The Amateur Footballer, Week 8, 1996

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otball followers will be well aware of the much publi cised Damien Monkhorst / Michael Long incident las t year where it was alleged that certain racially based e comments were mad incident highl ghted one off thebmajor p,iichael Long. changes in our society over the last decade or so whereby it has been confirmed that it is not only not acceptable to make such comments, but that those to whom such comments are directed have had enough and have been prepared to stand up and say so. from the issue and Amateur Football is not immune wabuse we havebyalready seen twon Committee in the pastl t elve heard Investigatio months . policy appliThe Executive has decided to adopt a cable forthwith to all amateur games . I urge all amateur football followers to embrace and adopt the policy immeof unreasonable abuse a~sadefined in the policy statement . The formal po licy statement follows : INTRODUCTION The Association is aware that there still exists a very small minority of players, officials and supporters of r abusin g , descent or opposition basi s clubs wh national or ethnic orio of ace, rel'lgion~colou gin . The Association has been and remains committed to eradicating such abuse from all Amateur football . Where alleged breaches have been brought to the Association's attention in the past they have been dealt with either at the Tribunal as reportable offences or before the Investigation Committee as conduct unbecoming . The need for a policy The Association recognises that clubs - including their players, officials and supporters, umpires and Investigation Committees need to be aware of what constitutes unacceptable conduct in relation to racial and e reliious abuse an d thereforpublished policy on the issue~ dprepareadocumente The POLICY club No player, official or suppo rt er of a member of the Association sha ll speak to or at or about any person of any member club of the Association in a manner which abuses, threatens, disparages, vilifies or insults the other person on the basis of that person's race, gender, re li gion, physical characteristics,r colour, descent, national or ethnic origin or any othe personal characteristics .

Enforcement of the policy . Umpires WILL be structed to refer t o

the Chief Executive

officer of the Association by written report within seventy- two hours of the conclusion of any match any alleged breaches of the policy . The Chief Executive Officer shall then consult with the chairman of the Tribunal and Investigation Committee and undertake any preliminary investigations as directed by such chairman. The Association may then lay a charge or charges based upon the umpire's written report alleging a breach or breaches of this policy as constituting conduct unbecoming or conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Association and such charge or charges shall be heard before an Investigation Committee . breachClubs will be encouraged to repo rt alleged policy to the Association under Rule 124 for of the es Investigation by the Investigation Committee . The requires the details to be provided in writing to the Chief Executive Officer of the Association by noon on the Friday following the alleged incident accompanied by a fee of $200 which may be forfeited in whole or in part if the Investigation Committee which hears the matter considers the complaint or charge to be frivolous . Application of the polic y The policy was adopted at the meeting of the e Executive o n affect for all games administeredAssociation. by the t immediat


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. 96 No . 8 June lst,1996 Price : $1 .20 Vol THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199 6

A TI by Don Blackwood

In a stellar performance last Saturday at Elsternwick Park, 1992/'93 premiers Collegians laid down the gauntlet to early season favourites Old Meiburnians vnth a stunning victory by 32 points . The Lions now take over top spot on percentage . This time last years they were stone motherless last with one win and a percentage of 61 - this year a 6-1 ratio and a°Fo of 141 . Old Melburnians form in recent weeks has been patchy and with the dogged St Bernards and the improving University Blues to be faced before the halfway mark, the Redlegs will need to re assert themselves and fight off the challengers . But are they genuine chall engers? Apart from University Blues, now ensconed in third spot, the remaining upper strata clubs are not performing consistently St Bernards missed a golden opportunity to dispense with Old Haiieyfiury, but the accurate Bloods kept steering them through the sticks kicking 22 .3 to snatch victory . Old Scotch are falling away at a rapid rate (now four consecutive losses), while Be La Salle are showing only short term potential to shake the living daylights out of the top two . Pda.ienod slipped back a notch going down to Old Xaverians who are crawling rather than walking up the slippery road to the top . The Nodders against local rival De La Salle today has all the hallmarks of a match ultimately determining the fate of these clubs this year. Ormond continues to press opposition clubs, but lack of experience is telling in the finish and they cannot tie up that elusive first win . Xavs, at home could be one of the "Monds" last chances before the halfway mark and no doubt be a wonderful tonic for coach Geoff Reilley recovering from illness . REVIEW COLLEGIANS V OLD MELBURNIAN S Three separate incidents steered the match timely dash Collegian's way last week . James Bennett's to spilt up a pack in the first quarter ; Jeff Lemon's smother in the third and wizard Yori Phillip's master of the kick in the last - turning points, just when OM's were fighting back and stamping some authority on the match . Collegian's were terrific in the one- to- one contests and prepared to put their bodies squarely on the line . Together with the onball efforts of M att Galbraith, Danny Thomson and the tough Darren Peters, the Lions drove the ball forward with purpose to the polished and classy Brock Mooney or Nick Anderson . Mustn't take it away from OM's who fought themselves back into the match after being beaten on a number of occasions . was busy Peter O'Brien works hard an d Simon Rabbitt McMullin around the ground . Simon Bromeil and Ian shared in the goals with good performances and captain Richard Webb provided constant drive . But without Chris Bryan, David Strooper and Andrew Thompson a big gap was left. Perhaps this contest was a forerunner of their 1994 finals' battles. 2

DE LA SALLE V OLD SCOTCH After all the fanfar e u on returning to Waverley Park Oval, De La Salle settled down to quickl} assert themselves in this vital match and go on and wit by 22 points . The two stars for De La were Andrev, MacKintosh who was invincible and also giant Pal O'Callaghan who marked strongly and drove the bal effectively to forward and former Mazenod player Chrh Harrison who converted with five goals . Drew Jackson and Matthew Chun were fine players up back and nevei gave their opponents an inch . For Scotch another disap pointing performance, Justin Hosking, Tom Wilson ant Stuart Gibbs tried hard . Neither of these sides car . breathe easily just yet. ST BERNARDS V OLD HAILEYBDItY At one stage it was Old Haileybury 1 .2 to whatever, Then followed a procession of 21 goals straight by thf Bloods and their last kick of the day registered a point it make an extraordinary scoreline of 22 .3 to St Bernard', 17 .19 . Craig Hucker (6 goals) and Adam Hilton (4 goals', were amongst the sharp shooters, while David Council turned in another courageous performance . St Bernard's had the luxury of Luke Vassallo (5 goals) back and Paul Capes onball was a terrific player . The blanketing ol Jason Gollant and Tim Dobson turned the match . Both sides just hovering around . Who will tumble first? UNIVERSITY BLUES V ORMON D Another side who doesn't mind kicking an accurate bag of goals and thanks to Adam Lennon with seven and vital player Richard Van Den Berg five goals, the Blue were able to run out winners by only 15 points over a tenacious Ormond at the University . At the 22 minute mark, Ormond had fought back to be only four point ; down, but were run over at the finish, Ormond's Ramesl Presser was again in fine form as was Andy Forrest . Forn Blues, Riehard Poikinghorne and Andrew Henderso provided plenty of pace around the ground . MAZENOD V OLD PAVERIANS

Slashing start by Xavs with Adam Jones booting sb before leaving the ground with a facial injury before hall time . Chris Ell is stepped into the breach kicking seven(4 himself thus relieving pressure from Dan Richardson goals) at centre half forward . So a big score by Xavs and a real confidence booster as they crawl out of the black in hole . James McDonald, brother of Anthony. McDonald, his debut match, was terrific on the wing Mazenod had no answers in the third quarter when Xavs rattled on eight goals to two . An even last quarter, but the honours were with Xavs on the day . Stephen Noble bagged five and Chris Belleville continues with his excellent form . Xavs restore faith ; Nodders lose a little face . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1 996

RE W P fi e big game is at E Par k today between third and fourth . University Blues an d Old Haileybury with the ,,,inner a possible game clear if St Bemards can't defeat Ogq's. The Blues are slowly pulling it together and behavng like a side that was ranked two in 1995, so should come out victors by 23 points . Old Scotch on present form won't stretch inform Collegians at Camberwell and will go down by 30 points . In the grudge match at Naverley Park Oval, De La Salle will make it two in a row beating Mazenod by 21 points and Old PRelburnians wil l bounce back unmercifully against St Bernards and roll them by 49 points . In the final match, Old Xavs have got a sniff and will be too strong for the winless Ormond who will go down by 29 points. SELECTIONS : UNIVERSITY BLUES, COLLEGIANS, DE LA SALLE, OLD MELBURNIANS and OLD XAVERIAN S L- PHIL KINGSTON !,!;ACHES 250 GA:.!E"-IILESTONE Phil Kingston, one of Ormond's greatest players, today plays his 250th game . Beginning his career in 1981, Phil was captain of the club in 1989-90 . He has played in 5 winning A Grade Grand Finals for Ormond . He was also All Australian Captain in 1988 and a State Rep. in 1986, 87, 88, 89, 90 . Selected also in the 1989 Australian squad . The club congratulates Kingo on this magnificent achievement. 200 GAMES TO TIM STEWART Congratulations to Tim Stewart on playing his 200th game today. Playing mostly for the Reserves, Tim's career began in 1985 and he has been captain for the past two seasons . He has played in six Grand Finals for four cvins . His ability has also seen him win two Best & Fairest awards with the Reserve side . Tim was also awarded Clubman of the Year award in 1992 . All at Ormond extend their congratulations to Tim .


SENIORS COI.LEGIf'is 8 .4 11.6 14.9 21 .12.138 OLD ffiEL'n IJRNSFiti S 2 .1 6.2 9.8 16 .10.106 CaDegwus Mooney 7. Anderson 4, Dansey, Thomson 2, Blackman , Pete rs, Phillips, Pollock, Stubs. Wallace . Best Phillips . Thomson, Mooney, lemon . Galbraith, Blackman. Old M elbumians McMullin S. B romell 4, Lovett 2. Walsh . Ellinghaus. Thompson, Webb . Rabbit . Best Rabbit . OBrien, Stuckey, Witts. Raftopoulos. Bromell . DE LA SALLE 5 .3 8.8 11.14 13 .16.94 OLD SCOTCH 1.5 5.8 6.11 9 .18.72 Do La Salle Harrison 5, Evans, MacKintosh, O'Callaghan 2. Laffer ty , Wright Best MacKintosh. Jackson, O'Callaghan, Evans. Chun. Crowe . Old Scotch McCall 2. Holt, Stokes, Wilson, Phillips . Hume, Angus . Duthie . Best Wilson. Gibbs . Hosking. laird, Warner. Stokes. ST BERNARDS 8 .6 12.8 15.13 17 .19.121 OLD HAILEYBURY 5 .2 13.2 17.2 22 .3.135 St Bernards Vassallo 5. Gilmour 4, Domingo 2, Dobson, Ho rn, Zawicki, Calthnrpe, Backhouse, Joverman . Best Capes, Vassallo, Juegan, Hom, Overman . Zawicki. Old Haileybury Hucker 6, Hilton 4, Lapage 3 . Morey . Dowsing, Kraus 2, Armstrong, McKenzie. Reidy. Best O'Donnell, Lapage, Connell, Forsy the. Hilton, Smith . UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 .1 9.3 14.4 19 .7.121 ORMOND 3.4 10.8 13.8 15 .16.106 University Blues Lennon 7, Vandenberg 5, Flinunon, Hutchins 2, Blood, Frith, Polkinghome . Best Vandenberg. Polkinghome, lennon, Henderson, Flimmon, Mead. Ormond Connell, Bailey. Keleher 3, Symes . Presser 2, Whelan. Remman . Best Presser. Remman. Forrest, Bailey. Collins. Connell. MAZENOD OC 3.1 10.2 12.4 16 .8.104 OLD %AYERIANS 5.4 8.6 16.11 20 .14.134 Yasenod OC Noble 5 . Marshal l 3. Boysen . Belleville 2, Barker. Murray, Moore . Hanley. Best Marshall, Belleville, Noble. Mannix. M . Murray, D . Murray. Old %aeerieus Ellis 7, Jones 6, Richardson 4, Sassi, Barrett . McDonald. Best Dan n . Blood. Sassi, Wood, McDonald . Ellis.

RESERVES COLLEGIANS 1 .4 5 .7 7 .7 9.11.65 OLD MELBURNIANS 6.1 8 .5 8 .11 9.11.65 CoUe>zisns Kelson 6, Woolley 2, Schmidt Best Greeves, Moo re, Kelson, Greenway, Lubich,lrvine. Old Melbumians Fraser 4, Theodo re , H andbu ry, Correll . Anastasakis, Woodford. Best Pruden. Telford, Bunn. Woodford, McKeon. Fraser. DE LA SAI.LE 4.5 11 .8 14.11 23.14 .152 OLD SCOTCH 1 .4 3 .5 4 .7 5.10.40 The La Salle Hall 9, Curran 6, Makinson 4. Ellis 3, Hegan. Best Hall . Makinson. Hegan, Hodder, Sparrow. Shannon. Old Scotch Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST BERNARDS 5.5 11 .10 13 .12 16.16 .112 OLD HAILEYBURY 1 .3 2 .3 4.5 6.7.43 St Bernards Mathews. Rogerson 4 . York 2, Doolan. Farmer, Har ries, Sheehan, Wood. Kennedy. Best Mathews. Sheehan, Kennedy . Rogerson, Marsh all, Byme . Old Halleybury Orton 2, Ladds, March . Burn. Lavender. Best Constable . Harrison. Capomolla. chegwin, Iavender,Hayter. UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .5 9 .9 17 .9 23.13 .151 ORMOND 2.2 4 .2 8 .2 12.2.74 University Blues Ev ans 9, Rourke 3 . Gust, Muller, Thomas 2 . Wilcox . Nugent, kewell, Wilson, Markley . Best Rourke, Evans, Wilcox, Muller. Markaley. McMahon . Ormond Kingston, Collins, Wrodarezyk. Stewart 2, Ktng. Mackey, Mulcahy . Wiedemann. Best Egan, Widermann, Milner, handley, KukuiJ an. MAZENOD OC 4.1 5 .3 8 .6 12.9.81 OLD XAVERIANS 5.2 12 .4 15 .6 17.13 .115 Masenod OC Quirk, Howard, Sharp 2, Jacobs . Murray. Smith, Lane, Mann. Bri dgland. Bestt Jacobs, Robinson, Welch, B. Welch, Quirk, Murray. Old %averians Denali 7, Heil 3. Lemere 2 . Ockelshaw, Stones, Burke, Woodruff. Mo rtensen. Best Ockelshaw, Donati, Lechte . Stones, Nelson, Clark.

(Haileybury College, Keysborough) MAZENOD OC v . ORMOND ( E.P . - Saturday) I OLD SCOTCH v, COLLEGIANS Fietd: H . Little, G. Thwaites; Boundary: M . Tape, A. Pritchard ; GoaL• K. Pitcher, B . Nash . DE LA SALLE v . MAZENOD (Waverley Park, East Malvern) Field: M . Jackson, R Simon ; Goal: C . May, W . Fowler . OLD MELBURNIANS v. ST BERNARDS Field: P . Gersch, W. Hinton; Boundary: J . Stevenson, S . Hennig ; Goal: K. Segota, D . Napoli . OLD HAILEYBURY v . UNIVERSITY BLUES ( E .P . - Sat .) Field : J . Toohey, R . Bell ; Boundary: B . Brown, F. Martinez; Goal: B . Jephson, M . Lentini . ORMOND v . OLD XAVERIANS Meld: A. Damen, M . Jenkins ; Goal: M . Richardson, G . Wright . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996



B SECTION by Paul Luby

a ighting wins to both Ivanhoe and Banyule were a-, the significant results of round 7 as we move closer to the half way mark of the year . For Ivanhoe it was their 4th win in 5 games and more importantly placed them in the four for the first time this year. For the "Bears" it took them 2 clear games away from NOBS and only a game out of the four . Both sides again face the big games this week . REVIEW OF ROUND 7 OLD TRINITY V THERRY This was a terrific game that was only decided in the last 15 minutes as Trinity kicked the last 4 goals to run out winners by 28 points . As the scores indicate Therry took the game right up to their opponents for the first 3 quarters and put real pressure on the ball carriers of the top side, but in the end the class of Trinity got them home . For Trinity Trevor Norman was best on ground with a faultless display at half back and with Sutcliffe and Bladeni formed an impressive defence . Allibon started on a wing but in the second half moved into the centre and kicked 2 telling goals in the last quarter to also be amongst the best . For Therry "Chief" Petrevski took on both Ramsden and Taylor in the ruck and won, Besank o at half forward was instrumental in many goals, both the Hollow boys were strong in defence and Mick Goodwin kicked his usual 3 goals with Wriggleswo rth bagging 4. Although defeated Therry were impressive and I believe will be back in the four very soon.

OLD PARADIANS V OLD IVANHO E Old Ivanhoe kicked 5 of the first 6 goals in this match and an upset seemed on the cards, but they were unable to convert more goals in that first quarter when they had all the play and at the break held only a 5 point lead . After that it was all Parade as they kicked 24 goals to 8 to have an easy 99 point win. Simon Vincent was again outstanding for the winners and his fellow onballers Dion Ciavola and Mick Harford continued to win the ball out of the centre and drive it forward where Nick Kerr back from a "Thriller in Manilla" holiday kicked 7 goals. Simon Swindon continued his good form on a wing and Mick Geary and JD were also named in the best . For Old Ivanhoe "A .P" put in a great game on the ball, Grinham (3 goals) and Donaldson tried hard whilst Kent, Veal and McLean did their best to stop the avalanche of Parade goals . OLD BRIGHTON V BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOW E

Old Brighton recorded a 31 point victory over the Bullants but not before a big scare as the boys from Bulleen had their best quarter for the year to slam on 10 goals in the 3rd quarter to be only 9 points down 4

at 3/4 time . Thanks to the reliable quartet of Perry, Pryor, Rickarby and Kryzwniak, Brighton were able to steady with a 6 goal last quarter and secure the 4 points . "Bomber" James with 8 goals an d McLaren with 5 were the shinning lights up forward for Bulleen whilst for Brighton the goals were shared around with Murch and Perry the main contributors. Chris Parris an d Young were outstanding on the ball for Bulleen and had support from wingers Roberston an d O'Conne ll . Hopefully a sign of better performances to come for Bulleen . BANYULE V NOBS As predicted a tight and physical game between these two sides with Banyule's better kicking for goal the difference on the day . NOBS will be literally kicking themselves with the first quarter score line of 0 goals 8 points as they let a golden opportunity past them by . For the "Bangers" Noonan in defence was named best along with Travis Gloury on a wing, Dave Williams in the ruck and Wilmore and McDermott on the ball. Well done to Riches who cut out Conti from NOBS. Shannon Mikunda an aggressive ruckman from the U19's was named best for NOBS and he had support from Shaun Manassa who is having a top year and fellow onballers Boyle an d Mulquiney . NOBS had their chances but just couldn't grab the vital 4 points . IVANHOE V SOB At home Ivanhoe were able to turn a 16 point deficit at half time into a convincing 31 point win with a 12 goals to 4 second half against a disappointing MHSOB . Ivanhoe were well lead by Rawley at half forward with 5 goals and with McKellar (4 goals) and Tucker formed a forward line that ran over the "Unicorns" in the last quarter . Captain Dean Nibali on the ball and a back line of Armstrong, Blackwood an d Newbold were all 4 quarter contributors for the winners . Again rover Jayden Pertzel with 6 goals was best for MHSOB who failed to "fire up" as a team after their Theny win the week before . Fairchild at CHB, Hunt in the ruck and onballer Dean Comer were amongst the better players for Melbourne . PREVIEW OF ROUND 7 Only 3 winners last week with some more difficult choices to make this week . Parade by at least 40 points against Bulleen . Brighton at home by 10 points over Ivanhoe . Old Ivanhoe V NOBS is a crunch match for both sides and NOBS to win by two goals . Therry travel to Banyule and will win by 18 points . On Sunday at EP Trinity take on MHSOB and will win by 36 points .



TRIVIA QUESTION " Last week the answer was Ray Huppatz an d the IV inner Tim Livy . This week I will be at-both the I3azlynlo V Therry game and the Bulleen V Parade ,ames. Who am I? I played 117 games for 2 clubs between 1980 and 1988 as a winger and then later as a back pocket . I was recruited from Sunshine and later returned to the VFA after my VFL career . I was born in England and was known as "Pommy" . Press correspondence for each club please contact me by 1 .OOpm on the Monday following the game. p1 ;E call on E`57 4079 (e3'-=), 9268 1568 (BFi) or {; - 9286 1576 (BH) .




TOTAL 47 34 32 30 28



29 23 22 20 16

(N.B . NO TC" 7i 5 NEXT WEEK) JUNE 15 - ROUND 9


BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v . OLD P.' RADIANS Field: M . Bushfield, D . Anderson; Goal: G . Grigg, J . Kelly . OLD BRIGHTON v. IVANHOE Field: C. Donlon, G. Gioras : Goal: G . Beard, B . Hoare . OLD IV OE v . NORTH OLD BOYS Field: R. Eastwood, W . Henry ; Boundary : D . Ryan, T. Healy ; Goal: M . Frame, S . Lamble . BANYULE v . THERRY CCOB Field : M . Pinney, M . McCrohan ; Goal: A. Bishop, R. Miller. OLD TRINITY v. MHSOB (E.P. - Sun.) Field: M . Gibson, C . Segota ; Boundary: J . Wright, M . Meier; Goal: M . Lentini, B . Stadus, Res . Goal : G . Baumgarten .


U';idi0'='S OLD PARADIANB 5.2 14.3 22.11 29 .14.188 OLD IVANH08 6.1 7.2 10.3 14 .5.89 Old Paradians Kerr 7, Harrison, Harford 4. Philp. Cosgritf 3, Godfrey. Geary, Ciavola 2, 7appa . Vincent Beat Vincent, Ciavola, Swindon. Harford, Geary, Dallas . Old Ivanhoe Gtinham. McLean 3, Kent. Stewart 2, Tolley . tully. Weddle, Young. Best Parker, Grinham, Donaldson . Kent . Veal, McLean. OLD BRIGHTON 5.8 12.10 19.12 25 .18 .168 BULLEEx TEMPLESTOWE 2.4 8.6 18.8 21 .11 .137 Old Brighton Murch, Perry 4 . Nikas. Patterson, Pryor, Oakley, McLachlan . Kryzwniak . Winter 2, Mercer . Mitchell . Talbot. Best Perry. Pryor. Rickarby. Kryzwnia.4. McLachlan, Fitzgerakl. Bulleen Templestowe James 3. McLaren 5 . Parris 2. Stott, Smith . O'Connell. Robertson, Greg. Young. Best Parris, Young. James . Greig, O'Connell . Robertson. NORTH OLD BOYS 0.8 3.11 4.15 7.16 .58 BANTULE 3.1 4.4 7.5 10.6 .66 North Old Bogs Boyle 3. Tonkin 2, Robinson, Kearney. Bestl Mikunda . Manassa. Cheshire. Curry, Boyle. Mutqiney. Bnnynle Tumbull 4 . Gray 2, Whealn. Witchell. Creak, Gilham. Best Noonan. Gloury, Williams. Riches. Wilmore, MeDertnot t THERRY OCOB 6.2 8.6 12.8 13 .10.88 OLD TRINITY 6.3 8.6 14.7 18 .8 .116 Thetry Wriggleswrorth 4. Gorman, Goodwin 3. Pignatelli. Reddick, Bosanko. Beet Petnrv,ski, Bosanko. Hollow, L. Hollow, Gauci . Goodwin. Old Trinity Strickland, Heath 3, Vanderhoek, Ramsden. Smith. Dalrymple, Allibon 2. Board, Anderson. Bentl Norman . Sutcliffe, Aliibon, Bladen . Glass. Taylor. IVANHOE 2.1 5.3 10.7 17 .11 .113 115805 4.6 7.7 9.10 11 .16 .82 Ivanhoe Rowley 5. McKellar 4. Bulleen 3, Brown 2 . Flynn. Jacka, Newbold . Bestl Rawkw Nibali . Tucker, Blackwood, Newbold, Armstrong. PdHBdB Pertzel 6. Bamert. Comer 2. Webster. Best Pertzel. Fairchild, Hunt, Comer, Hevard. Beaztey. RESERVES OLD PARADIAIi3 1.3 3.6 10.7 15 .9 .99 OLD IYANHOE 0.0 0.2 3.3 4.4 .28 Old Paradises Wallis 3 . Joyce . Gcary. Horsington, Harford 2, Dunn, Vear . Brabender. Laferlita. Best Brabender . Dunn. Wallis . Horsington, Mills . Rocchkciota. Old Ivanhoe Bangee. Caddy . Corcoran . Armstrong. Best Barker, Toll, Cargin. Caddy, Armstrong, Jones, OLD BRIGHTON 13.3 17.8 20.11 25 .17 .167 BULLBEN TEMPLESTOWE 2.3 2.5 4.5 4.5 .29 Old Brighton Grant 8, Magee 3 . Barber. Howxien, Bilionis. Murray, Teschendorf. Roach 2, turns. Best Grant, HoHden. mach, Murray, Bihonis. McLennan . Bulteen Templestowe Seamen 2 . Bond, Shalfard. Best Taylor. Hooper, Beames. Heard. Morihovitis, Shatlard. NORTH OLD BOYS 2.3 6 .4 7.11 13.16 .94 BANYULE 4.1 6 .4 8.9 9.11 .65 North Old Boys Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .. Banynle Fortune, Keane 3 . FerraO 2, Head . Best Ferrall, Holt. Stevens, Glass. Barker, Agostenelli. THERRY ccoB 2.2 4.3 7.7 12.9 .81 OLD TRINITY 3.2 8.7 11 .11 15 .13 .103 Therry Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Trinity Jervis, Robison 4. Hudson, Sealey 3, Vargo. Best Sealey, Jervis. Hudson. Donato . King. Bonfield. . IVANHOE 4.2 6 .3 7.4 9.6 .60 1111805 3.4 8 .8 11 .11 15 .16 .106 Ivanhoe Raywood 3, Rossitto . Hoffman 2, Drysdale . Di Santo. Best Raywond, Drysdale. La Rosa. Finlayson . Joyce. Thackwmy . MHSOB McGrath 5, Winch 3, Palms . Snaidero 2. Venna. Pollock, Konstanty. Besti Fahey, Thomas . Konstanty. Goldin . Pretty . Palms.


T -17 g

C H A R T E R E D A C C O U N T A N T S Ground Floor, 77 Station Street, Malvern 3144 Victoria Australia Telephone : ( 03) 9500 051 1 Facsimile : ( 03) 9509 237 9 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

C SECTION by Terry Quir k more than one third of the season behind us several clubs are working hard to achieve their half way expectations, whilst others ar e reassessing their goals and praying for the return of the injured players and the finding of elusive consistent form . St . Bedes M entone Tigers and Old Geelong served notice last week that they cannot be excluded from the list of aspiring finalists, whilst Old Mentonians and Hampton Rovers have drifted into the danger zone, although there is not suggestion of panic in either camp. At Hampton last week the Tigers led at every change and with a disciplined performance deserved the spoils of victory . Skipper Peter Lannan, Campbell Ross and John "The House Wrecker" Tully were outstanding for the Tigers . Fitness adviser Brad Berry was delighted and proud of the run in the legs of the young Tigers late in the game . The Rovers with many injuries can only hope for improved performances as players return over the next few weeks . "Racehorse" Wills, "Chief" Fletcher and "Guru" Rodda were better players . Old Mentonians put in an ordinary performance against an Old Geelong team which included new comer Richard Knight and Under-19 Mark VickersWillis. With OGs defence on top all day an d Simon Bones burning on the wing, a second quarter blitz ensured a well earned victory . A disappointed OMs could do little to get back into the game and must now be particularly concerned that its early ambitions of returning to B Section may not be achieved . Best players included defenders, Ferguson, "Tiger" Leone, "Brooksy" and Tim Leonard in the ruck . St . Kevin's and Marcellin's match was a disappointment, particularly for Marcellin who, I believe, were quietly confident of victory . SKOBs started slowly but with superior skill level and excellent field kicking, raced to a 9 goal half way lead . Marcellin kicked several goals late in the game to salvage something from the match, but again the SKOBs disposed of a second placed side in style . With six Under-19s in the SKOBs firsts to cover injuries, the future is certainly rosy . The happy "Chappy", "Iceman" and "Warwick" McGuinness were superb in defence . whilst new player "Hiawatha" Doherty controlled the rucks . Marcellin was best served by the O'Flynn boys, Theisz, Bello an d Rowe. The Saints 7 goal second quarter told the story against the Towners who could never recover a 4-5 goal deficit. On ballers, Murrihy an d Jackson, gave the Saints drive whilst Tkocz, Hayes-Dewar and Astapenko were terrific players . The Thommo's lacked height around the ground and hope to add some taller players over the next few weeks . Again Tony Fell ows dominated the centre whilst "Acka" (7 6



goals) and Vial Cap iei (5 goals) were good players up forwara. The Jackas trounced the Friars in the first half . Kalinski (9) antraceo5pinhlfmead d Sheezel (7) were in superb touch whilst Martin Halphen, Rod Bloom and the Goldberg boys were strong all day . The Friars second half was full of promise and with Mark Robinson (6 goals) up forward working hard gave every indication of being able to cause an upset shortly . Law, Carbone, Harris and Ritchie Mika were better players . PREVIEW ROUND 8 Old Geelong take on the Rovers . Both sides have much talent on the spacious wings but the OGs strong defence may be enough to win the day . OGs should be 27 points up by final siren . Jackas journey to Keysborough to test the OMs . It would be a huge form reversal for the OMs to take the premiership points from a team firing on all cylinders. I predict a victory to the Jackas by 22 points . An interesting match at Mentone will give the young Tigers an idea of how much improvement they have made in recent weeks . The in-form SKOBs should have enough class to win by 37 points . The match of the round at Marcellin will see two finals aspirants trying to win the day and stay in touch with the leaders . I think the home ground advantage should help the Eagles finish in front of the Saints by 20 points . At Thomastown, Whitefriars will be trying to take the points against a team whose form in recent weeks has not been sensational . I can't see the Thommo's being down for too long and predict a victory for them by 29 points . Reserves Winners : Old Geelong, Ajax, St . Kevins, Marcellin, Thomastown . Correspondents : by 5 .30 p .m . Monday, fax 98899014.




V~ ~ ~'-i

At Marcellin, Adrian "Tnbby" --crine 1 ilayed his 200th game last week, whilst : ." ichael .- - oran notched up 100 games for the club . Reserves captain "Doc" O'Callaghan plays his 200th game against the Saints this week . Congratulations to all players on fine contributions to the club and to Amateur football. 100TH TO AJAX'S FRIED , AJAX Football Club congratulates M ichael Fried on his 100th game with the club last week . Michael joined the club in 1988 and has been a loyal clubman playing his football with great dedication. As a rover, defender and wingman, Michael has been a credit to the AJAX Club . Well done Friedy. I MARK HEATH - 50 GAMES FOR THE FRIARS Whitefriars Old Colle g ians congratulate Mark Heath on playing his 50th game today (1/6/96) for the club . Mark started with the Under 19s and went on to become a captain, a role he filled superbly . He is now beginning to show that maturity at senior level with recent games in the firsts . Well done "Heathy" for the beginning of what we hope will be a long senior career with the Friars . 100 UP FOR PRIDEY AT OLD MENTONIANS

All at Old bientonians congratulate Greg Pride who today plays his 100th game for the Club . Yet another product of the 1991 inaugural U19 side, "Charlie" has worked his way through the ranks and has now cemented a spot in the Senior XVIII . After playing his early footy in the forward line and then switching to defence, Pridey now finds himself back in attack. Congratulations Pridey and Good Luck for today! ROLY ROLLS PAST 4 50

Old Mentonlans also congratulate Roly Stephens who will goal umpire his 4 50th game today . All at the Club would like to acknowledge the tremendous work of Roly every Saturday, just one of the reasons he was recently awarded the VAFA Certificate of Merit. Roll on 500! . . . Well done Roly!

OLD GEELONG v . HAMPTON ROVL,:.S Field : P . Leyden, S. Meredith . OLD RiEDITONIt- :IS v. AJAX Field : G . Curran . Boundary : F . McDonald, J . McDonald . ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v. ST KEVINS Field: D . Lane, T. Ovadia . Boundary: P . Coe, C . Stevens . MARCELLIN v . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD Field : J . Kvins, P. Simpson. THOMASTOWN v . WHITEFRIARS Field : B . Woodhead, C . O'Donohue .

SEPdiO" 3 HAi::r"TON RoV°DS 3 .2 7.2 12.4 14 .5 .89 4 .4 11.11 15.13 19 .17.131 ST B'S idrxTOhi: i1G--! 13 Hampton Rovers Crawtord, Rodder 3, Panagiotldis, Wills 2, Power . Fletcher . Scarlett. MeinJak But Wills, Fletcher, Rodder, Crawford . Ato rgan Power. St B's Mentone Tigers Goodchikt 5, McGeorge 4 . Ross 3, Firth, Hecker 2. Diggins. Hayes, McCraw. Best MacGeorge, Hecker, Firth. Buena, Tully, Walsh. OLD MENTONIANS 1 .5 4.7 4 .14 7.16.58 OLD GEELONG 2.7 6 .12 9 .16 12.21.93 Old Identonlana Acreman, Leonard 2 . Bournon, Ferguson. Paterson . Best Ferguson, Brooks, Leone, Bournon, Leonard. Paterson . Old Geelong Vickers-Willis 4 . Taylor. Saunders 2 . Dugdale. Furphy, Manton, Peddle. Beat Peddle . Taylor . Welsby, Vickers-Willis . Wilkinson, Dugdale. ST NEViNS 4.5 9.11 15 .15 17.17.119 YARCffiddN 1.3 3 .4 7 .6 12.12.84 St Eevlns Brady, Gross; 3. Moore. Bowles 2, Greenhorn, Mount. Burden. Cullman. Chapman, Rizio. Beati Cha pman . Garvey. Morgan . Gross, Doherty, McGuiness. ffiaredBn Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST EILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4.1 11 .3 15.10 21.13 .139 THOAiA<4TOE9N 3 .6 7.9 10.16 15.18 .108 St Eilda South Caulfield Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Thonntatown Arcoraci 7, Capeci S. Latoui, Smith, Samie. Best Fellows, Capeci . Afcoraci, Grech, Holmes . Ristevski . AJA X 6.5 13.8 19.10 24 .11 .155 WHITEFRIA,RS 0.5 4.7 8.9 14 .10.94 Ajax Kalinskl 9, Sheezel 7 . Wrobel 2, Hagohen. Shein. Bursztyn. Rosen. Goldberg. Marks. Best Brain, Kalinksi, Sheezel, Goldberg, Gunne . Steen . Whitefriars Robinson 6, Harris 3, C arbone. M . Carbone 2, Vandenboom. Beat Carbone, Law. Harris, Mika. Flanagan, Coghlan.

RESERVE S 2 .0 8.2 10 .4 14.7.91 HAIAFTON ROVERS ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 2 .4 5 .6 8 .8 9 .11.65 Hampton Rovers Anderson 4 . Hunter . McGregor, Amoore, Bulmer 2, Sher. Armstrong. Best Anderson, Marshall, Lester. Hunter, Armstrong, Bulmer. St B's Mentone Tigers Hutchinson 4. L'Huillier 2 . Manson . Murray, Connolly. Best Dols. Recupem, L'Huiliier. Napier, Dickenson. Hutchinson . OLD MENTONIANS 4.2 6 .7 8 .10 11 .12.78 OLD GEEIANG 2 .6 3 .8 7 .10 8.12.60 Old Yentonlana Davis 3 . Dwyer . Lucas 2. Flaskis, Norman, Stanovlch, WebsterGdffith . Beat Mullin, Davis, Dwyer. Ferber. Kitto. Norman. Old Geelong Burbank, Liley 2, Davis. Kemp, Taylor, Hermann . Best Hicklin, Davis, Hermann. Kemp, Liascos. Hay. ST EEVIN S 1.1 3.3 3.3 5.5 .35 2SARCELIdH 6.0 9.2 14.2 17.4.106 St Nevins Singh, Hart 2 . Noonan. Best Game, De Rooden . Denton, Wilks. O'Shea . Ryan . MareelBn Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ST EILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 6.1 8.3 9.3 13 .4 .82 THOMASTOWN 0.1 2.5 8.8 10 .11 .71 St Kilda South CanlBeldGoat Kickers and Best Players not received. Thontaatown Bubis 3 . Ward, B. Smith 2, L. Smith, Staros, Colosimo . Best Pellegrino . Valentino. Colosimo, Sallese. Battista Kennedy. MAX 3 .1 9.4 12.7 14 .9.93 WHITEFRIARB 3 .3 3.3 3.6 8 .10.58 Ajax Degen 3. Frey, Feldman. Rapport. Slade-Jacobson 2, Glasman. Bendel, Rubenstein . Best Slade-Jacobson, Dudakov . Sheezel, Grodski . Krongold . Abrahams. White&tars Naismith 4, Ryan, Juil ty. hardman. Elliot. Bestl Hardman, Naismith, Quikty . Kelsey. Vernal. Andrews.




e, D N by ; -j [ : _,,-1 nth Parkside and Southban'- going from choco:'!ates to boiled lollies, Kew scoring a stunning wi n (can they now go on with it?), 'Baysiders' in a landside victory over a hapless Uni Reds, Old Camberwell travelling very nicely indeed, Monash Blues hanging in there and St Leo's along with Caulfield Grammarians heading quickly in the right direction with a luckless and depleted St Johns presently going in the opposite . ROUldl) 7 REVIEW (25 Y)

After an even quarter on the lush Bennettswood Reserve St Johns OC led St Leos Emmaus by a slender 3 pts . The two Blues greater accuracy enabled them to snatch a 1 goal break at the long interval . The Joc's woes started early in the 3rd losing fullback Wayne 'Lardy' Charlton and the avalanche began St Leo's 7 goals to 1 giving themsleves a match winning 3 qtr. time lead an advantage they held to the finish . Best for the 2 Blues . . . . Ronch, Rocky, Pitch and Hammer whilst for the Joc's . . . . . Dicky Back, Addo (1st game for'96), Wilber, Boots and Higgo. At Gordon Barnard Reserve the 1st qtr . was a tight encounter between the ladder leaders Old Camberwe ll and Monash Blues . The 3 pt lead held by Monash was quickly evaporated after a flurry of quick goals to the 'Wells' and the home team held sway at 1/2 time by 14 pts. Both defences were tested to the limits in the 3rd stanza and it not for a poor conversion rate the Blues could have been considerably closer than the 20 pis at lemon time . The lead was reduced to just 2 pis early in the last however Old Camberwell stuck rigidly to their game plan, didn't panic and finished the game off full of running. Best for the 'Wells'. . .. . Williams, Pato and Leitch whilst for Monash . . . . . Hipwell, Rogers, Trumble and he's too modest to mention himself so I will, Big Andrew! (Just a mention to OC's scribe WE, Monash might not have exploited you weakness(es) but believe you me! it's only a matter of time) . The final winning margin of Caulfield Grammar would believe the fact that Southbank lead by 7 pis at the 1st change . The 'Fields' took the game by the scruff of the neck in the 2nd stanza and never took their foot off the accelerator for the rest of the game . The 'Bankers' railed somewhat in the last to add some respectability to the scorecard . For Caulfield Grammar too many good players to single out and on the other hand too few for the 'Bankers' to make mention of. Parkside again disappointed their supporters in a game they expected to win against Kew . In a repeat of last weeks performance they looked the better side in the 1st qrt . (11 scoring shots to 5) but then fell right apart and only kicked 2 goals 4 pis for the remainder . Rob Bailey, Kew coach pleaded with his players for self belief and it paid off handsomely with a big last stanza . Congrats Rob! Best for Kew . . . . Dimasi, 8


Pulverenti, King and Wood and for Parkside . . . . . Chilcott , Inserra and Dean.

Not too much can be said about Beaumaris V Uni, Reds game other than the 'Baysiders' came out firing in all cylinders and kept up the attack all day much to the displeasure of the students themselves and thei r supporters, not to mention the overworked scoreboard attendant! Beaumaris were best served by O'Reilly (9 goals), Hanrahan (this time Shaun with 8 goals) and Culnane . ROUND 8 PREVIEW ( 01 JUNE) Parkside desperate to stem the mini slump host St Leo's Emmaus . No quarter will be given nor asked and the Two Blues better recent form entitle them to be favourites . Provided they handle the conditions 'Pitcher Park' has on offer then I reckon on them winning by 30 points . Kew fresh from their 1st outright win will be looking for a repeat dose against Beaumaris . The 'Baysiders' form is good enough to wan-ant a win, however in a turn-up for the form pundits I'm gunna give the 'Brown 'n' Golds' the nod to cause the upset and get in by 11 points. The Old Camberwell 'juggernaut' travel out to Dandenong to meet with St Johns OC's. On the proviso that the ground is firm under foot the 'Wells' just have too much class at their disposal. The Joc's spirit is hopefully still high and whilst I'm sure they'll give a good account of themselves the 'Wells' should win easily by 8 twins . On paper at least the M onash Blues V Caulfield Grammarians clash looks to he the pick of the round and a ripper to boot! Both teams attacking, free flowing and in possession of many good runners . Grammar coming off 2 soft wins compared to the Blues harder encounters . Gut feeling only, the Monash boys might be better prepared (mentally) and at home tip them to get the spoils by 7 points . Yarra Park will be the venue for the Southbank clash against Uni .Reds . Form of both sides is ordinary to say the least however the 'Bankers' form is less ordinary hence they'll WIN! and the margin should be around the metric dozen goals ie, 10 large . This weeks guest tipsters are my Secretary and Personal Assistant, Mervat Dawoud and Helen Wall ace. In tandem they select the following: Parkside - because they've both spent a lot of their pastime in the 'Park' (the girls that is! ) Beaumaris 'cause Kew is too FAR ! Old Camberwell (Mervat's hot tip!) - reason we don't know



Caulfield Grammar - again we have no idea Oust like the girls!) Southbank - simply because they love their boss humungously! Club Scribes - . Don't forget the telephone call and/or fax messages on Mondays to: Tele : 9 8 10 3370 Fax: 9810 3251 by 5 .OOpm . Thanks heaps !

Old Camberwell Grammarians wishes to congratulate James McKenzie on playing 50 games for the club. This milestone was reached on 4th May 96. Billy as he is known at the club started his career in the under 19's after being recruited from Camberwell Grammar School . Younger brother of the high flying Angus, Billy though not as airborne on the field is still a courageous player and has slotted in well to the clubs first 18 . Well done Billy keep up the good word . Old Camberwell wishes to congratulate Richard Spurriz on reaching the mark of 100 games played against Monash Blues on the 24th May 1996. The club record notes that Spuzza has been an evergreen hackman, regularly repelling attacks week in and week out . Spuzza who came to the club fresh from playing school footy, rarely puts in a poor performance and deserves the respect he has earned around the club. Well done mate . Southbank wishes to congratulate Neil "Bnbba" Wallmeyer who plays his 150th senior game today for the Bank . Since joining the club in 1988 Bubba has been a strong onfield leader and is only too willing to help out the men in white with the benefit of his football knowledge . Bubba is presently coaching our Reserves side as he looks forward to his next milestone . All at St Leo's Emmaus congratulate Jay Donovan on playing his 50th game on the 25/5/96. Jay is one of the young guns at the club who we hope will reach many more milestones in the future.


Sr.idIOc_ 3 ST LEM L t)6AUS WP 3 .1 7 .3 14.6 19.12.126 ST JOH°t5 OC 3 .4 5 .9 6 .14 11 .20.86 St Leos Emmaus Ronchi 6 . Henricus 4 . Bethune. Darcy . Dtncolantonio 2, Burgess. Hughan. Pitcher. Best Ronchi. Armstrong, Pitcher, Meehan. O'Meara, Hughan. St Johns OC Multens. Ladson 3. taBmoy, Clancy, Saunderson, Rachele . Back. Best Back, Sheehan . Williams, Adamson, Higgins, tadson . 1L-17 4 .1 7 .2 10 .7 21.11.137 PARESIDE 5.6 5 .8 7 .10 7.10.52 New Porte 4, Pulvirenti. Dimast 3 . King, Gencarelli 2. Wood. Brassil, Bayley, Pulvirenti, Fraser . Donne, Furlan . Beat Dimasi, Wood, Fraser, Pulvirenti, Lafmrxhi, Bruno . Parkside Antonepoutos 2 . MacNamara. Mangos. McCall, Reginato. Tylson. Bevil Chilcott, Inserta Dean. Reginato . Tyson, Mangos. OLD CAMBERWELL 3.1 10.5 15 .8 22.8.140 MONASH BLUES 3.4 9.6 11 .12 15.15 .105 Old Camberwell Inkster 9, Walker 4, Provan 2, James, I .ethlean, Talbot Kyriacou, McKenzte . Jack . Horskins . Best Cocks. Horskins, Jack, Walker, James, Kyriatwu . Menask Blues Donnelly 3. Ford, McGee, Hipwelt 2, Gunn . Alexander . Trumble . Baring, Andritsos . Colombies . Beat Dowsley, Barker, Headberry . Hipwell . Alexander, Gunn . CAULFIBS1tGRAMMAR 3.3 8.9 17.12 22.16 .148 SOUTHBARK CBA 4.4 4.10 8.13 11.17 .83 Caulfield Grammar Will 7. Margerison 5 . Harrison. Braider. Baxtger. Dicrosta 2 . Cass'sdy, Lown . But D~rasta, Royals. Will . Casstdy. Lowe, Cossart-Walsh. Southbank CBA Perry, Watlmeyer 3 . Hodgson 2, Beare, Rolfs . Stepien . Best Perry, Wallmeyer. Keighran. RoUs. Bunnett. Colbert. BEAU6SARIS 7.6 10.15 22.22 33 .27 .225 UNIVERSITY REDS 0.2 1.2 2.3 2.4.16 Beaumerla 0'Riley 9 . Hanrahan 7, Sherman 3, Holt, Kinsella, Thomas, Van, Culnane 2, Quin. M. Quin, rowbury, Taylor. Best Culnane, Quin, Hanmhan, 0'Riley. Hoyne, Sherman . University Reds Mitchell . Farrell. Best Drury, Heehan, Wharf. Mitchell . Frisby. Blizzard . RESERVES STLEOSEMffiAUSWP 6.3 6.8 8 .9 " 11.10 .76 ST JOHNS OC 2.1 4.4 7.5 9.7 .61 St Leos Emmaus McNamara 6, Oakley 2, Contessotto, panetta . Shacklock. Best Rees. Mitchell. Ndreu, McNamara. Pinhorn. Buckle. St Johns OC Pepper 2. Shaer, Ware. Liddell, Halls. Connolly, Pradel. Rachele. Best Rachele, Crozier, Pradet, keen, Kallis. Connolly. NEW 0.3 0.3 1 .6 2.7 .19 PARBSIDE 3.4 11 .7 14.7 19.9 .123 Kew Bayley. Kiriakou . Best Peric. Gill, Fletcher, Skerritt. Donovan, Bayley. Parkside Dunbabin 6, Darrigo 4, Cocco 3, Drinnan, Hoyne . Hubbard, Island, Masset . Pino . Beat Darrigo, Drinnan, Hubbard . Pino, Bunworth, Mangos. OLD CAMBERWELL 1.1 2.4 4.5 7.9 .51 ffiONASH BLUES 4.2 7.4 11 .6 18 .8 .116 Old Camberwell Seeley. Walker 2, Kent, Channan, Sim. Best Smith, Seeley, Walker, Swan. Channon, Taylor. Monash Blues Maiden 6. Farrar 4, Murechie 3. Caldw^ell, Feenaghty . De Young, Green. Alexander. Beat Carman. De Young . Alexander. Mumble, Farrar. Caldwell. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4.4 14.6 17.10 20 .16.136 SOUTHBAFH cBA 1.2 2.2 5.5 5 .6.36 Caulfield Grammar Scholten 8, Hansen, Harrison 4 . Holloway 2, Younger, Klose. Best Scholten, Santiago, Lawrence, lUose, Ryan, Whitmee. Southbank CBA Worland 3, Sammar6no, Scanlon . Basil Forbes. Maya, Conk, WhelMr, Pitts. Worland. BEAUMARIS 9 .3 13.7 17 .11 21 .15.141 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 .0 0 .1 1.4 2 .4.16 Beaumaria Vaughan 9. Holt 3 . Mckenzie, Truscott 2. Ott, Teseriero, Maypiece. Dalgleish, Pearson . Bestl Day . Vaughan. McKenzie, Dalgleish . Teseriero . University Reds Southwick, Terrill. Best Kenna. Thatcher. James. Smlthwick. Jackson . Ryan.



PARKS ID E v. ST LEOS Et .f :dAUS Meld: T. Foley, S . Davie . KEW v . BEAUMARIS Field: T . Zapadlo, N . McCorquodale. Boundary: S. Mannix, N . Harper. ST JOHNS v . OLD CAMBERWELL Field : B . Tamblyn . Boundary : D . Fowler . M ONASH BLUES v . CAULFIELD GR . Field : A . Ladd . SOUTHBANK v . UNIVERSITY REDS Field: R. Francis, D . Kramer . Boundary: G . Drummond, B. Corcoran.



S's- %. ---'C by Barry F-Hicke y _`01' ley let everybody know they are going to ave a say in who finishes up in the four by beating Chirnside Park in a thrilling game at Eley Road . This week the scene is set for the clash of the Titans, Yarra Valley and Aquinas . Let's hope the weather is propitious and they both have a full list to select from, because it has all the makings of the game of the year . ROUND 6 REVIEW

Bu lleen Cobras went down to Yarra Valley after an even first half. The Cobras field kicking let them down badly, and Yarra is not a side to let any opportunity pass . Stewart McLaren at CHB and FB played a great game for the Cobras, as did HBFs Bernie and John Moran , an d David Wain in the ruck . McVean, Peak and Heffernan gave Yarra tremendous drive on the ball, while Livesey-Cole, Taylor and P emg again defended in their own attacking way. Richmond Central defeated Eltham Collegian s after their customary slow start, being 5 majors down at the first change. Thereafter Central kicked 16 goals to 1, must have been some very terse words from Tim Pontefract during that change . Franki Bove wa s sensational on the ball for Central as was Ben Ra plus Paul Church on the back line, and Paddy Hoey on his wing . Aquinas gave St M ary's a terrible hiding in an awesome display of power football . "Livo" kicked another mega bag, Mick Denavi at HB, and Jason Hacking across HF were standouts for the Blooders . Black and Hendy in defence and Stone, ruck roving, strove hard for the Saints . Eley Park held out Chirnside Park in a ripper of a game that was fast, skilful and non stop all day . The Parkers came home with a rattling run in the last quarter but were unable to run the Sharks down . McLean did most of the damage for the Sharks, driving the ball into attack the whole game from the centre bounces. The Parkers had good players in Vinni Pieioli (9 goals), an d John Brown across the centre. Old Carey overran a spirited Swinburne University who didn't give up all day. The scores do not reflect the competition Swinburne provided for every possession, if they can add a couple of 'finishers' to their present team up forward they'll give a lot of cheek . Rod Uebergang, Damien Mil ano and Mal

De ll 'olio played great games for the Students on a day when the C's hig h markers and runners had a day out . The C's U19 flankers, Lucas Murphy and Steve Detercynski, were outstanding in their senior debuts, Michael Addison added that. extra touch of class in his first game back after a few years 'wandering', and Dino Faells was a terrier in and round the packs . PREVIEW ROUND 8 Eltham meets Bulleen Cobras in a crunch match for both clubs, the winner stays in touch with the four, the loser drops off that extra four points . The Turtles have plenty of talent and will take the game right up to the Cobras, but the Cobras edge in experience should see them ahead by a couple of goals at the siren . Richmond Central are at home to Swinburne University and should record a convincing victory . The Students lack nothing in endeavour, but will find Central's making strength hard to overcome. Yarra Valley host Aquinas in THE match of the first round of H and A games. The teams are similarly structured, having talent all over the ground, and are trained to a tee . The major difference is that the Blooders have one leading goal kicker, but what a unit, while Yarra has three on the list . For sheer consistency of performance it's hard to go past Aquinas to win a sensational game by a couple of goals . St Mary's welcome Eley Park to Ferndale Park where they are normally a hard nut to crack . The Sharks should win this game by 3/4 goals because of their ability to kick good scores regardless of the opposition . Chirnside Park play Old Carey at Kimberley Reserve, where no visitor can ever be confident of winning . Both sides are loaded with skilled footballers so the game will be a cracker to watch . The C's appear to have an edge in scoring ability which should see them a couple of points up at the finish . RESERVES winners should be : Eltham, Richmond Central, Aquinas, St M ary's and Old Carey . Correspondents the Monday contacts are 9547 9144 and Fax 9547 7764 .


CHRIS FIUGH:;y - 150


`~ - 3S

Everyone connected with Old Carey congratulates onballer Chris Hughes on playing his 150th game for the panthers v. ChirnBide 1/6. Well done "Disco" - there's many good games behind you and many more good games ahead of you still - a great player and clubman . MARCUS NANCE & DAVE LEE - 50 GAMES Well done too to 50 game players Marcus Nance (1/6) and Dave Lee (25/50 - both products of Jobbo's Under 19- and now key senior players . Both Marc us' and D ;s fathers give their sons and Old Carey great sup-


TOTAL 60 31 30 24 24 22 22


31 27 27 24 18

ELTHAM v . BULLEEN COBRAS Fietd: A. Flack, P. Walker . RICHMOND CENTRAL v . S URNE UNI . Field : A . Steven, S . Alger . YARRA VALLEY OB v . AgUINAS Field: V . Vescovi, C . Brajtberg. Boundary: M . Jelinek, C . Hayes . ST MARYS v. ELEY PARK Field : A . O'Connor, R . Martyn . Boundary : D . Blackburn . CHIRNSIDE PARK v . OLD CAREY Field: R. Smith, M . O'Brien .

BULLr~:V COBRAS 3 .0 6 .7 9 .10 13 .12.90 YARP_4 VALLEY OLD BOYS 4 .2 9.7 14.7 18.11 .119 BaBxn Colarts D'Angelo. Dillon, Giilard, Humphrey 2, Mcl .eod, Starrett. Wagg. Worth, Thompson. Beat D'Angelo, Kelly, Gillard. Wain, Wage, Redfern . Yarn Valley Old Boys Telford 5, MacVean 3, Koenan, Peake 2, Lupoi, Laing, MacVean, Dickson . peterson, Midro. Beat peterson, Midro, MacVean, Taylor, Livesey-Cole. Heffernan, RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .4 9 .8 11 .10 17.16.118 ELTBAM OC 6 .4 6 .4 7.6 7.9.51 Richmond Central Shannon 4 . Aralonopoutos. Bove 3, Katells 2 . Porteous, Pickett . Hoey, Ragq, Tapky . Beat Raggs . Bove . Black. Church, Stwka, Hoey . Eltkam i~ Clarke 2, Duggan, Solar, Carter. Horstmrough. Simon. Beat Smyth. Solar. Jovanovski. Morrow. Gray. Bell. AQUINAS OB 6 .2 14 .7 19 .13 25.15.165 ST MARYS 0.1 0.3 2 .6 4.10.34 lnas OB Livi ungstone 11 . Grlerson 4, Field, Dunne 2, Lamborn, Flynn , tkerkhoven. Tarlli. Hacking. Jeffrey. Beat Denavi, Livingstone . Hacking, Je(frey, Grierson . Bethune. Colliver. St Mays House, Black, Stephens . Bell. Beatl Black, Stone, Heady. Dominguez . ELEY PARK 4.4 12 .7 19.11 22.14.146 CHIRPiSIDE PARK 7.2 10.3 15 .6 21 .7.133 Eley Park Caldwell 5, Mclean 4, hawley, Kaye 3. Hill, Jursonovics, Storey 2, Broadhead . Beat Mclean, hawley, Storey, Hook, Lenamic . Caldwell. CMrnafde Park Piccioli 9, Walker 3, Pemberton, Caine, Trotter 2, pemberton, Carnal. Bruno . Beat Piccioli, McIntosh . Brown, pemberton, Koopmans . Oates. SWRiBURiiE UNIVERSITY 1 .1 3 .4 4 .8 4.9.33 OLD CAREY 7.3 17 .9 26.15 41.20.266 Swiaburae University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Carey Hickey 12, Faelis 5 . Vasilopoulos 4 . Addison, Gentle. Curry 3, Everett, Cohen. Cohen, Price 2 Murphy, Glindemann, Drever. Best Hickey . Vasilopoulos, Everett. Detarczynski. Morrison, Murphy .

RESERVE S BULLEElY COBRAS 2.4 3 .5 4 .7 5.12.42 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 2.8 5.12 7.15 8.17.85 Belleea Cobras Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. Yarra Valley Old Boys Potter. Park 3, Dove. Penaluna . Beat Dove, Langdon . MaeVean, Alderson, Savaris, Patter. RICHMOND CENTRAL 8.5 12.10 16.13 19.16.130 ELTHAM OC 0.0 2 .1 4 .4 5.5 .35 Richmond Central Jackson 7. Wilson 5 . Masac, Taylor 2 . Jenner, Hyman . Humphries. Dealt Wiston, rossi, Ritchie, Daly. McAlpin, Farley. Eitbam OC Smedley 3, Leys. Webster. Beat Hespe, Lacey. Jovanovski, Cross, Taylor, ODonnell . AQUINAS OB 7.5 12.11 17.14 24.19 . i63 ST MARYS 0.2 0.3 0.3 1.5 .11 Aquinas OB Hughes 9. Boulton, O'Loughlin. Horne 2, Jones, Grieson, Belli . Langford, Phillips, Hewitt. Hiney. Clifford . Beat Jones, Hughes, Grieson . Horne, Kvietelaitis. O'Loughlin . St Marya Harrison. Beat Harrison, Evans, Learnronth . ELEY PARK 4.2 5.4 6 .4 11.5 .71 CBBUiSIDE PARE 4 .4 11 .8 14.13 18.13 .121 Eley Park Delt'orso 4, Karadimos, Podger 2 . Dix, Millen, Stone . Beat Smith . Deli'orso. Dis, Raymer. Stone. Fukushima. Ckfrnalde Park Dalton 8. Duck. Bond 3, Simmons. Husey, Harvey, O'Connor, Wyngaard. Beat Simmons. Anthony. Dalton. Pilikktis, Bond, Kimpton . BWtPIBtrRNE UNIVERSITY 2.2 .14 OLD CAREY 27.23 .185 5 sbome University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Carey Brady 10, Strong 5, Bryce 3 . Hu~hes, Mcguie 2, Hosking, Evans . Patterson, Harris. Gates. Beat Brady. Mc Juie, Nughes, Patterson, Hughes, Jones .


Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom "The Guru" Brain present all scores and match details in a light-hearted manner . Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9 .30 a .m . each Sunday THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996





orth Brunswick's gutsy win over valiant La Tr ~ last week-has enabled the green and goal machin e to move into fourth position at the expense of West Brunswick who after two consecutive losses have dropped into fifth position . The battle for finals positions already appear to be down to just the top five sides, though conclusive wins to La Trobe over lowly Thornbury and UIiSOB would leave them with an outside chance at the halfway mark . REVIEW ROUND 7 The battle for second position between West Brunswick and Old Essendon was a game of contrasting halves . In the first, it was OEG's superior running players Chapman, Capodiferro and Goodger that showed the way and their work was finished off up forward by Will Conlan (3 goals by 1/4 time) and Roundhouse Ftidiey , (5 goals in 2nd Qtr .) . Down 48 points at the half and missing prime movers Gary Davies and Angus Hamilton due to injury, West Brunswick players could have been forgiven for thinldng a thrashing was imminent. However, the Magpies showed great heart after the break, dominating general play and gradually wearing down the Grammar before the siren intervened, leaving OEG with an unconvincing 8 point victory, but a very important four points all the same. Best for the winners included Chapman, Cramer, Cappo and Leask while for the Magpies Matz, Steve Smythe an d Rohan Eastway (4 goals) did best . University Blacks arrived at Arctic Park expecting a danger game against an Old westbournc side which had been so competitive against OEG the week before . Two early Warrior goals with the wind lended to confirm the Blacks suspicions but solid defensive play by Blacks' Buckets Lowe and Old Man guilty prevented an onslaught and kept things close at the first break . The Blacks blew the game open with a dominant second quarter assert lead by onballers Cunningham, Bowles and Darroch. Westbourne never recovered and could only watch helplessly as Blacks full-forward Planet Hall kicked eight goals in leading his side to a comfortable 76 point win . Newlands Coburg verses Williamstown CYMS at the Postage Stamp was a high scoring affair in which the Cy's did not get the massive percentage booster they expected, proving again that the Cobras can be competitive on their own patch . In fact, Newlands Coburg trailed by only 7 points at quarter time, before Willi's more potent fonvards in Killer Kurkowski, Johnny Tuck an d Life of Bryan enabled CYMS to gain a match winning 42 point lead by half time. Willi extended it lead after the main break, with the above trio of forwards ultimately sharing 25 goals between them, ably assisted by Grandpa Weir and Herbertsen both playing further up the ground. Excellent game out at Bocce Palace, where two ver y 12

inform and committed sides put on a great display . North Brunswick, lead by onballer Shane Moore and Vinni Grimaldi in his 200th game were on top early and had moved to a lead of five goal<, early in the second quarter, threatening to make it a on( act affair . However, La Trobe's Hollywood Brown tight ened up on Moore and with Ash Cummings dominatinl the ruck duels, La Trobe pegged the margin back to 2( points at half time . The third quarter was all la Trobe a~ Sheeds, Bake's Beek, Jacko, JD and Paddy and theii fellow Trobers ran the green and gold machine ragged with seven goal term that left North trailing by two goal,; at the orange break. The margin could have been fai more if not for the excellent third quarter of North's J, Butni in the back pocket . La Trobe attacked from the opening minutes of the final term but could not get thai all important first goal of the quarter . North's Adp Tirchett, well held by Ross Currie for three quarters, began to cut lose at CHF and with Moore, now playing on the forward line and proving a handful, North were able to slam on six unanswered goals and take a match . winning 28 point lead before the two late La Trobe goals reduced the margin to 16 points . Yet another big game gone begging for La Trobe . Best for the winners included Barry Thorpe, J . Bulman, Shane Moore, V. Grimaldi, Deliverance Cunningham and the Tirehett Bros while for La Trobe Ash Cummings was close to BOG well supported by Hollywood Brown, Vizard and Bake while I thought Ben Hayward had an excellent duel with North's solid CHB Jo Boudoloh . Another hard fought win in the ressies to North Brunswick where old stalwarts such as Biffo Briffa lead the way for the home side. After some competitive performance against teams in the top bracket, UBSOB enjoyed their game against Thombury Cougars, ultimately recording a percentage boosting 168 point victory . A disappointing pre-season has had Uni High on the back-foot since Day 1, but Coach Mark Sedgwick would like nothing better to knock off a top side or three during the second half of the season . PREVIEW ROUND 8 West Brunswick visit Melbourne Uni desperate to end their losing streak but face a well balanced University Blacks side almost impossible to beat at home. I expect the Blacks to have too much talent and should win by eight goals. At Artic Park, an even tussle is expected between Old Westbourne (7th) and UHSOB (8th) . UHSOB will be full of confidence after last weeks pounding of Thornbury Cougars but if Westbourne play to their potenial I think they should sneak home by three goals . Old Essendon host Newlands Coburg and Alex THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

grasers men wiIl be keen to put in their first our quarter performance in a number of weeks. Newlands have not travelled well this year and I don't see that will change here . OEG by 75 points . Match of the Day at Williamstown will be a no holds barred affair where two very committed sides in CYMS and North Brunswick do battle . Only University Blacks have got within five goals of Willi 'down there' this year but Coach Oopy Elliott should be warned that North are now returning to something like the formidable unit that made the E Central Grand Final last year . I note the Fyill:amstown CYMS U19's have a bye which will see the cy's at Maximum strength and this may be enough to get the home side over the line . Finally, La Trobe have a chance to put last week's disappointment momentarily behind them when they host the struggling Thornbury Cougars . The result is obviously not an issue but the margin will fluctuate somewhere between 100-200 points depending on the rains dumped on the Bundoora Oval during the week . Correspondents: Numbers again by 5 :00pm Monday - Ph : 9379 1411 (H), 9619 3413 (W) and Fax 9629 8008 . SOCIAL NOTES: Williamstown CYMS will put on their best John Holmes outfits for a theme disco night at the Clubrooms this Saturday night .

UHSOB - 200 GF:T ,_r:S David Wallace plays his 200th game today against Westbourne Grammar. "Fatty" is an inspirational leader who has been honoured with the club captaincy since 1990. All at Uni High congratulate you and look forward to celebrating your fantastic achievement after the game at the West Brunswick Hotel.

ti L RSITY BLACKS v. r-~ :Uid&.: ICK Field: K . Walker, C . Cimoli . Boundary : J . Willingham, A . McClean . OLD WESTBOURNE v. UHSOB Field: P . Tuppen, P . Keogh . OLD ESSENDON v. NE SCOBURG Field : M . Gilday . WILLIAMSTOWN v . NORTH BRUNSWICK FYetd : M . Forde, A. Harris. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY v . THORNBURY COUGARS Field: P . Maebus, A . Chapman.

~ira(. -, 5 .^.U :._ K 2.2 2.2 6.5 10 .10,70 OLD ' ''4.3 9.8 10.11 11.12 .78 I . .. ~-.,,tck Eastway 4, Magafas, Curtin 2 . Gray. Osborne . Best Hatzistavrou, Snry. . .. .. . fas. Le.vis, ian~klis, Eastway . Y ~ley 5, Conlan 3. Lutterschmidt, Steven. McPherson .

Cramer, Capodiferm, Leask, Tdst, Steven .

OLD i : . : :80UR~~:fb 4.0 4.2 6.3 8 .4.52 UNfl. .-'. '-T BLACKS 3.2 9.5 14.10 19 .14.128 Old L .: :h smrue Whiting 2. Franklin, Gibb, Moo re, Robson . Horsburgh, Outer. 1::.:[ Par. w, Triainon . Franklin, Jago. Blake. King. University Blacks Hall 8. Cunningham. Bowles, Gullan, Darroch 2, Beaton . Carah . Whitson. Best Bowles, Halt, Cunningham . Lowe, Kooloos. Darroch. NEIVIANDS COBURG 5.3 8.4 14.8 18 .13.121 Wt L - 58N CYMB 6.6 14 .10 24.12 31 .16.202 Newlaads Coburg Dix, Vescio. Rafelo 3. Mardini 2. Griffiths, Toniazzo, Fennessy. Caddy, Fmst. Hayes^ MaUnez . Best Morris, Rafelo, Fennessy, Mar ti nez, Dix, Ceri. WBilaamtor e CY~8 Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . NORTH BRUNSWICK 5.5 10.8 12.10 18 .14.122 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3.4 7.6 14.8 16 .10.106 North Brua'seick Moore, Kalpakas 4. Kyri azis 3, Ttrchett . Evans 2, Thompson, Sorkto. RandeBo. Best Thorpe. Tirchett. Moore, Bulman . Tirc hett. Boudoloh . La Trobe University Wilson, Maddison 4 . Fredrickson 3 . Bakogiannis 2, Dunin, Sheedy. Edmunds . Beat Cummings. Brown . Wilson, Turner, Maddison^ Matthew . UBSOB 9.4 23.7 27.10 37 .15.237 TBORNBURY COUGARS 3.3 4.6 8.6 10 .9.69 UBBGB Crecknell . Wallace . Bunn 5, Sedgwick, Koch. Cook. Mazza 4. Bennett 3, Rialto 2, Mclean. Best Bone, Crackneli. Brebner, Wallace, Davidson . Bunn & rest of learn. Tharabnry Cougars Bruno^ Huxley, Ziebak 2, Alembakis, Lincoln. Robertson, Rab ar. Beat Kkty. Lincoln, Begley. BuzeskL Mitronatsios, Alembakis .

RESERVES WEST BRUNSWICK 2.0 4.3 5.3 7 .4.46 OLD 1 .' :NDON GRAMMAR 4.2 7.2 10.4 12 .7.79 West Brunswick Ortiz 4, Perrin . McNaughton, Rodri gues. Beat Cook . Newitt. Mcnam ara . Perrin, u rtiz. Kocianck. Old -r _ - doa C: : ..-mmsr Clolxsy 9. Dudderidge, McLean^ Garvey. Best Hutchison, Mclean. uuddenoge, Gan^ey. Clohesy, Bar ry . OLD ' : TBOIIr11E 1 .0 2.1 2 .1 2 .4.16 UNiV . :BITf BLACKS 5.2 8.5 12 .6 15 .10.120 Old Westbonrne Crowe, Leitch . Beat Crowe, Flower, King. Leitch, Shea . University Blacks Stevens 4. Birks 3. Graham. Last 2 . Simmins, Hanlon^ Hallam, Baum . Best Hanlon, ryan, Simmins, Graham, Birks . Morcom. NBWLANDS CABURG 0.4 0.8 2.10 4 .13.37 WILLIAMBTOWN CYMB 3.3 6.10 10.15 17 .18.120 Neaiands Coburg Runciman 2^ 6lamell, Burton. Best Baker. Borg, Mergiaanos, Augostakis, Bond, Webb. WBBamstoaa CYMS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. NORTH BRUNSWICK 1.0 3.4 7.5 10 .9.69 IATROBE UNIVERSITY 3.2 4.5 7.8 7 .10.52 North Brunswick Papan ikolaou. Webb 2^ Guppy . Ongaro, Hogg . LatouG Adams. Sacco. Best G rey . Healey, Webb, Adams, Bdita. Polimecos. La Trobe University Makim, Fitzpatrick 2, Cotsopoulos^ Blaskett. Wright Best Canty, Fitzpatrick. Cousins. Bland, Makim, Walter. UBSOB 4.0 10.4 14 .9 23.13.151 TaoRNBURY COUGARS 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.1.7 UHSOB Strahan 5 . Terri ll, Duncan 4^ Arnol^ Strachan 3^ Carruthers 2. Owen. mcWhinney. Basil Strahan, Rogers, Polidori^ Pfeiffer . Sokoienko . Duncan . Tborabury Cougars Bartlett. Beat Coullopas . Bartlett. Begley . Johnston, Theoharis, Mountney.







(50 cents per min . )

Mon to Wed Thursday Friday (a .m.) Saturday (a.m.) Sat. (evening)

Club Information Permits Umpire appointments Weekend game locations Final siren score s

(ROUND 6 - 25/5/93) LATE SCORES: Reserves/Club XVIII (Due : 95318333 by 3 p.m.) Aquina s Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p.m .) University Blues (Sen.) Old Xaverians (U 19) Old Brighton (Sen .) Aquinas (U19) Newlands Coburg (Sen .) whitefriars (Sen.) Eley Park (Sen. ) Phoned incorrect scores (From Round 6) St Bedes Mentone Tigers (Sen . ) St Marys (Res . ) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section) . First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; each further offence ($50).

increase as clubs continue to reoffend . The Executive has decided to impose a "one-off" fine of $250 for a fourth offence by a team of a club .

The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day.

The rear gate (off St Kilda St) is only opened on the occasion of a S AI' FI Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials

Af! 9876 3740 DARREN BOURKE 14


nother drainage story from the week just gone . It _seems that last week sometime, Tim the foreman for the company installing the drains at EP buried his mobile phone somewhere on the outer wing near to the McDonalds freest anding signage. He beli eves that it would have turned itself off by now, but don't be surprised if you're at EP and see players stop and look for a phone in the next few weeks, because 'Dm said that he occasionally t ri es ri nging lost phone numbers just in case someone answers it. Who would answer a mobile phone underground? Well leave that for the X Files . ;;: , r: for the VAFA ? Thornbury Cougars in Is it a first E Central reserve section last week had females filling the following positions, Goal Umpire, Boundary Umpire an d Time Keeper. All we needed was Sharon Alger or Leah Gallagher to be in charge as Field Umpire and it surely would have made headlines .

Well done Cougars, and the ladies who filled those positions last week from all accounts you all did fine jobs. r f, f News on Geoff Reilley is good at the time of printing. Geoff was operated on two Mondays ago and was removed from intensive care to a ward for the latter half of this week. All being well Geoff should be home resting up comfortably, and back in action in the no t too distant future . * *x Not only has there been a new addition to the EP Administration team in 1996, but Amy Stanyer has now added her own vehicle to the Administration car park. Brett and Sue want to know where she found the money to purchase such a snazzy little Gemini, given the 1968 Volkswagen and the little mustard Corolla graced the EP car park for many years, and the new "kid" on the block arrives with this . What will her next car be ?

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Under 19 Section 1 AJAX Coach : Mike Zemski Assistant : Mark Feld y 1 . A. Carew 2 . S .Ickowicz 3: B . Davi s 4 . M . Page 5 . J . Rath 6 . G. Samuel 7. A . Burnan (VC) 8. J . Beeb e g. D . Massage 10. H . Snow 11 . P . Steiner 12. D .Mohr (C) 13. D . Onas 14. J. One s 15. M. Rogers 16. A. Rogers 17. G . Kaplan 18. B. Lukav 19. D . Macro 20. J. Rosens 21 . D . Sutton 22. P. Zaltsberg 23. S. Whytcross 24. J . Sche r 26. D. Grosman (VC) 27. A. Lust (DVC) 28 . B . Lewski 31 . A . Chrapot 32 . J . Rogers 33 . D. Gelbart 34 . A . Sloane 35 . A . Rosen 36 . J . Segal 37 . J . Wajnberg

OLD PARADIANS Coach: Paul Digney 1 . JA .Dalas 2 MP. Lynch (Cap.) 3. B.P. Wilson 4 . C. Teky A.Makia 6I .. S. Kig Z P.T. Hans M.S.Ftjm 9. I. B.ftsam 10. M.Picomers If. NJ . Word 12. SA. WJoon

3. DR Geary (VCald ) 14. SP.I hid 36. B .Din

15. SJ.KenkAs 40. I.H .GraMnsk tfl S .Ibxs1 41 . J.T.CoW 17. S .C.h§rerazp 42. S .Hanison 18. D .Jzres 43. M.GaN 19 B.M. Phalan 44 . C . Jdaalme 20. K.L. K~H 46. L Nodiu; 21 . B.G.lynch 47. A. SIr+aW 22. MJ .,kyCe (VC) 48. idA.Hu7sm 23. MA. Go 49. N .Miapty 24 . MJ, HFJeGani 50. 8 : ;,.;, n 25. IA.Baker 52 . L.' ms 26. A.Sacw 53 . J .4uwerd 21 . M .Cosr7it 56 . d,` . 28 . M .K.Ed~!Ey 57 . S. . S. Nun Sq . T. GJ29 37 . N1 I,% 62 . C.P., .,. 31 . J.Horkr«;k 65 . BA.! I K. N. Dal-6 69 . L Tuner 33 C.Walson

COLLEGIANS Coach : Eddy Galizi 1 . G . Brielia 2. B.. Looney Forsyth 3. P 4. G . Brown 5 . N . Michael 6. B. Fewster 7 . P. Ritchi e 8 . N . Florentine 9 . T Caldwell 10 . A. Muir 11 . C. Smythe 12 . A. Sayers 13 . S . Hatwell 14 . T . Van Der Venne 15 . C. Harri s 16 . T . Champion 17 . S . McLeod 18 . 19 . R. Luff

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Pat Hawkins 1 . M . Jones (VC) 2 . T. Fleming

DE LA SALLE Coach : Terry Russell 1 . M . Abrahams 2 . L. Borell a

3. C . Brown e

4 . M . Butter (Capt .) 5 . R . Chapple 6 . S . Clohessy 7 . B . Cori n 8 . M . Elli s 9 . S. Fernando 10 . K . Haddow 11 . L . Hal l 12 . M. Harbor 13 . J. Healy 14 . J. Hom 15 . D . Hyland 16 . A. Johnstone 17. D . Lambe 18 . G . Larkins 19. S. Lask a 20. B. Lee 21 . D. M. Mercuri 22. P. Mira m 23. A. Moore (VCapt) 24. T . Nolan 25. R. Oliver 26. P . Scarf o 27. T. Shields (VCapt) 28. T . Silvers 29. S . Thomas 30. J . Vincent 31 . A . Waters 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.


2.I . D.Waler(C) M 3. B .K%tovasft 4, l.tiuan:

5. T 6 " 6 Kto:kr . if7. B. (karuy

. J. BU k 9. 0.N?wr e n 10. L.Curan tI . C .Mwray(VC) 12. M. DutWy 13 M. Barler 14 . B.Tu w 36. J.SUlurfari 15 . J .Find . B. MashaB 16. S aKeznder 37 y8 . C. 17 . .H F-"' H D.Trren 39 . It . D.Pav1w 19 . H. MAW 40 . T.Pel?rson 41 . B C~ ~' A~ B. Lynch 42 . D.CM.ary 43 . M.ESt~ 22. 23 E.Barogi 44 . A . Kearney 24. A. W:wg 25. P. Tturnpar 26. J.Sagasis (VC) 27. S. Micunda 28. M. VtaKars 29. 1. Takb 30. A . TAb 31. T. r2? 32. J. Saba 33. T.Ckv€1==j 34, S . Evans 35. M. Nagrae

Coach : Richard Duncan 1 . E. Sedgley 2 . D . Holme 3 . F. Purcell 4 . S. Murray (DVC) 5 . A. Wardell (DVC) 6 . J . Berry 7 . C . Banks 8 . J .Charlton 9 . J . Law to . T . Stevenson 11 . T . Ctoke (C) 12 . N. Osborne 13 . S . Gowling 14 . M . Bennett 15 . S . Dixon 16. H . Webb 17. J . Miller 18. C. Jenkins 19. B . McLeod 20. S . Parikh 21 . A . Rain s 22. K . Rutherford (DVC) 23. A . Couc h 24. R . Tandy 25. W.Deague 26. C . Sibree 27. J. Larkin 28. S . McKenna 29. J. Rig g 30. S. Humphris 31 . D . Hal l 32. J. Wright (VC )

3 . J. Kay

4 . B. Hilbert 5. N. Alston 6 . L . Nisbet 7. E. Williams 8. J. Dyer 9. S. Bailey 10. D. Boland 11 . T . Bowden 12. S . Tucker 13. W. Somerville 14. M .Innes 15. D. Richmond 16. S . Hed e 17. P .Adami 18. N . King 19. R. Ryan 20. J . Daniher 21 . N . Ockleshaw (DVC) 22. T. Winte r 23. B . Perry 24 . P .Shannon 25 . K . Lynch 26 . J . McCormack 27 . C . McGuigan 28 . M. lacovangelo 29 . T. Coughlan 30 . N . Irelan d 31 . J . McDonald 32 . J . Hardwick 33 . P. Walsh 34 . T. Barry 35 . N . Barrett 36 . M. Mulcahy 37 . J. Drake 38 . 39. J. Hawkins 40. 41 . R. Dillon 42. D. Calman 43. T . Woodruff (C) 44. R. Hoare 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. D. Dont i 50.


ST. BERNARDS Coach : Kevin Mahady 1 . B. Swann 2. T. Peel 3. S. McKeon 4. M. Hayes 7. J.lanzano 8 . B. Loughlin 10. B. Overman 11 . M .Tankey 12 . B . Hogan 13 . A. Damingo 14 . R. Nutter 17 . A. O'Sullivan 18 . G . Collins 19 . C. Rae 20 . M . O'Callaghan 21 . A . Duncan 23 . C. Patience 24 . L.Rogers 25. D .Ferns 29. D . O'Connor 30. J . Moun t 31 . S . Catanzarin 32. S . Dailey 33. J. Ballarin (C) 37. T. Bateman 41 . D .Juegan 43. C . Davis 45 . M. Dowling 55 . G . Cusack

35. M.I. Nan

~gfy~ ys '~ ® S.e+.~ ~d

Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722 ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

622 Mt . Alexander Rd. txloonee Ponds

9326 1749

Coach: Geoff Porte r 1 . D . Van Englen 2 . R . Zampogna 3 . D . Briedi s 4 . S. Horalewski 5 . S.Sacc o 6 . W . Bradey 7 . M. Postma 8 . A. Grant 9 . S.Stella 10 . D. Salzy k 11 . J. Hutchinson 12 . B. Crochford 13 . T . Kenna 15. M . heffeman 16. S 'Goodwin 17. G . O'Connor 18. D. tuema 19. M . Cul t 20. B .Jacobsen 21 . A . Fitzpatrick 23. A . fielding 24. B . Megrath 25. N . Gil l 26. J . Van Englen 27. P .Copeland 28. C. Laws 30. M . McCartney 33 M . Jacobsen 35 . S .Dowdle 37 . P . Dun n 42 . A . Moloney 43 . B . Stevens 44 . F. Grech

Coach : Steve Carroll 1 . T. Barba 2. B. Betrmei 3. C. Bekrame 4 . S.Bof?rd 5 . S.Br«kJ~y 6. J .Cam 7 . RCbrk S . DDzmzj 9 . S.Ddrkr 10 . J.Eava* I. P.FaiNarA 12. BFatg 13. B.Frkk.r 14. M .HOgn 15. J. Harrep,m 16. G.HUdmt 17. D. Harris 18. T. Hal 19. T. Johnson 20. B .Keah 21 . D. Kv+lf 22, 0 . Keys 23. S . Kk1ey 24. S. K m 25. J. La•rlass 28. B. Lee 27. C. LeMun 28. E.LiMsay 29. RMacue 30, J . Mahoney 31 . R.MCArIMs 32 . K. A.kCarnack 33 . J . Mckpa<h 34 . A.6kkenzie-McHarg 35 . D. McGrath 36 . L .Masrn 47. D.SUau 37. 8. Mwphy 48 . J.SWtrceic 38. H.Na"bn 49. R.Snan 39. J.Nash 50. M.Thmgon 40. 8. Nea9h 51. ft Veslceg:n 41. H.Parr4rr 52. J. Visa s 42. T.Pe7ja 53. S,V+TPehead 43. T. R*Tvu>e 54. T. Yfkox 44. C.sclang 55. M. Vysm 45. B .em3 h 46. l. Spffw

@Ca ne 17

under 19 White BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach : Brian Cartwright


1 . S. Lambropoulos 3. C . Androutsopoulos 5. S. Walker 6. W. Bell 8. P. Francis 9. A. King 10. N . Maragos 15. P . Gannas 17. R. Floyd 19. S . Giasante 20. J . Androuisopoulos 21. S . Mountai n 22 . P . Mount 23 . 24 . S . Pemberton 25 . M. Masri 26 . 27 . B . Maylin 30 . D. Rice 33 . P . Potamianos 35 . D. Daskalou 36 . S . Klerides 41 . L. Groves 43 . C. Papadopou4os 44 . T . Plain

DE LA SALLE (2) Coach : Clayton Waser P. Aron (V .Capt. ) B. Betheras D. Chaplin B. Clancy A. Dellisola J. Donaldson A. Ellis C. Eppinger P. Femo n A. Flowerday S. Francis T. Gulliver K. Harper S. Haines D. Hagerty B. Itte r

G . Jennings S. Kemp (Capt .) D. King A. Leening (VCapt) S. McCubbi n

M . McHenry D. P . Mercuri T. Messe r A. Moon T. Mors e J . Mystakidis L. Nelson C . Neurauter C . Papatia H . Pipkom L. Simm J . Sloan C . Troia S . White C . Wilso n C . Worsteling D . Francome




Coach : Andrew Tsindos

Coach :

2LC cr y aT.1 4. T.F ai (C) 27. G.D'zr:cu iB .I 21. W.Ta(or RI 29. 7.RI.--t)30.A TL- 31 .J.CY2 9.81 ; 11. ft"`'~S ~' J'~ ; I2 S .Wr&? 34 µ8odec 11 S .Nara* (VC4l) 14 . H.shs(DKap) 37. I5. !A PA-1 ow

t& J.Heffew It . LtKx~c 1& 8.wlsm

33. ~. D . T. WA

41. ACrcq 11 M W ~ 2a GCarj J Was 11 21 . W.Niie, ?2 115con ,~ 44. 0 .W-0 23. S. .tski4'C~) q~

24. C. INS

25. A. Passm (VC~t) !& i8. A .q 49

ST KEVINS Coach : Owen Hourigan

Tim Killworth 14. E. Bostock 15. A. Podley 16. W. Paul 24 A, Salter (VC) 26. M . Vickers-Willis (C) 28. E. Jeffries 31 . A Mims 33. M. Smith 37. M. McConachy 39. E. Plowman 40. C. SLCtair 41. S. Pettig 42. D .Caopbell 49. M. Pettig 50 . J . Wallace-Smith 51 . A. Cocte 52 . S. Cole 53 . S. O'Brien 54 . J .Teague 55 . S. Bingley 56 . L.Wilson 57 . W. Gordon 58 . G. Collins 59. S . Lucas 68 . L. Ailkin 69. S . Hogg 70. J. Downie 71 . B . Rankin 72 . J. Paul 73. N. Beattie

1 . R . Simkiss 2. M. Gargano 3 . S . Kurirg

4. 5. 6. 7.

M.Rizio (Cap,) J . Pickering B . Quirk S . Ries

8 . A . McGuiness 9 . M. Furlong 10 . ALivy

11 . J . Hassel l

12 . B . Dollman (DVC) 13 . A. Pivetta (VCapt) 14 . P .Greenham 15. C. Haddad 16 . M. Pangrazio 17 . J. Bowler 18. G. Large 19. J.0'8rien 20. D. McArdle 21 . B. Marusic 22. B. Delahay 23. M. Williams 24. J. Goldswonhy 25. M . Funston 26. B.Day 27. J. Finch 28. A. DeKretsa 29. C. Baker 30. S. Kennedy 31 . R. Doher ty 32. S.Radford 33. Gus 34. 35. M . Fields


9857 806 1 ST. LEOS EMMAUS Coach: Peter O'Connor I . D. Lear 2 . A . Auliso 3 . T. Ludlow 4 . A . Daly 5 . B . Carey 6 . P .Deery 7 . N. Hodder 8 . G .Kennedy 9 . G . Simondson 10 . A. Lauri e 11 . E . McLaughlin 12 . S . Vozz o 13 . G . Psaltopoulos 14 . E. Sheeha n 16 . J. Smith 17 . L. Newey 18 . M. Smith 19 . B. Wilby 20. O . Brown 22 . L . Latham 32 . R . McCann 35 . T. Batty 80. G . Wyet t M. Cody J. Rattiga n


UNIBLACKS Coach: Dami -n Carrol l 1 . T. Belleville 2 . M.Buckis 3 . J. Butterfield 4 . B.Dillon 5 . O.Fumess 6 . C .Franklin 7 . R .Gazai 8 . B.Gilbenson 9 . T. Holmes 10 . N . Howell 71 . J . Scott 12 . T.Kflchen 13 . L. Kirkham 14 . A . Leddin 15 . J . Magee 16 . A . Maher 17 . B . Morgan 18 . P . Oswald t9 . A . Robinson 20 . C. Ross 21 . A .Sanders 22. L.Spencer 23. A .Walker 24. T .Warburton 25. J.Ward 26. R. Watson 27. S . White 28. M . Atkin 29. T . Gargon 30. A. Morrissey 31 . N. Roll s 32. L. Juniper 33. S. Dimond

WARRINGAL Coach : Harry Harisio u


1 . C. Williams 2 . B Anderson 3 . H. Reeves 4 . K. Convery 5 . A.Rossi•Mel 6 . W .Taylor 7 . S.Attardi B . B.Woodlock 9 . A. Heard 10 . A.Fogarty 11 . S. Yin 12 . A.Camelleri 13 . S.Taylor 14 . P.Witchell 15 . K. Harte 16 . T.Wason 17, L .Sheean 18 . H . Beale 19 . T.Benton 20. P. James 21 . M. Peters 22 . P. Harmon 23. A .Karafili 24 . L. O'Connell 25 . S . Walter 26. J . Anderson 27. J .Wilson 28. M . Manovella 29. A . Kirk 30. N . haymes 31 . A .Jackson 32. N .Mitchell 33. J . Harkman

Sen. Coach : Gerard Barnes 1 . B. Wouda 2. B. Cocks 3. A . Petzierides 4. B.Forrester 5. B .Twist 6. A .Thege 7. J. Clar k 8. G.Singleton 9. S . Wuchatsch 10. G. Burgess 11 . D . Macleod 12. C .Bergin 13. M . Elhaouli 14. L.Grochowski 15. T. Murray 16. M . Holland 17. J . Meter 18. G .Rickard 19. L.Gray 20. B . Robinson 21 . R.Cockerell 22. W . Kaddour 23. D. Bordignon 24. D. Wouda 25. D. Ryan 26 . D. Lee 27. C. Mathews 28 . S . Kennedy 29 . A. Houli 30 . M . Elhaouli 31 . B . Davies 32 . B . Tod d 33 . B . MacLeod 34 . N. Mager 35 . S .Siewek 36 . G . Carlyon 37 . S. Dyer 38 . J . Hrycyszyn 39 . D . Krogmann


Under 19 Blu e



Coach : Craig Harri s

Coach : Peter McBrearty 1, N . McLean 2 B. Thomas 3. M. Pitts (VC) 4, J. Wadham 5 . R . Thatcher (Capt.) 6. C. Ken t 7, D. Whitaker 8, M. O'Brien 9. B. Nicholson t0. G . Moloney it . S. Blacki e . M. McLeod 12 A. Quin 13. 14, R. McGrath 15. B. Stevens i6, P. Fisher(VC) 17. S. Mclve r 18. N. Boctor 19 . R. Thornton 20. T. Rand 21 . P. Thomas 22 . N.John 23 . B. Ferguson 24 . C. Cezaw 25 . H. Dwyer

Coach : Michael Malon e

27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 36 . 41 . 51 . 52 .

20. It" 21. R . Kew 2.

26 . B. Carroll (Capt.) J. Vance J. McKenzie S . Fraser M . Matulick A . Booth J. Handfield B . Stevens D. Sheldrake B . Vall e

1 . BLoaz 2. ACarty S Alknraq 4. it . SW S STtr-. W, 6. T.Yia7. W.Cr{dd 8. D.S~A 9. &tt<~t4a 19.dFrJam i. FL surte; 2 LCI~s, 3. ,l2ftd1 14. w.Lr~xzdy a w.&mes 16. C.OokauNry IT AtC~.xer IS. MCra;ra 19. lAHt 20. SCwry 21 . A Br3rM 22 T. T7crSy 23. 1 Ltves 24. C.h'a* 2a

29. 's7. 17. B.HB

I . C. Cullen 2. B. Martyn 3. D. Varker 4. A. Varker 5. D. Anderson (C) 6. A. Browne 7. L. O'Grady 8. D. Busby 9. P . Molino 11 . L. Tregear 12. S . Burke 13. P . Nelson 14. B . Hoare 15. E .Zuker(C) 16. P . Allardice 17. S .Osboume 18. B . Artz 19. S .G . James 20. A . Aquin o 22. H . Georgeanakis 24, R. Dunball (VC) 25. M . Dunbal l 26. D. Artz 27. S . Blick 28. T. Wilmott 29. H . Tregear 30. L. Muir 39. T. Lync h 40. C. Hutchinson 41 . M. Talent 42 . W. Armour 43. M. Salter 44 . M. Iles 45 . A . Quon 46. M. Louis 47 . A . Duddy 48. M. Karakas 49. P . Apinitis 50. T. Pucella.

AUSFINE FOODS PRINTED LABELS PHONE (0 3)44EG7#tRX(@3) 9#btbb7 "Qua(i~ la6fla jor Qaalit} CGeets " OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Leigh Bowes 11 . D . Paterso n 12 . A . Alderton 15. F. Carr 20 . A . McNamee 24. W. Clar k 41 . J . Murchie 44. A . Brown 46. A . Price 51 . D . Strachan 54. G. Rhodes 55. S . Toms 56. R . Ken t 57. M . Dennis 58. C . McPherson 59. A . Lewis 60. B . parnham 61 . D . Crewdson 62. M .Jackson 63. A . Liptro t 64. X .Johnson 65. B.Logan 66. J. Stewart 67. D . Watson 68. P. Williams 69. M . Balmer 70. A. Remfry 71 . L . Marget 72. W. Smith 73. H . McDougall 74. R . Martin

INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd , Black Rock . 319 3

ORMOND Coach : Brian Keatin g OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Andrew Baxter 1 . S.W . en(VC,~q

2 B.' ;~tl) 3. 8 21 . & ftws 4. N. 22 5. RC-/ 23. SI F. 0. R:iI 24. C P.L arC,kna Y. l 1(I8I.. F.C .Tda ro. C. L, 9. D.DHt n. b. ( to. 0. Laid 28. T. ; 1I. L Spra N. EI . 12 O.waJ~n ;0, LE 13. M .Txr"e 31 . AN14. P. P'd'e ~ 0.1 15. J .I'ur'~ fll fNC 16. &LnNa1-ira d E, ._ 17. M .Rate 37. S .0" - . 16. C. wRstre 39. P. C 19. R&,a 45. N, t o 20. C. Jkw*scn SZ D. 10M (DVC

1 . G . Lehner 2 . G . Kin g 3. R .Franklin (VCapt) 4. N . Larkin 5. A. Murphy 6. M.Wannacott 7. H . Brow n 8 . D .O'Reilly 9. M. Hester 10. N . Courtney 11 . C . Bailey 12. R .Cunningham 13. M. Mabbett 14. C .Jackson 15 . S. Taylor 16. S. Finlayson 17. S. Handley 18 . A. Bibby 19. G . Smith 20. T. Rus t 21 . S. Metz (Capt) 22 . S. Head 23. S. Herman 24 . T. Morgan 25 . D. Fishlock 26 . J. Argall 27 . L . Cripps 28 . M. Wrodarczyk 29 . S. Wrodarczyk 30. L . Livingstone 42 . G . Hall (DVC) 51 . J. Byron

t9.1 S HOTEL

MAZENOD Coach : Kevin Kin g 1 . B. Johnso n 2 . J. Le Grand (Capt .) 3. B. Josep h 4. S. Barbellini 5. P. Egan 6. M. Riley

7. S. Paolucci (VC) 8. D. Schofiel d 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 17. 18. 19. 21 . 22. 24. 25. 27. 28.

B. Clifford T . Sykes G . Janetski M . Rouch A. Meadows G . Young A. Quinn V. Di Scala A. McDowell P. McCulloch T . Bailey D. Ward J . Dunn e W. Occhiuto (VC) A. Moore

35. B. Hall 37. 49. 53. 61 . 69.

R. Hawkins A. Smythe G . Jones S . Bilston P . Fay


TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial • Domestic • Commercia l

770088 0

MONASH BLUES Coach : Steve Rust 2 .J. Baxter (C) 3.C. Miller 4.A. Bragg 5. R. Harris (VC) 6. H. Tomlinson 7 W . Mclvor 8.M . Lawrence 9.M . Weeks 10. B. Henderson 12.A. Hickey 14.R. Burston 15.A. Leadston 16. D. Walter 17. P . O'Neill 18.C. Stott (DVC) 22.J . Cavanagh 23. T . O'Brie n 24 . B . Hodson 25 .J . Hawkins 26.M . Wagstaff 27.T . Tremellen 28. S . McGee 29.M . Killian 30.T . Cameron 31 . D. Jones 32 . D. Horsfall 33 .A . Lourey 34 .M . Ok e 37 . B . Dempsey (DVC) 41 . S . Millie 43 .C. Riordan 47 .C. McPherso n


ST KILDA/ SOUTH CAULFIELD Coach : George Joseph 19 . M. Weilgosz 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 8. Kin g

31 . M. Cunningham 32 .

33 . 34 . 35 . 361 . 371. 38 . 39 . A. Diamond 40 . D . Broadhurst 53 . B. Burke 561. B. Karaminovski 57 . K. Gleeso n 58, E. Karammovski 69 . F .Knoweiss 71 . A.Cranston 72 . M. MacDonald 73 . S. Duffy 74 . C.Femando 75 . S. Price 77 . S.Holloway 78 . G .Davis 79 . M . Merrick 80 . R. Plavljanic 81 . R. Nahas 82 . 83 . L. Phillips 84 . M . Slade 86 . T . Galloway 87 . M . Hoga n



Under 19 Re d AQUINAS Coach: John Bourke 1 . E . Mascitti 2. G . Burch 3. D . Heveren 5. H . Nichol 6. W. Potton 7 . J . Quinn 8 . N . Fredickson 9 . J . Bleakney 10 . D. Bolan d 11 . S . Moran 12 . M . Tilling 13 . P . Glennie 14 . R. Chapman 15 . M . Fredickson 16. M . Hunte r 17. A . Williams 18. J . Hun t 19. M . Hel d 20. E. O'Loughlin 21 . C . Brownhill 22. 23. T. Huggins 24 . M. Reilly 38 . V. Sorace 39 . M. Mercuri 42 . R . Moran 51 . A. Hyland 54 . D. Kealy 55 . A . Cultera


CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach : Allen Cousins Assistant : S . Condie 1. 8. Dft (Yq 2 B.N c 23. B:k--h 3. G. R..~ 24 . S. Pow 4 . R ` , a D. Vd 5. ht ~ a & A' 27. F. V@7 7. B.H_~~rEJ 26. APane B. A0 23. 9. T.NyrrPtl 30. AtAd.ans 10. RA31. It. C.Id as 54. 12. D.Si 6D. 13. E.W. 14. C.P I5. MG 16. M .Affirka 17. D. Buw r It. N. Egan It. M.C'au-~ 20. R B 2 S. Cc s

DIRECI'[ON.AL DRILLING Ken Basso 9722 1697 A.N2. BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015 552 013

MARCELLIN Coach : Peter Randal l 1 . M . Roberts 2. W. McMahon 3. L. Crosby

4. R . Badanjek 5. M . Bell o 6. L. Rya n 7. D . Bellissimo 8. B. Afford 9 . J. Mason 10 . T. Black 11 . M. Mifsud (VC) 12 . M. Karavasilis 13 . S. Mora n 14 . M. Van Unt (DVC) 15 . T. Stephens (C) 16 . J. Blackmore 17 . D. Sampimon 18 . P. Diacogiorgis 19 . B. Colvill e

20. C. Mulready 21 . B . Delta Ri v 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 .

32 . 33. 41 . 51 . 52 .

B . Symes (DVC) N . Armstrong J . Evans-Smith S . Mouss i A . Reitano A . Sangorgio P . Toscano T. Marti n D . Cardimone A. Rubira

J . Sheehan P. Hogan M. Randazzo L . BetGo l B. Alford

OLD CAREY Coach: Peter Schille r 1 . L . Murphy 2. S. Collins 3. D . Bedford 4 . D . Cochrane 5 . J. Carte r 6. 7 . C. Anson 8 . A. Oppy 9 . J. Woods 10 . N. Harris 11 . R. Sali 12. R. Spencer 13. K .Safak 14. J . Ciuro 15. A . White 56. A . Costello 17. K . Lewis 18. C . Angus 19. S . Wilson 20. S . Detarczynski 21 . N . Beal e 22. C .Battle 23. S.Pratt 24. M. Heppell 25 . F. D'Anna 26 . J . Nash 27 . C . Murray 28 . 29 . 30 . M. Hutchens 31 . W . Porter 32 . P. Maniotis 33 . Q . Smyth 34 . J. Zito

35. B. Gust 36 .

37. L. Small 44. G. Hendriks

OLD PARADIANS Coach: Adam Stuckey 1 . JA DOB z tdP.~.•-d~(Cap .) 3. BP. on 4. C.' 5. AI & S. i 1. P.i . .. s 6. kt5.° . .m 9. & a~ f0. Al1 xs 11. Nd. l 12 SA ~ . . . It. DP. rfiri:44 14. SP. B 28 6.Dn 15. S,t' its 46. tR.Ctzyo~ih It . S . K49 17. S .C. 16-s.~31 41. J.T, Corti 42 S.Hce:n It. D.4_~ 43. A1 .&'~ 19. BAt Ft& p. C.•kt. 27. KLKea 46. dW.± 21 . B.GLprcA 47. A 22 k!d .lyre(VC) A~4&M a MA Co 24 . tilHb:etw 49. N. :1 R 2a IAB;F.w $Z L X A. S= 51 J.V 27. KC Cr,~ 56. J.4% B. 61K Ed7s~y 57. S0t 73. S.8'z~ S@. T .Gfxs ~ 6Z C. F4Yx 31. d A~ E.t BA S7a3.t ~. N. ~ D. L.Ttrr,3 31 C.WW 3S. M1fRr.

FORK wcu

Whitehall St, Yarraville :'h: 9687 8722

OLD TRINITY OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steve Aird 1 . M. Gwynn 2 . M. Steven s

3 . A. Teesdale (Capt) 4 . P. Shear 5 . A. Walkom 6 . T. Gray

7 . A. Littlejohn 8. J. Agar 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15 . 16. 17 .

M .O'Brien C. Woods W.Junkeer M . Ford S . Milliken P. DAvis J . Snow C. Hosking C. Bird

18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 .

D . Ireland S . Penton D . McLennan D . Robson M. Davison O. Cran e

24 L. Boyle 25 . C . Tindale 26 . D .Thomas 27, L . Rose 28 . R . Eagle 29 . L . Andrews 30. N . Morri s 34. N. Thompson 36. S . Romensky

Coach: Leigh Coleman 1 . A. Andrews (Capt) 2. B. Power 3. H. Munroe 4. J . Arrowsmith 5. T. Wolle y 6. J . Garnish 7. S Natol i 8. D. Beardsley 9. B . Dahlstrom 10. M.Shauhgnessy 11 . T. Morpeth 12 . R . Rhea 13 . J. Cade 14 . T. Perry 15 . J. Ivory 16 . M. Chisolm 17 . J. Newman 18 . D . Burrows 19 . C . Bar 20 . 21 . S. McMahon 22. T . Sheehan 23. T . Cad e 24. N.O'Haloran 25. M . Lapira 26. T. Tobin 27. M . Greig 28. C. Butler 29. L. Kennedy 30. C . Stanley 31 . E . Davatzis 32 . K . Noden 33 . C . Wilson 34 . D . Robinson 35 . A. McKenzie 36 . R . Baxter 37 .




WHITEFRIARS Coach: Andy Dalrympl e 1 . M . Tudo r 2 . M . Vandenboom (VC) 3 . D. Fedele (DVC) 4. 5. L. Eames 6. M . Jongebloed (Capt) 7. M . Winterbur n 8. A . Lacey 9. S . Gillen 10. A . Davis 11 . D . Nolan 12. A. Sandford 13. V. Hughes 14. A. Beattie 15. R . Mika 16. R .Tart aglia 17. A. Glenn 18 . C . O'Connor 19 . A. Shepherd 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . R. Fedele 23 . D.Griffin 24 . M . Smith 25 . 26 . R. Pawlick 27. 28. P . Molloy 29. 30.

I -- --~

YARRA VALLEY Coach : John May 1 . T . Wapshot 2. T . Hale

3. S . Standtiekt 4. J. Reid 5. A . Drew 6. L. Dou r 7. S . Thompson 8. L. Morris 9. D. Million 10. A . Barton 11 . B . Reynolds 12. P. Ford 13. J . McConnell 14. B. Mcllraith 15. K. Ma y 16 L . Taylor 17. T. Mcltraflh 18. L . White 19. B. Wilson 20. T. Tyshing 21 . M . Wear 22 . B. Telford 23 . A. Drew 24 . A. Cusano 25 . S . Gado 26 . D. Ra++e 27 . L. Smith 28 . A . Lawton 29 . S . Seaboume 30 . A . Sisbel 34 . D. Steven 35. A . Laing 46. W. Butler 52. A. Hartnen 69. H . Van Kiaer



Club XVIII Nort h COLLEGIANS Coach: 1 . G. Dingoe 2 . M . Burgess 3 . N . Sibbing 4, N . Comiey 5 . R . Crocker 6 . J. Gleason 7. J. Hubbard 8. N . Hutton 9. C . Comley 10 . R . Lee 11 . S. Gross 12. 13. 14. A. Marson 15. D. Tadgell 16. E. McKay 17. M . Whittaker 18. J . Gonzales 19. J . Gay 20. D. Smith 21 . 22 . M .Jones 23 . 0 Lansenberg 24 . C. Sutherland 25 . D. Wai n 26 . S . Messina 27 . 28 .

OLD ESSENDON Coach : D. Law 1 . D . Law (CC) 2. D . Bellman 3. K.Gas a 4. B. Gas a 5. T. Williams 6. C . Fazzalari 7. P. Cramer 8 . D. Garvey 9 . N. Dib 10. M. Swift 11 . R. Musa 12 . A. Dawson 13 . B . White 14 . M . McKerrell 15 . D. Stembridge 16 . C. Bisho p 17 . D. Hexter 18 . A . Hutchinson 19 . D. Reid 20 . G . Dalinkiewicz 21 . L. Sha w 22 . A . Smith 23. M . Mason 24. R . Boyle 25. M . Howden 26. A . Cuzzupe 27. D . Cuzzupi 28. M. Goodwill 29. S. Hearne 30. D . Greasley

HAWTHORN CITIZENS Coach : Glen Statiworth y 1 . M.Keaney 2 . R. Lovic h 3 . K. Richardson 4 . S . Bowe (Capt .) 6. P . Avery 7. G . Stalworthy 8. P . Lovich 9. W . Power 10. P . Orchard 11 . A . Stil l 12. A . Tsoumbris 13. J . Pove y 15. G. Morris 16. H .Ousalkas 17. D . Zavarella 18. S . Timewell 19. J . Law 20. A . Hartley 21 . D . Murphy 22. C . Benton 23. D . Tracey 24. A. Wilson 25 . A. Hure 26. M. Wilkinson 27. R . Lor d 28 . J. Morrison 29 . D. Murray 30 . D . Lauletta 32 . B. Delbridge 35 . A. Dunlop 36 . S . McDonald 41 . E. Sill 44 . P . Rossitt o

KEW Coach : M . O'Dea i . P. Comdon 2 . S .Ivak 3 . M . O'Dea (Coach) 4 . A. Tucker 5 . A. Morrow 6 . M . Garoffolo 7. M . Doyl e 8. K. Corbally 9. D. McGuire 10. P . Bladeni 11 . M . Smith 12. D. Maher 13. M .0'Hanlon 14. P . Seal 15. A . Lazarus 16. D . Byrne 17. C . Johnson 18. C . Curtain 19. 0. Niall 20. A . Wilson 21 . G . Kalac 22. S. Reid 23. R . Guppy 24 . S. James 25 . 26 . 27 . J . Leonard 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 36 . 39. 40. M . Quin n 56. T . Reynold s

Stillwell Ford

OLD IVANHOE Coach: 1. FtT .S ;:2P ;r


HARP OF E~ R, IN~ [ ~ 1 f~ii - .". L ST BERNARDS Coach: Andrew Vinecombe 1 . A . Vincecombe (Capt) 5 . R . Da y 7 . M. Creak 10 . M. Quinn 11 . P. Prassas If . B. Schwa rzenberg 12 . M. Castle s 14 . M. Cunningham 15 . J. Martin 16 . M. Farmer 21 . B. Moon 22. G . Farrugio 25. A. Barnes 26. P. Farrugia 33. G . Tota 39. T . Matkou 44. P. Moon 69. G . Woo d

23. fi1 47. G .V. ;x}. Efx 48. 6t W 31 . QC.:49. A. FD y. D.f..t 50. C.Cf 31 T.t i 5t . 1t Pt .2 G.Lo 34 . T.t 3i L.l4e., (VCzM) 51 D.Cc X 0.? 54 . P.Wm 37 . 0. ; 5. 3.Fu^+1 ;a. W. WA36 . G( 57. T. tsf,-M 39, G.C 59. R wk 49. P.0' ~ {,. t,T , S3 . &ES-r~ES F, S .&r{#ry 42. S.t 43. D. ; 44. T. {5. V4& 1


622 Nit . Alexander Rd . Itteonee Ponds 9326 t'199

MARCELLIN Coach : A. Kenned y 1 . A. Kennedy 2. M. Comer 3. D . Boothey 4. P. Doyl e 5. V.Paonessa 6. J. Hess 7. A. Merton 8 . M. Nimmo 9 . B. Edmonds 10. G . Cox (C) 11 . M. Lowry 12 . A. Barnett 13 . S. Lane 14 . R. Pertich (V .C.) 15 . A. Robinson 16 . A. Keogh 17 . D. Lowry 18 . G. Lowry 19 . D. Pizzalotto 20 . J . Ken t 21 . M . Kent 22 . G. Banks 23. G. Basford 24. A. Bucknell 25. M . Curry 26. D. Dodoricco 27. P . Fitzsimmons 28. R. Hollan d 29. A . King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D. Theis z

THERRY Coach : 1 . D. Van Engelen 2 . R. Zampogna 3. J . Briedis 4 . S . Koralewski 5 . S .Sacco 6 . W. Brady 8 . A . Grant 9 . S . Stella 10 . D. Slazyk 13 . T. Kenna 15 . M . Heffernan 16 . S . Goodwin 17 . B .Crockford 20 . B .Jacobson 21, A . Fitzpatrick 26 . J. Vanengelen 28 . B . Gree n

33 . M.Jacobson 35 . S.Dowdle 40. D . O'Meara 42. A. Maloney 43. B.Stevens

NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Ron Holmber g 1 . B . Allman 2 . M . Bevanda 3 . G . Carroll 4 . S .Lanyon 5 . S . Elliott 6 . M . Fennelly 7 . B . Devine 8 . J . Smith 9 . D. Fogarty 10. M . Giroiami 12. S . Hall (C) 13. C . Henderson 14. P . Heve y 15. N . Hibbins 16. R . Holmberg 17. D . Perrone 18. M. Lynch 19. P. Considine 20. D .Joyce 21 . F. Miletto 23. G . O'Toole 25 . A. Ryan 26 . A. Schmidt 27 . J. Schmit 28 . K. Scott 31 . B . Swain 32 . J . Trimboli 33 . A. Trimboli 34 . I . Turnbull (VC) 42 . A. Rowlands 43 . G . Irvine 45 . J . Zumbo 48 . N . Christie 53 . J . Cahill 59 . J . Bujega 69 . J . Joyce

Club XVIII South



Coach : M. Selby



2. M . Jarvis 3. B . Stefanou 4. N . Callender 5. R Murray 6. S . Moody 7. M . Hal l 8. A . Hancock 9. P. Ellison 10. D . Morton 11 . J. McLauchlan 12 . D .cochran 13. A. Nobl e

Mark Borthwick 1 . N . Strauss 2 . W . Davis 6 . J. Belt 10 . R . Bum 15 . C. Stewart 18 . C. Richardson 20 . T. Breadmore 21 . A. Cobl e 24. M . Williams 26 . A. Williams 27. J. Dowling

Coach : 1 . K. Mannix (Capt .) 2. T . Mchenry 3. A. Classon 4. B.0'Driscoli 5. B . Byrne 6. B . Hoy 7. M . Thorn 8. D. Jennings (VC) 9. N. Varga s 10. D. Tessier 11 . S . Bolt 2 . S . Rudd 13. J . Clothier 14 . M. 0'Drisco4 15 . A . Brabner 16 . C . Taylor 17 . B . 0'Hearn 18 . T. Moore 19 . P. Manning (VC) 20 . M. Stanhope 21 . S. Goss 22 . A. Worsteling 23 . C . Bourke 24 . T. Forbes 25. J . Murphy 26 . D. Williamson 27. A. Carr 28. C. Cleary 29. S. Gurr 30. G . Hagan 31 . M . Farrell 32. T . Silvers


MAZENOD Coach : Danny Wain 7 . P . Deegan 9 . P . Hal l 10. M. Tolley 11 . T. Smith 12 . A . Wilks 13 . T. Bridgland 15 . C . Varney 21 . I . Neil 26 . D . Conroy 27 . D . Krom 28 . D . Carter 33 . J . Boyle 35, J . Fisher 36 . P. Robinson 37 . G . Trig g 38 . D . Steinfort 39 . R . Bourbon 41 . B. Welch 44 . D. Bolle 45. G . Rogers 46 . B. Heins 47. P. Riley 48. P. Vin e 49. L . Hatvy 50. C. JOnes 51 . S. Thompson 53. M . Peters 55. M . Quir k 56. M . Welch 58. R. Cahill 59. C. Lane 63. P. Welch 64. S. Bourbon 66. W. Poutter 89. J. Kealy


14 . J. Bennet t

15 . M. Hutchinson 16 . M. Hendrie 17 . S. Hannaford 18 . S. Duggan 19 . D . Smyth 22 . J. Lockett 23 . L . Bowes 24 . P. Netlan 25 . J. Templeton 27 . A. FRaser 28 . S . Ka y 30 . P. cockayne 31 . F . Magee 33 . D. Payne 35 . A. Rutler 36. D.Joyce 37. M . Selby 42. A . Willey 43. T. Betts 41 . M . Payne J . Turnbull M . Shippen P . Cantone P . Greene L. Hamilton J . Rattmy S . Smit h J . Uglow R . Wraith 44. S . Carter 48. C . Haling

1 . B . Aujard 4. H. Middleton (VC) 5. S . Montgomery (C) 6. M . Godwin 7. M . Clunies-Ross 10. M . Bingle y 17. R. McLeish 20. N . Tribe 22. D. Hooper 23. S . Pryde 25. B . Langley 26. D . Murtagh 30. P . Williamson 31 . D . Bin i 32. 36. 37. 43 . 44. 47. 51 . 55 .

S . Sheahan D . Bingley A . Chambers J . Deakin C . Thomas C . Knight S .Iilingworth A . Aston

58 . J . West 61 . P. Montgomery 88 . J. Geddes


35. 39. 40. 41 . 45. 47. 48. 54. 55. 56. 73.

C. Douglas J . Ferguson M . Oddie C. Levinge H. McInnes D. Whitehead S . Nadenbousch W. Dodd A . McMillan C. Walker R . Abbott

Coach : A . Cordner t . D . Milne 2 . D . Moss 3 . D . MacDonald 4 . A. Coroner (VC) S . B. Vile 6 . C . Branchflower 7 . A. Woodhouse 8 . S. Potte r 9 . J. Scott 10 . G . Stooke 15 . H .Ingleton 16 . C .Jensz 21 . T. Read 25 . S. Hargreaves 28 . S. Cox (C) 33 . A. Clements 35 . S. Stribling 37 . S . Osborne 44 . S . Baldwin 45 . J . Ela m 48 . W . Houserman 54. A . Wilson 55. T . Osborne 61 . P . Harris 62. D. Stanton 71 . R. Hockney

V .U.T. Coach : Geoff Fletcher

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Simon Ittingwo rth

29. J. Neville-Smith 30. P.Jone s 31 . T . Jackson 33. M . Wilkinson 34. P. Law


1 . B.Difatco

OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Teamlist not supplied .

ST KEVINS Coach: 1 . M.Wharton 2 . M. Quinlan 3 . S. Bannon 4 . A. bucella 5 . G . Gosgdf f 6 . B. Stackpole (VC) 7 . R . Mark s 8 . R . Drew 9 . D . Nantra (Capt) 10 . M . Menzie s 11 . L. Davidson 12 . D. O'Brien 13 . P. Hooper 14. P .O'Tiemey 15. M . Passt 16. B . Quinn 17. P . Hagerty 18. B . Millar 19. M . Powell 20. J . Wilhel m 21 . A . Davies (VCapt) 22. I . Woo d 23. R . curtis 24. A . Nantra 25. L. Smith 26. C . Smith 27. R . Snell 28. P .Bannon 29. J . Whitbread 30. P . Lavelle 52. P. Lewin

2 . E.Burmeister 3 . T .Nucara 6 . D. Tanner 7. P. Byrnes 8 . K.Vanderpoel 9. N.Djinovic 10. G . Farley 12. G . Ziegler 13. M .Robertson 16. W. O'Connor 17. C.Russeii 19. T . Williams 20. R.Papakos 21 . P . Co x 22. P .Cliffe 23. E .Midon 24. A .Cliffe 26. S . Case 34. P .Allen 38. M .D'Angelo 41 . F.Kilro y 52 . K . Vanduursen 56. T. Brow n 57. M . McGlade 58 . T.Moebus


E East

BULLEEN COBRA Senior Coach :


Joe D'Angelo Reserves Coach : Mark Horsfiel d Assistant Coach : Andrew Gillard

Senior Coach : Brett Davidson Rese rves Coach: Sean O'Loughlin T.Jss 30. C.Caarer 2. G.( , 31 . LKvg 3. S.E_.,.:d; 32. M .V

H. Heua


S. --• 33. M . Coteda p, 34. M . Tmuti D.M a 35. S.Livirr tarce 8.6 36 O.PheWn S,I 37, M. Clifford B.Ouvumr 38 . C.TeTrg 39. R .Leavey B.RryhM C.,HP,rey 4o. S. F~mey C. Bell 41 . M. Bwtar J . Knilinds 42. J . McEvoy H. Fed 43 M.9a8ery C . Dc'HUn 44. P. Dm J . H491res 45. S. as G.Widztread 46. S.BeUure P. Fares 47 . P. Bernard C.Csmn 48. A .CBIad S. Flynn 49. C .Lambdn J.1rvsqAJaw 50 . A . Belturre P. Harper 51 . A . Hyland D .Hare 52 . T.MA .VCt S.Casaltf 53 . S .Fobedsm &jom 54, S .Lipton

R . Winnen 55, J. Crouch S. GLW* 65 . R. Main

1 . R. Sch%.du It. R Dezke 2. 11)*qb 19. S. Dewar 3. B.HOae 20 . JMa-d~ S.MAaran 21. L0~/ 4. Lhkl~d 21. MHa~.i 4. N.Caft-4 22 P.Basasr S. M Jam's 23 . M SsndAt 5. MSevetl 21 J.Ret 6. A4Ke;ry 24. C, anion 7. T.WBs 24. hl. . ?. M.azzarera 2& W. ~(8 . P. Goetz 26. A ' :9 9 . M.Sbeehan 27. A- 1 9 . H.Tuvsy 30 C.F~_r f0 . S W a r y 33 M C it . S. Potty 34 . Lt an 12 . k1saa 34, S. Gayle 72 . D.Ttqrpscn 35. T.Kdy 13 . N Borg 35 .. G.Lel4as 14 . 8, We X B.Lehszn 15. M . SBa"en 37 . J. PaaW

15, a. worn 3& G.Brown, is. M. Bones 43. P, Cooezo 17. P.Ctacter 44 . B.h+~van

45.. A. HtaTip.ny 51 S Stratcn D. LTho,T4sai

RICHMOND CENTRAL Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Rese rv es Coach : Peter Jackso n

OLD CAREY Senior Coach : John Wise Assist. : John King Rese rv es Coach : Sco tt Macrae I C. Na 31 . N. Everett 2 C.Hkkey(Cap ) 32. G. Neale (RC) 3. M .Cdren 33. P. Bish 4 L .Paner,an 34. G .Earney 5. D. Lee 35. R. Evans 6, C.Can"ed 36. H. Morrison 7 A. Drover 37. P. Bryce 8 P Hares 38. I. Cete n 9. M . EaslMm 39. P.8emM1 10. K. Woes 40. B,Hunaphrey 11 A.Cofe lROr4qj 41, A.C,ales 12, M. Spencer 42. C . Popplewell 11 S.Jws 43 . S. Crony id MNarke 44 . J. Fiat 15 1 C . HuJlus 45 . !A Singh 16 . KJonees, 48, B . German 17. C .Grndem . 47 . M. Sarong 18 . C .Matthews 48 . M. Hosdrq 19 . P .Dra4e 49 . RMea~n 50. M. Dawson 20. C.Andersan 21 J. Eccles 51 . J, Marshall 22 . J.Hards 52 . P.M eMnan 23. T. Price 53. R. Faster 24. M,Yarrag 55 . M, Crory 2i C. Goodall 64 A.Wadne 26 J. McOwe 66, J . Boyers 27. N.Vasi:a,ouas 70. T.AuUrsl (VC) 72. M. Bla[kturn 28. P.Nance P. P.DaP,an 29. T. Mwkon 80. J . Bayard 30 S.Fetihan




Senior Coach: Bill Gommers Rese rves Coach : Denis Cain e

Senior Coach : Adam Lenarcic Reserves Coach : D. Bowen

Senior Coach : Matt Ryan Rese rv es Coach : Kim Tucker 1. cogs 31 . Lkwasd M . Cross 33. J. TaYW M .Gasparollo 35. J, WPM T. Brown 36. J, Doody

I. M.Pem6enm 2 . A . Sore 3 G. SW 4. M.Cmusi 5. B. Fader 6. D. Trotter 7. V.Pad 8. D.Catne 9. B.Gray 10. M .Ka{m.ns I . G. Wyngard 2. D. Paola 13. P.CUts 14. S . MckB~h 15. . M Warren 16. M .Waker 18. B.MassardG 19. S.0'Camr 20, K. Oate s 2t. S.Oaes 22. T. LGIrmle 23. B.Saace 24. C .Dwty 25. R Henderson R P. pope 27. J.Cansi 28. S. Reddy 29 . M.Harin~aen 30. S . Bond 31 . P . Egan 32 . P .Ar&tsrry 33. A .Chirsiie 34 . RSmig 36. D. Karp 37 . W. Panberlon

38. G . Kerqdldi 39. J .am 40. R .Bur4e 41. G .P~Jd's 42. D .CaeW 43. P. Sdung 44. M. Sotorroor 45 . W. Hussey 49 . C . Pales 52 . S .Byae 53 . R.Darr,on 56. G. Delon

9. D.v7a 54, P.005t2 10. AM :u; 55. S. ROW 11 . J.B&et 56. LDP 12 57. 13. C .PeazsM 58 . AW4wn 14. C .Shelren 5y,15. P.chwrch 61 B.Gewas5s 16. S.ASsns 61. IT C. Warn: 62. B. Pegg It. M.Lpc 6).

19. J.h!ammV 64 .

45 . J.6' 46. LDx 60 W.GbIcn

22 . S. 8n: y

G~Ll,l7[ 1? ;1~IOL1 "The Road Builders '

F. Ct&.- 37. P. Hors" P. Gonzales 33. J.l,9scai J .Lkyd 39. J.Ccaet y

I . G . Snry1h 40 . S. Wn4e 2. K.Tu:k.w 41. D.Sroedej 1 P. Tooker 42 . C. Hat 4. B.Hespe 43 . K.Harnshar . A. Hogan 45 M. Ryan e5

6. I. Oahe 46 . D. Hadield 7. H . Ham 47 . G .Hirgdaj 8. D. Woodward 48 . . A4xga 9. M. Lees 50. P. Webster 10. M. Berry 51 . M.Lugirk 11 . G. Hanson 52 . S . Phloson 12. T. Carter 53. A .Edgcurzte 13. D. Bel 54. N .Tunwy 14. J. slowed 55. G. Moviow 15. C. MadMeon 56. R Darks 17. H. Leis 57. D.Stiy4ey 18. C. BaBrg 58. R. Keane 11 C, Dwyer 60. J. S4314 20. J. Skim 61 . C.BsMp 21 . K. Duggan 62 M.864 22 . A. Lamy 63. 23 . A.ODmneB 64. R .Wranarsli 25 . T. SIidlandi 65. R. Weathent 26, A.Glare 66. S, Fitzpatrick 27 . R. Solar 29 . J .Sianky X J . Gray

A.NZ . BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015 552 013 ST. MARYS Senior Coach:

20 65. G. Bel 21. A. H:4 66. T.Papwduz 22 K . Gcsolon 67. 23. C. Mach E8 . 24. 69 . M. Tar'ey 25. S. Rdia:k 70 . 26. 71 . 27 n. M Back 28 . AWaers 73. 29 . D.WASt.n 74 . P.CewaM X S Fenltn 75. 31 . 76. L Egan 32 . D. Vase 77. AHean 31 . LWea:¢fi 78. 34 D . Hot 79 35 CD M. Prym 35. P.Jaascn 37 . G. Pct,-m 38. S Howe 39. 40. B . K r 41 . 42. P' r 43. A. 44 v 45

23 G. Sn?h 24. D.Yoafrs 25. G. Fah 26. D, Hawley 27. D. Kaye 28. S.Ra{ea 29. D. BIFe 37. LMim 31. V. RAasina 33 0.8>okStk 34. ADa 35. D.&ux 3a N. Da 37. Al-a 41. D.L. I(Cap .) 42. 43 M

DIRECrIONAL DRILLING Ken Basso 9722169 7

1 . 45. M!kxry 2 . L IM 46. 3 . J . Dxezz01 47 . 0. Banar4e 4 .K 48.C .Barry 4 . LF 49. N .Rtae 5 . S.I h 50, V. Ke9/ 6 . SfekeG 51 .

1 . F. Bove R C . Arrdxr.4wbs 8. G.!' : :

1 . cart 1 . A Store 2. AMsrs 2. T.WynAn a M Brady 3. F. Mdad 4. MCd'CisO 5. ^. . Kaje 5. 1.Ka2fxFs 6. S .Lee 7. D.~n 7. S .Cdsa 8. P .Carlene 9. A Dwhn 0. C.McLean 11. T. Featx# 12. C.&a Nstl 13 M.Ci.ap 14. S.Laos S. D. Gad It S. Pr6e;m G.Canta 1a. I. B.Wtdata 19. 0. Trolls 20. D. Grosz 20 . Mtka(Cap.) 21 . P. C6



Neil Lelievre Reserves Coach : Evan Evan s

Seniors Coach : Keith McKenzie Reserves Coach : Mark Johnsto n

Senior Coach: David McCormack Res. Coach : Scott Alderson

1 . M .Leamorm 2 . Ryles! 3 P. tiioWitaH 4 . A, Beg 5 . W. Fd.ukn¢r 6. S.Stace 7 . C .Oan>d+o 8. J . Skticco 9. J . Duck 10. T. .kw .asM.ry, 1 1 . L.F'h''~ 37. J. Mcf 12. R .AHaIO~ 3 8, F .Hartiwn 13. M.5(akm 39. R Kkg 14. J. 40 . A~la 15. DAM,, 41 . C. Snkcn 16. M.HuF6rer 42 . P.Fedharslm 17. 44 . 7 Ireland 18. Wp,oss 45 . W. Neck 19. T Burt ~. D.Slnvan 46. G .Langtatl 21 . T.Yrrer 47 . S.Mt0avw9 22. D.W,,J,,k 48. R.Damman 23 . S. Preston 50, K. Lorded 24 . 1 .Gouki 51 . B .Frai 25 . M .Lettvre 52 . T.Carey 26. J .Hendt 53. P .Bhryan 27 . 8. Slexazl 55. C,08* 28 . J .kaes 57 . A .gum 29. J, France 58. TAztoPard 30. P. Wals6n ~. S . Darrz~xz P.Alexan~r 64M .Scamme8 65. P.Herlgari 32. A.Gam 33. P. Stevens 68. G. Teonsis 34. B. Duk e 35. R .B rn a 36. E. Evan s

1. M. M3ara 2. J . SMed{ 4. C .Dey01o 32. A.Fiunan 5. R .Vebe rgar0 33. D .Mlmo 6. D .Crcxx 34. A. Fwsylha 7. A. Harrogm 35. T.Grinshsw S. J.HOndtie 37. A .FarceB 9. C .Srqh 38. N . Madm . .kluatnn 10. M 39. w . Lo 1t G. Barry 40. B .k~ 12. C. Betas 41. C. lamb 13. R.Leesen 42. C BUN 14. R. Good e 43 D.Wx{ 15 M Stevenson 44. D.Raec;brd 16 P. Jones 45 . R.Pdler 17. S. Lee 46 . E.Saltses 18 . M .SirarJ 47. M.KeBy 19 . 8.0'M.a2 48 . M.DeBwro 20 . A.Hollznvarm 49 . N. Pearson 21 . T. 50 . B.Carbieb 22 . S. F 51 . B.Crwch 23 T.M#s 52 J .PidroLeab 24 . J . Mcalai 53. D. Meply 25. D .McFaccan 54 . H. Layer 26. M. E[idl 55. C. Brown 27. J . Norman 28. G .0'CaKaghan 29. G . Made 30. P.Tmk

1 . N. Fad 36. R.Perakma 2 . F .1d.ttVean 37. L. TremLath 3 . R. Ranleson 39* D. Ross 4 . M . Fwg 39. T. Faddaway 5 C.Wasl°y 40. M.WYite 6. J . Cakun 41. B 7 . JOawns 42. T .. Downs Crean S. A. Woven 43. H. Park 9. C .Ross 44. E. Tonernern t0. D .Mkko 45. L .Ree s 12. M.VtrAe 46. N.DP3+,e8 11 G . Potter 47 . T. Peredunat 15, J. Koemn 48, A. McCleary 16. B . Srtffie 49 . T. Wp d 17. SAkMsm 50 . J . Lylord 18. D.Largdon 51 . B, D" 19. N. Park 52 . A. HadrkA 20. S .Frvrs 53. S. Corcoran 21. A.L'ertsey-C¢k 54. R . Fenton 22. P. Martin 55 . S . Taylor 21 J. avers 56. L.Harringlan 24 . M.Daves 59. G.Nqr.rd 25 . T.Habhen 60. D. Do 26 G. Mdecd 61, P . Telford 27 . L . McHdyre 63. T. Stray 28 . J . MacVean 64. D. Dour 29 . P. Petersen 65. S ..hmsan 30. D. Pd1er 66. A . Emsbroek 31 . J . Dove 67 . A. Bova 32 . C.twBernan 68. M. Heath 33. D.Irrx^mJ 72 R.Lawton 34. T.CI .JHM 78. J. scales 35. 8. Peake

Malvern Vale ?fate( 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996


A Sectio n


S®niorCoach : Le~qhCadson R-ervea Coxh: RabxtBayley 1 . B . Moone y

2 . D . Smith

3 . B. Woolhouse 4 . S. Laussen 5 . D . Greeves 5 . D . Peters 6. A. Smit h 7. C. Higson 7. D. Baxter 8. C. Pollock 9. C. Dilena 10. J . Grig g 11 . B . McKenzie 12 . D . Stub s 13 . A. Sheerly 14 . R . Schober 15 . Y. Phillips 16 . A. Wallace 17. D. Phillips 17. A. Oldham 18. J . Bennett 19. C. Davidson 20. G. Dean-Johns 21 . A . Johnston 22 .0 ' Kerk 23 . A. Sheedy 24 . R . Hartnett 25 . D . Lever 26 . N . Milat 27 . S. Humphrey 28 . S. Blackman 29. A. Kenneally 30. M . Gailbraith 31 . S . Woo d


32. 0 33. G.. Irvine Thomson 34. D. EntwhSstle '.. 35. J . Taylo r 36. S . Harding 37. J . Dansley 38 . S. Van Der Vence 39 . B. Jone s 40 . A. Kelson 41 . S. Lubich 42 . A. Vasdekis 43 . A. Greenway 44 . A. Parkin 45. N. Anderson 46. S. Wooley 47. M . Hassell 48. J. Lemon 49. P . Harrison 50. B . Jefferson 51 . P . Baxter 52 . J . Schmidt 53 . S . Hobbs 54 . K . Mui r 55 . E. Jones 56 . D . Howe 57 . J. Moore 58 . G . Phelan 59. M . Richards 60. B. Kerrs 61 . D. Kerrs 62. G. Constable 63. 64 . G. Tiver 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . 71 . 72 . 73. 74. 75. N. Procto r



Senior Coach: Mike McArthur-Allen Reserves Coach: Brian Brow n

Senior Coach : Tony Paatsch Reserves Coach: Chris Boyle

1 . M . Chun 2. P . Fiume 3. S . Crowe 4. L. Hal l 5 . C . Swift 6. A . Browne 7 . C . Browne 8 . C . Wrigh t 9 . C . Campbell 10 . D . Tessier 11 . A. Evan s 12 . D. Toohey (Capt.) 13. A. Waters 14. P . McCormack 15. J . Hodde r 16. M . Jackson 17. M . Mannix 18. M . Abrahams 19. D . O'Brien 20. M. Knupple 21 . C . Shannon 22 . P. O'Callaghan 23 . M . O'Callaghan 24 . C. Montgomery 25 . G .Hynes 26 . P .Wyles (Res .VC) 27. L. Van Der Plight 28. M . Lafferty 29. D . Hegan 30. B . Mannix 31 . A . Elliot 32 . T. Silvers 33 . B. Miller 34 . P. Conroy 35 . A. Mackintosh (VC) 36 . A. Abbott 37 . D. Johnston 38 . B . Brash e 39 . P . Brasher (DVC) 40. R . Makinso n 41 . A . Phillips (R.Capt) 42. D .Jackson 43. T. Banks 44. C . Makinson 45 . C . Sparrow 46 . M. Hegan 47 . M. Farrell 48 . D. Smith 49 . M . Hill 50 . P . Mannix 51 . C. Harrison 52. S . Harrison 53. P . Miran 54. M . Harder 55. B . Buic k 56. A. Flowerday 57 . M. Butler 58 . C . Cleary 59 . G . Hegan 60 . S. Thomas 62 . J. Murphy 63 . G . Longstaff 66 . L. Langone 78. M . Stanhope

1 . C. Lane

2. D . Murray (VC) 3. J . Chilcott 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8.

A . Hanley J. Ballenger N . Marm o S. Morgan (1) P. Deegan (2) D. Christi e

9 . P. Hall 10. M . O'Hara (1) (VC) 10. M . Tetley (2 )

11 . T. Smith (RVC) 12. S . Noble (t) 12. A . Wilks (2) 13. B . Devlin 14. T. Bilsto n 15 . D . Barker (1) (VC) 15 . D . Barker (1) (VC) 16 . T. Howard (RC) 17 . M. Smith 18 . D. O'Donaghue 19 . M . Giuliano 20 . C. Murray 21 . S. Polan 22. D. Sherlock 23. J . Mannix 24. S . Boysen 25. M . Hun t 26. D. Conroy (1) 26. W. Pouter (2) 27. W.Occhiuto(1) 27 . D . Krom (2) 28 . D . Carter 29 . R . Sharp 30 . S. Fishe r 31 . C . Belleville (Capt .) 32. W. Marshall 33. J. Boyle 34. A. Tucker 35. J . Fisher 36. P . Robinson 37. G. Trigg 38. D. Steinfort 39. R . Bourbon (1) 39. J . Keaty (2) 40. P . McCusker 41 . B . Welc h 42 . S. Jozsa 43 . W. Lane 44 . D . Bolle 45. G . Rogers 46. B. Heins 47. P. Riley (RDVC) 48. P. Vin e 49. L. Halvy 50. C. Jones

St . S . Thompson 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

M . Peters D . Schofield M. Qurk M. Welch

58 . R . Cahill 59 . C . Lane 63 . P. Welch 64 . S . Bourbon 86 . M . Couttie





Senior Coach : Neville Taylor Reserves Coach : Gary March

Senior Coach: Sean Ralphsmith Reserves Coach: Guy Nelso n

1 . A . Baxter 2. D. Connell (DVCapt) 3. W. Bym s 4. C . McKenzie (Capt) 5. R . Buchana n 6. W. Smith 7. A. Hilton 8 . M . Orton 9 . S. Rowlands 10 . T. Chegwin 11 . C. Hucker 12. D. Seccull 13. B . Carty 14. A . Forsyth 15. N . Morey 16. D . Williams 17. A. Hilto n 18 . M. Constable 19. M. Armstrong (VC) 20. C . Krause 21 . A. Walden 22 S. Richardson 23 . M . Seccull 23 . J . Mackay (s) 24 . R. Lavender 25. G . Rowlands 26. G. Phillips 27. J . Dann 28. A . Pound 29. M. DeMattia 30. R . Aughterson 31 . B. Main (RCapt) 32 . M. Drakeford 33 . T. Johnson 34 . C . Reidy 35 . D. Lappage 36 . A. Dowsing 37. T. Evans 38. J . Hayter 39. P . Corrigan 40. S . Duxbury 41 . T. Oscar 42. D . Scaife 43. R . Plecher 44. A. Kirkwood-Scott 45. N . Hil l 46. M. Krause 47 . D. Scoffen 48 . P . O'Donnell 49 . B . Wignall 50 . A . Bonwick 51 . T. Boothman 52 . D. Fossey 55. C . Ladds (RVCapt) 57. B . Ladds

1 . T. Wills 2 . S . Theodore 3. J .Stadtski 4 . B . Eilinghaus 5 . N . Boyden 6 . P. Handbury 7 . C. Thompson 8. M . Lovett 9. T . Smith 10. P . O'Brien 11 . A . Thompson 12. A . Hewitt 13. S . Rose 14 . J . Bunn 15 . S . Bromell 16 . C . Eabry 17 . M. Rose 18 . Q . Keeble 19 . J. Correll 20 . A. Salek 21 . D. Strooper 22. L . Bunn 23. M . Berry 24. N. Sereda 25. M . Pruden 26. C. Kennedy 27. C . Bryan 28. S . Rabbit 29. C . Susa 30. I . McMullin 31 . J. Hart 32 . R . Webb 33 . G . Dixon 34 . C.Anastasakis 35 . D.Brow n 36 . A. McKeon 37 . S . Eabry 38. R. Eggleton 39. S . Madden 40. S . Middleton 41 . J . Wilhelm 42. P . theodore 43. O. Boy d 44. A . McDougall 45. Z. Useinov 46. H . Wright 47. J. Powe . S. Wals hr48 49 . T . Stuckey 50 . P. Marinis 51 . D. Corbin 52. B . Campbell 53. B . Crump 54. I . Patterson 55. M . Burgess 56. M . Ellinghaus 57. R . Morley 58. D . Clements 59. A. Will s 60. J. Raft 61 . B. Luckock 62 . R . Morrell 63 . B. Telford 64 . A. Nelson 65 . 66 . L. Boyd 67. B . Vile 68. A . Henshaw 69. S . Milne-Pon 70. A . Farrington 71 . 72. 73. 74 .


OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach: Wayne Hermes Reserves Coach : Simon Tallen t 1 . K. Stoke s 2. J. Hosking (VC) 3. S. Duthie 4. T . Holt 5 . R. Price 6 . A. Millar 7 . J . Hughes 8 . C. Reid 9 . R. Aujard 10 . J . Kerr it . M . Simpson 12. S . Hume 13. N . Hooper 14. D . Norman 15. D . McCall 16. A . Spee d 17. S. Woodhouse 18. A. Nettleton 19. S. Spide n 20. T. Wilson 21 . S. Gibbs 22 . L. McDonnell 23 . D. Wals h 24 . M . Angus 25 . T . Pritchard 26 . B . Phillips 27 . C. Winneke 28 . S . Teesdale 29 . C. Heath 30. J . Laird (DVC) 31 . A . Smit h 32. S . Grigg 33. J . Hannemann 34. D . Steel e 35. S . Steele (C) 36. M . Davison 37. E . Montgomery 38. C . Hosking 39. A. Walkom 40. A. Warner 41 . A. Castricum 42 . A. Gibbs 43. J . Paterson 44 . D . Tracy 45 . A. Stubbs 46 . G . Jonas 47 . R. Thomas 48 . R. Hardy 49 . T . Picken 50 . D. Pell 51 . A . Elliott 52 . R. Gregory 53 . P .Gaidzkar 54 . B . Aujard 55. S . Montgomery 56. J . Schonfelder

OLD XAVERIANS Senior Coach : Simon Meehan Rese rves Coach: Nick Bourk e 1 . M . Blood (DVC) 2. M . Bourke (VC) 3. M . Hannebery (C) 4. D. Landriga n 5. N . Cook 6. A . Keyhoe 7. P . Tuddenham 8. M . Holmes 9. S . Hawkins 10. S . Colquhoun 11 . A .Jone s

12. J. Bowan 13. C . Ellis 14. L . Ford 15 . A. McLean 16. T.Ockleshaw 17 . D . Richardson 18 . S. Hunte r 19 . M. Lloyd 20 . B. Buckley 21 . L. Hanebery, 22 . A. Bourke 23 . A. McDonald 24 . B . Coughlan 25. D. Tapping 26. A . Neil 27. L.Fay 28. R. Clarke 29. S . Wood 30. D . Dann 31 . S . Mollard 32. A . Brushfield 33. A . Sassi 34. A . Bell i 35. C . Mortensen 36. P. Barrett 37. A. Landrigan 38 . M. McClelland 40. T. Nelso n 41 . A. Dillon 42 . J . Lowe (RCapt) 44 . J . Parrott 45 . D. O'Tool e 46 . C. Andronopoulos 47 . J . Dalirangle 48 . M . Logan 49 . P . Lachte 50 . N. Fay 51 . D. Wals h 52. M . O'Callaghan 53. A . Kearns 54. M . Brennan 55. A . Long 56. M . Stones 57. G. Short 58. D . Bel l 59. M. Hardman 61 . S. Natilli 65 . A.Jone s 66 . Panagiotopoulos




Senior Coach : Geoff Reiltey Assistant Coach: Russell Barne s

Senior Coach : Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach : Andrew Natha n

Senior Coach: Grant Williams Reserves Coach: Barry Neivandt

Reserv es Coach : Peter Purcell 1 . A. Jobling

2. 3. 4. S.

C . Byrnes A. Or r A. Grace (DVC) B. Turne r

6 . T. Gallagher 7 . B. Connelt (C) 8 . M . Gilmore (VC) 9 . A. Forrest 10 . P. Mamow 11 . D. Edgeli 12 . N. Sebo 13. P. Kingston 14. S. James 15. M . McConvill 16. T . Stewart (RVC) 17. E . Fraser 18. S . Ryan 19. D. Cleary 20. D. Wood 21 . J . Brown 22. R. Bloc k 23. P . McDonald 24. J . Collins 25. M . Wrodarczyk 26. D . Connell 27. T. Hille (DVC) 28. B . Collins

29. D . Whelan 30. P . Joy 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 .

B . Egan A . Kukuljan M. Shepherd R . Newman G . Bailey M. Templeton R . Presse r

38 . P. Milner (RVC) 39 . T. Morga n 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47.

G . Lehner G . Hall C. Keleher S . Wrodarczyk L. Mulcahy L. Livingstone C. Spagnol R. Keatin g

48. W. Block 49, M . O'Halloran 50. S1 . 52. 53. 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 .

C. Manakis N . Wells I. Ranson S . Weidemann R . Barnes

59 . G . Sneddon 60 .


1 . A . Comito 2. T. Dobso n 3. T.Backhouse 4. A .Farme r 5. R . Doolan 6. S. Ryan 7. S. Parrett 8 . A. Capes 9 . J. Kennedy 10 . G . Matthewes 11 . P.Capes 12 . B. Ho gan 13 . S.McKeon 14 . S. Doran 15 . L. Overman 16 . D. Sawicki 17 . M . Conroy 18 . P . Scerr i 19. L.Gollant (C) 20. T . Sheehan 21 . J . Comito 22. C.Calthorpe (DVC) 23. B . Hor n 24. D. Gray 25. P . Haye s 26. J . Gollant (VC) 27. A . Nathan (CR) 28. P . Gilmou r 29. J. Overman 30. J. Mount 31 . M . Kearney 32. S. Chatfield 33. P. Rogerson 34. M. Dailey 35. B. Chatfield 36. C . Bond 37. T. Bateman 38 . D. McAllister 39. S. Byrne 40 . J . Ballarin 41 . D.Juegan 42 . M . Marshall 43 . B . Teague 44 . S .Taylor 45 . M . Dowling 46 . G . Morrish 47 . C. Parrett 48 . J . Anderson 49 . J .Jones 50. M . Farmer 51 . N . Lync h 52. F.Catatfamo 53. J. Kavanagh 54. B. Hemley 55. S. Lynch

622 Mt. Alexander Rd . oonee Ponds 9326 1799

1 . D. Slimmon 2. T. Hutchins 3. J . Hutchings 4. J,Frith 5. P . O'Donnell 6. B . Bloo d 7. D .Hayter 8. M. Thomas 9. S. Meade 10. D . Maplestone 11 . S. Stevenson 12 . H .Worsley 13 . G . Evans 14 . J. Buckley 15 . P.Stephens 16 . S . Kirsanovs 17 . J .Kani s 18 . G .Markley 19 . B. Herratd

20 . R. Polkinghome 21 . T . McIntyre 22. A . Nugent 23. B . Furphy 24. R. Calnon 25. A . henderson 26. N .Cavalier 27. B . Fricker 28. D . Bolton 29. T. doherty 30. G. Allardice 31 . M . Mudge 31 . R . Van Den Berg 32. J .Gamau t 33. L. Twaddle 34. R . Furphy 35 . M. Jukes 36. D .Dawson 37 . A. tennen 38 . M. Unsworth 39 . S. henderson 40 . A. Mitchell 41 . R . Doods 42 . R. Jaksic 43 . V. Romito 44 . D. Low e 45 . G . McLachlan 46 . D. Gun n 47. T . Rourke 48. C. Miles 49. P . Seller 50. B . Joseland 51 . S . McMahon 52. S . Longley 53. T. Whitehead 54. C . Nav e 55. C .Stewart 56. A . Farrar 57. L.Bonadio 58. T. Miskin 59. A. Collins 60. A. Wilcox 61 . A. Wilson 62 . A. Baud 63 . A. Muller 64 . D.McAloon 65, A. Mcleod 66 . M .Sta ri ck 72 . J. Norman

Can' L01 ph

BANYULE Senior Coach: Rick Stockwell Reserves Coach: Tim Bel l


1 . B . Kinea r 2 . D. Witchell (VC) 3 . L. Holt 4. T. Gloury 5. B . Wilmore (DVCapt) 6 . P . Williams (ResC) 7 . S . Richmon d 8 . R. Williams 9 . G . Sutterby 10 . C. Williams 11 . T. Short 12 . J . Egan 13, M . O'Brien 14 . P . Healy 15 . S . Gray 16 . D. Mayne 17 . A. Steve n 18 . J . Turnbull (DVCapt) 19 . D. Stephens 20. S. Playfai r 21 . R . Dintinosante 22 . J . Gilham 23 . M. Gray 24. C . Wilkes 25. G . Jordan 26. H . McDermott 27. W. Keenan 28. D . Fabri s 29. M . Creek 30. B. Grindle 31 . C . Bassett 32. G . 33. D . Glass 34. C . Stevens 35 . A . Hardie 36 . R . Doherty 37 . S . Emery 38 . G. Riches 39 . C . Head 40 . M . Keene 42 . T. Egan 43 . L. Ferrell 44 . M . Moore 45 . M . Gilbert 46 . P . Agostinelli (RVC) 47 . R. Smith 52 . D. Noonan 55 . D. Williams (Capt .) 56 . R. Doherty


BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach: Phil Maylin Reserves Coach: Craig Hear d 1 . J . Prior 2 . S. Driver 3 . S. Youn g 4 . G . Alexander 5 . C . Parri s 6 . R . Minney 7 . P. Robertson (Vcapt) 8 . A. Bryan 9 . M. Ray 10 . P. George (Capt.) 11 . S. Farley 12 . A . Parris 13. M. Tuomy 14 . D . Mathews (Vcapt) 15 . B . Greig 16. S . Smith 17. N . Waddel 18. R . Williams 19. P . Nigro 20. T. Agosta 21 . D. Hooper 22. G. McLaren 23. L. Stott 24. P . Nagle 25. T . Merrett 26. G. Vimpani 27. C. Darby 28. P . Mutimer 29. P . Bone 30 . R. Field 31 . A. Shine 32 . J . Cat t 33 . C. McWaters 34 . D. O'Connell 35 . M . Osborne 36 . P. Hare 37 . P. Chalkias 38 . S. James 39 . P. Dalloglio 40 . 41 . L . Cassano 42 . P. Edwards 43 . M . Mason 44 . C. Shaliard 45 . G . Taylor 46 . G . Shallard 47 . C . Morihovitas 48 . R . Lambert 49 . M. Bellat o 50 . D . Glover 51 . 52 . 53 . J. Scott 54 . 55 . 56. D . Doud 57 . D . Shine 58 . 59. 60. S. Bond


M .H .S .O .B .


Senior Coach : Doug Gott Reserves Coach : John Matthew

Senior Coach : Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach : Colin Drak e

1 . R. Armstrong 2. P. La Rosa 3. C. Tucker 4. M . Maud 5. P. Manual 6. D. Frawley 7. P. Rawley 8. R. Hir d 9. M.Thackwray 10. G . Kennedy 1, S. Molloy

1 . J . Bamert 2 . A . Howard 3 . D . Woodley 4 . J . Pertzel 5 . C . Young 6 . S . Harries 6 . B . McGrath 7. D . Fleming 8. J . Dixo n 9. D . Comer 10. M . Beazley 11 . M . Webster 12 . C. Glover 12, M . Feferkranz 13. A . Preece 14. M . Zaghloul 15. P . O'Connell 16. M . Atkin s 17. A. Webster 18. I . Gillespie 19. A. Snaidero 20. D. Fairchild 21 . B. Cookman 22. 23. M . Jamieson 24. G . Wilson 25. 26 . M. Thompson 27 . W. Watford 28 . T. Lawrence 29 . C . Drak e 30 . S. Bennett 31 . G . Mclardie 32 . M. Konstanty 33 . B. Ansel l 34 . N . Fahey 35 . S. Konstanty 36 . A. Palmo s 37 . S. Karamoutisos 38 . A. Stewa rt 39 . J . Winch 40 . B. Hayes 41 .

Senior Coach : Peter O'Connor Reserves Coach: Brandon Smales, 1 . J. Forbes 2 . D . Waters 3. O . Abrahams 4. P. Sullivan 5 . C . Kitney 6. J. Sutherland 7. P.Booth 8. B. Collison 9. D . Beck 10. S. Evans 11 . D . Boye r 12. J. Limperakis 13. B. Curulli 14. S. Cheshire 15. P. Kearney 16. M . Maguire 17. P. Angelopoulos 18. J . Murray 19. C . Wheeler 20. M . Robinson 21 . N . Mulqiney 22 . M . Connolly 23 . M . Murone 24 . J . Barker 25 . P . Bryar 26 . L. Koutsovasilis 27 . M . Gravin a 28 . D. O'Farrell 29, E . Faille 30 . M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32 . T . Kemp 33 . J . Moliroy 34 . B . Conti 35 . S . Manassa 36 . D. Tonkin 37 . I . Tale b 38 . A. Trimboli 39 . C . Theodoropoulos 40 . L. Curry 41 . L. Curran 42 . T. Cleveland 43. J. Lowrie 44. A. Twis t 45 . A. Zanatta 46. C . Hanley 47. P. O'Dwyer 48 . A. Day 49. J. Trimboli 50. C . Bailey 51 . G . Suarez 52. T. Jamieson 53. 54. 55. 56. P . Considine 57. 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62. M . Fennelly 63. R . Gale 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. S . Dru m

12. T. Jackson 13. S. Nafkiewicz 14. P. Flyn n 15 . T. Flynn 16. B. Davis 17 . P. Lee 18 . T. Scoble 19 . G . Bullen 20 . R . Stewart 21 . L. Blackwood 22 . R . Angelini 23 . M . Pearce 24 . L. Smith 25 . T. O'Neill

26 . S . Fairweather 27 . D . Nibali 28 . B . Weiser 29 . C . Drysdale 30 . S . Northey 31 . D . McFarlane 32 . J . Lynch

33 . B . Kendall 34 . C. Brow n 35 . P . Whitehead 36. A . McKellar 37. G . Finlayson 38. D. Hoffman 39. M . Ebbage 40. S . Cya r 41 . C. McDonald 43. S . Lyn n 44. E . Newbold 45. A. Rosenfeld 46. M . Pollock 51 . D. Jack a 52. R. Pace 55. L . Pearce 61 . A. Barrd 65. W . Taylor 69. S. Ford 70. J. Matthew

42 . N . Bradley 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50. 51 . 52 . 53. 54. 55. 56.

P . Frost A . Barge T. Holland

E . Thoma s

P . Hunt M . Pond

57. T . Grimmer 58. 59. 60. P . Konstanty 61 . M . Pretty 62. S . Harrison




Senior Coach : Shane Young Reserves Coach : Roger Brow n 1 . A. Krzywniak 2 . L . Jame s

Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Reserves Coach : Darren Caddy

4. M . Talbot 7 . L . Fides 8 . S. Lennox 9 . M . Fishe r 11 . A. Fitzgerald 15 . R. Oakley 16 . N. Perry 19 . A. Mandelaris 21 . L . Jackson 23 . N. Pryo r 25 . R. Carter 27 . C. Gilmour 29 . J . Murch 30. S. Williams 31 . S. Murray 32 . B. Wiliams 34. R . Smith 36. B. Pollock 39. A. Fische r 40. K. Teschendorf 41 . P . McMahon 42. J .Howde n A . Witte K . Farrell S . McGee A . Rickerry G. Bennett D. Kollmorgen N . Winter

P . Wai t M . McLennon A. Augustine C. Tomas K. Bickett J. Murchie A. Grant P. Roach N . Truelson A. Palfrey T.Lennox

1 . M. Tolley

2 . P. Sigley (CCapi) 3 . A. Jenkins 4. 4. 5. 6.

A. Parker D . Toll (R) J . Stevens S . Kent

7 . T. Young 8 . T. Stevns

9 . M . Karayannis 9 . P . Armstrong (R) to . M . Veal (CCapt) 11 . S . Tull y 12 . M . Tozer 13. A . Pappas 14. C. Grinham 15. G . Douglas 16. M . Woods 17. Z . Abousabha (R) 17. J . Luk 18. P.. McLean Bisogni 19. S 20. T . Rya n 21 . J. Mansfield 22. P. Donaldson 22 . P.Golding (R) 23 . A. Noonan 24 . A. Corcoran 25 . J . Maycock (RVCapt) 26 . I . Roxburgh

27 . J . Weddle

28 . D . Jones (RCapt) 29 . R . Weddle (VCapt) 30 . E . Brophy 31 . D . Caddy 32 . D . Goad 33 . T. Cormack 34 . T. Lame r 35 . L. McLean (VCapt) 36. D. Super 37. D. Stott 38. G. George 39. G. George 40. R. Davies 41 . L. Taylor 42. S. Vaughan 43. D. Banger 44. T. Agushi 45 . M . Linke 46 . M . Sheridan 47 . G . Maclsaac 48 . M. Wal l 49 . A. Foskeh 50 . C . Corcoran 51 . M. Power 52 . G . Locke 53 . D . Craker 54 . P. Wal l 55 . J . Baud 56 . W. Millard 57 . T. McCaskell 58 . R . Weisz 59 . B . Elsworth 60 . S . Brophy

OLD PARADIANS Senior Coach : Dale McCann Reserves Coach : Paul Arne l 1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2. P.J.O'Loughlin 3. M .J . Considine 4. S .J. Philp (VC) 5. M .J. Harford 6. J .V. Geary 7. P .G . Cosgriff (VC) 8 . P .G . Zappa 9 . J .M. Way 10 . P .A. Brabender (C) 11 . N .P . Willit s 12 . S .R . Wallis 13 . TO . Wallis 14 . D.R. Ciavola 15 . NO . Kerr 16 . M .P . Godfrey 17 . B . J . Hart 18 . L.K. Mansfield 19 . N .A. Ball 20. P.A. Nailer 21 . A.J . Farrell 22 . H . Bellis 23. P.A. Walsh 24. D .A. Digney 25, D . Heffernan 26. M .B. Geary 27. K .C . Kenkms 28. B .J. Brabender 29. B . Powell 30. T.J . Mulligan 31 . S . Laferlita 32 . A .J. Price 33 . M .J. Harrison 34 . P .J. Joyce 35 . J .P .J. Mills 36 . S .M . Swindon 37 . L. Rocchiccioli 38 . M .G . Vear 39 . P .E . Reid 40 . D .J . Baird 41 . D .J . Horsington 42 . J .M . Swindon 43 . M.P . Geary 44. I . Harford 45 . P.J . Stephens 46. B. Flynn 47. J. Mould 48. M . Hudson 49. J .C . Drohan 50. P . Monar 51 . A . Costantini 52. A . McNeill



Senior Coach: Simon Dalrymple Rese rves Coach : Ian Wallace Assistant Coach : Michael Hadley 1 . S . Keneddy 2 . C. Robison 3 . A. Allibo n 4 . T . Norman (Vcapt) 5 . P. Van Der Hoek 6 . R . Heath 7 . A.Anderson 8 . S. Dalrymple (CC) 9 . S. Hopkins 10 . S. Hatfield 11 . R . Boxtell 12 . M. Cumming 13 . M. Donato 14. J . Stickland 15 . A . Parke 16. M. Seuling (Vcapt) 17. G. Hatfield 18. B . Clarke 19. G. Hudson 20. P . Board 21 . C. Phillips 22. P .Robison 23. A . Ramsden 24. T . Board 25 . T . Harris 26 . P. Bee t 27 . L. Stafford 28 . D. Vargo 29 . A. Seeley 30 . L. Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32 . D. Glass 33 . D. Heighton 34 . P. Papas 35 . L . Bennie 36. J. Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37. P. Dowlin g 38 . R . Phillip s 39. T. Antonopolous 40. B. Burke 41 . D . Alysandratos 42. A . Banfield 43. M . Krivokuca 44. J . Mollison 45. N . Kin g 46 . 47 . F. Cameron (RVC) 48 . C. Smith 49 . P .Johnson 50 . L. Jervis 51 . S . Gleason 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . N. Kolitias 58 . 59 . 60 . 80. T. Smith

Senior Coach : Des English Rese rv es Coach : Chris Bye 1 . M . Petrevski 2. J . Woodgate 2 . A .Shelton 3. P .Gorman 4. M .Ellio t 5. S . Ramsey 6 . J .Vaina

6 . G . Rossignolo 7 . P . Jones 7 . J. Polar 8 . L. Hollow 9 . M . Growcock 10 . R . Egglestone 11 . D . Forbe s 12 . R . Moran 13 . M.Bosanko 13 . D . Ramm 14 . J.Reddick 15 . G . Pinner 1 6. M.Goodwin 17 . R .Lyons 17. G . O'Connor 18. B . Carter 18. Liddel l 19. J .Armstrong 20. M . Carter 21 . M .Fitzpatdck 22. S . Griggs 23. C. By e 24. P . Mellon 25. M . O'Rourke 26. G .Carbis 27. K .Fitzpalrich 28 . J .Thrush 29 . M . Hudson 30 . M .Tadinac 31 . S.Hollow 32 . S. Eastmure 33 . N . La Fontaine 35, S. O'Halloran 36 . C . Rizzo

37 . D . Castaldl 38 . B. Prendergast 39 . S. Boyle 42 . 43. 46. 47. 48.

M. Gauci C . whelan R . Collins D .Goodwin D .Wrigglesworth


~j~' ® C.Hl A I1



Whitehall St,Yarraville Pit : 9687 8722 ~ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 27

A .J .A .X .



Senior Coach : Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach :


Senior Coach : Don Scartett Reserves Coach : Andrew McGregor

Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach : Tony Day

Senior Coach: Trevor Poole Reserves Coach: Angus MacGowan

Mar ty Halphen 1 . J . Wrobe l 2. A . Kalinski 3. D . Gelba rt , 4 . M. Dudakov 5 . M. Rajch 6 . G . Rozenberg 7 . C . Cohe n 8 . B. Goldberg (V.C .) 8 . M . Roseman 9 . T . Bursztyn 10 . R. Bloom 11 . M . Weisler 12 . D. Rosen 13. J . Engelman 14. Y . Rapoport 15. J . Ki rzne r 16. P . Goldberg (VC) 17. A . Cukierman 18. J . Wrobe l 19. M. Halphen (Capt.) '.. 20. R . Ha rtma n 21 . D . Sheezel 22 . J . Dunne 23 . J . Abraham 24 . S. Scheezel 25 . J. Feldman 26 . B. Duzenman 27 D. Dege n 28 . J. Bram 29 . D. Mark s 30 . A. Micmacher 31 . M . Chrapot 32 . P. Steiner 33. D. Pa t

I . C.LeG (C) 51 . A . AktOCt + ~z J. O1 . 0 f2Mcra53 I SLtD;7JCI 51 . A .. . 1. S 57. C.-

S 0. Ara

48. M.' . S . 1ic'RI59 . D.;iEA67 4(C)

d t661. P. 1 7. E.(JCi 62 R . :. 63. . .,µ 67 D. E&0 ; . '9 . EI la 65. T.( . it . S R M i 11 . RiCR1 67. M .F 12D.. - . .) 68.S' ta A.; 69. G. . F, 5'Cflf 70. J ,14 . S 71 . $..It , 16 . T 72. J. IT S 73. A. 1a. T. . . 1 74 . T.r 19. At 75. C.' 20, A.1 7a J. 21. R' 77 . M . I 78. C..2 ` 22. h ilfll M 0 ..2a1G~rC 24. MY-7 81. D.t .as 25. R A 82 BJ .. 26, C. 27. A

34. D. Gunn 35. A . Rosen 36. J . Sega l

37. A . Slade-Jacobson 38. A . Grundman n 39. J . Shein 40. A . Redlich 41 . P . Naphtali 42 . E . Rubenstein 43 . J . Joseph 44 . A . Krongold 45 . E . Steen 46 . M. Nathan 47 . A. Abrahams 48 . L . Goldberg 49 . D . Kalb 50 . B. Grodski 51 . A. Trayer 52. S . Rubinstein 53. A . Sheffield 54. B . Gelba rt 55. B . Zeilinski 56. S . Frey 57. 58. M . Freid 59. 60, 61 . S . Roth 62 . M . Levin 63 . S . Glassman 65 66 . J. Goldman 67 , 68 . S. Feldman 69 . J. Vernon 70 .

37.R, ;G. C, 39. :o s.wak Al. S.Ftn 42 M.C-6 41 S,G2~, 44. J.tM,Tx 45. D.tN'k5:n 46. RH:~^ 47, S.K,lire; 48. D. La::v 49. C. M:Get'•-i ~. S l.~te}~

1 . C. Sattgry I . A . Dal 2A .R~ 2. J.D"aur~n 3. D, Watas 3. C.61axm S4. S.

. K Bel o s. T. C*iS (DVC) 7, M . flM

8. J .Aq a 9. D. Maim (C) 9. J. Daffy

1D. A,Cra b)* to. M.ltck9osh it . 11 .14M It . B.crpwl 12. R Iksiri 13. D. Bearzffilo 14, 0.HM 15 . 0. Mtk4oih 5 . J.Grara4 tf~ d.WaRs It. B . FAcclerrer;ts 18. A .Gaahy (VC) 8. M. S0is 19. D,Co Per(OVC) 19. O. w4fa B 41. J. 20. S.0Fgm 42. AG :~-, ❑ .o-_-~ 21. G .Masm 42. D .0 22. L0'Fhrnn 43. M.r-~'23. P.Cherbers 44 . P, ` 23. J. Ersrwt 45. D . S.Ssanis 46. .24 . A.Mck4ush 47. D. d25 f 26. G. Walsh 48, 0.8 ,s 27. S.Tiwkz 49, N. G 28. A. Pezziwti x. R G. Si. . M. Ednad5 SI . D.0 . ..29 29. S.t.arie :2. D.I: 30. A . Tregarcran 53. (R. .W. J. Goals 54 . J , . 31 . S .EQnart 55 . C. 1 . D. Fizzalxto 56 . S Li3 . 32. J.Oa~s 57. B 17z. 32. Mits b -o 33. D . 59. D .~~-u 33. y.PaawwMa 60. KC34. P.Heati 61 . . Q tldtelr, G. R R35 36. G . Cox Gt. D.O . A.Sliser,an (CF ~37 38, C.PezzJ>ot 64. J . Ken; 39. A.IA;dm 65. M. Kim 40. J.6:ma 66. K Lc r 67. D, Fa _ a E8. J. Lai"/

1 . S . Furphy 2. H . Burbank 3. D . Wellsby 4. T. Dugdale 5 . D . Ardli e

6. S . Olsen 7. J. Senio r

8 . T. Seymour 9 . J. Wilson 10 . M. Oliphant 11 . R . Liley 12 . P. Ronchi 13 . P. herman 14. B. Edmonds 15. A. Teelow 16. P . O'Dea 17. D. O'Brien 18. A . Handbury 19. J . Manton 20. G. Coldwell 21 . S . Glover 22. J . Taylor 23. M . Davis 24. T. Peddie 25. A . Alle n 26. N . Kemp 27. D . Morton 28 . M. Taylo r 29 . J. Neville-Smith 30 . A. Howell s 31 . J. Nevins 32 . G . Wilkinson 33 . M. Wilkinson 34 . T . Paul 35 . D. Eley 36 . A. Rigby 37. G . Sliding 38. P . Beltrame 39. D. Swan 40. S . Bones 41 . E . Bel l 42. P . Liascos 43. D . Hay 44 . E . Spiden 45 . L. Morrison 46. R . Ric e 47 . E. Smithers 48 . S. Saunders 49 . J. Smythe 50 . M. Robson 51 . A. Robson 52 . S. French 53 . B. Hicklin 55 . D . Crowe 57. R. Calvert 58 . R. Morton 61 . R. Oliphant 62. H. Cameron 63. A . Barron 66. B . O'Halloran 72. S . Cowdery 73. R . Abbott 74. J . Geddes 75. N . Kennett 76. A . Osboume 77. C . Oliver 78. R . Knight

OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach : Bert Calvert Rese rves Coach : Jeff Norma n 1 . A. Acreman (VC) 2. A. Carte r 4. G. Stroud 5. C. Wallace 6. D. Paterson 7. G. Ferguson 8 . N . Macquire (VC) 9 . C . Wrigh t 11 . D . Solley 12 . G . Dickson 13 . S. Sharp 15 . C .Davis 18 . T . Bournon 19 . D . Kitto 20 . C . Shedden 21 . M . Elliott 22. P . Harrington 23. N. Moodie 25, J . Winduss 26. G . Dart 27. G . Katris 28. M . Bond 29. D. Agostino 30. M . Brooks 31 . D .Johnson 32. J . Sly 33. C . Gardner 34. D . Holland 35. D . Murphy (C) 36. B. Paterson 37. M. Sichlau 38 . R . Sherriff 39 . R .Beynon 40 . T . Leonard 41 . A. Oli n 43 . C. Best 44 . D. Sarah 45 . C. Leaver 46 . J . Norman 47 . J . Konicanin 48. D.Johnsen 49. b . Murphy 51 . G. Pride 52. A .Oxland 53. N . May 55. S . Martin 56. M. Leone 60. D . Nock 61 . C . Dwyer 63 . T.hancock 64 . M. Austin 65 . D . Murphy 71 . T . Kersley


INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd , Black Rock . 3193


ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach: PaulBeddoe Reserves Coach: Brad Berry 1 . M . Kinsella 2 . S . Zahra 3. J . Sebire 4 . V. L'Huillier (RCapt) 5. M . Murray 6 . R. Parsons 7. D. Diggins 8. B. Beasley 9. M . Jones 10. C. Ross It . M . Hecker 12. C. Stewa rt 13. D. Goodchil d

14. P . Lerman ( Capt.) 15. D. Goodchil d 16." S . Napier 17. J . Tull y 18. A . MacGeorge 19. B . Tomlinson 20. M . Beasley 21 . G. McDonald 22. T. Lamb 23. T. Peck 24. T. Beasley 25 . D . Smith 26. S . Hecker 27. D . Johnston 28. D . O'Brien 29. J . Sanders 30. M . Dol s 31 . J . Selby 32 . J . Dickinson 33 . A . Walsh 34 . C . Meyer 35 . R . Bilos 36 . A . Wilce 37 . M . Connolly 38 . A. Hayes 39 . M . Leyden 40 . C . Johnston 41 . D .Henddke 5 42 . A. Thompson ( VCapt) 43 . K. Goodchild 44 . J . Recupero 45 . R . Gould 46 . O. Lalor 47 . B. Hambridge 48 . B. Hutchinson 49 . D . Bueno 50 . N . Tully 51 . M. Ubert i 52 . A. Kearney 53 . M. Fi rth

54 . M. McCraw ( VCapt.) 55 . P. Dywer 56 . C . Trotter 57 . M.Lomagno 58 . D . Baulch 59 . J. Drury 60 . J. Crowe 61 . A.Ry an 62 . R. Mulquinney, 63. R. Kilroe-Smith 64. N. Hayes 65. M . Zakic 66. P. Raz ga 67. C. Ambrosini 68. D. Marshall 69. P. Walker 70. A. Whitelaw 71 . B. Griffiths 72. M . Manson

ST. KEVINS Senior Coach: Tim Ha rt Res . Coach : Glen Taylor 1 . B . Burden 2. J . Dy nan 3. M . Chapman (DVC) M . Fraser 5. R. Callanan 6. . A . Morgan rt 7. A . Ha 8. D. Williams 9. G . Smith 10. D. Moore 11 . D. : :yan 12. M . Dallman (DVC) 13. R. Bowles 14. J . Bare 15. D. Fox 16. B . Garvey 17. M . Terz ini 18. N . Hart 19. D . Sheehy 20. A . Varasdi 21 . J . Quirk ( DVCRes) 22. J .Mace y rt

23. 24. 25 . 26.

P .Ryan P . Meagher N .Goldswo hy B . Kennedy

27 . 28 . 29 . 30. 31 .

R . Gross {VCapt) M . Farquharson (DVC) A . Mount P . McNee M. McNee

32 . B . Noonan ( ResVC) 33 . S . Denton 34 . J. Whitbrea d

35 . A . Thomas (ResCapt) 36 . A . Noonan 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 .

S . Kennedy J . Hermar S. F ri bble D . Boyd A. DeJong D . McDonald D . James J. Drake

45 . T.Bare 46 . D .DeRooden 47 . M. Brady (Capt) 48 . B. Howard 49 . S. Kennedy 50 . M.Durrant 51 . D . Wilks 52 . P. Lewin 53 . R . Quirk 54 . S.Game 55 . M. O'Shea 56 . J. Shepardson 57 . S.Dillon 58 . 59 . T . Hart 60 .




STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach: Terry Walsh Rese rves Coach :

Senior Coach : Allan Fleming Rese rves Coach : Wayne Cooper

Senior Coach : Des Meagher Reserves Coach : Gary Kaltinikos

1 . S . Papaioenou 2. B . Byron 3. A . Smith 4. R.Ward 5. J . Bubis 6. B . Pelligrino 7. S . Plan t B. A . Fellows 9. Y . Capeci 10. P .Bullard 11 . L Alberti 12. Z. Fleming 13. G.Scarpa 14. M . Patmore 15. L. Del Papa 16. D . Farchione 17. D . Gorski 18. F. Arcoraci 19. P . Ristevski 20. L .Alabakis 21 . E. tentin i 22. L . Sallese 23. R .Dimaggio 24. B. Smith 25. A . Kennedy 26. C . McNeil 27. S. D'Avoine 28. L . Moribito 29. K. Harting 30. C . Fellows 32. P. Colosimo 33. J. Zaigos 35 . A. Colosimo 37. D . Dimovski 38 . G . Scott 39. O.Esen 40. N .Iulianglia 41 . D .Brooks 42 . M. Ciaverella 43 . A. Lattouf 44 . A. Ward 45 . A. Insitari 46 . S. Sam i 47 . D. Plowright 50. A. Maloney 51 . E. Valentino 53 . P. Battistia 55 . P. Valeri 58 . M . Reid 61 . G . Skas 63 . M . Grech 65 . S . Holmes 67 . N. Grech

1 . M. Power 2 . M. Bateman (C) 3. R . Pasqualotto 4. 5 . M.Robinson 6 . C . Houston 7 . P. Cochlan 8 . M. Heath 9 . C . Maguire 10 . B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12 . J . Begley 13 . T.Hughes 14 . D.flanagan 15 . A.Lacey 16 . B.Vandenboom 17 . A.Carbone 18 . P.Begle y 19 . C.Andrews 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . P. Hassler

Charlie Capiron 1. B. R* 2. NA:laperAa 3. H . Haaard 4. S.Cneays 5. AAk.Gaw 6. P.Green G .HayesDeaar I. G .Baker 8. 9. G . P44

It. D. rawd

It. J .Gardier 12. Aflr.,imm IS S.Ne.-san 14. J .Tlax;f'a.BJ 15. M.Ktrk 16 P.RVn 17. D.Wkm 18. R.yfftTis 19. M .Wcfl2w 20. A. F&O 21. M .WL*-,X 22, P.0'Srd7rai 23. Lforan 24. P.darAOo 25. P.Dyrnn 26 B. Jadaen 27. A. Da!aana 2& G. Weil 29. D. Dvtyie 30. B. Kug 31. M . ~ m 60 P . . DavB 32 MAZ~a 33. N. C * 52. A.Akhsm 34. T. PresrA 63 . J. Fraak.y 35. M .Rymr . 64. M .0'As!c& ~. N. Afd~ 65. J. Hartod 371. M. Reg 66 S. WMkA 38. D.P~k 67 . S. Enna 39. A D.arrzni 68. 40. D.&a59e~J 69 W. men"ks . F.Kraa'ss 41 . ASezkn 70. 42 P. Kw~ 71 D . S%man . A. Gars~ 49 . J. F4~ 72 M. Mad)ixM 44. S.darroM A. S.OJiiy 45. W.P:rhan 74. C .Femar& S. Pdce 47. M." 76 48. B. W-sCA 77 M. StaMrqi . 49. M.Bwdm 78 St~a~ G .Dars 50. M. D'Agastino 79 . FA. mma 51 . G.Wa6un ft** 52 81 8. R.Nahas 53. B . Bwke 54. S . Paderson 81 551 . l. Mzgaw 84 ~ . B . karartbw,sld 85 . 57. K .Gkson 58. E. Karmrknwski 59. R. Worse

(07 1

L R4s M .Sia5: J. F#Jgh

22 . J. Bonnyman (ReSC) 23 . P.Ciardulli 24 . J.Ciardulli 25 . M .Vemal 26 . C.Ryan 27. M . Jackson 28 . C. Fames 29 . C. Harris 30 . P. O'Brien 31 . N. Jenkins (C) 32 . M . Carbone 33. G . Feutri l 34. S. Lowell 35. C. Law 36. J . McFarlane 37. P. O'Brien 38. R. Vujkic 39. J . Naismith 40. A. Thawaites 41 . T . Carrigg 42. D. Naismith 43. N.EIIioH 44. M . Bateman 45. M . Lester 46. G. Johnson 47. S . Habjan 48. M . Rei d 49. P . Dodd 50. B . Kelsey 51 . L. Eames 52. S . Alexander 53. J .Alexander 54. S .Gillan 55. M. Duffy 56. B . Calleja 57. A . Heath 58. M. Smith 59. R . Stopajink 60. M. McDonald

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Si zZa~l~ g°° c S 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996


I Se CtL iil -4~ BEAUMARI S


Senior Coach: Gar ry Nicholson Reserves Coach: Noll Flyn n 1 . B.D ra(DJC) 2 P.31 . P.07 3. L 1 y- G.l.U.zix~f 4. 6tur7 3 N. S. Dt 34 . J.k14mtn 6. J.T . 35 P.Antw D.' X S.fia'rda (WC & d37. Al1aM I. ;0. S. Tw 16. N . as P. M, 1t . R6 ._r 4?. RCa;¢4 12. P.6'°'9a:c 41. ABartie 11 BA i 42 D.llayy~ .re 14 . R .k .; 41 S.t~ 15 . AL t . 44. S. 1& IA~ 45. N.Pe 17. T. n 4 S.Yrs 18. D. 47, K WA 1& 6L48. O.LK~An 19. P. aCl 49. 0.' 2 k M 23. 7t,,,,, 21. P 21. A 7L 11 . . 23. T.Fktxs 55 . 24. CG-,56. A ._ ._0 25. IF 57 . P. 2& H :A. It 27. U, ... JA'Cl :3. ARAwy I 28. 8. Lm.y F ._ .C) 29. SFrw

.10. AEasw (Cap.)

: Georgo Voyago Res. Coach: Matthew Scholten 1, 8.u~m 2 L! ' 1 C. E.,: 31. J, Hdorrat 4. KY, .a 32 L(.C: 5. W.F . 31 B. & 8. 34, J :--e 7. lAr..e 35. A a s .cFW-sWl s3. C. 1 9 . C." 37. !d.~ f0. AWA a IAC-~r~'PJ 39. J .; 12 J.Fmm:x 49. 6! 13. D.°° 41 . si 14. 5.E 42 D. , S. S.? ., 41 ft i& T.I 44 . 6(. 17. G .,s 41 N. 18. B.B 4& AI 19. JX-a 47. A., iv. tiv°^ 4& . Itlaqrer 49 . A L21 1 22 lABardf 53 . &L, . .= 23. D.Ash 51. K.1 24. Kt` ~. 2a T.4 ~ a5 D.D,vas x S.1 61. J. 27. IF 71. C . Baz`.ar 28. T.( 63. T.ArSr444i 37. J. bxbs 10 1

-l Y


PRINTED LABELS PHONE (03) W744 FAX (03) 9955 297 "Quality Ita6ds jot Qaal~ CG6nls ° t

Senior Coach : Robert Bayley ' Reserves Coach : Tom Von I . T.F. 35. RBu-c{R:,VC 2 G.1 . . I A5.e1i1 3. RF .37. 8MCRM 4 . D. ( 38. S. . S. J.B. .. 39. W.Lpi fi C." 40. P.P 7. O.H,4e 41 . R .PMrdi 42 C .LL&J 9. AGerc-ee8 41 G. . B. CM (CarY.) 44. P. ;r10 . AB.vrra 45 D ;if .E": 46. W.12D .r

13.C.K-47. R . is 48. C.FE14 .

61, ez


2 D' 3. C 4 . P. ma S O.Eb ° 6 . Gt1k i 7. P.FarQ 8 D.85ra8 9. LB" 0. dKmp it. ktS;tt4w 12 J.Cd': 13. R.Arc'ri



It. R C'.' ti T .G J.t~^-r 1& C.D: 1 t& D.Wa-,,,,. 5.5. . 17. &L 'di dY^~ 17. Y.C :18. OH~ ,7) 11 N.K::;,V- a~. LF:. It. RB--r 53. C., 9e 19. D.(k-ua 20. G.Harm 2 SH on 54. N.I ~e 21 . D.Hymn 55 . at-°17e '.. 21 . C .AkzaxYs 21 A. D5.`V 2 2 J. Paw 5 5 B. ' 23. T.Ccs 57. 23. P.W% 24 . B.fY,tm . 8. Dra4 58. D N24 21 D.W!~ 59. T. PC,, H dHa.d'sx 26. P.IzB yay x P.N;; 27 . RF"ri 27. D.Nreran 61 . ' 2& S. McGee 7a Ltr ~ 23. A. ta~:,y 23 . MD 33. P. Dt4#ry ;0. D.Cn 31. JS~fl(VFCJ 31.AW' 32. J.& Y!. 5.c .-~ ~ GW~y 33. J1d5rr.ih 33. S.&~~! R! 3S. LBsrFJ A1 ~ 34. B. D.7ti;pf 3a 0.JAmbe

;£ KC' 37. JA R P. T 39. 45 . P.Eea-s~ 64) J 41 . AMcer 42 6t 5t 43. RF44 . AC 45.dGm 4& C.Ccm&; 47, SAVN 4& C.Lcp 49. R&4br 4. SUakrj SI. tbcrkt 52. dI : 51 S& D.7r .-ta 07.746? : 5& N.o


59. 11 1 . ^~ 61 A. 61 . "-6z JE?er 6d. d(7 -: fS. D6-i fa V.A . 7p. N .Da rcaz7 71 . A. EL 72 P. t

Still4vell For d

✓.e f1~ w p.t r jau



Senior Coach : Laurie Zsrata Reserv es Coach : Mark Row e 1. P.I' 2AI v a 31 Id.P 40. Lr . :~ 41. P.F 42 P . 43. A. 4#. & 45. P. 4& L . 47. 4 M.c 49. S.CC1e 50. S "7{e, Si . T.^"M 52 5., 53. W 54 . L. S5. A 56.C. 57. M .l I SA. 53.


Senior Coach: David Rogers Reserves . . . Coach: ian Hildebrand 1 . JF .,NC)


Senior Coach: Derek Hine Reserves Coach: Neil Roberts Ass. Coach : Robe rt Putamorsie i . 5.1,6 C 2. R Pi rossC1 X G. .~Ses 3, 37. 8 .M 4. :,. . .ja4RC1 X 39. 61.SWreu A' JC) 29. B.Scaai-.n 7. W 1441Ct 41 . 8. 42 . klDa.s 9. J.IA:a 43 . P.tarSr i6..8H: t~erad i 44. R . tA.F~a I 45. AP~e 12 M_44-Ceq 4& 13 . C.Pzry 47. G.Wa:-,Nep 14. ldEe#"a-n 4& J.Farar 1S. I.CeS3r3 49. R. Pt,4s 1& T.FYv4.a Yt G.C-st 17. P.Tn7,z3.d 51. G.Pa9.oknrfi 18. 8. Ca, ., 9. D. &n-pY 19. BSYe; 53. R. Fox 21 54. 21 . G2":::-•A 55. &N;S'~ 221. N.F:,~.--.s.. 5& 57. S . Fm 23. T.Ra' 24. G. fl; ; 58. H . Pas 25. 59. YP°-"11 X R(6SA, W. G . 27. KS;arr~4 61 . 28. 23 . C.Ekvr;c Jl . 31. D.Pmdre 3?. F. ft 67 33. P.Pa9r+ 34. cA. 8. r3-.6vuat 35. R fi: N-

Senior Coach: Mark Flack Res. Coach: David Miller 1. P. y Senior Coach: Steve Mooney Res. Coach : Mark Niclasen 2B r 1.85tirm al 2 M.Lavm 4 Lre~P.EnFKer~) 41*11. 114 S. 0 42 P.( rat 3. 6tMJMWJ 37. S. s 4. B.La &py(4CM u 6. 8, 43 & ( 7.J 1 5. iAKtq{as 39 . S.ti . -' 44. RE olS . 40. B' & S.tx" A. 1. i S 7.R&ck 41.P.r 47. , 8. 42 T.I : . . 19. P.D. ...m iC) 9. APat.k" 43. D.'..,, IL ll°` ',p$ 49. At ~ 16. MC7- rs 44 . S. P 12 G P~rsn E-0. Y C . D.HW, 45 N. ',I a IPM SI. A9 4& M.12 J.Sie i 14 DG.ra,a~ 52 IN 3. S .t 47. J.C!Par7r'C) 15 ADFk~ 53, 4 t 48. S.I 14. G.' 6 . P.w1 age 54. OT--49, 5 .1 . '~ IS G.,_ 17. LS"o-.a SS. P 0 59. S .lFCaR I6. G5r,Xi I& Pi.C2 n 56 Sli h Si . E .Farar.r.v Z S. O~ 19. P. D .6 .. 52 S .Cbxy 2}. A4: & C.Emr A8 19. 51 B.DCOFmln 21. S. ' ~. g 54. &Ccs:m 22 A I s 2D. LAJamon 60. 5 21 . ACaxePJ 21 S1 rts 61, d W S5 J.6 I 24. D .4 2L C.Wr~,S 62 C. t. 57.N.6 23. 25. K 1 61 D.H 24. Er~^o-.are 5& A. F 27. P. BWA (4. J Win 59. E. ( n. C. a s 28, 7d .Chan*u 65 k .ln*u.-p 26.G. ns E{t G.i . 23 5 Da~ 66 PBam 61. J .C27. F 37. R r rq 67 . 5 IN " 23. P 62A6 31 . ILI^ .;,~ 68 D. k 63. J.L 29.C Ti 63 da 33. N 64. J. : 33 AI is 7dD.C1 31. L( 34 81a 74 S & f& , 32 G. 35 5 1 75 P.Do .a 67. 1 ;0. 2 .w Cl s 76 C Gxvn 34. 0. 68 A! _ 37. NL_ , A. G Or69. P .n 35. 3 .1 - n 38 5EO.~s E? H,l4~ :o. J. L_ . 1-Y R 8 .8 3~ 6 Vz," '~ SPtia 71 . P. H


Si A. r•-,


Senior Coach : Ma rtin Legge Rese rv es Coach : Rick James 1 . LC-hSmm F4J 41. D.5rr 2 T.da.n-s 42 ACnr,r S AkttGd(VCg 43 T. . B.Tajkt 44. T.HN4 S $ .fktrkm 45. A. G, . & A Ww9 4fi i . P.I(.xltf5 47. Pt7 8. S.LefemNO 48. d . - .r 9 D .Tab% It. AKer 16. E. :. h 54. J ii. A ~ zm(Catdl 51. A~ 12 J . n 52 T . . 13 C., - . . i 51 D 14. S . . i 54. P.~ 15. 8 . 55. TD t+ 5i P .L 17. Ak5 57. L . D. : _„s 58. !dP18 14 AY+`~;.s 59. 0. . D.Prann 69. T.,-, 120 + 21 . SBae 61. P. C, 1 22 htSteron 62 S.Cna" 23. M. WA 63. W. Earl 24 . D.6,& yrar 64, J.BatHr 25. AT}3x 65 . D.FYe"„ft 2a G.Yasg 66. A. Wmg 27. A. Ik:(..~ 67. S. BraFan a 8.4b 6& J. Gan 73. W.1,6.$3e 69. J . toaraztl 3). J. &M 70. B.01i3re 31. T.Sq,;m 71 . ASiradwn 32 4L 5:.A 72, RLee 33 A&uren 71 8 . MaLmm ;.4. P.AtCne 74 . C. To 3& S. B u 75 . R. C okyer 3i D.Euep 76 . P.Pavey 37. RE kea 77. W. Fanwood 31. 0. Pi 78. D. Chasten 39. C.Ens 79. D.M',cDoea10 40. J." FA. B.constarda PAITERSONCHENEY '?1ntJyA SthOd •bOW1C ~D~ 9262 6566 • 9215 2222 • 9682 658 1


;j l


Coach : Michael Farrell Reserv es : Grant Hammond I. SS 36. R.R}n 2 N.Eren 37. P.Wrcdeo 3. 01 sn 53. A kraal 4 . E.; . = 39 . AGW 5 . D.F40 . B.Paca 6. P .Tj CS 41. P. B:;, 7. J.0 .;_ 4. P.Yfoe 8. AtF--B 4i S.Om,ry 9. D.` 47. A P 0. P 49. N *e1 ft B. ; 9J. C.Da. 2. A- 51. T.Ps--a 13. U 52 A6 : 14. R: 15. P.Y_ 18. 6U 19. G. , 57. G F8. N. . : 21 . 5' 59. 8.0'C° 81 V.SPruv 23. 1 F- 61 . 5fidt 24. A~f2 . C.Pa-O 2a A.I . Gt. BXwa 26. 5E n 67. BWre 27. S .r J 69. G.Arr3zr 28. C .I 's 70. 8, C,-,,,! 29 . P. .. 71. lAHM 30 . D .lurzJa 72 P.4tKM 31 . A. 1-4--A 77. S .Pan 32. S. A 74. R .741,35 31 C .t 75. L!A?zrzka 34. M 1 l, fi Flu 35. A.


~ Central



Senior Coach : Rick Morri s Reserves Coach : Mick Marshall Senior Coach : Shane Rule I . P . Cooper Rasarvas Coach :Barry Purnell 2. F. Denami e 34.T.Mc6dosh 3. K . Frost 4. N . Papadatos 2.D .r .35.N.BHyer 3 S.Fr a i G .Gray 5. D .MarSra 37. A. Chndo 4. A. 01 6. A. Webb 38 . T. Benson 7, W . Card 5. S. ( 39. SArDmvj 6.dG:~J 8. J . TanaseSb 40 1, B FL I . A. BksAHI (VCj 9. D . Griffin 41 . B. Saknm 10. M. Hayes 11 . F. Cosraretta 9. P. E`u '- 42 . D. Lyra.h 10.0.43. K.Cyran 12. tt J.Zehoes8 44 . G .McdpceaCr 13. G . Ristic 14. S. fawins!d T. Hasheal 45 . S. Turner W. Bran 15. D . Morris 36 . P. Keppd S. H~jres 47 . 0. Hadley 16. 37 . G. Marred M.L,pr"s 48 . L .McNainara 17. 38 . D. GrigaMtlo 18 M. Lowe 39 . J. Augwsttakie 16 & Reedy 49 . N. Mai 50. S.Beagkhit t7. M.Ygrumi 19. 40 . D. OrBs 18, 51 . M . Walter 20. 41 . A. ChappRe 19. R Canty 52 . J. Cousins 21 . R. Martinez 42 . & J . Mathew 53 . J. Marlow 22. D. Ferxressy 43 . 21 . D. Ednxsrk NO) 54 . S. Caual 23. T. Rlsiciman 44 . D. Griflilhs 55 . A. Cwrumigs 24. P. Da«es 45 . 22. J . SAO 2a SDiren iCap) 56 . 25. J . Retain 46 . M. Cooper 57 . 24. J .Kara 26. P. Mardrd 47 . 25 J .Wkdae 58 . M .Cdsopeoulos 27. 48 . B. Hayward 26. P. Gronow 59 . 28. R. Bazzaru 49 . 27. L Rjan 60 . K. Rodney 29. 50 . C. Hayes 28, MS;aaPra 61, S.Bbrz7 30. 51 . P . Stepizn 29. W. Lee 62 . 31 . 52 . 30. C. Ghson 63 . 32. P. Pashakis 53 . 31 . S. Lm,ergan 64 . T, Wdom 33. R. Griffiths 54 . 65 . 32 . M . Holier 34 . D. Kepp:4 55 . N. Zarrbe9o 31 P.14Ih 35. R. Morris 97 . K . Molone y


North Fitzroy Phone 481 4693 THORNBURY COUGAR S Senior Coach : Ga ry Cutter Res. Coach: Rod Roberts .. 1. B . Carter 2. A. Man" 3 R .buzeski 4. 6.8#,erC-m 5. G.cutt?r 6. P. Older (Caldi 7. T.Bar iel 8. C . Kiacav^:ki 9. W. Lark'ns 10. G. Ttwrnps on t L. R . Reginatn t2. S. Lacey

13. D . Carts

14, M. Goddard (RCapi) 15. M.Kie}y 16. S. Murdoch ) ResVC) 17. S. Bartle 41 . M .g'azobre t flL T. Lincoln 12, R. Mine 19. M. Johnston 43, A- Kingi 20. R . Abde+rraa 44. V. OArg,--o (VC) 21 . R . MairzSi 45. L Jones (DVC) 22. W. Colon 47. A.Senis 23. R . Hamada 41 A. Rocca 24. D . Muscat 49 . P.Dcdknis 25. D . Beoy 50. L Li t a 26. J . Peter 51 . P. Tuck er 27. P. D.b 52 . C. Lincoln 28. A- Mantis 53. 29. R. Robeson 54 . A. CrocRer 30. A Aknbakis 55 . R. Edwards 31 . D .MaaaPis 56. J. L'rrers:dje 32. E. Pizzato 57 . R. Weight 33. S. HanAa,ar 58 . X P. McDonald 59 . 35. Sr Appleby 60 . 36. R .Begley fSmDVC) 37. P. Mazzrotl a 38. P. Unease 39 40. S. Huxley

UHSOB Senior Coach: Mark Sedgwkk Reserves Coach: Gino Maua 1. RFre°q= h 2. O.P.ebler 3. A .Bora 4. CJkHrnan 5. C . Shavr: 6. S .Crackne 6 6. K . Jones (Reserves) 7. C. Siinra 8. M.Sedgwd 9. RSrtdh 42. D.WaBace(Ca; 10. P .Euns 43 . A. Baukh 1t . C .Vlade 43. L .Mas'vosavas 12. C . Amd ~, M . Corai•Sre 13. P . McLean 45 . G.Co~ 14. 0 . R~ S6 . M. Roberts 15. M.Oar~dsm 47. G. Cra~a 16. P.GwAtorye 48 . B. Hu7d 17. B .Rdhwet .D 18. P .HOoper 49 .Fernessj . ~ 50. D 19. G. Mazza . J. Roger 20. M.Datj 51 . T . The . S . Betakno 52 53. F . Bassi s21 22. D .BamRt1 . G. "am 23. D . Koch 54 .Roach s5,M 24. S . KWramson 56. Vl . WAian 25. LGoms . D.TerrR 26. C .GMherode 57 58. DMztMsan 27. K .Grahan 5 .rdhevi DM 29. MGunqn 60 . D Sakdek 61. MM= 5C. G ..).kws 62 . G.AnbMussen 31 . M. V~oe n 3 63. P. Owens 2. D .Bunn 33. P.Ekrugtem 64 . J. Poore f8, JSaba 34. D. Douglas g . E . Bathe 35. J McWnav~ey 67 . G. P~n 36. M. Rqtto 63 . A . CthR 37 . G .Caheraa ~, J .Caizrd 38. A.Boy~ce 70. J Mazza 39. P.GeragYay 71 . BEast 40, S.ymBe 41 . M.0'Cauar 77. A . Apuz




Senior Coach: Gordon Burrows Reserve Coach : Peter Sacco 1. A . TrM 2. D . Adam 3, J. Berrien 4. P.Ottnvco 5. & V. Graraki 7. J.B87a 38 . D . Guppy 8. P.CunrinJtum 39. M.Gerater 9.J.M 40.S.Hogg .

Coach: Alex Flour Reserves: Mick Evan s

Coach : David Twomoy Rese rves Coach: Dean Roderic k

10. S . Webb 41 . l.Rgara

11. J. Bnakkoh 42. J. PaW&oM 12. S .FtoMgson 43. F.Ctaca 13 P.Maran 44 . M.Leris 14. 45, 15. B .0Bren 46 , t& L.Demadon 47. J . PoesTiaes tl.A.Kyrtats 48, 18. V. Raodeta 49 19. V. tkosi 50. 20. G. LOW 51 . S. Torcasio 21 . J. K ' 52. 22.C .Foc 53 .F.Mash 21 D . EES 54 . G .IKa!

24. G .HaBN 55, S .SaWancee 25. P.Geonaccaro 55, 26~ 57. R .Sauxkrs 27. P.IkraJsla 58 . S. Ken 28. D .Lawke r 59. D .Angeii 29. J. SamrJers 60,

30. J. Hope 61 . 31 . S. Wad 32 B.WMtnan 33 G .Md,z9 34. S. Moore 35. P.Dvwse{I 36. 0 . Magar"

37. B. Rap-,

UNIVERSITY BLACKS Senior Coach : Garry Connolly Reserves Coach : Richard Grumme t

1 . G . Daroch 41. G. Whtson 2. R. Hai 42. D. Ryan 3. D. Mar'ssy 43 . J.Ouilty 4. M.ZWxrvyk 44 . PForbes 5. B.Cunrirr3ham 45 . J. Ban 6. J.Cisbawgh 46. E. RwA 1.C.KerifikaM 47.S. OM 8. D.HaMan 44. O.Maram 9. C. Petal 49. M .Rcharl 10. A. Kennedy 50. T .,kssen B.5mdh 51. A. Handle 12. I . H. Robert 52. M .Graltann 53. N.Skshons 13. T. Bowles 14. M . Hanson 54. M. Dip 15, A. KoDbm 55. M. tkzon 16. P.Cauarelld 56. C.Stephers t1 . H.Pzyr.~ 57. D.enlicad 1B. P.W~td 58. D.Begley 19. J.Ward 59. L. Wm 20. S. Lowe 60. S. Fraser 21 . B.Terrd 61. Cd43dei 22. T. Lamb G.

23. S. Beside 63. 24, M . Fogarty 64. 25 . N. Bowes 65. J. Trevasids 26. D. Bills 66,

27 . M .Hayes 67. 28 . P. Les 68. K . Canwduz 29 . A. Glass 69. S . M

30. D.SGmrLy 70. 31 . N. Carlini 71 . H .Kean 32 . L. Paschall 72, 33 . P. Hodgson 71 34 . J .Ccdc 14. 35 . P. Cam 75. 36 . M . Begley 76 . 37 . J .Gadi 77. 38 . C. Caalahan 78 . 39 . P.Hanbn 79. 40. G . Suleran 80.

1 .J. 2 P. ' 3P.u 4.A 'L~d 6 C.F~y 7. ROM 8 P.W-A! 9. J.G~g 18.LSam It 8, Race 12 J.Iicena 13 P.Peim it J(7Arral t5 S. wx.y 16 &IM'hea~ 17. P.FIe.~ 18 T.Rak 19. GS,n 29. J.trg 21. LSrr Zt Y.r.a3 21 J.ft•ies 24. SOedt 2i Ateai S. P. t!fi 27. D. Er 28 DTois 29. P.Cttaley x JlMrm 31. N.CA'aRar 32 J. wendied 33. SCnw 34. 8Cede 35 D.HtM y P. Ton 31. S.M4; .v. M.610(ed n. D. .

q GRii U A~ tt J.Caiv p. GCr#trt 41. 1

G. P.°rr u. ti" x 47 D'_7 e P .lte . W AF-:1 5) DB.~r 9 . SG ~'1 4L KGar 51. C.Fa¢ia 51 . I.G. S. P.DuSk..+4¢ % 8 Coal .9. T.Pfi.s S. P.C.a 9. A0R}. p C . fierf, dt RBA4 V a. 61 (Dain N . B .D6 6 RYea N 0. ' R O.Gsecy 8 8W& 9 J Ym'~

1 . B . BaarirS 2. S . WniBrKJ 3. B . Hafey 4. A . 0'Keete 5. D . Cknvas 6. J. Horsburgh 7. D . Jago 8. A . Horsburhg 9. C . ViRrger 10. G. Crowe 11. D . Roderick 12.G.Harris 13 . M. Haley 47 .J.B:9ma . B . Snfilh 4 . 8P _ Gra n14 15. A .Board 44243. . ICw y fer 18. S . Chrish 45 . T. Marcus 17. P. King 46 . M. Craig 18. D . Outer 47. G. Flower 19. S . Parslow 48 . A . Hale 20. E . SzusK~&z 49 . S . Jones . S . Hewitt 21. D : Krause 50. P. Harris 22. P. 0Matey 51 . P . MarBnsen 23. S. Porter 52. A . Irx al a R L: Fairfield 53. S . Leonard 25. S. McLeod 54. B . Dangerfield 26. P. Meshed 55. 27. D . Bilkrmn 56. 28. C . ParsEOw 29. D . Hursbur~ 57. 58. P. Stewart 30. C . Galvin 59. A . L'pscanbe 31 . J. Man 32. G . JerBdnson 60. 33. G . Robson 34. B. FdM M. B. Franklin 36, 1 West 37. S. Cwrxnin 38. A. McCarthy 39. M. Gibb 40. A. Tria'vwn



Senior Coach : Phil Leatham Reserves Coach: Nick tAagatas 1. A, Haddad 40. RgaiariRCapt 2. J.Graq 41 . S.Das+as 3 . REaN,vat 42. E.KxvaL:rates 4. G.Omies (Cap) 43. J . Tobin 5 . D. Papazoglbu 44. J . Kartorjam's & MSassir e 45. C .Kavallarate ; 7. F .VBak 46. G .Sdiatos 8. P.Harl-400 47. P. Kyle 9. J. Khoury 48. L.Bhwh 0. S. Fyffe 49. J . haywood 11. S.Cucdaras SO 12. S. Richardson 51 . C R .Cattail HaIndawtou 13. J. Sofia 52. B, Flaragan 14. P.Pra.'rnstn 53. B.Cfarts 15. P.Maaughlal 54. A. Be er 16. S.Snrytlw. 55. M.Cr6z 17. J.Jackson 56. R.Bolragus 18. J.Ctnsi 57 . P.Coa k 19. S.B3rq*k83s 58. D.Wdaarns 20. P. Hkkey 59. H. McDon ald 21. S.Mdtanara 60. M.Kocianck 22. N. Magalas (RC) 61 . M.RrA}ys 23. J.Osbane 62 . B. Perrin 24. 0. Oman 63. S. Connotj 25. G. Malone 64. P. McGrath 26. G.NenY 65. S.Dedavgo 27. D.P.ra'r,areano 66 . D.Dssb 28. K . Bu4agia• 67 . J. Haste 29. D.. r 68 . M Anderson 30. M. Leas 69 . N. LeGOs 30. J. Spalding 70. R.Wal3ce 31. A . Moodearca 71 . N. Final 32. S .0AMrea 12 . A. SAeriesen 33. T.Thandpsm 73 . D. Fare 33 G.Ctappd 74 . A.Bater 34. M.Capas 75 . S.SIapelon 35. J.Tassace 76 . LMctNke 36. C .Rikhie 9E P.Derew 37. S .Ccarbe s

Senior Coach : Alan Elliott Reserv es Coach: Tony Ryan 1 . N . Bezzan 36. A . Tivage s 2. W . GdBhs 37. A . Bad 2. D. Dawson 38. T-Be&dh 3. A .Harry(Cap.) 39' T. Carter 4. J. Tuck 40. G. Be d 41 . L Rickards 5. D . Mad_ead 6. D . Grae 42. M. Banned 7. M. Bak 43. S .Kennedy 7. D .EtbB 44. C . Faze}as 45. B .Isaa B. B .Hand 9. G.Case 46. AFach 10. M.HoBaroJ 47 . C' Hai 11 . LGrokoaski 4 K.Fvwle 12, N . Bond 49. W. Keen 13. B.Tw51 50. R . Ku*ansb 14. A.Darcet 51 . D .BLBic 15. D .Wtde 52. D . CMgeoa2 1 6. C .Segktai 53 . M.Heman 17. M.0'Rym 54. M. Wem 18. T.Largtam 55. M. Quick 9. P. Center 56. G. Bar; 20. D . Wtdm m 57, D . W arn 21 . P. Sadler 58. J. Dawson 22. W. Payre 59. G. Gra y 23. P.MdlaTa2 60. B. MacLeod 24 . D. Grigg W. P . Coltrane 24 . T, Ryan 70 . G . Clark 25 . R Evans 26. D. Lee 27 . B. Tuck 28 . S. CaMenvmd 29 . MAMerson 30. A.Caolc(VCap) 31 . C.MCkenzce 3? . S. Qu m 33 . T.Caraa 34 . G . Warren 'S> . S.Kenrde y

38. B .Mkak 39. T.HGo:asan



South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Sonior Coach : Jack MoDonatd Res . Coach: David Kilnsartln

ELSTERNW{CK SeniorCoach .' , -7-rsa~l . Coach:N' ,Res .. " _ 1.Lr" 2 Ar 1 Ml e nr

E .L,~ .R) .. ~. C. L+. .




29. 5 .T.S qo. m (R) 31 . T. Ha. 6 . C. L 32. M. Far.. 7.P .A 1 33.N.0-`i 8. S .8' 31. C. P B . R. Ls„ ,av 34. R. F 9. G. Sat is 35. A. 10. N. R xd 35. M t 10.M.F 31.A 3 ~ .. 37. Mf 11. :y (R) 11.J.U 38.Ai„ iy 12 .GLaston :-a. A N 13. S . McCajtlry 14. M. 4deaftA 14. M. Szeitz 42. . A . Beadm 43. K.15 . M. Malone 44. R.i6 16 .T.Sn:aB 45.P.H17. D ItcLeyan 45 . RE 1 7.C.Molley(R) 47,RC18 . P . Boyie 48. P. v f3.C .Jor'es; 49. . R . Ko?¢er A29 50. At 21 . P .S1x8syr:_ 57. B . rfs 22. M. Cox 23 . A . Banrrti 2 4 . 4 tanTCSxe 25. J.'.'.cDanaM

iyrC) 40. KR41, 4d ir V.CQ 42 Gf_ 43R.I 41. d4 4i RI4 47. P I

s. B ;

49. St 56. Rf 5JRI Ed. S

GLENHUNTL Y Seniors Coach : =a manna Res. Coach : Paui h o 1. 8. F4`;~ 37. 2. A: Lanerm 33 . A. Ainslie 3. T . HN 30 . J. Met 4. D.Cassar 40. C.Cta~' 5. R. tzm~ra 41 . J. Crooh? & FA9-.atav,k(YC) 42 . N. Retread 7. M. Ka'-, 43. D. Tharas 81 J.Jam 44 . 6.0Pk.nnel 9. 45 . f0. 46, C. Carla 11. T. Ra (C) 47. J. Men 12. L}Jst 48 . H.KayTiorz 13. 49. Mom 14. 50. A. StAlort 15. C. Vrirn 51 . A. SDan 1& J.P oor„e{:on 52. S .Krstk 17. S.Atrgs1 53. M." 18. P .=C) 54 . C.MIdn9 9. M. 55.

20. 56. Um 21. 1. Tam 57.

22. G. Series q. 23. S Webs1G 59. 24. ZKrsFs ED. J.YGSg 25. 61. R.Lavhn 26. P.0'Shanxssf 62 . A. WcGrrop 28. C. Wry 63. T .FzxHej 64. 29. M. Rowed

30. P. Harrison 65. 31. Sheen 66 . 32. P. Gordon 67,

33. 68. D.Larnama 34. LShanas 69. G.Fkidner 35. 70 . 36. R Hal



Seniors Coaeh: Ga ry Ryan Ras. Coach: David Rainer 1. LWels M X RE 2 M.tha}i(CPe;) 37. d.R 3. A. Grady :A. . C.k6*04 's3. EP4

5. D.8^^(YC 40. 0 . O.C.&Gf(C)41 7. FL'' "rs 42 P.k SJ~ ' 9. P. to. P. 11 . O. - aid 4S IF. , 12 DA fa'A-zijCH)47. P. a L 13 l17 , B 14 . M L..... ISJN 1& JC 17. d 18 A , i9. L F 20, GE, .,.d 21 . MN yr 22. B C! sai 57. 23. C .°rn a D.Ym'a 24 .fl 59.B115eJ

2 5. 0. 61 KW,

~'i A! 81 . H. K11 27. R : 8 7. 1 1 81a6S 29. F. . . 6 ;. LV 3i. P. 65. D.8 31 . G F -k 2'0 e's s-s p. flC ~

Senior Coach : Glen Cornmick Res . Coach : Ronnie Landb 1 . M . Dot 2 . J.Saras 3. J.B ichas 4 . RArcgtej 5 . J.1~ 6 . J.Fehn 7. R.Cwmick 8 . A.fates 9. J.Faarwealhoor 10 . B.Cc& r 11 . A.H4Aerd 12. M. Tcssava'ecen 13. C. Rayrm 14 . C,Ctank_tlan 15. 1-1,60 16. N.Uflitg 1B . S. Dods 19. G.VanDar7a4n 20. M. Ri§5e. 21 . R. Jctw OR C.Hma 22. G.Crnrkk 42. M. NW-0 23. J. David 41 J.6.futeacd 24 . M .Md.ean 44. R. Lamb 25. A . M.tE'"th 49. A . WXrsak 26. S. Q7na 50. J. Cr,rday, 27. B.UV3ag 60. G. Sprague 28. R Hammeiton 76. T. Hayward 29 M' Dobbs i M. Krebs 32. J. Stiniens 34. T.Collis y 35 . L} laide n

33. fl" . ~+ 72 D.P :_

31. G97. $, t : ~ 35 R. el C.C-w:

T. Lee

OAKLEIG H Senior Coach: Rod Bourke Reserves Coach: Paul Nikaki s tBr: ~.B .t 2 PF2 7 P ~ a L . a~. M

Mark Steven s PANEL SHOP P/L. '6'` 1 f l HAIRSTYLISTS for Ladies & Men

El i



Seniers Coach: Myles Land ry Roserves Coach : Neil Franks

Senior Coach: Patar OlWieri Res. Coach : Craig Richardson

1 . S. McLennan 2. S. McMation 3 4 . E. Bmrtn 5. S. Taossi 6 Warner 7. N. Franks 8. P. Amps (CaAi) 9.P.Krohn 10, M. Codes 11 . A. Landry 12. A. Carrporai 13. V. Brdocetiseno 14 . 0. WameSrrtith 15. B. Cook 16. S. Ciadngbad 7, L . Barclay 8. S. Glover 44. C . Bowntan 19. M . Bord! 45 . C. Marines 20. C. Landiry 46 . D. Brencatis3rm U S. Baxter 4T 22. A. Atchison 48 . J. Bl-asby 23. hi. Ga&uzzo 49 . 24 . S. Parsons 50. L. Mrks 25. A. Cmke 51 . 26. A. Thripp 52 . 27. J. Whelan 53. B . Femick 28. B. Taylor 54 . M. D-ntry 29. D . Morgan 55 . 30. D. Sims 58. 31 . A. Gross 57. 32. A. Parsons S& A, Wells 33. R. Poole 59. M. hayes 34 . A. 07,10 60. A . Maaterosso 35. A. Bandy 61. S . Boast 36. a . Crean 62. B . Wight 37. T. Stewart 63. N . Bowman 38. D. Becher 64. 39. S. Taytar 65. 40. T. Trewhitt 41 . S. Form 42 . A. Bdggs 43. A. Boruner

1, P.Var¢oU 44 . M . Met 2. 1W 45. ),L sedate 3. G.Scako 4& W .SOh 4~ R Nina 47 . D. Barren 5. M. Both 48. R States 6. D. Bich 49. J . Ryan 7. C. E'tdurolsOn 50. A.59ar.G 8. S .Cras 51. S.Vlakh 9. A Mars 52 . J . Vrkks 10. G.AkC" 53 . A. Keg 11. L Mssa¢a 54 . 12. M.Maman: 55 . 13.44.Dald 5P,, 14. C. N?xitM 57 . 15. J. SCdkrd 5g. 16. S .Cravem Sg , 17. C. MdcM 60. M, Engler 18. F.Cvy'e, 70 . R.H:rwvi 19. J.Evans 87 . T.FrieM 20. A . Fa i 21.J.De . BY-r2 K^zc e 23. G. : d 24. R P 25. S. She 26. J.Ser 27. S. Lynch 28. J. Tutkrt 29. G.Ne»man X P. Harrison 31. kAOraSkry 32. B . Now 3a R Taylor 34. 14. Dona4dswi 35. C. Wanu 37. K .Telad X P .Pir4=n 39. J. GA 40. G.Arrxerl 4L S .CHpbn 42. C . Mcfarlarce 43. B .SdaAz

r Iwv & F~ST"\ SALESIAN O.C . Senior Coach: Peter Turley Reserves Coach: Dmian Sutherlan d 2. M .C 38. P .6ce.Ayar6 3 . S.Sz _ od 39. 8. . B.& -- 1 41 Mr4 d 5. M, C; n(C) 41. S W, 6. M .Cbrc 42. &P7 . G. Gasixei 43 S I, 8 . M .Haze.9 44. C.H 9a . M .Darogh~ 45. M' 9b. N. G'KBOns 46 P. 10. 0.6z.rer 47. T. Lee 11 . R. Cloacae 48. P 12 . Ax Gasped 49. . j 0t3-LBoCah so. at 14 . P.Mrr"" 51 . D . 7.W x•z 52. t .15 16 . ACf 53. D.i 17. M .F( __,dC) 54. S1 1a . S. &W, Sb. D.I 19. A. Bexley 50. S .F . 20 . A.Seap 57. D . G 21 . RNaPaB 53 LPr .y 22 . M.PM 55. L&. .., . 23 . C. Roche 60. 25 . B. K'actrer 62 E 26 . C. Clauerin 61 G . . 27 . M .MarsieN 64. M. 28* M . Byron 65. J.1 29. M . Fates 66 S. Lk D. Lawton

31 . B.ldctardf 32. A. Stations; 33 . M .Wr,eman 34 . S. Rotwts 35. C.Us 36. S. Nc4an 31 . 1 Brennan


p_°_ . A`_' (

ST. PATS MENTON E Senior Coach: Brett Sebire Reserves Coach : Peter Lewis t. D.Fea.x h 2. MC v4are 3. K.WWood 4. P .Lewis(PSsC) 5. ONllabnnd (VC) 6. T . Davis 7. K.Gt~s(Caq) 8. D. Perrnn (DVC) 11 . R Orxh 9. R E.1 40 . D. WA 0 . UebintlCi 41 . C. Fraser It. PFalvm 42. C, Brown 12. M.Da-vits 43, M . Barr 13. A.Garcp 45 . (L Berry 14. T.A''~twn 44. M.Gro9an 15. M. SsPt+an 47 . M .0'Daxgtwe . J.}1aCaf5q 48 . M .Wahh 16 C.Su'*ran 49. M.Ce&-h 17. 18. T. Sulafan 50 . A. Lads 19. 0, Films, 51 . M . Holloway 20. C Grates 52 . D. Fan 21. D. Bale/ 53 . D. hmn 22. P .Muryhj 54 . 0.Aurylry 21 M.Su°van 55 . M .Ylazut%rJ:s 24. A. Cousins 56 . 8. 0'Daj 25. B.Bwrs 57 . SGM 26. P.VhJiay 58 . J.Nortaa 27. M. Wita 59 . C. Con_ym 28. M.0'Bten(RC) 60 . 7 .Cnxe 29. S .Hawker 61 . O.Hodu 30, N. Freese FA S.Purkess 31. A, Walsh 65 . C. Win, 32. S . tPfan 6i . 0. Bseu»n 33, 0. Andrew (RVC) 67, G. Capuchin, 34. P .HUr3xoxrn 71. P.Murptry 35. M. Grad 36. C .S;ePWens 37. S . V<'r8ty 38. S. Perazzo

Sat . : V0 :=11PHIL=IPS (Co Sun : S^ I DrJ , MATCHES



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tight and close premiership race became eve n , , more exciting last week when the competition' s leaders Peninsula, Salesian and St Pats became deadlocked on six wins each . All sides will be eager to chalk up one more win this week, before next week's Queen's Birthday break. REVIEW ROUND 7 Quiet achievers Monash Gryphons moved closer still to a place in the four, after a 115 point drubbing of Eisternwick last week . After a relatively even first half, an injury stricken Elsternwick could not match the fitter Gryphons who ran away with the game. It was Monash's second half that saw it set up the win, when they outscored their opponents by 12 goals . It was the Gryph's key backmen Stratford and Coxhead that set up the win in third quarter by repelling many an Elsternwick assault . But the Gryphons defence was not its only shining light, with Khoury reaping havoc in the middle of the ground and Lowcock kicking six goals . Grady and Strathford also were amongst the Gryphons best. For the Wicks, Mick Andrew played a lone hand up forward with 6 goals whilst Murphy played a captains game and big Ray Barrington made a noteworthy contribution . Powerhouse applied more pressure on the four with a handy 101 point win over a woeful Glenhuntly. With their fifth win under their belts, Powerhouse are looking menacing . The scene is now set for a mighty battle between Powerhouse and Oakleigh for a spot in the four . Glenhuntly's situation looks more morose with each passing round, as it fights for the wooden spoon with M onash Whites. Oakleigh's 145 point victory over M onash Whites was enough to keep Powerhouse from jumping them on the ladder . With the top four sides so evenly placed, every victory is invaluable to the Krushers . This week they face the daunting task of meeting Salesians on the rebound . The biggest match of the last round Salesians versus St Pats, saw the Vultures record an amazing upset at Salesians ground . With Salesian defending an unbeaten record, they looked to be odds on favourites against St Pats . However, Salesians could not have expected to take on such a strong and committed Vulture side . After a low scoring first quarter, Salesians had the edge on St Pats, playing better football to earn themselves a small quarter time lead . However, after a passionate quarter time plea for a greater effort by Brett Sebire, the Vultures were able to regroup and find their feet in the second term . With the St Pats fonvards showing more application in the second term, and the centre lines improved efforts, the Vultures were able to march back to the change rooms at halftime with the scores in their

favour . The Vulture supporters fears of an after half time collapse were no t realised, as St Pats endeavoured to lift their workrate with each passing opportunity . But the talent of a side like Salesian helped to make for a closely fought match . Despite St Pat's determined performance, Salesians managed to keep in touch by preying on the turnovers the Vultures made, and converting them into scores. By three quarter time it was still St Pats by a nose. In the last quarter both sides fought tooth and nail for the upper hand, and still it was Salesian that could not be denied . When Cincotta goaled at the midway point of the quarter, Salesians hit the front . This incident only seemed to make St Pats even more determined and stronger then before . Karl Gurtler was unyielding in the middle and inspired the Vultures 20 point win with his courageous play. The likes of Stephens and Perrin needed to be cool in a crisis in the backline and they did so whenever it had to be done . In the meantime new recruit Barr was diving headlong into every pack to win the ball for St Pats . It was the Vultures most important win so far this season, whilst for Salesians it will be remembered as the first blemish it had shown after six perfect rounds of football . The game was a fantastic spectacle for supporters of both sides, as it displayed to all fans, just how much desire the players possessed . The final match of round between Peninsula and ANZ Albert Park was a much closer tussle than expected. The Zedders managed to bottle up and control Peninsula forwards for most of the day . Pirates full forward Drew Warne-Smith could not be stifled however, as he went on to score 8 goals 9 behinds in a best on ground performance . ANZ scared the Pirates early in the match by kicking three goals in a quick succession . Peninsula soon found their feet however and went into the quarter time break with their tails up . After quarter time the game became scrappy and rigorous and at stages the tempers of players on both teams became frayed . The Zedders made the most of their chances and were only a goal down at half time . The Pirates took the initiative in the third, and kicked away to a four goal lead . Poor concentration and discipline proved costly for the Zedders, who were not able to get back in the contest . Best for ANZ were Harbinson, Markby, C . Walkey, Park and Smith who booted five goals . PREVIEW ROUND 8 Glenhuntly, one of the most vulnerable sides in E South, will be no match for Monash Gryphons today . The tables have turned for the Gryphons, last years wooden spooners and all of a sudden they are in conTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

tention for the four . Monash boasts a young and mobile side that should finish strongly over Glenhuntly. Powerhouse will need to be watchful for their opponents ANZ Albert Park, who are starting to show signs of an improving side . If Powerhouse are prepared and focused on the challenge at hand, they should be able to withhold the Zedders. Elsternwiek meet a side who has had fortunes similar to theirs so far this season, Monash Whites . In a game that is an important chance to build for both sides, it is likely that both sides will be aiming to get a big score on the board . The Wicks will be favoured, being the only side in the bottom three to record a win so far. Oakleigh meet Salesians on the rebound form their first loss . Both sides are very capable of playing good football, and doubtlessly the Krushers will be wanting to turn it on in front of their home crowd. Salesains however, will have to much class to be thwarted by Oakleigh this time. St Pats faces its second big match on the trot when it takes on Peninsula at Southern Road . This should be an electrifying contest between two of the best sides in the competition . Having knocked off Salesians last week, the Vultures will be primed for the hitout and at their home ground in Mentone, look like they may have a slight edge on the Pirates .

MICHAEL SZEITZ - 250 GA: : uS "Szizzer" played his 250th game for ANZ against Peninsula last week. A past senior captain and coach of the club, he has returned from interstate to work with a young reserves side to impart his football knowledge . A tireless worker on and off the field . Congratulations to "Szizzer" on a great innings for ANZ . 100 GANES - PETER 'WO 'HEYES Worm celebrated his 100th for ANZ last week, A nofrills player who has added honest working aggression to both the Seniors and Reserves over the years . His contributions has been recognised with his appointment as reserves captain .

- SENIOR S YO"t_SB C^.RPHONS 5 .3 13.4 21.8 29.14.188 PdSiedU.WiC:S 3 .0 7.3 9.8 11 .7.73 Mooaah Oryphoaa l.owcoek 6. Wells 5 . Blandford 4, Khoury, O'Brien, Fraser 3, Adams 2, Kamvias, O'Doherty, Lewis . Beat Grady, Wells, Khoury, Stratford . Lowcock, Fraser, White. Etaterawick Andrew 6, Hankin 2, Conlin, Clement, Murphy. Beat Murphy, Brevhtgton. Clerrxnt . Harkin . Mahony, Andrew. r;OP Po' 1 : 8 .6 9.9 20.16 25.21.171 OL-"IiUNTLY 1 .0 4.2 5.4 7 .7.49 Powerhouse Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Gleahuatly Janis. Craig, ODonnell, Hartison :lamanna, Sutton, runner. Beat Turner, Thomas, Janis, TaLvtco, Rossiter, Crooke . MOAASH WRITES 0.0 3.1 6.1 6 .1.37 0 OH 7 .8 11 .10 18.13 27.20.182 Moaank Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received , Onkleigh Alexandrou 6, Donadel 5, Kitts, Marshall 4, Ayres, Flinn 3 . Billing, Ferguson . B ed Taylor. Schilling. Brereton. Marshall, Alrxandrou, Donadet . RALESLAN OC 3,7 5 .10 9.11 10.14.74 ST PATBICES HENTONE 2 .3 6.7 9 .10 13.16.94 Salesian OC Cincotta 3, Grace, Brown, Bourke 2, Abbott . Beat Sutherland . Bourke, Bobetic. Browne, Abbott. Napoli . St Patricia; Hastens Murphy, Gurtler 3. Barr, Sullivan, Evans 2, Sullivan. Acrt Gurtler, Barr, Perrin, Stephens . Murphy. Nicholas. ANZ BANK 4.2 7.6 7.9 13.12.90 PENBtSULAOB 5 .3 8.6 11.9 20.14.134 ANZ Bank Smith 5. McDonald 2, Malone, Walkley, Lovett, Phillips . Boyle, Wills. Beat Harbinson, Markbp, Walkley. Park, Smith, Ftentjar.

Peninsula OR Wame-Smith 8 . Landry, Bonner 3 . Corke 2, McMahon, Parsons. Tnewhitt . Hayes. Best Warnt-Smith, Landry. Denny, Tn :whitt, McMahon, Parsons . ERVES ffiONASH GRYPHONS 1.1 4.1 8.4 14.7 .91 ELSTERNWICK 3.3 4.8 5.7 6.9 .45 Hannah Ory phoas Bailey 5, Tolongas Toghill, Gadinski. Martin 2. Gilchrist Best Toghill, Lawerence. Marlin. Bailey, Wtliarnson, Tolongas, Bmwell, Begieg . Elstemwiek Broderick 2, Butler, anrels, Parrish. Batl Kirkham, Pappa, Daniels, Eaton. Butler, Broderick. POWERHOUSE 7.5 12.10 17.19 25 .28.178 GLENHUNTLT 1.0 2.0 2.1 3.1 .19 Powerhouse Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Olenhuntly thomas, Krstk, Turner. Best Thomas, Young, Thom, Thomas, Krstic, Mrockt. MONASH WHITES 0.0 0.0 1.0 1 .0.6 OAHtEIGH 6.6 11.8 17.14 26 .17.173 Hannah Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Oaktei$h Lei .sle 12, Niko . Adawap 3. Aliss. Williamson 2, Berdikoma0s, hally, DeBono, Monaghan. Best Niko, ixslie, Williamson. Malapanis. Andonopoulos, DeBono. SALESIAN DC 1.2 3.3 6.4 7.4.46 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 2.2 7.2 9.5 13 .8.86 Siateribut OC Mclardy 2, Alligan, Bouchard, Hunt, Eager . Ward . Beat Fitzgerald, Bouchard, er. Taylor. Low, Oliver. St Patrlckaeotone Davis, Groves 4. Gangl 2, Capuano, Hader . Donegan. Beat Groves. Donegan, bums . Fatouros . Raley, Lewis. ANZ BANE 4.1 8.2 6.5 6.6.42 PENINSULA OR 4.2 7.4 11.7 12.9.81 ANZ Bank Szettz. Jenkin, Cairns 2 . Beat McCarthy, Taylor . Heyes. Pastras. Redpath, Thynne. Peninsula OR Watts 5, Hinde, Gross. Campbell, Stewart. Brancatisanov, Nelson, Montero°°o . Beall ti*vshatl, Glover. Stewart, Gross, Braneatisano. Bleasby.


TOTAL 36 34 30 28 31 25 25 22 20


GLENHUNTLY v . MONASH GRYPHONS Field: M . Rossarto, T. Williams . POWERHOUSE v . ANZ BANK (at MHOB) Field: J . Stoppa, S . Rolls . ELuTE CR v . MONASH WHITES Field : I. Cayzer, P. Griffiths . OAKLEIGH a. SALESIAN Field: B. Bain . Boundary: D . Bain, I . Burgess. ST PATRICKS ME'NTONE v . PENINSULA Field : R. Bums, G. Morgan .



ound 7 results gave me another 75 % success --rate whieh is poor by Connell Cup standards . The root of my troubles lay in my selection of the wrong Associated Grammar School alumni . At the half way point of the season the contest for the finals seems a fairly tame affair as in the North four sides have opened a gap between themselves and the fifth placed side . In the South, although seven sides could feature in the finals, the final four places do seem to be a contest between five sides . REVIEW OF ROUND 7 NORTH Hawthorn Citizens powered to a ninety-seven point victory over Therry whose downward spiral has gained momentum . Therry after a promising beginning now face a torrid time to regain a position in the top four. Marcellin continued on their winning way when they easily accounted for North Old Boys who failed to honour their star player's milestone with a competitive showing as Marcellin won by fifty-two points . Collegians recorded in a second game victory with a meritorious win over Old Essendon at Keilor. The loss only compounded a fairly disastrous round of football for Essendon Grammarians, past and present . Old Ivanhoe Grammarians made mockery of my prediction when they outplayed the disappointing Kew by twenty points . Old Ivanhoe, in their first season, now find themselves clearly in the top four . The return of Old Ivanhoe "dinosaurs" Peter Ritchie, Steve Myers and Ian Wells to key positions has strengthened the Old Ivanhoe side . Other good performers for the brown and whites included Chris Sharp, Bruce Yarwood and John Valiotis . With the form these veterans are displaying they could face demotion to B Section!!! St Bernards had the Bye. SOUTH Old Kaverians with a sixty-four point victory over Old Melburnians, really helped sort out positions on the ladder as a victory by the Old Melburnians would have stamped them as potential finalists . Second placed Old Scotch had an easy victory over St Kevin's by seventy eight points . As result St Kevin's have dropped to fifth place and face a challenge to regain a top four spot . The early morning game did not deter Old Brighton-Bloods, but may have hindered Old Geelong, who scored only one goal as the home side triumphed by ninety-nine points . As predicted Be La Salle defeated VUT comfortably by a margin of fifty-eight points . The victory placed De La Salle back in the top four. Mazenod had the Bye . REVIEW OF ROUND 8 NORTH Old Ivanhoe, who are fourth, face their four quarters of truth today when they meet unbeaten

leaders H awthorn Citizens, The gam e which will surely test J the calibre of the new side, should be one worthy of a potential final . Hawthorn Citizens are my selection . Second placed Marcellin face the daunting prospects of the trip to St Bernards where victory by the home side will see them replace Marcellin in second place . Refreshed by the Bye and with their home ground advantage I select St Bernards to win . North Old Boys, whose form is enigmatic should post another victory over Old Essendon whose only premiership points have come from their Bye . Collegians buoyed by last week's victory way out in Keilor, should make it two in a row today at the expense of Kew who have only won once . Therry have the Bye . SOUTH In the contest between first and last placed sides the leaders Old Xaverians should kick a score of leviathan proportions against the poorly performing VUT. Mazenod, unaccustomed to their lowly position, play Old Scotch who are secure in second place . Travelling out to Waverley has often proved distracting to Old Scotch whose players are not always familiar with outer suburban grounds . Today I select Old Scotch, to win narrowly, because they have proven the more talented team in 1996 . St Revins, who play Old Brighton-Bloods, will not be talented enough to halt the Combine's progress to the finals . Old Geelong return to mid-day playing conditions today on Como against De La Salle who should be able to win easily again and thus consolidate their position in the top four. Old :"elb s have the Bye.

(N-7 . PIÂŽ ~I_TC ~5 XT W_-, =i) JUl : 1 5 - ROUND 9




300 UP AT DE 1


On Sat. 1st June, one of De La's favourite sons creates a record for the club by playing in his 300th game. Danny "Tessa" Tessier, commenced his football career in 1978 in the U19s, progressing through the Reserves and Seniors and is currently a mainstay with the Club XVIII . Tessa has been a good and valued footballer over the many years, with his high marking, for a medium sized player, a feature . He has captained the Reserves and played in about 24 Final games, including 9 Grand Finals . He is loved and respected by all at De La.




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HA+TBOi ~: CIY7Zr ..;J 4 .3 8 .8 16 .10 22.14.146 TH€112T 1 .2 4 .4 7.5 7 .7.49 Hawthorn Citizens Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Tbeny Jurck, Motnar. Sandman. Goodwin . Smith, Keenana. Rizzo. Best Jurcic, Keenan, Dreer, Devereaux. Smith. Goodwin. MMICELLIN 5 .4 7.6 13 .12 14.15.99 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .1 5 .2 6.4 7 .5.47 Marseille Dodoricto 5, Dinneen 4, Kent 2, Vathakos, Paonessa, Perfkh . Best Cox. Thelsz, Daffy, Dinneen, Kent, Peaimen0 . North Old Boys Goat Kickers and Best Players not receb•ed . OLD ESSENDON 3 .2 4 .3 S.6 10 .7.67 COLLEGIANS 2 .4 6 .7 12.7 15 .7.97 Old Ea[eados Dip 5. boyle 3, Smlth, Swift . Best Swift. Dip, K. Gass. B. Gasa, Boyle, Smith. Colleglars, Oakley, Gonzales 5, Young . Taylor. Dunne. Kerss. Morrison . Best Lee. Gonzales, Wain, Young, Ashby, Oakley . OLD IYAWHOE 3 .2 6 .3 8.8 10.7.87 KEW 1 .2 3 .3 6.3 7 .7.49 Old Ivanhoe Wells 4 . Sharp, Myers 2, yarwood . DinwuskL Best Myers, Ritchie, Sharp, Wells; Yarwood . Vallotis. Sew Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .

CLUB XM SOUTH OLD 3AVffRWta 13 .12.9D OLD MMURNIANS 4.2.26 Old Zaaerlaas King 6, Kennedy, Hall, chambertzin, Stones . Flynn, Sadler, Rtes. Beat Connors, Fay, t(tng, Mallard . Flynn, Landrigan . Old Metbnralaas Branch0ower 2, Nelson .Nichols . Best Eggleton . Bardsley, Cornell. Nichols, Jensz. OLD SCOTCH 2.1 6.3 13.6 16.7 .103 ST. HE9niS 1 .1 2.1 3.1 4.1 .25 Old Scotch llitngworth 6, Pryde 3. MeLeish, Simpson . Aston 2, Godwin . Best Godwin, Gore, M. Bingtey, D. B1npJey llhngworth, Tribe. St . Nevins Lewin 2. Marks, Bo~yd . Best McDonald, Hooper, Goldsworthy, Stackpole. coagrifC Boyd . OLD !r€@BTON BLOODS 4.5 7.9 10.12 16 .14 .110 OID i-:-z .ANG 0.0 0.4 0.4 1.5.11 Old B~. -ton Bloods Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old ( ;.c :~ng Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . VUT 1.1 3.2 3.5 5.8 .3 6 DE LA SAI&€ 4,2 5.9 11.13 13.16 .94 VET Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . De La Salle Scales 4 . Bolt 3 Murphy 2 . Hynes, Hoy. Jacobs. Forbe s . Best Jennings, Jacobs, Murphy, Bolt, Forbes. Hoy.

FROM ROUI7) SIX - 25/5/c~ 3 Tony Mazzarella, Bulleen Cobras (Res .) -Threatening Umpire 5 matches * Mark Stratton, Bulleen Cobras (Res .) - Abusive Language 2 matches * Brad Dalton, Chrinside Park (U19) - Striking - 2 matches Paul Ott, Beaumaris - Failed to attend tribunal -1 match ° Cameron Smythe, Collegians (U19) -Attempt to Strike 1 matc h Brian Patterson, Old Brighton - Charging - 4 matches * Simon fheodore, Old MeIbumians - Striking - 2 matches Michael Lynch, Old Paradians (U19) - Striking - 2 matches Nectar Antonopoulos, Parkside - Unduly rough play 3 matches ' A. Inzitari, Thomastown - Strikirtg - 2 matches ' Benjamin Hall, University Reds - Abusive Language - 2 matches M. Carbone, Whitefdars - Striking - 4 matches P . Cohan, Whitefriats -Tripping - 3 matches Leigh Stott, Bulleen-Templestwre-Unsatisfactory evidence1 match ° Accepted prescribed penalt y INVESTIGATIONS FROM HIMRINGS 28/5/96 Charges of conduct unbecoming a club of the VAFA against Bulleen-Templestowe from match against Ivanhoe pla e~ May 18. Coach Phil Maylin issued with a severe reprimand for abuse of umpires. Club found guilty of two other charges of misconduct including poor spectator behaviour. Club put on a suspended fine of $400 to be imposed and added to any other like offence the club may be found guilty of for the duration of the 1996 season. Fine lapses at the end of current season . 37

Hugh Lyon

U19 SECTIONS by Brett Connel l

Knitwear F OUR SECTIONS, SEVEN WEEKS IN, B UT ONLY THREE UNDEFEATED TEAM S Review of last week's matches Division One an important clash for both Old Paradians an d Old Melburnians at Bundoora, a tight match was the order of the day. OM's rebounding after a loss to Old Xavs the week previous and OP's coming off a big win against NOBS. However my selection of OM's was proved wrong as OP's showed a little more at the beginning and were not headed at any change to run out (10) point winners. For OP's Wilson, Joyce and Millership were fine players, while for. OM's Morell , Bains an d Cloke were in everything. Old Xavs proved far to strong for Therry at home and a (15) goal to (2) first half told the story, for Xavs Barrett ( 12), Boland, Perry and Coughlan were impressive . St. Bernards handed NOBS a football lesson booting (32) goals to (15), with Bateman (6), Mount and Peel best for St . Bernards . Uni Blues blew away Co llegians with (18) goals to (1) in the first half to once again send their percentage through the roof. Morrison, Brockley, Hanlon an d Versteegen (8) were fine players for the Blues, while Briglia, Proctor an d Vandervenne were gallant in defeat . AJAX lost to De La Salle in a very low scoring affair, with only (11) goals kicked for the match. De La Salle although winning booted (23) points which could have proved costly in the end result percentage wise . For the vanquished Page, Rath and Kaplan were best, while for De La Kemp, Butler and Moore were major contributors . Division (2) White Warringal got back onto the winners list last week with a solid victory over Be La Salle (2) . An (8) goal opening term was to prove far to big a margin to pull back . Woodlock ( 12), Kinnear and Harte best for Warringal . St. Leos WP Emmaus pushed Uni Blacks for the whole match but found themselves some (35) points in arrears at the finish, for St . Leos WP Emmaus Schlitter, Sheahan and J . Smith were solid all day, while for Blacks best were McCormack-Brennan (5), Murphy, Dohler an d Gellie (6) . Old Camberwell hosted Section leaders St. Kevins at Balwyn and in a tight contest proved too good in too many positions on the day. With only (3) points separating the teams at 3/4 time the game was poised for a great last quarter, and that it was with Old Camberwell booting (3) goals to St. Kevins (1) to win by (19) points . Whitehead, Watson and Webb were excellent players for Old Camberwell, with Day, McArdle an d Goldsworthy fine players for SKOBS . Williamstown jumped Bulleen-Templestowe in the first quarter and were never headed winning comfortably in the finish . Once again for the Bullants they were well served by Lambropoulos, Pappadopoulos and Daskalou, while Cocks, Thiege, Burgess (9) an d B. Wouda (8) were best for Williamstown. 38

Division (2) Blue . Ormond were besieged in the firs t quarter ny mazen o who booted (6) straight goals and were never to recover, despite coming home strongly in the second half . For the Nodders Ward (7), Young and Dunne were best, while for the 'Monds Brown, Stielow and Taylor battled all day. Monash Blues worked hard all day against a stronger Beaumaris side and were always in trouble after not scoring a goal in the first half . Horafall, Herrman an d Hodson -for Uni and McKenzie, Boctor (12) and Ferguson for Beaumaris were all fine performers for their teams on the day. Old Haileybury ran over St . Kilda Sth. Caulfield to win comfortably in the finish Dowling, Byrns and P . Langford-Jones were best for the Bloods, while Cranston, Merrick and Weilgeisz were best for St. Kilda Sth . Caulfield . Caulfield Grammarians defeated Hampton Rovers after booting (7) goals to (3) in the first quarter. Despite the Rovers fighting back and losing by only (11) points a poor start surely cost them this one . For the 'Fields Goldsworthy, Stumbles (7) an d Liddel were best, while for the Rovers Blick, Zuker and Lake never gave i n Division (2) Red Old Paradians (2) and Yarra Valley clashed at Bundoora in a high scoring affair with Yarra Valley winning their third game for the year . For OP's L.Turner, Howard and Redford were best, while for the victors Drew, McConnell and Ford were hard to go past as Yarra Valley's best . Whitefriars moved to second position on the ladder with a resounding victory over Marcellin, after an even second half the 'Friars kicked (8) second half goals to (1) to win in what was an important game for both sides . Vandenbloom, M. Jongebloed and Pawlick were in everything for the 'Friars while Marcellin were well served by Stephens, Karavasills and Ryan . Aquinas thumped neighbour Chirnside Park by (17) goals to move to fifth on the ladder, they were best served by Cultera, Burch and R . Moran, while for the Parkers no-one tried harder than McKinnon, Banks, Adams and Wyngaard . Old Scotch jumped Old Trinity in the first half to lead by close to (5) goals at half time and although Old Trinity hit back in the second half Old Scotch won in the finish by (2) goals . Better players were Thompson, Tindale and Davis for Old Scotch and Beardsley, Klindworth and Shaughnessy for Old Trinity . Preview of today's games Division One Therry host Old Paradians at Glenroy and given last week's performance by Old Paradians against Old Melburnians I cannot see Therry stopping OP's charge for the four. Old Xaverians will welcome AJAX to Toorak Park with open arms and then dissect them mercilessl y 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

winning comfortably to firmly entrench themselves in the four at the break . Old Melburnians have now lost two on the trot and today host St . Bernardo who have their sights set firmly on a spot in the four at the break, Kevin Mahardy will have his boys fired up and after a strong showing last week St . Bernards should find themselves in the four or just outside it at 5pm today after defeating OM's . North Old Boys host Uni Blues at the Alec Gillon and will be shown what Section 1 Premiers and Champicns play like, Blues by plenty . In the final match Cgllegians host De La Salle at the Holdsworth Oval and on pievious form De La Salle should win comfortably . Selections : Old Paradians, Old Xaverians, St . Bernards, Uri . Blues & De La Salle Division (2) White Uni Blacks host Warringal at the Crawford Oval in what is an extremely important match for both teams, with both sitting 5th and 6th respectively on the ladder . Warringal's forward line can be dangerous and Blacks have a strong defence, in a toss up Warringal to win in a close game . St . Leos WP Emmaus host BulleenTemplestowe at Bennettswood and should prove too strong, although the Bullants should match St . Leos WP Emmaus for at least the first half. De La Sall e (2) host Old Camberwell at Basil Street and will find Old Camberwell far too strong in the finish . St. Kevins face another danger game against Old Geelong at the Righetti Oval today, with much hinging on the result . OG's have been improving slowly and are sitting in 4th position, while SKOBS although sitting on top were inflicted with their first defeat just last week . At Righetti and on the rebound SKOBS in a close game . Williamstown the bye . Selections : Warringal, St. Leos WP Emmaus, Old Camberwell & St . Kevins Division (2) Blue

Ormond travel to Monash Uni in search of their

fourth victory for the season and if the 'Monds start as slow as they have done in the past few weeks they will struggle to shrug off a determined Uni side . At home Uni are a tough team to defeat but the Monds should have too much strength today. Mazenod host St. Kilda Sth. Caulfield at home and should win to keep themselves firmly entrenched in the four at the break . Old Haileybury and Caulfield Grammarians clash in what will be a fine match from start to finish, Old Haileybury will have too much fire power up forward for the 'Fields to contend with. Hampton Rovers host Old Brighton and on last week's form the Rovers would need to start very well today to beat Old Brighton, who will be looking today to consolidate their spot in the four, and should do so although not by much. Beaumaris have the bye. Selections : Ormond, Mazenod, Old Haileybury & Old Brighton Division (2) Red Marcellin will rebound strongly to the winners list today at the expense of Old Paradians (2) . Peter Randall will make sure that his boys finish off strongly and they will win well today . Yarra Valley and Aquinas now shapes as a very important game for both teams, Aquinas sitting just outside the four, and Yarra Valley coming off a morale boosting win last week looking for another win this week . In a toss of the coin Yarra Valley to maintain their winning form . Chirnside Park host Old Scotch and will find Old Scotch too strong in all elements of the game today. Especially with their spot in the four up for grabs should they falter. In the final match Old Carey coming off the bye should prove too strong for Old Trinity who began the season like world beaters but have come back to the field in recent weeks . Whitefriars have the bye. Selections: Marceilin, Yarra Valley, Old Scotch & Old Carey Under 1 9 - Continued on Page 46 >

The following teams as at Round 6 had scored (4) or more Discipline Ratings of (A) .

Bulleen-Te plestŽ e North Old Boys White ° s Old Brighton Old Melburnians Uni . Blues Old Scotch Yarra Valley LTni . Blacks Congratulations to the coach, players and officials of these teams, you have been a credit to your club and the VAFA in general . Well done. LT 19 Sub-Committe e 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 39

5 YEARS AGO - 1991 _~eams appreciated wonderful fine weather condi1 tions in perhaps the highest scoring round in the last 20 years . 38 of the 62 senior teams topped the century with Old Trinity (B) scoring 30 .30 at the expense of Uni Blacks . The Cordner Oval saw both home team Old i:?'elburnians and Ormond keen to record first win . Well, they turned on a magnificent high scoring game to record their the highest aggregate of the round, 307 points, and the greatest number of goals in a term . Yes, tired and all, at the last change it was OM's 11 .4 to Ormond 21 .13 . It finished up Ormond victors 29 .16 to 18.9, 15 goals in the final term. Best were Burden, McCooke, Brown (Orm) an d A . Witts, Webb, R . Nelson (OK .

Collegians continued their good form when they overran Old Scotch in the final term coming from 11 points behind to win by 14 points, 19 .13 to 17.11 . Best were Oliphant, Mount (8 goals), Wright (Coll .) and Allen, B . Steele, Hume (Old Scotch). Alan Jeans was guest speaker at the VAFA Coaches Association first education night . Congratulations at St . Bernards to 150 games Robert 'Perce' Purcell , the long left foot kicking former U19 Captain, and B Section 1987 Premiership player and Peter 'Irish' O'Dea, 250 games, Reserves Captain, Reserves B&F 5 times, a Life Member and great St Bernards man . What a performance by Hampton Rovers in D, on the bottom with one win out of six, they came out against top team Old Ivanhoe out at Ivanhoe, to be level at half time, and then steamed away in the second half to win 23 .20 to 18 .15 . Best were Panagiotidis ( 10 goals), Hoggett, Deluca (Hamp. Rov.) and Huber, Smith and Dyson (Old Ivan.) . Ajax held on to equal top in D and kept MHSOB out of the four when they trailed 11 .2 to 18 .13 at the final change and kicked 9 .6 to 1 .2 to win by 9 points . Stars were Klooger ( 6 goals), Bloom, G . Sheezel (Ajax) and Dawson, C . Tyrrell and Comer (MHSOB) . 10 YEARS AGO - 1986 Under 19 team opened the day against the VFA and it was a disappointing performance by an "on paper" strong VAFA team which was defeated 9 .11 to 17.12 . The team was second to the ball except for the third quarter and their performance was in contrast to the stronger and more determined opposition of the VFA. Craig Clark (Ormond) and Tony Klarica (De La Salle) won the trophies . Coach Langford-Jones was happy with the result of the CDEF team's match against an undernamed Monaro (ACT) team, 26.20 to 3 .4 . David Gregory (Bala.) and Stuart Carboon (State Bank) were the trophy winners . 40

The Senior team ~ went down to th e VFA. Two points ahead of half time ,

6.7 to 6.5, the VAFA were outscored 4 .1 to 8 .8 in the second half to lose by 29 points in a ve ry competitive game . The team was : B . : Andrew Smythe (Bull-Temp), Rick Schober (Coll), Paul Considine (NOB) . H .B. : Robert Fuller ( Old Scotch), Mick O'Dea ( St Bern .), Peter Ryan ( DLS) . C . : Greg Tregear ( Coll .), Alan Nalder ( Caul.), Andrew Witts (Old Melb .) . H .F. : Tony Cahill (NOB), Mick Deveson (DLS) (C), Ian Herman (Coll .) . F . : Simon Meehan (St Kilda), Peter Wright (NOB), Charlie Capiron (St Kilda) . Rucks: Nick Heath (Uni Blacks), Dominic Spillane (Old Par .), Peter Adams ( I'hoe) . I/C : Ray Berzins (Caul . Gr), Tony Loton (I'hoe), Ch ris Taylor (I'hoe) . John Fisher was coach . Trophies went to Robert Full er an d Andrew Smythe. Other good players were Meehan , Schober, Considine and Cahill . The CDEF team was: B . : David Gregory (Bala.), David Muller (MHSOB), Craig Robison (St Kevins OB) . H .B . : Luch Jakoveski (Cob .), Andrew Allibon (Old T.), Allen Coffey (Heath.) . C . : Vince Sciacca (Old Men.), Roger Paul ( Old H .) (C), Peter Bell (T'town) . H .F . : Wayne Sh and (Old H .), Stuart Corbet (State), Tony Fellowes (T'town) . F. : David O'Shaughnessy (Old T .), John Meese (P'ton), Mark Sedgwick (Cob .) . Rucks : Stuart Carboon (State), Tony Norm an ( Old T.), Steve Wiltshire (Pen OB) . I/C : Roger Gerny (old H .), Martin Legge (Ban .), Vic Zannin ( UHSOB). VAFA Umpires were : Under 19 : C . Swale (F), M . Se rong (G), CDEF : J. Horwood ( F), M . Murray, J . Hall (G), A . Dight, B . Sierakowski ( B) . Senior : B. Goodman (F), D . Hillier (G) . 15 YEARS Victoria played W.A . on the muddiest Elsternwick Park seen for m any years and kept W.A. goa ll ess 21 .6 to 0 .4. The team was Lockie (U. Blues), O rton (U . Blues), Pisarski ( 0. Melb .), S. Costello (C) (U . Blacks), Pirri e (0 . Xavs .), Bourke (DLS), Dobbie (U . Blues), Borcich (NOB), Barnes ( Ormond), Murphy ( DLS), Dillon (NOB), Sherwin (Old Scotch), Gedye ( 0 . Bright .), Preistly (0 . Bright .), Fletcher (Kew), Carroll (NOB), Assetta (0 . Parad .), G . Jones (0 . Bright .), Deighton (U . Blacks), Perrett (U . Blacks), John Fisher was coach, and Peter Nathan was manager . Best were Carroll, Assetta, Fletcher, Bourke, Barnes . Priestly kicked 10 goals. The team selected from C, D, E F Sections to play Tasmania at Abbotsfield Park, Claremont, Hobart was : Delan ey ( B-Temp .), Hum ann (0 . Camb .) , THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Norton (0 . Ment.), McKenzie (St Kilda 0B), Hayward (0. Geel .), Purcell (Cob .), Taylor (MHSOB), Vallance (A1ph.), Gerny (0 . Hail .), Hockins (Alph .), McNamara (St Pius), Glenn (0 . Carey), Ling (B-Temp .), J . Steven (0 . Camb .), White (Therry), Handley (Coburg), Bunting (0 . Trinity), Brockwell (C) (W . Bruns .), Rosewarne (E'wick), Harisiou (T'town), Hobba (Banyule) . After trailing at the final change Victoria, with Hobba prominent kicked 5 goals to 1 to win 12 . 13. 85 to 9.19. 71 . Best were Steven, Taylor, Delaney, Brockwell , Gerny, Hobbs ( 5 goals) . 20 YEARS AGO - 1976

Tony Sherman ( St Kilda CBOC) became only the second player in the club to reach 250 games and 250 to Danny "Ferrett Head" Gleeson (Parkside) . Michael Power became the first Marcellin club member to reach 150 games, and had played in the club's 15 final matches since the club joined the VAFA in 1971 . 200 to "Bull " Howe, the first Assumption player to reach that mark. St Kilda (B) stopped Old Scotch's winning run, 10.14 to 9.8 . Best were Kellaway, Carroll, Drinan, (St Kilda) and Anderson, Speer, King (Old Scotch) . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 1 La Trobe Blacks had a 99 point win over AJAX with best for the winners Hall, Witte and White and 4 goals each from Lamont, Cox and Hall . Clash of the Reserve round was between Melbourne High's "Uncle Barry ( 'Billard Ball') McDonald" and nephew Bob "Chrome Dome" McDonald with Caulfield Grammarians - honours were even with 3 goals each! ANZ Bank surprised top "E" Section team State Bank to win by 19 points. Don Clipper made a good debut with 3 goals, while Jackson, Hewins and McGregor were amongst the best .

Dave Burgin scored a timely goal in the closing moments to give St Bernard's a 3 point win over

Monash Blues with the final scores being 15 .9 to 15.6 . Hannaberry (5 goals), Rackharn and J . Harvey starred for the victors and Watsford, Galbraith and Lane were best for Monash. 30 YEARS AGO - 196 6 In the Interstate match at St Kilda Cricket Ground, Victoria won the game against Tasmania by 49 points . Best for Victoria against Tasmania were Fisher (Kew), Lucas (Collegians), Taylor (Kew), Wilcox (Univ. Blues), Dick (MHSOB) and P. Cohen (Univ . Blues) . Victoria also defeated South Australia at the Adelaide Oval by 26 points . Best were Cayzer (Caul . Gram.), Warfe (Coburg), Edwards (C'wealth Bank), Thompson (0 . Melb.), D . Williams ( Caul. Gram.) and Chaffey ( Caul. Gram.) . 100 games to Barrie Kerr ( Old Melburnians their scribe called him "our most colourful player for a long time" - Terry "Cuppa" Carman (Caul. Gram.) and Ron Wilson (Hampton Rovers). To quote "Young Norm Beattie showed outstanding ability in his first game with Coburg Reserves . Although only 17, he moved like a veteran and will be a star of the future" . (Norm went on to win two "A" Section Best and Fairests and represent Victoria many times) . 45 YEARS AGO - 195 1 Times never change! A footnote to the "A " Section ladder reads as follows : "Brunswick-Uni . Blacks game on May 5 declared 'No Match' as each club played an unregistered player" . Commonwealth Bank still on top in "A" Section, undefeated, continued to win well . Level with the Blacks at the last change, they kicked 5 .2 to 1 .4 . Collegians with dreadful kicking, 11 .22, went down to Old Melburnians 16 .10. Malvern (B Section) and Elsternwick (D) were both undefeated .

DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED BY HONE TEAL] Club XVIII and Reserve Sectio n FINAL SIREN SCORES - PHONE 9531 8333 Senior Section and Under 1 9 FINAL SIREN SCORES BEFORE 5 p .m . - PHONE : 9528 3319 / 9528 24 71 A and B Sec t ion Q by Q SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SIX BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams) To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m .

PHONE : 9531 8333




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- ` V Club Travel L IAES CORNE R by Steve McCarthy and Anthony ®arneri

e are sure that all fans of Umpires Corner will applaud the innovation introduced to last week' s edi ti on (Vol.96 No. 7) of the Amateur Footballer. The Index on Page i will make it much easier to get to the column that provides information on rule reviews, umpirin g requirements and personality profiles to educate and entertain our readers . ® ®


As part of our educational focus we provide this week's edition of Ronnie's Rule of the Week and we believe it is approp riate to review Rule 11 .5 .1 . The rule reads: - A player in possession of the ball who has had a reasonable time (p rior opportunity) to dispose of the ball must, when legally held by an opponent firmly enough to retard his progress, dispose of the ball by a kick or handball within a reasonable time of being held, otherwise a free kick shall be awarded against the player for fai ling to dispose of the ball in a legal manner . Ch anges from previous instructions on tackling the player in possession an d implementation of the above law are: 1 . When a player has had a reasonable time to dispose of the ball and is tackled legally, the ball spills to the ground . Free kick to tackler for ille al disposal . 2 . When a player has had a reasonable time to dispose of the ball and is tackled legally the ball is pinned to him. Free kick for holding the ball . When a player is in possession of the ba ll remember that all - illegal tackles are to be penalised. This shall ensure that the ball player is protected at all times and given a reasonable time to dispose of the ball . This rule has certainly given umpires, players, coaches, officials an d spectators plenty of scope for discussion fore, du ring and after the match . be ® ®


This week we highlight two umpires who celebrate their 100th game - our "twins" Craig Brajtberg and Venanzio Vescovi, Nickname: CB- Bradles, VV- Vinnie . Memories of first match: CB- None, it was a forfeit, VVvery very hot day. Occupation : CB-fitness instructor/part time corporate work, VV- Electrical Inspector . Car: CBToyota Corolla, VV- Hyundai . What I like about umpiring: CB- friendship and fitness (running thousands of laps around EP every year), VV- training mateship and the mental and physical challenge . Words of advice to youngsters : CB- Work hard and be dedicated, VV- do not give up . Suggested improvement to football: CB- all teams play each other twice in the AFL, VV- Bring back the VFL. Pet football hates : CB and VV- Whining players and cold showers . Hobbies/Spo rts: CB- Basketball, Golf, Tennis . Favourite Food: CB and VV- Pasta. Drink : CBPepsi, VV- Beer, Wine . Boyhood Sporting Idols : CBStephen Kernahan and Wayne Johnston, VV- Sergio THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Silvani . Most memorable match : CB- 1995 C Grade Reserve First Semi final at EP as a field umpire, VV 1992 U19 South Grand Final as a boundary umpire. Biggest Influence on career: CB- Family, Brian Bulluss and Colin Purss (MSJFL), VV- my wife Ivana and Richard Eastwood . Best Umpires: CB- Wayne Hinton, Kevin Segota, Rowan Sawers, VV- Kevin Segota, Richard Eastwood, Richard Simon and Robert Bell . Personal Ambition : CB- to umpire in the AFL and to umpire higher grades in the VAFA, VV- to move up the grades and umpire every game to the best of my ability. Dream dinner party guests: CBElle McPherson, Claudia Schiffer, VV- producers of Almost Footy Legends tape so I can receive my royalties . Ultimate non-footy sporting fantasy: CB- playing basketball with the Chicago Bulls, VV- access to winners prior to the race and my wife accepting the phone bets . Congratulations to you both and we all hope you enjoy celebrating your achievement umpiring together today. ® ®


As promised last week the odds have been listed for the Lygon St Bounce Off: G. Thwaites 7/4, C. Segota 2/1, W. Hinton 3/1, D. Lane 5/1, K. Segota 6/1, R Bell 15/1, M . Rossato 10/1, M. McCrohan 10/1, M . Pinney 10/1, R Simon 25/1, L . Gallagher 30/1, W . Henry 15/1, G. Curran 25/1, A. Ladd 40/1 and M. Jackson 100/ 1 . ® ®


What is 'Rotation' ? Commencing last week that capital R beside an umpire's name indicates that umpire from a higher grade has been placed in the lower grade for that round only . Rotation provides the following: 1 . enables experienced umpires to keep up with the trends of lower grade football and players. 2. gives players and coaches the opportunity to be umpired by more experi enced umpires which provided a perspective on how the game is umpired in the higher grades. 3. gives inexperienced umpires the opportunity to gain valuable insight on how to umpire their ski lls . 4. gives the umpire with some years of expe rience the ch ance to umpire at a higher level than he may otherwise not get if a ll umpires above are umpiring well. ® ®


Apologies to Jonathan Stevenson for his profile not appearing in last week's edition . Rest assured he will appear in the forthcoming weeks . 8 ®


Congratulations to Graham Thwaites on his return to A Section, Bill Fowler on his appointment to A Section and Dave Fowler on his 200th game (profile to be included in the next couple of weeks) MACCA AND AD A^t



. I J _~ :-


om a very early age we are told of the legenda ry P Ten Commandments" an d the importance of obeying them and the rewards for doing so. Football also has its "Ten Commandments" and there are rewards for those who "obey" them . I was fortunate enough to spend a season at Fitzroy who were coached at the time by Len Smith brother of the legendary Melbourne Coach Norm Smith . Len was a radical thinker who changed the style of football through the development of the play-on game using the outlawed "flick-pass", long kicking and players running together . He effectively ended the "mark and kick" game and today's game is an extension of Len's concepts . Some of the most notable advocates of Len's philosophies are Ron Barassi, Alan Jeans, Kevin Sheedy and John Northey. I have always retained a copy of Len's "Ten Commandments" and am pleased to revive them for consideration by coaches of the 1990's . They are : IN ATTACK:

1 . Get the ba ll through the goals by the quickest possible method . (a) kicking - long kicks to a team mate, (b) handball - play the ball quickly. 2 . Keep in front at a ll times . It is the best place to obtain possession. It is the best place to get a free kick . 3. Two men together at all times . Two men will always beat one opponent . Provide assistance to the one in possession by tackling, shepherding, backing up . 4. No packs or crushes: one on ball , others scout . Hit or kick ball out of congested play to team mate making position to receive . 5 . Inte lligent yelling at all times . Specific audible messages to team mates . eg . "Over here John", "You're clear John" etc . 6. Look for crumbs - in front, side and behind . 3 out of 4 kicks are earned from crumbs . only one contests the mark and others crumb all sides of the pack - not too close . IN DEFENCE :

7. Mind your man closely. Always be prepared for the unexpected as well as the predictable . 8 . Concentrate on the mark . Keep your eyes on the opponent with the ball from the mark or free kick and don't look around at others . 9. Stop opponent from playing on. Don't let him run past and receive a handpass . Don't let him play on when he has the ball . 44


10. T ackle opponent - don't bump him into position. Grab opponent firmly - he could 'ride' a bump and gain a better position. Space limitations have forced me to precis some comments relevant to each "commandment" but I am sure that all coaches would love to have each of his players obey" these "commandments" as a team every week . Max Lyon AFCA/VAFA Committee Member

AFCA/VAFA Senior Coach of the Month NAME: Dave Roger s CLUB : Monash Blues - Section D PLAYING HISTORY : 200 games with Old Trinity. B Grade Premierships 92 and '94. Captain '94-'95 . B grade comp B & F'9? COACHING HISTORYFirst year/Playing Coach COACHING PHILOSOPHY: To create an atmosphere where all players want to give their best. FUTURE AMBITION : To improve my coaching so that I am able to coach at the highest level I am capable of.

MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKS Books on all major sports 9 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, 3000 - Phone : 9621 1211 Owner/Manager : Santo Carus o Trading hours: Mon. -Thurs. 9.30 a.m. - 5 .30 p.m. Friday 9 .30 a.m . - 7.00 p .m .; Saturday 9 .30 a .m . -1 .00 p.m.

Clubs must phone final siren scores to Nancy 9528 3319 (before 5 p .m .) before ringin g through 0/Q scores ; g oalkickers and best players (both teams) to EP 9531 3333 (before 5 .15 p.m.)


Last Sunday at Elsternwick Park the fifth round of FIDA football took place . With the two Bendigo teams and the Magpies having the bye all (6) matches were played at Elsternwick . Heidelberg opened up the day with a strong win over the hapless M itcham Tigers . Heidelberg's win puts them in second place by percentage from both Chadstone and Keilor . On Oval No . 1 Karingal and Ringwood clashed as lst and 2nd, however Karingal proved too strong and won comfortably in the finish . Keilor played Chadstone in the second Division 1 game on the No . 2 Oval and won convincingly, although Chadstone were well short of players Keilor should be more than happy with two wins from four matches . Marlbyrnong and Hawthorn fought out a close game all day, however it was Maribyrnong who finished in front at the final bell by (10) points . Broadmeadows relished the spaces of the No.2 Oval and ran rings around Werribee, while the Marlins did the same to Parkside who battled hard but to no avail . PREVIEW - ROUND 6

This weekend there is (6) matches all up to be played at three different venues . At Brunswick on Sunday the Magpies take on Broadmeadows in search oif their first victory for season 1996, unfortunately they meet Division three leaders Broadmeadows who will win well . Heidelberg clash with Chadstone in the second match in what promises to be a rippper, with both teams fighting today for outright second spot . Going on last week's results Heidelberg should win comfortably, but I would not be surprised if Chadstone surprise in a form reversal . In the final match at Brunswick Werribee play Parkside an d on ladder positions Werribee should prove too strong today. Hawthorn and Karingal clash on Saturday at Victoria Park Reserve Hawthorn, as a curtain-raiser match to the Hawthorn Citizens their host club. In what should be a very entertaining match Karingal should be victorious in the finish . On Sunday at Bendigo Mitcham and Ringwood take on Bendigo 1 and 2 respectively. Mitcham yet to win a game face a tough ask against Division 1 leaders, and will find themselves beaten convincingly in the end, but not before putting up a fight. In the Division 2 match

Ringwood should prove too strong for Bendigo 2 and bounce back after their loss to Karingal last week. Keilor, Maribyrnong and Marlins all have the bye . . . . All players and coaches are reminded that lost property is a concern once again this season . Many items of clothing and footwear are being left behind on match days. Please be aware of this and check changerooms before leaving the grounds after your match . Also teams are reminded that valuables should not be left in the changerooms during match days . Valuables should be locked away during match times and returned to players on completion of the match, this saves any concern about valuables going missing on match days . . All clubs are reminded that scores from each week's FIDA round of matches appears in the Monday Age Sports section following the VAFA results . Y 9


Player of Round 5- Stephen Fernando (Marlins) LADDERS :

Division 1 : Team Played Won Lost Drawn For Agst % Pis Bendigo (1) 4 4 0 0 297 53 560.37 16 Heidelberg 4 2 2 0 244 74 329.32 8 Chadstone 4 2 2 0 136 96 141 .6 8 Keller ' 4 . 2 2 0 61 199 30 .65 8 Mitcham 4 0 4 0 31 321 9.65 0 ' received forfeit

Division 2: Karingal 4 4 0 0 296 100 296 16 Maribyrnong 4 3 1 0 140 135 103 .7 12 Ringwood ' 4 2 2 0 100 167 59 .88 8 Bendigo (2) 4 1 3 0 81 119 68.06 4 Hawthorn 4 0 4 0 107 203 52.7 0 ' received forfeit Division S : Broadmeadows 4 4 0 0 513 20 2565 16 Marlins 4 3 1 0 403 8 5037.5 12 Werribee 4 2 2 0 232 368 63 .04 8 Parkside 4 1 3 0 138 394 69.28 4 Magpies 4 0 4 0 46 564 8 .15 0 ' received forfei t

If shorts are worn they must be wh Re club shorts only. If tracksuit pants, they must be navy blue only - - --THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 45

C UlYDI : 19 SECTION 1 OLD P.±°ADIBHS 5.3 10.7 11.9 13 .12.90 OLD Li : : ,BURNIAHS 3.3 7.5 10 .7 12.8.80 Old Parteltans Phelan 3. Wilson, Gak, Dinunosante 2, Flynn, Harris, Phelan, Pbenges . But Wtlson, Joyce . MOkrship . Woodham, Flynn, Phelan. Old Me~urnlans Berry, Mumey, Rutherford 3, Coach 2, Wright Best Morell, Hams, Cbke . M➢kr, Banks, Jenkins. OLD BAVERIAHS 7,8 15 .13 24.23 38.25.241 THERRY 0.1 2.2 2 .2 2.3.15 Old 8averinna Barrett 12, Hardwick, Alston, Fleming 4, Drake. Boland 2, Bailey, Somerv@e, Hawkins, Hitbert, Ryan. Adanu, innes. Coughlan. Bat Barrett, Boland. Perry, Coughlan, Balky, lacrorengelo. merry 7ampo na, Brady . Best Britdis, Vanengkn . Jacobsen . Croekford, Slaryk, Mabney. ST BERILMILD' 8.5 18.8 20.10 92.13.205 NORTH OLD 0078 2 .7 3.9 7.12 15.14.104 It Bermuds Bateman. McLean 6. Dowling 5, lanrano 4. O'Connor 3 . 0'Su1lMran. Swann 2 . Ra . Thomas, Ferns . Overman. Best Bateman . Mount. Peel, McKeon. Hogan, O'Connor. North Old Boys Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . UNIVERSITY BLUES 7.2 18.6 24.14 34.2 02 1.3 2 .4 2.4.16 1COLEGIANS Untvudty Blsea Vers[agcn 8 . Halligan 6 . Johnson S. Hanlon, Kelly. Lchman 3, Brockky. Roy~dhouse 2, Hart, Watts. Beat Morrison, Brockky, Hanion, Versteegen. Fatrbank, Ketty. CoBeglaa Van Dec Venne, Szyers. Best BrigtW, Pmctur, Vandervenne . Walsh, FbrenBne. MAX 2.0 4.3 5 .6 5.8.38 DEI.A RULE 1.5 3 .12 8.21 6 .23.59 Ajax Snow 2, Davis, Samuel. Segar. Bat Page . Rath . Kaplan. Carew, Srww, Segar. On La Salle Lee, Ktng, Moore. Healy, Thomas, harper. Said Kemp, Butler, Moore. Limber. Harper, King.

UNDER 19 2 WHITE 8.2 19.2 25.5 33,9.207 WARRINGAL DEI.ASAtZE(2) 2 .1 3.4 4.12 5.19.49 W_ Vat Woodbck 12, Kinnear 4. Canceler, Anderson. Playfair 3. Hopkins 2. Rossincei. Sheean. Anderson. Bestl Woodlock . Kinnear, Harte, Playfair, Witchell . Rossimel. De L. Sidle, (2) Goal Kickers and Best Players nat received . ST LEO'S EMHAUB WP 2.2 5.5 8.8 9.11 .65 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .6 5.10 9.12 13.12.90 St Leos Emmaus WP Major. Schhtter 2 . Vorzo, Hodder. Lear. McNally . Newey . Best Schlitter. Sheahan, South . Major. McCann, Carey . University Blacks Celtic 6, McCormack-Brennan 5, Raffaele 2 . Bertl McCormack . Brennan, Murphy, Golder. Ward, RaFiaele, Oswald, OLD CAMBERWELL 2.1 7,5 9.6 12.12 .84 ST 11E71118 3.1 5.2 9.3 10.5.85 Old Camberwell Hayes, Hancock 3, Hardman 2, Nordic, Cook . Board, Williams. Best Whitehead . Watson. Webb, Denovan, Richmond, Hayes . at 8esins 0'Brkn. Gar gano. Dclahay 2 . Pnxtta. Baker. Large, Marusic. But Day . McArdle, Gokfswarthy, O'Brien, Funston. BUId.EEN-TEMPLESTOWE 1 .1 2.2 4.3 4.3.27 49D.LI430STOWN CYMS 8.5 12.13 23.15 31 .20,206 BWleen-Temptatowe Walker 2 . lambropoulos. Pappadopoulos. Best tambropoulos. Pappadopoulos, Daskalou, King. Kkrtdes. GanWHtia®stowo CM Burgess 9. Wouda 8, McCutheon 5. Cockerill 4, Cocks, Kennedy. Mackky, Matthews . Thkge . Best Cocks, Thkge, Burgas . Wouda, McCutheon. Matthews. UNDER 19 2 BLUE oRMOND Be 2,7 7.10 12.13 17 .16.118 HIAZENOD 8,0 13.4 17.8 21 .10.136 Ormond Murphy, Franklin 3, Metz, Hanley 2. Brown. Byron, Larkin, Lehner, King. Wiiedemann, South . But Brown, Stielow. Tay(or, Murphy, Bailey . Metz. Mareaod Ward 7. Hawkins 4. Young 3, Evans 2. Kelly . Meadows, Clifford . Quinn, Rouseh. Most Ward . Young, Dunne . Johnson. Di Scala. Riley. MONA3fIBWES 0 .3 0.5 1.8 3.7,25 BEAUMARIS 4.1 12,8 20,14 31 .18,204 Mounds Blues Lawrence 2. Cameron. Batl Horsfall, Herman, Hodson. Wagstaff. Riordan, O'Neill . Besumaris Boctor 12, Fisher 4. Pitts. Thatcher 3 . MeKenzk, Celan. Whitaker 2. McGrath. Vance . Carroll. Best McKenzie. Doctor, Ferguson, Pitts, Mlher, Wadham. ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4 .2 5 .5 5.6 7.8 .50 OLD HAILEYBImT 7.6 13.14 21.24 28 .29.197 St Ends South Cautneid Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. Old Hatieybmy Ladd 7, Byms, Carson 4, B. Langford-Jones. P, langfonl-Jones. Dowling 2. Clarke, Wiltshire, Deitz . Warden . Simms, Sutton, Fitoyd. But Dowling, Byms, P. LangfordJones. tadd, Flloyd Reid. CAtH,FtE1D GRAMMAR 7 .2 10.4 12.7 14.10.94 3.4 8.5 10.8 12,11 .83 HAMPTON ROVERS CautSeid Grammar Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Hamptoa Rovers Crouch 4, Marinis 3, Zuker 2 . Armour. Blick, Lake. Best Birk . Zuker. Iake. Dunball, Crouch . Anderson .

UNDER 19 2 RE D OLD PARADIA2iS (2) 1 .3 5.10 9.10 15 .18.106 YARRA VALLEY 5 .6 5 .6 15.8 18.9.117 Old Pat mares (2) Collins 4. Hurst Muldoon . Spuna Grabowski 2 . Price, Turner, Redford. Best Turner, Howard. Redford . Price. Teliey Collins. Yarra Valley Ford 7 . Telford 4, Morris. White 2 . Thompson, Laing, Mdl •. on . But Drew. McConnell . Ford, Laing . White. Hartnett WfnTEFR14RS 5 .3 8 .8 12.9 18 .11.107 MARCELLIN 2 .0 8 .1 8.3 9.7 .61 Whitetdars Fedek 4 . Jongebtoed, Molloy 3 . Beattie 2, Pawkk, F-ames, Davis. O'Connor. Best Vandenboom, Joogebtaed, Pawlkk, Eames . Mollop. Smith . Marcellln Badanjek 4, Dallarnre 3. Karavasilis, Bellissimo . But Stephens. Kamvasilis, Ryan, Crosby. Roberts . Dimattina. AQUINAS OO 5 .5 12 .8 18.13 26 .17.173 CHIRNSIDE PARR 3 .2 4 .5 5.8 9.11 .85 Aquinas OC Cultrera 9, Huggins 7. Thomas 3. Heveren . Gnffin 2 . Moran, Chapman. Kane. Best Cultrem, Burch. Moran . Kane. Chapman. Heveron . Chtmalde Park Wyngaard 3, Vioh . Allatt 2. Roach, Conte. Bat McKinnon . Banks. Adams. Wyngaard. OLD SCOTCH 4 .6 7,9 11 .10 13.16 .94 OLD TRDtITr 1 .2 3 .5 8.7 12.10 .62 Old Scotch Stevens 4, Thompson . Tmdak 2. Bird. Davis. Ford. Junkeer, panton. Best Thompwn. Tindak. Davis . Gwynn, Gilchrist. Teasdak. Old Trtdty Shaughnessy, Greig 3, Arrousmith 2. Newman, T . Cade . J . Cade . Fisher . But Beardsley. Klindunrth, Shaughnessy. Barr, Thomton. Greig.




TOTAL 25 23 22 41 33 27 54 27 25 32 27 20

o [ ~(7 ®j ~-~

SECTION 1 THERRY v . OLD PARADIANS Field: A . Carrick, S. Cook. OLD BAVERIANS v . MAX Field: D. Miller, B. McKee . OLD MELBURNIANS v. ST BERNARDS Field : M . Argall, A . Price. Gaol: R. Dunstan, D . Murray . NORTH OLD BOYS v . UNIVERSITY BLUES Field: M . Allen, P . Withtngham. COLLEGIANS v. DE LA SALLE Field : B. Schmidt, R. Killey. WHITE (2) UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. WARRINGAL Field : D . D'Altera, G . Armstrong. Goal : L. Wilson, B . Seymour. ST LEOS EbIMAUS v. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field: P. Bailey, C . Rennick, DE LA SALLE V. OLD CAMBERWELL (at Basil Street) Field : P. Callil, D . Ahchow, Goal : T, Robinson, T. Slater . ST KEVINS v . OLD GEELONG Field: G . Ridd . L. Gallagher . Goal : P. Allsop, S. Ryan . BLUE (2 ) MONASH BLUES v. ORMOND Field: G . Kelly, L . Demytko . MAZENOD v . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD Field: C . Keeton, D. Ischia. Goat' M. Venn, R . Richards (10 . OLD HAILEYBURY v . CAULFIELD GR, Field: D. Dalgleish, J. McGuran . Goa1' G. Use, S. Kahn . HAMPTON ROVERS v. OLD BRIGHTON Field- S . McCarthy (R), J. Bell. RED (2)

MARCELLIN v . OLD PARADIANS (2) Field: B. Buyck, F. Karabelas . YARRA VALLEY v. AQUINAS Field: A. Stubbs, C. Nash . CHIRNSIDE PARK v . OLD SCOTCH ( 1.15pm) Field B. Stewart, T. Creighton . Goal- A. Simpson (R), P . Gluyas. OLD TRINITY v. OLD CAREY Fietd : K. McMahon, I . Stevenson. Goal: A . Miller. G . Clancy . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

rate quickly and have the potential to cause damage . Perhaps it would be sensible if the wearers of these brands of boots obtain the "all clear" from the umpires before a game . ~

Edited by



ollowing last week's new directive from the Executive that for reserve section matches, a club can lodge $200 and a request that a report made by a registered reserves umpire must be heard by a Tribunal, the following interesting comment is made relating to last week's matches . One reserve section umpire not only reported one of his own players (which in itself would have been unheard of a couple of years ago), but he also indicated on the report that the case was serious and it was his recommendation that the case must be heard. Now that is the sort of responsibility we are trying to instil in all registered umpires - which is that when the game is on the umpires are just that and not "an extra player on the field disguised as an umpire" - this was quite often the assertion in the past. ® ®


Following the recent controversy regarding the role of timekeepers when a player is ordered from the field for fifteen minutes, the following information may be of assistance . a) The player ordered from the field must leave through the interchange area only b) The time of the player's departure from the field shall be noted by the timekeepers (2) after they have been advised by an official from the offending team . This means that the time is not noted until a club official waits on the timekeepers . c) The timekeepers will advise an official from the offending team on request as to the time still to be served . This can be requested as often as possible during the 15 minutes of playing time the player is off the field . d) Once the 15 minutes of playing time has expired the offending player or an interchange player may take the field through the interchange area . The crucial part in this procedure appears to be part b) where the time only begins once an official advises the timekeepers that the player is off the ground . It is also worthy to note that in all VAFA matches all reported players must be ordered from the ground. ® ®


Complaints have been received from some clubs that stops from some opposing players are causing stop damage to players . It seems that some Reebok and Nike boots that have aluminium stops deterio-



All clubs are reminded that teamlist alterations must be to Brett Connell by Wednesday June 5 . These alterations can be players' names, numbers and sponsors' logos that need to appear for the next print of the "Amateur Footballer" teamlists . The new teamlists will appear in Round 10 (22/6) .

ELSTERNWICK PARK DRAW SECOND STAGE MAY 25 TO JULY 7 This Sat. : Old Haileybury v. Uni Blues This Sun. : Old Trinity v . M .H.S.O.B . NEXT WEEK: NO VAFA MATCHES Sat . June 15 Mazenod v . Ormond Sun. June 16 FIDA MATCHES AT ELSIERNWICK PARK Sat . June 22 St Kilda Sth Caulfield v . Old Geelong Sun. June 23 St Bemards v . De La Sall e Sat . June 29 Old Brighton v. Therry Sun, June 30 Old Scotch v. Old Xavs Sat . July 6 AJAX v. St Kevins Sun. July 7 Ormond v. Old Scotch NOTES : This draw will be done on one more occasion for the last six week section of the season . Dates relating to the next section of the EP draw are as follows: The draw for the last section of the season (July 13 - August 18) will be released on Saturday June 29, with club requests not to be drawn at EP closing on June 24 . For 1996 "crowd pulling" A and B section games will be scheduled, with an A or B section club not giving up more than 3 home games over seasons 1996-1997, unless an A or B section club especially requests extra home games at EP on available dates (such as * above) . C Section teams considered a chance to play in C section finals, some of which are played at Elsternwick Park, may be drawn to play at Elsternwick Park as may other section matches where problems were noted during the first meeting this season .

~ ll

® !~



A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs , throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "









091 6 4 4 3 3 3

3 3 3 4 4 4

0 7


141 .88

763 5 11509 651 651 100.00 577 655 583 622 519

B SECTION 7 0 0 951 6 OLD BRIGtlTONS 5 2 0 722 IVANHOE 4 3 0 800 THERRYCCOB 4 3 0 664 MHSOB 3 4 0 642 BANYULE 3 4 0 655 OLD IVANHOE 2 5 0 610 OLD TRINITY


6~ 94.75 707 92.64 637 91 .52 712 87.36 765 67.84

24 24 16 16 12 12 12 0

424 is6 :38 24 691 104.49 20 6 8 106 .0~ 16 635 101 .10 12 690 94 .93 12 862 70 .77 8 1110 46.40


C SECTION ST KEVINS 7 0 0 865 480 180 .21 A J A X 5 2 0 813 606 134.16 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 5 2 0 729 608 104 .44 MARCELUN 4 3 0 674 607 111 .04 THOMASTOlVN 4 3 0 659 697 94 .55 ST BEDEStMENTONE TIGERS 3 4 0 58B 695 84 .60 OLD MENTONIANS 2 5 0 618 660 93.84 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 5 0 616 729 84 .50 OLDGEELONG 2 5 0 525 628 83.60 WHITEFRIARS 1 6 0 566 853 66.35 0 SECTK)N0 864 OLD CAMBERWELL D 7 MONASH BLUES 5 2 0 653 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 4 2 1 663 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4 3 0 873 PARKSIDE 4 3 0 597 BEAUMARIS AFC 3 3 1 715 SOUTHBANK CBA AFC 3 4 0 606 KEW HNS O C 2 5 0 579 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 6 1 447 O B E EAST SECTIO N AQUINAS 7 0 0 1124 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 6 1 0 913 ELEY PARK AFC 4 2 t 724 OLD CAREY 4 3 0 837 CHIRNSIDE PARK 3 4 0 693 BULLEENCOBRAS 3 4 0 629 ELTHAMOC 3 4 0 608 RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 4 1 652 ST MARYS 2 5 0 595 SWINBURNEUNIVERSITY 0 7 0 28 8 E CENTRAL SECTION UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 1 0 814 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 6 1 0 72S WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 1 0 764 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 2 0 968 WEST BRUNSWICK 5 2 0 782 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 2 5 0 686 OUIH D SOgTBOURNEAFC 2 5 0 5~ NEWLANDSCOBURG PC 1 6 0 582 THORNBURY COUGARS FC 0 7 0 257

634 136.28 28 60 4 20 6~2/ 140.58 601 99.33 16 64~.5 594 715 1065

193.95 12 96.30 8 80.98 6 41 .97 2

497 226.16 502 181 .87 740 97.84 686 122.01 731 94.80 7 1 87 .85 79B 76 .86 623 104.65 731 81 .40 1089 26 .45

28 24 18 16 12 1 12 10 8 0

4351 168 .21 24 545 140.18 24 546 180.95 20 524 120 .14 20 749 105.74 8 1142 5096 1421 18.09

4 0


PENINSULA OB 6 1 0 1153 565 204.07 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 6 1 0 895 460 194.57 SALESIAN O C 6 1 0 996 587 168 .68 OAKLEIGH AFC 5 2 0 920 588 181.10 POWERHOUSE 5 2 0 776 650 119 .38 MONASHGRYPHONS 3 4 0 871 677 119 .79 A N Z ALBERT PARK 3 4 0 817 754 108 .36 ELSTERNWICK 1 6 0 550 897 61 .32 MONASH WHITES 0 7 0 329 1213 27 .12 GLENHUNTLY 0 7 0 306 1268 24 .1 3 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 UNIVEpSITYBLUES 7 0 0 1022 369 OLD XAVERIANS 5 2 0 1162 328 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 2 0 748 541 DELASALLE 5 2 0 565 503 OLD PARADIANS 4 3 0 631 573 STSERNARDS 4 3 0 730 773 AJAX 2 5 0 451 625 THERRY 2 5 0 415 893

~COl EGIOANBOYS 0 7 0 189 1ot8 UNDER-19 (2 ) WHITE ST KEVINS 6 f 0 975 OLD CAMBERWELL 6 1 0 833 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 1 0 755 OLD GEELONG 5 2 0 627 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 3 0 634 WARRINGAL A F C 4 3 0 759 ST LEO'S EMM(AUS WP 2 5 0 38 5



UNDER-190(2) BLUE BEAUMARIS A F C 7 0 1214 OLDHAILEYBURY 6 1 0 732 OLD BRIGHTON 5 2 0 770 MAZENODOC 5 2 0 539 CAULFIELDGRAA{MAR 4 3 0 488 ORMOND 3 4 0 701 H PTON ROVERS 3 4 0 562 MONASH AM BLUES 1 6 0 322 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 1 6 0 40 0





UNDER-19 (2) RE D 7 0 0 895

WHITEFRIApS 5 2 0 676 MARCELLIN 5 2 0 628 OLD SCOTCH 5 2 0 532 AQUINAS OC 4 3 0 560 CHIRNSIDE PARK A F C 3 4 0 404 YARRA VALLEY 3 4 0 313 OLD TRINITY 2 5 0 506 OLD PARADIANB (2) 1 6 0 423

276.96 28 343.79 20 138.26 20 112.33 20 110.12 i 6 94.44 16 72.16 B 46.47 8 38.20 4 18.57 0

330 252.42 24 5 161 . 00 24 474 132 .2 8 20 502 126 .29 16 677 112 .11 16 I64 755 8 1518 12 .52 . N 341 356.01 28 395 185.32 24 437 552 19'7 20 0 648 75.31 .64 16 2 758 92.48 12 829 67.79 12 775 41.55 4 1008 39.68 4 341 262.46 28 3 177.89 20 430 0 104.31 20 779 51.86 12 689 45.43 12 58 2 4 8 849 49.82 4


UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 1 0 694 398 174.37 OLD XAVERIANS 6 1 0 587 432 135.88 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 1 1 516 331 155.89 COLLEGIANS 4 2 1 610 462 132.03 DE LA SALLE 4 3 0 625 438 142 .69 OLD SCOTCH 3 4 0 498 527 94.50 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 4 0 353 517 68.28 MAZENOD O C 1 6 0 485 605 80 .1 7 RMOND 1 6 0 324 670 48 .36 STBERNARDS 1 6 0 339 721 47 .02 8 RESERVE SECTION OLD PARADIANS 7 0 0 744 353 210.76 OLD BRIGHTON 5 1 1 641 319 200 .94 OLD TflINITY 5 2 0 624 421 148,22 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 3 0 593 514 115 .37 M H S O B 3 3 1 539 546 98 .72 OLD IVANHOE 3 3 1 492 547 89 .95 THERRY CCOB 3 4 0 455 468 97 .22 BANYULE 2 5 0 403 614 65 .64 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 5 1 309 722 42 .80 IVANHOE 0 7 0 255 724 35 .22

0 C RESERVE SECTION MARCELUN 6 1 0 504 277 181.95 24 A J AX 5 2 0 464 357 157.98 20 ST BEDEStdMENTONE TIGERS 5 2 0 572 385 148 .57 20 OLD GEELONG 4 3 0 511 386 132 .38 16 STKEVINS 4 3 0 480 446 107 .62 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 4 0 412 449 91 .76 OLD MENTONIANS 3 4 0 373 558 66 .85 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 3 4 0 369 578 63.84 THOMASTOWN 1 6 0 438 517 84 .72 WHITEFRIARS 1 6 0 270 632 42 .72 D RESERVE SECTION MONASH BLUES 7 0 0 773 214 361 .21 28 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 5 2 0 671 320 209 .69 20 OLD CAMBERWELL 5 2 0 593 377 15729 20 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 5 2 0 424 441 96.15 20 ST JOHNS O C 4 3 0 573 375 152 .80 18 PARKSIDE 4 3 0 514 384 133.85 16 BEAUMARIS A F C 2 5 0 348 583 59 .69 KEW 2 5 0 246 608 40.46 SOUTHBANK C B A AFC 1 6 0 327 696 46 .98 4 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 7 0 171 737 23 .20 0





7 6 5 4 2 2 1 1 0

0 1 2 3 5 5 6 6 7

0 0 0 0 0

794 940 683 49 9 50 4 308 193 133 'i s

328 281 426 556 349 577 591 433 590 612

227.44 212.46 117.84 83 .99 130.37 98 .44 34 .52 71 .59 61 .86 43 .63

24 20 20 20 12 12 12 8 8 4

207 335 271 380

357.00 28 251.34 28 221.40 20 17T.63 16 158 .31 16 319 397 97.73 12 540 74.44 B 705 42 .27 8 715 47.27 4 1076 8.83 0 157 186 317 312 497 405 555 887 824 1138

528.66 426.88 296.53 218.91 100.40 124.44 55.50 21 .76 16.14 10.19

28 28 24 20 16 8 8 4 4 0

36 227.78 247 175.30 284 149.30 266 126.69 464 80.82 354 94.63 414 50.24 416 51 .44 625 33.12

28 20 20 16 12 12 8 4

CLUB XVHI NORTH 7 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 1

0 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6

0 697 0 433 0 424 0 337 0 375 0 335 0 208 0 214 0 207


OLD XAVERIANS 7 0 0 585 OLDSCOTCH 6 1 0 514 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 5 2 0 375 DELASALLE 4 3 0 315 ST KEVINS 4 3 0 223 MAZENOD O C 3 4 0 240 OLDGEELONG 3 4 0 146 OLD MELBURNIANS V U T 2 5 0 351 1 6 0 226

189 309.52 28 240 214.17 24 288 13021 20 255 123 .53 16 432 51 .62 16 364 65 .93 12 430 33 .95 12 353 99 .43 8 619 36 .51 4




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