The Amateur Footballer, Week 7, 1996

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ER 19 FOOT ML 1C9 6

al has been compiled by 1996 This we k' s e Under 9 Football Chairman Ralph McHem'Y . mateur football supporters will be aware that due to Aunprecedented numbers, a fourth division of U19 football has been introduced this season .


Of the above 6 new teams for 1996 only Yarra Valley has nok previously fielded an U19 team which is quite understandable svhen you consider the club is only in its fourth year of competition . A truly grand effort from a club which has quickly come to terms with the need to develop players from within . It is also worth noting that six of the present section i U19 teams are linked to "A" Grade clubs with University Blues and Old Raverians having played off last year at both senior and U 19 levels . The present level of success of U19 football is in no small way due to the supreme efforts put in by former executive member Max Lyon over an amazing 9 year span. Max has decided to take a well earned rest in 1996 but is still maintaining a keen interest in U19 and amateur football in general. For 1996, the role formerly undertaken by Max has seven comnow been assumed by a sub eommittee ofmStevens ett prising of Andrew Langford-J,1lSi , on Deh am Connell, Steve Carroll, Harry Harisio u will and myself . Max Lyon who will be reading this now be thinking "Took seven people to replace me i+ .!" Steve Carroll and Harry Harisiou are the respective coaches of University Blues and Warringal U19 teams. rises a ten The divisional structure for 1996 comp team based Section one followed by 3 geographically based divisions, each with 9 teams . As sub-committee chairperson, I attend U19 matches on a weekly basis . So far this year, I have observed 5 out of the 6 new entrants and generally speaking, I have been impressed by the high standard of football, the camaraderie and the level of off-field support provided by club committees . However, there are a few areas of concern that warrant comment. 1 . Where matches are played on grounds without perimeter fencing, coaches and support staff tend to stand on (and sometimes over) the boundary line creating prob-

s for boundar y umpires and players of both sides . This is a dangerous practice an d I would ask those clubs with home grounds without perimeter fencing to observe the ground marking requirement of an additional parallel line to be marked no less than 3 metre s and their support staff must not ncroach while a quarter is in progress. much time 2 . Runners and water carriers spend far too. A good runon the playing surface without good reason ner is one who delivers the coach's message promptly and gets back . Waters carriers are there for the stated purpose of providing liquid refreshment and for no other purpose . Particularly in close games, the unnecessary presence of non- playing personnel is distracting and potentially dangerous to players and umpires alike . 3. Over zealous "boundary line" coaching. Under 19 football sometimes tends to be played at a quite frenetic pace with a little apparent purpose . Given the obvious youthful enthusiasm displayed by young men eager to impress, this is understandable and is in fact one of the more attractive features of under age football . However, the usual frustrations of players is not assisted by coaches who revert to screaming messages (and sometimes abuse) at players from the boundary line expecting that player t o Editorial - Continued on Page 26 >

Editorial Section A S e c l4on B . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . section C . . . . . . . . . . . . Sec. tiort D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section E East

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Sectforx E Central . . . . . . Tap Outs . . . . . . . . . . . . Section E South . . . • . . . Club 3.'VIII . . . . . . . . . . . Under-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . Looking B ack Elsternwick Park Matches

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. 96 No . 7 May 25thg 1996 Price : $1 .20 Vol THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

NÂŽW FOR THE BIG ONE O 'S V COLLEGIANS After Collegians comfortably disposed of one of their immediate threats Old Haileybury las t Sunday, the stage is now set for the clash of the season today at Elsternwick Park between the committed Lions and the star studded Old Melburnians . OM's have come from behind in the past two weeks, but can ill afford that behaviour this week against a purposeful and focussed Collegians . With a third of the season over, clubs continue in jostle for prominent positions before the half way mark and angle for a 6-3 or at least a 5-4 strike rate . And dare it be mentioned, but the big R word is beginning to hang like the Swords of Damocles over a number of ill positioned clubs . A 3-6 rate, at least, would be a launching pad for the back nine . Leaders O M 's and Collegians have set a cracking pace and appear to be the benchmark for other clubs . St Bernards continue to confound the critics and sit in third place losing only two matches, both of them at home. University Blues st ru ck gold last Saturday and hit the four again, while Old Haileybury after thumping loss slip to sixth and face St Bernards today in a mean mood . Old Scotch have now lost their last three and lack of key forwards showing up against Mazenod. The Nodders are now playing a significant role in the competition make up . At the bottom, Ormond just can t break through even though they headed St Bernards for most of the match last week, while Xavs are leaving their run a little late at 1-5 . De La Salle is just hanging on and today's match against Scotch will be crucial for their long term plans . The crystal ball gazing could be over at 5pm tonight . REVIEW OLD SCOTCH V MAZENOD

Tight, lack lustre game in the first half as both sides struggled for the ascendancy . Mazenod were much more prepared to chip the ball around and direct play across the ground while Scotch relied on bring the ball direct where the big hands of Tom Wilson and Rohan Aujard were then able to convert . At the other end, centre half forward Stephen Boysen an d Stuart Gibbs were having a fine battle with the honours in finish going to Gibbs . Nodder's Stephen Noble missed easy shots early and inaccurate kicking kept Mazenod to only a seven points lead at half time, but its persistency was beginning to pay off. The Cardinals needed some flair from Stephen Hume of greater efforts from its smaller brigade in Hosking, Smith (250th) or Holt to turn it around after the main break . But it didn't happen as Mazenod sharpened their efforts and Scotch playe d 2

most of the last half with 17 players. With Chris Belleville (4 goals) cranking u p the pace, the Nodders were able to go'on and win bI 21 points . For Scotch the elusive Scott Duthi 4 bagged four, but with Cam Heath and Andrew Milla, in the reserves, the forward's cupboard was bare . OLD HAILEYBURY V COLLEGIANS Collegians sprinted away in the second quarter tc the allegedly non scoring end and with Matt Galbraith and Danny Thomson constantly drivinl the ball forward Bloods' backs in Mark Seccull a dam Forsyth had all sorts of trouble stopping nA t . It didn't improve after half time until coac hflow t Nevill e Taylor exhorted his players to win the Iasi quarter at least, but it was a final deficit of 58 points ; not one of Old Haileybury's better days . Athletic Adam H ilton shone early and his battle with wily James Bennett was a terrific contest . Nick Morey snapped some good goals. David Connell gave every thing, but the Bloods were simply overrun by the consistency of the Lions and their determined efforts at every contest . They are developing into a solid unil and the strength of their onballers, plus alternative avenues to goals in Brock Mooney, Chris Pollock and Nick Anderson make them formidable opponents. OLD MELBURNIANS V DE LA SALLE It took Micah Berry's absence from the ground to spark the Redlegs into action at the Junction Oval . Playing with 17 men they then booted four straight, thanks to bursts through the centre by Simon Theodore and former St Bernard's player Simon Walsh grabbing five goals. OM's kicked the last nine out of 11 to finish all over a committed De La Salle in what was a good performance against the star studded OM's side . But no four points . Andrew Mackintosh was terrific in the second half for De La and former Teal Cup player in Andy Evans produced his best form kicking three goals . Peter O'Brien consistently plays well for OM's and Michael Lovett was a solid performer . When it really mattered the Redlegs turned up the heat to score a 21 point victory . OLD XAVERIANS V UNIVERSITY BLUES

It was a four quarter effort at last that brightened up the University Blues camp and some small revenge for the savage defeat inflicted on them by Old Xavs in the grand final last year . Excellent start six goals to two which paved the way for a comphrensive 41 point win over the disappointing Xavs . Toby McIntyre held Dan Richardson to three goals and even though Mike Blood fought hard against John Frith and Gil McLachlan, he couldn't carry the day . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

an Cavalier back up forward was rewarded wit h SM nlajors and an injury-free Brian Blood was at his best, as was Hamish Worsley back from injury. ,Adaln Jones and Michael Holmes were fine players for Xavs . ORMOND V ST BERNARD S

Ormond led St Bernards right up until the 15 nlinute mark of the last quarter and it took the herculean efforts of Jason Gollant swung into the ruck that turned the match around . Held by Paul Marnow for most of the day at centre half forward, Gollant cut 100 ,e and together with Chris Calthorpe and Tim Do )son ( five goals) they finished over Ormond to win by 13 points . Luke Goll ant went off with a hamstring early and this didn't help St Bernards, but in the finish it was a supreme effort by their senior players that won the day. For Ormond Brett Turner was excellent at full back, together with wingman Ramesh Presser and former Ballarat player Andy Forrest . PREVIEW Well it's the big one and with this correspondent's 1o0% track record in the matches that count, Collegians are the red hot tip over Old Melburnians . It's the case of a committed team good enough to defeat a star studded line up and the Lions again on Elsternwick Park to win by the narrow margin of 14 points . De La Salle could have won their last two matches and should defeat a struggling Old Scotch and celebrate a return to Waverley Park Oval with a 27 point victory. Old Haileybury will find the trip across town too daunting against St Bernards and the home side will turn on one of their home ground finest and win by 19 points, while University Blues will swing the machine into action and comfortably defeat Ormond by 49 points. And in the final match, Mazenod will find a gritty Old Xavs with their backs against the wall too mean an opponent with Old Xavs to win by only 11 points . SELECTIONS : Collegians, De La Salle, St Bernards, University Blues and Old Xaverians . P

COLLEGIANS v. OLD <.IELBURNIANS (EP Sat .) Field: J . Toohey, M . Jackson; Boundary: S . Hennig, J . Wright ; Goal : M . Richardson, D . Napoli . DE LA SALLE v . OLD SCOTCH (Waverley Park, East Malv ern) Meld: R. Bell, W. Hinton ; Boundary : A. Pritchard, M . Tape ; Goal: B. Hoare, R Richards. ST BERNARDS v. OLD HAILEYBURY Field : M . Jenkins, R . Simon ; Goal : K. Pitcher, A. Simpson. UNIVERSITY BLUES v . ORMOND Meld-- S . McCarthy, H . Little ; Boundary: B . Brown, F . Martinez; Goal : W . Fowler, M . Lentini . MAZENOD v. OLD XAVERIANS Field: P. Gersch, G . Thwaites; Goat- G. Grigg, K . Segota.



SENIORS OLD HAILEYSURY 3 .5 6 .7 10.10 14.12.96 COLLEGIANS 5.3 12 .6 19.8 24.10.154 Old Haileybury Morey 5, Hucker 3, Lappage 2, Dowsin , Kraus, S . WaMen . A. Waklen. Beat A. Wakien, Morey, O'Donnell , Hucker. Forsyt~, Seccull . Collegians Anderon 5. Mooney 4, Galbrath, Lemon, Peters . Pollock, Stubbs 2, Dansey, Parkin, Thomson, Wallace . Best Thomson, Milat, Peters, Anderson, Lemon, Parkin. OLD HELBURit1APIS 7.5 9 .9 14 .12 20.15.135 DE LA 8ALLE 4.3 11 .9 15 .11 17.12.114 Old Melburnlans Walsh 5, Theodore 3 . Bromell, Sfrooper. Webb, Ellinghaus 2, Thompson. McMullin, Hewitt. Berry. Best O'Brien . Lovett. Theodore, Walsh, Kennedy . Stuckey . De La Salle Evans 3, Crowe, S . Harrison. C. Harrison, Wright, O'Callaghan 2, Lafferty, Jackson. Chun. Brasher. Beet MacKintosh, Evans. Abbott, Crowe, Chun, Jackson. OLD SCOTCH 4.4 7 .7 9 .11 15.15.105 MAZENOD OC 4.10 7.14 14 .21 17.24.126 Old Scotch Duthie 4, Hosking, Wilson . Holt 2, Aujard. Laird. Phillips, Angus, Hume. Best Gibbs, Angus. Hume . Halt, Wilson,Hasking. Marterod OC Belleville, Noble 4 . Marshall 2, Moore . Hanley, Occhiuto, Schofield. Barker. Murray. Boysen . Best Belleville . Lane, Morgan, Noble, Schofield . Boysen. ORMOND 3 .2 6 .4 10 .8 11 .11.77 ST BERNARDS 2 .2 4 .6 9 .8 13 .12.90 Ormond Symes 3. Presser 2, Gilmore, Connell, Collins, Grace, Kenrick, Connell . Best Turner, Jobling, Presser. Forrest, Marrow. Connell. St BernaMs Dobson S . Gilmour 4, Dimingo 3 . Horn . Best Dobson, Sawick, Calthorpe, Gilmour. Chatfield. Dimingo. OLD XAVERIANS 2 .0 5.3 9 .6 12 .6.78 UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .2 10.4 14 .6 18.11.119 Old $averisns Richardson 3, Blood, Fay 2, Wood. Dann, Keyhoe, Jones . Holmes. Best Ford, Holmes, Fay, Landrigan Hawkins . Bourke. University Blues Cavalier 6, Blood 4, Lennon. 6klachlan, Kug 2. Slimmon . Gunn. Best Cavalier. Blood, Mclachlan . Valdenberg. Frith, Worsley. RESERVES OLD HAILEYBURY 0 .1 2.6 5.8 6 .9.45 COLLEGIANS 4 .1 10.2 13.2 19 .8.122 Old Haileybnry Chegwin 3, Anderson . Richardson. Warden. Best Richardson . Schmidt Constable, Carson. Caponmlla, Harrison. Collegians Blackman 3. Greeves. Van Dervenne, Schmidt, Richards, Hartnett 2, Baxter. Woolley, Kerrs. Commn, Jefferson . Smith . Best Blackman, Greenway . Gneeves . Armstrong, nroore, Jefferson . OLD kSELBURNIANS 4 .3 6.6 11.16 15 .21.111 DE LA SALLE 0.2 3.4 3.4 7 .4.46 Old Melbnmians Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . De La Salle Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . OLD SCOTCH 3.4 7.8 11.12 13 .17.95 MAZENOD OC 1.6 3.8 7.10 12 .11 .83 Old Scot-h McDonnell 5. Hooper 3, Castricum . Morris, Hooking, Steele. Spiden . Best Hosking. Spiden, Davison, Walsh, Lloyd, Hooper . Maunod OC Jacobs, Welch 2. Sharp, Bourbon, Howard. Smith. Riley, Vine, Lane, Rogers. Best Jacobs, Quirk, Fisher. Bourbon, Bridgland, Giuliano . ORbSOND 5.2 7.6 8.9 10.16 .76 ST BERNARDS 1.1 1.3 4.4 5.4 .34 Ormond Stewart 3. King 2, Wmdarczyk 2, Gallagher, Mulcahy, Kingston. Best Gallagher, Egan, King, Fraser, Ransom . Keating. St Bernards Doolan 2, Farmer, Kennedy, Wood . Beat Anderson . Mathewes. York . Teague. Overman. Kennedy . OLD XAVERIANS 3.7 6.9 11.11 12.12 .84 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1.1 4.2 6.8 7.11 .53 Old %averlans Ellis 7, Meehan 2 . Tuddenham . Barratt, Panagiotopoulos. Best Coktuhoun, Barratt, Ellis, Mortensen, Panagiotopoulos . Stones. University Blues Buckley, Wilson. Jukes . Nugent, Wilcox, Kewell, Muller. Best Muller, Stewart . Henderson, Mitchell . Starick . Thomas.


B SECTION by Paul Lu y

The goals continued to rain in B section last week as Trinity and Parade continue to impress at the top o f the ladder whilst Ivanhoe and MHSOB scored important wins to take them closer to the four and more importantly 2 games clear of NOBS. With a third of the season gone the most noticeable thing is the form of the forwards who have continued to make life difficult for the backmen . Could we have a 100 goal kicker in B Section this year and who might it be? Harri son with 39 leads the way from Turnbull and Stickl and on 30 with Glover close by on 28 . It is a big ask and they may need some finals games but it is not beyond any of those players to get close to the magical ton . There is no doubt that goalkicking full-forwards are good for football . REVIEW OF ROUND 6 OLD BRIGHTON V OLD IVANHOE I had predicted an entertaining match between these two sides and they didn't let the spectators at EP down with a game that was finally decided at 32.20 minute mark of the last quarter with a great snap by Lennox of Brighton . The scores were level late in the game and it could have gone either was and perhaps a draw may have been the fitting result. Brighton have now won 3 games less than a goal and the win was a tribute to all their players as they were down by 5 goals at the 20 minute mark of the third quarter and kicking into a 4 goal win in the last but they continued to run and work and were eventually rewarded with the four points. Old Ivanhoe will be wondering how they lost this one as they seemed the steadier side all day with Douglas (3 goals), Pidoto ( 5 goals) an d McLean (4 goals) dangerous all day up forward but they will by ruing a send-off late in the 3rd quarter and a vital 25 metre penalty in the last . There were many highlights throughout the game and for Brighton these included Rickarby in the ruck thumping the ball at centre bounces, Perry with 5 goals and a couple of screamers, March with 7 goals straight (4 in the 3rd quarter) and Lennox and Pryor continuing to run hard for their team . For Old Ivanhoe Pappos, Parker, Karayannis and Tully were contributors on the ball all day . I don't know why both teams seemed to play better into the wind than with it and 22 of the 39 goals scored for the day were against the breeze . It was the best game I have seen this year and well done to umpire Thwaites who had to control the game by himself after losing his partner with a "hammy" in the 2nd quarter. OLD PARADIANS V BANYULE

Parade returned to the winning list with a 10 goal win over Banyule who now face a crunch match with NOBS this week. Parade set up their win in the first half to lead by 6 goals at half time and were able to cut out the key forwards of Banyule for the majority of the match to run out easy winners . For Parade the best included "Vino" in the centre, Mickey Harford with 6 goals, "Swager" an d "Zorba" in defence, "Cossie" on a wing and they welcomed back Mick Geary Snr who was on fire up forward in the first half. Special mention to "JD" for his game . Banyule were again led by "Rena rto" who is playing his best footy since Macleod U16's with support from John Gilliam, Egan and "Hooter" Gray in defence. The last 2 performances must be a worry for Bears, coach Rick Brockwell. 4


Ivanhoe had a percentage boosting win of 109 points over a disappointing Bulleen whose season continues to go from "bad" ti "very bad" to "it can't get any worse" . Greg Kennedy was ; dominant player for Ivanhoe with his play on the ball and hi continually drove the ball forward where Peter Flynn (; goals), McKeller and Jacks (4 goals each) finished off th, good work . Tucker at CHF was a focal point for the winner; whilst Angelini an d captain Nibali won plenty of the hare p il l . "Bomber" James continues to shine for the Bullant ; and he was their best player with 6 goals . He had some sup port from Parris, Young, Field an d Robertson. According t( Colin McDonald of Ivanhoe the highlight of the match wa; the screamer taken taken by Peter Flynn in the 3rd quarter Well done "Fido" that nomadic hamstring must have comi good . A big game for the "Hoers" this week against MHSOB . OLD TRINITY V NOBS What a contrast for these two sides who last year wen playing against the big boys in A Section and a third of < way through a season of B section footy finds Trinity on tol and undefeated and NOBS fighting to stay in B section . expected a much closer result here and the % battering tha NOBS took may come back to haunt them later in the year For Trinity it was a wonderful performance from Sticklanc who kicked 10 and he has now kicked 30 goals in 4 games Other good players included Hatfield, Phillips (4 goals) an( the onballers in Dalrymple, Van Der Hoek an d Anderson For NOBS Bruno Conti continued his good form from las week and he had help from onballers Manassa, Luke Boyh and Tonkin . Sutherland continues to kick his couple < week and be in the best for NOBS . The Trinity juggernau just continues to roll on . MHSOB V THERRY In the words of one great commentator "I tipped this' MHSOB did not let me down with a vital 11 points win ovei Therry as it gives them a 50 % record and in the next : weeks the "Unicorns" face both Ivanhoe and Trinity awa; from home . MHSOB kicked the first 5 goals of the game bu 'Merry fought back to level the game at 1/2 time . A six goa third quarter set up the win for Melbourne and they wen able to hang on in the last quarter . Therry had 4 more scor ing shots than their opponents but judging from the score : they were playing catch up footy all day. Andrew Webste i back from injury was in great form ruck-roving for MHSOE and he had the support of Pertzel roving (45 possessions an d Peter Hunt in the ruck. Drew Fairchild roamed all ove the ground whilst Steve Harrison was steady in a bacl pocket . Wri gglesworth is having a fine year at Therry an( together with lfflek Goodwin (5 goals), Jason Reddick in d Carter in defence they fought hard for their ow tcenra r team . A test for Therry this week . REVIEW OF ROUND 7 Parade are at home to Old Ivanhoe an d should no takingthsmatcho easily OldIvanhoes uldhavewor last week and are a better side then their ladder positior


indicates . But Parade have been pretty consistent this year and at home should win by 23 points . BuileenTenlplestowe travel to Brighton and I reckon Sportsbooks , ould have them at odds of 40 to 1 to win over the Tonners" . I'm a betting man but I wouldn't even touch those odds . Brighton by 75 points plus . NOBS v Banyule is a big ,,,me for both clubs with Banyule holding a one game advantage and % over their opponents . I will forget NOBS form last week against Trinity and look back to their win over MHSOB at home 2 weeks ago as my form guide and in a close one from the boys from NOBS to win by 9 points, Therry face Trinity at home and Des English will have them fired up for this one after the defeat last week. But they face a daunting task in trying to keep the Trinity forward line of Stickland, Phillips, Heath and Hatfield to a losing score . Normally I wouldn't tip against Therry at home but in the end class of Trinity will win out to the tune of 25 points . The last game should be a beauty with Ivanhoe at home to i,iHSOB and both sides on 3 wins apiece . Ivanhoe will need to cover the tall timber of Glover, Bamert and Fairchild up forward whilst Melbourne will need to be mindful of the Ivanhoe onballers in Bullen, Kennedy, Nibali an d Angelini . I reckon the Melbourne High forwards will be the difference and win by 18 points. TRIVIA qUESTIO N Last week on the way to EP I stopped in at Banyule to watch a bit of two's and ran straight into Bluey Flynn from Parade who gave me the correct answer of Kevin Higgins, Bluey, you should be on the footy field playing and not answering trivia questions, hence you are banned from winning again this year. This week I will be at the Therry V Trinity game and the mystery prize is again up for grabs . Who am I? I am a rover who played for 2 clubs between 1974 and 1980 for a total of 86 games and 94 goals . I came from SA and played interstate footy for both SA and Victoria. I was one of the best players in the 1978 grand final but was struck down by injuries after that. Press correspondents for each club please contact my by 1,00pm on the Monday following the game . Please call on 9457 4079 (AM, 9268 1568 (BHor fax 9268 1576 (BH) .


All at Old Ivanhoe would like to congratulate Trent 'Egg' Cormack on reaching 100 games on 27/4 'Egg' who plays on the forward line in the reserves is one of your traditional goal sneaks who can be counted on to snag some critical goals when badly needed . Well done'Egg'.



20 18 18 17

SENIORS BANYUt.E 2 .2 5 .6 9.8 11 .10.76 OLD PARADL4NS 5.3 11 .6 15 .9 21.12.138 Banynle Turnbull 4 . keenan, Witehell 2. O'Connell, Egan, Gloury . Best Dintinosante, Egan, Githam, Gray, Noonan, Willmo re. Old Paradises Harford, Harrison 6, Gea ry , O'Loughlin. Philp, Mulletta 2 . Heileman. Best Harford, Vincent. Swindom, Cosgriff, Farrell, Geary. OLD IVANHOE 6.2 9 .8 15.11 19.15.129 OLD BRIGHTON 33 7.7 14.12 20.14.134 Old Ivanhoe Pldoto 5, McLean 4. Douglas 3, Kent. Stewart 2 . Co rcoran . Pappas . Tully. Best Pappas . Parker, Tully, Doug Lzs Kamyannls, Kent. Old Brighton Murch 7, Perry 5, Nikas 3 . Pryor, Patterson 2, Lennox . Best Richaby. Perry , Lennox, Murch, Nikas, P ryor. BUI.LEEN TEWLESTOWE 2.3 4.7 7.12 10.17.77 IVANHOE 7.4 14.7 20.10 29.12 .186 Bulleen Templestowe James 6. Parris, Scott, Glover. Robe rtson. Best James, Parris. Young. Field. Robertson, Williams. Ivanhoe Flynn 7, McKellar, Jacka 4, kendall, Brown, Nibali 2, Kennedy, T. Flynn, Angelini, Manuel, Hird. Rowley. Tucker, Frawley. Best Kennedy, tucker. Jacka, Angelini, P. Flynn, Nibali . OLD TRINITY 7.4 16.7 22,11 27.12 .174 NORTH OLD BOYS 1.1 4.3 6 .7 9.11 .65 Old Trinity Stkkland 1 0, Heath 5, Phillips 4, Anderson 3. Ramsden 2, C. Phillips, Allibon, Vanderhoek . Best hatfield. Phillips. Dalry mple, Stickland, Vanderhoek, Anderson. North Old Boys Sutherland, Robinson, Barker 2, Cheshire . McKay . Zocco . Best Mikunda, Conti. Sutherland, Manassa, Boyle, Tonkin. MHSOB 5.0 8.2 14.6 16.8 .104 THERRY CCOB 3.2 7.8 10.10 13 .15 .93 MHSOB Bame rt, Glover 4. Fairchild . A. Webster 2, M. Webster, Dixon, Comer . Fleming. Best A. Webster, Fairchiekl, Harrison, Beazky, Perizel. Hunt . Th Goodwin 5 . Bosanko 2, Reddick, Pignatalh, Thrush. Petrevski, O'Connor . Wrlgq esworth . Best Wrigglesworth . Goodwin. thrush, Reddick . Carter, Petrevski . RESERVES BANYULE 2.0 5.2 6.3 7.7.49 OLD PARADL4tiS 1.1 3.3 5.6 11 .8.74 Banyole Keane 3 . Glass 2, Grinds], Doherty . Best MeDermott, Holt. Glass. Sho rt . Smith, Jordan. Old Paradises Baird 5, Wallis 3, Harford . Joyce, S. Wallis . Best T. Wallis. Baird . Joyce, Vear. Horsingtnn, Jenkins . OLD IVANHOE 3 .0 4.2 7.3 10 .7.67 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 4 .2 5.3 9.8 10 .7.67 Old Ivanhoe Corcoran 3 . Cormack. Banger 2 . Barker, Larner, Young . Best Corc oran, Toll. Crakee . George, Maycock, Armstrong. Old Brighton Bloods Grant 7, Other. Bilionis, TeschendorG Best Witte. McMahon, Grant, McLennan, Jackson. Sban. BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2,3 2 .5 8.5 9 .7.61 IVANHOE 2 .1 5 .2 6.2 9 .5.59 Bulleen Templestowe Beames, McLaren 2, Heard, Hoo per . Murphy, Mu6mer, Nagel . Best Stelling, Nagel, Hooper, Heard, Dowd, O'Connell . Ivanhoe Rossitto 3, Joyce. Raywood 2, Rosenfeld, D ry sdale . Best Narkiewiez . Rossitto, Raywood, Pace, Joyce, Barm. OLD TRINITY 4 .2 6 .5 8.8 11 .12.78 NORTH OLD BOYS 4,4 6 .9 8 .14 12.17.89 Old Trinity Hudson, Robison. Sealey 2, Parke, Stafford, Dowling . Vargo. King . Best Torrens, Anamtopoulos, Robison. Sealey, Hudson, Smith. No rth Old Boys Lowrie 3, Jamieson 2 . Lee. Trimbole, Considine. Wheeler, Curry , McMahon, Steep . Best Team Effort. MHSOB 4.5 7 .6 10 .9 10,9.69 THEP.RY CCOB 3 .1 9 .2 10 .7 15 .9 .99 MH~G')B ''.cGrath 4, Zaghlaul 2, Winch, Feferkranz . Palms, Drake. Best McGrath, Fr.1 , Feterkranz, Lawrence . Drake, Palms . Tccrry Goal Kickers and Best Players not received.

JUNE 1 - ROUND 8 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE v. OLD PARADIANS OLD BRIGHTON v. IVANHO E OLD IVANHOE v. NORTH OLD BOYS BANYULE v. THERRY CCOB OLD TRINITY v . MHSOB ( EP - neat Sunday) OLD PARADIANS v. OLD IVAIt'=HOE Field : C . Segota, M . Pinney : Goal : G . Dae, A. Miller. OLD BRIGHTON v . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field: C. Donlon, M . Gibson ; Goal: J . Kelly, A . Bishop . NORTH OLD BOYS v . BANYULE Field : W . Henry, D . Anderson ; Goal : S . Lamble, C . May. THERRY CCOB v . OLD TRINITY Meld: M . Bushfield, M. McCrohan ; Goal: M . Frame, B. Nash . IVANHOE v. I44HSOB Field : G . Gioras, R. Eastwood ; Boundary: D. Ryan, T. Healy ; Goal : R. Miller, G. Wright .


C SECTION Terry Quirk s we approach i:ound 7 most teams have a reasonable idea whether pre season expectation s are to be fulfilled, whilst other await the return o f players from injury and improvement from young players to stem the tide . Several teams have been playing young hopefuls from the Under-19 sections with excellent results . As these players gain experience at senior levels, I am certain a few of the lower sides will improve as the season progresses. At Bulleen last week a sensational second quarter by the Eagles proved fatal for the Rovers who outscored their opponents in the second half, but to no avail . Full forward Tieganowan had 7 big ones by the main break and improved this tally to a match winning 9 goals on the day . Stephen Theisz, Collins, Rowe and Moran were also good contributors . A disappointed correspondent, Peter Wolfe, reported some undisciplined lapses of concentration in the first half as being the cause of the 54 point half time deficit . I'm sure this does not undermine the Eagles effort but does point to an area to improve on. For the Rovers the "Axe" was again prominent as was "Softy" Scarlett in the ruck . Justin Ferguson (first game) put in a great effort at half back. The "Local Derby" at Mentone was an excellent game of footy in front of a huge crowd . The OMs great kicking told the story at final siren time with "Big Adam" and "Stroudy" in charge in the key forward positions. Sven Samild (first game) with four goals and Tony Bournan, were best . The Tigers second half was full of merit and gave them a slim chance of catching up late in the game . Again, McGeorge and Hecker played well, whilst Campbell Ross with 5 goals tried valiantly all day . The Jackas were in trouble against the OGs with a deficit of 5 points at half time but 11 goals to 5 thereafter told the story . Again Andrew Kalinski (7) and Sheezel (4) were on fire up forward with the Goldberg boys both playing well . Captain Martin Halpen was a driving force for the Jackas . For the OGs, Under-19 player Ashley Salter, Tom Peddle and James Wilson, showed improved form . Maybe there is a bit more talent in the 19s . OGs that is worth an experiment. The Towners and SKOBs played a very even first half but the 15 goals after half time by the SKOBs proved too much. An inspirational half time speech from "Titch" (I'm the new coach) worked wonders and the team with youngsters "Geronimo" Garvey and "Stout" McGuinness on the wings responding gave the Bears a lesson . Robbie Gross was in fine touch up forward, whilst "Jungle Jim" and the "Boxing Bomber" were most serviceable . The Bears with a long injury list were again served well by the "Ant", Vini Capeci, Grech and Samie . The next two weeks will be crucial for the Thommo's as they 6



attempt to hold a place in the four . The Friars form reversal stunned the Saints in the great match at the College . Playing a big part of the match with only 17 men, meant the difference. Rather easy goals in the third term by the Saints, whilst Friars had a man in the "sin bin", gave them a lead that the Friars were not able to overcome . Finn Buckley up forward was a focal point whilst Hayes-Dewar, Govan, Tocsz and Handfield played well for the Saints . Noel Jenkins in the centre and first gamer Cris Harris under the packs gave the Friar plenty of ball, whilst Robinson (6 goals), Law and Coghlan were excellent contributors . A good effort Friars . Let's hope this improvement continues to see a few wins in the near future . REVIEW - ROUND 7 After some inconsistent form, Rovers takes on the Tigers at Bluff Road . Last week's form by both sides, particularly in the second half, was full of promise, so I'm sure both camps will be full of confidence for this one . I'm tempted to go with the home ground advantage, but I have a feeling the boys from Mentone will win the day by 9 points . At Keysborough two teams that appear to be on the improve clash in a very important game for both clubs . Both Old Mentonians and OGs will be keen to win the four points and move a little away from the relegation zone . The OGs defence has been in form in recent weeks and will need to be this week to hold down the OMs big guns . Now that these OM "Big Guns" appear to be on target, I confidently predict they will help themselves to a lead of 28 points by final siren time . The clash of the round at Righetti seeks SKOBs take on Marcellin. Both sides have been in impressive form over recent weeks and I am sure Marcellin will be quietly confident of knocking off the top dogs . The SKOBs on the other hand appear to have strengths on every line and again will rely on its runners to use the wide flanks and carry the ball . After six wins on the trot and a two game break on the next four sides . I see no reason why the SKOBs should not be able to cover the Marcellin strengths and win the day by 26 points.

After an ordinary performance last week the Saints take on the Towners who are keen to get back on track after last Saturday's big loss . Life will not be easy for the Bears in a game where both sides will be desperate for a victory to stay in the four . The Saints at home may prove too strong for the Bears and win the day by 14 points in a match that will give both sides a clearer picture in terms of expectations for 1996.



it Cordner Oval, the Jackas take on an improvxtlilitefri~e monastery s,arching the Friars , certainly lifted ,,ad gave a Saints a fright . Ajax will start red hot -,~-ourites and should have enough all round talent to ;,,1n the day by 43 points . A disciplined effort from the riars however may see a closer result than expected . Reserve winners - St . Bedes, Mentone Tigers, Old Geelong, St. Kevins, Thomastown, Ajax . Correspondents : By 5.30 p.m . Monday, Fax 9889 9014 . Social: Marcellin's big pre-home match luncheons are going exceptionally well . Bookings through the club on telephone 9848 9598 are necessary in fil-ire. o (

50 UP AT OLD MENTONIAN S AIl at old M entonians congratulate Dean Johnson who this week plays his 50th game for the Club Well done Johnno!

ORS MARCELLIN 6.7 14.10 17.15 18 .16.124 6.2 10.4 14 .7 .91 HAMPTON ROVERS 2.1 M aroelBn Treganowan 9. Rowe 3. Beattie, Collins 2, Water, Ryder. Beat Theisz, Collins, Treganowan. Rowe. Moran, Frisian. Hampton Rovers Panagiotidis, Crawford 4, Ariz 2 . Natoli, Anderson . McDonald. ScarletL Best Ariz. Morgan. Ferguson. Scarlett. Wills, McDonald. ST B'S }6ENTONE TIGERS 2 .7 6 .6 12 .13 13 .16.94 OLD MENTONLiNS 5 .1 15 .3 16 .4 20.9.129 St B's Mentone Tigers Ross 5. McGeorge, Hayes 2, Hambridge, McCarthy, Thompson, Heoker. Best nuGeorge, Hecker. Firth, Ross, Hayes. Buena . Old Mentonians Acreman 7. Samikl 4 . Pride. Stroud 3. Katris, Kitto . Murphy . Best Brooks' Acreman. paterson . KaMs. Kitto. Samild . OLD GEEfANG 5 .2 8 .4 10.4 13.6.84 AJAX 5.1 7 .5 13.8 18.9.117 Old Geelong Taylor 4 . Howells 3 . Saunders, Eiey, Furphy 2. Beat Salter. Peddle, Taybr, Eley, Wilson. Nevins. AJax Kalinski 7, Sheezei 4. Goldberg 2. Bloom. Bursztyn. Halphen . Marks, RaJch . Best Kalinski, Halphen. Brain. B. Gadlberg. P. Goldberg. Wrobel. THOMASTOWN 3.3 6.6 8.9 11.13 .79 ST REVINS 5.4 8.10 15.13 23 .18 .156 Thomastown Capeci S. Bubis 2, IatouL Fellows. Ristevski, Harling. Best Greeh, Fellows. Capcci, Fanhione, Sande, tatou L St Eevins Gross 6 . Ryan 5. Burden 3. Moore 2, Kennedy. Greenham . Bowles . Dollman . Varasdi, Rizio. Best Gro ss, Garvey, McGuiness, Chapman . Macey, Burden . WHITEFRIARS 1 .2 6.5 10.7 14 .12.96 ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 6 .4 9.10 14 .12 17.14.116 Whitefrlars Robinson 6, Carbone, Jenkins . Begley 2 . Haselar. Campbell. Beat Law, Robinson. Harris, Jenkins, Coghlan, Haselar. St Kilda South Caulfield Buckley 4. Handfield 3 . Astapenko, D'Agostino 2, Claxton . Govan. Tkocz. Hayes-Dewas, McGaw, 0'Sullh~an. Beat Aslapenko. Tkocz, hayes-Dewar. Handfiekl. Govan- D'Agostino.



(--1-_- ~" ~- i - - - - - -- ~ ~ ~- - - -

22 21 12 11 10

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HAMPTON ROVERS v . ST BEDES T-ENTOIdE TIGERS Field: J . Kvins, S . Meredith ; Boundary: P . Coe, C . Stevens . OLD MENTONIANS v. OLD GEELONG Field: P . Simpson ; Boundary : D . Fowler, M . Meier . ST KEVINS V. MARCELLIN (Righetti Oval) Field : C . O'Donohue, P . Leyden ; Boundary: G . Drummond, N . Harper. ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v. THOMASTOWN Meld : G . Curran, D . Lane . AJAX v. WIIITEF S(Cornder Oval) Fie1d: T. Ovadia, A. Damen (R) .

MARCELLIN 1 .2 2 .3 6 .7 8.8.56 HAMPTON ROVERS 4.0 4 .2 5 .3 5.4 .34 ffiaceellin Cronin . Pezzimenti 2 . Symes . Beaaatto, Gallagher, Seabury . Best Becchetti, Bromage. Cronin. Edmonds . Dema . Canavan . Hamp ton Rovers Amoore. Beaumont. Hetherington, Hope, Sher. Best Anderson, Camilla, Hetherington . Hobson, McGregor. Sher. ST B'S MENT'ONE TIGERS 5 .0 13.4 16 .6 18 .9 .117 OLD MENTONIANS 3.2 4.3 6.3 6.4 .40 St B's Mentone Tigers Hecker 9, Leyden 2, Peck, Ryan. Mulquinney. L'Huillier, Drury, Hayes. McShane . Beat Smith . hecker, Ryan . Dols, Murray . Dickinson. Old Mentonians Russo 3. Carter. Holland, Wallace. Beat Carter. Large . Holland, Kitto. Bond . Dwyer . OLD GEELONG 4 .3 8.5 9.7 17 .11 .113 AJAX 1 .1 3.2 8.4 9 .4.58 Old Geelong Taylor 5 . Wry 4 . Knight. Edmonds. Ronchi 2, Dugdale. Stinchcombe. Best Hay . Beltrame, Dugdale, Kngith. Liky, Taylor. Ajaz Kalb 3, Glasman, SheBeld 2, Redlich. Frey. Best Kmngold. Roseman, SladeJacobson, Weisler . Grodski. Pat THOMASTOWN 2 .1 4 .6 4 .8 10.11.71 7 .3 9 .4 12 .7 12.10.82 ST REVINS Thomastown Smith 3, Cooper. Stains 2, Valentino, Zaicos . Kennedy . Best Delpapa . Staios . lulianalla . Ward. Valentino. Kennedy. St Nevins Singh 3, Meagher 2. Smith. Caltanan. Hart, O'Shea. Charles. Noonan. Ry an. Best Thomas. Howard, O'Shea. Donahue, Meagher. De Rooden. WHITEFRIARS 4.4 6 .7 6.11 6.12 .48 3.1 3.2 5 .2 6.6 .42 ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD Wbiteftiara O'Brien . Andrews 2 . Ryan, Naismith . Best Elliot. Lester. Hardman . Naismith, Kelsey. Reid. St Blida South Caulfield Roger 2, Alderuccio, Dynan, Menzies, Diamond . Best Aitcheson . Howard, Wood. Diamond . Dynon, Kuck .

S~UTHEaiq FM 30" .3 Phil Stevens or Brett Connell chat to John Kelly during his program "As the Mood Takes Me " 4


FM 88 . 3 3 .30 p .m . Thursday




D SECTION by Ken Bremne r Tn my humble opinion the aftermath of round 6 throws up the following: a) Any team presently rated 1 to 7 can defeat any other, given the right conditions, such is the evenness of the competition . b) Kew an d University Reds appear "E" section bound even at this early stage unless they can very quickly turn around matters . c) St Johns O .C.'s look to be in the unenviable 'hot' seat and must focus to 'knock-off one or more of the I to 7 rated teams to take some heat off themselves . Games last week resulted in two (2) close victories (Old Camberwe ll and Monash Blues), a couple of comfortable wins (St. Johns and Beaumaris) and a massacre equal to that of Custers last stand when Caulfield Grammar had 63 scoring shots to Uni. Reds 20 to register a whopping 168 point win . ROUND 6 REVIEW (MAY 18)

I feel squirmish everytime I dwell on the thought of Southbank holding a 21 point lead 15 minutes (lst 4 goals of the quarter) into the last quarter against Old Camberwell only to surrender it and ultimately go down by 9 points . In a game that was goal for goal all day with only points in it at every change, no one team really deserved to lose it! "Bankers" live on to fight another day whilst the "Wells" just cruise along undefeated . Parkside went down to Beaumaris by 21 points in a tough and spirited encounter at Pitcher Park . The 'Baysiders' managed to snag 5 goals to 3 in the 2nd quarter to open up the game and with the 'Parkers' small forwards not given the chance to run rampant, Beaumaris were able to extend their lead out to their ultimate winning margin . Best for Parkside were Mark Sherlock (again) and Leigh McNamara . Beaumaris' MVP's . . . 'Skipper' Andy Easton, Matt Hanrahan an d Sherman (again) . Caulfield proved far too strong for Uni Reds in a big percentage boosting victory at the Brunswick St oval . Leading by 5 at quarter time the 'Fields' really opened up with 10 goals to 2 in the second, followed by a 10 to zip third . Uni . Reds showed great resolve early in the last to snag the first four however the Grammar boys got back on track to ram home a further nine . For Caulfield their best (plenty of them) were Glen Markovic, fimiet with a lazy 12 and Andrew Will domin an t at CHB . Uni Reds were best serve by Steve Drury and Matt Wharf . A top rate game at Monash Oval with fast attacking football the order of the day . Monash Blues played their best footy for the year to date in the second and bagged eight majors to two . The third quarter was tight and hard with the Leo's edging back one closer at lemon time . The two blues rallied in the last to score seven snags and scores were level on five occasions . Alexander of Monash (sounds quite regal doesn't it) sealed the game in the dying minutes when he scored the third o f 8

Monash's goals for the quarter. Best for St . Leo's were Rocky, Macca, Pitch an d Jono whilst for Monash Blues - Disco Dowsley (50th game), the Silver Fox an d Cam Logan . No report from either of St Johns O.C .'s or Kew (whats new?) however the scoreline suggests that it was a vastly improved showing by Kew and that they had the equal of the Joe's on the scoreline but couldn't covert as accurately. I might be miles out on that hypothesis but what can you do if you're not informed . The results keeps St Johns in the hunt but unfortunately for Kew the year appears to be getting longer . Obviously the better players for both teams were those megastar 'twin' brothers Dunno an d Dunno. ROUND 7 PREVIEW (MAY 25) Another week of whereby results from the majority of matches will influence the shape and positioning of teams in and around the top tier of the table . Games of the greatest importance are Old Camberwe ll / Monash Blues and Caulfield Grammar/Southbank . St. Leo's will be very keen to avenge last week's narrow loss ( Monash Blues) when today they lock horns with St Johns O .C .'s. The mobility of the Leo's will be pitted against the strength of the Joe's and the team which finishes off best up forward will get the 'bikkies' . My money is on St Leo's (just) to get home by 11 points . Kew will taken some heart from last week's game against the Joe's where they were very competitive and had an equal number of scoring shots even though going down by five large. On the other hand, Parkside will be 'steaming' over their home ground loss to the 'bayside' boys. The 'Parkers' have too much to lose and after a hard slog will win by 39 points . Top of the table clash between Old Camberwe ll and Monash Blues promises plenty. Southbank exposed flaws in the 'Wells' last week and if Monash can do the same and keep at it just a tad longer then they stand a great chance . It is however, hard to go past the 'Wells' impressive record and hence I'll put the 'kiss' on them to score narrowly by 13 points . Caulfield Grammar and Southbank do battle at Glenhuntly and for the winner a chance to get in the '4' and kick clear of a pack of teams snapping at their heals. One team off a HUGE win (Caulfield), the other (Southbank) off a meritorious loss (if there is such a thing) . Loyalty here is the only thing to sway me the 'Bankers' way by i solitary point . Beaumaris back on track and in sight of a top '4' spot in the not too distant future will be 'licking' their lips at the prospect of their clash with Uni . Reds . Simply put, it is a matter of winning form against losing form with little to support a case for the ' Redz' . The 'bayside' boys in a canter by 60 points .



Club scribes: Don't forget the telephone calls and/or fax messages on Mondays to - telephone 9810 3370, fax 9810 3251, by 5 p .m. Thanks heaps !

ANDREW 'BULL' GILL - 200 GAMES All at St Leo's Emrtns congratulate Bull on his 2~th L --me today. Gilly a club favorite with his strong straight ahead play and penetrating kicking has been instrumental in 3 flags for the Two Blues . After all these games he still has trouble telling the t>R7C. CRAIG 'NUDGE' PERRY - 50 GAMES

SoBthhank would like to congratulate Craig 'Nudge' Perry who plays his 50th senior game today . He joined the cxlub in 1993 and would hav e reached this milestone much sooner except for a knee reconstruction early in his career . Just keep kicking those goals Nudger.




ST LEOS EMMAUS v . ST JOHNS OC Field : R. Francis, N. McCorquodale: KEW v. PARKSIDE Field : B . Tamblyn, A . Flack . OLD CAMBERWELL v . MONASH BLUES Field : S . Davie, T . Foley . CAULFIELD GR . v . SOUTHBA NK CBA Field: D . Kramer, A. Ladd ; Boundary : S . Mannix, J . Willingham . BEAUMARIS v . UNIVERSITY REDS Field : T. Zapadlo : Boundary : F . McDonald, J . McDonald .

SENIORS MONASH BLtr .`, 4.1 12.4 13.6 16 .9 .105 ST LE~ :'tMAUB WP 4,2 6 .4 8.6 15.9 .99 Monash Blues Ford 5, Baring. Alexander 3, Colombles, Barker 2, Logan. Best Barker. Dowsley, Logan. Ford. Smith . Baring . St Leos Emmaus WP Ronchi 5, Henricus 4 . Pitcher 2, Bethune . Hughan . McKenzie, Niel . Best Armstrong . McKenzie, Pitcher, OTteara, Niel. ST JOHNS OC 4.4 6.6 8.7 15.7 .97 KEW 2.4 4.9 8.13 9.13 .67 St Johns OC Motions 4, AbouJaber 3. L'Abroy, Matheson 2, Pathson . Sheehan, Ladson Cosgriit Best Charlton, Back. Waters . Koppens, Sheehan, Ham. Kew Dimasi, Pulvirenti 2, Chandler, Brassil, Porte, Gencarelli, Cox. Best Cox, Chandler, Bayley. Lafranchi. Bodey. Dimasi. PARKSIDE 4.1 7.1 9 .3 13.4 .82 BEAUEiARIS 4.4 9.10 11 .11 15.13.103 Parkside Macnamara 4. McCall 3. Macvlli, Reginato 2 . Delle-Vergint PanJari . Best Sherlock Macnamara. Reginato . Gunn, Laursen, Sansonetti . Beaumads Groves, Mackie 3 . Mills, Hanrahan 2, Shaw, Fisher . Van, Anderson . Best Easton . Sherman, Nanrahan, M.cNicholas, Hoyne, Rowbury . OLD CAMBERWELL 5.5 8 .10 15.14 20.16.136 SOUTHBANK CBA 6.1 11 .3 16 .5 20.7.127 Old Camberwell Inkster 9, Lethlean 3 . Horskins 2, Provan, Walker, Burmeister, Cocks, Kyriacou, Jack. Best Wilson, Richmond, Inkster. Spurritt McKenzie, Jack. Sonthbank CBA Perry 7, Tneyvaud 5. McNamara 4, Bluhm, Linford, Corboy . Beare. Best Perry, Treyvaud, Carboy. Posterino, McNamara, Walford. UNIVERSITY REDS 4.2 6 .4 6 .5 13 .7.85 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 9.6 18 .15 29 .22 38.25.253 University Reds Farrell, Bowman 2 . Warte, Mitchell, Greet, James, Blizzard, B . Mitchell, Rowland, Heenan, Tehan. Best Warfe . Drury, James. T. Mitchell. Mann, Schiano. Caulfield Grammar Amiet 12, harrison 6, Dicrosta, Millard, Will 4, Brohier 3, htargetison 2, Keown, Cowlishaw, Baxter . Best Dicrosta, Anllet, Markovle, Brohier, Will, Royals. RESERVES MONABH BLUES 3 .2 10 .2 16.6 21 .10.136 ST I.EOS EMMAUS WP 1 .2 1 .3 1.4 1 .8.14 Monash Blues Maiden 6, Feenaghty 3. Beer. Gunn, Dobson 2, McGee, Alexander, Andritsos, EdquisL Forsyth, Murchie. Best Alexander, Gunn, Beer . Miaden, Andritsos, Edquis L St Leos Emmaus Van den Akker. Best Mitchell, price, Contessotto . ST JOHNS Be 2 .3 3.5 5.6 10 .12.72 HEW 1.1 2.2 5.4 6.4.40 St Johns OC Prober, Connelly, Adamson 2 . Ferrecene, Halls, Crozier. Cockayne. Best Ferrettne, Munntrhus, Adamson, Duca Cubino. Kacchele, Williams. Kew Kiriakou, Pulvirenti 2, Barnes. Beat Giansante, Franklin, Pulvirenti . Livingston. Wright Dalrymple. PARKSIDE 2.2 7.2 8.3 8.5.53 BEAUMARIS 3.1 5.5 7.6 10.8.68 Parkslde Dar rigo, PanJari 2, Dunbabin, Hubbard, Page . Stuart. Beat Darrigo, Page. Stojcevski, Hubbard, Thomas. Lay. Beanmaris Vaughan 6, Maypiece 2, Miller, Fairbanks . Best Fairbanks, Lucy, Vaughan. Miller, Maypiece, Day . OLD CAMBERWELL 2.5 7.13 13.15 16 .18 .114 SOUTHBANB CBA 1 .0 3.2 5.2 5.7.37 Old Camberwell Sim, Thomas 3, Roe, Walker 2, Nash, Young . Mudge, Union . B(unnan, Sealey. Best Kent Mudge. Brown, Walker, Brunnan. Bowe , Sonthbank CBA Scanlon, Frank, Wheller . Maya, Radcliffe. Best Culbert, Pitts . Forbes, McCarthy, Stephenson, Rachor. UNIVERSITY REDS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 .2 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 7.5 15.9 22.14 29.20 .194 University Reds Best Thatcher, Northam, Toll, Frisby. George . Terrill. Caulfield Grammar Harrison 8. Scholten 5 . Hansen 4, Santiago. Barnett 3, Williams 2, Cassidy . Keble. Worthington, Younger . Best Harrison, Santiago, Younger, Barnett Cassidy . Salem .




e two leaders, P quin . ; an d Yarra Valley, were , stretched a bit in their Round 6 wins over Chirnside Park an d Richmond Central respectively , but, like the good sides they are, they still won . The Blooders and Yarra are certainties for the play offs ; the Parkers and Central are contenders themselves and, will have big influence on the occupancy of the other two spots. Eley Park, Eltham, Bulleen Cobras and Old Carey are in with a chance, and St Mary's should not be written off yet either . So, lamb to the slaughter the first guess at the final four is, Aquinas, Yarra Valley, Chirnside Par k and Old Carey, but do not bet anything of value on it and watch out for Richmond Central ! ROUND 6 REVIEW St Mary's went down to Bull een Cobras in a high scoring and very even game . The Saints started well, kicking the first four goals, but the Cobras dominated the middle portion of the match outscoring the Saints, 15 goals to 4, before the latter pulled up to within 9 points in the last quarter, only to see Bulleen kick the last two goals to run out 21 points ahead . The Saints had good players in Stone, ruck roving, House, across the centre, and Black at full back. The Cobras were well served David Wain in the ruck, Mick Starrett at CHF, Simon Gayler in the centre, plus Sean Worth and Matt D'Angelo .

Yarra Valley bolted to a 3 goal lead in the first few minutes against Richmond Central, then found the Centrals height and strength difficult to break away from, in a close, hard fought, most entertaining encounter . Yarra struggled against Central's marking power, as will all sides, yet their non stop running enabled them to survive at last term blitz, only just, but enough for the four points . Fraser McVean stood out for Yarra, and Central had good players in Dave Holt at full back, Dave Wa llis in a forward pocket, Billy Katelis in the ruck in the last quarter and Glen Porteous round the centre and up forward . Eltham Collegians didn't have things all their own way playing Swinburne University with the students again showing steady improvement . Chirnside Par k pushed Aquinas all the way in losing by only 14 points, showing once again what a tough opponent they are at Kimberley Reserve . The Parkers managed to get in front during the 3rd term, and it was only inspired play from Jason Livingstone ( 12 goals) and Peter Dunne that won the lead back for Aquinas, which they retained to the final siren . Mick Vankirkhoven also battled hard for the Blooders, in a really great display by both sides . Old Carey and Eley Park played a terrific game of fast, open football with the C's drawing away in the last term for a very good win . The two spearheads D . Hawley for the Sharks and Hedgie Hickey for the 10

C's, finished off top play upfield with a bag of goals each . Andrew Hill seeme d to be everywhere for the Sharks, HooL at CHB was superb and Bowen and Storey also stood out in a talented side . The C's runners, Campbell, Hill, Everett, Morrison an d Vasilopoulos were very damaging with their precise disposals with Tomm y Auldist again solid in defence . PREVIEW ROUND 7 Bull een Cobras host Yarra Valley in what should be a great game at the Koonung. The Cobras become more cohesive with every game and are a nice balance of attacking and gritty, close checking players . Yarra will have an edge in overall pace though, which should see them win by a couple of goals . Richmond Central at home to Eltham Co llegians should be able to use their ruck strength and marking power to counter the running style of the Turtles to record a 3/4 goal victory . Centrals wont be able to relax at any stage, this game will be full on for 7200 seconds (well, thereabouts!) . Aquinas take on St Mary's in a game they could win by either 20 goals or one point, depending on what mood the Saints are in . St Mary's are capable of beating any team in the Section when they are on song, but the Blooders are a power laden combination and should win by about 6 goals. Eley Park meet Chirnside Park in a critical game for both . Apart from their opening lapse against St Mary's, the Parkers are playing solid, consistent football, even in defeat . The Sharks forwards will not be given any leeway by the Parkers dour defenders, and Piccioll, Pemberton and Co . should convert enough opportunities to register a 3 goal win for the Orange and Blacks . Swinburne University tackle Old Carey at the Glenferrie, and have shown considerable improvement in their last two outings . The C's should win by about six goals, because the strength of their running players will give their forwards enough chances to post a winning score . RESERVES winners should be : Yarra Valley, Richmond Central, Aquinas, Chirnside Park and Old Carey. The old Ineligible Player trick wreaked havoc with the Ladder last week, but once that effect has been absorbed in the next few weeks, its going to be pretty hard to dislodge Old Carey, St Mary's, Yarra Valley and Aquinas from the four, with Chirnside Park ready to capitalise on any malfunctions . Correspondents the Monday contacts are 9547 9144 and Fax 947 7764 . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996




Aquinas full back, Peter Grierson, today plays his 250th game for the Blooders . Peter is a multipremiership Team member, a marvellous clubman, and the best Trivia Night organiser in the Southern Hemisphere . Peter, your club, E East Section and the whole Amateur community salutes your fantastic achievement ! 'BART'S'TONE AT OLD CARE Y

ST 14A?YS 6 .5 8.6 12.11 17.14.116 'iCOBRAS GO 4.2 12.6 16.8 21 .11 .137 St Mara Duck 3. Binyon, Morris. Bell, Theoharris 2, House, Stone, Watson, Henderson . Sinnicco, Duke. Beat Stone . House. Black . htullenger. Stewart Bnlleen Cobras Starrett 6. Humphrey 4. Thompson, Wagg 3, D'Angelo, Gaylor . Kelly, McLeod, Redtem . Best Wain. Starrett. Gaylor, Wagq, D'Angelo. Redlern. YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 3 .6 5.8 8.14 12 .18 .90 RICHMOND CENTRAL 0 .3 5.8 7.10 12 .12 .84 Terra valley Old Boys MacVean 3 . Peake . Telford . Habben 2, Lupoi . Laing. Beat hef€ernan, Taylor, Keenan. Peterson, Habben, Lupoi. Richmond Central Wallis. Shannon 3, Porteous, Tapley 2 . Murphy. Katelis . Beat Murphy, Wallace, Tapley, Waters. Black. Ragg .

Everyone connected with Old Carey congratulates Peter Nance on reaching his 'Ton' against Swinburne 25/5 . "Bart' is a great clubman and a fearless player whose efforts on and off-field are valued by all. Keep on bringing your friends and relatives to join Old Carey Peter, as you head for 150 games. Thanks mate and well done .

ELTHAM GC 5 .7 10.10 12.12 17 .18.120 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 1 .2 5.8 10.9 12 .12 .84 Sltham Be Ham 4, Smyth, Coonerty 3. Solar. OldBeld 2. Tucker. Keane. Duggan . Best Solar, Jovanovski. Ham. Leys, Dwyer. Dug~an . S~inbnrne University Goal Kickers and Best Players not reeeived . CBISNSIDB PARK 3 .1 7.5 12.8 16 .10.106 AQUINAS ON 5 .2 10.5 14.8 18 .12.120 Cbirnside Park Piecioli 6. Caine 3. Carusl. Trotter 2, McIntosh, Walker, Henderson . Best Camsi, Brown, Pedler, Oates. Walker, Canisi. Aquinas OS Livingstone 12, Tandlt 2, Dunne. Pike. Bethune. S. Livingstone. Best Livingstone, dunne, Bethune, Coiliver. Flynn . Vankerkhoven. OLD CASEY 4 .5 8.11 13.14 19 .19.133 ELEY PARK 2 .3 8.5 12.7 13 .10.88 Old Carey Hickey 8, Popplewell, Eccles . Campbell. Faelis 2 . Matthews. Mor rison, Goodall. Best Everett. Morri son, Hickey . Campbell . Cohen, AuldisL Eley Park Hawley 7. Warner 2. Broadhead, Hill. Jur3owrovics, Kaye, Beat Featonby, Warner, Hill, Hawley, Braodhead, Storey.


St Mary's have their Cocktail N ight tonight in the clubrooms. The dress code is simple, "Wear a hat or come in the nude!" . Wish the "Holding the ball, prior opportunities to be taken into account", rule was as clear .

BULLEEN COI; i:;.;1S v. YARRA VAI.LL -1 OB Field: R. Smith, A. O'Connor . RICHMOND CENTRAL v. ELTHAM Field: D . Miller, C . Nash. AQUINAS v. ST MARYS Field : M . Argall, V. Vescovi . ELEY PARK v . CHIRNSIDE PARK Field : P. Maebus, L., .Demytko . S UP.FdE UNI . v. OLD CAREY Field : A. Steven, A . Ch--- an ; Boundary: M . Jelinek, C. Hayes .



49 27 23 19 19 19 19

24 21 19 18 16

RESERVES ST 14ARY8 1.5 4 .7 8 .10 9.11.65 BULLEEN COBRAS 0.1 3 .1 5 .4 8.5.53 St Marys Francis. Learmonth 2 . O'Brien, Andrews. King. gunn, Donadio . Best Azzapardi. Evans, Harrison, McDonnell. King. BuBeen Cobras Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 6.6 9.11 13 .13 15.17.107 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .1 2 .3 3 .3 3.5.23 Yana Valley Old Boys Potter 8. Park 3 . McIntyre 2 . White. Best Blesbroek. Ireland. Crean. Potter, White, McIntyre. Richmond Central Jakeson. Taylor . Farley. Best McAlpin . Barranee, Ritchie, Farley . Taylor. Jackson. ELTHAM OC 51.1 1 .4 4 .4 8.5.53 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 0.4 4 .8 5 .10 5.13.43 Eltbem OC Jovanouski, Dodds 2 . White. ODonnell, Davies, Hespe. Best Taylor. White. ODonnell, Stanley, Glare, Philipson. Swlnbnme University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . CSBiNSIDE PARK 4.1 5 .1 5 .1 7.3.45 U[NAS ON 2.2 7 .9 11 .10 13.15.93 Cfiimside Park Hussey. Scioreno 2, Bond, Dalton, Wyngaard, Best Pilikidis, Egan, Duck, Milkeratlas, Sciortino. Schilling. Aquinas OB McKellar . Crouch, Jones 2, Cronin . Boland, Horne. 0'Loghlin. Belli, Knights, Langtord . Beat Jones. Slattery . Horne. Hewitt, Langford, Knights . OLD CAREY 6.3 9 .9 10.16 15.19 .109 ELEY PARK 2.2 4 .2 5 .3 7.5 .47 Old Carey Brady 7, Nance 3. Hughes, Hosking . Patterson. Jones, Nance . Best Gentle . Jones, Brady. Shrives. Nance, Neate . Eley Park Dell'orso, Gibson 2. Bookluck . La Marks, Millen . Best Dunstan, Bruce, Brace . Bookluck, Morris. Dell'orso .




~ . 11111111a

SPORTSCO i~:. t est Brunswick's unbeaten run ended with an almighty thud at the hands of a full strength Williamstown CYMS unit which is starting to emerge as the major threat to University Blacks' apparent mortgage on the 1996 E Central premiership . Four of last weeks games were very lopsided affairs and hopefully today's Round 7 will provide some more evenly contested results. REVIEW - ROUND 6 At Fearon Reserve, West Brunswick had first use of the breeze but where not able to capitalise as a pumpedup Williamstown placed sufficient pressure on West's talented band of runners to force a number of turnovers and hence limit any effective supply into West's forward line. A ten point lead at quarter time was extended to 7 goals by the half as Willi's forwards Kurkowski and Bryan led the Magpie defenders a merry dance . It was purely academic after the main break, Will able to win both quarters en route to an emphatic 89 point win. Best for the winners included CHB Bobby Iskra, Killers I and II, Brady Bunch and Sheld, while for the Magpies leading goalkicker Rohan Eastway played well when lack of supply forced his relocation into the centre of the ground . The most entertaining game of the day was at Centreway where Old Westbourne had first use of the wind but were unable to crack a watertight Old Essendon backline and consequently lead by just six points at quarter time. In the second term the Warriors battled hard to stay in touch with the home side and two goals just before half-time enabled the margin to be cut to just 17 points . The third quarter saw OEG threaten to break the game wide open as two early goals extended their lead to 5 goals . However, the Warriors lifted and running as one they slammed on seven goals to lead by 25 points with an upset in their sights . OEG's Whitfield kicked an important goal on the 3QT siren to bring the margin to 19 points and after Coach Alex Fraser pointed out a few home truths during the orange break, Essendon emerged a revitalised unit, ramming home nine unanswered goals of their own to score an amazing 43 point victory . Little wonder Westboume Coach David Twomey kept his players on the field for ten minutes after the match to vent his frustration's - I'd suggest a tough night for all Warriors game enough to saddle up for training Tuesday night . Best for the winners were S . Cramer, Roundhouse Ridley, A . Leask, P. Trist, J . Pana, Jetset Visenjoua and the Consultant, while for the Weary Warriors Inspector Blake, Dean Roderick and Steve "Mean" Paslow did best .

A predicted, University Blacks barely raised a sweat in compiling a routine 20 goal victory over UHSOB at the picturesque Melbourne University Oval . This win was the Blacks forth at home this season where no side to date has got within 7 goals of the Premiership favourites . Still, it will be interesting to see if the Blacks impressive form can continue on the road during visits to Bocca Palace, the 12

Bundoora Bog, Park Street, and Centreway in the wetter, bleaker months ahead, whic h may not be quite as conducive to the Blacks ultra-skilled running game. While I suspect that Newlands Coburg's suspect fitness would cause it problems in adopting to the large expanses of La Trobe's beautiful Bundoora Oval, I don't think even the ever-confident La Trobe President Mick Brosnan could have expected such a demolition job by the Trobers . Eleven goals to zap in the first term set the tone as La Trobe players were allowed to roam far and wide with little effort showed by Newlands to rectify the situation . AllLa Trobe players got amongst the festivities, though I suspect man-mountain Ash Cummings would have earned the BOG from the men in white, while rover D . Morris and CHB Dooga battled hard for the vanquished . Finally at Craterzone, the Green and Gold Machine continued to gather momentum by recording a 219 point over the hapless Thornbury Cougars. Guest correspondents, Norm "The Oracle" Nugent, reported that the margin could actually have been a lot more if not for the valiant effort by the Cougars defence which restricted North to just six final quarter goals . Best for the winners were Ady 1Yrehett ( 11 goals) who is enjoying his return to the gaol square, J . Bulman, J. Thompson (8 goals) and D. Magnuson who thrilled the crowed with his Manassalike goal of the day, while on-ballers R . ski and Steve Mitronatsios tried valiantly for'Ihombury.

PREVIEW - ROUND 7 The Match of the Day sees West Brunswick (third) host Old Essendon (second), with neither side seemingly playing their best football at present . The Magpies are under tremendous pressure to show that their position in the four is not just the result of a favourable draw, while Old Essendon will also be keen to gather renewed confidence with an eye on their upcoming Round 9 clash with old rivals North Brunswick . A heavy defeat would prove to be disastrous to either side at this stage but I do not envisage a blow-out. The winner is likely to be the side closest to full strength on the day . I select Old Essendon to prevail by 9 points in a real nail-biter. At Hoppers Crossing, Old Westbouane will need to string four quarters together if they are to upset University Blacks. The Warriors employ an impressive style of running game that may enable them to match the Blacks for longer than recent form suggests but I have to stick with the Blacks to prevail by 4 goals . Newlands Coburg return to the more suitable confines of the Postage Stamp when they host Williamstown CYMS. While they will be far more competitive their own patch, the Cobras do not have sufficient firepower to match Cy's who I expect will win by a comfortable 12 goals-


Another big clash out at Bocca Palace where North Brunswick will attempt to put the four out of La Trobe's r~ac,Yt while keeping themselves well in touch . There was 1ir~l ° between the sides in two clashes last season with North Brunswick prevailing by 3-4 goals on both occasions and I expect another close one here despite a number of new faces in both line ups. La Trobe have tlilea.tened to cause an upset during its dose losses to Old Fx,sendon and West Brunswick and this may present its best chance yet to finish such a proposed deed . I'll tip La Trobe to upset the green and gold machine by 9 points in what promises to be a torrid affair. Finally, UHSOB will appreciate the drop in class from last week (Uni Blacks) when they take on Tltornbury at Zooville. UHSOB have matched some of the top sides for 2-3 quarters which is far more than the VAFA newcomers can claim . Uni High should collect four points with an even 100 point buffer. Correspondents : Numbers again by 5 :00pm Monday Ph 9379 141 1 (H), 9618 3413(W) and Fax 9629 8008 .

VINNIE G?Ji: P~.DI - 200 Gf--' 3 5 Everyone at North Brunswick salutes one of its most decorated players - Club Best & Fairest 1988, 89, 90, 91 an d VAFA B&F 1991, Vinnie has been an ornament to amateur football and his club . An outstanding junior footballer Vinnie progressed into an outstanding senior footballer . Committee, players an d friends congratulate 'Little' Vinnie on his milestone . PAUL MARIN 50 GAMES Congratulations to The Guru' on reaching his first milestone with North Brunswick . Since joining the club "Mayo' has had an impact on the place . Great work on the committee as well as on the field he has been a ter rifi c asset.



20 17 16 16 15


SENIO11, WnddAIt' :TOe:f cYffis 3.3 9.9 13.14 19.18 .132 WEST HRUNS .. .CE 1.4 3.4 4.7 6.7.43 Williamstown CYMS Kurkowskl 8. Warren 4, Bryan . Herbertson 3, Thiege. Best lskra, Kurkowski, Gmchowski, Thiege . Bryan . Warren. West Brunswick Hamilton, Davies, Magafas . vitals, Gray, Eastway . Best Eastway. Davies, Coonan, Gray, Malone, Lewis . OLD E6SENDON GRAMHAR 2 .4 7.10 8.13 17 .20.122 OLD WESTBOURNE 3 .3 5.5 12.7 12.7 .79 Old Essendon Grammar Ridley 5 . Pana 3, Bishop, Conlon . Whitfield 2, Leask, Goodger, Steven . Best Cramer. Ridley, Leask, Trist Visenloux, Pana. Old Westbonrne Baarini 3. A. Horsburgh, J . Horsburgh, Whiting 2 . Franklin, Robson, Gibb . Best Parstow. Blake . Leonard, Fairfield. Outen. Horsburgh. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .6 5.9 9 .16 19.23.137 UHSOB 1 .2 2.4 2 .5 2 .6.17 University Blacks Keam 6. Hallam 3, Gotten 2. Bowles, Cook, sullivan, G . Sullivan, Jessen, Whitson, Carah . Best Lowe, B. Sullivan, Whitson, Pekin. Cunningham. Hallam. UBSOB Wallace, Freilah . Best Cracknell, FreiJah. Smith, Sedgwick. Davidson. Bunn. IATBOBE UNPIERSITY 11 .4 20.10 30 .19 39.22 .256 NEWLANDS COBURG 0.1 1 .2 3 .2 4.4.28 La Trabe University Brown 6. Bakogiannis 5, Dumaresq, Sheedy . Hayward 4, Haynes, Maddison. Matthew 3 . Edmunds, Sidebottom 2, Cummings, Soligo, Edmunds. Best Etlmunds. Bakogiannis . Brown. Lewis, Dumaresq. Hayward. Newlands Coburg Vescio, Dix 2 . Best Morris, Fennessy, Dix, Keppel. Ceri . Berton. THORNBURY COUGARS 1.2 1 .3 2.3 2.5 .17 NORTH BRUNSWICK 10.5 19.15 29.20 35 .26 .236 Tharnbur' Cougars Cutler. Mouzakis . Beat Cutler . Mitronatsios, Kiely, Buzeski. Lincoln, Begley. North Brunswick Tirchett 11, Thompson 8 . Kalpakas 3. Dimarco, Evans, Moore 2, Sorleto, Kyriazis, Randello, Tirchett, Sacco, Xtriha . Hodgson . Best Kyriazis . Tirchett. Holman. Thorpe, Randello. Hodgson.

RESERVES WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 .2 12.8 19.16 22.19.151 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 .0 3 .0 5 .0 10.3.63 Williamstown CYMS Hampson 8 . Tuck 7, Quick . Payne 2, Hann, Bond, Ryan . Best Tuck, Hampson, Wilson . White, Fowlie, Bond. West Brunswick Ortiz 4 . Baker . Cocolaras, Tobin, Newitt . Rodrigues. Koulogiannis. Best Ortiz, McNaughton, Koulogiannis, Soldatos, Tassone, Tobin . OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 1 .2 4 .5 7 .8 10.9.69 Ot.D BOURNE 3 .3 4 .6 5 .8 6.11.47 Old Essendon Grammar Stevens 4, Hexter . Clohesy 2, Barr, Garvey. Best Greaslef. Hexter. Dudderidge, Murton, Emerson. Barry . Old Westbourne Allan . Villinger 2, Galvin, Crowe . Best leitch. Harris. Haley, Jordan, Galvin, Allan. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4.3 9.7 11 .9 15 .15 .105 UBSOB 1.1 2.2 3.4 9.4 .58 University Blacks Stevens 7, Hodgson 2, Nixon . Ricciuti, Last . Hallam. Lee . Best Grant. Stevens. Hallam. Robertson, Morcom. Lamb. UHSOB Rialto 4. Terrill 2 . Roe, Rogers. Zuticki. Beat Pfeiffer. Zulicki, Catterali . Rialto . Sciola. Be Luca . LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3.0 6.16 10.22 11 .25.91 NEWLANDS COBURG d1.0 2.0 3.2 3 .2.20 La YYabe University lks. Funnell. Curran 2, Fredrickson, Chadwick, Cotsopoulos. Vignaroli. Murray . Best Murray. Stand . Curran, Fredrickson . Gibson, Waller. Newinnds Coburg Katsis. Borg, Haden . Best Maloney, Baker . Mergianos. Hayes. Charbel. THORNBURY COUGARS 0 .0 0 .3 1 .4 2.5.17 26.17 NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 .4 17 .5 20 .9 Thornbory Cougars Tucker, Thompson. Beat Begley . Johnston. Lacey, Rocca, Coullopas . Mountney. North Brunswick Ongaro 8. Cortese 5 . Cunningham. Hope 3 . Papanikolaou 2, Marin, Polemicos. DeMorton. Piet, Lawton . Best Grey. Bradford. Cunningham. Polemicos, Hogg, Ongaro .

WEST ' RUNSWICB: v . OLD ESSENDON Field : J . Stoppa, A. Kiel. OLD WESTBOURNE v. UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field: R. Burns, P . Griffiths . NE DS COBURG v . WILLIAMSTOWN CY M S Field : R . Martyn, D . D'Altera . Boundary : D . Blackburn, B . Marlyn . NORTH BRUNSWICK v . LA, TROBE UNI . Field: P . Keogh, C . Cimoli . UHSOB v. THORNBURY COUGARS Fietd: G. Waldron, M . O'Brien.



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- OD E Wo4ii Z A melee is'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other sinnilar such conduct" 14


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rom all accounts Tom "Getta" Brain a few weeks ago had " trouble in pronouncing St. Leos Wattle Park Emmaus, he 1 _o was dumbfounded by the meaning of the actual word . St Los WP Emmaus' favourite son Phil O'Donoghue called soo n after to inform all that Emmaus was a town of biblical significance . As the story goes when Jesus rose from the dead and was on his way back to Jerusalem he met two disciples who were on their way to Emmaus . There you go "Getta" one for the fact file courtesy of Phil, and we also believe that this source can be checked by reading Luke 24, in the New Testament . An interesting permit processed last Wednesday was that of a Richie Richardson to Elsternwick . We hope that his winter sojourn to Australia is enjoyable, but wafn him that with a history of chronic fatigue syndrome Richie might need to take it easy and begin off in the twos . In any case we have little doubt that he definitely will not need his broad brimmed hat on winte r Saturdays in Melbourne . n ~i n

As a follow up to the drainage story from last week ther e was a hilarious quote from one visitor to Elsternwick Park during last week. It seems the rather friendly young chap enquired how long the ground had had drainage problems and why we were only draining the outside of the ground . Is it at all possible to only drain the outside of the ground, we hope he me ant outside the boundary line . Oh an d yes we have had the occasional problems with the drains, put simply a sheer lack there of . Great to see some VAFA supporters really take an interest in EP .

Geoff "GPLM" Reilley (current Senior coach at Ormond) entered hospital earlier this week for a recent illness and at the time of printing the "Amateur Footballer" was in a stable condition. All at the VAFA both staff and Executive wish Geoff a speedy recovery from his illness, and we hope to see him back in charge of the 'Monds very soon . There is no truth in the rumour that Russell Barnes will be playing coach for Ormond, during Geoff s absence either . Last but definitely not least the VAFA staff and Executive would like to wish Ron Casey a speedy recovery from his recent hospitalisation . Ron who is a member of the VicHealth Board, Chairman of the North Melbourne FC Board and a close friend of VAFA Treasurer Noel Rundle, is also a great VAFA supporter . To Ron we all wish him all the very best in his recovery . X n k

Finally there is the story of the team who loaned another team a player to make up their numbers, and in doing so a match took place . The team who was given the player somehow managed to win, however on reflection it appears as if one of the player who was loaned to the winning side was not a registered player of the competition, so the losing side claimed the winning side had played an ineligible player and claimed themselves as winners. Will wiser heads prevail, or is football that cut throat? Or more to the point how would you like to be the player who is embroiled in this situation? Ed. note :The player of course has been ruled ineligible because a player even If registered cannot play for a club other than the club who he is registered to - except in the case of a forfeited match.

,;hn A quick note of expl an ation to all of you who read Coaches Clipboard last week . The author was noted as John Kneepan from Nagambie FCP . In actual fact it was John Keenan of Nagambie FC fame . Although as some quick witted people remarked maybe John "Nodger" Keenan needs an alias, an d they could see him being involved with the Football Count ry Party (FCP) or even the Football Club Pub . Whatever its worth "Johnny Kneepan" the article was a ripper, although Darren " Daisy" Williams wants the record cleared that he used to vividly imagine a T W Sherrin, not a TAW Sharon as quoted in last week's article . From all accounts his wife still w an ts to know who TAW Sharon is . Sorry "Daisy".

_*1 4111 A couple of quick well wishes for the following given recent mishaps and illnesses . Ian "Munners" Munro who blacked out last weekend at EP and was found by Old Haileybury captain Chris McKenzie and his girlfriend Sam as they walked to their car is OK. "Munners" took a turn and it appears that the news is he is fine again and will be back on duty at EP this weekend, especially at afternoon tea in the Oval Function Room . There is no truth in the rumour that a walk earlier that day had anything to do with "Munners" condition later on, hey Agate .

Every second Saturday morning Phil Stevens talks to Larry Stephens and Adrian Hoo k

11 .10 a .m . Thursday


> Editorial - Continued From Page I turn off from the game and on to the, usually garbled, message. You have a runner. Use him ! One concern of a more general nature is the propensity for large disparities in scores between competing teams. While this is not limited to Under 19 football, it is nevertheless a matter that has been recently discussed at sub-committee level . A number of ideas have been floated, including an end of year "round robin" competition between the top 2 or 3 teams from each of the geographically based sections against the top 2 or 3 Section 1 teams with a view assessing which teams are capable of competing at Section 1 level . A second level, say, Section 2 with a promotion relegation system being introduced has also been floated . However, given that the relative strength of Under 19 teams varies considerably from year to year, these may not be such good ideas . A 2 stage home and away series with teams being regrouped at the half way mark (or earlier) according to ability is also a possibility but it too is not without its difficulties which include geographic concerns and ground reorganisation. The Under 19 subcommittee would welcome ideas (preferably written) from club supporters and officials aimed at introducing greater performance parity between teams. In the first instance, suggestions should be directed to Brett Connell at VAFA headquarters . Under 19 football is alive and well at VAFA level, which is more than can be said for the other under age Australian football competitions in Victoria . In fact our 37 team structure is by far the largest U19 competition in Victoria . However, as some clubs are finding this year, a commitment to U19 football is more than registering 35 players and appointing a coach . Aspiring clubs must be prepared to commit their best officials, at least on a roster basis, provide strong personnel at team manager level

and engender a spirit of togetherness such that the under age players feel part of the club . The statistics speak for themselves . Strong clubs more often than not are clubs that are committed to the concept of developing players from within as a foundation for sustainable on-field success . Finally, amateur football followers will be aware of the success achieved through the recent combining of underage Banyule, Ivanhoe an d Kew juniors into Warringal AFC . Any club wishing to explore this concept for 1997 should contact Brett Connell who will be happy to arrange an initial meeting to set the idea in motion . Given that we are on show at this level we do insist on an above average level of discipline and sportsmanship to be demonstrated both on and off the field by players, officials and supporters . Each matchday the umpires are asked to allocate an A, B or C rating - the side receiving the most A ratings over the course of the year being presented with the Quit Most Disciplined Team Award . The other marks a llocated are monitored closely. The Under 19 committee will - a) caution clubs when two C marks have been awarded ; b) interview a club when a third C mark is awarded and then consider the imposition of a bond and c) interview the club again if a fourth C mark is allocated and then decide whether the under 19 team should have the bond forfeited and to decide what other conditions will be imposed on the team for the remainder of the season . As Under 19 Chairman I wish a ll under 19 teams well for the remaining two-thirds of the season . I congratulate the clubs who have shown the courage, given the time and finance to field an under 19 team and recommend most vigorously to clubs without under 19 teams that senior success goes hand in hand with succe~g at the under 19 level .

~ ~

Mon to Wed : Club Informatio n Thursday : Permits Friday (a.m.) : Umpire appointments Saturday (a.m.) : Weekend game locations Sat. (evening) Final siren score s 16


Under 19 Section 1 AJAX Coach: Mike Zemski Assistant : Mark Fetdy 1 . A . Carew 2 . S .Ickowicz 3 . B . Davis 4, M . Page 5 . J . Rath 6 . G . Samue l 7 . A . Burnan (VC) 8 . J . Beebe 9. D. Massage 10. H. Snow 11 . P . Steiner 12 . D.Mohr(C) 13. D. Onas 14. J. Onas 15 . M . Rogers 16. A. Rogers 17. G . Kaplan 18 . B. Lukav 19. D. Macro 20. J. Rosens 21 . D. Sutton 22. P. Zaltsberg 23. S. Whytcross 24. J. Scher 26. D. Grosman (VC) 27. A. Lust (DVC) 28 . B. Lewsk i 31 . A. Chrapot 32. J. Rogers 33. D . Gelbart 34. A. Sloane 35. A. Rosen 36. J. Segal 37. J. Wajnberg

OLD PARADIANS Coach : Paul Digney 1 . JA. Dabs 2. MP.Lyrah(Cap.) 3. BP.yf&m 4. C .Te~~f S. A .MdHa 6. S .K®g 7. P .T . Hams 8. K S . Flynn 9. B . Wcadham 10. M. Pkefrers 11. NJ .iia#ad 12. SA. Widoon 13. D.P. Geary (VCap) 14. S .P. PW1 36. 15. SJ.Kent;rs 40, 16. S. Fast 41 . 17. S.C. Mrslrp 42 . 18. D.,Hces 43. 19. 8M . PhaEan 44 . 20. K .L . Kellen 46 . 21. B.G . Lynch 47. 22. MJ, Joyce (VC) 48. 23. MA . Co 49. 24. MJ.kkkv6rard 50 , 25. IA.Bakr 52. 26. A. So= 53. 27. M.Cosgi9 56. 28. M .K . EVry 57. 29. S. Phelan 58 30. NJ .t.VI; 6231 * J.iArick 65 , 32. N. Gobs 69. 33. C Watson 35. MJ.Sja n

B. Der I.H . Gratwms!4 J.T. Coins

S. Harrison B. Gale

C. Johnstone J. Noffads A. Sinai MA.Huaar N. Imply R Nolan L yf8ams J. YaKed J. SpA a S0'Nea T..G3:os C. Price BA.Sludd I -Turne r


Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722

COLLEGIANS Coach : Eddy Galizi 1 . G. Brielia 2. B . Forsyth 3. P .Looney 4. G. Brown 5. N . Michael 6. B . Fewster 7. P . Ritchie 8. N . Florentine 9. T. Caldwell 10. A . Mui r 11 . C. Smythe 12. A . Sayers 13. S . Hatwel l 14. T . Van Der Venne 15. C. Harri s 16. T . Champion 17. S . McLeod 18. 19. R. Luff

DE LA SALLE Coach: Terry Russel l 1 . M. Abrahams 2 . L . Borell a

3. C . Browne 4 . M. Butler (Capt .) 5 . R . Chapple 6. S. Clohessy 7. B . Cori n

8. M . Elli s 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

S . Fernando K .Haddow L. Hall M . Harbor J . Healy J . Horn D . Hyland A . Johnstone D . Lambe G. Larkins S . Laska

20. B . Lee

21 . D. M . Mercuri 22. P-Miram 23. A . Moore (VCapt) 24. T. Nolan 25. R. Oliver 26. P .Scado 27. T. Shields (VCapt) 28. T . Silvers

29. S . Thomas 30. J . Vincent 31 . A . Waters 32.

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Pat Hawkin s 1 . M . Jones (VC) 2. T . Fleming 3. J . Kay 4. B . Hilbert 5. N. Alston 6. L. Nisbet 7. E . Williams 8. J . Dyer 9. S . Bailey 10. D. Boland 11 . T . Bowdeh 12. S. Tucker 13. W . Somerville 14. M.Inne s 15. D. Richmond 16. S. Hede 17. P.Adami 18. N . King 19. R . Ryan 20 . J. Danihe r 21 . N . Ockleshaw (DVC) 22 . T. Winter 23 . B. Perry 24 . P.Shannon 25 . K.Lynbh 26 . J. McCormack 27 . C . McGuigan 28 . M. lacovangelo 29 . T. Coughlan 30 . N . Irelan d

31 . 32 . 33 . 34 .

J . McDonald J . Hardwick P . Walsh T. Barry

35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 .

N . Barrett M. Mulcahy J . Drake J . Hawkins R . Dillon D . Calma n T. Woodruff (C) R . Hoare

D . Dont i

33. 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 .


0. WalErs (C) B. KaauJVasNs L. t:~

T. ' 0. Ktcd:r B. 9T J. B~k

0. Baseness L. Cua o C . Murray (VC) M. Dasnrdy M. Barker

B . Twrer 36 J. Fnck 37. S . Kean H . Hadar 39. 0. Pavar 40. H . MOW I. M.are 41 . A . Mcleany 443.2. B . Lyuh ~ E . Ba~ A. Hew&1

J.Sah?rlaM B. Maistall C. Frakin D. Ten T. Peter" B. Cleary D . Cgary RE" A. Kearney

PJ. Sax~as'n~(tiC) S. vtwlda M. Waters I.Takb A. Takb T.

J. S~a T.Cleveland S. Evans M. Maguire

Coach : Richard Dunca n 1 . E. Sedgley 2 . D . Holme 3 . F . Purcell 4 . S. Murray (DVC) 5 . A. Wardell (DVC) 6. J. Berry 7. C . Banks 8 . J.Charlton 9. J. Law 10. T. Stevenson 11 . T. Cloke (C) 12. N . Osborne 13. S. Gowling 14. M. Bennett 15. S. Dixo n 16. H . Webb 17. J. Miller 18. C . Jenkins 19. B . McLeod 20. S . Parikh 21 . A . Bain s 22. K . Rutherford (DVC) 23. A . Cooc h 24. R . Tandy 25. W. Deague 26. C . Sibree 27. J . Larkin 28. S . McKenna 29 . J . Rig g 30 . S . Humphris 31 . D. Hall 32 . J . Wright (VC)


ST . BERNARDS Coach: Kevin Mahad y 1 . B . Swann 2 . T . Pee l 3 . S . McKeon 4 . M . Hayes 7 . J . lanzano 8 . B . Loughlin 10 . B Overman 11 . M .Tankey 12 . B . Hogan 13 . A. Damingo 14 . R. Nutter 17 . A. O'Sullivan 18 . G . Collins 19 . C. Rae 20 . M . O'Callaghan 21 . A. Dunca n 23 . C. Patience 24 . L.Rogers 25 . D.Ferns 29 . D. O'Connor 30 . J . Mount 31 . S . Catanzarin 32 . S . Daffey 33 . J . Ballarin (C) 37 . T . Bateman 41 . D.Juegan 43 . C. Davi s 45 . M. Dowling 55 . G . Cusack

Coach : Geoff Po rte r 1 . D. Van Englen 2 . R. Zampogna 3. D. Briedi s 4. S . Horalewski 5. S .Sacco 6. W. Bradey 7. M . Postma 8. A . Grant 9. S .Stella 10. D. Salzyk 11 . J . Hutchinson 12. B . Crochford 13. T . Kenna 15. M . heffeman 16. S .Goodwin 17. G . O'Connor 18. D. tuema 19. M . Cul l 20. B .Jacobsen 21 . A. Fitzpat rick 23. A. fielding 24. B. Megrafh 25. N. Gil l 26. J . Van Englen 27. P.Copeland 28, C. Laws 30 . M. McCartney 33 M .Jacobsen 35. S.Dowdle 37. P. Dunn 42 . A. Moloney 43 . B. Stevens 44 . F . Grech


622 Mt. Alexander Rd . ivioonee Pond s 9326 1799


Coach : Steve Carroll 1 . T. Barba 2. B.Ba lo," 3. C.Betrflme 4. S.Bdard 5. S&odkj 6. J.Canrn 7. P. Clark 8. D .D?nej 9. S .odrl:r 10. J.Ea" 11 . P.Fa9bar& 12. BFa tA 13. B .Fcker 14. M.HaB~ 15. J. Hamom 16. G.Harbnl t1. D. Harris t8. T.Harl 19. T.Jrahrcon 20. B .Keah 21 . D.KieFi 22. D. Keys 23. S . K"ey 24. S .Krx 25. J.La'arZss 26. B .Lee 27. C. Lelnnan 28. E .l'mdsay H. RM.arJde 30. J. Mahoney 31, RlkAAhx 32. K.MtCormatk 33, J. McIntos h 34. A .tA.-kenzvMrtbrg 35, D. McGrat h 36. L. Wrison 47. D. Strad 37. B. " 48. J.Slwralc 38. H. NaB fl 49. RSwan 39. J.Nash 50. M.Thwr6on 40. B. Nzna.h 51. R. Ver,ICagsn 41. H. Painter 52 J. Wal s 42. T, Pe* 53. 43. T.Bnyrhouse 54. T . N7kox 44. C.Sdzfing 55. M .Witsai 45. B.SmAh 46, 1 . Sparser

CtOGa on. 1996


Under 1 9 White ~ BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach : Brian Ca rtwright 1 . S . Lambropoulo s 3. C.Androutsopoulos 5 . S . Walker

6 . W. Bell 8 . P. Francis 9. A Kin g to. N. Maragos 15. P. Gannas 17. R. Floyd 19. S . Giasante 20. J. Androutsopoulos 21 . S . Mountai n

22 . P. Mount 23 .

24, S. Pemberton 25. M . Masri 26. 27. B. MayGn 30. 0. Ric e 33. P. Polamianos 35 . It. Daskabu 36 . S . Klerides 41. L. Groves 43. C. Papadopoulos 44. T. Plain

DE LA SALLE (2) P. Aron (V .Capt .) B . Betheras D. Chaplin B . Clancy A. Dellisota J. Donaldson A. Elli s C. Eppinger P. Femon A.Fknverday S . Francis T. Gulliver K . Harper S . Haines D . Hagerty B. IBer

1 . D. Lear 2 . A. Auliso 3. T. Ludlow 4. A . Daly 5. B . Carey 6. P .Deery 7. N . Hodder 8 . G .Kennedy 9 . G . Simondso n 10 . A. Lauri e 11 . E . McLaughlin 12 . S . Vozzo 13. G . Psaltopoulos 14. E . Sheeha n 16. J . Smith 17. L . Newey 18. M. Smith 19. B. Wilby 20. O . Brown 22 . L. Latham 32 . R. McCann 35 . T. Batty 80. G. Wyatt M . Cody J. Rattigan


L6112ry 3T." 4. T.Pa^t{tlC) 132, 8S' tt

27. 60~ a W. T .r

. RWa i 23 C 1 &LP 30. A .d 31.d C 9& ~ ~ In 1 . Rr 7. 8.y`" .. .


G . Jennings S. Kemp (Capt .) 0. g A. Leaning Kin (VCapt) S . McCubbi n

M . McHenry D. P. Mercuri T. Messe r A. Moon T. Mors e J . Mystakidis L. Nelson C. Neurauler C. Papatia H. Pipkom L. Wor m

C . Worstelkrg D . Francome

Coach : Peter O'Conno r

Andrew Tsindos

Coach: Clayton Weser

J. Sloan C. Troia S . While C . Wilson




ST KEVINS Coach: Owen Hourigan

Coach : Tim Killworth 14. E. Bostock 15. A. Podley 16. W. Paul

24 A. Salter (VC) 26. M . Vickers-W91is (C) 28. E . Jeffries

37 . A. Mims 33 . M. Smith

37. M. McConachy 39. E. Plowman 40. C. St .Clai r 41 . S. Petlig 42. D.Campbell 49. M . Pettig 50. J. Wallace-Smith 51 . A. Coote 52. S . Cale 53. S .0'Brien 54 . J . Teague 55 . S. Bfng!ey 56. L .Wilson 57. W. Gordon 58. G . Collins 59. S. Lucas 68. L. Aitkin 69. S . Hogg 70. J. Downie 71 . B . Rankin 72 . J. Pau l 73 . N . Beattie

'_? 1

1 . R. Slmkiss 2 . M. Gargano 3 . S. Kuri~g 4. M.Rizio (Cap ) S. J. Pickering 6. B. Quirk

7. S. Rie s

8. A. McGuiness 9. M . Furlong 10. A . Livy it . J .Hasselt 12 . B . DWlman (DVC) 13 . A. Pivetta (VCapt) 14. P.Greenham 15. C. Haddad 16. M . Pangrazio 17. J. Bowle r 18. G. Large 19. J. O'Brien 20. D. McArdle 21, B . Marusic 22 . B . Delahay 23 . M. Wtllianxs 24. J . Goldsworthy 25. M. Funston 26. B.Day 27. J. Finch 28. A. DeKretsa 29. C. Baker 30. S. Kennedy 31 . R. Doherty 32 . S .Radtord 33. Gu s 34. 35. M. Field s


9857 8061 UNIBLACKS


Coach :

Coach: Harry Harisiou

Dami-i Carroll 1 . T. Bellevill e

2 . M.Buckis

3 . J. Butterfield 4. B.Dilbn S. O .Fumess 6. C.Franklin 7. R.Gaza i 8 . B .Gi8lenson 9 . T. Holmes 10 . N . Howell 11 . J . Scott t2 . T.Kitchen 13 . L . Kirkham 14. A. Leddin 15. J. Magee 16. A. Maher 17. B. Morgan 18. P. Oswald 19. A . Robinson 20. C . Ross 21 . A .Sanders 22 . L.Spencer 23 . A.Walker 24 . T.Warbunon 25 . J.Ward 26. R. Watson 27. S. White 28. M . Atkin 29. T . Gargon 30. A . Morrissey 31 . N. Rolls 32 . L. Juniper 33 . S. Dimond

I .

C . Williams

2 . B.Anderson 3 . H. Reeves 4 . K. Conve ry 5 . A.Rossi-Mel 6. W.Taylor 7. S .AHardi 8. B.Woodlack 9. A . Heard 10. A .Fogarty 11 . S . Yin 12 . A.Camelleri 13 . S.Taylor 14 . P.Witchell 15 . K. Harte 16. T.Wason t7. LSheean 18. H. Beale 19. T.Benton 20. P . James 21 . M . Peters 22 . P. Harmon 23 . A.Karafili 24 . L . O'Connell 25 . S. Walter 26. J. Anderson 27. J .Wilson 28. M . Manovella 29. A . Kirk 30. N . haymes 31 . A. Jackson 32 . N .Mitchell 33 . J. Harkman

WILLIAMSTOWN C.Y .M.S. Sen . Coach : Gerard Barnes 1 . B . Wouda 2. B . Cocks 3. A. Petzierides 4. B.Forrester 5 . B.Twist 6 . A.Thege 7 . J. Clark 8 . G.Singteton 9 . S . Wuchatsch 10. G. Burgess 11 . D. Macleod 12. C .Bergin 13. M. Ethaouli 14. L .Grochowski 15 . T. Murra y 16 . M. Holland 17 . J . Meter 18 . G .Rickard 19. L.Gra y 20. B . Robinson 21 . R .Cockerell 22. W.Kaddour 23. D . Bordignon 24 . D . Wouda 25 . D. Ryan 26 . D. Lee 27 . C. Mathews 28. S . Kennedy 29. A . Houli 30. M . Elhaouli 31 . B. Davies 32. B. Todd 33. B. MacLeod 34 . N . Magor 35 . S .Siewek 36 . G . Carlyon 37 . S . Dye r 38 . J . Hrycyszyn 39. D . Krogmann

0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 19 Blue BEAUMARIS Coach : Peter McBrearty


1 . N . McLean B . Thomas M . Pitts (VC) J . Wadham R . Thatcher (Capt .) C . Ken t D . Whitaker M . O'Brien B. Nicholson G . Moloney S. Blackie M. McLeod A. Qui n

Coach: Michael Malone

R . McGrath B. Stevens P. Fisher (VC) S. Mclve r

N . Boctor R .Thomton T. Ran d P. Thomas Joh N. n

C. B. Ferguson Cezaw H. Dwyer

2 AC+ SA& ip 4 . RS ._ 5. SR--m 6. T.Ya 7. W.C .

a o.s 9 . flC O.d6r II. R5~".a

c 12 LCh~„_ ;

19. 1 B~`~°°r 14. W.h y


w. a

IG C.Gt xiry It. IdCr I8. 12C: 19.{.tFt 20. SCt 21.A8€ 22 T. To

B. Carroll (Capt.) J. Vanc e J. McKenzie S . Fraser M . Matulick A . Booth J . Handfield B . Stevens D . Sheldrake B . Vall e

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Craig Harris 1 . C . Cullen 2 . B. Marlyn 3 . D . Varker 4 . A. Varke r 5 . D . Anderson (C) 6 . A. Brown e 7 . L. O'Grady 8 . D . Busby 9 . P. Molina 11 . L. Tregear 12 . S. Burke 13 . P. Nelson 14 . B. Hoare 15 . E. Zuker (C) 16 . P. Allardice 17 . S.Osboume 18 . B. Ariz 19 . S.G . James 20. A. Aquino 22. H. Georgeanakis 24. R. Dunball (VC) 25. M . Dunball 26. D. Ariz 27. S . Blick 28. T . Wilmott 29. H. Tregear 30. L. Muir 39. T. Lynch 40. C. Hutchinson 41 . M . Talent 42 . W. Armour 43. M. Salter 44 . M. Iles 45 . A . Quon 46 . M. Louis 47 . A . Duddy 48 . M. Karakas 49 . P . Apinitis 50 . T. Pucella.

AUSFINE FOODS PRINTED LABELS PHPiB(p)9Aii#1F,1X (t])§V U61 "Qiwl4 ia6tlrfor OsaGt} CGentt„

MAZENOD Coach : Kevin Kin g 1 . B. Johnson 2. J . Le Grand (Capt .) 3. B.Joseph 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 21 . 22 .

S . Barbellini P . Egan M . Ril ey S . Paolucci (VC) D. Schofield B . Clifford T. Sykes G. Janetski M.Rouch A . Meadows G. Young A . Quinn V . Di Scala A. McDowell P. McCulloch T. Bailey

24 . D . Ward 25 . J.Dunne 27 . W . Occhiuto (VC) 28 . A. Moore 35. S. Hall 37. R . Hawkins 49. A. Smythe 53. G . Jones 61 . S. Bilston 69. P. Fay MAJOR SPONSO R

TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial • Domestic • Commercia l

770088 0

MONASH BLUES Coach: Steve Rust 2.J . Baxter (C) 3.C. Miller 4. A . Bragg S . R. Harris (VC) 6 . H . Tomlinson 7 . W. Mclvor B.M . Lawrence 9 .M . Weeks 10 . B . Henderson 12 .A . Hickey 14 .R . Burston IS . A . Leadston 16 . D . Walte r 17. P . O'Neill

18. C . Stott (DVC) 22.J. Cavanagh 23.T. O'Brien 24. B. Hodson 25.J. Hawkins 26.M. Wagstaff 27. T. Tremellen 28. S. McGee 29.M. Kilian 30.T . Cameron 31 . D. Jones 32.D. Horsfall 33.A. Lourey 34. M . Oke 37. B. Dempsey (DVC) 41 . S . Millie 43.C. Riordan 47.C. McPherso n



INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD SOUTH Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, CAULFIELD Black Rock . 319 3 Coach : George Joseph 19 . M . Weilgosz

OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Leigh Bowes 11 . D . Paterson 12 . A. Alderton 15 . F . Car r 20. A. McNamee 24 . W . Clark 41 . J. Murchie 44 . A. Brown 46 . A. Price 51 . D. Strachan 54 . G . Rhodes 55 . S . Toms 56 . R. Kent 57 . M . Denni s 58 . C. McPherson 59 . A . Lewi s 60 . B . parnham 61 . D. Crewdson 62 . M . Jackson 63 . A . Liptrot 64. X .Johnson 65. B . Logan 66. J . Stewart 67. D . Watson 68. P. Williams 69. M . Balmer 70. A. Remfry 71 . L. Marget 72. W. Smith 73. H . McDougall 74. R . Martin


ORMOND Coach: Brian Keating

1 . G . Lehner 2 . G . King 3 . R.Franklin (VCapt) Coach: Andrew Baxte r 4 . N. Larkin 5 . A. Murph y 1. 6. M .Wannacott 2 8lz}{CaE9) 3. B . MAI 21. 7. H. Brown :s 4. ht7te~ 2Z C. 8. D. O'Reilly 5. P.Cam 21 9. M . Hester 6 DPaA 24. C., ry 10. N. Courtney PAanftdb,6 R( 11 . C. Bailey . C 8. F C.t 12. R.Cunningham 4. D.Dzit 27. b.C 13. M . Mabbett 10. atoll B 14. C. Jackso n 11 . LBt.s 23. 15. S . Taylor 12 O .W r v, 16. S . Finlayson 19, kT 17. S . Handley 14 . R R 15 . J.1s RE9P1C 18. A . Bibb y 16 . &U~ ~ is. J,gt ~ 19. G. Smith 17. N 37. S0'C$xtf 20. T. Rus t 18. C., ~. P.Car.a:~ 21 . S . Metz (Capt) 19. R8 45. It 1 9 22. S . Hea d 23 . C. .k :1 52 O.Poz,YX) 23. S. Herman 24. T. Morgan 25 . D . Fishlock 26 . J. Argall 27 . L . Cripps 28 . M. Wrodarczyk 29 . S. Wrodarczyk 30 . L . Livingstone 42 . G . Hall (DVC) 51 . J . Byro n


20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. B . King

31 . M . Cunningham 32. 33. 34. 35. 361. 371. 38. 39. A. Diamond 40. D . Broadhurst 53. B. Burk e 561. B. Karaminovski 57 . K. Gleaso n 58 . E. Karaminovski 69 . F.Knoweiss 71 . A.Cranston 72 . M. MacDonald 73 . S. Duffy 74 . C.Femando 75 . S. Price 77 . S.Holloway 78 . G .Davis 79 . M . Merrick 80 . R. Plavljanic 81 . R.Nahas 82 . 83 . L. Phillips 84 . M . Slade 86. T . Galloway 87. M . Hoga n


Under 19 Red AQUINAS I CHIRNSIDE PAR K Coach : John Bourke 1 . E . Mascitti 2 . G . Burch 3 . D. Heveren 5. H . Nichol 6. W. Potion 7. J . Quinn 8 . N . Fredickson 9. J. Bleakney 10 . D. Bolan d 11 . S. Moran 12 . M . Tilling 13 . P . Glennie 14. R. Chapman 15. M . Fredickson 16. M. Hunte r 17. A . Williams 18 . J. Hun t 19 . M. Held 20 . E. O'Loughlin 21 . C . Brownhill 22 . 23 . T . Huggins 24. M . Reilly 38. V . Sorace 39. M . Mercuri 42. R . Moran 51 . A . Hyland 54 . D . Kealy 55 . A. Cuitera


Coach: Allen Cousin s Assistant: S. Condie I. B. Da'm [VG) 2 B.fArm 21 B .Fm6 3. O .K w 24. S. Pow 4. D. Sf?em 2S. D. yd S. R. [bay 26. & A. Nzfs 27. F. yaw 7. B.fiqSCM 28. APajra & A. Ca,;e 4. 9 . T.Wym}vd 30. fdAdms 10. P . mat 31. 11. C.fkJGtrEn 59. 12 D .S~w 60, 13. E. WeiSrm 14. C. Pie~ 1S. KG* 16. IAIh arsd 17. D. &&

Ill. N. Egan 19. tL 20. IA 22Sf s

DIREMOMAL DRILLING Ken Basso 9722 1697 A.NZ. BANK FINANC E Greg Skien 015 552 013

MARCELLIN Coach: Peter Randall 1 . M. Roberts 2 . W. McMahon 3 . L. Crosby 4 . R. Badanjek 5 . M . Bello

6. L. Ryan

7. D. Bellissimo 8. B . Alford

9. J . Mason 10. T. Black

11 . M. Mifsud (VC) 12 . M. Karavasilis 13 . S. Moran

14 . M. Van Lint (DVC) 15 . T. Stephens (C) 16 . J. Blackmore 17 . D. Sampimon 18 . P. Diacogiorgis 19. B. Colvill e

20. C. Mulready 21 . B . Dalla Riv 22. B . Symes (DVC) 23. N . Armstrong 24 . J . Evans-Smith 25 . S . Mouss i 26 . A. Reitano 27 . A. Sangorgio 28 . P. Toscano 29 . T. Martin 30 . 0 . Cardimone 31 . A. Rubira 32. J. Sheehan 33. P. Hogan 41 . M . Randazzo 51 . L. Bettiol 52. B . Alford

OLD CAREY Coach : Peter Schille r


1 . L . Murphy 2. S . Collins 3. D. Bedford 4. D. Cochrane 5. J . Carter 6. 7. C . Anson 8. A . Oppy 9. J . Wood s 10 . N . Harris 11 . R . Safi 12 . R . Spencer 13 . K.Safak 14. J. Ciuro 15. A. White 1'6. A. Costello 17. K . Lewis 18. C.Angus 19. S . Wilson

Coach : Adam Stuckey

20. S . Detarczynski 21 . N . Beal e 22. C .Battle 23. S.Pratt 24 . M. Heppell 25 . F . D'Anna 26 . J. Nash 27 . C. Murray 29 . 29 . 30. M . Hutchens 31 . W. Porter 32. P . Maniotis 33. Q. Smyth 34. J . Zit o

35. B. Gust 36.

I. 1Ap~ 2. 8P. ttr~ (ta,a) 3. U. WAw 4. C .Te q S AlfLka S.Itr 7. P.T.t' 8. ttS4 9. &WC, m 10. M.PP -11. B.l .f . . 12 SA ' t2 DP.,(VC 4. SP.B m 6. &Cn S Sd 40. RC G S.t 7. SC . t~ 41 . J.T.( 42 S.F It. D .~6 43. ld .f . 19. ii f i 44. C. 1 . KL K 20 4& JY 21 . &fl tt~.n 22. !dl " (vT) 47, Aa 48. SA, 23. MA Go 49. t ~ B SZ i 51 JA a .d . 58. 62. Pb. 69.

T.6 C .RBA' }i LTuet

37. L . Small 44 .

G . Hendriks

Whitehall St, Yarrayi Vh: 9687 8722

OLD TRINITY OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steve Aird 1 . M . Gwynn 2 . M . Stevens 3. A. Teesdale (Capt) 4. P . Shea r S. A . Walkom 6. T. Gray 7. A . Littlejohn 8. J .Agar 9. M. O'Brien 10. C . Woods 11 . W.Junkeer 12 . M. Ford 13 . S. Milliken 14 . P. DAvis 15 . J. Snow 16. C. Hosking 17. C. Bird 18. D. Ireland 19. S . Parton 20. D . McLennan 21 . D . Robson 22 . M. Davison 23 . O. Cran e 24 L. Boyle 25 . C . Tindale 26 . D. Thomas 27 . L . Rose 28. RE g1e 29. L. Andrews 30. N. Morri s 34. N. Thompson 36. S . Romensky

Coach: Leigh Colema n 1 . A . Andrews (Capt) 2. B . Power 3. H . Munroe 4. J . Arrowsmith 5. T. Wolley 6. J. Gerrish 7. S Natoli 8 . D . Beardsley 9 . B. Dahlstrom 10 . M.Shauhgnessy 11 . T . Morpet h 12 . R. Rhea 13. J . Cade 14. T. Perry 15. J y 16. M. .Ivor Chisolm 17. J . Newman 18. D . Burrows 19. C . Ba r 20 . 21 . S. McMahon 22 . T. Sheehan 23 . T. Cade 24. N.O'Haloran 25. M . Lapira 26. T. Tobin 27. M . Greig 28. C. Butler 29. L. Kennedy 30. C . Stanley 31 . E. Davatzis 32 . K. Noden 33 . C . Wilson 34 . D . Robinson 35. A. McKenzie 36. R. Baxter

WHITEFRIARS Coach : Andy Dal rymple 1 . M . Tudo r 2. M . Vandenboom (VC) 3. D. Fedele (DVC) 4. 5. L. Eame s 6. M. Jongebloed (Capt) 7. M. Winterburn 8. A. Lacey 9. S. Gillen 10. A. Davis 11 . D. Nolan 12 . A. Sandford 13 . T . Hughes 14 . A . Beattie 15. R. Mik a 16. R.Ta rtaglia 17. A . Glenn

18. C . O'Connor 19. A. Shepherd 20. A. Pawlick 21 . R . Fedele 23. D.Griffin 24 . M. Smith 25 . 26 . R. Pawlick 27 . 28. P . Molloy 29. 30.

YARRA VALLEY Coach : John May t . T . Wapshot 2. f Hal e

3. S . Sfandtiekt 4. J . Reid 5. A . Drew 6. L. Dou r 7. S. Thompson 8. L . Morris 9 . D . Millson 10 . A. Barton 11 . B. Reynolds 12 . P. Ford 13 . J. McConnell 14 . B . Mcllraflh 15 . K . May 16. L. Taylor 17. T. Mcllrafih 18. L. White 19. B. Wilson 20. T. Tyshing 21 . M. Wear 22 . B. Telford 23 . A. Drew 24 . A. Cusano 25 . S. Gado 26 . D. Rowe 27. L. Smith 28. A . Lawfon 29. S . Seaboume 30. A . Siebe l 34. D . Steven 35. A. Laing 46. W. Butler 52. A. Hartnett 69. H . Van Kiser





Club XV111 Nort h COLLEGIANS Coach: 1 . G . Dingoe 2. M . Burgess 3. N. Sibbing 4. N. Comiey 5. R. Crocker 6. J. Gleeson 7. J. Hubbard 8. N. Hutton 9. C. Comley 10. R . Lee 11 . S. Gross ;2. 13. 14. A. Marson 15. D . Tadgell 16. E. McKay 17. M. Whittaker 18. J . Gonzales 19. J . Gay 20. D . Smith 21 . 22. M.Jone s 23. 0 Lansenberg 24. C . Sutherland 25. D . Wain 26 . S . Messina 27 . 28 .

OLD ESSENDON Coach: D. Law 1 . D. Law (CC) 2 . D. Bellman 3 . K.Gas a 4, B . Gass 5 . T . Williams 6 . C . Fazzalari 7 . P. Cramer 8 . D . Garvey 9 . N . Di b 10. M. Swift 11 . R . Musa 12. A. Dawson 13. B. Whit e 14. M. McKerrell 15. D . Stembridge 16. C . Bishop 17. D . Hexte r 18. A . Hutchinson 19. D . Reid 20. G. Dalinkiewicz 21 . L. Sha w 22 . A . Smith 23 . M . Mason 24 . R . Boyle 25 . M . Howden 26 . A . Cuzzupe 27 . D. Cuzzupi 28 . M . Goodwill 29 . S . Hearne 30 . D. Greasley

HAWTHORN CITIZENS Coach : Glen Stattwo rthy 1 . M . Keeney 2. R . Lovich 3. K . Richardson 4. S . Bowe (Capt.) 6. P . Avery 7. G. Stalworthy 8. P . Lovich 9. W. Power 10 . P . Orchard 11 . A . Stil l 12 . A . Tsoumbris 13 . J . Povey 15 . G . Morris 16 . H. Ousalkas 17 . D. Zavarella 18 . S . Timewell 19 . J . Law 20 . A. Hartley 21 . D. Murphy 22 . C. Benton 23 . D. Tracey 24, A. Wilson 25 . A. Hure 26 . M. Wilkinson 27 . R . Lord 28 . J . Morrison 29 . D . Murray 30. D . Lauletta 32 . B. Delbridge 35 . A . Dunlop 36. S. McDonald 41 . E . Sil l 44. P . Rossitto

1 . P . Corridon 2 . S.Iva k 3 . M. O'Dea (Coach) 4 . A . Tucke r 5 . A . Morrow 6. M . Garoffolo 7 . M . Doyle 8. K . Corbally 9. D . McGuire 10. P . Bladeni 11 . M . Smith 12. D. Maher 13. M .O'Hanlon 14. P . Sea l 15, A . Lazarus 16. D. Byme 17. C.Johnson 18. C. Curtain 19. O . Niall 20. A. Wilson 21 . G . Kalac 22. S . Reid 23. R. Guppy 24. S . James 25. 26. 27. J. Leonard 28. 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 3c . 39 . 40. M. Quin n 56 . T. Reynold s

Stillwell Ford

OLD IVANHOE Coach : I. M. Tcki

7{- r .'~za ukse a{ ca w


2 P.S;~j~'C~~41 4. APdtv 4. D. ION CRI 5 d S~Ms 6. SR~d 1. T.Yaa. T. S!a

9. M b 9. P.} i ) '4. IAI .

it. Sissy ~ tz K

13. AF 14. C.t 15. G I .. it. Ft.~ . 17. Zl~. iiSl 17. J . La4 18. P. Bs 19. S Md 20. T.Rf 21. d 4X 22. P.,22 P.C 23. At 24. AC' 2'a . JJ 2e l'n?L 27 . J.4 28 . D .,

G. e 41 4t, 30. EM 31 . ICs It. A. f 31 D . Ca i 41 C . C. 33. T.G.zrtaS 51 . MAP: 34 . TAM 52 G.t•'35. 1- 9d titid) 51 0. 54. PA(s . D.Sq 37. D.5'r. =3. J. 3@. 6G Si W 57. T. ... 39. a, . t1 Sfi A.W=:40 59. D.Ea. 41 . L' ;, R 5_ I 42. S> .--, 43. D 44. T.


KE11U Coach: M . O'Dea

145. kar-

ST BERNARDS Coach : Andrew Vinecombe I . A . Vincecombe (Capt) 5. R. Day

7. M . Creak 10. M . Quinn 11 . P . Presse s 11 . B. Schwarzenberg 12. M . Castles 14. M . Cunningham 15. J . Martin 16. M . Farmer 21 . B. Moon 22. G . Farmgio 25. A. Barnes 26. P. Farrugia - 33 . G . Tota 39 . T . Matkou 44 . P. Moon 69 . G . Wood



Coach: A. Kenned y 1 . A . Kennedy 2. M . Comer 3. D. Boothey 4. P . Doyl e 5. V . Paonessa 6. J . Hes s 7. A. Merton 8 . M . Nimmo 9 . B . Edmonds 10 . G . Cox (C) 11 . M. Lowry 12 . A. Barnett 13 . S. Lane 14 . R . Pertich (V .C .) 15 . A. Robinson 16 . A. Keogh 17 . D . Lowry 18 . G . Lowry 19 . D . Pizzalotto 20 . J. Kent 21 . M. Kent 22 . G . Banks 23 . G . Basford 24 . A. Bucknell 25 . M. Curry 26. D . Dodoricco 27. P. Fitzsimmons 28 . R . Hollan d 29. A . King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D. Theis z

Coach : Ron Holmber g 1 . B. Allman 2 . M. Bevanda 3 . G . Carroll 4 . S.Lanyon 5 . S. Elliott 6 . M. Fennelly 7 . B. Devine 8 . J. Smith 9. D . Fogarty 10. M. Giroiami 12 . S . Hall (C) 13. C . Henderson 14. P . Heve y 15. N . Hibbins 16. R . Holmberg 17. D. Perrone 18. M. Lynch 19. P . Considine 20. D.Joyce 21 . F. Miletto 23. G. O'Toole 25. A . Rya n 26. A . Schmidt 27. J . Schmit 28. K . Scott 31 . B . Swain 32 . J . Trimboli 33 . A. Trimboli 34 . 1 . Turnbull (VC) 42 . A. Rowlands 43 . G . Irvine 45 . J . Zumbo 48 . N. Christie 53 . J . Cahill 59 . J . Bujega 69 . J. Joyc e

THERRY Coach : 1 . D. Van Engelen 2 . R. Zampogna 3 . J . Briedis 4 . S . Koralewski 5 . S .Sacc o 6 . W . Brady 8 . A. Grant 9. S . Stella 10. D. Slazyk 13. T . Kenn a 15. M . Heffernan 16. S. Goodwin 17. B.Crocktord 20. B.Jacobson 21 . A. Fitzpatrick 26. J . Vanengelen 28. B. Gree n 33. M.Jacobson 35. S.Dowdle 40. D . O'Meara 42 . A. Maloney 43 . B.Stevens

622 Nit. Alexander Rd. Moonee Pond s 9326 1799 I







Coach :

Coach : Danny Wain

1. K . Mannix (Capt.) 2 . T. Mchenry 3 . A. Classon 4 . B. 0'Driscoll 5. B. Byrne 6. B. Hoy 7. M . Thorn 8. D. Jennings (VC) 9. N. Vargas 10. D. Tessier 11 . S . Bolt 12 . S . Rudd 13 J . Clothier 14. M. 0'DriscoN to. A. Brabner 16. C. Taylor 17. B. 0'Hearn 18. T . Moore 19. P . Manning (VC) 20. M. Stanhope 21 . S . Gos s 22 . A. Worsteling 23 . C. Bourke 24. T. Forbes 25. J. Murphy 26. D. Williamson 27. A Carr 28. C. Cleary 29. S . Gurr 30 . G. Hagan 3t . M. Farrell 32 . T. Silvers

7. P. Deega n 9 . P. Halt t0 . M.Tettey 11 . T. Smith 12. A. Wilk s 13. T. Bridgland 15. C. Varney 21 . I . Neil

26. D. Conroy 27. D Krom .

28 . D . Carter 33 . J . Boyle 35 . J. Fisher 36. P. Robinson 37. G . Trigg 38. D. Steinfort 39. R. Bourbon 41 . B . Welch 44 . 0. Bolle 45 . G . Rogers 46 . B . Hains 47 . P . Riley 48 . P. Vin e

49. L . Haley 50. C. JOne s 51 . 53. 55. 56. 58. 59. 63. 64 . 66 . 89 .

S. Thompson M . Peters M . Quirk M . Welch R . Cahill C . Lane P . Welch S . Bourbon W. Poulter J. Keal y




Coach : M. Selb y 2. M . Jarvis


3. B . Stefanou 4. N . Callender 5 . R Murray 6 . S. Moody 7 . M. Hall 8 . A. Hancock 9 . P. Ellison 10. D. Morton 11 . J . McLauchlan 12. D .cochran 13. A . Noble 14. J . Bennett 15 . M. Hutchinson 16 . M. Hendde 17 . S. Hannaford 18 . S . Duggan 19 . D. Smyth 22. J . Lockett 23. L. Bowes 24. P . Netlan 25. J . Templeton 27. A . FRaser 28. S. Kay 30. P. cockayne 31 . F . Magee 33 . D. Payne 35 . A . Rutter 36. D.Joyce 37. M . Selby 42. A . Willey 43. T. Betts 41 . M. Payne J . Turnbull M. Shippen P. Cantons P. Greene L . Hamilton J. Rattray S. Smith J . Uglow R. Wraith 44. S . Carter 48. C. Haling

1 . B. Aujard 4 . H . Middleton (VC) 5 . S. Montgomery (C) 6. M . Godwin 7. M . Clunies-Ross 10. M . Bingley 17. R. McLeish 20. N. Tribe 22. 0 . Hooper 23 . S . Pryde 25 . B. Langley 26 . D . Murtagh 30 . P. Williamson 31 . 0 . Bini 32. S. Sheahan 36. D. Bingley 37. A . Chambers 43 . J . Deakin 44 . C . Thomas 47 . C . Knight 51 . S.Illingworth 55 . A. Aston 58 . J. West 61 . P. Montgomery 88. J . Geddes

24 . M. Williams 26 . A . Williams 27 . J. Dowlin g 29 . J. Neville-Smith 30 . P. Jone s 31 . T. Jackson 33. M . Wilkinson 34. P . Law 35. C. Douglas 39. J . Ferguson 40. M .Oddie 41 . C . Levinge 45 . H . Mclnnes 47 . D . Whitehead 48 . S. Nadenbousch 54. W . Dodd

55. A. McMillan 56. C. Walker 73. R. Abbott

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : A . Cordner I . D . Milne 2 . D . Mos s 3 . D. MacDonald 4 . A. Coroner (VC) 5 . B . Vile 6. C. Branchtlower 7. A . Woodhouse 8. S . Potter 9. J . Scott 10. G . Stooke 15 . H .Ingleton 16 . C . Jensz 21 . T . Rea d 25 . S . Hargreaves 28 . S . Cox (C) 33. A . Clements 35. S . Stribling 37. S.Osbome 44. S. Baldwin 45 . J. Elam 48 . W. Houserman 54 . A. Wilso n 55 . T .Osbome 61 . P . Harris 62. D. Stanton 71 . R . Hockne y

V .U .T. Coach : Geoff Fletcher

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Simon Illingwo rt h

Mark Borthwick 1 . N . Strauss 2 . W . Davis 6 . J. Bell 10. R. Bum 15. C. Stewart 18. C. Richardson 20. T. Breadmore 21 . A . Coote

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Teamlist not supplied.

ST KEVINS Coach : t . M .Wharton 2 . M. Quinlan 3 . S. Bannon 4 . A. bucella 5 . G . Gosgdf f 6 . B. Stackpote (VC) 7. R. Marks 8. R. Drew 9. D. Nantra (Capt) 10. M . Menzies 11 . L. Davidson 12. D . O'Brien 13. P. Hooper 14 . P.O'Tiemey 15 . M. Passt 16 . B. Quin n 17 . P. Hagarty 18 . B . Millar 19. M . Powell 20. J . Wilhel m 21 . A . Davies (VCapt) 22. 1. Woo d 23. R . curtis 24 . A. Nantra 25 . L . Smith 26 . C . Smith 27 . R. Snell 28 . P.Bannon 29. J . Whitbread 30. P . Lavelle 52. P . Lewin

1 . B .Ditalco 2. E .Burmeister 3. T.Nucara 6. D . Tanner 7. P. Byrnes 8 . K.Vanderpoel 9 . N .Djinovic 10 . G . Farley 12 . G . Ziegler 13 . M .Robertson 16. W. O'Connor 17. C.Russell 19. T. Williams 20. R .Papakos 21 . P. Cox 22 . P.Ctitfe 23 . E.Midon 24 . A.Cliffe 26 . S. Case 34 . P.Allen 38. M .D'Angelo 41 . F .Kilroy 52. K. Vanduursen 56. T. Brown 57. M . McGlone 58. T.Moebus


E Eas t AQUINAS Senior Coach; Bre tt Davidso n Rese rves Coach : Sean O'Loughlin T. sxe 30. C.Co'Srer G1 i 31. LK -= . S. Ed- ds 32. M, tN H. P 33. M.C a 5.1 P.1 34. M. T D.I' 35. 8.1 35. D .P' S.1 , + 37. M. ,- of B.OJ.,.abr 2;1. C .7 " B.P"rJ 39. A .Leavey C., ./ 40. S.FBky 41. M, Won C . Bell J . WAS 42. J .McEvrq H .FeN 43. M. Slattery M. Dow 44. P. Done J . Hughes 45. S. Dias G . riidetcead 46. S. DetMme 47. P. Barnard P. Fares 48 . A . Ctltud C .Down S. Ryon 49 . C . Urmorn J. tiviare lcoe 50 . A. Be!tdace P, Harper 51, A . Hyland! D . Ham 52 . T. Muer S .Caanot { 53 . S . PoDbedsto S . Jones 54, S . Lvon R. Winn, n 55 . J.Crwx;h S.Ola-$& 65 . R. A orc e





Senior Coach : Joe D'Angeto Rese rves Coach: Mark Horsfietd Assistant Coach : Andrew Gitiard

Senior Coach : Bill Gommers Reserves Coach: Denis Cain e

Senior Coach : Adam Lenarcic Reserves Coach: D. Bowe n

Senior Coach : Matt Ryan Reserv es Coach : Kim Tucker

I. F. SaMajef 18 FL Dandy! 2. J. DA qb It. S. "-r 3. B. Have 20. 11 1 3. S.McLaren 21. LC i 4. 1 . McLeod 21. M.

4. N.Carfedge 2z P . M . Jams 2d M.S c

S. M. Soma 23. J.I -- o 6 . M . Ke?y 24. C . TWBs 24. M.7 . T.M.tnareha 25. W.L8 C

9 . P. Goetz 2& A "

9 . M. Smalktn 27. A- d 9 . H.Tw.:y 37 . C.PaPer 10 . S. WaA7 a~. M. Baker iI . S. Ferry 34, L Colman 1 2 . Mesa 34. S. Geller 12. D .TrawA 3i. T." 13 . N Bxy 35 .. G .Lek4as 14 . 8.M 3 X B.Leah:un 15. M.S' ;n 37 . J.Pa3txh 1s. S.W,. ., 33. G.B r 16. M.B. 43, Rr-?m 17. P. U .. 44 . B. 46 . A : .. y 53. SS :_ 8. LT c

RICHMOND CENTRA Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Reserves Coach: Peter Jackson

OLD CAREY Senior Coach: John Wise Assist. : John King Reserves Coach : Scott Macrae 1 CHB 31 . N.Evere B 2 C. HrtBef (Caq .) 32. G. Neaie [RC) I M. Cohen 33. P. Rh 4 LPaBersx, 34. G .Eaney 5. D. Lee 35. R Evans 36. H. Morrisai 6 C.Carr0eB 7 A.Drzrer 37. P. Bryce 8 P.Hazris 38. 1. Cohen 9 M .Easiham 39. P.Berro-;31 4 B.Hty"ey 10. K, Slaves it A.Cope(RCaq) 41, A.Gates 12. M . SParxer 42, C Pepkxt 11 S, Jones 43 . S .Cherry 1d. M . Nance 44 . J. R,1 15. C . Huggres, 45 . M. Stein i6. M.jDnws 46 . B . Gorman 7 C.G9Memare 47 . M.5eroroy 18. C . Mafifraas 48 . M. HosFsg 19. P.Dra4e 49 . RMrarkn X C .Anderson 50 . lit Dawson 21 J . Eccles 51- 1 Marshes 22 J . Hands 51 P. Mellm 23 . T. Price 53. Fl. Foster 24 . KYarral 55 . PA. Clary 25 C . GooJay 64. A. Mrfadam 26. J!. cDA 66. J. Bayes 21 . N .Vaslbpoukts 70. T.Aul3s! (VC} 72. M . PAacehnm 28 P . Hance 77. P. Doren 29. T. Mouton 60. J .Bayard 30 S Feetan

45 . M. M~uy 2 L . Berry 46 . 3 . J. Ceuutn 47 . D. Ban«va 4. K.Tap;ey 48. C . Barry 4 . LHaw 49. N . Etna 5 . S. Shannon 50. V.Wy 8 . 5 PicLa 51 . 7 . F. Goa 52. C.ArdchopwYs 8 . G . M=!xy+ 53. 9 . DW.'7s 54 . P.Wh$5& .MuT.irJ 10. f 55. S Have it . J . Barker 56. LDuy 12 S7. 13. C . Pearson 58. AWdsm 14 . C . ShErrn 59.15. P. church @1 &Gas+asAs 16. S. Mars 61 . 17, C. Wane 62, B. Fogg 18. M. Zajac 63. 19. J.M ervsg 64. 2) 65. G &3 21 . A. HO R T. Paoam:Jaa 22 k Gordon 67. 23. C. Mach 69. 24. 69 . MTallar 25. S. Fi+}S::fl 70 . 26. 71 . 27 72 . M. Bzck 21 A. Waters 73 . 23. D.Wraon 74 . P.Ca" 30. S. Fenton 75 31. 76. L Bam 32. D.Vasc 77 . AHrrjzn 33 . LWes- 78. 3•' . 0.8 79 25 . Crj M Nye, 36. P. I

37 . G, p us 33. S, H

39. 40. GK 41 , 42. P HCey 43. A Nye 44 i. Joe~Pti'cr 45

t . M . Pcazberim 2. A. Sera 3 G.S3ien 4, M, Cancel 5. B.Perer 6. D* Trotter 7. V.FSd 8. D. Caine 9. B. Gray 10. M . KcoPecem 11. G. MTgard 12. D. Paola

38. G .IC+Tokoi 39. J. Fro" 40. R&.aha 41. G.PlAhas 42. 0 . Cowman 43. P. ' 44. M. Sc4nTIM 45 . W.tBcsey 49 . 0 . Peters 52. 5 . Bpn's 53. R.Dzvaon 56. G. Dayton

13. P. CLAP, 14. S.MtVdmh .15. M.Wzrren 16 . M. Walker 18 . B. Mas5acrd 19 . S.0'Gauar 20 . K. Oats 21. S. Oates 22. T. Mikaats 23. B.Saace 24 . C .Grrvj 25 . R . Henderson 2& P. Pope 27 . J.Cansi 28. S. Pk"

29. M. Herrington 30. S. Bond

I . Card 1 . AStow 2. A. Mom 2. T." I M.Bacy I F. VABN 4. M0dOrso . 1I 5 Keys 5. i.Kar&. as & SLee 7. D.Boyan 7. S .Ccor'a 8. P. Cosine 9. ADrsan 10, C. McLean it. T .Fazlroley 12. C.Braad'ead 13. M.Gea* 4. S. Lees

23. GSrdh 24. D. Yt&Re 25. G. H X D.H .~ 27. D. K 73. &R 29. D. 8 31 L " ~ 31. V.' .< a 33. D. . k 34. A D%

35. D. am X N. Do

37. Atm'araC 41. D.CarrcAtCaTI 4 2. . 1 1-A i 43M d

Is. D. Gad

44 . GE

& S.Prer'on 7. G. Corm 18. B. M7eek£r 19. D.Trote 20 D. C-,cst 20. MPsrkiCap.l 21. P. C

4& L. Da

. J .V.45

50, W.f


22 . S. &

31 . P .Egm 32. P .ArFtKfry 33. A .Chiosida 34. R 5W6g 3& D.K•37. W. F berion

C~lulf !~°~ i=1'aLI L

"The Road Builders '

fc :

P.M 31. LJrnznasFi M.Cmss 33 . J.Ta}W M.G 35. J.CklieH T. Brown 36 . J.Docdy F.Ch?AA 37 . P.HorzbxAJ P . Gonzales 33 . J. Muscl e J. Lloyd 39 . i.Coomoy 1. G.Snqth 40. S.Vfi4e 2. K . Tucker 41 . D. Shyedyaf 3, P . Tooker 42 . C.Hal 4. B. Hesq: 43 . K. Hanstare 5. AHogan 45 . M. Ryan 6. 1. Clarke 46. D . HadieN 7. H. Ham 47 . G . Hinkley D. Woodward 48 . . Wqa I. M. Lees 50. P.Websica B. 10. M. Berry 51 . M.LUti:k 11. G.HarGen 52. S. RJApson 12, T. Carter 53. KEdgwyloe 13. D. Bel 54. N . Ttarry 14, J. Slowed 55, G. Monhev 15. C. W&M 56. R Davies 17 . H.Leys 57. D.S*y 58. RKeare 18 . C. Being 19 . C.Dxter fi0. J.Shaa 20. J .R<mon 61 . C.khCq 21 . K. D uggan 62. M. BW 22. A. Lacey 63. 23. A.OTkrmeB 64. RJovararsid 25 . T. Stioldmd 65. R VkaGeM 26. A.Gre 66. S.F&risarick 27 . RSdar 29. J . StarAry 30. J .Gray

DIRECTIONAL DRILLIh`Ken Basso 9722169 7

A,NZ, BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015 552 013

ST. MARYS Senior Coach : Neil Lelievre Reserves Coach: Evan Evan s I . M. Learmi 2. P. Vrres 3. P. (irirgecre 4. A Bel 5. W. h4AtuJer & S. Stone 7 . C. Dawk 8 . J.Ssdao 9 . J . Duck

Seniors Coach: Keith McKenzie ReseMark rv es Coach : Johnston t. M. M3ar o

2. J .She%tj

0. T. Jones

1 . L 37. J. M.cCasMe 12. RA I~~kv 38. F.H~m 7 13. M.Staakn 39. R. King 40. A .BoBa 14. J . Romeo n 15. DAMraxs 41. C. S9'acr 16. M.HueMsr 42 . P.Fedlersim 17. A.Ba.ak= 43 . A. Home ' 18. W .Boss 44 . LIre.ud 19. TBut 45 . W.MaBc 20 6 54ewait 46 . 0.15440 47 . S.McDarret 21 . TYnwt ~ . P.Dam~nen 22. O.4VUad:ak

23. S . Preston m . K. Lardad

24. I.Gtn~i 51 . BFrai 25. M1cy,rre 52 . T. Carey 26. J, Henry 53. P.Beq'an 27. B. Stewart 55 C.0'E-an 28. J. has 57. A.qm 58. TAaOW 29. J.Frakrs 63. S. 30. P. Ytalson M.~ Z 31. P.Akxarder 64 . . 65 32 . A. G tom ~. PG .~Ttedoiar'G 33 . P. Slevers 34 . B. Duke R. B&nrs E. Evans



4. C.DeB* 32 AFaenan 5. fl .Vebergarg 33. D.M1aro & D .Croxe 34 . A.Fasyila l. A.HanbCn 3i . T.Grrcmhaw 8. J. k 37. A Famd 9. C . Srryh 38. N . F6d'us 10. MJduatai 39 . W.Lo it . G. Barry ~. B .qs, 12. C . Belts 41 . C . Lamb t3 R.le:sm 42. C.PJknj 14. R.Gwde 4J . DWap 15. M.Stes~ 44 . D. R3c>shvd 16. P.Jmn^s 45. RPcOer 17. S. Lee 46. E .SadBus 18. td.Srrnd 47 . M. Ke4y 19. B. O'Mara 48. M.D00Baa 20 . A. Htgenarm 49 . N. Pearson 21 . T.Dp'iarJ 50 . B.Czrfeki 22 . S.FPrnn 51 . B.Cralth 23 T. Mft 52 . J.Pialrr.>:ki 24 . J. Mellon Maptry 53. D. 25 . DdkFadd,n . H.tatkr 26. M .Ekaad 54 ~C. Brown 27 . J .Norton

28. G.0`CaBaghan 29. G. Mahe 30. P.Te4

YARRA VALLEY Senior Coach : David McCormack Res. Coach : Scott Alderson 1 . N. Ford 36, R, Peraklm 2. F.lAacVean 37. L.Tren4~aih 3. R.Ttmpson 38. D.Ro;s 4. M. Fog 39. T. Re dJaway S. C.WWwroy 40. M.Vhele 6. J. Ctickun 41 . B. Dams 7. Iowa 42. T. Crean 8. A. MWVean 43. H . Park 9 . C. Ross 44. E. Zinnrcertnan 10, D, "o 45. L. Ree s 12 . M . Wrs!e 46. N . DedaaB 13 . G. Potter 47. T. Perralne 1 5 . J.Kceren 4 A . McCleary 16. B.Sn'Bfe 4 T.LLO 17 . SA1W.r=an 50. J. Lydon! 18. D. Laorp,San 51. B . DBnrg 19. N .Park 52 A .HaArkB 20. S. Farm 53. S. Cowan 21 . A. t'rrzszy-Col? 54. R. FeNm 22. P. Marece: 55. S. Taylor 23. J. Severe; 56 . L Harriffyllen 24. M.Davies 59, G. Shepherd 25. T.HaCben CVJ . D. Dow 26 G. McLeod 61 . P. Tead 27. L. Mckdyre 63 1 Strong 28. J. MacVean 64 . D. Orson 29. P . Pc4erson 65 S J3(aon 30. D.Pdi=r Eb. A.&est`o-k 31. J. Dave 67 . A. Rrnw 32. C. tx8enun 68 . M . Haaih 33. D. Ireland 72, R .LaMm 34, T .Cliftheld 78 . J . Scales 35. B. Peake

--- '

Malvern Vale Hotel THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996


A Section


senkr coach:Lak~h Carlson Resavas Coach: Robert Bayi®y 1 .8 . Moone y 2 .0 . Smith 3 . B. Woolhouse 4 .S. Laussen 5 . D . Greeves 5 . D . Peters 6. A. Smit h 7. C. Higson 7. D. Baxter 8. C. Pollock 9. C. Dilena 10. J . Grig g 11 . B . McKenzie 12 . D . Stubs 13 . A. Sheerly 14 . R . Schober 15. Y. Phillips 16. A. Wallace 17. D. Phillips 17. A . Oldham 18. J . Bennett 19. C . Davidson 20. G. Dean-Johns 21 . A . Johnston 22 . D . Ker k 23 . A. Sheedy 24 . R . Hartnett 25 . D. Lever 26. N. Milat 27. S . Humphrey 28. S . Blackman 29. A . Kenneally 30. M . Gailbraith 31 . S . Wood 32.D .Thomson 33. G . Irvine 34 . D . Entwhistle 35 . J . Taylor 36 . S. Harding 37 . J. Dansle y 38 . S. Van Der Venne 39 . B. Jones .' 40 . A. Kelson 41 . S . Lubich 42. A. Vasdekis 43. A . Greenway 44. A . Parki n 45. N . Anderson 46 . S . Wooley 47 . M. Hassell 48 . J . Lemon 49 . P. Harrison 50 . B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52 . J. Schmidt 53. S. Hobbs 54. K. Muir 55. E . Jones 56. 0. Howe 57. J . Moore 58. G. Phelan 59 . M . Richards 60 . B. Kerrs 61 . D . Kerrs 62 . G . Constable 63 . 64. G . Tiver 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . N . Proctor



Senior Coach: Mike McArthur-Allen Reserves Coach: Brian Brow n

Senior Coach : Tony Paatsch Reserves Coach : Chris Boyle

1 . M . Chun 2. P . Fiume 3. S . Crowe 4. L. Hal l 5 . C . Swift 6. A . Browne 7 . C . Browne 8 . C . Wrigh t 9 . C . Campbell 10 . D. Tessier 11 . A. Evan s 12. D. Toohey (Capt .) 13. A . Waters 14. P . McCormack 15. J. Hodde r 16. M . Jackson 17. M. Mannix 18 . M. Abrahams 19 . D . O'Brien 20 . M. Knupple 21 . C. Shannon 22 . P . O'Callaghan 23 . M . O'Callaghan 24 . C . Montgomery 25 . G. Hyne s 26. P .Wyles (Res.VC) 27. L . Van Der Plight 28 . M. Laffert y 29 . D . Hagan 30 . B. Mannix 31 . A. Elliot 32 . T . Silvers 33 . B . Miller 34. P . Conroy 35. A . Mackintosh (VC) 36. A . Abbot t 37. D . Johnston 38 . B. Brash e 39. P. Brasher (DVC) 40. R . Makinson 41 . A. Phillips (R .Capt) 42 . D.Jackso n 43 . T . Banks 44 . C. Makinson 45 . C. Sparrow 46. M . Hegan 47. M . Farrell 48. D . Smith 49. M . Hill 50. P. Mannix 51 . C . Harrison 52 . S. Harrison 53 . P. Miran 54 . M . Harper 55 . B. Buick 56 . A. Flowerday 57. M . Butler 58. C. Cleary 59. G. Hagan 60. S . Thomas 62 . J . Murphy 63 . G . Longstaff 66 . L . Langone 78 . M. Stanhope

I . C. Lane

2. D . Murray (VC) 3. J . Chilcott

4. A . Hanley 5 . J. Ballenger 6. N . Marm o 7 . S. Morgan (1) 7 . P. Deegan (2) 8 . D. Ch risti e 9 . P . Hall 10. M . O'Hara (1) (VC) 10. M . Tetley (2) 11 . T. Smith (RVC) 12. S . Noble (1 ) '.. 12. A . Wilks (2) .' 13. B. Devlin 14 . T. Bilsto n 15 . D .Badcer(1)(VC 15 . D. Barker(t) (VC ; 16 . T. Howard (RC) 17. M . Smith 18. D.O'Oonaghue 19. M . Giulian o 20. C. Murray 21 . S . Polan 22. D. Sherlock 23. J . Mannix 24, S . Boysen 25 . M. Hunt 26 . D . Conroy (1) 26 . W . Pouter (2) 27 . W . Occhiuto (1) 27. D. Krom (2) 28. D. Cart e r 29. R. Sharp 30. S . Fisher 31 . C. Belleville (Capt .) 32. W. Marshal l 33. J . Boyle 34. A . Tucker 35 . J . Fisher 36 . P. Robinson 37 . G . Trigg 38 . D . Steinfo rt 39 . R . Bourbon (1) 39. J. Kealy (2) 40. P. McCusker 41 . B. Welch 42. S . Jozsa 43. W. Lane 44. 0 . Belle 45. G. Rogers 46. B . Hein s 47. P . Riley (RDVC) 48. P. Vine 49. L . Hatvy 50. C . Jones 51 . S. Thompson 52 . 53 . M . Peters 54 . D. Schofield 55. M . Qurk 56. M . Welch 57. 58. R . Cahill 59. C . Lane 63. P. Welch 64 . S. Bourbon 86 . M. Coutti e




Senior Coach : Neville Taylor Reserves Coach : Gary March

Senior Coach: Sean Ralphsmith Reserves Coach: Guy Nelso n

1 . A . Baxter 2. D . Connell (DVCapt) 3. W. Byrn e 4. C . McKenzie (Capt) 5. R . Buchanan 6. W. Smith 7 . A. Hilton 8 . M . Orion 9 . S. Rowlands 10 . T . Chegwin 11 . C. Hucker 12. D. Seccull 13. B . Carty 14. A . Forsyth 15. N . Morey 16. D . Williams 17 . A. Hilton 18 . M. Constabl e 19 . M. Armstrong (VC) 20 . C. Krause 21 . A. Walden 22 S . Richardson 23. M . Seccull 23. J . Mackay (s) 24. R . Lavender 25. G. Rowlands 26. G . Phillips 27 . J. Dann 28 . A. Pound 29 . M. DeMattia 30 . R. Auqhterson 31 . B . Main (RCapt) 32. M . Drakeford 33. T.Johnsan 34. C. Reidy 35. 0 . Lappage 36. A . Dowsing 37. T. Evans 38. J. Hayter 39. P. Corrigan 40. S. Duxbury 41 . T, Oscar 42 . D. Scaife 43 . R. Pleche r 44 . A . Kirkwood-Scott 45. N . Hill 46. M . Krause 47. D . Scoffen 48. P. O'Donnell 49. B. Wignall 50. A. Bonwick 51 . T. Boothman 52 . D.Fosse y 55 . C. Ladds (RVCapt) 57 . B . Ladds

1 . T. Will s 2 . S . Theodore 3 . J.Staritski 4 . B. Ellinghaus 5 . N . Boyde n 6 . P. Handbury 7. C. Thompson 8. M . Lovett 9. T . Smith 10. P . O'Brien 11 . A . Thompson 12 . A . Hewitt 13 . S . Rose 14 . J. Bunn 15 . S. Bromeli 16 . C. Eabry 17 . M. Rose 18. Q . Keeble t9. J . Correll 20. A . Salek 21 . D. Strooper 22. L. Bunn 23. M . Berry 24. N . Sereda 25. M. Pruden 26. C . Kennedy 27. C . Bry an 28 . S. Rabbit 29 . C. Susa 30 . 1 . McMullin 31 . J . Hart 32. R. Webb 33. G. Dixon 34. C .Anastasakis 35. D .Brown 36. A . McKeon 37. S . Eabry 38. R . Eggleton 39. S. Madden 40. S. Middleton 41 . J. Willhelm 42 . P. theodore 43 . O . Boyd 44 . A . McDougall 45. Z. Useinov 46. H . Wright 47. J . Powe r 48. S . Walsh 49. T. Stuckey 50. P. Marinis 51 . D . Corbin 52 . B. Campbell 53 . B. Crump 54 . I . Pa tte rson 55 . M . Burgess 56 . M . Ellinghaus 57. R. Morley 58. D. Clements 59. A . Wilts

60. J . Raft

61 . B . Luckock 62 . R . Morrell 63. B. Telford 64 . A. Nelson 65 . 66 . L . Boyd 67 . B. Vile 68 . A. Henshaw 69 . S . Milne-Pott 70. A. Farrington 71 . 72. 73. 74 .


OLD SCOTCH senior Coach : Wayne Hermes Reserves Coach : Simon Tallent 1 . K. Stoke s 2. J. Hosking (VC) 3. S. Duthie 4. T. Holt 5. R . Price 6. A. Millar 7. J. Hughes 8. C . Reid 9. R . Aujard 10. J. Ker r 11 . M. Simpson 12. S. Hume 13. N . Hooper 14. D . Norman 15. D . McCall 16. A. Spee d 17. S. Woodhouse 18. A . Nettleton 19. S . Spiden 20. T. Wilson 21 . S . Gibbs 22. L . McDonnell 23. D . Walsh 24. M . Angus 25. T. Pritchard 26. B . Phillips 27. C . Winneke 28. S . Teesdale 29. C . Heat h 30. J . Laird (DVC) 31 . A . Smit h 32. S . Grigg 33. J . Hannemann 34. D. Steele 35. S . Steele (C) 36. M . Davison 37. E . Montgomery 38 . C. Hoskin g 39. A. Walkom 40 . A. Warner 41 . A. Castricum 42 . A. Gibb s 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 .

J . Paterson D. Tracy A. Stubbs G . Jonas R. Thomas R. Hardy T . Picken D . Pell

51 . A. Elliott 52 . R . Gregory 53 . P.Gaidzkar 54 . B. Aujard 55 . S. Montgome ry 56 . J . Schonfelder

OLD XAVERIANS Senior Coach : Simon Meehan Rese rves Coach : Nick Bourke 1 . M . Blood (DVC) 2 . M . Bourke (VC) 3 . M . Hannebery (C) 4 . D. Landrigan 5 . N. Cook 6 . A. Keyho e 7 . P. Tuddenham 8 . M. Holme s 9 . S. Hawkins 10 . S. Colquhoun 11 . A.Jones 12 . J . Bowan 13 . C . Ellis 14 . L . Ford 15 . A. McLean 16 . T. Ockleshaw 17 . D . Richardson 18 . S. Hunte r 19. M. Lloyd 20. B. Buckley 21 . L . Hanebery 22. A. Bourke 23. A. McDonald 24. B. Coughlan 25. D . Tapping 26. A . Nei l 27. L .Fay 28. R . Clarke 29. S . Wood 30. D . Dann 31 . S . Mollard 32. A . Brushfield 33. A . Sassi 34. A . Belli 35. C. Mortensen 36. P . Barrett 37. A . Landrigan 38. M . McClelland 40. T. Nelson 41 . A . Dillo n 42. J . Lowe (RCapt) 44. J . Petrof f 45. D. O'Toole . Andronopoulos 46. C 47. J . Dalirangl e 48. M . Logan 49. P. Lachte 50. N. Fay 51 . D. Walsh 52. M . O'Callaghan 53. A. Kearn s 54. M . Brennan 55. A. Long 56 . M . Stones 57. G . Short 58. D . Bel l 59. M. Hardman 61 . S. Natill i 65 . A.Jones 66 . Panagiotopoulos




Senior Coach : Geoff Roilley Assistant Coach : Russell Barne s

Senior Coach: Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach: Andrew Natha n

Senior Coach : Grant Williams Reserves Coach : Barry Neivand t

Reserv es Coach : Peter Purcell I . A . Jobting

2. C. Byrnes 3. A . Orr

4. A . Grace (DVC) 5. B . Turner 6. T . Gallagher 7. B . Connell (C) 8. M . Gilmore (VC) 9. A . Forrest 10. P . Mamow 11 . D. Edgell 12. N. Sebo 13. P . Kingston 14. S . James 15. M . McConvill 16. T . Stewart (RVC) 17. E . Fraser

18. 19. 20. 21 . 22.

S.Ryan D. Cleary D. Wood J. Brown R. Block

23. P. McDonald 24. J. Collin s

25 . M . Wrodarczyk 26 . D. Connel l 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 .

T. Hille (DVC) B. Collin s D. Whelan P. Joy B. Egan A. Kukuljan M. Shepherd R . Remman G . Bailey

36 . M. Templeton 37 . R . Presse r 38 . P. Milner (RVC) 39 . T. Morga n 40. G . Lehner 41 . G . Hall 42 . C . Keleher 43. S. Wrodarczyk 44 . L. Mulcahy 45 . L. Livingstone 46. C . Spagnol 47. R . Keating

48. W. Bloc k 49. M . O'Halloran 50.

5t . C . Manakis 52. N . Wells 53. I . Ranso n 54. S . Weidemann 55. 56. 57. R . Barnes 58. 59. G.Sneddon 60.


1 . A . Comito 2. T. Dobso n 3. T. Backhouse 4. A .Farme r 5. R . Doolan 6. S . Ryan 7. S . Parrett B. A . Capes 9. J . Kennedy 10. G . Matthewes 11 . P .Cape s t2 . B . Hogan 13 . S .MCKeon 14 . S . Doran 15 . L. Overman 16 . D. Sawicki 17 . M . Conroy 18 . P . Scerr i 19 . L.Gollant (C) 20 . T .Sheehan 21 . J . Comit o 22 . C.Calthorpe (DVC) 23 . B. Horn 24 . D . Gray 25 . P. Hayes 26 . J. Gollant (VC) 27 . A. Nathan (CR) 28 . P. Gilmour 29, J. Overman 30. J. Mount 31 . M. Kearney 32 . S. Chatfield 33. P. Rog erson 34. M . Dailey 35 . B. Chatfield 36. C .Bond 37. T. Bateman 38. D . McAllister 39. S. Byrn e 40. J . Ballarin 41 . D .Juegan 42. M . Marshall 43. B . Teague 44. S .Taylor 45. M . Dowling 46. G. Morrish 47. C. Parrett 48. J . Ande rs on 49. J . Jones 50. M . Farmer 51 . N . Lynch 52. F.Catalfamo 53. J . Kavanagh 54. B . Hemley 55. S . Lync h

622 Mt. Alexander Rd. &loonee Ponds

9326 1799

1. 2. 3. 4.

D . Slimmon T. Hutchins J . Hutchings J .Frith

5. P . O'Donnell 6. B . Bloo d 7. D.Hayter 8. M . Thomas 9. S . Mead e 10. D. Maplestone 11 . S . Stevenson 12. H .Wors ley 13. G . Evans 14. J . Buckley 15. P .Stephens 16. S . Ki rsanovs 17 . J .Kanis 18 . G .Markley 19 . B. Herrald

20 . R. Polkinghome 21 . T . McIntyre 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 31 . 32 . 33. 34 . 35 . 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44.

A. Nugent B. Furphy R. Calnon A. henderson N .Cavalier B. Fdcker D . Bolton T. dohe rty G . Allardice M. Mudge R . Van Den Berg J.Gamaut L . Twaddle R . Furphy M. Jukes D .Dawson A .lennen M. Unsworth S . henderson A . Mitchell R . Doods R . Jaksic V . Romito D . Lowe

45. G. McLachlan 46. D . Gunn 47. T. Rourke 48. C. Miles 49. P . Seller 50. B . Joseland 51 . S . McMahon 52. S . Longley 53. T. Whitehead 54. C. Nave 55. C.Stewart 56, A . Farrar 57. L.Bonadio 58. T . Miskin 59. A . Collins 60. A . Wilcox 61 . A . Wilson 62. A . Baud 63. A . Muller 64. D.McAloon 65. A . Mcleod 66. M .Slarick 72 . J . Norma n

@ Carlton


BAAIYULE Senior Coach: Rick Brockwell Reserv es Coach: Tim Bell t . B. Kinea r 2 . D . Witchell (VC) 3 . L. Hol t 4 . T. Gloury 5 . B . Wilmore (DVCapt) 6 . P . Williams (ResC) 7 . S . Richmon d 8 . R. Williams 9. G. Sutterby 10. C . Williams 11 . T. Short 12. J. Egan 13. M . O'Brien 14. P. Healy 15 . S. Gray 16 . D . Mayne 17 . A. Steve n 18 . J . Turnbull (DVCapt) 19 . D. Stephen s 20 . S . Playfair 21 . R . Dintinosante 22 . J . Gilham 23. M . Gray 24. C . Wilkes 25. G. Jorda n 26. H . McDermott 27. W. Keenan 28 . D . Fabri s 29. M. Creek 30. B. Grindle 31 . C. Bassett 32 . G . 33 . D. Glass 34 . C. Stevens 35 . A . Hardie 36 . R. Doherty 37 . S . Emery 38. G. Riches 39. C . Head 40. M . Keene 42. T. Egan 43. L . Ferrell 44 . M. Moore 45 . M. Gilbert 46 . P. Agostinelli (RVC) 47 . R. Smit . D. Noona h52 . D. Williams n5 (Capt. ) 56 . R. Doherty


BULLEEPU TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Rese rves Coach : Craig Heard t . J. Prior 2 . S. Driver 3 . S. Youn g 4 . G . Alexander 5 . C. Parri s 6 . R. Minney 7 . P. Robertson (Vcapt) 8 . A. Brya n 9 . M . Ray 10. P . George (Capt .) 11 . S . Farloy 12. A . Parris 13. M . Tuomy 14. D. Mathews (Vcapt) 15 . B . Greig 16. S . Smith 17 . N . Waddel 18 . R . Williams 19 . P. Nigro 20 . T. Agosta 21 . D . Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23 . L. Stott 24 . P . Nagle 25. T . Merrell 26. G . Vimpani 27. C. Darby 28. P . Mutimer 29. P . Bone 30, R . Field 31 . A . Shine 32 . J. Call 33 . C . McWaters 34 . D . O'Connell 35 . M. Osborne 36 . P. Hare 37 . P. Chalkias 38 . S. James 39 . P. Dalloglio 40. 41 . L. Cessario 42. P . Edwards 43. M . Mason 44. C . Shallard 45. G. Taylor 46. G. Shallard 47. C . Morihovitas 48. R . Lambert 49. M . Bellat o 50. D . Glover 51 . 52 . 53 . J . Scott 54 . 55 . 56 . D. Doud 57 . D. Shine 58 . 59. 60. S . Bond


M .H .S .O .B .

Senior Coach : Doug Gott Reserves Coach: John Matthew

Senior Coach: Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Colin Drake 1 . J . Bamert 2. A. Howard 3. D. Woodley 4. J . Pertzel 5 . C. Young 6 . S . Harries 6 . B . McGrath 7 . D . Fleming 8 . J . Dixon

1 . R . Armstrong 2. P. La Rosa 3. C . Tucke r 4. M. Maud 5. P. Manual 6. D. Frawley 7. P. Rawley 8. R. Hird 9. M . Thackwray 10. G . Kennedy 11 . S . Molloy

12. T. Jackson 13. S . Narkiewicz 14 . P . Flynn

75 . T. Flynn 16 . B . Davis 17 . P. Lee 18 . T. Scoble 19 . G . Button 20. R . Stewart 21 . L. Blackwood 22. R. Angelini 23. M. Pearce 24. L . Smit h 25. T. O'Neil l 26. S. Fairweather 27. D. Nibal i 28. B. Weiser 29. C. Dry sdale 30. S . Northey 3t . D. McFarlane 32 . J . Ly nch

33 . B . Kendeit 34 . C. Brown

35 . P . Whitehead 36 . A . McKellar 37 . G. Finlayson 38. D . Hoffman 39. M. Ebbage 40. S. Cyar 41 . C . McDonald 43. S. Lynn 44. E. Newbold 45. A. Rosenfeld 46. M . Pollock 51 . D. Jacks 52 . R. Pace 55 . L. Pearce 61 . A . Barrd 65 . W. Taylor 69 . S . Ford 70 . J . Matthew

9 . D . Comer 10 . M. Beazley 11 . M. Webster 12 . C. Glove r 12 . M. Feferkranz 13. A. Preece 14. M . Zaghloul 15. P. O'Connell 16. M . Atkins 17. A . Webster 18. I . Gillespie 19. A . Snaidero 20. D. Fairchild 21 . B . Cookman 22 .

23 . M. Jamieson 24 . G . Wilson 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 .

M. Thompson W. Waltord T. Lawrence C . Drak e

30 . S. Bennett 31 . G . McLardie 32. M . Konstanry, 33. B. Ansell

34. N. Fahey 35. S . Konslanty 36. A . Palmos 37. S . Karamoutisos 38. A . Stewart 39. J . Winch 40. B. Hayes 41 . 42 . N . Bradley 43 . 44 . P. Frost 45 . A. Barge 46 . T . Holland 47 .

48 . 49. 50. E . Thoma s 51 . 52. 53. 54. P. Hunt 55 . M. Pond 56 . 57 . T. Grimmer 58 . 59 . 60 . P. Konstanry 61 . M . Pretty 62 . S . Harrison

NORTH OLD BOYS Senior Coach : Peter 0'Conner Reserves Coach : Brandon Smales 1 . J . Forbes 2. D . Waters 3. O. Abrahams 4. P. Sullivan 5. C . Kitney 6. J. Sutherland 7. P.Booth 8 . B. Collison 9 . D. Beck 10 . S . Evans 11 . D. Boyer 12 . J . Limperakis 13 . B . Curull i 14 . S . Cheshire 15. P . Kearney 16. M . Maguire 17. P . Angetopoulos 18. J. Murray 19. C . Wheeler 20. M. Robinson 21 . N . Mulqine . M. Connoll yy2 23 . M. Murone 24 . J . Barker 25 . P. Brya r 26 . L. Koutsovasilis 27 . M . Gravin a 28 . D. O'Farrell 29 . E . Faille 30 . M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32. T. Kemp 33. J. Mollroy 34. B. Conti 35. S. Manassa 36. D . Tonkin 37 . I . Tale b 38 . A. Trimboli 39 . C. Theodoropoulos 40 . L. Curry 41 . L. Curran 42 . T . Cleveland 43 . J . Lowrie 44 . A . Twist 45. A . Zanatta 46. C . Hanley 47. P. O'Dwyer 48. A. Day 49. J . Trimboli 50. C . Bailey 51 . G . Suarez 52 . T. Jamieson 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . P. Considin e 57 . 58 . 59 . 60. 61 . 62. M . Fennell y 63. R . Gale 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . S. Drum




Senior Coach : Shane Young Reserves Coach : Roger Brow n 1 . A. Krzywniak 2 . L. James

Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Reserves Coach : Darren Caddy

4. 7. 8. 9. It . 15 . 16 . 19 . 21 . 23 . 25 . 27. 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 34 . 36 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 .

M . Talbot L. Fildes S .Lennox M . Fisher A. Fitzgerald R. Oakley N. Perry A. Mandelads L.Jackson N. Pryo r R. Carter C. Gilmour J . Murch S . Williams S . Murray B. Wiliams R. Smith B. Pollock A. Fischer K.Teschendort P. McMahon J . Howden A. Witte K. Farrell S. McGee A. Rickerry G . Bennett D. Kollmorgen N. Winte r

P. Wof f

M . McLennon A. Augustine C. Tomas K. Bickett J. Murchie A. Grant P. Roach N. Truelson A. Palfrey T.Lennox

t . M.Tolley

2 . P. Sigley (CCapt) 3 . A. Jenkins 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

A. Parker D . Toll (R) J. Stevens S. Kent T. Young T. Stevns

9 . M. Karayannis 9 . P. Armstrong (R) 10 . M. Veal (CCapt) 11 . S. Tully 12 . M. Tozer 13 . A. Pappas 14 . C . Gdnham 15 . G . Douglas 16 . M . Wood s 17 . Z. Abousabha (R) 17 . J . Luk 18 . P. Bisogni t9 . S. McLean 20 . T. Ryan 21 . J . Mansfield 22 . P. Donaldson 22 . P.Golding (R) 23 . A . Noonan 24 . A . Corcoran 25 . J . Maycock (RVCapt) 26 . I. Roxburgh

27 . J . Weddle 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52 . 53. 54 . 55 . 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

D . Jones (RCapt) R . Weddle (VCapt) E . Brophy D . Caddy D . Goad T.Connack T. Lame r L. McLean (VCapt) D. Supe r D . Stott G. George G. George R . Davies L. Taylor S . Vaughan D. Banger T. Agushi M . Linke M . Sheddon G. Macisaac M . Wall A . Foskett C. Corcoran M . Power G . Locke D. Craker P . Wall J . Baud W. Millard T . McCaskell R. Weisz B . Elsworth S . Brophy

OLD PARADIANS Senior Coach: Dale McCann Reserves Coach : Paul Areal 1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2. P.J.O'Loughlin 3. M.J . Considine 4. S.J. Philp (VC) 5 . M.J . Harford 6. J.V. Geary 7. P.G . Cosgriff (VC) 8. P.G .Zapp a 9. J.M . Way 10. P.A. Brabender(C) 11 . N .P. Willits 12. S.R. Wallis 13. T.D. Wallis 14. D .R . Ciavola 15. N .G . Kerr 16. M .P. Godfrey 17. B . J . Hart 18. L.K . Mansfield 19. N .A . Bal l 20. P .A. Nailer 21 . A .J. Farrell 22. H . Bellis 23. P .A. Walsh 24. D .A . Digney 25. D . Heffernan 26. M .B. Geary 27. K .C . Kenkins 28. B .J. Brabender 29. B . Powell 30. T.J. Mulligan 31 . S . Laferlita 32. A .J. Price 33. M .J. Harrison 34. P .J. Joyce 35. J .P.J. Mills 36. S .M. Swindon 37. L. Rocchiccioli 38 . M .G .Vear 39 . P .E. Rei d 40 . D.J . Bair d 41 . D.J . Horsington 42 . J .M. Swindon 43 . M .P. Geary 44 . 1 . Harford 45 . P .J . Stephens 46 . B . Flyn n 47 . J . Mould 48 . M . Hudson 49 . J .C . Drohan 50 . P . Monar 51 . A. Costantini 52 . A . McNeil l




Senior Coach : Simon Dal ry mple Rese rv es Coach : tan Wallace Assistant Coach : Michael Hadley 1 . S .Keneddy 2. C. Robison 3. A. Allibo n 4. T. Norman (Vcapt) 5. P . Van Der Hoek 6. R. Heath 7. A.Anderso n 8. S . Dalrymple (CC) 9 . S . Hopkin s 10 . S . Hatfield 11 . R. Boxtell 12 . M . Cumming 13 . M. Donato 14 . J . Stickland 15 . A. Parke 16 . M. Seuling (Vcapt) 17 . G . Hatfiel d 18 . B. Clarke 19 . G . Hudson 20 . P. Board 21 . C. Phillips 22 . P.Robison 23 . A. Ramsden 24 . T. Board 25 . T. Harris 26 . P. Bee t 27 . L. Stafford 28 . D . Vargo 29 . A. Seeley 30 . L. Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32 . D . Glass 33 . D . Heighten 34 . P. Papas 35 . L. Bennie 36 . J. Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37 . P. Dowling 38 . R . Phillip s 39 . T. Antonopolous 40 . B. Burk e 41 . D . Alysandratos 42 . A. Banfiel d 43 . M. Krivokuca 44 . J. Mollison 45 . N . Kin g 46 . 47 . F. Cameron (RVC) 48 . C . Smit h 49 . P.Johnson 50. L . Jervis 51 . S . Gleason 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . N . Kolitias 58 . 59 . 60. 80. T. Smith

Senior Coach : Des English Rese rves Coach : Chris Bye 1 . M . Petrevski 2. J . Woodgat e 2. A . Shelton 3. P .Gonnan 4. M .Elliot 5. S . Ramsey 6. J .Vaina 6. G. Rossignolo 7. P . Jone s 7. J . Polar 8. L. Hollo w 9. M . Growcock 10. R . Egglestone 11 . D . Forbes 12. R . Moran 13. M .Bosanko 13. D. Ramm 14. J .Reddick 15. G. Pinner 16. M .Goodwin 17. R. Lyons 17. G. O'Connor 18. B . Carter 18. Liddell

19. 20. 21 . 22. 23.

J .Armstrong M . Carter M .Fitzpatrick S . Griggs C. By e

24. P . Mellon 25. M . O'Rourke 26. G .Carbis 27. K .Fitzpatrich 28 . J.Thrush 29 . M . Hudson 30 . M .Tadinac 31 . S .Hollow 32. S . Eastmure 33. N. La Fontaine 35. S . O'Halloran 36 . C. Rizzo

37. D. Castaldi 38 . B. Prendergast 39 . S . Boyl e 42 . 43 . 46 . 47 .

M . Gauci C. whelan R . Collins D .Goodwi n

48 . D .Wrigglesworl h


Whitehall St, Yarraville 1'h : 9687 8722


C Section

A .J .A .X.


Senior Coach : Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach: Mar ty Halphen

Senior Coach : Don Scarlett Reserves Coach : Andrew McGregor

1 . J . Wrobel 2 . A . Kalinski 3 . D . Gelbart, 4 . M. Oudakov 5 . M. Rajch 6 . G . Rozenberg 7. C. Cohen 8. B. Goldberg (V .C.) 8. M . Roseman 9. T . Bursztyn 10. R. Bloom 11 . M . Weisler 12 . D . Rosen 13 . J . Engelman 14 . Y . Rapoport 15 . J . Kirzner 16 . P. Goldberg (VC) 17 . A. Cukierman 18 . J. Wrobe l 19 . M . Halphen (Capt .) 20. R. Hartman 21 . D. Sheezel 22. J . Dunne 23. J . Abraham 24. S . Scheezel 25. J . Feldman 26. B . Duzenman 27 0 . Degen 28. J . Bram 29. D . Marks 30. A. Micmacher 31 . M. Chrapot 32 . P. Steiner 33 . D . Pat 34 . D. Gunn .' 35 . A. Rosen 36 . J . Segal 37 . A . Slade-Jacobson 38. A . Grundman n 39. J . Skein 40. A . Redlich 41 . P . Naphtali 42. E . Rubenstein 43. J .Joseph 44 . A . Krongold 45 . E . Stee n 46 . M. Nathan 47 . A. Abrahams 48 . L . Goldberg 49 . D. Kalb 50 . B. Grodski 51 . A . Trayer 52. S . Rubinstein 53 . A . Sheffield 54. B . Delbert 55. B . Zeilinski 56. S . Frey 57. 58. M. Freid 59 . 60 . 61 . S. Roth 62 . M. Levin 63 . S. Glassman 65 . 66 . J. Goldman 67 . 68. S . Feldman 69. J . Vernon 70.

I. C .L®G3'A(C) 51. AD'°w 1.AA4:Oc~,r 52J . I2 blCr€~ 53, {J , .: a S.hL+}•,;~(D7C) 54. A . s a C.Ar,we(fl) E5. G.i-,4. S./^'asar R . C.tF->i 5. D.Anz 4 I . D.v W B7M 59. S.! AS .

6. A R O.p'

1, E.I 417C! 6 2. 6 .h.. 61 D.P!8D .:. 9. Al Lac,ert 64 . B.E__ to. D., .. .~.~ Et. IS, .-n It. S. .. fA. N.Coh's 11. R. N {Ci3) 67. hLFeO

2 D.~~~IC~+) 6a s.b~es

ta Ao B . GKihj 4. F1 aiVC81 70 . J.I,ba® t5 S 71 . S.Pt.Az fu T.1 . . 72. J. fors 17. Ss 73. A. a . T.1 ^J 74 . IS m18 ',... 19. A.I ( 7& C.! U .,.. 20. AI 7E J. S 21. Ri, 77 . tt22 M 78. C. 22. R : il8! 73. D. .G~ 80. C .6_ 12aJ 24. u. -7 8t . ILA, s 25. ft k ~. & . . ._. .a ffi. C., s

27. Ac-

28, a . B 29. ld .h :D. C.' 31 . E. . 32 AE 31 8. 1 X N.S 37. 8C 3S. C . D,r 39. Kh4 40 S. Wats 41. S.Pos 42. V, CA 43. S.Gw 44. J. 94n 4+ D.HeYV :& Rtlr4 47. Sxtaei 48. D. Lacey 49. C.AI•G,rJ:r S6. S tECfteJx

MARCELLIN Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Rese rv es Coach : Tony Da y t . C . Sbkery I. A. Dal 2 A, 8yder 2. J .Oi irken 3. D. Wafers a C.Adimon 4. S.Ga~ 5. M . Belo

6. T.CaBx(OVC) 7 . M. Rowe 8 . JAB 9 . 0. Mom (C) 9 . J.DillIy 10 . A.Ga~gt~a 70. M.6kk4Oa6 it. M. Warr it. B. Crcr,n 12. R Rsi tl 13, D. Bearzato 14. D. t#ax 15. D. wBAtsA 15. J.Growcoc it. J.Waas 17. 8. A cCletrerGs 18. A.Cafiry (VC) It . K Stokes

19 . D. Cooper PVC) 19 . D. bkp6:a 41 . J. S;absy 20 . S.0'Rrm 42 . AC-^^.,1 21. G. Mason 42. 0.0 on 22. L0'Fgs» 43. 6tFxt, 23. P.Cterrkers 44. P.64 . 23 J .Etlmntk 45. O.Ti 24. S.BeffiIe 46. dGt 25. A.Mc74¢sh 47. D.P.' -'• 26. G.WaBh 48. B.Ec 27. S. Nu 49. fl.Cx . A.Pazzwriedi 50. f1 Cc.%28 ;1 29. M . Edw& 51. D.0 .Yk 29. S. Lem Sn. D.Hr` ..30. A . TmWawan 53. J. do. J. W& 5!. J . S .Eda2rds 55. C.C .31 . D . Puafb'm S& S. D'a,. K31 32. J.Ca,'as 57. 8. Dv 32. M. Syrtes 58 . Id M1: ~ 3a D. Sunpairin 59 . D.T h 33. a.Pamessa 60 . hiQ 34. P. Heay 61. R H 35. C.IV.Mhems 6 2 R . Cox 63. D .'XG . ASheehan (CR; ,37 38. C.Peuiorerfi 64. J, Ken! 39. A.AkRm 6S M. Kew 40. J. Dana 66. 6i Lcmy 67. D. Ftrzabao 68. J. Dan"p

OLD GEELONG Senior Coach : Trevor Poole Reserves Coach : Angus MacGowa n 1 . S . Furphy 2 . H . Burbank 3 . D . Wellsby 4 . T. Dugdale 5 . D . Ardli e 6 . S. Olsen 7 . J . Senior 8 . T . Seymour 9. J . Wilson 10. M . Oliphant 11 . R. Liley 12. P . Ronchi 13. P . herman 14. B . Edmonds 15 . A . Teelow 16 . P. O'Dea 17 . D . O'Brien 18 . A. Handbury 19 . J. Manton 20 . G . Coldwell 21 . S. Glover 22 . J . Taylor 23. M . Davis 24. T . Peddie 25. A . Allen 26. N . Kemp 27. D. Morton 28, M . Taylor 29. J . Neville-Smith 30. A . Howells 31 . J . Nevins 32 . G . Wilkinson 33 . M. Wilkinson 34 . T. Pau l 35 . D . Eley 36 . A. Rigby 37. G . Sliding 38. P. Beltrame 39. D. Swan 40. S . Bones 41 . E . Bel l 42. P . Uascos 43. D . Hay 44. E . Spiden 45. L. Morrison 46. R . Rice 47. E. Smithers 48. S. Saunders 49. J. Smythe 50. M . Robson 51 . A. Robson 52 . S. French 53 . B. Hicklin 55 . D. Crowe 57. R. Calvert 58. R. Morton 61 . R. Oliphant 62. H . Cameron 63. A . Barron 66. B . O'Halloran 72. S . Cowdery 73. R . Abbott 74. J . Geddes 75 . N . Kennett 76 . A. Osbourne 77 . C . Oliver 78 . R . Knight

OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach : Bert Calvert Rese rves Coach : Jeff Norma n 1 . A . Acreman (VC) 2. A . Carte r 4. G . Stroud 5. C . Wallace 6. D . Paterson 7 . G . Ferguson 8 . N . Macquire (VC) 9 . C. Wright 11 . D. Salley 12 . G . Dickson 13 . S . Sharp 15 . C .Davis 18. T. Bournon 19. D . Kitto 20. C . Shedden 21 . M. Elliot t 22. P. Harrington 23. N . Moodie 25 . J. Winduss 26 . G . Dart 27 . G . Katris 28 . M . Bond 29 . D. Agostino 30 . M . Brooks 31 . D.Johnson 32 . J . Sly 33. C . Gardner 34. D . Holland 35. D . Murphy (C) 36. B. Paterson 37. M. Sichlau 38 . R . Sherril l 39 . R . Beynon 40. T. Leonard 41 . A. Oli n 43 . C. Best 44 . D. Sarah 45, C. Leaver 46 . J . Norman 47. J . Konicanm 48. D.Johnsen 49. b. Murphy 51 . G. Pride 52. A .Oxland 53. N . May 55 . S . Martin 56 . M. Leone 60 . D . Nock 61 . C . Dwyer 63 . T.hancock 64 . M . Austin 65 . D . Murphy 71 . T . Kersle y

AUSFINE FOOD S INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock . 3193


ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach: PaulBeddoe Rese rv es Coach : Brad Ber ry 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. It . 12. 13.

M. Kinsella S. Zahra J . Sebire V. CHuillier (RCapt) M . Murray R . Parsons D . Diggins B . Beasley M .Jones C. Ross M . Hecker C. Stewart D. Goodchil d

14. P . Lerman (Capt.) 15 . D. Goodchil d

16 .' S . Napier 17 . J . Tull y 18 . A . MacGeorge 19 . B . Tomlinson 20 . M . Beasley 21 . G . McDonald 22 . T . Lamb 23 . T . Peck 24 . T . Beasley 25 . D. Smith 26 . S. Hecker 27 . D . Johnsto n 28 . D . O'Brien 29 . J. Sanders 30. M. Dols 31 . J. Selby 32 . J . Dickinson 33. A. Walsh 34 . C . Meyer 35 . R . Bilos 36. A . Wilce 37. M . Connolly 38. A . Hayes 39. M . Leyden 40. C. Johnston 41 . D.Hendrikes 42. A . Thompson (VCapt) 43. K . Goodchil d 44. J . Recupe ro 45. R. Gould 46. O. Lalor 47. B. Hambridge 48. B. Hutchinson 49. D.Bueno 50. N. Tully 51 . M . Uberti 52. A. Kearney 53 . M. Fi rt h 54 . M. McCraw (VCapt.) 55 . P. Dywe r 56 . C . Trotter 57 . M. Lomagno 58 . D . Baulch 59 . J. Drury

ST. KEVINS Senior Coach: Tim Ha rt Res. Coach : Glen Taylor 1 . B. Burden 2 . J. Dynan

3 . M.Chapman(DVC) 4 . M. Fraser 5 . R . Callanan 6 . A. Morgan 7 . A. Ha rt 8 . D . Williams 9 . G . Smith 10 . D . Moore 11 . D . a n 12 . M. Doilman (DVC) 13 . R . Bowles 14 . J . Bare 15 . D . Fox 16. B . Garv ey 17. M . Terzini 18. N . Hart 19. D . Sheehy 20. A . Varasdi 21 . J . Quirk ( DVCRes) 22. JN.Macey Goldsworthy 23. P . Rya n 24. P . Meagher 25. 26. B . Kennedy

27. R. Gross (VCapt ) 28. M . Farquharson (DVC) 29. A. Mount 30 . P. McNee 31 . M . McNee

32 . B. Noonan (ResVC) 33, S. Denton 34 . J. Whitbread

35 . A. Thomas ( ResCapt) 36 . A. Noona n 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41, 42 . 43 . 44 .

S. Kennedy J. Hennar S. Fribble D . Boyd A . DeJong D . McDonald D . James J . Drake

45 . T.Bare

46. D . DeRooden 47. M . Brady (Capt) 48. B . Howard 49. S . Kennedy 50. M .Durrant 51 . D. Wilks 52. P . Lewis 53. R. Quirk 54. S .Game 55. M . O'Shea 56. J . Shepardson 57. S .Dillon

58 . 59 . T . Hart 60 .




STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach : Terry Walsh Reserves Coach :

Senior Coach : Allan Fleming Reserves Coach : Wayne Cooper

Senior Coach : Des Meagher Reserves Coach: GaryKallinikos

Charlie Capiron 1 . B.Ityan 2. H.Aftrko 3. H. Harard 4. S.Cnmrys 5. A.61cGa-w 6. P.Grw 7. G. Hayes-D2rm 8. G.BeKar 9. G.t#ay 10. D. Rmwd It. J .Gat er 12. A.Ftzsroxi 13. S.tkesen 14. J .ThunJe 15. M .I K 16 P.R~ 17. O.Y` 18. R.b 19. 81.. . Ft 20. A., . 21, K ti r,c 22 . P.0 .ran 23. l.Gaami 24 . P.dartm 25 . PAymn 26. B. Ads" 27 . A. Da4ahre 28. G.Hdea 29. D .Da*via 30. B . Ku g 31 . M. Cor am 60. P. Da'r's nt 32. k1.0'Zia _ ,

- 11-

62, A.AMJewn 34. T.PraM 63. JFrv;zy 35. 61.Ry e. ' 64 A1.6'As"tk 38. M. . J . Ha(md 371. M. KszJ 65 . S.FbrtaG ~. D.Remrdc 66 . S Erred 39. A. tiarad 67 40. D.BraatFax9 ~ W ~; . F.Itnmveiis 41. A Sezim 69. D .Sterman 42. P.Kerid, 70 431. J.Hau~ 12 . M.a~m 44. S.6ae.xd ~~a S . Nei 45. W.Deram 74. C FernmMu 48. A. SrM 75 . S . Prim 41. M .Af,sdry 76. M.Scariiin 4& B' vaixg 77. S 49 . M. Bet4cn 7E G . oarr; 50 . M. D'A~s".iq 79. M. A~rtrck 51. G . t4aktm 80 .~ . R. ~ 52 . . B. 1,19as 51 B. S.uke 81 82. 54 . S. Patl~sm 83 . L R#s 59. L Alepw 84 . M.S~ Sq. B.12rartirarsFi 85 . J, HMO 57 . K. GL m 811

58 . E. Kararka;~H 59. R . Gtxe

1 . S. Papaioanou 2 . B. Byro n 3 . A. Smith 4 . R .Ward 5 . J. Bubis 6 . B. Pelligrino 7 . S. Plant 8 . A. Fellows 9. Y. Capeci 10. P.Bullard 11 . L Alberti 12. Z. Fleming 13. G.Scarpa 14. M . Patmore 15. L . Del Papa 16. D . Farchione 17. D . Gorski 18. F. Arcoraci 19. P . Ristevski 20. L .Alabakis 21 . E .Ientini 22 . L. Sallese 23 . R.Dimaggio 24 . B . Smith 25 . R. Kennedy 26 . C. McNeil 27 . S. D'Avoine 28 . L. Moribito 29 . K. Harting 30 . C. Fellows 32 . P. Colosimo 33 . J . Zaigos 35 . A. Colosimo 37 . D . Dimovski 38 . G . Scott 39. O.Esen 40. N .Iulianglia 41 . D .Brooks 42. M. Ciaverella 43. A . Lattouf 44. A . Ward 45. A .Insitari 46. S . Sami 47. D . Plowright 50. A . Maloney 51 . E . Valentino 53. P . Battistia 55. P . Valeri 58 . M . Rei d 61 . G. Skas 63 . M . Grech 65 . S . Holmes 67 . N. Grech

60 . J. Crowe 61 . A.R a 62 . R . Nlyulquinney n 63 . 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . 71 . 72 .

R . Kilroe-Smith N . Hayes M. Zakic P. R azga C . Ambrosini D . Marshall P . Walker A . Whitelaw B . G riffiths M . Manson

2. M . Bateman (C) 3. R. Pasqualotto 4. 5. M .Robinson 6. C. Houston 7. P. Cochlan 8. M . Heath 9. C. Maguire 10. B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12 . J. Begley 13 . T.Hughes 14 . D .flanagan 15 . A.Lacey 16 . B.Vandenboom 17 . A.Carbone 18 . P.Begle y 19 . C .Andrews 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . P. Hassle r 22 . J . Bonnyman (ResC) 23 . P .Ciardulli 24 . J .Ciardulli 25 . M .Vemal 26. C .Ryan 27. M . Jackson 28. C.Fames 29. C. Harri s 30, P . O'Brien 31 . N . Jenkins (C) 32. M . Carbone 33. G . Feutdl

34. S . Lowell 35. C. Law

36. J . McFarlane 37. P. O'Brien 38. R. Vujkic 39. J . Naismith 40. A. Thawaites 41 . T. Carrigg 42. D. Naismith 43 . N .Elliott 44 . M. Bateman 45 . M. Lester 46 . G .Johnson 47 . S. Habjan 48 . M. Reid 49 . P. Dodd 50 . B. Kelsey 51 . L . Eames 52 . S . Alexander 53 . J .Alexander 54 . S .Gillan 55 . M. Duffy 56 . B . Calleja 57 . A . Heath 58 . M. Smith 59. R . Stopajink 60. M. McDonald



1 . M . Powe r


a NG

)ourOn Time Printer 29

D Sectjtrm , 'Th . tihark .


Senior Coach : Garry Nicholson Rese rves Coach : Nell Flynn 1. B.Cami""; ) 2 P'' 31. P.Cd 3 . t . .. 4. kL A., 33. N. . . . I. DW1 X 4 . J.T' . 35. P 1I - . . .1 7. Q ;6. S--n(FRC 8 J 37. A . B.i 1 33. S.LI9 . 1D, tL0 39 . P.I . • it . RlM 40. RI 12 P.M 1 41. Al 11 B.Vz, 4 D.I . 14 . RAP". . 41 S. 41. Sl15,4tf+ _ ..a 1& lDJ . 45. N.P :1 17. T. 46 SY 1E. D.w 47. V.6.ri 6 1 F 4 . it e8. 0.1~'4u! 19. P.Tt-m:;(Q 53. D.Lt:' 20. FAQ'^ 5). J.__ 2 3. N.Ff) -' Sf . D.5' 2 1. P .S . %I P . v 21. A. C153. J. 2L 11 .. : 54. S.S . 21 T. Fee 55. Id. . 0. Car°- R A. K, 624 2a J. SS 57. P. T a. WA ., S5. H.Si„d 27. KVm (ResDtC ) 59. Afkmry 28 . B.luy ~:ws .q 29 . S. Raaar ;0. AEaa(Ca,N.)


Senior Coach : Georga Voyage R®s . Coach: tdotthew Scholten 1. & M~zMs 2 Lt 3. C.BWtl 31 . dt F 4. R ~. N. L S. W.I~ 33 B. n & B.Wdssr 34. JA 7. tAKkse 35. AL . . :. & S.CmsafFWaM 1 C .V 9. C. Harris 37, M! 1D. km 1 G.l It . FAC~ ~. I . JFarr,er 40. ALFS12 : . ~ 13 D. Go 41 . tJ .Y' :;; 14. S.Kbse 42 D.S,r-. 15. &Arra{ 41 R.B :,' 16. T. Pr~-~, 44 . Aitj: 17. G.WDans 45. b4SI& &Baca 4 A :' 19. J.WTdma 47. A 20. RVe?a 48 . L . tLPtttiai 49. A `21 . B. LK2kt15oJ0 . ft 51. K t21D . Kwe 52. 824 ••. T.Was ; SS. At0 . S.W70'a 61 . dN_ 27. J. 111m 71 . C. RD16 2& T .Cta>I E9. T.Atrb 23. G. Wm a d,kt♦s

PRINTED LABELS P8696(93)6443 144FAX03)9965 2031 "Q„"I;b ' "f 1.8~f~f f01 QttII~ll~ ~l7t~Srr

senior Coach: Robert 8eytey Rese rves Coach: Tom Van a

Stillwell Ford 'se rtk~ u P ~,~='u HARP OF ERI N

42 P ., &A 7 . Df 8. d 4. G[ 10. EL4 I. V.P . 2. D. L° 13 A14. S 15, V. 16. fJ. i 7.G.G 6. A 19. S. N. N. 21. V. 22 Ki 21. N 24. r 25. ' 2a


PAT(ERSONCHENEY RingtVoa1 •~ ~nD~ decFang •


Senior Coach: Derek Hine Reserves Coach: Neil Robe rts Ass. Coach : Robert Putamorsie 1 . s.kt : ,(CaFl) 2 Ra'~asztjs~l 36. G..Xces 3 ' 37. 8.m 4. :~ . yzrPCl 33. 5. J.I 33. D.Oi~:e_m S iS-.,TBVCJ 40. B .5 7. W.F . ~iJ'k4VCt 41 . ... I. .42 . 1d. t ..a. J- . . ~ 43 .P.1- . 1G. &,44. R : it. A 45. A:, t2' :..ry 46. 13. G.rery 47. G.Wa_mp 14. N.'-' 4 J. F,,-, 15. LD 49. R. S IE. T.1 50. G.Cu' 17. P.;,d SI .G.P is B.f 52. DB 19. P't 53. R .Fm 21t 1, 54 . 21 . G., rC5 55 . B.I on 22 N . 5B 23. T.- S7. S.Fers 24.G.159.RP9s 2S 59. KP' . R EG. G.t. ... '26 27. K 61 . 22. 8. n 62. K 21 C.E r o 31 . 0. 32 F.! ,l'i P. .. 67. E5. R pmrm2 34 . 35 R Rtes


: David Rogers Senior Coach: Martin Legge Reserves Coach: Ian Hildebrand Reserves Coach: Rick James 1. L 'Ga8aM(V{( 41. D.Sia X A sV'C 1. J f2D ) 2 G. Portl 2 D. Caw 2 42 AOpaj 3. R ' 37. & yl 3. C. ft a AkJ~i(Vi~ 43 T.Wa~t 4. O.Ctr& 39. S.t.._. 4.P.' , 4. &7 r 44. T.lmbru s 5. D.Rops S. J.BtYrzs 31 W. DA .:' 5. Shasrxa 45. ACap . C .15~? a P.1 I 6. N. N:man . 6 A.' 45. Ft Ur 7. P.Fstg 7. P.F 47. P.Le'en 7.;a 41 . R.I . 8. J.Pukiem 42 C .l& D.8°-i S. SL OC 49. J.SS:m 9. Afar4artli 43, G. 9. L 9 D .' 4A AKnd IU E. 56. J.Dftw 1Q &C.ain(k4 .) 44 . P., 1A Jt 11. PxulC- 51. A m I. A&xres 45 . D.6 12 J 5? T.Yk= I2 D. 45 W.L 12. J( 13 C. : :i 51 6tWese 13. C. '- 47. R C,.,., 13 R 14. 5 . . . .i 51. P. PuJwr.rd 14. 1(14. J.BYCre 48. C. Fr, IS I5. R!'_ . P 55. T.F~ IS, T.GzaSr.ks 49. 1Lszt 1& D 5. P.Cot'61 1& D. Waoi (Dxv1 51 S I& C. L' IT At ; . 57. Ll}t.rras 17. Y.f~ . . &1ftx'i 51. J.17 2 "it 53 D.Ss't~ It. at , 1& NKer3h'CVq 52 LF It. A 59. D P'~r 19.R8mr! 53 .C. 19. D.Race 20. D.1 60 . T.YirDm 21 G.I--i a S.Wie.te 54. R 21. Sfl61 . P.Cns m 21 . D. Ryron a B. : 21 . C.t'* 22. 62 S. Cmdo 22 A .~2LIPaw5&y 236 I • E3. W.EaA 2d T.Cs 57. N.'. . . . 2J. P_ 24 . D.tt7 W 64. J.BafLr 24. 8. Fr.W 24. &LA;a4 59 . 11 25. ATa'i~ 65. 0. Welsh .Wfo 59. T.I125,D . a 11, . 2& G.Yao7 E8. AWng 2n P. O X P. h'sW 6? V.1 .. . 27. A Wftm 67. S &ahaa 27. RFoW 61 . A 27. D. :.. .:_ 2A &Lek~S 68. J. Gan 28. S. WC-_ :aaa 62 AI>l2&LD' .Y 29. W.ku~ 69. J.HvaaN 29. A4 DY pr.~(I# ',.ai4) 633. S F 23. Ah ry 37~ J&~ 70. B.0'NSa 3j. P.6 30. 0. C' N. FA.I . 31. T.S€~im I. ASiradrm 31 . JS .~~iC) 31. AWHsvas.DlCj 65. K. 3~' kLSa7 72 RLc .BraBI 99 . S .F1*wJ : . . 3Z G.4 31 A Bum 73. B. Makran U 161 34. P.bkCra? 39. S. B4* Rf~ 74. C. Tow 34. L&phj A4_ :..I 34 . & D' . 3S S6.r,rt 75, RCO az 3"a D.tR, :sh~ 3a D.Ess€ry 76. P.Pa'ay 37. R Elm 77. W. F«,rctd 3& D .dbs 78. D .Cbaslon a C .Enrs 79. D. McDm b 46, iHanq $0, B.Caroux


Senior Coach: Laurie Zarala Reserves Coach: Mark Row e 1. P.(' . W 2 A' .V~s 39. M.Her:z 3. F. 41. P.

MONASH BLUE S Senior Coach


Senior Coach:Steve Mooney Res . C--ch : Mark Niclasen 1.& , 2 1A,

a~ 1

Sth 9262 6666 ; 9215 2222 ~ 9682 6581 ',.

Senior Coach : Mark Flack Res . Coach: David Miller 1. p "

2 &5ao

3. D .N% bi. dGry 1. T.Vm offlftp 41 . &Cr{4n 5. C.Krrq 42 . P.0};bksai . S. B, ., . &D-xf 44 . F . Iait✓~45. & T.l, 9 AI ' r 19. Pi

4 .8.L= S. 6tf.. & S.m : 4 7. RW 41. P.; 42 T. P tmtm It. 9. A pelzb 41 V :k It . u ~ 44. S .Pwd 1D. lll d. 12 G£ m 11 . D..-__ 4i N.Sasmm 13. If 12 J.46 1d.Emis4 . ,14D . 13. 5 .. 47. J... i(~- ,'p .A (P1S 14 . G41 S.k . 1& P. raa 15. G •43. S.E -?re 17. L 50.5' IS W., it a! 17. S.a.. :(hWCI 51. Et . 19. P.r t& C.ErreF 52 S.f' i?. &W 19. Sa. M. , em 21 . S.t,r€a 23. LA,54. B.C. I 22 A&'~m ~ 55. A 2 7. 8 . 2. a S.rallum . 9 24 . D Fasq .t.R1 P2C 23. 2 . K6t:1n 24. E.F--~ h C.h 26. G' 27 .R 28. P. 23. D. ~ ~ rcy 31. L( ~ G. 31 Z 34.D. 'a. J. : 38. JI .H

D7 ; P.C . D Y=~'a

61. J 62 C.

65 utr~q pr

UNIVERSITY REDS Coach : Michael Farrell Reserv es : Grant Hammond L SS%ff ;a . R.f~w 2 N.F~ran 31. P.Wrou'~a 3. D.t'v.fam 31 A6k'_ne 4 E .K7 33. AG~ S. 0.1>~,a. 49. B.Sft 6. P.Tro-4s It. P.f1wa ; 7. JDye 44. P.WVa It V-F°'1 45. S.C+wy 9. D, - 47. A . P.~s 49. N.7.F18

I t. 81 0 1

I2. A 51 . T.: .n 13 IA . ... .; F2. A . R.r,e--an 51 A( 14 nr 15. P. • 54. k. l IS Ny 55. D.7. ._ 19 . G.' 57. G.F 2 :1. G.58. 6A. F 21. 5. . 59. &G,-~-x ~ &C 63. V.~-•= 61 . S.1S 24. AE2 C. ' 2a A.6 61 R . S.Et 67. 8 ITn ~7

27. S.rt. i p. G.' ~. C."- r 70. & ~Td C G~vo R. G "^D. H n

29 . P.. ~ 71. !AL . 37. DJ 72 P.> . 31. A, I3. S. . S.r 74. 8 .ZY32 33. C]i LAkr a 34- 1'80, G .Ba84 wr. Ah'm`_ .n


.. ...,

E Central



Senior Coach : Rick Morris Reserves Coach: Mick Manhap I . P . Cooper

Senior Coach : Shone Rute Reserv ers Coach :Barry Funnell 1. M P ;iarxas 34. T. Mck4osh 35. N. 2. D-1 r 3. S. ,on 36. G . Cray 4. AC.F 37. A.ChOdo 5. S.c.• .-"°~ 38. T.Bersar 6 J._ R SAWM 4 (VC; 7.BF. I 41 . 8. S gnat 9 P. Edirazle; 42 . D. Lynch 10 D. Sidebottorn 43. K.Conan it . J. Zettowstr 44 . G . Mot/nearer T.Hashern 45, & Turner ry.W.&oa n 46 . 0.Wrg4 A S. Haloes 47 . D. Hartle y 15, M Lewis 48- L. Menem 16 B. Stardy 49. N. Mai 17 . M, Y911101 5o, S. i 18 . 51. M, Wa9et 19, R. Carly 52. J, Coadis 2a J, Matthew 51 J. Madam 21. D. Edmunds (VCO) 54. B. Control 22. J.S* 55. A .Cttraraxls 21 S. D xrn (Cap.) 56 24. J.KaR 57.

2. P. Called 3. K . Real

4. N . Papadatos S. D.Mardrd 6. A . Webb 7. W. Carl 8. J . TanaseNo 9. D . GfrfBn 10. M. Hayes 11 . F. Coswre8a 12. 13. G . Risk 14. S. Nowinski 15. D. Morris 36 . P . Keppel 16. 37 . G. Manell 17. 38 . D. GrkJa9eeo 18 M . Lowe 39 . J. Aug~ushakis 19. 40. D. ' 's 20. 41. A . Ctapple 21 . R. Martinez 42. 22 . D. Ferxtessy, 43. 23. T. Runciman 44. D . Gritfiihs 24 . P. DaFps 45. 25. J. Fatale 46. M. Cooper 26. P. Marrkrd 47.

25. J. Mcho3as 58. M. cotackirde 27 . 48. 26. P.Garnow 59. B, Hayward 28 . R. Bauara 49. 27. L Ryan 60. K . Rowl, 29 . 50. C . Hayes 28, M Sprat, 61. S . Biard 62. 29. W. Lee

X C . Bocce 63.

31. S. Lm9ergan 64. T. Wd;ai 32. M Nape, 65. 33. P.tAlk

THE ROYAL OAK HOTE L North Fitzroy Phone 481 4693 THORNBURY COUGARS Senior Coach: Gary Cutler Res. Coach : Rod Robertson 1. B . Carter 2. A . Ma.wtney 3 RErzeski 4. B .Rd:e,tsm 5.Gculler 6. P. Cuter (CapQ 7. T.BarLtt 8. C . Krifficvski 9. W. Larka's 10. G. Thompson t t . R . P?gmto 12. S. Lacey 13. D . Carkr 14. M. Goddard (RCad) 5. M.Kiay 6, S. Murdoch (ResVC) 17. S. Bartlett 41 . M. 08oribve 18 T. Lincoln 42. R&ano 19.M.Johnston 43. AKk4 20. R . At,riadrrora 44. V. D'Argc4o (VC) 21 . R. MakA' 45. L Jones (DVC) 22. W. Gison 47. ASc+ris 23. R. Hamach 48. A. Rocca 24 . D. Muscal 49 . P.Do.ain5 " 25 .0.Bepey 50. L .Ulla 26. J . Rabat 51 . P. Tucker 27 . P. Dib 52, C. Lkicoln 28. A. Mantis 53 . 29 . R. Robertson 54 . A. Crocker 30 . A. Aktnbakis 55 . B. Edwards 31 . D. Mouzaki ; 56 . J. Liversid3e 32 . E. P¢zato 57 . R. Wa'rJhl 33 . S. Harrir"lon 58 34 . P. McDonald 59 35, S. Appleby 60 . 33 . R.Bajry(SrnDVC) 37. P. Mamma 38. P. Mmaudo 39 , 40, S. Huxley

30 . 51 . P. Stepen 31 . 52. 32 . P. PashaFas 53 . 33 . R. Griffiths 54. 34 . D. Kepp21 55. N . Zarrte!!o 35 . R. Morris 97. K. Moloney

UHSO B Senior Coach : Mark Sedgwkk Reserv es Coach : Gino Meaa I. R. Fregah 2. D.Brebrer 3. A.Bme 4. C,MJeman 5. C. Stare 6. S.CacFie!

6. K. Jones (Resenies) 7. C.Skms

8. M,5?tlgnick 9. RSmth 41 D .WaParrr,(Cat) 10. P.Pams 43 . A. Bauch 11. C.Wa4e 43 . L . Masttcsavas 12. C And . 4k M k Card"

13. PMdean 45 . G. Coo

14. D. Ragar 46 . M . Pr~tu 15. M.Davidsm 47 . G.Crore 16, P .GtmtMNe 48 . B. Hudd IT B .Rdfnvd 49. D.Ferossp 18. P .Haoer 50 . D.Zr~i 19. G. Mazza . J. rbwrs 20. M.Daky 51 52. T. Roe 21 . S .Belarro 53 . F . Bassi

322. D 2 . D.. Koch 54.. G.Anym M5

24. S .W~rtton 56 . ~m .W 25. LGaB ; 57, D. Ted 26. C .Gazterctk 27. K .ShaFan 58 . D.MaO~eso . D. Saf t . M. rdlme9 59 n28 60.Sokolevo D. 29' M'DrxMan 30, . G . Jaws 61 62.. MAdmn,-, G. 31 . M.Vien 63. P .O+tier¢ 32 . D. Bw n 33. P. EBrkgham 64, J. Poor . J.Saba . D. Douglas 65 e34 ~ 35 . J .MCH°r~y 67 . E &81o . G. Fallen 36 . M. R~ 68 . A. Ctatz• 37 . G .CaBera .CcAard 38 . A. B~ce 70 J Mazza .P.Gera9 hy M39 69,. J . B. East 40 . S. Vh&e 71 41 . M .0'Cama 77 . A q"vuz




Senior Coach : Gordon Burrows Reserve Coach : Peter Secco 1 . A . TxdeC ..' 2 D.Adart; ..' , 3. J. Simon ..' , 4. P . Diraco ''.. 5. 6. V . Grakir 7. J.Bfila 38. D .GrBqy 8. P . 39. M. G ' 9. J. 43. S. Hogg 10 S. Webb 41 . LRgazzi 11. J. BcusJOkh 42. J. Papankohou 12 S . 43. F. Curbo 13. P. Mah 44 M Leris 14. 45, Is. B. Often 46. 16 L.D:mcvMn 47. J . Poleakris 17. A. KyrezB 48. 18. V. par" 49 . 19. V. taosi 50.

Coach: Alex Frazer Reservas: Mick Evans

Coach : David 7wonsay Reserve s Coach : Dean Roderick

20. GLalkul 51 . S. Tamale 21 . J . Kslpads 52 , 22. C. Fox 53. F. MarYi 23 D.ENs St . G.P1H 24.G .Kate! 55 .S.Salarm 25. P. Gemaaaro 56 .

I parapsopoets 2 PJk~~at 3 P. 4,A Ld&sjrd 5 SFIMn 6 C.f~ 7. Rkav 8 P. mar 9. dG»* 10, 1. Sam it. S. Pap 2 dHume 11 P.r'1Mm 11. A(7air'~n IS S.W :P 16 S.1,40ssm 17. P.F o S 18 T.Awa, 19. G. %M 20, J. tar; 21. LStar 2z Y.tdas

23 J. 24 S .

41 GW#A tl,A4~u 12 dCUa e. 6 M. 6 4 P, E p 'S D.Nava, 47. 0 wafy A P.itft a AHE3Rm 51. 063sn 51 . S6a ky SLKfso S1 C,hatm U . 86m 55 P. uk* `~ . WkcS N. twim 9 P.Cms 9. AORtm 9I. G ~ R&ya ct Y. &o-Sal tl. A =a R. MCa 8 BiFsa

t . B . Baarir b 2. S . Wtdng 3.B .Haley 4. A . 0'Keele S. D. Cbrves 6. J. Hors6urgh 7. D. Jap e 8. A. Fktra6urtg 9. C. YAirger 10. G. Crowe 11 . D . Roderick 72. G 13. BM. Harris 41 J BiBtren 14. . Srr„Hale8r y 42. B . Gr . A.Board 43 . P. Kiefe a15 r4 16. S. Chrisb 45 . T. Marcus . M. C* 17. P. Kn wer . D . Outen g18 46. G . Flower 19. S. Parsbw 47. A. Hadey 20. B. Szuskierricz 48. S.,brres 21 . WK,. 49. S. Hewitt 22. P. 0'M.a9ey 50. P. Harris 23. S. Porter 51 . P. Mar4nsen 24. L. Fadeld 52 . A. IrawRa 25. S. McLeod 53. S. Leonard 26. P. Masrmn 54 . B. Darwrhel d 55 27. D. BAm 56. 28. C. Parslaw 29. D. Horsbur{~r 57. 5& P. Stewart 30. C. Gatvin 59. A. L pscombe 31, J. Ala n 32. G . Jerdtinson 60. 33. G . Robson 34 . B. F8le1i

26. 57 . RSaunders 27. P. Parcels 58 . S.Ktr y 28. 0.La,+tai 59 . D.Argeio 29. J. Saunders 60 . 30.J.Hope 61 . 31 . S. Ward 32 . B. Whlman 33. G. MX-all 34 . S. Moore 35 . P.Drtwseg 36 . D. M?,yrucn 37 . B. Thape

25 A.leaBi 26 P.t~jh 27. D.B~ 211. D.Ts's W, P.Daldry 1, J. McLem 31 . KCap,Ssvz 31 J.Nkrm 33, 34 . It Co* a D, " 36, P.Tr5 37. S. Q 53. Y.lkYSeI




Senior Coaoh: Phit Leatham Rese rves Coach : Nick Magafa s 1 . A.HarrAon 40, R.Batc.w{tiCap 2. J .Grxj 41. SDavAs

Senior Coach : Alan Elliott Reserves Coach: Tony Ryan

Senior Coach : Garry Connolly Rese rv es Coach: Richard Grummet

1 . G.Dmrah 41 . G .Wtnism 2 R. Hal 42. D.Rya n 3. 0 .Mxr'ssy 43. J .C+dy 4. M. k 44 . Pfor~s 5. 8, ' 45 . J . Ban 6. J,Dsbaax~ 46. E. Fkazi 7. C .KerSe41 47 . S.Guden 8, D . Halm 48 . D.Marcom 9. C . Pekin 49 . M .Rdendsort 10. A. Kennedy 50 . T. Jew 11 . B. Sm9h 51 .* 12 N . Roberts 52 . M .Gralum 13. T. BaVPs 53 . N. SBrxttbs 14. M. HaBam 54 . M . B~gs 15. A.Kooloos 55 . M .Nam 16. P.Caaaweno 56 . C. Steptens 17. 57. D.edooll 18. P.Wr.prd 58. D. Be" 19. J .Ward 59. L khan 20. S. Lowe ED. S. Fraser 21 . B. TarrA 61. C.Mdcke1 22. T. LarrA 62. 23. S.Beaeon 63. 24 . M . Fogarty 64. 25, N. Bowles 65. J.Trevasks 26. D. &rks 66. 27 . M .Hayes 67. 28 . P. Lee 68. K .Carerbuz 29 . A. Glass 69. S . Lok

30 . D.SoaeNf 70. 31. N.Carh 71 . H . Kean 3? L Pdachey 72. 33 P.Hodgsar 73. 34. J.Cock 74 . 35. P. Carw 75. x M. Be" 76. 37. J. Garb 77. 38. C. Culahan 78. 39. P. Hanker 79. 40. G. Salina 80.

R J"

3 REastxa7 42 . B . Kara~a;as 4. G .Oadzs (Cap) 43 J. Tadn

5, D. P-.Fazogbu 44. J. ' . 6 M ' 45. C . KanNera!os 7 . F.VBaIe 46. G.Sdiaos 8 . Ptamikor 47. P. Kyte 9 . J.Ktkury 48. LBroan 10. S.Fyffe 49. J. Fr--d 11 . S.Co~laras S0. ftC~,, _" 12 . S.R¢hh-edsan Si . C .Hdr vrou 13 .J.Sc4ra 528.Rn 14. P.RoLrtsm 53. B.( . S. P.MSaupon 54. A.@_-: 16 . S.Snry9re 55 . MQ4z 17. J.Jad .;cn 56 R,Rreus 18 . J.Curlir 57. P.Co.... It. S. Barg';srd6s 58. D. ' 20. P. Hrucy 59. H. McDonald 21. SMdhmm 60. M.Kaiancic 22. N. M.-Vas (RC) 61 . M.Rodgers 23. J.Ostane 62 B. Pm'sr 24. D. Comm 61 S.Cara4f 25. G.Malau 64 . P. Md'irA 26 G. Nawa1 65 . S. Denargo 27.D.& ' 66.D.Di- .) 28. K .We* 67 . J. Haste 29. D.. r 68 . M .Andersm X M. Lewis 69 . N. L . X J. Spalding 70. R. °~ 31 . A. Mouchacca 71. N . 32. S. D'AmJrea 72. A.. Siberiesen ' 33. T.Thompsor 73. D. How 33 G .ChappiB 74. A.B.trber 34. M. Capes 75. S Stapleton 35. J.Tassors 76. I. GkFkice X C,Rctie 96. P .Oer6a n37 . S.Coante s 38. B.tJirz4 '.. 39. T.Herderson ..',

35. B. Franklin 36. J. West 37. S. Currvron 38, A. McCarthy 39.M .Gibb 40. A. Triaktan

1. N. Beano 36 . A. Tkqas 2. W.Gritlhs 37.A.Bad 2. D. Reason 38 . T.Beckath 3. A.Harry (Czpi.) 3lk T.CarNr 4. J, Tuck 40 . G. Red S. D. MacLeod 41. L. Fkkards 6. D.Gri:ve 42. M.Bramrpr 7. M.BeRry 43. S.Keaedj 7. D.Ekop 44. C. FazePas 8. B . Ham 45. B .Isaa 9. G.Case 46 . AFxch t0. M. HcUrd 47. C. Hal 11 . LGrukmr:ii 48. K . 12. N . Send 49, W. Kewin 13. B .Tw'st 50 . R. Kukow5lo 14. A .Dznei 51 . D.Btttic 15. D .m 52. D.D4Wra,a 6. C . 51 M, Hatton 17. M.0'F~m 54 . M.C#Nnm 18. T.tarqham SS. M.(Aukk 19. P.Devan 56. G. Same 20. D . W t s d l e m 57. D .Oaflam 21 . P.Sadar 58. J.Gaxson 22. W.Payne 59. G. Grey 23. P.McNarnara 60. B.Madacd 24 . D.Grg3 W. P.Cuhup 24, T. Rfan 70. G . Clerk 25 . R. Em 26 . D. Lt: 27 . B.Tutk 28 . S. CaMeracedi 29 . MArd-rSOn 30, A. Cook (VCap) 31, C.Mtkenzie 32. S. Did 33, T.Car= 34. G, Warren 35. S, Kemdey



E South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Senior Coach: Jack McDonald Res . Coach : David Kiimartin . Duke 26. P . Knp 2I . N. S Pastas 26. E . Lm•ett (R) 3 P. Samh 27. C. Lovell 4 .R.Was 28 .C.WaJkMy 5. A. W&ms 29 . S . Retpa87 5, T. Scenic- 30 . J. Flerniar mag9a (R) 31 . T . Ha~ 6. C . D~ece3'L . M . FarreB 7.P.Allen 33.N .D-°° 8. S. Brown 34. C& e 8. R Lindsay 34. R°. , jR) 9. G . Saunders 35 . A

10. N . Rutherford "3i. M. ~m

10. M. Phieps 31. . A . Mitchell 37. A1 K (R) 11.J.LddeB 33.AT ::y 12.G. Larkin 33.AK • 13.S .McCa07y 40.K.T 14.M.WeatlerJ 41. C. .:s 14.M.Szeitz 42.C.Car 15. A . BeaAin 43. K. T .M.Mabne 44. R1A:~ h16 ''d 16 . T . small 45. P.F 17 . C. Morley (R) 47, R C . P. Boyle 48 . P. =18 . C.,Kke; 49 . A '19 . R.Ko?gicr 59 . M.i.20 21 . P. Shoppse 57 . B. C .- ;22 .M .Co x 23. A. Bermiall 24. M . Lawrence 25. J . McDorralcl

OAKLEIG H Senior Coach : Rod Bourke Reserves Coach : Paul NFkakis i. R. 36. 8 .H 2. A. d 37. P ." M 4 P.nNczyil ~~.p ~ 11

13. T 4 Ar tS.G in !. 17 . P lo. A. 14. P. 2G T 21 . A . 22.A 23. A . 24. CS . 25. . 26, A 27. 8.N 2. G.8 C.T :..M.~ ~t T. ~. F . PJ. R. 34. 5. we 3S- S A6s

44. D. t5. P.l 46. P . 47 AK 4S C.F 44. J .A 2,

B .: 61. kC 2.d .K 53 . D. 5, . A

Mark Stevens PANEL SHOP P/L

. . . . .. ... . . . . . . . . ~~•af !JJ- `' I' ~

HAIRSTYLISTS for Ladies & Men Se'eaia e asr e,a CHADSTON E 32



Senior Coach: Mick Marshall Res. Coach : Mark Mussared I . L i r4-) 32 P.H,>1s 2A,1 31 RLe-S11. ; w St .ACt 4. D.T' ! 35' 5. N.'. a 'si B. Br ,6L37 . Recut7. T. r 37. D. tk &C.i r ~.&R.... .~ 9.S.1 -rd 39.D.O. tI RI &A K) 40. M R; r 1I. P.! 41 . M.Tiat1 12 5.1 Kit 42. GCa 13 P.S:::._ . 43. SMakery 14. 44. dEvm+s 45. RCar .- .-. 4S. BS"'.16ItF 17. ,i71- ;i1: 47. P.Ct I 1& :.6~ 48. AN, me

Seniors Coach : An t.amanna Res . Coash: Paui omas 1 . B.VQW 37 . 2 . A.Lamarna 38 . A Arecore) 3 . T. Hit 33 . J.PaPs 4 . D.Cassm 40. C.Craig 5 . RLar~a 41 . J .Crode & M . Saalxooic (VC) 42 . N . Basnad 7 . M.Kauts 43. D.Ttmmas B. J .Jaris 44. B.0DMd 9. 45. 10. 46. C . Cattle 11 . T.Rossser(C) 47. J.Wft 48. H . Kaypuz 12. L McAtMe 1 41 D . Jones 14. 50.A .Sn 15. C . Wte'.att 51 . A . . J.Heride n'.~m 52. S . "i6 . S.Ap~i 53. M.t17 N 1& P.Th~nas(VC) 54 . C.I ..1 19. M. Promisee 55. 20. 56. M.•yfis 21 . I. Tuner 57. 22 G.Sardos 58. 23. S.Webstca 59. 24. Z KrA 60 . J. Yourg 25. 61 . R.Laocirn 2& P.0'Shmhessy 62 . A. Wasimp 28. C.Muray 63 . T.&xlkq 29. M Swart 64 . 30, R Harrison 65 . 31. G. Oaten 66 . 32. P.Gwdm 67 . 33. 69 . D.Lmnama 34. L Tsxmits 69 . G . Fielder 35 . 70. 36 . R. Ha i

49. S.Cr . '~. RM z 21. R 53. REI E4. S.IG i 23. N. , 56 .6 4, 24 . D. 1 . . 59. AKt 60. OM t R C .^ 61. KB , 7 . M. : ., E2. AB .: 28. B.P 63. D.k cean rry 64. RWaakud 29, S .•l. S ., -a 65 C .Abrieu 31 . KPPa<rse S& R Forcer 67. S. Park


SUE,URBAN P hone: 95101313 .r= A:x d ~



Seniors Coach : Myles Landry Reserves Coach : Not Franks

Senior Coach: Peter OlivFeri Res. Coash : Craig Richerdson

1 . S. McLennan 2. S. McMahon 3. 4. E. Bowen 5. S. Trxassi 6. Warner 7. N . Franks 8. P. Angus Dept) 9. P. Krohn 10. M. Cross 17.A .Land 12 . A . Can~eB 13. V . Brancatisano 14 . D. WarrwSrrdlh 15 . B . Cook 16 . S . Clarirsgbdd 17 . L. Barclay 18 . S . Glover 44 . C. Barman 19 . M . Bond 45. C. Marines 20. C. Landry 46. D. Branca§sano 21 . S. Baxter 47. 22 . A. Atchison 48. J . Bleasby 23. M . GaBuzzo 49. 24 . S. Parsons 50 . L. Mike 25. A. Corke 51 . 26. A. Thnpp 52. 27. J . Whalen 53. B . Fermick 28. B. Taylor 54. M. Dentry 29. D . Morgan 55. 30. D . Sims 56. 31 . A. Gross 57. 32, A. Parsons 58 . A . Wells 33. R . Poole 59. M. hayes 34. A. O'Neil 60. A . M:outerosso 35. A. P.aurJy 61 . S . Boast 36. a. Crean 62 . B . Wight 37. T. Stewart 63 . N. Bowmen 38. D. Becher 64 . 39. S . Taylor 65, 40. T. TrewtS6 41. S . Farrow 42, A . BnNs 43. A . Banner

i. P .Varrod 44 . M.HClber 2. J. Hal 45 . M.BOUtKe 3. G.Scalur 4& W. Smith 4. R De* 47 . D. Norman 5. M& i rc 48 . D. Phelan 6. D. Bich 49. J . Ryan l. C. Richardson 50. A. Saird 8. S.Cmss 51 . S.Wakh 9. A. Morris 52 . J . Wicks 10. G. McCullough 51 A. Kea it. L .MSsa¢a 54, 12. M MyJft 55. 13 . W.Dodd 56. 14 . C. Neviand 57. 15 . J. Scored 58. 16. 5.Cmtem 59. 17 . C. McLeod 60. M. Engler i8 . F. Doyle 70. RHeyaDad 19. J .Erma 81. T.FA;rrJ 20. A. Fad#er 21 . J .DerrArx 22. B.MacJCenzH 23. G . ScGia'd 24. R . WPams 25. S. Evan s 26. J. Sew 27. S . Lynch 28. J. Tucker 29. G. Newman 3D. P .Hanitmi 31 . M.Or®sby, 32. B .Wilson 33. R.Taylorr 34. M. Donaldson 35. C. W'Mams 37, K. Tatters 38. P.Piw.Rn 39. J.GA 40. G.Amdd 41. S.Chymn 42. C.Mtfazhnz 43 . B. Sde,dz

MONASH GRYPHONS Seniors Coaah: Gary Ryan Res. Coach: David Raine r 1 . LWeh (DIG) 2 M.F osti(Ciz;) 3ACr ' ..~.m 4. C." 5 D.uar,C & G 'r; 7. N "

aal 9. P ta P. It. R D

12 OD' 13 Mt 14. bll:.., 5 . lNaykt 18. JC~ 17. JS9a~d

It. AOf t

;6. PE 37 J E

P. D.i w 42 P.I ;y 43 Fl ix rJm 44. A. WA 45 C.Oft 46, d Rdens R}47 . P.BA a 48 LMtn 49 . A Tck-gts 9J. S. &~ $1 . C. Leetot 9 Dt 51R eYm

19. LFraw 20. G F 1 51 it 21 .fAr. S S J . Cc- 1 57. M.i2LB ' 58. D, -,ca 21 C° r 24.F . ., 59. 0 '-i F, 0.~ . . 1 6J. Kff: : . HKrui^XAD61 62 171-,.;-.. 27. RC 21 JL:.. .x 61 5=-:-= . F .J_ 64. L -2d 9?. P.f 4 6i. D. 31.GF EaS. y. A(. ^ 69. a 31 Rf k 72. D.A`ns 34. GA YC) 97. S2ao;u 35R n ~s R C.O sbo n % \93. Use

MONASH WHITE S Senior Coach: Glen Cohnick Res . Coach: Ronnie Lanil, 1 . M . Dods 2. J . Sian 3. i Riches 4. RAngley 5. J .Ma~ 6. J .PHh n 7. R Cami.k 8. X Forbes 9. J . Fairweather 10. B.CcGer

11 . A.Hberd

12. M.Tossa+ahen 13. C . Palmer 14. C .ChamLeriaBn 15. H . Beh 16. N . (k7:Yg B. S .Oods 19. G.VanOertatrn 20 M Reds 21. B.•kres 36. C . Haws 22. G.Caaic7c 42 . M.Rhodon 23. J. Derol 43 . J. Ed!Kard 24. M. McLean 44. R. Lack 25. A.McH;9h 49 . A .MdGssot'x 26. S. OWro 50. J. Cowley 27. B. (tBvg 60. G 28. RHanarkdon 76 . Sprap . T .Haywaud 29. M. Dobbs X M. Krebs 32. J. Elevens 34 . T. Go" 35 . L Holden




Senior Coach: Peter Turley Reserv es Coach : Catalan Sutherland 1 . M .Bouke 2 . M . Castaici 38. P. Bxzitard 3. S. Steward 39, B, Ousm 4 . B. Emmert 40. R &#W-4 5. M .Canaran(C) 41 . &B,6. M .Ckrk 42 SB? 7. G .Gaspari 48 S.B'' B. M.Haze@ 44. C.F 9t M.Duwg11u: 45. M. ; 9b. N. Gibbon 46. PA

Senior Coach: Brett Sabha Reserves Coach : Peter Lewis 1. D.Ferzch 2. M.Ca:gaae 3. K .Vtcod 4, P. Lewis (ResC) .H irstmard (VC) I. TO .03v's 6. 7. K.Gurrss(CaP4 ) . Form (DVC) 39 . RGrech 9I . D P. Emmet 40. D. Ncbrics 10 . B. Setire (C) 41 . C. Fraser 11 . Pfataaos 42. C .&ann 12 . M . Davies Q Be t3 . A.Ganci 45. G . Berry 14 . T.p ro 46. M.Groga n 15 . M .1 n 47. M.0Dpva .dtr/ 48. M.WaSh 16. J . 17 .C. .an 49.M.C€ 18.T. .' in 510.A .La+ 19.D.F,, r 51 .M.Ha ral, 20. C. Or .~ 52. D. Fan 21 . D.& 53. D.Nacnen 22. P. Murpq 5i. 0.ltisptri 23. M.Su7rvan 55. M.Yhemades 24, X Couches 56. B. O'Day 25. B .&.uns, 57. SGuca 26. P . WtaKy 58. J. Nooran 27. M. Wine 59. C. Donegan 28. M. O'Brien (RC) 60. T .Guce 29. S .HaWKV 61. 0. Interior 30 N . Freese 64 . S. Rakes 31. A .Walsh 65. C.Mervi 32. S . Ryan 66 . 0 Brennan 33. D.Aakew(RVC) 67 . G.Capuaru 34. P. Hdctdm 71 . P. M4atity 35. M. Grad 36. C.S:ep4ns 37. S.yrtHb7 38 . S.Perazzo

10. 0.0.aer 47. T. L..,

11 . RCnc#Ia 4& P.Kararqn 12. A. GasFeri 4 O.Tajrx 13. 1. Boe3k 50. R F.4visCed 14. P. MdG(O 51 . D. SM 15. T.Walbridge 52 LA n 16. A .Chiappvx 53 . D. . M.Fabs(p 54 . S EP17 18. S .Skxiae 55. D.b__rRr 19 .. A . Healey 5& SF . A . Sear 57. DA °20 1 21 . RNapoli 58. L4rest-y 22 . M. Paw;r 59. L B 23 . C. Roche 69. M, 1 24 . A.Grace 61 . D .; 25 . B. Kirchries 62. E . C.Causcri, 63. G.1I26 27 . M .Maralelj 64 . M.F 28 . M . Byrne 65. JA 29 . M .Fabes ESSF 30. D. Lawton 31 . B.McLard; 32. A. Stevens 33. M . Wiseman 34. S. Roberts 35. C. b s

36. S. Natrn 3'. J .&annan



Round 6 :

Sa=. : DANi'V i.1-,ON1SOH (So,Sgians)

Wli"!NER : DEBBIE: titIELLS {Biic+`i'o ;i : Rd . 6 PRES S 7ANSWER Roull d %

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DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED BY HOME TEAM Club XVIII and Reserve Sectio n FINAL SIREN SCORES - to VAFA Administration by 3 .00 p .m . PHONE +4, Seni o r Seoti~~ :-. _ . :- - r 1 3 FINAL SIREN SCORES BEFORE 3 p .r, i --to Nancy McTaggart by ***PHONE :! J, an- :_3 Secti o n C Q. SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SIX BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams) To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m . ~ * * PHONE :

RE MATCH '-~_Dii'Fj-T F TODAY's Mf.TCF: -_:S A N D ::; :". 0 l1 N D LOCATIO NS Phone : OUIT CLU -_- I 1,70 LIN E

`0 4P


a surprising rouii-1 i. .at weekend, we saw Salesians e their place on top of the ladder after downing thei r nearest competitor Penin3ula, in a daring away from home performance . Oakleigh stayed in touch of the four with a close victory over Monash Gryphons, whilst Powerhouse got out of jail narrowly escaped a determined Elsternwick. EVIEW - ROUND 6

Oakleigh moved one step closer to securing their spot in the four, but only tentatively . It was a persistent 'donash Gryphons that almost crashed the Krushers partly. The Gryphons led for most of the match, only to go down by eleven points at full time . The Gryphs looked set to have a big day out, holding a handy twenty three point lead at quarter time . In the second term, the Krushers applied themselves and took advantage of a lacklustre Gryphons quarter to set up a nine point half time lead . After the long break the Gryphons reasserted themselves, Ii :iravias, Khonry and O'Doherty were on top in the centre and the Monash lead had blown out to seventeen points by three quarter time. In the final quarter, the Krushers set about taking control of the game by beating the Gryphons in the centre break department . In a tight finish, the Gryphs had the chance to take the lead with two minutes remaining, but a strong Krusher mark in the last line of defence and the resultant clearance ending in an Oakleigh goal, was enough to sink the Gryphons . The best players for the disappointed Gryphons were Wells, who kicked four at centre half forward . Karavias was once again busy around the packs and Kitchin was admirable at half forward. Another close match last round was fought out between Powerhouse an d Elsternwick . Powerhouse who were sitting just outside the four before the clash, would have been expecting a big win over one of the lower placed sides in the competition . However, it was the Wicks who dictated terms for most of the day . Elsternwick were ultimately disappointing however, in that they failed to win a match that they had been leading in for most of the day . Best for the Wicks were full forward Mick Andrew, with 9 out of an 11 goal total, John Evans and skipper Leigh i;_urphy . ANZ Albert Park bounced back last week with a strong win over Glenhuntly. Glenhuntly kicked most of its goals in the first half, taking advantages of the slow starting A1QZ . The Zedders went into the main break with a four goal lead . After half time, ANZ played more disciplined football, to set up a big one. Whilst Glenhuntly applied themselves to play good football in the first nalf, they ran out of legs in the second half. Best for the Zedders were Alistair Mitchell on the ball, Rick M cDonald on a wing and Chris Car li se at centre-half back . In the end however ANZ were too strong a finishing side, running out 106 point victors . St Pats moved one step closer to the top by recording a decisive 164 point victory over Monash Whites at Southern Road reserve . The Vultures were slow out of the blocks let-

ting Whites convert some easy goals . The Whites held a sma ll lead at quarter time . In th e second quart er however, the Vultures started to get on top. The Whites were sti ll within striking dist an ce however, and an upset still looked plausible by the start of the second half. The second half was quite contrasting to the first however, in that St Pats played far better football . The Vultures forwards had a field day, helping themselves to no less th an 36 goals by full time . Terry Evans was best afield at centre half forward, whilst Mick Sullivan was winning all over the ground . Captain Karl was again a driving force . The game billed the biggest so far this year between Salesians and Peninsula was not a disappointing one . The first quarter was a great indication of how evenly matched these two sides are, with scores being level at the break . In the second quarter Salesians broke away from their Peninsula counterparts and with a tremendous 8 goal burst, were able to rack up a 6 goal lead at half time . To Peninsula's credit, they clawed their way back in the third quarter and kicked the first four goals . Strong backline perform ance s by Mark Canavan and Bernie Quinn helped Salesian hold sway and maintain a 3 goal lead at three quarter time . The last quarter was more intense, physical and electrifying th an either side could have expected. By the half way point, scores were again level . Then, with a missed shot by Peninsula and a quick turnover by Salesian, a strong 14 point win was recorder by the Salesi an team . Atchison and Cross were again good players for Peninsula .

PREVIEW - ROUND 7 M onash Gryphons should be able to record a win after expending a great deal of energy coming close in recent weeks. They meet with Elsternwick, who are improving but may not have all the tools necessa ry to match a young Gryphons side . Powerhouse will be hoping for a big win over Glenhuntly, but will have to ensure that they do not become too complacent against the weaker sides . Monash Whites inability to produce results is becoming a growing concern and this weeks game against Oakleigh doesn't look any less daunting than its previous matches have . The Krushers are zeroing in on cementing their spot in the four, and a clash against a side like Whites is almost assured a win . Salesian will lock horns with old foes St Pats after coming off their sixth consecutive win. The job at h and for the Vultures is certainly a difficult one, and they must be focused for the entire match to keep in touch . Salesians forward line could be the difference between the two sides . ANZ Albert Park will need to continue its improving form if it is to withstand a tough clash against Peninsula, The Pirates will be on the rebound from their first loss and


,,rill be wanting to make up for last weeks home ground performance . Peninsula should have to many options ;.rollnd the ground to be troubled by the Zedders .

au1L'- i ~)!v _: _

100 Gi- '-5 - TONY Belated congratulations to St Pats 'TD' who reached this milestone earlier this year . TD has been a reliable target for the Vultures, who is blessed with an uncanny goal sense, the club wishes him all the best for the year and congratulate him on his effort, 50 GAMES CLARINGBOLD Dave 'Hedge' Noonan joined St Pats in 1990, and after missing season 1991, Hedge will play his 50th for the Vultures against Salesians on Saturday . A good ruck option and on field leader, the club wishes him all the best. FAREWELL Peninsula wishes to farewell Adam Crean and Brad Taylor, who are leaving the club to go to America. Bon Voyage! SOCIALS Monash Gryphons is holding an evening to honour its foundation members Craig Robinson, David King, Chris O'Brien, Justin Fu ll er and John Blandford . The night will honour these players on reaching 50 games milestones as they have not yet been congratulated . The celebration takes place at the Gryph-Inn after the game with Melbourne band "White Man Can't Reggae" appearing later in the evening. The club welcomes all Elsternwick members after the game today . Salesians is holding a 70's Disco Night at the clubrooms after the game against St Pats today . All welcome for a big night! 8 o'clock start . Peninsula host it's Trivia Night at the Art Room tonight after the ANZ game .





22 22 21 20 19

o_~~~ ~?GH 2.3 7.7 It's 17 .14.116 :ORYPHOI; S 5.7 8 .11 13.13 15.15.105 Oatlcigh Marshall 6, Donadel, Flinn 3 . Alexandrou 2• Ayres, Billing, TheoBbpoulos. Best marshall. Donadel, Flinn, Akxandmu, Adamic, Walsh . .T -' onuh Gryphons Wells 4, Kitchln, Atkinson 3• Adams 2, Fraser . Khou ry, Blandford. Best Kltchin• Karavias, White, Blandforzt. Wells, Robinson . EI 8 C8 3 .1 7 .4 10.10 11 .10.76 2.1 3 .6 7 .8 14.12.96 POWERHOUSE Btsternwick Andrew 9, Mussored, Bourke . Best Evans, And rew. Murphy, S . Mahony, C. Malwny. Bourke.

Power sure Craven 4 . Scotland, Richardson 2 . Evans . Devlin. McCullough . Harrison, Hall, Gill. Beat Birch, Craven, Morris, Lynch. Richardson, Harrison. O t1N9Y .Y 5.4 7.6 10.6 13.8 .86 ARE 6.5 10.12 17.20 28 .24.192 Glenhuntly Seabrook 4, Sutton 2, Harrison, Janis, Craig, Talarigo. Rennison . Thomas, b',cEwan . Best Sutton, buckley, Craig. Thomas. Rossiter. Jones . AHZ Bank Malone 7, Smith 5 . Boyle 3, McDonald, Bearlin. Wills 2, Mitchell, Carlisle . Harbinson, rutherford• Walokley. Lovett. Beat Mitchell, McDonald, Carlisle . Mature, Lawerence, Duke. 38.21.237 ST PATBICBS TONE 4 .4 10.13 2 0 .1 8 5 .3 8.3 8 .5 11 .7.73 ffi0HA8H WHITES St Patricia; Yentone Murphy 8• Evans 6, Sullivan S. Gurtler 4, M . Sulliv an 3. Hillebrand . Perrin, Fenech, Young 2• Davies, Cerritelli. Best Evans. M. Sulliv an. currier, Fenech, Perrin . Davies. Yonash Whites Van Der Zalm . Cormick• Riddle . Hammerton 2. Coglep . McKossock, Tossavairren. Best Cormick, Hamn erton . Forbes, McKissock, Riddle. Caller. PENINSULA OB 4.6 6 .9 15.11 21 .13 .139 SALESULN 4.5 12.9 18.11 23 .15 .153 Peninsula OB Warne-Smith 8• Landry S . Corke 2, Parsons, Bond, A. landry . McMahon . Tn^mhitt• Bowen . Best Atchison, Cro ss . Cook, C . Landry, Warne-Smhh . McMahon . Salesian GC Grace 7. Byrne 5 . Hazell 3• Bourke. Wiseman 2• 6#cKnight, Bob-tic . Brown, Healey . Best Babette, McKnight. Sinclair. Quinn, Byrne. Grace.

o: 1 :+'sH 1 .3 7.7 9.8 12.12.84 MurU . . ~' GR9 : HONB 3 .1 4 .3 6 .6 7.8 .50 Oa§1 -] Niko 4 . Wood 3• Templeton 2, Perdikomatis. Adaway. Williamson. Best Nike, lr,Rakis. Templeton. Adaway. Debono. Aliss. Yonaah Gryphons Lewis 2. Gilchrist Bailey . Ls.vcock. Williamson . Won-all . Beat Toghili, Brow-ell. Freeman, Tolangas. Lawcock . Gilchrist 6.7.43 BLS CS 3.3 3.3 4.6 PtiWBRHOU6B 5.1 10.7 14.14 21.19.146 Etsterawick Nolan 2, Daniels, Broderick, Parrish, Kirkham . Best Nolan. Broderick . Park. Daniels. Eklom. Pappa. Powerhouse Wilson 7, Williams 5 . Phelan 3, Blowfield, Telford 2. Snellman . McKenzie. Best Williams, Gill, Wilson, Evans, Snellman, Mason. GL": atlN'i2Y 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.8.3 A: :.'. !5 :A`S 7.6 11.11 18 .13 24:24.168 C .--.' .rally Best Brett, Mitchell . Mrocki,Justin• McEwan. Young . 1 .~- nank Defreee 10, Jones . Szeitz• Curthoys 3. Cox 2 . Parson, Leeds. Jeffrey. 1 r- ; Sutherland, Leeds. Pasiras• Defrex• Cox, Taylor. t' PATRICKS MB4dTOF7E 4 .1 9 .8 14.11 33.20.158 ffiOP{: H WHITES 2 .3 2 .3 4 .3 4.3 .27 St Patricka Mentone Gangl 8 . Davis. Capuano 4• Allinson 3. Merle . Barr, Cosgrove. Fatouras. Best Capuano• Barr. Noonan, Gangi. Lewis. Allinson. Monash Whites Lamb. Howe 2 . Beat lamb . Howe, Hibberd. Glass. Devoil, Strithoff. PENINSULA OB 3.3 5.7 6.13 11.13.79 SALESM OC 1.2 2.4 2 .4 5.8.38 Peninsula OB Farrow 4. Bonner, Galluzzo 2. Warner, Monterosso . Br°t Whelan, t'eLorinan. V. Branra0sarw• Warner, D. Bruica8sarw, Scown . E,.Lastaa t1C Oliver. MeLardy 2 . Alligan. Best Taylor. Alligan . Stevens . Wallbridge. Bouchard .

_ f2NS v . Ls . ; -;ia+TE r, ieiu: M . F'ai<' 5 ea' Rossarto . = 3 . .'IrRHOUSE v . GLENIiUN'_`:-Y ( : 3' _ra Park) Field : T . Creighton, I . Cayzer . MONASH

[TES v. OAKLEIGH Fietd: M. Gilday. SALESIAN v . ST PATRICKS MENTONE Field : B . Bain . Boundary : D . Bain, I . Burgess . 2 BANK v PE PENINSULA OB (Oval 1 Albert Park) C . Brajtberg, S. Rolls.



o incorrect predictions by two points and b y , ~ four points respectively stopped me from "picking the card" . My 75% success rate will not do my overall statistics any good in the "CONNELL CLASSIC" . REVIEW OF ROUND 6 NORTH Hawthorn Citizens proved my prediction of their first defeat both premature and exaggerated when they defeated St . Bernards under the unforgiving gaze of the St . Bernards crowd . The Citizens won by four points. Therry, despite forward inaccuracy, had the better of a competitive Old Ivanhoe who went down by nine points . Old Ivanhoe had good players in Chris Webb, Bruce Yarwood, Ian Wells, the very consistent, David Supa, Peter Cargin and Guy Locke . Marcellin found no difficulty in negotiating the Albert Park terrain as the "Eagles" soared over the "Lions" and inflicted a forty-three point defeat on Coll egians. Kew found their missing form when, in the battle for the wooden spoon, they easily accounted for Old Essendon Grammarians by fifty-five points after a one sided game . North Old Boys had the bye . SOUTH Leaders Old Xaverlans continued on their winning way with a convincing forty point victory over Mazenod, who as a consequence fell down the ladder to sixth place, two games behind the fourth placed side . Only inaccurate kicking by Old Melburnians prevented their winning margin over VUT being greater than ninety-eight points . Thirty nine scoring shots to six by VUT really show the degree of Old Melburnian dominance . The early start on a damp ground proved a real bonus to Old Scotch who overwhelmed Old Geelong by one hundred and nineteen points . Twenty goals from twenty-two scoring shots reveal both uncanny accuracy and a sure sign of Old Scotch dominance in the game . The De La Salle versus Old Brighton Bloods game certainly bore out my prediction that it would be the match of the round . A very even contest saw each side placed to take the points. Eventually Old Brighton Bloods were victorious by two points and by so doing tightened their grip on fourth place . St . Kevins had the bye . PREVIEW OF ROUND 7 NORTH Therry, who travel across town to play unbeaten leaders Hawthorn Citizens, must win to insure their hold on a top four position . At home and because of their superior record I select Hawthorn Citizens . :,i.arcellin play North Old Boys at Bulleen and on current form they should win and thus maintain second place. Old Essendon Grammarians, who are yet to win on the ground, play Collegians at Keilor . 36

Collegians certainly have no great form to recommend them and providing Old Essendon can recover from Friday's trip to Kilmore, I believe they can win their first game. St . Bernards have the bye . SOUTH In a possible final's preview Old Xaverians meet an in form Old Melburnians at Toorak Park . This game promises to be one of high standard as each combatant has displayed great recent form . As Old Xaverians have the better record I select them to win . Old Scotch should continue on their winning way at the expense of St. K evins, who lack the necessary talent to extend Old Scotch . Another early morning start will be made by Old Geelong who play Old Brighton Bloods at 9 .30 a .m . on the Brighton Beach Oval where climatic factors can have a bearing on the result. However prevailing conditions from 9 .30 a.m . are largely uncharted . On performances to date Old Brighton Bloods should have a big win . De La Salle travel out west to play VUT who have little to show for their season to date. De La Salle could not have selected a better match to regroup as they strive to regain their winning way . I believe they will easily account for VUT . =azenod have the bye .

o = _ o_T D BOYS I"ichael 'J- 'T L-, nch - 200 Games First played 1979 in the Ul9s . Has been an integral part of the club through all of his years and has contributed to the great spirit that exists at NOBS . Great clubman serving on committee many times . Has been a senior player, a reserves captain and now enjoying the 'winter' of his career playing Club XVIII . CongratulationsJEX on this great milestone . Gary 'GUS' Carroll - 200 Games Congratulations 'Gus' on this fine achievement . First played in 1978 and quickly progressed to be an outstanding player, one of the best we have seen at North . He was a member of the 1982 'A' Grade premiership team and played in many other finals. Now enjoying his football more than ever playing Club XVIII, he is treating a whole new generation to his skills . Andy Ryan - 50 Games Congratulations Andy on this milestone . Now enjoying Club XVIII footy, we look forward to many more years both on and off the field . Ron Holmberg - 50 Games Current inspirational coach of our Club XVIII, Ron has enjoyed being the backbone of this team the last 4 years . Congratulations Ron on 50 Games . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996


TOTAL 15 12 12 11 10




0 0 5 5

13 12 12 12




FRO-, ROUND SIX - 18/5/96 Andrew Bryan, Bulleen-Temp . - Striking - 3 matches Jacob Mystakidis, De La Salle CU 19) - Tripping - 2 matche s


ST tf E- S7ARDS 2 .1 5 .3 8 .5 16.6.72 ~ CI2YP- .~3 1 .5 3 .7 8 .9 11.10.76 St Bernardo Wc.;.. 1, Quinn 2, Moon, Tata. Creak, Comitla. Hayes . Beat Wood, Castle. Denahy, Matkov, Comilla . Hawthorn Citizens Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . THERRY 9 .13.67 OLDIVANnOE 8 .10 .58 27aecr7 Ri zzo 4, Smith 2, Lowry. Lyons. Keenan. Best ftizzo. Griocock . Fitzpatrick, Lowry, Doran, Lyons . Old Ivanhoe Ellsworth. Webb, Wells 2, Sharp, Yarwood . Best Webb . Sharp, Cargan . Yatwaad, Super, Cocke. COLLEGIANS 2.3 3.4 4.5 4.8 .32 CEIS.Bi 2.1 6.4 9.4 11.9 .75 Conegtans Oakley 2 . Taylor, Mo rrison. Best Dingle, Wain, Mathers, Lee, Young, Taylor. ffinrcett(n Dinneen 3 . Kennedy, Pitt. Paonessa 2, Cox. Barnett. Best Daffy, Tsoukas, cox, Holland, Dineen, Caf@rky . REW 16.13 .108 OLD ESSENDON 8.6 .54 Se w O'Dea 8, Hancock 4, Lawerence, lvak, Corbally, Curtain . Best O'Dea, Lawerence, Reynolds. Han cock . Curtain. Corridon . Old Beseadon Dip 4, Tyretl, Hammond . Boyle, Howden, Bishop . Best Dip, Boyle, Hamrswnd, Howden, Gass. Tyretl.

CLUB XVM SOUTH MAZENOD 0.1 0.1 5.2 6.5 .41 BID XAVERIANS 3.2 7.5 9.8 11.15 .81 Masenod 00 Bolk. Jacobs 2 . McLean . Occhipinti . Best Hall, McLean . McAllister, Bolte. Halvy, Jacobs. Old %averisns Hall 4, Cottopy, Stones 2, Durand . Short. Ries. Best land rigan, Coaopy. ftynn, Ries. King, Chamberlain. OLD IIaNttsNS 5.6 6.13 12.18 15 .24.114 Wr 0.3 1.4 1.4 2 .4.16 Old Melburnfnns Nelson 5, Branch0ower, Jensz 3, Corknelt 2 . Osborne, Welham. Best Brznch6ower, Nelson, Eggletun. Wetham, Corbin . VIII Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. OLD GEELONG 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.3.3 OLD SCOTCH 5.0 12.1 16.1 20 .2.122 Old Gee3oag Best Oddie, Neville-Smith, Law, Davis, Petite. Ommnd . Old Scotch Pryde. MeLetsh, ttlingworth 5, Knight, Aston 2, Price. Best Pry de, Mclxish, Godwin . Clunies-Ross. Ittingvwrth, Tribe. DE LA SALLE 9 .6.60 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 9 .8.62 Do La Salle Murphy 2, Scales, H ynes, Williamson, Bourke. Hoy, funnell. M annix. Best Mannix, Farrell, Grace . Brasher, Williamson, Byrne. Old Brighton H?cods Cochran, Wraith 2, Smyth, Ug : . Scarlett. Pyers, Stetanos. Beat Payne. Hantilton . Tomato. Hall, cochran, Smyth.

' Peter Nelson, Hampton Rovers (U19) - Chargin g - 2 matches

Mark Fisher, Old Brighton - Striking - 4 matche s ' Micah Berry, Old 14elburnlans - Striking - 2 matches Jim Hughes, Old Scotch - Striking - 2 matche s ' Rohan Aujard, Old Scotch - Striking - 2 matches Shaun Leonard, Old Westbourne - Striking - 4 matches Leo Panjari, Parkside - Abuse of Umpire - 3 matche s ' William Dodd, Power House - Abusive Language - 2 matches

Kip Watford, Southbank - Elbowing - 4 matches ' Trevor Grimshaw, Swinbu rn e (Res .) - Striking - 4 matches Matt Jacobsen, Therry (U19) - Striking - 6 matche s " Chris Maguire, Whitefriars - Striking - 2 matches ' Accepted prescribed penalty INVESTIGATIONS FROM MQINGS 21/5/ 96 Misconduct against Caulfield Grammarians in that its reserves players did consume alcohol in the rooms follc,wily the game at Beauntaris on May l lth. Club fined $150.00. Charge of misconduct against Old Trinity and Old Paradians seniors in that its senior players engaged in a melee in the match played 11/5/96. Charge proven. Old Paradians a$100 suspended fine, for 1996 season and Id Trinity a$300 suspended fine for 1996 season . Each fine to be added to any other melee charge sustained during the 1996 season . Charges of misconduct against Thornbury Cougars from the reserve and senior matches played against West B runswick on May 4th 1996 . Player Vic D'Angelo sevet'e]y reprimanded on a misconduct charge . 'Ihomlxuy Cougars placed on a $250 bond to be forfeited should club be found guilty of a further offence at an investigation hearing during the 1996 season.

Saturday's final siren scores



Six. 're€`_`aqf D Lour undefe $~aii I':ZVIEW OF LAST WEEK'S MATCHES DIVISION ON E a high scoring match at Gillon Oval a fired up Old ~ j Paradians came out with all guns blazing and reall y jumped NOBS from the start, and led by (5) goals at half time. From then on they booted (13) second half goals to (6) to run out convincing winners and leave themselves just outside the four. Dintinosante, Flynn and Gale were best for OP's . The Old Melburnians and Old Xaverians clash on paper was to be a beauty, but a (7) goal to (3) opening turned into a demolition in the next three quarters with Xavs winning by (22) goals in the finish. For OM's none tried harder than Murray, Cloke and Bvne, while for Xavs it was hard to go past Coughlan, 3 olamd and McDonald . Therry were jumped by AJAX in the first term with Burman and Carew doing as they pleased, and the Jackers were never headed after this . Although the final margin was (16) points to give any side a (7) goal head start is criminal . For Therry Fitzpatrick, Copeland and B . Jacobsen were best . Collegians and St. Bernards played at the new Harry Trott (Holdsworth Oval) and Collegians were extremely competitive in the final three quarters, however not scoring a goal in the first term inevitably cost them the match . F lorentine, Harris and Walsh for Collegians, and B . Overman, Peel'and Bateman for St . Bernards were all fine players on the day . De La Salle were looking forward to having a crack at Uni Blues however were found wanting on the day . Uni Blues had (10) goal kickers none better than Versteegen (9) and Halligan (4), while Falrbank an d Hanlon were also fine players . For De La Butler, King and Harper battled gallantly all day against the odds . DIVISION (2) WIIIT E St. Kevins blew away Warringal in their match at Righetti Oval and in doing so signalled to all other teams that they will definitely be the yardstick this year . were best for SKOBS, Do llrr► an, Kuring and Gargano better players for with Playfair, Convery and Harte Warringal. St . Leos WP Emmaus won their second match for the year over De La Salle (2), like the trend of many U 19 matches the side whc gained ascendancy at the start went on to win well . For St . Leos NWP Emmaus . At Major, Newey and McCann were named their best the Crawford Oval a young man named Gellie was the difference between the two sides, he booted (22) ofiJni Blacks' (40) goals against Bulleen-Templestowe . Other Howell good players for Uni were McCormick-Brennan, and Smith, while for the Bullants good four quarter players were Gannas, Papadopoulos, Daskalon and t Lambropoulos, Williamstown and Old Geelong fough

out the closest match of the round with Williamstown holding on by (13) points in th e end, after only scoring (1) point in the first quarter. Better players were Matthews, bieCuteheor► and Thompson, while for the OG's Wilson, Pooley and Paul were serviceable players . DIVISION ( 2) BLUE Old Haileybury were given a fright by Ormond at McKinnon and managed to scrape home by (3) points in the end, after holding a handy lead at quarter time . Although straighter kicking could well have seen them have the match sewn up at three quarter time, credit must be given to the 'Monds who fought this one right out. For the Bloods none were better than George, Clarke an d P. Langford-Jones, while for the vanquished Brown, Stielow an d Handley were consistent triers. Beaumaris blew away Maaenod and sent out a clear warning that they will be hard to defeat this season . McKenzie, Pitts and Melver were best for the Sharks while for the Nodders Riley, Evans and Clifford were amongst the best . Hampton Rovers won their third game on the trot by defeating St. Kilda Sth Caulfield at David Street, a brilliant second quarter assuring the Rovers of the four points. BlieY, Marinis and Holt were fine players with Iles booting (4) goals . Old Brighton gradually pegged back Caulfield Grammarians in their match at the South Road Oval to win by (39) points . Had they kicked straighter the Tonners could well have won by a lot more, Caulfield on the other hand kicked that straight, they only kicked (1) point for the match and this was in the last quarter . For the Tanners Alderson, Brown and Williams were excellent players throughout the day. DIVISION (2) RED In a high scoring affair at Chirnside Park the home team ran away from the Old Paradians (2) in the second half to record their third win for the season . For the Parkers Adams, Ailatt and Holliday with Violi (5) goals were best, while for the OP's Vincent, Ploenges and Rosbrook with Hurst (5) goals the main contributors . Yarra Valley hosted tefriars and took the game right up them in the first half, however it was the 'Friars forwards who capitalised on the good teamplay from midfield and back to eventually win comfortably . Griffen, Jongebloed (5) and D . Fedele were better 'Friars. Old Trinity and Aquinas fought out a titanic struggle all day with Aquinas ahead when the bell went (1) point in the lead . Old Trinity hit back hard after a goalless first quarter and in effect had more scoring shots at goal than their opponents, but were unable to pinch a win . ISlindworth, P. Power and Arrowsmith (3) were good players for Old Trinity, while for the victors it was hard to go past Chapman, Mercuri, M . Tilling and Huggin s THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199 6


(a) for Aquinas . Old Carey were never headed, in what was a predicted upset, by Old Scotch . A (7) goal to (2) econd quarter sealing Old Scotch's fate by half time, heCter players for Old Scotch were Davis, Walkom, Crane and Tindale, while for Old Carey Collins, A Murphy were named in their best. PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAMES DIyiSION ON E old Paradians will fi nd Old Melburnians on the rebound a tough ask and I believe that Mark Zuker will use last week's loss to Xavs as the spur for today, although and important game for both teams OM's will bounce back today . Old Xavs host Therry at Toorak park and I cannot see the boys from Glenroy getting very close at all today, especially if they start as slow as they did last week. St. Bernards and North Old Boys clash at Beryl Street in a "local derby", neither team has set the world on fire yet have shown signs of playing good honest football, NOBS to bounce back from their loss last week to OP's . Uni Blues will prove far too powerful for Collegians at Crawford Oval, despite their, improved showing last week . In the final match Ajax an d Be La We play at Fawkner Park No .2, in what should be an extremely entertaining match I am favouring the Jackers to surprise Terry Russell's boys today on more familiar territory . Selections : OM's, Old Xavs, NOBS, Uni Blues & AJAX DIVISION (2) WHITE Warringal take on De La Salle (2) at home and should hold enough fire power up forward to kick a winning score, this match is important to both sides who do not want to lose touch with the top four . St. Leos WP Emmaus play host to Uni Blacks who are coming off a huge win against the hapless Bulleen-Templestowe . Despite St. Leos WP Emmaus having found some form of late, it is hard to go past Damian Carroll's boys who after a win today could see themselves in the top four . Uni Blacks to win . Old Camberwe ll and St. Kevins meet today with the sides sitting 2nd and lst respectively. Old Camberwell are coming off the bye and will be refreshed but I cannot see them getting closer than (3) goals to the trendsetting SKOBS . Bulleen-Templestowe welcome Williamstown to their home and will fight this match right out once again, unfortunately undermanned at present the Bullants under coach Brian Cartwright are at least being competitive week-in, week-out . Despite this Williamstown will win comfortably . Old Geelong have the bye . Selections : Warringal, St . Leos WP Emmaus, St . Kevins & Williamstown DIVISION (2) BLU E Ormond an d Mazenod clash at the EE Gunn with both sides desperately seeking a win to keep them in touch with the four . At home Ormond will prove too committed today . Monash Blues host Beaumaris at the Uni and will provide strong opposition for a half before the Beaumaris machine rolls on to win well . Old Haileybury will bounce back from their poor showing last week, even though they won the Bloods would have been far from happy with the result an d St . Kilda Sth. Caulfield will feel the full brunt of this today. In the final match Caulfield Grammarians clash with Hampton Rovers who are playing extremely good football at present . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Although the 'Fields performed creditably last week the Rovers will prove too strong today, and take a step towards the four. Old Brighton have the bye . Selections : 0--.or'_, Beaumaris, Old Haileybury & Hampton r _ 3 DIVISION (2) - SD Old Pars .liLns (2) and Yarra-Valley clash at Bundoora in what will be a very close game . Yarra Valley having won two matches this season will start favourites although at home OP's will be hard to beat, without any confidence at all Yarra Valley to win by a whisker. Whitefriars and Marcellin at Donvale will be another great match with both teams desperately trying to firmly entrench themselves in the four . Statistically both teams are close and to in personnel, in a toss of the coin Whitefriars at home will win. Aquinas and Chirnside Park clash at Aquinas College with both sides coming of morale boosting wins last week, neither team has set the world on fire but have proved they have what it takes to play four quarters which is what both will need today should they want to win . Given Chirnside Parks' better win loss ratio I am selecting the Parkers today . In the final match Old Scotch and Old Trinity meet at Camberwell Sports Ground, where he victor can set up a major assault on the four by mid-way through the season . Old Trinity have regained many players recently and given fine conditions should prove too accomplished for Old Scotch today . Old Carey have the bye : Selections : Yarra Valley, P?'?dite_M^_*°,,Chirnside Park & 0'd Trinity




ROUND 7-5 YEARS AGO - 1991 La and North Old Boys put on a thriller at EP. irailing 4.6 to 10.9 at half time NOBS blitzed De La in the third term kicking 7 .7 to 2 . 1, and then went on with it in the final term to win 14 .18 to 13.12. Kiss of death Phil Stevens was so overcome by the standard he wrote that "the way these two sides play they could be to the nineties what Collegians and Ormond were to the eighties . "Don't make any more predictions, Phil" . Player of the week, James Bennett (Collegians) picked his team mate Richard Schober as the best Amateur player he'd seen . Old Mentonians saluted Colin "Conga " Erickson on his 350th game. "Conga" was with the club when it joined the VAFA in 1968 . Committee member for past 15 years as property officer, Best clubman 4 times, leading goalkicker 12 times, first ever life member of Club and still playing at 47 years of age . Umpires Corner were taking nominations for 'Umpires Change Room of the Yea r' . Favourites were Caulfield Grammarians (Take turns breathing and hopeless if Mick Murray and Mike Lentini are the goal umpires there - then again any room would be difficult) Old Scotch jXavs (bring your gumboots) and Old Haileybury (12 just won't fit into a toilet). Old Geelong's Acting President Tim Jackson became the club's fourth player in 38 years to reach 200 games . His game featured strong play, impeccable passing and a complete lack of overhead skills . [In 1996 the same Tim Jackson is a real power at The City of Stonnington . A note to all clubs who play in Stonnington - I'm sure that if you go to see Tim about your ground, clubrooms etc . you'll come out smiling if in passing you mention to Tim that you've heard of his great Amateur career . NR) Old Haiieybury congratulated bustling full-back Billy Baxter on his 200th game .'lheir correspondent said that he would have put "star" in front of full-back but Billy had completely lost form since he'd began his modelling career in the Australian Wool Corporation's ad in the AF . "A member of 89 and 90 premiership teams, Bill is probably the longest kick at the club" . 10 YEARS AGO - 1986

Former St Kevin's utility Chris Nettlefold showed how to umpire a reserves' game - he sent off a player - his brother Jeremy for disputing a decision . AJAX "C" surprised by beating Old Trinity bringing to an end their 23 game winning seouence, 14.13 to 10 .12 . Best for AJAX were Zemski, L . 3urston, Bendel, Old Trinity were in such shock they failed to file goalkickers and best players . VAFAUA office-bearers were Peter Wiseman (President), Ron Lippold (Vice-President), Andrew Belcher (Secretary), Foster Rossetto (Treasurer) and Colin King (Assis. Sec.) .

The Blacks saluted one of their greatest sons, Jack 40

Clarke, 1976 B&F, 1976 VAFA representative, on playing his 250th game. 150 games to Old Trinity's Craig Robison, captain 1982 to 1984, and CDEF State representative 1982, 84, 85 and Peter "The Veteran" Beers, and to North Brunswick's Craig Fox . "D" Section coaches were Jeff Rosewarne (Balaclava) (CC), John Taylor (Cob .), Brian Ford (Monash Blues) Michael Taylor (North Brunswick) John Meese (Preston), Laurie Stretton (Old Ivanhoe), Bert Calvert (Old Mentonians) and G . Weatherall (West . Bruns.) . Who coached Power House ?

De La Salle kicked away from Ormond in the last term and at the 20 minute mark, Ormond needed three straight kicks to win . And win the did! four goals in the last few minutes to end up scoring by 13 points . Best were Young (5 goals), Tobin, Kingston (Ormond) and Cooke, Deveson, Ryan (De La Salle) . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 1 Umpires' advisor was John Moss who came to the position with impressive credentials - 20 senior VFL, 46 reserve grade and 3 AFC night games . John has already introduced radical changes to training programmes . De La Sa lle (A) were much too strong for Ormond leading comfortably all day to record a 17 point victory, 14.14 to 11 .15 . Best were Griggs, Deveson, Murphy, Browne, Curry, Simpson (De La) and Andrew, Barnes, K. Swale, Boehm (Ormond) .

Top goalscorers for the round were Priestly, Old Brighton (B) v. Geelong, Bye, Ivanhoe (B) v Kew, Smith, St. Kilda (D) v St. Plus, Malham, ANZ (E) v . AMP, Pidutti, Bulleen United v . FITOB - 8 each. Thomastown (E) had a big win over Thornbury, 26 .19 to 6 .10 with the best for Thomastown, Medwin, Fellows, Gleeson, Harrison Phillips, Powe ll . Therry on top in "F" scored a convincing victory against St. John's OC, 16 .19 to 6 .9 . Best were Boden, Fishery, Gregg, O'Sullivan, Trehorne, White . 20 YEARS AGO - 197 6 Reservoir OB (A) blitzed Ormond in the first term, kicking 8.6 to 0.1 and withstood a strong challenge by the 'Monds' in the second half to win by 9 points . Best were Trevascus, R. Shepherd, B . Wilson (ROB) and Purcell , J. Russ, Jenkins (Ormond). St. Kevin's and AMP Society (E) played a draw, 12 .18 to 11 .14 . Stars were Hannan, Radford, Randles (St . KOB) and P . Taylor, McLaughlin, Parkinson (AMP) .

100 games to Barry O'Conor and Gary 'Darkie' Wilson (NOB) and to Old Trinity's vice captain Trevor Weir. Chairman of the Umpire's Committee was Alf Keam, a man of 200 games experience, whose wisdom would be invaluable in carrying out a difficult job .



Club record, 251 games to Ivanhoe's David Berry - a +c at'turn' to celebrate it, spoilt only by a 3 point loss to Geelong. Alan 'Chooka' Featherby of MHSOB played his 200th • ~me . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 1

` OG's farewelled one of their greatest players former captain Bill Tunbridge, who had been transferred to Tasmania. 200 games to Alphington's Doug Paddy. Past and present players gathered at Kew to honour gay (Weeties) Martin . After 154 games with Richmond, gay coached Kew for 12 years, including two premierships . Old Players present were Alby Padley, Jack Castles, Len Brayley, Eddie Stookey, "Butcher" Marshall, -Flip" Flannagan, Frank Snell and Alf Perrin . After an even first three quarters, Coburg broke away from Ormond in the last term to score a four goal win and lead the "A" Section ladder. 30 YEARS AGO - 1966

A sensational second half in which Old Xaverians kicked 10.8 to Old Paradians 1 .5 gave Old Xaverians a five goal win and knocked Parade out of the "A" Section four . Best were Mulcahy (5 goals), Boodall , Bowen (OX) and Quinlan, Hart, Zekan (Old Parade) .

Alphington farewelled Gerald Fuge after 155 game and service as player, delegate, committeeman and court jester! MHSOB (A), Kew (B) and AJAX (E) were the only undefeated teams . Ormond (2nd) triumped over Old M elburnians (3rd) in "B" Section with the final scores in a high-class game 17 .13 to 15 .11 . Best were Cameron, Moran, Wood (Ormond) and I . Smith, Beer, Payne (OM) . Both sides complimented field umpire Murphy.

Ivanhoe retained fourth place in "B" Section four with a five point win over St . Kevin's. Constance kicked seven goals for the victors. 45 YEARS AGO - 195 1 A minute's silence was observed prior to the commencement of the Ormond-University Blacks match as a tribute to Brian Manuel, centre half-back for the Blacks in the 1950 "A" Section grand final, who died from injuries received in a motor accident the week before . Brian had been a great schoolboy athlete and footballer with Trinity Grammar before going to the University . Ormond showed their best form for the year in defeating Blacks 12.15 .87 to 6 .7.43 . 8 .4 to nothing in the first quarter with the wind was the "decider" . Donaldson, Hegarty and Jack Boland, "who threw his ten stone about like Little Wolf', were best, while Reg Fisher, Harry Meredith and Ken Melville starred for Blacks .


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(ROUND 6 - 18/5/96) I.ATE SCORES : Reserves/Club BVlII (Due : 9531 9333 by 3 p.m .) Whitefriars (Res .) Eltham (Res .) Old Essendon (Res .) Glenhuntly (Res .) Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p .m.) Collegians (U19) Old Trinity (U19) De La Salle (U19) Beaumaris (U19) Uni . Blacks (U19) Phoned incorrect scores ( From Round 5) Old Brighton (Sen.) De La Salle (Club XVIIi) Old Camberwell (Sen .) Therry (U19) Old Paradians (Res.) Old Paradians (U19) North Old Boys (Res .) Old Paradians (U19J2) Swinbume Uni. (Res .) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section) . First offc~ce ( $5) ; second offence ($25): each further offence ($54) .

-,,,CK LOST Em" increase as


clubs continue to

re-of f end . The Executive has decided t o impose a "one-off" fine of $250 for a fourth offence by a team of a club .

EL3Z=L VICE Pi-Mi DRAW SECOND STAGE MAY 25 TO JULY 7 This Sat. : Collegians v. Old Melburnians This Sun .: FIDA MATCHES AT ELSPERNtVICK PARK Next Sat .: Old Haileybury v. Uni Blues Neat Sun. : Old Trinity v. M.H.S.O.B . Sat . June 15 Mazenod v. Ormond Sun. June 16 FIDA MATCHES AT EI.STERA'WICK PARK Sat . June 22 St Kilda Sth Caulfield v . Old Geelong Sun. June 23 St Bernards v. De La Salle

Sat . June 29 Old Brighton v. Theny Sun. June 30 Old Scotch v . Old Xavs Sat . July 6 AJAX v. St Kevins Sun. July 7 Ormond v. Old Scotch NOTES : This draw will be done on one more occasion for the last six week section of the season . Dates relating to the next section of the EP draw are as follows: The draw for the last section of the season (July 13 - August 18) will be released on Saturday June 29, with club requests not to be drawn at EP closing on June 24 . For 1996 'crowd pulling' A and B section games will be scheduled, with an A or B section club not giving up more than 3 home games over seasons 1996-1997, unless an A or B section club especially requests extra home games at EP on available dates (such as * above) . C Section teams considered a chance to play in C section fmals, some of which are played at Elsternwick Park, may be drawn to play at Elsternwick Park as may other section matches where problems were noted during the first meeting this season .

Clubs must phone fi n al si ren scores to .Nancy 9528 3319 (before 5 p .m .) before ringing through Q/Q scores; oalkickers and best Wavers (both teams) to 9531 3333 (before 5.15 p.m.) 42



;I C1ub 's > - _V9 4 ~


V, i R

: ~~~ c _ ba,y y Steve McC alo

b and Anth on y [}am en

remember last rounds game betw~ en ,Old Ba ~ es are har d r--- L ----Ivanhoe at ~:~sternw1cn enough when the two teams kick 39 goals between them, 5 u points separate them at the end of the match but when yo fr mark the second uarter have to umpire om ueh~ ~cove er d saffic en y forqtoday's by yourselfl. Hope you round. t~ We are sure we speak for all members of the VP,P'AU~ . when st wishes for a speedy recovery to Ormond A we send our be coach, eaMgreat upporter of the iuntpirfootball's truerge ntlemen and Ris beer and a chat soon to ing fraternity. Look forward having a Geoff. x ~ Perhaps some readers of Umpire's Corner have noticed that it has taken a new tack since Round 4 this year. We are anxious to get some feedback as to whether the new approach is more acceptable than the old . We would welcome some positive I$ ~er constructive criticism. What we have found in the past certain sections are very quick to criticise and carp . when it comes to actually doing anything, or writing anything, . some people have expressed the view they are particularly slow that Umpires comer does not represent them . n this is thee we ~ then the remedy is simple . CO need contributions - however learned, or bitter and twisted, or fwmy, or sad, or informative or educational . It is not the case that we are overwhelmed by dozens of articles so tell us in writball : to mpires to~ reach theirrhighest potdential,ibe thatUndert19 o r t your inctusion ing what you want, what you like, wha u can then take place, exclusion will be yur ow n AFL seniors. the last 18 PS: Positive responses to Umpire's Corner in . Negative responses in writing -~ . Negative verI,ygon Street Bounce Off - Round 1 commenced May 9 months . Ideas to improve the column from othRules. bat comments MANY 1• Automatic forfeit to opponent for non appearance. CI AND ers - PIII . .

om previous weeks, we take this opportunity ~llovring on fr ` to provide a profile of the head man, the Umpire Advisor AF Brian Builuss . Nickname'- "Bomber" . V A game~ I~°e : rotation fro u~y ersus~AAX, oneshandball {th n kick ~ good old Haileyb r Property Manager. Car: Nissan anticipation. Occupation: : To provide direction that is otivation M Skyline. Personal of advice to youngsters: Pick a role model structured . Words to football : four for a mentor . Suggested improvement . Pet football hate : people who umpires on the outside of play sports: criticise with no constructive advice . Hobbies/other fo& Renovation of old houses, bushwalking .aB ~ rtt~laterfn Pasta entree, pepper steak, main . Ilrink: Beer . Favourite movie : Where ,thenig) Eagles idul?Ha~ssa Mann , Boyhood sporting seen : Muriel's Wedding. seen: Bruno Amateur footballers . Best Melbourne No. 29 pound . Most memorable Conti, Frosty Miller - pound for . Kilda versus Geelong - 1982 . St match: Ist VFL/AFL match e - some are better n than Others..uenc ~g,tBest UmgiresNOebest Charles Darwin autobiography by son Frank : Last book readultimate non-footy sporting fantasy : Anchor Darwi n . Your d com e vfro leg 400m relay at Olympics an party : Ste m e Mone g etdti~ Dale y guests at a dinner Dream t Thompson, Fergie Speakman, Fred Grubb . Ambition in fao

2 . 10 bounces each.

. 3. 4 judges - 2 accuracy, 2 height 4 . Judges to decide the bounce off area • h 5 . If the scores are tied after the 10 bounces, a sudden deat bounce is judged . after trauurtg• 6 . Bounce off commences straight . Hinton 277, M . Argal 299 v . M . J . Stoppa 227 v. ~V . H. Simon 307 . M . Gibson 270 v . . Alien 2$di v lRosart305,B 26 3, M . 236 v . R . Bell C . Bra}tberg 239, C . 0'Donohue . Ladd v. P. . Henry, A YvW McCrohan v. C. "1 5, M• .Pirme . Rennick v. L. Gallagher, Curran , C . G . Zapadlo v SVithington, T . D. Lane, C . SegPta v. A. Price v . S. Davie, N . McCorquodale v Jackson, S . Alger v. K . Sego~. er finalist Odds will be posted next G . Tinvaites automatic quar . twek Odds will be posted next week . on reachAfter recently congratulating Graharn 'Thwaites ing the milestone of 200 games we are sure "Scvayzee" will




ACN 004 0608333 LTA 3075

2 43


COACHES L _ ~ LRD edited bw AFC.-SIAFA

Tor-ammmmmmmm Goal Set yi- ; - Desire and Fair L his is a letter written by Clifton Cushman, 1960 USA T Olympic hurdler who fell in the 1964 US Olympic trials at Los Angeles and thus lost his chance to make the US team . The letter, addressed to the youth of Cushman's home town, Grand Forks, North Dakota, was reprinted in the Grand Forks Herald after it had been read into the Congressional Record by Sen . Milton R. Young . In the belief that it might be an inspiration to young athletes everywhere, it was sent to the Amateur Athlete by Dave Robertson, Secretary of the North Dakota Association . The open letter is as follows . . . . "Don't feel sorry for me, I feel sorry for some of you. You may have seen the US Olympic trials on television . If so, you watched me hit the fifth hurdle, fall and lie on the track in an inglorious heap of skinned elbows, bruised hips, torn knees and injured pride, unsuccessful in my attempt to make the Olympic team for the second time . In a split second all the many years of training, pain, sweat, blisters and agony of running were simply and irrevocably wiped out . But I tried . I would much rather fail knowing I had put forth an honest effort than never to have tried at all . Make Personal Olympics . This is not to say that everyone is capable of making the Olympic team . However, each of you is capable of trying to make your own personal "Olympic Team" - whether it be the high school football team, the debating team, he choir or whatever your goal may be. Unless your aim exceeds your grasp, how can you be sure what you can attain ? And don't you think there are things better than cigarettes, hot rod cars, school dropouts, excessive makeup and bad language? Over 15 years ago, I saw a star - first place in the Olympic Games . I literally started running for it .

In 1960 1 came within 3 yards of grabbing it . This year I stumbled, fell and watched it recede four more years away. Certainly, I was very disappointed in falling flat on my face . However, there is nothing more I can do about it now but get up, pick the cinders from my wounds and take one more step followed by one more and one more, until the steps turn into miles and the miles into success .

MMMMMMMzEMMMMW I know I may never make it again . The odds are against me, but I have something in my favour - desire and faith . Romans 5 .3-5 has always had an inspirational meaning to me in this regard : "We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that the suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us" . Many Youths Unhappy : At least I am going to try. How about you?. Would a little extra effort on your part bring up your grade average? Would you have a better chance to make the football team if you stayed an extra 15 minutes and worked on your tackling? Let me tell you something about yourselves . You are taller and heavier than any past generation in this country . You are spending more money, enjoying more freedom and driving more cars than ever before, yet many of you are unhappy . Some of you have never known the satisfaction of doing your best in sports, the joy of excelling in class, the wonderful feeling of completing a job, any job, and looking back on it knowing that you have done your absolute best . I dare you to have your hair cut and not wilt under the comments of your so-called friends . I dare you to clean up your language . I dare you to respect your elders, honour your mother and father . I dare you to go to Church without having to be compelled to go by your parents . I dare you to unselfishly help someone less fortunate than yourself and enjoy the wonderful feeling that goes with it . I dare you to .become physically fit. I dare you to read a book that is not required at school . I dare you to pick up a piece of litter that you did not drop . Set Sights On The Stars : I dare you to look up at the stars, not down at the mud, and set your sights on one of them that, up to now you thought was unattainable . There is plenty of room at the top, but no room for anyone to sit down. Who knows? You may be surprised at what you can achieve with sincere effort . So get up, pick the cinders out of your wounds, and take one more step . . . . . . . . .I Dare You"

John Keenan Nagambie FC AFCA/VAFA Member

If shorts are worn they must be white club shorts only. If tracksuit pants, they must be r : -jv blue only 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

REVIEW - ROUND 4 Last Sunday at Brunswick and Bendigo the fourth round of FIDA football took place . With Chadstone, Haw thorn and Parkside all having the bye, and with Ringwood and Maribyrnong having clashed at Ringwood two Saturdays ago there were only three matches at Brunswick and two in Bendigo . The first game between Broadmeadows and the Marlins never eventuated with the Marlins forfeiting . The Mitcham and Keilor match would decide who would remain winless and unfortunately it was Mitcham at the end of the day . Werribee proved far too strong for the Magpies in the final match at Brunswick, winning easily by 12 goals . In the matches at Bendigo, Karingal proved far too strong and won comfortably over Bendigo (2), while Heidelberg were only just behind at the finish of their clash with Bendigo (1), who are now undefeated in four games . PREVIEW - ROUND 5

This weekend there is six matches at Elsternwick park. Heidelberg clash with Mitcham in the first game and although Mitcham has not won a game as yet, Heidelberg would not want to let this game slip . Heidelberg to win but not without a fight . Karingal and Ringwood should be a ripper match, with both sides sitting near the top of the ladder. Karingal's good form should see them ahead at the final siren . Reilor after their rousing first win last week take on Chadstone and although buoyed by this win will struggle to kick a winning score against Chadstone . BRaribyrnong and Hawthorn clash in the Division 2 fixture and with Hawthorn not having won a game yet and Maribyrnong travelling along nicely it is hard to see Hawthorn beating Maribyrnong today . Werribee and Broadmeadows play in the Division 3 match and with both sides playing good football it is hard to pick a clear winner, given Broadmeadows' ladder position on top and undefeated it hard to tip against them . In the final match the Marlins will be far too strong against Parkside who will push them but not be good enough today .

Bendigo (1 & 2) and the Magpies have the bye . ®o


All players and coaches should be aware that when travelling to Bendigo to play on the weekend that matches now will be played at the Golden Square Football Ground, Wade Street Bendigo . The co-ordinator of the Bendigo teams is Greg Stephen and he should be contacted during the week leading up to the matches to be held at Bendigo, to check if there are any changes in match details etc . ~ ® o All club coaches and administrators are reminded that there is a Delegates' Meeting at Elsternwick Park this coming Monday at 7 .30 pm . Teams are also reminded that Players' Representatives are also required for their monthly meeting as well . ® ® ® Player of Round 4 - Wayne Loy (Keilor Saints) LADDERS: Division 1: Team Played Won Lust Drawn For Agst % Pis Bendigo (1) 4 4 0 0 297 53 560 .37 16 0 136 96 141 .6 8 Chadstone 3 2 1 0 138 71 194 .36 4 Heidelberg 3 1 2 0 61 199 30.65 4 Keilor 3 1 2 0 28 215 13.02 0 Mitcham 3 0 3 Division 2 : Karingal Ringwood Maribyrnong Bendigo (2) Hawthorn

3 3 0 0 176429 .26 429.26 12 3 2 1 0 71 47 151.1 8 94 .79 8 3 2 1 0 91 96 4 1 3 0 81 119 68 .06 4 3 0 3 0 68 154 44 .15 0

Division 3 : Broadmeadows 3 3 0 0 345 8 4312 .5 12 Martins 3 2 1 0 269 5 5380.0 8 Werribee 3 2 1 0 221 200 110.5 8 Parkside 3 I 2 0 135 260 51.92 4 Magpies 4 0 4 0 46 564 8 .15 0


> Under 19 - Continue-' 7romPr-e 3 9


UI';~3-R 19 f SECTION 1 NORTH OLD Boys 5,5 7 .8 12.10 13.11,8B 25 .15165 OLD PARADlt~ ;; 7,5 12.10 17.12 . Cippoloni, Waters, Turner, Maguire, North Old Boys Pavlov 3, Evans. Abboud 2. "mmmson Khoder, Best Koutsavasilis. Maguire. Evans, Khoder. Waters, Abboud. Old Paradleas Gale 7. Harris 4, Phelan, S. Phelan. Lynch 3. Dintirtosante . Geary 2 . Wilson. Beat Dintinosante, Flynn, Gale, Joyce, Harris, Phelan . 9-8 10.7.87 3,3 6.3 OLD MELRURNLANS 7-3 14.5 21 .10 32-24,218 OLD XAVERIANS Old lieiburntana Murray 4. Cloke. Coach, Deague, McLeod . Stevenson. Wright Best Munay, Cbke Balm, Miller. S~Igley, Wright 019 %averlans Donati 7, Hilbert 4, Kay, Imes . McDonald, Mulcahy 3, Perry, Fleming 2, Ockteshaw. Hardwick 2, Hawkins . Beat Coughlan, Boland . McDonald, Perry . DonaO . Shannon. 8 .4 9.8 11.16.82 THP32RY 0 .1 13.12 14.14.98 MAX 7 .1 10.3 . Doadle. Theory Stevens, Stella 2, Brady . Hutchinson, Zampogna . Moloney, Jacobsen Crakford. Beat Fitzpatrkk, Copeland, Jacobsen . Moloney, Sacco, Slazyk . . AJaz Snow 4 . Carew 3, Samuel 2. Burman, Grosman . Kaplan. Macro. China. Beatt Burman Carew . Kaplan . Gnaw Segal . Snow. 0.2 2.4 4.8 8 .10.58 COLLEGIANS 3.3 9.7 12.12 14 .12.96 . Collegians S~ayers 3 . Harris 2, Vanden^enne, Smythe, Morrison, tallish . Best Florentine Harris. Walsh . Van it,, Venue . LuB. St Barnard . Grey S. laruano, Rogers 2, Swann, Rea. McKeon. Overman . Bateman. Beat Bosrei-man, Peel, Bateman. Grey. Dowling . Delaney . 3.11 5,12 9.16 11.18.85 DE LA SAL13.* UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 .3 15.8 20.8 30 .13.193 Best Butler. King, Do La Salle Healy 3 . Conn. Johnstone 2, Lambe, harper . Harter, Kemp. Harper, Harber. Healy. Aron. University Blues Versteegen 9, Halligan 4 . Brockley. Demaj. Nation, Wilcox 3. Beltmme 2, . Brockley. Roydhouse . Comm. Johnson. Strack. Beat Fairbank, Hanlon. Versteegen Beltrame.

UNDER 19 2 TE 13 .13 19.19 30.27 .207 8T EEviNS 4.6 1,4 2.5 7.6 9,9,63 WARRmGAL . O'Brien, Ltuy 2, St Nevins Gargano 7, Mamie 6 . Finch 4. Kuring 3, Large, Quirk . Dollman. Fields. Best Gallatin, Kurinq . Gargano. A',cArdk, Large. Liry Wanlagal Anderson, CanrelierL Play air 2 . Sheean, Witchell, Yin . Best Piay(air. Corvery, Harte, Attardi . Hopkins . Rossimet. ST LEO'S EMMAUS WP 4,6 8 .8 14 .9 17.17.119 0-1 2,7 4 .9 7.14.58 DELASALLE(2) St Leos Emmavs WP Vouo 5, Ludlow, McNally, Newey 2, Carey- Hodder . Latham, Major. Schbtter, Thomas . But btajor. Newcy. PicCann, om. Ludlow, Schluter . De La Sall e Goal Kickers an d BtstPlayers not received. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 15 .11 26 .23 32 .28 40.31 .271 BUid,EEN-TgMPLEaTOWE 0 .3 3.4 5.6 7.7.49 University Blacks Gellie 22. MLCormiek-Brennan 5, Howell 4, Staunton, Henderson 2 . Smnh. Ward, Maher . Warburton. Raffaele. Beat Gellie . MeConnick-Brennan. Howell, smith . Ward, Staunton . BuBeea-Templeatoae Papadopoubs 3. Daskalou 2 . lambmpoulos . Walker. Best Garnets, Pappadopoulos. Daskalou . Lambropoulos. KHrtdes . Potamianos. 11.12 .78 W B3dAbS5T0WN CYMB 0 .1 7 .8 8.7 OLD GEEI.ONG 1 .4 2.6 8.10 9.11 .65 Williamstown GYMS Matthews 3, Hunt Houh 2 . Burgess. Holland. Kennedy, McCuteheon. . Houli. Beat Matthews . McCutheon, Thompson. Viouda, Matar Old Geelong Paul, Wallace-Smith 3 . Bingley. Hogg. Collins . Beat Wilson. Pooley. Campbell, Ranken. Paul, Bostack .

UNDER 19 2 BLUE DID nABEYBURY 7.5 7.11 10.22 12 .24 .96 7 .5 11 .8 13 .15 .93 ORMOPsD 2 .3 Old Halleybury Ladd 3, Fossey. Melin 2, Byms . Carson . George, Warden, langford,lmus. Best Goerge . Clarke. Langford-Jones, Carson . Warden. Hunter. Ormoad Fmtayson 3, Metz . Smith 2. Herman, Larkin, Murphy . Sttebn, Wiedemann. Handley. Beat Brown- bymn . Stielow. Wiedemann, Handley, Metz. 27 .13 .175 19 BEAUMARIS 3.1 10-7 3.4 8.5 6.7 7.8.50 !dAZENOD Be Beaumsr3a Fisher 8 . Boctor 6, Cdan 3. Mckenzie, Pitts . McIver 2, Wadham, Whitaker, Cartoli . Stevens. Best McKenzie. Pitts. Carroll . Fisher. Thomton. McIver, btaunod Ward 2, Hall . Quinn. Rouseh. Egan. Kelly . But Raolucci. Riley . Evans. Clifford, DI Scala, Henumick . 2.4 9.11 10.13 19.18.123 HAMPTON ROVERS 8.12,80 ST KaDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 3 .2 4 .7 6.11 Hampton Rovers Iles 4, Holt, Stick 3, Edwards. Manus. Lake, Zuker 2, Grouch, Best Ma is, Stick, Hoare. Perry. Holt, Lake . St Kilda South Caulfield Burke 3, Aiken 2. Plan}enk . Hollvay. Diamond, Beat Fernando. Slade . Cunningham . Cranston . Burke. 3 .2 8.11 10.13 13.18,94 OLD BRIGHTON 4 .0 4,0 8.0 9.1,55 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR Old Brighton Rhodes 3 . Brown . Price, Kent 2 . Wilson. WiliWris . Martin, Alderson. Beat A}d-rson. Brown. Williams, Paterson. Steuart . Stmchan. Caulfield Grammar Stumbles 4, Curry 3, Chambers . Camp.>eli . Best Goldsworthy . Bowes.SandelL Gralram . Cutler. Udell.

MELEES - B E WAR E A melee is `Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such con duct" 46

2.3 6 .6 12.12 19,21,135 CHIRNSmE PARK 17.8-110 OLD PARADL4NS (2) 5.1 8-8 13.7 Chlraside Park Visit 5. Roach 4, Brown . Conte 2, Ailatt Dalton. Varga. Piccioli, Holliday, Markouski . Beat Adams. Allatt Holliday . Kerr . Old Paradlana Hurst 5, Edgeley 3, Pioenges 2 . Muldoon. Johnstone- Cosgrilr, Lynch, O'Connor. Hoxard. Collins. Best Vincent P(oenges . Rosbrook . Edgek.y. Hurst, Lynch. YARRAVAtdEY 0 .2 2-4 4 .9 4,11,35 15-14.304 9 g1AR5 4,3 6 .5 10 .10 Yarra Valley Bell, Wapshot Barton . Ford, Beat Drew. 77rompson, Lawton. Moms. Hale, Laing. Whitefrlsra Jongeblad 5. R. Fedek 4, D. Fedete 3, Glenn, Hughes. Lacey . Best GriFien, Jongebioed, D. Fedele, Eames, Davis, Vanden Boom . OLD TRBiily 0.5 5.7 14.10 16 .16.112 5.5 11 .8 12.8 17,11.113 A~U1N[yg Be OM TxfNty Newntan . Arrowsmith. Gretg 3. Shaughwessy. Cade 2, Power, Fisher. Burke . Beat Kumlwrorth. Pawer. Burke. Newrnan, Natoli, Cade . . Aquinas Huggins 5. Cultem 4 . Brownhill . Thomas 2. Moran Heveron, chapman. Best Chapman. Mecun. Tilling. Huggins, Heveran. Hyland . OLD CAREY 3 .9 10.18 14 .28 23.33 .171 7.9.51 2,3 4 .4 5 .5 OLD SCOTCH Old emery Woods 5, Murphy, Salt 4 . Collins 3. D'Anna, Angus, White, Spencer, Smyth, hendrt's, Wilson . Best Collins, Angus . Murphy, Detarctynski Costello, Battle . Davis, Walkom, Cmne. Gwynn, Old E coteh Panton, Bird 2, Junkeer. ; Yr, Stevens, Beat TIrc1:=r . Crhrist

NTION 1 OLD PARADIANS v . OLDELBURNIANS Field: B . Noonan, BBuyck . OLD A:tVERIAN3 v . THERRY Field B. McKee, M . Allen . ST BERNARDS v. NORTH OLD BOYS Reid: B . Schmidt, R. KiIley. UNIVERSITY BLUES v . COLLEGIANS Meld P. Withington, B . Corcoran, AJAX v. DE LA SALLE ( at Fawkner Park No . 2 Oval 1.15 pm) Field G . Morgan, A . Pride ; Goal: J . Robinson, L . Wilson. WHITE WARRINGAL v . DE LA SALLE (2) Field. M . Forde, R . McArthur. ST LEOS EMMAUS v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : K. McMahon, P . Walker. OLD CAMBERWELL v . ST KEVINS Field : C . Keeton, F . Karabellas ; Goal : G. Clancy, R . Dunstan. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v. WH L STOWN CYMS Field: P. Bailey, I. Stevenson . BLUE ORMOND v. MAZENOD Meld-, C . Rennick, P . Callil ; Goat- P . Allsop, BLUES v. BEAUMARIS Field: S . Alger, T . D . Murray. MONASH Williams. ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v . OLD HAILEYBURY (1 pm) Field- G. Kelly, S. Cook . CAULFIELD GR v. HAMPTON ROVERS (at Glen Eira Rd School Campus) Field: A. Harris, J. McGuran; Goal: S . Kahn. RED OLD PARADIANS (2) v. YARRA VALLEY OB (11.30am) Meld: B . Stewart, D. Ischia, WHITEFRIARS v . MARCELLIN Field A . Stubbs, L. Gallagher. AQUINAS v. CHIRNSIDE PARK Meld: G . Ridd, G . Armstrong ; Goa(: P. Gluyas, S . Ryan. OLD SCOTCH v . OLD TRINITY Field A . Carrick, D . Vahchow: Goal: B. Jephson (R), B . Seymour.


Edal :a d ID y 7,

' Ste ven s

.0°5 THE EXECUTIVE TABLE (last M onday) . The Executive has directed that from this weekend and until

further notice there will be an alteration to the right of a reported reserves player to accept the prescribed penalty when reported and when the umpire does not tick the box requiring the case to be heard by the Tribunal . The perceived reluctance of reserve section umpires to attend Tribunal hearings is the concern of the Executive, particularly in serious cases . Accordingly the Executive now directs that in a situation where a reserve section player is reported, and where the umpire does not indicate that the report must be heard by the Tribunal and the club of the alleged victim of the report considers that the matter is serious and should be heard by the Tribunal, then that club can have the report heard by the Tribunal . This is to be done by this club requesting the same in writing, accompanied by a cheque for $200 which must be received by the VAFA's Chief Executive Officer by 12 noon on the Monday following the playing of the game . In those circumstances the report will be heard on the Tuesday following the game. The Tribunal will be required to determine after hearing the report whether the fee of $200 should be forfeited in whole or in part if the Tribunal considers the referral of the report to have been frivolous . ALSO FROM THE FdEETIPtG. A growing trend is for letters to be received by the Association from persons other than the club secretary or president - particularly players complaining about umpiring . Please note that these letters will be returned to the club for a formal letter to be written by the club on club letterhead which will then be responded to according to procedure by the Association. The only letters dealt with other than this way will be coaching matters, which are to be directed to either Phil Stevens (administration matters related to coaching), Brett Connell (AFCA/VAFA matters) or Phil Stevens (coaching concerns related to umpiring) . ®0® Club captains in senior games are still required to exchange lists at the coin toss to show names or numbers not in accord with those appearing on printed "A/Footballer' teamlists or names or not appearing in the "A/Footballer" . Heavy fines are automatically applied should an opposition club lodge this complaint in writing to the Association .

Clubs are advised of the fines situation regarding poorly filled in teamsheets . Previously a club was fined $5 for a teamsheet which contained one, two or any number of errors . As this has had no effect on club performance in this area, the Executive now rules that : - a club will be fined $5 for each error up to 5 errors for each teamsheet submitted (max fine $25) . - if the number of errors exceeds 5 the club will be charged under the "conduct unbecoming" rule and be asked to explain why a substantial fine should not be imposed for this tardiness .

INELIGIBLE PLAYER S Team Managers are reminded of the severe penalties imposed for including an ineligible player in their team, e .g . Automatic loss of any premiership points gained and/or the loss of club's match score as well as a fine . Players who fail to sign the Team Sheet are deemed ineligible and the above penalties apply as well as the players not being credited with a game, which impacts on eligibility for finals matches . P. Stevens on behalf of VAFA Executive


® ®

Phil Stevens or Brett Connell chat to John Kelly during his progra m "As the Mood Takes Me" 4

400 AND FINALLY FROM THE MEETING. Pleit week's Editorial will present to you a "Racial and Abuse Policy' will become operative immediately. ®®0 Today's "Amateur Footballer" on page one will show, from now on, an INDEX which will allow patrons to immediately flick to their preferred column . 40 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

3 .30 p .m . Thursday 47


W L D A SECTION 6 0 0 5 1 0 4 2 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 3 3 0 2 4 0 1 5 0 0 6




657 763 475 489 505 516 551 489 488 413

435 151.03 24 522 144.25 20 520 91,35 16 424 115.33 12 515 98.66 12 530 97,36 12 573 96,16 12 565 86,55 8 608 80,26 4 644 64-13 0

~ OLD MELBURNIANS 5 1 0 451 266 169,55 UNIVERSRYBLUES 5 1 0 543 324 167-59 OLD X~IVERIANS 6 1 0 472 351 134-47 ~COLLEGIANS 4 2 0 545 397 13728 OLD SCOTCH 3 3 0 458 375 122.13 DE LA SALLE 3 3 0 473 398 118,84 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 3 0 310 405 76,54 MAZENOD 0 C 1 5 0 404 490 82,45 ORMOND 1 5 0 250 519 48,17 ST BERNARDS 0 6 0 227 678 33.48


835 694 576 554 687 560 589 521 439 378

336 248.51 24 475 146.11 20 510 11294 16 554 100.00 16 497 138,23 12 522 107,28 12 632 93.20 B 674 77,30 8r 690 63,48 4 942 40 .13 0

B RESERVE SECTION OLD PAflAD1ANS 6 0 0 645 325 198.46 OLD BRIGHTON 4 1 1 474 290 163 .45 OLD TRINITY 4 2 0 521 340 15324 OLD IVANHOE 3 2 1 464 448 103.57 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 3 0 499 449 111,14 THERRY CCOB 3 3 0 374 365 102-47 M H &O 8 2 3 1 433 486 89.09 ~BANYULE 2 4 0 338 520 65,00 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 1 4 1 280 555 50-45 IVANHOE 0 6 0 195 618 31,55


746 658

396 512



188.38 128.52 120.90 590 548840 1 00.00 551 558 98.75 560 567 98.77 527 598 88,13 457 606 75.41 432 570 75-79 472 698 67,62

24 16 16 16 16 8 8 8 4 4

D SECTION OLD CAMBERWELL 6 0 0 724 529 1 136.86 24 MONASH BLUES 5 1 0 540 464 118 .10 20 PARKSIDE 4 2 0 545 464 117-46 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 3 2 1 $37 450 119.33 14 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 3 0 725 538 134,78 12 SOUTH BANK CBA AFC 3 3 0 523 497 105,23 12 BEAUMARIS AFC 2 3 1 490 538 91 .08 10 STJOHNSOC 2 4 0 486 468 103.85 8 KEW 0 5 1 442 663 66-67 2 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 5 1 431 840 51 .31 2 E EAST SECTION AQUINAS O B 6 0 0 959 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 5 1 0 794 ELEY PARK AFC 3 2 1 578 CHIRNSIDE PARK 3 3 0 560 BULLEEN COBRAS 3 3 0 539 OLD CAREY 3 3 0 571 15 7 ST MARYS C 2 3 3 4 0 56 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 4 1 534 SWWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 0 6 0 298 E CENTRAL S SECTION UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 0 686 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 5 1 0 647 WESTBRUNSWICK 5 1 0 712 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5 1 0 562 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 2 0 866 LATHOSE UNIVERSITY 2 4 0 580 OLDSOB BOURNEAFC 2 5 4 0 740




595 95 73 12 597 90.28 12 653 87,33 12 673 82.76 12 565 99.12 8 572 93,36 6 823 36,21 0


243 282.30 361 179.22 446 159.64 424 132.55 440 196,82 449 129.18 621 119,18 687 51,38 940 49,0 4 1184 15.8 8


493 187.02 475 214.53 386 207.51 471 156-69 601 100.67 620 117,26 604 103.15 709 67.2 8 1031 28,32 1097 23.4 3

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 0 0 797 363 225.78 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 1 0 668 451 148.12 20 ~OLDXAVERIANS 4 2 0 921 323 285,13 16 DELASALLE 4 2 0 506 465 108,74 16 OLD PARADIANS 3 3 0 541 493 109.74 12 ST BERNARDS 3 3 0 525 669 78.48 12 AJAX 2 4 0 413 566 7297 8 THERRY 2 4 0 400 652 61,35 HGIANS BOYS

8~COLE 0 1 6 0 359 793 24.34 0 84

UNDER-19F.) WHITE ST KEVINS 6 0 910 222 409,91 24 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 1 0 749 285 28264 20 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5 1 0 549 473 116.07 20 OLD GEELONG 4 2 0 627 474 132.28 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 3 0 544 437 124,49 12 WARRINGALAFC 3 3 0 552 628 87,90 12 SE LA SALLE (2) 2 4 0 405 548 73,91 8 ST LEO'S EMFJAUS WP 2 4 1 320 503 63,62 8 BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWEA 0 6 t 208 1312 15,70 0 UNDER-19,(2) BLUE BEAUMARIS A F C 6 0 1010 OLDHALEYBURY 1 0 535 6 OLD BRIGHTON 4 2 0 770 MAZENODOC 4 2 0 403 ORMOND 3 3 0 583 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 3 0 394 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 3 0 479 MONASH BLUES 1 5 0 297 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 1 5 0 350

316 345 437 434 622 565 735 571 611

319,62 24 155.07 20 176-20 16 92-86 16 93.73 12 69.73 12 65.17 12 52.01 4 43.16 4

341 323 319 428 515 606 488 583 732

262.46 24 175.54 20 178.37 16 10234 16 75,15 12 55,94 12 86.89 8 33.62 8 43.31 4

UNDER-19 (2) RE D

OLD CAREY 6 0 0 895 MARCELLIN 6 1 0 567 WHITEFRIARS 4 2 0 569 OLD SCOTCH 4 2 0 438 AQUINAS OC 3 3 0 387 CHIRNS ID E PARK A F C 3 3 0 339 ,*OLDTRINITY 2 4 0 424 YARRA VALLEY 2 4 0 198 OLD PARADIANS (2) 1 5 0 317

PTS 20 20 1B 21 12 12 4 12 0


18 16 12 12 12 10 0


STBEDESlMENTONE TIGERS 5 1 0 507 294 172.45 20 MARCELUN 5 1 0 398 242 164-46 20 A J A X 4 2 0 471 299 157-53 16 OLD GEELONG 4 2 0 451 308 148 .43 16 STKEVINS 4 2 0 445 340 130,88 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 4 0' 321 384 83 .5 9 OLD MENTONIANS 2 4 or 295 498 59,24 8 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 2 4 0 287 507 56-61 8 THOMASTOWN 1 5 0 367 435 84 .37 4 WHITEFRIARS 1 5 0 212 539 39,33 4 0 RESERVE SECTIO N MONASH BLUES 6 0 0 660 163 404.91 24 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 1 0 542 264 205.30 20 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4 2 0 535 284 188 .38 16 ST JOHNS DC 4 2 0 512 299 171 .24 16 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 4 2 0 348 380 91 .58 16 PARKSIDE 3 3 0 391 365 107-12 12 KEW 2 4 0 227 485 46,80 8 SOUTHBANK C 8 A AFC 1 5 0 291 560 51,96 4 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 5 0 207 567 36,51 4 BEAUMARISAFC 0 6 0 155 N 596 26.01 O E EAST RESERVE SECTIO OLD CAREY 0 561 314 178 .66 20 ST MARYS 5 1 0 456 393 116-03 20 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 4 2 0 532 239 222-59 16 CHIRNSIDEPARK 4 2 0 381 355 107-32 1 6 *AQUINAS OB 3 3 0 387 338 114,50 12 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 3 3 0 190 408 46,80 12 RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 4 0 438 542 80,81 8 BULLEEN COBRAS 2 4 0 268 368 72,83 8 ELEY PARK A F C 1 5 0 294 469 62,69 4 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 5 0 232 482 48,13 4 E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTIO N NORTH BRUNSWICK 6 0 0 670 155 432,26 24 WILUAMSTOWNCYMS 6 0 0 722 298 242-28 24 WEST BRUNSWICK 4 2 0 629 301 208 .97 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 2 0 500 255 196,08 16 OLDESSENDONGRAMMAR 3 3 0 426 273 158,04 12 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3 3 0 336 328 102,44 12 OLDWESTBOURNEAFC 2 4 0 386 440 87-73 8 NEWLANDS COBURG FC 2 4 0 261 585 44-62 8 U H S O B 0 6 0 187 708 26,41 0 THORNBURYCOUGARS 0 6 0 -88 925 9.51 O E SOUTH RESERVE SECTIO N PENINSULA OB 6 0 0 713 144 495.14 24 OAKLEIGH AFC 6 0 0 657 151 435.10 24 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 5 1 0 854 271 315.13 20 SALESIAN O C 5 1 0 637 226 281 .86 20 AN Z ALBERT PARK 4 2 0 457 416 109,86 16 POWERHOUSE 1 5 0 326 386 84-46 4 MONASH GRYPHONS 1 5 0 217 510 42.55 4 #ELSTERNWICK 1 5 0 196 796 24,62 4 MONASH WHITES 1 5 0 127 651 19,51 4 GLENHUNTLY 0 6 0 97 980 10.10 0 CLUB XVIII NORTH HAWTHORN CITIZENS 6 0 0 551 257 274,40 24 334 1 ~STBERNARDS 4 2 0 28~4 1 49.30 16 OLD IVANHOE 4 2 0 270 217 124 .42 16 THERRY 4 2 0 326 318 102,52 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 3 0 161 315 51,11 12 &L EGIANS 2 4 0 238 287 82.93 8 ~ AFC 2 4 0 165 349 47 .28 8 OLD ESSENDON 1 5 0 186 528 35,23 4 CLUB XVIII SOUTH OLD OLD SCOTCH XAVERIANS 6 0 0 5 1 0 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 4 2 0 STKEVINS 4 2 0 DE LA SALLE 3 3 0 OLDGEELONG 3 3 0 MPZENODOCI~S 2 4 0 VUT 1 5 0

495 411 265 198 221 135 325 240 190

163 303,68 24 215 191 .16 20 277 95 .67 16 329 60,18 16 219 100.91 12 320 42.19 12 263 123 .57 8 364 65 .93 8 525 36,19 4





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