nateu r
VicHealth Funded by th e oven Health Promotion Foundation
Registered for posting as a publication . Category. B,
EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s
the rules and the consequences of ignoring those rules. Any club wishing to have a lunch must apply in writing to Phil Stevens at Elsternwick Park at least seven days before the planned luncheon . In most cases permission will be a mere formality, but if a club is found to be abusing this right, then their ability to host further luncheons will obviously be at risk.
VAFA President David Burnes has for the second week in a row gone to print, this time about a matter that all clubs need to be aware of and tak e affirmative action in regards to .
VAFA REQUIREMENTS OHOL AND YOUR CLUB A terf 3 weeks the season is well and truly underway and already we are beginning to see who will be the clubs to beat in each grade and section . As pointed out last week I have made a point of trying to go around and see as many clubs as possible and while this has been both interesting and informative it has also highlighted a trend and a problem that needs to be immediately addressed .
It is the duty of all clubs to appoint a duty officer whose responsibility extends to the consumption of alcohol anywhere at the ground . It is not the role of visiting Executive members to tell people at the ground to stop drinking. Any breaches observed will be reported to the duty officer from the home club who then has the responsibility to take appropriate action.
In the late 80's the VAFA Executive imposed a total ban on the consumption of alcohol at all VAFA sanctioned games . The reason for this was quite simple . We believed we were creating an environment where wives, girlfriends, children, relatives and friends of players could come and watch a game of football without having to worry about the behaviour or language of unruly supporters . In the main this has been very successful and you only have to look at the number of children at any VAFA game to realise that the Executive made the correct decision .
Should a club be observed to be flagrantly disregarding the rules with regard to these rules they should expect to be fined a minimum of $500 .00 for a first offence (an automatic fine), and obviously put at risk the right to serve alcohol at future luncheons . It is not the desire of the Executive to act as policemen or to be seen as revenue raisers . We believe that the environment we have created for players and spectators at Amateur Football is second to none, and we will do everything in our power to preserve that environment .
Realising the impo rtance of pre-game luncheons, both as a fund raising exercise and as a way of bonding a club, the Executive allowed any club who requested, to serve alcohol at pre-game luncheon . However, this was to be in an area totally separate and enclosed where only those attending the lunch would be entitled to have a drink . A further specification was that the consumption of alcohol would cease at 2pm or the start of the game, and that no further alcohol was to be served or opened after 1 .45pm .
On a somewhat lighter note I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my former mentor Professor Keith Frearson who was named VAFA Personality of the Year at the recent Presidents', Secretaries' and Members' dinner . Keith has been a stalwart of Amateur Football for over 30 years and everyone on the Executive wishes him and the Blues every success for the year .
For the last few years the system has worked very well . Unfortunately over the first three weeks of the season I have observed on a number of occasions where the 2pm rule has not been slightly bent but actively broken in two . All clubs must be aware of
# Editor's note. It is worth noting that VAFA Rules require each home team to have on display a no-alcohol sign, explaining that "No alcohol is to be consumed at a VAFA venue until the last match concludes . "
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David Bu rn es VAFA President
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May 4th,1996 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
Price : $1 .20 Vol . 96 No. 4
A SECTION by Don Blackwood OLD XAVS-AN E Y EMT? ÂŽÂŽ he flag had barely fluttered in the breeze at Toorak Park celebrating Xav's '95 success when a previously disappointing De La Sa lle edged out last year's premier. This now must place a question mark against Xavs ability to recover from the premiership hangover and play a decisive role in the front nine. Xavs and Ormond finished one/two at the end of the home and away series last year : this year both winless . University Blue's narrow victory over previously undefeated Collegians now puts them both on two wins each, while Old 144elburnians and Old Scotch make every post a winner to head the ladder . After a setback game one, Blues are now back on line and set to string together some good preformances . Need to see Coll egians rate of improvement. What better way than against a desperate Old Xavs today . In the middle order, St Bernard's young brigade had to withstand a sustained comeback by spiritless first half Mazenod to hold onto two wins, but hopefuls Old Haileybury slipped off the pace and now have a fight to realise those early season expectations . Last year's B Section finalists are now perched in that limbo position - again. Both play undefeated leaders today, so more early season challenges for them. So the middle order is collapsing around a clump of teams battling to keep up with the pacesetters Old Adelburnians and Old Scotch . Today may clear the air and really split the ladder into two halves, but then again other convolutions are possible .
La Salle who were looking down the early season's barrel . Damien Crowe was back from Port Melbourne to strengthen the team together with Drew Jackson at centre half back and improved effort from Ben Mannix and Andrew McIntosh, De La Salle had more quality players in the contest. For Xavs, these are bleak times for Simon Meehan in his debut coaching role, but at least he was encouraged by Chris Ellis's five goals and the form of ever reliable Dermott Dann . De La back in the contest : Xavs looking for the next one . St Bernards v. Mazeno d
Two fairly desperate sides with the game in dispute until the final siren . Blues off to a good start, but sat back in the second team to watch Collegians to gain a goal lead at the long break. But it was in the third quarter that Blues stamped their authority on the match, and although the Lions drew to within three points in the last term, Blues steadied to take the four points and their second win . Brook Mooney kicked seven for Collegians and had three opponents hanging off him all day. James Bennett was best on the ground while Danny Thompson provided plenty of onball strength. For Blues, Nathan Cavalier's second half was match winning, while big Gil Mclachlan and Richard Vandenberg were excellent players. A tonic for the Blues : sour taste for the Lions . Old Xaverians v. De La Salle The surprise result for the round with De La victors by nine points and their first win for the season. Mike Blood was missing and another bad injury during the day didn't help last year's premier, but full credit to De
It was a passionless Mazenod against St Bernard in the first half as the home side made all the running to lead by almost seven goals at half time . Courageous Jason Gollant was marking at will, Ben Horn controlled the ruck and Paul Gilmour a focal point at full forward . Troy Backhouse and Sam Taylor were doing well and it looked like a whitewahs for Bernards . Whatever Tony Paatsch said at half time - possibly something about sacrificing a little pride - it certainly did the trick and a twelve goals to five second half was a heartening turnaround . Without Mick O'Hara, Adam Hanley an d Michael Hunt, it was probably a fair result all up, particulary making the trip across town to Buckley St for the first time . Dean Schofieldscouted smartly in defence and Shannon Morgan provided bite and effort at both ends of the ground for the Nodders . St Bernards are still there : Mazenod wish they were . Old Melburnians V Old Halleybury With Simon Bromell running the boundary ; Micha Berry in the Reserves and Scott Teal threatening to return, the OM's coaching staffs biggest problem will be fitting all the superstars into the side . David Strooper made his amateur debut at full forward booting two but looked restricted in his movements . Simon Theodore turned in his best game in two years, while ruckman Chris Bryan is back starring with Peter O'Brien snapping at his heels . Plenty of optomism in the Redlegs camp, but it was only in the last quarter that they pulled away from a very competitive Old Haileybury . Matt Armstrong gathered 40 possessions; Adam Hilton was a prominent influence and Grant Rowland an d Alistair Pound in ofr his first senior match - excellent players . OM's downhill to the merry month of May : Old Haileybury just an uphill battle . Old Scotch v. Ormond Early doors it was Ormond taking the game up to Scotch with the aid of a handy breeze, but gradually the Cardinals pegged them back to a 49 point win i n
REVIEW Collegians v. University Blues
the finish was a sound display . Elusive Scott Duthie (5 goals) and creative Stephen Hume (4 goals) did the damage, while Tim Pritchard comes on in leaps and bounds . For the Monds, Mark Gilmour celebrated his 200th in style and Brett Conne ll gave his everything, as usual, and Paul Mamow held the backline together under heavy attack. But it was in the aerial department that the Cardinals dominated with Rohan Aujard and Tom Wilson having a field day as Ormand search for tall timber to assist Craig Symes out in the ruck and work in a team, a crop of U 19's . Old Scotch stretch their wins: Ormond looking for their first. PREVIEW Old Xavs will be desperate to notch up a win, but Collegians appear more stable at this stage and the Lions to score by 15 points . Ormond are also desperate and although De La Salle tasted victory last week, the Monds will dish up some extra effort at home and sneak their first win by 5 points . Old Halleybury take on undefeated Old Scotch and the Bloods were not disgraced against Old Melburians and in the shock result of the round, Old Haileybury to steer a narrow win by 11 points, while Old Melburnians will demonstrate to Mazenod that the benchmark is them and they should comfortably score by 41 points. And in the final match tomorrow, University Blues in their first outing at E Park since that grand final will be far too strong for St Bernards and coast to their third win by 49 points . SELECTIONS : Co llegians, Ormond, Old Haileybury, Old Melb and Univ Blues .
ORM OND'S MARK GILMORE PLAYED 200 GAMES Congratulations from all at Ormond to Mark Gilmore on reaching 200 games last Saturday . From all at Ormond "Gilly" - well done !
(7) 13 (5) 12 (-) 10 (3) 9 (4) 8 (3) 7 (3) 7 (5) 9 (-) 8 (2) 7
SENIORS COLLEGIANS 1 .3 8 .6 9.7 13.11.89 UNIVERSITY BLUES 5.5 7 .6 11 .10 15.12 .102 Collegians Mooney 7 . Galbraith. Thomson 2 . McKenzie . Wallace. Best Bennett, Thomson, Mooney. Galbraith . Wallace, Peters. University Blues Cavalier 4, lennen 3, Evans, Rourke 2, Furphy, Slimmon . McLachlan, Frith . Best Cavalier, McIntyre, Polkinghome, Henderson, Furphy, Vandenberg. DE LA SALLE 4.1 9.1 12.3 13.8 .86 OLD XAVERIANS 3 .1 5.3 8.7 11.11 .77 Be La Salle O'Callaghan 4. Mannix 3 . Hegan 2, Abbott, Crowe . Jackson . htakinson . Best Crowe, Jackson, Brasher, Chun, Mounts, Waters , Old Raverlaas Ellis 5 . Junes 2, McLeland. Dann, Heil, Richardson . Best Dann, Ellis, Tucker, Hanneberry, Holmes . OLD SCOTCH 3.1 9.7 12.12 16 .16 .112 ORMOND 5.3 6.6 8.9 9.9 .63 Old Scotch Prithcard . Duthie 5. Hume 4. Grigg, Hughes. Best AuJard, Hughes, Pritchard. Wilson. Hume, Holt Ormond Connell, Remman 2, Grace, Bailey, Jobling, macKey, keleher. Best Marrow, Connell, Presser, Turner, Jobbing, Remman . OLD MELBURNIANS 3.4 6.8 9.14 17 .18.120 OLD HAILEYBURY 2.1 6.3 7.7 10.8 .68 Old Melburniana Ellinghaus 4 . Theodore 3. Thompson . Useinov, Bunn, Strooper 2 . Webb, Eabry. Best O'Brien. Bryan, Thompson, Stuckey. Ellinghaus. Hart. Old Haileybuty Mosey 4, Lappage 2, Walden, Phillips, Byms . Kraus . Best Dan n, Rowlands, Pound. Walden, ArmstrongMorey. ST BERNARDS 3.3 11.6 14.9 17 .15.117 MAZENOD OC 3.1 5.1 11.4 17.5.107 St Bernards Gilmour 5, J . Gallant . Sheehan 3 . Doran. Taylor 2, Hogan, L. Gallant Best Sawicki, Horn, Capes. J. Gallant, Gilmour, Juegan . Mamnod OC Boysen, Noble. Couttie 3, Morgan, Polan 2, Marshall . Lane . Murray, Christie . Beat Morgan, Schofield. Belleville, Lane. Barker . Boysen.
RESERVES COLLEGIANS 0.3 2 .4 3 .7 6.9.45 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.0 7 .5 8 .9 16.10 .106 Collegians Higson . Foard, Jones 2. Best Lubich, Jones, Smith . Greeves, Rose . Baxter. University Blues Wilcox 3 . McLeod, Langley 2 . Jukes . Hayter. Gunn, Mitchell, Wilson, buckley, Seller, Stewart . Nugent Best Thomas. Wilson. Mudge. Stewart. Mitchell, McMahon. DE LA SALLE 5.2 7 .2 9.8 9.8 .62 OLD %AVERIANS 2.4 4.5 5.8 9.10 .64 De La Salle Fiume, Langone 2 . Alban . Browne. Cowmy. Montgomerie, Spariow. at Silvers. O'Callaghan, Harrison, Hegan, Fiume. McCormick. Old %averisns Bourke 3 . Belli, Webb. Barratt, Kearns, Stones . Freer . Beat Webb, Colqhuon. Bourke . Jones. Lechte . Mortensen. OLD SCOTCH 1.5 7.8 10.12 15.12.102 ORMOND 2.0 2.2 2.4 3.6 .24 Old Scotch McDonnell 5, Castrican 4 . Steele, Hooper, Husking. Phillips . Stubbs . Norman . Best Phillips. Kerr, Warner. Waslh, Jonas, Norman . Ormond Kingston 2. KukulJan . Best Barnes, Handley, Milner . Spagnol. Kingston . King. OLD MELBURNIANS 5.1 7.2 13.5 19.7.121 OLD HAILEYBURY 0.1 2.6 3.6 3.7 .25 Old Melbumiana Bunn. Wilhelm . Dixon 3, Smith. McKeon . Henshaw, Berry. Power 2. Best Smith, Campbetl. Berry. Morley, Power, Crump. Old Haileybury Hucker. Main, Dowsing . Best Main. Capomolla, Richardson, ODonnell, Ladds . Dowsing. ST BERNARDS 2.2 4.5 4.6 6.11 .47 MAZENOD OC 2.3 2.8 7.15 9.19 .73 St Bemards Conroy, Morrish . Farmer, Overman . Byrne, Kennedy. Best Donlan, Byrne . Mortish. Dowling Teague, McFeah . Mazenod Howard 3 . Todd 2 . Tsiavis. Jacobs . Conroy. Devlin . Best Howard . Jacobs . Conroy, Riley, Todod, Head .
i"RaTION UMPIR.E~ OLD XAVERIANS v . COLLEGIANS Field: M . Jackson, P . Gerseh; Goal : B . Jephson, A. Simpson . ORMOND v . DE LA SALLE Field : G . Curran, W . Hinton ; Goal: G . Grigg, B . Hoare. OLD HAILEYBURY v . OLD SCOTCH Field : R . Bell, M . Jenkins : Boundary : B . Brown, J . Wright ; Goal : B . Nash, R . Richards . MAZENOD v. OLD NIELBURNIANS Field: H . Little, S . McCarthy ; Goal : D. Napoli, A. Miller. UNIVERSITY BLUES v. ST BERNARDS ( E.P . Sun .) Field: A . Damen, J . Toohey ; Boundary : G . Drummond, S . Hennig ; Goal: K . Pitcher, G . Wright(Sen.), R. Richards , G . Dae (Res .) .
B SECTION by Paul Luby hat a contrast in results last week, two games decidg oals in his first game ed by less than a goal, two other games decided by for the year With 1 4 co fortable margins and Trinity winning by an awesome players kicking goals points over Bulleen - Templestowe . Is Trinity that one can only say that good or have the Bullants slipped that dramically? Only those seven blokes wh o time will tell breall but Trinity i ha
y taking readers and each week a follower of B grade footy will get th e extremely disappointing scoreboard for everyone concerned chance to win a mystery prize . I will be at different B at Bulleen and one that wonders how they can bounce grade game each week and the first person to come up to . Trinity in the first withwill the correct answer to the footy trivia questio n last two weeks havestruggled totally destroyed theme below and for good measure had Strickland kick eight be at the win!! It's as simple as that. This week I will MHSOB v. Parade game and for those of you 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
who do not know me that's my ugly 3KZ at the top of the page . An easy one to start with. Who am I? I started in 1972 and played 238 games until my retirement in 1984 . Originally from Wycheproof I did not poll a Brownlow vote until my 11th season and was often cited as an underrated player . I played mainly as a half back and back pocket and also played in 3 premierships during my time in the VFL . Good Luck everyone . Press correspondents for each club please contact me by 1 .00 pm on the Monday following the game . Please call on 9457 4079 (AII), 9268 1568 (BH) or fax 9268 1576 (BH) . C'mon Brighton & Trinity give me a call!!! !
1 r1 Old Ivanho e Congratulations to Julian Maycock on reaching 100 games with Old Ivanhoe . Congratulations also to Ian Roxburgh on reaching 50 games . MHSOB Support ers Lucheon today Long time MHSOB supporters, past players current parents and members plus VAFA Executive attendees will today gather for the first 1996 MHSOB lucheon in what promises to be a big day. Your great support over the years is greatly appreciated . Daniel Tonkin - 50 Games Congratulations Tonks . Daniel started in the Under 19's in 1993 and has now established himself as one of the first picked senior players each week . Daniel has tremendous balance and pose and provides tremendous run out of the backline . Simon Drum - 50 Game s Well done Drummie . Simon started in 1993 in the under 19's and has developed into a very reliable backman. Simon is a very popular clubman and is very dedicated to all facets of his approach to the game . Here's to many more games. Paul 'PB' Kearney - Congratulations 150 Games First played in 1986 . Slow start to career, by 1991 midway through season he was the A Grade reserves leading goal kicker . 'PK' is a great club man, having served as treasurer in 1993 and 1994. We look forward to a great year - more to come .
(8) 22 (2) 15 (6) 14 (2) 13 (1) 10 (3) 1 0
(2) 9 (-) 9 (-) 9 (-) 8 (-) 8
MHSOB v. OLD PARADIANS Meld: W. Henry, D. Anderson ; Boundary: N. Meier, S . Mannix ; Goal: C. May, M . Frame . OLD TRINITY v . OLD BRIGHTON FYeld : M . Bushfield, G . Thwaites ; Boundary : F . Martinez, J . Stevenson ; Goal : M . Lentini, K. Segota . BANYULE v. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field : A . Firley, G . Ridd ; GoaL• G. Dae, S . Ryan . IVANHOE v . OLD IVANHOE Field: D. Dalgleish, C . Segota ; Boundary : T. Healy, D . Ryan ; Goal: A . Bishop, W . Fowler . THERRY v . NORTH OLD BOYS Field: M. McCrohan, R . Simon ; GoaL R . Miller, G . Beard .
WALTER Ml!= T~,~G~DY (Port Arthur ) When tragedies of the nature that has happened at Port Arthur in Tasmania occur, we tend to see them on the TV and hear them on the Radio and say "Thank God we were not there or members of our family were not involved," however, the web of connections go out and we find that we are involved in one way or another. One of Banyule's ex-footballers . Walter Mikac's wife and two daughters were tragically killed at this horrendous shooting in Tasmania. As a mark of respect we are hoping that all Amateur clubs could hold a minute's silence prior to the senior games this Saturday . Walter played football with Banyule from 1981 to 1983, playing around 50 games, and the majority of it was in the back line . He played his junior football with Macleod Juniors . The family connection was continued with his brother Steven playing from 1984 to 1988, and they have continued to support the club since then. Walter continued his studies and became a chemist, and around two years ago moved to Nubeena with his family, on the Tasmanian Peninsula, to further his career in business . A minute's silence would be a fitting tribute to assist Walter and his family . Tribute written by Bill Attard (Banyule AFC) It would be appreciated if home teams could pa rt icipate in a minute's silenc e at 1 .59 today - VAFA. 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
C SECTION by Terry Quir k
change in weather conditions saw Round 3 played in almost ideal conditions. The midday downpour left a little water on most grounds bu t insufficient to cause a problem . After terrific performance by OGs, Marcellin and Old Mentonians, seven sides now have one win after three rounds with the Saints and SKOBs undefeated at the head of the table . Today, all roads lead to Packer Reserve for the big clash to decide outright leadership . The former scribe, Peter Lemon, reports that OGs returned to the winners' list after a huge first quarter and some fine efforts in defence by Jon Smythe and Dave Welsby on the day. The bubble certainly burst for the TT Bears early when the OG's horse bolted . 12 goals to 7 after quartei time helped to bridge the gap but a lead of 41 points by the OGs early was always a problem . For the Bears, Simon Holmes playing his 150th was in great form . Grech and Fletcher were also on top for most of the day . At Mentone the Eagles ran away from the Tigers in the final quarter . The final margin of 45 points suggests a mini massacre, however the Tigers held a 5 point half way lead only to see Marcellin run riot, perticulary with Chris Mason and Stephen "Screamer" Theisz taking control . The Tigers were best served by "Bewick" Hecker, Ash Wilce and "7 Up" Beasley . The Jackas journeyed to Kooyong and were crunched in the first quarter by SKOBs who kicked 8 early and lead by 50 points at the big break. Giant Jason Feldman, Andrew Kalinski (6 big ones) and a lion hearted team lead by Martin Halphen were outstanding in the second half to give the Jackas an outside chance late in the game. For the SKOBs "Big Ben" Garvey and Grossy were best . "Dad" Faul was a big wrap for "Bomber" an d "Mounty" who worked herd around the packs . What number are you Mounty?? "Dad" is a figure man . The Saints and Rovers were neck and neck at the long break with some ordinary kicking for goals by the Rovers keeping them in touch . The Saints kicked 14 of the last 17 goals to leave the boys for Roverland extremely disappointed . Again the McGaw boys were in charge for the Saints whilst youngsters, Ben King, Matt Wielgosz and Daniel Broadhurst from the Under 19's took the step to senior level in style and were a credit to themselves . From the Rovers, centreline players Denver "Axe" Artz and "The Doctor" Anderson were best, whilst "Timbers" Slattery was dominat-in the ruck . Four good quarters on one day Rovers, will be enough to topple any side . Down at Pantherland and Friars put in a rather poor performance for three quarters . With the half 6
forwards of Bournon, Patterson and Stroudy in charge , the Panthers race d away early in a huge lead . Paul Coghlan trie d valiantly to life his side but the 7 goal last quarter did little more than improve the scoreline . Pawlick, Jenkins and Carrigg served the Friars well whilst first gamer Marc Jongebloed from the Under 19's was tremendous . The Panthers have 4 points up and are full of confidence for the weeks ahead . PREVIEW. . .ROUND 4
The blockbuster at Packer Reserve promises everything . This is a flip of a coin from an inform tipster (I picked the card last week) . Heads its the Saints, tails the SKOBs . Sorry Saints, SKOBs by 6 points in a cliffhanger . The Friars will be gunning for the Rovers in front of a big luncheon of past players . I think this game will be decided early . The Rovers should have enough goal scoring forwards to help themselves to a win by 27 points . The big clash at Thomastown will be a huge test for the Bears . The Panthers have a forward and half forward line that can kick a winning score against the best opposition. I'll go for the Panthers by 17 points but expect the weather conditions to have a big bearing on this contest. Marcellin at home to the OGs should be a tremendous match . The Eagles will go into this match confident that the home ground advantage and last week's second half form will be enough to win the day . The OGs will have other ideas and will be very worthy opponents . I'll go for the Eagles by 15 points in a game that should be very even . The Jackas and the Tigers meet in a game crucial to both clubs . I know the SKOBs were impressed by the Jackas who should have too much experience and strength for the young Tigers teams where improvement in a big way ia expected as the season progresses. Ajax by 26 points . Reserves winners : Whitefriars, Old Mentonians, Marcellin, Ajax, St Kevins Correspondents : by 5 .30 pm on Monday on Fax 9889 9014 . Well done again this week . 100% result . REMEM B ER PATRONS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BRIN G ALCOHOL INTO ELSTERNWICK PARK OR INTO ANY VAFA VENU E
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(5) (2) (5) (5) (5)
17 14 12 10 10
11 8 7
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(Venue Not I .nown)
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HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .6 8 .11 9.14 11 .18.84 ST BI1.DA SOUTH CAULFIELD 3 .4 4.5 13.8 18 .8.116 Hampton Rovers Power 3, Crawford. Ariz 2, Natol, McKellar, Anderson, Rodder . Best Artz, Le Grand, Srarlett, Anderson, McKellar . Mason . St Blida South Caulfield Ryan 6, Gardner 3 . Gilmore, Green, McGaw 2 . Broadhurst Wlelgosz. Wilson. Best McCaw, McGaw . Ryan, Gilmore, Presnetl. OLD MENTONIANS 4.6 10.8 14.12 19.13 .127 S9ffiTEFRIARS 0.2 3.8 4.13 11.17.83 Old Mentonlans Acreman 5, Flaskis, Paterson 4, Stroud 3, Boumon 2, Flaskis . Best Boumon, Stroud, Paterson . Kitto, Pride. Ferguson. Whitefrlara Coghtan 3, Jenkins 2, O'Brien, Vandeboom, Carbone . Robinson, Campbell. Elliott Best Coghlan . Pawlick, Canigg. Jenkins . Carbone, Jongebloed . OLD GEELONG 6.6 8.9 11.11 13.15 .93 THOMASTOWN 0 .1 3.3 7.6 12 .8.80 Old Geelong Howells 5, Teelow 2 . Taylor, Hermann . SPiden, Wilson, Nevins . Vickers-Willis. Best Smythe . Welisby, Taylar, Hermann, Peddie, Manton . Thomastowa Pougios, Arcomci, Capeci. Colosimo 2, Brooks. Fellows, Same. Gorski. Best Grech. Holmes, Fletcher. Reid. Capeci . Colosimo. 6 .3 9 .6 11 .7.73 ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 3 .1 MARCELLIN 4 .3 5 .4 11 .5 18.10 .118 St B's Mentone Tigers Wilce 3 . McGeorge, Ryan 2, Diggins, Hayes, Ross. Sanders. Best Beasley, Wiltt. Hecker, Tully, Sanders, MacGeorge. Marcellin CatTry, Mason 5 . Waters 3 . Bello 2. Rowe, Gallagher, Cooper . Best Theisz. Collins . Cooper . Wallis, Bello . 0'Flynn. 11.11 12.14 14.15 .99 ST BEVtNS 8 .6 AJAX 1.3 4.5 9.6 11.10 .76 St Basins Ryan 5, Moore . Burden, Terzini 2, Cullman, Mount, Bowles . Best Garvey. Burden. Gross, Mount. Brady. Bowles . Ajax Katinski 6, Goldberg 2, Marks, Bursztyn . Rajch. Best Feldman, Cohen . Kalinski, Wrohel, Halphen . Goldberg..
WHITEFRIARS v . HAMPTON ROVERS Field : P . Leyden, B . Woodhead . THOMASTOWN v. OLD MENTONIANS Field : P . Keogh, C . O'Donohue . MARCELLIN v. OLD GEELONG Fie1d : P . Simpson, S . Meredith . AJAX v . ST BEDES MENTON TIGERS ( Cordner Oval Fawkner Park) Fietd: T. Ovadia, C. Donlon . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v. ST KEVINS Field : D. Lane . Boundary : F. McDonald, J . McDonald .
HAMPTON ROVERS 0 .2 1.4 4.6 7.9 .51 2.4 4.4 6.4 13.4 .82 ST BILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD Hampton Rovers Armstrong. McDonald, Day 2 . Hunter . Best Hunter. Rush . Short. Buckley. McDonald. Sher. St Kilda South Caulfield Alderucclo 4, Handfield 3, Davis 2, Wood . Benton . Presnell. Paterson. Best H andi6e.d Datlalzna. Frawley, Davis. Paterson. OLD MENTONIANS 3 .1 6 .3 9.5 13 .9.87 WHITEFRIARS 2 .0 3 .2 5.2 5 .2.32 Old Mentonlans Richmond 3, Norton . Russo 2, Appel, Davis. Holland. Konicinan. Shedder, Winduss . Best Appel, Dwyer, Davis. Winduss. Richmond, Norman . Whitefriars Twwaites 2, Ryan . Hardman, Naismith . Best Reid . Lester, Vandenimom. Heath, Ryan, Dodd. 3.2 4.4 6 .7 7.9 .51 OLD GEELONG THOMASTOWN 2.0 3.3 3 .6 4.7 .31 Old Geelong Oliphant, Liley 2. Davis. Kemp. Burbank . Beat Swan. Allen . Wilkinson, Oliphant Kemp, Oliphan t Thomastown Valentino 3. Dimouski . Best Scarpa. Del Papa. Haring. Lentini, Farrhione . Vatientino. ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 3.1 4.4 7.6 7.7.49 MARCELLIN 0 .2 1.5 3.6 5.9.39 St B's Mentone Tigers Hecker 3. 6furty, Peck . Hendriks. Kearney. Best Walsh . Smith . Murray. Bueno. Hecker, Tally. Marcel8a McIntosh, Day . S. Gallagher . V . Gallagher, Symes . Best Frisina, Douglas. Beattie. Pezzimenti, Grmvcott Becchetti . ST BEVINS 1 .2 2 .3 3 .3 4 .6.30 AJAX 15.2 5 .3 9 .11 11 .13 .79 St Kevins Singh, Quirk, Fox, Meagher. Best Dillon, O'Shea, Wilkes. Ryan. Game. Meagher . "Jas Feldman, Hoppe 3, Frey 2, Rajch . Krongold, Shein. Best Rosen, Shein, Roseman, Rubenstein. Hoppe, Feldman.
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D C7"1 by Ken Bremne r C Y A 6 PRES S fter 3 rounds all teams have points on the board (a "irst across the VAFA Premiership lists) to give themselves a chance of claiming a 'top 4' spot as the season unfolds . Two clubs ( Monash Blues, Old Camberwe ll) remain undefeated whilst at the other end of the scale, three teams ( Beaumaris, Kew, Uni Reds) are yet to register a clear cut victory. Round 3 Review (27 April) In an even and entertaining game, Southbank took the points over Park side through height control and moving the ball quickly . The 'Parkers' had plenty of the play, but just couldn't finish off. The game was finely balanced all day with Southbank scrambling home by 6 points . Best for Parkside were Spud Moodie, Chilcott, Campbell and Dean whilst for Southbak , Pitts, Eastham and Treyvaud , Good conditions out at Bennettswood were conducive to a close game, with St . Leo's going into the long interval narrow leaders against Caulfield . The third quarter belonged to the 'Fields', who bagged 6 'twins' for the quarter to hold a handy lead in the final break . After scoring the first, Caulfield looked to have the home sides measure, but to the Leo's credit they piled on the next 9 to win by 4 large with Hendricus, O'Meara and Burgess outstanding . Caulfields best were Brent Baxter and Dean Synman. The game between Old Camberwe ll and Beaumaris saw good skills displayed by both sides with Beaumaris holding a slight edge in a tight first quarter . With a slight breeze in the second quarter, the 'Wellers' outscored the 'bayside boys' to go into the long break 3 points in front. They increased this lead to 16 points at the last break and aided by a slight breeze ran out winners by 41 points . Thanks largely to 'the Doc' Inkster bagging 10 big ones and 'Splinters' Harvey after vacating the pine . The Wellers' welcomed Brad 'I've got a smile on my face' O'Hara back from honeymoon duties . At Dandenong (Isn't that better Peter!) Monash held sway against St Johns in what was obiviously a tight encounter with the top of the ladder 'Blues' getting home by just 16 points. The 'Professor' reported that he was very pleased to have motored home with the 4 points in the bag .
For the 2nd time in only 3 weeks another 'tied' game was played out . This time by Kew and Uni . Reds . One wonders whether the 'Brown & Golds' are laminating
their inaccuracy (10 more scoring shots) . Must have left supporters of both outfits wit h an 'empty' feeling as the 2 points in their respective situations is not what the doctor ordered . Still, it will give both camps some optimism over the next couple of rounds. Round 4 Preview (4 May) Uni Reds V St Leo's -'Redz' host 'Two Blues' in a game of importance to both. For Uni . to keep in touch with at least the middle pack and for St Leo's to consolidate up near or even in the 4 . On form thus far St Leo's should be able to notch a 'soft' 50 point win .
Southbank V Kew - same story as above applies to these teams . 'Bankers' whilst winning aren't firing on all cylinders whereas Kew themselves have yet to get out of a'canter . Southbank should continue their winning ways by 6 'large' ones . Monash Blues V Parkside - The 'students' are on a 'roll' and do battle with a determined Parkside . Yet another game with an enormous amount hanging on the rest. Monash are a very well balanced team and should be able to answer everything that the 'Red Devils' throw at them . The 'Doc', 'Professor' and the 'Boys' to remain undefeated by stinging Parkside by 5 'twins' . Beaumaris V St Johns O .C's - The 'baysiders' best chance yet to break the ice against a formidable foe in the JOC's . At home and hellbent on keeping in touch with the 'pack' should provide Beaumaris with enough motivation for them to get over the line victors by 25 points . Caulfield Grammer V Old Camberwe ll - A real 'acid' test for Caulfield to stay in contention with the 'pack' when they welcome Old Camberwell . Whilst I'm sure they'll be very competitive, I just can't see them having enough strike power to trouble the Wellers' over the long haul . Old Camberwell juggernaut to 'roll on' again to victory by 8 'twins'. Club Scribes - Don't forget the telephone calls and/or fax messages on Mondays to : Tel : 9810 3370 Fax: 9810 3251 by 5 .00 pm. Thanks heaps ?
3,4 6 .8 8.11 17.12 .114 2 .4 6 .7 12 .9 13.12.90 it Leas Emmaus Henricks 8, Bethune, Dinicolantonio 2, Burgess, Davidson, Ingram. Panetta, Pitcher . Best Henricus. O'Meara, Burgess, Douglass, Pitcher . Bethune . Caulfield Grammar Harrison 5, Will 3. Marjerison 2 . Millard, Royals, Vella. Best Baxter, Synman. Will, Dicrosta, Lowe, Harrison . 11 .12 15.13 18.19 .127 NEW 6 .4 UNIVERSITY REDS 7 .3 12.4 16.5 20.7 .127 Sew Porte 4, King, Gencarelli 3. Pulvirenti 2, Wood. Harrison, Dimasi, Bayley, Bruno, Barry. Best Bnmo, Porte, Gencarelli. Dimasi, tafranchi. King. University Reds Mitchell 4, Schiavo 3, Blizzard, Fenton, Kane 2 . Bowman, Heenan, Jackson, James, Mitchell, Pickett, Tehan . But Blizzard, Cook. Jackson, Heenan, Rowland. Pickett
ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 0 .1 1.2 2.3 4 .4.28 CAULPiItDGRAMMAR 3 .5 5.10 7 .12 8 .12.60 St Leos Emmons Contessotto. Miller, Shacklock. Best Ronchi, Thomas, Niel . Van Den Akker, Cronin, Mitchell. Caulfield Grammar Schaller, Hansen 2, Kebie, Santiago, Klose, Shrimski. Best lawrence, FUose, Chan, Gue, Hansen, K4ose . KEW 3 .2 3 .2 3.4 7 .6.48 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 .2 1 .2 2.3 2 .4.16 Sew Livingston 3. Franklin 2 . Georgiev. Kiriakou . Best Skerritt. R. Livingston, C. Livingston, Fletcher, Braun . Giorg". University Reds McKenna. Hempenstall. But Hall, Toll. George . Pickett, James, Daalder. PARKSIDE 16 .11 .107 SOUTHBANE CBA 4 .9.33 Parkslde Tyson 6, Dunbabin 4, Antonopoulos 2, Gunn, Hamilton, paginate, Stuart . Best Reginato, Gunn, Antonopoubs, Ddnan, Tyson, Collier . Southbank CBA Maya, Nettleton . Hargreaves, Noronha. Best McCarthy, Warland, Stevenson, Jebb. Burnett, Gillin. ST JOHNS OC 1 .4 1 .8 2.9 3 .9.27 MONASH BLUES 1 .2 3 .6 51 8 9 .12.66 St Johns OC Pepper. Darcy, Blake. Best Pepper. Rachele, Adamson. Ladson, Martin. Crozier . Monasb Blues Feenaghty 4, Murchie 3, Newman . Makey. But Makey, Cavalier, Thornton, DeYoung, Beer. Alexander .
4 .0 6.0 9.5 10.9.69 pA.RBSIDE 10.15 .75 SOUTHBAPiB CBA 2 .3 6.8 8.14 parkside Sansonetti 3, Panjari 2, Laursen, MacNamara, Marulli, Moodie, Sherlock . But Moodie, chikott. Campbell. Dean. Tessari, Panjari . Sonthbank CBA Pitts, Perry 3, Bunnell 2, Hodgson, Keighmn . Best Eastham, Treyvaud, Keighran. Bunnell, Bluhm . Pitts. ST JOHNS GC 2 .2 4.7 4.8 8.13 .61 MONASH BLUES 3 .4 6.5 8.10 11.11 .77 St Johns OC Sheehan, Woods, Labrooy 2. Clancy. Aboujaber . Best Sheehan, Koppers. Williams, Monroe, Ham, Courmadias . Monasb Blues Colombies 4 . Barin~ 2. Dobbin, Headberry. Anderson . Rogers. Smith. Best Dobbin, Dowsley . Hipwei . Miller. Tuohey, Headherry. OLD CAMBERWELL 4.0 7.3 11 .7 18.10.118 BEAUยงSARIS 6 .4 6.6 8.9 11.11 .77 Old Camberwell Inkster 10. Wilson, Lethlean, Cocks 2. Walker, Provan. Best Inkster, James, Patterson . Walker. Talbot, Spurrit L Beaumaris Mills. McMahon 3 . Williams 2, Rowbury, Easton . Quin . Best Hanrahan. Hoyne . Yass, Mills . McGrath, Bailey.
OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .8 7 .13 12,19 21 .22.148 BEAU9SARIS 0.2 1 .2 4,3 7 .4.46 Old Camberwell Jackson, htavrodougias, Mudge . Burmeister 3, Brunnen. Sealey, Thomas 2, Sim, McCrea, Lenten. Best Kent. Jackson, bunneister. Mudge. Lentnn, channon . Beaumarls Holt 3, Ott 2. Lloyd, StruscotL Best Healey, Truscott, Wright, Lloyd. Venn, Dalgleish .
UNIVERSITY REDS v. ST LEOS ._ ." ;~AUS Field : N . McCorquodale, C . Wallis. SOUTII CBA v. KEW Field : M . Allen, D . Kramer . MONASH BLUES v . PARKSIDE Field : A . Ladd . BEAUMARIS v . ST JOHNS Field : R . Francis, B . McKee. CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS v . OLD CAMBERWELL Field : A . KieI, A . Flack .
MAY 11 - ROUND 5
This Sat. : De La Salle v. Old Parade (U 1 9) This Sun .: Universi ty Blues v. St Bernards Next Sat,: Mazenod v. Universi ty Blues Next Sun. : NO MATCH - MOTHER'S DAY Sat . May 18 : Old Ivanhoe v. Old Bri ghton Sun. May 19: Old Haileybury v. Collegians NOTES : This draw will be done on two more occasions, on each occasion for the next six week section of the season. Dates relating to the next section of the EP draw are as follows: The draw for the second section of the season ( Map 25 to July 7) will be released to clubs this Monday and will appear in next week's "Amateur Footballer" . For 1996 "crowd pulling' A and B section games will be scheduled, with an A or B section club not giving up more than 3 home games over seasons 1996-1997, unless an A or B section club especially requests extra home games at EP on available dates (such as' above) , C Section teams considered a chance to play in C section finals, some of which are played at Elstemwick Park, may be drawn to play at Elsternwick Park as may other section matches where problems were noted during the first meeting this season .
E ST SECTION by Barry Hicke y an Shaw, a Member of the Organizing Committee o f .6 the Mark Wilkinson Sportsnight, wishes to thank the many VAFA clubs and individuals who helped to make the benefit for Danielle and Mark Junior such a huge success . There was a sellout crowd of 500 people, and the evening raised in excess of $19,000 .00, which Danielle proposes to set aside for Mark Junior's education . Apart from the clubs which made up the .tables, there was also one from the VAFAUA, and the whole event was a magnificent demonstration of the spirit of Amateur Football . The Organizing Committee is to be congratulated on such a fine achievement, and for the wonderful tribute to No . 4 for Aquinas . The teams relished the less pinguid conditions prevailing for the senior games last week, and there was some top football as a result . Aquinas are looking ominously good, having shot out of the blocks like Linford Christie, and built a percentage of cosmic magnitude in the process. Eley Park with 2 1/2 wins, have given a good account of themselves to date . And Yarra Valley were back to their customary best in a big win over the Saints . ROUND 3 REVIEW Bulleen Cobras found Eley Park something of a handful in a game that could have gone either way up until the major break . The Sharks lifted in the second half and edged ahead, though they handicapped themselves by poor goal shooting . Wunym, Featonby and Bowen starred for the Sharks in an otherwise even performance . Richmond Central and Old Carey played some sensational footy in the picturesque surrounds of the Kevin Bartlett, with the game going right down to the wire . Both sides had attacks of the stutters kicking for goal, Central with 3 .8 in the third and the C's scoring 1 .8 in the last, but generally, the field kicking, marking and commitment of all players was superb . Gary Waldron managed to blend his whistle blowing in with the Bellbirds, Golden Whistlers and Magpies in a nice piece of impromptu harmonising . The C's were pleased to have Kanga Matthews back at CHB, and received a great drive from Everett, Campbell, Vasilopoulos, Eccles and Hickey . Big Merv Shannon rucked and marked round the ground brilliantly for Central, Franki Bove and Dave Holt were dangerous anywhere near the goals . Eltham Collegians and Chirnside Park also had a rip snorter of a contest, and the Parkers did their damnedest to upset the scribe by scoring 9 points straight in the first term. They finally overhauled the exuberant Turtles in the third and kept their heads in front thereafter. John Brown dominated on his half forward flank for the Parkers, and Mick Carusi had a field day on his back flank. Yarra Valley proved too strong for St Mary's who just couldn't get their game together right from the start . 10
Yarras were pleased to have Habben, Taylor, Telford and Lopoi back on the field, and thi s enabled the on-ballers, Peak, Thompson and McVean to adopt a more offensive role which they did to telling effect. Aquinas overwhelmed Swinburne University, being too strong in most positions . The Blooders had many good players but Jason Livingstone (11 goals), Cam Colliver, roving and Cameron Quinn on one wing are singled out for special mention. PREVIEW OF ROUND 4 Old Carey host the Bulleen Cobras with both needing a win to stay in touch with the leaders . The Cobras are fierce competitors, especially after a loss, but the C's showed some glimpses of their real potential last week and if they can build on that they should run out winners by 3 goals. Chirnside Park meet Richmond Central in a critical game at Kimberly Reserve, where the Parkers' bustling runners will be tested by the marking power of Centrals . The Parkers will be strengthened by the return of Piccioli and Pedler, and those two may just be the difference in a very tight game . Chirnside by a few points . St Mary's will be happier at home against Eltham Collegians and will be looking to reverse last week's ordinary form . Both sides rely on a strong running game, so weather permitting it will be a great spectacle . The Saints experience should bring them home by 2/3 goal, but they won't want to give the Turtles any latitude, because tortoises they are not ! Swinburne University and Yarra Valley meet at Glenferrie Oval, and at this stage the students will not trouble the dashing Yarras . The latter should post a 10 goal win . Eley Park and Aquinas is the game of the day, and the Sharks biggest test to date . The Blooders have strength all over the ground and will be too accomplished for the emerging Sharks, who are surprising many people by their determined, no nonsense football . Aquinas to win by 6 goals . RESERVES winners should be : Old Carey, Richmond Central, St Mary's, Yarra Valley and Aquinas . Correspondents the Mondays contacts are 9547 9144, and Fax 9547 7764.
The response was better last week, though a word from Bulleen Cobras, Eltham Collegians and Swinburne University would round things off nicely . St Mary's Milestone s The Saints salute the following achievers : 50 games, 'Woody' (13/4), Brian Duke (20/4), Rohan King (3/5) ; and 100 games, Michael Huebner (20/4) . Well done guys! THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
"CONNIE" PLAYS HIS 50TH FOR OLD C,- :tEY Everyone at Old Carey congratulates Nick Everett on surviving his 21st birthday celebrations and playing his 50th game against Bulleen Cobras today (4/5) - the lst 50 were great and the next 50 will be even better "Connie" !
(11) 21 (3) 12 (5) 11 (2) 9 (5) 8 (1) 8
(10) 13 (3) 11 (3) 9 (3) 9 (3) 7
OLD CAREY v. BULLEEN COBRAS Field: V . Vescovi, C. Nash . CHIRNSIDE PARK v . RICHMOND CENTRAL Field : P . Maebus, J . Stoppa . ST MARYS v . ELTHAM Field : T. Creighton ; Boundary : G . Armstrong, I. Burgess. SWINBURNE v. YARRA VALLEY OB Field: G . Waldron, G . Skanadarkumar . ELEY PARK v . AQUINAS OB Field- R. Smith, A . Harris .
SENIORS BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .4 5 .8 6 .8 9.11.65 ELEY PARK 2.2 4.4 5.11 9.20.74 Bulleen Cobras Thompson 3, D'Angelo 2. James, Opie . Sheehan. Wagg . Best Schneider, Olney, Moran, Wain. Thompson, Dillon. Eley Park Bowen, Hawley 2 . Brady. Dix. Kaye, McLean . Wunym . Best Bowen, Featonby, Honk, Wunym, Worner, Dix. RICHMOND CENTRAL 3.3 6 .6 9 .14 12.16.88 OLD CAREY 5.4 8 .8 13 .12 14.19.103 Richmond Central Bove 4, Holt 3, Gordon 2, Ragg, Warne . Pickett. Best Shannon, Malcom. Holt Dunne, Siwka, Warne. Old Carey Hickey 6, Eccles 3, Feehan, McFarlane, Campbell . Everett, Goodall. Best Hickey, Lee, Yamall, Eccles, Glindemann . Campbell . ELTHAId OC B.5 6 .11 12 .16 15.20.110 CHIRHSIDE PARK 0.9 5 .11 11 .16 18.20.128 Eltham OC Carter 4. Horsburhg. Tucker 2, Dwyer, Clarke . Doody . Tucker, Oldfiekl, Mullins . Best Hor,burgh . Carter, Leys . Clarks, Doody . Chiraslde Park Pemberton 5, Trotter 3, Paola, Pemberton 2, McIntosh, Skein, Sore . Brown, Walker, Henderson . Best Team Effort. YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 4 .2 9 .6 13.9 18.14.122 ST MARYS 1 .2 4 .6 5 .10 7 .16.58 Yarra Valley Old Boys Peake 5. Telford 4, Thompson 2 . Habben . Harrington, Lupoi, Heffernan, hicVean . White, Laing. Best Peake, McVean, Thompson, Taylor, Fung, Telford . St Marys Sinnico. Hendy, Theoharris. Lviingstone . Evans, Binyon, Stephens. Best Howe, Black, Livingstone . AQUINAS OB 7 .4 14 .9 21 .16 31 .21 .207 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 1 .0 3 .2 3.3 3 .5.23 Aquinas OR Livingstone 11, Hughes, Quinn, Tarulli, Pike 3 . Colliver 2 . Vankerkhoven, Livingstone . Dunne. Field . Denari, Hiney . Best Livingstone, Colliver. Phelan, Quinn, Pike . Tarulli. Swinbume University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received.
RESERVES BULLEEN COBRAS 3 .4 5.7 7.8 10 .11 .71 ELEY PARK 2 .2 5.3 5.5 6 .6.42 BnBeen Cobras Humphrey 4, Churcher 3, Bastasin, butler. Issa . Beat Mazaarellro . Gaylor, Humphrey. Paatsch. Borg. Petty. Eley Park Dell'orso 3 . Holm 2, Gibson . Best Dix, Dunstan . Lee. Carroll, Dell'orso. Bromley . RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 .4 6.4 8.6 9 .7.61 OLD CAREY 5.3 5.8 8.10 14 .13.97 Richmond Central Taylor 4, Jackson 3, Cooper . Macak . Best Cooper, Wilson, Taylor, Barraruce, Ritchie, Barker. Old Carey Hashing 5, Neale 3. Humphrey, Jones 2 . Drever, Brady. Best Hosking, Omer, Patterson. Humphrey . Jones, Neate . ELTHAM OC 3.2 3.5 3.10 5 .12.42 CHIRNSIDE PARK 3.2 5.7 6.12 8 .14.62 Eltbam OC Lees . Fitzpatrick, Hadfield . Keane. Stanley . Best Shipley. Haspe, Glare . Fitzpatrick . Keane, Bane . Chirnside Park Dalton 3. Peters. Pedler 2, Sorace. Best Byrnes, Harvey, Bond, DeVoy. Sorace. Polikidis . YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 1.3 3.5 6.6 10 .9.89 ST MARYS 2.7 5.8 7.11 10 .12.72 Yarra Valley Old Boys Alderson . Dickson, Ireland 3, Downes . Best Ireland, Dickson, Alderson, She hard . Crean. Park . St Marys Bell 3, DinadPo, Dormhas 2, OBrien . Le Uevre, Evans. Best Learmonth . Evans . Dinadio, Bell. Dortnhas. Woodcock. AQUINAS OB 4.3 11.8 20.13 30 .18 .198 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 0 .0 0.1 0.1 0.1 .1 Aquinas OR Phillips 10 . Bell! 5 . Grierson 3. McDonald . Crouch . Langford 2, Boulton. Wilson. Tilling. O'Connor, Wilson. Paras . Best McDonald, Clifford, Phillips, Kvietelaitis . O'Connor, Home . Swinburne University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ,
Holden - Mitsubishi
'.- t
E CENTRAL SECTION by Darren Brigg s
illd Essendon confirmed its status as premiership favourites when it disposed of previously unbeaten Williamstown CYMS in last week's Round 3, though the convincing wins of unbeaten University Blacks and West Brunswick will ensure the heat remains on OEG at the head of the E Central Ladder . - ROUND 3
As expected, a very hard fought 'Battle of Brunswick' out at Park Street, where the Magpie Machine followed an even first quarter with a matchwinning second term, setting up a six goal advantage by the main break . A fiery third term saw North Brunswic k claw their way back into calculations to trail by only two goals at 3QT . However, West Brunswick steadied in the final quarter to go on and record an excellent five goal victory . Clear BOG for the Magpies was rover Gary Davies who booted four goals, while fellow rover Peter 'Hector' Hamilton continued on his good form (interesting to note that North rovers Grimaldi and Dimarco were sidelined with injury) . 'Sly' Fox a very lean afternoon, while for the losers Joe 'Hip 'n Shoulder' Boudolol, man mountain Ady Tirchett, B. Evans an d Abe Kyrinzis did best . Thornbury Cougars' woes continued, this time at the hands of Old Westbourne, who were only too happy to record a gigantic 222 point victory . Highlight for the Warriors was the 11 goal haul of emerging fullforward Scott Whiting. The Cougars playing stocks have been decimated by injury and their inexperienced line-up must be congratulated for continuing to front up on a weekly basis. At Melbourne Uni, the Blacks unleased their running game from the first bounce and with a potent forward line lead by Hall, were four goals up on La Trobe by quarter time . The Trobers were not able to make any impact when kicking with the wind during the second quarter as the Blacks, led by last year's B&F Matt Hallam, were able to extend its lead at every change before finally recording a very convincing 12 goal victory. A clear best for the Trobers in his 100th game was Sean 'Ruckus' Dunin, while it was also pleasing to see the return of VAFA Goalkicking legend Terry 'The Freak' Wilson, after what appears to have been a couple of very relaxing years in retirement . The Match of the Day at East Keilor saw the visiting Williamstown CYMS attack the ball vigorously early in the match and with the brilliant Nathan 'Step Ladder' Bezzant kicking four early goals, Will s lead Old Essendon by 14 points at quarter time. In the second term, OEG started to take control, but wastefulness in front of goal saw them lead by only 4 points at half time . The thrid quarter was an excellent display of VAFA football, with both sides getting results
up forward. before Old Essendon established a very handy 21 point lead at 3QT. Kicking into the wind in the final term, Willi attacked valiantly without reward for the first ten minutes, but finally it was OEG who opened the floodgates, a six goal last quarter scoring a convincing 45 point margin . Best for the winners were John Pana, Hex, Scott McPherson and Doc Reade, while for Willi Charles 'Fabio' Singleton, Aaron 'Noodlehead' Theige and veteran Anthony 'Line Marker' Cook did best.
Finally at the Postage Stamp, the expected improvement of UHSOB continued at the expense of a very disappointing Newlands Coburgs, resulting in a morale boosting 58 point win for M ark Sedgwieh's Zooville unit. Best for the losers were R. Martinez and the ever reliable Fussy Fennessy fella. PREVIEW - ROUND 4 Well guys, another 5/5 last week to bring my record to 93% - hopefully a few upsets this week to make things a little more challenging . At Thombury, the Courgars will be hoping for the return of at least some of their injured players when they host the rampaging Magpie Machine . Unfortunately, no amount of inclusion will halt the Magpies winning run . West Brunswick will prey like vultures on the struggling Courgars and record a hollow 20 goal win. At Beautiful Bundoora, La Trobe will attempt to arrest its slide when it hosts a confident Old Westbourn e unit. La Trobe have struggled to get the ball out of the middle this season and this together with an impotent forward line Oust 17 goals in three games) has been the reason for its three consecutive losses. A bright light for the Trobers has been the consistent performance of its backline and if it can limit the scoring opportunities of Warrior forwards Scott Whiting, Andy Horsburgh and Glenn Robson, it may still be able to restrict Westbourne to a losing total . There will be a little in this games so when in doubt stick with the home side - La Trobe to open its account by 5 points . Interesting clash at Zooville where the improving UHSOB will look to capture the prize scalp of Old Essedon . OEG Coach Alex Fraser will be aware of the dangers complacency can bring (remember that Eltham skeleton) and as such will have his players in no mood for relaxing . Old Essedon to go 4 zip in recording a comfortable 7 goal win . Match of the Day is at windy Fearon Reserve, where Williamstown CYMS will be keen to reboun d
after last week lost to Old Essedon. However, they face a very impressive University Blacks unit, who play a style of running game that may well prove to be the benchmark for all sides in E Central during 1996 . The Blacks will have to adapt their game to tighter confines than their own patch but good sides normally find a way to get things done . I'm tipping a 15 point win to University Blacks, though any complacency in the Blacksline-up could prove costly . A win by the Blacks will set-up a possible Grand Final preview next week between themselves and Old Essedon . Finally at the Dimarcodome, Newlands Coburg will discover that facing North Brunswic k on the rebound is never a particulary pleasent experience, particularly when North know that a big win is important to keep them within striking distance of the four. I expect the green and gold unit will be fat too talented for the Coburg boys and hence record an easy 100 point win . Correspondants : Numbers by Monday 5:00 p .m. are - Ph :9379 1411 ( H), 9618 3414 (W) and Fax 96298008 . SOCIAL NOTES : Williamstown CYMS will be holding a testimonial night for their veteran 30 somethings at the Clubrooms after the Uni Blacks game while La'IYobe are hoping to celebrate their first win during a live band night at the Clubrooms after the Westboume game . All supporters of both clubs are welcome .
J Congratulations to Simon Christo (Old Westboume) an d Abe Kyriazis (North Brunswick) on reaching 50 games this week . Onwards to the century !
~11 °
(-) 11 (-) 8 (2) 7 (3) 7 (3) 7
SENIORS WEST BRUNSWICK 6 .4 11 .9 15 .10 17.12.114 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .1 6 .3 13 .6 13 .8.86 West Brunswick Davies 4, Eastway 3 . Rodgers . Magafas, Hamilton 2. Bargiamidis, vitale . Smythe. D'Andrea. Best Davies, Malone . Bargiamidis, Hamilton, Smythe, Osborne. North Brunswick Evans 4, Moore 3. Kyiiazis 2, tatouf, Thompson, Cunningham, Kalpakas. Best Boudoloh . Evans. Tirchett Kyriazis . Cunningham, Urosi . OLD WESTBOURNE 8 .8 18 .12 29 .20 36.25.241 THORNBURY COUGARS 0.1 1 .5 1 .7 2 .7.19 Old Westbanrne Whiting 11 . Baarini 5. Franklin, Outen, Szuszkiewicz 4, Smith. Horsburgh 3, McCarthy. Leitch. Best Whiting. Blake. Franklin .McCarthy. Outen, Billman . Thornbury Cougars Cutler. Jones . Best Alembakis . cutler, Lincoln. Brewer, Muscat, Mitronatsios . UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4.2 8 .5 i1 .11 17.14 .116 I.9 TROBE UNIVERSITY 0.0 1 .2 3 .4 6 .5.41 University Blacks Hall. Hallam 4, Beaton, Cutler. Bowles, Darroch, Carah. Cook, Whitson, Hanlon. guilty . Best Roberts, Darroch, Cunningham, Hallam, Kooloos, Lamb. La Trobe University Brown 3, Wilson 2, Dunin. Best Doris . Hayward, Brown . Turner, Edmunds . Sheedy . OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2.4 5 .13 11 .20 17.21.123 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5 .0 6 .3 10 .5 12 .6.78 Old Essendon Grammar Pana 6. McPherson 3. Whitfield, Dudderidge 2, Conlon, Chapman, Leask. Stevens . Best Heater, Pana. Reade. chapman . McPherson, t .eask. Williamstown CYMS Bezzant 5, Lee. Cannon, [.angham, Gmchowski, J. Tuck, M. Tuck . Cook. Best Singleton, Thiege, Harry, Cook, Bezzant, Lee . NEWLANDS COBURG 4.3 6 .8 30 .9 14.9.93 UHSOB 4.2 8 .6 15 .8 23.13 .151 Newlands Coburg Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . UKSOB McLean, Wallace. Sedgwick, Freijah, Koch, Cook 3. Collard, Bone. Skinns. Brebner, Davidson. Best Wallace, Koch. Davidson, Mclean, Freijah, Sedgwick .
RESERVES WEST BRUNSWICK 1.5 4.8 7.12 8 .14.62 NORTH BRUNSWICK 3.2 5.5 6.8 10 .10.70 West Brunswick Koulogiannis, Perrin, Brancatlsano 2, McNaughton, Buhagiar . Best Richardson, Perrin. McNaughton. Koulogiannis, Robinson.McGrath . No rth Brunswick Bulman 3. Papanikolaou, Webb 2, Ho Torcasio, Curcio . Bestl Polemilos, Healey, Saunders, McCall . paaanikolaou, Wal s OLD WESTBOURNE 11.6 18.11 27.17 27 .20.182 THORNBURY COUGARS 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0 .0.0 Old Westbourne Moore 6 . Stewart, Leitch 4, Jenkinson, Innella. Gray, Horsburgh 2, Trianon. Green, Hadley. Leitch, Filetti . Best Moore. Villinger, Martinsen . Jenkinson, Christo . Filleti . Thornbury Cougars Best Robertson . buzeski, Johnston. Coullous . Carter, Bartlett. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1.3 6.11 9.13 15 .18.108 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 1.0 1.0 2.0 3 .0.18 University Blacks Birks 3 . Sowerby. Je:sen 2, Smith . Fogarty, Nixon, Mitchell . Bowles. Kennedy. Cheeseman, Ritchie. Best Smith, Bowles, Fogarty, Sowerby, Jessen, Lowe, La Trobe University Nicholas, Spralja. Sutherland. Best Matthew. Waller, Bland, Wright. Dumaresq. Sutherland . OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 8 .9.57 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 15 .10.100 Old Essendon Grammar Stembridge 4, Carter. Soterioli, Campbell, Mills. Best Novacek . Mansfield, Stembridge, Barry . Soteriou . Carter. Williamstown CYMS McNamara 6, Warren. Dervan 3, MacLeod 2, Tuck . Best Quinn, McEachran, Herbertson. Warren, Payne. Bons. NEWI.ANDS COBURG 4 .2 7.5 111 9 13 .11 .89 UHSOB 2 .5 3 .11 3.17 7 .18.50 NeWlands Coburg Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . UHSOB Carruthers . Mazza, Roach. Soko2enko, Wood, Zulicki, Motto . Best Zulicki, Collard. Sciola, Deluca, Curruthers. ;.icWhinney.
THORNBURY COUGARS v . WEST BRUNSWICK Fietd: D. D'Altera, F . Karabelas ; LA TROBE UNIVERSITY v. OLD WESTBOURNE Field : C . Cimoli, P . Walker . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Fieid: M . Gilday, S . Davie . UHSOB v. OLD ESSENDON T. Zapaolo, P . Withington . NORTH BRUNSWICK v . NEWLANDS-COBURG Field : C . Bratjberg, A . Chapman .
SENIORS OLD PARADIANS 5 .1 11 .6 13 .12 17.12.114 THERRY CCOB 2,4 6 .6 7 .8 11 .12.78 Old Paradises Harrison 8. Muletta 2, Heffernan, Zappa, Harford,, Brabender, Cosgriff. Philp, Kerr. Best Brabender. Harrison, Hefleman, Bellis. Vincent, Farrell. Therry Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. OLD BRIGHTON 2,4 5 .4 7.8 10.17.77 9SHSOB 2.2 5.7 7.11 10 .12.72 Old Brighton Fitzgerald 3, Murch . Talbot 2 . Murray, Williams, Lennox. Best Bennett, Mumble, Oakley, Williams, Nickas, Fitzgerald . MHSOB Glover, Bamert 2 . Webster, Pertzel . Fairchild. Howard. Preece. Comer. Best Howard, Comer, Lindsay, Webster, Harries. Fairchild . BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0.0 0.2 0.2 2 .3 .15 OLD TRINITY 12 .8 16.14 24.19 33 .29 .227 Bulleea Templestowe Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Trinity Stickland 8, Anderson 5, Phillips, Hatfield 3, Heath, Kennedy . Dalrymple, Taylor 2, Van Der Hoek, Gre3g Hatfield, Sutcliffe . Bladeni . Best Anderson, Dalrymple, Hatfield, Clarke . Hatfield. Heath. OLD IVANHOE 1 .4 4 .7 10.9 12.15.87 BANYULE 4.2 6 .4 9 .4 13.6.84 Old Ivanhoe McLean 5. Stewart 3 . Young 2, Veal . Corcorcan. Best Pappos . McLean, Donaldson, Veal . Parker, Weddle. Banyule Turnbull 6 . Witchell 3, Williams 2, Mayne, Gloury . Best Wilmore, Turnbull, Williams. Hitchell, Gilbert. Dintinosante. NORTH OLD BOYS 4.5 5 .11 5 .12 8 .16.64 IVANHOE 2 .10 3 .15 12 .21 18.25.133 No rt h Old Boys Kearney, Boyle 2, Sutherland, Abrahams, Robinson, Collison. Best Abrahams, Contil, McCilroy, Sutherland . Tonkin . Trimbole . Ivanhoe Frawley 4. Rawley 3, Brown, Nibali 2 . O'Neill, Mckellar, Flynn, Buller, Finlayson, Angelini, ?viand . Best Jacks. Lee, Bullen. Manuel, Hawley. Angelini .
(ROUND 3 - 27/4/96) LATE SCORES : Reserves/Club XVIII ( Due 9528 3319 by 3 p,m,) St Kevins (Res.) St Leo's Emmaus (Res .) Glenhuntly (Res.) Therry (Club XVIII) Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p .m.) Old Paradians (Sen .) West Brunswick (Sen.) Old Brighton (Sen .) Uni Blacks (Sen .) Old Ivanhoe (Sen .) Old Xavs (U19) North Old Boys (Sen .) Old Melb. (U 19) Kew (Sen.) Warringal (U19) Eltham (Sen .) Phoned incorrect scores (From Round 1) North Old Boys (Sen .) Beaumaris (Sen .) North Old Boys (Res,) Thomastown (Res .) De La Salle (U19) Old Brighton (U19 ) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section) . First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; each further offence ($50).
RESERVES OLD PARADIANS 2 .1 3.5 8.7 11.9 .75 THERRY CCOB 0 .1 3 .3 4.3 5.7 .37 Old Paradises Baird 3. Stephens 2 . Harford, Larferlita . Joyce . Monar . Wallis . Mould . Best Jenkins. Vear, Joyce, Horsington, Wallis, Monar. Therry CCOB Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . OLD BRIGHTON 2.1 6 .1 11 .3 16.3 .89 MHSOB 0.1 2,2 2 .3 5.4.34 Old Brighton Grant 7 . Saunders . Smith 2. Barber, Jackson, Palfrey, TeschendorC Alderson. Best Wolf. Grant, Barber, Lennox, Witte, Jackson . MHSOB McGrath 2. Konstanty . Stuart Archdall . Best Archdall . Konstanty, Fahey, McGrath, Drake . Thompson . BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2.0 3.2 3 .5 4 .6,30 OLD TRINITY 4.6 9.9 10 .12 15.16.106 Bulleea Templestowe Beanies. Chilikias . McLaren. Stott. Best Matthews, Shine. Beanies. Tuomy, Edwards, Taylor. Old Trinity Smith 3 . Beet, Sealey . Mollison 2, Robison, Parke. Alysandratos. Antonoplos, Stafford, Burke . Best King. Johnson. Banfield. Smith, Donato. Beet. OLD IVANHOE 6 .2 12,3 14 .5 16.6.104 BANYULE 1 1 .4 2 .7 6.10 11.10 .76 Old Ivanhoe Pidoto 3. Craker, Agushi, Taylor, Caddy 2, Ellsworth, Cormack . Brophy, Banker, Best Agushi, Maycock . Craker. Caddy . Ryan, Jones . Banyule Keene 5 . Glass 3 . Creek, Emery. Best Creek. Keene. Glass, Williams . Smith, Doherty. NORTH OLD BOYS 7 .5 10 .7 15.16 20,22 .142 IVANHOE 0 .0 1 .3 1 .4 3.7.25 North Old Boys Lawrie 7, Lee 4, Boyer 3. Sweeney. Zocco 2, Sleep, Lowrie . Best Boyer. Leigh . Lowrie, Bailey, Sleep, Sweeney . Ivanhoe Matthew 2, Narkiswiri. Best Ebbage, Thackwray, Fairweather, McDonald . Owen, McFarlane .
FRO_,, ROUND THREE - 30/4/96 ° Brenuan Pike, Aquinas - Striking - 2 matches * David Ash, Caulfield Gr . - Striking - 2 matches * Dean Wood, Kew - Striking - 2 matche s Joe Pulvirenti, Kew - Striking - 2 matches Nigel King, Kew - Charging - 3 matche s
John Tull y, St Bedes Men . Tigers - Charging 2 matche s * David Murphy, Swinburne Uni . - Striking 2 matches ' Steve O'Halloran, Therry - Striking 2 matches ' Accepted prescribed penalty INVESTIGATION RESULTS (From Round 2) ~ Melee charges against Marcellin and Old Care U/19 teams from match played 20/4/96 - tw~ melees in the final quarter . First charge not sus tained ; second charge sustained and each clut~ fined $100 .
The football world last week mourned the loss of the much loved and respected footballer, Trevor Baker . I am sure his pigeons, which were released at Waverley Park last Sunday, will carry Trevor's spirit with them as they, on Trev's behalf, watch footy matches played by the St Kilda, Sandringham and Cheltenham football clubs . Farewell , Phil S Zeven s (ex-tear,: mafe) e THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1 9sF
Three weeks in and it is all happening . What about old Xavs and Ormond making up 9 and 10 on the A Section ladder when this time last year they were heading the table, and who would have thought that relegated North Old Boys from A Section would find themselves 9th in B section and minus a coach from all accounts . The Saints in St Kevins and St Kilda Sth Caulfield set the pace in C Section, with Old Trinity doing as they please in B Section, hence their thrashing of the Bullants last week . Monash Blues and the Professor are laughing down in D Section having taken all before them in 1996 so far . Also while in D Section two draws in three weeks is this going to be a close section. Time will tell. In the E Sections Aquinas head East and look the goods, West Brunswick have, as predicted by Darren Briggs, been the mover of 1996 in Central section and in South St Pats continue to tackle all in their way . Interesting times ahead, especially in the next few weeks. # # # # #
Rumour has it that rules will soon be enforced, not unlike the AFL, whereby spectators will not be allowed on the arena before the start of the senior match . It seems that some over zealous spectators like to surprise certain stars from the other teams with presents before the game . A fitting gesture by those concerned
but surely not fair when a right of reply will be extremely hard to come by. ## :## Heard a strong whisper or perhaps a terrible "fau x pas" during the week that in fact Gus Taylor (Old Scotch) was seen drinking with his "lovechild" last Saturday evening in the Camberwell Snakepit . Two questions were asked who is older Gus or "lovechild :, and how would you ever know when they both act half their age . Your shout "Deano" . ##### While out at Old Scotch it seems coach Wayne Harmes had a considerable limp up last week . From all accounts due to a mishap at Super Rules the previous week. Other rumours were that he had done his "nana" in the coaches box and kicked it breaking his ankle . By the way Old Scotch are playing and the position they are holding on the A Section ladder at the moment, we believe that the mishap would more likely be the former rather than the later . Keep on keeping on "Piggy" . # # # # #
He's back! Ex-umpire, ex-umpire advisor, ex-VAFA administrator "Woody" (Brian Woodhead) is back . "Woody" last week umpired an under 19 game and spies tell us he is committed for the year . Watch this space for updates .
SERVIC"ES Mon to Wed : Club Informatio n Thursday : Permits Friday (a.m.) : Umpire appointments Saturday (a.m.) Weekend game locations : Final siren score s Sat . (evening) 15
ACN 006 637 90 3
190 Jells Road, Wheelers Hill Phone : (03) 9561 7577 Fax : (03 ) 9561 756 6 16 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
Under 19 Section I AJAX Coach : Mike Zemski Assistant : Mark Feldy 1 . A. Carew 2. S. tckowicz 3. B. Davi s 4. M. Page 5. J. Rat h 6. G . Samuel 7. A. Burnan (VC) if. J. Beeb e 9. D. Massage 10. H . Snow 11 . P. Steiner 12. D .Mohr (C) 13. D. Ones 14, J. One s 15. M. Rogers 16. A. Rogers 17. G . Kaplan 18 . B. Lukav 19. D. Macro 20. J. Rosens 21 . D. Sutton 22 . P. Zaltsberg 23. S. Whytcross 24. J. Scher 26. D. Grosman (VC) 27. A. Lust (DVC) 28 . B . Lewski 31 . A. Chrapot 32 . J. Rogers 33 . D. Gelbart 34 . A. Sloane 35 . A. Rosen 36 . J . Segal 37 . J . Wajnberg
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Paul Digney 1 . JA Data 2 M.P.L9ed (Capl.) 3. B .P.W~ 4. C.Tt4cy S. A .M&a 6. S . Kiv 7. P.T. Harm 8. MS .F~m 9. B . WoMh3m 10. M.I loyners It NJ, Ndord Q. SA. t6ukon
13, OP. Geary (VCajx) 14. SP. F9ld 36. B . Din it. SJ.KerJ$r 40, I.H.Grataxs}i 16. S . 41 . J.T.C ases 17. S .C. k%t# 42. S . Hariwn 18. D.Jems 43. IdGak 19. BAl.Ptekn 44. C., *daa 20. K .L .Well 46. J. Na k s 21 . 8 .(3. Lyrch 47. A . Sfrrala 22. MJ.,byce NC) 48 . MA. Hudsm 23. MA. Co 49. N .lkrpty 24. MJ.FfN eLraM 50. R. Nxin 25. 1A . Baker 52. L dams 26. A.Saao 53 . J.Ymceri 27. Fd.C 28. U.K. 57. S .0'Nea 29. S. Phelan 58. T.G3sos 30. NJ . M% 62. C .Pr'rx 31 . J. Rodeenck 65. BA.Shd 32Z W Dates 69. L Ttam r 33 C .WaLm 35. MJ. Ryan
COLLEGIANS Coach : Neville James 1 . G . Brielia 2 . B. Forsyth 3 . P .Looney 4 . G . Brown 5 . N. Michael 6 . B . Fewster 7 . P . Ritchie 8 . N. Florentine 9 . T . Caldwell 10 . A. Muir 11 . C. Smythe 12. A. Sayers 13. S . Hatwel l 14. T . Van Der Venne 15 . C. Harri s 16. T . Champion 17. S . McLeod 18. 19. R. Luff ~~
OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins 1 . M . Jones (VC) 2 . T. Flemin g
DE LA SALLE Coach : Terry Russell 1 . M . Abrahams 2. L. Borella 3. C. Brown e
4. M . Butler (Capt.) 5. R. Chapple 6. S . Clohessy 7. B . Cori n B. M . Elli s 9. S . Fernando 10. K .Haddow 11 . L. Hall 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
M . Harbor J . Healy J . Hom D . Hyland A . Johnstone D . Lambe G. Larkins S . Laska
21 . 22. 23. 24.
D . M . Mercud P . Miram A . Moore (VCapt) T. Nola n
20. B . Lee
25. R . Oliver 26. P .Scado 27. T. Shields (VCapt) 28. T. Silvers 29. S .Thomas 30. J . Vincent 31 . A . Waters 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
NORTH OLD BOYS OLD Coach : Terry Mill s MELBURNIANS 1 . M. Abbas
2. D. Water lC) 3. B . KWmmk 4. L.Cnar e
5. T. '
6. 0. Khoder l, B .Cbn.y B. J. Beck 9. 0. Nswm3n 10. LCunan 12 M.D i~C) 19. M.Bater 14. B . Ta w 36, It, J. Fndc 37 . 16. S .Kean 17. H . Haxier 33~. 18. D . Pavi~ 19. H .Maldmd ~• 20. 42 21 . A. Mclean ~.. 22. B. Lynch 4,L 23. E.Bars,~ 24. A. HSwd 25. P. Tlnm{son 26. J.Saxa;isNC) 27. S. hilvwda 28. M. Walters 29. I. Taleb X A.Takh 31 . L Mwjmwe 32. J . Saba
J. SdherbM B. Mashak C. Ra* D. Tinto
T. Petera 8. am 0. CHary
33. T. Cleveland 3t S. Evans 35. M. Maguire
Coach : Richard Duncan 1 . E. Sedgley 2. D. Holme 3. F . Purcell 4. S. Murray (DVC) 5 . A. Wardell (DVC) 6. J. Berry 7. C . Banks 8 . J.Charlton 9. J. Law 10. T.Stevenson 11 . T . Cloke (C) 12 . N. Osborne 13. S. Gowling 14 . M. Bennett 15 . s. Dixon 16 . H. Webb 17 . J. Miller 18 . C. Jenkins 19 . B. McLeod 20 . S. Parikh 21 . A. Bains 22 . K. Rutherford (DVC) 23 . A. Cooch 24 . R.Tandy 25 . W . Deague 26 . C. Sibree 27 . J . Larkin 28 . S . McKenna 29 . J . Rigg 30 . S . Humphris 31 . D. Hal l 32 . J . Wright (VC )
3 . J . Kay
4 . B. Hilbe rt 5 . N . Alston 6 . L . Nisbet 7 . E. Williams 8 . J. Dyer 9 . S. Bailey 10 . D . Boland 11 . T. Bowden 12 . S. Tucke r 13 . W. Some rv ille 14 . M.Innes
15 . D . Richmond 16 . S. Hed e 17 . P.Adami 18 . N . King 19 . R . Ryan 20 . J. Daniher 21 . N . Ockleshaw (DVC) 22 . T. Winter 23 . B. Perry 24 . P. Shannon 25 . K. Lync h 26 . J. McCormack 27 . C . McGuigan 28 . M.lacovangelo 29 . t. Coughlan 30 . N . Ireland 31 . J. McDonald 32 . J. Hardwick 33 . P. Walsh 34 . T. Bar ry 35. N . Barrett 36. M. Mulcahy 37 . J. Drake 38 . 39. J. Hawkins 40. 41 . R . Dillon 42. d . Calma n 43. T . Woodruff (C) 44. R. Hoare 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. D. Donti
ST . BERNARDS Coach: Kevin Mahady 1 . B . Swann 2 . T. Peel 3. S . McKeon 4. M . Hayes 7. J . lanzano 8. B . Loughlin 10. B . Overman 11 . M .Tankey 12. b . Hogan 13. A . Damingo 14. R . Nutter 17. A . O'Sullivan 18. G. Collins 19. C . Ra e 20. M . O'Callaghan 21 . A . Duncan 23. C . Patience 24. L .Rogers 25. D .Ferns 29. D . O'Connor 30. J. Mount 31 . S . Catanzarin 32. S . Daffe y 33. J. Ballarin (C) 37. T. Bateman 41 . D .Juegan 43. C . Davis 45. M. Dowling 55. G . Cusack
Coach : Geoff Porte r 1 . D . Van Englen 2 . R . Zampogna 3. D . Briedi s 4. S . Horalewski 5. S .Sacco 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13.
W. Bradey M. Postma A . Grant S.Stella D . Salzyk J . Hutchinson b . Crochford T. Kenn a
15. M. heffeman 16. S.Goodwin 17. G . O'Connor 18. D . tuema 19. M. Cull 20. B.Jacobsen 21 . A. Fitzpatrick 23. A. fielding 24. B. Megrath 25. 26. 27. 28. 30. 33 35 . 37. 42 . 43. 44 .
N . Gin J. Van Englen P.Copeland C .Law s M. McCartney M.Jacobsen S.Dowdle P.Ounn A. Moloney B. Stevens F . Grech
Coach: Steve Carroll 1 . T.Bmbs 2 . B. BaUmj 3 . C.Betrane 4 . S.Bolard S . S.Brakky 6. J. Carrdn 7. R Clark 8 . DDeme{ 9 . S.Dddar f0 . J.Easta,* I. Pfakbar* 12 B.FauB 13 . B.Frick.w 14 . M .How It . J.HaWai 16. G.Hardml 17. D. Haz6; it. T. H11 19. T.JoMson 20. B.Keah 21. D. Ko 22, D. Keys 23. S." 24. S. Kuc 25. J. Lawless 26. B.Lee 27. C. Warm 28. E.L'adsat 29. R Atadli 30. J. Mahaq 31. RMUvifarc 32. K.AkCamack 33. J.MckRa; h 34. A. Askenar6kHarg 35. D.McGra h 36 L.Maison 47. D.Slrack 37. B . " 48. J.SWrrock 38. H. Won 49. 31 J. Nash 50. M. Thyrion 40. B . ikw3h St. R Versleegan 4t. H.Paxfrder 52. J . Wags 42. T.Pego 53. S .Wt4eirzi 43. T. Ray6musc 54. T. Wku 44. C.ScWkV 55. M.Wiietn 45. B .Smi h 46. L.SP :rtw
1•7.Gi1Il4.,rTA1 ~
Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph: 9687 8722
622 Mt . Alexander Rd. hloonee Pond s
9326 1999
® Carlton.
Under 19 White BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach: Bri an Cartw right 1 . S. Larrdxopoulos 3. C. Androutsapoulas 5 . S . Walker 6 . W. Bell 8 . P . Francis 9 . A. King 10 . N. Maragos 15 . P . Gannas 17 . R. Floyd 19 . S . Giasante 20 . J . Androutsopoulos 21. S . Mountai n 22. P. Mount 23. 24. S. Pemberton 25. M. Masri 26. 27. B. Maylin 30. D. Ric e 33. P. Potamianos 35. D. Daskalau 36. S. Kleddes 41 . L. Groves 43. C. Papadopoulos 44. T . Plain
DE LA SALLE (2) Coach : Clayton Weser P . Aron (V.Capt.) B . Betheras D . Chaplin B. Clancy A. Dellisola J.Dor?Mson A. Ellis C . Eppinger P. Femo n A. Flowerday S. Franci s T. Gulliver K. Harper S. Haines D. Hegarty B. lite r
G . Jennings
S. Kemp (Capt.) D. King
A. Leaning (VCapt) S . McCubbin M . McHenry D. P. Mercuri T. Messe r A . Moon T. Morse J . Mystakidis L. Nelson C. Neurauter C . Papalia H . Pipkom L. Simm J . Sloan C . Troia S. While C . Wilson C . Worsieling D. Francom e
OLD CAMBERWELL Coach: Andrew Tsindos 2 LONaMary 9 LVrk:y 4.LHy.t(VC) S N6~ & RW9 I
7. RV IF e T.D 9.8 1Q kt . 11 . A 2.S.
It. 5.6 . .., It, fl.° U. M i I 37. t&i.~ 33. 17. kt• ~. T.tYdA 18. tL. m 41. AGk:roj 18. KCi:or . 21 C.Caty 21. W.t~s , J . D.Laxrl ~24 2. fl s 2d S ..ad1YC„i) 41 & 24. C . k% 21 a P ae . (yV) 47 4 P2a 49
OLD GEELONG Coach: Tim Killworth 14 . E. Bostock 15 . A Podley 16 . W. Pau l 24 A . Salter (VC ) 26 . M. vickers-Willis (C) 28. E . Jeffrie s 31, A. Mims 33. M. Smith 37. M. McConachy 39. E. Plowman 40. c . St .Clai r 41 . S. Pettig 42. D .Campbell 49. M. Pet6g 50. J . Wallace-Smith 51, A. Coot e 52. S. Cole 53. S. O'Brien 54. J. Teague 55. S. Bingley 56. L .Wilson 57. w. Gordon 58. G . Collins 59. S. Lucas 68. L. Aitkin 69. s. Hogg 70. J. Downie 71 . B . Rankin 72 . J. Paul 73 . N. Beattie
ST KEVINS Coach: Adrian Bal l 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10,
R. Simldss M . Gargano S . Kuri ng M.Rizio (Capt) J . Pickering B . Quirk S . Ries A . McGuiness M. Furlong A. Livy
11, J . Hassel l 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. IT 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
B. Dolman (DVC) A. Pivetta (VCapt) P.Greenham C . Haddad M. Pangrazio J. bowler G . Large J. O'Brien it . McArdle b . Marusic B. Delahay M . Williams J. Goldsworthy M . Funston B.Day
27. J. Finch
28. A. DeKretsa 29. c. Baker 30. S . Kennedy 31 . R. Doherty 32. S .Radford 33. Gu s 34 . 35. M. Fields
9857 8061 ST. LEOS EMMAUS Coach: Peter O'Connor 1 . D. Lear 2. A . Auliso 3. T. Ludlow 4. A . Daly 5. b. Carey 6. P .Deery 7. N . Hodder 8. G.Kennedy 9. G. Simondson 10. A . Lauri e 11 . E. McLaughlin 12 . S. Vozz o 13 . G . Psaltopoulos 14 . e . Sheehan 16 . J . Smith 17 . L . Newey 18 . M. Smith 19 . B. Wilby 20 . O . Brown 22 . L. Latham 32 . R. McCann 35 . T. Batty 80 . G . Wyett M . Cody J . Rattigan
Coach: Damian Carroll
Coach : Harry Harisio u
1 . T. Belleville 2. M .Buckis 3. J. Buttedieki 4. B.dillon 5. O .Fumess 6. C.Franklin 7. R.Gaza i 8. B .Githenson 9 . T. Holmes 10 . N. Howell 11 . J . Scott 12 . T.Kitchen 13 . L. Kirkham 14 . A . Leddin 15 . J . Magee 16 . a. Maher 17 . B . Morgan 18 . P. Oswald 19 . A. robinson 20 . C . Ross 21 . A.Sanders 22 . L .Spencer 23 . A.Walker 24. T.Warburlon 25. J.Ward 26. R . Watson 27. S. White 28. M . Atkin 29. T . Gargon 30. A. Morrissey 31 . N. Rolls
32. L. Juniper 33. S . Dimond
1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
C. Williams B.Anderson H. Reeves K . Conve ry A .Rossi-Mel W.Taylor S .A tt ardi B .WOodlock A . Heard A .Fogarty
it . S . Yin
12 . A .Cametleri 13 . S.Taylor 14 . P.Witchell 15 . K. Harte 16 . T.Wason 17 . L .Sheean 18 . H . Beale 19 . T.Benton 20 . P. James 21 . M. Peters 22 . P. Harmon 23 . A.Karafili 24 . L . O'Connell 25 . S. Walter 26. J . Anderson 27. J.Wilson 28. M . Manovelia 29. A. Kirk 30. N. haymes 31 . a.jackson 32. N .Mitchell 33. J . Harkman
WILLIAMSTOWN C .Y.M .S . Sen. Coach: Gerard Barnes 1 . B. Woud a 2 . B. Cock s 3 . A. Petzierides 4 . b.Forrester 5 . B .Twis t ,-fi . A.thege 7 . J . Clark 8 . G.Singleton 9 . S . Wuchatsch 10. G. Burgess 11 . D. Macleod 12. C .Bergin 13. M . Elhaouti 14. L.Grochowski 15. I. Murray 16. M. Holland 17. J. Meter 18 . G .Rickard 19. L .Gray 20. B. Robinson 21 . R .cockerell 22 . W. Kaddour 23 . D . Bordignon 24 . D . Wouda 25 . d . Ryan 26 . D . Lee 27 . C. Mathews 28 . S . Kennedy 29 . A. Houli 30 . M . Elhaouli 31 . B . Davies 32 . B . Todd 33 . B . MacLeod 34. N. Magor 35. s .Siewek 36. G. Carlyon 37. S . Dyer 38. J . Hrycyszyn 39. D . Krogmann
Under 19 Blue BEAUMARIS Coach : Peter McBrearty I . N. McLean 2. B. Thomas 3. M . Pitts (VC) 4. J . Wadham
5. R. Thatcher (Capt .) 6. C. Ken t 7. 8. 9. 10. if . 12 . 13. 14. 15 . 16 . 17 .
D. Whitaker M. O'Bden B . Nicholson G. Moloney S . Blackie M. McLeod A. Quin R . McGrath B. Stevens P. Fisher )VC) S. McIver
18 . N . Bootor 19 . R . Thornton 20 . T. Rand 21 . P. Thomas 22 . N . John 23 . B. Ferguson 24. C . Cezaw 25 . H. Dwyer 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 36. 41 . 51 . 52.
B. Carroll (Capt.) J. Vance J . McKenzie S . Fraser M . Matulick A. Booth J . Handneld B . Stevens D. Sheldrake B . Vall e
CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Coach: Michael Malone 1. Slow 2. AC" 3. A(k;:et,~q 4 . H.St~ 5 SThmsn & T.Yaij 7. W.Car04 & D. sot 9. &iztJe 1A d (34W If. R Durbin 12 LCt~sS 13. d Bearof 14. WLdr~.y IS W.Baws &C.cwmork 17. ktCJ'xr I& R Capra It. Fd.tasat 20. &Ctary 21. &B" 2Z T.Tat~.y Ya 1Daies 24. C.h~s a
N. 64 tiM 27. RKamn a 29. 37. 31 .
39. B.H
~ PRINTED LABELS PB13 YB(03)9765744 FAXIII) 4f4i266'I 'QuaGty Iabrtr jar QuaGt1 Cdtntr °
OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Leigh Bowes 11 . D. Paterson 12 . A. Alderton 15 . F . Car r 20 . A. McNamee 24 . W. Clark 41 . J . Murchie 44. A . Brown 46. A . Price 51 . D. Strachan 54. G. Rhodes 55. S . Toms 56. R . Ken t 57. M . Dennis 58 . C . McPherson 59. A. Lewis 60. B. pamham 61 . D . Crewdson 62 . M. Jackson 63 . A. Liptrot 64, X.Johnson 65 . B.Logan 66 . J . Stewart 67 . D. Watson 68 . P. Williams 69 . M . Balmer 70 . A. Remfry 71 . L. Marget 72. W . Smit h 73 . H . McDougall 74. R. Martin
MAZENOD Coach : Kevin Kin g
Coach : Craig Har ris 1 . C. Cullen 2. B . Martyn 3. D. Varker 4. A . Varke r 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 .
D . Anderson (C) A . Brown e L. O'Grady D . Busby P. Molino L . Tregear S. Burke P. Nelson B. Hoare E. Zuker (C) P. Allardice S. Osboume B. Artz
19. S.G . James 20. A. Aquin o 22. H. Georgeanakis 24. R. Dunball (VC) 25. M . Dunbail 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
D. Artz S . Blick T . Wilmott H. Tregear L. Muir T. Lynch C. Hutchinson M . Talent W. Armour M . Salter M . Iles A . Quon M. Louis A. Duddy M. Kara as P. Apinitis T. Puceila.
1 . B. Johnson
2. J . Le Grand (Capt .) 3. B. Joseph 4. S . Barbeliini 5. P . Egan
6. M . Riley 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 19. 21 . 22 .
S . paolucci (VC) D. Schofield B . Clifford T. Sykes G. Janetski M .Rouch A . Meadows G. Young A . Quinn V. Of Scala A. McDowell P. McCulloch T. Bailey
24 . D . Ward' 25 . J.Dunne 27 . W. Occhiuto (VC) 28 . A. Moore
35 . B. Hall
37 . R. Hawkins 49 . A. Smythe 53 . G .Jones 61 . S . Bilston 69. P. Fay MAJORSPONSO R
TWO TONE PAINTIN G Industrial - Domestic • Commercial
770 088 0
MONASH BLUES Coach : Steve Rust 2 . J . Baxter (C) 3.C. Mille r 4.A. Bragg
5 . R. Harris (VC) 6. H. Tomlinson 7.W. Mclvor 8 .M . Lawrence 9 .M . Weeks 10 . B . Henderson 12 . A . Hickey 14 .R . Burston 15 .A . Leadston 16 . D . Walte r
17. P. O'Neill 18 . C . Stott (DVC) 22.J. Cavanagh 23.T. O'Brien 24.B.Hodson 25.J. Hawkins 26.M. Wagstaff 27. T. Tremellen 28. S. McGee 29.M . Killian 30.T . Cameron 31 .D.Jones 32. D. Horsfall 33.A. Lourey
34. M . Oka
37. B . Dempsey (DVC) 41 .S . Millie 43 .C. Riordan 47 .C. McPherson
Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock . 3193 ORMOND Coach: Brian Keatin g
1 . G. Lehner 2. G. King 3. R . Franklin (VCapt) Coach : Andrew Baxte r 4. N . Larkin 5. A . Murph y 1. S.W~n(VC3pq 6. M.Wannacott 7. H . Brow n 21 . &We a-i a K~ 8. D . O'Reilly S. P.Cxry p,T 9. M. Hester 6. D. Red B. 10. N . Courtney 7. P.tYOFba 2i Hf~r~i 11 . C . Bailey & F.Cqayrda 2& C.WXg 12. R .Cunningham 9. (1 M 27. ACM 13. M. Mabbett 10. ft Lid! a T.SM 14. C . Jackson It. L6ros 23. EDupry 15 . S. Taylor 12. dWad~i 30. LWya 16. S. Finlayson 13. ktToff 31 . ARple 17 . S. Handley 14. kPakt 2 D.Mism 15. J.t§a4a Tj. RC-7 PC) 18 . A. Bibby t& B.tar~.vsa; ;,~ d B/az 19 . G . Smith 17. IlSqk 37. S0Ct~3f 20 . T . Rust 1 "IY4tke 39. P.Ca~ 21 . S . Metz (Capt) 19. R&m 45. H. H3 22 . S . Head 83. C . 5Z D.Fa53tyi0yC) 23 . S . Herman 24. T. Morgan 25. D . Fishlock 26. J . Argall 27. L. Cripps 28. M . Wrodarczyk 29. S. Wrodarczyk 30. L . Livingstone 42. G . Hall (DVC) 51 . J. Byron
U.6 S HOTEL liY1
CAULFIELD Coach: George Joseph
19. M. Weiigos z 20. 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . B. King 31 . M. Cunningham 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 361 . 371 . 38 . 39. A. diamon d 40. d. Broadhurst 53. B. burke 561 . B. Karaminovski 57. K. Gleeson 58. E . karaminovski 69. F .Knoweiss 71 . A .Cranston 72. M . MacDonald 73. S . Duffy 74 . C .Femando 75 . S. Price 77 . S.Holloway 78 . G .Davis 79 . M. Merrick 80 . r. Plavljanic 81 . r. Nahas 82 . 83 . L . Phillips 84 . M. Slade 86 . T. Galloway 87 . M. Hogan
OF BRIGHTON Palmerston Hotel 96 905149
Under 19 Red AQUINAS (N) Coach : John Bourke 1 . E. Mascitti 2 . G . Burch 3 . D . Heveren 5 . H . Nichol 6 . W . Potton 7 . J . Quin n 8 . N. Fredickson 9. J . Bleakney 10. D. Bolan d 11 . S . Moran 12. M . Tilling 13. P . Glennie 14. R . Chapman 15 . M. Fredickson 16 . M. Hunte r 17 . A. Williams 18 . J . Hunt 19 . M. Held 20 . E. O'Loughlin 21 . C. Brownhill 22 . 23. T. Huggins 24. M . Reilly 38. V . Sorace 39. M . Mercuri 42. R . Moran 51 . A . Hyland 54. D . Kealy 55. A. Culter a
CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach : A. Cousins Assistant: S. Condi e I . 8 . Dab Nq 2 B .Atters 2d a kadl I G. Kerr 24. S . Pore 4. D . 7. D.Yd 5. bt HAdly 2 . & AAz/s 27. F.ya2o 7. B. H.qNrr! R k Pafra & k Cate 23, 9. T. Wppd 31 lit Adams 10 . Pilot 31 .
11 . C. WIM 59, 2 D. Siow 6). I E.wesSrm 14. C. ftc;d 15. fd Gosso I8. kt Martwiu 17. D.B& 1& N. Egm 19. K CWe 20. RN,
22 S. C
Ken Bctsso 9722 1697 02. BANK FINANC E
MARCELLIN Coach: Peter Randall 1 . M. Roberts 2 . W. McMahon 3 . L. Crosby 4 . R . Badanjek 5 . M. Bello
6 . L . Ryan 7 . D . BeBissimo 8 . B. Alford 9. J. Mason 10. T. Black 11 . M . Mitsud (VC) 12. M . Karavasilis 13. S . Moran
14. M . Van Lint (DVC) 15. T . Stephens (C) 16. J . Blackmore 17. D. Sampimon 18. P . Diacogiorgis 19 . B . Colville 20. C . Mulready 21 . B. Delta Ri v 22 . B. Symes (DVC) 23 . N . Armstrong 24 . J. Evans-Smith 25 . S. Moussi 26 . A. Reitano 27 . A. Sangorgio 28. P. Toscano 29. T . Marti n 30. D. Cardimone 31 . A. Rubira 32. J . Sheehan 33. P . Hogan 41 . M . Randazzo 51 . L. Bettiol
52. B . Alford
Greg Skien 015 552 013
OLD CAREY Coach: Peter Schille r t . L . Murphy 2 . S. Collins 3 . d . Bedford 4 . D.cochrane 5 . J . Carter 6. 7. C. Anson 8. A . Oppy 9. J . Woods 10. N . Harris 11 . R. Sal i 12. R . Spencer 13. K .Satak 14. J . Ciuro 15. A . White 1 6. A. Costello 17. K. Lewis 18. C . Angus 19. S. Wilson 20 . S. Detarczynski 21, N. Beale 22 . C.Battle 23 . S .Pratt 24 . M . Heppell 25 . F . D'Anna 26. J . Nash 27. c. Murray 28. 29. 30. M . Hutchens 31 . W. Porter 32. P . Maniotis 33. Q. Smyth 34. J. Zit o 35. B. Gust 36. 37. L . Small 44 .
G . Hendrik s
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Adam Stuckey 1. JA Dabs 2 IdP.L~'i(Cap.! S &P. 4. C.Teifey 5 k MMa & S 7. P.LI'xrs T & Id.S.Fprn 9 fift2wl 10. M. F'a're > ft . NJ. RdW 12 SA ' 11 DP.CxartKV l 4 . SP.fUd7 IS S.d4(skie It. S. V. S.C. Wtshp I& D, .kra It. 814 R& 20. KLNdd 21. &G.lyrGh V MA 21 MA~(yCI 24. MA N K uBft 2& A.Stxo 27. 6lC 2a. AtK 29. SP'i 3). U1 31 . d8 32. Flt 33. . Cl . 35 ldlkp
Whitehall St,Yarraville "h: 9687 8722
OLD TRINITY OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steve Aird 1 . M . Gwynn 2. M . Steven s 3. A . Teesdale (Capt) 4. P . Shea r 5. A . Walkom 6. T. Gray 7. A. Littlejohn 8. J.Aga 9. M.O'Brrien 10. C . Woods 11 . W.Junkeer 12 . M. Ford 13 . S. Milliken 14 . P. DAvis 15 . J. Snow 16 . C. Hosking 17 . C. Bird 18 . D. Ireland 19. S . Penton 20. D. McLennan 21 . D. Robson 22. M . Davison 23. O. Crane 24 L. Boyle 25. C . Tindale 26. D .Thomas 27. L. Rose 28. R . Ea g le 29. L. Andrews 30. N . Mor s ri 34 . N . Thompson 36. S. Romensky
Coach : Leigh Colema n 1 . A. Andrews (Capt) 2 . B. Powe r 3 . H . Munroe 4 . J. Arrowsmith 5 . T. Wolley 6 . J. Gerrish 7 . S Natol i 8 . D. Beardsley 9 . B . Dahlstrom 10. M .Shauhgnessy 11 . T. Morpet h 12. R. Rhea 13. J . Cade 14. T. Perry 15. J . Ivory 16. M . Chlsolm 17. J . Newman 18. D . Burrows 19. C . Ba r 20. 21 . S. McMahon 22 . T. Sheehan 23 . T.Cade 24 . N .O'Haioran 25 . M. Lapira 26 . T. Tobi n 27 . M . Greig 28 . C. Butler 29 . L . Kennedy 30 . C. Stanley 31 . E. Davatzis 32 . K. Noden 33. C. Wilson 34. D. Robinson 35. A. McKenzie 36. R. Baxte r
WHITEFRIARS Coach : Andy Dalrympl e 1 . M. Tudor 2. M. Vandenboom (VC) 3. D . Fedele (DVC) 4. 5 . L . Eames 6. M. Jongebloed (Capt) 7 . MrWinterburn 8 . A. Lacey 9 . S . Gillan 10 . A. Davis 11 . D. Nolan 12 . A. Sandford 13 . T. Hughes 14. A . Beattie 15. R. Mik a 16. r .Tart aglia 17. A . Glenn 18. c . O'Connor 19. A . Shepherd 20. A . Pawlick 21 . r. Fedele 23. D .Gr'dtin 24. M. Smith 25. 26. R . Pawlick 27. 28 . P. Molloy 29. 30 .
YARRA VALLEY Coach : John Ma y 1 . T. Wapshoi 2. T. Hale 3. S. StandfieH 4 . J. Reid
5 . A. Drew 6 . L . Dour 7 . S. Thompson 8 . L . Morris 9. 10, 11 . 12 .
D. Millson A. Ba rt on B. Reynolds P. Ford
13 . J. McConnell 14 . B . Mcllraith 15. K . May 16. L. Taylor 17, T. McliraRh 18. L. White 19. B . Wilson 20, T. Tyshing 21 . M. Wear 22. B. Telford 23. A . Drew 24. A. Cusarw 25. S. Gado 26 . D . Rowe 27. L . Smilh 28 . A. Lawton 29 . S. Seat ou me 30 . A. Siebel 34 . D. Steven 35 . A. Laing 46 . W. Butler 52 . A. Hartnett 69 . H, Van Kiaer
Club XVIII Nort h COLLEGIANS Coach: 1 . G. Dingoe 2. M . Burgess 3. N . Sibbing 4. N . Comiey 5. R . Crocker 6. J. Gleason 7. J. Hubbard 8. N . Hutton 9. C . Comley 10. R . Lee 11 . S. Gross 12. 13. 14. A. Marson 15 . D. Tadgell 16. E. McKay 17. M . Whittaker 18 . J . Gonzales 19 . J . Gay 20 . D. Smith 21 . 22 . M .Jones 23 . 0 Lansenberg 24 . C. Sutherland 25 . D. Wai n 26 . S . Messina 27 . 28.
OLD ESSENDON Coach : D. Law 1 . D . Law (CC) 2. D . Bellman 3. K.Gas a 4. B. Gasa 5 . T. Williams 6 . C . Fazzalari 7 . P. Cramer 8 . D. Garvey 9 . N. Dib 10 . M . Swift 11 . R. Musa 12 . A. Dawson 13 . B . White 14 . M . McKerrell 15 . D. Stembridge 16 . C. Bishop 17. D. Hexter 18 . A . Hutchinson 19. D. Reid 20. G. Dalinkiewicz 21 . L. Sha w 22. A . Smith 23. M . Mason 24. R . Boyle 25. M . Howden 26. A. Cuzzupe 27. D . Cuzzupi 28 . M. Goodwill 29. S. Hearne 30. D . Greasley
HAWTHORN CITIZENS Coach : Glen Staltwo rthy 1 . M. Keaney 2 . R . Lovich 3 . K. Richardson 4 . S. Bowe (Capt.) 6 . P. Aver y 7 . G . Ste worthy 8 . P . Lovich 9 . W. Power 10. P . Orchard 11 . A. Stil l 12. A . Tsoumbris 13. J . Pove y 15. G . Morris 16. H . Ousalkas 17. D. Zavarella 18. S . Timewell 19. J . Law 20. A . Hartley 21 . D . Murphy 22 . C . Benton 23 . D . Tracey 24 . A . Wilson 25 . A . Hure 26 . M. Wilkinson 27 . R . Lor d 28 . J . Morrison 29 . D. Murray 30 . D . Lauletta 32 . B. Delbridge 35 . A. Dunlop 36 . S . McDonald 41 . E . Sil l 44. P . Ross itto
KEW Coach : M . O'Dea 1 . P. Corridon 2 . S . Ivak 3 . M . O'Dea (Coach) 4 . A. Tucker 5 . A. Morrow 6 . M . Garottolo 7. M . Doyl e 8 . K . Corbally 9. D. McGuire 10. P . Bladeni 11 . M . Smith 12. D. Maher 13. M .O'Hanlon 14. P . Seal 15. A . Lazems 16. D . Byrne 17. C . Johnson 18. C . Curtain 19. O. Niall 20. A. Wilson 21 . G . Kalac 22 . S. Reid 23. R . Guppy 24 . S. James 25 .
26 . 27 . J. leonard 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34. 35 . 36. 37, 38. 39. 40. M . Quinn
56. T. Reynold s
Stillwell For d OLD IVANHOE Coach : 1. M. Tcdey 2 . P.SO(CCV) 3. A ~ 4. AParte 4. D.RB(8) 5 d st4 aa ON 7. fl T. Sk^rt5 9. kK.arvas 9. P.AmsYx9~i! 10. k . Vd(C~.M) 11. S.Tu'p 12. IA . Ters 11 AP4qas 14. C.Cardaa it. 6~,s it, t1.t s 17. ZA :du(Pl IZ : '
It. P . 19. S-
21 . 1 7L P. 22 P' 23. A . .. 24 . A~ . .,iflVC 25 dl iti . L'r ~ 27. 11 . 23. D.b. +R C41) 29. R1Yi ! tkCe;V1 47. fi6,4"a=sc 3}. EBrr^`. 4 GtWa9 31. D. C-0tj 49. A Fc3ket 93. C.Cc:ssmi a D. Coo 11. T.Carradc 51 . u. pow 3:. T. LsTe 52 G. Lockr. 35. Lltd aX0 ! 53 . DCmt?r 54 . P .Wzt ;6. D.S w 37. D. 55. J.E32 .' . 56. W.ld `1 3i a ~ 6" ~ 57. T.V^"s 40 R ... Sa RN=a 4f. L : .~_ 59. B.Ecr iA. S. & 42. 55~ 41 D.B45 27.lsde 46.' M. Nckn
®r® TIJC AEIA- in C-- w 1
~ rn
. .. .. . .
MARCELLIN Coach : A. Kennedy 1 . A. Kennedy 2 . M. Comer 3. D . Boothey 4 . P. Doyle 5 . V. Paonessa 6 . J. Hes s 7 . A. Merton 8 . M. Nimmo 9 . B. Edmonds 10 . G . Cox (C) 11 . M . Lowry 12 . A. Barnett 13 . S .Lane 14 . R. Pertich (V .C .) 15 . A . Robinson 16 . A . Keogh 17 . D. Lowry 18 . G. Lowry 19. D. Pizzalotto 20. J . Kent 21 . M . Kent 22. G. Banks 23. G. Basford 24. A . Bucknell 25. M. Curry 26. D . Dodoricco 27. P. Fitzsimmons 28. R . Hollan d 29. A. King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D. Theisz
STBERNARDS Coach : Andrew Vinecomb e 1 . A. Vincecombe (Capt) 5 . R. Day 7. M . Creak 10. M . Quinn 11 . P. Presses 11 . B. Schwarzenberg 12. M . Castles 14. M . Cunningham 15. J . Martin
16. 21 . 22. 25. 26. 33.
M . Farmer B . Moon G. Farmgio A . Barnes P . Farrugia G. tota
39. t . matkou 44 . P . Moon 69. G. Wood
622 ML Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 9326 1799
THERRY Coach : 1 . D. Van Engelen 2 . R . Zampogna 3 . J . Briedis 4 . S . Koralewski 5 . S .Sacco 6 . W. Brady 8 . A . Grant 9 . S. Stella 10 . D . Slazyk 13 . T. Kenna 15 . M. Heffernan 16. S. Goodwin 17. B.Crockford 20. B.Jacobson 21 . A. Fitzpatrick 26. J . Vanengelen 28. B. Green 33. M .Jacobson 35. S .Dowdle 40. D. O'Meara 42 . A. Maloney 43. B .Stevens
NORTH OLD BOYS Coach: Ron Holmberg 1 . B . Allman 2. M . Bevanda 3. G. Carroll 4. S .Lanyon 5. S . Elliot t 6. M . Fennelly 7. B . Devine 8. J. Smit h 9. D . Fogarty 10. M . Giroiami 12. S. Hall (C) 13. C . Henderson 14. P. Hevey 15 . N . Hibbins 16. R . Holmberg 17. D . Perrone 18 . M. Lynch 19 . P. Considine ,20 . D .Joyce 21 . F . Miletto 23 . G . O'Toole 25 . A. Rya n 26 . A . Schmidt 27 . J . Schmit 28 . K . Scott 31 . B . Swain 32 . J . Trimboli 33 . A . Trimbol i 34. I . Turnbull (VC) 42. A . Rowlands 43. G. Irvin e 45. J . Zumbo 48. N . Christie 53. J. Cahill 59. J. Bujega 69. J. Joyce
Club XVIII Sout h DE LA SALLE Coach: 1 . K. Mannix (Capt.) 2. T . Mchenry 3. A Ciasson 4. B.0'Driscaii 5. B. Byrne
6. B. Hoy 7. M . Thom 8. D. Jennings (VC) 9. N. Vargas 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 76. 17. 18.
D. Tessier S. Boll S. Rudd J. Clothier M .0'Driscoll A. Brabner C. Taylor B.O'Hearn T . Moore
19. P. Manning (VC) 20. M . Stanhope 21 . S. Goss 22. A. Worsteling 23. C. Bourke 24. T. Forbes 25. J. Murphy 26. D. Williamson 27, A Carr 28. C. Cleary 29. S. Gurr 30 . G . Hagan 31. M. Farrell 32 . T. Silvers
MAZENOD Coach : Danny Wain 7. P . Deegan 9. P . Hail
10. M . Talley 11 . T. Smith 12. A. Wilke 13. T. Bridgland 15. C. Varney 21 . 1 . NO 26. D. Conroy 27. D. Krom 28. D. Carter 33. J . Boyle 35. J . Fisher 36. P . Robinson 37. G . Trigg 38. 39. 41 . 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
D. Steintort R. Bourbon B. Welch D. Bolle G . Rogers B. Hains P. Riley P. Vine
49. L. Halvy 50. C. JOne s 51 . 53. 55. 56. 58. 59. 63. 64. 66. 89.
S. Thompson M . Peters M . Quirk M . Welch R. Cahill C. Lane P. Welch S. Bourbon W . Poulter J. Keal y
Coach: M . Selby
2 . M. Jarv is 3. B . Stetanou 4. N . Callender 5. R Murray 6. S . Moody 7. M . Hal l
8. A . Hancock 9. P . Ellison 10. D . Mo rton 11 . J . McLauchlan 12. D . cochran 13. A . Noble
14. J . Bennett 15. M . Hutchinson 16. M . Hendde 17. S . Hannaford 18. S . Duggan 19. D . Smyt h 22. J . Lockett 23. L. Bowes 24. P . Netlan 25, J . Templeton 27. A . FRaser 28. S . Kay 30. P .cockayne 31 . F . Magee 33. D. Payne 35. A . Rutter 36. D. Joyce 37. M . Selby 42. A . Willey 43. T. Betts 41 . M . Payne J. Tumbull M . Shippen P . Cantone P . Greene L. Hamilton J. Rattray S . Smith J. Uglow H . Wraith 44 . S . Carter 48 . C. Halin g
Mark Borthwick 1 . N . Strauss 2 . W. Davis 6 . J. Bell 10. R . Bum 15 . C . Stewart 18. C . Richardson 20. T. B readmore 21 . A. Coble 24. M. Williams 26. A. Williams 27. J. Dowlin g
29. 30. 31 . 33. 34.
J. Neville-Smith P.Jones T. Jackson M . Wilkinson P. Law
35. 39. 40. 41 . 45. 47. 48. 54. 55. 56. 73.
C . Douglas J . Ferguson M . Oddie C . Levinge H . McInnes D . Whitehead S . Nadenbousch W. Dodd A . McMillan C . Walker R . Abbott
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : A . Cordner 1 . D . Milne 2 . D . Moss
3. D . MacDonald 4 . A. Coroner (VC) 5 . B. Vil e 6. C . Branchflower 7. A. Woodhouse 8. S. Potte r 9. J . Scott 10. G.Stooke 15 . H .Ingleton 16. C .Jensz 21 . T. Read 25. S . Hargreaves 28. S . Cox (C) 33. A . Clements 35. S . Stribling 37. S . Osborne 44. S . Baldwin 45. J . Ela m
48. W. Houserman 54. A . Wilson 55. 61 . 62. 71 .
T.Osbome P . Harris D. Stanton R. Hockne y
V.U .T . Coach : Geoff Fl etcher
OLD SCOTCH Coach : Simon Iliingworth 1 . B . Aujard 4. H. Middleton (VC) 5. S . Montgomery (C) 6. M . Godwin 7. M . Clunies-Ross 10. M . Bingle y
17. R. McLeish 20. N. Tribe 22. D. Hooper 23. S . Pryde 25. B . Langley 26. D. Murtagh 30. P . Williamson 31 . D. Bin i 32. S . Sheahan 36. d. Bingley 37. A. Chambers 43. J . Deakin 44 . C. Thomas 47 . C. Knight 51 . S.Illingworth 55 . A. Asto n 58 . J. West 61 . P. Montgomery 88 . J. Geddes
OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Teamlist not supplied .
ST KEVINS Coach : 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5.
M.Wharton M. Quinlan s. Bannon A. bucella G . Gosgriff
6 . B. Stackpole (VC) 7 . r . Mark s 8 . r . Drew 9 . D . Nantra (Capt) 10. M. Menzies 11 . L . Davidson 12 . D . O'Brien 13 . P. Hooper 14 . P.O'T'iemey 15 . M. Passt 16. B. Quinn 17. P. Hagerty 18. b . Millar 19. M. Powell 20. J. Wilhelm
1 . B .Di(aico 2. E .Bunneister 3, t .Nucara 6. D. Tanner 7. P. Byrnes B. K.Vanderpoel 9 . N.Djinovic 10. G . Farley 12. G . Ziegler 13, M .Robertson 16. W . O'Connor 17. C .Russeii 19. T . Williams 20. R.Papakos 21 . P. Cox 22. P.Clitfe 23. E.Midon 24. A.Clitfe 26. S. Case 34. P.Allen 38. M.D'Angelo 41 . F .Kilroy
52 . K. Vanduursen 56 . T . Brown 57 . M. McGlade 58 . T.Moebus
21 . A . Davies (VCapt) 22. I . Woo d 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 52.
r. cu rtis a . Nantra L. Smith C . Smith R . Snell P .Bannon J . Whitbread P . Lavelle P . Lewin
EU East AQUINAS SeniorCoach: Brett Davidson Reserves Coach : Sean O'Loughli n .4xs 30. C.CoiBaer 2I . G T . ' d 31. L . King 3. S. Edwards 32. M . Vanker S . H.H?aA tloren 6. S.K^^ a 33. M. 7 . RP i 34. M. Tarff l
6. 0.i1 :. . 35. S.Lrrrgsare 9. &b. . X D . Phalan
10. S.FFacr 37. M.CNlad it . B.0'Canor 38. C . Tiling 72. B. Pd 39. R . Leavey 13. C. .Htuey 40. S . R7cy 14. C.BeR 41. M.Batimr 15. J . Kr~ 42 . J. Mc&ai 16. H.Fcetl 43 . M.Shilary 17. M.Denaw 44 . P .Dm 18. J .fthes 45 . S . Ms 19. G . Wn4atead 46, S . BetMrce 20. P. Paris 47 . P . Barnard 27 . C .Cuim 48 . A .CI3Iord 22. S. Flynn 49. C. Lanbcm 23. J.LHigsiwe 50. A.BeOxire 24, P. Harper 51 . K Hyland 25. D . Horne 52. T . M iller 26. S . Cmv* 53. S. Robertson n 27. S .knes 54. S. t1pla 28. R.Weeen 55. 1 Crouch 29. S .0Larghfin 65. R. Marion
Senior Coach : Joe D'Angelo Reserves Coach : Mark Horsfiel d Assistant Coach : Andrew Gillard
Senior Coach : Bill Gornmers Reserv es Coach : Denis Caine
Senior Coach: Adam Lenarcic Rese rves Coach: D . Bowen
Senior Coach : Matt Ryan Reserves Coach: Kim Tucke r
1. M.Pembedm 2 . A .Sore 3. G. Slun 4. M.Caru 5 . B . Peder 6. 0 Dollar 1. V.7axd 8. O.Cilm B. B.Gr;i 10. M .Koolpraans 11 . G. WPr}ard . D. Paola 13l R Cuts 14. S. McIntosh 15, M . Warren 7& M .Walry 18. B.Massarcd4i 19, S.0'Cmrur 20. K.Oates 21. S.Oales 22 T.MTs.wats 23. R.Sr~ 24. CDzvoy 25. R .HerMerscn 2& P.Pap e 27, J.CancJ 28 . S ." 29 . M. Ha ringlon 30. S . Bond 31 . P . Egan 32 . P .Ardfmi 33. A . Ctinsbe 34, R SWq S& D. Karp
I. RSdr&er 1& RDmke 2. J.DNgslo 19. S . Dew 3. B. Hoe 28. J. Mow 3. S.M :Laen 21. I. Oa" 4. I . Mderd 21, M . HnWJ 4. N.Caiedge 2L P .Basas4i 5. M.Jara!5 21 M.Srdrb 5 . M. Staffed 2d J. Beihrn 6. KK* 24. 0. Enna 7. T.WOS 24, MCpe 8 . T.Mazzareta 25 W.Oney 9 . P. Coek X A. P.oaky 9 . M. Sheehan 27 . A 0bd 9 . H.TOVey i C. Parker 10. S.Wq 31 N Baker 11 . SPetty 34 . LC&~w 12. At:sa 34 . S.Ga 12. O.Tlm~m~ 35. T.K~y 13. N. Borg 35.. GLeWs 14 . B. Matt 36. B. Leatican 15, M. StraZon 37. J . Patch IS, S.WSIh 3& G .arm 16. it BxsieS 41 R Mazza 17. P. CMxcttr 44. B N,tan 46 . AHuaPrey 51 SSkaCte 69. LTtrvrtvn
38. G.KmPlen 31 J . &mm 40. R. Burke 41. G. Plaids 42. D.CCwman 43. P. Schiling 44. M. S%rm 45. W. Hussy 49 . C. Peters 52 . S. Byrne 53 . R. Da;9sm SG G . DOW
015 552 013 ST. MARYS Senior Coach:
3, J . Dauam 47, D.63rrenCe 4 . KTalky 4& c .Barry
1 . C. HM 31 . N. Everett 2. C. Hickey (Capl) 32, G . Neale (RC) 3. M . Cohen 33. REM 4. L. pattersm 34. G . Eamay S. D. Lee 3i R Evans 6. C.Ca*d 36. H. Morrison 7. ADrerer 37. P. Bryce 8. P.Hraris 38. I.Cahen 9. M. EasNam 39. P. Be rer4t iQ K.Shiwes 40. B .Hurp`rey It. A. Cope (iCap) 41 . A . Gates 12. M.Spercer 42 . C .Ptpplewe& 13. S .,hres 43 . S .Chany 4 . M. Nance 44 . J.RKI i5 . C .Hugtas 45 . M.Smih 16. M. . o es 46 . B .Grsmari 17 . C.GSa>danara 47 . M.Secmg It . C. Matthews 48 . M. Ho51c6uJ 19 . P.Drdce 49 . RMeaden 20. C,Ardersan 50. M.Dztiw 21 . J. Eccles 51 . J. Marsw 22. J. Hands 52. P. Meldw 23, T . Price 53. R. Foster 24. M. yarraB 55. M. Curry 25. C.GoodaB 64 . A.MCFadane 26. J.Fkoutz 66. J.Bayes 27. N. Vaskpoubs 70. T. Autd . (VC) 72. M .SLackhurn 28, P.Nance 77, P. Calton 29. T. Mouton 80, J, Bayard X S.Feehan
4 . tHarsw 49. N .Rtha 5 . SShwrm 50 . V. Key 6 . S.Pdetl 51 . 7 . F. Sur 52. C.Andonop:hs 8 . GMako-kn 53. 9 . dWaSs 54 . P.WhsHSda 10. a- Murphy 55 . SHOWS I . J.8af2r 56. L Rally 2. 7, 13. C . Pearson 58, A.Wsal 14 . C.Shauxin 59, 15. P.chirsh 60. BGEr+as35 16. SA'ans 61 . 17. C.Wame 62 . S. Flagg It. M.Zarac q. 19. J.MZorc3 64. 20. 65. G. SO 21. A. Wx'7 &i. T. Pay^arnarkma 21 KOord:a 67. 23. C. M.aoh 68 . 24. 69 . M Tap'ry 25. S Po.i.d:tk 70 . 26. 71, 27. 72 % (Black 2. AWakrs 73 .
Neil Lelievre Reserves Coach: Evan Evan s 1 . 6t Leunwrdh 2 . P. West 3 . P. trivxp7oce 4 . A. Bell 5, W.Mfdenger 6. S.Stae 7 . C. DmaFo . Sturm 11 9. J . Dock . T. Jones 37. J. McCashrq 11 . L. ' 12. RA1tatogiu 38. F .Hmriscn 13. M. Steelton 439 F 0 L,A.BdNal 14. d flmrssis 15. DAMre», 41. c, S:resw 16. M.HceMer 42. P. Featherston 17. ABo5*e 43, A.House 18. W.Poss 44, ztrelard 19. T.Get 45 . K WA 20. dS:cwait 46 . G.Lanpd 21. T.riner 47 . S.MCDrnrret 22. D .Woadcwck 48 . r.Da~ 50 . K.LangforJ 23. S .Preskm 51 . B. Frail 24. 1. Go" 25. M.le4.~vre 52 . T, Carey 26 . J. Wooly 53. P. ' . C.0'B6en 27. B 7 . A. gurm 28. J. Irms 68 . I. Azzar6 29 . J. Franc's 30 . P.Walvan 663. S, 4.PAt~Z 31 . P.AUZat~r . Stewart 55~,
2). D. Wilson 74' PCawood 301 . s. Fenton 75 . 31 . 76. L EW V . d Vam 77, A. Hop 33 . LWescatl 78 . 34 . D. NO 79.
35 . F'. M Fryer 36 . P, Jackson 37 . G .Pate.vs 38 . S. Hcae 39 . 40. B.Ka'a5s 41 . 42. P. Holey 43. a Swrz 44. LJCeFPu':r 45.
32 . A. G~n
3 1 P.Slevars 34 . B Duke 35 . R. Burns 36. E.Evaris IIJyl
27. 0.1 2& S.I 29. D. I I Ll+cazsi 31 . V. R-*m 33. D.&-4 34. ACu 35. D.are~ 36. NDi 37. Ataare:v 41. D.CprrcS(Cap .) 42. A. 41 M. M;kser 44. G.BxMA 45. J.Vs^ara 46 LD'x
S0. W G,sm
F . CieNe 37. P.
P. Gonzales 33, J. Muscat . Lloyd 39. ixonouty I . G.Sng1h 40. S.Whle 2 . K.Tacksr J 41 . D.Snpdky 3. P.TLCIser 42. C.Ha t 4 . B.Ha ;pe 43. K.Hamstwe S. A. Hogn 45. M. Rya n 6. I .CW 46. D.HadieYi 7. H. Hill 4T G, Hiriday B. D . Woodward 48 . . Masga 9. M. Lees 50, P. Webster 10. M.Beny 51 . M.Ldlick 11 . G.Harsen ~ . S.Pi~sm 12. T.Carer 53 . A.Ed3CUndie 13. D .Be9 54 . N .TwID:y 14, J. Stewart SS G .Monrow 15. C. MaddisOn 56. R . Davies IT H .Lcqs 57 . D .StiGiey 18. C." 58. R . Keane W. J.Shaw 19. C 20. J.Sirnorl . 11 61 . C .B'stxq 21. K .DugW 62. M. Bud 22. A.Lacrj 63. 23. A.O1)m9 64. R.Jovaravsk 25. T. SlBdatrJ 65. R WeatheriX 26. A.Ghra 86. S.FdzpaJKk 27. RSdar 29. J.Slaoky 30. J.Gray
02 . BANK FINANCE Greg Ski en
45 . M.Nuntt 2. L&dry 46 .
Senior Coach : John Wise Assist. : John King Rese rves Coach: Scott Macrae
25. G .h ' 26. D. F
I.CoNs 31 . Z.JmamrsYi M. Cross 33. J . Tayor M.Gasparcdo 35. J . OWr•Fi T. &wm 36. J.
Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Reserves Coach: Peter Jackson
23. 24 . 0. 1
"The Road Builders '
37. W.Perzbertmr
1. Celt 1. AStue 2. AM 2 . T.Y}rryn 3. M.Brs<!y 3 F.MZI all 4 . fd03pso 5. C. Kaye S. T.Karako 6 a. Lee 7. D.6avm 7. S.Cc S. P.Ce'.,.. 9. AP.n 10. 11. 12. 13. M.G x4 . SL+aH 5. 0. Gard 16 S .Ardlerscn t GCarOe 18, B .W'~?kH 19. D.TrcAe 20. DGms Z 20. M.Hi(Cad) 21. PClear 22. S.Baar'r~/
68. G .Thech3ru
6 1:.l
SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY Seniors Coach: Keith McKenzie Reserves Coach: Mark Johnston I . M .M3sno 2 . J.St oeQq 4 . C.DeFC60 32 . Fwsnan S . R. Vebergang 33 . O. Miara 6 D. Crowe 34 . A. Forsythe 7 . A.HaMon 35, T.Grmshaw 8. J .Fk * 37 . A. FaneB 9. C .SnRh N.M[fins 10. M.Jonlstar 39. 31 W. Lo 11 . G. Barry 40. B. ~, 12. C .Beks 41 . C .Larrb 13. R .Leesm 42. C . BGrg 14. R.Gaak 43. D .Way 15. M.Sie+erron 44. D .Raastad 16. P .Jmes 45. ftPaMer 17. S . Lee 46 . E .S:A96es 18. M.Slrpd 47. M.KCgj 19. B .0f/ara 48 MD,Baw 20. A.ftmann 41 N .Peanon 21. T . 50. B .Cadield 22. S. rSt. B .Gaich 23. I.MOs 52 J . Ptlrousia 24. J. Morten 53 0. Mt¢pFy 25. DWadlen 54. H C. Lailer 26 . M . E@i~t( . &am 55 27. J. Norm
28 . G. O'Callaghan 29 . G. Maine. 30 . P.Tunc
YARRA VALLEY Senior Coach : David McCormack Res. Coach : Sco tt Alderso n 1 . N. Ford 36 . R. Perlakina 2. F .MecVean 37 . LTrembath 3. R.TMmyeon 39 . D .fNoss 4. M.Ftmg 39. T.Reddaway S. C. Worsl:y 40. M. me 6. J.DdSOn 41 . B. Downs 7. J. Deans 42. T. Crean A. MacVean 43. H . Park I. C.Ross 44. E.Zenmennan 9. 10 . D. IftO 45. L. REas 12 . M. WhIe 46. N . Nowell 13 . G. Potter 47. T. penaluna 75 . J .Koenan 48. A .McCkary 16. B.Srn53 49. T.Lupei 17 . SAkersan 50. J. Lylord 18 . D. Largd~n 51. B . ~J 19. N. Park 52. A. Harnett 20. S. Frame 53. S.Caoxan 21 . A. Lnesey-Ccle 54. R. Fenton 22. P. RhAin 55. S. Taylor 23. J .Sawa6s 56. L . Harrington 24. M . Davies 59, G. Shelpherd 25. T.Habben 60. 0. Dow 26. G . McLeod 61. P. Tegord 27. L.Mcirdire 63 . 1 strong 28, J, MacVean 64, D. Dour 29. P. Pelerson 65, S. Jenson 30, D. Behar 66. A- Resbroek 31 . J. Dove 67. A. Rxe 32. C .hefferran 68. M . Heath 33. D . Meet 72 . R. Lawton 34. T.CtrufeM 78 . J . Scales 35. B. Peake
h . ~L
Ma(vernVa(e Hotel 23
A Section
Surdor Casefi: Lolkli Cartoon Ras~ves Coach : tiob¢n Baylay 1 . B. Mooney 2 . D . Smith 3 . B. Woolhouse 4 . S. Laussen 5 . D . Greeves 5 . D. Peters 6 . A. Smith 7 . C. Higson 7 . D. Baxter 8. C. Pollock 9. C. Dilena 10. J. Grigg 1 t . B. McKenzie 12. D. Stubs 13. A. Sheedy 14. R. Schober 15. Y. Phillips 16. A. Wallace 17. D. Phillips 17. A . Oldham 18. J . Bennett 19. C. Davidson 20. G . Dean-Johns 21 . A. Johnston 22. D. Kerk 23. A. Sheedy 24. r. Hartnett 25. D. Lever 26. N. Mila t 27. S . Humphrey 28. S . Blackman 29. A . Kenneally 30. M . Gailbraith 3t . S . Wood 32. D. Thomson 33. G. Irvine 34 . D. Entwhistle 35 . J . Taylo r 36 . S . Harding 37 . J . Dansley 38 . S . Van Der Venne 39 . B . Jone s 40 . A. Kelson 41 . S. Lubich 42 . A. Vasdekis 43 . A. Greenway 44 . A. Parkin 45 . N . Anderson 46 . S. Wooley 47 . M. Hassett 48 . J . Lemon 49 . P. Harrison 50 . B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52 . J. Schmidt 53 . S. Hobbs 54 . K. Mui r 55 . E. Jones 56. D . Howe 57 . J. Moore 58 . G . Phelan 59 . M. Richards 60 . B. Kerrs 61 . D. Kerrs 62. G . Constable 63.
64. G . Tiver 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71 . 72. 73. 74. 75. N . Proctor
Senior Cc ch : Mike McA a rthur-Alien Reserves Coach: Brian Brown
Senior Coach : Tony Paatsch Reserves Coach : Chris Boyle
1 . M . Chun 2. P . Fiume 3. S . Crowe 4. L. Hall 5. C. Swift 6. A. Browne 7. C. Browne 8. C. Wright 9. C. Campbell 10. D. Tessier 11 . A . Evan s 12. D. Toohey (Capt .) 13. A . Waters 14. P . McCormack 15. J . Hodde r 16. M . Jackson 17. M . Mannix 18. M . Abrahams 19. D . O'Brien 20. M . Knupple 21 . C . Shannon 22. P . O'Callaghan 23. M . O'Callaghan 24. C . Montgomery 25. G. Hyne s 26. P .Wyles (Res .VC) 27. L . Van Der Plight 28. M . Laffert y 29. D .Hegan 30. B . Mannix 31 . A . Elliot 32. T. Silvers 33. B . Mille . P. Conroy r34 35 . A. Mackintosh (VC) 36. A. Abbott 37. D . Johnston 38 . B. Breathe 39 . P. Brasher (DVC) 40. r. Makinson 41 . A. Phillips (R .Capt) 42 . D .Jackso n 43 . T. Banks 44 . C . Makinson 45 . C. Sparrow 46 . M. Hagan 47 . M . Farrell 48 . D. Smith 49 . M . Hill 50 . P . Mannix 51 . C. Harrison 52 . S . Harrison 53 . P . Miran 54 . M . Herber 55 . B . Buick 56 . A . Flowerday 57. M . Butler 58. C. Cleary 59. G . Hegan 60. S . Thomas 62. J . Murphy 63. G. Longstaff 66. L . Langone 78. M . Stanhope
1 . C. Lane 2. D . Murray (VC) 3. J . Chilcot t
4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 9.
A . Hanley J . Ballenger N . Marmo S . Morgan (1) P . Deegan (2) D . Christie P . Hal l
10. M. O'Hara (1) (VC) 10. M. Tetley (2 )
11 . T. Smith (RVC) 12. S . Noble (1) 12. A . Wilks (2) 13. B . Devlin 14. T. Bilsto n 15 . D . Barker t (VC) 15 . D . Barker I (VC) 16. T. Howard (RC) 17. M. Smith 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 .
D .O'Donaghue M. Giuliano C . Murray S. Polan D . Sherlock J . Mannix S. Boysen M. Hunt
26 . D . Conroy (t ) 26 . W. Pouter (2) 27 . W . Occhiuto (1) 27 . D . Krom (2) 28 . D. Carter 29 . R. Sharp 30 . S. Fishe r 31 . C. Belleville (Capt.) 32 . W . Marshall 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 .
J. Boyle A. Tucker J. Fisher P. Robinson G . Triqg D. Stemfort
39 . R. Bourbon (1) 39 . J. Keaty (2) 40 . P. McCusker 41 . B. Welch 42. S.Jozsa 43. W. Lane 44. D. Bolle 45. G . Rogers 46. B. Hains 47. P. Riley (RDVC) 48. P. Vin e 49. L. Halvy 50. C. Jones 51 . S . Thompson 52.
53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
M . Peters D. Schofield M . Durk M . Welch
58. 59. 63. 64. 86.
R . Cahill C. Lane P . Welch S . Bourbon M. Coutti e
Senior Coach: Neville Taylor Reserves Coach : Gary March
Senior Coach : Sean Ralphsmith Rese rves Coach : Archie Salek Guy Nelso n
1 . A. Baxter 2. d. Connell (DVCapt) 3. W. Byrn s 4. C. McKenzie (Capt) 5. R. Buchana n 6. W. Smith 7. A. Hilton 8. M. Orton 9. a. Rowlands 10. I. Chegwin 11 . C. Hucker 12. D. Seccull 13. B . Carty 14. A . Forsyth 15. N . Morey 16. D. Williams 17. A . Hilto n 18. M. Constable 19. M. Armstrong (VC) 20. c . Krause 21 . A . Walde n 22 S . Richardson 23. M. Seccull 23. J. Mackay (s) 24. R . Lavender 25. G . Rowlands 26. G . Phillips 27. J. Dann 28 . A. Pound 29. M. DeMattia 30. r. Aughterson 31 . B. Main (RCapt) 32 . M. Drakeford 33 . T.Johnson 34 . C . Reidy 35 . D . Lappage 36 . A. Dowsing 37 . T. Evans 38 . J. Hayter 39 . P. Corrigan 40 . S. Duxbury 41 . 1 . Oscar 42 . D. Scaife 43 . R. Pleche r 44 . A. Kirkwood-Scott 45 . N. Hil l 46 . M . Krause 47 . D.Scoffen 48 . P . O'Donnell 49. B . Wignall 50. a. Bonwick 51 . t . Boothman 52. D. Fossey 55. C. Ladds (RVCapt) 57. B . Ladds
1 . T. Witt s 2 . S . Theodore 3 . J.Stadtski 4 . B . Ellin g haus 5 . N . Boyden 6 . P. Handbu ry 7 . C . Thompson 8 . M. Lovet t 9 . T. Smith 10 . P. O'Brien 11 . A. Thompson 12 . A. Hewitt 13 . S, Rose 14 . J. Bunn 15 . S. B ro mell 16 . C . Eabry 17 . M. Rose 18 . 0 . Keeble 19 . J. Correll 20 . a . Salek 21 . D . Strooper 22 . L . Bunn 23 . M. Berry 24. N. Selects 25 . M. Pruden 26. C. Kennedy 27. C. Bry an 28. S. Rabbit 29. 'C. Susa 30. I . McMullin 31 . J . Hart 32. R. Webb 33. G . Dixon 34. C.Anastasakis 35. D.B rown
36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43.
A. McKeon S . Eab ry R. Eggleton S . Madden S . Middleton J . Willhelm P . theodore O. Boyd
44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59.
A . McDougall Z. Useinov H . Wright J . Powe r S . Walsh T. Stuckey P . Madnis D . Corbin B . Campbell B . Crump I. Patte rs on M . Burgess M . Ellinghaus R . Morley D . Clements A . Wilts
60. J . Raft 61 . 62 . 63. 64 . 65 .
B. Luckock R . Morrell B. Telford A. Nelson
66 . L . Boyd 67 . B. Vile 68 . a . Henshaw, 69 . S. Milne-Pott 70 . A. Farri ngton 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 .
OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach: Wayne Hermes Reserves Coach : Simon Tatlen t 1 . K . Stokes 2. J. Hosking (VC) 3. S . Duthi e 4. T. Holt 5. R . Price 6. A . Millar 7. J. Hughes 8. C . Reid 9. R . Aujard 10. J . Kerr 11 . M . Simpson 12. S . Hume 13. N . Hooper 14. D . Norman 15. D . McCall 16. A . Spee d 17. S . Woodhouse 18. A . Nettleton 19. S . Spiden 20. T. Wilson 21 . s . Gibbs 22. L. McDonnell 23. D . Walsh 24. M . Angus 25. T. Pritchard 26. B . Phillips 27. C . Winneke 28. S . Teasdale 29. C . Heat h 30. J . Laird (DVC) 31 . A . Smith 32. S . Grigg 33. J . Hannemann 34. D . Steel e 35. S . Steele (C) 36. M . Davison 37. E . Montgomery 38. C . Hosking 39. A . Walkom 40. A . Warner 41 . A . Castricum 42. A . Gibb s 43. J . Paterson 44. D. Tracy 45. A . Stubbs 46. G.Jonas 47. R. Thomas 48. R. Hardy 49. T. Picken 50. D. Pel l 51 . A . Elliott 52. R . Gregory 53. P .Gaidzkar 54. B . Aujard 55. S . Montgomery 56. J . Schonfelder
OLD XAVERIANS Senior Coach : Simon Meehan Reserves Coach : Nick Bourk e 1 . M. Blood (DVC) 2 . M. Boure (VC ) 3. M. Hannebery (C) 4. D . Landrigan 5 . N . Cook 6. A. Keyhoe 7. P. Tuddenham 8 . M. Holmes 9. S. Hawkins 10. S. Colquhoun 11 . A.Jone s 12 . J. Bowan 13. C . Ellis 14. L . Ford 15 . A. McLean 16. T. Ockleshaw 17. D . Richardson 18 . s. Hunte r 19. M. Lloyd 20. B. Buckley 21 . L . Hanebery 22. A. Bourke 23. A. McDonald 24. B. Coughlan 25. D . Tapping 26. A. Nei l 27. L .Fay 28. R . Clarke 29. S. Wood 30. D . Dann 31 . S. Mollard 32. A. Brushfield 33. A. Sassi 34. a . Belli 35. C . Mortensen 36. P. Barrett 37. A. Landrigan 38. M. McClelland 40. T. Nelso n 41 . A . Dillo n 42. J. Lowe (RCapt) 44. J. Petroff 45. D . O'Toole 46. C . Andronopoulos 47. J. Dalirangl e 48. M . Logan 49. P. Lachte 50. N . Fay 51 . D . Walsh 52, M . O'Callaghan 53. A. Kearn s 54. M . Brennan 55. A . Long 56. M . Stones 57. G. Short 58. D . Bel l 59. M . Hardman 61 . S. Natilli 65. A .Jone s 66. Panagiotopoulos
SeniorCoach : Geoff Reilfey Assistant Coach: Russell Barne s
Senior Coach: Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach : Andrew Natha n
Senior Coach : Grant Williams Reserves Coach : Barry Neivandt
Reserves Coach : Peter Purcell 1 . A . Jobling
2. 3. 4. 5.
C. Byrnes A. On A. Grace (DVC) B. Turner
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.
T . Gallagher B. Connell (C) M . Gilmore (VC) A. Forres t P . Marrow D. Edgell N. Sebo P . Kingston S . James M . McConvill T . Stewart (C) E . Fraser S . Ryan D. Cleary D. Wood J . Brown R. Bloc k P. mcDonald J . Collins L . Muprhy D. Connell T . Hille (DVC) B. Collin s
31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
B. Egan A. Kukuljan M . Shepherd R. Remman G . Bailey M . Templeton R. Presser
29. D. Whelan 30. P. Jo y
38. P. Milner (RVC) 39. T . Morgan 40. G . Lehner 41 . G . Hal l 42. C. Keleher 43. S. Wrodarczyk 44. L . Mulcahy 45 . L . Livingstone 46 . C . Spagnol 47. R. Keatin g 48 . W . Block
49. M. O'Halloran 50 . M. Wrodarczyk 51 . C . Manakis 52. N . Well 53 . I . Ransos n 54. S. Weidemann 55.
56 . 57 . R . Barnes 58 .
59 . G . Sneddon 60 .
1 . A . Comito 2 . T. Dobson 3 . T. Backhouse 4 . A .Farme r 5 . R. Doolan 6 . S . Ryan 7 . S . Parrett 8 . A . Capes 9 . J . Kennedy 10 . G. Matthewes 11 . P .Capes 12 . B . Hogan 13 . S .McKeon 14 . s . Doran 15 . L. Overman 16 . D. Sawicki 17 . M . Conroy 18 . P . Scerri 19 . L.Gollant (C) 20 . T . Sheehan 21 . J . Comit o 22 . C.Calthorpe (DVC) 23 . B . Horn 24 . D. Gray 25 . P . Hayes 26 . J . Gollant (VC) 27 . A . Nathan (CR) 28 . P . Gilmou r 29 . J . Overman 30 . J . Mount 31 . M . Kearney 32 . s . chaNield 33 . P . Rogerson 34 . M . Daffey 35 . B . Chatfield 36 . C.Bond 37 . t . Bateman 38 . D. McAllister 39 . S . Byrne 40 . J . Ballarin 41 . D.Juegan 42 . M . Marshall 43 . B .Teague 44 . S .Taylor 45 . M . Dowling 46 . G . Morrish 47 . c. Perrett 48 . J . Anderson 49 . J . Jones 50 . M . Farmer 51 . N. Lynch 52 . F .Catalfamo 53 . J . Kavanagh 54 . B . Hemley 55 . S . Lync h
1. 2. 3. 4.
D . Slimman T. Hutchins J . Hutchings J .Fdth
5. P . O'Donnell 6. B . Bloo d 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
D .Hayter M . Thomas S . Mead e D . Maplestone S . Stevenson H .Worsley G. Evan s J . Buckley P .Stephens S . Kirsanovs J .Kanis
18. G.Markley 19. B . Herral d
20. r. Polkinghome 21 . T. McInty re 22. A . Nugent 23. B . Furphy 24. R . Calnon 25. A . henderson 26. N .Cavalier 27. B . Fricker 28. D. Bolton 29. T . doherty 30. G . Allardice 31 . M . Mud ge 31 . R. Van Den Berg 32. J.Gamau t 33. L. Tweddle 34. R. Furphy 35. M . Jukes 36 . D.Dawson 37. A . tennen 38. M . Unswo rth 39. S . henderson 40. A . Mitchell 41 . R. Doods 42. R. Jaksi c 43 . v. Romito 44. d. Lowe
45. G . McLachlan 46 . D. Gun n 47 . T . Rourke 48 . C. Miles 49. P . Seller 50 . b. Joseland 51 . S . McMahon 52. S . Longley 53 . T . Whitehead 54 . C. Nave 55 . C.Stewart 56 . A. Ferrer 57 . L.Bonadio 58 . T . Miskin 59 . A. Collins 60 . A. Wilcox 61 . A. Wilson 62 . A . Baud 63 . A . Muller 64 . D.McAloon 65 . A. Mcleod 66 . M .Starick 72 . J. Norma n
622 hit. Alexander Rd . loenee Ponds 9326 1799
@ Carlton 'JS
B Section
L "
BANYULE Senior Coach: Rick Brockwell Rese rves Coach: Tim Bell 1 . B. Kinea r 2 . D . Witchell (VC) 3 . L. Hol t 4 . T. Gloury 5 . B. Wilmore (DVCapt) 6 . P . Williams (ResC) 7. S . Richmon d 8. R. Williams 9. G . Sutterby 10. C. Williams 11 . T. Short 12. J . Egan 13. M . O'Brien 14. P. Healy 15. S. Gray 16. D . Mayne 17. A. Steve n 18 . J. Turnbull (DVCapt) 19. D . Stephens 20. S. Playfair 21 . R. Dintinosante 22 . J . Gilham 23 . M . Gray 24 . C. Wilkes 25 . G. Jorda n 26 . H . McDermott 27 . W. Keenan 28. D . Fabri s 29, M . Creek 30. B. Grindle 31 . C . Bassett 32. G . 33. D . Glass 34. C . Stevens 35 . A. Hardie 36 . R. Doherty 37 . S . Emery 38 . G . Riches 39 . C. Head 40 . M . Keene 42 . T.Egan 43 . L. Ferrell 44 . M . Moore 45 . M . Gilbert 46. P . Agostinelli (RVC) 47. R . Smith 52. D . Noona n 55. D . Williams (Capt .) 56. R . Doherty
® "o
BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Reserves Coach : Craig Hear d t . J. Prior 2 . S. Driver 3 . S. Young 4 . G . Alexander 5 . C. Parris 6 . R. Minney 7 . P . Robertson (Vcapt) 8 . A . Brya n 9 . M . Ra y 10 . P . George (Capt .) 11 . S . Farlo y 12. A . Parris 13. M .Tuomy 14. D . Mathews (Vcapt) 15. B. Greig 16. S. Smith 17. N . Waddel 18 . R . Williams 19. P. Nigro 20. T. Agosta 21 . D. Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23 . L . Stott 24 . P. Nagle 25 . T. Merrell 26 . G . Vimpani 27 . C. Darby 28. P . Mutimer 29 . P . Bone 30. R. Field 31 . A . Shine 32. J . Catt 33. C . McWaters 34. D . O'Connell 35 . M. Osborne 36 . P. Hare 37 . P. Chalkias 38 . S. James 39 . P. Dalloglio 40 . 41 . L . Cessario 42 . P. Edwards 43 . M. Mason 44 . C. Shallard 45 . G . Taylor 46 . G . Shallard 47. C. Morihovitas 48. R. Lambert 49. M . Bellato
50. D. Glover 51 . 52. 53. J . Scott 54. 55 . 56 . D . Doud 57 . D . Shine 58 . 59 . 60 . S. Bond
M .H.S.O.B .
Senior Coach: Tony Gott Rese rves Coach : John Matt hew
Senior Coach : Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach : Colin Drak e
1 . R . Armstrong 2. P. La Rosa 3. C. Tucker 4. M . Maud 5 . P. Manual 6 . D. Frawley 7 . P . Rawley 8 . R. Hird 9 . M . Thackwray t0 . G. Kennedy 1 1 .S . Molloy 12 . T. Jackson 13 . S . Narkiewicz 14. P . Flyn n 15. T. Flynn 16. B. Davis 17. P. Lee 18. T. Scoble 19. G . Bullen 20. R . Stewart 21 . L . Blackwood 22. R . Angelini 23. M . Pearce 24. L . Smith
J . Barnett A. Howard D . Woodley J . Pertzel C. Young S. Harri es B. McGrath D. Fleming J. Dixo n
D. Comer M . Be azley M . Webster C. Glove r M . Feferkranz A . Preece M. Za g hloul P . 0'Connell M. Atkins A . Webster 1. Gillespie A . Snaidero D . Fairchild B. Cookma n
25. T . O'Neill 26. S . Fairweather 27. D. Nibal i
M. Jamieson G . Wilson
28. B . Weiser 29. C. Drysdale 30. S . Northey 31 . D . McFarlane 32 . J . Lynch
M. Thompson W. Watford T . Lawrence C. Drak e
33 . B . Kendell 34 . C . Brown
35 . P. Whitehead 36 . A. McKellar 37 . G . Finlayson 38 . D . Hoffman 39. M. Ebbage 40. S. Cyar 41 . C . McDonald 43. S. Lynn 44. E. Newbold 45. A. Rosenfeld 46. M . Pollock 51, D. Jack a 52. R. Pace 55. L . Pearce 61 . A. Barrd 65 . W. Taylor 69. S . Ford 70. J . Matthew
S . Bennett G. McLardie M . Konstanty B . Anseli N . Fahey S . Konstanty A . Palmos 37 . S . Karamoutisos 38 . A . Stewart 39 . J . Winch 40 . B. Hayes 41 . 42 . N . Bradley 43 . 44 . P. Frost 45 . A. Barge 46 . T. Holland 47. 48 . 49. 50. E . Thomas 51 . 52. 53. 54. P . Hunt 55. M . Pond 56. 57. T. Grimmer 58. 59. 60. P. Konstanty 61 . M. Pretty 62 . S. Harrison
NORTH OLD BOYS Senior Coach: Tony Cahill Reserves Coach: Peter O'Conno r t . J . Forbes 2 . D. Waters 3 . O . Abrahams 4 . P . Sullivan 5 . C. Kitney 6. J . Sutherland 7. P .Boot h 8. B . Collison 9. d . Beck 10. S . Evans 11 . D . Boye r 12. J . Limperakis 13. B. curull i 14. S. Cheshire 15. P. Kearney 16. M. Maguire 17. P. Angelopoulos 18 . J . Murray 19 . C . Wheeler 20 . M. Robinson 21 . N. Mulqiney 22 . M . Connolly 23 . M . Murone 24 . J . Barker 25 . P . Bryar 26 . L. Koutsovasilis 27. M . Gravina 28. D . O'Farrell 29. E . Failla 30. M . Leigh 31 . L . Boyle 32. t. Kemp 33. J. Mollroy 34. B. Conti 35 . S. Manassa 36 . D . Tonkin 37 . I . Tale b 38 . A. Trimboli 39 . C. Theodoropoulos 40 . L. Curry 41 . L. Curran 42 . T. Cleveland 43 . J . Lowrie 44. A . Twist 45. A . Zanatta 46. C . Hanley 47. P. O'Dwyer 48. A . Day 49. J. Trimboli 50. C . Bailey 51 . G . Suarez 52 . T. Jamieson 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . P . Considin e 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . M . Fennelly 63. R . Gate 64. 65. 66. 67. 68 . 69. 70. S. Drum
Senior Coach : S. Young Rese es Coach : R. rv Brow n 1 . A . Krzywniak 2. L. James
Senior Coach: Kevin McLean Reserves Coach: Darren Cadd y
4. M . Talbot 7. L. Fildes 8. S . Lennox 9. M. Fisher If . A. Fitzgerald 15. A . Oakley 16. N . Perry 19. A. Mandelaris 21 . L. Jackson 23. N . Pryor 25. R . Carter 27. C . Gilmour 29. J . Murch 30. S. Williams 31 . S. Murray 32. B. Wiliams 34. R . Smith 36. B. Pollock 39. A. Fische r 40. K.Teschendod 41 . P. McMahon 42 . J . Howden A. Witte K. Farrell S. McGee A. Rickerry
G . Bennett
D . Kollmorgen N . Winter
P. Well
M. McLennon A. Augustine C . Tomas K. Bickett J . Murchie A. Grant P. Roach N . Truelson A. Palfrey T. Lennox
1 . M . Tolle y 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. 6.
P. Sigley (CCapt) A. Jenkin s A. Parker D. Toll (R) J . Stevens S . Ken t
7. T . Young 8. T . Stevn s 9. M . Karayannis 9. P . Armstrong (R) 10. M . Veal (CCapQ 11 . S . Tull y
12. M . Tozer 13. A . Pappas 14, C. Grinham 15. G . Douglas 16. M . Woods 17. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 22. 23. 24.
Z . Abousabha (R) J . Lu k P . Bisogni S . McLean T . Ryan J . Mansfield P . Donaldson P .Golding (R) A. Noonan A . Corcora n
25. J . Maycock (RVCapt) 26. I . Roxburg h 27. J . Weddl e 28. D. Jones (RCapt) 29. R. Weddle (VCapt) 30. E . Brophy 31 . 32 . 33. 34.
D. Caddy D. Goad T . Cormack T . Lame r
35. L. McLean (VCapt) 36. D. Super 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42 . 43. 44. 45 . 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52 . 53. 54 . 55 . 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
D. Stott G. George G. George R. Davies L. Taylor S . Vaughan D. Banger T. Aqushi M .Lmke M . Sheddon G. Maclsaac M . Wall A . Foskeft C. Corcoran M . Power G. Locke D. Craker P . Wall J . Baud W. Millard T. McCaskell R. Weisz B . Elsworth S . Brophy
OLD PARADIANS Senior Coach : Dale McCann Reserves Coach : Paul Arne] 1 . S . Vincent (VC) 2 . P .J. O'Loughlin 3 . M .J. Considine 4 . S .J. Philp (VC) 5 . M .J. Hanford 6 . J .V. Geary 7 . P .G . Cosgriff (VC) 8 . P .G.Zappa 9 . J .M. Way 10 . P .A. Brabender(C) 11 . N .P . Willit s 12 . S .R . Wallis 13 . T.D. Wallis 14 . D.R. Ciavola 15 . N .G. Kerr 16 . M .P. Godfrey 17 . B . J. Hart 18 . L.K . Mansfield 19 . N .A . Bal l 20 . P .A . Nailer 21 . A .J. Farrell 22 . H . Bellis 23 . P .A . Walsh 24 . D.A . Digney 25 . a.D. Heffernan 26 . M .B. Geary 27 . K .C . Kenkins 28 . B .J. Brabender 29 . B . Powel l 30 . T.J. Mulligan 31 . S . Laferlita 32 . A .J. Price 33 . M .J. Harrison 34 . P .J. Joyce 35 . J .P.J. Mills 36 . S .M. Swindon 37 . L. Rocchiccioli 38 . M .G . Vear 39 . P .E. Reid 40 . D.J . Bair d 41 . D.J . Horsington 42 . J .M. Swindon 43 . M .P. Geary 44 . I . Harford 45 . P .J. Stephens 46 . B . Flynn 47 . J . Mould 48 . M . Hudson 49 . J .C . Drohan 50 . P . Monar 51 . a . Costantini 52 . A . McNeill
Senior Coach : Simon Dalrymple Reserves Coach : Ian Wallace Assistant Coach: Michael Hadley 1 . S. Keneddy 2 . C . Robison 3 . A. Allibon 4 . T. Norman (Vcapt) 5 . P. Van Der Hoek 6 . R . Heath 7 . A.Anderso n 8 . S. Dalrymple (CC) 9 . S. Hopkin s 10 . S. Hatfield 11 . R . Boxtell 12 . M. Cumming 13 . M. Donato 14 . J. Stickland 15 . a. Parke 16 . M. Seuling (Vcapt) 17 . G . Hatfiel d 18 . B. Clarke 19 . G . Hudson 20 . P. Board 21 . C . Phillips 22 . P.Robison 23 . A. Ramsden 24 . T. Board 25 . T. Harris 26 . P. Bee t 27 . L. Stafford 28 . D . Vargo 29 . A. Sealey 30 . L. Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32 . D . Glass 33 . D . Heighton 34 . P. Papas 35 . L . Bennie 36 . J. Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37 . P. Dowling 38 . R . Phillips 39 . T. Antonopolous 40 . B. Burk e 41 . D . Alysandratos 42 . A. Banfiel d 43 . M. Krivokuca 44 . J. Mollison 45 . N . King 46 . 47 . F . Cameron (RVC) 48 . C . Smit h 49 . P.Johnson 50 . L. Jervis 51 . S. Gleason 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . N . Kolitia s 58 . 59 . 60 . 80 . T. Smit h
Senior Coach : Des English Reserves Coach: Chris Bye
YJAUTORK ®lcu Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722
1 . M . Petrevski 2 . J . Woodgate 2. A .Shelton 3 . P .Gorman 4. M .Ellio t
5. S . Ramsey 6 . J .Vaina
6. G. Rossignofo 7. P . Jone s 7. J . Polar 8 . L. Hollo w 9. M . Growcock 10. R. Eg9festone 11 . d. Forbe s 12. R. Moran 13. M .Bosanko 13. d.Ramm 14. J .Reddick 15. G . Pinner 16. M .Goodwin 17. R. Lyons 17. G . O'Connor 18. B . Carter 18. Liddell 19. J .Annstrong 20. M . Carter 21 . M .Fitzpatrick 22. S . Griggs 23. C. By e 24. P . Matton 25. M . O'Rourke 26. G.Carbis 27. K .Fitzpatrich 28. J .Thrush 29. M . Hudson 30. M .Tadinac 31 . S .Hollow 32. s. Eatmure 33. N . La Fontaine 35. S . O'Halloran 36. C. Rizz o
37. D. Castaldi 38. B . Prendergast 39. S . Boyl e 42. 43. 46. 47. 48.
M . Gauci C. whefan R. Collins D.Goodwin D.Wriggleswort h
C Section f . y
«r ~
A .J .A .X .
Senior Coach : Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach : Marty Halphen
Senior Coach: Don Scarlett Reserves Coach: Andrew McGregor
Senior Coach: Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach: Tony Day
Senior Coach : Trevor Poole Reserves Coach: Angus MacGowa n
I. C.Le(d(C) 51. A0 . Ak . 52 I .1 N 51 G!S -'~ 3 5~ . ._JjD+CI 54 . AW 3. C. Arro-e )i(} 53 . G. Tc .„: 4 .S.An n 57.C.i . DAAz 48 . it w15 . S . an 53. S. 6. A. 63. ail no r &LE , 7. E. & Du .
I. C. stilly 1 . A. Day 2. A. R}*r 2. J.D'r~neen 3. D.Wales 3. C.Mcxm 4 . S .Ge~a 5. M.&€b
1 . S . Furphy 2 . H. Burbank 3. D. Wellsby 4. T. Dugdale 5. D . Arc11ie 6.S ' Olse n
1 . J. Wrobel 2 . A. Kalinski 3 . D. Gelbart, 4. M . Dudakov 5. M . Rajch
6. G. Rozenberg 7. C . Cohen 8. B . Goldberg (V.C .) 8. M . Roseman 9. t . Bursztyn 10. R . Bloom 11 . M. Weisler 12 . D. Rosen 13 . J. Engelman 14 . Y. Rapoport 15 . J. Kirzne r 16 . P. Goldberg (VC) 17. A. Cukierman 18. J . Wrobel 19. M . Halphen (Capt.) 20, R. Hartman 21 . D. Sheezel 22. J . Dunne 23. J . Abraham 24 . S . Scheezel 25 . J. Feldman 26 . B. Duzenman 27 . D . Dege n 28 . J. Bram 29. D. Marks 30. A. Micmacher 31 . M . Chrapot 32. P . Steiner 33. D. Pa t
~. 0 .
10. DB. T.,:. . . 1 1 . 5. ,6& D( . I . RP .-,~(CA) 67. U. Fe 12 D. .'' SM (t7-6.) B. 5.Ya 11 E2. G.Ki 14 . F.( a(VCA) 70. J. voox IS S' 1 71 . S. P62 16. T. . 72, J.F M 17. S . 73. A. P9 I8. T.1 74. T. Fu 19. A 75 C. q_ . ... . 20. A. F 76. J. I 21. R1 . .1 77. 11-~~ 2d D.! 78. C- . 2t R h Rl 79 . D. 23. J.D-i Cl C.~. 24. M.Y"81. M tn25. 22. & 2k4 %. C. 27. A.
34. D . Gunn 35 . A . Rosen 36 . J . Segal
37 . A . Slade-Jacobson 38 . A. Grundmann 39 . J. Shein 40 . A. Redlich 41 . P. Naphtal i '. 42. E . Rubenstein 43. J . Josep h 44. A . Krongold 45. E . Steen 46. M . Nathan 47. A . Abrahams 48. L. Goldberg 49. D . Kal b 50. B . Grodski 51 . A. Trayer 52 . S. Rubinstein 53 . A. Sheffield 54 . B. Gelbart 55 . B. Zeilinski 56 . S . Frey 57. 58. M . Freid 59. 60. 61 . S . Roth 62 . M. Levin 63 . S. Glassman 65 .
6. T. Cohm 7. ki. Rare (DVQ 8. J .AOa . D, 1' m (C) I J. C,.7 9. 10.A ( t0. M .I' it . M.I.'_: It . B.Cradn 12 R ti 13. D.BraazDo 14 . D. F',tue 15 . D . ASCkdcsh 15. J. GfaA7A 16. J . Wags 17. B. hkCkarzprAs 18. A.CmYry(VC) 18. M . Skk,es
It. D.G.wrPVC) 19. D. ' 41 . J. : ay 20. S.0Etfm 42. A :_.-ran 2t . 42. D.Dµteq 22 . L 0'Egm 43 . . . 23. P .Charrb , 4 . J. Edaimr, 45423 . ., . : ;
24. S. Eealk 48. J. G
25. A.h4:ydash 47. D .° as 26. g.Wakh 48. &L sr3s 27. S.TI1-'sz 49. N.G--ift 28. A.PatrirreMi 50. RC~ sk51 . 29. M . Eftords 51 . D. M+ri= 29. S.larce 52. D.'- is 30. A. Treipiui 53. J. s 30. J.Gft " . d . S . E&art 55. C..31 ^---m&r 31 . D.Piuabn 56. S, Da 32 . J. Da:q'as 57 . & Da1 32. M.Sym 58 . A' N'¢r^o 31 D . Sanpho 59. D .Pi~a 33. y.Paawssa EJ. MGay 34. P. Healy 61. R Ib:ParJ 35. C. flaltrms 62. R Path 3u G . Cnx 63. D.0'C%`an 37. A.Sir;tan (CE1} 38. C. Peuirrwo 64 . 1 Kent 39. A.M?i1m 65. IAKeiI 40. J.Denw E8. M.larr y 67. D. Puu-b:^b E8. d Da.y
37 . R6X C. Day 3. K .tr;{ 40 S .Y'41. S. ' 42 kt 43. S. 44. J. G. D. 46. Rt 47, S.K 49 D. L--, 41,r `~.. S .W'i~-s
66 . J. Goldman 67 . 68 . S . Feldman 69. J . Vernon 70.
7. J. Senio r
8 . T. Seymour 9 . J. Wilson 10 . M. Oliphant 11 . R . Liley 12 . P. Ronchi 13. P. herman 14. B . Edmonds 15. A . Teelow 16. P . O'Dea 17. D . O'Brien 18. A . Handbury 19. J . Manton 20. G . Coldwell 21 . S. Glover 22 . J. Taylo r 23 . M. Davis 24 . T. Peddie 25 . a. Allen 26 . N. Kemp 27. D. Morton 28. M . Taylor 29. J . Neville-Smith 30. A . Howells 31 . J . Nevins 32. G . Wilkinson 33. M. Wilkinson 34 . T. Pau l 35 . D . Eley 36 . A. Rigby 37 . G . Stirling 38 . P. Beltrame 39. D. Swan 40. S . Bones 41 . E . Bel l 42. P . Liascos 43. D . Hay 44. e . Spiden 45 . L . Morrison 46 . R . Rice 47 . E. Smithers 48 . S. Saunders 49 . J. Smythe 50 . M . Robson 51 . A. Robson 52. S . French 53. B . Hicklin 55. D. Crowe 57. R . Calvert 58. R . Morton 61 . R . Oliphant 62. H . Cameron 63. A. Barron 66. B. O'Halloran 72 . s . Cowdery 73 . R. Abbott 74 . J. Geddes 75 . N. Kennett 76 . A. Osboume 77 . C. Oliver 78. R. Knight
OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach: Bert Calvert Reserves Coach: Jeff Norma n 1 . A . Acreman (VC) 2. A . Carte r 4. G. Stroud 5. C . Wallace 6. D . Paterson 7. G . Ferguson 8. N . Macquire (VC) 9. C . Wrigh t 11 . D . Solley 12 . G . Dickson 13 . S . Sharp 15 . C.Davis 18 . T. Boumon 19 . D. Kitto 20 . C . Shedden 21 . M . Elliot t 22. P. Harrington 23. N . Moodie 25. J. Winduss 26. G . Dart 27. G . Katris 28 . M . Bond 29 . D. Agostino 30 . M . Brooks 31 . D.Johnson 32 . J . St y 33 . C . Gardner 34. D . Holland 35. D . Murphy (C) 36. B. Paterson 37. M. Sichlau 38 . R . Sherriff 39. R . Beynon 40 . T . Leonard 41 . A . Oli n 43 . C. Best 44 . D. Sarah 45 . C . Leaver 46. J . Norman 47. J . Konicanin 48. D .Johnsen 49. b . Murphy 51 . G . Prid e 52 . A.Oxland 53 . N. May 55 . S. Martin 56 . M . Leone 60 . D. Nock 61 . C. Dwyer 63 . T.hancock 64. M . Austin 65. D . Murphy 71 . T. Kersley
AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd , Black Rock. 3193 28
~ T4lC --- In
n. .
.- -
. . . ..
%WDEm rl~~c ST.BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach : Paul Beddoe Reserves Coach: Brad Berry 1 . M . Kinsella 2 . S. Zahra 3 . J. Sabine
4 . V. L'Huillier (RCapt) 5 . M . Murray 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 .
R. Parsons D. Diggins B. Beasley M . Jones C. Ross M . hacker C. Stewart D. Goodchild
14 . P. Lannan (Capt .) 15 . D. Goodchild 16 . S. Napier 17 . J. Tully 18 . A. MacGeorge 19 . B. Tomlinson 20 . M. Beasley 21 . G . McDonald 22 . t. Lam b 23 . T. Peck 24 . T. Beasley 25 . D. Smith 26 . S. Hecker 27 . D. Johnston 28 . D . O'Brien 29 . J. Sanders 30 . M. Dols
31 . J. Selby 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 .
J. Dickinson A. Walsh C . Meyer R . Bilo s A. Wilce M. Connolly A. Hayes M. Leyden C . Johnston d . Henddke s
42, a . Thompson (VCapt) 43 . K. Goodchild 44 . J. Recupero 45 . r. Gould
46 . 47 . 48. 49.
O. Lalo r B. Hambridge B. Hutchinson D . Buen o
50. 51 . 52 . 53.
N . Tully M. Uberti A. Kearney M. Firth
54. 55 . 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62 . 63. 64 . 65 . 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71 . 72.
M. McCraw (VCapt .) P. Dywer C . Trotter M. Lomagno D . Baufch J. Drury
ST. KEVINS Senior Coach: Tim Hart Res. Coach : Glen Taylor t . B. Burde n 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
J . Dynan M . Chapman (DVC) M . Fraser R. Callanan A. Morgan t A. Har d.Williams G . Smith d. Moore D. Ryan M . Dollman (DVC) R. Bowles J . Bare D. Fox B. Garvey M . Terzini N. Hart D. Sheehy A. Vamsd i J . Quirk (DVCRes) J .Macey P. Ryan P. Meagher N.Goldsworthy B.Kennedy
27. R. Gross (VCapt) 28. M . Farquharson (DVC) 29. A. Moun t 30. P.McNee 31 . M . McNee 32. b. Noonan (ResVC) 33. S. Denton 34. J. Whitbread
35. A. Thomas (ResCapt) 36. A. Noonan 37. s. Kennedy 38. J. Herman 39. S. Fribble 40. D . Boyd 41 . A. DeJong 42. d .McDonald 43. D . James 44. J. Drake 45. T.Bare 46 . d .DeRooden 47 . M. Brady (Capt) 48. b . Howard
49. S. Kennedy 50. M.Durrant 51, d . Wiiks 52 . P. Lewin 53 . r. Quirk 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 .
S.Game M. O'Shea J. Shepardson S.dillo n T. Hart
STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach: Allan Fleming Senior Coach: Terry Walsh Reserves Coach: Reserves Coach : Charlie Capiron 1. B. Ryan 2. NAqapenloo 3. H .Haward 4. S.Cnasys 5. AMS»-w 6. P.Grcen . Hayet-Dm 8. I. G G .B.iket 9. G .Naay 10. 0 . RsirrkR I. J . Gazdie r 2. Afdt:anin
. S. 4. M.Kuek
& P.R q
17. gA~". , It. RAs is 19. M.f~ ~~ . Sr 21. M.& c 22. P.n 23. LGwan 24. P.darim 25. P.Dyron 2& b.Jacksun 27. A. DaNara 28. G .Fkyed
D . Duliivio B. Ke g
1. M . m 60. P. Davis MDZRre 61. M. Tka
N . Cole T Pregd
35. M.Rymr 381. M.A:1avn:o 371. M. KM 38 . D .Reread 39 . A .DiamflM 40. D2raaAwr9 41. A, Saxton 42 P.Kwiar 43. J. Haugh 44 . S .d~d 45 . W.D.=rtem 46 . A .Slralad 47 . M ' 48 . B .Mzscali 49 . M.Berdcn 50 . M. D'Apfrno 51 . G.Wa@nsn
52 . 53.
54 .
z 62. A.Aktiscn 63. J. Frawr.q 64. M.D'W 65. J.HavaG 66. S. Ham 67. S. Emre3 68 . W. Meuhs m. F.Mmwr'ss 70 . D.SWnun 71. A.Crarx;cn 72 . M .MacDonald 7a S. DdFj
74 . C.Femondo 75 . S.Prce 76. M . Sanlm n . 5. 78 . G= 79 . M . M wk.k 80. R.FWv*f c It . FL 1,19 m 82 .
83 . 59 . .B L59 ~srnash ~ . ~ '~ 57 . K . Gk:sa r 58 . E . Kararr~xk 59 . R. arm
Wayne Cooper
1 . S . Papaioanou 2. B . Byron 3. A . Smith 4. r.Ward 5. J .Bubis 6. B . Pelligrino 7. S . Plan t 8 . a . Fellows 9. Y . Capeci 10. P .Bullard 11 . L. Alberti 12. Z. Fleming 13. g.Scarpa 14. M. Patmore 15. L.DeI Papa 16. D.Farchione 17. D. Gorski 18. F. Arcoraci 19. P .Ristevski 20. L.Alabakis 21 . E .lentini 22. L. Sallese 23. R.Dimaggio 24. B . Smith 25. R. Kennedy 26. C. McNeil 27. S . D'Avoine 28. L. Moribito 29. K . Harling 30. C. Fellows 32. P . Colosimo 33. J . Zaigos 35. A . Colosimo 37. D. Dimovski 38. G. Scott 39. O.Esen 40. N.Iulianglia 41 . D.Brooks 42. M . Ciaverella 43. A . Lattouf 44. A. Ward 45, a.Insitari 46. S . Sami 47. D. Plowright 50. A. Maloney 51 . E . Valentino 53. P . Battistia 55. P . Valeri 58. M . Rei d 61 . G. Skas 63. M . Grech 65. S . Holmes 67, N. Grech
J. Crowe A. Ryan R . Mulquinney R . Kilroe-Smith N . Haye s M. Zakic P. Razga C . Ambrosini d . Marshall P. Walker A. Whitelaw B. Griffiths M . Manson
Sizz~~~ ~,s S
WHITEFRIARS Senior Coach: Des Meagher Reserves Coach: Gary Kailiniko s 1 . M . Powe r 2 . M . Bateman (C) 3 . R. Pasqualotto 4. 5 . M .Robinson 6 . C. Houston 7 . P.cochian 8 . M . Heat h 9 . C. Maguire 10 . B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12 . J . Begley 13 . T .Hughes 14 . D. flanagan 15 . A. lacey 16 . B.Vandenboom 17 . A.Carbone 18 . P.Begle y 19 . C.Andrews 20 . A. Pawiick 21 . P. Hessler
22 . J . Bonnyman (ResC) 23 . P.Ciardulli 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 .
J .Ciardulli M .Vemal C. ryan M. Jackson C. Fames C. Harris P. O'Brien N. Jenkins (C) M. Carbone G . Feut ri l
34 . S. Lowell 35 . C. La w 36 . J. McFarlane 37 . P. O'Brien 38 . r. Vujkic 39 . J. Naismith 40 . a . thawaites 41 . T. Carri gg 42 . D . Naismith 43 . N.Eliioh 44 . M. Bateman 45 . M. Lester 46 . g .Johnson 47 . S. Habjan 48 . M. Reid 49 . P. Dodd 50 . B. kelsey 51 . L . Eames 52 . S. Alexander 53 . J.Alexander 54 . S.gillan 55 . M. dully 56 . B. Calleja 57 . A. heath 58 . M. Smith 59 . R . Stopajink 60 . M. McDonal d
Your On Time Printer
D Section
SonFOr Cosch: Garry N h Ison flus ~ Yas Coach: Netf Flyn n 1. b .- .,I 31. P. 01
I CAULFhEL~D9GYRANI. KEW Res. Coach: Matthew Sehohen & 2 AL-
Senfor Coach: Robert Bayley Vona Reserv~ Coach: Tom G
a ft ~ ~&C) Ae : L77.
5. W. : 31 Bt 34 J. WGrA P.An--sw & &P .~ 37. J.~ . S. S. lo~ (DVC 7. p.i.. . 35. A _ 8. 5 .CG . i-Wam ;£. C.V & d7 A Vladdl ' 9. Rr R S.TNIa 9. C.F c 37. 6tSr 10. N. t . : 39. P . p,"~ rd fA ARa 3& a it. R W --_1 4 RCa . N.Ca;sdj 33. J.1 vtI 12 P.k 41 . A~S. 12 dFer,4s qp. ~ 13. &P42 D. Urjpo~ 13 O.Ct41. 0 .' .. . 14. FU 41 S.Pa.Ay 14. S .K! 42 D.S~T-._.. It AtF 44. S.~ 43. R.P^'' 1 6 . 6tN 45 N.Pe: y 44 . N.' 1 7. LL.: - . 46 S .Ya~ !.45,kU i& QY- Y .6rdd 4& AF f& kt', 4A. 11 MI :A 47. A. 19. P.1 (VCI 49. D. ' 4& Li 20. M, () R J. . 49. A M flE,-q 51 . D.f'. $0. a L, 21. P.S 1C) 52 Rk 51. 4 1 7 21. AK ... YC)S7 . J..4 z 75 22 J ~ 51. S. S 55. bt Drr~s 23. T. F-1 55 . !! + . 61 . ditr~o . dG 56 A ..__.24 .."; 71. C. bid at JS 57 . P.Te. : p. T.A.e .if 26. W. k °..A. MS . 27. KVtrm , :C) 594 A F
28. B . Lug 23. S.Fr° 33 . AEa,n,i(C,)
PAQVE (03) W 7;44 FAX (p)949 2S67
"QNalil~ Inbttt ja Q66~1~' Qitnts»
Senior Coach: David Rogers
Rezerves Coach : Ian HiFdabrsnd
i. J
.Fm~ 3i R&1:a
4. Chyd~r i J.P.aTfs 3S. as . 6. .. W.t:, ; 7. D." 4D. P.Pe & J~aW 41 . A.l61 9.A 42.C. :- . ~ 10 &C:i 43 G.r ., n It . A ~ 44. PA r 12 D.&e 4i Ill 3 C. 46. W.r 14. J.6: 47. it IS T.l:. 48. C. F t& D.Wao,-.0V) 49. dli 17. aL~ da S4. S . .. 1& tiKn.ji~) 5t . J.F ~ 19. RB~y ~. I . S .Ndran 51 c(F20 21 . D.Flar~n 54. N.h.- ; 22 J.Pa~n 55. 1 ' ~ i'~u3ce 2J, T. Co; 55. M. ) ~.. • 24. B. ~ 57. N. l H D.wrr~a 5& aF m ~. P.N37i 27. 111, q. V.4 at L L 61. AC : 29. MA 6Z A D 31 V 31. DX) E4 . kit . . . . M J.6 6S KW~ . S.I- rUS . Lip .34 Y 93 d R;
2 aca~ 3. C .Wff 4. P.~ 5. D. Br,~s 6 ttN o 7. P. Far~ & D.lime 9. LP,az'ag 10. J Kx,t II.ktS~ 12 dCa~ 19. RA~ 14, dCrJ'm 15. RGw I& C.~ 17. Y. Cob7lKs I& P) 19. D.Pada p. G.NZrn 21 . Akxr& 22 A IXtsm 23. P.k78r 24. alb~n
at J
2& P." 27. D.N?nr-mt 2A S.~ 23. A. "^".'-rry 33. P. k- ~ 31 . d ;- „7fC) 32 G .StJ .. .. .V. 34. BC< 35. DR
x RCrrie 37. d 3& P.Tu$ay 33. N.SsBfi 4Q P.&ymd 41. AK~s 42 IA S4= 49. ftF~s~ 44. A 41 J Gxr 46. C.Carar~ 47. &A'~a d9. C.L:~ 49. R6S~ S2 &Nzky 51. T.Co, 52 1M 53. 0. Rryt-,W 5i.. aD.Ta.: Ta.:56 RPk.- .r~ ~ Kul ". 59, R I 1 W. A ir4 61. kt9a p J. &s 64 . JGre1 E3. O.Wroi f6 LL 70. N.~Yas~ 71 . ABee 72 P.N~ 75. SEbg.~l
Senior Coach: Martin Le Reserves C oach : Rk:k Jgga ames
2 TJnrs Katl) 42 A. aa .TW 4 . &T~~) 4~4 T fta 5 SiwaS 45 Afa! & A. 4& ftM3r,c',t.a~-g 7. P.K~ 47. P.La~n 8. Str-(IG..q) 4& JS~» 9. 0t° 49. A .v.• .. ..
1 0. E° It, J
. At~== . t rv~') 51. T.,~.~ . 3 Cf-~ 4 14. 5 .7.: a 15. R65. T.P 16 D.V~-~ 5& PC .,~ . 17. AC 57. LTh„ w I& a
19 A Wt~ Twrs ~ ,, 59. aP~
at D.Pnran fl. 1 ..ktr6an 21 . S. P& 61 . P.Cnurnng 22 RLShPTrtn 62. S.Cnmu
~ h (SW
63. W. ENI
p 64. J BaDer at ATa7tr 65. We$ 6. h
X G.7acg 66. a. rikg 27
. AkluKate 67. S.&ahan B. B. Leto 68 . J .Gan 23. W.k6a* 69 . J.Noward
:A. J. &M 31. TShM y µ S=
70. B.OHara 71. AStadu n 72. R.Le e
33. A&w at 7 1 B.MaOnsce 34. P. Urn 74 . C.Ta+
a S.&T&tu 75. A.CCBfer D.Essuy 7& R 9.~ R E -,sn E 77. W .FdarnrooG
'Stillwell Ford
~idk~. aMa,j ww
:`8. D. Ax 33. C.Evara 79 . D Mcona 7
40. JIzay~ 8Q B . Caetarcx
L«' w•. .<'
Senior Coach: Laurie Zarala Reserv es Coach : Mark Rowe 2A[TNV ~ N t~ . 3 FS :s 39.. 40 L. h~ra 41. P. 42 P. g An 43. a .Wlste 44. &Bsry 41 P. at 15lVvd 47. 4& M.o= 49. S .C ft aSPya 51 . T.r-n 5Z S.A~ 53 W.Storts G 54. L .Pt3a SS ARe~ i8 A 9 St `~. C. Ty~x.n 57. la.M:ptaw 27. 4 21. P. T~ 5i :5. 22 K : Z3. ld. 6;. 61 . 24. R!'r~ . 25 P. i 61 20. G. u_-- 1 64. T.TFr.+IZ 27. L 65 . S. 29. L' 66. ;u. " 67. 0. (lm B. 31 .
Senior Coach : Derek Nine Senlor Coaoh : Steve Maoney Resarvas Coach : Neil Roberts Res . Coach : Steve Rhynehar t Ass. Coach : Robert Putamorsie 1.8 1 26L 1 ^iC 2. k± 37. S.W.= 2. R : . 3a G.ks~ 4. &1a :.~.~ .~ 3d M R3; s 361t 37.B. .b.~ UK 33. S.C~as~ 4 . N.i r~ar}C) 3E . 6S r 43 t ; 5 . d8 M StS'wat~ . 7. RE 41 . P. Kz~ t ( i .aaA .C) 40. a.c,-..s42 1.P-- . 7. W.1 n ).t~dFT) 41 . . . 9. AF 4d. DA & 42 7d M^^ 44,c c t0. M r 9. dlra 43. P. It . D 41 . B 44 A F8tG 1 J 4G 11. A 4i AA . ~ 132 S-, 12 A1 "" 4 14. G." . , . C. 47. 613 G.W~~v 15. G., :.. . ti. M.E 49. J.F; 1Q W. 'S. tt~.. .. 49 . A.R 17. S. W: SI . EFe ^^,~ iS. T.E 4i. G. & C. Envy 52 S.C .1_ 51. G.PCilP 19. 51 M.1 p . B.C 52. 0.&.;i8 2L 54. 6. C: 19. M: 53 A .Wr 21. A 55. Ah 2;7. 1~.5 54. 22 5a J. 21 . Go 5a 8.}~ 29. 57. M. 22. 111 :6. 24. E.F 58. a.Yri 21 T.1 57. S . Fm 59. E. L 24. Gt .5& A.Ns E7. G.F at S9. KWa',^sJ 61.J.f 2e R1 6l G. Gi~ ~. A ' 27. K. 61 . 61 J. 1 28. a, i Rr. KJ'~w*.~ 64 . J.F 23. C.Eq. LI.W?s~ 6S Rr^u; 30. 64. P .t f R t 31 . D.PaS_:a 65. 67. c ; 32. F.ltaja % 6& A; °at P. A~: 67. 34. 63 A.Aa~t 70. a 15. RFuMs 7t. P.rc
Senior Coach : Mark Flack Res. Coach : David Mille 'BAN r
I .P r 2 & 3. 0 4. T.v,trn 5. c ~ 8 i & L 9. A 10 . Pi if . 12. 13 J 14.D.f15. A l 6. P.6 17. L S I6. G5vyrt 19. P." 21 AGt 21 . Sltpaa 2L a Bs~s 23 . S NraErr; 24. QYs 2a K 27. RE" ' 1 266LQ : . . 2?. S.Dxty A 3t. It Oa k r 33 AD•.,.5 34. &kt ..~ ;xi S. Per; 36, C.Ik;rs 37. NQary 38 S.EJFA 39. B. Vp#,m
a7. JGa 41 . & Cmo 4t P.O&at 43. & C 4 F.O~ - mxtrtx5. 47.d L 4 D."r G AI E0. R51 A~ ks'!te 52d_ 53. Y. wa 54 dRrr,a; Et P!5E R 57. D 54 8 59 0. r 6. S 81. d 62 C q. 0 ' 64 JCr,nh 65 kttik-4 6v. P&n; 69 it 69. JI 73 D.C M. SI'i 75. P.G :, .., 76 C' i A c. , go. AlArfn 63. S. P4d'e
At 2R9 926
866~6• 9~)bot~~2q• 9682 658 1
Coach : Michael Farrell Reserves : Grant Hammond I S ~ 3S r.R~n 2 N,&~rrten 37. P.Wtatfla 3. D.FkTd,aa ^a .,v A. ft? 4 . E. K}ia;w 9 . AG~ S. D.K~x 40. Rag a P.T r~ 41 Pf t 7. 6JL>ryk 44. P.W'tt 8. FanH 45. S.WtaY 9 D. F9s 47. APdj4 ID. P.6' es 49. adrwA It. &P ` 5D Chal:i' 12 Ali 51 . T ' 13. R J s 52 A. 14. Am hi t . AG 1S P.Ka_ 54. MC F I& NJ;1 SS d.7 19. G .Wfp 20. g.Cock 5i M .E ; 21. S. Rim 59. &0 .:: ;r 22. R. Oft ED. y.5i'r5 23. tEM bt S.Wrs 24. Aft~62 C. F 25. Att4Z 63. RJ' at S.EastTal 67. 8J 27. S. rws'v¢7 E3. G.An:ae at C. ftc a 70. hGred 71. AI.Ftara 72 P.k*aa 73. S. Pafu,re 74 . r.1app 75 l Neztafta K. G. Bu
NEWLANDSCOBUR G Senior Coach : Rick Morris Reserves Coach : Mick Marshan I . P. Coope r
Senior rv Coach : Shane Rule Rese es Coach:Bar ry Funneli 2 . F. Canard I . M 34. T.Mckosh 3 . Ic Frost 2. 0. Fpd:r 35. N . B*r 4 . N. Papadatos 3 S. Fredidoori ' 36. G. Gray 5. D.Mard'r m 4.ACOL 37.A.Chkdo 6. A . Webb 5. S. Ca~y 38. T. Bow '.:. 7W Ced 6. J. Dumare~ 39. SAN" S. J. Tanaselb 7. B. Fwrd 40 . A. B : skalt (VC 9. 0. Griffin ,'... 8. 41 . 8. SatRwn 10. M. Hayes 9. P. Edmwsts 42 . D. Lynch 11 . F. Coscare9a 10, O.Side6dkm 43. K. Curran 12 . It J.Ze6rvws}i 44. G.MolyneaUF 13 . G. Ristk 12. T.Haslcem 45. S .Twner 14 . S . Novrinski 13. W. Brown 46. D. W" 15. D. Morris 36 - P it S Haynes 47. D . Hadky 16. 37. G.. Mar~1 15. At Lewis 48. L M:Nmnara 17. 38. D. Gdgalefto id.B.Beady, 49.It Ma l 18 .M. Lowe 39 . J. AugWstakis 17. M. V-qwa 50, S.Be,*hal ',.. 19. 40. D. G :Nrd s 8. 51 . M . Water 20. 41 . A. Cha* 19. RCarty 52 J.Car:is 21 . R. MarBrwz 42 . 20. J. Matthew 53. J. Madickon 22 . D. Fer~nessy 43 . 21. D. Bernet (VCp) 54. B. Connell 23 . T. R~in~an 44, D. Griffis 21 J. Sa&~ 15. A. C~ . P. Davies 45 . i24 23. S. ~ (Cap.) 56. 25 . J. Re(alo 46. M. Cooper 24. J. Kam 57. 26. P. Mardird 47. 25. J. Nicholas 58. J,L 27. 4B. 26. P.GraxFx 59. B.haynard 28. R. Bazzano 49. 27. L Ryan % K . Rooney 29, 50. C. Hayes 28. M ** 61 . S. Blood 55. 51 . P. SEDP~ 29. W. Lee 62 31 . 52 . 30. C.GLun 63. 32. P. Pashaids 53 . 31 . S.Longert,Rn 64 . T.W~ 33. R. Grffitlts S4 , 32. M. Napier 65 . 34 . D. KeE+pel 55 . N . Zarribelo 33. P.tylk 35. R. Morris 97. K. Moom y
HOTEL North Fitzroy Phone 481 4693 THORNBURY COUGAR S Senior Coach : Gary Culler Res. Coach: Rod Robertson i . IS. Carter 2. A. Maqitney 3. R.butesia 4. B.Robcttsar 5. Gouda 6. P .ar7 6 (Capt) 7. T.Bar(MU S. C . Kr¢kevsk 9. W. Larkins 0. G . ThomPsm I . R. RegoraB 12. S. Lacey
UHSOB Senior Coach : Mark Sed grrkk Rese rves Coach : Gino Maua
1 . R Frejah 2 . D.&abrar 3 . A.Bac e 4. C.Mckercim S. C. Share 6. S .Craskrizl 6. K .Jones(Pes=rves) 7. C . S9.inr c 8. M.Sedgwick 9. RSansh 42. D Warm (C 10. P.Bisra 43 . A. Baukh ~) .Vla,~k . L. Mastroarras 12 I' . c.A C ~i43 M, 13 . D. CarE r 13 .P.M.d.ean 44 .4 .45 G. ~ 14 . M . Goddard (RCap1) 14. D. Rep 46 .. M . P~,s ." 15. M.Da :~ 47. G 1M S . Murdoch (ResVC) 16. P .Go'dlerpe 48 .Crare 17. S . Bartlett 41 . M. g'acobre . B.H+~i 17. B . 49. d F~aie 18. T. Lincoln 42. R. 18 a Hooper 50 .~~ 19.M.,kfxution 43. k04 .D 19.. G..P Mazz 20. R. Abderiour 44 . V. D'Atysto (VC) 20. M.Day, 525t J. e Rogers 21 . R. MaineBi 45 . LJores (DVC ) 21 . S.Bel~ 53. T. R .I ...' 22. W. dosion 47. A.Sen's 22 . D Banned 54 .B 23. R.hamada 48. A. Rocca .G. 23 . D. Koch 2t d . Muscat 49. P.Dodens 24. S.WiNarson 55' MFoaCh 25 . D. Begay 50 . L Uja 25. LGMS 56' W. m ms . D. Ted 26. J. Rabar 51 . P. Tucker 26. C.GzfkN* 57 27. P .qb 52. C. Lkec 27. K.Strahan 58 . D.MaUascn h28 . D.STah . A. ManES 53. 28.;howaf 59 21 R . Robertson 5k A. Crocker 29. M.Drncan 60. 0 S*okfb .G . MAdBn s 30. A Akmbaids 55 . R. Edwards 30 .forse 61 31 . D. Maualds 56 . J. Lr+ersid,7e 31 . M .Vijaen 662, g-Arriddusseri .Oagra 32 . E Pizzato 57. R. Wabght 32. D. &r» 643. P 33 . S. HasvOton 58. 33. P.E&+irgham 65 . J. Poore 34 . P. McDonald 59. . JSabe 34. D. D~ 66 35. S . A 60. . E BeAb 3"s. J. McWtdvr 36. R. Beg~~y (SmOVC) .y 67 . G. PuT~ 36. M. R~So 68 . A 37. P. MazzrotLn 37. G .Cai4era8 69 . C~Be . J.Cdard 32 P. Ms awb 34. A.Barse 70 39. 39 . P. G=ragrxy 71 . J Mazza 40. S. Huxley . B East 40. S. Wri4e 41 M .O'Caner 77. A AiNz
Senior Coach: Gordon Burrows Rese rve Coach : Peter Sacco 1. A. TedieB 2.0 ' Adams 3. J .Bukam 4. P. Diorkico 5. 6. V. Grfinael
Coach : Alex Frazer Resew" : Mick Evans
2 P. 1 3 . P.1 . . .4. 5. 5. E 6C.E '.: 7. J.Bdia 36. D .GLqpf 7. R ( 8. P. ~. M.Gkri#er ,...,.. & P. L.~e ., 9. J. 40. S. HcgJ 1 1!'-'^"; 10. S . Webb 41 . LRvgarzi It. 1.~a 11. J. Bwdckti 42 . J Parairlail. it, &P~ 1 2. S. HAXoa 43 . F . Curcio 12 13 P. Merin 44. M. Lcnis 17. P. Fare 14. 45. 14 . dCt4 aai 1S.6.0'Bnan 46, 15 S.SoNi IS. L DemGion 47 . J. paoricas 6S. Va. 11 . A. Kyrez's qg if. P.Fkt:r 18. V. Rar#b 49. A Triads 19. V. fired so. 19. 6S?Sm 20. G.~ 51 . S.Tacasio 20. JLq 2 J . Kalpados 52 . 21. LSicia 4*. . C Fm 53 . F. Marqi 2L Y.Lubs 230.Es 54.G.PeI 21 J. 24. G . H~ 55 . S. Sa~ 24. S .OSi .' 25. P.Gerrlepro 56 . ~. Alea.~i a 57. R.Sau>dirs 2i P.(~ 21. P. Rarokb 58 . S. Keay 27. 0. Ear 28. D. Leon 59. D.Angrru 28. D.Tsas 29. J. Bounders 60. 2?. P.Q~Sq x J." 61 . 31 dladeal 31. S . Ward 31. RC:4adsro 32. 8 . Widven 3? J. logrola 33. G . McCall 31 S .Oaeff 34. S. Wore 34. B, Cola 35. Pleural 's. 0. ~ i 36. D. Map-ace X P. IN 37. B. Raw 37 . 5. ~ ;fl Y . 83. D.,. :-
Garry Connolly Reserves Coach: Richard Grumme t 1 . G. Darroch 41 . G. Wrdsm 2. R . Hal 42 . D. Ryan 3 D.64ufissy 43. J. Qa'8y 4. M. ' 44. PFttM5 . B. ' m 45. J. Ban 6 J .Disbwoo 46. E . R ecuff 7. C. KerCeM 47. S. G-uft 8. D. Ha➢an 48. D. Marcaan 9. C. Peen 49. M.Rhardspr 10.AKenrwdi 50.TJessen 11. 8 . Sn'dh 51 . A Nvi e '. , 12 N. Rabsds 52 . M.Gtalvm 111. Baa'H5 53. N.Smaners It M.HaPam 54.M. 86M 15. A.KOdoos 55. M.Nhan 16. P.Caccarce8o 56. C. Stephons 17. H. Pe~.w 57. d. et4kc41 18 . P.Wellard 58. D . B=*y 19 . J.Ward 59. L kPam 20. S. Lowe M S. Fraser 21. B . Ted 61, C.Mddel 22, T. Lare 62 . 23. S. Seaton 61 24. U. FogarPy 64 . 25. N .Seeks 65. J. Treeask's 26. d. Bills 66. 27 . M .Hayes 67. 28 . P. Lee 68. K . Carenda 29. AL Glass 69, S. Liloe
X D.Soaerty 70.
31. N.Carah 71 . H. Ken 32. L.PHSCMB 72 . 33 P.Hadgzon 73 . 34. J .Cock 74 . 35. P. Cana 75. 36. M . BcQiey 76. 37 . J. Gadi 77. 38 . C. Cuolahan 78. 39. P. Hanlon 79. 40. G. Suffrran 80.
4. P. &q 4i DK d 47 . D.f"ol'y 49. Rut'. e). AH.tFesa, Y. D.kba :I. S. p. K6ar 57. C.Hado `.A. B.G. 55. P. • `d W.fain $1. TO= S, Flown S. A0 71y. G. R 8s}4 IS iG Slow a,t Da R. 8iBe 6. RM. 66, D. D.6~ tRc 9.PEJt as,¢f
1 . B. BaariN 2 .S.ymtirg 3 . 8 . Ha~ey 4. A . O'Keefe 5. D. Cranes 6. J. Horsaxlrgh 7.D .Jago ,. 8. A. HarsbudN '. 9. C . WFBrger 10. G . Crowe 1 t D. Roderick 12.G.Harris 13. M . Haley 41 . J. BiBrmn 14 . B . SnaUr 42 . B . Gray 15 . A .Baard 43. P . Wer 16. S . Chrisk, 44. T. Marcus 17. P. King 45 . M. Crag 18. D . Caie.n 46. G . Rower 19. S. Parslon 47. A. Hadley 20. E. Szuskie~xz 48. S, Jones 21 . D. Krause 49. S. Hewitt 22. P. 0'MaBy 50. P. Harris 23. S. Porter 51 . P. MarBnsen 24 . L. Fairfield 52, A . linage 25 . S . McLeod 53 . S . Leonard 26 . P . Mesman 54 . B .Oang_wiiek7 27. D. Biiknan 55• 28. C . Pars<ow 56 . 21 D . Hwsdngh 57. 30. C. GaK4n 58. P. Stewart 31 . J . Alan 59 . A. Lipscom4e 32. G . Janldnsar 60, 33. G. Robson 34 . B. 1`60 35. 8 . Frarddin 36 . J. West 37. S . Ctsrupin 38. A . McCarthy 39. M. Gibb 40. A. Tdainon
Senior Coach: Phil Leatham Senior Coach : Alan Elliott Reserves Coach : Reserves Coach: Tony Ryan Nick Magafas 1 . N.6> . uad 36. A .Tiiffias I . A-Haoft 40. R .Baker(RCap 2. W.GrBdha 37.ABord 2. J.Gray 41 . S.Davies a REaSeay 42. E. KavaSaatos 2. D .Dawson 38. T.BeckwKh 4. G.Dares(Cap) 43 J .Takn 3. A.Hrry(CaTd.) ~. LCaRe r 5. CL PaWogou 44 . J. . . 6. M.Sass"sz 45. C.Kevalaraas ~ 5 . D. Macteod 41 . L Rtisards 7. F. Vista 46.9 So~tqs 6. D.Grwe 42 . M . Brewer 7. M.Be~j S. P.INr~ 47. P.Kyte 43. S. Kennedy ,.. 9. J .KMGy 48. L. Brown 7. D.Eti~ 44. c. Fascias 45. B.L7ra 10. S. Fyffe 49. J.heyanod B. B . Ham i1 . S.Corrkras 50. R .CackeB 9. GCase 46. AFaich 12. S. Rchardsar 51 . C. Hdzi3awou 10. M. Holland 47. C . Hal 13 J. Beira 52. B. Rea if . LGrokavs4 48. K. FanTp . P.rob'vzwn 53. B.Ctrkep14 12. N. Baird 49. W.Keain 15. PAonauJtton 54 . A. Baker 13. B.Twq 50. R Kurkonsid 16. S .SmyBw 55. M.0 14 . A.Oadel 51 . D.B&k .tiz 17. J.Jadcwn BE R .Rodlr~aus 15 . dW`de 52. D. Didgearra 18. J .Cur": 57. P.Catk i6 . C. S6g~4on 53. M. hernan 19. S.Baris 58. D . ' 17. M.0'F1~m 54. kL0khw 18. T. Lan~ram 20. P.14'e4ey 59 . H . McDonald 55, MCI" 21. 51,!_Itmara 60. M.Kodmdc 19. P. Dayan 56. 9. Boris 20. D. Whdrairi 57. d. Del um 22. N.).' ;'ac(RC) 61 . M.Rodgers 23. J.AGane 62 . b.Perm 21 . P. Seder 58. J. Dawson 24. D.COar3n 63 . s.CarwPi 22. W. Payne 59. G. Grey 25. G.Malae 64. P.McGrzdh 23. P.McNamra 60. B.matleai 26.y Nc-xgI 65 . S . Dearavgo 24 . D. G+ilIg . P.C calone 27. D.Br~iSSp 66 D .OisiaEo 24 . I .Rfan 70. G .Ckdc 28. K. ButuP 25. R Evans 67. J. Haste 23 . 0.. r 68. M. Ar~rson 26. D. Lee 30. M.Leeis 69. N.Leacis 27. B. Tuck 28. Calds!WDN 30. J. Baskin; 70. R.Vfaace 31. A. Mouchaoca 71 . N. Fidal 29. MJUxHreca 32 S . D'Aro4ea 72 . A. SleeriESen 30. A.Cock(VCap) 33. T.Itamiacn 73. 0. Harris 31 . C.Mc{,:nzie 33. G.dn~+el 74. A.Barter 32 . S.Owo 34. M. Capts 15. S .Stapfofon 33 . T.Carmn 35. J.TassaK 18. I. Mc4b_ice 34. G. Warren 36. C. niche 96 . P.Derdaen 3S. S.Kern-Jay 37 . S.CownF,s
38 . B. Mkak
39. T.Henclarson
OLD WESTBOURN E Coach: David Tvrorrey Reserves Coach: Donn Roderick
E South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Senior Coach: Jack McDonald Res. Coach : David Kilmarti n I . S . DAe 26. P. Kn*t 2 . N. Pashas 26. E. Lov~tt (R) 3 . P . Sn¢8 27. C. LaweB 4. R. Vtds 28. C. Waikley 5 . A . V9ylyams 29. S. Redp afh 5. T. Scarda30. J . Flentjar Harbanson ' 6. C. Darece ' 32. M . Farn-_3. 7.P .Allen NN.Darrz 8.S .Brown 34.C.W^k 8. R . i.a#;ey 34. R I R) 9. G. Sa~rs 35. A 10.N .Ru~tad ~ .M! ~~.n 10. M. Phimp5 37. A.J 11 .A.Michel 37.M ;y(Fi 11 .J .Liddell 38. AT(-_ . G . Larkin 39. AN .-4 ,12 13. S. McCarthy 40. K.1 s7, 14. M. WeaGtaB 41 . C. k :>>s 14.M.Szatz 42.CC15.A.&eah:n 43. K.Tr,-.16.M .Mabrn' 44 .R6' .- . 16.T.Sorel 45. P. .D .Mcl.e7an 46.5EF17 17.C."(R) 47 .R( 8. P. Boya 48 . P.' _ 19 . C. JCtes 49 . A . R. Kovqa 59 . M.20 .P.Shappee 57.8..21 ( 22 . M . Cox 23, A. Barnett 24 . M . Lawrence 25 . J. McDonald
Senior Coach: Mick Marshall Res. Coach: Mark Mussared t. L p -o P. Here
Seniors Coach : A. Larnanna Res. Coach : P. Thomas
2 A 31 R .
3 . iAi-_-~ 34. A~.~.~ . 4. D.T°•~1 35 5. 111, m X 6LI 37.Fool . T.~ 37. D.tio.7 .~.. 8. Cr r 38. BHarer 9. S.Cn.s9 a D. Osborne 10. R' Peg) 40. MRTj 11. P." y 41 . M.TrsA 12 S. s(V.CI) 42 GCc 13 P.air,?,:q 43. BNar 14. S. 4 . > ! 44. i f Ili d . 45 R, :. . . 1 5. 1 4. 1 46 8 It. J.' t.Cat.) 47. P. r 18 d .' . 48 AI 19.M1 1 49,S. 1
20. J 8
21 . 6LL.. 72 k ' 60. D.1,: 61.K6& 62 AB,f 8P 63 . D.I'-~ 111'29y " y 64. R I 9J. S., e 65 C.,. . . 31 .K ~ ore 66. JIM 67. 5. Px ,
1. B .Mean, 37. 2 A .L~narna ~ . A . Antanio 3. Y.HB 39'. J. Pat,ff 4. D .Casur 40. C .Crag ' 5. RLanm 41 . J.Crodca 6. htSeatrodc(YC) 42. N .Basnad 7. M.KaRs 43. D .Tieras 8. J.Jar15 44. 8.0DMXd 9. 45. 10. 46. C ii . T. Ressiter (C) 47 J . Care Wake 12. L WAge 48. H. Kaypw 13. 49 . D.Jm 14 . 60. A. Suhorr 15 . C.Vrtean 51 . A.Sbat 16. J .Hviderson 52 . S. Wk 17 . S. Awp.>g 53. M . Hoaey, 18 . P.Thomas(YC) 54 . C.MACfaI 19 . M . Rxui;m 55 , 20. 56 . M .,kaes 2L 1. Turner 57 . 22 . G. Series 58 . 23 . S.Websics 59 . 24 . ZKrsSe 60 . 25. 61. R.Larkn 26 P.OSiqrnassy 624 A.Wasrwp 28. C. Muray, 63 . T. Beckley 29. M.SRwad 64. 30. P.Hmiason 68. 31. G. Cahn 66. 32. P. Gordon 67. 33. 68. D.Larnarna 34. LTtonas 69. G.Fhdldcet 35. 70. 36. RHaB
Senior Coach: Rod Bourke Reserves Coach: Paul Nikakis t . Rr.°^ ;d. S. put 3. 37. PTs . 4. P~ ,0'c C. 1
' ~p .
tP 2AZ t3. T . 14. A. 75. G. 16. J 17. P le A 9.P .T 2a T., 21 . A. 22. A~~ 23. A" z4.9. 25. C 20. A 27.R ~ G. i9. .
Mark Stevens PANEL SHOP P/L ° e°t'lul' HAIRSTYLISTS for Ladies & Men
Seniors Coach : Gary Ryan Res. Coach : David Rainer 1 . Ly (D1C) 2 & P . 8. 1 (CPes) 37. J''.2 . . 3 A( . 4. C. ( 5 D.! 6 BI 7. F .
9. P.l` ' 44. r. 10. P. rn 45 C. t. D.DeP ! 46 J - . . 12 D.1)c m,2(CR147. P . MT,4Q L .13 I 14. N.1 ~. . 49. A : 15J. :', - SR SR I& J.r 51 . C. o 17.J CZ D. 18.A=`a 51M 19. LF7 54 . S 7 2. GF :. et 55.1 1 21 .M.S& IF, 2 2 57. t& ' 23. C .F..- R D.k.,~s 24 . RI 59. BP.esd 25. D.- E0. KWurd 26AJ 6t KW 27 . R. EZ J Poo cfi. dl--rce 61 S.&s.cel 29 . F. 64 . LI 30. P. 6 5 ,D. I .a 31. (1H, EE S . .r
MONASH WHITE S Senior Coach : Glen Comick Res. Coach: Ronnie Lartdr 1 . M.Dods 2. J .Skna 3. J . f§dt65 4. RAn}ky 5. J . mortm 6. J, Pdm 7 . R Cami9c 8 . A. Forbes 9 . J. Fairweather 10. 8. CoEer 1t . A. Hibbard! 12 . M.Tosaanen 13 . 1.%4 . C.~r4an 15 .H.Beh 16 . N. tRtsg 18. S.Dads 19. G.VanOerZatn 20.M ' 21. Rbrm 36, C 22. G.Carrack 42 . Howe 21 J, Carol 43. M. PJtoden . J .Eduoard 24. M.McLeean 44 25. A . Gk$ :ih 49 . R .Lana7 . A. MoKiisea 26. S . Cen so J Crn>i«A0. 27. 8 . tFtRg 28.. M R Flanmterlal G ~~ . T.Nayeard 29 .Dobbs 76 30. M.Krets 32. J.Stevees, 34. T.Co¢ay 35. LHA n
2 2 40 ' 63. B
L31A72D . GH rC) 97. S.'L;34 ~ ..
35. Rk .. /1 9S C.O---,a
Phone : 9510 131 3
~ rt
Seniors Conn : Myles Landry Reserves Coach : Neil Franks i. S. McLennan 2 . S . McMahon 3 4 . E . Bmven 5 S . Toross! 6 . Warner 7 . N. Franks 8 . P . Ara}us (Capt.) 9. P . Krohn 10. M. Cross ii.A . Land 12. A . CarrpL1 13. V . Bra catisano 14. D. Wan e-Srrtlpt 5. B . Cook 16. S . CladruJCdd 17. L. Barclay 18. S. Glover 44 . C. Bowman 19. M. Bond 45 . C. Mannes 20. C . Landry 46 . D. Brancafisana 21 . S. Baxter 47 . 22. A. Atchison 48 . J. Bxasby 23. M. Ga&uzzo 4924. S. Parsons 50 . L. Mrs, 25.A.Corke 51. 20. A. Thrrpp 52. 27. J . Whelan 51 S . Ferwick 28. B. Tailor 54. M. Oenlry 29. D. Morgan 55. 30. 0. Sims 56. 31 . A. Gross 57. 32 . A. Parsons 58. A. Wads .13. R. Poole 59. M. hayes M . A. O'Neil 60. A. M.artero-sso 3'. A. Bourcly 61 . S. Boast 36 . a . Crean 62. B. Wight 37 . T. Stewart 63 N . Borurren 38 . D. Boctrer 64. 39 . S. Tayior 65. 40 . t. Tresvlut i 41 . S. Farrow 42. A. Bfiggs 43. A. Bauer
Senior Coach : Pater Oliviari Res. Coach: Craig Rkhardson I . P. Versed 44, M. Holiest 2. J . Hal 45. M Bourke 3. G . Scathe 46 W,Sft 4. R Dev2n 47 . D. Nrmnan 5 . M. BMW 48. 1 Photon 6. D. Bich 49. J. Rran 7 . C. F.:ardson 50. A . Staid B . S.C-s 51 . S .Wahh 9 . A. Mme ; 52. J. yoke i0. G. Mrf.r~ 53. A. Ken 11 .L1 54. 12 .6L" 55. 13, W.-56 14 . c.t d 57. 15 .J.L._ ., :J 58. i6. s.Crn 59, 17. C. McLeod 60. M. E,0 18. F . Dapie 70. R HayaYad 79. J.Ev~ 81 . T. Friend 20. A.FaL l rmr 21, ID,, : 22. 8.1 ~ . .~nzce 23 G. d 24. r., 2 5. 5 . 1, 26. J. S: 27. s. Lyxcn 28. J. Tucker 29. G.Hwnren 30. P. Harruorl 31 . M. Om', by 32. 8 . W&on 31 R, Taylor 34. AL Darmylson 35. C . WAarm 37. KTeSad 38. P.Pfr.!an 39. J . CA 40. G .Arra40 41 . S.Ckykm 42. C.McfaAarw43. B.SduBz
~~nE INNNN /ui:2 & QIST"\ SALES IAN O .C. Senior Coach : Peter Turley Rese rves Coach : Damian Sutherland 1 . M.Bor¢Iw 2, 38. P.Bx.dard 3. S. '"redard 39. B .Oion 4 . B M.Bnan Scram 40. M.SJt~~d 5. .Caaavan(C) 41. S. Bob : 6 . M .Ckts 42 S .Bsr11 7 . G.Gzoozi 41 z6rar 8 . M . Hazel 44. C. F 9a . M..DCrw;}nua 45 IA' CU. 9D . N 4n P' 0. D.owrer 47. T.!.' it. RCaoofta 48. P. r 12. a. Bested 49. D . 13 . I.Btte4k ~. R~ ., .I 14. P.Md(ro-ap 5t . D 15. T. Waft'5 16. A.CttiapF_ .. 517. M.Forbis(RC) 5'. 18. S. S'sldax 55. D nxs 19. A . Healey SG S -vatl 20. A . Sea9ar 57. D. G 1 5 <an 21. r.Naloci 58. LW '-,ay 22. M. Power 5o L En :.n 23. C . Rode 6 k! 24. A Grace 61. D. : 25. B. Kirchner 62 E . Gaosan 63. G-I26C 27, v,nc 27. M. Mardiekl 64. !r F 6^ ; 28. M. " 6s J. T= v 29. M. Forbes 6b . S, b7wr]1A 30. D. Laxkn 31 . B.McLvQy 32. A.%,ens 33. M. Wesnan 34. S. Roberts 35. C. Zoit 36, s . Nolan 37, J. Brennan
ST. PATS MENTON E Savior Coach: Brett Sebire Reserves Coach : Peter Lewis I. D.Fereasih 2. M.Cosgrove 3. K . Wood 4. P.LeaG(PZSC) 5. ONtYaxznd ( ;C) 6. L Davis 7. K .Gtalkr(Caq) . P~ (OVC) 39. R Gredt 9. D 40 . D. WA I. P.Enaneft 10. 8 . Se6re (C) 41. C. Fraser 11 . Pfalmos 42. C. Brown 12. M.Daviei 43. M.Bao 13. A.Gaq 45. G.Barry 14. T.A"'sm 46. M.Gra,Pn 15. M.Suban 47. M.OVarogtaw . J .McCatltrf 48. M.Wakh 4. C.Slky+an 49 . M.Cerfilek 18. T.S.yvan 50. A. Ladcls 19. D.Prosser 51 . M.Hdsmay 20. C. Groves 5Z D . Fan 21 . D. Baley 53. D. Noonan 22. P." 54. O." 23. M .S~ren 55. M.Y~nxrks 24 . ACanns Fb. B.(YDay 25 . B. Buns 57 . SGuce 26 . P, Wheat, 58 . J . Noonan 27 . M .Yk- 59 . C. Dorv:gce 28 . M .0'Bri:o QC) 63 . T.Gixz 29 . SHauker 61 . D.Hooler 30 . N.Freese 64 . S.Purr."ss 31 . A. Watch 65 . C. WA 32 . S. Ryan 66 . D. Brennan 33 . D?rAro.r (RJC) 67, G. Caprano 34. P. Hddiream 71. P. Mo{hy 35. M. Grand 36. C. SLqncens 37. SWiritr/ 38. S .Perazz o
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ELS i E-'-t I \iirViGr ;: 4,
Round u_
:_: Da.~Ad Hecan (De La Salle) ~ i']0 Mat
WINNER, Fi ~-;i aarc~ rv«PM LrMr (i~tarthcots : E~i u . )AiIS4rlcR Round 41, Queston~ l,Vhieh Sponsors Ecgo appsars on lhe masipead of ~ne .5 Ser,-ion column Leave youranswEr, n-~roe and ccrract no . on fhe VAFA ansvrerirg machin : nighL eafir8PImS C", IS 0 V V.~'ii
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Refer display elsewhere, however NB if shorts are worn they must be white club shorts only. If tracksuit pants they must be navy blue onl y
L SOUTH SECTION by Damien Batey
ithout any surprise victories last week, and only one d`+ close match, round 3 looked a little flat . Perhaps th e only redeeming game last week was the closely fought match between M onash Gryphons and Salesian . No love was lost between these two sides, as they battled unyieldingly to maintain their unbeaten form of the first two rounds . At the final siren, a mere 12 point margin was a fitting difference between two evenly matched sides . REVIEW - ROUND 2
Although the Monash Gryphons were defeated by Salesian, they should focus on harnassing the good points that they showed against a very competitive side . The contest opened with a competitive first quarter that saw the Gryphons up by three points at the break. Whilst the closeness of the game continued throughout the day, it was Salesian who almost threw the game away with their inaccurate kicking. Two Salesian players peppered the goals with a combined total of 0 goals 16 points straight . It wasn't until the final term, when Mark Wiseman lifted, that Salesian were able to break away .Mark Canavan and Mick Hazel were also players that helped Salesian to their important victory . When Peninsula travelled out to meet with Powerhouse, a big game was expected to have been had between two of last year's finalists . Unfortunately, this was to be a game that like many others of the round, when it became a runaway victory for one of the sides . This time it was the Pirates who would dispirit Powerhouse, by handing out a 139 point vanquishing . At quarter time Powerhouse looked to be within striking range, trailing Peninsula by just one goal . However after the first change, the Pirates were able to recapture their running game, and score goals in quick and consistant succession . Warne-Smith was again the focal point, adding another seven goals to his prospering score tally . Not to be denied however, was Bond, who managed six goals from the wing in his best on ground performance . Cam Landry was yet again in the thick of things, as Peninsula booted another thirty plus goal score at the Tennis Centre oval . Glenhuntly who were looking for their first win, could find no joy in its match against St . Patric k s . Despite Glenhuntly's early efforts to stay with the Vultures, they could not match the akill level and pace that was displayed by an enthusiastic Si . Pat's side . At the opening of the match Glenhuntly shcwed some mettle, challenging St . Pat's at every contest . The Vultures had the opportunity to set up a match winning score line in the first quarter, but failed to kick accurately enough . The Glenhuntly defence was on top early, dropping loose defenders back into the path of the St . Pats forwards . But the persistance of Gary and Chris Sullivan, who presented strong leads, helped St . 34
Pat's set up a multi pronged attack. After half time, the Vultures were winning right across the board, when it was truly able to set up its running game . Hillerbrand was moved to centre half forward where he combined with Murphy, Stephens, Gangi and Sullivan to create an effective forward zone . Brett Sebire played well as an attacking back pocket, whilst rover Mark Davies was able to effect many fonvard moves by working the ball towards St . Pat's goals from centre bounces . For Glenhuntly, their third loss will come as a disappointment, but at stages in last week's match they showed potential for growth . Oakleigh continued their success with a resounding 72 point win over Elsternwick . The Krushers more than doubled the Wick's scoreline, to make an assault on a position in the four. It was a timely win for the Krushers, who have now moved level on wins with Monash Gryphons . A victory over Glenhuntly today could help entrench them in the four . Elsternwick are winless so for after having played three tough rounds, the Wicks will be prepared today however, when they meet with ANZ Bank . ANZ Bank opened their account last week with a convincing victory over the hapless Monash Whites . After a fairly even first half, the Zedders were able to hold a modest lead going into the main break . In the second half, it was ANZ who were to stamp their authority on the game . By monopolising the possession in the midfield, and setting up their forwards with an offensive backline, ANZ were able to apply scoreboard pressure on the Whites in the third term. Late in that quarter, Monash fought back with a flurry of goals moving towards a tough final quarter . The 15 goal avalanche piled on in the second half for ANZ, was enough to steer them to their first win . Best for the Zedders were Matt Malone with 8 goals at half forward, Paul Boyle at centre half forward, and Matt Lawrence on the wing . Monash Whites look to be in trouble this season, because after having played two of the competition's weaker sides, they still remain winless . The road ahead won't become any easier in the short term, when the Whites prepare to take on an unbeaten Salesian side today . PREVIEW - ROUND 4
Peninsula's grip on the top section of the ladder shouldn't loosen when it meets with Monash G ryphons . The Gryph's had a chance to show their potential last week against Salesian, but fell short by a couple of goals, Whilst the Monash side is quite clearly an improved unit this year, it is feasible to tip a Monash victory . The Pirates have made light work of their opposition so far, but may be tested in forthcoming weeks . St . Patricks Mentone play host to Powerhouse at th e
Patterdome today . For the Vultures, this is there second chance to overcome one of last years finalists . An intensely physical game could be on the cards here, as these sides took part in some tough clashes last year . In the two games played by these sides last year, the honours were split . Today's game could go right to the wire, but the Vultures will be a tough side to override on their home ground . Oakleigh, who are looking to secure a spot in the four, meet with Glenhuntly today. Glenhuntly's start to the year has been nothing short of disastrous, and the signs are that todays match will be just as tough for them . At stages last week Glenhuntly showed ability, however their potential in this competition may remain untapped for quite some time. Two sides who have struggled so far this year, ANZ Bank and Elsternwick, meet today . The Zedders opened their account last week after a poor start to the season that has been worsened by continuing ground allocation issues, the Wicks have not yet reached their potential of last year, but are a good chance to give their season a shot in the arm today. In the final match of round 4 between Salesian and Monash Whites, it appears as if a one sided affair is highly probable . Naturally, favour would be placed on Salesian who have not put a foot wrong at this stage of the season . SOCIALS Salesian holds its Annual Cocktail Night at the clubrooms after its home game against Monash Whites . All are wiecome for a big night! 8 o'clock start . St Patricks will be holding their always successful Trivia Night on Saturday the 11th of May . Contact PaulMurphy or Mick O'Brien for more details. ~~?r~'•`,.~ ~
50 games - Darren Scott i Darren plays his 50th game for Salesian this week . Darren joined the club in 1990, and spent his last 3 years in London . A reliable backman and a great clubman, Salesian wishes him well .
SENIORS YONASH GRYPHONS 4 .3 8.3 14.6 16 .7,103 SALESIAN OC 4.7 8.11 12.15 15.25 .115 Yonash Grypbons Healey 4, Hazell . McKnight 3. Grace, Byrne 2, Wiseman . Beat Hazetl, Wiseman, Sutherland, Roche, Quinn . Salestan OC Goal Kickers and Best Playerls not received . POWERHOUSE 5.4 6 .4 7 .7 10.11.71 PENINSULA oB 6 .3 13 .12 24.14 32.18 .210 Powerhouse Craven 5, Birch . Robinson . Missaglia, Hall, Richardson, Best Evans, Birch, Hall, Craven. Peninsula OB Warne-Smith 7, Bond 6 . Landry S. Cross 4, Franks 3, Torossi, McMahon 2. Poole, Bowen, Corke . Best Bond, bowen, Landry, Atchison, Claringbotd, Warne-Smith . GLENHUNTLY 0 .0 1.0 1.0 1 .2 .8 ST PATRICES MENTONE 5 .8 9.10 14 .16 23.19.157 Gleahuntl' Goal Kickers and Best Playerls not received . St Patricks lsSeatone Sullivan, Stephens 4, Murphy . Fenech 3, Gangi, Davies, Hillebrand 2, Grant, Holloway, prosser . Beatt Sebire, Perrin, Fenech, Prosser, Davies, Sullivan. ELSTERNi7ICE 2.1 3.3 7.4 9.4.58 OAHLEIGH 9 .2 12.8 15.12 19 .18 .132 Elstemwick Mussared 3. Andrew. Leon 2 . McKenzie, McIntyre . Best Surnam, Trease, Murphy, McKenzie, Mussared, Bravington . oakleigh Billing 4. Donadel 3 . Flinn, Kitts, Marshall 2 . Alexandrou, Bloomfield . De Bono, Hatzis. Moutis . Redford . Best Billing . Adamic, Taylor, Walsh, Moutis, Avaleris. MONASH WHITES 1 .5 5.6 6.8 8.11 .59 ANZ BANK 3.4 11 .5 15.6 24.8 .152 Monask Whites Vandeaalm 3, Riddle 2, Veal, Tossavainen, Forbes . Best Riddle, Cormick. Utting, Collier, Van Der Zalm, Sprague . ANZ Bank Malone 8, Boyle 6 . Lawrence 3, Smith . McDonald 2, Cox, Walkley. Phillips. Best Malone . Boyle, Lawrence, Phillips, McDonald, Walkley.
RESERVES MONASH GRYPHONS 2.0 2.1 4.3 5 .4 .34 SALESIAN OC 4.5 7.7 11.8 13.10.88 Monash Gryphoas Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Salealan OC Bowman 3. Abbott . Mcl.aroy, Brown, Roberts 2, Rice, Alligan . Best Abbott, Bates, Seager, Fitzgerald . bic[ .aroy, Rice. POWERHOUSE 1 .2 1 .2 2.7 2 .7 .19 PENINSULA OB 3.3 4.3 4.4 9 .9 .63 Powerhouse Wilson, Lee . Best Scalzo, Tucker, McCardel, Newman, Williams . Peninsula OB Campbell 3, Hellier, Marks, Monterosso, Met .orinan, Becher. Warner. Beat Monterosso, Bonner, McLorinan, Bleasby . Dentry. Scown. GLENHUNTLY 0 .0 0.1 0.1 0,2.2 ST PATRICES 7 .6 12.12 16 .17 28.24 .192 Glenhuntly Campbell 3, Hellier . Marks, Monterosso . McLorinan, Becher. Warner, Best Monterooso, Bonner, mcLodnan, Bleasby, Dentry, Scown, St Patrieks Davis, 5, Capuano, Allinson, Emmett 4 . Hawker, Barr 2, McCarthy, Horler, Merlo, White, Lewis, O'Brien, tadds . Best Barr, White. McCarthy, Emmett, Capuano, Hawker. ELSTERN-WIC% 0 .0 2.0 4 .4 6.5.41 OAEI.EIGH 7 .7 11.8 14 .13 20.16.136 Elsteraviek Parrish, Grandemange 2. Heath, Broderick . Best Parks, Ray, Parrish, Munn, Marshall. Butler. Oaklelgh Polgar 6, Monaghan 4, Templeton, Leslie 3, Persikomatis 2, Wood, Maddocks. Best Persikomatis, Stirling . Monaghan, Polear. Leslie. Niko. MONASH WHITES 0.1 2.2 3.2 5,3,33 ANZ BANE 2.2 3.4 6.5 11 .5.71 Monaah Whites Cowley 2. Kratsis . Dods, Whinray . Best Cogley, Lamb, Krebs, Whinray, McKissock, Dods. ANZ Bank Farrell 4, Curtheys 3. Bennett, Heyes, Jeffrey . Best Heyes, Jeffrey, Lovett, Knight, Redpath, 2ynne.
~ 7_--P) t 1)L®~]
PENINSULA OB v . MONASH GRYPHONS Field : M . Rossarto . ST PATRICKS MENTONE v. POWER HOUSE Meld: M. Argall . OAKLEIGH v. GLENIiUNTLY Field: B . Bain . ELSTERNWICK v. ANZ BANK (Game switched from original draw) Field : R, Burns, A. Gordon. SALESIAN v . MONASH WHI TES Field: A. O'Connor, S . Rolls.
, _n~)
CLUB XV111 North & South ~; Norm Nugent nd 3 result continued to surprise with evi,dence to form fluctuation over a week by some sides as well as evidence of overall improvement by other sides. A success rate of 62 .5% leaves me a lot of room for improvement . REVIEW OF ROUND 3 Nort h Hawthorn Citi zens made me prediction reality as they were largely untrobled to defeat Kew by sixty four points after a one sided contest . Like many other sides over the past seasons Coll egians suffered defeat at Therry when improving Therry side won their match by twenty seven points . In the upset of the round North Old Boys made a come back of Lazarus proportions to defeat St Bernards by eleven points . Again St Bernard's may have had inaccurate forward work to blame . However any excuse only detracts from North Old Boys preformance . i.larcellin really had a day out against the under manned Old Ivanhoe who despite the determined efforts of captain David Supa in the midfield, rover Kim Ho, defender John Valiotis and forward Robert Wise succumbed to the soaring "Eagles" by one hundred and seventeen points Old Essendon Grammarians had the bye . South De La Salle stamped their return on their standard of 1991 when they defeated a surprisingly inaccurate Old Xaverians by seventeen points . De La made the most of their opportunities and one doese't need to be a Jesuit scholar to know that bad kicking is bad football . Again Old Geelong failed to meet my expectations when they were defeated by Old A'ielbiirnians by twenty two points . To rank as a top side Old Geelong must introduce consistency into their game plan . In the closest match of the round P,iazenod just managed to defeat St Kevin's by five points at Central Researve. Old Scotch recorded their first playing victory of the season when they easily defeated VLIT by eighty two points at Farnsworth Avenue . Old Brighton had the bye . PREVIEW OF ROUND 4 North Hawthorn Citizens should be able to maintain their unbeaten record when they travel south west to
play Collegians . I suspect Collegians main hope will be to run the Citizens around the Harry Trott with a quick and wide bai movement. Hawthorn Citizens are my selection Close rivals North Old Boys and Therry meet on th Gillon Oval. North staged a great revival last weel but Therry have displayed consistently good for ove three seasons . I select Therry to make their recon four in a row . St Bernards travel east to play 01 ( Ivanhoe who also have revealed fluctuating form . S Bernards must make full use of their opportunities o : else they will face a battle to regain a top rung on th( ladder. Today I give them another chance by select ing St Bernards to win at Chelsworth Park . Thf improving Marcellin journey Keilor to tackle anothei AGS member in Old Essedon whose two outings thi : season have not revealed much evidence of deep football talent . Accordingly I select Marcellin to wir again and thus stamp themselves as potential finalists for the first time since 1992 . Kew, who langisb last, have the bye . South Old Xaverians should be able to regain their winning way at the expense of Old Geelong, who will not field sufficient taient to enable them to defeat the "Crocodiles" . The St Kevin's versus Old Melburinans game promises to be a closer contest with the winner assured of a place on the higher rungs of the ladder . St Kevin's, who have displayed better form than Old Melburnians are my selection . ASazenod face the great trek westwards to meet VUT, who have not yet been really competitive in 1996 . Today I expect the improving Mazenod to prove too talented and to win well . The match of the round is that at Brighton Beach between Old Brighton an d reigning premiers, Old Scotch . It is always difficult for visiting teams to win with the variable sea breezes blowing at Brighton Beach and Old Scotch do not play as well away from their Camberwell comforts as they do there . However today I beleive overall talent will prevail and I expect Old Scotch to record a meritorious victory . Leaders De La Salle have the bye .
CHARTEREDACCOUNTANTS Ground Floor, 77 Station Street, Malvern 3144 Victoria Australia Facsimile : (03) 9509 237 9 Telephone : ( 03) 9500 05 1 1 36
THE AMATEUR FnnTRCi i c â?&#x2018; +ooc
WILL DAVIS PLAYS HIS 1 00TH Gr3 ;dE Old Geelong congratulate Will Davis on this week reaching his 100th game for the Club .
CLIJB < :Vili NORI-H Bl+""fHORN CITIZENS 3.6 6.10 10.12 14 .16 .100 B3rR 2.1 3.2 4.6 6.6 .42 Hawthorn Citizens Zavarella 4, Bowe, Hure 3, Sill 2 . Richardson, Murray . Best Lagletta. Power. Bowe, Murphy. Murray, Benton . Sea Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . TBERRY 2.1 5.3 9 .3 12.4 .76 COLLEGIANS 2.3 4.6 5 .7 7.7 .49
Theory Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .
Collegians Gonzales. Gay 2, Dunne . Lee, Jones. Best Gay. Taylor . Lee, Conroy, Nancarmw.
(9) 11 (2) 7
ST BERNARDS 0.3 2 .7 4 .7 4.7.31 NORTH OLD BOYS 3.2 4.2 5 .3 56 .7.43 St Bernardo Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Nort h Old Boys Considine . Lanyon 2. Carroll, Plant . Best Lanyon, Carroll, Considine, Plant. Cahill, Ryan . MAItCELLIN 4 .7 9 .8 13 .10 19 .15 .129 OLD IvANHOE 0 .0 2 .0 2.0 2 .0.12 MareelBn Doddoricio 9 . Treganowan . Sticca, Edmonds 2 . Pertich, Theisz, Kennedy . Paonessa . Best Dodor[ecio, Kent, Edmonds, Pertich . Sticca, Daffy. Old Ivanhoe King . Myees. Best Super, Mustafa, Valioths. Welsz, Ho, Purcell .
CLUB gVIII SOUT H OLD %AVERIANS 0 .1 2.4 2 .6 2.10 .22 DS LA SALLE 3.0 3.2 4 .3 6.3 .39 Old %averians Kinna, Dalton . Best Meehan, Court, Curtain, Landrigan . Kinna, Orsini. De La Salle Wightman 3, Classon, Tessier, Farrell. Best Clothier. Curren, Bourke, Brabnes, Wightman, McHenry. OLD MELBURNIANS 2.2 5.4 8 .8 8.8 .56 OLD GEELONG 1 .3 2 .3 3 .3 5,4,34 Old Melburnisns Bowden. Stanton, Connell 2, Nielson . Osborne . Best Bowden, Hutchins, Osborne, Cordner, Jensz. Old Geelong Oddie 2. Hammett. Knight, Petitz . Best Knight, Hammett, Jackson . Bum, McMitlan, William , MAZBNOD OC 2 .3 6 .3 6 .7 7 .7.49 ST. HEVINS 1 .0 2 .3 3 .5 6 .8 .44 Mourned OC Halvy, McLean 2, Poulter, Occhipinti, Neil . Basil Welch . Lane, Trigg, Halvy, Hall. McLean . St. Bevins Nanfra 2 . O'Brien, Quinn, Hooper. Quirk . Best McDonald . cosgrifi Wood, Miller . Hooper. Nanfra. VGT 1 .0 3 .2 5.2 7 .2.44 OLD SCOTCH 6 .8 11.10 14 .15 18 .18.126 Viyl' Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Scotch Pryde 4, Deakin . Itlingworth 3, Bingley . McLeish, Young 2 . Stasiuk, Hardy . Best Young, chambers . Aston, Desmond, Langley . Clunies-Ross.
i; E.OUND THE GROU~]'.J` ~9 s
At 3 .10 each Saturday afternoon Phil Stevens can be heard on Southern FM (88.3) giving an "around the grounds " half-time score service . If you are the home team this weekend please phone Phil between 10 to 3 and 5 past 3 giving- the 1/2 time or close to half time score of your match (plus a few quick highlights if time allows )
Phone Phil on 015 773 900 4
Hugh Lyon
U19 SECTIONS by Brett Connel l
Knitwear High scores and close games rn e for a great RounAlare c REVIEW OF LAST WEEWS MATCHES Division One
0 Id Paradians battled bard for the first half against Uni Blues before the Blues hit their straps . For Parade none were better then Dintinosante and for the victors, Fricher an d Beltrame and Strack with (4) goals were hard to go past . Old Xavs outplayed De La Salle for the major part of the day, in De La's defence a number of their side would have been on call in the seniors, but I am told so too do the Xavs have many U19's in the seniors at this point in time . Therry did not welcome Collogians at Glenroy with a halfhearted display . Geoff Porter had this boy primed for- a win and they did this comfortably, although the (3) goal (14) behind second half would not have pleased Geoff a win is a win . Old Melburnians proved far too strong for North Old Boys holding an eight goal advantage at half time and eventually winning by 15 . For OM's Rutherford (7) and Miller an d Waddell were fine players . St Bernards won their second game on the trot at home when they overpowered AJAX after a slow start . Collins and Ianzano tried harder than Burman an d Carew. Division (2) White Tipped as the match of the round Warringal were jumped at the beginning by Old Geelong and then battled all day to draw closer . For Warringal Camerlleri and Harte battled hard, and for Old Geelong Wilson, Bingley and'Paul were prominent . Williamstown have begun the season in terrific fashion and last week ran away from St Leos WP Emmaus in the second half. Cocks and MeCutcheon were excellent players with Elhaouhl amongst the goals . For St Leos WP Emmaus McCann, Smith and Brown were always in the thick of things. De La Sall e (2) faced the might of St Kevins an d how they felt it. A(15) goal to (2) first half sealed the match with Greenham, Livy and Large destroying the opposition . In the final game Old Camberwell thrashed Bulleen-Templestowe . Straighter kicking may have seen some sort of record produced but this was not to be . For the victors none were better than Hancock (13) goals and Hardman (7) . For the Bullants King, Lambropoulos and Papadopoulas were gallent in defeat. Division ( 2) Blue Ormond outlasted Caulfield Grammerians at the EE Gunn Reserve, with an (8) goal final term . Weidermann and Metz were prominent for Ormond with Stumbles booting (7) for Caulfield Grammer . Beaumaris blew away Old Brighton in the first half and were never headed . Pitts an d McIvor again the driving forces, and for Old Brighton Jackson and Brown were good players . Monash Blues and Hampton Rovers were to fight out a 38
close match, the Rovers in the end home by (1) point, but it should have been more ha d they kicked straight . Hickey, Mcivor and Horsfall with (3) goals were steady players for the Blues, while Anderson and Zuker lead from the front to see the Rovers win their first match for the season . Old Haileybury's last half was part of the difference, and Mazenods poor kicking, in the match at Waverley last week. (8) goals (2) to (4) goals (9) by Old Haileybury was enough to see them run out winners in a close match . better players from Mazenod were Occhiuto an d Riley, while Walden and Poutney were the best for the Bloods . Division (2) Re d Old Scotch jumped Old Paradians (2) at Bundoora and with a (9) goal third quarter were never in trouble . Phelan and O'Connor were good players for Old Parade, while it was hard to go past Panton and Eagle for Old Scotch . Old Carey maintained their unbeaten record by defeating Whitefriars in a close match . Griffen and Davis for the Friars were best, while Murphy, Oppy and Bedford shone for Old Carey . Adarcellin outpointed Old Trinity in the match of the round . Badanjek and Blaek were prominent up forward with Roberts an d Stephens brillant around the ground . For Old Trinity this was a minor setback and will give coach Leigh Coleman planty of ammunition to fire the boys up this week . For Trinity Shaughnessy and T. Cade were good players . In the final match of he round Yarra Valley hosted Chirnside Park at Stintons Reserve and in an excellent close match all day Chirnside Park had their noses in front at the finish . With Yarra Valley in front by (8) points at 3/4 time it was anyones match, but a (2) goal (11) to (2) goals (2) final term saw the Parkers home for their second win for the season. PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAMES Division One De La Salle an d Old Paradians clash at Elsternwick Park today in what will be a terrific battle . The spaces at EP will suit both teams and in close one I'm tipping De La Salle . Collegians host Xavs at the new Harry Trot and I cannot see them troubling Pat Hawkins' boys today. North Old Boys host Therry at the Alec Gillon Oval and with (1) win a peice this will be dificult to select . North Old Boys on the rebound will be in front (just) at the finish . AJAX clash with Old Melburnians with Mark Zuker (OM's) coaching against his old side . This will be a fierce contest with OM's proving a little too powerful all over the field today . Uni Blues host St Bernards who are coming off two good strong wins at home . Uni Blues must start well and if they do should win, however any relaxing and Kevin Mahady will make sure that the Bernards take full advantage of the situa-
tion . Uni Blues with crossed fingers . Selections: De La Sa lle, Old Xavs, North old Boys, OMs & Uni Blues Division (2) White Williamstown and Warringal will be another battle royale . With both sides having good easrly season form this one will be tough to select. Williamstown with a home ground advantage but Warringal are on the rebound after last week . In a toss of a coin Williamstown at home. St Kevins take on Uni Blacks coming off the bye and will be no match for the might of St Kevins overall team work . Bulleen-Templestowe host De La Sa lle (2) at the Ted Ajani and with De La Salle (2) also wearing an alternative strip due to a designated jumper clash . I beleive that the Bullants are not far away from posting their first win and today will be the day. Old Geelong and Old Camberwell clash in what will be a last man standing affair at Como. Both sides form has been good early and will no doubt both be prominant in September, early psychological advantages are important so this match shapes as a beauty. With a home ground advantage and (1) more win to their credit Old Geelong but only just . St Leos WP Emmaus have the bye .
Selections : Williamstown, St Kevins, BulleenTemplestowe & Old Geelon g Division (2) Blue Old Brighton host Ormond in what will be a test for the Brown and Blue, on form Ormond to win but Old Brighton could surprise . Hampton Rovers and Beaumaris clash at David Street and despite the Rovers coming off a meritorious victory Beaumaris will prove too strong forward . Old Haileybury will defeat Monash Blues comfortably at McKinnon, with Monash never to be taken lightly as last week proved . In the final match Caulfield Grammerians and St Kilda Sth. Caulfield battle for the second win of the season . Caulfield Grammarians if they can play four quarters of football will win in a tight match . Mazenod have the bye. Selections : Ormond, Beaumaris, Old Haileybury & Caulfield Grammarian s Division (2) Red Old Carey and Old Paradians (2) clash out at Bulleen and with Old Carey setting the trend for this section I cannot see them being troubled today. Old Trinity will bounce back from last weeks loss and win well over Whitefriars . Marceffin with too much firw power up forward should win against Chirnside Park, and Old Scotch should do likewise against Aquinas who are coming off the bye . Yarra Valley have the bye . Selections : Old Carey, Old Trinity, marcellin and Old Scotch.
5 YL ._i3 E1.GO-1991
°~3ection Press correspondent, Peter Hille, had selected .' names for the ten teams as follows : - Brewers, Botanists, Van Winkles, Shamrocks, Sailors, Elitists, Socialists, Backyard Boys, Young Poets' Society, Stationmasters. Can you name the clubs? (Answer next Minor sensation in 'D' Section where two players in the same team were sent off for "audible obscenities" - namely swearing at each other? Peter from Peters gh rang the club to say it proved that at Como there was definitely Not Enough Discipline. 120 VAFA Coaches attended the annual VAFA Coaches Night and resolved to form a VAFA sub-group of the Australian Football Coaches Association and elected the following office-bearers : President, Mike McArthur-Allen ; iecretary, Craig Jackson ; Committee, John Simpson, John Heenan, Garry Connolly, Ken Bremner, Simon Meehan. 'B' Section coaches were John Simpson (Bany.), Richard James (Kew), Mark Parker (Old Brighton), Bert Calvert (Old Merit.), Michael Mulvah311 (Old Parad .), Alan Johnson (Old Trinity), Bruce Ferguson (Parkside), Frank Dunell (St. Bernards), Steven Cerni (U. Blacks) . Who coached Old Xaverians ? De La had started to show the tried and true formula used by the great De La teams of the late 70s and rolled Old Scotch 22 .15 to 14.12 . Best were Rennie, Hegan, Campbell P. Green (7 gls.) and Twitt, F.ag1e, J. Hart (Old Scotch) .
First draw for the season was in 'F with Salesian aid Old Carey scoring 14.15 each Anthony 'Savh4 Grace put on a Tlviggq Dunne effort to score the last goal to give the Poets a draw against the Brewers . Best were Bobetic, Quinn, Perua (Salesian) and Chipp, Bryan, Cuthick (Old Carey). 10 YEARS AGO -19fi 6
Editor of the "Amateur Footballer" Peter French profiled former St Bernards "A" Section premiership coach, Gus Mitchell. Gus named his best St Bernard player as Brian Mahoney and Bob Spurling (NOB) as his best opponent Chris Hansen (Old Trinity), Bruce Bourne (Ormond) and Greg Wade (St Bernards) were some of the best amateur players he's seen. (For the record Gus, A VAFA State Selector in 1990 was Chairman of Selectors at Fitzroy in 1991 . NR] Merit award winners were Ken Blay (Kew), Bruce Bourne (O.*m .), Vivan Francis (Sate Bank), Harry Leigh (NOB), Peter Se lleck (MUFC), David Urquhart (Old Melb .), Walter Johnson (UHSOB), Cliff Basto;v (West Brunswick), Jim FYdge (Geelong), John Miles (Ivanhoe), Peter Nathan (St Bemards), Graham Simpson (Umpires). "A" Section coaches were Laurie Aghan (Bull.-Temp .), Greg Tootell (Caul . Gr.), Bruce Ferguson (Coll.), John Po llard (De La Salle), Alan Salter (I'hoe), Neil Le Lievre (Marc.OC), Mark Hanneberry (NOB), Mike McArthur-Allen (Ormond), Barry Price (Old Scotch), Robert Lamb (Uni . Blues) . 40
Fi r
(Quiz : How many of the coaches played VFL Football? Name them and their clubs . Answers next weel:. ] De La Salle lucked 5 goals in the last term to beat North Ol , d Boys by 5 points, 11 . 12 t . Bes ,13 t Edwards Deveson, Ryan o Co ke (De La) and Grif n, 10 .Obbert (NOB) . Old Mentonlaw Club Best and Fairest (8 times), Gary Norton, played his 250th game . Gary had also won 2 VAFA Section Best and Fairests. 15 YEARS AGO - 198 1 Interstate training squad was named . Players in the squad included: Rick Marks (AJA)Q, David Matthews (Caul . Gramm.), Mauro Borcich (NOB), Rick Pisarski (O .Melb.), Sam Assetta (T'town), Tom Mason, Peter Sherwen (O.Scotch), Russell Barnes, Phil IVlehrten (Ormond), Bernie Angel (St Benards), Mark Tyqnin (U.Blues), - all still playing in 1986.
[Quiz: Name the player who is an Executive Member in 1996?] Umpires Association Office Bearers were Jim Peters President, Don Dodds Vice-President, Richard Tracey Secretary , Michael Woodruff Treasurer, Brian Goodrnan Assistant Secretary, Graham Cavanagh Social Secretary, and on the Executive Don Hi llier, Joe Segota and Ray Woolley. In a highciass even game U .Blues led at each change by 5 points, 1 point, 7 points and won 15 .17 to 14 .12 . Best were Yeo, Whitehead, Curnow, Hindle (6 goals) (Blues) and Fletcher, Fishh, Stone, Buchanan (CG) . Princes Hill (E) had a good win against Mentone Old Boys 16.23 to 8 .8 . Among the best for Princes Hill was "Meldn .un (4 goals)", (Paul Meldnzm went on to star with Carlton). 20 YEARSAGO-19'76 In a sensational term, North OB (A) leading U.Blues 9 .13 to 9 .7 at the last change, kicked 9 .2 to 7.2 to win by 19 points. Carroll (4), Anderson, S.Magulre (NOB) and Booth, Lyle, Hager (Blues) were best It was a big day for University Blacks (A) streaked away from Ormond in the second half to win by 7 goals with Moore, McKinnon, Holland, Beiliield, Dyson, Borne the stars for Blacks .
150 games to Malcolm Titsha ll (O .Brighton), Lloyd Oakley (0. Camberwell), Barry Lyons (De La Salle) and Ron Bungey (O.Mentonians - consecutive) .The financial wizard of Ivanhoe, Ralph Bourke, 172 games to his eredit, was married to Mary at Lukes Restaurant, Carlton . 200 game player Peter Quinlivan, Ivanhoe's -wandering gigolo, returned after 6 months in WA Quiz : Among the names above are : (1) VAFA Executive Member, 1996 . (2) Former general Manager of Sydney Swans. (3) AFL Tribunal Member. Can you name them ? Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
25 YEARS AGO - 197 1 Captain of North Old Boys, Les Murray became the first player in the club's history to play 150 games . Les had aiready won his clubs Best and Fairest award on three occasions and been the runner-up three times . He was the sole survivor of the club's first "E" grade team. "rl Section captions were Henry e Halasa La Salle), (B Tan Cameron (Ormond), Daryl Tucker (Collegians), Gary Arntott (St Bernards), David Hughes (Old Scotch), Barry Church (Univ. Blues) . Who captained Coburg, Caulfield Gi=marians, MHSOB, Monash Blues ? Tim Collie played a superb game for Moorish Blues with 8 goals from a half-forward flank in his team's 2 point win over Uni Blues and wrin the match with 2 goals in the last five minutes. Final scores were 16 .17 (113) to 17.9 (111) . 30 YEARS AGO - 1966 Coburg's defeat of Old Scotch and Melbourne High's win over Old Paradians left MHS alone on top of the ",S Section premiership list MHS won it in the first quarter, kicking 4 .3 to 1 .1, and only managed 2.6 after quarter time . Parade spoiled their chances by kicking 4 .11 .
Surprises in "C" Section were wins by Hampton Rovers and West Br unswick over previously undefeated North Old Boys and Monash UnL Ken "Bones" Rogers, after 15 years and 277 games with Kew, had finally hung up his boots . The club had
recently honoured Ken's dedication by naming the best first year player trophy the "Ken Rogers Trophy" . Ken won interstate selection also in his long career . John Dillon was elected to the Ececutive Committee of the VAFAin place of Mr Geoff Moore who had resigned . Collegians faresvelled Nell Evans after 150 games as Neil
was off to Berkeley University, USA to study under the American Space Programme. 45 YEARS AGO - 195 1 Ormond continued its slump when ivanhoe's (up from "B" Section) kicked 6 .4 to Ormond's solitary goal in the last quarter to win by 7 points . Skipper Wal Sparks, Neil Whittaker, the Clarkes and the Rosenhergs were 'Hoes best while Stock, Sheehan and Hardy battled like tigers all day for Ormond. In a stirring finish Old mellnurilans beat Univ. Blues by a point - 16.13 to 16 .12. Old Xaverlans, down from A Section, and without a victory after 3 games, were hoping that, under captain-coach Esmond Downey and experienced players in Gordon I,aird, Mick Peppard, Brian LeFebvre, Jack Greenway and Adrian Schrader, victory would be soon then . Kew after 30 wins straight, went down to Malvern for whom Teddy Jane, Dave Bills, Fred Booth and Rod Curtis were best Trophy winner for Kew was Ken Rogers, superb on the wing - yes, the same man you read about above - 15 years later.
~J ✓ L L`, 1 ~~ ~\r-~ ~ ~ Q t171L ' - L~~
DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED BY HOME TEAM Club XVIII and Reserve Sectio n FINAL SIREN SCORES - to VAFA Administration by 3 .00 p .m . PHONE 9531 8333 Senior Section and Under 1 9 FINAL SIREN SCORES BEFORE 5 p .m . - to Nancy McTaggart by PHONE : 9528 ' J 9528 7 1 A and B Section Q by Q SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SIX BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams) To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m . PHONE : 9531 8333
-900-130-300 VAFA ASSISTANCE - Phone : 015 773 900 ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
> Continued from Page 39
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 OLD PARADIANS 1,2 4 .4 4.6 5.8 .38 UNIVERSITY HIM 2,7 4.10 9.12 12.16 .88 Old Paradises Dintinosante, Ploenges 2, Flynn, Baker. Best Studd. Dintinosante, Flynn, Joyce, Wilson, Woodham. University Blues Strack 4, Halligan, Kuc, Whitehead 2, Brockley. Eastaugh . Beat Kuc. ricker, Beltrame, Fatrbank, DemaJ, Strack . OLD %AVERIANS 16 .21 .117 DE LA SALLE 10 .12.72 Old %averlsns Goat Kickers and Best Players not received . De La Salle Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . THE RRY 2.4 7.5 8 .12 10.19.79 COLLEGIANS 0.0 2.2 2.4 4 .7.31 Therry Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Collegians Luff, Vandervenne, Brown. Sayers . Best] Brown, MeLeod, Vandervenne, Caldwell . Champion . OLD MELBURNIANS 5 .6 10.11 16.17 22 .22.154 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .0 2,5 5.5 7.5,47 Old Melbuxnians Rutherford 7, Berry, Murray 4, Coach . Miller, Sewell, Purcell. Morell . Stevenson, Chariton . Best Miller, Waddell, Jenkins, Berry, Sewell, Law, North Old Boys Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST BERNARD5 1 .2 9.8 15.12 20.15 .135 AJAX 4 .5 5.6 6 .8 9.11.65 St Bernards Collins 8, lanzano S . Ferns 2, Tirell, Overman . 0'Sulfvan . Tankey, O'Callaghan. Best Peel. Loughlin, Bateman, lanzano. Collins, Patience. Ajax Carew 3, DAvis 2 . Grosman, Mohr, Roth . Rogers . Best[ Burman, Carew. Mohr. Rath. Segar. Steiner .
UNDER 19 2 WHITE WARRINGAL 2,3 6.6 7.8 13.13.91 OLD GEELONG 5 .7 7.12 13 .18 19,27.141 Warringal O'Connell. Witcheil 3 . AttardL Corralled 2 . Benton, Harte . Peters. Best Camelleri, Harte. O'Connell . Heare, Attardi. Jackson. Old Geelong Collins 4, Plowman 3 . Wallace-Smith . Jeffries, Hall 2. Bingle9. Campbell . Paul . Humphris, Cole, Mims. Best Wilson, Bingley, Paul . Bostock. Hall, St. Clair. WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 3 .3 7.5 8.9 15 .17.107 ST LEO'S EMMAUS 2 .4 4.5 7.6 8.6 .54 Will iamstowa CYMS Elhaouli 4. Burgess . Hunt, Kennedy, Mackley 2, McCutheon . Matthews, Thomas. Best Markley. Cocks . McCutheon, Wuchatsch . Matthews. Thompson . St Leo's Emmaus Newry 4. Brown . Hodder. Vozzo . Witby . Best Brown . Smith, McCann. Ludlow. Newey, Mitchell. DE LA SALLE 2.1 2 .2 2 .2 6.2 .38 STREVD7S 6.4 15 .5 21 .10 26.12,188 De La Salle Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. St Nevins Greenham 7. Gargano 5 . Pickering 4, Pangrazio, O'Brien 3, Finch, Kuring, Livy, Quirk. Best Greenham . Livy, Large, Rizio. Fields. McGuiness. OLD CAMBERWELL 7.10 14.20 27 .22 41,31.277 BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE 0 .1 1.1 2,4 2 .4.16 Old Camberwell Hancock 13 . Hardman 7. Taylor 6. Seeley 4, Paterson . Sims. Gleetny 2, Dendvan . Cook, Williams, Campbell. Watson . Best Hancock . Hardman . Taylor, Denovan, Herdman, Seeley . Bulteea-Templestowe Papadopoulas, Walker . Best King, Lambropoulos, Papadopoulas . Daskalon, S . Mountaw, B . Mountaw.
UNDER 19 2 BLUE ORMOND 3 .1 9.8 11.12 18.20.134 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 7 .1 8.2 10.5 10.8 .68 Ormond Lehner 3 . Franklin, Head . Larkins, Metz, Stielon, Weidermann 2 . Courtney. Murphy. Hester. Best Weiderham . Metz, Catkin. Fintayson, Franklin . Lehnelr. Caulfield Grammar Stumbles 7. Yates. Townley, Babarczy . Best Bowes. Cutler, Cuny, Goldsworthy. Babarcey, Stumbles . BEAUMARIS 3.2 6 .4 12 .14 14.17.101 OLD BRIGHTON 0.4 5 .7 6.7 12.11.83 Beaumarls Blackie 6, Boctor 4 . McKenzie . Thatcher, fisher, Van Den Blink. Best Pitts, Mclver, Vance, Thornton, Blackie, McKenzie , Old Brighton Balmer 3, Price, Brown 2, Dennis . Kent, Lewis. Liptrot. Beat B rown. Jackson, Alderson, Kent Wilson . Farnham. MONASH BLUES 3.7 6.8 9.10 10 .14.74 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .6 5.14 8.19 9 .21 .75 Monash Blues Horsfatt 3 . Baxter 2, Cameron . Leadston . Mcivor. Rust . Wagstaff. Bestl Hickev, Mcivor, Riordan, ;{azenwadel. Baxter . Horsfall. Hampton Boeers Nelson 6. Marinis, James . Holt. Best Anderson . Zuker, Crouch . Martyn . Allence. Nelson . MAZENOD OC 1 .4 3.12 4.14 7.21 .63 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .2 4 .4 10.5 12.6 .78 Mazenod OC Occhiuto 2 . Ward . t'awkins . Egan . Quinn. Sykes . Best Occhiuto. Riley, Di Scala, Kelly. Egan- McDowe l . Old HaBeybury Warden 5. Ladd, Carson 2. Gyms. Langford-Jones. Trotter. Best Walden, Pountney, Hunter, Langford-, .:ones . Langfordzlones- Carson .
The VAFA "Amateur Footballer" is proudly sponsored and printed by :
C Y P R E S S 9 7 6 3 4 0 8 8 42
OLD PARADIANS 1 .0 3.3 3.4 3.6 .2' OLD SCOTCH 4 .7 10.10 19 .18 24,25 .18<, Old Paradians Phelan 2, CosgrifL Best Phelan, O'Connor, Cosgritf, Hildebrand Cosgri$ Watson . Old Scotch Parton 9, LittleJohn 6, Crane 4, Eagle 3, Andrews, Tindale. Best Pardon, Eagle, Davis, Crane, Stevens . Thompson. WHITEPRIARS 3.1 5.4 8 .6 9.7,81 OLD CAREY 4 .4 8.13 10.16 13.19 .97 Whitefiiars TartagKa 4, Molloy 2 . Beattie, Tartagua, Pawlick, Best Griffen . Davis Pawlick, Mika, Eames . Tartaglia . Old Carey Collins 3, Murphy, Oppy, Smyth 2, Woods . D'Anna. Sall, Battle. Real Murphy, Oppy. Bedford . Spencer. Detarezynski, Pratt. MARCELLIN 3 .3 5 .9 9 .11 15 .15 .108 OLD TRINITY 2 .3 4 .3 10.9 13 .11 .89 Marcellin Badanjek 4, Black 3, Stephens . McMahon, Karavasilis 2 . Moran, Roberts. Best Roberts, Stephens, Moran, Armstrong, Karavasilis, Crosby . Old Trinity Newman, Arrowsmith 3, Shaughnessy, Powell 2, Cade, Liondas, Power. Best Shaughnessy, Beardsley, Powell . Newman, Cade . Sheehan. YARRA VALLEY 3 3 5.8 7.11 9.13 .67 CHIRNSIDE PARK 3.1 7.2 7.3 9.14 .88 Yana Valley May, Telford 2, Casano,'1Wshing . Batshaw, Wapshot, Drew- Best Morris, Ty shing. Drew, Gadd, May . Telford. Chirnside Park Piccioti 3 . Adams 2, Allatt, Myers . Markovski, Holliday . Best Myers, Kerr. Mays, Allatt, Dalton, McKinnon.
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SECTION 1 DE LA SALLE v . OLD PARADIANS ( EP Sat .) Field : B . Schmidt, G . Gioras ; Goal : L . Wilson, P. Allsop . COLLEGIANS v. OLD XAVERIANS Field : M . O'Brien, M . Pinney . Goal : R . Dunstan, K . Pitcher . NORTH OLD BOYS v, THERRY Field: A . Price . AJAX v . OLD MELBURNIANS ( Oval 2 Fawkner Park) Field : B . Corcoran, I . Cayzer ; Boundary : D . Blackburn, N . Harper . Goal : S . Kahn, G . Clancy . UNIVERSITY BLUES v . ST BERNARDS Field : M . Forde, B . Stewart ; Boundary : M . Jelinek, C . Hayes . WHITE (2) WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS v . WARRINGAL Field : B . Tamblyn, S . Davie . ST KEVINS v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : D . Miller, J . McGuran ; Goal : G . Wright, J . Kelly . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v . DE LA SALLE (2) Field: R . Eastwood . OLD GEELONG v . OLD CAMBERWELL Field: P . Tuppen, C . Rennick ; Goal: B . Seymour, D . Murray. BLUE (2) OLD BRIGHTON v . ORMOND Field : T. Williams, R . Marlyn ; Boundary : P . Coe, C . Stevens, HAMPTON ROVERS v . BEAUMARIS Field : M . Gibson, L . Gallagher ; Goal : J . Robinson, S . Lamble . OLD HAILEYBURY v . MONASH BLUES Field : G . Morgan, D . Archow, CAULFIELD GRM . v . ST K ILDA STH CAULFIELD Field : G. Kelly, L . Demytko .
RED (2 ) OLD CAREY v . OLD PARADIANS (2) Field : B. Buyck, C . Keeton . OLD TRINITY v . WHITEFRIARS Field : K . McMahon, R . McArthur . CHIRNSIDE PARK v . MARCELLIN (1 .15 p.m .) Field : A. Stubbs, D . Ischia . OLD SCOTCH v . AQUINAS Field : A . Garrick, R . Killey : Goal : P . Gluyas (R), J . Salter .
MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jurrping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"
- `~ Club Travel
UMPIRES CORN Ez-Fa by Steve McCarthy and Anthony Damen
his round we see a great milestone for one of our more popTular field umpires. Graham fihwaites - clocks up game number 200 today . His Profil e Nickname: Ssswaa qaisseeey! Memories of his first game: A very hot day and I got a very poor mark . Occupation: Uniformed public servant. Car: Going (just) . Personal motivation: See nickname . Words of advice to youngsters : Don't retire too early . Suggested improvement to football: Change AFL uniform (no baggy shorts) . Pet Footba ll hates: Whinging supporters . Hobbies/other sports: Music . Favourite Food : Seafood Drink : Beer, spirits beer . Favourite movie : Any Arnold Schwarzzenegar movie. Last Movie seen : Jumanji. Boyhood sporting idol: Viv Richards. Best Amateur Footballer seen: C . Capiron (St. Kilda CBO), J . Gilham (Banyule) . Most memorable match : Whitefriars beating Aquinas by 1 point . Biggest influence on career : Benny Goodman and Neville Nash . Best Umpires : Tim Shearer (and Bushy) . Last Book read : Unlimited Power . Your Ultimate non-footy sporting fantasy: Sharon Stone . Dream Guest at a dinner party: See above . Ambition in football : Hmmm! - Thanks Swaisey - hope its a great day for you . This week we introduce a new instalment to Umpires Corner . Ronny's Rule of the Week! Each week we will feature a rule or interpretation supplied by Ron Lippold our skills coach . This week we feature the very topical subject of tackling covered by rule 11 .5 .5 "A player in possession of the ball who has a reasonable time (prior opportunity) to dispose of the ball must, when legally held by an opponent firmly enough to retard his progress, dispose of the ball by a kick or handball within a reasonable time of being held, otherwise a free kick shall be awarded against the player for failing to dispose of the ball in a legal manner" . Changes from previous
instructions on tackling the player in possession and implementation of the above law are : 1 . When a player has a reasonable time to dispose of the ball and is tackled legally - and the ball spills to the ground. Free kick to tackler for illegal disposal . 2 . When a player has had a reasonable time to dispose of the ball and is tackled legally - and the ball is pinned to him . Free kick for holding the ball . # *~~k # And for those who don't know much about Ronny, here's our first "Adviser Profile" VAFA Games : 102 plus . Nickname : Lippy . Memories of first game: Panton Hill seconds - on idea! Occupation : Hydraulic Engineer . Car : Toyota Landcrusier . Personal motivation : Take pride in what I do and having a 'passion' for football. Words of advise to youngsters: Check out her mum - that's what she'll end up like . Suggested improvement to football : Go back to two-umpires system or just make it four. Pet Football hates : Whingers and snipers. Hobbies/ Other sports : Bike riding and drinking red wine. Favourite Food : Vietnamese and Pavlova. Drink : Red Wine . Favourite Movie : The Deer Hunter (see favourite Food) . Irma La Douce. Last Movie seen: Dead Man Walking . Boyhood Sporting Idol : Ron Barassi . Best Amateur Footballers seen : Russell Barnes (Ormond), Stuart Hinchen (Collegians) . Most Memorable Match : First A grade game - De La Salle v North Old Boys . Biggest influence on career : Tail - light fihommo - VFA . Best Umpires: John Horwood, Peter Wiseman . Last Book Read : 'Sheeds' by Tom Prior. Your ultimate nonfooty sporting fantasy : Pushbike riding through Kakadu . Dream Guest at a Dinner Party: Muhummed Ali, Dawn Fraser, Ron Barassi, Gough Whitlam and Shirley Maclaine. Ambition in football: North Melbourne win the premiership in 1996 or Jose Romero winning the Brownlow . MACCA AND A D
Enthmiasm Love your Sport
This cycle of 'enthusiasm, hardwork, succes : more enthusiasm, more hardwork and more succese builds champions. Its true that success breed success.
a', fter reading many books and articles on how to ~~ improve the athlete, (dietary requirements, skills, physically, mentally etc .) it occurred to me that all too often the most fundamental of senses is overlooked . While browsing through "The Edge" by Howard Ferguson, I came across this article below, which I believe is the most important attribute for any person or persons to have to succeed in their chosen field . I trust you enjoy this passage . If you really love you sport, you'll be able to maintain your desire to excel . Don't fake enthusiasm . Some athletes do for a short time, but can't keep it up. The practices becomes too long and too hard . When that happens, your lack of love for the sport will force you to leave . Many athletes start out with a love for their sport, but soon lose their enthusiasm when they don't achieve immediate success . It's important to obtain success to maintain enthusiasm for you sport . Each victory brings renewed enthusiasm which makes you work harder.
But when you lose, your enthusiasm is gone . Yoi work less because you fell "down" . But now is whei you really need enthusiasm the most to pick yoi back up . For its easy to maintain enthusiasn when you're winning, but its c ru cial to maintai i it when you lose . The solution is to get enthusiasti, about something. Its virtually impossible to bi unhappy when you're doing something you reall, love .
Surround yourself with people who love their jobs or their sport, you'll pick up on their enthusiasm, foi its very contagious . You can't feel enthusiastic jus on your good days . You have to be enthusiastic a110. the time. That's what makes champions so differen from other athletes . They don't dwell in self-pity, feel ing sorry for themselves when things go badly . They are enthusiastic all of the time . "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack oi knowledge, but rather in a lac k of will" - Vincent Lombardi, Garry Connoll y Senior Coach Uni Blacks AC
Clubs must phone final siren scores to Nancy 9528 3319 (before 5 p .m .) before ringing through Q/Q scores ; goalkickers and best players (both teams) to EP 9531 8333 (before 5 .15 p .m . ) PATRONS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BRING ALCOHOL INTO ELSTERNWICK PARK OR INTO ANY VAFA VENU E
MARKETING NEWS by Phil Steven s
Over recent years the photocopying machine and fax machines a t VAFA Administration have endured an horrendous workload an d recently our photocopier has not just become ill, but has died . Enter Laurie Innes, President of St Mary's, and an Area Manage r for KONICA - Laurie just happened to be at Elsternwick Park when the machine was giving its last gasp and after a couple of coffees in the boardroom KONICA and the VAFA had agreed on a neat little sponsorship arrangement where we will use and recommend KONICA machines in exchange for reduced charges to the VAFA for the use of KONICA machines .
In this, the first year of the arrangement we will work hard to establish a business link between the two organisations - in the ensuing years we will work at a system of rewarding clubs and club supporters with a rebate system who purchase KONICA TOUGH products .
CÂŽPIE R S ,~' f A 1'~
BLADES sport footwear have revolutionised traditional football boots and have developed unique boots with angled rubber ribs and a distinctive X-shaped heel support to give superior comfort, stability and surer grip when turning - essential to all players . BLADES sponsor Footscray FC, the VSFL umpires and individually sponsor Paul Wade (Socceroo great) and top rugby international players . We hope that as many VAFA players and umpires this year experience the difference that a pair of BLADES boots will make to your performance . To motivate players and umpires to make the move to BLADES the following incentives are offered : 1 . Each VAFA club is asked to submit to the VAFA a list of players who wear BLADES boots in matches conducted by the VAFA - this list must be received by the VAFA before the end of June . Shortly after this date a draw will take place and 2 players will be drawn and will receive a special edition BLADES tracksuit . As well a payment of $250 will be made to the club that has the most number of senior players observed regularly wearing BLADES boots . 2 . Similarly VAFA umpires will have two names drawn after the end of June, and two BLADES' umpire boot wearers will also receive a special edition BLADES' tracksuit each .
A very big welcome to two new VAFA sponsors - KONICA and BLADES .
C~)RTS A ' N1 .®1 /i Proud to be a Sponsor and th e
Official Supplier to the VAFA
156 .GEORGE STREET, FITZROY, VIC 3065 TEL: (03) 9419 7344 FAX : (03) 9417 7419 TOLL FREE 1 800 654 147 (Country & Interstate only )
At last yeaz's Executive seminar it was directed that distinctive tops to be selected by the Assoc'ti h d t b orn by the above officials as they carried out their on-field duties . ia on a o e A subsequent review of this matter at Monday night's executive meeting has lead to the following to apply : 1 . Most club officials were decked out in the proper tops . Clubs that didn't conform will be heavily fined each wee k until this is done . 2 . The following clothing must be worn to compliment each official's top Runners - Each runner must wear either white club shorts, one of the green runner tracksuits that have been designed or with his top a navy blue pair of tracksuit bottoms . Water-carriers - Each water-carrier to wear a pair of white club shorts or a pair of navy blue tracksuit bottoms. Should it be cold the only other top able to be worn is to be a yellow plain waterproof jacket . Trainers - Following a submission from our Trainers' Association the direction that trainers be all clothed in white has been slightly altered to read as follows : All trainers must wear plain white tops should it be cold the only other top able to be worn is to be a white plain waterproof spray jacket . White trackpants, trousers or white shorts can be worn or a pair of navy blue tracksuit bottoms . 3 . All the above items of clothing are available from VAFA Properties (phone 9419 3199) and a special offer is available to clubs who wish to buy a reasonable amount of stock from VAFA Properties at once : If a club orders 2 complete runners' tracksuits ; 3 pairs of navy blue tracksuit bottoms runners and water-carriers) ; 3 yellow water-carrier waterproof jackets and 2 white trainer waterproof jackets(for by this coming Monday (May 6) your club will receive a discount of 5% with the account being not payable until the end of July . PRICE LIST : RUNNERS TOPS (GREEN) $26 .50 WATER CARRIER TOPS (YELLOW) $26 .50 COMPLETE RUNNERS TRACKSUIT $69 .00 NAVY TRACKSUIT BOTTOMS $29 .50 YELLOW OR WHITE WATERPROOF JACKETS $29 .50 ONLY WHITE CAPS TO BE WORN (with V logo) 86 .7 5 Clubs had until last Friday to nominate a new pick-up point, including a new city pick-up point . Late nominations will not be considered and pick-up points and delive ries will stay in place for the rest of the season , 46 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
Clubs are reminded (and we are assured) that teamlists will appear in the Amateur Footballer this week Round (4) May 4. Clubs have been asked to submit their teamlists for Seniors, and U19 and Club XVIII (if applicable) . The deadline for these lists was Wednesday April 10 . All clubs not listed in the Amateur Footballer in Round (4) will be fined accordingly . Now that teamlists appear on a regular basis exchanges only need to occur if there is any variation from published teamlists, i .e. senior (21) players and their jumper number .
Could I take this opportunity of drawing your attention to a number of displays that have featured in the "Amateur Footballer" over the first three weeks of the season . It is important that these be read and understood - please contact Administration should your club be unsure of the meaning of any of these messages . Provision of "After Match Scores and Match Details :
Clubs are advised of the fines situation regarding poorly filled in teamsheets . Previously a club was fined $5 for a teamsheet which contained one, two or any number of errors . As this has had no effect on club performance in this area, the Executive now rules that : - a club will be fined $5 for each error up to 5 errors for each teamsheet submitted (max fine $25) . - if the number of errors exceeds 5 the club will be charged under the "conduct unbecoming" rule and be asked to explain why a substantial fine should not be imposed for this tardiness . P . Stevens on behalf of VAFA Executiv e
md I pge 5 ; rnd 2 pge 25; md 3 pge 25 . Melees - rnd 1 pge 19 ; "From the VAFA" md 3 pge 31 . Pick-up points for Amateur Footba llers - md 1 pge 23; rnd 2 pge 111 md 3 pge 17 .
Quit Club Info-Line - md 1 pge 29 : md 2 pge 10 . Half Time Scores/Senior Matches - md 2 pge 29 ; md 3 pge 21 . Investigation procedures - "From the VAFA" mud 2 pge 31 . Runners, Watercarriers, Trainers Clothing - md 2 pge 30; "From the VAFA" md 3 pge 31 . VAFA Alcohol Rules - today's Editorial .
Next week "Amateur Footballers" can be picked up from 4 venues, the three previous points plus Melbourne Sports Books . Unless clubs asked for an alteration by last Friday pick-up points stay the same. There will be no further changes for the year .
~J-d ~~E LE 3 ÂŽ ':~ t s77~, A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs , throwing each other to the ground or other or oth er similar such conduct" 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St Kilda St) is only opened on the occasion of an A SECTION SUNDAY MATCH. Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials 47
W L ND FOR AGST ?: PTS 3 A SECTK OLD MELBURNIANS ) 0 380 180 166.67 12 OLD SCOTCH 3 0 002 203 138.92 12 COLL EGIANS 2 1 0 315 82 230 136 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 1 0 257 212 12/ .96 .23 8 ST BERNARDS 2 1 0 268 368 87.01 8 MAZENOD O C 1 2 0 259 258 100 4 OLD HAILEYBURY 1 2 0 227 252 90 .39 .08 4 DELASALLE 1 2 0 191 261 73 4 OLDXAVERIANS 0 3 0 227 282 80 .18 .50 0 ORMOND 0 3 0 151 291 57 .89 0 BSECTlON OLD TRINITY OLD 3 0 0 467 118158 395 .76 12 M H PARADIANS S O B 3 0 0 355 224 .48 12 1 0 230 182 151 .04 8 THERRY CCOB 22 1 0 275 255 107 .64 8 OLD BRIGHTON 0 198 219 90 .41 8 IVANHOE12 BANYULE 2~ 0 304 266 114 .29 4 OLD IVANHOE 1 2 0 247 247 100.00 4 1 4 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 0 3 0 175 3351 52. 20 54 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOIYE 0 3 0 142 444 37 .69 .98 0 SECTION ST KEVINS C3 0 0 305 206 148.06 1 2 57 KILDA STH CAULFIELD 3 0 0 300 233 128.76 12 THOMASTOWN 2 1 0 283 248 114 .1i 8 MARCELLIN 1 2 0 281 270 104 .07 4 OLDGEELONG 1 2 0 245 257 95 .33 4 OLDMENTONIANS 1 2 0 288 304 9474 4 A JAX 1 2 0 266 286 93 4 STBEDESJMENTONETIGERS 1 2 0 242 292 82 .01 .88 4 HAMPTQN ROVERS 1 2 4 VJHITEFRIARS 1 2 0 0 231 236 283 298 81 79 .63 .19 4 MONASH BLUES D SECTIO N 3 03 00268 189 12 OLD CAMBERWELL 0 301 228141 132 .80 .02 12 PARKSIDE 2 1 0 233 174 133 .91 8 50UTH BANK CBAAFC 2 1 0 206 189 108 .89 8 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 7 1 1 216 206 104 .85 6 CAULFIELDGRA6IMAR 1 2 0 281 236 iig07 4 ST JOHNS O C 1 2 0 226 196 115.31 4 KEW 0 2 1 277 375 73.87 2 69.90 UNIAVERS TY REDS 1 202 28 2 0 2 0 12207 335 61 .79 2 AOUINAS O B E EAST SECTION 523 187 279.68 12 ELEY PARK AFC 2 00 O1 239 119.25 10 ST MARy S 302 207 145.89 8 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 2 1 0 254 129.13 8 CHIRNSIDE PARK 2 1 0 294 302 97.35 8 ELTHAM O C 343 93 .00 4 BULLEENCOBRAS 1 2 0 319 259 81 .08 4 OLDCAREY 2 0 2t 0120 3 320 74 .69 4
330 410 24.88 0 112 328.57 12 130 173 21® 50 12 280 175.71 8 210 118.57 8 306 107 .52 4 288 78.47 4 462 50.43 0 239 48.54 0 619 7 .11 0
105 347.62 12 202 297.03 12 234 16239 12 236 143.64 8 223 143.05 327 96.94 4 372 76.61 4 380 51 .84 0 390 29.74 0 546 17.77 0
106 350.00 12 138 258 .70 12 201 191 .54 8 339 82.60 8 239 104 .60 4 256 76 .95 4 262 74.81 4 259 70.66 4 339 41 .59 4 298 25.84 0 44 1020.45 12 790 193.16 12 176 150.57 12 138 349.28 8 259 142 .47 8 171 54 .97 4 261 43 .30 4 355 39.44 0 748 8.42 0 163 316.56 12 91 254.96 12 188 149.47 12 209 113.40 8 205 150.25 4 374 52.14 4 332 51 .51 4 381 35 .43 4 299 55 .85 0
UNDER-19 (2) RED OLD CAREY 3 0 0 358 144 248 .61 12 OLD TRINITY MARCELLIN 2 1 0 311 167 186.23 8 2 1 0 312 216 144 .44 8 OLD SCOTCH 1 6 282 215 131 .16 8 AOUINAS OC 22 0 133 134 99 .25 8 CHIRNSIDE PARK A F C 21 120 y1HITEFRIARS 0 t07 159 i75 19861 60 .14 8 OLD PARADIANS (2) 1 2 0 88 255 34 .30 4 4 YARRA VALLEY 0 3 0 129 375 34 .51 .40 0
., ; ,
W L D FOR AGST % PT 3 RESERVE 0 0 SECTION OLD MELBURNIANS A 2S9 84173 308.33 1 UNIVERSR'V BLUES 3 0 0 244 141 .05 1 COLLEGIANS 2 1 0 261 218 119.72 OLD XAYERIANS 2 12 01168 163 103 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 174 219 79 .0 7 DELASALLE 1 2 0 248 172 144 .45 .19 OLD SCOTCH 1 2 0 176 135 130 .37 MAZENOD O C 1 2 0 188 208 90 .38 STBERNARDS 0 3 0 122 317 38 .49 ORMOND 0 3 0 80 263 30 .4 B RESERVE SECTIO N 2OLDTRINY 323.00 1 ; OLD PARADIANS 3 0 0 323 100 OLD BRIGHTON 3 0 0 337 129 261 .24 1 ; MHSOB 3 0 0 232 122 190.16 . 1 862049 I NORTH OLD BOYS 1 2 0 275 223 123.32 BANYULE 1 2 0 180 255 70 .59 THEflRY CC08 1 2 0 101 158 63 .92 OLD IVANHOE 1 2 0 768 264 63 .64 BULLEENTEMPLES TOWE 0 2 1 124 220 56 IVANHOE 0 3 0 92 343 26 .36 .82 ( SECTION OLD GEELONG C RESERVE 3 .00 17 ST BEDESfMENTONE TIGERS 3 00 0 236 80 295 0 246 141 174 .47 i : AJAX 2 1 0 209 iti 18829 E MARCELI .IN 2 1 0 187 118 158 OLD MENTONIANS 2 1 0 248 157 157 .47 E .96 E ST KEVINS 2 1 0 182 15 5 .42 E ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 1 2 0 139 25B58 53.88 4 THOMASTOWN 0 3 0 140 239 .5 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 717 3 0 105 252 41 WHITEFRIARS 0 0 3 0 99 280 35 .67 C .36 MONASH BLUES D RESERVE SECTION ST JOHNS 0 C 3 0 0 261 78 334 .62 12 241.73 8 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 1 0 307 127 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 2 1 0 2a7 120 164.29 8 PARKSIDE 2 1 0 204 134 152 .24 8 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 1 0 986 134 138 .81 8 KEW 2 1REDS 0 120 139 86.33 8 UNIVERSITY 0 3 0 73 239 30 SOUTHBANK C B A AFC 0 3 0 100 332 30.54 0 0 BEAUMARIS A F C 0 3 0 91 365 24 .72 .93 0 O 8 E EAST RESERVE SECTION AQUINAS STMARYS 3 3 0 0 431 110 391 .82 12 0 0 232 168 138 .10 12 OLD CAREY 2 1 0 231 129 179 .07 8 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 2 1 0 220 144 152 .78 8 BULLEENCOBRAS 2 1 0 146 788 77 .66 8 RICHMOND CENTRAL 7 2 0 262 276 94 .93 4 CHIRNSIDE PARK 1 2 0 183 219 83 .56 4 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 2 0 109 208 52 .40 4 ELEY PARK A F C o 3 0 143 237 60 .34 0 SWINRURNEUNIVERSITY 0 3 0 54 332 18 .27 0 UNIVERSITY SLACKS E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTIO N 3 0 0 330 52 634 WILUAMSTOWNCYMS 3 0 0 357 140 265 .62 12 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 1 0 326 94 346 .00 12 .81 8 OLO WESTBOURNE C 2 1 0 302 183 165 8 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 1 0 258 167 154 .03 .49 8 AF NE4YLANDSCOBUR~O R 1 2 0 141 294 9 6 147 4 LATROBEUNIVERSITY 1 2 0 109 233 46 .64 .78 4 U H S O B 0 3 0 89 353 25 .21 0 THORNBURY COUGARS 0 3 0 13 459 2 .83 0 SECTION PENINSULA O B E SOUTH 3RESERVE 0 0330 69 478 .26 12 OAKLEIGHAFC 0 0 400 94 425 .53 12 SALESIAN 0 C 3 335 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 2 1 0 12 1~ 331 47 PO lER HI~SEHONS 2 2 0 173 190 91 .05 8 .33 4 S ANZALBERTPARK 1 2 0152 2t6 166 131 259 58 .69 4 tAONASH WHITES 0 3 0 03ELSTRNWICKo0985 M 3 9 17 0 GLENHUNTLY 0 3 0 45 493 988 .13 0 XVFO NOROT H HAWTHORN CITIZENS CLUB 3 0 1334 91 371,1 THERRY 3 0 .62 18495 12 MARCELLIN 2 9 0 967 89 987 .64 8 STBERNARDS 2 1 0 164 111 147.75 8 OLD IVANHOE ' 0 714 131 87 .02 8 COLLEGIANS i 2 0 164 142 115 .49 4 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 2 0 59 203 29 OLD ESSENDON 1 2 0 48 225 21 .06 4 4 KEW AFC 0 3 0 97 221 43 .33 .89 0 DE LA SALLE OLD XAVERIANS OLD SCOTCH MAZENOD O C OLD BRIGHTON GR ST KEVINS
CLUB XVIII SOUT H 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
0 0 169 92 183 .70 1 0 197 80 246 .25 1 D 148 133 111 .28 1 0 itt 150 74.00 1 0 79 110 71 .82 2 0 i97 169 116 .57 2 0 129 148 87 .16 2 0 126 151 83 .44 2 0 102 225 45 .33
8 4 4
rom .the moment- YOU make thi Yove:to .Quit smoking you'll finc our body.;getting back in shap e Within two hoursof stoppin g
re is no more nicotine in youi oodstream. 6hnurc - vniir haarl
tieat sTows down and your btoo c ;,pressure starts to drop . After] ust a day you'!t have more energy - giv e tt'a coup}e :of days and you'll fee l and smell fresher, and your tast e
buds :artd sense of smell will com e alive ,
And even more importantly wit h enough time. you'll reduce you r risk Of emphysema, lung canter and heart disease .
And after all;: isn't that the name of the :aame?