The Amateur Footballer, Week 10, 1996

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nc@ Carlton.

EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s

FOOTBALL AND THE I~~V IN THE 1990' s by PHIL ROWELL - Chairman VAFA Tribunal and Investigation Committee,

There has been an increasing trend over the past few years for deliberate and accidental incidents on the football field to come before the criminal and civil courts . The days when what happened on the field stayed on the field have gone . Perhaps it is part of the "blaming and claiming" attitude that has developed in society . Perhaps it is because people want their rights pursed whereas in the past they were prepared to "let sleeping dogs lie" . Perhaps it is because society is no longer prepared to let violence on the football field go unpunished . Whatever the reason it is a fact that criminal prosecutions and civil claims arising out of football incidents have increased in number over recent times . Some recent examples are : Example 1 : The fullback for a Western Australian country team "king hit" the full-forward for the opposition after a goal had been scored, not by the full-forward, and before the ball was bounced in the centre . The full-forward sustained two factures of the jaw . The full-back was tried and convicted of unlawfully inflicting grievous bodily harm and was sentenced to 18 months jail notwithstanding that he had no previous criminal record . On appeal against sentence he was successful in reducing the period of imprisoriment to 3 months but the appeal court agreed with the judge at the trial when he said that the court : " . . . must make it clear that violence of this level is totally unacceptable on the football field . Players in junior teams and up and coming colts and players in the senior ranks must realise that this type of conduct would in no way be condoned . The court must show that it is not prepared to condone criminal violence on the sporting field . " Example 2 : A Cronulla rugby league player had his jaw broken in a head high tackle with an outstretched forearm which was intentional by a Canterbury-Bankstown player. He succeeded in a claim for damages against the Canterbury-Bankstown club and player and was award-

ed initially approxi . O n-mately$70, appeal the judgement was upheld and th e damages increased to approximately $80,000 including a punitive damages award of $7,500 against the player . It appears that there was evidence that the CanterburyBankstown coach had "revved up" his players and told them to "stop" three opposition players, one of whom was the victim of the head high tackle . The awarding of punitive damages is very rare and indicated that the court took a very severe attitude to the fact that the tackle was deliberate, intended to hurt and unnecessary . It is of interest that although the club was not liable for the punitive damages one of the appeal judges said that a club seeking to motivate its players and in particular to direct their efforts against particular opposing players ran the risk that it would be found to have authorised or induced illegitimate action in which case an award of punitive damages in the order of $150,000 may not have been inappropriate . Editori al - Continued on Page 7 >

Editorial Sec.tion A Section B

. . . .

Section C . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . - :6 Section D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :$ Section E East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 Section,E Central . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . -:32 Tap Outs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i~r

Section E South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .34 CYuhXVIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Tribunal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . 37 under-:19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. : . .38 Looking Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . .<}D Elsternwiek Park Matches . . . . . . . . . 41 Coaches', Clipboard - - - - - -4 •4 2 . , . , . . . ; . . . . . . .44 2Umpires'Con From the VAFA . , . . . .- . . . . . . . . :47 Premiership List ; ; lg



June 22nd,199 6 Price : "I) 1 .2 0 Vol. 96 No . 1 0 0 AMATEUR FOOTBALL FR THE


A SECTION by Don Blackwoo d BATTLE LINES DRAWN AT BOTH ENDS Tust when there was some rhyme and reason about the ladder layout, up pops a number of upsets to throw the competition into chaos at the halfway mark . Co llegians, a terrific build up in recent weeks and headlines everywhere, all of a sudden can manage only seven goals against De La Salle and miss a splendid opportunity to move two games clear on top . Now the Lions have University Blues breathing down their neck as the students overran Old Melburnians in an exceptionally high standard match at the University Oval. The Redlegs have now lost their last three . Will history repeat itself? St Bernards, facing a disappointing Old Scotch, had a chance to cement a spot in the four even after the siren, but the Luke Vassallo 45 metre torp faded left for a nil result. Now St Bernards find itself dumped out of the four and the Cardinals back in the middle order race . And at the bottom, Ormond gave notice that they won't lie down and let B Section become an inevitability in '97 with a thumping win over the allegedly improving Mazenod . Old Xaverians, with no thanks to Ormond, now move closer to that cellar dweller position ; a far cry from the top dog status enjoyed for most of 1995 . Xavs still in first gear and a repeat in the second half is a thought worse than death for Xavs' supporters, the thought so frightening in fact that Xavs today approach the rest of the season with a new coach in charge . REVIEW UNIVERSITY BLUES V OLD MELBURNIAN S

A classic no-holds barred match between two highly skilled teams up at the Uni . You couldn't bottle a better amateur footy game. Adam Lennen ( eight goals) was sharp early to head up the Blues, but Simon Bromell neatly pushed through a couple for OM's in the second to make it four points the difference . After the best half-time meal-spread in A Section, the game was on a knife edge with neither shifting ground for the first nine minutes . But the floodgates opened with two goals to Gavin Evans and excellent work by Andrew Henderson, Richard Vandenberg an d Nathan Cavalier kept sweeping the ball forward . Vandenberg, a local version of North's Glenn Archer, shows no fear at any contest . OM's fought back with five in the last, but the damage had been done . Simon Rabbitt was busy for OM's, Brome ll efficient with Peter O'Brien and Cam Kennedy trying desperately. Blues have them in the right spots : OM's now a spot behind . COLLEGIANS V DE LA SALL E

Superstars one minute : run of the mill the next. Collegians' forward stars were effectively blanketed by a relentless De La Salle backline with De La victors by 13 2



points in a low scoring game at the Village Green . Drew Jackso n held Brock Moone y and Nick Anderson couldn't break free . Andrew MacKintosh, Matthew Chun and Stephen Crowe were terrific up back-and with a sprinkling of U19s such as John Horn and Tim Silvers now making that next step, De La's stakes have improved . The Lions had everything to play for and with ex AFL Bulldog and Hawk Darren Baxter in for his debut match all the ingredients were there for a two game lead at the top at the end of the day . Not so as their onballers and midfielders were restricted at every turn. Anthony Parkin was named best with Tony Sheedy an d James Bennett making solid contributions. ST BERNARDS V OLD SCOTCH A tipster's nightmare, but it was looking safe with St Bernards eight points up with only three minutes to go . But Scotch were bang on target up the other end and Scott Duthie with one of his six goals forced the Cardinals towards the lead to which they hung on to . Another shocking result for the home side . For a relieved Scotch, no one was better then Adam Nettleton up back who defended grandly . Rohan Aujard in the ruck was terrific and with Stuart Steele there was sound leadership and direction around the ground . For St Bernards, Steve Perrett was easily best with Vassallo given free rein for most of the day together with Chris Calthorpe . OLD HAILEYBURY V OLD XAVERIANS Coach Nevi lle Taylor was very pleased with the Bloods work ethic and it needed to improve after the dismal effort against Blues before the break . But they had to battle for four quarters to shake off a dogged Old Xavs . Four goals immediately after half time set up the victory . Nick Morey amongst the goals again with five and courageous Scott Rowland manfully took on Dan Richardson with the Hilton brothers performing well . For Old Xavs, none better than the consistent Dermott Dann, while Mike Blood, mostly playing at centre half forward was a key player for Xavs. The old faces still there in the best, Brushfield, Holmes, Bowen an d co . MAZENOD V ORMOND Even with Brett Connell off injured after the long break after a fabulous first half, the Moods were able to kick a mammoth 17 goals to blitz a terribly disappointing Mazenod at E Park . Almost established as rightful property in the top section, Nodders fe ll away so easily, but Ormond's incentive was higher; a chance to square the ledger with Xavs . It was a committed Ormond effort with Roger Remman named best and Tim Hille providing plenty of bounce and life . Nodders missed key forwards in Stephen Noble and namesake Boysen ; a good enough reason to be limited to only eight goals . Good to see ex

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captain Tim Chilcott back in the form we know, while two's player Matt Quirk was encouraging . Mick O'Hara's lone effort must have earned him the umpire's attention . PREVIEW

Ormond v Old Haileybury should be worth a visit to Gunn Reserve with the Bloods a four spot chance and Ormond maybe to scoot off the bottom . The home side by 11 points . Collegians will bounce back against Mazenod who have a touch of the staggers and the Lions to be too good by 29 points . University Blues are on the march and determined not to sacrifice that second possie and should account for Old Scotch who will be heartened by that return to winning list . But Blues by 37 points . Old Melburnians had a real dip until midway through the third quarter last week and it was high quality . Any repetition of this against Old Xavs should be far good enough . OM's by 29 points although the "new coach factor" may reduce this winning margin . In the final match at E Park on Sunday, St Bernards will face up to old foes De La Salle . Away from home will be in St Bernards and they will win by 17 points . SELECTIONS: ORMOND, COLLEGIANS, UNIVERSITY BLUES, OM'S AND ST BERNARDS .

SENIORS COLLEGIANS 2 .4 5.7 5.8 7 .13.55 DELASALLE 3 .4 5.8 7.14 8 .20.68 Collegians Mooney 3 . Anderson. Parkin, Peters, Pollock . Best Parkin,MooneyKerr, Sim y. Bennett, Thomson. Be la Salle Harrison . Brasher 2 . Abbott, Toohey, Harrison, Flowerday . Best Brasher, Horn. Chun. Evans, Elliott . Jackson. ST BERNARDS 3 .5 8.8 11.13 17 .17.119 OLD SCOTCH 5 .3 11.4 16.7 19.9.123 St Bernarda Dobson 4. Gilmour, Vassallo 3, Overman, Chatfield, Gollant 2 . Comitto. Best Perrett• Calihorpe, Overman, Capes . Gallant. Dobson . Old Scotch Duthie 6, Stokes 3, An ard, Hume 2, Miller, Angus, Hosking. Steele, Phillips. Best Nettleton. Aulard• Hos~ing, Gibbs . Holt . Steele. UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 .4 7.6 12.14 18.16 .124 OLD MELBURNLSNS 0.4 6.8 7.10 12.13.85 University Blum Lennen S. Hutchins, Evans 2• Furphy Henderson, Vandenberg, Cavalier, Blood. Rourke . Best Mclachtan• henderson . Vandenberg. Fufphy, lennen, McIntyre. Old Melbarnlans Rabbitt . Ellinghaus, McMullin, Brommell 2• O'Brien. Webb . Handbury, Walsh. Beat Rabbitt . 0'Brien•11nompson, Brommeli• Webb, Kennedy . OLD HAILEYBURY 3.0 9.2 16 .6 22.11.143 OLD %AVEHIANS 5.3 7.9 12 .12 14.15.99 Old Halleybury Morey 5 . Hilton 4, Walden 3. Byrns• lappage 2. Connell . Kraus. Armstrong. McKenzie . Best Morey Hilton . Kraus. McKenzie . Richardson . Buchanan. Old %avertsns Richardson 4. Blood . Sassi . Occleshaw 2, Danne . Jonas, Donal, McDonald . Best Blood. Mcleltand, Bmsh6eld . Bowen .. Holmes, Wood . MAZENOD OC 3 .0 6 .2 6.4 8 .5.53 ORMOND 4 .2 9 .5 12.9 17.13.115 Mazenod OC Christie 2 . Morgan, Robinson . Welch, Barker, Ciancio, Murray. Best Barker, O'Hara . Murray, Fisher, Robinson, 9uirk .

Ormond Bailey 3. Symes, Collins, Herrman . Wrodarezyk• Whelan 2, Jobling• James, Forrest . Presser. Beat Remman• Hille, Gallagher. Jobling, Collins . Presser. RESERVES



ION~~;UMPIH MAZENOD v . COLLEGIANS bleld: S. McCarthy, R. Bell ; Goal: G . Beard, B . Nash . ST BERNARDS v . DE IA SALLE (E .P. - Sun .) FYeld: P. Gersch, W . Hinton : Boundary: J . Wright, J . Stevenson ; Goal : B. Hoare, G . Grigg . UNIVERSITY BLUES v . OLD SCOTCH k Yeld: G. Thwaites, H. Little; Boundary : A. Pritchard, B . Brown ; Goal : M . Lentini, G . Wright. OLD XAVERL9NS v . OLD MELBURNIANS Field : M . Jackson, A. Damen ; Boundary : M. Tape, F . Martinez ; Goal: A . Simpson, B . Jephson . ORMOND v . OLD HAILEYBURY Fl'eld: J . Toohey, M . Gibson; Goal: C . May, K. Segota .

COLLEGIANS 2.6 5.10 8.11 12 .16 .88 DE LA SALLE 3.3 8.5 11.10 14 .13 .97 Collegians Kenneally 5 . Greeves, Sheedy 2. Inglis, Schmidt, Wooley. Best Schmidt, Dean-Johns . Sheedy. Humphry. Greeves . Kenneally . De La Salle Langone 3, Curran. Fisher. O'Callaghan 2, Duckett. Hegan, Makinson, Wright, Wyles. Best Duckett. O'Callaghan, Phillips, Fisher, Shannon, Langone . ST BERRARDS 3 .2 5.5 7.10 10.10.70 OLD SCOTCH 4 .1 11 .1 16 .4 25.7 .157 St Bernarda Doolan . lanzano 3. Patience 2. Fanner, Byrne. Best Byrne . Comito. Solomon, Overman, Bond, latuano. Old Scotch McDonnell 9. Pritchard S . Castdcum 4. Steele 2. Spider . Weber. Cowper. Beat Kerr. Pritchard . Woodhouse. McDonnell, Speed, Cowper. UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .5 2 .5 5 .5 8.7.55 OLD MELBURNIANS 4.3 8 .8 12.10 15.12.102 University Blues Nugent, Kewell, Wilson, 6laplestone. Longley . Unsworth, Wilcox, Miskin . Best 1Weddle, Allardice, Maplestone, Bolton, Longley. Thomas . Old Melburnlans Campbell 6 . Theodore 3, Sereda. Pow•er• Pruden. Anastasakis. Nelson . Best Campbell. Rhoden, MeKeon . Pruden. Boyden, Hart OLD HAD.EYBURY 2 .2 4 .4 5.4 5 .4.34 OLD XAVERIANS 2 .6 12 .8 17 .11 20.18.138 Old Haileybnry Dowsing 2 . Chegwin . Kirkwood-Scott. Scoffem . Best Chegwin• Dowsing, Pleher . Tanner. Smith, Main . Old %a9erlans Fay 12, Barratt 2 . Walsh, Le Mere, Coughlani . Kearns. Best Coughlan . Fay. Darnall. Petro6, Natill. Nelson. MAZENOD OC 3 .2 7.4 9.5 17 .7.109 ORMOND 4 .3 6.5 9.6 9 .6.60 Maaenod OC Tucker . Fisher 4• Howard 3, Peter Riley 2. Mann, Paul Riley. Rogers. Bailey . Best Welch. Fisher. Bailey, Howard, Tucker, Bourbon. Ormond Brown 4, Wrodarczyk 2• KukulJan• Stewart . Alexander . Best Egan, Keleher. KukulJan. Brawn. Livingstone. Ransom.




A/B SECT IOU ~~ ZL ~ A MZ Clubs must phone final siren scores to Nancy 9528 331 9 (before 5 p.m .) before ringing through Q/Q scores ; goalkickers and best players (both teams) to EP 9531 8333 (before 5 .15 p.m. ) 0 THE AMATEIIR FCH)TRAI I FR 1p4R

B SECTION by Paul Luby

t A the halfway mark of the year it seems that Trinity and Parade have just about secured thei r finals spots and Bulleen-Templestowe is going to b e relegated . But who goes with them to C Section and who makes up the other finals contenders is still wide open . Its time to review the year to date. Trinity : What else is there to say but that they are undefeated, have an average winning margin of 78 points and are definitely the side to beat . Strength in the centre square and up forward have been the keys to their outstanding year to date . A forward line that includes Stickland (43 goals), C . Phillips (21 goals), Heath (29 goals) plus S . Hatfield and the resting rovers are a hard side to match up. Parade : The other power side in the section with their only defeat to Trinity in round 5 by a goal . After finishing 5th in consecutive years the Parade players are determined to be there in September, with Harrison (56 goals), Vincent and Brabender leading the way . Complacency is the worry at Parade and coach Dale McCann will need to keep his players minds on the job each week . Brighton: Their 3rd loss last Saturday has bought them back to the field slightly but have the players in Pryor, Perry, Murch and Kryzwniak to push for the finals this year. The worries at this stage are that their only defeats have been to the other three sides that currently make up the four, the loss of Rickarby in the ruck and more away games in the second half of the year . Therry: A slightly disappointing first half for Theny with an unexpected loss to MHSOB, but I expect them to win more than their share of games in the second half of the year and with 5 home games they will make the finals. Better players to date have been Mick Goodwin (30 goals), Pe trevski in the ruck, O'Connor on a wing and Wrigglesworth up forward . Banyule: The Bears have won their last 3 games and are now serious contenders for the finals. They have a good band of running players ( Wilmore, Gilliam, Wilkes an d Dintinosante) who give their forwards every chance but they struggle for height against the taller sides . Banyule have to make sure they don't slip up against the teams below them to have a chance to play in the finals. Ivanhoe : The last 2 weeks have been disastrous for Ivanhoe and they need to win this week to stay in touch with the four . A regular goal kicker would help as they have only kicked 12 goals in the last two weeks but they win enough of the ball through onballers Bullen, Nibali, Angelinl an d Kende ll. A big effort is required but they can still make it if they can convert their opportunities . MHSOB: Have won only one of the last seven games after starting well. The 5 point loss to Brighton and losing to NOBS have put them in the hot seat instead of pushing for the four . They have been competitive every game bu t 4

can't put it together for four quarters and there has not been enough eip tor P ertzet , Fairchild, Comer an d Hunt. Disappointing year to date considering the talent they have . Old Ivanhoe : They are hanging in there but may regret the five point loss to Brighton in round 6 when they were well ahead . Donaldson, Pappos, Veal, Parker and McLean (33 goals) have all had good years but it seems to fall away after that. They are most capable on their day but they will need to upset a few to stay in B Section and it must start this week . NOBS : Without a doubt the big disappointment after coming down from A Section and they have a real fight on their hands to stay in B Section . They have improved steadily since round 5 and could have grabbed a few more wins but for inaccurate kicking for goal . The shining lights have been Manassa, Tonkin and Sutherland but it will be up to the experienced group of Conti, Boyle and Abrahams to keep the club in B Section. I believe they will . Bu lleen-Templestowe : Not much to say here apart from the closest they have got to anyone is Therry in round 1 when they lost by 28 points . Injuries have added to their woes so the performance of James to kick 34 goals has been outstanding . Parris, Young and Williams have tried hard but the year can't finish quickly enough for the Bullants . PREVIEW OF ROUND 9

A quick review of last week starts with NOBS recording their second win of the year with a 7 goal last quarter and a 70 point victory against Bulleen . Sutherland with 8 goals was named best with support from O'Farrell, Manassa and Conti . For the Bullants James with 6 goals had help from Thompson and Hare . Good to see Driver back for Bulleen. Parade kicked 6 goals to 2 points in the final stanza to gain an important victory over third placed Brighton . Brabender, Vincent and Swindon starred for the winners whilst Pryor, Perry and Nikas did well for the losers . Therry returned to the winners list with a 69 point home victory over Old Ivanhoe with Mick Goodwin in the goals again with s ix. Pat Gorman and the "Chief" also played well whilst the consistent McLean an d Young kicked six each for the losers . Banyule had a great 55 point win over MHSOB with 10 different goalkickers . Fabbris, Playfair and O'Connell were best for the "Bangers" whilst rover Pertzel with eight goals played a lone hand for Melbourne . Trinity with a 17 goal second half destroyed Ivanhoe by 122 points with Heath kicking seven and Stickland seven and Taylor dominating ÂŽ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

the ruck. On a dirty day for the "Hoers" Newbold in ,his 150th game kicked three goals and was named best. pREVIEW OF ROUND 1 0 Four winners last week with MHSOB letting me down. This week Parade by 30 points, Brighton by 15 points, Therry by 100 points, Old Ivanhoe by 10 points and Trinity by 30 points . TRIVIA QUESTIO N Last week the answer was John Reeves and the winner was Tony Canavan the recently retired legend from Marcellin . "Cana" gave me the right answer at about 11 p.m . Saturday night at a fashionable Toorak Road restaurant . This week I will be at NOBS v. Brighton. Four players officia lly ran equal second with 16 votes to Paul Kelly in last year's Brownlow Medal . Name them . Note that D . Jarman and G. Hocking polled 18 and 17 respectively, however were ineligible due suspension . Press correspondents for each club please contact me by 1 p .m . on the Monday following the game . Please call on 9457 4079 (AH), 9268 1568 (BH) or fax 9268 1576 (BH) .


Jamie Stiekland today plays his 50th game for Trinity against Banyule . Recruited from Eltham Jamie is well renowned for his sharp shooting abilities . All at Trinity congratulate Jamie and look forward to his next 50 games .







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SENIORS OLD PARADIANS 6 .4 7.10 10.15 16.19.115 OLD BRIGHTON 3.1 6 .4 9 .6 9 .8 .62 Old Pa :adiana Harrison, Mulligan 3, Kerr, Godfrey. Harford 2. Cosgril7, Ciavola. O'Loughlin, Ball. Beat Brabender. Geary, Vincent, Mulligan, Swindon . O'Loughlin, Old Brighton Shippen 3 . McLachlan, Murch 2. Nikas. Talbot. Best Pryor, Perry,Nlkas. Alderton, Kryrwniak, McLachlan . NORTH OLD BOYS 5.4 10.10 13 .14 20.21.141 BDILEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 .1 3 .2 8 .4 11 .5.71 North Old Boys Sutherland 8. Manassa 4. Sullivan 2, Beck. Gravina, Sleep . McKay, Conti. O'Farrell. Best Sutherland, O'Farrell . htanassa. Conti . McKay. Connolly. Bulteen Templeetowe James 6, Driver. McLaren, Parris, Stott, Young . Best Thompson . Hare . James. Parris . Young, Prior. THERRY CCOB 6 .5 12 .7 19.8 27.11.173 OLD IVANHOE 5 .1 9 .5 13.6 18 .8.104 Therry Goodwin 6. Wrigglesworth 5. O'Connor 4. Elliott 3. Bosanko, Gorman, Castaldi 2, Goodwin . Jacobsen. Gallagher. Beat Goodwin, Gorman, petrevski, Jacobsen. O'Connor. Keay. Old Ivanhoe McLean. Young 6, Stewart 2, Tolley . Veal . Best Weddle . Young, Parker. mcLean, Pappas, Jenkins . MHSOB 3 .3 8 .7 13.8 17 .10.112 BANYULE 8 .2 14.8 19 .11 25 .17.167 MHSOB Pertzel 8, Glover 3. Fleming . Bamert 2. Beazley . Comer. Best Pertzel . Beazky, Falrchikl, Wndsay, Webster, Glover. Banynfe Richmond 6, Williams, Witchell 5. Dintinosante. E~an 2, Gbury, Riches, 0'Conneii, Playfaic Benton . Beat Fabbris. Playfair, 0 Connell . Richmond. McDennott. Wilks. IVANHOE 2 .2 3.5 5.7 6 .13.49 OLD TRINITY 4 .4 8.9 16.15 25 .21 .171 Ivanhoe Newbold 3. Kennedy, McKellar, Buller. Best Newbold. McFarlane. Bullen, Frawley Annstmng. Manuel . Old Trinity Strickland 6. Phillips 3. Dalrymple 2. Ramsden. Glass, Hatfield. Vanderha, Sealey, Hudson . Taylor . Best Taylor. Sending . Glass . Strickland. Heath, Dalrymple.

RESERVES OLD PARADIANS 0 .2 1.3 2.4 2.9.21 OLD BRIGHTON 0.4 3.5 9.6 13.8.86 Old Paradlaoa Horsington. Price. Best Tobin, Swindon . Brabender. Hart, Joyce. Roccuchiolo. Old Brighton Grant 7. Williams 2, Mandelaris, Sherman . Teschendorf, Farrer. Best Alderson, Barber, Grant, Williams. McLennan. James. NORTH OLD BOYS 9.1 19.2 23.5 32.8 .200 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1.1 1 .4 2.5 2.8 .18 North Old Boys Barker 8. Llmprekakis 7 . Boyer 6 . Zarco, Bryar 4, McMahon 2. Gale. Best Boyer, Barker, Limprekakis, Anderson . Bryar, Zocco. Bulleen Templeatowe Lefevre. Papadopoulos . Best Lambropoulos. Stelling . Hooper. Bellato. Dowd, Shine. THERRY CCOB 5.6 11 .9 18.13 21.19 .145 OLD 1vANH0E 0 .5 0.5 1 .7 2.13 .25 Therry Bossignolo 6, Jones. Forbes . Armstrong. Griggs . Bye, Thrush 2 . Collins. Pignatew, Prendergast. Beet Barron. Carter. Rossignolo, Griggs . Prendergast . Dinner. Old Ivanhoe Bisogni . Toll . Best Abousabha, Corcoran. Slott, Barker, Armstrong. Shadbolt. MHSOB 3.4 5.6 6 .10 9.10 .64 BANYULE 0.1 0.5 4 .7 6.8 .44 MHSOB McGrath 4. Mclaughlin, Saltry. Snaidem, Grimmer . Fan-. Best Konstan ty , Grimmer. Webster, Goldin. Winch, McGrath . Pretty . Banyule Creak. Williams 2 . Keane, Bassett Best Keenan, Holt Glass . Barker. Stevens. Head. IVANHOE 1 .0 7 .2 8 .5 10.7.67 OLD TRINITY 6 .4 9 .5 14 .8 17.10.112 Ivanhoe Joyce 5 . Fairweather. Drysdale 2, Di Santo. Best Rattray-Wood . Narkiewicz. Joyce, Maud. Thackwmy, Hird. Old Trinity Stafford 4. Robison 3. Alysandratos. Greig 2, Board, Krivokuca, Beet . Smith. Jervis . Donato. Best Stafford . Heighten. Torrens. Smith. Board, Krivokuca .

IVANHOE v . OLD PARADIANS Field: B. Woodhead, R Eastwood ; Boundary: D . Ryan, T . Healy; GoaL A. Bishop, R . Miller . NORTH OLD BOYS v . OLD BRIGHTON Field : D . Dalgleish, G . Curran ; Boundary : G . Drummond, M . Meier; GoaL S . Lamble, K. Pitcher. THERRY v . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field : C . Segota, W. Henry . MHSOB v . OLD IVANHOE Field: D . Anderson, M . McCrohan ; Goal : M . Frame, M . Richardson. OLD TRINITY v. BANYULE Field : C . Donlon, C . O'Donohue ; GoaL J . Kelly, P. Gluyas .

MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "

C SECTION by Terry Quirk

ast Thursday morning after taking the "best friend" fo r Lr the daily trip to the park, I read the "Jo n Anderson" column in the Herald Sun. SKOBs', 50 years in the Ammos and the SKOBs great side of past and present AFL/VFL players, was great reading and a tremendous tribute to the half century in the VAFA by St . Kevins Old Boys Football Club . But Jon, the last paragraph, "OGs to take the SKOBs apart", John, stay with the big league and don't go with the emotion. Thanks for the coverage of VAFA footy and for your interest in Amateur football . At the new Gary Smorgon Oval at Albert Park, the Jackas were finally at "home" (no home ground advantage) to the Bears from Thomastown . Seven goals in the first quarter to the Jackas proved to be enough to dictate terms for the rest of the day. The Thommos fought back to within 7 points late in the last quarter in a game that convinced everyone that on their day the Bears are able to compete with and challenge all sides in C Section . For the Jackas, Danny Gunn in defence an d Rod Bloom in the centre, were best whilst the Fellows boys, Holmes, Volpe and Bubis were fine performers for the Bears . At Hampton, the Rovers tasted victory for the first time in five weeks against a disappointing OM's combination . Leading at every change, the Rovers with a return of several injured players, were able to cover the OMs "big guns", although "Stroudy" at CHF for the OMs was superb . At CHF for the Rovers, "Alfie" (Banana) was in fine touch, whilst "Mouser" Block and Justin Ferguson contributed well . Tony Bournon, Nick Maguire and George Katris on the win were better players for the OMs. At Kooyong, section leaders, St . Kevins proved too strong for an OGs team that had a "red hot go" early but fell by the wayside as the game progressed . A final margin of 141 points to the SKOBs, after an 11 goal final quarter, was extremely unexpected considering the OGs good form against the Rovers the previous week . For the SKOBs, "Dolly" on the ball was a sensation, whilst Mounty (I'm 29) and Huddo "The Baker" were on fire . Rob Gross at CUB and in the forward line was a great leader, whilst "Longly" and "Larry" Donahue (new boy) rate a mention in a very even side . Without a report from the OGs, I am unable to mention the better performers . The Saints fought back from an early deficit to gain the lead from the Tigers late in the third quarter and score a narrow victory . The pressure applied by the Saints in the third quarter proved too much for the Tigers who became defensive and turned over the ball on many occasions . For the Saints, "The Hyphen" HayesDewar at HBF, was best, whilst the Russian Trapeze artist, Nick Astepenko, Paul Green and Tim Ridde ll (welcome back) performed well . Walsh, Tully, Firth and Diggins were excellent for the Tigers, as was Steve McCarthy who fired up late in the game to give the 6



Tigers a chance to snatch victory. Marcellin, despite some inaccurate kicking, were far too accomplished for the Friars to run out winners by 76 points. Six wins in seven games sees the Eagles well on track for a finals berth . With Craig Carpenter back from a long injury break and first gamer Jamie Phillips in fine form, the Eagles gradually built its lead all day without totally dominating the game . Marco Bello (4 goals), Ryder, Day and Rowe, were also among the best . The Friars do not believe that their efforts were truly reflected in the scores and believe there are obvious signs of improvement that auger well for the second half of the season . Anthony Carbone was easily Friars best, whilst Mark Robinson ( 6 goals), P and J Begley, Batem an an d Maguire were worthy of mention . PREVIEW - ROUND 1 0 The Jackas will known they have been playing after what promises to be a torrid affair against the Rovers . With three wins to date, the Rovers will be keen to take the points and move further from the danger zone . I can't see the Jackas losing this one and predict a margin of 47 points . At Righetti, the SKOBs should have too much class from a very disappointing Old Mentonlans . I'll put it right on the block this week "TH" and select the SKOBs by 83 points . On the big playing surface at Elsternwick Park, the Saints runners should have a field day against the OGs, who will be somewhat shell shocked after last week . The Saints will prevail, the margin being around 59 points . The Tigers journey to the monastery to take on the Friars . On paper, the Tigers should be hot favourites, but the Friars at home will not be an easy task . I'll select the Tigers by 22 points but will not be surprised if the match is very even . The "match of the day" at Thomastown is very important for both clubs . The Eagles coming off some excellent wins and the Thommos very happy with last week's showing, will ensure a close encounter. I'll go for the home side by a margin of 12 points . Reserves winners : Ajax, St. Kevins, Old Geelong, St. Bedes Mentone Tigers, Marcellin. Correspondents : By 5 .30 p .m. Monday fax 9889 9014 .





100TH TO AJAX'S JEREMY WROBEL AJAX congraulates Jeremy Wrobel on his 100th game today against Hampton Rovers. Jeremy came through the club's Underl9s and has become a regular senior player who is a vital part of the team's defence . All at AJAX congratulate Jem" on his great achievement. 50 UP FOR "MULLERS" AT OMFC

Old Mentonians' players and supporters congratulate Simon Mullin on his 50th game today - a long time coming, It ; hope the next 50 come a lot quicker! Well done Simon !


23 21 21 19 15 15

AJAX v . HAMPTON ROVERS Field : M . Jenkins, G . Gioras . ST KEVINS v. OLD MENTONIANS Field: P. Simpson, D . Lane . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v. OLD GEELONG ( E .P. - Sat .) Field: J . Kvins, T. Ovadia; Boundary : D . Fowler, S . Mannix ; Goal: S . Ryan, R. Richards ( R) . WHITEFRIARS v. ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Field : A . Firley, S. Meredith . THOMASTOWN v . MARCELLIN Field: M . Pinney, P, Leyden; Goal: D. Napoli (R), G . Clancy.

SENIORS HAMPTON ROVERS 5 .2 7.4 12.7 17 .9.111 OLD MENTONIANS 1 .6 5.10 10.10 13 .15 .93 Hampton Rovers Crawford, Power 4, Ariz 3 .Anderson 2 . LeGrand, Zuker . Panagiotidis, Wills. Best Panaglotidis. Blick, Ferguson, LeGrand, Zuker. Fletcher. Old Mentonians Acreman 3. Bournon, SarNtd. Stroud 2 . Austin. Carter. Murphy, t Pride . Best Stroud. Bournon, Macquire. Katris, Murphy, Dar 8T EEVRfS 7 .9 12 .10 19.20 30.23.203 OLD GEELONG 3 .1 5.4 6.6 8 .8 .62 St Envies Donahue. Gross 5. Dotlman 4 . Bowles, Mount Brady 3, Hart . liry 2 . Tertini, Farquharson. Garvey. Best Dolman, Mount, Terzini, Bowles, Farquharson, Donahue . Old Geelong Howells, Welsby. Vickers-Willis 2. Furphy, Rigby. Saunders. Best Vickers-Willis. Salter, Welsby . Saunders. Peddle, Dugdate. ST En.DA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2 .3 6.6 9.15 12.17.89 ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 5 .5 7.8 9.8 12 .11 .83 St Hilda South Caulfield Goat Kickers and Best Players not received. St a Mentone Tigers MacGeorge 5. Heckers 3, Diggins, Goodchild . Hayes, Ross. IrWalsh, Firth, MacGeorge, Tully, McCarthy . Hecker. Best WHITEFRIARS 4.3 6.4 8 .6 12.9.81 MARCE1ddN 6.2 12 .6 16 .12 23.19.157 Whlte&iars Robinson 6, Mark Bateman, Haselar, Hickey . Jenkins, Matt Bateman, Begley. Best Carbone. Robinson. Mark Bateman . P. Begley, Maguire. J . Begley . ffisrceBin Ph6it ps 6, Treganowan, Bello 4. Cathy 3, Rowe 2, Carpenter, Beattie, Moran. Beat Bet lo. Phillips. Ryder. Carpenter. Day. Rowe. MAX 7.1 11 .2 13 .5 16.11 .107 THOMASTOWN 2.3 8 .5 10 .8 14.11.95 Ajax Kalinski 5, Rosen, Feldman 2. Wrobel. Sheezel. Gunn, Mrks, Halphin . Bloom, Brom. Best Bloom. Gunn. Haiphin, Kalinski. Wrobd . Brom Thonutstovn Bubis 5 . Gorski 3. Holmes. Coped 2 . Lentini, Byron. Best Volpe, Pougios. Fellows . Holmes. Buhis . C . Fellows. RESERVES HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .3 7.5 12.8 18.11 .119 OLD MENTONtANS 1.1 1 .5 3.7 5.8 .38 Hampton Rovers Armour 7. Mason 3, Cornelis, Sher 2. Amoore . Tyrell. O'Brien, Wright Best Wright Armour. Comehis . McConville. Mason. Sher. Old Mentonians Flaskis 2, Large, StanoJovich, Russo. Best Davis. Dwyer, Norman, Nock. Russo, Richardson, ST EEVHiS 4.3 5.6 7.8 11.10 .76 OLD GEE[ANG 2.3 7.5 10.9 16 .10.106 St Kevins O'Shea, Noonan, Williams, Bare 2. Meagher, Boyd . Dynan. Best De Rooden. Williams. Denton. O'Shea. McDonald . Moore . Old Geelong Taylor 6 . Bellisimo 5. Spiden 2, htessatetsa, Litey . O'Dea . Best Beltrame, Taylor. Beilisimo, Coklwell, Liley, Robson . ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4 .3 .27 ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 16 .8.104 St Hilda South Caulfield Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . St B's Mentone Tigers Goodchild 5, Leyden, Ryan 3, Peek, Beasley, Smith . Stewart. Pertie. Best Goodchild, O'Brien, Manson . Napier. Dols, Goodchild . WmTEFRIARS 0.0 0.1 1.1 3 .3.21 MARCELLiN 4.5 12.9 18.16 25 .25.175 Whitefrtars guilty. Vernal . Pratt. Best Kelsey, Elliott. Naismith, Reid, Vernal. Andrews. MarcelBn Mason 4, Howe. Edmonds 3. Merton. Chambers, Sexton. Edwards, Gill, Harberts 2, Bromage. Seabury, Dema. Best Edwards. Golds, Chambers . McIntosh, Howe. Sexton . AJAX 2.4 7.7 9.7 12 .12.84 THOMASTOWN 0.2 2.4 7.7 10 .11 .71 Ajax Rajch 5 . Sheezel, Dunne 2, Slade-Jacobson, Feldman, Roseman . Best Sheezel, Roseman. Grodski. Kron~old, Rajch. Degen. Tbomaatomn Kennedy, Fleming 2 . Smith. Moribito, Wrd. Invaletla, Brooks. Latouf. Best Brooks, Moribito, Colosimo. Ward . Skat, Withers.

D Editorial - Continued from Page 1 Example 3 :

A teenage English rugby union player suffered paralysis as a result of a scrum collapsing in a junior match. He sued the ruby union referee alleging that he did not act properly when faced with continually collapsing scrums . The English High Court found the referee to be liable in negligence with the judge stressing the judgment was specifically defined by the ages of the competitors and the circumstances of the contest. Example 4 : A football umpire showering after a game with the players is struck by one of the players and sustains severe injuries . He sues the player, the player's club and the Association that employs him and recovers an award of over $160,000 against all defendants . The basis for establishing liability against the club and the Association was that by requiring him to shower with the players he was unnecessar® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

fly exposed to the risk of assault that in fact eventuated . What lessons should be learnt from the above examples? First, clubs will now understand why it is a rule of the Association that clubs must have a policy of sports legal liability Insurance with an approved insurer, in our case Sportscover, one of our major and most loyal sponsors . Second, clubs and players who engage in deliberate violence on the football field run the real risk of criminal prosecution for assault or other similar charges together with the risk of a civil suit against the player personally . It must be appreciated the punitive damages will not be covered by a sport s legal liability insurance policy. Finally, it must appreciated that legal proceedings, criminal or civil, are in addition to any penalties handed out by a Tribunal or Investigation Committee as a result of a report or investigation. PHIL ROWELL 7

D SECTION by Tom Brain C Y A N PRES s

D-GENERATION With guest scribe Tom Brai n t is with mixed emotions I write this article this L . week. Firstly it is good to be back but second an d most importantly it is with sadness that I am here . I'm sure all VAFA supporters and clubs especially those in D Section join with me in offering our sincere condolences to regular columnist Ken Bremner and his family on the sudden passing of his mother last weekend . To my friend KB keep your chin up mate our thoughts are with you, Frances and your family at this sad time. And so to the half way mark of the season . It is time to make some predictions as to what may happen in the ensuing weeks . Old Camberwe ll , Caulfield Grammarians, Monash Blues and Beaumaris will participate in finals action, their final finishing positions still to be decided with the Red Devils and St . Leos just missing out, while that vital 7th position will be filled by Southbank . Perhaps there is a bit of self acclaimed bias both on my and KB's part there, while St. Johns, Hew and the Reds look like making the trek to E Street . REVIEW Fine conditions at Bennettswood Reserve had the Two Blues fired from the first bounce, but the Kew boys kept at them and there was not much in it at the first break. The home side were combining well despite some good pressure from their opponents and continued to increase their lead . The second half saw the boys from Emmaus dominate the game but their conversion could have been better while they still managed to win by some 102 points . Best for the victors were Vaughan, Ronchi and Bethune in a good effort while for Kew noone tried harder than Wood, Bruno and Bodey. A danger game for the Wells against Parkside coming off the results of both sides from last week . But this did not prove to be the case as the home side methodically went about the business at hand to come away convincing 31 point winners . Obviously the disappointing finish to the 95 season has been the Wells inspiration in 96 . The Red Devils have certainly improved and their youth policy is paying dividends with more wins around the corner . Good to see the Camberwell side can still win a game without the Doc being a major contributor on the scoreboard . Billy McKenzie continued his excellent form, the Walker Bros were impressive and Harvs is having a good season . For Parkside Inserra was their best, ably backed up by Hoyne and Pino in really a good team effort. Another game that could have been dangerous for one of the top sides was that between the Fields and JOCS. This looked the case after a very even first quarter where St. Johns threw everything at Caulfield to hold a slender lead at quarter time . The Fields then planted


their feet firmly on the accelerator to take the lead and systematically increase it as the gam e wore on . To kick 16 goals to their opponents 4 after the break is a fine effort and so a comfortable victory was ensured . Contrary to what my erstwhile radio personality Benny Goodman thinks the tactics of the Fields 96 coach George Voyage are working very well . Darren Lowe in his 100th game played a blinder for the victors along with Chocko Royals an d Glen Markovic who gets better every game . The JOCS who must have been extremely disappointed with their performance, but injuries to key players certainly did not help, they only had 17 fit men at the end and they all fought it out to the best of their ability. Monash Blues returned to the winning list with a big victory over the hapless Uni Redz who as has been their norm this season although obviously undermanned stuck to their task and did not go down without making the opposition earn every kick . The Blues have been a little bit inconsistent through the early part of the season, but the Professor has me convinced that come finals time they will be a most competitive unit . They had some multiple goal kickers and better players in Ford, Dobson and McGee but everyone made a contribution at some stage. It would be good to pay homage to some of the better Redz but alas? The final game of the round which KB predicted to be the match of the round did not really work out that way, well not on the scoreboard at least . It was a beautiful day for football down at Banksia and the plucky Bankers took the game right up to the rejuvenated Sharks in the first half, but then after the long break it was a mere procession as Beauy used the big ground to their advantage got their running game going to career away to a percentage boosting victory. After a slow start they are learning what D Grade is all about and will take some tossing as the season progresses. For the Bankers unluckily one kick away from C Grade at the end of 95 one must ponder as to what has caused this turnaround, obviously injuries have taken their toll . For the Sharks Podge, O'Riley with i 1 twins was a fine focal point. Skipper Easton played well as did Quin and Hoyne . For the Bankers the Cowboy gave his all in the ruck, Perry was unstoppable in the goal square, 10 out of 13 is not bad, while little Cain Sparrow made a welcome return to the form of which he is capable . PREVIEW I'm tipping that the first round drawn result between Beaumaris and St . Leos will not repeat itself today . Beauy have improved immensely and they possess a bounty of good sized running players, and while St . Leos are going along quite nicely this will not be enough to stop the Sharks winning by a lazy 4 . ÂŽ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199 6

Old Camberwell should continue on their winning ~ay with a comfortable victory over the improving Kew. The Wells will know they have been in a game as the Brown and Golds do try very hard and their second half should produce better results than the first. An interesting and vitally important game takes place at the Glenhuntly Oval . Caulfield Grammarians must win to retain their position while the Parkside must win to stay in touch, I think this will be a very good game with neither side giving an inch, but the 'Fields will get home in a close one . Uni. Reds at home have a chance against the inconsistent St . Johns but I feel that the JOCs will be on their mettle today and will record a victory today to keep the pressure on Southbank. And now for the upset of the round . Fm tipping the Bankers with the emotion of the past week to come out firing and upset the Blues and win the game for the President,, little KB who really does contribute a lot for the club . Come on boys don't let him down . Scribes - Kenny will be back next week I hope . Don't forget the telephone calls and/or fax messages on Mondays to telephone 9810 3370 or fax 9810 3251 by 5 p.m. please. Remember it has hard for your club to rate a mention without any information. Good luck to you all for the remainder of the season TB. The VAFA Administration passes their condolences on to Ken and thanks Tom very much for writing this column at such short notice.

;[lr YV~E-~`f2lo~ ~•~~~° SENIORS LAST WK TOTAL




fnf f- fff

3 10 11 3 5 5 7 0 0 2

61 46 35 33 32 29 25 20 20 16

100TH FOR WARREN HORTON Warren Horton played his 100th game for Caulfield Grammarians against St Johns . "Horts" has been a diehard member of the club over many year's service and its a credit to him to reach this milestone. MILESTONES AT ST LEO'S EMMAUS All at St Leo's Emmaus would like to congratulate Cameron 'Torch' Ingram on reaching his 100th game on 1/6/96. Torch has had an interrupted career but has come back to reach this milestone . Well done Torch. Paul Davidson played his 50th game for St Leo's Emmaus on the 15/6/96/ Davo, a highly skilled player, has been a great aquisition to the club with plenty of games to come . Keep it up Davo. 150 SENIOR GAMES AT MONASH hlonash Blues with to congratulate Justin 'Jugs' Alexander on playing his 150th senior game against Uni Reds. Jugs joined the club in 1987 and played in a premiership side (C) in that year . Only the fourth Monash player to reach 150 senior games Jugs is an inspirational rover who loves to kick goals . Good Luck today Jugs and we hope you become the first to reach 200 ! REDS' ADOPTED SON POSTS THE TON ! From the meadows of Montmorency, Darren "Ragsy" Kane will today crank the old XD Falcon and embark on that long journey for the 100th time to showcase his wares for the Uni Reds . A real rascal when taken in by the kindly Reds in 1991, he heisted a B and F in his 1st year and somehow managed to be both cherished and ridiculed by all at the club since . Good on you Ragger, from the Big Red Army. St Johns OC wish to congratulate Andrew Rachele (Athos) on becoming the first player to play 100 games for the club . Andrew has been with the club from its beginnings in 1991 and is a very versatile and courageous footballer. Andrew is a true clubman giving his all for the club, on and off the field . All at the dub wish Andrew all the best for his 100th game today and thank him for his tremendous efforts over the years and look forward to more in the future.



BEAUMARIS v . ST LEOS EMMAUS Field : P . Callil . OLD CAMBERWELL v . KEW Field : R . Francis, C . Brajtberg ; Boundary: J . Willingham, A. McClean . CAULFIELD GR . v. PARKSIDE Field: B . Tamblyn, N . McCorquodale ; Boundary : N. Harper, C . Stevens ; Goat: D . Murray, J . Robinson . UNIVERSITY REDS v. ST JOHNS Field: A. Ladd, T. Zapadlo ; Boundary : C . Hayes . SOUTHBANK v . MONASH BLUES Field : V . Vescovi, A. Flack . ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

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E T SECTION by Barry Hickey L eing a devotee and former practitioner of Coarse Rueby, it did my ageing ticker good to see th e grand old Art is still alive and proving useful . The Saints effectively closed the game up, and certainly confused Old Carey, in the last quarter of their match, by stationing two water carriers in the C's preferred attacking path for the entire term . I'll bet the Saints still can't believe they got away with it ! Games went with service last week as we turn the H and A corner for the run to the fmals . Aquinas and Yarra Vall ey are still red hot favourites to play off, with Old Carey beginning to look dangerous . But there is a long way to go yet. ROUND 9 REVIEW Bulleen Cobras' inaccuracy against Richmond Central did not help their cause, and they found their early 6 goal break relentlessly pegged back by Central's marking ability . Shane Dillon roving, Stewle McLaren in the backline, Mark Kelly on the ball and Mick Starrett's burst in the 1st term stood out for the Cobras . Billy Katells, whether up forward or in the ruck, Franki Bove revved everybody up when things looked grim. Paddy Hoey and Anthony Dunne across the centre, were all big contributors for Central . Aquinas were too strong for Eltham Coll egians, after an even 1st term, the Turtles weren't in the hunt. Ruck rover, Tony Grierson, knocked up taking marks wherever he went for the Blooders, Cameron Quinn had a great day on a wing, and just for a change, Jason Hughes scored more goals than 'Livo'. Eley Park found Yarra Valley a handful, especially in the first half when the Yarras led by 10 goals . The 2nd half was fairly even, with the 3rd term being a corker, both teams scoring 8 each . That most consistent quartet, Hawley, Bowen, Storey and Captain Hook, were again prominent for the Sharks . For the Yarras, Koenen and Dodwell in the ruck kept a steady supply up to on-ballers Laing, Lupol and Thompson, with Telford, Midro and Scales not missing much up forward . Old Carey's 9 goals to 2 second term sealed St Mary's fate and although the Saints did well to allow the C's only 10 goals in the last half, they were not able to breach the C's defence enough to capitalise o n

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that good work. The Saints had terrific players in Duke at CHB and CHF, Ston e ruck roving, Hendy HBF and O'Brien at FF with 6 goals . Dino Faelis was all over the ground like a seriously angry ant for the C's, with ERorrision, Campbe ll , Everett and Lee driving frequent ball to Hickey, Spencer and Addison who wasted little . Swinburne University went down to Chirnside Park who made most of their time on the Glenferrie . Darren Trotter starred in the centre for the Parkers, Robert Henderson on a wing was not far behind and Mark Pemberton showed his customary class at half forward . REVIEW ROUND 10 Swinburne University will find Bulleen Cobras too strong all round the ground and the Cobras will be looking to make amends for a disappointing first half season. Aquinas host Richmond Central and will find the Centrals a different proposition this time round . Central's marking power will trouble the Blooders if it's dry, windless day, but the latter's overall depth and forward power should see them ahead by 3 goals at the close. Eley Park meet Eltham Collegians and will be determined to repeat their first round win . The Turtles are the most consistent team in E East, having lost every odd numbered round and won all the evens, they lost last week, so they are due for a win today . Not sure that logic will apply though, the Sharks have not done much wrong this year and should take out this only by 4/5 goals . Old Carey an d Yarra Valley should be a ripper if the weather is kind . The Yarras are certainly the favourites today, but the C's after a stuttery start, are looking stronger every outing and their forwards will test the best defence, which Yarra's is . The game will be won in the centre square, which is Yarras strongpoint, but even there the C's improve with every game, so I'll go for an upset, the C's to win by 3 goals . Chirnside Park versus St Mary's will be an interesting tussle . The Saints have had an unsettled year to date with player availability, and the team they fielded against Old Carey last week was a good one .




CHARTEREDACCOUNTANT S Ground Floor, 77 Station Street, Malvern 3144 Victoria Australia Telephone : ( 03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : ( 03) 9509 237 9


The parkers are intent on playing in this years finals though and that incentive may be enough to propel them to a 2 goal win today . RESERVES winners should be : Bull een Cobras, Aquinas, Eltham, Old Carey and St Mary's . Correspondents the Monday contacts are 9547 99144 and Fax 9547 7764 .

MILESTONES AT RICH MOND CENTRAL C gratulations to Michael "Zarj" Zarjac an d Matthew °Tapas" Tapley who both play their 50th game this week . Well done boys this list may not be long but it is illustrious . I~__


TOTAL 71 43 33 33 26

35 34 31 30 20



SENIORS BULI . -'V COBRAS 6 .3 7.7 10 .12 11 .15.81 RIClia:ONDCL: .SRAL 4 .2 6 .7 8.8 13.9.87 BaBeea Cobras Starrett 5, Humphrey, Kelly 2. Moran. Wagg . Beat Dillon . Kelly, Moran, Starrett. MeLame, Zani. Richmond Central Waters 3, Katelis, Shannon. Wallis 2, Zajac, Porteous, Bove . Andonopoukrs. Best Porteous . Katelis, Bove. Hog, Dunne, Holt . AgU[MAS OB 3 .2 13 .6 19 .10 25.14.164 EL'tBAM oC 4.4 5 .6 7.9 7.11.53 Aqiaiaas OR Hughes 8, Livingstone 5. Dunne 3 . Quinn, Lambourn, Flynn 2. Grlerson, Livingstones. Pike. Beatl Grierson . Quinn, Dunne, Denari . Hughes, Lamboum. Eitham OC Webster, Fitzpatrick 2 . Carter, Morrow, Ham. Beat Hampshire, Bell, Oldtield . Horsborough, Bishop. ELEY PARK 2 .2 2 .6 10 .8 15.13.103 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 5.4 11 .8 19.9 23.14.152 Eley Park Worner 3. Broadhead . Caldwell. Lenarcic 2, Comte .Hawley, Hill, Kaye. McLean, Trotter. Best Comte, Trotter, Hill . Hawley, Cadwell . Storey. Torso Valley Old Boys Telford, Rees, MeVean 4, Laing, Scales 3. Lupoi, Potter 2, Midro. Best Koenan. Dodwell, Fung. MacVean, McIntyre . Rees. OLD CARET 7.3 16 .6 21.9 26.12.168 ST MARYS 4.4 6 .8 9.12 13.14.92 Old Corey Hickey 9, Spencer. Addison S. Everett 2, Glindeman, Lee, Vasiiopoulos. Morrison. Price, Beat Faebs, Hickey, Addison, EYerett, Morrison . Matthews. St ltarya O'Brien 6, Jones 3, Duke, Stewart. House, Henderson. Beat Duke, Stone, Hendy. Stewart. Henderson. O'Brien. SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 3.4 3 .8 4.10 5.12.42 CHIRAtSIDE PARK 4.2 11 .7 19.11 30.16.196 Swinbnrae University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Chimside Park Trotter. Piccioli 6, Pemberton, Caine 5, Henderson 3 . Pemberton 2, Camsi . Paola, Solomon. Best Trotter. Henderson, Pemberton, Soloman, Warren . Paola.

RESERVES BULLEEN COBRAS 2 .2 3.6 4.8 8.8.56 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 .5 9.7 11.11 12 .16.88 Bullets C obras Cariazzo 4, James 3, Issa . Beat Gayior. Paatsch, James, Clements . Richmond Central Wilson 5, Tate. Macak 2. Barker. Bunshaw. Hogan. Best McCalpin, Tate, Jones. Tapley, Cooper, Wilson. AQUINAS OR 3 .5 9.8 14.10 19 .15.129 ELTHAM OC 0 .1 1.1 2.2 4.2.26 Aquinas OB McKellar. Colleta 3, TIIKng. Hiney, Clifford 2. Boulton. O'Connor. Levy, Home. Cronin. Slatte ry. Beat Hiney, TiIling, Boulton, Colkla. King, Glennie. Eltham OC Stanley 2, Coonerty. Glare, Lees. Best Phillipson . Dods. Berry. Glare. Lees, Coonerty. ELEY PARK 0 .3 0 .4 3.6 4 .7.31 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 6.5 9.14 15.18 23 .24.162 Eley Park Deli'orso. Holm, Lee, Millen . Beat Mortis, Holm, Bruce, Bookluck. D. Bookluck, Deli'orso. Yam Valley Old Boys Park S. White 4, Trembath, Lawton 3, Park, Rowe 2 . Ross, Smillie, Ly(ord . Best Lawton, Trembath, Christian, Crean, Park, Ross. DID CAREY 2 .7 3.10 7.13 12 .18.90 ST MARYS 1 .0 3 .0 5.1 5 .3.33 Old Carey Nance 5, Hughes 2, Neate. Patterson, Brady,Humphrey . Strong. Beat Withington, Shrives. Nance. Jones, Neate. Patterson . St Marys Francis 2. Evans, McCashney, Frail. Beat Bre nt, Sinkco, McCashney. Harrison . Frail. SWlNBURNE UNIVERSITY 30 .3 1 .3 2.4 3 .4.22 CHB2NSIDE PARK 1 .4 4 .5 8.7 13.11.89 Swiabume University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Chimalde Park Dalton 4. Peters, Anthony, Skten 2, Bond . Pope. Kimpton . Best Harrington, Moses. Wyngaard, Skien. Harvey, Devoy.

SWINBURNE UNI . v. BULLEEN COBRAS Field:- S . Alger, T. Williams. AQUINAS v. RICHMOND CENTRAL Meld: R Smith, S . Delaney. ELEY PARK v . ELTHAM Field- P . Maebus, R . Killey . OLD CAREY v . YARRA VALLEY Field: It Martyn, A . Kiel; Boundary: D. Blackburn, R. Martyn ; Goal: R . Seymour, G . Grigg . CHIRNSIDE PARK v. ST MARYS FYetd: P . Walker, C . Keeton . cf~~

B rian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain present all scores and match details in a light-hearted manner . Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9 .30 a.m . each Sunday



Hugh Lyo n .. ear'

E CENTRAL SECTION by Darren Brigg s

t.14.~or the first time this season, Williamstown CY94S has assumed top position on the E Centra l table, courtesy of its routine 28 goal win over Thornbury Cougars and the administrative bungle by University Blacks, which saw the reversal of the Blacks' Round 8 victory over West Brunswick . Things are certainly becoming very tight at the top, while last weeks losses by La Trobe and Old Westbourne has virtually ended any finals aspirations for those two clubs . REVIEW - ROUND 9 A very entertaining contest at Park Street where Old Westbourne were once again very competitive with a top side, staying with West Brunswick for three quarters before the Magpies were able to sneak away to record a hard fought 23 point win . West's win was soured by injuries to prime movers including key forward Rohan Eastway . Best for the winners were Joe Haste (3 goals), newcomer Adam 'Vintage Crop' Kinane and Hector Hamilton (4 goals) while for the Warriors Captain Andy Horsburgh, David "Hawk" Moore, Buster Parslow and Scott "Superboot" Whiting (6 goals) were valuable contributors . University Blacks have given all sides except Williamstown a football lesson this year and from that respect I would suggest Newlands Coburg's effort to get within 15 goals of the premiership favourite its best four quarter performance of the season. Best for the Cobras were Mick Hayes, back from an extended honeymoon, Warren and Great Keppel. Match of the Day at the Taj Mahal saw Old Essendon establish an early lead which had grown to four goals early in the second term . However, North Brunswick lifted and lead by Brunswick Amateur recruit Shane Moore, slammed on 7 unanswered goals to head for the half-time break 20 points up. OEG made little headway until early in the final term when they kicked four goals to draw within 10 points, but a costly goalsquare miss from Honky Tonks was the signal for the green and gold machine to put an end to the uprising, a run of four North goals sealing a very important six goal victory . Best for the winners were Moore (7 goals), Braig 'Hit-man' Fox, Phil Ongaro (5 goals) and ever-reliable backmen Jo Boudoloh and John Bulman, while for OEG Hex, Will Conlan and Barr ( 3 goals) did best . My spies inform me that Powerhouse Lutterschmidt also showed his class for OEG, but his refusal to man-up on Moore during the second term incurred the wrath of Coach Alex Fraser, who still faces the task of guiding his side to a victory over hoodoo side North . At Craterzone, the Cougars came out hard and played a very competitive first quarter against the infinitely more talented Will iamstown unit . The next

three quarters were a procession as the CI" s lead by competition - -- top goalkicker %ille r Kurkowskl (13 goals), Jack Daniel and Der 'Crook' Macleod, outscored Thombury by 25 goa en route to the percentage booster it had travelled fo Finally, the upset of the Round (certainly for th tipster) as UHSOB ended La Trobe's finals ehancE by recording a five goal win . Mark Sedgwick was < his brilliant best as his pin-point delivery by hot hand and foot set-up numerous scoring opportunitic for Uni High which had trailed by four goals early i the second term . For the disappointing Trober; Backo, Peter Gronow an d Ross Currie were servica able contributors . The seconds was a titanic struggl where the brilliance of Boycey was not enough to gf the home side over the line . PREVIEW - ROUND 10 91% at half-way - not an easy record to improvf but here goes. At Zooville, Uni High will look for their secon upset in a row when they host West Brunswick . think UHSOB match up pretty well with West (a lot c smalls) but the Magpies have much more at stak and should escape with a 15 point margin . Newlands Coburg will employ close-checking tac tics as they endeavour to record their second win c the season against Old Westbourne . However, th home side are likely to be without rover D . Morri, (travelling), M. Hayes (suspension) and full-forwart Vecio (limbo) and as such I fancy Old Westbourni can just win for the first time in three visits to th Postage Stamp. Match of the Day is at Bocce Palace where thi visiting University Blac k s will not find Nortl Brunswick quite as submissive as in their Round ] clash . Ironically, a Blacks loss would see the premier ship favourites clinging to fourth position purely or percentage - who would have thought this possiblE two weeks ago? North will throw everything (anc more) at the Blacks but I expect the class of Uni tc prevail in a hard fought 9 point victory . Thornbury Cougars host Old Essendon on the rebound who will be in no mood for sympathy - OEG by a furlong . Finally, La Trobe are at home to Williamstown CYMS and as in their Round I encounter this will be no pushover for CY's, particularly out at the Bundoora Bog. I expect a vastly improved effort from La'I7obe on last week but form does not allow me to select an upset - Willi by 19 points . Correspondents: Numbers again by 5 .00pm Monday - Ph : 9618 3413 (W), 9379 1411 (H) and Fax 9629 8008 .



SOCIAL NOTE S Newlands Coburg will be holding a $1,000 dra w at the Clubrooms after the Old Westbourne game .

old Westbourne congratulate talented forward Glen Robson on registering his 50th game today . Williamstown CYMS salute drinking buddies Warren "Here's your mate" Payne and Dene - icShadey" McLeod on playing game 100 today.


UHSOB v. WEST BRUNSWICK Field: A . Price, S. Davie. NEWLANDS v . OLD WESTBOURIYE Field: M. Forde, G. Waldron . NORTH BRUNSWICK v. UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : P . Keogh, M . Evans ; Goal: G . Dae, J . Slater . THORNBURY COUGARS v . OLD ESSENDON Field: B . Noonan, A. Steven . LA TROBE UNIVERSITY v . WILLIAMSTOWN Field- D . D'Altera, M . Gilday.



SENIORS WEST BRUNSWICK 3 .7 7.11 13.14 20.18 .13s OLD WEBTBOURNE 3.3 7.8 13.11 17.13,115 West Brunswick Hamilton 4, Haste, Davies 3 . Vitale 2 . Sassine, Magafas, Williams, Robinson, Ortiz, Smythe, Gray, Curtin . Beat Haste, Cannane . Hamilton Bargiamidis, Davies, Osborne . : Old Weatbourne Whiting 6, Moore, Parslow, Jago, Hillman, Crowe 2, Outen. Beat Horsburgh, Moore, Parslow, Gibb, Outen, Franklin . NEWLANDS COBURG 3 .2 6 .2 8.5 9 .7.61 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 .5 10 .15 15 .23 20.29.149 Newtanda Coburg Nagi 2, Rafeb . Mardini, Morris. Martinez, Warren, Fennessy . Alameddine. Beat Hayes, Warren . Stepien, Keppel . Matinez, Ceri. University Blacks Hall 6 . Beaton 4, Cunningham, Wiegard 2, Kooloos, Gullen, Lowe, Carah, Sullivan, Bowles . Beat Darroch. Lowe, Beaton . Little. Cunningham . Whitson. NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.2 10,3 14.8 18 .11 .119 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 4.4 6 8.7 12.11 .83 North Brunswick Moore 7, Ongaro 5. Thompson 2 . Fox, Grimaldi, Tirchett, Randello. Best Moore, Grimaldi, Bulman, Grey, Kaaddan . Fox. Old Yaasndon Grammar Tonks, Leigh, Barr 3 . McPherson 2, Ridley . Beat Hezier, Canton, Barr, Capodlkrco . McKenzie. THORNBURY COUGARS 2 .3 3 .7 4,7 4.8.32 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 .3 14 .7 18 .12 31.18.202 Tkaabnry Cougars Buzeski 2, Mouzakis, Bruew. Best Begley . Mountney, Bartlett, Buzeski, Johnson. Duson. WlBlamatowa CYMS Kurkowski 13 . McGowan 3, Cook. Tuck, Mckenzie . Warren, Bubnie 2, Grieve. Bryan. Herbertson . Harry, Dervan . Beat Kurkowski, Daniel, MacLeod, Harry . Cook, Herhertson . UHSOB 13 6.3 .6 15.9. IA TRUSS UNIVERSITY 3.3 6.7 17.9 10 12,72 UHSOB Bunn 3, FretJah, Sedgwick, Rea . Matta . Wallace, Mazza 2, Mct .ean . Best Bone, Skinns, Catterall, Rialto, Wallace, Freijah . LaTrobe University Fredrickson 3 . Maddison, BakogiaNs 2, Brown . Hayward, Sutherland. But Bakogianis, Currie, Turner, Gronow, Maddison, Dunin.

RESERVES WEST BRUNSWICK 1.3 2.4 4.5 7.7 .49 OLD WESTBOURNE 0.0 0.1 0.3 2.3 .15 West Brunswick Rodgers 3. Cackett, Baker, Cocolaris . Khou ry. Best Team Effort Old Westbourne Mesman, Green . Best Board. Mesman . Shea, Szuszkiewicz, Cummin, Leitch . NS6JIANDS COBURG 2 .4.16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 23.19.157 Newlands Coburg Runciman, Capuano . Beat Runciman, Webb. Haden, Chahine, Berton, Bond. University Blacks Beg1ey 4, Birks, Stevens, Cook 3 . Clacker 2, Sheales, Keam, Nixon, Lee, Ryan, Mitchell, Smith, Hanlon . But Hanlon, Hodgson, Smith, Begley . Stevens. Sheales . NORTH BRUNSWICK 3.0 5.1 8.1 10.1 .61 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 6.0 12.4 15 .4 17 .10.112 North Brunswick Papanikolaou 3 . Hogg, Saunders, Salamone, Marini, Evans . Randello. Bradford . Beatl R~ azzi. Adams, Saunders, Demorton, Hogg, McCall . Old Easendon Grammar Clohesy 8, Stevens, Chalktey, Hutchinson, Walsh 2, Cram. Beatl Hutchinson, Clohesy, Walker, Walsh, Mansfield . THORNBURY COUGARS 0 .0 1 .0 1 .0 WILLIAMBTOWN CYIiS 6.5 13 .13 24.20 39 1 .0.6 .25.259 Tbornbury Cougars Dusan . Best Craig, Johnson . Begley. Rabar, Reginato, Coullapos. W1lUamatown CYMS Payne 8. Kennedy 6 . McNamara 5. N. Bond 4, A. Bond, Brammer 3, Morgan. Hann. Carter 2, 9uinn, 0'Flynn . Dawson, Petzierides . Beat A. Bond, N. Bond, Hann. Fowlie. guinn, Payne . UHSO B 2 .3 2.3 3.5 6.6.42 LATROBEUNIVERSITY 2.0 3.1 4.3 7,5,47 UHSOB Wood 2, Sokolenko . Rogers. Collard . Sciola . Best Polido . ri Collard. Rogers . De Luca. Zulicki . Sokolenko. LaTrobe University Storer 4, Wright, Chadwick, Hartley . Best Cole . Storer, SpraiJa . Waller. Murray, Fitzpatrick.

AFTER MATCH SCORES AND MATCH D 7E T'AIL S E tJIRE E U1°S DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED BY HO M E TEA M Club XVIII and Reserve Sectio n FINAL SIREN SCORES - PHONE 9 5 31 8 333 Senior Section and Under 1 9 FINAL SIREN SCORES BEFORE 5 p .m . - PHONE : 952 8 3319 / 952 8 2 47 1 A and B Section Q by Q SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SIX BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams) To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m . PHONE : 9531 8 333


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nteresting to note that in Jon Anderson's column last Wednesday ( 12/6) a best from St . Kevins college was named . After some digging around it is interesting to note that a number of St. Kevins exstudents also played VAFA football as well as VFL . The following are those players and their VAFA clubs alongside, Michael Blood (St. Kevins), Allan La Fontaine (Old Paradians), M orton Brown (Uni . Blacks), Phonse Kyne (Old Paradians) and Bill Nettlefold (St. Kevins) . As a side note Jon picked the OG's to upset the undefeated SKOBS last week to spoil their 50th birthday party, unfortunately this was not to be . While on the subject of the SKOBS who are celebrating their 50th year this season, Chief Executive Officer Phil Stevens was present at the festivities last Saturday night at the Caulfield Racecourse. Phil despite getting an interesting introduction from certain sections of the contingent reported that the night was a huge success . A notable personality present was AFL Chief Executive Officer Ross Oakley, who coached the SKOBS during the sixties and seventies . Congratulations to the SKOBS and all the best for the remainder of the season and currently undefeated, to finish their 50th year with a premiership would be the ultimate. Had a great breakfast the other week with all of the Amateur footballer scribes . Ken Bremner entertained with many fine stories about his first (12) months as a marriage celebrant . Seems there is more to life than wedding dresses and all the hype, what with naked weddings and sky diving to name a few . It certainly had Norm Nugent's heart rate up . :.


From the same breakfast came the cry who is Damien Batey ( E South scribe)? He was the only

notable absentee, and as well as not showing to the Carlton Crest Season Opening Dinner no-one knows if he exists. Maybe the photo is a distinct disguise for his predecessor Michael Noonan, who is now playing VCFL footy somewhere, but just cannot leave his E South roots . Damien show yourself. Steve (Macca) McCarthy also was absent, but given he works for RACV in Noble Park, to be seen breakfasting at the RACV Club may have caused a few heads to turn . And no he doesn't drive a "little yellow van" at the RACV for those of you concerned Nugent at the same breakfast promised al l .Norm scribes that following Rd. 10 he would have the current tipping standings for season 1996, form all accounts percentages are easier to calculate after Rd . 10. No prizes for the expected leader. One Darren Briggs (E Central) with Terry Quirk (C) following close behind our tip . Finally a big thank you to the team at the RACV for putting on such a great breakfast . Aris and his crew were terrific, and they even found a special room for Sue Anderson and Ken Bremner to part take in their favourite post- meal pasttime . However they could not find Damien Batey when asked to do so . Seriously thanks to all who attended it was a great morning and well worth the catch up . A Team of Objects (B Section) B: M. Wall (01, 48), R. Field (BT, 30), A. Barge (MH, 45 ) HB : P. Frost (MH, 44), D. Waters (NOBS, 2), D . Glass (BA, 33) C: S . Ford (f, 69), P . Bone (BT, 29), N. Ball (OP, 19) HF : J . Catt (BT, 32), J. Woodgate (TH, 2), M . Pond (MH, 54) F : P . Hare (BT, 36), L . Hollow (TH, 8), A. Parke (0T, 15) Foll : R. Heath (OT, 6), T . Board (0T, 24), R. Egglestone (TH, 10) I/C: S . Hatfield (OT, 10), R. Lyons (TH, 17), P . Beet (OT, 26) Coaches : T. Bell (BA), C . Drake (MH), D . Caddy (01)

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A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or o ther similar such conduct" THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

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Under 19 Section 1 AJAX Coach : Mike Zemski Assistant : Mark Feldy i . A . Carew 2 . S .Ickowicz 3: B. Davi s 4 . M. Page 5 . J . Rath 6 . G . Samuel 7. A. Burnam (VC) 8. J . Beeb e 9. D . Massage 20. H . Snow 11 . P. Steiner i2. D .Mohr(C) 13. D . Ones 14. J . One s 15. M. Rogers 16. A. Rogers 17. G . Kaplan 18. B. Lukav 19. D . Macro 20, J. Reasons 21 . D . Sutton 22. P. Zaltsberg 23. S. Whytcross 24. J. Scher 26. D. Grosman (VC) 27. A. Lust (DVC) 28. B. Lewski 31 . A. Chrapot 32. J. Rogers 33. D. Gelbart 34. A. Sloane 35 . A. Rosen 36. J. Segal 37. J. Wajnberg

OLD PARADIANS Coach : Paul Digney 1. JA.DaWa s 2 M .P. Lynch (Cap.) 3. B.P. W&on 4. C.Teky 5. A. Mrteta & S. King 7. P.T.Hame 6. M.SFtjm 9. B.Woodham 10. M.Pburners 11. N.J. Pada+1 12. SA. ML§doo n 13 D.P. Geary (Vi3a;a!) t4. S .P. RdJ 36. 15. SJ .Kenkhs 40. 16, & Hirst 41 . IT S .C.l0erstkp 42. It. D. Jame 43, t9. B .M .Phehn 44, 20. K1 .KerzB 46. 21. ILG, Lynch 47, 22. MJ. .*e (VC) 48 . 23. MA Go 49. 24. MJ.t81'zbrard 5o. 25. IA . Baker 52, 26. A . Sacco 53_ 27. M.Ca#S 56. 23. M.K .Edg,,'ey 57. 29. S, Phelan 58. 30. NJ .IAlk 62. 31. J.Boderick &. 32. N . Dares 69. 33. C . Wal.un 35. MJ.Ryan

COLLEGIANS Coach : Eddy Galizi 1 . G . Brielia 2 . B. Fcrsyth 3 . P.Looney 4 . G . Brown 5 . N . Michael 6 . B. Fewster 7 . P. Ritchi e 8 . N . Florentine 9 . T. Caldwell 10 . A. Muir 11 . C. Smythe 12 . A. Sayers 13 . S. Hatwel l 14 . T . Van Der Venne 15 . C . Harri s 16 . T . Champion 17 . S. McLeod 18 . 19 . R. Luff

I.H. Grabens4i J.T. Cons S . Harrison MGale C. Jalrslav J.Na}has A. Slira!a M.A .H&m N . k4aptry R Ndan L V6Bems J.V'urFr1 J. Spt€ia S .0'twl9 T.GtsCS C . Price BA. SWiJ L Turner

1 . M . Abrahams 2 . L . Borell a

3 . C. Brown e 4 . M . Butler (Capt.) 5 . R. Chappl e 6 . S. Clohessy 7 . B. Corin

8 . M . Ellis 9 . S . Fernando 10 . K.Haddow 11 . L. Hal l 12 . M . Harbor 13 . J. Healy 14 . J. Hom 15 . D. Hyland 16 . A. Johnstone 17 . D. Lambe 18 . G . Larkins 19. S . Lask a

20. B. Lee

21 . D. M . Mercud 22 . P. Mirarn 23 . A. Moore (VCapt) 24 . T . Nolan

25. R. Oliver 26 . P .Scado

27. T . Shields (VCapt) 28. T . Silvers

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Pat Hawkin s 1 . M .Jones(VC) 2. T. Fleming 3. J . Kay 4. B . Hilbert 5. N . Alston 6. L. Nisbet 7. E . Williams B. J . Dye r 9. S . Bailey 10. D . Boland 11 . T. Bowden 12. S . Tucke r 13. W. Somerville 14 . M . Innes 15 . D . Richmond 16. S . Hed e 17. P .Adami 18. N . King 19. R . Ryan 20. J . Daniher 21 . N . Ockleshaw (DVC) 22. T. Winte r

23. B . Perry 24. P . Shannon 25 . K . Lynch

B. D"s

DE LA SALLE Coach : Terry Russel l

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33. 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 .

50 .

J . McCormack C . McGuigan M .Iacovangelo T. Coughlan N . Irelan d J . McDonald J . Hardwick P . Walsh T. Barry N . Barrett M . Mulcahy J. Drake J. Hawkins R . Dillon D . Calma n T. Woodruff (C) R . Hoare

D . Donti

29. S .Thomas 30. J . Vincent 31, A . Waters 32. 33, 34. 35. 36. 37.

Whitehall St, l'arravil l e Ph : 9687 8722 ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Coach: Richard Dunca n 1 . E . Sedgley 2 . D. Holme 3 . F. Purcel l 4 . S . Murray (DVC) 5 . A . Wardell (DVC) 6 . J . Berry 7 . C . Banks 8 . J .Charlton 9 . J . La w 10 . T. Stevenson 11 . T. Cloke (C) 12 . N . Osborne 13 . S . Gowling 14. M . Bennett 15 . S . Dixon 16 . H . Webb 17. J . Miller 18. C . Jenkins 19 . B . McLeod 20. S . Parikh 21 . A . Bain s 22. K . Rutherford (DVC) 23. A . Cooch 24. R . Tandy 25. W. Deague 26. C . Sibree 27. J . Larkin 28. S . McKenna 29. J . Rig g 30. S . Humphris 31 . D . Hall 32. J . Wright (VC)

UNI BLUES Coach : Geoff Porter

ST. BERNARDS Coach : Kevin Mahad y 1 . B . Swann 2 . T . Pee l 3 . S. McKeon 4 . M . Hayes 7 . J.lanzano 8 . B . Loughlin 10 . B . Overman 11 . M .Tankey 12 . B . Hogan 13 . A. Damingo 14 . R. Nutter 17 . A. O'Sullivan 18 . G . Collins 19 . C. Rae 20 . M . O'Callaghan 21 . A. Dunca n 23 . C. Patience 24 . L.Rogers 25 . D.Fems 29 . D, O'Connor 30 . J . Mount 31 . S . Catanzarin 32 . S . Daffey 33 . J . Ballarin (C) 37 . T. Bateman 41 . D.Juegan 43 . C . Davis 45 . M . Dowling 55 . G. Cusac k

~ '®


1. M . Atdras 2. D. Waters (C) 3. B. Ko&oiasBs 4 . L .linare 5. T. 4 6. 0. KtAr 7 . B.CIan;.y 8 . J. 0Beck 9. . Newrren to. LCmran it . C. Wiry (VC) 12 . M . Didfurtj 13. M . Barke r 14 . B. Tinier 36 , J. SiAherkrd 15 . J. Frick 37 16. S. Kean 31. B. Marshall 17 . H.Haaciar . C. Frnk3n 39, D. Timm 18 . D. Pada 40. T. Petersen 19 . H. Makicu9 . CCk ~: a~ 4 t42. BD. ebary . E5h3a . M 22 . B. Lynch ~ . A.Kearney 23. E.BaV 44 24 . A. Fkaa 25 . P. Thmpson 26. J.Seerasis (VC) 27 . S. M cwta 28 . M. Waters 29 . I. Tafeb 30 . A.TA b 31. T. M"Jane 32. J. Saba 33. T .Curdard 34. S. Evans 35. M. Mag.Bre


g7~ ~


1 . D. Van Englen 2 . R. Zampogna 3 . D. Briedis 4 . S. Horalewski 5 . S .Sacc o 6 . W . Bradey 7 . M . Postma 8 . A. Grant 9 . S .Stella 10 . D. Salzy k 11 . J . Hutchinson 12 . B. Crochford 13 . T . Kenna 15 . M . heffernan 16 . S .Goodwin 17 . G . O'Connor 18 . D. tuema 19 . M . Cul l 20 . B .Jacobsen 21 . A . Fitzpatrick 23 . A . fielding 24 . B . Megrath 25 . N. Gil l 26 . J . Van Englen 27. P .Copeland 28 . C.Laws 30 . M . McCartney 33 M . Jacobsen 35. S .Dowdle 37. P . Dun n 42, A . Moloney 43. B . Stevens 44. F . Grech

Coach : Steve Carroll 1 . T . Barter B.BaUamyq 3. C. Betramr, I. 4. S.Bob rtl 5. S.Broc ky 6. J.Carran 7. fl.Chrk I. D.Demaj 9. S .DOPJar 10, JEasla# It P .Faifiark 12. Bfaul 1 B . Picker t4. fAHa RoIan 15. J.Hafrs7m 16. G.Harknt IT 0, Hams it, T.Harl 19. T.Jdrrsm 20. B .Keath 21. D . Ko-3/ 22. D . Keys 23. S . Kirta{ 24. S . Kuc 25. J. L a"Vas 26. B. Lee 27. C, Lehman 28. E.LiMs~j 29. HL Macke 30. J. M3horey 31 . R McAr,hur 32. K. McCormack 33. J. Mdmosh 34. A.MZk.s¢a-McHarg 35. D, McGrath 36, L. Menem 47, D. Shack 37. B. Murphy 48. J.Shwock 38. H.Nar"an 49. RSxan 39. J. Nash 5 0. M.Ttan£on 40. B.NeivaA 51 . R.Vealeagen 41 . H.Px7Mer 52. J.Wafls 42. T. Peggi: 53. S. Pif4ehead 43. T. Rap1 zv;e 54. T. Wku 44. C.SdrAng 55. M .WSison 45. B.Smdh

46, L Sparser 622 Mt. Alexander Rd . oonee Ponds 93261799

@Ca ne 17

Y%-)Inder 19 White BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach : Brian Cartwright 1 . S . Lambropouios 3 . C . Androutsopoulos 5 . S . Walker

6 . W. Bell 8 . P. Francis 9 . A . King 10 . N . Maragos 15 . P . Gannas 17 . R. Floyd 19 . S . Glasante 20 . J . Androutsapoulos 21 . S . Mountai n 22 . P . Mount 23 . 24 . S . Pemberton 25 . M. Masri 26 . 27 . B . Maylin 30 . D . Rice 33 . P . Potamianos 35 . D . Daskalou 36 . S . Klerides 41 . L. Groves 43 . C. Papadopoulos 44 . T. Plain

DE LA SALLE (2) Coach : Clayton Weser P. Aron (V.Cap1 .) B. Betheras D. Chaplin B. Clancy A. Dell'isota J. Donaldson A. Elli s C. Eppinger P. Femon A. Ftowerday S. Franci s T. Gulliver K. Harper S. Hanes D. Hegarty B. Itter

G . Jennings

S. Kemp (Capt .) D. King

A. Leering (VCapt) S. McCubbin M. McHenry D. P . Mercuri T. Messer A. Moon T. Mors e J. MystakMis L . Nelson C . Neurauter C . Papafa H . Pq kom L . Slmm J. Sloan C . Troia S. White C . Wilso n C . Worsteling D . Francome

OLD CAMBERWELL Coach: Andrew Tsindos 2 LO"~ry 3. T.1 m 4. T.I - . : NC) 27. GO--ri 5. N . W. . R' aa TE 729 0 . R' d'ea1 4)x A6 8. T w . dC .. .0-, 9.6Stdh ~, 31 16. d! Shat U J

.N . ra 34.a6,Jeos 2 &W~ 3 13¢'C~91 & ta.ILSns(XV) x 15. kt8daV . ~.~ 0

39. 7. StK!~ ` di .a~ 4Q I8. M.a~rn 41 t.WCb . AC~rcy 19. fJCok 26. C.C.~iy 442 J.k~ 1 21 . W.fb~ 4{ . D.teml 22. ILScA Or a S. .bc1YCap) 24. dl e APasn(VW) ~ RA y 49.

OLD GEELONG Coach : Tim Killworth t4 . E . Boslock 15. A Podleg I& W. Pau l

24 26. 2& 31 . 33 .

A. Salter (VC) M. Vickers-Willis (C) E. Jeffries A . Mims M. Smith

37. 39. 40. 41 . 42 . 49.

M. McConachy E. Plowman C. St.Clair S . Pettig D .Canpbell M. Pettig

52 . 53. 54 . 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 68. 69. 70. 71, 72, 73.

S . Cale S . 0'Brien J .Teague S . Bingtey L.Wilson W. Gordon G. Collins S . Lucas L. Aitkin S . Hogg J . Downie B . Rankin J . Paul N . Beattie

50. J . Wakace-Smith 51 . A. Coate

ST KEVINS Coach: Owen Hourigan 1 . R. Simkiss 2. M . Gargano 3. S . Kurir~ 4. M .Rizio (Capt) 5. J . Pickering 6. B . Quirk 7. S . Ries 8. A. McGuiness 9. M . Furlong 10. A. Livy

It . J. Hassell

12. B . Doilman (DVC) 13. A. Pivetta (VCapq 14. P .Greenham 15. C. Haddad 16. M . Pangrazio 17. J. Bowler 18, G. Large 19, J. O'Brien 20. D. McArdle 21 . B . Marustc 22. B . Delahay 23. M . Williams 24, J. Goldsworthy 25. M . Funston 26. B .Day

27. J. Finch 28. A DeKretsa 29. C. Baker 30. S . Kennedy 31 . R. Doherty 32. S .Radtord 33. Gus 34. 35. M . Fields


9857 8061 ST. LEOS EMMAUS Coach : Peter O'Conno r t . D . Lear 2 . A. Auliso 3. T. Ludlow 4. A. Daly 5. B. Carey 6. P.Deery 7. N . Hodder 8. G .Kennedy 9. G . Simondso n 10. A. Lauri e 11 . E. McLaughlin 12. S. Vozz o 13. G . Psattopoulos 14. E. Sheehan 16. J. Smith 17. L . Newey 18. M. Smith 19. B. Wilby 20. O. Brown 22. L . Latham 32. R . McCann 35. T. Batty 80. G . Wyet t M. Cody J . Rattigan



Coach : Dami-i Carrol l

Coach: Har ry Harisiou

1 . T. Belleville 2. M .Buckis

3. J. Butterfield 4. B .Dillon S. O.Fumess 6. C.Franklln 7. R.Gazai 8. B .Githertson 9. T. Holmes 10. N . Howell 11 . J. Scott 12. T.Kitchen 13. L. Kirkham 14. A . Leddin 15. J. Magee 16. A . Maher 17. B . Morgan 18, P . Oswald 19. A . Robinson 20. C. Ros s 21 . A .Sanders 22. L.Spencer 23. A .Walker 24. T.Warburton 25. J.Ward 26. R. Watson 27. S . White 28. M. Atkin 29. T. Gargon 30. A . Morrissey 31 . N . Rolls 32 . L. Juniper 33. S . Dimond

1 . C . Williams 2 . B.Anderson

H . Reeve s 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . II . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 .

K. Convery A.Rossi-Mel W.Taytor S.Attardi B.Woodlock A . Heard A.Fogarty S. Yin A.Camelleri S.Taylor P.Witchell K. Hare T.Wason L.Sheean H . Beale T.Benton P. James M. Peters P. Harmon A .Karafiti L. O'Connell S. Walter J . Anderson J .Wilson M. Manovella A. Kirk N . haymes A. Jackson N .Mitcheil J . Harkman

WILLIAMSTOWN C.Y .M .S. Sen . Coach: Gerard Barne s 1 . B . Wouda 2. B . Cock s 3. A . Petzierides 4. B .Forrester 5. B .Twist 6. A .Thege 7. J . Clark 8. G .Sing)eton 9. S . Wuchatsch 10. G . Burgess 11 . D. Macleod 12. C.Bergi n 13 . M . Elhaouli 14. L.Grochowski 15. T . Murray 16. M . Holland 17. J . Matar 18 . G .Rickard 19. L.Gray 20. B . Robinson 21 . R.Cockerell 22. W. Kaddour 23. D. Bordignon 24. D. Wouda 25. D. Rya n 26. D. Le e 27. C. Mathews 28. S . Kennedy 29. A . Houli 30. M . Elhaouli 31 . B . Davies 32. B . Todd 33. B . MacLeod 34. N . Magor 35. S .Siewek 36. G. Carlyon 37. S . Dyer 38. J . Hrycyszyn 39. D. Krogmann


Under 19 Blue BEAUMARIS Coach : Peter McBrearty


1 . N. McLean 2 . B. Thomas 3, M . Pitts (VC) 4 . J . Wadham 5 . R. Thatcher (Capt .) 6 . C. Ken t 7, D. Whitaker 8 . M .O'Brian 9 . B . Nicholson t0 . G. Moloney 11 . S . Blackie 12 . M . McLeod 13 . A . Quin 14 . R. McGrath 15: B . Stevens 16 . P . Fisher (VC) 17 . S . Mclver

Coach: Michael Malone

18. N . Boctor 19. R . Thornton 20. T. Rand 21 . P . Thomas 22, N . John

23. B. Ferguson 24. C . Cezaw 25. H . Dwyer

26. B. Carroll (Capt .) 27. J . Vance 28. 29. 30. 31 . 36. 41 . 51 . 52 .

J. McKenzie S. Fraser M. Matulick A. Booth J. Handfield B. Stevens D . Sheldrake B. Valle

1 . B.LOw 2. AC-, 3.A8 4. N. S

1 51


6. T.Y 7. W.t @. D.S 9. SL~ 1U. 1 G RS o 12. L C 13.1 a Is. W.F-tc. C.G 17. L1. G. ta. !! P 19 . kt „1 20. S.Cwry 21 . AB i 22 T. T! 23 . J D 24 . C. N H 2. EL,.. 27. R K?-sm 28. 23. 31. K 33. BH§

HAM PTON ROVERS Coach: Craig Harris 1 . C . Cullen 2 . B . Marlyn 3. D . Varker 4. A. Varke r 5 . D . Anderson (C) 6. A . Brown e 7. L. O'Grady 8 . D . Busby 9. P. Molin o 11 . L . Tregear 12 . S. Burke 13 . P. Nelson 14 . B. Hoare 15 . E. Zuker (C) 16 . P. Allardice 17 . S.Osboume 18 . B. Ariz 19 . B.G . James 20 . A. Aquino 22 . H. Georgeanakis 24 . R . Dunball (VC) 25 . M. Dunball 26 . D. Ariz 27 . S. Blick 28 . T . Wilmott 29 . H. Tregear 30 . L. Muir 39 . T . Lynch 40 . C. Hutchinson 41 . M . Talen t 42 . W . Armour 43 . M . Salter 44 . M . Ile s 45 . A. Quon 46 . M . Louis 47 . A. Duddy 48 . M . Karakas 49 . P . Apinitis 50. T . Pucella .


Quality ln.bels for Quak Clitak"

OLD BRIGHTON Coach: Leigh Bowes 11 . D. Paterson 12 . A. Alderton 15 . F . Car r 20 . A . McNamee 24 . W . Clar k 41 . J . Murchie 44 . A . Brown 46 . A . Price 51 . D. Strachan 54 . G . Rhodes 55 . S . Toms 56 . R . Kent 57 . M . Denni s 58 . C . McPherson 59 . A . Lewis 60 . B . parnham 61 . D. Crewdson 62 . M . Jackson 63 . A . Liptro t 64. X .Johnson 65 . B .Logan 66. J . Stewart 67 . D . Watson 68 . P . Williams 69. M . Balmer 70. A . Remfry 71 . L . Marge . W. Smitht72 73. H . McDougall 74. R . Martin


M AZENOD Coach : Kevin Kin g 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

B .Johnson J. Le Grand (Capt .) B . Joseph S . Barbellini P . Egan M . Riley

7. S . Paolucci (VC) 8. D. Schofield

9. B . Clifford 10. T. Sykes 11 . G. Janetski 12. M .Rouch 13. A . Meadows 14. G. Young 17. A . Quinn 1 8. V. Of Scala 19. A . McDowell 21, P. McCulloch 22 . T. Bailey 24 . D . Ward 25 . J . Dunn e 27 . W. Occhiuto (VC) 28 . A. Moore 35 . B. Hal l 37 . R . Hawkins 49 . A. Smythe 53 . G . Jones 61 . S. Bilston 69 . P. Fa y MAJOR SPONSOR

TWO TONE PAINTING Industrial - Domestic

• Commercial 770 088 0

MONASH BLUES Coach : Steve Rust 2 .J . Baxter (C) 3. C. Miller 4.A. Bragg S.R. Harris (VC) 6. H. Tomlinson 7. W. Mcivor 8. M . Lawrence 9.M . Weeks 10. B . Henderson 12 . A . Hickey 14 . R . Burston 15 .A . Leadston 16 . D. Walter 17 . P . O'Neill 18 .C. Stott (DVC) 22 .J . Cavanagh 23 . T. O'Brie n 24 . B . Hodson 25 .J . Hawkins 26 .M . Wagstaff 27 .T. Tremellen 28 . S . McGee 29 .M. Killian 30 .T. Cameron 31 .D .Jones 32 .D . Horsfall 33 .A . Looney 34 . M. Oka 37. B . Dempsey (DVC) 41 .S . Milli e 43 .C . Riordan 47.C . McPherson



INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD SOUTH Suite 3, 41B Bluff Rd, CAULFIELD Black Rock. 3193 Coach : George Joseph

ORMOND Coach : Brian Keatin g

t . G.Lehner 2. G. King 3. R .Franklin (VCapt) Coach: Andrew Baxte r 4. N . Larkin 5. A . Murph y n(yCpq 6. M .Wannacott 2. B. L 7. H . Brown 3. B. ! 21. BW ; 4. W 8. D . O'Reilly 22 C. : , S. P.1 9. M. Hester 8 D.I 10. N . Courtney 7 . P.1 11 . C . Bailey 8 . P.1 Cl . g 12. R .Cunningham 9 . D. I 27. b. C" 13. M. Mabbett tk D.I''i 28. T.~ 14. C .Jackson 11. LE s 23. E p 15. S. Taylor 12 D.' X L 16. S. Finlayson 13 . 31. A . 17. S. Handley 14 . AP 3? D.! o 15 . 1. f 33. R°°- a~dC) 18. A. Bibb y 16. B.L 19. G . Smith > 35, d,~~., 17. M . 20. T. Rus t 37. SO'Ge:t t& C.I 21 . S. Metz (Capt) 31 P.Carv7?n 19. R I it. N. B 22. S. Hea d 23. C. . S2 D.A-eyiD4v) 23. S. Herman 24. T. Morgan 25 . D . Fishlock 26. J. Argall 27. L . Cripps 28 . M. Wrodarczyk 29. S. Wrodarczyk 30. L . Livingstone 42, G . Hall (DVC) 51 . J. Byro n


19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24 . 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33. 34 . 35 . 361 . 371 . 38. 39 . 40. 53 .

M . Weilgos z

B. King M. Cunningham

A. Diamon d D . Broadhurst B. Burk e

561 . B. Karaminovski 57 . K. Gleaso n 58 . E. Karaminovski 69 . F.Knoweiss 71 . A.Cranston 72 . M. MacDonald 73 . S. Duffy 74 . C .Femando 75 . S. Price 77 . S.HOlloway 78 . G .Davis 79 . M. Merrick 80 . R . Plavljanic 81 . R. Nahas 82 . 83 . L. Phillips 84 . M . Slade 86 . T . Galloway 87 . M . Hoga n



Under 19 Red AQUINAS Coach: John Bourke 1 . E . Mascitti 2. G. Burch 3. D . Heveren 5. H . Nichol 6. W. Potion 7. J . Quinn 8. N . Fredickson 9. J . Bleakney 10. D . Bolan d it . S . Moran 12. M . Tilling 13. P . Glennie 14. R . Chapman 15. M . Fredickson 16. M . Hunter 17. A . Williams 18. J . Hun t 19. M . Held 20. E . O'Loughlin 21 . C . Brownhill 22. 23. T. Huggins 24. M . Reilly 38. V . Sorace 39. M . Mercuri 42. R. Moran 51 . A . Hyland 54. D. Kealy 55. A . Cultera

CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach : Allen Cousins Assistant: S . Candle 1.B.D t(UC) 2 B. Ntas 23. B. frsh 3. G.Y•- 24. S.Pta2r 4. D.I ~ 25. D. yrk 5 IA ~ & AI 27. F.Vm:p 7. B.h d 2}. APa'ym & A. C,.,: 23. 9. T.WPa}ad ST. M .Adys 0. P.Na'< 31 . C.IkKirccn 59 . 12 D. &nM 61 13. E.W2>hrM

14. C. PC:d 1S. IA GOS4 It kt1,141IMSIl 17. D. & 1fl N.Ep 19. M (eusn 20. M .E s 22 S °°-

e~;IJ : : `l'79TI(iii, .4L DRILLING_DIRECTON Ken Basso 9722 1697 A.N.Z. BANK FINANC E

MARCELLIN Coach : Peter Randal l 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

M . Roberts W. McMahon L. Crosby R . Badanjek M . Bell o

6. L. Ryan 7. D. Bellissimo 8. B . Alford

9. J . Mason 10. T. Black 11 . M . Mifsud (VC) 12. M . Karavasilis 13. S . Moran 14. M . Van Lint (DVC) 15. T. Stephens (C) 16. J . Blackmore 17. D. Sampimon 18. P . Diacogiorgis 19. B . Colville

20. C. Mulready 21 . B . Delta Ri v 22. B . Symes (DVC) 23. N . Armstrong 24. J . Evans-Smith 25. S . Moussi 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 41 . 51 . 52.

A . Reitano A . Sangorgio P . Toscano T . Marti n D. Cardimone A . Rubira J . Sheehan P . Hogan M . Randazzo L. Bettiol B. Alford

OLD CAREY Coach: Peter Schille r


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13. 14 . 15 . 1'6. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34.

Coach: Adam Stuckey

L . Murphy S. Collins D . Bedford D . Cochrane J. Carter C . Anson A. Oppy J. Woods N . Harris R . Safi R . Spencer K.Safak J. Ciuro A. White A. Costello K. Lewis C . Angus S. Wilson S. Detarczynski N . Beal e C .Battle S.Pratt M. Heppell F. D'Anna J . Nash C . Murray

4 . SPB'!p X &Da 1S S .dRtiv:as 40 tE S. PeA! 41 LA.G IT.' 11. 1& SC' Dane06# 42 41 a ._ . 19. B7AReim . 44. C. t 2J. K .LK~ J. 1 21 . B6ly:rh 47 A. 2Z htJ. W (Y"vf 49 . MA,, 21 MACfl 49 24. FAdH;~r~r7 ~,. R 2"a IA Baku

M. Hutchens W. Porter P . Maniotis Q. Smyth J . Zit o

al N1k~ 31 . d R:Gyd y N D?.n

35. B . Gust 36.

37. L. Small 44. G. Hendriks

Greg Skien 015552013

1 . JADOZ 2. IdP . ttTOS (Cap.) 3. BP.WbX 4 . C .T" S AtWa fi. S. Krg 7. P.T.tWrs B. FAS .F;::. 9. EWn-.a 10. O.Pe if . IF.'_ 1 12 SA6 . :•: ~

i 3 DP.G :,q(@C9 )

52 2& A. Sm 51. J .' Z7. AtC{3 R J .: 2a. MX ~ S7. S.,, 29. SPRvai

T.G C.F,-

65. BA ; ... 33. C. Wasm S~ L.Ttm 3s. ww UVE



Whitehall St, Yarraville ?h:9687 8722

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steve Aird I . M . Gwynn 2 . M . Stevens 3 . A. Teesdale (Capt) 4. P. Shea r 5 . A. Walkom 6 . T . Gra y 7 . A. Littlejohn 8 . J . Aga r 9 . M . O'Brien 10 . C. Woods 11 . W . Junkeer 12 . M . Ford 13 . S . Milliken 14 . P. DAvis 15 . J . Snow 16, C. Hosking 17 . C. Bird I& D. Ireland 19 . S . Panton 20 . D. McLennan 21 . D. Robson 22 . M . Davison 23 . O . Crane 24 L. Boyle 25 . C. Tindale 26 . D. Thomas 27 . L. Rose 28 . R. Eagle 29 . L . Andrews 30 . N. Morri s

34 . N. Thompson 36 . S . Romensky




Coach : Leigh Colema n 1 . A. Andrews (Capt) 2 . B. Powe r 3. H . Munroe 4. J. Arrowsmith 5 . T. Wolley 6. J. Gerrish 7. S Natoli 8 . D . Beardsley 9. B. Dahlstrom 10. M.Shauhgnessy 11 . T. Morpeth 12. R . Rhea 13. J. Cade 14. T. Perry 15. J. Ivory 16. M. Chisolm 17. J. Newman 18. D . Burrows 19. C . Ba r 20. 21 . S. McMahon 22. T.Sheehan 23. T. Cad e 24. N .O'Haloran 25. M . Lapira 26. T. Tobin 27. M . Greig 28. C . Butler 29. L . Kennedy 30. C . Stanley 31 . E . Davatzis 32. K. Noden 33. C . Wilson 34. D . Robinson 35. A . McKenzie 36. R . Baxte r 38: CONSOLIDATED 39. TRAVEL 40.

Coach : Andy Dalrymple 1 . M. Tudor 2 . M. Vandenboom (VC) 3. D . Fedele (DVC) 4. 5 . L . Eame s 6. M. Jongebloed (Capt) 7. M. Winterbur n 8 . A . Lacey 9. S. Gillen 10. A. Davis 11 . D . Nolan 12. A . Sandford 13. T. Hughes 14. A . Beattie 15. R . Mika 16. R .Tartaglia 17. A . Glenn 18. C . O'Connor 1 9. A . Shepherd 20. A . Pawlick 21 . R . Fedele 23. D .Griffin 24. M . Smith 25. 26. R . Pawlick 27. 28. P . Molloy 29. 30.

YARRA VALLEY Coach : John May 1 . T.Wapshot 2. T. Hale 3. S. Standliekl 4, J . Rei d 5. A. Drew 6. L. Dou r 7. S. Thompson 8. L. Morri s 9. D . Milison 10. A. Barton 11 . B. Reynolds 12. P. Ford 13. J . McConnell 14. B. Mcllraith 15. K. May 16. L. Taylor 17. T. hAcilraith 18. L. White 19. B. Wilson 20. T. Tyshiog 21 . M. Wear 22. B. Telford 23. A. Drew 24. A. Cusano 25. S. Gado 26. D . Rowe 27. L. Smith 28. A. Lawton 29. S. Seaboume 30. A. Siebe l 34. D . Steven 35. A. Laing 46. W. Butler 52. A . Hartnett 69. H . Van Kiaer


Club XVIII North COLLEGIANS Coach : 1 . G . Dingoe 2 . M. Burgess 3 . N. Sibbing 4 . N . Comiey 5 . R . Crocker 6, J . Gleason 7, J. Hubbard 8 . N . Hutton 9. C . Comley 10. R . Lee 11 . S. Gross 12. 13. 14. A. Marson 15. D . Tadgell 16. E. McKay 17. M. Whittaker 18. J . Gonzales 19. J . Gay 20. D . Smith 21 . 22. M.Jone s 23. 0 Lansenberg 24. C . Sutherland 25. D . Wain 26. S . Messina 27. 28.

OLD ESSENDON Coach: D. La w 1 . D. Law (CC) 2 . D. Bellman 3 . K.Gasa 4 . B. Gasa 5 . T . Williams 6 . C. Fazzalari 7 . P. Cramer 8 . D. Garvey 9 . N. Dib 10 . M . Swift 11 . R. Musa 12 . A. Dawson 13 . B. Whit e 14. M. McKerrell 15 . D . Stembridge 16. C . Bisho p 17 . D . Hexte r 18 . A. Hutchinson 19. D . Rei d 20. G . Dalinkiewicz 21 . L. Shaw 22. A. Smith 23. M. Mason 24. R . Boyle 25. M. Howden 26. A. Cuzzupe 27. D . Cuzzupi 28. M. Goodwill 29. S . Hearne 30. D . Greasley

HAWTHORN CITIZENS Coach : Glen Statlworthy 1 . M .Keaney 2. R . Lovich 3. K . Richardson 4. S . Bowe (Capt .) 6. P . Avery 7. G. Stalworthy 8. P . Lovich 9 . W. Power 10 . P . Orchard 11 . A . Stil l 12 . A . Tsoumbris 13. J . Povey 15 . G . Morris 16 . H . Ousalkas 17 . D. Zavarella 18 . S . Timewell 19 . J . Law 20 . A. Hartley 21 . D. Murphy 22 . C. Benton 23 . D. Tracey 24 . A. Wilson 25 . A. Hure 26 . M . Wilkinson 27 . R. Lord 28 . J. Morrison 29 . D. Murray 30 . D . Lauletta 32 . B. Delbridge 35 . A. Dunlop 36. S. McDonald 41 . E. Sil l 44. P. Rossitto

KEW Coach: M. O'Dea 1 . P . Comdon 2. S . Iva k

3. M . O'Dea (Coach) 4. A . Tucke r 5. A . Morrow 6. M . Garoffolo 7. M . Doyle 8. K . Corbally 9. D. McGuire 10. P . Bladeni 11 . M . Smith 12. D. Maher 13. M .0'Hanlon 14. P . Sea l 15. A . Lazerus 16. D. Byrne 17. C. Johnson 18. C. Curtain 19. O . Niall 20. A. Wilson 21 . G . Kalac 22. S . Reid 23. R. Guppy 24. S . James 25. 26. 27. J . Leonard 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 3E . 39 . 40 . M. Quin n 56 . T. Reynolds

Stillwell Ford OLD IVANHOE Coach : 1. !A • 2 P' CC:,M) 3. A 4. A 4. O .ticvt~I S dS~t~s B.SY 7. T. ` 8. 7. ; 9. U :. 9. P.A:._.. ) tID. ttVa (c . II. S.Tu9r 12. M. T 11 AP, 14. C. n 15. 6 i5 ! 17. ZAh._6dA1 IT. dLtk it. P.13so It. Sl&-t=m 20. T .1}p . 21. 1G 22 P.C 22 P Ri 23. A


,~~ U Aa 4 taU

HARP OF ERIN STBERNARDS Coach : And rew Vinecombe 1. 5. 7. 10. 11 . 11 . 12 . 14. 15. 16. 21 . 22. 25. 26. 33. 39. 44. 69.

A . Vincecombe (Capt) R . Day M . Creak M . Quinn P . Prassa s B . Schwarzenberg M . Castles M . Cunningham J . Marti n M . Farmer B . Moon G . Farrugio A . Barnes P . Farrugia G . Tote T . Matkou P . Moon G . Woo d



Coach: A . Kennedy 1 . A. Kennedy 2 . M . Comer 3 . D. Boothey 4 . P . Doyle 5 . V. Paonessa 6 . J . Hes s 7 . A. Merton 8 . M. Nimmo 9 . B. Edmonds 10 . G . Cox (C) 11 . M. Lowry 12 . A. Barnett 13 . S. Lane 14 . R . Pertich (V .C .) 15 . A. Robinson 16. A.Keogh 17. D . Lowry 18 . G . Lowry 19. D . Pizzalotto 20. J. Kent 21 . M. Kent 22. G . Banks 23. G . Basford 24. A. Bucknell 25. M. Curry 26. D . Dodoricco 27. P. Fitzsimmons 28. R . Hollan d 29. A . King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D . Theis z

Coach : Ron Holmberg 1 . B. Allman 2 . M. Bevanda 3 . G . Carroll 4. S.Lanyon 5 . S. Elliott 6. M . Fennelly 7. B . Devine 8. J. Smit h 9. D . Fogarty 10. M . Giroiami 12. S . Hall (C) 13. C . Henderson 14. P . Heve y 15. N . Hibbins 16. R . Holmberg 17. D. Perrone 18. M . Lynch 19. P . Considine 20. D.Joyce 21 . F. Miletto 23, G. O'Toole 25. A . Rya n

26. A . Schmidt 27. J . Schmit 28 . K. Scott 31 . B . Swain 32 . J . Trimboli 33 . A. Trimboli 34 . 1 . Turnbull (VC) 42 . A. Rowlands 43 . G . Irvine 45 . J . Zumbo 48 . N . Christie 53 . J . Cahill 59 . J . Bujega 69 . J . Joyce

THERRY Coach : 1 . D . Van Engelen 2 . R . Zampogna 3 . J . Briedis 4 . S . Koralewski 5 . S .Sacc o 6. W. Brady 8 . A . Grant 9. S . Stella 10. D. Slazyk 13. T . Kenna 15. M . Heffernan 16. S . Goodwin 17. B .Crockford 20. B .Jacobson 21 . A. Fitzpatrick 26. J . Vanengelen 28. B . Green 33. M . Jacobson 35. S .Dowdle 40. D. O'Meara 42. A. Maloney 43. B.Stevens

24. A 2a I I V"71, 28. L i 27. d L

a o-. r

23. 4 . ;a7R1 47. G.ftta,& 4fl RU at. Ew , .Fakn 31. D.Cn 43. 0 :2. D.G.z 90 . C.Cuccrrn 33. T, Corr 51 . M.Pc«u 34. T. Laarrzr a G. Ltw,. 35. LUd.eaitF'Cd.fl 51 D.r 36. D. & r"6 54 . P. . D.S:d`i SS. d. 137 ..s;? So . W .t3 . G GN . :q. 6fza7? 57 . T .! a. R. bin 53 . R1 ~• 51 9.L 41. L.T3y'ct .Var;rai tr. S.f,m ~42S ., 43 . D. Eaa,v 44 . 45 t!.LkLt 45 . !1.Sz,t;r:i Q THF AMATFUR FOOTBALLER 1 996


622 Mt . Alexander Rd. Rtoonee Ponds

9326 1799

.,. r

Club XV111 South



Coach : M. Selby



2. M . Jarvis 3. B. Stefanou 4 . N . Callender 5 . R Murray 6. S. Moody 7 . M. Hall 8 . A. Hancock 9 . P. Ellison 10 . D. Morton If . J. McLauchlan 12 . D. cochran 13 . A . Noble

Mark Borthwick 1 . N . Straus s 2 . W. Davis 6 . J. Belt 10 . R . Bum 15. C . Stewart 18, C. Richardson 20. T . Breadmore 21 . A. Coate 24. M . Williams 26. A . Williams 27. J . Dowling 29. J . Neville-Smith 30. P . Jones

Coach : 1 . K . Mannix (Capt.) 2 . T. Mchenry 3 . A . Classon 4 . B.0'Driscoll 5 . B. Byrn e 6 . B. Hoy 7 . M. Thorn 8 . D. Jennings (VC) 9 . N. Varga s 10. D. Tessier it . S. Boll 12. S. Rudd 13. J. Clothier 14. M . 0'Driscoll 15. A Brabner 16. C. Taylor 17 . B . 0'Hearn 18 . T. Moore 19 . P. Manning (VC) 20 . M. Stanhope 2t . S. Gos s 22 . A. Warsteling 23 . C. Bourke 24. T. Forbes 25. J . Murphy 26. D. Williamson 27. A. Carr 28. C. Cleary 29. S. Gurr 30. G. Hegan 31 . M . Farrell 32 . T . Silver s

MAZENOD Coach : Danny Wain 7. P . Deegan 9 . P . Hall . M. Talley 11 1 0 . T. Smith 12 . A. Wilke 13. T. Bridgland 15. C . Varney 21 . I . Nei l 26. D. Conroy 27. D. Krom 28. D. Carter 33. J. Boyle 35. J. Fisher 36. P . Robinson 37. G . Trigg 38. D. Steinfort 39. R . Bourbon 41 . B . Welch 44 . D . Bolle 45, G. Rogers 46 . B . Hains 47 . P. Riley 48 . P. Vin e 49 . L . Halvy 50. C. JOnes 51 . S. Thompson 53. M . Peters 55. M . Quir k 56. M . Welch 58. R. Cahill 59. C. Lane 63. P . Welch 64 . S . Bourbon 66. W. Poulter 89 . J . Kealy


14. J. Bennett

15. M . Hutchinson 16. M . Hendde 17. S . Hannaford 18. S . Duggan 19. D . Smyth 22. J . Lockett 23. L. Bowes 24 . P. Netlan 25 . J . Templeton 27 . A. FRaser 28 . S. Kay 30 . P. cockayne 31 . F. Magee 33 . D. Payne 35. A. Rutter 36. D. Joyce 37. M . Selby 42. A. Willey 43. T . Betts 41 . M . Payne J . Turnbull M . Shippen P . Centeno P . Greene L. Hamilton J . Rattray S . Smith J. Ugiow R . Wraith 44 . S. Carter 48 . C . Halin g

1 . B. Aujar d 4 . H. Middleton (VC) 5 . S. Montgomery (C) 6. M . Godwin 7. M . Ciunies-Ross 10. M . Bingle y 17. R. Mcleish 20. N. Tribe 22. D. Hooper 23. S . Pryde 25 . B . Langley 26 . D . Murtagh 30 . P . Williamson 31 . D . Bin i 32 . S . Sheahan 36 . D . Bingley 37 . A . Chambers 43 . J. Deakin 44 . C . Thomas 47. C . Knight 51 . S.Illingworth 55. A. Asto n 58. J . Wes t 61 . P . Montgomery 88. J . Geddes


35 . C . Douglas 39. J. Ferguson 40. M. Oddie 41 . C . Levinge 45 . H . McInnes 47 . D . Whitehead 48 . S . Nadenbousch 54 . W . Dod d 55 . A. McMillan 56. C. Walker 73. R. Abbott

V.U .T. Coach : Geoff Fletche r

OLD SCOTCH Coach: Simon Illingworth

31 . T. Jackson 33. M . Wilkinson 34. P . Law

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Teamlist not supplied.

ST KEVINS Coach : I . M .Wharton 2 . M . Quinlan 3 . S . Bannon 4 . A . bucella 5 . G . Gosgdi t 6 . B. Stackpole (VC) 7 . R . Mark s 8 . R . Drew 9 . D . Nanfra (Capt) 10. M . Menzies 11 . L. Davidson 12. D. O'Brien 13. P . Hooper 14. P .O'Tiemey 15. M . Passt 16. B . Quinn 17. P . Hagerty 18. B . Millar 19. M . Powell 20. J . Wilhel m 21 . A. Davies (VCapt) 22 . I . Wood 23. R . curbs 24 . A. Nanfra 25 . L . Smith 26 . C . Smith 27 . R . Snell 28 . P.Bannon 29 . J . Whitbread 30. P . Lavelle 52. P . Lewin

1 . B .Difalc o 2. E .Burmeister 3. T.Nucara 6. D . Tanner 7. P. Byrnes 8 . K.Vanderpoel 9 . N .Djinovic 10 . G . Fahey 12 . G . Ziegler 13 . M .RObertson 16 . W . O'Connor 17. C.Russell 19. T . Williams 20. R.Papakos 21 . P . Cox 22. P .Ciiffe 23. E .Midon 24. A .Cliffe 26. S . Case 34. P.Allen 38. M.D'Angelo 41 . F.Kilroy 52 . K. Vanduursen 56 . T. Brown 57 . M. McGlade 58 . T.Moebus

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : A . Cordner I . D . Milne 2 . D . Moss 3 . D . MacDonald 4 . A. Coroner (VC) 5 . B. Vile 6 . C. Branchflower 7 . A. Woodhouse 8 . S . Potte r 9 . J. Scott 10. G. Stooke 15. H .Ingleton t6. C. Jensz 21 . T. Read 25. S . Hargreaves 28. S . Cox (C) 33. A . Clements 35 . S. Stribling 37 . S. Osborne 44 . S. Baldwin 45 . J . Elam 48 . W . Houserman 54 . A. Wilso n 55 . T. Osborne 61, P. Harris 62 . D. Stanton 71 . R. Hockney

E Eas t AQUINA S Senior Coach : Brett Davidso n Reserves Coach : Sean O'Loughli n

13 14





Senior Coach : Joe D'Angelo Rese rv es Coach : Mark Horsfiel d Assistant Coach: Andrew Gillard

Senior Coach: Bill Gommers Rese rves Coach: Denis Cain e

Senior Coach : Adam Lenarcic Reserves Coach : D. Bowen

Senior Coach : Matt Ryan Reserves Coach : Kim Tucker 1. DOES 31. LJoyancra M.Dress 33. 1 Taf t

I. M. Pemberton 2. A. Sae 3 G.Sken 4. M.Canci S. B. parlor 6. D. Tmtr 7. V.Pccial 8, 0. Caine 9, B. Gray 10. M.Knolvnans 11 . G. Wyryad 12. D.Pada 13. P. Dulls 14. S. Mekosh . 15. M. Warren 16. K Walker 1& B.Massaro{ti 19. S.0'Covar 20. K.Oa9es 21 . S.Dales

I . RSch--"-- 1& RDecke 2. J. UP 19. S.Darar 3. B . Ito 2). J, Went 3. S . Ma 21 . t 0- .v 4. I.W 21 . M4. N. C . M.JaaS ..:> 23. MSaS. MSerrcA 23. lf 6. MKe ; 24. C.b 7. T.WOs 24 .MG. . .

T.JM 30. C. Mver G.i td 31 . LKag S.I s 32 M. V~~ker H. I S. t 33. M. Nab P. 34. M.TMA D. . . . 35, S.Li.9gslare B~, 36. D. Photon S. . , 37. M. Chkrd B ; 38. C.TH g 8,1 -1 39. R.leavey G., 40. S .PB+Y C.I 41 . M. Bwdai J. K, 42. J. Mtcvq H.Fs .,. 43 M.SaOery M, n 44. P. Dm J.t 45. S. Gies G.t..: .~ M 46. S.Bechece 47. P. Bernard P, P. C, 0-1 48. A. Clifford S. F1,rm 49. C. Lamban J. t Pera: 50. A. BelFanz 51 . K Hyland P. Harper D.Hcma 52. T .MYler S.ConneNi 53. S. Robertson S, Jones 54. S. LVon FL Warier, 55. J. Dwch e S.oltngt& 65 . R.Monc

8. Manses H W .,

9. P .Gaett 'efi. A' .f 9. M. Realm 27. Ai + 9. H.Tvewy i C. h _ :_. 1C. S. Wa;g 33 M B-`-r ,, . S .PeRy 34. LC, .. , 12. AKsa 34 S . D.TIqnFSm 3i T. I(12 _ 13. N8ag G.L .~_ 14. B .t>riH Bb 15. SLSraV 37. J. Pa.

22. T.M kWS 23. B. Seneca 24. C. De.vy

1. Car! . k Store 2I .A" ~

38. G. K nlyon 39. J. Go" 40. R. B.nke 41 . G. Pkka 42. O.Carmm~ 43. P. 44. M . SOWN 45. W.HSsq 49. C. Peers 52. S.Eyrne 53. R. Davison 56. G. Oake n

25. RHeml :rsm 26. P. Pepe 27. J. Cattail 28. S." 29. M.Harrirem :W. S.Bad 31 . P. Egw 32 P.ArKhary 33. A.Chve5da 34. R Sittig 36. D.Karp

15. S . Won) 33. G.6_.: 16, R Bernal 43, R, C--_Z0 17. P . Dovccref 44, B. Moran

46.. AHurnpreP

53 S. 53arlon 69. L Ttr.mMSn

37. V Pendleton




ST. MARYS Senior Coach: Neil Lelievre

4. I. h:an~•• 49 . N . Rtha 5. S.Sh 50 . V.K&I 6. 3Pic...u 51 . 7. F. San 52 . C .lvadorCt:a-+os 8. G 53 . 9 . D.64 . P.Vfn@sde 10. A-1' 55 . S. Have It. J P56. LDa^j 12 57 . 13 . C . A. Wilson 14 .' 59 59

Reserves Coach: Evan Evan s I . M. Learrrath 2. P . Wed 3 P . LNi-a ltaw 4. A . Ed 5. W.M+PaW 6, S . Stor e 7. C. Dor aft 8 J. Srmcco 9 . J. D~R 0 T,1A7ret; 11 . L.PhBqn 3i . J.MCCastrey 12 . RAvaloycu 38. F.Hazfhon 13. M . Soc#ten 39. R Kind 40. A .Bdla 14 . J. ib tasn 41 . C . Siicm 15 . D.Ardren+s 16. M A.H~Mer 42 . P .Featerstm 17 . &nXKe 43. A . House 18 . W.Ress 44 . Z. Ireland 45. W. Itlack 19. T.Brv1 20. D.Slewafl 46. G. tanOd 21 . T.Ymw 47 . S .MCDaerel 22 D.kS'oodcak 48. R.Darrar an 50. K .Lar j3d 2 1 S.Preslon 24. 1. Ga.r~l 51 . B. Fra e 25. ML~:re 52. T.Cazey. 53. P. Biw 55. C.0&'r- n ~. B Slowed .imtes 57 A.W . 28. J 58. TAuopd 29. J . Francis 30. P.Waisa~ <0. S.Dan'uguet 31 . P.Alezandrr 64. MS -rwB 65. P.Hafgan 32. A.Gvm 33. P. Slererc 68. G. Ntteris 34. B.Ouice 35. R .BL 36. E.Evo-

. P.O .60. . .15 B Garvasms

16 . S.Ar£...- 61 . 17 . C.Wmre E2. BPaW 18 . MIa--- 63. 19 . J . Ma 6: . 2+ 65. G.B9 21 . i ' 65. T.PaJamdnou ?2 . K. L 67. 23 . C. 4 24 . 63. A1.T-4~y 25. S R-ddtR 70 . 2a 71 . 27 72. M. W 28. AWaHrs 73, 23 . D .Wdwn 74. P.Ca*oo-0 37. & Fenton 7 5 31 . 76. L Ecs; 32. D .Vatt 77 . AHcw 33. LWes:t" 78, 34 DH-," r o 35 80 1A.P,ya Gi. P Jack" 37 G.Par„.vs 33, S, Have 39. 40. S .Katals 41 . 42. P Heel 43. A. Srnka 44 I JoetPutver 45


40. S. While

2. K Tucker 41 . D. Smoky 4. B.Hes{o 43. K.Hmn .Tare S. A.Ha,yn 45. M. Ryan 6. L Chrke 46. D. Hadieh 7. H .Han 47. G.H9iski D . WDoUard 48. . Murg a I. M.le:S 9. 50. P.WetNer 10. M. Berry 51. M .Ltdtick 11, G .Hamm 52. S. NvAn 12. T. Carter 53. A- ErIccurode 13. D . Bet 54. N. Tunt<y 14. J. Slewarl 55. G. Morav 15. C . Maddeson 56. FL Davies 17. H . Lays 5T 0. Shoq 18. C . 58 . R. Made 19. C . Dvr(ef 60 . J .5t 3x 20. J.SBlon 61 . C.BEbnp 21 . K .Dtgyan 62 . M . Bad 22. k Lacey 63 . 23. A .O9anne8 64 . RJararorq 25. T.St'ak+ad 65 . RWaa8wril 26. AGhre 66 . S.FAZpa.Bck 27. RSda r 29. J.9anHy 30. J.Gray

Greg Skien 015552013

. Cneutn 47 . D. BzrraricS I.4. K. J TaP'ey 48 . C. Barry

1 . CHH 31 . R Everett 2, C. Hickey (Cao) 32 . G. Neste (RC) 3 M. Cohen 33. P. Sish 4 L. Paner,a, 34 . G. Earrey 5 D. Lee 35 . R Evans 6 C.Cannod 36. H. Morrison 7, A .Never 37 . P. Eyre 5 P. Harm 33 . L Cohen 9. M.EasBim 39 . P Berar.41 10 K . Stawes 4 B. Ha{deey 11 . A, Cope (FK;aq) 41 A.Gales 12. M.Sreroer 42. C.Papp;ewe8 3 S.Jtxss 43 S.Crarr y 4 M. Nancee 44, J. flat 15. C.Htgbzs 45. M .STMh 16. M.JofKs 46. B.Gwman 17. C. G~anarm 47. M . Seorg 18 C. Matthews 48. M . Hoskefq 19. P. Drake 49. R. Meaden 20 C.Aro'xrson 50. M Dawson 21 J. Eccles 51 . J . I'Mrsnall 22. J. Hanis 52. P. MeFJnsn 23 T. Price 53. R. Feeler 24. M.yarnag 55. M . Clary 25, C. GDMal 64 A. McFarlane 26 J. McCice 6S 1 Gave l 27. N.Vasrac{uls 70. T.Auid;st (VC) 72. K Blackburn 2& P.Narce 77. P. Derail 29. T. Martm 8 .1. J . Bayard 30 S.Feehan

"The Road Builders '

I . G .SVh


45 . (Mrr4j 2. LBary 46 .

Senior Coach : John Wise Assist.: John King Rese rves Coach : Sco tt Macrae

M W. Gibson

U.GasParM 35. J. Ok1sH T. Brown 36. J. Doody F.Chabl: 37. P .Nasb.ntg P.Gmz "aes 38. J.Mwcz! J .LWJd 39. J .CowieRy

DIREL110Nr1L DRILLING Ken Basso 9722107

Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Rese rves Coach: Peter Jackson


3.lAp 3. F.I 4 . M_ 5 . :. Karx 5 . 1 . K?raFr,.a 6. S. Lee 7. D.Brawal 7. S.Cdxa 8 . F Carlene 9. A D.rsan 10. C. McLean 11 . T. Fea" 2 . C.&~d 13. M. Gezg u 14 . S. Les 15. D. Gran4 It. SAn M01 7. G.CanH 18 . B.WrGtaka 19. D . Trcde 20. D . G- , 20. M ` Cap .) 21 . P. 22. °

23. G 24. 0 2 5. . D.I a26 27. 0. hayti 28. S . r--e? 29. D.ftafl 34. Lb41m 31 . V.Fu4aslD ;a 9. D.BOWXi 34. A. Do 3•i. D. B-, 35 N. D. 37. AL&u•-41 . D. C5 :ap.) 42.A R 49 MN . 44. G B 45. J.Yy 46 L. Lt


Malvern Vale Hotel



Seniors Coach: Keith McKenzie Rese rv es Coach : Mark Johnsto n

Senior Coach: David McCormack Res. Coach : Scott Alderson

I . M .Mdaro 2 . J.5tuedp 4 . CDe9oto 5 . R.Vebergirg & D.Cfaae 1 . A. Han km 8 . JNar4 9. C. SrnBh 10. M.Jo4usien 11 . G . Barry 12. C . Beks 13. RLexsm 14. 111 Goods 15. M.Sievew M P.JVce5 17. S. Lee it. M.Slrud 19. B. O'Mara 20. A. ftmam 21 . T.Dyn~b 22. S. Ftflm 23 T. M.P-a 24. J.1knfm 25. D .M.cFadlar 26. M. Elid i 27. J. Newnan 28 G.0Caraaln 29. G' Maine X P .TLak

A. Fasnan D. View A. Fasylha I. Gr'snshaw A. Fanek NMAft Vi, Lo B. Ira C. Lamb C. BEN D.V/aj D.Ra"suiwd R Pdler ESandses M. Ke y M De&xa B . Pearson B .Cardi?YJ B.Cro0o) J. PidroksVi D . b4.aGd*} H . Laulsr C . Bras;

1 . N . Ford X 2. F . MacVean 37. L. TrerrSalh 3. R. TWapsm 38 D. Ross 4. M. Fung 33. T. Reddaseay 5. C.Wasky 40. M.WVe 6. J.Dwksm 41 . B.Gcxns 7. 10mls 42. T. Crew

8 . A . MacVea' 43 H . Park 9. C. Ross 44. E. Zmmernan 10 . D. fto 45. 1 . Ree s 12 . M.HTAe 4& N .DafanR 13 G. Pellet 47. T. Penakuna 15 . J. Kronen 4& A. WCleary 16 . B. SmRe 4 T. Lupa 17 . SAkkrsan 50. J. Lyfad 18 . D.Larqan 51 . 8.DAnrg 19 . N. Park 52. A. Harnett 20, S, Frodre 53. S. Corcoran 21 . A. Lriacqe -G* 54. R . Felder 22, R Martin 55, S, Taf t

23. J. Sevens 24 . M . Dms 25, T.Habben

56. L.Ha~ 59. G. Noted 60. 0 . Deal

26, G. McLeod 61. P . Tftd 27 . t.. Mtkayne 63. T. Slrag 28. J. MdVean 64. D. Dw 29. P. Peterun 65. S ..knsrn 30. D. Porter && A . Seabrook 31, J. Dave 67, k Rowe 32. C.befleavall 68 . M. Heath 213. D. [retard 72. R. Lawton 34. T.Chzs`-'i 78. J.Scalas 35. B.Peakr

A Section


cninrcnach: Wq hcadsun Crew Ccsch: Robert Bayley t B . Moone y 2 . D. Smith 3 . B . Woolhouse 4 . S. Laussen 5 . D . Greeves 5 . D . Peters 6 . A. Smit h 7 . C . Higson 7 . D . Baxter 8. C. Pollock 9. C. Dilen a 10. J . Grig g 11 . B . McKenzie 12 . D. Stub s 13 . A . Sheerly 14 . R . Schober 15 . Y. Phillips 16 . A. Wallace 17 . D . Phillips 17 . A. Oldham 18 . J. Bennett 19. C. Davidson 20. G . Dean-Johns 21 . A . Johnston 22. D. Kerk 23. A . Sheedy 24 . R . Hartnett 25 . D . Lever 26 . N . Milat 27 . S. Humphrey 28 . S. Blackman 29 . A. Kenneally 30 . M. Gadbraith 31 . S. Wood 32. D. Thomson 33. G . Irvin e 34. D. Entwh :stle 35. J . Taylor 36. S . Harding 37. J . Dansley 38 . S . Van Der Venne 39 . B . Jones 40 . A . Kelson 41 . S. Lubich 42 . A. Vasdekis 43 . A. Greenway 44 . A. Parkin 45 . N . Anderson 46. S. Wooley 47. M . Hassell 48. J. Lemon 49. P . Harrison 50. B . Jefferson 51 . P . Baxter 52. J. Schmidt 53. S . Hobbs 54. K . Muir 55. E . Jones 56. D . Howe 57 . J . Moore 58 . G . Phelan 59 . M. Richards 60 . B. Kerrs 61 . D. Kerrs 62 . G . Constable 63 . 64. G. Tiver 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71_ 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . N . Proctor



Senior Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen Reserves Coach : Bri an Brown

Senior Coach : Tony Paatsch Reserves Coach : Chris Boyle

1 . M . Chun 2 . P. Fiume 3 . S . Crowe 4. L. Hal l 5. C. Swift 6. A . Browne 7. C . Browne 8 . C . Wrigh t 9 . C . Campbell 10 . D . Tessier 11 . A. Evans 12 . D . Toohey (Capt.) 13 . A. Waters 14 . P . McCormack 15. J . Hodde r 16. M . Jackson 17. M . Mannix 18 . M . Abrahams 19. D . O'Brien 20. M . Knupple 21 . C . Shannon 22 . P . O'Callaghan 23, M. O'Callaghan 24 . C . Montgomery 25 . G . Hynes 26 . P.Wyles (Res .VC) 27 . L. Van Der Plight 28. M . Lafferty 29. D. Hagan 30. B . Mannix 31 . A . Elliot 32. T. Silvers 33. B . Miller 34. P . Conroy 35 . A . Mackintosh (VC) 36. A. Abbott 37 . D . Johnston 38 . B. Brashe 39 . P. Brasher (DVC) 40 . R. Makinson 41 . A. Phillips (R .Capt) 42 . D.Jackson 43 . T . Banks 44. C. Makinson 45. C . Sparrow 46. M . Hagan 47. M . Farrell 48 . D . Smith 49. M. Hill 50. P. Mannix 51 . C . Harrison 52 . S. Harrison 53 . P . Miran 54 . M . Harber 55 . B . Buick 56 . A . Flowerday 57 . M . Butler 58. C . Cleary Hagan 59. G 60. S . Thomas 62. J. Murphy 63. G . Longstaff 66 . L . Langone 78 . M. Stanhope

1 . C. Lane 2. D. Murray (VC) 3. J . Chilcot t 4. A . Hanley 5. J . Ballenger 6. N . Marm o 7. S . Morgan (1) 7. P. Deegan (2) 8 . D . Christie 9 . P. Hall 10 . M. O'Hara (1) (VC) 10 . M . Tetley (2) If . T . Smith (RVC) 12. S . Noble (t) 12. A . Wilke (2) 13. B . Devlin 14. T. Bilston 15. D . Barker (1) (VC) 15. D . Barker (i) (VC) 16. T. Howard (RC) 17. M. Smith 18 . D . O'Donaghue 19 . M. Giullano

20 . C . Murray 21 . S. Polan 22 . D. Sherlock 23 . J. Mannix 24. S . Boysen 25. M . Hun t 26. 26. 27. 27. 28.

D. Conroy (1) W. Pouter (2) W.Occhiuto(t) D . Krom (2) D . Carte r

29. R . Sharp 30. S. Fisher

31 . C . Belleville (Capt.) 32 . W. Marshall 33 . J. Boyle 34 . A. Tucker 35 . J. Fisher 36 . P. Robinson 37. G . Trigg 38. D. Steinfort 39. R. Bourbon (1) 39. J . Kealy (2) 40. P . McCusker 41 . B . Welch 42. S .Jozsa 43. W. Lane 44 . D . Bolle 45 . G. Rogers 46 . B . Hein s 47 . P. Riley (RDVC) 48 . P. Vine 49 . L . Halvy 50 . C . Jones 51 . S. Thompson 52. 53. M . Peters 54. D. Schofield 55. M . Qur k 56. M . Welch 57. 58. R . Cahill 59. C . Lane 63. P . Welch 64 . S . Bourbon 86 . M. Coutti e




Senior Coach: Neville Taylor Reserves Coach: Gary March

Senior Coach: Sean Ralphsmith Reserves Coach : Guy Nelson

1 . A. Baxte r 2 . D. Connell (DVCapt) 3 . W. Byrn e 4. C . McKenzie (Capt) 5. R . Buchana n 6. W. Smith 7. A. Hilton 8. M. Orton 9. S. Rowlands 10. T. Chegwin 11 . C. Hucker 12 . D. Seccull 13 . B . Carty 14 . A . Forsyth 15. N . Morey 16. D. Williams 17. A . Hilto n 18. M. Constabl e 19. M. Armstrong (VC) 20. C . Kraus e 21 . A. Walde n 22 S. Richardson 23 . M. Seccull 23 . J. Mackay (s) 24 . R. Lavender 25 . G . Rowlands 26 . G . Phillips 27 . J . Dan n 28. A. Pound 29. M . DeMattia 30. R. Aughterson 31 . B . Main (RCapt) 32. M. Drakeford 33. T.Johnso n 34. C . Reidy 35 . D . Lappage 36 . A. Dowsing 37 . T. Evans 38 . J. Hayter 39 . P. Corrigan 40 . S . Duxbury 41 . T. Oscar 42. D. Scalia 43. R. Pleche r 44. A . Kirkwood-Scott 45. N . Hill 46, M . Krause 47. D . Scoffen 48 . P. O'Donnell 49 . B. Wignall 50 . A. Bonwick 57 . T. Boothman 52 . D. Fossey 55 . C. Ladds (RVCapt) 57 . B . Ladds

I . T. Wilts 2. 5 . Theodore 3. J .Staritski 4. B . Ellinghaus 5. N . Boyden 6. P. Handbury 7 . C . Thompson 8 . M. Lovet t 9 . T. Smith 10 . P. O'Brien 11 . A. Thompson 12, A. Hewit t 13. S . Rose 14. J . Bunn 15. S . Bromell 16. C. Eabry 17. M . Rose 18. Q. Keeble 19. J . Correll 20. A . Salek 21 . D . Snooper 22 . L . Bun n 23 . M. Berry 24 . N . Sereda 25 . M. Pruden 26 . C. Kennedy 27. C. Bryan 28. S . Rabbit 29. C. Susa 30. I . McMullin 31 . J . Hart 32. R . Webb 33. G. Dixon 34 . C .Anastasakis 35 . D .Brow n 36 . A. McKeon 37 . S. Eabry 38 . R . Eggleton 39 . S. Madden 40 . S. Middleton 41 . J . Willhelm 42. P. theodore 43. 0 . Bo Yd 44. A . McDougall 45. Z. Useinov 46. H . Wright 47. J . Power 48. S . Walsh 49. T. Stuckey 50. P. Marinis 51 . D . Corbin 52 . B. Campbell 53 . B. Crump 54 . I . Patterson 55 . M . Burgess 56 . M . Ellinghaus 57 . R. Morley 58 . D. Clements 59. A . Wilts 60. J . Raft 61 . B . Luckock 62. R . Morrell 63. B . Telford 64. A . Nelson 65. 66. L . Boyd 67 . B. Vil e 68 . A. Henshaw 69 . S. Milne-Pott 70 . A. Farrington 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 .


OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach: Wayne Harmes Reserves Coach: Simon Tallen t 1 . K. Stoke s 2 . J. Hosking (VC) 3 . S . Duthie 4 . T . Holt 5 . R. Price 6 . A . Millar 7 . J . Hughes 8. C . Reid 9. R . Aujard 10. J . Kerr 11 . M. Simpson 12. S. Hume 13. N. Hooper 14 . D. Norman 15 . D. McCall 16 . A. Speed 17 . S . Woodhouse 18 . A. Nettleton 19 . S . Spiden 20. T. Wilson 21 . S . Gibb s 22. L. McDonnell 23. D . Walsh 24. M. Angus 25 . T. Pritchard 26 . B. Phillips 27 . C. Winneke 28 . S. Teesdale 29 . C. Heath 30 . J . Laird (DVC) 31 . A . Smith 32. S . Grigg 33. J . Hannemann 34. D . Steel e 35. S . Steele (C) 36. M . Davison 37. E . Montgomery 38 . C . Hosking 39 . A. Walkom 40 . A. Warner 41 . A. Castricum 42 . A. Gibb s 43 . J . Paterson 44 . D. Tracy 45. A . Stubbs 46. G.Jonas 47. R . Thomas 48. R . Hardy 49. T. Picken 50. D . Pel l 51 . A. Elliott 52 . R . Gregory 53 . P .Gaidzkar 54 . B . Aujard 55 . S . Montgomery 56 . J . Schonfelder

OLD XAVERIANS Senior Coach: Simon Meehan Reserves Coach: Nick Bourke 1 . M . Blood (DVC) 2. M . Bourke (VC) 3. M . Hannebery (C) 4. D. Landriga n 5. N. Cook 6. A . Keyhoe 7. P . Tuddenham 8 . M. Holmes 9 . S. Hawkins 10 . S. Colquhoun 11 . A.Jone s

12 . J. Bowan 13 . C . Ellis 14 . L . Ford 15. A. McLean 16. T .Ockleshawe 17. D. Richardson 18. S . Hunter 19. M . Lloyd 20. B . Buckley 21 . L . Hanebery 22 . A. Bourke 23 . A. McDonald 24 . B. Coughlan 25 . D . Tapping 26 . A. Nei l 27. L.Fay 28. R. Clarke 29. S . Wood 30. D. Dann 31 . S . Mollard 32. A . Brushfield 33. A . Sassi 34. A . Bell i 35. C . Mortensen 36. P. Barrett 37. A. Landrigan 38 . M. McClelland 40 . T. Nelso n 41 . A. Dillon 42 . J . Lowe (RCapt) 44. J . Petroff 45. D. O'Toole 46. C. Andronopoulos 47. J . Dalirangl e 48. M . Logan 49. P. Lachte 50. N . Fay 51 . D . Walsh 52 . M. O'Callaghan 53 . A. Kearn s 54 . M . Brennan 55 . A . Long 56 . M . Stones 57. G . Short 58. D. Bell 59. M . Hardman 61 . S. Natilli 65. A.Jones 66. Panagiotopoulos



Senior Coach: Geoff Reilley Assistant Coach : Russell Barnes


Senior Coach : Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach : Andrew Natha n

Senior Coach: Grant Williams Reserves Coach: Barry Neivandt

Reserves Coach: Peter Purcell 1 . A . Joblin g

2. C . Symes 3. A . Orr

4. A. Grace (DVC) 5 . B. Turne r

6 . T. Gallagher

'.. 7 . B. Connell (C) 8 . M . Gilmore (VC) 9 . A. Forres t 10 . P. Marrow 11 . D. Edgell 12. N . Sebo 13. P . Kingston 14. S . James 15. M . McConvill 16. T. Stewart (RVC) 17. E . Fraser 18. S. Ryan 19 . D . Cleary 20 . D . Wood 21 . J. Brown 22 . R. Bloc . P. McDonal k23 d 24. J. Collin s 25. M . Wrodarczyk 26. D. Connel l

27. T. Hille (DVC) 28. B . Collin s

29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 .

D . Whelan P . Joy B . Egan A . Kukuljan M. Shepherd R . Remman G . Bailey M. Templeton R. Presse r

38 . P. Milner (RVC) 39. T. Morgan 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45 . 46. 47 .

G . Lehner G . Hall C. Keleher S . Wrodarczyk L. Mulcahy L. Livingstone C. Spagnol R . Keating

48 . W. Bloc k 49 . M. O'Halloran 50 .

51 . C . Manakis 52 . N . Wells 53. I . Ranso n 54. S. Weidemann 55. 56. 57. R. Barnes 58. 59. G. Sneddon 60 .


1 . A . Comito 2. T. Dobso n 3. T. Backhouse 4. A.Farmer 5. R . Donlan 6. S. Ryan 7. S. Perrett 8 . A. Capes 9 . J. Kennedy 10 . G . Matthewes 11 . P.Capes 12 . B. Hogan 13 . S .McKeon 14 . S . Doran 15. L. Overman 16. D. Sawicki 17. M . Conroy 18. P . Scerri 19. L .Gollant (C) 20. T. Sheehan 21 . J. Comito 22 . C .Calthorpe (DVC) 23 . B. Horn 24 . D. Gray 25 . P. Hayes 26 . J . Gollant (VC) 27 . A. Nathan (CR) 28. P . Gilmou r 29. J . Overman 30. J . Mount 31 . M . Kearney 32. S . Chatfield 33. P. Rogerson 34. M. Dailey 35 . B. Chatfield 36 . C . Bond 37 . T. Bateman 38 . D. McAllister 39 . S. Byrne 40 . J . Ballarin 41 . D.Juegan 42. M . Marshall 43. B . Teague 44. S .Taylor 45. M . Dowling 46. G. Morrish 47. C . Parrett 48. J. Anderson 49. J. Jones 50. M. Farmer 51 . N. Lynch 52 . F .Catalfamo 53 . J . Kavanagh 54 . B . Hemley 55 . S .Lync h

622 Mt . Alexander Rd . Mae nee Ponds 9326 1799

1. 2. 3. 4.

D. Slimmon T . Hutchins J . Hutchings J .Frith

5. P . O'Donnell 6. B . Blood 7 . D .Hayter 8 . M. Thomas 9 . S. Meade 10 . D : Maplestone 11 . S. Stevenson 12. H.Worsley 13. G . Evans 14. J . Buckley 15. P.Stephens 16. S . Kirsanovs 17. J .Kanis

18. G.Markley 19. B . Herral d

20. R . Polkinghome 21 . T. McIntyre 22. A . Nugent 23. B. Furphy 24 . R . Calnon 25 . A.henderson 26 . N .Cavalier 27 . B. Fricker 28 . D. Bolton 29 . T . doherty 30 . G . Allardice 31 . M . Mudg e 31 . R. Van Den Berg 32. J .Gamau t 33. L. Twaddle 34. R . Furphy 35. M .Jukes 36. D .Dawson 37. A .Iennen 38 . M. Unsworth 39 . S.henderson 40 . A. Mitchell 41 . R . Doods 42 . R. Jaksic

43 . V. Romito 44. D. Lowe

45. G . McLachlan 46. D. Gun n 47. T. Rourke 48. C . Miles 49. P . Seller 50. B . Joseland 51 . S. McMahon 52 . S. Longley 53 . T. Whitehead 54 . C . Nave 55 . C.Stewart 56 . A. Farrar 57. L.Bonadio 58. T . Miskin 59. A . Collins 60. A . Wilcox 61 . A . Wilson 62. A . Baud 63. A . Muller 64 . D .McAloon 65 . A. Mcleod 66 . M.Starick 72 . J . Norma n


3 Section A 1%

BANYULE Senior Coach : Rick Brockwell Rese rv es Coach : Tim Bell 1 . B. Kinea r 2. D . Witchell (VC) 3. L . Hol t 4. T. Gloury 5 . B. Wilmore (DVCapt) 6. P. Williams (ResC) 7. S. Richmond 8. R . Williams 9. G . Sutterby 10. C . Williams 11 . T. Short 12. J. Egan 13. M . O'Brien 14. P. Healy 15. S. Gray 16. D . Mayne 17. A . Steven 18. J . Turnbull (DVCapt) 19. D . Stephen s 20. S . Playfai r 21 . R . Dintinosante 22. J . Gilham 23. M . Gray 24 . C . Wilkes 25 . G. Jorda n 26 . H . McDermott 27 . W. Keenan 28 . D. Fabris 29 . M . Creek 30 . B . Grindle 31 . C. Bassett 32 . G . 33 . D. Glass 34 . C. Stevens 35 . A . Hardie 36 . R. Doherty 37 . S . Emery 38 . G : Riches 39, C. Head 40 . M . Keene 42 . T . Egan 43 . L. Ferrall 44 . M . Moore 45 . M . Gilbert 46 . P . Agostinelli (RVC) 47 . R. Smit h 52, D. Noonan 55 . D. Williams (Capt .) 56 . R . Dohert y


BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Rese rves Coach : Craig Heard 1 . J . Prior 2. S . Driver 3. S . Young 4. G . Alexander 5. C. Parris 6. R. Minne y 7. P . Robertson (Vcapt) 8. A. Brya n 9. M . Ray 10. P . George (Capt .) 11 . S . Farle y

12. A. Parris 13. M .Tuomy 14. D. Mathews (VCapt) 15 . B . Grei g 16 . S . Smith 17. N. Waddel 18 . R. Williams 19 . P . Nigro 20 . T . Agosta 21 . D. Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23 . L . Stott 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 .

P. Nagle T. Merrell G . Vimpani C . Darby P. Mutimer P. Bone R . Field A. Shine J. Catt C . McWaters D . O'Connell M. Osborne P. Hare P. Chalkias S . James P. Dalloglio

41 . L . Cessario 42 . P . Edwards 43. M. Mason 44 . C . Shallard 45 . G. Taylor 46. G. Shallard 47. C . Morihovitas 48 . R . Lambert 49. M . Bellat o 50. D . Glover 51 . 52. 53. J . Scott 54 . 55 . 56. D . Doud 57. D. Shine 58 . 59. 60. S . Bond


M .H.S .O .B .


Senior Coach: Doug Gott Reserves Coach: John Matthew

Senior Coach : Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Colin Drake

1 . R. Armstrong 2 . P . La Rosa 3 . C. Tucker

1 . J. Bamen 2 . A. Howard 3 . D. Woodley 4. J. Pertzel 5. C . Young 6 . S. Harries 6 . B. McGrath 7 . D . Fleming 8 . J. Dixon 9 . D . Comer 10 . M. Beazley 11 . M. Webster 12 . C . Glove r 12 . M. Feferkranz 13 . A. Preece 14 . M. Zaghloul 15 . P.O'Connell 16 . M. Atkins 17 . A. Webster 18 . I . Gillespie 19 . A. Snaidero 20 . D . Fairchild 21 . B. Cookman 22 . 23 . M. Jamieson 24 . G. Wilson 25 .

Senior Coach : Peter O'Connor Rese rv es Coach : Brandon Smales , 1 . J . Forbes 2 . D. Water s 3 . O . Abrahams 4 . P . Sullivan 5 . C. Kitney 6 . J . Sutherland 7 . P .Boot h 8 . B . Collison 9 . D. Beck 10 . S . Evans 11 . D. Boyer 12 . J . Limperakis 13 . B . Curull i 14 . S . Cheshire 15 . P . Kearney 16 . M . Maguir e 17 . P . Angelopoulos 18 . J . Murra y 19 . C. Wheeler 20 . M. Robinson 21 . N . Mulqiney 22 . M. Connolly 23 . M. Murone 24 . J . Barker 25 . P. B ryar 26. L . Koutsovasilis 27. M. Gravina 28 . D . O'Farrell 29. E. Faille 30. M. Lei gh 31 . L . Boyle 32. T. Kemp 33. J. Mollroy 34. B. Conti 35. S. Manassa 36. D . Tonkin 37. I . Taleb 38. A. Trimbol i 39. C . Theodoropoulos 40. L . Cur ry 41 . L. Curran 42. T. Cleveland 43. J . Lowrie 44. A . Twist 45. A . Zanatta 46. C . Hanley 47. P . O'Dwyer 48. A . Day 49. J . Trimboli 50. C . Bailey 51 . G. Suarez 52 . T. Jamieson 53. 54 . 55. 56 . P . Considine 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . M . Fennell y 63 . R. Gale 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . S . Dru m

4 . M . Maud 5 . P . Manual 6 . D. Frawley 7 . P . Rawley 8 . R. Hird 9 . M . Thackwray 10. G. Kennedy 11 . S . Molloy

12 . T . Jackson 13 . S . Narkiewicz 14 . P . Flynn 15 . T . Flynn 16 . B. Davis 17 . P. Lee 18. T . Scoble 19. G. Bullen 20. R. Stewart 21 . L. Blackwood 22 . R. Angelini 23. M . Pearce 24. L . Smith 25. T. O'Neil l

26. S. Fairweather 27, D. Nibal i 28. B. Weiser 29. C. Drysdale 30. S. Northey 31 . D. McFarlane 32. J. Lynch

33. B. Kendall 34. C. Brown 35. P. Whitehead 36. A. McKellar 37. G . Finlayson 38. D. Hoffman 39. M. Ebbage 40. S. Cyar 41 . C . McDonald 43. S. Lynn 44. E. Newbold 45. A. Rosenfeld 46. M. Pollock 51 . D . Jacka 52. R . Pace 55. L. Pearce 61 . A. Barrd 65 . W. Taylor 69 . S. Ford 70 . J . Matthew

26 . 27 . 28 . 29 .

M. Thompson W. Watford T. Lawrence C. Drake

30. 31 . 32 . 33.

S . Bennett G. McLardie M . Konstanty B . Ansell

34 . N . Fahey 35 . S . Konstanty 36. A . Palmos

37. S . Karamoutisos 38. A . Stewart 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62.

J . Winch B . Hayes N . Bradley P . Frost A . Barge T . Holland

E . Thoma s

P. Hunt M . Pond T . Grimmer P. Konstanty M . Pretty S . Harrison




Senior Coach : Shane Young Reserves Coach: Roger Brow n 1 . A . Kaywniak 2. L. James

Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Reserves Coach : Darre n Caddy

4. M . Talbot 7. L. Fildes 8. S . Lennox 9. M . Fisher 11 . A . Fitzgerald 15. R . Oakley t6. N . Perry 19. A . Mandelaris 21 . L. Jackson 23. N . Pryor 25. R . Carter 27. C . Gilmour 29, J . Murch 30. S . Williams 31 . S . Murray 32. B . Wiliams 34. R . Smith 36. B . Pollock 39. A . Fischer 40. K . Teschendorf 41 . P . McMahon 42. J . Howden A . Witte K . Farrell S . McGee A . Rickerry G. Bennet t D. Kollmorgen N . Winter P . Wof f M . McLennon A . Augustine C. Tomas K . Bickett J . Murchie A . Grant P . Roach N . Truelson A . Palfrey T.Lennox

t . M' Tolley

2 . P. Sigley (CCapt) 3 . A. Jenkins 4 . A. Parker 4 . D. Toll (R) 5 . J . Stevens 6 . S. Ken t 7. T . Young 8 . T . Stevn s 9 . M . Karayannis 9 . P. Armstrong (R) 10 . M . Veal (CCapt) 11 . S. Tull y 12 . M . Tozer 13 . A. Pappas 14 . C. Grinham 15 . G . Douglas 16 . M. Woods 17 . Z . Abousabha (R) 17 . J. Luk

. Bisogni I .P 19 S. McLean 20 . T . Rya n 21 . J . Mansfield 22 . P. Donaldson 22 . P.Golding (R) 23 . A. Noonan 24 . A. Corcora n 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 .

J. Maycock (RVCapt) I . Roxburgh J. Weddl e D . Jones (RCapt) R . Weddle (VCapt) E. Brophy D . Caddy D . Goad T. Cormack T. Lamer

37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 .

D . Stott G . George G . George R . Davies L . Taylor S.Vaughan D . Banger T. Agushi M. Linke M. Sheddon G . Maclsaac M. Wal l A. Foskett C . Corcoran M. Power G . Locke D . Craker P. Wal l J. Baud W. Millard T. McCaskell R . Weis z B. Elsworth S. Brophy

35 . L . McLean (VCapt) 36 . D . Super

OLD PARADIANS Senior Coach: Dale McCann Reserves Coach: Paul Arnel 1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2 . P.J . O'Loughlin 3 . M.J . Considine 4 . S.J . Philp (VC) 5 . M.J . Harfor d 6 . J.V . Geary 7 . P.G . Cosgriff (VC) 8 . P.G .Zappa 9 . J.M . Way 10 . P.A. Brabender (C) 11 . N .P. Willits 12 . S.R. Wallis 13 . T.D. Wallis 14 . D .R . Ciavola 15 . N .G . Kerr 16 . M.P. Godfrey 17 . B. J . Hart 18 . L .K. Mansfield 19 . N .A. Ball 20 . P.A. Nailer 21 . A.J . Farrell 22 . H . Bellis 23 . P.A. Walsh 24 . D .A. Digney 25 . D . Heffernan 26 . M.B. Geary 27 . K .C. Kenkins 28 . B .J . Brabender 29 . B . Powel l 30. T.J . Mulligan 31 . S . Laferlita 32 . A .J. Price 33 . M.J . Harrison 34 . P .J . Joyce 35 . J.P .J . Mills 36 . S .M. Swindon 37 . L . Rocchiccioli 38 . M.G . Vea r 39 . P .E. Reid 40. D .J. Baird 41 . D .J. Horsington 42 . J.M. Swindon 43. M.P. Geary

44. I . Hanford 45 . 46. 47. 48 . 49. 50, 51 . 52 .

P .J. Stephens B . Flyn n J . Mould M. Hudson J.C . Drohan P . Mortar A . Costantini A . McNeill

0 Whitehall St, Yarraville Pin : 9687 8722



Senior Coach: Simon Dal rymple Rese rv es Coach : [an Wallace Assistant Coach : Michael Hadley 1 . S . Keneddy 2. C . Robison 3. A . Allibon 4. T. Norman (Vcapt) 5. P . Van Der Hoek 6. R. Heat h 7. A .Anderso n B. S . Dalrymple (CC) 9. S . Hopkins 10. S . Hatfield 11 . R. Boxtell 12. M . Cumming 13. M . Donato 14. J . Stickland 15 . A . Parke 16 . M . Seuling (Vcapt) 17 . G. Hatfiel d 18 . B . Clarke 19 . G. Hudson 20. P . Board 21 . C. Phillips 22 . P .Robison 23 . A . Ramsden 24 . T. Board 25 . T. Harris 26 . P . Bee t 27 . L. Stafford 28 . D. Vargo 29 . A . Seeley 30 . L. Taylor 31 . S . Bladeni 32 . D. Glass 33 . D. Heighten 34 . P . Papas 35 . L. Benni e 36 . J . Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37 . P . Dowling 38 . R. Phillips 39 . T. Antonopolous 40 . B . Burke 41 . D. Alysandratos 42, A . Banfield 43 . M . Krivokuca 44 . J . Mollison 45 . N. Kin g 46 . 47 . F . Cameron (RVC) 48, C. Smith 49, P .Johnson 50 . L. Jervis 51 . S . Gleeson 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . N. Kolitia s 58 . 59 . 60 . 80 . T . Smit h

Senior Coach : Des English Reserves Coach : Chris Bye


1 . M . Petrevski 2. J . Woodgate 2. A .Shelton 3. P .Gorman 4 . M .Elliot 5 . S . Ramsey 6. J .Vaina 6. G. Rossignolo 7. P . Jones 7. J . Polar 8. L. Hollow 9. M . Grovrcock 10. R . Egglestone 11 . D . Forbes 12 . R . Moran 13. M .Bosanko 13. D. Ramm 14. J .Reddick 15. G. Pinner 16. M .Goodwin 17. R . Lyon s 17. G. O'Connor 18. B . Carter 18. Liddel l 19. J .Armstrong 20. M . Carter 21 . M .Fitzpatrick 22. S . Griggs 23. C. Bye 24. P . Mellon 25. M . O'Rourke 26. G.Carbis 27. K .Fitzpatrich 28. J .Thrush 29. M . Hudson 30. M .Tadinac 31 . S .Hollow, 32. S . Eastmure 33. N . La Fontaine 35. S . O'Halloran 36. C. Rizz o 37. D. Castald l

38. B . Prendergast 39. S . Boyle 42. 43. 46. 47. 48.

M . Gauci C. whelan R. Collins D.Goodwin D.Wrigglesworlh

14", Section

A.J .A.X.



Senior Coach : Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach : Marty Halphen

Senior Coach : Don Scarlett Reserves Coach: Andrew McGrego r

Senior Coach : Trevor Poole Reserves Coach : Angus MacGowa n

1 . J . Wrobel 2 . A. Kalinski 3 . D. Gelbart, 4 . M . Dudakov 5 . M . Reich 6 . G . Rozenberg 7. C. Cohen

1. C.LefrarliCl 51. ADa* 1 . AkkCsep S'. 1 B537a 2 1dCra;!:7 51. Nszrm 3 S.MdVaq PVC) N. A'k'_&~rc., 3. C.A:nxeeiRl SS. G. , 4 . S.Ankau 57. C.,•.,

8. B . Goldberg (V .C.) 8. M . Roseman 9. T. Bursztyn 10. R . Bloom 11 . M . Weisler 12. D . Rosen 13. J . Engelman 14. Y . Rapoport 15. J . Kirzner 16. P . Goldberg (VC) 17. A . Cukierman 18. J . Wrobe l 19. M. Halphen (Capt.) 20. R . Hartma n 21 . D . Sheezel 22 . J. Dunne 23 . J. Abraham 24 . S. Scheezel 25 . J. Feldma . B.Ouzenman n26 27 D . Degen 28 . J. Bram 29 . D. Marks 30 . A. Micmacher 31 . M . Chrapot 32 . P. Steiner 33 . D. Pat 34 . D. Gunn 35 . A. Rosen 36 . J . Segal 37 . A. Slade-Jacobson 38 . A. Grundman n 39 . J . Shein 40. A . Redlich 41 . P . Naphtali 42. E . Rubenstein 43. J .Joseph 44. A . Krongold 45. E . Steen 46. M . Nathan 47. A . Abrahams 48. L. Goldberg 49. D . Kal b 50. B . Grodski 51 . A . Traye r 52. S . Rubinstein 53. A . Sheffield 54. B . Gelbart 55 . B . Zeilinski 56. S . Fre y 57 . 58 . M. Fred 59 . 60 . 6L 5. Roth 62 . M. Levin 63 . S. Glassman 65 . 66 . J. Goldman 67 . 68 . S. Feldman 69, J . Vernon 70 .

5 aArcr 4. R 5 0. tzn ll11 59. S.1 a.Aa~.D.o-qC)

& tf~'41 61 . P.t 7. r NCI 6Z A.L . .'i 61 D. "r 61.B 1 10. 0' 65. T.( It. 5 . ifa ktt II. R ~~jCA) 61. kt .fi 2 D.' on (Co.) fa S.713. A~ . 69. G.: .__; 14. F .: (MR) 70. J. FM 15. S 71 . S. Peke 16. T. 72. J.P-ss 17. S. r 7J. A I

is. T.0 74 . T. !19 . A75. C .^-

20. A 76 J. ; 21.FL ~ 71.kt 22 M. 78. G' K R W i5 . D .'. 21 J.Lrr &?. C.'. .. ... 24. lAY . 81, kAn:eAs 25. ft az B_ rp 2-n C.


3;. s, 3dN. : 37. R C

X C. P

39. K. I 40 8.Wakr 41 . S.FW 4?. bt or 43. S,.GrrS, 41 . J. HaT+; 45 0 Hrdsm 46. R. Hun 47 S.K .kmz; 48. aLan.y 49 . C.!kGr" :0. S lkCte;:r

Senior Coach: Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach: Tony Day 1. C. SaG:ry . Day I . A. 2. A F ,*q 2. J. Dow 3. D. WaWn 3. C.Mma 4. S.Ga~ 0 5. Id.Be1

1 . S. Furphy 2 . H . Burbank 3 . D . Wellsby 4 . T . Dugdale 5 . D. Ardlie

6 . S . Olsen 7. J. Senior

6. T. Cdirs (OVC) . Rowe 8I . M J.AOa 9 . D.M.akn(C) 9 . J. Daffy 10 . A .Galagtax 10 . M.6C~ 11, M. Wan it. B . Oro* 12. 13. D . Bana1W 14. 0 . F m

15. D.l.kkzosh 15. J.Gra+cA 16. J.Wa03

17. B.MaClem:r4s 18. A.CaEIry(VC) 18. M.5#aes

9. D. Cooper PVC)

19. D.6ktke 41 . J. Sazbezy 20. S.0'FSrrvr 42 . A. Ca~arzn 21. G .fdasrn 42. D.Ddxrp 22. LOFFPtn 43 . kt.Be<etab 23. P.Clare~bzrs 44. P.AS;Inyre 23. J .Edmmds 45. D.Th'°• 24. S.B=.atGe 46. 1 C . A.hkidosh 47. D .Pe=s Z25 26. G. WB;h 48. B. Ed: s 21. S. Thew 49. N .G . A.Fezraraerii 51. RCe t28 3129. Y . Edmon& 51. D . Do ~ -:m 29. S. Lies 51 D. Ha Is 30. A. Treg:riwan 53. J . Ru

ja J .Gft 54. J .L4

31 . S. EdaaNs 55. C. Csrn~ 31 . D. Pazala8o 56. S. Dma!8a 32. J . Da0!as 57. B. D4q 32. M. Syrras 58. Ai NnmA 33. D.Sworm 59. aTFait 33. V.Paaassa 60. MCvnp 34. P.HraF/ 6t . ftN~~vJ 35. C. Mutest 62. R Path 38. G.Cm 63. D.OU-'z,.~^ an 37. A.S1ieehan (Cfq 38. C. Feu6rvMi 64. J. Ka!! 39. A.Metkm 65. M .Keni 40, J. Dern 66. M, Lowry

67. 0. PiuaV% 68. J. DaE/

8. T . Seymour 9.J . Wilson 10. M . Oliphanl 11 . R. Liley 12. P . Ronchi 13. P . herman 14. B . Edmonds 15. A . Teelow 16. P . O'Dea 17. D . O'Brien 18. A . Handbury 19. J . Manton 20. G. Coldweli 21 . S . Glover 22. J . Taylor 23. M . Davis 24. T. Peddie 25. A . Alle n 26. N . Kemp 27. D . Morton 28. M. Taylo r 29. J . Neville-Smith 30. A. Howell s 31 . J . Nevins 32 . G . Wilkinson 33. M. Wilkinson 34 . T. Pau l 35 . D . Eley 36 . A. Rigby 37 . G . Stirling 38 . P. Beltrame 39 . D. Swan 40 . S. Bones 41 . E. Bell 42 . P. Liascos 43 . D. Hay 44 . E. Spiden 45 . L . Morrison 46 . R. Rice 47 . E . Smithers 48 . S . Saunders 49 . J . Smythe 50 . M . Robson 51 . A. Robson 52. S . French 53. B . Hicklin 55. D. Crowe 57. R. Calvert 58. R. Morton 61 . R. Oliphant 62. H . Cameron 63. A . Barron 66. B . O'Halloran 72. S . Cowdery 73. R . Abbott 74. J . Geddes 75. N . Kennett 76. A . Osboume 77. C . Oliver 78. R . Knight

OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach: Be rt Calvert Reserves Coach : Jeff Norman 1 . A. Acreman (VC) 2 . A. Carter 4 . G . Stroud 5 . C . Wallace 6 . D . Paterson 7 . G . Ferguson 8 . N. Macquire (VC) 9 . C. Wright 11 . D. Solley 12 . G . Dickson 13 . S. Sharp 15 . C.Davis 18 . T . Bournon 19 . D. Kitto 20 . C. Shedden 21 . M . Elliott 22 . P . Harrington 23 . N. Moodie 25 . J . Winduss 26 . G. Dart 27. G. Katris 28. M . Bond 29. D. Agostino 30. M . Brooks 31 . D.Johnson 32. J . Sly 33. C . Gardner 34. D. Holland 35. D . Murphy (C) 36. B . Paterson 37. M. Sichlau 38. R . Sherrift 39. R . Beynon 40. T. Leonard 41 . A . Olin 43. 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 51 . 52 . 53 .

C . Best D . Sarah C . Leaver J. Norman J. Konicanin D .Johnsen b . Murphy G . Pride A.Oxland N . May

55 . S. Martin 56 . M. Leone 60 . D. Nock 61 . C . Dwyer 63 . T .hancock 64 . M . Austin 65 . D. Murl,hy 71 . T . Kersle y

AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATI ONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd , Black Rock . 3193


T4JC Ar.AATC1i0 CnflTOn~





ST. BEDES M ENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach : PaulBeddoa Rese rv es Coach : Brad Ber ry 1, M . Kinsella 2. S . Zahra 3. J . Sebire

4. V . L'Huillier (RCapt) 5 . M . Murray

6 . R . Parsons 7 . D . Diggins 8, B . Beasley 9 . M, Jones 10: C. Ross It . M . Hecker 12 . C. Stewart 13 . D. Goodchil d 14 . P . Lerman (Capt.) 15 . D. Goodchil d 16I S . Napier 17 . J . Tull y 18 . A . MacGeorge 19 . B . Tomlinson 20 . M . Beasley 21 . G . McDonald 22 . T . Lamb 23 . T . Peck 24 . T . Beasley 25. D. Smith 26 . S . Hecker 27 . D. Johnston 28 . D. O'Brien 29 . J . Sanders 30 . M . Dols

31 . J. Selby

32 . J. Dickinson 33 . A. Walsh 34 . C. Meyer 35 . R . Silo s 36 . A. Wilce 37 . M. Connolly 38 . A. Hayes 39 . M. Leyden 40. C . Johnston 41 . D . Hendrike s 42 . A. Thompson (VCapt) 43. K. Goodchild 44 . J. Recupero 45 . R . Gould 46. O. Late r 47. B. Hambddge 48. B . Hutchinson 49. D . Bueno 50. N . Tully 51 . M . Uberti 52. A . Kearney 53. M . Firth

54. M . McCraw (VCapt .) 55. P . Dywer 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71 . 72.

C . Trotter M . Lomagno D . Baulch J . Drury J . Crowe A . Ryan R . Mulquinney R . Kilroe-Smith N . Haye s M . Zakic P . Razga C. Ambrosini D. Marshall P . Walker A . Whitelaw B . Griffiths M . Manson

ST. KEVINS Senior Coach : Tim Ha rt Res. Coach: Glen Taylor 1 . B. Burden 2 . J . D nan 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 .

M. CYhapman (DVC) M. Frase r R . Callanan A. Morgan A. Hart D . Williams G . Smith D . Moore D . ; :yan

12 . M. Dollman (DVC) 13. R . Bowles 14. J . Bare 15 . D . Fox 16. B . Garvey 17. M . Terzini 18. N . Hart 19. D . Sheehy 20. A . Varasdi

21 . J . Quirk (DVCRes) 22. J .Mace y 23. 24. 25. 26.

P . Ryan P . Meagher N .Goldsworthy B . Kennedy

27. R. Gross (VCapt ) 28. M . Farquharson (DVC) 29. A . Moun t 30. P .McNee 31 . M . McNee

32. B . Noonan (ResVC) 33. S . Dento n 34. J. Whitbread 35. A. Thomas (ResCapt) 36. A. Noonan 37. S . Kennedy 38 . J. Harmer 39 . S . Fribble 40 . D. Boyd 41 . A. DeJong 42 . D. McDonald 43 . D. James 44 . J. Drake

45 . T .Bare 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 .

D . DeRooden M. Brady (Capt) B. Howard S. Kennedy M.Durrant D . Wilks P. Lewin R . Quirk S.Game M. O'Shea J. Shepardson S.Dillo n T. Hart




STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach : Terry Walsh Rese rves Coach:

Senior Coach : Allan Fleming Reserves Coach : Wayne Coope r

Senior Coach : Des Meagher Reserves Coach: Gary Kaltinikos

1 . S. Papaioanou 2 . B. Byro n 3. A. Smith 4. R .Ward 5 . J. Bubi s 6. B. Pelfigrino 7. S. Plan t 8. A. Fellows 9. Y. Capeci 10. P.Bullard 11 . L Alberti 12. Z. Fleming 13. G.Scarpa 14. M . Patmore 15. L. Del Papa 16. D . Farchione 17. D . Gorski 18. F. Arcoraci 19. P . Ristevski 20. L .Alabakis 21 . E . lentini 22. L. Sallese 23. R.Dimaggio 24. B . Smith 25. R. Kennedy 26 . C. McNeil 27. S . D'Avoine 28 . L. Moribito 29 . K . Harling 30 . C. Fellows 32 . P . Colosimo 33 . J . Zaigos 35 . A. Colosimo 37 . D. Dimovski 38 . G . Scott 39 . O .Esen 40 . N. lulianglia 41 . D.Brooks 42 . M . Ciaverella 43 . A. Lattouf 44 . A. Ward 45 . A.Insitari 46 . S. Sam i 47 . D . Plowright 50. A. Maloney 51 . E. Valentino 53 . P. Battistia 55 . P. Vaferi 58 . M. Reid 61 . G . Skas 63 . M. Grech 65 . S. Holmes 67 . N . Grec h

1 . M . Powe r 2. M . Bateman (C) 3. R. Pasqualotto 4,

Charlie Capiron 1 . B. Rjan 2. NASlapento 3. H.Harad 4. S.Cnm}s S. A.Mxaw 6. P. Green 7. G. Hr7esO:war 8. G.63kv 9. G.P~.atl 10 . D.F~ 1t. J .Gader 12. AFrrsknm 13. S. Neesm 14. J .TPeJrsfiekl 15. M . Kwk I& P.PoVen IT D.W~-,i 18. R. W7ms 19. M .We t 20. A.

21. M.1 fic 22. P.0-

2 3. Woven 24 . PdWm 25. P.D}nm 26. B. Jazkon 27. A.OaUra 28 . G . F&A 29 . D .Ouibvie 30. B. Ks g 31 . P1m ~ P Daris 32 . M.DZ . M .Tkaz 33. H .Cd2 61 .Aklrsm 34 . T. Freud a A . J. Fraley 35 . M.Ryan ~ 63 64 . M .D'Ast~k 39 . M. Akimim . J. Havoi 311 . M. KM 65 . S. HmrteG 38. D .Pare" 66 .A . S Env. It 39 .Ovnao:l 67 68. W Menzies 40. D .&a:dnxsi . FXn%wSS 41 . A . S^.ft 69 It. D. SW= 71 . A.Crara bri 43 J. He* 72. M .WeDened 44. S . damaM 73. S. D;dty 45. W.Derham 74. C.Fernmtb 4& A. Sfr&N 75. S. Price 47. M.M~br/ 76. M.Scanbn 48. B. FA3s~ 77. 49. M. BrMm 78.G .D 50 . M.6'Agasfno 19. M. " eR . n 51 G. Watea 52' . R 1 .1 53. 8.8.inke 81 82. 54. S. PaKCtsai 83 . L 551. L Magaw 84 . M S' 58. B. karam9rotsla 85. d Nd~ 57. K.GI??sai . 58. E . Karaz nirar ld 86 59. R. Gt+nue


22 . J. Bonnyman (ResC) 23 . P.Ciardulli 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30. 31 . 32 . 33. 34 . 35 .

J.Ciardulli M.Vemal C .Ryan M. Jackson C . Fames C . Harris P . O'Brien N . Jenkins (C) M . Carbone G. Feutril S . Lowell C . Law

36. J . McFarlane 37. P . O'Brien 38. R . Vujki c 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

J . Naismith A . Thawaites T. Canigg D. Naismith N .Elliott M . Bateman M . Lester G.Johnson S . Habjan M . Rei d

56. 57. 58. 59. 60.

B. Calleja A. Heath M . Smith R. Stopajink M . McDonal d

49. P . Dodd 50. B . Kelsey 51 . L. Eames 52. S . Alexander 53. J .Alexander 54. S .Gillan 55. M . Duff y



5. M .Robinson 6. C. Houston 7. P. Cochlan 8. M. Heath 9. C. Maguire 10 . B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12 . J. Begley 13 . T.Hughes 14 . D . tlanagan 15 . A.Lacey 16 . B.Vandenboom 17 . A.Carbone 18 . P.Begley 19 . C .Andrews 20 . A. Pawfick 21 . P. Haseler


PRIMMM3 ?our On Time Prirrt8r 29


Senior Coach: Garry Nicholson ReservRS Coach: Neil Flyn n

1. 8. 1 2 P,' 'I. P.CG 3 . L G. 4 . M . o. N.' 5. 0.' . 1 4. I t 6. J7 7 . D. 8. d' 9. B 0. N.' 11 . R 12. P. r 11 a '

CAULFIELD GRAM. KEW Senior Coach: Goa- Voyage R . Cr ~h' " . ... . .. 3 cholten .IB. > 2 !' 3. G . 4. !d ; S. W.I 6. 8. t 7. !d' 8. S ., 9. C .' S 10. A 11. 8. 1 a D° i 14. f 42 0. 7 S SJ 41 Rr 16 T.F 44, P IT G,i 4a !ll 1& B.P' 46. A E 19. d@ . 47. Al 20. Kt 43. . 11- P, ' 49. A L21 5}. B. 2211 22 23. D.i 51 . Kt 24. K D Si 2. T.4 S& W s 26 . S.V 61 . J, a'i 27 . J . F- 71. C. .t q. T. iT . .: 29. C' 3 .

Senior Coach : Robert Bayley Rose"" Coach : Tom Vana 1. T.F ;r;. RP^^^(I 1'C 2 G.I ;si. A'. I 3.tlh 37.&' 4. D, C, 1 S. M. W.y=. 5. J.E_._.. & C.P•-• 40. P.Fr'n 1.D' 41.Rt~ gm 8. I . . eo. Cl ;VA 9. A, G! 0 10. &i P.C g~, 11. A ) 2. D. I

ta C '

14. J. IS T .( 18. D.Waa,.. 1. 8.t : ` 18. N.I ,i,a.i) 19. R'-2?. S.Has~ 21. 0.Ha€an 22 J.Pxm 23. T.Ccs 57. N.I 24. B. Dumas 5.Y I 2a D."` 1-; 59. T. a P.I DJ. V. . ... i 27. R. S 61. A r 2d. L(I ~ . Afj~.y 23. K . 61 S. iL~ ST. 5.8. 64. R. I .^.,01 31. X) 65 . K.Vt;¢S Z J .Ei .99 . S.&om :14. 5.E.,, RS~h 34 . LE.rq AYSi,

Stillwell Ford

PRINTED LABELS PHONE (03 9#+7434 EA%f93I445 297 Ouality [abttt~or ONality C~ieDh"

Senior Coach : David Rogers Reserves Coach : tan Hit'-5rand ' .J ' 1`C) 2 0. 3C 2 KC: 4. P . 37. JP 5. D. a4 P.1 6 6tt ..n 39. U 7. P .E 40. P.Ec 8. D.P n qs : 9. LB 21 IQJN, it. V.f -. AC M4 12 I c 45 . J.6 13 R7

7.4 1 0 47. 1S. R( 4E C ta C.E 49. H 17. Y.C I3. G F 19. D. . C.P'*F21 V 22 A E 23. P.P 24. B. F 7a d H 2& P. t 27. D.1 , 2d SA 29. A P 37. R E 3 1. 1 5 - 4'C) v- G V 31 IN, 34. B. P: 35. D. M



Senior Coach : Derck Hine Reserves Coach : Neil Roberts Ass. Coach: Robert Putamorsi e

14. $. 15. R%.T . D. P..18 , 17. A. 51. L T 1& D.14 51 6!1 I 19. AYii ;?. D.( 2d D.Pr.63. T. J 21. S- Ike 61. P. ~ al 22 4 Sara an 62 S. Cm a9 2 1 It S'rrI 63 . W. Etn 24. --r 64. J.D e,~ 25. ATa 65 . D. YdeSA 2d 0.1 6& A. Wag 27. A. 61 . S. &zLnn 2& 8' 8 8, J. Gan 29. i, ., 69 . J. F4aaaN 33 . J. ~ . 70. 8.07{are 31. T.Si- n 71 . ASr &tyn '.v. d .Sw 72 . 33 ABns;'en 7 1 B.k'--.;ci 34.,Crie 14 . C. Tow 8 . SCs~ n~{ 75. RC x D.Essey 76. P.Pra4 37 . R.Eksa 71. W.F-ood 3a. O.'6 78. D .C'.- :.'en q- C.Erao 79. D.lRCrmki 47. dtarey SO. B.Conaarr n

9262 61,66 ~ 9215 2222 • 9682 658 1

Senfor Coach: Mark Flack Res . Coach: David Miller . P. .y


Senior Coach : Steva Mooney Res . Coach: -,,k Waleson 1.B. I

UNIVERSITY REDS Coach : Michael Farrell Rosen Grant Hammond

!' E

21. 4. 22. K' 23. u

& 7

PATTFASDN CNENEY P ,gnoal• Dandxnang• Sih Meiboume

a X G .rm

t8 A 19. S.' 2-a

Senior Coach : Martin Legga Reserves Ca-ch : Rick Jam I. LG3 N M) 41 . D. 2 T.h! 42 .' '. i 41 T. A1 ' 44 . T. r 5. S` 45 A (


8 1. V.F 2 0. 1 ,3. 14. 5. 0 5 4! C A. G= <




Senior Coach : Laurie Zonate Reserves Coach : Mark Row o 1. P.1 2 AE 3. F. ! 9,1 5. 6. A.


16. 6 . 11 . A 2 MA, 13. CJ, 14 . 1 5. li= I& 1 17. P . i

~a B.

79. FJ 2?. !l : 21 . G r 22 ! 23. 1 24. G. 25. 26. R t 27. K .' Bi

C) 47. GA 42 . J.FFI G .' St . G . 52 . D .L +. fl . Fm 5S . 55- RN 55 .

57 . S.R 5& H ' Si k I E6. G. ~ 61 . 6z KJ 63. ld.N n. C. 64 . P. P 's3 6531 . D.F'°ro Y. F.h,7, 66 33. P . ga:3x 67 34. 68. RF>d+;=t :5. R.ftdts

9. A 10 P.I 11 V : ~ 2GF• 13. J P 14 O.C is. AC 6 P.H ti. L S

I& GS ra 15 PM 2 AGi 21 . S.P 22 A 6 23 S I 24 . 0 N ' 27 P. .

zx K




.. 20 G.


<a C.i 'Fi. G 27. R

4. 0.!

2 H .E r 37. PSi:: -~ 3. Dk• 3& A."_: : 4. 5. 44 i 93. A~-~e a, D.X 40. B.& P.Ti 41. P.7. k. P.V4' & v 4 45. S. C 9. D. 47. A :.~ .~ IA P.49. N . '._ . 11. 8, 50. C . 12. AFi 51. T' 13. Id ; . ... 52 I i4. fl.. e :--_~ 53. A 15. P54. 4.i 18

Si 61. 62 .. 63 1 1 64. 1 ; 6S. A.' 6& 8r 67. R. : EB.Af R P. 11. P.



E Central


1„p, TROBE UNI .

Senior Coach : Rick Morris Reserves Coach : Mick MonhsB Senbr Conch: Shane Rule I . P. Coope r Reserves Coach :Bar ry Funnell 2, F. Denani t. M Bakciferm 34 . T. Mckoos h 3. K. Fros t 4. N . Paroadatos D'Hufar 35 . N. fre~nrl 36 G .~r S. D.Mankrx 37 . A. Okada 6. A. Webb k A. Cast 7. W . Carl 5 SCegey 8. J . Tanaseib 6 J.D.mesq 33. SA" 7,BFod 40.~o (VC 9. D . Griffin 4i .B 8. 10. U. Hayes 1 I . F. Coscare8a 9. P.Edmetds 42 . D.Lynch 14 D,Sddeffami 43. K.Cumn 12. 11J.ZeGmvsk 44.G .Mr2{-ru ..' 13. G. Risk 12 1Hashem 45. S. Turner 14. S . tAwinsti 131y, Ban 46. D . 45V 15. D. Morris 3& P. Keepod 16. 37. G . Mamep 14. a Hayms 47. D . HaNzy, 48. L.lkNmnara 17. 38. D. Grige-letto 15. M. Lewis 49.N .btai 18 .M . Lowe 39. J. Au9arstakis 16B, Steady 19 . 40. D . CzMrVs 17, M. VQWO 50, S. Bea9iehat 8, 51 . M.Wa lf f 20 . 41 . A. Chap* 19 RCardy 52. J. Cousin 21 . R. Martinez 42. & 22 . D. Ferxv:ssy 43. ( Cq)5-0. B .Carel 23 . T . RurxSngn 44 . D, GrilMhs 21, D.Edmuds ~ 22 J.S~X~'p 55, A .O,mtmixgs 24 . P. Davies 45. 25. J. Retalo 46 . M. Cooper 23 . S. Durin (Cap .) 56 57. 2t J. Kate 26. P. Marare 47. '~'s. J. Wdas 58. M . cotsorpotios 27 . 48. 59. B. Hayward 26 P,Grmaw 28. R. Bazzana 49. 29. 50 . C . Hayes 27 . L R1an 60. K. Rodney 61 .S.Bhrd 28.M5oraka 10. 5t. P, SMPen 29, W.Lee 62, 31 . 52 . x C.Goson 63 , 32. P. Pashelds 53 . 33. R. Griffiths 54 . 31 . SLagerg3n 64 . T.Wilsm 32. MNa{rer 65 . 34. D. Keppei 55 . N. Za 35. R . Mong 9T K. Molone y 33, P.tAlk


North Fitzroy Phone 481 4693 THORNBURY COUGARS Senior Coach: Gary Cutior Res. Coach: Rod Robertson 1 . B. Carter 2. A. MarMoney 3 R.Larzeski 4. B,P.obertsan 5. G cutler 6. P. Cutler (Capt) 7. T.BaftWtt S. C . Kremr'~ki 9. W. Larkins 10, G. Thompson 11 R . Feithato 12, S. Lacey 13. D. Carter 14. M. Gadded (RCapt) 15. M.Kkiy 16 S . Murdoch (ResvC) 17, S . Barrett 41. 18T.Lincoln 42. R .&wm 19, M. .7hnslon 43 . A. Kkaj 20 R. Atr.,~OU 44 . V. DAngHo (VC 21 . R. MamBi 45, 1. Jones; (DVC) 22 . W. Dusar 47 . A .Serris 23 . R. Hameda 48 . A . Roca 24, D. Muscat 49 . P .Dodkirs 25, DWskey 50 . L. like 26. J. Haber 51 . P . Tucker 27 . P. Csb 52 . C. LincotiI 28 A, Mang 53 . 29 R. Robertson 54 . A. Docket 31 A. Aerntrakis 55 . R. Edwards 31 . D. Maeakis 56. J. Liveisidge 32. E. Pizza€o 57 . R. Waighl 33. S. Harriett 5 8 34. P.MCConad 59 "sa. S APp'.eby 60 36 A . Begley (SmDVC) 37, P.t.tazzzrHa 33. P 67mautlo 39

40, S. Harley

UHSO B Sonior Coach : Mark Sed 9 wick Rese rv es Coech : Gino Maus 1 . R Fre'gah 2 . D.9ebrer 3. A.Bane 4 . C,MS•:man S. C. Stars 6. S,Crackne t 6. K.Jores(Feserres) 7. C. Shin s 8. M,Scdgvick 9. RSmih 42 . D,Wa~ce(C~ 10. P.Earrs ~ . A Bnb ii . C .W~ 43 . LMasErasavas 12. C .Am~ 44' M . 13. P. McLean 45, G_Cook 14. D. Rep 46, M . ~ts 15. M.Dav&m 47 . G .CGa~e 16. P .Cr.m4hrape 49 . Hudd .B 17. B.RdhweB . D .Fermssy 18. P.HOOy?r 49 D . Z~H 50. 19. G, Mazza . J . Rogers 20 . M .Datj 51 52' T. Roe 21. S.Ba1~rA 53 l . F Bassi 22 . D. Barre . G._ MadVm 23 . D. Each 54 55. 24 . S. WsSartuon 56. W . Mots 25 . Works D . Ted 26 . C.Gdhercc~ 57.. 58 D. Matheson 27 . K.SSrafan 59 . D,S~h 28 . M . rdh~9 62 D. 29 . MDwxxn 61 . MAduns

30. G ..brds . G. Amokl.asen 31 . M.Vqoen 62 61 P Owens 32 . D. Bw» 64. J. Room 33. P. EBrirgram ~ . JSaba 34. D. Douglas ~ . E . Baltic 35. J . MtWhimep ~. G. Pupan 36. M. Rick 68 . A. Clarke 37. G .Catlerat 69 . J.Catatd 38. A . c e f 70 d Mazza 39. P.G>.ra9t y . 8. East 4(1 S . Wae 71 . A.A;au 41 . M.O'Caerv n




Senior Coach : Gordon Burnam Rese e Coach : Peter Sacco . A Tsde-tt rv I 0. Adam 2. 3. J. Bukran 4. P. Dra m . 6 V. Cxura65 7. J. M 39 . D,Gupp/ 8. P. curnogiam 39. M.GkriMer 9.J. MAN 4(L S. Hogg 10. S .Webb 41 . LRgazB t t, J, BMW 42, J. 12. S . Hodgson 43. F. Curcio 13. P . Mah 44 M. Luis 14. 45. . B . O'Brien 46. 16 L. Demon 47. J. Polorrm 17. A Kyri.3fs 48. 18. V, H.ra1eM 49, 19 . V,lko4 50. 20 . G. Lm'~oul 51. S. Tama ,''.. 21. J. KaWk 52, H. C. Fox 53 ' F . Marini 23 D, ENS 54. G, Fiat 24 . G .Halal 55. S. &alamona 25. P.Gem~xro 56 . 26 57 . R Sarrdws 27 . P. Rar#M 58 . S. Keay 28. D. Las'lon 59 . D.Arigrrn 29. J . Smuker, 6(1. X J, Poe 61 . 31 . S.Ward 32 B,Wtstman 33. G .McCa9 34. S, Moore 35. P.Duesell x D . Magnuscrr 37. B. Thorpe

Coach : Alex Frazer Reserv :e : Mick Evans

Coach: David Twomey Reserv es Coach : Dean Roderick

UNIVERSITY BLACKS Senior Coach: Garry Connolly Reserves Coach : Richard Grummet

i . G .Dazrodl 41 . G.VAtisai 2 R. Hal 42. D. Ryan 30.Mar'ssy 43.J. 00f 4. M. 44. PFabes 5. B, ' 45. J. Beirut 6. J .Dsbwagt~ 46. E .17aW 7. CAUtheld 47 . S. Cuban S. D .Hatam 48 . D.Morcan 49 . M . ' 9. C. PeKn 10. A. Ke nnedy 50 . T. Jessen 11 . B.Sn,?h 51 . Atkvtk It N . Roberts 52 . M .Gralam 13 T,Bowle ; 53 . N.SHarrmu 14. M. HaFam 54, M . Brggs 15, k Koekas 55, M . Won 16. P .Cattxve5o 56. C. "rs 57 . D. erticdt 17. H . Peyr.ks 18 P .W~rd 58. D .Bct,}ey 19., J.Ward 59, L War 20. S . Lowe 63. S. Fraser 61 . C .Michei 21. B. Ted 22 T .Laznb 62. 23 . S. &_atrn 63. 24 . M . Fogarty 61. 25 . N. Bowes 65. J. Trerasks 66. 26 . D. Bids 27 . M,Hayes 67. 28 . P. Lee 68. K .Cart°rdlu 29 . A. Gass 69, S . Litle

30. D.Saxer6y 70 .

31 . N.Carah 71 . H. Kean 32 . L . Petsdal 72. 33. P. t'odg,0n 73. 34. J .CwR 74 . 35, P. Carrie 75, x MBeghy 16, 37. J . Gadi 77 . 38. C . Cudahan 78, 39. P. Harron 79, 40. G . Sutiran D1 .

I. 11 , 2 P .', 3 P'

5. S`-° 6 C 7. Iva n 9. J I t9 i. : a il. 8. 12 J 1I P 4. J r : 15. S :. :a 18 SBxi. m IT P. Hola 18 Tted? 19. G. favar, ~. J. Lan;

21 L Slow . Lou i23.M J. 24, S .

2'>. heads 7c P. LaJ 27. D. Em DTak, 21 29, P.C '...y 39. J. k~ 31. N.C^o 32 J, A 31 S.4a 91. B.( 'sz 0 :: P., 37. S. I 8 3:,

40 Gitlin 41 k5*. Q Jf.Ya n OCa,4 W uL L Y P.B€ G 0. 10 -+ 47, D.Ga 12 P .1'. d )

kn D. -' 51 . 8.3a__7 52 KW S C.Fzrz4a S . B.G. 5 P. S. W.Cut 2. T.Y(#su 55. P.Cms S. A0Efn p C.Dehf 61 B84R @ !t Ei ADasa 61 NfrID 65 A W. % D. B o.Da ay 9 B. RA 8 JKsrO

1 . B. BaadrB 2. S. WrJOrg I B. Haley 4. A. O'Keefe 5. D . CWaes 6. J. Nurslwrgh 7. D . Jago 8. A . Hors" 9. C. ViCirger 10 . G. Crowe It D. Roderick 12 . G. Harris 41 J . BiBman t3 . M . Hale•y 42 . B . Gray 14 . B . Srt88i . P . refer 15 .Board 43 .A 44 . T Marcus 16. S. Cruise 45 . M . Craig 17. P . King 46, G. Flower 18. D.Oui~ 19 . . FUSIO S N47 . A. Hadley 20, E. SzuJdz»kz 48 . S. Jones 49. S. Hewitt 21 . D: Kreuse 50 . P. Harris 22. P. 0'Makey 51 23. S. Porter 52. P. MarBnsen . A.Irr~eBa 24. L . Fairfield 53. S. Leonard 25. S. McLeod . Danga fkid 26. P. M.esrren 54 . B 27. D . Bitrmn 55. 56. 28. C . Parsbw 29. D . Hr~ 57. . Stewart

P ~. C . GaKin 58 .. A. Lpsedrrioe 31 . J . Man 59 60 . 32. G. Jerkinson 33. G. Rdtson 34. B. Fdleti 35. B . Frargn 36, J. West 37 . S . Cunxrwr 38. A . McCarthy 39, M. G ;bb 40 . A . Trianon



Senior Coach: Phil Leathem Reserves Coach: Nick Megafas

Senior Coach : Also Elliott Reserves Coach : Tony Ryan

1. A. Heathen 40 . R. Baker (RCV, 2. J.Grey 41. SAaiies 3. REaslwaj 42 . E. Kzra6aaiors 4. (k Dswas (Capt) 43. J . Tobin

5. O.Pa4azagra 44 . J . ' ' 6 MSassine 45 . C. Kava5vatos 7. F . Vitale 46. G Soldlac e 8. PN3m?,on 47 . P. Kyle 9, J. Knoury 48 . L. Brown

10. S. Fy4k 49. J . hey+rocd 11. S.Cocdards 50. R.CackeB 12. S. Richardson; 51 . C, Hdt'starroo 11 J . Soba 52 B. Flanagan

14. P.Rat'ram 53. B. Oka 15. P.Mcnauglitan 54. A. Baker

16 . S, Srcryihe 55. M. Ortiz 17. J .Jadson 56. R .ROd*us 18 . J .Curtvi 57. P.Cod c 19 . S.Ba ' n' 58. D .W~3T5 20. PH'nk:/ 59. H . McDartaid! 21 . SMddan'ara 6). M. Kodandc 22 . N.Magalas(RC) 61. M.Ra1gers 23. J. Osborne 62, B .Pemn 24. D.Coaon 63, S .Cmaty 25, G .Malom 64. P . McGrath

26. G .Neart 65. SDearavp 27. D. Brmxal'sSro 66. D, D:4s•o 28. K.Buggiar 67. J. Haste 29. D .M ;Aliskr 68. M. kderson X M. Lewis 69. N, Le6zes 30, J. Spakfing 70, R. Welfare 31 . A. Matchracca 71. N. Final 32. S. D'AMrea 72. A . Siberea-en 33- TAmosm 73 . D. Home

33. GCluppell 74 . A.Barber 34. M. Cases Is . S Stapleton 35. J.Tasxcw. 76. I .AkNekx 36. C.RiYJire 96. P.Dertrvn 37. S .Cocarbas 38. B. Moral 39. T .Hes,derson

I . N.Bezzad 36 A.Tdoges 2 . W.Gdllhs 37. A. Bond 2 . D . Dar" 38 . T.BeclovA 3. A. Hany (Capl39 . T. Carlo 4. J . Tuck ) 40. G. Raid 5. D . Mant.67d 41 . Fkkafds 6. D . Grieve 42. M. Bramm 7, M.Bekby 43. S .Kerrcedf 7. D .EIIdi 44. C . Fazekas S. B . Hann 45. B . Ism 9. G.Case 46 . AFoch 10. M. HcBad 47. C. Ha8 it . LGrk 12 N .owFi 48. K .Fwrie . Bard 49. W. Km 13. 8 .Tw'st 50 . R. Kukmasti 14. Oared 51. D. Ehiom 15. D.m 52 . D. CSgenaa 16. C. Sniffettn 53 . M . Harnett t7. M.GFFfm 54 . M .Okaam 18. T.targtem 55 . M .p>W r 19. P. Davan 56, G. Ban 29, D. WTadtam 57, D Ckle n 21 . P.Sac[zt 58 . J .Dxxson 22, W. Payna 59 . G . Grey 23 . P. matters 60. B. MacLeod 24 . D. Grigg 69 . P.C fte 24 . T. Ryan 70. G . Dark 7s . R. Evans 26 . D.Lee 27 . B. Tuck 28, S.Ca>*;ernood 29, MAnkrson 30. A- Cook fVCapQ 31 . C.Mdtentie 32 . S. Dim 33. T.Carxao 34. G . Warren 35. S. Kercdey




ANZ ALBERT PAR K Senior Coach: Jack McDonald Res. Coach : David Kilmarti n I. S . Me 26. P. Knight 2. N . "vas 26. E. Level (R) 3.P.' 2T C. Loved 28. C. Wa3kMy 29. S. Pedran 5.T.& - 30. J. FMnt;v r (R) 31 . T. Harknson 6 C. ~ s 32 . M . Ferrell

7. P. ; n 33. N .Dam 8. S. L 34. C .Weslbado 8. R.I.'u~tsay 34 . R Pzrrz(R)

9 G.S°-ers 35. AJe(c'y 16. N. R had 3S. M. Pam 10 .M. ' 37 .AJ enan 11 .A.1~ aJ 37 . MSawq (R) 11 .J.L..: 38 .AT,: soy 12 . G. LarKn 39 . A. i 13. S .M.cCarUw 40 . K. , 14. M. WeaBeal 41 . C. 14. M. Szeitz 42. C .A .Bearkn 43. K.15 16.M.Malone 44. R!'--n 16-T.Stnal 45. P.n: -•~ 1 7. 0 .McLeBin 46. S. E7, C . Money (R) 47, RCx 18. P. Boyle 48. P. F .7 : 19. C .JQks 4 9. 4. 4 _ 20. R . Keep 50. R 21 . P. StroppN 57. B . C - oys 22. M . Cox 23. A. Bemr2tt 24. M . Lamm 25. J .McDonald

OAKLEIGH Senior Coach: Rod Bourke Reserves Coach: Paul Nikakis I Br311 B. N p -, 11 ~

Mark Ste\ =r s PANEL SHOP P L 1 :14TfU'.I,: ;:


HAIRSTYLISTS for Ladies & Men

Sanior Coach: Mick Marshall Ros. Coach : Mark Mannered L Lk, 'K i) 3z P. 2At ;fl.R7 3 M.} 01. A . D.1 z P r4 KY n £. & LPe 37. 7. T. H37. D &C.k 31 8 -

9. S.C

10. R8 n(YC) 40. 6tR=r it. P.H 41 . KT 12 S. N . . . Y.CJ) 42, V.13 4 3. 281 .4 14.S.S ; 44, IS, IS. J.Pi 45. RI 6 1 . KS _n 46 &1 17. 1W 1{Yi L) 47 . P.t 1& 114, 48.A l 19. id.8 49. S( 2 7. dR:„..~s 50. R 21 . M L 53 . R'_

''JU :1UR~ .~t~

GLENHUNTL Y Seniors Coach : Angelo Lsmanna Res. Coach: Paul Thomas i. B . Wkwn 37. 2. A . Lemma 33. A. Ar&rio 3. T. H4 39. J.Pa&4;{ 4. D .Cass~ 40. C.Cr~ S. R larranna 41 - J. Crooke & M. Seabrook (VC) 42 . N.BasnaS 7. M. Kods 43. D. Trances B. J .Jarzs 44. R .ODonnel 9. 45. 10. 46. C.Ca;ra 11 .T.Poaa',er(C) 47.J. . LMeA~Ie 48. ILA 1i2 z 13. 49. D ., . 14 . so A-1, n 15 . C. Whelan 51 . AL ._i i& J.Hemkrstn 52. S.Kratk i7. S.A~ttt 53. M.H~',ey 18. P.'Rwmas(VC) 54 . C.M icticA 19 R Formal 55 20. 56 .' M .Jores 21.I.Tum 57 . 22. G. Santos 58 23. S . Webster 59 . 24. Z. Krslk 60 . J. Young 25. 61 . R. Louden 26. P.05hernassy 62 . A. Wasrsq 28. C . Murray 63 . T. Buckley 29. M. S Marl 64. 30. P. Harrison 65. 31 . G. Oaten % 32. P. Burden 67. 33. 68. D. Lmnama 34.LTImTias 69.G.Fle dwr 35. 70. 30. R.Hal

MONASH GRYPHON S Seniors Coach: Ga ry Ryan Res . Coach: David flainer 1. L V 'S (DJC) X P5. 2 I my(CPet) 37. i 3.A (, ~. .C . R4 A R .• 49. 0.;:SD E C , . CC) 41 . D ( 7 . N° 42 P .J 43.lA.8 9 . P. . 44 .A 19. P. 41 C. . it. D14&dr1 12 O.Dm!1CR)47. P. 13. It Tog 48. L 14. M. Lee . 49. A 15. J. Naff.r 59. S. ., . i& JCfat 51. V 7. 1 S8ackeri 53. D. 18. A0&-len 5 1 19.L Fraser 54.5 20. G &Wi 55 J. F . M. K" 56 J 12

2L R. West! 57.

23 C. Rai 58 D.k 24. RBLtt 59. BI 2"a D.ll 67. Kt . . AM 61 . H.; .f6 27. R'rst 6Z 1 1° .n e's.. 11 - F ^ ? 61 S. 1 21 F. . R. L4 37. P.I . ,.. "- DI 31 .Gn ~ m. S y- AG ' B~ t r 3j R7L OA 31 . GHM [VC) 97. S i 35. RJ '* ~ 98. \99 . T. Lee




Seniors Coach: Myles Landry Rese rv es Coach: Neil Franks

Senior Coach : Peter ONvieri Res . Coach: Craig Richardson

I .S Motorman 2.S McMahon 3. 4. E. Bowen 5. S. Torassi 6. Warner 7. N. Franks 8. P. Angus (Capt .) 9. P. Krohn 10. M . Crass 11 . A. Landry 12 . A. Campbell 13. V. Brancatisano 14, D. Warne-Smith 15, B. Cook 16 . S . Clarirgt>old 17 . L. Barclay 18 . S . Glover 44. C . Samoan 19 . M . Bond 45. C . Mannees 20 . C. Landry 46. D. BranraBsano 21 . S . Baxter 47. 22 .A .Atduson 48.J. B!easby 23 . M. Ga9uzza 49. 24 S . Persons 50. L . Mrks 25. A . Catxe 51 . 26. A . Trapp 52 . 27. J . Vlh ian 53. B. Femrck 28. B. Taylor 54 . M . Dentry 29. D . Morgan 55 . 30. D . Sans 56 . 31 .A.Gross 57 . 32. A. Parsons 68 . A . Waits 33.R.Poole 59 .M.hay2s 34 . A. O'Neil 60 . A . Mouterosso 3S. A. Bandy 61. S . Boast 36. a . Crean 62. B . Vd'a,,~h1 37. T . Stewan 63. N . Bowman 38 . D. Becher 64. 39 . S . Taylor 65. 40 . T . Trewlutt 41 . S . Farrow 42 . A . Briggs 43 . A, Bonner

1. P.Varcoot 44. M.Hrxker 2. J.HaI 45. M.Bask.: 3. G.Sca!zo 4& W .Sah 4. R. Qevin 47 . D. Norrnan S. M. Baire 48 . D. Plebe 6. D. Btch 49 . J. Ryan 7. C . Riftnim 50 . A. S7aw . CM 51. S.Waksh 9. I. A S. Morris 52. J. Wuts 10. MCCLOstigh 53 . A. Kea it . LM< ..sa9ga 54. 12, It Maddox 55, 13. Am 58, 14. C. Newland 57.

15. J. SCdhM 58. 16. S.Cravem 59 .

17 . C. Mtteod 60 . M. Eager 18 . F. Coyle 70. R. Haywood 19 . J.Evans 87. T.Fn:rd 20. A.Fatflaw 21 . J . DernArie 22 . B.MacKenz6: 23. G.Scogari 24. RVr4';3ms 25 . S. Evans 26 . J .Sera.r 27. SLyrch 28. J. Tucker 29. G.Nemnan 30, P, Howson 31. Id INmsby 32. B.W%ar 33. R. Tap 34. M. Donaldson 35. C.WDams 37. K . Terord X P . Phelan 39. J. CA

40, G. Arnold 41 . S . Clayton 42. C . MtFaAarce 43. B.Sc.futz

MONASH WHITE S Senior Coa:h : Glen Cormiok Res . Coach: Ronnie Lamb 1. M.Dois' 2. J. Skm 3. 1 Riches 4. RA*j S. J. '

6. J. Plf t

7. RCwmick B. A .Fabe s S. J.Fairaea ther 10. B.CcOor 11 . A.Hbberd 12. M,Tosszva'ccen 13. C. Rsy ror 14 . C. Chamberlain 15 . H.B=h

16 . N, W9 18 S Dod s

19 . G.VanDer7a9n 20 . M . Rdde 21. R,kkes 22 . G.Cmrrck 23 . J.Derod 24. M. McLean 25. A.Mc&ih 26. S .C4io 27. E U" 28. R Hanxwelon 29. M.Dcbts 30. M. Krebs 32. J. Scam 34. T.Cqgley 35. L"an

36. C. Howe 42. M. Drop'.en 43. J. Edtaard 44. R. Lamb 49. A . bkKissock 'dl. J. CaaC;y 60. G. Sprague 76. T. Hayward


UYVEI yy An & ~~ suu\ SALESIAN O .C . Senior Coach : Polar Turley Reserves Coach : Damian Sutherland I . M . flasks 2 . M.CaaWkS ?4. P.G ..-3rd 3 . S.S~.4Jktiad oi. B.C .-.-. 4 . B.Eonman 40. !A ~ S . M.Ca"ren(C) 41 . SI 6 . M.Chtn 42. S.I 7. G. Coster 43. & B. M.Hazel 44 . C. ._J 9a. M. Daa+ghAx 45. M 9b. N . GtLMns 46 . P.I 10. D. Oliver 47. T. L11, ROrpY,ta 48. P.KY•' n 12. A. (k Ni 49 . DT; 13. I.Bd-.c 59. RI 14. P.Ak °`6 51 . D.' 15. T.: 52 L.16. A. Ch° . ~ 53. O. P--• 17. M.Fc,;,.s(RC) 54. S E 8. S. Sin 55 D. I. A. Healey 5& c ,19 . A. Sear 57. 0. :20 2 1 . RNapob S & L :. 22. M . Power 59. L I 23. C. Roche 60, R 24 . A. Grace 61. D.; 25 . B. Kndxer 62. . C. Clau~on 63. G. E26 rarx' ~'. 27 . M. Mansfield E4, M Fr 28, M. Byrne 65. J.T 29, M. Forbes % &E 33, D. Lawton 31. B.McLanPy 32 A.Sevem 31 M.Wtta'nan 34. S . Peters os 36. S .Ndaa V. J. Brennan

ss. C. z

ST. PATS MENTONE Senior Coach: Brett Sebtre Reserves Coach : Petor Lewis L D.F€nach 2. M.Casgvre 3. K . Waod 4. P. Leas (iksC) 5. 0Ji1'.brand (VC) 6. T . Davis 7. K.Gwrer(Caq) . Perna (DVC) 39. R. Grech 9. P. Errero31 40. D, WA,% I. D 10. B. Sebae (C) 41 . C . Fraser 11 . P.Falmos 42. C . Brown 12 . M . Davies 43. M. Barr 13. A.G=R~ 45. G . Berry 14 . T. an 46. M.Grega n 15 . M .b_ 47. M.0'Daroghw. 16 . J . MP'-rtlr 48. M.Wak h 17 . C.! an 49 . M.CerrReG 18 . T. ; an 50. A. Lahd; 19 .D.f„ or 51 .M .HC~way 20. C.Grc.s 52 . D. Far r 21. D.&Ie/ 53 . D.PMwran 22. P. Mtspry 54 . 0.64rkdrl 23. M.Su&rmn 55 . M .Ykravuses 24. A.Cous'a 56 . B.0'Dal 25. B. Buns - - 26. P.VRr'Ly 58. J.Nowun 27. M. y,4se 59. C. Darr gen 28. M.0'Bren(R) W. T.Guca 29. S . Hawker 61 . D. FWW 30. N . Freese 61. S .PuhJ;s 31 . A .Waisin 65. C .Mefw 32. S . Ryan 66. D . &enn3n 33. D .Arckev(RVC) 67. G .CapJano 34. P. MAcYirt,on 71 . P. Mu7Jry 35. M. Gra M 36. C.Steph:ns 37 . S. WM~ ty 38. S. Perazzo




~) :1L o ., T AL~, Day Round 9 : Sat. : ANDREW JOBLING (Ormond Sun : NO MATCHE S


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SERVICES Mon to Wed 1996 Finals Information Thursday : Permits Friday (a .m.) : Umpire appointments Saturday (a .m.) : Weekend game locations Sat. (evening) : Final siren scores _... --.- ...~'® THF AAAATFI7R FC](ITRAI I FR tAQR

E SOUTH SECTION by Damien Batey

t the halfway mark of the season, there is a familiar look to the sides occupying the to p spots, Peninsula and Salesians still look to be the most formidable sides around, closely followed by the St Pats and Powerhouse who are making the gap between the rest of the sides more distant every week . REVIEW - ROUND 9 Powerhouse, one of this seasons most successful side so far, continued their winning run with a decisive victory over Monash Gryphons. Powerhouse long kicking and direct style of play, proved to be too much for the Gryphons, who capitulated to a 118 point loss. Powerhouse are re-affirming their talents by recording strong victories each week . They will get their chance to prove themselves over the next three rounds, when they meet the quality opposition of the likes of Peninsula an d Salesians. It had been widely perceived that last weeks clash between Monash Whites and Glenhuntly was to be the battle between the two worst sides in the competition . Whilst that may have been a truism as far a ladder position goes, it was not a reflection on the determination of these two sides . In a very even first half, the Whites managed to run the ball with much vigour, whilst Glenhuntly showed their best efforts in and around the packs . It was not until the third quarter that Glenhuntly were able to break away from their opposition to set up their gutsy 35 point win . Tim Hill was outstanding for the Hunters with 11 goals, Rossiter and Rob Lamanna provided great drive and "Rowdy" Augustine was very hard at the ball. Although neither sides will be remembered for its consisancy this year, the fact that these two sides were able to put on a display that featured 35 goals was very encouraging. Salesians were able to run over the top of Elsternwick despite a bonecruching first term that saw the Wicks leading by one goal . Salesians second quarter was far better, as they managed to pack on 10 goals . Brad Bowman was the focal point for Salesians, playing an instrumental role in a comfortable 28 goal victory. Cincotto and Tim Brown also played good games . Peninsula squared the ledger with old foes Oakleigh on the weekend, by recording their first win over the Krushers in over a season and a half . After a tight first term, neither side had made enough impact to break away . A similarly close second quarter saw Peninsula gear to z minor lead at half time . After the break, the Pirates' Eir Bowen continued his midfield dominance, to help his side pour on eight goals in the third quarter . Peninsula's defensive pressure, led by Brett Cook, was enough to put the game out of the Krushers reach by three quarter time . In the final quarter the Pirates continued about their business, 34

slamming home another eight goals . Ryan Pool at full forward and WarneSmith at centre half forward contributed 6 goals each to the twelve goal victory . Oakleigh's form to this stage of the season, with five wins from nine games, does not appear to be as firm as last years performance. Having lost some key players and with some tough games ahead, the signs don't look good for Oakleigh . St Patricks endured a physically taxing encounter with ANZ Albe rt Park to get away with four points . In a game that took its toll on all players, the Vultures came out on top . The Zedders started the game aggressively, posting the first three goals . St Pats slowly steadied after making some early mistakes to take the lead just before quarter time . The second term was a more beneficial one for St Pats as they set up a handy half time lead through their forwards Murphy and Evans .

The third quarter was a fiery one and amidst the fraying of tempers, ANZ managed to get within three goals before the term ended . An upset looked to be a plausible outcome until the Vultures were able to capitalise on most of their scoring opportunities in the last term. ANZ's inaccurate kicking of 1 .8 in the last quarter proved to be too costly and a relieved and battle weary St Pats got out of jail . Best for the Vultures were Perrin, Grant and Chris Sullivan . For ANZ McClelland, Park an d Wi lls played serviceable games . PREVIEW - ROUND 10 ANZ Albe rt Park meet with Monash Gryphons in what should be a stirring contest . These sides are gaining reputations as being hard working and determined units, and this is bound to be a competitive match. The Zedders desperation may slightly outshine that of the Gryphons however and could be the major factor on an ANZ win . A disappointed Monash Whites, who failed in what may have been their only chance for a win this year, now must prime themselves for Powerhouse . Powerhouse's merciless approach to the lower placed sides is one of the reasons it is playing so well, this game should be no different. Salesians take on Glenhuntly, who will still be riding high on the wave of their first win . Unfortunately for the Hunters, it looks as if they may be sent back to earth with a thud . Peninsula's next two games look to be relatively unchallenging, this week they play Elsternwick . The Pirates have only been beaten at home once this year, and Elsternwick don't have the manpower to repeat that effort . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

St Patricks play host to Oakleigh in what could be a real danger game for the Vultures . These clashes are notoriously tough, close affairs, but St Pats will have the mental advantage having already beaten Oakleigh this season . SOCIALS Peninsula will farewell Mick Cross tonight by sharing drinks with him before he leaves to join the Army. A winner of several best and fairest awards and a runner up in the league voting, he will be missed by all Peninsula. All are welcome to farewell a much loved Pirate . Salesians will hold their $1,000 Draw next Saturday 29th June, 8pm at the Bosco Street Clubroom, Chadstone. Tickets .$20 and includes ticket in draw, entry and supper . All welcome for a big night.

100 GA' :iES - DAVID OLIVER "Ollie" was one of Salesians founding players. Having played in a variety of positions ranging from full-back to full-forward, he is very versatile . He's a great clubman who has overcome a serious knee injury. Well done last week and congrats on snagging that goal . 100 GAMES - SAM SINCLAIR Salesians congratulates Sam on reaching this milestone. Sam has been a valued member of the club where he has improved to be a regular seniors player over recent years . A hard worker also as social committee member . We wish you good luck today.



35 34 30 25 24

U ANZ ALBERT PARK v. MONASH GRYPHONS Field: 1. Cayzer, M . Allen . MONASH WHITES v . POWERHOUSE Fietd: J . Stoppa . SALESIAN v. GLENHUNTLY Fieid: P . Withington, A. O'Connor. PENINSULA v. ELSTERNWICK Field: P . Griffiths . ST PATRIC K S MENTONE v. OAKLEIGH Field: B . Bain; Boundary: D. Bain, I . Burgess .

SEAI©RS ffiONlLIB GRYPHONS 6.1 7.2 11.5 13.8.66 POWER HOUSE 4.3 8.7 14,10 23 .15 .153 ffioaash Grypkona Fraser, Wells 3. O'Brien 2. Gilchrist OBrien, Toghlll, Harack . Beat Kitchin, Toghill . Karavias, Grady, Wells.

Power House Craven 11. Robertson 5 . McCullough 4. Clayton 2. Birch. Beat Craven . McCullough, Williams . Devlin, Clayton, Hall .

YONABH WHITES 4.2 7.6 9.10 14 .12.98 GLENHUNTLT 4.1 8.1 16.2 21 .5.131 Snouts Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. Glenhuntly Hill 11, Sutton 3 . Jones, Thomas 2. Augustine, Monaghan, KraJewskt. Best HIS. Rassiter. Lamanna . Augustine, Thomas, Mitchell, Sutton . 16.15 25.23.178 LMZSLAN OC 1 .5 10 .11 ELS cK 2 .7 3 .8 3 .13 3.14 .32 Batesian OC Cincotta 8, Grace 7, Bowman 3. Sutherland, Wiseman 2 . Hazell, Browns, Rke. Best Bowman. Sutherland, Grace, Cincotta, Kavanagh, Browne. Etaternwtck Andrew. Bravington, Mahony. Beat Bravington, Murphy, Mahony. Clement. Daniels. Whelan . PENINSULA OB 3.1 7.7 16 .12 24.15 .159 oABLEIGB 5.2 8.2 10.2 12.5 .77 Peninsula 08 Warne-Smlth 6, Poole 5. Franks, Galtuzzo 3. Gross, Tneurhitt 2, Parsons, Landry. Bonner. Beat Bowen. Cook, Poole, Tmwhitt . Marshall. Dentry. Oaklei&k Grublch 4. Marshall 3. Adamk, Bloomfield, B rereton, Hevertn, Kitts . Best Bknkhun . Gee, Walsh. Ferguson, Marshall. Taylor. Ati2 BAHE 3.2 5.5 10.9 11.17.83 8T PATBICS6 HENTGNE 3.5 9.13 11.15 15 .19.109 ARE Bank Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . St Patrkks ffientoae Murphy S . Evans, M . Sullivan 3. Barr 2, C . Sullivan, Fenech . Beatl Perrin, Grant C. Sullivan, Barr. T. Sulhvaq. Davies.

RESERVE S MORASS GRYPHONS 2 .1 4.2 6 .5 6.5 .41 POWER HOUSE 2.1 3 .1 7 .3 12.5 .77 Snouts Gxyphnaa Burke 2, Leetan. Graydon, Barry, Browell. Best Egan, Barry, BrowelL Bennet, Domaschenz, Robinson. Parer House McGrath 5, Phelan 3. Wright 2, Wilson, Maddox. Bent Bralni, Miller, Galanopoubs. Telford, Tucker, Tromph. EiONASH WHITES 3,2 5.6 8.10 10.13 .73 GIENHUNTLY 1.3 4.4 6.5 6.5.41 Manuals Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received.

Glenkuntly Krstic 2, Turner. Thom . Worsnop, Horsey. Beat Krstic . Mitchell, Warsnop. Tlwm. Heqterson. Horsey.

SALESIAN OC 7.3 15.8 21.15 28 .18.186 B cE 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 .2.2 Bakalan OC B rown 8 . Mansfield. Fottherg616, R Mansfield 2, Scottt, Oliver, Clark . Forbes. Gaspari. Stevens. Best Brown, FothergW, M. Mansfield, Scatti, Metardy, Ward. Btatera®tek Best Grandemange, Park. Hunt. Nunn. Penrose. PENBiBDt.A OB 2.4 5.7 12.8 15 .13.103 OAffi.IOGH 3.1 4 .5 4.6 4 .6.30 Peninsula OR Watts, Krohn 3. Marks 2, Monterosso. Glover.Nelson, Farrow, Baxter, Hayes. Bowman . Best Stewart. McLorinan, Nelson . Fenwick . Scown, Taylor. Oaktefgk Bassindale 2, Adaway, Perdikomatis. Beat Kltner . McNee. Wood. Witllamson ,Hanky, Taylor . ARZ BANK 4 .2 5 .4 6 .5 6.9 .45 ST PATRICSS HEN TUNE 5.2 11 .3 18 .8 21.13 .139 ANZ Bank Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. at Patdeks Mentone Davis S. Cousins, Hughes 3. Piper, Allinson, Lewis 2 . Hawker, Coombs. McCarthy. Emmett Beatl Cousins, Hughes.Nichols, Perauo . Davis, Wise.



CLUB XV111 North & South by Norm Nugent

E7ound 9 results served to further spread the J~',L. teams on their respective ladders as the Clu b XVIII season now enters the reverse fixtures with twothirds of rostered matches having been played . My score of 75% paled before the 100% attained by Barry and Ken who no doubt was seeking a distraction from Ian's forthcoming nuptials . REVIEW OF ROUND 9 NORTH

Marcellin returned to form with a confidence building victory, over Therry, by one hundred and two points . Although Therry lie equal fourth on matches won, their low percentage makes a final position look remote . St . Bernards did comfortably defeat Old Essendon after a one sided affair where St . Bernard's margin was sixty-nine points . North Old Boys vindicated my prediction that they would defeat Kew when they triumphed by twenty-eight points . For Kew it was another disappointing chapter in a sorrowful season . Co ll egians took fourth place at the expense of a disappointing Old Ivanhoe when the "Lions" triumphed in their encounter at Chelsworth Park by thirty-seven points . Collegians standard of play impressed Old Ivanhoe for whom Brett "The Bourbonator" Wilson in the centre, Mart in Tozer (ruck rover), Craig Sharp (half forward), Craig Webb and the veteran John (Boofa) Marshall all played well . Hawthorn Citizens had the bye . SOUTH Second placed Old Scotch defeated Old Melburnians, who have suffered administrative nightmares, by thirteen points after another low scoring encounter between these two historic football clubs. Old Brighton-Bloods through their fifty-one point victory over Mazenod, have placed themselves fourth, two games clear of Mazenod who are fifth . Third placed De La Sall e overwhelmed St . Kevins to record a ninety-eight point victory . Two games and a lot of percentage outside the top four, it would appear that final's participation will now be beyond St . Kevins capability . Old Geelong won out west against VUT by twenty-five points, which proved my prediction to be way off reality . Old Geelong, despite their victory, are now really too far behind Old BrightonBloods to be considered as a finalist . Old Xaverians had the bye. PREVIEW OF ROUND 10 NORTH In a preview of the August 3 semi-final second placed Marcell in play Hawthorn Citizens at Bulleen . Hawthorn Citizens, who won their Round 1 game by thirty-nine points, remain undefeated and must be flag favourites. Since then Dodoriccio has proven a focal point up forward for Marcellin . Today it will be a :3f]


major test for Hawthorn Citizens to nullify his effect . Marcellin coac h "Tubby" Kennedy, on the other hand, must come u p with a plan to thwart the consistently good play of Hawthorn Citizens, Bowe and Avery . At home I select Marcellin to win today. By playing the yet to win Old Essendon, Therry have a great opportunity to record another victory. I select Therry to win and thus stay in touch with the top four . Kew, only a shadow of the team who set the section standard for many seasons, do not have the talent to halt St. Bernards' march to another final's appearance . St. Bernards should record another good win. Collegians, with first ever Club XVIII final's appearance a reality will need to play well to defeat Nort h Old Boys who covet fourth position . Gonzales continues to do well for the Lions whilst the evergreen "Gus" Carroll remains a North star. At home I select Collegians to win narrowly . Old Ivanhoe have the bye. SOUTH Grand finalists for the past three seasons and the leading sides in 1996 Old Scotch and Old Xaverians meet at Camberwell in a certain final's preview . Old Scotch, who are notoriously slow starters have only suffered one defeat, by sixty seven points to Old Xaverians in Round 1 . Old Xaverians who remain undefeated after nine rounds, will enter the match with confidence and the desire not to face a repeat of the Old Scotch narrow premiership victory last season . Each side has a reliable forward in lllingworth (Scotch) and Stones (Xaverians) . Apart from their spearhead Old Xaverians have more impressive forward line who will again test the Scotch defenders . Overall the 1996 club statistics do point to yet another Old Xaverian victory . I forecast it will happen. Old Brighton Bloods should consolidate their top four position at the expense of Old Melburnians who have met troubled times . The difficulties faced by visitors at Brighton Beach provide another reason for my selection of Old Brighton Bloods . De La Salle, should possess sufficient talent to again defeat Mazenod today. Defeat will virtually stop Mazenod making this season's finals, while victory for De La Salle will virtually seal consecutive final appearances . Old Geelong should record a rare consecutive victory today against St . Kevins who went down to Old Geelong in Round 1 by twelve points . Old Geelong forwards, on Como, appear more likely to me to kick a winning score than do their St . Kevins' counterparts. VUT have the bye .

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CLUB XVIII NORTH MARCELLIN 3.2 8.7 13.12 20.14.134 TBERRF 3.2 4.2 4.3 5.5.35 MareeBin Kent 6. Merton 5. Dinneen 3, Pezramentl 2, Pertich, Symes . Cox, McNeil Beat Can, Pezzanrenti, Merton, Pertich, Kent. Yheisz. Therry Rizzo 2, Keenan, Eastmure, Frahm. Beat Rizzo, Frahm . Schembri, Devereaux. Dreer, Arsovskl. 2.4 3.4 3 .5 4 .6.30 OLD ESSENDON gr BERNARDS 2.2 4.9 11.10 14.13.97 Old Euendon Dip 2. Shaw, Bayk. Beat Dip. Shaw, Boyle . St Bernarda Wood 7, Hayes. Farrugia 2. Day. Barnes . Vinecombe. Best Farmgla, Vinecombe . Hayes, Wood, Moon . Matkov. 3.1 3.4 5 .6 6 .6.42 KEW NORTH OLD BOYS 4.2 6.4 9 .9 10.10.70 Hew ODea 3 . Levy. tawrence, lvak . Beat By rne, Corbilty . Garo(folo . Lawrence, Curtain. ODea. North Old Boys Fletcher 6, Carroll, Lanyon 2. Beat Tu rnbull, Lanyon. Hall . Pentland. Koutsavasitis, Scot t OLD IVANHOE 0 .0 2.0 2 .0 6 .2.38 COLLEGIANS 4.2 7.4 10.7 11 .9.75 Old Ivanhoe Yanvood. Webb 2, Sharpe. Wells. Beat Wilson, Tozer, Sharpe. Marshall, Webb, Roxburgh . Collegiaaa Taylor, Oakley 3, Hoyle 2, Gonzales, Wain . Taylor. Beat Burgess, Ashby, Taylor. Wain. Mathers. O'Connor.

CLUB XVIII SOUTH OLD SCOTCH 1 .1 1 .2 4.5 7.749 OLD MELBtJRNIANS 1 .1 4 .2 4.3 5.6 .36 Old Scotch lllingworNh 3. Deakin, Winneke, Tribe, Pryde . Best Price. Winneke, Simpson, Tribe. Aston . Illingwvrth . Old Melburnlana Branch-Flower S. Best Clements . BranchFlowec Cox . Barges, McClellen, Atkinson. OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 2 .0 4 .3 7.6 11.8 .74 MAZENOD OC 0 .1 1 .2 3.4 3.5 .23 Old Brighton Moods Cochran 4, Momson-Jack 2 . Stefanou . Uglow. Wilson, Pye`s, Tonrolo. Best Stefanou, SmVth Payne, Toniolo, Ulow, Moody . Mazenod OC Occhipinti 2, Harper. Beat Cahi 1, Campbell. GarbeWni, Peters . Welch, Hall . DE LA SALLE 5 .3 9 .7 11.9 17 .13.115 ST %EVINS 1 .0 1 .3 1.5 2.5 .17 Be La Salle Tessier 7 . Hoy 6. Bolt 3 . Mannix. Beat Tessier, Hill, Hoy,Mannix, Smith, Makinson. St Hevina Millar, Hooper. Beat Hooper. Bare. De Jong . Millar. Bannon, Goldsworthy. VUT 3 .2 3 .5 6.8 8 .10.58 OLD GEELONG 3.3 8.4 10.6 12 .11 .83 V1rr Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Geelong Jackson 5 . Burn . Jongs 2, Kennett, McMillan, Osboume . Beat Cameron. bum, Hammett Meinnes,hkMillan . Osboume.


FROM ROUND 9 - 18/6/96 * Paul Clear, Eley Park Reserves - Striking - 2 matches Cameron Craig, Glenhuntly - Strikintg - 2 matches Nick Bolger, La Trobe Reserves - Swearing at and abuse of umpire -1 match Nick Bolger, La'IYobe Reserves - Attempting to trip - 2 matche s * Sam Furphy, Old Geelong - Striking - 2 matches Michael Burgess, Old Melburnians Club 18 - Striking - 2 matche s * Darren Binglek, Old Scotch Club 18 - Striking - 2 matches ' Damien Barr, St Pats Mentone - Striking - 2 matche s ' Travis Reddaway, Yarra Valley Reserves - Striking - 2 matches ' Accepted prescribed penalty INVESTIGATIONS FROM HEARINGS - 18/6/96 Various charges of "conduct unbecoming" from the match played between Kew and Beaumaris at Kew on June 1st . 1 . "During the fourth quarter spectators from each club were improperly on the field an d were involved in an incident" Each club pleaded guilty. Each club fined $400, $200 of which is suspended until the end of the 1997 season - such sum to be paid should either club be found guilty of a spectator related offence an d in addition to any penalty which might be imposed for a subsequent offence . 2. A Kew registered player ri(spectator) pleaded guilty to charge of entering arena du ng incident,and making contact with a Beaumaris official - club fined $100 . 3. Kew pleaded guilty to a charge alleging that a Kew supporter did strike a Beaumaris offi cial during the above incident club fined $100. 4 . Kew player A. Gencarelli pleaded guilty under p rovocation to verbally abusing the Beaumari s coach and striking him - player suspended for 4 matches . 5. A Beaumaris official was found guil ty of inappropriately interfering with a Kew player as player was near the Beaumari s coaches' box. Beaumaris fined $100. Various charges of "conduct unbecoming" from the match played between Glenhuntly and Monash Gryphons at Glenhuntly on June lst . 1 . Both clubs found guilty of being involved in a melee an d were fined $100 each. 2 . Glenhuntly player Angelo Lamanna found guil ty of three offences (striking - twice and eye-gouging) and was suspended for a total of 4 matches (to be se rved after a current suspension has been served) . 3 . A charge of misconduct against a Glenhuntly water-carrier was sustained and the club fined $200 - this fine suspended and payable only if the club found guilty of a similar offence up till the end of the 1997 season .


Hugh Lyon

U19 SECTIONS by Brett Connel l

Knitwear Nine rounds left and stithree undefeated sides REVIEW OF ROUND 9 MATCHES DIVISION ONE Old Paradians hosted Old %aeerians in what was expected to be a ripper match, with OP's having the chance to come closer to the four with a win . However the Xavs never let the OP's get moving and ran out convincing winners. Woodham, Flynn and Joyce for OP's were consistent players, while for Xavs Ryan, Hilbert and Boland were best. The big win clinching the second position clearly for Xavs . St. Bernards gathered immeasurable percentage with a thumping win over Therry at home. A (19) to (5) goal first half saw the Bernards well in command, and they finished full of running to keep themselves in touch with the four . After an even first half Uni Blues stepped on the gas and ran away from Old Melburnians. After an emotional week at the Blues with a young member of their U19 team passing away emotion on the day was high. For the Blues all players contributed to a fine win dedicated to young Joshua Watts . Best for OM's were Boyd, Morell and Sewell . De La Salle lifted a flagging percentage with an excellent win over North Old Boys, with NOBS never in the hunt after a(7) goal to (1) first quarter . Johnstone (12), Moore an d Butler excellent for De La, while for NOBS Khoder, Waters and Thomson battled hard all day . Collegians recorded their first win of the year by defeating AJAX . Collegians who pushed fourth placed De La Salle at their last outing were predicted to win and did comfortably in the finish by three goals, well done to Eddy Galizi, the players and all involved with the Collegians' U19's, I'm sure there will be a few more wins in the second half of the year. For AJAX Page, Mohr an d Samuel were gallant in defeat, while for the victors Forsyth, Champion, Luff and Michael were excellent all day . DIVISION (2) WHITE Warringal kept their finals hopes alive with a hard fought (1) point win against St. Leos WP Emmaus at home . Leading at 1/2 time by (3) goals Warringal fought back to be (4) points down at 3/4 time . The last 1/4 was a terrific contest with both sides booting (2) goals each . It was in the end the (5) points that were scored by Warringal in this quarter that made the difference . Camiileri, Rossimel and Harte were best for the Redbacks, while for the defeated none tried harder that McCann, Smith and Lear, with Newey booting (4) goals . Old Camberwell stopped Uni Blacks winning run with a solid performance at home . They led at every change and never let the Blacks get a look in. Hancock (6), Miles and Seeley were good players for the 'Wellers, while Oswald, White and Magee never stopped trying for Blacks . Old Geelong returned to the winners list by defeating De La Salle (2), but not before having to pull 38

their fingers out in the last quarter after leading by only (5) points at 3/4 time . Campbell , O'Brien (7) and St . Clair were named best for OG's . Williamstown gave St. Kevins a head start at 1/4 time and had managed to reverse this by 1/2 time and lead by (13) points . They led by the same margin at 3/4 time but the might of the SKOBS saw them boot (7) goals to (3) to win by (8) points in a thriller . Thege, Wuschatsch, Gray and McCutcheon were best for the CY's, while Large, Fields and Delahay were magnificent for SKOBS . Bulleen-Templestowe had the bye . DIVISION (2) BLUE . Ormond were never in the hunt against top side Beaumaris after trailing by (12) goals at 1/2 time . The Sharks going on their merry way in the second half booting (12) goals to the Monds (5) . Best for the 'Monds were Metz beating three opponents, Hester and Finlayson, while for the Sharks Boctor ( 9), Celan and A3elvor. Monash Blues put a smile on Steve Rust's face last week when they convincingly defeated St. Kilda Sth . Caulfield at Murrumbeena. After trailing by (6) goals at 1/4 time the 'Ashers slammed on (22) goals to (4) to finish all over the hapless Saints . Gregory (6), Riordan an d Oke were best for the 'Ashers. Mazenod locked themselves firmly in the four with a comfortable win against Caulfield Grammarians at the Wheelers Hill campus. In what was a real danger game for the 'Nodders they never let the 'Fields get into gear. Beauchamp, Goldsworthy and Sandell were best for the 'Fields, while none were better than Hemmerich, Meadows and Paolucci for the 'Nodders . Old Brighton came from behind to win against Old Haileybury in the top of the table clash at McKinnon . Leading all day the Bloods could only manage (3) points in the last 1/4, to the "fonners (6) goals . Best for the vanquished were S. Walden, Fossey and George, while for the °Ibnners it was a great team effort in consolidating a spot in the four and giving Andrew Baxter some headaches this week to contend with at training . Hampton Rovers had the bye . DIVISION (2) RED Old Paradians (2) hosted second placed side Whitefriars and struggled against one of the in-form sides of the U .19 sections . The 'Friars controlled most positions and were well served by R. Pawlick, Hughes (5) and Lacey (4), while Redford, Lynch and Watson were gallant in defeat for OP's . Aquinas faced Old Scotch at home and needed a win to keep them in touch with the four. A close match prevailed but Marcellin's overall steadiness and experience saw them through . For the Bloods C . Thomas (4), M. Ti lling and Cultera were best, as to were Stephens, Ibrahim and Dallariva, with Badanjek booting a lazy (7) . As predicted Old Scotch had little trouble disposing of Yarra Valley at home , THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

leading by (8) goals at half time and extending this to (22) by the end of the day . Panton ( 14), Tindale and Walkom were best for the Scotchies, with battlers, Laing, S . Thompson an d Drew for Yarra Valley. In an e,xtremely high scoring match at Chirnside Park the home team kicking (18) goals for the match went down to old Carey. It is not often that you kick (18) goals in a match and lose, but it happened with Old Carey finishing the day with (35) goals . Best for the Parkers were Holliday, Violi (3) and Cliff, while Murphy (8), Angas and Sail best for Old Carey . Old Trinity have the bye . PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAMES DIVISION ONE AJAX host Old Paradians who were soundly defeated last week at the hands of Old Xavs, while on the other hand AJAX were Collegians' f rst scalp for 1996 . With much riding on the game for both sides I believe OP's can return to the winners list today . St. Bernards host old Xavs at Beryl St. and will be tested from the first bounce . Xavs are in fine form at the moment, while St . Bernards have been honest without being spectacular . In a tight contest Old Xavs to win. Uni . Blues welcome Therry to the Crawford Oval and with Therry's recent form they will have nothing to look forward to on the trip home, Blues by plenty . The La Salle and Old Melburnians clash at Waverley Park in what should be the game of the round . Sitting 3rd and 4th respectively this game has it all . A real incentive for the victor to gain that psychological advantage over their opposition for the finals later in the season . OM's have dropped off recently, and De La Salle have been consistent without setting the world on fire . In a tough one to pick OM's by a nose. Collegians and North Old Boys clash at the Holdsworth Oval Albert Park and I predict that last weeks winning form will be good form for the Lions as they crush the hapless NOBS and lift themselves out of the cellar . Selections : Old Paradians, Old Xaverians, Uni. Blues, Old Melburnians and Collegians . DIVISION (2) WHIT E Warringal travel to Bulleen-Templestowe and will account for the Bullants in what should be a fairly even first 1/2 affair . Warringal still eyeing of a spot in the four will be looking to boost their percentage here today. Old Camberwell host St . Leos WP Emmaus at Balwyn and after a tough physical match last week St . Leos WP Emmaus will be no match for the Wellers who will win comfortably. Old Geelong an d Uni. Blacks is the match of the round in this section . The Blacks have their sights set on the OG's fourth spot and with a win today should find themselves in the four at 5pm tonight . Will iamstown will rebound strongly against De La Salle (2) who despite being competitive will find it hard to match the overall strength of Williamstown at home . St . Kevins have the bye . Selections: Warringal, Old Camberwell, Uni . Blacks & Williamstown . DIVISION (2) BLUE St . Kilda Sth . Caulfield and Beaumaris clash at Murrumbeena, and given recent form the Saints will be no match for the hungry Sharks who are setting the pace in this section . Caulfield Grammarians host Monash Blues at the Glen Eira Rd . campus and will return to the winners list today . The 'Fields will also be watching other ÂŽ THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

results with interest as they must now make their move for the four and not leave it too late. Old Brighton and Mazenod is a clash of 3rd and 4th with the loser having Caulfield Grammarians breathing down their necks over the next few weeks . The Tonners have been very steady recently, while the 'Nodders have been the silent achievers. In what should be a great game Old Brighton by less than (2) goals . Hampton Rovers host Old Haileybury at David St., and despite the match being at home the Rovers will feel the wrath of the Bloods who will rebound strongly from their loss last week . Ormond have the bye . Selections : Beaumaris, Caulfield Grammarians, Old Brighton & Old Haileybury. DIVISION (2) RE D Aquinas and Whitefriars clash in an important match for both teams, the Bloods looking to prove they are worthy finals challengers and the 'Friars wanting to assert some authority over sides below them . Aquinas at home last week pushed Marcellin but will not have enough today to get the points from the 'Friars . Old Scotch an d Marcellin at Camberwell promises to be a great match. Both sides are in the four, yet to slip here would see Aquinas eyeing off their spot in coming weeks . Scotchies have great offensive players, as to do the Eagles . I believe it will come down to a battle of the defences and in what could go either way, I'm selecting Marcellin to win . Old Carey and Yarra Valley clash at Carey and without a doubt Yarra Valley have improved since last these two sides met, despite this improvement it will not be enough to defeat Old Carey today . Old Trinity await Chirnside Park at Bulleen and given they have had some two weeks off will find it tough to get going against a committed and desperate Parkers side who will get the points today. Selections : Whitefriars, Marcellin, Old Carey & Chirnside Park . VALE - JOSHUA WATTS Uni. Blues U19 wingman Joshua Watts, died tragically on Tuesday 11/6/96 . Joshua a 1st year Veterinary Science student had played on the wing for the (5) games leading up to his death and was a popular team-member . Uni. Blues players and supporters and all those involved with the VAFA pass their condolences to his parents and family . A one minute silence was held before the Rd .9 Uni Blues / OM's U19 match last week and armbands were worn by all grades. Under 19 - Continued on Page 46 >

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If shorts are worn they must be white club shorts only . If tracksuit pants, they must be navy blue only . If a whole green tracksuit has been purchased complete VAFA green suit can be wom . 39

LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundle

5 YEARS AGO - 199 1 d Melburnians (A) won their first game for the , ,_i season when they downed Marcellin at Bulleen . The OMs were in devastating form, final scores 20.13 to 7 .12 . Theodore was best on ground while Shelton (CHF) and the two Witts played outstanding games. Marcellin's best were Mason, Gross and A. Gallagher. That, as always powerful B Section force Old Trinity beat fifth team Old R4entonians 21 .22 to 7.10. Boatel (6), R. Beardsley, Allibon and Taylor were the best with Old Mentonians getting good value from Farrow, Sly Jo lley. About the only closer game for the round was in C when Ivanhoe (on top) went away from third placed Bu lleen-Templestowe in the second half. E . Flynn, Kennedy, Pettingill, Rawley, Lengacher (6) were the Hoers best . It was a dour struggle in F when Old Carey and Uri. Reds battled for fourth position . No goals in the final term, only four behinds by each team with the Reds holding on to the last change lead by 11 points . Best were S . Salzano, Urban, Tehan, J . Schiavo (Reds), and Ustick, Hughes, Skene (O.C.). 250 games to State Bank legend Stuart Cloke, best and fairest 1984 and 1987, premiership team 1987 and 1990 . Mostly an excellent defender and an occasional forward, as the scribe said "with mixed results" . Peter Thiessen was named Old Haileybury's best player for third succession week . Three AFL umpires Hayden Kennedy, Andrew Sinclair and Ross Baker umpired in VAFA matches . Old &lentonians and one of VAFA Football' s favourite sons Garry No rt on, played his 350th game . The umpires congratulated Ken Jorgensen on his 10th year as an observer . Ken is that unique person and outstanding VAFA interstate player, a great umpire and a long standing observer . It was 650th game for Bob Dunstan, first field and now goal umpire . Congratulations for years of time, service, dedication and commitment . 10 YEARS AGO - 1986 In a sensational game at Albert Park Nort h Old Boys, 37.12 defeated Caulfield Grammarians, 18 .14 . Quarter by quarter scores were: Caulfield Grammarians 3 .4 7 .5 - 11 .9 18.14 (122) North Old Boys 9 .1 20 .4 31 .8 37.12 (234) The best were Hanlon (5 goals), Egan (7), G . Brown, Borcich, Conti, Merrett (NOB) and Nalder (10 goals), Matthews, Morrissey, C . Stone (Caul . Gram .). Centreman against the VFA, Alan Nalder played at full forward with a strained thigh muscle . Thomastown had a crushing 16 goal win over MHSOB which saw the High School out of the four for the first time this season, 26 .18 to 10.15 . Best were 40

Kelly, Broderick (10 goals), D . Fellows (T'town) and Scrinis,

~----- ... VAFA Plaques were presented to the following coi n parries who have supported the VAFA over the years City of Brighton, National Trustees, 3L0, AB( Radio, Mach Systems, Australian Wool Corporation CUB, HSV Channel 7, State Bank, Spaldinl Australia, Ansett Airlines, MSS Patrol Services. A Sports Celebrity Dinner was held to raise fiand ; for the Adelaide Carnival . Tim Lane (ABC) as MC wa ; superb and Ron Joseph, Keith Stackpole, Bol Shilton, Peter Norman and Graham Halbisch werf interesting speakers . Well-known identities preseni were former Melbourne Champion Alan Is Fontain (Old Paradians/Uni . Blacks), Footscray full forward Simon Beasley (W.A. amateur), Best and Fairest win ner Jocka Nelson (MHSOB), VCFL Secretary Marl Patterson, former State players, Ted and Iar Cordner, John Houghton, John Fisher, Barry Morfett, David Shaw, Alan Pincus, Peter Giles, Gerr3 Gill and former State Coach Laurie Aghan . 200 games to Old Paradians champion rover Arthur Roe, senior captain in 1983 season and a greal clubman. 15 YEARS AGO - 1981 Old Brighton and Kew played a thriller a1 Elsternwick Park . Old Brighton, 25 points ahead at the last change, were goalless in the final, but Kew's inaccuracy, 3 .6, cost them the game by 3 points . Best were Burden, Blay, Hayes, M.McColl, Fletcher, O'Farrell (Kew) and for Old Brighton, no details supplied ! John Gen-and played his 200th game for Caulfield Grammarians, a strong mark and a fine defender for many years, a good clubman and respected committee member, and for the same club Greg Tootell reached the 300 mark - best and fairest 3 times, captain 1972 to 1978, State player (State selector, 1991) . Umpires for the interstate game -v- W .A. were J . Horwood and C . Mead (Field), W. Henry and W . Hinton (Boundary) an d J . Velleman an d D . Hillier (Goal) . 20 YEARS AGO - 197 6 De La Sa ll e won the battle for second position in "A" when they finished too strongly for St Bernard's at Elsternwick Park, kicking 3 .3 to 0.4 to win 12 .15 to 8 .16 . Best were Loft, McQueen, Crothers (De La) and Rackham, Aughton, Doolan (St Bernard's) . Consistency in "C" Section - five home teams won a fortnight ago and last week the five visitors won - the same five teams . To add to the coincidence the same thing happened in the reserves . Jack Fulle rt on celebrated 25 years as VAFA secretary . "A" Section umpires were Cordner, Goodman (yes PO* Chester



the same Benny now at De La Salle - NR), Rowell (Executive Member 1996), Grubb and Wills . St Kilda CBOC (B) won their fourth game in a row, beating Coll egians 14.18 to 13.15 . Stars were Drinan, Jennings, White (St K.) and Williamson, Shinkfield, Rowlands ( Coll.). West Brunswick, still undefeated in "F", had a 48 point victory over FIT, 22.22 to 15 .16 with All en, Byrd and Ca llander the best . Junior sections saw NOB (Section 1) and Thomastown (Section 2) both undefeated. Geelong was celebrating its 50th year in the Acsociation with a "Golden Oldies" Woolshed Barbeque . Old Melburn ians, second in "C", had an easy victory against Power House (eighth), 25 .17 to 12.9. Best were Pisarski (Executive Member 1996), Knight, Urquhart (8) (OM) and Whitmore, Alexander, Upton, Sykes (5) (Power House) . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 1 "OG's" were lucky to take the points against Old Brighton with fullback Michael Crawford saving the day in the final moments . J. Spiden, Nathan and Ian McPherson starred for the victors, with J . Devine, R. Sanders and Hamilton best for Old Brighton. 100 games to Phil Riley (Ivanhoe), Colin Green (MHSOB), Brian McNamara (St Kevin's) and Maurie Beaumont (Assumption) . Caulfield Grammarians beat Coburg for the third time in a row - all the victories had been by 2 points . The win put Caulfield Grammarians on top of "A" Section with 8 wins, while five teams were level in second place . St Be rn ard's stalwart Peter Nathan battled his way to 100 games with the club . One of the founders of the club, inaugural secretary, and a member of St Bernard's first reserves premiership side in 1963, Peter came back, after a nasty accident in 1969 which badly impaired the sight of one eye, to achieve the elusive silver pewter. (Peter was later a member of the VAFA Executive Committee - Ed.) . 30 YEARS AGO - 1966 Milestones were 150 games to John Vautier (Geelong), John Holt ( Elsternwick), 100 to Steve McQueen (C'wealth Bank), David Shea (Coburg), Alan McKenzie (Hampton Rovers) and Alan Metcalf (AMP Society) .

Caulfield Grammarians applauded Ron Cabbie's Courageous defence in a last quarter passage of play when he won the ball against great opposition, turned into the clear, turned again and in dead silence put it through the middle - for Coburg! Luckily Caulfield were well in front . Top true-boot artist were "A" Section - Harley (MHSOB) 43, "B" Section - James (Ormond 27, "C" Section Guy Wilson ( Geelong) 36, "D" Section Gall agher (St Pats) 29, "E" Section - Rudde ll (AMP) 41, Junior Section 1 - Carr ( Ormond) 38, Junior Section 2 - Saymor (C . Bank) 43 . St Kevin's at the bottom of "B" Section, knocked De La Salle out of the four with a 12 .9 (81) to 6 .8 (44) victory . Semetas, Wallace and Martin starred for the winner while Nance, Broderick and Wilson tried to stem the tide for De La Salle . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

45 YEARS AGO - 195 1 The team to represent Victoria in the Carnival at St Kilda CG on July 5 to 10 was : Doug Arnold, Sam Birtles (Hampton Rovers), Duncan Anderson, John Jolley (Uni . Blues), Peter Cox, Bryce Thomas (Old Melburnians), Maritn Bedford, Don Morone (Old Scotch), Dave Bills ( Malvern), Kevin Clarke (Ivanhoe), Eric Donaldson, Geoff Harris (Ormond), A . Ferguson ( SS . Bank), Geoff Hibbins, Brian Judd (Collegians), Murray Mathieson (Geelong), Allen Mellors (Brunswick), Harry Meredith (Uni . Blacks), Phil McLaughlin ( Old Paradians), Alan Padley (Kew), Alan Shiel, J. Thomas (Comm . Bank) . Elsternwick (D Section) set a new club record by being undefeated after the first round .


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ELSTERNWICK PARK DRAW SECOND STAGE MAY 25 TO JULY 7 This Sat.: St Kilda Sth Caulfield v . Old Geelong This Sun. : St Bemards v . De La Salle This Sunday 9 .30 Ormond v. Beaumaris morning: (Moorabbin Saints JFL) Next S at, : Old Brighton v. Therry Next Sun, : Old Scotch v. Old Xavs Sat. July 6 AJAX v . St Kevin s Sun . July 7 Ormond v. Old Scotch NOTE : The draw for the last section of the season (July 13 August 18) will be announced on Saturday June 29, with club requests not to be drawn at EP closing on June 24 . C Section teams considered a chance to play in C section finals, some of which are played at Elstemwick Park, may be drawn to play at Elstemwick Park as may other section matches where problems were noted during the first meeting this season .

(ROUND 9 - 15/6/96 ) LATE SCORES: Reserves/Club XVIII (Due: 95318333 by 3 p .m.) North Old Boys (Res .) St Leo's Emmaus (Res .) Marcellin (Club XVIII) Kew (Club XVIII) Collegians (Res .) Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p .m .) Chimside Park (U19) Caulfield Or (U19) Phoned incorrect scores (From Round 7) Richmond Central (Sen .) Old Geelong (Res.) Glenhuntly (Res .) Old Xaverians (Club XVIII) Old Trinity (U19) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section) . First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; each further offence ($50) .



FROM THE PADDOCK TO THE 'G' An interview with Rod 0'Ri1ey, Development/ Reserves Coach Richmond FC and AFCA/ VAFA Member. DMc - Rod could you explain your present position at the Richmond FC ? I am currently contracted to the club as full-time Development Coach and also hold the positions of Match Committee member, Reserves Coach and Senior Runner . My responsibilities include individual player development, organising and designing drills for club training as well as video analysis for players at the completion of each game . I am also involved in Player Welfare, especially for the younger players, who have just been drafted to the club. DMc - Your background both playing and career . I have had a continual involvement in football for the last 30 years . I started playing as a 9 year old for the Hope Valley Football Club and advanced to the A grade team at 14 years of age . After winning 4 association medals in my teens, I then progressed to the SANFL competition and played a total of 22 senior games with Woodville FC. In 19811 snapped the cruciate ligaments in both knees and after 7 operations had to retire as a player and took up coaching in the SAAFL at 23 years of age . I have now been coaching for 15 years and am in my 10th year of full-time football coaching and administration . DMc - Your first coaching appointment.

My first coaching appointment was with Eastwood FC in 1982 in AS SAAFL. This club had not won a game in Seniors or Reserves for the previous 2 seasons . Although I had other coaching offers available, I accepted the position because I needed to find out whether I had what it took to coach . When you first take up coaching, it is important to learn quickly and if successful with a lower club, the rewards are far greater than taking on a side that is already around the mark . I was fortunate enough to have success with this club which gave me the incentive to learn more and accept further challenges. DMc - Are you a self taught coach or did you serve an apprenticeship under other coaches ? I don't think there is 5uch a thing as a self taught coach . In my situation, I was very fortunate as a player to have had very good coaches who took the time to teach and develop the team/club in which they were involved . I know that I learnt a lot (both good and bad) from all my coaches . When it came time to take up coaching myself, I utilised all the training drills that I, as a player, had enjoyed . I also treated the players how I had expected to be treated when I had been playing . I think one of the biggest differences in my coaching from then to now is that the drills that I did in 1982 were because they were enjoyable, whereas now, I understand the importance of training players along the lines of team rules and game plan structures. 42

DMc - It's a big step from coaching Eastwood to coaching .an AFL team. What so rt of learning process did you go through during this period ? I believe that you need to learn from mistakes as a coach if you want to survive and succeed over a long period . I have been in situations where I have had games won only to see poor coaching moves or decisions prove costly. The positive from this is when the situation arises again you know what not to do and so become smarter as a coach . Education became a very important part of my development . In my early years I had success with lower clubs and I felt that I knew all I needed to know in the area of coaching. I attended my Level 1 course with reservations and came away with a strong desire to push my knowledge of the game to greater heights . I am now a Level 3 coach and regularly travel Australia lecturing other coaches. I have the hope that they will come away from a course with the same motivation that I have had and strive to get better for the sake of the game . Interestingly enough, the principles of my coaching have not changed greatly from the days when I first took up coaching at Eastwood . DMc - Did you have a definite development plan foi your coaching ? In my early years I was not entirely convinced that I had what it took in the coaching arena. There were time; when I loved coaching and wanted to push myself as fai as I could in terms of getting better and learning (usuall} after winning) . There were many times that I did not enj otheprsu(andifce)losthdir < push past the end of the season. After about 4 years o: coaching, a pattern started to form in the area o . coach/player relations, where I had an ability to (A) ge along very well with most of my players and (B) saw a to of improvement in player development as a result of (A) . then decided to pursue the avenue of Development Coact with the aim of one day being good enough to work full time in this area at the highest level . It was then that attended every coaching seminar and course available b me as well as read books till the day arrived in 198' when I was appointed full-time Development Officer of th West Adelaide FC in the SANFL . From there I started con ducting my own courses and seminars and have beei full-time in football ever since . In 19941 was appointed ti the Director of Coaching in the ACTAFL in Canberra am at the end of that year I was appointed to the Director a Coaching position for the WAFL in Western Australi which I declined, as I accepted the position here with th Richmond FC . My point is that I was prepared to move t any area in an effort to improve my coaching to one a da ; achieve my target . DMc - How can coaches improve themselves ? Without doubt they must always look to Coacl Education and Coaching Associations as a way to get bet ter. To communicate with fellow coaches who are encou n 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1991

tering the same problems week in and week out is the ideal way to improve . Be open minded and listen to committeemen, players, parents etc . as occasionally they have ideas which may change your coaching ideals and improve your understanding of others, who like you, love the game and look forward to success . ° I have spent many years attending other clubs' trainIng sessions looking for the drill that may assist me with the team I am coaching, or the idea that I can expand upon in an effort to be successful . Be prepared to change your ways, as what suits the team you are currently coaching may not suit the team you coach in the future . DMc - What time period are we looking at from your lst coaching appointment to your current position at Richmond ? It has taken me 15 years to get from Eastwood FC in the SAAFL to the Richmond FC in the AFL . Remember that I have been assisted by working full-time football for the last 10 years. DAfc - Did you have an ambition to coach in the AFL or was it a case of continually improving yourself ? I think it is important to have ambitions to better yourself irrespective of what level you are coaching . We as coaches ask of our players to strive to achieve long and short term goals, my short term goals were continually assessed and changed in an effort to improve myself, but my long term goal was at all times to one day be good enough to coach at the AFL level . DMc - You came to Richmond via Canberra, did you have to change your style or philosophy at Richmond and did you feel intimidated coaching at that elite level ? I believe that I have had to make changes to my style and philosophy at every club that I have been to and moving from Canberra to Richmond was no exception. The main difference I found was going from a Senior Coach, where I incorporated my own ideas and beliefs, to Richmond where I worked firstly under John Northey and now Robert Walls. I basically reinforce and expand the way they see the game to be played . As Development Coach, my focus is more on the individual rather than team aspects. As far as feeling intimidated, there has been occasions like the first training night at the club when nervous tension was high, which may have affected the way I presented the drills to the players . Thankfully they have forgiven me and we get along very well . DMc - Would you advise the ambitious coach to accept an assistant position at a higher level or seek a senior position at a lower standard ? Without doubt my coaching career has been improved over the years having worked with the likes of Kevin Morris, Neil Kerley, John Northey and now Robert Walls . I would have no hesitation in suggesting to coaches with ambition, to accept an assistant role at a higher level should the opportunity arise . All coaches should be ambitious and look to better themselves whenever they can . DMc - Colin Kinnear coached AFL football having never played at that level, is he an exception or is it still possible ? Everything in football is possible . There have been a handful of coaches who have succeeded in reaching the top without the on-field experience . There is no doubt, if a coach has the required components which make him suc0 THF AMATFI IR FCl(1TRAI I FR 149R

cessful along with the ambition to succeed, as well as a little bit of luck, it is still possible that we may see another Col Kinnear in years to come . Let's hope so, as it gives a lot of aspiring coaches a worth while dream to dream . Dide - Have you any advice for the player who is coming to the end of his career and thinking of going coaching ? Over the years I have given a number of players advice in this area . The main points are to retain all training drill details, coaching information, and any other relevant material. It is essential that players be encouraged to take training drills occasionally, and attend coaching courses especially while they are still playing as it gives them a better understanding of how difficult coaching can be . Remember this, it doesn't have to be the good player that ends up being the great coach . DMc - What do you believe are the desirable at tributes to be a successful coach ? In fifteen years of coaching my principles and attributes have not changed considerably . Some of the important areas for good coaches are listed below . Man Management` Nowadays players have expectations of their coaches in relation to how they are treated . It is important that coaches understand each player individually which will help them to get the best out of their players. Discipline Coaches have the responsibility to set the standard for players . Especially in the area of punctuality and preparation. Communication Coaches must learn quickly that if they want to sell their ideas and beliefs to their players they must communicate well. It is also an important area at quarter time and three quarter time breaks that the coach knows what he needs to tell the players to assist them . Knowledge You do not have to have been the most skilful player to become a good coach . It is important however ; that coaches have the ability to identify players' weaknesses and even more importantly be able to find solutions to players' problems when they arise. Interview conducted by David McCormack Senior Coach Yarra Vall ey OB AFCA/VAFA Executive Member

AF'%"A,&& {vAFA Coach of the Month NAME : Simon Dalrympl e CLUB : Old Trinity Section: B PLAYING HISTORY: 50 Games Hawthorn FC U19s and Reserves; 100 Games Sandrinham and Box Hill FC VIA. COACHING HISTORY: First year playing coach. COACHING PHILOSOPHY: To encourage individual players and the team to play to their maximum potential in an enjoyable environment . FUTURE AMBITION: To complete my Masters in Sports Science and Coaching that I am currently doing so that I can pursue a fulltime career in Coaching and Junior Development .

It Club Travel -

U MRES CORNER by Steve McCarthy and Anthony Damen

~ 1ell, haven't goal umpires been in the news this V J week? We saw a couple of 'suspect' decisions in th e AFL last weekend and possibly even at a VAFA "A" Section match . "Ronny's Rule of the Week" is 6.5, entitled Goal Umpire - Sole Judge. The goal umpire shall be the sole judge of goals and behinds and their decisions are final except when the ball has become dead by a decision of the field umpire. 6.5 .1 Upon receiving "Ail clear", the goal umpire shall initially indicate a goal by raising both index fingers and a behind by raising one index finger. 6.5.2 The goal umpire shall then signal a goal by waving two flags, and a behind by waving one flag. A score cannot be annulled unless the goal umpire immediately rectifies a mistake by notifying the field umpire before the ball is bounced in the centre, if he has wrongly signalled a goal or before the ball is kicked off in the case of a behind, except when the ball has been signalled out of bounds and the signal has not been seen by the field umpire . 6 .5 .3 When a score has been annulled, the goal umpire shall immediately stand on the centre of the goal line and hold both flags above his head in crossed position . "The field umpire will indicate with a two-hand allclear for a goal or a one-handed one for a behind . This reflects the field umpires opinion of the score and is used as a guide for the goal umpire who at times may be caught out of position or not be aware of a touched call . The field and goal umpire usually make eye contact and at times may even stop for a quick goal-square chat on the decision. Hope this clarified the situation JK. e o


Whilst on scoring, which A Section field umpire (on rotation) bounced the ball through the points in an under

Club Travel

nineteen match last weekend? Is that a score - or recall? The answer should be clear as a . . . . . . . . e e


This week's profile is on last year's B Section Grar Final field umpire, Martin Jackson who runs his 100 . game today . Nickname : Jacko's . Memories of fi n game : The bog at Whitefriars . Oecupatio i Neuropsychologist. Car: Magna. Personal motivation : ~ keep fit (and enjoy it at the same time). Words of advi ( to youngsters : You create your own opportunities . P+ football hates : Players who whinge about free kicks ar umpires who whinge about appointment Hobbies/other sports: Golf, tennis . Favourite fooi Thai, Mexican, anything hot (that explains a lot - M&AE Drink : Scotch and dry . Favourite movie : Bluf Brothers . Last movie seen: Twister . Boyhood sportir idol : Peter McKenna . Best Amateur footballers seei Matt Bourke, Matt McConvill. Most memorable mate] First grand final . Biggest Influence on career: Job Sutcliffe . Best umpires : VAFA - Peter Gersch, Rich Simon . Last book read : Pride and Prejudice . Your ult mate non-footy sporting fantasy : Play in British Ope at St. Andrews . Dream guests at a dinner party : Sea Connery, Marilyn Monroe, Doug Hawkins . Ambition I football: "A" Section Grand Final, State game. Well dor Marty - have a great day . e e


Look forward to a couple of young guest scribe appearing in the next couple of weeks . e e e

Last week's "Amateur Footballer" featured a chart i the Editorial on page 7 which was of great interest I those who don't 'number-crunch' anymore . How will th. impact on finals appointments . (Not that we're numbe : crunching or anything) . Macca and A





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n 0 s

Traditional football boots with stops can be quite unstable . They can make turning difficult and increase the risk of knee and ankle injuries . So an Australian footballer and scientist pulled out all the stops to give you a boot with superior comfort, greater stability and surer grip when turning . The boot is Blades, with unique angled rubber ribs and a distinctive X-shaped heel support . Australian Design Award winners, Blades have won over the entire team at AFL side Footscray, the Victorian State Football League umpires, Socceroo captain Paul Wade and top Rugby League internationals . Also approved by the Australian Rugby Football Union, Blades offer a broader last for Australian feet, an internal EVA wedge to lessen achilles strain and 3 sole types to suit any playing surface .

So try a pair of Blades . And take the greatest step forward in football boot technology for 25 years .

Thomas & Zaeaz . BLD00 3 ÂŽ THF AMATFl7R FOOTRAL!_FR 1996

UNDER 19 SECTION 1 OLD PARADIANS 1 .4 1.6 4.9 9 .12,68 DID %AVERIANS 5.2 11,5 14.9 19.13 .127 Old Paradises Hurst 3. Mukta 2, Phelan, King, Milkrship, Geary . But Woodham, Flynn, J.%%= . Mulcahy 5 . HiberL Jones, Fleming. Barrett . Nisbet 2. Hardwick, Kay . Perry . lures. But Ryan, Hilbert,l3ooand. Fkming.Nisbet. Hede. ST BERNABDS 8.3 19 .11 27.21 33.27.225 TBERRY 4.0 5.2 7.4 11.4.70 St Bernards Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . T6erry Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. UNIYP.RSITYBLUPS 3.8 7.8 15 .10 20.12 .132 OLD MELBURNIANB 2 .0 5.4 6.8 8957 Univenity Blues Halligan 9. Strack 3. Beltrame. Brockky 2 . Pricker. Nallon, Ryan, Wikox. Best All played uxll. Old Melbumtens Deague 4 . Boyd, Cbke, Cooper, Rutherford . Bat Boyd, Morell, Sewell. Deague, Holme, Cooper. DEIASAI.LE 7.3 17.6 25.9 32.14.208 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .3 3.7 5,9 9 .13.67 De ha Saae Johnstone 12. Moore 5. Shields. Huber. Scarfo . Leering 2, Kemp. Butler, Conn . Mecuri. Healy . Harper. Brown . Best Johnstone, Moore, Butler. kemp. Harber, Mecun . No rth Old Boys Khoder 3. Pavlov 2. MeLean, Waters, Lyons. Thomson. But Khoder. Waters, Thomson, Lyons, Pavkrv, Payne . MAX 9.9.63 COLLEGIANS 12 .12,84 Ajax Davis 2. Beebe, Carew, Chmpot, Grosman, Kaplan. Samuel . Steiner. Best page, Mohr, Rath, Cum. Jonas. CoBeglana Gromotka 3 . Harris, Vandervenne, Ritchie 2, Forsyth . Sayers, Champion . Best Forsyth. Champbn, Luff, Michael, halbish, MeLeod .

UNDER 19 2 WHITE WARRBtGAL 2 .3 4.7 9 .13 11,18.84 8T LEO'S EMMAUS WP 3 .1 7.7 10 .11 12.11.83 Warringat Sheean 4, Witehell, Kinnear 2. Williams . Harmon . Wason . Hall Camillerl. Rossimel, Harte. Klnnear, Hapkins, Witchell . St Leos Emnuut WP Newry 4, Schlittkr, Voao, Smith 2 . McCann, Major. But McCann. Smith . Lear . Newey. Auttso . Sheahan . OLD CAMBERWELL 4 .3 7.5 11 .10 15 .10.100 UNIVERSITYBLAC88 0,2 3.4 5.5 9.12,68 Old Cambe:Well Hancock 6, Molloy 3. Kordk 2. Board . Seeley . Sims, Whitehead. But hancock. Miles, Seeley . Molloy, Paterson, Richmond . Unlvenity Blacks McCormick-Brennan 2, Macarthur . Raffaek, Kitchen, Newth,Smith . Ward. Getik. But Oswald, White, Magee. Wilson. Smith, Dohler. OLD GEEf.ONG 4 .0 9.3 10,6 17.8.110 DElASAIdE(2) 3 .5 5.5 9.7 12.9.81 Old Geelong O'Brien 7. Wallace-Smith, D'Antoine 2, Campbell, Pbvrman . Paul . Wilson, SL Clair, HogH. Bat Campbell. O'Brien . St Clair, Rankin, Btngky, Cole. De La Salte Vincent Francis. Worsley 3. HYLAND. Haggarty. But TroJa. Vineent, Hyland. Wilson. Clancy. Francis, WBLLIMSTOWN CYMS 2 .2 8.5 13.8 18 .13.109 ST KEVUtB 5 .4 6.4 11,8 18 .9.117 WiWamatown CYMS Burgess, Hunt Lee 3. Thege 2 . El Houli. Cacks, Matthews. MacLeod, Wouda . Hat Thege Wuschatsch, Gray, MeCutheon. Cockerill, Matthcws . St Kevlns Greenham 4 . O'Brien 3. Fields, Gargano, Quirk. Finch, Mckmge 2, Baker. But large, flkkls. Delahay. Pivetta. O'Brien . Kunng.

UNDER 19 2 BLUE ORMOND 1,3 1 .3 4.5 6.6.42 BEAUMARIS 5 .6 13.12 18,13 25 .20.170 Ormond Lehner. Finlayson. Hall . Herman . Beat Metz. Hester. Finlayson . hall . Larkin. Argall. Beavowis Boctur 9, Fisher 6, Blackle, Pitts 2. Celan, Carroll. McGrath, Corfield, Whitaker, MeKuuie . Beat Doctor. Celan. Mcltar, Whitaker. Fisher, Pitts. ST KHDA SOUTH CAULFIE(D 8,2 8.8 10 .10 12,12.84 MONASH BLUES 2 .4 12.12 18 .18 24 .19.163 St EBda South Caulfield Goal Kickers and 13est Players not mceived . Moaash Blues Gregory 6, HawWns . htelvor 4. Baxter. Lawrence . Kaunuadel. O'Brien 2, Collins. Wagstaff. But Gregory. Riordan. Oke . Mcivor. Kaunwadel, O'Brien , CAULFD7D GRAMMAR 4 .4 8.6 10.9 13.11 .89 MA2ENOD OC 1 .2 8.7 13.9 20,12.133 Caulfield Grammar Stumbles 5. Cutler . Liddell 2. haywood, Corry . Townley. Hill. But Beauchamp. Gakisworthy, Sandell. Lubmnsky. Liddell. Cutler. Mazenod OC Evans 7, Ward . Bordignon 3. Meadows, Wood 2. Hawkins . Johnson, Factual. Best Hemmench . Meadows. Paolucci. Le Grand, Rousch, Meehan . OLD BRIGHTON 3.1 6 .7 9.11 15 .14.104 OLD HAILEYBURY 5.1 8.4 11 .6 11 .9.75 Old Br4(hton Williams 4 . Lewis, Lipuot. Wilson, Remfry 2, Logan. Price. McGulgin, Best Taam Eftort. Old Halkyhury Floyd 4, Ladd, Walden 2. Warden. Carson, Byms. Bat Walden, Fossey. George, Byms. Clarke . Floyd .

UNDER 19 2 RE D OLD PARADIANS (2) 0.0 1 .0 ~ .i 7 .2 .44 WmTEPRIARS 2.7 5.10 11.i8 17.21 .123 Old Paradians Spuria 5 . Collins, Telley. Best Redford, Lynch . Watson . Cosgriff. Spuria, Baker . Widte6iare Hughes 5, Lacey 4, Gillan 3. Davis 2. PawBck . Molloy. Dec, Bestl Pawlick. Hughes. Lacey. Winterbum. Fedek, o'Connor. A9UINAS OC 2.0 8 .3 8 .5 11 .12,78 MARCELLUt 1.2 7 .3 1S .S 15 .8 .88 AqWoa OC Thomas 4 . Huggins 3, Chapman . Cultrem. Boyk. Rielly. Best Thomas, Tilling . Cultrem . Brownhlll. Chapman. Huggins. Marcetlin Badan~"ck 7 . Bellissimo 2. Stephens, Ibrahim Karavasiils . Dailama. Roberts . Sangiorgio. But Stephens. Ibrahim. Dallarna. Karavasilis. Sangorgio . Ryan .


DID SCOTCH 8 .3 11 .7 18.10 28,13 .181 TARRAVA13Ey 0 .3 3,8 5.9 8 .10,48 Old Scotch Parton 14. Junketer. Tindale 3, Crane . Thomas 2, Gilchrist . Littlejohn, Sihzrwood, Thompson, Bat Panton, 75rdak, Walkom, Thompson. Gilchrist, Milliken. Yana Vatky Ford 2 . Thompson, Telford. Melirath . Laing. Best laing. Thompson, Drew, MBlson, Wapshot Reynolds . CHIRNSIDE PARK 3 .2 8 .4 13,8 18 .9,117 OLD CAREY 10 .6 16 .13 25 .18 35.18 .22g Chimetde Par} Vbli. Roach 3. Allatt, PkeWli 2. Marsden, Adams, Cousins . Markovskl, Westmore, Banks . Cliff, Skiikm . But Holliday, Violl. Cliff. AltatL McKinnon . Old Carcy Murphy, Small H, An~us 4 . Woods 3, Collins. Detarcynski, ManioOs 2, Hendnks, Ha [de. Sperrcer. Costello. Mi. D Anna. Butt Murphy. Angus. Sali, Collins. Spencer, SmaB ,




SECTION 1 AJAX v. OLD PARADIANS ( Oval 11 Albert Park at 1 .15) Field : M. O'Brien, F . Karabelas . ST BERNARDS v . OLD XAVERIANS Field: A . Carrick, S. Cook . UNIVERSITY BLUES v . THERRY Field : S . Rolls, B . McKee. DE LA SALLE v. OLD MELBURNIANS Field : D. Millar, G. Armstrong; Goal: R . Dunstan, B . Hoare . COLLEGIANS v. NORTH OLD BOYS Field : M. Rassato, B. Schmidt. WHITE (2) BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v . WARRINGAL Field : P. Tuppen, A. Chapman. OLD CAMBERWELL v . ST LEOS EMMAUS Field : T. Creighton, L . Demytko . OLD GEELONG v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field: C . Nash, M . Argall. WILLIAMSTOWN v . DE LA SALLE (2) (at Fearon Reserve) Field: T. Foley.

BLUE (2 ) ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v. BEAUMARIS Field : G . Morgan, J. Bell . CAULFIELD GRM . v . MONASH BLUES (at CaulfieldCampus (Glen Eira Rd) Field: G . Kelly, J . McGauren. OLD BRIGHTON v. MAZENOD Field: R . Burns, C . Rennick : Goal: L. Wilson, M . Venn. HAMPTON ROVERS v . OLD BAILEYBURY Field: D . Ahchow, B. Allen ; Boundary: A. Scherini . RED (2) AgUINAS v . WHITEFRIARS ( at Nth Ringwood) Field: B . Corcoran, A . Harris . OLD SCOTCH v. MARCELLIN Field: L. Gallagher, B . Stewart ; Goal : P . Allsop, W . Fowler. OLD CAREY v. YARRA VALLEY Field: P. Bailey, C . Ryan . OLD TRINITY v, CHIRNSIDE PARK Field: K. McMahon, I . Stevenson . Under 19 - Continued on Page 47 > ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

many home games they will play at the Park next season, as all A and B section clubs were to play 3 home games at EP over the 1996-97 period . This of course does not take into account teams promoted into B section from C section . • •

Edited by Phil Stevens T A ast week's "Amateur Footballer" editorial presented he eligibility conditions relating to VAFA and other players for this year's finals series of matches . On a Tuesday an d Wednesday until the finals, the QUIT Club Info-Line will present an outline of these requirements with a presentation of the certain and probable finals venues for each final . It should be understood that venues may change even on the week leading up to the finals when the participating teams become evident. INFORMATION ON THE QUIT CLUB INFO-LINE CAN BE ACCESSED BY PHONING 1900-130-300. • ®

Inductees for the Association's 300 Game Club will soon be announced . VAFA historian Ian Munro has been spending considerable time verifying the games played of the likely players . Once settled, the 300 gainers will be guests of the VAFA at a special luncheon (probably A section first semi final day) where presentations and a formal induction will be carried out . Watch this space for an announcement soon . • •

Also from the meeting . It has been reported that a number of clubs without fences around grounds are not marking a second line, three metres outside the boundary line right round the ground, over which spectators must not encroach. Again umpires have been asked to stop play until spectators are standing in the proper areas. Where there are fences spectators and officials, other than those approved, are to view matches from the right side of the fence . Righetti Oval, Oval 1 Albert Park and the ovals used by Ajax at Albert Park are without fences and need to attend to this matter in particular . • •

Until the Interchange cards are amended for the 1997 season it would be appreciated if interchange stewards would circle the number of any player who has been ordered-off for an offence and in accord with the Association's requirements has not been replaced . • •

• • •

Great to see the improvement noted in regards to the "Black List" . Unfortunately it took the threat of a oneoff fine of $250 being imposed for a fourth offence to get clubs to lift their game. A number of teams of a club are sitting on three previous offences and we certainly hope that their performance remains spot-on to avoid this heavy fine being imposed. Keep up the good work . Whilst on the matter of phoning in scores and results could I (Phil Stevens) on behalf of Peter Harris and myself thank the A and B section people who ring through the Q byQ scores and the best players and goalkickers for their games to us . Your promptness, attention to detail and friendliness makes Saturday night at EP even more enjoyable .

From the Executive Meeting (last Monday night). In a situation where a club does not have a boundary umpire in position and the start of a game appears to being delayed because of this, the umpires have been instructed to start the game and the closest player to the ball as it goes out of bounds from the offending club is to throw the ball back into play . This procedure is to continue until the boundary ump is provided. • •

Please note that games are being lost as a player is ruled ineligible if he has not signed the teamsheet beside his name. This procedure has been put into place as in the past clubs have not signed teamsheets on occasions allowing a ring-in player to be fielded and not to be picked up in the teamsheet check of ineligible players. Should a player written on a teamsheet not turn up the printed name must be crossed out clearly to avoid problems in this area .

The Elsternwick Park draw for the remainder of the home and away season will appear in next week's "Amateur Footballer" . A and B section clubs will know after the publication of this section of the draw how IM T47G AAAGTGI IQ FfllITRAI I FR tQQR

> Under 19 - Continued from Page 46



W L D FOR AGST A SECTION 7 2 0 1073 6 3 0 871 6 3 0 936 5 4 0 844 5 4 0 818 4 5 0 723 4 5 0 786 4 6 0 794 2 7 0 800 2 7 0 721 B SECTION 9 0 0 1258 8 1 0 1154 6 3 0 930 6 4 0 948 5 4 0 935 4 5 0 895 3 6 0 835 3 6 0 835 2 7 0 720 0 9 0 661

.. PTS

782 137.21 665 130 .98 800 117.00 887 95 .15 866 94 .46 778 92 .93 855 91 .93 894 88 .81 942 84 .93 897 80.38

28 24 24 20 20 16 i6 16 8 8

564 227 .08 701 164 .62 852 109.15 843 112.46 913 102.41 896 99.89 938 89.02 1118 74.69 948 75.95 1408 46.95

36 32 24 20 20 16 12 12 8 0

C SECTIO N 9 0 0 1162 623 186 .52 7 2 0 1051 790 133.04 6 3 0 956 782 122.25 6 3 0 912 906 100.66 5 4 0 876 879 99.66 3 6 0 824 922 89.37 is 3 6 0 752 878 85 .65 3 6 0 687 928 74.03 2 7 0 800 902 88.69 .Sr 7 8 0 722 1132 63.78 CTION 8 1 0 1038 6 3 0 1087 6 3 0 868 5 3 1 945 5 3 1 871 5 4 0 793 4 5 0 837 3 6 0 719 1 7 1 759 0 8 1 549

C RESERVE SECTION MARCELL7N 8 1 0 831 321 258.88 STBEDESlMENTONE TIGERS 7 2 0 782 440 177 .73 A J A X 7 2 0 755 461 163.77 OLD GEELONG 6 3 0 688 520 132 .31 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 5 0 589 558 105.56 ST KEVINS 4 5 0 584 658 88.75 OLD MENTONIANS 3 6 0 444 784 56 .63 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 3 6 0 419 834 50.24 THOMASTOWN 2 7 0 679 655 94 .50 WHITEFRIARS 1 8 0 345 917 37 .62

811 127.99 713 15245 743 116.82 730 129A5 729 119.48 760 104.34 829 100.97 784 91 .71 971 77.24 1387 39.5 8

8 1 0 1371 8 1 0 1171 6 3 0 1141 5 4 1 962 4 4 1 909 4 5 0 987 4 5 0 755 3 6 0 788 2 7 0 774 0 9 0 363 CENTRAL SECT10N 8 1 0 1090 8 1 0 1072 i 7 2 0 1022 6 3 0 1164 6 3 0 949 3 6 0 946 3 6 0 1027 3 6 0 770 1 8 0 686 0 9 0 325 E SOUTH SECTIO N 8 1 0 1418 8 1 0 1319 7 2 0 1067 7 2 0 1091 5 4 0 1051 4 5 0 1071 3 6 0 982 2 7 0 716 1 8 0 451 0 9 0 421

656 208 .99 688 170.20 876 130.25 979 98 .26 737 123 .34 909 108 .58 1033 73 .09 897 87 .85 1034 74 .85 1455 24 .95

32 32 24 22 16 16 16 182

385 283 .12 634 169 .09 593 172.34 735 158 .37 766 123 .89 706 133 .99 968 106 .10 948 81 .22 1505 45 .58 1811 17.95

32 32 28 24 24 122

705 201 .13 673 195 .99 649 164 .41 818 133 .37 817 128 .64 910 117 .69 1025 95.80 1139 63.04 1538 29.32 1480 28.45

32 32 28 28 20 16 12

INDER-19 SECTION 1 9 0 0 1276 7 2 0 1381 7 2 0 861 6 3 0 877 5 4 0 959 5 4 0 1023 2 7 0 561 2 7 0 495 1 8 0 459 1 8 0 286

454 281.06 451 306.21 641 134.32 741 118.35 710 135.07 915 111 .80 801 70.04 1380 35.87 1281 35.83 1171 24.42

UNDER-19 (2) RED 9 0 0 1281 7 2 0 799 7 2 0 831

PTS 32 30 28 24 ' 18 82 4 4 32 30 28 24 20 18 14 0 32 28 28 24 16 i6 12 12 4



1NDER-191(2) WHIT E 8 0 1226 451 271 .84 8 1 0 1050 462 227.27 7 2 0 864 617 140.03 6 3 0 773 689 112.19 5 4 0 798 643 124.11 5 4 0 884 858 103.03 3 6 0 700 722 96.95 2 7 0 601 982 61 .20 1 8 0 186 1750 10.63 UNDER-19 (2) BLUE 9 0 0 1384 183 361 .36 7 2 0 949 651 172.23 7 2 0 977 575 169.91 7 2 0 846 703 120.34 4 5 0 821 99' 83.69 4 5 0 629 922 68.22 4 5 0 625 932 67.06 2 7 0 538 937 57.42 1 8 0 546 1346 40.56

W L D FOR AGST Y. A RESERVE SECTION OLD XAVERIANS 8 1 0 809 494 163 .77 OLD MELBURNIANS 7 1 1 669 435 153 .79 UNIVERSITY BLUES 7 2 0 861 542 158 .86 DE LA SALLE 6 3 0 810 595 136 .13 OLD SCOTCH 5 4 0 739 655 112 .82 COLLEGIANS 4 4 1 756 643 117 .57 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 6 0 429 767 55 .93 MAZENOD 0 C 2 7 0 663 753 88 .05 STBERNARDS 1 8 0 458 929 49 .30 ORMOND 1 8 0 412 863 47 .74 B RESERVE SECTION OLD PARADIANS 8 1 0 985 447 220 .36 OLD BRIGHTON 7 1 1 604 379 212 .14 OLDTRINRY 7 2 0 850 587 144.80 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 3 0 873 582 150 .00 THERRY CCOB 5 4 0 693 531 130.51 M H S O B 4 4 1 702 704 99.73 OLD IVANHOE 3 5 1 567 772 73 .45 BANYULE 2 7 0 485 771 62 .91 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 7 1 335 1142 29 .33 IVANHOE 0 9 0 361 913 39.54


12 0


38 28 28 28 16 16 16 8 4

500 256 .20 36 425 188 .00 28 528 157.39 211

MONASH BLUES 9 0 0 974 268 363 .43 36 OLD CAMBERWELL 7 2 0 730 474 154.01 28 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 7 2 0 640 571 112 .08 28 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 6 3 0 822 444 185.14 24 ST JOHNS O C 4 5 0 677 549 123 .32 16 PARKSIDE 4 5 0 632 536 117 .91 16 BEAUMARIS A F C 4 5 0 552 706 78.10 16 SOUTHBANK C B A AFC 2 7 0 487 850 57 .29 8 KEW 2 7 0 382 823 46.42 8 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 9 0 212 982 21 .59 0 E EAST RESERVE SECTION OLD CAREY 8 1 0 915 394 232.23 32 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 7 2 0 839 361 232.41 28 CHIRNSIDE PARK 6 3 0 624 527 118.41 24 STMARYS 6 3 0 554 685 80.88 24 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 4 0 738 672 109.82 20 AQUINAS O 6 4 5 0 633 455 139.12 16 BULLEEN COBRAS 3 6 0 466 561 83.07 12 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 3 6 0 265 762 34.78 12 ELEY PARK A F C 2 7 0 435 806 53 .97 8 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 8 0 33 3 841 39 .60 4 E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTION WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 18 1 0 1166 422 276 .30 32 NORTH BRUNSWICK 8 0 881 384 229 .43 32 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7 2 0 866 325 266 .46 28 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 6 3 0 742 389 190 .75 24 WEST BRUNSWICK 5 4 0 762 504 151 .19 20 LA T008E UNIVERSITY 5 4 0 63 2 439 143 .96 20 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 2 7 0 457 640 71 .41 8 UHSOB 2 7 0 431 802 53 .74 8 NEWLANDS COBURG F C 2 7 0 323 1987 32 .73 8 THORNBURVCOUGARS 0 9 0 10 1 532 6 .59 0

E SOUTH RESERVE SECTION PENINSULA 08 9 0 0 962 279 344 .80 36 OAKLEIGH A F C 7 2 0 910 327 278 .29 28 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 7 2 0 1142 427 267.45 28 SALESIAN 0 C 7 2 0 936 364 257 .14 28 POWERHOUSE 4 5 0 692 504 137 .30 16 A N Z ALBERT PARK 4 5 0 602 747 80 .59 16 MONASH GRYPHONS 3 6 0 444 655 67 .79 1 2 3)FMONASHWHITES 3 6 0 279 931 29 .97 12 ELSTERNWICK 1 8 0 261 1152 22 .66 4 GLENHUNTLY 0 9 0 138 12306 10.57 0 CLUB XVIII NORTH HAWTHORN CITIZENS 9 0 0 787 355 221 .69 36 MARCELLIN 7 2 0 611 307 199.02 28 STBERNARDS 6 3 0 546 358 152.51 24 COLLEGIANS 5 4 0 490 451 108 .65 20 OLD IVANHOE 5 4 0 424 431 98 .38 2 0 *THERRY 5 4 0 286 598 47.83 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 5 0 300 511 58 .71 16 KEWAFC 2 7 0 315 566 55.65 8 OLD ESSENDON 1 8 0 254 807 31 .47 4 CLUB XVIII SOUTH * OLDXAVERIANS 8 1 0 614 228 269.30 32 OLD SCOTCH 8 1 0 604 209 195 .47 32 DE LA SALLE 6 3 0 5 00 320 156 .25 24 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 6 3 0 436 331 131 .72 24 AIAZENOD 0 C 4 5 0 250 387 64 .60 16 OLD GEELONG 4 5 0 277 558 49 .64 16 ST KEVINS 4 5 0 261 629 41 .49 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 7 0 181 403 44 .91 8 V U T 2 7 0 276 726 38 .02 8 - INELIGIBLE PLAYERS ROUND 7.

REMEMBE R f]ATnllAin Alf- -- nnn~ ~1T~nr~ -- n -l r .


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