e Amateur
16 urnal of the 1I~C_rO1~IAN AMATEUR F`Ob~8D,Lt;;-ASSOCIATION
Funded by th Victorian Health Promotion Foundation
Registered for posting as a Publication . Category 6 .
EDITORIAL by Phil Stevens
x~ADRrG, TOWARDS THE FINALS ~' Ahis weekend sees the playing of round 9 matches ~ and as we reach the halfway mark of the season naturally we turn towards the run home and the finals series of matches . Part of the excitement as each team completes the home and away season is to judge each team's finishing position and then try and qualify as many players as possible for the finals. This season's qualification requirements is set out below and hopefully this will assist clubs juggle team selection accordingly . FINALS ELIGIBILITY Current VAFA players
Seniors: All registered players with a permit Seniors/Reserves : If both teams are playing reserve player must have played at least 2 matches of senior or reserve section football, also be registered and hold a permit. Under 19 : Must be registed and hold a permit . If player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 under 19 matches during the season . If less than 6 senior/reserve games player must only be registered and hold a permit - no other games played requirement. + If player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent under 19 final. Reserves : Must be registered and hold a permit . Must have played 2 reserve matches and not more than 10 senior matches during the season . Club XVIII sections : Must have played in at least 4 matches and not played in more than a total of 8 senior and reserve matches during the season . Other players who hold a current VAFA permit. AFL List Players: Must play on the first weekend after June 30th with VAFA club . Must remain "equal" or in "credit" (VAFA games played after June 30th) until round- 16 .
!i ,
Must play at least 3 VAFA senior matche . safterJun30h AFL Supp . List Players : Must play 3 senior VAFA matches before the finals . VSFL Under 18 Competition : Must elect immediately after round 16 where he wishes to play the remainder of season only. No number of qualification games reqqiired. VFL Players: Same as for AFL List Players (above). Ž• Clubs should refer to the Association's rules covering finals eligibility - rules 51 to 55 inclusively on pages 10 12 of our newly revised Rules Folder . The VAFA Fixture Handbook on pages 91 and 92 ("Important Extra Notes") also clarifies these rules. The VAFA Executive has decided that the C,D and E section finals series will be played this year over 3 weeks - previously C and D section were played over 4 weeks. This decision has been made with the availability of grounds in mind and also to cater for the Jewish New Year which falls on the weekend of September 14/15 . Editorial - Continued on Page 9 >
Editorial 'Section A Section B Section C Section D- . . . . . . . . : . : . . . . . . . . Section E East
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Section E Central . . . . . . . . . . : . Tap Outs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E South . . . . . . . . . . . . .'Section . Club 3t'VIII
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Under-19 .. . . . Looking Back . . . . Umpires' :Corrler . . Coaches' Clipboard F .I .D .A . Report . . .
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From the VAFA Elsfern%vickPa r
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June 15th, 1 996 0
Price : .11S 1 .20 Vol . 96 No. 9
A SECTIO N by Don Blackwoo d
CC U~ ;"I. S : HALF SEASON ~fVOUR-ITES TOWARDS THE TOP e competition at the halfway mark, Collegians o have staged a remarkable comeback in 1996 to head the table and firm as early favourites for this year's flag. A torrid battle last season saw them avoid relegation, but this year they have won 7 out 8, losing only to third placed University Blues and comfortably beating their immediate threat and old time rival Old Melburnians . Collegians are fiercely competitive and teaming together effectively. Other reasons for their improvement are the return to centre half back of strongman James Bennett, the arrival of two key accomplished forwards in Brock Mooney and Nick Anderson and the addition of former EDFL player and tough opponent Darren Peters . Former Footscray and Hawthorn star Darren Baxter has been reinstated and looks set to further add to the Lions flag prospects. Apart from Collegians, University Blues have regained some of their '95 form when they finished runner-up to Xavs in that humiliating Grand Final . The result still sits uncomfortably with the club . Now settling down after the traditional slow start, the Blues are poised to take up a prominent berth in the September action . Old Melburnians have slipped back in recent weeks losing their past two matches after looking the outstanding side early . With former football nomad David Strooper joining the Redlegs as Assistant Coach and player and the entry of Ben Ellinghaus and Peter O'Brien. OM's took everything in front of them winning the first six straight. Recent form has been patchy. FALL FROM GRACE The season has been dominated by the leap backwards of last year's finalists, Old Xaverians, Ormond and Old Scotch. These three sides presently shore up the last three positions on the ladder and all of them face tough battles to avoid that dreaded plunge to B Section in '97 . Old Xavs suffered the loss of key players Andrew Leoncelli and Anthony McDonald to Melbourne which hasn't helped the Xavs' cause . In additional Ben Buckley and Paul Tuddenham's absence has left a gaping hole in experienced players to lend some stability on field . However there is still plenty of fight in Xavs yet . Ormond, one of the powerhouses of the competition and the only surviving district club in A Section, face a huge task in staying up in the top grade . With only one win over Xavs, and the loss of dual Woodrow Medallist Matt McConvill to Sandringham, time may run out for them to blood enough young players to retain their spot in A Section . Old Scotch, who finished fourth in 1995 have lost their last five matches and have sunk into that dangerous relegation zone. Loss of experienced players fro m 2
last year such as Rob Fuller has made it difficult for the Cardinal s and they face tough times ahead . RISING EXPECTATIONS Two surprises . Firstly the creditable performances by newly promoted sides in Old Halleybury and Mazenod both winning four matches. Both are very competitive and will play a vital role in the run to the finals . The other surprise is the effort of St Bernards who were not expected to perform well this year, but with some excellent efforts away from home and a young side led from the front by the 'Gollant' firm, they have edged to fourth spot with five wins and continue to be the enigma of the competition. END OF THE LINE? Apart from Ormond in the hot seat, followed by Xavs and Old Scotch, De La Sall e appear unable to genuinely threaten the top order . The loss of key players in John Tully and Rupert Betheras hasn't helped De La Salle either who will need to do some more celebrating onfield, in addition to the opening of their new $300,000 clubrooms at Waverley Park Oval on June 29th, if they are to be relegation-free . WONDER ABOUT WOODROW? The following players appear to have and early mortgage on that coveted Woodrow Medal for the Best and Fairest at the end of the year . Try these for starters: De La Salle - Andrew MacBintosh; Ormond - Paul Marnow ; St Bemards - Jason Gollant ; Old Melburnians - Peter O'Brien; Old Haileybury - Nick Morey; Mazenod - Chris Belleville ; Old Scotch - Stuart Gibbs ; Old Xavs Dermott Dann; University Blues - Richard Vandenberg and Collegians - Darren Peters . DAYS GONE BY
Yesterday's news is today's fish and chips, so let's be brief about the results way back on June lst . Throw in a breeze ; schedule the match off St Bernards home ground; match them against a top team and you can almost guarantee four points to St Bernards . Just ask a bewildered Old Melburnians. A terrific performance by St Bernards and when are people going to take them seriously? Mazenod ground to an important win over rival De La Salle with the home side kicking themselves out of it . In the finish, Collegians stomped all over Old Scotch who can't take a trick at this stage, while University Blues disposed of Old Haileybury in methodical fashion leaving the Bloods holding the unplaced tickets . In another surprise, Ormond cheered the cockles of coach Geoff Rei ll ey's heart with a tonic-laden win over Old Xaverians who continue to draw more furrows in their supporters' brows . PREVIEW University Blues are chalking up the wins with big 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
scores and will continue on their merry way beating an out-of-sorts Old Melburnians by 21 points. St. Bernards who you can't rely on to win a match at home this year, take on Old Scotch who are a genuine concern with Bernards to score their sixth win by 24 points . But don't hold your breath . Collegians are displaying the form of a top dog and should account for De La Salle who are counting the wins. The Lions by 39 points . Old Haileybury at the College should bounce back after a shocking performance last match and dispose of Old Xavs who will finish the front nine 2-7 going down to the Bloods by 11 points . In the final match, Mazenod will use the wide open spaces of E . Park to mystify Ormond . The Nodders by 21 points . SELECTIONS: Collegians, St Bernards, University Blues, Old Haileybury and Mazenod . I
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100 FOR "FISH " Mazenod OC Football Club congratulates Simon "Fish" Fisher on his 100th game on May 25th . Fish came through the Under 19s playing in our first Under 19 Premiership . Simon has played in most of our senior premiersllips and is now a strong and quick hackman . 100 GAMES AT THE BLOOD S
Chris Kraus recently reached his 100th after returning to the club from a years absence. Krausy has incredible pace and a great ability to read the play and loves kicking goals. Chris Ladds has also reached his 100th game . All at Bloods would like to congratulate both Chris's on reaching this important mark in their careers and we look forward to many more great games from them in the future . I
COLLEGIANS v . DE LA SALLE Field: P. Gersch, A . Damen ; Boundary : S . Hennig, J . Wright ; Goal: R . Richards, B . Jephson. ST BERNARDS v. OLD SCOTCH Field: M . Jackson, J . Toohey ; Goal: W . Fowler, M . Richardson. UNIVERSITY BLUES v. OLD AIELBURfl1IANS Field : M. Jenkins, R. Simon; Boundary: B. Brown, M . Tape ; Goal : G. Grigg, K. Pitcher. OLD HAILEYBURY v . OLD XAVERIANS (at Haileybury College) Meld: H . Little, S. McCarthy ; Boundary: N. Harper, F . Martinez ; Goal: C. May, B. Nash. 'qAZENOD v . OP, .°qOAtD (E.P. Sat .) Field : W . Hinton, G . Thwaites ; Boundary : J . Stevenson, A. Pritchard ; " :?: A. Simps i . 't. Miller.
SENIORS OLD SCOTCH 0.3 1 .7 7 .12 12 .14.86 3 .5 10 .7 10 .9 19.13.127 COLLEGIANS Old Scotch Duthie 3 . Wilson, Angus . Millar 2 . Hume, Steele. Best Hosking. Wilson, Paterson, Gibbs, Hume, Warner . Collegians Anderson 4, Blackman 3 . Davidson, Lemon. Mooney 2, Parkin, Peters, Phillips, Pollock . Stubs. Thomson . Wallace. Best Galbraith, Milat, Bennett, Jeffcrson, Blackman, Wallace. 05 LA SAI,LE 3 .0 5.15 9 .10 9.18.72 MAZENOD OC 2 .0 5 .0 8 .5 13.8.86 De La Salle Crowe, Harrison 2, Hegan, Conroy, Harrison, Evans . Elliott Beet Evans, Crowe . MacKintosh, Vanderplight, Horn, Lafferty . Mazonod OC Morgan . Hanley 3. Murray, Noble 2, Christie, Moore . Schofield. Best Belleville, O'Hara .. Atarshall, Fisher, Murray, Barker. OLD r3ELBURNIAt7S 3.0 9 .4 11 .6 13.10.88 STB 6.8 6.14 10.22 13.25.103 Old Yelbnmians Lovett 4. Bunn 3, Walsh 2. Thompson, C. Thompson, McMullin, McKeon . Best Ellinghaus, Lovett, A. Thompson. McMullin, Raftopolous . C. Thompson . St Bernsrds Gilmore 5, Overman 2, J . Gallant. L . Gallant. Comito, Dobson, Vassallo. Capes. Best Juegan, J . Overman, Calthorpe . Vassallo. L . Gallant. Dobson . OLD HAILEYBURY 2.8 3 .9 4.12 6.14.50 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .0 8 .3 14.8 21.11.137 Old Haileybury Hucken 3. Armstrong . Byms, Cor ri gan. Best Corrigan, Hilton, Forsyth, ODonnell, Seeeull, Morey. University Blues Rourke 5 . Herald, Lennen 3 . Slimmon. Blood 2, McLachlan, Cavalier, Wors4ey Nation. Henderson . Evans. Best McIntyre, Cavalier. Hayter, . Herald . Frith. Blood ORIHOND 7.5 7.6 11 .13 12.15 .87 OLD %AVERIAttS 3.1 5.9 5.11 11 .13 .79 Ormond Connell 3 . Remman, Block, Marnow 2 . Weidemann, Bailey, McDonaW . Best McDonald, Gilmore, hiarnow, Whelan, Connell . Gallagher. Old Ravertnas Darnall 4, Ellis, Richardson 2. Wood, Ockleshaw, McDonald. Butt Holmes, Bmsh6eld . Dann. Donati, Bourke . Ford ,RES VE S OLD SCOTCH 3.3 6.6 9.10 12.12 .84 COLLEGIANS 1.3 5.8 5.11 7.16 .58 Old Scotch McDonnell, Pritchard 3, Heath, Spiden 2. Castricum, Young. Best Pritchard, Woodhouse, Spiden . Jonas, Speed, Davison . Collegians Schmidt. Kelson 2. Woolley, Gmeves. Johnston . Best Moore. Lubich. Humphry, Smith . Oldham. Irvine . DE LA SALLE 3.3 9.5 9.8 13.10 .88 MAZENOD OC 3.4 3.7 9.9 10.9 .69 De La Salle Makinsohr 4 . Fisher 3 . Abrahams . Fiume . Grace, Hall, Jacobs, Langone . Beall Duckett, Makinson. Abrahams, began, Fisher, Langone . Masenod OC Bridgland 3. Quirk 2. Smith . Tsiavis, Mann, Vine, Sharp. Best Quirk, Murray, Welch, Smith, Welch, Sherlock . OLD MELBtH?PIAAIS 1 .3 6.6 6.6 7.9 .51 ST BERNAaDS 61.5 2.5 5.10 6.13 .49 Old Yelburnlans Fraser. Dixon 2, Henshaw, Rose, Anastasakis. Beet Boyden . Pruden. Crump. Campbell, Boyd, Woodford . St Bernards Doran 2, Wood . Kennedy, Rogerson, Patience . Best Sheehan. Donlan . Wood . Solomon, York, Bond . OLD HAILEYBURY 1.2 3.7 4.9 5.12 .42 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.9 8.13 11 .20 15 .22 .112 Old Hailerbary Tanner 3, Rowlands, Chegwin . Best Richardson . Rowlands, Scaife, Kirkwood-Scott, Main, Tanner. University Blues Wilson 5, Kewell, Allardice 2 . Wilcox, Mudge, Stewart, McMahon, Unsworth Jukes. Best Wilson, Stewart, kewell, Wilcox . Kirsanous . Mitchell . ORMOND 2.3 2.4 3.6 3.10.28 OLD XAVERIANS 1.0 5.2 9.3 13.6 .84 Ormond Stewa rt 2. KukulJan . Best Keating. Ransom, Stewart, Wells, Fraser, Hourinam Old ?:=verians Barratt . Woodruff 3, Kearns . Panagiotopoulos . Freer 2, Jones. Best !^-N° 9rennan. Stones, Barratt, Heil . Mollard .
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B SECTION by Paul Luby The top 3 sides were the big winners in B grade last round not only with their victories but th e fact they were able to skip another game clear of 4t h spot due to the losses by Ivanhoe & Therry . It is going to be a real battle for that 4th spot with up to 5 teams with a realistic chance of playing in the finals . REVIEW OF ROUND 8 OLD TRINITY V MHSOB Playing in perfect conditions at EP, Trinity with a 10 goals to 2 second half ran out convincing winners over MHSOB. Melbourne were right in the game up until the 20 minute mark of the 3rd quarter but fell down badly across half forward and the fitter Trinity side did what they liked in the last quarter . Colin Phillips with 5 goals was damaging player all day across half forward and with Stickland (5 goals) was part of a winning forward line for Trinity . Mal "IceMan" Cumming at full back, Dalrymple in the centre and Sam Kennedy back from injury were the other good players for the winners . For Melbourne captain Dean Comer and ruckman Peter Hunt both continued their good form whilst Fairchild and Harries never stopped trying . OLD PARADIANS V BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Parade set up their win with a 9 goals first quarter in which Harrison kicked 5 and they never looked like losing after that . I watched the 2nd half and the windy conditions did make it difficult for players on both sides but the standard was not high and there wasn't much passion in the game . Simon Swindon and Dion Ciavola were both 4 quarter contributors for Parade and they were supported by the experience duo of Bradender an d Philp and of course "Harro" who bagged a lazy 10 . Bulleen never stopped trying but injuries have really wrecked their season and the absence of James didn't help . Chris Parris and Young ran hard all day on the ball whilst acting captain Glen Alexander and Robbie Williams did their best in defence . OLD BRIGHTON V IVANIIOE
The margin of 100 points here was really surprising considering Ivanhoe's recent form as Brighton opened with win the wind and by 1/4 time held a 38 point lead and were even able to outscore Ivanhoe against the wind in both the 2nd and 4th quarters to record their 6th win of the year . Perry, Oakley and Pryor continued their recent good form whilst Murch got another bag of 6 for the winners. Kennedy (centre), McFarlane (back pocket) and Newbold tried hard all day for Ivanhoe an d Raywood came off the bench and contributed 3 second half goals . OLD IVANHOE V NOBS A tight game between 2 desperate sides at Chelsworth Park and there was only 7 points the dif4
ference midway through the last quarter before Old Ivanhoe with the win d slammed on 5 goals to win by 39 points . For the second week in a row NOBS were inaccurate in front of goal and they will be regretting a 3rd quarter that yielded 2 goals 10 behinds with the wind after Old Ivanhoe had kicked 8 goals 2 behinds in the 2nd quarter. Paul- Donaldson picked up his usual bag of possessions for Old Ivanhoe and Tully, McLean (7 goals), Goad in the ruck and Veal in defence were all instrumental in gaining a vital win and a 2 game break on NOBS. NOBS players, coaching staff and supporters must be tearing their hair out after the last 2 weeks and this week is an absolute must win . Owen Abrahams is having a top year for North and with Leigh, Sullivan (3 goals), and Collison they tried their upmost for their side. BANYULE V THERRY I watched the first half of this game and the players had to contend with very windy conditions at the Beverley Road oval . Banyule were without some key players but through Luke O'Conne ll at CHF, Gilliam an d Wilmore on the ball and Matt O'Brien marking everything at CHB they opened with a 6 goal 1st quarter that could have been a lot better had they kicked straight . When Therry gained access to the wind in the 2nd quarter they were able to reply with 6 goals of their own to open up a 9 point lead at the main break. Both Goodwin an d Gorman were prominent up forward for Therry whilst O'Halloran was working hard in defence . The Bears kicked 7 goals in the 3rd but Theny got 3 of their own to trail by only 14 points at 3/4 time . The last quarter was a beauty and when Therry with the wind got to the front midway through the quarter they looked home but to Banyule's credit they never gave in and it was fitting the John Gilham kicked the winning goal for them . Jason Egan and Corey Wilkes were also good for Banyule and Paul Matton an d Wrigglesworth were named in the best for Therry . Therry have now lost their last 3 games and lost touch with the top three but Banyule are right back in the fight for four . PREVIEW OF ROUND 9 I just can't get NOBS and Banyule on the right day and hence only picked 3 winners last round . This week I will give NOBS another chance at home against Bulleen and pick them to win by 30 points . Therry will be desperate for a win against Old Ivanhoe at home and should get one by 28 points . Banyule supporters reckon I never pick them and I will keep it going this week, M HSOB at home to win by 8 points (sorry Brocky!!!) . Ivanhoe at home face the undefeated Trinity but Trinity will be too good 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
and win by 30 points . The match of the day is between Parade and Brighton and the home ground advantage may make the difference with Parade to win by 3 goals . TRIVIA QUESTION Last round the winner was Chris Burton and well done to "Renarto" at Banyule (I must get that prize to you!!) . This week I will be at Ivanhoe V Trinity, then Parade V Brighton . Who am I? I came from Assumption College Kilmore and played 110 games for 2 sides between 1948 and 1955 . I played in the losing 1950 grand final and one of my sons played for two amateur clubs currently in B Section . press correspondents for each club please contact me by 1 .00pm on the Monday following the game. Please call on 9457 4079 (AH), 9268 1568 (BH) or fax 9268 1576 (BH) . L MILESTONES AT MHSO B Clinton Young today plays his 100th great game for the club against Banyule . A product of the U19s, . Clinton's endeavour and big heart, together with his Skill level is admired by all . Congrats Clint. Stewart Harries also plays, finally, his 100th courageous game for MHSOB . Again from the '87 U19s, the 100th has taken a while coming, but Stu's great defensive play running down the ground and kicking long into attack is his style and much loved by all! Let the next 100 come quicker Stu . Mark Webster plays his 150th game and also our legendary Reserves Captain and Premiership Skipper Mick Feferkranz . Both these players are hard workers for MHSOB, on and off the field in all aspects and most sincere congrats are extended to Mark and Fefer !
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SENIC S BULL ';V „ 3 2.3 5 .4 8 .7 11 .9.75 OLD PARADIANS 9.3 12 .5 19 .7 24.13.157 Bulleen Templeatowe Mctaren, Farley 3. Glover, Prior, Alexander. Young. Parris . Best Parris, Young, Akxander, Williams, Thompson, Darby. Old Paradleaa Harrison 10, Ball, Kerr 3, Wallace 2, Philp, O'Loughlin . Digney. Veur, Coagritf, Swindon . Best[ Swindon, Harrison . Ciavota. O'Loughlin. Brabender, Philp. OLD BRIGHTON 5.9 8.11 17.12 22.14 .146 IVANHOE 0.1 1 .4 3 .8 6.10.46 Old Brighton Murch 6, Winter, Oakley 3, McLachlan, Birch, Pryor 2, Kpzwniak . Nikas. Mitchell. P . Best Oakley. Perry. P ryor. Birch. Bennett, Alderton . Ivanhoe Ray~vood McKellar 2, Kennedy . Best newbold, Kennedy, McFarlane . Tucker, Raywood. Bulkn. OLD IVANHOE 2.0 10.2 13 .4 19.7 .121 NORTH OLD BOYS 4.5 5.10 7.20 10.23.83 Old Ivanhoe McLean 7, Jenkins 4. Douglas 3 . Kent Pidoto, Stevens . Stewart. Veal . Best Donaldson, McLean, Tully, Veal . Grinham . Gard. North Old Boys Curran 4, Sullivan 3. Sutherland, Boyle . Manassa. Best Leigh, Abrahams, Sullivan, ColSson, Manassa . Curry . BANYULE 6.8 7.11 14.13 16.17 .113 THERRY CCOB 3.2 9.8 12.11 16.15.111 Banynte Gilham, Richmond. O'Connell 3. McDermott, Egan 2 . Willmore, Egan, Williams. Best O'Connell, Gilham, O'Brien, n, Willmom . Wilkes . Therrp CCOB Goodwin 5, Gorman 4 , osanko, O'Connor 2 . Petrevski, Wrigglesworth, Pignatelli . Beatl O'Halloran, CastaldL Wriggleswo rth, Goodwin . htatton. O'Connor. OLD TRINITY 8.2 11.4 15.8 21 .10.138 MHSOB 5.1 . 10.3 12.6 12.9 .81 Old Trinity Phillips, Stickland 5. Heath, Ramsden 3 . Van Der Hoek 2 . Greig, DalrympM, Hatfiekl. Best Phillips. Cumming, Dalrymple, Kennedy, Phillips, Glass. MHSOB Pertze14, Glover, Webster 2, Fairchild . Hunt, Bamert, Corner. Best Comer, Hunt, Fairchild, Harries. Beazky, Pertul. RESERVES BULLEEN TEYPLESTOWE 1 .0 1 .2 1 .2 1.2 .8 OLD PARADIANS 6.6 14.10 25.16 33.22 .220 Bnlleaa Templestome Boyd. Best Dowd. ShallanL Taylor. Edwards. Boyd, Lefevre . Old Paradises Geary 8. Brabender 5 . Harford. Monar 4. Larferlita 3, A rt hur, Horsington 2 . Rnechicciori, Nailer, Flynn. Reid, Jackson. Bevil Willits, Brabender, tarferlita, Dunn. Arthur. Joyce. OLD BRIGHTON 3.0 7.5 9.8 11.11 .77 IVANHOE 4.3 4.5 5.7 5.9 .39 Old Brighton Grant 8. Jackson. Murray . Gilmour. Best Grant. James. Carter. Alderson, Murray. Teschendarf. Ivanhoe Joyce 2, Rossitto, Hird, Molloy . Beall Thackwray. Narkiewirz, McDonald, Finlayson . Cliff. Fairweather. OLD IVANBOE 2.1 5.3 6.3 7.8 .50 NORTH OLD BOYS 3.7 3.7 9.11 11.14 .80 Old Ivanhoe Barker 3. Corcoran 2, Cormack, Milliard . Best Power, Caddy, Tolley. Barker, George, Gokiing. North Old Boys Lowrie, Anderson, Limprekakis, McKay 2, Dwyer, Zocco . B ryar. Best Anderson, OFarrell, H anley. Wheeler, McKay, Sammmn. BANYVt.E 1.4 2.7 4.8 5 .8 .38 THERRY CCOB 1.1 7.3 8.8 14 .9 .93 Ban g nle Hobbs. Kayroos . Keane, Glass, Grindal. Best Kayroos, Holt, Glass. Stephens, Smith, G rindal. Therrr Gallagher 4 . Forbes 3. Collins. Goodwin 2, Munro . Rossignolo. Jones . Beat Goodwin, Carter, Griggs, Barron, Whelan, Gallagher. OLD TRINITY 5 .3 11.6 14.11 17 .12.114 MHSOB 2 .3 5.7 9.11 14 .15.99 Old Trinity Sentry 6 . Beet 3, Hudson . Stafford 2, Robison, Vargo, Donato . Tor rens. Best Sealey, Donato. Hudson, Stanford, Bonfield . Heightnn . MHSOB McGrath 5, Palms. Feferkranz 2, Newton, Winch . Verma . Fahr. Bennett. Best Lawrence . Grinuner. McGrath. Paimos. Bennett. Pond .
OLD PARADIANS v . OLD BRIGHTON Field: C . Segota, C . Donlon ; Goal: R. Miller, M. Frame . NORTH OLD BOYS v. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field : G . Gioras, M . Pinney ; Goal : P . Gluyas, M . Lentini. THERRY v. OLD IVANHOE Field: R. Eastwood, M. Gibson; Goal G . Beard, G. Dae . MHSOB v. BANYULE Field : M . Bushfield, W . Henry ; Goal : D . Napoli, P . Allsop . IVANHOE v . OLD TRINITY Field : D . Anderson, G. Curran ; Boundary : D . Ryan, T. Healy ; Goal : J . Kelly, G . Wright .
A melee is 'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the grourd or other or other sirnilar such conduct "
C TI Terry Quir k
W st most results in round 8 were reasonably Tedictable (this scribe scored 1000/61 . there are some excellent signs that clubs that were not lookin g too hot three weeks ago are going to put pressure on other clubs that they are very confident of participating in the finals. Old Geelong have lifted to suggest that they will provide stiff opposition to all comers over the coming weeks whilst St Bede's Mentone Tigers, with a good blending of youth and leadership, have served notice of intention to be contenders for a position in the four after a further 10 rounds are completed . At Como lastweek the OGs were superb in the second quarter against a Rovers team that "went to sleep" . A half time lead of 27 points proved enough in the conditions . The Rovers gave it a "red hot go" in the second half but could not bridge the gap. For the Rovers, "Fergie" and "Guru " Rodder and "Chipper the Skipper" Le Grand were the best . The OGs reported a good team effort with many players contributing to an even performance. After a first quarter goal spree, Old Adentonians allowed the Jackas to take control of the match with a 6 second quarter goals . A half time lead of 40 points ensured a comfort zone for the Jackas to hold off the enthusiastic OMs in the second half . Marty Halphen (48 possessions) was easily best afield, whilst onballers Rod Bloom and Jason Wrobel were top performers . The OMs are still struggling with many injuries but hope for a big improvement in the last half of the season . Best players were Tim Leonard (CHF), Greg Pride (100th game), "Brooksy" an d Cam Lean in the back pocket .
With VAFA President, David Burnes an interested spectator, the Tigers were keen on their chances of toppling the SKOBs. After an even first half SKOBs were able to score with and against the wind to ensure victory . The Tigers may have been a little defensive against the wind, no major being scored in the first or third stanzas . The Tiger's overall performance was full of merit with Tony McGeorge, Steve McCarthy and Damien Bueno in good form . A great dual between "Huddo" and Hecker was a match highlight. Marcus Dollman, Rosco (Indian Chief), "Braddles" an d " q uiet Achiever" Kenners, were best for SKOBs. M aree llin returned to the winners list, thanks to a 10 goal 7 behinds second quarter. The Saints were never really in the hunt, however they fought back to gain some respectability on the scoreboard . A 65 point main break deficit was lowered to a final deficit of 31 points after a "lack lustre" second half by the Eagles and a determination by the Saints too serve notice that they are still well and truly a chance for honours later in the season . For Marcellin, Bello,
''risina and Thelsz were best, whilst Hayes-Dewar ,
Astapenko and Ryan were top players for the Saints . At Thomastown the Bears outscored the Friarin each quarter to record a resounding 47 point victory. Six final quarter goals against the breeze were important for the Bears as the Friars made a last ditch effort to bridge the gap . The Towners have "found a bit of form" and will be hoping to record victories over sides in the four to ensure participation in the finals . For the Bears, "N" Grech, Farchione and "M" Grech were best, whilst David Flanagan, Garry Johnson and Anthony Carbone were best for Friars . No more suspensions Friars will help towards an improved performance as the season progresses . REVIEW - ROUND 9 Rovers take on Old Mentonians in a game that should be a turning point for both clubs, I'll select the OM's to "pick up the bit" and win by 19 points . SKOBs take on the improving Old Geelong . OG' s will approach this game hoping for three on the trot but I suspect SKOBs will have all the answers and win the day by 38 points . At Murrumbeena the Saints take on the Tigers in a game that promises everything . Saints on their home turf must start favourites, but I'll go for the Tigers by 11 points in a close one . The Friars host the Eagles in a match that should be a percentage booster for the Eagles . Gook luck Friars . I hope my prediction of a 57 point win to Marcellin is somewhat extravagant. Jackas play the Thommos at the new Garry Smorgan Oval, Albert Park (at last!) . I'm sorry Bears but I predict a great day for the Jackas before a sensational crowd . A margin of 43 points to Ajax would not surprise . Reserve Winners: Old Mentonians, Old Geelong, St Bedes, Mentone'ITgers, Marcellin, Ajax . Umpires : Congratulations on a great season so far. Just occasionally I receive a "grizzle" from a correspondents (usually from a losing side) but from my observations and reports, your efforts in this section to date have been great . (Leah was superb in the 19s last week also) . Correspondents : By 5 .30pm Monday. Fax 9889 9014 ("PL" missing last week) .
JUNE 22 - ROUND 1 0
OLD GEELONG 5 .1 11.3 11.5 15 .10.100 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .5 6.6 11.8 14 .13.97 Old Geelong Howeils 8 . Vicker-Willis 3, Furphy 2. Salter, Taylor. Beat Wilson. Howells . Tay r, Handbury. peddle, Wilkinson. Hampton Rovers Anderson 4. Power, Panagiotidis 3 . Wills. Anderson, Crawford. Ferguson. Best Ferguson. Le Grand . Redder. Crawford. Blick. Morgan . OLD NIANS 6 .2 7 .6 10.9 13 .11.89 AJAX 7.5 13 .10 17 .14 19.17.131 Old 16entoninna Pride 4, Austin 3, Acreman• Paterson 2, Katris, Leonard. But Leonard, Pride. Brooks, Lean, Austin, Macquire . Ain Kalinski 7, Sheezel 6 . Goldberg 2, Feldman• halphen, Marks . Wrobel. Best Haiphen, Bloom, Gunn . Kalinski, Hoppe . Sheezel. 7.3 7 .3 12.9 .81 ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 0.1 8T EEVlItS 4.5 7.7 11 .12 13.16 .94 St B's Mentone Tigers Hecker 3, MacGeorge. Ross. Dwyer 2, Buena. Diggins, Hayes. Best MacGeorge. McCarthy, Buena, DI~j ns, Hecker. St Reader Gross 4. Bowles 3 . Teatni 2, Do man, Ddonahue . Livy . Best Gross, Farquharson. Kennedy, Mount, Hordes. Brady. 3.2 13.10 15.12 18.17 .125 MhRCELldN ST EHDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 3.5 3.5 7.10 14 .10.94 Yarcellln Treganowan . Bello 4 . Caffry. 0'Fiynn, Rowe 2, Beattie .~ttoran, thesiz, Gather. Bestl Bello. Frisina, Theist . Gallagher. Godwin. Day. St ;~da South Caulfield Gardner 3. D'Agostino, Ryan 2, Astapenko, Diamond, Green. Kertan, McCaw. Neeson. Williams. Beat Hayes-Dewar, Stapenko . Ryan, D'Agostino . Neeson . Diamond. THOMASTOWH 5 .5 7.8 12 .11 18 .14.122 WHITEFRIARS 2 .2 4.8 9.9 11 .9.75 Tbomastomn Smith 4, Del papa 3, Sande . Arcoraci, Smith, Capeci 2, Harling, Latouf, Alberti . Beat Grech, Farchlone. M. Grech, Ristevskl, Lentini, Capeci. Whitefrters Robinson 4 . Campbell 2, Carrigg . Carbone, Pasqualotto, Harris, VandenBoom. Beall Flannagan• Johnson. Carbone, Canigg . Robinson, Harris .
HAMPTON ROVERS v . OLD °, iENTONIANS Fl'etd : J . Kvins, T. Ovadia ; Boundary: D . Fowler, B. Corcoran. ST KEVINS v . OLD GEELONG ( at Righetti Oval) Field: B . Woodhead, A . Firley . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v. ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Field : S. Meredith, P . Callil; Boundary : S. Mannix, M . Meier. WHITEFRIARS v . MARCELLIN Field : P. Simpson, M. McCrohan . AJAX. v . THOMASTOWN ( at Oval 9 Smorgon Oval) Field : P . Leyden, C . O'Donohue ; Boundary: C. Stevens, G. Drummond .
RESERVE S OLD GEELONG 5.4 8 .7 8 .8 10.11.71 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .0 1 .3 4 .3 9.4.58 Old Geelon Taylor 6 . Cook 2, Burbank, Wilkinson . Beat] Taylor . Liascos, Cook, Caldwell. Wi kinson, Spiden. Hampton Rovers Hunt 2 . Armstrong, Beaumont, Buckley, Day . Green, Mantis. O'Brien. Best Buckley . Day. O'Brien . Hobson, Worland, Marshall . OLD MENTOflIANS 61.2 3.4 4 .6 4.9.33 AJAX 2,6 5.8 12.11 16.11 .107 Old ffientontsns Norton 3, Konicinan. Best Davis . Stanovich, Sherri9-. Dwyer, Kittq Shedden. Ajax Rajch 7, Ka!b 3. Sheffield 2 . Bendel . Glasman . Roseman . Slade-Jacobson. Bestl Weis}er, Stade Jacobson, Grodski, RaJch . Krongold, Roseman. ST B'S MVMNE TIGERS 4.3 9.6 11 .7 15 .16 .106 ST BEVHiS 1.1 1.1 2.1 4.4 .28 St B's Mentone Tigers Johnston, Hutchinson 3. Leyden. Naiper 2, Stewart. Lamb, Peck, Recupem, L'Hullier . Best Napier, Lomagno, L'Hullier, Manson. Dols. Stewart St Bevins Smith . Callanan, McDonald. Game. But McDonald, Denton, Smith, De Rooden, Sint, O'Shea MARCELLI 5 .1 12.5 17.9 23 .14.152 ST HILDA SOUTH CADLFiELD 1 .2 1.2 3.2 3 .5.23 Mnreeilln Phillips S. Merton 4, Howe, Edmonds 3. Sheabury 2, Cooper. James Golds, Jeremy Golds, Carpenter. Gallagher. Cronin . Beat Phillips. Jeremy Golds. Howe, Cooper, Edmonds, Carpenter. St EBda South Caulfield Alderuccio, Davis, Dunkvie. Beat Aitcheson . Dunlevie. Straford, Emmett, Keuk. Derham. THO5IA4TOWN 3 .5 10.7 15.12 16.14.110 WHITEPRIARS 3.0 4.2 4 .4 8 .8.54 TLomaatomn Rocca. Bubis 4. Smith 3, Bullard, Statos, Bardsley, Moribito, Ward . Beat Moribito• Colosimo, Gorski, Rocca . Pellegrino . Papaionou. W6itefdars Feutrill 2 . Duffy, Vernal O'Connor, Newton, Gardulli, Lowell . Best Griffin. oBrien• Andrews, Heath, O'Connor . Harrison.
> Editorial - Continued from Page 1 Aug 31 SEP1
SEP21 SEP2 2
- 2nd semi 2nd semi Grand Final Grand Final Grand Final
- Prelim final Prelim final
- Grand Final Grand Final
C 2nd lst semi semi D 2nd lst semi semi E 2nd 1st semi semi
- 1st semi 1st semi Prelim final Prelim final Prelim final
U19 ist -
Prelim -
AUG 24 AUG 25
A Rnd 18 B Rnd 18 -
and 2nd semi s
~c~~ne r C Y A N PRESS 4 ell~wel~ well
can fall Old ! down at the hand oft Johns OCs "Moonshine", that 6 pack you owe me is now 1/2 a slab . What price a bit of info? Only problem now is that the'Wellers' will probably be harder to beat then ever . Close shave to Beaumaris at Kew in a near upset as tipped, Parkside back with avengeance against St Leo's Emmaus, Caulfield Grammar on a roll at present too good for Monash Blues and Southbank win in a breeze over Uni.Reds but only after a tight ist 1/2 tussle . Great spirit Redz, keep it up, you won some points even in adversity . Well done Mick Farre ll , players and supporters . ROUND 8 REVIEW (1 JUNE) Consensus of opinion between the scribes from St Johns OC's and Old Camberwe ll was that controlled aggression, disciplined football and the ability to stick to a game plan were the ingredients to the success that came St Johns way over a previously undefeated Old Camberwell team. Wind assisted in both the 1st and 3rd quarters to 'Wells' couldn't get an advantage whereas the Joe's were able to capitalise when they has the wind to their backs . Hard to separate many, many good players for St Johns, however Lardy, Dicky Back, Couta, Cracker, Aba, Hoppa and Bim deserved special praise whilst for the 'Wells', Marcus Scott, Adam Kyriacou an d Billy McKenzie, stood out . At Victoria Park, Kew failed to nail Beaumaris in the 1st stanza when assisted by a strong breeze . In the 2nd, Beaumaris snatched the opportunity and bagged 5 whilst Kew failed to trouble the scoreboard attendant. Total reverse of this situation in the championship quarter when Kew fired on all cylinders to kick 10 and take a 4 goal lead into lemon time . Last was a beauty with Beaumaris pegging the lead back, hitting the front only to see Kew regain it 5 minutes from full time . O'Reilly of Beaumaris came to the rescue, bagged the most important of his 7 for the day and the rest is history. Beaumaris hung in there for a 2 point victory. 'Barnesy' forgot to give me the best for Kew or was it a matter of him and I getting distracting on other matters? MVP's for Beaumaris . . . . . O'Reilly (7 majors), Ben Nicholson, Matthew Quinn . In gale force conditions at Monash Oval, Caulfield Grammar kicking with the wind opened up a handy 2 goal lead at quarter time . They then denied the 'Blues' any chance to get them back into the game by playing tight and close checking footy . The 'Fields' increased their lead at each change to run out comfortable 45 point winners . Best for Caulfield were Markovic, Harris and Rooster and for Monash in what Big Andy described as a'Blaek and Bleak' day, Dan Carmen (no relation to Bill) and Baldy Barker were goers. Good also to see the 'Strongman' back in the rezzies . With the wind blowing straight down 'Pitche r
Park' it was a fateful toss won by Parkside . Winning the ball out of the centre with eas e the game was all but over at quarter time with the 'Parkers' holding a huge 45 point advantage . Matters got worse for the Two Blues in the 2nd when Parkside actually outscored them . Woes continued for St Leo's in the 3rd with Parkside going on a picnic with a further 8 majors to lead by a cricket score (100 points) at lemon time . Some respectability came St Leo's way in the last scoring 4 goals, 8 points to zip to peg back the deficit to 68 points . Best for St Leo's were Roach, Rocky and Donovan . 'Clarky' from Parkside must still be celebrating as I didn't receive his normal diatribe, hence no mention of better players for Parkside . As mentioned in my prelude, Uni .Reds won lots of points for commitment and effort against Southbank but the scoreboard told another matter . It wasn't until after 1/2 time that the 'Bankers' stamped any authority on the game, however a win is a win and the Southbank guys now have the opportunity to regroup, focus, get a few (or is that a lot) back from injury woes and look ahead in a positive manner . For Uni.Reds, stick with it, keep up the enthusiasm and who knows, a win might not be all that far away . ROUND 9 PREVIEW (15 JUNE) Only a matter of weeks ago the St Leo's V Kew game would have been a forgone conclusion in favour of the Two Blues . Now however, a rejuvenated Kew go into the match strong contenders . I'll stay with the St Leo's Emmaus guys to prevail at home in a close tussle by 7 points . Parkside hot to trot off a big win over St Leo's will be out to inflict the 2nd loss in a row to Old Camberwell at the 'Weilers' ground . I have strong hunch that last weeks loss will ultimately be a tonic for the 'Wells' and I'm confident they'll get the spoils by 40+ points . Caulfield Grammar are without doubt the form side of the comp at present and will go into the match against giant killers St Johns OC's in a confident frame . The signs are positive for a tight, tough encounter however at days end I believe the Joe's will come back to earth at the hands of the 'Fields' . Caulfield to win by 35 points . Monash Blues will vent the anger of their loss to Caulfield Grammar fairly and squarely against Uni.Reds at the Brunswick Street Oval . The 'Redz' commitment cannot be faulted, but pitted against the considerable talent of the Blues it'll fall well short of the mark. 'Blues' by 80+ points . Clash of the round as far as I'm concerned (biased I might add) is the bayside derby between Beaumaris and Southbank . The 'Bankers' form is far from flash
been travelling pretty well . v;luist the 1 3aFsiders'forhave Southbark to regain the plot rui,is imperative _.nd likewise for f3eaumaris it would provide a nice lit,1, buffer . I'll probably regret the decision to select Denumaris to win by 15 points, however I'm sure I'd l~arn to live with it !
Club Scribes - Don't forget the telephone calls .and/or fax messages on Mondays to; Tel : 9810 3370 r-X ~ 1, 10 3251 by 5 .OOplaa . Thanks heaps!
f , IMo_.S PA1.'= . 19 F 9 .6 17 .11 17 .11.113 7.4 5YLs49' 8F'P 0 .1 1.3 1.7 5 .15.45 Parkside Moodie 6. Gunn . Mangos, Marulli 2, Allan . Chikatt Macnamara . Tessari. Tyson. Bed Inserra. Chilmtt, Moodie, Tessar4 Piro, Heyne. St Lem us Rancid 3, Davidson, Lawlor. Best Ronchi, Armstrong, Donovan . 3 .2 3 .2 13.6 14 .7.91 BEAUMARIS 3 .2 8 .5 9.6 14 .9.93 Kew Puivire ntl 5, Brassil 3, Porte 2, Bayley, Dimasi . Gencarelli. Wood . Best Harrison, Pulv irenu. Chandler, Bayley, LacranchL Bruno.
Beauroaris 0'Rikry 7, Hanrahan. Vaughan 2, Blackie. Day. Holt. Beat] Nicholson. Quinn, ORiley, Han , Taylor. tkNiftlas .
100 GA ~ ;S DOCTOR LINDEsL72-i I Old Camberwell football club wishes to congratulate Andrew Inkster on reaching the milestone of 100 games for the club . Known around the club as The Doe . for reasons best left unsaid here . Andrew has been a stalwart of the club . A strong marking forward, with legs the size of tree trunks and a loyal heart to boot . Well done Doc, keep up the good work. DARREN LOWE PLAYS 100 FOR CAULFIELD OR. Darren Lowe plays his 100th game for Caulfield Gr, this Saturday. "Lowie" who has had a stint at a few other clubs is back where he belongs and hopefully more milestones will come . Well done "Lowie" from all at CGFC . All at CGFC would like to congratulate Andrew and Kitty Klose on the birth of their first child - a little girl "Hannah". 50 GAMES FOR WARREN "WAZZA" KEIGHRAN Warren "Wazza" ICeighran today plays his 50th game with Southbank since joining us from Kew in 1990. Wazza has been a fine clubman and ruck rover for the club and represented the VAFA in 1992 against S .A. The club looks forward to many more fine games Wazza .
ST JOHNS OC 3 .2 7 .5 9.6 14,10,94 OLD G[- .:', : UL 3 .2 5 .2 7.4 9 .8.60 St Johns OC Mullens 5. AbouJaber, Back 3, tadson, Koppers . Coscriff. Best Back, Coumuadias, Aboulaber. LaBrooy, Koppers, Wil liams. Old Camlzwell nkster 4. Lethtean 2. James, Walker, Kyrlacou. Beat Scott, McKenzie, =:vwn, Walker. D. Walker. Kyriacou. YOHABH BLUES 1 .5 3 .5 4 .6 5 .9.39 LD GMAHMAR 3 .2 8 .3 11.3 13 .6.84 Mcaaah Blues Ford. McGee, Rogers, Barker, Dowsley. Best Dowsley, Murchie, Ford, Smith, Barker, Baring. Caulfield Grammar Amkt 5. Harrison 3 . Will, Vella 2, Baxter. Best Markovic, Harris, Dicrosta, Will. Cowlishaw, Cossart-Walsh. SOUTERANK CBA 3 .2 5 .10 13 .15 21 .20.146 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 .7 2 .10 5 .11 6.11.47 Sosthbaah CBA Per ry It, Hodgson 3, Pairodimos, Carboy 2 . Elkington, Worland, McCarthy. Best Perry McNamara. Beare. Wallmeyer. linford, Elkington. University Reds White, Amott Wharf, Cook, Smithwick . Best Wharf. Rowland, Mitchell. Frisby. Blizzard. Cook. RESERVES P IDE 2.0 3.4 4.5 8.7 .55 ST LEOS US WP 3.1 5.2 13.2 13.2 .80 ParkaMe Sturgess 3, Austin. Bunworth . Cocco. Copley. Darrigo. Bestl Drinnan, Hubbard . Austin, Warren. Fisher. Hamilton. St Leos Bumaoa Vaughan 6, ShackFock 3, Oakley 2, Hanneberry, Vanden Akker . Beat Shackkxk, Pinhom, Crays. Hanneberry. Ndreu, 0'Hobre. KEW 3.2 6.5 7.7 8 .13 .61 BEAUMARIS 4.3 6.4 10.5 12.7 .79 New PedrettL Kirlakou, Bria 2 . Dalrymple. Varden . Best Gilt . Bruno, Bria . Kiriakou, Skerritt, Varden. Beaurnaris Groves, Williams, Holt, Fisher 2, McMahon . Mills, Lucy. Best Lucy . Tesertero, Groves, Flynn, Williams, Sheklrake . ST JOHHS OC 1.6 3.10 3.12 3 .13 .31 OLD CAMBERWELL 0 .2 1.5 3.8 9 .11 .65 St Johns OC Ware, Pepper, Connolly. Bestl Dowsett, Emery, Canning, Pradel, Cockayne, Connolly. Old Camberwell Walker, Brunnen 2. Mitchell, Kent. MeCrea, Seeley, Sim. Beati Swan, Kent, Jackson, Brunner, Seeley . O'Hara. M 02lle8H BLUES 1,0 5.2 6.3 8 .3.51 CAULFIELD GRAMRAR 0 .2 1.4 2.4 6 .6 .42 Moassh Blues Feenaghty, Koop 2. Andritsos, Dobson, DeYoung, Edquist Basil Mentha, Forsyth, Thomton, Millie, DeYoung, Alexander . Caulfield Granamar Holloway, Klose, Kebk, Gurr, Horton, Lawrence . Best Horton, Ryan, Holloway, Dachs, Klose. Jacobs. SOUTHRANK CBA 2,5 6.12 9.14 13 .20.98 UNIVERSITY REDS 2.0 2.2 4 .5.29 To Southbaak CBA Farrar 6, Conk 3, Maya, Pitts, Rachor, Jones . Bestl htenotti, Farrar, RadcliRe, Pitts, Jones, Conk . University Reds Bowman, Jackson, Terrill, Farrelly . Best Campbell. Foster. Fitts. O'Brien, Simmons, Hall.
ST LEOS E : . - : AUS v . KEW Field: D . Kramer, V . Vescovi. OLD CA:.BER LL v. PARKSIDE Fl'eld : T. Zapadlo, A . Flack ; Boundary: J . Willingham, A . McClean . CAULFIELD OR. v. ST JOHNS Field: R . Francis, C . Brajtbereg . UNIVERSITY REDS v . MONASH BLUES Field : S . Davie, N . McCorquodale ; Boundary : C . Hayes . BEAUMARIS v. SOUTHBANK Fl'eld: B . Tamblyn, A. Ladd.
The VAFA "Amateur Footballer" is proudly sponsored 24 20 20 18 15
and printed by :
Y P R E S S 9 7 6 3 4 0 8 8
E EAST SECTION by Barry Hickey
quinas suffered their first loss for the season to Yarra Valley in a sensational game last week . The word is Yarra had a BIG night last Saturday, celebrating Reserves and U19's wins as well . Eley Park continued on their quietly winning ways, an d Eltham brought themselves back into contention with a good win over Bulleen Cobras. Chirnside Park have put themselves under a lot of pressure by losing four in a row, but is too good a side to discount just yet. Old Carey have slipped a game clear in fourth place, after their win against Chirnside who are always a tough assignment . ROUND 8 REVIEW Eltham Collegians surprised Bulleen Cobras and me, with a 16 point win in difficult conditions . Richmond Central were too strong for Swinburne University, who once again displayed plenty of endeavour but couldn't translate that to the scoreboard . Centrals had 14 goalkickers, including CHB, Andrew Siwka, who distinguished himself all day, as did Michael Black, and Church, both also from the backline, funny that, although Andy swears he didn't rig the best list! Yarra Valley triumphed over Aquinas with a huge surge in the third term, after a very even first half. The match was a classic and it was a pity the wind affected the game, as it did everywhere else. Yarra defended grimly in the last quarter, holding the Blooders out for a meritorious 23 point win . For Yarra, the heroes were back, Fung, Peterson and Scales, but it was a great effort all round . Aquinas went down gallantly, Dave Phelan starred at HB Peter Dunne was elusive across half forward, and Chris Lamborn gave his all trying to cover from the absent Cam Colliver on the ball . St Mary's went down bravely to Eley Park and were still in with a chance in a determined last term effort, only to see the Sharks kick right away with a withering burst of goals in the last few minutes . The much depleted Saints had a sensational game from ruck rover, Stone; Ireland was effective on his wing; as was Stephens in the centre and HFF . Full marks to the Sharks though, their determination keeps them winning at home or away, and with performances like Luke McLean's, plus support from Featonby, Arundel an d Bromley against the Saints, they'll win a lot more . Chirnside Park's inaccurate kicking with the
wind in the first quarter against Old Carey gave the C's an d advantage not relinquished for the rest of the match . In spite of the gale, the standard of play remained high, and was a real contest right to the end. Justin Carusi picked up kicks all over the ground for the Parkers, Dave Paola and Scott McIntosh were dangerous when driving the ball forward an d Michael Simmons fitted in wel l with his new club . The C's defenders Kanga Mathews, Dave Lee, Joey Eccles and Tim Price were outstanding with their long clearances, which were put to good use by converters, Matt Spencer (8 goals), Michael Addison and Hedgie Hickey. PREVIEW ROUND 9
Bulleen Cobras at home to Richmond Central is a crunch game for the loser, who will face a tough task in the final 9 H & A . The Cobras are a better side on their our turf, but Central seem more consistent and should win by 2/3 goals, which is an open invitation for both sides to reserve the result just to make yours truly look a right royal dork ! Aquinas host Eltham Collegians and will not be happy following their loss two weeks ago . Eltham worry all sides with their persistence, though against the forward power of the Blooders they will final the going very hard . Aquinas by 5 goals . Eley Park and Yarra Vall ey is the match of the day and will be a genuine test for the Sharks who have been this year's surprise packet. Yarra's galloping troopers will have too much momentum for the determined Sharks, who will go down fighting by about 4 goals. Old Carey plays St Mary's on Carey's Gramlick Oval at Bulleen and the Saints will be hoping for an end to their horror run . The C's are starting to combine well now, and their long kicking, strong marking game should give them a win by around 4/5 goals . Swinburne University verus Chirnside Park at the historic Glenferrie Oval should see a big win for the Parkers, but not without sterling opposition from the young Swinburne outfit. RESERVES winners should be Richmond Central, Aquinas, Yarra Valley, Old Carey and Chirnside Park. Correspondents the Monday contacts are 9547 9144 and Fax 9547 7764.
DEAN McKELLAR PLAYS 100 GA: iES Aquinas hackman, Dean McKellar, plays his 100th
game for the Blooders against Eltham . A solid, straight ahead player, Dean was a member of the 1994 Reserves premiership Team . Congratulations Dean! OLD CAREY MILSTONES Everyone connected with Old Carey congratulate the following players who pass important playing milestones during June - Cam Campbell, 150 games vs . St Marys 15/6 ; Andrew Cope 150 games vs . St Marys 15/6; Cam Matthews, 50 games vs. Yarra Valley 22/6 ; Kel Shrives 150 games vs . Yarra Valley 22/6 . Well done to these players who are great players, great clubmen and great mates to everyone at the Club .
SENIORS ELTHA)! OC 1 .10 3.16 d.18 12.22 .94 BULLEEx COBRAS 2.7 4.14 8.19 9.24 .78 F.itbam OC Solar 3, Carter. Clarke. Fitzpatrick 2, Duggan, Oldfield . Smythe . Best Smythe, Solar, Clarks, Hamshare, Ofdfield. Horsburgh. Blull een Cobras Starrett. James 2, J. D'Angeto. M. D'Angelo, Kelly. Redfem. Opie. Best Dillen, Kelly . Mcl.aren. Schneider. M. D'Angelo. RICHMOND CENTRAL 9.7 10.10 18.16 25.20 .170 SWB7BURNEUNIVERSITY 2.2 3 .6 3 .6 4.9.33 Richmond Central Wallis 4, Bove, Porteous, Ragg, Andonopoutos 3, Tapley. Katelis, Shannon 2, Malcom, PicketL Siwka, Best Porteous. Church. Black, Siwka, Andonopoulos, Pickett. Swiaburne University Goal Kickers and Best Players net rece'rved . YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 5.4 6 .8 12 .15 15.16.106 AQUINAS OB 3.1 7 .5 8 .6 12.11.83 Yarra Valley Old Boys Telford 5. Scales 2, Peterson. Dove, Laing, Livesey-Cole, Rees. 6lidro . Keenan, Dodwell . Best Fung. McIntyre . MacVean. Midro. Habben, Taylor. Aquinas Livingstone 6. Hughes, Dunne 2, Whitehead . Flynn. Best Phealan, Denavi, Dunne. Livingstone, Lamborn, Tarulli. ST MARYS 2.3 3 .5 8 .8 13.9.87 ELEY PARK 5.0 8 .4 13 .7 21 .9.135 St Mays Jones 4, Stone, Duck, Phillips 2. Stephens, Ireland, House. Best Stone. Ireland, Stephens, Jones, Stewart. Bell . Eley Park Warner S. Jursonovies. Kaye 3 . Bowen, Caldwell, Dunstan . Hawley 2. Hill . Storey. But Arundell . Bromley, Bowen. McClean, Womer. Drane. CHIRNSIDE PARK 2 .6 5 .9 10.13 14.14.98 OLD CAREY 3 .1 10 .9 12 .9 20.16.136 Chirnside Park Pemberton 4, Caine, Paola, McIntosh 2, Oates . Pemberton, Brown. Henderson. Beat McIntosh . Paola, Simmons, Camsi, Brown . Pemberton . Old Carey Spencer 8. Addison 4. Hickey 3, Cohen. Everett . Vasilopoulos. Eccles. Mor ri son. Best Matthews, Spencer, Addison. Price. Lee . Eccles.
33 31 30 24 20
BULLEEN COBRAS v. RICHMOND CENTRAL Field: P . Maebus, B . Noonan . AgUINAS v. ELTHAM Fietd: A. Kiel . ELEY PARK v. YARRA VALLEY Field: R . Martyn, M . O'Brien ; Boundary : D . Blackburn, R . Martyn . OLD CAREY v . ST MARYS Field: P . Walker, S . Alger . SWINBURNE UNI. v . CHIRNSIDE PARK Meld: P. Griffiths.
RESERVES ELTBAM OC 3 .2 5 .6 5 .8 5.10.40 BULLEEPt COBRAS 2 .1 6 .6 11 .11 14.16.100 Eltham OC Stockdate 2 . Cconerty, Smedley, t .eys. Best Taylor. Stockdale. Leys. Philipson, Glare . Boilers Cobras Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . RICHMOND CENTRAL 4.2 5 .8 8 .14 11 .16.82 SwBvBURNEUNIVEBSITY 1 .3 3 .4 3 .6 5.9.39 Richmond Central Jackson 4, Barker 3, Humphries. Wilson, Jones. Best Daly. Barker. Manning, Ritchie. Jones . Humphries. Swinburne University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 0.0 5 .1 7.1 13.2.80 AQUINAS OB 3 .8 4 .11 5 .15 5.19.49 Tana Valley Old Boys Park 3. Penaluna, Lawton . Lyforel 2, Ireland, Some, Ross . Trembath. Best Ross, Ireland. Park, Savans, Potter, Crean . Aquinas OB Cronin 2, O'Loughlin, King, Hiney. Bestl McKeiler. King . Boland, Langford. Grieson, Edwards. ST MARYS 0.0 2 .4 3.5 8.6.54 ELEY PARK 1 .8 2 .6 5.9 5.9.39 St Marys West 3,'0'Bried 2. King . hicCashney, Le Leivre. Beat King. Donadto, Evans. McCashney, O'Brien . Eley Park Karadimos . Dodger 2 . Dett'orso. Best Carroll. Dix . Stone, Cant. Bruce. Karadimos. CHIRNSIDE PARK 1 .3 2 .3 4.3 5.3.33 OLD CAREY 0.0 6 .3 7.4 11 .13.79 Chiraside Park Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Carey Hughes 3. Withington, Brady 2. Neste . 64eQuie. B ryce . Patterson. Best Hughes, Withington, Patterson, Neste . Hughes. Bryce.
NE 22 - ROUND 1 0
Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom "The Guru" Brain present all scores and match details in a light-hearted manner . Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9 .30 a.m . each Sunday
E CENTRAL SECTIM by Darren Brigg s
Central reaches the halfivay stage today and here is how I see things shaping up . The double chance appears to be a battle between the top three, wit h University Blacks the clear #1 seeds, ahead of Williamstown CYMS and Old Essendon, with the latter facing hoodoo side North Brunswick today. Fourth position appears to be between No rth and West Brunswick, though losses to either today would suddenly bring La Trobe and/or Old Westbourne right back into contention . One thing is certain - the depth of the E Central competition has clearly improved on 1995 . REVIEW - ROUND 7 Injury-stricken West Brunswick visited Melbourne University hoping to be at least competitive with the Blacks line-up . They achieved this until half-time, trailing by only two goals but from there on it was a matter of Bye Bye Wicks! Black players Nick Carah, Steve 'Party Lord' Little an d Sam 'hover lord' Beaten were able to provide plenty of opportunities to a focal point in Planet Hall who finished with five goals from close to fifteen shots at goal as the Blacks ultimately used a nine goal final term to record a comprehensive 98 point win . Valiant in defeat for the Magpie were Sam Bargiamidis, Crash Thompson and the Greek Connection . Artie Park put on its customary windy/chilly conditions for the Westbourne/UHSOB clash and after Warrior captain Andy Horsburgh won the toss and kicked into a gale, UHSOB were only too happy to repay the favour by setting up an apparent commanding 6 goals lead at quarter time . Stinging words from Coach Dave Twomey at quarter time had the desired effect as the Warriors complied quarters of eight, three and seven goals en route to a morale boosting and long overdue win, made particularly pleasing by the fact that they were missing up to six regular senior players . Best for the winners included Benjamin Franklin, D . Jago, A . Horsburgh, and the Reverend Crowe, fresh from three years preaching in Traralgon. Newlands Coburg continued their poor performances away from the Postage Stamp when they mercilessly thumped by 171 points by a percentage hungry Old Essendon. The Grammar actually 'only' lead by 14 goals at 3 quarter time but exploited the Cobras extreme lack of fitness in the final term by kicking 14 goals into the breeze . Best for the winners had a familiar ring Steven, Powerhouse Lutterschmidt, Chapman, Copps, Cramer and McPherson while Barr returned to form with 7 goals at CHF. Newlands rover D . Morris continued his great season with yet another best player nomination. Match of the Day at Frearon Reserve proved two things ; one, disappointing ; two, Williamstown are most likely to be unbeaten at home in 1996. I was impressed by North Brunswick's commitment and physical strength shown against La Trobe the previous week and 12
expected a close encounter . However, Willi's better running
game was in contro l from the first bounce, and with U19 forward James M cCutcheon kicking three early goals, CY's lead by that amount at the half. North made their customary change in the third term, getting to within 11 points, but from there CYMS went up a gear, with a six goal final term enabling a comfortable 49 point win at full time. Best for the winners were Sabotage, Grieve, Scootar Harry an d Porn Star Evans while for North Jason Tirchett, Jo Boudoloh an d M. Sorleto did best . This result suggests North may not have addressed last year's achilles heel lack of pace - sufficiently to enable a return grand final appearance but E Central power sides should beware Bocce Palace is anything but a holiday destination in the middle of winner. Finally, La Trobe scored a routine 26 goal win over the hapless Thornbury side, though to the Cougars credit they did almost outscore the Trobers in the third quarter . Best for the winners were Ash, Sheeds, Chocky, Sidey and The Body (6 goals) while I thought Cougar on ballers A . Alembakis and Vin Catoggio lookalike R. Buzeski played fine games. Special mention to Trobers veteran Rubber Wright who enjoyed a light week provided by wife Julie as he bagged a career best 10 goals in the ressies . REVIEW - ROUND 9 Keeping it brief this week; West Brunswick host Old Westbourne in a real danger game for the injury - hit Magpies; IT tip West by 9 points, but wouldn't a Warrior upset open things up for the second half of the season! University Blacks visit the Postage Stamp and though their running game will be stifled, their talent/will to win will not be . Blacks by 15 goals. Will will barely raise a sweat when they visit Thombury and depart with a 30 goal cushion. UHSOB at home to La Trobe will be an interesting contest; the Trobers have the better form and must win to keep the four in sight while Uni High would love to turn at 3-6 . La Trobe should be a little too good and win by five goals. Match of the Day between North Brunswick and Old Essendon where the two sides harbour a healthy dislike for each there and will be desperate for mid-season bragging rights. The teams carry conflicting gameplans and conditions could play a part - hard and fast would suit Grammar while rain and mud would enable North's physical presence to take full effect . The Corresponding clash at Bocce Palace saw a controversial draw - this time round IT tip North to continue their hoodoo over OEG and win a very physical clash by 8 points . Correspondents : Numbers again by 5 :00pm Monday Ph : 9618 3413 (W) pr 93791411(H) and Fax 9629 8008. FOOTBALLER
All at Old Westbourne congratulate Tim Geier on bringing up his 50th game . Tim Was inaugural captain of the Club and has overcome injury to reach the milestone. Well done Tim!
1 W,,-ST BRUNSWICK v . OLD WESTBOURNE Field: R . Smith . D. D'Altera . NE DS COBURG v. UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field: P . Tuppen, G . Waldron. NORTH BRUNSWICK v . OLD ESSENDON Field: M . Forde, M . Gilday . THORNBURY COUGARS v . WILLIAM STOWN Meld: P. Keogh, A. Harris . UHSOB v. LATROBE UNI . Field: J . Stoppa, B . Allen . ~fiVh~t~ll
SENIORS 3.3 5.6 9.13 18.19.127
S;ZsT :. : mSWICa 0.0 3.2 3.2 4.5.29
University Blacks Hall 4, Beaton 3, Carah 2. Gutlen . Hanlon, tViegard, Darroch, Robert s, Cunningham, Sullivan. Bowles . Hallam. Best Little. Whitson. Pekin. Kooloos . Darroch, Pekin . West Brunswick Ortiz . Heywood . Perrin, Sassine. Beall Magafas. Bargiamidis, Thompson . Sassine, Hamilton . OLD WF:oTBOURtiE 0.1 8.6 11.9 18 .12.120 UHSOB 6.4 6.4 11.5 12.9.81 Old Westbonme Whiling 4, Franklin 3 . Jago, More . Blake 2, Baadni, Crowe, Outen. A . Horsburgh, J. Horsburgh. Beat Franklin, Jago. Crowe. A . Horsburgh . Blake, Parslow. UHSOB Sedgwick 4, Bunn . Wallace, Cracknell 2. Davidson . Mazza. Hourigan . Scott Wallace, McLean. Smith, Bone. Hon ri gan, McLennan . OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 9 .5 11 .8 19 .15 32 .22 .214 NEWLANDS COBURG 1 .0 3 .1 4 .1 7.1.43 Old Bssendon Grammmr Barr 7 . McPherson 5 . Ridley 4. Conlan . Steven 3, Chapman, Leigh, papal 2. Whitfield. Trist, Lutterscmidt, Cram . Best Steven, Lutterschmidt. Cha pman, Barr, McPherson . Cramer. Newisadn Cubing Frost. Marital 2, Morris, Zambello . Best Morris, Chapple. Mardini, Groves . Keppel . Bond, WILLIAAffiTOWN CYMS 4.2 7 .5 10.6 16.10.106 1 .2 4 .3 6.8 8 .9 .57 NORTH BRUNSWICK Williamstown CYMS Kurkowski 5. McCutheon 3, Bryan. Grieve 2 . MacLeod. Tuck, Warren, Markley . Best Grieve, Harry , McCutcheon, Evans . Herbertson . Thiege . North Brunswick Moore 2. Fox, Thompson. Kalpakas . Evans. Kyriazis. Sorleto . Best Boudoloh. Tirchett. Holman. Thorpe, Sorleto. Kyriazis. LA YROBE UNIVERSITY 7.2 16.9 20.12 28.20.188 TBORNBURY COUGARS 1 .3 2.3 5.6 5 .6.36 La lYobe University Maddison 6, Fredrickson 5 . Matthew 4. Sheerly, Sidebottom, Lonergan 3, Bakogianis 2, Edmunds, Lewis. Best Cummings . Sheerly. Sidebottom, Cume, Fredrickson, Maddisan . Thornbnry Cougars Bruno 2, Muscat, Ba rtlett, Ro bertson . Best Alembakis . Haros . Begley. Cart er, Atembakis.
RESERVE S UNIVERISYr BLACKS 4 .5 7 .10 10.15 15 .19 .109 2 .2 3 .4 5 .7 5.8 .38 WEST BRUNSWICK University Blacks Stevens 4, Nixon. Jessen. Birks, Hallam 2. Sheales. Lamb . Mfcgley. Best Gadd, Jessen, Hodgson, Hallam, BeRlef . Morcom . West Brunswick Cocalaras. Rodgers. Koctancic. Haste, Baker. Best Disisto. Baker, Kavalieratos, Cocoiams, haste. Robinson . OLD WBSTBOtIRNE 0.0 4 .2 4 .3 6.4 .40 URSOB 2 .7 4 .9 6.15 6.15 .51 Old Westbotune A. Leitch 2. S. Leitch. Hadley. Horsburgh. Shea. Best S. Leitch. Hadley, A. Leitch, Horsburgh, Shea. Geier . UBSOB Wood, Terrill 2. Rea. Rogers. Best Madrigrano, Terrill, Wood. Rogers. Pfeiffer. Rea. OLD ESSFdIDON GRAMMAR 6.4 10.10 12.12 18.17.125 NEWIANBS COBURG 0.2 1 .2 1 .3 1.3 .9 Old Riverview Grammar Clohesy 9, Walsh 4, Fazzalari 2, Carter . Cramer, Stembridge. Bestt Magee . Walsh . Barry . Clohesy, Emerson, Chalkley . Newtands Coburg Ziskos. Beat Berton, Griffiths, Warren. Hippisley, Capuano . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 43.1 7.5 8.7 9.11 .65 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4.2 8.2 11 .6 12 .9.81 Williamstown CYMS McGowan 5 . Payne 2, Wilson. Hann. Best Oldham, McGowan . Bond, Temby. Kennedy. Bons. North Brunswick Papanikolaou 6, O'Brien 2 . Piet, Salamone, Randello, Saunders, Beat Hallat, Randello, Adams, Bradford . Saunders. Papanikolaou . LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 7 .6 16.15 23 .22 28 .29.197 7BORNBURY COUGARS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0.0 La Trobe University Wright 10 . Makim 6, Hayward 3. Mai, Richardson 2, Fitzpatrick, Storer. Vignaroli, Black. Oliver. Best Wright . Makim, Storer, Hayward, Fitzpatrick . Napier . Thornixrry Cougars Best Robertson, Johnson, Murdoch, Bartlett . Mountney, McDonald .
DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED BY F10 161E TEA[.-. Club XVIII and Reserve Sectio n
FINAL SIREN SCORES - PHONE 9531 833 3 Senior Section and Under 1 9 FINAL SIREN SCORES BEFORE 5 p .m . - PHONE : 9528 3319 / 9528 24 7 1 A and B Section Q by Q SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SIX BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams ) To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m .
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A trivia piece from Norm Nugent of Club XVIII fame . Prior to two Saturday's ago when did Uni . Blacks and West Brunswick last meet for premiership points? The answer. . . . In 1964 when they competed in B Section . The Blacks were Premiers and West Brunswick along with Parkside were relegated . Thanks Norm . -, It -,
At the halfway mark of the year the award for most off-putting way to stand the mark must go to Jack Frith (Uni . Blues) who proceeded to do a back flip behind the player standing the mark recently . For Jack it was not all joy, the goal was kicked but the judges marked him harshly giving him 7,8,6,7,8 and the Uni Coach (Grant Will iams), well he was smiling at the end of the day. Uni Blues won. On a more sombre note recently Chief Executive Officer Phil Stevens attended the funeral of ex St . Kilda teammate the golden haired Trevor Barker, and in the same week Phil was also named as St . Mary's Gold Saint for the 1996 season. In a touch of irony Phil's speech centred on the death of his exteammate and the way in which while "football was a sport, it also provided a good deal more than that . Character building, friendship, the importance of teamwork and just having fun to name a few ." Sounds just like TB, a fitting and rather ironic end to a sad month . All VAFA followers will be pleased to know that current Ormond Coach Geoff Reilley is recovering well from his recent operation, and was seen urging
the boys on to their first win in Round 8 against Old Xavs. From all accounts a huge roar for the "Bear" and his side was heard at VAFA Administration when the scores were rung through. Sadly we must report when the result was known VAFA President David Burnes was less than impressed. I'l °% :kt l On a more serious note all at VAFA Administration wish Mazenod's Steve Noble a speedy recovery after having his spleen removed two weeks ago after their match against De La Salle . From all accounts Steve fell awkwardly on a boot and the rest is history. Hope to see you back in action soon Steve .
A Team Found In The OutBack (A Section Clubs) B : C . Reid (OS, 8), A . Brushfield (OX, 32), T . Hille (OR, 27) HB : B . Woolhouse (Coll, 3), S . Hunter (OX, 18), T. Backhouse (St.B, 3 ) C: A. Forrest (OR, 9), R . Webb (OM, 32), P. Vine (Maz, 48 ) HF : C Sparrow (DLS, 45), C . Heath (OS, 29), R . Lavender (OH, 24) F: S. Rabbit (OM, 28), A. Farmer (St . B, 4), D . Wood (OR, 20) , FOLL : M. Blood (OX, 1), S. Crowe (DLS, 3), S. Rose (OM, 13) IC : S . Wood (OX, 29), M . Shepherd (OR, 33), S . Woodhouse (OS, 17 ) C. N . Hill (OH, 45), B. Blood (UB, 6) COACH: R . Barnes (OR, 57)
'ih ~~ ÂŽ 1~ i G i a 1
'JV 9 fla ~ H[p ) ~~ e v
Mon to Wed Club Information Thursday Permits Friday (a .m.) : Umpire appointments Saturday (a .m.) : Weekend game locations Sat. (evening) : Final siren scores
PHIFAX 97 06 7739 MOBILE 018 357 763 TOLL FREE 18 00 134 886
Under 19 Section 1 AJAX (COLLEGIAN S Coach: Mike Zemski Assistant : Mark Feldy 1 . A . Carew 2 . S . Ickowicz 3: B . Davi s 4 . M . Page 5 . J . Rath 6 . G. Samuel 7. A . Burnan (VC) 8. J . Beeb e 9. D . Massage 10. H . Snow 11 . P . Steiner 12, D . Mohr (C) 13. D . Onas 14. J. One s 15. M . Rogers 16. A . Rogers 17. G . Kaplan 18, B . Lukav 19. D . Macro 20. J. Rosens 21 . D . Sutton 22. P. Zaltsberg 23. S. Whytcross 24. J. Scher 26. D . Grosman (VC) 27. A. Lust (DVC) 28. B. Lewski 31 . A. Chrapot 32. J. Rogers 33. D . Gelbart 34 . A. Sloane 35 . A. Rosen 36 . J . Segal 37 . J . Wajnberg
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Paul Digney 1. JA Data; UP. Lynch (Ca7t) II. BP. WRSM 4 . C.Tezy 5 . A. Md=ta 6 . S. K'r0 7. P.T. Hams 8. M. S. Ft7ro 9. 8. Wwdam 10. M. R'omers 11. MJ . Word 12. SA.M14ion 11 4. S.P.PJdd 30. B . Dm 15. SJ.KenKvs {q. IH. CratxnYsti 16. S.Hursl 4t. J.T. Corns IT S .C. MkrsFip 42 . S . Harrison 18. D.Jenes 43 . M, GA 19. B .M . Phztan 4, C. btaslorw 20. K .LKelleN 46. J. NodsHss 21. B .G.LYn~ 47. A . S9rala 2E. MJ.,~yce(VC) 48. M.A . Hutlsan 23. MA . Co 49. N .Maptq 24. MJ.tkkkbard 50. R Nolan 25. IA.Baks 52 . L WJ;am s Gb. A .JaCC9 53. J.Virtem 27. M. Ccsgrd 56. J.Spuia 28. M.K. Edp~ey 57. S.0Tte8 29. S. Ptetan 59. T.Gisos :~. 141 K% 62. C . Price 31 . J. Rotlerc;c 65. 8A. Sf& 32. N . Da9a.s q. L. Tow 33. C .Walson 35. MJ .Ryan
Coach : Eddy Galizi 1 . G . Brieli a 2 . B. Forsyth 3. P.Looney 4. G . Brown 5 . N . Michael 6. B. Fewster 7 . P. Ritchi e 8 . N . Florentine 9 . T. Caldwell 10. A. Muir 11 . C . Smythe 12 . A. Sayers 13 . S. Hatwell 14 . T. Van Der Venne 15 . C. Harri s 16 . T . Champion 17 . S. McLeod 18 . 19 . R . Luff
DE LA SALLE Coach: Terry Russell I . M. Abrahams 2 . L. Beretta
3 . C . Browne 4 . M. Butler (Capt .) S . R . Chapple 6 . S. Clohessy 7 . B . Corin 8 . M. Elli s 9 . S. Fernando 10 . K. Haddow It . L . Hal l 12 . M. Harbor t3 . J. Healy 14 . J. Horn 15 . D . Hyland 16 . A Johnstone 17 . D . Lambe 18 . G . Larkins 19 . S. Lask a 20 . B. Lee 21 . D . M . Mercuri 22 . P. Mira m 23 . A. Moore (VCapt) 24. T. Nolan
25 . R . Oliver 26 . P. Scarfo
27. T . Shields (VCapt) 28. T . Silvers
OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Pat Hawkin s 1 . M . Jones (VC) 2. T. Fleming 3. J . Kay 4. B . Hilbert 5. N . Alston 6. L. Nisbet 7. E . Williams 8. J . Dye r 9. S . Bailey 10. D . Boland 11 . T. Bowden 12. S, Tucke r 13. W. Somerville 14. M .Innes 15 . D . Richmond 16. S . Hed e 17. P.Adami 18. N . King 19. R . Ryan 20. J . Daniher 21 . N . Ockleshaw (DVC) 22 . T. Winter 23. B . Perry 24 . P.Shannon 25 . K. Lynch 26. J. McCormack 27 . C . McGuigan 28. M. lacovangelo 29. T. Coughlan 30. N . Irelan d 31 . J. McDonald 32 . J. Hardwick 33 . P. Walsh 34 . T. Barry 35 . N . Barrett 36 . M. Mulcahy 37 . J. Drake 38 . 39 . J. Hawkins 40 . 41 . R . Dillon 42 . D. Calma n 43 . T . Woodruff (C) 44 . R. Hoare 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . D. Donti 50 .
FRIMFOM =WW Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph: 9687 8722
29. S. Thomas 30. J. Vincent 31 . A. Waters 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.
NORTH OLD BOYS OLD Coach : Terry Mill s M ELBURNIANS 1. M.AGas 2. D. Wales (C) 3. B.Kafiswaffs 4. L.Liuna S. uwlm 6. 0 . Kha.k r B. C~xy 8. I. J.B~k 109. 0 .New= . LCuran it. C. Noy (VC) 72 M .Dvtuaty 13. M .Batra 74. B.Tinier ~. 15. J. FntB 37 16. S. Kean 38' U . H.Ha.xtar ~, 18 . D. Pavh+
It . H, MAW 40' 241 . 20. I .Mc&s~{ 4 21 . A M~ean 41 . 22 B.Lpxh 44 . 23. E. Bara
J. Sdh?dard B. C. Fra~ B. Trmn T. Petersa B D. Cpary M.. Etl~i Si A. Kearne y
24 . A.H=,YM 25 . P.TMmt4on 2& J .Saxasis(VC) 27 . S. F.fomGa 28 . M .Weeps 29 . I . TatEb 30 . A. TAb
31. T. Ma#area 32. J. Sab a 33. T.Ckvetuitl 34. S. Evans 35. M. Malke
Coach : Richard Duncan 1 . E. Sedgley 2 . D . Holme 3 . F. Purcel l 4 . S. Murray (DVC) 5 . A. Wardell (DVC) 6 . J . Berry 7 . C. Banks 8 . J .Charlton 9 . J . Law to . T . Stevenson 11 . T . Cloke (C) 12 . N. Osborne 13 . S. Gowling 14 . M . Bennett 15 . S . Dixon 16 . H. Webb 17 . J . Miller 18 . C. Jenkins 19 . B . McLeod 20 . S . Parikh 21 . A. Bains 22 . K. Rutherford (DVC) 23 . A. Cooch 24 . R. Tandy 25. W. Deague 26. C. Sibree 27 . J . Larkin 28 . S . McKenna 29 . J . Rigg 30. S . Humphris 31 . D. Hal l 32. J . Wright (VC)
UNI BLUES THERRY CCOB Coach : Geoff Porte r
ST. BERNARDS Coach : Kevin Mahady 1 . B. Swann 2 . T. Pee l 3. 4. 7. 8. 10 . tt . 12 . 13 . 14 . 17 . 18 . 19 .
S. McKeon M. Hayes J . lanzano B. Loughlin B. Overman M.Tankey B. Hogan A. Damingo R. Nutter A. O'Sullivan G . Collins C. Rae
20 . M . O'Callaghan 21 . A. Duncan 23 . C. Patience 24. L.Rogers 25 . D.Ferns 29 . D. O'Connor 30 . J . Mount 31 . S . Catanzarin 32. S . Dailey 33. J . Ballarin (C) 37. T . Bateman 41 . D.Juegan 43. C. Davis 45. M . Dowling 55. G. Cusac k
1 . D. Van Englen 2. R. Zampogna 3 . D. Briedis 4 . S. Horalewski 5 . S .Sacc o 6 . W . Bradey 7 . M . Postma 8 . A. Grant 9 . S .Stella
10 . D. Saizy k
11 . J. Hutchinson 12 . B . Crochford 13 . T . Kenna 15 . M . hetfeman 16 . S .Goodwin 17. G . O'Connor 18. D. luema 19. M . Cul l
20. 21 . 23. 24. 25.
B .Jacobsen A . Fitzpatrick A . fielding B . Megrath N . Gil l
26. 27. 28. 30. 33 35. 37. 42. 43. 44.
J . Van Englen P .Copeland C. Laws M . McCartney M .Jacobsen S .Dowdle P . Dun n A . Moloney B . Stevens F. Grech
Coach: Steve Carroll 1 . T. Barber 2 . B.Batrmrey 3 . C.Betrare 4 . S.Bohrd S . S.&oxq 6 . J, CM 7. R.Chh 8 . D.D;maj 9. S.Ddrkr 10. J.Eaa&* 11. Pfaubar& 12. BfarO 13. B.Frtlcer 14. M .Hat t5. J.Hana4m 76. G.Harkn1 t1. D.Han'tt 18, T .Harf 19. T .,Jtuson 20. B.Kea1h 2t. D.Kky 22. D. Keos 23. S . Khtcy 24. S .KM 25. J. LaARSs 26. B . Lee 27. C. Lehman 28. E . U&4 29. ftMadie X J. Mate,wf 31 . H MrAdhu 32. K McCamack 33. J.Mckfosh 34. A .MckervMCFWrO 35. D . McGrath 36. L.6kn;m 47. D .S12ck 37. B. Marphy 48 . J.Sturrak 38. H .Narbn 49. ft9aaan 39. J .Nash 50 . M.TYOrdun 40. B.Nesidh 51 . R .Versteeg;n 41 . H. Payr4er 52. J . Watls 42 T. Pct* 53. S.WtVatead 43. T. P0r10tee 54. T. W3mx 44. C.Sdilnrg 55. M. ftn 45. B.Smith
46. L. Spew 622 Mt. Alexander Rd . frloonee Ponds 9326 1799
@Ca n.
Under 19 White BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach : Brian Cartwright 1. 3. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 15. 17. 19. 20. 21 .
S. Lambropoulos C. Androutsopoulos S. Walker W. Bel l P. Francis A. King N. Maragos P. Gannas R. Floyd S. Giasant e J. Androutsopoulos S. Mountain
22. P. Mount 23. 24. S. Penterton 25. M . Masr i 26. 27. B. Maylin 30. D. Rice 33. P. Potamianos 35. D. Daskalou 36. S. Klerides 41 . L. Grove s 43. C.Papadopoubs 44. T . Plain
OLD CAMBERWELL Coach: Andrew Tsindos
Coach: Clayton Weser
P . Aron (V.Capt.) B . Betheras D. Chaplin B . Clancy A . Dellisola J . Donaldson A . Ellis C. Eppinger P . Femon
2 LONaaq T. . T. _4 6lraaw N.fisv1 -NC) 27... WT#V jare
A . Fkrnerday S . Francis T. Gulliver K . Harper S . Haines D. Hegarty B . Itler
G. Jennings S . Kemp (Capt.) D. Kin g A . Leening (VCapt) S . McCubbin M . McHenry D. P. Mercuri T. Messer A . Moon T . Morse J. Mystakldis L. Nelson C. Neurauter C. Papalia H. Pipkom L. Slm m J. Sloan C. Troia S . White C. Wilson C. Worsteling D. Francome
Rwasm 28 7.ft l" r4t)3 729 .AM T. ~ 9. 6SnLi Lt. 1We
IQ I,tStcrl 31 J ftSai It. R k & ~ k8uden 12 S.Wt~ t3 SJ~k(r'C~) ~ 14. N .S;ns(OVCVQ 31 . 15. ktFa3wrcM 1S J.IL*~~ ~. It. lAK~ ~j T.W~b It. N .w~ ..41 F.Obaq 19. MW 42 J .wee 21 C .CNry 41 21. WR .Pca}~ 41' O.t.a'~I H. Sst ~, 7J. S.,bdc(ti~i) ~ 24. C .kOs E. AP~r.rm(1CV) qa 26.ASy It .
OLD GEELONG Coach: Tim Ki)Iworth 14. E. Bostock 15. A. Podley 16. W. Paul
24 A. Salter (VC) 26. M . Vickers-Willis (C) 28, E. Jeffries 31, X Mims 33. M . Smit h 37. M . McConachy 39. E. Plowman 40. C. St.Clai r
41 . S. Pettig 42. D.Canpbell 49. M . Petti g 50. J. Wallace-Smith 51, A. Coale 52. S. Cole 53. S. O'Brien 54. J.Teague 55. S. Bingley 56. L .Wilson 57. W. Gordon 58. G . Collins 59. S. Lucas 68. L . Ailkin 69. S. Hogg 70. J. Downie 71 . B. Rankin 72. J. Paul 73. N. Beattie
ST KEVINS Coach : Owen Hourigan 1 . R . Simkiss 2. M. Gargano 3. S. Kuri~g 4. M.Rizio (CapQ 5. J. Pickering 6. B. Quir k 7. S. Rie s B. A. McGuiness 9. M. Furlong 10. A. Liv y
11 ' J. Hassel l 12. B. Doilman (DVC) 13, A. Pivetta (VCapt) 14. P.Greenham 15. C . Haddad 16. M. Pangrazio t7. J. Bowle r 18. G . Large 19. J.0'Brien 20. D . McArdle 21. B. Marusic 22. B. Delaney 23. M. Williams 24. J. Goldsworthy 25. M. Funston 26. B.Da y 27. J. Finch 28. A.OeKretsa 29. C . Baker 30. S. Kennedy 31. R . Doherty 32. S.Radtord 33. Gus 34. 35. M. Fields
985'7 8061
ST . LEOS EMMAUS Coach: Peter O'Connor 1 . D: Lear 2. A . Auliso 3. T. Ludlow 4. A . Daly 5. B . Carey 6. P .Deery 7 . N. Hodder 8 . G .Kennedy 9. G . Simondson 10. A . Laurie 11 . E . McLaughlin 12 . S . Vozzo 13. G . Psaltopoulos 14 . E . Sheeha n 16 . J . Smith 17 . L. Newey 18 . M . Smith 19 . B . Wilby 20 . O . Brown 22 . L. Latham 32 . R. McCann 35 . T . Batty 80 . G . Wyat M . Codyt J . Rattigan
Coach: Dami-i Carrol l
Coach : Harry Harisio u
1 . T. Belleville 2. P.4.Bucki s 3. J. Buttedield 4. B.Dillon 5. O .Fumess 6. C .Franklin 7. R .Gaza i 8. B.Gilbertson 9. T. Holmes 10. N . Howell 11 . J. Scott 12. T.KNchen 13. L . Kirkham 14. A. Leddin 15. J. Magee 16. A. Maher 17, B. Morgan 18. P. Oswald 19. A. Robinson 20. C . Ross 21 . A.Sanders 22. L .Spencer 23 . A.Walker 24. T.Warburton 25. J.War d 26. R . Watson 27. S. White 28. M . Atkin 29. T. Gargon 30. A. Monissey 31 . N . Roll s 32. L . Juniper 33. S. Dimond
1 . C. Williams 2. B .Anders on 3. H . Reeves 4. K . Conve ry S. A .Rossi-Mel 6. W.Taylor 7. S .Attardi 8. B .Woodlock 9. A . Heard 10. A .Fogarty it. S . Yi n 12. A .Camelleri 13. S .Taylor 14. P .Witchell 15. K . Harte 16. T .Wason 17. L.Sheean 18. H. Beale 19. T .Benton 20. P . James 21 . M . Peters 22. P . Harmon 23 . A.Karatili 24. L. O'Connell 25. S . Walter 26. J. Anderson 27. J.Wilson 28. M . Manovella 29. A . Kir k 30. N. haymes 31 . A .Jackson 32. N.Mitchell 33. J. Hackman
WILLIAMSTOWN C .Y.M.S . Sen . Coach : Gerard Barnes 1 . B. Wouda 2 . B. Cocks 3. A. Petzierides 4. B.Forrester 5 . B.Twist 6. A.Thege 7. J. Clark 8 . G .Singleton 9. S. Wuchatsch 10. G . Burgess 11 . D. Macleod 12 . C .Bergin 13. M. Elhaouli 14. L .Grochowski 15 . T. Murra y 16. M. Holland 17. J. Meter 18 . G .Rickard 19. L .Gray 20. B. Robinson 21 . R .Cockerell 22 . W. Kaddour 23. D . Bordignon 24 . D. Wouda 25 . D . Ryan 26. D . Le e 27 . C . Mathews 28 . S. Kennedy 29. A. Houli 30. M. Elhaouli 31 . B. Davies 32 . B. Tod d 33. B. MacLeod 34. N . Magor 35 . S.Siewek 36. G . Carlyon 37. S. Dyer 38 . J. Hrycyszyn 39. D . Krogmann
IJnder 19 Blue
Coach : Craig Harris
1 . N . McLean 2 . B. Thomas 3 . M. Pitts (VC) 4 . J. Wadha m 5 . R . Thatcher (Capt.) 6 . C . Kent 7 . D . Whitaker 8 . M. O'Brien 9 . B. Nicholson 10 . G . Moloney 11 . S. Blackie 12 . M. Mcleod 13 . A. Qui n 14 . R . McGrath 15 . B. Stevens 16 . P. Fisher (VC) 17 . S. Mclve r 18 . N . Boctor 19 . R . Thornton 20. T. Rand 21 . P. Thomas 22. N. John 23. B. Ferguson C. Cezaw 24. 25. H. Dwyer 26. B. Carroll (Capt .) 27. J . Vance 28. J . McKenzie 29. S . Fraser 30. M . Matulick 31 . A. Booth 36. J . Handfield 41 . B. Stevens 51 . D. Sheldrake 52. B. Valle
Coach : Michael Malone I. &Lase 2 ACv-dr; 3. A6mftq 4. N. Sim i S.Tt m 6. T. Yaks
7. W.CINW 6 DS N!e 9. &LectL~ a ac•
fl. ft ; 2. LC 0 1 3. 11. WA Iy 15. w. 16.C .( ry 17. L(. 4
IS ktc.
19. It I 20 S.Gert 21. AE 22 L7 13. d D 24. C. iS. X IS L27. &KS:un 23
26. D. Ariz 27. S . Blick 28. T . Wilmott 29. H . Tregear 30. L. Muir 39. T. Lynch 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
23. 30. 31 . ;¢ 33 &HH
f-1 I J..~i.
PRINTED LABELS Pft01E(Q3)44641#1PAX(@J)44Stk61 "Qual41abels for Quali4 CGtnls " OLD BRIGHTON Coach: Leigh Bowes 11 . D. Paterson 12. A . Alderton 15. F. Carr 20. A . McNamee 24. W. Clar k 41 . J . Murchie 44. A . Brown 46. A . Price 51 . D. Strachan 54. G. Rhodes 55. S . Toms 56. R . Ken t 57. M . Dennis 58. C . McPherson 59. A . Lewis 60. B . parnham 61 . D . Crewdson 62. M . Jackson 63. A . Liptrot 64. X .Johnson 65. B . Logan 66. J . Stewart 67. D . Watson 68. P . Williams 69. M. Balmer 70. A . Remfry 71 . L . Marget 72 . W. Smith
1 . C. Cullen 2. B. Marlyn 3. D. Varker 4. A. Varker 5. D. Anderson (C) 6. A. Brown e 7. L. O'Grady 8. D. Busby 9. P. Molino 11 . L. Tregear 12. S . Burke 13. P. Nelson 14. B. Hoare 15. E .Zuker(C) 16. P . Allardice 17. S . Osboume 18. B . Ari z 19. S .G . James 20. A . Aquin o 22. H. Georgeanakis 24. R. Dunball (VC) 25. M . Dunbal l
C. Hutchinson M . Talent W. Armour M . Salter M . Iles A . Quon M . Louis A . Duddy M . Karakas P . Apinitis T. Pucella.
AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock. 319 3
ORMOND Coach : Brian Keatin g OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Andrew Baxter 1 . S.Wdsn(VG.p9 &Lzfr4)
73. H . McDougall 74 . R . Martin
37. tt. 5Z
1 . G . Lehner 2 . G . Kin g 3. R .Franklin (VCapt) 4. N . Larki n 5 . A. Murphy 6. M.Wannacott 7. H . Brow n 8 . D . O'Reilly 9. M. Hester 10. N . Courtney 11 . C . Bailey 12 . R .Cunningham 13. M. Mabbett 14 . C . Jackson 15 . S. Taylor 16 . S. Finlayson 17 . S. Handley 18 . A. Bibby 19 . G . Smith 20 . T. Rus t 21 . S. Metz (Capt) 22 . S. Head 23 . S. Herman 24 . T. Morgan 25 . D . Fishlock 26 . J . Argall 27 . L . Cripps 28 . M. Wrodarczyk 29 . S. Wrodarczyk 30 . L . Livingstone 42 . G . Hall (DVC) 51 . J . Byron
MAZENOD Coach: Kevin Kin g
1 . B.Johnson 2 . J. Le Grand (Capt.) 3. B.Josep h 4 . S. Barbellini 5 . P. Egan 6 . M. Ril ey 7 . S. Paolucci (VC) 8 . D . Schofiel d 9 . B. Clifford 10 . T. Sykes 11 . G . Janetski 12 . M. Rouch 13 . A. Meadows 14 . G . Young 17 . A. Quinn 18 . V. Di Scala 19 . A. McDowell 21 . P. McCulloch 22 . T. Bailey
Coach : Steve Rust
24 . D. Ward 25 . J. Dunne
27 . W . Occhmto (VC) 28 . A. Moore 35 . B. Hall 37 . R. Hawkins 49 . A. Smythe 53 . G .Jones 61 . S . Bilston 69. P. Fay MAJOR SPONSOR
TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial • Domestic
• Commercial 770 088 0
2 .J. Baxter (C) 3.C . Miller 4.A. Bragg 5. R . Harris (VC) 6. H . Tomlinson 7. W. Mclvor 8.M. Lawrence 9. M. Weeks 10.B. Henderson 12.A. Hickey 14. R . Burston 15.A. Leadston 16.D. Walter 17. P. O'Neill 18. C. Stott (DVC) 22.J. Cavanagh 23.T . O'Brien 24.B.Hodson 25.J. Hawkins 26.M . Wagstaff 27.T . Tremellen 28.S . McGe e 29. M . Killian 30.T . Cameron 31 .D.Jones 32.D. Horsfall 33.A. Lourey 34. M . Oke 37. B . Dempsey (DVC) 41 .S . Millie 43.C. Riordan 47.C. McPherson
ST KILDA( SOUTH CAULFIELD Coach : George Joseph 19 . M. Weilgos z 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . B. King 31 . M. Cunningham 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 361 . 371 . 38 . 39 . A. Diamon d
40 . D. Broadhurst 53 . B. Burke 561 . B. Karaminovski 57 . K. Gleeson 58 . E. Karaminovski 69 . F.Knoweiss 71 . A.Cranston 72 . M . MacDonald 73 . S. Duffy 74 . C.Femando 75 . S. Price 77 . S.Holloway 78 . G .Davis 79 . M . Merrick 80 . R. Plavljanic 81 . R. Nahas 82 . 83 . L. Phillips 84. M . Slade 86. T. Galloway 87. M . Hoga n
Under 19 Red AQUINAS Coach: John Bourke 1 . E . Mascitti 2. G. Burch 3. D . Heveren 5 . H . Nichol 6. W. Potton 7 . J. Quinn 8 . N . Fredickson 9 . J . Bleakney 10 . D . Boland 11 . S . Moran 12 . M . Tilling 13 . P . Glennie 14. R. Chapman 15. M . Fredickson 16. M . Hunte r 17. A . Williams 18. J. Hun t 19. M . Hel d 20. E. O'Loughlin 21 . C . Brownhill 22 . 23 . T. Huggins 24 . M. Reilly 38 . V. Sorace 39 . M . Mercuri 42 . R. Moran 51 . A . Hyland 54. D. Kealy 55. A . Cultera
CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach: Allen Cousins Assistant : S . Condie 1. B.r-" iIYCJ 2 B.I .; 23. B. Fc,ch 3. G. &w 24. S. Pow 4 . D.I 25. D. yd 2& 6.A' .27.F.Va7 7. B . Nqwco! 29 . A. PFjie A . Ca4: 29. 9. T.11}r~J 30. AtAihne 1 P.Aaat 31. 11. C. ' 59. 12 D. Senp•sm 6p. 13. EWestim
It C.P06~ 15. M GTO 16. At Markusia 17. D.&& 18. N. Ep 19. 6t ftw p. M.Bsks 22 S.Cc 1s
DIRELI'IONAL DRILLING Ken Basso 9722 1697 01. BANK FINANC E Greg Skien 015552013
MARCELLIN Coach : Peter Randal l 1 . M . Roberts 2. W. McMahon 3. L. Crosby 4. R. Badanjek S . M. Bell o
6. L. Ryan 7 . D . Bellissimo 8 . B . Alford
9 . J . Mason 10 . T. Black
11 . M. Mifsud (VC) 12 . M. Karavasilis 13 . S. Moran 14 . M. Van Lint (DVC) 15. T. Stephens (C) 16. J. Blackmore 17. D. Sampimon 18. P. Diacogiorgis 19. B. Colville 20. C. Mulready 21 . B . Delta Riv 22. B . Symes (DVC) 23. N . Armstrong 24. J . Evans-Smith 25 . S . Mouss i 26 . A . Reitano 27 . A. Sangorgio 28 . P. Toscano 29 . T. Martin 30 . D . Cardimone 31 . A. Rubira
32 . J. Sheehan 33 . P. Hogan 41 . M. Randazzo 51 . L. BetBol 52. B. Afford
OLD CAREY Coach : Peter Schille r
t . L. Murphy 2. S . Collins 3. D . Bedford 4. D . Cochrane 5 . J. Carte r 6. 7 . C . Anson 8 . A. Oppy 9 . J. Woods 10 . N. Harris 11 . R. Sali 12 . R. Spencer 13 . K.Safak 14 . J . Ciuro 15. A . White 16. A . Costello 17. K . Lewis 18. C . Angus 19. S . Wilson
Coach: Adam Stuckey 1 . JAI )f t
20. S . Detarczynski 21 . N . Beal e 22. C .Battle 23. S.Pratt 24 . M. Heppell 25 . F. DAnna 26 . J. Nash 27 . C. Murray 28 . 29 . 30 . M . Hutchens 31 . W. Porter 32 . P . Maniotis 33. 0 . Smyth 34. J . Zito
35. B . Gust 36.
37. L. Small 44.
G. Hendriks
2 IAP.I.irtihr (Cap.)
C. Terej Atk~a SKr P.t Flarsg Y.S. Fym B.tS'ea~an t1.PY.amrs NJJ daJ SA d8YM
DP. Geary (VW) SP. RW X RN S1Ke8n;
46 . LH.Gr&w;ld 41. J.T.Cf t 42 S.HaTMn 43 IA .C a~ 44, C.A'aura dfi. J.M?:-' M', ~(~) 41. A.E MACo 49. 1dAHWM . 49. N.tb-ir y tu H ~ ~,.,.... 50 . R, S1krA
k we* D. _km 111494W KLKdd
Sf' 1~
C . kice BA L„ : L Tuw
FRM FORK ~7~:t[1 IliiAi~7
Whitehall St, Yarraville 2h: 9687 8722
OLD TRINITY OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steve Air d 1 . M . Gwynn 2. M . Stevens 3. A . Teesdale (Capt) 4. P . Shea r 5. A . Welkom 6. T. Gray 7. A . Littlejohn 8. J .Agar 9. M. O'B ri en 10. C . Woods 11 . W.Junkeer 12 . M. Ford 13 . S. Milliken 14 . P. DAvis 15 . J. Snow 16 . C. Husking 17 . C. Bird 18 . D. Ireland 19 . S . Penton 20 . D. McLennan 21 . D. Robson 22. M . Davi son 23. 0. Crane 24 L. Boyle 25. C . Tindale 26. D . Thomas 27. L. Rose 28 . R . Eag le 29 . L. Andrews 30 . N . Moms
34 . N . Thompson 36 . S. Romensky
Coach: Leigh Colema n 1 . A . Andrews (Capt) 2. B. Powe r 3. H . Munroe 4. J. Arrowsmith 5 . T. Wolley 6. J. Gerrish 7 . S Natoli 8 . D. Beardsley 9 . B . Dahlstrom 10 . M .Shauhgnessy 11 . T . Morpet h 12. R. Rhea 13. J . Cade 14. T. Perry 15. J . Ivory 16. M . Chisolm 17. J . Newman 1 8. D . Burrows 19. C . Ba r 20. 21 . S. McMahon 22 . T. Sheehan 23 . T. Cade 24 . N .O'Haloran 25 . M. Lapira 26 . T. Tobi n 27 . M . Greig 28 . C. Butler 29 . L. Kennedy 30. C. Stanley 31 . E. Davatzis 32. K. Noden 33. C. Wilson 34. D. Robinson 35. A . McKenzie 36. R . Baxte r 37 . CONSOLIDATED 38. TRAVE L 39 40 .
WHITEFRIARS Coach: Andy Dal ry mple 1 . M . Tudor 2. M. Vandenboom (VC) 3. D . Fedele (DVC ) 4. 5. L . Eame s 6. M. Jongebloed (Capt) 7. M. Winterburn 8 . A. Lacey 9. S. Gillan 10. A. Davis 11 . D. Nolan 12 . A. Sandford 13 . T . Hughes 14 . A . Beattie 15 . R. Mik a 16 . R.Ta rtaglia 17 . A . Glen n 18. C . O'Connor 19. A . Shepherd 20. A . Pawlick 21 . R . Fedele 23. D .Grilfin 24. M. Smith 25. 26. R . Pawlick 27. 28 . P. Molloy 29 . 30 .
YARRA VALLEY Coach: John May 1 . T. Wapshol 2. T. Hate 3. S . Standliekf 4. J . Rei d 5. A. Drew 6. L. Dour 7. S. Thompson 8 . L . Morris 9 . D. Mitlson 10 . A. Ba rt on 11 . B. Reynolds 12 . P. Ford 13 . J. McConnell 14 . B. Mcllraith 15 . K. May 16. L. Taylor 17. T . Mcllraith 18. L. White 19. B . Wilson 20. T. Tyshk g 21, M. Wearn 22. B. Telford 23. A. Drew 24. A. Cusano 25. S. Gado 26 . D . Rowe 27. L . Smith 28 . A. Lawton 29 . S. Seaboume 30 . A. Siebel 34 . D. Steven 35 . A. Laing 46 . W. Butler 52. A. Ha rt nett 69. H. Van Kiaer
Club XVIII North COLLEGIANS Coach: 1 . G. Dingoe 2 . M . Burgess 3 . N . Sibbing 4 . N . Comiey 5 . R. Crocker 6 . J . Gleason 7 . J . Hubbard 8 . N . Hutton 9 . C. Comley 10, R. Lee 11 . S . Gross 12 . 13 . 14 . A . Marson 15 . D. Ted ell 16 . E . McKay 17 . M . Whittaker 18 . J . Gonzales 19 . J . Gay 20 . D. Smith 21 . 22 . M .Jone s 23 . 0 Lansenberg 24 . C . Sutherland 25 . D. Wai n 26 . S . Messina 27 . 28 .
OLD ESSENDON Coach: D. La w 1 . D. Law (CC) 2 . D. Bellman 3 . K .Gasa 4 . B . Gasa 5 . T. Williams 6 . C. Fazzalari 7 . P . Cramer 8 . D. Garvey 9 . N . Dib 10 . M . Swift 11 . R. Musa 12 . A . Dawson 13 . B . White 14 . M . McKerretl 15 . D. Stembridge 16 . C. Bishop 17 . D. Hexter 18 . A . Hutchinson 19 . D. Reid 20 . G . Dalinkiewicz 21 . L. Shaw 22 . A . Smith 23 . M . Maso . R. Boyle n24 25 . M . Howden 26 . A . Cuzzupe 27 . D. Cuzzupi 28 . M . Goodwill 29. S . Hearne 30. D. Greasley
HAWTHORN CITIZENS Coach : Glen Stallworthy 1 . M . Keaney 2. R . Lovich 3. K . Richardson 4. S . Bowe (Capt.) 6. P . Aver y 7. G . Sta worthy 8. P . Lovich 9. W. Power 0 P . Orchard i 1 A . Still 12. A . Tsoumbris 13. J. .Povey Morris 15. G 16. H . Ousalkas 17. D . Zavaretla 18. S . Timewell 19. J. Law 20. A . Hartley 21 . D . Murphy 22. C . Benton 23. D . Tracey 24. A . Wilson 25. A . Hure 26. M . Wilkinson 27. R . Lord 28. J. Morrison 29. D . Murray 30. D . Lauletta 32. B . Delbridge 35. A . Dunlop 36. S . McDonald 41 . E . Sil l 44. P. Rossitto
Coach: M . O'Dea
Coach: A. Kennedy t . A. Kennedy 2 . M . Comer 3. D. Boothey 4. P . Doyle 5. V . Paonessa 6 . J . Hes s 7. A. Merton 8. M . Nimmo 9. B . Edmonds 10. G. Cox (C) 11 . M . Lowry 12. A. Barnett 13. S . Lan e 14. R. Pertich (V .C .) 15. A. Robinso n 16. A . Keogh 17. D. Lowry 18. G. Lowry 19. D. Pizzalotto 20. J . Kent 21 . M . Kent 22. G. Banks 23. G. Basford 24. A. Bucknell 25. M . Curry 26. D. Dodoricco 27. P . Fitzsimmons 28. R. Holland 29. A. King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D. Theis z
Coach : Ron Holmberg 1 . B. Allman 2 . M. Bevanda 3. G . Carroll 4 . S.Lanyon 5 . S. Elliott 6. M. Fennelly 7 . B. Devine 8 . J. Smith 9 . D . Fogarty 10. M. Giroiami 12 . S. Hall (C) 13. C . Henderson 14 . P. Hevey 15 . N . Hibbins 16 . R . Holmberg 17 . D . Perrone 18 . M . Lynch 19 . P . Considine 20 . D.Joyce 21 . F . Miletto 23 . G . O'Toole 25 . A. Ryan 26 . A. Schmidt 27 . J. Schmit 28 . K. Scott 31 . B . Swain 32 . J. Trimboli 33 . A. Trimboli 34 . I . Turnbull (VC) 42, A. Rowlands 43 . G . Irvin e 45 . J. Zumbo 48 . N . Christie 53 . J. Cahill 59 . J. Bujega 69 . J. Joyc e
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13. 14 . 15 . 16 . 17. 18 . 19. 20. 2t . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 3F. . 39 . 40. 56 .
P. Condon S.Ivak M. O'Dea (Coach) A. Tucker A. Morrow M. Garoffoto M. Doyle K. Corbally D . McGuire P. Bladeni M. Smith D . Maher M.0'Hanlon P. Seal A. Lazems D . Byme C .Johnson C . Curtain O . Niall A. Wilson G . Katac S. Reid R . Guppy S. James J . Leonard
M. Quin n T. Reynolds
Stillwell Ford
Coach : 2 P. CCzB) 1A s 4. Alr r 4. D. Too till S d4 s GSKsI 7. T. Yazg & t.s~a 9. fd(Waro R. P.Arr€1rmz3(8) 10. A±-(CCxd) tt. S'Iwy 12 M .Tozrn 13. APr 14. C.G° 1& 6n. 1& M 17. Lai(fl) 17. It,I& P.I . 5.P'r19 x. T.h,i 21, 1Nansfle7 7L P. POMf;acn 2d P.G619 (R) 21 A. Noonan 24. ACacuan 21 1M.4tcon(AVC4i) 2& 1. R.thxyt§ 27. dWekle 2& o.JoresaCzpl 23. fl.WeL't9t~lr) :0. E&coo, 31. D.Ca13f 3L D.Goad 33 T.Cirack 34. T. Lane 35. LDlem iF'CzfS) K. D.stie, 37. D. SW 3. &G.N~. 8. 6P^^^^ S0. RL,,U 41. LTr4L SA; 47. D.C. : 44. t1 4a M.i
?Gt (wt feo fc is f#aCt ed t°s°
ST BERNARDS Coach : Andrew Vinecombe 1 . A. Vincecombe (Capt) 5 . R. Day 7 . M . Creak 10 . M . Quinn 11 . P. Prassas 11 . B. Schwarzenberg 12 . M . Castle s 14 . M . Cunningham 15 . J. Martin 16 . M . Farmer 21 . B. Moon 22 . G . Farrugio 25 . A. Barnes 26 . P. Farrugia 33 . G . Tot a 39 . T. Matkou 44 . P. Moon 69 . G . Wood
47 . G.Natatt 48 . tAWr9 49 . AF~kq E0 . C.C w 51. btPM a5 9 G. Locke 51 D.C2kn 54 . P .Wd 55. J. Ba si 55. WA LM 57. T.tkC~ .:k:3 54. fi .W '~at 59. B . Ekea^s G. S .&c{iry
622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds
THERRY Coach : 1 . D . Van Engelen 2 . R . Zampogna 3 . J. Briedis 4 . S . Koralewski 5 . S .Sacco 6 . W. Brady 8 . A . Grant 9 . S . Stella 10 . D . Stazyk 13 . T. Kenna 15 . M . Heffernan 16 . S . Goodwin 1 7 . B .Crockford 20 . B .Jacobson 21 . A . Fitzpatrick 26 . J. Vanengelen 28 . B . Gree n 33 . M .Jacobson 35 . S .Dowdle 40 . D . O'Meara 42 . A . Maloney 43 . B .Stevens
Club XVIII South DE LA SALLE Coach :
1 . K. Mannix (Capt.) 2. T. Mchenry 3. A. Classon 4. B.0'Driscoll S. B. Byrne 6. B . Hoy 7 . M. Thorn 8 . D. Jennings (VC) 9 . N. Vargas 10 . D. Tessier 11 . S . Bolt 12 . S . Rudd 13 . J . Clothier 14 . M. 0'Driscoli 15 . A. Brabner 16. C . Taylor 17. B. 0'Hearn 18. T. Moore 19. P. Manning (VC) 20. M. Stanhope 21 . S. Goss 22. A. Worsteling 23. C. Bourke 24 . T . Forbes 25. J. Murphy 26. D. Williamson 27 . A. Carr 28. C. Cleary 29 . S . Gurr 30 . G. Hagan 31 . M . Farrell 32 . T. Silvers
M AZENOD Coach : Danny Wain 7 . P . Deegan 9. P . Hall 10. M . Tetley 11 . T. Smith 12 . A . Wilks 13. T. Bridgland 15 . C . Varney 21 . I. Neil 26 . D . Conroy 27 . D . Krom 28 . D . Carter 33 . J. Boyle 35 . J. Fisher 36 . P. Robinson 37 . G . Trig g 38 . D. Steinfort 39. R. Bourbon 41 . B. Welch 44. D. Rolle 45. G . Rogers 46. B. Halos 47. P . Riley 48. P . Vine 49. L. Halvy 50. C. JOnes 51 . S . Thompson 53. M . Peters 55 . M . Quirk 56. M . Welch 58 . R . Cahill 59 . C . Lane 63 . P . Welch 64 . S . Bourbon 66 . W. Psalter 89 . J . Keal y
Coach : M. Selb y 2. M . Jarvis 3. B . Stefanou 4. N . Callender 5. R Murr a
Coach :
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13 .
S . Moody M. Hal l A . Hancock P . Ellison D . Morton J . McLauchlan D . cochran A. Nobl e
14 . J. Bennet t
15 . M. Hutchinson 16 . M. Hendrie 17 . S. Hannaford 18 . S. Duggan 19 . D . Smyth 22. J. Lockett 23. L . Bowes 24. P. Netlan 25. J . Templeton 27. A. FRaser 28. S . Kay 30. P . cockayne 31 . F . Magee 33. D. Payne 35. A . Rutler 36. D .Joyce 37. M . Selby 42 . A . Wittey 43. T. Betts 4t . M . Payne J . Turnbull M . Shippen P. Cantone P. Greene L . Hamilton J. Rattray S. Smith J. uglnw A . Wraith 44. S. Carter 48. C . Halin g
1 . B. Aujar d 4 . H . Middleton (VC) 5 . S. Montgomery (C) 6 . M. Godwin 7 . M . Clunies-Ross 10. M . Bingley 17. R . McLeish 20. N . Tribe 22. D. Hooper 23. S . Pryde 25. B . Langley 26. D. Murtagh 30. P . Williamson 31 . D. Bin i 32. S . Sheahan 36. D . Bingley 37 . A . Chambers 43 . J . Deakin 44, C . Thomas 47 . C . Knight 51 . S .Illingworth 55 . A . Aston 58 . J . West 61 . P. Montgomery 88 . J . Geddes
2. W. Davis 6. J. Bett 10. R . Sum 15 . C . Stewart 18 . C . Richardson 20 . T. Breadmore 21 . A. Coble 24 . 26 . 27 . 29 . 30 .
M. Williams A. Williams J . Dowling J . Neville-Smith P . Jone s
31 . T . Jackson 33 . M . Wilkinson 34. P .Law 35. 39. 40. 41 . 45. 47. 48. 54. 55. 56. 73.
C. Douglas J . Ferguson M . Oddie C. Levinge H . McInnes D . Whitehead S . Nadenbousch W. Dodd A . McMillan C . Walker R . Abbott
V.U .T . Coach : Geoff Fletcher
OLD SCOTCH Coach: Simon Illingworth
Mark Bo rthwick 1 . N . Straus s
1 . B .Difalc o
OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Teamlist not supplied.
ST KEVINS Coach : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
M .Wharton M . Quinlan S . Bannon A . bucella G . GosgriN B . Stackpole (VC) R . Mark s
8. R . Drew 9. D . Nantra (Capt) 10. M. Menzie s 11 . L . Davidson 12 . D, O'Brien 13 . P. Hooper 14 . P.O'Tiemey 15 . M . Passt 16 . B. Quin n 17 . P. Hagerty 18 . B. Millar 19 . M . Powell 20 . J . Wilhel m 21 . A . Davies (VCapt) 22. I . Wood 23. R . curtis 24. A . Nanfra 25. L. Smith 26. C . Smith 27. R . Snell 28. P .Bannon 29. J . Whitbread 30. P . Lavelle 52 . P. Lewin
2. E.Burmeister 3. T.Nucara 6. D . Tanner 7 . P. Byme s 8 . K.Vanderpoel 9 . N .Djinovic 1 0 . G . Farley 12 . G . Ziegler 13 . M .Robertson 16 . W . O'Connor 17 . C.Russell 19 . T. Williams 20 . R.Papakos 21 . P. Cox 22 . P.Clifte 23 . E.Midon 24. A.Clitte 26. S . Case 34. P.AIIen 38. M .D'Angelo 41 . F .Kilroy 52. K . Vanduursen 56. T . Brown 57. M . McGlade 58. T .Moebus
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : A. Cordner t . D. Milne 2. D. Moss
3. D. MacDonald 4. A . Coroner (VC) 5 . B . Vil e 6 . C . Branchflower 7 . A . Woodhouse 8 . S. Potter 9 . J . Scott 10 . G . Stooke 15 . H .Ingleton 16 . C .Jensz 21 . T. Read 25 . S. Hargreaves 28 . S. Cox (C) 33 . A. Clements 35 . S. Stribling 37. S. Osborne 44. S . Baldwin 45. J . Ela m 48. W. Houserman 54. A . Wilson 55. T . Osbome 61 . P . Harris 62 . D. Stanton 71 . R . Hockney
E Eas t AQUINAS Senior Coach: Brett Davidso n Reserves Coach : Sean O'Loughlin T. Jess 30. C . Cornier G.Cfklad 31. LKirg S. Edwards 32. M. Vanlce H. Horan ften S. Kerry 33. M. CoNla P. Pa les 34 . M. TanBi D. McKellar 35 . S .1'ringstane IL Boland! 36 . D.Plielan 37 . M. Client S. Hiney B'O'Comor 38 . C. Tiding B." 39. R.Leavei C .,H:w/ 40. S.ROey C . Bali 41 . M.BaWar J. Knights 42 1WEvoy H . Red 43. M, Stately M. Derain 44. P. Dm J. Huglves 45. S. Gies G. W1deh^.ad 46. S. Belhure P . Rates 47. P. Barnard C. Call 48. A, CRIord S . Ffyno 49. C. Lainban J.li.ax3stone 50. A. B :ttare P. HarNr 51, A, Hyland D. Horne 52. T. Mu& S. Cornett 53. S. Robertson S. Jonzs 54 . S.If74on R.RSrren 55 . J.Crcwch S. Clow* 65 . R. More
Senior Coach : Joe D'Angelo Rese rv es Coach : Mark Horstield Assistant Coach: Andrew Gillard
Senior Coach : Bill Gommers Reserves Coach: Denis Caine
Senior Coach: Adam Lenarcic Reserves Coach: D. Bowe n
Senior Coach : Ma tt Ryan Reserves Coach : Kim Tucker
1. RSdunasler 18 R.Dalie 2 . J . DArigab It . S. Dm 3 . B. Hose 20. J . Moran 3. S.Md.aar 21 . LCa" 4 . I.Mdwd 21 . MHrgsfle+d 4 . N.Cata~ 22, P.Basussl 5. M. Janes 23. M.Sadrin 5. M.Senel 21 J.Falun 6. M.KOy 24. C.SR`th 7. T.WAs 24. 610O 8. T.Mazzdea a W .COey 9. P. Goetz X ARowley 91 M. Sheehan 27. A. Gftd 9. H . TerM 30. C. Parker 10. S .Wagg 31 M. 8#5 It. S .Pctly 34. LCtema 12. Alssa 34. S. Baylor 12. D.Ttmmpscn 35. T. Way 13. N.Baq 35.. G.Leldas 14. 8. MO 38. 8. Leh'sen 15. M.Stalcn 37. J.Paarxh 15 . S. woo 38. G.&am 16 . MBen'atl 41 RCaazm 17 . P. Ckx2tar 44 . B. Wa n 46 .. A. Hunprey 57. SStarron It. LTt,sat
RICHMOND CENTRAL Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Rese rv es Coach: Peter Jackson
OLD CAREY Senior Coach : John Wise Assist. : John King Rese rves Coach: Sco tt Macrae
45 . M.Mxty 2 Learry 48 . 3 . J. DMzcn 47 . D . Banance 4 . cam 48. C . BM 4 . 1. Ha= 49 . N .Rthe 5 . SShalinell, 50. V. KO 6 . SPr.kRetl St .
7 . F. Bove 52. C. kidornoclo 8. G Malcolm 53.
10. A Mu~j 55. S. H. 1 . C. HM 37 . N. Ereretl 2. C.Hkkxy(CaFt .) 32. G .Neat?(RC) It. J. Earlier 56. LD* 3. M . Coral 33, P. Ban 12 57. 4 L .PaGersa, 37. G .Eamey 13. C.Pearson 58. AWason 14. C.S4:van 59. 5. D. Lee 35. R Evans 6. C.Campb?I 15. P.chtch 60. B.Gem2sSs 36 . H . Manson 16. S. Mans 61. 7. A.Drever 37. P . Bryc e 38 . 1. Wien 17. C.Wffine 62 . B.Ray3 8, P Harris 18. MZajac 63 . 9 . M.Easiham 39 . P .Bewil 10 . K .Stuaes 40. B .Humpvey 19. J. M vaig 64 . 11, A .Cope (FICap) 41, A. Gates 20 65. G . Be 12 . M. Spencer 42 . C.Poppreval 2t. A. F01 66. T.Parj;aoykrw 22 . K. Gordon 67 . 13. S .Jars 43. S.Ct)erry 14. M. Nance 44, J. Rd 23 . C . Mach 68. 24 . 69. M.Tapay 75. C.HugNes 45. M .Sm4h M. knes 46, S. Gomm 25. S.8ddxk 70. c'b" . 71. t7 C.GBndemam 47. M .Serag 27 . 72. N, Bark 18. C.MafPe'ns 48. M.Hoskeg 23. AWaers 73 . 19. P.Orake 49, R.Msadan 20. C.pn6:rsan 50. M.Da«son • 23. D. WD:tn 74. P.Caww! 21. J .Eccles 51. J . Madial R S. Ferrol 75, 31 . 76. L Eg3n 22. J .Hands 52. P.Me1Man 53. R Foster 32. D. Vau 77 . A Hop 23, T. Pike 33. LWesxin 78 . 24 . M . Yarnal 55 . M. Cary 25 . C, Goodal 64 A . McFarlane 3=. D.HUY 79 . 35. ~ . M. Pryv 26 . J.McOwe 66 . J. Reyes X P. Jackson 27 . N,Vas4Opcubs 70. T.AuVik( (VC) 72 . FA BlackLum 37. GPateas 28 . P. Narce 77 . P. Dahon 38 . S. Hove 39 . 29 . T. Madon 80. J. Bayard 40. B. Kasts 30. S .Feetan 41 . '. 42 . P.Hxy .'.. 43. A Sa•ka 44 i.JnerP'stat 45.
1 . M .Pembeem 2. A. Sort 3 G.SVi:n 4. M. Canal 5. B.Pe4er 6. D. Troller 7. V.Pam 8. D .Caine 9. B.Gray 10. M.Koepnans 11 . G. WWyerd 12 D. Paola 13 . P . CutB 14 . S .Mckdosh .15. M.Warren 16. M.Wa 5v 18. B.Massaoa 19. S.0'Crnror 20. K, Odes 21 . S.Oars 22. T. MAaais 23, B, Solace 24. C.Dwq 25. R Headerson 26. P. pope 27. J .Cansi 28. S. Reddy 29. M. HzrrNtqtai 3D. S. Bond 31. P. Egan 32 P.Ardhmy 33 . A Ct'un.de<' 34 . R. Sibbi tg 36. D. Karp 37 . W. Peribe rlon
38. G. KON 39. J. Eton 40. R.Burna 41 . G.PNik 42. D.Cdwnen 43. P.SM g 44. M. Solornon 45. W.Wm.q 49. C.Pelers 52. S. Byrne 53. R. Davison 5E G. DaNon
t . Gan 1. ASox 2. A M tra 2. T .Wprym a M.Brr?y 3 F. k8ded 4. M. WOW 5. :. Raye 5. t .Karads .a 6 S. Lee 7 . D.Boverr 7 . S. Coons 8 . P.Cardme 9. ADrs'azn 10. C. Risen It . T.Fea2.nty 12. C. Broadhead I M. Georgia 4. S. Lees 15. D.Gr,n 16 S.ArYswi t7. G.Cmt 18. 8 .IIiAlaYti 19. D.LtAa 20. D.Groaz 20. It Heck Icapt) 21. P.Ck'• 22. S. &,;~E y
23. G.5TJh 24 . D. Mm; 25 . C, real a D. Hawley 27 . D. Kaye 28. S.Raynrx 29. D.Bzwnt 30. LIcLear 31 . V. Fo•astHra 33 DBoaStR 34. A. Da 35. D. Bruce
35 NOx 37. Alr ,r c 41 . D .C : (Cap.) 42. ARtn 41 M.' 44. G.w:k 45. l Varnam 46 L W K W. 7n
,.'j YCtI E."~c :lo1BL1L ,
"The Road Builders '
I.CONs 31 . Z. .bvamki M.Crtes 33. J .Tay~ M.GasPaolo 35 . J .~FwYJ T. Brown 36. J . Doody F.Ctiable 37 . P.ForsGutO P. (Images 38. J .Masca J. Lloyd a J.Coaetty 1. G. Wh 40. S . VAdt e 2. K.TucYxr 41 . D. 1--,15y 3. P.Tw,€r 42. 0. Hal
4. B.Hespa 43. K .Hamshere S . A Hogan 45. M. Rya n
6 . 1, Care 46. D.Hadldcl 1 . H.Ham 47. G.H"f 8 . D. Wooixard 48. . M.wqa 9 . M . Lees 50. P.Wateler 10. M.Berry 51. M .lUlzk 1t . G . Hanson 52 . S, P14scin 12. T.Caner 53 . A.Ed3CUn'be 1 1 D. Bel 54 . N.Tun ey 14. J.Sexad 55 . G .M oo rav 56 . R. Cavil s 15. C . M 3d&m 7. H . Lays 57 . 0 . SKoq 18. C . " 58 . R Keane 19. C. Drryer ~. J. Shaa 20. J.58ron 61 . C . Wine 21. K . CrLW 62, M. Bell 22. A. Lacey 63. 23. A.Olknwl 64. R,krramrs}i 25. T. SIicliand 65. R. WeaBieril 26. A.Glare 66. S.FRZpatrirk 27. RSdar
29 . J. Stanley 30. J.Gray
Greg Skien 015 552 013 ST. MARYS Senior Coach:
Neil Lelievre Rese rves Coach : Evan Evan s
Seniors Coach : Keith McKenzie Reserves Coach : Mark Johnsto n
Senior Coach: David McCormack Res . Coach: Scott Alderson
I . M . Le~ranh 2. P.Wast 3. P.I 'rrrgstme 4. A Bel 5. W. Mdkrupr 6. S, Slone 7. C .Daedio 8. J. Saraa 9. 1. Duck 0. T.Joriers I1. L PtYps 12. RArva rogrou 13 . M.Socaon, 14 . J. Passis 15 . DAndrews 16. M .HceLoer 17 A. Smile 1B. W.PA;s 19. T.&YI 20. D.S=.:wan 21 . T.Ymet 21 D, Plaodtock 23. S. Reston 24. I. Ga ~ 25. M.Lciieare 26. J. Hardy 27. B .Slexat 28. J. hies 29. J. Franc's 30. P . Walson 31. P.AMxarbv 32. A. Gu1~ 33. P. Sievers 34 . B. DO35 . R.Brs 36 . E. Evans
1 . M. Vivo 2. J. Steely 4. C .Dea'* 32. A .Fnanan 5. RVebergar0 33 D Milano 6. D. Crowe 34. A . Fwsytha 7. A.HamHOn 35. T.GirnsYaw B. J.Haridge 37. A.Farrel 9. C.Sm&h 33. N. Md€ns 10. M .,bhrSEmi 39. W. L o 1. G. Barry 40 . B.kue 12. C.Beks 41 C Lamb 13 . R.Lc:scn 42 . C. Billing 14 . R.Goo~ 43 . D.WaI 15 . M.Stererca~ 44 . D.R3vs6rd 16. P.Jxrw.s 45. R PoYer 17 . S. Lee 46. E M.Salises 18. M.Sra.d 41 . . Kelly 19. B . O'Mara 48. M.DeBaro 20. A ."nasr 49. N . Pearson 21 . T. Drmad 50. B .Cartiebl 22. S . Ff,mn 51 . B .Crcvdt 23 T . AKs 52. J.ftoeaH 24. J. Maion 53 b." 25. D.M.cfaddari 54.. H.lader 26. M . Eld 55. C. Brown 27. J.tRrman 28 . G.0'CeWm 29 . G. Mine
1. N. Ford 36. R. Pereltina 2 . F.MacVean 37. L.Trembalh 3, R. Thonipson 38. D. Boss M . Fug 39. T . P?diaway I. C.Wasky 40. M.WIHe S. 6. J.Dic lism 41 . B.Croars 7. J.Oasms 42 . T. Crean B. A. MacVean 43 . H. Park 9. Ross 44 . E. Zimnaman 10. DC*. M9SO 45 . L. Rees 12. M.Wtite 46. N.Dotvel 13. G. Potter 47, T. Perraluna 15. J.Kteran 48. A.AkCleary 16. B . SrrH€a 49. T. Lupd V. SAWsm 50. J.l}1ad 18 . D. Langton 19 . N. Park 52. I'll . A.Hann:tl l 20. S. Farre, 53. S .Corcoran 21 . A Liresey-N.- 54. R. FeMm 22. P. Malin 55, S . Tayror 23. J. Sarars 56. L. Harringlm 24. M. Daves S9 . G. Shepherd 25, T.Halben 60, 0. Dour 26. G . McLeod 61, P. TeSad 27. L. Mchye 63 T . Strong 28. J .MacVean 64 . D. Dour 29. P. Paterson 65 . S. Jolson 30. D . Polar 66. A. Biestooex 31. J. Dore 67 . A. kive 32. C .hzBernan 68. M .Hoalh 33. D. Ireland 12. R . Laacn 34. T . Chrolield 78. J . Scales 35. B . Peake
37 . J .McfasNwy 38 . F.Harrism 39 . RKB g 40. A.Bdla 41 . C . SiBtco 42. P .Feahsrslm 43. A .Home 44. Z Ireland 45. W. black 46. G.Lanyad 47. S.McDonwl 48 . RDamnan 50 . K. Larglad 51 . B. Frae 52 . T. Carat 53 . P. B's~ryon 55 . C.0'Bram 57 . Agam 58 . TAzzepara 63. S.Darargaez 64. M .Scarraa 65. P.Hetgan 68. G .Ttsduuis
30 . Plot
Malvern yafe7foteE CO THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
A Section
Sen7or Coach; Lo~h Cartson R®sxva: Coach : tFobart Bnyay 1 . B. Mooney
2 . D . Smit h
3 . B. Woolhouse 4.S. Laussen _5. D. Greeves 5. D. Peter s 6. A. Smith 7. C. Higson 7. D. Baxter 8. C. Pollock 9. C. Dilena t0. J . Grig g 11 . B . McKenzie 12 . D. Stub s 13 . A . Sheerly 14 . R . Schober 15 . Y . Phillips 16 . A . Wallace 17 . D . Phillips 17 . A. Oldham 18 . J . Bennett 19 . C . Davidson 20 . C . Dean-Johns 21 . A. Johnston 22 . D . Ker k 23 . A. Sheedy 24 . R . Hartnett 25 . D. Lever 26. N. Milat 27. S. Humphrey 28. S . Blackman 29. A. Kenneally 30. M . Gailbraith 31 . S . Wood 32.D.Thomson 33. G. Irvine 34. D. Entwhistle 35. J . Taylo r 36. S . Harding 37 . J . Dansley 38 . S . Van Der Venne 39 . B . Jones 40 . A . Kelson 41 . S . Lubich 42 . A . Vasdekis 43 . A . Greenway 44 . A . Parkin 45 . N . Anderson 46 . S. Wooley 47 . M. Hassell 48 . J. Lemon 49 . P. Harrison 50 . B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52 . J. Schmidt 53 . S. Hobbs 54. K. Muir 55 . E. Jones 56. D. Howe 57. J. Moore 58. G . Phelan 59. M . Richards 60. B . Kerrs 61 . D. Kerrs 62. G . Constable 63. 64 . G. Tiver 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 6970 . 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . N . Proctor
Ir 24
Senior Coach : Mike McArt hur-Allen Reserves Coach : Brian Brow n
Senior Coach: Tony Paatsch Reserves Coach: Chris Boyle
1 . M . Chun 2. P . Fiume 3. S . Crowe 4. L. Hall 5. C . Swift 6. A . Browne 7. C . Browne 8 . C . Wrigh t 9. C . Campbell 10. D . Tessier 11 . A. Evans 12 . D. Toohey (Capt .) 13 . A. Water s 14 . P. McCormack 15 . J. Hodder 16 . M . Jackson 17 . M . Mannix 18 . M . Abrahams 19 . D. O'Brien 20 . M . Knupple 21 . C. Shannon 22 . P . O'Callaghan 23. M . O'Callaghan 24. C. Montgomery 25. G. Hynes 26. P .Wyles (Res.VC) 27. L. Van Der Plight 28. M . Lafferty 29. D. Hagan 30. B . Mannix 31 . A . Elliot 32 . T. Silvers 33. B . Miller 34 . P . Conroy 35 . A . Mackintosh (VC) 36 . A . Abbott 37 . D . Johnston 38 . B. Brashe 39 . P. Brasher(DVC) 40 . R . Makinson 41 . A. Phillips (R .Capt) 42 . D .Jackso n 43 . T. Banks 44 . C . Makinson 45 . C. Sparrow 46 . M.Hegan 47 . M . Farrell 48 . D. Smith 49 . M . Hill 50. P . Mannix 51 . C. Harrison 52. S . Harrison 53. P . Miran 54. M . Herber 55. B . Buic k 56. A . Flowerday 57. M . Butler 58 . C . Cleary 59. G.Hegan 60. S . Thomas 62 . J . Murphy 63. G. Longstaff 66 . L . Langone 78 . M . Stanhope
I . C. Lane
2. D . Murray (VC) 3. J,Chilcott 4. A . Hanley 5. J . Ballenger 6. N . Marm o 7. S. Morgan (1) 7. P. Deegan (2) 8. D . Christie 9. P. Hall 10. M. O'Hara (1) (VC) 10 . M. Tetley (2) 11 . T. Smith (RVC) 72 . S. Noble (1) 12 . A. Wilks (2) 13 . B. Devlin 14 . T . Bilston 15 . D. Barker (1) (VC) 15 . D. Barker (1) (VC) 16 . T. Howard (RC) 17. M . Smith 18. D.O'Danaghue 19. M . Giulian o 20. C. Murray 21 . S . Patan 22. D. Sherlock 23. J . Mannix 24. S . Boysen 25. M . Hun t 26. D . Conroy (t) 26. W. Pouter (2) 27. W. Occhiuto (1) 27. D . Krom (2) 28. D . Carter 29. R . Sharp 30. S. Fishe r 31 . C . Belleville (Capt.) 32 . W. Marshall 33. J. Boyle 34 . A. Tucker 35 . J. Fisher 36 . P. Robinson 37 . G . Trigg 38 . D. Steinfort 39 . R. Bourbon (1) 39 . J. Kealy (2) 40 . P. McCusker 41 . B. Welch 42 . S .Jozsa 43 . W. Lane 44 . D. Bolle 45. G . Rogers 46. B . Hains 47. P . Riley (RDVC) 48. P . Vin e 49. L. Hatvy 50. C.Jones 51 . S . Thompson 52. 53. M . Peters 54. D . Schofield 55. M . Qur k 56. M . Welch 57. 58. R . Cahill 59. C . Lane 63. P . Welch 64. S . Bourbon 86. M. Couttie
Senior Coach : Neville Taylor Reserves Coach : Gary March
Senior Coach : Sean Ralphsmith Reserves Coach : Guy Nelso n
1 . A . Baxter 2. D. Connell (DVCapt) 3. W. Bym s 4. C . McKenzie (Capt) 5. R . Buchana n 6. W. Smith 7. A. Hilton 8. M. Orton 9. S. Rowlands 10. T. Chegwin 11 . C . Hucker 12 . D . Seccull 13 . B. Carty 14 . A. Forsyth 15 . N. Morey 16 . D. Williams 17 . A. Hilton 18 . M . Constabl e 19 . M . Armstrong (VC) 20 . C. Krause 21 . A . Walden 22 S . Richardson 23 . M . Seccull 23 . J . Mackay (s) 24. R . Lavender 25. G. Rowlands 26. G. Phillip s 27. J . Dann 28. A . Pound 29. M . DeMattia 30. R . Aughterson 31 . B. Main (RCapt) 32. M. Drakeford 33. T. Johnso n 34. C . Reidy 35. D . Lappage 36. A. Dowsing 37. T. Evans 38 . J. Hayter 39. P. Corrigan 40. S. Duxbury 41 . T . Oscar 42 . D. Sca'rfe 43 . R. Plecher '.. 44 . A. Kirkwood-Scott 45 . N. Hil l 46 . M . Krause 47 . D. Scoff en 4& P . O'Donnell 49 . B . Wignall 50 . A . Bonwick 51 . T. Boothman 52 . D.Fosse y 55. C . Ladds (RVCapt) 57. B .Ladds
1 . T. Witt s 2. S. Theodore 3. J.Staritski 4. B. Eltinghaus 5 . N . Boyden 6 . P. Handbury 7 . C . Thompson 8 . M. Lovett 9 . T . Smith 10 . P. O'Brien 11 . A. Thompson 12 . A. Hewitt 13 . S . Rose 14 . J. Bunn 15 . S . Bromell 16. C. Eabry 17. M . Rose 18. Q. Keeble 19. J . Correll 20. A . Salek 21 . D. Strooper 22. L. Bunn 23. M . Berry 24. N . Sereda 25. M . Pruden 26. C .Kennedy 27. C . Bryan 28. S. Rabbit 29. C . Susa 30. I. McMullin 31 . J . Hart 32 . R . Webb 33. G . Dixon 34 . C .Anastasakis 35 . D .Brow n 36 . A. McKeon 37 . S. Eabry 38 . R. Eggteton 39 . S. Madden 40 . S. Middleton 41 . J. WiIlhelm 42 . P. theodore 43 . 0 . Boyd 44 . A. McDougall 45. Z . Useinov 46. H. Wright 47. J. Powe r 48. S . Walsh 49. T . Stuckey 50. P . Marinis 51 . D. Corbin 52. B . Campbell 53. B . Crump 54. I . Patterson 55. M . Burgess 56. M . Ellinghaus 57. R. Morley 58. D. Clements 59. A . Witts
60. J . Raft 61 . 62 . 63. 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 .
B . Luckock R . Morrell B . Telford A . Nelson L. Boyd B . Vil e A . Henshaw, S . Milne-Pott A . Farrington
OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach: Wayne Hermes Rese rves Coach: Simon Tallent i . K . Stokes 2 . J . Hosking (VC) 3 . S . Duthie 4 . T . Holt 5 . R. Price 6 . A. Millar 7. J . Hughes 8 . C. Reid 9. R. Aujard 10. J. Ker r if . M . Simpson 12. S. Hume 13. N . Hooper 14. D . Norman 15. D . McCall 16. A. Spee d 17. S . Woodhouse 18 . A . Nettleton 19 . S . Spiden 20 . T. Wilson 21 . S . Gibb s 22 . L. McDonnell 23 . D. Wals h 24 . M . Angus 25 . T . Pritchard 26 . B . Phillips 27 . C. Winneke 28 . S . Teesdale 29. C. Heat h 30. J. Laird (DVC) 31 . A. Smith 32. S. Grig g 33. J. Hannemann 34. D . Steel e 35. S . Steele (C) 36 . M . Davison 37 . E . Montgomery 38 . C . Hoskin g 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 .
A. A. A. A.
Walkom Warner Castricum Gibbs
43 . J . Paterson 44 . D. Tracy 45 . A. Stubbs 46. G .Jonas 47. R . Thomas 48. R . Hardy 49. T. Picken 50. D . Pel l 51 . A . Elliott 52. R . Gregory 53. P .Gaidzkar 54. B . Aujard 55 . S . Montgomery 56 . J . Schonfelder
OLD XAVERIANS Senior Coach: Simon Meehan Reserves Coach : Nick Bourk e 1 . M . Blood (DVC) 2. M . Bourke (VC) 3. M . Hannebery (C) 4. D. Landriga n 5. N. Cook 6. A. Keyhoe 7. P . Tuddenham 8. M . Holme s 9 . S. Hawkins 10 . S. Colquhoun 11 . A.Jones 12 . J. Bowan 13 . C . Ellis 14 . L . Ford 15 . A. McLean 16. T. Ockleshaw 17. D . Richardson 18. S . Hunte r 19. M. Lloyd 20. B . Buckley 21 . L. Hanebery 22. A . Bourke 23. A. McDonald 24. B . Coughlan 25 . D. Tapping 26 . A. Neil 27 . L . Fay 28 . R. Clarke 29 . S. Wood 30 . D . Dann 31 . S. Mollard 32. A. Brushfield 33. A. Sassi 34. A. Bell i 35. C . Mortensen 36. P . Barrett 37. A . Landrigan 38. M . McClelland 40. T. Nelson 41 . A . Dillo n 42 . J . Lowe (RCapt) 44 . J . Petroff 45 . D. O'Tool e 46 . C. Andronopoulos 47 . J. Dalirangle 48 . M. Logan 49. P. Lachte 50. N . Fay 51 . D . Walsh 52. M. O'Callaghan 53. A. Kearn s 54. M . Brennan 55. A . Long 56. M . Stones 57. G. Short 58. D. Bell 59. M . Hardman 61 . S . Natill i 65 . A .Jones 66 . Panagiotopoulos
Senior Coach : Geoff Reilley Assistant Coach : Russell Barnes
Senior Coach : Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach : Andrew Nathan
Senior Coach: Grant Williams Reserves Coach : Barry Neivandt
1 . A. Comito 2 . T. Dobson 3. T. Backhouse 4. A.Farme r 5. R . Doolan 6. S . Ryan 7. S . Perrett 8. A . Capes 9. J . Kennedy 10 . G. Matthewes 11 . P .Cape s 12 . B . Ho gan 13 . S.McKeon 14 . S. Doran 15 . L . Overman 16 . D. Sawicki 17 . M . Conroy 18 . P. Scerri 19. L .Gollant (C) 20. T.Sheehan 21 . J. Comito 22. C .Calthorpe (DVC) 23. B. Horn 24. D . Gray 25 . P . Hayes 26 . J . Gollant (VC) 27 . A . Nathan (CR) 28 . P . Gilmour 29 . J . Overman 30 . J . Mount 31 . M . Kearney 32 . S. Chatfield 33. P. Rogerson 34. M. Daffey 35. B. Chatfield 36. C . Bon d 37. T. Bateman 38. D . McAllister 39. S . Byme 40. J . Ballarin 41 . D .Juegan 42 . M . Marshall 43 . B . Teague 44 . S .Taylor 45 . M . Dowling 46 . G . Morrish 47 . C. Perrett 48 . J . Anderson 49. J . Jones 50. M. Farmer 51 . N . Lynch 52. F .Catalfamo 53. J. Kavanagh 54. B. Hemley 55. S.Lynch
t . D . Slimmon 2 . T. Hutchins 3. J. Hutchings 4. J .Frith 5. P . O'Donnell 6. B . Bloo d 7. D .Hayter 8. M . Thomas 9. S .Mead e 10. D. Maplestone it . S . Stevens n 12. H.Worsley 13. G . Evans 14. J . Buckley 15 . P.Stephens 16 . S. Kirsanovs 17 . J.Kani s 18 . G .Markley 19 . B. Herrald 20 . R . Polkinghome 21 . T. McIn ty re 22 . A . Nugent 23. B . Furphy 24. R . Calnon 25. A . henderson 26. N .Cavalier 27. B . Fricker 28. D. Bolton 29. T . doher ty 30. G . Allardice 31 . M . Mud g e
Reserves Coach: Peter Purcell I . A.Jobling 2 . C . Syme s
3 . A. Orr 4 . A. Grace (DVC) 5 . B. Turne r 6. T. Gallagher 7. B . Connell (C) 8. M . Gilmore (VC) 9. A . Forres t 10. P . Marrow 11 . D. Edgell 12. N .Sebo 13. P . Kingston 14 . S . James 15 . M . McConvill 16 . T . Stewart (RVC) 17 . E. Frase r
18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 .
S. Ryan D. Ciea D . wo7 J. Brown R . Block
23. P . McDonald 24. J . Collins
25. M . Wrodarczyk 26. D . Connell 27. T. Hille (DVC) 28. B . Collins 29. D. Whelan 30. P . Jo y 31 . B . Egan 32 . A. Kukuljan 33 . M . Shepherd 34 . R. Remman 35 . G . Baile y 36 . M. Templeton 37 . R . Presse r
38 . P. Milner (RVC) 39. T. Morga n 40. G . Lehner 41 . G. Hall 42. C . Keleher 43. S . Wrodarczyk 44. L. Mulcahy 45. L. Livingstone 46. C. Spagnol 47. R. Keating 48. W . Block
49. M . O'Halloran 50. 51 . C. Manakis 52. N. Wells 53 . I . Ranson 54 . S. Weidemann 55 .
56 . 57 . R . Barnes 58 . 59 . G . Sneddon 60 .
31 . R . Van Den Berg 32 . J.Gamaut 33, 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42.
L . Tweddle R . Furphy M. Jukes D .Dawson A .lennen M. Unswonh S . henderson A . Mitchell R. Doods R. Jaksi c
43. V . Romito 44. D. Lowe
45. G. McLachlan 46, D. Gun n 47. T . Rourke 48 . C. Miles 49 . P. Seller 50 . B. Joseland 51 . S. McMahon 52 . S. Longley 53 . T. Whitehead 54 . C . Nave 55 . C .Stewa rt 56 . A. Farrar 57. L.Bonadio 58. T. Miskin 59. A . Collins 60. A . Wilcox 61 . A . Wilson 62. A . Baud 63. A . Muller 64. D .McAloon 65. A . Mcleod 66. M .Sta ri ck 72. J. Norma n
622 Mt. Alexander Rd . hioonee Ponds
9326 1799
B Section
Senior Coach : Rick Brockwell Reserves Coach: Tim Bell 1 . B . Kinear 2. D. Witchell (VC) 3. L. Holt 4. T. Gloury 5. B . Wilmore (DVCapt) 6 . P . Williams (ResC) 7 . S. Richmon d 8 . R. Williams 9 . G . Sutterby 10. C . Williams 11 . T. Short 12. J. Egan 13. M . O'Brien 14. P . Healy 15. S . Gray 16 . D . Mayne 17 . A . Steven 18 . J . Turnbull (DVCapt) 19 . D. Stephen s 20 . S . Playfai r 21 . R. Dintinosante 22 . J. Gilha m 23. M. Gray 24. C . Wilkes 25. G. Jorda n 26 . H . McDermott 27 . W. Keenan 28 . D. Fabris 29 . M . Creek 30 . B . Grindle 31 . C. Bassett 32 . G . 33. D . Glass 34. C . Stevens 35. A. Hardie 36. R . Doherty 37. S . Emery 38 . G. Riches 39 . C. Head 40 . M . Keene 42 . T . Egan 43 . L . Ferrall 44 . M. Moore 45 . M. Gilbert 46. P. Agostinelli (RVC) 47. R . Smit h 52. D . Noona n 55. D . Williams (Capt.) 56. R . Doherty
BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Reserves Coach: Craig Heard 1 . J . Prior 2 . S. Driver 3 . S. Youn g 4. G . Alexander S. C . Parri s 6. R . Minne y 7. P . Robertson (Vcapt) 8. A . Bryan 9. M . Ray 10. P . George (Capt .) 11 . S . Fartoy, 12 . A. Parris 13 . M .Tuom y 14 . D . Mathews (Vcapt) 15 . B. Grei g 16 . S. Smith 17 . N . Waddel 18 . R . Williams 19. P. Nigro 20. T. Agosta 21 . D. Hooper 22. G . McLaren 23. L. Stott 24 . P . Nagle 25 . T . Merrett 26 . G . Vimpani 27 . C . Darby 28 . P. Mutimer 29 . P. Bone 30. R . Field 31 . A . Shine 32. J . Call 33. C. McWaters 34. D. O'Connell 35. M . Osborne 36 . P . Hare 37 . P. Chalkias 38 . S. James 39 . P. Dalloglio ..,, 40 . 41 . L . Cessario 42 . P. Edwards 43. M. Mason 44. C . Shatlard 45. G . Taylor 46. G. Shallard 47. C . Morihovitas 48 . R. Lambert 49 . M . Bellato 50 . D. Glover 51 . 52 . 53 . J. Scott 54 . 55 . 56. D . Doud 57. D . Shine 58. 59. 60. S . Bond
M .H.S.O.B .
Senior Coach: Doug Gott Reserves Coach: John Ma tthew
Senior Coach : Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Colin Drake
1 . R. Armstrong 2. P. La Rosa 3. C. Tucker 4. M. Maud 5. P. Manual 6. D . Frawley 7. P. Rawtey 8. R . Hird 9 . M . Thackwray 10 . G. Kennedy 11 . S . Molloy
1 . J. Bamert 2 . A. Howard 3. D . Woodley 4. J . Pertzel 5. C . Young 6. S . Harries 6. B . McGrath 7. D. Fleming 8 . J . Dixo n
Senior Coach : Peter 0'Conner Rese rv es Coach : Brandon Smale s 1 . J. Forbes 2 . D. Water s 3 . O . Abrahams 4. P. Sullivan 5. C . Kitne y 6. J . Sutherland 7. P.Booth 8. B . Collison 9. D . Beck 10. S . Evans 11 . D. Boyer 12 . J . Limperakis 13 . B . Curull i 14 . S. Cheshire 15 . P. Kearney 16. M. Maguire 17. P. Angelopoulos 18. J. Murray 19. C . Wheeler 20. M . Robinson 21 . N . Mulqiney 22 . M . Connolly 23 . M . Murone 24 . J . Barker 25 . P . Brya r 26 . L. Koutsovasilis 27 . M. Gravina 28 . D . O'Farrell 29. E. Faille 30. M. Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32. T. Kemp 33. J . Mollroy 34. B . Conti 35 . S . Manassa 36 . D. Tonkin 37 . 1 . Tale b 38 . A. Trimboli 39 . C . Theodoropoulos 40. L . Curry 41 . L . Curran 42. T. Cleveland 43. J. Lowrie 44. A . Twist 45. A . Zanatta 46. C. Hanley 47. P . O'Dwyer 48. A. Da y 49 . J . Trimboli 50 . C . Bailey 51 . G . Suarez 52 . T. Jamieson 53 . 54 . 55 . 56. P . Considin e 57. 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62 . M . Fennelly 63 . R . Gale 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70. S . Drum
12 . T. Jackson 13 . S . Narkiewicz 14 . P . Flynn 15 . T . Flynn 16. B. Davis 17. P. Lee 18. T . Scoble 19. G . Bullen 20. R . Stewart 21 . L. Blackwood 22 . R . Angelini 23 . M. Pearce 24 . L. Smith 25 . T. O'Neill 26 .S ' Fairweather 27 . D. Nibal i 28. B. Weiser 29. C. Drysdale 30. S. Northey 31 . D. McFarlane 32. J. Lynch
33. B. Kendall 34. C. Brown 35. P. Whitehead 36 . A. McKellar 37 . G . Finlayson 38 . D . Hoffman 39 . M . Ebbage 40. S . Cya r 41 . C. McDonald 43. S . Lyn n 44. E . Newbold 45. A. Rosenfeld 46. M . Pollock 51 . D. Jacka 52. R . Pace 55. L . Pearce 61 . A . Barrd 65. W. Taylor 69 . S . Ford 70 . J . Matthew
9 . D. Comer 10 . M . Beazley 11 . M. Webster 12 . C . Glove r 12 . M. Feferkranz 13 . A. Preece 14. M. Zaghloul 15 . P. O'Connell 16. M . Atkins 17. A . Webster 18. 1 . Gillespie 19. A . Snaidero 20. D. Fairchild 21 . B. Cookman 22. 23 . M. Jamieson 24 . G . Wilson 25 . 26 . M. Thompson 27 . W. Watford 28 . T. Lawrence 29 . C . Drake 30. S . Bennett 31 . G. McLardie 32. M . Konstanty 33. B. Ansell 34. N. Fahey ..., 35. S. Konstanty ... 36 . A. Palmo s 37 . S. Karamoutises 38 . A. Stewart 39 . J . Winch 40 . B. Hayes 41 . 42 . N . Bradley 43. 44. P . Frost 45. A . Barge 46. T . Holland 47. 48. 49 . 50 . E. Thomas 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . P. Hunt 55 . M. Pond 56. 57. T. Grimmer 58. 59. 60. P . Konstanty 61 . M . Pretty 62 . S . Harrison
Senior Coach : Shane Young Reserves Coach : Roger Brow n J . A. Krzywniak 2 . L . James
Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Reserves Coach : Darren Caddy
4. 7. 8. 9. 11 . 15. 16.
M. Talbot L . Fildes S. Lennox M. Fisher A . Fitzgerald R . Oakley y N . Perr
19. A . Mandelaris It. L. Jackson 23 . N. Pryo r 25 . R. Carter 27 . C. Gilmour 29 . J. Murch 30. S. Williams 31 . S . Murray 32. B . Wiliams 34. R . Smith 36. B . Pollock 39. A. Fischer 40 . K. Teschendorf 41 . P. McMahon 42 . J. Howden A. Witte K. Farrell S . McGee A . Rickerry G. Bennet t D. Kollmorgen .. N. Winter P. Wolf M .McLennon A. Augustine C. Toma s K. Bickett J . Murchie A. Grant P . Roach N . Truelson A . Palfrey T.Lennox
Senior Coach : Date McCann Reserves Coach : Paul Arnet
1 . M. Tolley
2 . P. Sigley (CCapt) 3. A . Jenkins 4. 4. 5. 6.
A . Parker D. Toll (R) J . Stevens S . Ken t
7. T . Young 8 . T . Stevn s 9 . M. Karayannis 9 . P. Armstrong (R) 10 . M. Veal (CCapt) 11 . S. Tully 12 . M . Tozer 13. A . Pappas 14. C. Grinham 15 . G . Douglas 16 . M . Woods 17 . Z . Abousabha (R) 17 . J. Lu k
18 . P. Bisogni 19 . S. McLean 20. T. Ryan
21 . J . Mansfield 22. P . Donaldson 22. P .Golding (R) 23. A. Noonan 24. A. Corcora n 25 . J. Maycock (RVCapt) 26 . I . Roxburgh
27 . J. Weddle 28 . 29 . 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34.
D . Jones (RCapt) R . Weddle (VCapt) E . Brophy D. Caddy D. Goad T . Cormack T . Lamer
35 . L . McLean (VCapt) 36 . D . Supe r 37 . D . Stott 38 . G. George 39 . G. George 40. R. Davies 41 . L. Taylor 42. S .Vaughan 43. D. Banger 44. T . Agushi 45 . M . Linke 46 . M.Sheddon 47 . G . Maclsaac 48 . M. Wal l 49 . A. Foskett 50. C . Corcoran 51 . M . Power 52. G. Locke 53. D. Craker 54. P . Wall 55 . J. Baud 56 . W . Millard 57 . T . McCaskell 58 . R . Weisz 59 . B. Etswonh 60 . S. Brophy
1 . S . Vincent (VC) 2. P .J . O'Loughlin 3 . M .J . Considine 4 . S.J . Philp (VC) 5 . M.J . Harfor d 6 . J.V . Geary 7 . P.G . Cosgrdf (VC) 8. P .G .Zappa 9. J .M. Way 10. P .A. Brabender(C) 11 . N.P . Willit s 12 . S .R. Wallis 13 . T .D . Wallis 14 . D.R. Ciavola 15 . N .G . Kerr 16. M.P . Godfrey 17. B. J . Har t 18. L.K . Mansfield 19. N .A . Bal l 20 . P .A. Nailer 21 . A .J . Farrell 22 . H. Bellis 23 . P .A . Walsh 24 . D .A. Digney 25 . D . Heffernan 26. M .B. Geary 27. K .C . Kenkins 28. B .J. Brabender 29 . B . Powel l 30 . T .J. Mulligan 31 . S . Laferlita 32 . A.J . Price 33. M.J . Harrison 34. P.J . Joyce 35. J.P .J . Mills 36. S .M. Swindon 37. L. Rocchiccioli 38 . M .G. Vear 39 . P .E . Rei d 40 . D.J . Baird 41 . D .J . Horsington 42 . J .M . Swindon 43. M.P . Geary 44. I . Harford AS. P .J. Stephens 46. B . Flynn 47. J . Mould 48. M . Hudson 49. J .C . Drohan 50, P . Monar 51 . A. Costantini 52 . A. McNeil l
Senior Coach : Simon Dalrymple Rese rv es Coach : tan Wallace Assistant Coach: Michael Hadley 1 . S.Keneddy 2 . C . Robison 3. A. Allibon 4. T. Norman (Vcapt) 5. P . Van Der Hoek 6 . R. Heat h 7 . A .Anderso n 8 . S . Dalrymple (CC) 9 . S. Hopkin s 10. S. Hatfield 11 . R . Boxtell 12. M. Cumming 13. M . Donato 14. J . Stickland 15. A . Parke 16. M . Seuling (Vcapt) 17 . G . Hatfiel d 18 . B. Clarke 19 . G . Hudson 20 . P. Board 21 . C . Phillips 22 . P .Robison 23. A . Ramadan 24. T. Board 25. T. Harris 26 . P . Bee t 27 . L . Stafford 28 . D . Vargo 29 . A. Seeley 30. L. Taylor 31 . S . Bladeni 32. D. Glass 33. D. Heighton 34. P . Papas 35 . L. Benni e 36 . J . Sutcliffe (Voapt) 37 . P. Dowling 38 . R . Phillip s 39. T. Antonopolous 40. B. Burke 41 . D . Atysandratos 42. A . Banfield 43 . M . Krivokuca 44 . J . Mollison 45 . N. King 46 . 47 . F . Cameron (RVC) 48 . C . Smit h 49. P.Johnson 50. L . Jervis 51 . S . Gleeson 52. 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . N . Kolitias 58 . 59. 60. 80. T. Smit h
Senior Coach : Des English Rese rves Coach : Chris Bye 1 . M . Petrevski 2. J . Woodgate 2 . A.Shetton 3 . P.Gonnan 4 . M.Elliot
5 . S. Ramsey 6 . J .Vaina
6. G. Rossignolo 7. P . Jone s 7. J . Polar 8. L . Hollo w 9 . M . Growcock 10 . R . Egglestone 11 . D . Forbes 12 . R . Moran 13 . M.Bosanko 13. D . Ramm 14. J .Reddick 15. G. Pinner 16. M .Goodwin 17. R. Lyons 17. G . O'Connor 18 . B. Carter 18 . Liddell 19 . J .Armstrong 20. M. Carter 21 . M.Fitzpatrick 22. S . Griggs 23. C . By e 24. P . Mellon 25. M . O'Rourke 26 . G .Carbis 27 . K.Fitzpatrich 28 . J.Thrush 29 . M. Hudson 30. M.Tadinac 31 . S .Holtow 32. S . Eastmure 33. N . La Fontaine 35. S . O'Halloran 36. C. Rizzo
37. D. Castaldi 38 . B. Prendergast 39 . S. Boyle 42 . 43. 46. 47. 48.
M. Gauci C . whelan R . Collins D .Goodwin D.Wrigglesworth
Whitehall St,Yarraville 1,n: 9687 8722 M -ru=
C Section
A.J.A.X. Senior Coach: Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach : Marty Halphen 1 . J. Wrobei 2 . A. Kalinski 3 . D. Gelbart, 4. M . Dudakov 5 . M . Rajch 6. G . Rozenberg 7. C. Cohen
8. B. Goldberg (V .C.) 8. M . Roseman 9. T . Bursztyn 10. R. Bloom 11 . M . Weisler 12. D. Rosen 13. J . Engelman 14. Y . Rapoport 15. J . Kirzne r 16. P. Goldberg (VC) 17. A. Cukierman 18. J . Wrobel 19. M . Halphen (Capt.) 20. R. Hartman 21 . D. Sheezel 22. J . Dunne 23. J . Abraham 24. S . Scheezel 25. J . Feldman 26. B . Duzenman 27 D. Degen 28. J . Bram 29. D. Marks 30. A . Micmacher 31 . M . Chrapot 32. P . Steiner 33. D. Pa t 34. D. Gunn 35. A . Rosen 36. J . Sega l 37. A . Slade-Jacobson 38. A . Grundman n 39. J . Shein 40. A . Redlich 41 . P . Naphtali 42. E . Rubenstein 43. J . Josep h 44. A . Krongold 45. E . Steen 46. M . Nathan 47. A . Abrahams 48. L. Goldberg 49. D. Kalb 50. B . Grodski 51 . A . Traye r 52. S . Rubinstein 53. A . Sheffield 54. B . Gelbart 55. B . Zeilinski 56. S . Frey 57. 58. M. Freid 59. 60. 61 . S . Roth 62 . M . t.evm 63. S . Glassman 65 . 66. J . Goldman 67. 68. S . Feldman 69. J . Vernon 70.
Senior Coach : Don Scarlett Rese rv es Coach : Andrew McGregor
Senior Coach: Trevor Poole Rese rv es Coach : Angus MacGowan
1. C.LeGr" (C) 51. A McGrep s2 Je(A 2 MGDOW 1 2. 6It6 ' 3 S. 11fta (D1C) 54 . A. a C.rnWeR) 55 G.To 4. S.A1liew 57. C.T^•-= S. D.Aaa 48 M.1 . a D.Rr,#r:.~,nDl) 51 5. . 6. A W 6Q D.1 (C) 6 IB aR1 61. P. . E. ftOk{VC1 * 62. R PE7 P. D.M, rSIA 9. M .l mmse
61 D.En 64. BP°"
t9. D. M:C .. 65. T.C it. S.WA; 6fi. M.(
11 . B. aikw(CR) 67, btF< . .. 12 D.AOYgat(Co) 68. S. 13. A. MW E&. G. :__,, 14. F.1 Ga Kill X J. ' 16 S' 71. S .i T., 72 J.P . :.d 17. S 73. AF 18.T. 74.T .F . 19. A 76 C.: 20. k~ 7& 1`-:21 . RT 77. a.i,.~- '
22.M1 7aC.r 7G Rr 0 (8) 73. D. 1
21 J.t-; R C.l...u1 24. M.Y--. 81. M.r an ia. Ai1 :-a~ B ._-. _ .e 26. C ; "
.. _
23. 3.iE . 30. C.E ... 31, E.P KA °ai B.r .I ,,Pa) 34. P „.S. I 36. FtL__ 37. RC~..'a'd 3S. C. Dzp s3. k lm ~ S.w#u 41 . S. Fn 42. KU 43. S. G-1 44 . J.N3w 45. D. Hctxn 45. R. HA
47 S1C .tm 48. D.t .sq 49. C. hkGrer 5s S M;t<ep
Senior Coach: Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach: Tony Day t . C. SbBery 1 . k Day 2 A.Byder 2 J. Dmcen I D. W&A I G. Maxon 4. S.G a 5. M . Bela & T. Ceft (DVC) 7. M . Rave 8. J.Ap a
9. D.M m (C) 9. J. DA
10. A.Galhglw O. M .McW it . M .Akran 11 . B.Cruh 12. FL RA 13. D. Beaaab 14. D. Hm 15. D.Mc84ash 14. J. Growco 1& J.Waks 17. B. hkC~nu>t~ 18. A.Calfry (VC) 18. M .Sl(*es It. D.Cooper PVC) 19. D. Mttd3a 41, J. Sutrxy 20. S.0'FtTm 42. A. C3et-mi 21 . G. Masan 42. D.O-0d:rcco 22. L0'FFprn 43, lA6Ntlw.b 23. P.Clertd!ers 44. P. )klntAe 23. J.Edmonk 45 . D.?!rX.t 24. S. Beattie 46. J.C. ; 25. A.Mtriksh 47. D.r~ecss 2 6, G.W&h 48. B.Ew :~ca 27. S.Ttebz 49. N.G-~ .28. A.PetameMi 51. B.C :--,' it. 29. M .Ed7o-rk St . D.Daieb 29. S.Livie 52. D.N:~EeAs 30. A.Trey;nawat 53. I f iD. J. GoWs 54. i t ~ 31 . S. EdxaNs 55. C. U 31 . D. Pina!dao 56. S. Dsc~ 32. J. Dalas 57. B. P32. 33. 33. 34. .
M. SjiT:$ 59. M. ^.p D., ' 59. 0.'-- t V.Paarem 69. MCuiV P. Holy 61 . R C. Mdhens 62..6 2 R I35
36. G. Cox 63. 0.0 " n 37 . A.Sfahan (CB1~ 38 . C. PeuumrAJ 64. J. Ken! 39 . A.Martam 65. M 40. J. Dema 66. M/ 67. D. RuAlm 68. d DaW
. Furphy 12. . S H . Burbank 3 . D . Wellsby 4 . T. Dugdale 5 . D . Ardlie 6 . S. Olsen 7 . J. Senior 8 . T. Seymour 9 .J. Wilson 10 . M . Oliphant 11 . R . Liley 12 . P. Ronchi 13 . P. herman 14 . B. Edmonds 15 . A. Teelow 16 . P. O'Dea 17 . D. O'Brien 18 . A. Handbury 19 . J . Manton 20 . G . Coldweli 21 . S . Glover 22 . J . Taylor 23 . M . Davis 24 . T . Peddle 25 . A. Allen 26 . N. Kemp 27 . D. Morton 28 . M . Taylor
29 . J . Neville-Smith 30 . A. Howells 31 . J . Nevins 32 . G . Wilkinson 33 . M . Wilkinson 34. T . Paul 35. D. Eley 36. A. Rigby 37. G . Stirling 38. P. Beitrame 39. D. Swan 40. S . Bones 41 . E . Bel l 42. P. Uascos 43. D. Hay 44. E . Spiden 45. L. Morrison 46. R. Rice 47. E . Smithers 48. S . Saunders 49. J . Smythe 50. M . Robson 51 . A . Robson 52. S . French 53. B . Hicklin 55. D. Crowe 57. R. Calvert 58. R. Mo rton 61 . R. Oliphant 62. H . Cameron 63. A . Barron 66. B . O'Halloran 72. S . Cowdery 73. R. Abbott 74. J . Geddes 75. N . Kennett 76. A . Osboume 77. C. Oliver 78. R. Knight
OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach: Bert Calvert Reserves Coach : Jeff Norma n 1 . A . Acreman (VC) 2. A . Carte r 4. G . Stroud 5. C . Wallace 6. D . Paterson 7. G . Ferguson 8. N . Macquire (VC) 9. C . Wrigh t 11 . D . Solley 12. G . Dickson 13. S. Sharp 15. C .Davis 18 . T. Boumon 19. D . Kitt o 20. C . Shedden 21 . M. Elliott 22 . P. Harrington 23. N . Moodie 25 . J. Winduss 26. G . Dart 27. G . Katris 28 . M. Bond 29. D . Agostino 30. M. Brooks 31 . D .Johnson 32 . J. Sly 33. C . Gardner 34 . D . Holland 35 . D . Murphy (C) 36. B. Paterson 37 . M. Sichlau 38 . R . Sherriff 39 . R . Beynon 40. T. Leonard 41 . A. Oli n 43 . C . Best 44 . D . Sarah 45 . C . Leaver 46 . J . Norman 47 . J . Konicanin 48 . D .Johnsen 49 . b. Murphy 51 . G . Pride 52 . A.Oxland 53 . N . May 55 . S. Martin 56 . M . Leone 60 . D . Nock 61 . C. Dwyer 63 . T .hancock 64 . M . Austin 65 . D . Murphy 71 . T . Kersley
AUSFINE FOOD S INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 418 Bluff Rd , Black Rock . 3193
`-?~-~1~"•~ 1 d(YAF M !q(1.4
ST . BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach : PaulBeddoe Reserve s Brad Berry 1 . M . Kinsella 2 . S . Zahra 3, J . Sebire
4. V. L'Hufllier (RCapt) 5. M. Murray 6. R. Parsons 7. D . Diggins 8. B. Beasley 9. M.Jones 0. C . Ross 11 . M. Hecker 12. 1 C . Stewart 13, D . Goodchild
4, P . Lerman (Capt.) 15. D. Goodchil d 16.' S . Napier 17. J . Tully 18 . A. MacGeorge ig . 8, Tomlinson 20 . M . Beasley 21 . G . McDonald 22 . T. Lamb 23 . T. Peck 24 . T. Beasley 25 . D . Smith 26 . S. Hecker 27. D . Johnsto n
28, D . O'Brien 29. J . Sanders 30. M . Dols 31, J . Selb 32. J . Dickinson y
33, A . Walsh 34. C. Meyer 35 . R. Bib s 36 . A. Wilce 37 . M. Connolly 38 . A. Hayes 39 . M. Leyden 40 . C . Johnston 41 . D . Hendrike s 42 . A . Thompson (VCapt) 43. K . Goodchild '. 44. J . Recupero .' 45. R . Gould 46. 0. Lalo r 47. B . Hambridge 48. B. Hutchinson 49. D.Bueno 50 . N. Tully 51 . M . Uberti
52 . A. Kearney 53 . M . Firth 54 . M . McCraw (VCapt.) 55 . P. Dywer 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 .
C . Trotter M. Lomagno D . Baulch J . Drury
ST. KEVINS Senior Coach: Tim Ha rt Res. Coach : Glen Taylor 1 . B. Burden 2 . J . DYnan 3 . M.Chapman(DVC) 4 . M. Frase r
STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach : Terry Walsh Reserves Coach:
Senior Coach : Allan Fleming Reserves Coach : Wayne Coope r
Senior Coach : Des Meagher Reserves Coach: Gary Katfinikos
Charlie Capiron 1 . B.fiyan
1 . S. Papaioanou 2. B. Byron 3. A. Smith 4. R .Ward B. D . Williams 5. J . Bubi s 9. G. Smith 7. G . HaM-Dewar 6. B . Pelligrino 10. D. Moore 8 . G .Bakr 7 . S . Plan t 11 . D. : :yan 9 . G . Heay 8 . A . Fellows . Dollman (DVC) 12. M 10. D .RervOl& 9 . Y . Capeci 13 . R. Bowles It. J.G3der 10 . P .Bullard 14 . J. Bare . AFksirmn 12 11 . L. Alberti 15 . D. Fox 13. S . Re sm 16 . B. Garvey 12 . Z . Fleming 14, J.TMasIO 17 . M. Terzini 13 . G .Scarpa 15. M. Kuek 18 . N . Hart 16. P.Rples 14 . M. Patmore 19 . D . Sheehy 17. O.Willsai 15 . L . DelPapa 20 . A . Varasdi 18. Fl. V,! tm 16. D . Farchione 21 . J . Quirk (DVCRes) 19. M .Pf~y%z 17. D . Gorski 22 . J .Mace y 20. A. Fi? .•7 18. F. Arcoraci 23. P . Ryan 21. M .655i~,tic 19. P . Ristevski 24. P . Meagher 22. P.Uar~n 20. L .Alabakis 25. N .Goldsworthy 23 . L.Gaai 21 . E .Ientini 26. B .Kennedy 24 . P.tbxtm 22 . L. Sallese 27. R. Gross (VCapt) 25. PArym 23 . R.Dimaggio 28 . M . Farquharson (DVC) 26. B.Jadzei 24 . B . Smith 29 . A. Moun t 27. A .Dafma're 30 . P. McNee 25 . R. Kennedy 28. G. Hated 31 . M. McNe e 29. D. Du** 26 . C . McNeil 32 . B. Noonan (ResVC) 30. 8.Kmg 27 . S. D'Avoine 33 . S. Denton 31. M 28 . L . Moribito . 60. P Dais 34 . J . Whitbrea d 32. M .DZhz 29. K. Harting 61, M.Tkai 35 . A . Thomas (ResCapt) 33. N. Cole 62 A 30. C . Fellows . A4-tam 36. A . Noonan 34. T. Pwid Na J. Frawkj 32. P. Colosimo 37. S . Kennedy 35. MRM 64. M.D'A K 33. J . Zaigos 38. J . Harmer, 38. M.A14:auc6o 65. J.Havod 35. A . Colosimo 39. S . Fribble 371. M. Keg 55. S. HaWHt 37. D. Dimovski 40. D. Boyd 38. D .R.wrr~; 67. S ErrtrteB 41 . A. DeJong 38. G. Scott 39. A Diwnctd 68 . W M~s 42. D. McDonald 39. O.Esen 40 . D&aadxxsf 6 1 F.Kroe. 'ss 43 . D. James 41 . A.Sezbn 7 40 . N. lulianglia 0. D.Sheman 44 . J. Drake 42 . P . Ke~ 41, D.Brooks 71 . A. Cte tsF2 45 . T.Bare 43 . J. teup M. Maci)eaald 42 . M. Ciaverella 46 . D . DeRooden . S.QartaM ~ 723. ~ S. Ddtp n4 43 . A. Lattout 47 . M. Brady (Capt) 45. W.Dedem 44 . A. Ward . 74. C Frrn:rdo 48 . B . Howard 46 1`S~ 75 S. Fria 45 . A. Insitari 49. S .Kennedy M .M~nrxq 76 M 47. . Scardd~ 46. S. Sam i 50. M .Durrant .', 48. B. ftcai 77. S .HOfasay 47. D . Pfowright 51 . D . Wilke, 41 M .B kn 18. G. Davis 50. A . Maloney 52. P . Lewin . DAt,pshw 79 50. M . M Used ri 53. R. Quirk 51 . E . Valentino 51. G . Wadm ~ FL* RWWjC 54. S .Game 53. P . Battistia 52 81. R.Nalas 55. M . O'Shea 51 8. Sxke 82. 55. P . Valeri 56. J . Shepardson 54 . S.PaSUson 83 L .R*ps 58. M . Reid 57. S .Dillon 59. L. Mag~w 84. M .S a te 61 . G . Skas 58. 58. 8 . kaiarrinorsk 85 63 . M . Grech . HauO 59. T . Hart 57 . K . Gk;eson . 86. 65 . S. Holmes 60 . . Ka . 58. E 67 . N . Grech 59. R. Gimae 5 . R . Callanan 6 . A . Morgan 7. A . Hart
2. NAslaperro 3. H.Hc+armd 4. S.Cnmys 5. A M~iw 6. P. Green
1 . M . Powe r 2. M . Bateman (C) 3 . R. Pasquafotto 4. 5 . M.Robinson 6 . C . Houston 7 . P. Cochlan 8 . M. Heath 9. C . Maguire 10. B . Hickey 11 . P . Campbell 12. J . Begley 13. T.Hughes 14. D.flanagan 15. A.Lacey 16. B.Vandenboom 17. A.Carbone 18 . P.Begiey 19 . C .Andrews 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . P. Haseler 22 . J . Bonnyman (ResC) 23 . P .Ciarduil i 24. J .Ciardulli 25. M.Vemal 26. C.Ryan 27. M . Jackson 28. C. Fames 29. C. Harris 30. P. O'Brien
31 . N. Jenkins (C) 32 . M . Carbone 33 . G . Feutri l 34 . S. Lowell 35 . C. La w 36 . J . McFarlane 37 . P. O'Brien 38. R . Vujki c 39. J . Naismith 40. A . Thawaites 41 . T. Carrigg 42. D . Naismith 43. N .Ellioh 44. M . Bateman 45. M . Lester 46. G . Johnson 47 . S . Habjan 48 . M . Reid 49 . P. Dodd 50 . B. Kelsey 51 . L . Eames 52 . S. Alexander 53 . J.Alexander 54 . S.Gillan 55. M. Duffy 56. B . CaOeja 57. A . Heath 58. M . Smith 59. R . Stopajink 60. M . McDonald
60. J . Crowe 61 . A. Ryan
62. R . Mulquinney 63. R . Kilroe-Smith 64. N . Hayes 65. M . Zakic 66. P . Razga 67 . C. Ambrosini 68 . D. Marshall 69 . P. Walker 70 . A. Whitelaw, 71 . B. Griffiths 72 . M. Manson
lour On Time Printer 29
^Thr Shnrk •
Senior Coach : Garry Nkhoison Reserves Coach : Neli Flyn n
I . B. On] INC)
CAULFIELD GRAM . KEW : George Voyage Senior Coach: Robert Bayley Senior Coach Res . Coach: Matthew Schoiten 1 . B Wom
z MW 2 P. mokfus 31 . P.0! 3. C. &gs1 31. J, hasty 3. LWDars 3L G .Iksp7/ 4. It Y%7 32 M DocNa . Van 4. N.D>f 33 Ryan 5 W.W 31 B.Ns--n 5 . DA 1 34. J.fA6rd+i 6 B .Wet~F 34 . J.Na= ;x 6, JTam 3a P .Pndu$m 7 . D.i x S.ftrdan(DVC 7. KW 3i Atz-xe S. S .CtSS24.1 6X - ' . 37. AL w 9. C.Hua R S.TnraA 10 . AW8 . 39. P.D!'y 10. N 11 . AICH'v?/ II. FL y, n 40 . RCsrt9 12 J .Fum . 41 kl 72 P .N ca 41 . A61~ 41. AL14l13 1 . 0. Gun 13. 8.V an 42 D.klalTaz 14. S.Kbe 42 D. 14 H.A~5 41 S .t4• 4 1 8.1!15 . . . . S. AM I5. IP.F : H. S .lb.i'x'e9c+ I& T.900 44 . LL - . : . 1& htH-ssaw 4 H.Peaw 17. G.Wftrs 45. A. 1 77. T. WW&S 46. S.Yass 1& &Bate 46. A,. ..~ . N.Wr! S . D.ft,,A3 47 IN. AWfidrtc: 47. A I& 1LPtap 4& D.9 ua 2 J . RVell 4& L : IN. P.Ti2armiVC1 49. DLi`i 49. A 21 . N. &diar p. M.6.Sn $0. IN 1 22 kLE<1 Co. &Lycc6 20. N.FymIre) 51 . D .SI 2d D. R t 51. IC . P.Szra PVC) r~ &Vi -21 24. KP-*3 52. 21. ARaxa1WC)59. J. .` ;b. FArr° 6. T.', 2L IM 5 4 S :. . ., 20. 5,~ . , 61. J. , ~ s . TFa10 '~. IJ 23 A . _ 71 . C. o 27. J.F , 24. QC s 5& A~. .~ 2& T.C"° 89. T.P 'tl 25 . 1 SWa4e 57. P.TwA I 23. C. .ACS 5& M .S, .', 2',x W 33. III = .' 27. KVam(tteSDJC) 59. ARa:ny R B.LuyftCl 23. S .Frzw
3). AEaDm(C:dd.)
Fp]- LCJ7
PRINTED LABELS °Q auaul(31nb61Ja Q X
Reserves Coach: Tom Vana 1 . T.F 35. REnsa(t9ecV 2 G .I ." . I Akd
1 RI .37. &116,W=on 4. D.C' 1 S .W
S. J.E ~ n W .Dt1 6 Cl.4D .,: P.Pe9D§ 7. 41. RtrcirN 8. J.PWriwEi 42 C .wgy.o 9.AGaryg 43.G ' 10. &Wen (Capt .) 44. P.Gego It. AB7-i 45. D.M..ad 12 D.B:•ii 4& W.Frw 13 C. K': 41, k9 Deat 14. J.&t4& C .FrN& 75. T.G :: 49. J.Luaa i6 D.W9,i~iR s.Mt4iat 17. &Ls_o3a 51. dKork?s IS. N.Rm KV) 5Z LRlder 19. PL 63q 51 C. G~ as a* 20. S.Harren 54. it Fein; 21. D. Hamm 55. B.WG~ 2L J. Pau 5B LL! ' . .L 2 3. IN 57 N 2 4. B. .0 T e j 5 9. 2. 1 , 1 2s. awrio 59 . 1P s 21 P.Nary 69• V.t' 27. RFo+mi 61 . AI` 2& LDxcm 62 A(,. 23. lk D oq*F4)61 S.t 31 D.Cr.td 64. N .L, . 31. AWekft$ .DVC) 65 KWq: : p- J. Bow 99. S.6uu 431 " . j AVazdan ..3~
BLUE S MONASH Senior Coach: David Rogers Reserves Coach: tan HiWebrand t. J hBI 2 D.CN= aCm 3E RCar~ 4 . P.11arim 37. dWis; 5. D. Rxffls R P.T:✓a•q 8. M karw+ 33. N .: 7. P.Finar AS P.E__d & D. ewe 41. A f 9. LBaig 42 h! 10. J Ka:q 41 FLI .- . it. Ai . SWO 44• AGw . ar~ 12 1 C 4S. dG13. itPt&W 46. C.Ces 14 . J.Gto 47. S' a IS RGW 4& C. M C.DDbW 49. H. 17, Y .kB rbei Co. S.1s=1 IN. GHpz9P) 51. T.Caw IN. D.tode 5z J.!!'r 20. GHam St D.Pr 21. C.Ak(U& i D .Tr.-te 22 A. D'?w~ 5& RF,.cC-;ni '., 2J. P.4,'"a 5& M. 24 . B.I':;i,<i 59, H.tr1"'em a J.ledra 60. Airxta 26 P .t :-y 61. 1M. B0*4 27. D.'~e•-~a Q 1 B~e 2. 64. J .Grry 29. 6S D.Wa-d
'~a. P.Ds;Sn
Stillwell Ford
Senior Coach Rese rves Coach: Neill Roberts Ass. Coach : Robert Putamorsie t . S. wkan (CV) 3 . G. &a S. RPu+ msefAv .) 37 B,~ a D.c ~ 4. N.WaLttq2rQ?CI ~. ~, 5 . d Seam 40 B ...gzSe 6 . ACMy(-~C) 7 . W. Wear (mdC1441 2. N.Dzrs 9. J.M;Nr.a4a 47 . P.FYSr .s tA &1~32un 44 . 8 . it. APES 4i A612 kU4'C3Jq .W: 13. C.9zy 47. G 14, M Et91yn 48 . J.Fr76. I.D+.Skaa 49. R. Frqs 16 . T. Who 50. G.Ca-A ~ 51. CD . Paio!~m ~ 77 . P.TrtF2ui B. BC3»~ . fl . Fm . AtSteahan 54 19 20. !J.-"~ 54 . 21 . GP~ E5. B2L NF^.#~ S& '. 23. T.Pds 57. S . Fm .'' 24. C. Rob EA. H. ~ 59. K.V 7a R Cx'ud 6). G.1 27. K. Sprcnr 61. 28. 8. 0tv3~ 62. K i 29. C .Eks~~ 61 i . 6S . Pf30 31 . O.PaS~rq Ew` 3? F.1Papa 6 . P. P33v 6763 . X fd fl. _ a 35. R. Files
S ST JOHN: Steve Mooney Senior Coach Res. Coach: Mark Niclasen 1. D.St,iatri
23 Id.kWW V'L&M 1 37 . S.W4 . B.1 .19my(VC) M. ktHat~ 33. S.Cavo9 S N.KDKau 40. BAta:* 6. S .cvcaa 41 . P .M 7. R.W 42 T . 8. 43. D." 9. AA~t~ 44. S. P¢P,e takL Wrialas 45. N. Sar- r'.~ 11. DI"` 4i M .Erf t 12 . J .(<.an 47. J. C m (P,-ZC) 13. s.Ham 44. S.Ua9a 14 . G.' 49. 5. " 15. S. I 50. S.Mkaw i6. W.u 1 51 . E .Fertm 17. S .m•rs 52 S .Ckry 18. 51 81.OOtr1rA 19. 54. &Cm71 7. L A.~ sn 55. ADny 21. A Ccss,-N 55. J. KCAI 2L C* W0143 57. LI .Ware 23. M• AP<?Jd 24. EF- .am 59 . E.Lo,s4s 2SC.V s 67. G.FaTO z 61 . d.Craix 27 . R 6'L Atr°f I. P. ~ 63. J.Lat•^ 29. D.I 64. J.Ati... 33. ki. :,, 65.8•r 31.L " 66.611 32 G 67. R= . 31 7. : EA Ast~ . ..'~~ 34. D. 69. P. Ke :S. It 7➢. B.@a 3a J .DRw'1 ' 71. P.Hars"
Senior Coech: Martin L®gge Reservas Coach: Rick James 1 . LW- NCO 41. D.Sn S. T.Ja--s 42, ACyrrl 3 A1-'c•:~~_zi 43 T.Wai~ 4. &i:(r 44. T.lSM 5 S}',-•^~r; Al. AGa k 4& ktlaw&4;s 47. P.LCJm 44 Islam 9. D.T-4A AKS4 10. E.S5•~2 J.NitEllze . P ~, ji. . q 51. A.e, i 12 IV8 52 T.klmm i3 C.Pt --'a 51 ldWa§er 14. 54. P.FaszN 15. 55. LE_,,: 76 DA 56. P.Gs.;, 11. AD 57. LTIe's 1& D.H 58 . Id.S[- r It. AA 59. D.F:- . 26. D. P.. .. 011. . .'. ...r 21. S. fx. 61. P. C t u rrk 9 22 k1 .Stem:a 62 S.Cnwda 23 LlS'oi 61 W . Earl 24. D.ir•&:~ 64. J.Ddkr 21 ATa1£r 65. D . Wekh 2& G.Yasq 66. AVVsq 27. ALA?nu 67. S.B2han 2& 8 .1e3c1 6S J. Gan Y. W .N ;,dz 69. J.Haeard x J.&oin 70. B. OHM 31. 1 SaV3m 71. Afth~ 3E it. SA 72. R. Lee 33 A 6nr•n 73. & IAZ6rxm 34. P. W 74. C. Tow si. SI 75. R.Cas"(ls 55. DA! 76. P.Pavcy 37. R Ei 77. W. Fbraood it. D .Chaslon 1 D.Pks a C.E 79. D.McCnA 40, Co. 6 .Crr0"arr,z
PATTFASDN CNENEY P;ngeood• Dandenon9 Sth MelbotNn e
K SOUTHBAN : Derek Hine
tL P. " 75• S.E"
4'ht•e~ ts P.~' ~(uk
Senior Coach : Laurie Zarata Reserv es Coach: Mark Rowe 1. P.lau ~ 33 . Ai .P 40 . t.ha 3 . F.Sa(~ 4 . D.Warrot 41 . P.6.7"+rn S. SWRd 42 P.Dean 43. AWbm 44. &Bary 45 P .Mz1iFs 4 ZSg*-~A 47. 4d M .ata AN. S.Cr w 50. S. B46 51 . T. Fez 52 S. P.:.., 5?. W.5 s 6. N . 5s. L.Pr.o 17. GGw 55. A fi IN, A&rr :tm 'b. C. if IN. SGh 57. MA a 20. M. pa?. E8. 21. N.Te;:an 59. 2t KAa, 61 23. M.111 lock 61 . 24. RA' :~A V 25 . P.Pa a Ya Gt' : :i E4. T.Trr.mas 27. t :r7 E5. 28 .` 66. 29. L!' = 67. D. Go. 3;. D .I' . 68. 31. C, A .. 69. 7-0. 33 C. 11 77. 3;. V.ftt+~~ 72 . 3i. GP3'r Mr~ 73. ;r,. W.Laj
a 6tKRF& 70. N .Da Yaang 71 . A. Sal e
9262 6566 • 9215 2222 • 9682658 1
Senior Coach : Mark Flack Res. Coach : David Miller I. P."
2 &9zs s flDN#t 47 .d Gay 4. T.VatDaDP,P&r(C) 41 . BCr{kn S. C.KS+q 42 P.Dtm 6 &t~• 43 BDm( 7. J.FP.Ctg 44 Elttandr*4 to* Pat 9 AB 47. SOwaa ID . PDa~n 4& D. It . kLS'~4k Ci. Atk,r~ai 12 G Pr.t~ 50 . k014bP 11 d petal St . Al4iv e 14 D.Cangm 52. Jttd 15 AOTe4 53 it 11;sv 16. P.6437 raa 54. OP-ai 17, LSr~3 55 P.C t 18. G5a3V 56 Il.~ ;a 19. P. X,* 57. D ' 20 ACA $8 8 21. ShY3+ 5D 22. A 61. 5' 27. SI V 61. J 24. D.t p C K n 61 D., .K.Y 2 .P 64 . J. Corm . K.28 , 6s Y. L'n.y.y 29 &'"r 66 PNrr~s 61. SWac1 31. ILL % LLU#+ 3? A 69. 1 D•r€.o",~ 33 Ac 73 D C;W 34 &F: 74 SNaretert 35 S.F 75 P.0'em z C+' , 76 CG?svn 37. R 77 . GG¢ SE 80 HsWX s: 8 i Fd 5 we,
UNIVERSITY RED S Coach: Michael Farrell Rese rv es : Grant Hammond i . S.5%tn 3a A.RM 2 N .BswPrai 37. PWrvcRa 3. D.tba.*xn 1 AtSase 4 . E .Kyr~u 33 . A .G wp S. D.KSZ 4 &DaYw & P.TnssXS 41. P .tks; 7. J.D711e 44 . P.W2.: & btFarH 45 . 5.C' r 9. D.F#i 47 . AFa , e 10. P. Kra 49. N.tvr- :. It. B.P'+ast 50. C.C.=~.x 12 ARPs 51 . T.Fp.n 13 la ..b're, 52. AS 14. fl .m'tsaun 53. AC: .Bax IS P. KM 54. 4.c =r t& WI:C"zn 55. D. i It . G.Wn,.`d 57. G. 20. G. Cx# 53 !A c 21 . S .P4e'i 59 . B.0, W 2 2 P. Oft 6 3. V. , ot 23. L'crr7 61 . 5.1. .M 24, A- F2 C.PM 218 .10 63 PAM 26. S.F. -• 67. SW~ 27. S. - 69. G.Ar?tza 2& C . 70. &Gr-1 29. P. ., •., 71. M, X:% 30. D.Lv=:-a 72 P.1k.KO+ra 31. A!_:-v 73. S.P~W 32 . S .?74 . 8.LW 33. C.L~n 1; Lkauetr 34 . !'! 1G. Box
E Centra l
Senior Coach: Rick Morris Rosaries Coach: Mick Marshall 1, P . Cooper
Senior Coach: Shans Rula I rv es Coach:earry Funnell Rese . M.6akogiaivs 34. T. McIntosh 2 . D, Hear 35 . N. Bolger 3. SFredickwn 36 G .Grxj 37. A.Claodo 4. A. C* 5. S.Caughly, 38 . T.Bersai .Dwnaresq 39 . SA" 6. J 7. B. Fuvd 40. A. Bliskdt NC 8, 41 . B.Sarnon 9. P. Ednw&s 42. D . Lynch 10. D.SStt#Atkm 41 K . Curren it. J. ZetroAs4i 44. G. Mclyrwaux 12, T .Haslern 45, S . Turner 13, W. Brown 46. D.WrO 14 . SHaynes 47 . D.HuGey 15 . M. Lewis 48. L.McNmnara 16 B.51aedy 41 N. Mai
2 . F . Denan'i 3 . K. Frost
30. C.Gibson 63.
4 . N. Papadatos 5. D.Mardiri 6. A. Webb 7. W. Carl B. J . Tomase8o 9. D . Griffin 10. M. Hayes 11 . F. Couare8a 12. 13 . G. Rislic 14 . S . Naainsid 15 . D. Morris 36. P. Keppel 16. 37. G. Manned 17. 38. D. Gdg^i_ etto IS M. Lowe 39' J. Aupustakis s 19. 40 . D GaA 20. 41 . A.. Chappde 21 . R . MarBrpz 42 . 22. D. Fennessy 43. 23. T . Rurximan 44. D. GriHAhs 24. P . Davies 45. 25 . J. Retato 46. M. Cooper 26 . P. Marconi 47. 27 . 48. 28. R. Bazzano 49 . 29. 50 . C. Hayes 30. 51 . P . Sheen 31 . 52 . 32. P . Pashakis 53.
33. P.LMh THE
31. D. KeppM 55. N. ZanheAo 35 . R. Morris 97. K. Moloney
i7. M.ygvrof 50. S.Beaglelat 51 . M . Water 19. R . Carly 52. J .Comix 20 J.MHthw 53. J . Maddson 21. D. Edrmmds NCO) 54. B. Coal 22. J. So* 55. A . Cwrdrdrgs 23. S. Duran (Cap .) 56 24. J. Kare 57. 25. J. Nchdas 58. M. 26. P. Gram 59. B. "d 27. L Ryan 60 . K. Rooney 28 . MSK* 61 . S.Bhrd 29 . W.Lee 62 . 31 . S. LmPVn 64. T. Wilson 32. M.Naper 65.
33. R. Griffiths 54 .
Senior Coach: Gordon Burrows Reserve Coach : Peter Sacc o I . A. TeCtaK 2 . D.Adaars 3. J. &kw 4. P. D'rnmCo 5. 6. V.Gr8rai6 T. J.Brtta 38 . D.G~qpy 8. P .Cunnn&m 23 . M 9. J. MAN` 40. S.4bgg 10. S . Webb 41 . L Rgazzi i I. J. BorddOh 42. J. Papanilcoam 12. S. Had~on 43 F. Curcio 13. P.M~n 44. M. Leris 14 . 45. 15. B.0'Biien 46. 116, L. DsmuSm 47. J. Pdetrims 17. A.Kymazk 48 . 18. V. Rand:to 49 . 19. V.taos 50. 20. G. LOW 51 . S.Tacasp 21. J. Kakelds 52. 22 C. Fox 53. F. Marini 21 D. Ells 54. G. Pil l 24. G.Hadal 55. S . Sawnaie
Coach: Alex Frazer Reserves: Mick Evans 1 . J Para;hlac ts 2 P.1- "a n. awse 3 PA ..~d~, bt. AS~cu . AI .l 42 J.Cuk 5 St- a q . OCr}tri N, ki~pa 1. RCrea S P.Baq 11, P. MOD" 8. 0.8cvxdc 9. J.G50* U. O.Osal'y to. 1. Sam 4. Rusin it, fi.PapO B ABStam Ill. JIM 5t. D.Fdan 13 . P.Pdm at. Ssouiq 14 Jfhalra Si KGm to & Bill 51. Cfuria 18 S .Ikf~elsm $1. BGsr 17. P .t~ S. P.Udk»Sg 18 T.Pzab ss . w.rala 19. G Slsen V . T.11'iars p. JLsg k. P.Qas 21. L9as 9. AOiy. 22 Eldest D. C.w 0 211 fl . B &}t 24 S. 4 L 2z Ataaii 61 A6sm 6< km V. DAN B F. Ike Z Mats G. Ds ' 23. P.Dalky, 66. o.csay 33. Jill B . 6PkJt 31. RCapo3mo N. 1410 y I Mandel 31 S. Dm 31. B.Cade 1 D.Wft I P.Tall 37. S.Mt M. 11.110(antt 39. D.tkCutq
Coach : David Twomay Reserve s Coach: Dean Roderick
25. P.Gemaaaro 26, 27 . P. Pandeb 28. D.ta+dso 29. J. Sawitlars X J. Hape 31 . S. Ward 32. B.Whlman 33, G. McCall 34. S . Moore 35. P D.Dowx a 36. . Magcson 37 . B. mope
57. R.Sauxkrs 58. S.1(eap . 59 . D.Angrm Go .
61 .
ROYAL OAK HOTE L North Fitzroy Phone 481 4693 THORNBURY COUGAR S
Senior Coach : Gary Cutter '. Res. Coach: Rod Robertson 1 . B. Carl y 2. A. Mowtney 3. R.buzeski 4. B .iiobertson 5. G.a9er 6, P. Culler (Capt) 7 . T.Berd?tt B. C.Kratoevski 9. W. Larkins % G . Thompson 11 . R . R..-g ;nab 12. S. Lacey
13. D, Carty 14. M. Goddard (RCap1) 15. M.KKiy G . S . Murdoch Resvc) 17 . S. Barden 41. M.jacoore 18 .T .t.inecin 42. R.&uw 19 . M .,ktutston 43 . A. KinDi 20. R. Abdeftm 44 . V. D'AnXjdo (VC) 21 . R. ManeBi 45 . L Jones (DVC) 22. W. Dusan 47 . A.Serr's 23. R .Harnada 48. A.ROCp 24. D . Muscat 49. P.Do&ns 25. D. Be" 50. L. Lila 26 .J.Rahar 51 . P.Tudcer 27. P.Dib 52. C.Lkcorn 53. 28, A. Mantis 29 . R. Robertson 54 . A. Crocker 30. A AWnAakis 55 . R. Edwards 31 . D. Mouzakr 56 . J. Lideraidge 32. E. Pizzato 57 . R. Weight 33. S. Ham'sron 58. 34. P. McDonald % 35. S. Appleby 60. 36. R. Begley (SmDVC 37. P . MazzroOa 38 . P . Minaudo 31 40, S. Huxley
UHSO B Senior Coach: Mark Sedqwkk Reserves Coach: Ginc bfaua
Garry Connolly Reserves Coach : Richard Grumme t
1 . RFreqh 2. D .&ebrer I . G.Danoch 41 . G.W'tdsan 3. A .Bane 2. R. Hal 42 . D. Rim 4. C.M9emat 3. D. Mmissy 43. J . Cd~ 5. C. Stare 4. M. 44. PFabes 6 . S.Cradul 5. 8. Cum4~am 45. J. Ban 6 . K.Jwee(Rasrsves) 6 . J.Dnbu~ 46. E . Pil 7 . C. Sidra 7 . C.Kerdukl 47. S .Guflen 8 . M .Sedgrich 48. D.Marcan 8. D.Ha1an 9 . R. S+nN 42. D.Wa83ce(C V4) 9. C. Penn 49 . M.Richudsm 10. P.Burns 43 . A.Bsuk h 10. A.Kennedir 50 . LJessen It. C .Wade .Mashosavas 43 . L It . B. Shrill 51 . ANevB e 12. C .Amd 44 . M .CorsMme 12. N . Roberts 52 . M .Gralum 13. P . McLean 45 . G .Codc 13. T. Bowles 53, N. Shalom 14. D. Regan 46. 1 Roberts 14. M.HaOam 54 . M.Briggs 15. M.Dav~svn 47. G .Cras 15. A. Kodoos 55 . M. form It . P.GtnihaFe 48. B. Hud] 16 . P.Caccavallo 56 . C .SLphers 17 . B.Rdhxal 49. D .Fermess/ 17 . H. Pz/cker 57. D. edcdl 18 . P.Hoaper 50. D. Z1.15CFi 18 . P.Wqard 58. D.Be¢:y 19 . G . Mazza 51. J. Rogers 19. J.Ward 59. L kk.m 20. M.Dafy 52. T . Floe 20. i Lowe 61 S. Fraser 21 . S. Betakto 53 . F . Bassi 21 . 8. Ted 61 . CAHde1 22. D . Banned 54 G 62 . 22 T Larch 23. D . Koch 55 : M .Roach 23. S . Beaton 63 . 24. S .WiSseraon W .ykttams 24. M. Fogarty 64 . 25. L.GaRs 57, D . Te d 25. N . Bowles 65 . J, Trevaslis 26 . C.GMterCCk 58 . D . Matheson 26 D. B9ks 66. 27, K.S3rehan 59. D .Sn>Ih 27. M.Hayes 67 . 28 . M .rothwl 60. D Sa4aknko 28 . P. Lee 68. K.CanerxA¢ 29' MDom 61 . MAdam .' , 29 . A. Gass W. S .W. 11. G . Jones 62
. G. n 31 . M.y(pn 63, P Owens 32. D . Bunn 64 J Poore 33. P. Elrcgham 65 . J.Saba 34. D . Douglas 66. E. Betlio 35. J. McWhimay 67 . G. Pullen 36. M. Motto 68 . A.Ctxke 37. G.. CaPSraS 69 J Cold 38 . A Bayce 70 . J. Mazza 39 . P. Gera~t 11 . B. East 40. S. WnSe 77. A .Aleut 41 . M.0'Carmtt
30. D.Sweb/ 70.
31 . N. Carah 71. H. Kemro 32. L. Pdsdet 72. 33. P. HAgson 73 . 34. J.Cak 74 . 35. P.Carie 75. 36. M. gylley 76 . 37. J.GadJ 77 . 38. C.Cudahan 78 . 39. P G. Har~n 79 . 40. .SA-ran Sol.
1 . B. Baanrm 2. S. Wlvtir g 3. B. Haley 4. A. 0'Keete a. D . clown 6. J. Hws6urgh 7.D.Jago 8 . A . Hwsburhg 9 . C. ViNnge . G. Crowe r10 11 . D. Roderick 12. G . Harris 41 . J . Biiman 13. M. Haley 42 . Gray 14. B. SrdOr 43 . B . P. Kleter 15.A.Board 44.T Marcus t6.S.Chrisb 45 .M.Crag 17. P . Keg . G. Flo 18. D. Orders 46 y . S . Parstwr 47. A. HacOe w19 48. S . Jones 20. E . Szuskierricz 49 21 . D. Krause 50 . S. Hewitt . P. Harris 22 . P. O'Malley 51 23. S. Porter 52 . P. MatJnsen . A. Irerela 24 . L. Fairfield 53 . S. Leonard 25. S. Mcleod . B. Dangerf'el 26. P. Mes man 54 . D. BiBrnan 55. d27 28. C . Parslow 56 29. D . Hasburgh 5 867. . P. Stewart 30. C . Galvin 59. A . Lipscorr~be 31.J.A9a 60 . . G. Jenkinson n32 33 . G. Robson 34 . B. FM 35. B. Frarddin 36. J. West 37. S. Cunxnin 38. A. McCarthy 39. M. Gi6 b 40. A. Tdaanon
Senior Coach : Phil Leatham Reserves Coach: Nick Magatas
Senior Coach: Alan Elliott Reserv es Coach : Tony Ryan
1. A KwADn 40. R. Belay 2. J .Gay 41 . S.Darss 3. R.Eashvay 42. E. Kavaieralos 4 . G.Dasies(Cap) 43 J.TO60n 5. D. Papatogbu 44. J. Kmbg. iams 6 MSasskc 45. C .Kavaberabs . Wide 46. G.Soldalos I. P S. F.Harrdlm 47. P.Kyte 9. J.Ktqury 48, L .Bram 10. S .Fytb 49 . J.hywood 1i. S .Cocdans 50. R.Cadedl 12. S.Bichardsm 51 . C.HRzsUVra 13 . J. Sdra 52. 8. Flanagan 14. P.Ro6eaai 53. B.Clark e S . P.Maaugiion 54 . A Baker i6 S.Smote 55. M.G6z 17. J .JaclCSm 56 R .ROdigera 18. J .Cur,h 57. P .Coak 19. S. ' 58. D.W"its 20. P.Hi&.=y 59 . H McDonald 21. S .Mdiamtra 60. M .Kaciatcic 22. N.Ma}daa(RC) 61 . M .Bodlers 23 J. Osborne 62 . B. Perrin 24. D. Coman 61 S. Comett 25. G.Mabne 64. P. McGrath 26 . G.Ned 65. S.Dearan7o 27 . D. 66 D . D'sisto 28. K.Buhagiar 67. J.HasR 29. D.. r 68. M. Aniorsm 30. M. Lewis 59. N. Lehos 30. J.Spakkg 70 . R.Walace 31 . A.Mcothacca 71. N.Flhal 32. S .D'AzNrea 72 . A.SiCerw.sen 33. IThorr"on 710. Horne '. 33. G.ChtpPeB 74 . ABarber 34. M.CaM 75. S.SiapieAn 35 . J.Tassaw 76. 1. Mdkice 36. C.R4rtie 96. P.Derhun 37 . S.Coombes 38. 8. MkaS 39. T.Hetib-asm
I . N .Beuad 36 . A .Ttages 2. W. Grmbs 37. A. Bond 2, 0. Dawson 3& T .Bedwh 3. A.Hany(CaV.) 39 . T. Carrier 4. J.TudC 40 .G.Reid S . D. Maclvm 41 . L Rckards 6 . D. Greve 42 . M,Wmr 7 . M .Be ib/ 43. S.Kern,Qy 7 . D.EtoB 44 . C. Fazakas a. B. Ham 45 . B. Isere 9. G .Case 46 . AFmch 10. M. Heard 4T C . Hal It. LGrakoxsld 48 . K . Fowte 12. N . Bud 49. W.Kevra 13. B .Tw'st 50 . R. Ktrkaxsli 14. A .Dmdei 51 . D. BiMrc 15 . O.Wti?e 52 . D. DMgero,a IN . C.Snqhion 53 .M.H~ 17 . M .0'Ftinn 54 . M.OWam It . T.langtam 55. M. Quick 19. P.Dman 56G•Brs<s 20. D. Wtddam 57. D. Cldlyn 21 . P.Saakr 58. J.Dawson 22. W.Payre 59. G, Gray 23. P.Mst4anara 60 . B.Madeod 24. D . Grillo 69. P.Culharle 24. T. Ryan 70. G. Clark 25. R. Evans 26 . D. Lee 27 . B. Tuck 28 . S.Caderwaod 29 . MMdarsm 30. A. Cook (VCW) 31 . C.MtPxrzie 32. S. Quinn 33. T.Caruwn 34. G. Warren 35. S .Kerceky
E South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Senior Coach : Jack McDonald R .S . Coach : David Kilmartin
2, N. Pastas
P. SAO 27 . C. Lovett 4. R. WRS I. 28 . C. Wa114vj 5. A. Wilams 29 . S. R*aOr 5. T. Scarda30 . J. FI -ny . r(R) (R)32 31 . T . tk.:.aon S.C . M . Fuel 7.P.AP-- 33.N .1 u 8.S.Et n 34.C . RLK .av 34. R18 n,H) 9. G . Se- s 35. A. c.-:- - CY 10.N .R id 36.M.Pe~s:,i 10.M.P 31.A . 11 . A .65- 37. M.S,_=Ary(R) 11J .Lk 3i+.A -r.-cy 12. G. L a n s a r 39. A i:=13. S . McCarthy 40 . K.Tw a 14. M. Vdeatle41. C.1' : ss 14 . M, SzFSiz 42. C G~ ? 15. A . Beadin 43. K.T..,:_z 16 . M. Ma~O 44. R. Mt(k t:-0 16 .T. Small 45. P.H•- • 17 . D. McleBan 46. S. E17 .C.Morky(8 ) 47, R ~ B . P.Boy9e 48. P.' . C.JCnes 49 . A'.~19 . R.Koe¢er 59 . M .P..20 2 1 . P. S t x a F , p e e 57 . 8. C ys 22 . M . Cox 23. A. Bennett 24. M . LaeTan;. 25 . J . McDonald
Senior Coach : Mick Marshall Res. Coach : Mark Mussared 1 . LlArPty(Caci .) 2 P. Fars 2AHrb 31R Leon 3. MA'kee 34 . A. 0* 4. D.Trease 35 P.Mdhzty 5. M.Wh' "~ 'n I &&awVM 6 LEaxter 37. Bern 7. THsa" 37. D.ft BC.Wa~ ~.&ParenS 9. S.Cls- . .' 3). D. Osborne fA R. P, r{tC) a it Pry I. P 41 . MTra'rr,r 12 b.'(t.Cl) 42 GCoz 13 P.m~._. ;.h 41 &kk~rj 14. SA b ., 44. JEes 15 JF_,, . 45 RGr~ts-~ M M .S~n 46 B.Suz IT dWad(V.Cat{.) 47 P.Cewel 18 J. WA 48. A"19. 49.5.ti 20. J.Rm.CG E4. Rb.:,re 21. H. Lacs 51 RE!'22 M Mryed 54. S. • n 21 N.Ctate 59 . G F 24. DCceAi 59. A.I{em: 2S P.Brcderd 60. 0.11 2 1 C. l a h x r ( 6 1. 4. 6 . r 27.M.DVA 6L A E 2 . S. Pam) 83. D. . S.M~ry M. R6I23 .- , 30. S.Pe.vcza 65 C.' 31 . KWfia«"mxe 66 . R . . S. ~67Pax
Seniors =,A,mteko tsmanoa Res . CoThomaa t .8.V%on 37 . 2 . A Lemons iii AAr b* 3 T. H8 39. J . N& 4 . D. Cam 40. C .C* 5. R Lameare 41 . J . Crodce 6. M. Seatvook (VC) 42 . N . Bound 7. M. Kirks 43. D .Tlorres 8. J . Jafs 44. B.OTkmyJ 9. 45. 10. 46. C . Carla 11 . T. RossPxr (C) 47. J. Won 12. LM~Ie 48 . H .KWaru 13. 49. D..lones 14. 50. A . Sutton 15. C . Metal) 51. A . Seen 16. J.Hetd<rsm 52 . S .K 'rSE'ic 17. S .Atagusi 53. M. Hwy 18. P .Tiartras(VC) 54. C.Mcha! 19. M. Pearson 55. 20. 56. M. .orles 21. i. Tumer 57. 22. G. Santos 58. 21 S.Websier 59. 24. Z Krsbt 611 Yarcg 25. 61. R.Laden 28. P.0'Starre'ry 62 . A. Wa'drop 28. C.Mmay 63 . T.Bud4:y 29. M. Stewart 64 . 30. P. Harrison 65 . 31. G. Oaten 66 . 32. P.GoMon 61 . n 68 . D. Lemma 34. LT1Krna5 63 . G .Fbgdiet 35. 70. 36. RHa I
MONASH GRYPHON S Senton Coach: Gary Ryan Res. Coach : David Raine r 1 . LWels (PVC) X Pip 2 M.Hea4(CEres) 37. J~ 9. AGro R RMYaS.y 4. C.Rt'sa 30. Rf t 5 D. r-• (VC 4 0. Su"-':ro•+ct+7 6 GI 1(CC) 41. D.CI w, 7. KY-as 42 P.lk. . &dE 41 Mfo 9. P,'- . 44 . A ID.P.~ sn 45.C :. D.0 .~ x6 4S JE k .1 12 O.D .- .ftajCB)47. P.& lI MT1 4 LN.t 14. htLtn-dS 49. ATb IS . JHa}ke $0. S . JWO 51 . CA( &It r 17 . JSh's'WI 5Z CALI AOB* 51 U 19. LFrw 54. S.A:a GBarw a JBang 21 . AtKtox• $6. dFaaer 2L &Coxhca .i 57. M. Kass 21 C .Frerai 5& aYerara 24. RW 59. &fl>a1 2•a 0. W61 R KWartd 26 ADM 61 . H.Kk'ii 27. RGEdxN 62 dlhtt WA 26. dlaww" 61 S. Suet N. F. .klo 64. LVeVs 30. P.tAVA E5. DBeird 31. GRaie 61 5Mor,+ 32 AGahan 69. &0'D:t0 31 R.F ' 72 D.Adrrs 34. GRafrANC) 97. S, Were 35R jarrim -, 89 .C.0'sb 'a n
MONASH WHITES Senior Coach : Glen Cormick Res . Coach: Ronnie Lamb 1, M. Dods 2. J .S has 3. J . Was 4. RArr}ky S. J .64uigce 6. J . PkM 7. R .Catni:k 8. A. Forbes 9. J .FtxraMher 10. B. COW 11 . A M. H~rd 12. .Tassavaien 13. C . Raynor 14. C . Charnberlan 15. H .BO
16, N . tilling 18. S . Dods
19. G.VanDerlakn 20. M. .#1 1 i 21. R. Jaces 36 . C . Howe 22. G.Cmrcck 42. M.F4Kdai 23. J. Send 43, J . Edtoard 24. M.Mclean 44 . R.Lmnb 25. A.Mcuh 49 . A .MdCssack 26. S.6sro 50. J.Cen'ej 27. B. U1ing 60 G 28. R Hanv~rlcn 76. T.' Hayward
29. M.O~
30. M.Krets 32. J. Sleveas 34. T. CaOq 35. L Holde n
/ \99. T.L.
57. 1 .M 53. M .r S . I. ° 60 . P. 61 . BJ E. 6 63 L 61 . R as. S. , E6. S.~_xrai
Mark Stevens PANEL SHOP P/ L
. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
HAIRSTYLISTS for Ladies & Men
~~~~ ~~N S
Seniors Coach : Myles Land ry Reserves Coach : Neil Franks
Senior Coach : Peter Olivier! Res. Coach : Craig Richardson
1 . S. McLennan 2 . S. McMahon 3. 4 E. Bowen S. S. Torassi 6, Warner 7. N. Franks 8. P. Angus (Capt.) 9. P. Krohn 10. M. Cross 11 . A. Landry 12. A. Campbell 13. V. Brarualisarro 14. D . Warre•Str+th 15. B. Cook 16. S. Ciaorgthold 17. L. Barclay 18. S . Glover 44 . C. Bowman 19. M. Bond 45 . C. Marxes 20. C. Landry 46, D. Brancatisano 21. S . Baxter 47 . 22. A . Atchison 48. J . Bleasby 23 . M. Ga9uzzo 49. 24 . S . Persons 50. L . Mrlrs 25 . A . Corks 51 . 26 . A. Thrpp 52. 27 . J. Whelan 53. B. Femrick 28 . B . Taylor 54 . M . Dentry 29 . D. Morgan 55. 30. D. Sims 56. 31 .A.Gmss 57. 32 . A. Parsons 58. A. Watts 33. R. Poole 59. M. hayes 34 . A. O'Neil 60. A. Mouterosso 35.6. Bourdy 61 . S. Boast 36. a . Crean 62. B. Wight 37. T. Stewart 63. N . Barmen 38. D. Becher 64. 39. S. Taylor 65. 40. T. Tretthii l 41 . S. Farrow 42.A ' Briggs 43. A. Banner
1 . P.Vairod 44. MHttbe r 2. J.Hal 45. M.BoWke 3 G.Scarzo 46 . W.Srmh 4. R . C2* 47. D.Namm S. M. Ek2kd 48. D. Phelan 6. D .Bidh 49. J. Ryan 7. C . E§durdsar 50 . A Said 8. S .Cross 51, S.Wakh 9. A .Mnri; 52 . J.Wrcks 10. G. MCC" 53 . A. Kerr 11. L Mi55ag!a 54 . 12. M. Mardarc 55 . 11 W. Dodd S& 14. C. NeWl2rd 57 . 15. J. Scotland 58, 16. S.Cra:em 59, 17. C. Aki.ea! 60. M. Er~r 18. F . Doyle 70. RNeyr'md 19. J.Evmn 87. T.Fr'aM 20 . A.FauSne r 21. J.DerrAie 22 . 8. MacKenzw 23 . G. SCOard 24 . R. WO^ams 25 . S. Evans 26. J .Serur 27 . S. Lynch 28 . J . Tucker 29. G .Nemw 30, P. Hanson 31 . M. Crmstry, 32. 8. W{son 33. R Ta}4er 34. M. Da>abJsar 35. C . Wdarrs 37. K. Telford 38. P. Phelan 39. J.GS 40, G. Arnold 41 . S . Ciaylar 42. C .Mrfadane 43. B . Swz
Senior Coach: Peter Turley Reserves Coach:
Damian Sutherland 1. M. Bourke
2 . M.CastaAS 38 . P.Bashard 3 . S. Sutherland 39. &@.rn 4 . B.Boaman 40. MS,9derA S . M .Cara+an(C) It . SBobeEc 6 . M . Clark 42 S.Berr~n
7 . G.Gaspari 41 SBra,,, 8 . M Hazel '4 . C. Hurt 91 M .Donvghw 45. . It Fibres 4& P.M9b , 10. 0.C9rer 47. T. Low 11 . RCinocia It. P.Kav.. p 12. A.Gaspad 49. D.Ta 13. I.Bobdc 97. R6" I 14. P. MtKrvgti St 0. S, 15. T.W-' 52 CP or 16. A.Ctkapprd 53 D. t, 17. M.Forbes (RC) 54. S.B r I& S, Sin" 55 D . Searre 19. A.Heaky 56 SFdm--Y 20. A. Seeger 57 . D.Gt n 21 . R .Napoti S& LWE oy 22. M. Power 59. if n 23. 0 . Rod* 60. Mr-s 24. A. Grace 61. D. d 25. B . K e d n e r 62 E a 26. C .Ck~ 63. G.-=k 27. M.Marcdkld 64 . M.Fc° i 28. M.E3jae 65 J.Tay'r.x 29. M. Forbes 66 S. Bkowth 30. D. Lawton 31. B . McLardj 32. A . Sievers 33 . M.Wrsernan 34 . S .lGberis 35 . C. M 36 . S. NoESn 37 . J.Brema' t
ST . PATS MENTON E Senior Coach : Brett Sebire Reservoir Coach: Peter Lewis I . D .Fe>ac h 2. M.Casqare 3. K . Wood 4. P. Lewis ftsc) O.Hilebrand (VC)
6. T . Davis 7. K .Gwller(Cap) 8. D. Perrin (DVC) 39 . RGtedr 9. P . Emttntl 40. D.IFdro6s 10. B . Setae (C) 41 . C. Fraser 11. PFarrues 42 C . Brown 12. M.Dadks 43 . M . Sea 11 A.Gargi 45 . G. Berg 14. T .Akrroc 46 . M .Grogan 15. M. Sulvran 47 . M .0'Dowxtm 16. J. McCaNrj 48 . M .Wak h 11. C.Sumran 49 . M .CenE?B 18 . T.Sulliran 50. A.Ladds 19 . D. Presser 51 M . HdWay 20, C. Groves 52 . D. Farr 21 . D.BMrj 53. 0. titarun 22 . P.Murphy 54' 0 . Murphy 23 . M .S*ran 55. M.Ywm4es 24 . A.Cowini 56. B.0'Dai 25 . B. Buns 57. S.GrKe 26. P. WiFhy 58. J . Nouran 27 . M.WSe 59. C.Donegcn 28 . M .0'Brkn (EC) W. T.G" 29 . S. Ha**& 61 . D . Hak.r 30. N. Freese 64. S.Puddss 31 . A. Walsh 65. C .Merk; 32 . S. Ryan 66. D . Brennan 33. D.Andrew (RVC) 67. G .Capuaro 34. P.Hdctdson 71 . P.M+.aPry 35. M.Grart 36. C .&reOreas 37. S.YT41bj 38. S.Perazzo
.. .. S ivr%T aa. v CHADSTONE 32
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Spring Valley Golf Club is holding a Gala Charity Golf Day on Sunday, 23 June 1996, as a mark of respect to our Professional Doug Home and the victims of the Port Arthur tragedy .
Doug, a very popular identity at the Club, was wounded at Port Arthur and thankfully, it appears he will be able to make a full recovery from his injuries . The format for the day will be a 7 .30 am hit off and a 12.30 pm hit off, with 140 players in each field . Par will be the game of the day . Cost per player will be $75 .00, with a light luncheon and refreshments provided. Prizes for both am and pm events will be awarded to both male and female players . The day will be widely publicised through Channel 7, 3UZ and other media outlets . To make this a really successful day we need your support for the naming rights to individual holes. Each hole has been valued at $1,000 and allows 4 players to compete in the morning or afternoon event . Signage will advertise your company's generosity . All monies obtained from hole sponsorship, green fees, bar sales, raffles and other fund raising events to be held on the day, will go to the appeal . We at Spring Valley believe that this event can, in some small way, assist in both a financial and humanitarian sense, the people who were unlucky enough to be at Port Arthur . Should you have any further queries, please contact John Connell on 9752 3644 or the General Manager of our Club, Mr John Stamp on 9562 3811 .
E SOUTH SECTION ry Damien Batey _1
fter 8 rounds of exhilarating football delirium, the players have earned themselves a solitary wee k to convalesce and bolster their ranks for the remaining 10 rounds . Whilst some sides will be using their time to take stock, Peninsula an d Salesian will be the two sides who can afford to rest ever so lightly on their laurels. REVIEW ROUND 8
Glenhuntly's season of mediocrity continued when it went down to Monash Gryphons by 94 points . In windy conditions at Glenhuntly, the Gryphons held the ascendancy all day . After kicking to the favoured end in the first quarter, Monash kicked to a ten goal quarter time lead . Things didn't improve for the Hunters in the second term, when despite their efforts to boot four goals, Monash were able to kick eight . At half time, Glenhuntly were 84 points in arrears and it appeared as if the Gryphons would post a record score . To Glenhuntly's credit however, they persisted in their dire position to maintain the Gryphon's scoreline, conceding only ten more points to the Monash side after half time . Best for Monash were Blanford on the wing, Karavias and Chri s O'Brien who kicked 5 goals . Power House had a day out against ANZ Albert Park, who have been slipping away from the competition in recent weeks . A poor start by the Zedders allowed Power House to make good use of a strong breeze, and if not for some inaccurate kicking by Power House, the game could have been over at quarter time . By half time, ANZ had shown no signs of improvement and went into the main change with an eight goal deficit . ANZ showed some fighting spirit in the third quarter, pegging back two of the eight goals needed to catch their opponents . With a strong breeze at their tails, a six goal turnaround looked like being an achievable task for ANZ. Powerhouse however withstood the assault and with further dominance shown by their midfield, were able to crush ANZ to the tune of ten goals . In a disappointing ANZ performance, the best were Rick Well s at half back, Matt Lawrence on the wing and Peter Smith with five goals at full forward . Elsternwick recorded a much needed win over the struggling Monash Whites . The Wicks kept Monash at bay for the entire match, despite some spirited efforts by Whites . The Wicks have now chalked up their second win for the year, whilst Monash are still chasing that elusive victory. Best for Elsternwick were mobile centre half back Scott Clement, Geoff Andrew and his brother Mick with another bag of 9 goals . ' Oakleigh were no match for Salesian who bounced back from a loss to record a 96 point victo34
ry. A disciplined four quarter performance If . by Salesian helped them return to the winners circle . Sam Sinclair, Salesian new star wingman, racked up over 30 possessions for the day . Gracey was on top in a Salesian's defence, that only conceded seven goals. Peninsula knocked St Patricks off their pedestal by defeating them by seven goals at Southern Road . The Pirates played the better football for most of the day after a tight first quarter . In difficult conditions the Pirates judged the wind better than their opponents, and led from the front . Every time the ball dropped short in the breeze, there seemed to be a Peninsula player there to mark it . Steve Parsons was best afield for the Pirates, running riot in the centre . Ryan Pool was a focal point at full forward with 8 goals, and Mick Galluzzo cut the opposition apart with his pace around the ball. For St Pats, Perrin was relentless in his defensive efforts, while Mick Su llivan and Damien Barr were again influential . PREVIEW ROUND 9 Monash Gryphons will take on the high flying Powerhouse, who are playing great football at the moment. The Gryphons likewise have run into some form, but will struggle to match Powerhouse in the strength and speed departments. The much anticipated clash of the potential wooden spooners Monash Whites and Glenhuntly is finally upon us. After 8 rounds of football neither of these sides have put together four premiership points . This is an important game for both sides as the loser is in danger of being labelled the worst side in the competition. I'm tipping Monash Whites, only because they seem to have been beaten by marginally less than Glenhuntly on a weekly basis . Salesian look likely to dish out another hiding this week, this time to Elsternwick. The Wicks may show form against the weaker sides, but Salesian isn't a likely loser in this match . Peninsula face their second tough match in as many rounds when they lock horns with Oakleigh . Although the Krushers went down to Salesian last round, they have been one of the form sides so far this year. This looks to be a tough, physical clash, but the Pirates will be difficult to overcome on their large home ground . ANZ Albert Park will come face to face with a determined St Pats side . The balance of victories between these two sides is even at one each . The time they meet at ANZ's ground, but the Vultures should hold all the aces this time round . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
250 GAL1:3 - MICIi O'BRIEN
The distinguished career of Mick O'Brien of St Pats reaches new height this weekend, when he plays his 250th game for the Vultures . 'Obey' has been a peerless leader, courageous player and an accommodating and genuine clubman for St Pats for several years. The club wishes him their heartfelt best for reaching this milestone, for good luck in his captaincy for the rest of the season, and that he will again be a premiership player . 50 GAMES - MARK GRAYDO N Congratulations to 'Piglet' on his 50th for Monash Gryphons last week in the reserves against Glenhuntly. Captain of the first Gryphons reserves team last year and a strong forward . The Gryphs hope Mark will get to run through many more banners during his career at Monash. 50 GAMES - GLEN CAPUANO St Pats Glen 'Cappa' Capuano played his 50th against Peninsula last week. A strong and reliable forward in the reserves, the Vultures hope that he continues to play good football for the rest of his career . 50 GAMES - JASON LIDDELL Congratulations to ANZ's Jason Liddell on reaching this milestone . A determined contributor in both reserves and seniors over recent years, the Zedders hope his return will see him establish himself as an important member of the club . 50 GAMES - STEVE PARSONS Congratulations to Peninsula's Steve Parsons on reaching his 50th . Steve has now established himself as a great ruck rover for the Pirates, after a great deal of hard work and determination to secure his spot . Well done Steve, and all the best . SOCIAL Peninsula will hold a First Years Players Night after their game against Oakleigh . Come along for a night of great fun and laughs .
GLENHUNTLY AF C Tommy Hinds celebrated his 50th Wedding Anniversary on 1 June . Tommy, who is Vice-President of the Club, is highly respected for his dedication and hard work around the club . On behalf of the committee, players and supporters, congratulations and best wishes to Tommy and Nell .
SENIORS 1 .0 5 .3 5 .3 12.8.80 GLENHUNTLY 26.18 .174 10 .2 18 .6 22 .13 MONASH GRYPHONS Glenhuntly Macek 3 . O'Donnell 2, Lamanna. Rennison, McEwan . Augustine, Sutton, Craig, Thomas . Bat Janis, Thomas, Rossiter . Lamanna . Craig, Macek Monaah Gryphons Fraser, O'Brien 5. Kitchin 4, White . ODoherty 2. Blandfonl . Coxhead, Karavias. Lowcock. Lewis . Grady . Wells, Mooney. Best Blandford, Kitchin. Karavias. OTloherty . Grady, OBrten . POWER HOUSE 6 .12 10 .15 16.21 23 .24.162 ApIZ BANK 3 .0 7.0 11 .1 13 .4.82 Powerhouse Craven 5, Robertson, Richardson 4, McCullough 3, Devlin, Phelan, Morris 2. Friend . Best Clayton. Phelan. McCullough. Devlin . Friend . MeCardel. ANZ Bank Smith 5, Lawrence 3, Malone . Harbinson 2 . McDonald. Best Wills. McClelland. Boyle. Smith. Lawrence. Markby. 4.3 11 .7 15.9 21 .10 .136 ELSTERNWICK MONASH WHITES 3.4 4.6 8.11 9.15 .69 Eisterawlck Andrew 9, Hankln, Clement 3, Webster, Cowell 2, lvett, Mahoney . Batl Clement, M . Andrew. G. Andrew, Mahony. Murphy . Ward. Moaaeh Whites Johnson 3, Tossavalnen, Riddle. Dods. Olivo . Simos. Cormick. • Beat Cormick. Hammerton . Johnson . Dods. Utting. Riddle. OABIEIGH 2 .5 3.5 5.8 7 .12.54 16 .8 23.12.150 SALESIAN OC 3 .3 11 .6 Oaklelgh Marshall 3. Adamic, Ayres. Billing, Heverin. Best Marshall, Flynn,' Templeton, Taylor, Gee, Mouth . Salalan OC Cincotta 6 . Byrne, Wiseman 4, Bobetic 2, Healey, Hazell. Sutherland, . Bourke, RocheBrown, Abbott . Fitzgerald. R'xe. Best Hazell, Grace. Sinclair. Cincotta ST PATRICES MEN TONE 3.2 5.4 9.7 9.9.63 16 .10.106 .3 9.6 14.7 PENINSULA 0 5 3 St Patricks Meatone Gur6er 2, Perrin . Sullivan, Fenech . Murphy . Barr, Evans, C. Sullivan. Bat Perna, Mick Sullivan . Barr. Sebire, Stephens. Cosgrove. Peninsnla OB Poole 8, Bowen. Landry, McMahon 2, Galluao . Warne-Smith. Best Parsons. Poole. Gailuzw, Bonner, Marshall, Trewhltt .
0.0 1.2 1 .2 3 .5.23 GLENHUNTLY 13 .17.95 ffiONASH GRYPHONS 3.6 8.10 11.13 Glenknntly Harrison 2 . Kashc. Best Jones, Murray. Wilson . Turner, Thomas. Jones. Monash Gryphons Lester, Gilchrist 3, Bailey, Tolongas 2 . Toghtll, Graydon. Gadinskl. BatToghlll . Gilchrist Barry . Williamson, t .eeton . tawerence,Tolongas. 19.9 .111 POWER HOUSE 5.3 11 .5 15 .8 ANZ BANK 1 .1 3.2 5.3 9.4 .58 . Senior. Bat Miller. Wilson 7, Phelan, Maddox, Kerr, Scalzo 2, Elliott Powerhouse Engler. Wilson, Snellman, Senior, Maddox. AN2 Bank Cairns 3, Jerkin 2 . Szeitz. Carter, Leeds. Bat Cairns. Lindsay. Carter, Sullivan, Redpath. Curtheys. 2 .2 8 .8 8.9 9.12.66 ELSTERNWICK 3 .6 7 .7 8 .17 10.19.79 MONASH WHITES Elsternalck Heath 4, Kirkham, Ray. Baldock . Harris . Park . Best Park. Kirkham. Broderick, Heath, McDiamwl. Hunt. Monash Whites Chamberlain 6, Pimm. Edovard . Dobbs. Johnston . Best Chamberlain. Strithoff. Jones. Pimm . Dobbs. Lloyd . OABLEIGH 3 .0 6.4 7.6 7 .8 .50 10 .7 .67 SALESIAN OC 0.3 2.3 8.6 Oakleigh Lelsie 4, Monaghan 2, Adaway . Best Leslie, Andonopoulos, Kilner. . theo8lopoulos. Hanley. Williamson Salataa OC Fothergill, Mansfield 2, Stevens. Forbes. Kirchner . Hunt. Bouchard. Best Forbes. Seager, Gaspari . Hunt, Gaspari, Stevens. ST PATRICKS ffiPdtTONE 1 .5 2 .5 7 .6 9.9.63 PENB9SULAOB 2 .2 5 .6 6 .6 9.11 .65 St Patrleks ldeatone Davis 4, Allinson, Capuano 2, Hawker . Best BUT, Capuano, Groves. Lewis . Andrew . McCarthy. Peninsula OB Krohn, Hayes 2, Watts, Marks, Farrow, Campbell . Whelan . Best Monterosso. Scown. Bleasby. Krohn . Gmss, Hayes .
M=® : iONASH GRYPHONS v . POWERHOUSE Field : R. Burrls, M . Evans . MONASH WHITES v . GLENHUNTLY Field: B . Bain; Boundary : D . Bain, I . Burgess. SALESIAN v . ELSTERIVVPICK Field: S . Delaney, I . Cayzer . PENINSULA OB v . OAKLEIGH Field : S . Rolls, M . Rossarto. ANZ BANK v . ST PATRICKS MENTQNE Field: P . Withington .
CLUB T_` . Nort h by Norm [_
ound 8 results saw my predictions only proved wrong in one match and even then Marcellin in true Marist spirit did their best to lose so my prediction would be fulfilled . My 87 .5% success rate will help my chase of the aces Darren and Terry who lead the Connell Cup field . REVIEW ROUND 8 NORTH Hawthorn Citizens maintained their unbeaten record with a forty one point victory over Old Ivanhoe, whose performance was more meritorious than the score board indicated . Old Ivanhoe had good players in defence Stuart Purcell, the "Bourbonator" (Brett Wilson) in the centre, forwards Steve Myers and Ian Wells as well as Craig Sharp and Jamie Baud . Marcellin did everything wrong in front of goal, but still won by nineteen points against St Bernard's . On reflection the fact Marcellin had twenty-four scoring shots to ten shows that the "Eagles" did really have the better of St Bernard's, who now face a three way battle for a top four berth . North Old Boys, salvaged some prestige for their beleaguered club when they defeated Old Essendon by thirty points. Collegians did make it two victories in a row when they won by twenty-one points over Kew whose downward spiral continued . Therry had the Bye . SOUTH
Old Xaverians maintained their winning sequence at the expense of VUT . Although the 'Crocodiles' won by eighty points their scoring rate was curtailed through determined VUT opposition . I was accurate in my prediction of a narrow Old Scotch victory over Mazenod. Despite the disparity of the clubs' record Old Scotch could only snatch victory by eight points . Old Brighton-Bloods consolidated third position through a sixty two point victory over St Kevin's . Old Geelong despite performing better in the noon day winds, still went down to forth placed De La Salle by twenty-two points . Old Melburnians, through the fruits of the bye, jumped two places on the ladder. PREVIEW OF ROUND 9 NORTH
Marcell in at home will be anxious to consolidate second place and must be favoured to defeat Therry, whose form has tapered off after a great start to the season. In the local "derby" St Bernard's make the short tip down Milleara Road to play Old Essendon Grammarians . Now that St Bernard's hold third place only on percentage they will do all in their power to maintain it . Although Old Essendon will be competitive St Bernard's should record a comfortable victory . Two of the season's disappointing sides Kew and North Old Boys meet on Victoria Park . 36
Statistically the sides are uncannily evenly matched so selecting the winner presents a -" real dilemma. Home ground advantage would be in only reason for selecting Kew . However in light c Round 8 form I select North Old Boys to continu Kew's losing streak . A good contest should ensu when Old Ivanhoe play Collegians at Chelswort Park. Despite Collegians improved form ; Old Ivanhos with their sprinkling of club stalwarts should win thi match and so keep their final's hopes ali v Hawthorn Citizens have the bye . SOUTH Another re-enactment of the first match Australian Football will be staged today when 01 Scotch play Old Melburnians . For the 01 Melburnians to make the finals they must catch u two games on De La Salle and one on St Kevin' ; Victory today will help greatly . I regret being the w blanket as I believe Old Scotch have the talent to w,, this en-enactment match . Old Brighton-Blooi should have enough talent to defeat the determinf Mazenod especially as the venue is Brighton Bea( Oval . De La Salle should win well against St Kevin and by so doing consolidate their own position in tl top four and virtually put paid to St Kevin's' aspir tions . Old Geelong will travel along the road nami after them as they journey to play VUT . This gan could well prove to be VUT"s best chance of victory date as Old Geelong possess the least active forwa. line in the competition. At home I select VUT witho any firm conviction I will be proven correct . 0 Xaverians have the bye.
gratulataions to Ian Neil on playing his 250th game two ks ago for Mazenod . Ian is one of Mazenod's famous sons d after a great career in Seniors and Reserves Ian has red and captained Club 18 for the last two years .
23 20 18 18 16
1 2 0 0
19 17 15 14
CLUB XVHI NORT H 2 .5 5.6 10.10 13.12 .90 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 1 .2 3,4 5.5 7.7 .49 OT IVANHOE Havrt6orn Citizens Bowe 5, Richardson 3, sill . Murphy 2, Hurt . Best Bowe, . . Tracey, Rossitto, Parker, Avery Sfallworlh Old Ivanhoe We9s. Myers 2. Baud, Sharp. Dinwvski. Best Baud, Wilson . Purcell . Futrell. Sheedan, Myers . ST BERNARIIS 0 .2 2 .6 2 .6 3.7.25 1,3 2 .5 4 .16 4.20.44 bfARCELLR7 St M Beraards Barnes, Moodie . Denahy . Best Moodie, Denahy . Moon, Matkov, ariln .
Marcellin Dinneen 3. Pitt . Scott Daffy . Pitt Roberts, Merton . King, Bucknell. NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .5 6 .7 9.8 13.7 .85 2 .1 2.5 6.5 8 .7 .55 OLD ESSENDON North Old Boys Fletcher 6 . Carroll, Hevey, Spall 2 . Holmberg. Best Fletcher . Spali. Holmberg. Turnbull. Carroll, Hevey. Old Essendon Dip, Boyle 4 . Best Dip . Boyle. Gasa. Smith . Swift. 4.3 7.5 9 .13 11 .14,80 COLLEGIANS ~ 0.0 6 .4 6 .4 9.5.59 Gonzales 5 . Oakley. Hoyle 2, Lee. Best Oakley . Gonzales. Ashby, J. collegians Taylor, A. Taylor, Lee. Kew ODea 4, Curtain 2, Reynolds . Lawrence. Corridor . Best Reynolds, Lawrence. McGuire . Rintoul. 01 Lazaras .
CLUB XVIII SOUT H 17 .7.109 5.5 7.12 12 .14 OLD XAVERIANS SOT 0.0 1.0 3.2 6 .3.39 Old %avertans Atkins 5 . Stones. Ries . Curtain, Short. Flynn . Hall 2 . Best Durand, Collopy. Charles, Hosan, Flynn . Short Vut Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . MAZENOD OC 2.0 4 .3 4 .3 5.3 .33 2 .3 3 .6 3.10 5.11 .41 OLD SCOTCH Maunod OC Grady. Deegan. McAllister. McLean . Occhipinti. Best Hall, McAllister. Wekh. Fay, Peters, Ocehipinti. Old Scotch Tribe 2, Deakin . Godwin, Illingworth . Beatl Moss, Price, Tribe, Winneke, Godwin, Bingley . ST KEVINS 1 .1 3.2 3.2 3.2.20 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 4 .2 6.2 11.5 12 .10.82 St Nevins 9uirk, Quinn, Hamilton . Best Hooper. Millar. Goldsworthy. Marks, Davies. James . Old Brighton Bloods Cochran 3, Stefanou, Pyers 2, McGree, Smyth . Betts, Hamilton . Shipper . Best Hamilton . M . Payne. D . Payne. Smyth . Smith. Ugtow.
(ROUND S - 1/6/96 ) LATE SCORES : Reserves/Club XVIII (Due : 9531 8333 by 3 p .m.) Old Xaverians (Club XVIII ) Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p .m.) Old Brighton (Sen .) North Old Boys (U19) Marcellin (U19) Phoned incorrect scores (From Round 7) Old Paradians (U19/1) Whitefriars (1119) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section) . First offence ( $5) ; second offence ($25) ; each further offence ($50) .
increase as clubs continue to reoffend . The Executive has decided to impose a "one-off" fine of $250 for a fourth offence by a team of a club .
FROM ROUND 8 - 11/6/9 6 * Angelo Lamanna, Glenhuntly - Striking - 2 matches Danny Edmunds, LaTrobe University - Misconduct towards an umpire - 3 matche s Paul Nikakis, Oakleigh (Reserves) - Striking - 8 matches * Lachie Aitken, Old Geelong (Under-19) - Striking 2 matche s Anthony Kearney, St Belles Mentone Tigers - Abusive language towards an umpire - 2 matche s * Danny James, St Kevins - Disputing Umpire Decision I match * Ben Van Den Boom, Whitefriars - Disputing Umpire Decision - 1 match
* Accepted prescribed penalty INVESTIGATIONS FROM HEARINGS 11/6/96 Two charges of misconduct against West Brunswick in that during the round 7 match against Old Essendon player, Matthew Lewis did allegedly strike and then headbutt Old Essendon player Scott McPherson . Both charges were sustained and player Matthew Lewis was suspended for 7 matches (5 for striking; 2 for headbutting .)
OLD GEELONG 7•6•48 9.16.70 DE LA SALLE Old Geelong Moreton 3, Geddes 2. Wordsworth, Kennett Best Hammet . Abeckett. Walker, Geddes, Kennett, McMillan . De La Salle Mannix 3, Wightman 2. Murphy. 0'Driscol. Hynes. Scott Wighiman, Manniv . McHenry . Crlson . Hynes. Jennings.
lead by (I1) in the second half to win very comfortably . McArdle, ~~D~'T PLENTY OF, O'Brien and Funston B EASO for the SKOBS were named best, as to were Bostock, . Williamstown had the Cole and idurnane for the 00's REVIEW OF ROUND 8 MATCHES bye. DIVISION ONE Therry were totally outplayed up- home half time and DIVISION (2 ) BLUE to an early l lead against Monash Blues jumped away Old Paradians who had (20) goals p Geoff Porter who had to claw their way back tooa ldefeat (1 went on to kick (40) goals for the match . Ormond ) g . The 'Monds (5) would be extremely disappointed with his side's lack of determined team of 'Ashers Riordan, Gregory better . second half proving the difference and as to did this liresultrFor tTheorry Goodwin, Van , and DRclvor played well for the 'Ashers, and 'Monds. Mazenod Finiayson, Hester and Metz for the Slazyk tried hard, while for OPas datild Xav s~~ firmly entrenched themselves in the four by goal to (8j Dintinosante (9) did as they p an (18) g they had kicked straight would have won by a lot more St. Kilda Sth . Caulfield with defeating were in everyKnott and than they did against MAX . whowever hich the boys shoe, Fo first half . Clifford, Evans (10) Haileybury did not let from AJAX the fighting spiri t thing for the 'Nodders . Old . Old r fine players get a look in their game at d Snow were an Caulfield Grammarians AJAX Zaltsberg, Rath . Bernards to win by (8) at half time and keepMcKinnon Reserve . Leadingthe 96elburnians held off a fast finishing .StFor OM's Holme. third term saw the Bloods by (4) points at the Junction ing the 'Fields goalless in (5) Oval were prominent, as were . Floyd, Fossey and Hi ll consolidate second spot easily Waddell and Rutherford for St. Bernards. North Old Bowes, were everywhere for the Bloods, as to were Hogan, Tankey and Peel for the'Fields . After an even Boys battled hard against top side Uni Blues and were Goldsworthy and Stumbles eventualRovers could not match Old not disgraced by the scoreline at all . The Blues first half Hampton Murray an d MaGuire, Khoder, forwards in the second half eventually losing . ly winning by (15) goals Brighton's (6), 5track, Paull . Perry, Dunball an d Zuker lead by a bit over (5) goals Moustafa were NOBS best, Halligan final match bottom from the front for the Rovers but were no match for the and Clark best for the Blues . In theDe La Salle goalless Alderson who were fine side Collegians kept fourth placed likes of Crewdson, Brown and had the bye . in the first term, but could not capitalise on their good Beaumaris Tonners' players. start by failing to score in the second adthir~o uar t DeeLa D DIVISION (2) RE De La eventually winning by (19) points . Old Paradi ans (2) (5) and Moore were best, while for %arcellin were never troubled by Butler, Johnstone at Marcellin and ran out convincing winners by (14) Randazzo and Badanjek (7) Collegians Harris, Florentine, Walsh and Thompson gaols. Stephens, Moran, Stevens, were fine players in Collegians' best result to date this were excellent players for the Eagles, as to were Yarra for OP's . season. Well done Lions. and Howard L . Turner e f--r beoth sidees. Aquinas in a very important gam DIVISION (2) WHITE ~ in the second Warring Aquinas were eyeing off a place in the four, Yarra Valley ran away from IIni Blacks half of their match at the Crawford Oval booting .(9) secwanted to continue on their good form of recent weeks, Ward, however in the finish it was Yarra Valley's persistence. ond half goals to (2) to win convincingly Blacks, as were J . and better use of the ball that saw them take the points Henderson and Kitchen were beste for . St . . NLcIlrath and and Ha rt for the Redbacks None worked harder than Gadd, B Anderson, C. Williams proved to themselves that they are while Aquinas were well Leos WP Emmaus Thompson for Yarra Valley,and Brownhill . Chlrnsidc good enough to challenge the top sides with a huge victoserved by M . Tilling, Burch and would have expected to do at home . For St. Leos WP .-Templestowe Scotch Bulleen hosted old ry over park . This was and Sehlirtler (9) dominated, well against the Scotchies who were in the four Emmaus Major, McCann not to be as Old Scotch almost doubled the Parkers while for the ravaged Bullants once again the European Cousins battled valiantly for of Potamianos, Daskaloei, PapadoPoulos . Adams, Banks and connection scoreParkers, while for the- ~jctors, Gray, and Lambropoulos could hold their heads high . Be La the d Carey Salle (2) pushed Old Camberwell for a h~lf but could not solid contributors all day, Olda e at Bulleen with a maintain the intensity in the second half, the stronger Old Trinity proved far too strong for for Old Trinity (15) goal to (4) second half . Better players 'Wellers running ~~snKoth e zdiccand Pickles were best s Shaughnes . Gerrish, almost (8) goals . In the final match in White section St . were J . M~d Wilson fine playedrs for Old eCarey . Murphy the 'Wellers Costello,i~furp had the bye . Kevins had little gdi c Whitefriars increased their l dtime thep~no Leading by (10) g 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199 6 uoals at half nALdr
pREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAMES DIVISION ONE Old Paradians host Old Xaverlans at Bundoora in what shapes as a real test for the OP's who have taken all before them in recent weeks . Old Xavs have been in fine form as to have OP's, the Xavs after a weeks break may have relaxed to much and I believe at home Paul Arnel will have the OP's ready to take the next step form StB. Bernards will towards at ~sendon and ontre recent 2`herry St win comfortably in what will be a real "local derby" . Uni Blues and Old Melburnians clash at Melbourne Uni as lst and 3rd respectively . The Blues are looking for somewhere in the vicinity of their 30th win in a row, and although Mark Zuker will fine tune his players to perfection, I cannot see them toppling the Blues at home . De La Salle play host to North Old Boys and on the recent form of both sides the winner of this game will not be easy to select . NOBS have only won (1) match for the year and I cannot see them making it two just yet . AJAX host the vastly improved Collegians, who pushed fourth placed De La Salle in their last outing . AJAX have been mediocre in winning only two games to date, and today I cannot see them adding to this as Collegians will break the ice and win . Selections : Old Paradians, St . Bernards, Uni Blues, De La Salle and Collegians . DIVISION (2) WHITE Warringal play host to St. Leos WP Emmaus in a must win for both clubs should they desire to keep in touch with the top four . Warringal went down badly in their last game, and St . Leos WP Emmaus had a strong win against Bulleen-Templestowe . In a toss-up Warringal in a close one . Old Camberwell host Uni Blacks at Balwyn and this should be a real measure of the improvement of Uni blacks recently . Old Camberwell is the only side to defeat St . Kevins and so must go into the game favourites and I believe they will win narrowly, over a very much improved Blacks side who could surprise on the day if taken lightly. Old Geelong will need to bounce back strongly against De La Salle (2) and will do so comfortably, given their minds are firmly fixed on the job at han d . Williamstown host St . Kevins in what promises to be another fine match of high skill level and tenacious play. At home Williamstown will be too strong and will topple the ladder leader in a close match . BulleenTemplestowe have the bye . Selections : Warringal, Old Camberwe ll , Old Geelong & Williamstow n DIVISION (2) BLUE Ormond who have been up and down so far this season today host Beaumaris coming off two weeks rest . Although the Sharks may be a little sluggish they will get home comfortably today . St. Kilda Sth . Caulfield and Monash Blues clash at Packer Reserve in a match that will decide outright bottom of the table . The 'Ashers have pushed sides recently and after a weeks break should go onto record their second win for the season . Caulfield Grammarians host Mazenod at the Wheelers Hill Campus and with Mazenod wanting to firmly entrench themselves in the four at the half way mark of the season, will have too much incentive today for the 'Fields . Old Haileybury an d Old Brighton clash at McKinnon in what shapes as a beauty . Both sides firmly entrenched THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
in the four, sitting 2nd and 3rd respectively . The gap that can be opened up today if the Bloods can win will set up their season for the double chance, a loss and the Tonners are breathing down their necks drastically . Gut feeling says the Tonners, ladder position tells me the Bloods. I'll stick with gut feeling, Tonners in a close one . Hampton Rovers have the bye . Selections : Beaumaris, Monash Blues, Mazenod, Old Brighton DIVISION (2) RED Old Paradians (2) play host to Whitefriars and will provide strong resistance early, however Whitefriars will overrun them in the second half . Aquinas will find Marcellin too big and strong to handle, even at home . Peter Randa ll will make sure that the Eagles consolidate their top four position with a win at the half way mark . Old Scotch await the arrival of the in form Yarra Valley who have hit their straps recently . A win today by Yarra Valley will give them a sniff of the four, but Old Scotch at home will prove too strong in more positions- and win a tight tussle. Old Carey travel to Chirnside Park and will show why they are the only undefeated side in section (2) red with a resounding victory over the Parkers . Although not before they match Old Carey for a half but find their overall strength and skill too much to handle . Old Trinity have the bye . Selections: Whitefriars, Adarce llin, Old Scotch & Old Carey.
5 YEARS AGO - 199 1 id Scotch were the giant-killers at Brunswic k where they trailed the home team, North Old L oys by 22 points and then overpowered them with a 11 .4 to 5.6 second half to win by 11 points . Mill kicked 6 from the forward pocket while Emmett (Mick) Hunter and Twist were good players . i,:effien in, L --i and P . Considine were best for i ;orth . To quote "B" Section scribe Tom Johnston "Old verians replaced their coach and had a convincing win over injury depleted Banyule" . Scores were Old Xavs 18.19 to Banyule 8.15. Best were J and G Dalton and then ( Old vs) and Coulson, Sutterby,. Gilliam (Bany) . It had to happen. Yes, Chi . `_ =a uf e" Worthington broke the Caulfield Grar , ---1ri t games record previously held by former great champion, Greg Tootell, when he ran out for his 823th game - a young 38 year old . Life Member "Mouse" is an inspiration to all . De La Salle went to top of "A" when they were too strong in the second half for third team Collegians to win 16 .9 to 9 .17 . Best were Rosman, Scott and Kinsella (De La) and Schober, Wright and Daly (Call). Aquinas saluted their greatest son John "Heffa" Ryan, the first player in the clubs 11 year history to reach 200 games . Premiership captain 1983 and 4, Club B&F 81, 82, Club President 1988-90, John's record would be hard to beat. St Mary's (E) yet to win a game must have been very disappointed after the game . They led third team Mazenod, 15 . 8 to 12 .11 at the last change, but could not hold out the 'Nodders' who kicked 7 .3 to 1 .2 in the final term. Stars were M cMullin, Todd and Fisher (Maz) and T. Brideson, Burt an d T . Jones (St . M ary's) . 10 YEARS AGO - 1986 Uni Blues M ark Tyquin made club history with his 220th game breaking record of former Blues champion rover Barry Church . "Nail" tipped the "A" Section goalkickers in 1976 with 82 goals and captained the team 1982, 83, 84. Peter Keogh had been selected to umpire Hearld Shield game at VFL Park. Ivanhoe farewelled veteran nuggetty back pocket Dilly Baker after 9 years of senior football and winning the 1981 B& F . 150 games to the man in white Ken Coughlin 10 years finals in the field, D, E, F, Under 19 and A and B reserves and A and B Section Grand Finals as a boundary umpire . SOB on top in "C" were held all day by bottom team Old Camberwell, fell in by 1 point, 15.8 to 15.7 . Flegeltauba, Lord, Todd were best for MHSOB . Nick Bourke was the hero in Old vs (B) narrow win at Bundoora kicking 2 sixty metre goals with 40
the heavy ball in the closing stages to record Xavs only ~ ._ _ scores for the term to give a win 7.2 to 4 .17 . Best were Paul Curtai -- , Dalton, Somers (Old a.) and S. Exton, P. Wooa , McCann (Old Paradians) . Old M entonlans (D) had a 80 poirit win against West Brunswick 14 .17 to 3 .3 . Best were Thompson, R. Newmand, 1 ;re : n(6 goals) (Old Ment.) an d Briggs, Buckley, D . L . : . ._ .sd (West B.) . 150 games to Stc . ) ?aen Pace (T'town) . After 3 years at Bulleen-Templstowe, Stephen had returned to his former club to help them up the ladder. Bill Denton, Old Xaverlans 1985 captain surprised not only the Denton family, but his team mates with his announcement of his engagement to Phillipa Dwyer. Ivanhoe, 7th, at home to North Old Boys (3rd) trailed North Old Boys 1 .0 to 6 .5, then in the final 3 terms kicked 24 .8 to 9.9 to win by 9 goals. The 'Hoes best were Peter Adams, Dominic Howard, Tony Loton, Dale Bocabeiia (8 goals) . AJAX held on to 4th place in "C" Section when Old Halleybury wilted in the 2nd half to go down 9 .12 to 15 :12 . Best were Basser, R . Marks, Feidy, S. Zelinski (6 goals) . 150 games to Paul Considine (NOB) and 200 games to Gary "Darkie" Wilson (NOB), both "A premiership players, Gary in 1976 and Paul in 1982 . Bernie Angel brought up his 200th game, a career that started with St Bernards from 1972 to 1983, and then joined Uni Blues in 1983 . Bernie despite a light build, rarely missed a game and his determination and dedication were rewarded in 1980 when he won the "A" Section Best and Fairest Trophy . Leaders De La Salle dropped to 3rd when the Bullants defeated them by 26 points . Bulleen were in complete control and led by 10 goals at one stage in the last quarter until De La Salle rattled on 6 goals. Tony K eenan (FF, 5 goals), Neal Palmer, Shane Gilmore, Leigh Brannigan and Phil Espenschied were best for the winners. Under-19 Section 2 coaches were John Purdue (Coll .), Doug Neal (Old Brighton), Max Lyon (Old Ilaileyburians), James Nixon ( Old Melb .), Brian Lewis (St Bernards), S. King (Therry CCOB), Bill McNamara (T'town), Don blacCallum (Uni Blacks) . 100 games to Collegians captain, Stuart Hichen Best and Fairest 1983, Under 19 State Captain 1982, 1984 VAFA senior side . St Kilda CBCOC, 3rd in "B" toppled "B" Section leaders Old Xaverians displaying wonderful accuracy 25.5 to 20 .13 . The Saints trailed by 19 points at half - THF AMATFI )R FO()TRAI I FR 199R
time and kicked 14.2 to 6.9 in the second half. Best Capiron (8 were Lopes, Gillan, Reiche (-' goals) (St Kilda) and O'S ff !,s, ,, r'. in, Dalton (Old "av.). 20 YEARS AGO - 198 1 The long awaited clash between the two unbeaten teams in "D", AJAX and Old Xaverians turned out to,be a fizzer as AJAX overwhelmed Old Xaverians to win, 26.13 to 10 .7. Best were Rosen, Ritterman, schulberg, Bialek (AJAX) and Higgins, O'Neil, Sho lley (Old Xaverians). Old Brighton member and member of Umpires' committee, John Sothe , died suddenly. Ian Rice, captain of Collegians, had showed great form since joining the club in 1973, after being captain of the school team in 1972 and winning Best and Fairest award . Runner-up club best and fairest in 1973 and 1974, Ian won the award in 1975, and had already won interstate representation against Tasmania in this season . 150 games to Old Haileybury's ironman Andrew Williams . Best and Fairest in 1970, Andrew had given great service in the centre, wing and as a ruck rover. "B" Section captains were : Bob McDonald (C. Gram .), Ian Rice (Coll.), Ian Davis (Geelong), Bill McWinnie (Ivanhoe), M . Power (Marc.), Mike Yea (0. Carey), G. Carroll (0. Parad .), J. Anderson (0 . Scotch) and Kevin White (St Kilda) . 200 games to Parkside veteran Jim "M.umsy" Byrne, the only club member to play in the two premiership teams, 1963 and 1972. Jim amazes the opposition with his long baggy shorts on his "muscle bound" body, and his long ranking DROP KICKS . Only undefeated teams were : Old Halleybury (C), AJAX (D), and West Brunswick M . 25 YEARS AGO - 1971
Coll egains opened their account when they held off a determined challenge by De La Salle to score by 10 points. The only undefeated team after first round of home and away matches (9 games) was Reservior Old Boys in "D" Section. Old Paradians congratulated Graham Mansfield on his 150th game . Graham had played in four pre-
miership teams and represented Victoria at the 1964 carnival . pton e ' full-back John Dean had also reached 150 games after great service with the club, starting in the juniors. 30 YEARS AGO - 1966 SOB ("A" Section) suffered their first defeat for the year when they went down to Old Scotch in a close fought game. were still on top by 8 points to Colle while Old Scotch, level on 20 points with Caulfield Grammarians, were fifth on percentage. Best for Old Scotch were : Simpson, I . McLean, I .Wilson, and for MRS : J . Nelson, Bowater, Featherby. With a great second half, Hampton Rovers, 13 .14 .92 almost toppled "C" Section leaders St Bernards, who owed their victory to their accurate kicking, 15.6 .96 . J . Wilson, L .Smith and MacKenzie were Hampton's best, while G. Amott, Hanneberry and Reidy contributed to St Bernard's early ascendancy. Geelong farewelled Dr John McPee, president for the last 12 years, who was leaving for an overseas appointment. John had been a player, and also senior and Under 15 coach . His successor was Milton Poulston, a club stalwart of many years . 45 YEARS AGO - 1951 Old Melburnians inflicted Commonwealth Banks' first defeat when in a tight game they finished slightly better . Mal Hastie (ruck), Bryce Thomas (jet propelled on the wing) and Trevor Downs (back pocket) were stars for OMs . In another close game, Hampton Rovers (3rd) went down to University Blues (2nd) by 3 points, the final scores being 12 .21 .93 to 12 .18.90. Mick Eggleston was prominent all day with beautiful football while Rick Morrison was tireless and saved the game three or four times in the last quarter. It was a great fight-back by the Blues, who trailed by 20 points at half time. Sam Birtles played a great game for Rovers with 6 goals, while John M organ, Merv Davidson an d Jim McGueen were also prominent .
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Club T rav :~l by S' :rve McCarthy ~ ar?< c, m r°t4Faom ly Damen
start the column this week with a building up"te as supplied by VAFA Umpires' Association President Richard Simon . If you have visited Elsternwick Park during the past four months, you will have noticed a significant change to the appearance of the Grandstand . The roof has changed and some of the rows of seats have made way for a new building - the Amateur Umpires new clubroom! ! After several years in the planning, the VAFA Umpires' Association commenced construction of its clubroom in December last year . The Clubroom building will comprise of an administrative office, a kitchen and bar area, toilets, a storeroom and a large function/meeting space capable of seating approximately 130 people . The elevated view from the Clubroom of the Elsternwick Park fi-ont and back oval is stunning . The establishment of a permanent home for the Umpires' Association is the single most important event in the Association's 71 year history . The Clubroom will provide a base from which the Association can be better achieve its administrative, educational, social and financial objectives . The building project is unique in that the Clubroom is being constructed within the existing steel structure of the old Grandstand . Just over half of the former seating in the Grandstand will remain after being repaired and repainted, and the 'Hill' between the Grandstand and Amateur Headquarters will be terraced as part of the project . The project is due for completion in August this year . The result will not only provide the umpires with a multifunctional Clubroom, but will provide all visitors and spectators to Elsternwick Park with significantly improved Grandstand and viewing facilities . The financial plan that has been established for the project includes a fundraising campaign to fund the internal fit-out. The campaign is based on the popular Buy-A-Brick fundraiser where sponsors contribute an amount of money for various benefits, including permanent acknowledgment of the donation on a plaque on one of the bricks of the interior wall . To date, 38 donors have subscribed (including 6 Amateur clubs) and have contributed a combined total of $10,000 . It is important to note that VAFA umpires have contributed to the building fund by donating round one match payments since 1992. This year they will also be contributing round ten match payments . The debt component will be cleared by an ongoing process of round one match payments being deducted. Clubs and/or individuals interested in becoming a sponsor of the Umpires' Clubroom should contact Richard Simon on 9881 8254 (B) or Colin Segota on 9828 8384 (B). ¢* Highlights from the y' Association Meeting include = Woody Award" to Thwaitesy ; " White Wacker" to Alan THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
Ladd ; raffle winner (The Don McKenzie Meat Tray) to Shane Mannix; Charlie May back in the A grade goals and plenty of building discussion . &' Congratulations to George Gioras who umpired his 50th game last week and also to boundary Jonathan Stevenson who also recently umpired his 50th . To ensure we cover all aspects of umpiring, field, goal and boundary, it is with pleasure we celebrate, in print, a milestone for last season's winner of the Most Improved Boundary Umpire Award - Jonathan Stevenson . Nickname : Seagull. Car : Mazda 626 . Year commenced umpiring: 1994 . VAFA games: 50 (19/5 Old Haileybury Vs Collegians at Elsternwick Park) . Highlights: 1994 C Section GF, 1995 Vic (2) Vs SA (2), 1995 B Section GF, 1996 Self appointed Boundary umpires co-ordinator . Greatest influence on career :. Anyone who lets me be the boundary umpires co-ordinator . Suggested improvement to football: Pay boundary umpires more . Football playing career: 3 years in school team (I loved Grade 6) . Football pet hates : people behind the goals who kicked the ball into the middle of the after a goal is kicked . Most memorable match: Old Haileybury V Old Parade (1995), Haileybury came back 8 goals in the last 20 minutes to win by a point. Best Amateur footballer seen : I don't know (boundary umpires never watch the game) . Best umpires : See previous answer . Favourite drink : Gatorade (umpire petrol) before the game, Coldies after the game. Favourite food: Mars Bar . Dream guests at a dinner party : Ross Oakley and the Fitzroy FC Committee . Last Book Read: Something I had to read for Year 12 (Scribes note : must have been memorable - no title provided!) . Last movie seen: "Executive Decision" Ultimate non-footy sporting fantasy : Depends on your definition of sport. Boyhood sporting idol : Alan Bond. Hobbies/Other sports: Cricket. Personal Motivation: Nothing better to do . CCA AND AD
., ,
The following is an article from "The Ed, ,Âąe" By Howard E. Ferguson, American College Wrestling Coach (1990). Although the author talks about wrestling, similarities can be drawn with Australian Rules football . The desire for excellence in sport is necessary to succeed at any level, and it is through this article that the path to achieving excellence is outlined. I offer the following to coaches and players in the VAFA : How good do you want to be? If you answer, "Good enough to get by," then a commitment to excellence is not necessary . But if your honest answer is the "best," you must make a total commitment to excellence . You don't have to tell anyone about your commitment - they7l know. How? By your actions . People will see your commitment in the time and energy you put into practicing and the intensity of your practice . Never be ashamed to admit that you want to be the best. And never feel you have to explain your reasons . If you're committed to excellence, your answer will always be, "Why not be the best?" Don't be satisfied until you get what you want. In many years of coaching, I have seen a couple dozen young athletes make a sincere commitment to excellence . They had a burning desire to be great, not just "good" They craved coaching . They wanted to learn new moves every day . They worked harder than the other wrestlers during the season and they never stopped working in the off-season . They looked for tougher competition to improve their performance . They were very stubborn ; they refused to settle for anything less than the best . As a result, each one was a big winner . There was no luck or chance involved . These wrestlers worked so hard they always had an edge in their matches . They knew they would win - and they did . Perfection is very elusive . Athletes know there are always ways to improve their performance . Many strive for perfection, but -most fall short . You can only achieve perfection if you have a strong commitment to excellence . Ask any champion . I often wonder if people can ever be at peace with themselves, or totally happy, unless they make such a commitment . How do they justify their lives? How do they go day after day without making an honest effort to be the best at what they do? It's up to you . If you really want something bad enough, don't let anything stand in your way. Don't settle for less than the best ; That's how you become the best. One thing I do want to make absolutely clear beyond any reasonable doubt is this : When you get involved in a project half-way and say, "Well, I just think I'll give it a
good try and see if it works ; that'll be good because it doesn't work, I really haven't lost anything becausi didn't put much into it" . This is a sure way to lose . The real reason most of us are afraid to make a to commitment to excellence is: Fear of failure . We say, don't want to try too hard to reach my goal, because do and don't reach my goal, it will hurt too much " I'm going to tell you something, friends. If you st anything on this basis, you're not going to make it N pen . When you get involved in something, man, you h~ to get after it. You have to go for it . No holding back . half tries . Go for it with all your heart . Once you ge going, don't stop working . Maintain your steady work( schedule, and it will bring you more rewards than y possibly can imagine . Then, if you win, the harder y worked, the sweeter the victory. "Winning is living ." "11, to win ." Mik e McArthur-Al Senior Coach-De La Sall e AFCA/VAFA Vice Presid
AFCA/VAFA Under 19 Coach of the Month NAME: Gerard Barn s CLUB: Williamstown CYMS - U 19 Sect . 2 White PLAYING HISTORY : School footy : De La Salle College (1970s) ; Macquari University, Pennant Hills (Sydney (Early 80s) ; Tor ligaments in 1982 finished my career! COACH ING HISTORY: St Pauls College U13s ; De La Salle College UlE (Sydney); De La Salle 2nd XVIII . COACHING PHILOSOPHY : To get young men to love the great game and to ph with a passion for the game . FUTURE AMBITION: To eventually do the Level 2 Coaching Course and I involved in a CYs Premiership team .
MELBOUR N E SPORTS BOOKS Books on all major sport s 9 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, 3000 - Phone : 9621 12 : Santo Caruso 1Owner/Mag Trading hours : Mon . - Thurs . 9.30 a .m . - 5.30 p .m . Fiiday 9 .30 a.m. - 7 .00 p.m. ; Saturday 9.30 a .m . - 1 .00 p .m . C THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER '
~C .nt
Hi t F. i® D.
Heidelberg, Karingal and Werribee all have the bye .
0VIEW ROUND 6 'ihe last round of FIDA football was played in bright sunshine at three venues across the first weekend in June . On Saturday June 1 Hawthorn Citizens played host to garingal Bulls. This match was a Hawthorn Citizens home fixture and their host club Hawthorn Citizens are to be thanked for their support to date and especially with this match . In the final wash up Karingal ran out convincing winners by (12) goals . On Sunday at Bendigo Mitcham Tigers and Ringwood Blues met the might of Bendigo Warriors (1 & 2). Both Bendigo sides winning convincingly in their respective matches . This left three matches to be played at Brunswick . In the first match th e M agpies were outplayed by th e Broadmeadows Kangas, who were far too strong all over the ground. Chadstone had to forfeit their match against Heidelberg Bombers due to a lack of numbers, and in the final match Werribee overcame a slow start to defeat a gall an t Parkside by (20) points . Reilor, Maribyrnong, Marlins all had the bye . PREVIEW - ROUND 7 This weekend there is (6) matches at Elsternwick Park . The first macth at Elsternwick No . 2 Oval is th e Marlins versus the Magpies . Although the Magpies have been improving weekly I cannot see them defeating the Marlins this time, who are playing too well . Ringwood and Hawthorn clash on Oval No. 1 in what should be an extremely close game . Despite relative ladder poisitions the match should be close with Ringwood proving too strong in the finsh . Broadmeadows and Parkside then clash on Oval No. 1 with Parkside constantly improving every week both in skills and general play . Given Broadmeadows are on top and yet to be defeated I cannot see them losing this match today . Mitcham play host to Chadstone on Oval No.2 with neither side all that impressive in their last outing . If both sides are able to field full teams the game should be a beauty, however with question marks over both sides' numbers I believe Mitcham can win in a toss-up . Marlbyrnong take on Bendigo (2) who are coming off a morale boosting win two weeks ago against Ringwood. Bendigo should win this match with a score to settle from their last round clash as well as having won convincingly last time they played . Also Maribyrnong have not played since May 26 and this rest may not be good for them . In the final match Bendigo (1) will be too strong for geilor although the Saints have been improving Bendigo's overall strength will see them win an d in well .
L1 7.d
Coaches are once again reminded to reinforce the FIDA Players Code-of-Conduct to their players, recently it has been noticed that specifics of the Players' Code-of-Conduct are not being adhered to and by not adhering to these rules players leave themselves open to be sent from the ground and/or suspended . Areas such as swearing and pushing and shoving are the two main aspects that the FIDA Executive belive can be cleaned up considerably . As a note to this umpires will also be policing heavil y any offenders from now on . .
Clubs are reminded that for the FIDA End - of-Season function numbers of those attending accompanied with a cheque for the designated amount is due by Friday July 26 to Brett Connell at VAFA Administration. This night will incorporate presentations of the Divisional Premiership Pennants as well as other awards on the night . Please promote this night amongst your players, as it will be a great night for all concerned . . Y
Player of Round 6- John Horton (Parkside) LADDERS: Division 1: Teem Played Won Loot Drawn For Agst % Pts Bendigo (1) 5 5 0 0 398 53 750 .94 20 Heidelberg 5 3 2 0 244 74 329 .72 12 Chadstone 5 2 3 0 136 96 141 .6 8 Keilor * 4 2 2 0 61 199 30 .65 8 Mitcham 5 0 5 0 31 422 7.34 0 'received forfei t
Division 2 : Karingal 5 5 0 0 379 111 341 .44 20 Maribyrnong 4 3 1 0 140 135 103 .7 12 Bendigo (2) 5 2 3 0 184 129 142.63 8 Ringwood 5 2 3 0 110 270 40 .74 8 Hawthorn 5 0 5 0 118 286 41 .25 0 ' received forfeit
Division 3:
Broadmeadows ' 5 5 0 0 670 20 33500 20 Marlins 4 3 1 0 403 8 5037.5 12 Werribee 5 3 2 0 301 417 72 .18 12 Parkside 5 1 4 0 187 463 40.38 4 Magpies 5 0 5 0 48 721 8.51 0 ' received forfeit
Clubs must phone final siren scores to Nancy 9528 3319 (before 5 p.m.) before ringing through 0/Q scores; goalkickers and best players (both teams) to EP 9531 3333 (before 5 .15 p.m .) 996 ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 45
9 SECTION 1 1 .4 1 .4.10 0.1 1 2 TEEM OLD PARADIARS 8-5 20 .9 26.14 40,22.262 ==gna. Btst Coodwm- Van Eagkn, Slaryk . Crockfard, FieMmg, P~tma . . Phelan 8, Mukta 4 . Wilson, S . Phelan 3. Geary 2. DtnUnosantc 9, Eccks Flynn, Pbenges, Jorrcs . Best Harris . Joyce, Dmtinosante . B. Phelan, Eccles. Wilson. .13 2.18 3.28 10.32 .92 OLD gA S 0 1 .3 5.3 5.3 7.5 .47 AJAX Old %seedans Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . AJac Davis 3. Zaltsberg 2. Burnam. Rath. Best Zaltsberg. Rath, Snow, Lust Kaplan . Segar. DID URNtAfiB 1,3 8,6 8.9 10,12-72 8Y BBRNARDB 3 .4 4.5 8-8 1018169 Old Yetburntaas Rutherford 5, Murray 2- Carroll, Cbke, Coach. Best Holns. Waddell. Rutherford . Cbke, Sewell . Canoll. St Bemuds Ferris. Overman 2. Davis, McKeon. Tankey. O'Connor. Swoon, Bateman . Best Hogan, Tankry . Pell, Ferns, Bateman. McKeon. NORTH OLD BOYS 0-2 0.3 2 .3 4.4.28 U1;tVrR817q BLUES 2.4 7 .10 14 .15 17-20,122 North Old Boys Evans 4- Best MxGuire, Khoder, Murray, Moustafa, Fmk . Curran. University Blots Halligan 6, Johnson. Strack 3 . Bettrame 2. Fairbank . Roydhouse . Sturrock . Beat Halligan, Strack, Fault. Clark, Fairbank- Sturrock . 3,9 3,9 9,17 9.17.71 COLLEGIANS 13.12 .90 DEIASALLE 0,0 3,3 8,8 Collagiaas Vandervenne 2. Florentine, Proctor, Morris, Caldwell, Harris . Gromotka . Mict>aels. Bent Harris, Florentine, Walsh, Thompson, McLeod . Morris. . Wmsteling.'tlwmas, M.ecurt. But Butler, On La Salle Johnstane S. Moore 3. Ellis, Francis Johnston,, Moore, Meeuri, McHenry, Ellis.
UNDER 19 2 WHITE UIHYE88ITrB1ACRS 4,3 5 .5 8.10 14,14-98 BABRDtGAL 2-4 3 .5 4,9 5-11,41 University Blaeka Kitchen 6. Gazal 3, Staunton, Henderson . Warburton. Gellk, Holmes . Best Ward . Henderson, Kitchen, South. Cargon, Atkin. Warrtngsl Miller, Woodlock 2. Williams. Best Anderson, Williams . Harte, Karattlli . Kinnear, Fogarty. 34,28.232 SYLEO•SE WP 5-4 13.12 20.21 BUIJ.EEN-1E YOWE 1 .4 2.5 6.7 6.9.45 St Loss Eirsomoust Sehltttkr 9. Newey 6. McCann, Mitchell 4 . latham 3, Daly. Cashen 2. . SchlittkrBatty,M7tchell, Neuxy. Drawn, Carey, Major. Sheehan. Best Malor. McCann HnSSeo-Yemplestawe Lambropoulos 2 Papadopoulos,Kkrides . Walker, Gtasante. Best Potamianos. Daskalou, papadopoubs, tambmpoulas . King. Gannas. .01 66 DEI.ASALLE(2) 5 .2 6.2 9.4 1 .3 51 9 10,10 17,15 10 .117 OLD CAMBERWELL, De ta Sells Femon, Hyland. Clancy 2, Lambe, Messer, Scarto. Shields . Best Wilson . TroJa, Pothltes. Aksser, Scarto . Vincen t Old Camberaell Hancock 4, Board 3 . Denovan, Noodle. Sim 2, Cook- Hardman, Seeley, Williams, Best Williams, Nordic . Pickles . Hancock, Miles. Denotan. SY IiEVINS 9,4 13 .5 14 .8 21 .8,134 OLD GEEdAHG 0 .2 3 .3 5 .5 5 .8,38 IN Keatns Greenham 5, O'Brien 4, large, Gargano 2, Finch, Pivetta . Simkiss . Quirk. Rtzio, Kuring. Day, Fields . Best McArdk, O'Brien, Funston. Goldsworthy, Greenham. Delahay. Old Geelong Collins . Wallace-Smith, Bingley . Paul, Plowman. Beet Bostoek . Cole, Murnane. Pooley, Sr . Clair- Pettig.
UNDER 19 2 BLU E 48 055 511 BLUES 5.1 7 .2 8.3 8,5 .53 6-6 9-10 11.12,78 ORMOND 2,5 Maaash Blass Lawrence 3 . Cameron 2, Gregory. Riordan. Weeks. Bat Riordan . Gregory, McIver, Hodson- Hickey. Walter. Ormond Metz 3, Ftnlayson, Franklin- Smith 2, Larkin . Lehrer, Murphy. But Fintayson. Hester. M.etr . Murphy. Byron- Brown. AtAZEflOD OC 9-0 18-5 21-8 28 .7-175 ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2 .4 6.5 8.8 9.8-82 Masenod OC Evans t0, Ward 7, Hawkins 6 . ClanccW, Bordignon 2. Clifford . Htati CIiR'ord . Evans. Knott. Ciancio, Word, Johnson, IN Kilda South Caulfield Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . OLD 10AILEYBURY 9-5 12-9 18-14 21-18-142 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 0 .1 4 .4 4 .4 8-4 .52 Old Halleybury Ladd 5. Carson, Floyd 3, Byms . Hill, Mein, Warden 2, toy. Wakten. Beat Flmyd. Fossey, Hill, George. Walden, Warden. Caulfield Grammar Stumbles, Haywood . Samild 2, Liddell, Curry . Best Bowes . Goldsworthy. Stumbles, McMahon, Samtld . Liddell. 1,1 4-4 4,4 9,9 .83 HAMPTON ROVERS 5-4 8-4 11-17 14 .19-103 OLD BRIGHTON Hampton Ravens Richter 5 . Crouch, Holt Marinis- Salter. Best Perry- Dunbali. Zuker. Armor, Hoare. Richter. Old Brighton Dennis 3- McPherson 2 . Brown- Pamham. Kant. Martin. Prim. Lewis- Salter, Alderson. Bestl Crewvlson . Brown. Alderson, Pamham . Rojo Kent.
UNDER 19 2 RED 15.14 .104 MARCELLU7 3.2 8.7 14,10 3.2.20 OLD PARAD1Alis (2) 0,1 1.1 1,1 MareeUin Badan'ek 7, Crosby, Armstrong, Daliariva . Symes. Dimatttna . Blackmore. Stephens . idason. ~at Stephens. Momn, Randa3o, Dimattina . Black, Mifsud. Old Paradtans Rosbrook. Stevens, Ridd . Best Stevens . Turner, Howard, Redford, Price . Johnstone. 12,16 .88 YARRAVALLEY 1 .4 4-9 8-10 AQUINAS OC 2-8 3 .8 7-8 7,8 .50 Tons Valley Telford, Thompson 3. Gadd 2 . Smith. Wapshot. Batsha% Ha rt nett. Bestl Gadd, Mcllrath. Thompson. Drew- Wapshot Hartnett. Aquinas Huggins. Griffin 2 . Chapman. Heveren. Cultrem . Best Tilling, Burch . Brownhill . Mecuri, Motor . Hope.
4-10 5.10 8-14
CH-tB PARK 10,17.7 7
15.13 OLD SCOTCH 0,0 14 .9 20,20.140 C tdt Par's A9att 3, Adams 2 . Plcciali . Violi, Conte, McKinnon. Varga. Best Adams Banks, Cousins, AllatC McKinnon, Egan. Ofd Scotch Parton 5, Tindale 4 . Gwynn 3, Crane, Ford 2, Ireland, Morris, Rornenski, Thompson. Bat Cray, Thxtaie, Stevens . Milliken, Gwynn,l7wmpson . 1,4 2,6 4.6 OLD TP= 8 .6 .4 2 4.4 7.7 10-14 DID CARET 23-19,157 Old Trinity Barr, Cade 2, Newman . Arrawsmhh. Best Gerrlsh . Shaughnessy, Cade, Barr, Atorpeth, Natoli. OW Carey Murphy 7, Battle . Sall 3. Wrods, Hendriks. Small 2. Detarezynski. D'Anny Spencer. White . Best Costello, Murphy, r:dson, Detanzynskt, Salt, Collins ,
SECTION 1 OLD PARADIANS v . OLD XAVERIANS Fieid: G. Ridd, F . Karabelas. ST BE S v. THERRY Field : T. Williams, M . Allen . UNIVERSITY BLUES v . OLD PdELBURNIANS Field : A. Carrick, R . Killep ; Goal:- B . Hoare, (R) B . Seymour. DE LA SALLE v. NORTH OLD BOYS (at Waverley Park) Field: B. Schmidt, D . Miller; Goal: L . Wilson, S. Lamble . AJAX v . COLLEGIANS ( Oval No. 1 Albert Park) Field: A . Chapman, A . Steven . WHITE (1) WARRINGAL v. ST LEOS EMMAUS Field : K . McMahon, A . Price: GatC J . Slater, M . Venn . OLD CAM BERWELL v. UNIVERSITY BLACKS Fie(d: G. Morgan, I . Stevenson ; GoaL• R. Dunstan, S . Kahn . OLD GEELONG v. DE LA SALLE (2) Field : C . Ryan, B . Allen . WILLIAit1STOWN v . ST KEVINS Meld: C. Rennick, S . Cook. BLUE (2) ORMOND v . BEAUMARIS Field : D . Ahehow, G. Kelly. ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v. MONASH BLUES ( at 1 pm) Field : L. Demytko . CAULFIELD GR . v . MAZENOD (at Wheelers Hi ll Campus) Field: C . Nash, B . Stewart ; GoaL• J . Robinson, S . Ryan . OLD HAILEYBURY v. OLD BRIGHTON ame switch from orig. draw - at College) Fieid: R. Bell, J . {2) Well ; Goal- K . Segota, D. M O OLD PARADIANS ( 2) v. W HITEFRIARS (at 1 .30 pm) Meld: B. McKee, K. Walker. AgUINAS v. MARCELLIN (at Aquinas 11 .30am) Field : D. Lane, G . Armstrong; Goal : G. Clancy. OLD SCOTCH v . YARRA VALLEY Field: T . Creighton, L. Gallagher, CHIRNSIDE PARK v . OLD CAREY Meld : D . Dalgleish, R . McArthur. THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
Edited by Phil Steven s T', t its last meeting the VAFA Executive has made the k_`5 following amendment in regards to trainer accreditation for future seasons. For season 1996 each club belonging to the VAFA had to have at least one trainer (preferably its most senior trainer) accredited to at least level one status . For the future the following is required . 1 . Each team participating in the VAFA is to have an accredited trainer ( level one) . This program of accreditation must be completed by the beginning of the 1998 season . 2 . Each club of the Association must continue to have at least one accredited trainer for season 1997. ®
Before the season the VAFA had a number of talks with the Moorabbin Saints Junior Football League which runs a very strong under 17 competition . Our idea was to get a number of clubs who wanted us to commence an under 17 competition of our own to field an under 17 team in the M .S .J .F .L. joining other VAFA clubs eg . Ormond, Hampton Rovers who do the same . Only St. Bernards accepted the challenge and they are competing in the M.S.J.F.L. each week . At 9.30 next Sunday morning the VAFA will be hosting the Moorabbin Saints JFL match Ormond v . Beaumaris at Elsternwick Park - this match a curtainraiser to the St. Bernards and De La Salle match . It is hoped to stage at least two more M.S .J .F .L. matches at Elsternwick Park before the end of the yearobviously between clubs who have senior teams in the VAFA. ® ®
This Sat .: Mazenod v. Ormon d This Sun. : FIDA MATCHES AT ELSIERNWICK PARK Next Sat.: St Kilda Sth Caulfield v . Old Geelong Next sun, : St Bernards v. De La Salle 9 .30 Ormond v . Beaumaris (Moorabbin Saints JFL) Sat . June 29 Old Brighton v . Theny Sun. June 30 Old Scotch v . Old Xavs Sat. July 6 AJAX v. St Kevin s Sun . July 7 Ormond v . Old Scotch NOTES : This draw will be done on one more occasion for the last six week section of the season . Dates relating to the next section of the EP draw are as follows: The draw for the last section of the season (July 13 - August 18) will be released on Saturday June 29, with club requests not to be drawn at EP closing on June 24 . For 1996 "crowd pulling" A and B section games will be scheduled, with an A or B section club not giving up more than 3 home games over seasons 1996-1997, unless an A or B section club especially requests extra home games at EP on available dates (such as' above) . C Section teams considered a chance to play in C section finals, some of which are played at Elsternwick Park, may be drawn to play at Elsternwick Park as may other section matches where problems were noted during the first meeting this season .
All clubs are asked to note that VAFA Sponsor and jumper manufacturer Hugh Lyon has changed location . They are no longer situated at 5 Alvena Street, Mentone, but 20 Lamana Street, Mordialloc, 3195. The new phone and fax numbers are as follows : (Ph) 9580 3122, and (F) 9580 3199 . Their new mailing address is P 0 Box 788, Braeside, 3195 . ® ®
Thinking of obtaining finance for housing or perhaps refinancing of existing loans? If so, Advance Bank is again a sponsor of the VAFA . This year for every loan written with Advance the bank will pay to the person's club $100 . After any particular club receives three of these payments from the bank, the VAFA will make a bonus payment of $100 to the club . For any enquiries ri ng Mark Bullard on 015 363477 .
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6, . ._ _ _- ..
If shorts are worn they must be white club shorts only. I tracksuit pants, they must be navy blue only. If a whole green tracksuit has been purchased complete VAFA green suit can be worn.
MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is `Where an incklent takes place involving players pushing, scra<,ging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct" 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
VAFA PREMIERSHIP LIST S 1996 FOR AGST 74 PTS ARESERVESECDNON 7 1 0 --6 440 183.18 UNIVERSITY BLUES 28 OLD XAVERUUiS 7 1 0 671 460 145.07 OLD MELBUR S 6 1 1 567 380 149 .21 BE LA SALLE 6 3 0 713 607 140 .63 4 3 1 668 546 122 .34 16 COLLEGIANS 4 4 0 582 585 99 .49 i6 OLD SCOTCH 3 5 0 395 629 82 .80 OLD HAILEYBURY 12 MAZENOD 0 C 1 7 0 654 693 79.94 4 STBERNARDS 1 7 0 388 772 50 .26 .68 0 3252 754 46 4 ORMOND 1 7 B RESERVE SECTION OLD PARADIANS 8 0 0 964 361 267 .04 32 8 1 1 718 358 200.56 26 OLD BRIGHTON 6 2 0 738 520 141 .92 24 OLD TRINITY 5 3 0 673 $64 119.33 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 4 0 548 500 108.30 16 THERRY CCL18 M H S O 8 3 4 1 838 660 4fi.67 74 3 4 1 542 627 86.44 14 OLD IVANHOE BANYULE 2 6 0 441 707 62 .38 a 8 1 317 942 33.65 8 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 1 IVANHOE 0 8 0 294 801 30.70 0
~SECTKkND FOR AGST % PTS 7 1 0 1018 714 14258 28 COLLEGIANS 24 OLD MELBURNlANS 6 2 0 851 676 125 .~ UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 3 0 747 5~ 128.79 20 ST BERNARDS 5 3 0 869 743 84 .08 20 95.12 16 ,+ZENODOC 4 4 0 741 779 788 88.96 18 ) HAILEYBURY 4 4 0 701 90.59 7 2 LASALIE 3 5 0 655 723 3 5 0 863 738 90.08 12 SCOTCH 2 6 0 701 799 87.73 8 XAVERIANS p~MOlSD 1 7 0 608 844 71 .80 4 B SECTION 215 .25 32 OLp TRINITY 8 0 0 1097 618 69 16280 28 OLD PARADIANS 7 1 0 1039 6 2 0 868 737 117.77 24 OLD BRIGHTON 0 648 726 116.60 16 IVANHOE 4 4 THERRY CCOB 4 4 0 775 739 104.67 16 4 4 0 76 8 M~H g pL~ 3 5 0 723 771 8~3.77 12 OLD IVANHOE 3 6 0 731 945 77 .35 12 NORTH OLO BOYS 1 7 0 579 877 66 .02 4 0 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0 8 0 590 1267 46 .57
C SECTIO ST KEYNtS 8 0 0 959 591 170 .84 8 2 0 844 696 135 .83 AJAX 6 3 0 709 701 113 .08 MARCELLHV 5 3 0 761 772 101 .17 THOMASTOWN 5 3 0 823 823 100 .00 ST KO.DASTH CAULFIELD 8 0 825 725 86.21 ~p GEElON 3 5 0 689 789 84 .79 STBEDESENTONETIGERS BRA 3 OLD MENTONIANS 2 6 0 707 781 89 .38 0 713 829 86 .01 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 8 WHITEFRIARS 1 7 0 641 975 65 .74 D SECTION 7 1 0 924 728 126.02 28 OLD CAMBERWE CAULAELDGRAMMAR 5 3 0 957 6fi0 145 .00 20 LL PARKSIDE 5 3 0 710 846 109 .91 20 MONASH BLUES 5 3 0 692 698 100 .58 20 4 3 1 808 845 125 .27 18 BEA MARIS AFC 649 109.09 18 ST L Og EMMAUS WP 4 3 1 708 892 103.67 101 16 SO BANK CSA AFC 4 4 0 752 C 3 5 0 666 654 12 ST JOHNS O I 1 49A 121~1 4079 .83 2 REDS 7 1 UN VERSITY
C RESERVE SECTIO N MARCELUN 7 1 0 666 300 21S.67 28 8 2 0 671 390 172.05 24 AJAX STBEDESMENTONETiGERS 6 2 0 878 413 164.16 24 OLD GEELONG 5 3 0 682 444 131 .08 3 4 0 55e 552 92 .03 16 STKEVINS 4 3 5 0 470 520 90 .38 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 665 61 .05 12 OLD MENTONIANS 3 6 0 406 3 5 0 392 730 53 .70 12 ST KILOASTHCAULFIELD 571 95 .97 a THOMASTOWN 2 6 0 548 WHITEFRIARS 1 SECTION 7 0 324 742 43 .67 4 D RESERVE MONASH BLUES 8 0 0 827 256 323 .05 32 6 2 0 658 411 160.10 24 OLD CAMBERWELL ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 6 2 0 504 496 101 .61 24 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 5 3 0 713 371 192 .18 20 4 4 0 604 440 137.27 16 STJOHNSOC 4 0 569 464 122.63 10 PARKSIDE 4 644 66.30 BEAUMARIS A F C 3 5 0 427 12 SOUTHBANK C 8 A AFC 2 6 0 425 725 58 .62 8 44.69 B 307 687 KEW 2 8 0 REDS 0 8 0 200 835 23.95 0 UNIVERSITY
E EAST SECTIO N 23 A U9NAS O B 7 1 0 1247 603 200.17 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 7 1 0 1018 685 174 .19 28 0 ELEY PARK AFC 5 2 1 859 827 103 .87 22 5 3 0 973 784 124.11 20 OL~CAREY 0 702 889 80 .78 16 EL AM O C 4 4 3 4 1 822 656 125 .30 14 RICHMOND CENTRAL CHIRNSIDEPARK 3 5 0 797 867 9t .23 72 3 5 0 707 810 87 .28 1 2 BULLEEN COBRAS 8 0 682 866 78.75 8 T MARYS 2 0 8 0 321 1259 25.50 0 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY
0 941 324 2W.43 28
OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 7 1 0 938 474 198 .10 28 WILUAMSTOWN CYMS 7 1 0 870 602 144 .52 28 5 3 0 1045 652 160.28 20 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 3 0 811 651 124.58 20 WEgTBRUNSWICK 3 5 0 874 897 143.99 12 LATROBEUNIVERSITY OtD WESTBOURNE A F C 3 5 0 912 830 109.88 12 U H 5 0 9 2 6 0 671 876 76.60 8 7 0 625 1356 46.09 4 NEWIANDS COBURG FC 1 0 8 0 293 1809 18.21 0 THORNBURY COUGARS FC E SOUTH SECTIO N 1,21 200 .48 PENINSULAOB 7 1 0 1259 SALESIAN O C 7 / 0 1146 641 178 .78 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 6 2 0 958 566 169 .26 POWERHOUSE 6 2 0 938 732 128 .14 658 148.02 OAKLEIGH A F C 5 3 0 974 4 4 0 985 757 130.12 MONASHGRYPHONS AN Z AlBERT PARK 3 5 0 899 9i8 99.14 2 6 0 666 986 71 .01 ELSTERNW{CK 0 8 0 325 1349 24 .09 + MONASH WHITES 0 8 0 320 1442 2219 GLENHUNTLY
UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 0 0 1144 39T 288 .16 32 OLD XAVERIANS 8 2 0 1254 385 325 .71 24 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 6 2 0 820 809 134 .65 DELASALLE 6 2 0 655 574 114 .11 24 5 3 0 893 583 153 .17 20 OLD PARADIANS 4 4 0 798 845 94 .44 i6 STBERNARDS AJAX 2 6 0 498 717 69.46 8 0 425 1155 35 .80 8 THERRY 2 6 4 1075 36 .47 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 7 0 392 0 8 0 202 1108 18 .23 0 + COLLEGIANS UNDER-19 (2)W!#TE ST KEVINS 7 t o 1109 342 324 .27 28 28 OLD CAMBERWELL 7 1 0 950 396 239.90 28 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 7 1 0 755 500 151 .00 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5 3 0 732 643 134 .81 20 5 3 0 863 6 08 109.05 20 OLD GEELONG 1 4 4 0 800 775 103.23 18 WARRINGALAFC 2 53 617 8 2 59.83 DELASAl 0 8 80 0 186 1760 10 .63 0 +BULLEEN-TEMRIESTOWEA
371 153 43.96 1 7 0 462 1883 39 .05 UNDER-19 (2) RED
228.53 9 205 .15 24 87.66 24 105 .94 20 105 .52 16 .48 12 117 86 .68 12 36.11 12 62.73 a 43.12 4
NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 0 0 820 272 301 .47 32 WiLUAMSTOWNCYMS 7 1 0 907 416 218 .03 28 6 2 0 709 309 229 .45 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 6 3 0 630 328 192 .07 20 4 4 0 585 397 147.36 16 LATROBEUNIVERSITY 4 4 0 713 489 145.81 16 WEST BRUNSWICK 591 74.79 8 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 2 6 0 442 UH3OB 2 6 0 389 756 51 .52 8 2 6 0 307 830 36.99 8 NEWLANDS COBURG F C 0 8 0 95 1273 7 .46 0 THORNBURYCOUGARS
28 28 24 24 20 16 12 8
0 1214 341 356.01 8EAUMARIS AF C 8 0 7 1 0 874 447 195.53 OLD HAILEYBURY OLD 13RIGHTON 6 2 0 873 500 174 .60 MAZENODOC 6 2 0 714 614 116 .29 811 96.05 ORMOND 4 4 0 779 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4 4 0 540 790 88.35 3 5 0 625 932 67 .06 HAMPTON ROVERS
361 330 595 505 616 429 473 673 644 712
32 26 24 24 16 16 12
8 0 0 1052 393 274 .67 32 OLD CAREY WHfTEFRIARS 6 2 0 676 381 177 .43 24 MARCELUN 6 2 0 733 450 16289 24 OLD SCOTCH 6 2 0 672 587 114 .48 24 4 4 0 610 668 91 .32 16 AQUtNA50C 54 .26 i6 YARRAVALLEY 4 4 0 401 739 3 5 0 481 919 52 .34 12 CHIRNSIDEPARKAFC 739 74.15 8 2 6 0 548 OLD TRINI7Y 953 46.48 4 OLD PARADIANS (2) 1 7 0 443
E SOUTH RESERVE SECTIO N PENINSULA O8 8 0 0 859 249 344 .98 32 OAKLEIGH A F C 7 1 0 880 224 392 .86 28 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 6 2 0 1003 382 262 .57 24 SALESUIN O C 6 2 0 750 362 207.18 24 91 .61 16 608 A N Z ALBERT PARK 4 4 0 557 3 5 0 615 463 132.83 12 POWER HOUSE 3 5 0 403 578 69.72 12 MONASH GRYPHONS 2 6 0 212 890 23.82 8 MONASH WHITES 4 ELSTERNWICK 1 7 0 259 966 26 .81
0 8 0 97 1233 7.87 0 CLUB XVSI NORTH
8 0 0 787 355 221 .69 32 HAWTHORN CITIZENS MARCELLIN 6 2 0 477 272 175 .37 24 STBERNARDS 5 3 0 449 328 136.89 20 5 3 0 386 356 108.43 2 0 OLD IVANHOE 5 3 0 360 464 64.66 20 WHERRY 4 4 0 415 413 100.48 16 COLLEGIANS # NORTH OLD BOYS 3 5 0 230 469 49 .04 1 2 0 273 496 55 .04 8 KEW AFC 2 6 ~OLDESSENDON 1 7 0 224 710 3i .55 4 CLUB XW11 SOUTH OLD XAVERIANS 8 0 0 694 228 304 .39 32 OLD SCOTCH 7 1 0 555 273 203 .30 28 36 303 127.06 20 DE LA SALLE 5 3 0 385 0 BLOODS 013 172.52 2 2MAZEIN~O 4 4 4 40 0244 227 -514 3 47.47 16 OSTKEVINS GN 3 5 0 194 500 38.80 12 OLDGEELONG 0 218 633 34.44 4 +VUT 2 6 1 7 0 145 354 40 .96 8 (p+OLD MELBURNIANS #- INELIGIBLE PLAYERS ROUND S. +- INELIGIBLE PLAYERS ROUND 6.
NO GAME RD. 4. O- NO GAME RD . 4 . .f~
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