The Amateur Footballer, Week 5, 1996

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Th e Amateur

• Officia ~ai l~J~ ~'urnal of the VECT'ORfAN AMATEUR FOQT~R~ALL ASSOCIATION f ~ ;f~~

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MA~a TH'E MOW Registered for posting as a Publication . Category. B .

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Funded by th e Victorian Heaith Promotion Foundation

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EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s

PRIZES : ~ All submissions will receive a small prize with a larger prize to be awarded to the most impressive submission will be judged by the Media Committee .

,ROVING CLUB PROFILE PRESS t is becoming increasingly difficult for the VAFA as an organisation to gather the exposure in newspapers an d the radio for our competition as we would like . In next week's edition of -Me Amateur Footballer" I will present a full display of all the press and media outlets who have given a commitment to support the VAFA regularly . However at club level and particularly through local newspapers and local radio stati ons a great deal of local club news can be obtained which will not only benefit your club, but will benefit the VAFA as well . The purpose of today's Editorial is to hopefully motivate clubs to respond accordingly . I would like to acknowledge the work of Media sub-committee chairman Ross Booth, himself a high profile media m an , and David Holland, a former "Amateur Footballer" scribe and winner of previous VAFA Press Correspondents awards for their work in putting this Editorial together .

DEVELOPING A LINK WITH YOUR LOCAL PAPER In order to assist Clubs who are unfamiliar with local press coverage, the points listed below should aid in developing and maintaining a good association with local papers. Make contact with the Sports Editor at your local paper (preferably by mail) and ascertain the procedures and requirements for publication of your match reports and possibly any feature stories. For example, Leader Group Contacts are : Southern (Moorabbin) Russell Holmesby 9584 8400 Central (Blackburn) John Pirik 9875 8333 Northern (Northcote) Karen Wisbey 9489 222 2

1996 PRESS AWAR D The Media Committee has decided to reintroduce the Press Award to stimulate VAFA Clubs to gain media ctposure for themselves, thereby increasing the exposure of the VAFA in general . REQUIREMENTS : A presentation from each club (perhaps by an appointed Press Correspondent) displaying newspaper articles that were published during the season . The presentation could take the form of a"Season Diary" or scrapbook which could also be helpful in attracting new Club sponsors and be a permanent record of the Club's season . Along with the actual presentation of the articles, entries should include references to the newspaper, date of publication and a brief summary of how the club went about developing a link with their local paper . A good idea is to arrange the file in chronological order. Press coverage of many VAFA Clubs is virtually nonexistent . However, any effort spent on this task can only benefit your own Club in recruiting supporter attraction and sponsorship, so it is certainly in the best interests of all Clubs to view this subject seriously and professionally . OUR DEADLINES .

To be advised - probably September .


At Southern Cross, Howard Leigh (9245 7777), Covering inner south eastern suburbs . • Find out the deadlines for copy from the Sports Editor . Irregularity and late submissions give you a bad reputation and will seriously jeopardise your chances of publication . • Submissions must be typed double spaced and care must be taken with spelling, especially of players' names . • Don't write too much - the report will only get cut down and may not make sense once published . (Ideally, 100 -150 words) . • Occasionally papers may supply a photographer for a particularly noteworthy event, however, do not overdo this as space, photographers and time usually limit the opportunity. • Do not get discouraged if you submission is not printed on each occasion, or is reduced in size - newspaper editors only have so much space to work with and the paying customer, naturally takes preference . Even if you do not enter the competition, this is a very worthwhile venture to undertake as it forms a complete record of your club's season and will be invaluable in future years. Good luck and on the behalf of the VAFA I wish you well.


M ay 11th,1996 Price : $ 1 .2 0 Vol . 96 No. 5 Q THF GRA6TFI IR F()f1TFlAI I FR 1QQR

A SECTIO N by Don Blackwood OLD LBZT N S LEAD THE PACK 7fj~ith Old Scotch's shock loss to Old Haileybury, L'~~ Old Melburnians trail-blaze themselves to early season's favouritism after about a quarter of the season over . Pieces of the jigsaw are falling into place and some reasonable sound assessments of the potential or likelihood of the 10 teams future can be attempted . OM's c an be pencilled in . Collegians are a much more equipped and committed unit this year and early bookings can be secured . Old Scotch started brilliantly beating Blues an d Old Xavs, but now a question mark against the Cardinals permanent status on the top shelf. St Bernard's, although in the top four, will struggle to match it in the big league . Though never underestimate them in the clinches . In the remaining six pack, University Blues need some hasty self assessment if they are to sit comfortably near the top pile, while Old Haileybury are a loose cannon . The jury is still out on them. Mazenod will continue to find the step upwards daunting, but De La Salle good enough to share wins with the lower order . Old Xavs worst days are behind them, but for Ormond the good times may be some time off yet . So into the merry month of May with unfavourable weather shifts and ground conditions levelling up the teams, clubs will be sorely tested to shoe the colour of their money and earn their stripes in the run-up to complete the front nine . REVIEW OLD XAVERIANS V COLLEGIANS The match was finely balanced at three quarter time, but Collegians had more energy, purpose and a will to win than Xavs and launched into an eight goal last quarter to snatch an important victory . Terrific start by Xavs. With Dan Richardson (9 goals) firing, it was five to zero at quarter time . But the Lion's on ballers in Danny Thompson, Matt Galb riath an d former EDFL player Darren Peters gained control and drove the ball forward repeatedly . Yori Phillips at centre half forward was spectacular at times and Chris Pollock marked strongly at full forward . Andrew Brushfield had kept Brook Mooney quiet, but with pint sized Jeff Lemon busy and Jason Dansey negating a visibly injured Mike Blood, the Lions careered away . Good team effort and plenty of spirit in the Collegians camp . For Old Xavs, they fell away just when it really mattered . Needed a Tuddenham or Buckley to provide that experience and steadiness ; some magic fr om Matt Bourke to turn a game, or brilliance from a McDonald or Leoncelli. Such is life, bu t 2

it's not the end yet as greenhorns Adam Jones, Ben Coughlan and others do thei r apprenticeship. Four points can't come quick enough . UNIVERSITY BLUES V ST BERNARD'S

Easy to say, sure the conditions suited St Bernard's when the drizzle set in and then make excuses for University Blues in their nine point loss last Sunday . But good sides have to be able to adapt, create and play under all conditions . St Bernard's did it to a tee; Blues left it all behind . More Bernard's at the fall of the ball ; many more Blues upright-waiting . Slight confusion as players were on and off the ground, but it only appeared to inspire St Bernard's after half time . With Jason Gollant's onball efforts ; brother Luke booting a towering goal and Luke Vassallo enjoying a welcome return, St Bernard's kicked five precious goals to the Blues after the main break . Costly for Grant Williams and his team and apart from Dom Bolton, Nathan Cavalier and Richard Vandenburg, there wasn't much to be excited about . The one that got away. ORMOND V DE LA SALLE

De La made it two on the trot at the expense of the hapless Ormond who at least had a decent crack at it to be in front at three quarter time . The Monds booted nine of the 11 goals midway through the match thanks to Craig Symes (4 goals) and Andrew Jobling (2 goals), so Geoff Reilley would have been more than happy with his young charges . But in the last stanza, De La Salle through the agency of the freaklish Ben Mannia (6 goals) and excellent defence work by Drew Jackson, were able to kick 8.5 for the quarter and run out easy winners . De La back in the hunt. MAZENOD V OLD MELBURNIAN S

Mazenod were scratching their heads after playing so well against the competition leaders and still be beaten by 56 points . Restricting the likes of Simon Theodore ; then up bobs Micha Berry and, by the way, what about Andrew Thompson . No, the big guns were really firing and football nomad David Strooper (7 goals) showed just what an asset he is going to be for the Redlegs . The Nodders were in front at half time, but a seven goal third quarter followed thanks to some single handed efforts by Mark Murray at centre bounces and strong work by Dominic Barker and Stephen Boysen . OM's - the benchmark - are in a crushing mood at the moment . But the boys from B section are picking up the pace . OLD HAILEYBURY V OLD SCOTC H

Nine goals for the day wasn't exactly a feast by coCA THE AMATFUR FOnTRAI I FR Iqoa

leaders Scotch as Old Haileybury leapt away in the second quarter never to be headed and a comfortable win by 43 points . Wes Byrns in a welcome return to form was the best player and able assisted by youngsters Adam Forsyth and Richard Buchanan. Adam Hilton continued his dominating big man influence and Tom Wilson and Richard Aujard had their Cardinal colours lowered . For Scotch, no-one better than the skipper Stuart Steele in what was a backward step when substantial steps forward have already taken place this season . The Bloods are bubbling along . PREVIEW Big test for Old Scotch against leader Old Melburnians who are carrying all in front of them at the moment . Can't see the Cardinals lifting themselves enough and the Redlegs by 31 points . Collegians are teaming together well and should have no trouble accounting for disappointing Ormond by 35 points, while Old Haileybury will burst back into the competition winning away from home against De La Salle by a close margin of 11 points . St Bernard's v Old Xavs will be a torrid struggle, but Xavs to win their first for the year by nine points . And in the final match at E Park today, University Blues wi ll steel themselves and force their way back into the competition as a genuine contender and defeat Mazenod by 21 points . SELECTION : OM's, Co llegians, Old Haileybury, Old Xavs and Univ. Blues.

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SENIORS OLD RAVERIANS 5.4 9 .5 13.8 14.11.95 22.8 .146 COLLEGIANS 0 .2 7 .3 15.6 Old %averians Richardson 9, Ellis, Webb, Hannebery, Mallard, Jones . Best Richardson, BrushSeld, Wood, Sassi, Coughlan, Hannebery. Collegians Pollock 6, Lemon, McKenzie, Phillips 3, Mooney, Stubbs, Thomson 2, Galbraith, Peters. Best Peters, Lemon, Pollock, Phillips, Bennett, Thomson . 5.6 11.10 12.12 .84 ORMOND 2 .5 DE LA SALLE 2.6 7.8 10.12 18 .17.125 Ormond Symes 4. Johling, Black 2, Marrow, Bailey, Grace, Connell . Best Forrest, Symes. McDonald. Hille, Marrow, Jobling. De La Salle Mannix 6 . Harrison, O'Callaghan . McIntosh 2, Abrahams, Vanderplight. Crowe, Hegan, Makinson, McCormick. OLD HAILEYBURY 4.3 10,9 11.12 15 .18.108 OLD SCOTCH 3,4 4.6 8.10 9 .11 .65 Old Haileybury Phillips 4. Kraus 3. Byms, Hilton, Morey 2, Lappage, Dowsing . Best Byrns, Forsyth, Dann, Hilton, Krays, Connell. Old scotch Grigg, Steele 3, Holt 2, Heath . Best Steele, Smith, Nettleton, Heath . Hume, Holt MAZENOD OC 5 .2 6.4 7 .8 12 .16.88 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 .1 6 .4 13 .1 22.12.144 Mazenod OC Boysen 3, Barker. Marshall 2, 6fanno, Schofield, Morgan, Ocehiuto. Murray . Best Murray, Barker. Noble, W. Lane, C. Lane, Belleville. Old Melburnians Simper 7. Berry 4, theodore 2, Eabry, Lovett, Webb, Ellinghaus. McMullin, Sereda, Kennedy, Bunn, Thompson . Best Thompson . Berry. Strooper. McMullin, Theodore. Witts . UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .2 5 .4 5 .7 6.11.47 ST BERNARDS 1 .5 2 .9 5 .13 7.14.56 University Blues Lennen 3, Blood, Slimmon, Muller . Best Bolton, Cavalier, Vandenberg, McLachlan, McIntyre . Slimmon . St Bernards Gilmour 2. Sheehan, Laughlin, Comito, Vassalo . Gallant . Best L . Gollant. J. Gollant . Capes, Taylor, Vassalo, Backhouse .

RESERVES OLD XAVERiANS 4 .1 6.4 12.7 15 .9.99 COLLEGIANS 6 .4 11.8 13.9 14.10.94 Old Xaverlans Donati 5, Clarke 4, Kearns, Mortensen, Tuddenham . Belli. Woodruff. Walsh . Best Petroff. Clarke. Woodruff. Mortensen, Donalf. Fay. Collegians Kenneally 3 . Humphry, Junes, Richards 2. Baxter, cleary, Woolley. Higsoo. Foard. Best Jones, Harding, Cleary, Lubich . Humphry, Greeves. ORMOND 4 .4 4 .7 7.9 8.11.59 DE LA SALLE 4.4 9 .7 12 .12 16.13.109 Ormond Kingston, Rodarrryk 2 . Stewart, Alexander, Livingstone, Keleher . Best Barnes. Gallaaher, Mulcahy, Handley, Cleary. Ransom. On La Salle ~iume 4, Conroy 3 . Phillips 2, Evans. Harrison, Hegan, Langone. Montgom. silvers . Smith . Best Fiume, Wright. Silvers, Conroy, Phillips. Hegan . OLD HAILEYBURY 2.4 3.6 6 .6 9.6 .60 OLD SCOTCH 5.4 9.6 11 .9 17.13 .115 Old Halleybury Hucker 7, Smith, Mitchell . Best 0'Donnell, Ladds, Schmidt, Smith, Pucker, Mitchell . Old Scotch McDonnell 4 . Phillips, Steele 3, Hooper, Castricum . Norman 2 . Tracy . Best Walsh. Phillips . Jonas, Norman, Hanneman . Kerry. MAZENOD OC 1.2 5.3 7.3 10.4.64 OLD MELBURNIANS 7 .2 10.9 13.13 15 .15.105 Mazenod OC Carter 3 . Moore. Riley 2, Robinson . Sharp . Howard. Best Moore, Robinson. Riley. Tucker, Carter. Smith . Old Melburalans Dixon, Bromell 3, Walsh. McKeon. Handbury . Correll 2. Bunn. Beat Power, McDougall . Morley, Handbury, Boyden . Bromell.





UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .5 12.10 19 .12 25 .14.164 ST BERNARDS 1 .1 1.2 2.6 4 .6.30 University Blues O'Donnell 6. Gunn, Wilson 4, Stewart 3, Kewell, Norman 2, Wilcox, Jukes . Mudge . Nugent. Best Garnaut, Gunn, O'Donnell, Mudge . Whitehead. Thomas . St. Bernards Mathews 2, Wright, Patience. Best Chatfield . Kennedydy, Perrett, Lynch, Mathews. Doolan.

mfflKiN 1

COLLEGIANS v . ORMOND Field: G . Curran, A. Damen ; Goal : G. Grigg, R. Richards. DE LA SALLE v. OLD HAILEYBURY (T .H . King Oval, Glen Iris) Field : H . Little, J . Toohey ; Boundary : S . Hennig, F . Martinez; Goal : M . Lentini, M . Richardson . OLD SCOTCH v. OLD MELBURNIANS Meld : P. Gersch, S . McCarthy ; Goal: B . Jephson, G . Wright . ST BERNARDS v. OLD XAVERIANS Field: W . Hinton, D . Dalgleish ; Boundary : B . Brown, J . Stevenson; Goal: B . Nash, D . Napoli . MAZENOD v . UNIVERSITY BLUES ( E .P . Sat .) Field : M . Jenkins, R . Bell : Boundary: J . Wright, A. Pritchard ; Goal: A. Miller, A. Simpson . Bf® TtJG A1..tATCi IC C!l/ITRAI i CD 1oOF



Tn the perfect conditions last week all the favourites go t home with both Trinity and Parade continuing their unbeaten runs whilst both NOBS and BuleenTemplestowe are still waiting for that elusive first win . This week's round is a beauty as the top 4 sides meet each other and by days end I think we'll have a fair idea of how each team is progressing. REVIEW OF ROUND 4 MHSOB V OLD PARADIANS

A beautiful day at the "postage stamp" saw Parade eventually shake off a determined MHSOB in the last quarter to record a 32 point victory . A couple of times during the game Parade opened up a 3 goal lead only to see the "Unicorns" fight back to be within striking distance at the end of each quarter. With it being such a small ground there was plenty of hard tackling by both sides although players and spectators from both clubs were a bit confused by rule 11 .5 .5 (Refer to page 43 of last weeks record for explanation) . This is only an observation not a criticism . For Parade, Peter Cosgriff was fantastic in his approach to the ball for the whole game and he was well supported by a solid back line that included Peter Brabender, David Digney and after half time Timmy Mul li gan . Again "Vino" and the "Big H" did the job in the centre square for the winners . The best for MHSOB included captain Dean Comer, Brett Cookman on a wing, both Lindsay and Young on the half back line did their bit and Doc Glover was good with 5 goals . OLD TRINITY V OLD BRIGHTO N

As these are the only two sides who don't provide any information each week I can only go on the scores and judging by them the Trinity juggernaut continues to roll on . I predict a 6 goal Trinity victory and I wasn't too far wrong as Trinity increased their lead each quarter to run out winners by 35 points . 30 scoring shots to 15 suggest it could have been a bigger victory for Trinity . Vice captains Sutcliffe and Norman and Ramsden in the ruck were best an d Jamie Strickland was again in the goals with 6 . For Brighton their best included Nikas, McLachlan up forward, Lennox on ball and Luke Fildes in the ruck . BANYULE V BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE The Bears returned to the winners list with a 11 point victory at home against the Bullants and coach Rick Brockwell would have been happy with the boys kicking 25 goals . John Turnbull has been great the last couple of weeks with bags of 6, 6 and another 8 last week to take his season's tally to 22 . After a poor start the Bullants outscored the Bears 6 goals to 5 in the 2nd term to only trail by just over 3 goals at half time . But in the second half it was all Banyule as they kicked 13 goals to 5 to have a comprehensive victory . John Gilliam was back to his best form in the centre and he was well supported by "Renarto", Shane Richmond and Egan in defence . Whilst the defeat was large it was an improved BulleenTemplestowe and they were lead again by Jamie Scott, "Bomber" James with 5 goals and Williams at CHB . Banyule now has a 50% record and faces a big test at Brighton this week . 4


Up to half time the local derby looked like being a thriller but fo r the third time this season Ivanhoe had a huge third quarter (8 goals to 2 points) and put the game beyond doubt and grabbed a place in the four . Whatever coach Doug Gott is saying at half time it's working and the "Hoers" who have a good band of onballers continue their fine form . Kendall, Rawley, captain Nibali and Bullen all played on the ball at certain stages and again showed the way last Saturday . Blackwood at half back did the job on the dangerous Stewart and McKellar was good in the ruck and up forward . For Old Ivanhoe it was Paul Donaldson (again!!) in the centre who was best with support from Weddle and Mansfield in defence . On a positive sign Old Ivanhoe welcomed the return of both Grinham and Tully both on the ball and up forward . A vital game this week for Old Ivanhoe . THERRY V NOBS

Only 5 points the difference at 3/4 time in this game suggested a thrilling final quarter but it wasn't to be as Therry finished with a 8 goal last quarter to run out winners by 37 points . Therry seemed to have the game under control at 1/2 time but a 5 goal 3rd quarter effort by NOBS (probably their best quarter for the year) turned the game around . Unfortunately they couldn't kick straight in the last quarter and the season continues to be a struggle for NOBS who also had a change of coach during the week. What odds at the start of the year for NOBS to be without a win after 4 rounds? Petrevski in the ruck and Grocock on the ball were best for the winners who had 9 different goalkickers . Good to see Luke Boyle back in form and in the goals for NOBS and he had support from Mulquinney, Abrahams an d Manassa on the ball. Beck and Connelly fought hard in defence and Paul Sullivan will be better for the run . PREVIEW OF ROUND 5 I was back in form last week with 5 winners but this week is tougher, starting with the two undefeated sides Parade and Trinity who meet at Bundoora . Both sides have plenty of goal kicking power so the respective defences will have their work cut out for them trying to curb the forwards . It is a toss of the coin but the home ground may get Parade home by 5 points . Both Old Brighton and Banyule have 2 wins this year so this is a vital game for both sides at the Beach Road oval . If Banyule are an improved outfit on last year they need to win these type of games and I think they can . Banyule by 19 points. Bulleen-Temp are at home to Old Ivanhoe and are desperate for a win, as a loss here will put them 2 games behind their opponents . I'm sorry Glen but I can't pick our team based on the form to date . Old Ivanhoe by 23 points. NOBS are in the same boat as the Bullants, so at home they must consider themselves a chance against MHSOB . But the boys from the "High" are a much improved side this year and the marking power of Glover , THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Bamert and Fairchild will be too much for NOBS, MHSOB by 19 points . Another big game is Ivanhoe at home to Therrp. Ivanhoe have had 2 excellent performances in a riw but the real test will be this week against Therry who have been pretty consistent so far this year . Therry with more goal kicking power to win a close one by 7 points . TRIVIA QUESTION

Last week the answer was Mervyn Keane and the winner of the mystery prize was "Bluey" Flynn from parade . Thanks to the call on Sunday night from Banyule legend Glen "Mushy" Walle but no it wasn't Jimmy Jess . 193is week I will be at Ivanhoe v Therry game so the first person to front me with the correct answer will win the mystery prize . Who am I? I came from Penola and played a total of 171 games for 2 clubs between 1979 to 1988 . I won a B&F at my first club in 1982 and played for Victoria in 1981, 1983 and 1984 . I played mainly as a ruckman but was handy around the goals with my best performance in the 1981 qualifying final in which I kicked 7 goals . I switched to by second club in 1987 and played 37 games in two years before retiring at the age of 28 . Good luck everyone . Press correspondents for each club please contact me by 1 .00 pm on the Monday following the game . Please call on 9457 4079 (AH), 9268 1568 (BH) or fax 9268 1576 (BH) . Kieran from Therry please send me your report . Thanks .

BRUNO CONTI - 200 GAMES Congratulations Bruno from all at NOBS on this fantas. tic achievement Bruno first played in 1983 and since then has become one of the most decorated Amateur players of all time . Represented Victoria 7 times (3 times as V.C .) ; Twice AllAustralian ; NOBS captain 94-96 : Vice-Capt. '90-'93 ; NOB's B&F 1990, runner-up 4 times . Played in 2 A Grade Grand Finals ('86 &'91) .

Bruno's commitment to his club and to the game in general is to be admired by all .

OLD PARADIANS v. OLD TRINITY Field: A. Firley, M . Gibson ; Boundary: D . Fowler, M . Tape; Goal : W. Fowler, K . Pitcher. OLD BRIGHTON v. BANYULE Meld: W . Henry, C . Segota : Boundary : M . Meier, S . Mannix; Goal: K . Segota, B . Hoare . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v. OLD IVANHOE Meld: M . Bushfield, M . McCrohan ; Goal : S. Ryan, J . Kelly . NORTH OLD BOYS v . MHSOB Meld : G. Thwaites, D . Anderson ; Goal : M . Frame, G . Dae . IVANHOE v . THERRY CCOB Fieid: R. Simon, G . Ridd; Boundary : T. Healy, D . Ryan : Goat: P . Gluyas C . May .


SENIORS MHSOB 2.4 7 .5 11 .7 13.8.86 OLD PARADIANS 3.3 9.8 13.10 17.16.118 MHSOB Glover 5, Bamert 4, Comer. Young . Pertael, Lindsay . Best Comer. Cookman, Lindsay. Hunt, Archdall, Young. Old Paradians Harrison 6, Kerr 5, Muleta, Ball 2 . Cosgriff, Heffernan . Best Cosgriff, Brabender, Vineent. Dellis, Dingye, Mulligan. OLD TRINITY 3.3 7.6 10.12 15 .15 .105 OLD BRIGHTON 2.1 5.1 8.2 11 .4.70 Old Trinity Stickland 6, R Phillips 2 . C. Phillips, Board, Norman . Allihon, Heath, Hatfield . Sutcliffe . Best Sutcliffe, Ramsden . Cumming. Norman, Boxtel . Vanderhoer. Old Brighton McLauchlan 5 . 6turch 2, Nikas, Lennox, Fildes, Krzywniak . Best Nikas, McIachlan, Lennox. Fides. Williams. Patterson. 12 .8 17 .11 25.15.165 BANYULE 7 .4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 .2 9 .4 10.8 14 .11.95 Banyule Turnbull 8, Witchell 7. Williams 4, Gilham 2, O'Brien, Richmond . Dintlnosante. Gloury . Best Gilham, Witchell, turnbull, Dintinosante, Richmond, Egan. Bulleen-Templestowe James 5. Merrett 3, C. Parriss 2, A. Parries . Prior. Nigm. Shine. Best Scott, Thompson, George. C. parris, James . Williams . IVANHOE 5 .4 8 .7 16 .9 18.17.125 OLD IVANHOE 3.1 8 .4 8 .6 9.8 .62 Ivanhoe Rawley 5 . Angelini, Tucker, Kennedy . Bullen 2 . Maud, Nibali, Smith . Flynn, McKellar. Best Kendall, Blackwood. Rawley, Nibal, McKellar. Bullen. Old Ivanhoe Douglas, McLean 2 . Karayannis. MeLean, pappos . Stewart. Young. Best Donaldson, Weddle. Grinham. Pappas. Mansfield, Tully . THERRY 2 .6 6.8 9.12 12.14 .116 NORTH OLD BOYS 1.5 3.7 8.13 10.19 .79 Therry Goodwin . Grocoek 3 . Wrigglesworth . Croxford, Goodwin. Elliot 2 . Reddick, Petrevski O'Connor. Best Petrevski . Grocock. Krush, Elliot Seymour . Pignatelli . North Did Boys Sullivan, Sutherland. Curran 2, Boyle, Boya . Manassa . Tonkin. Best Mulquiney, Boyle. Abrahams, Connelly . Beck, Manassa. RESERVES MHSOB 14.9 .93 OLD PARADIANS 22 .12 .144 MHSOB McGrath 5. Feferkranz, Woodley 2. Pretty, Winch . palmos, MeLardie. Konstanty Best Barge. Feferkranz . Thompson, McGrath. Barge, Woodley. Old Paradians Horsington 4 . Vear. Mould 3, S. Wallis . T . Wallis 2, Monar. Joyce, Baird. Dunn, Geary . Best Jenkins. Joyce, Vear. Geary . Mills. Monar . OLD TRINITY 3 .1 8.3 10.5 10.6.66 OLD BRIGHTON 3 .1 5.3 6.4 9.7.61 Old Trinity Smith. Stafford, Dowlin% Vargo 2, Beet, Alysandratos . Best Smith. Banfield. Smith, Krivakuca. Johnson. eet. Old Brighton Magee 4. Grant 2 . Sloan. Toms. Mandylaris . Best McMahon . Wolf. Witte, Gilmour. Roach . Sherman. BANYOLE 4.1 8 .5 13 .10 23 .12.150 BIILLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 5 .5 7 .8 9 .10 11 .11.77 Banyole Keane 5, Kinnear 4, Fortune. Glass 3, Pitches 2, Main, Healy . Stevens . Noonan . Holt. Harms, Best Team Effort. Bulleen Templestmae McLaren. Morihovitis 3, Greig 2. Beames, Glover, O'Connell . Best Glover. Stott . Greig, Mcl.aren, Hooper, Stelling. 4.5 6 .8 9.15.69 IVANHOE 2.0 OLD IVAHHOE 3.5 7.7 13 .9 15.13 .103 Ivanhoe Fairweather. Raywood 3, Barra 2 . Whitehead. Best McFarlane . Narkiewicz . Barro . Fairweather, McDonald, Haywood. Old Ivanhoe Pidoto 5. Cormack 4. Bisogni . Kobe 2 . Toll, Jones. Best Pidoto. Kobe. Vaughan, bisogui. Toll, Abousabha. THERRY 2 .2 3.2 3.7 9.9 .63 NORTH OLD BOYS 3.3 10.7 13.9 14 .12 .96 Therry Bramble 3 . Ignolo 2, Forbes . Goodwin, bye, Clarke, Gallagher. Best LaFontaine . Gallagher. Moran . Bramble, Clarke, Jumic . No rth Old Boys Lowrie 7. Murray, Cheshire 2 . Angelopoulos . Bryar, McIntyre . Best M . Lowrie. J. Lawrie, Cheshire, O'Dwyer. Drum .

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~he season's first major anti climax occurred at Packer Reserve last Saturday where SKOBs give the Saints a lesson in dry weather football . From the first bounce the committed SKOBs were on fire racing to a 50 point half time lead, then advancing to a 90 point lead at lemon time . Superb games from "Bomber" on the ball, "Buckets" up forward, and "Chappy" and "Grossy" in defence, ensured the SKOBs were always in complete control . "Tezza" was also a focal point at CHF whilst "Longy" was a sensation all day. The Saints improved the scoreline late in the game, when the bird had flown . For the Saints, Hayes-Dewar, A . McGaw and Gilmore rated a mention . At Thomastown, Old Mentonians, led by Adam Acreman, with four early goals raced to a 16 point half time lead . After the big break the Bears ran riot to lead by 16 points at the final siren. "Tiger" Leone (100 games), "Fergy" and "Rowdy" served the OMs well (all in the backline), whilst the Bears had fine performers in "Elbows" Ristevski, Grech and new player, Damian Fletcher . At home the Bears will be stiff opposition for all clubs that make the long trek . Marcellin continued its recent impressive form storming home to demoralise a very tired Old Geelong after half time . Goals for the Eagles were shared by nine players, whilst defenders Nick Godwin and Damian Sampimon were superb . Wellsby an d Smythe again defended well for OGs with Angus Rigby worthy of a mention . No forwards rated a mention (according to the scribe) . Ten goals only, on such a great day for football, tells a story . After three very even quarters, Rovers kicked 8 goals in the final stanza to leave the Friars 33 points in arrears at siren time . Again the "Axe" in the centre controlled the game whilst "Chip" Le Grand on the ball gave everything for the Rovers . The "Statue" up forward with seven timely goals was always a focus for the Rovers despite Chris Maguire at full back for the Friars being nominated as best player . Hickey, Pawlick an d Carbone were other fine contributors for the Friars . At Fawkner Park the Jackas withstood intense pressure from the Tigers in the first half then took complete control to win by 109 points . With Kalinski and Sheezel contributing 16 of the side's 22 goals, the Jackas had 27 scoring shorts after half time, whilst the Tigers registered a paltry 1 goal 4 behinds . The Tigers turned the ball over on numerous occasions and will look forward to the return of several key players over the next few weeks . Kearney, Napier, MacGeorge and Walsh were best for the Tigers, whilst Cohen, Feldman, Halphen and B . Goldberg were other good players for the Jackas in a very even performance . 6


At Hampton th e home side takes on ~ --1-11-11 - 1 --- --~- 1 the in form Towners . Last year's D Section grand final sides will be looking forward to this replay, each expecting the four points . Whilst Hampton have the home ground advantage and recent improvements are tempting, I can't possibly select against Thomastown, who should prevail by around 9 points . (By the way, Rovers, my last week's 27 point predication was rather sensational) . The big clash at Keysborough between the Panthers and Eagles is important to both clubs. Old Mentonians have shown glimpses of top form but seem to struggle for the four quarters . Marcellin on the other hand, whilst being slow starters have shown excellent second half form . At home the Panthers should kick too many goals early and get home by a margin of 17 points . At Como the OGs take on a team of Tigers who will be recovering from last week's debacle, I don't believe the Tigers will repeat last week's effort and predict a close encounter . The OGs defence will however be a stumbling block for the young Tigers . My prediction . . . . OGs by 24 points . SKOBs take on the Friars at Kooyong in what might be a danger game . Teams coming off big wins in important matches often struggle for a week or two . I'm sure Tim Ha rt will be aware of this and will have his SKOBs ready for anything the Friars can throw at them, SKOBs will take this one by 39 points . The Jackas and the Saints will be keen to get the points in a crucial match . The Tigers correspondent, Mark Beasley, thought the Jackas were sensational last week, whilst the Saints form at home left a little to be desired . Provided the Jackas can cover the Saints runners, they should be too strong and prevail by 28 points . Reserve winners : Thomastown, Marcellin, Old Geelong, St . Kevin's and Ajax. Correspondents : by 5 .30 p .m . Monday, fax 9889 9014. Social : SKOBs May Day Ball- Saturday May 18th . Don't miss out . Limited tickets available .



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The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every

match day. The rear gate (off St Kilda St) is only opened on the occasion of an A SECTION SUNDAY MATCH . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

WHITEFRIARS 3.2 8.6 13.8 15 .11.101 HAMPTON ROVERS 5 .0 8.4 13.7 21 .8.134 Whitefdars Robinson 4, Haselar, Carbone, Hickey 2 . Jenkisn, Lester, Jogebtoed, Heath, Campbell. Best Maguire, Hickey, Pawlick, Carbone, Coghlan, Robinson. Hampton Rovers Crawford 7, Power 4, Le Grand 3. Helliger, Wills 2, Redder, Ariz . Maosn. Best Ariz. Scarlett Crawford. McConville, McKellar, Wills. THOMASTOWN 1 .6 5 .6 8 .14 13.21.99 OLD MENTONIANS 6 .4 7.10 9 .13 11 .17.83 Thomastown Arcomci 5 . Capeci 3, Smith . Sande, Fellows, Latouf, Colosimo . Best Ristevski, Grech, ten5ni . latouC Fletcher, Fellows. Old Mentonians Acreman 6 . Flaskis 2. Bournon, Austin. P ride . Best Leone, Ferguson, Macguire, Murphy, Flaskis, Dart . MARCELLIN 3 .5 6.8 11.11 16 .19.115 3.2 5.4 7.6 10 .7 .67 OLD GEELONG Marcellin Caffry, Waters 3, McClements, Mason, Seabury 2 . Slattery. Rowe, Becchetti, Bello. Best Godwin, Sampimon, Cooper. Slattery, theisz, McIntosh. Old Geelong Saunders 3, Howells, Matnon 2, Tellow, Taylor, Salter . Best Wellsby, Smythe. Rigby. Oliphant, O'Halloran, Saunders . 4 .1 7.5 17 .10 22.17.149 AJAX ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 2 .3 4 .6 5 .8 5.10.40 Ajax Kalinski 10, Sheezel 6, Halphen 2, Duzenman, goldberg, Rajch. Rosen. Best Kalinski . Cohen, Feldman, Sheezel . Halphen . Goldberg . St Bedes Mentone Tigers Diggins 3, Hayes . McGeorge . Best Hecker, Keamey,mcGeorge. Burton. Digging. Napier. 0.3 1 .4 3.7 10.12 .72 ST KHAA SOUTH CAULFIELD ST HEVINS 5.5 8.12 16.19 19 .21 .135 St Kilda South Caulfield Green 2, Claxton . Baker, McGaw . Hayes-Dewan, Jackson. Neeson, Tkucz. Best Hayes-Dewan, MeGaw, Gilmore, Green, Neeson, Wilson. St Resins Ryan S . Burden 4, TerciN, Bowles 3, Bare 2. Moore. Garvey. Best G ross, Bowles, burden, Terzini . ehapman, Garvey . RESERVES WHITEFRIARS 0.3 1 .5 4 .7 4.9.33 15.18.108 4.2 7 .5 9 .9 HAMPTON ROVERS Whitefriars Dodd 2, Naismith, Calleja . Best VandenBoom, Ciardutli, dodd, Gardulli, Calleja. Eames . Hampton Rovers McGregor 4, McDonald, Amoore, Luxmoore 2 . Thomas, Hunter, Ferguson. Bulmer, Talbot. Best Casella. Ferguson, Luxmoore, Ferguson . Thomas . McGregor. THOMASTOWN 6.2 10.9 12.13 21.20 .146 OLD MENTONIANS 1 .1 4.1 4.3 8.4 .40 Thomastown Scarps 5, Smith 4, Cooper 3, Colosimo . Even 2, Batilsta, Valentino, Smith . Lulianella, Ward, Best Kennedy, Bardsley, Withers . Valentino, Del Papa. Harting. Old Mentonians Johnsen 3, Konicinan, Norman . Russo . Best Davis, Sherriff. Russo. harrington, Winduss, Johnsen. 11 .11.77 MARCELLIN 4 .1 6 .4 7.7 1 .1 3 .3 8 .3 10.4.64 DID GEELONG Marcellin Symes 3, Sexton, Beattie . Gallagher, Golds 2 . Best Sexton, Frisina. Golds, Daffy, Howe, Symes . Old Geelong Burbank 3. Rice, Litey 2. Knight. Caldwell, Taylor. Best Ronchi, Olsen . Oliver, Knight. Liascos . Swan. 10.7 11.9 .75 AJAX 5.1 6.4 ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 2 .3 3.4 6.6 7.9 .51 . Sheffield 3 . Frey, Krongold, Nathan, Rajch . Best Sheezel . Shein, Ajax Hoppe 4 Grodski, Hoppe. SladeJacobson . Krongoid . St Bedes ktentone Tigers Hecker 3, Smith, McCarthy . L'Huillier. Mifsud, Best Connolly . Smith, Manson . Dickinson . McShane. StewartST BILDA SOUTH CAULFIEi.D 5 .4 6 .7 10.8 12 .10.82 ST KEVINS 2 .0 4 .4 8.4 11 .6.72 St Blida South Caulfield Aldenrecio 4 . Dynan, Sexton 2, Benton, Frawley, Astapenko . Best Astapenko, Frawley . Murrity . King, Dynon. Kuck. St Kevins Sinch 6 . Callanan, Hart . Meagher, Thomas, Ryan . Best Wilkes, singh, Thomas, O'Shea. De Jong, Ryan.



HAMPTON ROVERS v . THOMASTOWN Field: P . Keogh, P. Simpson ; Boundary : P . Coe, C . Stevens. OLD MENTONIANS v . MARCELLIN Field : S . Meredith ; Boundary : F. McDonald, J . McDonald, OLD GEELONG v. ST BEDES MENT. TIGERS Fietd : D . Lane, R . Eastwood . ST KEVINS v . WHITEFRIARS (Righetti Oval) Meld : B. Woodhead, T. Ovadia . AJAX v. ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD (Cordner Oval) Field: P. Leyden, C. O'Donohue .

MELEES - BEWARE A melee is'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct" 7

D SECT ' by Ken Bremne r C Y L% e9 PR ESS ) inning margins last week took on a high degree o f ConsiStenev with nnlv Cnnthhfl„i.~a a4 ,. .,:. .+ ..:a ..

ry spoiling all others in the 30 point r ange. St Leo's b y 37, Parkside by 31, Beaumaris 30 and Old Camberwell 38. No real surprises registered, however most punters could or would label Parkside's win over Monash Blues as a turn-up for the books . Old Camberwell remain as the only undefeated team and Beaumaris finally shrugged off the monkey to claim their first outright 4 points for the season . ROUND 4 REVIEW (4 May) At Monash Uni the home side started in top gear with 3 early goals but Parkside quickly answered with 5 of their own to lead by 1 major at quarter time . Parkside continued to dominate play but unforced errors allowed the 'Blues' to stick with them and still only trail by the goal at the long interval . The 'Parkers' played their best brand of footy seen for years in the 3rd term to blow away the students kicking 8 to 2. Monash fought out the game strongly in the final stanza but could only claw back 2 against a weary Parkside. Best for Parkside were Peter Dean just ahead of the 'evergreen' Leo Panjari and lst gamer Adam Reginato both kicking 5 'snags' whilst for Monash. . . Chris Miller (2nd gamer), 'Spider' Smith and 'Chardonnay' Hipwell. Kew visited Southbank at 'Yarra Park' and got shell shocked in the opening stanza 7 goals to zip . An 'untimely' incident just shy of quarter time left the 'Bankers' with only 17 men for the duration of the game and the 'Brown and Golds' had a real opportunity to take the game right up to the home team . Unfortunately for them they weren't able to an d Southbank still managed to finish off the remaining 3 quarters 11 goals to 7 getting them home comfortable winners by 63 points . (one wonders how much with a full compliment of players) . MVP's for Southbank were 'Bubba' Wallmeyer, 'Spider' Elkington and 'Pittsy' . Top conditions at the Brunswick Oval saw an even half with only 3 points separating the teams ( Ur i Reds & St . Leos) at the long interval . Mark Flack fired the 'Leos' and they kicked away in the championship quarter bagging 5 twins to 1 and continued to ease away in the last . Better players for the 'Two Blues' were 'Macea', 'Roo', 'Jono' &'Rocky'. (No dispatches from the Uni . camp so its a 'tad' hard to report on their better players . As Richie Benaud would say . .. .Pity 'bout that!'). In fine conditions at Glenhuntly Reserve Old Caulfield came out running to draw first blood, however the 'Wells' settled and edged 2 points in front a quarter time . Old Camberwe ll stepped up the tempo in the 2nd and 'Grammar' made unforced errors letting the 'Wells' dictate terms to kick clear 47 points at 1/2 time . After the break Caulfield played with more zest but just cold not make up any ground on the scoreboard and in fact had slipped further behind to trail by 61 points at 3

quarter time . Old Camberwell appeared JI to go to 'sleep' in th L se4thquarndi allowed the 'Grammar' to slam through some late snags' and reduce the final margin to 38 points . Best for 'Wells' was the 'the Doc' with 10, 'the Preacher' & 'Iceman' . Special mention to Paul Fahey (assistant coach) for pulling the boots on at late notice . For 'Grammar' MVP's were Di Crosta, Royals & Harris .

Tis a bit difficult to give a balanced coverage to a game (Beaumaris V St . John OC's) when you ain't got any sort of report from either . Hence allow me to take some licence . Beaumaris won by 30 points . Howzat!!! . Best for Beaumaris . . . .Dunno and for St . Johns . . . .Dunno (might be brothers) ROUND 3 REVIEW ( 11 May)

St Leo's V Southbank - This game is an absolute must for both camps as it will firmly entrench the 'victor' in the '4' whilst the 'vanquished' will be left to 'rue' the loss. The 'Leos' have a strong home track advantage and if wet then it's further amplified and would allow the 'Leos smalls' to exploit the height advantage that the 'Bankers' hold over most teams . If dry, then the reverse may be the case . Both coming of 'wins' and in all honesty it really is a tipsters nightmare . Not being a 'Nancyboy' I'll stick my head out and pick St . Leos by 9 points . Kew V Monash Blues - Without wishing to cast 'Doom & Gloom' on the K's chances of success this week, the ask of beating Monash Blues is just a little bit over the top! 'Monash' should be able to control the mid zone and force the ball forward on enough occasions to score handsomely by 10 'majors' against a spirited opponent unfortunately missing (at present) a few of their prime movers. Parkside V St . Johns OC - Fresh from their 'big' win over the previously undefeated Monash and at home toady, Parkside should pack too much oomph! for a very competitive St. Johns OC's outfit who are hell bent on getting back on the winners list . Any complacency by the 'Parkers' will be dealt with very swiftly by the JOC's . At Pitcher Park, the locals (Parkside) by 4 twins . Old Camberwe ll V Uni Reds - On form disclosed thus far this game should be won in a 'trot and canter' by the 'Wellers' . The old adage of you only play as well as your opposition allows, may be the catch cry for the 'Redz' . Stop Old Camberwell 's mid-field dominance and hence, restrict the opportunities given to the 'Doc' and you never, never know! A pipe dream? I think so, Old Camberwe ll by panels . . . .80 points . Beaumaris V Caul field Grammar - Big game down at Tayside' for both combatants . Beaumaris just 2 points ahead of the Grammar (premiership table) need to win to keep in touch as well as put some space betwee n

8 THF AMATFI in GnnTna, i co 1nn1

themselves and others whilst Caulfield must win (very soon) to simply keep in touch . Whilst Grammar haven't saluted for a few weeks their losing form (relatively speaking) isn't all that bad . On the other hand Beaumaris are coming off a 'soft' win and should be pretty positive about matters. On a hunch only basis I'll give the 'nod' to Caulfield Grammar to get the spoils by 11 points . Club Scribes - Don't forget the telephone calls and/or fax messages on Mondays to ; Tele: 9810 3370 Fax ; 9810 3251 by 5 :00 pm . Thanks heaps! GUEST TIPSTER - JOHN KEENAN (ex VAFA legend, AFCAfVAFA Certificate of Merit recipient now domiciled in the 'Heart' of the Goulbourn Valley).

A view of 'D' grade from the other side of the Divide. (Although not so far away as to avoid contact with Honourable Ken J Bremner altogether . First game for consideration is St . Leos Wattle Park Emmaus (v) Southbank . As I was the above mentioned Honourable One's Chairman of Selectors at Southbank in 1994 . I have little hesitation in using that as a logical reason for selecting the 'Bankers' by TAB selection margin 10 (13-24 points) .

Old Camberwell (v) Uni Reds . In depth analysis of this game leads me to select Old Camberwell by TAB margin 6 (61-72 points) by virtue of the fact that an old mate from my Banyule days martin Legge is coaching Old Camberwell . (What more logical reason do you need) . Beaumaris (v) Caulfield Grammarians . Here I select Grammarians by TAB margin 9 (1-12 points) again by virtue of some lateral thinking in that Grammarians coach George Voyage and myself still indulge in a weekly chat about our respective football involvements (now there's a kiss of death Georgie) . Parkside (v) St . Johns OC - Parkside by TAB selection 3 (25-36 points) again due to the irrefutable logic that I have 'Previous affiliation' with the 'Red Devils' (I have no doubt hat several drinking partners of mine from years past, 'Snowy Mac', 'Pixi' Welsh & 'Lace Out' Harvey have by now arranged the correction of the 'b' Reserves Premiership photo to read - Coach John Keenan, not John Kerman. Kew (v) Monash Blues - Monash Blues by TAB selection 14 (67-72 points) for the very same reason I give my children when they ask me why - BECAUSE! (Note Greg Hipwell &'The Prof.' - Make it mid July and drag him real S-L-O-W through that mud .

And Finally to the Kyabram Dist rict FL match of the day . I select the Nagambie 'Lakers' to make it 2 in row over the Murchison 'Grasshoppers' for the same reason as I selected Monash Blues . (And if you think the country nick names are ordinary you should hear some of the theme songs) .


All at Caulfield Grammarians congratulate Chris on playing his 400th game today. Chris started with the club in the U19s 25 years ago and since that time has won countless B & F's for the Reserves . A loyal and true clubman whose contribution to the Club has been enormous . Well done Mouse from all current and past players . M TNF AMATFI IR Ff1!)TRAI I FR 199R

50 GAMES AT ST LEO'S E' . TAUS ' All at St Leo's Emmaus would like to congratulate Adrian 'Aida' O'Reilly on reaching his 50 games on the 4th May . Aida's fearless attitude and impressive build make him an outstanding player for the Two Blues . 200 GAMES FOR JOHN "BEAN BAGS" BEARE Southbank would like to congratulate John "Bean Bags" Beare who played his 20 0th game with the club last Saturday . Since joining in 1984 Beanie has always figured prominently in the best and fairest voting. Congratulations . John. TRIVIA NIGHT - ST JOHN'S Saturday, I lth May, Trivia Night at St John's Club Rooms . $5 entry, prizes for winning table . 8 p .m . SHARP start .






PARKSIDE v. BEAUMARIS AFC OLD CAMBERWELL v. SOUTHBANK CBA UNIVERSITY REDS v. CAULFIELD GR . , ST LEOS E".ti.iAUS v . SOUTHBANK Field : C . Donlon, A. Flack . KEW v. MONASH BLUES Field : D . Kramer, T . Zapadlo. PARKSIDE v . ST JOHNS Field: N . McCorquodale, A. Kiel . OLD CAMBERWELL v. UNIVERSITY REDS Field : S . Davie, A. Ladd. BEAUMARIS v . CAULFIELD GR. Meld: C . Wallis . D Section Results - Continued Page 42 >

E ST SECTION by Barry Hickey The Aquinas machine rolled on its awesome way and it looks as though it is going to take some stopping . After four games the Blooders have yet to score less than 150 points, and it is their multi pronged attack which presents the greatest headache for opposing sides. Yarra Valley are their most obvious challengers, but keep an eye on Chirnside Park, which hasn't put a boot wrong since St . Mary's walloped them in the opening game . ROUND 4 REVIE W

Old Carey an d Bulleen Cobras were rarely more than three goals apart all day until the C's kicked away half way through the last quarter, after the Cobras had closed the gap to five points in the first few minutes of that term . McLeod and Schneider gave the Cobras enormous drive with their centre bounce clearances, and it was a tragedy when Sheehan was stretched from the field in the third term with a serious ankle injury. 'Javed' Eastham took many telling marks in defence for the C's, while their runners Everett, Campbell, Vasilopoulos and Hill provided a steady stream of opportunities for the forwards . Shane Dillon played a great game for the Cobras, as did Joe D'Angelo round the ground. Chirnside Park trailed Richmond Central until the last minute of the game when that quiet achiever, Brian Pedler, goaled to give the Parkers a hard earned victory. In a dour struggle, Marcus Walker at either CHF or CHB, and Karl Oates on a wing, stood out for the Parkers . Just as a matter of interest, the Parkers' Reserves leading goal kicker to date, 'Daddy' Dalton, has a son playing with the club's U19's, is that an achievement or what? Well done 'Daddy'! For Central, Dave Holt was outstanding, holding Vinnie Piccioli goalless, and Anthony Dunn with the Shannon brothers also gave their all. St. Mary's went down to Eltham Coll egians after trailing all day, then pulling up to within 9 points in the last, only to see the Turtles skip away to a 26 point win . 'Horse' Horsburgh, Zorin Jovanovski and Robert Ham starred for Etham, and a lot of goal kicking practice is on the cards after being 6 .20 at one stage last week . Swinburne University found Yarra Valley far too strong and were not able to control Yarras formidable stable of runners like Thompson, Midro, Habben and McVean. Fung and Livesey-Cole were nearly impassable across half back, making life very difficult for the Swinburne forwards. Eley Park managed a most respectable score against the mighty Aquinas, but could not contain the power packed Blooder's forwards, who once again posted a massive tally . The Sharks went virtually goal for goal in the first half, but paid the price for not manning up in the third quarter and that's a no-no against a side as good as the Blooders . D. Hawley's brilliant marking was a feature of the Sharks play, with Storey and Kaye notable in 10

most creditable team performance . Mick Denavi and Andrew Hyland at half back for the Blooders plus Stewart Bethune in the ruck, managed to shine in a very even team . PREVIEW ROUND 5

Bulleen Cobras host Chirnside Park at Allen Street in what promises to be a tight game . Neither side believes in taking prisoners, and both have stacks of talented footballers . The Cobras are improving with every game, and their pace will trouble the Parkers . On the other hand the Cobras won't find it easy to keep a lid on Pemberton an d Piccioli for the whole match, and that will be the critical edge which should see the Parkers win an entertaining game by 2/3 goals . Richmond Central meet St . Mary's in a game Central have to win to stay in touch of the leaders, while the Saints will be desperate not to lose three on the trot . It will be a case of Central's marking strength versus the Saints running game, and, as Central become more accustomed to the extra space of the Kevin Bartlett, their long kicking should see them earn their first four pointer by a goal or two . Eltham and Yarra Valley have enough racehorses between them to do justice to the Kentucky Derby, and the tactical battle between Matt Ryan and David McCormack will be worth going a long way to watch . On balance, Yarra's half back line may be the key factor in a classic encounter, with Yarra coming home ahead by 5 or 6 lengths, sorry, goals . Aquinas an d Old Carey will also stage a spectacular affair, both teams being well stocked with class players, although Aquinas may have a bit more depth than the C's at this stage, particularly on the backline . The C's will also need to counter 'Kirky', Colliver, and company at the centre bounces if they are to have any change of winning . The Blooders are graced with an outstanding set of fonvards, and even though the C's own forwards are no slouches, that firepower should provide a win for the home side by 3/4 goals after a great game . Swinburne University host Eley Park at the Glenferrie and although they are acquitting themselves well in midfield and across the half back line, their forwards are finding it hard to convert opportunities . The Sharks posted a commendable score against Aquinas last week, and it is hard to see them losing today, so they should run out comfortable winners by 7/8 goals. Reserves winners should be : Chirnside Park, St. Mary's, Yarra Valley, Aquinas and Eley Park. Correspondents the Monday contact are 9547 9144 and Fax 9547 7764 .



MILESTONES Bulleen Cobras stalwart Robbie Schneider plays his 100th game today . `Apple' is a terrier round the club, who gives as good as he gets with hand, foot and Mouth!! He has served Bulleen United well in the past and is giving his all for the new colours . Well done 'Apple" from the Cobras, and all of us! Aquinas half back flanker, Brad O'Connor also plays his 100th today . Congratulations Brad !


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BULLEEN COBRAS v. CHIRNSID E PARK Meld: A. Harris, F . Karabelas. RICHMOND CENTRAL v. ST MARYS Meld: V. Vescovi, P . Wittington . ELTHAAR v. YARRA VALLEY Meld : R . Smith, C . Cimoli . AQUINAS v . OLD CAREY Meld: T. Creighton, M . Argall . SWINBURNE UNI v. ELEY PARK Meld: J . Stoppa .


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SEi:l©RS OLD CAREY 4.5 8 .12 13 .15 19.18.132 BULLEEN COBRAS 4.5 7 .11 10 .14 13.17.95 Old Carey Hickey 5, Everett 3, Feehan . Campbell . McFarlane . Eccles, Vasilopoulos . Best Everett, Campbell, Vasilopoulos, Eastham, Matthews . Hickey. 2, DroverCobras Thompson 3, McLeod, Odic, Starrett 2, Dillon . Gillard, Sheehan, Butleen Wagg . Best McLeod, Thompson, Dillon, gillard. Odic, D'Angelo . CHIRNSIDE PARK 2.1 4,7 6 .8 9.16.70 RICHMOND CENTRAL 3.2 7 .3 9 .6 9.12.66 Chimside Park Caine 6 . Walker 2 . McIntosh. Best Camst. Caine . Walker, Warren. paola . Oates . Richmond Central Katelis 5, Porteous 2, Porteous . Murphy . Best Dunne. Holt. C. Shannon, S. shannon. Ragg. they. ST MARYS 9.7.61 ELTBAM OC 11.2 1 St Marys Bin}ron S. French. Sinicco . Black . Best Stenart. Watson. Binyon. Ross. Eltham OC Goal Kickers and Best Playerls not received . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 2 .1 2.1 4.4 6.7.43 YARR9 VALLEY OLD BOYS 4 .7 13 .15 18 .18. 28.23 .191 Swinbume University Hamilton . Dell'olio, dymond . Lee, Mills, Vebergang. Best Dellolio . Milano . Hillgemann. Barry. Vebergang . Sartitsis . ® THF AMATFtJR Fnf)TRAI I FR 7B9R

Yarra Valley Old Boys Peake 6, MacVean 5 . Midro. Telford 3, Petersen, Keenan, Thompson 2, Laing, Habben. Keenan, Harrington, Lupoi, Dodwell . Best MacVean, peake, Mode, Thompson, Laing, Darfivell . ELEY PARK 6.2 11.5 13.9 15 .13 .103 AQUINAS OB 7.7 12.10 21.15 24 .22 .166 Eley Park Hawley 6, Kaye 4, Comte 2. Storey. Whittaker, Wunym. Beall Hawley, Hook. Kaye, Storey, Bromely, Womer. Aquinas OB J. Livingstone 8, Dunne. Phillips 4, S .. Livingstone . Flynn 2, Tarulli, field, Quinn, Hughes . Best Denavi, J . Livingstone. Bethune, Flynn, Hyland, Phillips . RESERVES OLD CAREY 3 .2 8 .6 13 .14 17.17.119 BULLEEN COBRAS 3 .1 5.1 5.1 10.3.63 Old Carey Brady 6, Jones ry 4, Serong n 3, Bennett, Humphrey, Cherry, Dawson . Best Serong. Rkguie, Cher . Pattei , Brady. Jones . BuBeen Cobras Humphrey 4uer 2, Sette, Kelly . Hors6eld . Best Worth, Kelly. Gaylor, Petty, Sette, Paatsch . CHIRNSIDE PARK 3 .7 5 .11 8 .16 11 .20.86 RICHMOND CENTRAL 0 .0 3 .3 4.4 8.4.52 Chirnside Park Dalton 4, Bond, Milkeraitras 2. Henderson, Ha rvey . Pope . Best throes, Sorace, Harvey, htitkeraitras . Pope, Schilling. Richmond Central Jackson 3, Barker, Ritchie, Wilson, Barrance, Bunshaw . Best Barrance . Ritchie, Murfett, Farley, Cawood . Hogan. ST MARYS 12 .14,86 ELTHAM OC 9 .17,71 St Marys O'Brien 5, Andrews 3, Francis . Langford, Morris, Phillips. Best O'Brien, Langford . Azzapardi, Andrews. Evans, Leamwnth. Eltham OC Goal Kickers and Best Playerls not received . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 0.0 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0.6 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 7.4 14 .7 18 .13 22.18.150 Swinburne University Potter. Best Potter, Smith, Crowe . Yarra Valley Old Boys Park 9 . Alderson 3, Ireland, Dove 2 . Trembath, White. C. Ross, D. Ross, MacVean, Downs. Best MacVean . Crean. C. Ross. Park, Corcoran, Ireland. ELEY PARK 2.1 4.3 10 .7 12.9 .81 AQUINAS OB 3.5 9 .7 10.10 13.17 .95 Eley Park Gibson 4, Holm, Karadimos, Millen 2, Dell'orso, Lees . Best Carroll, Lees . Gibson, Lee, Bromley, Karadimos . Aquinas OB Wilson, Whitehead 2. 0'LOughlin, Crouch . Tilling, O'Connor. Home. Muller. Grieson, Boutton, Clifford. Best Tilling. McEvoy, Grieson, O'Connor, Clifford, Whitehead .

✓<~ ~ ~~ :


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Clubs are advised of the fines situation regarding poorly filled in teamsheets . Previously a club was fined $5 for a teamsheet which contained one, two or any number of errors . As this has had no effect on club performance in this area, the Executive now rules that : - a club will be fined $5 for each error up to 5 errors for each teamsheet submitted (max fine $25) . - if the number of errors exceeds 5 the club will be charged under the "conduct unbecoming" rule and be asked to explain why a substantial fine should not be imposed for this tardiness. P. Stevens on behalf of VAFA Executive

E CENTRAL SECTION by Darren Briggs SPORTSCOVE R lliamstown CYMS' gusty four point win ove r '~] University Blacks has left Old Essendon an d West Brunswick as the only unbeaten sides after round 4 in E Central, while at the other end of the scale Newlands Coburg and Thornbury Cougars clash today where the loser will remain winless and with a stranglehold on the dreaded woodenspoon . REVIEW ROUND FOUR

At Craterzone, the Magpie Machine claimed the Tammer Tender Meats Trophy by making it four straight when they disposed of a slightly improved Thornbury Cougars . West Brunswick had compiled the majority of its 22 goal winning margin by 3 quarter time but after the orange break the Cougars played its best quarter of the season in which it booted 6 face-saving goals . Best for the winners were Drew Williams, Troy Thompson and Peter "Hector" Hamilton who snagged 6 goals . At Beautiful Bundoora, La Trobe opened its account for season 1996 with a six goal win over Old Westbourne . Scores were level after a first half in which Westbourne were ably lead by crack rover and former Western Jets player Billy Baarini his running and accurate disposal enabled fu ll forward Scott Whiting to boot four early goals, while the Trobers were kept in touch by the heavy bullocking work of Murray Lewis, continued good form of Brendan Sheerly and forward play of Dunin and Terry "Mr Magic" Wilson . La Trobe gradually got on top after halt time and benefited from coach Shayne Rule's masterstroke of moving ruck rover Bi lly Brown onto the dangerous Whiting whom he held goalless . Perhaps a relief for Deserthead and Robbie Ribeage now that the Coach has a new preferred tagger ? Match of the day at Fearon Reserve between Will CYMS and University Blacks proved to be an absolute ripper! From the first bounce, both sides attacked the ball very hard, the high degree of pressure forcing many disposals to miss their target . After an even first term, the Blacks settled into their trademark running game and with superior conversion up forward had established a handy 3 goal buffer by the half. The third term was a bruising affair that saw tow Williamstown players stretched off, leaving CY's with only 15 fit players . But Willi found inspiration in its injured team mates and fought back to trail by only 5 points at 3 quarter time . The final quarter was an epic struggle, with the scores level well into the term before Willi edged ahead approaching time on . Umpire Mick Gilday threw away the whistle in the desperate final minutes (maybe Mick can teach his AFL counterparts this trick) and when the siren sounded it was Willliamstown by three points in a win Willi scribe Dene Macleod described as one of its more courageous in recent club history . Best for the winners were Grant "Caroma King" Case, Singo, Jack "2 minutes" Daniel and new-comer Aaron "Punching Bag" Mackerley. This win suggests that it will be near impossible to beat Will on its own ground this year assuming it has its full array of talented U19's available for senior duty, while for Blacks the message will now have sunk in that this years pre12

miership will be far from a cakewalk . At Zooville, UHSOB used an extra man i n defence to successfully restrict the running game of Old Essendon and take a five point lead by half-time . However, OEG Coach Alex Fraser and his charges were able to successfully circumvent these tactics after the main break by displaying a superior level of fitness and skill . Old Essendon was able to break the shackles and go on and record a comfortable 10 goal victory . Bets for the winners were Hex, Trist, Chapman, Doc Reade and Peter Lutterschmidt . Finally at the Dimarcodome, Newlands Coburg tried valiantly to stay with North Brunswick and were successful to some extent as they trailed by only 8 goals until mid-way through the last quarter at which point the superior fitness of North's on ball brigade took complete control, enabling them to slam home 71ate goals and record an easy 89 point victory . Best for the winners were Edge Dimarco, V. Randello, D . Magnusson and Sly Fox (6 goals) while the ever reliable Mozzie an d Dooga were best for the Coburg Boys . PREVIEW OF ROUND 5

Unbeaten West Brunswick host La Trobe at Park Street in a game that will present the Magpie Machine with the opportunity for revenge for two losses inflicted by the Trobers in season 1995 . West Brunswick's six goal win over North Brunswick at home in round three forces me to just favour the Magpies but they should beware a very competitive La Trobe team that will be keen to build on the momentum of last weeks win, which would be furthered should past B&F's Mario Bakogiannis and Terry Wilson prove their fitness on Thursday night . Another interesting clash is at Hoppers Crossing where Old Westbourne will be no pushovers for the battle-scared Williamstown CYMS. Willi's great win last week was maned by a number of injuries and because of this game will be far closer than for, suggests, particularly if they cannot control Warrior prime movers Whiting, Baarini and Horsburgh . I'll stick with Willi to prevail in a tight one by 19 points . Match of the day is at picturesque Melbourne Uni where the Blacks wi ll be keen the rebound from last weeks unexpected loss when they host the unbeaten and nominal premiership favourites of Old Essendon. Both sides will employ fast running games on the vast expanses of the Uni Oval which the Blacks seem to play so well . Assuming the Blacks can curtail OEG powerhouse centreman Peter Lutterscmidt and dominant big-man Hex, I expect they will inflict OEG's first loss by 11 points in what may well be a preview of this years E Central Grand Final. At the Postage Stamp, both Newlands Coburg and Thornbury Cougars will be desperate for their first win of the year in a clash that is likely to be a "no holds barred" affair . The Cougars improved slightly last week but Newlands form has been a little better to date and as such the Coburg boys should record a hard fought 9 goal win. T THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Finally, at Zooville, for the second week in succession IIHSOB will look to very competitive against a fitter and more talented opponent in North Brunswick . Uni High have been able to match OEG and Willi for a half and while I expect they can do similar against North, a win in unlikely . North knows it must win if it is to keep touch with the four and should do so by around 8 goals. Correspondents : Numbers again by Monday 5.00 pm are Ph: 9379 1441 (H) and 9618 3413 (W) and Fax 9629 800 8

MILESTONES Thornbury Cougars congratulate Troy Lincoln on registering his 200th game for the Club . Troy has been with the club since U 19's and it is hoped he can now press on towards the 250 mark! La Trobe congratulate "Cool Hand" Luke McNamara on playing his 50th ame with the club this week. Hard working as a defender on e field and as Club Secretary off, it is hopes that this member of the 1993 Reserves premiership team has many games left playing for the Trobers . SOCIAL NOTES

Williamstown will congregate at the Morning Star Hotel this Saturday night to watch this years FA Cup final . Thornbury Cougars wish Troy Jones a speedy recovery to the broken leg his suffered in the recent game against Old Westbourne .






~- ~ - _- - -----SENIOR S


THORNBURY COUGARS 0.1 2.5 2.5 8.11 .59 WEST BRUNSWICK 9.4 13.5 22.11 30 .12 .192 Thornbury Cougars Bruno 3, Lincoln 2, Colter, Muscat, Mitro natsios . Best Lincoln, Kiely, Bruno. Alembakis, cutler, Craig. West Brunswick Hamilton 7 . Fenno 4, Curtin, Smythe, Heywood 3, Gray, Easiway, Coonan 2 . Lewis, osborne . Hewitt Hamilton . Best Williams, Thompson . Hamilton . Davies . Smythe, Gray. 3.2 9.5 13.9 1912.126 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3.2 9.7 11.9 12 .11 .83 OLD WESTBOURNE La Trobo University Wilson 5, Dunin 3 . Lewis. Edmunds, Zebrowski 2. Blaskett. Haynes. cu`rie. Sidebottom . Cole. Best Sheedy, Dunin, Wilson, Lewis . Matthew, Brown . Old Westbourne Whiting 4 . Baadni 3. Outen 2 . Robson . Moore, Galvin. Best Baarini, Mesman, Blake, Cuter . Horsburgh . Whiting. 2 .3 5 .6 10.7 13.10.88 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 .1 9 .1 11 .6 13.7.85 Williamstown CYMS Kurkowski 4. Herbertson 3, Bezzant, Tuck, Calderwood . Mackerley. Grieve, Twist . Best Singleton. Grieve, Case. Two. Daniel, Mackerley, Langham, Lee. University Blacks Hall 4. Hallam, Whitson, Cook 2 . Beaton . Carah, Cunningham. Best Cunningham, Beaton, Roberts, Carah, Jessen, Cook . UHSOB 1.1 4.5 4.6 8.8 .56 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 1.1 3.7 9.9 17 .13 .115 UHSOB Mazza 3. Wallace 2, Rae, Sedgwick, Bunn . Rest Bone, Davidson, Freijah, McLean, Cracknell . Mazza . Old Essendon Grammar Bishop 3, Capodiferro, Barr . Cramer, Lutherschmidt. Conlon, Papal 2. Dudderidge, Trist. Beat hexter, Chapman. Trist, Lutterschmidt Reade, Conlon . NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .4 9 .7 15 .12 23 .16.154 NEWLANDS COBURG 0 .2 4 .10 6 .13 8 .15.63 Nort h Brunswick Fox 6, Kyriazis 4. Thompson . Brif(a 3 . Kalpakas, Evans. Sorleto 2 . Dimarco . Best Dimarco, Sorleto, Magnuson . Randello, Hodgson, Fox . Newlands Coburg Nagi, Morris 2 . Gilinis. Zambello. Dix, Frost. Best 'Mozzie' Morris.'Dooga Fennessy, Ceri, Grigeletto . Keppel, Gilinis . RESERVES







0.0 0.0 0.0 1 .0.6 TBORNBURY COUGARS 9.11 13.20 21.26 26.29 .185 WEST BRUNSWICK Thornbury Cougars Goddard . Best Carter, Robertson, Bartlett, Beechmore. Johnson, Rocca . West Brunswick Haste, Ortiz, Koulogiannis 5, Henderson . Kavalieratos 3 . McDonald, McGrath, Baker. Soldatos, Aves. Best Haste, Aves• Koulogiannis . Micali• Henderson. Khoury. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 2.5 6.6 10.11 12 .14.86 OLD WESTBOURNE 0.2 1.3 1.3 2.7.19 La Trobe University Sutherland, Hartley 3, Caughey, Maddison 2, Cousins, Sheedy. Best Maddison, Sutherland, Gronow, McNamara, Hartley . Caughey . Old Westbourne Christo, Villingec Best Villinger, Harris. Cummin . Crowe . Ramsay, Horsburgh . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 .3 11 .4 14.5 17.10.112 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .1 3 .4 7.6 11 .11.77 Williamstown CYMS Payne 5, McNamara 4. Warren 3, Tuck, Grigg, Bond, Quinn, Hann . Best Warren, Grigg. McEachran. Payne, wilson, Beckwith, Elliott. University Blacks Ream 5, Kennedy, Morcom 2. Sowerby. Sullivan. Best Lowe, Sullivan . Keam . neviile, Lamb. Fogarty . UHSOB 1 .3 1 .3 2 .4 2.5.17 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2.3 6.11 10.16 17.21 .123 UHSOB Roe. Riotto . Best De Luca. Hudd, Wade . Hudd, Sokolenko, Mazza . Old Essendon Grammar T. Gillis 9. Tapungao 2, G . Gillis. McKenzie, Emerson. Walsh, Goodger, Chalkley. Best Vissenjoux, Goodger, Gillis . Mansfield, Cram, Gan•ey . NORTH BRUNSWICK 6.9 12.14 i5.18 21 .20.146 1 .0 1.2 3.2 3 .2.20 NEWLANDSCOBURG North Brunswick Papanikolaou 5, Sacco. Webb 4 . Plet 2 . Guppy. Keay. Ankwin . Hogg . Saunders, Rigazzi. Best Team Effort . Newlands Coburg Runciman. Best Capuano . Moloney . chapple. Baker, Eyre.




IIi ► '~~~ ®

WEST BRUNSWICK v . LA TROBE UNI. Field: M . Gilday, P . Griffiths . OLD WESTBOURNE v . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field: T . Foley, D . D'Altera. UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . OLD ESSENDON Fiefd: A. Stevens, A . Chapman : Boundary : M . Jelinek, C . Hayes . NEWLANDS COBURG v, THORNBURY COUGARS Field : P. Maebus, G . Waldron . UHSOB v . NORTH BRUNSWICK Fietd : S. Rolls, C . Nash.

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K ^ .',v (ROUND4 - 4/5/96) LATE SCORES: Reserves/Club XVIII (Due : 9531 8333 by 3 p.m .) University Reds (Res .) Williamstown CYMS (Res.) Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p .m.) Ivanhoe (Sen .) Eley Park (Sen. ) Whitefriars (Sen .) Thornbury Cougars (Sen .) AJAX (Sen.) Collegians (U19) University Reds (Sen .) North Old Boys (U19) Caulfield Or . (Sen.) University Blues (U 19) Old Carey (Sen .) St Kevins (U19) Swinburne Univ. (Sen.) Old Haileybury (U19) Old Trinity (U19) Phoned incorrect scores (From Round 3) Yarra Valley (Sen .) St Bernards (Club XVIII) St Bernards (Sen .) Old Paradians (U19) Bull-Temp . (Sen.) Old Camberwell (U19) Old Ivanhoe (Sen .) Monash Blues (U19) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section). First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; each further offence ($5 0) .


0 ~T1,3 r> LL CLUB V'-4 Presents :

H 6~ STIED BY OSCAR SV-,'A-R Saturday May 25U, 399 6 Chaucer's of Canterbur y

190 Canterbury Road, ('anferb

from 7 .30 p11 ) Tickets : $50 -Three course ineaL beer, wine and soft driuks Get YourTable Together Na, CaiLAndreaw Barnes on 96,90 5900 (W) for d e

BLACK LIST FINES increase as clubs continue to re-offend . The Executive has decided to impose a "one-off" fine of $250 for a fourth offence by a team of a club . Please see "From the VAFA" for a detailed explanation . 14

couple 1W t Australian visitors to VAFA Headquters last Friday were WA Amateu r board member Graeme Jacques and his father Alan, who were in Melbourne for the weekend for a family wedding . Conversation naturally got around to AFL football and with the Eagles drawn to play Melbourne in Melbourne 'the Rover' naturally assumed that this game would attract our Sandgroper friends . "No way," exclaimed Graeme and Alan, "we can't stand the Eagles - we're off to Victoria Park to see Collingwood!! " ### This week Caulfield Grammarians pla y Beaumaris in D section . As is the growing trend in Amateur football, clubs who share a common link play for a cup - a type of local derby . Caulfield and Beaumaris are this week playing for the Ken Criswicii Cup . Ken, a particularly fine District cricket spin bowler (in his day) with South Melbourne played over 200 matches with Caulfield and is now the sponsorship co-ordinator with the Beaumaris club . Rumor has it that when Ken played with Caulfield he preferred to go into packs backwards - so that he could get out of them QUICKER!!

## # Last Monday evening most football mad persons would have been glued to the television for the AFL Centenary special . Rumour has it that this special presentation did not miss the attention of the VAFA Executive either, who had a scheduled meeting last Monday . From all accounts the meeting flowed smoothly (as smoothly as they do), and a Pizza Hut delivery van was seen entering Elsternwick Park approximately 8 .45 pm . Great to see that even VAFA Executive business did not take precedence over AFL Centenary celebrations . There is no truth in the rumour that the Chief Executive Officer played the waiter all night either, from all accounts he was trying to close up the night to get home at a reasonable hour for once. ### 'The Rover' would like to know who is winning th e VAFA scribes tipping contest so far this season . In the past Norm Nugent has kept a regular tally of these stats and 'the Rover' would like to keep all informed of our esteemed football writers' actual knowledge of their particular section(s) .

SERVICES : Club Information Mon to Wed : Permits Thursday : Umpire appointment s .m.) Friday (a : Weekend game location s .m.) Saturday (a : Final siren scores Sat. (evening) M 1111 -ID






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Under 19 Section 1 AJAX I COLLEGIAN S Coach : Mike Zemski Assistant: Mark Feldy 1 . A. Carew 2. S.Ickowicz 3. B. Davis 4. M . Page 5. J. Rath 6. G. Samuel 7. A . Burnan (VC) 8. J . Beeb e 9 . D. Massage 10 . H . Snow 11 . P . Steiner 12 . D.Mohr (C) 13 . D. Onas 14 . J . Onas 15 . M . Rogers 16 . A. Rogers 17. G . Kaplan 18 . B.Lukav 19. D . Macro 20. J. Rosens 21 . D . Sutton 22. P . Zaltsberg 23. S . Whytoross 24. J . Scher 26. D . Grosman (VC ) 27. A . Lust (DVC) 28. B . Lewsk i 31 . A . Chrapot 32 . J . Rogers 31 D. Gelbart 34 . A. Sloane 35 . A. Rosen 36 . J . Segal II37 . J . Wajnberg

I Coach: Neville James 1 . G. Brielia 2 . B . Forsyth 3 . P .Looney 4 . G . Brown 5 . N. Michael 6 . B . Fewster 7 . P . Ritchie 8 . N . Florentine 9 . T. Caldwell 10. A. Muir 11 . C . Smythe 12. A. Sayers 13. S . Harwell 14. T. Van Der Venne 15. C . Harris 16. T. Champion 17. S . McLeod 18 . 19 . R. Luff ffg?

OLD PARADIANS Coach : Paul Digney 1 . JA'-'-s 2. MP.I 'h(GaFi .) 3. BP. 4 . C.` 5 . A.I' 6 . S.l..., 7 . P.T.Hant 8 . MS. FRJm 9. B.WmRam :rs 10. M .F 11 . NJ.r vd 12. SA" 13. D.P.~ j 14. SP. B. De 15. S .I. . .~40. I.H.GraGCwsH If. S. 41 . J .T.Cr9bu .1' 17 S .C 42. 5. Hanison & D:=ka 43. !d Gala .19. B)d.r :a .:~ 44. C . Jclxstaw 20. Ki.Kam:. 4&. J. tNadiks 21. B .G.Lyrd 47. A . 22. MJ.4U(VC) 48. MA .Hutsm 21 MA Co 49. N.t!'xphy 24. MJ.H~ktebrard 50. R. Wen 25 . IA. Baker 5?, L WSlla rrs 26. A. Sacco 51 J.YmceK 27 . M .C 28 . Ml{. 57 . SA'lk6 21 S. Phalan 58 . T.Gfsos 30. rIJ.Mss 62 . C. Pfa 31 . J . R deric k 65 . BA. Studd 32. N . Dmhs 69 . 1-Tuner 33 C .Ydalson 35. MJ. tryan

FRM2 ~s® Il sacu

Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722

DE LA SALLE Coach: Terry Russel l I . M . Abrahams 2 . L. Beretta 3. C . Browne 4. M . Butler (Capt .) 5. R . Chapple 6. S . Clohessy 7. B . Com e 8. M . Ellis 9. S . Fernando 10. K . Haddow 11 . L. Hal l 12. M . Herber 13. J . Healy 14 . J. Horn 15 . D . Hyland 16 . A. Johnstone 17 . D . Lambe 18 . G . Larkins 19 . S. Laska 20 . B . Lee 21 . D . M. Mercuri 22 . P . Miram 23. A . Moore (VCapt) 24. T. Nolan 25. R. Oliver 26. P . Scarfo

27. T. Shields (VCapt) 28. T . Silvers

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Pat Hawkins 1 . M. Jones (VC) 2 . T . Fleming

29. S . Thomas 30. J . Vincent 31 . A. Waters 32. 33. 34. 35 . 36 . 37 .

NORTH OLD BOYS OLD NiELBURNIAPlS Coach: Terry Mills 1. 2. D . Waters (C) 9. B. KaFsmasAs 4. l. L'eere



6. 0. KMCkr 7. B . Clancy 8' 0. 9. J. Beck NzOlan 10. LCuran 11. C.MasraY(VC) 12. M.Dutne&y 13. M.Bar f 14. B.Tm 36 15. J. Faxk 37, B . f' 16. S Kean . . C.F 17 . H.Haidar 38 .Ti :_ .. . D.Paybv D n18 . T . PeW_r,on . H MaliKd 40 19 41 . B. Nary 20. I . Ma" . D. UM 21 . A.64iean/ 42 . M . Ekhtd 22. B. Lynch 43 . A.Kcun:y 21 E.BN 44 24. A. H€A 25. P.Tfurtpsm 26. J. Snxasx (VC) 27. S.lkaxda 28. M.WmYers 29. I.Takb 30. A. Tabb 31. T. Ma.ghatee 32. J. Saba 33. T.C4:velzrd 34. S . Evans 35 . M. Maple

Coach : Richard Dunca n 1 . E. Sedgley 2 . D. Holme 3 . F . Purcell 4 . S. Murray (DVC) 5 . A. Wardell (DVC) 6 . J. Berry 7 . C . Banks 8 . J.Charlton 9. J. Law 10. T. Stevenson 11 . T. Cloke (C) 12. N . Osborne 13. S . Gowling 14, M . Bennett 15. a . Dixo n 16 . H. Webb 17 . J . Miller 18 . C. Jenkins 19 . B . McLeod 20 . S. Parikh 21 . A. Bains 22 . K. Rutherford (DVC) 23 . A. Cooch 24 . R . Tandy 25 . W . Deague 26 . C . Sibree 27 . J. Larkin 28 . S . McKenna 29. J . Rig g 30. S . Humphris 31 . D . Hall 32. J . Wright (VC )

3 . J. Kay 4 . B. Hilbert 5 . N . Alston 6 . L . Nisbet 7 . E. Williams 8. J . Dye r 9. S . Bailey 10. D . Boland 11 . T.Bowden 12. S . Tucke r 13. W . Somerville 14. M .Innes 15. D. Richmond 16. S . Hede 17. P .Adami 18. N. King 19. B. Ryan 20. J . Danihe r 21 . N . Ockleshaw (DVC) 22 . T. Winter 23 . B. Perry 24 . P.Shannon 25 . K. Lynch 26 . J. McCormack 27 . C . McGuigan 28 . M .lacovangelo 29 . t. Coughlan 30. N . Ireland 31 . J . McDonald 32 . J . Hardwick 33. P . Wals h 34. T . Barry 35. N . Barrett 36. M . Mulcahy 37. J . Drake 38. 39. J . Hawkins 40. 41 . R . Dillon 42 . d . Calma n 43 . T. Woodruff (C) 44 . R . Hoare 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . D . Donti

50 .

UNI BLUES THERRY CCOB Coach : Geoff Porter

ST. BERNARDS Coach : Kevin Mahady 1 . B . Swann 2. T. Peel 3. S . McKeon 4 . M . Hayes 7 . J .lanzano 8 . B . Loughlin 10 . B . Overman 11 . M .Tankey 12 . b. Hogan 13 . A. Damingo 14 . R. Nutter 17 . A. O'Sullivan 18 . G . Collins 19 . C . Rae 20. M. O'Callaghan 21 . A. Dunca n 23. C . Patience 24. L .Rogers 25. D .Ferns 29. D . O'Connor 30. J. Moun t 31 . S . Catanzarin 32 . S . Daffey 33 . J . Ballarin (C) 37 . T. Bateman 41 . D.Juegan 43 . C. Davis 45 . M . Dowling 55 . G . Cusac k

1 . D. Van Englen 2 . R. Zampogna 3 . D. Briedis

4 . S. Horalewski 5 . S.Sacco

6 . W. Bradey 7 . M. Postma 8. A. Grant 9. S .Stella 10. D . Salzyk 11 . J . Hutchinson 12. b. Crochford 13. T. Kenn a 15. M . heffeman 16. S .Goodwin 17. G . O'Connor 18. D. tuema 19. M . Cul l 20. B .Jacobsen 21 . A. Fitzpatrick 23. A. fielding 24. B. Meg rath 25. N . Gil l 26 . J. Van Engler, 27 . P.Copeland 28 . C . Laws 30 . M. McCartney 33 M. Jacobsen 35 . S.DOwdle 37 . P. Dunn 42 . A . Moloney 43, B . Stevens 44 . F. Grech

Coach : Steve Carroll 1. T.Buber 2. B . Batrany 3. C . Belrame 4. 5 . BttIril 5. S&afiej 6. J. cam 7. R.ChrK 8. D.Demai 9. S .Dctter 10. J.Easl~ 11. PFaxbark 12, B.Faa1 13, B.FricYt.r 14 . M .HaTgan 15 . J.Hanaon 16. G .Hartmt 17 . D. Hims 18. T. Ha m 19. T. Jctam 20. 8. Kealh 21 . D.KwPf 22. D. Keys 23. S . Kiray 24. S . Km 25. J. Lawns 26. B . Lee 2' C Lehrman H. E . Lindsay 29. RM.a.k'w 3a J. MatapO 31. R McA&S 32 . K. MtCamaclc 33 . J. Mckdash 34 . A.Mckenzie-Ndarg 35, D. Mc6rah X L Makm 47 . D. SVack 37 . B.Murphq 48 . J.Slwrak 38 . H.Nailon 49 . RSwan 39 . J . Kash 50. M . Thurtor, 40. B.Nea 51 . 1I.9enleegen 41 . H .Pap ._ 52 . J,WaYs 42. T. Pr°, 53. S. Wt4ehza9 43. T.R 54. T.Y4m: 44. C .Sw . .. 55. M.Wuscm 45. B.Srr«t'.. 46. L.Spe


622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Nioonee Ponds 9326 1799


I7nder° 19 White BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach : Brian Cartwright 1 . S . Lambropoulos 3. C. Androutsopoules 5. S . Walker 6. W. Bell 8. P . Francis 9 . A . King 10 . N. Maragos 15 . P . Gannas 17 . R. Floyd 19 . S . Giasante 20 . J . Androutsoppoulos 21 . S. Mountai n

22 . P. Mount 23 . 24. 25. 26 . 27. 30. 33. 35. 36. 41 . 43. 44 .

S. Pemberton M. Mann B. Maylin D. Ric e P. Potamianos D. Daskalou S. Kierides L. Grove s C. Papadepoukos T. Plain


OLD CAMBERWELL Coach: Andrew Tsindo s

Coach : Clayton Waser P. Aron (V .Capt.) B. Betheras D . Chaplin 8. Clancy A. Dellisola J. Dor,klson A. Elli s C . Eppinger P. Femon A. Flowerday S. Francis T. Gulliver K. Harper S. Haines D. Hegarty B.Iher G . Jenning s S . Kemp (Capt.) D. Kin g

A. Leaning (VGapt) S . McCubbin M . McHenry D. P. Mercuri T. Messe r A . Moon T. Morse J . Mystakidis L. Nelson C . Neurauter C . Papalia H . Pipkom L. Simm J . Sloan C . Troia S. While C . Wilson C. Worsteling D. Francom e

2 L01Aw`r.ry 3. 1 h d. 11F1 67.R, B. T. C 9. 8S 6. M.' tI .R 12 S. 3. S. . 4 .N ; I6 1': 17 .t . lan . 1@. g 0.c .1 21. W. 228 21 S. 24.C



OLD GEELONG Coach: Tim Killworth 14. E . Bostock 15. A . Podley 16. W. Pau l 24 A . Salter (VC ) 26. M. vickers-Willis (C) 28 . E . Jeffrie s 31 . A. Mims 33 . M. Smith 37 . M. McConachy 39 . E. Plowman 40 . c . St.Clai r 41 . S. Peltig 42 . D .Campbell 49. M. Petti g 50. J. Wallace-Smith 51 . A. Coot e 52. S. Cole 53. S.0'Brien 54. J. Teague 55. S. Bingley 56. L.Vflson 57. w. Gordon 58. G. Collins 59. S . Lucas 68. L. Aitkin 69. s. Hogg 70. J . Downie 71 . B . Rankin 72. J . Paul 73. N . Beattie

ST KEVINS Coach : Ad ri an Bal l 1 . R. Simkiss 2. M . Gargano 3. S . Outing 4 . M.Rizio (Capt) 5. J . Pickering 6. B . Quirk

7 . S . Ries

8 . A . McGuiness 9 . M. Furlong 10 . A Livy 11 . J . Hassel t 12 . B. Dallman (DVC) 73 . A. Pivetta (VCapt) t4 . P.Greenham 15. C . Hadda d 16. M. Pangrazio 17. J. bowler 18. G . Large 19. J.0'8rien 20. it . McArdle 21 . b . Marusic 22. B. Delahay 23. M . Williams 24. J. Goldsworthy 25. M . Funston 26. B .Day 27. J . Finch 28. A . DeKretsa 29. c. Baker 30. S . Kennedy 31 . R. Doherty 32 . S .Radtord 33 . Gu s 34 . 35 . M. Fields


9 8 57 8061 ST. LEOS E M MAUS Coach: Peter O'Connor 1 . D. Lear 2 . A . Auliso 3 . T. Ludlow 4. A . Daly 5. b . Carey 6. P .Deery 7. N . Hodder 8. G .Kennedy 9. G . Simondson 10. A. Laurie 11 . E. McLaughlin 12, S. Vozzo 13. G . Psaltopoulos 14. e. Sheehan 16 . J. Smith 17 . L. Newey 18 . M . Smith 19 . B . Wilby 20 . O . Brown 22 . L. Latham 32 . R. McCann 35 . T. Batty 80 . G. Wyett M . Cody J . Rattigan

UNIBLACKS Coach : Damian Carrol l 1 . T. Belleville 2 . M .Buckis 3. J. Butterfield 4. B.dillon 5. O.Fumess 6. C.Franklin 7. R.Gazai 8. B.Gilbertson 9. T . Holmes 10. N. Howell 11 . J . Scot t 12 . T .Kflchen 13. L. Kirkham 14, A . Leddin 15 . J . Magee 16 . a. Maher 17 . B . Oswald Morgan 18 . P . 19 . A . robinson 20 . C . Ross 21 . A .Sanders 22 . L .Spencer 23 . A.Walker 24 . T.Warburton 25 . J .Ward 26 . R . Watson 27. S. WhHe 28. M . Atkin 29. T. Gargon 30. A. Morrissey 31 . N. Roll s

32. L. Juniper 33. S . Dimond

WARRINGAL Coach : Harry Harisio u 1 . C. Williams 2. B .Anderson 3. H . Reeves 4. K . Convery 5. A .Rossi-Mel 6. W.Taylor 7. S .Attardi 8. B .Woodlock 9. A . Heard 10. A .Fogarly 11 . S. Yin 12 . A.Camelleri 13 . S.Taylor 14 . P.Witchell 15 . K. Harte 16 . T.Wason 17 . L .Sheean 18 . H . Beale 19 . T.Benton 20 . P. James 21 . M . Peters 22 . P. Harmon 23 . A.Karafili 24 . L. O'Connell 25 . S . Walter 26 . J . Anderson 27. J .Wilson 28. M . Manovella 29. A . Kirk 30. N . haYmes 31 . a.jackson 32. N .Mitchell 33. J . Harkman

WILLIAMSTOWN C .Y .M.S . Sen . Coach : Gerard Barnes 1 . B. Woud a 2 . B . Cock s 3 . A. Petzierides 4 . b.Forrester 5 . B .Twis t z6 . A .thege 7. J . Clark 8. G.Singleton 9. S . Wuchatsch 10. G. Burgess 11 . D . Macleod 12. C .Bergin 13. M . Elhaouli 14. L .Grochowski 15. t . Murray 16. M . Holland 17. J. Matar 18. G .Rickard 19. L .Gray 20. B. Robinson 21 . R .cockerell 22 . W. Kaddour 23. D. Bordignon 24 . D. Wouda 25 . d. Ryan 26 . D. Lee 27 . C. Mathews 28 . S . Kennedy 29 . A . Houli 30 . M . Elhaouli 31 . B . Davies 32 . B .Todd 33 . B . MacLeod 34 . N . Magor 35 . s .Siewek 36 . G. Cartyon 37. S . Dye r 38. J. Hrycyszyn 39. D . Krogmann '..


Under 19 Blue


BEAUM ARIS Coach: Peter Mcerearty

Coach : Craig Harri s

1 . N . Mclean 2- B. Thomas 3. M. Pitts (VC) 4 . J . Wadha m

5- R . Thatcher (Capt .) 6- C . Kent 7- D . Whitaker 8 . M. O'Brien 9 . B. Nicholson 10 . G . Moloney If . S. Blackie 12 . M. McLeod 13- A. Qui n 14 . R . McGrath 15 . B. Stevens 16 . P. Fisher(VC) 17 . S. Mclver 18 . N. Boctor 19 . R. Thornton 20 . T. Rand 21 . P. Thomas 22 . N.John 23 . B. Ferguson 24 . C. Cezaw 25 . H. Dwyer 26 . B. Carroll (Capt.) 27 . J. Vanc e 28 . J. McKenzie 29 . S. Fraser 30 . M . Matulick 31 . A. Booth 36 . J. Handfield 41 . B. Stevens 51 . D. Sheldrake 52 . B. Valle

I CAULFIELD GRAMMARIAN S Coach : Michael Malone alme 2 ACwu'v a A8 ~q 4, N. 5. S. . & T.Y 7. V7. r &0._ 9. fllr° 1o,dP it. R . 12. LC s 13.d&, 14. W. ' 15. W. 16. C . I& !3. t It. M.121. AP 22 T.' 23, J.! Ya 2d M. We 27. ftK~nn 21 N.

~. 3?. 43. 41. 4)

4a 47. 48. it. 51. 51 . 5i

31. 33. 5H3


12. A . Alderton 15. F. Carr 20. A . McNamee 24. W. Clar k 41 . J . Murchie 44. A. Brown 46. A. Price 51 . D . Strachan 54. G . Rhodes 55. S. Toms 56. R . Ken t 57. M. Dennis 58- C . McPherson 59. A. Lewis 60. B. parnham 61 . D . Crewdson 62. M. Jackson 63. A. Liptrot 64. X.Johnson 65 . B.Logan 66. J. Stewart 67 . D . Watson 68 . P. Williams 69- M . Balmer 70 . A. Remfry 71 . L . Marget 72 . W . Smith 73 . H. McDougall 74 . R. Martin

OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Andrew Baxter 1 . S.W:`.et(YC;n?i 2 61:( 't: .. 3 B11 ~ 4. F5. PS 6. D.P" 7. P.1 I. F. ' 9. d : 11 L° t 12. a . 11 Id 14. R1 = 1S. 16. 17. 18. 19. A

1 . C . Cullen 2- B. Martyn 3 . D . Varker 4 . A. Varker

5 . D . Anderson (C) 6 . A. Brown e

PRINTED LABELS PHONE (@3)9aSa7 '4 R1XtO3) 9#S Al ~rQtllftih' 1~P~S~Ur QflRl!(j' ~leflt5' ~

OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Leigh Bowes 11 . D . Paterso n

M AZENOD Coach: Kevin King

7 . L . O'Grady 8 . D. Busby 9 . P. Molino 11 . L . Tregear 12. S . Burke 13. P. Nelson 14, B. Hoare 15. E. Zuker (C) 16. P. Allardice 17. S .Osboume 18. B. Ari z 19. S .G . James 20, A. Aquin o 22, H. Georgeanakis 24. R. Dunball (VC) 25. M . Dunball 26. D. Ariz 27. S . Slick 28. T . Wilmott 29. H. Tregear 30. L. Muir 39. T . Lynch 40. C. Hutchinson 41 . M . Talent 42. W. Armour 43. M . Salter 44. M . Iles 45. A . Quon 46. M . Louis 47. A . Duddy 48. M . Karakas 49. P . Apinitis 50. T. Pucella.

AUSFINE FOODS tNTERAAno9tAt . PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock . 3193 OR M OND Coach : Brian Keatin g 1 . G . Lehner 2 . G . Kin g 3 . R .Franklin (VCapt) 4 . N . Larki n 5 . A. Murphy 6 . M.Wannacott 7 . H . Brown 8 . D . O'Reilly 9 . M. Hester 10 . N . Courtney 11 . C . Bailey 12 . R .Cunningham 13 . M. Mabbett 14 . C . Jackson 15 . S. Taylor 16 . S. Finlayson 17 . S. Handley 18 . A. Bibby 19 . G . Smith 20 . T . Rust 21 . S. Metz (Capt) 22 . S . Head 23 . S . Herman 24 . T . Morgan 25. D. Fishlock 26. J . Argall 27. L. Cripp s 28. M . Wrodarczyk 29. S . Wrodarczyk 30- L. Livingstone 42. G . Hall (DVC) 51 . J . Byron





1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

B. Johnson J . Le Grand (Capt.) B.Joseph S. Barbellini P. Egan

6 . M. Riley 7 . S. paolucci (VC) 8 . D . Schofield 9 . B. Clifford 10 . T. Sykes 11 . G . Janetski 12 . M. Rouch 13 . A. Meadows 14 . G . Young 17- A. Quinn 18 . V. Of Scala 19 . A. McDowell 21 . P. McCulloch 22 . T. Bailey . 24. D . Ward

25. J. Dunne

27. W . Occhiuto (VC) 28. A. Moore 35- B. Hall 37. R. Hawkins 49. A. Smythe 53. G .Jones 61 . S . Bilston 69. P. Fay



Industrial • Domestic

• Commercial

770 088 0 ST KILDA/ SOUTH CAULFIELD Coach : George Joseph 19 . M . Weilgosz 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . B . Kin g

31 . M . Cunningham 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 361 . 37i . 38 . 39 . A . diamon d 40 . d. Broadhurst 53 . B . burke 561 . B . Karaminovski 57. K . Gleeson 58. E . karaminovski 69- F.Knoweiss 71 . A .Cranston 72. M . MacDonald 73. S . Duff y 74. C .Femando 75. S . Price 77. S .Holloway 78. G.Davis 79. M . Merrick 80, r. Plavijanic 81 . r. Nahas 82 . 83. L. Phillips 84 . M. Slade 86. T. Galloway 87. M. Hoga n

OF BRIGHTON Palmerston Hotel 955Q 5749

M ONASH BLUES Coach: Steve Rust 2- J . Baxter (C) 3 . C . Miller 4-A . Bragg 5 . R . Harris (VC) 6- H . Tomlinson 7 W. Mclvor 8M. Lawrence 9.M. Weeks 10. B. Henderson 12. A. Hicke y 14. R . Burston 15-A. Leadston 16. D . Walter 17. P. O'Neill 18.C. Stott (DVC) 22.J. Cavanagh 23. T . O'Brien 24. B. Hodson 25.J . Hawkins 26.M . Wagstaff 27-T . Tremellen 2& S . McGee 29.M . Killian 30.T, Cameron 31 .D.Jones 32 . D. Horsfall 33.A. Lourey 34. M- Oka 37. B . Dempsey (DVC) 41-S- Millie 43-C- Riordan 47.C. McPherson


IJnder 19 Re d AQUINAS (N) Coach : John Bourk e 1 . E . Mascitti 2. G. Burch 3. D. Heveren 5. H . Nichol 6. W. Patton 7. J. Quinn 8. N . Fredickson 9. J. Bleakney 10. D . Boland 11 . S. Moran 12 . M. Tilling 13 . P. Glennie 14 . A. Chapman 15 . M . Fredickson 16 . M . Hunter 17 . A . Williams 18 . J . Hunt 19 . M . Held 20. E . O'Loughlin 21 . C . Brownhill 22. 23. T. Huggins 24. M. Reilly 38 . V. Sorace 39. M. Mercuri 42 . R . Moran 51 . A. Hyland 54 . D. Kealy 55 . A . Cultera

CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach: A . Cousins Assistant: S. Condie 13,0 n(VL') 2 B.F~^as 23. B.F.aa`h I G 24. S. Parer 4. 0 I .+ 25. D. yd S. At - -. , 26. 6. AI' - : 27. F.Yago 7. B.1-;Nord a APayN 6. Af > 29. 9, T. Wimoard 30. M Adams 1A P .A&I 31. 11. C.W(:raO 59. 12.O.S6aPV 60. 13. E.Wastnu2 14. C.P&A 1SlACasW la K Wax* 17. D.ENrr

B. N. Egan 9. IACar 2U 6t8 1 ?2.

DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Ken Basso 97221697 02 . BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015 552 01 3

MARCELLIN Coach: Peter Randall 1 . M. Roberts 2. W . McMahon 3. L. Crosby

4. R. Badanjek 5. M . Bello

6. L. Ryan 7. D. Bellissimo 8. B . Alford 9. J . Mason 10. T. Black 11 . M . Mifsud (VC) 12. M . Karavasilis 13. S. Moran 14 . M. Van Unt (oVC) 15 . T. Stephens (C) 16 . J. Blackmore

17 . D . Sampimon 18 . P. Diacogiorgis 19 . B. Colvill e 20 . C. Mulready 21 . B. Delta Riv

22 . B. Symes (DVC) 23 . N. Armstrong 24 . J . Evans•Smith 25. S . Moussi 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33 . 41 . 51 .

A . Reitano A . Sangorgio P . Toscano T. Marti n D . Cardimone A . Rubira J. Sheehan P. Hogan M. Randazzo L . Bettio l

52 . B. Alford

OLD CAREY Coach : Peter Schiller 1 . L. Murphy 2. S . Collins 3. d. Bedford 4. D .cochrane 5. J . Carter 6. 7. C . Anson 8. A. Oppy 9. J. Woods 10. N . Harris 11 . R . Sali 12 . R. Spencer 13 . K.Safak 14 . J. Ciuro 15 . A. White 16 . A. Costello 17. K. Lewis 18. C. Angus 19. S . Wilson 20. S . Detarczynski 21 . N . Beal e 22. C .Battle 23. S.Pratt 24. M. Heppell 25 . F. D'Anna 26. J . Nash 27. c . Murray 28 . 29 . 30 . M . Hutchens 31 . W . Porter 32 . P. Maniotis 33 . Q . Smyth 34. J. Zito

35. B. Gust 36.

37. L. Small 44.

G. Hendriks

OLD PARADIANS Coach: Adam Stuckey 1 . JA r -

2 MP. . :. Pap I Bv . C .'.4 SA & S.h .y, 7. P.T.Na rs 8 . 9.S.F . 9. BHS~an M M .P6xe's tt. N.tPlivFaii 12 SA IfLbar 13. DP.Gm7fyW) 14. SP. 1 It S.lrH4 m

B.On tH.G" IeA 17. S .C 41. J.T_C . . 42 I& D. . 41 19. BAt

18 S

p. KL! - -. 46 -21 . a~ . . . 8&L, .-

M1J~ce14C) 4a' dA, tn 23. NACo 23 . likebard 49 . N.! 50. R '~ '21lA bs . L. ~ . A. S " 2 7 . 17n C

28 MY, 29. S.

31. dl 32 NL 33. C.W,, 15. At .A F

57. S .( : .-59. T.Gt os ~ C .Prra 65 BA S~7 B . L. Twe

YA r d~ ® r~ q~


Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph : 9687 872 2

OLD TRINITY OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steve Aird 1 . M. Gwynn 2 . M . Stevens 3 . A. Teesdale (Capt) 4 P. Shear 5 . A. Walkom 6 . T. Gray 7. A. Littlejohn 8. J. Agar 9 . M .O'Brien 10. C. Woods 11 . W.Junkeer 12. M . Ford 13. S . Milliken 14. P . DAvis 15. J . Snow 16. C. Hosking 17. C. Bird 18 . D . Ireland 19 . S . Penton 20 . D . McLennan 21 . D . Robson 22 . M. Davison 23 . 0. Cran e 24 L. Boyle 25 . C . Tindale 26 . D .Thomas 27 . L . Rose 28 . R . Eagle 29 . L . Andrews 30 . N . Morri s 34 . N . Thompson 36 . S. Romensky

Coach: Leigh Coleman 1 . A. Andrews (Capt) 2. B . Power 3. H. Munroe 4. J . Arrowsmith 5. T. Wolle y 6. J . Gerrish 7. S Natoli 8. D. Beardsley 9. B . Dahlstrom 10. M.Shauhgnessy 11 . T. Morpeth 12 . R . Rhea 13 . J. Cade 14 . T. Perry 15 . J. Ivory 16 . M. Chisolm 17 . J . Newman 18 . D . Burrows 19. C . Bar 20. 21 . S . McMahon 22. T .Sheehan 23. T . Cad e 24. N.O'Haloran 25. M . Lapira 26. T. Tobin 27. M . Greig 28. C. Butler 29. L. Kennedy 30. C . Stanley 31 . E . Davatzis 32 . K . Noden 33. C . Wilson 34 . D . Robinson 35 . A. McKenzie 36 . R . Baxte r

WHITEFRIARS Coach: Andy Dalrymple 1 . M . Tudo r 2 . M . Vandenboom (VC) 3 . D. Fedele (DVC) 4. 5. L. Eame s 6. M . Jongebloed (Capt) 7. M . Winterbur n 8. A . Lacey 9. S. Gillen 10. A. Davi s 11 . D . Nolan '.. 12. A. Sandford 13. T. Hughes 14. A. Beattie 15 . R . Mika 16. r.Tartaglia 17 . A. Glenn 18 . c. O'Connor 19 . A. Shepherd 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . r. Fedele 23 . D.Griffin 24 . M . Smith 25 . 26 . R . Pawlick 27. 28. P . Molloy 29. 30. (fi'~^

' 6f,2 a4i'lE k, ~'~CREDfT(1NION


YARRA VALLEY Coach : John May I . T . Wapshot 2. T . Hale 3. S . Standliekl 4. J . Reid

5. A . Drew 6. L. Dou r 7. S . Thompson 8. L. Morris 9. D . Millson 10. A.Banon 11 . B. Reynolds 12. P. Ford 13. J. McConnell 14. B. Mc1lraNh 15. K. Ma y 16. L . Tay or 17. T. MCllmflh 18. L . White 19. B. Wilson 20. T. Tyshing 21 . M . Wear 22 . B. Telford 23 . A. Drew 24 . A. Cusano 25 . S . Gado 26 . D. Rowe 27 . L. Smith 28 . A . Lawton 29 . S . Seaboume 30 . A . Siebel 34 . D . Steven 35. A . Laing 46. W. Butler 52. A. Ha rtnett 69. H . Van Kiaer


40 .


Club XVIII North COLLEGIANS Coach : t . G . Dingoe 2. M. Burgess 3. N . Sibbing 4. N . Comiey 5. R . Crocker 6 . J. Gleeson 7 . J . Hubbard 8 . N . Hutton 9 . C . Comley 10 . R . Le e 11 . S . Gross 12 . 13 . 14 . A . Marson 15 . D. Tadgell 16 . E . McKay 17 . M . Whittaker 18 . J . Gonzales 19 . J . Gay 20 . D. Smith 21 . 22 . M .Jones 23 . 0 Lansenberg 24 . C. Sutherland 25 . D. Wai n 26. S . Messina 27. 28 .

OLD ESSENDON Coach : D. Law 1 . D . Law (CC) 2. D . Bellman 3. K.Gasa 4. B. Gass, 5. T. Williams 6. C . Fazzalari 7. P . Cramer 8 . D . Garvey 9 . N . Di b 10 . M . Swift it . R. Musa 12 . A . Dawson 13 . B . White 14 . M . McKerrell 15 . D. Stembridge 16 . C. Bishop 17 . D. Hexter 18 . A . Hutchinson 19 . D. Reid 20 . G . Dalinkiewicz 21 . L. Shaw 22 . A. Smith 23 . M . Mason 24 . R . Boyle 25 . M. Howden 26 . A. Cuzzupe 27 . D . Cuzzupi 28 . M. Goodwill 29. S. Hearne 30. D . Greasley

HAWTHORN CITIZENS Coach: Glen Stallworthy 1 . M . Keeney 2 . R. Lovic h 3 . K. Richardson 4 . S . Bowe (Capt .) 6 . P . Avery 7 . G . Stalworthy 8 . P . Lovich 9 . W . Power 10 . P. Orchard 11 . A. Stil l 12 . A. Tsoumbris 13 . J . Povey 15 . G . Morris 16 . H . Ousalkas 17. D . Zavarella 18 . S. Timewell 19. J. Law 20. A . Hartley 21 . D . Murphy 22. C . Benton 23. D . Tracey 24. A . Wilson 25. A . Hur e 26. M . Wilkinson 27. R . Lord 28. J . Morrison 29. D . Murray 30. D . Lauletta 32. B . Delbridge 35. A . Dunlop 36. S . McDonald 41 . E . Sil l 44. P . Rossitto

KEW Coach: M . O'De a 1 . P . Corridon 2. S . Ivak 3. M. O'Dea (Coach) 4. A . Tucke r 5. A . Morrow 6. M . Garoffolo 7. M . Doyl e 8. K. Corbally 9. D. McGuire 10. P. Bladeni 11 . M . Smith 12. D. Maher 13. M .O'Hanlon 14. P. Sea l 15. A. Lazerus 16 . D. Byme 17 . C. Johnson 18 . C. Curtain 19 . O . Niall 20 . A. Wilson 21 . G . Kalac 22 . S. Reid 23 . R. Guppy 24 . S. James 25 .

26 . 27 . J .leonard 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. M . Quinn 56. T. Reynold s

Stillwell Ford OLD IVANHOE Coach: 1 . ht Tu~q

HARP OF ERIN 011111111,101M

2 P.Si~(CC.~,i! a. AJEWo 4. A. Pz'rz+ 4. 0. Tod {R) 5 JSS° 6. SK~ 7. T.Ya i 8. T.' 9. Id n...p

9. P.}:r . II

47. G. A: 49. A' 31 . DJ, t+ 4 k Y. 0 .1ci O . C.C n 39. T.C : -:-~. 51. V .F K GA S LML_- f4) 53. D.r 54. t D. i 5S J. EYA 37. D.t ro. W. W,.~ G.( 57. T.prCNi.d .3 ais:S. fl4Yes 4p rG ,'. EESw'.~ih L4L LTc 42 5. 41 D r 45 !dL'~= 4&

ST BERNARDS Coach : Andrew Vinecombe t . A. Vincecombe (Capt) 5 . R . Day 7 . M. Creak 10. M. Quinn 11 . P. Prassas it . B. Schwarzenberg 12. M. Castle s 14. M. Cunningham 15. J . Marti n 16. M. Farmer 2t . B . Moon 22. G. Farrugio 25. A . Barnes 26. P . Farrugia 33. G. tota 39. 1 . matkou 44. P . Moon 69. G. Woo d

622 NIL Alexander Rd. itoonee Ponds

9326 1799



Coach: A. Kennedy 1 . A . Kennedy 2. M . Comer 3 . D. Boothey 4 . P. Doyle 5 . V. Paonessa 6 . J . Hes s 7 . A. Merton 8 . M. Nimmo 9 . B. Edmonds 10 . G . Cox (C) 11 . M. Lowry 12 . A. Barnett 13 . S. Lane 14 . R . Pertich (V.C.) 15 . A. Robinson 16 . A. Keogh 17 . D . Lowry 18 . G. Lowry 19. D . Pizzalotto 20. J. Kent 21 . M. Kent 22. G. Banks 23. G. Basford 24. A . Bucknell 25. M. Curry 26. D. Dodoricco 27. P . Fitzsimmons 28. R. Hollan d 29. A . King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D. Theisz

Coach: Ron Holmber g 1 . B. Allman 2 . M .Bevanda 3 . G . Carroll 4 . S.Lanyon 5 . S. Elliott 6. M. Fennelly 7. B. Devine 8 . J. Smit h 9. D . Fogarty 10. M. Giroiami 12. S. Hall (C) 13. C . Henderson 14. P. Heve y 15. N . Hibbins 16. R . Holmberg 17. D . Perrone 18. M . Lynch 19. P . Considine z0. D . Joyc e 21 . F. Miletto 23 . G. O'Toole 25 . A . Ryan 26 . A . Schmidt 27 . J . Schmit 28 . K . Scott 31 . B . Swain 32 . J . Trimboli 33 . A. Trimboli 34 . I . Turnbull (VC) 42 . A. Rowlands 43 . G . Irvine 45 . J. Zumbo 48 . N . Christie 53 . J. Cahill 59 . J. Bujega 69 . J. Joyce

THERRY Coach : 1 . D. Van Engelen 2 . R. Zampogna 3. J . Sriedis 4. S . Koralewski 5. S.Sacc o 6. W . Brady 8. A. Grant 9. S. Stella 10. D . Slazyk 13. T. Kenn a 15. M. Heffernan 16. S. Goodwin 17. B.Crockford 20. B .Jacobson 21 . A . Fitzpatrick 26 . J. Vanengelen 28 . B . Gree n 33 . M .Jacobson 35 . S .Dowdle 40 . D . O'Meara 42 . A . Maloney 43 . B .Stevens

Club XV111 South DE LA SALLE Coach : 1 . K. Mannix (Capt .) 2. T. Mchenry 3. A. Classon 4. B.0'Driscoll 5. B. Byrne 6. B. Hoy 7. M . Thorn 8. D. Jennings (VC) 9. N. Vargas 10. D. Tessier 11 . S . Bolt 12. S . Rudd 13. J. Clothier t4. M .0'Driscotl 15. A Brabner 16. C. Taylor 17. B . O'Hearn 18. T. Moor e 79 . P . Manning (VC) 20 . M. Stanhope 21 . S . Goss 22 . A. Worsteling 23 . C . Bourke 24 . T. Forbes 25 . J . Murphy 26 . D . Williamson 27 . A. Car r 28 . C . Cleary 29 . S. Gurr 30 . G . Hagan 31 . M . Farrell 32. T. Silvers

M AZENOD Coach: Danny Wai n 7 . P. Deegan 9. P. Hal l 10. M . Tolley i t . T. Smith 12. A. Wilks 13. T . Bridgland t5. C. Varney 21 . I . Neil 26. D. Conroy 27. D. Krom 28. D. Carter 33. J . Boyle 35. J . Fisher 36. P . Robinson 37. G. Trigg 38 . D. Steinfort 39 . R . Bourbon 41 . B . Welch 44 . D . Salle 45 . G. Rogers 46 . B . Hains 47 . P . Riley 48 . P . Vin e 49 . L . Hatvy, 50 . C . JOnes 51 . S. Thompson 53 . M. Peters 55 . M. Quirk 56 . M. Welch 58 . R . Cahill 59 . C . Lane 63 . P. Welch 64 . S. Bourbon 66 . W . Poulter 89 . J. Keal y




Coach : M . Selby

Coach :

2 . M . Jarvi s 3 . B. Stefanou 4 . N. Callender 5 . R Murray 6 . S . Moody 7 . M . Hall 8 . A . Hancock 9 . P . Ellison 10. D. Morton 11 . J . McLauchlan 12. D. cochran 13. A . Noble

Mark Borthvirick 1 . N . Strauss 2. W. Davis 6. J . Bett 10. R . Bum 15. C. Stewart 18. C. Richardson 20. T. Breadmore 21 . A . Coate 24. M . Williams 26. A . Williams 27, J . Dowlin g 29. J . Neville-Smith 30. P .Jones 31 . T. Jackson 33. M. Wilkinson 34. P. Law 35 . C . Douglas 39. J . Ferguson 40. M. Cache 41 . C . Levinge 45 . H . McInnes 47 . D . Whitehead 48 . S. Nadenbousch 54 . W .Dod d 55 . A. McMillan 56 . C . Walker 73 . R. Abbot t

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

J . Bennett M . Hutchinson M . Hendrie S . Hannaford S . Duggan D . Smyth

22. J . Lockett 23. L. Bowes 24. P . Nathan 25 . J . Templeton 27. A. FRaser 28. S. Kay 30. P. cockayne 31 . F. Magee 33 . D . Payne 35 . A. Rutler 36 . D .Joyce 37 . M. Selby 42 . A. Willey 43 . T. Bett s 41 . M, Payne J. Turnbull M . Shippen P. Cantone P. Greene L . Hamilton J. Rattray S. Smith J. Uglow R. Wraith 44. S. Carter 48. C. Halin g

Coach : Geoff Fletche r

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Simon Illingworth 1 . B. Aujar d 4 . H. Middleton (VC) 5 . S. Montgomery (C) 6. M . Godwin 7. M . Clunies-Ross 10. M . Bingle y 17. R. McLeish 20. N. Tribe 22. D. Hooper 23. S . Pryde 25. B . Langley 26. D . Murtagh 30. P . Williamson 31 . D . Bin i 32. S . Sheahan 36 . d. Bingley 37. A . Chambers 43 . J . Deakin 44. C . Thomas 47 . C . Knight 51 . S.Illingworth 55 . A. Aston 58 . J . West 61 . P. Montgomery 88 . J . Geddes


V.U .T .

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Teamlist not supplied.

ST KEV6NS Coach: 1 . M.Wharton 2 . M . Quinlan 3. s . Bannon 4 . A . bucella S . G . Gosgritf 6 . B . Stackpote (VC) 7 . r . Mark s 8 . r . Drew 9 . D . Nanfra (Capt) 10 . M. Menzie s 11 . L . Davidson 12 . D . O'Brien 13 . P. Hooper 14. P.O'Tiemey 15. M. Feast 16. B. Quinn 17. P. Hagerty 18. b . Milla r 19. M . Powell 20. J . Wilhelm 21 . A. Davies (VCapt) 22. I . Wood 23. r. curtis 24. a. Nanfra 25. L. Smith 26. C. Smith 27. R. Snell 28. P .Bannon 29. J . Whitbread 30. P . Lavelle 52 . P . Lewin

1 . B .Difalco 2. E .Burmeister 3. t.NUca m 6. D . Tanner 7. P. Byrne s 8. K.Vanderpoel 9. N .Djinovi c . G . Farley I O. G . Ziegler 12 13 . M.Robertson 16 . W . O'Connor 17 . C .Russell 19 . T. Williams 20 . R .Papakos 21 . P. Cox 22 . P.Cliffe 23 . E .Midon 24 . A.Cliffe 26 . S . Case 34. P .Allen 38 . M .D'Angelo 41 . F .Kilroy 52. K . Vanduursen 56. T. Brown 57. M . McGlade 58. T.Moebus

OLD M ELBURNIANS Coach: A. Cordne r 1 . 0. Milne 2. D. Mos s 3. D. MacDonald 4. A . Coroner (VC) 5. B . Vil e 6. C. Branchflower 7. A . Woodhouse 8. S . Potte r 9. J . Scott to. G. Stooke 15. H .Ingleton 16. C .Jensz 21 . T. Read 25 . S. Hargreaves 28. S. Cox (C ) 33. A. Clements 35 . S. Stribling 37 . S. Osbome 44 . S. Baldwin 45 . J . Elam 48 . W. Houserman 54 . A. Wilso n 55 . T. Osborne 61 . P. Harris 62 . D. Stanton 71 . R . Hockney

E Eas t AQUINAS Senior Coach : Brett Davidso n Rese rves Coach : Sean O'Loughlin 1. T. 30 . C .M~er 2. G . 31 . L. Kag 3. S. E : 's 32 . M. Vank..~r S. H .H._ ., Yho;en 6. S .Y^^^, 33. M. Cow's 7. P.f' 34. M.TartAi 8 . D.' 35. S .t"r,axpad, B.. 36. D.Pta.aan 10. fi . 8.6w .raror 38. C.1 I 12. B.P . 39. R.IE=vey 13. C.JrNrey 40. S n . C. B^H 41. M.14 .I 15. J. Krdris 42. J. I&- rJ 16. H.Fcek! 43. M . S-"-,y 17. M . D®tevi 44. P. ( 45. S. LIt. J . Rom 19. G 46. SB m 47. P. Bamid 20. P. Pares 21 . C .Qtem 48. A.CBhxd 22. S.Fhvai 49. C .Larnbcm 23. J.Lirsa}stmz S0. A.Betlurw 24, P .Harper 51 . A .19y1ad 25. D . Htrrz 52 . T. Mr 51 S . Robertson 26. S .Ccrm!iy 54 . S .DRon 27. S . Jones 55 J, Creech 23. R. Winnen 29. S .01a.r}Kn 65. R.M.erc e





Senior Coach: Joe D'Angelo Rese rv es Coach : Mark Horsfield

Senior Coach : Bill Gommers Rese rv es Coach : Denis Cain e

Senior Coach: Adam Lenarcic Rese rv es Coach : D . Bowen

Senior Coach: Ma tt Ryan Reserves Coach : Kim Tucke r

Assistant Coach: Andrew Gillard i. RSahra'r.~' 18. RI 2 . J.0'A't~O' 19. S. . B. Prae 21. J. 83 3 . S.Mdann 21. t U 4 . !. Mind 21. 4 I .. .. -'I 4 . N .C 'v'~. 2L 5. MJaras 23, tA . 1A Staneli 23. J. F'5 6. M. Key 24. C . L. 7. T.Yt83 24 KO8. T.Marr ela 25. W.C 9. P . Goetz X A R 9. !: SireaIen 27. AGdac f 9. H. Tom 30. C. Fd'ti=t 10. S.WaT 33. M a=sw it. S.PzYy 34. L . an 12. Alasa 34. 5.t, s 12. D.T6emp son 35. T. k 13. N. 8q 35.. G. _s K 8.k1,;B a B.!i 15 . MSracort 37. J.I ~ I5 . S.Wanh 28. G .8 .• It . M.&rmeC 43 RC=~zo 17 . P.Ctsrctr 44 . B. .'kttai '°, AHtxnptzy ~. SSkaBm 63. LTl .ry:io n

1 . M .Pemb'+tta 2, A.Sore 3. G.Sh,'zn 4. M .Carasi 5. B.Pedar 6. D.TrNer 7. V. Pioaa9 8. D. Caine 9. B.Graf 10 . M.Koopne:ns 11 . G.Vtyrc}ntd 12, 0 .Pads

13. P. Cutts

1d . S .MkwOSh 15. M.Wanen 16. M.Wabr 16 8.Ma~?r~J 19. S.0'CmrAr 20 K Oates 21 . SOa:es 22. T raf's 23 B.Swace 24. C.Deray 25. R. Henderson 26. P. Pope

23. G& 24. D. 25. G. I 3f 39. G.K'cnpton 31 J. Brown 40 . R.Bdqle 41 . G. P3:Y:H& 42 . D.Comm-sn 43. P.S:tAig 44. M. Solonno 45. W. Hussey 49. C.PeMrs 52. S. Bxnrce 53. R. Da,ti-xo 56. G. Calla n

27. J .Camsi 28. S. Reddy

29 . M.Harri VIpn :fJ. S. M 31 . P. Egan 32 . P.Ardlm7y, ?H. A.Ctrrasikia 34. R f 36. O.kem

37. W .F barter

RICHMOND CENTRA Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Reserves Coach : Peter Jackso n

OLD CAREY Senior Coach : John Wise Assist .: John King Rese rves Coach: Scott Macrae 1, C . Hit 31 . N, Everett 2 . C . Hdey (Cap() 32 . G. Neale (RC) 3. M. Colon 33. P. Bich 4. L. palterson 34 . G. Barney S. 0. Lee 3 5. R Evans 6 C.Cen,poel 36. H. McrrBon 37. P. Bryce 7. A. Brevet 8. P. Karns 33. 1 . Cohen 9. M .EasUian 39. P.Be rcrot 10. K.Sbrrtes 40. B.HunN.d'aey 11, A. Cote (RC?V) 41. A . Gates 12. M.S- ---r 42 . C .PCq, .ae1 13. SA"', 43 . S .Cterry 44 . J. Fist 14 . M. V---e " C .1 s 45 . M. Smith . , . M-s 46, B. German U . C .p tm 47 . tA.Serorg 48 . 6L Hcsk»y 18 . C. i 19. P . ur49. R. Meaden 20. C .A. -- ;on 50, R Bowdon 21 . J. Sodas 51 . J. marsh-3 22. J.Ha .Ms 52. P.Ms4drtan 23. T . Pre 53. R. Fos,er 24. M .yama3 55. M . Clay, 64, A.McFarare 25. C.Gcta.= :N 2a J .McQu? E8. J .Bayes 27. N.VasB pwbs 70. T.Auz1iV. (VC) 72 . M. 28. P flance 7T P. Odeon 29. T. Mwtm 80 . J. Bayard 30 S.Feehan

1 45, M.!1oa.y 2. LS'arrv 46. 3. J. D, -CA 47. D.Banan:e 4. K .Tz 48. C. Barry 4. 1. H= ~ 49. N 5. S : 50. 52. 0.1 53 . 54 . P. °s 55 . S. 5& Lb., 57 . 58. AWdxn 59. is . Rd E6. B .Gzo+as~ s 16. 61 . 62. B .R=.og 6719. 1 64. 20. 65. G.B4 21 . Ai, 68. T.P-ep'ana'kd', 22. K.G67. 23. C. hC.... 68 24. 53 . .t Tan„q 25. S E . 70 . 26, 71 . 27 . 72 . 14 Back 28 . AV 73. 29 . DA 74 . P.CaxuB 32 .zF 75. 31 . 76, L Egan 32 , aVa;: 77. AHecan 33. L We, _ 78. 34 . D .i- 79 8T,. M.Pry+ 7. FPrrse 8. GM n 9.QW 10. aMorP^y 11. J, Beer 12 . 13 . C. Pearson 14 . C.S ' i

39. 40. 82:r` _ 42'. HOW - . a . Sr'd'2 44 . l Jc,-e-RL7v 45

+,,I LI Y :


5. C .K= 5. T.KaraJ:°n 6 S . Lee 7. O.Bow 7. S.Cdyna 8. P.Ca4ae 9. ADssdan 10 . C. McLean 11. T.Feao-1y 12 . C. Brczlea] i3. k4Gaxg:u 14 . S. Lee 5. 16 S.Ar~rvai 77. G .Canz i8. B.Vh&take 19. D.Peter 20. D.Ctta Z 20. M.t (Can) 21 . P .C _ 22. S . 8n

27. D.Kap 28. ... . .Bs 29. 0 30. 1 -Ma

31. V, Ft

;e. 0.&- • 34 . A0, 35 . ND. Bi e ~. . N 37. ALer41 . D.Cai, 'Nat.) 42. A ' 43. M. 44. G._ 45. J. VE 46 L D..

5A. W.6,-,n

"The Road Builders '

1. cogs 31 . Z. &ancusld M . Cross 33. J. Tay ror M.Gasparcrm 35. J. O!dLki T. Braem 3S. J. Doa?y F. Chelan 37. P. Florsberylt P. Gonzales 33 . J. fted J .LkWtl 39 . J .Cconety I . G .Smfih 40 . S.Wfide 2. K.Tocker 41 . D.Sna dt:y 3. P .Tu:Rer 42 . C . Hal 4. B .Hosea 43. K. Harestrane 5. A Hog3n 45. M. Ryan

6. I.CWtRe 46. D.HadkH 7. H. Han 47. G.Hdlay 8 . D. Vroorknard 48. . M.ur0 S . M . Lee % P.Wew er 10. M . Barry 51. M.LU6¢4 11 . G .Harsen 52. S.Ph2lPson 12 . T. Carter 53. A. Edganotae 13. D. Bel 54. N. Tunw.y 14. J . Stexad 55. G. Marow 15. C . Maddacen 56. R. Davies 17. H . Leys 57. D. Shipley 18. C . BarBrg 58 . R Keane 19. C .Dx7er 60 . J . Shaw

20. J.S"4r on 61 . C.BsFrop 21. K .Dugyan 62 . b.7.BaM 22 A . La cey 63 . 23. A.0T7anne8 64 . R Jwarassii 25. T .Ma,d 65 . RWeaGwA% 26 . Adore 66. S .Fdtptrkk 27. RSd.3r 29 . J. Stanley 30. J .Gray

DIRECI`10' ii, DRILLING Ken Basso 9722 1697

A.N.Z. BANK FINANCE Greg Skie n 015 552 013 ST. M ARYS Senior Coach:



Neil Lelievre Rese rv es Coach : Evan Evans

Seniors Coach : Keith McKenzie Reserves Coach : Mark Johnston

Senior Coach: David McCormack Res. Coach : Scott Alderson

1. M.Leanr&adh 2. P, Vi 3. P.Li 4. A .6WA&~x :njer 6. S . ~uw 7. C. Don-) 8. J. Saco 1 J. Duck i0, T. Jonas 11 . L .P1 "r,r=aP 12 R 'Airatas~u -X F.Hamsai 13 M . Seckkn 40 al 14 . J . Fb~xsis 41 . A . C. Sircao 15 NDArrJLerea . P .Feaihersim 16.. 6t sMer 42 43. A.HaJSe 17. A .Bar'~ : 44. 16. W .Rrts 45 ZIrElarA .tOadc 19. T. tuA 46. W . G. Largtord 120. .8lew 2 . T a. a Ymer n 47 . S.McD3m:N 22. D.SYOOjca'k 48- c0amman 23. S .P-^n 5 0 . B. FL~ord 51 24. LG 52 . T. Car1 e 25 M L re P.Bsryor~ 26. J.53. Slowed 55 . C .0'Bm:n 27. B. 57 . A. n 28, J . 29 . J . Francis 58. 1. Azzap3r6 35. P.Watson 63 . S .DarA' 31 . P. Alexander 64. fLSca--A 32. A.G+mn 65. P .HertrtPn 68. G. Thederis 31 P. Stere¢; 34. B. Duke 35. FL Buns 35. E . Evans

1 . M. Were, 2. J. Steady 4. C.DeSolcr 32. a.Fasnan; 5. R.Ve6erM 3ae . 0. Mtua 6, D. Crowe 34. A.Fasy9e 7 . A. 35 . T.Gr'sT~in 8 . J.HOdttkle 37 . A.FarreB 9 . C, sr* 38 . NMtdns . 10. At,kkas!an 39 . W. Lo i . & Barry 40. 8. we 12. C.B=ks 41 . C. Lamb 13. R.Leesm 42. C .8€an3 14. R .GcaJe 43. D .Waj 15. M.Sterercon 44. D .Raris6xd i6. P.Ja<nes 45. R. Pd1er 17. S. Lee 46. E .Saridses 18. M.Sirard 47. AL Kek 19. 8 .0'Mara 48. AtD ., Bono 20. A .ftnenn 49. tt Pearson 21. T. Dymond 5o. B.CadkM 22 . S . Dim 51. B.Croveh 23 . I .MBs 52. J.PAUOUSa 24 . J. MMm 53 . D. Mmpty 25 . D.McFadlrn 54 . H. Lader 26. M . Rd 55 . C.Bronn 27 . J. tktman 28. G.0'CaBa¢un 29. G . Ma m .Turk k P

1 . N. Ford 36, S . perokm 2 . F.Ma:Vea.n 37. LTremiath 3. R. Thocrigon 38, D. Ross . Frog 39. T. RGJaway, 5. I . C. M We* 40. M. Po~.e 6. J .Gi0ktm 41. B.Donns 7. J Downs 42 T . Green 8. A.MacVean 43. H. Park 9. C . ROSS 44 . E. Arenemn 10. D .Ildro 45 . L . Rees 12. M.Y inile 46 . N.DoAreN 13. G. Pdter 47 . T. peraiwa 1S. J. Kce~an 48 . A. NaC~ary 16. B. Sn& 49. T. Lupd 17. SAMeatn 50. J .Lylord 18 . D. Lerxpsn 51 . B . drdang 19 . N.Park 52. K Harnett 20. S. Runs 53, S . Corcoran 21 . A. t'rresey-Coe 54. R. Fenton 22 . P. Marlin 55. S . Ta/a 23. J .Sararr 56. L. ",on 24. M.Davxs 59. G.Steptrerd 25 T. Hahben 60. O. Dou r 28. G.M.cLaod 61. P. Toad 27. L.M2CIntire 63 T, Bug 28. J.6lacVean 64 . D. Dour 29. P . Paterson 65 . S. Jonson X D, Potter 66, A. Besbroek 31. J. Dove 67 . A. Rowe 32. C.haBertan 68 . M .HOaih 33. D. Ireland 72 . R. Lemon 34. T .CtwisfpH 78, J . Scales 35. B. Peal e

Malvern Vafe Hotel THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 23

A Section

COLLEGIANS sarkorc~acn

: L~q~ Cartoon R .erves Cuach : liobert Bspl®y 1 . B. Mooney 2 . D . Smith 3 . B. Wooihouse 4 .S. Laussen 5 . D . Greeves 5 . D . Peters 6 . A. Smit h 7 . C . Higson 7 . D. Baxter 8 . C. Pollock 9 . C. Dilena 10 . J. Grig

11 .8. Me~enzie ..' 12. D. Stubs 13. A. Sheerly 14. R. Schotrer 15. Y. Phillips 16. A. Wallace 17. D. Phillips 17. A . Oldham 18. J . Bennett 19.0. Davidson 20. G. Dean-Johns 21 . A . Johnston 22 . D. Kerk 23. A . Sheerly 24 . r. Hartnett 25 . D . Lever 26 . N . Milat 27 . S . Humphrey 28 . S. Blackman 29 . A. Kenneally 30 . M. Gailbraith 31 . S. Woo d 32 . D . Thomson 33 . G . Irvine 34. D. Entwhistle 35. J. Taylor 36. S. Harding 37. J. Dansley 38. S . Van Der Venne 39. B. Jones 40. A. Kelson 41 . S . Lubich 42 . A . Vasdekis 43. A . Greenway 44 . A . Parkin 45 . N . Anderson 46 . S . Woo4ey 47 . M . Hassell 48 . J . Lemon 49 . P. Harrison 50 . B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52 . J. Schmidt 53 . S. Hobb s 54 . K. Muir 55 . E. Jones 56. D . Howe 57. J. Moore 58. G . Phelan 59. M . Richards 60. B. Kerrs 61 . D. Kerrs 62. G . Constable 63. 64. G. Tiver 65. 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . N . Proctor



Senior Coach: Mike McArthur-Allen Reserves Coach: Brian Brown

Senior Coach: Tony Paatsch Reserves Coach: Chris Boyle

1 . M . Chun 2 . P . Fiume 3 . S . Crowe 4 . L. Hal l 5 . C. Swift 6 . A . Browne 7 . C . Browne 8. C . Wright 9. C . Campbell 10. D . Tessier 11 . A . Evan s 12. D . Toohey (Capt .) 13. A . Waters 14. P. McCormack 15 . J. Hodde r 16 . M. Jackson 17 . M. Mannix 18 . M. Abrahams 19 . D . O'Brien 20 . M. Knupple 21 . C. Shannon 22 . P . O'Callaghan 23 . M .O'Callaghan 24 . C. Montgomery 25 . G . Hynes 26 . P .Wyles (Res .VC) 27 . L. Van Der Plight 28. M . Lafferty 29. D . Hagan 30. B . Mannix 31 . A . Elliot 32. T. Silvers 33. B . Miller 34. P . Conroy 35. A . Mackintosh (VC) 36. A. Abbott 37. D . Johnston 38 . B. Brashe 39 . P. Brasher (DVC) 40 . r. Makinson 41 . A. Phillips (R .Capt) 42 . D.Jackso n 43 . T. Banks 44 . C. Makinson 45 . C. Sparrow 46 . M . Hegan 47. M . Farrell 48. D. Smith 49. M . Hill 50. P . Mannix 51 . C. Harrison 52. S . Harrison 53. P . Miran 54. M. Herber 55 . B . Buic k 56 . A . Flowerday 57 . M. Butler 58 . C . Cleary 59 . G . Hegan 60 . S. ThOmas 62 . J . Murphy 63 . G . Longstaff 66 . L . Langone 78 . M . Stanhope

1 . C. Lane 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

D. Murray (VC) J . Chilcot t A . Hanley J . Ballenger N . Marmo

7. S . Morgan (1) 7. P . Deegan (2) 8. D . Christi e 9. P . Hal l

10. M . O'Hara (1) (VC) 10 . M. Tetley (2 ) 11 . T. Smith (RVC) 12 . S . Noble (i) 12 . A. Wilks (2) 13 . B. Devlin 14 . T. Bilston 15 . D . Barker (1) (VC) 15 . D . Barker t (VC) 16 . T. Howard (RC) 17. M. Smit h

18 . D.O'Donaghue 19. M . Giulian o 20. C. Murray 21 . S . Palan 22. D. Sherlock 23. J . Mannix 24. S . Boysen 25. M . Hun t 26. D. Conroy (1) 26. W. Pouter (2) 27. W.Occhiuto(1) 27. D . Krom (2) 28. D . Carter 29. R . Sharp 30. S . Fishe r

31 . C . Belleville (Capt.) 32. W. Marshall 33. J. Boyle 34. A. Tucker 35 . J. Fisher 36 . P. Robinson 37 . G . Trigg 38 . D . Steinfo rt 39 . R. Bourbon (1) 39 . J . Keaty (2) 40 . P. McCusker 41 . B. Welch 42 . S . Jozsa 43 . W . Lane 44. D. Belle 45. G. Rogers 46. B . Hains 47. P . Riley (RDVC) 48. P . Vine 49. L. Halvy 50. C .Jones 51 . S . Thompson 52. 53. M. Pete rs 54 . D . Schofield 55 . M. Qurk 56 . M. Welch 57 . 58 . R. Cahill 59, C, Lane 63 . P. Welch 64 . S . Bourbon 86 . M . Couttie



Senior Coach : Neville Taylor Reserves Coach : Gary March

Senior Coach : Sean Ralphsmith Reserves Coach : Archie Satek Guy Nelso n

1 . A . Baxter 2. d. Connell (DVCapt) 3. W. Byrn s 4. C. McKenzie (Capt) 5. R. Buchana n 6. W. Smith 7. A . Hilton 8. M . Orton 9. s. Rowlands 10. L Chegwin 11 . C . Hucker 12. D . Seccull 13. B. Carty 14. A. Forsyth 15. N . Morey 16. D . Williams 17. A. Hilton 18 . M. Constabl e 19. M . Armstrong (VC) 20. c. Kraus e 21 . A. Walden 22 S . Richardson 23 . M . Seccull 23 . J . Mackay (s) 24 . R.Lavender 25 . G. Rowlands 26 . G. Phillip s 27. J . Dann 28. A . Pound 29. M . DeMattia 30. r. Aughterson 31 . B. Main (RCapt) 32. M. Drakeford 33. T. Johnson 34. C . Reidy 35. D . Lappage 36. A. Dowsing 37. T. Evans 38 . J . Hayter 39. P. Corrigan 40. S. Duxbury 41 . t . Oscar 42 . D. Scaife 43 . R. Pleche r 44 . A . Kirkwood-Scott 45 . N . Hill 46 . M . Krause 47 . D. Scoffen 48. P . O'Donnell 49. B . Wignall 50. a . Bonwick 51 . t. Boothman 52. D . Fossey 55. C . Ladds (RVCapt) 57. B. Ladds






1 . T. Witt s 2. S . Theodore 3. J.Staritski 4 . B. Ellinghaus 5 . N . Boyden 6 . P. Handbury 7 . C . Thompson 8 . M. Lovett 9 . T . Smith 10 . P. O'Brien 11 . A. Thompson 12 . A. Hewit t 13 . S, Rose 14. J . Bunn 15. S . Bromell 16. C. Eabry 17. M . Rose 18. Q. Keeble 19. J . Correll 20. a. Salek 21 . D . Strooper 22. L. Bunn 23. M . Berry 24. N . Sereda 25. M. Pruden 26. C . Kennedy 27. C . Bryan 28. S. Rabbit 29. -C . Susa 30. I. McMullin 31 . J. Hart 32 . R . Webb 33 . G . Dixon 34 . C.Anastasakis 35 . D.Brow n 36 . A. McKeon 37 . S . Eabry 38 . R. Eggleton 39 . S . Madden 40. S . Middleton 41 . J . Willhelm 42. P . theodore 43. O. Boyd 44. A . McDougall 45. Z. Useinov 46. H . Wright 47. J . Power 48. S . Walsh 49. T. Stuckey 50. P. Marinis 51 . D . Corbin 52 . B. Campbell 53 . B. Crump 54 . I . Patterson 55 . M . Burgess 56 . M . Ellinghaus 57 . R. Morley 58 . D. Clements 59. A. Wilts

60. J . Raf t

61 . B. Luckock 62. R. Morrell 63. B . Telford 64. A . Nelson 65. 66. L. Boyd 67. B . Vil e 68. a. Henshaw 69. S . Milne-Pott 70. A . Farrington 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 .


FR tooF


OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach : Wayne Hermes Rese rves Coach: Simon Tatlen t 1 . K . Stokes 2 . J . Hosking (VC) 3 . S . Duthi e 4 . T. Holt 5 . R. Price 6 . A . Millar 7. J . Hughes S . C. Reid 9. R. Aujard 10. J . Kerr 11 . M . Simpson 12. S . Hume 13. N. Hooper 14. D. Norman 15. D. McCall 16, A. Spee d 17. S . Woodhouse 18. A. Nettleton 19. S. Spide n 20. T . Wilson 21 . a . Gibbs 22. L . McDonnell 23. D . Wals h 24. M. Angus 25. T. Pritchard 26. B. Phillips 27. C . Winneke 28. S. Teesdale 29. C . Heath 30. J. Laird (DVC) 31 . A . Smith 32. S . Grigg 33. J. Hannemann 34. D . Steel e 35. S . Steele (C) 36. M . Davison 37. E . Montgomery 38 . C. Hosking 39 . A . Walkom 40 . A . Warner 41 . A . Castricum 42 . A . Gibb s 43 . J . Paterson 44 . D. Tracy 45 . A. Stubbs 46 . G . Jonas 47 . R. Thomas 48 . R. Hardy 49 . T . Picken 50 . D. Pell 51 . A. Elliott 52 . R . Gregory 53 . P.Gaidzkar 54 . B. Aujard 55 . S. Montgomery 56. J. Schonfelder

OLD XAVERIANS Senior Coach : Simon Meehan Reserves Coach: Nick Bourke 1 . M. Blood (DVC) 2 . M. Boure (VC ) 3, M. Hannebery (C) 4. D . Landrigan 5 . N . Cook 6. A. Keyho e 7. P. Tuddenham 8. M. Holmes 9. S. Hawkins 10. S. Colquhoun 11 . A .Jones 12. J. Bowan 13. C . Ellis 14. L. Ford 15. A . McLean 16. T. Ockleshaw 17. D. Richardson 18. a . Hunter 19. M . Lloyd 20 . B . Buckley 21 . L. Hanebery, 22 . A . Bourke 23 . A. McDonald 24 . B . Coughlan 25 . D. Tapping 26 . A. Neil 27 . L.Fay 28 . R . Clarke 29 . S. Wood 30 . D . Dann 31 . S. Mollard 32 . A. Brushfield 33. A. Sass 34. a . Bell i ' 35 . C . Mortensen 36. P. Barrett 37. A. Landrigan 38. M. McClelland 40. T. Nelso n 41 . A . Dillo n 42. J . Lowe (RCapt) 44. J . Petroff 45. D . O'Toole 46. C . Andronopoulos 47. J . Dalirangl e 48. M . Logan 49. P . Lachte 50. N . Fay 51 . D. Wals h 52, M . O'Callaghan 53 . A. Kearns 54 . M . Brennan 55 . A. Long 56 . M . Stones 57 . G . Short 58 . D. Bell 59 . M . Hardman 61 . S. Natill i 65 . A.Jones 66 . Panagiotopoulos




Senior Coach : Geoff Reitley Assistant Coach: Russell Barnes

Senior Coach: Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach: Andrew Natha n

Senior Coach : Grant Williams Rese rv es Coach : Barry Neivandt

Rese rves Coach : Peter Purcell 1 . A . Jobling

2. C. Byrnes 3. A . Orr

4. A. Grace (DVC) 5. B. Turner 6. T . Gallagher 7. B. Connell (C) 8. M . Gilmore (VC) 9. A. Forrest 10. P. Mamow 11 . D . Edgell 12. N. Sabo 13 . P. Kingston 14 . S. James 1S . M. McConvill 16 . T. Stewart (C) 17 . E. Fraser 18 . S.Ran 19 . D . Cleary 20 . D . Wood 21 . J . Brown 22 . R . Block 23 . P . mcDonald 24 . J . Collins 25 . L. Muprhy 26. D . Connell 27. T. Hille (DVC) 28. B . Collins 29. D. Whelan 30. P . Joy 31 . B . Egan 32. A . Kukuljan 33. M . Shepherd 34. R. Remman 35. G . Bailey 36. M . Templeton 37. R. PresserRVC) 38. P. Milner (

39. T . Morgan 40. G . Lehner 41 . G . Hal l 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 .

C . Keleher S. Wrodarczyk L . Mulcahy L . Livingstone C . Spagnol R . Keating

48 . W . Block 49 . M. O'Halloran 50 . M. Wrodarczyk 51 . C . Manakis 52 . N . Wells 53 . 1. Ranson 54 . S . Weidemann 55 . 56 . 57 . R . Barnes 58.

59. G. Sneddon 60.


1 . A . Comito 2 . T. Dobso n 3 . T. Backhouse 4 . A .Farme r 5 . R. Doolan 6 . S . Ryan 7 . S . perrett 8 . A. Capes 9 . J . Kennedy 10 . G . Matthewes 11 . P .Capes 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 .

B . Hogan S.McKeon s . Doran L. Overman D . Sawicki M. Conroy P. Scerr i

19. L .Gollant (C) 20. T. Sheehan 21 . J. Comito 22. C .Calthorpe (DVC) 23. B. Horn 24. D . Gray 25. P. Haye s 26. J . Gollant (VC) 27. A . Nathan (CR) 28. P . Gilmou r 29 . J . Overman 30 . J . Mount 31 . M . Kearney 32 . a . chatfield 33 . P . Rogerson 34 . M . Daffey 35 . B . Chatfield 36 . C. Bond 37 . t . Bateman 38 . D. McAllister 39 . S . Byrne 40 . J . Ballarin 41 . D.Juegan 42 . M. Marshall 43 . B. Teague 44 . S.Taylor 45 . M. Dowling 46. G . Morrish 47. c. Parrett 48 . J. Anderson 49. J. Jones 50. M. Farmer 51 . N . Lynch 52. F.Catalfamo 53. J. Kavanagh 54. B. Hemley 55. S . Lynch

622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Dioonee Ponds

9326 1799

1. 2. 3. 4.

D. Slimmon T . Hutchins J . Hutchings J .Frith

5. P . O'Donnell 6. B. Bloo d 7. D.Hayter 8. M . Thomas 9. S . Mead e

to, 11 . 1 2. 13.

D. Maplestone S. Stevenson H.Worsley G . Evans

14. J. Buckley 15 . P.Stephens 16 . S. Kirsanovs 17 . J.Kani s 18 . G .Markley 19 . B. Herrald 20 . r. Polkinghome 21 . T. McIntyre 22 . A. Nugent 23 . B. Furphy 24 . R . Calnon 25 . A. henderson 26 . N .Cavalier 27 . B. Fricker 28. D . Bolton 29. T. doherty 30. G. Allardice 31 . M . Mudge 31 . R . Van Den Berg 32. J .Gamaut 33. L. Tweddle 34. R . Furphy 35. M . Jukes 36. D .Dawson 37. A .lennen 38. M . Unswo rt h 39. S . henderson 40. A . Mitchell 41 . R. Doods 42. R. Jaksi c 43 . v. Romito 44. d. Lowe

45 . G . McLachlan 46 . D. Gun n 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59. 60. 61 . 62 . 63. 64. 65. 66. 72.

T . Rourke C. Miles P. Seller b . Joseland S. McMahon S. Longley T. Whitehead C . Nave C .Stewart A. Farrar L .Bonadio T. Miskin A . Collins A . Wilcox A . Wilson A . Baud A . Muller D .McAloon A . Mcleod M .Starick J . Norman

@ Carlton






Senior Coach : Rick Stockwell Reserves Coach : Tim Bell 1 . B . Kinear 2. D. Witchell (VC) 3. L. Holt 4. T. Gloury 5 . B. Wilmore (DVCapt) 6 . P. Williams (ResC) 7 . S. Richmond B . R . Williams 9 . G . Sutterby 10 . C . Williams 11 . T . Short 12 . J . Egan 13 . M . O'Brien 14 . P . Healy 15 . S . Gray 16. D. Mayne 17. A . Steven 18. J . Turnbull (DVCapt) 19. D . Stephen s 20. S . Playfai r 21 . R . Dintinosante 22. J. Gilha m

23. M . Gray 24. C . Wilkes 25 . G . Jordan 26. H . McDermott 27 . W. Keenan 28 . D . Fabris 29 . M . Creek 30 . B . Grindle 31 . C. Bassett 32 . G . 33 . D. Glass 34 . C. Stevens 35 . A . Hardie 36 . R . Doherty 37. S . Emery 38. G . Riches 39. C . Head 40. M . Keene 42. T. Egan 43. L . Ferrell 44. M. Moore 45 . M. Gilber t 46 . P. Agostinelli (RVC) 47 . R . Smit h 52 . D. Noonan 55 . D. Williams (CapL) 56 . R. Doherty

Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Rese rves Coach : Craig Heard 1 . J . Prior 2. S . Driver 3. S . Youn g 4. G. Alexander 5. C . Parri s 6. R . Minney 7. P. Robertson (Vcapt) 8 . A. Bryan 9 . M. Ray 10 . P. George (Capt.) 11 . S. Farley 12 . A. Parris 13 . M . Tuom y 14 . D. Mathews (Vcapt) 15 . B . Grei g 16 . S . Smith 17 . N. Waddel 18 . R. Williams 19 . P . Nigro 20 . T. Agosta 21 . D Hooper 22. G. McLaren 23. L. Stott 24. P. Nagle 25. T. Merrell 26. G . Vimpani 27. C . Darby 28 . P. Mutimer 29 . P. Bone 30 . R . Field 31 . A. Shine 32 . J. Cat t 33 . C. McWaters 34 . D. O'Connell 35 . M . Osborne 36 . P . Hare 37 . P . Chalkias 38. S . James 39. P . Dalloglio 40. 41 . L. Cessario 42. P . Edwards 43. M . Mason 44. C . Shallard 45 . G. Taylor 46 . G . Shallard 47 . C . Morihovitas 48 . R . Lambert 49 . M. Bellat o


M .H .S .O .S .

Senior Coach : Tony Gott Reserves Coach: John Matthew

Senior Coach : Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Colin Drake

1 . R . Armstrong 2 . P . La Rosa 3 . C . Tucke r 4. M . Maud 5. P. Manual 6. D . Frawley 7. P. Rawley 8. R . Hird 9. M. Thackwray 10. G . Kenned y 1 t . S. Molloy 12. T . Jackson 13. S . Narkiewicz 14. P. Flynn 15 . T . Flynn 16 . B . Davis 17 . P . Lee 18 . T . Scoble 19 . G. Bullen 20 . R. Stewart 21 . L. Blackwood 22 . R . Angelini 23 . M . Pearce 24. L. Smith

25. T. O'Neill

26. S. Fairweather 27. D . Nibali 28. B. Weiser 29. C . Drysdale 30. S. Northey 31 . D . McFarlane 32. J. Lynch 33. B. Kendall 34. C. Brown 35. P. Whitehead 36. A. McKellar 37. G . Finlayson 38. D. Hoffman 39. M . Ebbage 40. S . Cya r 41 . C. McDonald 43 . S . Lynn 44 . E . Newbold 45 . A . Rosenfeld 46 . M . Pollock 51 . D . Jacka 52 . R . Pace 55 . L. Pearce 61 . A. Barra 65 . W. Taylor 69. S. Ford 70. J . Matthew

50 . D . Glover 51 . 52 . 53 . ,.' . Scott 54 .

55 . I 56 . D. Doud 57. D. Shine 58. 59. 60. S . Bon d



I . J . Bamert 2. A . Howard 3. D . Woodley 4. J . Pertzel 5. C . Young 6. S. Harries 6. B. McGrath 7. D . Fleming 8 . J . Dixon 9 . D . Comer 10 . M. Beazley 11 . M. Webster 12 . C. Glover 12 . M . Feferkranz 13 . A. Preece 14 . M . Zaghloul 15 . P. O'Connell 16 . M . Atkins 17. A. Webster 18. I . Gillespie 19. A. Snaidero 20. D. Fairchild 21 . B. Cookman 22. 23. M. Jamieson 24. G. Wilson 25 . 26. M. Thompson 27. W. Watford 28 . T. Lawrence 29 . C . Drake 30 . S. Bennett 31 . G . Mclardie 32 . M. Konstanty, 33 . B. Ansel [ 34 . N . Fahey 35 . S. Konstanty 36 . A. Palmos 37. S . Karamoutisos 38. A. Stewar t 39. J . Winch 40, B . Hayes 41 . 42. N . Bradley 43. 44 . P . Frost 45 . A . Barge 46 . T. Holland 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . E. Thomas 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . P. Hunt 55 . M. Pond 56 . 57 . T . Grimmer 58. 59. 60. P . Konstanty 61 . M . Pretty 62. S . Harrison

NORTH OLD BOYS Senior Coach : Tony Cahill Reserves Coach : Peter O'Connor 1 . J . Forbes 2 . D . Waters 3 . O. Abrahams 4 . P. Sullivan 5 . C . Kitney 6 . J. Sutherland 7 . P.Booth B . B. Collison 9 . d. Beck 10 . S. Evans 11 . D. Boyer 12 . J . Limperakis 13. B . curull i 14. S . Cheshire 15. P . Kearney 16. M . Maguire 17. P . Angelopoulos 18. J . Murray 19. C . Wheeler 20. M . Robinson 21 . N . Mulqiney 22. M. Connolly 23. M. Murone 24 . J. Barker 25 . P. Brya r 26 . L. Koutsovasilis 27 . M. Gravin a 28 . D. O'Farrell 29 . E. Failla 30 . M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32 . t . Kemp 33 . J . Mollroy 34 . B . Conti 35 . S . Manassa 36. D . Tonkin 37. I. Taleb 38. A . Trimbol i 39. C . Theodoropoulos 40. L Curry 41 . L . Curran 42 . T. Cleveland 43 . J. Lowrie 44 . A. Twis t 45 . A. Zanatta 46 . C. Hanley 47 . P . O'Dwyer 48 . A. Da y 49 . J . Trimboli 50 . C. Bailey 51 . G . Suarez 52 . T. Jamieson 53 . 54. 55. 56. P . Considine 57. 58 . 59. 60. 61 . 62 . M. Fennelly 63 . R . Gale 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . S . Dru m

nA,nr-n ~nr,rn n~ I



Senior Coach : S. Young Reserves Coach : R . Bro w n

Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Reserves Coach: Darren Cadd y

1 . A . Krzyvmiak 2. L. James 4, M . Talbot 7. L. Fildes 8 . S . Lennox 9 . M . Fisher 11 . A . Fitzgerald 15 . R . Oakley

1 6, N . Perry

19 . A . Mandelans 21 . L. Jackson 23 . N . Pryo r 25 . R. Carter 27 . C. Gilmour 29 . J . Murch 30 . S . Williams 31 . S . Murray 32 . B. Wiliams 34 . R. Smith 36 . B. Pollock 39. A. Fischer 40. K.Teschendorf 41 . P. McMahon 42 . J. Howden A. Witte K. Farrell S. McGee A. Rickerry G . Bennett D . Kollmorgen N . Winte r P. Woff M .McLennon A . Augustine C . Tomas K . Bickett J . Murchie A . Grant P . Roach N . Truelson A . Palfrey T.Lennox

t . M . Tolle y 2. P. Sigley (CCapt) 3. A. Jenkin s 4. A. Parker 4 . D. Toll (R) 5. J. Stevens 6. S. Ken t 7. T. Young 8 . T. Stevn s 9 . M . Karayannis 9 . P. Armstrong (R) 10 . M. Veal (CCapt) 11 . S. Tully 12 . M. Tozer 13 . A.Pappas 14 . C . Grinham 15 . G . Douglas 16 . M. Wood s 17 . Z. Abousabha (R) 17 . J .Lu k 18 . P. Bisogni 19 . S. McLean 20 . T.Ryan 21 . J . Mansfield 22 . P . Donaldson 22 . P .Golding (R) 23. A . Noonan 24. A . Corcora n 25. J . Maycock (RVCapt) 26. I . Roxburgh 27. J . Weddl e 28. D. Jones (RCapt) 29. R. Weddle (VCapt) 30. E . Brophy 31 . D. Caddy 32. D. Goad 33. T . Connack 34. T . Lamer 35. L. McLean (VCapt) 36. D.Super 37. D. Stott 38 . G . George 39 . G . George 40 . R. Davies 41 . L. Taylor 42 . S. Vaughan 43 . D. Banger 44 . T . A~ushi 45 . M. Linke 46 . M. Sheddon 47 . G . Maclsaac 48 . M. Wal l 49 . A. Foskett 50 . C . Corcoran 51 . M. Power 52 . G . Locke 53 . D . Craker 54 . P. Wal l 55 . J. Baud 56 . W. Millard 57 . T. McCaskell 58 . R . Weisz 59. B . Elsworth 60. S . Brophy

OLD PA" : ".Dt :;NS Senior Coach : Dale McCann Rese rves Coach : Paul Arnel 1 . S . Vincent (VC) 2, P .J . O'Loughlin 3 . M .J . Considine 4 . S .J . Philp (VC) 5 . M .J . Hanfor d 6 . J .V . Geary 7 . P.G . Casgriff (VC) 8 . P.G . Zappa 9 . J .M . Way 10. P.A. Brabender (C) 11 . N .P. Willits 12. S.R. Wallis 13. T.D. Wallis 14. D .R . Ciavola 15. N .G . Kerr 16. M .P. Godfrey 17. B . J . Hart 18. L .K . Mansfield 19. N .A . Bal l 20. P .A. Nailer 21 . A .J. Farrell 22. H . Bellis 23. P .A . Walsh 24. D.A . Digney 25. a.D. Heffernan 26. M .B . Geary 27. K .C . Kenkins 28. B .J . Brabender 29 . B . Powel l 30. T .J. Mulligan 31 . S . Laferlita 32 . A.J . Price 33 . M .J . Harrison 34 . P .J . Joyce 35 . J .P .J. Mills 36 . S.M . Swindon 37 . L . Rocchiccioli 38 . MG . year 39 . P.E . Reid 40 . D .J . Baird 41 . D .J . Horsington 42 . J .M . Swindon 43 . M.P . Geary 44 . I . Harford 45 . P.J . Stephens 46 . B . Flyn n 47 . J. Mould 48 . M . Hudson 49. J.C. Drohan 50. P . Mortar 51 . a . Costantini 52. A . McNeill



Senior Coach : Simon Dalrymple Reserves Coach : Ian Wallace Assistant Coach: Michael Hadley 1 . S. Keneddy 2 . C . Robison 3. A. Allibon 4. T. Norman (Vcapt) 5 . P. Van Der Hoek 6. R . Heat h 7. A.Anderson 8. S. Dalrymple (CC) 9. S. Hopkins 10. S . Hatfield 11 . R . Boxtell 12. M . Cumming 13. M . Donato 14. J . Stickland 15. a. Park e 16 . M . Sealing (Vcapt) 17 . G. Hatfiel d 18 . B . Clarke 19 . G . Hudson 20 . P . Board 21 . C. Phillips 22 . P .Robison 23 . A. Ramsden 24 . T . Board 25 . T . Harris 26 . P. Beet 27 . L. Stafford 28 . D. Vargo 29 . A. Seeley 30. L. Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32 . D . Glass 33. D . Heighton 34. P. Papas 35 . L . Bennie 36. J. Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37. P. Dowlin g 38. R . Phillip s 39. T. Antonopolous 40. B. Burke 41 . D . Alysandratos 42. A . Bonfield 43. M . Krivokuca 44. J . Mollison 45. N . Kin g 46. 47 . F. Cameron (RVC) 48 . C . Smith 49 . P .Johnson 50 . L. Jervis 51 . S . Gleason 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . N. Kolitia s 58 . 59 . 60 . 80 . T . Smith

Senior Coach : Des English Reserves Coach: Chris Bye


\lhitehallSt,Yactaville Ph : 9687 8722

t . 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

M . Petrevski J . Shelton Woodgate A. P.Gorman M .Elliot S. Ramsey J.Vain a

6 . G . Rossignolo 7 . P. Jones 7 . J. Polar 8 . L . Hollow 9 . M. Growcock 10. R . Egglestone 11 . d . Forbes 12 . R . Moran 13. M.Bosanko 13. d .Ramm 14. J .Reddick 15. G. Pinner 16. M 'Goodwin IT R .Lyons 17, G O'Connor 18. B . Carter 18. Liddel l 19. J .Armstrong 20. M . Carter 21 . M .Fitzpatrick 22. S . Griggs 23. C. By e 24. P . Matton 25. M . O'Rourke 26 . G .Carbis 27 . K.Fitzpatrich 28 . J .Thrush 29 . M . Hudson 30 . M .Tadinac 31 . S.Hollow 32 . s. Eatmure 33 . N . La Fontaine 35 . S. O'Halloran 36 . C . Rizzo 37 . D . Castaldi 38 . B. Prendergast 39 . S. Boyle 42 . M. Gauci 43 . C . whelan 46 . R . Collins 47 . D .Goodwi n 48. D .Wriggleswort h

C Section

A.J .A.X.


Senior Coach: Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach : Marty Halphen



Senior Coach : Don Scarlett Reserves Coach : Andrew McGregor

Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Rese rves Coach : Tony Da y

Senior Coach : Trevor Poole Rese rves Coach : Angus MacGowa n

1. C.tsC !(C) 1.AN^

1 . C. SEaCery 1. A. Day 2. A HyJar 2. J.Ohwn

1 . J . Wrobel 2. A . Kalinski 3. D . Gelbarl, 4 . M. Dudakov 5 . M. Reich

6 . G . Rozenberg 7 . C. Cohen 8. B . Goldberg (V .C.) 8. M . Roseman 9. t . Bursztyn 10. R . Bloom 11 . M . Weisler 12. D . Rosen 13. J. Engelman 14 . Y. Rapoport 15 . J. Kirzne r 16 . P. Goldberg (VC) 17 . A. Cukiennan 18. J. Wrobel 19. M . Halphen (Capt .) 20. R . Hartman 21 . D . Sheezel 22. J . Dunne 23. J . Abraham 24 . S. Scheezel 25 . J. Feldman 26 . B. Duzenman 27 . D. Dege n 28 . J. Brain 29, D. Mark s 30. A. Micmacher 31 . M . Chrapot 32. P . Steiner 33. D. Pat 34 . D . Gunn 35 . A . Rosen 36 . J . Segal 37 . A. Slade-Jacobson 38 . A. Grundmann 39. J. Shein 40. A. Redlich 41 . P . Naphtali 42. E . Rubenstein 43. J . Joseph 44. A . Krongold 45 . E . Steen 46 . M. Nathan 47 . A. Abrahams 48 . L . Goldberg 49 . D. Kalb 50. B. Grodski 51 . A. Trayer 52. S . Rubinstein 53. A . Sheffield 54. B . Gelbart 55. B . Zeilinski 56. S . Frey 57. 58 . M. Freid 59 . 60 . 61 . S . Roth 62. M . Levi n

2 1L c i 1.


4. SA 5. D.A I 5. DF 6 Al


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a C.r„ :_-,.1)

S. r I. M. B 5. 6. 1. Csliu (055) 7 . M. Raw B . J.AAa

7. E.d

9. D .Amm (q 9. J . Daffy 0. A. Dat a

9. DL~ ta D. 1t . S.4. ...,it I1 . R@~ (CBl 12 DA vi( It. A114 . F 15. S. 16 T.'„ 17. S .N 1& i.H 19. AH 1 a0 21. Al 22. N.!! 22. Rlz (fl) 23. dDa, 2! . !d V,

71 . S .i

72 J.f 73., A. 74. T. F


75 . C.c,•'-a~ 76. 1 77. U. 78. C.V 73. D." to. C. 81 . IA' F'2. f

3; . P. w 35 . S . & F N. Sr 37. RC'tt ;G?. C .cry 33. K. br 40 S.wa#r 41 . S. Rs 42. M, Go 43, S. GW 44 . sharp 45. D. . .~*Fb ~ 46 . R8:a1 47. Sx .brre ; 48. DL~._y 49. C .lk6v7-a D. S.A4t'sep

63. S . Glassman 65. 66. J . Goldman 67. 68. S. Feldman 69 . J. Vernon 70 .

7. J . Senio r

8. T. Seymour 9. J . Wilson 10. M. Oliphant 11 . R . Liley 12 . P. Ronchi 13 . P. herman 14 . B. Edmonds 15 . A. Teelow 16. P . O'Dea 17. D. O'Brien 18. A . Handbury 19. J . Manton 20. G. Coldwell 21 . S. Glover 22 . J. Taylo r 23 . M. Davis 24 . T. Peddie 25. a. Allen 26. N. Kemp 27. D. Morton 28. M . Taylor 29. J . Neville-Smith 30. A . Howells 31 . J . Nevins 32 . G . Wilkinson 33 . M. Wilkinson 34 . T. Pau l 35 . D . Eley 36 . A. Rigby 37. G . Stirling 38. P . Beltrame 39. D. Swan 40. S . Bones 41 .E .Bell 42 . P. Liascos 43 . D . Hay 44 . e . Spiden 45 . L . Morrison 46 . R. Rice 47. E . Smithers 48. S . Saunders 49. J . Smythe 50. M . Robson 51 . A . Robson 52. S . French 53. B. Hicklin 55 . D . Crowe 57 . R . Calvert 58 . R . Morton 61 . R. Oliphant 62. H. Cameron 63. A . Barron 66. B . O'Halloran 72. s . Cowdery 73. R . Abbott 74. J . Geddes 75 . N . Kennett 76. A. Osboume 77 . C . Oliver

78 . R. Knight

AUSFINE FOOD S INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd , Black Rock. 3193 28

10. fA .l~~sh It Fd .Maan It, B.CraFn 12. R Po-iam' 13. D. Bearzat<9 14. D. Na,w. 15 . D.!#;&@osh 15. J.Grwcc§i it, J .4 17. B. l1, -ds B. A.( 1.~ ) 8. M .1 19. D. i19. D.! 20-S.Ory .-t 42 AC=- :ti 21 . G.Arasai 42. D. C 22 L.0'FFJr~n 43 . L' 23 . P.Ctart~rs 44 . F 23 . J.Edr Vr€h 45 . D. 24. S.Beatb 48. J.G: ., 25. Alkkrio;h 47. D.E .ea 2G g . Yrakh 48. B. E 27. S. Ttre'sz 49. N. C 28. A. PezzaraMi 50. R C '1. 29. M . Edrro & 51 . D. ° 29. S . Lam 52 D. .. is 30. A .Tregatarsn 54. J. ' X J.Gft 64 . 1 . 31. S. Edwards 51 C,2 , 31. D.Pizzalalo : 9. S L 32. J .Da0s 57. B.P .., 32. lA.Symies F8. !A.'... 39. D. SwOumn ,°d. D.33, V.Paacessa 60. kt ,.v~ 31. P. Healy 61 . R I 35. C.lkltkms 62. R 1 36. G. Cox 63. 0.0 37 . A .She?han in 31 . C . Fezz6m..Na 64 . J. ~ 1 39. A .Netm 65. Rthml 40. J . D2ma 66. I4. L..., v 67. D. Fu k-9e 69. d De"i

1 . S. Furphy '.. 2 . H. Burbank 3 . D. Wallaby 4 . T . Dugdale 5 . D. Ardlie 6.S ' Olse n

OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach: Be rt Calvert Reserves Coach : Jeff Norma n 1 . A. Acreman (VC) 2 . A. Carter 4 . G . Stroud 5 . C. Wallace 6. D. Paterson 7. G. Ferguson 8. N . Macquire (VC) 9. C . Wrigh t 11 . D . Solley 12 . G . Dickson 13 . S. Sharp 15 . C.Davis 18 . T . Boumon 19 . D. Kitto 20. C. Shedden 21 . M . Elliot t 22. P . Harrington 23. N . Moodie 25. J. Winduss 26. G . Dart 27 . G . Katris 28 . M . Bond 29 . D. Agostino 30 . M . Brooks 31 . D.Johnson 32. J . Sly 33. C . Gardner 34. D . Holland 35. D . Murphy (C) 36. B. Paterson 37 . M . Sichlau 38 . R. Sherriff 39 . R. Beynon 40 . T. Leonard 41 . A . Olin 43. C . Best 44. D . Sarah 45. C . Leaver 46. J. Norman 47 . J. Konicanin 48 . D.Johnsen 49 . b. Murphy 51 . G. Pride 52 . A .Oxland 53. N . May 55. S . Martin 56. M . Leone 60. D . Nock 61 . C . Dwyer 63 . T.hancock 64 . M . Austin 65 . D. Murphy 71 . T . Kersle y

i f i~- trU

ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach : PaulBeddoe Reserves Coach : Brad Ber ry 1 . M . Kinsella 2. S . Zahra 3. J . Sebire 4. V . L'Huillier (RCapt) 5. M. Murray 6. R . Parsons 7. D . Diggins 8. B. Beasley 9. M.Jones 10. C . Ross ll . M. hooker 12. C . Stewart 13. D . Goodchild 14. P . Lerman (Capt.) 15. D . Goodchild

16. S . Napier 17. J . Tully 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

A . MacGeorge B . Tomlinson M. Beasley G. McDonald t . Lamb T. Peck T. Beasley D . Smith S . Hecker D . Johnston D . O'Brien J . Sanders M . Dol s

31 . J . Selby

32. J . Dickinson 33. A . Walsh 34. C . Meyer 35. R . Bib s 36. A . Wilce 37. M . Connolly 38. A . Hayes 39. M . Leyden 40. C. Johnston 41 . d. Hendrikes 42. a. Thompson (VCapt) 43. K . Goodchild

44. J . Recupero 45. 'r. Gould 46. O. Late r 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55.

56. 57. 58. 59.

B . Hambddge B . Hutchinson D.BUeno N . Tull y M . Uberti A . Kearney M . Firt h M . McCraw (VCapt .) P . Dywe r

C. Trotter M . Lomagno D. Bautch J . Drury

ST. KEVINS Senior Coach : Tim Ha rt Res . Coach: Glen Taylor I . B. Burden 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 .

J. ynapn . C D haman (DVC) M. Frase r R . Callanan A. Morgan rt A. Ha d .Williams G . Smith d . Moore D . Rya n M. Dollman (DVC) R . Bowle s J. Bare D . Fox B. Garvey M. Te rzini N . Ha rt D . Sheehy A . Varasd i J. Quirk (DVCRes) J.Macey P. Ryan P. Meagher N .Goldswo rthy B.Kennedy R . Gross ( VCapt) M. Farquharson (DVC) A. Mount

30 . P . McNee 31 . M. McNe e 32 . b . Noonan ( ResVC) 33 . S . Denton 34 . J . Whitbrea d

35 . A . Thomas ( ResCapt) 36 . A . Noonan 37 . s . Kennedy 38 . J . Herman 39 . S . Fnbble 40 . D . Boyd 41 . A . DeJong 42 . d .McDonald 43 . D . James 44 . J . Drake 45 . T.Bare 46 . d .DeRooden 47 . M . Brady (Capt) 48 . b. Howard 49 . S .Kennedy 50 . M .Durrant 51 . d . Wilks 52 . P . Lewin 53 . r. Quirk 54 . S .Game 55 . M . O'Shea 56 . J . Shepardson 57 . S .dillon 58 . 59 . T. Ha rt 60 .

60. J . Crowe 61 . A . Ry an 62. A . Mulquinney 63. R . Kilroe-Smith 64. N . Hayes 65. M . Zakic 66. P . Razga 67. C. Ambrosini 68. d. Marshall 69. P . Walker 70. A . Whitelaw 71 . B . Griffiths 72. M . Manson




STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach : Terry Walsh Reserves Coach :

Senior Coach : Allan Fleming Reserves Coach : Wayne Cooper

Senior Coach: Des Meagher Rese rv es Coach : Ga ry Kallinikos

Charlie Capiron 1 . B .F47an 2 . HAsiaperko 3 . H. Nward 4 . S .Cnavrs S . A . MvGaw 6 . P. Green 7 . G. Hayas-Deau I . G.Baker 9 . G.HaFjl 1Q D. It . J. Gaiter 12 A .Fttsenm 13. S .Wmon 14, J.Traar✓iab It, M. Kmk 16. P."r, 17 . D.1

It. 8.

It. M.N s 20. kFa9 21 . M. *:k 22. P, .; -bar 23. L.Garan 24. P.dartm 25. P.Dr26. b. Jackson 27. A.Da€a'ara 28. G. Rated 29. D. Danlevn 30. B. Kag

3L M . cinvbp in EA. P.DaYs 32. MAZ#+a 62 A. Aldison 34. T . Prinnel 35. M .Rpan 63. d . Franlej . M.D'Asta& 39 . M .A51erw:do 61. J .Haaod 371 . M.King 65 38. D.R?rerrdc Ffi . S. Hamie6 . S Emrap 39. A.OammA 67 . W Giffiries 40. D.Broodae9 68 . F.Krx:'r>s 41 . A. Sexton 63 42 P.Kerian 70. D .Shertnan .Cranston 431 J. Madkinak! 4 S6anD?swn]727a. M s. Dirty 45. . C .Fernando 4S. A. SlraA 74 15. S. Prim 47. MAhurtir/ 76 48. B.Ma~ 77. M. Scanlan . s. aj 49. . Bannon 78 . G Dxts 50. M D'Agasl'r . Mwd 51 .. G.Wa6un M wto to . R .Pavpnic 52. . R . Was 53. B Burk 81 . 54..54 S. Patleroa 82 83. L ' 5`9. LMa~w 84. M.SI~a ~' B. ~~b r~ . H% 57. K.Gkesm 85 J 58. E. Kar~rrslt BE

59. B. G#nu e

1 . S . Papaioanou 2 . B . Byron 3. A. Smith 4. r.Ward 5 . J .Bubi s 6 . B . Pelligrino 7 . S . Plan t 8 . a. Fellows 9 . Y . Capeci 10 . P .Bultard 11 . L. Alberti 12 . Z . Fleming 13 . g.Scarpa 14 . M . Patmore 15 . L.DeI Papa 16 . D.Farchione 17 . D. Gorski 18 . F . Arcoraci 19 . P.Ristevski 20 . L.Alabakis 21 . E . lentini 22 . L. Sallese 23 . R.Dimaggio 24 . B. Smith 25 . R.Kennedy 26 . C. McNeil 27 . S. D'Avoine 28 . L. Maribito 29 . K. Harling 30 . C. Fellows 32 . P. Colosimo 33 . J . Zaigos 35 . A. Colosimo 37 . D. Dimovski 38 . G . Scot t 39 . O .Esen 40 . N .Iulianglia 41 . D .Brooks 42 . M. Ciaverella 43 . A. Lattouf 44 . A. Ward 45 . a. tnsitari 46 . S. Sam i 47 . D . Ptowright 50 . A. Maloney 51 . E. Valentino 53 . P. Battistia 55 . P. Valeri 58 . M. Reid 61 . G . Skas 63 . M. Grech 65 . S. Holmes 67 . N . Grec h

PtJt'LtSFHN G I I% .1~ 1 1

~,;1(0 Y tI : I :!' aa ~ : p Y


1 . M. Powe r 2 . M. Bateman (C) 3. R . Pasqualotto 4. 5 . M.Robinson 6. C . Houston 7. P. cochlan 8. M. Heath 9. C . Maguire 10. B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12 . J. Begley 13. T.HUghes 14. D . flanagan 15. A .Iac ey 16. B .Vandenboom 17. A .Carbone 18. P.Begley 19. C .Andrews 20. A . Pawlick 21 . P. Hasele r 22. J. Bonnyman (ResC) 23. P.Ciardull i 24. J.Ciardulli 25. M.Vemai 26. C .ry an 27. M. Jackson 28. C . Fames 29. C . Harri s 30. P . O'Brien 31 . N . Jenkins (C) 32. M. Carbone 33. G . Feutril 34. S . Lowell 35. C . Law 36. J . McFarlane 37. P . O'Brien 38. r. Vujki c 39. J . Naismith 40. a . thawaites 41 . T. Carrigg 42. D . Naismith 43. N .Elliott 44. M . Bateman 45. M . Lester 46. g .Johnson 47. S . Habjan 48. M . Rei d 49. P . Dodd 50. B . kelsey 51 . L. Eames 52. S . Alexander 53. J .Alexander 54. S .gilla n 55. M . dully 56. B . Calleja 57. A . heath 58. M . Smith 59. R . Stopajink 60. M . McDonald



Your On Time Printer ~ 29

~-~ ,a, CAULFIELD GRAM . KE W Senior Coach : Gaorg Voyaga

3y,4U M ARIS (P) Se-

'or Coach : Garry Nichoison Rc : Ms Coach : Noll Flynn

Res. Coach : Matthew 3choiten t B' 2 1!

i ~tCS

3. .

31. P.09 . 32 Sik.., .,

a C.

s7 M.vb. 3t. d Mk

Senior Coach : Robert Beyt Reserves Coach : Tom Van awi I. T.F 3. FL 4 . 0. c S ll

MONASH ELUE S SeniorCoach D~

: :idRoc=rs P•cacr.cs co-ch :l-n H bran d


OI.D CAMBERWELL SoniorCoacb :htartin Legge Reserves Co=eh : Rkk Jamo s 1 . LG f . 41. D : 2. T. .b 49 A t 1 A' , .. T.i 4 . B.T:. . T.k 5c _

7. D 8. 1 9.A., 10. fl' il. A 12. 0.

13. C.

14. J. 15. T. 16. D., 17. B. L It. N. R 19. R

id . S.~ Ok. PJ U. R a. T.'.. 16. D. E6. P . 17.ACa 57. L

18 DFYs S8,

19. AK'L, ., 53. L.0 21 D.Pran 60. T. 21, S .Fvo.I it . P.txm t9 22. lJ.Siu .an 62. S.CnirdaM 23. M.SFr.fl 63. W. EM 24. D.Wrtsip.: 64 . J .Bager ~ " aTafV 65. D.weoh 26 G.Ycr,», GS, a .Wirg 27. ,Lb4w{enre 67 . S .2aatan 22, a :5 68. J. Gan 23. W. ~p 69. J. Howard 30. 11 r. 70. B.ORaa 3 71 . A.9rzdv~n 72. R. Lee

21. D. 22 J.I 23. T.,24. 8. 1


79. B.Mai~.rz;en 74. C. Tow

75. R. Wier 7& P. Pavep 77. W. Fcrxcal D.E- 78. D .Ctavai ~. C.Erax 70. D.McDonefd 40. JJ"e+ 80. B. CorStarsR PATfERS6N CHENEY flingxvod• DanrSeROng•

PRINTED LABELS P80VE(0314* 7,3lPh%(83] W52Eb7 "Ouali4 labeta for Qnatitp Cdrntr"

PARKSIDE Senior Coach


: Laurie Zarata Reserves Coach : Mark Row e


Senior Coach : Derek Hine Reserves Coach : Noil Roberts Ass . Coach : Robert Putamorsi a 1 . 5.64 2. ft f


Senior Coach : Steve Mooney Res . Coach: Steve Rhynehart 1.65 >

Senior Coach : Mark Flack Res . Coach : David Miller

9262 6666 • 9215 2222 • 9682 6581 ~_ "I" t

1 .P. ry

2. R 1 1

UNIVERSITY RED S Cr--h: Michael Farrell R-n • Grant Hammond 1 . 5 36. rRm

21. 22.!2's 1. 24 .


'efi. R! 2' 7. K. 71

~. 6. 23. C. S.

31. D.Pc~ ?2. F.Uy.. 2?. P .

& R . ekes 30 ~I


E Central



Senior Coach: Rick Morris Resanrez Coach: Mick Mitchell So-_-• Coach: Shane Rule 1. P . Cootper R res Coach:8arry Funnel l 2..F . ng Dena 34. T. McDW 3 K. Frost 35. N . Bakp:r 4 . N. PaPadatos X G. Gray S . D.Marani F 37. A .Cidodo 6 . A. Welch 4. AC 33, T. Berm 7 . W. Ceri 5. S. Y & J. Lan-s7 39 . SArdYrorrj 8 . J. Tanaseib 7. 8. FoO 40. A . 8la.5kt.{I {VC 9 . D. Griffin a. 47. B. Selma 10. M . Hayes 42. D. Lynch n9 11 . F. Coscare8a . P. - ffads 43. Y Cretan i 6 D. action 12 . 44. G.Moyrma 73. G . Ristic 7 . : '=u+msh 45, S. Tuazt 14 . S. r4tixinskJ 12 -am 4& . D. Wigt9 m 15. D. Morris 36. P . KeP(~i 12 47 . D. HarCei 16. 37. G. Mamal 74, S. I ws 48 . LA_' rare 17. 38. D. Grigeletto 15.k4 ' 49 . N.Ma 18 M. Lowe 39 . J. Aup;stakis 16R< 50. S. P---'- a1 17.M.Vi-- ' 19. 40 . D. GiI6r8s 51 . U . S 20. 41 . A . ClmPple 18 19 RC^"y 52 . J.CrKns 21 . R . Martinez 42 . on 22. D . Ferx>essy 43 . 27 . D.E~ras~ (VCp)54. B.t, ., . 23. T. Rtnarnan 44 . D. Griffiths a J. 5 . A. Cu is 24. P. Davies ~ 45 . . S. P~ (Cap.) 56523 25. J . Relate 46 . M . Cooper 57. 24. J. Kam 26. P. Mardiri 47 . 25. J. Wades 58. M. C. ~ k. 27. 48 . .ha}mara 26. P.C-ranow 59. B 28. R . Bazzano 49. 60. K. PaGr.y 27. L Plan 29. 50. C. Hayes 61 . S. Band 28. M SP* 30. 51 . P. Stqr~n 31 . 52. 29. W . Lee 62. X C . Gtsm 63. 32. P . Pashalds 53. 33 . R. Griffiths 54 . 31. S. LaVen)an 64, T . Wilson 32. M. Naper 65. 34. D. KeFpel 55. N. Zarrse,."o ,s"3 P.1AtH 35 . R. Morris 97. K. Maloney

THE ROYAL OA K HOTEL North Fitzroy Phone 481469 Y 3THORNBU COUGAR S Senior Coach : Gary Cutler Res. Coach : Rod Robertson 1. B, Carter 2. A . Mamney 3. R.buzeakl 4. B .Rctertwn 5. G.cutJf f 6, P . cuter (Caph 7. T .BarCel t 8 . C. KraC;aski 1 V1. Larkins 10 . G. Thompson it . R. Rery.nato 12 . S. Lacey 13 . D. Carter 14 . M . Goddard (RCapt) 15 . M .KVaIy 16. S. Murdoch (ResVC) 17, S. Bartlett 41 . M.garrobre 18. T. Lhmkl 4Z R. Bruno 19. M . Johnston 43. A. Kitgi R). R. Atalemour 44 . V. D'Arillefio (VC) 21 . R. Ma'veBi 45 . L JorRS (DVC) 22. W. deuce 47. ASerrh 23. Rharneda 48. A. Rocca 24. d. Muscat 49, P.Dorkins 25. D . Bw*y 50. L. Ut.a 26. J . Room 51 . P, Tucker 27. P.Db 52, C. Lincoln 28. A. Mantis 53. 29. R . Robertson 54. k Cracker 3'1. A. Alembakis 55. R. Edwards 31 . D. MauaKS 56. J . L'erersidge 32. E Pizzato 57. R. Waot 33. S . NarrrJlon 58. 34. P. tdcDonaid 59. 35. S. Apprb/ 60. 36. R . &.giry (SrsDVC) 37. P. Mazr,otla 32 P . Mirmucka 39.

40. S .Hudey

UHSOB Senior Coach: Mark SedmHck Reserves Coach: Gino hfaaa t. R Fregah

2. D.Peebn`r 3. A.Bace 4. C.Mderman S. C.S1ox, 6. S.Crackne1 6. K.Jories(fMserves) 7. C. Skims 8. M-s'edliwick 9. R Soft 42 . D.WaPace(Cap) 10. PDraru 43. A. Pattch It. Wad e 43. L. Massrsavas 12, c .Amd 44. M.Consdsa 13 . P.Mklean 45. G . cook 14 . D. Regan 46. M. Roberts 15 . M .ferdson 47. G. Done 16 . P.Our9tarpe 48. B. HUM 77 . B.RtihieB 49. O Feraessy 18 . P.Hodler '~. 0 . Zuavia 19 . G . Mazza 51 . J. 20. MDat/ 52. T. Ras 21 . S. BeEa6mro 53. f.B rA 22 . D. Bwvett 54. G. "am 23. D. Kod r 55. M.Rasch 24 . S. WsT.:msro l 56. W. Weiner 2'' L 57. D. Ted 26. C.GalIw.rade 58. D.Mattesm 27 . K.Stratan 59. DSm3h 28. M.rdhrazl ~. D' Sckc~nko 29. M.D~an 61' M' 30. G .JCrSS 62. g.Arrxlk>ssen 31 . M.ViJoa.n p. P.Onrs 32. D .Burm 64 . J. Poore 33. P.EBrirghem 65 . J.Saba 34. D . Daolilas 66 . E Bed 35. J.McVV9rixt•~/ 67 . G.Pasco 36. M. ftkAto 68 A. Ctsrks 37. G. Caqera9 ~ . J. Ccdard 38. A .BCyce 70 . J Mazza 39. P .Gera" 71 . B.East 40. S . Wd 77 . A. P;auz 41 . M.0'Caxia




Senior Coach: Gordon Burrows Rese e Coach: Peter Sacco 1 . A.rv TxdriB 2. D. Adams 3. J. &.Anan 4. P.Dmarco

Coach : Alex Frwaar Reserves: 'tick Evan s

Coach : David Twormy Rese rv es Coach : Dean Roderic k

15 S

1 . B . Baadrg 2. S . Whiling 3. B . Haley 4. A. 0'Keete 5 . D. Ckoxes 6 . J. Hor,6urgh 7 . D. Jago B . A. torr:.burhg 9' C. Winger 10 . G. Crane 11 . D. Roderick 12 . G. Harris 41 . J. Biprran 13. M Hale .B.Snu y74 42 .B.Gray 15. A.Board 43 . P. Kiefer . T Marcus 16. S. Ch8s1o 44 45 .M .C ' . G. Ftaer 18. D. Ouien 46 19. S. Parslax 47. A. Ha&y 20. E. Szu ;blsN*cz 48. S. Jones 27 . D. Krause 49. S. Hewitt so. P. Harris 22. P. 0'MaBey 23. S. Porter 51 . P. Martinser 24. L. Fairfield 52. A. inneka 25. Mcleod .S 53• S. Leonard 26. P. Mssman 54 : B. Dangerli~ 27. D . Biiknan

6 . V.Grkzald 7. J. M

B . P.CwmirsltOm 9 . J . Aok! r 10. S. Webb i1 . J . Boudckh 72 . S.Hadlison 13. P.Mair 14 . 15. B.0'Brko 16. L.Cermcfai 17. A. Kyrpnz's 18 V Rentals 19. V. Deal 20. G . 1-is! 21 .J. s 22 23. D . E 24.G .hz :.: 25. P. C: naccaro 2&. 27. P. Rr%..b 28. D . L, :va 29.1E -.. r.; ;rs

0 0. 1. 0 - :;

31. S .Vlard H B . Whiren 33. G.McCaB 34. S . Moore 35. P.LoS:ep X D. Marr.aai 37. B.TImTe

36. o.GuRZ/ 39. M.Gkrl:ter 40. S . ft 41. L. Bi}aui

42. J. Pairedolsou 43. F .Cwdo 44. M . Leris 45. 46. 47. J. Polurm 48 .

49 . so . 51 . S.Tmcasb 52 . 53 . F. Mad 54, G .Pi:t

55 . S. Sa1arore 56. 57, R.Sauvlers ,..' . 58 . S. Keay 59. D .Amph 60. 61 .

17. P I 18. T 19 G A. J. 21 . L 22 Y 2dJ 24. S 25. k1 26. P. 27. 0

.'. 2 :+. P.~ i w. d l 31. H ,

28. C . Parslvw


29. D . Hor:6urgh

58. P. Stznari .A ~. JG. Man n 59 . L'pscanbe 32. . Jenkinson 60 . 33. G. Robson 34. B . Fille G 35 . B . Franklin ~'i . J. West 37 .S .Cwnarrim 38, A. McCarthy 39 . M . Gibb 40 . A. Tdahan




Garry Connolly Reserves Coach : Richard Grumme t

Senior Coach : Phil Loatharn Reserves Coach: Nick Magafa s 1. A.Haaft 40. R. Baker (RCap 2. J.Cr,p 41 . SDawss 3 REastxaf 42. E. KavaHaaWs 4 . G.Oa;r:s(Cap) 43. J .Tolin S . d .p3pazog"at 44. dKa loglam's 6 . AtSasska 45. G .Kava§eratos 7 . F.VAaie 46. g.Solklatas 8 . PJiarnimm 47. P. Kyte 9 . J. K1osf 48. L Braun t0. S.Fyile 49. J.h afwOOd I . SCocdaas 50 . R . Caske t 12, S. Richardson 51 . C . Hat&layrou 13. J . Sake 52. B. Flanagan 14. P.rcbsdm 53. 8 Clerks 15. P.McrauugSan 54. ABaker 16. S.Smytke M. Grit

Senior Coach : Alan Elliott Reserves Coach : Tony Ryan

Senior Coach :

1 . G .Datroch 41. G.Wrtism 2. R . Hal 42 . D. Ryan 3. D .Mxrcey 43 . J. Quillf 4. M.ZWrr~ a 44 . PFabes 5. B. Cw gh3n 45 . J. Ban 6 J.Cabaarp 46 . E. PocA 7. C .Ker9iaM 47 . S.CuBm 8. D . Rain 48, D.Morcom 9. C . Pekin 41 M .Rkhardsan . A . Kennedy 50. T. .kssen i 0t.B .Smlh 51 .A.Nevia 12. N . Roberts 52 . M.Grecam 53 . N. Simmons 13, 1. Brawles 14. M. HaSam 54 . M. Prig}s 55 . Mr Nixon 15. A . KoDloos 16. P .Cacme3h 56. C.S7e''aro 17. H. Pe`ic.ker 57. d. erdiectl P.Wegard 58. D . Ropy I d.Ward 59. L.IcFxn 20 . S. Lon 60. S. Fraser 21 . B. TenO 61 . C .M.4dha 22, T. Lamb 62. 23 . S.6ealco 63. 24 . M . Fogady 61 . 25 . N, ~nM.s 65. J. Trevask's 26. d . Bays 66. 2 7 . M .Hayes 67. 28 . P. Lee 68. K .Carsrdui 21 K Gass 69. S . LOP 39.O.Srnaerby 70. 31 . NCarah 71 . H .Keam 32. L Petsdial 72. 33. P. Hodlsun 73. 34. J .Cock 74. 35. P. come 75. 36. M. Bagley 76 . 37. J . Gadi 77. 38. C.Cu3ahan 78 39. P. Human 79. 40. G .Sukrran fal .

17. J .Jackum 56 R.Rcdr'x,ets 18. J .CwEm 57, P.Cook

79. S. Ba4ands 58. D.V&9mns 20. P.Hickey 59. H .MtDo~ 21 . s .Mdla~rara i. M.Kaarmc 22. N .MaVas(RC) 61. M.Ra*rs 23. J.0sbarw. 62. b.Perrn 24. D .Cocrun 63 s.Carwt/ 25. G.M.afaw 64. P.MCGra"h 26.g iwx01 65. S.Oeazavlio 27. 0 . Branca<isatro 66. D. Disisro 28. K .Bufoar 6T J. Haste 29. D_M^~,,er 68. M.An3erson 30. M.Lo ; :; 69. N.Letos 30. J.E9 70. R.Waoce 31 . A . am 71. N.Fehai 32. S .S.r.'ea 72.A.STamsen 33, T.thompsom 73. D. Home 33. G dapPnp 74. A.Barher 34. M. Capes 75 . S.Staf#ion 35. J.Tassaw. 76 I . Mdleus 36. C.rddue 96. P.Denhan 37. S. Coombs

36. A.7fh~s 1 . N. Pezzarl 2. W.Griffillz 3T A. Bond 2. D .Danra 38. T.BzckiAh 3. A. Harry (Cap .) 39.1. Carter 4. J.Tuck 40.G.f?rkJ S. D . MacLeod 41 . L Rc&Ztds 6. D . GrW' 42. M. Brewer 7. M.BeNri 43. S .Kenrce?y 7. D .EB1Mt 44. c. Fazekas 8. & Ham 45. B . Isere 9. G.Case 46. A .Fuch 47. C. Pat 10. M. Holland 11 . LGrckmaski 48. K .Few . N. Bond 49. W Kew.12 n 50. R. Kurka:.-~ 13. B .Twist 51. D. Bdwtlc 714. AD-,l 52. D. D'a5g:rma 5. d.", 16. C. 1 53 . M. teman il. M.54. M.~m 18. T .L am 55. M.tNskk 56 . g. Bons 19. P.P-,a 20, D., am 57. d. Claim 21. P.S 58, J, Dawson 22. W. Pafre 59 . G. Grey 23. P.McNarnara 60 . B.macleal 24. D. Grigg 69 . P. Culiuw 24. L F~an 70 . G. Clerk 25. R Evans 26. D. Lee 27. B.Tuc k 28 . S.Ca'derwocd 29 . MAderson 30 A. Cook (Kalr) 31 . C.Md:ntn 32 . S.Oum 33 . T.Canrzn 34 . G .Wanen 35 . S.Kemiday

38. B.MqG

39. T . Hendersorr




E South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Senior Coach: Jack McDonald Res. Coach: David Kiirnarti n 1. S . Duke 26. P. Knight 2. N . Pasta 26. E.l 3.P.Sn~ 27 .C.L(R) 4. R . WAS 28 . C. W-ry 5.A.Wftms 29.S .r .Jt 5 . T. Boards. 30. J. F maP (R) 31 . T. 1,- ..:on 6 . C.0 .drece 32. M. Farre033. 7.P .A.@en N.DXI3 8. S . Brown 34 . C. W^, jz 8. R . L'x~ay . R" R) 9. G . Sat~krs 35 . A ., 10. N. Rutherford 36, M, it, M . Ptdl:ps 37. A. . 1 1 . A. M9thai~ 31 . M (R) 11 . J. Lwas 12 . G. Larlan a A? ,. 13 . S . McCarthy All. K.1 ,'. 14. M. WeatherN 41. C. . . 14.M.Szeitz 42.C.i 75. A. Barka 433. K . . M . Malone III t716 17. D.64de&an 4S a . C. Maley' (R) s17 .': 47 . R C~~ 18 .P . Barra epP~y_a 19. C.JCrrvs 's. Aii 20. R . Koegrer 53 . M A 21 .P.Shoppare 57.BC e 22. M . Cox 21 A. Pat riet 24 . M . LawTance 25 . J . McDonald

Senior Coach : Mick Marshall Res. Coach : Mark Mussared i. L"7f(C4;.) a P.Fas

2 A

18 J`: 19. M.F_"-a

21. aP, ;:' ,

21 . M.12t6' " 2J. t.w & G 24. D.C Ak~~e 2a P.E~ , D

2 5 C. ~ 61 .K ~ 27.M . 62A . 2 B 63 D. ~ 29. 64. R 37 . 6. 31.K&+.R. ' 67. S.


-. .-, ~

GLENHUNTL Y Seniors Coach : A. Larrema Res. Coach : P. Thomas I. B .15itm 37. 2 A. Lemma 33. A. Arkdo S. T. HB 39. J. Pirker 4. D.Cassar 40. C.Cr~'g 5 . R.LamaWa 41 . J .Crcrka & M .Sealnook (VC) 42 . N.Baana3 7. M. Kauts 43 . D. Tiromas 8. J.Jar€; 44. B.ODaxaJ 9. 45. 70. 46. C .Cada 17 . T. Rasskar (C) 47. J. Waist 12. LFArAudie 48. H .KWerwz ' .. 13 49. Slows 14 . 50. A. SLOW 15 . C.WneLan 57 . A.Sazn 16 . J. Hencer>m 52 . S. KtJic 17. S.Au2r:l 53. M.Hasey 18. P. ihanas (VC) 54. C. M"tde3 19. M. Rannew 55. 20. 56. M.Jones 21 . i. Turner 57. 22. G .Srda 58. 23, S.Web:ter 59. 24 . 2 Krstir W. J . young 25. 61 . R. Lcud:n 26. P.0'Sterawssy 62 . A . Wei 28. C. Murray 63 . T.Bvddey 29. M.SL,6ad 61. 30. P.Harroon 65. 31 . G .Odren 66. 31 R Gordon 67 . 33 . 63. D. Lamanna 34 . LTtamu W . G .Fk4dcer 35. 70 . 36. RHa9

Phone: 9510131 3

OAKLEIG H Senior C-h : Rod Bourke Resarves -ach : Paul Nikakis ;i 1. " . 9 o 1

L <P. @ G' C. Y .




Seniors Coach: Myles Land ry Reserves Coach :

Coach: Peter Oliviori Santa' Res. Coach : Craig Richardson

Neil Franks . McLennan I2. S. S McMahon 3

4. E . BnNen 5. S . To-rossi 6. Wamer 7. N . Frank s 8. P. Angus (Capt .) 9. P. Krohn

1 t 72. PA 13. T 14 . A. tS.G 1 6. J . 17. P. ta. A . 14.P.

10. M . Crass 71 . A. Landry 12 . A. Campbell 13. V . BranCatisano 14. D . WarreSrreth 15. B. Cook

21 . ! '7. J. as, ' !5. R. E

s±. at 62, G.C . L .E3 54. R Fa, c.

Mark Stevens .PANEL SHOP P/L.

7 [-1 HAIRSTYLISiS for Ladies & Me n

1 . P . Vanrcti 44. M. Httter 2. J.Ha9 41 M.&.urke 1 G .Scatzo 46. W.Ea 4. R.D:rin 47. D .toman 5 M . Bla'sa 48, J . Pixbn 6 . D.6ech 49 . J. Rya n 7. C. Richardson 50. A. Sta&d 8. S . Cross 51 . S.Wabh 9. A .Maris 52. J A.W1cks '.. 10. G.McCi in 53 . Ken It Lk 54. 12. M.!' . 55. 13. W.L ...d 56. 14 . c. Need .!. 57 . 15. J.£ittF,iu 58, IS. s.Cra;em 59. 17. C. McLeW 60. M. EngSa 18. F.Dafa 70 . R. Haywood 19. J.Evans IT T .Fr' 20. A. Faker 21 . J .Dem4rk 22 . 8.Maci 23 G.Sa~rui 24. r. W~arr~ 25. S . Evans 26. J. Sedor 27, s. Lynch 28. J. Turker 29 G Newman 30. P. Havisco 31, Id . Cmsby 32. B. k`A=qn 33. R. Tayar

16. S. CladrttJbdd 17. L . Barclay 18. 5. Glover 44. C . Bowrran 19 . M . Bond 45. C . Marnw s 20 . C. Landry 46. D . BrdncaGsarw 21. S . Baxter 47. 22. A . Atchison 48. J. 8leasby 23. M. GaBuzzo 49 . 24. S. Parsons 50 . L. Mrks 25. A. Corke 51. 26. A. Thripp 52. 27. J. Whelan 53. B. Fersvick 28 . B. Tay".ar 54. Pd. Dentry 29 . D. Morgan 55. -10. D. Sims 56. 31. A . Grass 57 . 32. A . Parsons S& A . Wells d3. R . Pode 59 . M . haye s 51. A. 0'Nei1 60 . A . Mauterasso 3° A. Bas+Ay 61 . S. Boast 37.K.i 36. a . Crean 62. B. Wghl 38. P. Phelan 37. T. Stewart 63. N . Banmxn 39. J . C:8 38 . D. Becher 64 . 40. G .Ann'4i 39 . S . Taylor 65 . 47. S. Capin 40. L Tre+rhitl 42. C. RkFadane 41 . S. Farrow 43. B. SdrAz

42. A . Briggs 43. A. Bonner

MONASH GRYPHON S Seniors Coaah : Gary Ryan Rea. Coach : David Rainer P E ,EFS dT3. AC :~r ) ~ . 4. C.F : :__ . 33 a, D.k~-; ;:i, 48. 6. G6, -,'C) 41 . D. . . 7. N.F>a 42 P . 8 - 1 41 M .,.R. P 4. A 1 Ill P. .m 45. C.i it. D.u .. 4a dF 12 D.D'ct(CR)47. P .E 4& L.3M 14. M. 49. A 15.J6 &).&E 1& lr St . C .l 17. J 52. D. t 18 . Ai 51 M 19. LF 54. 5.; 2?. BE . 55. lE 21. . . ~Jr- .: . 22. aL 51 U'~ - :, 24. RJ 59. BPA. D. ~ m 5 3 , 41 H 1eaA(6 27. R' 6L J i 2&.dt Gi.S' 23. F. 64. L P E5. D., 31 . GI is. S' . 31 At , 63. ~ RI . I 72. D.Ar.. G; .'C) 97. S. Za.tars 35. R . ..J \ 9a C.0'stom \99, T. Lee

MONASH WHITE S Senior Coac h: Glen Cormisk Rm. Coach: Ronnie Lamb 1 . M. Dods 2. J .Sirried 3. J. RLias 4 . RAtvJKy 5 . J. mentgue 6. 1 Planar 7. RConr ci; B. A . Pate s 9. J. Favwedar 10. B. COW 11 . A. Fibbed 12 . M .Tassaraaten 73 . C. Rayner 14. C.ChartAaedah 15. H. Beh 16. N . tfilitg iB. S.Dods 19. G .VanDer7akn 20. PA. RiA 21 . R,kria 36. C. Howe 22 . G. Co-~OC 42 M. t~ 23 . J. C 43, .J 24. M.I.wean 44 . Ed~rd 25. A .l' ." ih 49 . R .Lam4 . A.McKissock Zfi. S. t 1 50. J. Canki60. Sr n I 28. RH-.rrtRon 'P" s~ 29 . M . Dobbs 7n. T. Hapaard X M . Krebs; 32. J.Sin•em 34. T. Cogtey 35. L Holde n

iG ME INNS" AA"Q &'U ~STVV\ SALESIAN O .C. Senior Coach : Peter Turley Rese rv es Coach : Damian Sutherland

I. M . &,axke 2. M .Caslak5 38 P . S.Stdta.ddvJ B.'i3 .

ST. PATS MENTON E Senior Coach: Brott Sebira Reserves Coach : Peter Lewis 1. D.Fa*c h 2. M.Cosgove 3. K .WcvJ 4. P.Lews(RasC) 5 . ONt!brard (VC) 6 . L Davis

4. 8 .&.rmnan 40. !1 .Caiavan(C) 41 . I.. M.Chrk M 42. ;6S E 7 . K.GwiFs(Cap) l. G . Gaston 43, s.E_ :.,. 8 . D.PerrmPVC) 39 . RGredi B. M.HazeE 44. C.F .r. 9. P.Emireit 40 . D.t;dros 93 . M. Daax}i 45 M 5 70. D .5eGre (C) 41. C. Fra.r 9b. N. Boons 46. P. ' I . P.Fataaos 42. C. Brown 10 . D.00t•er 47. T. : ; 12. M. Da.•i<s 43. M. Barr 11. R. Csxc4la 48 . o v .' 13. A.Garrfi 45 . G . Barry 12. a. Gaspe i4 . T.Ayaon 46. M.Gra}a n . f.BobHkd13 15 . M .Susyran 47 . M .0'Da»Jtsa 14. P.McK44 f6 . J.McCadh, 48 . MSVath 15. T. Waft* 5 t7. C. Suyan 49 . M. Ce<r8eh 16. A.CNapp'nu Si_ 0 . 18. T.Su.'2ran 50 . A.Ladds 17 . M . Fcrtss (RC) 54 . S. i 19. D. Pross=.r 51. M. Ha'4orrsf 76 . S.SsdaV 55. D I 20. C . Droves 52. D . Farr 19. A.Heaky 56 S H 21 . D.89ey 53 . D. Noonan 20. A, Seep 57. D.r an 22 . P.Flwpiry 54. 0.lAuyky 27. Nam '^ . Li. y 23 . M . SiAa",zn 55 . M. YNnnmxks 22. M.PsNe r' r ~. t8'C. ..24 . A.Cwssns 56 . B.ODxA 23. C . Roche S M.B.'.25. B.Burna 57 . S.Gu:e 24. A.Grace 61. D. ; a~ 26. P. W6ihy 58 . J. Noonan 25. B.Kadvra 62 E. 27. M. Wise 59. C . Dwr:ym . C.C1a~on 63. S d26 i 28. M.0'8rkn(FiC) 60. TG. . M. Mare lieki 64. 6'.27 ' 29. S. Hawker 61 . D . Hor. 28 . M.~rre 65.J 30. N. Freese 64. S. Pwidss . M.Fc~s E6 . S.29 31 . A. Walsh 65. C. PAUL) 30, D . Lamm 32 . S. Pan 66 . D. Brennan . 31 . B.t '~clardA 33 . D.Ararerr (RVC) 67 . G. CaFun 32. A. P.HoilCYitr;on 71. P.Mnirp{nJ o34 3 1 M . t'ntem3n 35. M. Grant 34 . S.AWvIs 36. C . Stephens 35 . C. Zos 37. S. WPkttr/ 36 . s.Ndan 38 . S. Perazzo 37 J.&eman


Se-OR e jarv CHADSTONE 32




i N/7:


Round 4 : Sat . : A. i=fowezlay (Do LaSalle) ; B . Wilson (Old Paradians Sun : D . Slimmon (Uni . Blues)

rJ 'Z_~ WINNER : DEAN SPARROW (Chelsea : Rd A . CU B )ANSV`+/ER Round 5 Question : Who wrote the Round 4 Editorial, Phil Stevens or David Burnes? Leave your answer, name and contact no . on the VAFA answering Machine after 8pm Sat . night

MicD o .1ald's,! E IsEe c n U✓ ic~ : A. i3aL: d S "3 0 11 Sv 1, 0; t 'h 0 19 9 6 °.1 AS a aS o i;

I'~~-) .~ "_; Li

L. ',1 ~ ~- u


Clubs must phone final siren scores to Nancy 9528 3319 (before 5 p .m .) before ringing through 0/Q scores; palkickers and best players (both teams) to EP 9531 8333 (before 5 .15 p .m .)



Refer display elsewhere, however N 13 if shorts are worn they must be wh ite club shorts only. If tracksuit pants they must be navy k~~~i~- only

I-L") o ;~~_C. ;~r`

'LSOUTH SECTION by Damien Batey


n a round that spawned some surprises last week, we saw Powerhouse and ANZ Bank win games that perhaps many thought they couldn't . In the meantime, Peninsula and Salesians continues upon their way with convincing wins that helped to entrench their spots in the top two positions . The battle for an early spot in the four seems to be heating up in earnest this year, with the importance of playing consistently becoming a necessity for survival. REVIEW ROUND 4

In a game that could have easily been a non-event Monash Gryphons proved their reformed development by playing competitively against competition leaders Peninsula . Pirates full forward Drew Warne-Smith was the first casualty of a vigorous clash, that saw both teams play tough football for four quarters . The Gryphons backline kept its side at bay in the first half, by applying constant pressure on the Peninsula forwards . By repelling Peninsulas forward moves, Monash was able to set up an attacking defence that was the key for Monash until half time . It wasn't until the mid stages of the third quarter that Peninsula were able to display the form that has earned them the top of the ladder spot this year . With Claringbold driving the ball out of the backline an d Mick Cross dominating the midfield the Pirates were able to set up a 58 point win in the second half . From all accounts the Gryphons are completely revamped side this season and are showing signs of further improvement . Last Saturday however, they did not have the leg speed or skill level to match Peninsula after half time . Powerhouse created an upset by downing St Pats at Southern Road Reserve in a decisive victory last week . The Vultures who until meeting Powerhouse were undefeated fell away in the second half to lose to a strong finishing Powerhouse side . Powerhouse were keen to impress their supporters from the very onset of the match, when they skipped away to a reasonable quarter time lead . In the second quarter the Vultures fought back, making more effective use of its forward line . However, Powerhouse were not intimidated by the onslaught and managed to reduce St Pats lead to just two points at half time . It was in the third quarter that Powerhouse set up their win . A dominance of centre breaks, a relentless backline and precision passing to their fonvards were the telling factors of Powerhouse triumph . In the final term, Powerhouse successfully maintained the lead to run out deserved victors by 21 points , For St . Pats Mick Sullivan played another sterling game in defence, whilst Murphy battl°d unyieldingly against a strong Powerhouse defence . After coming off the bench, Dave Nicholls was a stumbling block in the Vulture defence . The victory will doubtlessly be one that Powerhouse will not forget. Oakleigh had no trouble countering a lack lustre Glenhuntly who after four rounds are still chasing their first win . A dominant Brusher scoreline that featured 35 34


goals was further evidence of Glenhuntly's pitfalls . The Hunters have had som e formidable scores racked up against them by sides so far this season and will need to concentrate more on their defence . This weekend Glenhuntly meet Elsternwick in what could be their first real chance of a victory . ANZ Bank showed that they are on the way up by surpri sing Elsternwick with an awesome 13 goal victory at the weekend . The Zedders look to be mounting a campaign after winning their second game on the trot against old foes Elsternwick . With both sides battling for ascendancy in the first half the Zedders managed to gradually get away to a s ix goal lead at the main break . ANZ were able to manipulate their dominance of the midfield to set up a glorious 87 point win. ANZ piled on the goals in the second half when Malone and Smith combined to kick five each . Best for ANZ were Rick McDonald and Mark Phillips in the midfield, together with Matt Lawrence on the half forward flank. It was a confidence boosting win for ANZ who had a poor start to the season . Salesian made the most of its opportunity against a weaker opposition to defeat Monash Whites by almost 200 points . Salesians are coasting along nicely this year and are revelling in the aftermath of their clubs record score 4 .0 22. It was a solid four quarter effort by Salesian who are still undefeated. Mark Wiseman's almost flawless 9 .1 goals was the best score of the day, with Cincotta an d Grace not far away with five a piece . Paul McKnight an d Sam Sinclair also chipped in with a solid performances . Monash did have a late flurry of goals, but weren't up to the standard of Salesian . PREVIEW OF ROUND 5 Two sides on the rebound from last weeks losses are Monash Gryphons and St Patricks Mentone, The Gryphons have had tough games in the last two rounds and are eager to recapture their early season form . The Vultures are also primed for battle, and eager to avenge the disappointment of last weeks costly loss to Powerhouse . Whilst Monash is clearly the years big improver, they are yet to defeat one of the sides in the four . If the Vultures can improve on their winning of possession in the midfield and increase the supply of their forwards, they should win this one .

The match of the round will be contested by Powerhouse and Oakleigh, in what should be an intensely exciting game . Powerhouse look to be surging towards the four after their big win last week, and the Krushers have found form as well. With Oakleigh coming of a soft match and Powerhouse off a harder one, it could be a game that can be won depending on match fitness and mental toughness . Powerhouse should make this their second consecutive victory . 4 ~'ÂŽ THF AMATFI in Gnnrani i - --

Glenhuntly have their first realistic chance when they meet with Elsternwick . This is a tough match to pick as neither side has had a victory yet this season . With a dispointing loss to ANZ Bank last week, Elsternwiek look to be an ordinary side at the moment. Likewise Glenhuntly nave been impressing few . In a game that really could go either way, I'm tipping Glenhuntly . A struggling Monash Whites have the misfortune of meeting with Peninsula today. The Whites saw a lot of one way traffic last week, and it appears as if they are in for more of the same. The Pirates have too much pace, skill, strength and desire to be troubled by Monash Whites , ANZ Bank have reversed their poor form, with two wins in the last fortnight, and will march into their duel against Salesian with their heads held high, They are meeting a skilled and cunning opposition however and will need a concentrated four quarter effort if they are to roll the section leaders . Salesian may find ANZ Bank to be much tougher than their last opposition, but should get away with another four points to their name .

SENIORS PENBVSUL¢10B 4.8 9.11 13.18 19.24.138 MONASH GRYPHONS 4.2 6.4 11 .5 13.8 .86 Peninsula OB Franks 5, Landry . Cross 3. Poole 2, sims, Bonner, landry .hicMahon . cook, Fenwick. Best Claringbold, Cross, Franks, Parsons, Cook . Fenwick. Monash Gryphons Fraser, Khoury 3 . Blandford 2, Kitchin, ryan, Karavias, White . Coxhead. Best Khoury, Wells. Grady. White, Kitchan . Karavias, Harrack . ST PATRICKS MENTONE 3 .2 8.8 8 .12 11 .19.85 POWERHOUSE 8 .2 8.6 11.8 17 .13.115 St Patcieks Mentone Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. Powerhouse Devlin, Craven 4, Robertson 3, Missaglia, Friend, Senior, harrison . Phelan, hall. Best Phelan, clayton, Scalzo, Williams. Evans, Hall . 35.25 .235 OAKLEIGH GLENHUNTLY 5.4.34 Oakleigh Alexandrou 8, Marshall 6. Adamic, Billing 5, Flinn 4, Donadel, Redford 2, Heverin, itts . Zavaleris . Best Marshall, Kitts, Alexandrou . Billing, Adamic. Zavalersis . Glenhuntly Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 5.8 13.13 19.16 25.17 .167 ANZ BANK EISTERNWICE 3.0 7.5 10.7 12.8 .80 ANZ Bank Malone, Smith 5 . Bearlin 4, Lawrence 3 . Bo~le. Harbinson, McDonald 2, PhilliPs, mtherford. Best McDonald, Phillips. Mitche 1, Lawrence. G. Walkley, C . Walkley Elsternwick Webster, McKenzie 3, Clement, Andrew 2, Roberts, Whelan . Best Neill, Nolan, Mussared, Clement, McKenzie, Trease . SALESIAN OC 10 .7 20 .12 29.19 40.22.262 10.9.69 MONASH WHITES 3 .4 5.7 6 .9 Salesian OC Wiseman 9, Cincotta, Grace 5, Bourke 4, Bobetic, McKnight . Byrne 3. Healey, Roche 2, Sutherland, Quinn, Bowman, Canavan . Best Wiseman. Hazell. Bobetie, Clauson, mcRnight Roche . Hannah Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . RESERVES


St Patricks Dave Perrin played his 50th game last week against Powerhouse . Pez has been an invaluable acquisition to the Vultures and a great leader on the field . The club congratulates him on his milestone and wishes him all the best for his role as a leader this season .

SENIORS THIS WK TOTAL 19 18 17 17 16 16


17 15 15 14 14



PENINSULA OB 6.3 9.9 12.12 16.17.113 1.1 2.2 4 .3 4.6.30 MONASB GRYPHONS Peninsula OB Krohn 7, Bowman, Warner 3, htonterosso 2, Barclay. Best Bleasby. Krohn. Trewitt. Briggs, Hellier, Whelan . Monash Gryphons Barry 2. Gilchris, Naylor. Best Healy, Toghill, Domachenz, Gilchrist Barry, Naylor. ST PATRICKS MENTONE 3 .2 5 .4 8 .7 15.9.99 POWERHOUSE 2 .5 5.10 7 .10 10.11.71 Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Powerhouse Wilson 6, Lee, Williams . Evans, Dodd. Best Heywood . Wilson, Elliott, Telford, Braini, Dodd. 34 .27.231 OAKLEIGH GLENHUNTLY 1.1 .7 Oskleigh Leslie 9, Aliss . Niko 6, Wood 5, Kilner, Theofilopoulos 2, Khodr, Folgar, Perdikomatis, Grinter. Best Leslie, Niko, theo8lopoulos . Wood. Ferdikomatis, Niss. Glenhuntip Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. ANZ BANK 1 .6 4.8 8.14 14.16.100 ELSTERNWICK 1.2 4.5 5 .6 7 .8.48 ANZ Bank Defeece 8, Pastras 5 . Sweeney. Beat Heyes . McCarthy. Carlisle. DeFreece, Pastras, Jenkin . Elsternwlck Heath 4, Grandemange, Daniels . Kirkham. Best Parks, Marshall, Bravington, Daniels, pappa, Heath. SALESIAN OC 10 .7 15 .11 20.12 24.14.158 MONASH WHITES 0 .0 0 .0 1 .1 3.2 .20 Silesian OC Alligan, MeLardy 7, Chiappini, Hunt Napoli 2, Mansfield . Fitzgerald, Taylor, Sutherland. Best Taylor, Mclardy, Chiappini, Abbott, Alligan . Seager. Monask Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .

I MO1YASH GRYPHONS v . ST PATRICKS MENTONE Field: M . Allen, C . Bratjberg. OAKLEIGH v . POWER HOUSE ( Game switch from orig . draw) Field : A . O'Connor . GLENHUNTLY v . ELSTERNWICK Field : B . Schmidt, M . Rossarto . MONASH WHITES v. PENINSULA Field: R. Burns : Boundary : I . Burgess, N . Harper . SALESIAN v . AIYZ BANK (Game switch from orig . draw) Field: B. Bain .


CLUB XV111 North & South by Norm Nugen t

er four rounds the comparative strength of th e sides in each section has already been reveale d as the leading group of sides has moved a game clear of those who remain °outside the top four . My tipping in round four earned me a success rate of 87 .5%. . . my best effort to date! ! REVIEW OF ROUND THREE NORTH Hawthorn Citizens remain the only undefeated team . In their Albert Park appointment against Coll egians, the Citizens recorded a comfortable victory over the "Lions" by twenty eight points, which meant Collegians, after victory in round one, have dropped right down the ladder. Maybe their round five bye can revitalise 'he side! North Old upset great rivals Therry when they recorded Boys a clear cut victory by twenty one points . After two disastrous games North Old Boys seem a force to be reckoned with . St Be rn ard's consolidated their top four position when they defeated Old Ivanhoe by the clear margin of forty seven points . Old Ivanhoe , with ample players were surprised by the talent and experience of the St Bernard team . Good players for Old Ivanhoe included Tim Ryan (centre), David Sups (follower), Coach Steven King (forward), Ray Bainbridge (half back), and Kim Ho (wing) . Like their A.G.S . fellows Old Essendon Grammarians, Old Ivanhoe are finding the competition a challenge Marce llin, through their one hundred and one point. victory over Old Essendon, have leapt into second place . Kew had the Bye. SOUTH After a one sided game Old Xaverians outplayed the accurate Old Geelong and won comfortably by sixty nine points . St Kevin's supporters must have nerves of steel because for the second successive Saturday, the Saints has less that six points to spare at the final siren . Old Melburnians uncanny accuracy was a predominate reason for them being within one point of St Kevin's at the final siren . St Kevin's with six more scoring shots had been the more dominant side on the day . Mazenod made the long journey to Footscray where they outplayed VUT to record a forty nine point victory which made sure of Mazenod's top four billing . Old Scotch proved more than equal to the challenges offered by Old Brighton Bloods out of the top four sides . Leaaers De La Salle had the bye. PREVIEW OF ROUND FIVE NORTH

After two rounds Hawthorn Citizens seemed assured of a big victory today over North Old Boys . However over the past two weeks North players have staged a football renaissance and on current for m 36

they must be considered a final's threat . As Hawthorn Citizens have not faced defea t this season they are my selection . In a match which should insure the winner a top four position St Bernard's visit Therry, conscious of the fate which has befallen many previous visiting teams . Last week while St Bernard's demonstrated great talent at Old Ivanhoe, Therry was having its weakness exposed by North Old Boys . Winning form is good form so i select St Bernard's to win . I make one proviso that St Bernard's do not lose too many players to their reserves who struggled to field a full complement last Sunday . Two long standing school rivals Old Essendon Grammarians and Old Ivanhoe Grammarians meet at Keilor . each side has experienced difficultly in its inaugural season although Old Ivanhoe have experienced on field success, Today I forecast Old Ivanhoe's second on field success . With the double chance available to them in August, Marcellin should be able to defeat Kew today at Bulleen . Kew's form in 1996 has only been a shadow of that displayed by the "brown and gold's" over season's past. Conversely under the charismatic leadership of "Tubby" Kennedy Marcellin are experiencing a rejuvenation . Collegians have the bye . SOUTH St Kevin's face a severe test against Old Xaverians at Toorak Park . The sides have kicked similar scores over four rounds but Old Xaverians defenders have clearly played better that their St Kevin's counterparts . Forwards win matches and from the available evidence I am confident Old Xaverians will win today . Old Melburnians play Mazenod on the new Oval 1 . Mazenod have steadily gained momentum whilst Old Melburnians have one only once in four rounds. Form displayed so far indicates that Mazenod should win this game . i select them with confidence . VUT, without a win on the field in 1996, will be at home to Old Brighton Bloods, who after last weeks set back will be all out to regain an equal footing with the leading sides . I expect Old Brighton Bloods to win well on this their longest journey of the season . In the match of the round the reigning premiers Old Scotch face the 1996 heir apparent De La Sall e . So far this season De La Salle has won each of its three games whilst Old Scotch faltered against Old Xaverians, who were in turn defeated by De La Salle. Although De La Salle have the better defence, Old Scotch forwards have scored more . Even though Old Scotch are always difficult to defeat on their own ground, I select De La Salle to win today and thus consolidate their hold on leadership of the section . Old Geelong have the Bye .






i a Salle Warrior stalwart, Brendan "the Hog" Boy celebrates yet another milestone of his illustrious career as he runs out for his 100th game . Being promoted from the "engine room", Brendan was the Warrior captain of 1995, and has now taken the role of coach . To a great clubman, congratulations from all your team mates .

COLLEGIANS 2 .2 4.4 5 .6 6 .6.42 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 2 .2 5.3 7.5 10 .10.70 Collegians Taylor 2, Gonzales, Dunna, Mothers, Crocker. Best lancaster. A. Taylor, J . Taylor, Lee . Cracker. Hawthorn Citizens Hure 3 . Bowe, Richardson 2 . i.ovich, Power, Rossitto . Best Richardson, Lord, Sill, Tracey, Bowe, orchard .



THIS WK TOTAL 6 17 6 12 3 9


3 13 0 10 0 7 1 7




~ L ., ~i .~, ® ;


Andrew Gillard, Bulleen Cobras - Striking - 2 matches ° Paul La Rosa, Ivanhoe (Res,) - Striking - 2 matches Sabastian Nowinski, Newlands-Coburg - Striking - 6 matches Felice Gennaccoro, Nth Brunswick - Striking - 4 matches Vince Grimaldi, North Brunswick- Striking - 2 matches Matthew Pettig, Old Geelong (U19) - Striking - 3 matche s ° Michael Geary, Old Paradlans - Striking - 2 matches Kenley Gordon, Richmond Central - Striking - 16 matches Matt Bunnett, Southbank - Striking - 6 matche s Paul Capes, St Bernards - Striking - 2 matches Jamie Scales, Yarra Valley - Charging - 3 matches Accepted prescribed penalty

INVESTIGATIONS FROM ROUND TWO - 7/5/9 6 Two charges of misconduct against St Kevins AFC resulting from the game played on 20/4/96 versus Hampton Rovers were proven . St Kevins player Tim Hart was found guilty of using insulting language to an opponent and general misconduct. Player Hart was suspended for 8 matches . TNC AkAATCIIR Gr1llTRAI 1 ISO 1009

NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .1 4.4 6 .5 9 .9.63 THERRY 3 .0 5.3 6 .5 6 .5.41 North Old Boys Smith 4. Cahill 3 . Cox, Pentland. Best Cahill. Hall . Pawsey, Smith, Turnbull . Considine. merry Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. OLD IVAftHOE 4 .4 5 .6 5 .7 9 .9.63 ST BERNARDS 4 .4 8 .8 12 .12 16.14.110 Old Ivanhoe King 4, Ho, Bainb ridge, Myers. Vatio ti s. Dimouski . Best Ryan , Super, King, Ho, Bainbridge, Baud . St Bernards Former 6, Wood 5 . Day 2, O'Connell, Creak, Moody . Best Moon, wood, Matkou, Hayes, Fanner. Creak . OLD ESSENDON 1 .0 2 .2 7.4.46 MARCELLIN 4 .7 10.10 18 .15 22.15.147 Old Essendon Dawson 5, Shaw, Boyle . Beat Dawson, Shaw, Boyle, Greasley . Marcellin Treegan ow an 9, Dodoricio 6, Cox, Phonessa . Rineen 2. Theisz . Best Cox, Theisz, Pertlch, Treeganowan. Paonessa. Dodoricio .

CLUB XVIII SOUTH OLD GEELONG 1 .0 3 .1 6 .1 6.1.37 OLD %AVERLiNS 4 .6 9 .8 13 .8 16.10.106 Old Geelong ABeckett, McMillan 2, Whitehead, Hicklin . Best Cameron, Smith, Ed gar, Hammet, Bum, McMillan. Old %averians Goal Kickers and Best Players not re ceived. ST. BEVINS 7 .8 .50 OLD MELBIIRPnANS 8.1 .49 St. Resins Lewin 3, nanfm, O'Brien . CosgrifC Hamilton . Best Stackpo2e, Davies, McDonald, Hooper, O'Brien. Lewin. Old Melburnians Bardsley 3, Branchnower 2. Jensz. Reid, Gardiner. Best Bardsley, Atkinson, Rhodes, Branchllower, Cordner, Moss, Clements. VtPr 1 . 1 3 .2 3.3 6.5 .41 MAZENOD OC 5.6 7.8 10.10 13.13 .91 VUT Tanner 3. D'Angelo, Nugara, Midon. Best Cox, Russell . Tanner, Van der Roel, Midon, Nugara. Masenod OC Deegan 5, Bo(le, Bourbon 2. Lane, Campbell, Halvy, Occhipin ti. Best Lane, Welch, Bourbon, Welch . Halle. Deegan . OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 0 .2 4.2 5.4 7.6 .48 OLD SCOTCH 2.4 6.6 10.7 11.10.76 Old Brighton Bloods Shippen 3, Sc ar lett 2, Smyth, Kay . Best Payne. Scarlett, Shippen, Witney . Cochran, Hamilton. Old Scotch Knight 4, McLeish, Illingworth 2 . Simpson, Price, Stasiuk . Best Montgomery, Deakin, Aston. Godwin. Kngith, Bingley.

U19 SECTIONS by Brett Connel l


Division One i~ e La Sall e an d Old Paradians clashed at the I v wide spaces of Elstemwick Park last week and De La Salle opened up strongly and maintained this lead throughout . For the victors Flowerday and Francis were amongst the goals. Old Xavs crushed an undermanned Collegians at the New Harry Trott . Xavs had (13) goal kickers, with Hilbert and Ockleshaw prominent all day. North Old Boys an d Therry fought out a close match throughout with Therry booting (12) goals to North's (7) to run out convincing winners in the end . For North, Evans, Cleveland an d Khodar (4) goals were fine players . MAX and Old Melburnians clashed at Fawkner Park with the OM's winning by a handsome 45 points . For the OM's Smith and Boyd were outstanding, with Mohr and Page good players for AJAX. In the final match Uni Blues had a brilliant second quarter kicking (7) goals to (5), after a close first quarter to head St . Bernards and from this point on in the match were never headed . Beltrame an d Brockley for Uni Blues were key players in their strong win . Division (2) White in an extremely high scoring match at Williamstown the home side booted (10) goals to (4) in the first quarter to set up an important win in this early part of the season against Warringal . For Williamstown, Matthews and Cocks were among the best with Hunt booting (7) . James, Benton and Witche ll (6) were fine players for Warringal . St . 1Cevins once again proved their overall strength by defeating Uni Blacks by over (15) goals . A (12) goal second quarter really putting the result beyond doubt . For Blacks there were no better triers than Howell and McArthur. I tipped Bulleen - Templestowe to surprise De La Salle (2) but it was not be, a (10) goal lead at half time was extended to (18) at the finish, with Healy and Lee running riot up fonvard De La Salle (2) were never troubled . For the Bullants once again Lambropoulos and Pappadopoulos were fine contributors . In the final match of the day Old Camberwell outclassed Old Geelong at Como Park . A brilliant second quarter paved the way for a comfortable buffer between the two sides after half time, Old Camberwell winning eventually by (12) goals . For Old Camberwell Denovan, Miles and Whitehead were fine players, as to were Pooley, Bingley and Wilson for the OG's. St. Leos WP Emmaus had the bye . 38

Division (2) Blue. Old Brighton bounced back from the previous week to boot (9) goals to Ormond's (3) in the first quarter and were never headed from there . Brown with (5) gaols, Jackson and Strahan were unstoppable for the Tonners, while Finlayson, Taylor and Stielow battled hard for the Moods . Hampton Rovers were clearly outpointed by Beaumaris at David Street, with Boctor ( 11) an d Fisher (6) amongst the goals . Once again Pitts and Whitaker were best players for the Sharks . For the Rovers who battled manfully against clearly a more talented side Hoare, Martyn and Zuker were best. Old Haileybury after half time ran away from Monash Blues in the second half of their match, P. Langford-Jones, Walden and Dunphy fine players for the Bloods, with Gregory, Harris an d Hickey best for Monash . In the final match Caulfield Grammarians bounced back from their loss last week to soundly defeat St . Kilda Sth. Caulfield . The opening term of (8) goals to (3) set the trend, the Fielders eventually running out winners by (8) goals . Mazenod had the bye . Division (2) Red Old Carey blew away Old Paradians (2) in the first half of their match to run out big winners, Battle, Spencer and Murphy fine players all day for Carey . Whitefriars did likewise to an injury riddled Old Trinity at Buileen. (46) shots to (19) clearly showing the dominance of the Friars all over the ground, for Trinity Ball, Shaughnessy and McMahon battled hard all day . While for Whitefriars Beattie, Mika and R . Pawlick were excellent players . Marcellin defeated Chirnside Park comfortably in the end with Badanjek booting (9) and good players in Karavasilis, Dimattina an d Black doing what they liked . Good players for Chimside Park were hard to find but Violi with (3) goals at least kept the scoreboard kicking over . Old Scotch jumped Aquinas from the start and were never headed, Crane an d Eagle were fine players in an important win for Old Scotch . Yarra Valley had the bye . PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAMES Division One

Old Paradians play Coll egians at Bundoora and if ladder positions are any indication this match should be a close contest with Old Paradians coming out on top only just at the finish . Old Xaverians host North Old Boys at Toorak Park and will send NOBS back to Brunswick with their tails between their legs, Xavs will just have simply more firepower up forward . Therry and Old Melburnians should be a great contest at Glenroy and in an upset Geoff Porter's boys will surprise the OM's and win in a tight struggle . St. Bernards host De THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

La Salle at Beryl Street and will keep their home ground "hoo doo" alive by winning well . In the final match Uni . Blues will just simply be too strong all over the ground for AJAX, despite AJAX's never say die attitude Uni Blues to win comfortably. Selections : Old Paradians, Old Xaverians, Therry, St. Bernards & Uni . Blue s Division (2) White St . Leos WP Emmaus host St . Kevins at Bennettswood and try as they may the might of St . Kevins will see them win at a canter today . Uni Blacks and De La Sa lle (2) promises to be a great clash . Given the respective ladder positions I tend to lean towards De La Salle (2) although not with any great confidence . Old Camberwell an d Will iamstown clash at Balwyn and it will be a fast and furious match . Old Camberwell at home must be favoured, although Williamstown's undefeated run is promising I believe that it will be broken today. Finally Bull een - Templestowe play host to Old Geelong who will bounce back strongly form their defeat of last week. Warringal have the bye . Selections : St. Kevins, De La Salle ( 2) Old Camberwell & Old Geelong Division (2) Blue Ormond play Hampton Rovers in an important clash for both teams, Ormond need to rebound today to prove they have what it takes to match it , and the Rovers need the win to keep them challenging for the four . Going on ladder positions Ormond to win narrowly . Old Haileybury and Beaumaris clash at Haileybury College Keysborough . In a game that will decide who will remain undefeated Old Haileybury will win and serve notice to all that they will be the measuring stick for 1996 . Monash Blues host Mazenod at Clayton and although a home ground advantage does exist at the Uni for Steve and his boys Mazenod will be untroubled to win today . In the finals match Old Brighton will be too strong for St . Kilda Sth . Caulfield even at Packer Reserve . Caulfield Grammarians have the bye . Selections: Ormond, Old Haileybury, Mazenod & Old Brighton Division (2) Red

Old Paradians (2) and Old Trinity clash at Bundoora and with both sides losing last week both will be looking to get back on the winners list, and Old Trinity should be able to do that today . Whitefriars an d Chirnside Park clash at Donvale and with Whitefriars coming off an extremely encouraging win last week they should have too much momentum and outclass Chirnside Park today. Marceffin meet Yarra Valley fresh from the bye, however I cannot see this assisting them, as Marcellin will be too powerful up forward, as to should Old Carey be for Aquinas having set the pace so far this season I cannot see Peter Schill er letting the boys drop this match and will remain the only undefeated team in this section. Old Scotch have the bye Selections : Old Trinity, Whitefriars, Marcellin & Old Carey.






Under 19 Results - Continued Page 46 >



LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundle

ROUND 5- 5 YEARS AGO - 199 1

_ our games gone and the mighty 'Monds were yet to ~` win a game, North Old Boys blitzed them in the first two, 8 .7 to 0 .2 and went on to win 15 .24 to 8 .17 . Best were Jones, Cerni, Booth (NOB), and Brown, Burden, P. McDonald (Ormond) . It was a great day for one of NOB's living legends, Denis 'Fog' Foga rty, playing his 200th game - the only member ever to win Best Clubman Award twice . Mareellin won their third game when after being level at the last change ran right away to defeat Old Scotch 19 .13 to 16.9 at Elsternwick Park . Best were Slattery, Pappas, Bourke (4 gls .) L. Getson (dashing from h .b . flank (Marc .) and Tcvitt, Emmett, Eagle (Old Scotch) . Old Brighton, in 'B' Section, won their first game and in so doing inflicted Parkside's first defeat when they hung on to win by ONE POINT and gain 4 points . Allen, Pri or, Shippen (7 gls.) (Old B'ton) an d J . Panjarl, N . Vineitorlo, M . Hoyne (P'side) were stars . It was one point also in 'D' Section when Old Camberwell kicked 6.4 to Old Geelong's 2.1 in the final term and so take second place . Spurrit, Kyriacou, Woods (Old C'well) and Light, O'Halloran, Macdougal (Old Geel .) dominated . Old Geelong probably lost the game with their inaccuracy in the first half, kicking 1 .7 . Mazenod (E) held their unbeaten record when they beat North Brunswick 15 .17 to 12 .11 . It was North's first defeat . Gye, Grimison, Noble (Maz .) and Grimaldi, Mason, De Morton (7 gls .) (NB) probably shared the votes .

E Section club sponsors were Bulleen United Wilkinson Sword), Mazenod (Two Tone Painting), North Brunswick (Dynamic Safety Supplies), Old Essendon (Youngs Real Estate), West Brunswick (Prince Alfred Hotel) . 10 YEARS AGO - 1986

Collegians scored their first win when they held on against Old Scotch's 7 goal final term to score 22 .8 to 20 .9 . Best were Newman, Hoyle, Roberts (8 goals) (Coll .) and Sherwen (5 goals), A llen, Hodge (Old Scotch) . In "B" St Bernards desperate for a win were on top of neighbour Therry unti Ithe last change . Therry's inaccuracy in the final term, 6 .5 to St Bernard's 2.2, cost them the game, 20 .16 to 2, .15 . Stars were M . Mulkearns, Carey, Redmond (St Bernardsl and Gibson, Kane, Matton (Therry) . 150 games to Ormond's Graeme Andrew . A former Under-19 captain and best and fairest. Graeme has shown great dedication to the club oi and off the field, and has captained the reserves to successive premierships. "A" Section captain were Shane Gilmore (Bull.Temp.), Stuart Hinchen (Coll.), Mick Greene (De La Salle OC), G . Cameron (Ivanhoe), Andrew Cullinan (Marc . OC), Mark Hanneberry (Captain-Coach) (NOB) , 40

Roger Curnow (Uni . Blues) . Who captained CauIfiei d Grammarians, Ormond and Old Scotch? The 'B' Reserve match between Old Paradians and St Kilda CBCOC had Peter French diving for the record book . St Kilda were goalless until the last quarter, scored one to end up 1 .2 and went down by 15 points to Old Paradians who scoredd 1 .17 . The celebrated true boot artists were O'Halloran (Old Paradians) and Long (St Kilda) . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 1 Traditional rivals, Old Melburnians (A) and Old Scotch kicked off the "Sunday Season" with the Dark Blues finishing strongly to win by 27 points and record their first win for the season . Best were Knight, I . Cordner (5 goals), Plsarski (Old Melb .) and Swanson, Treyvaud, Morgan (0 . Scotch) . In the closest game of the round, Old Kaverians (A), trailing De La by 33 points at last change kicked 2 .1 to 1 .3 to win . Old X's stars were Pirrier, Cale, Gleeson and for De La, "missed copy deadline" . "A" Section umpires were Horwood, Wills, Henry, Mead, Morgan, Tracey, Goodman, J . Segota, P . King and J. Smith . "A" Section coaches were Phil Davis (Ajax), John Russell (Marcellin), Terry Scanlon (N .O .B .), Peter O'Donohue (0 . Melb .), Laurie Aghan (0 . Scotch), Michael Green (0 . Xavs), Peter Murphy (Ormond) . Gerard Mitchell (St Bernards), John Pollard (U . Blacks) . Round 5 and De La Team list not yet provided. Who did coach them? Devere (G) ; Bulleen-Templestowe, S . Scullin (E) North Brunswick an d Goetz (J .3) Old Brighton kicked 10 goals each for the round . 20 YEARS AGO -1976

North Old Boys congratulated their famous captain and coach (3rd season), shane Maguire on his 150th game. (Shane was later an interstate selector for many years). De La Salle's very popular Paul Mitchell also played his 150th game - 1975 . Club Reserves best and fairest, and member of "B" section premier side . 250 to Dave Berry at Ivanhoe . Dave started with juniors in 1960 . senior captain and best and fairest in 1971, and a great asset on the social committee .

In "D" Old Geelong surprised Old Camberwell with an 18 point win, with accuracy the major factor, 17 .4 to 12.16 . Best were Ross, Gilbert, Moore (0 . Geelong) and Hewitt, Buchanan, Potter (0 . Camberwell) . "B" Section coaches were Frank Goode (Caul . Gramm .) Ted Farrell (Collegians), Bill McWhinnie (Ivanhoe), Ray Walsh (Marcellin), Les Adams (MHSOB), Trevor Read (0 . Carey), Graham Mansfield (0 .



paradians), Laurie Aghan (0 . Scotch), ifdaurie Biiston (St. Kilda CBOC) .

45 YEARS AGO - 195 1 Among the "B" Section notes Coburg thanked Geelong for their great hospitality after the game . One who no doubt enjoyed it was Bob Sinclair "many thanks for his acceptance of that quite thankless task of boundary strider" . (No doubt Bob could still handle the hospitality but not the boundary - Ed .) "A" Section captains were Joe Sheehan (Ormond), Doug Arnold (Hampton Rovers), Peter Cox (Old Melburnians), J . Thomas (Comm . Bank), Geoff Sinclair (Uni . Blues), Keith Lewis (Collegians), Wally Sparks (Ivanhoe). Who captained Old Scotch, Brunswick and Univ. Blacks ? Sad to report - Old gaverians went down to undefeated "B" Section leaders Alphington with scores 21 .20 to 0 .1 . Yes, Old Xav's scored in the second quarter and not again!

25 YEARS AGO -1971

St Bernard's stalwart Bob Hampson and Peter "Tub" Atkinson became the clubs first players to reach 150 games . Peter had also been secretary for 5 years. Lucky Monash Blues - scraped home again. For the third successive week Monash Blues won by a narrow margin - three points this time - at the expense of Old Scotch who were in front when the siren sounded and lost the game when Monash goaled from a free kick awarded a few seconds before the siren . Marshall, Galbraith, Bartley (Monash) and Addison, Heaton, Welch (Old Scotch) were best . Coburg (21 .15 .141) annihilated Melbourne High (3 .10 .28) . Alan Salter (Coburg) and Same Birtles (Monash Blues) had been appointed coaches of teams to play South Australia an d Tasmania while the managers of the respective teams were Brian Le Brocq and Fred Coldrey. 30 YEARS AGO - 196 6 John Anderson proved a capable full forward for Old Scotch Juniors with 7 goals against Coburg to bring his tally to 14 . Ormond were thrilled with Ian Cameron's great display against Footscray Tech . for his 50th game - "tigerish and tough" . Collegians announced Prime Minister, Harold E . Holt, as a financial member of the club for season 1966 . It was reported that "Gympie" Sutherland droppe d a trayfull of glasses at "Commonwealth Bank's Saturday night turn" - reason advanced was something about Nancy and Gympie's thrill of his life .

ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S QUIZ 5 YEARS AGO - Brewers - Old Carey, Botanists Boronia Park, Van Winkles - ANZ Albert Park, Shamrocks - St. Patricks Mentone, Sailors - Peninsula O .B ., Elitist - UHSOB, Socialists - University Reds, Backyard Boys - Elsternwick, Young Poets' Society Salesians, Stationers Masters - Richmond Central .

10 YEARS AGO - "A" Section coaches who played VFL football . Mark Hanneberry (NOB - Collingwood), Barry Price (Old Scotch - Collingwood), Robert Lamb (Uni . Blues - Richmond) . 15 YEARS AGO - Executive Member - Rick Pisarski 20 YEARS AGO - (1) Ross Booth, Uni . Blues . (2) Barry Lyons (De La Salle) and (3) Shane Maguire (NOB) .

SENIOR MATCHES HALF TIME SCORES "AROUND GROUNDS " At 3 .10 each Saturday afternoon Phil Stevens can be heard on Southern FM (88 .3) giving an "around the grounds" half-time score service . If you are the home team this weekend please phone Phil between 10 to 3 and 5 past 3 giving the 1/2 time or close to half time score of your match (plus a few quick highlights if time allows)

Phone Phil 015 773 900 ~;

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DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED BY HOME TEAM Club XVIII and Reserve Sec t ion FINAL SIREN SCORES - to VAFA Administration by 3 .00 p .m . PHONE 9531 8333 Senior Sec t ion and Under 1 9 FINAL SIREN SCORES BEFORE 5 p .m . - to Nancy McTaggart by PHONE : 9528 19 / 9528 247 1 A and B Section Q by 0 SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SIX BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams) To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m . PHONE : 953,; `~







VAFA ASSISTANCE - Phone : 015 773 90 0 > D Section Results - Con ti nued From Page 9

r_-_ SENIORS UNIVERSITY REDS 3 .4 7 .5 8 .5 10 .5 .65 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 2.5 6 .8 11.11 . 15.13 .103 University Reds Tdandos 6, Jackson . Kane, Cook, Farrell Best Cook. Jackson . . Warfe, Heenan . Rowland, Atitchell. St Leos Emmaus WP Ingram 5 . Dinicolantonio 3, Hugh an 2 . Annstrong, Henricus Meehan, panetta, Pitcher . Bestl McKenzie, Robinson, O'Meara, Armstrong . . Hughan, Burgess. SOUTHBANE CBA 7.1 11.2 14.3 18 .8.116 KEW 0,3 2.5 7.9 7 .11 .53 Southbank CBA Perry 6, Pitts 4 . Treyvaud 3 . Eastham 2 . Beare . Elkington . Melican. Best Treyvaud. Wallmeyer. Pitts, Elkington, Eastham, Melican . New Brassil 3, Donovan 2, Dimasi . Gencarelli. Best Cox . Gencarelli . Dimast, Lafranchi . furlan, Bruno. MONASH BLUES 4 .3 8 .5 10 .8 15 .10 .100 PARESIDE 5.2 9 .5 17.8 20 .11 .131 Monasb Blues Baring, Alexander, Newman 3 . Trumb!e. Gunn . Barke .r Murchie, Logan, Richardson . Best Smith, Baring . M . New^man. D . Newman. Trumble, Hipwell . Parkslde Panjari, Reginato 5, Inserra . Moodie, Sansonetti 2, Chilcott Gunn, hlcCall. Tessari . Best Dean. Reginato. Panjari. Matkaris . Sansonetti. McCall. BEAUMARIS 4.2 5.4 8 .6 16.10.106 ST JOHNS OC 3 .0 9.2 1) .5 11 .10 .76 Beaumarls Hanmhan 4, Fraser, Kinsella . Sherman. Williams 2 . Groves, Nicholson, Quin, Shaw. Best] Quin, M. Hanrahan . S . Hanrahan, Cuinane . Shemian. Kinsella . St Johns OC Aboujaber 3. Woods 2, Labrooy, Cantwell . M . }achele, A . Rachele, Ham, Saunderson. Best[ Clancy. Sheehan, Matheson, Ham, Koppens . Monroe. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4 .2 4 .3 7 .8 15 .10.100 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 .4 11 .8 16.15 20.18 .138 Caulfield Grammar Harrison 4. Dicrosta 3, Markavic 2. Tapp, htargerison . Will. Bmhier. Best Dicrosta, Markovic. Royals, Brohier, Sunman . Harris. Old Camberwell Inkster to, Walker 4, Lethlean, Cocks, Horskins . Wilson. Provan, O'Hara . Best Leitch, Spurritt. Short . Inkster. Harvey. Gladman .


RESERVES UNIVERSITY REDS 32.0 6.4 9 .5 10.9 .69 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 4.5 6.6 8.9 10 .11 .71 University Reds White, Holmes, O'Connor 2 . O'Brien, Merhi . Fitts. McKinnon. Best Holmes, O'Brien* Mend . Ha(l. Frisby, Mann. St Lens Emmaus WP Shacklock 4, Buckle . Chandler 2, Hanneberry, Ndreu . Best Walsh, Buckle, Shacklock . Bourke. Vandenakker, Hannebe`ry . SOUTHBANR CBA 2 .6 7 .11 13 .12 15 .15.105 KEW 1.0 3 .1 5 .3 9 .4.58 Southhank CBA Rolls 7, Cank 3, Rachor 2, Wartand, Jones, Forbes . Best Nettleton, rolfs, Hargreaves, Sanunar[ino, Scanlon, Sparrow . New Kiriakou 6, McGauchie, Deacon. Bayley. Best Bruno, Kiriakou, Deacon . Fletcher, Bayley, Livingston . MONASH BLUES 3 .5 8.6 12.8 14.10 .94 PARESIDE 2.3 5.6 8.8 9.8 .62 Mannish Blues Edquist 3, Feenaghty, Alexander . Beer, Manuell, DeYoung 2 . Forsyth . Best DeYoung. Forsyth, Thornton, Andritsos. Feenaghty . Cavalier. Parkside Antonopouios 6 . Hamilton, Marulli . Ross . Best Antonopoulos. Page . Hoyne, Thomas, Fisher, Lay. BEAUMARIS 1 .3 6 .6 6 .12 8.12.60 STJOHNSOC 2 .4 3 .5 5 .5 9.10.64 Beaumaris Vaughan 4, Wright, Lucy. Ott. Holt . Best McGrath . Vaughan. Wright, Smith, Ott, Lucy . St Johns OC Pepper 3, Logonder 2, Cockayne . Niclasen, Lidell . CalBed . Best Ware, Ladson, Archer, Niclasen. MicaietL Emery. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3.1 7.4 10.5 10 .10.70 OLD CAMBERWELL 0 .3 3.5 11,9 17 .12,114 Caulfield Grammar Scholten 4 . Lyons, Baxter, Santiago . Hansen. Phelan, Gurr . Best Gurr. Scholten, Hansen, Baxter. Klose. Barnett. Old Camberwell McCrea 4, Walker, Bowe 3 . Kerkvliet . thomas 2 . Burmeister, Lenton, Bmnnen. Best Sealey . Channon. Jackson. Burmeister. Swan, Thomas .


dp Club Travel -

UMPMES CORNER b y Steve McCarthy and Anthony Dame n

400 GA1 TO WAYNE HENRY V ay at Old Brighton one of our longest serving umpires, Wayne Henry steps out in game number 400 . Wayne joined the VAFAUA in 1976 when he umpired the HeathertonJSt. Pat's Mentone (E reserve) game. he lists the following highlight sof his umpiring career (on an doff the field) . July 1977 - first senior game. April 1980 - first two umpire game. April 1981 First A section game (wit h Benny Goodman and observed by Phil Rowell), Off-field 1982-83 Assistant Fitness Advisor . 1984-85 - Fitness Advisor . 1985 - 10 Year Award . 1987 - Vice-President. 1988 - President. 1989 - Life Member VAFAUA. 1993-94 - Executive . Milestones - July 1982 - 150th with brother Denis . August 1984 - 200 with brother Ian (on the broundary) . May 1993 - 350 with daugher Leisa running the boundAs a field umpire he's umpired 1 3 grand fmals (C the highest). As a boundary he's umpired 9 (including 5 A section) and 7 representtive games. Wayne is known as 'the Arouser' as a consequence of a talk he gave at an umpires meeting discussing 'Performance vs . Arounsal'. \oaone really remembers that talk, but the name has stuck. And now a few words from the man himself. "Who cares what bloody car l drive or even what I eat? What book I've finished ready or who I dream of when asleep? I'm sure the answer you'd rather inow, and I apoligise if not correct is that after umpiring in 400 games What satisfaction does one get? For twenty-one years I've trained with laps around the boundary at Elstemwiik Park, in rain and sun and wind and hai l and quite often in the dark . I've bounced the ball in 360 games

an d in 40 thrown it over my head What keeps me gomg - you well may ask an d I often wonder when I coll apse into bed ! The fitness, the friendship, the personal challenge, the comradery yet competition among men . The fight to be the best you c an and hopefully reach " the top ten" for altough only two umpires can do the top game we can all stri ve to give it our best and after each game to know how you went . These questions will be a good test . Had I prepared myself fully in body an d mind? Did I umpire so that best team won ? Was I alert to stop injuri es within my control? Did I help the ball player along? Did the crowd scream an d shout an d relieve their frustr ations will they go home relaxed and refreshed? If the an swers are "yes" even though you're a white rabbi t you can be pleased that you've given your best." : .: Dedicated to my wife Joy who successfully raised our three children Leisa, Craig and Jodi for over 1000 training nights and 400 Saturdays on her own! Congratulations Wayne on this fantastic achievement . We're hoping to see a big tumup tonight at Old Brighton to help you celebrate. ,~ . Highlights of last week's Association meeting were Woody Award to Rusty Francis for doing Bomber's footy tips for the next 6 weeks. The White Wacker to Matt McCrohan for his inability to pick the right toilet door in a night club, also we had interesting debate about the building fund . (To be continued.) # ~ # Congratulations to the following umpires on the following achievements . Ross Richards, goal - first A section game . Albie Firley, field - first B section game. Stewart Lamble 50th game . MACCA AND AD.





The IT19Co,7-Vh- What the Player Expect s he role of the U 1 9 coach is an undervalued Tyet crucial component of every successful football club . Apart from the usual problems which confront eve ry VAFA coach ( contrastin personalities, priority of football), the U1~ coach has other specific predicaments which they must encounter, and what the player expects of his coach in these situations heavily influences the functioning of the side . It is fair to say that for most U19 footballers, football comes about fourth or fifth in terms of p riority, behind family, school, work and girlfriends etc. It is importan t that the coach therefore understands how schoolwork influences the amount of commitment which a player c an give during various parts of the season . An U19 footballer must feel that his coach is in touch with the lives of the teenagers which they influence as a coach . An U19 coach also often doubles as a father-figure, f riend, counsellor and adviser to many problems which arise outside of football . In this situation the player expects his coach to be supportive of him as a person rather th an as a playing entity, I will now be bold enoug h to state that an U19 coach's perform ance should not be based upon the amount of games won or lost, but on the level of camarade ri e amongst the team and the likelihood that they will stay together an d move on to senior ranks . For this is surely the

role of an U19 team - to nurture and prepare teenagers for senior football . If a team enjoys playing with each other, re gardless of the score, this must be of greater value to a senior club who inhe ri t a group of already committed an d team-ori ented players . An U19 coach has m any other specific problems they face in the course of a season, such as choosing a competitive side whilst man a ing to keep the team's camaraderie . I~oes he~she pick the best twenty-two week-in week-out or do they ive pri ority to the players who may not be as talented yet do everything right off the field? If an U19 player doesn't get a game where does he go? The absence of a reserves structure makes this a difficult question to an swer, and my advice to all coaches would be to treat their p layers equally so that an elitist, an d conversely , a defeatist mentality does not develop within the side. There are m any other dilemmas which confront the U19 coach, however room rest ricts me from detailing those . Hopefully this brief article will give all members oi the VAFA community some idea of the magnitude which the U19 coaching position consists . I also hope the article gives all U19 coaches some idea of what their players expect from them ; an understan ding, approachable, fair and reasonable, yet authoritative and well instructed mentor . In fact it sounds more like a job for a modern day superhero!!! Kieran Hart Warsin a1 U19 Captai n Under 19 (2) Whit e

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>, Under 19 Results - Continued From Page 39



DE LA SALLE 4 .3 8.3 15.4 17 .8 .110 OLD PARADIANS 3 .1 5.7 8.8 12.9 .81 De La Sa lle Francis, Flowerday, Lambe 3, Clohesy, Johnstone 2, Butler, Fernando, Mecu ri, Harber. Best Lambe, Flowerday, McHenry, Butler, Mecuri, Nolan . Old Parad.ans Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . COLLEGIANS 0 .0 2 .1 2 .1 3.2.20 OLD XAVERIANS 8.5 14 .13 26.21 34.26 .230 Collegians Vandervenne, Marty, Forsyth. Best Browne, Proctor, Briglia, Caldwell. Old Xaverlans Hawkins 5, Hilbert, Jones, Fleming 4. Ockleshaw, Mulcahy 3 . McDonald, CouRhlan . Ireland 2, Kay. Boland, Hardwick, Drake . Best Hilbert. Ockleshaw, Hardwick . Coughlan. Hawkins, Fleming. NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .5 7.7 10.10 14.15.99 THERRY 3 .3 5.7 11.9 17 .15.117 No rth Old Boys Khoder 4. Evans 3, Curran, Thomson 2 . Kearney . Cleveland, Dulhunty. Best Evans, cleveland, Murray. Thompson. Khodar. Dulhunty. Therry Stevens. Grant 4. Stella, Hutchinson, Kenna 2, Heffernan, Zampogna, Fitzpatrick. Best Van Engelen, Moloney, Sacco . Grant, Brady, Fitzpatrick . AJAX 0.3 3.5 7.7 10.9.69 OLD MELBURNIANS 17 .12.114 Ajax Davis 4, Carew 2, Burman, Grosman, Rath, Snow . Best Mohr. Page, Rath . Carew. GelbarL Se . Old Melbumfans milli 4 . caoch, Murray, Rutherford 3 . Berry 2, Mcleod . Sewell . Beat Smith . Boyd, Bains . 6liller, Berry. Waddell . UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .4 10.7 15.12 20.19 .139 ST BERNARDS 3 .1 8 .2 9 .4 12,8-80 University BluesBrockley 5, Nation 4. Strack 3 . Beltrane, Comm 2. Kuc . Versteegan . Watts, Fdcker. Best Beltrame. Brockley. Fairbank, Strack, McIntosh, Nation . St Bemards Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .

OLD BRIGHTON 9.3 16.8 22 .15 32 .23 .215 ORMOND 3.4 5.7 11.7 16 .8.104 Old Brighton Price 8. Brown 5, Dennis 4, McPherson 3, Rhodes, Lewis. Watson, McNamee, Paterson 2, Kent, Liptrot, Alderson . Best Brown, Jackson, Strachan, Alderson, Dennis, Kent . Ormond Wiederman, Handley 3, Herman, Smith 2, Broadhurst, Courtney, Cunningham. Ftnlayson, Metz, Stielan . Best Finlayson, Taylor, Stielon, Courtney, Herman, Metz. HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .2 3.6 3 .7 7.10 .52 BEAUMARiS 10.10 18.15 31 .21 35.28 .238 Hampton Rovers Holt 2, Anderson, Crouch, Dunball, Marlyn. Marinis . Beat Hoare, Marlyn, 2uker, ApiniOs . Anderson, Iles. Beaumaris Doctor 11, Fisher 6, Stephens, Vance 4, Ferguson . McKenzie 2, Thatcher, Sheldrake, Meivor, Pitts, Whitaker, John. Best Pitts, Boctor, Whitaker, Vance, Stephens, McKenzie. OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .2 10 .9 13 .14 22.24.156 MONASH BLUES 3 .7 7.10 11 .13 11 .14.80 Old HaBeybury Langford-Jones, Byms 4, P. Langford-Jones 3, Warden . Walden, Trotter. Clarke . Fossey, Waters, Melin, Carson, Lay . Best P. Langford-Jones, Walden, Dunphy, fossey, Melia. Hill . Monash Blues Harris, Cameron, Burston 2 . O'Brien, Gregory . O'Neill . Dempsey, Baxter. Beat Gregory, Hodson, Hickey, Riord an , Herrman,Harris . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 8.3 15.6 20.9 22 .12 .144 ST KIGDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 3 .1 6.4 11 .9 14 .13 .97 Caulfield Grammar Stumbles 9. Curry 3, Babardczy 2, Liddell, Townley, Chambers, McMahon . Yates, Beauchama . Best Yates, Curry, Beauchamp, Cutler, Stumbles, Graham. St Blida South Caulfield Aiken 5, Bourke 3, Burke. MacDonald 2, Nahas, Hollway. Best Cranston, Phillips, Merrick, Aiken, Hallway . Bourke.

UNDER 19 2 WHITE WII.LIAMSTOWN GYMS 10.2 17.5 21.8 25.12.162 WARRINGAL 4 .3 8.9 14 .14 17 .18.120 Williamstown CYMS Hunt 7 . Mathews 5, Wouda 3, Burgess. MacLeod, McCutheon 2, Cocks. Singleton . Thomas. Wouda. But Mathews, Cocks, Wouda. Reed, Hunt, Wouda. Warringal Witchell 6, O'Connell. Camelleri 3. Hopkins 2 . Attardi, Wason, Peters. Best James . Benton. Camelleri, Hopkins. Witchell, Attardi . ST EEVINS 5.5 17.7 22.13 24 .18.162 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .2 4.2 6.4 8.6 .54 St Eevins Mamsic . Greenhorn 9, Gargano. Large 2, Finch, Quirk. Best Mar usic, G reenham, MeGuiness, Largt, Day . Pickering . University Blacks Newth 3 . GeKie 2, Howell, Smith . Belleville . Best Howell, McArthur. Smith . Magee, Gellie, Ward . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE 2 .0 3 .0 4.0 7.1 .43 DE LA SALLE (2) 3 .9 13 .17 19.25 25.31 .181 Bulleen-Templestowe Pappadopoulos 4, Walker, Daskalou, Pembe rton . Best Daskalou, Lambro poulos, Pappadopoulos, Kle rides, G roves, Potamianos. De La Salle Lee 8 . Healy 4. Hyland 2 . Leering, Boreila• Morst, Ellis. Beltharis, Troza . Pipkorm. Jennings . Hegarty- A rom, King . Bestl Healy. Lee, Anny, Borella, Hyland, Troia. OLD GEELONG 3.4 4 .8 8 .10 12.11.83 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 .4 10 .8 15 .12 23.17.155 Old Geelong Wallace-Smith 3, Troedel, Jeffries, Pettig 2, Collins, Bingley . Plowman. Best Pooley . Bingley, Wilson, Bostock, Mims . St. Clair. Old Camberwell Nordic S . Board 4. Molloy 3. Campbell . Sims 2 . Cook, Denovan. McGilp, Seeley, Taylor. Watson. Whitehead . Beatl Denovan. Miles . Whitehead, Manuel . Board. Sims.

UNDER 19 2 RED OLD CAREY 6 .8 15.16 21.22 28 .34 .202 OLD PARADL4NS (2) 1 .1 3.2 5.4 7. .5 .47 Old Carey Murphy 7, Battle . Safi, White 3. D'Anna• Safak. Smyth 2. Collins . Spencer. Carter, Amup, Angus, Hutchens . Best Battle, Spencer. Murphy. Collins . Safi, Angus . Old Paradians Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . OLD TRINITY 1,0 4-3 4 .7 9.10 .64 WHITEFRIARS 3.8 7.15 13.21 18.28 .136 Old Trinity Newnan. Andrews 3. Arrowsmith 2. Natoli. Beat Barr. Shaughnessy, McMahon, Newman, Burke, Natoli . Whitefriars lacey 5• Hughes 3. Fedele, Mika 2• Glenn, Beattie, Gillan. Molloy, Davis. Shepherd. Beat Beattie. Mika. Pawlick . Molloy, Fedele. Lacey. CBIRNSIDE PARK 4.3 6.5 7 .10 10-15.75 MARCELLIN 5 .5 11.9 18 .13 23.13.151 Cblmside Park Violi 3. Conte 2, Allatt, Holliday . Kerr. Roach, Ada-is . MarcelBo Badanjek 9 . Roberts. Black 3 . Karavasilis, Dimattina, Stephens 2• McMahon. Moran . Best Karavasilis. Dimattina. Black, McMahon, Badanjek, Mirsud. OLD SCOTCH 3 .6 5 .13 9 .23 13.27.105 AQUINAS OC 2.3 3-4 5.11 5.12.142 Old Scotch Crane 4 . Parton 3. Eagle 2. Davis. Littlejohn, Stevens, Tindale. Best Davis . Eagle. Crane. Stevens. Gilchrist . Gwynn. Aquinas OC Huggins 3 . Rielly . Thomas. Best Mecuri . Heveron . Cultera . Frederikson. Thomas, Moran .




1-_ ~l_ '~°~l ~~,l i_~ 1 _I j ~~

~•°5'~~- . SECTION 1 OLD PARADIANS v . COLLEGIANS Field: P. Walker, M. O'Brien . OLD XAVERIANS v . NORTH OLD BOYS Field: B . Allen, B . McKee ; Goal: L . Wilson, S . Kahn . THERRY v . OLD MELBURNIANS Field: B . Stewart, M . Forde . ST BERNARDS v. DE LA SALLE Field: A . Garrick, S . Cook . AJAX v . UNIVERSITY BLUES (Fawkner Park) Field: B . Corcoran, T. Nathan ; Goal: J . Slater, R. Dunstan . WHITE ST LEOS EMMAUS v. ST KEVINS Field: G. Gioras, 1. Stevenson. UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . DE LA SALLE (2) Field : P . Tuppen, R. McArther ; Goal: S . Lamble, G. Clancy . OLD CAMBERWELL v . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field : L . Gallagher ; Goal: B . Seymour, K . Coughlan . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v. OLD GEELONG (Bulleen Park) Field : S . Alger, T . Williams . BLUE ORMOND v. HAMPTON ROVERS Field : G . Morgan, L. Demyko . OLD HAILEYBURY v . BEAUMARIS (Hazlett Oval, Haileybury Coll.) Meld : G . Kelly, C . Rennick . Goal: D . Murray, G . Beard (R) . MONASH BLUES v . MAZENOD Meld : D . Archow, B . Tamblyn. Goal : P . Allsop, J . Robinson . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v . OLD BRIGHTON Field : R . Killey, J. McCuran. RED OLD PARADIANS (2) v. OLD TRINITY ( 11 .30 a .m .) Field: A . Stubbs, G . Armstrong. WHITEFRIARS v, CHIRNSIDE PARK Field: C. Keeton, D. Ischia. MARCELLIN v. YARRA VALLEY Field: K . McMahon, B . Buyck . AQUINAS v. OLD CAREY (Nth Ringwood) Field: R. Martyn, A. Price. Boundary: P. Blackburn .



I FR 194a

#### Teamlists appeared in the Amateur Footballer for th e

hat a diabolical situation! At 5 o'clock last Saturday Wafternoon (the deadline for the phoning through of fina l siren scores) 19 clubs had not bothered to respond . At 5.10 the VAFA started trying to contact clubs - 8 out of the 19 were uncontactable at the official phone number provided by the clubs . We then had to try and obtain scores from opposing sides . Many clubs are also failing to give correct scores; others are giving scores that are arithmetically incorrect eg . 8-6-56! The BLACK LIST was set up years ago to keep clubs honest in this regard and it has been up to this time fairly effective and has allowed the VAFA to get scores and ladders through to the press by the stringently set deadlines that newspapers have . As we all know it is becoming increasingly difficult to get press exposure for the Association as it is . Hence the need for a BLACK LIST .

BLACK LIST fines accumulate as follows : $5 for a first offence; $25 for a second offence and $50 for each offence thereafter . Because the Executive agrees that this matter is important, and not insignificant as some clubs do, it has been decided that a "one-offfine will be imposed should a team of a club commit a fourth offence . $50 fines would then continue to be imposed for each further offence with the ability to impose another "one-off" $250 fine when it is thought appropriate or it is felt that a club is making no effort to address the situation . We trust that there will be no need for this strict measure to be introduced and it is hoped that all clubs' teams will find someone around that team whose first responsibility it will be to phone through the final siren scores to the appropriate phone number . The following clubs have offended two times out of the first four rounds, which means the next fine is $50 and dangerously close to the 'one-off fine - Collegians (U19) ; North Old Boys(Sen) ; Old Brighton(Sen) ; Old Paradians(Sen) ; St Kevins(Res) and Caulfield Gramm . (Sen). #### St . Peters' Junior Football Club on Friday night held a fundraising night for official Eddie Griffin who passed away two weeks ago whilst umpiring junior football matches . Money raised will go towards helping Eddie's wife and four children with their future financial commitments . The VAFA has been happy, through some of our sponsors to donate some products which were to be raffled or auctioned on the night .

Carlton and United Breweri es gave two boxes of Victoria Bitter bottles; Blades footwear donated a pair of umpire boots and a pair of football boots and the VAFA Properties Division donated a Sherrin football and another ball autographed by players of the calibre of Greg Williams, Tony Lockett, Matthew Richardson, Tony Modra, Jason Dunstall, Gary Lyon, Stewart Loewe, Gary Ablett, Glen Jakovich and Gavin Brown - all members of Ricky Nixon's Club Ten group . Best of luck to the Griffin family for the future and well done to the St . Peters' club for the wonderful job they did . M




very first time last week. Any clubs who have alterations or additions to these lists will be advised accordingly as to when these changes will be required by VAFA Administration . As an indication the next update of teamlists will appear in Round 10 (22/6), so for these changes to take place copy of changes will be required by Wednesday June 5 to Brett Connell at VAFA Adminis tr ation. As stated previously clubs wi ll be advised accordingly with respect to this date through their secretaries. There will also be another opportunity prior to finals time when teamlists will also be updated .

6tT 7 47 Z p9

1v U 7 P11 N ~Ilu ~~~ 1~71 CDl`~DI C CvU~~ N1;_ 1 157 This Sat .: Mazenod v. University Blues This Sun. : NO MATCHES (MOTHER'S DAY) Next Sat .: Old Ivanhoe v. Old Brighton Next Sun. : Old Haileybury v. Collegian s

EISTERrtWICB PARK DRAW SECOND STAGE MAY 25 TO JULY 7 Sat. May 25 Collegians v. Old Melburnian s Sun . May 26 FIDA MATCHES AT ELSTERNWICK PARK Sat. June 1 Old Haileybury v . Uni Blues Sun, June 2 Old Trinity v. M.H .S.O .B. Sat. June 15 Mazenod v. Ormond

Sun. June 16 FIDA MATCHES AT ELSTERNWICK PARK Sat . June 22 St Kilda Sth Caulfield v . Old Geelong Sun, June 23 St Bemards v. De La Sall e Sat . June 29 Old Brighton v. Therry Sun. June 30 Old Scotch v. Old Xavs Sat. July 6 AJAX v . St Kevins Sun . July 7 Ormond v. Old Scotc h

NOTES: This draw will be done on one more occasion for the last six week section of the season. Dates relating to the next section of the EP draw are as follows : The draw for the last section of the season (July 13 - August 18) will be released on Saturday June 29, with club requests not to be drawn at EP closing on June 24 . For 1996 'crowd pulling° A and B section games will be scheduled, with an A or B section club not giving up more than 3 home games over seasons 1996-1997, unless an A or B section club especially requests extra home games at EP on available dates (such as' above). C Section teams considered a chance to play in C section finals, some of which are played at Elsternwick Park, may be drawn to play at Elsternwick Park as may other section matches where problems were noted during the first meeting this season .








COLLEGIANS 0 0 451 325 41.85 OLD SCOTCH 3 1 0 347 311 1 11-58 12 UNIVERStTY BLUES 2 1 0 257 212 121 .23 8 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 2 0 335 317 105-68 B DELASALLE 2 2 0 316 345 91,59 8 STBERNARDS 2 1 0 268 308 87 .01 8 MAZENOD O C 103400347 OLD XAVEft1ANS 322 402 428 86 75 .32 4 ..23 0 ORMOND 0 4 0 235 4168 56 0 8SECTIO N OLD TRINITY / 88 364 1 .26 16 OLDPARADIANS 4 000473 572 310 4 0 5258 16 THERRY CCOB 3 1 0 391 334 117-07 12 IVANHOE 2 2 0 429 328 130 8 MHSOB BANYULE 2 2 0 376 310 121 .29 8 .79 OLD BRIGHTON 2 2 0 412 342 120 .47 8 OLDIVANHOE 2 2 0 268 324 82 .72 0 1 3 0 24 .47 4851 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 4 0 254 438 58.26 BULLEEM TEMPLESTOWE 0 4 0 237 6006 38:92 00 SECTION ST KEVINS C 0 0 440 278 168.27 16 THOMASTOWN 3 1 1 15-41 1 2 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 3 7 0 0 382 372 33 1 368 1 10 -09 12 AJAX 2 2 0 415 326 127 .30 8 MARCELLIN 2 2 0 396 337 117.51 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 2 0 365 384 9505 8 OLD MENTONIANS 1 3 0 371 403 9206 4 OLDGEELONG 1 3 0 372 372 83 .87 4 STiBEDE~ENTONETIGERS 1 3 0 337 432 63 .05 4 OLD CAMBERWELL DSECTK) N 4 0 0 439 328 133.84 16 So BANK CBA AFC 3 1 0 322 242 133-06 12 PARKSIDE 3 1 0 364 274 13285 12 MONASH BLUES 3 1 0 368 320 115 .00 12 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 2 1 1 319 271 11771 12 BEAUMARIS AFC 1 2 1 308 365 84.38 6 CAULFIELDGRA4 .iMAR 1 3 0 381 374 101 .87 4 KEW HNS .C 1 3 0 302 302 100 .00 4 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 3 1 330 491 67.21 2 272 438 62-10 2 E EAST SECTIO N AQUINAS O PARK B VALLEY OLDBOYS 4 0 0 689 290 237 .59 16 YARRA 3 1 0 519 297 17475 12 CHIRNSIDE 3 1 0 364 368 98 .91 12 ELEY PARK AFC 2 1 1 388 405 95 .80 10 5T MARYS 2 2 0 363 294 123 .47 8 ELTHAM O C 2 2 0 406 404 100 .50 8 OLD CAREY 2 2 0 371 415 89 .40 8 BULLEEN COBRAS 3 0 305 391 78.01 4 I SWINBURNEUNIV SITY 0 3 0 1 145 601 2d.i3 6 E CENTRAL SECTIO N OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 4 0 0 499 186 268-28 16 WESTBRUNSWICK 4 0 0 570 232 245-69 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 1 0 453 200 226 .50 12 WILLIAMSTOWN CVMS 3 1 C0 337 295 OLD WESTBOURNE A F 2 2 0 575 406114 141 .24 12 .63 8 .89 8 IATRPOBEUNIVEflSITY 2 2 0 483 369 130 UHSOB 3 3 0 0 2 2 282 4Q3 69 .98 4 TH N ORNBURYCOOBUGARSFC 0 4 0 10.3 816 12.~0 0 B E SOUTH SECTION PENINSULA 0 288 256-25 16 SALESIAN O C 4 0 0 73 1 642 303 16 211 .88 OAKLEIGH A F C 0 554 34100 257 215.56 12 ST PATRICK. MENTONE 32 12 00 450 12 A N Z ALBERT PARK 484220 407204-55 118 8 MONASHGRYPHONS 2 2 0 425 374 113 .92 .64 8 POWERHOUSE 2 2 0 400 457 87 .53 8 ELSTERNWICK 0 4 0 277 547 50 .64 0 MONASH WHITES 0 4 0 185 652 28 .37 0 GLENHUNTLY 0 4 0 131 781 16.77 0 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLDMELBURNIANS 4 0 0 485 175 277-14 16 BLUES 4 0 0 496 218 227 16 OLD XAVERIANS 3 1 0 615 221 278 .52 .28 12 UNIVERSITY DE LA SALLE 22 22 00 360 320 5T BERNARDS 360 47811250 75 .31 8 8 THERRY 2 2 0 258 438 58.90 8 OLD PARADIANS 3 0 278 366 75 .96 4 NORTHOl080YS 3 0 282 376 75 .00 4 AJAX 3 0 265 376 70.48 4 COLLEGIANS 0 4 0 97 528 18 .37 0 ST KEVINS UNDER-7912) WHIT E4 611 98 623.47 16 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 4 00 0 427 296 144-26 76 GOLD, CAMBERWELL 3 1 0 637 221 288.24 12 GEELON G 3 1 0 450 WARRINGAL A F C 2 2 0 4g 9 421 116.45 12 DE LA SALLE 12) 2 2 0 294 304 96.71 8 333 44,44 4 STCEOSEMBMLAUSWP 1 3 3 0 148 355 39.44 4 BUILEEN-TEMPLESTOWEA 0 a 0 108 929 11 .41 0 ( BEAUMARIS A F C UNDER-19 2) BLUE 215 350.70 16 OLDHAILEYeURY 4 0 0 388 171 226-90 16 MAZENOD OC 3 1 0 237 209 113 .40 12 ORMOND 3 1 0 J85 403 95-53 12 OLD BRIGHTON 2 2 0 523 309 169 .26 8 CAULFIELD GRAMMA R S ROVERS 471 71 .97 8 STKILDASTHCAULFIELD 2 3 0 339 525 41.33 4 0 1 3 0 223 570 39.12 4 R ONASO gROE 24 7 455 54.29 0 OLD CAREY UNDER-19 (2) RED 0 560 191 293.19 16 MARCELLIN 4 3 0 H 3 1 0 387 257 150.58 12 OLD TRINITY OLD SCOTC 2 2 0 375 303 123-76 8 WHITEFRIARS 2 2 0 295 262 112.60 8 AQUINAS OC 175 239 73 .22 8 CHIRNSIDE PARK A F C 2 2 0 782 326 55 .83 8 YARRA VALLEY 1 3 0 729 375 34 .40 4 OLD PARADIANS (2) 1 3 0 135 457 29 .54 4






148 245-95 16 141 173-05 12 257 103-89 12 231 154-55 8 195 149 .23 8 317 111.99 8 334 70-05 8 313 80.51 8 317 38.49 0 372 37.37 0

OLO XAVERIANS 2267 DE LA SALLE 2 2 0 OLD SCOTCH 2 2 0 291 COLLEGIANS 2 2 0 355 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 2 0 234 MAZENOD O C 1 3 0 252 STBERNARDS 0 3 0 122 ORMOND o 4 0 13 9


0 0 1

0 0 0


389 481 293 371 330 271 279 164 201 142

161 222 188 286 332 333 348 254 370 446

241-61 16 216.67 16 155-85 12 129-72 8 99-40 8 81 .38 g 80 .17 6 64.57 4 54.32 2 31 .84 0

OLD GEELONG C RESERVE SECTIO N 3 1 0 300 157 291 .08 12 AJAX 175.31 MARCELIIN 3 1 0 284 162 12 3 TIGERS 1 0 264 145.05 2 ST BEDESRdENTONE 3 1 0182 297 216 137-50 1 12 STKEVINS 2 2 0 254 237 107 .17 OLD MENTONIANS 2 2 0 229 303 75 .58 STKILDASTHCAULFIELD 2 2 0 221 330 66 .97 THOMASTOWN 1 3 0 253 279 90 .68 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 3 0 213 285 74 .74 WHITEFRIARS 0 4 0 132 388 34 .02

8 8 8 4 4 0

MONASH BLUES D RESERVE SECTIO N 0 0 "1 140 213,57 16 STJOHNSOC 3 198.40 12 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 10 0 371 369 187 200 184.50 12 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 3 1 0 278 195 14256 12 PARKSIDE 2 2 0 266 228 116 .67 8 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 2 0 256 248 103 .23 KEW 2 2 0 178 244 72 .95 8Be SOUTHBANK C 8 A AFC 1 3 0 205 390 52 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 4 0 142 310 45 .56 4 BEAUMAflIS A F C 0 4 0 151 429 35 .81 0 .20 0 AQUINAS O B E EAST RESERVE SECTION 0 0 526 191 275.38 16 ST MARYS 4 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 4 0 0 318 239 133-05 76 3 1 0 370 150 246-67 12 OLD CAREY 3 1 0 350 192 182 29 72 CHIRNSIDE PARK 2 1 26 6 271 2 .26 8 RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 1 3 0 0 3 9 4 3 4 ELEYPARKAFC 1 3 0 178 272 65 -74 BULIEEN COBRAS 99.44 4 7 3 0 7 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 1 3 48 30712 48 .21 4 0 60 482 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 0 4 0 120 294 40 .45 4 .82 0 E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTIO N NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 0 0 370 115 321 .74 16 4 0 WEST BRUNSWW'NICK MS 0 611 1~ 611 Al 12 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 2 0 335 164 204 8 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2 2 0 324 166 195 .27 8 OLD WWESTBQURNE A F C 2 2 0 321 269 118.78 LATROBEUNIVERSITY 2 2 O 195 252 77 .33 8 .38 8 NEWLANDS COBURG F C 1 3 0 132 442 29.86 4 UHSOB 0 4 0 106 476 22,27 0 THORNBURY COUGARS 0 4 0 19 644 2 .95 0 F C E SOUTH RESERVE SECTIO N OAKLEIGH A SALESIAN O C 4 0 0 631 101 624 .75 16 PENINSULAOB 4 0 0 493 110 448-18 16 STPATRICKSMENTONE 3 ~ 0 443 214 267 12 ANZALBERTPARK 3 1 0 252 307 82 .76 12 MONASH GRYPHONS 1 3 0 137 303 45 .08 4 MONASH WHITES 1 3 0 93 302 30 .21 .79 4 POWERHOUSE 0 4 0 140 265 52 .89 0 ELSTERNWICK 0 4 0 126 609 20.69 0 GIENHUNTLY 0 4 0 52 724 7,18 0 CLUB XVIII NORTH HAWTHORN CITIZENS 4 0 404 132 16 306.06 CELLI0 STBERNARDS 3 1 0 314 135 232-59 12 0 274 174 157-47 12 THERRY 3 1 3 1 0 225 182 123-63 12 OlD IVANHOE 2 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 2 0 1077 8 244 44,25 COLLEGIANS 1 3 0 206 212 97 .17 48 KEW AFC t 3 0 97 221 43,89 4 OLD ESSENDON 1 3 0 94 372 25 .27 4


169 303 224 202 193 127 i75 166 143

92 183-70 16 117 258.97 12 181 123.76 12 191 105.76 12 218 88 .53 8 186 68 .28 8 201 87 .06 4 254 65 .35 4 316 45 .25 4



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