The Amateur Footballer, Week 10, 1993

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Wavegey Park, June 1992: ; ~1s VAFA-soundly defeated the , ~fere;~enny-~omsotr b W dashes dashes clear supported Carey .-

z► .~.+ \ i~•' ~ 4--W Viofious membeWf tho,efi"ealth Se rvj* U N 19 team, 1V winne flf the 1992 Vic Health 6119 Championships . Coach John Simpson (with ball) is pictured proudly amongst his players . ~A

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EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s

VAFA TOO STRONG FOR SA IN ADELAID E Before a predominantly South Australian crowd at Adelaide's Football Park last Sunday our senior team easily defeated South Australia by 68 points . it took Barry Richardson's team a quarter and a half to get into stride but once they did their slick handball and enthusiastic teamwork enabled the visitors to give their South Australian counterparts a football lesson . The Victorian backline worked brilliantly all day and any SA forward thrusts were thwarted by our great defence on most occasions . Back pocket player Jeremy Nichols in particular was magnificent - his courage and polished skills drove the Vics into attack time and again . Other very good Victorian players were rover Andrew Pryor whose activity and speed around the ground were telling, captain Robbie Fuller who as always displayed inspirational leadership and young highly skilled players Dale Tapping and Peter Thiessen . Luke Gollant had a team lifting third quarter and this player's skills and determination to always put defenders under pressure was great to see. The support of the Footscray Football Club was appreciated with many Bulldog players coming into the rooms before the game and at half time to urge on our players . The Bulldog's spectators supported the team well during the game and captain Fuller lead his team over to this group to thank them for their support after the game - a moving moment. ° Coach Barry Richardson, Team Manager Neil Pivetta, Chairman of Selectors Tom Johnston and all associated with the team can bejustifiably proud of the performance and can look forward to the game against the VCFL on July 25th and the Amateu r Carnival next year with a good deal of confidence.

Match Details : VIC: 1 .5 5.y 9 .11 14 .17 (101) SA : 1 .3 3.4 4 .5 4.9 (33) VIC GOALS : Gollant 4, Spencer 2, Jobling, Conti, Pryor, Tapping, Bourke, Barry, Mahoney and Lawson 1 . VIC BEST Jeremy Nichols (best on ground), Andrew Pryor, Rob Fuller, Peter Thiessen, Luke Gollant, Mark Brady, Bruno Conti and Dale Tapping . VIC UMPIRE : Wayne Hinton . Unlike the senior team the C to F representative team was soundly defeated by SA on Saturday last at Adelaide's Goodwood Oval . The Vic team from the outset lacked any spark and at no stage could they threaten their opposition . To the Victorians credit they persisted right to the end and towards the end of the game they at least showed glimpses of what they are capable of. Match Details: VIC: 1 .1 2 .3 4 .6 7.9 (51) SA: 6 .9 9 .9 14.14 16 .19 (115) VIC GOALS : Burden 2, Comer 2, MacGeorge, Bamert and Fisher 1 . VIC BEST: MacGeorge, Burden, Plant, Brohier and Hipwell . VIC UMPIRE : Peter Gersch . On behalf of the Executive I would like to thank everyone for their contribution to the weekend and in particular those who made sacrifices above and beyond what is reasonably expected, all in the cause of the Big White V . Phil Stevens, G M

CHAIRMAN OF SENIOR SELECTION (both team s) TOM JOHNSTON ADDS THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE : My congratulations to all members of the Victorian team for a great team effort in beating the South Australians at Football Park in front of one of the biggest crowds ever likely to witness an interstate amateur game . Special thanks to Barry Richardson in his second year as State Coach . Barry has made the Amateur State team into a very professional team, Barry's attitude, application and professional approach clearly is evident in the results of his two state wins. What ajob the support staff performed . Throughout the whole leadup and on match day no task was too big, no task was too small . I speak on behalf of all the players in passing on our sincere appreciation .

To the players who were in the squad but did not make thefinal team, your enthusiasm and sportsmanship were a credit to yourself and the club you represent . The final squad of 22 players who were selected acknoweldge the players who missed out but with a country game coming up shortly some players who missed the Adelaide squad will certainly be given achanceto make the team against the Country on July 25th . Finally to my fellow selectors Neil Pivetta, Peter Hutchinson and Roger Paul, a mixture of Amateurformer greats, who have been just fantastic to work with . Their passion and love of Amateur football made thi s continued page 5 ®




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REVIEW ..~ . .i with the goods w eks 0. Trinity finally camethrough g Collegians in what they downed have disappointin kicking enough goals but simplY ^ScothplayA-seindr . Rod . The Cardinals have taken great been having too many goals scored against them should be a great game steps since Rob Fuller's return and are playing fabulous Heath continued his goal-leading form with another bag . Collegians haven't put a foot wrong and . Gary Phillips was the Bloods only team football of 5 from the flank . I'm sure that this win will deserve top billing th ey certainly real+sethatthey have forward - he also booted 5 a give Trinity a great deal of conf+de~caede+ while it has to fight every game ou t take it agh~up ow +t he L ons, butpthe e The Scotch boys I certainly rained on Haile bury's p is a touch too much talent in the Collegian la s N orth lost its 4th match on the was the Col elgianaold wouldn't be surprised iyS Scotch got up g absolutely took them apart r . timers of Jim Bennett, Mark Hibbins and Rick Schabe should win by 2 OldgBrighton in the match of the day, 1 . North's Luke Boyle was held goalOrmond meet . The who did the damage These two midfield teams show great promise, but ther e less while their only bright light was Tim Jones y eisaqutonmrkvheiabltyomn wheels have certainly fallen off the NOBs car and the ans, . Nick Sebo will need to beat his best to stop ° momentum will most likely fall out of~~ssove~ are on top andllplaying Tom Hayden and Brett Connell will need to stop Andrew . Chris Brook, although not over im pthe Lions do /i all agthiain? Pryor from hitting Hayden on the chest . Can steady football t me over n they Mercer and Simo guts to perform to their best today .lhfs will be Scotch scored another clo ywas ay, bu l . Ormond are a little steadier - experiencem . Brighton we esplay~idng greatteamtfoo bal atough game theadvng such as Kingston, Jobling and McDonal d Donald will see the but Scotch kept plugging away - not a bad trait to have! . here today - the Monds by pts Eventually Scotch hit the lead (mid last term) and were St Bernards - maybe . Andrew Hart and Tom Wilson were in La Salle will battle It out with De battle it out is too nice! Put simply, De La should thrash never headed good touch while Mark Parker will be trying to teach. Big his . Week by week De La are regaining injured St Bernards team how to win games when they lead for 3112 qtrs players and are starting to look ominous . Peter Rennie s Tom Hayden continued to give Brighton half a chance return has bolstered their defense and Nick Fraser has . St Bernards have had of kicking a winning score. . on afairly dull game added fire power to their attack few players in good consistent form this year . Wayneh = Ormond held out St Bernards St Bernards have lost the plot - sure gathering Carey should have it all his own way in the ruck whic e boiled lo0ies! Ormond keep building and ar could see Luke Gollant, Vin Comito and Corey Malt a momentum - don't be too surprised to see this young agetfwouchs-bnegtoalDL . St Bernards, with Frank Dunell side in the four shortly t 26 pts . . Actually bot booting 4 goals, tried very hard butthey really have losd today. De La by liaileybury play Xavs on the rebound hcom that touch of class that they had last year. Ormon veteran Phil Kingston found some of his old form but ! m+ ntae X h confidence and seletamsronhbud f . if backstrongly big Matt McConvdl dominated this game with 13 marks belief that has been generated throughout the year - not a bad day out against Wayne Carey! piece b y the conditions are wet, the Bloods could surprise as Salle took the Old Xaverian apart - p Xavier were all but useless in the, slipper y l~ete n Chr'sdMcKenz+e De La . in conditions that totally suited De La, the piece weeks ago, Surely Hadeybur y . Nick Fraser made Xaverians faultered and lost top spot soon - when they do maybe they will pose a real threat . a fine return booting 7 goals and Adrian Mackintosh I won't write the Xavsoff attBowen, one loss L - andrigan , amassed over 40 possessions from the half back r~ime too many good players 16 ts . De La could have wrapped this game up by qt p if they had kicked straight, butthey left itt+li after 1/2 time Bailey etc. The Xavs by certainly en h the Xavs sy to think about . has given ~=SENIORS 42 32 HEATH, Old Trinity e 25 BOYLE, North Old Boys s wee 22 STONEY, Old Xavs k +ary game and an of games, on ordn 19 Boys and on form will star t McCALL, Old Scotch take on North Old Trinity . North have to hold Rod Heath - if they don't 19 GILMOUR, St Bernard s asfavourntes . By the same token Trinity will have to watch FRASER, De La Salle RESERVES 28 1, they will lose. Lex Taylor and Steve Brazil should have a 26 Luke Boyle KEARNEY, No rth old Boys good duel but the Allibon vs Jones contest will be the 18 FOX, Ofd Scotch . Surely North have gotto find some 16 STEWART, Ormond . hile highlight of the game wait nin I'v DWYER, North Old Boys form metime e ight! ~nn y byifor6snumbeSatd 5 p ta s

J SENIORS NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .4 1 .8 3 .9 5 .13.43 COLLEGIANS 3 .4 7.9 10.13 14.13 .97 NTHO BOYS Jones 2, Mattiazzi 2, Egan . BEST Howard, Jones, Goodear, Daffey, Leigh . Pennelly. COLLEGIANS Schober 4, Lake3, Harrison 2, Hoyle 2, Pollock 2, Cleary . BEST Hibbins, Bennett, Schober, Lake, Irvine, Harrison . OLD SCOTCH 3 .0 6 .4 8 .8 14 .14.98 OLD BRIGHTON 4 .3 7.7 9 .12 10 .15.75 0 SCOTCH Hart 3, Gagle 3, MacDougall 3, Price 2, McCulloch, Handbury, Hoskin . BEST A . Hart, R . Price, T. Wilson, A. Smith, S . Hume, A. McDougall . 0 BRIGHTON Schober 3, Hayden 2, Perry 2, McLachlan, Timms, Lennox . BEST M . Reid, A . McLean, S. Williams, R . Schober, C . Brook, N. Perry. 5 .4 6 .10 9 .13 11 .17.83 ORMOND ST BERNARDS 4.2 6 .5 8.8 10 .10.70 ORMOND Doyle 4, Cleary 2, Kingston, Jobling Wood, Siderellis, Gribbte BEST McConville, Collins, Gilmore, Fitzgerafd, Kingston, Marnow. ST BERNARDS Dunetl4, Purcell 2, Calthorpe, Gollant, Gilmour, Dobson . BEST Doolan, Comitto, Gollant, Gilmour, Purcell, Parrett . DE LA SALLE 2.9 7.14 9 .16 16.21 .117 OLD XAVERIANS 1 .3 3 .5 5.11 7.12 .54 DE LA Fraser 7, Mastrinni 2, Crowe 2, Mackintosh, Slattery, Hines, Mannix, McClounan . BEST Mackintosh, Fraser, Swift, Wright, Toohey, Ronchi . 0 XAVS O'Sullivan 3, Landrigan, Colquhoun, Bourke, Stoney . BEST Dillon, Blood, McKay, Colquhoun, Landrigan, Stoney. OLD TRINITY 6.3 9.5 12.8 18.10.118 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 .2 5.5 10.8 12.14.86 0 TRINITY Heath 5, O'Shaughnesy 3, Phillips 2, Hodder, Anderson, Vanderhoek,Hatfield, Allibon,Jennings,Turner, Stickland .BESTAIlibon, Hopkins, Turner, Anderson, Hodder, Vanderhoek. 0 HAILEY Phillips 5, Seccull 3, Baxter, Byrns, Lappage, Tanner. BEST Borg, Anderson, Rowe, Thiessen, Byrns, Connell .

ANDREW SM ITH - 200 GAf:7 ES FOR OLD SCOTCH Congratulations to 0 Scotch Vice Captain Andrew Smith who plays his 200th A Section Senior Game today (19/6/93) against Collegians. The ever reliable Smithy came to O Scotch from Richmond U19s in '82 and during his career with 0 Scotch has represented Victoria, won 1 VAFA A Section B&F award and two club B&F awards. Quiet and unassuming off the field, Smithy is the perfect competitor with a never say die attitude and the versatility to play in many positions . Congratulations Andrew from all your friends at 0 Scotch . DAVE MAKES 20 0 David O'Shaughnessy plays his 200th game today. Dave started with OTs in '81 . In that time, his stature in the club, both as a player, committeeman and person have grown to immense proportions . David has been club captain (1st & 2nds) and 2nds coach . He won the B&F in both the lsts (twice) and 2nds . He has played representative football ('83) and senior football from E Grade to A Grade . What more can be said ! Well done, Dave. 200 VAFA GAM ES - M ICHAEL HEDLEY Congratulations to Michael Hadley who plays his 200th VAFA game against his old club North Old Boys on 19th June'93. Mick has now played 30 games with OTs and played for over 10 years at NOB's including the 81 and 82 premierships and '91 Grand Final side . He was a memberof the OTs'92'B' grade premiership side where his experience was a great asset . Mick joined OTs to play with his friends Mick Jennings and Peter Yeoman, fellow members of the '92 VAFA state side. Well done Mick from all at OT's and NOBs. CONGRATULATIONS FRO M NORTH OLD BOYS TO TRINITY'S M ICHAEL HEDLEY Congratulations "Midge" from all your mates at N orth Old Boys.

RESERVES NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .1 7.2 9 .4 11 .7.73 COLLEGIANS 2 .0 5 .1 5 .6 6 .8.44 NTH 0 BOYS Considine 6, Collison 2, Barker, Zocco, Gravina . BEST Barker, Considine, Collison, Gravina, O'Farrell, Zocco . COLLEGIANS Conron, Stubs, Blackman, Foard, Harry. BEST M . Conron, Dulmanis, Twaddle, T. Smith, Green, Stub s OLD SCOTCH 2 .2 6.4 7.8 8.9.57 OLD BRIGHTON 1 .0 2 .3 3.4 3.8 .26 O SCOTCH Fox 2, Allen 2, Hart, Lloyd, Winneke, Aston . BEST Terzini, Newnham, Holliday, Warner, Heath, Allen. O BRIGHTON Shippen 2, Gilmour. BEST McCardle, Fieldes, Cooper, Morton, Maratus, McMahon . ORMOND 4.7 7.9 9.11 15.12 .102 ST BERNARDS 2 .2 4 .6 6.9 9.12 .66 ORMOND Kelleher 9, Joy 2, McCullough 2, Reidy, Krawczuk . BEST Kelleher, Kenrick, Gallagher, Dickson, Symes, Forsyth . ST BERNARDS Wood 2, Walsh 2, Mahady, Bond, Wood, O'Connell, Runting . BEST Runting, Purcell, O'Connell, G . Wood, Nathan, Doolan, DE LA SALLE 2 .3 5 .9 8.10 14 .13.97 OLD XAVERIANS 0 .2 3 .3 3.4 5.4 .34 DE LA Brideson 3, Dyryer 3, Furlan 2, Fuime, McHenry, Jackson, Lafferty, Tessier, Dillon . BEST team effort . O XAVS Lynch 2, Purcell, P. Salter, R . Salter. BEST Holmes, Lowe, D . Dalton, M. Dillon, A. Landrigan, Burke . OLD TRINITY 2 .4 7.7 9.8 11 .10.76 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 .2 2 .3 4.6 10.10.70 O TRINITY Sutherland 4, Beamish, Harmer, Anderson, Williams, Clarke, Beet, Pitman . BEST Smith, Balaszy, Scott, Sammut, Harmer, Phillips. O HAILEY La Greca 3, Carty 3, Hayter, Bayne, Panetta, Pegoli . BEST Bayne, Hayter, Main, Bingham, Carty, LaGreca.

] "1 ( 9 OLD TRINITY vs NORTH OLD BOYS Field: M . Bushfield, S . McCarthy Boundary M . Tierney, F Martinez Goal: I . Smith, K . Pitche r OLD SCOTCH vs COLLEGIANS Field : P. Gersch, L . Harrison Goal: G . Grigg, M . Murray ORMOND vs OLD BRIGHTON Field: W. Hinton, M . Gibson Goal: W. Binch, C . Chalmers DE LA SALLE OC vs ST BERNARDS Field: D. Dalgleish, J. Toohey Goal: G . Wright, M . Lentin i OLD HAILEYBURY vs OLD XAVERIANS Field: M . Jackson, R. Bel l Goal: G . Chalmers, B . Hoare

150 GAMES TO NOBs BRIAN HANLON Congratulations from all at North Old Boys to Bria n Hanlon on achieving the 150 games milestone with the club in last weeks (5/6/93) match against Collegians . Brian started his career with the club in '83 in the U19s and after one year quickly established himself as a senior player. A player with great skills, Brian has played in a number of positions and is most dangerous near goal . Career highlights for Brian include a stint with Nth Melb . U19s and also playing in NOBs'86 and '91 "A" Grade Grand Final appearances . Congratulations Brian from the Committee, players and supporters and lets hope you can help us win a premiership this year. WRIGHTY BOLTS TO 150 Craig Wright, one of the great characters and a veteran of the De La Sal!e FC, celebrated his 150th game for the club (29/5/93) . Known for his blistering pace on the field, and appreciation of the amber fluid off the field, "Wrighty" has become an important link in DLS centre line. A member of the'91 Senior A Grade premiership side, Craig continues to improve his footba!l with age . Congratulations on a marvellous milestone!

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TAP OUTS by The Rover

Welcome back to all Amateur supporters, The Rover hopes that you have all recovered from the opening of the ski season celebrations over last weekend . There are five games before A, B and U19-1 break for a bye on July 25 (so to allow a staggering of finals matches), so the season is racing away from us . Overthe next couple of weeks'The Rover' will attempt to pick the Section M edallists for each grade, along with the top goal scorer forthat section . Well here goes . Beginning with A, B and C sections, The names are not in any particular order. A - Steve Brazil (NOBs), Andrew Allibon (0. Trin), Wayn e Carey (St . Bern) . Goals - Rod Heath (0. Trin), Garry Phillips (0. Hail) . g- Adam Ryder (Marc), John Gilham (Ban), Rob Lawson (Fawk) . Goals - Adam Acreman (0. Ment), Nick Bourke (Marc ) C- Leo Panjari (P'side), Pat Green (Maz), Nigel Brohier (CaulGr) . Goals Ralphy Bergman (StK), Josh Hoppe (Ajax) . With the U19 State Squad soon to be announced (printed next week) the schedule of games is as follows : Sunday June 20th practice game against the VCFL Teal Cup U17 side at EP at 12 .00 pm . Then the Vicliealth Challenge Match against the VFA on Tuesday July 13 at Waverley Park at 2 pm . The VicHealth Challenge Match is during the school holidays so supporters of the VAFA are encouraged to attend and support our stars of the future. Three Wednesdays ago the C-F Squad trained at David St Ham pton . On behalf of all the boys present thanks Tom `Getta' Brain, once a 'Banker' now a 'Rover', for your hospitality and service . Well done Hampton Rovers .

P-EDITORIAL continued from page 1 chairman's job just that little bit easy . The staff at Elsternwick park also provided the off field assistance one requires to be successful . Commiseration to Ken Bremner and the C-F Selector s and players - the side was beaten by a better side on the day. The Under-19s have a representative game against the VFA on July 14th . Best of luck in your matches to come. Tom Johnston CHAIRM A N OF SELECTORS

Teams are reminded that changes to teamlists can be made up until July 2 (Fri) . Also for additional sponsors or sponsors logos to be added the above deadline applies . On a sade note De La Salle farewell ex-captain Peter Rennie. Coaxed back mid way through May, Peter found that A-section without a pre-season was not the answer. A great loss to both De La and State football. Good luck in the future. On a brighter note a new arrival at EP. To coin a PS phrase "EP can the become the MCG of the VAFA' . New centre and practice cricket covers courtesy of CUB have arrived . Thus making ground management just that little more professional . Now good surfaces assured at EP all year round . Well done CUB.

TIPSTERS POINTS Max Lyon (U19)- 41 - very lucky Peter Matovic (F2) - 35 - No. 1 challenge r Norm Nugent (G) - 35 - has plenty of time now to study the for m Michael Lloyd (E) - 34 - long season taking its toll David Holland (B) - 32 - Getting bette r Ken Bremner (C) - 28 - Puts his hand in hat for the winne r Mick Noonan (F1) - 28 - inexperience Tom Brain (D) - 27 - No brain s Adam Kenyon (A) - 27 - Hasn't got a clue

J 50 GAMES - BEARDO AND HOLLYWOOD Congratulations to R ick `scarface' Beardsley and Rod 'Hollywood" Heath who both play their 50th games on 19/6/93. Commencing in'89 and'91 respectively both were members of OT's'92 premiership side, Rick as a rugged backman and Rod as an elusive half forward . Congratulations to both players . O.H . CO N GRATULATES PETE R "FLEXIBILITY" THIESEN ON 50 GAMES The Bloods most vigorous trainer, Peter Thiessen plays his 50th game this week (19/6/93) against Xavs . The electrifying wingman was 2nd in the club B&F in '92 and was afforded state honours in '92 and '93 . His dashing play and looks have appealed to many spectators, especially the females .

B SECTION by David Holland

REVIEW I finally managed to tip Banyule correctly courtes y of a forfeit by Fawkner. Hope the training run was a!ot of fun, Bears . After their disappointing loss to Banyule the week before, Whitefriars, minus Coghlan and Naismith, took on ladder leaders OMs at Headquarters . Wayward kicking again from OMs in the 1st half resulted in just a 17 pt!ead at '/2 time, however, they got their act together in the 2nd, booting 11 majors to Friars 5. Scott Teal invested in a compass which helped him boot 8 and take BOG, whilst good support came from half forwards "Chuck" Berry, Simon "Chipmunk" Theodore and Andy Witts, who took a ripper mark in the last 1/4 . For the Friars, Anthony Carbone and Matt Bateman dominated the wings whilst Simon McAuliffe was solid in defence. Old Mentonians made the journey to the Eagle's Nest at Marcellin and by halftime, had the game Virtually wrapped up. The Panthers outpointed the Eagles in most departments before the main break when the Marcellin boys copped the "spray" of their lives which nearly broughtthe roof down on all and sundry. Kerin Lawson's "words of wisdom" obviously touched a nerve or two as the Eagles matched the Panthers in the 2nd 1/2, at least on the scoreboard - however, the horse had bolted . Stuart Farrow, as warned, made life very hard for Bourky at FF, keeping him to just a single for the 2nd week in a row. Panther defenders Brooks, Macquire and Mullin gave tremendous support whilst Solley, Dickson and Bournon dominated mid-field . For the Eagles, Steve Psoras and Matt Amad were consistent performers with Freddy Wooler holding Acreman well in the 1st half, after which he was moved and Ads booted 5. The 1st draw in B Grade this year was played by Bulleen/Temp and Therry and I still can't believe the Bullants even came close. Therry's inconsistent form of recent weeks must be giving Terry Quinn some major headaches after their brilliant form early on . Well, what a game it must have been! Therry up by at 1/4 time, 18 at 1/2 time, !evel at the last breakthen both sides booted 4.1 in an exciting final term, with Therry kicking 2 in the final 2 minutes . Matt Agrotis had a chance to be a hero but needed a "Bernie Quinlan Special" with his final siren free kick - the kick was just short and the match was drawn . For Therry Sean Bannister was outstanding at H BF for 4 qtrs with patchy contributions coming from Steve Boyle and Paul Matton (all backmen) Bullants Shane Farley was brilliant on a wing in his 250th game (great effort), Tom Mathews at CHB outpointed Tim Taylor and Paris Harvie was busy around the packs . Old Paradians and Uni Blues simply reversed their previous week's form, making a mockery of my prediction . Try this: Parade thrash Bull/Temp who drew with Therry who thrashed Uni who then came out and scored by 28 pts over Parade. That's a vicious circle for me, at least! All at Parade were very disappointed after again fading in the 2nd half and having very few winners on the day. Once again Nathan Harris and

Hamish Worsley were great players for the Blues who also had Johnny Kanis amongst their best (better than boundary umpiring John?!) Ruckman Jim Buckley was also a key factor in the win. Parade had triers rather than stars - them being Steve Philp, Nathan Willitts and Brendon Flynn . The loss has put Parade in a desperate situation and their full potential will need to be realised over the next few weeks or the future looks grim . PREVIEW Banyule not having played since 29/5, journey to Melb. Uni to take on the Blues who last round turned the tables on Parade . The Bears went down to the Blues lsttime round but, presumably at full strength and keen to cement that 4th spot, the Bears will start favourites this time. Key players for Banyule - Sutterby, Burns, Gillham and Williams whilstthe Blues will be relying on Kanis, Worsley, Harris and Taylor . Bears by 21 pts. OM s are at home to Fawkner and, at time of printing, I am forced to assume that Fawkner will field a side amidst much surrounding contraversy overthe last few weeks. The last time they played, Fawks notched up win No. 1 for '93 but they now face B Section pacesetters in OMs and wil! find it a!ot hardec OMs bounced back with a win over Whitefriars and, with state players Jeremy Nichols, Micah Berry and Scott Teal all in good touch, the OMs are back to their best . OMs by 32 pts. The battle of the strugglers - Man;ellin vs W hitefriars and the importance of this game is extreme on both sides. Marcellin need to stay in touch whilst Friars need to dismiss relegation favouritism . With this in mind, the standard of footy both sides are currently playing should improve and provide for a good game. The Eagles, with skipper Steve Boysen returning, are my pick (with little confidence) by 1-2 g!s . Bulleentfemp and Old Mentonians meet again, this time at Headquarters, where the Bullants will see many changes to the Panthers - both in make up and style - to what they saw in Round 1 . Aside from their recent draw with Therry, the Bullants have been in disastrous form, however, that upset may have been just what they needed - confidence wise. Both sides should beclose to full strength and based on this assumption, the Panthers shouldn't have too much trouble in winning by 3-4 g!s (Mid Season does sometimes spe!l complacency through Panthers) ! Finally, Old Parade take on Therry at home . Once again - what a vital game! Parade, like Whitefriars, are becoming much too friendly with Fawks on the bottom and Therry must stay in touch with OMs and OMs . Inconsistency springs to mind with both these sides which makes a prediction very difficult but with a 103 pt win 1st time round, I think Therry can win again but by a!ot less - say 30 pts!? SELECTIONS : Banyu le, Old Melburnians, Marcellin, Old Mentonians, Therry .

Round 9 Mark of the Day: John "Hover" Frosinoss (DVC Bullants "No. 99"!) PRESS CORRESPONDENTS: Thanks again for a great effort 100%. Remember - ALL details and summaries by 11 .00 am Monday. Fax 5831993 or Phone 585 0646 (recorder) . 1

UNIVERSITY BLUES vs BANYULE Field: G . Ridd, D. Dame n Goal: J. Kelly, J. Velleman 'OLD MELBURNIANS vs FAWKNER Field: M . Jenkins, T. Hales Reserves Field:A . Taylo r Goal: R . Dunstan, L . Wilson MARCELLIN vs WHITEFRIARS Field: S. Clinch, G . Curran Boundary: C. Condos, N . Walker Goal: A . Simpson, R . Seymou r BULLEEN/TEMP. vs OLD MENTONIANS (EP-Saturday) Field: P. Molloy, P. Wiseman Boundary: J . Wright, L . Gallagher Goal: R . Barichievitch, G . Clancy Reserves Field: A . Harris, T. Keating Reserves Boundary.- A. Gabriel, M . Shelto n Reserves Goa1: N . McTaggart, M . Symons OLD PARADIANS vs THERRY CCOB Field: G . Fallet, P. LaVal e Boundary: S . Branagan, A . Stapleton Goal: D. Webster. S . Pitcher (,D i o SENIORS ACREMAN, Old Mentonian s N . BOURKE, Marcellin ZANETTI, Therry PACE, Bulleen-Templestowe McKAY, Therry RESERVE S HOLLOW, Therry BONNYMAN, Whitefriars KOTCH, Therry McMAHON, Therry FALCONE, Therry NAGEL, BulleenlTemplestowe 0


(5) (1) (4) (0) (4) (2) (0) (0) (3) 0 ~0; I

TON UP FOR SLAP:i M iNG SA M AT O MFC Congratulations, from all at OMFC, go to Sam "Slammer" Ingram who today pulls on the No. 31 Guernsey for the 100th time for the Panthers . Sam began with the club in '85 and has always been of tremendous value on and off the field and when the barman decidesto sell Fosters instead of Vic . Slammer has held the positions of Catering Manager and Social V-P whilst, on field, relished the open spaces and a chance to go for a few bounces before his raking left footer lets fly. Well done on a fine milestone Sam . From all your friends at OMFC .

SENIORS BANYULE RECEIVED FORFEIT 18.18.126 FAWKNER FORFEITED 12 .10.82 OLD MELBURNIANS 3.6 8.9 13 .11 19.17.131 W HITEFRIARS 3.3 6.4 10.9 11 .13.79 O MELB Teal 8, W itts 2, Theodore 2, James 2, Francis 2, Rose, Thompson, Webb. BEST Teal, Berry, Theodore, A. Witts, Stuckey, Useinov. WHITFRIARS Brisbane 4, Pratt 3, M . Carbone, A . Carbone, Philip, Harrison. BEST A . Carbone, McAuliffe, Mark Bateman, Philip, Matt, Bateman, Flanagan . MARCELLIN 2 .0 3.6 6.13 9.13.68 OLD MENTONIANS 5.5 11 .9 14 .11 18.13 .121 MARCELLINTregenovmn3, Boysen 3, Day, Bourke, Amad . BEST Wooller, Psoras, Moran, Gallagher, Howe, Donegon . O MENTONIANS Acreman 5, D. Paterson 4, Solley 3, Dickson 2, Bond, Bournon, Davis, Stroud . BEST Mullin, Brooks, B . Paterson, Campbell, Dickson, Bournon. BULLEENrrEMPLESTOWE 5 .2 9 .2 15.5 19.6.120 THERRY CCOB 7.3 11 .8 14 .11 18.12.120 BULLEENITEMP Panou 4, Frosinoss 4, Harvie 2, Minnie 2, Agrotis 2, Philpots, Bone, Harris, Nagel, Farley . BESTT. Matthews, P. Harvie, Barley, Panou, Philpots, Fields. THERRY McKay 4, Spanko 4, Zanetti 4, O'Rourke 2, Eastmure, Taylor, Castaldi, Crotty . BEST S . Bannister, Boyle, Matton, Goodwin, Taylor, O'Rourke. UNIVERSITY BLUES 4.3 8.5 12 .9 16 .13.109 OLD PARADIANS 3.5 6.6 8.7 11 .9.75 UNI BLUES Hutchins 3, Evans 3, Cavalier 2, Taylor 2, Worsley 2, Lamb, Kanis, Doherty, Davis. BEST T. Harris, H. Worlsey, A. Wilson, J. Kanis, J . Buckley, N . Cavalier. O PARADIANS Kerr 3, Ellks, O'Keefe, Pannam, Haldeman, Way, Harford, O'Loughlin, Wayman . BEST S . Philp, N . Willitts, T Canavan, B . Flynn, N . Wayman, P. Brown.

RESERVES BANYULE RECEIVED FORFEIT 18.16.124 FAWKNER FORFEITED 6 .7.49 OLD MELBURNIANS 6.4 19.9 23.16 28 .17.185 WHITEFRIARS 2 .0 2 .0 2 .0 2 .3 .15 0 MELB McKay 6, Ward-Ambler 5, Ellinghause 3, Theodore 2, Allen 2, Wallace-Smith 2, Manson 2, Fraser 2, Clements, Fafoutellis, Jobling, Bardsley. BEST McKay, Wallace-Smith, Ellinghause, Handbury, Manson, Allen . WHITEFRIARS Johnson, Sharkie. BEST D. McRohan, M . O'Conor M . Stevens, W. Sharkie, G . Feutrill, M . Vernal . MARCELLIN 4 .6 7.11 9.14 11 .16 .82 OLD MENTONIANS 1 .1 4 .3 4 .3 6.5.41 MARCELLIN Curren 3, McKenzie 3, J . Dineen 2, Ryder, Sexton . BEST McKenzie, Randall, Crimmins, Ryder, Kann, Sheehan . O MENTONIANS Riley 2, Katris, Riddle, Winduss, Zaic . BEST Austin, Gardner, Moodie, Riddle, Zajc, Webster. BULLEEN/TEMPLESTOWE 1 .3 4 .5 6 .7 9 .7.61 THERRY CCOB 2 .2 5.3 7.6 11 .8.74 BULLEEN/TEMP Aylward 3, McLaren 2, Fois, Fitt, Harvie, Shine . BEST Rosinitis, Hooper, Fois, Fitt, Faulkner, Bono. THERRY McMahon 3, Hollow 2, Crotty 2, Murphy, Nitzke, Lucas, Gallagher. BEST Crotty, Gallagher, McMahon, Davies, Delaney, Pinner . UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.4 6.4 7.6 9 .7.61 OLD PARADIANS 1 .3 1 .7 3 .9 5.11 .41 UNI BLUES O'Donnell 2, Howard 2, Dudley, Jackson, Stephens, Mudge, McCarty. BEST Romito, Fryer, Stephens, Dudley, Norman, O'Donnell . O PARADIANS Harrison 2, Ziebell, Vicino. BEST Lennon, Primiero, O'Toole, Kallis, Walsh, Joyce.

- ROUNfREVIW D 9 (5 June) Even with the assistance o could only kick home 3 winners~or the round~It's l all a new ball game from here on in and I'm setting my own goal of selecting the card a minimum of 4 times in the run home to the finals . Ivanhoes travels to M onash obviously didn't cause them much concern as the resultant 40 pt victory goes to prove. Again, as has been the case in most games thus far, Ivanhoe were well served by a host of players whilst for Monash they relied on too few to do too much . Best for Ivanhoe, 'The Rat, 'Bootha, Stewie Ford and Rob Stewart . Caulfield Grammar showed they had learned their lesson well from the previous weeks fade-out when they completely overan Parkside the 2nd half to win by 102 points . Brett Webster whoin kicked 9 gls in his debut game last round broke Greg Tootel's long standing club goalkicking record when he booted 15 majors . Other goods players were Clint Simpson, Trev Royals and Nigel Brohier. S4 Kiida/Sth Caulfield were, in the humble opinion of 'Big' Lovey and yours truly not worthy of the 'Dare' as there didn't appearto be any chance whatsoever of a Saints win . All I can say is I'm extremely glad we didn't tumble into them as they went on a scoring spree to t emselves a little it of breathing space The? ~hoolers' conversely, create for themselves a little bit of heat at the top end. when rtheytanglee datwithMa rampan tand pumped u p came to an abrupt thu d combo. Finding oneself down 11 tgls to 1 at 112 time on a slippery track isn't the most envious position to be in . The 'Nods' to their credit outscored the K's in the run home, however it was all academic and the K's finished the game 42 pts in credit . 3 Qtr time at Lakeside Oval (conditions perfect, no wind assistance .) and Ajax 16.18 (114) led Commbank 10.4 (64) .What was to unfold will remain to those who witnessed the game a poignant reminder that a game is never over tilt the 'Fat' Lady sings! The 50 pt lead was a fair indication of the ascendancy that the 'Jacks' had theme ~ and afte~scoringethebfiirst 3 of the tanza then goal numbers 5, 6 & 7 a faint 'sniff' got into the nostrils . The 8th with 53 seconds remaining set a fantastic scene . Bounce down, ball shuffled out to the old scoreboard wing, switch in play to the opposite HFF, handball out to Danny Howarth (Ruckman on the run) 48 metres out, long bomb, siren sounds with ball in flight, time appears suspended until Ajax players sink to their knees whilst Commbank players rejoice 9 gls 3 behinds to 1 gl for the qtr to snatch victory by 1 .pt, (Can Noel Rundle come up with a better final qtr comeback for victory?)

PREVIEW - ROUN D 10 (19 June ) Kew flex their now growing muscles against a middle of the order M onash Blues . The K's have a lot of hard running and hard tackling players at their disposal to counter the system and style of the Blues game . At home the Kew buys to win handsomely by 40 pts . placed Ivanhoe at oval 2 will Albert Park . Confidence will abound at Grammar after their hollow victory against Parkside but as the Mitsubishi ad says, please consider . . . ivanhoe, 2nd placed, winning consistently, and against good opposition . It's the 'Hoes for mine by 24 pts. Parks~die at MurrCumbeena in atDerby' that holds big rewards for the victor and possible doom and gloom for the vanquished . At home and in great spirits after knocking off a talented 'Schoolers' outfit I'vejust got to tip the Saints to get home narrowly by 13 pts . Commbank play their 2nd in a row at Lakeside Oval this ,s . I qtel Bankers ~Be finalfaltheirqo~Fy'k round they would be nigh on invincible, I doubt that they can neither do I think the 'Schoolers' will give them the )attitude to do so. High boys by 27 pts. Mazenod fresh after the break an dundef atedtagof themlikeamonkeyof th e with backe should and will bounce back into action against Ajax . Little should separate these teams throughout the day and in the end it might be the early morning training runs that catch up with the Jackers, The 'Nods' for me by 19 pts . Lanci e To Professor Keith FD arson Bria n the Ford and the boy s of Monash Blues . Knock off the all conquering Kew and 'Big' Lancie and K . B . will come out to training on an agreed Tuesday evening and run a 'Hot Soup Kitchen' for the troops after training using Pasta Ladles and dressed in Chefs garb with guaranteed silver service attention to detail ! P S. Yours truly will be tripping to Indonesia for a week so 'Big' Lancie will do the wrap-up (Round 10) and preview (Round 11) . Just can't wait to see what this illiterate puts before your eyes.

MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct".

SENIORS MONASH BLUES 4.1 9.7 11 .9 12.12.84 IVANHOE 6 .2 8.4 14 .8 19.10 .124 MONASH Broun 3, Alexander 3, Crampton 2, Hildebrand, Farrar, Zacharidis, Barker. BEST Hipwell, Carman, Smith, Zacharidis, Roche, McGregor. IVANHOE Ford 5, E. Flynn 3, P. Flynn 2, Strangwick 2, Devlin 2, Blackwood, Bullen, McGowan, Newbold, Stewart . BEST Manuel, Angelini, Newbold, Devlin, Fawley, Ford . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 6 .4 10 .8 17.15 28.19 .187 PARKSlDE 2.2 7.3 10.4 13.7.85 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR Webster 15, Murtagh 3, Harrison 3, Horton 3, piCrosta, Brohier, Matthews, Johnson . BEST Webster, Simpson, T . Royals, Brohier, Murtagh, B . Mathews. PARKSIDE Sansonetti 3, McGaw, Williams, Digiacomo, Jackson, Panjari, Yaksich . BEST Allan, Bugden, McGaw, Sherlock, Sansonefli, Panjari . ST KILDA/STH CAULFIELD 4.5 9 .7 11 .11 18 .14.122 MHSOB 1 .4 5.8 10.11 12.13.85 ST KILDA/STH CAUL Gilmore 4, Alderuccio 3, Bergman 3, Capiron 3, Hall 2, McGaw. BEST Morgan, Gilmore, O'Sullivan, Capiron, Buckley, Renwick . MHSOB Webster 3, Knight 3, Helmot 2, McClements, Fairchild, Canavan, Pertzel . BEST Fairchild, Young, Pertzel, P . Knight, Helmot . COMMONWEALTH BANK 3.2 6.3 10.4 19 .7.121 AJAX 8.5 11 .14 16.18 17.18.120 COMM BANK Pitts 3, Bunnett3, Perry 2, Corboy 2, Gniel2, Maher, Linford, Hancock, Dawson, McDonald, Howarth, Wallmeyer . BEST A. Pitts, Sparrow, McNamara, Howarth, Gniel, Beare. AJAX Hoppe 3, Goetz 3, Sheezel3, Fredman 2, Grundman 2, Klooger, Brann, Marks . BEST Bloom, Dunne, Marks, Fredman, Grundman, Klooger. KEW 5.4 11 .5 12 .6 12 .10 .82 MAZENOD 0 C 0.3 1 .5 5.9 5.10 .40 KEW Bradley 3, White 2, Busuttil 2, Wood, Porte, McMahon, Burden, Thornely. BEST White, Bruno, Pedretti, Cullen, Barry, Thornely . MAZENOD Marshall, Noble, Belleville, Brookes, Meadows . BEST Polan, M. Murray, Belleville, Fisher, Hanley, Chilcott . RESERVES MONASH BLUES 1 .2 7.3 9 .4 14 .5 .89 IVANHOE 2 .0 2 .0 3 .0 5 .0 .30 MONASH Mastos 3, Trumble 2, Spencer 2, J . Andritsos, A . Leitch, Harrison, O'Brien, Castricum, Millie, Tilley . BEST S . Leitch, Lawrence, Trumble, Spencer, Schwedes, Walsh. IVANHOE Haywood, Sammartino, Bazro, Williams, Lynn . BEST Pekin, Purcell, Dowling, Hoffman, Hockfeld, Haywood . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 .1 3 .3 3 .5 5.7.37 PARKSIDE 2 .3 5 .4 9 .6 10 .11 .71 CAUL GRAMMAR Kitchen 2, Barker, Caple, Isaacs . BEST Montgomery, Williams, Yaffe, Kitchen, Stanlio, Worthington . PARKSIDE Dean 3, Sleeth 2, Freeman 2, Panjari, Gard, Jackson . BEST Shortis, Freeman, Howell, Dean, Borsato, Stuart . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 2 .1 2 .7 2.9 4.11 .35 MHSOB 4 .3 7.7 11 .11 16 .16.112 ST KILDAtSTH CAUL Pope 2, Gilmore, O'Byrne . BEST Derham, Dunlevie, Hofert, Cole, Pope, Credlin . MHSOB Kotz 4, Feferkranz3, Menzies 2, McGennis 2, Verma 2, Ansell, Bradley, Exton . BEST Feferkranz, Ansell, Menzies, Drake, Bradley, Gillespie. COMMONWEALTH BANK 0 .3 4 .3 5.4 7.7.49 AJAX 5.2 8 .3 10.6 13 .10.88 COMM BANK Rolfs 2, Walsh 2, Maya, Henderson, Hancock . BEST Curtin, Rachor, Walsh, Galliford, Lucas, Richings. AJAX Gordon 5, Kalb 3, Pakvla, Goldberg, Neste, Gross, Jelenik . BEST Mordech, Janover, Pakula, Zurbo, Stern, Kalb. KEW 0 .0 1 .0 1.1 1 .3 .9 MAZENOD 0 C 4 .6 6 .10 7.14 9.23.77 KEW Hope . BEST Brassil, D. Mascitti, Wells, Bruno, Sheahan, C . Hope. MAZENOD Deegan 3, Morley 2, Amy, Couttie, Boyle, Tsiavis. BEST Lane, Richards, Morley, Guiliano, Grimison, Welch .

i 1i.i CHILCOTT - 200 GAME S Ma 7~2 nod OC would like to congratulate their captain Tim "Blake" Chilcott on his grand achievement of 200 games earlier this season . Tim has played with us since U17s and has demonstrated an unparralled loyalty and commitment to the club. Tim is in his 4th season as captain and has played in the last 5 senior premierships . Tim won the B&F in '87 and has been a regular trophy winner. Tim's inspirational leadership has been a catalyst in moving the club through the grades. Congratulations to Tim from all at Mazenod OC and we look forward to many more years of service. 50 GAMES AT MHSOB Sincere congratulations are extended to Clinton Young on reaching his first milestone at MHSOB . Already a'91 premiership player and now a C-G grade state player in '93, Clint's talents are untold and will see us through to the higher grades. Well done Clinton . 100 GAMES CHRIS MURRAY

Belated congratulations to Chris on achieving 100 games for Mazenod . Chris is a 3 time premiership player and is noted for his fearless determination and commitment to the ball . Chris's on field leadership and courage is exemplary and we look forward to another 100 . Well done "Franky."

KEW vs MONASH BLUES Field: W. Henry, Brad Lowe Boundary : D. Jensen, D. Brevitt Goal: T. Stephens, M . Mayhew CAULFIELD GR vs IVANHOE Field: P. Keogh, J . Natoli Goal: D . Murray, S . Kah n ST KILDAISTH CAULFIELD vs PARKSIDE Field: P. Buchanan, P. Cherry Goal: G. Simpson, K. Walker COMMONWEALTH BANK vs MHSOB (Lakeside oval) Field: C. Keeton, P. Simpso n MAZENOD OC vs AJAX Field: D. Harford, M . Forde Bounda ry: D. Fowler, T. Kramme Goal: W. Fowler (Rot)


ELSTERNWICK PARK MATCHE S Clubs playing EP matches are provided with entry tickets for players and officials . Clubs and players are advised that players who give their entry tickets away will have their clubs invoiced for the number of players/officials without tickets given "free" entry. P. Stevens

41 40 39 31 31 32 24 18 17 17

D SECTION by Tom i n

And so to the half way mark, things are sorting themselves out a little, it's obvious that the OGs and the Tigers are the sides to beat, with the rest of us having to improve to catch them . My best result for the season with 4/S, only let down by my own side, thanks Boys! REVIE W After North kicked the first goal of the game the St Kevins boys regrouped quickly and managed to keep Northies to only 1 major for the rest of the game. SKOBS believe they should have won by a lot more as some inexusable lapses in front of the goal cost them dearly and certainly did not do their percentage any good . North believe they were never in the hurt made too many mistakes and just weren't good enough . Best players for SKOBS were Nat Causer that man Michael Pivetta again and Rob Gross . For North three of their stalwarts in Midge Di Marco, Adrian Tirchett and Keith Hehir all put in everything for their club. Best wishes and a speedy recovery to a great Skobber, Hartley Stone who dislocated his shoulder for the third time . Perhaps the 2 km run by Thomastown took it's toll on the players (this was before the game) as they squandered a 4 gl 1/2 line lead into a costly 7 gl defeat, it just goes to show how important concentration is and what a good side the Hoes must be to inflict an 11 gl turnaround in a half of football . A great gamefrom Marty "Showstopper" Stewart especially in the 3rd stanza where he had some 12 kicks, Mark Dyson returned to his usual form, Martin Tozer played well Jarryd Weedle took a screamer and the Yobbo has learnt howto dance after kicking a gl . I believe that Tony Fellows was by far Thomastown's best player well assisted by Adam Smith and Simon Plant . Thanks Agate. St Bedes/Mentone Tigers started the game in excellent fashion teamed together well and by half time had built a substantial 34 pt buffer . After the long break the Blacks regrouped closed the gap got their running game going and at one stage narrowed the gap to 2 pts, but to their credit the Tigers steadied and kicked away in the final minutes to record a meritorious victory . Better players for the victors were Diggins McCraw and McCarthy. No news from the Blacks camp this week . Who said that Brunswick could not play on a big ground, foolishly it must have been this scribe. Well they certainly proved me wrong well and truly by playing a better brand of football all day to completely demoralise a Rovers side that was a mere shadow of the one that ran the OGs so close last week, although Rovers are struggling injury wise at the moment . The Wicks had many good players including Lars Cordes, Ken Beaumont, Richo (or should that be something else) Blackie and Wato, For Hampton regulars Chip Le Grand and Darren McConville both played well Mark Blake had a dip and Gavin Deveraux made a fine return from injury. Kevin "Chilli" Segota learnt the new nickname Chuckey and then after the aftermatch at Blackie's was most enjoyable. Thanksto Morag and The Professorfortheir hospitality.

Out at Frearon it was a day of mixed fortunes and 2 halves . The Cys completely dominated the first half and at one stage led by 35 pts. Somehow the 0 Geelong side were then able to lift themselves up a gear and managed to kick 16 of their 19 gls after the long break to completely turn the game around and end up winning by some 30 pts. Full forward Adam Howells led the way with some 9 gis . Stu Glascott, Fridge Herman, Edmunds and Rigby were all good OGs . Best for the Cy's were Mark "Big Bird" Cannon rucking Greg Clark in the backline ever reliable Alan "Dirty" Harry and Andrew "Chad" Morgan who made a fine return at CHE PREVIEW And so we start the 2nd Round and how vital do all these games promise to be . St Kevins travel to Willy on Sunday and with a few players to come back in are confident they can reverse the Round 1 result although it will not be easy on the Cy's windswept oval, but I'll tip the visitors to just win . Old Ivanhoe should continue on their winning way with a big win over the struggling North Brunswick . The Tigers at home are virtually unbeatable and wil l not have much troubletoday in inflicting another defeat to Thomastown to avenge their short Round 1 loss . A very important game for both sides takes place at David Street, it really is a must win for both for differing reasons, both sides have been hot and cold but the Blacks have been a bit more consistent, as I'm trying to win a tipping contest I'll tip the visitors. Brunswick travel to Como in a very important game for them . We now know that they can play on a big ground so the size will not worry them but I think the OGs talent might be just too much for them . SELECTIONS: St Kevins, Old Ivanhoe, Old Geelong, StBedes/Mentone Tigers, University Blacks . MILESTONES : Tony Giaquinta played his 100th game last week against the Blacks, and this week young veteran Tim Beasley plays his 150th . Well done and congratulations to you both from all Tiger supporters . Also at Old Ivanhoe both Shane Vaughan and John Stevens reach 50 games, well done to you all . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : Slight lapse last week with only 8/10 make contact . Let's not relax this week just because we've had a week off . Don't forget the numbers. Phone 571 4808 and Fax 569 8766 until 5 .30 pm Mondays .

MELEES - BEWARE A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other s imilar such conduct" .


SENIORS ST _°VINS 5 .3 7.6 11 .14 13 .22.100 NOt~yH BRUNSWICK 1 .1 1.6 2 .8 2.13.25 ST KEVINS Gross 2, Lee-Conway 2, Clohessy 2, Causer, Callil, Bendorrichia Verberne, Keenan, Brady, Mulcahy . BEST Causer, Pivetta, R Gross, Dynan, Mulcahy, Brady. NORTH BRUNSWICK Briffa, Lianeas . BEST Dimarco, tirchett, Thorpe, Keay, Lirosi, Boudolom. OLDlVANHOE 6 .0 8.5 15.14 23 .17.155 4 .3 12.5 14.5 16 .10.106 THOMASTOWN O IVANHOE Stewart 7, Stevens 2, Farlacas 2, Clarkson 2, Karrayannis 2, Weddle 2, Dyson 2, Douglas, Huber . BEST M . Stewart, M . Tozer, M . pyson, S. Kent, J . Weddle, M . Karrayannis. THOtAASTOWN Smith 5, Petsinis 4, Langbourne 2, Arcoraci, Papaioanov, Colosimo, Plant, Fellows . BEST Colosimo, Plant, Smith, Fellows, Ristevski. ST BEDES/NIENTONE TIGER 3.4 7.9 9.12 13 .17.95 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .2 2.5 7.7 11 .11 .77 ST BEDES/MENT Gray 2, McCraw 2, MacGeorge 2, McCarthy 2, Edwards 2, Beasley 2, Jones. BEST Diggins, McCraw, McCarthy, Kinsella, Beasley, Lannan . UNI BLACKS Bromell 4, Evans 3, Caccaviello, Rourke, Ellis, Pesavento. BEST Caccaviello, Townsend, A . Gray, Begley, Rourke, Evans. HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .2 5.4 9.10 13 .11 .89 BRUNSWICK 3.4 6.6 13.10 18.12 .120 HA M PTON Panagiotidis 3, Crawford 2, Melnjak 2, Amoore, Blake, LeGrand, Tregear, Wills . BEST Le Grand, Wills, Deveraux, Alessi, McConville, Blake, R . Melnjak . BRUNSWICK Beaumont 5, Ogilvie 5, Cordes 2, Moore 2, Cross 2, Williamson, Stevens . BEST Cordes, Black, Hall, Hewitt, Beaumont, Moore . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 .4 5.9 11 .10 13.13.91 OLD GEELONG 0.0 3.6 12 .7 19 .7.121 WILLIA MSTOWN Graham 5, Hampson 2, Cannon, Harry, Kurkowski, Morgan, Singleton, Turnley . BEST Cannon supported by a noble team effort. O GEELONG Howells 9, Manton 6, O'Halloran, Glascott, Edmonds, Bain . BEST Herman, Glascott, Ritchie, Edmonds, Howells, Lee .

SENIORS HOWELLS, Old Geelong (9) CRAWFORD, Hampton Rovers (2) STEWART, Old Ivanhoe (7) STEVENS, Old Ivanhoe (2) MacGEORGE, St Bedes/Mentone Tiger (2 ) RESERVES SPINKS, University Blacks (0) LITTLE, University Blacks (1) LEWIN, St Kilda/South Caulfiel d COLLEDGE, Old Ivanhoe (1) MOORFIELD, University Blacks (0)

53 44 27 26 26 19 19 19 18 17

OLD IVANHOE FC PE .'.SONAL MILESTONE S Old Ivanhoe FC wish to congratulate John Stevens and Shane Vaughen on reaching 50 games today (19/6/93) . Johnny 'Aloha' Stevens is noted for his flamboyant style both on and off the field, with his famous 'goosestep' and his infamous choice of clothes . Shane `Vaugheny' is an up and coming player of great potential . Well done and good luckfrom all at 0 Ivanhoe.


RESERVES ST KEVINS 6.0 8.3 11 .10 15.11 .101 NORTH BRUNSWICK 0.1 3.1 3.1 4 .3.27 ST KEVINS Fogarty 4, Lewin 3, Footner 2, Corridan, Herman, Chapman, Stone, Lee-Conway, Williams. BEST Fogarty, Williams, Thomas, Howard, Fox, T. Bare. NTH BRUNS Britfa, Johnston, Houston, Hehir . BESTJohnston, Hodgson, Saunders, Smales, McCall, Adams . OLD IVANHOE 2 .3 3.5 4.6 5.10.40 THOMASTOWN 2 .2 5.5 8.9 10.11 .71 O IVANHOE Marshall, Colledge, Cormack, Parry. BEST B. Parry, C. Cunvell, M . Power, M . Hall, D. Caddy, D. Suta . THOMASTOWN Leale 4, Batista 2, Latouf 2, Plowright, Fellows . BEST Karambelas, Fellows, Giacobbe, Leale, Latouf . ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGER 1 .2 3 .3 4 .9 6.8.44 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .4 4 .8 4 .8 10.11 .71 ST BEDES/@9ENTONE Foot-Connolly 2, Lomagno 2, Naylor, Tomlinson . BEST Earle, Smith, D. Goodchild, R . Lomagno, D. O'Brian, Foot-Connolly. UNI BLACKS Carram 5, Phillips 2, ?, Little, Collins . BEST Phillips, Collins, ?, Carrah, Devlin, Ritchie. HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .3 6 .6 1 .8 9.11 .65 BRUNSWICK 3.3 3 .3 6.7 7.8.50 HAMPTON Hibbs 2, M . Alessi 2, J . Alessi, Marshall, Mather, Ivey, Terry. BEST Ivey, Mather, Sadler, McLeod, Terry, Hibbs . BRUNSWICK M . Sayers3, Burgess2, P. Sayers. BESTCoIledge, Calopa, Kennedy, Burgess . WILLIAPASTOWN CYMS 0.1 0.2 1 .3 4.3.27 OLD GEELONG 6.1 11 .2 13.4 18.8.116 WILLIAMSTOWN Dervan 3, Kewin . BEST McLeod, Cabansag, Genova, Finch . O GEELONG Morton 5, Taylor 4, Laws 2, McGowan 2, Richardson 2, Logan, Burbank. BEST Spiden, Taylor, Richardson, Rigby, Logan, McGowan . ~

i0 .

-e r- (01 ttl 14 ,,



. .~_ ~

--__ WILLIAMSTOWN vs ST KEVINS (Fearon Res . Sunday 20) Field: D. Anderson, R . Eastwood

Boundary: K. Eastwood, M . Russmussen OLD IVANHOE vs NORTH BRUNSWICK Field: J. Moore, T.Sutcliffie ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERS vs THOMASTOWN Field: A . Ladd, M . Gilday HAMPTON ROVERS vs UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field: C . Rowe, K. Segota OLD GEELONG vs BRUNSWICK Field., H . Little, S . Harfor d

MELEES - BEWARE A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other similar such conduct" .



in a match where St Leos will be very on Gfennuntiy keen to avenge their first round loss and as such should REVIEW .So be too strong for Glenhuntly. In a round full of upsets I managed only 2 winners finally achieving that winning feeling, at the half way mark of the season the four looks settled, p,NZ Bank after and lately Aquinas should not who will be keen to return to the winners play Doveton however Old Essendon list after last weeks' lapse and should be too strong for be discounted . convincingly defeated by the Zedders . Old Camberwell were should notch uptheir . The greasy conditions proved lnthefinal game, Powerhouse Aquinas OB by 55 pis and at no stage third straight win in a row with a victory over Bulleen Old Camberwell a stumbling block for did they look like winning . Aquinas jumped Old United . 0 Camberwell, St Leos Camberwell from the start and never released the SELECTIONS : Aquinas OB, . Best players for Aquinas Wattle Park, Doveton and Powerhouse . pressure from that point on were Whelan 8 gls, Hocking, Knights and Kelly, whilst : Old habits creeping for Old Camberwell Peter Kerkuleit on the half back line PRESS CORRESPONDENTS 1out 41 ther e received . . reports back in only 7110 and rover Adam Kyriacou were their best 3 or Faxb268 4 3 Old Essendo~~oto from Bulleen? Phone 268 In wet and slippery conditions, down their first home game for the year going . who managed to hold on and win by 6 pis Glenhuntly In a very even game as reflected in the scores and TON=S AT ST LEO' S extremely importantto both sides, finals aspirations Ol d were All at St Leos wish to congratulate thefollowing players Ingram, 200 y and fough t reaching their milestones . Steve `spary' committed . Although undermanned~Glenhuntl the was : evergreen big man owfhoour su~cess . games (22/5/93) well to take the 4Mance s . Gh Jackoland Tim aHillip laying and off the field have been a big par t ably led by David Peter ` M ax' McNamara, 50 gmore g~ea`'t/games for well on the wings . showed that they were worthy ball player who will play many ,qlford i00 games St Leos Wattle Park . Richard 'Ally ' of holding top spot with an impressive 77 pt victory over. the two; blues highly skilled ruckman who is having atop year with 4 quarters of solid team football 516(93} Doveton Andrew `Bull' Gill, 150 2nd as coach of the reserves . Ruckplace rovers Don Dincolantonio and Justin Murphy ~rem~ership/p strong, dashin, hal f played well all day for St . Leos. plenty to comeack and dual ANZ have finally broken the drought with a 58 pt d ANZ it wa victory over Bulleen United . s the way g w~c h t~s an v see side playto make the result a comfortable one theythe combined ELSTERNWICK vs AQUINAS 0 B gives them great heart forthe second half ofthe season . Field: P. Harris, D. Knott In a great team effort, special mention to Matt "Sam" g Boundary: L . Henry, C. Brajtber L Malone in the forward line and Peter "Axe" Strachan OLD ESSENDON MRCoOLD CAMBERWEL in the ruck for ANZ . defeated Field: G . Waldron , Powerhouse ST LEOS W P vs GLENHUNTLY In the final game of the round, . 2 oval . Powerhouse by 46 pts on the No Feld: A. Kilner (Rot), G_ .Keane Elsternwick jumped Elsternwiick in the first qtr, and after that th Boundary: D . Gourley, C Swift eam,ho ANZ BANK vs DOVETO N w icketsbatledhardfortheBestgplayersforeth e Field: R . Burns, D . Ear p y unable to make up n and Simon Kelly across the half POWERHOUSE vs BULLEEN UNITED House were Sam Evans y per Field: B. Reicheft, M . Pinne forward line, d Adam Hankin wickets their i better , l yergsh Murphy an PREVIEW OB o n A melee is "Where an incident takes Elsternwick host a much improved Aquinas . 2 oval and in what should be a turn around from . the No place involving players, pushing, the 1st round result, Aquinas OB should take the ptsd do battle against Ol scragging, jumping into packs, Old Essendon Grammar both sides lost last week and this week Camberwell, throwing each other to the ground or is a must for both teams wishing to stay in touch with . I'll tip Old Camberwell to get the points other similar such conduct" . the leaders narrowly . St Leos Wattle Park ta e ln the match of the round,


SENIORS AQUINAS 0 B 5 .4 10.6 15 .9 18 .12 .120 CAMBERWELL 1 .2 5 .5 8 .8 9.11 .65 OLD AQUINAS Whelan 8, Hacking 2, Lamborn 2, Vankerkhoven 2, Tarulli Crawford, Livingstone, King. BEST Hacking, Knights, Kelly, Whelan, Vankerkhoven, Livingstone. OCAMBERWELL Horskins4, McCrea 2, Cocks, Kynacou, McHutchison . BEST Kerkvleit, Kyriacou, Ewart, Horskins, Gibbs, O'Hara . OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2 .4 8 .6 11 .10 11 .11 .77 GLENHUNTLY 3 .7 6.11 9.11 12 .11 .83 O ESSENDON Grant 3, Dudderidge 2, Agosta 2, Cook, Tappa, Tonks. Whitfield. BEST Pana, Mansfield, Cook, Agusta, Grant, Crameri . GLENHUNTLY Disco 4, Hill 2, Antonio, Jacko, Dicko, Holloway, Roaster, BEST Mance, Jacko, Holloway, Withers, Hill, Dicko . ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 6.5 13 .8 17.8 23.11 .149 DOVETON 2.5 4 .6 5 .10 10.12.72 ST LEOS Murphy 5, Burke 4, Pitcher 3, Corrigan 2, Douglas 2, Dittcolantonio 2, Kelly, Kenrry, Nankervis . Shack lock . BEST Dincalantonio, pqurphy, Callaghan, McNamara, Nankervis, Sargeant . DOVETON Goodwin 3, CiPressi, Campbell, Reiger, Pauline, Virgovra, Feeman, Burgess BEST Khalil, Goodwin, J Rieger, Virgona, S . Rieger Freeman . ANZ BANK 8 .2 10.8 17.8 19.10.104 BULLEEN UNITED 3.4 6.6 9.9 9 .12 .66 ANZ BANK Malone 4, Snelling 3, Cox 2, Lawrence 2, Lasslet 2, Lengacher 2, O'Brien 2 . Cairns, Harbinson . BEST A great team effort . BULLEEN Avery 3, Morley 2, Thompson, Inglese, McFarlane, Battiscombe. BEST Avery, Flew, Humphrey, Morley, Onley, Cotterill . ELSTERNWICK 1 .2 3.6 8 .6 12.9.81 POWERHOUSE 5.7 9.12 14 .21 17.25.127 ELSTERNWICK Andrews 3, Ivett 2, Walker 2, Mahony 2, Orgil, Osborne, Shine. BEST Walker, Hankin, Murphy, D. Contin, A. Conlin, Mahoney . POWERHOUSE Stafford 5, Kelly 3, Scotland 3, Richardson 2, Doyle Higgins, Evans, Mcllroy. BESTS . Evans, P. Ford, J . Kemp S. Kelly, F. Doyle, L . Massag6a. RESERVES AQUINAS O B 1 .2 1 .2 2 .3 3 .4 .22 OLD CAMBERWELL 4.6 7.9 13.12 16.14 .110 AQUINAS Harris, Joyce, Duffy. BEST Rogers, Sheehan, Wans, Crouch, McKeown, Belli .

0 CAMBERWELL Wright 3, Inkster 3, Swann 2, Gale 2, Burmeister 2, Town, Kent, Sim, Horskins . BEST B . Taylor, D. Sim, A . Taylor, T. McManus, A . Wright, J. Ned . OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2.2 5 .8 8.10 8.13.61 GLENHUNTLY 0 .4 0 .5 4 .6 5.7.37 0 ESSENDON Evans 3, Lucas 2, Shaw, Stevens . BEST Goodwill, Lucas, Swift, Cram, Murray, Shaw. GLENHUNTLY O'Shannesy, Brack, Levey, Boxshall, Talarico . BEST Oaten, Gorden, Stewart, Timms, Ley, D. O'Shannesy. ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 4.2 5 .6 11 .8 16 .9 .105 DOVETON 0 .3 0 .3 0 .6 1.7.13 ST LEOS Compton 2, Greely 2, Ingram 2, Knowles 2, Vandenacker 2, Dincolantonio, Jones, Morris, Kenny, Lerusque, Quilty . BEST Ingram, Quilty, Vandenacker, Bourke, Jones, Greely . DOVETON Hill . BEST Muirhead, Giddens, Sweeney, Sormesley, Ruston, McGougan. ANZ BANK 0.2 5 .6 6 .8 10.10 .70 BULLEEN UNITED 1 .4 1 .4 1 .7 2.8.20 ANZ BANK Morse 2. McCarthy 2, Pashas 2, Landbourne, Spinner, Nicholson, Toomey . BEST McCarthy, R . Liddell, J . Liddell, Lovett, Hayes, Haggar. BULLEEN Cartledge, Rainbow . BEST Rainbow, Lambevski, Berkfield, Pasanti, Frayne, Stratton. ELSTERNWICK 2 .1 5 .3 6.8 7.8.50 POWERHOUSE 2 .3 3 .7 4.11 7.15.57 ELSTERNWICK Abrahams 2, Kirkham 2, Cook, Eklom, Heath . BEST Bower, Hammer, Beaney, Ramsay, Bullard, Eklom . POWERHOUSE Taylor 3, Wildes, O'Sullivan, Kemp, Blowfield . BEST M . Taylor, J . Griffin, R. Wildes, P. O'Sullivan, C. Boschert . P Stewart.




DYKE, Doveto n VAUGHAN, St Leos W .P. ANDREWS, Elsternwick LENGACHER, ANZ Bank D. PROVAN, Old Camberwell RESERVES PYKE, Old Camberwel l BURKE, St Leos W.P. EVANS, Old Essendon STEVENS, Old Essendon

(0) (0) (3) (2) (0)

43 39 33 31 25

(0) 31 (0) 24 (3) 24 (1) 2 0



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I_~~IIII :I i



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F1 SECTION by Michael Noona n

Leadership of the F1 Premiership ladder changed for the fifth time this season with St Johns shooting to the top after a big win in Round Nine. St Ma rys paid dearly for their loss by slipping to second, while Latrobe, St And rews and Peninsula are separated only by percentage in their battle for third and fourth spots . Salesian seem to have got over their losing habit and are hanging on in sixth spot while UHSOB, St Pats, West Brunswick and Old Carey have all got a lot of work to do to keep their finals hopes alive. REVIEW As predicted, Latrobe proved too strong for St Ma rys, running home winners by eight gls . An undermanned St Marys lacked the confidence and depth to overcome a solid Latrobe, who have now advanced to third spot on the Iadder. St Johns continued on their winning way with a 97 pt win over an inconsistent St Pats at Southern Road . The home side had plenty of the ball but failed to capitalise on opportunities and were unable to get back into the game after being down by 17 gls at half-time. UHSOB notched up their second consecutive win with a thumping 50 pt victory over West Brunswick. The long trip did not deter Peninsula from disposin g of Old Ca rey at Bulleen by 57 pts . In a hard-fought game in wet conditions, Peninsula booted eight gls to one in the second term to set up the win and move another step towards the four. Salesian surprised all with a close 11 pt win over St And rews at Coburg . Salesian, who won their first three, lost the next four and have now won the last two, will be looking for some consistency in the second half of the season and, if all goes well, a place back in the four. PREVIEW Peninsula will be looking for a firm spot in the fou r when they meet Salesian at home in the F1 Match of the Day . Both teams will be confident after coming off big wins and both are definite finals contenders . The Pirates are always difficult to beat at home and, although they lost to Salesian by 14 gis in Round One, they should get the pts with a five gl win . St M a ry s thrashed a bewildered St Pats by 61 pts in the first game of the season and will be hoping they can dothe same again . St Pats, however, love the home crowd and should put up a better fightthistime around . St Mary's have struggled recently and will be beaten if they cannot regain their earlier form and confidence . St Andrews will be looking to make ammends after their Round Nine loss and they should have little trouble against UHSOB at Coburg . UHSOB lost by 10 gIs in their first round clash and should relive that same result once again . Old Carey have still yet to notch up a win and will be hoping that this is the week. At home and with a number of U/19 players in the side (they have a bye) I'm going to go out on a limb and pick Old Carey to beat Latrobe in a close finish . West Brunswick play host to the seemingly

unconquerable St Johns at Parkville. It won't be as easy as their 22 gl annihilation in Round One but St Johns should keep their spot on top and come home by 10 gls . MILESTONES Congratulations to Kelvin Shrives of Old Carey who plays his 100th game this week . SOCIAL ÂŽ Old Ca rey will be holding their annual "Grand in the Hand" reverse raffle on 26th June at North Fitzroy . ÂŽ St Pats will be having a night with Allen Jakovich at the Hub in Mentone on Friday, 25 June . e Peninsula are having a "Karoake Night" this Saturday. FACT FIL E St Andrews Coburg AFC began as a junior club in 1963, forming a senior side in 1968 and participating in three different leagues before joining the VAFA in 1986 . The club won a B Grade premiership in the Metropolitan Football League in 1977 and has yet to win a VAFA premiership, coming second in 1990. Terry Wilson, one of the club's stars, won the goalkicking in 1986, 87 and 88 before leaving to play at Latrobe . He has returned to play with the club this year in what they hope will be their first VAFA Premiership year . I OLD CAREY vs LATROBE UNI Field: R. Mayston (Rot), B. Noonan Bounda ry T. russell, L . Russel l ST PATRICKS MENTONE vs ST MARYS Field: G . Walter, A . Kie l WEST BRUNSWICK vs ST JOHNS OC Field: A. Belcher, A. Firle y ST ANDREWS COBURG vs UHSOB Field: C. Box, J . Ischi a Boundary: D. Ischia, M . Crossland PENINSULA OB vs SALESIANS Field: G . Thwaites, (Rot), D. Kramer

SENIORS CINCOTTA, Salesian s CHARLTON, St Johns WILSON, St Andrews Coburg KREUZER, Latrobe University FOX, St Andrews Coburg RESERVES CAMPBELL, St Andrews Coburg (2) 22 PEISLEY, Peninsula OB (2) 20 BLASKETT, Latrobe Uni (1) 18 CANAL, St Johns (0) 16 MANNES, Peninsula (1) 15

SENIORS L,- TROBE UNIVERSITY 6.2 8.4 13.4 15.9 .99 2 .5 6.8 7.9.51 ST MARYS 1 .1 LATROBE Ivey6, Robinson 5, Cousins, Fredrickson, Kreuzer, Liersch . BEST Bakogianis, Brown, Edmunds, Fredrickson, Wallis, lveh . ST MARYS Ross 2, Sloan, Clark, Black, Burt, Jackson . BEST Huebner, Learmonth, O'Rourke, Binyon, Faulkner. ST PATRICKS MENTONE 0.2 1 .4 3.10 7.11 .53 ST JOHNS 0 C 8.3 17.6 20.10 23 .13.151 ST pATS Murphy 2, Sullivan, Barry, Gunter, Noonan, Sebire . BEST Sullivan, James, Kellett, Barry, Andrew, Allinson . ST JOHNS Ladson 6, Back 3, Walton 2, LaBrody2, Chariton 2, Doherty, Koppers, Higgins, Cockayne, Nichalsen, Sheehan, Pattison . BEST Adamson, Waters, Storai, Meegan, Pattison, Rachelle . WEST BRUNSWICK 5.5 5.7 8.10 10.11 .71 UHSOB 6 .5 9.6 13.9 18 .13.121 WEST BRUNSWICK McNiece3, Capron 2, Magafas 2, Gray, Labadidi, Konstantin dis. BEST Gray, Wilkie, Lewis, Bargiamidis, Fyffe, Labadidi. UHSOB Epifano 4, Rothwell 2, Smith 2, Bennett 2, Verdi 2, Gathercole 2, Mazza 2, Wallace, Strahan . BEST Bennett, Williams, Gunthorpe, Rothwell, Skinns, Bales . ST ANDREWS 2 .3 2 .8 5.10 11-12 .78 SALESIAN 0 C 5.0 9.3 13.4 14 .5 .89 STANDREWS Fox3, Wilson 3, Peterson 2, Conlan, Ford, Tulloch . BEST Ashby, Ford, J . Karslake, P Karslake, Rule, Wallace . SALESIAN Cincotta 5, Canavan 4, Lawton 3, Bobetic, Hunt . BEST Maillard, Castaldi, Mitchell, Gilmore, Seager, Hood . OLD CAREY 2 .1 3 .3 6.8 8.10 .58 PENINSULA 0 B 4.3 11 .6 13.10 17.13 .115 OLD CAREY Cutlack2, Dyson, Price, McQuie, Sheedy, Snelling, Wilson . BEST Gray, McQuie, Drover, Gorman, Cutiack . PENINSULA Warne-Smith 5, W iltshire 3, Nelson 2, Farrer 2, McMahon, Corke, Davies, Torossi, Hayes . BEST Farrar, Stewart, Hayes, Wiltshire, Nelson, Angus.

RESERVES LATROBE UNIVERSITY 5 .2 10.5 13 .8 16.15.111 ST MARYS 0 .2 0.3 0 .3 0.3.3 LA TROBE Wright 4, Scanlon 3, Henderson 2, Moeliker 2, Sidebottom 2, Blaskett, Harrop, Rider. BEST Wright, Moeliker, Richards, Shaw, Blaskett, Scanlon. ST MARY'S Nil . BEST Raven, Edgar, Prior, Malcolm . ST PATRICKS MENTONE 7 .5 .47 ST JOHNS 0 C 12 .10 .82 ST PATS Davis 5, Hawker, Wise. BEST Wise, Seedsman, Davis, Ladds . O'Brien, Hawker. ST JOHNS Carroll 3, Hancock 2, Shaer, Munnikius, Pradel, Pye, Duca, Corcoran, Liddell. BEST Monroe, Ladson, Shaer, Munnkius, Thomas, Emery . WEST BRUNSWICK 3 .3 6 .6 7.8 10.9 .69 UHSOB 1 .3 5 .8 8.10 10.10.70 WEST BRUNSWICK McNeice 3, Tersigni 2, Morrissey 2, Baker, Else, Marlow . BEST Hatzistavrou, Morrissey, Tersigni, Baker, McNaughton, Marlow . UHSOB Kountios 3, Flavel 2, Fennessy 2, Gonis, Ajouz, Hudd . BEST team effort . ST ANDREWS 3 .5 5 .7 8 .8 11 .9 .75 SALESIAN 0 C 1 .3 5.5 9 .6 10.10 .70 ST ANDREWS Leaver 4, Campbell 2, Houston 2, Saddler 2, lies . BEST Adams, Gleisner, Iles, Leaver, Little, Wright . SALESIAN Miller 4, Stasinos, Byrne, Makeham, Clohesy, Sutherland, Spencer . BEST Miller, Sutherland, Clohesy, Spencer, Quinn, Peiper. OLD CAREY 4 .2 4 .2 6 .4 8.7.55 PENINSULA 0 B 2 .4 7.10 7.12 8.16 .64 OLD CAREY Everitt 4, Thomas, Barton, Drake, Freeman . BEST Thomas, Parker, Sheedy, Barton . PENINSULA Peisley2, Parson, Cross, Marines, Baxter, Morgan, Glover . BEST Landrey, Atchison, Krohn, Morgan, BAxter, Cook .


100 AT O LD CARE Y Kelvin Shrives today (19/6/93) plays his 100th game against LaTrobe. The straight ahead defender joined the club in '87 from the school and has fitted in well to the senior line-up. All at Old Carey wish Kelvin the best on the next 100. Well done Kel .

A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players, pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each othertothe ground or other similar such conduct" ,


ELSTERNWICK PARK . 300 GAME PLAYERS A`Hall of Fame' is to be set up as part of the new Elsternwick Park extensions. Any club who has produced a player who has played 300 or more Amateur games is invited to supply a framed photograph of this player to be displayed . Please note that the 300 games must be made up of senior and interstate rep . games only. The photo supplied must be of the player taken from during his playing days . Please include a brief description of the player and his career. These details will be inscribed on a small plaque and mounted on the player's photo . Each week names of 300 game players' photos received will be published . Enquiries : Phil Stevens

Sports Photo s

"Team Photos Promote Team tfit .9-9

Ask for Barbara f --, r , -~ a- _ FAX: 8 74 862 8 A-One Sports Photos

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Sat 11-11 .30 am . - Amateur Footy Show hosted by Larry Stephens with studio guests . Sat 6 .30 pm - All VAFA results .


88 .3


Thurs 3 .15 pm - John Kelly chats about Amateur footy with Phil Stevens . Sat 6 .30 pm - VAFA results with Andrew Clifton

"VAFA SUNDAY" ON SOUTHERN FM 88 .3 every Sunday Mor ning 9 - 9 .30 am with host Michael Schiavello and accompanied each week by either Adam Kenyon or David Holland . Scores, interviews, competitions and comments .

9.20 am every Friday Adam Kenyon presents VicHealth VAFA Report on Leon Wiegard's Good Sports Sho w

Adam Kenyon previews weekend matches and the Diadora

LD-SUNPlayer of last week's round is announced .

SUND.ip j(AERALD-SUNAdarn Kenyon reviews matches.


Pat Maher reviews matches played .

presents a full wrap up of all matches L~r, 'E , ® Adam Kenyon including ladders for ai1 sectinns

Under 19 S ection 1 CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach: M . Carus! 1- B. Rattray 2. S. Fischer 3. T. Spirli 4. J . Caru s 5. A. DeVincentis 6. M . Reaby 7, V. Piccioli (VC) 8- F. Paola 9. S . Foste r 10 . J. Woodward tt . D. Paola (C) 12 . M- Burke 13 . E. Kerr 14. L . Lowen 15, N . Romano 16. L . McGuire 17. J. Pignataro 19. M . Quinn 20. C. Crosland 21, M . Sontag 23- J, Cochrane 24 .P Egan 25, M . Mobilia 26 . M . Walker 27 S . McIntosh 31 . P. DiCiero 32 . D. Sutherland (DVC) 34 . R . Henderson 35. P. Di Ludovico 41, J. Mosc a 47. A. Aisbury

DE LA BLUE Coach : Noel Jenkinson 2. A . Scott 3. D. Gleason 4. D.V Smit h 6. A. Fountoulakis 8. P. Grant 9. M . Macorra 10. C . Makinson 11 . A . Grant 12. A . Malitzia 13 . P. Conroy (Capt) 15. D. Par r 16. KT Greene 17. D . Larkin 18. D. Pearson 19 . B .Fuog 20. A . Frawley 21 .T.Dundon(VC) 22 .C .Hynes 24. P. Satchel[ (VC) 32. J . Gallagher (VC) 47. M . McGrath 48.P.Ronch i

M ARCELLIN MAZE N OD Coach : Sco tt Christiansen Coach: Tom De Youn g 1 . J . Keay s 1 . D . Huggins 2. C. Williams 3 . C. Purcel l 4 . Jason Ibrahim 5. A. Nasrallah 6. L .Toscano 7. L . Thompson 8. D. Moran 9. D. Coutts 10. N . Godwin (VC) 11 . John Ibrahim 12 . A. Labagnara 13 . S. Mathews (Capt) 14. Troy Cox

15. D. Evans-Smith 16. M . Lowr y 17. R . Bromage 18. B . Moran 19 . Rob 20. R. Carafa 21 . M . Sanelli 22. S. Abbott 23. M . Sammut 24. C. Leffley 25. G . Fava 26. A. Howard 27. D. Waters


OLD MELBURNI A NS 1 . D . Fiel d 2 . A . Henshaw (VC) 3 . J . Disney 4 . J . Wilson 5 P Gason 6. T Hudson 7 . T. Treseder 8 J . O'Carroll 9 . J . Campbell 10. R . Hewit t

11 . M . McCarty-Salmon 12 . M . Thomas 13. G . Stooke 14. D . Yan 15 A . McIntosh 16. D . Brockeridge IT G . Muchian (VC) 18. R . Egleton 19 .D.Tnndade 20. B. Luckoc k 21 . L . Silk 22. J . Spry 23. M . Jobling 24 .T. Carmichael 2& S . Kuhn 27. B. Telford 28.A. McKean 30. J . Gourky 32 . T. Elstoft (VC) 35. M . Pringles 39. H . Selby-Smith 41 .C .Sonneberg 42. McLea n 44 . A. Read

® Cavd`~'-Cln .

Coach: Paul Hodles 1 . J. Wiliam s 2 . P. Appel 3.L .Sheddon 4. G . Katris (Capt) 5. C . Leon e 6. N . Linford (V.Capt) 7. S . Kitto 8. G . New 9. I . Jones 10. S . Martin 11 . L. Dwyer 12, M . Dail 13. C. Leave r 14. .UJorgenson 15. B. Murphy 16. M. Sewel l 17. L . Lean 18.J. Winduss 19. M . Finnis 20. B . Karp 21 . G . Lucas 22 . D. Johnson 23.A .Swan 24. K . Perry 25 M . Elliott 26. G. Angelis 27. B. Samild 28. D. Murphy 29. C . Littl e 30. S. Ellaway 31 .T.Langler 32 . S . Anderson 33. C . Rushv,rorth 34. P Flaski s 35, S. Rya n


2 . S. Bruce 3 . D. Butler 4 . M .Goudie 5 . P. Kin g 6 . J . Fisher 7. S. Morga n 8 . B . Borg (DVC) 9 . D. Carte r 10. P. McCusker 11 . D. Medley 12 . S . Coulson 13. D. Steintort (VC) 14. S. Henderson 15. R . Sav y 16. J . Gardiner 17. Q Egan 18. M . Little 19. W. O'Hara 20.D. O'Donaghue 21 . G . Hanse n 22. J_ McCarthy 23 . B. Harper 24 . C. Falloon 25. F. Orso 26. M. Occhiutto 27. D . Krom 28. G . Barrin 29 . S . Sullivan 30. T. Bu s 31 . A, Fahey 32. D . Moore 33 . A. Loucas 34 . D. Nash 35. R.Ebert 61 . M .DeNavi 64 .S .Bourbon 70 . L . Clarke (Capt ) MAJOR SPONSOR

OLD HAILEYBURIANS Coach : Chris Lan e 1 . R . Buchanan 2 . T. Boothman 3. G . Stac k 4. S . Boothe y 6. M . Anastasios (DVC) 8. D. Wickenton 9. R . Weber 10 . A . Wood 12 . B. Metherall 13 . D. Scoffern 14 . D. Plumridg e 15. R . Bartholomeusz 16. D. Prin s

17. C . Rice 18. M . Rowe 20.T Evans 21 . C. Steven s 23. A . Pound (Capt) 26. C . Alle n 29. P. Kerr 30. A . Alcoc k 34. B. Adamopoulos 36. A . Whitake r 37. B . Nicholls 38. M . Jones 39. D. Hayter 40.J. Raby (VC) 50. A . Hilton 52 . A . Chin 53. D. Burn 54. D . Hobbs 58. M . Kelly

TWO TONE PA I NT ING Industrial • Domestic • Commercial

558 525 5 OLD XAVERI ANS Coach : Chris Anderson 1 . M . Fitzsimon (DVC) 2 . G . Dermentzi s 3. D . de Stefanis 4. L . Westmore 5. R. Ralph 6. S. Delmo 7. S . Blac k 8 J. Fitzgerald 9. J. Hawkins 10 . N . Fay . M_ Wilkinson 1 1 . P Lechte 13 15. D. Curtain 16 . S . Dluzniak 17. A . Rei s

18 . A, Jones 21 . W. Gill 22 . G. Anderson 23. S. Waddingham 24. M . Petroff 25. M . McIntyre 26. D. Strachan 2T S . Kennedy 29. C. Howard 30. M . Shortall 32 . P Thomas 33. A . Walsh 34. D. Stones (VC) 35. E. Guidic e 42 . M . Iacovangelo 53. P Hall (Capt) 67 . S. Lall y 68. P O'Brien

ORMO N D Coach: Michael Holde n 1 . L. Barrett 2 . G . King 3 . L . McGaw 4 . G .Goldman 5 . C. Turner 6 . J . Kelleher T W. Philips 8 . 5 Parkilas (VC) 9 . D. Wilks 10 L .Haddon 11 . D- Morgan 12 . D. Monk 13 D. Casperz 14. N . Rowell 15, C. Williams 16 R Milliken 17. B Kin g I& C, Neat 19. D . Wright 20 . B . Reither 21 J. Hallam 22, T Malaria (C) 23 A . Case y 25 . L . Fraser 29 F Cawcic 31 . S. Edwards 52 .F Egan 54 D Wheeler 55 L . Airey MAJOR SPONSOR

ST. BERNARD'S Coach : Terry Davi s 1 . A.Webb 2 . D. Sawicki 3. B. Hemiey 4 . D. Raciti 5. S . O'Keefe 6. M Hande T C . Parrett 8. B . Chatfield 9 . A. Zagari 10. M . Castles 11 . P. Scern 12 . M . Conroy 13 .J . Ferns 14 . S. Fox 15 . D. Croker 16 . M . Wright 17 G Morrish 18 .S.Lynch 20. J, Kavanagh 21 . S . Chatfield 22. M . Farmer 23. D. Rogers 24.S .Kennedy 25. L, Rogers 26 P. Zein e

27 Q Raffle 28 A . Farme r MAJOR SPONSO R

Lincolnshire Arms Hote l i~to~1~ I L

1 Keiior Road, North Essendon, Vic. 3041



Under 19 Central BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Coach : Mal Prior 1, N Waddell 3 G Hatton 4 G. Daisiey 5 L Earns 6 G Taylor 7 A. Sa 8 A. Ibrahim w 9 S Frase r

10 R Robertson 11 P Reid 12 C McMahon 14 G Parkinson 16 C Sha ➢ ard 17 D Hal l 18 D Cum m"" 20 R Lambest 21 B Croft 22 P. Bnndley 27 W Murphy 32 G . P.1assey 49 M . P. Ibeany 55 J Prior

Coach : Rob Pearce 1 B Joyc e 2. M Pearce 3 D Fuilwood 4 D Lynch 5 L Pearce 6 J Pace 1, N . Fanelli 8 P Ristic 9 M Stapleton 10 M O'Shea it S . Ford 13 5 Malha 15 J Anazakis 16 G Pilkmgton 18. R Gatos

20. R H,rd

ST LEO'S WATTLE PARK Coach : S . Kenealy 1 A O'Reilly 2 J Crook 3 S Manton 4 B McHugh 5 P Ch .odo 6 A N'Drue 7 D Glass (Capl) 8 A McKenzie 9 M Howar d 10 T Munro 11 K Martin (CVC) 12 D Wells 13 A Nankervis (CVC) 14 A Smith 16 M Dempsey 17 S Bainbridge 18 . T 0Keliy t9 A Dancken 20 M Fewster 21 P Byrn e 22 M OLaughim 24 S Corcoran 25 H Meehan 26 5 Morris PROUDLY SPONSORED B Y



THERRY Coach : J. Toohey 1 R Bannister (VC) 2 M . Slazyk 3 J Woodgate 4 M Eihott 5 J Brownmg 6 J Tate 7 C Kennedy 8 L Hoilow 9 G, Baker 11, W Conlan

12 S Watherhead 13 D Ram m 14 C Noona n

16 N LaFontaine (C) 17 D Goodwm (VC) 19 J Dmec h 20 D Forbes 21 P Steinke 22 E Crocktord 23 J Drenen 26 J Goodger 27 K Fitzpatr'ck 28 P H ggms 30 A Url . 31 A Culien 32 M Moroz 32 H . Flynn 35 M Kell y 36 D Ho6areau 37 D Large 58 M Finniqan



21, L Blackwood 22 L Either 12" Carter 26.5 Devh n 30. H Langtord P Jo-rigs '.. 32 J Raywrood 33 R Laver 34 R, Pac e 49 S Molloy SPONSORED BY


NORT H OLD BOYS Coach : J. Marchbank 1 . J Joyce (Capt ) 2, J Bandit 3 F Borrello 4. F Haifa 6 P 8rya r 7 P Cremona 8 S Dru m 9 M Hicks 10. J Kerr 11, A Mattiazzi 12. C McMahon 13 J Miiioms 14 T Parr y 15 . T Pntchard 16 S Sailouh 17 D S.ndom 18 G Stunneli 19. S. Trenton 20 R . Hard 21 . D Zappulia 22 D Appleyard 23 B Bryc e 24 B Egan 25 M Roberts 26 J. Jenkins 27 5, Serong 28 D Tonkin 29. H. Datfey 30 P Roumehote 31 S Basi c 32 L Collins 33 B Mono s

838 Heidelberg Rd Alphington Ph : 499 717 7

OLD CAMBERWEL L Coach: Rick James 2 . R Burnett 3 A Koknos 4 T Rei d 5 5 Hoskins 6 I Strachan 7 B McManus 8 S . Bremne r 9 T Homes (Capt) 10 T James 11 A Pochardson 12 S Williams 13 C Paterson 14 D Talbot 15, D Imberger 16. S Lethlean 17 D Palmer 18 M Mrtchell 19 R Eisom 20 A Milims 21 A . Strachan 22 BSummons 23 J Bodn a 24 J McKenzie 25 M Walker 26 . C Porter 27, P Gooch 28 L Gladman 29 J Hancock 30 N Hindaugh 31, A Williams 32 T Hardman 33 A, Hill s 34 A. Watervrorth 37 N Thomson 41. D Walker

42 S Norri s


\ ('i,l I/,~I~n p

OLD PARADIAN S Coach : A. Morelli 1 . D Dgney (VC) 2. A Ntlsov 3 P Phelan 4 M Anderson 5 N Bail 6 B Montgomery 7 L Smith 8 L Dyer 9 S Drummond 10. 8 Brabender 11 . B Heffernan 12 D Hester 13 M McCrohan 14 D McCrohan 15 J Way Call's 18 C 19 1, Morelli 20 G Beadle 21 S Moore 22. D, Gavoia 23 P Curt s 24 M McBryan i 25 M Basil e 26 D Hors n ton 27.S Farrel i 28 M Geary 29 D Neat 30 A Mulvahill 31 S Weyman 33. M Garoffolo 34 BSvnndon 35 A Vanrca (Capt) 36 A Farrell 37, D Cosma 38 S Kavanagh 40 T Wallis 52 .M Campbell








UPdI BLACICS Coach : R. Grummet 7 J-P Ric e 2 B Schoenen 3 F Stinson 4 A Macpherson 5 8 Mas r 6 D Lennen 7 N Griffin 8 B Wright 9 C Whrtely 10 M Torney 11 R Terril l 12 M. Strazdins 13 G Stafford 14 A Smith 15 N Simmonds i6 M Sherrill 17 D Ryan t8 J Patterson 19 L Macrae 20 C McDonald 21 N, M "'a 22 N Middleton ' 23 M McLellan 24 P Luca s 25 8 Lrvmgston 26 S Ker r 27 P Jens 28P Hodgson 29 R Henderson 30 R Egan 31 R Doepei 32. A . Cro,mmehn 33. J Coventry 34 J Cook 35 G Brasier 36 M BoWles 37 D Rinks 38 A Batsakis 39 M Anceschi SPONSORED BY






i E Elliott , 2 R Jamieson 3 L Patterson 4 J Dunn 5 D Walsh 6 C McCormick 7 M Addiso n 8 M Yarnali 9 P Egan


2 M . Tolley 3 M Clarkson 4 A . Randall 5A Schoene 6 P Chan

7 D Hartley 8 D Lnley 9. P. Quick 10 C Lutz

10 C Shorland 11, A Bel l

12 N Doggen 13 M Gilbert 14M Nance (Capt) 15J Newnham 16 P Dalton 17 T Mitchell 18DLee 19 J Bayes 20 C Campbell ,VC) 21 5 Lord 22 D Hirs t 23 C Matthews (DVC) 24 0 Lawrence 25 N Behrens 26. G Cotsoms 27 N. Vaslopoulos 28 C isaac s 29 B Smith 30 A Berry 32 M Thomas 33 M . Currey 35 H Morrison 36 M Belcher 39 P. Merry 54 . B Craigie 55 T Kin g A Coward V Donoud.s N Everett J Murphy R Parker N . Peter D Watts s

it T. Rya n

12 M . Tozer 13 C Chan 14 J Mansfield t5 G Douglas 16 M Woods 17 J Luk 18. C Ferguson 19 T Young 20 T Ror.vson 21 C Uinck 22 D Stott 23 6 Appleby 24 G Haros 25 P. Edbrooke 26 M Smith 27. J Singh 28 A Beckwith 29 R Weddle 30 N Mane n, 31 N Bellamy 32 D Goad 33 A Martm 34 S Kent 35 . S Vaopoulos 36 C Webe r 37 T Brya r 49 J Hempseed 71 T Byrn e 88 C Georgiou MAJOR SPONSORS





Hotel Bagdad

Coach: G . Kallinikos 1 D James 2 R Cameron 3 D Nesmit h 4 D McLaughlin 5 J Lrttl e 6 M Power 7 J Ba n 8 T Carngg 9 C Carngg 10 C Quiity 11 J McFarlane (Capt) 12 S Pinchbeck (DVC) 13 J Ri o 14 M Rafts 15 M, Duffey 16 D Wheeian 17 M Storey 18 M Falzon 19 A Larratt 20 W Uren 21 T Burgome 22 V Fin n 23 C Law (VC) 24 M Heath (DVC) 25 C Pellegrino 27 C . Hobbs 28 D Koo k 32 M Carbone 34 S Van Ella, um 36 M Wgne y 47 B Brisbane 61 A Thwaits

1 C Have 2 M Bungey (VC) 3 R J Owen 4 P Bommanto 5 G Muscatelio 6 R Menzies 7 A FC Wilcox 8 S B Waters (DVC) 9 6 Spear s 10 R Bales (C-pt) 11 K M Jamieson 12 DO Habe r 13 OB Hutchinson 14 P Aston 15 N Cavalier 16 .1 Bracken 17 M J Stanch 18 DJ Barnaby 19 A .R. Cook 20 S B A'Becket 21 M D Werner 22 L R Norton 23 H H Irving 24 NI Ambrozy 25 J Anderson 26.5 Barber 27 T Crane 28 G Forbes 29 S Gomes 30 M Jukes 31 R Calvert 32 G Kluge 33 S McCaw 34 A . McLead 35 S Rerth 36 M Read 37 A Robinson 38 S Shaw 39 A Tee:ow 40 L Velie :ey 41 M Warne r







Coach : S . Carroll


OLD iVANFiZ)E GRA M M Coach : Andy Harris IA Atkinso n


Coach : P. Atkinson 1 B Clark 2 M DeStelams (DVC) 3 T Gibson (DVC ) 4 C Smit h 5 J Shem (VC) 7 R Hall (Capt) 8 W Gutter'dge 9 C Hodson 10 T Carey 11 S Davey 12 F Camero n 13 D Alysandratos 14 S. Winstaniey 15 S Cade 16 N Kmg 17 D Vargo 18 B Campaign 19 T Antonopoutos 20 A Alexander 21 A . Seeley 22 S Wynke 23 P Makns 25 J Stucldle 26 B Gerovas:hs 27 S Donaldson 28 D Entwisie 29 L Jervis 30 A Ramsden 31 . R Denby 34 S Gleason 35 NTayier 39 P Sklavernts

OLD CARE Y Coach : Craig Jobson


~J under 19 South

COLLEGIANS Coach: Phil De Young

AJAX I . A . Rose CAU L FI EL D Coach: Mark Zuker Assistant : Steven Bendel GRAMMARIANS 3..-AA. Kesoa Coach : Peter Ollvierf 4 . A. Oldham 1~ Mehl 1 . C . Boyd 5 . R . Stubs 2. J. Klooger (DVC) 2 . N . Babarczy 6. A .BQuayfe 3. Getbart 3. C . Mathieson 87, L .ell 4, Gol d 4 . B. Samue l . D. Lumley 5, M. Retch 5. D. McKenzie 9 .D. Dege n 6, Rotstein 6 . B. Webster 10. S . Sheezel 7. Moss 7. T. Wailes 11 . B. Mooney 8. Jeremy Wrobel (VC) 8. M . Tapp (VC) 12. M. West 9, Rose n 9. M . Humphries 13 . G. Briglia 10. Nathan 10 14. A . Semmens f . M, Foste r it Assera 11 . M . Cassidy 15. L . Grant (Capt) 12. Krasnostein (DVC) 12 . R 16 r .Ravensdale . M . Johnston 14. Steine 13. R. Zylberman 17. J . Samiai 15. Szwider 14. M 18 . Weisfer . Howard . M . Hassett 16 16. N . Lubransky (DVC) 19. D. Godfrey 17, Segal 17 . J . Las 20 .Fnd t . C. Williams 18 B 19 . M . Barnett 21 .S. De Young 19. Fink 20. D. Hill . Smorgon 22 . C. Hudson 20 21 . R . Morrison 23. S. Grierson 21 . Popper 23 . D. Ash 24. A. Muir 22, Duzenman 25.J.Ewinger 25. N . Lehman 23. Abraham 27. N. McCartin 26. A. Gluth 24 . Roshandler 30. N . Gros s 27. C. James 25. Cukierman 32. A . Engleman 28. D . Munro 26. Kirzner 34 . M . Thomson 29. M . Fradkin 27.Grosman 35. B. Kuppe (Capt) 30. S. Clarke 28. Kleiman 40. E. Fellows 31 . J . Bell 29. Meltzer 42. A . Smit h 32 . L . Wills 30. Lewis 31 . Chrapo t 33 . N. De Young MAJOR SPONSOR 34. N . Manuell 32 . Braun (Capt) 35. M . Saunders 33. Bram 34 . Afadjem 36. A . Hoy 47. M . Luca s 3E C. Cohen 36. Matov 48 . C. Kringoudi s 37. Goldstat 38. Pearce 39 Engelman 40 . E . Silver 41 Ruben 48. Feldman

Coach : Steve Rust 1 . S. Gorenstein 2 . N . Fawcett 3. R . Pethybridge 4. E. Moo n 5. M . Arnott 6. D. Barnes 7. J. Vo 8. D. Bennett 9. D . Green 10. P. Tuohey 11 . S.Forsyth 12 . J. Caldwell 13.J. Gleason 14. J. Bee r

15. S . Frost 16. P. Johnston 17. A . Barrett 18 . Y. Colombies 19. D . Campbell 20 . J . Grac e 21 . C. Alexander 22. L. Goodson 23. M. Bruce 24 . D. Nuroo 25 .G . O'Shaughnessy 26. 5. Slattery 27. C. Chipperfield 28. P Holland 29 . T. Crozier 30 . B . Kohler 31 . M . Bridges 32 . D. Nixon 33. P Maher 34 . S .Castricum 35 . A . Rei d 36. J. Sgroi 37. C . Rubick 38. A . Lai 39. A. Crompton 44.T Spencer

FASHIONS Ladies & -,'ms Wear Hire ~ Sales 62 0577


(_q h~


5E96 ;14



Coach: John Harper 2. J . Dakis (Capt) 3 . H . Georgeanakis 4. M . Hope 7. A. Ross 8. R . Bulmer 11 . M . Atkinson 13. G . Taylor 16. M. Clarke 17. N. Smith 20. S . Blic k 27. M . Collins 31 . T. Williams 32 . C. McKellar 33. B. Busby 34 . S . Wills 35 . C. Morrison 37. M. Fletcher 38. A . Haggerty 44. H . Tregear SO. M. Atkinson 55 . P Harvey 63. D. Pavi s 71 . C. McGrego r

Coach : Michael Hill 1 . S. Williams 2 . B. Kerr 3. C . Gordon 4. J. Bradlex 5. S . Magee 6, C.Jackson 7.T.Lawrence 8 .J . Mendoza 9. S. Wilson 10. M . N, 'j, 11 . S. Williams 12 . A. Arendsen 13. D . Smar t

14. G . Sloa n15 u . B. Stefano 16. K. Tescuendorff 17. R . Wavish 18. R . Watnuff 19. P. Wood 20 . P. Robinson (DVC) 21 . D. Atkin 28. T. Ward 34 . M . Taylor 35. S. Swanell 39 . D. Begle d

41 . M . Biuonis (VC) 44. J. Newma n 46. T McNamara 47. D. Wilso n 49 . A . Carr 59 . T. Ferrer (Capt) 62 . E . Dimer 64. S. Antonis 65. P. Paterson

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steven Air d 1 . B. Penfold 2 . A. Elliott 3. S. Teasdale 4. S . White 5. T. Simpson 6. J . Millie 7. A . Seymour 8.D . McGowan 9. R . Gregory 10. S. Veenker 11 . P. Macmillan 12 . A. Strahan 13.S . Pryde 14 .A.Speed 15. S . Grigg 16 . A . Gaylard 17. M . Black 18. C. Hosking 19. T. McCue 20. T. Joyce 21 . C. Heath 22 . a Roberts 23. L . McDonnell 24 . P. Roberts 25 .C .Stewart 26. J. Batchelor 27. H . Everard 28. H . McAlpin 29. R. Hard y 30 . T. Pilkin



Coach: Ray 69acGill 1 . A. Clarke 2. S. Dankert 3. M. Wilson 4 . J . Pertzel 5 . J . Duketi s 6. 0 . Randhawa 7. J, Goldin (Capt) 8. P. Barge (DVC) 9 . A . Saultry 10. B. Cookman It. Z . Curran 12. M. Luttick 13. A . Lam 14.S. Roberts 15. P. Fros t 16 . J . Ramasamy 17. P.Fountas 18. T. Jackso n 19. I . Gillespie (VC) 20. D. Senn (DVC) 21 . D. McAllister 22 . N . Paton 23. E . Thomas 24. M . Atkin 25. C. Kelly 26 . L . Elliott 27. J . Clarke 28. A . Gibbons 29. P Lansley 30. L . Sayers 31 . D . Wilson 32 . D. Meena 33. M . Zaghloul 34. S . Stephens MAJOR SPONSORS

REA L ~~ST;,i E AGENTS PHON : 3441 1 H


Coach: Terry Da Koning 1 . C. Stewart 2 . S. Hunter 3. S . Napier 4, C. Meyer 5. S. Scullin 6. B. Ellerton 7. A. Chang 8. K. Bouker 9. D. Kinsella 10. J. Carroll 11 . M . Hecker 12. K . Goodchild 13 . J. McGrath 14 . M . Corderoy 15. P. Razga 16. T. Philp 17. L . Marsh .. 16. A. Hayes 19. S. Napier 20. M . Tims 21. M . Razg a 22 . Q . Pendergast 23. H. DonneRan 24. J. Stoppa 25.S . Hecker 26. J. Sebire 27. T. Georgoulis 28 . D. Hayward 29 . A . Lawlor 30. T. Fishe r 31 . S . Markham 32. L. Patrick 33. J . Johnstone 34 . L . Summers 35 . R . UHuillier 36. C. Pric e 37. T. Georgoulis 38. N. Mulquiney

w~ ~

610 Camt erwell Rd LMCT 537 Camberwall. Ph. 809 246G

Club XV111 Nort h BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Coach : Mai Prio r 1 D. Nutbean 3 M . Rollands 4. L. Cassano 5. A . Smith 6. J. Prior 7. D. Bone 8. B Brenner 9. R. Vassallo 10. A . Daroumbus 11 . S . Proba n

12 . D Lavetta 14. G . Pemberton 16. M. Brown 17 . J . Paul 18 . B . Bell 20.B.Lowa n


MESH PTY LTD Phone : 369 7211

MONASH GRYPHON S 1 . W. Spencely 2 . P Smith (Capt) 3. L . Wapling 4 . C. Robinson 5 . K. Fetterplace 7. R . Hardman 10. P. Barton 11 . D. Adams 12 .S.Jones 14, J. Williams 15. M .'Campbell 16. D. Parasol IT A . Rezauskis I& A . O'Brien 19 . J . Rubio 20.D. Adams 21 . J . Spencely 22. C . Gasparotti 25. L . Worthy

27. J . Fuller 30. D. Grace 31 .G .Payne 32 . A. Backstrom 34 . C . Freeman 35. M . Graydon 36. S. Olive r 38. S. Hamilton 39. G . Courts 40. D. King 42 . M . Giuffrida 45 C. O'Brien 47. P. Burke 48. J . Blandford 50. J. Dorward 51 . S . Horstall 52. M . Lewi s MAJOR SPONSOR


ELTHAM COLLEGIAN S Coach: David Tucker .' 3. A . Tucker (Capt) 5. D. Mouat 6. S . Mitchel l 7 . N. Hamshare 8 . S . Crowther 10. P. Sagar 11 . K . Tucker 12. J . Weatherill 13 . M . Delaney 14 . W. Wood 16 . F. Mandler 18. M . Gately 19. B. Turney 20 . R . Haber 21 . S . Millar

22 . R. White 24. T. Stickland 26. S . Webster 27. S. Fealy 28 .D. Hughes 29 . L. Cor k 31 . P. Morrow 35. J. Pitcher 44. M . Barling 45. D . Thorsen 46.C.Penna 47. M . Peterson 48. T. McFarlane Smith 50. M. Grattan 53 . A. Shark 55 . A. Koster

NORTH OLD BOY S Coach : Dennis Fogarty 1 . D. Birrel l 2. M . Bangit 3. B . Barry 4 . R . Bugeja 5.0.Cann¢zaro 6. G . Carrol l 7. A . Stenard 8 . D . Cotter 9. S. Cox

KEW 1 . A . Wilso n

17. I . Oakley 18. C. Curtain 19. C. Mactsaac 20. A . Hallam 21 . T. Pierc e 22 . R . McCormack 23. P. McCormack 24 - S . James 25 Leonard 26 . R . Macisaac 27. S . Jackman 28. M . Hand 29. S. Gray 30. R, Guerrini 31 . A. Bainbridge 32 . S. Wolf 33.P Howe 34 R Shaw 35. J. Napier 36.R .McEncroe 37. M . Shaw 38 . J . Vanderzalm 39. A . Wol f 40. M . Quinn 41 . M . Pryor 42 . M . O'Dea 43. M, Furlong 44 . A. Bell

The Skinny Do~ Hotel BAR & BISTRO 155 High St Kew . 853 8023 Everyone has their day at the

ST. BERNARD'S Coach : Marcus C rea k 1 . D. Solomon 2 . T. Devers 3 . P Farmer 4 . V. McGuire 5 . D. Copeland 7. MCreak 8. J. Monaghan 9. D. Klaaysen 10 . M . Gollant 11 . P. Klaaysen 12 . M . Dowling 13. I . O'Loughlin t4. T. Matkov 15.F. Monaghan 16 J . Pearso n


OLD GEELONG Coach : Tim Kiilwo rth 1 . A . Currie 2 . G . Pithie 3. M . Belshaw 4. M . Moore 5. P. O'Brien 6. A White 7.T Gough 8 . A Colquhoun 9. A . Guest 10. J. Mantello 11 .P.Ingham 15. P. Mahoney 17. M . Wilkinson 27, B . Cogan 31 .T Jackson 36. J. Richmond 44 .A .Dawson 49 . T. Killworth 51 . R . Forbes 53 . C . Kaaka 54 . J . May 60 .C .Spand 67. H. Magowan 69. A . Brocksopp

10. A. Francis 11 . A . Phelan 12 . M . Hansen 13 . M . 0'Hanlon 14. T. Reynolds 15. A . Lazarus 16. A . Holte n

10. M . Fennelly 11 . C . Henderson 12 .T.Lascum 13 . J . Litperakis 14. D. Fogarty 15. D . McGrilleth 16. F. Miletto

17. D. Perrone (Capt) 18. J. Lync h 19. S . Biscard 20.T Phe e 2t . D. Pasquariello (VCapt) 22. E . Sal a 23 . P. O'Dwyer 24 . G . O'Toole 25 .J .Schmidt 26 . P. Henie 27. P. Ket t 28. P Callaghan 29. A . Schmidt (DVC) 30. B. Swai n 31 . V. Tirotta 32. M . Bevanoa 34 . L . Toner 35 . R . Gale 36 . J . Trimboli


2 . R . Davies 3. A . Payne 4. A . Tucker 5 M . Doyle 6. M . Edmonds 7. A . Lethlean 8 C . Northam 9. D. Maclsaac

17 . M . Cunningham 1S . H . Tobi n 19 .P Wood 20. J. Fraser 21 . G .Tot a 22. M . Mahady 24 . K . Mahady 27. S . Denahy 28. J . Klaaysen 32 . P Runting 33. R . Klaaysen 34. R . O'Connell 35. J. Saundry 36.P. O'Dea 37. M . O'Connell 38. D. McAllister 44 . B . Moo n 48 . B . Doolan 54 . S. Brooks 58. S. Tobin 78. M . Devers MAJOR SPONSO R

Lincolnshire Arms Hote l 1 Keitor Road, North Essendon, Vic . 3041

THERRY Coach: P. Mott 1 . M . Conway 2, J . Sandman 4. P. Mott (C) 8. S . Lyon s

10 . H . Ayad 11 . B. O'Sullivan 14. J . Blai n 16. D . Lyons IT D. Jinkins 18. J. Grant 20. G . Carbis 22 . M . Hudson 24. G . Falchk 25. L . McIntyre 27. A . Minchin 32. R . Costello 36. A. Smith 41 . W. Lin d

48 . D. Lyons 49 . C . Mohren 75. J . Kit e 76. T. Hewat 79. J. Bolitho 82 .P Roper 9& S . Redden



,Club XV111 South BLOODS F.C. Coach : Neil Va n 1. P Amarant (Capt) 2. G. Carrol l 3, P. Dipietrantonio 4, G . Taylo r 5, J. Wats 6, R. Howard 7. M, Payne 8 M. Sexton 9 . S Powell 10. D Horelst 12- S . Curtis 13, G Bailey 14. A Betts 15. B. Broome (VC) 16 C. Hutchinson 17. P. Greene (VC) 18 D Payn e 19. M Rohan 20 J. Rrnvbottom 21N Va n 22 . A . Varela 23 . R . Findlay 24 . R. Gee 25 J Melzak 26 . B. Jarick 2T R Gaynor 28 . J. Nanovich 29 . S . Smith 30.D Thomas 31 J. Gran t 32 . J . Toomey 33 . M . Turner 34 .C Burnham 35 M . Payne 36 . P Cantone 37. J Murray

OLD MELBURNIAN S Coach : R. Hackney A . Wilson 2 R . Farndo n 3. S. Hunt

4, A . Coroner

5 S. Potter (Capt) 6 R, Hockney 7- P. Harris 8 S. Conian 9 N . Osucuro 10, A . Joyc e 11 R McCuskey 12 . A Georgion e 14 A . Woodhouse (VC) 15 C Dougla s 16 P Wood 17. G . McLaghlan 8, D McDonald 19 . J. Walmsley 20 A .Kenyon 21 . P Waite 22 J Metcalf 30 T. Taylor (VC) 34 A . Scrinis 36, S . Newman 38. J . Harding 41 J Kellar 42, T Richards 44. P Trindade 46. R .A. Sutcliffe 51_ S Burnett 52 . R . Sutherland 54 A Wilson 56 S Hargreaves 61 R Van Den Dunger 62 J. Davis 64 D Doyle 68 R Perera

69 D Hamilton (VC)

@ Carlton.

COLLEGIAN S Coach : David Tadgell 1 . B Latchford 2, R . Campbell 3. N . Sibbing 4 . N . Carrol l 5. A . Davies 6 P Dunne 7. M. Waihvork 8 D . Leve r 9 C Comley 10 D. Poles 11 . C. Woods 12 . G. Cook 13 C Muirden 14 C. Chappell 1& P Wolff 16 . S . Mackay 17.S .Byrne 18 .A .Kerr 19. C Mackay (DVC) 20 M . Whittaker


Coach : Danny Wain

1 . A . King 6.B.Hoy 8. D. Jennings 10, S. Francis 13. C Bourke 16, S, Hayes 18. M . O'Driscoll 20. B. Brasher 21, B Manassa 25 P Dal y 26, M . Williamson 27. D. Lambe 29. P Commerford 31 . A . Worsteling 36 A. Vomer o 38, M . Shaw 43. S . Buick 51 . P McKenzie 59, P. Cowan 60 . M. Thorn

3 S. Campbel l 6. W. Francis 9,P.Hall 10. M . Tetley 17 . T. Tsiavis 18 M. Sinclair 21, M . Quirk 22 . S . Williams 23. M . Morley 26 W. Poulter 27. R. Palamara 28, N . Littl e 31 . C. Smith 33, J . Boyle 34 . D. Connolly 35. S. Ker r 36. M . Poilett i 37. N . Collins (Capt) 39, R . Bourbon (VC) 40. M . Birch (DVC) 42 . J . Grimiso n 43, G . Amy 44,B, Meadows 45 G . Rogers 46 M . Johnston 47, R Riley 49, P. Crowhurst 53, D. Williams 54, W. Maloney 56. M . Couttle 57. B Baxter 58. D. Cahill 59, I . Neil 63. P. Welch 64. B, Field 65. P. Foley 66, S . Fraser 67. S. Ritchie 69 . C. Desmier 78. J . Walsh

21 . P. Milford 22 . G . Parson s 24, D. Tadgell (Capt) 25, W . Mahoney 31 . i . Lockwood 32 . R, Nancarrow 35, A Taylor 39.R .Jones 40 R Walker 41 . S. Lie 42 L, Griffin 43. N. Comley (VC) 45. P. Harry 46. A. Mitchell 49 G. McColl 52 . B. BArker 53 . J. Smith 54 . A. Holland 55 R. Cross 56 J. Levin 59 . C. Manueii 60 . A. Burgess 66 . B Simpson 69 . M . Burgess 71 . P Evan s 85 . M. J. Emmett 88 . A. Mirakian

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Stephen Hawkins 1 M . Clunies-Ross 2 . P Edwards 3 S. Hawkins (Capt) 4, T. Russell 5 S, Montgomery 6 A Field 7 . A.Sutherian d 8. R . Featherstone 9 J . Forbe s

10 . H . McCallum 11 . K . Fulle r

12 . S. Gorman 14 A. Sleenan 15 C Billing 17 R. McLeish 18, A. Clunies-Ross 20. D . Murtash 21 . S. Wilson 22.S Bennett 23 D . Leeton 24, H . Middleton 27. E, Montgomery 28 L Higham 38 A,Hawdon

Jones Lang - . : Wootton


Coach: Roy Mai n


TWO TONE PAINTIN G Industrial • Domestic Commercia l


POWERHOUSE Coach: P.Hollowoo d 1 . J, Terzakis 2 . P Brovn 3. C Hunte r 4. J Armstrong 5. D Wallis 6. T Pollock 7, H . Fares 8 T. Tzanirns 9, J, Genes 10, R . Pollock 11 . J. Skinner 13. N Kossivas 14 . P Pollock 17 . Mark Hunt 19. G Allexe6s 23 M Silva 26,S McDonald 34.J Chan 36 P Hollowood (CC) 37.5 McLeo d 39. N . McKay 40 M . Birch 49.JCaracos 50, A Georgantas 51 . S- Silva (VC) 56 . N . Maionis 61 M . Brown 62 . B, Miller 63, Q Shaw

M ONASH WHITES 1 . T. Dionyssopoulos 2. A Bainbridge 3. J . Young (Capt) 4. M . Dietric h 5. P King 6. M,Colella 7.P Edwards & P. Late r 9. J . Fairweather 10 . A . Tilley 11 . J . Farrell 12 . J . Murray 13 . N . Salvatore 14 . D. O'Brien 15. D Sinn 16,D Graham 17. L . Colombies 18,5 Dods 19. J. Hewitt 20.N,Capp 21, W. Farley 22 . M . Gemmola 23 . J. DeVod 24,H .Truoag 26 . J. Plenn 27. J, Fox 28 . G . Ridley 30 . G . Morgan (VCapt) 31 . M . Young (DV,Capt) 33 M . Tully 35 A Kowanjku 38K.Shoebndge 42, M . Sharkey 49 . A . O'Hara 77. G . Sammells 99, R, O'Neil l

F1 Section LATROBE UN I Senior Coach: Ovid Ifiralkney Assistant Coach: Son Dunin 20f fe r 3 S Frf'cson 4A C 5G 6JE,,, ..° ;q 7D H 8 P Hoe on 9 Ll . Sta 10 M Be' n+s 12 S FBzpatrxk 13 A Italano 14 S Haynes 15 . G Rotsnutn 16 . G L.erevh 17 D Smith t8 T O'Connor 79 R Richards 20 P Lockwood 21 D Edmunds 22 M Edmunds 23 S Dun n 24 J Scanlon 25, B Broxn 26CLloyd 27 D Percale 26 C Thomson 29 N Carbone 30 V Casa6er, 31 S Lonergan 32 T Coldly 33 0 Fakbry 49 R Ivcy 34 D Rder 50 . S B~rre'I 35T Johnston 51 .D Wines 36 R Evans 52 J Cohorts 37 A Chrodo 53 M Wright 38 M Auld+S 54 L Wadi s 39 A Weeks 55, A Cummngs 40 A B!askeY 56S Pose 41 J Seabrook 57 P LehrPe 42 L Page 58 A Brennan 43 A Thomson 59 L McNamara 44 8 Launkohis 60 G Ldey 45 S Turner 61 . B 0Coanor 46 D Wright 62. A Reeve s 46 M Krouse' 63 M Schrel 48 T 0Bnen 68 D S ;debottom

ST. JOHNS OLD COLLEGIANS Santors Coach: S. Mooney 1 R O'Connor 2 R Back 3 Nch 4 B La Brody 5 S Costantno 6 5 Corcoran 7 J Ladsan 8 D Jankoac 9 A Rochelle 10 T Cant:vell 1 Meegan C 72 G Matheson 13 S Ham 74 J Sheehan 15 D Sutten 16 vi Chariton 17 D Christian 18 C Rallis' 19 M Mrs, "0L Adamson 21 S Koppens 22 J DMeny 23 J Carat 24 R Croaer 25 P Liddell 26 C Emery 27 R Sharon 28 G Thomas 29 0 Higg+ns 3 R S,oraa 31 P Tamo 32 C Anaya 33 Z Monroe 34 G Waters 35 J Sacco 36 F Schena 37 M Hancoc k 38 M Ladson 52 M Grundell 39 S Carlin g

40 J Omen 54 P Demezeres 41 tA D'D r,a ro 55. S McCreesh 42 T Duca 56 D 0Neili 43 J Da'!on 57 S Pepper 44 G Shaer 58 M Were 45 . N Saundersor 59 G Carro7l 46 . D Pyp 60 M Wa!k:ns 47 D End 61 S CockaycP 48 G Patt+son 62 J Cotton 49 S Dousha 63 P Ke!ly 50 A Pradel 64 S Kmp;on 51 L Munr.;k:us 65 P Paaagnan

OLD CAREY Coach : Barry Blot Senior Ant' Coach : Tim Styks Res Coach: John Hands 4 R Cutlack (Capt ) 6 R Hughes 8 P Harns 9S Macrae 10 K Shrne 11 A Code 12Vl Baugh 44 J Rx 13 S Jones 45A .NeArtham 14 C Bryan 46 D Websda'e 15C Hughzs 47 ASheedy 16 . M Jones 48 A Cope 17 C Gf~.ndemann 50 P Bremner 78 B Dartrl 51 S Taebrrng 19 G Ba_N 52 P Meldrum 20 J Raft 56 . N Clements 22 J Hands 57 S Fuggle 23 T Pose 58 A Thomas 24 S Bran 59 CScott 25 M Hams 60 M Barton 26 J McOure (VC) 61 R Sala h 27 S Neese 66 C Anderson 28 P None (Res C) 68 D Frapatnck 29T Maufton 77 J Keeh4 e 30 A Dreser 78 M Wappet 31 M McKs'tr :ck 79 0 Zadnik 32 G Neale M Blackburn 33A Ne :Isen B Lane 34 G Earnq M Merry 35R. McDoa!I SGreenrtiod 36. M Eas2ham G Dy,on 37. D Ue,;ellyn D Parusco 39 D. Freeman J Bayard 39 P Bennett A SrzGmg 40 G Hansa," M Ward 41 A Cl- M Cooke 42 $ U B Gorrnan ..,, o ..~ . 43 M r I Fl"

: .1 +'is,,




PENINSUL A Seniors Coach : R. Kerley M Sampson (C Res) 2 S McMahen(Cad) 3 M God,rg 4 M Dentry 111 Godng 6 M Cross 7 N Ranks 8 P Angus (VC) 9 P Kroh n 10 P Sma 71AMrcan 12 V Brarcw-Lsano 130 Matheson 14 0 Vlarne$mdh(DVC) 15 A 0Ned

16 S Wichita 17 M A4ance s t8 S Glo:er 45 M Freeman t9 S Farrox 46. L Marks 20 F Broxn 47 J Perry 21 S P:cLonnan 48J BM.astr; 22 A Corks 49 S Baxier 23 A Nolan 50 D Crowder 24 M Fore, 51 G Saves 25, P Coulson 52, M Cook 26 A Thnpp 53 A PeSey 27 M Hayes 54 0 Morley 28S Mtcan 55 S King 29 D Motgan 56. S D :gregar :o 30 R 8lootl 57 A Bcr.e n 31 5 Rather 58 j Plummer 32 A Parsons 59 P West 33 C Mannes 60 P Cadson 34 G Nelson 61 C Cie. 35 B Jarrett 62 J Cross 36 A Jarreln 63 M Butter 37 0 Burton 64 A Lardrey 38 P McGom 65 M Buller 39 S Taylor 66 A McKee 40 S Peterson 67 T Ste an 41 5 Bryarrt 68 . R Carter 42 . D Phr!!+ps 69 A Gross 43 R Pritchard 70 P MacNamara 44 S Toross+ 71 tr.1Chesterma n



1 0D( .:- 47 T Pe p" 11 D P,9 42 T PurdY 12 G S rs 43 M Tassor? 13 I E 44 8 oun n

45CHurl: 15 T . 7e 46 D Nexnr:am 16 E h';: 1 47 S Finches 17 M(: 48. R~ ~dsman 78S48C 19 M & z'arctics 20 A Seager}DVC) 50 C'cr 27APe--3 5 i P c : : • 5 2 T S2 ' _ 2 3NIM Spercer 5" L24AHealy5 D MRasm 5JGr 2 PMr{ler 56TD:c .: .:- . :27GHancok5D~ 28. J Oueruga 51 T A' -.-: 29 S "itch Bmdlntuli 59 M Fell 30 D 60 S Enrzr 31 B McLardy 61 8 Ha , M, Fad 62 . J MaFeham 32 T Mnchx'a` 63 P N2If a 33 34 S Bobe!c 64 M Fauf 35 C Zo+s 65 S Shelley 36 M Nano,' 667 Ham Ion 37 J Brennan 67 J Wa?ker 38 G Farme• 68 M Byrne 39 A Hood 69 T Gleason 40 G McCabe 70, M Grace



4 1 C Fraser 67 G Capuano 42 M Houhhan 69 P Dynes 43 D Murphy 71 P Mur uhy 45 S Leahy 72 S Le .vr s



ST. ANDREWS COBUR G Sms Coach : M. Webster 1 G Ccnian

2 I Ashby 3 C D~ Cznr 4 R Davie s 5 S Lucas(ResCapt) 6 A Gave' 7CFox 8 A Ford 9 K Wngb! 10 D Lynch tt P Gotds.u'rthy 12 M Palmate 13 P Kar.dake(VC)

14 C Gales 39. C Ta p15PAdams40P! a,r: . 16 C Beard 42

G 17 J Wlcox 4 1P, : tfl S Rule 4 ; C C>-' '.9PHarrv-i A ? 20 J Tapner (=l 4 21 B LearWd 47 k. c2 8Fun el 486~•- :: . 23 . P Leaver 50 P t24GHousn510 . : r.;e 25 . C Arena 52 K L26 S Menta 53 R Pre 27 L'1 Tulicnh (Cap;) 54 P Bo, 28 G 56 K Vercoe 29 N MacDonald 57 V Bernard, 30 I Foote 60 C Pecyat 31 J Karsake 61 J Keg 32 D Saddler 62 T Barns 33 M Mate 63 G Casey, 34 K Iles 64 T WNsGn 35 D KarHaYa 65 B Mart=n 36 Y! Jorgensen 66 P Sandy 37 C Ovareno 67 M LyF,eos 38J Smdh 69 C Ashton





Senior Coach : Dick Clay Rea Coach : Graham M uilingor Bankers Coach : B . Sebire t M Learmonth(Cap-Res) Ass Coach: D. Stuhldreler 2 T Burt Ras . Coach: P. Fatoums 3 R Livingstone 4. P Bmyon I T Com m 5.1'1 MuN:nger 2 P Barry (Capt) 6 S Stone 3 DSeedsnan 7 P Ma!co;m 4 P Lems 8 J 5 CJohnson 9 M Huebrwr 6T Say s 7 K Gurtler 10 T Jones 11 B Clark 8 D Pemn 12 G Muttms 9 P Emmert 13. M Rappocco 10 B Sehre 14 A Huebner (VC) 1t PFa!ouros(Res CC) 15 D And, 12 M Noonan(1C) 16 W Blac k 13 Scott Vass 17 A Bour`r2 14 T A{iisoa 16 V1 Ross 5 G Caron 19 D LO^o n 16 J McCanhy 20 F 0Rourke (Capi) 17 B Mackay 21 T Ymer 78 T SNIi an (DVC) 22 S Grans 19 C S.c._ s 23 S Pre=on 20 B K^"^" 24 I Gou'ett 21 P Hc 25 . A Satterley (VC Res ) 22 P t.9c . 26 M Carpenter 42 D N/oodcak 23M5 27 J Bernard 43 M Cuddon 24SGr o r 28 J Innes 44 M Kendall 25 41 S- 478°--y ... 26M46D 29 J Putter 45 N Faulkner 27 M`.C 49 Steve iJss 30 C Stanton 46 C Bryan t 28F.i 0Brren 50 A L a 31 C 0'Brnen 47 S Jackson 29S Adams 51 ;-: 32 M Chanter; 48 G Clark ;,,Nyre _30SHawker52M 33 C Holder 49 G Kvaraltel ks 31 T Nelwn(DVCR)53'.' y-, . d?s 34 B D 5 - - - 50 D Pope 35 R Burns 51 D Herldr :ckson 32 G Wdson 54 C:-, :_ 33.DAndreas 55 D 36, E Evans 52 F Sadde r 34 D Sheehan 56 G= : 37 0 Bourke 53 P Nexman 35 H Kesiett 57 A 38 P Fuller 54 T 41h-couski 39 R K,ng 55 . A Ryan 36 M G.bbns 58 0 D+c :on 37 T Symons 59 F Soar as 40 D Kennedy 56 S Boas ; 36. K N,bod 61 0 Halloran r 41 T Kyacepou!os 57 H aromas 39 5 Cw_r 62 M ai MAJOR SPONSORS 40 D Nrchcis(VGR) 63 A Sorer


SALESIANS Senior Coach: Michael Mitchell Became Coach: Leigh Gilmore t M Bourke (Carl) 2 M, CastabJ+ 3 M Brennan (VC) 4 L G ;more(Res CC) 5 M Cenavan 6 M Clark 7 G Gasoar, 6 0 Su:h„nd



BATS AMORE PIZZA U.H .S .O .B . Senior Coach: L. Thomeloe I G Haeusler I A F1atiH (2) 32 R I Teary Smah 4 C McLennan 5 C Shone 6 S Smi,h 7CSk s 8 T Haihtax 9RSnth 10 P Burns 11 8 Brcten 12 G Bales 12 C Arnc!(2) 13 P McLean 14 D Regan 15M Dar ° 16 P Gu--.:178R c18PH19 G t,` 2 5 1 1 , :-~ 2t9t 22 D B>^ 23 Pr i

24 A r.. .'. :_ "•CB C C . rrcrye 21KS'_ 28fd F- J1 29 M Cr=.n 30 S E r 31 M V

32 D B^^ 33 S t. 34 J P; 35 B 1- 1119 36RV 37 A G 38 A B, _

39 C Stone 40 0 Smo-n: 55 M Roan 4 1 I Ilads 56 B Wl:ams 42DN,?= : : e Cost) 57DRo7 43 L Masirosa~as 58 C Aleaa-kos 44 R B :` Ca er 59 K Jones ES C'. :.. v;: 60 P Fender '.2 M R62 J Stesan 47 R t,=.._ .. . 63 G&:hurr 48B69SWill,~ssn 501 70 R Jer,-r ; 53 P'. 71 J Wog!


Cnr, Albion & Lygon Sts East Brunswick 3057 Phone : 386 1486

WEST BRUNSWIC K Senior Coach: P. Hickey Res. Coach: D. Moore 1 1 McF 2 B 3Ft 4SL 5CB . 6 S CGnrnn 7 J Gi 8 P tJn~irssey 9 D E, .Sre 10 S Fyffe 11 AS+:a :-..'1 12 H :r---_ t3 T 6 "P R 160 'r 17J': :

19 s E_ d s 20 P H+6 27 M Ke--.-- :: 22 N E

24 V C 25M !26R F28Al. c 29 D h'- ' _e, 30 M Levis 31 L Kirk 32 S D'Andrea 33 G Chacpyl 34 C KonSa^Lnds 35 D Memx s6FB t 38 8 Jones 40 B Bak> 41 DCda 42 G Si 43 . B K4 DR, 46 M Tec~"re 47 0 M'-. 48 C Har.zsiavrca 49 h',- Chapman 54 B Fletcher 51 L While 58 M ;Fr,ae 53 G :: ._ : 59 1 0 eras SPOHeOREDB Y

;I :i)

F2 Sectio n BALWYN COMB . e-. C^-hr Shane Were fi._ce"I u Coach: Mark Barr

BORONIA PAR K Senior Coach: Adrian Kettle Reserves Coach : Mick Hawke d

1j0 _ ._40t,' -~-~ 6 0 G, 27 V Strahao 7 C Be 28 D Creek 8 kA Cis .'. 29 D Lesser 9 R 30 B Mus sry 10 M r ,r.oa 31 W Snan! 11 A Wilson 32 J Tr.61o


wv.:eers err r*o 300 St Georges Rd, Northcote Phone: (03) 416 981 1

OAKLEIG H Senior Coach: Rod Bourke Resenres Coach: Brad Osborne t T on 2 T 3 PA F.- .,. ._. 4 S` sc~ 40 C Taylor 5 D''c<enar 41 J 6 A 42 J li d M

7 h' St 43 1 11331"otrm B C H .e, 44 J Brueao n 9 8 Border 45 P Lesi e 70 P C-- : 46 PAndoxpal 11 647CG2r6uc 12 8 48 K Bourke 13 T F- : .C) 49 M Rya, 4 9 5, 1 ss 50 0 FdcCr--'-i 15 T Mc9o^ .. 51 R 16 G P ; .:-_ . 52 G Hu~_s 17 P H~^ . S3 J Km •^ ^ 1 54 T }d; 19P55J .'r 20 T =e- 56 J ..,. 27 A PJr tha^ 57 P Wd ---. 22 T iar•.- .,,.., io 58 P Ba 23 S 0s:z le 59 J Mou!rs 24 C Moore (C R) 60 8 Anar'•-••os 25 G Dornan 61 S Vfi, 26. J Russo 62 . R A.1 r.c.,t.cs 27 A G Bropers 63 1et 28 (VC} a 64 S29DHal (DVC)65PR c 30 J Green 66 8 G + 37 C Dol ; 70 M Ei ds 32 8 Olds 71 A An~ 33 A Sehul7z 72 J Jenkns 34 M Fo-+2es 73 E MeDonatd 35 C Ferguson 74 J Wn ., e 36 A Fr an 75 R P, :y 37PT1 76DCrol, 38 R P, ., . ,39t

;),L. l '; I ; ( J ;": ; A '. 1


Senior Coach : Tony Cou rs e panel Coach: Stephen Wigney 2 M Brou n

3 A Hedlmaen 4 P Need

30C 5 G

~J N B.. :se vi G Bos:x 42 F Busse 43 Vd B ni 44 W McAllen 45 P Finn '5 J Kno+! 7 S Rock e 48. W Lehn :ann Rnodes 49 A Theophanous "' S E" 50 M McSwiggen ,a (Q 51 A Caoucan Der Bus 52 0 Rogers G L--"rd 53 P Hea:y 32 G H>_, R) 5 J Ddna 'z3 K 55 C Tanne r ` ' S Godso n 58 s 57 J Songer : ,;or 58 M Baker be 59 V Biaksma n


CAMBERWEL L Senior Coach: Steve Sherry Reserves Coach: Mark Williamson 2 G Rocco ,

12 C Lloyd 33 M Cummings t3 G Gerrard 34 P Green= , ~r!, 14 0.i Pound 35. D Goa 15 A Ke!De 36. G Cc 16 T Copper 37 I Am,, n 17 N Norinvzak 38R (, 18JWer d.9M 179KHarnson40G(,3 20 P Curran 47 P.e Ad21 Poixorth 42 K Ch 22 R Close 43 Ra. o n 23 C Menk; 47 D P C4o~ 24 C HuAe{ 48. S Chariton 25 M Borchar; 50 R Dean 26. G Chn<;cferau 69 C Tooze


3 B Hoare 4 A loops 5 D Wgney 6 S VJrgne 7 D Banns1 8 tA Croaks 9 M Sheehan 40 P Sieeman 11 C Mernagh 12 A Issa 13 DAnbn 14 R Jackson 15 G 16 S Lbaol 17 P Churche' 18 T Course 19 S Dc;+ar 20 P biernagh 21 D Gregory 22 K T'baidl 23 A S:mon 24 C NOUmertLs 25 J Simon

5 W Giaiebrock(CaC;) 7 J Pa.aa 8 B Kemp 9 rd 111-se, 10 G Ker r 17 NT!errr: 2 P Ro s 15 D 1 . ,'.'._ .. . . 1'o A

17PEo-g_art(VC) 78 P PAacDo - aid 20 Otdo-~`y 21 G Broadlev 22 0 Lsm 23 M Manotd 24 M Or.e n 26 0 M.,-Namara 27 R Lord 28 A Hure 29 P Barke r 30 G Warhursi 40 A S".cK+Gop 31 5 Bauker 41 T Pa;nc K

26 S Drummond 21 G Mullinger 28 8 Wearr,e 29 S Patch 30 D Beas e 31 G HamGy 32 P 08r :en 33 J Rausa 34 B Larhmarv. 35 A Coo k 36 0 Kngh! 37 A Pappa s 38 C Hanlon 48 I McLeod 39 R Mernagh 49 P KeJy 40TWas 50AKemm 41 M Swe€ing 51 A Martin 42 B R.iitra 52 J Dav :dson 53. D Hanger 43 D Won 44 M Burn- 54 N Cimco 45 N Pnmbas 55 F Bald 46 PAbranams 56 A ipstants 47 J!ale 57 R Yee

33 S Duff 43SHan :ly{DVC 34 A Hertn>znn 44 A Hadle Pearson y 35 T Paiatsdes , a6 R 36 A George F~k 48 0 MacLeod 37 D Zavare0a 49 E 5 !I

Coach: Rob Thomso n Reserves Coach : Daryl Montgomery 7 G Murdoch 33. G Porter 2 M Gr:ma 34 B Joyner 3 J td tchea 35 . A Moiima 4 P Sadler 36 1 Yles3 5 D Clomes 37 !.4 Maine,son 6 C Jones 38 A Jordan 7 A Chrsto 39 A Kell y 8 A Horsburgh 40 M Belch=_r 9 A Scum dl 41 D Masters 11 A Saflomd 42 J Smmons 12 G Harris 43 . N Ashe r

13 J Se,vei! 44.5 N:chcason 74 T Geer 45 S Be8an1 15 A Boam 46 . B Hdzi 16 J B1as9 47 G Robson 17 A Goa!es 48 D Eads 18 P Mam~~• an 49 H Ouck t9 S Ch50 S Lome, 20 J h' roes 51 N lasso 2i S L~ .~ 52 P Harns 22 B 53 P Armalas 28SFDE,ans 24 A P^' :her 0 Freeland 25. T F. B Loops

26 P M an D Jago 27 D B.Finan D Montgomery 28 R Harris A Vince, ! 29 0 Horsburgh S Hoare 30 M Haley F Borg 31 W Tay., C Galvin 32 G Jenkins i Money

RICHMOND CENTRA L Senior Coach : Gary Hickey placentas Coach : Daddy Hickey ' D Jg l 37 K Gar :-r-c2RALrl•-38Z1 3T05: 2n 39Rt .r _ 4 D ::-s• 40 S R6 ; :-5 41 D Br y6SF_-- 4zGDrzr 7 R -a 43J Cone, 8 D Gr: --: 44 D Hskey{VC) 10 S Prr 45T Hnwporos !1D- 46JVa;hrs 72 R nstOVC-R)47 H Dactmnc 73 C Pearson 48 C Barr y 14 C Shannrin 49' S Wdla-ms 15 G Ta!e 50 F Yaman 76 S Adams 51 K Hors 17 C iVame 52 S Pd.cCorm,`.e18 . M Zar}ac 53 M A~n 79 P t'aodman 54 P @eade : 20 D Krnsq 55. I Pea s 21 R Corrter 56 G Russell 22 LOoarre!I 57, t,4 Saunders 23 B S!ephens 58 M W!lgens 24 M Basox(Cap!) 59 C Hayes 25. D Rzro {VCR) 61 T P'cher 26J Ba.>,en 62 T Hogan 27 R Suthedand 63J Brodeis 28 A tFalers 64 M Frarus 29 F Per 65 G Bel l 30 S Fenloa 66 J 32 D Vas .m Kazapanag;o'rs 33 P Lygon 67 M Tap;ei 34 0 Hat(DVC) 68 C Meads 35 C Knsohos 69 B Ka(e+sk 36 P JackanCRes) 70 J Mannng



Senior Coach : Wayne O'Connor Reserves Coach : Peter Foster 1 D Tornefty 2 R Manassas 3 P Poser 4 F Cerantono 5 N Wheelahan 6 B Mcebus 7 P Byrnes 8 N Dunmcr e 9 N Dpnorr.; 74 8 T-10 A S-eeman 84 P t f =1JBrehy(Ca 12 G Ziegler 13 S Modell 14 M McGiauo 15 S D.nata!e 1 6 E Mrden

Senior Coach: Ion Ewing Reserves Coach : Tim Bell 2 N Be,, -in 3 D H=,: .. 51Re 6 P 1a i


M Bce D Cos 8 S Bar d R Cha;,, .an 19 S Haneq(DV(3) A Ctffe 20 5 Vickery Vil, Copy 21 1 Rggo C Daws 22 P CkSe(VC) M Fren?a 23E Darman, P Ha:man 24 L Sirong I Hens!: 2 R La6ore Stam 26 S Ca~ S Mee,, 27 1 An!onooaou 28 N Aivaraoo 29 D Chambe : o >31tAKoz 32 M,Whaelahan P 33 M Robertson 1N 35 S inserra J 39P Allen PP_ 44 R Medlin R P :~ .zze1lc 45 N r'onor+c J Tabone A ?o-"^•9 52 T Moebus 53 T Mullen R _ :

55 T Murar III 1e10 a56MDAn 57 R Papakos A K ,-:ciahan 69 S Ha!!vidt M Cc MAJOR SPONSORS:

THE CARAVAN CENTRE 1357 Sydney Rd, Fawkner Tel- 359 9999

84' Fa ~ 9DAn 0 M Ross 1I B Pxket! 13 M James t4 A4 Belhune 15 S tLcGcr,zn 16 J DeAngelis 17 S 1-

D Je- : -> 20 1 9 G C~ : .2

2 3 r- ;

25 G Roughsedge 26 !d Ur'sar,28 C Thatcher 29 C Ross 31 R Zaoe!b 32 C Tehan 33 L Dynes 35 A MacWrrnon 36 kill Nuff 37 C Maz s 38 T Bei l 39 R John"" 40 M Schroeder 42 S Lake 44 P V7nne 46 P Heaphy 47 A 0 Perkns

48 Papazog!cu 49 N Arr:s!t 0 C Daalder 52 D Kane 54 : DeBono 57 R Doniing 66 J Taranto 77 T Emerson 80 G Box

CHIRNSIDE PARK Senior Coach: Paul Campbell Reserves Coach: Ross Hein rich 1 A Deiul o

2 P Anthony 3 G Ske n 4 M DeJo^g 5 B Pedier 6 G DeJong 7S Cond e 8 C Henricksen 9 R Gray 0 G 0akey t1 G Wyngaard 172 t,d Brennan 3 h4 Thompson 14 J Schroen 15 ba Warren 76. D 5cortmo 7 8 Jones

18 M Smmonds 19 S 0 Connor 20 A Sore 27 D McHenry 22 J Hans ton 23 D Duck 24 C Devay, 25 M Thomas 41 P Harman 26 8 Taylor 42 R Crosby 27 J Rshter 43 D Kann 28 !.4 Mazur 44 R Bared 29 A Skiern 4 5 , 5 6 i. : 30 K Basso 46 h4 Oa 31 M Ogs!an 47 C Sn ° 33 C Greenhaigh 48 N Se~ 34 M Tayor 49 A Mc 35 P Campbell 50 R He36 D Karp 51 J Harir! 37 P Pope 52 D Hzrmar 38 G Kimp!on 53 . R Da, : .; 39 D Harney 54 P Ater. n 40 1V Corneiseen 5 J Ope!ro SPONSORED BY:

Lilydale Pizza Place and Bistro 735178 8 143 MAIN ST. LILYDALE

YARRA VALLE Y Senior Coach : Wayne Reddawa y Rmenres Coach Jarmd Dickson 2 M Pe-11 3 C Be, 4 M Fon 5 M Smoson g 7 JDDoxns 6 H""` 8 M Mdmer B C Ros s 0 N For d fl C Payrolls 72 A4 Wnte 130Kay 14 K Simple, 5 T 0 Suavan 16 T Crean 17 B Diomng 19 T C~kere0 19 S Parr 20 S Frame 21 C James 22 P Manm 23 E Kea, 24 M Dawes 25 M Johnson 26 G McLeod 27 8 Fetlscheer 29 A Bennetl 31 B Ford

32 D Mdner 33 D Ireland 34 M Ross 35 C Morns 36 R Penaoa 37 D Col 38 1A Cc!e 39 40 41 42


Peddavray Stephens Hu!chens Dury

44 E Zimmerman 46 D Hoeslo a 47 D Cah,n 55 R Fond 48 td Gleason 58 A Stansnee : 49 D Stan street 59 8 CooperSm2h 52 G Wa!s;.n 60 H Par k MAJOR SPONSORS

MAJOR VIDEO 289 Ballarat Rd, Foctscray Tel : 318 4448



COLLEGIANS Senior Coach: Leigh Carlson Rese rves Coach : Greg 7tegear 1 . G . Palmer 2 . D . Hoyl e 3 . B. Woolhouse 4 . S . Lausse n 5 . D. Greeves 6 . A. Ingleton 7. C . Higson 8. C . Pollock 9. M . Hibbins 10. J. Grig g 11 . N . Hibbins (C-Res) 12. A . Dulmanis 13. S . Hinchen 14. R. Schober (VC) 15. W. Green 16. A. Wallace (VC) 17. D. Stubb s 18. J. Bennett (Capt) 19 . P. Scott 20. M . Wittaker 21 . V. Cleary 22. D. Kerr 23. A. Wright 24. N . Anderson 25. A. Harrison 26. N . Milat 27. L . Tracy 28 . S. Blackman 29 . A . Kenneally 30 . M . Galbraith (VC) 31 . S. Li e 32 . D. Thomson 33. G . Irvine 34. L. Twaddle 35.N .Evans 37. C. Coyne 38. M . Lake 39. B. Jones 40. A. Lord 41 . G. English 42. L. Griffin 43. M . Foard 44 . G . Oakley 45. P. Harry 46 . A. Mitchell 47. M . Lucas 48 . J . Lemon 49. G. McColl 50 . B . Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52 . B. Barker 53. D. Variamos 54. T. Holland 55. J . Levin 56. D . Warner 57. T. Smit h 58. C. Kringoudis 59. C. Manuell 60. A . Burgess 61 . R . Oliphant 62.J .Sneddon 66. B. Simpso n 70. R . Conron (VC-Res) 75 . N . Proctor

DE LA SALLE OLD COLLEGIAN S Senior Coach : Bernard Dunn Reserves Coach : Dave Rawlings 1 . M . Mastroiani 2 . P. Fiume 3. A . Menara 4. D. Rosman 5. N . Fraser 6. C. Slattery 7. C. McClounan 8. C. Wrigh t 9. C. Campbell 10. D. Tessier 11 . A . Evans 12 . D. Toohey 13 . J . Maloney 14 . S. Hunter 15 . G. Hynes 16, M . Jackson 17. D . Crowe 18. B. Mahoney 19. D. O'Brien 20. P. O'Brien 21 . J. O'Callaghan 22 . P. O'Callaghan 23 . M . O'Callaghan 24 . M . Lowe 25 . M . Bria 26. P. Wyies 27. D. Kinsella 28. M . Laffert y 29. C . Beaverstock 30. B. Smith 31 . G . Solomon 32 . G . Sheedy 33. P. Bennie 34. J. Tull y 35. A . Mackintosh 36. C. Swifts 37. A . Ronchi 38. S . Rudd 39. M. Wilms 40. R. Furlon 41 . M . Dillon 42 . P. Leonard 43 . E . Bel l 44 . N . Van Der Plight 45 . A . Cris t 46. M . Hagan 47. G . Jackson 48. S. Cataifamo 49. G . McHenry 50. P. Mannix 51 . P. Cummerford 52 . C. Bourke 53, P Satchel 54. J. Duckett 56. P. Conroy 58. T. Brideson 59. P. Cowan 60. D. Wolowiec 79 . J . Webb

NORTH OLD BOYS Senior Coach : Robe rt Hyde Reserves Coach: David Arthurson 1 . A. Egan (Capt) 2 . T. Jone s 3. D . Martin 4. T. Bear e 5. M . Schmidt (C-Res) 6. B. Clayto n 7. P. Booth 8. B. Collison 9. S . Brazil 10 . B . Hanlon 11 . C. Lambrou 12 . J. Tierney 13. B . Curulli (VC-Res) 14. O. Abraham s 15. P. Kearney 16. B. Herrald 17. M . Boyd 19. P. Considine 20 . D.Kennedy 21 . D . Baker 22 . C. Peloso 23 . C. Alevraz 24. J . Rush 25. D. Cerini 26. M . Fisher 27. A. Trimboli 28. D. O'Farrell 29. P. Daniels 30. P Tatter 31 . L . Boyle 32 . G . Phyland 33. M . Daffey 34. B. Conti (VC) 35. S. Manassa 36. P. McMenamin 37. J . Zumbo (DVC-Res) 38.K .Scott 39. J. Considine 40. I . Turnbull 41 . P. Dwyer 42 . C . Hor n 43 . G . Irvine 44 . B. Girolami 45 . C. Muller 46 . D. Howard 47. R . Little 48 . D. Delac 49. J . Finlayson 50. B . Devine 51 . J. Curran 52 . A. Day 53. M . Leigh 54. M . White 55. S. Zocco 56. J. Charteris 57. G . Lear 58.T Keogh 59. J. Bugeja 60. C. Ferry 61 . M . Keogh 62 . S. Morabito 63 . A . Hill 64 . C. Phelan 65. C . Hussey 66. A . Moodie 67. P. O'Dwyer 68.C .Goodear

OLD BRIGHTON Senior Coach: Mark Parker Rese rves Coach : Shane Young 1 . A . Krazneak 2. M . McLennan 3. A. Pryor (Capt) 4 . C. Anderson 5. A. Olive r 6 . M . Allen 7. J. Ryan 8 . S. Lennox 9 . M . Fisher 10. C . Lade 11 . N . Perry 12 . D. Cochrane 13. A . Delbridge 14. G . Bennett 15. T. Hayden 16. M . Hendrie 17. A. Rickarby 18. M. Talbot 19. A. Grant 20. M . Rei d 21 . C. James (VC) 22 .R .Schober 23. A . Augustine 25. L . Hamilton 26. T. Desmyth 27 . L . Fielde s 28. A . McLean 29. A . Maratus 30. J. Pyers 31 . S. Murray 32. B. Williams 33. R. Morton 34 . P. McMahon 35. S . Mercer 36. B. Pollock 37. A . Cooper 38 . J . Tregaskis 39 . N . Hoar 40. N . Timms 41 . T. Phillips 42 . A. Shelton 43. P. Gran t 44. A . McLachlan 45. R . Oakley 46. B. Shelly 47. C. Gilmour 48. C. Hailing 49. S . Young 50. R . Carter 51 . D. Morton 52. J . Hol t 53. S . Merce r 54 . C. Brook (DVC) 55. S. Crowe 56 . M . Shippen 57. J . Tompkins 58 . S . O'Donnell 59 . M . Sloan 60. T. Broo k 61 . W. Browne 62 . P. King

Senior Coach: Denis McGrory Reserves Coach : Michael Ca rty 1 . A. Baxte r 2 . D. Connell (VC) 3. W. Byrn s 4. C. McKenzie (Capf) 5. M . Cart y 6. W. Smit h 7. R . Makin on 8. M . Orton 9. G . Anderson 10 .T.Chegwin 11 .J.Rae 12 . D. Seccuil 13 . B . Cart y 14. D. Cotton 15 . W. Phillips 16, M . De Matte 16. E . Bingham (2) 17. A . Arnott 18. M . Constable 19. M . Armstrong 20 . C, Krau s 21 . A . Walden (DVC) 22 . P Thiesse n 23 . M . Seccull 24 . C. Lovell 25 . L . Pegoli 2& G . Phillip s 26 . D. Kretschmer (2) 27. C. Dun n 28 . G . Borg 29. D. Ray 30, J . Thiesse n 31 . B. Main (VC-Res) 32 .A .Roberts 33. G . Tanner 34. B . Adamopoulos 35. D.Lappage 36 a Chapman 37. B . Arnhold 38. J . Hayter 39. D. Hayter 40. B. Canobie 41 . D. Hoare 42 . M . LaGreca 43. R .Plecher

44. A . Kirkwood-Scott (C-Res) 45, M, Alle n 46. M_ Krause 47. P. Bennett 48. P. Merrell 49.5 . Lyons 50.P.Dow 51 .F. Bayne 52 . A . Chin 54. S . Francis 55. J. Panetta 56. D. Blackley 57. S . Healey 58. M . Rowe 59. C. Horstmann 60.J.Shulman 62. M . Baxter

ORMOND OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach: Peter Sherwen Assistant Coach : Ian Muller 'Reserves Coach : David Kay 1 . E . Allen 2 . S . Reddish 3- J. Moi r 4. R . Fuller (Capt) 5. A . Asto n 6 D. Hooper T A . Lloyd 8 S. Hume 9 . R . Aujard 10. J. Ker r 11 . D. Fox 12 R Hume 13.N .Hooper 14. A . Chambers 15 D . McCal l 16. J. Hosking 1Z R . McLeish 18, B Simpson 19. G . Eagle 20. T. Wilson 21 . S . Gibbs 22. K . Stokes 23. S . Duthie 24. J. Handbury 25. R . Polkinghorne 26 A . Hart 27 . C . Winneke 28. N . Har t 29. C . McCulloch 30. J. Laird 31 . A. Smith (VC) 32 . G. Jackson (C-Res) 33. C . Hunte r 34. R . Price 35. B. Steele 36. G . Bennett 37 . E . Montgomery 38. A . Macdougall 39.S. Woodhouse 40. P Brown 41 . J . Hart 42 . A. Fox

43. P Dacosta 44 . C . Reid 45. A . Warner 46. A . Griffiths 47. M. Terzini 48. R . Petty 49. M . Nevmham 50 .T. Byrne 51 .D. Murtagh 52 . A. Duncan 53 . D. Norman 54 . R. Austin 55. T. Main 56. C. Heath 57, M . Holliday 58, J. Forbes 59. T. Hart 60. B. Crump 62 . R . Anderso n

Jon es Lang " _ q~~ tton

OLD 'f:-:iNlSY GRAMMA RI ANS Senior Coach: Sid Myers Reserves Coach : Chris Glass 1 . A. Dunn 2. C. Robison (C-Res) 3. A . Atlibon (Capt) 4. T. Norman 5. D. O'Shaughnessy 6. R . Heath 7. D. Rogers (VC) 8. R . Beardsley 9. S. Hopkin s 10. S . Hatfield 11. T. Phillips 12. G. Clarke 13. D. Balazs) 14. J. Stickland 15. M . Hedley 16. M. Seuling 17. M . Jennings 18. N . Beardsley 19. G . Hudson 20. T. Roberts 21 . S. Dru m 22 . P. Robison 23 . Marshal Adam 24 . A. Anderson 25 . E . Borghesi (VC-Res) 26. L . Colema n 27. I . Wallace 28. G . Harvey 29. M. Sutherland 30. A. Taylor 31 . M . Turner 32. N . Sammut 33. P. Scott 34. P. Papas 35. N . Stokes 36. J. Sutcliffe 3T R . Sella 38. R. Phillips 39. J. Hodder 40. M . Beamish 41 . A. Spinks 42. A . Bantield 44. A. Turner 45. L . Farrell 47. G . Harmer 48. G . Pavey 50. E . Best 52 . P. Beet 54. C . Naidu 55. S. Williams 57. C. O'Halloran 58. A . Vis e 59. D. Ash e 62 . J.P. Adgemis 63 . C. Orwi n 71 . L. Thomas 80 . A. Smith 86. D. McCulloch MAJOR SPONSORS


_ OLD X .-7,7--

.. .

Sen!!+r C< -h: Hani a F Cc rh : Ar.r : r Ratph Assistant Coach : John Carmody 1 . M . Blood 2. M . Bourke (Capt) 4. D. Landrigan 5. D. McKay (VC) 7. A. Keyhoe 7. T. O'Sullivan 8. M. Holmes 9. A. McCorkell 10. S. Coiquhoun 11 . A . McDonald 12, J. Bowa n 13. S. Lynch 14. M . Sadler 14. D. Stoney 15. G . Clare 16. M . Ncolosi 17. D. Richardson 18. P. O'Sullivan 19. R . Green

20. D. Tapping 21 . L . Hannebery 22 . R . Visentini 23. A . Duggan 24. J. McKay 25. D . Taylor 26. R . Salter 27. L . Fay 28.J. Hilbert 29. C . Burke 30 .D. Dann 31 . P Klein 32 . J. Cardillo 33 . A. Sassi 34 .A.Egan 35. C. Mortensen 36. M . Elli s 37. T. Landrigan 38. D. Dalton 39. D. Berry 40. R . Dalton 41 . A . Dillon 42. J. Lowe 43.1 . McKinnon 44. M. Dillon 45. D. O'Toole 46.J. Kennedy 47. A . Bourke 48. C. Thorogood 49. D. Bailey 50. G . Dalton 51 . P. Connors 52 . M . Fraser 53. C . Green 54. J. Murray 55. P. Slater 56. A . Caputi 57. S. Barlow 58 . M . Coilopy 66 . T. Collins

Senior Coach: M . McArthur-Allen Assistant Coach: Frank PAeiican 1 . N . McColough 2 . P. Schuhkraft 3. A . Fitzgerald 4 . A . Grace 5. D . McDonald 6 . T. Gallaghe r 7. B. Connell (VC) 8 . M . Gilmore (DVC) 9 . R . Woodlan d 10. M . McDonald 11 . D. Edgel l 12, N . Sabo 13. P. Kingston 14 . S. Samil d

15 . M . McConvil l 16 .T. Stewart (VC-Res) 17. E. Fraser 18 . P Cleary 19 . A . Jobling (Capt) 20. D. Wood 21 . M .Koppens 22. R . Block 23. P. McDonald 24. S . McCooke 25. P. Forsyth 26. D. Connell 27. T. Hille 28. B. Collins 29. W. Doyle 30. D . Arnfield 31 . B. Egan 32 . S . Reidy 33. M . Shepherd 34. P. Hurley 35. P. Marnow 36. M . Templeton 37. A. Orr 38 . P. Milner (Res-C) 39 . C . Karageorgiou 40.P.Joy 41 . B. Turner 42 . C. Kelleher 43 T. Siderellis 44 . C. Krawczak 45. D. Barton 46. D. Abrahams 47. T. Aldridge 48. L . Dickson 49. M . Horsfieid 50. D. Conway 51 . S . Montgomery 52 . J . Aga r 53. S . Gribble 55. J. O'Connor 56. J . Guertson 57. T. Boyanton 58. C . Syme s 59. C . Montgomery 61 . A . Kukufjan 67. J . Osborne

ST. OERNARDS Senior Coach : Frank Duneii Assistant Coach: Phil Brow n Reserves Coach : Darren Looker 1 . D Godfrey 2 . P Hayes 3 . P Scerri 4 . V. Comito 5 . S . Walsh 6 . C. Wood 7. S Ferrell 8 . L . Vassallo 9 . G . Wood 10. M . Beilby 11 . P Capes 12 . S. Looker 13. R . Purcell 14. S . Doran 15. M . Egan 16. F. Dunell 17. W. Carey (VC) 18, A. Purcel l

19. L . Goilant (Capt) 20. N . Lynch 21 . C. Mallia 22 . C. Calthorpe 23.T. Dobson 24. G. Mathewes 25.A Comito 26. J . Gollant 27. A. Nathan (C-Res) 28.P Gilmou r 29.J . Overman 30. R . Doolan 31 . T Spencer 32. T. Brain 33. T. Ogston 34. J . O'Connell 35. P Daffy 36. D. Farrell 37. F. Comito 38. D. McAllister 39, S . Byrne 40. C. Delahunty 4t D. Looker 42 . M . Marshall 43. C. Doolan 44.J .Stynes 45, J . Kennedy 46. D. Solomon 47. P. Freeman 48 R. Fatnowni 49. S . Hal l 50 . M. Stubbings 52.R Rogerson 54 . A. Brebner 56 .C.Bond



Lincolnshire Arms Hote l 1

Kellar Road, North Essendon, Vic . 3041


`_r UL E Senior Coach : Grant Lawri e Reserves Coach: M artin Legge 1 . D. Gen t 2 . D. Witchell' 3. L. Holt (VC) 4. M . Legge (Capt-Res) 5. C. Lad d 6. P. Williams 7. M . O'Brien 8. B. Moloney 9. G . Sutterby 10. R . Cullen 11 . L. Burns 12. T. Kearsey 13. A. Short 14. K. McCausland 15. S . Gra y 16. C. Boucher 17. P. Carroll 18. J. Turnbull 19. A. Thompson 20. C . Holst 21- G . Foste r 22 . J . Gilham (Capt) 23. M . Gray 24, J. McIntire 25. D . Tribolet 26. G . Mooney 27. D. Meredith 28. R . Brockwell 29. C. Pyers 30. B. Gillies 31 . B. Clark 32. C. West 33. D. Glass 34. C. Stevens 35. P. Howe 36. B. Daley 38. P. Forbes 39. B. Bowler 40. C. Denning 41 . B . Styles 42. D. Taylor 43. A . Capotosto 44. B. Hogan 45. M . Gilbert 46. P. Agostinelli 47. C . Raywood 48. R. Hogan 49. J. Kouryialas 50. R . Roach 52 . S. Coulson 55. D. Williams 59. P. Heal y proudly sponsore d

Court ney & Patterson FORD ~ -to MIDDENDORP EL ECTRIC ~

MARCELLI N FAWKNER BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Harry Harisiou Reserves Coach: Gerry Miles 1 . P. Nagl e 2 . S. Driver (Capt) 3. S. Young (VC) 4. D. Fitt 5. M . Agrotis 6. R . Minney (VC) 7. R Robertson 8. N . Bone 9. S. Mitilenos 10. P. George 11 . S. Farley 12. A . Parris 13. D. Philpots 14. D. Matthews 15 P. Faulkner 16. S . Smith 17. D. Mayne 18. P. Harvie 19. P. Nigro 20. A . Pawola 21 . D. Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23, S. Pace 24. D. Tulloch 27. G . Alexander 29.P Bone 30. R . Field 31 . A. Shine 33. C. McWaters 34. D. McInnes 35. M . Osborne 37. D. Martin 38. C. Darby 39. C. Young 41 . A. Rozanitis 43. M . Mason 44. J. Rozanitis 45. M . Cumming (DVC) 48. D. Fraser 50. D. Glover 51 . B. Bond 52 . T. Agosta 53.T. Matthews 55. M . Bellato 57. P. Edwards 58. S. Alyward 60. J. Carl 61 . A. Teunisse n 99. J. Frosinoss (DVC) IMAJOR SPONSOR

WELDED MESH PTY LTD Phone : 369 7211

Senior Coach: Mark Tymms Reserves Coach : Terry Young 1 . T. Young 2 . J. Roach 5. N . Horvath 6 . R . Wilso n 7 . M . McMahon 8 . D.Heena n 9 . P. O'Leary (VC) 10. J. Wilso n 11 . K. Korp 12 .P.Tymms 13. D . Cropley 14. B. Crouch 15.A .Saggers 16. L. Cohen (VC) 17. K . Wilso n 18. R . LaRose 19. B. Green 20 . S . Walker 21 . G . Rokay 22 . W. Radley 23 . N . Gosewinckel 24 . R . Lawson (Capt) 25 . B . Youn g 26 . B . Selleck (Capt-Res) 27. G . Young 28 .S .LaRose 29 . S . Gray 30 . S. Kelly 31 . S. Molloy 32 . A . Johnston 33, K . Cohen 34. S. Sergienko 35 .T. Yavuzcan 36. C . Kelly 37. C. Ford 38. J . Simmonds 39. R . Leah y 40. B. Horgan 41 . A. DeWitt 42 . P. Lightfoot 43. R . Constantine 44 G . Mitchell 45. M . Foster 46. M .P Toohey 47. A . Brow n 48. G . Walker (VC-Res) 49. C. Stefan o 50. R . Cohen 51 . B . Ibrahim 52. A . Stock 53. C. Sutch 69. P. Col e GOLD SPONSORS



663 1 883

1 .S. Psoras 2. G. Wooller 3. D. Waters 4. C. Carr (DVC) 5. A. Tranquilli 6. P. Sexto n 7. P. Randal l 8. M . Amad (DVC) 9. D. Merto n 10 . A . Gallagher 11 . A . Booth 12 . N . Bourke 13 . M . Stapleton 14 . D. Howe (VC) 1& N . Duncan 16 . J . Wallis (VC-Res) 17 . M . Getso n 18. Jeremy Khan (DVC-Res) 19 . M . Delahunt (C-Res) 20. S. O'Flyn n 21 . D. Cooper 22 . M . Gallagher 23. M . Becchitti 24. S. Beattie 25. G . Favia 26. M . Moran 27. Julian Kann 28. G . Norden 29 . A . Labagnara 30 . A . Treganowan 31 . J. Douglas 32 .V. Paonessa 33 . T. Slattery 34 . L . Getson 35 .J .Pappas 36 . Jeremy Golds 39 . J . Ibriham 41 . A . Ryder 42, A . Duncan 44 .J .Sandy 46 . Jamies Golds 57. B. Day 58 . S . Boysen (Capt) 60. S . Moran 68. D. Frawley

~ ELB u RN i AN S Senior Coach: Paul O'Brien Rese rves Coach : Guy Nelson 1 . T. Witt s 2 . S. Theodore 3. J. Nichols (Capt) 4. P. O'Brien 5. N . Boyden 6.P.Handbury 7. C. Thompson 8. J. Keebl e 9. J. Campbell 10 . A. Merrington 11 . B. Murphy 12 . A . Hewitt 13 . S . Rose 14 . S. Bardsley 15 . D. Maskiell 16 .P.Wood 17 . M . Rose 18 . M . Berry 19 . J . Correll 20. A . Salek 21, N . Rhoden 22 . I . Mackay 23. A . Witt s 24. S. Teal (DVC) 25. R . Nelson 26. B. Vil e 27. C. Bryan 28. C. Terrill 29. R . Meade 30. N . Howell 31 . S . Fraze r 32 . R . Webb (VC) 33. G . Dixon 34. C . Anastakis (DVC) 35. A . Thompso n 36. S. Newman 37. 0. Keebl 38. D . Clements 39. M . McGregor 40. E . Smithers 41 . P. Theodore 42. B . Williams 43. P. Birrel l 44. H . Wallace-Smith 45. Z. Useinov 46. P. Sinn 47. A . Nelson 48. N . Wright 49. T. Stuckey 50. D . Robinson 51 . R. Sutherland 52 . S. Burnett 53. T. Carlyon 55. S. Oliver 58. M . McLea n 61 . R. Van Den Dungan 65. P. Tsiampras 67. D. McDonald 69. P. Jos t 70. J. Franci s MAJOR SPONSOR C ~Il .l : ~~~

6 9®' b E-S' ® OLD MENT® NIAN S


Senior Coach : Garry Connoll y Res Coach: Mal Cater 1, A . Acreman 2 . D. Campbell 3. C. Scot t 4 M . Barrett 5 M . Turner 6 D. Paterson 7. G . Norto n 8. N . Macquire 9 S. Mullen 10.A .Sheedy 11 . D Salley (VC ) 12. G . Dickson (DVC) 13. S. Shar p 14. C . Love 15. C . Davis 16. D. Gran t 17. M . Edmonds 18. T Bournon 19. D. Zajc 20 . S . Farrow 21 . B . Joycey 22 . P. Harrington 23 . N . Moodie 24 . C. Radi n 25 A. Holland 26 . G . Curran 27. C . Appel 28 . M . Bond 29 A . Carter 30. M . Brooks 31 . S . Ingram 32 . J . Sly (Capt) 33 . C. Gardne r

34 . D. Holland (Res-Capt) 35. Darren Murph y 36. B. Paterson 37. M . Sichlau 38. M . Sherrill 39. R . Beynon 40 . M . Ouwerhand 41 . N . Sher 42 . T. Riley 43 . C. Best 44 . M . Dyer 45.A .Szadura 46. A . Petrov 47. J . Konicani n 48. D.Johnson(VC-Res) 49. B. Murray 50. T. O'Brien 51 . G . Pride 52. A. Oxland 53. A . Riddle 54. P. Appel 55. G. Worrell 56. M . Leone 57. W.Jones 58. J . Williams 59. G. Stroud 60.D.Nock 61 . M . Stokie 62 . Daniel Murphy 63. L. Murphy 64. M . Austi n

65. Damien Murphy 66. M . Jone s 67 . B. Trebilcock 69. T. Russ o 70. P. Dynes


Senior Co . c M ici^ I ulvahili Reserves Coach: M . Jone s 1 . S . Vincent 2 . P. O'Loughlin 3. M . Considine 4. S. Philp (VC) 5. N . Wayman 6. J . Geary 7. P. Cosgriff (DVC) 8.D.Beck 9. P. Shannon 10. P. Brabender (C) 11 . N . Willitts 12 . M . Geary 13. R . Mills 14. D . Smith 15. D. Way 16. B. Joyce 17. D. Vicino 18. L. Mansfield 19.T. Canavan 20 .B .Pannam 21 . N . Mill s 22 . B. Haberman 23 . P. Robertson 24 . N . Ellk s 25. R . Aanenson 26. M. Livy 27. N . Kerr 28. S . Lennon 29.P.Zappa 30. C. Pagon 31 . P. Walsh 32. S. Batchelor 33. M . Harrison 34. P Joyc e 35. G . Zeneli 36. S . Swindon 37. C . Fuller 38. D. Hal l 39. K . Jenkins 40. D. Baird 41 . P. Digney 42. L. Thomas 43. P. Healy 44. D. Blackely 45. P. Henry 46. B. Flynn 47. A . Herman 48. D. Griffiths 49. S . O'Toole 50. C . Zieball 51 . J. Frazier 52 . A. Stuckey 53. J. Edmonds 54. D . Gravel[ 55. J. Digney 56. D. Geary 65. J. DiMitri o 68, M . Donoghue MAJOR SPONSOR



Senior Coach: T. Quinn Rese rves Coach: D. Bade n 1 . G . Biddlestsone 2 . J . Zanett i 3. M . Nitschke 4. D. Dalgleish 4a . A. Eldrett 5. T. Taylo r 6. N . Court 7. P. Jones 8. H . Katch 9. P Slavic h 10. R. Egglestone 11 . S. Banniste r 12. R . Moran (Res-VC) 13. P. Bruno 14. J. Reddick (VC) 15. A . Crott y 16. M . Goodwi n 17. R. Lyons (Res-Capt) 18. B. Carte r 18. K . Sexton 19. A . Ratcliffe 20. M . Carte r 21 . M . Fitzpatrick 22 . S . Griggs 23 . C. Bye 23a. A . Bake r 24 . P. Mutton (Capt) 25 . M . O'Rourke 26 . P. Ryan 27. A . Finnigan 28 . M . O'Kearney 29 . F. Falcone 30 . A. Dalgleish 31 . S. Hollow 32 . S. Eastmure (VC) 33 . S . McMaho n 34 . M . Donohue 35. S . O'Halloran 37. D . Castaldi 38. G . Pinner 39. S . Boyl e 40. M . Talbot 41. M . Crotty 42. A . McKay 43.L .Caruana 44. J. Vain a 45. M . Petrevski 46. B. Raysmith 47 . M . Davies (VC-Res) 48. D . Wrigglesworth 50. M . Purcell 60. B. Pears e



BLUES Senior Coach: Grant Williams Reserves Coach: Nick Do Dear 1 . L . Bonudi o 2 . T Hutchins 3 . J. Hutchings 4 . J. Frit h 5 .P. O'Donnell 6 . W. Carroll 7. J. Shaw

8 . G . Lam b 9 . M. McCarty 10. A. Sudhotz 11 . T. O'Brien 12 . H . Worstey, 13. N . Harris 14. J. Buckley 15. P. Stevens 16. P. Kistler 17. J . Kani s 18. S . Kirsanovs 19. J. Keats 20. Z. McCarty 21 . T. McIntyre 22. A. Wilson 23. B. Furphy 24. R . Catnon 25. C . Taylor 26.T.Reade 27. J. Jamieson 28. G. Hazeldine 29.T. Doherty 30. G. Malone 31 . M. Mudge 32. A. Nugen t 33. M . Zimmerman 34. J . Young 35. M . Dukes 36. B . Steele 37, A. Lerman 38. M . Unsworth 39- 0. Evans 40. A . Mitchell 41 . D. Parkinson 42. D. Coulter 43 C. Primmer 44 M .Zurbo 45.J . Wood 46. J . McAinch 47. P. Ryan 48.J.Dawson 49.R. Dodds 50. G . Markley 51 . B . Dudley 52 . A . Ogilvie 53 . A. Gray 54 J. Id a 55 . D. Ord 56 . A. Farrer 5T A. Hall 58 .M. McCarthy 59 . J. Bokor

60. S. Hall 61 . D. Frye r 62. S. Davidson 63. A . Teelow 64. A . Tippet 65. C . Allard 66. A . Jackson 67. P. Roche 68.A . McKenna 69.P.Saw 70. P. Furphy 71 . T. Harris 72. J. Norman 73. J . Knox 74. R_ Lucas 75. T. Moran 76. M_ Sheen 77.P Holmes 78. C . Moore 79. A . Davi s


~^E I~'ID4 P~BExti' WHITEFRIARS SnrCoach : Geoff Reilley Asist Coach: Brian Grills Res Coach : W. Sharkie 1 . P Lan e 2 . Mark Bateman 3 . J. Phillip (DVC) 5 . M. Stevens

7. P. Coghlan (Capt) 8 .A . McKeown 9 . P. Harrison 10. T Pratt 12 . M. Spears 13. W. Sharkie (Res-CC) 15. M . Harriso n 16. B. Crewe 17. A . Carbone 18. D. Mullins 19. D. Crowe 20. S. McAuliffe (VC) 21 . T. McNei l 22. C. Burke (VC-Res) 23 . P. Ciardul h

24 . J. Bonnyma n

25. W. Lyall 26. G . Selkirk 27. M . Jackson 28 . B. Lee 29 . D . Murray 30. Paul O'Brie n 31 . N . Jenkins (DVC) 32. M . Carbone 33. G. Feutrill 34. J. White 35. N . Krake 36. A . Travis 37. Peter O'Brien 38. M . White 39. M . O'Connor 41 . J. Ciardulli 42. N. Par r

43. N . Robertson 44, Matt Bateman 45. M . Leste r 46. G. Johnson 47. B. Brisbane 48.P.Rohan 49. R . McHugh 50. H . Flanagan 51 . A. Wise 52 . M . Vernal 53 . B. Williams 54 . D. D'Orazio 55 . J. Naismith 56. T. Strike 57.T. Hughes 58.D. McCrohan 59. A. Liversey-Cole 60. S. Buckley 61 . N. McGrath 62. N . Mullins 63. A. McGann 64.A .Power 65. C . Tilling 66. C. Maguire 67.G . McKeown 68.P. Hughes 70. D. Midro 71 .T. Haynes 72 . B. Kelsey 73 . B. Brown 75. S. Butle r


FORESTERS Friendly Society


A .J.AX Senior Coach : Mark Sarau Assistant Coach: Wayne HOidswo rth Rese rves Coach : Sol Skurnik 1 . D. Marks 2. A . Klooger (Capt) 3 . Bugalsk i 4 . Levy (DVC) 5 . M . Silver 6 . Rozenberg 7. Goetz 8 . Rosema n 9 . Bursztyn (VC) 10. Bloom (DVC) 11 . Ffinkier 12 . Shenker 13. Gordon 14 . Posweil 15.B.Cohen 16. R. Marks 17 . Levin 18 . D. Roth 19 . Dunne 20. W. Krongold 21 . Sheezel 22. Josem 23. Abraham 24 .Rozenes 25. Gross 26 .Hoppe 27. Goldberg 28 . Zurbo 29 . Briskin 30 . Fredman 31 . Chrapot 32, Braun 33. Pat 34. Gunn 35.C.Cohen 36. Galbin 37. Rockawin 38. Grundmann 39. Engelman 40. Redlic h 41. Szuc 42 . Jas . Wrobei 43 Israel 44 . A . Krongold 45 . Kalb 46 . D. Krongold 47. S . Roth 48. Feldman 49. S. Frid 50. Levine 51 . Den 52 . A. Zielinski 53. Jelinek 54. Fell 55. B. Zielinski 56. Freeman 57. Szklarski 58. Fried 59. Berkovitch 60.Janover 62. Vat i 63 . Neater 64 . Stern 65. Arrow

CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Senior Coach: David Matthews Assistant Coach : Chris Collett Rese rves Coach : Stephen Alle n 1 . D . Matthews (Capt) 2 . A . Louri e 3. B . Mathews 4. C . Simpson 5. W. Horton 6. M . Millard '.. 7. P. Murtagh 9. G . Harrison 10 . A. Hil l 11 . R . Morrissey 12 . R . Harrison 13 . C. Wilson 14. S. Klose (C-Res) 15. S. Pearc e 16. T. Royals (VC) 17. G . Williams 18. N . Cox 19. J. Restarick 20. M . Klose 21 . N . Brohier 22 . S . Barker 23. D. Allen 24. K . Dachs 25. M . O'Brien 26. S . Williams 27. N . Caple 28. M . Schultz 30. D. Lowe 31 . J . Holloway 32. M . Dicrosta 33 . N . Johnson 35. R . Harri s 36 . C. Worthington 37. M . Scholten 38 . A . Allen 39. J . Santiag o 40. C. Antigeorgiou 41 . M . Lauritz (VC-Res) 42. D. Synman 43. R. Royals 44. R. Berzins 45. M . Stanjo 46. D. Kitchen 47. J. Headiam 48 . C. Moston 49. D. Crai g 50 . C. Mathieson 51 . K . Hedi n 52 . C. Adkins 53. J. Fletcher 54. R . Knight 55. R . Allsop 61 . D. Oakle y 62. S. Cossart-Walsh 64. A . Kalinsk i 71 . G . Paine MAJOR SPONSOR


COMMONWEALTH BAN K Senior Coach : Craig Jackson Rese rves Coach : Ken Bremner 1 . T. Reid 2 . P. Dawson 3 . M . Bunnett 4. N . Wallmeyer (Capt) 5. J . Beare 6. A . Corboy 7. W. Keighran 8. V. McDonald 9. G . Andrew s 10. J. Bellinger 11 . A . Pitts 12. C. Devlin 13 . C . Arneph y 14 . S. Melican (VC) 15 . J . Ross 16 . C . Green 17. D. Howarth 18. D. Coltman 19. A . Maher 20. L. Van Loon 21 . J. Lewis 22 .N .Roberts 23, A . Rolfes 24, G . Rolfes 25 . R . Gnie l 26. R . Lindford 27. T. Smith 28. N . Short 29.C. Jackson 30. K. Sparrow 31 . R . Lucas 32. F. Maya 33 . P. Rachor 34 . D. Walsh 35 . B . Dobson 36 . P. Galliford 37. M. Thomson 38. G. Smith 39.G.Jones 40. G . Hamilton 41 . D. Hogan 42. D. Davison 43. L . McDonald 44. J . McNamara 46. J . Curti n 49 . S. Redfern 52 . J. Coghlan

IVANHOE Senior Coach : John Simpson Reserves Coach : Ian Forsyt h 1 . R. Armstrong 2 . P. La Rosa 3. C. Tucker 4. M . Maud 5. P. Manuel 6. T. Jackson 7. J . Mathew 8. J . Freeman 9. M . Thackwray 10. G. Kennedy 11 . S . Ford 12 . V. Sammartino 13. P. Ravriey 14. P. Flynn 15. T. Flynn 16. M. Fabris 17.P.Lee 18. A. Zanatta 19. G . Sullen 20. R . Stewart 21 . L . Blackwood 22. R . Angelini 23. P. Pettingill 24. D. Mallia 25. A . Barro 26. N . Capitols 27. D . Nibali 28 . D. Forsyth 29 . D. Flynn 30 . J . Makin 31 .1 . Forsyth 32 .J.Raywood 33. S. McGowan 34, R . Doyl e 35. G . Strangwick 36. Robert Gittos 37. S. Northey 38.T.Groppi 39. J. Sampson 40. S . Cavar 41 . C . McDonald 42 . D. Cartwright 43 . R . Le e 45 . A . Woolf e 46 . Richard Gittos 47. D. Hoffman 48. A . Pekin 49. S. Molloy 50. W. Lloyd 51 . A. Sanderson 52 . A . Purcell 53. A . Scott " 54. D. Webb 55. D. Hochfei d SPONSORED BY

THE TOWER HOTEL 838 Heidelberg Rd Alphington Ph : 499 7177

KEW Senior Coach : Brett Burde n Reserves Coach : Nicolas StIcca 1 .M .Lord 2 . G . Porte (VC) 3. D. Sticca 4. G. Crimmins 5. L. Bradley 6. M . Langton 7. A. Burden 8 . J. Busuttil 9. A . Peric 10. B. Cullen 11 . A . Barnes 12 . C. Chipman 13. C. Kiriakou 14. F. Clayton 15. G. White 16. D. Wood 17. D. Menzies 18. N . King (DVC) 19. R . Barry

20. S. Harrison

21 . P. Thornely (Capt) 22. D. Mascitti (C-Res) 23. R . James 24. B. Burden (Coach) 25. P. Pedrett i 27 R . Love 28. L . Donavan 29 . M. Williamson 30 . O. Greenwood 31 . A. Well s 32 . J. Brassil 33. M . Jack 34.S . McMahon 35. S . Bruno 36. R . Bruno (VC-Res) 37. D. McClay 38.B .Sheahan 39. B . Campbel l 40. A . Price 41 . G . Theodoridis 42. R . Burgess 43 . F. Prokop 44 . A. Cutinelli 45 . N . Dellis 46 . Q Hop e 47. D. Hope (DVC-Res) 48.J. Peron 49. D. Kin g 50. G . Bakogiannis 51 . S. Kitson 52 . J. Kitson 53.B .Bayne 54. A . Skerritt 55. J . Northrop 56.S Chamarenko 57. M . Gree n

Macedon Templestowe Dry Cleaners 19 MACEDON RD LOWER TEMPLESTOWE

Soft Cloth Car Wash


1k ~ *

Coburg Coach House

Ivlotel/Peppermill Restaurant 844 SYDNEY RD. COBURG

00.F .(~• MAZE NO D OLD COLLEGIANS senior Coach : Reserves Coach : Chris Boyle 1- N . Kendall 2-D Murray 3. T. Chiicott (Capt) 4. W. McLean

5. D Conroy (DVC) 6 . W. Francis 7- P Deegan (Capt-Res) 8- Peter Gree n

9, P Hall to- M. Talley

it . T Smith (VC-Res) 12- S, Noble 13 Pat Green 14_C . Belleville 15. D . Barker 16. J . Lenette 17. T. Tsiavis 18, M . Brookes 19. S. McMullin 20.C Murray 21 . D. Trusler 21 . M . Quirk (2) 22 . S. Williams 23 . M . Morley 24 . A. Hanley 25. D Richards 26. W. Poulter 27. R . Palamara

28, N . Little

29. M . McCusker 30, S. Fisher 31 . C. Smith 32. W. Marshall 33. J. Boyle 34. D. Connolly 35. S. Kerr 36 M . Polletti 37 . J. Mannix 38. B. Mounter 39. R . Bourbon 40. M . Birch 41 . B. Welch 42. J. Grimison 43. G . Amy 44, B. Meadows 45. G. Rogers 46. M Johnston 47 Peter Riley

48.T. Howard (DVC-Res) 49. P Crovfiurs l 50. A. Rogers 51 . M . Murray 52 . M . O'Hara 53. D. Williams 54. W. Maloney 55. D. Gil l 56. M . Couttie 57. B . Baxter 58. D. Cahill 59. 1 . Nei l 60 . S . Polan 61 . D. Nelson 62 . S. Jozsa 63 . P Welch 64 . B. Field 65 . P. Foley 66. S. Fraser 67. S. Ritchie 68. M . Sinclair 69.C . Desmier 78 . J. Wals h



Industrial • Domestic • Commercial


MELBOURNE HIGH SCHOOL OB MONASH BLUES Senior Coach: Snr Coach: Ron Verma Brian Ford Asst Coach: Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Res Coach: Paul Katz Andrew Hadley 1 . J . Semen

1 . J . Adduci (2) 2 . P. Albergo 3.P.Day 3. R . Verma (2) 4, A. Kennedy 4 . D. Menzies (Res-Capt) 5 . A. Caffry 5 . R. Martin (2) 6 . R. Wix 7. R . Knight (DVC) 8 . J. Dixon (DVC) 9 . D. Comer (Capt) 10., M . Beazley (VC) 11- M . Webster (DVC-Res) 12, P. Knigh t 12 . M . Feterkranz (VC-Res) 13. A. Damon (DVC )

14 . B. Glove r

15 . B. McClements 16 .P.Kotz 17. A. Webster I& C. Young 19 . A . Muller 20. B . Mourney 21 . 0 . Reeves 21 . C- Sumner (2) 22 . D. Woodley 23. D. Exto n 24. D. Fleming 24. G . Wilson (2) 25. M . Lynch 26. A. Cruddin 27. S. Helmot 28, T Canavan 29 . C. Drake 30 .R. Newton 31 . P. Yee 32 . L. Apostolou 33 . C. Oxlade 34, R O'Connell 35. S. Konstanty 36. A . Paimos (DVC-Res) 37. P. Defteros 38. B. Ansell 39. D . Fairchild 40. G . Peckham 41 . P. Browne 42. N. Bradley 43. G. O'Brien 44. R . Williams 45, D. Baker 46. C . Wilson 47 . M. Konstanty 48. M . Guinea 49. A . Muraca 50.J .Pertzel 51 . J . McGennis 52 . A. Sainsbury 53. J. Goldi n 54. B. Sergeant 55 . I . Gillespie 56 . B. Archdall 57.S . Keane 58 . S . Duketis 59 . R. Zwar 60 . P. Konstanty 61 . P. Barge 62 . M . Atkin 63 . C. Parris

1 . J .M . Alexander 2 . D. Carman 3. B. Hodgson 4. W. Douglass 5. G. Gal e 6. I . Hildebrand (DVC) 7. P. Farrar 8 . A . Barker 9 . L- Baring 11 . M . Spencer 12 . M . Crampton 13. J. Harrison 14.V.Sheehan 15. D. Eley

17. S. Zachandis 18 . G . Hipwell (VC) 19 .D.Roche 20. M . Malakeilis 21 . D- Lawrence 22 . D. Walsh 24. A . Castricum 25. M . Kellock 26. A . McGregor (Capt) 27. D. Newma n 28, S. Rowland 29. A . Headberry 31 . J. Smith 32 . G . Wadley 33 . D. O'Brien 34 . B . Dovisley 35. P. Mastos 36. H . Cavalier 37. J. Andritsos 38. S . Brou n 39. S . Chalatzoukas 40. S . Leitc h 43. G . Enders 44 . A. Leitc h 45, R . Anderson 46.J.P. Alexander 47 . S. Mentha 48.P. Andritsos 49. R . Hai l 50. A . Randall 51 .B.Hodgson 52 . J. Millie 53 . A . Hadley 55 . D. Trumble 57. D. Tilley 61 . R . Mansfield 63 . M . Sinclair 65. D. Woo d 71 . M . Hay SPONSORED BY


PARKSIDE Senior Coach : M. Ware Reserves Coach : M . Wilson 1 . A . Jackson 1 . C . Walsh (2) 2 . P. Meehan 2 . C . McGaw (2) 3. F. Sansonetti 3 . G . Poyntz (2) 4 . M. Hoyne 4 . P Jackson (2) 5 . G . Williams 5 . S. Milsud (2) 6. G . Smit h 6. A . Stuart (2) 7 G . Yoksic h 7. R . Fletcher (2) 8. J . Chilcott 8 G . Hunt (2) 9 G . Dunbabin 9. S. Modica (2 ) 10, D . Whelan 10. S. Gill (2) 11 . K.Jergens 12. M . Sturgess 12. W. Shortis (2) 13 D. Mezzatesta 13. S. Rizzolio (2) 14. P, Georgiou 14. P Smith (2) 15 D. Moodie 15 . M. Gard (2) 16 . G . Masset 16 . B. Smith (2) 17. C. Freema n 17. G . Giannopoulos (2) 18. D . Gray 19. C . Williams 19 T Gard (2) 20 M . Pag e 20. A. Wilson (2) 21 . J . Cotte r 21 . M . Tapping (2) 22 . K . Allan 22 . G . Galanis (2) 23- M. Sherlock 24 . A . Borsato 25 L. Dgiacomo 26. M Bradley 27. L . Panjari 28 V. O'Brie n

29 L. Macnamara 29, Mr Rowe (2) 30. R . Dean

30. A. Stuart (2) 31 . G. Horoch 31- M . Mentha (2) 32 .R .McGaw 34 J. McCal l 34 . T Rusitovski (2) 35 .J.Tkocz 35 . D. Hehir (2 ) 37. J . Pan}ari 38. S. Castellan 41, P Bugden 42.R Dea n 54 A . Gioba n

SPONSORS Parkside Panels 459 851 6 ~


610 Camberwell Rd LMCT 537 Camberwell . Ph. 809 2466.

Ivori e Clothing

489 9511 ~ Heidelberg Mitsubishi 458 1222

ST. KILDA STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach : Roger Gerny Reserves Coach: Glen Baker 1 . G . Sparkes 2 . R. Gerny 4. B. Boyd 5. A . McGaw 6 . S. Morgan 7. C. Capiron 8. M . Strain 9 . G . Healey 10. N . Fitzroy 11 . M . Alderuccio 12, R . Gilmore 13. G . Joseph 14. C . Gray 15. F. Buckley 16. R Rogers 17. M . Eckhoidt 18. A . Fitzsimon 19. M . Kin g 20. T. Riddell 21 . G . Holed 22. R O'Sullivan 23. J. Pasara 24. B. Gill 25. R . Pope 26. W . Gilmore 27. R . Bergman 28. P. Pirola 29. M . Murrihy 30, P Sherman 31 . F. Descalco 32 . J. Dunlevie 33 . N . Col e 34 . P. Cappilari 35 . S. Degering 36 . A . Suppa 37. N . Buck 38 . S . Wood 39 . A. Atchison 40 . D. Cappilari 41 . P. Degering 42. P. Kerian 43 . A. Hal l 44 . M . Howard 45. J . Kolokossian 46. P. Dyson 49. M . Credlin 50. B. Meadov.oroft 54. C. Renni e 55. P Jackson 56. C. Day 57. B. Derham 58.D.Eddy 59. J. Hartwig 60. M . McMahon 61 . D. Dunlewe 62 . J . Tayle r 64. A . Crough 66. T. Peart 68. M . Fawa z MAJOR SPONSOR S




GEELON G BRUNSWICK 1 . P. Sayers 2 . S. Moore 3. A . Strachan 4. P. Conduit 5. D. Stevens 6. A . Watterson 7. D. Carrol l 8. D. Clarke 9. I . Campbell 10 . J . Forrest 11 . M . Snelson 12. S. Hewitt (Capt) 13 . S . Kannegiesser 14 . B. Gibso n 15. K: Beaumont 16. G . Cros s 17. E . Pavo 18. A. Black 19. P. Kadissi 20. D. Watt 21 . R . King 22 . B. Petrollini 23. J. Carroll 24. S. McBride 25. R . Shaw 26. P. Spezza 27. 0. Hall 28. T. Mathews 29. J. Haines 30. R . Jacobs 31 . I . Cordes 32 . S . Gibson 33. J. Ralph 34. 0 . McDonald 35. D . Sedgwick 36. R . Chessels 37. W. Holman 38. C . Short 39. G. Smith 40. C. Slater 41 . D. Roberts 42. C. McCulloch 43- B. Owen s 44. R . McKissack 45. G . Brunt 46. G . McCulloch 47. J. Darley 48. G . William s 49. G . Santacatterina 50. R. Easdal e 51 . S. Lewis 52. A . Conboy 53. K. Ludekens 54. N . Campbell 55. J. Williamson 56. R. Cockerel] 57. B. Watterson 58. J. Wright 60.R Sheehan 63. A. Conboy M AJOR SPONSO R



H :-- .- : ® N ROVERS Senior Coach : Gary Hetherington Reserves Coach : David Terr y 1 . J. Ros s 3. C . Amoore 4. S. Anderson 4. J. Pearce (2) 5. E . Melnjak (VC) 5. D. Rogerson (2) 6. D. Culle n 7. J. Alessi (Capt-Res) 8. M . Blake 9. S. McDonald 10. D. McConvill e 11 . S . Wilson (VC-Res) 12. G . Lambiri s 13. H . LeGran d 15. G . Hetherington 16. L . Carte r 19. B. Hibbs 20 . G . Deveraux 20. P. Chalikias 21 . G . McDonald 22 . M . McKellar 23. C. Dwyer 25 . R . Melnjak 26 . K . Butler 27. D. Terry 28. A . LeGrand 29. R . Abraham 30. M . Alessi 31 . I . Boyl e 32 . J. Matson 33. A . McGregor 34. I. Rogerson 35. V. Micalizzi 36. A . Sutto n 37. J . Porcino 39. K . Ivey 40. M . Doukas 41 . A. Natoli 42 . N . Murray-White 44. R . Thompson 45. C. Scarlett 46. J. Alessi 47. L. McLeod 48. T. Murray-White 49. F. Casell a 50. M . Crawford 54. A . Panagiatidis 55. T- Brain

BRUNSWICK Senior Coach: Dino Di M arco Reserves Coach: Peter D tt 1 . A. Tirchet t 2 . D. Adam s 3. M . DeMorton (Capt) 4. P. DiMarc o 5. C. Cortese 6. V. Grimaldi 7. J. Briffa 8. C . Keay 9. A . Sammartino 10. P. Meri n 11 . K . Hehi r 12. L. DeMorton 13. K. Lianeas 14. G . Parkinson 15. H . Tsialtas 16. S . Tsialtas 17. C. Borelli 18. S . Sir 19. V. Liros i 20. M . Angeloni 21 . B. Laurie 22 . A . Gretgrix 23 . B . Attard 24 . J . Houston 25 . J . Androutsos 26 . J . Tirchett 27. P. Randello 28 . J . Kibizis 29. M . Cannon 30. B . Thorpe 31 . S . Hodgson 32 . M. Glenister 33. J . Cannizzaro 34. T. Monterosso 35. P. Dowsett 36. J. Boudoloh 37. D. DeMorton 38. B. Pisasale 39. V. Randello 40. G . McCal l 41- J. Saunders 42 . M . Briffa 43. D . Lawton 44. S. Ward 45. D . Munro 46. C. Jewel l 47. J . Engellener 48. K . Christodoulou 49. G . Kyrannis 54. J. Pi o 55. J. Roussos 58. A . Boudoloh 63. T. Wright 69. Kevi n MAJOR SPONSORS

Ct~NA.`)Pa __C-E1. 5 :3 3`; L', tdSTOtd ST, CARLTOt1 F;iONE : 3471d37

Senior Coach: Stuart Giasco tt Reserves Coach: Russell Parkinson 1 . S . Furph y 2 . W. Davis 3. P. Clarke 4. C . Gunn 5 . A . Howells 6. D. Ritchie 7. S. Glascott 8 . A . Rigby 10. M . Oliphant 11 . J . Pescott 12 . G . Fawcett 13. P. Herman 14. B. Edmonds 15. C . Stewart 16. S. Burgess 17. W. Dowling 18. C . Richardson 19. J. Manto n

20 . C. Ross 21 . D . Morrison 23 . M . Davi s 24 . A . Gunnerson 25. A. Peake 26. R . Williamson 27. D. Morton 29 . C. Jeffries 30. P Jones 31 .T Jackson 33 . G . Stubbings 34 .P Law 36. M . Bai n 37. J. Richmond 39 .J . Ferguson 40 . S_ Bones 44 .E .Spiden 45 . J . Wilson 47. M. Wilson 48 . S. Nadenbush 50. M . Robson 51 . J . Le e 52. P. Stock 54 . J . Groom 66. O'Halloran PROUD SPONSOR S

BennMackin &A ~S.~oCtateS~

OLD : . . N . Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Rese rves Coach : Steve King 1 B. Yanvood 2. M. Dyson 3 M, Clarkson 4 . i . Wen s 5 J . Stevens 6. M . Hail 7 G. Farleacas (VC) 8.T Stevens 9. M . Karayanms 10 . 8 Hal l 11 . T Ryan 12 . M Tozer 13 . D Lou.son 14 . M Colledge 15 G. Douglas 16. M . Woods 17.J .Luk 18. C Ferguson 19 T. Yaung 20 M Huber 21- A. Haug

22 C Donnell ' 23. M. Sten.vart 24. G . Haros (DVC) 25. J. Maycock 26. P. Golding 27 J Weddle 2a a Jones 29 R . Weddl e ,30 D . Toil 31 . D. Caddy 32 .A Noonan 33 T. Cormack 34 S Kent 35 . D . Soon 36 . D Super 37. C. Lynch 38 . S. Conway 39 M Campbell 40. S, Purcell 41 . J. Marshall 42 S Vaughan 43 P Sigley 44 D Simonsen

45, D, Chan 46 . A . Jenkins 47. M Dunn 48 . S Pidoto 49 J Hempseed 50. M . Veal (Capq 51 . M . Power 52. P. Cargin 53 . D. Craker 54 . P. Wall 55. C. McLaughlin 56. A . Ongarelio 57. B. Elsvrorth 58. A . Ryan 59, D. Cuttenss 60. C. Pitt 62. R Ritchie 63. P Murg,a 64. N . Weston 68. R . Bainbndge 69 J. Lun t 94 B Wilson MAJOR SPONSORS


ST BEDES/ MENTO N E TIGERS Senior coach : Mark Tyquin Reserves Coach: Greg Connolly 1 . M . Kinsella 2. D. Marshall 3 . B . Beasley 4 . V. L'Huillier 5. G . Connolly 6, R . Parsons 7. D. Diggins 8. B . Hambridge 9, M . Jone s

10 . D . Feben (Capt) 11 . R . Grec h

12 . C. Stewart 13 . D. Johnston 14 . P. Lannan 15. M . Freeman 16. B . Berry 17 . A . MacGeorge (DVC) 18. M . Griffith s 19. B. Tomlinson 20. A . Giaquinta 21 . M . Hanrahan 22 .S . McCarthy 23. B. Hutchinson 24 . T. Beasley (VC) 25 . D. Smith 26 . E . Leyden 27. R . Randall 28.J . Clagnan 29.C. Thomson 30. A. Mason 31, G . McLachlan 32. J . Dickinson 33. A. Walsh 34.A .Boag 35. R . Bilo s 36. S . Markham 37. S. Gray 38. D. Edwards 39. A . Bonica 49.T. Bryant 41 . J . Naylor 42 . D. O'Brien 43. R . Lomagno 44. D . Goodchiid 45 . Mick Beasley 46 . G . O'Brien 47. J . Higgi n 48 . M . Lomagno 49 . M . Murray 50. W. Earle 51 . A . Pettinella 52. J. Sebire 53. A. Naylor 54. M. McCraw 55. Matt Beasley 56.P. O'Connor 57. S . Algeri 58. R . Strom 59.R Newport 61 . M. Bateman 62 . P. Bateman 69 . S. Campbel l 71 . M. Atherton



Senior Coach : Michael Petrie Rese rves Coach : Michael Harrington 1 . H . Stone 2. R Curtai n 3. A. Bendoricchio 4 . S . Coomb e 5. R . Callanan 6. G . Gross 7. G . Lee-Conway 8. R McNe e 9.J. Fogarty 10.A. Donohue 11 . P. Caliil 12. D. McNair 13. M . Pivetta 14. L . Mahoney 15. M . Olive 16. R . Kelly 17. O . Hourigan 18. P. Scal a 19. J. Welkin (Capt) 20. P. Clohessy 21 . M . Durrant 22.P Gunther 23. D. Morton 24.J. O'Connor 25. D. Williams 26. J. O'Brien 27. R . Gross 28. J. Whitbread 29. A . Thomas 30. M . Prindiville 31 . N . Causer 32 . John Sergeant 33 . P. Harding 34 .D.Sheehy 35 . M . Verberne 36 . M . McKaige 37. A . Beale (VC) 38 . A. Lyo n 39 . J . Bare 40. P. Panagiotopoulos 41 . Jeremy Sergeant 42.J .Herman 43. J . Fo x 44. P.Stackpole 45.P. McCann 46 D. DeRooden 47 . M . Brady 48.J. Dyno n 49. E . Footner 50. J . Drake 51 . J. Quirk 52 . P. Lewi n 53 . D. O'Hanlon 54 . B . Keenan 55 . P. Hopkins 5& R . Evan s 57 . M . Chapman 58. A. Morgan 59. T. Bare 60. P. Varasdi

Senior Coach : M.Spinosa Reserves Coach : D. Leal e 1 . S. Papaioanou 2 . M. Reid

John Allan


3. A. Smith 4. G . Pets xis 5 . F. Acorachi 6 . B. Pelligrino 7. S . Plant 8 . A. Fellows 9 . T. Maroney 10. D.Langbourne 11 . C . Surha n 12 . F. Farchione 13. P. Aifonsi 14. J. DAngelo 15 J. Theodorcu 16 . D. Farchione 17 D. Leal e 18 . R. Geremla 19 . G . O'Brien 20. L. Azzarone 21 . E. Lentini 22. C. Plan t 23. R . Dimaggio 24.T Gannon 25, R . Kennedy 26. P. Ristevski 27. A. Formosa 28. L. Moribito 29. Kevin Harting 30. C. Fellows 31 . G . Pikovski 32. G . Dimouski 33. J. Zaicos 34. M . Giacobbe 35. A. Colosimo 36. L . Smith 37. D . Dimouski 38. A. Inzitari 39. P. Gloutfsis 40. S . D'Avoine 42 . S. Hardsta8 43. J. Chahoud 44. N . Argyiou 45 . J. Hart 46 . L. Sellese 47. D. Plowright 48 . P. Prinz i 49 . D . DeLuca 51 . M . Boyden 54. F. DeLorenzo 55. G. Latou r

56. M . Daghistani 59. F. Bortolani 60. S. Marinell i




Senior Coach: Justin Coburn Rese rves Coach: Kim Kershaw 1 . M. Newton 2 . J. Radford 3 . M . Burnett 4. A . Gray (Capt) 5 . T. Rourke 6 . G . Evans 7. S. Mills 8, D. Hallam 9 . S. Spinks 10. S. Bromell 11 . B.Jackson 12 . M . Bell 13 . M . Nihil l 14, B, Townsend 15 . G. Anderson 16 . P Caccavieilo 17. S. Longley 18. J . Lewi s . 19 . B . Saffin 20. S . McMahon 21 . T. Whitehead 22 . S. Glover 23. R . Rielly 24. A . Bandit 25.A . MacGowan 26. A . Phillips 27. S . Middleton 28 . D. Moorlield 29 . C . Ritchie 30 . G . Keys 31 . M . Hynes 32 . N . Pappas 33 . A. Merritt 34 .J .Sprunt 35. M . Oldham 36. M . Begley 37. R . Hal l 38. A . Geijon 39, R Somerville 40. J. Ganly 41 . D. VanGerrevink 42 . G . Wines 43. J. Quitty 44. P. Dillon 45. K . Bowden 46 . B . Danielson 47. A . Hengel 48 . S . Miriklis 49 . P. Anderson 50. P. Barri e 51 . A . Neville 52. P. Pesavento 53. N . O'Sullivan 54. D. McFarline 55. M . Nixon 56. R . Devlin 57. B. Hennessy 58. K . O'Farrell 59. S. Majo r 61 . J. Yorston 69 . S. Little 76. R . Gazelle 77. A . Aaron '.. 79. PerrettlCosteilo 82 . A . Donald


V ii

1 . S. Bryan 2 . D. Dawson 3 . A . Harry 4 . J . Tuc k 5 . D. Macleod 6 . G . Cler k 7. M . Cannon 8 . A. Morgan 9 . G . Case 10. G. Hampson 11 . D. Temby 12 . A. Featherston 13. N . Bezzant 14. S. Lynch 15 . D. White 16 . P. Derva n 17. P. VanDungen 18 . D. Grig g 19 . B . Cettinich 20. M . Dervan 21 . S . Weir 22 . W. Payne 23. P. McNamara 24. R. Meilak 25. R. Evans 26. A . Bond 27. B . Tuc k 28. S. Calderwood 29. M . Anderson 30. A . Morelli 31 . M . Tuck 32 . J. Pinkney 33.T Cannon 34. B. Hann 35 . N . Croft 36 . D. Digenova 37. A. Finc h 38 . D. Ipsa 39 . S. Lugowski 40 . L. Turnley 41 . T. Campbell 42 . R. Engler 43 . D. Elliott 44 . D. Mill s 45. C. Muscat 46. M . Payne 47. S. Quinn 48. T. Riley 49. R. Scott 50.J. Stevanonski 51 . D. Bubnic 52 . T. Williams 53, T Carter 54. B. Macleod 55. C . Salmon 56. T. Gleason 57. T. Davies 58. E . Vargas 59. M . Sutherland 60 . N . Buckland 61 . C . Singleton 62 . S . Burt 63 . W. Kewin 64 . N . Stovell 65 . M . Bennett 66, G . Dona 67. F. Wals h



~~ ,~~

E Section . Found«t1906


ANZ Z;m64e' , Senior Coach : Alan Quoits Assistant Coach : Jack McDonald 1 . P. Smith 1- S . Duke (2) 2 . M . Sanelli 2 . T. Kennedy (2) 3. O. Morro s 3, M . Azzato (2) 4 . S. Gambl e 5. P. Cairns 6 . P. Marshall 6 . G. Smith (2) 7. D. Steere 8 . L. Snellin g 8 . W. Simmonds (2) 9- G . Walktey 10. M . Phillip s 12 . G . Larkin (VC) 12 . P Strahan (2) 13.S. McCarthy 13 . M . Xuereb (2) 14 . M . Lengacher 15 . M . Evans 16 . M . Malone 16 . P. Knight (2) 17.T. Harbinson 18 . P. Boyle (DVC) 19 . N . Pastras 20. R. Koegler 21 .P.Shoppee 22. M . Co x 23. A . Bennett (Res-VC) 24. M . Lawrence 25. J. McDonald (Capt) 26. S . Smit h 27. G . Perkins 27. W. Humphrey (2) 28. C. Morse 29.8, Pentland 30. C. O'Brien 31 . D. Kraljik 32 . M . Farrell 33. A . Stein 34. W. Lasslett 34. C . Westblade (2) 36. R . Liddell 37. M . Sweeney (Capt-Res) 36. L. Waddingha m 39. J. Liddel l 40. B. Fernandez 41- G . Ritchie 42 . M . Whelan 43. N . Ward 44. R . McDonald (VC) 45. P. Hagle r 46. D . Mclister 47. A. Toomey 48. P. Heyes (VC-Res) 52 . P-Vanderwal 57. B. Curthoys 58 . N. Walsh 60 . M . Birrell 61 . R . Salmoni 62 . A . Quaif e 63 . A . Andrianakis 64 . S. Nicholson 65 . A . Spinne r 66 . D. Grieve 67. C. Riley 68 . P. Ganley 69 . S . Bayes 70. B . Francis 71 . Q. Kliener 72 . P Barton 73 . M . Tunzi

AQUINAS Senior Coach : Dave McCormack Reserves Coach: John Ryan 1 .T-Jess 2 . G . Clifford 3 . D. Joyce 4 . M . Wilkinson 5 . A . Coster 6 . S. Kenny 7. C . Glennie 8 . S . Kelly 9 . R . Leavey 10. M . Hurley 11 . J. Hacking 12 . B. May 13 . D. McKellar 15 . S. Upton 16 . C . Bell i 17. P. McCafferty 18 . R .A . Cronin 19 . A . Grierson 20. B. McKenna 21 . J . Knights 22 . J . Ryan 23. B. O'Connor 24. S. Flynn 25. R . Wans 26. M . Gray 27. I . Shaw 28. R . Winnen 29. S. O'Loughlin 30. C . Colliver 31 . L . Kin g 32 . M . Vankerkhoven 33. P. Rosbrook 34. M . Tarull i 35- S. Livingstone 36 . D . Phela n 37. D. Crawford 38 . D . Peters 39 . J . Langford 40,J . Mc wen 41 . R. Chamberlain 42 . R- Milton 43 . C . Rogers 44 . J . Scott 4& M . Haggerty 46 . D.Langdon 47. P. Kvietelaitis 48 . R . Sehulties 49 . C . Lambourne 50. P. Grierson 51 . D . Johnstone 52. P. Sheehan 53. A. Twyford 54 . M . Kealy 55. J- Crouch 56. K . Denver 57. L. Denver 58. T Hogan 60. B . McKellar 61 . C . Duffy 70. P. Sainsbury 80- M . Joyce MAJOR SPONSO R


870 2444

Senior Coach : And rew Smythe Reserves Coac h Michael Flanagan 1, A McFarlane P. Lamm g 1 . R Schneider 2 . R, Modey 3 S. McLaren 3. J Ranbo:v 44 N . Cartledge (Res-Capt) 4. R, Schneider 5 S. Scanlon 5, G. Radford 6 M, Kelly 7,CPortbury(VC) 7. J . Cartledge 8 D Robbins 9 H . Turvey 9, R Hamilton 9 N. Borg 10, W, Olney 10 A Humphrey 11, R. Creighton 12 D Thompson 13, G . Cottenil 13 S Irvine 14 B. Mott 15 A . Ste,vart

16 C Batnscombe 16. J Stark 17 D Gandolfo 17 A Money 18 R Pasante 19 R Hamilton 20. C Parker 20 J. Moran 21 . P Avery 22 P Cotterrll 22. C Brown 23 J. Redfern 23. R. Philpot 24. C. Batbscombe 24. P, Brown 25 C.Frayne 25 W Olney 26, P Coen 26 A, McFarlane 27 S. Fatouros 27. D. Humphrey 28 A Money 29 R ingies e 30. G Christopoulos 30 C Parke r 31 . D Trip p 32 S Fatouros 32 C Mutimer 33 R . Drvugibo (VC-R) 34 L. Coleman 35 C. Mutimer 35 S Irvine 36 L . Thompson 37 P. Piew (Capq 38. C Frayn e 39 M Flanagan 40 D Tsokas 41 S Stratton 42 .R Phdpot 42 H Robe.^.s 53 S Stratton 43 B Lambevsb 53 P Cottenit 43 A Stewart 54 A May 44 P.Tsokas 55 . P Rees 45, R. Hamilton 56, N Borg 46 A Humphrey 57 G Connolly 47 P, Coen 58 D Thick 48 M Daily-Watkin s 48 A May 59 A Chafer 48, P. Leming 59, M Fil l 49 S Irvine 60 W O'Brien 50 D Atkinson 60. S Portbury 5t . D. Hopkins 71 . P Avery 52 P Brown 82 C Frayne 53 . C Brown ttt P Lamin g ~gEfl "

ELSI'ERNYdEOK DOVETON Senior Coach : Adrian Brown Reserves Coach : Paul Cip ressi 1 . C. Wormesly 2 . A- Campbell (VC) 3. P. Ashwoo d 4. L. Vurlow 5 . J . Muirhead 6 . P. Cipressi 7. J . Reiger 8 . R . Murphy 9 . M . Page 10. F. Khali l 11 . J. Johnston 12 . C. Pepper 14. K . Charleston 15. P. Warren 16. D. Boots 17. C . Pauline 18. S. Campbell 19. R . Forgiarini 20. J. Zoubek 21, B . Goodwin 22. K . McHugh 23. M . Dyke 24. S . Van Beek 25. M . Lobinski 26.B. McGougan(C-Res) 27. P Giddens(Capt) 28, Adrian Brown (Coach) 29. J. Butler 30. P Hill 31 .J. Sweeney (VC-Res) 3Z T Mortis 33. R . Gibbs 34. S. Wilson 35. D. Ruston 36. W. Burgess (DVC) 37. G . McDonal d 38. K . Wilson 39. J . Leveque 40. B. Turner 41 . L . Borg 42 . S . Sumondis 43. S. Reiger 44. Andrew Brown 45. D. Charleston 46 . T- Fairweather 47. B. Sheppeck 48 . G . Campbell 49 . P. Eyre 50 . D. Clarke 54 . J . Wilson

Senior Coach: P. Purcell Reserves Coach : G. Connolly t . L . Murphy (VC) 2. A Hankn 3. M . Andrew 4. G . Andrew 5, G . Connolly 6. P Tsiampas 6, M . Lloyd (2) 7. T. Heath 7. A. Cosmas (2) 8 C. O'Connor 9. A. O'Connor 10. R . Bravington 11 . P. Mahony 1L P Suite (2) 12. R. Eklo m 13. P, Stankovich 14. A. Conlin (DVC) 15. L . McCooke 16. A. Abrahams t7. J. Ward te. P. Pavlovic 19. M . Byrne 19, M . Bullard (VC-Res) 20. P Shine 21, P. Osborne 22 . L . McGregor 23 N . Christi e 24. D, Contin (Capt) 25. J O'Connor 26 . D . Dahm 27. M . Daniels 28, M . Whelan 29S Mahony 30 . G. Bulluss 31. R Bulluss 32 . P. Harris (Capt-Res) 33 . B . 1-it 34 . A . Contin 35.D. Osborne 36. B . Bravmgton 37. G . Marshall 38. B . Hammer 39, G. Trevena 40. D. Nola n 41. L, Bonbon 42, S . Ramsay 43. M . Werena 44, C. Walke r 45, R . Grandemange 46. T. Tsihnntzis 47. C . Tsaloumas 48 M . Fayad 49. D. Zatfiro 50, R. McIntyre 51, X . Nathan 52 . F. Grey 53. C. Collins 54. S . Kirkham 55.K Cook 56. M. Murgana 57. J. Eklom 58. R. Passante 59. S . McLennan 60. M. Pachler 61 . & Hil l 62 . A . Guinane 63 S Crowe 64. K Btllman 65.D. Mahony 66. J. Schultz 67.J 68 P. Dunnache . McGarry 69. R . Enghsh 70. Marty Copeland 71 . Mathew Copeland 72, M . Scott 73. W. Smit h 74. G . Cunningham 75 R . Bloomfield 76. B. Bowe r 77. A . Hutchins 78 . C . Shuttieaonh 79 . D. Pickard 80. D. Torrence 81. D, Hughes SPONSORED BY


Senior Coach: Graeme Ewart Reserves Coach :

Senior Coach: Ron Purcell B. Rafferty Reserves Coach : 1 . R . Purcel l 2. B. Taylor S . Timms 3. N . Braavn 1 . B. Wilson 4. A . Mitchell 2 . S . Jankovic 5. S. Hoskins 3 . T Hil l 6, B . O'Hara 4 . B . Rafferty 7. P. Kerkiwet (DVC) 5 . G. Dickson 8. D. Haye s 9. G. Ewan 6 . S. Timms 10. E. Smith 7. M . Kouts it . A. Kyriacou 8 . A . Hill 12.J. Wilson 9 . G. Halpin (Capt) 13 A, Gibbs 10. G . Richard s 14.S.Jackson . Rossiter '. . 11 . T 15. R . Spurrit 12 . B. Stewart 16. T. Walker . Smith 13. S 17. A . Cocks 14. J. Bird 18. M . Carrick . Breslin 15. P 19. M . Polkinghwne 16. M . Hollaway 20 . D. Proven 21 . C. Town 17. Craig Horsey 22 . M. Hopkins 18. Cameron Horsey 23 . M . Armstrong . Withers 19. S 24 . T. McManus 20. T. Silvey (VC) 25. A. Taylor . Gilmour 21 . J 26. G . Young 22. M . Davies 27. F. Lodge 23. C. Rya n 28. B. Leitch 24. D. Tre .varn 29 W. Forwood . S . Callafiore 25 30.N . McCann 26. D. Mande 31.J. Howard 27. I . Withers 32. D. Ale x 33. M. McCutchinsan 28. D. Isaacs . L . Black 34. P. McCrae 29 35.D.Foune 30. C. Thom 3$. D. Essery . G. Oaten 31 37. C.Strachan 32. P. Lamb 31 A . Hardenberg 33. P. Harriso n 39. L. Heath 34. B. O'Shannesy 40. J. Harvey 35. B. Milla r 4L T. NixonSmilh 36. R. Hall 42. S. Burmeister 37. J . Brown 41 T. Horskins 38. A. Antonio 44. W. Ear l 39. D. Maiden 45. A . Gale 40. D. O'Shannesy 46. R . Lee 47. P. Lenten 41 . S. Talarico 4S, C, Brown 42. C . Whelan 49. A . Kent 43.S.Jones 50. E . Wat t 44. B. O'Donnell 51 . N . Humphries 45. T. Mance 52 . A. Ko!!morgen 46. R . Horowitz 53 P. Matheson 47. R . Day 54. A . McKenzie 48. D. Casser 55 D. McDonald 49. M . Ley 56.C. Evans 50. J. 0'Donough 57. G. Fulton . A. Levey 58. A . Mitsau 51 59. L . Daly 69. J Gan 52 . M . Gordon 60. J. Net 70 . D . Human 53. L. Farley 6t_ A . Wright 71 . A . Inkster 54. G . Boxshall 62 . J. Swann 72. W. Inkster 55. N . Morris 63. A. McCulloch 73. B . Larkef 57. S. Dunphy 64. J. McCann 74. N . Huntley . Crooke 58. W 65 A. Bryson 75. M . Feeling 59. S. King 66, D. Wilson 7a S. Vioods 67. C. Fisher 77. A . Falcate SPONSORED BY . Hil l 68 . J. Fan.anod 78. I





ANA Friendly Society Bentleigh


POWERHOUS E OLD ESSENDON GR . Senior Coach: John McEncroe Reserve Coach : Mike Evans 1 .D.Tonks 2 . A . Cook 3 . J . McEncro e 4 . M. Evans (Capt-Res) 5. S . Racavali s 6. H . lkiz 7. B. West 8. C. Grant 9. M . Tapunago 10. I. Stevens 11 . G . Mumford 12 . J. Hearne 14. A . Smit h 15. S. Bishop (Capt) 16 . M . Goodwill 1T G. Charred 18 . J . Briggs 19 . R . Cram 20. C. Bilby 21 . L . Shaw 22 . P. McKinnon 23. D . Poulton 24. P. Murton 25. B. Panagiotopolous (VC) 26. P. Charred 27. D. Eastway 28. C . Souter (DVC) 29. S. Morrish 30. G. Richards 32 . J . Mansfield 34. D. Maddern 35. D. Whitfield 36. I . Agosta 37. L . Wrigley 38 . B . Foote 39 . M . Swift 40. C . Merry 41 . J. McDonald 42 . C. Batchelor 43 . J . Simundza 44 . S. Parker 45 . T. Harvey 46 . M . Wuiske 47. R. Circus 48 . D. Howard 49 . A. Hutchinson 50. D. Bellman 51 . J . Simmons 52. S. Bristow 53. J. Wilcox 54. A. Hughes 55. S . Casey 56. D. Moredan 60. H . Bradshaw 61 . P. Dudderidge

1 . S . Sellick 2 . J. Hall 3. F. Stafford 4. A . Escott 5. S. Kelly 6. M . Taylo r 7. C . Richardson 8. N. Pavlou 9. A . Morris 10. M . Hansen 11 . L . Massaglia 12 . M . Maddox 13. W. Doods 14. B. Hall 15. J. Scotland 16. B. Higgins 17. J. Robertson 18. F. Doyle 19. J. Evans 20 . D. Dealer 21 . L. O'Sullivan 22 . P. Stewart 23 . R . Bond 24 . R . Williams 25. S . Evans 26. J . Senior 27. C . McLeod 28. J . Tucker 29. G . Newman 30. G . Scalzo 31 . P. O'Sullivan 32. B . Wilson 33. A . Wildes 34. S . Kervin 35. S . Speir s 36. P. Hollowood 37. C . McLeod 38. A . Sergeant 39. J. Gil l 40. P. Reidle 41. C. Weinert 44. D. Baxter 45. A . Cope 46. S. Sergeant 48. D. Phelan 49. A . James 50. M . Pittoni 51 . S . Silva

52 . C. Boschert 54. J. Blowfield 55. A . Miller 56 . S. Acott 60 . A . Georgantas 61 . P. Ford 69 . D. Angel 88 . G . Scotland

ST LEO'S WATTLE PARK Senior Coach : S . D'Angeio Reserves Coach: R. Alford 1 . P. Murphy (DVC) 2 . R . Steward 3. D . Miller (Capt) 4. T. Van Den Akker 5. C . Kenny 6. G. Grandy 7. J. Murphy 8. I . Milner 9. R . Sweetland 10. P. Davidson 11 . M . Shacklock 12. G . Robinson (DVC) 13. M . Faulisi 14. D. Corrigan (VC) 15. G . Burke 16. P. McNamara 17. S . Greely 18. G . Sargent 19.P.Kelly 20 . A. Gill 21 . S. Ingram 22 . R . Alford 23 . S . Nankervis 24 . D. Kenny 25. S . Walsh 26. B. Vaughan (Snr) 27. D . Glass 29 . R. Knowles 30. C. Ingram 31. F. Caione 32. A . N'Dreu 33. A. Douglass 34 . J . Callaghan 35. A. Box 36. K. Morris 37. N . Currie 38. M . Anderson 39. B. Vaughan (Jnr) 40. R Dart 41 . B. Compton 42. P. O'Halloran 43. A. Morgan 44. F. Dinicolantino 45. S . Ronch i 46. D. Ingram 47. J . O'Meara 48. D. Dinicolantino 49. P. Steward 50. L. Bourke 51 . T. Oakley 52 . P. O'Connor 53. M . Lawlor 55. L. Danckert 56 .S.Jones 57. D. Bray 58 . A. Nankervis 59 . D. Pitcher 60. C. Rya n 62 . J. Vaughan 63 . C. Quilty 64 . J . Cronin 65. C. Blanco 66. R. Porte r PROUDLY SPONSORED BY



F2 SECTION by Pet er Matovi c

Perfect score again! Looking at the ladders i see that there is a 2 game difference between 4th and 5th place . Its going to be hard for Centrals and C N Balw yn to torget youen. That n siimple alrithme~c rn wins they bothg have to win 8 out of the last 9 to gain a spot . Chirnside Pk had a clos e against Canterbur y N Balwyn where betterB~all shooting for goal was the difference between both sides . Oakleigh added to their already impressive percentage by disposing of Old Westbourne by 126 pts . Sel wyn Combined the tune of 148 pts . thumped a pathetic VUT/FIT to Yarra Valley added more headaches Richmond Central with a confidence boosting 59 to pt win . In the last game Boronia P after leading by 19 pts with 6 minutes to play allowedkUni Reds to kick 4 gls and win their game by 5 pts . All I can say is that we're reliving 1992 all over again . PREVIEW Westbourne olas~~with Chirnside Pk geographically 70 km apart in what should be an even contest . Chirnside, who have been going from strength to strength in recent weeks will find strong opposition from the Werribee boys but I feel they will travel home with the four premiership points by 3 gls in the end . Canterbury N Selwyn are at home to neighbour Selwyn Combined who were big winners last week in what should be another close affair. CNB have a lot at stake as a loss will definately be curtains for '93 . With home ground advantage CNB by2 gIs in atight game . VUT/FIT host 1'arra Valley in what should be a one horse race for the Valley boys . But don't underestimate VUT1F1T because anything can happen just ask Old Westbourne. Yarra Valley by 10 gls. Uni Reds should collect a heap of percentage by downing Camberwell by 20 g(s .

Traditional rivals Boronia Pk and Richmond Cen t ral clash in what should be an entertaining game . Years gone by they have always been close games and this should be no different . But with home ground advantage and with Centrals knowing it is their last chance I tip Centrals to win by 4 gfs .

FORREST Oakleigh LESLIE, Oakleig h SIMPSON, Yarra Valley CREAK Boronia Park PEARSON, Richmond Central JACKSON, Richmond Centra GREEN, Oakleigh MOLLAR, University Reds THOMAS, Chirnside Park BOLLAS, Balwyn Combine d


OLD WESTBOURNE vs CHIRNSIDE PARK Field: R . Simon (Rot), T. Fole y CANTERBURY NTH BALWYN vs BALWYN COMBINED Field: P. Lukies, N . Woods, Boundary: N . Smith VUT/F1T vs YARRA VALLEY OB Field., D. D'Altera, U. Thuys RICHMOND CENTRAL vs BORONIA PARK Field: D. Ashton, R . Smit h UNIVERSITY REDS vs CAMBERWEL L (McAlister Oval , Park St Field: P Maebus, T . Natha.,n Parkville, Melway Ref. 29 F 10

SENIOR S CHIRNStDE -RK CANTBRY/NTH BALWYN 13.5 17 4.1 11 5.6 9 .2 .9 11 .12 11 .7109 .16.82 CHIRNStDE Scortino 7, Kann 3 De Jong, Harvey Jones, Pedter Harrington, , McHenry . BEST G2, . De Jong, p . Scortino, c. Hendrickson, S CANTlF+lTH SSqLW N feMernagh 5, Sheehan 2, Churcher, Jackson, Starrett, Wain . BEST Starrett, Broon, C . Mernagh , Wain . P p 9ernagh, Sheehan . OAKLEIGH AFC 3 11 .8 18,10 OLD VdESTBOURNE AFC 4 .7 .179 .1 5 .1 8,q 27.17 8.5.53 OAKLE)GH Forrest 10, Leslie 6, Taylor3, Schultz 3, Hanley, Walsh, Flinn, Tilly, Tomlinson . BEST Tilty, Taytor, Schultz, Walsh, Brerefon, Crugnale . Grima 2, Betcher, Manalokaki Taylor, Joyner B0. WESTSadler2, Joyner, W. Tay(or, P. Sadler s, . BEST

81 48 45 36 34 30 29 17 14 14

19~ 58 27.24.184 7 13~ BALYVYN COMBINED AFC 25..3 6 38 VUT/FIT BALYdYN Vereshaka 9, Lane 5, Tully 3, Verde 3, Bennett 2, Barr, Blackman, Spagnol, Gibellini, Buena BEST Bennett, Busse, Gibellini, Spagnol, Tully . Verde. Cliffe, Wheelahan . Best Byrnes, Cooper, VUT/FI~ Byrne s ndo Harvey. Foster, y. yARRA VALLEY OB 6 .2 9 .5 11 .8 16 .13.109 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 .4 5 .7 6.11 6 .14.50 y VALLEY Simpson 5, Ford 2, Fung 2, Peterson 2, Halit, McLeod, Downs, Roq;e, Frame. BEST Frame, Kay, Ford, Stephens, Reddaway, Box. RICHMOND O'Sullivan, Greet, Hayes, Pickett, Bestow, Pearson . BEST Pickett, Adams, Reid, Bestow, Holt, Krisohos . BORONIA PARK 2 .5 3.5 7.6 9.8 .62 4.6 10 .7.67 UNIVERSITY REDS 2 .2 2 .5 BORONIA Keltie 3. Gillman 2, Creek 2, Goodger, Weinlich . BEST R. Dean, . Quirk, D. Monish . R . Vanbuul, D. Weinlich, D. Creek, D UHI REDS Hepburn 4, Arnel 2, Ewing 2, Doyle, Farrell . BEST Arnel . . Yendall, Doyle, Bourke, Kane, Heaphy RESERVES CHIRNSIDE PARK 6 .3 9 .6 10 .10 18.11 .119 CANTBRY/NTH BALWYN 2 .1 3 .2 5 .3 6 .3 .39 CHIRNSIDE Harman 5, Campbell 4, Taylor 3, Thompson 3, Laidlaw, Marshman, Richter. BEST M . De Jong, D. Marshman, W. Hussey, P. Campbell, J . Richter, M . Taylor.

CANTINTH BAL Terlich 2, Baldi, Burne, Sweeting, Tyler . BEST A . Simon, D. Knight, J . Virgona, D. Mascali, D. Anton, F. Baldi . OAKLEIGH AFC 5 .4 8.14 12.23 18.29 .137 OLD 6YESTBOURNE AFC 0 .1 1 .1 2 .2 3.2 .20 OAKLEIGH Aliss 6, Andonopoulos 3, lanchello 3, Billing, Forrest, Monaghan, Osborne, Theofilopoulos, Hally . BEST lanchello, Forrest, Aliss, Stapleton, Holly, Brown . O WESTBOURNE Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . BALVdYN COMBINED AFC 5 .3 13 .8 16 .13 23 .22 .160 1 .2 1 .2.8 VUT/FIT 1 .1 1 .2 BALWYN Barkla 11, Angus 3, Busse 3, Theophanous 2, Carmichael, . BEST Barkla, Busse, Carmichael, Drain, Flint Drain, Finn, McAlping Optgynos. . BEST Kimber, Midon Moebus. VUT/FIT Kimber YARRA VALLEY O B 0.1 1 .3 2 .4 4.6.30 RICH M OND CENTRAL 4.3 7.4 9.5 11 .7.73 YARRA VALLEY Stanistreet, Howse, Bennett, Mercuri . BEST Ross, Jonson, Mercuri, Cole, Stanistreet, Ondaatje . RICHMOND Hounihan 7, Brodelis 2, Williams 2 . BEST Manning, Hounihan, Barry, Warne, Howe, Vathis. BORONIA PARK 0 .1 1 .1 1 .1 1.1 .7 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 .6 3.10 4 .12 5 .12 .42 BORONIA Hinksman. BEST Banks, Tooze, Riley, Chariton, Trifilo, Cristoforo. UNI REDS Moller 2, Mizis, Zappelli, Lake . BEST Scanlon, Daalder, Lake, Smith, Mizis. Atkin .

Hickmans of Melbourne stock a complete range of silver, pewter and crystal trophies In classic and contemporary designs. We also supply trophies to meet your special requirements . Hickmans specialise in engraving on crystal and silverware . Club secretaries, contact Hiekmans of Melbourne and take advantage of our wholesale prices. Showroom : 94 Elizabeth Street Melbourn e '1elew4e aao : (03) 654 6535 Fax: (03) 650 493 1 Est . 195 9





Round 9 netted me a perfect score in the North and onfy the wrong Monas me picking that card . h selection in the South prevented Only inaccurate kickin kin g - NORTH Suiieenl7err;ples2ov~e mfor in tholr arcg olvictoryd over Old Geelong . or Nevertheless the "Bulia" can be satisfied with their . 42 nt sptvicory too hindered M arcellin ThInaccuracy erry as they defeated by only 23 pts in a game of symmetrical scoring, In Marcellin's debit column must be their 24 scoring shots to 17 which should have insured a bigger "Eagle" victory . Ettham victory over Ke returned to the winning list with a 27 pt w inconditions a match where both sides kicked innacurately in wet . Eltham shots to 14 did have much more of the with 26 scoring after quarter time play especially My "Man the Match" reported that Eltham's victory. was led byat its key notably Tim Stickland and Adrian ~ker consequence o . l Kewl as a i'aradian s f gained their loss slipped to fifth place as Ol d 4 pts from their Sye, In the clash of traditional rivals, leaders strong for St 8ernards Nort h Old Boys proved too and recorded thanks to their accurate kicking for goaa 19 pt victory l REVIEW SOUT H Mazenod recorded a comfoab e victory over an inaccurate De La Melburnians Salle by 37 pts while Old didaccounting build percentage and consolidated second place by for Powerhouse by the wide margin of 67 pts . The match of the round between Bloods and Old Scotch befittingly provided the day's closest contest Bloods defeated 3 pts with three extra scoring shots . Bloods are thus only one game behind p!d Scotch who must be fearful that Bloods will soon take their place in the top four Xaverias . Leaders, overwhelmed Collegians and won by Old ip5 defea edtheireinaccuratecougnsthe Gryphons White s pts and thus have kept in touch with the leading b y side 8 The Gryphons inaccuracy prevented them seriousfy challenging for the 4 pts . Old Geelong thethe ng big trip to Niddrie where St Bernards shouldmake obtain victory they need to keep in touch with the leading sides Sulleen,'Temp ►estosye . are alway must travel to the wst to playwho s ishtoo mL ch at stake for fBullee~ Play he . here to let his game slip and I believe they will win, Nortl~ O!d goys who are now the clear competition leaders will be at home to their friends and traditional rivals OId Paradians . Although Parade won their Round i encounter 1 believe their form since has not been as impressive as that of North whom I await a keen Marcellin select today. Eltham who will be anxious to their Round 1 loss, Eltham stuck to their task tworeverse weeks ago after two aberrations and today f select the "Turtles" to win again Kew havebethe andfour the hope that by tonight they .will again in Bye the top

Mazenod should ~be~ Monash Gryphons le~d~ einough to defeat and thus further entrench themselves in the top four should be Old . Equally as sure of victo Melburnians whose o Salle do not have the talent to win ove~ hetsecond placed side . Bloods with top four and final's incentive will be able to defeat bottom side Powerhouse so doing build valuable percentage . and in ScoYch should prove Beleaguered Old too strong for Collegians and thus strengthen their grip on a top four position . Monash Whites and Old Xaverians meet in the match of the round at Monash which will prove a long journey for many Xaverians However with Dalton able to dominate their forward line ! have no hesitation in selecting Old Xaverians to continue on their winning way ,


3.7 3.2,20 o GEELONG Twig 13 44 6.7 8. 14 .62 Montello, Heritae, 9, Curie n McConnell, BEST White , McR9il a . Teschendorf, BULLEEN TEMP tvturphy 2, Waddell 2, Ha!!, Shalla Toscano BEST Reid, Hall, Saw, Wadde7, Bnndley Murphy rd, Hatton, . TNERRY MARCELtN 7 .4 .46 7HERRY Newboutd 2, Devereaux 2, Mlelicki Contzis, 9,15 .69 Hudson, Toohey l.yons, Mott, Hewat, Dever Sandman BEST eaux. BESRCEr~mmins B . Cnmm~oiiH Dis attB Bushell, OCa11ag LowSy ELTHAM OC KEW 0.5 1 .9 4. 10 7.19 3. 1 .6 1 . ELTHAM Tucker 3, Thorsen, Stic'rtland, Joa~ouski, O4 Tucker, PDoyte, Morrow, 8 'Donnell .Webster, A. , KEW K S BEST Koster, M. Lloyd , IST Stickt Hagarl, McCormich, McEncroe McEner , oe, McCormick, James, Edmonds . BES T a 7ucker, Doyle, .oyte, BERNARD S NORTH OLD BOYS 2 1 . 2.3 3. 4 ST BERNARDS .Z73 Kennedy, BESTGarv 17 Creak 2, McAtti~er 2, Tnneer , A Ken8nedy, Brooks J NTH OLD BOYS Atlman 3mpson, J Kennedy, Tota, Moon, Cunnfn h Carroll, Allman, Kelly, Gale .Kelly 3, Turnbull Turnbull, Day . 2, Carrotl, tear,ScotL BEST



1 .4 DE LA SALLE 4 .5 5.9 70 .9.69 1 1 .5 A9AZENOD Kendall 3, Baxter 0 3•7 4,8.32 Baxter, Ward, Knox, Wefc h Waye, 2 D DE LA SALLE , er BEST kesmei r . Francis, HendersJonnVaka Stucki, Thorn, Jennings, Manning . ttLosrnnoBEST Fay Goss, OLD MELBURNIAN S 3.6 POWERMOUSE 6~~2 9.14 77,77.83 1 .2 1.3 2 O MELBJo 0 .0 .4.16 Joyce,StantonqHarrisa~o dC uDovd,Tayto~nyon,wood'Howell . BEST POWERHOUSE Goat Kickers and Best Players not receive BLOODS d OLD SCOTCH 1.4 2 .5 4.7 6.10.46 BLOODS .4 6 M. Payne. Varetla 2, Greene, CarroltOVan, Bro4 ome . BEST Hall . D pay e 3OSCTHrawkos2Field,Wh Crabtree, Alexander, BEST Hawkins, Edwards, Greenaway, Murtagh,. Launder , Walsh .

COLLEGIANS 1 .0 1 .1 3.2 4.5.29 21 .8.134 OLD XAVERIANS 4 .3 13 .6 17.7 COLLEGAINS Latchford, Nancarrow, Whittaker . BEST N . Comley. . Mackay. parsons . Whittaker, Muirden, Latchford, S 0 XAVS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . pAONASH GRYPHONS 1 .2 1 .5 2 .6 2 .10.22 MONASH WHITES 3 .2 5.5 6 .6 7.8 .50 MONASH GRYPHONS King . Spensley . MONASH WHITES Sinn 2, Hewitt 2, O'Neil, Young, Shaw-Stuart . BEST 7,,jong, Edwards, O'Hara, Hewitt, Shaw-Stuart, Gemmol a

SOUTH SECTION DALTON, Old Xaverians O'BRIEN, Monash Gryphons HAWKINS, Old Scotc h SILK, Old Melburnians SINN, Monash White s NORTH SECTION McCANtd, Old Paradians HALLAM, Kew STICKLAND, Eltham STEWARD, North Old Boys CROWTHER, Eltham

25 25 21 19 18 27 16 16 13 11

ALL C V1 6 1 teams are to deliver or fax to Elsternwick Park on the proper form, goalkickers and 6 best players each week . These must be received by 12 noon each Monday. A and B section seniors do not have to do this as these details are given to Phil Stevens or Brian Woodhead on Saturday nights . However, A and B reserves do have to conform with the above directive . Enquiries : Sue Anderson 531 833 3

1993 Park Programm e VicHealth Matches of the Da y to be held at Elsternwick Park as follows : Each A and B Section club has been rostered to play at least one of its 9 home matches as an Elsternwick Park game and each A and B club gets a second game at Elsternwick Park, this time as an away team .

This year some A and B Section clubs have been allocated a second home Elsternwick Park match (Ormond, St Bernards & North Old Boys) . SATURDAY SUNDAY JUNE 26 : JUNE 27 : JULY 3 : JULY 4 : JULY 10 : JULY 11 : JULY 17: JULY 18 : JULY 25 : JULY 31 : AUG 1 : AUG 7 :


It is the recommendation of this committee that clubs allocated a second home E .P. game in 1993 will not be allocated two home E .P. games in 1994 .

J - : 'E'EC'I'I



Reminder to all that our U/19 squad is playing the VCFL Teal Cup team at Elsternwick Park tomorrow should be worth a visit . REVIEW OF LAST W EEK'S GAMES Division 1 Nodders moved to 2nd spot on the ladder with a good win over De La in a keen contest where the slippery conditions made for a less than spectacular display . Nodders' fierce tackling pressured D's into mistakes and their handball was not as reliable as usual . Shaun Sullivan back from injury did well for Nodders as did Clarke and Little whilst Krom booted 4 . OMs continued their good recent form with a 100 pt, margin over Ormond . Ben Luckock slipped back to only 4 majors and was matched by Dan Trindade. George Stooke, James Spry and Anthony McIntosh were OMs best . Xavs accuracy enabled them to give Chirnside a rare home ground loss thanks to true boots Halls and Petroff 7. Once again Fitzsimon did well for Xavvers as did Kennedy. Apart from the 3rd quarter, Haileybury were no match for Bernies who moved into 4th spot . Brett Hemley was back in form for Bernies while consistent on baller Paul Scerri again did well . Danny Rogers 7 and Mark Farmer 6 led the scorers. Division 2 Centra l Wells couldn't handle the pressure of the slab and were convincingly beaten by Parade. Therry were too good for the improving Old Hoes who couldn't keep up their good work of the 1st quarter . Matt Moroz, Mick Elliott and Mark Finnigan werethe Fioys' best and Nick La Fontaine footed 4 sixers . It took me 8 weeks to jump on the Carey waggon and what happens - they lose! Probably my fault for not delivering their "slab" before Saturday's game . Will get it to you a.s .a .p. fellas. Friars gave Carey a start and gradually wore them down to just get the pts . Watch out for the Friars when they kick really straight . Their best were rover Michael Wigney and Rohan Cameron in the centre . Best triers for Carey were Doggett, Bell and Mitchell with Hamish Morrison booting 4. In the game under " lights", NOB's took on 8 gl lead in the 1st 1/4 and held it to the end against Hoes . The elusive Chris McMahon got another 5 while Jim thought his best were Paul Roumeliotis, Robert Fields and Andrew Fennessy. BLACKLIST 0 Parade, 0 Trinity . Division 2 South Once again Mick Hecker was best for the es in their easy win over Caulfield while main Tiger! scorers were Corderoy 8 and Philp 4, Brighton were impressive in the 1/4 I saw of them against Scotchies whose ball getting ability was good but disposal only average. Duncan Begley, Perry Robinson and Tim Ward all did well for Towners and Dan Atkin got another 7 . Collegains just managed to outscore Jackers in each 1/4 to eventually get home by 6 gis . Nick Manuell got another 4 forthe Lions and big Andrew Semmens was again their best . Dean Godfrey and Mathew Sau nders also did well for the Lions . BLACKLIST M onash .

PREVIEW OF TOD!=,Y'S GAMES Division 1 A couple of ripper games today - Bernies at home to Nodders and O Ms at "home" to De La . Bernies recent form has been excellent as has Nodders . Both teams seniors lost last round and this could see both losing some key players to the "Ones" . In the past Nodders have not been known as good travellers but I think they may put that reputation to rest and just get home today. OMs effort against Ormond last week was very impressive whist D's are looking down the barrel of a hat trick of losses . I think it would be many years since D's were in that position but I think that OMs can get there if their defensive skills can match their offensive ability. Mentone back after a 3 week spell will be outgunned by the Chirnside lads whilst Haileybury will be no match for Xavvers . SELECTIONS : Mazenod, 0 M elbourne, Chirnside Park, 0 Xaverians. Division 2 Central This section is very even at the halfway mark with 4 equal on top and only 2 games between first and ninth - a tipster's nightmare. At home, Parade should be too good for the "vacationing" Blacks whilst Friars will hope to get their kicking boots straightened out against the improving Old 'Hoes at Donvale . NOBs coming off an impressive win last round should prove to Trinity that they can play as well in daylight as they did at night . Wells were very disappointing at home to Parade last week and I can't see them making the trip to Glenroy and emerging as winners over Therry. The hardest selection looks like the one between Ivanhoe and Blues. I tipped against the Blues a couple of weeks ago and regretted it but I thinkthe Uni holidays may rob them of a bit of depth so I'll go for the 'Hoes . SELECTIONS : 0 Paradians, North OB, Therry, Whitefriars, Ivanhoe . Division 2 Sout h The H igh boys return today after 3 week spell and face the Ashers who could also be a victim of the U ni holidays . I think the High will get the points today. Caulfield should be able to get back among the winners at the Sovers' expense . Top team Collegians should be able to roll Scotchies at the trot but they will be pushed if Scotchies can make better use of the ball than they did last round . Tonners and Sedas has a close game lasttime round and I expect the same today. Both teams have played well recently and I am forced to go with my usual way out in the tough choices - home team Tonners to sneak in . SELECTIONS : MHSOB, Collegians, Caul . Gram. 0 Brighton . SLAB CHALLENGE : Maybethe'slab' incentive is what Terry's boys at Trinity need to get them back in the winner's circle.

U19 SECTION 1 ST BERNARDS vs MAZENOD OC Field: G . Beasley, V. Vescov i OLD MELBURNIANS vs DE LA SALLE Field: G . Kelly, S . Meredit h Goal: R . Schneider, C . Linczowski CHIRNSIDE PARK vs OLD MENTONIANS Field: R . Marlyn, D. Benjami n Boundary: R . Marlyn OLD HAILEYBURY vs OLD XAVERIANS Field: B . Johannsen, M . Wilson ORMOND - BYE UNDER 19 SECTION 2 CENTRAL OLD PARADIANS vs UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field: A. Stubbs, A . Flack Boundary: L . Stapleton, T. Littl e OLD TRINITY vs NTH OLD BOYS (Timber Ridge 8 .45 am) Field: B. Hayward, C. O'Donohue Boundary : K . King, R . Cormick THERRY vs OLD CAMBERWELL Field: K. Coughlan, N . Gardiner WHITEFRIARS vs OLD IVANHOE Field: C. Swave, B. Calleja Boundary: S . King, I . Lilley IVANHOE vs UNIVERSITY BLUES Field : A . Alexander, M . Head Boundary: P. Batty, A . Stephe n OLD CAREY & ST LEOS WP - BYE S UNDER 19 SECTION 2 SOUTH MHSOB vs MONASH BLUES Field: G . Moore, S. O'Connor Boundary: D. Chalmers, R . Killey CAULFIELD GR vs HAMPTON ROVERS Field: C. Donlon, P. Rapke Boundary: T. Creighton, R . Brau n OLD BRIGHTON vs ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERS Field: G . Morgan, T. Ovadi a Boundary: T. Shakespeare, W. Allen Goal: A . Draper, M . Richards COLLEGIANS vs OLD SCOTCH Field: D. Miller, R . Valentin e AJAX - BYE

SECTION 1 LUCKOCK, Old Melburnians PICCIOLI, Chirnside Park (2) (3) STONES, Old Xaverians PETROFF, Old Xaverians (7) (4) LOOBY, Ormond SECTION 2 SOUTH (4) RAJCH,AJA X ATKIN, Old Brighton (7) (0) McCUE, Old Scotch (0) FOUNTAS, MHSO B SCULLIN, St Bedes Mentone Tigers (0) SECTION 2 CENTRAL M ATTHEWS, Old Carey (2) McMAHON, North Old Boys (5) NAISMITH, Whitefriars (2) SEALLY, Old Trinity (3) PATERSON, Old Camberwell (0) JOYCE, Ivanhoe (0)

52 42 39 37 32 46 38 37 25 24 47 37 34 30 23 23

U N DER 19 SECTION 1 MAZENOD BLUES 1 .5 6 .10 8.12 11 .18 .84 DE LA SALLE 2.2 3 .2 6 .4 7.8 .50 MAZENOD Krom 4, Clarke 2, Sharp, Carter, Fisher, Morgan, Sullivan . BEST Clarke, Huggins, Bourbon, De Navi, Steinfort, Hansen . DE LA SALLE Mannix 3, Fountoulakis, Maccora, Makinson, Satchell . BEST Larkin, Hosking, Makinson, Sparrow, Smith, Gallagher .

OLD RAELBURNIANS 3 .5 9 .7 16.11 21 .15 .141 ORMOND 1 .0 3 .1 4 .4 6 .5.41 O 6dELB Luckock 4, Tnniade 4, Field 3, Thomas 3, McIntosh 2, Hanshaw 2, Osborne 2, Officer. BEST G . Stooke, J. Spry, A. McIntosh, D . Yen, R . Eggleton, M . Thomas. ORMOND Lobby 4, Barrett, Goldman . BEST Phillips, King, Williams, Haddon, Malave, Casey . CHIRNSIDE PARK 5 .3 8 .5 12 .9 16.12 .108 OLD XAVERIANS 7 .0 12.2 18.3 28.5.173 CHIRNSIDE PK McIntosh 4, Rattray 4, Henderson 3, Piccio6 2, Mosca, Paola, Spirit . BEST Lowen, Spirli, Foster, McIntosh, Ready, Di Ciero . OLD XAVS Hall 8, Petroff 7, Stones 3, Fitzsimon 3, Delmo 2, Walsh 2, Hawkins 2, Jones . BEST Hall, Kennedy, Fitzsimon, Thomas, Hawkins, Fitzgerald . ST BERNARDS BLUE 10 .2 17.7 21 .11 31 .16 .202 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 .0 5.0 9.2 10.3.63 ST BERNARDS Rogers 7, Farmer 6, Webb 4, Conroy 4, Scerri 3, Hemley 3, Kavanagh, Ferns, Chatfield, Farmer . BEST Scerri, Hemley Farmer, Rogers, Handle, Lynch . 0 HAILEY Evans 3, Alcock 2, Batholomeusz, Boothman, Hobbs, Rice, Woods BEST Bartholomeusz, Hobbs, Prins, Stevens, Burn, Metherall . OLD PAENTONIANS - BYE

U N DER 19 SECTION 2 CENTRAL OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .3 3.5 3.6 3.9.27 OLD PARADIANS 4.4 5.5 11 .11 14.12 .96 O CAMBERWELL Walker 2, McManus. BEST A . Hardenberg, J. Hancock, NThomson, D. Imberger, D . Walker, 1 . Strachan . O PARADIANS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . OLD TRINITY 0.3 4.7 5 .11 10.15.75 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 2 .2 3.4 3.6 5 .6.36 O TRINITY Seeley 3, Gibson 3, Shein 2, Hatfield, Alysandratos . BEST Seeley, Shein, Tilling, Hatfield, Entwisle, King . ST LEOS Merrigan, McHugh, McKenzie. Nankervis, Thomas . BEST McKenzie, Merrigan, Glass, Marr, Meehan, Crook . THERRY 4.4 10 .11 15 .15 21 .21 .147 OLD IVANHOE 4.1 7.1 8.2 9 .4 .58 THERRY LaFontaine 4, Goodwin 3, Tate 2, Hollow 2, W hybrow 2, Kennedy 2, Dimech, Drenan, Urli, Slazyk, Ramm, Finnigan . BEST Moroz, Elliott, Finnigan, Urli, Hollow, Forbes . O IVANHOE Cameron 3, Webb 2, Tolley, Luk, Edwards, Atkinson . BEST Tolley, Woods, Martin, Atkinson, Quick, Cameron . WHITEFRIARS 2 .3 7.8 12.11 14.15 .99 OLD CAREY 5.6 9 .12 12 .14 13.16.94 WHITEFRIARS Carrigg 3, Cameron 2, Wigney 2, Naismith 2, Guilty 2, Pinchbeck 2, Burgoine 2. BEST M . Wigney, P. Cameron, C. Law, C. Quilty, S . Pinchbeck, T. Carrigg . O CAREY Morrison 4, Addison 3, Mathews 2, Campbell, Jamieson, Bell, Dunn. BEST Doggett, Bell, Mitchell, Hirst, Morrison . NORTH OLD BOYS 8 .2 10.5 15.7 18.10.118 IVANHOE 0.1 3.5 9.7 10 .10 .70 NTH OLD BOYS McMahon 5, Roberts 3, Mattiazzi 3, Moshos 3 . Tonkin 2, Fields, Care. BEST Fennessy, Care, Fields, Dix, Roumeliotis, Jenkins, Haddad . IVANHOE Raywood 3, Rovis 2, Pither 2, J . Pace, R . Pace, Pilkington. BEST Rovis, Fanelli, L . Pearce, Ptlkington, Hird, Pither.

UNDER 19 SECTION 2 SOUT H MONASH BLUES 4 .2 10.5 15.6 17.10.112 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .1 3 .1 3.4 6.7.43 MONASH Reid 4, Colombies 3, Moon 3, Rubick 2, Beer 2. Slattery 2, Crozier. BEST Beer, Colombies, Rubick, Alexander, Hersbach, Crozier . HAMPTON Atkinson 2, Dakis, Hope, Smith, Cullen. BEST A . Haggerty, M . Hope. Fletcher, Dakis, Taylor, Cullen . 3 .3 6 .4 9 .9 12 .13 .85 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGER 5 .5 11 .9 16.14 22.20.152 CAULFIELD Mathieson 6, Engleman 2, Howard 2, Vella, McKenzie. BEST Lubransky, Mathieson, Morrison, Engleman, Fellowes, Vella . ST BEDES/R9ENTONE Corderoy 8, Philp 4, Kinsella 3, Razga 3, McGrath 2, Marsh, Hecker. BEST M . Hecker, Corderoy, Philp, Hunter, Donnellan, S. Hecker. OLD BRIGHTON 5 .11 12 .15 19.22 24 .28 .172 OLD SCOTCH 2 .3 3.5 8.7 11 .10 .76 O BRIGHTON Atkin 7, Swanell3, Magee 2, Dimer 2, Farrer 2, Teschendorff 2, Begley 2, Oakley, Roach, Taylor, Newman . BEST Atkin, Robinson, Begley, Ward, Taylor, Bilionis . O SCOTCH Roberts 4, Stewart 2, Croxford, Grill, Joyce, McDonnel, Teesdale. BEST Stewart, P Roberts. Penfold, Speed, Macmillan, Pryde . COLLEGIANS 3 .4 6 .10 9.15 12 .20 .92 AJAX 2.2 4 .6 7.7 8.9.57 COLLEGIANS Manuell4, Mollard 2, Godfrey, Grant, Mulder, Semmens, Bell, DeYoung . BESTSemmens, Godfrey, Saunders, Oldham, DeYoung, Manuel] . AJAX Rajch 4, Shlakht 2, Mehl, Smorgon . BEST Wrobel, Nathan, Krasnostein, Duzenman, Chrapot, Klooger .

COACHES C1_` .`0ARD edited by Briaq,

SITUATIONS by Garry Connolly Senior Coach Old Mentonians Whilst reading Anthony Stewart's book "PERSONAL BEST" I was very impressed with his chapter relating to coping with stressful situations. Stress occurs when there is a major difference between what you believe is being demanded of you from the competition and what you believe your capabilities are, when you believe the outcome is important . The key to the situation is to alter the deep concern with which you view the competition and its outcome . Your perception of it needs to be changed and this will reduce the stress . Stress has robbed more performers of physical energy, victory and enjoyment in sport than any other factor. Stress can destroy self confidence by making performers believe they are incompetent . It can deny them the pleasure of demonstrating the skills they have mastered through countless hours of practice . It causes interpersonal conflict and drives some performers to early retirement. BUT IT CAN BE CONQUERED . When you are highly stressed you may fail to focus attention to appropriate cues, misdirect your anger and become increasingly negative and critical towards yourself and others. In this situation, you must maintain composure, relax and think clearly and logically in order to accomplish your goals. The following list are some practical suggestions which will reduce the negative effects of stress ; • Smile and laugh • Listen to soothing music • Consciously monitor your breathing patterns • A period (5-15 mins) of quiet tim e • Lying down or sitting with your back straight • Slow down the speed of your speech ® Engage in some light physical activit y • Restrict negative or distracting influence s • Speak confidently and encouragingly to others • Monitor your own self talk and positive thoughts

• Construct a positive environment prior to the event • Study various meaningful sentences or quotes I believe and hope some of these examples are useful to both coaches and player alike to reduce the destructive influence of stress . RESOURCE OF TH E WEEK : (No submissions have been received for this week. ) 'Coaches Clipboard' resource of the week is "Something more than victory - (a year with Alan Jones and the 'Balmain Tigers) . Freelance writer Adrian Zupp spent 8 months with the'Balmain Tigers' Rugby League team in 1991 . In the book the dressing room door of professional league is thrown open . The team talks, pregame preparations, half-time breaks, training nights, highs and lows are all here. "Something more than victory" is available from Melbourne Sports Books for $10. Submissions to 'Resource of the week' become eligible for the Melbourne Sports Books RESOURCE OF THE MONTH award to the value of $20. MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKS Books on all major sports 9 Elizabeth Street Melbourne, 3000 Owner/Manager Santo Caruso Trading hurs : Mon - Thurs 9.30 - 5,30 Friday 9.30 - 7.00, Saturday 9.30 - 1 .00 Phone : 621 121 1 Submit 'Resource' by 3 pm each Friday . JOHN KEENAN Ph : 467 2043 (H) 412 7853 (W) Fax : 412 7803 OR BRIAN WOODHEAD at VAFA Ph : 531 8333 Fax: 531 660 1

THIS SERVICE IS AGAIN OPERATING FOR THE SEASON AND WILL OFFER THE FOLLOWING : • Football Feedback - Phil Stevens Editorial (Tuesday ) • Umpire appointments for weekend matches - to assist clubs in supplying officials when required (Friday) • A new service: Thursday morning - all permits approved the previous Wednesday evening will be read out . U19 permits approved on Friday will be listed Friday afternoo n ® Final siren scores of all matches played (Saturday evening ) Service provided courtesy of Computer Implementation Consultants, Port Melbourne

ARKETING NEWS by Phil Steven s

PROUD TO C .E: A SP&~; ISOR OF AMATEUR FOOTBALL DURING SEASON 199 3 Diadora this year enters its third year of being a sponsor of the VAFA and this year has been pleased to increase its level of sponsorship to Level 3 grading . As part of this year's sponsorship Diadora had much pleasure in presenting to each member of the senior VAFA representative side a pair of Diadora "Rapids" a cross training boot which can be used on and off the field for football training activities . Peter Warner (Managing Director) and Bill Tyson (General Manager) would like to take this opportunity of congratulating each member of the successful VAFA team and hope that by wearing their "Rapids" other team-mates will feel moved to buy a pair for themselves (see discount offer below. COPlGRA(TUL,4TIOPdS! • Rob Fuller (Cap) • Barry Richardson (Coach) • Robert Gross • Andrew Jobling (V-Cap) • Robert Lawson • Steve Brazil • Brett Mahoney • Wayne Carey • Trevor Spencer • Brett Connell • Andrew Allibon o Luke Gollan t • Nick Sebo e Mathew Bourke • Andrew Pryor • Micah Berry • Scott Teal • Mark Brad y • Bruno Conti • Peter Thiessen • Paul Matton • Dale Tapping

and best on the ground player • Jeremy Nichols ON YOUR FINE VICTORY LAST WEEKEND AT ADELAIDE'S FOOTBALL PARK! ! Club players and supporters are encouraged to use Diadora discount cards when purchasing Diadora footwear or sports clothing . VAFA clubs have ample supplies of these cards - should any reader want a card, contact your club or the VAFA . On production of a card at a Hanna's Allsports Outlet the bearer is entitled to a 15% discount on all Diadora purchases (valid until December 1993) . Hanna's Allsports Outlets are found at : • Wheelers Hill Shopping Centre • East Burwoo d • Chadstone Shopping Centre • Tooronga Village Shopping Centre • Southland Shopping Centre • Como Centre • Doncaster Shoppingtow n Significant support of this venture will ensure continua! Diadora support of the VAFA and an even healthier deal for supporting clubs in 1994. It is interesting to note that Diadora is the clothing and footwear supplier of the Australian Cricket team and AFL clubs North Melbourne, Footscray and the Brisbane Bears .






















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5 YEARS AGO - 1988 On the Wednesday, Victoria had a very convincing win against host state Tasmania, 25.17 to 8.4. In a very, very tough first quarter Tasmania set out to rough up the Vies . and make the game a physical one. It was a concerted attack on captain Phil Kingston in the centre who once again showed his outstanding capacity to take the rough stuff, hand out some, and then go on to the best on ground . Burden, Schober, Egan, Young, Fuller were the best in a strong team . Paul Schuhkraft was on the target and kicked 9 gls . South Australia defeated Western Australia on the Wednesday and were very confident of defeating Victoria to take out the Carnival title. Well, by quarter time, the cocky' Vics as the other states like to see us, had their hands on the Cup by kicking 7 gls to 1, and then went on to kick a further 7 gls in the second term, and putthe issue beyond doubt with a 10 gl third term . It was a wonderful performance, the final scores 27.11 to 13 .11 . The Team : Bks : Burden, Schober, Greetham ; HB : Fuller, Considine, Smith ; C : Kingston, Young, Moloney ; HF : Egan, Beers, Abrahams ; F: Cox, Schuhkraft, Taylor ; Rks : Moir, Jobling, Macauley I/C : Matten, Barnes, Reddish . Best were Robert Fuller strong on the half back fiank all day but truly magnificent in the first term, Terry Young, strong and longkicking, Andrew Jobling, a real surprise for SA in his first appearance for the Carnival, Kingston, tireless and strong, Schober, safe as ever, Mark Beers who has only a brief run against Tasmania, most elusive and fluid at CHF, Stephen Moloney, superb and creative on the wing . All Australian jumpers went to Kingston, Burden, Egan, Fuller, Moloney, Schober, Schuhkraft, Taylor and Young with the captaincy g oing to Phil Kingston . Ken Evans-Smith, trainer for Victoria since 1982, was also recognised by being selected as trainer to the Australian team . Brett Burden became the fifth Kew player to win an all-Australian geurnsey, joining Noel Stokes, Len Brayley, Jack Castle and Don Mullin . Kew were also proud of their two All-Australian coaches, former Richmond champion, Ray Martin (1958 and 1960) and Kew homegrown's star, John Fisher (1982, 83, 86, 88) . On the home front it was a great performance by top team Ormond who without their six Carnival players were far too strong for Old Xaverians, 8.11 to 2 .8. MHSOB mourned the death of their most loyal supporter Jack Molone after a relatively short illness. 10 YEARS A GO - 1983 200 games to David Patterson (Ormond) & Gary Norton (Old Mentonians), section Best and Fairest twice, and club B & F on many occasions. 150 games to Bernard "The Greek" Holmes ( arc.)., Michael Houston (0 Haileybury), Dean Feisenthai M (Caul Gr) Ray Wood (Ormond) . VAFA defeated South Australia 15.14.104 to 9.12 .66 in a fast exciting game at Kilburn .

Victoria was slow to settle down and coach Laurie Aghan was forced to move key position players to get an effective team working . Best were Burne, superior at full back, Peter Brown & Gary (Gus) Carroll, strong on the half back line, Chris Stone, (centre), Mike Jennings (rover), John Toomey (ruck) and Peter Curtain (back pocket) . St Bernards welcomed back Father Joe Doolan, a member of the Club's 1975 A Section premiership team, who then because of study commitments on the other side of the town transferred to De La Salle OC to become a member of that club's A Section premiership team . Uni Blues (A) toppled leader De La Salle, 15.12 to 13 .9 after leading all day . The Blues were best served by M acauiey, Jackson, Yeo, McInnes (6 gls) (Uni Blues) and Beddoe, Maher, Bourke (De La Salle) . QUIZ : How many of the players in the team had played VFL football, Premiership competition ? 15 YEARS AGO - 1978 Only undefeated teams after 9 rounds were "B" Old Meibumians " F" Thombu ry, " J1" North OB St Kilda CBCOB, on top in "C" trailed winless Old Carey by 29 pts at the last change but stormed home in the final term to kick 8.7 to 1 .1 . Old Carey were well served by Bryan, Laidlaw, Williams while Smith, Carrol Dynon & Robinson (6 gls) starred for St Kilda. 100 games to St Kevins Bobby "Boom Boom" Hawkins - consecutive ; Heatherton's spearhead Peter Meeking, Fawkner's Arthur Dean and foundation member Peter Ferguson, State Bank's Mick 'Spike, Scott . Distinction of the round went to Bruce Ferrall who ran out for his 300th game for AMP. Popularly known as "Ferret", in his hey day he had no peer as a rover, and along the way, besides continuing interest as a club administrator, had won 2 B & F awards and 2 senior goal kicking trophies . De La Salle, third in 'A' led Ivanhoe, fourth, by 37 pts at the last change, and Tony O'Callaghan was giving 10 gls in . Ivanhoe stormed home, kicking 7 .1 to 0.3 to win by 3 pts . Shepherd, Jones, (6 gls) Adley (Ivanhoe) and G roves ( 7 gls) Maher & Nugent (De La) were best in a high class game . 20 YEARS AGO - 1973 North lost to Caburg, in a rather scram bly game and slipped from top place down to third, a game below Ormond & Coburg . Old Scotch staged a complete reversal of form in beating Reservoir OB for they had been soundly beaten the week before by second bottom team, De La Salle. Scotch's straight kicking, 14 .9 to ROB's 12 .16 won the game. In the battle of top 'D' Section teams, M arceliin,11 .7 defeated,4lphington 10.10 . Stars were

J. Gartner, Dwyer, W ilson (Marc) & Alsop, Shaw, Wayman (Alph) . Amateur football followers were shocked to hear of the sudden death of life member, umpire Don M alcolm, who played 140 senior games from 1949 to 1959 with Comm . Bank in their great days in 'A' and 'B' Sections . 150 to Rod Thompson Comm Bank - despite breaking his leg twice during his career), Tim Alder Old Meld ., Barry Hecker Ivanhoe & Graeme Craven Caulf . Gramm . UHSOB saluted Jack Pemberton who in his 14 years as medico-runner-trainer had attended well over 500 games . Jack was also well known as Clerk of Course on Saturday nights at the Showgrounds trots . 25 YEARS AGO - 196 8 Caulfield Grammarians trailed Coburg by 17 pts at three-quarter time, but kicked 6 .3 to 2 .2 in the final quarter to win by 8 pts . Ormond kept Geelong goal-less until the last quarter, when Marshall posted the team's only major for the day . M elbourne High, battling to stay in 'A Section, had a 6 gl victory over North OB, Rick Harley (7 gIs) starred for the victors who kicked 6 gls in thethird quarter . North OB foundation member, John Adams, played his 100th game. Old Trinity paid tribute on the passing of their president, John Weatherson, who had been with the club since its inception . Executive Committee viewed with concern that two players had been ordered off the ground - more than the previous five years combined . Comm Bank ninth in'B' Section, overwhelmed Old Xavs, eight 13 .6 to 6 .5 Borrack, Pretty (4 gls) & Dick starred. QUIZ: Why is John Adams famous? 35 YEARS AGO - 1958 Old Scotch, one game outside 'A' Section four, relentlessly thrashed U. Blues kicking 21 .16 to 3.18. Best were Maughan 10, Parry & M oran (OS) & Shaw, Rush, Fraser (Blues) .

Veteran wingman M ax Smyth of M HSO B, announced his retirement . Alphington, undefeated Junior Section leader, continued their winning run with an 11 gl win over Ormond . Humphries Horman, McCormick, Kuhnell (5 gls) for Alphington & Swann, M arks, Edmondson (Ormond) were best. Old Geelong Grammarians went to third position in 'B' Section when they held on to defeat Hampton Rovers by 9 pts . Former Olympic Hurdler John Chittick dominated the centre for Old Geelong and was well supported by persistent and courageous rover, Rob Fenner, Veteran Bill Morrison cooly kicked 3 gls for OGG . Undefeated 'C' Section leader, Parkside trailed UHSOB (7th) by 4 pts at the final change but kicked 7.3 to 1 .2 in the last quarter. Parkside were best served by Kitt, Perry, Barry & Brian Lauder whose 5 gls kept him on top of 'C' Section goalkickers . 45 YEARS AGO - 1948 Len Scott of Parkside was appointed coach of the carnival side. 'C' Section captains were Jack Lamb Geelong, Bill Rochford Foot . Tech ., Murray Johnstone Caul. Gram ., Edd Fitzpatrick Old Paradians, Dave Rene Alphington & Les Garrick Glenhuntly. A' Section leaders were Old Melburnians (36 pts) U Blacks (32), Hampton Rovers (28), Coburg (28), Old Scotch (26) . Geelong 'C' Section and Hampton Scouts (Juniors) were the only undefeated teams . -anbea-I peqtoo-j uegaa}snV 'aweu sseuisnq ay} fo aeuano Ieul6uo '(spaeoq Mau pue plo) yJA 5aquaa~u pjeoq (sal6e8 tseoC fsa/v\pue aumoqlaN yuoN) 1o1o9J!a lJA'saotoalaS fo uewJ!eyo'aujnoqlaW ytaoN qnlo -1JA 186aueW Isaaua0 'aA!tno9x3 VJyA '1uep!s81d SON Ileq}oo1 ui suo!11sod 6ulmollo} ay1 pa!dnooo sey swepv uqop 896L -klBMSN` .' '(epl!>i IS) 6ullqor nnaipuV '(poonn6u!IIoC) siaa8 ~aeW '(epV{ 1S) Luey10aa0 J4 oa0 886L - ti3MSh! :


UMPIRE, S CORNER by Mike Murray and Steve McCarthy a Congratulations to Wayne `Chuck' Hinton and peter 'Golly' Gersch on their interstate appointments last weekend . Well done, too, on their excellent performances. Atthe halfway mark of the season both Wayne and Peter provide the' bench mark' for all field umpires . Nevertheless, with '9 down' and '9 to go,' those prized Finals' appointments are very much 'up for grabs'. * The Goalies certainly gained much from their recent visit to the MCG to observe the AFL Goalies at training and sit in on their fortnightly lecture. Reno had to ask aquestion while the'after-match'was completed atthe Vaucluse. Former Ammo's, John Ha11, PeterA!sop and David Humphries send their regards. Thanks to the AFL Advisors, Brian Pratt, Dick Auhl and Neil M cLean for making the group welcome. • From the Umpires Directory we note that Clark 'Family' Thuys is a'perfusionist'! Please explain to a couple of 'confusionists' ! a For the record : There are currently 112 Field Umpires, 48 Boundary and 36 Goalies on our official lists . Having 'lost' 17 Field, 4 Boundary and 3 Goalies from the 1992 roster, 22 Field, 4 Boundary and 4 'stickmen' have been recruited this season . Of these, 2 Field, 2 Boundary and the 4'whitecoats' are first year umpires. While there are 14 appointed Observers each week- 12 Field, 1 Boundary, 1 Goal - wefigure it'sthe hundreds of 'unofficial' observers each Saturday/Sunday who make our jobs so much more enjoyable. Finally, a pat on the back to'Bomber,' Benny, Rusty and `J.S' - our Advisors and to Don Jolley, the VAFA Umps . Recruiting Officer. • BENNY'S RULE OF THE WEEK : When a Goal Umpire is unable to see whether the ball goes over the goal or behind lines and cannot give a decision, the ball shall be bounced on the centre of the kick-off line in front of goal . o Congratulations to Gordon 'Snake' Chalmers on his first 'A' Section Goalie engagement at Ormond last round . At 17 years, he must surely be the youngest ever 'stockman' for an 'A' Grade debut . Considering his brother, Craig (18), isalso officiating at'top level', it begs

the question :- Are the Chalmers brothers the only VAFA Goalie brothers to work in'A' Grade on the same day? Perhaps our friend, Noel Rundle could 'Look Back' and see whether or not Keith and Eric Jenner achieved the same status in the early'70s . Even so, with a combined age of 35, Craig and Gordon could still have 'Agate' Harris for their grandfather. ® UMPIRE PROFILE : ® Name : Michael John Gilday. Nickname: Dildo . Umpiring history: OPSL (1969) ; VFL Reserve Grade (1973) ; VFL Senior List (1978) ; Diamond Valley (1982) ; VAFA (1983) . VAFA Games: 203 Achievements: 'F' Res . G/F (F. Grubb) ; 'C' Res. G/F (S. Alger) . Greatest influences : Des Fitzgerald, Glen James, Neville Nash . Playing Career: Corpus Christi (Juniors) ; Broadmeadows YCW (Seniors). Pet Hates: So-called Experts, 'Know-alls' who never offer constructive comments. Memorable Match: 2nd Semi - OGs v Mazenod . Best Amateur Footballers seen : G . Biddlestone, A . Allibon, T. Young, J. Manton, T. fellows, D. Gregory. Best Umpires: J . Horwood, P Wiseman, W. Lyons, F. Grubb. What/ like about umpiring: Mateship with colleagues and players. Ambition: To umpire the rest of my career to the best of my ability . 5 Name: Dirk Anthony Kramer. Nickname: Stanley. Umpiring history: VAFA (1990) . VAFA Games: 56. Highlight: Losing a boot in the mud while umpiring with Geoff Ridd . Typical Riddy, he didn't notice I was missing it . Greatest influence : Don Jolley. Playing Career: Edithvale/Aspendale (U/10's - 14's) . Pet Hates: Cold showers ; Feedback from games ; Players/Officials arguing with umpires. Memorable Match: An U/19's game with Ron Smith . BestAmateurFootballers seen : P. Kingston, A . Tranquille, B. Conti, J . Clarkson . Best Umpires: R . Simon, P. Wiseman, J. Toohey. What/ like about umpiring: Training ; the encouragement of senior umpires; mateship ; fitness levels achieved . Personal ambition: To umpire League Football atthe highest level . • Dates to Remember : Sunday 20th June : Chadstone Film Night . Thursday24th June: Association meeting. Sunday 18th July: PUMP's Luncheon . ® Go the RACV! Mike and Macc a




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8 JUNE 1993 T. SHEEDY, NOBs U19 - Misconduct - 2 matches . R . LEAHY, Fawkner - Striking - 2 matches . C. STEVENS, O. Halley U19 - Striking - 2 matches . C. TANNER, Balwyn Comb - Unduly rough play & abusive language - Total 5 matches . B . LAURIE, Nth Bruns - Tripping - 3 matches. *L . VA NLOON, C'wealth Bank- Striking -2 matches. N . BABARCZY, C'field U19 -,4ttempt to strike - 1 match . *D. KINSELLA, St Bedes/Mentone - Attepmt to strike - 1 match .

*M . BOYSEN, Marcellin - Striking - 2 matches . *R. DIMAGGIO, T'stown - Striking - 2 matches . *B. MOTT, Bullen Utd - Striking - 2 matches . *D. TREWARD, Glenhuntly - Striking - 2 matches . D. RAAB, Doveton - Striking - 2 matches. *T. NELSON - St Pats Mentone - Striking - 2 matches. *Accepted prescribed penalty B. WOODHEAD Tribunal Co-ordinato r





BY 5 PM CAULFIELD GR 5 .12* COMMONWEALTH BANK 5.1 0 0. MELBURNIANS (U19) 5.04 (4th time this season) CAULFIELD GR (U19) 5.0 5 *Clubs had to be contacted for scores

PLEASE N OTE : Standard fines will apply for clubs guilty of the above offences . Clubs who offend on three occasions for the same type of offence will be charged with "conduct unbecoming a Member club of the Association"

COMMANDER COi.iPLT'I'ER SYSTEMS PTY. LTD. L D FOR AGST 96 PTS A SECTION 7 2 0 922 743 124 .09 28 7 2 0 1004 943 107.73 2 8 6 3 0 1064 898 117.37 24 LA 2',LLe 4 0 851 770 110 .52 2 0 1 OLD BOYS 5 ORMOND 5 4 0 860 896 9598 20 OLD SCOTCH 4 5 0 870 872 99 .77 16 OLD BRIGHTON 4 5 0 879 948 92 .72 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 6 0 877 885 99.10 12 OLD TRINITY 2 7 0 981 1083 90.58 8 Si BERNARDS 2 7 0 772 1043 7402 8 8 SECTION 8 1 0 1185 009 146.48 32 OLD!".- "U"'IIf.NS 2 0 967 761 127.07 28 OLD CIll' kS 7 TH=i~ ;;1 6003 6 2 1 1066 805 132 .42 26 5 4 0 1044 1049 99 .52 20 C11SdYULE MARCELLIN 4 5 0 813 923 88.08 16 UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 5 0 756 945 80.00 16 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 5 1 936 1062 88 .14 14 OLD PARADIANS 3 6 0 875 988 88 .56 12 WHITEFRIARS 3 6 0 853 1018 83.79 12 FAWKNER 1 7 0 891 1026 86 .84 4 C SECTION ' V-7EtCOO OC 8 1 0 1191 771 154 .47 32 0 1035 829 124 .85 28 iVP.1 :110 : 7 2 5 3 1 1101 820 134 .27 22 C.:HS09 5 4 0 1108 921 120 .30 20 immyA)i KEW 5 4 0 955 845 113 .02 20 MONASH BLUES 4 5 0 865 1013 85 .39 16 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 5 1 936 960 97 .50 14 H CAULFIELD 3 7 6 0 0 7 S 3861 8 11088 ~&3 12 T COMMONWEALT PARKSIDE 2 7 0 774 1259 61 .48 8 D SECTION 8 1 0 1010 677 149.19 32 OLD CEEIAr!G ST BEDcSlL:ENTONE 710 8 1 0 927 704 131 .68 32 6 3 0 1232 838 147.02 24 OLD IVAF1HOE UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 4 0 938 936 100.21 20 BRUNSWICK 5 4 0 892 922 96.75 20 ST KEVINS 4 5 0 918 876 104 .79 16 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 3 6 0 944 1081 87.33 12 THOMASTOWN 2 7 0 831 1004 82.77 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 7 0 876 1145 76.51 8 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 7 0 646 1119 57.73 8 E SECTION ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 8 1 0 1320 689 191 .58 32 DOVETON 7 2 0 1169 816 143 .26 28 OLENHUNTLY 7 2 0 924 671 137 .70 28 6 3 0 1001 685 146.13 24 OLD CAMBERWELL 0. ESSENDON GRAMMAR 5 4 0 941 855 110 .06 20 AQUINAS OB 5 4 0 804 803 100 .12 20 POWERHOUSE 3 6 0 749 912 82 .13 12 ELSiERNWICK 2 7 0 747 1368 54.61 8 BULLEEN UNITED 1 8 0 710 1023 69 .40 4 ANZ BANK 1 8 0 687 1230 55 .85 4 Ft SECTION 0 1220 710 171 .83 28 ST JOHNS OC 7 2 RYS 7 2 0 945 769 122 .89 28 ST LATROBE UNIVERSITY 6 3 0 967 770 125 .58 24 PENIANNSULA OB 6 3 0 836 859 1 9744 24 SALESIAN 3 6 4 0 0 8066 989 5 23 187.32 20 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 3 6 0 776 923 84.07 12 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 7 0 776 980 79.18 8 OLD CAREY 0 9 0 602 1190 50 .59 0 F2 SECTIO N OAKLEIGH AFC 6 1 0 1560 565 276 .11 32 YARRA VALLEY 08 8 1 0 1005 685 146.72 32 REDS 7 2 0 1229 660 186.21 28 UNIVERSITY CHIRNSIDE PARK 7 2 0 883 745 118 .52 28 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 4 0 903 750 120 .40 20 CANTERBURY N BALWYN 5 4 0 895 813 110 .09 20 OLD WESTBOURNE AFC 4 5 0 668 984 67 .89 16 BALWYN COMBINED AFC 3 6 0 690 743 92.87 12 BORONIA PARK 3 6 0 687 887 77.45 12 CAMBERWELL AFC 2 7 0 486 1137 42 .74 8 VUTfFIT 2 7 0 475 1570 30.25 8 A RESERVE SECTION 8 1 0 037 595 140.67 32 OLD SCOTCH OLD XAVERIANS 7 2 0 785 621 126 .41 28 O D 6 3 0 895 730 122 .60 24 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 3 1 796 720 110 .56 22 DE LA SALLE 5 4 0 748 590 126 .78 20 OLD BRIGHTON 4 5 0 532 678 78 .47 16 OLD TRINITY 3 5 1 595 812 7328 14 Si BERNARDS 3 6 0 670 728 92 .03 12 COLLEGIANS 3 6 0 585 642 91 .12 12 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 9 0 478 873 5435 0 8 RESERVE SECTION THERRY CCOB 8 1 0 901 455 198 .02 32 OLD MELBURNIANS 7 2 0 793 392 202 .30 28 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 6 3 0 759 595 127 .56 24 6 3 0 647 560 11554 24 OLD PARADIANS WHITEFRIARS 5 4 0 642 784 81 .89 20 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 6 0 532 576 92 .36 12 MARCELLIN 3 6 0 488 562 8623 12 BANYULE 3 6 0 506 921 54 .94 12 FAWKNER 3 5 0 445 860 51 .74 12 OLD MENTONIANS 1 8 0 457 788 57 .99 4 C RESERVE SECTIO N MHSOS 9 0 0 1040 323 321 .98 36 MAZENOD OC 6 3 0 922 385 239A8 24 IVANHOE 0 3 0 689 483 142 .65 24 6 3 0 646 470 134 .86 24 AJAX MONASH BLUES 6 3 0 593 549 108.01 24 PARKSIDE 4 5 0 401 662 60 .57 16 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 6 0 431 781 55.19 1 2 f ST KILDA/STH CAULFIELD 2 7 0 525 737 71 .23 8 f.f}lAMRNWFAITH RANK 1 7 0 4nt ASS As on A

W L 0 FOR AGST §b PTS D RESERVE SECTION UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 1 0 884 391 226.09 32 ST KEVINS 8 1 0 685 420 163.10 32 OLD IVANHOE 6 3 0 731 419 174.46 24 6 3 0 820 503 163.02 24 OLD GEELONG Si BEDES/MENTONE TIGE 4 5 0 590 418 14115 16 THOMASTOWN 4 5 0 479 774 61.89 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 6 0 433 718 6031 12 NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 6 0 409 799 51 .19 12 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 7 0 458 810 5654 8 BRUNSWICK 1 8 0 331 799 41.43 4 E RESERVE SECTION OLD CAMBERWELL 9 0 0 1084 303 357 .76 36 ST LEOS WATTLE PARK 8 1 0 1031 323 319 .20 32 POWERHOUSE 8 2 1 523 489 10&95 26 0. ESSENDON GRAMMAR 5 4 0 672 442 152.04 20 DOVETON 5 4 0 707 582 121.48 20 AQUINAS OR 4 4 1 557 567 98 .24 1 8 •GLENHUNTLY 3 6 0 525 637 82.42 12 ELSTERNWICK 3 6 0 486 819 5934 12 k'ANZ BANK 1 8 0 204 948 21 .52 4 BULLEEN UNITED 0 9 0 254 1112 22 .84 0 Ft RESERVE SECTIO N LATROBE UNIVERSITY 8 1 0 735 331 222 .05 32 ST JOHNS OC 8 1 0 824 418 197.13 32 ST ANDREWS 7 2 0 788 835 124.09 28 PENINSULA OB 8 3 0 841 495 169.90 24 UHSOB 5 4 0 529 571 92 .64 20 ST MARYS 4 5 0 470 895 52 .51 16 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 3 6 0 520 657 79.15 12 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 7 0 525 681 77.09 8 SALESIAN CC 1 8 0 520 758 68.60 4 OLD CAREY 1 8 0 456 767 59.45 4 F2 RESERVE SECTIO N OAKLEIGH AFC 8 1 0 1166 398 292.98 32 CHIRNSIDE PARK 8 1 0 704 436 161.47 32 BALWYN COMB AFC 7 2 0 819 315 260 .00 28 UNIVERSITY REDS 6 3 0 659 243 271.19 24 RICHMOND CENTRAL 6 3 0 697 482 144.61 24 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 5 4 0 438 464 94 .40 20 BORONIA PARK 4 5 0 535 564 94.86 16 CANTERBURY N .BALWYN 4 5 0 545 641 85.02 16 VUT/FIT 3 6 0 228 825 27 .64 12 t#OLD WESTBOURNE AFC 2 7 0 248 874 2838 8 • CAMBERWELL AFC 1 8 0 68 1115 6 .10 4 CLUB XVIII - NORTH NORTH OLD BOYS 8 1 0 575 404 142.33 32 • ELTHAM OC 7 2 0 654 440 148.64 28 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 6 3 0 576 426 135.21 24 OLD PARADIANS 6 3 0 464 450 103.11 24 THERRY 5 4 0 398 643 61 .90 20 ST BERNARDS 4 5 0 502 610 8230 1 6 t•KEW 4 5 0 396 505 78 .42 16 MARCELLIN 4 5 0 404 558 72 .40 16 t OLD GEELONG 1 8 0 190 579 32 .82 4 CLUB XVIII - SOUTH OLD XAVERIANS 8 1 0 743 342 217.25 32 MAZENOD OC 7 2 0 595 418 142 .34 28 OLD SCOTCH 7 2 0 530 479 110 .65 28 f- OLD MELBURNIANS 5 4 0 524 407 128.75 20 BLOODS 5 4 0 513 409 125 .43 20 MONASH WHITES 5 4 0 534 496 107 .66 20 DE LA SALLE 2 7 0 342 552 61 .96 8 C MONASH GRYPHONS 2 7 0 379 647 5858 8 COLLEGIANS 2 7 0 311 697 44 .62 8 POWERHOUSE 2 7 0 259 894 28 .97 8 UNDER 19 - SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 9 0 1276 698 182 .81 36 MAZENOD OC 7 2 1341 705 190.21 28 DE LA SALLE 8 3 1108 721 153.88 24 ST BERNARDS 6 3 1093 843 129.66 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 4 930 683 136 .16 20 CHIRNSIDE PARK 5 4 1091 1029 106.03 20 ORMOND 4 5 921 1032 89.24 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 7 959 1277 75 .10 8 OLD MENTONIANS 1 8 473 1742 27.15 4 MARCELLIN 0 7 293 1034 28.34 0 UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 CENTRAL OLD CAREY 7 2 0 1000 829 158 .98 28 OLD PARADIANS 7 2 0 903 568 158 .98 28 UNIVERSITY BLUES 7 2 0 822 602 136 .54 28 IVANHOE 7 2 0 805 626 128 .59 28 THERRY 6 3 0 774 704 109.94 24 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 3 0 925 850 108.82 24 5 4 0 899 66B 134.58 20 WHITEFRIARS OLD CAMBERWELL 5 4 0 902 679 132 .84 20 OLD TRINITY 5 4 0 735 732 100 .41 20 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 5 0 541 760 71 .18 16 8 Si LEOS WATTLE PARK 2 7 0 519 1020 50 .88 • OLD IVANHOE 1 8 0 316 1466 22 .48 4 BULLEEN/TEMPLESLOWE 1 2 0 75 381 19 .69 4 UNDER 19 - SECTION 2 SOUT H 8 1 0 1004 547 183.55 32 COLLEGIANS OLD BRIGHTON 7 2 0 1112 607 183 .20 28 AJAX 7 2 0 1004 651 154 .22 28 ST BEDESlb1ENTONE TIO 6 3 0 1027 562 182 .74 24 MHSOB 5 4 0 583 700 63 .29 20 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4 5 0 758 1003 75 .57 16 OLD SCOTCH 4 5 0 702 1002 70 .06 16 MONASH BLUES 3 6 0 586 901 65 .04 12 5•HAMPTON ROVERS 1 8 0 265 1256 21 .10 4 p Inelipible Player Round 7.


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