Carlton .
Rp Carlton .
from the centre point between the Goals . 3 . A Goal mus t be Kicked fairly without touching either of id you like our new covers last weekend between the posts, the perso n of any p player tay o n sa on?ur Foot them, or a portion of will adorn tha ~ side . ~e se game shall be played bailers" has a~ devel within a space of e 4 . The When tracing how far the gam oped to the stage of the VFL/AFI s Centenary not more than 200 yards wide, theasame to be of line drawn measured equally on each side year and to our VAFA 104-year-old history, I ; and two two Goats following centre of the throughthe e shalt bf have pleasure today in presentin g the 'Kick Off ~pos to be called the so that you the reader can absorb the nature of posts on each side o erected at a distance of 20 yards playing football as shown on our cover : . posts at both ends, and in a straight line eGoalm "The Melbournites obtained the rules out the the with th is kicked behind the Goal, any games of football ever played, p . InBal case the a l ~ putting them together 5one of the side behind whose Goal it is kicked worst points in each, and to me It seems any portion of caited that the Victorian game ••• may bring it 20 yards in front of r . that almost everything lawfulininthe Rugby o Association is made unlawful Victorian the space between the 'Kick off postsneand shalt with th e kick it as nearly as possible in a li ofj is For example, there uersa. vice . and Goat game, g is one opposite e . Any player catching the ball directly from thno side in Rugby, none in Victoria . md knock 6 . a free kick; Rugby game, then has . He parts of the mark' prettiest may call ` footfrom You Run~g must notplayer the opposite side being allowed to ing on is unlawful . In the Victoriauy y pass, but only punch the balt any the spot marked . Rugby come inside (but no most exciting elements in- the and pushing are both allowed one of the t ~ . Tripping motion game, is spoiled by the taw in the Victorian tha , player i s in when ) ged in hacking rapid the case p rouidany Ball except in the batt must be bounced every lsendul possession of the the Rugby game punting a goal 6 . n edfor i Ball may be taken in hand only when only by forwards who lose their heads ; in the 8 . The . . . In Rugby a the one way to score foot, thor on the hop . In no case Victorian it is t caughtrom from to fib line-out leads often dthefrfo m e ground. touch i f te throw from shalt i be l the b t same out of b o unds In the Victorian the field umpir a Ball goes . When . As 9 Rule posts) LttShatt be fashion throws it over his head of p indicated by a row or in crazy ous being ein, the nothing more dangerwhere of danger I can conceive to h right angles wit allowed t charging and thrown in a at men dry Line, than the reckless . At best the game is a hybrid, and boundary making marks that line. will never be may under no circum a few Victorians get together 10 . The Ball, while in play, i suppose Melbourne . naturalised here or at home be thrown. " stick to it, as she does to most things stances of theinuent Game For The Love of the Game will r patronised by h~4r The Love ed or For further exciting reading of how ou p the VAFA in (and Consider these early rules all barackers great game copies of the VAF3 ~~ht3ohnso r developed n " by and umpire lovers! The Love of the Game 8333 for f e Goat VAFA 9531 Goals o (phone VAFA 9531 8333 for th{1 hone between available are still " 1 . The distance the Posts shalt be decided by . : details) ~ the match you are watching toda y sides ptaying for choice Enjoy i~ Captains on each side shalt toss 1990's stye . . 2. The ; the side losing the toss has the Kick off of Goat
` , lb,,
June 29tY~,19 96
Price : ~i ®~
96 No .
A SECTIO N by Don Blackwoo d
OLD VS : A NEW BEGINNING PERHAPS ? .!Tin the premiership; celebrate long and hard followed by the obligatory change of coach . Appears to be the pattern set . But wait there's more . By midseason, however you will possibly need to change the coach again . Shades of Old Melburnians in '95 as Xavs recently experienced the unsettling and tricky situation of coach replacement . Seems ironic that Xavs' percentage boosting win last week was against the same team, an out-of-form Old Melburnians . Xavs now maintain a one game break on Ormond and press a battling Mazenod . Worrying times for OM's as Old Haileybury and Old Scotch return to some consistent form and cast their eyes ever upwards . Bloods' suppo rters now believe there is a finals spot for them as the top order fumbles and bumbles around . And Scotch's fine win over the in-form University Blues has heartened the Cardinals true believers after their prospects looked grim in recent weeks . Just when the Blues were on the crest of a real roll too . Leader Collegians returned to the winning list against Mazenod after that minor blip against De La Salle cementing Maze-nod in the one up one back awkward position . Xavs are now out of first gear and together with Ormond are determined to reverse trends set in the front nine, although they still both lie uneasily in the shadow of the Grim Reaper . De La Salle squared the ledger with St Bernards and now approach the Grand Opening and University Blues with a great deal of confidence . REVIEW ORMOND V OLD HAILEYBUR Y
Even the incentive at three quarter time wasn't enough for Ormond to come home with a wet sail to pip Old Haileybury . It was a feisty Nevi lle Taylor for most of the afternoon as he could'see valuable points being thrown away as the Bloods try to become a permanent part of the A Section four furniture . OH limited the 'Monds to a goalless second quarter to the scoring end, but then let Ormond back . But a record three quarter time speech ; smiles wiped off the Bloods' faces and then onto business and a 48 point win. Nick Morey was so accomplished with five goals and David Connell covers so much territory . Ashley Hilton an d Scott Rowlands were good contributors . Ormond forwards Paul Kenrick and Rob Woodland could turn a match last year but now have to rely on Brett Conne ll or Garrin Bailey to scoot and snuffle around for goals . Andrew Forrest is having a good season and Andrew Jobling was a solid as ever. UNIVERSITY BLUES V OLD SCOTC H Every time Blues and Scotch set foot on the ground , the Cardinals seem to take the points . Must be a reason for it. If you can shut down the programmed, structured game plan, close it up and not let the Hendersons, 2
Cavaliers and Vandenberg-types run wild then you are a chance . Obviously Justin Hosking an d Stuart Steele were able to accomplish this in the midfield and together with their onballers they restricted the Blues' forward thrusts with Adam Nettleton also curbing Adam Lennen. For University, Brian Blood, Stephen Meade and .Gavin Evans were named best and Daniel Gunn recorded his best performance in the'ones' . MAZENOD V COLLEGIANS The Nodders are in hard times with a wealth of injuries and it didn't help facing a wound up Collegians on the rebound . The Lions introduced Gab Deane-Jones (Hawthorn Supp List) following on from Darren Baxter's appearance last week so it could be an awesome full lineup. Collegians were untroubled and led at every change and the goal-sneaking duo Brock Mooney and Nick Anderson booted seven between them. James Bennett, Anthony Parkin an d Darren Peters were fine players for Collegians while Mick O'Hara and Dominic Barker knocked up chasing for the Nodders . ST BERNARDS V DE LA SALLE In a dismal, grey Sunday at E Park, De La Salle excelled themselves with a 31 point win over the enigmatic St Bernards who continue to bewilder coach Shane Zantuck . Even a tongue lashing at half time didn't improve things as the behinds mounted and the weather and the exasperation set in . In conditions which St Bernards normally dominate, De La took the initiative and worked hard all day. Damien Crowe on the ball was exceptional, Adam Elliott, clever and ever reliable, Andrew Mackintosh were key players in a vital win for the club . Luke Gollant's absence didn't help St Bernards and Chris Calthorpe off with a dislocated shoulder was a setback. However, it was good to see Vin Comito back for the first time this year and fine performances from Troy Backhouse on the wing and Tyrone Sheehan. OLD XAVERIANS V OLD MELBURNIANS
The change of the coach factor shouldn't account for that victory, but Xavs took the bit by the teeth and a leisurely 82 point win with 13 goal kickers against rock bottom OM's . Xavs certainly played above themselves with Adam Jones taking the bulk of the ruck work and Simon Wood excelling on the ball . Good to see Matt Hannebery waltzing around in the forward pocket and gutsy James McDonald was a fine player on the wing . Whipped in the midfield, OM's had no answers at the finish, but their third quarter showed plenty of spirit . They missed Chad Susa and with Peter O'Brien and Chris Bryan off early, they fell away . Best for the Redlegs were Simon Rabbitt - again, Cam Kennedy and Cam Thompson.
pgEVIEW The tarot cards have been shuffled ; long range weather forecast Lennox Walker contacted and variables keyed j, Ito the computer . Lunch at Waverley Park today should e enough incentive to select De La Salle ove r Jniversity Blues, but the Blues will have too much ability. and wizardry for a determined De La and win by 17 points. Collegians play host to St Bernards and will show them a leadership trick or two and should win by a comfortable 34 points . Old Xavs are on the march and with their tails up will account for Old Scotch on Sunday at E park. Xavs by 17 points in a match which should gauge any real improvement . Old Melburnians must recover and use Ormond as their springboard - the Redlegs by 31 points, while Old Haileybury will reverse we first round loss against Mazenod with the Bloods victors by 33 points . SELECTIONS: UNIVERSITY BLUES, COLLEGIANS, OLD XgVERIEfNS, OM'S AND OLD HAILEYBURY.
PAUL McDONALD REACHES 20 0 Paul McDonald today plays his 200th game for Ormond . Beginning his career in 1983, Paul has been a member of one Reserve grade and 3 Senior grade Premierships for the club . Playing along side brothers Mark and David for many years surely was an added bonus and inspiration for Paul . Dogged by injury in his early years, Paul's persistence and will to win saw him gain State selection in 1991 and is still an integral part of the Senior team . A proud achievement by Paul and all at Ormond congratulate him on this significant milestone .
ORS MAZENOD OC 3.1 5.3 7.10 9.11.65 COLLEGIANS 6.3 11 .5 18 .9 18.13.121 Maaenod Be Mamm 3, Marshall 2, Murray, Barker. Sharp, Belleville . Beat O'Hara. Barker, Ciancio, Murray, Quirk, Fisher . Collegians Mooney 4, Anderson, Deane-Joans 3, Phillips, Wallace 2. DAvidson, Parkin, Smith, Thomson . Beat Bennett . Parkin. Galbraith, Deane-Johns, Mooney, Thomson. ST BEBNARDS 1 .4 1.10 1.14 3.19.37 DE LA SALLE 4.3 7.6 10.6 10.8.68 St Beraards Comito, Domingo, Taylor. Best Backhouse, Comito, Sheehan, Gallant. Vassalo. Perret C Do La Salle C. Harrison, Crave 3. Hegan, S. Harrison, Phillips . Best Crowe . Chun. Mackintosh, Elliot Jackson, Abbott. 1 .6 5.8 7.14 12,18 .90 UNIVERSITY BLUES OLD SCOTCH 5,2 11.5 14.8 18 .13.109 University Blues Lennen, Evans, Hutchins, Blood 2 . Vandenberg, Cavalier, Polkinghome. Gunn. Best Gunn, Blood, Meade, Evans. Vandenberg . Cavalier. Old Scotch J. Hosking. Duthie, Aujard, Wilson 3, Hume, Holt C. Hosking. Smith . Best Nettleton, J. Hosking, Wilson, Patterson . Laird, Steele . OLD %AVERIAT+iS 7 .3 15.7 20.9 27 .16.178 OLD MELBURNIANS 4 .1 5.3 13.10 14.12.96 Old Ravedass Richardson S. Ockleshaw, Jones, Donati 3, Ellis, Barrett Wood, Hannehery 2. Holmes . Sass!, Ford, Blood, Coughlan . Beat Wood. Holmes. Jones, Ockteshaw, Sassi, tandri an. Old MeIburnians Kenn y. Campbell . Walsh 3, Raftopoulos 2. Ellinghaus, Webb, Theodo re. Best Rabbit, Kennedy. Thompson, Theodore, Ellinghaus. Hewitt 09.660140 4.4 4 .8 7 .10 11.13.7 9 OLD HAILEYBURY 6.2 11 .4 13 .10 19.13 .127 Ormond Remman, Connell, Wrodarczyk 2, Bailey, Kelleher. Collins, Block . Gilmore. Best Connell . Jobling. McDonatd, Collins, Forrest, Gilmore. Old HaReybury Morey 5 . Hooker 4, Byms . Kraus. Armstrong, Lappage 2, Phillips, Walden. Best Connell . Constable. Hilton. Kraus . Rowlands, Hucker . RESERVES MAZENOD OC 3 .4 7.8 7.11 8.14 .62 COLLEGIANS 67.2 10.3 14.4 16.8 .104 Maaeaod Be Allsop 2, Howard . Riley . Bourbon, McAllister, Jacobs, Fisher. Best Lane, Bridgland . Mann, McAllister. Bourbon, Vine . Collegians Kenneally 5 . Woolley. Greeves, Schmidt, Vandervenne 2, Wolff, Humphry. Vasdekis. Best Humphry, Harding, Woolley . Kenneally, Johnston. (beeves . ST BERNARDS 0.1 1.2 2.5 3.9 .27 DE LA SALLE 2.4 4.7 6.9 9 .10.64 St Bernardo Byrne 2. Doran . Best Anderson, kenneddy. Byrne. Dome, Rogerson . Solomon . Be La Salle Curran, Wytes 2, Alban. Makinson, McKinnis, Sh an non . Sharpe. Best Fisher. O'Callaghan. Wright Alban. Waters. Shannon . UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .1 6.7 9 .13 12 .20.92 OLD SCOTCH 3 .3 6.3 8 .7 11 .8.74 University Blues Allardice 3 . Slimmon, Longley. Versteegen 2, McMahon, Nugent, Maplestone . Best Allardice. Faitbank . Maplestone, Slimmon, Wilcox, Kanis . Old Scotch McDonnell 6, Castricum . Aujard, Hooper. Spiden . Davison . Best Woodhouse. Lloyd. Hooper, Jonas, Teasdale. Spiden . OLD XAVERIANS 2 .2 6 .5 7 .8 10.11.71 OLD MELBURNIANS 2.2 3 .5 5 .9 6.9.45 Old %averians t.ehtire 3. Collins 2, Dillon, Tuddenham. Jones, Hawkins . Mollard. Best Webb . Mollard, Lechte, Cotquhoun, Dillon . Nelson . Old Melburnians Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ORMOND 3.4 8 .5 11 .8 15.12 .102 OLD HAILEYBURY 2 .1 4.2 6.5 8.6.42 Ormond Stewart 5, Wrudarczyk 3. Brown. Shepherd 2, Cleary . Wells . Hourigan . Best Stewart, Shepherd, Barnes . Wells . O'Halloran, Pennachia . Old Haileybury Baxter 2, Harrison. Lards. Orton . Best Kyle . Orton. Bum. Ladds . Kirkwood-Scott . O'Grady .
COLLEGIANS v . ST BERNARDS Field : M . Jackson, R. Bell ; Goal: D . Napoli, M . Richardson . DE LA SALLE v. UNIVERSITY BLUES Field : G . Thwaites, A. Damen ; Boundary : F . Martinez, J . Wright ; Goal: B . Hoare, M . Lentini . OLD SCOTCH v . OLD XAVERIANS ( E .P . - Sun .) Field : M . Gibson, J . Toohey : Boundary : M . Tape, A . Pritchard ; Goal: K. Pitcher, K . Segota (Res .) R . Miller, G. Baumgarten . OLD MELBURNIANS v . ORMOND Field: S . McCarthy, P. Gersch; Goal : W. Fowler, P. Gluyas . OLD HAILEYBURY v. MAZENOD Field : R . Simon, W. Hinton; Goal: G . Beard, G. Wright .
B TI by Paul Luby
t's not panic stations just yet but every game from now to round 18 will be vital, especially for thos e sides with 3, 4 and 5 wins . One week you can be just outside the four and the next week your are fighting relegation. As we get into winter, injuries, suspensions, percentage and enthusiasm will all play their part in determining who stays up and who goes down.
and Parade and if they win them both they will be certainties for the finals . Back-
Magnificent conditions greeted both sides at the Gillion Oval last week but it was NOBS who took advantage with a 5 gaols lst quarter as they held Brighton goalless . Brighton were able to match NOBS over the next 2 quarters and may have considered themselves a chance at 3/4 time but NOBS repeated their 1st quarter effort to run out easy winners . Gravina ( 5 goals) and Owen Abrahams were dominate for the winners whether playing on the ball or up forward with Peter O'Farre ll doing well at half back whilst Leigh an d Mikunda were aggressive in the ruck. NOBS have turned the corner and my spies tell me that they believe they can make the final four so every other side has been warned . For Brighton Alderton in defence with Kryzwniak an d Nikas on ball were best but basically they were out played in the ist and 4th quarters and now face a resurgent Therry this week . PARADE V IVANHO E
The 2nd placed side were lucky to get away with the points at Ivanhoe Park as the home side had a real dip after a couple of disappointing weeks . Parade kicked the last couple of goals to win by 14 points and c an thank "Harro, Chook and Zorba" in particular for the win. After the game Ivanhoe was regretting a 2nd quarter report and send off and the injury to Lynch in the 1st quarter as they felt they had played well enough to win especially in the 1st and 3rd quarters . One good sign for Parade was that they were able to come from behind to win when not playing particularly well as I doubt whether they would have won such a game last year. Rover Kendell was named best for Ivanhoe and other good players included Lee in defence, Rawley an d Newbold at half forward and Smith an d Bullen on the ball . THERRY V BULLEEN-TEMP
An upset was on the cards at 1/4 time as the Bullants kicked the first 5 goals of the game to stun the home side but whatever Des English said at 1/4 time worked as Therry took over to be only a point behind at 1/2 time and then kicked away with a 19 goal second half. It is a familiar tale from Bulleen as they are competitive for a quarter but then fall away badly to a heavy defeat . Therry have a couple of important weeks ahead with games against Brighton 4
man Boyle and Seymour lead the way for Therr with onballers Reddick, Ell iot and Grocock whil ; Young, Hare and Thompson were named best fc Bulleen .
A crucial 9 point win to Old Ivanhoe at AqHSO ; in which there was never more than 3 goals betwee . the teams all day but as Old Ivanhoe lead at ever change they probably deserve their victory . Sea: Tully, Paul Donaldson and Anthony Parker contir. ued with fine seasons on the ball whilst the move Glenn Douglas up forward in the 3rd quarter was decisive move . MHSOB were under pressure befor this game so this loss at home only builds on that re egation pressure and it may come back to haur : them at the end of the year . "Doc" Glover with goals, Harries and Grimmer in defence and Woodle with 5 goals were the main contributors for th Melbourne side. TRINITY V BANYULE
I know that Banyule fancied their chance against the section leaders based on their own recer good form and the result of their first meeting whe ; Trinity got home by just 7 points but they were com pletely overwhelmed like many a team before then For Trinity a 85 point 3/4 time lead wasn't enough a they kicked 10 goals in the last quarter to win by 13 points that must have totally demoralised th "Bears" . That loss has seen Banyule's percentag drop from 102 to 89 and they must pick themselve up for an important game this week . Stickland cele brated his 50th game with 11 goals to take his sea son tally to 55 and barring injury will reach the toi this year . Onballers Settling, Van Der Hoek an Ramsden totally dominated whilst Clarke am Cumming did what was required in defence . Mat O'Brien and captain Dave Williams were named bes on a day that I'm sure the Banyule players and coacl Rick Brockwell would like to forget . REVIEW OF ROUND 1 1 NOBS travel to Bundoora and will be confident o a win after their performances last week agains Brighton. There will be plenty of feeling to this gami and Parade will need to be at their best if they are t( win. Parade to win by 10 points but don't be sur prised if there is an upset. Brighton take on Thern at EP and will be desperate for a win but Theny wil be too good to the tune of 30 points . A chance fo : Bulleen at home to beat MHSOB who are down ir confidence and have won only once in the last F rounds. But Melboume with thoughts of C Section i r
tand wi be too n y face by ~5 poi n points . dlIvanhoe atdhome to Trinity i daunting task and won't get within 50 points of the ; ;ction leaders . Ivanhoe travel to Banyule and thi s ould be a tense affair considering their respective "ositions on the ladder . Banyule won earlier in the year by 10 Points and expect a similar result again . ~TaIpIA Q UESTION The Answer last week was Long, Couch, Harvey and ]Knights and the correct answer came form Garry Hickey of Ivanhoe . This week I will be at Therry v Brig.?iton . Who am I? I played 74 games and kicked 142 goats for 3 clubs between 1983 and 1992, 1 made my debut only 2 months past by 16th birthday but through injuries and discipline problems I never did play to my true potential . One of my clubs was an interstate club . Press correspondents for each club please contact me by 1 .00pm on the Monday following the game . Please call on 9457 4079 ( AH), 9268 1568 (1311) or fax 9268 1576 (BH) .
MILESTONES AT OLD PARADIAN S All at Old Paradians would like to congratulate the following players on these achievements : Mick Harford played his 50th game against Old Ivanhoe on 25/5/96 . "Half-pie" is enjoying his best season to date for the club and his roving and goalkicking is integral to our seniors sides' push for the finals this year . We all looking forward to a big second half of the season from Mick. Justin Mills played his 50th game against Bulleen-Temp on 1/6/96 . `Millsy" whether playing in defence or on the ball is always giving 10045 for the team and is not shy in letting the opposition know verbally that he is about. Everyone looks forward to the next 50 games Justin . Paul Zappa played his 100th games against Bulleen-Temp on 1/6/96 . `Zaps" is well known for his courageous play either on the wing or in defence and his fitness level is an inspiration for all his teammates. Paul had his career interrupted at Parade to play in an A Section premiership with Collegians but is now looking to return to A Grade with his teammates at Parade . Bernie Hart plays his 50th game this week against NOBS. Bernie has spent most of his career in defence and his 50 games would be evenly spread between the seniors and reserves . A bloke who gives his all every week, including on the track during the week, all the best to Bernie as you strive for a regular spot .
7 ~,77,77 17
RESERVES IVANHOE 0 .1 2.2 4 .4 4 .5.29 OLD PARADIANS 1 .6 3.7 4 .7 6 .9.45 Ivanhoe Molloy 2, Joyce . Angelini. Best Angelini, Thackwray, Whitehead, Fairweather. Hird. Barre . Old Paradises Willits, Wallis. Price. Geary. Brabender, Brain. Best RocchiccioliTobin. Flynn. Stevens . Willits . Brabender. NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .1 2 .4 3 .4 6.8 .44 OLD BRIGHTON 7.2 9 .7 12.16 15 .19 .109 North Old Boys Limprekakis 3. Cheshire . Mulyuinney.'Ivist . Best Drum . Kearney, Bailey . Anderson. Zocco. IJmprekakis. Old Brighton Grant 7, Teschendorff, Talbot Magee 2 . Barber. Fisher. Best Magee, GranC Teschendorif . Talbot. Jackson, Murray . 25 .10.160 THERRY CCOB 5 .3 10.5 17.7 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 .1 2.2 4 .3 6 .3.39 Therry Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Bullten Tem p lestowe Bellato 2, Boyd . McNanamara, Saw, Shine, Best Edwards . Stelling. Dowd, Dalloglio, Franklin. Cessario . MHSOB 2 .2 3 .5 6 .7 9.9.63 OLD IVANHOE 1 .3 2 .3 3 .10 4.13 .37 MHSOB McGrath 4 . Mclaughlin. Winch . Feferkranz . Palms. Konstanty. Best newton. Feferkranz. Salty . Wilson . Fahey. Thomas. Old Ivanhoe Corcoran . Craker . McCaskill. Milliard . Best Stevens. Corcoran . Craker. Golding . Armstrong. Milliard. OLD TRINITY 0.1 4.2 6.4 11 .4.70 BANYULE 5 .2 7.6 14.8 18 .12 .120 Old Trinity But 3, Stafford, Dowling 2. Robison . Tilling. Klivokuca . Jervis. Bestl Smith, Beet. Stafford . Heighton . Boyd. King. Banyule Stdterby 5, Fortune 3, Creak . Gmndal2 . Williams . Keane, Sshort . Barker . Glass. Hobbs . Best Glass. Creak. Sutterby. Williams . Kayrooz, Tyler.
OLD PARADIANS v . NORTH OLD BOYS Field: D . Anderson, C . O'Donohue . OLD BRIGHTON v . THERRY (E.P . - Sat .) Field : B . Woodhead, M . McCrohan ; Boundary : B . Brown, J . Stevenson ; GoaL' S . Ryan, S . Lamble . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v. MHSOB Field: R . Eastwood, G . Curran ; Goal: A. Bishop, B . Nash . OLD IVANHOE v. OLD TRINITY Field : W . Henry, C . Donlon ; Boundary: D . Ryan, T. Healy; Goal: R. Miller, G. Grigg. BANYULE v. IVANHOE Meld: D. Dalgleish, C . Segota : Goal: A . Simpson, G . Dae.
IVANHOE 6.2 8.4 13.8 14.11 .95 OLD PARADIANS 3 .3 8.6 12.9 16.13 .109 Ivanhoe Newbold. Kennedy 3. McKellar. Rowley 2, Brown. Lee . Bullen . Frawley. Best Kendell,, Rawley.Newboki. Smith. Sullen . Old Paradises Harrison 6 . Geary 3, Ciavola . Kerr 2, O'Loughlin, Harfonl. Zappa. But O'Loughlin . Vincent . Harrison. Dallas . Farrell, Geary. 5 .4 10 .5 12 .10 16 .12.108 NORTH OLD BOYS OLD BRIGHTON 0.2 5 .4 8 .10 8.14.82 North Old Boys Gravina 5 . O'Farrell. Abrahams. Sutherland. Barker, Mckay 2, Sullivan . Best Gravina . Abrahams, O'Farrell . Leigh. Mikunda. McKay. Old Brighton Shippen 5, Murch 2 . Mitchell . Best Alderton . Kryzwnik, Nikas . Howden. Prior. Shippen. 23.23 .161 THERRY CCOB 0 .5 4.11 16.16 BIJLLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 5 .2 5.6 8 .6 10.8 .68 Thezry Goodwin 6, Bosanko. Elliott 3. Goodwin. O'Connor. Gorman . Grocock 2, Castaldi. Pignatell. Reddick. Best Boyle, Reddick . Seymour. Elliott, Gromck. Keay. Bullten Templestowe James 5, MeLaren, H ar e. Scott . Young. Thompson . Best Young, Hare. Thompson . George. Greig. James . MHSOB 3 .3 8.6 13.10 16 .16.112 OLD IVANHOE 6 .4 9.4 16 .9 18 .13.121 MHSOB Wnodley 5. Glover 4 . Bamert 3. Lindsay. Webster, Fairchild . PertzeL Best Glover. Grimmer. Harries . Preece . Woodley. Webster. Old Ivanhoe McLean 4. Agushi . Donaldson 3 . Douglas, Young 2 . Maycock. Pappos. Power, Tully. Best Tully. Donaldson, parker . Douglas, Veal, Tolley. OLD TRINITY 6.3 11 .9 18 .15 28.19 .187 BANYOI .E 0.3 4 .3 5 .8 7.10.52 Old Trinity Stickland 11, Heath 4. Sealing 3. Phillips . Ramsden 2, Smith . Vanderhoek, Hudson. Grieg. Sealey . Sutcliffe. Bestl Seuling. Stickland, Vanderhoek. Clarke, Cumming, Ramsden . Banynle Wlichell 3, Turnbull 2. Riches, McDermott. Best O'Brien . Williams. Wilkes . Grey. Witchell . McDermott.
C SECTION by Terry Quirk hilst most, if not all results last weekend were predictable, almost all club correspondents anticipat e the return of high quality players over the next few rounds, and are hoping for vastly improved performances . For all clubs, whether they be fighting to avoid D Section in 1997 or are aiming to either finish in the four or finish in a high position in the four, the next few weeks are crucial . Cellar dwellers, Whitefriars, take on Old Geelong, Old Bdentonians and Hampton Rovers over three weeks. On the other hand, Ajax takes on Marcellin, St . Kevins and St. Kilda South Caulfield in three of the next four weeks in an attempt to consolidate their position near the top of the ladder . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers have Thomastown, lvlarcellin and Ajax over three weeks and will need much improved performances to take the three and be on track for the finals. An impressive display by Ajax last week with Julian Kirzner (back from Carlton) and Andrew Kalinski (8 goals) on fire served notice to all teams that they are very much on track towards at least maintaining their high position on the ladder . With Phil Goldberg, Bloom an d Hoppe also in form, a 9 goal blitz in both the second and third stanzas left the Rovers behind . Whilst outclassed, Rovers had good performers in "Chopper" Morgan and "Racehorse" Wills on the wing and "Softy" in the ruck. At Elsternwick Park an undermanned St . Kilda South Caulfield took control after an early start . Walshy, Cliffy, Chas and Co . behind the scenes at SKSC were able to patch up enough crocks to ensure a most competitive side was fielded . On the wide spaces Leon McGaw and Nick Astepenko were on fire, whilst Wilson and Stafford on the back flanks, Neeson and Claxton were excellent performers . New player, "The Captain" James Cook, Vickers-Willis and Howells .were best for OGs . At Righetti, Old Mentonlans served it up to section leaders SKOBs but fell further behind as the match progressed. One solitary goal to OMs in the second half, compared to SKOBs 13, suggests a fitness difference between the two sides, although control of the ball out of the centre was also a telling factor . The arrival of the SKOBs new mascot at three quarter time ("Scratcher" Howard's cousin from "TNT") was also an inspiration to both players and supporters . For the winners, Brett Burden (1981 vintage), Marcus Doliman and "Rice" Bowles were best whilst "Doche" Ryan (8 goals) and "Chappy" at full back were very serviceable . For the OMs, again Stroudy marked just about everything, whilst Tony Bournon, Geoff Dart and Jamie Winduss, were most consistent. With the return of captain, Dennet Merton (5 goals) and ruck dominance by Craig Carpenter, Marcellin were able to hold off a determined Thomastown in a match that saw a reversal of the result in round one . A 6
six goal third quarter by the Eagles allowed them to take control after the Bears held a one point half time lead . Stephen O'Flynn, Moran an Theisz were also excellent players for the Eagles . Agair Tony Fellows was best for the Bears, whilst Mark an Nathan Grech, "Elbows" Risterski and Volpe per formed well . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers kept its finals aspiration alive with a spirited second half effort against the Friarfi With Adam Thompson, "Chopper" Lannan an d Micl Hecker working hard around the pivot, the Tigers ha first use of the ball for most of the day and used the ba better, despite some poor kicking for goal . Ross an, Sanders were also good players for the Tigers . The hap less Friars with James White, Harris, Bateman an , Carbone the best contributors, never gave up the chas ing and tackling and the last 5 goals scored by the Tiger may have exaggerated the different between the tw sides on the day. PREVIEW -ROUND 1 1 At Hampton, a loss to the SKOBs would be (as Pete Wolfe predicts) "the shock of the season" . Sorry Pete, bu I expect the SKOBs to hold a 69 point lead at siren time . Old Mentonlans will have to lift a little and reall serve it up to the Saints to have a show in this one . Th Saints should prevail by 29 points . OGs versus Friars at Como is most important ti both sides. At home the OGs should reverse the earlie result and win by 17 points.
Another important game at Tigerland sees th Thommos fighting to stay in touch with the four. In difficult match to predict, I'll go for the Bears by 2 : points . The match of the day at Marcellin should be a sen sation, depending on weather conditions of course . Thi talented Ajax combination will be keen to win the point ; and consolidate second place, whilst a win to Marcellir will put them on track for the double chance . I have leaning to the Jackas and predict a 16 point margin . Reserves winners: Hampton Roves, Old Mentonians Old Geelong, St . Bedes Mentone Tigers, Marcellin Correspondents : by 5 .30 p .m . Monday, fa : 9889 9014. .-
2X D Aa^~ic~,~ , Jason .el,
03 0 2 5
24 23 21 21 17 17
HAMPTON ROVERS v . ST KEVINS Field: M . Jenkins, J . Kvins . OLD MENTONIANS v . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD Field : A. Firley, M . Pinney ; Boundary : D. Fowler, C. Stevens . OLD GEELONG v. . WHITEFRIARS Meld:- G . Gioras, S. Meredith; GoaL C May (R), R. Seymour . ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v . THOMASTOWN Field : T. Ovadia, P . Callil ; Goal: J . Kelly, R. Richards (R) . MARCELLIN v . AJAX Field: D. Lane, P. Simpson ; Boundary : M . Meier, S. Mannix ; Goal: S . Kahn, K . Pitcher.
JULY 6 - ROUND 1 2
4.2 13 .2 21.8 25.11.161 MAX .76 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 .1 5 .2 9 .3 12.4 be rg 4 . Rosen 2, Wrobel, Sheezel, Marks, Bursztyn, Ajax Halinskl 8, Kircner 5. Gold Brom, Redlich . Beat Goldberg. Bloom . Kalinski- B. Goldberg. Hoppe . Bram. Hampton Rovers Crawford 5 . Power . Anderson, Ariz 2, Natoli. Beat Morgan. Wills, ScarietL Panagiotklis. Crawford. Ferguson. 22 .14 .146 ST HEVHN 4.4 9.6 13.11 3 .8 5.12 6.14 6 .16 .52 OLD MENTONIANS . St Beviaa Ry an 8. Burden. Bowles 3, t.iry. Mount 2, Hart . Terzini . Farquh arson Dallman. Stall Burden . Dolman . Ry an, Morgan. Bowles, Chapman . Old Meatonlana Acreman. Stroud 2. Dart. Wallace . Beall Winduss- Stroud . Bounron, Katris . Dant. Lean. 5.4 9 .11 14.15 20.21.141 ST EILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 5.1 6.4 10 .5 13.8 .86 OLD GEELONG St EHda South Caulfield McGaw 6. Astapenko . Riddell 3 . Kuck 2 . D'Agostlno, diamond . Claxton . G ardner, Green, Tkaz. Best MeGaw. Wilson. Neeson, Claxton . Tkocz, Govan . Old Geelong Go al Kickers and Best Players not rece ived. 4 .1 8.1 11.5 12 .8.80 WHITEPRIARS ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 2 .5 6 .9 12 .11 18 .13.121 WhiteBfars Robinson. Haselar 4, Harris 2. White, Reidy. Beat Carbone, Har ri s. Haselar. Bateman . Robinson, White . St B's Mentone Tigers Ross 5. lannan 3, Hecker . McCraw 2, Diggins, Fi rth, Goodchild. Hayes. Hecker, htacGeorge. Best Thompson, t.annan. San ders. Napier. Fi rth. THOMASTOWN 4.6 7.9 9.11 13 .13 .91 MARCELy=N 4.1 7.8 13.11 16 .13 .109 Thomastown Capeci 5. Holmes 3 . Smith 2 . Alberti. Volpe . Del Papa. Beat Fellows. M . Grech, N . G rech, Ristevski, Volpe . Valeri. Marcellia Treganowan 6, Me rton 5, Carpenter 2. 0'Flynn. Bello. Moran. Best 0'Flynn . Mofan. Theisz. Carpenter, Day, Cooper. RESERVES 4.6 4 .8 9 .9 14.16 .100 MAX HAMPTON ROVERS 0.0 4.5 7.7 7.7 .49 Ajax Rajch 5, Krongold 3 . Kalb 2, Dunne, Pat. Weisler. Slade-Jacobson . Best Stade,lacobson. Pat. Kal b . Ra~ch . Rozenberg . Roseman . Hampton Rovers Doukas 3 Bulmer 2 . Cornehls. McGregor . Best Buckley . Co rnehls. Hunt . Bulnr. Doukas. Hobson, ST REVINS 2 .3 4.6 12.7 16.12.108 OLD MENTONIANS 4 .1 5 .4 6 .5 9.5.59 St Bevies Noon an 10, Meagher 3 . Hagarty. O'Brien. Charles . Best Noon an. Moore, Thomas, Hagarty, Smith . McDonald. Old Mentonians Flaskis 3, Bond . Donovan . Harrington . Norton . Richardson. Russo . Beat Kitto. No rton, Russo, Ferber, Dwyer. Shed en . ST RILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 1.2 2.3 4.6 6.11 .47 OLD GEEIANG 5.4 9.5 13.5 17 .11 .113 St Kilda South Caulfield Alderuccio 3 . Della Lana, Handfield . Healy . Best Aitcheson . Healy, HandOeld. Davis . Wood, calla Lanna. Old Geelong Goal Kickers an d Best Players not received. WHITEFRlARS 1 .0 1 .2 1 .2 2.2.14 ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 7 .7 14.11 19 .19 24.20.164 Wbitefrlata Newton. Naismith. Best Ve rnal. guilty. Kelsey. Andrews, Vandenboom. MacFarlane. St as Mtntene Tlgen Goodchikl, Recupe ro 5. Peck . Tully 3. Connolly 2, Dru ry . O'Brien, Lamb, Me ham . Stewart. Tangley. Best Mulquinney . Tully, Recupero, Connolly . Stewart. Peck. THOMASTOWN 1 .0 1.3 5.3 5 .4.34 4 .4 10.7 12.8 17.14.116 MARCELLIN Thomastown Bubis 2. LatouG Colosimo, Ward . Best Skaf, Latmd- Mo ri bito. lulianella. Colosimo, Kenedy . MarceBin Gallagher 5 . Stokes 4. Gallagher 2 . Bromage, O'Callaghan, Becchetti, Howe, Symes . Edmonds. Beet Gallagher, Sexton. H arbe rts. Edmonds . McIntosh, O'Callaghan .
by Ken re :-_Aner C Y AN PRES S big thank you to Tommy Brain for stepping into the A breach at such short notice last week . Also to the many VAFA folk for their expressions of sympathy extended to my family on the sudden and unexpected loss of our mother Jean (a very gentle, caring and loving woman) . The fellowship within our ranks (VAFA) is marvellous and it makes it all the worthwhile to be involved . Now to the footy . . . Kew have really thrown a cat amongst the pigeons with their fantastic win over Old Camberwe ll, Southbank faltered in one quarter, the last, and must now dig deep to save their season, Caulfield Grammar an d Beaumaris shore up their positions in the '4' and St . Johns OC's victory raises their hopes of survival and all but buried Uni . Reds for the season . Parkside an d St. Leo's Emmaus will now have to rely on other results as well as -;n their own games to get the chance to participate in fin-, action . ROUND 10 REVIEW (JUNE 22)
In the Uni . Reds versus St . Johns OC's scrap the Joe's although undermanned came out firing in the first quarter, only to go to sleep in the second . After a decent 'rev' they again got their act together albeit with inaccuracy and put the game beyond Uni . Reds grasp. Best for the Joe's were Cotta, Snowy, Athos an d Dicky. Dejavu at Yarra Park with Southbank doing to Monash Blues exactly the same as 10 weeks ago. That is, looking in total control till 20 minutes into the third quarter when the never say die spirit of The Blues' lifted them another cog . 'Bankers' still nine points up at lemon time were never in the hunt in the last with Monash outscoring them six majors to one to comfortably win by 4 goals . In perfect conditions at the Glenhuntly Oval, Caulfield Grammar proved too strong for Parkside in a skilful free flowing game . The 'Fields' set up the win by holding a four goal advantage at quarter time and were never headed after that . Whilst the Parkers made a spirited comeback in the last with the first three majors the home team settled and ran out victors by 46 points . Best for Caulfield were Will, Cossart-Waish and Harris and for Parkside, Boyne, Tessarl and Moodie . At Banksia Park both Beaumaris and visiting team St Leo's Emmaus made bright starts . In the second the locals picked up the tempo, played their own ground to a treat and looked to have the game in the bag at the long interval . Not to be, the Two Blues' rebounded brilliantly to play some great footy and in fact headed Beaumaris at the last change . First three goals in the last gave the 'Baysiders' the break they wanted and although the 'Leo's' came back to within 7 points it was all too late. Best for St . Leo's were O'Meara, Henricus and Vaughan . Old Camberwe ll seem to be making a nasty habit for themselves losing to cellar dweller teams (no disrespect meant to either St. Johns OC's or Kew) and last week's result would be a bitter pill for the 'Wells' to swallow and conversely a great tonic for the 'Brown and Golds' . The 8
'Wells' played a good first stanza but then dropped right off till the last when they trimme d back a 49 point lead to an attainable 2 goal deficit . The Kew team rallied, kicked the goals when and where needed and went on to score a meritorious win . Best for Old Camberwell were The 'Doc' (again) with nine majors, McKenzie and Harvey. ROUND 11 PREVIEW (JUNE 29 )
Old Camberwe ll travel to Bennettswood Reserve to lock horns with St. Leo's Emmaus . The Two Blues' will be pumped to win this as they could find themselves a couple off the pace if they fail . On the other hand the 'Wells' rarely drop two on the trot . The visitors, Old Camberwell to get back on song and score by three twins , Giant Killer Kew host the comp's most consistent side Caulfield Grammar . The 'Brown and Golds' need anothe r couple of wins to give themselves a chance of staving off the 'dreaded' and given this enormous incentive I'll tip the upset and reckon on Kew to fall over the line seven points in front. Uni Reds will need a wing and a prayer to keep Parkside at bay. The 'Parkers' know that they just have to keep on keeping on if they want September action . Without any reservation, Parkside to win handsomely by 70+ points . Out Dandenong way no quarter will be asked nor given in the stoush between St . Johns OC's and Southbank . Stakes are high for both and much will depend on weather and ground conditions . If wet, then St. Johns are favoured but given dry and firm conditions then the visitors are entitled to start favourite . Allow me to play Nostradamus . . . It's going to be good weather, hence the 'Bankers' just, by eleven points . Clash of the round at Monash Uni . when the 'Baysiders', Beaumaris trek over to the place of great learning and funny smelling smoke to try to cement for themselves a place in the four . The 'Blues' just don't know how to lay down and die (ask Southbank), hence Beaumaris will be well advised not to relax until the fat ladies is singing . Just to 'aggro' the Uni . boys a little further and better prepare them mentally for my imminent appointment at the oval I'll tip Beaumaris who I might add are in great form at present to win in a tight one by 15 points . Club scribes - Don't forget the telephone calls and/or fax messages on Mondays to ; telephone 9810 3370, fax 9810 3251 by 5 p.m . Thanks heaps !
50 GAl'Tia FOR "COUTA " S , John's old Co llegians wish to congratulate Mick "Couta" co tlrmadlas on playing his 50th game against University Reds . Couta is a very skillful player and has provided great service to the club in his 50 games . All at St John's wish him the best for the future. 50 GAMES FOR SCOTTY EDWARD S Scotty Edwards plays his 50th game for St Leos Enlmaus against old Camberwell today . Scotty, a determined hackman, is su.e to play plenty more top games for the Two Blues . Well done S;:otty. 300 SENIOR GAMES AT ST LEO'S EMMAUS
All at St Leo's Emmaus would like to congratulate Ted Van Den Akker on being the first player to reach 300 senior games today 29/6/96 . "Scooter' the irrepressible Dutchman has set a fine example over his 18 years at the club with his never-say-die attitude and high level of fitness . With 5 premiership medals and a best and fairest award in his trophy cabinet next to his prized antique clog collection we hope Scooter has a few more years to go.
St _ - A(ii -'s BEAU6iARIS 4 .3 10.4 12.7 18.9 .117 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 3 .6 7.6 13.11 16.14 .110 Beaumaris 0'Riley 8, Fraser . Quin 2 . Hall, Kinsella, Nicholson. Quin. Sherman . Williams. Best Nicholson, Quin, Hanrahan, Thomas, Hoyne . McNichotas. St Leos Emmaus WP Vaughan 7 . Davidson, Henricus 2, Darcy . Dinicotantonio, Gill. McKenzie. Ronchi. Bestl O'Meara, Henricus . Vaughan . Dinicolantonio, Ronchi, Douglass . OLD CAMBERWELL 7.2 10.5 11.8 17 .11.113 KEW 2.4 9.6 16 .12 21 .15.141 Old Camberwell Inkster 9 . Lethlean 3. Horskins 2, Jack . Channon, Harvey. Best Kyriacou. Horskins. Scott. Jack, Gladman. Inkster. Kew Bodey 6, Pulvirenti S. Cox 3, King 2 . Cullen . J. Pulvirenti . Porte, Wood . Dimasi. Best Dimasi, Wood. Brune, Bodey, Perie. Cox . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 6 .7 12.10 16 .15 18.16 .124 PARKSIDE 2 .2 4 .6 6 .9 11 .12 .78 Caulfield Grammar Will S . Margerison 4, Synnian 3 . Baxter 2, Harrison. Cowlishaw, Lubransky . Pearce. Bestt Will. Baxter, Cowtishaw. Keown . Harris. Brohier. Parkalde Moodie 4. Gunn 3 . Macnamara . panjari, Reginato, Warren. Best Hoyne, Tessari . moodte. Pine, Reginato . Warren. UNIVERSITY REDS 3.3 7.6 8.9 10.13 .73 ST JOHNS OC 7 .5 8.7 10.16 12.23.95 University Re" Kane 4. Farrell, Arnott. Mitchell . Southwick. Tehan . Wharf. Best Mitchell, Wharf, Rowland. Mitchell, Daakler, Heenan . St Johns OC Abou~aber 5 . Walton . Mutters 2, Dowsett, Back. Ladson . Best Cormadias . Waters . $ack, Koppers, Rachele, Foy. SOUTIIBANE CBA 3 .4 7 .9 9 .10 10.10.70 2 .1 4 .3 8 .7 14.13.97 ffiONASH BLUES Southbank CBA Hodgson 3. Perry, Pitts 2, Sparrow. Treyvaud . Keighmn. Best Linford. Sparrow. MeNamara, keighran, Hodgson. Metican . Monash Blues Ford 5 . Baring 3. Donnelly 2, Alexander . Rogers. Keep. Smith . Best Caldwell. Carman, McGee, Ford, Barker . Alexander. RESERVES
ST LEOS EMMAUS v. OLD CAMBERWELL Fietd : A. Ladd, V . Vescovi ; Goal: J . Robinson, P . Allsop. KEW v . CAULFIELD GR. Meld : A. Flack, S . Davie. UNIVERSITY REDS v. PARKSIDE Meld : P . Leyden, C. Brajtberg; Boundary : M . Jenlek, C . Hayes . ST JOHNS v. SOUTHBANK Meld: D . Kramer, N . McCorquodale . MONASH BLUES v. BEAUMARIS Field: P. Keogh, B . Tamblyn . The VAFA "Amateur Footballer" is proudly sponsored and printed by :
CY ANPRESS 9 7 6 3 4 0 8 8
2 .4 3 .5 6.8 8 .9.57 BEAUMARIS ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 2 .0 4 .4 6.5 9 .9.63 Beaumaris Day 2, Ott . Flynn. Murphy, McMahon . Thirbanks . Vaughan . Best McMahon. Lucy. Day. Flynn, mcKenzie . Tessoreiro. St Leos Emmaus WP Clark 4. Shacklock 2 . Contessotto. Ingram . Oakley. Best Clark. Turner. Panetta. Vandenakker, Ingram . Walsh. OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .2 5 .6 10 .9 15.9 .99 KEW 1 .1 3 .1 4 .2 5.2 .32 Old Camberwell Kent, Lenton, Jackson 3 . Bowe 2, Crea, Roe . Taylor. Kerkvtiet Best Douglas, Jackson, KerkvBet, McCrea. Roe. Lenton . Kew Barnes 2 . Brassit . Kiriakou . Dalrymple. Best Bruno . Hope, Brassil, Lvingstone . Giansante, Franklin. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1 .0 3.3 4.5 6.8.44 PARESIDE 5 .5 7.6 9.8 11 .11.77 Caulfield Grammar Scholten, Santiago, S . Most . M . Klose, Cleveland . Dickson . Best M. Klose. Younger, Williams. Lawrence, Chan, Santiago. Parlrslde Stuart 5 . Austin. Drinnan, Lay. Marulti. Reshiti . Tyson. Best McCall. Drinnan . lay. Austin . Dunbabin. Hamilton . UNIVERSITY REDS 1 .1 2 .1 3.1 5 .2.32 ST JOHNS OC 3 .4 10 .6 15 .12 17.12.114 University Reds Winkler 4, George. Best Winkler, McKinnon . Box, Grech. Thatcher, Mann . St Johns OC Blake, Pepper 4, Connolly, Saunderson 2, Ladson . Darcy, Cotton . D'Oliverio. Doherty. Best Jankovic. Doherty. Saunderson, Connolly. Blake, Walker . SOUTHBANK CBA 0 .1 2.4 2 .5 3.5 .23 MONASH BLUES 5.5 10.7 14.15 23.23 .161 Southbanh CBA Stephenson 2 . Phelps . Best Stranger. Forbes, Sparrow, Radcliffe . Stephenson, Jones. Monssh Blues Maiden 3, Feenaghty 5 . Gunn. Mentha 2 . Forsyth, Gonis. Crozier. Edquist Anderson. Farrar. Best De Young. Anderson . Beer. Feenaghty, Maiden . Forsyth.
D Section Result - Round 10 on Page 16 >
If shorts are worn they must be the club shorts only .
If tracksuit pants, they must be navy blue only. If a whole green tracksuit has been purchased complete VAFA green suit can be worn .
E T SECTION by Barry Hicke y ^ part from all the raspberries I got from the Yarra X- , Valley push for daring to suggest they might b e beaten, nothing earth shattering occurred in E Eas t last week. One thing though, Eley Park is proving very hard to dislodge from the four, and it may be they aren't going to be . ROUND 10 REVIEW
The Swinburne University and Bulleen Cobras game, although perhaps a predictable result, once again was a testament to the students willingness to have a go . The deserve A+'s for that . Mick Starrett bagged 9 for the Cobras and was well supported by Mark Kelly, Shane Dillon and John Moran . Aquinas were far too good for Richmond Central, reminding everybody just what a powerful side they are . "Kirky", playing his 200th starred in the ruck as did mid-fielders, Peter Dunne and Glen Whitehead. Centrals had 'one of those days', but did get great games from Dave Holt at full back, plus Paul Church an d Michael Black, also in defence . Eley Park had a comfortable win over Eltham Collegians and returned to 3rd spot on the ladder, which they fully deserve . Old Carey will learn from their loss to Yarra Vall ey in a sensational game which went right down to the wire . After an even first half of spectacular flowing play, Yarra blitzed the C's with a 7g . to 1g . 3rd term, and then had their supporters anxious for the siren when the C's rattled home with 8 goals to 4 on the last . In the crucial 3rd quarter, Yarra's midfielders sent a constant stream of opportunities forward, where G . Potter, Lupol, Midro and Scales capitalised . Cam Matthews started many C's attacks from the half backline, Cam Campbe ll picked up his usual swag of possessions, Matt Cohen did some great clearing work from the back zone as well, and Hedgie Hickey played a strong captains game up forward . Chirnside Park cruised to victory against St Mary's after establishing a 7 goal break in the first quarter . The game was fairly even thereafter so, for the Saints the day wasn't all negative . Stockton at full back, Terry Ymer roving and Black on a wing were the Saints best . Best for the Parker's were the "Pembos", Marks on the HFF and Wayne the winger and the sturdy hackman, Matt Warren.
REVIEW ROUND 11 Bulleen Cobra s will find the Aquinas show a bit hard t o counter today, every time a gap is plugged they find another avenue to goal . The Cobras have plenty o f talent on the field but seen to lack the cohesion necessary to be consistent winners . The Blooders forwards should have their team well ahead at the final siren, around 8/9 goals . Richmond Centrals meet Eley Park determined to make up for last week's performance and to erase the memory of that round 2 draw . Central has improved immensely since that meeting and even though the Sharks have not put in a really bad game all year, they will be troubled by the some sides ability to close play up and their aerial strength . Centrals by 2 goals after a great match . Eltham Collegians host Old Carey and will be anxious to repeat the drubbing they gave the C's in their first meeting . The Turtles will find the C's a different outfit this time round though and provided they can concentrate for the while game, the C's should win by 5/6 goals . Yarra Valley play Chirnside Park and will want to atone for their form in their previous encounter . The Parkers seem to be running hot and cold this year whereas Yarra, round two expected, have just been hot . If the ground is any way heavy or slippery, Yarra's height and pace advantage will be slightly discounted but not sufficiently to prevent them from being 3/4 goals up at the close . St Mary's should be too accomplished for Swinburne University, who must be finding this a very long season . RESERVES winners should be : Aquinas, Richmond Central, Old Carey, Yarra Va ll ey and ST Mary' s
Correspondents the Monday contacts are : 9547 9144 and Fax 947 7764 .
MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is'1Miere an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"
) players pass significant mileA,quinas had last week ; °• Tick Vankirkhoven the Blooders ,werful ruck/utility, played his 200th a winner of 2 lub B`& F's, Mick is a major influence on and off the t Held . Steve Kenny, Vice Captain, classy back pocke and winne r o Club' in for j995, PlaYedf h the 100th . BTosMi kFandsStev e Award well done, and many more to come . SOCIAL NOTE S
St "irtry's Trivia Night : July 20th, get your tables oi together NOW!
37 35 31 31 26
® 4
SENIORS 4.8 5 .9 6 .9.4 5 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 1 .5 BULLEEN COBRAS 6.6 9 .9 15 .17 23.20.158 Swinburne University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Bueen Cobras Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. AQUINAS OB 6.2 13 .8 16 .13 22.24 .156 RICHMOND CENTRAL 3.2 4 .2 8 .3 9.4.58 Aquinas OB Livingstone 6, Dunne 5 . Hughes 4 . S . Livingstone, Tarulli 3, Whitehead. Best Vankerkhm•en, Tarulli, Kenny . Whitehead. McDonald, Dunne. Richmond Central Porteous. Sh annon 2, Katelis . Ragg. Andonopoulos . Tapley, Pickett. Beat Holt, Hoey, Tate . Dunne, Port eous, Tapley. ELEY PARK 5.8 12.10 18.14 22 .18.150 ELTHAM OC 3 .3 9.6 10.7 14 .13 .97 Eley Park Kaye 5. Hawley 4 . Hill 3, Caldwell . Lenarcic, McLean 2. Broadhead . Bromley, Morris . Worner. Best Hill, Smith. Hook, Morris, B romley, Kaye. Eltbam OC Fitzpatrick 5 . Clarke, Smythe. Carter. Duggan . Doody . Simon. Coonerty. Best Leys. Mullins. Smythe. Fitzpatrick, Tucker. Morrow. OLD CAREY 3 .4 7.9 8 .11 16.15.111 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 2 .4 7 .6 14 .7 18.10.118 Old Carey Hickey 5. Eccles 2 . Murphy, Spencer. Price, Faelis, Addison, Gentle. Everett. Cohen. Morrison. Basil Campbell, Eve rett. Matthew, Cohen. Glindeman , Hickey . Yarra Valley Old Boys Potter 7 . MeVean . Peake. Lupoi . Peterson, Laing 2 . Heffernan. Beat Peterson. Potter, Habben. Keenan, Lupoi . Mitten. CHIRNSIDE PARK 8.6 10.7 16.10 19.13 .127 BY BL4RYS 1.3 3.6 7.9 10.13 .73 Chirnaide Park Pemberton 6. Collie 3, Picioli, Carusi 2. Pedler, Pemberton, Trotter, taidlow, Oates. Brown . Best M . Pemberton, W. Pembe rton, Warren, M. Camsi, J . Camsi . Oates. St Marys Binyon. rater, O'Brien 2. Stephens, Stone, Duck, Stockton. Basil Stockton, Ymer, Black . Stone, Stewart . Binyon .
3 .2 3.4 4 .5
4 .2 7 .11 13 .16 BULI.EEN COBRAS Swinburne University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .
Bufleen Cobras Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . AQUINAS OB 4.2 10.4 15.5 18.8.116 RICHMOND CENTRAL 0.1 1 .1 3.2 6.2.38 Aquinas OB Phillips 7 . Hiney 4, Tilling 3, C ronin 2. O'Connor. Clifford . Best] King, Hiney. Phillips, McEvoy. Tilling. Upton .. Richmond Central Taylor 2 . Jones . Wilson . Barker, White. Beatl McCalpin . Fawley. Cooper. Barker, Collings . Tapley. ELEY PARK 4.4 6.8 9.12 13 .13 .91 ELTHAM OC 1.0 3.2 5.3 8 .5.53 Eley Park Bruce, Dell'orso 3. Haley. Raymer 2, Carroll . Holm. Weston- Basil Bruce. Holm . Lee, Barley . Dix . Verde. Eltbam OC Dodds, Keane 2, Taylor, Stockdale . Woodward . Quigley . Beat Glar e. Taylor. Philipson. Stockdale . Keane . 0.1 1 .3 2.6 6 .12.48 OLD CAREY YARRA VALLEY DID BOYS 1 .2 1 .3 3 .5 8.6.54 Old Carey Humphrey, Yarnell, Brady, Patterson. McJuie, Drever. Best Bennett, WiOiington. Shrives, Ustick, Cope. Jones . Yana Valley Old Boys Park . Rowe 2 . Tre mbath . Alderson, McLeod, Smillie. Bestl Burt. Ross. Davies, Dickson. Alderson. MacVean. 3.4 6.7 8 .9 14.9 .93 CHIRNSIDE PARK ST MARYS 3.1 6.9 7.10 13.12 .90 Chirnside Park Anthony 4 . Bond 3. Skien 2, Pope. Dalton, Hussey. Kimpton, hlassarotti. Best] Skien, Massoro tti. Anthony, O'Connor. Hussey . Bond . St Marys Burns 7, Evans 3, West. Scammel, Donadio. Beatl Donadio, Bums . Huebner, Frail, Francis,
BULLEEN COBRAS v. AQUINAS Fieid: C . Keeton, A. Price. RICHMOND CENTRAL v . ELEY PARK Fietd: P. Maebus, M . O'Brien . ELTHAM v . OLD CAREY Field: R. Smith . YARRA VALLEY v . CHIRNSIDE PARK Yarra Valley Anglican Church ( 36 D12) Field: H . Little (R), S . Alger. ST MARYS v . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY Field : A . Kiel .
Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain present all scores and match details in a light-hearted manner . Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9 .30 a .m . each Sunda y
E CENTRAL SECTION by Darren Brigg s
-1he E Central rumour mill is a "buzz" with the news that Williamstown may lose the fou r points it earned in defeating the cellar dwellers Thornbury Cougars in Round 9. For Willi, a costly error that may lose it the coveted double chance . For the Cougars, not the ideal way to 'earn' your first premiership points in the VAFA, but hey - beggars can't be choosers! Good to see a few upsets last week more of the same may open up the Connell Cup to my rival glory hunting tipsters. REVIEW - ROUND 1 0
For the second week in succession, UHSOB claimed a higher placed scalp, this time battle scarred West Brunswick were the victims . The Magpies did the bulk of the early attacking but their forward thrusts resulted in only minor scores . UHSOB gradually got on top and by half time had opened up a four goal advantage . West tried to rally, drawing within a couple of majors at one point, before Uni High drew away to record an excellent win . Best for the losers were Vintage Crop, Crash Thompson and the Greek Connection. The other upset of the round was at the Postage Stamp, where Newlands Coburg continued their home dominance of Old Westbourne by recording an excellent 11 point victory . Architect of the victory was 1995 Best and Fairest Mick Hayes, who avoided the tribunals wrath the previous Tuesday and duly celebrated that impressive feat by booting nine of his teams twenty goals, including the sealer just before the siren. "Speedball" was well supported by teammates in Warren, Ceri an d Dooga, while for the frustrating Warriors Andy Horsburgh led by example, his brother Derek followed suit, as did Benjamin Franklin an d Dave Jago .
The Match of the Day at the rolling hills of Bocce Palace was a classic duel between the Blacks, the 1996 flag favourites and North Brunswick, the 1995 runners-up . As predicted North Brunswick applied their customary physical presence at the fall of the ball and for two and a half quarters it appeared as if the Blacks achilles heel had been found, as the green and gold machine opened up a commanding 27 point advantage . But the Blacks dug deep - and led by Reggy in the ruck and wingers Sullivan and Begley, were able to peg back the deficit to one point at 3QT . The last quarter was titanic struggle - North still leading by 7 points about 10 minutes in - but Blacks summoned one final spurt from their seemingly endless energy resources, with five unanswered goals enabling a meritous 26 point win . best for the Blacks were Fud, Planet Hall, Beaton and Cunningham while for North John Kalpakis, Jo Boudoloh (again!), Lester Ellis and Dave Magnusson stood out.
Contrasting match reports from my two respective scribes at the Craterzone suggest their is little love lost between the Coaching pan els of Thornbury Cougars and Old Essendon. Tb Cougars playing numbers have been boosted slightl in the last two weeks and this was evident for thre quarters as they held the Grammar to a respectabl 13 goal deficit before the visitors piled on the goals ii the final term en route to the routine 154 point wfi over the competition chopping block . Highlights fo the winners was the debut of Tassle Clohesy wh booted 11 goals while for the Cougars Vinny the Ca and Ross Begley battled valiantly against the odds . At Beautiful Bundoora, Wi ll iamstown CYMS se up their win in the first quarter, holding La Trobe t just a 2 point advantage after the Trobers had fir,, use of the slight breeze . By half time, Willi ha opened a four goal advantage thanks to running ha back Jack Daniel, on-baller Aaron "Noodlehead Thiege and sharpshooting McCutcheon up forwa rLaTobeliftdswkranheb,dwi to 17 points ten minutes into the last term, but Wil capitalised on some costly turnovers late in the game kicking demoralising goals that lead to a seven go< win, perhaps not a true reflection of the differenc between the sides on the day . Best for the winner were General Lee, Foxhunter Dirty Harry and th Black and Decker Pecker Wrecker, while for th Trobers the Ponytail Express, Sheeds and Growle played excellent games . PREVIEW - ROUND 1 1
At Centreway, Old Essendon host La Trobe in game the Grammar will not take lightly given thei narrow escape against the Trobers early in the sea son . The Trobers are having trouble fielding their beE side at present, with reasons ranging from exams t scout camps, and given Old Essendon's unbeate : record at home, I cannot tip an upset by the visitors .
At Park Street, injury plagued West Brunswie] face Newlands Coburg in a match that suddenly ha a smell of danger for the Magpies . Assuming Wes Brunswick can restrict Speedba ll Hayes, they shouli reverse their current clump and win by five twins . No rt h Brunswick travel to Arctic Park and on th rebound will be in no mood to extend a sympatheti arm for the Weary Warriors to rest on . Westbourn will play their customary 1-2 quarters - but matche are won over four - North by seven goals . Uni Blacks are at home to Thornbury Cougar and if it is hard and fast the Blacks are at ful strength - it could be very ugly . The Cougars will di well to keep this one below a Bradmanesque doubl, century margin.
Finally, at Fearsome Reserve, Will will look to c,id their unbeaten home run when they hos t
imt-killing UHSOB. Boycey's boys are on a roll but ; ; one is just too important for CYMS - Willi by 29 )ints •
Correspondents : Responses have been really fanli,stic - I'm sure the players of responding clubs appreciate the coverage . Numbers again by 5 :00pm Monday are 9379 1411 ( H), 9618 3413 (W) & Fax 96298008MILESTONES La Trobe salute Scott "Deserthead" Haynes on playing his 50th game this week . Haynesy is a hard-working player on the field and a good clubman off the field, as evidenced by his work as treasurer in recent years. Well done Scott onwards to the ton ! Thornbury Cougars congratulate Darren "Chunna" Carter on recently playing his 250th game . This is a remarkable achievement, given Darren is still only 17 years old, having started with the juniors from a very young age . Well done "Chunna" - 300 looks a mere formality . SOCIAL NOTES
Williamstown CYMS are holding a disco night this Saturday at the Clubrooms - all welcome !
-- ~ _-
.~-' ®
WEST BRUNSWICK v. PTEVtLANDS COBURG Field : A. Steven, M . Allen. OLD WESTBOURNE v . NORTH BRUNSWICK Field: M . Evans, G . Waldron . UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . THORNBURY COUGARS Field: P . Walker, D . Miller . OLD ESSENDON v . LA TROBE UNIVERSITY Field : M . Forde, T . Williams . WILLIAMSTOWN v. UHSOB Field: M . Gilday .
SENIORS 11 .13 12.16.88 UBSOB 3.3 7.7 WEST BRUNS,JICa 0.6 3 .10 5 .11 8.15.63 UHSOB Mazza 5, FreiJah 2 . Collard. Riotln, Sedgwick, Zulicki . Best Mclean. Bone. Davidson, FreiJah. Smith, Mazza. West Brunswick Magafas 4 . Haste 3 . Thompson. Best Magafas. Cannane. Thompson . Coonan, McNaughton. Smythe 20,12 .132 NEWLANDS COBURG 5.4 11 .7 15.7 OLD WESTBOUBNE 4 .4 7.8 15.11 18.13 .121 Newiands Coburg Hayes 9. Mardini 3. Nagi . Rafelo 2 . Fennessy. Zambello. Frost StePten . Beat Hayes, Warren. Ceri. Fennessy, Keppel, Rafelo . Old Westbanrne Whiting 5, Jago, Franklin, Leitch . Horsburgh 2, Trianon, King, Moore, Fairfield, Horsburhg . Best Franklin, A . Horsburgh . Jago, D . Horsburgh, King, Biliman. 4 .2 8.3 11.6 14 .9.93 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5.8 10 .11 17.17.119 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2 .4 North Brunswick Ongaro 4 . Tirchett 3 . Fox. Thompson 2, Grey, Moore. Marin . Best Bulman. Moore, Magnusson, Ellis, Sorleto, Thorpe . University Blacks Hall 8 . Cunningham 2, Graham, Lowe . Beaton, Wiegard . Hanlon, Cook. Begley. Best Hanlon, Cook. Cunningham . Pekin, Hall, Carah . THORNBURY COUGARS 0 .1 0 .3 1 .4 2.8.20 OLD ES.SENDON GRAMMAR 4.6 8.14 16 .20 25.24 .174 Thornbury Cougars Bartlett, Buzeski. Best Buxeski, Begley, Johnston, Duson, Alembakis, Bartlett Old Essendon Grammar Clohesy It . Ridley 5 . Barr 3, Leigh 2 . Dudderidge, Chapman, McPherson . Walsh. Best Trist McPherson, Lutherscmidt Dudderidge . Clohesy. Cramer. 1.5 1.7 5.10 6 .13 .49 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY WILL[BMSTOWN GYMS 1.3 5.8 8.10 13 .15.93 La Trobe University Fredrickson, Haynes 2, Lewis, Maddison. Best Lewis, Sheerly. Dunin, Gmnow, Bland . Cummings. Willtamstown CYMS Kurkowski . MeCutcheon 4, Warren 3, Grigg, Thege . Best Lee, Harry. Grieve. Thege. MeCutcheon, lskm. RESERVES UHSOB 1.1 2.2 3.2 4 .3 .27 WEST BRUNSWICK 03 .2 7.3 10.6 12 .14.86 UHSOB Wood 3 . Terrill. Best De Luca. Madrigmno. Sciola . Polidori . Scriberras. Sokolenko. West Brunswick Ortiz, Capes 3, Baker. Sofra. Cackett . Kavaliemtos. Robinson, Henderson. Basil Cocolams, Cook. Baker, Capes . Robinson, Disisto. NEWL6NDS COBURG 3 .4 4 .6 5 .8 6.12.48 OLD WESTBOURNE 3 .1 3 .5 5 .5 8.8.55 Newtands Coburg Be rton 2. Marnell. Runciman, Grigoletto . Trentin. Best Bond. Ziskos, Berton. Martinez. Old Westhonrne Shea, Craig. Szuszkiewicz 2 . Ball. Galvin. Best Craig . Shea . Mesman . Lipscombe, Szuszkitwici, Belcher . NORTH BRUNSWICK 0 .1 2.1 4.2 5.3 .33 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3.4 7.7 10.9 13.14 .92 No rth Brunswick Papanikolaou 2 . Evans. Plet, Briffa . Best Briffa, Bradford . Evans . Healy, Rigazei, Adams . University Blacks Kean 4, Begley, Bowles 2. Fogarty, Robertson, Jessen. Simmon, Mitchell. Best T. Bowles, N . Bowles. Fogarty. Jessen . Hodgson. Morcom. 0 .0 0.0 1.0 1 .0.6 THORNBURY COUGARS OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 9 .6 18.11 29 .19 35.26.236 Thorabury Cougars 6litronatsios. Best Coullopos . Johnston. Renginto. Begley, Mitmnatsios. Crocker. Old Essendon Grammar Goodger, Pana 6 . Whitfield 5, Lukasz, Chalkley 4, MeKermll 3, Greasley . Fazzalari 2, Stembridge. Cramer. Barry. Best Mckerrall. Greasley . ChalWey. Pana . Hexter, Capodiferro. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 1 .2 3.2 4 .2 5.5 .35 2.4 4.8 7.13 10.16 .76 WILLIAMSTOWN GYMS La Trobe University Wright 2. Storer, Curran, Chadwick, Best Gibson . Soligo, Price, Waller, Chadwick. Anthony. Williamstown CYMS Kennedy 5 . Sadler . Payne 2. Barski . Best Sadler. Bond . Brammer. 0'Flynn, Bubnic, Witham.
Saturday's final siren scores
6 .25 p .m . Saturday 13
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.~+ ~ e have heard about tennis's TWO WOODIES bu t
J~J now our umpires also can boast having TWO OODIES as well . Last Saturday Brian WOODhead ran with Richard EastWOOD . WOULD have been even better if Richard's wife Karen EastWOOD a former boundary umpire with the VAFA officiated too, WOULDn't it ? Heavily pregnant Cathy from Cyan Press was proofreading our teamlists which are to appear this week. To assist our proofreading Cathy sent this message to Administration- "Have increased in size by 3 0°fo, is everything OK?" Nice one, Cathy! ! VAFA Treasurer Noel Rundle recently attended an OG's game against SKOBS and bought a raffle ticket . Noel leaving early gave his ticket to a supporter and left for another match, however later on that evening the raffle was drawn and Noel won . Re-draw was the cry form the crowd due to Noel's absence . On hearing this at the last VAFA Executive meeting Noel went on a quick phone around in an attempt to secure the prize he rightfully won, and at the time of printing we are unsure whether he has actually secured his prize as yet . Banyule Footba ll Club won the Grand Final tickets that were up for grabs from QUIT . These tickets were made available in a lucky draw of the clubs who returned the annual QUIT survey in relation to smoking practises at their club . This promotion was co-ordinated by QUIT in conjunction with all of their affiliate sporting bodies and those clubs that took part in the survey for World No Tobacco Day an d QUIT Week are thanked graciously by the VAFA and QUIT . Some clubs should really heed the dedication of one of the VAFA's U19 Coaches, when it comes to club loyal-
ty . Andrew "Billy" Baxter Old Haileybury U19 Coach, last weekend played in the reserves team who were short for a half, booted at least (2) goals, then raced off at halftime to rev up his charges down at Roverland . For the record "Billy" was one of the better performers for Old Haileybury's reserves and his U19's won, consolidating their spot in the four . A busy Saturday for "Billy" . A Team of Occupations or Titles (C Section) B : S. Glassman (AJ, 63), D . Marshall (HR, 8), A . Barron (0G, 63) BB: A. Ryder (MA, 3), J . Goldman (AJ, 66), A . Carter (OM, 2) C: G. Cox (MA, 36), C. Carpenter (MA, 56), C . Gardner (OM, 33), HF: M. Rosem an (AJ, 8), M . Taylor (OG, 28), G . Baker (STKI, 8) F: R. Knight (OG, 78) . S. Glover (MH, 21) R . Sheriff (OM, 38) Fail: J. Gardner (STKI, 11), J . Taylor (0G, 22), B . King (STKI, 30) I/C: M . Bateman (WH, 2), M . King (STK, 37), A . Smith (TH, 3) Coach : G . Taylor (SKOBS), J . Norman (OM) With the Senior permit deadline being June 30, I wonder how many last minute permits may be processed. The question on everyone's lips at the moment is the imminent return of former Old Scotch and VAFA captain Rob Fuller. No not to Old Scotch but rather back to SKOBS in C section . What with Burden, Brady, Gross and Fuller the SKOBS would have an All-Australian backline playing for them . Only time will tell I suppose . Tipsters progress to date sees Darren Briggs (E Central 88%), Damian Batey (E South 82%), Terry Quirk (C 80%), Brett Connell (U19 78%), Ken Bremner (D) & Barry Hickey (E East 76%), Norm Nugent (Club XVIII 73°fo), Paul Luby (B 72%) an d Don Blackwood (A 54°h) . What must be kept in mind in relation to the above is the relative closeness of the sections in which the scribes are writing (ie . A & B sections) . More progressives nearing the final couple of rounds .
Round 1 0 : Sat. : TO NY R( D dEi_(_ (St.K 'ik a S.C .) . Suri aAilEF , fi CRGvA'C ~DS LaSalle}
WINNER : â&#x201A;¬7~~111=L RC~E; ~ S (Patterson La[ceS )ANS WER : Benny GoccIrnan Tom Brain Round 11 Question: Who are the two VAFA Umpires who write Umpires Corner? Leave your answer, name a nd contact no . on Yhe VAFA answering machine after 8pm Sat . night .
M cBc+r1a [d'sTm i~1~Eerf~w6 .e ; A Proud S p o ns^ ; of ~`'v 9 96 V.AF ~'. Seaso n
APOLOGY - We apologise for the e :clvsion of D Section Results from last neel ;'s Pamateur Footballer
SENIORS ST LEOS EESdIAUS WP 8 .1 13.5 19 .13 24.19.163 KEW 4,3 7.6 10 .7 12.8.80 St Leos Emmaus Vaughan 9, Davidson, Henricus 3, Bethune, Donovan, Gill, Hughan, Ingram, mcKenzie . Niel, Ronchi . Best Vaughan, Ronchi . Bethune, Donovan, Hughan, Darcy . Kew Dimasi 3, Pulvirenh, Porte, Cullen 2 Fraser . Peters, Donovan. Beat Wood, Bruno. Barley. Fraser, Dimasi, Pulviren0 . OLD CAMBERWELL 5.5 9.7 13.9 17 .12.114 PARKSIDE 2,2 4.6 7.7 13 .11 .83 Old Camberwell Walker, Inkster, Lethlean, Harvey 3, Jack 2, Kyriacou . Horskins, Provan. Best McKenzie, Williams, Walker, Harvey, Walker, Scott . Pukside Moodie 4. Gunn . Reginato 2, Island. Mangos, PanJari . Firm . Best Inserra, Hayne . Firm. Moodie. Dean. Sherlock. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 .5 8 .9 12.14 19.16 .130 BY JOHNS OC 3.2 5 .5 6 .6 7.11.53 Caulfield Grammar Harrison 5, Will, Mar erison, Cowlishaw 3, Lowe, htarkavic, Vella, Harrison . Millard . Best Rovals. l~arkovic. Lowe . Cassidy, Cowlishaw, Whitmee . St Johns CC AbouJaber 2, La Brooy, Monroe . Sheehan, Ladson. Rachele. Best Williams, Waters, Counnadias. Higgins . Koppens, AbouJaber.. UNIVERSITY REDS 3.1 5.3 6.4 8 .7.55 MONASH BLUES 7.4 14.7 22.11 26 .20.176 University Reds Kane 6 . Smithwick, Shaddock. Best Kane, Rowland, Tehan, Cook, Wharf, Smithwick . Monash Blues McGee, Donnelly 6, Alexander, Baring 4 . Farrar 3, Alexander. Kiers . Rogers . Best Ford . Dobson, MK;ee, Donnelly . Alexander. Hipwell, BEAUMARIS 4 .1 10.5 16 .8 21.11 .137 SOUTHBANE CBA 4 .2 9 .2 12 .4 13.7 .85 Beaumarls 0'Riley 11 . Groves . Han . Shaw 2, Fraser . Holt, Quin, Taylor. Best 0'PoIey Nicholson, Quin . Hoyne, Holt. Groves . Southbank CBA Perry 10, Beare 2, Elkington . Best[ Perry, Beare . Castles, Hodgson. Elkinglon, Sparrow.
RESERVES ST LEGS E' ^'AUS WP 2 .5 10.5 16 .7 21.10 .136 KEW 3.2 7 .2 11 .2 12 .3.75 St lean Emmaus Kenny. Graves 4. Bourke, Turner 3. McNamara, Panetta 2, Tdreu, Shacklock, Vandenakker, Beat Graves, Rafferty, Prosser, kenny, Bourke, umer. Kew Barnes 3 . Hope, Kiriakou 2, Barnes, Donne, Vardon, Wong, Bria . Best Barnes. Wong . Hope, Donne. Bria, Kiriakou. OLD CAMBERWELL 2 .2 3.3 7.5 11.6.72 PARKSIDE 3 .4 5.6 7,8 9 .9.63 Old Camberwell McCrea 5, Walker, Swann 2, Kerkvliet, Nash . Best Swann, Burmeister, Walker, Jackson, hayes, McCrea . Pukalde Stuart 5. Delle-Vergini, Dunbabin . Pan)ari, Warren . Beat Warren, Austin, Lay . Ross, Harris, Fisher. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 7.2 9.5 13 .6 17.7 .109 ST JOHNS Be 1 .1 4.4 9 .8 11 .7 .73 Caulfield Grammar Scholten 5 . Keble, Hansen 4. Klose 2, Krien . Tapp . Best Lawrence, Younger, Hansen . Krien. Keble, Jacobs . St Johns Be Best Cockayne, Powsett, Walker, Archer. Doherty. Martin . UNIVERSITY REDS 0 .0 1.0 2.0 2 .0.12 MONASH BLUES 6 .5 13.8 15 .14 20 .27.147 University Reds Foster 2 . Best Fitts, Harris, Foster. O'Connor . Mann, Pickett Monash Blues Maiden 7, Koop 5 . Beer. Forsyth 2 . Wadley, Gunn, Edquist. Crozier. BesH Forsyth, Crozier, Feenaghty, Beer, Maiden, Mentha . BEAUhiARIS 4,2 11 .5 12.8 18.17 .125 SOUTHBANE CBA 1.0 2.1 6.2 10.2 .62 Beaumaris Mills 6, Lewis, Wright, McMahon 2 . Holt . Kinsella . McKenzie, Tesoriero, Williams, Flynn . Best Kinsella, Tesoriero, Lucy, Ott. Mills, McMahon. Southbank CBA Hargraves 5 . Herridge 2, Phelps, Stephenson, Pitts . Best Hargraves, Menotti, Pitts, Roberts, Jebb, Scanlon .
~n under 19 Section 1 AJAX Coach : Mike Zemski Assistant: Mark Feldy A. Carew S.Ickowicz B. Davis
4 M. Page 5, J. Rat h 6, G. Samuel 7, A. Burman (VC) 8 J . Beebe g, D. Massage to. H .. Snow tt p Steiner 12• D.Mohr (C) 13 . A. Wise r 14 , D. ones 15 . M . Rogers 16 . A. Rogers 17 . G . Kaplan 18 . B. Lewski tg. D . Macro 20. J. Rosens 21 . J. Ones 22. D . Sutton
23. S. Whytcross 24. J . Sche r 25. D . Boon 26. D. Grosman (VC) 27. A . Lust (DVC) 28. P . Zaltsberg 29. B . Lukav 30. R. Richards 31 . A. Chrapot 32 . J . Rogers 33 . D. Gelbart '. 34 . A. Sloane .' 35 . A. Rosen '., 36 . J. Segal 37 . J. Wajnberg 38. J. Hines 39. J . Abor
COLLEGIANS Coach: Eddy Galizi 1. G .B riVFa 2 . B. Forsyth 1 N. Florentine 4 . G . Brown
DE LA SALLE Coach : Terry Russell I . M.Ctun 2. P.Faare 3. S. Crowe 4. LHa9 S. A.Flaerrky 6. M . Fisher
7. C. &anrw
a. C. Wrgt 41 .A. ~ 5. N. woeI (Caq) 9. C.Cam~ 6. P.Wa$h 70. D.Tesser (RCarA) 42 D.Jadrun 7. P.R3th;n It . AEvat , 8. J.Md3,da 12 . D. Todry ( Cap.)43. M. ES.; 9. A .Morris 13 . A. Waters 44 . C•Malms-0o 10. 8Ha9 14 . P.McCam, k 45. C.Stmtrav S .Cby 15 . J.Hod kr ~ ~F~ 12. N. Brass 16. M.Jadson 48 . D.S~h 13. S.Hefinet 17. D.Gaw 49 . D. Lambe 14. T. Van DerVeime (MO) It. M.AGaharnt 50. R ma-Art 15. C. Home 19. D M.. O KmErien 51 . D.Graoa 16 . S.Sayers 20. ~e 17 . S. Mdeod 21 . C.SYarran 52. S.H18 . T. Pa!u8o 22. P.OC~an 53. P.Aron 19 . M.Graru.ka 23. M 0,Cdjm 54. J.DaJ:c3f 20. LByrne 24. C. . ' S5. C . Harrison 56. J.Gatag..w 21 . T.Cafrrfai 25. G .H~s 22. RJ1oshr 3 26. P.Wyb~ (R~.YC7. C. Fidu m 23. P.HaW 27. L Van De Pfigh d 59. 8. J ac bs 28. M.Lztiafy 24. A .Mir S.Ttartes 60. 25. C.S:mih 33. A. Sayers 29. D .tkgan 61 . S.AB~ 30. J 26. T.Char& 34. D.Cahnan 31. . A EHan ~d 62. ~ G, Regan 27. J.D81on 35. N.Lyrxh .J.! 28. A.Lam 43 . W.H?'y~ 32 . T. S4ter 64 . C.Ba~aka. 29. D. wall 48 . R. Thar9m 39 . B . Miter B . 8.6uBc 34 . P.Cauoi .Gre 51 . T. Proctor 3J. A en 35, A.Mad;nbsh EG L Langone 31. T.B^"'domw.w 75 . J .WaBh 67 . B. 32 . O.E glkb It . ftLdl 36. A. Abbott
91W- =
37 . R. Malkson 33. 3. &ashe
NORTH OLD BOYS OLD Coach : Terry Mill s MELBURNIANS 0. Wales (C) 8 Kc .>arasli ' s Lteane T. C"*rJ 0. K r
B. Clancy J. Bed 0. Newman I-Cuman C.tAary(vC) M M. Baker y B. Turner 36 J.Faxk 37. S. Kean H . Hoodia, 31. 39, D. Pah H. A'a M aA 40. 41 I. fildfumey 42. ' A W-ea 43. B. Lymh 4k E8~ A HeaHt
J . S.fitetled 8. Marshall C . Frargh D . run T. Peterson B . Cleary D. Cleary M. EWW A. Kearney
P. Tharoan J. Srnaa;'s (VC) SMipxda M. Wafers 1. Takb A. Takb T. wiritnr ie J. Saba T.Ckxelard S. Ev an s M. M qere
68. G . ~aH 69. J . Forbe s
~. P.Bra hq 78. M. Sta~{n 40. G.Coxran 80. M.HB
PH: (03) 9822 001 1
Coach : Pat Hawkin s
OLD PARADIANS Coach: Paul Digney 2. M.P. LyrGh (Cap ) 3. BP .Wdsm 4. B .M.P Wan 5. A .MdAIa .6. S .Kng 7, PJ . Karns 8. M.S .Flynn 9. 8. Woadam 10 . R Roomer
B.Lprch 12 . kL E~gxy`'
13 . 0. Gea ry (VCaH) 14 . S. Riid 15 . S.4rAaa It. S.HUSI 17 . S.M.Bwshp 18. D . Jaws 20. K. Keretl 21 . if, Ward 22. M.,Wyce (VCaP) 23. M. Cosgrz9 24. M. H@d?hard 38 . J. R .wMOe?c 25. LBaVr 40 . J .Corns 26. 0'Cantt 41 . T. G2tiaxsMi 42, S.Harrisar 27. P.Eccks 28 . M. Cosgr7l 43 . M.Gale 46. J .NC4x9s 29. S. Freon 48. J.Chadaitk 30 . A- Howard 31 . C. Tekf 52. L WMarr 32 . C.Jdsrelcre 54 . JVVted 33 . C.Walson 55 . J.Spuia 57. S .0'Ne8 31 . S.64d dcol 62. C. pice 35 . M. fi`yan 36. 8. Datarosaree 65. R. Sludt 37 . D .S1z:ers 69. LTunu r
M ~grrF~ SER ®1 M
Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722
Coach : Mark Zuker 1 . E . Sedgley 2. D. Holme 3. F. Purcel l 4. S . Murray (DVC) 5 . A. Wardell (DVC) 6 . J . Berry 7 . C. Banks 8 . J .Chartton 9 . J . La w 10 . T. Stevenson 11 . T. Cloke (C) 12 . N . Osborne 13 . S. Gowling 14. M. Bennett 15. S . Dixo n 16. H . Webb 17. J . Miller 18. C. Jenkins 19. B . McLeod 20. S . Parikh 21 . A. Bain s 22 . K. Rutherford (DVC) 23 . A. Cooch 24 . R. Tandy 25 . W . Deague 26 . C. Sibree 27 . J. Larkin 28 . S. McKenna 29. J. Rig g 30. S. Humphris 31 . D . Hal l 32. J . Wright (VC)
1 . M .Jones(VC) 2. T . Fleming 3. J . K a
Coach : Geoff Porter
B. Hilbert
5. N. Alston 6. L . Nisbet 7. A. Heil 8 . J. Dyer 9 . S. Bailey 10 . D . Boland It . T.Bowden 12 . S . Tucke r 13 . W. Somerville 14 . M . Innes 15 . L. Ford 16. S . Hede 17. P.Adami 18. R. Ryan 20. J . Danihe r 21 . N. Ockteshaw (DVC) 22. T. Winter 23. B. Perry 24. P. Shannon 26 . J. McCormack 27 . C . McGuigan 28 . M.lacovangelo 29 . T. Coughlan 30 . N . Irelan d 31 . J . McDonald 32 . J . Hardwick 33 . P . Wals h 34 . M . Chamberlin 35 . N. Barrett 36. M . Mulcahy 37. J . Drake 39. J . Hawkins 42. D. Calman 43. T . Woodruff (Capt) 44. R. Hoare 49. D. Donati
ST. BERNARDS Coach : Kevin Mahady 1 . B. Swann 2. T. Peel 3. S . McKeon 4. M . Hayes 7. J . lanzano 8. B . Loughlin 10 . B . Overman 11 . M .Tankey 12 . B . Hogan 13 . A. Damingo 14 . R. Nutter 17 . A. O'Sullivan 18 . G . Collins 19. C . Rae 20. M. O'Callaghan 21 . A. Dunca n 23. C . Patience 24. L.Rogers 25. D .Ferns 29. D . O'Connor 30. J . Moun t 31 . S . Catanzarin 32. S . Dailey 33. J . Ballann (C) 37 . T . Bateman 41 . D.Juegan 43 . C . Davi s
45 . M. Dowling 55 . G . Cusack
1 . D. Van Englen 2. R. Zampogna 3 . D . Briedis 4 . S. Horalewski S . S.Sacco 6 . W. Bradley 7 . M. Postma 8 . A . Grant 9 . S .Stell a 10. D . Salzyk (VC) 11 . J . Hutchinso n 12 . B . Crochtord (VC) 13. T. Kenn a 15. M . heffeman 16. S .Goodwin 17. G . O'Connor 18. D. tuema 19. M. Cull 20. B. Jacobsen (VC) 21 . A. Fitzpatrick 23 . A. fielding 24 . B. Megrath 25 . N . Gill 26 . J. Van Englen 27 . P.Copeland 28 . C . Law s 30. M. McCartney 33 M. Jacobsen 35 . S .Dowdle 37. P . Dun n 42. A . Moloney (C) 43. B. Steven s 44. F . Grech
Coach : Steve Carroll I. C . Bekrrne 2. S .&ocFJzy 3. J.Canm 4. R:CFvk S. D.Genial 6. J.Eaaaugh 7. P.Fa'vbank B . 8. Fadl 9 . B. Frk9er 10 . M .HaBg3n 11 . G.Hariai 12, O.Harns 13. T. Karl 14 . A. herderson 15. T.Jdr>•.m 16. D .Kety I, D .Keys It. Star 19. J. tav+kss 20. C .Letman 21. E . tstay 22. J. Marawy 23. J.MCkdas h 24. AlACKenzeAkHarg 25. L Monson 26 . H.Naton 27 . J. Nash 28 . D. Paprras 29 . T. RtydInage 30. C. Rya n 31 . C. Sdnatg 32. D .sr~mi 31. D .Slrack 34. J. Stwmck 35. R .Verleew 3. R.Vandenberg 38. S .VTdehead 39, T Wilcox 40. M.Wdson
622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 93261799
Under 19 White BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach : Brian Cartwright
1. J. prior 3. I. 4. 5. 6.
. tMier S.Youg S G.Akzarr}:r C. Parris B.Mainey
7 . P. RDberl9m (VcG) 8 . ABryan 9 . R.Steftrd 10. P. George (Co.) I . S . Far#y 12 . A . Pan's 13 . S . Boyd 14 . D.Mattnews(VCaq) 15 . B .Gresg 16 . S.SnRh 17. N .Wad.fd 18. R . We'ams 40. T. MaOiem 19. P Nip 41 . LCessario 20. T. Agosla 42. P. Edwards 21. D .Haaper 43. C. Beams 22. G . Mdaren 44. C.Shagazd 23. L. SM 45. G. Taylor 24. P. Nap 46. G. Student 25. T. Marrep 47. C. Madror&as 26. K. Selfinj 48. R. Lambent 27. D. Doud 49. M . Belalo 28. P. A#hvw 50. D. Gluier 29. P. Bore 51 . 30 R. field 52. 31 . A. Wine 9. J. Sa.4t 32. P. Graham 54. 33. C.MCWater, 9. AFrmdin 3!. D.OCovie1 58 35. M . Osborne 57 . D. Shine 36. P. Hare 9. 37. R Thomson 59 . B . 38. S. James 6D. P . Da *
DE LA SALLE (2) Coach: Clayton Weser 1. M. Chu n 2. P. FUR a S. Cron 4. L. Hai
5. A.Fbwerda/ 6 M. Fslw 7. C. Browne 41 . A Rt*
8. O.VirigM (R.CV) 9. C.C~be1 42 . D '
10. D.Tessier 43. M.Ers It . A. Evans 44 . C. Malfiram 12. D. Tadiey (Capl .) 45 . C. Spanow 13. A.waers 46 . M .f~n 14. P. MdCamack 41. M . FarzeN 15. J.HOdJar 48 . D.Srtdh 16, M .,hdm 49. D. Lambe 17. D.Crenâ&#x20AC;¢e 50. P.Mau'rc 18. M .Atrahans 51. D.Graco 52. B. Harrison 19, RgBrien 20. M.K4pk 53. P. Aron 54. J. WckNl 2t . C. Sham 22 P.0 n 55. C.Hardsan 23. M.0'C 56 J.GaiW 24 . C. . ' 57. C. Fdcr 25 . G C 26. P.tS~(Pes.VC) 9. S.J~ 27 . L.VanfkrP>~( 60. SThdnas 28 . M. LaBeny 62. G.Hc9mr i J.Flan 63, J. Akrqy 31 . A .EDd 64. C.Boaka 65. 8 Bukk 32 T.SPrcis 33. B . Wier 66. L Langone 67. 8 Byme 34. P.Corce[ 35. A .Madi4osh 68. G.IagdaH 36. A .A6tdl 69. J. Forbes 37. R . Malinsm 78, K Stanhope 38. B. Brahe 80. R M
39. P. Brasher 40. G .Cufran
OLD CAMBERWELL Coach: AndrewTsindos t. 2 . T. Molloy 3 . M. Kordic 4 . T. Webb 5 . N. Board 6 . R. Watson 7 . R. Whitehead (Capt) 8 . T. Denova n 9 . B. Smith 10 . M . Richmond 11 . C. Williams 12 . A. Paterson (VC) 13 . S. Hancock (VC) 14 . N. Sims (VC) 15 . 16 . M . Cook 17.
18 . W. Hayes 20. R. Scott 21 . T . Hardman (VC) 22. J . Miles 23. 24. C. Mills 25. J . Heffernan 26. A . Seeley 27. 28. W. Taylor 29. S . Pickles 30. A . Manuel 31 . J . Clyn e
32. J . Herdmann 33. 34. A . Campbell 36. 41 . A . Gleevoy 42 . J . McGilp 44.
48 .
ST KEVINS Coach : Owen Hourigan Assis. Coach : Justin O'Conno r
Coach: Tim Killworth 3. H. Troedcd B. C. St. Clai r 14 . E . Bostock (Capt) 15. A Pootey 16. S .0'Brien 28 . E . Jeffries 31 . A. Mims 32 . & Browne 33 . B. Ranken 36 . R . Murnane 37 . T. Crooke 39 . E. Plowman 40 . M. Pettig 41 . S. PeBig 42 . D. Campbell 43 . J . Pau l
1. R. Simkiss 2. M . Gargano 3. S M. Kuring 4. .Rizia (Capi) 5. J. Pickering 6. B . Quirk 7. S . Ries 8. 9. 10. 1 1. 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 .
49. S.Hurnphris 50. S. Hogg 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 68. 70. 72. 73. 174. 175.
16 . M. Pangrazio 17. J . Bowler
L . Wilson VCapt) M. McConachy W. Paul S. Cole J. Wallace-smith G . Collins T . d'Antoine L.Aitken W. Gordon S. Bing ley D. Ha t N. Beattie J. Downie S . Lucas R, Oliver
A. McGuiness M. Furlong A. L'rvy J. Hassan M. Fields A. Pivetta (VCapt) P.Greenham C . Haddad
18 . G . Large 19, J . O'Brien 20. D. McArdle 21. B. Marusic 22. B. Delahay 23. A McKaige 24. J . Goldsworthy 25. M . Funstan 26. B.Day 27. J . Finch 28. A. DeKretsa 29. C. Baker 30. S. Kennedy 31 . R. Doher ty 32. S.Radford
9. D. Mdtamaa
~ snv~S~v ~
UNIBLACKS ST. LEOS EMMAUS Coach: Peter O'Conno r 1 . D . Lear 2. N . Hodder 3. A. Laurie 4. E. Mitchel l 5 . E. McLaughlin 6 . R . McCan n 7. J. Smith 8 . A. Major 9-. A. Daly 10 . D . Cashen 11 . T. Ludlow 12 . S. Vozzo 13 . B. Carey 15 . G . Simondson 16 . O . Brow n 17 . A. Swanwick 18 . L. Newey 19 . T . Batty 20 . L. Latham 22. E . Sheahan 32. D. McNally 35. L. Thomas 52. N . Schlittler 80. A . Auliso (Capt) M . Cod y P . Deery G. Psaltopoulos B. Wilby M. Smith J. Rattigan G . Wyett
Coach: Damian Carroll 1 . T . Belleville 2. M .Buckis
3. J. Butterfield 4. B .Dillon 5 . O.Fumess 6 . C.Franklin 7. R.Gazai 8 . B .Gilbertson 9 . T. Holmes 10 . N . Howell 11 . J . Scott 12 . T.Kilchen 13 . L. Kirkham 14 . A . Ledd'm 15 . J . Magee 16 . A . Maher 17 . B . Morgan 18 . P. Oswald 19 , A. Robinson 20. C . Ross 21 . A.Sanders 22. L .Spencer 23. A.Walker 24. T.Warburton 25. J.Ward 26. R. Watson 27. S. White 28. M . Atkin 29. T . Garyon 30. A. Mordssey 31 . N. Roll 32. L. Juniper s
33. S . Dimond
WARRINGAL Coach : Har ry Harisiou 1 . J. Hopkins 2 . C. Williams 3 . B. Kinnear 4 . K. Connery 5 . A. Rossimel 6 . A. KaraBli 7 . S. Attardi 8 . B. Woodlock 9 . A. Heard 10 . A. Fogarty 11 . S. Yi n 12. A. CamiOed 13. S . Taylor 14. P. Witchel l
15. K. Harte (Capt) 16. T . Was 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 .
30 . 31 . 32 . 33 .
L. Sheean H. Beale T . Benton P . James M. Peters (VC) P . Harmon H . Reeves L. O'Connell S . Walter J . Anderson B . Anderson S. Playfair A. Kirk
N .Haymes A. Jackson N . Miller S. Hartrick
WILLIAMSTOWN C .Y .M.S. Sen . Coach: Gerard Sams 1 . B . Wouda 2 . B . Cock s 3 . A. Petzierides 4 . B .Forrester 5 . B .Twis t 6 . A .Thege 7 . J . Clark 8 . G.Singleton 9 . S . Wuchatsch 10. G. Burgess 11 . D. Macleod 12. C .Bergin 13. M . Elhaouli 14. L .Grochowski 15. T. Murray 16. M. Holland 17. J. Meter 18. G .Rickard 19. L .Gray 20. B. Robinson 21 . R .Cockerell 22 . W. Kaddour 23. D . Bordignon 24 . D . Wouda 25 . D . Ryan 26 . D. Lee 27 . C. Mathews 28 . S . Kennedy 29 . A. Houli 30 . M . Elhaouli 31 . B . Davies 32 . B . Todd 33 . B . MacLeod 34 . N . Magor 35 . S .Siewek 36 . G. Carlyon 37. S . Dye r 38. J . Hrycyszyn 39. D . Krogmann
Under 19 Blue BEAUMARIS C oa ch : Peter McBrea rty
1 N, McLean 2, B.Thomas 3, M . Pitts (VC) 4 J. Wadham
Coach : Adrian McMaster 1 . B . Lowe 2. A . Coventry 3. W. Campbell 4. N. Silver
5. S . Thomson 7. L.Chambers 8. D. Sawle 9. B. Lechte 10. J. Graham 11 . A . Stumbles 12. B. Hansa 13. J. Babarcty 14. W . Lubransky 15. W . Bowe s 16. C . Goldsworthy 17. M. Cutler 18. B . Samild 19. C . Flinos 20. S . Curry 21 . M. Liddell 22 . T. Townley 23, D. Sandal 24 . C. Napier 25 . D. Williams 26 . N. Hayman 27 . A. Campbell 28 . T . Yates 29 . A. Beauchamp 30. L . McMahon 32 . R. Haywood 33. B. Hill
8. R. Thatcher (Capt .) D. Whitaker M. O'Brien B. Nicholson G . Moloney S. Blackie M. McLeod N . King A . Qui n B . Stevens P . Fisher (VC) S . McIver
9. 0. 11 . 12. 13. 14. . 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 36 . 41 .
N . Sector R . Thornton T. Cotter P . Thomas N. Joh n
B . Ferguson C. Cezaw H. Dwye r B. Carroll (Capt .) J . Vance J . McKenzie S. Fraser R. Codield M . Matulick J. Handfield A. Van Den Blink
51 . 52. 53. 58.
D. Sheldrake B. Valle R. McGrath B. Stevens
J1i'i i'> ; , N"o
I -C
~arc-In= OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Leigh Bowes 3. A. Birc h 11 . D. Paterson 12 . A. Alderton 15 . F . Carr 20. A. McNamee 24. W. Clark 41 . J . Murchie 43. L. Marget 44. A . Brown 45. C . Rogers 46. A . Price 47. P . Williams 48. N . BuNin 49. J . Raju 50 . C. McGuigan 51 . D. Strachan 52 . M . Balmer 53 . A. Remfry 54 . X.Johnson 55 . M . Dennis 56 . S. Toms 57 . A. Liptrot 58 . D . Watson 59 . C . McPherson 60. D . Crewdson 61 . A. Witt e 62 . A. Lewis 63. B . Wilson 64. R .Martin 65. R . Ken t 66. B . pamham 67. D . Taylor 68. M . Jackson 69. J . Stewart 70. B . Medley 71 . G . Rhodes 72. L. Salter 73 . N. Hendry 74 . B .Logan 75 . S . Alderso n 77 . B. Morrison-Jack 80 . A. Palfrey
35. J. Davies
L2~- o PRINTED LABELS PH0\ E (@3) 44B 741 FAX (03) W, 297
" Qulity G66AaJor Quak Clients "
Coach : Craig Ha rr is 1. 2. 3. 4.
C . Cullen B. Marlyn D . Varker A . Varke r
5 . D . Anderson (C) 6. A . Browne
7. L. O'Grady 8. D . Busby 9. P . Molino 11 . L. Tregear 12. S . Burke 13. P . Nelson 14. B . Hoare 15. E .Zuker(C) 16. P. Allardice 17. S .Osboume 18. B. Artz 19. S.G . James 20. A. Aquino 22 . H . Georgeanakis 24 . R . Dunball (VC) 25 . M. Dunball 26 . D . Artz 27 . S. Blick 28 . T. Wilmott 29 . H . Tregear 30 . L. Muir 39 . T. Ly nc h 40 . C . Hutchinson 41 . M . Talent 42 . W. Armour 43. M . Salter 44. M . Iles 45. A . Quon 46. M . Louis 47. A. Duddy 48. M . Karakas 49. P. Apinitis 50. T . Pucella .
MAZENOD Coach: Kevin King 1. B.Jdnsm 2. d.LeCtaM(Cap .) 4. S.G 5. P. Ega 6. M . F:ky 7. S.Pade:ri(VC) 8. A. Knoll 9. B. Clifford to. T. Syl'as 11. G .Ja~sli 12. M.PWA t3. A. Ahadons 36 . F. t~o 14. G .Yaxg 37 . R .Haat•is 5. C' .{astt¢zi 49. A.9fryVw. 16 . 17. A .Quka 61 . S .637m 18 . V.DiScda 62 . D.Sd&ld
It . kktDmd
63. N. Meelen
2t . P .AkC*ch 69 . 22 . T.Baky it . 23. T. Pope 72. 24 . D. Ward 77 . 25. J. Da m 27. W .Qatalo(VC) 28. A.A6oao
Play D.w ao B. Ikson C. Wood
34, D. lkiid4w 35. B. Hal
MONASH BLUES Coach: Steve Rus t 1 .C. Gregory 2.J . Baxter (C) 3. C. Miller 4 .A . Bragg 5 . R. Harris (VC) 6. H. Tomlinson 7.W . McIver B.M . Lawrence 9.M . Weeks 10. B. Henderson 11 . D. Collins 12.A. Hickey 13.A. Herrman 15.A. Leadston 16. D . Walte r 17. P. O'Neill 18 . C . Stott (DVC) 19 . H . O'Donnell 21 . N . Kazenwadel 22 .J . Cavanagh 23 .T. O'Brien 24 . B . Hodson 25 .J . Hawkins 26 .M . Wagstaff 27 .R. Burston 28 .S . McGee 30.T . Cameron 31 .D.Jones 32 . D. Horsfall 33.A. Lourey 34 . M . Oka 37. B. Dempsey (DVC) 39.N. Walke r 41 .S. Millie 43.C. Riorda n
INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Ad, Coach : George Joseph Black Rock . 3193 19 . M. Weilgosz
ORMOND Coach : B ri an Keatin g
1 . M . Stielow 2, N . Courtney 3. R .Franklin (VCapt) Coach : Andrew Baxter 4. N . Larkin 5 . A . Murph y SWexii (VCZp) 6 . M . Broadhurst &tayD10 7 . H . Brown &ka.~ 21 . 8 . K . McInerney ~ttpXe a A Sarvrs &Ckdz 23, S. M 9 . S . Taylo r D. PM 24 . C. Pa~tey 10 . M . Hester P.La~sd,~ ~. H .Ct.yv 11 . C. Bailey F.C.~aro=a 26 C. N,** 12 . J. Argall D. Deft 27. &CM 13 . M. Mabbett D.iz6i at . tsM 14. S. Finlayson L Ors 29. E. Dur4try 15 . R . Cunningham D.Wafikn 33. C .kryce AtTM-16 31. D.FpM (DVC) 16. D . Fishlock 17. S. Handley RPa'Lw 3Z D. Nasuo J Rds 31 ilGW(DVCI 18. S. herrman & Larq aGJ m 35 J. Wass 19. T. Ashford RtSct3a 20. G . Smith X C. SrcA C.Wits`de 37. S.OCtrO 21 . S . Metz (Capt) AFtrJ 33, P.Carigm 22. S . Hea d'n 45. N. M 23. C .jackson 24 . 25 . M . Wrodarczyk 26 . J . Byran 30 . S . Wiedemann 39 . T . Morga n 42 . G . Hall (DVC) 43 . S . Wrodarczyk 45 . L. Livingstone 50 . M . Wonnacott 51 . G . Kin g 53. I . Ransom
31 . M. Cunningham 38 . A. Bryson 39 . 40. 52 . 53. 53. 56. 57.
A. Diamond D . Broadhurst B . Plowman B . Burk e B . Karaminovski B . Karaminovski K . Gleeson
58. E . Karaminovski 60. P . Davi s 63. F. Khoweiss 66. B . Clarke 71 . A .Cranston 72 . M . MacDonald 73 . S . Duffy 74 . C.Fernando 75 . S . Price 77 . S.Holloway 78 . G .Davis 79 . M. Merrick 80 . R . Plavljanic 81 . R . Nahas 82 . N . Athans 83. L . Phillips 84 . M. Slade 85 . D . Aiken 86. A . Bourke 87. C . Johnston e
Under 19 Red AQUINAS Coach: John Bourke 1 . E . Mascitti (Capt) 2. G. Burch (V-Capt) 3. D. Heveren (DVC) 5. L. Kan e 6. R. Kunst 7. J . Quinn 8. N . Fredrickson 9. M. Boyle 10. D . Boland 11 . S . Moran 12. M. Tilling 13. P . Glennie 14. R . Chapman 15. P . Fredrickson 16. C . Thomas 18. J . Hunt 19. M. Hope 20. B . Griffin 21 C . Brownhill 22 . B . Moran 23. T. Huggins 24. M. Reilly 28 . D . Plant 32 . J. Bleakney 33 . G . Hurley 38 . V. Sorace 39 . M.Mercuri 42 . R . Moran Thomas 44 . M 51 . A. Hyland 54 . D . Kealy 55 . A. Cultrera
CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach: Allen Cousins Assistant: S . Condie 1 . B . Dalton (DVC) 2. B . Miers 3. G. Kerr 4. D . Skiller n 5 . M. Holliday (C) 6.A .Mays 7. J. Clif f 8 . A. Conte 9. T. Wyngard 10. P. Allatt 11 . C . McKinnon (VC) 13 . E. Westmore 15 . C . Piccioli 16 . M. Gossip 17 . D . Butler 18 . N . Egan 20 . M. Banks 22 . S. Cousins 23 . B. Roach 24 . S. Power 25 . D . Violi 26 . P.Brown 27 . F . Vargo 30 . M. Adams
B T B AUSTRALIA DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Ken Basso 9722 1697 A.N.Z. BANK FINANC E Greg Skien 015 552 013
OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steve Aird 1 . M . Gwynn 2. M . Steven s
3. A . Teesdale (Capt) 4. P . Shea r 5. A . Walkom 6. T. Gray 7. A . Littlejohn 8. S . Milliken 9. M . O'Brien 10. C . Woods 11 . W.Junkeer 12. D . Thomas 13. R . Silverwood 14. P . Davi s 15 . J . Snow 16. S . Gilchrist 17. C . Bird 18. D Ireland 19. S. Panton 21 . D . Robson 23 . O. Cran e 24 D . McLennan 25 . C . Tindale 28 . R . Eagl e 29 . L . Andrews 31 . W. Gerstman 34 . N . Thompson 36 . S. Romensky 44 . L . Boyle 45 . M . Ford
Jones Lang Wootton
MARCELLIN Coach : Peter Randal l 1 . M . Roberts 2. W. McMahon 3. L. Crosby 4. R. Badanjek 5. M . Bell o
6. L. Ryan
7. D. Bellissimo 8. B . Alford
9. J . Mason 10. T. Black 11 . M. Mifsud (VC) 12. M. Karavasilis 13. S . Moran 14. M. Van Lint (DVC) 15. T. Stephens (C) 16. J . Blackmore 17. D . Sampimon 18. P . Diacogiorgis 19. B . Colville 20. C . Mulready 21 . B . Delta Ri v 22 . B . Symes (DVC) 23. N . Armstrong 24 . J . Evans-Smith 25 . S . Moussi 26 . A . Reitano 27 . A . Sangorgio 28 . P. Tosrano 29 . T. Martin 30 . D . Cardimone 31 . A. Rubira 32 . J.Sheehan 33 . P. Hogan 41 . M. Randazzo 51 . L . Bettio l
52 . B. Alford
The Beehive 0 H otel ® Hawthor n
Coach : Leigh Colema n 1 . A. Andrews (Capt) 2 . B. Powe r 3 . H . Munroe 4 . J . Arrowsmith 5 . T . Wolley 6 . J . Gerrish 7 . S Natol i 8 . D. Beardsley 9 . B. Dahlstrom 10 . M .Shauhgnessy 11 . T . Morpet h 12 . R. Rhea 13 . J . Cade 14 . T . Perry 15 . J . Ivory 16 . M . Chisolm 17 . J . Newman 18 . D. Burrows 19. C. Ba r 20 . 21 . S . McMahon 22 . T.Sheehan 23. T. Cad e 24. N . O'Haloran 25. M . Lapira 26. T. Tobin 27. M . Greig C . Butle r 29. L . Kennedy 30. C . Stanley 31 . E . Davatzis 32. K . Noden 33. C . Wilson 34 . D . Robinson 35 . A. McKenzie 36 . R . Baxter 37 . 38 CONSOLIDATED 39 . TRAVE L 40 .
Coach : Andy Dalrympl e 1 . M. Tudor 2 . M. Vandenboom (VC) 3 . D . Fedele (DVC) 4. 5 . L . Eames 6 . M. Jongebloed (Capt) 7 . M. Winterbu m 8 . A. Lacey 9 . S. Gillen 10 . A. Davis 11 . D . Nolan 12 . A. Sandford 13 . T. Hughes 14 . A. Beattie 15 . R. Mika 16 . R.Tartagtia IT A. Glen n 18 . C. O'Connor 19 . A. Shepherd 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . R. Fedete 23 . D.Griffin 24. M . Smith 25. 26. R. Pawlick 27. 28. P . Molloy 29. 30.
OLD CAREY Coach : Peter Schiller
1 . L. Murphy 2. S . Collins 3. D. Bedford 4. D. Cochrane S. J . Carte r 6. A . White 7. C . Anson 8. A . Oppy 9. J . Woods 10. P . Busse 11 . R . Sal i 12, R . Spencer 13. K.Satak 14. 15 . 16. A. Costello 17. K. Lewis 18. C . Angus 19. S. Wilso n 20. S. Detarczynski (VC) 21 . N . Beal e 22 . C .Battle 23 . S.Pratt 24 . M. Heppell 25 . F. D'Anna 26 . J. Nash 27 . C . Murray 28 .
Coach: Adam Stuckey
29 . 30 . M. Hutchens 31 . 32 . P. Maniotis 33 . Q . Smyth 34 . J. Zito 35 . B. Gust 36 . L. Cleak 37 . L. Small 43 . J . Arnup 44. G .Hendriks
HANG TEN Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hotel
M .P, Lyr~h I3 .. BP.H~ 4 . B.AtPheW 5 . AAWea 6 . S.Kig 7 . P.T.Harns 8 . M .S.F}pm 9 . B. yfact am 10 . lit P6»wmers 11. B.L} uh 12. ht EdgBy 13. D.Gey 14, S RdG 15. Skis 16. S. Hwsf V. S.= 16. D. 20. K K 21. N. fledad 22. At .kyce 23. hL C MO 24. M.F abrarrJ 3a . J .Rscbrcnk 25. LBaker 40 . J .Coft 26. 0'Conmr 41 . T. G rb wSFi 27. P. Eaks 42 . S. Harrison 2d. At Coso (Cap)13 . R G* 29. SPtef~, 46. J. Neffis 31. At b.rd 48. J.Chad.+d 31 . C . Terey 52. L Mm 32. C .Jirhostore 54. J.Ymcerl 33. C .Wasirn 55. J.Spuia 57. S.Ot#8 34. S. AtdAoon 35. bt Ryan 62. C. Price 36. B. ' ' 65. R StM 37. D .St Ders 69, L Turne r
FAU1'® wcu e Whitehall St, Yarrasill Ph : 9687 872 2
YARRA VALLEY Coach : John May 1 . T. Wapshot 2. T. Hale 3. S. StarMfiekl 4. J. Reid 5. A. Drew 6 . L . Dour 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11 . 12 .
S. Thompson ' Morris D. Millson A. Barton B. Reynokis P. Ford
13 . J. McConnell 14 . B. Mcllraith 15 . K . May 16 . L. Taylor 17 . T. Mcllrai0i 18 . L. White 19 . B . Wilson 20 . T. Tyshing 21 . M . Wear 22 . B . Telford 23 . A . Drew 24 . A . Cusano 25 . S . Gado 26 . D . Rowe 27. L. Smith 28. A . Lawton 29. S . Seaboume 30. A . Siebe l 34. D . Steven 35. A . Laing 46. W. Butler 52. A . Hartnett 69. H . Van Kiaer
IVII I C/lhUYl 20
COLLEGIANS coach: 1 . Lockwood c. Bacon 2DS g 3. N. bin 4, J. Gonzales 5, G .Constable 6, J. Gleeson 7. N . Mathers 8, G. Dingl e 9. C . Comley 10. S . Hooper ;1, P . Ashby i2 . N . Comley 13 . J . Morrison 14 . D. Wain 15 . T . James 16. R. Lee 17. P. Dunne 18. N . Hunton 19. M. Burgess 20. J. Gleeson 21 . W. O'Connor 22. D . Crocke r 23. I. Lockwood (ctooach) 24. T. Emonson 25 . T. Gates 26 . G. Mathers 27 . J . Gay 28 . S. Messina 29 . D. Meizenthen 30, S. O'Sullivan 31 . C. Sutherland 32. R. Nancarrow 33. J. Strathaim 34. A. Taylor 35. J . Taylor 39. R . Jones 56 . D . Howe 58 . P . Young 59 . R. Lancaster 60 . B . Kers s 60 . G . Oakley 61 . D. Kers s 66. S . Gomes-Vieir a
OLD ESSENDON Coach : D . Law 1 . D . Law (CC) 2. D . Bellman 3. T. Williams 4. B. Gas a 5. P. VanBenthem 6 . C . Fazzalari 7 . A . Rhodes 8 . M . Pleasants 9 . N. Dib 10 . M .Thouas 11 . R. Musa 12 . T . Tregoning 13. B. Whit e 14. S. Burns 15. R . Casey 16. C . Bishop 17. D . Hexter 18 . C . Hammon 19 . D. Reid 20 . P . Hammon 21 . M . Crowley 22 . A. Smith 23 . A. Tyrrell 24 . R. Boyle 25 . M. Howden 26. P. McMaster 27, R . Sheila 28. C . Vassallo 29. N . Boyl e 30. D . Greasley
Coach: Glen Staliworthy 1 . M . Keeney 2 . R. Lovich 3 . K. Richardson 4 . S . Bowe (Capt.) 6 . P. Avery 7 . G . Stalworthy 8 . P. Lovich 9. W. Power 10. P. Orchard 11 . A . Still 12. A . Tsoumbris 13. J . Pove y 15. G. Morris 16 . H.Ousalkas 17 . D. Zavarella 18 . S. Timewell 19 . J . Law 20 . A. Hartley 21 . D . Murphy 22 . C . Benton 23. D . Tracey 24. A . Wilson 25. A . Hur e 26. M . Wilkinson 27. R. Lord 28 . J . Morrison 29 . D. Murray 30 . D . Lauletta 32 . B. Delbridge 35 . A. Dunlop 36. S. McDonald 41 . E . Sill 44. P . Rossitto
1. 2. 3. 4.
P. Corridon S . Iva k M . O'Dea (Coach) A . Tucke r
5. A . Morrow 6. M . Garotfolo 7. M . Doyl e 8. K. Corbally 9 . D . McGuire 10. P. Bladeni 11 . M. Smith 12 . D . Maher 13 . M .O'Hanion 14 . P . Seal 15 . A . Lazarus 16. D. Byme 17. C.Johnson 18. C. Curtain 19. 0 . Niall 20. A. Wilson 21 . G . Kalac 22. S. Reid 23 . R . Guppy 24 . S. James 25 . 26 . 27 . J . Leonard 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40. M. Quin n
Coach: A. Kennedy 1 . A . Kennedy 2 . M . Comer 3 . D. Boothey 4 . P. Doyle 5 . V. Paonessa 6. J. Hess 7. A. Merton 8. M. Nimmo 9. B . Edmonds 10. G. Cox (C) 11 . M . Lowry 12. A. Barnett 13 . S . Lane 14 . R. Pertich (V .C .) 15 . A. Robinson 16 . A. Keogh 17 . D . Lowry 18 . G . Lowry 19. D . Pizzalotto 20. J . Kent 21 . M . Kent 22. G. Banks 23. G . Basford 24. A. Bucknell 25 . M . Curry 26 . D. Dodoricco 27 . P. Fitzsimmons 28 . R . Holland 29. A. King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D . Theis z
Coach : Ron Holmberg 1 . J. Bugeja 2. M. Bevanda 3. G. Carroll 4. S .Lanyon 5. S . Elliot t 6. H . Curry 7. B . Devine 8 . J . Smith 9 . D. Fogarty 10 . P. Fletcher 11 . J. Cahill 12 . S. Hall (C) 13. C . Henderson 14. P. Heve y 15. L. Koutsovasilis 16. R. Holmberg 17. D. Perrone 18. M . Lynch 19. P . Considine 20 . D. Pasquariello 21 . F . Miletto 23 . R. Christie 25 . A. Ryan 26. A. Schmidt 27. J. Schmidt 28. K. Scott 31 . B. Swain 32. J . Trimboli 33. B . Pawsey 34. I . Turnbull (VC) 42 . P . Vanderway 43 . T. Spel l 45 . R. Dean 48 . C. Petinis 53 . A. Pearce 59. T . Phee 69. J. Joyc e
56. T. Reynolds
Stillwell Ford M1S ~ ape iK ~ ISC4 W
Coach: 1 . B.YWh] 2 A.Wez 9. D.S~.1er 4. LWds s. G.Deo:n & J .y 'yr' 7. C.WebO 8. C. SM1s+p 9 . AStir,ea 14. G.LOCkr. C .Lwch 1z. C .Miarp It, Urn 14. EhWa 1a J.Hms I& S.b!rs 17. R.A%mn A GPe&4 19. P.C+a9c 43. C.&s7 20. SPmd 44 . AHag 21 C.PeSA 45, titPS : 122 KE''r~rey 23 . S. caw 47. dW~ ...~'..24 . ttGB 49. U ' ..2z P .!2 49. M 2c. Lk._ . ~~. B..51, :*n 27. P.R 51. D. . 23. T.P 51 Kkb 29. T 57. 1 "-3). G. 5t. A 31. D. F 55. dB;u] 32. T. U ~. . ~ E£ IA S' n 33.d.K 57. AP
59. B. E
HARP OF ERIN ST BERNARDS Coach: B ri an Moon 1 . G. Arthurson 2. K . Breen 3 . M . Quinn 5 . P. haye s 6 . A. Denaly (VC) 7 . M. Creak 8 . R Day 9 . G . Wood It . J.Comito 14 . A. Vinecombe (Capt) 15. G. Farrugi a 17. S . Gollant 20. J . Martin
21 . A . Kennedy (DVC) 25. P . Moo n
26. B. Schwarzenburg 35. T . Matron 37 . M. O'Connell 40 . G . Tot e 44 . B. Moon 48 . P. Farrugia 62 . A. moodie 64 . A. Barnes 65. M. Castles 69. K . Mahady 78. S . Denah y
Coach : 1 . J. Beaton 2. J. Sandman 2. B. Miliek i 6 . M.Keenan 8 . T. hewat 9 . M . Lawry 10 . W. Dreer 11 . S . Molnar 13 M . Frahm (C) 16. M . Whykes 21 . G . Smit h 22. M. Devereax 23. A. Fielding 24 . M. Jurcic 26 . G . Growcock 32 . R . costello 35 . B .Hitchens 36 . C . Rizz o 45 . D . Lyons 48 . R. Keenan 49. P . Kelly 51 . M . Doran 60. C.Jacobsen 68. P. Wessleman 96. S. Redden 99 . L. Arsovski 111 . M. Slazyk 148 . G . Thompson 171 . D . Forbes
PRESTON 380 Gilbert Ph: (03) 9471 0733 Fax: (03) 94710753 BAYSWATER 160 Canterbury Rd Ph : (03) 9729 0911 Fax: (03) 9720 6554
79. M . Cunningham 81 . S . Bristo w
O R 1 EL
John D . Veal PHARMACY M r1 - .. . -r.
KEW Coach: M . O'Dea
622 ML Alexander Rd. Rioonee Pond s
9326 1799
Club XVIII South
Coach : M . Selby 2 . M. Jarvi s
Coach : Brendan Moy Assisistant Coach: Peter Mannin g . tlarrir (Cap.) 2.I. K T. Mdlmry 3. A.Classm 4. 6.0'DrucaG 5. B.Byme 6. B.Hq 7. M .T~ n 8. D.AvIV (VC) 9. t1. Vargas 10 D. Tessier 11 . S .Bot 12 . S . Ruid 13 . J.Chdhkr 14 . M.0'Dr'rxc8 15 . A .8rat:rer 16 . C . Tayb 17. B .0'Heam It. S. TuCkH 19. P.Mam'rg(VC) 20. M. SlaMnpe 21. S.Gozs 22. AWasletrg 23. C. BaUrke 24. T. Fates 39 J ~ 25. J- M101 40. G.Jadcson 26. D. Y,99amson 41 . S. hSarogm 27. A.Can 42 .• 28. C.Clarry 49 . T.Mae 29. S.Gurr 44. C.Rayrer 30. N. Chapnan 45. P. Scae.i 31 . M. Farrel 46. Lt. Ship ~. P.CaAson 47. M .Fave9 33. B .Cbssan 48 . LPergo§ 34. B . ERs 49 . J. "man 35. S .FAZsarrons 50. AWaSft 36. P . Fortes 51 . S.Jx& 37 . M.Fwawl . J.Gala¢ri 36 . C . Hyrw.s 56
OLD SCOTCH Coach : Simon Illingworth 1 . B. Aujard
2. 0. Young 3. M. Cooper 4. H . Middleton (VC )
5. S. Montgomery (Capt) 6. M. Godwi n 7. M . Clunies-Ross 8. D. Bingle y 9. I . Bowden 10. M . Bingley 13. N. Murdoch 15. D. Murtagh 17. R. McLeish 18 . C. Knight 19 . N. Moss 20 . N. Tribe 21 . J . Deakin 22 .- D. Hooper 23 . S . Pryde 25 . B . Langley 27 . C . Winneke 29. R . Bretherton 30. P. Williamson 31. D . Bini 32. S. Sheahan 37. A. Chambers 41 . A. Paulden 49. M . Gore 51 . S.Illingwonh 53. B. Simpson 55. A. Aston 56. S . Norden 58. A . Cowper 60. M . Weber 62. M . Stasiuk 66 . B . Penfokf 88 . A . Price
_vW Jones Lang Wootton
MAZENOD Coach: Danny Wai n 4. S . Garbellini 5. D.Carter 7. P. Deegan 9. P. Hall (Capt) 10. T . Sykes 11 . G .Janetski 12. A. Wilks 13. T . Bridgland 15. C. Varney 16. M . Littl e 17. T . Tsiavis 21 . I . Neil 23. T. Pope 26 . W. Poulter 27 . D . Krom 28 . N . Little 33 . J . Boyle 35 . B. Hall 36 . F. Nigro 37 . G .Tngg 39 . R . Bourbon 40 . P. McCusker 41 . B. Welch 44. D. Bolle 46. B. Hains 47. P. Riley 48. P. Vine 49. L. Halvy 50. C. Jone s 52. S . Thompson 53. K . Carmody 54 . P . Jacobs 55. M . Quirk 56. M . Welch 57. M . Peters 58 . R . Cahill 59 . C . Lane
60 . 61 . 63 . 65 . 66 .
M. LeCouteur L . Head P. Welch D . Biviano L . Tod d
67 . G .McAllister 68. K. Duffy 69. B. Harper 70. P.Occhipinfi 71 . T . Clayton 75. G . Man n 77. C. Wood 88. G . Jones 69. P . Fay
99. P .Crowhurs t
WHEELERS HILL H 0 T E, L OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Teamlist not supplied .
3 . B. Stefanou 5 . R Murray 6 . S. Moody 7 . M . Hall 8 . A. Hancock 10 . R. Moreton 11 . J. McLauchlan 12. D. Cochran 13. A. Noble 15. J . Tregaskis 16. B . Morrison-Jack 17. S . Hannaford 17. J . Pyers 19. D. Smyth 21 . P . Cantone 22 . J . Lockett 24 . L. Hamilton 24 . P. Neytan 26 . J . Uglow 28 . S. Kay 29 . J. Rattray 30 . P. Cockayne 31 . F. Magee 31 . M. Scartett 32 . R . Wraith 33 . D . Payne 34 . R . Smith 35. A. Rutter 36. D.Joyce 39. P. Greene 41 . M . Payne 42. A. Willey 43. T . Betts 44. S . Carter 45. J . Turnbull 48. C. Haling 49. D. Toniolo 53. P . Bainbridge 64 . B . McMurtrie 78 . R . Saunders 84 . M . Shippen
OLD GEELONG Coach: Mark Borthwick S. A'Becket t A. Barron J. Bell D. Blackburn R. Bu m R. Calvert H. Cameron D. Crowe W. Davis W. Dodd J . Dowling P . Edgar S . French J . Geddes J . Hamilton M . Hammet B. Hicklin T. Jackson (Capt) P. Jones
N . Kennett R . Knight P. Law
C. Levinge J. Mantello H. McInnes A. McMillan M . McPhee S . Nadenbosch J . Neville-Smith M . Oddie
J . Omond A . Osboume J . Petti t J . Petti t
C . Richardson A . Robson J . Sewers C . Snow T. Sullivan C . Walke r d . Whitehead A. Williams M. Williams D . Williams
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : A. Confiner t . D . Milne 2 . D. Mos s
3 . D. MacDonald 4 . A. Coroner (VC) 5 . B. Vile 6 . C. Branchtlower 7 . A. Woodhouse 8 . S. Potter 9 . J. Scott 10. G. Stooke 15. H. Ingleton 16. C. Jensz 21 . T . Read
25. S . Hargreaves 28. S . Cox (C ) 33. 35 . 37. 44 . 45 . 48 . 54 . 55 . 61 . 62 . 71 .
A . Clements S . Stribling S . Osborne S . Baldwin J . Elam W. Houserman A . Wilson T. Osborne P. Harris D . Stanton R . Hockney M. Atkinson A. Carroll A. Clark J . Carroll B. Pyke C. White
REAL ESTATE ST KEVIN S Coach : Brendan Millar 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7.
M .Wha rton M . Quinlan S . Bannon A . Bucella G. Gos riff B . Stackpole (VC) R. Marks
B. R. Dre w 9. D . Nanfra (Capt) 70. M . Menzies
ill L. Davidson 12. D . O'Brien 13. P. Hooper 14 . P. O'Tierney 15 . M. Pabst 16 . B. Quin n 17 . A. Aloi 18 . B. Millar 19 . M. Powell 20 . J. Wilhelm 21 . A. Davies (VCapt) 22 . I . Wood 23 . R. Curt is 24 . A. Nanfra 25. L. Smith 26. C. Smith 27. R. Snell 28. P .Bannon 29. P . Hamilton 30. T. Saultry 31 . B. McDonald 52 . P. Lewi n
V.U .T. Coach: Geoff Fletcher I . B.Difalc o 2. E.Burmerster 3. T.Nucara 6 . D . Tanner 7 . P. Byrne s 8 . K.Vanderpoel 9 . N .Djinovic 10 . G . Farley 12 . G . Ziegler 13 . M .Robertson 16 . W . O'Connor t7 . C.Russell 19 . T. Williams 20. R.Papakos 21 . P. Cox 22. P.Clitfe 23. E .Midon 24. A.Clifte 26. S . Case 34. P .At1en 38. M.D'Angelo 41 . F.Kilroy 52 . K . Vanduursen 56. T. Brown 57 . M. McGlade 58 . T.MOebus
S~ N r
C.< -__)'° SlIVIPSCHM 22
M - . , . -, - ~ ., . .r,, .
F, Eas t AQUINA S Senior Coach : Brett Davidson Reserves Coach : n Sean O'Loughli
Senior Coach : Joe D'Angelo Reserves Coach : Mark Horsfiei d Assistant Coach : Andrew Gillard
Senior Coach : Bill Gommers Reserv es Coach : Denis Cain e
Senior Coach: Adam Lenarcic Rese rves Coach : Mick Marshal l
Senior Coach : Matt Ryan Reserves Coach : Kim Tucke r 1. G .Srte/9i 41.O.Smedley 2 . K. Tucker 42. C. Hill
30. C.Cower TJase G.CBicrd 31. LKn9
S SEp.. -.; 32 . M. Varker Wean S H.H M C oleta .TaNS P.i -~r 34. M D.M:n :'- 3i. SL'n'i19stone &B~~ 36. D.Ptrean
37. M Cklad gi :-ma 38. C.Trg B.hq-,~,J 39. RLeavey C.JZKrey 40. S.tkey 41. M.Badm C. Bel Krd9lis 42. J.MCEvoy RFebi 43 . V. Slattery .* 44 . P . Dm ~{§De s 45 . S. Giles
G.W 46.
P.Paas 47 . P.B3in ard 21 . C.Odm 48. A Cffiord . S~nn 49. C.tairban 22 23. 50. A BIN" 24. P. H.rpet 51. A. Hyland
. D None 5225 .. T. Mute r S.CameN 53 . S . Pob .xlson .knzs 54 . S .Low . S 27
I. F. SctaeYkr 18. R Dente, 2 J. DAngeb 19. S. Dewar 3 B, Ham 20. J. Wan 3. S.Mdaen 21. L
4. LMdeed 21 . M. 4 . N. Caredlla 22 . P. Bas~t S. M.kmes 23. M.Sanxiwih & MS'.arel 23. J.Rdam & V. Kelly 24. C. Sid 7. T. WAs 24. M. Opia B. T. Aazarera 25. W. Mr.y 9. P.Gceiz 26. AfkoNe/ 9. V. 5"zanan 27. A. 03rd 9 . H.Tvrvey 39 . C.Patrer 10 . SWagg 33 . K Balker i . S, Petty 34 . LODlenan 12. Alssa 34 . SGarer 12. D.Tncmpo, 35. T. Key t3 N. Borg 35 ~ G. Lekkas 14. B. Val 35. B. Learlknan 15. FA5uatbn 37. J.Paat~h 15. S. Worm 38 . GBrcwn IS. 6L6 wd 43. RCzaao 17. P.Churdw.r 44 . &Aoran 46_ A tWmpre~ 53. S.S9atP±n 69. L Thompson
28 . RWarcn 55 . J. Crouch 29. S.0'Lo4}tAn 65. RMwice
Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Reserves Coach : Peter Jackson
Senior Coach : John Wise Assist: John King I. AWism 41 . D.Hmptnepe Rese rv es Coach : 2. LBxry 42 P.Ho•e/ Scott Macrae 3 . B.Ft * 43 ASka a J . D.taman 44. I. .bd-P~ 1 . C.Hit 4L A. Gales 4 . K. Taftj 45. MBtack 4& D. Farley 2. C.Hak,y(CaPI .)42. C.Poppewe8 4. I.Fi&Asat 3. M.Catan (VC) 5 S .Shararon ar c 43 . S.Dstick 6. S.Fck.Hi 48. 4 . L. Patterson 5 . D . Lee 44 . 7. F . Bove 49 . N. Rwie 6. C .Cam*l 45 . M.SrtAh & G.M&An 'A. C.Ba<ry 46. T.Gedk 9. O.WaBs 1 . A . Drew 5t . H.Mi 't 10. A A2e14ip 52 C. kdongodos 8. P . Ranis 47 . M. Serag 48. M .HDSVM It . J .Ba rke' 9. M.Adkori 53 J.Caune 12, F.Mzrak 54. P.W9YZ;xk 10. K.Shis~es 49. R.Meaden 13 C. Pearson It. acoN (RCaq) 50. M .Dawsa, 55 12. M . Spencer 51. J .Martial 14. C. Sharron 5& D. W@vn 52. P.Abeldnxn 75. P. Crunch 13. S. km 57. K .WNH 14. Wrote. Nana 53 . R . Foster 16. M.J erm 58. L Da.y 1& S .A.dams 15 . C .Hvpw.s 54 . C . Ester 59. 76 . M.Jones 55 . M. Curry 17. A. Fznc--a 60. B. Gea+asAs 17 . C .Gkeem3m 56 . W.Serag 18. KZ* 61 . 62 . 18 . C.67aith=x> 57 . A. Eccles 19, J.Ma* 19. MadcNance 58 . C.Bayk 20. W.Costm 63. 20. C.Ar&rsai 59. C.Mawn 21. AHMI 64. 21 . J.Eaks 60. RNufts 22 . K. Gordon 65 GB9 22. J. Hards 61. R. Saiah a G . Cooler 66. 62. M .Saeag 24 . AJDre s 67. .' 23. T. Price . C.Socdo 2'a ADurei 24. M.Yanal 63 68. 69. V.Tarv 25 . C .Goodal 64 . A.McFa+ia ce 26, B . Ross 26 . J .McOde 65 . 27. G.&msnax 70 . 27 . N .Vas4lopoulos 66. J.Bayes 2& Afters 71. (VC) 70. T.Aulast 29. D.M.rlli 72 28 . P .tdarr.e 72. M.BhcYbwn 39. G.TaH 73 29. T .Manm 73 . S . Brady 37. S.Feri!cn 74 . P.CaxcM 75 30. S.Feehan 77. P.Daton 31 . 80. J. Bayard 32 . D. Van 76. L EW 31 . N. Everetl 32. G.Neala(fC) 84. C.Vtfiiaroar 33 . L. We= 77. AHapn 83. S.C:4er 34. O .P.HI 78. 33. P. Dish 34. D. Fae6s M . EasSJw 35 . D. Cdzo 79. 35. R.Evars S.Cheny 36. P 80. 36, H. Morrison S. Greenwood 37. G. Porews 37 . P. Brice D .Lavrtenre Si. S.Haae 38 . I.Cahzn E . Poles 39. C.Hztdnan 39 . P.B.wmetl B .Gaman 4 B.Katvs 40. B . Hwr~pM
47. D.B ra+ e
HAi~G TEP! Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hotel M - -ATM IM
1. M.Penrdadm 2. A. Sore 3. G. SW 4. M .Cansi 5. B. Ped sr 6. D.Trdter 7. V.Fed 8 . D .Caine 9 . B .Gra/ 10. M.Koopnyrc It . G.Wyn93rd 12. D.Pada 13. P.CaAis
14. S.Mddosh 15. M . Warren 16. M . W" 18. B. Massarot0 19 . S K. GCan« . 20 . Oates
21 . S. Oates 22. T.M&eraAs 23. B . So2ce 24. C. Devoy 25. R.Nctat?rsan 26. P. Pape
1. G.CatA S. GPv.,alh 2. ACalAwal 2& DHawt,y 2 AlJerts 27. D. Kate
3 M80 2& DAnmtld 3 GLA4ura 29. S. Lee . Glen 30 dMiem I. M.Delaso 4. D 31. N.Karaim 5. C.Kape 3t ASla x
38 . G.Kmiptai 39. J. Brown 40. R Bake 41 . G .PKtYks 42, D. Comm 43. P.Sdrlins7 44, M.5daran 45 . W. Hussey 49 . C. Poets 52 . S.Byma 53 R. Dav'son 56. G. DaMn
5. T.Karo-kisZ 31 MGwgae a D.BkwA 34, AH8 & G &a~y ;fa S. Lees 7. O.Br~ 35 RJtpsataia 7. KFbdJer 37 . ALaera
8. D.BooksA
3a F. Wale,
3. P. Tucker 43. K.Hanr,hare
4. B. K.-4e 44 .
S. A .Hogan 45 . M. an 6.I.Cgda 46 .0 .Ha~ 7. H. Ham 47. G.Fad#y 8. D. Woodward 48. . Mxga 9 . M .LM 49. 10 . M . Berry 50 . P.Websw 11 . G.Hasen 51. M.Ldtzk 12 . T. Carter 52 . &FtEpson 13. 0 .Bel 53 A.EdOcummbe 14. J.Starad 54. N.Ttaney 15. C .Maddison 55 . G.Marax 16. 5& R Da:ss
.S S .Calfs 31 C.Broa7ead 9. G. Cane 4a S.Wara 17. H.Leys 57 . D.SnOy 9. C,Whok 41 . D.Cazre8(KaG) It . C.BerDg 58. Uwe 10. C. Wtean 4Z it Dram 19 . C. Dwyer 59. It. AFe;" 43 K Musser 12. AOvalan 44. GBwk1A 11 a.Vlen 45 S" 14. D .Brox 46. 1-Dix 15. ADa 47. P.SKtey 1& N.Oa 48 Ayhady'n IT S ." 49 A. Biqnshae IB. J.Ynrara 50 W.110h 19.. D.T~ Enter 51 . P. Clay
27. J.Cansi 28. S. Paddi
29. M. "on 30. S.Bord 31 . P. Egan
20 HA 21. S. Lee 22 .S.Prky 2d D . + 24. R ., -a
32 . P .Atlhug S{. A .Ch'rnsiSe 34 . R. S" X D. Karp 37. W. Pembatm
02 . BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015 552 01 3
fe. J.Sha,v 61. C.6EshW
22. A. Lacey 62. M.Bad 23. A.0'Dard 61 C.Cros s
24. 64. R.Ja2wrsYi 25. T.Slickkrd B5 . R.Wealtva 26. AG4ve 66. S.FIr9aMck 27. R. Solar LChatk 28. A . Col's 29. J.Slanley C.Duk 33. J. Grey D.ENner
31 . Z.,bvanorsti M.Gaspardio 32 . A. McDonald 33. J. Taylor G . Md'sns
"The Road Builders '
20. J.S hnon 21 . K. D uW
34. R.Osbem A. 04q 35. J . Cdrtceld 36. J. Doody A. 5tockda?3 37. P.HasbJrhg
38. J. Most 39. J.CoanenJ 4D . S.Wh3e
Seniors Coach :
Keith McKenzie Rese rv es Coach : Mark Johnston 1 . M. Mia m
Senior Coach : Neil Lelievre Rese rves Coach : Evan Evans
2. J.SaEd/ A. C.DeB'o8o S. RVebrgang 6 . D. Dim
1. M.LeamwMh 32 . A.Gurei 2. T.Bwt 31 P.Serers 3. P.L'rrinjs;are 334 . 5. RBun.s 4. ABeB ~ E. Evans S . W. mu%W 37. J.McCasMey 7 38. F.Hartison 39. fLKkg 8 . J .Swc o 9. M. He*r.w 40. C. Danado .42. P.Featlerslat 70. T. .~es 11 . LPlaips 43 . aNogl 12. RAir aglaJ 44 . L keh M 13. M. Stockton 45 . W. Black 14 . J. Ilwssis 46 . G . Lan¢ad 15 . DArrYews 47. S. Mc0ame1 48. P.B kqm 16 . J. Duck 17 . ABowke 49 . S .Marrmn 18. W.fbSS 50. K .Larcl ad 19. RHenderson 51. B. Fray 52. rey 20. D.Stenan 53 . B Mgt 27 . T.Yrtc e 22. D . Woodcock 55 . C. O'Brian 58 . TAzzuigre 23. S .Pres1on 59. G . P.u5se8 24. I. Go M 25 . M.Lek.wre 61 . M. McCarthy 62. B. Cunt 26 . I WO 63, . 27 . B, Stewart 64. M S~carr~ z 28 . J.6mes 29. J.Franas 65. P .Hariig3n 68. G.TC er's 30. p. Watson 31 . P.Akzeavkr
Senior Coach: David McCormack Res . Coach : Scott Alderso n
7 . A.Harr~ai 32 . A.Fi.a~ 8 . J .Hariige 33. D. M7ano 9 . C.5rr~ 34. A.Fars3~a 10. M.Jatnslm 35. T.Grmshaw 11 . G. Barry 37 . A.Fare1 12, C . Betas 38 . N. MLAns 13. R.Leesan 39. W. to 14. R Goode 40. B . Ina 15. AtStrrenson 41 . C. Lad 16 . P.Jartas 42. C. M9 17 . S, Lee 43. D.Way 18 . AtStroud 44 . D.R~slwd 19 . 8. O'Mara 45 . R Potter 20. A.Hitiamzm 46 . E.Sartases 21 . T. Dymond 47. M.Kei y 22. S .FtPn 48 . M.Dc$aID 23. T.1kis 49. N . Pearson 24. J.MaAon SO. B .Cagz4d 25. O.McFadden 51 . B .Crauch 26 . M. E&41 52 . J. Pidrwsid 27 . J.Norman 51 D .lho/ 28 . G .0'CaBaidan 54 . H. Lader 29 . G .Maie 55 . 0. Brown .', 30. P.Trxk
s. s.s» a
1. N . Fad 36. R. Pe{ukna 2. F.MatVean 37. LTrertUh 3. R. Thompson 38 . D. Ross 39 . T.Reddaxay 4. ALFtrcg S. C.Warsky 40. M.Wnt a J. Dldaon 41 . 8. Davta 7 . J. Downs I. 42. 1 Crean
B . A. ftVean 43. H . Park 9 . C. ROSS 44. E .Trorreninan 10. D. MBrO 45. L Paes 12, V. Witte 46. N. DDNEI 73. G.Podler 47. T.Penakma 15. J.Koenan 48 . AMCCkary 16. B .SirAe 49 . T.Lpoi 17. SAiderson 50. J . Ly13d 18. D.targdm 51 . B.DWr'rg 19 . N. PA 52. AHaNW1 20 . S. Frame 53. S . Corcoran 21 . A LaesepCete 54 . R Ferear 22 . P.Mad'e 55. S.Taylor
23. J.Savants 24. M. Daies 25. T. Habben
56 . 1-Harfintiton 59, G. Skinned 60 . D. Dail
26. G. McLeod 61, P. Teford 27. LMthtyre 63. T. Strong 28. J. MacVean 64. D. Dar 29. P . Peterson E S. .bnson 66. A. Biesbroek 30 . 0. Potter 31 . J. Doll 67. A. RoNe 32 . C. teffernan 68. V. Huth 72. R Lawton . 33. D. Ireland '. 34. T.Ch't .' 78. J, Scales 35. B. Peale
Mi lt Pies Malvern Vale Hotef FrV1TRAl
A Section
COLLEGIAN S Senior Coach
: Lei gh Carlson Res-,M Co.* Robat Bayley 1 . B. Mooney 2 . D . Smith 3 . B. Woolhouse 4 .S. Laussen S.. S D. Peters B. D. Greeves (2) ) 6. A. Smith 7. D. Baxter (1) 7. C. Higson (2) 8. C. Pollock 9. V . Clear y 10. N . Anderson (1) 10. J . Grigg (2) 11 . B. McKenzie 12 . D . Stubs 13 . A. Sheedy 14 . R . Schober 15. Y. Phillips 16. A. Wallace 17. D. Phillips 17. A . Oldha m 18. J . Bennett (Capt) 19. C. Davidson 20. G. Dean-Johns 21 . A . Johnston (R-Capt) 22 . D . Kerr 23 . A . Sheedy 24 . R . Hartnett 25 . D . Lever (RVCapt) 26 . N . Milat 27. S. Humphry 28. S . Blackman 29. A. Kenneally 30. M . Gailbraith (V-Capt) 31 . R. Schober 32. D. Thomson (V-Capt) 33. G. Irvine 34. D . Entwistle 35. J . Taylor 36 . S . Harding 37 . J. Danse y 38 . S. Van Der Venne 39 . B. Jone s 40 . A. Kelson 41 . S . Lubich 42. A. Vasdekis 43. A. Greenway 44. A . Parkin 46. S . Wooley 48. J . Lemon 50. B . Jefferson 51 . P . Baxter 52 . J . Schmidt 53 . S. Hobbs 54 . K. Mui r 55 . E. Jones 56 . D. Howe 57. J. Moore 58. A. Rose 59. M . Richards 60. B . Kerss 61 . D. Kers s 62. G. Constable 63. 64 . G . Tiver 65. 66. S. Cromes-Vieira 67 . 68 . 69 . D. Armstrong 70 . R.Conron 71 . 72. 73. 74. 75. N . Proctor
P"'t 'e•,7
DE LA SALLE Senior Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen ResJAssis. Coach : Brian Brow n 1 . M . Chun 2. P. Fiume 3. S. Crowe 4 . L. Hall 5 . A. Flowerday 6 . M. Fisher 7 . C. Browne 8 . C. Wright 9 . C. Campbell 10 . D. Tessier 11 . A. Evan s 12. D. Toohey (Capt .) 13. A . Waters 14. P . McCormack 15 . J. Hodde r 16 . M. Jackson 17 . D . Crowe 18 . M. Abrahams 19 . D . O'Brien 20 . M. Knupple 21 . C . Shannon 22. P. O'Callaghan 23. M . O'Callaghan 24. C. Montgomie 25. G . Hyne s 26. P .Wyies (Res.VC) 27. L. Van Der Plight 28 . M . Laffert y 29 . D . Hagan 30 . J. Horn 31 . A. Elliot 32 . T. Silvers 33 . B. Miller 34. P . Conro y 35. A. Mackintosh 36. A . Abbot t 37. R. Makinson 38. B . Brashe 39. P . Brasher 40. G. Curra n 41 . A. Phillips (R .Capt) 42 . D .Jackso n 43 . M. Elli s 44 . C . Makinson 45 . C. Sparrow 46 . M . Hegan 47 . M . Farrell 48. D. Smith 49. D. Lambe 50. P . Mannix 51 . D . Graces 52 . S. Harrison 53 . P. Aron 54 . J. Duckett 55 . C . Harrison 56 . J . Gallager 57 . C. Fidler 58 . C. Cleary 59 . S .Jacobs 60. S . Thomas 61 . S . Albon 62. G. Hagan 63. J. Murphy 64 . C . Bourke 65 . B. Buick 66 . L . Langone 67 . B. Byrne 68 . G . Longstaff 69 . J. Forbes 78 . M . Stanhope 80. M . Hill
Senior Coach: HAILEYBURY Tony Paatsc h Assis . Coach : Rob Prosser Senior Coach : Neville Taylor Reserves Coach: Reserves Coach : Chris Boyle Gary March t. C. Law 2 . D.64na/(VC) t . A. Baxter 3 . T.CIikol l 2 . D. Connell (DVCapt) 4 . A.Hflnky 3 . W. Byrn e 5 . D. Carkr 4. C. McKenzie (Capt) 6. N. Wm* 5. R. Buchanan 7. SMagan 7. P. D:eg3n 8. D. Chtlie 9. P.HaB 10. M.0'Hara (VC) It . T.Srcdh(RVC) 12. S.floble 12 . A Wds 13 . B " 13 . T.BrickftaroJ 14 . T.Mm 15 . D. Barker (VC) S. C.Vartv 16. T. Hexard (RC1 17. T.8ate7 17. T. Tsbrr 18. D.OR}auoe 19. M.Gar»ano 20. C . MuvaP 21 . S Pdan 21 . 1. NO 22 . D. Sirdak 23. J . hands 24 . S. BoMn 25 . fAtw1 23 . P.fO;y 27. W.C:di?J'm 27. D. Uran 28. AL Moore 28. N.IAtIe 29 R Sharp
30 S. Faber
31 . C .BelevNe(Calai .) 32. W.Mar 33. J . Bbjce 34 . ATtr.Mat 35 . J. Fr=1u 36 . P. Pehit:m 37. G. TM 38. D.Se'vdal 33. R.BuLdw 4 P. MtCusk& 41. 8 .W2kh 42. H. Jacobs 43. W. Lan 44. D . Pete 45. G . ft, s 6t . L FMad 46. B. Hairs 62 . D. WM 47. P. R4z/(RDVC) 63 . P. Wekh 48. P.Yre 64 . S.Boxton 49 . L Ha!ry 65 . D. &rhno 5o. C, Jones 66 . L Todd 51 . k Munay 67. G.MrAUar 52 . E Ttwmp;al 68. K . Ddtj 53. KCanraw+j 69 . B .Harp:t . Jacobs 70 54. P . P .Occhoi 55. M.Oudc 71 T Clayton 56. kYtakh 75 . Marm 57. 6iPNers 96 . M. coutt°58. RCatil 99 . P.Croxlwrsl 59. C. Lane 60. M . LeCaAeur
5. F . Main 6. W. Smith 7. A . Hilton 8. M . O rton 8. F. Capomolla 9. S . Rowlands 10 . T. Chegw~n 11 . C . Hacker 12 . D . Seccull 13 . B. Carty 14. A. Fo rsyth 15. N. Morey 16. P. Thiessen 16. D. Williams 17. A . Hilto n
t8. M . Constable
19. M . Armstrong (VC) 19. N . Gerrard 20. C . Krause 21 . A . Walden 22 S . Richardson 23. M. Seccull 23 . J. Mackay 24 . R. Lavender 25 . G . Ro w lands 26 . G . Phillips 27 . J . Dann 28 . A. Pound 29. M . DeMattia 30. R. Aughterson 31 . B . Main ( RCapt) 32. P . O'Donnell 33. G. Tanne r 33. T. Johnston 34 . C . Reidy 35 . D .Lappage 36 . A. Dowsing 37 . T. Evans 38 . J . Hayter 39 . P. Corri gan 40. S . Duxbu ry 4t . T . Oscar 42. D. Scaite 43. R . Pleche r 44. A . Kirkwood-Scott 45. N . Hill 46. B. Mitchell 47. D . Scotfen 48 . D . Bu m 49 . B. Wignall 50 . A. Bonwick 51 . T . Boothman 52 . R. Harrison 53. B . Wignall 54. M . Schmidt 55. C. Ladds (RVCapt) 56. P . Kyle
57. B . Ladd s 58. 59. 60.
OLD MELBURNIANS Senior Coach : Sean Ratphsmith Reserves Coach : Guy Nelson Assistant Coach : Archie Salek 1 . A. Witt s 2 . S. Theodore 3 . J ..Staritski 4 . B. Ellinghaus 5 . N. Boyden 6 . P . Handbury 7. C. Thompson 8. M . Lovett
9. T. Smith TO. P . O'Brie n
1 t . A . Thompson 12 . A. Hewitt 13 . S. Rose 14 . J. Bunn 15 . S. Bromell 16 . C. Eabry 18 . C . Keeble 19 . J. Correll 20 . A . Salek 21 . D. Strooper 22. L. Bunn 23. M . Berry 24. N . Sereda 25 . M. Pruden 26. C .Kennedy 27 . C . Bryan 28 . S. Babbitt 29 . C. Susa 30 . I . McMullin 31 . J. Hart 32 . R. Webb 33. G . Dixo n
34. C.Anastasakis 35. D.Brown 36. A . McKeon 37. S . Eabry 38. R . Eggleton 39. S . Madden 40. S . Middleton 41 . G . Wilhelm 42 . P. Theodore 43 . O. Boyd 44 . A. McDougall 45 . Z. Useinov 46 . H. Wrigh t 47. J. Power 48. S . Walsh 49. T . Stuckey 50. P . Mathis 51 . D. Corbin 52 . B . Campbell 53 . B . Crump 54 . I. Patterson 55 . M. Burgess 56, M. Ellinghaus 57 . R . Morley 58 . D. Clements 60. J. Raftopoulos 61 . B. Luckock 62. R. Morrel l 63. B . Telford 64. A . Nelson 65. 66. L. Boyd 67. B . Vil e 68 . A . Henshaw 71 . 72 . 73 .
WHEELERS HILL Ii 0 T E L PH : (03) 9822 0011 (
24 0 THP AMATFI to Cnn'reni i co .nnc
OLD SC4 CHs er+ar C!=Harme
'Sol Coacb.. ese55mntttent
Sen1 G'C-It oReittaY : Asststant Coach s Russell cr e Reserves coo"
Senior Coach rke ck Bu Reserves coach
:G Btoudcep(VC "a n nd +9a n lLa Cook
1 . K Hos en9 NC) 2• J puthie 3• S' Nott 5 R psic e 6. A ~u~hes
t . pA J°Uin9 2 . A•.Omas DVC) A . a.ue T in r 6 . T• lnn ~(C)VG . Gitmore lD ) 8. M
Sanlor Coa "" tuck shane : Resarves Coach n pndrew Natha 1 . A. C ~son 2- Y gackhouse ~ . V' pa lan o
g, RY~
$enior Gran Reserves Coaah . t Netvand Barry D .Stimmon A. 3 S KUSanovs 5 P 0 ponnatt 6 . B, etood 7 . MµThomas 9 . 5 Steve sO
Z S G9r~ys y 89 .AJKenned . . Maahewes 10,
W apt) t0 . ocsleY (r H .£vans 12 . N
JBuckleY RCaPt) ( 15 . S~ustans s Holme . O*Kanis y 13 S' ""eon kma 17 N 0 . PMow m . S'Howuhoun 16 . Trot d 11 . Sebo11 14• SL'.0verman 8. Ne a 19 . pown9horne . jones t5. D, Sa,MCki g. Au ard . Kingesn gowan i3 . 16 . ConmY 9• J' Kerr 20 ~• Nu9et Etlis V . M,Vassa4o ti0, y4• µ AqcConvitlRGaPt) vAum e 3. pord 16, e( 18 . p9ant(C) 23 . B• ~ajno 12. S Nooper . T•Ftrase 16 4• McLean 24 . A Henderson . ookteshaw 13. N' Norman 20. 8 SL u9nan i6 A 25 ., N' Cavatier 14• p' tvtccatl i8 . iearY 21 . J . Gomilo VC) 26 fdcker 55• Speed 19 . D wood .Kunteason . C Catiho p D. c . B Bolton 20 . ' 22 l eoi 18 . S 28 S 22 . HomY . tardice guckleYY IA 19 . ocl( td 11' A. 29• pt . RaBt 8 n 22 23 . patience i Y S.Neide n5e 2j; NaneKer 23 . -nde 2. P, BO U 31' M.Vzndenbec9 y. n T . Wtlson .. 24 . J- Collins 31 . Gemaul 25' Connell 24. 25. P ~ Yta t lV 2A, '• Mooonne " 32 . R .'(weddle 23. A N` cD htaaou 33 9 22•. 0Angus NOS" 27•. A GatmourCR) . a TaPPin g 2 4 27 . CrtotTmDVG) 23 34• R' j~kes 25. A . ryeit 28, hetan 26• POvecman 35 . S, KeweN 24• M,P(ijchard . 26 29 . S Wiedemann 29. y Mount 26 T . phittipek . l F~larke 'Leflnen 27 . Egan e ~' 8 7•. •• Dnswonh 28 . 31 . d T' Ctiattied 30 . Nenderson C . he e 38 .`t`~oo S~rd . Weasdale 27 32 .32 P . Runerson 29 . S, . Nidchett 28 . ~.Heath VG) 30 ~ M Remman 40 . 33 . M parieY 31.. pSBoUShletd 3 4t 9 . R-podda hlan ; B a~ke Y 30. J Smithp . . 3B Ghalfletd 32 . P, Sass a5G on" 36 S• presserC) 35 BBond 31 . A 33 46 . Rou+ka . - -36 . ateman ~ p Mitner (p` 23 . J' . Hannema m A Bell! Mortensen 4-1 34.. A 37 . Brebner A8 . C .Mdes ~ Steete CaP) 35 36. .C P Barre" . 39 . T Me~aer 37 . A• Di ing° D. 49 . H jy,ton -_ a11 38 . p Maptuste . A' M~Cte aand H 50. aahon 35. S• S~ayison q~ 37 38. Ba nra 36• M Monl9°merY 42 . C Y ' Y,jrodarcz ; Bllarin d n 34~; ~ . M~ Nelso 40 43• 4• Mulcahy 55 L~'9ehea 38- A: CowPe 44 . rngstone 4t . M ~a~haU .FaWe~ 41 . P1. pittoe (RGapt) . C 55 \AJarner m 45,Uja n 56 . 40 . m 46 43 . BTaYtor 44 J . Pe °i{ le 47 . C Kea 9 7 . Misk 58.. A•CV`j~tcox . R' gtock 44 . S• Farer 4t . PA . Gibbs u . p-~ndonoP°utos 45 59 48 . M: O Hanoran . Paterson 45 . Monish 46. 60 47• J•patiran9te q. J 4 . M• Kn9 aCOtt 6A. A. Wilson ' Peneit Aqutler 47~ C • 50 ~, A, Stubb s 48 . M ~a9hte ; McLeod s 63 51- G' wetl ~g . Solomon . 65P 49. 46. C'' Morris 53' RanSO~ r 66 . ~ . M A{oon(RCaPt) 50- N Vjalsh L. ; N LYnc~o 47 . N NardY . Norma 51, p' C'Catla9nan Atexande 57 54' 72 48. Gore 52 . M . . 55 Eccles 52. y Kav?n gh . Keams 49. petl 56 . S•. Banes 53- Smdh 53. A 50. Gregory 57 . R Houd9an 54 . 54 . Bong an . Manrhl 52. R'Gaidzka r 58. w•Sneddon 55 . S 55 . ~ Stones 56. N'' ones . 59M Atkmson 5q; 8 . Autard er Y 56 G' Snort . JSnort 60. S,HandleY 1 5T 57 . tt 55 . ~ S ho feder 58 . D' 56- N Strang 59 6t. M S.. Natittt 65 . p" Jone s s 5~8 . Weber . Pana9iotoPp°to 66
R tR Frl(lTRA11 FR 1c1n r4•rG pAAATFr CA
~ erRd• 622 nt bt. Atexand n~ponds 0 93261799
B Section
M .H .S .O .B .
Senior Coach: Rick Brockwell Reserves Coach: Tim Bell
Senior Coach : Doug Gott Reserves Coach: John Matthew
Senior Coach: Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Colin Drake
Senior Coach : Peter O'Connor Rese rves Coach : Brendon Smales
1 . B . Kinear 2. D . Witchell (VC) 3. L. Holt 4. T. Gloury 5 . B . Wilmore (DVCapt) 6. P. Williams (ResC) 7. S. Richmond 8 . R . Williams 9 . G . Sutterby 10 . J. Fortune 11 . T. Short 12 . J. Egan 13 . M. O'Brien 14 . P. Healy 15 . S. Gray 16 . D. Mayne 17 . A. Steve n 18 . J . Turnbull (OVCapt) 19 . D. Stephens 20 . S . Playfair 21 . R. Dintinosante 22 . J . Gilham 23. M . Gray 24. C. Wilkes 25. G . Jorda n 26. H . McDermott 27. W. Keenan 28. D. Fabri s 29. M . Creek 30. L. O'Connell 31 . C . Bassett 32. G. Laurie 33. D . Glass 34. C . Stevens 35. A . Hardie 36. D . Tyler 37. G . Bassett 38. G . Riches 39. C . Head 40. M. Keene 41 . M. Wheelan 42 . T. Ega n 43 . L . Ferrall 44 . M. Moore 45 . M . Gilbert 46 . P . Agostinelli (RVC) 47 . R. Smith 48 . B . Gillies 49 . D. Barker 50 . G . Gent 52 . D. Noonan 55 . D. Williams 56 . B . Grindle
Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Rese rv es Coach : Craig Heard 1 . J . Prior 2. S . Driver 3. S . Youn g 4. G. Alexander 5. C . Parris 6. R . Minne y 7. P . Robertson (Vcapt) B. A . Bryan 9. R . Shepherd 10. P. George (Capt .) 11 . S. Farloy 12 . A. Parris 13. S. Boyd 14 . D . Mathews (Vcapt) 15 . B. Greig 16 . S. Smith 17 . N . Waddel 18 . R . Williams 19 . P. Nigro 20 . T. Agosta 21 . D. Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23 . L. Stott 24 . P . Nagle 25 . T . Merrett 26 . K. Stelling 27 . D. Doud 28 . P . Mutimer 29 . P . Bone 30 . R. Field 31 . A . Shine 32. P . Graham 33. C . McWaters 34. D . O'Connell 35. M . Osborne 36. P . Har e 37. W.Thomson 38. S . Jame s 39. D . McNamara 40. T. Matthews 41 . L. Cessario 42 . P. Edwards 43. C . Beams 44. C . Shallard 45 . G . Taylor 46 . G . Shallard 47 . C . Morihovitas 48 . R . Lambert 49 . M. Bellat o 50 . D. Glover 51 . 52 . 53 . J. Scott 54 . 55 . A. Franklin 56 . 57 . D. Shine 58 . 59. B . Lefervei 60. P . Dallogi u
I. R .Mrtstrong 2 . P. La Rosa 3. Clicker 4. M. Ata,d 5. P.MIXaI 6. D. Fraxhy P. r I. R.Had S. 9. M . ThacAx,ap to. G .Kem~y S.A~ I'. L.Srt4h t2. 13. S. Narkiawicz 14. P.Fijnn 15. T, m 6. 8.G es 17. P. I18. T.Scdde 19. G.Btfa 20. R.Sewat 21 . L Badwoi 22 R.An~li4 23. M. Pzarce 24. T.0 WJ 25. A. Oro
28 . T. Lawrence 29 . C . Drake 30 . R .Newton 31 . G . McLardie 32 . M. Konstanty 33 . B. Ansell 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 .
N. Fahey S. Konstanr y A. Palmos ( VCRes) A. Barg e S. Bennet t
41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 60. 61 . 62 . 63.
A. Stewart N. Bradley J. McLaughlin B. Archdall D. Pollock T . Holland M . Jamieson N. Archdall E . Thoma s S .Karamoutsos J . Jackso n P . Frost P . Hunt M . Pond J . Winch T. G ri mmer J . Goldin P . Konstanty M. Pretty S .Dancke rt A . Farr
39 . A. Athanasopolos 40 . B. Hayes
49. A. Roser4eid . J MaftheN 50. D.Jacta ~ 271 51. A. McOaak! 7 . 52. R. Pace 73 . 53. L . Prcce 74 . 54. G .Mftg 75. 55. L Pearce 76 . 56. S. Wertl 77. 57. P.Jdastar 78. C.BroTm 58. V. FuuRk 59. D.fattrap-WOod 60, 0. Maw 61 . G. Hidrey 62. T. Deg 69. R.lkKim's 64. D.Stygaisia 65. T .Ba!canbe
TATTS and POKIES Bar and Bistro 120 Upper Heidelberg Rd . Ivanhoe
sun s
I .&M , T41[
7 . S . Sleep 8 . B. Collison 9 . L . Curry 10 . S. Evans 11 . P. Tatter 12 . J. Curran 12 . M. Sammon 13 . B. Curulli 14. S. Cheshire 15. P. Keamey 16. C. Wheeler 17. M. Maguire 17. M. Anderson 18. J . Murray 19. P. Considine 20. J . Sutherland 21 . N. Mulqiney 22. M . Connolly 23. C. McMahon 24. J . Barker 25. P . Bryar 26. P . Dwyer 27. M . Gravina 28. D. O'Farrell 29. M . Sammon 30. M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32. D. Boyer 33. J . Mollroy 34. B . Conti 35. S . Manassa 36. D . Tonkin 37. S . Mikunda 38. A . Sweeney 39. D . Beck 40. Z . L . Curran 42 . T. Cleveland 43 . J. Lowrie 44 . M. McIntyre 45 . A. Zanatta 46 . C . Hanley 47 . P. O'Dwyer 48 . B. Pawsey 49 . J. Trimboli 50 . C . Bailey 51 . 52 . T . Jamieson 53 . M.Murone 54 . A. Trimboli 55 . S . Drum 56 . A. Twist 57. L. Koutsovasilis 58 . 59. 60. 61 . 62. M . Fennelly
63. R . Gale 64.
CAF . Y>ue. E40tin 6t iNlacwm, D602 346 D
C . McKay D . Waters O. Abrahams P . Sullivan C . Kitney
6 . M. Robinson 7 . P . Boot h
11, M . Webster (VCRS) 1 2. M . Feferkranz (R-oap ) 13. A . Preece 14. M . Zaghloul 14. G. Dar r 15. P . Barge 16. M . Atkins 17. A . Webster 18. 1 . Gillespie 19. A . Snaidero 20. D . Fairchild 21 . B . Cookman 22. A . Lindsay 23. D . Exton 24. G . Wilson 25 . C . Glover (DVC) 26. M. Thompson 27. W. Watford
33. B. Kerkl 34 . B .Joycz 35 . P. FttEa.lwad 36. M. Hanten 37 . G.Fxday"wn 38 . D.Hellman 38 . M. Eb3ya 40 . S .Cavar 41. C . McDmsd 42. 8 . Sleep 43. S. Lynn 44. 1, Ne6bob 45. J .Ray6aol 46 M' Pdixk 66 . R.Gilo . . J .OiSadn 67 . 68 s47 . J . GO 48. P.C~eman
I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
9. D. Comer (Capt) 10. M . Be azley
26. S. Faiaeattwr 27. 0. N bi 28. A. Meter 29. C.Drysdak 30. S. nedlwy 31 . 0. Wartane 32. J. L}vx h
DItiC W Lt PRESTON 9484 6006
1 . J. Bame rt 2 . A. Howard 3 . D. Woodley 4 . R. Verma 5 . D. Fleming 6 . C. Young 6 . S . Harries 7. B. McGrath 7. J. Pertzel 8. J. Dixon
65. 66. 67.
68. 69. 70.
Toro M -ruc n . .nTCr io
.- ., . -
Senior Coach : Shane Young Reserves Coach : Roger Brow n 1 . A. Krzywniak 2. M. McLennan 3. M. Reid
Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Reserves Coach : Darren Cadd y
4. M. Talbot 5. A.Olliver 6. A. Augustine 7. L. Fildes 8. S. Lennox 9. M. Fisher 10, J . Williams 11 . A . Fitzgerald 12. G. Bennett 12. A . Alderton 15 . S . Magee 16 . N. Perry 17, A . Rickarby t8 . P. Roac h 19 . A. Mandylaris 20 . D. Kolimorgen 21 . R . Oakley 21 . C .Jackson 22 . K. Farrell 23 . A. Pryor 24 . R . Carter 25 . S. Nikas 26. T. Ward 27. C . Gilmour 28. P . Woft 29. J . Murc h 30. K . Teschendort 31 . S . Murray 32. B. Williams 34. R. Smith 35 . S. Mercer 36 . B. Pollock 37 . T. Mitchell 39 . A. Fischer 40 . B. Patterson 40 . C . James 41 . J . Murchie 42 . G . Sloan 43. J . Howden 45 . M. Bilionis 46. M. Barber 47. D . Wilson 48. A . Grant 49. N . Winter 50. S . Williams 55. C. Toms 56 . R. Brown 57 . A. Mclachla n
59 . T . Ferrer 61 . A. Witt e 63 . 65 . 66 . 68 . 71 . 78 . 79. 80. 84.
R . Sherman N . Treuleson T. Lennox G . Bilionis B. Alderson R . Saunders H . Bickett A . Palfrey P . McMahon
1 . D. Supelr 1 . M. Power 2 . P. Sigley (CCapt) 3 . A. Jenkins 4 . A . Parker 4 . D . Toll (R) 5 . J . Stevens 5. A . Atkinson 6. S . Ken t 7. T. Young 8. T . Steven s
9. M . Karayannis 9. P . Armstrong 10. M . Veal (CCapt) 11 . S . Tully 12 . A. Sturesteps 12 . M. Tozer 13 . A. Pappos 14 . C . Grinham 15 . G . Douglas 16 . M. Woods 17 . J . Lu k 18. P . Bisogni 20. T. Ryan 20. W. Millard 21 . J . Mansfield 22. P . Donaldson 22. P .Golding 23. M . Stewart 24. A. Corcoran 25. J. Maycock (RVCapt) 26. M. Tolley 26 . I . Roxburgh 27 . J. Weddle 27 . Z. Abousabha 28 . D . Jones (RCapt) 29 . R . Weddle (VCapt) 30 . E . Brophy 30 . A . Kobe 31 . D. Caddy 32 . D. Goad 33. T .Connack 34. T . Lame r 35. L. McLean (VCapt) 36. S. Pidot o 37. D . Stott 38. G . George 39 . G . George 40 . R . Davies 41 . L. Taylor 42 . S .Vaughan 43 . D . Banger 44 . T. Agushi 45 . C. Duncan 46 . A . Barker 47 . J . Wie r 48. B . Wilson 49. M . Wilson 50. C. Corcoran 51 . B. Shedbolt 52. P. Cargin 53. D.Craker 54. P. Wal l 55. J. Baud 56 . M. Shedden 57 . S. Barry 58 . S. Davies 59 . B. Etsworth 60 . S. Brophy 68 . C . Miller
~1 Uztmt John D . Veal PHARMACY
OLD PARADIANS Senior Coach : Dale McCann Reserves Coach: Paul Amel 1 . S . Vincent (VC) 2. P .J.O'Loughlin 3. J .A. Dallas 4. S .J. Philp (VC) 5. M .J. Harford 6. J .V . Geary 7 . P.G. Cosgriff (VC) 8 . P.G. Zappa
9 . T.J. Jackson
10 . P.A. Brabender (C) 11 . N .P. Willits 12 . S.R. Wallis 13. T.D. Wallis 14. D .R . Ciavola 15. NO . Kerr 16. M.P . Godfrey 17. B . J . Hart 18. A . Muleta 20. P .A. Nailer 21 . A .J . Farrell 22 . H. Bellis 23 . P .A . Walsh 24 . D.A. Digney 25 . D. Heffernan 26. M.B . Geary 27. K.C. Kenkins 28. B.J . Brabender 29. B. Powell 30. T.J . Mulligan 31 . S . Laferlita 32. A .J. Price 33 . M .J. Harrison 34 . P .J. Joyce 35 . J .P.J. Mills 36 . S .M . Swindon 37 . L. Rocchiccioli 38 . M.G . yea r 39. P.E . Reid 40. D .J. Baird 41 . D .J. Horsington 42. J.M . Swindon 43. M .P. Geary 44. I. Harford 45: P .J. Stephens 46. B . Flynn 47 . N .A . Ball 48 . M . Hudson 49 . T .S. Brain 50 . P .K . Monar 51 . S.J . Dunn 52 . M.L. Muscara 54. J.T. Mould 56. J.W . Tobin 57. J.M . Way 66. D . McCrohan 67. A . Villanti 58. L .K . Mansifled 69. D .J . Arthur
UV& ~rgy '[
T® ~
iCY ► &
Whitehall St,Yarraville 1'h : 9687 8722
Senior Coach: Simon Dalrymple Rese rves Coach : [an Wallace Assistant Coach : Michael Hadley 1 . S . Keneddy 2 . C. Robison 3 . A. Allibon 4. T . Norman (Vcapt) 5 . P. Van Der Hoek 6. R . Heath 7. A.Anderso n 8. S. Dalrymple (CC) 9. S . Hopkins 10. S . Hatfield 11 . R . Boxtell 12. M . Cumming 13. M . Donato 14. J . Stickland 15 . A. Parke 16 . M . Seuling (Vcapt) 17 . G . Hatfiel d 18 . B. Clarke 19 . G . Hudson 20. P. Board 21 . C . Phillips 22. P.Robison 23. A . Ramsden 24. T. Board 25. T. Harris 26. P . Beet 27 . L. Stafford 28 . D. Vargo 29 . A. Sealey 30 . L . Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32 . D . Glass 33. D . Heighton 34. P. Papas 35. L. Bennie 36. J . Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37. P . Dowlin g 38. R. Phillips 39. T . Antonopolous 40 . B . Burke 41 . D. Alysandratos 42 . A. Banfield 43 . M . Krivokuca 44 . J. Mollison 45 . N. King 46 . 47 . F. Cameron (RVC) 48. C . Smith 49. P.Johnson 50. L. Jervi s 51 . S. Gleeson • 52. 53 . 54 . 55, 56 . 57 . N. Kolitia s 58 . 59 . 60 . 80. T . Smith
Senior Coach: Des English Rese rves Coach : Chris Bye
1 . M . Petrevski 2. J . Woodgate 2. A . Shelton 3. P . Gorman 4. M .Ellio t 5. S . Ramsey 5. 5. Seymour 6 . J. Vaina 6 . G . Rossignolo 7 . P. Jones (RVC) 7 . J . Pole 8. 9. 10. 11 .
L . Hollow M. Growcock R . Egglestone D . Forbes
12 . R. Moran 13. M . Bosanko
14. J . Reddich (VC) 14. D. Ram m
15. G. Pinner 16 . M . Goodwi n 17 . R. Lyons ( RCapt) 17, G . O'Conno r 18 . B. Carter (VC) 18 . Liddell
18 . B. Milieki 19 . J.Amistrong 20. M. Ca rt er 21 . J . Thrush 22, S . Griggs 23. C. Bye 24. P . Mellon 25. M . O'Rourke 26. G.Carbis 27 . G . Smith 28 . D. Barron 29 . M . Hudson 30 . M.Tadinac 31 . S.Hollow 32 . S. Eastmure 33 . N . La Fontaine 34 . J. Gallagher 35 . S.0'Halloran 36. C . Rizz o 37. D . Castaldi (C) 38. B . Prendergast 39. S . Boyl e 40. C. Keay 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 .
G . Pignatelli M . Gauci C. Whelan J. Beason J. Brambles R . Collins D .Goodwi n D .Wriggleswo rth
C Section
A .J .A.X.
Senior Coach : Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach: Marty Halphe n Res . Coach:
Senior Coach : Don Scarle tt Reserves Coach: Andrew McGregor
Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach : Tony Da y
Senior Coach : Trevor Poole Reserves Coach : Angus MacGowan
.S~ay I1.. C ADay 2. A.Rr
Assistant Coach: Paul Hermann 1 . N . Strauss 2 . H . Burbank 3 . D . Welsby 4 . T. Dugdale 5 . D . Ardlie 6 . S. Olsen 7 . J. Senior 9 . J. Wilson 10. M . Oliphant 11 . R. Lile y 12. P . Ronchi 13. P . Herman 14. B . Edmonds 15. A . Teelow 17. M . Vickers-Willis 18. A . Handbury 19. A . Salter 20^ G . Coldwell 21 . S. Glove r
Anthony Bursztyn I. 2. 3. 4. 5.
J . Wrobet A . Kalinski J . Hopp e M. Dudakov M. Reic G .Rozenberg h
6. 7 . C . Cohe n 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15 .
M . Roseman (R .Capt) T . Burszty n R. Bloom M . Weisler D. Rosen J . Engelman Y . Report J . Kirzner
16 . P . Goldberg (VC) 17 . A . Cukierman 18 . J . Wrobe l 19 . M . Halphen (Capt) 20 . R . Hartma n 21 . D . Sheezel 22 . J.Dunne 23 .. J. Abraham 24- S. Sheezel 25. J. Feldman 26. B. Duzenman 27. D. Began 28. J . Brain 29. D. Matxs 30. A . Micmacher 31 . M . Chrapot 32. P . Steiner 33. D . Pa t
34. D . Gunn 35 . A . Rosen 36. J . Segal
37. A. Slade-Jacobson 38. A. Grundman n 39 . J. Skein 40, A. Redlich 41 . P. Naphtali 42 . E. Rubenstein 43 . J. Josep h 44 . A.Krongold 45 . E . Steen 46 . M . Nathan 47. A . Abrahams 48. L. Goldberg 49. D.Kalb 50. B . Grodski (VC) 51 . A . Traye r 52. S . Rubinstein 53. A . Sheffield 54 . D . Gelbart 55 . 56 . S. Frey 57 . 58 . M. Freid 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . M . Levi n 63. 64. S . Glassman 65. 66. 67. 68. S . Feldma n 69. J . Vernon 70.
1 . C. Le Grand (Capt) 1 . A. M eGregor (R) 2 M . CravAord 2. M . Beaumont (R ) '.. 3. S . McDonald (DVC) 3. C. Amoore (R) 4. S . Anderson 4 . A . O'Brien (R) 5 . A . Maso n
5 . D . Rogerson (R) 6 . A . Natol i 6 . R . Hunt (R) 7 . E . Melnjak (VC) 8 . D . Marshal l
9 . S . Morgan
9^ M. Luxmore (R) 10. C . Ferguson 10. R . Hetherington (R) 11 . S. Wills 11 . P. Mantis (R) 12. D. Anderson 12. B. Armstrong (R) 13. C. Thoma s 14 . F . Casette (VCR) 15 . S. Blick 15 . P. Buckley (DVCR) (R) 16 . T . Wright 16 . M . Lester (R) 17 . S . Helliger 18 . T . Worland 19 . A . Hullick
19 . C. Ditetosso (R) 20 . A . Power 21 .R .Tyrell 21 . A . Sher (R )
22. M. McKellar 22. A . Hunter (R) 23. J . Day 24. J. Rodder 25. R . Melnjak 26. D . Artz 27^ A. Sher 28 D. McConville 29 . M . Fletcher 30 . C. Scartett 31 . E . Panagiolidis 32 . A . Brown e 33 . R. Bulmer (R-Capt) 34 . M . Deuka s 35 . C. Day 36 . J . Ferguson 37 . S . Walker 38 . S . Green 39. K . Ivey 40. J . Harper 41 . D . Hobson 42. C . Buck 43. C . McGregor 44 . S. McGregor 45 . A. Williams 46 . B. Busby 47 . G . Kirby 48 . B. McGregor 49 . S . Peake 50 . M . Talbot 51 . J . Rogers 52 . T. Rush
53 . B . Johnson 54 . M . Sho rt 55. M. Clarke 56. W. Mills 60. S . Willison
AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock. 3193
2. J .Ga. 10. W 3.C.lA . 4. S. (
5. 1d .' . 6. T. ti . .s (oVC) 7. M . Bm:
S. R.Fk-iia
9 . D.W31m(C) B. J.Da5r 10. A . r It . M, Vaal it . B. Cronin 12. J.Atta 110 . &earza8o 14, 0, Howe 15. J . 15. D.6kkk0ah 16. J .Wa% 16. G . Cox 17. B. tkCwrnenkt It. A.Ca°ry(VC) it. P.Ib:* 19. D.Cocqer(DYC) 20. S.OFtpm 21 . G. Mas cn 21 . C,Payrw 22. LORim 23. P . Chevnbers 24 . S .PeaGce 25 . M. Sckes 20 . C .Carparder 27. S. Ttielaz 28. M. Edmonds 41 . J . + 29. J .Gc05 42 J._ : 29. S. Lam 42 D.h ..:zro 30. A. Tregararnan 43. J. t.. ,
30. J. Colds 31 . S. Edwards 32. M . Sims
44. V.( : r 46 J. G 49. N. Cs
33. D.Smairrqn 51- RC?t z5 34- P. Sexton 51 . D. @~ 35. M . G 5Z 0. @ . ,.. 3i. C.Pezartwdi SS C. ~ 36. A . McMtlflsh S& S . .. i 37 . A . Sheeh,n 57. B.Oay 38 . J. Graxmll 63. D . 0't 39 . U. B=.cdceiii (CA) 40 . J.0^ma 4 AC r
j L ~L =JL®
22 . J. Taylor (Capq 23 . M. Davis 24 . T. Peddle (VCapt) 25 . A. Aiken 26 . N . Kemp 27 . D. Morton 28. M . Taylor 30. A. Howells 31 . J . Nevins 32. G. Wilkinson 33. M . Wilkinson 34. T. Paul 35. D. Eley 36. A . Rigby 37. G. Stirling 38 . P. Beltrame 39 . D . Swan 40 . S. Bones 41 . S. Saunders 42 . P. Liascos 43 . D . Ha y 44 . E. Spiden 45 . L. Morrison 46 . R. Rice 49 . J. Smythe 50 . M . Robson 51 . A. Robson 52. S . French 53. B . Hicklin 54. W. Dodd 55. S . Furphy 56. C. Walker 57. R . Knight
58. C . Slinchcome 59. C . Olive r 60. S. French 61 . R . Oliphant 62 . A. Osboume 66 . B. O'Halloran 68 . J .Manton 69 . A.MacGowan
I! i) ' y
~ . U
OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach : Be rt Calvert Rese rves Coach : Jeff Norman I . A. Acreman (VC) 2 . C . Lea n
3 . B. Murph y 4 . G . Stroud 5 . C. Wallace 6 . D. Pate rson 7 . G . Ferguso n 8. N. Macquire (VC) 9. G. Pride 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15 .
B . Stanfo rth D. Solley G. Dickson S . Sharp A . Richmond C . Davi s
16. S. Samild
17 . L . Richardson 18 . T. Boumon 19 . D . Kitto
20 . N . Moodie 21 . T. Lenten 22 . P. Harrington 23 . R. Large
24 . D^Johnson 25 . J. Winduss 26. G . Da rt 27. G. Katres 28. M . Bond 29. A . Carter 30. M . Brooks 31 . P . Flaskis 32 . S . Flaskis 33. C . Gardiner 34 . D .Holland 35 . D . Murphy (C) 36 . P. Russ o 37 . H . Webster-G riffiths 38 . B. Sherri(t 39 . R . Beynon 40 . T. Leonard 41 . C.Modey 42 . C.Ruswort h 43 . C. Bes t 44 . D. Sarah 45. C. Leaven 46, J. Norman 47. J . Konicanin 48. D. Johnsen 49. J . Donovan 50. G. Richards 51 . K . McGrath 52 . A . Szadura 53. S . Ki@ o 54 . C . Sheddon 55 . M. Stanojevic 56 . M.Leone S7 . T. Ryan 58 . D . Coventry 59 . C . Furben 60. D . Nock 61^ C . Dwyer 62. D. Murphy 63. T . Hancock 64. M . Austin 65. D. Murphy 66. S . Mullin 67.
68 . 69 . M . Nash 70. S . Bateman 71^ T . Kersley
ST. KEVINS ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach : Tim Ha rt Res. Coach : Glen Taylor senior coach : Reserves Coach : Brad Berry 1 . M . Kinsella 2 . S. Zakic
3, J. Sebire 4. V. L'Huillier (RCapt) 5. M. Murray 6. A. Ryan 7, D . Diggms 8. B . Beasley 9, M.Jones 10. C . Ross 11 . M. Hecker 12. C. Stewart 13 . D. Goodchild 14 . P . Lerman (Capt.) 15 . D. Goodchil d
16 . S . Napier
17 . A. MacGeorge 18 . J. Tull y
ig. B. Tomlinson 20. T. Lamb 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
28. 29. 30. 31 .
G . McDonald S. McCarthy T. Peck M. Manson D . Smith S. Hecker D . Johnston
D . O'Brien J . Sanders M . Dols J . Selby
32 . J . Dickinson 33 . A . Walsh 34 . C. Meyer 35 . R. Bilos 36 . M . Beasley 37 . M . Connolly 38. A. Hayes 39. A. Wilce 40. C . Johnston 41 . D . Hendrike s
42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
A . Thompson (VCapt) K . Goodchild J . Recupero R . Gould O. Late r
47. B . Hambridge 48 . B . Hutchinson .' 49 . D. Bueno .' 50 . N. Tully 51, M . Mifsud 52 . A. Keamey 53 . M. Firth 54 . M. McCraw (VCapt.) 55 . P. Dywe . M. Zaki cr56 57. M. Lomagno
58. M. Leyden 59. D .Taney 60. J . Fertile
61 . R . Mulquinney 62. B .McShane 63. N .Hayes 64. B . Griffiths 65 . J .Drury 66 . R. Pric e 67 . C. Ambrosini 68 . C. Price 69 . P. Walker 70 . D. Marshall 71 . A. Whitelaw
t. 2. 3. 4.
B. Burden J. Dynan M. Chapman (DVC) A. McGuiness
STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach : Terry Walsh Rese rv es Coach :
Senior Coach : Allan Fleming Reserves Coach : Wayne Coope r
Senior Coach : Des Meagher Rese rv es Coach : Gary Katlinikos
Charlie Capiron
I . B.Rfan
1 . S. Papaioanou 2. B. Byro n 3. A. Smith 4. R .Ward 5. J . Bubi s 6. B . Pelligrino 7. S . Plan t 8. A. Fellows . Doilman (DVC) 12. M 9. Y . Capeci 13 . R. Bowle s 10 . P .Bullard 14 . J. Bare 11 . L. Alberti 15 . D. Fox 12 . A. Volpe 16 . B. Ga rvey 17 . M. Te rzini 13 . G .Scarpa 18 . N . Ha rt 14 . M. Patmore 19. D . Sheeh y 15 . L . Del Papa 20. A . Varasdi 16. D . Farchione 21 . J . Quirk (DVCRes) 17. D . Gorski 22. J .Macey 18. F. Arcoraci 23. P . Ryan 19. P . Ristevski 24. P . Meagher 20. L. Alabakis 25. N.Goldsworthy 21 . E . Lentini 26. B. Kennedy 22. L. Saflese 27. R. Gross (VCapt) . Farquha on (DVC) 23 . R.Dimaggio 28. M rs 29. A. Mount 24 . B . Smith 30. P. Hagerty 28 . G.1Wta1 66 25 . R. Kennedy B. Clarke 31 . M. McNe e 29 . D.Omirr~ 67 .. S.Erar~ 26 . C. McNeil 32 . B. Noonan (ResVC) 130. J.D~re 68 27 . S. D'Avoine . W.l~r¢ies 33 . S . Denton 3.MM 28 . L . Moribito 69. P.Gren 34 . A . Donoghue . M ..32 a 29 . K. Harling 70. D . Sterran 35 . A . Thomas ( ResCapt) 4 33 . 30. C . Fellows . ACr an 36 . A . Noonan aml 3 . T. N CPred:sel 71 ht al 31 . D . Fletcher 37. S . Kennedy 3i.. P. Bae njer 72- R adg" . Colosimo 38. J . Herman .' M AId2u,r» 7 S. t36M 32. P bble 374. C. . F~sMo 33. J . Zaigo s 39. S . Gri 37. Krg 75 . S. Pike 40. D. Boyd 34. P . Mastraianni 38. D .f~lc 4av 39. ADbmaM 76 . B.Twey 41 . A. DeJong 35. A . Colosimo 42. D. McDonald 40 . D.&o:~8+xst 77 . Sk~naay 36 . Z. Fleming 43. D. James 41. A .Sezton 78 . G .Datis 37 . D. Dimovski 44. J. Drak e 42 . P. Keian 79 . M. Mc 38 . G. Scot t 45 . T.Bare 43. A Preud W. R Phvlan c 39 . O .Essen 46 . D . DeRooden 44. SOizmxb 81 . RtkFas 40 . N.Iulianglia . Brady (Capt) 82 N . Alters 47 . M . 45. W.D=rtem 41 . D.Brooks 48 . B . Howard 4& A.Strafad 83. LRifqs 42 . J. Bubis 84. ld.Shde 49 . J . Moore . M . 47 " D. A3un 43. A. Latouf 50 . M.Durrant B. ..,' 48. B. M scaf 86. A .Bwrke 44. A. Ward 51 . D . Wilks 49. lABsBcn . C.,k4udae '.. 52 . P . Lewi n 45. A. Insitari 50. Al DAgaeu 87 88. J. 53. R. Quirk ' 46. S. Sam i 51. J .Fraxt~j 54. S .Game B. J. AkD"uFi 52. B. T~rnao 47. D . Plowright 90. S. RkNamxa 55. M . O'Shea 51 B. Dike 48. 56. J . Shepardson 54. S. Greg 91 . J.Tlxirstield 49. M . Withers 57. S .Dillon 55 . LMa9aN 92 . S. Patterson 50. A . Maloney 58. S. Charles 56 . B .Katami )mYi 51 . E . Valentino 59. T. Hart 57 . K .GEzesm 52 . L. Smith 60. C. Sing h 58 . E . Krtarraw,sla 53 . P . Battistia 59. K Gkeson 54 . J . Rocca 55 . P . Valeri 56 . R. Geremia 57 . 58 . M. Reid 59 . 60. M. Bardsley 61 . G . Skaf 62. T. Staios 63. M . Grech PUBLISHING 64. F. Valeri 65 . S . Holmes 66 . D. Pougios St„~' N 67 . N . Grech 68 . 69 . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 .
R . Callanan A . Morgan A . Ha rt D . Williams G. Smith D. Moore D. Ryan
2. t1.Aaalao ko 3. H. Fbxard 4. S.Cnnrys 5. A RSct'ram & M.Bjan 7, G . Ha}esDewar 8. G.Baker 9. G.Heat/ to. J.Handieti '.. it. J.GacSxa 12 . ARn6ro 13. S Neesai 14 . Wood 15. !A KLe k t& P. PZgers 17. D .Wkm 18. RWaa rr; 19. ld Ykigrt 20. A W&l 21. At WA v c 22. P.0'Sl#ian 21 L. Swan 60 . P, Davis 24. P.C}actm 61. ht Tkaz 62. A.Akl~on 25. P.Dpw n 61 F.Khoare'ss 2& B .Jackun . 64 .B a J .~ 27. ADabkn .D
1 . M . Powe r 2. M . Bateman (C) 3. R. Pasqualotto 4. 5. M .Robinson 6 . C. Houston 7 . P. Cochlan 8 . M. Heat h 9 . C . Maguire 10. B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12 . J . Begley 13. T.Hughes 14. D . fianagan 15. A .Lacey 16. B . Vandenboom 17. A . Carbon e 18. P . Begley 19. C. Andrews 20 . A. Pavrlick 21 . P. Haseler 22 . J. Bonny man (ResC) 23 . P. Ciardulli 24 . J. Ciardulli 25 . M. Vernal 26 . C . Ryan 27 . M. Jackson 28. C . Fames 29. C . Harris 30. P . O'Brie n
31 . N . Jenkins (C) 32. M . Carbone 33. G . Feutri l 34. S . Lowell 35 . C. Law
36 . J . McFarlane 37 . P. O'Brien 38 . R . Vujkic 39 . J. Naismith 40 . A. Thawaites 41 . T. Carrigg 42 . D . Naismith 43. N . Elliot t 44. M . Bateman 45. M . Lester 46. G. Johnson 47. S . Habjan 48. M . Rei d 49. P . Dodd 50. B. Kelsey 51 . L. Eames 52 . S. Alexander 53 . J. Alexander 54 . S. Gillen 55 . M. Duffy 56 . B. Calleja 57, A. Heath 58. M . Smith 59. R . Stopajink 60. M . McDonald
s~ " n~nnsesr-i
Sizzler ,,c S,,- lr"`g
B IN ®
Your On TI-me Printer _-----
D Section
CAULFIELD GRAM . KEW Senior Coach : George Voyege
Senior Cooch: Garry Nicholson Reserves Coach: Neil Flyn n
1 . 8, KM (WC) 3z G .
2. P 37. N.VaI 3. L .- ... 31 T.tF3! 4. 54.~.r 34 . J.MCGO 4. S.F 35. P.Werson
S AL .- ::1 1 S.Narftn(DVC , 6 J. Tmhr 37 . A ." 7. D.'„ 3& STWA 8. 11 39. P. Cu'j^ I'M I. D . . . 40. !d . 9. & : 1 41. A &6k: 10. R.C 42 D.ltry'n 10. AS 43. S. " 11 . R . bkY:- 4 S. td G-* 12 P. 1+^1 1 4 N. Pam 13. at 4 S.Yxis 14 . AC . 47. J. " IS, I .,_ 4& D. Way
49. D.OAky
17.; ~. P.T~c I8. Dt 51. D.Slaldrata 19. P.1„ .,VC) Si B NA 20. M 0.. ; Si J. tJrt0x: p. N.FymWl Si R4At't#A 21. P.Stsral )DVCI54. S. S7.6 21. AKera(RSdC)5S C .Otfwa 7t J.IkS{7R'C) Si C ., .- . 2 1 T.Fde 57. S. i
23 A Had
E8. 0 ..
24. O.fxrnei 59. AI -Ke 25. J.Shetrae 60. A f a W.MJT; - 61 . RI 27. K .Ve41(rt.OC)E2 AI 28 B .Lwy(Px,C) 61 D.E: y 23. S . Fr> ;~ 84 . P.6"-m 33. AE,n (C 4 &5. G.l ::_:iqz#s )31 . P.CV
r h lj:, 4~'IVE+i 1~~~
Res. Coach: Matthew Scholten 1. &Mk7eds 29. D.5t¢ztaid 2. kLlkM a DAM 2. C.M:cst 31. 1 F6k~ry 1 C. Boyd 32 hL~~ 4. F!YasW' a"l &Ham S. W.fkya 34.'sm 6. AW6(yC) 3a ALawerc? 7. J. bxbs 36. C.WaSkp & S.CmaI-Wahh 37. htSclidei
&Ly.>;v 39. J.------ ) (RVC) IS. G .HaM if . ALC35s1J 2 J.Fzrw 11 D. Go o 14 . S.Kkse I5 S.Arid L T. 11,70 7. G. W iars 8 . a Rate I9. J.W7& -le 20. H.Yek 20. klKbs? 21. N.Bratner 2L M. bra 21 D. Ash 24. KD3•ld 25. T.ftes %. S.W01s 27. J.Rp 23. T.Can
41 . kLWsak 42 D. S 42 C.M 4 RF 44 . N7 45. M. : o 4& C. ( rcF 47. LS*m 48. J.Rs}~ 49. ldParrscm so. T. Pa;rr4w 51. K1s~i,i 54. tLS.Bvv 55. ld C res(RVC) 59. S.IG~ 61. d M,~ha 67. J C:asstas 71 . C.&v~r '
73. Gldyko~ . 89. T. Acted
Stillwell F o rd
PRINTED LABELS F805E(03)40 744 RAX(63)64652147 rrQGIIiilf 1,661hfDt Qud4If C1ien1d"
!~' ,t.
Senior Coach: Laurie Zara4a Rese rves Coach: Mark Rowe 1. P.I M. F.N* 2 AI 33, tAFlrtra 3. F .; 40. L Mara 4. D.1 41 . P." ! 5 S. 4?. P .E 43. AV 44. 1 11 . P. `145 4n Z rsk 47 . C . 48 . A. 49 . S. , 50. B.&sry 51. VS~ss ec 53 w. : c 54. L , 5i T, Si A. E9. N.Fz, . 57. M.
24. RN . 7a P .P 20. G.6t c 28.S.F 21. LM 37 . D.U 31. C.A 3?. 33 C.H 34. G!P e. G. p 3 . W. L 37 J. P,
71 . 7L 73
Senior Coach : Robert Bayley Senior Coach : David Rogers Reserves Coach : Tom Vane Reserves Coach: Ian Hildobrand i . T.Ftg* 35. R.&wro(RS 1. J .VC) 2 . GPtla 3G 2 D.Cz~ ~) . AS~:f i 1 R NATO 37. & MCRIM 1 C. IRO 3I.lA SN11 4. D.CIwalor i S?-'S 4. P. mado 4Q P.b d 5. J.8ar4s 39. WW S D.A;;ss 41 . AKers 6. C.1k{e 43. P.Pa 6. B WsW 42 IA S sn 7. DNC4: 41. ii L'n 7. P.FWrr 43. R R 80.Bearieft 44 . AG 9. A( 43 at :. ;- . L BVrq 45.dC}' 18. &C*nPPL) 44. P.Ge,. fA J .KUq 46 DJ 11. AParrs 45 D .!@..a 11. Id. Sim 47. S. Ma Ta 2. D. :w 46' W.Ratt 12 J.C.gtae9 48. C. Lop 11 C.yiat 47. D.p+. M 13. Rkdm 49. iL SLft 14. J. We 14. J. Go 15. T.GazdoLks p JLZ 51 KFad I5. 16. D.WaW(DiCqN 50 51. T.CCti2r . S.K3d~as 16. C.D#n 17. &tlran~a 51 . J.Kedzs Si d m 17. Y .Cdrties 16. klGg(1C~ 52 I.F~ Si 1&G' ~I 19. RBarF 51 C St. N. Dxzo .Cirssa 19. D. Bata 1 S . Hyrum 54. N.PN~s 5$. DTnnce 21 . D. Hamm 55 . &lkGa!d!e ,..' 23. G.H•m SE. A we'sm 22 . J.Pa.m i &w* 21 . C.Abmt1S Si. APmrd 2J. TN 57. N .L~,yirr$ 12 A Mom 59. H WYMN 24. B.Ot^ast M . D .RCatm 21 P. Whit 63. A1Fr1r&m 2S D.WrqY 5 . T.Psiu~s ffi . P.t#de/ 61, !d&Uk% 26. P. 27. D.Newran Si J. By, 27. RFUpn 3 ~'V.W~ 2& S. ikf*: 63. S.Fary1n 28. Ltkrc,m ~. A~ 23. AFlaaftry E5. D.Wwi 23. ALDak~k(f~tJ 61 SHk "raav'dx 37. P.&2Ehj E6 . 6LWzd~r 3). D.Cnclrr.i fA. D.tzY,x 31. J .S~hhC) 63. NJ'r31. AWeffi(Pas.DYc) W~ 3? G.Ylafcy 70. N. ; 3. J.Brz;d 98 S.61ra 33. 3AL Srdh 71. AP r 34. 8. C~sky 72.P. i 34. L' A~i n I D.Nx3~ 75. 5.E 3& H.C%r-V 18. S.& 37. J.Arrk@Sa a P. Tudry
Senior Coach: Stove Mooney Res. Coach: Mark NicFase n i. 37. S.Va 2. kLta7:n 31 P .Y" 3 N.Ncam(faCl 39 S i' S.V"-., 4 33. ASS:~a^.sm 2. RP . B.LaBrvrpl}'q 40 C4 . 40. &Sc~B;RI . BA . ... 3. ~ e 41 . ARatira . it iio 4. ILVi S .Gaaran 41 42. R.1F>Jrg.ez 5. J.B< e 1. RBs;k 42 T. 43. P. " 6. A G . S. G .PZtenS 43 D .Im.4:. (' 44 . RHVy:.3.:s .' 9. APxtje 44 . S.PtTter 7. W.K'NG) 45 J.Snrr,d 8. AS3rirar5q ..' t0, kCoar.a8z; 4i N .SbkJasn 4S J.PeM ii. D.Hah 46. 9. J.l431:«ramaa 47. G . W~'cq 0. B.P,a~sm 12 J.Swan 47 . J.Cttaj ((ta-0VC) 48. J.Frra l . A.PC; 13 Stii,m 48 . S.k4;r1n 49 . RPtapi 14. &Stsrcas 49 . t2 . k1.kkCa'iry 50. G.Pa2:dam IS G.PaRwn(D'P) 5'A R.D,,,,A 3. C. PM 51. GGan 14. LI E 16 W.Ctadst 51. L 5. Lk, 52. D.&.araral .Fenttvn 52 . SICNSE 53. R Fcx . SCaka}re(RtC) S3. /17 i6. G.C~ 18. C.Eszry 17. P.1 54 R Firs 54. SA of 19, ktRr;o 55. AOar 8. B.( ~5. R. LA«arsscAt r Darcy 19. A4..=_I ~ 57. S FM 21 . A Camt7 51 . 14. Ware 22 C.WaYk 21. G.F ;-:a~:tt5 S& H.PGs Si A Pr~Y! 23 &N Am 22, Nrs:,b 59. KWr%aJ 59. F. Lv}rd..w 24 . 2). T. R' ; 60. 60. P.Harv#,n 25 C .Wbm 24. G.R,~ts 51 . 61 . J, crow 2i G.Wzkrs 25, G.Ccnk Et K,H..irdsrn 62 A &%26. RWft ffi. RLr'"a 6S M.Vrtkr 63. J.LaVA 27. Wlm 27. K .Si. 64 . 28 . P. WA 64 . J.We 2'a B.C' . . . 6z FF62;r6jG1 65. R. Crozet 29. 29. C . 66. RC R 66 . B.CrSTA 30. C. 67 . M, W2694 3}. R0s 67. J . 31 . D. Pot 68 , 31. 1.CMH 63 ASt . . . 32 . F N=, 69 . !1 F€re2 32 G.ShRr 69 . P.IG 31 P. P3.:.2 73. 70. B.& . .: 34 . T.Rw 71. 31. 0.J4,wc . R. S 35 . fl.FUte 72. 3z J.Scea 71 ;6 . G. .tra- 71 Si J.Dd~sry F. B. .Pih 74. Jetr»ssYeii > 3& A Waal
Senior Coach: Derek Hine Reserves Coach: Nell Walimeyer
Senior Coach: Mark Flack Res. Coach : David Miller 1 P.1' 61 J. Gay 4] . B.Corotm 3 D.42 P.DH;kral 4. T.VatD.nADZrX 47 8, W) , S. C.Keeq 44 FOhirawara 6 D.Diuc1eAW45 S.Fuda 7. 166ryty 46 C.6qas 8. T.0Ap ®. J.OHesa 9 A6rtae 48 APWm 18. P.Da;cm 49. At6s,#m ldCS~N.€e 1z GPrGisn SL Akkya re 13 d Pxkb 52 J.IreI 14. D.Ctrrgn 53 4La•k4 IS A01k4 ;!. J.G7xs IS P, 111 ;1-a 55 Rcat 17. LR'a ;d D.iFinai 18 G S." 57. D. &aJ 19. P. Y2D) .~ 8.I1Jir:! 21 AG3 59 D.E#a 21. SY;n 67 S&:cik 22 A_.,~s 61, 1 1e"; Zd. 5 tit .-:*,1 E2 G1ury 24. D~:-~ 61 0 . Pm 7 V E4 J07a E S65 8ttirlv.y 21. P.&:i^ . &t~ 28 IAP 61. S .Watll 4 S P 64 It Pre*a 30. R : 9. J Dmm 31 . Y . -t 71. Omer 32 A73 O' Cam 31 AN M S.Hxra~^azy 31 . 11 7 G Dm E. S, . .7 t0. RWo x c1 MSPk9r+ 37. NC4;
a P, Bolt 39 &y4m
Senlor Coach : Martin Loggo Reserves Coach : Rick Jamas 1. LChdmail 42 . &5hr:arJ 2 1.Jantt 43. T.Wa3a4 3 . Aww N. 1.HO•es 4 . B.Ta}M 45 . AGak S. S}4.nkrs 46. N. 6. AF&M 47 . P.Lus'm 7. P.K=.faud 48 . 15wam S. S.Lrdkan(VG* 49 . AH:r4 9. D.Tab1 50 . yWyam 10. E.Sr1 : t 51 . ANftize it. AK1rmICVJ 52. T.Evtr,y 2. J.Whm Si lLWaksr 3 C.P0,nm 54. P.Rohve H. S. kdscn 55. L i5. ASpot V Y. P 16. D.Wa#r 57. LTh3ras It k Coca 58 . REM 18. D.I'xgs 59. T.khdm It. AVI~:~ 6t, N. NWj 23. D .Praan 61 . G .Da4In 21 . S.&x Si ALSIo1 22. N.Saaxr 63 . VI.EaI 23. T.Sr,T~ 64 . S.Cnindall 24 . D.Nbag.v 65. RNzsh 25. A.T4t 66. D. Church 26 . G.YCwg 67. S&alm 27. 8.011Sra 68 . J.Gan 29 . B.Lft 69, D. Palm 29. W. thdge 70 . P. CftNL9 X. J . DOOR 71. A. Stradna 31. J.Havab 72 R. Lee 3?. M. SX41 73. W. AWBatson 31 AEt1m 74. C . Town 34. 75. RCollff 35. S. lhmsar 76. P. PatiaJ 36. D.Esury 77. W. Forward 37. FL Eon 78 . D.CI>as!en 38. D.ALx 79. D.7,kDenakl 33. C.Erms K &Constancc 47, Ivy 81 . P. Fahey 41 . D.Sn
PATTERSON CHENEY Ringwood • Dendenong • Sth Melbourne 9262 6666 • 9215 2222 • 96626581
UNIVERSITY RED S Coach : Michael Farrell Rese rves : Grant Hammon d 1 . G . Schoo 37. D. Herv.~ra1~ m~ 38Allaa e 3. D.I' m 33 . AGt:rq~ 4.E.n 46 S. D.° 41 .H.TrJ EP.,. ak 42.B.OCasKK 7.J.P 43.T.Ja~sm 8. Id. 44. P.W'ttt'e 9. 0 . S5(k~y
t 0. P.-s . 411 . Pau?ax 11 .8.47.APakrr. 12. D. ; 48. P. SmaEsrsk 3.M.Jzces 49.N. ;. At 14.B .Te:r# ~,Cn ji, 15. P.Kaeq $1 .T 6.N .Mazs, 51 .i . A Bizzad 51 LA7 18. id.1~ha, 53. . Ytq k ~ N. M1 G 20. G Cak 55. D. ; +s 21 . S Pei~t 56. G} 22 . R0Bz 57 . O 7 23 .ATi- .n ~,I,(pa~ 24.C.T ~ (&.flGrzw 25. 8. fi 60 Id kw 26 S.f 61 .&F•? 21. S.' 62. C. ParrA 28. B., 63. R.Ket'o 29. P. , E4 V; . 0. 1 :ro 31 .A . 31 . R
32. S.i., G.Fr, x 71J6- hoy 34.L .P." ;. 6Ll G3 f«.,o 72P 1 S. .~~r 35. A AkKe=q 774 . G. Grzch 36. R. Ryan 75 . PWue . 36. T. u;xhe3 &D. G B
E Central Lp, TROBE UNI . Senior Coach: Shane Rule Rasarvos Coach:Barry Purnell 1,1p . - 49.ABaskB(VC) 0R& 41 . J. Murray 3 SPredict= 42 D.Lyroh ADDle 43. KDusran
44. P. SlAdbery ,.. 5 S Ca4a'1 D.s;aseN 45. S.Twrer &Fuvd 48 . D.W*
NEWLANDSCOBURG Coach: Rick Ma Mords had Senior Reservos Co~h: Mkk 1 . P. Cooper 2 . F. Denarta 3. K. Frost 4 . N. Papadatos 5. D.Manikn 6 A. Webb 7.W.Ceri 8. J . TanasHlo 9. D . Griffin 10. M. Hayes 11 . F. CoscareNla 12. 13 . G. Ristic 14 . S . d 15 . D. Morris 36. P. Keppel 16. 37. G. MameN 17. 38. D. Grigeelt0 18 .M .Lowe 39.J.Augwstaks 19. 40. D. GBTmis
. O. ParNy & R .cgag 47 P.Ed'rnet 4B, L ara 9 N.M9 D. « WBea^h 7ary ig RG,~w~ 5~1 . M 4.E~c~n S~. J.Ca~s &H:,`as 51 J. MAdism M, Laws 54. L Chadwick B.Brasov 55. AQanrr~V 17, htt`;-s, B m . COMPAS E 57. f t Cara 20. 41. A. Chapple ~y ftp+a' 59. S. Pace 21 . R . Madinat 42 , 59. B. ®d 22. D . Femessy 43 . 23. T. Rlmrnan 44 . D. Griffiths 2L D.~Em i~hPlCp)f0 . K.P~amef 22 J. S9 -1 61 . S. Band (R~CV) 24. P. Davies 45 . 25. J . Relate 46. M . Cooper 23. S. D. . `4) 62 S. Mayree 26. P . Mardni 47. 24. SF4. : k 63 C. Black 27 . 48. 2 T.M:64. T.Wdan 28 . R. Banana 49 2;. P.Gra 664. D, Bri . A(so m5 n 29 . 50.' C . Hayes 27 . L R{a . R SO" 30. 51 . P. StePen 28. M Si 66 31 . 52. 21 P. SF - .: 67. D. Steety C ^ : . 69. R. Brzzdi 32. P. Pashakls 53. 33.R.Gnlliths 54 . 31 . S1 . in 70. 1 . McCleary r„2 µi . 11. D.StKed/ 34. D. Kepp~ 55 . N. Zambcdb 31 P.Lr 72 J .Al-e ..xder 35. R . Morris 97 . K . Moloney . ~ 34. TA -ash 7 3i. N .BcF~ r 1 74. P x G. Gzr 75, J . Faksy r. A. qtiiob 76 M . Byro 3?. C.Sullemd 77 . N.WOile 33. SArAxq
THE ROYAL OAK HOTEL North Fitzroy Phone 94814693 THORNBURY COUGARS Senior Coach: Gary Cutler Ras . Conch : Rod Robe rtson 1. B .Caller 2 Alkxar8'x9 3. ftBezesid 34 . P.AkDohaSi 4 . 35 . K .Ncman
36 R - (DV0)
6 P.C (W) 37 . G.Th?ahais 7. T.&
381 thGaf 39. SCar opas
i 40. SHwkJ 1& G.Thv : 41 . R Pms!on it . R..Lzsey Pzc 42 R6nno 12 S 43 P.Haros 13. 0. Carter V. DAr9'm (VC) 14. M. GDJ ard jIrCa;a) 44 . .4ras (DVC) IS M.Yaj 45 T .~MUma~os 1& S. Midxh(Rt'Cf 47 S 17.S 8 .BarpeB 4&AR>xa«i . P.Da&dts 19. M.Jchmkni 49 yy. AJCinsm ~' R~~~ 51 . AHtSr~uar 21. A Crae3 52. T. Norm ~ 2t W.Duson 53 . 21 54 C. A~^n6akis 24. D.M.n;al 5 5 25. O.8~y ~, A. Craks £6 . S.Passet 57 . D.&e§rer 27 . . Oliver c8 ~ . B.BEx.tanae `59 . 0. Pze . P.Arg{tou 29. RITOmism 60. G .10ak 30. AAkrica),is . P.Tteks 31. D . 6'aarRis ~. 61 S AWsby 32. A Hkak
THOMASTOWN o 4 .. Indoor Sports
Senior Coach : Gordon Burrows Rese rv e Coach: Peter Sacc o 1 . A. TxdeB (Caq) 2. D.Adirts 3. S.Had son 4. P.Dmarco ; S. J.Kaptis 6. V.GftW 7. J.8rBa 38 . D. 8. P . C ' 39. M. 9. J.Mder 40.S. 10. S. Webb 41 . G .
Coach : Alex Fraser Reserves: tan Stevens
Coach : David Twomy Reserves Coach : Andrew Hadley
11. J. Ba.dotuh 12. P.Uigar . P. Mean o13
14 . J. Hope 15 . 8.0'&'sn 16. L DartAAm 17. A. Kyrhts 18. V. RardeBo 19. 0.10551 20. G.taBai 21 . P . Sam 22. C. Fox
23. D. Elks 24 . Held 25.' G P.Gemracaro 26 . J.Buhwn 27 . P.RarkBo 28 . D. Lawton 29 . J .Saudars 30. J .Ttompsm 31 . G .W&h 32. J.Pdemicos 33. G. McCall 34. S .Moae 35. PAos -~e8 36. B. Evar¢ 37. B. TIM
42. J. Paparilb" 43. M.Snddo 44. F.M adri 46. C.Cwtesa 47. D. Wpm 48. A .X'rDxa 50. L. Rgazzi 51. S. Keay 52. T. Crams 53.0. AVwin 54 . J. Trd>et! 55. S. Sawwne 57. S." 58. 8. ( lark
59, C . Twain 60. P. Grey 61. H .Kaadan 62, S . Torcasio 63. J. Modca 64. F .MoQrca 65 . R.Ttarye
1 . dRpits 2 P.u . 3 P. 4 A5 S.' 6 C , 7. ROM & P.6~Jrt 9. JGsAp 10. L Rem it. &Pepd 12 Jlkare 13 P. Pa#m 1. JOwo 15 Sr~ ~ ty It S 90 sn a col. IT P.Ha N 41 . D.Tcb It L Reak U, J.C m00 19, a5LIM 41 G.Cathl A. Albsno a DPem 21. LSarr tt P.Br7 w 2t it LOW k. D.kvxd 21 JHrts tl. D.fraskg 24 . S.D' ~~ai 41 P.It.qn 25. Altas4i q. AHkksa 54. 26 P. Leo it Vero 27. D, By 51. S.Ggxt 21 D.Garry 52 K W 21 P.Chdky ale 37. 1km B S4 .G.
.', 31, fproDCj SS P . " yJ $
31.SCrse W#J' 6Rom 34. Atrmddr.iA S 35 D.tYd#D M A~ . 82.574040 ',~ P.T~t B 37 . JWakar M R~ a lk Ilctuld
39, ltTa"a
1 . B . BaaArd 2 .S .WtuCng 3 . L Blake 4 . A .0'Keek 5. A. Leitch
6. J. Fbrsburgs 7. D. Jago 8. A. Hwsburhj (Capt) 9. C. Winger 10. G . Crowe 11 . D . Roderick 12. G . Harris 41 . A. Jordan 13. M. Haley 42 . B. Gray 14. B . Srd81 . T. Geier 15 ADoani 43 . T 16 .S .Christo 44 . Marcus 45 .M.Cra{9 17 . P .tGrg 46 .Flower .G 18 . D. Outen . 47 . A. Hadley 19. D She a . Jorws 20. E. Szuskiehicz 48. S 49. S. Hewitt 22. P. O'Malley (VC) 50 ' 0 Valance . P. MarGnsen 23. S. Lefich 51 . A. Imella 24. L . Fair6eM 52 . Bal l 25. S. Leonard 53• D
Dangerfieki 26. P. Mesman 54.. B. 27. D . BIman 55 B. Green 28. C . Parsk+v (VC) ~ 29 . D. Harsdrtgh :~g. A .~C~n . P . Stewar t 59. A . Upscondx : 31 . J. Alan 60. D. Mora n
32 . G. Jenkmsar 33. G. Robson 34 . B. fdhti 35. B. Franklin 36. D. Moore 37. S. Cwnmfi 38. A. McCarthy 39 ' M. Garb
C. Bell C. Parsba A. ChriSto A.channan S. Sutton B. Vf4liams S. Thanpso n
40. A. Triainon
UNIVERSITY BLACKS UHSOB Senior Coach: Mark Sed gwick Reserves Coach : Gino Maua 1 . R. Fr~'~.+ ' h 2 . D&ebrer 3 . A.6a~a 4 . C.klcLemari 5 . C . Shone 6. S.Cracknell 6. K.Jaes 7. C .St:ms 8. M.S^dTnick
9. R•&* 42. D Wallace (Cap) 10. G. Kum 43 . A Bk h 11. C.Wade 44 . M Cmstrm 12. C.Amd 45 . G . Cook 13. P. McLean 46. Mibbd, 14. D.CamAlxas 48 O . " 15. M.Dar&m 49 . D . De Luca 16. P.Gunlhwpc So. D. ZM 17 . 8. Pdlrxal 51 J It . E.Hougan 52. TIRVoe18 . P.Hooptv 5 1 F.Bessi 11 G .. Macca arro 54. J . Pkfair 20. G. Wood 55 Mkach 20. P 21 . S.8:8akru ~''' W. W 57. D. Ted 22. D . Barnett 1 . D.MaB,,, 23. D .Knch . O.Smlh 24. N .Farrel 59 .On~en P 24. S . W~mson ~ .. M.Adams 25. L.Gars 61 . G . AmckmaR 26. C.Gaticercok 62 PaBdoi 27. KStrehan 64. C . ~ 28 . M .Pdtnvel ~_ J La d 29 . MDuxan 66 .Sdcdedco .D 3D . G. Jones 67. PSc:ea 31 . M .Vdper . M.Gan4be8 32 . D. Burn68. J. e Colard 33. P. Ek" am 6 Douglas 9 70. R ~n 34 . D . 71 . 8. East 35. J . M:Vr~rty 36. M. f>ktto 37. G. Catleral 3& A . Boyce 39. M. Rea 40. J. FtaraHrs 41. 1 .0'Caxie9
Senior Coach: Garry Connolly Assistant Coach: Steve Ptumridge Reserves Coach: Mark Ptumridge
1. G.Danodt 41 . G.Wrdsm 2. RHa& 42 D .H7an 3 . D. Manimy 43 J.Orfiti 4 . Mletier* 44. P.Fad:es 5 . 8. COingharn 45. J. Ban 6. J .Dsbaagh 46 E . ttwA 7 . C. K47. S. Cullen 8. D . Hallam 48. D. Mom
9. C. P" 49. M .FSclurtan 10, A. Kennedy 50 . T,Jesse n 11 . B .Smdh 51 . h.Pevila 12. N . Roberts 52 . MGr*am 13. T. Barks 53 . N. Swoons 14. M.Habn 54. M. Briggs 15. A .KOekOs 55. M. Mean 16. P. 5& C . Steqzm 17. H. Peycker 57. D. elbooll t8 . P.Wiew 58. D.Bqglay, 19 . J.Ward 59. L kkean 20.S.Lowe 60.3.Frzsw 21 . B. Ted 61. C. 22. T.tarrb 62. 23. S.BeNce 63 . 24. M.Fogsfy 64 . 25. N . Bo+Ras 65 . J. Trevaskx 26. D. irks 66. 27. M.Hayes 67 . 28. P . Lee 68. K Canardaz 29. AGlass 69. S.LK1k
30. D.Sa+rk 10. 31. N. Carah 71 . H . Keam 32 . L Pdschel 72. 33 . P.Hod9sm 73. 34 . J .Cadc 74. 35 . P.Con'w. 75. ,. 36. M. Be" 76. 37. J .Gadd 77.
38. C .Cudaha n
39. P. Hzrdon 79 . 40. G. Striven go.
W 1 S
Senior Coach : Phil Leathern Reserves Coach:
Senior Coach: Alan Elliott Reserves Coach: Tony Rya n
Nick Magafas
I . A. HwAm 40. RBaker (RCapd 2. J .Gray 41. S .Dares 3. REaslwaJ 42. E . KavaBerdos 4. G .Davies(Cap) 43. J. Tobin S. D . Papaiog9w 44. J. 6. M.Sassina 45. C.Ka+akmbs 7. F. VIA 46 . G.Soliaks B. Pliarsdon 47 . P. Kyle 9. J. Khoury 48 . L Brown
10. S.FyMe 49. J .ta:qaod 11 . S.Cocokra; 50. R CadcM( 12 . S. Richardson 51 . C . Hatzislum 13. J. Scfta 52. B. Farallon 14 . P.Rebirson 53. B .ChrYE
15. P.Mauughan 54. A .BaPar 16. S. 55. M Odiz 17.J .J~ 56.RR>dt9pus It. J.CvBn 57. P.Cack 19. S . Baryarrids 58. D.WNans 20. P .H'k .key 59. H McDonald 21. S .Mct4am~a ~. MKOrarcic 22. N. Maples (FG) 61. MR*ers 23. J. Dshone 62. B. Penro 24. D.Cooren 63 . S.Comx4y 25. G. Malone 64 . P, McGrat h 26. G. Newit1 65 . S. Dearargo 27. D.&arKat'saru 6& D.0's'sfo 28 . K.Bul'ar 67. J.Hasle 29 . D..MUtsler 68. MArderson 30 . M .Lew'r, 69. N .Lelsos 30. J . Spddg 70. ft Walam 31 . A.Mouchacca 71 . N .FEJia W 32. S.D'Andrea 72. A .Ssbetiesen 33. T.Ttanpscn 73. D.HOtre
33. G .Gtapp:l 74. A .Barlw 34. M.C~es 75. S.Sta~ii{ce 35. J.Taswhe 76. 1 . McNeice 36. C .REdwee 96 . P.Dcasham 37. S .Caom4es
S . War X A .Trsges N. Bezzad (S) 37. A . Bond D. Dawson (R) 38. T.Bedwkh A. Harry (Capl.) 33. T. Carter J. TuSC 40 . G. R=rd D. MaLead 41. L . Rickards 42 . M . Gramm D. Grieve C. Singluan (S) 41 M . Ofym D.Ero-GO(R) 44 .14.Bond B. Ham 45 . M.Oddc G .Case 46 . S.Kemredir S. McEadran 47. R .ISRta 48. K. Fowls LGrekarsH
12. W .Gaft 49. G. Bon s
U. B .Trist 50. D.Odrn 14. A .Dardal 51. D. Burk 5. D.Wfiie 52. M. Dolor 16. G.HerCeAs9n 53 . C.Ha1 17. S. Bryan 54 . 18 . T.La%7am it P. Derra: 20. D.Wt'dtam 21 . P. Sadler 22 . W. Payne 23. P.McNzmara 24. D, G* (S) 24. T Ryan (R) 26. D, Lee 27. 8 . Tuck 28. C.Tnk 29. M.t,ndersan 30. A. Cook VCao) 31. C.Mdcenzn 32. D. Terrdy (S) 32 . 5.0dm (R) 33 . T.Carcron 34 . G.Wanen 35 . R. Ktallarsld
38. B . Wa
39. T .Herderson
E South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Senior Coach : Jack McDonald Res. Coach: David Kilmartin 1 . S.Duke (R-0VC) 28 . C.Wakky(VC) 2. N . Pas7ra5 29 . T. Harthim 3. P. Snx;h 29 . S. Re;Path 3. C. Leeds 30 . J. fkr4lm 31 . P.Gucas 4. R .Vf Is 4. P.Cailns 32 . M . FaneB (R-DVC) 5. D. Leeds 33 . N. Deco 6. C D-~<.ce 34 . N.R ad 7 PA.-.. 34 . C.W . . . . 8. A 35 . A • S. R .L 3i . M . P----3T M . S y 0. td t (R-Ow) 10. Kin,..-, 37 . AJasin . as It :! 1 t . J. L . 38. A Toaney 12. N . ~ms 39 . D.AmS(rong 13. Sr'^"'•@.•'o..VC)40. M .S.dtwrhrd 14. 16. :•~ 41 . S. Brown 14. td. Stte. 42 . C. Car9s k 43. A. Kemp 15. AE n 44 . K. Taylor 16. M. 45. P. HWr 16. P. Kr* 46. D. P ark 17. D . Mdegan 16. P. Boyle (cv 47. M.Cader 48.P.Heyes ( R 19. C .Jmlas 49.J .Y 20. R M 50. R .Cariisk 27 . P .Sx~ 51 . N .Aix ade
22. M. Cox
23. ABa~ 53. M.6a:av 24. M.LawrEa 54. G .'~ . . p 25. J. H 55. T 6 : 25. D.Dnerrox1 56 . W.SL. ;.., .« 26. El+r:di 57. B.CuBarys 27. C. Loved 58. G . Larldin
OAKLEIG H Senior Coach : Rod Bourke Rese rv es Coach : Brad Osborne I . Ra° :fi. B. A 37. P.
54. A , i7 u. B. E5. 1 57. t °-8 [ 53. J. 60. A . 61 . 1 6?. T.
63. S . E4. P 69.k :-
Senior Coach: Mick Marshall Res. Coach : Mark Mussarod 1 . L16_ .1 Y. P.Har's 2 A39. RL• .3. M.A . . .~ 34 . A' 4 .D.Ti a P. . !E.@ S. BEn~ x5 . . .n 6 te:.37 . Pt!!~n 7. T.14 37 . D . BC .W R B. .. . ., 9. S. C! 3 2 . 0. : 10. RE YCI 40 kU it . F i x 41 . bt.' 12 S.t . "'tC1) 42 G.Cu 19. P.S . ) 4 B. d
Seniors =Ppolo Lmaanna Res . Cohomas
44 . J. E
45. B' '•ror5~ 4& B 41. P. ( 18. J. 48. A 19. M. 49. S. a IN 59. F~~ re 21 M.L 53, ft 2L Id.!! 23. NC~ 58 G~ 24. D.C59. AP 2;.. P .B , ( €-0. C l C 6 1 .0 . 27. M 62 A E 28. BI663. D.k . 29. S.M r 64, k1~. .,~ 31S .P-~ . 6SC .: 31.KN E6.R t 67. S . Pax
susURE~~L~ Phow. 95101313
1 . B.WY.,a 37 . B.H=Qz 2. A. LaRama 38' C Them 3 . T. Fk7 39 . N.Aonagnan 4 . D.Cssar 40. C. Craig 41 . S. Tat:rco S . R. tamama 6 . M .Seabco (VC) 42. N. Domed 7 . M .Kads 43. 8 . J.Jarts 44. B.OOaxW 9 . 45 . 10 . P.Jores 46. J . Crooke 11 . T. Rosler (C) 47. J. Wakcn 12 . L .MrAugf? 48 . H.Ka}pu . Krajawsky 49. D. .bnes 14 .M T. Beell-/ 50 . A. Std": 15 . A.Mradi 51 . A.Sh_ 16. J . Herd•-nn 52. S. Krek i1. S. At - 53. M. f'" 18 . P. Tt, ('dC) 54. C. . M . Rat 55. GA, '19 =-r 20. 56 B.Lc:._aa{ 21 . I .TLqmr 57. M.JOrns 22 . G . Sar4os 58. G . Nayar 23. S, Webster 59. 24, Z WC 60. J . young 25 . 61 . 26. 62. N .Mw6n 63. 27 . A. Wauop 28 . C. Murray 64. 29, M. Stewart 65. 30. P.Harfisan 66. 31 . G . Wen 67. M. Calendar 32. 68. S. Pylves 33. A.YaraJ 69. G .Fletder 34. L.Thanas 70. M.Nayza 35. 71 . R .Lwr.W 36. R Hag 72. 73. 74.
MONASH GRYPHONS Seniors Coach: Gary Ryan Res. Coach: David Ratner I. LWe% r1h'C) 36. P . 2 k4H#a .yCite) 31. JF2 8
3 A. Gsa3/ 33 . R
4. C.R56reon H S.! ._i S. D. King (tir' 43. D. E 6 G.RfmnU) 41. 0.(i 7. NKmz.i;s 4L P. h & J.NardO•d 43. M.( ..» 9. P. 44. R . 45. C.C-10P :_ t it. RWYkz 46 J.°-'-'s 12 DOyasrenct(CR)47 . P., : 11 klTcp 4& Li 14, 11. Legs 49. A . SD. SE 51. CA . . .~ . 5Z DJ 53.M . 54. P. @ 55. C.~~ . . .r 55J .: 57. L F 24. RSai 59, R Feel 25 D.Ktden 60. KWond 2a AD ds 61. D.L@RaeA 21. R.OOkbol El J .Tirar¢s?o a dLaWte 65. 0Bersa 29. J.FAr R C.Miva 30. P Hu•d 63. J. " 31. G.Roote ?Z Clam 32. ACr~ 97. S.Zacta'a 31 RFWA R C.0's:xn 34. GHerak (VC) W. T. Lee
MONASH WHITE S Senior Coach: Glen Cormick Res . Coach: Ronnie Lamb 1 . M, M 2 .J.Sim 3 . J. Boos 4 . R.Arglef 5 . J. M~dgw 6 . J. PMM 7 . R.Camk.k 8] A Fates
1 J.Fainea6`er 10. B.CcEa it . AFM'8d d 12 . M . Tossaaarzn 13. C. Rayoor 14 . C.CMmb?rlin 5 . H.Be h I6. t4.ttt5rg 18 . S. Dods 19 . G.VmiDe{ZaYn 20. M. Firkya 21 . R.Joms 36 . C.Have 22 . G .Ca~ 42 . M. Rhoden 23. J . C:rroB 43 . J. Etkmard 24 . M. McLean 44. RUM 25 . A.lA;BeN . A.McK'ssock 26 . S. Mrs 49. J . Cowley 27 . B.tklh'g 50 ~. G.Spr.gse • ~' R• ~m 76 . T. Hayaard 29 . M. Dobbs 30. M. Kre~ 32. J . SBrara 34, T.Co9Hy 35 . Lltolden
;a. R, -N-.=
i 7,, 1
, to 'c~ PENINSULA O .B.
Seniors Coach : Reserves Coach:
Senior . Coach : Peter Olivieri Has Coach: Craig Richardson
/IBA-- & U
1 . P.Varroay 44. M." 2.J .Haf 45.M, Boom 3. G .Scaizo 46, S_M,-Cardd 4. RDer&n 47. O.Nanw,n 5. M. B(ah 48. D. Phelan 6. D. Bush 49. J. Ryan 7. C . Richardson 50. A .SteW 8. S. Cross 51 . S . Wa#h, 9. A. Mans 52. A . Mf 1D. G .IAcCIltalgh 53. A .Ken 54. J. Dowfield Q. M. Maddox 55. H . M.Mles 13. W. Dodd 56. H . Lee 14. C . Hc'alard 57 A . Ryan 15. J. ScUIaM 58, T. Nest 16. S.Cravem 59. L. Taylor 17. C . Mdead % M. Engler 18. F.DW9e 6z J, ytds 19. J. Evans 63. B . McKenzie 20. A. SrAm E6. D. W* 21 . J.Derrstrce 70. R. Harwood 22. J.WOra!h IlT T. Fried 23. G. ScrGard 24. RWiftns 25. S. Evans 26 * J. Series 27. S . Lynch 28. J.Tu YSr 23. G. Newman 30. P .Harrison 31 . M.Ommsby 32. 8 .N"sm 33. R Tayor 35. C . W" :ms (6. A. Pd''- _cn 37. K.Te :< 38. PFt_'=n 33. J. GA 40. G. Arnold 41 . S.Cla~on 42. C . t~'arlan 43. A. Faker
Senior Coach: Peter Turley Reserves Coach: Damian Sutherland I . M.Bsuhe(VCa0) 2. M.Castyd 3& 0. 1 3. S .SulberIaM 33. B. C 4. B . Bownen 40. M F ~rd 5. M. Canavan (C) 41 . SA 6. M, CIA 42.A6:. 7. G.GasPari 43. T.Low 8. K 81261 44 . C. Host 9. D. SadB 45. M. Srsrer 10. D. Oliver 46. S. Brown It . R, Circuits 47 . R Epp 12. A . GisPaii 48 P. Kavaie}4 13. 1.6obetc 49. J .Nr;^,~i 14. P. Md(rup 50. B. Pce 15. T.Waseadge 51 . P. Boomed 16. A .Chaeo 51 T.1eni7 17. M. Forbes (RC) 53. 0 . S .SsPdair 51 .5..18 E 19. A .HeaNp 55.0. ; 20. A .Seager &i S.f tl 21 . R. NO 57. M.; 2 2. R.MamtieH 5 .4. J . . M ,T23 I ;go 24. A . Grace 60 M i 25. B.Kkdxw 61 . G .1 =be 26. C.Chusffn 62. LY a{ 27. M. MansikH 63 . D.',: 28. M. Byme 64 . 29. M. Fortrs 65 M';1-'a 37. D-Lawton (RVC) 66. E." - , 31. B.McLznFj 67. S. i 32. A . Stevens 63. R1 33. M. Wiseman 69. S.(.. 34. S . Roberts 70. C.Zes 35. T. Browne 36. S. Nolan 37. J. Braman
Senior Coach : Brett Sebire Rese rves Coach: Peter Lewis 1 . D. Fer€cch 2. M. Cosgrove . K. Wood 4. P.levJs (ResC) 5. O. Hfile6rar.] (VC) 6. T . Davis 1. K.Ga1Hr(Cap) 31RGrech B. D . Perro (DVC) 4D. D. 9. P.Em•ra8 41 . C.Fras S 42. C. Brown 10. B.S:bire(C) 43. M. Ban 11 . Pf 'a3xgos, 45. G . Berry 12. M. Davins 46. M .Grogan 13. A.Gar~ 47 . M.0arogttue 14. T.A mon 48. M.Wa&h I5. M. Su6'van 49. T. Evans 1 6. J .Mcca1hy 50. A. Ladds 17. C .Sufian 51 . M. Holova/ 18. T.SL&an 52. D. Fa r 19. D .Prasssr 53. D. Naaun 20. C Groves 54. 0 . Muplry 21 . D .Ba'.ey 55. M.Y4arraudes 22. P. FkaFiri 56. D. Hughes 23. M. Saiian 24 . A.Cousirs 7. B. &uns 56. J. Nocnan 26. P.Wft: 59. C.Dorwgon 27. M. ft 60. M.Cende9 28. M.OBr' (RC) 61 . S. Flannery 29. S. Hawker 63 . D. Ba n 30. N . Frerse 64 . R . young 31 . A. Walsh 65. C. Merb ~. 5. Ryan 66. D. Brennan 33. D .Arekew(RVC) 67 . G .Caprnro 34. P. fk4stinsat 67. D. Hark+ 35. M. Gram 70. C . N'.erk 71 . P.lkxFF#ry 3& C .SteT4ei5 37. 5. VBRby 75. M. Canqagra 33. S.Perazzo 76 . P.Can4agna
4as Landry oil Franks
1 . S . Parsons 2 . S . McMahan 3 . A . Mct.orinan 4 . E . Bowen S . A . Monterosso 6 . M. Warm 7 . N. Franks' 8 . P . Argos (Capl) 103. Trewititt 11 . A . Landry 12 . A . Campbell 13 . V . Brama6sarr o 14 . D. Warne-Svuth (VCapt) 15 . B . Coo k 16 . S . Ciadra}bokl 17 . L. Barclay 18 . S . Glow 19 . D. Sims 20 . C. Landry 21 . S . Baxter 22 . A. Aldusm 23 . M . Gaikuzo 24 . G. Bond 25 . A. Corke 26 . G. Nelson 27 . A. H=rde 28 . A. Thripp 29 . D. Morgan 30. R. Mined 31 . A. Gross 32 . A. Parsons 33 . R. Poole 34 . A. 0•Ne4 48 . J. Bieasby 36 . N. Bowman 49 . J. Vhdan 37 . T . Stewart 52 . L . Marks 38 . A. Boundy 53 . B. Fem»ck 39 . S . Taylor 40 . S . Marshall ; 6 . P. Helier 41 . S . Farrow 51 . A. Briggs 43 . A. Bonner Sir A . Watts 44 . C. Bowman 60 . M . Hayes 45 . D. Sm:vn 62 . d. White 46 . D. Brarrcatisano
. . . . . .. . ........ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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SOUTH SECTIO N by Damien Batey
e top four sides having pulled three game s ' clear of the rest of the competition, only a modern miracle could threaten to change the finalists as they move into the season's home stretch . REVIEW ROUND 1 0
APtZ Albert Park continued their efforts to revive their season last week, when they shook off a determined Monash Gryphons. In a hard fought contest, the Zedders finally cracked their first win at their new ground. With the lead see-sawing all afternoon, it wasn't until the dying stages of the last quarter that ANZ were able to set up their victory . The Gryphons let the game slip away from them, after surrendering their three quarter time lead. The hardworking ANZ defence proved to be the most telling factor in the Zedders two goal win, when it held out the Gryphons forward line in the last term . With their goals being shared amongst many forwards, the Zedders looked to be the more versatile side, as they turned around the 55 point drubbing handed out to them by the Gryphons in round one . Best players in a strong ANZ team were Rick McDonald, Wills, J . McDonald, Mitchell and Lawrence . For the Gryphons, Wells was again inspirational all over the ground, gathering over 30 possessions for the day . Grady won a lot of the ball in the ruck also, but only to see his teammates turn the ball over. Karavias was also a worthy contributor. Apologies to Tim Lee for the 51 point discrepancy in last week's report, I hope that's enough to get the Gryphons to remove the noose from your neck, and mine . Powerhouse routed the competitions spoon favourites Monash Whites in a game that left no surprises. Powerhouse's 23 goal victory is further evidence to the sides finals potential, which we are bound to see untrapped this September . Powerhouse have not lost to a side below them on the ladder this year, and their demolition of the Whites was certainly no exception to the rule . Sadly for the Whites, time is running out, and with just eight games remaining for the season, 1996 is in danger of becoming a year when the Whites theme song may not be heard . Hopefully they can prime themselves for their big match against Monash Gryphons this week . Salesians revelled in the comforts of playing Glenhuntly last week, by kicking a massive thirty goals . In consideration of their ability to hold the Hunters to just three goals for the game, this is an enormous victory . Glenhuntly have been found too often on the receiving end of this scoreline, and will probably be glad to hear the final siren signal the end of their season in E South . Salesian needs to record these kind of victories against the lower sides, to stay in touch with their percentage battle over top spo t W
with Peninsula . This week looks to be a more substantia l challenge for Salesian s however, when they take on Powerhouse . Peninsula continued their opposition crushing frenzy with a fourteen goal win over Elsternwick . The Pirates were out and out favourites for this match, but found that the Wicks have a little bit of fighting spirit . For any side to kick nine goals against Peninsula, they have achieved a formidable task, but for a side who have only recorded two wins to date this season, it was no mean feat. The Wicks won't be around in September this year, but they could be just the side to topple a higher placed side from its perch at some stage this year. Any side that approaches an Elsternwick game with even the mildest of complacencies could be in danger of ruining their season . Peninsula's draw does not take a rapid leap on tempo just yet, with a match against Glenhuntly this weekend . Oakleigh may very well have denied themselves of a finals berth, after conceding four premiership points last weekend to St Patricks. The Krushers showed spirit in their do or die clash with the Vultures, but at the end of the day, St Pats had recorded their second win over Oakleigh for the season . In a fiery first quarter, clear possession of the football was difficult to maintain, with packs forming around many contests . At the end of a scrappy term, Oakleigh held a minor lead . In the second quarter, the Vultures slipped and let Oakleigh in for some relatively easy goals after costly turnovers were made . St Pats stayed in the hunt however, by replying with some quick goals from the centre breaks . In the third quarter, the Vultures rallied to score some team lifting goals . The Krushers persisted however, and made many attacking moves . At this stage of the contest the St Pats backline, led by the likes of Stephens and Hillebrand repelled many Krusher assaults, and helped their side to a three quarter time lead . With the scene set for a dramatic last term both sides showed great desperation to win the battle. At the halfway point of the quarter, a breakthrough for the Krushers was realised when a loose ball sailed through the goals to give them the lead . But to St Pats credit, they fought back to run out nine point winners . Best for the Vultures were Mick Sullivan and Brett Sebire on the ball, with assistance from Stephens and Cosgrove in defence . PREVIEW -ROUND 1 1 University rivals Monash Gryphons and Monash Whites will do battle today with the Whites still chasing that elusive win . The Gryph's season may not M THF AMATFI Iii PC'NITRAI I FR i94F
hold too many more victories either, however they should easily be able to record their second win over the whites. Undoubtably the most interesting match of the round will take place between Powerhouse and salesians. Powerhouse are playing some great football at the moment, crushing almost every team they meet . Salesians have beaten them once this year, and with Chris Roche and Mark Canavan having good games last week will start as favourites. Glenhuntlp faces its second potential trouncing in as many weeks when it meets Peninsula . The pirates thumped them first time round, and there is no evidence to suggest a contrary assault on this occasion. Elsternwick play host to St Pats today, in what looks like being another Vulture victory. With the return of some key players from injury, St Pats will be tough to beat . ANZ Albert Park will engage in a tough match with Oakleigh this week. Whilst finals aspirations are distant for both these sides, it shouldn't be a deterrent for a great match. By reputation Oakleigh will be favoured, but ANZ are bound to push them to the wire .
SEiv`IORS ANZ BANK 2 .5 5 .8 10 .10 15.12.102 YONASH GRYPHONS 2 .2 7 .3 11 .10 13.12.90 ANZ Bank McDonald. Strahan 3, Lawrence, Smith, Guicas 2, Wills, Malone . Lovett Best Wills, R. McDonald, J . McDonald. Mitchell, Lawrence, Szeitz . Monash Gryphons Fraser 3, OBrien, Gilchrist Karavias 2 . Adams, Kitchln .lVelis . Toghill . Best Wells. Grady. Karavias, Toghill . Kitchin. Stratford . 0.1 1 .1 2 .5 4.6 .30 MONASH WHITES 27 .24 .186 8.8 14.15 19.23 POWER HOUSE 14onaah Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not necehâ&#x20AC;¢ed . Power House Craven 8. McCullough . Hall 4, Phelan 3, Robinson . Devlin, Morris 2. Friend, Scotland. Best Friend. Missaglia, Phelan, Morris. McCullough. Craven. 30.32.212 4 .12 14.18 21 .26 SALESIAN GC OLENHUNTLY 0 .4 0 .10 0 .11 3.13.31 Sslestan GC Cincotta 6, Grace 5, Healey, Bourke, Canavan 3. Bobetic . Rice 2. Byrne, Sutherland, Bowman . Abbott. Browne. Gaspari . Best Hazell . Canavan. Bobetic, Bowman, B row`re, Abbott . Gtenhnntlr Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . PENINSULA OB 6.8 10.12 16.19 23 .22 .160 7.6 7.6 9.7 .61 ELSTERNWICK 3 .4 Peninsula OB Warne-Smith 7, Landry . Poole 4, Franks, Warner 2 . Bowen. Atchison, Parsons. Gross . Best Trewhitt, A. Landry . C. Landry . Dentry, Wight Warne-Smith. Elaternwiek Andrews S . Buckingham. Cowell . Mahony, Whelan. Bestl Hankin, Ward, Mckenzie, Baxter, Murphy, Sumian . ST PATRICES MENTONE 1 .1 5 .2 10 .4 13.7.85 2.2 6 .5 8 .9 11.16.76 OAKLEIGH St Patrieks Mentone Murphy 4. Grant 2, Holloway, Evans . Davies, Cosgrove, Cousins . Fenech, White. Best Sullivan . Sebire, Stephens. Cosgrove, Cousins, Hillebrand . Oakleigh Heverin 4. Kitts. Schilling 2. Ferguson, Grubich, Thefilopou(os. Best Taylor,lNoutis, Heverin, Adamie . Kitts. Gee.
RESERVES 50 GAMES - DAVID ADAMS Monash Gryphons David Adams plays his 50th game this week against Whites . A dashing half forward wing, he is really starting to make his mark in the seniors this year with his distinctive red hair and his ability to kick long goals . Good luck from all at the Gryphons as you join the others in the race for 100 games. 100 GAMES - RICK McDONALD Congratulations to ANZ's Rick McDonald on his 100th game. A consistent performer in club awards (runner up in 3 B & F's) . Rick has been a great contributor in good and bad times . A match winner on his day, all at ANZ hope he's got another 100 left in him. SOCIALS Tonight the Monash Gryphons hold their famous Heals and Willo Trivia Night at the Gryph-Inn . Cost $10 members and $13 others, the fun starts at 7 .30pm.
2 .1 4 .1 5 .1 8.4.52 ANZ BANK MONASH GRYPHONS 2 .3 5 .7 5 .8 5.12.42 AN2 Bank Leeds 3 . Lovett 2. Williams. Carlisle. Orion . Best Williams, Heyes. McCarthy. Hay~ar, Jones . Redpath. Monash Gryphens Bailey. Barb'~e 2 . Gadinski. Best Browell. Egan . Barbie . Begley. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0.0 laoxesa WHITES POWER HOUSE 8.2 12.6 23.10 34 .12.216 Hanish Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. Power House Paviou 15. En~ler 5, Phelan 4, Scatzo, Maddox 3 . Faulkner, Holberg, Tromph, McKenzie . Best Pav u, tucker. Tromph. Telford. Engler, Miller. SAI ESIAN GC 8 .3 17 .11 27.17 34.23.22 7
0 .0 0 .0 0 .0 0.1 .1
Salesian 00 Fothergill 8. Brown 5, Roberts 4, Mansfield . Forbes. Stevens 3, Walibridge, Lawton . R. Mansfield 2. Fitzgerald . McLardy. Clark . Best Brown . M . Mansfield . FoUEergill, Forbes. Clark. R. Mansfield . Glenhuntly Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . PENINSULA OB 8.0 17.6 25.12 35 .15.225 EISTERNWICK 0.1 1.1 1.1 3 .2.20 Peninsula OR Watts, Marks 9. Krohn, Nelson 3 . Baxter, Hinde. Farrow 2, Briggs. Bowman. Scown, Campbell . Brancatisano . Best Watts . Monterosso . Marks. McLurinan, Krohn, Stewart . Elsternwick Heath, Broderick, Ray. Best Nunn, McIntyre. Mahony, Bravington. Hunt Jackson . 11 .3 7 .6 15 18 18.12.120 ST PATRICES MENTONE OAKLEIGH 0.2 0 .4 0.6 1.6 .12 St Patrleka Ddentone Gangi 5. Davis 4, Barr 3, Murphy 2 . Coombs. Nicholls . Hawker. O'Brien . Best Groves, Allinson, Bums . Barr. Emmett. Gangi . Oakleigh Hally. Best Gtinter. Hanley, Andonopou4os, Williamson, fdiss, Donadel.
n MONASH GRYPHONS v . MONASH WHITES Field : B . Bain; Boundary: D. Bain, I . Burgess . POWERHOUS E v . SALESIAN (at Yarra Park) Field: B . McKee, B . Schmidt ; Good L . Wilson, D . Murray . GLENHUNTLY v . PENINSULA FIELD : P . Griffiths, R . Martyn ; Boundary : D . Blackburn, Rus . Martyn. ELSTERNWICK v . ST PATRICKS MENTONE Field : F . Karabellas, R. Francis . ANZ ALBERT PARK v. OAKLEIGH Field : R. Killey, J. Stoppa .
nother 75% success rate for me in round 1 0 with one error of judgement in each division . With another five rounds to be played four sides are now equal on points in the North in a contest for two final's berths . In the South, the four seem set as the sides outside it will have to make up a huge percentage gap as well as gain extra match points to seriously challenge for fourth place . REVIEW OF ROUND 10 NORTH Second placed Marcellin, inflicted the first defeat of the season on leaders Hawthorn Citizens . So convincing was the "Eagles" performance that by their forty-six point victory, they doubled Hawthorn Citizens score . Despite inaccuracy in front of goal, Therry managed to defeat Old Essendon Grammarians by thirty-nine points, which kept Therry level on points with the third placed side and gained them five valuable per cent . Old rivals Kew an d St Bernards, turned on another close contest at Victoria Park . Like in many previous encounters between the sides, Kew won narrowly . This, only Kew's second winning game of the season, saw their defence pressure St Bernards, whose inaccuracy in front of goal returned to haunt the side from West Essendon. St Bernards instead of challenging for second place, now may have to rely on percentage to gain a finals berth . . . . .Food for thought for Andrew Vinnecombe and his brains trust . Collegians tightened their grip on their first finals berth with a twenty-three point win over North Old Boys, whose uncanny accuracy helped keep them competitive . Old Ivanhoe had the bye . SOUTH Old Xaverians, showed that although they may have suffered an administrative error, their on field skill remains high. They defeated a depleted Old Scotch by fifty nine points to reassert their leadership . For Old Scotch . Stuart Sheehan, Captain (Field Marshall) Scott Montgomery and Dave Simpson, all played well . Old Brighton-Bloods, despite poor forward work, were too talented for Old Melburnians and recorded victory by twenty eight points . De La Salle confirmed their right to third place when they overpowered Mazenod by ninety three points after a very one sided game . Once again an inaccurate Old Geelong failed to meet my expectations when, after a game in which each team had virtually equal scoring opportunities St Kevins far greater accuracy enabled them to wm by thirty nine points . WT had the Bye . REMEMBER PATRONS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BRING ALCOHOL INTO ELSTERNWICK PARK OR INTO ANY VAFA VENUE
N ORTH Hawthor n Citizens should return to the winning list at the expense of cellar dwellers Old Essendon . I won't be surprised of Glen Stallworthy challenges his Citizens to win by more than one hundred and forty seven point margin they had in round two . Two last round winners meet at Therry where Kew are the visitors. Therry won by eight points in round 2 and at home should win again to remain a finals four chance. Possible first semi finalists St Bernards and Collegians play at St Bernards where winning by visitors is always difficult. Despite their loss last week, I favour St Bernards to win . North Old Boys with their sprinkling of former stars, are playing consistent football without a high degree of success . Although Old Ivanhoe have the better record I will take the risk and select North Old Boys to win today. Marcellin have the Bye . SOUTH In round 2 Old Xaverians steamrolled Old Brighton-Bloods and today I favour them to win again albeit by a narrower margin . De La Salle should continue on their winning way at the expense of Old Melburnians who now languish last . Mazenod relishing their return to Central Reserve should rebuild their percentage at the expense of Old Geelong, whose form continues to bamboozle me . St Kevins, with hopes of forth place, journey out west to meet VUT who have climbed to eighth. Judged on Old Geelong's last two performances against these clubs St Kevins should win like they did in round two when I selected VUT. Not so today as I select St Kevins. Old Scotch have the bye .
CLUB XVM NORTH 3 .1 7 .2 11 .5 14.8.92 'IDRNCrrI23 3 .1 5 .2 6 .2 7.4.4 6 vzrcellin Kent 3 . Payne. Basfortt . Holland 2. Cox. Hurley. Theisz. Vito. Dineen. ,t Cox, Curry, Hudty,Merton, Kent. Sharon. garrthorn Citizeas Keaney 2 . Sill, Power, StaOworthy Avery. Richardson. Best Morrison . Orchard, Avery. Gardiner . Power, Tracey. OLD ESSENDON 1 .2 3.6 3.6 4.5 .29 5.12 9 .14 .68 THF.RRY 1 .4 2.8 Old Esaendon Cassey 2. Reid . Law. But Reid. Cram. Hearne. Boyle. Cassey. Theory Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 1.2 3.2 7.3 9 .6 .60 av 7 .11 .53 ST BERNARDS 2 .4 3.7 6.8 Kew Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Bernards Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . COLLEGIANS 6.2 7.4 10 .6 10.6.66 4 .1 7 .1.43 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .0 4.0 Collegians Hoyle 4, Gonzales . Lee 2 . Hooper. Nancarrow. Best Hooper. Hoyle. . Kerss. Burgess. . D . Kerss, B Taylor North Old Boys Devine 4. Fletcher 3. Best Turnbull. Lanyon. Carroll . Devine, Pearce. Fogarty.
CLUB XVIII SOUT H OLD SCOTCH 0.0 1.0 2 .0 3.1.19 OLD p.AVERIAbtS 4.3 8 .5 10.5 12.6.78 Old Scotch McLeish 2 . Montgomery. Best Simpson. Aston . Chambers. Sheahan . S. Montgomery . E. Montgomery. Old %avertans Hall 4, Kinna 2, Stones. Durand . Collopy . Flynn . Short. Court. Best Flynn, Kins. Ries. landrigan . Durand. Kennedy. OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 1 .6 3 .8 5.10 7.16 .58 2 .1 2 .2 4.5 4.6 .30 OLD kSELBURNIANS Old Brighton Bloods Smith . Morrison-Jack 2 . Smyth, Wraith. Betts. Best Saunders. Hamilton . Smyth . Morrison-Jack. Smith. Payne . Old Melburntans GrifRhs 3. Eggleton . Beat Eggleton . Cordner. Bardsley, Osborne . 5.3 10.6 14.10 16 .10.1~ DE LA SALLE ktAZENOD OC 1 .0 1.0 1.1 2 .1 .13 De La Salle O'Brien . Mannix 3 . Gallagher. Tessies. Forbes 2, Farrell, Taylor . Hynes, OVriscoB. Best O'Brien, Mannix, Wightman, Gallagher . Forbes . ODriscoll. htasenod OC Duf-ry. Smyth . Best Trigg. Bernie Hall, P . Hall . Grady. Smyth, Brian Hall . 3.10.28 OLD GEELONG ST. %EVINS 10.7.67 Old Geelong Whitehead 2 . Edgar. Best Burn. Bowling. htchlillan. Nadenhousch, Hammett. Omond. St. Kerins Wilson 5. Lewin 3 . O'Brien, NanGa. Best Nanfra. Goldsworthy . Dillon, Wood. Drake. James .
Clubs must phone ~:ir~sal sirery scores to Nancy 9528 3319 (before 5 p .m .) before ringin g through Q/0 scores ; goalkickers and best players (both teams) t o EP 9531 8333 (before 5.15 p.m.)
(ROUND 10 - 22/6/96) LATE SCORES : Reserves/Club XVIII (Due: 9531 8333 by 3 p .m .) Beaumaris (Res.) De La Salle (Club XVIII) St Pats-Mentone (Res .) Old Essendon (Res .) Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p .m .) Caulfield Or . (Sen.) St Bernards (U19) Swinburne Uni (Sen .) Caulfield Gr. (U19) Newlands-Coburg (Sen .) Salesian (Sen .) Phoned incorrect scores ( From Round 9) Whitefriars (Res.) Marcellin (Club XVIII ) Nth Brunswick (Res .) Old Essendon (Club XVIII) Old Paradians (U19) Caulfield Or . (U19) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section). First offence ($5); second offence ($25) ; each further offence ($50).
increase as clubs continue to reoffend . The Executive has decided to impose a"one-off" fine of $250 for a fourth offence by a team of a club .
, - ROt.i ROUND 10 - 22/6/9 6 * Stephen Anderson, Hampton Rovers - Striking - 2 matches ° Adam Bucknell, Marcellin Cl;ub XVIII - Striking - 2 matches ° Leigh Billing, Oakleigh - Striking - 2 matche s Dominic Bellissimo, Old Geelong - Striking - 8 matches (penalty added for misconduct following tribunal) Ben Rankin, Old Geelong U19 - Striking - 2 matches William Paul, Old Geelong U19 - Striking - 2 matches Paul Matkaris, Parkside - Striking - 2 matche s Adam Bryson, St Kilda Sth Caulf . U 19 - Striking - 4 matche s ' Kristen Gleeson, St Kilda Sth Caulf. Ul9 - Striking - 2 matches ' B. Hann, Williamstown Res. -Attempt to strike - I match * Accepted prescribed penalty INVESTIGATIONS FROM HEARINGS - 25/6/96 Charge of conduct unbecoming against the Thomastown club in that at half time of the senior match (Ajax v. Thomastown), coach Alan, Fleming impro p erly approached and spoke to the umpires du ring the half time break . Plea of guilty entered . Coach Alan Fleming suspended for 2 weeks and club fined $200 . Charge of misconduct based on a letter of complaint lodged by Old Ivanhoe alleging that North Old Boys player Paul Sullivan s truck Old Ivanhoe player Phil Wall . Charge sustained and player Paul Sullivan suspended for 5 matches . Charge of conduct unbecoming against Old Melburnians and Old Scotch in that their Club XVIII teams were involved in a melee in the game played on June 15th . Both clubs accepted the prescribed penalty and were each fined $100 .
Collegians and Aquinas th e bi g movers REVIEW OF ROUND DIVISION ONE
Blacks were unstoppable as they held OG's to only (3) scoring . shots, while helpin g themselves to (37) shots at goal . For the OG's none tried harder than Posley, Bostock and Bingley, while Murphy, White and Dohler were fantastic players in a very even Blacks side . De La Salle (2) almost pinched their match against 3rd placed Williamstown after the . Clay Waster obviously CY's led by (7) goals at 1/4 time urged his players to dig deeper and they did scoring (14) goals to (8) in the second 1/2 to go down by a mere (5) . For Williamstown Robinson, Kennedy and points Elhoouli (5) were named best, while Hyland, Buick,h alive wit . excellent performances . Ste Kevins had the bye
still AJAX awaited the arrival of old Paradians seething from the previous week's result against Old Xavs and when they arrived there was no joy forlead Jackas . (10) goalkickers on the day and or1~e~sacka s at 1/2 time almost summed up the day . the winwere hard Page, Mohr an d Macro trieandal~an~ilo$h~te n ners Lynch (7), M . Flyn . to take on an Xavs travelled to Beryl St to go past . Old Bernards and did so in fin e St. improved goal to advantage at 1/4 time theh Jumping a (5) Xavs never gave the Bernards a look in and added at each DIVISION (2) BLUE . hosted the form side of break to their lead, and a fine spring board to this week'ss St. Kilda South Caulfield . Best for Xav with the Sharks in a hungry . Blues Beaumaris .table clash with Uni Blue section top of the Uni' Blues hosted Therry and mood and looking for scalps, and scalp th Hede, Ryan and N~betâ&#x20AC;˘ y had little trouble in easily defeating an undermanned the Saints to a total of (7) p e points while the did. Holding remains hopeful rter (41) scoring shots the Sharks certainly proved Therry unit. Coach Geoff Po amassed back that they are the benchmark for this section . A team his young side can get a couple of key player . For the Blues Nation (8) , for the Saints, while Whitaker, shortlybeianks even effort was recorded (9) were best in a very ll did what they pleased for most of the ack and Hanlon and Carro Str Fricker, Pitts Monash Blues surmust have read this column match for Beaumaris . A revved up performance. De La Salle could have used it in his prised all concerned when they led the improving Terry Russell last week and o at 1/4 time . Whatever Steve speech given the start De La had, (11) scoring shots for t Caulfield Grammariansput in the boys drinks or told Rust or the Professor (3) in the first 1/4 with OM's unable to thirdeand o them at the 1/4 time break really worked as eA(8)eto the remainder of the day. Be La push up t OM's drop to equal 5th with OP's, makes for a great and run went on a goal spree booting another (12) goals t o Moore were Fernon, win comfortably in the finish by (5) and bit goals . Miller, home. Best for De La Salle Miller and Cloke never prime movers for Gregory and Riordan were once again Harper, while for OM's Bains,rolled North Old Boys at d Stumbles (5) conwith Bowes, Liddell an Collegians . the 'Ashers, gave allinday e home in and so doing moved off the bottom of Section 1 tributors all day for the 'Fields . In the match of th 4 . A great jumped clear early to lead at 1/ and completed their second victory on the trot Old Brighton round hitting back in the second 1/4 to be match of high scoring saw (9) second 1/2 goals to (7) int time, with Mazenod m Crun ou . The stage was set for a great last 1/2, . This was enough to see the Collegians favour up at 1/2 time Champion and Mazenod adding to their lead at 1/2 time and running. winners by near on (6) goals . Caldwell , Evans (8) . home winners in what was a great game of U19 football Forsyth performed well for the Lions while were best for the . Rhodes, Dennis (5) and Parnham Lyons and Murray were best for NOBS Dunne and Quin 'Tonners, as to were young, DIVISION (2) WHITE n 'Nod ers, who have now consolidated 3rd spot . came off the bye and with took the game right up to 2nd placed Bulleen-Tempiestowe Hampton Rovers fresh legs acquitted themsel ies well for a 1/2, but . Injuries to far too Old Haileybury in their match at David St Warringai's overall strength and vigour proved Daskalou, . key players late in the second 1/4 proved costly for the strong for the Bullants in tl e finish were great triers for Rovers as the 'Bloods got their running game going, and. on Pembe rt (4) and Dunball ,D Papadopoulos ll consolidated their spot in went on to win comfortably in the finish . ' d Bloods the Bullants . Old Camberwe Emmaus , St. Leos WP Anderso the four with a close victory over . Walden, Ormond ha St. S ostlln the secon n George, Fosse y and 3 Despite outscoring the 'Weller s d finish . lFor the Leos poor first 1/4 proved costly in th e were bye excellent Seeley DIVISION (2) RED 'Wellers A4cGilp, Hancock (6) and d Major Brown notice to all sides above them i contributors all day, h1uess ol Geelong were Aquinas gave section with a strong win against second pn laRed never relented for the Two B Como and i n Leading at every change the Bloods conl given a footbal les on by Uni Blacks at . Whitefriars e losing find themselves 7th with a poor percentage . Th THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199 6 38
,rolled most positions and proved to themselves that aley can challenge for the four in the second 1/2 of the ear, Brownhill, Mecuri and Burch were outstanding for Fedele an d R. Pawlick best for Aquinas, with O'Connor,and Marcellin were battling for aie Friars. Old Scotch , : ond spot in their match at Camberwell and it was the gcotchies who eventually overran the Eagles but not Without a strong contest for three 1/4's . The turning point coming with the Scotchies able to hold the Eagles to (3) points in the third 1/4, while booting (3) goals themselves . Sheer, Silverwood and Davis se rved Old Scotch well all day, with Bellisimo, Van Lint an d Ryan solid contributors for Marcellin . Old Carey proved too strong for Yarra Valley at Bulleen and in doing so remain undefeated at the head of the table . After an even first 1/4 the OC's slipped into gear and motored away booting (17) goals to ( 6) in the remaining (3) 1/4's. Bendriks, Sail (5) an d Collins outstanding for the OC's, with Drew, Telford and Balshaw shining lights for Yarra Valley. Old Trinity proved my selection wrong with a resounding (9) goal win over Chirnside Park . Newman, Natoli and Arrowsmith best for Trinity, with Allatt, Banks and Adams gall an t in defeat for the Parkers . Old paradians (2) had the bye . PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAMES DIVISION ONE
Old Paradians host ACC counterpart St. Bernards in what is make or break for both teams in the run home to the finals . Old Paradians have been steady without too much flair, as to have St . Bernards who worry sides with their never-say-die attitude . At home and with their spot in the four at stake OP's by a goal . Old Xavs versus Uni. Blues in what promises to be a marvellous encounter. The last time they met Blues held a slender margin at 3/4 time and ran away to win by (30) odd points, after trailing at both 1/4 and 1/2 time . With a psychological advantage to gain today Old Xavs, in front of a vocal home crowd will win. De La Salle travel to Therry an d will maintain their third spot with a strong win today against an undermanned Therry . The incentive being a huge win could see them sitting second at the end of the day should Blues knock over Xavs by a mile . Old Melburnians host Coll egians and in this return match will not have it all their own way with the Lions having improved over recent weeks, but not enough to stop the OM's returning to the winners list. North Old Boys play AJAX at Brunswick in what has turned out to be a battle royale at the foot of the table . NOBS keen to prove that they should not be on the bottom, and AJAX wanting to return to the winners list quickly . Both sides' form has been disappointing in the last month, but I am confident that AJAX will bounce back today . Selections : Old Paradians, Old Xaverians, De La Salle, Old Melburnians and AJAX DIVISION (2) WHITE Warringal host Old Camberwell at Banyule and the Wellers will be well aware of Warringal who inflicted a defeat on them when last they met . This time around with Warringal having players on senior duty the roles will be reversed, with the Wellers getting even for their Round 2 defeat . St . Leos WP Emmaus proved last week that they are capable of matching it with the top sides, while Old Geelong are far too inconsistent at this present time, the Two Blues to win their fourth for the seaTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
son. Uni . Blacks host Williamstown in what will be a ripper. Both sides play fast skilful football and love to kick big scores . Even with the match at Crawford Oval and despite the Black's home ground advantage Williamstown to make it two out of two against Blacks today . St . Kevins travel to Bull een-Templestowe an d will devour the hapless Bullants, but not without the usual Bullants giving their all once again . De La Salle (2) have the bye . Selections: Old Camberwell, St . Leos WP Emmaus, Williamstown and St . Kevins DIVISION (2) BLU E
Ormond host St . Kilda Sth Caulfield with the Saints not setting the world on fire at the present time and the 'Monds far too inconsistent . At home and coming off the bye Ormond, to restore some pride with a win at home. Beaumaris confront Caulfield Grammarians coming off a bad loss last week . At home and very hungry the Sharks by plenty. Monash Blues host Old Brighton with much confidence today and despite a home ground advantage and the confidence of a win last week, the Tonners will prove too strong on the rebound . Hampton Rovers an d Mazenod clash in an important game for both sides . Mazenod can consolidate their position in the four today, while the Rovers must win to bolster their confidence for their run home . Mazenod with too much to play for should win at home . Old Haileybury have the bye . Selections : Ormond, Beaumaris, Old Brighton Sc Mazenod DIVISION (2) RE D Old Paradians (2) host Aquinas with the Bloods coming off a fantastic win last week against Whitefriars . Even with OP's coming off the bye and having fresher legs I cannot see them troubling the Bloods today . Whitefriars host Old Scotch and last time these two sides met Old Scotch nearly had their score doubled by a strong Friars unit . Old Scotch have improved dramatically since then and will win a close one today after an even first 1 /2. Marcellin and Old Carey meet at Marcellin and what a time to meet. The Eagles coming off a loss last week will rebound strongly, however the OC's want to keep their undefeated record intact . Another toss of the coin, and this time the OC's to remain undefeated with Marcellin having to face Aquinas shortly, who are breathing down their necks. Yarra Valley await the arrival of Old Trinity at Stintons Reserve and will give a better display of themselves than last time they met . Despite this improved performance the OT's will win two in a row and roll onto next week . Chirnside Park have the bye. Selections : Aquinas, Old Scotch, Old Carey & Old Trinity. Under 19 - Continued on Page 46 >
_L ugh Lyo n Knitwear . 39
by Noel Rui- -lie
5 YEARS AGO - 199 1 ell, it was a long, long plane trip back from Perth for the Victorian team who lost to both South Australia and Western Australia at the XXIX AAFC Carnival. The team opened the Carnival with a very easy win over Tasmania, 23 .20 to 5 .9. The greatest disappointment was against South Australia . At the last change the Vics lead 10.15 to 6.8 and looked to be in control . The SA team played a magnificent final term to kick 8 .1 to 1 .2 to down us by 10 points . WA had beaten SA in their game so it was up to Victoria to resoundingly beat WA to win the Carnival . The game was transferred from the famed Subiaco, too wet and swampy, (has it improved since 1991?) to Claremont. Victoria hung on for half time scores to be WA 6 .8 to 4 .5 . The second half opened with one of the most frightening electrical storms I'm sure a Victorian had ever seen - the blackest of clouds rolling in from over The Indian Ocean, pierced by intermittent claps of thunder and lightning . No wonder, our boys lost concentration, even the selectors thought their days had come, perched in a little box somewhere on top of the Claremont Stand. The final scores were WA 18 .18 to Victoria 6.7 . Lest we think too badly of the performance the only VAFA team to win in the WA has been the 1982 Carnival Team which came back from the dead at the last change to win.
The 1991 Victorian team was as follows : R . Fuller (Old Scotch) (c), J . Manton (Old Geelong) (v.c), B . Burden (Ormond), F . Buckley (St Kilda Sth Caul.), M . Brown (Ormond), R . Bergman (St Kilda Sth Cau .), B. Conti (NOB), R . Gross (Marc .), B . Connell ( Ormond), T. Jones (NOB), M . Galbraith (Coll .), A. Jobling (Orin .), T. Keipert (Old Scotch), P. Matton (Therry), A . Caffry (Marc .), G. Tanner (Old Hail .), D. Connell (Old Hail.), P. McDonald (Orin .), S. Meehan ( Old Hail .), B. Mahony (De La Salle), W. Carey (St Bern .), J. Jamieson (Uni. Blues), R. Furphy (Uni . Blues), P. Schuhkraft (Orin .), C . McKenzie (Old Hail.) . 5 Victorians were picked for the All-Australian Amateur team : Matthew Brown, Robert Gross, Brett Conne ll, John Manton and Bruno Conti . Other players to play well were Robert Fuller, Richards Furphy, Wayne Carey and Andrew Jobling.
At home it was the first really ho'. weather day. The surprise in "A" Section was when Therry at home, broke their run of defeats, by defeating Old Haileybury. The wind must have been a big factor too, Therry kicked 3 points into it and Old Haileybury 2 goals, final scores Therry 9 .10 to Old Haileybury 8 .5 . Best were Ramsay, Carter, Biddlestone, Taylor (Therry) and Orton, Armstrong, Barter (Old Halley.) . 40
10 YEARS AGO 1986 "E" Section coaches were D . Demi r (B'wick), Max McColl (Bull. Utd), Rob Woff (Clay,), Les Rigg (E'wick), Greg Murray (Old Geelong), James Grant (Pen . OB), Ken Bremner ( State Bank), Al, Roberts (St Bedes), Roger Chitty (Uni Reds), Dowell Mitchell. (99'town). North Old Boys - they must hate their home ground, the Brens Oval . Two weeks ago Ivanhoe cleaned them up and now Bulleen-Templestowe repeated the dose by 61 points, final scores 118 .9 to 7.14. Best were George, Giles, Demarte (Bull .-Temp,) and Turnbull , Brown, Borcich . In the reserves Bull : Temp . on top defeated NOB (4th) 23 .8 to 8.4.
It was a real traffic jam in "A" Section - De La's 16 point loss to Collegians saw them topple from 1st to 6th. Stars were Schober, Newman, Lemon (Coll.), and Waldron, Maher, Deveson (De La). The 25 selected for Victoria in the Adelaide Carnival were : Dominic Spi llane (Old Par .)(C), Simon Meehan (St Kilda CBCOC) (VC), Peter Adams (Ivan.), Bruno Conti (NOB), Paul Considine (NOB), Rob Fuller (Old Scotch), Frank Gleeson (Old Par.), Shan e Gilmore (Bull .-Temp .), Ian Herman (Coll .), Tony Keenan (Bull .-Temp .), Phil Kingston (Orin.), Michael Lopes (St Kilda CBCOB), Mal Palmer ( Bull.-Temp.), Phil Mehrten (Orin.), Peter Ryan (De La Sa ll e), Cameron O'Brien (Old Xavs), Richard Schober (Coll .), Andrew Wallis (Uni . Blues), Mike Yande ll (Uni . Blues), Russell Barnes (Orin.), Daryl Gust (Uni. Blues), Andy Smith (Old Scotch), Stephen Bickford (Coll.), Ray Berzins (Caul. Gram.), Andrew Witts (Old bfelb.).
The Vies . defeated W.A . in the first match by 120 points, kicking 5 goals in the first quarter, and 7 goals in each of the next 3 quarters to finish with 26 for the day . Cameron O'Brien at FF kicked 9 . Best were M eehan, Considine, O'Brien, Gleeson, Mehrten, Kingston . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 1 250 games to Kevin White, St Kilda CBOC - best and fairest several times, tary, captain, on and on former!
Victo rian player, club secre- what a club m an an d per-
200 games to North Old Boys Barry O'Connor, Thoma stown's Robert Gleeson, captain of the club's 1976 Under 19 Amateur Premiership team and now captain. RIHSOB held a supporters luncheon - notable past players to attend were Jock Nelson, Barrie McDonald, Rick Harley, Chooka Howell, Kevin Grigg, Alex Johnson (VAFA President), All Keam (VAFA Secretary) . Also present were Pop Shapir, Arthur THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
gowater, Bruce McDonald, Bill Watt and School Pocipal, Lou Barberis.
Old paradians moumed the death of Peter Booth o played 10 years with the club and was a member premiership teams, coach of an undefeated Under
team, captain, life member and past president of the club . North Old Boys held their place in "t1 Section four ~y thrashing top team Ormond, 15 .13 to 7 .7 . Best were g Weir, G . Carro ll, Griffin Considine (NOB) and for Qrinond McCooke, Kingston, Ritchie . De La Salle moved into the "A" Section four with a big win over St Bern ards, 18 .12 to 7 .9 with the best, hturphy (7 goals), O'Keefe, Hollier (De La) and M . Sullivan P . Wood, Dalma (St Bernards) . Old Brighton lost their position in "B" Section four to their conqueror, Old Paradians, 9 .2 (64) to 18 .12 (120) with the best for the visitors : F . Gleeson ( "A" B & F in 1987), M. McCarthy and Morell i and for Old Brighton, J . Priestly ( 5 goals), Gedye, Epstein . 100 games to AJAX star Henry Ritterman who started at AJAX as a 15 year old, went to MHSOB, then tried his luck at playing for Caulfield and Oakleigh, before being reinstated . Henry, twin brother to former captain, Michael, has been an outstanding clubman. Collegians welcomed two Wesley schoolboys, Jim Bennett and Stuart Eason, who both "acquitted themselves magnificently, figuring in the best players and kicking 3 goals and 1 goal respectively". (Both went on to be selected in the Carnival team to go to Perth in 1982 and Jim Bennett is still starring in 1996 - NR) . 20 YEARS AGO - 1976 Umpire Philip Rowe ll went into the history books as the first VAFA field umpire selected to officiate in a Carnival series hosted by another state . It was the second carnival for Philip as he had umpired in the 1973 Carnival held in Melbourne . (Executive Member 1996) . 350 games to Power House veteran, Peter Hutchinson, spread over 20 years, 7 club best and fairest awards, 3 premierships, club captain, Victorian selection and in 1972, Amateur Footballer of the Year at St Bernard's Grand Final Breakfast . (Peter coached a number of CDEF interstate teams and proved not only to be a good coach but also "snorer extraordinaire" NR) (Executive Member 1996) . Ivanhoe paid tribute to their skipper Bill McWhinnie, "the little general" who ran out for his 200th game . Captain for 7 years, Victorian team member, club best and fairest for 3 years . Bill was noted for his fierce determination in play and his service to the club off the ground . Collegians, in a battle for 4th place in "B" Section with Old Paradians, had an easy 10 goal victory. The victors were in command all day, and their accuracy, 18 .9, gave Old Par . 8 .10 no chance . Best were Roach, Wagstaff, M . Permezel (Coll.) and Wyons, Telleffson, Kendall (0. Paradians) . Old Haileybury (C) were beaten for the first time when Hampton Rovers triumphed by 2 goals in an exciting last quarter, after trailing by 4 points at the last change. Final scores were 13 .11 and 11 .11 with the best B. Bird, Clarke, C. Earle (HR) and Cocks, Galt, Hought (Old Haileybury) . 150 games to Bruce MeKinlay, the second player in Old Mentonians history to have reached that mark . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBAIUER 1996
A great clubman, Bruce was secretary and committeeman for many seasons in the early years of the club . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 1 St Bernard's scored a last minute win over Caulfield Grammarians when they kicked 3 goals in the last 5 minutes. It was Caulfield's second defeat in succession as the previous week they had gone down to Ormond by 20 points . No doubt about the umpires - real sense of values! After two years of "we must have a board for our important notices", architect Trevor Rowe produced a beautiful work of art, green with gold lettering . The first notice - the words shattering "Please wash your cups!" . 200 games to National Bank Reserves captain coach Geoff Phillips . 'Trueboots were Foulsham (Ormond) 8 v Collegians ; Douglas (Coburg) 9 v MHSOB; Barkley (Univ. Blues) 7 v De La Salle : Nihill (Kew) 6 v Old Xav's and Hick (Ivanhoe) 7 v UHSOB, while in a scoring match, Power House 23.12 defeated Old Geelong Gram . 17 .6, Bartlett (Power House) and Rick Whalley (OGG) kicking 13 and 7 respectively . 35 YEARS AGO - 196 1 Six leading teams were beaten in the biggest upset of top sides for years . Coburg (2nd in "A" Section) forged ahead of Melbourne High (on top) and went on to an easy win, 8.9 to 3 .6 . Faster and scouting better, with Norm Beattie and Phil Parkes the stars, Coburg adapted well to the wet and muddy conditions . Kew (on top in "B" Section) lost their final game for the season when they went down to Ivanhoe (3rd) by 21 points . Elstemwick held a reunion of their 1925 premiership team with 22 players and officials in attendance, including Peter Mountjoy (captain), Norm McDonald (secretary for 25 years), Chas Loughrey, Alex Martin, Eddie Shaw, Clarrie Williams, "Tuds" Heard, Les Morris, Leo Walsh, Harold McDonald (goal umpire) and Frank Martin (boundary umpire). 100 games at Old Haileybury to Peter "Circles" MacFarlane and Brian Henderson . AJAX were the only undefeated team - 12 straight wins in "E" Section, 2 games ahead of Glenhuntly while Old Ivanhoe an d Reservoir Old Boys made up the four.
45 YEARS AGO - 195 1 The first Amateur Carnival to be staged in Victoria was held at St Kilda Cricket Ground with Canberra making up 5 with Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia. In a peculiar draw, Victoria finally only played 2 matches - winning both and kicking 39 .18 to Tasmanias 4 .4 and 18 .20 to Canberra's 2 .5 . South Australia went down by 11 points to Canberra on the opening day and no doubt this loss upset the draw. A name of interest - in WA's team was Billy Snedden 24, 6 .0, 13 .10 (later Liberal leader and Speaker in the House of Representatives) . The Australian Amateur team to play the VFA in Canberra was picked at the close of carnival with Victorian's Doug Arn old and Peter Cox, captain and vice-captain respectively, 13 other Victorians, 3 from WA, and 2 each from SA and Tasmania. 41
Professional Development Day - Game Analysis with Rod O'Riley D n Sunday May 5th all AFCA/VAFA members were invited to a coaching seminar run by the AFCA/VAFA committee with Rod O'Riley, Development / Reserves Coach at Richmond FC, setting us to task in a Coaching observation day. The fact that only (7) coaches were there, when the optimum number was thirty, was disappointing, but with Rod's enthusiasm for the game and his knowledge, definitely made it even more beneficial for the small group who attended . We split into two groups and the following is a summary of what we were asked to observe . 1 . Starting line-up:
forwards, centreline backs, nick, interchange . 2 . Players in the centre square on each occasion the ball is bounced either to start a quarter or after a goal has been kicked. Who do they change with and what position do they go to (eg . half forward etc) . Are they being tagged / if so how are they handling the situation ?
3. Kick-ins who the opposition side use to kick the ball in . Do they kick long ? If so to who . Ruckman or tall backman. Do they kick short ? If so how wide and who is the player they pass the ball to. Do they play on from full-back ? If so what side do they go . 4 . Movement of the ball from defence. Do they kick long? Do they look to regain possession by handballing or short passing to any player free ? Do they play through ruckman forward of the ball around centre half back ? 5 . Centre line players and the areas in which they work . Do the mid fielders drop back to assist the backline ? Do they play ahead of the ball and get used as the ball comes out of defence ? Are they strong running players who work all over the field ? 6. Look for weaknesses in these players that we may be able to exploit . Are they one-sided players ?(eg . Allison Nth . Melbourne) Are they likely to pull out of a body contest ? Do they lack discipline ? (try to mark from behind etc .) Are their disposal skills poor when pressured ? When pressured do they make mistakes with the choice of option ? (eg. handball when they should kick or pass to a player in no better position) . Do they look to take you on when they gain possession (eg . Kickett - Fremantle) 7 . Look for str engths that we may need to contain . Are they strong marking players ? (eg . Dunstall or Loewe) 42
A.Y.CA .
Are they quick runners or give the ball off quickly (eg . McGuinnes - Adelaide) Do they win a lot of football by working hard in packs or do they receive from ruckmen marking the ball to gain possession (McDermott - Adelaide hard in packs, Connell - Adelaide run / receive ) Do they play forward of the ball ? (eg . Bradley - Carlton) 8 . Who are their key forward players ? Do they keep their forward line open with the full-forward in the square and all other players up the field to open up space ? (Kernahan - Carlton) Do they rely on a number of players to kick goals or just a couple of players they work the ball through. All coaches and persons who attended took away with them a very detailed plan of what game analysis involves, and realise just how important it is to be aware of planning in match preparation . Sure we ask our players to be prepared physically and mentally, but we as coaches also have a responsibility to do likewise and through following the steps outlined above, game analysis of future opponents could well mean the difference between winning and losing. All present on this day would like to thank Rod 0'Riley for his time and expertise. If any coach or AFCA/VAFA member ever get a chance to hear Rod speak or lecture about football in general, you are advised that you could do alot better than not be there . His knowledge, passion and love for the development of our great Australian game is second to none . Kevin McLean Senior Coacb Old Ivanhoe Grammarian s
AFCAJVAFA Executive Membei
AFCA/VAFA Coach of the Month NAME : AndrewTsindo s CLUB : Old Camberwell F.C . Section: U 19 SVhite PLAYING HI STORY: Began playing football with St Kevins Old Boys in 1974 whilst still at school, and retired playing in 1986 . Played most positions and shared this experience between lst and 2nds . Played in winning finals' sides, in E, D and C grades. COACHING HISTORY : This is my first year as a football coach . I have coached rowing and field athletics with some success . COACHING PHILOSOPHY: Encourage and teach theboys the basic skills of good football . Support, educate and guide the team in whatever way, to this end . the enhancement of their desire to be successful and, to enjoy what they do and achieve , FUTURE AMBITION : For 1996 = play in the finals oE<> : U19 White (Section) . Beyond - continue coaching and enjoy it as I am - win or lose .
- t Elsternwick Park two weeks ago the seventh round of FIDA took place for season 1996 . The day began rather frosty and so saw the first two games played in fairly slippery conditions . On the main oval the Marlins ran out convincing winners over the Magpies, while Ringwood had to battle hard to defeat Hawthorn Citizens, who had they kicked straight could well have pinched this match . The Division 1 match between Mitcham an d Chadstone was played in brilliant sunshine and the Chargers bounced away to an early lead in the first quarter and managed to hang on in the finish, despite only having (8) players . On the main oval Broadmeadows were far too strong for Parkside winning convincingly in the finish by (18) goals . Bendigo (1) played Keilor on Oval No . 2 and soundly defeated them, setting themselves up as firm favourites for the premiership in Division 1 . Bendigo (2) had to fight hard to defeat a determined Maribyrn ong side who challenged all day but could not hit the front . Heidelberg, Karingal and Werribee all had the bye. PREVIEW - ROUND 8 This weekend there is (6) matches at the Alec Gillon Oval in Brunswick . Parkside and the Magpies clash at 9.00am, and although the Magpies are yet to win a match they seem to be getting better each week, and have had a recent influx of new players . Despite this Parkside should be too strong in the finish . Maribyrnong and Karing al clash and although Maribyrnong are an improved team I cannot see them defeating Karingal today, who are coming off the bye. Marlins should defeat Werribee soundly, although Werribee have some fine players who will challenge the Marlins defence if they are left to run free. Hawthorn host Bendigo (2) and are looking for their first win for the season . Bendigo are sitting second and with Ringwood and Maribyrnong breathing down their necks I cannot see them dropping this match. Chadstone play the top team Bendigo (1) and if they have a full team they will be competitive, however with Chadstone struggling for numbers recently I can see Bendigo Warriors having a real percentage booster today . Keilor an d Heidelberg play in the final match and despite Keilor's endeavour Heidelberg will prove too strong in the finish . Mitcham, Ringwood and Broadmeadows all have the bye. 9 6
All teams are reminded that players must have played at least (3) matches to be eligible to participate for teams in the finals . Also the cut-off date for registrations and medical forms is Sunday June 30. From this date no more registrations will be taken . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
Following on from this any player who is yet to hand in his/her medical form will be considered ineligible to take part in the rest of the season from June 30 . Teams must be aware of this fact because if these ineligible players take the field then loss of matc h points will result. e a e
Clubs are reminded that for the FIDA End-ofSeason funetion numbers of those attending accompanied with a cheque for the designated amount is due by Friday July 26 to Brett Connell at VAFA Administration . This night will incorporate presentations of the Divisional Premiership Pennants as well as other awards on the night . Please promote this night amongst your players, as it will be a great night for all concerned . 9 C
Player of Round 7- Robbie Barille (Mitcham Tigers) LADDERS: Division 1 : Team Played Won Lost Drawn For Agat % Pis Bendigo (1) 6 6 0 0 481 67 717 .9 20 Heidelberg ' 5 3 2 0 244 74 329 .72 12 Chadstone 6 3 3 0 208 137 151 .8 12 Keilor * 5 2 3 0 75 282 26 .6 8 Mitcham 6 0 6 0 75 494 15 .2 0 'recwel forfeit Division 2: Karingal 5 5 0 0 379 111 341 .44 20 Bendigo (2) 6 3 3 0 241 161 149.7 12 1;iaribyrnong 5 3 2 0 172 192 89.6 12 6 3 3 0 162 304 53.3 12 Ringwood Hawthorn 6 0 6 0 152 338 44.9 0 * received forfeit Division 3: Broadmeadows ' 6 6 0 0 800 42 1904 .7 24 Martins 5 4 1 0 618 9 6866 .6 16 Werribee 5 3 2 0 301 417 72.18 12 Parkside 6 1 5 0 207 595 34 .9 4 Magpies 6 0 6 0 49 936 5.2 0 'reeeived forfeit L--- = -
ACV Club Travel -
PA CORNER by Steve McCarthy and Anthony Damen ~The Social Committee held the Bowling Night last Saturday and with over 50 people in attendance had a terrific night. The individual champs were Men : Mark Bushfield. Women : Joy Henry . The winning team playing under the name Snips and Bulges were Richie and Pam Simon, Wayne Hinton and Sue Todd (a very appropriate team name) Toto's Pizza was the venue for an "ALL YOU CAN EAT" after match . Apparently Chris "Honey I ate the furniture" Keeton ruled supreme .
'\V begin this week's column with an answer to the question on everyone's lips - What has happene d to Phil Callil? After last year being presented with the Most Improved Umpire Award (perhaps the curse skips a year Simmo) Phil seemed to disappear for quite some time . We are pleased to announce that Phil travelled to Japan for three weeks to meet up with his wife and child holidaying with family living in Japan . In his enthusiasm to remain fit for umpiring Phil injured his leg running on the Japanese roads . He has now returned to training and his appointments in D Section are hopefully only for a short time. ® ® ®
® ®
On the subject of Most Improved Umpire Awards, recently last season's Most Improved Boundary umpire David Fowler reached the milestone of 200 VAFA games and his profile follows : Name: David Fowler . Nickname : Ashy or Chook Jnr. Memories of first game : It was a stinking hot day at Elsternwick Park (Coburg versus Elsternwick) . Occupation : Sales Assistant at K-Mart Keysborough . What I like about Umpiring : Friendship and the interesting people you come across . Words of Advice to Youngsters : Listen to and learn from the more experienced umpires . Suggested improvements to Footy: Bring Tasmania into the AFL. Footy Pet Hates: Over zealous parents at junior matches . Hobbies/sports : Music and Ten Pin Bowling . Most Memorable match : Running a Herald Shield match at Waverley in March, 1991 . Boyhood sporting Idols : Dean Jones and Dermott Brereton . Favourite Food: Lemon chicken . Favourite Drink : Cougar bourbon and coke (looking for sponsorship) . Best Umpires : Leigh Patterson, Kevin Mitchell and Jeff Wright. Personal ambition: To run every game the best I can . Dream dinner guest: Sandra Bullock, Tim Allen and Jim Carrey. Ultimate Non-footy sporting fantasy : To bowl a 300 game in ten pin bowling . Congratulations on a terrific milestone and we should note, that as with the father and son 200 game achievement by Sergio and Stephen Silvagni, last year David's father Bill reached his 200 game milestone with the VAFA . Well done . ® 6 ®
Compliments to the publishers of "The Amateur Footballer" for producing a terrific new front cover. The question has been asked whether or not the man in the hat, suit, jacket, collar and tie is Ross Richard's grandfather. Perhaps the apparel is family tradition? ®
This Round last year: - Highlights of the column were : - Russian Astronaut training indoors - Dry Cleats versus Wet Cleats in weight . - John Natoli's career development (for which much flak was received - at least it was feedback! ) - Rachel Miller (then Hurditch) nicknamed Clubbie - Anthony Simpson forgetting his hat. - VAFA and Southern football League umpire swap . Peter Gersch (F), Jeff Wright (B), Michael Lentini (G) . - Peter Keogh VAFAUA failed to deliver paperwork by 10 days. In years gone by: 1973 - VAFAUA Social event at Channel 7 TV Ringside . 1976 - Philip Rowell officiates at a Carnival series hosted by another state .
1984 - Tribunal stats 165 players reported, 175 charges heard, 364 weeks given . 1987 - Robert "Zoom" Bell celebrates 50th VAFA game (scribes note - recently celebrated 100 A Section games - he pestered us to put this fact in! )
Lygon Street Bounce Off updat e Round 1 : C. Rennick 304 d L . Gallagher 295 A. Price 313 d S. Davie 28 5 D . Laine 311 d N. McCorcadale 261 C. Segota 343 d M . Jackson 32 6 K. Segota 307 d S. Alger 266 Round 2: W. Hinton 357 d'stil. Rossato 324 M . Gibson 333 d R . Simon 307 o
With security of umpires' rooms always a concern on a match day it should be noted that at a recent game in Ivanhoe John Kelly was made key custodian of the rooms . As the senior panel prepared for the main game the dead lock was tested and the door closed . Pity it was a single lock and could only be opened from the outside . Trouble was everyone was inside at the time . Solution: The lads had to push the key under the door when the reserve umpires had finished their game to be let out .
Macca and AD
SERVICES Mon to Wed 1996 Finals Information : Permits Thursday : Umpire appointments Friday (a.m.) Saturday (a.m.) : Weekend game locations : Final siren scores Sat. (evening)
14AA t - V [ 7 'Z ?-^CTW
r~,~ ~ ''LL~ ~r ~,~â&#x20AC;¢~ ELSTERNWICK PARK DRAW FOR REST OF SEASO N This Sat. : Old Brighton v. Theny Old Scotch v. Old Xavs This Sun .: Next Sat. : AJAX v. St Kevins Next Sun .: Ormond v . Old Scotch St Kevins v St Kilda Sth Caulfield Sat. July 13 : Old Melburnians v. Mazenod Sun . July 14 : Sat. July 20: No match rostered No match rostered Sun. July 21 : Sat . July 27: Powerhouse v. Elsternwick FIDA Round 1 0 Sun. July 28: Sat . Aug . 3: MHSOB v. Ivanhoe Sun . Aug. 4: FIDA Semi Final s University Blues v. Old Haileybury Sat. Aug. 10: Sun . Aug. 11 : FIDA Grand Final s Sat. Aug. 17: Old Brighton v. Old Paradians Sun. Aug . Club XVIII Grand Finals
F ,-~ ~~~ ~ P11 !_'.. ~~~i ~I~'~ J i''~' ' ~<<~~~~ L-~ Du;1~ A'i , DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED B Y HOME TEA M Club XVIII and Reserve Sec t ion FINAL SIREN SCORES PHONE : 9531 833 3 Senior Section and Under 19 FINAL SIREN SCORES BEFORE 5 p .m .
PHONE: 9528 3319 / 9523 2471 A and B Section Q by Q SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SI X BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams) To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m . PHONE :
953 1 8333
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 .67 1,1 2.2 5 .4 AJAX 23.15.153 4.3 13 .8 19.13 OLD PARADIANS Macro, Ajax Davis 3 . Mohr, Snow 2, Chmpot. Grosman- Whytcross . Beat Page. Mohr.1017 Carew. Sekal, Grosman. Old Per~km Lynch 7, Muieta 3, Flynn, Dinenosante, Pttelan . Plato ges 2, Geary. Dallas, Hurst. Baker. Beat Flynn. Dintinosante- Ptoenges, Stephens, Harris . Hiklebrand. 12.10.82 1,1 5.2 7.4 ST BERNARDS 8 .5 13.8 18,14 24,17 .181 OLD PAVERIANS St Beraards Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . . Old %averlans Mulcahy 4, Hilbert, Barrett, Woodruff 3, Octdeshaw- Hardwick, Fleming Jones, Kay 2, Hede. Bat Herb . Ryan, Nisbet, Woodruff. Hilbert Kay. 39.32 .266 UNIVERStTYBLUES 6 .7 12,17 25.26 2 .1 2 .2 2-2 .14 T1D;RRY 2,1 Kuc 3 . University Blues Hanlon 9 . Nailon 8 . Brocktey, Halligan, Struck 4. Johnson, . Johnson, pricker. Roydhouse . Ryan . Sturrock. Best NaUon. Pricker . Strack, Hanlon Wilcox . Therq Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . 8,5 9.10 13 .10 18 .10.100 DE L& SAME 11 .5.71 9.3 OLD k1ELBURNiANS 3 .0 4.1 Scarfo. Beat Be La Sa lle Johnstone 4. Mecurl. Herber. Corin, Harper 2. Leening. Ellis. Fermin, Moore, Harper, let, TroJa. Boretla . Old MeBmrntaas Cbke 3 . Carroll, Sewell 2. Rains. Boyd . Murray, Sedgley . But Bars, Miller . Cloke, Boyd, Carroll, Padkh. COLLEGIANS 6 .3 11 .7 13.13 20.19 .139 NORTH OLD BOYS 9.1 10 .1 13 .2 17.3 .105 Collegians Gronwtka 5. Vandervenne. Florentine, Thompson. Walker. Forsyth. Sayers 2 . . Gromortka, Looney, Mfchaels . Byme. Walsh, Luoney. Bat Caldwell . Champion. Forsyth Nortb Old Boys Evans 8, Thomson 3, Waters 2, Lyons . Keane. Turner, Murray. Beat Evans, Lyons, Murray. Thomson, Neumtann . Fink .
UNDER 19 2 WHITE 0-1 2.4 5,4 8,4.52 BULLEEN-TEIVI&4TOWE WARRD7CrAt, 8 .1 15.7 20 .17 28,19.187 Butleen-Temptestowe Papadopoulos 4 . Leihy, 2. Daskalou . Mountain. Best Daskatou. papadopoulos, Pemberton . Lambmpoulos, King. Groves . Waningat Goal Kickers and Most Players not received, OLD CAMBERWELL 7 .1 12 .8 14.10 18.18 .130 BT LEA'S EEfMAUS WP 2.3 4 .7 10.10 13,18 .94 Old Camberwell Hancock 6, McGdp 4 . Cook, Whitehead 2 . Donovan . KordM, Becky . Smith, William . But MeGdp, hancock . Seeley, Scott. Smith, Cook St Left Emmaas WP Voao 7 . Major 2. Lear. Ludlow. Mitchell, Schlittler Beat Thomas. Major, Brow. Sheahan. Voao. McCann . 2 .2 2.2 2.4 3.6.24 OLD GEELONG iHRVERSlTy BLACKS 5 .4 14,7 18 .10 22 .15.147 Old Geelong Plowman, O'Brrn, Patti, Bat Pooley . Bostock BinCley Hogg. Rankin, Cole. University Blacks Gellie. Card S . McCormick-Brennan. Raffa6le, Howell 2, Belleville, Ward . Butterfield, Henderson, Staunton . Smith. Beat Murphy . White. Grader. Garal- Collie, Oswald . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 9,1 10 .3 18 .7 17.8.110 2.1 8,4 9 .5 16.9,105 DE LA SALLE (2) . W1Uiamstowa CYMS Elhaouli 5. Hunt 4. Burgess. Grochowski, Mathews 2. MacLeod Woudad. Bat Robinson, Kennedy, Elhaoub, Waga . Matthews, Woudad . De La Salle (®) Shields 4 . Ellis. Morse, Francis 2, Buick. Hegarty, Cbhessy . Mystakkhs. Hyland. Moon. But Hyland. Buick. Vincent Shields. FicCubbin, Betheras.
UNDER 19 2 BLU E 1 .1 .7 0.0 1.1 1 .1 ST KDDA SOUTH CAULFIELD BEAUMARIS 4.2 10.7 18 .14 21 .20.146 St Hilda South Caulfield Bryson. Bat Team Effort. . Fisher 2 . McKenrie . Beaumuts Doctor 5, Blackie. Whitaker 3, Celan. Ferguson, Kent Carroll. Best Whitaker, Pitts . Carroll. McGrath. Wadham. Colon, .2 9.6 11 .8 .74 3 .1 3 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4 .4 9.11 11.12 16 .13.109 ktOHASH BLUES . Caulfield Grammar Stumbles 5 . Bouts, Sarnia 2, Curry. Townley. Bestl Bowes. LMdeli . Wilhams . Campbell . Stumbles, Lubmnsky Monaah Blues Baxter . Gregory . Hodson. Kaunwadei . Lawrence, Mclvor 2, Cameron . Hawkins. Herrnwt. Riordan. Best Miller. Gregory . Riordan. Hemnan. Kaunwadel, Hodson. OLD BRIGHTON 6.4 9.5 11 .7 14,11,95 .112 MAZENOD OC 4 .1 10.2 14 .7 17.10 . Bed Rhodes . Old Brighton Dennis 5 . Liptrot 3. Price 2. Brown . Rhodes. RaJu. Kent . Pamham. Alderson, Rain, McCul~1n. Dennis Masenad OC Evans 5- Ward 3. McDowefl 2, Moore, Bordignon, Meadows . Clifford, Knott It Grand . Bat Young. Dunne, Quinn, Paoluccl- Evans- Hemmerteh . 5,0 8.2 8,3 10 .7 .67 HAMPTON ROVERS OLD HAB.BYBURY 5 .5 8.9 14.12 19 .15.129 Hampton Rovers AmrouG Nelson 4. Holt. Lack. Best Dunball- Anderson, Brownc, T . Lynch. T. Smith. Old Halteybury Ladd H . Carson 3, molin. tangford-Jones, Walden 2. Clarke. Jimmieson, Warden, Waters, Best George, Fossey. Walden, Scaife. Crson, .Viltshire.
UNDER 19 2 RED 3.4 7.8 9 .9 12,13.85 .1gUDtA3 OC W1DTggRtARS 2.5 4.5 7.12 8 .14.62 Aquinas OC Huggins 4. Thomas. Heveren 2. Griffin . Burch, 7homas . Cultrera . Beat Brownhfll . Mxcuri . Burch. Cultrera. Hoverer . Thomas. Whltetr(ars Davis. Barnes 2, Datis, Pawhck . Foible. Lacey. Beat 0'C>nnor . Fedele. Pawlkk. Wmterbum.Tartagba.Larry . 7.8 4.13 7,15 9.24 .78 012) SCOTCH 3 .3 5.5 5.8 7.8.50 MARCELLIN Old Scotch Gilchrist. Portion. Tindak 2. Davis, Morns. Thomas. MarceOin Dallari4a 3 . Kamvasdis, Roberts. Stephens. DimatUna .Beat Bel9ssmm. Van Lint. Ryan. Aioussi . Crosby. 24 .17,181 OLD CAREY 7 .4 11.5 17 .13 5.2 6.4 7.6 11.7,73 YARRAVAIJ .EY Old Carey Salt 5. D'Anna. Woods 3 . Battle, Collins, Costello . Hendnks 2. Anson . Snall. . Bedford . Smyth. Spencer . Hutchens . Bat hendnks . Sall Collins. Costello. Wilson Yarns Valley Smith . Reid- Hate. Thompson. Ford 2. McConnell . Best Drew, Telford. Balshaw, Laing . Hartnett . Red . AA
OLD TRDtITT 4 .3 12.8 15 .12 16.17.113 CtDHNSmEPAR6 1 .2 3.2 5,5 8.1968 Old Trinity Ar rowsmith, Power 3. T. Cade . J. Cade . Newman 2 . Bat Newman . Na~a ;;, Arrowsnnth. Grlsbrook. P,- _r. Andrews . Chtrnaide Park Allatt. Piccloll, Dalton. Westhore, Marsden, Varga. Cliff. Cousins. Eeyt Allat4 Banks . Adam, McKinnon, Cliff .
!1 16C)0 '
CAULFIELD GR. v. ORMOND (Caulf. Gr ., Wheelers Hi ll Mel. 71 J8) OLD BRIGHTON v . BEAUMARIS HAMPTON ROVERS v. MONASH BLUES OLD HAILEYBURY v . MAZENOD (Main Oval , McKinnon Reserve 11 .30 am) RED (2) OLD SCOTCH v . OLD PARADIANS (2) OLD CAREY v. WHITEFRIARS OLD TRINITY v. MARCELLI N CHIRNSIDE PARK v . YARRA VALLEY (1 .15 pm Start) SECTION 1 OLD PARADIANS v . ST BERNARDS F1eld : B . Buyck, S . Cook. OLD XAVERIANS v . UNIVERSITY BLUES Field : D. Arehow, P . Withington ; Goal: J . Slater, B. Jephson (R) . THERRY v . DE IA SALLE Field: P . Tuppen, T . Foley . OLD MELBURNIANS v . COLLEGIANS Field: M . Rossato, S . Rolls . NORTH OLD BOYS v. AJAX Field: C. Nash, A . Chapman . WHIT E WARRINGAL v . OLD CAMBERWELL ( at High School Oval 1 pm) Field : C. Cimoli, A . Harris ; Goal: M . Venn, M. Frame. ST LEOS EMMAUS v . OLD GEELONG Field: L. Gallagher, M . Argall . UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . WILLIAMSTOWN Field: A. Carrick, D . Ischia. BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE v . ST KEVINS (Bulleen Park) Field: P . Bailey . BLUE ORMOND v. ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD Field: I . Cayzer, J . McGuran. BEAUMARIS v . CAULFIELD GR . Field : Rob Burns, J. Bell . MONASH BLUES v. OLD BRIGHTON Field: L. Demytko, B . Walsh . MAZENOD v . HAMPTON ROVERS Field : G . Armstrong, G . Morgan. RED OLD PARADIANS (2) v. AQUINAS ( at 11 .30 am) Field: D . D'Altera . WHITEFRIARS v. OLD SCOTCH Field: T. Creighton, I . Stevenson; Goal: G . Clancy. MARCELLIN v . OLD CAREY Field : K . McMahon, C . Ryan . Goal: K. Segota, R. Dunstan . YARRA VALLEY v. OLD TRINITY (Yarra Va lley Anglican School (36 D12) at 12 noon) Field : A. Stubbs . Under 19 - Continued on Page 47 > THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
E dited by Phil Stevens ~mazingly a VAFA coach related to a VAFA officia l last weekend that he had never heard or had been advised of the VAFA's negating tactics rule which was introduced two years ago to eliminate any interference with players "off the ball" . Obviously it's time to revisit this area . The official ,~ras querying the coach as to why he was allowing his full back to employ many of the disgraceful tactics we often observe in the AFL from time to time against great players such as Ablett, Dunstall, Lockett, Kernahan etc . Our policy, which all umpires are instructed to adhere to, is as foll ows: 1. No player is to impede the path, touch, or harrass an opposition player when the ball is outside 5 metres . 2. If this tactic is observed by any of the field umpires a free kick is to awarded without any warning . This free kick must not disadvantage the team offended against . 3 . If the same player repeats the act in the same game he is to be immediately reported, a free kick awarded and the player ordered from the ground . 4. VAFA appointed goal and boundary umpires at the next appropriate break in play are to inform the field umpires that the tactic is being undertaken behind th e play . ®
The deadline for lodging of senior permits for this season is this Sunday night . Effectively this means that when the front letterbox is cleared on Monday morning that will be it for the season . Under 19 permits lodged will be processed on A Friday evening and this facility continues for under 19 teams up until the end of July . ® ®
Hope everyone likes the new cover for the "Amateur Footballer ." Thought we would acknowledge the AFL Centenary Season The game depicted, says the Illustrated Australian News (circa 1877), shows one of the strong suburban clubs - Melbourne First Twenty playing in Yarra Park, Melbourne . One presumes that the game is Melbourne Grammar and Old Scotch . Compliments to Gary Sparke at Cyan for the idea and the presentation. ®
Garry No rt on - Old dfentonians: 345 / nil / 1 for a total of 346 games Bruce Bourne - Ormond : 253 / 36 / 20 for a total of 313 games Ron Bungey - Old Irdentonians : 322 / nil / nil for total of 322 game s Tony Borrack - Commonwealth Bank: 294 / 12 / 1 for a total of 307 games . Should any other club feel that it has a former player worthy of consideration please submit his playing details to the Association before July 20th . The criteria for nomination is senior club matches, under 19 matches and VAFA representative matches only. At the presentation luncheon each player will be presented with 3 certificates and/or photographs one to be retained by the VAFA for its VAFA 300 Game Player Wall, the other for the player himself and the other for the player's club.
> Under 19 - Continued from Page 46
68 44 35 33 26
46 40 36 35 22
It appears at this stage that the foll owing VAFA greats will be inducted into the Association's 300 Game Club at a function at Elsternwick Park during this year's finals . Kevin White - St .Kilda CBC : 281 senior games ; 28 under 19 games and 6 VAFA representative games - for a total of 315 game s Peter Hutchinson - Power House : 304 / nil / 1 for a total of 305 games
A melee is'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "
VAFA PREMIERSHIP LIST S 1996 W L 0 FOR AGST Y. PTS A SECTIO N 8 2 0 1194 847 140-97 32 COLLEGIANS 124.16 24 961 774 UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 4 0 24 OLD MELBURNIANS 0 1032 978 105 .52 24 6 4604971 966 100-52 OLD HAILEYBURY DE LA SALLE 5 6 0 791 815 97.06 20 94.71 20 5 5 0 895 945 OLD SCOTCH ST BERNARDS 5 5 0 855 834 81-54 20 1015 84 .63 16 MAZENODOC 4 6 0 859 ORMOyD RI~S 3 7 0 0~ 1024 78 i3 12 B SECTIO 10 0 0 N 1445 608 238 .45 40 OLD TRINITY 9 1 0 1263 796 158 .67 36 OLD PARADIANS 6 4 0 1109 911 121 .73 24 THERRY CCOB 6 4 0 992 950 103.33 24 OLD BRIGHTON BANYULE 5 5 0 987 1100 89 .73 20 4 6 0 990 1005 98.51 16 IVANHOE OLD IVANHOE 4 6 0 956 1230 77 .72 16 MHSOR 3 7 0 947 1059 89.42 128 2 8 BULEENTEA4PlESTOWE 0 17 0 729 1560 4640 1 N0CSETIO 0 0 1308 675 193.78 40 ST KEVINS 10 866 139.95 32 01 1212 A J A X 87 2 3 0 1065 873 121 .99 28 MARCELLIN 7 3 0 1053 992 106-15 28 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD THOMASTOWN 5 5 0 967 988 97 .07 20 STBEDEStMENTONETIGERS 4 6 0 873 958 91 .13 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 7 0 900 1083 83 .10 12 OLD GEELONG 3 7 0 773 1069 72-31 12 WNTEFRI flS~S 1 2 9 0 802 1253 8404 4 D SECTION 8 2 0 1151 952 120.90 32 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 0 1211 791 is .10 28 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 7 MONASH BLUES 7 3 0 965 813 118-70 126 28 26 .43 BEAUMARIS AFC 6 3 1 1062 840 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 5 4 1 981 846 115-96 22 PARKSIDE 5 5 0 871 884 98 .53 20 .95 16 SOUTHBANKCBAAFC 4 6 0 907 926 97 .98 16 857 94 ST JOHNS 0 C 4 6 0 814 KEW 2 7 1 891 1084 82 .20 10 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 9 1 622 1482 41 .97 2 E EAST SECTIO N 9 1 0 1527 714 213 .87 36 AQUINAS O B 1 0 1289 799 161 .33 36 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 9 6 3 1 1112 1076 103.35 26 ELEYPARK AFC 6 4 0 1252 994 125 .96 24 OLD CAREY 20 CHIRNSIDE PARK 5 5 0 1114 982 113 .44 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 5 1 967 893 108 .29 18 16 BULLEEN COBRAS 4 6 0 946 942 100 .42 ELTHAM O C 4 6 0 852 1183 72 .02 1 8684 7 ST N URNE UNIVERSITY 2 18 0 0 408 16163 2529
1165 683 170.57 36 N WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 9 1 0 0 1082 478 226-36 32 =-: UNIVERStTY BLACKS 8 2 613 195.11 32 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 8 2 0 1196 7 3 0 983 727 135.21 28 WEST BRUNSWICK NORTH BRUNSWICK 6 4 0 1257 854 147.19 24 U H S O B 4 6 0 858 1071 84 .87 16 LATROBEUNIVERSITY 3 7 0 995 799 724.53 12 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 3 7 0 1148 1100 104 .36 12 1626 50,31 8 2 8 0 8i8 NEWLANDS COBURG FC THORNBURY COUGARS FC 0 10 0 345 1905 17.38 0 E SOUTH SECTIO N 36 SALESIAN 0 C 9 1 0 1531 704 217.47 PENINSULAOB 9 1 0 1578 766 206 .01 36 8 2 0 1152 725 158 .90 32 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 8 2 0 1277 848 150.59 32 POWERHOUSE OAKLEIGH A F C 5 5 0 1127 902 124 .94 20 MONASHGRYPHONS 4 6 0 1161 1012 114 .72 16 A N Z ALBERT PARK 4 6 0 1084 1 i15 97-22 16 ELSTERNWICK 2 8 0 779 1299 59.97 8 GLENHUNTLY 1 9 0 482 1750 27-54 4 MONASH WHITES 0 10 0 451 1666 27 .07 0 UNDER-19 SECTION i UNIVERSITY BLUES 10 0 0 1542 468 329.49 40 8 2 0 1542 533 289.31 32 OLD XAVERIANS 8 2 0 961 712 134.97 32 DE LASALLE 143.11 24 OLDPARADIANS 6 4 0 1112 777 OLD MELBURNIANS 6 4 0 948 841 112-72 24 ST BERNARDS 5 5 0 1105 1076 102 .70 20 2 8 0 628 954 65 .83 8 AJAX # COLLEGIANS 2 6 0 425 1276 33 .31 8 THERRY 2 8 0 509 1646 30 .92 8 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 9 0 564 1420 39 .72 4 6 UNDER-1912) WHITE 0 1226 451 271-84 36 STKEVINS 9 9 1 0 1160 55 212.23 36 OLD CAMBERWELL 32 722 134.90 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 8 2 0 974 0 945 667 141 .68 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 4 WARRINGALAFC 6 4 0 1071 910 117-69 24 OLD GEELONG 6 4 0 797 836 95 .33 24 ST LEO'S EMMAUS WP 3 7 0 794 852 93 .19 12 JfDELASALLE(2d 2 8 0 640 1092 58 .61 8 4 BULLEEN-TEM LESTOWE A 1 9 0 238 1937 12-29 UNDER-19 (2) BLUE BEAUMARIS A F C 10 0 0 1530 OLD HAILEYBURY 8 2 0 1078 MAZENOD OC 8 2 0 959 OLD BRIGHTON 7 3 0 1072 ORMOND 5 5 0 821 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4 6 0 703 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 6 0 692 MONASH BLUES 3 7 0 647 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 1 9 0 55 3
UNDER-19 (2) RED 10 0 0 1442 OLD CAREY 8 2 0 931 OLD SCOTCH WHITEFRIARS 7 3 0 861 MARCELLIN 7 3 0 881 AQUINAS OC 5 5 0 773 OLD TRINITY 4 6 0 619 YARRA VALLEY 4 6 0 520 )A F C
2 37OLDPARINS(2 8 0 487
390 39731 40 618 174.43 28 687 798 '2'-'8 156.04 32 981 83 .69 20 1032 68 .12 1 6 .22 16 1 61 65 tOit 64-00 12 4 1412 37,06
W L D FOR AGST % A RESERVE SECTIO N OLD XAVERIANS 9 1 0 880 539 16327 8 2 0 953 616 154.71 UNIVERSITY BLUES OLD MELBURNIANS 7 2 1 714 506 141 .11 7 3 0 874 622 140.51 DE LA SALLE COLLEGIANS 5 4 1 860 705 121 .99 OLD SCOTCH 5 5 0 813 747 108 .84 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 7 0 471 869 54 .20 MAZENODOC 2 8 0 725 857 84 .60 ORMOND 2 8 0 514 905 56-80 1 9 0 485 993 48 .84 ST BERNARDS B RESERVE SECTION OLD PARADIANS 9 1 0 1030 476 216 .39 OLD BRIGHTON 8 1 1 913 423 215-84 7 3 0 920 707 130.13 OLD TRINITY THERRY CCOB 6 4 0 853 570 149.65 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 4 0 917 691 132 .71 765 741 103.24 M H S O B 5 4 1 3 6 1 604 835 72.34 OLD IVANHOE BANYULE 3 7 0 605 841 71 .94 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 2 8 1 374 1302 28 .73 IVANHOE 0 10 0 390 958 40 .71 C RESERVE SECTIO N MARCELUN 9 1 0 947 355 266.76 8 2 0 946 454 208.37 STBEDESR.IENTONE TIGERS A J A X 8 2 0 855 510 167.65 OLD GEELONG 7 3 0 e01 567 141 .27 5 5 0 692 717 96 .51 ST KEVINS HAMPTON ROVERS 4 6 0 638 658 96 .96
3i 74 28 24 2;
ST KItL4DA STH CAULFIELD 3 7 0 466 947 49 .21 771 84.70 2 8 0 653 THOMASTOWN WHITEFRIARS 1 9 0 359 1081 33 .21 D RESERVE SECTIO N MONASH BLUES 10 0 0 1135 291 390 .03 8 2 0 829 506 163 .83 OLD CAMBERWELL ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 8 2 0 703 628 111-94 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 6 4 0 866 521 166-22 5 5 0 791 581 136.14 STJOHNSOC PARKSIDE 5 5 0 709 580 122-24 BEAUMARIS A F C 4 6 0 609 769 79 .19 SOUTHBANKCBAAFC 2 8 0 510 1071 50 .45 KEW 2 8 0 414 922 44.90 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 10 0 244 1096 22 .26
E EAST RESERVE SECTION YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 8 2 0 893 409 218 .34 OLD CAREY 8 2 0 963 448 214-96 CHIRNSIDE PARK 7 3 0 717 617 116 .21 ST MARYS 6 4 0 644 778 82 8 3 AQUINAS O B 5 5 0 749 493 151-93 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 5 0 776 788 98 .48 598 99 .16 BULLEEN COBRAS 4 6 0 593 ELEY PARK A F C 3 7 0 526 859 61 .23 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 3 7 0 302 889 33 .97 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 9 0 386 932 41,42 E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTIO N 271 .77 WILLIAMSTOWNCYMS 9 1 0 1242 457 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 2 0 958 358 267-60 8 2 0 914 476 192 .02 NORTH BRUNSWICK OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 7 3 0 978 395 247-59 WEST BRUNSWICK 6 4 0 848 531 158 .70 LATROBEUNIVERSITY 5 5 0 657 515 129 .5 1 ~E OLD W ESTBOURNE A F C 3 7 0 473 688 6815 U H S O 13 2 8 0 458 888 51-58 NEWLANDS COBURG F C 2 8 0 371 1043 35 .57 THORNBURY COUGARS 0 10 0 107 1766 6 .05 E SOUTH RESERVE SECTIO N PENINSULA OB 10 0 0 1187 299 396 .99 SALESIAN O C 8 2 0 1163 365 318 .63 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 8 2 0 1262 439 287 .47 7 3 0 922 447 206 .26 OAKLEIGH AFC POWERHOUSE 5 5 0 908 504 180.16 A N Z ALBERT PARK 5 5 0 654 789 82 .89 MONASH GRYPHONS 3 7 0 486 707 68 .74 MONASH WHITES 3 7 0 279 1147 24,32 ELSTERNWICK 1 9 0 281 1377 20 .41 GLENHUNTLY 0 10 0 139 1533 9.07 CLUB XV01 NORT H 9 1 0 833 447 186 .35 HAWTHORN CITIZENS ~ MARCELLIN 7 3 0 659 353 186 .69 STBERNARDS 7 3 0 574 374 153-48 COLLEGIANS 6 4 0 556 494 112-55 OLD IVANHOE 6 4 0 424 431 98 .38 THERRY 6 4 0 354 627 56 .46 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 6 0 343 577 59-45 KEW AFC 3 7 0 375 619 60 .58 ~OLDESSENDON 1 9 0 228 875 26 .06
31 21 21 2 2
CLUB XVIII SOUTH 9 1 0 692 247 280 .16 OLD XAVERIANS 8 2 0 623 387 160.98 OLD SCOTCH 7 3 0 606 333 181 .98 DE LA SALLE 136.8 4 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 7 3 0 494 36 1 ~STKEVINS 5 5 0 308 657 46.88 OLD GEELONG 4 6 0 305 625 48.80 *MAZEN000 C 4 6 0 230 493 46 .6 5 V U T 3 7 0 276 726 38 .02 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 8 0 211 461 45 .77 * -INELIGIBLE PLAYERS ROUND 8 . i-SCORES ADDED FROM ROUND 7 .
F 573 251 .66 40 683 136.31 32 510 168.82 28 606 145.38 28 828 93.36 20 798 77.57 16 1081 48.10 16 1260 52-06 12 1076 45.26 6
7 J `.it~I ~ ~~:.a U
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