worth kicking to. Dave Connell will fight it out to the wire with Col McClounan and Matt Armstrong on Damian Crowe will be worth watching . Unfortunately for the Bloods, De La's Peter Rennie found touch last week which is just what G . Phillips did not wantto hear. Brett Mahoney and Chris Kraus will battle it out for the roving honours but r feel that De La may be too strong . Haileybury are at home, and if they win this one I'll buy one ticket for the bandwagon . De La by 8 pts .
11 ~ =RIGHTON vs NORTH OLD BOYS 0_ Fr Id: P. Gersch, D. Dalgleish Goal: J . Kelly, W. Fowler COLLEGIANS vs OLD TRINITY Field: A . Kilner, S . McCarthy Boundary: M . Tierney, C. Condos Goal: G . Grigg, B . Hoare ST BERNARDS vs OLD SCOTCH Field: J. Toohey, M . Bushfield Goal: A . Bishop, W. Binch OLD XAVERIANS vs ORMOND Field: M . Gibson, M . Jackson Boundary: S. Robertso n Goah. M . Lentini, D. Webste r OLD HAILEYBURY vs DE LA SALLE Field: R . Simon, W. Hinto n Goal, C . Chalmers, J. Vellema n ~_w .......~.._._, r ~....a,.., ~-
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SENIORS HEATH, Old Trinit y BOYLE, North Old Boys McCALL, Old Scotch STONEY, Old Xavs GILMOUR, St Bernards
30 27 22 21 17
RESERVES KEARNEY, North Old Boy s FOX, Old Scotch STEWART, Ormond DWYER, North Old Boys
28 23 18 16
150 GAMES TO NOB'S BRUNO `EJ` CONTI North Old Boys committee, players and supporters would all like to congratulate Bruno Conti on playing his 150th game forthe club last weekend (22/5) . Bruno joined the club in '83 and after 10 U19 games became firmly entrenched in the club's senior team . A reliable half-back, Bruno has often played in the centre, particularly in State matches, where he has neverfailed to impress. Career highlights include stints at Essendon and Collingwood, A Grade GF in'86 &'91, North's B&F in'90, VAFA representation and All-Australian selection . Bruno's main goal these days is to help North win that elusive premiership. Congratulations Brunofrom all your friends at the club. 100 GAMES TO TONY SMITH Congratulations to OT's ruck veteran Tony Smith who plays his 100th game with the club today (29/5) . One of the 'magnificent eight' who have played with the club from the 70s into the 90s, Tony has been a great contributor to both the senior and reserve sides . Despite giving away inches and weight each week Tony's hard work in the air, around the ground and at ground level ensures his continual appearance in the best players' list . Tony has served on the club committee and is well respected by all at the club. Well done Tony - roll on 200 games .
SENIORS NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .3 2 .6 6 .9 7.11 .53 ST BERNARDS 4 .3 5 .3 8 .4 11 .8.74 NTH 0 BOYS Fisher 2, Martin, Boyle, Hanlon, Cerini, Herrald. BEST Brazil, Herrald, Conti, Boyd, Delac, Beare . ST BERNARDS Wood 3, Gilmour 2, O'Connell 2, Doolan 2, Gollant, Godfrey. BEST Calthorpe, Carey, Wood, Byrne, Spencer, Godfrey . COLLEGIANS 2 .2 4 .5 9 .7 18 .9.117 OLD BRIGHTON 5.3 7.5 9 .7 12.7.79 COLLEGIANS Hoyle 4, Kelson 3, Cleary 2, Schober 2, Pollock 2, Lake 2, Oliphant, Proctor, Dulmanis . BEST Bennett, Hoyle, Pollock, Lake, Galbraith, Milat . O BRIGHTON Hayden 6, Holt 3, Pryor 2, Bilionis . BEST Pollock, Brook, Hayden, Bilionis, Mercer, Reed . OLD SCOTCH 4.7 9 .11 12.14 12 .15 .87 OLD XAVERIANS 3.3 8.7 15.9 17.18.120 O SCOTCH Eagle 2, McCulloch 2, Hart 2, Aujard 2, Anderson, Stokes, Fuller, Wilson . BEST A . Hart, Wilson, Macdougall, Hume, Fuller, Polkinghorne. O XAVS Bowen 3, Stoney 2, McDonald 2, Egan, T . O'Sullivan, P. O'Sullivan, Green, Richardson, Nicolosi, Sassi, Landrigan, Blood, Tapping. BEST A . McDonald, Blood, Green, D. Richardson, G . Dalton, Bowne. ORMOND 3.8 11 .9 10.4 16 .20.116 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .1 10.4 18.7 21 .12.138 ORMOND Doyle 5, Brook 3, Siderellis3, McColough, Edgel, Kingston, Templeton, Turner. BEST A . Jobling, R. Block, P. Kingston, M . Gilmore, W. Doyle, T. Siderellis. O HAILEY Philips 5, Tanner 3, Armstrong 2, Kraus 2, Seccul 2, Baxter, Borg, Byrns, Carty, Lappage, Rae, Walden . BEST G . Tanner, G . Berg, G . Anderson, M . Orton, J . Hayter, C . Kraus. OLD TRINITY 4.3 6.9 8.10 15.13.103 DE LA SALLE 5 .2 7.6 14.13 19.19 .133 O TRINITY Phillips 3, Heath 3, O'Shaughnessy 2, Allibon 2, Thomas 2, Anderson, Rogers, Hodder. BEST Anderson, Allibon, Hopkins, R . Phillips, Stickland, Rogers . DE LA SALLE Fraser 3, Crowe 3, Rennie 2, McClounan 2, Mannix 2, Tully 2, Fiume, Evans, Swift, B . Smith, D. Smith . BEST Crowe, Swift, McClounan, Mahoney, Rennie, McIntosh . RESERVES NORTH OLD BOYS 3.3 6.4 11 .10 16 .15.111 ST BERNARDS 2.1 4.6 6.9 9 .9.6 NTH 0 BOYS Kearney 9, Considine 2, Alevraz, Zocco, Goodear, Dwyer, Trimboli . BEST Kearney, Goodear, Leigh, Considine, Irvine, Zocco . ST BERNARDS Mahady 5, Brain, Marshall, O'Connell, Lynch. BEST Marshall, J. O'Connell, M . O'Connell, Farrell, Mahady, Parrett . COLLEGAINS 0.3 4.3 6.3 8.6.54 OLD BRIGHTON 4.3 4.5 7.8 9 .12 .66 COLLEGIANS Stubs 3, Hinchen 2, Coyne, Hibbins, Tweddle. BESTStubs, Hinchen, Tweddle, Zappa, Harry, Greeves . O BRIGHTON Goar 3, Smith 2, Dimer 2, Lade, McMahjon . BEST Augustine, Timms, Fisher, Morton, Maratus, Skelton . OLD SCOTCH 1 .5 3.12 5.18 7.19.61 OLD XAVERIANS 2 .4 5.5 5.7 6.7.43 0 SCOTCH Fox 4, Chambers, Forbes, Byrne. BEST Woodhouse, Byrne, N . Hooper, Jackson, Chambers, Kerr . 0 XAVS Berry 5, Collopy. BEST Lynch . Barlow, Dalton, Landrigan, Dillon, Fay. ORMOND 4.3 8.7 8 .11 10.12 .72 OLD HAILEYBURY 3.3 4.5 8.8 8 .10.64 ORMOND Forsyth 2, Reidy, Krawczuk, Gribble, Marrow, Cleary, Stewart, Barton, Looby. BEST Reidy, Gribble, Forsyth, Cleary, Stewart, Marnow. O HAILEY LaGreca 3, Steenholdt 2, Adamopoutos, Chegwin, KirkwoodScott, Smith. BEST Adamopoulos, Hayter, Carty, Bennett, Smith, Main . OLD TRINITY 2 .1 4.2 4.2 6.4 .40 DE LA SALLE 2 .3 5 .6 14 .7 19.8 .122 O TRINITY Sutherland 2, Borghesi, Vize, Beet, Pontefract . BEST Scott, Harvey, C. Robison, Smith, Sammut, Adam . DE LA SALLE Jackson 5, Webb 5, Brideson 3, Megan 2, Rudd 2, Mannix, Smith. BEST Abbott, M . Jackson, Dillon, Byrne, Tessier, M . O'Callaghan .
When you go to the football you want to enjoy the game . You don't want to be wet and cold or uncomfortable . You want warm, comfortable clothing that looks good but is tough enough to go a full four quarters. You want wool . Wool is naturally warm and insulates against extremes of temperature and helps keep you dry. Wool is longwearing, looks good, keeps its shape and is as Australian as Aussie Rules . When teamed with your favourite weekend jeans this 100% wool coat and roll neck sweater are an excellent match for a day at the football . You'll find them at Myer, Fletcher Jones and Sportscraft mens stores .
As the Queen's Bi rt hday Weekend approaches, no doubt many VAFA players and supporters are cleaning the cobwebs off the skis ready for the opening of the ski season, to coin a phrase of Sam Kekovich of VFA fame . However, the following squad of players that form the VAFA State Squad (A-B) have a more serious task at hand . They are preparing for their defence of the Diadora Cup which they won last year in convincing fashion at Waverley park against the SAAFL . This year a squad of 22 players will travel to Adelaide's Football Park to play the SAAFL as a curtain-raiser to the Adelaide Crows vs Footscray clash on Sunday June 13 and hopefully return with another victory. The Squad is : COLLEGIANS OLD BRIGTO N OLD TRINITY ST BERNARDS Matt Galbraith Andrew Pryor Andrew Allibon* Wayne Care y DE LA SALLE OLD GEELONG (D) Luke Gollant OLD XAVS John Manto n Trevor Spencer* Colin McClounan Doug Bailey Brett Mahoney* John Bowen* OLD HAILEYBURY ST KEVINS (D) Peter Rennie Matthew Bourke Mark Brady Dave Connell * Craig Wright* Anthony McDonald* Rob Gros s Peter Thiessen Damien Crowe* Dale Tapping* OLD M ELB . (B) THERRY (B) Dan Richardson* FAWKNER (B) Micah Berry* Simon Eastmure* Rob Lawson* OR MOND Tim Taylor* Jeremy Nichols Brett Connell Scott Tea l Paul Matton N .O .B. Andrew Jobling Steve Brazil* PARADE (B) OLD SCOTCH Nick Sebo Bruno Conti Brett Pannam * Rob Fuller Ben Herald* *New players adde d Tim Jones*
Officials involved in this years A & B State Squad are as follows : Barry Richardson (Coach) ; Russell Barnes (Asst. Coach/Runner) ; Tom Johnston (Chairman of Selectors) ; Peter Hutchinson, Roger Paul, Neil Pivetta (Selectors); Kevin Barge (Chef), Peter Harris (Property) ; Geoff Rogers, Ken Evans-Smith (Trainers) . Good luck guys, we hope your involvement is enjoyable and that the campaign is fruitful . The Rover" extends an apology to fellow Parkside rover Leo Panjari . It seems Leo was left off the printed list of the C-F State Squad that appears in last week's Amateur Footballer . Apologies Leo and good luck in our quest for the Big V. With the increase in the number of reports in the first two rounds of the season it was a funny story that was relayed to us after a Round 6 clash between A NZ Bank and St Leos Wattle Park . Seems one of the umpires officiating, in his haste and exuberance called play-on rather ingeniously and flung his arms back at a fair rate of knots . St Leos Wattle Park Captain D. Miller unfortunately was the receiving end of one Peter 'Agate' Harris' arms. Interestingly enough there was no report from this game . 'Agate' escapes again, just like the old days . Out at the Alex Gillon Rese rve last weekend at the match between NOBs and St Bernards it seems that some thanks are in order. Noel Robinson (NOBs) filled in running the boundary in the 2nd 1/2 of the snr game .
Umpires Richard `Hollywood' Simon and Andrew `Stud' Kilner believe that they almost pulled off the coup of the day by almost enticing Tony Duggan (NOB's President) into a pair of white shorts. St Bedes/ Mentone Tigers after-match functions must really be generating plenty of revenue for the club. Seems `Aussie Joe' has already put in a request for a new dishwasher to keep up with the demand for fresh glasses. "The Rover" would suggest 'Flannels' and ' M axy' could assist by manning the sink . Remember those sides with scheduled games at Elsternwick Park are able to book the ground for training . Enquiries Brett Connell 531 8333 . Those clubs without sponsor logs at the foot of their teamlists and wish now to have them printed, can do so by contacting E .P for the details . Tipping Update Section Score 1 . Max Lyon U19 32 2 . Michael Lloyd E 28 3. Norm Nugent Club XVIII 27 4. David Holland B 2 6 5. Peter Matovic F2 25 6. Ken Bremner C 24 7. Adam Kenyon A 22 8. Mick Noonan F1 21 9. Tom Brain D 20 (facing relegation Tom!)
B SECTION by David Hollan d
REVIEW A week certainly is a long time in football with Ol d Mentonians displaying their bestto date and Banyule, fresh from a 10 gi win overTherry, looking very ordinary . After a reasonably even 1st 1/z the Panthers, in awkward conditions, set about destroying the bears, slashing 11 .11 to Banyule's4.5 . The big man Dave Williams was tireless and inspirational in taking the Ruck honours, however, apart from Paul Carroll and Leigh Holt, the Bears guns were firing blanks . "Anyar" Stroud was in great touch throughout and bagged 5, as did Adam Acreman . Tony Bournon, Colin Love and Dave "Patto" were busy players and Simon Mullin was the brick wall that the Bears just could not crush . Only 1 pt off my prediction with Whitefriarsjust home over Fawkner in a beauty. ' Friars ran rings around Fawks in the 1st half but didn't capitalise as much as they should have . Down by 26 at the long break, Fawks hit back with 7.5 to Friars 3 .2 to be a point up at 3/4 time. 2 free kicks in the dying minutes of the last saw Friars snag 2 majors and steal the game . Skipper Paul Coghlan led from the front and provided great drive forthe Friars, whilst Noel Jenkins and Simon McAuliffe were solid contributors on their HBF's . Fawkscentreman Mark McMahon played an absolute ripper, collecting 44 possessions, Rob Lawson won the Rucking duel with Chris Burke and Craig Kelly (great name!!!) returned from serious knee injury in early '92 to play a great game on a wing . Old Melburnians and Therry confirmed their respective positions on the ladder in an exciting game which came right down to the wire. Therry opened well but OMs pegged them backto be 2 pts down at 1/2 time . Both sides had their chances to seal it in the 2nd half, particularly OMs, who kicked poorly . OMs snuck home after a Therry set shot missed in the dying seconds . Tony Witts had a great duel with John Zanetti and took the honours, Micah Berry and "The Missing Chipmunk" Simon Theodore gave great drive from the pivot and the Oliver-Teal machine churned out 6 in total . For Therry, Goodwin starred again, Petrevski and Dalgleish likewise continued their great form and McKay booted 5 from CHF. Another great game was at the Eagles nest where Marcellin got home by 11 pts over the Parade" rookies". With scores alike at 1/2 time, it was anyone's, however, inexperience showed from Parade in the 3rd allowing the Eagles to take a 17 pt lead and hold off OP in the last . Young Eagle, Adam Ryder continues to blitz for Marcellin and Andrew Treganowan was again amongst the best with 4 glsfrom a HFF. For Parade Brett Pannam had plenty of the bail and Dave Way, Brendon Flynn and Nathan Willitts were strong in defence . A good win for Marcellin which keeps them in touch with the top 3. Goal kicking practice should have been the order of the day at the Bullants nest this week after they kicked 6 .15 to go down to the Blues by 17 pts in a game they should have won . A great 3rd 1/4 saw the Bullants claw back a 21 pt deficit to lead by 6 pts going into the last .
The final term was a tense struggle with the Blues coming off the better kicking 4.2 (including 2 from the Daicos manual) to Bullants 0.3. I n a Iow scoring game, respective backlines had plenty to do Steve Kirsanovs, Toby McIntyre and Graeme Hazeldine were excellent players in defence for the Blues as were McWaters and Field for the Builants . Nick Bone roved well for the losers, once again . PREVIEW Whitefriars play host to Bany ule and I don't eve n want to hazard a guess at what the Bears are going to do this week! The Friars are on a roll with 3 wins after 4 losses initially and Banyule are up and down like a Brides proverbial . At home, and full of confidence, the Friars look the best by 4 straight gls (I guess that means the Bears will win!?) . Fawkner take on Uni Blues at home in a must win gamefor the Diggers. They've been unlucky lately and with that in mind, together with thefact that if they don't take the points here it's "Welcome back to C Grade", they should win despite the Blues win last week . . . Fawks by 28 pts. Another fantastio game involving ladder leaders 0 Melburnians is at Headquarters today when they take on 0 Mentonians in the Match of the Day. What a task Garry Connelly has in trying to curb the potency of OMs forward set up, who are always well fed by Webb, Thompson and Co. Their defence is the weak link and will need to be on the ball today . OMs (Melb. not Ment!) by 20 pts. 1992 A Grade discards Therry and Marcellin occupy headquarters tomorrow in another beauty. The Eagles are getting their act together now and Therry, after disappointing over Fawks and down to Bangers, could have quite easily knocked off OMs least week . Therry have too many guns and, when fired in tandem, will be too good for the Eagles, but don't get too cocky Therry and you'll win by 33 pts. Old Parade had 15 Senior players out last week and were forced to rely on a very young bunch of players, who did a great job . Bulleen-Temp are currently in the horrors with losses to Marcellin and Uni Blues pushing them out of the 4. Steve Pace is a consistent performer at FF but the Bullants need some big bags out of you big fella! This will increase the Bullants forepower (and hopes for the finals!) Parade by 7 pts . SELECTIONS : Whitefriars, Fawkner, Therry, Old Melburnians, Therry, Old Paradians . PROGRESSIVE : 66% Rnd 7 Mark of the Week : Andrew "Minnie" Thompson PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : Please Fax by 11 .00 am Monday all match details (please include FULL names and positions of best players) Fax : 583 1993. Blacklist : Marcellin (Writers cramp Nick?!)
SENIORS BANYULE 5 .2 8 .6 9.8 12.11 .83 4 .2 10 .4 16.11 21 .15.141 OLD MENTONIANS BANYULE Gray 2, Mooney 2, Burns 2, Daley 2, Carroll, Holt, Sutherby, Cupan BEST Carroll, Holt, O'Brien, Short, Moloney, D . Williams. 0 MENTONIANS Acreman 5, Stroud 5, Paterson 3, Bournon 2, Solley p„id, Campbell, Dickson, Love, BEST Bournon, Dickson, Stroud, Paterson . Solley, P. La Vale. 1 .1 6 .5 13 .10 18.11 .119 FAWKNER 4 .3 10 .7 13 .9 19 .10.124 WHITEFRIARS FAWKNER Molloy 4, Mitchell 2, Lawson 2, Leahy 2, Crouch 2 . Gray 2, ,.McMahon, Cecchini, Cohen . BEST McMahon, Lawson, Kelly, _ nell, Johnston, Heeman. 49HfTEFR1ARS Brisbane 5, A. Carbone 3, M. Carbone 2, Pratt 2, Harrison ir ;vis 2, Jenkins, Bateman, Coghlan . BEST Coghlan, A . Carbone, owke, McAuliffe, Jenkins, McNeil . 2 .2 7.10 11 .13 14 .21 .105 OLD MELBURNIANS THERRY CCOB 6.4 8.6 13.11 15.13.103 OLD MELBURNIANS Oliver 3, Teal 3, Maskiell 2, Theodore 2, Webb, James, A. W tts, Rhoden . BESTi Witts, Berry, Nichols, Theodore, Stuckey, C :, . . r THERRY McKay 5, Zanetti 4, Baker 2, Banister 2, Goodwin, D . Dalgleish. BEST Goodwin, Petrevski, A.Dalgleish, Carter, Taylor, Wrigglesworth . MARCELLIN 4 .2 7.6 11 .18 12.11 .83 OLD PARADIANS 3.3 7.6 8.10 10.12 .72 MARCELLIN Treganowan 4, Bourke 3, Gallagher 2, Sexton, Ryder, Gill . BESTA . Ryder, A . Gallagher, A. Treganowan, P. Sexton, D. Moran, J. Khan. 0 PARADIANS Kerr 3, Pannam 2, Haverman, Kelly, Wayman, Shannon, Brabender. BEST B . Pannam, B. Flynn, D. Way, S . LaFerlita, N . Wayman. UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.2 6 .4 6 .6 10 .8.68 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 .3 2 .7 6 .12 6.15 .51 UNI BLUES Waters4, Harris 2, Ferrer, Buckley, Hutchins, Dodds . BEST T. Harris, T. McIntyre, J . Buckley, Kirsanovs, T. O'Brien, J . Moran . BULLtTEMP Pace 3, Fawkner, Harvie, McLaren . BEST McWaters, Field, Bone, George, Panov, Glover . RESERVES BANYULE 4 .4 6.6 7.10 8.17.65 4 .1 6.4 7.8 7.11 .53 OLD MENTONIANS BANYULE Boucher 2, Bowler, Styles, Denning, Doherty, Legge, Harte . BEST Legge, Boucher, R . Doherty, Styles, Mclntire, Forbes. OMENTONIANS Pride 3, Leone, Oxland, Russo, Webster . BEST Webster, Leone, Moodie, Raclin, Price, Russo . FAWKNER 0.0 4.2 5.4 9.4.58 WHITEFRIARS 3.1 4.3 6.5 7.8.50 FAWKNER Hoare 2, LaRose, Dweit, Cropley, Selleck, Toohey, Foster, Cole . BEST Hoare, Cole, Toohey, Young, Selleck, Cohen . WHITEFRIARS Strike 3, G. Sharkie 2, W . Sharkie, Krake. BEST Harrison, Feutrill, Strike, Johnson, Liversey-Cole, Sharkie . OLD MELBURNIANS 3 .2 4.6 4.14 4.18.42 THERRY CCOB 4 .2 6 .2 7.2 10.5.65 0 MELB Wallace-Smith 2, Handbury, Sinn. BEST E . Smithers, P. Handury, R . Nelson, P. Correll, P. Sinn, A. Nelson . THERRY Hollow 5, Pinner 2, Pearce, Nitzke, Kotch . BEST Nitzke, Sexton, Pinner, Bye, Jones, Falcone. MARCELLIN 2 .2 4 .5 5.9 7.11 .53 OLD PARADIANS 1 .4 7.5 9.6 11 .6.72 MARCELLIN Boysen 2, Sanoy, Gerson, Golds, Dineen . BEST Donegon, Howe, Slattery. 0 PARADIANS Joyce 2, Vicino 2, Hall 2, Jones, Baird, McBrien, Ball, Mulvahill . BEST Venturini, Walsh, Joyce, Jones, Lennov, Vicini . UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .1 4 .4 4 .9 6.10 .46 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 .7 6.11 9 .13 11 .19 .85 UNI BLUES Giles, Wolveridge, Furphy, McCarty, O'Donnell, Bonadio . BEST Ord, Bonadio, Sudholz, Dudley, Furphy, Sackson . BULL/TEMP Darby 2, Farley 2, Fit 2, Mason 2, Doggett, Fois, Nagel . BEST B. Harvie, P. Nagel, D. Hooper, Sm Farley, M . Mason, R. Minney.
L I-~' i ~ iJ
WHITEFRIARS vs BANYULE Field: M . Jenkins, R . Mayston Goal: G . Wright, G . Clancy FAWKNER vs UNIVERSITY BLUES Field: P. Molloy, G. Fallett Goal: I . Smith, B . Seymou r OLD MENTONIANS vs OLD MELBURNIANS (EP-Saturday) Field: P. La Vale, G . Curra n Boundary: J. Wright, M . Kolpin Goal: A . Simpson, R . Dunsta n Reserves Boundary: A . Gabriel, T. Kramme Reserves Goal: A . Simpson, N . McTaggart THERRY vs MARCELLIN (EP-Sunday) Field: G . Thwaites, S . Clinc h Boundary: F. Martinez, D. Gourley Goai: G . Grigg, L . Wilson Reserves Boundary: M . Shelton, D. Brevitt Reserves Goal: N . McTaggart, L. Mirach i OLD PARADIANS vs BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Field: T. Hales, A . Damen Boundary: S. Branagan, A. Stapleton Goat: R . Liddle, M . Mayhew
SENIORS ACREMAN, Old M entonian s N . BOURKE, Marcellin ZANETTI, Therr y PACE, Bulleen-Templestowe McKAY, Therry RESERVES HOLLOW, Therry KOTCH, Therry BONNYMAN, Whitefriars FALCONE, Therr y NAGEL, Bulleen-Templestowe
36 35 29 27 23 26 15 14 14 13
C SECTION by Ken Bremner
Before we get down to the nitty grittys of reviews and previews please be advised of the following ; *Hitherto I am to substitute the word(s) 'NODS' and 'NODDERS' for 'NODDIES' . . . trust that pleases you PG . *My fellow scribe from 'D' section is most definately not a State C-F selector. *Big 'Loveless' Lancie Lovechild of Commbankfame has come back to the ranks bigger and better than Texas (He might even clean more Ajax boots this year! ) *4 out of 5 in round 7 for a progressive of 23/35 . REVIEW - ROUND 7 (22 May ) The M onash Blues v MHSOB encounter was a fast running affair with plenty of good handball from both teams. The'Schoo!ers' displayed aerial supremacy and with a little more accuracy in front of the sticks would've got home by more than the 78 pts . Bamert at CHB, Phil Knight, Comer, Dicko and Clinton Young were all terrific players for the 'High . A further highlight being el presidento of MHSOB (Tony Orchard) running the boundary and very nearly taking a'Spekky'. Just can't keep a good man down can ya! In a slog at Ivanhoe the home team were far too good for an undermanned Parkside. Another even team performance from the 'Hoe boys and with a very good display of team footy after the long interval coupled with 'Run' in the legs they were able to run out the easiest of victors by the predicted 60 pts . On a particularly sad note the days joy for Ivanhoe was tempered somewhat by the nasty facial injury incurred by a'Gentleman' of the game, Gary Kennedy. On behalf of all associated with the VAFA I wish you a speedy recovery Gary (K .B.) Caulfield Grammarians were unable to cope with the strong running game of Ajax and once again left too much to too few . Ben Matthews (for the umpteenth time), Andy Courie, Clint Simpson and'Chocco' Royals tried hard all day for the vanquished . Ajax will be far happier this week with this 53 pt win under their belts and are now back on track to re-establish themselves in the 4. St Kilda/Sth Caulfield hosted ladder leaders Mazenod and took the game right up to the visitors to the halfway mark. The 'Nods' got their game going in the 3rd stanza to lead at lemon time, 21 g!s to 16 and kicked right away in the final qtr kicking afurther 8 twins and leaving the opposition goalless for the term . Final wash-up the 'Nodders' easy winners by 80 pts , Commbank brimfull of confidence jumped Kew early doors to open up a 5 gl to 1!ead . The K's worked hard to whittle away the lead to a qtr time scoreline of 6 to 4 Commbanks favour. A couple of subtle 'Gem' like changes by Brett Burden gotthe K's firing on all cylinders and at the long interval they led by a couple. From there on in the Kew team answered any challenge the Bank threw at them and went on to score convincingly by
6 majors . Must pay homage to the 'Spekky' taken by Greg Porte of Kew in the last qtr. An absolute pearler and 'Bomber' was quick to tell 'Robbo' all about it . PREVIE W - ROUND 8 (29 May) Parkside host Monash Blues in what promises to be an entertaining game. Big Goran Yoksich should by all accounts make his eagerly awaited return for the 'Parkers' and his presence, let alone his size should make things a little easier forthe smaller running players of Parkside. I do howeverthinkthe Blues are atthis stage of events the more capable outfit and with their bevvy of link players should steal the points by nigh on 6 gls . Kew travel over to the scenic surrounds of the Boulevard to take on Ivanhoe . A very even team of goers (Ivanhoe) pitted against a committed, hard running team (Kew) makes for one tremendous battle royal . Conditions, be them dry or wet won't lean the scales in either teams favour and both outfits have very astute coaches in control at the helm . On a hiding to nothing I'll go for Kew by the proverbial short half head, 1 pt . M HSOB welcome Caulfield Grammarians to their quaint 'Cabbage' Patch by the Yarra and pleasantries should end there till about 4.45 pm for the after match . Try as they might the Grammar guys just fall short against the top teams and I can't see a big enough improvement from within to trouble thefree run ni ng 'Schoolers' squad led from the front by Deano, Jason Bamert, Clinton Young, Dicko, The Knights etc., etc. It's the'High for me by 42 pts . Ajax play at home to St Kilda/Sth Caulfield in a game that on form at least looks a formality for them . 'Tis a strange game this oval caper of ours and whilst not tipping an upset I suggest that the Saints will take the game right up to the Jackers: If the Saints can repeat their 1st half form of last week and keep it going for longer then they'll be in the game with a real chance . The Ajax lads wouldn't want a repeat of round 6 when they squandered an 8 gl lead at half time to eventually go down the tube. At home the Jackers' by 21 pts . Commbank venture out Mulgrave way to tackle the might of Mazenod and on form they might as well continue on over to AFL Park to take in the finer points of the game over there. Only a supreme optimist would pick against the ' Nods' and whilst I'm always optimistic I'm most definately not a supreme one! Just too much strength on every line for the Bankers to overcome and I reckon they'll do all right if they can get within 8 twins of the home team . ,
SENIORS SE N IORS MONASH BLUES 2 .0 4.4 8 .6 11 .10 .76 MHSOB 6 .8 11 .11 16 .14 22 .22.154 MONASH Douglass3, Broun2, Hipwel12, Dowsley2, Farrar, Eley . BEST Barker, Hipwell, Smith, McGregor, Alexander, Rowland . MHSOB Mourney 6, Caffrey 2, Comer 2, Knight 2, McClements 2 Webster 2, Helmot, Kennedy, Young, Semen, Palmer, Oxlade . BEST Bamert, P. Knight, Dixon, Yee, Young, Comer, Mourney . .,IVANHOE 3 .6 8 .11 12.16 14.21 .105 PARKSIDE 2.0 6.1 6.3 7.3.45 IVANHOE Strangwick 3, McGowan 3, Newbold 2, Blackwood, Bullen, E. Flynn, P. Flynn, Kennedy, Nibali . BEST Fawley, Maud, Blackwood, 8l-'art, E. Flynn, Manuel. PARK DE Sansonetti 2, Panjari 2, Allan, Freeman, McGaw . BEST Moodie, Bradley, Digiacomo, Sturgess, McGaw, Allan . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1 .1 5.5 7.6 9.10.64 AJAX 7.2 10.5 16 .9 17.15 .117 CAULFIELD Will 2, Cox, R . Harrison, G . Harrison, Harris, Mathews, Brohier. Lourie. BEST B . Mathews, Lourie, Simpson, T . Royals, G. Williams, Cox . AJAX Hoppe 4, Goetz 4, Sheezel 3, Dunne 3, Pat 2, Klooger. BEST Pat, Vhobel, Goetz, Rozenes, Levy, Engelman . ST KILDA/STH CAULFIELD 5 .1 12 .5 16 .8 16 .11 .107 MAZENOD 0 C 8.2 13 .4 21 .10 29.12 .187 ST KILDAfSTH CAULF Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . MAZENOD D. Murray 9, Noble 4, Peter Green 4, Brookes 3, Barker 3, Fisher 2, Marshall, Carter, Kerr, Pat Green . BEST D. Murray, M . Murray, Polan, Fisher, Barker, Connolly . KEW 4 .1 8 .8 12 .12 16 .15.111 COMMONWEALTH BANK 6.2 7.3 9.5 11.9.75 KEW Busuttil 8, Bakogiannis 3, Love 2, Chamarenko, Porte, Bruno. BEST Busuttil, Bradley, Barry, Porte, Love, White . COMM BANK Rolfs4, Bunnell 2, Perry3, Hancock, Ried. BEST Maher, Bunne tt , Melican, Pitts, Reid, Short.
RESERVES MONASH BLUES 0 .0 1 .1 2 .3 2.5.17 MHSOB 2 .3 5 .5 11.6 16.10.106 MONASH Spencer, Leitch . BEST Sinclair, Castricum, Anderson, Andritsos, Millie, Gale.AJAX MHSOB Williams 4, Webster3, Reeves2, Wix2, Feferkranz, Muller, Verma, Palmar, Menzies. BEST P. Konstanty, Menzies, Feferkranz, O'Connell, Muller, Guinea. IVANHOE 1 .1 3.2 3.3 5 .5.35 PARKSIDE 3 .1 4.2 7.3 9.4.58 IVANHOE Thackwray 3, Dowling, Sotiropoulous . BEST Pekin, Cartwright, Forsyth, Angelini, Thackwray, Dowling . PARKSIDE McGaw 3, R . Dean, P. Dean, Stuart, Thomas, Smith, Shortis. BEST McGaw, Thomas, Shortis, Jergens, Giannopoulos, Borsato. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3.2 5.4 7.5 9.6.60 AJAX 2 .2 5.4 8.5 13.8.86 CAULFIELD Hedin2, Barker2, Worthington, Williams, Millard, A. Allen . BEST D. Allen, Millard, Caple, S. Williams, S. Ktose, Schultz. AJAX Gordon 4, Kalb 2, Arrow 2, Shenker 2, Redlich, Jelenik, Freeman . BEST Josem, Zielinski, Mordech, Gross, Janover Zurbo . ST KILDA/STH CAULFIELD 2 .0 3.1 6.4 8.6.54 MAZENOD 0 C 8.1 11 .6 17.8 22 .11 .143 ST KILDA/STH CAUL Rogers 3, Ballarin 2, Dynon, Hall, Pope. BEST Hall, Pope, Howard, Rosers, Helen, Cole . MAZENOD Deegan 6, Couttie 5, Boyle 3, Palarnara 2, Mannix 2, McCusker, Amy, Guiliano, Richards. BEST Grimison, Boyle, Mannix, Guiliano, McCusker Polletti . KEW 4 .2 6.5 7.6 7.6.48 COMMONWEALTH BANK 2.1 6.6 9 .11 14.14 .98 KEW Mascitti 3, Kiriakou 2, Wells, Wright. BEST Wells, Norman, Price, Gourdoulis, Menzies, Mascitti . COMM BANK Rolls 3, Henderson 3, Maya 3, Gniel, Walsh, Hancock, Rachor Smith . BEST Van Loon, T. Smith, S . Hancock, McDonald, Gniel, G . Rolls .
CHANGE OF PHONE NUMBERS HAMPTON ROVERS - Tom Brain Phone No. now 571 4808 (home and business) ST LEO'S WATTLE PARK - Phil O'Donoghue New Business Nos. - 725 9933 (B) & Fax 723 6433 .
BERGMAN, St Kilda HOPPE, Ajax BUSUTTIL, Kew NOBLE, Mazeno d D. MURRAY, Mazenod
34 34 31 30 30 RESERVES
PARKSIDE vs MONASH BLUES Field: K. Segota, P. Keogh Boundary: L . Gallagher, D. Fowler Goat: G . Simpson, M . Symons IVANHOE vs KE W Field: M . Forde, P. Cherry Goal: S . Pitcher, R . Barichievitch HMSOB vs CAULFIELD GR Field: P. Buchanan, J . Natoli Goat: S . Hopper, T. Stephen s AJAX vs ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD Field: Brad Lowe, W. Henry Boundary: L. Henry, M . Russmussen Goak L . Wilson, D. Murray MAZENOD O.C . vs COMMONWEALTH BANK Field: C . Keeton, P. Simpson Goal: S . Kah n
ALL C to F, _7 1 - ( : : :I u b YI1 1 teams are to deliver or fax to Elsternwick Park on the proper form, goalkickers and 6 best players each week. These must be received by 12 noon each Monday . A and B section seniors do not have to do this as these details are given to Phil Stevens or Brian Woodhead on Saturday nights . However, A and B reserves do have to conform with the above directive . Enquiries: Sue Anderson 531 8333
29 20 16 15 13
D SECTION by Tom Brai n
Thanks to my fellow tipsters for their thoughts as Saturday's results change nothing this year D-Section is still a tipsters nightmare and a very even grade. OGs had their first stumble, while at the other end N orth's persistence finally paid off as they recorded their first victory. Well done to Dino and the boys . REVIEW The Blacks showed real character to win a game that to all intensive purposes appeared beyond them, after SKOBS took control in the 3rd qtr the Blacks bounced back to kick the first goal of the final quarter and then answered every challenge thrown at them by the SKOBS. St Kevins feel this was their worst loss for the year, four or five turnovers in the last quarter cost them dearly. Jimmy Radford held the Blacks backline together, veteran Gary Wines ran his heart out, and Steve "Air Puncher" Little stamped his name on the final quarter. Best for the SKOBS were Michael Pivetta (when hasn't he been there), Dave Sheedy across half back and half forward Nat Causer. For the first time this year the Northies were on their game from the first bounce and opened a match winning lead for themselves in the first quarter. Thomastown to their credit never gave in and pegged the home side back during each quarter, to finish just behind when the final siren sounded . All in all a good result for North Brunswick one that will not harm their confidence at all . Better players for the victors were wingers Tommy Wright and Jason Tirchett along with Servet Sir who did a pretty good job in the backline all day . Old Ivanhoe in what has become a pretty common occurence this year set up their victory with a great first quarter where they scored 7 gls to 2 . From then on they were never in danger and played really well especially their defense who kept the dangerous Brunswick forwards to only 5 gis for the day . Martin Tozer and Scott Kent were outstanding in this aspect of the game while Matty Huber was in fine touch all day with his 2 gls in the last quarter being match highlights especially the torpedo on the run . Brunswick would have been shattered by their performance . Dawn at Brindisi in a good standard game St Bedes/ M entone Tigers in proving me wrong really stamped their mark on this section as one of the teams to beat, and also continued their hoodoo over Old Geelong . The Ogs led narrowly at half time but were then cut to pieces by the pace of McGeorge and the other Tiger players who turned their deficit into a 2 gl well deserved victory. Dan Ritchie continues to play some good football in his new role in defence, whilst Sam Furphy provided good drive up the ground and full forward Andrew Howells managed to kick some 7 gls to probably book a plane trip to Adelaide in June . The final game of the round was the closest of the round with Williamstown coming from behind to win by three pts . It was a close affair all day with neither side able to assert any real ascendency. Scores were level at the orange break then the Rovers opened up a 23 pt lead and looked like they should have been home,
but lapses in concentration allowed the Cys back into the game, where they fought hard, made the most of their chances and came home with the 4 pts even though the Rovers had a chance to steal the game with a difficult shot after the siren . The Rovers tell me that Big Bird and Larry Turnley as usual were good players, and come-back Full Forward Peter Graham with 8 .8 certainly gave them something to kick to . For the Rovers, Agate was impressed with "SOS" Anderson, Chip Le Grand and Chris Scarlett as usual never stopped trying and Rabbit was a reasonable player. A disappointing and possibly very costly loss for Hampton . PREVIEW Thomastown at home will best the SKOBS in a must game for both sides, Mark Brady is definately back but mounting injuries are taking their toll as I'll give the Towners a chance to redeem themselves and spoil the SKOBS May Day Ball , Williamstown travel across the bridge to North where both sides will be chock full of confidence after last week . Hard to pick a winner here but Willy's higher position on the ladder sways me to pick them . Uni Blacks tackle Old Ivanhoe this week in a game few would expect them to win but they have a number of factors in their favour, they are at home, their confidence is back and a win will get them in or near the 4, and this is enough for me to tip an upset . I cannot see Brunswick even at home being able to beat the Tigers whose ground is the same size so they will not be affected by the confines at Dunstan, so the visitors will continue on their merry way. The OGs on the rebound is a daunting task and even though my new found loyalty to the Rovers cannot be questioned, I'm also a tipster and to be totally realistic I just cannot see Hampton being able to cause an upset today. SELECTIONS : Thomastown, Williamstown, Old Ivanhoe, St Bedes/M entone Tigers, Old Geelong . PRESS CORRESPONENCE : A disappointing result this week with only 6/10 sides making contact . The Cy's, Towners, Tigers and Wicks had all gone missing by deadline time Monday night . Don't forget the phone number is 571 4808 (W & H) and the fax 569 8766 up to and including 5 .30 pm Monday evenings .
A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct".
THOMASTOWN vs ST KEVINS F,cId: J. Moore, P. Harri s NORTH BRUNSWICK WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field: M . Gilday, UNI BLACKS vs OLD IVANHOE Field: A . Ladd, B. Reichelt BRUNSWICK vs ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERS Field: S . Harford, L . Harrison (Rot) OLD GEELONG vs HAMPTON ROVERS Fd: T. Sutcliffe, C . Rowe Boundary., L . Russell, P. Mierisc h
SENIORS HOWELLS, Old Geelong (7) 39 CRAWFORD, Hampton Rovers (7) 33 STEVENS, Old Ivanhoe (0) 24 HEMPSEED, Old Ivanhoe (0) 23 MACGEORGE, St Bedes (3) 23 RESERVES SPIN KS, University Blacks 19 LITTLE, University Blacks (2) 18 MOORFIELD, University Blacks (0) 17 COLLEDGE, Old Ivanhoe (0) 1 6
450 GA MES (300 VAFA ) Peter Dowsett today (29/5) plays his 450th club and 300th VAFA game with Nth Brunswick. Starting as a junior a few years ago, PD has gone from player (sometimes 2 in a w/end) to senior player, to captain of the 2nds, to capt/coach this year. He has had a distinguished career in both junior and Amateur football and would be a most valued member of the new 300 VAFA games club. All that know PD through the VAFA acknowledge his great record . 200 AT SKOB-LAND Today (29/5) one of SKOB's finest and most decorated players, Andrew Beale plays his long awaited 200th game. Andrew began his career back in '80, captaining the U19s and winning the competitions B&F . He has since gone on to captain the seniors for a record 6 seasons, relinquishing that position last year to his brother-in-law, John Watkin . A dual senior B&F winner and runner-up on two other occasions, Bealey has served the club well in various committee roles. But it's his raking left foot, his long flowing locks kept intact by his "Sonia Dada" headband and his inspirational tackling that opposition centremen will no doubt attest to, that has been such a feature of such a fine career. Congrats Andy from all at SKOB-land, and we look forward to at least one more season . God knows your physio needs the money! 100 GAM ES John Androutsos today (29/5) ru ns out for his 100th game with Nth Brunswick . Cabana is partof the Greek connection which has served the club so well over the years. A tall, mobile player John has played as ruck in the 2nds, but the last few years has established himself as a full back or wingman in the snrs . As he is a young man hopefully John will play many more games forthe club.
SENIORS ST KEVINS 2 .3 5.4 10.10 11 .11 .77 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .3 6.6 7.10 13.12 .90 ST KEVINS Clohessy 5, Bendorrichio 3, Causer, Gunther, Beale . BEST Pivetta, Sheehy, Causer, McNair, Olive, Clohess y UNI BLACKS Evans 6, Little 2, Bromell, Moorfield, Wines, Ellis, A . Gray. BEST A. Gray, Bromell, Evans, Townsend, Mills, Rourke . NTH BRUNSWICK 5 .1 7.5 10 .7 13 .12 .90 THOMASTOWN 2.4 6 .6 7.9 11 .11 .77 NTH BRUNSWICK A . Tirchett 4, Liangas 3, Hehir 2, Attard, Wright, Grimaldi, Sir. BEST Wright, Wir, J . Tirchett, A. Tirchett, Thorpe, Grimaldi . THOMASTOWN Bubis 3, Petsinis 3, Plant 2, F . Farchione, A. Smith, Arcoraci . BEST Reid, A. Fellows, Plant, Pougiois, Petsinis . OLD IVANHOE 7.0 7.5 12 .8 17.12 .114 BRUNSWICK 2 .4 4.6 4.6 4.10.34 0. IVANHOE S . Pidoto 5, M . Dyson 2, M . Huber 3, B. Hall, M . Veal, J . Weddle, M . Stewart, M . Ferguson . BEST M . Tozier, M . Humer, S. Kent, G . Haros, T. Ryan, M . Veal . BRUNSWICK Williamson 2, Cross, Shaw. BEST Hall, Beaumont, Black . ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGS 4 .2 7.5 11 .8 18.13.121 OLD GEELONG 4 .3 9 .7 11 .9 16.13 .109 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERS MacGeorge 3, Gray 3, McCraw 3, Edwards 2, McCarthy 2, Jones, Diggins, Feben, Tomlinson, Bryant . BEST McCarthy, McLachlan, McCraw, MacGeorge, Diggins, Parsons . OLD GEELONG Howells 7, Manton 3, M . Wilson 2, Furphy 2, Bain 2, Glascott . BEST Ritchie, Furphy, Glascott, Fawcett, Howells, Gunn . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 3 .4 7.7 11 .10 17.14.116 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .1 5.8 11 .10 16 .17.113 WILLIAMSTOWN Graham 9, Bryan 4, Davies 2, Calderwood, Turnley . BEST Turnley, Harry, Graham, M . Cannon, T. Cannon. Payne . HAMPTON ROVERS Crawford 7, Natoli 3, C. Dwyer 3, Wills, Tregear, Blake. BEST LeGrand, Scarlett, McConville, D . Alessi, Natoli, Boyle . RESERVES ST KEVINS 1 .0 3.3 6.4 10.4.64 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3.1 6.3 9.4 13 .7.85 ST KEVINS Lewin 4, Lyon 2, Footner, Kelly, Howard, Fox. BEST: A. Chapman, M . Chapman, McKaige, Panagiotopolous, Morgan, Lewin . UNI BLACKS Miriklis 2, Spinks 2, Collins, Carah, J. Gray, Phillips, Bowden, Jackson, Middleton, Bandit, Begley . BEST Neville, Begley, Jackson, Bandt, Carah, McGowan . NTH BRUNSWICK 4 .3 4.4 8.10 9.13.67 THOMASTOWN 3 .1 7.2 10 .3 13 .7.85 NTH BRUNSWICK Houston 5, Saunders, Bulman, Adams, Christodoulou . BEST Johnston, Gretgrix, P. Hehir, V. Randello, Houston, Bulman . THOMASTOWN Velkos 3, Theodorou 3, Latouf 2, Budak 2, Scott, Kennedy, Valentino. BEST Gannon, LaTouf, Sahin, Theodorou, Budak, Sallese. OLD IVANHOE 7.1 13 .6 15.11 20.19 .139 BRUNSWICK 1 .1 1 .2 3 .4 3.4.22 0 . IVANHOE I . Wells 7, T. Young 5, T . Cormack 2, D. Caddy, M . Hall, J . Marshall, M . Clarkson, P. Golding, D . Toll . BEST M . Clarkson, I . Wells, P. Golding, T. Young, D . Caddy, B. Parry. BRUNSWICK Pearce, Forrest . BEST King, Calopa, Owens, Barley . ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGS 3 .0 3.2 4.4 8 .4.52 OLD GEELONG 3 .2 6.4 7.8 7.11 .53 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERS R . Lomagno 3, Grech, D. Goodchild, Smith, A . Naylor, B. Beasley. BEST Newport, Bilos, Earle, G . O'Brien, Smith, J. Naylor. 0. GEELONG Burbank 2, Morton, Hollis, Coleman, Macgowan . BEST Colquhoun, Stock, Hollis, Morton, Burbank, Welsh . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 .3 7.4 8.4 13 .8.86 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 .3 8.3 10 .11 12 .12.84 WILLIAMSTOWN Kurkowski 8, Bezzant 4, Bennet, Daniels . BEST Kurkowski, Cabansag and great team effort . HAMPTON ROVERS J . Alessi 4, M . Alessi 2, Knight 2, Mather 2, Bird, Manganard, Marshall . BEST Ivey, Bird, Mather, Abraham, Barrett, J . Alessi .
E SECTION by Michael Lloyd
REVIEW Another 4 out of 5 winners . Old Camberwell have let me down this week after giving them a big wrap for beating Doveton last week, as I said a week is a long time in football . So after 7 rounds the top four sides appear very evenly matched, St. Leos remain ladder leaders closely followed by Doveton and Glenhuntly. Whilst at the bottom of the table the battle to avoid relegation is extremely even . In a hard and bruising affair at Aquinas, Doveton found itself leading at 3/4 time by a slender 3 pts, however steadied in the last quarter kicking 8 gls to 3 to run out 33 pt winners . For the home side, Livingstone kicked 3 gls whilst Van Kerkhoven Knights and Hacking were their better players. For Doveton, Johnston was inspiring and Burgess proved to be a key forward . In the match for outright 3rd position, Old Camberwell were beaten by 47 pts by Glenhuntly in wet conditions last Saturday. Old Camberwell found itself playing catch up football after Glenhuntly's strong opening quarter and although they were only 9 pis down at half time, they had no answer to Glenhuntly's superior team work . Better players for Old Camberwell were Ewart, O'Hara and Smith . Old Essendon continued being undefeated at home with a 36 pt victory over Bulleen United and are now out of the four by percentage only . For Old Essendon their major goal kickers were Standord with 4 and Panagiotopoulos with 3 gls whilsttheir best players were Souter, Crameri and Tapungao . St Leos Wattle Park continued its good recent form with a consistent 4 qtr team effort against Powerhouse . Brendan Vaughan's 11 gIs for St . Leos resulted from a strong game from Andrew Gill at half back and Don Dincolantonio leading the wayforthe in form on ballers . In the end St Leos ran out easy 114 pt victors . In the final game, played on the No . 2 Oval Elsternwick won on the last kick of the day by a goal against ANZ . In what was a very even game with no side being able to get the ascendancy. ANZ began the game strongly and at one stage led 5 gls to 1, however Elsternwick kept coming back . At 3/4 time the margin was a single point in ANZ's favour which set up a nailbiting last quarter with the lead changing numerous times . PREVIEW Glenhuntly who have returned to something like thei r best form take on Aquinas who matched it for 3 qtrs with Doveton last week, however Glenhuntly's superior teamwork should see them through . Old Camberwell play host to Elsternuvick who finally returned to the winners list last week, however Old Camberwell wishing to atone for last weeks performance should be too strong .
Doveton and Old Essendon play in a game crucial for Old Essendons' finals aspirations, however this week the door will be closed by a relentless Doveton combination . Bulleen United meet ladder leaders St Leos who are playing consistently well and should take the points and remain on top. In the final game, Powerhouse play,ANZ in a do-ordie match so important to both sides . In what should be a very close game, I'll tip Powerhouse to win . SELECTIONS : Glenhuntly, Old Camberwell, Doveton, St Leos and Pow erhouse. PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : Only received 6/10 reports this week, let's make a concerted effort to improve. Phone 268 3663 or Fax 268 4141 .
I 300 FOR DICK L70EiLE Y Sulleen United legend Dick F: orley will notch up his 300th game for the club in what has been an exceptional career over 18 seasons . 11 club B&Fs makes his name prominent on the Bull's Honour Board, while 3 Association Awards were also highlights, even though his words to umpires are rarely complimentary, Dick also recently became a father for the first time so don't be surprised if that name Morley is mentioned in these books 20 years on . ST LEOS - WANTE D Can anyone help with Big G's pimples? Preferably female!
GLENHUNTLY vs AQUINAS 0 B Field: Brian Lowe, A. Kie l OLD CAMBERWELL vs ELSTERNWICK Field: D. D'Altera, P. Lukies Boundary: A. Stephens, R . Cormick DOVETON vs OLD ESSENDON GR Field: M . Cox, P. Maebus Boundary: T. Baldwin, W. Allen BULLEEN UNITED vs ST LEOS WATTLE PARK Field: D. Knott, M . Pinney POWERHOUSE vs ANZ BANK Field: R . Burns
SENIORS 343 (0) DYKE, Dorreton .UGHAN, St Leos WP (11 9 Vp ) Elsternwick (3) 2 9 LE IJGACHER, ANZ Bank (5) 29 R, PROVAN, Old Camberwell t2) 24 RESERVES pYKE, old Camberwell ) (1) 25 CROUCH, Aquinas (0 16 ; ^AHONEY, Elsternwick (2) 16 P LO, JON, Old Camberwell (6) 1 6
SEi JlOR S AQUINAS OB 2 .5 5.10 7.11 10.13 .73 DOVETON 3 .3 6.6 8 .8 16.10.106 'AQUINAS Livingstone 3, Clifford 2, Glennie 2, Lamborn, Jess, D . Joyce . BEST VanKerkhoven, Knights, Hacking, Kelly, Lamborn, Livingstone . DOVETON Burgess 4, Cipressi 3, S . Reiger 3, Muirhead, Goodwin, Fprgianni, Murphy, J . Reiger, Pauline . BEST Johnson, Page, Burgess, S. Reiger, Cipress, Khalil . OLD CAMBERWELL 2 .3 5.7 7.7 8 .9.57 GLENHUNTLY 7.0 7.4 12 .6 16 .8 .104 0. CAMBERWELL D. Provan 2, D. Steven, T. McManus, N . Forwood, t',tchell, A. Gale, D . Essery. BEST G . Ewart, B . O'Hara, E . Smith, J. on, T. Walker, A. Kyriaco u GLECdHUNTLY Black 3, Brown 2, Gilmore 2, Halpin 2, Jankovic2, Whelan 2. Craig Horsey, Silvey, T. Hill . BEST Disco, T. Hill, Trewrarn, Silvey, Gilmour, ,,,ance. OLD ESSENDON 4.2 7.6 10.11 15.18 .108 BULLEEN UNITED 3.3 6 .5 7.9 10 .12 .72 0. ESSENDON Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . BULLEEN UTD Morley 6, Hopkins 2, Kelly, Thompson . Moran. BEST Morley, Moran, Flew, Mott, Schneider, P. Cotterill. `ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 6 .5 16 .9 21 .15 27.15 .177 POWERHOUSE 3.2 4 .4 7.6 9 .9.63
ST LEOS B.L . Vaughan 11, Davidson 4, Corrigan 2, Douglas 2, McNamara 2, J. Murphy 2, D. Dincolantonio, S. Ingram, P. Murphy, Pitcher. BEST B .L . Vaughan, Gill, D. Dincolantonio, P. Murphy, Douglas, McNamara. POWERHOUSE J . Scotland 3, Ford 2, Hansen 2, P . O'Sullivan, Gill. BEST L. Massaglia, Morris, Ford, Doyle, G . MacAroy . ELSTERN W ICK 5.1 9.4 11 .11 16.15 .111 ANZ BANK 5 .3 10.6 12 .6 16 .9 .105 ELSTERNWICK M . Andrew. 3, Hankin 3, Ivett 2, S . Mahoney 2, Shine 2, A . Conlin, Pavlovic, Tsiampas, Whelan . BEST Hankin, Mahony, D . Conlin, Ward, Fayad, Murphy . ANZ BANK Lengacher 5, Cairns4, Shoppee, R . McDonald, J. McDonald, Snelling, Cox, Lawrence, Smith . BEST Pentland, Harbinson, J. McDonald, R. McDonald, Boyce, Cairns. RESERVES AQUINAS OB 1 .3 1.4 3.6 4 .9.33 DOVETON 0.4 3.6 6 .10 8.13 .61 AQUINAS Bradbury 2, Tubb. BEST Belli, Johnson, D. McKellar, McEwan, Rogers, Kenny. DOVETON Womersley3, Lereque 2, Ruston, Sheppeck, Giddens . BEST Sweeney, Ruston, Alimouski, Pepper, Giddens, McGougan . OLD CAMBERWELL 9.0 10.1 13.3 17.5 .107 GLENHUNTLY 0.2 0.3 2 .3 2 .5.17 0. C'WELL P. Lenton 6, A. Inkster 4, D. Sim 2, J . Swann 2, B. Pyke, J. Neil, A . Kent . BEST N . Huntley, S . Jackson, P. Lenton, A. Wright, M . McHutchison, R . Lee. G'HUNTLY Dix 2. BEST S. Smith, Thomas, Oaten, Levey, Dunphy, Hall . OLD ESSENDON 3 .2 7.5 11 .14 14.16.100 BULLEEN UNITED 1 .1 1 .1 2 .1 4.2 .26 0. ESSENDON Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . BULLEEN UTD Irvine 2. BEST Irvine, Parker, Humphrey . ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 2 .1 5.5 11 .8 18.14 .122 POWERHOUSE 2 .2 2 .3 3 .3 4 .5.29 ST LEOS Morris 5, Shacklock 4, Steward 3, Quilty 2, Alford, Greely, Lenaghan . BEST Sweetland, Greely, O'Halloran, Morris, Van Den Akker . POWERHOUSE Maddox, Scalzo, J . Evans, Hartley. BEST A . Wildes, Newman, Phelan, Wooler, S . MacAroy ELSTERNWICK 3 .3 4.4 4 .6 7.6 .48 ANZ BANK 3.2 7.7 7.11 11 .13.79 ELSTERNWICK S. Ramsay 3, P. Mahoney 2, Heath, Anastasiadis . BEST Boribon, Orgill, O'Connor, Ramsay, Mahoney, Beaney. ANZ BANK Spinner 4, Morse 3, McCarthy 2, Perkins 2 . BEST J. Liddell, Strahan, R . Liddell, McCarthy, Sweeney, Hayes .
F1 SECTION by Michael Noonan
St John's showed they are definite flag contenders with an upset win over the previously undefeated St M a ry 's in Round Seven . Their win cleared the way for St Andrew's to snatch top spot on the ladder with St Mary's slipping to second and St John's and Latrobe Uni both consolidating their positions inside the four. Peninsula are now knocking very loudly on the door after another good win while St Pats (after ending their drought) and Salesian (after losing their fourth on the trot) are both desperately hanging on. It looks like it's going to be a long season for West Brunswick, UHSOB and Old Carey, who are now all staring down the barrel after losing at the weekend . REVIE W As pre dicted, St Marys suffered their first defeat for the season with a 10 gl loss to a strong St Johns side. Although St Marys had lost a number of key players through injury and suspension, they were outclassed and overrun by an enthusiastic and youthful St Johns side, who are now pushing for top spot . St And rews had another big win with a 92 pt thrashing of Old Carey at Bulleen. Although Carey came within 16 pts at half-time, they dropped the bundle in the last half and failed to add to their score . A strong backline, on-ball domination and star players Ashby, Serbo and Wilson (who booted 10), saw St Andrews kick 11 gls to 0 in the last half and gain some valuable percentage points . St Pats kept their finals hopes alive with a narrow 7 pt win over Salesian at Southern Road . A more consistent performance and a strongerforward line saw the Patters and their losing streak of recent weeks and hang on to win in a tense finish . UHSOB had no answer to Lat robe, who confirmed their finals contendership with a 71 pt win at home . At the Western Oval, Peninsula proved they can wi n away from their domain with an important 2 gl victory over West Brunswick . PREVIEW The F1 Match of the Day will see St Johns and Lat robe in a battle for third spot at Dandenong . Both teams are coming off confident wins and both will be equally determined nottojeopardisetheirfinalschances . St Johns, who have looked strong in recent weeks, should make it their fourth in a row with a 7 gl win . St Marys should overcometheir Round 7 hiccup and demolish a hapless Old Carey at the Sandpit . At Parkville, UHSOB will be hoping they can notch up a second win against an unpredictable St Pats . After an encouraging win last week and with the four still in sight, St Pats will havethe edge and should come home strongly. Salesian will be desperate to end their losing run and with a number of players coming back, should return to the winning list against West Brunswick . St And rews will not be looking forward to the trip to Peninsula in what promises to be a tough physical contest . The Pirates have looked good in recent weeks
and are always difficult to beat at home, while St Andrew, will be determined not to budge from thetop . The home crowd won't be let down . MILESTONES • All the best to Darren "Fatty" Wallace of U HSOB who is playing his 150th this week . • Everybody at Old Carey congratulates And rew Cope on his 100th game. • Congratulations to Paul Murphy of St Pats who played his 150th game last week against Salesian . Well done also to Steve Lewis, who notches up his 50th game this week . SOCIAL • St Ma rys will be holding a "Karaoke Night" this week at their club rooms. • Old Carey's long-awaited "Frog'n Grog Night" will be happening this Saturday night . • Salesian will be hoping Des Perkins doesn't do a second rendition of "H R Puff'n Stuff" attheir "Karaoke Night" this week . FACT FILE St Marys FC was founded in 1932 in the FSCFA, winning A Grade premierships in 1975, 78, 79, 80. The club joined the VAFA in 1990 and won an F Grade premiership in its first year. In 1992, after being relegated back from E Grade, they finished second and lost both finals . The club's mostfamous son is Alan Martello who played juniors and seniors in the 1960s and went to play for Hawthorn and Richmond .
FATTY WALLACE 150 GAME S UHSOB congratulates senior captain David'Fatty ' Wallace on reaching 150 games . A gutsy footballer, Fatty has given his all for the Uni High jumper. Fatty won the club's B&F awards in'90 &'92, and as well as being a key player, has been an important contributor off the field . 150 GAMES TO `89URPH ' Everbody at St Pat's Mentone congratulates Paul M urphy who played his 150th game for the club last week (22/5) . Well done'Murph' and maythere be many more. 100 UP FOR ANDREW 'SENIOR' COPE And re w Cope today (29/5) plays his 100th game for Old Carey. He joined the club in '88 from the school and hassettled nicely intothe senior back pkt position with his no-nonsense straight ahead style . Congratulations Andrew from all at Old Carey and we look forward to the next 100.
SENIORS LATROBE UNIVERSITY 5. 2 11 .5 13 .9 16.12 .108 0.1 UHSO B LATROBE UNI D. Ivey 5, Robinson 3, Brown 2, Cousins 2, Brodie, M . Edmunds, Fredrickson, Morrice "ett, S . Smith . BEST Strahan, McLean, UHSOSESmah, ,Major . Davidson , ST MARYS 3 .5 3 .8 5 .18 7.23.65 ST JOHNS OC 3 .5 9.11 15 .15 18.19 .127 ST MARYS Preston Ymer, A. Huebner, O'Rourke, D . Bourke, M . Huebner. Bernadl . BEST Sloan, O'Rourke, Faulkner, Learmonth . ST JOHNS Doherty 3, Charlton 3, Nichalsen 3, Walton 2, Giacomini 2, La`Brody2, Higgins, Waters, Back . BEST Ham, Higgins, Back, Nichalsen, Storai, Doherty . ST pATRICKS MENTONE 0 .1 5 .5 8 .5 9.9.63 SALESIAN 0 .5 2 .8 4 .10 7.14.56 ST PATRICKS MENTONE P. Murphy 6, M. Sullivan, Perrin, Coxon . BEST: P Lewis, Wise, B. Kellett, P. Murphy, Sebre. SALESIAN Cincotta 5, I . Bobetic, S . Bobetic. BEST 1 . Bobetic, Nanovich, Eager, Cincotta, M . Brennan . WEST BRUNSWICK 12 .8.80 PENINSULA OB 13 .14.92 W. BRUNSWICK Capron 6, Kyrikidis 2, Magafas, Di'Benedetto, D'Andrea, Vitale. BEST Gray, Konstantinidis, Capron, D'Andrea, A . Moore, Bargiamidis. PENINSULA Warne-Smith 4, Hayes 4, Wiltshire 4, McMahon . BEST Stewart, Glover, McMahon, Wiltshire, Torossi, M . Goding . OLD CAREY 3.3 5 .9 5.9 5 .9 .39 ST ANDREWS 5.3 8 .7 18.13 19 .17.131 0. CAREY Hughes 2, Bayard 2, Price. BEST Gorman, Bayard, Raft . ST ANDREWS Wilson 10, Fox 3 . Bovezza, P. Kerslake, Peterson, Rule, (' , Tapner, Tulloch . BEST Ashby, Bovezza, P. Kerslake, Serbo, Tulloch, .A son.
ST JOHNS vs LATROBE UNI Field: P. Wiseman (Rot), J . Ischia Boundary: D. Ischia, M . Crossland ST MARYS vs OLD CAREY Field: C. Thuys, R . Smith UHSOB vs ST PATS MENTONE Field: D. Earp, M . Head Boundary: K . King, S . King SALESIANS vs WEST BRUNSWICK Field: G . Waldron, D.'Kramer PENINSULA OB vs ST ANDREWS COBURG Field : G . Walter, B. Johannse n
RESERVES LATROBE UNIVERSITY 9.18 .72 UHSOB 1 .2 .8 LATROBE UNI Blaskett 2, Cavalien 2, D . Wright 2, Culmsee . Harrop, Wallis . BEST Wallis, Culmsee, Richards, Harrop, Shaw, Weeks . UHSOB Hudd . BEST Burns, Roy. Gonis, Fennessy, Ross, Kenney. ST MARYS 1.3 1 .4 2.4 2 .4 .16 ST JOHNS OC 3 .1 7.4 15.8 24 .15.159 ST MARYS Jackson, Bernadi . BEST Pope, Innes, Jackson, Kennedy ST JOHNS Hancock 5, Matheson 4, Canal 2, Logonder 2, Pradel 2, Corcoran 2, Jancovic 2, Emery 2, Fort, Cantwell, Kelly. BEST Matheson, Munroe, Hancock, Corcoran, Pradel, Cockayne. ST PATRICKS MENTONE 4.0 7.4 9.6 10 .10.70 SALESIAN OC 1 .4 1 .7 2.10 4 .11 .35 ST PATRICKS MENTONE Johnston 4, Hawker 2, Oliver, A . Gurtler, Ladds, P. Noonan. BEST Oliver, Hawker, Sheehan, Johnston, Allinson . SALESIANS Makeham 2, Zois, Enright . BESET Zois, Enright, Mick Forbes, Mrtsios, Makeham, Faul . WEST BRUNSWICK 7.11 .53 PENINSULA OB 13 .6.84 W. BRUNSWICK McAllister 2, McNaughton, Baker, Hickey, Tersigni, Babic. BEST Green, McNaughton, Edwards, McAllister, Sain, Baker . PENINSULA Paisley 4, Mannes 2, Parsons 2, Farrow 2, MacNamara 2, Baxter. BEST Parsons, Paisley, Morgan, Crowder, King, Farrow. OLD CAREY 1 .2 2.4 4.5 6.7.43 ST ANDREWS 5.2 9.2 10.5 15.7.97 0. CAREY Belcher 3, Macrae, Yarnall, Wilson . BEST Zadnik, Yarnall, Thomas, Belcher. ST ANDREWS D . Iles 4, Campbell 3, Hibbert 2, C . Tapner 2, Ford, Harvey, Lows, Wilcox . BEST Ford, D. Iles, Gleisner, Lowe, Lynch, Wright .
SENIORS CHARLTON, St John s CINCOTTA, Salesians WILSON, St Andrews Coburg KREUZER, Lat robe Uni MULLINS, St Ma rys RESERVES CAMPBELL, St Andrews Coburg PEISLEY, Peninsula OB BLASKETT, Latrobe Un i MARKS, Peninsula MANNES, Peninsula
(3) 39 (0) 37 (10) 30 (0) 23 (0) 20 (3) (4) (2) (0) (2)
19 18 15 14 14
c ;:~~~~
A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct".
!~ E '
~~ a®® ®
Sat 11-11 .30 am . - Amateur Footy Show hosted by Larry Stephens with studio guests . Sat 6 .30 pm - All VAFA results .
,Southern JUf
Thurs 3 .15 pm - John Kelly chats about Amateur footy with Phil Stevens . Sat 6 .30 pm - VAFA results with Andrew Clifton
"VAFA SUNDAY" ON SOUTHERN FM 88 .3 every Sund ay Morning 9 - 9.30 a m with host Michael Schiavello and accompanied each week by either Adam Kenyon or David Holland. Scores, interviews, competitions and comments .
9 .20 am every Friday Adam Kenyon presents VicHealth VAFA Report on Leon Wiegard's Good Sports Sho w
_~A F9---~ Adam Kenyon previews weekend matches and the Diadora ^ .~ _ -
® Player of last week's round is announced.
'J _®% .;
Adam Kenyon reviews matches .
Pat Maher reviews matches played .
Vt as fu11p wrap u of all matches -, am nyonAdpresen I ~ j including ladders for all sections .
tinder 19 Section 1 CH I RNSI DE PARK
Coach: M . Carus i 1 B, Rattray 2 S- Fischer 3. T. Spel l 4 J- Carusi 5 A . DeVincentis 6 M . Reaby ;-L. Picao6 (VC) F Paol a 9, S. Foster 10. J_ Woodward 11, D Paola (C) 12= M . Burke -73. E. Kerr 14.L .Lowen 15.F7 . Romano 16. L. McGuire 17. J Pignataro 19. M . Quin n 20 C_ Crosland 21, M . Sontag 23. J. Cochrane 24. P. Ega n 25, M . Mobilia 26. M. Walker 2T S. McIntosh 31. P. DiCiero 32, D . Sutherland (DVC) 34. R. Henderson 35 P. Di Ludovico J. Mosc a 47= A . Alsbury
n 0"
DE LA BLUE Coach: Noel Jenkinson 2 . A . Scot t 3 . D. Gleason 4 . D.V. Smith 6. A . Fountoulakis 8 . P Gran t 9. M . Macorra 10. C. Makinson 11 . A. Gran t 12. A . Malitzi a 13. P. Conroy (Capt) 15. D. Parr 16. K .T. Greene 17. D. Larkin 18. D. Pearson 19. B.Fuo g 20. A . Frawley 21 .T.Dundon(VC) 22 . C. Hynes 24. P. Satchel] (VC) 32 . J . Gallagher (VC) 47. M . McGrath 48.P.Ronch i
MARCELLIN M AZENOD Coach : Scott Ch ristiansen Coach: Tom De Youn g 1 . J. Keays 1 . D . Huggins 2 . C. Williams 3 . C . Purcel l 4 . Jason Ibrahim 5 . A . Nasrallah 6 .L.Toscano T L. Thompson 8 . D . Mora n 9 . D . Coutts 10. N . Godwin (VC) 11 . John Ibrahim . A . Labagnara 12 S . Mathews (Capt) 13. 14. Troy Cox 15. D. Evans-Smith 16. M . Lowry 17. R . Bromage 18. B. Moran 19. Ro b 20. R . Carafe 21 . M . Sanelli 22 . S . Abbott 23. M . Sammut 24. C. Leffley 25. G . Fava 26. A . Howard 27. D. Waters
1 . D. Fiel d 2- A. Henshaw (VC) 3 . J . Disney 4 . J. Wilson 5. P. Gason 6 1. Hudson 7.T.Treseder 8 . J- 0'Carroli 9. J . Campbell 10. R . Hewitt
11 . M . McCarty-Salmon 12 . M . Thomas 13. G . Stooke 14. D. Ye n
15 A. McIntosh 16. D. Brockeridge 17 G . Muchian (VC) t8. R . Egleton 19. D. Trindade 20. B .Luckock 21 . L . Silk 22 . J . Spry 23 . M . Jobling 24. T. Carmichael 25.S.Kuhn 2T B, Telford 28A . McKean 30 J. Gourky
32 T. Elstoft (VC) 35. M . Pringles 39. H . Selby-Smith 41 . C. Sonneberg 42 . McLea n 44. A . Read
® Ca on.
8. G . New 9. I . Jones 10. S . Martin 11 . L. Dwyer 12. M . Dal[ 13 . C. Leave r
14 . D.Jorgenson 15. B . Murphy 16 . M . Sewel l 17 . L. Lean 18. J . Winduss 19 . M . Finnis 20. B. Karp 21 . G . Lucas 22. D Johnson 23 A . Swan 24 K. Perry 25. M . Elliott 26 G . Angelis 27 . B. Samild 28 D Murphy 29. C Littl e 30. S . Ellaway 31 . T. Langler 32. S, Anderson 33. C. Ru s hworth 34. P. Flaskis
35, S . Ryan
THESANDOWN PARK HOTE L ~ ~wu ortr CF tataS se .v~ :
Coach : Chris lan e 1 . R . Buchanan 2 . T. Boothman 3. G . Stac k 4. S . Boothey 6. M. Anastasios (DVC) 8. D. Wickenton 9. R. Weber 10 . A . Wood 12 . B. Metherall 13 . D. Scoffern 14 . D. Plumridg e 15 . R . Barthoiomeusz 16 . D. Prins 17. C . Rice 18 . M . Rowe 20.T. Evans 21 . C. Stevens 23. A . Pound (Capt) 26. C. Allen 29. PKerr 30'X. Aicoc k 34. B. Adamopoulos 36. A. Whitaker 37. B. Nicholls 38. M .Jones 39 . D. Hayter 40 . J . Raby (VC) 50 . A . Hilton 52 . A . Chi n 53 . D. Burn 54 . D. Hobbs 58 . M . Kell y
Coach : Paul Hodles 1 . J. Wiliam s 2. P. Appel 3. L . Sheddon 4. G . Katris (Capt) 5. C. Leon e 6. N . Linford (VCapt) 7. S . Kitto
2 . S . Bruce 3 . D. Butler 4 . M .Goudie 5 . P Kin g 6 . J . Fisher 7. S. Morga n 8 . B . Borg (DVC) 9. D. Cart r 10. P McCusker 11 . D. Medley 12. S. Coulson 13. D. Steinfort (VC) 14, S . Henderson 15. R . Savy 16. J. Gardiner 17. D. Egan 18. M. Little 19. W. O'Hara 20. D. O'Donaghue 21 . G . Hanse n 22 . J . McCarthy 23. B. Harper 24. C . Falloon 25. F. Orso 26. M . Occhiutto 27. D. Kro m 28. G . Barrin 29. S. Sullivan 30, 1 Bits 31 . A. Fahey 32 . D. Moore 33. A . Loucas 34. D. Nash 35. R .Ebert &1 . M .DeNavi 64.S .Bourbon 70. L . Clarke (Capt) MAJOR SPONSO R
Industrial • Domestic • Commercial
558 525 5 OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Chris Anderson 1 . M . Fitzsimon (DVC) 2 . G . Dermentzi s 3. D. de Stetanis 4 . L . Westmore 5. R. Ralp h 6. S . Delmo 7. S . Black 8 J . Fitzgerald 9 . J . Hawkins 10 N . Fay 11 . M. Wilkinson 13. P. Lecht e 15. D . Curtain 16. S. Dluzniak 17. A . Reis 18, A . Jones 21 . W. Gil l 22 . G . Anderson 23 .S. Waddingham 24 . M . Petroff 25, M . McIntyre 26 . D Strachan 27. S . Kennedy 29 . C. Howard 30 . M . Shortall 32 . P Thomas 33 . A . Walsh 34 . D. Stones (VC) 35 . E . Guidic e 42 . M . lacovangelo 53 . P Hall (Capt) 67. S . Lall y 68 . P. O'Brien
ORMOND Coach: Michael Hoiden 1 . L . Barrett 2 . G . King 3 .L.McGaw 4. G.Goldman 5. C . Turner 6. J. Kelleher 7. W. Philips 8. S. Parkilas (VC) 9. D .'Wdks 10, L . Haddon 11 . D. Morgan 12 . D . Monk 13 . D Casperz 14 . N . Rowell 15, C. Williams 16, R Milliken 17. B . King 18, C. Neef 19 D. Wright 20. B. Reither 21 . J . Hallam 22 T Malaria (C) 23. A Casey 25. L . Fraser 29. F. Cavicic 31 . S . Edwards 52 . F. Egan 54. D-Wheeler 55 L . Airey MAJOR SPONSOR
ST. BERNARD'S Coach : Terry Davi s 1 . A .Webb 2. D . Sawicki 3 . B Hemley 4 . D. Raciti 5, S, O'Keefe 6 . M . Hande T C, Parrett 8 . B . Chatfield 9. A . Zagari 10. M . Castles 11 . P. Scern
t2 . M . Conroy 13.J. Ferns 14. S . Fox 15. D. Croker t6. M . Wright 17. G . Morrish t8.S Lynch 20 .J .Kavanagh 21,S Chatfield 22 . M . Farmer 23. D. Rogers 24.S.Kennedy 25.L. Rogers 26 . P. Zeine 2T D Raffle 28 . A Farmer MAJOR SPONSO R
Lincolnshire Arms Hotel 1 Keilor Road, North Essendon, Vic. 3041
Under 19 Central BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Coach: Mal Prior 1 N Waddell 3 G, Hatton 4 G Daisley 5 L. Parns 6 G . Tayior 7 A Saw 8 A Ibrahim 9 S Fraser 10R Robertson 11 P Rei d 12 C McMahon 14 G Parkin8on 16 C. Shaliard 17 D Hall
18 D Cummins 20, R Lambast 21 B Crott 22 P Bnndley 27 W Murphy 32 G Massey 49 M Piibeany 55 J Prio r
ST LEO'S WATTLE PAR K Coach : S. Kenealy 1 A .0'Redly 2 J Crook 3 S Manton 4 B McHugh 5 P Chiodo 6 A N'Drue 7 D Glass (Capt) 8 A McKenzie 9 M Howar d 10 T Munr o 11 K Martin (CVC) 12 D Weils 13 A Nankervis (CVC) 14 A . Smit h 16 M Dempsey 1T S Bainbridge 18 T O'Kell y 19 A, Danker' 20 M Fewster 21 PByrn e 22 M . O'Laughlin 24 S. Corcoran 25 H Meehan 26 S Morri s PROUDLY SPONSORED B Y
THERRY Coach: J. Toohey 1 R Bannister (VC) 2 M Slazy k 3 J Woodgate 4 M Elliott 5 J Browning 6 J Tate 7 C Kennedy 8 L Holiow 9 G . Baker 11 W Conla n
12 S Watherhead 13 D Ramm 14 C Noonan 16 N LaFontame (C) 17 D Goodwin (VC) 19 J Dmech 20 D Forbes 21 P Stanko 22 E Crockford 23d Drenen 26 J Goodger 27 K Fltzpatnck 28 P Wggms 30 A Ur h 31 A, Cullen 32 M Moroz 32 H. Flynn 35 M Kelly 36 D Hohareau 37 D Larg e 58 M Finmoa n
IVANHO E Coach : Rob Pearce 1, B Joyce 2 . M Pearce 3 D Fuliwood 4 D. Lynch 5 L Pearce 6 J, Pace 7 N Risn Fanelli 8P c 9. M, Stapleton 10 M . O'Shea 11 S For d 13 S Malha 15 J Anazakis 16 G P,ikmgton 18 R Gitto s 20 R Hud 21 .L Blackwood 22 L . P,Iher 23 S Carter 26 S Devh n 30 H . Langford 31 . P Jennings 32 J Bayxrood 33. R Laver R .Molloy 34. S 49 Pace SPONSORED BY
NORTH OLD BOYS Coach: J . Marchbank i . J. Joyce (Capt) 2 .J Bandt 3 . F. Barrels 4 F Haifa 6 P. Brya r 7 P Cremona 8 S Dru m 9 M Hicks 10. J Kerr 11 A Mattiazzi 12_ C McMahon 13 J Mdronis 14 T. Parry 15 T Pritchard 16 S Sailouh 17 D. Sindoni 18. G Stunneil 19. S . Trenton 20 R Hard 21, D Zappulia 22 . D Appleyard 23 B Bryce 24B Ega n 25. M Roberts 26. J Jenkins 2TS Sarong 28. D. Tonkin 29. H Daffey 30 P. RoumeOot,s 31 S basic 32 L Collins 33 B Monos
838 Heidelberg Rd Alphington Ph : 499 7177
OLD CAMBERWEL L Coach : Rick James 2 R Burnett 3 A Kokinos 4 T. Reid 5,S Horskms 6 I Strachan 7 B McManus 8 S . Bremne r 9 T Homes Cant) 10 T James 11 A Richardson 12 S, Williams 13 C Paterson 14 D. Talbo t 15 D Imberger IDS, Lethiean 17. D . Palmer 18 M Mitchell 19 R . Elsom 20 A Mdlms 21 . A. Strachan 22 B Summons 23 J Bodna 24 J McKenzie 25. M Walker 26. C Porter 27. P Gooch 28. L Gladman 29.J.Hancock 30 N Hmdaugh 31 A Williams 32 T Hardman 33 A. Hill s 34. A Waterworth 37 N Thomson 41 D Walker 42 S Norri s
MAJOR SPONSO R ~ ✓ \lF? ~ ®i_
OLD CARE Y Coach : Craig Jobson I E, Elliott 2 R, Jamieson 3. L . Patterson 4 J Dun n 5 D Walsh 6 C McCormick 7. M Addiso n 8 M Yarnell 9 P Egan 10 C Shorland 11, A Bell 12 N Doggett 13. M . Gilbert 14 M Nance (Cap[) 15 J Newnha m 16 P Dalton 17 T Mitcheil 18 D Lee 19. J Bates 20 C Campbell (VC) 21 S Lor d 22 D Hrs t 23 C Matthews (DVC) 24 D. Lawrence 25 N. Behrens 26 G. Cotson,s 27 N . Vasdopouios 28 C Isaacs 29 B Smith 30 A . Berry 32 M. Thomas 33 M . Currey 35 H Morrison 36 M Belcher 39 P_ Merry 54 B Craigie 55 T Kin g A, Coward V Donoudis N Everett J Murphy R . Parker N Perera D Watts AJOR SPONSOR
OLD PARADIAN S Coach : A . Morelli 1 D Digney (VC ) 2 A. N¢sov 3 P. Phela n 4 M Anderson 5 N Bal l 6 B Montgomery 7 L Smith 8 L Dye r 9 S Drummond 10 B Brabender 11 . B . Heffernan 12. D Heste r
13. M McCrohan 14 D McCrohan 15 J Way 18 C Calls 19 I Morelli 20 G . Beadle 21 S Moore 22 D Cavoia 23 P, Curti s 24 M, McBryan 25 M . Basil e 26 D Horsmgton 27 S Farrel l 28 M Geary 29 D Neat 30 A Mulvahili 31 S Weyman 33 M. Garolfolo 34 B Swindon 35 A Vance Capt) 36 A Farrel l 37 D Cosma 38 S Kavanagh 40 T Wali~ s 52 M, Campbell
OLD TRINITY GRAMM . Coach : P. Atkinson 1 B Clark 2 M DeStetanis (DVC) 3 T Gibson IDVC) 4. C Smith 5 J Shem (VC) 7 R . Hatfield (Capt) 8 W Guttendge 9 C Hodson 10 T Carey 11 .S Davey 12 F. Camero n
13, D Alysandratos 14 S Wmstanley 15 S Cade 16 N King 17 D Varg o 18 B Campaign 19 T Anlonopoulos 20 A Alexander 21 A Seeley 22 S Wynke 23 P Makns 25 J Stucldle 26 B Gerovas,hs 27 S Donaldson 28 D Entwisle 29 L Jervis 30 A Ramadan 31,R Denby 34 S Gleason 35 NTayier 39 P Sklavenibs MAJOR SPONSOR S
UNI BLACK S Coach : R . Grummet 1 J-P Ric e 2 B Schreenan 3 F. Stinson 4 A Macpherson 5,13 Masr 6 D Lerman 7. N Griffin 8 B Wright 9 C Whitely 10 M Torney 11 R Ternl I 12 M, Strazdms 13 G Stafford 14 A . Smith
15 N Simmonds 16. M Shernif 17 D Rya n 1 J Patterson 6 L Macrae 19 20 C McDonald 21, N, Miller 22 N Middleton 23 M McLellan 24 P Luca s 25 B Lrvmgston 26 S Kerr 27 P Jens 28P Hodgson 29 R Henderson 30 R Egan 31 R Doepel 32 A, Crommelm 33 J Coventry 34 J Coo k 35 G . Brasier 36 M, Bowles 37 D BAs 38 A Batsaks 39 M Ancesch i SPONSORED B Y
~,~ Carlton.
OLD IVANHOE GRAM M Coach: Andy Harris i . A Atkinson 2 M Tolley 3 M Clarkson 4 A Randall 5A Schoene 6. P Chan 7. D. Hartley 8. D Linley 9 P. Quick 10 C. Lutz 1,T Ryan 12, M, Tozer 13 C Chan 14 J. Mansfield 15 G Douglas 16 M . Woods 17. J. Lu k 18 C Ferguson 19 T Young 20 T Rowson 21 C Ulnck 22 . D. Stott 23 B Appleby 24 G Harps 25 P Edbrooke 26. M . Smith 27. J Sing h 28 A . Beckwith 29 R . Weddle 30. N . Mancini 31 N Bellamy 32 D Goad 33 A Martin 34 S Ken t 35 S Vaiopouios 36 C Webe r 37 T. Bryar 49. J Hempseed 71, T Byrne 88 C Georgiou MAJOR SPONSOR S
Hotel flagda d WHITEFRIAR S
Coach : S. Carrol l
Coach: G . Kailinikos
1 C Nave 2 M Bungey (VC) 3 R J Owen 4 P Bommardo 5 S . Muscatello 6 R Menzie s 7 A FC Wdcox 8 S B Waters (DVC) 9 B Spears 10 R Bales (Cap[) ii K M Jamieson 12 . D D Habe r 13 OB Hutchinson 14 P Asto n 15 N Cavalier 16 I, Bracken 17 M J Stanch 18 DJ Burnaby 19 A R. Cook 20 S B A Becket 21 . M D Werner 22 L,R Norton 23 H .H . Irving 24 N I. Ambrozy 25 J Anderson 26 S Barber 27, T Cran e 28 G Forbes 29 S Gomes 30 M Jukes 31 R Calvert 32 G Kluge 33 SMcCaw 34 A. McLead 35 S Rerth 36 M . Rea d 37 A Robinson 38 S Sham 39 A Teelow 40 L Velleiey 41 M Warne r
1 . D James 2 R . Cameron 3 D . Naismrt h 4 D McLaughlin 5 J . Little 6 M Power 7 J Baini 8 T Carngg 9 C Carngg 10 C. Quwlty It J, McFarlane (Capt) 12, S Pinchbeck 13 J Rio 14 M RaRis 15. M. Duffey 16, D Wheeian 17 M Storey 18 M . Falzon 19 A Larratt 20 W Uren 21 T Burgoine 22. V Finn 23 C. Law (VC ) 24 . M . Heath (DVC) 25 C Pellegrino 27. C Hobb s 28 D Kook 32 M. Carbone 34 S Van Biaicum 36 M Wigne y
® Carlton.
47, B Brisbane 61 A Thwarts SPONSORED B Y
jjnder 19 South AJAX Coach' Mark Zuker A-iatant : Steven Bendel 1 . Mehl 2, J. Klooger (DVC) 3. Gelbart 4. Gold g M . Rajch 6. Rotstein 7. Moss 8. Jeremy Wrobel (VC) 9. Rosen 10. Nathan 11, Assera f 12, Krasnostein (DVC) 14. Steiner 15. Szwider 16, Weisler 17. Segal 18 . B. Frid 19, Fin k 20. Smorgon 21. Popper 22. Duzenman 23, Abraham 24. Roshandler 25. Cukierman 26. Kirzner 27. Grosman 28, Kleiman 29. Meltzer 30. Lewis 31 . Chrapot 32. Braun (Capt) 33. Bram 34. Aladjem 35. C . Cohen 36. Matov 37. Goldstat 38. Pearce 39 . Engelman 40 . E. Silver 41 . Ruben 48 . Feldman
Coach : Peter Olivieri 1 . C. Boyd 2 . N. Babarczy 3. C. Mathieson 4. B. Samue l 5. D. McKenzie 6. B. Webster 7. T. Waile s 8. M. Tapp (VC) 9. M. Humphries 10 . M . Foste r 11 . M . Cassidy 12 . R .Ravensdale 13 . R . Zylberman 14 . M . Howard 16 . N . Lubransky (DVC) 17, J . Last 19 . M . Barnett 20. D. Hil l 21 . R . Morrison 23. D. Ash 25. J. Ewinger 27. N . McCartin 30. N . Gross 32 . A . Engleman 34. M. Thomson 35. B. Kuppe (Capt) 40. E. Fellows 42 . A . Smit h MAJOR SPONSO R
Coach: Steve Rust 1 . S. Gorenstein 2 . N . Fawcett 3 . R . Pethybridge 4, E. Moo n 5 . M . Arnott 6 . D. Barnes 7. J. Vo 8 . 0. Bennett 9. 0. Green 10. P. Tuohey 11 . S .Forsyth 12 . J . Caldwell 13. J. Gleason 14. J. Beer 15,S . Frost 16. P. Johnston 17. A. Barret t 18. Y. Colombies 19. D. Campbell 20 . J . Grac e 21 . C. Alexander 22 . L . Goodson 23 . M . Bruce 24. D. Nuroo 25. G . O'Shaughnessy 26. S. Slattery 27. C. Chipperfield 28. P. Hollan d 29. T. Crozier 30. B. Kohler 31 . M. Bridges 32 . D. Nixon 33. P, Maher 34. S.Castricum 35. A . Reid 36. J . Sgroi 37. C. Rubick 38. A . Lai 39. A . Crompton 44. T Spencer
2. 5. Mollard 3. A. Kelson 4. A. Oldham 5. R. Stubs 6. A. Quayle 7 . L. Bell 8. D. Lumley 9 .D. Degen 10. S. Sheezel 11. B. Mooney 12 . M . West 13. G . Briglia 14. A . Semmens 15. L . Grant (Capt) 16. M . Johnston 17. J. Samla l 18. M . Hassett 19. D . Godfrey 20. C. Williams 21 . S. De Young 22 . C . Hudson 23 . S . Grierson 24 . A. Muir 25. N . Lehman 26. A. Gluth 27. C . James 28. D. Munro 29. M . Fradkin 30. S . Clarke 31 . J . Bell
32. L. Will s
33. N . De Young 34. N . Manuel] 35. M . Saunders 36. A . Hoy 47. M . Lucas 48. C. Kringoudis
Coach : John Harper 2. J . Dakis (Capt ) 3. H . Georgeanakis 4. M . Hope 7. A. Ross 8. R. Bulmer 11 . M . Atkinson 13. G . Taylor 16. M . Clarke 17. N . Smith 20. S. Blic k
27. M . Collins 31 . T. Williams 32 . C. McKellar 33. B. Busby 34. S. Will s 35. C . Morrison 37 . M . Fletcher 38. A . Haggerty 44. H . Tregear 50. M . Atkinson 55. P. Harvey 63. D. Pavi s 71 . C. McGregor
FASHIONS Ladies & Mens Wear Hire & Sales 532 0577
M HSOB Coach : Ray MacGil l 1 . A. Clarke 2 . S. Dankert 3. M . Wilson 4. J. Pertzel 5. J. Duketis 6.D.Randhavra 7. J . Goldin (Capt) 8. P. Barge (DVC) 9. A. Saultry 10.B .Cookman 11 . Z . Curran 12 . M . Luttick 13. A . Lam 14. S. Roberts 15. P. Frost
16. J. Ramasamy 17. P. Fountas 18. T. Jackson 19. I . Gillespie (VC) 20. D.Senn(DVC) 21 . D. McAllister 22 . N . Pato n 23, E. Thomas 24. M . Atkin 25. C. Kelly 26. L . Elliott 27. J . Clarke 28. A. Gibbons 29. P. Lansley 30. L . Sayers 31. D. Wilson 32. D . Meena 33. M. Zaghloul 34. S . Stephens MAJOR SPONSORS
569 6444
COLLEGIANS Coach : Phil De Young 1, A, Ros e
Coach : Michael Hill 1 . S . Williams 2 . B . Kerr 3. C . Gordon 4. J. Bradlex 5. S. Magee 6. C . Jackson TT Lawrence 8. J. Mendoza 9. S. Wilson 10. M . Nikakis 11 . S. Williams 12. A . Arendsen 13. D. Smart 14. G . Sloan 15. B. Stefano u
16. K. Tescuendorff 17. R . Wavis h 18. R. Watnuff 19. P. Woo d 20. P. Robinson (DVC) 21 . 0. Atkin 28. T. Ward 34. M . Taylor 35. S. Svranell 39. D . Begled 41 . M . Biuonis (VC) 44. J. Newma n 46. T. McNamara 47. D. Wilson 49. A . Carr 59. T. Farrar (Capt) 62 . E . Dimer 64. S. Antonia 65. P. Paterson F_rI(ij i I -D'; {` REAL ESTATE
610 Camberwell Rd LMCT 537 Camberwell. Ph . 809 2466.
OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steven Aird 1 . B. Pentold 2 . A . Elliott 3. S.Teasdale 4. S. Whit e 5. T. Simpson 6. J. Milli e 7. A. Seymour 0. D. McGowan 9. R . Gregory 10 . S . Veenker 11 . P. Macmillan 12 . A . Strahan 13 .S . Pryd e 14 . A. Speed 15. S . Grigg 16. A. Gaylard 17 . M . Black 18. C. Hosking 19. T. McCue 20.T Joyce 21 . C. Heath 22 . D. Roberts 23. L. McDonnell 24. P Roberts 25. C . Stewart 26. J. Batchelor 27. H . Everard 28. H . McAlpin 29. R . Hardy 30. T. Pilkin
Jones Lang -; ~IfiootQ011
1 1 1 E>1'TC. , ,? I L,, . . Coach : Terry De Koning 1 . C. Stewart 2 . S. Hunter 3. S . Napier 4. C. Meyer 5. S . Scullin 6. B. Ellerton 7. A. Chang 8. K . Bouker 9. D. Kinsella 10 . J . Carroll 11 . M . Hecker 12. K . Goodchild 13 . J . McGrath 14 . M. Corderoy 15. P. Razg a 16. T. Philp 17. L . Marsh 18. A. Hayes 19. S . Napier 20. M . Tims 21 . M . Razga 22 . Q . Pendergast 23. H . Donnellan 24. J. Stoppa 25. S. Hecker 26. J. Sebire 27. T. Georgoulis 28. D . Hayward 29. A . Lawlor 30. T. Fishe r 31 . S . Markham 32 . L . Patrick 33. J. Johnstone 34, L . Summers 35. A . L'Huillier 36. C. Price 37. T Georgoulis 38. N . Mulquiney
Club XVIII Nort h BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Coach : Mai Prio r 1. D. Nutbean 3 . M . Rollands 4. L . Cassano 5. A. Smith 6. J. Prior 7. D. Bone 8. B. Brennar 9. R . Vassallo 10 . A. Daroumbus 11 . G . Proba n 12 . D. Lavetta 14 . G . Pemberton 16 . M . Brow n 17. J. Paul 18 . B . Bell 20.B.Lowa n
MESH PTY LTD Phone : 369 7211
M ONASH GRYPHON S 1 . W. Spencely 2. P Smith (Capt) 3. L . Wapling 4. C . Robinson 5. K . Fetterplace 7. R . Hardman 10. P. Barto n 11 D Adams 12, S. Jones 14 . J. Williams 15. M . Campbell 16. D . Parasol 17. A . Rezauskis 18. A . O'Brien 19. J Rubio 20 .D, Adams 21 J. Spencely 22 . C . Gasparotti 25. L . Worthy 27. J . Fuller 30. D. Grace 31 .G . Payn e 32. A . Backstrom 34. C. Freeman 35. M . Graydon 36.S . Oliver 38. S . Hamilton 39 G . Coutts 40. D. King 42 . M . Giuffnda 45. C. O'Brien 47. P. Burke 48. J. Blandford 50. J. Dorward 51 . S . Horsfall 52 . M . Lewi s MAJOR SPONSO R
ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Coach: David Tucker 3 . A . Tucker (Capt) 5 . D. Mouat 6 . 5. Mitchell 7. N . Hamshare 8 . S. Crowther 10. P. Sager 11 . K. Tucker 12 . J . Weatherill 13. M . Delaney 14. W. Wood 16. F. Mandler 18. M . Gately 19. B. Turney 20. R . Haber 21 . S. Milla r
22 . R. White 24. T. Stickland 26 . S. Webster 27. S . Feely 28. b. Hughes 29. L. Cork 31 . P. Morrow 35. J . Pitcher 44. M . Barling 45. Q Thorsen 46 .C .Penna 47. M . Peterso n 48 . T. McFarlane Smith 50 . M . Gratta n 53 . A . Shark 55 . A. Koster
NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Dennis Fogarty 1 . D. Birrel l 2 . M . Bangit 3. B. Barry 4. R . Bugeja 5. 0. Cannizzaro 6. G . Carrol l 7. A . Stenard 8. D . Cotter 9. S. Co x 10. M. Fennelly 11 . C . Henderson 12.T.Lascum 13. J . Litperakis 14 . D. Fogarty 15. D. McGrilleth 16. F. Miletto 17. D. Perrone (Capt) 18. J . Lync h 19. S . Biscard 20 .T.Phee 21 . D. Pasquariello (VCapt) 22 . E . Sal a 23. P. O'Dwyer 24 . G . O'Toole 25 .J . Schmidt 26 . P. Henie 27. P. Ket t 28 . P. Callaghan 29 .A .Schmidt (DVC) 30 . B . Swai n 31 . V. Tirotta 32 . M . Bevanoa 34 . L . Toner 35 . R . Gale 36 . J . Trimboli
KEW 1 . A. Wilso n 2 . R . Davies 3. A . Payne 4. A . Tucker 5. M . Doyl e 6. M . Edmonds 7. A. Lethlean 8. C. Northern 9. D. Maclsaac 10. A. Francis 11 . A . Phelan 12. M . Hansen 13. M . 0'Hanlon 14.T. Reynolds 15. A. Lazarus 16. A. Holten 17. I . Oakley 18. C. Curtain 19. C. Maclsaac 20. A . Hallam 21 . T. Pierc e 22 . R . McCormack 23.P. McCormack 24. S. Jame s 25. J. Leonard 26. R . Maclsaac 27. S . Jackman 28. M . Hand 29. S. Gray 30. R . Guernni 31 . A . Bainbridge 32 . S . Wol f 33.R Howe 34 . P. Shaw 35 . J . Napier 36 . R .McEncroe 37. M . Shaw 38 . J . Vanderzalm 39. A . Wol f 40. M . Quinn 41 . M . Pryor 42, M . O'Dea 43 . M . Furlong 44 . A . Bel l
The Skinny Do~ Hotel BAR & BIST 0 155 High St Kew. 853 8023 Everyone has their day at th e
2 . G . Pithie 3 . M . Belshaw 4 . M . Moore 5 . P. O'Brien 6 . A . Whit e 7. T. Gough 8 . A . Colquhoun 9 . A . Guest 10. J. Mantello 11 .P. Ingham 15. P. Mahoney 17. M . Wilkinson 27, 8, Cogan 31 .T.Jackson 36. J . Richmond 44, A. Dawson 49 . T. Killworth 51 . R . Forbes 53.C.Kaaka 54 . J. May 60.C.Spand 67. H . Magowan 69. A. Brocksop p
ST. BERNARD'S Coach : Marcus Crea k 1 . D. Solomon 2 . T. Devers 3 . P. Farmer 4. V. McGuire 5. D. Copeland 7 . M .Crea k 8. J . Monaghan 9 . D. Klaaysen 10 . M . Gollant 11 . P. Klaaysen 12, M . Dowling 13. I . O'Loughlin 14 . T. Matkov 15 .F. Monaghan 16 .J . Pearson
OLD GEELONG Coach : Tim Kiliwo rth 1 . A . Curri e
17. M . Cunningham 18 . H . Tobin 19 . P. Wood 20.J. Fraser 21 . G .Tot a 22. M . Mahady 24. K . Mahady 27. S. Denahy 28.J. Klaaysen 32, R Punting 33. R . Klaaysen 34. R . O'Connell 35.J.Saundry 36. P O'De a 37. M . O'Connell 38. D . McAllister 44. B. Moo n 48. B. Doolan 54. S. Brooks 58. S. Tobin 78. M . Devers MAJOR SPONSOR
Lincolnshire Arms Hote l 1 Keilor Road, North Essendon, Vic . 3041
THERRY Coach : P. Mot t 1 . M . Conway 2 .J . Sandman 4. P. Mott (C) 8 . S. Lyon s 10. H . Aya d 11 . B . O'Sullivan 14. J. Blain 16. D. Lyons 17. D. Jinkins 18. J. Grant 20 . G . Carbis 22 . M . Hudson 24 . G . Falchk 25 . L. Mcintyre 27. A . Minchin 32 . R . Costello 36. A . Smith 41 . W. Lin d 48. D. Lyons 49 . C. Mohren 75. J . Kite 76 . T. Hewat 79 . J . Bolitho 82. P Roper 96.S .Redde n
Club XV11.1 South BLOODS F .C . Coach: Neil Va n 1, p Amarant (Capt) 2, G, Carrol l 3. P. Dipietrantonio 4. G Taylor
5 J, Writ s
6. R . Howard 7, M . Payne 8. M . Sexton 9. S. Powell 10. D Horelsi 12-5. Curtis 73 G . Bailey 14. A. Betts 15. B. Broome (VC) 1& C, Hutchinson j7. P. Greene (VC) 18,D Payne 19. M Roha n 20. J Rowbottom 21 . N . Van 22 . A. Varela 21 R . Findlay 24. R . Gee 25. J. Melzak 26 B Jarick 27 P Gaynor 28. J Nanovich 29. S Smith 30.DThomas 31 . J . Gran t 32 J. Toomey 33_ M . Turner 34,C Burnham 35- M . Payne 36 .P Cantone 37 J Murray
OLD MELBURNIAN S Coach : R. Hackney A. Wilson 2 . R Farndo n 3 . Sr Hunt 4, A Cordner 5. S. Potter (Capt) 6 .R, Hockney 7 . P. Harris 8, S. Conian 9 N Osucuro 10 A Joyc e 11 R . McCuskey 12 A . Georgione 14 .A . Woodhouse(VC) 15 . C. Douglas 16. P. Woo d 17. G . McLaghlan 18 . D. McDonald 19 . J. Walmsley 20 A Kenyon 21, P Waite 22 . J Metcalf 30 T Taylor (VC) 34 A Scrinis 36 S. Newman 38. J, Harding 41 J. Kellar 42.T Richards 44. P Trindade 46 R .A. Sutcliffe 51 . S Burnett 52 R Sutherland 54, A. Wilson
56 S Hargreaves 61, R, Van Den Dunger 62 J Davis 64, D. Doyle 68. R. Perera 69 D Hamilton (VC)
@ Carlton.
COLLEGIANS Coach: David Tadgell 1, B . Latchfor d 2 . R . Campbell 3. N . Sibbing 4 N . Carroll S A. Davies 6.B Dunne 7. M . Wallwork 8 D. Lever 9 . C. Comley 10 D. Pales 11 . C . Woods 12 . G . Cook 13. C Muirden 14. C. Chappell 15 P. Wolff 16. S. Mackay 17.S.Byrne 18 A. Kerr 19.C. Mackay(DVC) 20. M. Whittaker 21 . P. Milford 22. G . Parsons 24. D Tadgell (Capt) 25. W. Mahoney 31 . I . Lockwood 32. R . Nancarro :v, 35. A. Taylor 39.R .Jones 40. R . Walker 41 . S . Lie 42. L . Griffi n 43. N . Comley (VC) 45. P Harry 46, A . Mitchell 49. G. McColl 52. B. BArker 53. J . Smith 54. A. Holland 55.R . Cross 56 J. Levin 59. C. Manuell 60. A Burgess 66 . B. Simpson 69 . M . Burgess 71 . P Evans 85 . M . J Emmett 88 . A. PAvakia n
OLD SCOTCH Coach : Stephen Hawkins 1 M . Ciunies-Ross 2 . P. Edward s 3 . S. Hawkins (Capt) 4 . T. Russell 5 S. Montgomery 6 A. Field 7 . A.Sutheriand 8 R, Featherstone 9. J Forbe s 10 . H . McCallum 11, K . Fulle r 12 . S. Gorman 14 . A. Sleenan 15 C Billing 17 R McLeish 18 . A. Clunies-Ross 20 D Murtash 21 . S. Wilson 22. S . Bennett 23 D. Leeton 24, H . Middleton 27. E. Montgomery 28.L Higham 38.A . Hawdon
Jones Lang ' " . Wootton
DE LA SALLE Coach : Roy Main 1 . A. King 6BHoy 8. D . Jenning s 10 . S . Francis 13 C. Bourke 16 . S . Hayes 18 . M . O'Dnscoli 20 B. Brasher 21 . B. Manassa 25 P. Dal y 26, M, Williamson 27. D. Lamb e 29. P. Commer(ord 31 . A . Worsteling 36. A . Vomero 38. M . Shaw 43. S. Buick 51 . P. McKenzie 59.P Cowan 60. M . Thorn
MAZENO D Coach : Danny Wain 3, S. Campbell 6 W. Francis 9 . P. Hal l 10. M . Talley 17. T Tsavis 18. M . Sinclair 21 . M . Quirk 22. S . Williams 23 M . Morley 26 W. Pouiter 27. R . Palamara 28 . N . Littl e 31 C Smith 33 . J. Boyle 34, D . Connolly 35 . S. Kerr 36 . M . Poiietti 37. N . Collins (Capt) 39 R . Bourbon (VC) 40 M . Birch (DVC) 42 . J . Crimso n 43 G . Amy 44 .B. Meadows 45 . G . Rogers 46. M, Johnston 47. P. Rile 49. P. Crowhurst y 53, D. Williams 54. W. Maloney 56. M . Coutta 57. B. Baxter 58. D Cahtll 59. I . Neil 63. P. Welch 64. B . Field 65. P Foley 66. S . Fraser 67. S. Ritchie 69 . C. Desmar 78. J . Walsh
TWO TONE PAINTIN G Industrial • Domestic • Commercial
POWERHOUS E Coach:P.Hollowood 1 . J . Terzakis 2 P Bro,•m 3 C. Hunte r 4. J Armstrong 5 . D. Wallis 6, T. Pollock 7 H. Fares 8 T. Tzanirns 9 . J. Genes 10 R . Pollock 11 . J. Skinner 13 N . Kossivas 14. P. Pollock 17. Mark Hunt 19 G . Allexelis 23 . M Silva 26 S McDonald 34 J. Chan 36 P Hollovrood (CC) 37. S, McLeo d 39 . N . McKay 40 . M Birch 49 . J. Caracos 50. A . Georgantas 51 . S . Silva (VC) 5& N . Melons 61 . M . Brow n 62. 8 Miller 63 D.Shaw
MONASH WHITES 1 T. Dionyssopouios 2 . A . Bainbridge 3 . J. Young (Capt) 4 . M . Dietrich 5. P King 6. M .Colella T P. Edwards 8 P Lalo r 9. J . Fairweather 10. A. Tilley 11 . J . Farrell 12 . J. Murray 13. N . Salvatore 14. D. O'Brien 15. D, Sin n 16. D Graham 17. L. Colombian 18 S . Dods 19, J . Hewitt 20 N Capp 21 . W. Farley 22 . M . Gemmola 23 .J. DeVod 24 . H .Truoag 26 . J. Plenn 27. J . Fox 28 . G . Ridley 30 . G . Morgan (VCap Q31,MYoung(DVCapt ) 33 M . Tully 35 A . Kowaniku 38 .K .Shoebridge 42 . M . Sharkey 49 . A . O'Hara 77 . G . Sammells 99. R . O'Neil l
Fl Sectio n LATROBE UN I Senior Coach : David Hackney Assistant Coach: Sean Dunin 2 D Huffer 3 S Frednckon 4 A Core 5 G Ellett 6 J Dumaresq 7, D Haxxn g8PHenderso n 9 D Shzx 10 M BaDOgiams 11 P Johnstcn 12 S Fitzpatrick 13 Afla6arw 14 S Haynes t5 G Robmson 16 G Liersch 17 D Smith 18T 0'Cannot 19 R Rchards 20 P Lockvmod 21 D Edmunds 22 M Edmunds 23 S Dun n 24 J Scanlon 25 B Broxn 26, C Lloyd 27 D Pawne 28 C Thomson 29 N Carbons '0 V Ca~aben 31.5 Lonergan 32 T Daldy 33 D Fakhry 49 R Noy 34 D Reer 50 S Bxresl 35T Johnston 51 D PBrw_s 36 R Evans 52 J Cousins 37 A Chiedo 53 M Wright 38 M Aldisa 54 L. Walli s 39 A Weeks 55 A Cummngs 40 A Btaskett 56 S Prx,e 41 J Seabrook 57 P LEhrke 42 L Page 58 A Brennan 43AThomson 59 L McNamara 44 B Launikans 60 G Le y
45 S Turner 61 B O'Connor 46 D Wright 62 A Reave s 46 M Kreuzer 63 M Schreenan 48T 0Bren 68 D Sidebottom
ST. JOHNS OLD COLLEGIAN S Senlors Coach : S. Mooney 1 R O'Connor 2 R Back 3 Nxh 4 B La'Braop 5 S Cosant ;no 6 S Corcoran 7 J Ladson 8 D Janka+re 9 A Rachelle 10 T Car,tv .all 11 MeganC t2 Go Matheson 13 S Ham
14 J Sheehan 15 D Sutto n i 6 W Charlton 7 D Chrspan 18 C Frerkr 19 bt Md!er 20 L Adamson 21 5 Koppens 22.J Doherty 23 J Can' 24 R Croner t 25 P Lrddel~ 26 C Emery 27, 8 Wa¢on 28G Thomas 29DHgms 30 R Stora 31, P Tamo 32 C Anaya 33 Z, Mamas 34 G Waters 35 J Sacco 36 F Scheme 37 M Hancoc k 38 M Ladson 52 M Grundeil 39 S Canning 53 P Guergues 40 J Olen 54 P Demez:eres 41 M D'Oii"aro 55S McCreesh 42 T Duca 56 D 0'NeA! 43J Gallon 57 S Pepper 44 G Shaer 58. M Were 45. N Saunderson 59 G Car 46 D Pye 60 M Watkins 47 0 Fort 61 S Cockayne 48 G Pai 62 J Coach 49 S Dwane 63 P Kelly 50 A Pradel 64 S Kimoton 51 L Munnik,us 65 P Paccagnan
OLD CARE Y Senior Coach: Berry Rlst Asst. Coach: Tim Styfes Be, Coach : John Hands 4 R Cutlack (Cap ) 6 R Hughes 8 P Harris 9 S Macraa 10 K Shnws 11 A Cop e t2 W Bal!agh 44 JPI3. SJones 45 A Newnham 14 C Bryan 46 . D PJebsda!e 15. C Hughes 47 A Sheedy 16 M Jones 48 A Cop e 17 C G6ndemann 50 P Bremner i8 8 Darby 51 5 Taebnng 9 G Bem 52 P Me!drum 20 J Raft 56. N Clements 22.J Hands 57 S Fuggle 23 T. Puce 58 A Thomas 24 .5 Brurrn 59 C Scot t 25 M Harris 60 . M Barton 26 J McOue(VC) 61 R, Satoh 27,S Need 66 C Anderson 28 P. Nance(ResL) 68 D Ftzpatrsk 29 T Moukon 77 J Keep s 30 A.Ore+er 711 M wonder 31 . M McKmnck 79 D Zadnik 32. G Neale M Bxckburn 33ANe :lson 8Lane S Merr _ M 34 G . Eanm 35 R McDauuall G Dywny Gre n 36 M Easiham 37 D Llea^a!lyn D Paruscio J Bayard A M rd 38 D Freeman 39 P Bennett 40 G Hancock M Ward 41 A Clar k M Cooke 42 S Usick 8 Gorman 43 td Cheang P Jakol "MNSOR
PENINSULA Seniant Coach: R . Kerley t PA Sampson (C Res)
2 S McMahon [CaV.) 3 M Bidding
4 M Gentry 5 R God:ng 6 M Cross 7 N Franks 8 P Angus(VC) 9 P Krohn 0 P Smdt I A Mean 12 V BrancaUsano 13 D Matheson 14 D Warne-Smith (MC) 15. A O'Neil 16. S Wetshrte 17M Manne s t8 S Glover 45 M Freeman 19 S Furrow 46 L Mark s20FBrown47JPe 21 S McLOnnan 48. J BW_asby y 22.A Corks 49 S Earlier 23 A Nolan 50 D Craxder 24 M Fisher 51 G Dames 25 P Coulson 52 M Cook 26. A Thnpp 53 A Pe+slei 27 M Hayes 54 D Morley, 228S Mican 55 S Kin g 29 D Morgan 56 S .Ogregorro 30 R Bhwd 57 A BwRn 31 S Farrer 58. J Plummer 32 A Parsons 59 P West 33C Marines 60 P Carlson 34 G Nelson 61 C Cross 35 8. Jarrett 62 J Cross 36 A Jarrett 63 M Butler 37, D Bunch 64 A Landrey 38 P 61cGown 65 M Bufter 39 S Taylor 66 A McKee 40 S Peterson 67 T Stevan 41 S Bryant 68 R Carer 42 D Phd6ps 69 A Gros s 43 R Prrtchard 70 P MacNamara I S Twosv 71 .M Chesterman
6 M Clark 7 G Gaspan 8 D Sutherland 9 R Crx;ata 10. D Olner 41 T Paper 11 2 Perkins 42 T Purde
12 G Stotonds 43 M Tassone 13 I Bobet~c 44 B Qmnn 14 P McKnght 45 C Hun t 1S T WaIbndge 460 Ne.vnham 16 E Mallard 47 S Rhodes
17 44 Forbes 48 R Seedsmen 118 . S. Sincia:r 49 C 9 ' SM rleher amatooeubs 20 A Seager (DVC) _ C S!ae :nos 21 A Perna 51 S Bennett 22 M Po.+er 52 T AGigan 23 M Scanner 53 L Pearson 24 A Healey 54 D Eager 25 M Rom 55 J Goode n 26 P Mr:ler 56. T Dimopoulos 27 G Hancock 57 D GheW&!an 28 J Oueuuga 58 . T t1AS:os 29.5 Bro+:nhill 59 M Forbes 30. D London 60 S Sought 31 B Mclardy 61 R Hayes 32 R: Faul 62 J Makeham 33 T Mitchell 63 P Nott s
34 S Bob-2,e 64 M Fau! 35. C Zo s 65. S Shel{ey 36 M Nanar .ch 66 T Ham on 37 J Brennan 67 J Wa!ker 38 G Farmer 68 M Byrne 39 A Hood 69 T Gleason 40 G McCabe 70 M Grac e ~
4 L Gilmore (Res-0tC) 5 M Canava n
CROWDER S we .x o r . . c
Senior Coach: Dick Cla y Res. Coach: Graham Mullinger Seniors Coach: 9. Sebire re 1 M Learmamh (Capt~Bes) Ass Coach : D. Stuhhl ter 2.TBurt Res. Coach: P. Fatouros 3 R Lv;ngstone I T Cam m 4 P &nrn n 2 P Barry (Cap.) 5 W Mu'!~nger 3.D Seedsman 6 S Stone a P rev s 7 P Malcolm 5 C Johnston 8 J Smcco 6 T Das 9 M Huebner 7 K Gunter 10. T Jo -a it D Pernn 11 B Clark 9 P Emmett 12, G Mullms 10 3, Seat 13. M Rappaccw 11 P Fatouros(ResCC) s t4 A Huebner (VC) 12 t,i Noonan "C 15 D Andrews 3 Scott In. ' 16 W Black 4 T Alison 17 A Bourke 15 G Caron 18 W Ross t6 J McCarthy 19. 0 Lupton 17 B Mackay 20 F 0Rourke (Capt) 18 T Sultrvan (DVC) 21 .T Ymer 19 C Stevens 22 S Grant 20 B Kellett 235 cloven 21 P Hawkins 24 1 Goulet! 22 P Murphy 25 A Satterley (VC Res) 23 M Sullrvan 26 M Carpenter 42 D Woodcock 24 S O'Conno r 27 J Bernard: 43 M Cuddon 47 B Rah;liy 25 . M Sri 28 . J Innes 44 M Kendall 26 M Mulcahy 48 D Wright 29 J Fut'er 45 N Faulkner 27 M W~se 49 S;e+e Yass . C Bryant 30 C Stanton 46 28. M 0'Bnen 50 A La-s 31 C 0'Bnen 47 S Jackson 29. S Adams 51 A W 32 M CharCon 48 G Clar k .`z30SHai52N' Wre 33. C Ha!den 49 G KArmarmi 31 T Netson(DVCR)53 M I-r--jde 34 B Duke 50 D Pope G Wilson 54 I Ca-. 35 R Burns 51 D Hendr:ck~n 32 33 D Andres 55 D .!,<II 36 E Evans 52 F Saddler 34 D Sheehan 56G Rahd!y 37. D Bourke 53 P Neiman 35 H Kellett 57 A Nelson 3B P Ful!er 54 T Wh:cmusk 36. M Gbbms SS D Dickson 39 R King 55 A Ryan 37 T Symons 59 F Kaunas 40 D Kennedy 56. S Boast 38 K Wrbod 61 D Halloran 41 T Kyacopoulos 57 H Bonies 39 S Ohi 62 M Dix 40 D Nroho!s(VCR) 63 A Duller MAJOR SPONSOR S 41 C Fraser 67 G Capuano 42 M Hau!ean 69 P Dqnes a3 D Murphy 71 P Murphy 45 S Leahy 72 S boo s * MAJOR SPONSOR
SALESIAN S Senior Coach: Michael Mitchell Reserjes Coach: Leigh Gilmore I M Bourke (Catch 2 M Casta! d3 M Brennan IV C
U .H .S .O.B. Senior Coach: L. Thontelae 1 .G Haeus!er 1 A Frei (2) 2. 1 Cleary 3 R Smnh 4 C Mclennan 5 C Shone 6S Smit h 7 C Sknns 8 T HaOAax 9 R Smdh 10 P Burns I1 8 Britian 12 G Bales 2 C And (2) 13 P McLean t4 D Bega 15 M Davidson n 16 . P Gunthorpe 17 8 RothvmJ 18 P Hooper 19 G Mazza 20TTre©m 21 Bl'ford 22 D Benr,et 23 P Waters 24 A Kout :os 25 C Barman 26 C Gathercoroe 27 K Station 28 M Rothaetl 29 M Duncan 30 S Ep,,ano .., 31 M Vllpe n 32 D Bunn 33 S Wright 34 J Palmer 358Wgg 36 R Verd 37 A G!adk 38 A Boyce 39 C Stone 40 D Simon 55 M Roach dt 1 ads 56 B Williams 42 D Vtasace (Cap!) 57, D Ray 43 L Mas;rossords 58 C A!exak(as 44 R Buchmasser 59 K Jones 45 C Lgh(toot 60 P Pander a6 M Roberts 62 J Steaar 47 R laght!aot 63 G Schurr, 48. B Hudd 69 S Wdbamson 50 J Maraco 70 R Jonas 53 P Shanahan 71 J Wngh'.
ST. ANDREWS COBUR G Snrs Coach : M . Webster 1 G Conta n 2 I Ashby 3 C Di Clanni 4 R Saves 5 S Lucas (ResCapt) 6 A Go she, 7 C F. 8 A Ford 9 K Wnght ODLy h 1L P Golds.wrhy 12 M Patmore 13. P Kar9ake(VC ) t4 C Gales 39 C Tapner 15 P Adams 40 P Sta6es 16CBeard 42 G P 17, J Wllcox 43 RP~ 18. S Rule 44 C Cart, 19 P. Harvey 45 A horde 20 J Tapner (DVC) 46 P Serbn 21 B Lea.rotd 47 A Abou-F 22 B FunneB 48 B Campbel ; 23 P Leaver 50 P Littl e 24 G Houston 51 S Wallace 25 C Arena 52 K boon 26S Menta 53 R Pretty 27 W Tulloch (Capf) 54 P Barezza 28 G Tapner 56 K Vercoa 29 N MacOonald 57 V Bernard 30 1 Foote 60 C Peptal 31 J Kerslake 61, J Kin g 32 D Saddler 62 T Burns 33. M Waste 63 G Casey 34 K lies 64 T tY'son 35. D Karsake 65 . 8 Marts 36 W Jorgenson 66 P Grandy 37 C 0.arend 67 tA Lybens 38J Smith 69 C Ashto n
LYNDHURST CLUB HOTEL t BISTRO i Cnc Albion & Lygon Sts East Brunswick 3057 Phone : 386 1486
WEST BRUNSWICK Sonar Coach : P. Hickey Res. Coach : D. Moo re 1 I McNe=c e 2 B Cr,chton 3 F V!ta!e 4 S Buckngham 5 C Barne s 6 S Capron 7 J Gray 8 P Mornssey 9 D Moore 10 S FyHe 11 A Scara6lo 12 H Johnston 13. T Buckingham 14 P Rob, son 15 P McNaughton 76 D Anderson 17 J Jackson
78. B 4'Llke s 19. S Bargaords 20 P Hickey 21 M Kooancc, 22 N 6lagatas 24 V Di Benedetto 25 M C. 26 R HoBkanen 28 A Moore 29 D McAlhSer 30 M Lex s
31 L Kirk 32 S DArdrea 33G Chappell 34 C KonSantmds 35. D P.4arlar v 36 F Bel; 38 B Jones 40 R Baker 41 DCc!ag 42 G Shenfl 43 6 Kynakds 44 D Fra!xante 46 M Tersigm 47 D Mdsu d 48 . C Hatzstavrou 49 M Chapman 54 B Fletcher 51 L Whte 58. M Mo^_re 53. G Ne~l 59 I Cocd.aras SPONSORED BY
F2 Section BALWYN COMB . Snr C^*ch: Shane Ware Rese . .-s Coach: Mark Barr
VC) 5C£-gnN(Cap9
1 P Bar r 8 T "'~on 9 J ,0 A. -ia 14 D
76 A arnRtr~~s s (C R) 40N Busse t7E'. . ;. 6a r . 41 G Buss e
42 usse 43 111 BBmi 44 W MG11pm ) 45 P Fm n
46 J Knot t
BORONIA PARK Senior Coach: Adrian Kettle Reserves Coach : Mick Hawken I J Greene 2 D P,'e.n!xh 3 D Dark 4 0 Mont h 5 G Hmksma n 6 D Diego 27 V Strahan 7 C Banks 28 . 0 Creek 8 M Creek 29 1) Lechler 9 R Vanbuul 30 8 Murphy 10 M HaAen 31 W Br,ant I A Ydiwn 32 . J Tol d 12 C Loyd 33 M Cummmgs 73 G Gerrard 34 R Greensh;e!ds 14 M Pound 35 D Goodgar 15 A Ke!he 36 G Coath 76 . T Cooper 37 I Ashman 17 N Nonhw~ck 38 R Greenshelds 18 . J We:r 39 M Methereil 19 K Harrison 40 G Doling 20 P Curran 41 M Artmi 27 Po3*,nh 42 K Chalhs 22 R Close 43 D Robinson 23 C Menke 47 P Ciox 24 C Hurley 48 S Charlton 25 M Botcher 50 R Dean 26 G Chns ;arorou 69 C Tooze
0 Rr,yas{VC) 47 S Rothe 3 Bennett 48 W Lehmaa s n5TaerRhod L ,' V Symons 49 .A Theophanous 28 S Sal 50 M MeSusggan 23 G Butera(trC) 51 A Carrucan 30. R Van Der Sluus 52 D Rogers Coach: Rob Thomson 31 G Lampard 53 P Healy Reserves Coach: Daryl Montgome ry 32 G Healy (B4 R) 54 J Sea 33. K Fin! 55 C Tanner 1 G Murdoch 33 G Pone , 34 A € . ..-~e S6 S Giadman 2 M Grime 34 B Joyner 35 J Gi_3s 57 J SOnge9 3 J h5;cheii 35 A MWhca 35A 'ACGregor 58 M Baker 4 P Sabrer 36 J Nfast _-r 59 V Blakeman 5 0 Cianes 37 Ri Matherson 6 C Jones 38 A Jet an 7AChinon 39 A Kell y 8 A Horsburgh 40 M Sather 9 A Schmidt 41 D Maslers 11 A Stafford 42 J Simi s 12 G Harris 43 N Asher i3 J Seel 44 S Nxholson 00 PRCJEGTS Ptt no 4 T Geer 45 S Bel!ant 3 St Georges Rd, Northcote 15 A Board 46 B Haley Phone : (03) 416 981 1 16 J Blank 47 G Robson
OAKLEIG H Senior Coach : Rod Bourke Reserves Coach: Brad Osborne I T Ton noon 2 T Tilley 3 M Forrest 4 S PeN.sser 40 C Taylor 5 D RrKenner 4 M Crugnae 6 A Cn~PS 42' J WA d 7 M Shad 43 J Tf,,USpaaas 8 C Harley 44 J Bruenon 9 B Byrden 45 P Leslie 10PD:ck,e 46PA~ 11B Matheson 47 C GarbVio 12. B Nish caas 48 K Bourke 13TFinn (VC) 49 M Ryan 14 R Schwass 50 D McCracken 15T McDonald 51 R Bourk e 16 G Redford 52 G Hughes 17 P Hari 53 J Knorpp 18 ANJa;sh(Capi) 54 T Mahoney 19 P Tayior 55 J Mu#alland 20 T Adamrc 56 J Al , s21 A Monaghan 57 P Vdilhamson 22 T ianche0o 58 P Bernfeld 23 S Osborne 59 J Mout s 24 C MDOre (C R) 60. B Anastasatos 25. G Dornan 61 S W~dbndge 26 1 Russo 62 P Arerr,opaeos 27 A Cro!hers 63 T Ma 28G Brereton(VC) 64 S Keyy 29 0 Hali(DVC) 65 P Rodxre'I °0 J Green F6 B Banner 31 C Drill 70 M Edvards 32 B Osborne 71 A Ansell 33 A Schu7tz 72 J JeNuns 34 M Fowles 73 E McDonald 35. C Ferguson 74 J Whyte 36 A Freeman 15, R Pinney 37 P Torpey 76 D Crane 38 R May 39 N A!exandrou
17 A Goatee 48 D Eads t8 P Martineau 49 H Quick 79 S Chnsto 50 S Lonry 20 1 h!anaokaks 51 N Jansz 2t S Louk~des 52 P Hams 22 B Shaw 53 P Arma(as 23 S Porter 0 Esans 24 A Bether 0 Freeland 25 T Ferns B Lucas
26 P Mesman 0 Jago 27 D Bt :man D Montgomery 28 R Hares A Vmcent 29 D Horsburgh S Hoare 30 M Hafey F Borg 31 tN Taylor C Gave 32 G Jenkins J Modey
CAMBERWEL L Senior Coach: Steno Sherry Reserves Coach: Mark Williamson 2 G Rocco 3 A He ma" 4 P Alsop
5 4Y Giazebraok(Cact) 7JPa e 8 B Kemp 9 M Vitt arlson 70 G Ker n 11 NT!erney 12, P Roselle 4 G Ideas 15 D CIu!terbock 16 A S1' I
iI P Eng;ehan (VC) 78. P MacDonald 20 D Murphy 21 G Broad+ey 22 0 Lm 23 M Mazats 24 M One 26.0 McNamara 27 R Lord 28 A Hurt 29 P Barkar 30 G Warhorse 40 A Mod 00 31 S Banker 41 T Patric k 33 S Duti 43 5 Hadle7(DVC 34 A Hermann 44 A Hanley 35T Paiatsdes 46 R Pearson 36 A George .ski 48 D MacLeod 37 D Zarareila 49 E SJ I
Senior Coach : Ga ry Hickey Reserves Coach: Danny Hickey 1 0 Jggms 37 K Gordon 2 R Ausin 38 Z A4onsen 3 . T 0 Sulhran 39 R Hughes 4 D Shannon 40 S Re d fi S Shannon ai D Bryani 6 S Pmkett 42 G Dermer 7 R Peatlmg 43 J Cohe n 8 D Greet 44 D Hxkey(VC) t0 S Peathng 45 T Hinopc:os 11 D RtD.elts 46 J Vaths 12B J,gg,ns(DVC-R)47 H Dauta+=c 73 C Pearson 46 C Barr y 14 C Shannon 49 S tY84ams 15 G Tate '0 F Yemen 16 . S Adams It K Ho:e e 17 C V7arr>° 52 5 McConnGe 18 . M Zariac 53 M Avo n 19 PYtoodman 54 P_tYnaes :de 20 D Kinzq 55. i Del!a s 21 R Corner 56 G Russeil 22 L Ouarrell 57 M Saunders 23 P Stephens 58 M Lutlgens 24 M . Bastox(Capi) 59 C Hayes 25 D Rzo {VC-R) 61 T P,kher 26J Bann 62 T Hogan 27 R Sutherland 63 J adulate 28. A Waters 64 M Francis 29 F Peter 65 G Bell 30 S Fenton 66 J 32 D Vase Kotzapanagrobs 33 P Lygon 67 M Tapley 34 D Hod (SAC) 68 C Meads 35 C Knsohos 69 B Kote.sk, 36 P Jackson C-Res) 70 J Mari-g
Senior Coach : Tony Course Reserves Coach: Stephen Wfgney 2 M Brou n 3 B Hoare 4 A Iud: a 5DWgnef b S Wlgne" 7 D Fannie 8 M Crooks 9 M Sheehan i 0 P Seeman 1 C Mernagh 12 A issa 13 0 Anton 14 R Jackson 15 G Mamm lig 16 S Tbaid 17 P Churcher i8 T Course 19 S Deh-ar 20 P Mernagh 21 D Gregory 22 K Tbaid, 23 A Simon 24 C Ncumenns 25 J S me n 26 S Drummond 27 G Mutlmger 28 B Wearne 29 S Fetc h 30 D Baste 31 G Humbly 32 P 0Bnen 33 J Rausa 34 B Learhman 35 A Cook 36 0 Knight 37 A Pappas 38C Hanbn 48 .1 Noticed 39 R Mernagh 49 P Kelly 40 T Wdis 50 A Kemm 41 M SweeUng 51 A Mann 42 8 M ira 52 J Devotion 43 D Won 53 D Hanger 44 M Burne 54 N Gmmo 45 N Pnmbas 55 F Bal d 46 PAbraha.'rs 56 A Ipsi 47 J Dmatale 57 R Yee
VUT/FIT Senior Coach: Wayne O'Connor Reserves Coach: Peter Foster 1 . D Tomeity 2 R Massesse 3 P Fode r 4 F CeraNOno S N tNhee!a.han 6 B Moebu s
7 P Byrne s 8 N Dunmore 9 N Dpi 74 B Tomelty 10 A Seeman 84 P Kennedy 11J Breheny (Capi) S Ad,gaut
12 G Ziegler G Andnanoprlo,s 13 S MeNerne~ R Bagnat o
ta M hp= R Boef 15 S Omatae M Bosa21l i6 E Mdon D Cam ,
8 S Bard R Chapman 19 S Harvey(DVC) A CIAf e 20 . S V,cNery W Gook 21 1 Rggo C Davs 22 P Cilia (VC) M Frendo 23 E Darmann P Hadman 24 L Strong I Ha+rtt 2' R Letters S Lard 26 S Case S Mees 27 J Antonopofous P Morley 28 N Alvarado D M,,,CIe,?and 29 D Chamberan L McCormack 31 A7 Kozo D McNerney 32 M . Yiheelahan P Nelson 33 1.1 Robertson W Nichols 35 S inserra J Oven 39 P Alen P Prrg c 44 R Mane R Piruzze!lo 45. N Fonov~c J Tabone 52 T Moebus A Telford 53 T p.4ur,on R Tome!iy 55. T Mucara F TnmbOi, 56 M D'Angeio W War d 57 R Papakos A Whee.ahan 69. S Hal:ero8 M FYOIfi, MAJOR SPONSORS:
THE CARAVAN CENTRE 1357 Sydney Rd, Fatrkner Tel : 359 9999
UNI RED S Senior Coach : Ian Ewing Reserves Coach: Tim Bell 2 N Boma n 3 D Hepburn 5 I Roughs=.tlge 6 P lhnda . ! 7 T Ydh tlord 8 M Farrefl 9 D Angxin 70 M Ross tt B P,ckeu 13 11 James 14 M Bethune 15 S M .;Gor.an 76 J DeAnge6s 7 S Mplie r
19 D JenWns 20 G Cook 22 M route 23 i Ewmg 24AWh1e 25 G Rooghsedge 26 Al Urban 28 C Thatcher 29 C Ross 31 R Zapet' 32 C Tenon 33 L Dynes 35A MacKUmon 36 M Wolf 37 C Mims 38 T Bell 39 R Johnson 40 M Schroeder 42 S Lake 44 P Whde 46 P Heaphy 47 A Perk,ns
48 0 Papazog!ou 49 N Amon 50 C Daaider ,52 D Kenn 54 1 DeBono 57 R Doalmg 66 J Taranto 77 T Emerson 80 G Box
CHIRNSIDE PARK Senior Coach: Paul Campbell Reserves Coach : Ross Heinrich 1 A Deiulo 2 P Anthor=y 3 G Sken 4 61 DeJong 5 B Pecker 6 G DeJong 7 S Coed e 8 C Henrx;ksor, 9 R Gray 10 G Oak7ef 11 G t4yngaard 12 M Brennan 73 . Pd Thompson 14 J Subteen t5 P.t Warren
D Scan,ra 11 B Jones 18 61 $mmonds 19 S 0'Conner 20 A Sere 21 0 McHenry 22 J Hamt;or. 23 D Duck 24 C Detroy 25. h1 Thomas 41 P Harman 26 B Taylor 42 R Crosby 27 J Rchter 43 D Kann 28 M Mazur 44 R Bake 29 A SkOern 45 W Huss_q 30 K Basso 46 M Oakfey 31 M Ogstan 41 C Smith 33 C Greennalgh 48 N Senior 34 M layer 49 A McMahon 35 . P Campbei: 50 R Henrxh 36 D Kenn 51 J Harman 37 P Pope 52 D Harman 38 G Kmpton 53 R Darson 39 D Harvey 54 P Allen
40 . W CorneSSSen 55 J D,peiro SPONSORED BY.
Lilydale Pizza Place and Bistro 735 1788 143 MAIN ST. LILYDALE
YARRA VALLEY Senior Coach: Wayne Reddaway Reserves Coach: Jarred Dickso n 2 M Pemual 3 C Box 4 M Pang 5 M Smpson 7 J Doi 60 Ho"" B F.1 0.5lner 9 C Ross 10 N Ford tt C Reyno;tls 2 vi While 130Kay 14 K Schaler 75. T OSuilrvan 16 T Crea n
17 B .D~nnng t8 T Cockere!I 19 N Park 20 S Frame 2i C James 22 P Man,n 23 E Kear 24 M Davies 25 M Johnson 26 G h4cLeod 27 R Felischeer 29 A Bennett 31 B Ford 32 0 69lner 33 0 Ireland 34 M Ross 35 C Morns 36 R Penatuna 37 D Cole 38 AS Cu e 39 T Redo-ay 40 R Stephens 41 N HGChe.^s 42 P Duty
41 E Zmmerman 46 D Hueston 47 D Cahdl 55 R For d 48. M Gee"' 56 A Stamstreet 49 D Stamsireet 59 B Codes, Shin in 52 G Watson 60 H Par k MAJOR SPONSORS
MAJOR VIDEO 289 Ballarat Rd, Footscray Tel : 318 4448
A Section OLD HAILEYBURY COLLEGIA N S Senior Coach: Leigh Carlson Rese rves Coach : Greg Tregear 1 . G . Palmer 2 . D . Hoyl e 3. B. Wooihouse 4. S . Lausse n 5. D. Greeves 6. A. Ingleton 7. C. Higson 8. C. Pollock 9 . M . Hibbins 10. J. Grigg 11 . N . Hibbins (C-Res) 12 . A. Dulmanis 13. S. Hinchen 14. R . Schober (VC) 15. W. Gree n 16. A . Wallace (VC) IT D. Stubbs 18. J. Bennett (Capt) 19. P. Scott 20. M . Wittaker 21 . V. Cleary 22 . D. Kerr 23. A . Wright 24. N . Anderson 25. A . Harrison 26. N . Milat 27. L. Tracy 28. S . Blackman 29 . A. Kenneally 30 . M . Galbraith (VC) 31 . S. Lie 32 . D. Thomson 33 . G . Irvine 34. L. Twaddle 35. N . Evans 37. C. Coyne 38. M . Lake 39. B. Jones 40. A . Lord 41 . G . English 42. L. Griffin 43. M . Foard 44. G . Oakley 45. P. Harry 46. A. Mitchell 47. M . Lucas 48. J . Lemon 49 . G . McColl 50 . B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52 . B. Barker 53 . D. Varlamos 54 . T. Holland 55. J . Levi n 56. 0. Warner 57. T. Smith 58. C . Kringoudis 59. C . Manuel[ 60. A . Burgess 61 . R. Oliphant 62 . J . Sneddon 66. B. Simpson 70 . R. Conron (VC-Res) 75. N . Proctor
DE LA SALLE OL D COLLEGIANS Senior Coach: Bernard Dun n Reserves Coach : Dave Rawlings 1 . M . Mastroiani 2 . P. Fium e 3 . A. Menara 4 . D. Rosman 5 . N . Fraser 6 . C. Slattery 7. C . McClounan 8 . C. Wright 9. C . Campbell 10. D. Tessier 11 . A. Evans 12. D. Toohey 13 . J . Maloney 14 . S . Hunter 15. G . Hynes 16 . M . Jackson 17. D. Crowe 18 .8 . Mahoney 19 . D. O'Brien 20. P. O'Brien 21 . J . O'Callaghan 22. P. O'Callaghan 23 . M . O'Callaghan 24 . M . Lowe 25 . M . Bria 26 . P. Wyles 27. D. Kinsella 28 . M . Laffert y 29 . C. Beaverstock 30. B . Smith 31 . G . Solomon 32 . G . Sheedy 33. P. Bennie 34. J. Tull y 35. A . Mackintosh 36. C . Swifte 37 . A . Ronchi 38. S. Rudd 39. M . Wilms 40. R . Furlon 41 . M . Dillon 42. P. Leonard 43. E . Bel l 44 . N . Van Der Plight 45. A. Crist 46, M . Hagan 47. G . Jackson 48 . S . Catalfamo 49. G . McHenry 50 . P. Mannix 51 . P. Cummerford 52 . C. Bourke 53. P. Satchell 54. J . Duckett 56. P. Conroy 58. T. Brideson 59. P. Cowan 60. D. Wolowiec 79. J. Webb
NORT H OLD BOYS Senior Coach : Robert Hyde Rese rves Coach : David Art hurson 1 . A . Egan (Capt) 2 .T. Jones 3. D. Martin 4 . T. Beare 5 . M . Schmidt (C-Res) 6. B. Clayton 7. P. Booth 8. B. Collison 9. S. Brazil 10. B. Hanlon 11 . C . Lambrou 12 . J. Tierney 13 . B. Curulli (VC-Res) 14 . O. Abraham s
15 . P. Kearney 16 . B . Herrald 17. M . Boyd 19. P. Considine 20. D.Kennedy 21 . D. Baker 22. C . Peloso 23 . C. Alevraz 24 .J . Rus h 25 . D. Cerini 26 . M . Fisher 27. A . Trimboli 28 . D. O'Farrell 29 . P Daniels 30 . P. Tatter 31 . L. Boyle 32 . G . Phyland' 33 . M . Daffey 34. B . Conti (VC) 35. S. Manassa 36. P. McMenamin 37. J . Zumbo (DVC-Res) 38. K . Scott 39. J. Considine 40. I . Turnbull 41 . P. Dwyer 42. C. Horn
43. G . Irvine 44. B. Girolami 45. C. Muller 46. D. Howard 47. R . Little 48. D. Delac 49 . J . Finlayson 50. B. Devine 51 . J. Curran 52 . A . Day 53 . M . Leigh 54 . M . White 55. S. Zocco 56. J . Charteris 57. G . Lear 58.T Keogh 59. J. Bugeja 60. C. Ferry 61 . M . Keogh 62 . S. Morabito 63. A. Hil l 64. C. Phelan 65. C. Hussey 66. A. Moodie 67. P. O'Dwyer 68.C.Goodear
OLD BRIGHTON Senior Coach : Mark Parker Reserves Coach: Shane Young 1 . A. Krazneak 2 . M . McLennan 3. A . Pryor (Capt) 4. C. Anderson 5. A . Olive r 6. M . Allen 7. J . Ryan 8. S . Lennox 9. M. Fisher 10. C . Lade 11 . N . Perry
12 . D. Cochrane 13. A . Delbridge 14.G.Bennett 15. T. Hayden 16. M . Hendrie 17. A . Rickarby 18. M . Talbo t 19. A . Grant 20 . M . Rei d 21 . C. James (VC) 22 .R.Schober 23. A . Augustine 25. L. Hamilton 26. T. Desmyth 27. L . Fieldes 28. A . McLean 29. A . Maratus 30. J. Pyers 31 . S . Murray 32 . B . Williams 33. R . Morton 34. P McMahon 35. S. Mercer 36. B. Pollock 37. A . Cooper 38. J. Tregaskis 39. N . Hoar 40. N . Timms 41 . T. Phillips 42. A . Shelton 43. P. Grant 44. A . McLachlan 45. R . Oakley 46. B . Shelly 47. C. Gilmour 48 . C . Hailing 49 . S. Young 50 . R . Carter 51 . D. Morton 52 . J. Holt 53. S. Mercer 54. C. Brook (DVC) 55. S. Crowe 56. M . Shippen 57. J. Tompkins 58. S. O'Donnell 59. M . Sloa n 60. T. Brook 61 . W. Browne 62. P. King
Senior Coach : Denis McG rory Reserves Coach: Michael Carty 1 . A . Baxte r 2 . D. Connell (VC) 3. W. Byrns 4. C . McKenzie (Capt) 5. M . Carty 6. W. Smith 7. R . Makinson 8. M . Orto n 9. G . Anderson 10. T Chegwin 11 . J . Rae 12. D . Seccull 13. B. Carty 14. D. Cotton 15. W. Phillips 16. M . De Mattia 16. E . Bingham (2) 17. A . Arnott 18. M . Constable 19. M . Armstrong 20. C. Kraus 21 . A. Walden (DVC) 22 . P. Thiessen 23. M . Seccull 24. C. Lovell 25. L . Pegoli 26. G . Phillips 26. D. Kretschmer (2) 27. C . Dunn 28. G . Borg 29. D. Ra y 30. J- Thiesse n 31- B- Main (VC-Res) 32, A . Roberts 33. G . Tanne r 34. B. Adamopoulos 35.D.Lappage 36. D. Chapman 37. B. Arnhold 38. J. Hayter 39. D. Hayter 40. B . Canobie 41 . D . Hoare 42. M . LaGreca 43 . R . Pleche r 44 . A. Kirkwood-Scott (C Res) 45 . M . Allen 46. M . Krause 47. P. Bennett 48 . P. Merrett 49 . S. Lyons 50. P Dow 51 . F. Bayne 52 . A. Chin 54 . S. Francis 55. J . Panetta 56, D. Beckley 57. S. Healey 58 . M . Rowe 59 . C . Horstmann 60 . J . Shulman 62 . M . Baxter
o RMpND sent
Coa h11en
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Tg'ERNARpS o '
Aas~ ~ Ooach . s S huhkrah s nach: 2' P Fdzgarald Re oke 3 . AGrace parren i-° r 4 . A. onat d 1 .D.Nas/ h: Sento . D. Gal Daghe r 15 2. P. Senior Skid Coac RMYeCoach: 3. P. Scern 7~. B- CRnnett NCVC) ~Gtasa q. V . Comito rAndra r+ s. M . wcoodlandD A'slgtant . McDonatd 5. S. Watsh . R 9 .Res) ~Ca 6. C. Wood Jo 10 . M $ePetera ~ Cr, otrso CaPt) ttTboan T SVassaPo tcapU Edge" Sebo S . L Wood r ~ I 1u11e : on D aY 8e~oach Q hnessY 4DLandngan ) 3 . P. King . Berlby gos 10. M ; q. Con~ilC Res) Heathg 5McKaY ~ 11 . P. CaPes mc ets NC ~ 5 TM 5.'. SteWan N ~ n t~ r 13R-p~celi ~ S Atedds h 17 . E . Frase 14.S.DEan 18 . P. ,loblcng tCaPt) 3 J' ~~(ter tCaa) 4. R- Asto n .CdQu 19 . A. Wood AS. F. DCa e . S Mcoonatd h10 Yt NC) A. 2~ ~ . KoPPens 18 A PurceO a t 6. Hooper . 600 . Goitant (C P ) . 7 A ViuTe Ti , RP" B,ponatd 19. L Sde[ .R pad 23 Nccooke 20" NMall a ~n~ 9 Sucutmg 21 . R ForsYth 22 C CalthorPe ~nron9s GC1a[e ti0. 3, Kart 25 s otosc 26 D Connetl 23 T- oobson , 11 .O .Fo e 8eardste Y 6. M N" n Rrohardson 27 . gHCt~ins 12 ' N Per 25. AComio 17. DP 0'Sutitvan 24 28 . W DoYle 11~90' nnG•n~obe[ts (C 13' Chambers 18. . Green ) 14. N McCall ' Drum 29' - Amiield 26JNpathan (C"Res 19- R . 15. p Hoskcn9 ZA . . Robis°n a 30 .D 2218, Gilmour m 20 p HanPnebery 22 P 16. McLecsh .J Overman Y 23. Nn de[s~on .Res) . Visenurir 29 . Dootan AT B . Simpson 32 . S Read 22. R 24. A. Bor9hesr N C . B.18 30 33 . M~~rteY erd 31 Y,Spncer 23 . A M~Kayn an 25. E 2pG Wit9on n 34 . Marnow 24 . J . 32 . r a:' 26. L . Cd~e n 35 . TemPteto 33 . D . T. 9slonnetl . i . ar 1 25 R.. Sa 27 sailer 21' Stotres 26. 28" M . rtand tiie 3a Oatty 1,7Lf.4By Mitner tResou 23. S~ ndburY pa of H ben . Farrelt 3 ..C rageor9 36. 0 30 839 . N~k~n9home BD~nn 37. IF Coktllister M-T~amR ut 31.. A' 25 . R 40 . P. Offer 3 32 . 27neke . K1e+n an 41 . BKelleher C Wm 39-0~YetyhuntY 33.P.Scoas 40 . . Scdere6is 43 28 . NMcCultoch 45 czak w 41 . Moarsha6 44 C K[a 35. NPS °~s 29 . . . Sut~taoe 36 ~ C.Doaan . DAbrahams .Res) 31 p Sm h (on 37.JR Phitkips sn s (C 44J.Sl KannedY 46. DAldndge 32 . G Jack an as. Solomon 31, O atton 4B"- . DHpr~°eld 33 . pi ceec 39 . Hod~tsh 46. . Preeman 40 .M . e 49. 'ContiaY q7 . .PFatn°'++nc . Steet 9. 41 . A~ SB nfiekd 35 ..BG Benne~tmery . 48 50 t0 x 42 . A fume( 36 .. Ddton 49 . SHstubbings S Montgomery 37 . Macdou9a11 50 ' erson `~' A- Ferrell t~e 42. J..McKmnon .S~bbte . Babner 38 . odhouse 45 . L. Harmer 52 53 W° m 43 1 . Dillon 39 .. S• 47. 5 4q- M 55.3.0 ~80 4 56.C.8on d 40 P.Brm 56.J.G~nsn[n n Ha .gea~ .D0 d 45 R . J .E . T BoYanto 41 57 MAJOR SPONSO 1 45. mn r~ke 42' A'osta . Da 52t . P. Bee 58. C . SY~negon,ery 47 A 54 . C . s 43 . P . Bho[ogOOd 59 . G Kukutlan c Rac INIiH~ol [an 48. C Badet q4 . C . Warne[ 55. S 61 . A'Osborne Z. . Daiton A5 . AGritfRh d s 57 . C . AVise 67' J' MAJOR SPONSOR 58. pshe 46 . A• Terznc 51 . P. Fia~sec~ 59.D•P Adgemi s 47' Petty 52 , 48 .R Newnham ~. C ~homas 53. C . Green Uf f 49 ..M BYrne h 50 ~ P. Slater 51 D Mu a9 7 Si-00 80. D MCCuNoch 56. A' Barlow 86, 52.A qorma n so 57MAJOR SPON RS 58 .S CofloPY D' sirn . Au . 54 . R s V~'w 66 . C°tlrn 55. C. Main 56. Neo 1 daY NoNh Essendon, 57 ,.~ Forbes 58 59 1 . Hart 60. B Prnde[so n
Ty GRAM OLD .011141 pRtANS A
I-incolnshire ArmSoN~~e, 4;
62. R .
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B Sect-Ton
BANYULE Senior Coach : Grant Lawrie Reserves Coach: Ma rtin Legge 1 . D. Gent 2. D . Witchell' 3. L . Holt (VC) 4 . M . Legge (Capt-Res) 5. C. Ladd 6 . P. Williams 7. M . O'Brien 8 . B . Moloney 9 . G. Sutterby 10. R. Cullen 11 . L . Burns 12. T. Kearsey 13. A. Short 14 . K. McCausland 15. S . Gray 16 . C. Boucher 17. P. Carroll 18 . J . Turnbull 19. A. Thompson 20. C. Hoist 21 . G . Foster 22. J . Gilham (Capt) 23 . M . Gray 24 . J . McIntire 25 . D. Tribolet 26 . G . Mooney 27. D. Meredith 28. R . Brockwell 29. C. Pyers 30. B . Gillies 31 . B. Clark 32 . C. West 33. D. Glass 34. C . Stevens 35, P Howe 36. B. Daley 38. P. Forbes 39. B. Bowler 40 . C. Denning 41 . B. Styles 42 . D . Taylor 43. A. Capotosto 44. B . Hogan 45. M . Gilbert 46. P. Agostinelli 47. C. Raywood 48. R . Hogan 49. J. Kouryialas 50. R . Roach 52 . S . Coulson 55. D. Williams 59. P. Heal y
Proudly sponsore d
Courtney & Patterson FOR D *
FAWKNER BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Harry Harisiou Reserves Coach : Gerry Mile s 1 . P. Nagl e 2 . S . Driver (Capt) 3 . S. Young (VC) 4. D. Fitt 5. M . Agroti s 6. R . Minney (VC) 7. P. Robertson 8. N . Bone 9. S. Mitilenos 10. P. George 11 . S. Farley 12 . A . Parris 13 . D. Philpots 14 . D. Matthews 15. P. Faulkner 16. S. Smith 17. D. Mayne 18. P. Harvie 19. R Nigro 20 . A. Pawola 21 . D. Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23. S. Pac e 24. D. Tulloch 27. G . Alexander 29.P Bon e 30. R . Field 31 . A. Shine 33. C. MoWaters 34. D. McInnes 35. M . Osborne 37. D . Martin 38. C. Darby 39. C. Young 41 . A . Rozanitis 43 . M . Mason 44. J . Rozaniti s 45. M . Cumming (DVC) 48. D. Frase r 50. D. Glover 51 . B. Bond 52 . T. Agosta 53. T. Matthews 55. M . Bellato 57. P. Edwards 58. S . Alyward 60. J. Ca n 61 . A . Teunissen 99 . J . Frosinoss (DVC) MAJOR SPONSOR
WELDED MESH PTY LTD Phone: 369 7211
Senior Coach : Mark Tymms Reserves Coach: Terry Youn g 1 . T. Young 2 . J . Roach 5. N . Horvath 6. R . Wilson 7. M . McMahon 8. D. Heenan 9. P. O'Leary (VC) 10. J. Wilso n 11 . K . Korp 12 . P. Tymms 13. D . Cropley 14. B. Crouch 15. A . Saggers 16. L . Cohen (VC) 17. K. Wilso n 18. R. LaRose 19. B. Green 20. S. Walker 21 . G . Rokay 22 . W. Radley 23. N . Gosewinckel 24. R. Lawson (Capt) 25. B. Youn g 26. B. Selleck (Capt-Res) 27. G . Young 28.S . LaRose 29 . S . Gray 30 . S . Kelly 31 . S. Molloy 32 . A. Johnston 33. K . Cohen 34. S. Sergienko 35. T. Yavuzcan 36. C. Kelly 37. C . Ford 38. J. Simmonds 39. R. Leahy 40 . B . Horgan 41 . A . DeWitt 42 . P. Lightfoot 43. R . Constantine 44 G . Mitchel l 45. M . Foster 46. M .P. Toohey 47. A . Brown 48. G . Walker (VC-Res) 49. C. Stefano 50.R .Cohen 51 . B . Ibrahi m 52. A . Stock 53. C. Sutch 69. P. Col e GOLD SPONSORS
663 1883
Senior Coach: Paul O'Brien Rese rves Coach : Guy Nelso n 1 . T. Wilts 2. S. Theodor e 3 . J . Nichols (Capt) 4 . P. O'Brie n 5 . N . Boyden 6 . P. Handbury 7. C . Thompson 8. J. Keebl e 12. N . Bourke 9. J. Campbell 13 . M . Stapleton 10. A. Merrington 14. D. Howe (VC) 11 . 8 . Murphy 15, N . Dunca n 12 . A . Hewitt 16. J . Wallis (VC-Res) 13 . S. Rose 17. M . Getso n 14 . S. Bardsley 18 . Jeremy Khan (DVC-Res) 15 . D. Maskiell 19 . M . Delahunt (C-Res) 16 . P. Wood 20. S . O'Fiyn n 17. M . Rose 21 . D. Cooper 18. M . Berry 22. M . Gallagher 19. J. Correll 23. M. Becchitti 20. A. Salek 24. S . Beattie 21 . N . Rhoden 25. G . Favi a 22 . I . Mackay 26. M . Moran 23 . A. Wits 27. Julian Kann 24. S. Teal (DVC) 28. G . Norden 25 . R . Nelson 29. A. Labagnara 26. B. Vil e 30. A. Treganowan 27. C. Bryan 31 . J. Douglas 28. C . Terrill 32 . V. Paonessa 29. R . Meade 33 . T. Slattery 30. N . Howell 34 . L . Getson 31 . S . Fraze r 35 . J . Pappas 32 . R . Webb (VC) 36 . Jeremy Golds 33. G . Dixon 39. J . ibriha m 34, C. Anastakis (DVC) 41 . A. Ryder 35. A. Thompso n 42 . A. Duncan 36. S . Newman 44. J. Sandy 37. Q. Keebl 46. Jamies Golds 38. D. Clements 57. B. Day 39. M . McGregor 58. S. Boysen (Capt) 40, E . Smithers 60. S. Moran 41 . P. Theodore 68. D. Frawley 42 . B. Williams 43 . P. Birrel l 44 . H . Wallace-Smith 45 . Z. Useinov 46. P. Sinn 47. A. Nelson 48. N . Wright 49. T. Stuckey 50. D. Robinson 51 . R. Sutherland 52 . S. Burnett 53. T. Canyon 55. S . Oliver 58. M . McLea n 61 . R . Van Den Dungan 65. P. Tsiampras 67. D. McDonald 69. P. Jost 70. J . Francis 1 . S. Psoras 2 . G . Wooller 3 . D. Waters 4 . C. Carr (DVC) 5 . A . Tranquilli 6 . P. Sexton 7, R Randall 8. M . Amad (DVC) 9. D. Merton 10. A. Gallagher 11. A . Boot h
OLD MENTONIAN S Senior Coach : Garry Connolly Res Coach : Mai Cater 1, A. Acreman
2 . D. Campbell 3. C . Scott 4. M . Barrett 5. M . Turner 6. D. Paterson 7. G . Norto n 8. N . Macquire 9. S. Mullen 10.A.Sheedy it. D. Solley (VC)
12. G. Dickson (DVC) 13. S. Sharp 14. C. Love 15. C. Davis 16. D. Grant 17. M. Edmonds 18. T. Bournon 19. D. Zaj c 20. S. Farrow 21 . B. Joycey 22 . P. Harrington 23. N. Moodie 24. C. Radin 25. A . Holland 26. G. Curran 27. C. Appel 28. M . Bond 29.A .Carter 30. M . Brooks 31 . S. Ingram 32 . J. Sly (Capt) 33. C. Gardner 34. D. Holland (Res-Capt) 35. Darren Murphy
36. B . Paterson 37. M. Sichlau 38. M . Sherrill 39. R . Beynon 40. M . Ouwerhand 41 . N . Sher
42 . T. Riley 43. C . Best 44. M . Dyer 45. A . Szadura 46. A . Petrov 47. J. Konicanin 48. D. Johnson (VC-Res) 49. B. Murray 50. T. O'Brien 51 . G . Pride 52 . A. Oxland 53. A. Riddle 54. P. Appel 55. G . Worrell 56. M . Leone 57. W .Jones 58. J . Williams 59. G . Stroud 60. D. Nock 61 . M . Stoki e 62. Daniel Murphy 63. L. Murphy 64. M . Austi n
65. Damien Murphy 66, M . Jones 67. B. Trebilcock 69.T Russo 70.R Dyne s
UNIVERSITY BLUES OLD PARADIAN S Senior Coach: Michael Mulvahill Reserves Coach: M . Jones 1 . S . Vincent 2 . P. O'Loughlin 3. M . Considine 4. S . Philp (VC) 5. N . Wayman 6. J. Geary 7. P. Cosgriff (DVC) 8. D. Beck 9. P. Shannon 10. P. Brabender (C) 11 . N . Willitts 12. M . Geary 13. R. Mills 14. D. Smith 15. D. Way 16. B. Joyce 17. D. Vicino 18. L . Mansfield 19. T. Canavan 20. B. Pannam 21 . N . Mills 22 . B. Haberman 23. P. Robertson 24. N . Eilks 25. R . Aanenson 26. M . Livy 27. N . Kerr 28. S. Lennon 29. P. Zappa 30. C . Pagon 31 . P. Wals h 32 . S . Batchelor 33. M . Harrison 34. P. Joyce 35. G. Zeneli 36. S. Swindon 37. C. Fuller 38. D. Hal l 39. K . Jenkins 40. D . Baird 41 . P. Digney 42 . L . Thomas 43. P. Healy 44. D . Blackely 45. P. Henry 46. B. Flynn 47. A. Herman 48. D. Griffiths 49. S. O'Toole 50. C . Ziebail 51 . J. Frazier 52 . A. Stuckey 53. J . Edmonds 54. D. Gravel] 55. J . Digney 56. D. Geary 65. J . DiMitrio 68. M . Donoghue MAJOR SPONSOR
THERRY Senior Coach: T. Quinn Reserves Coach : D . Boden 1 . G . Biddlestsone 2 . J . Zanetti 3. M . Nitschke 4. D. Dalgleish 4a . A. Eldrett 5. T. Taylo r 6. N . Court 7. P. Jones 8. H . Kotch 9. P. Slavic h 10. R. Egglestone 11 . S. Bannister 12. R . Moran (Res VC) 13. P. Brun o 14. J . Reddick (VC) 15. A. Crotty 16. M . Goodwin 17. R . Lyons (Res-Capt) 18. B. Carte r 18. K. Sexton 19. A. Ratcliffe 20. M . Carter 21 . M . Fitzpatrick 22 . S. Griggs 23. C. By e 23a . A . Baker 24. P. Matton (Capt) 25. M . O'Rourke 26.R Rya n 27. A. Finnigan 28. M . O'Kearney 29. F. Falcone 30. A . Dalgleish 31 . S. Hollow 32 . S. Eastmure (VC) 33. S. McMahon 34. M . Donohue 35. S. O'Halloran 37. D. Castaldi 38 . G . Pinner 39 . S. Boyl e 40. M . Talbot 41 . M . Crotty 42 . A. McKay 43 . L. Caruana 44 . J . Vain a 45 . M . Petrevski 46 . B. Raysmith 47. M . Davies (VC-Res) 48 . D. Wrigglesworth 50 . M . Purcell 60 . B . Pears e
Senior Coach: Grant Williams Reserves Coach : Nick De Dear 1 . L . Bonadio 2 . T. Hutchins 3. J. Hutchings 4 . J. Frit h
5. P. O'Donnel 6. W. Carroll 7. J . Shaw 8. G . Lamb
9 . M . McCarty 10. A. Sudholz 11 . T. O'Brien 12 . H . Worsley 13. N . Harris 14. J . Buckley 15. P. Stevens 16. P. Kistler 17. J . Kanis 18. S. Kirsanovs 19. J . Keat s 20 . Z. McCarty 21 . T. McIntyre 22 . A . Wilson 23 . B. Furphy 24 . R. Calnon 25 . C. Taylor 26 .T.Reade 27. J . Jamieson 28 . G . Hazeldine 29 .T. Doherty 30 . G . Malone 31 . M . Mudge 32 . A . Nugent
33 . M. Zimmerman 34 . J, Young 35 . M . Dukes 36 . B. Steele 37. A . Lerman 38. M. Unsworth 39. D. Evans 40 . A. Mitchell 41 . D. Parkinson 42 . D. Coulter 43 . C. Primmer 44 . M.ZurbO 45 . J. Wood 46 . J. McAinch 47.R Ryan 48, J. Dawson 49 . R . Dodds 50. G. Markley 51 . B. Dudley 52. A. Ogilvie 53. A . Gray 54. J . Ida 55. D. Ord 56. A . Farrar 57. A . Hal l 58. M . McCarthy 59. J . Bokor
60. S. Hall 61 . D. Fryer
62. S . Davidson 63. A. Teelow 64. A. Tippet 65. C. Allard 66. A. Jackson 67. P Roche 68. A. McKenna 69. P. Saw 70. P. Furphy 71 . T. Harris 72. J. Norman 73. J . Knox 74. R . Lucas 75. T. Moran 76, M . Sheen 77. P. Holmes 78. C . Moore 79. A . Davi s
® Carlton.
~J, A(~Af IM'IOE P4AEAt1 S WHITEFRIARS SnrCoach : Geoff Reilley Asst Coach: Brian Grills Res Coach: W. Sharkie 1 . R Lan e 2 . Mark Bateman 3. J. Phillip (DVC) 5. M. Stevens
7. P. Coghlan (Capt) 8. A. McKeown 9. P. Harrison 10. T. Pratt 12. M. Spears 13. W. Sharkie (Res-CC) 15. M . Harriso n 16. B . Crowe 17. A . Carbone 18. D. Mullins 19. D. Crowe 20. S . McAuliffe (VC) 21 . T. McNeil
22 . C . Burke (VC-Res) 23. P. Ciardull i 24. J. Bonnyman 25. W. Lyal l 26. G . Selkirk 27. M . Jackson 28. B. Le e
29. D. Murray 30. Paul O'Brien 31 . N . Jenkins (DVC) 32 . M . Carbon e 33. G . Feutrill 34. J. White 35. N . Krake 36. A. Travis 37. Peter O'Brien 38. M. White 39. M. O'Connor 41 . J . Ciardulli 42 . N . Parr 43. N . Robertson 44. Matt Bateman 45. M. Lester
46. G . Johnson 47. B . Brisbane 48 . P. Rohan 49 . R. McHugh 50. H . Flanagan 51 . A. Wise 52. M . Vernal 53. B. Williams 54. D. D'Orazio 55. J . Naismith 56. T. Strike 57. T. Hughes 58. D. McCrohan 59. A . Liversey-Cole 60, S. Buckley 61 . N . McGrath 62. N . Mullins 63. A . McGann 64. A . Power 65. C . Tilling 66. C . Maguire 67. G . McKeown 68. P. Hughes 70. D . Micro 71 . T. Haynes 72. B . Kelsey 73. B. Brown 75. S. Butle r
FORESTERS Friendly Society
C Section
A . J.A . X . Senior Coach : Mark Sarau Assistant Coach : Wayne Holdsworth Reserves Coach : Sol Skumi k 1 . D. Marks 2 . A. Klooger (Capt) 3. Bugalski 4. Levy (DVC) 5. M . Silver 6. Rozenberg 7. Goetz 8 . Rosema n 9 . Bursztyn (VC) 10. Bloom (DVC) 11 . Flinkier
12 . Shenker 13. Gordon 14. Poswell 15. B . Cohen 16. R . Marks 17. Levi n 18. D. Roth 19. Dunne 20. W. Krongold 21 . Sheezel 22. Josem 23. Abraham 24. Rozenes 25. Gross 26.Hoppe 27. Goldberg 28.Zurbo 29. Briskin 30. Fredman 31 . Chrapot 32 . Braun 33. Pat 34. Gunn 35. C . Cohen 36. Galbin 37 . Rockawin 38. Grundmann 39. Engelman 40. Redlich 41 . Szu c 42 . Jas. Wrobel 43. Israe l 44. A . Krongold 45 . Kal b 46. D.Krongold 47. S . Roth 48, Feldman 49. S. Frid 50 . Levine 51 . Den 52 . A . Zielinski 53 . Jelinek 54 . Fel l 55. B. Zielinski 56 . Freeman 57 . Szklarski 58. Fried 59 . Berkovitch 60 .Janover 62 . Vati 63 . Neater 64 . Stern 65 . Arrow
CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach: David Matt hews Assistant Coach : Chris Collett Rese rves Coach : Stephen Allen 1 . D. Matthews (Capt) 2 . A . Lourie 3. B. Mathews 4. C. Simpson 5. W. Horton 6. M . Millard 7. P. Murtagh 9. G . Harrison 10. A. Hil l 11 . R . Morrissey 12. R . Harrison 13. C. Wilso n
14. S . Klose (C-Res) 15. S . Pearce 16. T. Royals (VC) 17. G . Williams 18. N . Cox 19. J. Restarick 20. M . Klose 21 . N . Brohier 22 . S . Barker 23. D . Allen 24. K . Dachs 25 . M . O'Brien 26 . S. Williams 27. N . Caple 28. M . Schultz 30.D .Lowe 31 . J. Holloway 32 . M . Dicrosta 33 . N . Johnson 35 . R . Harris 36 . C . Worthington 37. M . Scholten 38 . A . Allen 39 . J . Santiag o 40. C . Antigeorgiou 41 . M . Lauritz (VC-Res) 42 . D. Synma n 43. R . Royals 44. R . Berzins 45. M . Stanjo 46. D . Kitchen 47. J . Headlam 48. C. Moston 49. D. Crai g 50. C . Matheson 51 . K . Hedi n 52 . C. Adkins 53 . J . Fletcher 54 . R . Knight 55 . R . Alisop 61 . D. Oakley 62 . S . Cossart-Walsh 64 . A . Kalinski 71 . G . Paine MAJOR SPONSOR
COMMONWEALTH BAN K Senior Coach: Craig rv Jackson Rese es Coach : Ken Bremner 1 . T Reid 2. P. Dawson 3. M. Bunnel l 4. N . Wallmeyer (Capt) 5. J. Beare 6. A . Corboy 7. W. Keighran 8. V. McDonald 9. G . Andrews 10. J . Bellinger 11 . A . Pitts
12. C . Devlin 13. C. Arneph y 14 . S . Melican (VC) 15. J . Ross 16. C. Green 17, D- Howarth 18. D. Coltman 19. A. Maher 20. L. Van Loon 21 . J. Lewis 22 .N .Roberts 23. A . Rolfes 24. G. Rolfes 25. R . Gnie l 26. R . Lindford 27. T. Smith 28. N . Short 29. C . Jackson 30. K . Sparrow 31 . R . Lucas 32 . F. Maya 33 . P. Rachor 34 . D. Walsh 35 . B . Dobson 36 . P. Galliford 37. M . Thomson 38 . G. Smith 39. G. Jones 40. G. Hamilton 41 . D. Hogan 42 . D. Dawson 43. L. McDonald 44. J . McNamara 46. J. Curtin 49. S. Redfern 52 . J. Coghlan
IVANHOE Senior Coach : John Simpson Reserves Coach: Ian Forsyth 1 . R . Armstrong 2 . P. La Rosa 3. C . Tucker 4. M . Maud 5 . P. Manuel 6 .1 Jackson 7, J. Mathew 8. J . Freeman 9 . M . Thackwray 10. G, Kennedy 11 . S . Ford 12 . V. Sammartino 13. P. Rawley 14. P. Flynn 15. T. Flynn 16. M . Fabris 17.P.Lee 18. A .Zanatta 19. G. Bullen 20. R. Stewart 21, L. Blackwood 22. R . Angelini 23. P. Pettingill 24. D. Mallia 25. A. Barro 26. N . Capitola 27. D. Nibali 28. D. Forsyth 29. D. Flynn 30. J. Makin 31 . I . Forsyth 32 .J .Raywood 33. S . McGowan 34. R . Doyl e 35. G . Strangwick 36. Robert Gittos 37. S. Northey 38. T. Groppi 39. J. Sampson 40. S . Cava r 41 . C. McDonald 42 . D. Cartwright 43. R . Lee 45. A . Woolfe 46. Richard Gittos 47 . D. Hoffman 48. A . Peki n 49. S. Molloy 50. W. Lloyd 51 . A . Sanderson 52 . A. Purcell 53. A . Scott 54. D. Webb 55. D. Hochfeld
KEW Senior Coach :
Brett Burden Rese rves Coach : Nicolas Sticc a 1 . M . Lord 2 . G . Porte (VC) 3. D. Sticc a 4. G . Crimmins 5. L . Bradley 6. M . Langton 7. A . Burden 8. J. Busutti l 9. A. Peric 10. B . Cullen 11 . A . Barnes 12 . C. Chipman 13. C. Kiriakou 14. P. Clayton 15. G . White 16. D. Wood 17. D. Menzies 18. N. King (DVC) 19. R . Barr y 20 . S . Harriso n 21 . P Thornely (Capt) 22 . D. Mascitti (C-Res) 23 . R . Jame s 24 . B. Burden (Coach) 25. P. Pedrett i 27. R . Love 28. L. Donavan 29. M . Williamson 30. 0. Greenwood 31 . A. Wells 32. J . Brassil 33. M .Jack 34.S. McMahon 35.S. Bruno 36. R . Bruno (VC-Res) 37. D. McClay 38.B .Sheahan 39, B . Campbel l 40. A . Price 41 . G . Theodoridis 42. R . Burgess 43. P. Prokop 44. A . Cutinelli 45, N . Dellis 46.C . Hope 47. D. Hope (DVC-Res) 48. J . Paro n 49. D. Kin g 50. G . Bakogiannis 51 . S. Kitson 52 . J. Kitson 53. B . Bayne 54. A. Skerritt 55.J . Northrop
58. S . Chamarenk o 57. M . Gree n
Macedon Templestowe Dry Cleaners
838 Heidelberg Rd Alphington Ph : 499 7177
Soft Cloth Car Aash
Coburg Coach House Mote /Peppermill Restauran t 844 SYDNEY RD. COBURG
0 0 C.F .G . 6AAZENOD OLD COLLEGIAN S senior Coach : 7oy 'o Paatsch Reserves Coach: Chris Boyle 1 . N . Kendall 2_D. Murray 3. T. Chitcott (Capt) 4, W McLea n
5. D. Conroy (DVC) 6. W Francis
7 P. Deegan (Capt-Res) 8. Peter Green 9 P. Hall 10. M . Tetley 11 . T. Smith (VC-Res) 12 . S . Noble 13. Pat Green 14. C. Belleville 15. D. Barker 16. J. Lenette 17. T. Tsiavis 18. M . Brookes 19. S . McMullin 20. C. Murray 21. D. Truster 21 r M . Quirk (2) 22. S. Williams 23. M . Morley 24. A . Hanley 25. a Richards 26. W. Poulter 27. R . Palamara 28. N . Little 29. M . McCusker 30. S. Fisher 31- C. Smith 32. W. Marshall 33. J . Boyle 34. D. Connolly 35. S. Kerr 36. M . Polletti 37. J. Mannix 38. B . Mounter 39. R . Bourbon 40, M . Birch 41 . B. Welch 42 . J. Grimison 43. G . Am y 44. B . Meadows 45. G . Rogers 46. M . Johnston 47. Peter Riley
48. T. Howard (DVC-Res) 49. P. Crowhurst % A. Rogers 51 . M . Murray 52 . M . O'Hara 53 . D. Williams 54 . W. Maloney 55 . D. Gil l 56 . M. Couttie 57 . B. Baxter 58 . D. Cahill 59 . I. Nei l 60. S Polan 61 . D. Nelson 62.S.Jozsa 63. P. Welch 64. B. Field 65- P, Foley 66. S. Fraser '. 67. S. Ritchie 68. M . Sinclair '.. 69. C . Desmier
78. J . Wals h MAJOR SPONSOR
TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial • Domestic • Commercial
558 5255
MELBOURNE HIGH SCHOOL OB M O NASH BLUES Senior Coach : Snr Coach : Ron Verma Brian Ford Asst Coach: Peter O'Dea Rese rves Coach : Res Coach : Paul Katz And rew Hadley 1 . J. Bamer t 1 . J. Adduci (2) 2 . P. Albergo 3P.Day 3. R . Verma (2) 4 . A . Kennedy 4 . D. Menzies (Res-Capt) 5. A . Caffry 5. R . Martin (2) 6.R .Wix 7. R . Knight (DVC) B. J . Dixon (DVC) 9. D. Comer (Capt) 10.. M . Beaziey (VC) 11 . M. Webster 7(M-Res) 12. P. Knight 12. M . Feferkranz (VC-Res) 13. A . Dawson (DVC) 14 . B. Glover 15. B. McClements 16. P. Kotz 17. A . Webster 18. C . Young 19. A . Muller 20. B. Mourney 21 . D. Reeves 21 . C. Sumner (2) 22 . D. Woodley 23 . D. Exton 24 . D. Fleming 24 . G . Wilson (2) 25 . M. Lynch 26 . A. Cruddin 27. S . Helmot 28. T Canavan 29. C. Drake 30. R . Newton 31 . P Yee 32. L . Apostolou 33. C . Oxiade 34, P. O'Connell 35. S. Konstanty 36. A . Paimos (DVC-Res) 37. P. Detteros 38. B . Ansell 39. D. Fai child 40. G. Peckham 41 . P. Browne 42. N . Bradley 43. G O'Brien 44. R . Williams 45. D. Baker 46. C . Wilson 47. M . Konstanty 48. M . Guinea 49. A . Muraca 50. J. Pertzel 51 . J . McGennls 52 . A . Sainsbury 53. J. Goldin 54. B. Sergeant 55. I . Gillespie 56. B. Archdall 57.S.Keane 58.S . Duketis 59. R. Zwar 60. P. Konstanty 61 . P. Barge 62 . M . Atkin 63 . C. Parri s
610 Camberwell Rd LMCT 537 Camberwell . Ph . 809 2468.
1 . J .M . Alexander 2 . D . Carma n 3- B. Hodgson 4 . W. Douglass 5. G . Gale 6. I . Hildebrand (DVC) 7. P. Farra r 8. A. Barker 9. L . Baring 11 . M . Spencer 12 . M . Crampton 13. J . Harrison 14 . V. Sheehan 15. D. Eley 17. S . Zacharidis 18. G . Hipwell (VC) 19. D. Roche 20 . M . Malakellis 21 . D . Lawrence 22 . D. Wals h 24 . A . Castricum 25 . M . Kellock 26 . A. McGregor (Capt) 27. D. Newman 28.S .Rowland 29. A. Headberry 31 . J . Smith 32. G . Wadley 33. D. O'Brien 34. B. Dowsley 35. P. Mastos 36. H . Cavalier 37. J . Andritsos 38.S.Broun 39. S. Chalatzoukas 40. S. Leitch 43. G . Enders 44. A. Leitch 45, R . Anderson 46.J.P Alexander 47. S . Mentha 48. P. Andritsos 49 . R . Hal l 50 . A . Randall 51 . B. Hodgson 52 . J. Milli e 53 . A . Hadley 55. D. Trumble 57. D. Tilley 61 . R . Mansfield 63. M . Sinclair 65. D. Wood 71 . M . Hay SPONSORED BY
PARKSIDE Senior Coach : M . Ware Reserves Coach: M . Wilso n 1 . A. Jackson 1 . C. Walsh (2) 2. P. Meeha n 2. C. McGaw (2) 3. F. Sansonetti 3. G. Poyntz (2) 4. M . Hoyn e 4. P Jackson (2) 5. G . Williams 5. S . Mitsud (2) 6. G . Smith 6. A. Stuart (2) 7. G . Yoksich 7. R . Fletcher (2) 8 . J. Chilcott 8 . G . Hunt (2) 9 . G . Dunbabin 9 . S . Modica (2) 10. D. Whelan 10. S . Gill (2) 11 . K . Jergens 12 . M . Sturgess 12 . W . Shorts (2) 13 . D. Mezzatesta 13 . S . Rizzo6o (2) 14 . P. Georgiou 14 . P. Smith (2) 15. D . Moodie 15. M . Gard (2) 16. G. Masset 16. B . Smith (2) 17 C . Freeman 17. G. Giannopoulos (2) 18. D Gra y 19. C. Williams 19. T. Gard (2) 20 . M . Page 20 . A . Wilson (2) 21 . J. Cotte r 21 . M. Tapping (2) 22. K. Allan 22. G . Galanis (2) 23. M . Sherlock 24. A . Borsato 25. L . Digiacomo 26. M . Bradley 27. L . Panfari 28. V. O'Brie n 29. L . Macnamara 29 . M . Row e (2) 30, R. Dean 30. A. Stuart (2) 31 . G . Horoch 31 . M . Mentha (2) 32 .R .PAcGaw 34 . J. McCall 34 . T. Rusitovski (2) 35.J.Tkocz 35. D . Hehir (2) 3T J, Fenian 38. S. Castellan 41 .P Bugden 42.P Dean 54. A, Globa n
SPONSORS Parkside Panels 459 851 6 ~ Ivorie Clothing 489 9511
~ Heidelberg Mitsubishi 458 1222
ST. KILDA STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach : Roger Gamy Rese rves Coach : Glen Baker 1 . G . Sparkes 2. R . Gerny 4. B. Boyd 5. A. McGaw 6. S . Morgan 7. C. Capiron 8. M . Strain 9. G . Healey 10 . N . Fitzroy 11 . M . Alderuccio 12 . R . Gilmore 13, G . Joseph 14. C. Gray 15. F. Buckley 16. P. Rogers 17. M . Eckholdt 18. A. Fitzsimon 19. M . King 20. T. Riddell 21 . G . Hofert 22 . P. O'Sullivan 23. J . Pasara 24. B . Gil l 25 . R . Pope 26 . W. Gilmore 27. R . Bergman 28 . P. Pirola 29 . M . Murrihy 30. P. Sherman 31 . F. Descalco 32. J. Dunlevie 33. N . Col e 34. P. Cappilari 35. S . Degering 36. A. Suppa 37. N . Buck 38. S . Wood 39. A . Atchison 40. D. Cappilari 41 . P. Degering 42 . P. Kerian 43. A . Hal l 44. M . Howard 45. J. Kolokossian 46.R Dyno n 49. M . Credlin 50. B. Meadowcroft 54. C . Renni e 55. P. Jackson 56. C. Day 57. B. Derham 58. D . Eddy 59. J. Hartwig 60. M . McMahon 61 . D. Dunlevie 62 . J . Tayler 64. A . Crough 66. T Pearl 68. M . Fawa z MAJOR SPONSOR S
D Section
> Iz~
BRUNSWICK 1 . P. Sayers 2 . S. Moore 3 . A. Strachan 4 . P. Conduit 5. D. Stevens 6. A. Watterson 7 . D. Carroll 8. D. Clarke 9. I . Campbell 10. J . Forrest 11 . M . Snelson 12 . S. Hewitt (Capt) 13. S. Kannegiesser 14 . B . Gibso n 15 . K. Beaumont 16 . G . Cross 17. E . Pavo 18 . A. Black 19 . P. Kadissi 20. D . Watt 21 . R. King 22 . B. Petrollini 23. J. Carroll 24. S. McBride 25. R . Shaw 26. P. Spezza 27. D. Hall 28. T. Mathews 29. J. Haines 30. R . Jacobs 31 . I . Cordes 32 . S . Gibson 33. J . Ralph 34. D. McDonald 35. D. Sedgwick 36. R . Chessels 37. W. Holman 38. C . Short 39. G . Smith 40. C . Slater 41 . D. Roberts 42 . C. McCulloch 43. B. Owen s 44. R . McKissack 45. G. Brunt 46. G. McCulloch 47. J . Darley 48. G. Williams 49. G. Santacatterina 50. R . Easdale 51 . S . Lewis 52 . A. Conboy 53. K . Ludekens 54. N. Campbell 55. J . Williamson 56. R . Cockerell 57. B. Watterson 58. J . Wright 60. P. Sheehan 63. A . Conboy
HAM PTON ROVERS Senior Coach: Gary Hetherington Reserves Coach: David Terry 1 . J . Ross 3. C. Amoore 4. S . Anderson 4. J. Pearce (2) 5. E. Melnjak (VC) 5. D. Rogerson (2) 6. D. Cullen 7. J. Alessi (Capt-Res) 8. M . Blake 9. S. McDonald 10. D. McConville 11 . S. Wilson (VC-Res) 12. G. Lambiris 13. H . LeGran d 15. G . Hetherington 16. L . Carte r 19. B. Hibbs 20. G . Deveraux 20. P. Chalikias 21 . G . McDonald 22 . M . McKellar 23 . C. Dwyer 25 . R . Melnjak 26 . K. Butler 27. D. Terry 28 . A. LeGrand 29 . R . Abraham 30 . M . Alessi 31 . I. Boyle 32 . J. Matson 33 . A. McGregor 34 . I . Rogerson 35 . V. Micalizzi 36 . A. Sutton 37. J. Porcino 39 . K . Ivey 40. M . Doukas 41 . A . Natol i 42 . N . Murray-White 44. R . Thompson 45. C . Scarlett 46. J . Alessi 47. L . McLeod 48. T. Murray-White 49. F. Casell a 50. M . Crawford 54. A . Panagiatidis 55. T. Brain
;j f
~~J= _ + '0i L ikl l? FASHION S Ladies & Marts Wear Hire & Sales 532 0577
Ir0 O
lk- 1
NORTH BRUNSW I C K Senior Coach: Dino DlMarco Reserves Coach : Peter powaett 1 . A. Tirchett 2 . D. Adams 3. M. DeMorton (Capt) 4. P. DiMarco 5. C. Cortese 6. V. Grimaldi 7. J. Briff a 8. C. Keay 9. A . Sammartino 10. P. Mari n 11 . K . Hehi r 12. L. DeMorton 13. K. Lianeas 14. G . Parkinson 15. H . Tsialtas 16. S . Tsiaitas 17. C. Borelli 18. S. Sir 19. V. Liros i 20 . M . Angeloni 21 . B. Laurie 22. A. Gretgrix 23 . B . Attard 24 . J . Houston 25. J . Androutsos 26. J . Tirchett 27. P. Randello 28. J. Kibizis 29. M . Cannon 30. B . Thorpe 31 . S. Hodgson 32. M . Glenister 33. J . Cannizzaro 34. T. Monterosso 35. P. Dowsett 36. J. Boudoloh 37. D. DeMorton 38. B. Pisasale 39. V. Randello 40. G . McCall 41 . J . Saunders 42. M . Briffa 43. D. Lawton 44. S . Ward 45. D. Munro 46. C. Jewell 47. J. Engellene r 48. K. Christodoulou 49. G . Kyranni s 54. J. Pio 55. J. Roussos 58. A. Boudoloh 63. T. Wright 69. Kevin MAJOR SPONSORS
~k Sweet ~ j Success
OLD GEELON G Senior Coach: Stua rt Giasco tt Reserves Coach : Russell Parkinson 1 . S . Furphy 2 . W. Davis 3. P. Clarke 4. C . Gunn 5. A . Howells 6. D . Ritchie 7. S . Glascott S. A . Rigby 10. M . Oliphant 11 . J . Pescott 12, G . Fawcett 13. P Herman 14. B. Edmonds 15. C. Stewart 16. S. Burgess 17. W. Dowling 18. C. Richardson 19. J. Manton 20 . C. Ross , 21 . D . Morrison 23 . M . Davis 24 . A. Gunnerson 25. A. Peake 26. R. Williamson 27. D . Morton 29. C. Jeffries 30. P. Jones 31 .T Jackson 33. G . Stubbings 34.P.Law 36. M. Bain 37. J. Richmond 39. J. Ferguson 40, S . Bones 44. E .Spiden 45. J. Wilson 47. M . Wilson 48. S . Nadenbush 50. M . Robson 51 . J . Lee 52 . P. Stock 54. J. Groom 66. O'Hallora n PROUD SPONSOR S
IN Bencn~t E~~B.cAC~t tnR9fi
OLD IVANHOE GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Rese rves Coach : Steve King 1. B. Yo-rood 2. M. Dyson 3 . M . Clarkson 4 . I . Wells 5.J. Stevens 6. M . Hall 7. G. Farleacas (VC) 8.T. Stevens 9. M . Karayannis 10 . B. Hal l 11. T. Ryan 12. M.Tozer 13 . D.Lowson 14. M . Colledge 15. G . Douglas 16. M . Woods 17. J. Lu k 18. C Ferguson 19. T. Young 20.M .Huber 21 .A.Haug 22 . C. Dunnell '23. M . Stewart 24. G . Harps (DVC) 25. J. Maycoc k 2& P. Golding 27. J. Weddle 28. C . Jones 29. R . Weddle . 30. D. Toll 31.D .Caddy 32.A.Noonan 33.T. Cormack 34. S . Ken t 35. D. Scott 36. D. Super 37. C . Lynch 38.5 .Conway 39. M . Campbell 40. S . Purcell 41 . J . Marshall 42. S Vaughan 43. P.,Sigley 44. D. Simonsen 45 D. Chan 46. A. Jenkins 47. M . Dunn 48. S. Pidoto 49. J. Hempseed 50. M . Veal (Capt) 51 . M. Power 52 . P. Cargin 53 . D. Craker 54 . P. Wall 55 . C . McLaughlin 56 . A . Ongarello 57. B. Elsworth 58.A .Ryan 59. D. Cuttedss 60. C. Pi n 62. P. Ritchie 63. P. Murg,a 64. N . Westo n '.. 68. R. Bainbridge ..' 69. J. Lunt 94. B. Wilso n
Hotel Bagdad
ST BEDES/ MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach: Mark Tyquin Reserves Coach : 1_ M. Kinsell a 2, D. Marshall 3. B . Beasley 4. V. L'Huillier 5. G . Connolly 6.R . Parsons 7. D. Diggins 8. B. Hambridge 9, M. Jone s 10. D. Feben (Capt) it R . Grec h 12 . C. Stewart 13. D. Johnston 14. P. Lanna . M. Freeman n15 16. B. Berry 17. A. MacGeorge (DVC) 18. M . Griffiths 19. B. Tomlinson 20. A. Giaquinta 21 . M . Hanrahan 22 .S McCarthy 23. B. Hutchinson 24. T. Beasley (VC) 25. D. Smith 26. E.Leyden 27. R . Randall 28 .J . Clagnan 29, C . Thomson 30 . A . Maso n 31 . G . McLachlan 32. J. Dickinson 33. A . Wals h 34. A. Boag ,35. R . Bilos 36. S . Markham 37. S. Gray 38. D. Edwards 39. A. Bonica 49. T. Bryant 41 . J . Naylor 42 . D. O'Brien 43. R . Lomagno 44. D . Goodchild 45 . Mick Beasley 46 . G . O'Brien 47. J. Higgi n 48 . M . Lomagno 49 . M . Murray 50. W. Earl e 51 . A . Pettinella 52. J . Sebire 53. A. Naylor 54. M . McCraw 55. Matt Beasle y '.. 56. P. O'Connor 57. S. Algeri 58 . R . Strom 59 . P. Newport 61 . M . Bateman 62. P. Bateman 69. S . Campbell 71 . M . Atherton
ST. KEVIN'S OLD BOYS Senior Coach : Michael Petrie Reserves Coach : Michael Harrington 1 . H. Stone 2. P. Curtai n 3. A . Bendoricchio 4. 5 . Coomb e 5. R . Callanan 6. G . Gross 7. G . Lee-Conway 8. P. McNe e 9 . J . Fogarty 10. A . Donohue 11 . P. Calif 12 . D. McNair 13. M . Pivetta 14. L. Mahoney 15 . M . Olive 16 . R . Kell y 17. O. Hourigan 18. P Scala 19. J . Watkin (Capt) 20. P. Clohessy 21 . M . Durrant 22 . P. Gunther 23 . D. Morton 24 . J . O'Connor 25. D. Williams 26. J. O'Brien 27. R . Gross 28. J. Whitbread 29, A. Thomas 30, M . Prindiville 31 . N . Causer 32 . John Sergeant 33. P. Harding 34.D .Sheehy 35. M . Verberne 36. M . McKaige 37- A. Beale (VC) 38 . A. Lyo n 39 . J . Bare 40 . P. Panagiotopoulos 41 . Jeremy Sergeant 42, J . Herman 43. J. Fox 44. P Stackpole 45.P. McCann 46. D . DeRooden 47. M . Brady 48.J .Dynon 49. E . Footner 50 . J . Drak e 51 . J . Quirk 52 . P. Lewin 53 . D. O'Hanlon 54. B. Keenan 55. P. Hopkins 56.R .Evans 57. M . Chapman 58.A . Morgan 59. T Bare 60. P. Varasd i
John Allan
THOMASTOWN Senior Coach : M. Spinosa Rese rves Coach : D. Leal e 1 . S. Papaioanou 2. M. Reid 3. A. Smith 4. G . Petsinis 5. F. Acorachi 6 . B. Pelligrino 7. S . Plant 8 . A. Fellows 9 . T. Marone y 10. D.Langbourne 11 . C. Surha n t2 . F. Farchione 13 . P. Alfonsi 14 . J. 0'Angelo 15 . J. Theodorou 16. D . Farchione 17. D. Leale 18. R . Geremia 19. G. O'Brien 20. L . Azzarone 21 . E . Lentini 22 . C . Plant 23 . R . Dimaggio 24 .T. Gannon 25 .R .Kennedy 26 . P. Ristevski 27. A. Formosa 28. L. Moribito 29. Kevin Harling 30. C . Fellows 31 . G . Pikovski 32 . G . Dimouski 33. J . Zaicos 34. M . Giacobbe 35. A. Colosimo 36. L . Smit h 37. D . Dimouski 38 . A. Inzitari 39 . P. Gioutfsis 40 . S . DAvoine 42 . S. Hardstaff 43 . J. Chahoud 44 . N . Argyiou 45. J. Hart 46. L. Sellese 47. D. Plowright 48. P. Prinzi 49. D. DeLuca 51 . M . Boyden 54. F. DeLorenzo 55. G . Latouf 56 . M. Daghistani 59 . F. Bortolani
'. 60 . S. Marinelli SPONSORED BY
MENTONE South Melboume
Senior Coach: Justin Coburn Reserves Coach: Kim Kershaw 1 . M . Newton 2 . J . Radford 3. M . Burnet t 4. A . Gray (Capt) 5. T. Rourke 6. G . Evans 7. S. Mills 8 . D. Hallam 9 . S . Spinks 10. S. Bromell 11 . B. Jackson 12 . M . Bel l 13 . M . Nihill 14 . B. Townsend 15. G . Anderson 16. P. Caccaviello 17. S . Longley 18. J. Lewis . 19. B. Saffi n 20 . S . McMahon 21 . T. Whitehead 22 . S. Glover 23. R. Rielly 24. A . Bandi t 25. A . MacGowan 26. A . Phillip s 27. S . Middleton 28. D . Moorfield 29. C . Ritchie 30 . G . Keys 31 . M . Hynes 32 . N . Pappas 33 . A. Merritt 34 .J .Sprunt 35. M. Oldham 36. M. Begley 37. R . Hal l 38. A . Geljon 39. P. Somerville 40. J. Ganl y 41 . D. VanGerrevink 42 . G . Wines 43 . J . Quitty 44 . P. Dillon 45. K. Bowden 46. B. Danielson 47. A . Hengel 48. S . Miriklis 49. P. Anderson 50. P. Barrie 51 . A. Neville 52 . P. Pesavento 53 . N . O'Sullivan 54 . D. McFarline 55. M . Nixo n 56. R . Devlin 57. B . Hennessy 56. K. O'Farrell 59. S . Major 61 . J . Yorston 69. S . Little 76. R. Gazelle 77. A. Aaron 79. PerrettlCostello 82 . A . Donald
WILLIAC;9STOWN C.Y.r.1 .S. 1 . S . Bryan
2 . D. Dawson 3. A . Harry 4. J. Tuc k 5. D. Macleod 6. G . Cler k 7. M . Cannon 8 . A. Morgan 9 . G . Case 10. G. Hampson 11 . D. Temby 12 . A. Featherston 13. N . Bezzant 14. S. Lynch 15 . D. White 16 . P. Derva n 17. P. VanDungen 18. D. Grig g 19 . B. Ce ttinich 20. M . De rvan 21 . S. Wei r 22 . W. Payn e 23. P. McNamara 24 . R . Meila k 25 . R . Evans 26 . A. Bond 27. B. Tuck 28. S . Calderwood 29. M . Anderson 30. A. Morell i 31 . M . Tuck 32. J . Pinkney 33. T. Cannon 34. B. Hann 35. N . Croft 36. D. Digenova 37. A. Finch 38. D. Ipsa 39. S. Lugowski 40. L. Turnley 41 . T. Campbell 42 . R . Engler 43 . D. Elliott 44 . D. Mills 45. C. Muscat 46. M . Payne 47. S. Quinn 48. T. Riley 49. R . Scott 50.J . Stevanonski 51 . D. Bubnic 52 . T. Williams 53 . T. Carter 54 . B. Macleod 55. C. Salmon 56. T. Gleason 57. T. Davies 58. E. Varga s 59. M . Sutherland 60. N . Buckland 61 . C. Singleton 62 . S . Burt 63. W. Kevin 64. N . Stovall 65. M . Benne tt 66. G. Doria 67. F. Walsh
, ~â&#x20AC;˘ 3a:)s ;, ) ;,
E Sectio n
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Founded 1906
ANZ BAN K Senior Coach : Alan Qualfe Assistant Coach : Jack McDonald 1 . P. Smith 1 . S. Duke (2) 2 . M . Sanell i 2 . T. Kennedy (2) 3 . O. Morros 3 . M . Azzato (2) 4 . S. Gamble 5 . P. Cairns 6. P Marshall 6. G . Smith (2) 7 . D. Steere 8. L . Snelling 8. W. Simmonds (2) 9. G . Walkley 10 . M . Phillips 12- G . Larkin (VC) 12 . P. Strahan (2) 13 .S. McCarthy 13 . M . Xuereb (2) 14 . M . Lengacher 15 . M . Evans 16 . M . Malone 16 . P. Knight (2) 17 . T. Harbinson 18. P. Boyle (DVC) 19. N . Pastras 20. R . Koegler 21 . P. Shoppee 22 . M . Cox 23. A . Bennett (Res-VC) 24. M . Lawrence 25. J. McDonald (Capt) 26 . S. Smith 27. G . Perkin s 27. W. Humphrey (2) 28 . C . Morse 29. B. Pentland 30. C . O'Brien 31 . D. Kraljik 32 . M . Farrell 33. A . Stein 34. W. Lasslett 34 . C . Westblade (2) 36 . R . Liddel l 37. M . Sweeney (Capt-Res) 38 . L . Waddingha m 39 . J . Liddell 40. B. Fernandez 41 . G . Ritchie 42 . M . Whelan 43. N . War d 44 . R . McDonald (VC) 45. P. Hagler 46 . D. McAllister 47. A. Toomey 48 . P. Heyes (VC-Res) 52 . P.Vanderwal 57. B . Curthoys 58 . N . Walsh 60 . M . Birrell 61, R . Salmon 62 . A . Quail s 63 . A. Andrianakis 64 . S. Nicholson 65 . A. Spinne r 66 . D. Grieve 67. C. Riley 68 . P. Ganley 69 . S. Bayes 70 . B . Francis 71 . Q. Kliener 72 . P. Barton 73 . M . Tunzi
AQUINAS Senior Coach : Dave McCormack Rese rves Coach : John Rya n 1 . T. Jess 2. G . Clifford 3. D. Joyc e 4. M . Wilkinson 5. A. Coste r 6. S . Kenny 7. C. Glennie 8. S . Kelly 9. R. Leavey 10. M . Hurley 11 . J . Hacking 12. B. May 13. D. McKellar 15. S. Upton 16. C. Bell i 17.P. McCafferty 18. R .A . Cronin 19. A. Grierson 20. B. McKenna 21 . J. Knights 22 . J . Ryan 23. B. O'Connor 24. S. Flyn n 25. R . Wans 26. M . Gray 27. I . Shaw 28. R . Winnen 29. S. O'Loughlin 30. C . Colliver 31 . L . Kin g 32 . M . Vankerkhoven 33. P. Rosbrook 34. M . Tarull i 35. S. Livingstone 36 . D. Phelan 37. D. Crawford 38 . D. Peters 39. J . Langford 40. J . McEwen 41 . R . Chamberlain 42 . R. Milton 43 . C . Rogers 44 . J . Scott 45 . M . Haggarty 46 .D.Langdon 47. P. Kvietelaitis 48 . R . Sehulties 49 . C. Lambourne 50 . P- Grierson 51 . D. Johnstone 52 . P. Sheehan 53 . A. Twyford 54 . M . Kealy 55. J . Crouch 56. K. Denver 57 . L . Denver 58. T. Hogan 60. B. McKellar 61- C . Duffy 70 . P. Sainsbury 80. M . Joyc e MAJOR SPONSO R
870 2444
Senior Coach : Andrew Smythe Reserves Coach Michael Flanagan 1 A McFarlane 1 . P Laming 1 . R . Schneider 2, R . Morley 3 S . McLaren 3. J Rambrrn 4. N . Cartledge (Res-Capq 4. R . Schneide r 5. S . Scanlon 5. G . Radford 6, M . Kell y 7. C. Portbury (VC) 7. J. Cartledg e 8. D Robbins 9. H . Turvey 9 R. Hamilton 9. N Borg 10 W. Olney 10 A Humphrey 11 . R . Creighton 12-D.Thompson 13 . G. Cotter~Il 13 . S. Irvine 14 B . Mot t
15 . A Stewart
to C Ba"scombe 16. J . Stark 17. D Gandolfo 17, A . Meney 18 R . Pasante 19 R Hamilton 20. C Parker 20. J Moran 21 . P. Avery 22 . P Cotter.Il 22, C. Brown 23 J. Redfern 23, RPhdpot 24 C Battiscombe 24 P. Bro+m 25. C.Frayne 25. W. Olney 26. P. Coen 26. A. McFarlane 27. S Fatouros 27. D. Humphrey 28 A Meney 29 R .Inglese 30. G . Christopoulos 30 C Parke r 31 . D Tripp 32,S Fatouros 32 . C. Mutimer 33. R Drvugilio (VC-R) 34, L. Coleman 35. C . Muttmer 35, S. Irvine 36 . L. Thompson 37. P Flew (CapQ 38. C . Frayne 39 M Flanagan 40. D. Tsoka s 41 . S . Stratton 42 R Phdpo t 42, H . Roberts 53 S. Stratton 43 B. Lambevsk . 53 . P Cottenil 43, A . Stewart 54 A 44 P Tsokas 55 P Rees . May 45 R . Hamilton 56 N Borg 46 . A Humphrey 57 . G Connolly 47. P. Coen 58 D Thick 48 M Daily-Watkins 48 . A . May 59 A . Chafer 48 . P. Leming 59 M . Fit t 49 . S. Irvine 60 W . O'Bnen 50. D. Atkinson 60. S Portbury 51 D Hopkins 71 . P Avery 52, P Brown 82. C Frayne 53 . C, Brown 111, P. Laming
ELSTERNWICK DOVETON Senior Coach: Adrian Brown Reserves Coach : Paul Cipressi 1 . C. Wormesl y 2. A . Campbell (VC) 3. P. Ashwood 4. L . Vurlow 5. J. Muirhead 6. P- Cipressi 7. J . Reige r 8. R. Murphy 9. M . Page 10 . F. Khali l 11 . J. Johnston 12 . C. Pepper 14 . K. Charleston 15 . P. Warre n 16. D. Boots 17- C . Pauline 18. S . Campbell 19. R. Forgiarini 20. J. Zoubek 21 . B. Goodwin 22 . K. McHugh 23. M . Dyke 24. S. Van Beek 25. M . Lobinsk i 26. B. McGougan (C-Res) 27- P. Giddens (Capt ) 28. Adrian Brown (Coach) 29. J . Butler 30- P. Hil l 31 . J. Sweeney (VC-Res) 32 . T. Mertis 33 . R . Gibbs 34 . S. Wilson 35 . D. Ruston 36 . W. Burgess (DVC) 37. G . McDonal d 38 . K . Wilson 39 . J . Leveque 40. B . Turner 41- L . Bor g 42 . S . Sumondis 43 . S. Reiger 44 . Andrew Brown 45 . D. Charleston 46 . T. Fairweather 47. B. Sheppeck 48 . G . Campbell 49 . P. Eyr e 50. D. Clarke 54 . J . Wilson
Senior Coach : P. Purcell Reserves Coach: G. Connolly 1 . L . Murphy (VC . A . Hanki n )2 3. M . Andrew 4, G . Andrew 5. G . Connolly 6. P. Tsiampas 6. M . Lloyd (2) 7. T. Heath 7. A. Comas (2) 8. C. O'Connor 9. A . O'Connor 10. R. Bravington 11 . P. Mahony 11 . P. Bofte (2) 12. R . Eklom 13. P. Stankovich 14. A. Conlin (OVC) 15. L . McCooke 16. A. Abrahams 17. J. Ward 18, P. Pavlovic 19. M. Byrn e 19. M. Bullard (VC-Res) 20 . P. Shine 21 . P. Osborne 22, L . McGregor 23, N_ Christi e 24 . D. Conlin Capt) 25. J . O'Connor 26. D. Dari n 27. M. Daniels 28. M . Whelan 29.S,Mahony 30. G . Bulluss 31 R . Sulluss 32. P. Harris (Capt-Res) 33 B. Ivett 34. A. Conun 35. D. Osborne 36. B. Bravington 37. G . Marshall 38. B. Hammer 39. G . Trevena 40. D. Nolan 41. L. Bonbon 42,S.Ramsay 43. M . Werena 44 C. Walke r 45. R. Grandemange 46, T. Tsihrintzis 47 . C . Tsaloumas 48. M . Fayad 49. D. Zafiiro 50. R. McIntyre 51 . X . Nathan 52 . P Grey 53' G Collins 54. S. Kirkham 55.K .Cook 56. M . Morgues 57. J. Eklam 58. R . Passant % S. McLennan 60, M. Pachler 61 . B. Hil l 62 . A. Guinane 63.S.Craxe 64. K . Billman 65.D,Mahony 66. J . Schultz 67.J,Dunnache 68 P. McGarry 69 . R . English 70.Many Copeland 71 . Mathew Copeland 72 . M . Scott 73. W. Smit h 74. G . Cunrnngham 75, R . Bloomtield 7& B. Bowe r 77. A . Hutchins 78 . C . Shuttlevrorth 79 . D. Prckard 80. D. Torrence 81 . D . Hughes SPONSORED BY L
B. Raffert Reserves Coach : S. Timm s 1. B. Wilson 2 . S. Jankovic 11 Hil l °,.4. B. Rafferty 5. G . Dickson 6, S. Timms 7. M . Kouts 8. A . Hil l 9 . G. Halpin (Capt) 10. G . Richard s 11 . T. Rossiter 12 . B . Stewart 13. S. Smith 14. J. Bir d 15. P. Breslin 16. M . Hollaway 17. Craig Horsey 18 . Cameron Horsey 19 . S. Withers 20. T. Silvey (VC) 21 . J . Gilmour 22 . M . Davies 23. C . Rya n 24. D. Trewarn 25. S. Callafiore 26, D. Mance 27. I . Withers 28. D. Isaacs 29. L . Black 30. C. Thom 31 . G. Oaten 32. R Lamb 33. P. Harrison 34. B. O'Shannesy 35. B. Milla r 36. R . Hall 37. J . Brown 38. A . Antonio 39. D. Maiden 40. D. O'Shannesy 41 . S . Talarico 42 . C. Whelan 43 .S.Jones 44 . B. O'Donnell 45. T. Mance 46. R . Horowitz 47. R. Day 48. D. Gasser 49. M . Ley 50. J. O'Donough 51 . A . Levey 52. M . Gordon 53. L . Farley 54. G . Boxshall 55. N . Morris 57. S . Dunphy 58. W. Crooke 59. S. King SPONSORED BY
Senior Coach: Graeme Ewart Reserves Coach : Ron Purcel l 1 . R . Purcell 2 . B, Taylor 3 N . Brown 4 . K Mitchell 5. S. Herskins E B, O'Har a 7. P. Kerklv,et (DiQ 8. 0 . Hayes 9. G. Ewan 10. E. Smith 11 . A. KyriaCOu 12.J Wilsan 13A . Gibbs 14 S.Jackson 15. R . Spurrrt 16. T. Walker 17. A . Cocks 18. M . Carnck 19. M . Polkinghorne 26. a Proven
21. C. Town
22. M . Hopkins 23. M. Armstrong 24. T. McManus 25. A . Taylor 26. G . Young 27. P. Lodge 2& & Leitch 29. W.Farwood 30. N. McCann 31, J. Howard 32 . D. Alex 33 . M . tAOCutchmson 34 .P McCrae 35.D.Foune 36. D. Emery 37. C. Strachan 38. A. Hardenberg 39. L. Heath
40. J. Harvey 41 . T. Nixon-Smith 42. S. Burmeister 43. L Harakina 44.W.Ead 45. A . Gal e 4& R . Lee 47. P Lenton 48. C. Brown 49 . A. Kent 50. E. Matt 51. N Humphries 52. A . Kdimorgen 53. P. Mathieson S,I.A . McKenzie 55. D McDonald 56 C . Evans
5T G. Fulton 58. A . Mitsou
59. L . Daly 69. J. Can 60.J. Nek 70. D. Human 61 . A . Wright 71 . A . Inkster 62 . J . Swann 72 . W. Inkster 63 . A. McCulloch 73. B. Larkey 64 . J. McCann 74. N. Huntley 65. A. Bryson 75. M. Peat6ng 66 D. Winos 76 . S . Woods 67. C. Fisher 77. A. Papals 68. J . Forwood 78. I. Hill
ANA Fri endly Society
POWERHOUSE OLD ESSENDON GR . Senior Coach: John McEncroe Reserve Coach : Mike Evans 1 .D.Tonks 2 . A. Coo k 3. J. McEncro e 4. M . Evans (Capt-Res) 5. S. Racavali s 6 . H. Ikiz 7. B. West 8 . C. Grant 9 . M . Tapunago 10. I . Stevens 11 . G . Mumford 12 . J. Hearne 14 . A. Smith 15 . S. Bishop (Capt) 16 . M . Goodwil l 17. G . Crameri 18. J . Briggs 19. R. Cram 20. C . Bilby 21 . L. Shaw 22 . P. McKinnon 23 . D. Poulton 24. P. Murto n 25. B . Panagiolopolous (VC) 26, P. Creamed 27. D. Eastway 28. C. Souter (DVC) 29. S. Morrish 30. G. Richards 32 . J . Mansfield 34. D. Maddern 35 . D. Whitfield 36 . I . Agosta 37. L . Wrigley 38. B. Foote 39. M . Swift 40. C. Merr y 41 . J . McDonald 42. C . Batchelor 43. J. Simundza 44. S. Parker 45. T. Harvey 46. M . Wuiske 47. R. Circus 48 . D. Howard 49 . A. Hutchinson 50. D. Bellman 51 . J . Simmons 52. S. Bristow 53. J. Wilcox 54. A . Hughes 55. S. Casey 56. D . Moredan 60. H . Bradshaw 61 . P. Dudderidge
1 .S ' Sellick 2 . J. Hal l 3. F. Stafford 4. A. Escott 5. S . Kelly 6. M . Taylor 7. C. Richardson 8. N . Pavlou 9. A . Morris 10. M . Hansen 11 . L . Massaglia 12. M . Maddox 13. W. Doods 14. B. Hall 15. J. Scotland 16. B. Higgins 17. J. Robertson 18. F. Doyle 19. J . Evans 20. D. Desler 21 . L. O'Sullivan 22. P. Stewart 23. R. Bon d 24. R . Williams 25.S . Evans 26. J. Senior 27. C. McLeod 28. J. Tucker 29. G. Newman 30. G . Scalzo 31 . P. O'Sullivan 32 . B. Wilson 33 . A. Wildes 34 . S . Kervin 35. S . Speir s 36. P. Hollowood 37. C . McLeod 38. A . Sargeant 39. J. Gil l 40. P. Reidle 41 . C. Weinert 44. D . Baxter 45. A . Cope 46. S. Sargeant 48 . D. Phelan 49 . A. James 50. M . Pittoni 51 . S. Silva 52 . C. Boschert 54. J. Blowfield 55. A . Miller 56. S. Acott 60. A . Georgantas 61 . P Ford 69 . D. Angel 88 . G . Scotland
ST LEO'S WATTLE PARK Senior Coach : S. D'Angeio Rese rves Coach : R . Alford 1 . P. Murphy (DVC) 2. R . Stewar d 3. D. Miller (Capt) 4. T. Van Den Akker 5. C. Kenny 6. G . Grandy 7. J. Murphy 8. I . Milner 9. R . Sweetland 10. P. Davidson 11 . M . Shacklock 12 . G . Robinson (DVC) 13. M . Faulisi 14. D . Corrigan (VC) 15. G . Burke 16 . P. McNamara 17. S. Greel y 18 . G . Sargent 19 .P.Kelly 20. A. Gil l 21 . S . Ingram 22 . R . Alford 23. S. Nankervis 24. D. Kenny 25. S. Walsh 26. B. Vaughan (Snr) 27. D. Glass 29. R . Knowles 30. C. Ingram 31 . F. Caione 32 . A . N'Dreu 33 . A. Douglass 34 . J . Callaghan 35. A. Box 36. K . Morris 37. N . Curri e 38. M . Anderson 39. B. Vaughan (Jnr) 40. R Dart 41 . B. Compton 42 . P. O'Halloran 43. A . Morga n 44. F. Dinicolantino 45. S. Ronchi 46 . D. Ingram 47. J. O'Meara 48. D. Dinicolantino 49 . P. Steward 50. L . Bourke 51 . T. Oakley 52 . P. O'Connor 53. M . Lawlor 55. L. Danckert 56. S. Jones 57. D. Bray 58 . A. Nankervis 59 . D. Pitcher 60. C. Rya n 62. J . Vaughan 63. C. Quilty 64. J. Cronin 65. C . Blanco 66. R . Porter PROUDLY SPONSORED BY 11
Four out of five last Saturday missing on Pk's Chirnside upset 32 Pt victory over Richmond Centrals after a great start to the year, are really struggling ofwho late with successive losses . This scribe who had jumped on the Centrals bandwagon at the start of the year has jumped off . What is the problem down there . I'm wondering whether they are March champions or is there a bit of infighting going on, or are there injuries Believe me, if it doesn't stop all I can say is they won't. be there come finals time . REVIEW In afinals, match crucial to both sides chances of featurin g in the Chirnside Pk Central to the tune of 32were pts . too good for Richmond Oakleigh continued on their merry way with a percentage boosting 199 pt win over VUT/F1T. Canterbury/North Balwyn travelled to Werribee t o tackle Old Westbourne in a danger game for them but with a bit more experience they were too talented for Westbourne to win by 33 pts . Uni Reds continued in good fashion with a solid 43 pt win over Balwyn Combined . In the last game Yarra with much needed percentage were too goodValley for Camberwell to win by 135 pts. PREVIE W Pk after last weeks great win would no want to take VUT/F1T easily, especially out at Footscrayt -which past has been a bogey ground for a lot of sides in the . But with a lot at stake I can't see Chirnside surrendering this game so I tip them to win by 10 gls Canterbury/N Balwyn host Oakleigh . be a in what should game to watc h each game hey thaverplay Bed whereas Oakleigh have taken all before them in previous weeks I'm going for Oakleigh with a better forward set up to. win this by 8 goals . Richmond Central having come off 3 successive losses tackle Balwyn Combined in what should be a danger game for them . Believe me when I say, Lose, thats curtains for 'g3 . I cannot see this so I tip Centrals to get back on the winning list with a 5 g1 victory . of the day is at Fitzroy where Yarra alley take onMatch Uni Reds . All I can say is I have seen both sides ad vantage sand I hould come out Pondco p by 5 gaels rgnr wnac should be a very entertaining game. In the last game Camberwell host Boronia Pk in what should be a good game . Camberwell have been struggling of late and I feel that the Parkers after their strong game against the ladder leader a fortnight ago should tooon good forby Camberwell and should inflict anotherbeloss them 4 gis .
FORREST, Oakleigh SENIORS SIMPSON, Yarra Valle y CREAK Boronia Park PEARSON, Richmond Central RES R JACKSON, Richmond C enEral ES GREEN, Oakleigh THOMAS, Chirnside Park ISSA, Canterbury Nth Balwy n
VUT/FIT vs CHIRNSIDE PARK Field: G . Beasley, T Fole y CANTERBURY NTH BALWYN vs OAKLEIGH Field, V. Vescovi, R . Bell (Rot Boundary: L. Stapleton, S ) . O'Connor RICHMOND CENTRAL vs BALWYN COMBINED Field 'S. Caple, A. Firley UNI REDS vs YARRA VALLEY OB Field- G . Keane, L . Symons CAMBERWELI . vs BORONIA PARK Freld' C. Box, T. Natha n
A`Hall of Fame' is to be set up as part of the new Elsternwick Park extensions . Any club who has produced a player who has played 300 or more Amateur games is invited to supply a framed photograph of this player to be displayed .
Please include a brief description of th
e player and his career . These details will be inscribed on a small plaque and mounted on the player's photo . Each week names of 300 game players' photos received will be published . Enquiries: Ph r)! Stevens
SENIORS 10 .9 15 .10 .100 cHIRNSIDE PARK 3 .3 7.6 7.7 10 .8 .68 CENTRAL 4 .3 4 .6 RICHMOND CHIRNSIDE PK Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Pearson 4, Whiteside 2, Gordon 2, Stephens, S. RICHMOND CEN . Shannon . BEST Stephens, Barry, Whiteside, Gordon, Dautovic, D . Jiggins . OAKLEIGH AFC 10.7 21 .16 33 .21 39 .25.259 4.1 5.1 6 .4 .40 VUT/FIT 4 .1 OAKLEIGH M . Forrest 12, Leslie 10, Schultz 4, Alexandrou 3, Crugnale 2 Tomlinson 2, Hanley 2, Walsh 2, Brereton, Tilly. BEST Walsh, Schultz, M Forrest, Tomlinson, Leslie, Crugnal e VUT/FIT Ahern, Byrnes, Cliffe, Djinovic, McNerney, Wheelahan . BEST "Baird, Breheny, Djinovic, Foster, McLellan, Martin . OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .1 7.3 9.4 10.6.66 C'BURY NTH BALWYN 3 .4 9 .5 10.11 14 .15.99 0. WESTBOURNE A . Christo 4, T . Ferris 2, S. Christo, B. Joyner, J. pAanalokakis, A . Goales . BEST: R . Harris, A . Christo, B. Joyner, A. Horsburgh, W . Taylor. C'BURY NTH BALWYN P. Mernagh 3 . McLeod 3, Crooks 2, Knight 2, Wills 2, Jackson, Sheehan . BEST McLeod, Wills, Jackson, Wain, Davidson, S . Tibaldi. BALWYN COMBINED 1 .3 3.5 3.8 5.11 .41 UNIVERSITY REDS 4.3 6.7 8 .11 12 .12 .84 BALWYN COM . Lampard 2, Gibellini, Makris, Grace . BEST: Bennett, Rogers, Spagnol, S . Tanner, Cafferkey, Tully. UNI REDS Farrell 4, DeAngelis 2, Lauritz 2, Arnel, Heenan, Bourke, Hepburn . BEST DeBono, Bourke, A . White, C. Ross, Doyle, Lauritz . 26 .14 .170 YARRA VALLEY OB CAMBERWELL AFC 5 .5.35 YARRA VALLEY M . Simpson 13, D. Ireland 3, R . Ford 2, P. Martin 2, C. Ross 2, B. Downs, J. Dickson, J. Downs, C. Box. BEST M . Simpson, E. Zimmerman, B . Dinning, D. Kay, R . Stephens, S . Frame. CAMBERWELL Zavarella 2, Pearson 2, Glazebrook. BEST Zavarella, Glazebrook, Barker, Bouyer, Kemp, Minas .
RESERVES CHIRNSIDE PARK 4.2 7.5 9.6 13.8 .86 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .4 3 .5 4.7 5.8.38 CHIRNSIDE PK Kann 6, Campbell 2, Laidlaw 2, Ogston 2, M . DeJong . BEST: Kann, M . DeJong, Marshman, M . Thomson, P. Harman, J . Harman . RICHMOND CENTRAL Jackson 2, Fenton, Hogan, D. Rizio. BEST: Fenton, Vathis, Vasic, Hogan, D . Rizio, Williams. OAKLEIGH AFC 9.6 16.10 21 .13 28.21 .189 VUT/FIT 1 .0 2.1 4.1 4.2 .26 OAKLEIGH Green 7, Alias 5, Hally 3, Monaghan 3, Perdikomatis 2, Wylie 2, T. Forrest, May 2, Barnfield, Billing . BEST: Aliss, Brown, Hally, May, C. Taylor, Wylie . VUT/FIT D'Angelo 2, Fazatari, Massese . BEST: Cerantonio, Cooper, Chandler, Fazalari, Stevens . OLD WESTBOURNE 0 .1 0.2 0 .2 3.2.20 C'BURY NTH BALWYN 5 .0 8 .3 12 .10 14.16.100 0 . WESTBOURNE B . Lucas, S. Hoare, S. Walker. BEST: A . Board, M . Braini, P. Harris, S . Walker, A . Gibb . CANTERBURY NTH BALWYN Petch 4, Hambly 3, Virgona 2, C. Mernagh, Muzlai, A . Simon, Starratt, Tyler. BEST: Starratt, Paatsch, Petch, R . Mernagh, C . Mernagh, A . Simon . BALWYN COMBINED 2 .4 3.5 3.6 5.8.38 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 .4 0.8 1 .8 2.10.22 BALWYN COM . Braione, Drain, Bollas, Butera, Bini . BEST Mavrodis, Butera, G. Busse, A. Busse, Flint, Mouras. UNIVERSITY REDS Moller, Bowman . BEST: Emonson, M . Ross, Scanlon, Jenkins, Bethune, Dowling . 19.18.132 YARRA VALLEY OB 1 .1 .7 CAMBERWELL AFC . Peterson 6, T. Penallina 4, D. Heuston 3, J. Sanaris, YARRA VALLEY P C. James, C. Ross, M . Davies, C. Morris, A . Bennett . BEST. T. Penallina, D. Hueston, P. Peterson, A. Bennett, M . Davies, C. Morris. CAMBERWELL Williamson . BEST. Williamson, Murphy, J . Englehart, Patrick .
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CLUB XV111 North & South by Norm Nugen t Round 7 brought disaster to your scribe in the North where the unexpected results have really made the competition evenly poised at the half way mark of the season . Not to be denied my perfect predictions in the "Slab Section" consolidated my position with Max and Peter in our "Tipster's Tally." REVIEW - NORT H Who would have believed these results? Thank you Kew for proving true. My relatives, the Maclsaacs must ' have looked after me as Kew cruised to a seventy six point victory over bottom side Old Geelong . Bulleen Templestowe dropped from fourth to seventh when M arcellin, despite inaccuracy in front of goal, won by 11 pts . Marcellin have been gathering momentum and may now be poised to soar higher up the ladder . Therry's pin-point accuracy enabled them to defeat a badly depleted Old Paradians by the exceptionally high margin of 79 pts. Eltham had three more scoring shots than North Old Boys but sprayed the ball to waste vital opportunities. On the other hand North capitalised up forward to again illustrate to Eltham that "bad kicking is bad football : " Eltham went down by 22 pts. St Bernards had the Bye but gained two bonuses : they moved into fourth place and they were able to see their A side defeat North Old Boys. REVIE W - SOUTH Old Scotch proved no matctffor Mazenod who really had a day out as they doubled the "Cardinal's" score within their 52 pt victory. De La Salle did kick a winning score against Powerhouse who through one less accurate kick went down by 5 pts. Old Xaverians regained the competition lead when they proved too strongfor Old Melburnians who after a great seasonal start have now suffered a mid-season slump. Bloods kept within reach of the top four when they accounted for Monash W hites by 29 pts in a game marked by the inaccuracy of both forward lines. Monash whites now trail the top four by two games plus percentage so a final's berth appears beyond them for the first time in three seasons. M onash Gryphons kicked the sweep when they defeated a disappointing Collegains by 91 pts . The Gryphons should now have the confidence to continue their march up the ladder . PREVIEW - NORT H Old Geelong, who are suffering mid-season crisis, travel east to play Marcellin who have been unlucky in having only two wins to their credit . I have little doubt that today Marcellin will win . Victory in the BulleenlTemplestowe vs St Bernard's game could well insure a final's berth . St Bernard's are coming off the Bye whilst the "Bullants" faltered last week . St Bernard's performances have not been as good as in previous seasons and today I favour the resurgent Bulleen/Templestowe to win. Kew at home should be strong enough to, at least, retain fifth position by defeating Therry who have become strong enough to cause problems to most other sides. Before last Saturday I had been forming the opinion that the Old Paradians vs Eltham game would be the Grand Final preview. Now
I am not so sure! Parade are traditionally difficult to defeat at Bundoora and their players certainly are a lot more experienced than are their Eitham opponents . The Wood Brothers, Busch and McCann, to name four, have known success in A Section . In addition the Vear Brothers have been performing consistently whilst Eltham did falter last week against quality opposition . Today I favour Old Paradians to rebound with a well earned win over Eltham . North Old Boys have the Bye unless Pam persuades Robert to play winners against Old Brighton . PREVIEW - SOUTH Despite their improved play I cannot see Powerhouse having the ability to defeat Mazenod whereas I am having difficulty predicting the outcome of the De La Salle vs M onash Gryphons game, Because De La Salle has not yet proven the ability to kick a winning score I select the Gryphons to make it three wins "on the trot:" In a form of replay of the first ever match Old Scotch meet Old M elburnians with both sides needing-victory. Scotch, at home, will I suspect just have enough talent and incentive to win narrowly. Old Xaverians face a test against Bloods, but I .believe the "Crocodiles" will pass it and win well . Monash Whites should return to thq winning list with a decisive victory over the disappointing Collegians who seen to have lost their way on the field .
SOUTH SECTIO N HAWKI N S, Old Scotch 19 DALTON, Old Xaverians (0) 19 SINN, Monash Whites (0) 13 HALL, Old Xaverians (0) 11 NORTH SECTIO N McCANN, Old Paradians 24 HALLAM, Kew STEWARD, North Old Boys (1j 13 STICKLAND, Eltham (0) 11 CROWTHER, Eltham (0) 1 1
CLUB XVIII SOUTH CLUB XVIII NORT H 2 .4 .16 O -_ p GEELONG K-N 14.8.92 0 GEELONG Jackson, Mahoney. BEST Jackson, Boucher, Mooney, -dlan, Mahoney, Heritage. KE~Y Leonard 3, Hallam 2, McCormach 2, Irish 2, Hand, Hagart, Wilson, -r„rcis, Tucker . BEST Leonard, Davies, Tucker, McCormack, Hansen, L,-mzan . BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3.1 8 .3 5.6 7.6.48 MARCELLIN 1 .3 2 .6 5 .10 8.11 .59 BU LLEEN TE65P Shallard 2, Pilbeam, Hall, Toscano, Croft, Ibrahim . BEST :, G. Massey, P. Reid, R. Toscano, P. Reid, W. Murphy. NARCELLIN Kennedy2, O'Callaghan 2, Curran 2, Colussi, Hardy . BEST CCail2.ghan, Hesse, Kennedy, Paonessa, Colussi, Crimmins . 8 .1 15.1 18 .1 19 .2.116 THERRY OLD PARADIANS 0 .1 1 .1 5.2 5.7.37 THERRY Carbis 5, Eastmure 3, Slavich 3, Lyons 2 . Bull 2, Newbould 2, Devereaux, Grocock . BEST Mott, Lucas, Carbis, Ryan, Doran, Slavich . 0 pARAD1ANS Henry, Constantin, Hammond, Digney, Flynn. BEST M . 6sear; Constantin, Woopd, Hammond, M . Flynn, J . Flynn . ELTHAH! 0 C 2 .2 3 .6 5 .9 9 .14 .68 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .2 7.4 11 .5 14 .6 .90 ELTHAM Stickland 4, Jouvanovski 2,Webster2, Ham . BEST W. Weatherill, P Morrow, A . Tucker, T. Stickland, S . Webster, M . Lloyd . p}pR'fH OLD BOYS Moodie 3, Allman 2, Hill 2, Carroll 2, Ryan, Steward, perrone, Bevanda, Henderson . BEST Allman, Girolami, Carroll, O'Swyer, geranda, McGrillen .
GnAZENOD 15.8 .98 OLD SCOTCH 7.4 .46 M AZENOD Baxter 7, Quirk 2, Collins 2, Pouter, Leggett, Little, Bourbon . BEST Baxter, Ward, Quirk, Field, Ebert, Williams . O SCOTCH Steele 3, Featherstone 2, Rodwell, Montgomery . BEST Higham, Tribe, Montgomery, Rodwell, Steele, Edwards . DE LA SALLE 0 .0 2 .1 5.2 7.3 .45 POWERHOUSE 1 .2 2 .3 3 .4 6 .4 .40 DE LA Lossimo 3, Stewart 2, Hoy, Jennings . BEST Hoy, Jennings, Fay, Manning, Thorne, Dibiase . POWERHOUSE Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 7.4.46 OLD MELBURNIANS OLD XAVERIANS 12 .6.78 O MELB Elam 3, Silk 2, Curtis, Dowd, Van Den Dunger . BEST Newman, Elam, Wilson, Dowd, Curtis, Joyce . O XAVERIANS Dalton 6, King 3, Denton 2, O'Shaughnessy, Cummins . BEST Cummins, King, Dalton, O'Shaughnessy, Kelleher, Ralph . BLOODS 2 .6 5.10 7.10 9.12.66 MONASH WHITES 1 .4 1 .6 2 .11 4 .13 .37 BLOODS Hopkins 3, Amarant 2, Carrot 2, Gale, Wittey . BEST Rowbottom, Finlay, Gaynor, M . Payne, Gale, Greenie. MONASH WHITES Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . MONASH GRYPHONS 19.17.131 COLLEGIANS 6.4.40 MONASH GRYPHONES O'Brien 8, Greenhill 2, Giuffrida 2, Adams 2, Blanford, Spensely, Wapling, Rubio, Dykes . BEST C. O'Brien, J. Rubio, M . Giuffrida, J . Dorward, C . Robinson, D. King . COLLEGIANS Pales 2, Letchford 2, Muirden, Parsons . BEST Campbell, Comley, Latchford, Muirden, Whittaker, Tadgell .
Further information : David Kerr (AH) 596 8644 Cheques payable : Collegians Football Club, with return addres s C/o James Bennett, 139 Gladstone Avenue, Northcote 307 0
U19 SECTIONS by Max Lyo n
What a disastrous day last Saturday it was for yours truly - only got 1 out of 5 in 2 Central (thanks to Blacks for saving the whitewash) and lost 2 slabs! Well done Bernies - you deserved yours and Lobba did a great con job to get a slab for the Bloods . REVIEW OF LAST WEEK'S GAMES Division 1 Nodders give their percentage a 30 pt boost at Tones' expense. Drew O'Donaghue got a mere 19 g!s and Shannon Morgan and rookie Russell Sharpe got 5 each . Tom complimented the umpires and also the efforts of Martin Little and Garry Hansen as well asTones forfighting it outtothe end . De La had an easy win over Monds thanks to an 8 gI last 1/4 . Peter Conroy - back from the "2's" and Ben Mannix each booted 4 and David Lamb put in 4 good 1/4's . Despite losing to Xavs, Les reckons they're far from unbeatable and his boys could be the one to roll them next time around . Ben Luckock (7) took his tally to 44 for OMs while Stones (8) took his to 36 for Xavs . OMs best were Gason, Thomas and Yan with Thomas, Ha!l and Kennedy best for Xavs . Bernies played a great first half at HQ and their 1/2 time margin was the final difference. Parkers put in a good 3rd quarter but Bernies steadied and "cruised" in eventually. I thought Pat Zeine played a ripper game plus the "speccy" of the year "Big Chatty" did well all day and Ashley McIntyre took heaps of marks . Farmer and "Webby" (you can't beat him from behind Parkers!) both got 4 for Bernies. Bloods beat Eagles - where's my fax Lobba? Division 2 Centra l As I predicted, winners were'hard to pick in this section . I thought my reason for picking Parade was pretty logical John! (Logic isn't often the way to go in tipping!) Good to receive a "summary" from Hagar hope to see you back to 100% before long . Matthews (4) at his tal!y to 41 for the year (hope he found his shoes too!) for Carey whilst John listed Nance, Morrison and Hirst as their best . Parade's coach Alex thought Danny Walsh was a star for Carey and rated skipper Vacirca, Beadle and brother Ian as his best. Trinity continued their "revival" under Terry with a good 4 gl win over Wells - the margin they held from 1/4 time. Andrew Sealey got 6 in the first 1/4 and finished with 8 while Luke Jervis starred on the back line . Michael Frigo's effort in the ruck impressed both coaches whilst other good performers for Wells in their "catch up" attempts were Thomson, Reid and Hardenberg . Hoes determination was the feature of their play in Rob's eyes after a seesawing 1st half . Friars threw it away with an horrendous 2 gls 14 behinds after 1/2 time despite the good effort of Damian Naismith (4) at chf. Friars were also well served by Wigney, Qui!ty and Pinchbeck . Ther ry 's impressive win over Blues at HQ saw them get back into the 4. Blues went from holding a good lead early in the 2nd 1/4 to being 5 g!s behind after a run highlighted by John Woodgate's gls in the 2nd . Late "starters" Mark Finnigan and "Stanks" did well for the
Roys as did John Tate and Andrew Urli, Barnaby, Gray and Cavalie did best for the injury depleted Blues . Division 2 South As suggested, I only goofed in this section with the "unpredictable" Scotchies getting home from the "unpredictable" Ashers Tim McCue got another 7 for Scotchies with Rob Gregory, Angus Elliott and Stewart Grigg their best. Bedes did it easily against Rovers with 13 getting amongst the gis with McGrath 7, Scullin 6 and P. Razza 6 being the mains . Georgoulis and Corderoy were just 2 of many good Bedes performers. "My team" Collegians did it comfortably against High with on bailer Dave Lumley again doing well . Dean Godfrey and Tony Rose also had good days and Travis Mulder led the goalkickers . Jackers just got in from the Fields by 5 pts with Rajch (8)-taking his year's tally to 40. Wrobel, Krasnostein and Asseraf were among Jackers' best . PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAMES Division 1 Monds are always goals better at home and I expect them to improve on last week's effort but I don't think it will be enough to roll Nodders . OMs will beat Tones and Xavs will slaughter Marcellin whilst the other 2 games should be pretty close . Last year Bernies rolled De La at East Malvern and on last week's showing could do so again today . However, D's are a much tougher challenge than Parkers and their ability to put in 4 good 1/4's should see them home . Bloods and Parkers is a real toss of the coin . I think Parkers best so far this year has been just a little better than Lobba's boys . SELECTIONS : Mazenod, De L a Salle, 0 Melburnians, 0 Xaverians, Chirnside Park. Division 2 Centra l MOB's wi!! return from their spell with a win over Leos and Parade should beat Old Hoes who are improving each week . Trinity should beat Blacks whose lads might be feeling the effects of "overfootballed" at Uni Blues and Friars both losers last week meet in an important clash for both teams finals' hopes . My first thought was to go for the home side but I'1l take a punt on the Friars kicking straight this week and just getting home. After the "rubbishing" I got for going against Carey last week, I thought I'd have to tip them today despite the Roys impressive win last week . Then again John "begged" for a go at the "slab" and I reckon Therry's best is as good as anyone's so I'll go for the Roys . SELECTIONS : 0 Paradians, 0 Trinity, NOB, Ther ry, Whitefriars. Division 2 Sout h Bedes should consolidate their spot in the 4 at the Ashers' expense whilst the High boys should return to the winning list against the Rovers. Fields did well last week against Jackers and a repeat of that effort would be enough to win today but Scotchies have a
~ hance to move to equal 4th and I think that incentive ci,ould get them home today . Jackers and Tonners hould be a really close one . Depending on the drain ,orrt the "ones" and the VSFL, Tonners bestteam would be good enough to win but I expect that they will have ;o field less than their best possible and that probably wiIl leave them just a little behind the Jackers at the end of the day. SELECTIONS : St Bedes Tigers, MHSOB, 0 Scotch, AJAX . WINNING CLUBS ring me 568 4727 (W/ends) or Fax 64 6087 (Mon) with main scorers and 2 or 3 best players . SLAB CHALLENGE: Obviously must go to Old Carey, pretty stupid of me to go against the top team . Hope they save a can for you John.
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 MAZENOD BLUES 8.11 20 .17 28 .20 41 .26.272 OLD MENTONIANS 0 .1 4.2 7.4 8 .6.54 MAZENOD O'Donaghue 13, Morgan 5, Sharp 5, Butler 4, Goudie 3, Huggins 3, DeNavi 2, Hansen 2, Henderson, Rice, Occhiutto, Bourbon. BEST Hansen, Morgan, Sharp, O'Donaghue, Little, Butler . OMENTONIANS Flaskis 5, Martin, Little, Sheddon . BEST Wright, Murphy, Dwyer, Appel, Sheddon, S. Flaskis. 16.15 .111 DE LA SALLE ORMOND 4.8 .32 . Parr 2, Hoskmg, Lambe, DE LA Conroy 4, Mannix 4, Fountoulakis 2 Maccora, Satchel] . BEST Grant, Favaloro, Makinson, Lambe, Frasher, Smith . ORMOND Barrett, Fraser, Lobby, Malaria. BEST Phillips, King, Barrett, McGaw, Edwards, Symes. OLD MELBURNIANS 5 .1 7.8 15.9 17.10 .112 OLD XAVERIANS 3 .2 5.5 13.8 21 .13.139 0 MELBURNIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 0 XAVS Stones 8, Gill 3, Fitzsimon 2, Jones 2, lacovangelo 2, Hall 2, Thomas, Delmo . BEST Thomas, Kennedy, Stones, Hall, lacovangelo, O'Brien , MARCELLIN 2 .6 3 .8 4 .8 5 .8.38 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .3 10 .5 19.11 26.14 .170 MARCELLIN Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 0 HAILEY Evans 6, Buchanan 5, Anastasios 4, Kelly 3, Chin 2, Baby 2, Bartholomeusz, Boothman, Weber, Wood . BEST Chin, Buchanan, Evans, Bothey, Bartholomeusz, Nicholls . 13.10 16.15.111 ST BERNARDS BLUE 6 .2 9.7 CHIRNSIDE PARK 1 .0 2 .0 9.1 11 .4.70 ST BERNARDS Webb 4, Farmer 4, Rogers 3, B . Chatfield 2, Scerri, Zeine. ,McIntyre . BEST Zeine, McIntyre, S . Chatfield, Kavanagh, Handle, Kerassitis . CHIRNSIDE PK Piccioli 4, Henderson 2, Rattray 2, Foster. McIntosh, D. Paola . BEST Spirli, Paola, Reaby, Paola, Di Cerio, Foster.
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 CENTRA L OLD PARADIANS 5 .2 5.3 9.5 10.7.67 OLD CAREY 5 .1 10.5 11 .5 12 .9 .81 0 PARADIANS Horsington 3, Mulligan 3, Wallis, Geary, Aiello, Morelli. BEST Morelli, Phelan, Farrell, Vicerca, Beavie, Way . O CAREY Matthews 4, Addison 2, Bell 2, Walsh, Lee. BEST Nance. Morrison, Hirst, Dalton, Campbell, Walsh . OLD TRINITY 5.2 9 .7 11 .7 13.11 .99 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 .3 3 .4 8 .7 9 .8 .62 O TRINITY Seeley 8, Entwisle 2, Makns . Shen, Gibson . BEST Hatfield . Jervis, Entwisle, Sklavenitis, Sealey, Ramsden . 0 CAMBERWELL Williams 2, Thomson 2, Paterson 2, Walker, Hardenberg, Frigo . BEST M . Grigo, N . Thomson, A . Hardenberg, C . Williams, T . Reid, A. Strachan. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4.1 7.5 11 .6 12 .10.82 ST LEO'S WATTLE PARK 0.1 0.1 1 .3 2 .4 .16 UNI BLACKS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST LEOS Glass, Meehan . BEST Meehan, O'Reilly, Marr, Van Devien, McKenzie . Glass . THERRY 3 .2 9 .6 11 .8 16 .12 .108 UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 .3 5.6 7.10 11 .13 .79 THERRY Woodgate 7, Goodwin 3, Tate 2, Stanko 2, Dimech, LaFontaine BEST Tate, Whybrow, Finnigan, Ur6, Woodgate, Dimech . UNI BLUES Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .
WHITEFRIARS 2 .3 7.8 8.14 9.20 .74 IVANHOE 5.5 8.6 10.13 13 .17.95 WHITEFRIARS N aismith 4, Law, Manning, Kook, Quilty, Whelan . BEST Wigney, Quilty, Pinchbeck, Naismith, VanBlaricum, Storey . IVANHOE J . Pace 4, R . Pace 3, Hird 2, Rovis 2, Pilkington, L . Pearce. BEST L. Pearce, Scott, Langford, J . Pace, Cribbes, Rovis .
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 SOUT H MONASH BLUES 3.1 5.5 5.7 7.11 .53 OLD SCOTCH 6 .4 11 .8 16.12 20 .16 .136 MONASH BLUES Campbell 3, Tuohey 2, Crompton, Forsyth . BEST Tuohey, Campbell, Caldwell, Reid, Gorenstein, Beer. O SCOTCH McCue 7, McDonnell 3, Joyce 3, Grigg 2, Elliott 2, Stewart, Hardy, Teesdale . BEST Gregory, Elliott, Grigg, Stewart, Roberts, McCue . HAMPTON ROVERS 0.0 1 .1 1 .1 2.3.15 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGER10 .7 21 .7 31 .13 37.21 .243 HAMPTON ROVERS Haggerty, Phillipson . BEST Fletcher, Cullen, Hope, Colley, Taylor, Ross. ST BEDES/MENTONE McGrath 7, Scullin 6, Razga 6, Corderoy 4, Marsh 3, Philp 2, Stoppa 2, Kinsella 2, Hayes, Goodchild, Tims, Patrick . BEST McGrath, P. Razga, Georgoulis, Corderoy, Stoppa, Philp . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 16.17.113 AJAX 17.16 .118 CAUL GRAMMAR Webster 8, Wills 2, Mathieson 2, Howard, Barnett, Humphreys, Lubransky. BEST Webster, Wills, Babarczy, Lubransky, Cassidy, Fellows . AJAX Batch 8, Shlakht2, Duzenman, Grosman, Krasnostein, Lewis, Mehl, Moss, Szwider. BEST Wrobel, Reich, Krasnostein, Asseraf, Abraham, Mehl . MHSOB 1 .0 2.3 5.5 7.7.49 COLLEGIANS 5.5 8.7 11 .14 16 .16.112 MHSOB Saultry2, Woodley, Kelly, Fountar, Goldin, Smith . BESTClarke, Duketis, Kelly, Goldin, Gillespie, Saultry. COLLEGIANS Mulder 3, Manuell 2, Lumley 2, Rose 2, Bell 2, Mollard, Williams, Kringoudis, DeYoung, Grant . BEST Lumley, Godfrey, Rose, Mulder, Johnston, Mollard .
U19 SECTION 1 ORMOND vs MAZENOD O C Field: D. McInerney, R. Valentine Boundary: R . Killey, R . Brau n Goal: C . Linczowski, K . Pitcher (Rot) DE LA SALLE vs ST BERNARDS Field: R. Marlyn, B. Tagell Boundary: B. Collins, C . Sullivan Goat: R . Schneider, M . Murphy (Rot) OLD MENT vs OLD MELBURNIANS (12 noon EP, Oval 2) Field: A . Belcher, M .Wilson OLD HAILEYBURY vs CHIRNSIDE PARK Field : G . Lawler, C. Donlon Goal: A. Drape r OLD XAVERIANS - BY E due to Marcellin withdrawal from this section . UNDER 19 SECTION 2 CENTRAL OLD IVANHOE vs OLD PARADIAN S Field: R . Krishna n UNI BLACKS vs OLD TRINITY Fietd: C . Swale, N . Gardine r ST LEOS W.P. vs NORTH OLD BOYS Field: A . Stubbs, A . Alexander Boundary: P. Batty, S. Clohesy OLD CAREY vs THERRY Field: D. Ashton, N . Woods Boundary: N . Smith, T. Little UNI BLUES vs WHITEFRIARS Field: B. Hayward, A. Harris UNDER 19 SECTION 2 SOUT H ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS vs MONASH BLUES Field: P. Rapke, S . Meredit h Boundary: D. Chalmers HAMPTON ROVERS vs MHSOB Field: G . Morgan, B. McKe e OLD SCOTCH vs CAULFIELD GR Field: T. Keating, A . Flack AJAX vs OLD BRIGHTON (1 .30 start) Field: D. Miller, C. O'Donohue
SECTION 1 LUCKOCK, Old Mentonlans (0) 37 STONES, Old Xaverians (8) 36 PICCIOLI, Chimside Park (4) 33 PETROFF, Old Xaverians (0) 30 MORGAN, Mazenod (5) 26 SECTION 2 SOUT H RAJCH, AJAX (8) 40 McCUE, Old Scotch (7) 28 SCULLIN, St Bedes Mentone Tigers (6) 24 KELSON, Collegians (0) 21 M . RAZGA, St Bedes Mentone Tigers (0) 18 SECTION 2 CENTRAL MATTHEWS, Old Carey (4) 41 NAISMITH, Whitefriars (4) 30 JOYCE, Ivanhoe (0) 23 McMAHON, North Old Boys (0) 23 PATERSON, Old Camberwell (2) 23
THIS SERVICE IS AGAIN OPERATING FOR THE SEASON AND WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING : ® Football Feedback - Phil Stevens Editoria l Umpire appointments for weekend matches - to assist clubs in supplying officials when required (Friday ) ® A new service : Thursday morning - all permits approved the previous Wednesday evening will be read out . U19 permits approved on Friday will be listed Friday afternoon ® Final siren scores of all matches played (Saturday evening) Service provided courtesy of Computer Implementation Consultants, Port Melbourne
COACHES CLIP BOA edited by Brian Woodhea d INSERTION by Ken Bremner - C-F State Coach '93 Assistant Coach, Commbank - C Sectio n On Australia Day weekend this year I attended the Australian Football League - Level 2 Coaching Course conducted at the University of Melbourne . Whilst I thoroughly enjoyed every segment of the program (theoretical/practical) I was particularly taken by the workshop conducted by Anthony Stewart on the Psychology of Coaching . Anthony is a qualified psychologist who works professionally with various elite sporting bodies . He has been the club psychologist for the highly successful Hawthorn Football Club since 1989 and is a consultant with the world champion Australian Netball Team, Australian Softball Team and the Victorian Institute of Sport. He has worked professionally with leading athletes, swimmers, lifesavers, AFL Umpires and various elite football squads, and has lectured extensively in various coach education programs . Listed below are Anthony's practical goals and hints for successful coaching ; PRACTICAL GOALS AND HINTS FOR SUCCESSFULL COACHIN G i Encourage smart, neat dress amongst all in the Club, and players in Club Uniform (unity/family) . ii Make training challenging, fun and interesting (maintain enthusiasm) . iii Request that individuals be willing to play in a variety of positions on the team and in training drills (expect the unexpected) . iv Immediately defuse or reduce pressure or contentious issues amongst team members (encourage honest dialogue). v Encourage everyone to become aware of their own levels of stress; how they respond to it and beneficial (practical) ways of reducing and controlling stress (ie : slow breathing, short sharp exercises) , vi Always support and encourage ; never criticise individuals or team publicity - lead confidently and truly (lead by example) . vii Strive to develop and maintain open, honest and effective communication (reduce hidden/real agenda) viii Constantly challenge team members to new heights of achievement (better your best) . ix Teach the value of flexibility and pre-training preparation (never be caught off guard) . x Restrict involvement of negative and/or destructive people within the club (death dealing ; disease carriers) . xi Defend players publicly - minimise the impact of disappointing performances (loyalty) . xii Listen to players with patience and try to understand what is really going on in their heads (learn from what is not said ; the non verbal cues). xiii Reward endeavour, effort and PB's rather than outcome.
xiv Invite player suggestions, involvement at training - self directed drills (ownership) . xv Actively develop and encourage a supportive network of people to frequent the Club (ie : past players) (a home rather than a Club - it's OK, you are amongst friends here!) xvi Provide players with a periodic written evaluation of your performance-as coach (feedback; two way communication). xvii Look long term rather than simply short term - be realistic in expectations of players (don't want too much too soon). Make players aware that you will stick by them whilst they are developing their skill levels . (built not bought) . *Last Wednesday night a number of VAFA coaches attended the AFCANAFA evening with ANTHONY STEWART and benefitted from his enlightening address where several positive ideas and strategies were presented . These aspects and more are covered in Anthony Stewart's current No. 1 selling sports publication PERSONAL BEST . PERSONAL BEST is relevent for all coaches, sports people, business people and generallythose who wish to succeed . PERSONAL BEST is recommended by many high profile sporting people and is available through Melbourne Sports Books or Hawthorn Football Club . It makes an ideal gift! RESOURCE OF THE WEEK : 'Resource of the week' section is aimed at providing ALL VAFA people with the opportunity to contribute to 'Coaches Clipboard'. A 'Resource' can be a book, video, newspaper/magazine article, an idea for a'Coaches Clipboard' article, or even a 'Footy Idea' you're prepared to share with us . This week presents readers with their last opportunity to qualify for $20 Melbourne Sports Books' RESOURCE OF THE MONTH' award . This weeks 'Resource of the week' is the Anthony Stewart prepared video "Psychology & Motivation in footbafl" The video covers such aspects of football as : • Importance of mental preparatio n • Techniques: Preparing for a game • Overcoming adversity or obstacles • Importance of communicatio n • Concept of motivatio n • Mental attitudes to injury recovery "Psychology& Motivation in football" is available at the NAFC office, 2nd floor 120 Jolimont Rd . Jolimont Phone: 650 4977 or Fax : 650, 1303. COST OF VIDEOS : To buy $25 (20 for accredited coach/AFCA member - means ALL VAFA coaches!) To hire: $10 per video plus $20 deposit. continued page46 ®
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LOOKING BAC K by Noel Rundl e
ROUND 8 - 5 YEARS AGO - 1988 The big split had taken place in C Section . The top 5 defeated the bottom 5 ; Banyule, on top with 7 wins straight, a game ahead of O. M elburnians and O. Brighton, with O . Haileybu ry 2 games behind and 2 games clear of 5th placed St Kilda . Andrew Langford-Jones (former St Kilda star - so said the Sunday Press in the greatest misstatement of the century), coached Victorias CDEFG team to an outstanding victory in Adelaide at the Norwood Oval . The team lined up as : Bks : Dave Gregory (C)(Bala), Mike Constable (O .Hail), Peter Grand (VC)(O.B'ton) . H .Bks: Cam Lade (O.B'ton), David Whitty (Bloods), Garry Phillips ( O.Hail) . Cent re s : Jeremy Nicholls (O.Melb), Marcus Fraumano (Banyule), Cullen Gunn (O.Geel) . H .Fwds : Greg Sutterby (Banyule), Al Lawson (H .Rovers), Charlie Capiron (StKilda) . Fwds : Peter Adams (Banyule), John Bingham (O.Hail), Leigh Holt (Banyule). Rucks : Paul Woff (O.B'ton), Greg Bradshaw (O .Melb), Steve Wiltshire (Pen .OB). I/C : Anthony Whelan (Aquin), Mark Wilkinson (Aquin), Mark Mason (Preston), Marty Newnham (O.Carey) . QUIZ : How many of the team played VFL football, either before or after 1988? Andrew's fellow selectors were Peter Mason, Rick Brockwell and Peter Hutchinson . The team played a blistering first qtr to lead 11 .3 to 1 .1 and were in charge for the rest of the game to win 28.16 to 8.13. Best were Bradshaw, Nicholls, Capiron, Woff, Grant, Lawson, Sutterby, Whelan (7 gls) . 100 games to field umpire, Steve'Twang' McCarthy, who joined us from the VFL senior list in 1984 . Four Grand Finals to his credit (3 in U19 and 1 in E), Steve is still displaying blistering speed in 1993 . 0 . Geelong came from 13 pts behind at the last change to defeat Power House by 3 pts and go into the E section four, winning 13 .15 to 13 .12 . Best were Gude ( 5), Harwood, Le Deux (OGs) and Dester, Deans, Twist (PH) . 10 YEARS AGO - 198 3 0 . Camberwell caused the upset of the day by defeating hitherto undefeated 'B' Section leaders O . Paradians. The result was due in no small way to the return to the field of O . Camberwell's coach, Ian Rogers. Final scores were 23 .7.145 to 17 .5 .117 and best were Rogers ( 11), Karl, McDonald (O.Cam) and Gleeson, Spillane, Roe (0 . Par) . In the battle of South Rd, O. Brighton C section, defeated O. Haileybu ry byasolitary goal, 12 .15to 11 .15 . Best : Grant, Mc Lennan, Tate (0. B'ton) and B rewer, Meckiff , Schmidt (O .Hail). 200 games to Jim Bonwick (O.Hail), Ian Chettle (UHSOB), Michael Tamblyn (CaulGr) . Uni Blacks captain and 1979 B&F winner, Simon Gill played his 100th game .
Thomastown (E) preserved their record as the only undefeated senior team when they beat Bulleen Utd 31 .18 .204 to 16.5 .101 . Stars were Wiendl, Fellows, Kevin Harling ( 6), Broderick (12) (T'town) and Morly, Bowden, Lempriere (Bull .Utd) . A Section umpires were Goodman, Flanne ry, Mead, Cavanagh, Horwood, Wiseman, Hen ry, Tracey, Dodds & Wills . 15 YEARS AGO - 197 8 Club games were suspended for Interstate games with Victoria playing Tasmania and Sth Australia at Elsternwick Park . Teams selected were as follows : vs Tasmania : Bks : Lockie (U .BIks), Murphy (Orm), Curnow (U . Blues) . H .Bks : Royal (Coburg), S .Costello (VC) (U .Blks), Long (CaulfGr). C: Dove(Ormond), Paull(O .Hailey), McHenry (DeLa) . H .Fwds: Priestly (O.B'ton), R . Brwon (O.Melb), R . Booth (U .Blks) . Fwds : Nugent (DeLa), Moore (Mon .Blues), Shephard (O.B'ton) . Rucks : Price (Marc), Dunn (DeLa), Rice (C) (Coll) . Inter: C . Price (U .Blues), Corben (Orm), Tallent (O.Sc) . QUIZ : Can you name these players? The 1993 Interstate Selector, 1993 Executive Member, an 'A' section premiership coach, 1978 'A' Section B&F ? Victoria outclassed a young Tasmanian side to win 26 .28to5.13. Bestwere R . Brown, Corben, Dunn, Paull, Dove, Long with chief goalkickers Moore 5, Priestly 5, Brown 4, Dove 3, Tallent 3. vs South Australi a Bks : Halasa (DeLa), King (St.Bern), Bourne (Orm) . H .Bks : Doolan (St .Berns), Trumble (U .Blues), McDonnell (DeLa) . C : Marx (O.Sc), Davis (Geel), Sherwen (O.Sc) . H .Fwds : I . Cordner (VC) (O.Melb), Yel (U .Blues), Sleeman (U .Blues) . Fwds: Wilson (NOB), M . Cooke (O .Carey), Groves (DeLa) . Rucks: Naylor (Orm), Wade (C) (St .Bern), Beddoe (DeLa). Inter: Houghton (O .Hail), Welch (NOB), Bill Peers (O.Trin) . South Australia, with first use of a strong wind, kicked 6.2 to 1 .7 in the first term, and with 2 gls in the 2nd term, led by 4 pts at 1/2 time, 8.5 to 6.13. Victoria outplayed SA in the 3rd term, kicking 4 .6 to 2 .4, and with a 10pt lead at the last change, and the wind in the final term, looked headed for a big win . However SA played with great fire in the last qtr, and with their backmen spoiling the Victorian fwds, almost turned certain defeat into victory . Doolan, wing and Bourne in the ruck, steadied Victoria and the final scores were 12 .31,103 to 13.12 .90. Best were Doolan, Naylor, Cornder, Bourne, Sleeman, Davis, Welsh and for SA Keynes, Heels, Wells, Burgess. Coaches were Bernie Sheehy (vs Tas) and Peter O'Donohue (vs SA) . Umpires were Goodman, Rowe (vs SA) and Rowell, G.M . Sim p son (vs Tas. ) QUIZ : Can you name these players - the 1974 'A'
Section B&F ; the player who played in an 'A' Section premiership team and then transferred to another club for 2'A' Section premierships ; the all-Australian captain ; the man whoonly played 5 VFL games of which 2 were finals and one was in a winning semi-final against Nth Melb ; and the player who kicked an amazing goal in the last minutes of the 1997 'A' Section GF to deprive NOBs of the flag? ANSWER TO QUIZ - 1988 : David Whitty (pre '88) (St Kilda), Jeremy Nicholls (pre'88) (Melbourne), Peter Adams (pre '88) (Collingwood) . A N SWER TO QUIZ - 1978 vs Tasmania : Roger Paull is a 1993 senior team selector; Ross Booth has
been a member of the VAFA Executive since'86 ; Bernie Dunn '93 A Section De La Salle coach and '91 A Section premiership coach ; Cliff Price '78 A Section B&F . ANSWER TO QUIZ - vs South Australia : Bruce Bourne '74 A Section B&F ; Joe Doolan played in St Bernards'75 A Section flag and in De LaSalle's'79 and '80 flags ; Ian Cordner was the all-Australian captain in '79 and played a truly magnificent game against ACT Michael Cook kicked 4 glsfor Hawthorn, defeating Nth Melb in '75 2nd semi ; and Alan Groves, who missed a number of easy shots in the 1st qtr, kicked a magnificent goal to win the game.
1993 Elsternwick Park Programm e VicHealth Matches of the Day to be held at Elsternwick Park as follows : Each A and B Section club has been rostered to play at least one of its 9 home matches as an Elsternwick Park game and each A and B club gets a second game at Elsternwick Park, this time as an away team .
This year some A and B Section clubs have been allocated a second home Elsternwick Park match (Ormond, St Bernards & North Old Boys) . SATURDAY SUNDAY JUNE 5: JUNE 6: JUNE 19 : JUNE 20: JUNE 26: JUNE 27 : JULY 3 : JULY 4 : JULY 10 : JULY 11 : JULY 17 : JULY 18 : JULY 25: JULY 31 :
It is the recommendation of this committee that clubs allocated a second home E .P. game in 1993 will not be allocated two home E .P. games in 1994 .
T IUMPIRES CORNE R by Mike Murray and Stev e McCarthy
: Evergreen Robert 'Liberty' Bell, the VAFAUA'Peter Cameron look-alike', tells us that his 5 minute haircut last week cost $16. Pretty costly at $4 per hair wouldn't you .a~PUMPS ( Past Umps) LUNCHEON : Set down for Sunday July 18 at Elsternwick Park . De La will match it with the Scotchies? Watch out for further details . • The recent Goalies Seminar at the Bentleigh Club was most successful with 30 umps, including those two (invited) boundaries, Leah Gallagherand Mark Kolpin and the (uninvited) 'gatecrasher', John Natoli, in attendance. It was certainly great to see Bobby `Don' Dunstan sti!l awake at 10pm and `Sammy' Kahn sloshing down the Irish Coffee. Highlight was certainly Gary 'The Flounder' Clancy seeking 'time out' for a toilet break while J . 'The Rabbi' Velleman let 1 . 'Granny' Smith provide a running commentary of proceedings . Thanks to Marty 'Mr De La' Kelliher (Night Manager) for allowing the 'stickmen' on the premises . • Goalies' reminder : MCG - Wed June 2 - 5pm . o During a recent St Leo's fixture, the central umpire was known to connect with a 'True Blues' player's eye at the time of a'P!ay On' call . Returning to the centre, following a goal, the same ump queried where the player was. "Someone hit him and neither of the two umps saw it". . . or words to that effect. Come clean Agate ! • What would some umps do without Nancy McTagga rt? Mickey `Have You Driven A' Forde left his towel at home. Nancy lent him a spare one . It took her 16 weeks to get it back! On another occasion, Michael needed to be reminded by Nancy while entering the EP arena, that to start a game you needed the ball as well! Nance also was seen lending her bootsto Alan 'Arch' Bishop who had forgotten to pack them in his kit . Where will it all end ? • Is ittruethat goalie guru, Ken 'TOOT' (The re 's only one Therese) Pitcher lent his boots to his St Leo's son the other week and had to carry out his flag duties wearing Therese's slippers? • No more boiled lollies! Social C'tee 'supremo' Richie Simon is now dabbling in chocolates . See him if you want to do your 'block' .
• BEN N Y'S RULE OF THE WEEK : 'A free kick sha!l be awarded against a player who wilfully wastes time by not allowing the ball to be brought into play prior to, or when directed to do so, by the field umpire.' • Whatever happened to Don '!s Good' McKenzie? • Congratulations to Darren Dalgliesh and Michael Forde, whose milestones today provide the basis of our Profiles. Let's start with . . . o Name: Darren James Dalgliesh . Nickname : Daggles. Umpiring history: 1980-83 (Waverley Jnrs) ; 1984-88 (VFL) ; 1989-93 (VAFA). VAFA Games: 100 (today) . Achievements: Herald Shield GF ; North Central GF; VFL U19 (2nd Semi) ; C-Sec GF (1990) ; B-Sec GF (1991) . Greatest Influences on Career : My father Don and John Sutcliffe. Playing Career: Notting Hill U17s . Pet Hates: Players trying to te!l you how to umpire . Most memorable match: 1990 drawn game - Ormond vs Collegians at Gunn Reserve. Best Amateur Footballer seen: James Bennett (Coll), Tony Egan (NOBs), Phil Kingston (Orm) . Best Umpires : W. Hinton, A. Damen, R . Simon, G . McKeeman, A . Kilner. What I like about umpiring: Just being involved and meeting great people . Persona/ ambitions: VAFA State Game, 1993 A-Sec G F. and so to . . . • Name: Michael William Forde . Nickname: Fordey. Commenced Umpiring: 1983. VAFA Games : 200 (today) . Achievements : Surviving 10 years of abuse (not marriage - umpiring!) . Greatest Influence on Career : An understanding wife who lets me off the leash every Saturday and extending the two-umpire system to CSection (1991) . Playing career: Jnr football (Aquinas) ; Senior footy with Monash White (4 yrs) ; C'wealth Bank (4 yrs) and Ringwood Utd . Pet Hates: Ovals that turn to mud upon contact with water. Most memorable match: 0. Trinity vs Banyule ('92) - won by Banyule after being 25 pts down at the 20 min . mark of the last qtr . Best footballerseen: Robert Lawson (Fawkner), Dean Comer (MHSOB), Lee Baring (Monash) . Best Umpires : B . Goodman, P. Wiseman, R . Simon . What I like about umpiring: The personal, mental and physical challenge . Personal ambition : To continue as long as the body allows and the desire remains . • Go the RACV! Mike and Mecca
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Packages available for your next weekend or club trip away . Contact Nikki for details Ph : 510 2486 ROY1L AV1V)tO6IL^c CLUB OF VSClORfA (RAM) M.
&C-N. 004 O50 833 LTA 30752
A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct" .
I 25TH MAY 199 3 G . HUDSON, O . Trinity - Striking - 2 matches . T. STANFORD, O. Essen - Striking - 4 matches . P. GEORGE, BulleenlTemp- Striking -2 matches . *S . STARR, O. Essen - Misconduct - 2 matches . E . LENTINI, Thomastown - Striking - 2 matches . *Accepted prescribed penalty. B. RAFFERTY, Glenhuntly - Striking - 3 matches. B. WOODHEAD J. WILSON, O. C'well - Striking - 2 matches . Tribunal Co-ordinato r ! .E 25TH MAY 199 3 VAFA against O. MELBURNIANS and O . PARADIANS for conduct unbecoming a memberclub of the Association in that during the reserve match played at Parade on May 15th both teams engaged in three melees . Clubs pleaded guilty of being involved in one of the 3 melees . Charges related to the other two melees dismissed . Both clubs fined $300 (both clubs previous melee offences over previous 3 yr period) . Club complaint lodged by LA TROBE AFC that during the senior match played between La Trobe and Peninsula seniors played at Latrobe Uni on May 8th, player Neil Franks did allegedly strike the LaTrobe club runner . Charge was found to be sustained, although blow to runner was deemed accidental (aimed at other player) . Player Neil Franks was suspended for 2 matches . VAFA against VUT/FIT AFC for conduct unbecoming a member club of the Association in that during the senior match played on May 8th at Bulleen Reserve the VUT/FIT runner did continually verbally abuse both field umpires during the 3rd qtr and that the VUT/FIT club did not take immediate action to prevent a VUT/FIT spectator approaching and verbally abusing both field umpires during the three 3 qtr time break . Both charges found to be proven - club severely reprimanded on both charges, and the VUT/FIT club put on a suspended bond of $500 which is to be immediately payable should any club official, spectator or player be charges (and the charge found sustained) on similar charges up to the end of the 1994 season . P. Stevens, Investigations Co-ordinato r
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22ND MAY 199 3 FAILED TO PHONE FINAL SCORE S BY 3 PM BY 5.30 P M 0 . WESTBOURNE 3 .30 0. MELBURNIANS (U19) 5 .37* (3rd time out of 4 home games ) UNI BLACKS (U19) 5.45' (4th time out of 4 home games) BY 5 P M . MELB (U19) *Clubs had to be contacted for scores 0 UNI BLACKS (U19) MARCELLIN 5 .05* PHO N ED INCORRECT SCORE S AQUINAS 5 .06* MONASH WHITES (C18) 15/5 ST KILDA/STH CAUL (Res) 22/ 5 WEST BRUNSWICK 5 .13* PLEASE NOTE : Standard fines will apply for clubs guilty of the above offences . Clubs who offend on three occasions for the same type of offence will be charged with "conduct unbecoming a Member club of the Association" Coaches Clipboard continued from page 4 1 â&#x2013;º MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKS Books on all major sport s 9 Elizabeth Street Melbourne, 3000 Owner/Manager Santo Caruso Trading hurs : Mon - Thurs 9.30 - 5.30 Friday 9.30 - 7.00, Saturday 9.30 - 1 .00 Phone : 621 121 1 Submit 'Resource' by 3 pm each Friday .
JOHN KEENAN Ph : 467 2043 (H) 412 7853 (W) Fax : 412 7803 OR BRIAN WOODHEAD at VAFA Ph : 531 8333 Fax: 531 6601
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ARKETING NEWS by Phil Stevens
SAVE A KNOCKED OUT TOOTH PUT IT STRAIGHT BACK ! Football is a game that is fast and exciting, however it does have the ever present risk of injury. That is one of the many challenges of the game! One of the injuries that may occur during a match or training session is a permanent tooth (in most cases, the upper front tooth) being knocked out . (Our 1992 survey of VAFA•players revealed an alarming and quite disturbing statistic. Of the 31% of players reporting injuries to teeth while playing football, 1 in 10 had experienced a knocked out tooth .) If that should occur, there are some very simple steps that you can take which, if carried out as soon as possible may save the tooth : 1• Find the tooth ! 2 . Do not handle the tooth by its root .
3 .If the root is dirty, gently rinse it in milk, saliva or cold running water for a few seconds. Don't try to scrub thetooth clean orclean itwith harsh cleaning agents. 4 . Quickly replace the permanent tooth in its original position, use the other teeth as a guide. 5 . Hold the tooth in position with finger pressure or by gently biting on a handkerchief or piece of gauze . 6 . If unable to replace the tooth, rinse gently in wate r and then wrap it in glad wrap or store in milk . 7 . Seek dental help from a dentist or the Royal Dental Hospital Melbourne immediate/y. Remember, time is critical! Early first aid treatment followed by correct management in the dental surgery will help to save a knocked out permanent tooth from being lost forever . However, prevention is better than cure . So, how can we reduce the risk of losing a tooth?
Promoting goohealth and -r%reventincr illnes s in our c® 1t~
L D FOR AGST % PTS A SECTIO N OLD XAVERIANS 6 1 0 825 712 115 .87 24 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 2 0 715 569 125.66 20 DE LA SALLE 5 2 0 889 743 119.65 20 5 2 0 703 598 117.56 20 COLLEGIANS ORMON D 4 3 0 674 701 96 .15 16 OLD BRIGHTON 3 4 0 700 757 92.47 12 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 5 0 690 719 95 .97 8 2 5 0 675 722 93.49 8 OLD SCOTCH ST BERNARDS 2 5 0 627 863 72 .65 8 OLD TRINITY 1 6 0 761 875 86.97 4 B SECTIO N OLD MELBURNIANS 7 0 0 979 651 150 .38 28 THERRY CCOB 5 2 0 790 599 131 .89 20 OLD MENTONIANS 5 2 0 767 619 123 .91 20 MARCELLIN 4 3 0 660 646 102 .17 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 4 0 729 779 9358 12 BANYULE 3 4 0 767 868 90 .67 12 WHITEFRIARS 3 4 0 675 756 39 .29 12 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 4 0 577 738 7818 12 OLD PARADIANS 2 5 0 637 792 80 .43 8 FAWKNER 0 7 0 677 830 81 .57 0 C SECTIO N MAZENOD 0 C 7 0 0 1054 608 173.36 28 MHSOB 5 2 0 916 598 153 .18 20 IVANHOE 5 2 0 798 642 123 .99 20 4 3 0 860 752 114.36 16 AJAX KEW 4 3 0 770 690 111 .59 16 MONASH BLUES 3 4 0 667 803 85 .55 12 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 5 0 649 775 83.74 8 ST KILDA/STH CAULFIELD 2 5 0 691 901 76 .69 8 PARKSIDE 2 5 0 603 978 61 .66 8 COMMONWEALTH BANK 1 6 0 536 871 61 .54 4 D SECTIO N OLD GEELONG 6 1 0 791 497 159 .15 24 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIG 6 1 0 763 560 136 .25 24 OLD IVANHOE 5 2 0 973 592 164 .36 20 BRUNSWICK 5 2 0 626 616 101 .62 20 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 3 4 0 806 859 9383 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 4 0 573 737 77.75 12 Si KEVINS 2 5 0 710 759 9354 8 THOMASTOWN 2 5 0 633 741 8543 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 5 0 698 927 7530 8 NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 6 0 520 972 53.50 4 E SECTIO N ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 6 1 0 1015 536 189.37 24 DOVETON 6 1 0 964 572 168 .53 24 GLENHUNTLY 6 1 0 772 511 151 .08 24 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 2 0 742 523 141.87 20 0. ESSENDON GRAMMAR 5 2 0 769 639 12034 20 AQUINAS 0 B 3 4 0 601 669 8984 12 ELSTERNWICK 2 5 0 624 1047 59.60 8 BULLEEN UNITED 1 6 0 563 743 7577 4 POWERHOUSE 1 6 0 504 758 6649 4 ANZ BANK 0 7 0 490 1046 46 .85 0 Fi SECTIO N ST ANDREWS 6 1 0 814 584 139 .38 24 ST MARYS 6 1 0 771 584 132 .02 24 ST JOHNS 0 C 5 2 0 954 608 156.91 20 LATROBE UNIVERSITY 5 2 0 819 604 135 .60 20 PENINSULA 0 B 4 3 0 601 717 83 .82 16 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 3 4 0 650 665 97.74 12 SALESIAN 0 C 3 4 0 706 728 96 .98 12 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 5 0 616 746 82 .57 8 UHSOB 1 6 0 578 779 74.20 4 OLD CAREY 0 7 0 458 952 48 .11 0 F2 SECTIO N 7 0 0 805 518 155.41 28 YARRA VALLEY 0 B OAKLEIGH AFC 6 1 0 1235 425 290.59 24 UNIVERSITY REDS 5 2 0 1045 507 206 .11 20 CANTERBURY N BALWYN 5 2 0 726 558 130 .11 20 CHIRNSIDE PARK 5 2 0 662 578 114 .53 20 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 3 0 724 595 121.68 16 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 3 4 0 615 805 76 .40 12 BALWYN COMB A F C 2 5 0 458 576 79.51 8 BORONIA PARK 2 5 0 466 768 60 .68 8 VUT/FIT 2 5 0 352 1272 27 .67 8 CAMBERWELL A F C 1 6 0 492 978 5031 4 A RESERVE SECTION OLD SCOTCH 7 0 0 740 481 153 .85 28 OLD XAVERIANS 6 1 0 650 472 137 .71 24 ORMOND 5 2 0 741 563 131 .62 20 OLD BRIGHTON 4 3 0 452 540 83 .70 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 3 1 642 622 103 .22 14 DE LA SALLE 3 4 0 584 498 117.27 12 COLLEGIANS 3 4 0 480 501 9581 12 ST BERNARDS 2 5 0 516 586 88 .05 8 OLD TRINITY 1 5 1 451 681 66.23 6 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 7 0 350 730 47 .95 0 B RESERVE SECTIO N THERRY CCOB 7 0 0 772 302 255 .63 28 OLD PARADIANS 6 1 0 560 410 136 .59 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 2 0 548 334 164 .07 20 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 5 2 0 609 475 128 .21 20 WHITEFRIARS 4 3 0 534 561 9519 16 FAWKNER 3 4 0 349 660 52.88 12 BANYULE 2 5 0 344 704 48.86 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 6 0 395 488 80.94 4 MARCELLIN 1 6 0 314 466 67.38 4 OLD MENTONIANS 1 6 0 373 646 57 .74 4 C RESERVE SECTIO N MHSOB 7 0 0 807 263 308 .84 28 IVANHOE 5 2 0 534 375 142.40 20 MAZENOD 0 C 4 3 0 751 361 208.03 16 AJAX 4 3 0 478 401 118 .70 16 MONASH BLUES 4 3 0 439 487 9014 16 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 4 0 369 589 62 .65 12 PARKSIDE 3 4 0 298 560 53.21 12 Si KILDASTH CAULFIELD 2 5 0 496 543 9134 8 COMMONWEALTH BANK 2 5 0 337 673 5007 8
W L D FOR AGST gy PTS D RESERVE SECTION UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7 0 0 869 310 280 .32 26 OLD IVANHOE 6 1 0 654 276 236 .96 24 ST KEVINS 6 1 0 526 371 141 .78 24 OLD GEELONG 4 3 0 611 448 136 .38 i6 ST BEDESiMENTONE TIGE 3 4 0 500 309 161 .81 12 THOMASTOWN 3 4 0 386 676 57.10 12 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 5 0 389 609 6388 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 5 0 340 575 59.13 8 NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 6 0 297 656 45 27 BRUNSWICK 1 6 0 243 688 3532 4 E RESERVE SECTION OLD CAMBERWELL 7 0 0 792 271 292 .25 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 6 1 0 726 302 240 .40 DOVETON 5 2 0 646 393 164 .38 0. ESSENDON GRAMMAR 4 3 0 586 357 164 .15 AQUINAS 0 B 3 3 1 492 412 11942 POWERHOUSE 3 3 1 416 496 3387 GLENHUNTLY 3 4 0 488 533 91 .56 ELSTERNWICK 2 5 0 426 580 7345 ANZ BANK 1 6 0 211 845 2497 BULLEEN UNITED 0 7 0 226 842 2684
28 24 20 16 14 14 12 8
F1 RESERVE SECTION LATROBE UNIVERSITY 7 0 0 596 242 246 .28 ST JOHNS 0 C 6 . 1 0 656 343 191.25 PENINSULA 08 5 2 0 702 335 209 .55 ST ANDREWS 5 2 0 608 490 124 .08 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 3 4 0 427 525 813 3 • UHSOB 3 4 0 359 456 7873 ST MARYS 3 4 0 379 726 52 .20 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 5 0 398 525 75 .81 OLD CAREY 1 6 0 343 615 55.77 SALESIAN O C 0 7 0 364 625 5824
28 24 20 20 12 12 12 8
0 F2 RESERVE SECTION OAKLEIGH A F C 6 1 0 906 292 310 .27 24 CHIRNSIDE PARK 6 1 0 509 373 136 .46 24 DALWYN COMB A F C 5 2 0 559 257 217 .51 20 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 2 0 574 352 163.07 20 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 5 2 0 392 310 12645 20 UNIVERSITY REDS 4 3 0 536 220 243.64 16 CANTERBURY N .BALWYN 4 3 0 420 399 105.26 i6 BORONIA PARK 3 4 0 415 455 91 .21 12 VUTIFIT 3 4 0 196 589 3328 12 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 1 6 0 268 737 36 .36 4 CAMBERWELL A F C 0 7 0 95 1002 9 .48 0
CLUB XVIII - NORTH ELTHAM 0 C 6 1 0 593 365 162 .47 24 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 1 0 502 350 143 .43 24 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4 3 0 428 382 112 .04 1 6 • OLD PARADIANS 4 3 0 423 409 103 .42 16 ST BERNARDS 4 3 0 424 451 94 .01 16 KEW 4 3 0 396 423 9362 16 THERRY 4 3 0 331 462 71,65 i 6 • MARCELLIN 2 5 0 285 483 5901 8 OLD GEELONG 1 6 0 161 467 34.48 4 CLUB XVIII - SOUTH OLD XAVERIANS 6 1 0 550 255 215 .69 24 OLD SCOTCH 6 1 0 458 363 126.17 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 2 0 517 356 145 .22 20 MAZENOD 0 C 5 2 0 445 360 123.61 20 BLOODS 4 3 0 416 313 132 .91 16 MONASH WHITES 3 4 0 370 403 91 .81 12 DE LA SALLE 2 5 0 293 397 7380 8 MONASH GRYPHONS 2 5 0 402 620 64 .84 8 •COLLEGIANS 1 6 0 251 580 43.28 4 POWERHOUSE 1 6 0 243 730 33.29 4 UNDER 19 - SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 7 0 0 1103 590 188 .95 28 DE LA SALLE 6 1 0 970 548 177.01 24 MAZENOD 0 C 5 2 0 1070 582 183 .85 20 CHIRNSIDE PARK 4 3 0 840 717 117.15 16 ST BERNARDS 4 3 0 802 692 11590 16 ORMOND 4 3 0 807 704 114.63 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 3 4 0 555 610 90 .98 12 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 5 0 757 932 81 .22 8 OLD MENTONIANS 0 7 0 441 1508 29 .24 0 MARCELLIN 0 7 0 293 1034 2834 0 UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 CENTRAL OLD CAREY 6 1 0 803 440 182.50 24 IVANHOE 6 1 0 735 508 144 .69 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 2 0 727 515 141 .17 20 THERRY 5 2 0 618 543 113 .81 20 OLD PARADIANS 5 2 0 548 520 10538 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 3 0 875 583 15009 16 WHITEFRIARS 4 3 0 713 479 14885 16 OLD TRINITY 4 3 0 589 607 97 .03 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 3 0 625 659 9484 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 5 0 452 689 6560 8 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 2 5 0 362 763 47.44 8 OLD IVANHOE 1 6 0 258 1000 2580 4 BULLEENITEMPLESTOWE 1 2 0 75 381 19.69 4 UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 SOUTH AJAX 7 0 0 890 427 208.43 28 COLLEGIANS 6 1 0 912 490 186.12 24 ST BEDESlMENTONE TIG 5 2 0 899 405 221 .98 20 OLD BRIGHTON 5 2 0 808 474 170.46 20 OLD SCOTCH 4 3 0 538 710 75.77 16 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 4 0 553 763 72 .48 12 MHSOB 2 5 0 494 821 60.17 8 MONASH BLUESp 2 5 0 402 730 55 .07 8
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