The Amateur Footballer, Week 13, 1996

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EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s

EVERYTHING IS TERRIFIC ... OR IS IT? very Sunday morning when I talk on the radio about E Amateur football and we talk about the battle for the double chance or the competition for a place in the final four or the terrific contest down towards the bottom oftheladder to avoid the dreaded relegation to the section below, listeners must think what a wonderfully interesting competition the VAFA is . And it is .

or A, B, C and D sections teams will be involved right up to round 18 in striving to reach (or avoid) one of the situations outlined in my opening paragraph . However looking at our three E sections I have a feeling (and I should point out here that my Editorial today is a personal opinion only and doesn't have the imprimatur of the rest of the Executive), that all is not equally as rosy. erhaps I need know to delve into a little recent history .

pears of this trial are almost up and I have go rave concerns . I believe many of our E section clubs have all but declared the 1996 season over - they can't make the four; they can't be relegated : they can only be thrashed each weekend . This is causing numbers to dwindle and teams difficult to fill. I know of one team whose training sessions now consist of a Thursday get together at a pub to see who is available for the following Saturday !! Today I would like to urge all lovers of VAFA footy t o put on their thinking caps and put in writing (c/me) their strategy to stop the demise of some of these clubs and put a plan of action through me to the Executive .

believe if we can make an annoucement before the end of the current season we can give many teams hop e for the future so before they go into summer hibernation EDITORIAL - Continued on Page 11 >

T hree years ago the Executive was facing problems with many E section clubs who were complainin g about having to travel extremely long distances to play its games . At that stage our existing E sections were graded E, F, G and worked on a promotion an d relegation system as are the higher sections lie 2 up, 2 down each year) . L ower Section clubs were telling us that unless something was done, their rese rv es teams would begin forfeiting matches and in time their club would decline . In response to th is alarming situation we moved pretty quickly and for season 1995 we arran ged three E sections and grouped them geographically, with the aim of creating less travel, thus solvi ng the major problem, and also hopefully creating a greater social atmosphere by enabling neighbouring teams to socialise more as well as being more attractive to local sponsors .


t this time the Executive gave an assuran ce to giv e this exercise a three year trial before evaluating its success or otherwise .


INDEX Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Section A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Section B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Section C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Section D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :8 Section E East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0 Section E Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Tap Outs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 Elsternwick Park Matches . . . . . . . . . 1 5 Section E South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Club XVIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 Under-l9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Looking Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Coaches' Clipboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 FIDA Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .43 Umpires' Comer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 From the VAFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 emiershfp List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _48

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J u ly 1 3th, 1 936 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Price: $1 .20 Vol . 96 No . 1 3

A SECTIO N by Don Blackwood I T'S T T P 0 s~~ H S,-~ ÂŽT'! ! Tnto the last six games : the home straight but still uncertainty about the claimant for the remaining f ourth spot . Old Melburnians have held it on default, but with their loss sequence now up to six, sheer weight of numbers forced an obliging Old Scotch to fill the breach . Three wins out of four for the Cardinals was enough consistency for them to precariously place their foot on that vital No . 4 . Manoeuvres everywhere outside the four . St. Bernards up and down as is their way, while De La Salle slot down two notches, beaten at the deathknock by a rejuvenated Old Xaverians . Three in a row now pushes Xavs to only one game outside the four : a far cry from the days when together with Ormond they appeared to have a mortgage on 9 and 10 . Ormond's hopes sagged with a listless performance against Scotch, while Mazenod made it four consecutive losses and now squarely face the relegation question . But at the top a fantastic, thrilled-packed match between Collegians and University Blues last week for the honour of leading into the finals series . Blues tried gallantly but couldn't peg back the tenacious Lions who kept that one/two goals break throughout . Grand finalists? But don't forget Old Haileybury who now find themselves in second spot and an effort which reflects on a much more disciplined and purposeful Bloods team than previously . They rolled OM's out of the four and the Redlegs question lingers on . When will the drought end? REVIEW UNIVERSITY BLUES V . COLLEGIAN S

Nerve tingling, rain-drenching match and it never missed a beat as these two great sides fought it out with the stakes so high . Finally, it was Collegians who can now rest on their laurels as undisputed leader and University Blues as the next best challenger. The Lions with more effective forwards ; resolute defence and onball strength held sway for most of the afternoon . Nip and tuck as Blues tried valiantly to bridge the gap and helped by some top class umpiring by the Simon/Gersch combination as they put away the whistle . For Collegians, not much sped past Milat, Laussen or Bennett, while the capable Nick Anderson made use of few opportunities . For Blues, Richard Furphy, Ben Herrald (first halo, Richard Polkinghorne and Andrew Henderson used the spacious territory to perfection . Collegians more options up forward, Blues forward structure not quite right. OLD XAVERIANS V DE LA SALL E

De La Salle did themselves proud, but the points snatched from them in the dying moments . Two goals to the sought-after Domenic Berry in the last stanza mayb e 2

confirmed that it was worth all the trouble . Disappointing for De La who opened up a fiv e goals to one break but crucial shots missed from 2 metres out were devastating at the finish . Xavs now thre on the trot and came home with a wet sail again in a spii ited last ditch effort when seemingly beaten . Tributes t Adam Sassi, Ben Coughlan and Michael Holmes fo excellent efforts, while James McDonald continues t display the same genetic qualities as other members c his family. The Teal Cup rep . Andrew Evans was De L Salle's best player with able support from Drew Jaeksoi and Ben Mannix (four goals) back from all points du West . Xavs knocking on the door, De La Salle knocked u] trying . ORMOND V OLD SCOTCH

The Cardinals carried on from their previous wee] against Xavs working hard low down, but this tim grabbed the points over a dispirited and strangely quie Ormond . With 28 consecutive years of A Section repre sentation, the situation is becoming grim for the prow Monds and with eight flags behind them, the next si : matches will be the toughest they have fought for years . I was a 62 point whitewash by Scotch and with the elusivi Scott Duthie (five goals) having a terrific season and thi Holts, Hoskings and Humes working furiously at grounc level, they impressed with a clean ball handling and pin point disposal . Big Tom Wilson marked strongly an( Rohan Aujard improves every outing . A nasty injury tc fine player Darren Wood didn't assist Ormond and whih Paul McDonald battled hard and Andrew Forrest put ir another good effort, the immediate horizon looks decided . ly bleak . OLD HAILEYBURY V OLD MELBURNIAN S

Another shocker for Old Melburnians, three goal; for the day and only two scoring shots after quarter time . But the OM's hierarchy continues to suggest that they have fallen on hard times and a stack of injured players is instrumental for their demise . No Webb, O'Brien, McMullen, Ellinghaus, plus a number of others of varying quality and the statement has some credence, so perhaps it is just a downturn in confidence with the diet of a win needed to turn it around . Mazenod this week might just be the catalyst . Let's not forget the other partner in the contest who crept into second spot unheralded and its eighth win with the giant double Adam Hilton and Craig Huc ker making their presence felt and Gary Phillips repicking up the pace with consummate ease . Even with crack forward Nick Morey off at half time, the Bloods combined well and David Connell 's work ethic exceptional. Old Haileybury forward, OM's another step backwards . MAZENOD V ST. BERNARDS No draw, but St. Bernards another win away from THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996


home, now their fifth out of six victories to to one again . Had the jump on the Nodders four gal s and finished off with another four in the last stanza to r,,ment a 29 point win in poor conditions . Andrew r,i Mingo three goals from a forward pocket was a good ;tort and Paul Gilmore's two in the last quarter nailed Wn the win . Jac k Overman and Tim Dobson wer e uilportant contributors . Eleven absent out of Nodders top 25 doesn't help their rapidly desperate plight and had to bring up reserves captain Trevor Howard . Dominic Barker with 12 possessions injured early was a tragic loss> but Chris Bell evill e and Mick O'Hara were fine playcrs with former Echuca bush boy Tim Bailey from the Under 19s fitting in well . Bernards continue to baffle, Nodders - a change of cycle needed. PREVIEW The rapidly deteriorating grounds places another dimension on the results, but the Collegians versus Old Xaverians clash will be a clinker with the Lions on line to bring Xavs back to earth after a heady month and win by 16 points . Ormond in dire straits, but De La Salle ain't much in front of them and will have enough incentive to steam ahead to their sixth win by only 11 points . Old Haileybury whipped Old Scotch last time round and will repeat the dose, but only by 23 points this time . OM's last chance against Mazenod in the transferred match back to the Junction Oval and that could shift the balance by 17 points to the Redlegs, whilst St . Bemards take on University Blues at home, not that the home ground advantage means anything . No, Blues by 29 points in a bounce back . Selections : Collegians, De La Salle, Old Haileybury, OM's and University Blues .





SENIORS UHIVERSITY BLUES 1 .3 1 .7 2 .8 3 .8.26 COLLEGIANS 2.7 3 .11 4-12 6 .12.48 University Blues Cavalier 2, Lennen. Best Cavalier. Furphy. Vandenberg, Henderson. Potkinghorne. Bolton. Collegians Anderson 2 . Phillips . Kerr. Thomson. Peters. Beat Milt. Bennett, Peters. Thomson. Kerr. Parkin . OLD XAVERIANS 1 .1 3 .2 6 .4 10.4.64 DE LA SALLE 5.2 7 .4 8 .5 9 .6.60 Old Baverians Berry 4. Landrigan 2. McDonald. Jones, Dann, Occkleshaw. Best Holmes, Coughlan . Sassi, Bowen . Brennan. Wood . De La Salle Mannix 4, Jackson 2, Abrahams. Evans . Macintosh. Best Evans. Jackson, Abrahams. Lafferty. macintosh, Abbott. ORMOND 2.1 3.2 4 .4 4.7.31 OLD SCOTCH 3.4 6.7 9 .9 14.9.93 Ormond Forrest 2 . Remman, Connell . Best McDonald. Collins . Bailey. Wood, Presser. Forres L Old Scotch Duthie 5, Gibbs 3, Hume 2. Laird . Aujard, Hosking . Wilson. Best Grigg, Hosking. Nettleton. Hume, Gibbs, Aujard . OLD HAILEYBURY 3.3 4.7 5 .7 7-8.50 OLD MELBURNIANS 1.2 1 .3 2 .3 3.3.21 Old Haileybury Hilton 2, Byrns, Morey . Hucker, Kraus. Dann. Beat Richardson, Seccull . Connell . Forsyth. Byms, Mitchell. Old Melburnisna Brome112, Handbury. Best Smith . Hewitt. Thompson, Theodore. Boyd, Witts. MAZENOD OC 1.2 2.2 3 .6 4.8.32 ST BERNARDS 4.1 5.6 5.7 9.7.61 Mazenod OC Barker. Mamm, Murray, Schofield . Best Belleville. O'Hara. Marshall, Bailey, Murray. Polan . St Bernards Di Mingo 3. Gilmour 2. Capes. Goltant. Perrett. Vassallo . Best Di Mingo . Capes, A. Comito, Backhouse, Dobson, V . Comito . RESERVES UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.2 0.3 0.5 3.8 .26 COLLEGIANS 2.3 4.9 6.9 7.11.53 University Blues Langley . Stephens . Buckley. Best Stephens. Muller, McAldon. Buckley . Whitehead. Norman. Collegians Kenneally . Leon 2, Richards, Foard . Hartnett . Best Henneally. Jefferson. Hartnett. Mackenzie, Johnston. Greenway. OLD XAVERIANS 0.1 4.3 8.6 10.11 .71 BE LA SALLE 5.1 8.4 8.5 10.5 .65 Old %averians Mallard 4, Walshe 2, Hankins . Jones. Panagiotopoutos. Dillon. Beat Mallard, l.echte. Walshe. Stones. Hawkins . Keyhoe . De La Salle Buick. Curran, Grace 2. Hall . Hill, Jacobs. O'Brien. Beat Wright. Duckett, Makinson . Wyles. Phillips, Smith. ORMOND 0 .4 1.7 2.8 3.9 .27 OLD SCOTCH 1.0 6.4 9.6 12.9 .81 Ormond Kingston 2. Brown. Best Egan, Keating . KukulJan. Connell. Turner. Livingstone. Old Scotch McDonnell 7, Spiden . Reid. Lloyd . Hooper, Norman. Beat Pri tchard . Hooper. McDonnell, Walsh, Iloyd, Montgomery. OLD HAILEYBURY 0 .1 2.1 2.2 5.4 .34 OLD MELBURNIANS 4 .4 6.5 10.7 12,10 .82 Old Halleybury Main 2. Amitrano, Chegwin . Scaife . Best Rekly. Kirkwood-Scott, Chegwin. Pound, Orton. Main, Old Melburnians Dixon 6. Fraser 2. Nelson . Telford. Wilhelm. Bunn. Best Telford, Dixon. Bunn. Useinov, Boyd . Correll . MAZENOD OC 2,1 7.4 8.5 10.7 .67 ST BERNARDS 3 .2 3.3 5.5 7.6-48 Maunod Be Riley 3. Mann 2. Welch. Bourbon, Smith . Coutlie. Brixlgland . Beat Rogers, Mann, Smith. Carter, Couttle, Fisher. St Bernards Bond 3, Dailey, Doran, Wood, Morrish . Beat Brebner, Dailey. Bond . Doran. Overman, Wood.




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COLLEGIANS v . OLD XAVERIANS Meld : A. Damen, G . Thwaites ; GoaL G . Grigg, K. Segota . DE LA SALLE v. ORMOND Meld: R. Simon, M. Gibson; Boundary: M . Tape, M . Meier; Goal : W. Fowler, A. Simpson. OLD SCOTCH v . OLD HAILEYBURY Field: D . Gersch, H . Little: Goal: B . Hoare, M . Lentini . OLD MELBURNIANS v. MAZENOD Field: M . McCrohan, W. Hinton: Boundary : B . Brown, J . Stevenson ; Goal : G . Wright, B. Jephson . ST BERNARDS v. UNIVERSITY BLUES Fl'eld: M. Jackson, S. McCarthy; Boundary : S . Henig, S . Mannix ; Goal: R. Richards, G . Beard.





B SECTION by Paul Luby

t is amazing what a couple of wins can do . Take Old Ivanhoe for example, if they can beat their rivals Ivanhoe this week and Trinity beats Brighton they will be only 1 game out of the four and last week they were right on the relegation stakes . Their form in the last 3 weeks has been good with wins over Banyule and MHSOB and only in the last quarter did Trinity take control. The Old Ivanhoe players are certainly indicating that they want to stay in B section . REVIEW OF ROUND 1 2 Parade v Therry

An exciting match played under difficult conditions resulted in a 10 point victory for Parade and all but secured their berth for the second semi final . Therry had the best of the first quarter through Castaldi on a wing and O'Connor at half forward and probably should have been more then 3 goals in front at 1/4 time . Parade were able to fight back during the 2nd quarter as their mid fielders started to get more of the ball and Nick Kerr finished off the work up forward the scores were level at 1/2 time . As the conditions deteriorated it became a slog for both sides and with Parade able to convert their opportunities better it finally grabbed the lead before 3/4 time and were able to hang on with a further 2 goals in the final term . For Parade the back line of Zappa, Walsh and Swindon were superb all day whilst ruckrover Stephen Philp continued his good form of late. A great performance in the ruck, CHF and CHB from Jimmy Geary in his first game of the year . Captain Dennis Castaldi was good all day for Therry and he was supported by Carter and Gauci in defence and onballers Mick Grocock and the big "Chief" . Old Brighton v MHSO B

After 3 losses in a row Brighton bounced back with a thumping 10 goal victory over Melbourne at Yarra ground and were able to keep their spot in the four . In shocking conditions the commitment and handball of Brighton completely overwhelmed the opposition to the extent that MHSOB did not score their lst goal until the 3rd quarter . Onballers Lennox, Nikas and Fildes were named best for Brighton with Nick Perry chipping on with 3 goals . For MHSOB their best player was half back Tony Grimmer who continued to drive the ball forward all day and he had support form centreman David Rosman and John Newton who played well after coming off the bench . Both Brighton and MHSOB face difficult assignments this week in the top 2 teams . Old Trinity v Bulleen-Templestow e

This match was moved to the Timberidge oval due to the conditions at Trinity but as you would expect with a game between the top team with no losses and 4



the bottom team with no wins it wasn't much of a contest . According to al l reports it was one pack after another as Bulleen tried to upset the running style of Trinity with many num . hers around the ball and it worked to some extent a .~ Trinity only recorded a 12 goal win . Matt Settling ha ; been in sparkling form since moving from defence into the centre and he again dominated play w i Andrew Ramsden who kicked 4 goals from CHF . Against their old side Mal Cumming an d Rod Heath were also good players for Trinity . For Bulleen Robbie Williams in defence continued his fine year with helr from Graham, Thompson and Stott . Old Ivanhoe v Banyule For Old Ivanhoe relegation is that little furthei away after a 5 goal win at Banyule last Saturday . 11 was also the 2nd time that they have beaten the "Bears" this year. Marty Veal may have played for iyears junioatByulebtidn'sophir r from being best on ground against his old club as he was a constant springboard into the attack. He wa ; supported in defence by Rowen Weddle and Pau], "Ernie" Sigley . Up forward Marty "Showstopper' Stewart was a headache all day for the Banyulf defence whilst Parker, Pappos and Donaldson pro vided their usual drive . For Banyule it was their 3rc loss in a row and the finals are slipping away, the} need the 4 points and % this week at Bulleen . Ivanhoe v NOBS

In boggy conditions at Ivanhoe Park the ho

msideonlycr3pthefinalrmbuw . Nortlrabletohdn9piwagstNOBS with Ed Considine at CHF had the opportunities ir the 2nd quarter to gain the lead but poor kicking fo goal let them down once again . The 2nd half was E tight struggle but Ivanhoe who lead at every chan gwerabltokic 3/4meandsrv c their win . For the winners Tucker in the ruck wa: named best along with onballers Rawley and Kendal and defenders Lee and Armstrong . For the 2nd weel on a row Curry was best for NOBS with support frorr defender O'Farrell , whilst Conti, Manassa and Becl tried hard all day . PREVIEW OF ROUND 1 3 I fluked the 5 winners last week, lets see if I car do it again . With the wet conditions the teams shoulc be more evenly, matched and the winning margins ~ lot smaller . Parade are at home to MHSOB an( should be able to win by at least 30 points . Brightor v Trinity is match of the day and with the homf advantage expect Brighton to push the competitior leaders for a great deal of the game, but in the enc



the class of Trinity will prevail and they will win by 4 ~oals . Banp r:in and will get one here by 45 points. In the local I4by old Ivanhoe are at home to Ivanhoe and the ante takes on more than the usual significance with heir respective positions on the ladder . Both sides have been in good form in recent weeks and expect a close contest . Old Ivanhoe by 5 points . Old rivals NOBS and Therry meet at Brunswick and I expect T}lerry to have a good win by 27 points. TRIVIA QUESTIO N Last week the answer was Andy Preston an d the winner was local journalist and Tiger supporter Mick Geary . This week I will be at Brighton v Trinity. Who am I? I played 16 games for 2 clubs between 1978 and 1980 and was part of a celebrated swap which because of my failure added to the lore of one of football's most one-sided deals . I was later a chief executive for a Melbourne club . press correspondents for each club please contact my by 1 .o0pm on the Monday following the game . Please call on r, ,57 4079 (AH), 9268 1568 ( BH) or fax 9268 1576 (BH) .




All the Trinity would like to congratulate Rod Heath on his 100th game last week against Bulleen Templestowe . Rod won the A grade goalkicking in 1993 and has continued to kick goals for Trinity this year. Well done Rod and we look forward to the next 100 games .

OLD PARADIANS v . MHSOB Field : C . Segota, G . Curran; Goal: B. Seymour, S . Ryan . OLD BRIGHTON v. OLD TRINITY Field : M . Jenkins, D . Dalgleish : Boundany: F. Martinez, J. Wright ; Goal: J . Kelly, B . Nash. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v . BANYULE Field: J . Kvins, C . O'Donohue . OLD IVANHOE v. IVANHOE Field: R . Eastwood, C . Donlon : Boundary: D . Ryan, T. Healey ; Goal: K . Pitcher, G . Dae . NORTH OLD BOYS v. THERRY Field : M . Pinney, A. Firley ; Goal: S . Lamble, R. Miller.

] SENIORS THERRY CCOB 5 .3 8.4 9.7 10 .11 .71 OLD PARADIANS 2 .3 7 .10 9.13 11 .15.81 Therry Wrigglesworth, O'Connor. Elliott 2 . Reddick. D. Goodwin. M . Goodwin, Petnwski. But Castaldi. Carter, Groeock, Gauci, Petrevski, O'Connor . Old Paradises Kerr 5, Muleta 2. Philp, Godfrey . Hanford, Brabender. Best Philp, Geary, T.appa,a Walsh. Swindon, Mulligan . MHSOB 0 .5 0 .9 1 .10 3 .13.31 OLD BRIGHTON 4 .3 10 .6 14 .6 14 .7.91 1dH80B Glover. Palmas, Howard . Best Grimmer. Rosman . Newton, Fairchild, Howard, Fleming. Old Brighton Perry 3, Lennax . Mclachlan . Murch 2 . Hayden. Bitionis . Kryzwniak . Pryor. Patterson . Best lennox, Alderson . Nikas . Filds. Fitzgerald, Perry . OLD TRINITY 3.3 7 .5 10 .8 14.11.95 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0.2 0 .3 1 .4 3.5.23 Old Trinity Ramsden 4. Stickland, Heath 3 . Greig. Smith, Phillips . Hudson . Best Sending, Ramsden. Cumming, Dalrymple . Heath. Torrens . Bulleen Templestowe Stott . Thompson . Parris . Best Williams. Graham . Thompson . Stott. Prior. Shine. BANYULE 3.2 7 .4 8.8 9.11.65 OLD IVANHOE 5.6 9 .7 13.8 14.11.95 Banyule Egan 3, Fortune 2 . Turnbull, Witehell . Richmond . Benton . Best Witcheli . Faints. O'Brien . McDermott, Richmond. Wilkes. Old Ivanhoe Douglas 5 . McLean 3 . Veal, Stewart 2, Pappos. Agushi . Best Veal, Weddle. Pappos. StewarL Parker, Sigley. IVANHOE 3.4 4.8 7.11 7.14 .56 NORTH OLD BOYS 1.2 3.8 4.11 6.11 .47 Ivanhoe Newbold 3 . Kennedy 2. Flynn . Angelin . Best Tucker. Rawley. Lee, kendell. Armstrong, Newbold, North Old Boys Beck, Sutherland . Steep. Barker, Boyer. Manassa . Best Curry, O'Farrell. Conti . Manassa. Beck . Barker. RESERVES TBERRY CCOB 0.2 3.3 6.4 9 .6 .60 OLD PARADIANS 4.4 8.4 9.6 10 .6 .66 Therry Stanko 4 . Polar 3 . Rossenold . Hollow. Best Starke. 0'Haloran . Pinner, Hollow, Moran . LaFontaine . Old Paradiaas Boyd, Tobin. Flynn 3. LaBagnara. Best Willits, Jenkins. Rocchiccioli. Hart. Boyd, Mills. MHSOB 0 .1 2.1 4.1 4 .2,26 OLD BRIGHTON 4 .7 5.10 6.12 10 .15.75 1HHSOB Vemna. Archdall, Roach, Wilson.Best Fahey. Barge. Wilson, Hayes . Farr, Goldin. Old Brighton Murray 3 . Teschendorf 2, Grant . Toms, Morton. Magee. Patterson. Best James. Morton. Murray . Williams, Hillier. McLennan. 21 .16.142 OLD TRINITY 5 .9 9.10 15 .14 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0,0 1.3 1.3 4 .3,27 Old Trinity Robison 5, Stanford 4 . Guldings. Heath 3 . Alysandratos. Krivokuca 2 . Wallace . Jervis. Best Board. Smith, Statford. Dinardo. Giddings. Robison . Ballets Templestowe Murphy 2, Dowd . Lambert. Best Taylor, Dowd . Hooper . Chalikias, Franklin, Lambrohoulas . BANYULE 4 .4 7,5 9.7 12 .8.80 OLD IVANHOE 4 .4 7,6 10.9 13.10.88 Banyute Taylor 3 . Glass, Sutteby . Keenan 2, Cleane. Best Stevens. Stephens . Grindal, Glass, Barker, Keenan. Old Ivanhoe McCaskill 4, power 2 . Brophy, Atkinson . corcoran. Young. Toll, Milliard, Lanier. Best Young, Barker, Woods, Milliard . Toll, Atkinson. IVANHOE 2 .1 4 .2 6.3 8.6.54 NORTH OLD BOYS 3.3 4 .3 5 .4 5.5.35 Ivanhoe Molloy 3 . Hoffman 2, Rawlev . Thackwray, Gilles . Best Fairweather . mcGowan, Thackwray . Molloy, Ebbage, Owen . North Old Boys Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .


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C SECTION by Terry Quir k

Thilst the heavy tracks are renowned for levelling up ~ skill levels and being the cause of upsets in matches, last Saturday saw results that were reasonably predictable, although I am certain Old Mentonians will be in a state of shock after being downed by an improving Whitefriars . With six rounds to play, the battles between teams at the lower end of the ladder will be a focus and as much interest as games involving sides fighting to make the four or improve their positions in the four . REVIEW - ROUND 1 2 After a very positive start and better use of the heavy ball, Whitefriars were able to hold on to its lead against Old Mentonians and score a courageous victory . With Mark Robinson a focal point and Anthony Carbone and the Bateman boys on fire, the Friars fought back late in the game after the OM's staged a spirited fightback . Coghlan and the Begleys (J&P) were also solid performers . For the OMs, Andrew Carter, Michael Bond and Matt Brooks were best, with Pride, Austin and Leaver worthy of mention .

With excellent use of the ball and with all guns blazing early, St . Kilda South Caulfield with 12 first half goals from 15 scoring shots, proved too strong for the Rovers . A solid second half fightback by the Rovers certainly improved the scoreline but the bird had well and truly flown . Big "Sing" Gardner (4 goals), Hayes-Dewer, Astapenko, "Doc" Neeson and nippy onballers McGaw and Ryan, were best for the Saints . The Rovers were well served by the Artz brothers ("Axe" and "Hatchet") with "Doc" Anderson (another medico) in good touch. St. Bedes Mentone Tigers sc ribe Mark Beasley was particularly impressed with the slick band of running players from Marcellin and believes they are a chance of upsetting undefeated St . Kevins . The Eagles revelled in the extremely heavy conditions and built their lead all day to a final margin of 61 points. Marco Bello was outstanding for the Eagles whilst Day, O'Flynn, Gill, Gallagher and Rowe were best in a very even side . Justin Sebire was best for the Tigers, well supported by Kinsella, Goodchild, Walsh and Tully.

A very ordinary goalless third quarter by Old Geelong an d a strong second half effort by Thomastown defence paved the way for a hard earned victory by the Thommos. OGs straight kicking kept them in the game but four final quarter goals left them six points in arrears at the final siren . For the winners, Tony Fell ows, Vini Capeci (5 goals), the Grech brothers and Pougios were best. OGs were well served by Johnny Smythe, Andy Handbury, James Cook and James Wilson . OGs will be looking for some big improvements over the next few weeks to climb away from the relegation zone . After enjoying the hospitality of the hierarchy at headquarters last Saturday, I was most fortunate to witness a match befitting two top sides . Four early goals to 6

the SKOBs and perhaps a more desperate attitude early gave it a lead over an Ajax side that fought the game with great character and detenn nation . SKOBs centreline, with Shane Kennedy an Munty (40 off the favourite), gave the forwards consi : tent use of the ball . Big "Jungle Jim" Macey was tin less in the ruck, whilst evergreen Mark Brady gave grez drive . "Buckets" Ryan's s ix goals was a top contributio although the effort of Jeremy Wrobel at full back ft Ajax after quarter time, was outstanding . Charle Cohen, Phil Goldberg an d Jason Wrobel were good pe formers in a tremendous game of footy . PREVIEW - ROUND 1 3

Rovers and Friars will go to battle at David Street I a particularly important match for both clubs . I'll go wit the home ground advantage and select a Rover's margi of 27 points . Old Mentonians welcome Thomastown, who, I ar sure, will need to call in for a counter lunch on the Ion trek to Keysborough . Provided the Thommos don't sta too long on the way, I predict a margin for them of 1 points. Old Geelong will need an enormous improvement t have any sh%v against the powerful combination fror Marcellin . I'll confidently go for an Eagles margin of 4 points . Ajax have another away game, this time at Menton against the Tigers . I was extremely impressed by Ajax last round and with Andrew Kalinski, two goals awa from a club record of 69 goals, I can't see the Tiger being closer than 49 points at siren time . At Righetti, SKOBs take on the Saints . Going for vri: number thirteen will be no pushover against a combina tion that will guarantee finals action with a win . SKOB should have enough experience and youth to take charg and win by 27 points . Reserves winners : St . Kilda South Caulfield Thomastown, Marcellin, Ajax, Hampton Rovers . Correspondents : 5.30 p.m. Monday, fax 9889 9014 Thanks for your efforts.

7 HAMPTON ROVERS v, WHITEFRIARS Field: P Simpson, D . Anderson ; Goal: D . Murray, L. Wilson OLD MENTONIANS v . THOMASTOWN Field: N McCorquodale, R. Bell : Boundary: B. Corcoran, D Fowler ; Goal: C. May (R), P . Allsop. OLD GEELONG v MARCELLIN Field : P . Keogh, B. Tamblyn. ST BEDE : MENTONE TIGERS v . AJAX Field : S. Meredith, P Leyden ; Boundary: C . Stevens . ST KEVINS v . S1 KILDA STH CAULFIELD Field : T. Ovadia, P . Callil GoaL M . Frame, D . Napoli (R) . THE AMATFI7R FhhTRAi i FR r4oF



Thornastown Football Club acknowledges the superb jort of club captain Anthony ( Ant) Fellows on reaching ,,is 300th VAFA game over a 17 year career at Thomastown, five VAFA representatives matches, numerous club and VAFA's divisional best and fairest awards. All at Tllomastown and everyone involved in amateur football congratulates Tony and wishes him continued success . 50 GAMERS AT MARCELLIN Stephen Theisz and Christia n At Marcelli Matthews both ~lay their 50th game this week . Good luck boys and hA-Ii big one this Saturday. SKOBS' "DROOGIE" - 150 GAMES Dean De Rooden, SKOBS Dutch Treat, plays his 150th match today (13/6) against St Kilda Sth Caulfield . Droogie has served the club with great distinction over the last 10 years, as a committee member since 1988, 2nds Captain 1990-91 and '94, and has played in many finals campaigns . All at SKOBs with Droogie (Dearest Dean) and his gladstone bag all the best for many more games, and hope Karen Cheque allows him the chance to play in a premiership team soon . 150 GAMES FOR CRAIG DAVIS AT PANTHERLAND Players and supporters, past and present, this week congratulate one of the Club's characters in Craig Davis on the occasion of his 150th game . Craig joined the Club in 1988 and has since built a reputation as an aggressive and straight-ahead footballer . The Club thanks Craig for his service and congratulates him on this fine achievement. Roll on 200! DAVID DUNLEVIE - PAT 'FIREBALL' ROGERS Congratulations from all at St Kilda Sth Caul field are extended to two of our club stalwarts who reached the magical TON recently . SOCIAi. Wednesday, 17 July 1996 at Mareeilin's Sportsman

Night with Mal Brown, Don Jolly, Tony Shaw, Midge Didham and Tony Leonard. Phone Phil Chambers on 9841 4108.

ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 5.2 12.3 15.8 16 .8 .104 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .5 5.7 8.7 11 .12 .78 St Kilda South Caulfield Gardner 4. Astapenko. L . MeGaw 2. Claxton, Govan, Green, Kertan, A . R1cGaw, Neeson . Ryan, Tkocz . Beat Mihatjavic. Ryan. Gardner. Astapenko, Hayes-Dwar, McGaw . Hampton Rovers Crawford 4 . Panagtotidis, B. Ariz 3. D. Ariz . Best Ariz . Anderson, B. Ariz . Scarlett. Morgan. McGregor. WHITEFRIARS 1 .5 4 .11 6 .13 9 .16.70 OLD MENTONIANS 1 .4 3 .7 6 .12 7 .12.54 Whitefrisrs Robinson 4 . Carbone 3, Pasqualotto 2. Best Carbone. Begley. Matt Bateman . Mark Bateman, Robinson. Begley . Old Mentonlans Pride 3. Stroud 2. Acreman. Kitto . Best Carter. Bond, Brooks. Pride, austin, Leaver. 3.4 5.8 8.10 9.17.71 THOMASTOWN OLD GEELONG 3.0 6.2 6 .3 10.5 .65 Thomastown Capeci 5, Ward . pelsWs, Fellows, Brooks. Beat Fellows . M. Grech . N . Grech, C. Fellows, Pougios. Brooks. Old Geelong Howells. hfezzatessa 2, Salter, Furlano, Taplor, Wellsby, VickersWillis, Smythe. Best Smythe, Cook, Handbury . Wilson. Oliphant. Vickers-Willis MARCELL[N 3.3 5.8 9.13 13.8 .96 ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 1.3 1.3 3.4 5.5.35 MarcelBn Treganowan 3, Rowe, Collins 2, Cooper, Merton, Gill . Purchell, Waters . Bello . Best Be to, Day . 0'Flynn . Gill, Gallagher. Rowe . St B's Mentone Tigers Diggins 4 . Goodchild. Best Sebire, McCraw, Walsh . Tully. Diggins, McCarthy . AJAX 3 .2 6 .5 7.6 8 .8.56 ST KEVINS 6 .2 9 .3 10.6 10 .6.66 Ajax Kalinski- Kircner 3, Goldberg. Rosen. Best Jeremy Wrobet, Cohen, Goldberg, Jason Wrobel, Gunn, Sheezel. St Nevins Ryan 6, Bowles, Tealni . Mount. Brady. Best Doilman . kennedy. Mount, Brady, Macey, Ryan. RESERVES ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2,3 4 .4 6.5 7.7.49 HAMPTON ROVERS 3 .2 8 .3 11.5 16 .7.103 St Hilda South Caulfield Berenger 2 . Dunlevie. Handfield . Keuk, Presnell, Sexton. Best Handfieid, Berenger. Fitzsimons. Dalla lana, Kuck, Read . Hampton Rovers Mantis 4, McKellar. Amoore, Young . McGregor 2, Rogerson, buimer. Armstrong . Melnjak. Beat Mantis. buckley . Amoore. Beilby, Armstrong. Bulncer. WHITEFRIARS 0.2 1 .2 1 .4 1 .7.13 OLD MENTONIANS 3 .2 5 .6 6 .10 6.12.48 Whitefrtars Fulton. Best Fulton, Vernal, Habian . O'Brien, Kelsey, Parr. Old Mentonians Dwyer. Rushworth Flaslu's . Kitto. Best Davis, Lange. Dwyer. Kitto . Furber, Appel . THOMASTOWN 0.1 8.2 10 .4 13.9.87 OLD GEELONG 7.2 7.2 10.4 10.6.66 Thomsstovn Skaf 4 . Farchione 3, Bubis 2 . Valentino. Ward, Sallese . Kennedy. Farchione . Skaf. Rocca, Morabito. Battista, Kennedy. BeatGeelon g Cameron 3 . Burbank . Taylor 2, Morrison, McInnes . Spiden. Best Old Bones . Stinchcombe. Kemp, McInnes, Spiden . MacGowan. MARCELLIN 0 .1 0.3 1.7 2.8 .20 ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 0 .0 0.0 1 .0 1.1 .7 MarceBin Dimattina, Becchetti . Best O'Callaghan, Hurley. Dem . Seabury- Sexton . Beattie. St B's Mentone Tigers Goodchild . Best Connolly, Meyer . lomagno. Goodchild, Recupem. Johnston . 6 .2 8.3 11.8 15 .14.104 AJAX ST BEVINS 0,5 0.5 1.6 1 .8.14 Ajax Redlich 6, Kalb 4 . Rubenstein, Grodski. Sheezel, Marks. Roseman. Best Micmacher, Sheezel . Gradski, Krongold, Slade-jacobson, Rubenstein . St lievtns Bair. Best Game, McCann, Noonan. McDonald, Smith, Boyd . !



4 0

29 26 23 21 21



D SECTION by Ken Bremne r CY A N PRES S Much improved effort last week by yours truly in tipping two winners . Look out, I'm on a roll . At last evening (Monday 8 July )AFCA/VAFA dinner, all 'D' Section coaches present begged me to pick against them . Interest is heightening at both ends of the table as we enter the run home with six games remaining . Enough time to make the '4', consolidate in the middle or find your way to the lowly depths with 'peril' awaiting . ROUND 12 REVIEW

Old Camberwe ll were soundly beaten by Beaumaris. The 'Wells' registered the first however the 'Baysiders' ran rampant after that to lead 6 goals to one at quarter time . The rain came tumbling down but seemed to have little effect on Beaumaris as they simply outclassed their opposition to outscore them in the remaining three quarters . Twelve goals to two. Old Camberwell tried hard all day and were best served by McKenzie, James and Ricky Watson up from the 19s . For Beaumaris, Kinsella, Vaughan, Ferguson and Fraser both from the 19s. At Monash Uni, 15 minutes into the first quarter the 'Blues' had raced out to a scoreline of five goals, one behind to two behinds and on a heavy ground you'd reckon that was the end of the game . Wrong, as no one had told that storyline to the St Johns OC's players . Slowly but surely they clawed their way back into matters and in keeping Monash to just one point in the second half, were able to jag the lead nine minutes from final siren time and hang on . Great effort by all players headed by Spider, Patto, Dicky, Hoppa, Wolber and Athos . MVP's for Monash Uni . were Cam Logan ( again ! ), 'Baldy' Barker and humble as ever 'Heads' . Wet and greasy conditions at Glenhuntly made life difficult for both Caulfield Grammar and St Leo's Emmaus . However, it was the Leo's with better conversion and more of the ball who raced out to a handy 18 point half time lead . The trend continued in the third quarter with the Two Blues' putting the issue beyond doubt adapting far better and using great team play . The final quarter was a slog with both teams only able to manage two points each . Best for St. Leo's in an overall team effort were Darcy, Pitcher and O'Mears. For the 'Fields', Nigel Brohier, Trev . Royals an d Dean Synman.

Parkside at the crossroads had to beat Southbank to be in the race for the finals. In heavy conditions they handled the ball more in the first half but couldn't convert with similar assurety of the 'Bankers' and hence trailed at half time by ten points . In the third quarter Parkside were much more direct and sure of hand and foot and turned the game around to lead at lemon time by ten points . The last quarter was simply a dour struggle with Southbank havmg ample opportunity to snatch the game however Parkside dug deep and kept their noses in front to the tune of six points at siren time . Best for Parkside were San sonetti and Leo P anjari and for Southbank, Spider Elkington and Bones Sheehan . a

The University Reds versus Kew game was played at Northcote Park and from al l

reports it was a terrific venue if not a great game . K

ewouldbpeaswithersulowveritasnhe c somewhat with an early accidental injury to Captaic 'Bongo' in his 100th . Had the 'Brown and Golds' kickec accurately (11 goals, 21 points) they would have decimat ed the 'Redz' who scored their first and only goal of thE game two minutes shy of final siren time . Best for Ke were Wood, Barnes an d King. ROUND 13 PREVIEW

The 'Two Blues', St. Leo's Emmaus fresh frorr knocking off both top of the ladder teams in consecutivE weeks, look certainties to continue on in winning fashior when they play host to University Reds . Thf Bennettswood boys just carry too much fire power for thE 'Redz' and should blitz them in a percentage booster by margin of approximately 15 goals . Kew and Southbank meet at Victoria Park Kew ir what will be one of the seasons' must important games tc date . Maybe not as far as September action counts bu rather the opportunity that exists for the victor to sel determine their '97 grade . Both clubs have to win a nfurthemo lynthersulfothermaindofth e year, in particular St . Johns OC's . I have little doubt that this game will go down right to the wire and hopefully foo my sake, Southbank will have their beaks in front at siren time . 'Bankers' by 9 points. Parkside some ten weeks ago displayed their best footy for years when they visited and destroyed Monash Uni . Now a week is a long time in football let alone ten, however in this instance I reckon on the result being the same . The 'Parkers' come off a tough win whereas the Uni . boys try to bounce back off a loss . For mine I'm going to stick with winning form and suggest Parkside to score by 18 points . St. Johns OC's can just about book themselves a berth in 'D' Section for season 1997 if and when they knock off Beaumaris . No argument about the fact that both teams have great incentive and motivation to claim the points . St. Johns OC's really do play their home ground extremely well and I'm of the opinion that Beaumaris are a far and away better team on a dry track . Something a hunch, tells me they won't get this week . At home the Joc's to win a ripper by 7 points . Top of the pack teams Caulfield Grammar and Old Camberwell, both last round losers do battle at the Gordon Barnard Reserve, Balwyn, home of the 'Wells' . Notwithstanding last week's blemish, the form of Caulfield has been far superior to that of Old Camberwell and all things being equal the 'Fields' should be able to get away with the points . I reckon the wheel should just about be ready to turn for the 'Wells' and winning way s 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLFR 1 aaP

tt follow, however this week I'll stick with Caulfield to ,,1lute by 15 points . Club Scribes : Don't forget the telephone calls and/or , As on Mondays to; telephone 9810 3370, fa x 51 by 5 p .m . Thanks heaps!




SENIORS CAULFIELDGRF""AR 2.6 3.9 4 .9 4.11.35 STLEOSE.:""`! : ._' 4.2 7.3 11 .7 11.9 .75 Caulfield G-unar Vella 2. Will. Baxter. Beat Brohier. Royals . Dicrosta. Baxter, Lowe, Whitmee. St Leos Emmaus WP Vaughan 5 . Davidson 2 . Darcy, Meehan, Panetta. Pitcher. Best Darcy, Pitcher, O'Meara, meehan. Vaughan, Donovan . 0.4 1.7.13 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 .1 0.4 KE{.p 0 .7 4.10 8 .16 11 .21 .87 University Reds Farrell. Best Frisby, T . Jackson . A. Jackson . Rowland . Hall. Daatder. Kew Bruno 3, Porte 2. Barry. Dimasi .Cox. Barnes, Bayley. Wood . Best Wood. Barnes, King . Peters . Fudan. Cox . 2.3 6 .4 7 .8 8.10.58 SOUTHBANK CB.9 PARKSIDE 3.4 4.6 8.12 8.16.64 Southbank CBA Perry 4 . Elkington 2, Hodgson, Waltmeyer . Best Elkingtoa, Sheahan, Perry, Eastham, Watford, Keighran . Parkside Moodie . panjari 2, Lay. Mandii, Reginato, Sherlock . Best Sansonetli . Panjaii. lnserra, lay. Pino . Sherlock. MONASH BLUES 5 .1 6.4 6.5 6.5 .41 2,3 4.3 5.4 6.6.42 STJOHNSOC Monash Blues Rogers, Carman . Baring. Koop, Headberty, Donnelly . Best Barker. Logan .Kiers, Baring, Hipwell. Headberry . St Johns OC Blake 2. Nictasen. Pepper, Ladson . Jankovic. Rachele. Beat Pmdet. Walker, Woods. Kallis, Darcy, Ladson . 18.6.114 6.1 9 .2 12 .3 BEAUMARIS OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .1 2 .1 2 .1 3.1.19 Beaumaris Kinsella . 0'Ritey 4 . Holt 2, Vaughan, Fairbanks . Hanrahatt A. Quin, M. Quin. Taylor. Thomas, Wright . But Holt. Nicholson . Kinsella, Cutnane . Vaughan. Ferguson . Old Camberwell Swan 2, Lethtean. Best James, Watson . McKenzie . Swann. Spurritt, Brown.


BEAUMARIS v . PARKSIDE SOUTHBANKv. OLD CAMBERWELL CAULFIELD OR v. UNIVERSITY RED S ID ST LEOS EMMAUS v. UNIVERSITY REDS Field: V. Veseovi, R. Francis . KEW v . SOUTHBANK Field : C . Brajtberg, T . Foley ; Goal : M . Venn, D . Robinson . PARKSIDE v, MONASH BLUES Field : A . Ladd, P . Griffiths; GoaL• J . Slater, R. Barichievich . ST JOHNS v . BEAUMARIS Field : S . Alber, B . McKee . OLD CAMBERWELL v . CAULFIELD GR . FIELD: A. Flack. D . Kramer; BoundanJ : A. McLean, C . Hayes .

`CK LIST FINES increase as clubs continue to reoffend . The Executive has decided to impose a "one-off" fine of $250 for a fourth offence by a team of a club .

1.1 2 .4 5 .6 8.6 .54 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR ST LEOS EIAMAUS WP 1.4 4 .8 6 .9 9.10 .64 Caulfield Grammar Dickson 3 . Liddell 2 . Gorr, Santiago. Ktose. Best Shrimski . Jacobs, Gurr . Lawrence . Barn ett . Chan. St L :eos Emmaus WP Clark 4 . Mcnamara 2, currigan . Kenny. Van Den Akker. Best Burke. O'Reilly . Pinhom, clark . Turner. Ottobre. UNIVERSITY REDS 2.4 3.4 4.4 6 .5 .41 2 .0 2.1 2.1 2 .1 .13 KEW University Reds Harris . Winkler 2, Fenton. Bowman . Best Fenton, O'Brien, Harris . thatcher . Hall, Hannagan . Kew Mascitti 2. Best Hope, Mitchell. BrassiL Fraser. Kohikas . Danne . SOUTBBANK CBA 0.2 2 .2 3 .3 5.6.36 PARKSIDE 4 .3 7 .7 12 .10 15.13 .103 Southbank CBA Maya. Cook, Phelps. Scanlon. McCarthy. Best nettleton, jebb. Hargreaves . Scanlon . Jones . Herridge . Parkside Stuart 5, Darrigo 3, Antonopoulos 2 . Austin. Dunbabin . McPherson . O'Neill, Panjari . Best McCall . Antonopoulos . Darrigo. Ross, Harris, Stuart. MONASH BLUES 0.3 2.6 5.9 9.11 .65 ST JOHNS OC 4 .2 5.2 7.4 7.6 .48 Monash Blues Crozier 3. Bennett. Feenaghty 2, hientha. Barker. Best Crozier. Bennett. Edquist. De Young, Barker. Thornton . St Johns OC Walton 2 . Aboujaber. Higgins, Back, 4Vaters . Beat Pateson. Emery Back, Rachete. Koppens . Williams. BEAUMARIS 1 .1 4 .5 4 .5 5.5.35 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .4 3 .7 6 .10 7.17.59 Beaumarls Lewis 3 . Lloyd. Tesoriero. Best Lewis. Day, Strnscott. McNieholas. Lloyd . Old Camberwell Patterson . KerkvlieL Thomas . McCrea. Brunnen. Lenton . Simpson. Best Seeley. channon. Jackson, Mitchell . Kerkvliet Brunner.

(:®UND 12 - 6/ 7/96) LATE SCORES : Reserves/Club XVIII (Due : 9531 8333 by 3 p .m .) ALL CLEAR - WELL DONE ALL HOME CLUBS ! Seniors /Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p.m .) ALL CLEAR - WELL DONE ALL HOME CLUBS! Phoned incorrect scores (From Round 11 ) not available

Fines imposed (according to offending team's section). First offence ($5); second offence ($25) ; each further offence ($50) . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 9

E T SECTION by Barry Hicke y y att O'Brien said it all last Saturday as he ~1J~strode briskly onto Carey's Dunshea Oval, 'I had to pick the biggest ground in the competition to umpire by myself on a day like this!' To be sure, footy is a winter game, but heavy grounds and wet, leaden footballs do detract from the spectator and the player enjoyment . Still, as my old friend, Von Schoenbeck, would say, 'Iff you can't standt za manure, vot are you doink in za staples? ' Games again went with service and the Parkers slipped past Centrals into fifth spot, which makes today's meeting between them a genuine tonsil tangler .

settling into their flowing game plan and should have enough firepower to win by 3/4 goals. Richmond Central and Chirnside Park will be a ball tearer at the Kevin Bartlett, as these traditional rivals battle for a place in the four . The Parkers will be favoured by a wet afternoon, which will detract from Centrals marking strength . Centrals are now playing their ground much better though and should win by a few points, after a very tight struggle . Eltham Co llegians will trouble St Mary's in the College theatre in the round and their young enthusiasts should record a win over a sadly out of sorts Saints . The Turtles by 4 goals. Yarra Valley host Swinburne University an d will win conformably. Aquinas will be too strong for Eley Park in spite of a 100% effort from the Sharks . The Sharks will not be able to hold the Blooders mid-fielders and forwards from posting a large score .


Eley Park thwarted Bulleen Cobras for the second time this season, by taking out a close one at Eley Road. The Sharks had an early lead by were pegged back by half time, thereafter in the rain it was a boggy slog, with the Cobras unable to bridge the small gap opened up . A sterling effort from all the Sharks, who continue to do the basic things well . Old Carey and Richmond Central played good football on the ordinary conditions, with the C's pace giving them the edge . Centrals did well to hold Spencer an d Hedgie to low tallies, but the C's opportunistic flankers Michael Addison and Tim Price added their contributions to build a winning score . Kanga Mathews, Matt Cohen and Dave Lee gave the C's terrific drive across half back . Chris Andonopoulos had super glue on his hands for Centrals, Andrew Siwka was a reliable CHB, Anthony Dunn and Gerard Malcolm picked up many kicks on their flanks . Chirnside Park pounded Eltham Co llegians into the Kimberley reserve topsoil, with on-ballers, Justin Carusi and Scott McIntosh, absolutely dominating . St Mary's suffered a similar fate to many sides against Yarra Valley OB this season, being comprehensively buried . Swinburne University were unable to stem the flow of Aquinas OC's goal kicking machinery, as the Blooders continue their roll to the finals . Owen Cultera kicked 4 goals from his wing, 'Live' relieved his brother of the leading goalkicker responsibility, Steve Kenny played another big one mid-field and Kirky, whether at CHF or rucking, was another top performer for the Blooders. PREVIEW ROUND 1 3

Bulleen Cobras will test Old Carey at Koonung, especially if the ground conditions are heavy and the ball is slippery . The Cobras are loaded with talent but somehow don't put it together for 4 quarters, if they could, they would trouble any side . The C's are no w 10

RESERVES winners should be : Old Carey, Richmond Centrals, St Mary's, Yarra Valley an d Aquinas .

Correspondents the Monday contacts are 9547 9144 and Fax 9547 7764 .

Old Carey's very laid back winger Hamis h Morrison, played his 50th with the C's last week. Famous for his cool approach on and off the field, and his pin point accurate passing, the C's are hoping for many more games from this stylist. This week, Simon 'Ghost' Jones, 1994 Seniors B and F winner, will play his 150th game in the same casual way he does everything . Son of the C's 1954 B and F, David Jones, the Ghost has created his own legend, running without moving his legs, wafting through packs an eel would be crushed in, calling the ball and it follows him, he does it all . To Hamish and especially Simon, congratulations and THANKS ! I BULLEEN COBRAS v . OLD CAREY Field : D . D'Altera . RICHMOND CENTRAL v . CHIRNSIDE PARK Field : C . Keeton, C . Nash : Goal : S. Kahn, R . Dunstan . ELTHAM v . ST MARYS Field: P . Walker, P. Maebus . YARRA VALLEY v . SWINBURNE UNI . Field : M . O'Brien, A. Steven. AqUINAS v . ELEY PARK (at No rth Ringwood Reserve _ Rese rves at Aquinas Co llege) Field: A . Kiel.





4.3 5 .4 8.6 8.9.57 ~ULyggFi COBRAS 1.3 4 .7 6 .9 6.14.50 Stay Park Lenarcic, S . Worner 2. Caldwell, Hawley. Hook. A. Warner. Beat Bowen. k; Verde, Lenarcie, Storey. A . Womer. eea Cobras Mcleod . Thompson 2 . James, Starrett . Best Wagg. Dillon . ReMer, Zoai, Thompson . Gaylor. OLD CAREY 13.15.93 gICBMOND CENTRAL 6.8.44 Old Carey Addison 4, Spencer 3, Hickey 2 . Serong . Bennett. Campbell. Price . Best . Conen, Price, Lee . Glindeman. Addison, Mathews Richmond Central Dune~Siwka, WarsacBtK~aktelis . Murphy . Siwka . Best poda.:oPoubs , 4.4 10 .8 14 .10 18.17.125 CBIit,*iSIDE PARK 3.4 5.4 6 .8 7 .8.50 ELTBAM OC Chlrnside Park Piccioli. Macintosh 4 . Trotter, Milkeritis 3. Sore 2, Carnsl . Henderson. Best Mcintosh. J . Carusi. M. Camsi. hiilkec36s . Laidlaw. Simmons. Eitham OC Fitzpatrick 3 . Clarke, Dwyer, Taylor. Oldfiekl. Best Old6eld, Leys . Lees. Horsborough, Solar, Morrow . ST MARYS 3 .3 6.3 6 .4 6 .5.41 ypBRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 4.3 7.9 13 .14 18.16.124 5t Malls Duck 3. O'Brien, Duke, Huebner. Best Theoharru. Stockton. Mullenger, Bourke. LeamwnUh . to Leivre. Turn Valley Old Boys Telford 6, Rees 3. Peake 2, Lawton . McVean, Habben , Heffernan, peterson . Thompson . Best Heffernan . Lawton. Telford, Rees. Midro, Thompson. SWINBIB2NE UNIVERSITY 1 .1 1.1 3.1 4 .2.26 AqDINAS OB 6 .8 11.11 17.17 23 .21.159 Sarisbnme University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Aqninas OB Livingstone 7. Cultrera 4, Hughes 3 . Jeffrey. S . livingstone 2, Flynn, Kenny, langford. Kerkhoven. Hiney. Phelan. Best Cullrera, J. Livingstone, Denavi, --Jan . Vankerkachen, Tamlli.

j` - -

ELEY PARK 2 .2 5.6 6 .7 8.10.58 BULLEEN COBRAS 3 .2 4.5 6.6 10 .9.69 Eley Park Kaye 4. Dell'orso 2 . Carroll, Michalec. Best Bazley . N . Dix, A. Dix, Kaye . to Marta . Nicholls . Boileau Cobras Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . OLD CAREY 13 .13 .91 RICHMOND CENTRAL 9 .13 .67 Old Carey Hughes 6, Patterson 2, Mason, Hosking. Brady, King, Semng. Best Moulton, Hughes, Drever, Cope, Shrives, Jones. Richmond Central Barker, macak . Daly 2, Jones, sutherland. Taylor. Jackson . Best Barker, Macak .Barrance, Hogan. Daly, Wilson. CBIRNSIDE PARE 6 .3 10.5 13.11 19 .13.127 ELTBAM OC 0 .1 1.5 2.5 4.6 .30 Chirnside Park Oates 7 . Dalton 4 . Caine 3. Bond. Muller, Kimpton . Pope. Hussey . Best Chirnside, Harrinston, Kimpton, Oates . Davison. Eltham OC O'Donnell 3, Hogan. Best Storkdale, Hall. Glare, Maddison, Hogan . O'Donnell . ST MARYS 0.1 0.1 2.1 3.1 .19 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 6.8 15.17 21.19 29.25 .199 St Marys Innes 2, Russell . Best Harrison. Sadler, hertigan, Kempster, Frail . Yarra Valley Old Boys Chrls6eld . Smillie, Rowe, Strong 4, Jonson 3. Dove. Ross, Dickson 2. Davies, Reynolds. park. Rest Team Effor t SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 0 .1 2.2 3.3 3.4 .22 AQUINAS OR 5.3 10.10 15.10 21.17 .143 Swinbnrne University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Aquinas US Clifford. O'Loughlin 4. Simon 0'Lou~hlin 3, Barclay, King . Edwards. Wilson, Slatted. Glennie . But Glennie. Hewitt. Tfl(ing,McEvcy, King. Wilson .









7 85 2 53 1 39 6 39 2 33


D EDITORIAL - Continued from Page 1

they can plan for the future and not contemplate the death of their club . To start the thought processes, consider the following plan. 1 . Reintroduce the promotion and relegation system for season 1997 for all sections (except U 19) . 2 . Announce the structure during August of this year . 3 . A plan similar to be following to be adopted® That the 3 E Section 1996 premiers be promoted to D Section for 1997 with the bottom 3 D Section teams being relegated and distributed to E(1) section. ® That the three 1996 E section teams finishing 2, 3 and 4 be allocated to E (1) section for 1997 making an E(1) section of 12 teams, and that the three 1996 E Section teams finishing 5, 6 and 7 form E (2) section for 1997, having an E(2) section of 9 teams (a bye) or the facility to add the best performed F section team to E(2) . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

® That the teams left form F Section for 1997 . This section would be made up of teams from the 1996 E sections that finished 8, 9 and 10 . Making an F section of 9 teams, leaving provisions for the Association to add 1 or 3 new teams . That at the end of 1997 teams would/could be relegated thus - 2 up and 2 down from each section . A gain I stress that the thoughts in my Editorial are mine alone . If there are enough people out there who agree with my plan or can suggest an alternate plan(s) please swamp me with submissions in writing . I am sure that if the groundswell of opinion is overwhelming, that the Executive of the VAFA will react accordingly. lease don't read this and put the idea out of your Pmind . Your support or your contribution just may help save a life - the life of a VAFA footba ll club !

E CENTRAL SECT101 1 by Darren E ° SPORTSCOVE .liamstown CYMS has taken a stranglehold o n a berth in the E Central second semi-final courtesy of its nail-biting one point win over Old Essendon last week and the clarification that the CYMS reserves, not seniors, will lose four points for playing an unregistered player against Thornbury Cougars . The other significant result last week was North Brunswick's four goal victory over West Brunswick which saw North replace West in the four which I suspect will be for good . Mmmmm . . .an Old Essendon v North Brunswick first semi - I'd like to see that ! REVIEW - ROUND 1 2 At Bocce Palace, North Brunswick set up their four goal win in the second quarter where they booted five goals to West B runswick's nil to lead by that margin at half-time . West tried desperately to bridge the gap in the second half but in the testing conditions the damage had been done . Best for the green and gold machine were Barry Thorpe, in-form John Kalpakis, goalsneak Sly Fox and the ever-dangerous Shane Moore while for the Magpies Crash Thompson, Stynes Smythe, Sam Barglamidis and Gary Davies ( 3 goals) were good contributors . West Brunswick will now probably need wins against two of the top three if they are to reclaim their lost position in the four.

At Thornbury the home side put in their most competitive performance of the season, going down by only 39 points to Old Westbourne in atrocious conditions. The Warriors capitalised on the dry ball during the first term, kicking six goals to the Cougars two. From there on, only a combined five goals were added in a game my Warrior correspondent described as a real mud-wrestle . Best for Westbourne were Dean Rode rick, Dasher Outen and Homicide in the ruck . University Blacks departed Bundoora with the Peter O'Donoghue perpetual trophy thanks to its 40 point victory over La Trobe . The Trobers started well and only trailed by two goals at half-time but with a focal point in Planet Hall (5 goals), supported by a band of skilled running players, the Blacks were able to kick away thanks to a four goal final term . Best for the winners were Cook, Gadd an d Beggles while for La Trobe Paddy Edmunds relished the conditions and Ben Hayward applied sticky fingers to haul in a number of grabs. Special mention to Blacks' reserve grade full-fonvard and Mick Dwyer lookalike Huge Ordan who provided many highlights during the curtain raiser with his eight goal haul .

Match of the day at Fearsome Reserve was a cliff-hanger, with both sides understanding the significance of the game and as such bodies were put on the line time and again in the trying conditions . Willi and OEG both enjoyed handy 2-3 goal leads during 1~




the first three quarters, only to have them pegged back such that OEG lead by just seven points at the orange break . To thi point, Willi had been largely kept in the game t crack full-forward Killer Kurkowski who had boote six goals. However, at 3QT he was reported and set off for abusive language and this off-set the advar tage Willi appeared to have as they prepared to kic with the wind in the final term . Two goals to Willi sa them take a five point lead, but OEG answered to t 1 point up with seven minutes left. Willi continual bombarded the ball into the forward line and ttit behinds, the final match winner kicked by Damia Grigg with only forty seconds left, were just enoug to get the four points . Best for the winners wei David Lee, ex-coach Steve Weir, Noodlehea Thege, Dirty Harry and Killer while for tt Grammar Hex, Hutchinson, John Pana and Steve drew praise from Coach Alex Fraser. Finally, UHSOB celebrated its past players dE with a barnstorming eight goal first term from whit a shell shocked Newlands Coburg never recovere although they were clearly more competitive aqurteimashylimtedhagefctor 4 points . Newlands cause was not helped by the comt nation of three late withdrawals (inc Speedball Haye and two reports during the costly first term . Best fi the vanquished were Ceri and ever-reliable P . Kenn and Dooga Fennessy . PREVIEW - ROUND 13 At Centreway, Old Essendon will not want to tal UHSOB too easily as Boycey's boys have clear improved during the course of the season . OEG knc that to grab the double chance this is in the mu column and despite the risk of a psychological If down will prove too good and win by seven goals . Thornbury Cougars travel to West Brunswii hoping to carry on their improved form of last wee However, West will be in no mood for charity and w be only too happy to bring the Cougars back to reali by recording a thumping 100 point win. The small confines of the postage stamp will off Newlands Coburg the chance to be competiti against North Brunswick but competitive is as far it goes. North by ten goals in a tough slog.

The loser of the Old Westbourne versus La Tro'.. clash will earn the dubious honour of most disa pointing side in E Central for 1996. With this tag a the trying conditions likely to prevail at Artic Par this promises to be a very close, hard fought affair . select the Trobers by a whisker.

Match of the Day sees Williamstown CYMS wi the opportunity to attain the status of flag favou r FCNITRAI




When they take on University Blacks at Melbourne University . I give CYMS a big chance to upset the Blacks, particularly if the conditions are heavy, but ,va a close win to the Blacks on the following Logic : 1 ) iey want revenge for the 3 point defeat inflicted by ; ;rilli early in the season ; 2) they have not been ;iireatened at home this year ; 3) a loss would mean ale possibility of slipping to third place ; and 4) the Blacks would like to win for the past players who will be in attendance at the Blacks big pre-game luncheon . Given the Doc's luck at Flemington last week, perhaps a few past players will be enjoying free Drink Cards before and after the Blacks' nailbiting victory . Correspondents : Numbers again by 5 .00pm Monday are 9379 1441 (H), 96

and Fax 9629 8008. SOCIA 18 NOTES

old Westbourne invite all players and supporters to join a Trivia Night being held at the Clubrooms after todays clash with La Trobe .

La Trobe salute Darren "Rubber Guts" Wright on notching his 150th game this week . Rubber has overcome illness and injury to record this great feat . He is a great clubman, having served on the Committee and was Captain of La Trobe's 1993 Reserves premiership side . Well Done Rubber - onwards to 200! BOB BAKER - WEST BRUNSWIC K

West Brunswick would like to congratulate club legend Bob Baker on playing his 300th game this week against Thombury Cougars . VALE: U .H .S .O .B.

Deepest sympathy is extended to club captain David Wallace and family on the passing of his father just after our victory against Newlands-Coburg on Saturday . All at Uni High congratulate him on another outstanding personal pertormance . Well led "Fatty". Thanks again your Committee .


SENIORS 2 .2 7.5 9 .6 11 .8.74 NORTH BRUNSWICK WEST BRUNSWICE. 2 .4 2 .4 5 .6 7 .8,50 North Brunswick Moore 4 . Ongaro . Fox 2, A . Tirchett . Kyriazis. J . Tirchett. Best Thorpe,Kalpakas, Marin . Fox. Moore, J . Tirchett . West Brunswick Davies 3 . Coonan. Haste,Vitale, Smythe. Best Hamilton, Bargiamidis. Williams, Gray. Thomson. Smvthe. THORNBURY COUGARS 2 .0 3.2 4.6 4.7 .31 OLD WESTBOURNE 6 .4 7.6 9.10 9.16 .70 Thornbury Cougars Cutler 3. Abdelnouc Bestl G . Cutler, P . Cutler, Johnson . Alembakis. Bruno, Duson. Old Westbourne Whiting 4, Jago 2 . Baarini, leonard, Billman . Best Roderick. Outen, Robson . Board, leonard. Whiting. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 1 .1 3 .2 3.2 4 .3.27 3 .1 5 .2 6 .4 10.7.67 UNIVERSITY BLACKS La Trobe University Maddison 2 . Haynes, Dumaresq . Best P. Edmunds. Hayward, Brown, Bland, Canty, D . Edmunds. University Blacks Halt 5, Hanlon, Kooloos, Simmons, Hallam . Beaton . Best Pekin, Caccaviello. Darroch . Kooloos. Roberts, Hallam. WILLL4AISTOWN CYMS 3.1 4,5 7 .6 9.9 .63 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 4.4 5.6 8.7 9.8 .62 Williamstown CYMS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Essendon Grammar Clohesy . Memngton, Barr 2 . Mckerral. Conaln. Steven . Best hexter,Hutchinson. Steven. Barr. Pana. Magee. 12 .11 12 .13.85 UHSOB 8 .4 10 .9 5 .8.38 NEWLANDS COBURG 0 .2 4,5 5.7 UHSOB Riotto, Mazza. Sedgwick . Wood 2. Pretty . Cook . Wallace, McLean . Best Brebner. Strahan, Sedgwick. Riotto, Wallace, Sokolenko . Newlands Coburg Morris 3. Frost. Mardini. Best Ced. Keppel. Fennessy. Morris, Charbeh Warren .

RESERVES NORTH BRUNSWICK 14 .15 .99 WEST BRUNSWICK 2.6 .18 North Brunswick Miller 4, Dowsett 2 . Xiriha . Papanikolaou, Hogg . Marini, Rigazzi. Bmdford, kennedy . WhiLnan. Best Xiriha. Bradford. Adams . Lirosi. Miller. Thorpe. West Brunswick Sofra, Heyxmod . Best Saint, McAllister. Newitt, Baker. Rodgers. Cook . THORNBURY COUGARS 1 .2 1 .2 1.4 1 .5.11 OLD WESTBOURNE 5 .8 9 .15 11 .17 14.21.105 Thornbury Cougars Carter . Best Johnston. Couliopas, Hannan. Hamada. price. Robertson. Old Westbourne Morgan, Szuszkiewicz 3 . Craig . Leitch . Ball 2 . Allan . Stewart . Best Szuszkievhri . Flower, Leitch. Craig . D . Ball. C. Ball. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 1.0 1.2 1 .2 2.4 .16 4 .4 6.7 10.11 15 .14.104 UNIVERSITY BLACKS La Trobe University Black . McDonald . Best Spralja, Funneil . Gibson. Caughey . McDonald, Wright. University Blacks Keam 8. Forbes. Sowerby . Deane. Hallam, Livingston. Nixon. Rest Keam, Radford, Livingston. Hallam. Zahra. Fraser. WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 2 .1 4.3 4 .4 5 .6.36 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2.2 4 .3 7 .6 11 .9.75 Williamstown CYMS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Essendon Grammar Whitfield 3, Dudderidge . Goodger 2, Soterioa Bishop. Ridley . Hexter . Best Bishop. chalkley, Casa, Dawsn. Whitfield, Soteriou . UIiSOB 3.0 6 .5 10.8 12.11 .83 NEWI .ANDS COBURG 2.3 3.3 8.6 11.7 .73 UHSOB Collard . Zulieki . Pfeieffer 2, Madrigrano, Rogers. Mazza . Scala. Roe. MeWhinney. Best Zulicki, Rogers . Baulch . Madrigrano, Collard . Pfeiffer. Newlands Coburg Parrott, Rafelo 3 . Vescio 2 . Borg. Lee, Doria. Best Berton . Vescio . Rafeto . Lowe. Bond. Hippisley .





Due to works in the area of Elsternwick Park we will be without power and phone s this coming Monday July 15th from 8 .30 a.m . to 3 .30 p .m . To phone Administration on Monday please refer to either of the tw o mobile phone numbers listed below .

General enquiries (Amy )

Tribunal/investigations (Sue )


Many generations of the Gibbs' family were represented at Elsternwick Park last Sunday . Old Scotch player Stuart had in attendance his 93 year old great uncle Bon, his father and 18 month old niece Lucy . Great uncle Ron, during the game, asked Bryan (Stuart's dad) whether it was okay to light up his pipe in view of the fact that there were so many Quit signs around the ground . Ron also remarked that he felt the odd-one out as he couldn't see any other supporters having a puff . Obvious that the Quit message certainly has had an impact at Headquarters. Elsternwick Amateur Football Club will be holding its Annual Past Players' Luncheon at the Elsternwick park Bowling Club (170 Glenhuntly Rd, Elsternwick) on Saturday July 20th from 11 .30 am . The luncheon will be followed by the senior game at the club's E. Park No . 2 oval . For luncheon bookings Past Players of the "Wicks" are asked to phone 9596 4342 or 9569 6750 . Yes Ken Bremner did get to Monash last Tuesday night for his frolic in the mud . The Monash boys dragged KB up and down the centre wicket at Clayton Campus (7) times before they let him be . Funny enough KB strode to the centre wicket resplendent in a raincoat and gum boots (much to everyone's dismay) . However the Monash boys were quick to point out to KB that it was naked dare, and naked it was, mud from head to toe and all other places in between . The Monash centre wicket will never be the same . What a busy weekend for regular column identity Rob 'Frosty' Fuller last week. It all began on Saturday when he took control of the SKOBS lst XVIII against AJAX at EP, in the absence of Tim Hart (suspended) and Richard Callinan (overseas) . He recorded his first win . Then he was back at EP at 11 .00am Sunday to run for Old Scotch 2nd XVIII (second win) destined not to rest following this he donned the civilian gear and became a 'spotter' for Carlton FC at EP during the main game (obviously reminiscing about Mark Kleimann's 30th the night before) . Only trouble was when he was asked by an


tuC nt„fnTCi IO C!1l1TRA1 I CR 1 009

interested spectator of his role on the day he replied that he was there to view no . 34 for Ormond as he was a Carlton 'spotter . Funnily enough the interested spectator was the girlfriend of no . 34 who replied, " Oh Roger would love that he barracks for Carlton" . Bad luck 'Frosty' two wins and a strike for the weekend isn't all that bad . As this column goes to print early in the week we are unsure of Rob's other wins this week . Those being at the just passed Uni Games being held in Melbourne. It seems 'Frosty' is coach of the Deakin football team which comprises a number of ex and current VAFA players . My you are a busy man Rob, all the best and we hope you were equally as successful over the week just gone (in terms of wins of course) . He who laughs last laughs loudest! Picture this . You arrive at Elsternwick Park after having a'blue' with your girlfriend, have a run-in with the gate attendai,t and car parking attendant, and then proceed to get reported during the main game . This is a bad day you think . Then what about when you front the tribunal Tuesday night only to find the car parking attendant (who you had a run-in with) is part of the tribunal panel due to hear your case . Just as well the tribunal member had enough honesty to remove himself from the panel, otherwise it could well have been a real case of he who laughs last, laughs loudest ! E Central Surnames who played VFL/AFL B : J . Kennedy (OE, 69), M . Roberts (UH, 46), B . Sheedy (LA, 16)

HB : C. Pekin (UB, 9), J . Spalding (WB, 30), D. McCarthy (OE, 39 ) C : G. Flower (OW, 46), W. Williams (UH, 56), S. Turner (LA, 45) HF : K . Curran (LA, 43), M . Roach (UH, 55), W. Conlan (OE, 56) F : A. Rocca (TC, 48), C . Wade (UH, 11), M . Richardson (UB, 49)

FOLL: B. Salmon (LA, 41), J . Tuck (WI, 4),'K . Buhagiar (WB, 28) I/C : G . Thompson (TC, 10), B . Cunningham, (UB, 5) L. Shaw (OE, 21 ) Coach : D . 'I%vomey (OW)



Round 1 2 : Sat. : AI\lDRE1N {4f`,LIf<1SKI ( AJf~JC) Sun : STEVEN HUME (Old Scotch ;

W I NN ER : JULIE WRIGHT (LaT robe) ~ N SWER : La T roae University Round 13 Question : Which D Section Club is D Seciion Scribe Ken Bremner


Pr sident ot . Leave your answer, name and contact no . on t}-ie VAFA ansv,ierin g machine after 8pm Sai . riigm . _ ._ ;"d;'vVBf;i ; ~! Sponsor 61 t ti ie 199 E


PHONE: 952 331 I -_Lu 2' 71 A and B Section 0 by 0 SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SI X BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams) To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m . PHONE : tr.

EL KL_dii'.',i_iCn PAM D^ - vy FOR REST 0-1 - SEASON * Scheduling of Match at E.P . Subject to ground conditio n This Sat .: This Sun, : Sat. July 20: Sun, July 21,: Sat. July 27: Sun . July 28 : Sat. Aug. 3: Sun . Aug . 4: Sat . Aug. 10: Sun. Aug, 11 : Sat . Aug, 17 : Sun. Aug . 18:

No E.P. match rostered No E.P. match rostered No E.P. match rostered No E.P. match rostered Powerhouse v. Elsternwick FIDA Round 1 0

MHSOB v, Ivanhoe FIDA Semi Final s University Blues v . Old Haileybury FIDA Grand Finals

Old Brighton v. Old Paradians Club XVIII Grand Finals n THF ARAATFI IR F(1(1TRAI I FR tOpR

Under 19 Section 1 AJ AX Coach : Mike Zemski Assistant: Mark Feldy 1, A. Care w 2. S.ICkowicz 3, B. Davi s

4, M, Page 5, J. Rat h

6. 7. S. 9. 10.

l G . Samue A. Buman (VC) J. Beebe D . Massage H . Snow

1,. P. Steiner 12. D .Mohr (C) 1~;° A . Wiser 14,. D, ones 15 . M . Rogers 17. 18. IS. 20. 21 . 22.

23. 24. 25.

G . Kaplan B. Lewski D. Macro J. Rosens J. Ones D . Sutton

S. Whytcross J. Sche r D . Boon

VC) 27. A . Lust (DVC) 28, P . Zaltsberg 29 . B . Lukav 30 . R. Richards 31 . A . Chrapot 32 . J . Rogers 33 . D. Gelbart 34 . A. Sloane 35 . A. Rosen 36. J. Segal 37. J. Wajnberg 38. J. Hines 39. J. Aber

COLLEGIANS Coach : Eddy Galizi

DE LA SALLE Coach : Terry Russell 1. M.Cha m 2 . P . Price 3. S .Croae 4 . Lt{a9 5 . A.Fbamr~y 6. M . F~r

1 . G.Brxk . 8. Faryth a2 3 . N.Fk~er9»e 7. C. Brownie 4 . G. &am I. C. Wlkp 41 . A 5 . N.ktiet a:t(Caq) 9. C.Ca~ 6. PWaSh 10. D.Tesa .w (RCayA) 7 . P Pace 11 . A.Evarc 42. D.Jackscn 8. J.lkBri4a 12. D. T6dw.y (Caf .)43. B. EH5 9' A Morris t3. A. Wears 44, C. A4almson 10. BHaB 14. P.6kCamack 45 . C. Stavcw 46. M Hep if . S.Cby 15. J.Ho~er 47 . M .Fand 12. N . Brass 16 t 13. S .Hatxe f 17 .. 0 Cr 48 . D. Sof 14. T.VanDxVm (VtCaq) 18 . MAb, ahams 49 . D.tarribe . P. Meant( 15. C. Horns 19 . D.0&ien 50 . D.Graeo 6 . sayers 20. M.Kmp;4e 51 S.Mdcad 17:. S 21 . C.~~ 52 S.Hdrs~ 18 . T. Patvlo 22. P.0'Caiagkoan 53. P.Arm . J. N 19 . M .Grcvmtka 23. M .0'Ca;agl an 54 Durka 20. L Brmw 24. C. M11%Iun'a SS C . Han's" 5& J Galager 21 . T.Catowe9 25. G .Hym 26. P.Wyks(Res.VC~7,,. C.Firyar 22. RHosbing 23. P.HaW 27. LVarDtt NM 5. S.JI ~ 28. M. Lafferty 24. A. Mur 60. S.Thanas 25. C .Srrgih 33. A.Sa}ers 2 " 61. S.AB~ 130.. D.H. Eao G. 26. T.ChaznpOn 34. D.Catnan 3 . A .J IRI 62. J ~ 27. J. D€"Soi 35. N. Lynch 28. A .Line 43 . W. llsyrwrod 32 . T.S#,'rts ~ . C. BUM 29. D. Mali 48 . RThan{5at 33 . B .Akrar 64 E 6-W L~~ 51 . T.Nadir 34 . P.Caxq 3G A. Green 35 . A.Maar4osh 66. 31. T. Badhoix 75 . J .Walsh 38. A.AL~aY 6E87 . . " 32, D. Bedk4k_ 91 . FL bill . 8G .lu~.gstafl ~' ~ 69. J. Forbes 1: 38. R B.Bresfie 78. 39. P. &ashcr 60 M.Sac~op^. . M.Ha ', ..40. G.Crman

NORTH OLD BOYS OLD Coach : Terry Mills MELBURNIANS 1. M. Abbas 2. D .Warxs(C) 3. B. KaA:ovasBs 4. L Lirerc 5. T.C'qprXb 'i 6. 0.KImdef l. B. Garr.y 8 . J. 0Beck 9. . Nexnun

to. L. Curran . C. t,~raJ IVC) 121 . M .C~su4y 13. K Barker 14. B.Turrer 35 15. J, Find 37 . 16. S. Kea n 17. H .Feadier

It. D .Pavb+


19. H . MakhaR ~' 20. L MCBWay 21. AMdsan ~. 2z. B. Lynch 44. 23 . AFavrd E . Ban~ 24 25 . P.Ttsennoson 26. J.Saaas'r>(VC) 27 . S.Mfiurivla 23. M. Waters 29. 1. Taleb 30, A. Takb 31 . T.Moa~fare? 32. J. Saba 33. T.Cl:vdaM 34. S. Evans 35. M. M Seae

J. Sutudard B. marshal C. Franklin Steen T. Pelesan 8. Ckary D .Ckaiy M. EkNi A. Ks mq

I( ll `.lf))',

PH : (03) 9822 001 1



Coach : Pat Hawkin s I . M .Jones(VC) 2. T. Fleming

OLD PARADIANS Coach : Paul Digney 2. ldP. Lynch (Cap .) 3. BP.6YJson 4. B .M .FrO-an 5, A .MJe!z 6 . S .Kirg 7 . P.T.Hams 8 . M. S.Firm 9 . B.Woosevam 10. M.Wocrners .L nch 1 2. 2' . M B . EYd~?/ 13. D. Geary (VC.V) 14. S.Rtl d 15. S.Jeriirs 16, S. H List 17. S . Miter" I& D . Jones 20. K .Ke8ei1 21. N .

22. M. .byce (Carl) 23. M. Cos O 24 . M.Wexand 33 . J~Rs*wk 25. LBaker 40. dCdsis 26 . OCaxmr 41 . T.Gra4arsld 27 . P.Eccks 42. S.Harrcon 28 . M .Co:9WN 43 . M, Gale 29 . S. From 46 . J.Nerfires 31 A.Haxard 48. J.Chadrrtk 31 . C.TEay 52. Lt"lrEarm 32. C .Jdunslare 54. J.Vexar4 33. C . Watson 55 . J.Sy!aa 31. S .Mjom 57. S.0'NeH 35. M. Ryan 62 . C. Pike

Coach : Mark Zuker 1 . E. Sedgley 2 . D . Holme 3. F. Purcell 4. S. Murray (DVC) 5. A . Wardell (DVC) 6. J . Berry 7. C . Banks B. J .Charlton 9 . J . La w 10 . T. Stevenson 11 . T . Cloke (C) 12 . N. Osborne 13 . S. Gowling 14 . M. Bennett 15 . S. Dixo n 16. H . Webb 17. J. Miller 18. C . Jenkins 19. B . McLeod 20. S . Parikh 21 . A . Bain s 22 . K . Rutherford (DVC) 23 . A . Cooc h 24 . R. Tandy 25 . W . Deague 26 . C. Sibree 27 . J . Larkin 28 . S. McKenna 29. J. Rigg 30. S. Humphris 31 . D . Hal l 32. J. Wright (VC)

Coach : Geoff Porter

3 . J. Kay 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 .

B. Hilbert N. Alston L . Nisbet A. Heil J. Dyer S. Bailey D . Boland T. Bowden S . Tucke r

13. W. Somerville 14. M . Innes 15. L. Ford 16. S . Hede 17. P.Adami 18. R. Ryan 20 . J . Danihe r 21 . N . Ockleshaw (DVC) 22 . T. Winter 23 . B. Perry 24 . P. Shannon 26 . J. McCormack 27 . C . McGuigan 28. M .Iacovangelo 29. T. Coughlan 30. N . Irelan d 31 . J . McDonald 32. J . Hardwick 33. P . Walsh 34. M . Chamberlin 35. N. Barrett '. 36 . M. Mulcahy 37 . J. Drake 39 . J. Hawkins 42 . D . Calma n 43 . T. Woodruff (Capt) 44 . R . Hoare

49. D . Donati

ST. BERNARDS Coach : Kevin Mahad y 1 . B . Swann 2. T. Peel 3. S . McKeon 4. M . Hayes 7. J .lanzano 8 . B. Loughlin 10 . B.Overman 11 . M .Tankey 12 . B. Hogan 13 . A. Damingo 14 . R . Nutter 17 . A. O'Sullivan 18 . G . Collins 19. C . Ra e 20. M . O'Callaghan 21 . A . Duncan 23. C . Patience 24. L.Rogers 25 . D.Ferns 29 . D. O'Connor 30 . J . Mount 31 . S . Catanzarin 32 . S. Dailey 33 . J. Ballarin (C) 37 . T. Bateman 41 . D .Juegan 43. C . Davi s 45. M. Dowling 55. G. Cusack

1 . D. Van Englen 2. R. Zampogna 3 . D. Briedis 4 . S. Horalewski 5 . S.Sacco 6 . W. Bradey 7. M. Postma 8. A. Grant 9. S .Stell a 10. D . Salzyk (VC) 11 . J . Hutchinson 12. B . Crochtord (VC) 13. T. Kenna 15. M . hefieman 16 . S .Goodwin 17 . G . O'Connor 18 . D. tuema 19 . M. Cull

20 . B. Jacobsen (VC) 21 . A. Fitzpatrick

23. A. fielding 24 . B. Megrath 25. N . Gill 26. J. Van Englen 27. P .Copeland 28. C. Laws 30. M . McCartney '.. 33 M . Jacobsen 35 . S .Dowdle 37 . P. Dun n 42 . A. Moloney (C) 43 . B. Stevens 44 . F . Grech

Coach : Steve Carroll 1. C .Betrarra 2. S&ocNzy 3. J.Camn 4. R:C6A 5 . D.Oemaj 6 . J.EaHaugh 7 . P. Faiftik 8 . B.FauB 9 . B. Fricker 10. M.Ha4gan 11 . G .Hardon 12. D .Here 13. T. Had 14. A. terdersm 15. T. Johnson 16. D .Ke2f 17. D. Keys 18. S .KUc 19. J. Lawless N . C.Letvnan 21 . E .tirrisay 22 . J. Ma" 23 . J.M:nkas h 24, A.MeKeniie-McHarg 25 . L.Maism 26. H.NayOn 27 . J . Nash 211. D.Pktpass 29. T. RoyrdTase n 30. C . Ria 31 . C .Sddfrg 32. D .Skinnion 33. D . Shack 34. J.Slurock 35. R.Verstetqn 36. R. Vandenberg 38. S. V,'rretcead 33. T . Wkor

40 . M . Wilson

36. B .Dnina;:Jtle 65 . R5(A 37. D.SEe,re~s 69 . LTuiner

~*~y FORK 6.`:~® WM St, Yarraville

Whitehall Ph: 9687 8722


622 Att. Alexander Rd . Moonee Pond s

r ,-~ J: L .

9326 17"



u nder 19 White

BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach: Brian Cartwright 1 . J.Pk~ 2. S.Omrer 3. S. young 4. G .Akzan4er 5. C . Paris 6. R .Msr~ ap ). P.Fotenson(Vc ) 8. A. Bryan 9. R .Slwlinzrd 10 P. George (Cap) 11. S.Faia/ 12. A. Parrs 13. S.Ba7tl 14. D. Mathews (Vcap ) 15. B. Craig 16. S. Sift 11. N.Waddel 8. R. Waams 40, T.t,ta8n?ns 19. P. Ff~o 41 . L.Cessarp 20. T. AgasW 42 . P. Edwards 21 . D. Hooper 43. C. Basins 22. G. Mclaren 44 . C. Braked 23. L .SId1 45 . G. Tap 24. P. t7agia 46 . G. Slarard 25. T. Merrell 47 . C .MVirmilas 26. K Slang 48 . R.Lamtcal 27 . D.Dw4 49 . M.6eMto 28 . P. h4&im .M 50 . D .Go.xr 29 . R Bone 51. 30. R. Field 52 31 . A, Shire 53 J.Scdt 32 . P. Graham 54. 33. C. McWahr; 55. A. Frar& 34 . D.0'Cauel 5 6 35 . M.Osiwra 57. O .Shhe 36 . P . Hare 37. yi.Thr.rnsta 59. B.Lelerve 33 . S .James 60. P.Dal* 39 . D.McNamaza

DE LA SALLE (2) Coach : Clayton Weser 1 . M . CIO 2. P. Firm 3. S. Cron 4. L. Had 5. A . 1,11=by, .6 7 . C. &owce 41. X ' 8 . C. Wrigfd (R.Capl) 9 . C. Car *1 42. D. Jacksan 10. D.Tessier 43. R EM 11 . A . Evans 44. Clualdrism 12 . D.Toohey(CeEt .)45. C.Spanav 13 . Ay7aers 48 . M.Flegan 14 . P . hxCanwck 47 . M. Find 15 . J. Hod,v 48. D. Srt'dh 16 . M.Jadssm 49 . D. Write 17. D.Crare 50. P.Marrix 18. M.Atxaharra 51 . D.Grairo 19. D .0'8ren 52. S. Harrison 20. M.Kra~ 53. P.Aran 21. C . Sharcun 54. J. DuckHI 22 P.0'Cada~ an 55. C . Harrison 23. M.OC9agon 5& J.Ga6ape r 24. C .Minkfornia 57. C .5:11ar 25. G .Hyrcces 58. C.Cha 26. P(Ras.VC) 59. S Jacobs 27. LVanDerPk~A Late 60. S, Thum ry 28. M. rty 61 . S. Apm 29. D .Hegm 62 G .Hsgan 30. J . Han 63. J . Mupty, 31. A. EN 64 . C. Beim 65 . B. Buick 32. T.59rers 66. Llangaw 33. 8. th.9er 34. P. Carrrp 67 . B.B7rre 35. A. Mackintosh 68 . G .t,l 36, A. Abbot 69 . J. 78 . !A S!?drope 37. R.Maiznon 80. M . FN 38. 8. &ashe 39. P. Brasher 40. G. cwrarl

1 . D. Lea r 2 . N. Hodder 3 . A. Laurie 4 . E. Mitchell 5 . E. McLaughlin 6 . R. McCan n 7 . J . Smith 8 . A. Major In A. Daly 10 . D. Cashen 11 . T . Ludlow 12 . S . Vozzo 13 . B . Care y 15. G. Simondson 16. O. Brown 17. A . Swanwick 18. L. Newey 19. T. Batty 20. L. Latham 22. E . Sheahan 32. D . McNally 35. L . Thomas 52. N . Schlittler 80. A . Auliso (Capt) M. Cody P. Deery G . Psaltopoulos B. Wilby M. Smith J. Rattigan G . Wyett

2. T. Molloy 3. M . Kordic 4. T. Webb 5. N . Board 6. R . Watson

7. R . Whitehead (Capt) 8. T. Denovan 9. B . Smit h 10. M. Richmond 11 . C . Williams

12. A . Paterson (VC) 13. S. Hancock (VC) 14. N . Sims (VC) 15 . 16. M. Cook 17. 18. W.Hayes 20. R . Scott

21 . T. Hardman (VC) 22 . J . Miles 23 . 24 . C. Mill s 25 . J . Heffernan 26 . A. Seeley 27 . 28 . W . Taylor 29 . S. Pickles 30 . A. Manuel 31 . J. Clyne 32 . J. Herdmann 33 .

34 . A. Campbell 36 .

i . T. Belleville 2 . M.Buckis 3 . J . Butterfield 4 . B .Dillon 5 . O.Fumess 6 . C .Franklkr 7. R .Gaza i 8 . B.Gilbertson 9 . T. Holmes 10. N . Howell 11 . J . Scott 12. T.Kilchen 13. L . Kirkham 14. A. Leddin 15. J. Magee 16. A. Maher 17. B. Morgan 18. P. Oswald 19. A. Robinson 20. C. Ros s 21 . A.Sanders 22. LSpencer 23. A.Walker 24. T .Warburton 25. J.Ward 26. R. Watson 27. S . While 28 . M . Atkin 29. T . Gargon 30 . A . Morrissey 31 . N. Rolls 32 . L. Juniper 33 . S . Dimon d

OLD GEELONG Coach : Tim Killworth 3. H. Troedel 8. C. SI. Clair 14. E. Boslock (Capt) 15. A Pooley 16. S, O'Brien 28. E. Jeffries 31 . A. Mims 32, A. Browne 33. B. Rankin 36. R. Murnane 37. T. Crooke 39. E . Plowman 40. M . Pettg 41 . S . Pettig 42. D. Campbell 43. J . Paul

49. S .Hurrphris 50. S . Hog g 51 . L. Wilson VCapl) 52 . M. McConachy 53. W. Pau l 54 . S . Cole 55. J . Wallace-Smilh 56 . G. Collins 57 . T. d'Antoine 58 . L.ARken 59 . W. Gordon 68 . S. Bin ley 70 . D . Ha~ 72 . N . Beattie 73 . J . Downie 174 . S. Lucas 175 . R . Olive r

41 . A. Gleevoy 42 . J. McGilp 44 . 48 .


Coach : Damian Carrol l

Coach : Peter O'Connor

AndrewTsindos 1.





Coach : Harry Harisiou 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13. 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 .

J. Hopkin s C. Williams B . Kinnear K . Cannery A . Rossimel A . Karafili S . Attardi B . Woodlock A . Heard A . Fogarty S . Yi n A. Camilled S. Taylor P. Witchel l K. Harte (Capt) T. Wa s L. Sheean H . Beale T. Benton P. Jame s M. Peters (VC) P. Harmon H . Reeves L . O'Connell S. Walter J . Anderson B. Anderson S. Playtair A. Kirk N.Haymes A. Jackson N. Miller S. Hartrick


1 . R. Simkiss 2. M. Gargano 3. S. Kurin g

4. M .Rizio (Capt) 5. J. Pickerin g 6. B. Quirk 7. S. Rie s 8. A. McGuiness 9. M . Furlong 10. A Livy 11 . J. Hassetl 12. M . Field s 13. A. Peretta ( VCapt) 14. P.Greenham 15. C. Hadda d

16. M . Paograzio 17. J. Bowler 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24 . 25. 26. 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 .

G. Large J. O'Brien D. McArdle B . Marusic 8 . Delahay A . McKaige J. Goldswo rt hy M . Funston B .Day J. Finch A . DeKrelsa C. Baker S. Kennedy R . Doherty S.Radtord


: ' ~9 •~ y


Coach : Owen Hourigan Assis . Coach: Justin O'Connor

S ut N




WILLIAMSTOWN C.Y.M .S . Sen. Coach : Gerard Bams 1 . B . Wouda 2. B . Cocks 3. A . Petzierides 4. B .Forrester 5. B.Twist 6. A.Thege 7. J. Clar k S. G .Singleton 9. S. Wuchatsch 10. G . Burgess 11 . D . Macleod 12 . C .Bergin 13. M. Elhaouli 14 . L .Grochowski 15 . T. Murra y 16 . M. Holland 17 . J . Meter 18 . G .Rickard 19 . L.Gray 20 . B. Robinson 21 . R.Cockerell 22 . W . Kaddour 23 . D. Bordignon 24 . D. Wouda 25 . D. Ryan 26 . D. Le e 27 . C. Mathews 28 . S . Kennedy 29 . A . Houli 30 . M . Elhaouli 31 . B . Davies 32. B . Todd 33. B . MacLeod 34. N . Magor 35. S .Siewek 36. G. Carlyon 37. S. Dyer 38. J. Hrycyszyn 39. D . Krogmann



Under 19 Blue BEAUMARIS Coach : Peter McBrearty 1 . N. McLean 2, B .Thomas 3, M . Pitts (VC) 4, J . Wadham 5, N. Thatcher (Capt .) 6. C. Ken t 7 D. Whitaker 8, M, O'Brien g, B. Nicholson t0. G . Moloney 1 S. Blackie 12. M. McLeod t3, N . King 14. A . Quin ~5, B . Stevens 16. P . Fisher (VC) 17. S . Mclve r 18. N . Boctor 19. R . Thornton 20. T. Cotter 21, P . Thomas 22 . N . Joh n

23 . B . Ferguson 24 . C. Cezaw 25 . H. Dwye r 26 . B. Carroll (Capt .) 27 . J . Vance 28 . 29 . 30. 31 . 36. 41 . 51 . 52, 53. 58.

J. McKenzie S. Fraser R. Codield M. Matulick J. Handfietd A. Van Den Blink D . Sheldrake B. Valle R . McGrath B. Stevens


CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Coach : Adrian McMaster 1 . B . Low e 2 . A . Coventry 3 . W. Campbell 4 . N . Silve r 5 . S .Thomson 7 . L.Chambers 8. D. Sawl e 9. B . Lechte 10 . J . Graham 11 . R. Stumbles 12 . B. Hense 13. J . Babarcty 14 . W . Lubransky 15. W. Bowes 16. C . Goldsworthy 17. M. Cutler 18. B. Samild 19. C . Flinos 20. S. Curry 21 . M . Liddell 22. T. Townley 23. D . Sandell 24 . C. Napier 25 . D. Williams 26 . N . Hayman 27 . A . Campbell 28 . T . Yate s 29 . A. Beauchamp 30. L. McMahon 32 . R. Haywood 33. B. Hill

35 . J. Davies




PRINTED LABELS PN09E 03)4243744 F1X113)94352667 "Qun1ilj labrls jDrQnalit}'Clientr°

Coach : Leigh Bowes 3. A. Birc h 11 . D. Paterson 12. A. Alderton 15. F. Carr 20. A. McNamee 24. W. Clark 41 . J . Murchie 43. L. Margot 44. A . Brown 45. C . Rogers 46, A . Price 47. P . Williams 48 . N . Bul(in 49 . J . Raju 50 . C. McGuigan 51 . D. Strachan 52 . M . Balmer 53 . A. Remiry 54 . X.Johnson 55 . M. Dennis 56. S.Toms 57. A. Liptrot 58. D . Watson 59. C . McPherson 60. D . Crewdson 61 . A . Witte 62. A . Lewis 63. B . Wilson 64. R .Martin 65. R. Ken t 66. B . parnham 67 . D. Taylor 68 . M . Jackson 69 . J . Stewart 70 . B. Medley 71 . G . Rhodes 72 . L . Salter 73 . N . Remiry 74 . B.Logan 75 . S. Alderson 77 . B . Morrison-Jack 80. A . Palfrey

Coach : Craig Harri s 1 . C. Cullen 2 . B. Marlyn 3 . D. Varker 4 . A. Varker 5 . D. Anderson (C) 6 . A. Brown e 7 . L . O'Grady 8 . D . Busby 9 . P. Moline 71 . L Treg ear 12 . S . Burke 13. P . Nelson 14. B . Hoare 15. E .Zuker(C) 16. P . Allardice 17. S .Osboume 18. B . Artz 19. S .G . James 20. A. Aquin o 22. H. Georgeanakis 24 . R. Dunball (VC) 25 . M . Dunball 26 . D. Artz 27 . S. Blick 28 . T . Wilmott 29 . H . Tregear 30 . L . Muir 39 . T. Lync h 40. C . Hutchinson 41 . M. Talent 42 . W. Armour 43. M . Salter 44. M . Iles 45. A . Quon 46. M . Louis 47. A . Duddy 48. M . Karakas 49. P . Apinitis 50. T . Pucella .


Coach: Andrew Baxte r 2 BL9(Ca;d) 3. &lt~~ 21 . 4. AtTKai p. S &Ct>ne 23. 6. D. Bell 24. 7. P.larqx~.krs.s %, 6. F.C„urr°ra F. 9. D.D01 27. 10. D.La1i a It. LBrr,a 29, It. D.W'dS.n'~ ga. 1 1 H. T:'Y 31. 14. ftPafrz 3g 15 . lH 31 It . &L35. t7 . k!.„ X t& GW . :. 37. 19. AFb, 39, . C.11 r 20 .~ 45 .


Coach : Kevin King


1 . B.,ktvum

Coach : Steve Rust

M.H3:f 7I .. S .Patt~d(YC) 8 . A .Knoll 9 . B, Clifford 10. T. S/res 1t . G.JawJSla 12. M.flou:di 13. A.R1eadovs 36. F . t{gro t4. G.YOm9 37. R.Hzalxs 15. G. pawn 49. A.Sarytli: 16. L . tours 53. G.Jaet 17. A.Qurn 61. S. SlsIm 18. y.DiS ~`c ' 62. D.Sdwfcek! It. A. McDowell 63. N .A4:dan 21. P.McCuloch 69. P Fay 22. T.B*; 71. D .dancu 23 . T. Pope 72 . BMW 24 . D .Ward n. C .Wood 25 . J.Dirre 27 . 28 . A .Arnae 34 . D. BorJ'rJnoo 35 . 8 . Hat

I .C . Gregory 2 .J . Baxter (C) 3 . C . Miller 4 .A . Brag g 5 . R . Harris (VC) 6 . H . Tomlinson 7,W. Mclvor 8 .M . Lawrence 9 .M . Weeks 10 .B . Henderson 11 . D. Collins 12 .A. Hickey 13.A. Herrman 15.A. Leadston 16.D. Walter 17. P. O'Neill 18.C. Stott (DVC) 19. H. O'Donnell 21 . N. Kazenwadel 22.J. Cavanagh 23.T. O'Brien 24.8. Hodson 25.J . Hawkins 26 .M. Wagstaff 27 . R . Burston 28 .S. McGee 30 .T. Cameron 31 .D .Jones 32 . D . Horsfall 33 .A . Loure y

2. J . Le Grand (CaO.) 3. B-ksO 4 . S.GaM5iiii S . P. Egan



34 . M . Oke 37 . B . Dempsey (DVC) 39 . N . Walker 41 . S . Millie 43. C. Riordan


INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD CAULFIELD Suite 3, 41 B Muff Rd Coach : George Joseph Black Rock. 3193




Coach : B ri an Keating 1 . M . Stielow,

2. N . Courtney

3. R.Franklin (VCapt) 4 . N. Larkin 5 . A. Murph y 6 . M . Broadhurst 7 . H. Brown 8, K. McInerney 9 . S. Taylor 10 . M . Hester 11 . C. Bailey 12 . J. Argall 13. M. Mabbett 14. S. Finlayson 15 . R . Cunningham 16. D . Fishlock 17. S . Handley 18. S . herrman 19. T. Ashford 20. G. Smit h 21 . S . Metz (Capt) 22 . S . Head 23 . C.jackson 24 . 25 . M . Wrodarczyk 26 . J . Byra n 30 . S . Wiedemann 39 . T . Morga n 42 . G . Hall (DVC) 43 . S. Wrodarczyk 45 . L . Livingstone 50. M. Wonnacott 51 . G . Kin g 53. I . Ranso m


19 . 31 . 38 . 39 . 40. 52 . 53. 53. 56. 57.

M . Weilgosz M. Cunningham A. Bryson A. Diamond D . Broadhurst B . Plowman B . Burk e B . Kamminovski B . Karaminovski K . Gleason

58. E . Karaminovski 60. P . Davi s 63. F. Khoweiss 66 . B . Clarke 71 . A .Cranston 72 . M . MacDonald 73 . S . Duffy 74 . C.Femando 75 . S. Price 77 . S.Holloway 78 . G .Davis 79 . M. Merrick 80. R . Plavljanic 81 . R . Nahas 82 . N . Athens 83. L. Phillips 84. M . Slade 85. D . Aiken 86. A . Bourke 87. C. Johnstone



Under 19 Red AQUINAS Coach : John Bourke 1 . E. Mascitti (Capt) 2. G. Burch (V-Capt) 3. D . Heveren (DVC) 5 . L . Kane 6. R . Kunst 7 . J. Quinn 8 . N . Fredrickson 9 . M. Boyle 10 . D . Boland 11 . S. Moran 12 . M. Tilling 13 . P. Glennie 14 . R . Chapman 15 . P. Fredrickson 16 . C . Thomas 18 . J . Hunt 19 . M. Hope 20 . B. Griffi n 21 C. Brownhill 22 . B . Moran 23 . T . Huggins 24. M . Reilly 28. D. Plant 32. J . Bleakney 33. G . Hurley 38. V . Sorace 39. M .Mercuri 42. R. Moran 44. M . Thomas 51 . A . Hyland 54. D. Kealy 55. A . Cultrera

CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach : Allen Cousins Assistant : S. Condi e 1 . B. Dalton (DVC) 2 . B. Miers 3 . G . Ker r 4 . D . Skillern 5 . M. Holliday (C) 6 .A.Mays 7 . J . Cliff 8 . A. Conte 9 . T . Wyngard 10 . P . Allatt 11 . C. McKinnon (VC) 13 . E. Westmore 15. C. Piccioli 16. M . Gossip 17. D. Butler 18. N. Egan 20. M . Banks 22. S . Cousins 23. B . Roach 24. S . Power 25. D. Violi 26. P .Brown 27. F. Vargo 30. M . Adam s


A.N .Z . BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015 552 01 3

OLD TRINITY OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steve Air d 1 . M. Gwynn 2 . M. Stevens 3 . A. Teesdale (Capt) 4 . P. Shear 5 . A. Walkom 6 . T . Gray 7 . A. Littlejohn 8 . S . Milliken 9 . M . O'Brien 10 . C. Woods /1 . W .Junkeer 12 . D. Thomas 13 . R. Siivenvood 14. P . Davis 15. J . Snow 16. S . Gilchrist 17. C. Bird 18. D. Ireland 19. S . Penton 21 . D. Robson 23. O. Crane 24 D . McLennan 25. C . Tindale 28. R . Eag le 29. L. Andrews 31 . W. Gerstman 34. N . Thompson 36. S. Romensky 44 . L . Boyl e 45 . M. Ford

Jones Lang Wootton

Coach: Leigh Coleman 1 . A . Andrews (Capt) 2. B . Power 3. H . Munroe 4. J. Arrowsmith 5. T. Wolley 6. J. Gerrish 7. S Natol . D . Beardsley i8 9. B. Dahlstrom 10. M.Shauhgnessy 11 . T. Morpeth 12 . R .Rhea 13. J. Cade 14 . T. Perry 15 . J. Ivory 16 . M. Chisolm 17 . J . Newman 18 . D. Burrows 19 . C. Bar 20 . 21 . S. McMahon 22 . T . Sheehan 23 . T . Cade 24 . N.O'Haloran 25 . M . Lapira 26 . T . Tobi n 27 . M . Greig 28 . C. Butler 29 . L. Kennedy 30 . C. Stanley 31 . E . Davatzis 32 . K . Noden 33. C . Wilson 34. D . Robinson 35. A . McKenzie 36. R . Baxte r 38. CONSOLXDATED 39. TRAVEL 40. ,uL

MARCELLIN Coach: Peter Randall 1 . M. Roberts 2 . W. McMahon 3 . L. Crosby S4 . R . Badanjek . M. Bello

6 . L . Rya n 7 . D . Bellissimo 8 . B. Alford 9 . J. Mason 10 . T. Black 11 . M. Mitsud (VC) 12 . M. Karavasilis 13 . S. Mora n 14 . M. Van Lint (DVC) 15 . T. Stephens (C) 16 . J. Blackmore

17. D. Sampimon 18. P. Diacogiorgis 19. B. Colvill e 20. C. Mulready 21 . B. Delta Riv

22. B. Symes (DVC) 23. N. Armstrong 24. J. Evans-Smith 25. S . Moussi 26. A. Reitano 27. A. Sangorgio 28. P. Toscano 29. T . Marti n


1 . L . Murphy 2 . S. Collins 3 . D . Bedford 4 . D . Cochrane 5 . J. Carte r 6 . A. White 7 . C. Anson 8 . A. Oppy 9 . J. Woods 10 . P. Busse 11 . R. Sali 12 . R. Spencer 13 . K.Safak 14. 15. 16. A. Costello 17. K. Lewis 18. C. Angus 19. S . Wilson 20. S . Detarczynski (VC) 21 . N. Beale

Coach : Adam Stuckey 2. LLP. Lynch 3. B .P. Wham 4. RK Phelan 5. /1 Mutate 6. SKn g

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 .

30. D. Cardimone 31 . A . Rubira 32. J .Sheehan 33. P . Hogan 41 . M . Randazzo 51 . L. Bettiot 52. B . Afford

C.Battle S .Pratt M . Heppell F. D'Anna J . Nash C. Murray

M . Hutchens

32. P. Maniotis 33. Q. Smyth 34. J. Zit o 35 . B. Gust 36. L. Cleak 37. L. Small 43. J. Amup 44 . G .Hendriks

The Beehive 0 Hotel 0

HAN G TEN Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hote l

Hawthor n

1. P.T. Ham 8. AtS.Rprm 9. B.tYmWra m

m. ta. Paaren 11 . B. L 12. M. dg'z~y 143 .G-ry . 5.O F~J

15. SJ~s 16. S t§,nst 11 . S Werft 18 . D. Jones 20. Keld 21 . N. tkQad 22 . Id .B{ce 23. M . C~ 24 . M . tRdeMand 38. J. Hscberok 25 . LBaker 40. J.Ca€n_s 26 . 0'Cavqr 41 . T. Gr~ -,p 21 . P. Eccles 42. S. Hairison 28 . 6t C4sS0 (Capjf3. At Gale 29 . SPtre3mn 46 . J.Nedifs 30 . AHmvard 48. J.Chadxick 31 . C. Td.q 52. L William 32. C. .btU<;taie 54 . J.vincerd 33. C. Watson 55, 1 Spine 34. SlAusioun 57, S.0'fwlt 35. fdR/ao 62 . 36. 8 ' ' 65 . 8 Shidd 37. D. Slerers 69 . L Tuiner

FINUFOPS WCU Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722

WHITEFRIARS Coach: Andy Dal ry mple 1 . M . Tudo r 2. M . Vandenboom (VC) 3. D. Fedele (DVC ) 4. 5. L. Eames 6. M . Jongebloed (Capt) 7. M . Winterbu m 8. A . Lacey 9. S . Gillen 10. A . Davis 11 . D . Nolan 12 . A . Sandford 13. T_ Hugh s 14. A . Beattie 15 . R . Mika 16 . R .Tartaglia 17 . A. Glenn 18 . C . O'Connor 19 . A. Shepherd 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . R . Fedele 23 . D .Gr'dfin 24 . M. Smith 25 . 26 . R. Pawlick 27 . 28 . P. Molloy 29 . 30 .

YARRA VALLEY Coach: John May 1 . T. Wapshot 2. T. Hale

3. S . StandtieM 4. J . Reid 5. A . Drew 6. L. Dou r

7. S . Thompson 8. L. Morris 9. D . Millson 10. A. Barton 11 . B. Reynolds 12. P. Ford 13. J . McConnell 14. B. Mcllrailh 15. K. May 16. L. Taylor 17. T. McIlra6h 18. L . White 19. B. Wilson 20. T. Tyshkrg 21 . M . Wear 22 . B. Telford 23 . A. Drew 24 . A. Cusano 25 . S. Gado 26 . D. Rowe 27 . L . Smith 28 . A. Lawton 29 . S. Seaboume 30 . A. Siebel 34 . D. Steven 35 . A. Laing 46 . W. Butler 52 . A. Hartnett 69 . H. Van Kiae r



OLD CAREY Coach: Peter Schille r


L Y-D` A L E

E 5- O R




Club XVIII North COLLEGIANS Coach : 1 . Lockwood 1 . C . Bacon 2, D . Hoyle . Sibbing 3. N 4, J . Gonzales 5 . G.Constable 6, J . Gleason 7, N . Mathers 8. G . Dingle 9, C. Comley 1C. S . Hooper it, P. Ashby 12. N. Comley 13. J . Morrison 14. D . Wain 5. T. James 16. R . Lee IT P. Dunne 18. N . Hunton 19. M. Burgess 20. J . Gleason 21. W. O'Connor 22 . D. Crocker 23 . I. Lockwood (CiCoach) 24 . T. Emonso n 25 . T . Gates 26 . G . Mathers 27 . J . Gay 28 . S. Messina S.. Meizenthen 29 . D O'Sullivan 30. 31 . C . Sutherland 32. R . Nancarrow 33. J. Strathaim 34. A. Taylor 35. J. Taylor 39. R . Jones 56. D . Howe 58. P . Young 59. R. Lancaster 60. B . Kerss 60 . G . Oakley 61 . D. Kers s 66 . S . Gomes-Vieira

OLD ESSENDON Coach: D. La w 1 . D. Law (CC) 2 . D. Bellman 3 . T . Williams 4 . B. Gasa 5 . P. VanBenthem 6 . C . Fazzalar i 7 . A. Rhodes 8 . M. Pleasants 9. N . Di b 10. M.Thouas 11 . R . Musa 12. T. Tregoning 13. B . Whit e 14. S . Burns 15 . R. Casey 16 . C. Bishop 17 . D. Hexter 18 . C. Hammon 19 . D. Reid 20 . P. Hammon 21 . M . Crowley 22 . A. Smith 23 . A. Tyrrell 24. R. Boyle 25 . M. Howden 26. P. McMaster 27. R . Sheils 28. C . Vassallo 29. N . Boyle 30. D . Greasley

HAWTHORN CITIZENS Coach : Glen Stattworthy 1 . M. Keeney 2 . R . Lovich 3. K . Richardson 4. S . Bowe (Capt.) 6. P . Avery 7. G. Stalworthy 8. P . Lovich 9. W. Power 10. P . Orchard 11 . A. Stil l 12 . A. Tsoumbris 13 . J . Povey 15 . G . Morris 16 . H. Ousalkas 17 . D. Zavarella 18 . S. Timewell 19 . J. Law 20. A. Hartley 21 . D . Murphy 22. C . Benton 23. D . Tracey 24. A . Wilson 25. A . Hur e 26. M . Wilkinson 27. R. Lord 28 . J . Morrison 29 . D. Murray 30 . D. Lauletta 32 . B . Delbridge 35 . A. Dunlop 36 . S. McDonald 41 . E. Sill 44 . P. Rossitto


KEW Coach : M. O'Dea 1 . P. Corridon 2 . S. leak

3 . M. O'Dea (Coach) 4 . A. Tucker 5 . A. Morrow 6 . M. Garotfolo 7 . M. Doyle 8. K. Corbally 9. D . McGuire 10. P . Bladeni 11 . M . Smith 12. D. Maher 13. M . O'Hanton 14. P . Sea l 15. A. Lazarus 16. D. Byme 17. C. Johnson 18 . C. Curtain 19 . O . Niall 20 . A. Wilson 21 . G . Kalac 22 . S. Reid 23 . R . Guppy 24 . S. Jame s 25 . 26. 27. J . Leonard 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38 . 39 . 40 . M. Quin n

36 . 8.1~ ... .

37 . D d' csa 33. B'l•e 33. G.A~ ;c 40, RD? > 41 . LTt~ 42. D.c.arss

Stillwell Ford 7k > d 1~ ~ 41

4 f4 U

~: -- - -~

ST BERNARDS Coach : Brian Moon 1 . G . Arthurson 2 . K. Bree n 3 . M. Quinn 5 . P. hayes

6 . A . Denaly (VC) 7 . M. Creak 8. R . Day 9. G. Wood 11 . J . Comito

Id © ('1

Coach : Ron Holmberg 1 . J . Bugeja 2 . M . Bevanda 3 . G . Carroll 4 . S .Lanyon 5 . S . Elliott 6 . H. Curry 7 . B. Devine 8 . J . Smith 9. D . Fogarty 10. P. Fletcher 11 . J. Cahill 12. S. Hall (C) 13. C . Henderson 14. P . Heve y 15. L. Koutsovasilis 16. R. Holmberg IT D. Perrone 18. M . Lynch 19. P . Considine 20 . D. Pasquariello 21 . F . Miletto 23 . R . Christie 25 . A. Ryan 26 . A. Schmidt 27 . J. Schmidt 28 . K. Scott 31 . B. Swain 32. J. Trimboli 33. B . Pawsey 34. I . Turnbull (VC) 42. P . Vanderwa y 43. T. Spell 45. R. Dean 48. C. Petinis 53. A . Pearce 59 . T . Phee 69 . J . Joyce

56 . T. Reynolds


43. C.tiag 44. A Kw3 45. Mt'rae 46. 0. D~No 47. J.4fa 49. &Wb cn 49. ldWiM 9. & mjrgm 5t. D. .t 52 K4 b 59. 1 t• n 51. A 1 55. 1E Sfi. it '57. X1, E2 S.D 59, 8.8 63 . d Ma-M;a 61 . Aft7a1 62 RWdN) 63. ktCa~ 64. D.Yutt C6. ft8akti* 64 q


Coach : A. Kennedy 1 . A. Kennedy 2. M. Comer 3. D . Boothey 4. P. Doyl e 5. V. Paonessa 6. J . Hess 7. A . Merton 8. M . Nimmo 9 . B . Edmonds 10 . G . Cox (C) 11 . M . Lowry 12 . A. Barnett 13 . S. Lane 14. R . Pertich (V .C .) 15. A. Robinson 16. A. Keogh 17. D . Lowry 18. G. Lowry 19. D . Pizzalotto 20. J . Kent 21 . M . Kent 22. G. Banks 23 . G. Basford 24 . A . Bucknell 25 . M . Curry 26 . D. Dodoricco 27 . P . Fitzsimmons 28 . R. Holland 29. A. King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D . Theisz

® ' il fl ~'~d{i ®

Coach : , . B.yuari 2. ftWk a asUM 4. tWc6 S. G. -4 6. J.Vald:s 7. C.Web-0 & C.Shzy 9. ASdrkna 10. (L Locke It. C.luxh 12 C.lklzr}`bl It. C.Chn 14. E wa It. J .IYrfs IS. S.Ikm It. RA2en IF G .PaAd It . P.@s9c 2Q S.Pvcd 21 . C .Pie tx 122N." 23. &CFW 24. US 25. P. NaMi a Lflawo 21. P. Rkt~a 23. T. Payrw 23. T.BJ N .'..37. G.Go .tir3 31. D. Pesa 31 T.kkCzkt 33. J. W0 34 . D.SSr«-i 3a A~ ^


14. A. Vinecombe (Capt) 15. G. Farrugi a

17. 20. 21 . 25.

S . Gotlant J . Martin A. Kennedy (DVC) P. Moo n

26. B. Schwa¢enburg 35 . T. Matko v

37 . M. O'Connell 40 . G . Tote 44 . 48 . 62 . 64 . 65 . 69. 78. 79. 81 .

B. Moon P. Farru9ia A. moodie A. Bames M. Castles K . Mahady S . Denahy M . Cunningham S . Bristo w

THERRY Coach : 1 . J . Beaton 2. J . Sandman 2. B . Milieki 6. M . Keenan 8. T . hewat 9. M. Lawry 10. W . Dreer 11 . S. Molna r 13 M. Frahm (C) 16 . M. Whykes 21 . G. Smith 22 . M. Devereax 23 . A . Fielding 24 . M. Jurcic 26 . G. Growcock 32 . R. costello 35 . B .Hitchens 36 . C. Rizzo 45 . D. Lyons 48 . R. Keenan 49. P. Kelly 51 . M . Doran 60. C.Jacobsen 68. P. Wessleman 96. S. Reddan 99. L Arsovski 111 . M. Slazyk 148 . G . Thompson 171 . D . Forbes

---7 r-

PRESTON 380 Gilbert Ph : (03) 9471 0733 Fax: (03) 94710753 BAYSWATER 160 Canterbury Rd Ph: (03) 9729 0911 Fax : (03) 9720 6554

. S.r,

TE 6~ AM

~~~~ ~~~

John D . Veal PHARMAC Y fi% TuF nAAATFi IR Frl(1TRAI I FR 199R

622 NIL Alexander Rd . Manatee Ponds 93261799


Club XVIII Sout h



Coach : M. Selby

Coach : Brendan Moy Assisistant Coach : Peter Manning .Atarakz(Capl.) 2. T. I. K Rtdictuy 3. A.Ciassco 4. B.0'Drsa 5. 8.B/m: 6. 8.Hoy 7. iA. Thom 8. D. Jeriko (VC) 9. N.Vargas 10. D. Tessier If. S. ad 12. S. FA 13. J.CIottlier 14. A1.0'Drw% 15. A.&abcer 16. C. Tayfa 17. 8.0'Heem it. S. Tuck . 19. P.Marvug (VC ) 20. M. Sa ntepe 21 . S.Goss 22. A.V7asleErg 23. C. BauY.e 24. T . Fates 39. dNyrces 7. J. Mwphry 40. G.Jacksm 26. 0.1%amson 41 . S. Miro,p,re 27. A.Carr 42. P.bl3skas 2& C. Nary 43 T.Mae 29. S . Gun 44. C. Paymer 37. H. Chapan 45. P . Soaks 31 . M. Farrel 46. M. SlnrFe 32. P.Caziton 47. ht Farrell 33. B. Chescn 48. L Perqod 3L 8.E95 49. J. W~dmzn 35. S.Fazs+rm 50. A . Wmstetag 36. P. Fortes 51 . S.JacoM 37. 61.Furel 58. J. Galaq'rer 38. C. Hyrws

OLD SCOTCH Coach: Simon Illingworth 1 . B. Aujard 2. 0 . Young 3. M . Coope r 4. H. Middleton (VC) 5. S. Montgomery (Capt) 6. M . Godwin 7. M . Clunies-Ross 8. D. Bingle y 9. I. Bowden 10. M . Bingley 13. N. Murdoch 15. D. Murlagh 17. R. McLeish 18. C. Knight 19. N. Moss 20. N. Tribe 21 . J. Deakin 22. D. Hooper 23. S. Pryde 25. B. Langley 27. C. Winneke 29. R. Bretherton 30. P. Williamson 31 . D. Bini 32. S. Sheahan 37. A. Chambers 41 . A. Paulden 49. M . Gore 51 . S.Iliingworth 53. B. Simpson 55. A. Aston 56. S. Norden 58. A. Cowper 60. M . Weber 62. M . Stasiuk 66. B. Penfold 88. A. Price

MAZENOD Coach : Danny Wain 4 . S. Garbeilini 5 . D .Carter 7. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13. 15 . 16. 17. 21 . 23. 26. 27. 28 . 33 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 39 . 40. 41 . 44 . 46. 47. 48 . 49 . 50. 52 . 53. 54 . 55 . % 57. 58 . 59 . 60. 61 . 63. 65 . 66. 67. 68 . 69 . 70. 71 . 75 . 77. 88 . 89 .

P . Dee an P . Hail (Capt) T. Syke s G.Janetski A . Wilks T. Bridgland C . Varney M . Littl e T. Tsiavis I . Neil T. Pope W. Pouiter D . Krom N . Little J . Boyle B . Hall F. Nigro G. Trigg R . Bourbon P . McCusker B . Welch D . Bolle B . Hairs P . Riley P . Vine L. Halvy C .Jones S . Thompson K . Carmody P .Jacobs M . Quirk M . Welch M . Peters R . Cahill C . Lan e M . LeCouteur L. Hea d P . Welch D . Biviano L. Todd G.McAllister K . Duffy B . Harper P .Occhipinti T. Clayton G. Mann C . Wood G. Jones P . Fa y

99 . P .Crowhurst


OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Teamlist not supplied .

2. M . Jarvis 3. B . Stetanou 5. R Murray 6. S . Moody 7. M . Hal l 8. A . Hancock 10. R . Moreton 11 . J . McLauchlan 12. D. Cochran 13. A . Noble 15. J . Tregaski s 16. B . Morrison-Jack 17. S . Hannaford 17. J . Pyers 19. D. Smyth 21 . P . Cantone 22. J . Lockett 24. L. Hamilton 24. P . Neylan 26. J . Uglow 28. S . Kay 29. J . Rattray 30. P . Cockayne 31 . F. Magee 31 . M . Scadett 32. R . Wraith 33. D. Payne 34. R. Smith 35. A . Rutter 36. D.Joyce 39. P . Greene 41 . M . Payne 42. A . Willey 43. T. Betts 44. S . Carter 45. J . Turnbull 48. C. Haling 49. D. Toniolo 53. P . Bainbridge 64. B . McMurtde 78. R. Saunders 84. M . Shippe n

OLD GEELONG Coach: Mark Borthwick S. A'Becketl A. Barron J . Bett D . Blackburn R . Bu m R . Calvert H . Cameron D . Crowe W. Davis W. Dodd J . Dowling P. Edgar S. French J . Geddes J . Hamilton M. Hammet B. Hickli n T. Jackson (Capt) P. Jones N . Kennett R . Knight P. Law C . Levinge J . Mantello H . McInnes A. McMillan M. McPhee S. Nadenbosch J . Neville-Smith M. Oddi e J . Omond A. Osboume J . Pettit

J . Pettit

C . Richardson A. Robson J . Sewers C . Snow T. Sullivan C . Walke r d. Whitehead A. Williams M. Williams D . Williams

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : A . Contour I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 15. 16. 21 .

D . Milne D . Moss D . MacDonald A . Coroner (VC) B . Vil e C . Branchfiower A . Woodhouse S . Potter J . Scott G. Stooke H .Ingleton C . Jensz T. Read

25. S . Hargreaves 28. S . Cox (C ) 33. 35. 37. 44. 45. 48. 54.

A . Clements S . Stribling S .Osbome S . Baldwin J . Ela m W. Houserman A . Wilson

55, 61 . 62. 71 .

T. Osborne P. Harris D . Stanton R . Hockney M . Atkinson A . Carroll A . Clark J . Carroll B . Pyke C . White

REAL ESTATE ST KEVINS Coach : Brendan Milla r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

M .Wharton M . Quinlan S . Bannon A . Bucella G. Gosgril f B . Stackpole (VC) R. Marks

8. R . Dre w 9. D. Nanlra (Capt) 10. M . Menzies 11 . L. Davidson 12. D. O'Brien 13. P . Hooper 14. P . O'Tierney 15. M . Pabst 16. B . Quinn 17. A . Not 18. B . Millar 19. M . Powell 20. J . Wilhel m

21 . A . Davies (VCapt) 22. 1 . Wood 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 52 .

R . Curtis A . Nanfra L. Smith C. Smith R . Snell P .Bannon P . Hamilton T. Sauilry B . McDonald P . Lewin

V .U .T. Coach: Geoff Fletche r 1. 2. 3. 6. 7.

B.Difalco E.Burmeister T.Nucara D .Tanner P. Byrne s

8 . K.Vanderpoel 9 . N .Djinovic 10 . G . Farley 12 . 13 . 16 . 17 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 26 . 34 . 38 . 41 . 52 . 56 . 57 . 58 .

G . Ziegler M.Robertson W. O'Connor C .Russell T. Williams R .Papakos P. Cox P.Cli(fe E.Midon A.Cliffe S. Case P.Allen M.D'Angelo F.Kilroy K. Vanduursen T. Brown M. McGlade T.Moebus

Jones Lang Wootton



E East AQUINA S Senior Coach : Brett Davidson Reserves Coach:

3. 5. 6 1. & 9. 10. it. 12 1a 14 . 15. 1& 17. It,

Sean O'Loughlin T.,kss 30. C.C oRer G.CH{ad 31. LKrsg . Vander S .Edaad; 32. M H. Haim ft . IACa .Kaury 33 lleta S P. 34 . MTanf i D. "alum 35. S. trv~gaa & Boland 36. 0. Pinelan SHioz/ 37. M .CB4ad B. O'Connor 33 . C.Te'rg B. 39. RLearey C. rey 40 . S. iOZj 41 . M.Badan C. Bel J.Kr4tds 42 . J.McEsmy 43. M.SfaNery H. Field M.Denari 44. P. Conroe J.Ikghes 45 . S. Gtas G.Wqktet'ead 46. S. Bdtaun2





Senior Coach : Joe D'Angelo Reserves Coach: Mark Horsfiel d Assistant Coach : Andrew Gillard

Senior Coach : Bill Gommers Reserves Coach : Denis Cain e

Senior Coach: Adam Lenarcic Reserves Coach : Mick Marshall

Senior Coach : Ma tt Ryan Reserves Coach : Kim Tucke r

1 . B. ScInnebes 18 . R DeaFe 2. J. 1YAr7b 11 S, Dewar 3. G, Hoare 20. J. Wan 3. S650xen 21. LOakey 4 . LMclecd 21 . M.Hasfa 4 . N .CarCrJje 2Z P .~s~a~ 5. Id .ames 23. M. Sadv'~ 5. MStaretl 23. J.Rec wn 6. 1A K01 24. C.SmGh 7. T.Was 24. td 00a & T.Manafera 25. W.03'sy 9. P.Gcelt 26 . A kw,~y 9 . MSneeharl 27, A Gland 9. K Turkey 30. C . Parke 10. S . Well 33. M6sk.v 11 . S .PeV) all . LCcleman 12 A. Ism 31. SOa,"zr 12 D.Thtrrpson 35. T. Key

Zp, P. Paw 47. P Bernard d . C. Oum 48..ACHim .21 C . Lamborn

22. S Frym 49 23 . J. L'rrmg0are 50 . A. Beltame 24 . P. Haryer 51 . A Hyland 25. D.Heme 52. T .Mu9er 53. S.Pabalsm 26. S.Caau4 y 27. S. Jones 54. S. Won 28_ R. Wmen 55. J. CrOurh 29. S01agtb 65 . R .Mal..z

i 3 N.Bag 35- G.LeWs

4. B. W1 35. B.Leafinan It . MStatbn 37. J .Paalsch 38 . G.Brwn 15 . S. woo 16 MBanre 43. RCaano 17. P. Ctarrthrs 44. E. Motan 46_ AMim ;re/ 53. S.5l.21bn 69. LThcenpoom

RICHMOND CENTRAL OLD CAREY Senior Coach : John Wise Assist. : John King Reserves Coach: Scott Macra e I . C . Hil 41 . A. Galas 2. C. Hickey (Capt .) 42. C. Poppla-0 3. M. C¢fen VC)

4. L . Peterson 43, S. Ustd 5 . D. Lee 44.

Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Reserves Coach: Peter Jackso n 1 . AVf6son 41 . D.HLnpkers 2. LBary 42 P .Hccy 3. B . Rao 41 ASiaka 3. J.Ddanuzm 44. LJceFReus 4. KTaTPay 45 M .Blaclk

k 1 . Hanson A& D . Farley

5. S.Sharam 47 . D.Barrance 6 . S. Rk?tl 4&

7 . F. Bove 49. N, Wl&ie

& G . M-AO. Sq. C, Barry 6 . C.CaT{,4e1 45. M . Smith 9. D .WaHS 5t. H.McA'qsa T A.Drever 46. T.Gerdk 8 . P. Harrs 47. M. Serag 10. 3 .414 J 52. C. k&OPOutOS it. J.8a.a 53 J. Cornea 9. M.ANk;m 48. M.Hakig 1Z F .M,54. P. Whiteside 10. K.5tm+es 49 . R.Meadea 11 . A. Cops (RCap) 50 . M. Dawsm '.. 13. C.Prr 55 . 12. M. Spencer 51 . J. Marsha9 14. C. St 56. D.W3sm 15 . P. Cbaui 57. K Val: 13. S ..Ws 52. P. Wimn 14. MarcLG.Nance 53. R, Foster 16. ktJeirvs 56 LDaq I& S. Adams 59. 15. C.Hu¢rs 54. C, Ester 17. A Fawcett 16. M .JaY' 55. M. Corry 61- B. Geroyasas '.. 1& M2ar{s 61. '. 17. C.Girdamam 56. W.Serong 18 . C. MaBta:n's 57 . A. Ecdes 19. J.Manreng 62 . 20. W.Cosu" ...'0 63 . 19 . klark Nana 5& C . Boyle 20. C .Arderun 51 C .Masai 21. A. HIM 64 . 2Z K. Cordon 65. G . Bay 21 . J.Ecdes 60. R.Hv3hes 22, J. Hands 61 . A. Soler, 23 . G . Cooper 66, 24 . k Janes 67. 23. T . Price 62. M . Sontag 25. ADum E8. 24. M .YamaM 63. C.Socpo 25. C. GoMal 64. A. Mffadzne 2d B . Ross 69. M.Tapty 27. G.&mehax 70. 26. J .6kQea 65 . 27. N .Vaslopadm 66 . J. Bales 2a. AWa!ESS 71 . (VC) 70 . T.AM-d 29. D.MW8 72 28 . P, Nerve 72 . M. Blackburn 33. G.TaH 7 3 30. S.FenKn 74 . P.Caaad 29 . T. MouKm 73. Steady 30. S, Peahen 77. P. Delon 31 . 15. 32. D .Vasx 76. LEgan 31 . N. Evenall 80. J. Bayard 32. G.Neste (K) 84. C.Vtfihagton 33. LWescs7 77 . AHap 34. D. Holt 78, 33. P.B'sh 88. S.0SVer 34. D.FaeFs M.Eastham 35. D. Coro 79 . 35. P.Jtcksan 80 . 35. R . Evans S. CJo-ny S . Greenwood 37. G. PttHw s 36 . H . Monson 37 . P. Bryce D.Laxvence 38, S. Howe 39. C.Hn9nan 38 . I.Cden E .PcUes B. Gaman 40 . 8. Kaie~s 40. B.HUmfhr

H AN G TEN Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hotel

1. M. Pem6ertpn 2 . A. Sae 3. G.Skien 4. M.Cansi 5. 8. Pader 6, E Timer 7. V.Pic" 8. D.C~a 9. 8. Gray 10 . M.Koopnans 11 . G.VfyTqard 12, D. Pads 13. P.CNIs 14. S. McIntosh 15. M .Wmren 16. M .W*is It. B.MassmcFN 19 . S.0'Cana 20 . K. Oates 21 . S .Oaies 22 . T .Mikera85 23. B.5orace 24. C. Dzro/ Harklearson 26. P. Ptp e 27. J . Cansi 28 . S. Padd y 29 . M. Hanilon 30. S . Bud 31 P. Egan 32. P.Ardhaq 33. A.Ctilinside 34. R.Swq G6. D. Karp 37. W. Pr-Wm

I. G.Cart 25 GtleaBh 2 . ACall-el 26 D.Hak.y 2. A.Moms 27. DkKar

3. M. B14 2& DAoodeI 3. G.LzUarca 21 S, Lee 4. D. Grant R J. McLean 38 . G.Kknplai 39. J. Brcavn 40. RBuke 41 . G . Pffii(fis 42. D .CarAnan 43. P. Sdairg 44 . M. Sdmron 45 . Yl. Hrssey 49, C. Peters 52. S. Birra 53. R Ca:son 56. G, Cation

20 KIL Hook (CV) 21 . S. Lee 22. S.B~_'-p 2d G " 24. "

DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Ken Basso 97221697 A.NZ. BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015552013

ST. MARYS Senior Coach : Neil Lelievre Reserves Coach: Evan Evans 1 . M .Leammnlh 32. A .Guxr 2. T. Bwt 33. P .9eiers 3. P.t'umgslone 3534, . RFuns 4. ABuA

5. W .MaerTr 36, E. Evans

6. S . Slone 37 . J .McCaslmzy 7. 38 . F.Harrson 8. J. Siicco 39. R. Kag 9. M .HeuMxr 40. C. Corrado .42. P.FeaHmarsWn 10 . 11 LPIv3iks 43 . A. Home 12 . RA'rrlrybu 44. Z. kemnd 13. M.Stockton 45 . W.Block 4& G-Lanprd 14. J. Rarssis 15. DAnbe•s 47 . S.Md)arnel 16. J.Duck 48 . P.Baryan 17. A Baxke 49. S. Maranon 18 . WRoss 50. K.Lar¢ad 19 . R.Hen.krsen 51. B. Fred 20 . D.Stewad 52 . T.Carr7 21 . TYrrer ~ 22. D .WOakak 58. C.0 n . TAuow6 23. S .presto ~ 24. I.GaM 59 . G, Fussell 25. M.LeFwr2 61 . M .McCath) 2^0 . J.He,jy 62 . B.Drke 27. B. Stewart 64 . . M ~Z 28 . J krne5 29 . J . Frarc's 65. P. Hartigan 30. P.Watun 68. G.Tred+aris 3L P. Alexander

~ 1(

4. Kr ;so 31 . N.KaraSTos . Kaye 3Z A. Saore I. CT. M=, . . .. a 33 kt Ge:rp S. &D.F34.AFM 6. G. h 35. S, Lee s 7. D .I - 3a RJwsuaaks 7. KPU!~ 37. ALc+arc'x 8. D.B^ck 39. F.M.taBc 8. S.C,- :. 39. C.&ca6ead 4p S.WCrrer 9. G. CV* 9. Nick% 41 . D.Caiol(RCap) 10 . C.McLean 42. RDrde it . A. Fealsrd9 43 M. Md'an :r Q. ADadan 44. GBcekLa:k 13, B.MAn 45. S.BaR .y 14. D.&orz 46 L Do 15. A6x 47. P. Slier, 16. N.Dx 48 . AW:rdrym 17. S.Rryprer 49 ABrgratew 18. J .Vorars 50 W.Hckn 19 . D.Tn0a St . P. Clea r

`The Road Builders '

1. G. Snn~ 41 . 0 . Snadk~' 2 . K.Tu~er 42. C. Hal 3. P. Tucker 43 . K.Halmahera 4. B.Hespe 44. 5. A.Hapn 45. M . Ryan 6. LCkrke 46. D.HaM'rA 7. H .Han 47 . G .tBrg:) 8. D. Woodnatd 48 . . Murpa 9. M. Lees 49. 10. M. Gary, 50. P .Webstet 11. G.Hanscn 51 . M.LUikk 12 . T.Cader 52 S .PhFTson 13. D.BeI 53. A.EdTomN 14 . J . Stewart 54 . N. Turney 15. C .Madooon 55 . G .Mumw 16. 56, RDa^ies 17. H .Leys 57. D .Shipky 58. R. Kean 16. C.8aiRtg 19 . C. Dwyer 59. 20 . J. Siam 60. J. Shaw 21 . K.Da7gan 61. C.BcdW 22 . A.ftcz) 62. M . Bart 23. A.0'Dand 63 . C.Cres .s 24. 64 . RJararar,ki 25. T.SEkland 65. R .VfeatherN 26. A . Dare 66. S .F9zpatrd 27. R, Solar LCIcible 28, A.Cokis 29 . J. Starkey C. Dods

30 . J . Gray D.Ekner

31 . Z.Jorzia+sYi M .GasparolEo 32, k McDonald 33. J.Tayax G .Md9ns 34. R .Osban 35. J.qd'eN AOrz¢eY 3i J. Doody A .Slakdak 37 . P. Hors" 33 . J. Mtscai 39 . J.Coq'eRy 40, S .KTde

SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY Seniors Coach : Keith McKenzie Reserves Coach: Mark Johnston 1. M .M.lano 2 . J .Sheedf 4. C.DeS'05o 5. R .VcGeglg 6. D.CrM 7. A, Hermann 32 . A .Fuman it. J.HerrdG : 33. D. Miaro 9. C. S+reih 34 . A. Fcrsytha 10 . M .,bMslm 35. T.Granshaw it . G . Barry 37 . A.Faael 12 . C.8eMs 38 . N. MUM 13. RLem 39 . W Lo 14. R Good: 40. B.Ince 15. 6tSlevensat 41 . C . Lamb It. Pleases 42. C .Bg'sA 17. S. Lee 43. D.Ptay 18 . M.5tra~ 44 . D. Raustord 19 . 8.0'Maa 45. R. Potter 20. A.Hlgemamn 46 E .SaAASes 21 . T. Dymond 41 . M.Kety 22. S. Rim 48. M.DeBa'm 23. T.Mik 49. N . Pearson 24. J.Maton 50. B .Canifiek) 25. D .Mcfadd :n 51. B .Crouch .'' 26. M.Elidi 52, J .Porouski V . j. Now 53. D.Mupty 28 . G.0'CaPaghan54 . H.LaAr 29 . G. Wine 55 . C.Broan 30. P.Twk

YARRA VALLEY Senior Coach : David McCormack Res. Coach : Scott Alderso n I . N. Ford 36. RPerAne 2 . F .MatVean 37 . LTrembah 3. R. Thompson 38. D. Ross 4 . M . Furg 39. T. Heddaway S. C.Worsky 40 . M.Yfite 6. J, Dickson 41 . B . Downs

7. J. Dom 42 . T .Crean 8. A .MatVean 43, H. Park 9. C. Ross 44 . E. Zmxrsnnan 10. D. Midm 45. L. Rees 12. M. VrhBe 46. N . DDOxea 13 . G. Potter 47 . T.Perekata 15 . J . Knew 48, A. hlcCleafy 16. B.Sm& 49. T.Ltpd 17 . SAHerson 50. J. Lytad 18. D .Largdun 51. B.Dinr€rg 19. N . Park 52 . AHadMi 20. S . France 53 . S. Corcoran 21. A. Lirese7-Cola 54 . R. Farm 22 .® 55. S. Taylor 23 . J. Savaris 56 . L Harm¢on 24, M.Dzries 59. G.Sice(derd 25 . T G.Hatben 60 D. Dour 26. .IMLeCd 61. P.Te9ad 27. LMcktrre 63 . T.Sirong 28. J.IdacVean 64 . D. Dar . 29. P .Peteran 65 . S.Jon.swn 3). D. PIXier 66. A. BnsbA 31. J. Dove 67 . A. Rxe 32 . 33 . 34 . ;3 .

C.te"emvn 68. M.Hoath 72. R. Lawton D. Ireland T.Chislro3d 78. J.Scaks B.Peake


W10~ ~~f -Mafvern Vale Hotef


A Sectio n


Senior Coxh: Leigh Crul,ion ResvCoxh : obed Baytsy 1 . B. Mooney '.. 2 . D. Smith '.. 3 . B. Woolhouse 4.S . Laussen 5. D. Peters (t) 5. D. Greeves (2) 6. A. Smith 7. D. Baxter (1) 7. C. Higson (2) 8. C. Pollock 9. V. Cleary 10. N . Anderson (1) 10. J . Grigg (2 ) 11 . B . McKenzie t2. D. Stub s 13. A . Sheedy 14. R . Schober 15. Y . Phillips 16. A . Wallace 17 . D . Phillips 17 . A . Oldham 18 . J. Bennett (Capt) 19 . C . Davidso n 20 . G . Dean-John s 21 . A. Johnston (R-Capt) 22 . D . Ker r 23 . A. Sheedy 24 . R . Hartnett 25 . D. Lever (RVCapt) 26 . N. Milat 27.S .Humphry 28. S . Blackman 29. A. Kenneally 30. M . Gailbraith (V-Capt) 31 . R. Schober 32. D. Thomson (V-Capt) 33. G . Irvine 34. D. Entwistle 35. J. Taylor 36. S . Harding 37. J. Dansey 38. S . Van Der Venne 39. B . Jones 40. A . Kelson 41 . S . Lubich 42. A . Vasdekis 43. A . Greenway 44.A ' Parki n 46. S . Wooley 48. J . Lemon 50. B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52 . J . Schmidt 53 . S. Hobbs 54 . K. Mui r 55 . E. Jones 56 . D. Howe 57 . J. Moore 58, A. Rose 59 . M . Richards 60 . B. Kerns 61 . D. Kerns 62. G . Constable 63. 64. G. Tiver 65. 66. S . Cromes-Vieira 67. 68. 69. D. Armstrong 70. R .Conron 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . N . Proctor , I


DE LA SALLE senior Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen ResJAssis. Coach : Brian Brow n 1 . M . Chun 2. P . Fiume 3. S . Crowe 4. L. Hall 5. A . Flowerday 6. M . Fishe r 7. C . Browne 8. C . Wrigh t 9. C . Campbell 10. D . Tessier 11 . A. Evans 12 . D . Toohey (Capt.) 13 . A. Water s 14 . P. McCormack 15 . J . Hodde r 16 . M. Jackson 17, D. Crowe 18 . M. Abrahams 19 . D. O'Brien 20 . M . Knupple 21 . C. Shannon 22 . P . O'Callaghan 23 . M . O'Callaghan 24 . C. Montgomie 25 . G. Hyne s 26. P .Wyles (Res .VC) 27. L. Van Der Plight 28. M . Lafferty 29. D. Hegan 30. J. Horn 31 . A . Elliot 32. T. Silvers 33. B . Miller 34. P. Conroy 35 . A. Mackintosh 36. A. Abbott 37 . R . Makinson 38 . B. Brashe 39 . P. Brasher 40 . G . Curran 41 . A. Phillips (R .Capt) 42 . D.Jackso n 43 . M. Ellis 44 . C. Makinson 45 . C. Sparrow 46 . M . Hegan 47 . M . Farrell 48 . D. Smith 49. D. Lambe 50. P . Mannix 51 . D. Greco 52. S . Harrison 53. P . Aron 54. J. Duckett 55 . C . Harrison 56. J. Gallager 57 . C . Fidler 58 . C . Cleary 59 . S.Jacobs 60 . S. Thomas 61 . S. Albon 62 . G . Hegan 63 . J. Murphy 64 . C. Bourke 65 . B . Buick 66 . L. Langone 67 . B . Byrne 68. G . Longstaff 69. J . Forbes 78. M . Stanhope 80. M . Hill

MAZENOD SeniorCoach : Tony Paatsc h Assis . Coach : Rob Prosse Reserves Coach : Chris Boyle 1. C.Lane 2 . D.l,~ral(VC) 3. T.Ch~ 4. 0 . Hudey 5 . D.CaAZr 6 . N. Marrrei 7 . S. MmKn 7 . P. Deegan 8 . D. Cad: 9. P. 14311 70 . M.0'Hara (VC) T. Sridi (RUC) 12. I. Stibobta 12. A F55M to. B. Devfn 13. T.Br6¢aM 14. T. Bison 15. D. Bafce (VC) 15. C.Varrey 16. T. Howard (Fq 17. T.Baky 17. T. Tslav4 18. D.OTMro w 19. M.Gi,t'arro 20. C . ASmay 21 . S.Pdan 21 . I.Ntl 22. D. Sherlock 23. J . Marea 24. S. BoAen Yo. Atfktd 26. P. R :y 27. W.CxtOrto 27. D.Kran 28. AMoore 28. N. Lob

29. N Sharp 31 S, Fishe r

31 . C.BeCe,&e(Capf) 32 . W. Ma rshai l 33 . J. B* 31 . A. Tucker 35 . J. FsMr 3 'i. P. Robinson 37 . G. Trig 38. D. SleSdal 39. R. Bttst:wr 40. P. AkCu;ker 41. B . Wekh 42. N . Jacobs 43. W. Lae 44. D . Ba7e 61 . L. Head 45. G . Rogers 62 . D. SdwfeMi 46. 8. heirs 47. P. f>aa.i (i671C) 63 . P. ytekh 64 . S. Bourbon 48. PYe:e 49. LHat,y G . D.Baimro 50. C.,~s ~ . LTad1 0 51 . M .Mitray 67 . GMiA4Lc12t 52. s.Thar m 68 . K.Gtdy 53. K. Camady 89 . B. Harper 54 . P.JaCobs 70. P.C.dipdi 55 . MOUA 71. T . Chyloa 56 µ Weld, 75. G.6am 66. M.Wie 57 . M.Pekvs 58 . RCatd 99 . P.Croatarrsl 59 . G. Law GI . It LeCauteur



Senior Coach : Neville Taylor Reserves Coach : Gary March

Senior Coach : Sean Ralphsmith Reserves Coach : Guy Nelso n Assistant Coach : Archie Salek

1 . A. Baxter 2 . D . Connell (DVCapt) 3. W. Byms 4 . C . McKenzie (Capt) S . R . Buchanan 5 . F . Main 6 . W . Smith 7 . A. Hilton

8 . M . Orio n

8 . F . Capomolla 9 . S . Rowlands 10 . T . Chegwin 11 . C. Hucker 12. D. Seccull 13. B . Carty 14. A . Forsyth 15. N . Morey 16. P . Thiessen 16. D. Williams 17. A . Hilto n 18. M . Constable 19. M . Armstrong (VC) 19. N . Gerrard 20. C . Krause 21 . A . Walden 22 S . Richardson 23. M. Seccull 23. J. Mackay 24 . R .Lavender 25 . G . Rowlands 26. G . Phillips 27 . J. Dann

28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 .

A.Pound M. DeMatlia R . Aughterson B. Main (RCapt) P. O'Donnell G . Tanner

33 . T . Johnston 34 . C. Reidy 35 . D. Lappage 36 . A . Dowsing 37. T . Evans 38. J . Hayter 39. P . Corrigan 40. S . Duxbury 41 . T. Oscar 42. D . Scaile 43. R . Pleche r 44. A . Kirkwood-Scott 45. N . Hill 46. B. Mitchell 47. D . Scoffen 48. D . Bum 49. B. Wignall 50. A. Bonwick 51 . T. Boothman 52 . R . Harrison 53 . B. Wignall 54 . M . Schmidt

55 . C. Ladds (RVCapt) 56, P. Kyl e 57 . B. Ladds 58 . 59 . 60.

1 . A . Wilts 2 . S . Theodore 3. J ..Sta ri tski 4 . B . Ellin g haus 5 . N . Boyden 6 . P. Handbu ry 7 . C . Thompson 8 . M. Lovet t 9 . T. Smith 0 . P. O'Brien 11 . A. Thompson 12 . A. Hewit t 13 . S. Rose 14. J .Bunn 15. S. Bromell 16. C.Eabry 18. O . Keeble 19. J . Correll 20. A. Salek 21 . D. Strooper 22. L. Bunn 23. M . Berry 24. N . Sereda 25 . M . Pruden 26. C.Kennedy 27. C. B ryan 28. S . Rabbitt 29. C. Susa 30 . I. McMullin 31 . J . Ha rt 32 . R . Webb 33 . G . Dixon

34 . C .Anastasakis 35 . D .Brown 36 . A. McKeon 37 . S. Eabry 38 . R . Eggleton 39 . S. Madden 40 . S. Middleton 4 1 . G . Wilhelm 42 . P. Theodore 43. O . Boyd 44. A. McDougall 45. Z . Useinov 46. H. Wright 47. J . Powe r 48. S . Walsh 49. T. Stuckey 50. P . Marinis 51 . D. Corbin 52. B . Campbell 53. B . Crump 54. I. Patters on 55. M . Burgess 56. M . Ellinghaus 57. R . Morley 58 . D . Clements 60. J. Raftopoulos 61 . B. Luckock 62 . R . Morrell 63 . B. Telford 64 . A. Nelson 65 . 66 . L. Boyd 67 . B. Vile

68 . A. Henshaw 71 . 72 . 73 . 74


OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach : Wayne Hermes Reserves Coach : Simon Tallent 1 . K. Stoke s 2. J . Hosking (VC) 3 . S. Duthie 4 . T. Holt 5 . R . Price 6 . A. Millar 7 . J . Hughes 8 . C . Rei d 9 . R . Aujard 10 . J . Kerr 12 . S . Hume 13 . N . Hooper 14 . D . Norman 15 . D . McCall 16, A . Speed 17 . S . Woodhouse 18 . A . Nettleton 19 . S . Spiden 20. T. Wilson 21 . S . Gibb s 22 . L. McDonnell 23. D. Walsh 24. M . Angus 25. T . Pritchard 26. B. Phillips 27. C . Winneke 28, S. Teesdale 29. C . Heat h 30. J. Laird (DVC) 31 . A. Smit h 32. S. Grig g 33. J. Hannemann 34. D . Steel e 35. S . Steele (Capt) 36. M . Davison 37 . E . Montgomery 38 . C . Hoskin g 39 . A . Cowper 40 . A . Warner 41 . A . Castricum 42 . A . Gibb s 43 . J . Paterson 44 . D. Tracy 45 . A . Stubbs 46, G . Jonas 47 . N. Morris 48 . R. Hardy 49 . M . Gore 50. D. Pell 52 . R . Gregory 53. P.Gaidzkar 54. B. Aujard 55 . S. Montgomery 56. J . Schonfelder 57. N . Strang 58 . R . Hardy 60. M. Weber

OLD XAVERIAPdS Senior Coach : Nick Bourke Rese rves Coach : 1 . M . Blood (DVC) 2. M . Bourke (VC) 3 . M . Hannebery (C) 4 . D. Landrigan 5 . N. Cook 6 . A. Keyhoe 7 . P .Tuddenham 8 . M. Holme s 9 . S. Hawkins 10 . S. Colquhoun 11 . A.Jone s

12 . J. Bowan 13 . C . Ellis 14 . L . Ford 15 . A . McLean 16. T. Ockleshaw 17 . D . Richardson 18 . S . Hunte r 19. M. Lloyd 20. B . Buckley 21 . L. Hanebery, 22. A . Bourke 23. A . McDonald 24. B . Coughlan 25. D. Tapping 26 . A. Neil 27 . L.Fay 28 . R. Clarke 29 . S. Wood 30 . D. Dann 31 . S. Mollard 32 . A. Brushtield 33 . A. Sass i 34 . A. Bell i 35 . C . Mortensen 36. P. Barrett 37 . A. Landrigan 38 . M. McClelland 40. T. Nelso n 41 . A . Dillo n 42. J . Lowe (RCapt) 44. J . Petroff 45. D . O'Toole 46. C . Andronopoulos 47. J . Dalirangl e 48 . M . Logan 49 . P . Lachte 50 . N . Fay 51 . D. Walsh 52 . M . O'Callaghan 53 . A . Kearns 54 . M . Brennan 55 . A. Long 56 . M . Stones 57 . G . Short 58 . D. Bell 59 . M . Hardman 61 . S. Natilli 65 . A.Jone s 66 . Panagiotopoulos




Senior Coach: Geoff Reilley Assistant Coach : Russell Barne s Rese rv es Coach : Peter Purcell 1 . A . Joblin g

Senior Coach : Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach : Andrew Nathan

Senior Coach: Grant Williams Reserves Coach : Barry Neivandt

2. C . Symes 3. A . Orr

4. A . Grace (DVC) 5. B . Turner 6. T. Gallagher 7. B . Connell (C )

8. M . Gilmore (DVC) 9. A. Forres t 10 . P . Mamow 11 . D. Edgell 12 . N. Sebo 13 . P. Kingston 14 . S. James 15 . M. McConvil l 16 . T. Stewart (RCapt) 17 . E. Fraser

18 . 19 . 20. 21 . 22 .

S. Ryan D . Cleary D . Wood J. Brown R . Block

23. P . McDonald 24. J . Collins

25. M . Wrodarczyk 26. D. Connell 27. T. Hille (DVC) 28. B . Collins 29. D. Whela n

30. S . Wiedemann 31 . B . Ega n 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 .

A. Kukuljan M . Shepherd R. Remman G . Bailey S. Mackey R . Presse r

38 . P. Milner (RVC) 39 . T. Morga n 40 . G .Lehner 41 . G . Hall 42 . C . Keleher 43. S. Wrodarczyk 44 . L. Mulcahy 45 . L. Livingstone 46. C . Spagnol 47. R . Keating 48. W. Bloc k

49. M . O'Halloran 50. M . Wannacott 51 . G. King 52, N . Wells 53. I . Ranson 54. L. Fraser 55. K. Alexander 56. S . Eccles 57. R. Barnes 58. W . Hourigan 59. G . Sneddon 60. M . Atkinson 77. S.Handley

I . A. Comito 2 . T. Dobso n 3 . T. Backhouse 4 . V. Comit o S . R . Donlan 6 . S . Ryan 6 . C . Wood 7 . S . Parrett 8. A . Capes 9. J . Kennedy 10. G. Matthewes 11 . P .Capes 12. B . Hogan 13. S .McKeon 14. S . Doran 15. L. Overman 16. D. Sawicki 17. M . Conroy 18. L. Vassallo 19. L.Gollant (C) 20. T . Sheehan 21 . B. Loughlin 21 . J. Comito

22 . 22 . 23 . 23 . 24 . 25 .

C.Calthorpe (DVC) P. Dailey B. Horn D. Patience J . Anderson P. Hayes

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 .

J . Gollant (VC) A. Nathan (CR) P. Gilmou r J . Overman J . Mount T. York

37 . 37 . 38 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.

T . Bateman A. Brebner A. Of Mingo D. McAllister S. Byrne J. Balla rin D.Juegan M. Marshall B. Teague S.Taylor M. Farmer G . Morrish C . Perrett A . Farmer D . Solomon R . Edwards N . Lynch F.Cataltamo J . Kavanagh G. Smith S . Mart in M . Wri ght J .Jone s

32. S . Chatfield 32. P . Runting 33. P . Rog erson 34. M . Daff ey 35. B . Chatfield 36 . C. Bon d

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

D . Slimmon T. Hutchins S . Kirsanovs J . Frit h P . O'Donnell B . Blood

7. 8. 9. 10.

D.Hayter M .Thomas S . Meade S . Stevenson

12. H.Worsley (Capt) 13. G . Evans

14. J . Buckley

15. P.Stephens (RCapt) 16. D . Gus t

17. J. Kanis 18 . G . Markley 19 . B. Herrald

20 . R . Polkinghorne 21 . T. McIntyre 22 . A . Nugent 23 . B . Furphy 24 . R . Calnon 25 . A . Henderson 26. N .Cavalier 27. B . Fricker 28. D. Bolto n 29. S . Kuc 30. G . Allardice 311 . nMue 3berg . R.- Van e 32. J. Gamaut 33. L. Twaddle 34. R . Furphy 35 . M. Jukes 36 . S. Kewell 37 . A. Lennen 38 . M. Unsworth 39 . S. Henderson 40 . A. Mitchell 41 . R . Dodd s

45 . G. McLachlan 46 . D . Gun n

47 . T. Rourke 48 . C . Miles 49. P . Seller 50. H . Nailon 51 . S . McMahon 52. S . Longley 53. T. Whitehead 55. C.Stewart 56. A. Farrar 58. T . Miskin 59. A. Collins 60. A. Wilcox 61 . A. Wilson 63. A. Muller 65. A. McLeod 66. M .Starick 67. D. McAloo n 72 . J. Norman (RCapt)

Jones Lang Wootton


622 NIL Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds



B Section

j_ A ; 000 GANYULE Senior Coach: Rick Brockwell Reserves Coach: Tim Bell 1 . B . Kinear 2. D. Witchell (VC) 3. L. Holt 4. T . Gloury 5 . B . Wilmore (DVCapt) 6 . P . Williams (ResC) 7 . S . Richmon d 8 . R. Williams 9 . G . Sutterby 10 . J . Fortune 11 . T. Short 12 . J. Egan 13 . M. O'Brien 14 . P. Healy 15 . S. Gray 16. D . Mayne 17. A . Steven 18. J . Turnbull (DVCapt) 19. D . Stephens 20. S . Playfai r 21 . R. Dintinosante 22. J . Gilha m 23. M . Gray 24. C. Wilkes 25 . G . Jorda n 26 . H. McDermott 27 . W. Keenan 28 . D. Fabris 29 . M . Creek 30 . L . O'Connell 31 . C . Bassett 32 . G . Laurie 33 . D . Glass 34 . C . Stevens 35 . A. Hardie 36 . D . Tyler 37 . G . Bassett 38 . G . Riches 39. C . Head 40. M . Keene 41 . M . Wheaten 42. T.Egan 43. L. Ferrell 44. M . Moore 45. M . Gilbert 46 . P . Agostinelli (RVC) 47 . R. Smith 48 . B . Gillies 49 . D. Barker 50 . G . Gent 52 . D. Noonan 55 . D. Williams 56 . B. Grindle




BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Rese rv es Coach : Craig Heard 1 . J . Prior 2 . S . Driver 3 . S . Young 4 . G . Alexander 5 . C. Parri s 6 . R. Minney 7 . P. Robertson (Vcapt) 8 . A. Bryan 9 . R . Shepherd 10. P. George (Capt.) 11 . S. Farley 12 . A. Parris 13. S. Boyd 14. D . Mathews (Vcapt) 15. B . Greig 16. S . Smith 17. N . Waddel 18. R . Williams 19. P . Nigro 20 . T . Agosta 21 . D. Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23 . L. Stott 24 . P . Nagle 25 . T . Merrett 26 . K. Stelling 27 . D. Doud 28 . P . Mutimer 29 . P. Bone 30 . R . Field 31 . A. Shine 32 . P. Graham 33. C . McWaters 34. D . O'Connell 35 . M . Osborne 36. P . Hare 37. W.Thomson 38. S . Jame s 39. D . McNamara 40. T. Matthews 41 . L. Cassano 42 . P . Edwards 43 . C . Beams 44 . C . Shallard 45 . G . Taylo r 46 . G . Shallard 47 . C. Morihovitas 48 . R. Lambert 49 . M . Bellato 50 . D. Glover 51 . 52 . 53, J . Scott 54 . 55 . A. Franklin 56 . 57 . D . Shine 58 . 59. B. Lefervti 60. P . Dallogiu

JOHN GEORGE ~ r ^fl`i1 I'~

PRESTON 9484 6006


M .H .S .O.B .


Senior Coach: Doug Gott Reserves Coach: John Matthew

Senior Coach : Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Colin Drake

Senior Coach: Peter O'Connor Rese rv es Coach : Brandon Smales,

1 . R.Anrmrag Z P. La Rosa 3 . C.Twker 4 . M.Wtl 5 . P .MamvJ 6. D.Frarhp 7 . P. R,a!ey 9. M. Timdraray 10. G.KereceCf 11 . S. AkBa/ 12. L .SnO 13. S.liarla:vr,cz 14. P. Flym 15. T.. Ftim cos 16. R 17. P. Lee It. T.Sm& 19. G.Btft 20. R.Stexal 21. L Bocinvood 22. R.ArWD'd 23 . M.Pearee 24 . T.0'IM 25 . A. Baro 26. S. Faimealti a 27 . D .N1af 28. A.AkKetzr 29. C .Drysdsk 30. S .h'a1P 31 . D.Uarlane 32. J. Lync h 33. B . Krmdel 34. B .,byce 35. P. WYAeFead X M. Hainan 37. G. Fnda}sai 38. D.IkHman 33. M.EbbaY 40L S. Gard 41. C.64cDaia:d 42. B.Skep 43. S. Lynn 44. I. Nen{ 45. J . RaywoM 66. R.G3Ias 46. A1 .PCbxk 67. G.SVargAick 47, J . Di Salto 68 J.Owe n 48 . P. Ck•emar B. S.Nomen 49 . A.RosadeH 70. J. M9thex 50. D .Jacka 71. St . A.M>d)iruli 72. 52 . R . Pace 73 . . L. Prince 74 . 13. G.lkPAa4 54 75 . .Pearce 55. L 76 . 56. S . DArty 77 . 57. P .JdvNOn 78 . C . Brown 58. V . Rassdb 59. D. iiadapWood 60. C.Vfis m 61 . G. Hitkey 62. T .DO 63. R.AtcKimB 64. D.Sr,yakYi 65. T .Bakamb e


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8.

J. Bamert A. Howard D. Woodley R. Verma D. Fleming C . Young S. Harries B. McGrath J . Pertzel J . Dixon

9. D . Comer (Capt) 10. M. Beazley 11 . M. Webster (VCRS) 12. M. Feterkranz (R•Cept) 13. A . Preece 14. M . Zaghloul 14. G. Dair 15. P . Barge 16. M . Atkins 17. A . Webster 18. I . Gillespie 19 . A . Snaidero 20 . D. Fairchild 21 . B.Caokman 22 . A. Lindsay 23 . D. Exton 24 . G . Wilson

25 . C. Glover (DVC) 26 . M. Thompson 27 . W . Watford 28 . 29 . 30. 31 . 32 . 33.

34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

T. Lawrence C . Drake R .Newton G . McLardie M. Konstanty B . Ansel[

N . Fahey S . Konstanty, A . Palmos (VCRes) A . Barge S . Bennett

39. A . Athanasopolos 40. B . Haye s 41 . A . Stewart 42. N . Bradley 43. J . McLaughlin 44. B . Archdall 45 . D. Pollock 46 . T . Holland 47 . M . Jamieson 49 . N. Archdall 50 . E.Thamas 51 . S.Karamoutsos 52 . J. Jackson 53 . P. Frost 54 . P. Hunt 55 . M. Pond 56. J. Winch 57. T. Grimmer 58. J . Goldin 60. P. Konstanty 61 . M. Pretty 62. S .Danckert 63. A . Farr


TATTS and POKIES Bar and Bistro 120 Upper Heidelberg Rd . Ivanhoe

400 Linb BaUtY. 31 IMmemM.O®02 ) 40


1 . C . McKay 2. D . Waters 3. O. Abrahams 4. P . Sullivan 5. C. Kitney 6. M . Robinson 7. P . Booth 7. S . Sleep 8. B . Collison 9. L. Curry 10. S . Evans 11 . P . Tatter 12. J . Curran 12. M . Sammon 13. B. Curulli 14. S. Cheshire 15. P. Kearney 16 . C . Wheeler 17 . M. Maguire 17 . M. Anderson 18 . J. Murray 19 . P. Considine 20 . J. Sutherland 21 . N . Mulqiney 22 . M. Connolly 23 . C . McMahon 24 . J . Barke r 25 . P . Bryar 26 . P . Dwyer 27 . M . Gravina 28. D . O'Farrell 29. M . Sammon 30. M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32. D. Boyer 33. J . Mollroy 34. B. Conti 35. S . Manassa 36. D. Tonkin 37. S. Mikunda 38 . A. Sweeney 39 . D . Beck 40 . 41 . L . Curran 42 . T. Cleveland 43 . J. Lowrie 44 . M. McIntyre 45 . A . Zanatta 46 . C . Hanley 47 . P . O'Dwyer 48 . B . Pawsey 49 . J . Trimboli 50 . C . Bailey 51 . 52 . T. Jamieson 53. M.Murone 54. A . Trimboli 55. S . Drum 56. A . Twis t 57. L. Koutsovasilis 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62. M . Fennell y 63. R. Gale 64. 65.

66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 .




OLD BRIGHTON senior Coach : Shane Young Reserve s Roger Brown 1 . A. Krzywniak 2, M . McLennan 3 . M . Reid

4 . M. Talbot 5 . A.Olliver 6. A. Augustine 7. L . Fildes 8. S . Lennox 9. M. Fisher 10. J . Williams it . A . Fitzgerald 12 . G. Bennett 12 . A. Alderton 15 . S. Magee 16 . N . Perry 17, A. Rickarby t8 . P. Roac h 19. A. Mandylaris 20. D . Kollmorgen 21 . R . Oakley 21 . C . Jackson 22. K . Farrell 23 . A . Pryor 24 . R. Carter 25 . S. Nikas 26 . T . Ward 27 . C. Gilmour 28 . P. Wolf 29. J . Murc h 30. K.Teschendort 31 . S. Murray 32. B . Williams 34. R . Smith 35 . S . Mercer '.. 36 . B . Pollock 37 . T . Mitchell 39 . A. Fischer 40. B. Patterson 40. C . James 41 . J . Murchie 42. G. Sloan 43. J . Howden 45 . M . Bilionis 46 . M . Barber 47 . D. Wilson 48 . A. Grant 49 . N . Winter 50 . S. Williams 55 . C . Toms 56. R . Brown 57. A . Mclachlan 59. T. Farrer 61 . A . Witte 63 . R. Sherman 65 . N. Treuleson 66 . T . Lennox 68 . G . Bilionis 71 . B. Alderson 78 . R . Saunders 79. H . Bickett 80. A . Palfrey 84. P . McMaho n

OLD IVANHOE Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Rese rv es Coach: Darren Caddy 1 . D. Supelr 1 . M . Powe r 2 . P. Sigley (CCapt) 3 . A. Jenkins 4 . A. Parker 4 . D . Toll (R) 5 . J . Stevens 5. A . Atkinson 6. S . Ken t 7. T. Young 8. T . Steven s 9. M . Karayannis 9 . P. Armstrong 10 . M . Veal (CCapt) 11 . S. Tully 12 . A. Sturesteps 12 . M. Toze r 13. A . Pappos 14. C . Gdnham 15. G . Douglas 16. M . Woods 17. J . Luk 18. P. Bisogni 20. T . Ryan 20 . W. Millard 21 . J. Mansfield 22 . P . Donaldson 22 . P .Golding 23 . M . Stewart 24. A . Corcora n 25. J . Maycock (RVCapt) 26. M . Tolle y 26. I . Roxburgh 27 . J. Weddle 27 . Z.Abousabha 28 . D . Jones (RCapt) 29 . R . Weddle (VCapt) 30. E . Brophy 30. A . Kobe 31 . D. Caddy 32. D. Goad 33. T .Counack 34 . T. Lerner 35 . L . McLean (VCapt) 36 . S. Pidoto 37 . D . Stott 38 . G . George 39. G. George 40. R . Davies 41 . L. Taylor 42. S . Vaughan 43. D. Banger 44 . T . Agushi 45 . C. Duncan 46 . A. Barker 47 . J. Wier 48 . B . Wilson 49 . M . Wilson 50. C . Corcoran 51 . B . Shedbolt 52. P . Cargin 53. D.Craker 54 . P . Wal l

55 . J . Bau d

. l~ ~ G ,


56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60. 68.

M. Shedden S. Barry S . Davies B . Elsworth S . Brophy C . Mille r


OLD PARADIANS Senior Coach : Dale McCann Rese rv es Coach : Paul Amel 1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2. P.J, O'Loughlin 3. J .A. Dallas 4. S .J. Philp (VC) 5. M .J. Harford 6. J .V. Geary 7 . P .G. Cosgriff (VC) 8 . P.G. Zappa

9 . T,J . Jackson

10. P.A. Brabender (C) 11 . N .P. Willits 12. S.R. Wallis 13. T.D. Wallis 14. D .R Ciavola 15. N .G. Kerr 16 . M .P . Godfrey 17 . B . J. Hart 18 . A. Muleta 20. P.A . Nailer 21 . A.J . Farrell 22. H . Bellis 23. P .A. Walsh 24. D .A . Digney 25. D. Heffernan 26 . M .B . Geary 27 . K.C . Kenkins 28 . B.J . Brabender 29. B. Powel l 30. T.J . Mulligan 31 . S. Laferlita 32. A .J . Price 33. M .J. Harrison 34 . P .J. Joyce 35 . J .P .J. Mills 36 . S.M . Swindon 37 . L . Rocchiccioli 38 . M.G . yea r 39. P.E. Reid 40. D .J . Baird 41 . D .J . Horsington 42. J .M. Swindon 43. M .P . Geary 44. I . Hartord 45 : P.J . Stephens 46 . B. Flyn n 47 . N .A. Ball 48, M. Hudson 49. T.S . Brain 50. P .K. Monar 51 . S .J. Dunn 52. M .L . Muscara 54. J .T. Mould 56 . J .W. Tobin 57 . J .M . Way 66 . D . McCrohan 67 . A . Villant i 58 . L .K . Mansifled 69. D .J . Arthu r

®d ® S Whitehall St,l'arravill e Fn : 9687 8722



Senior Coach : Simon Dalrymple Reserves Coach : Ion Wallace Assistant Coach : Michael Hadley 1 . S . Keneddy 2 . C . Robison 3 . A . Allibo n 4 . T . Norman (Vcapt) 5 . P . Van Der Hoek 6. R . Heath 7. A.Anderson 8. S. Dalrymple (CC) 9. S. Hopkins 10. S . Hatfield 11 . R. Boxtell 12. M . Cumming 13 . M . Donato 14 . J . Stickland 15 . A. Park e 16 . M. Seuling (Vcapt) 17. G . Hatfield 18. B . Clarke 19. G. Hudson 20 . P . Board 21 . C. Phillips 22 . P .Robison 23 . A. Ramsden 24 . T. Board 25 . T. Harris 26. P. Beet 27. L. Stafford 28 . D. Vargo 29 . A. Seeley 30 . L. Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32 . D. Glass 33. D. Heighton 34. P. Papas 35. L. Bennie 36. J . Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37. P . Dowlin g 38 . R . Phillips 39 . T . Antonopolous 40 . B . Burke 41, D. Alysandratos 42 . A. Banfiel d 43. M. Krivokuca 44. J. Mollison 45. N . Kin g 46. 47 . F. Cameron (RVC) 48 . C. Smith 49 . P .Johnson 50 . L. Jervis 51 . S. Gleeson • 52. 53. 54. 55. 56 . 57 . N . Kolitia s 58 . 59 . 60 . 80. T . Smith

Senior Coach : Des English Reserves Coach : Chris Bye 1 . M. Petrevski 2 . J. Woodgate 2 . A. Shelton 3 . P. Gorman 4 . M .Elliot 5 . S . Ramsey 5. S . Seymour 6. J . Vain a 6. G . Rossignolo 7 . P. Jones (RVC) 7 . J. Pola B . L. Hollow 9 . M. Growcock to. R . Egglestone 11 . D . Forbes 12. R. Moran 13. M .Bosanko 14. J . Reddich (VC) 14. D. Ram m

15 . G . Pinner 16 . M. Goodwi n 17 . R . Lyons (RCapt) 17 . G . O'Conno r 18. B. Carter (VC) 18. Liddel l 18. B . Milieki 19. J .Annstrong 20 . M . Carter 21 . J. Thrush 22 . S. Griggs 23 . C . Bye

24 . P. Mellon 25 . M. O'Rourke 26. G.Carbis 27. G. Smith 28. D. Barron 29 . M . Hudson 30 . M .Tadinac 31 . S.Hollow 32 . S. Eastmure 33 . N . La Fontaine 34 . J . Gallagher 35 . S . O'Halloran 36. C. Rizz o 37. D. Castaldi (C) 38. B . Prendergast 39 . S . Boyl e 40 . C. Keay 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46. 47. 48.

G . Pignatelli M. Gauci C . Whelan J .Beason J . Brambles R . Collins D.Goodwin D.Wrigglesworth


John. D Veal PHARMAC Y



C Section

A.J .A.X.




Senior Coach : Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach: Marty Haiphe n Res . Coach:

Senior Coach : Don Scariett Reserves Coach: Andrew McGrego r

Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach : Tony Da y

Senior Coach: Trevor Poole Reserv es Coach : Angus MacGowa n Assistant Coach: Paul Hermann I . N . Straus s

Anthony Bursztyn 1 . J . Wrobe l 2. A . Kalinski 3. J . Hoppe 4. M . Dudakov 5 . M . Reich

6 . G .Rozenberg 7 . C. Cohen 8 . M . Roseman (R .Capt) 9 . T . Bursztyn 10 . R. Bloom 11 . M. Weisler 12 . D . Rosen 13 . J. Engelman 14 . Y. Report 15 . J. Kirzne r 16 . P. Goldberg (VC) 17 . A. Cukierman 18. J . Wrobe l 19. M . Halphen (Capt) 20. R . Hartma n 21 . D . Sheezel 22. J . Dunne 23.. J . Abraham 24. S . Sheezel 25. J . Feldman 26. B . Duzenman 27. D. Degen 28. J . Brain 29. D. Marks 30. A. Micmacher 31 . M. Chrapot 32 . P. Steiner 33 . D . Pat

34 . D . Gunn 35 . A. Rosen 36 . J. Segal 37 . A. Slade-Jacobson 38 . A . Grundmann 39 . J . Shein 40, A . Redlich 41 . P . Naphtali '. 42 . E . Rubenstein 43. J . Joseph '. 44 . A .Krongold 45 . E . Steen 46. M . Nathan 47. A . Abrahams 48. L. Goldberg 49. D.Kalb 50. B. Grodski (VC) 51 . A. Traye r 52. S. Rubinstein 53. A. Sheffield 54 . D . Gelbart 55 . 56 . S. Frey 57 . 58 . M. Fred 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . M. Levin 63 . 64 . S . Glassman 65 .

66 . 67 . 68. S . Feldman 69, J . Vernon 70.

. C . Le Grand (Capt) 1I . A . Mc G regor (R) 2 M. Crawford 2. M. Beaumont (R) 3 . S . McDonald (DVC) 3 . C . Amoore (R ) 4 . S . Anderson 4 . A . O'Brien (R) 5 . A . Mason

5 . D. Rogerson (R) 6 . A . Natol i 6 . R. Hunt (R) 7 . E . Meinjak (VC) 8 . D. Marshal l 9. S . Morgan 9. M . Luxmore (R) 10. C. Ferguso n 10. R. Hetherington (R) 11 . S. Wills 11 . P. Mantis (R) 12. D . Anderson 12. B. Armstrong (R) 13. C . Thomas

14. F. Casette (VCR) 15. S . Slick

15. P . Buckley (DVCR) (R) 16 . T. Wrigh t 16 . M. Lester (R) 17 . S . Helliger 18 . T. Worland 19 . A . Hullick

19 . C. Diletosso (R) 20 . A. Powe r

21 . R. Tyrell 21 . A. Sher (R) 22 . M . McKellar 22 . A. Hunter (R) 23 . J. Day 24 . J. Rudder 25 . R. Melnjak 26. D. Artz 27. A. She r 28 D. McConville 29. M. Fletcher 30. C . Scarlet 31 . E. Panagiotidis 32. A. Browne 33. R . Sumer (R-Capt) 34 . M. Deukas 35 . C . Day 36 . J . F kerguerson

37 . S . Wal 38 . S . Green 39 . K, Ivey 40 . J . Harper 41 . D . Hobson 42 . C. Buc k 43 . C. McGregor 44 . S . McGregor 45 . A . Williams 46 . B . Busby McGregor 47 . G . Kirby 48.6

49. S . Peake 50. M . Talbot

51 . J. Rogers 52. T . Rush 53. B. Johnson 54. M. Short 55. M. Clarke 56. W. Mills 60. S. Willison

AUSFINE FOODS INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock. 3193

1. C.Sinnay t. A.Day 2. A. Byds 2. J. Dinneen 3 . D .Wat<.rs 3 . C . Matlem 4 . S.

2. H . Burbank 3. D . Welsby 4. T. Dugdale 5. D. ArdOe 6. S . Olsen 7. J. Senior 9. J. Wilson t0. M . Oliphant 11 . R. Ule y 12 . P. Ronchi 13 . P. Herman 14 . B. Edmonds 15 . A. Teelow 17 . M. Vickers-Willis 18 . A. Handbury 19 . A. Salter 20 . G . Coldwell 21 . S. Glove r

. Win

I6 . T.Cake M PVC) 7 . M. Ibwa 8 . 8. Fri:n a

9 . D.MeOan(C ) 9. J.DatPf 10. A. r it . M. mom it . B.Crain 12. J.Atta 13. D.Beaaarb 14. D.Haxe 15. J.Phipqs 15. D.Mahosh It. J . Waks

16. G . Cox

17. B. McClart~ts is. A.CanryNC) It . P.Hea4/ 19 . D . Cooper (GQ 20 . S .OFyrin 21 . G. Mason 21 . C.Payrs 22 . L.0'Fryrri 23. P . Ctisabers 24 . 5 . Beafti25. M. Stokes X C.Capenlef 27. S. Tteisz 28. M .Errnonds 4 J .SestJry 29. J. Gdd 42 J. Do-4as 29. S.Laro 42 D.Doi~ .vwto 30. A.Tryamwan43. J. 1.01 30. J.Gokh 44. y.Ca)er 31. S. Edwards 46 J .6;'; 32. U. S}mas 49. N. Godwin 33. D.Sarirmrn 9 8C>'s_it(VGf~ $1 . D. E 31. P, Se" as. M.G9 52 D .P^x•.ls 35 . C .Pzzri+r 55. C.- xe rce 36 . A.lkirlasi `.d. S. 37 . A.9ndzn 57. B. ' 38 . J. Graxall 63. D. u~ 39 . U. BeaheBi (C8) .1 an 40. J.Denma Ed 0


22 . J. Taylor (Capt) 23 . M. Davis 24 . T. Peddie (VCapt) 25 . A . Alle n 26. N . Kemp 27. D. Morton 28. M . Taylor 30. A . Howells 31 . J . Nevins 32. G. Wilkinson 33. M . Wilkinson 34. T . Paul

35. D. Eley 36 . A. Ri y 37. G . Stgb iding 38 . P. Beltrame 39 . D. Swan 40 .S.Bones 41 . S. Saunders 42 . P. Liascos 43 . D . Hay 44 . E. Spiden 45 . L. Morrison 46 . R . Rice 49 . J . Smythe 50. M . Robson 57 . A . Robson 52 . S . French 53. B . Hicklin 54. W. Dodd 55. S . Furphy 56. C. Walker 57. R. Knight 58. C. Stinchcome 59. C. Olive r 60. S . French 61 . R. Oliphant 62 . A. Osboume 66 . B. O'Halloran 68 . J.Manto n

69 . A.MacGowan

OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach : Bert Calvert Rese rves Coach : Jeff Norman 1 . A . Ac re man (VC) 2 . C. Lean 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

B . Murphy G. Stroud C. Wallace D. Paterson G. Ferguso n

8. N. Macquire (VC) 9. G. Pride 1 0. B. Stanfo rth . D. Salley 1 1 G. Dickson 12. 13 . S. Shar p

14 . A. Richmond 15 . C. Davis 16 . S. Samil d 17 . L . Richardson 18 . T. Boumo n 20 . N . Moodie 21 . T. Lanlen_ 22 . P. Harrington 23. R . Larg e 24 . D .Johnson 25 . J . Winduss 26. G. Dart 27. G. Katres 28. M .Bond 29. A . Carter 30. M . Brooks 31 . P . Flaskis 32. S . Flaskis 33. C. Gardiner 34. D.Hoiland 35 . D. Murphy (C) 36 . P . Russo

37 . H. Webster-Griffiths 38 . B. Sherrill 39 . R. Beynon 40 . T . Leonard 41 . C .Modey 42 . C . Rusworth 43 . C . Best 44 . D . Sarah 45 . C . Leaven 46 . J. Norman 47. J . Konicanin 48. D . Johnsen 49. J . Donovan 50. G. Richards 51 . K . McGrath 52. A . Szadura 53. S . Kitto 54. C.Sheddon 55. M . Stanojevic 56. M . Leon e 57. T. Ryan 58. D. Coventry 59. C. Furben 60 . D. Nock 61 . C. Dwyer 62 . D. Murphy 63 . T . Hancock 64 . M . Austin 65 . D. Murphy 66 . S. Mullin 67 .

68. 69. M . Nash 70. S . Bateman 71 . T. Kersley

ST. KEVINS ST, BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach : Tim Hart Res. Coach: Glen Taylor senior coach : Reserves Berry

1 . B. Burden 2 . J . Dyna n

3. M .Chapman(DVC) 4. A . McGwnes s 1 . M. Kinsella 2. S. Zaki c

3, J .Sebve

4, V . CHwlker (RCapt) 5. M . Murra y 6 . A . Ryan 7, D. Diggins 8, B. Beasley 9, M . Jone s 10 . C. Ross 11 . M. Hecker 12. C . Stewart 13. D . Goodchild

14, P. Lannan (Capt .) 15. D . Goodchild 16. S . Napie r 17. A . MacGeorge . J . Tully 1 8 . B. Tomlinson 19 20, T . Lamb 21 . G . McDonald 22 . S. McCarthy 23 . T. Peck 24 . M. Manson 25. D . Smith 26. S . Hecker 27. D . Johnston 28. D. O'Brien 29. J . Sanders 30. M . Dols

31 . J . Selby

32 . J. Dickinson 33 . A. Walsh 34 . C. Meyer 35 . R . Bilo s 36. M. Beasley 37. M. Connolly 38. A . Hayes 39. A . Wilce 40. C . Johnston 41 . D. Hendrikes 42 . A . Thompson (VCapt) 43 . K. Goodchil d 44 . J. Recupero 45, R . Gould 46. O . Lalor 47. B.Hambddge 48. B . Hutchinson 49. D . Buen o 50. N . Tully 51, M . Mitsud 52 . A . Keamey 53 . M . Firt h

54 . M . McCraw (VCapt .) 55 . P. Dywer . 56 . M. Zaki c 57. M. Lomagno 58. M. Leyden 59. D . Taney 60. J . Fertile 61 . R . Mulquinney 62. B .McShane 63 . N .Haye s 64 . B . Griffiths 65 . J .Drury 66 . R. Price 67 . C . Ambrosini 68. C . Price 69. P . Walker 70. D . Marshall 71 . A . Whitelaw

5. R. Callanan 6. A . Morgan 7. A . Hart 8 . D. Williams 9 . G . Smith 10 . D . Moore 11 . D . Rya n 12 . M . Dolman (DVC) 13. R . Bowles 14. J . Bare 15. D . Fox 16. B . Garvey 17. M . Terzini 18 . N. Hart 19 . D. Sheehy 20 . A. Varasd i 21 . J. Quirk (DVCRes) 22 . J.Macey 23. P . Ryan 24. P . Meagher 25. N .Goldsworthy 26. B .Kennedy 27. R. Gross (VCapt)

28 . M . Farquharson (DVC) 29 . A. Moun t 30 . P. Hagariy 31 . M. McNe e

32 . B. Noonan (ResVC) 33. S . Denton 34. A . Donoghue 35. A . Thomas (ResCapt) 36. A . Noonan 37. S . Kennedy 38. J . Herman 39. S . Gribble 40. D. Boyd 41 . A. DeJong 42 . D . McDonald 43 . D . James 44 . J . Drake 45 . T.Bare

46. D. DeRooden 47. M . Brady (Capt) 48. B . Howard 49. J . Moore 50. M.Durrant 51 . D . Wilks 52 . P. Lewi . R . Quirkn53 54 . S .Game 55 . M. O'Shea 56. J . Shepardson 57. S .Dillon 58. S . Charles 59. T . Ha rt 60. C. Singh




STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach : Terry Walsh Reserves Coach:

Senior Coach : Allan Fleming Reserves Coach : Wayne Coope r

Senior Coach : Des Meagher Reserves Coach: Gary Kallinikos

Charlie Capiron 1. B. R{an

2 . M. Bateman (C) 3 . R . Pasqualotto 4. S . M .Robinson 6. C. Houston 7. P . Cochlan 8. M . Heath 9. C. Maguire 10. B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12 . J. Begley 13 . T.Hughes 14 . D .tlanagan 15 . A .Lacey 16. B . Vandenboom 17. A . Carbon e

18. P . Begley 19. C. Andrews 20. A. Pawlick 21 . P. Hassler 22 . J. Bonn y man (ResC) 23 . P. Ciardull i 24 . J . Ciardutli 25, M. Vernal 26. C . Ryan 27. M . Jackson 28. C . Fames 29. C. Hams 30. P . O'Brien 31 . N. Jenkins (C) 32 . M . Carbone 33, G . Feut ri l 34 . S. Lowell 35 . C . Law

36, J. McFarlane 37. P . O'Brien 38. R . Vujki c 39. J . Naismith 40. A . Thawaites 41 . T. Carrigg 42 . D. Naismith 43 . N. Ellio tt 44 . M. Bateman 45 . M. Lester 46 . G .Johnson 47 . S. Habjan 48. M . Rei d 49. P . Dodd 50. B . Kelsey 51 . L. Eames 52. S . Alexander 53 . J . Alexander 54 . S. Gillen 55 . M. Duffy 56 . B. Calleja 57 . A. Heath 58. M. Smith 59. R . Stopajink 60. M . McDonald



t . M.Powe r

1 . S. Papaioanou 2 . B . Byron 3 . A . Smith 4 . R.Ward S . J . Bubis 6 . B. Pelligrino 7. S. Plant 8. A. Fellows 9. Y. Capeci 10. P.Bullard 11 . L. Alberti 13. 5.Weson 12 . A . Volpe 14, S. Wood 13 . G .Scarpa 15 . bLKuek 14 . M . Patmore 16. P .Puyels 15 . L. Del Papa 17. D .Wi,m 18. RW9ams 16. D. Farchione 19. M. Webgm 17. D . Gorski 20. A. f?dde1 18. F. Arcoraci 21, M ic 19. P. Ristevski 22. P.OSdvan 20. L . Alabakis 6 . P.Oans 23. L.Ga+an 61 21 . E . Lentini . AtTkaz 24. P.C!a>1on 22. L. Sallese 25 .D/ran P 62, AAlftori 63 .KtAweiss 23. R.Dimaggio . F 26 . flJa~son . B.wrisz/ 24 . B . Smith 27 . ADarehna 64 25 . R. Kennedy 28 . G.Hded 65 . J .Haired 29. 0,WkMe 66 . B. Clarke 26 . C . McNeil 30. J.Dddje 67. S.E ndre t 27 . S. D'Avoine . W .Menzies . !A 68 31 28 . L . Moribito 32. M OZ#ra Q . P . Grm 29. K. Harting 33. N . Cde 70. D. Steman 30, C . Fellows . A.CrxaVOn 34. T.Presrw.E 71 31 . D. Fletcher .Mac6oeld 35. P.Bertn~r 72. M 32. P . Colosimo 36 . ~Aij rU,, p 73 . S. Ditty . C. Fenardo, 33 . J . Zaigos 37 . tA King 74 34 . P . Mastraianni 38 . D.R,,r" 75, S.Prce 39. Apamxd 76. 8- Ton" 35 . A. Colosimo . S . y 36 . Z. Fleming 40. D 77 41 . ASexim 78. G. Davis 37 . D . Dimovski 9. IS t,% TCk . Kui~ 7 42. P 38. G . Scott 43. A Resnell BD. R P&Wk 39. O.Essen . l v It. R Nates 44. S Danm 40. N .Iuliangiia .Atans 82. N 45. WDeAam 41 . D.Brooks 46 . AStratad 83 . LPt40 42 . J . Bubis 47 . M.64xr3ry 84 . AtStede 43 . A. Latouf 81 D.Aken 48 . B.6ba3cai 44 . A. Ward 49. !A Beft 86. A.8wik.c . C .Johnslme 45 . A.Insitari 50. htD'Agastaa 87 46. S. Sam i 51 . J.Frawley 88- J.Ho* ora9 47. D . Plowright 52. B.Faima B . "4 . S . Ak."lamaa 51 B. Buke 90 48. 54, S. Greg 91 . J.Tlursfkb 49. M . Withers 92. S.Patl=rson 55. LtAaga'rt 50. A . Maloney 56. 8. Karamiarsl6 51 . E . Valentino 57, K Gleason 52 . L. Smith 58 . E . Karen*" 53 . P . Battisti a 59 . K Gkesa n 54 . J . Rocca 55 . P . Valeri 56 . R. Geremia 57 . 58 . M. Reid 59. 60. M . Bardsley 61 . G. Ska f ~~(~'~ R 62 . T. Staios 63 . M . Grech "aJ PUBLISHING 64 . F . Valeri 65 . S . Holmes 66 . D. Pougios 67. N . Grec h 68. 69. 2. H.A.t~o 3. H. Howard 4 . S.Cnmys 5 . A. McGaw & fdR}a n 7. G.NalesDewar 8. GBaker 9. G. Heat/ 10. J. 1it. J. Gardner 12 ARi<man

PP IPt! t'6fd®


Your On Time Printer 29

D Section j

= "It

"Th . .S hark .


Senior Coach: Gerry Nicholson Reserves Coach: Neil Flyn n I. B. Kc3 fMM M 0• ~'F4h' 2 P.Wkrus ;fl. N.Vav 3. LVt4tvrs 33. T. FA 4 . J . {k~ 4.. S.Fa3f®Sx Marts 34 ;d P.Arrlaw S. ' Ta--"f 3i S.Hareaten(DdC 8 J. T; 37 . A!9'.3k:d 7. D.1-1 :d. S.Tnrco & 11 39. P. D°y & D.; 40. !d Stae 9. &tw*~et 41 . Alk~18 N. f: W 42. (I~ ID A' 43. S. It. F 441 S. !'*x 12 Rh 45 N.P2m 13. 8.V 46, S .Ya= 14. A47. J.P-13 15. M .f .:, .e 49. D.hLi. 16. B .P_ . 49. D.OA~, 11. T. 50. P.L 18. D. 5t. D. _ 19. P. ; sNC} 52 B.Va' ~ 2). 1 .sn U. J 27. fLFkm(IesCl 53. RW 21 . P.E an(OVC)54. S.Sadn 21 . AF14na-YC)SC C.Olkaa 22 d JiC) Yx C.tW 23. T.f 57. S. W23. A58. 0 .LEri 24. O.tirmes 59 . Af}?~ : .- r 2i J' . 60. A ' ; 2& W 61 .

CAULFIELD GRAM . KEW Senior Coach : George Yoyage Ros . Coach: Matthew Scholten 1 . &Wess 23 . D.Sksrd3 2 klLqw 37. D. LW. 2 C.A4ee 31 . J." 3. C.Beyd 32. M.Dao~a 4. 31 BHNW 5. W.H2`~cn 31. 111v '"'3sa 6. AWOiVC) 35. A, ~ 7. J..Sa#s S6. C. V 8. s.Cr..~FW;S~ 37. hlJcr<1~ s & B.Lyuz k I" . p(HVC} 9. C .flnra 40. I 10. G. Ham 41. 1dW;'":at 11. M.Cassiy 42,, 12 J.Fea6r 42 C .h'.: : e .G~, 43 . RF.,ixs i4.D S .Kose 44. IA ?n± I5. S.A45. LtSsnp IS T ." - 46. C.GBnaaa/ 17. G. 47. LS:en 18 . B.1-48. J f 49. kt . m 19, J a 4. H57. T. F ~tu Si . K 23. b(.Kise 21 . ttBrorg Sd . IS. 55. bLD•snal" .C) 2Z M . Bard 23. D. A0 59. S. Kte 24. K. D.'~tO 61 . P , 2i T.Wa;; 67. D . S. trains 71 . C. . s26 79. G .6 27. J.Rp 28 T.Ceai 83.

Senior Coach : Robe rt Bayley Rese rves Coach : Tom Vann I. T.F .--'° b. .0 nero1">kY.7 2. at k -~t. 3. Rh -" 37 . & 4. RD , 3a ." S. 1 E A: S ~. P.Fe3eii 41. RLrcV42 C.Lam~m 43 G.~n 44 P.GW,?+ 4S. D.ftt 46. W. Few 47. D . D:w 49. C.Fnr3fi 49. 1 Lrzs 59 . SKdda9 St . J.Ks.'as 18 . RKrgpCVi :2 I.F&'9zs It. fLBSrj 51 C .C-sa-A~ 20. SNsew 54. tLF='== 21 . D.Harcaa 5S. B.d' .:: .dr e 22. J.Para1 SS AT r 57 24. &Dr,aa 56 . D.` 25. D.Wa}d 59. T .I 26. P.GsI 61. V'. ~g 27. R61. ADarr® 26. LDdre+ V A^~.y 29. IA01 :~:.X441 61 SHar~ak,s 30. D.C_x=1 64. D.(aft 31. AViDV'Ct E5 . KW11t 32 . S.G-wo 33. SEsi+~ RS;:AS 34. Lc :i7 AVaskn

S~fI~IIwe11~F~rd PRINTED LABELS PHO5EI 03) W;744 F.1X (93)946 itE47

"Qualiy ta6rts for Qudiq Clients"

Senior Coach : Lau rie Zarafa Rese rv es Coach : Mark Rowe I. P.'=33 . F.Wis 2 A~'sc-v0;d :yr'd 3 FL 33. tAfb 4. D.wn:r. F!. LE6ara 41. P.Bu* 42 P. Del

7. D.- 43 . AWEon 4 . J.1bAId 45. P.lJ..,-'ir t 10 . l4 .C : kJ. L4.. . 47 . C.Tysm 11 12 . D.Ik48, AIsan 13. AC: : .-~ 49. S.CeIF 4 57. 8. Berry 1c 51 . t! S1u~:35 s 16 -.-_ 52. S. Pus °3. W.5t-•T

21. LF 8S 29. L ,0. D!', . . 3t. C.P-- .~. J .lba,al 33 C, Y a~ 31 . lAPo:arzF; H . G .Parp :fi . W.Laf 37 . J.Perwi


K SOUTHBAN Senior Coach: Derek Hine Rese rves Coach: Neil Walinwyer 1 . S.Iteecan iCam 39 . h!SLa . 'n 2. RPAr. czE . BS; M 3 . ,At& 49 41. Afk . fiwe' rw ~4 42. RP . [ 5. J 43. P. fAtyiVC ) 7. IN.%ioVCI 444 . P.F . & ASa Ire 4& IF 9 . Ju .ta R . GJ 10 . 8. . . 1 48 . J .F it . . 49 RL_ , 2. ! 1 50 . G .P3 14 . M. Fn 51 . G . . IN 52 . D .BUVA ,5 ta G.t ~ R. Fox 54 . P. pas 17. P .T'e 55 &Net~'.~ 19. M.f. . - `~. 20. 1d.° 57. S. Fm 21. G.i 0 59. H.PI's 22. NY 59. KWAA 22 T.' 60. 24. G. St . 25. G., t V. KJz~t~ 76. R Irn p> H. Vr7e6v 27. K.i 64. 28. BA, 6i. P C Eb. J7. C 67. iJW~'ar7 31 . D. : . . E8. 32. 69. M F6rtrra 31 7 :. 34 . T.I 71. 35. RFaLe 72 . 36. G ..k.m3s 73 . 37. a Jett 74 . 33. AWein

Senior Coach: David Rogers Rose," Coach: Ian Hildebrand 1 . Ix K) 2 D.C 3 C .k A. kLS4rd 4. P.L 49. P.Eraad S D.F 41. Aim 6 ktf 1 42 Id.! 0 7. P.F=a43. RFr° i & D. F 44. A( 3~! 9. L8 45 . 1 ( tA JA 4& D. I il. AtE~'r 47. S.I 2 1C 4& C.I 13. RA:M...~a 49. R! 14. J .Crasn 0. 4 .! 15 . RG'-i 51 . TS t& C.E: :~'n 52. It 17 . Y.C : :~Fts 53. D 18. G.t6I 54. M.,;.

it. o.®

20, (112 1, 0 . 4x 2Z A 21. R M 2a P .Iffisiq 27. Olken a S. WGs N. AHia#iry 3). P. L„,7 31. J.S 1(VC) 32 G.n a

31 Ilk ' 31. &1

S5. D.-

55. R :, r6-.m 57. AH--° Si B. E0 . k Roston 61. Lt Brookes E2 J .& ~a & .1 S.Fner 65. D.Wn'.J ES SL9'-~^•tks p . NJ 1 70. N.1xTt t~ 71 . A F 72 P. 75. S.c '

78. S.E

HARP OF ERIN , i'=!, lf (~-~~. a



Senior Coach : Steve Mooney Res. Coach: Mark Nlciesen

1, 37. S . Walls a ~hLOW ,(R~sCI ~' sC . hcalning

4, dlah2y('C) 40 . 8? ~1 5 M'Kq s 41. LLDD»vr o &Cavxan 42 T .Dx~dm-q 7. RP--* I, G I 41 D. " 44. S, PEW 9. A i 6 N.S.m.bswn e. a. 46. 11 D. h. 47. J .fr° . nism ) 13 Sh :- 4& S.V i a 8 49. it G - :dt,'^,) 50. R.C 16. W. r < z : n 51. L Ib EFer . - 52 S.C_.:, 17 SCL' :iBVCf y9 .

18 OE-: :; 54 . S

it, AtRvfip 51 ADarc . LAJ3r,stc y20 56 21 . ACrae Pf 57. M.IV22. C.W;rk 58. AF_ .? 23 &NU 59 . E.L::: 2a . P.F .~ :- ...1 25.. C 63 2b. G. 61 . J. C . .26R p, AE ~21.R1 n 63 . J. L 26. P .v E4. J. . D.t CI Ed R.(A29 2 1 1 1 464.1 fl 30, R 67. 6 7. 1 1 I :ks 31. T . EA. A. 4K. G. 69.P. 3 3 Z.~ ". 74. & 71. R.

ST LEOS EMMAUS WATTLE PAR K Senior Coach : Mark Flack Res. Coach : David Miller 1. P.>~¢g 46 J . y Cr 2 B.S~ri 41 B.C-tan 3. DAk 42 PO - :-:~a3 41 T.VmDen })ks(fx143 8.Dnry 5. C .Keery 44. 6 D .Dr~Aa~w~lti 8. T.o47. JW- a I. 48 APir14. P . ~n 49. AH:2~:; It N. . ?ct 51 1! C ~t: 12 GR;cn 51. A6kKSUz 13 . JPz 52 JNd 14 . D.C ~ n 51 IALara ACar 5:. JGar%s 16 P.u,- 65 PC~ 17. L55 D.1 Fa 1A G. : f 57. D. ' x P. 59 P x A"' 5: L 21 S. 6 7. S. '° . 2L A 61 . J ., .~w 2 1S ;~ ~s 62 G-1 . 24. DA.,:.; 63 o.Fsrx 2 5. K~ 1;'n 64. JGmn 26 S65 D Lmeq 77. P.E8 BH:Sy 28 67. Si ~.S[r65AF-= :a Ea. Jtt«-, 31. 6ti, 71. A 32 AI73 D " 31 A(ror,ass 7t SPtrt,q 34. 8 t+z= 77. G C: 35 SR3 &1. H!`-~= 36 C.IBars Ci S P€it8 37 . R.CIM I P. Ea&: '„. &V-r,;rai


Senior Coach: Martin Legga Reserv es Coach : Rick Jr^~i . LCr?A'an 42. B ; 2. T.Jress 41 LV 3. Alrk 44. Lt 4. B.Ta,.r 45. A( 5. sit -- 46. N.I a~ 6. ) ~ 47. BL_ n 7. P.~ 46. 1S-Ire 8. S.L i1Cao 49. AKeM 9. D.Tam 50. J . f0. E. St, 51. Aua it. AKyu (_ U 62 T 12. J .ftzn 53 . M. 13 C.P3?GS>n 54 . P.I , It . S.Jadtcn $ . M. 1S . RSPSrB 56 . P.r 16. D.Wak.w 57. Ln 17. ACtda 59 . N. 18. O.thyta 59. T. . it. AWU-13 60. M. 2). D .Proran 61. G.UCr 21 . S . Roe 62 . IASt.. .. 22. M. Stem 6a WEad 23. T.Si;;s:n 64 . S.CrurJ 24. D.Irtkty:r 65. R . W 25. ATapkr 66. D .CFnxth 26. G.Yqsg 67. S.Brzkn 27. 8 .0}Lra 68. dGan 28. B. Ldch 69. D . PaR m 29. W . tk~ 70. P. CnaMa§ 33. J.Pz; 71 . ASiradttn 31. J.fmarJ 72 RLce 32. M. &M 73. W. NaBrson 33. A Bute 74. C. Tvu 34. PJkCrx 75. R CoW 35. S.&ac85n 76. P.PzrEy 36. D.Estay 77. W.FornarJ 37. RESan 78. D. Chasten 33. D.AEz 79. D.F CD 30 . C.Em 80, & Cordaro 43 . 1 Hum 81. P. F,4r~. y 41 . D.Ssa

PA'fTERSON CHENEY Ringwood - DandBrang ~ Sth Melbourne 9262 6666 - 9215 2222 • 9682 658 1

UNIVERSITY REDS Coach: Michael Farrell Reser•o-: Grant Hammond 37, D -2. N .B 33 .A" ;: 3. o.tb39 .AG :c 4.E .K ~ 5.D.K 41 .H.`: 6. P . S'xk 42 . B.OCorar 7.J.D 43.T.J 8. fJ. Farr0 44. P 9.D.FSS 45 .5. 1 tO.P.Flom 46.5. . It. D.Pekee 47 A 1 2 D.FeVm 48 P : :k 13. M. James 49 N .;, 14. &Terti9 YI C . P. Ko•rri 51 . T.."15 16.N. Mara 51 .1. ` 17. A. B'azmd 52. A 18. A,}kftal 51 M. 19. G .WroN 54.IJ 20 .G .Cook 55 .P¢kHt 56.GD21,S 22 . R OF- 57. C. = 2 1 ATna~Mos 58,A1, 6 24 . C .TeFan 25 8 F :. Enl.t ; ~ 26 &E-161.&27.SPr .r1 2P N 44-5 r

30 D t 31 . A 3?. S . 33.S T

T. k E'~i. G B w


F, Centra l



Senior Coach: Rick Morris Reserves Coach; Mick Marshall 5 e+~ior Co ac h : Shane Rule I . P . Cooper yes Coach :Barry Funnefl 2 . F . Denana 3. K. Frost r . I nr'w 40. ABW°.8(VC) 41. J.MarT 4 .N.Papadatos 42 D. Lynch S. D .MaNid 43, K. Conan 6. A. Webb 44 . P. Slidbary 7. W . Cer i 45. S. Turner S. J. Tmnaseio 46. D .Wriglut 9 . D. Gdifm 47. D.HarTvy 10 . M . Hayes 48. L Veterans 11 . F . Coscare8a 49. N. MA 12 . 54. S. &.a"aN 13. G . Ristic 14. S. Now'~Ski 5t. MWalzs SZ J .Cousin s 15. D . Morris 36 . P . Keppel 53. J . maddsm ''.. 16. 37 . G . MamGi 54, L Ciudad 17. 38. D. Gri~jefetto 55 A Cmnnugs 18 M . Lowe 39. J. Aug~stakis 5S. M.CatsaPculas 19 . 40. D. Gtllk~is 57. R (Aw 20. 41 . A. Chapp4e

Sit S . Price

21 .R. Martinez 42.

_ D. ;es(1~ 59. B .HayN'~d

22. D. Fermessy 41

S. u+. SOurni (W) 6Z ~ C.~ . 24. SFEZ1u7r k 64 . T. Wilson 'fa. T. Mann 64. D .Brqgs(R) 2i P.Grrwa 65. A Richardson 27. L Ryal E8. RBtMks.q 28. MS:r* 21 P. Sksxl 67 . D. Sh:ed/ f& RBred 3~. C.Ghv 31 . S. La"n 70. I. M,-C!~~y p{ 71 . D. Steady a W31 P.LrA 72. J .ASza-ab:t 71 P. a 34. T. M. - ka c h 74. S . B9g a 3 .M 36. GN. Gray 75. J. Fmk:/ t6 M BjTO 37. A. psrodo 3& C.SuIlenand 77. N.Wnii : a SAnBOrry

25. J. Retab 46. M . Cooper 26 . P . Marr5r8 47, 27 . 48. 28. R. Boman 49. 29. 50. C . Hayes 30. 51. P . Steqen 31 . 52 . 32. P. Pashakis 53 .

T. Rundman 44 . D. GriBidu 21 . 0. EBrmnk no) ~. S. ~ ~) 23. 24. P. Davies 45 . 22. J. Sdg

THE ROYAL OAK HOTEL Nort h Fitzroy Phone 94814693 THORNBURY COUGAR S Senior Coach: Gary Cutler Res . Coach : Rod Robertson

I 1. B .Ca1a

2 AMarn !'ay 3 R&.ur-,ii 34, P . FkDanaH 4. B.(toter ison 35. K.Ncaman S. G.Cu"j 36 R&~'n.yiOtCl 6 P. CuGW (C:(k) 37. G Tted o is 7. 1`324M 38. J . Raba( 8. CKr~ .ar a 39. SO::~pas 9. W.lttr~s . S Huxley 10. G.RKraps<.e 40 41. RP2s n it. RRzqrwto 42 . R&amo t2 S.La•zy . P.Baro s 13. DCarer 43 14 . M.Goddard XaH)d5 . LJones D~~) IS Misay S.61<:ranatsps 16 S. A9xd5ch (RE) 46, . L Ryan 17. S.Bated 47 46 A. Room 18. T. La•~ 49 P .D-v~ms 19. M, Johnson ,~. A ~y,n 20. RAt~ 51 . AW-.Arr~um 21. ACrarJ 52 .Normzn .T 22. W.Dusnn 53. 2, 54. C. A~rbaw s 55 25. D. Begicp 68. A. Crocker 26. S. Nssaa 57. D. &z,ear 27. D . Brewer . D. e 28. 8 .8'eat;m;e 58 59. P. p" P4}tv 0. ,4. AAZn~tI 661 G,.Tu.ker 'PIA 31. D.Ma4zaWS P .•-k 62 SA^T:c'trp 32 AH Gir.~



Indoor S ort s J:



J .1F


Z ~

33. R . Griffiths 54 . 34. D. Koppel 55. N. Zambelln 35 . R. Morris 97. K. Maloney




Senior Coach: Gordon Burrows Reserve Coach : Pater Sacc o A. TrdeK (Cap) 2I . 0. Adam 3. S.H*m 4. P.Dir-ro 5. J.Ka 6.Vk: 7.J.6rea 38. D. G4W 8 . P.Cuidnghean 39. M. BraGad 9 . J.h11^r 40. S. Hogg 10. S. 4 41. G.RM 11 . J .Barldoh 42J.P ' 12. P.Ongzro 43 . M. Saddle 13, P. Marc 44. Fk.sini 14. J. Hope 46 . C. Canoes 15. B .0'&Nn 47 . D.MatXtuso 16. LDemadca . A. )('r9o o48 17. A.Kyriaz's 50. L. Ryazri 18. V. Randelo 51 . S. Keay 19 . V. Lia:i 52 T.Cromara 20 . G.La.qa4 53D.Anqwin 21 . P. Sacco 54. J. Timid 22 . C. Fox 55 . S. S=tarm . Es 23. D 57 . S, Healey 24. G. Hale! 58. B. CW k 25. P.Gemraaaro 59. C .Tsaratas 26. J. Butnan 60. P.Grey 27. P.RandeBo 61. H .Ka..~an 28 . D.tawtm 62. S . Torcasio 29 . J. Saunders 63. J. Modica 30. J .room 64 . F . Modca 31 . G .Wgsh 65 . R.Thap e 32. J . Pokmicos 33. G. McCall 34. S .Moore 35. P .DamseB 36, B. Evans 37 . K Thorpe

Coach : Alex Frazer Reserves : Ian Stevens dPa' 2 P. mimes J. P.IAj? 4. ASoleim S. S Sow 6 C.R~y 7. RCn 8 P.magee JGas3g 0. L Sbm it. KPyd 12 di#are 19. P.PtOm 4. JOapa 1S. S. Selq (L7 IS. S G W. 17. Fiber At DTvh 18 T.RaY 4i Jtre .14. GSLO 41 GCostal ,'. .Pcta ., 21, i Slow u D .6s,ry rt'~&i G. P 22 Lttchu .Kro~ 21 J.Hzyas R D <'a#7 2L S.Oi~'m n' OC> ." ZS Al~ti B P 26. P.t~h of A~~ ~ 27. 0. BUT `a 51, NV S.Go* a D Sevly '2 K.fat3a 29, P.CtaKC= 30 JIld" Si C 31.H 8 ~ ~d~~ SS P.O~

Coach: DavidTworrey Reserves Coach: Andrew Hadle y

31 SµCae `" GWft 34. Att~,drA! S7 Rom 's5 M AParm D.yPM . D. ' :6. P.TtM 54 . RGHcq R 37. dWAU R iL maW 39. 6tTapinice,

I . B. Baarn ZS . rating 3 . L Sake 4 . A .0'Keefe S. A. Leitch S. J. Horsburgh 7.D.Jago 8. A. HorshudvJ (Cap[) 9. C . Vilirx,~r . 10. G. Ca . D . Roderick n1 12 . G. Harris 41. A,ordan 13 . M . Haley 42. 8 . Gray 14 . B. Smith 43 . T . Geier 15. A.Baard 44 . T. Marcus . Christo 45 16. S . M . CraiD 17. P. King 46. G . Flower 18. D .Outon 47. A. Hadley 19. D . Shea 48 . Jones .5 20 . E . Szusl~icz 49. S. Hewitt 21 .Valanro . .0'klaNey 50, B (VC)51 P 22 . P . Martinsen 23. S. Leitch 52 . Irxreia 24. L . Fairfield 53 . A . D. Bali S. S. Leonard 54 . B. Darx,erfie9d 26' P. Mesuran 55 . B. Green 27. D . Biamao 56 . J King 28. C . Pars,bw (VC) 57 . Cn .A 29. D. Horsburgh 58, P . Stewart 30. C. Galvin 59 . LipscOmbe .A 31 . J G. Man 60 . D. Mora n

32 . . Jenkktson C . Ball

33. G. Robson C . Parsbw, 34 . B. FIF.Mi A . Christo 35. B. FrardJat A . chaman 36. D . Mom S . Sutton 37. S. Cumrten B. Williams 38. A . McCarth . Thoallos m . M. Glob y39 S

40 . A . Triakm n

UNIVERSITY BLACKS UHSO B Senior Coach: Mark Sedgwick Reserves Coach : Gino Mozza 1. R. Freiph 2. D.Brd>ner e 3 . A.6ac 4 . C.Aklernzn 5 . C. Shone 6. S.Cracknel 6. K. Jones 7. C .SiCms 8. M.Sedlwick 9. R.Sn'Ah 42. D .Wallace (Capl) 10. G.Mazza 43. ABarich 11 . C.Watle 44. M. Can#ra 12 . C.Amd 45 . G. Cook 13. P. Mclean 14 . B.CamAfers 48 B HuM 15. M.Davkd;on 49. D.DeLose 16. P .G+adtaR+e 50 . D. ZuCn}i IT B . Rdhxel 51 . J . Pxm 18. E .Halrgan 52 . T.Roe 18. P. How 53. F.Bassi 19 . G. Maua 54. J. Pleitu 20 . G . MadVano 55 . M.Ro,,fi 20. P. Wood 56. VL WdJans 21 . S. Be~6no 57. D. Tend 22. D .Benceti 58 . D. Matheson 23. D. Koch 59 . D.SmRh 24. N. Farrel ~ p0,e, 24. S.W7:»mson 61 . M, Adam 2i . L .Gm'+s 62 . G .Ar~ss=n 26 . C.Gatlw~cak 63 . SPo& i 27 . K.SUahan 64 C'80 28 . M. FkDnvel 65 . J. Lc(d 29. M.Dlncan 66 . D. SokderAo 30. G, Jones 67 . P.5~ 31 . M.V"ryoan 68 . M .Campb.g 32. D, Bum 69 . J. Colard 33. P. EDrkgham 70 . D. Pzgan 34. D. D04as 71 . B. East '.. 15. J 36 . M . Piato 37 . G . Catleral 38 . A. Boyce 39. M. Rea 40. J. Readers 41 . M.0'Camel

Senior Coach: Garry Connolly Assistant Coach : Steve Plumridge Reserves Coach : Mark Piumridg e

i. G.Danoch 41 . G.R1i1sm 2 . Rlial 42. D. Ryan 3 . D. Morrsssy 43. J. Qrly, 4 . MZeldmwyk 44. P.Fabes 5. B.Cuaw4ham 45. J. Ban 6. J .D'sL+aagh 46 E. RccuV 7. C .Ki w.,d 47 . S.Guft B. D. Hallam 4& D. Moroom

9. C. PeHn 49. M.Rdardson 10. A. Kennedy 50. T.Jessen it. B.Snch 51 . AW&D 12 . N. Roberts 52. MGrahm 13. T. Bavhs 53 N. Sermms 14. M. Hatem 54. M. Sells 15. A. Koo'oos 55. It Won 16. PCmvieln 56. C. Stephens IT H. P 5T D. at-cod It. P.Wcegad 68 . D.B=qhy 19. J.Ward 59, L kicem 20. S. Ltwa 60. 5. Frasw 21. B. Ted 61 . C .12dctz4 22 . T.Lemh 62. 23 . S. Beaton 63, 24 . M.Fogaty 64. 25. 1C 6ohks 65. J. Treraskis 26. D . Bills 66 . 27. M.Hayes 67 . 23. P . Lee 68. KCareorku 29, A. Glass 69. S. Lilie 30. D.Sawerb/ 70. 31 . N.Cardr it . H.Keam 32 . L Pcisdial 72. 33. P. Ha1g&on 73. 34. J .Caok 74. 35. P.Cana 75 . 36. M. Be" 76. 37. J.GaIXi 77 . 38. C.Cuobton 78. 39 . P.Hanbn 79. 40 . G. SAran 80.







Senior Coach : Phil Loathate Reserves Coach: Nick Negates l . A. Hendon 40 . lftet(ItCafel 2 . J .Gray 41 . S bavL s 3. RE~ai 42 . E .Kavalhraos 4. G .Dasizs(Caq) Z. J.Tcbio 5. D .Papaiogiai 44. J.Kmlory'anri . M.Sassme 45 . C.Karare raWss6 7. F. Vitale 46 . G.SMks 8. P.Harrilon 47 . P. Kyle 46. L Brown 9 . J. Khoury 10. S. Fyffe 49. J .h:yNaod It . SCocdaras 50 . R. Caci.d l 12. S.Rkharrkon 51. C.Harz'nianou 13. J . Sdra 52. B. Flanagan 14. P.Rcthsm 53 B.Cbrke 15. P .M=upon 54 . A. Baler S . SYS 55 . M .pHz IS. J. ~ 58. R Pniios I'. 18 . J.Curtkt 57. P.Cook 19 . S.Barjam5s 58. D .R7tiams 20. P.Hkkey 59. H .McDa'ald 60. M. Kodarck 21 . S.Md4amara & N .MmJalas(RC) 61. MPodlors 62. B. Pen a 23. J. Osborne 24. D.Coann 63 . S.Carmo '., 25. G. Malone 64 . P, McGrath 26 . G. WA 65. S. Dxarerp 27 . D. BrancdBara 66. D .Osslo 28 . K.&dagar 67. J. Haste 29 . O..MWster 68. M. Anderson X M. Lewis 69. N. Lame 30. J . Spadir g 70. R. Wallace 31 . AMpxhxca 11. N.FRIa B 72 . A.Silbsriesen 32. S .D'Ar*ea 33. T.Titeopson 7 1 D. Hare 33. G.Chappel 74 . A.Barter 34 . M . Capes 75, S.Slapiston 76. I. lkNeke 35 . J.Tassma 36. C.FDchle 96. P .DerAam 37 . S.Coanbes 38. B. M1t.g 39. T.HerMrssaai

senior Coach: Alan Elliott Reserv es Coach : Tony Ryan I . S. W& 36. A .The9e s

2. N . BezzarA (S) 37. A . Bad

2. D.Dawsoo(R) 33. T .Be+keah 3 . A . Harry (Capt.) 39 . T. Carter 4 . J. Tuck 40 . G.Pzd 5 . D. MacLeod 41 . L. Rickards 6. D.Ga.e 42. M.Brammer 7. C.S9gutan(S) 43. M.OFlynn 7. DE6aB (R) 44-14, Bai d 8. B. Ham 4645. M. Quick . S . Kennedy 9. G. Case 10. S .MdSadran 47. Rieke It . L.GrakansFi 48. K. Fevre 12 . W.Gffhs 49. G. Sure 13 . B.Txisi 50 . D.6kDam 14 . AAarid 51 . D.&dxic 15. DXthie 52 . M .Oleham 16. G .HerbeAwn 53. C .HaB 17. S . Bryan 54. 18. T.langham 19. P .Dervar 20. D.'hfi2tam 21. P, Sesser 22 . W.Payrcw 23 . P. Wilma 24 . D. Grigg IS) 24 . T. Ryan (R) 26. D . Lee 27. B . Tuck 29. C. True 29. MAmlersm 30. A.Cak(VC24) 31. C.Mck.miie 32 . D.Temb/(S) 32 . S.Odnn(R) 31 T.Carr'so 34. G .Wanen 35. R.KwBarsti



E South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Senior Coach: Jack McDonald Res . Coach : David Kilmarli n I . S, Cure (R-0VC) 28. C.F 'w-!VC) 2. N. Pashas 29 . T. H. , . SnAh 29 . S. R I.. C. P Leeds 30. J. F .3 . R. W a s 31 .P.Gk4 . P. Gainu 32 . M . Fa,~ t4 J S. D.leeds (RAVC) 6. C.Defires 33 . N. .AAan 34 . N.L7P F rod 8. AMartdy 34 . C.V' _rk 35 . A J 8. R.Lindsay 9. G. Saunrl-ss 36 . M .1 s~ 10. M. Photo 37 . M . ;... ...rey 10. K TYrytrca (8-0VC) I . A. AMd~! 37. A .kqft 11 . 1 1dde9 38 . A. Tom" 12. N. Wriliams 39 . D. AmStrarJ 13. S)kCar(hy(R-VC)M .Sultreriand 14. M. WeaGwrA 41. S. Brown 42. C.Car6sN 14. M.Szelz 43. A. Kemp .K i6. M.lPalww 44 .Taylor 16. P. Krirgtal 45. P. Hmggar 17. O .Md...~an 46. 0. Park 18. P Be* (Caq) 47 . M Cater .~es(Rt 19. C ..bne.t °a. P 49 J ca ~. P S 50. R. Caskets . N.A&.snwos 22. M. Cox 51 23. A M.B~Y ~' T'~ . M.M~vray 24 . .Lanre~nce 535 54 TG Wa~ 25. J .A~Crab] 5 .Dn~ ScarSa 25. D . Vf SararOlt 26. E. Lanett ~. 8. GWhrys 27 . C. Lovett 57 58. G.luka

OAKLEIG H Senior Coach: Rod Bourke Rese rves Coach: Brad Osborne 1 . R" 35. B . HIM 2. A. -9 37. P .T al ;~M. y 4.P - .

ELSTERNWIC K Senior Coach : Mick Marshall Res . Coach: Mark Mu:. rod 1. L Worry ICa14.1 32 P.H 33. R' 3M.1 a 34.Ar 4. D.T ! 35. P 5. M .4 X Bms. : u I .B37. 851trA 7. T. 37. D. n 2C. . 388H 9. S . ..'d 39. D.0 10. RE V:1 K) 40, M.W, 11.P .. . 41 .M.Trt 12 6 V.CI) 42. G.CCv 13. P .S- 43. 8.1 xry 74. 44. J.Ea, s iS.J.P 45.R . M. :_-n 46 B SG16 17. 1 WAIY .Cap.) 47. R O 18 J.Nul 48, A Mae It. HIP", 49. S.C h 20 dR is 57. RM_e 21 . ML.: ., 53. RF''° 22 It F . .--9 54 . S' 1 2 6 1 0 1 M. G .: 24. D." ~&. AA~.:. .: YaP.~ . . 64.D' Tu.C .k 61 . .M.r E2A K27 :


i . B. Wtsm 37. B.

Seniors Coach : Gary Ryan Res. Coach : David Patne r




Seniors Coach : lies Landry Reserves Coach: Neil Franks

Senior Coach : Peter Olivied Res. Coach: Craig Richardson

2E. S.

.-' 63 . D. H

29. S. pi 6! . RWI ;s3. S. or 65 CA 31 . K'*ue E6. R P . S. Pax ;67

SUEcUREikt 3 Phone. 9510131 3

18. S. Gbvr 19. D . Sims 20. C. Landry 21 . S. Baxter 22. A. Atchison 23. M . Gafarzzo 24 . G . Bond 25. A. Crake 26. G . Neisal 27. A. Hinde 28. A. Thdpp 29. D. Morgan 30. R. Stuart 31 . A. Gross 32 . A. Parsons 33 . R. Poole 34 . A . O'Neil 48. J. Bleasby 36 . N. Bowman 49 . J. Whelan 37 . T. Stewart 52 . L . Marks 38 . A . Soundly 53 . Ferenick .B 39. S . Taylor 54, M . Denlry ;g . P . Helier 40. S . Marshall 41 . S . Fanow 5 ) . A . Briggs 43. A . Bonner BE A . Watts 44. C . Bowman W .!J. Hayes 45.0 . Scavm 62 . d . V7fute 46. D . Branca6sano

I . P.Vanoq 44. M,H*e g 2. J . Hal 45, M. Bourke, 3. G . Scalzo 46. S . Mxzrdel 4 . R. Da& 47. D . Namur 5. M.BraF9 48. D .PM4n 6. D. Burch 49. J. Ryan 7 . C.Rkhard:an 50. A.Staird S . S.Cross 51 . S.Walshea S . A. Morris 52 . A. Mr 10. G . MCC" 53 . A. Ke a ii . L . Minagga 54. J . WRM 12 . M . Madlax 55. H. M.dha's 13 . V7.Dodi 56. H. Le: 14 . C. Nft4aM 57 . A. Rfaa 15 . J. Soo l1a 58 . T. Wal f6 . S.Crareem 59 . L Taylor 17. C. MrIeOd 60. M . Engler 18. F .Dayk 62 . J. Wicks 19. 1 Evans 63 . B. McKenzk 20. A.Sneyman 66 . 0. Wright 21. J. DeneOM 7(y R. Heywood 22. I McGrath 87 . T. FriA 23. G. ScU.DM 24. R WWars 25. S . Evers 26. J. Senior 27. S .Lynch 28. J. Tucker 29. G. Newman 30. P.Harrison 31 . M.amsby 32. B. VfBsm 33. R Taylor 35. C.Yfdfrans 35. A. Rc4won 37. K. TeYord 33 . P. Phelan 39 . J .GR 40. G .Amoli 41 . S.Clar'm 42 . C. k~adarK 43 . A.Faulkruer

MONASH WHITE S Senior Coach : Glen Cormlo% Res. Coach: Ronnie Lam b 1 . M, Dot 2 . J . Smas 3 .J .Ndvs 4 . R.An}ty 5 . J . Monig.w 6 . J . Plain 7 . P..Carrrkk 8 . A. Forbes

9 . 1 Fairweather t0 . B.Coliff It. A. Iflib:rd 12. M. Tossavrmen 13. C. Raynor 14. C.CIamW.faEn 15. H.Beh 16. N.t1 k III S Dods 19. 5. Van Dee Zsbrr 20. M. Fokk 21. R. Jams 22. G. Crantttc 23 1 Dowd 24. M. Mcl.ean 25. A.Mc&ih 26. S.Owo 27. 8 .Wing 28. R. Harnvwdm 29. M. Dobbs

36 C Howe 42. M Nodes 43. J. Eduoard 44. R . Lamb 49. A. McKsxek so. ICowley 60. G . S~e I6 T Hayward

3). M. Krebs M J. Stevens 34. T.Caft 35. LHolden

EA& u®s7i2cX


SALESIAN O .C . Senior Coach: Peter Turley Reserves Coach: Damian Sutherland I . M. Pxiake NCaq ) 2. M.Cadak.i 38. D.Tay'ar 3. S.SRIenIaM 33. B. . B.Bavrtun 40. N. @4 S1 i . Canavan (C) 41. S. bc I.. M B. M. CIA 42 AEc 7 . G . Gas* 41 T . Low I . M.Haze& 44. C. Hot 9 . D. Sca5 45. M S1v* 10. D.O'arer 46 S . Brown I . R.C'radla 47. REar 12 . A. Gsspvi 48, P . Kararnigh 13 . I .BOheGc 49 . J.DuTp 14 . P.Md(nw4 W. t3 .f~e 15 . Wabidge i 51 . P.Bojo,a^ d i6 . A.Chr.apqn 52 T.Arw IT M . Forbes (RC) S7 . D . Eager 18. S.SiDdaP 54. S.B.xr 19. AHealey 55 20. A. Sea~r .'6.. C So-a"' 21. R.Naytfi 57. lAA;AnG 22. R.Mard1haH 59 . J .Tapr 23. C.Pmche(VC059. MFCterr50 24. A. Grace S). M B a 25. B.Kirchxr 61 . G .Mi °^ 26, C.Clausca 62 Lyl e 27. M. MarsIAH a"t D. ``, . M. Byron 61 . S ,28 29. M.Fa6es 65. V" .30. D.lawlm(RVC) 66 . E.'! 31 . B .MCIaz¢hf 67. S. , 32. A . Stevens E8. M ,~ 33. M. Wseman 69. S. Be i 34. S. Roberts 7J. C. Zd, 35, T. Browns 36, S. Rohn 37 . J . Brennan

ST . PATS MENTONE Senior Coach : Brett Sebire Reserves Coach : Peter Lewis 1 . D.Fenech 2 . M . Cosgrove 3 . K.4Pood 4 . P.lewis(R=.sC) 5 . 0. HD-lLrani (VC) 6 . T .Oa.U 7. K.Gm1kr(Caq) 39. R.Grech 8 . D.Perm(DVC) 40 . D.Nchoas 9. P. EmmeA 41. C. Fraser 10. B. Sebire (C) 42. C. Brown ii. P.Fafa¢os 43. M. Ban 12. M. Davies 45~ G. BearY 13. A .Gar g 46. M.Gra}an 14. T.Atisal 47. ODonogm 15. M. SAvan 48 . M.Wahh B. J.lkCRlhy 49. T. Evans 17. C .S*.an 50. A .Latr1s It. T.S!drJran 51. M. ay 19. D . Prosser 52 . D. Fan 20. C . Groves 53 . D.NCaen 21 . D . Belay 54. 0. Murphy 22. P. M-01 55. M. Ylareouries 23. M. Sukvan 56. 0 . Hughes 24, A. Cousas 5T P . Coombe ti. 58. J. Noonan .. B. &ims . co r -2T M.Ws° 60. M Cooled 28 . m own (RC) 61 . S. Flannery : 29 .S.Hawker 69.D .Rav 30. N.Freere 64 . R . young 31 .AWalsh 65.C .Merb 32 . S. Plan 66 . D. Berman 33 . D.Auxex(RVC) 67 . G .Capsrp 31 . P.t'utdrnson 69 . D.HOrtzr 35 . M .Grard 70. C.NICtrAi 36 . C.St=phan 71 . P. Murphy 37. S. W'Mtty 75 . M . catnpagna 39 . S.Perazzo 76 . P.Campagrna

.......... ...... ...... ... .... O I .C E




MONASH GRYPHON S t . L '7tlC) :6. P.Epi 37 . JBeece 2 V. . Bcs) . 3. A( ., 39 . RMa~'.ry 4. C.L. 3j . S.P.~s;e 5 D. , 47 . hlSa 6 G.~, Al 41. o.Ch 7. N''°°r,s 42 P .L!m?r 6 J . tl 43 ktGrey'v:n 9. P.L^ x 44. M." 10. P.t' On 45. C.Odisi It. Fly-, 4i I Rebels 12 D. Dras'erzt (CB) 47. Plaid 13 kt Top 41 t. Met 14. ML^Y; 49. ATdxp 15 J.' r 50. S. Solve 16Bi"Eay 51. C.Ledm 17.d S 5Z D.H ab 8 Af 1 51 M Re:daA t9.G.` 5/ P. Bruce 2R G. 55 C. Msaq 21 . hU 5 J. F¢;.a 228.C 1 57. LFrase 21. C' 1 68 k. Rose 24. F 59. 8 Pad 25. G. 60. 1, Word 26 AI 61 . D.(pR 27, 8 . 62 I T 2& J. L 64. D. L 23. I F 65. C . Me 69. dBan R P. I 31 . G , 72 O.At,a:a K AG 97. S.7a.'"2ra 31 RF 0 R C.0'sxm 31 . GH&ra4(VC) 93. T. Lee 35. RJeaw

16. S. Clarirrgbrud 17. L. Barclay

Mark Stevens

Seniors Coach: Anqdo Lamanna Res. Coach: Paul Thoma s 2 . A. Lanarna 38. C . Than 3.LFM 39.N 4 . D.Ca;sar 40. C .Crag 5 . R. Lanama 41 . S. Talarko 6 . M . Seabrook (VC) 4Z N . Bournad 7 . M .Kads 43, 8 . J .JarA9 44. B.ODrnrw.J 9 . 45. 10, PAM 46, 1 Crooke T 47. J . Watun 12 . L.MrAddf? 48. H.Kaygtu¢ 13 . M .Krevrsky 49. D.,114. T. B'~y 50. A. - .1 15 .A.Mrodi 51 .A.Sr'1 16 . J .Henxterson 52. S.K c 17. S. August 53. M .L .P.Ttxenas (VC) 54.C. . . I i 9. 8 M. RCSrson 55. G . :,v .. An 20. 56. B.Lrmra_ .1 21. I.TLw 57 . M ..Kkr:s 22. G. Sar4os 58 . G. tiajar 59 . 23. S. Wt47v rr 24. LKrSic 60. J.Yasg 25. 61 . 26. 62 . N. M.z'wen Gt 27. A.Wasrq 28. C. Murray 64 . 29. M. Stewart 65. 30. P.HSrisan 66 . 31. G. Oaten 67, M . Calendar 32. 6& B. Dykes 33. A .Young 69. G. Fletcher 34. L. Thomas 70. M. Nayra 35. 71. R.Laskn 36, R. Hal 72. 73. 74.

1 . S . Parsons 2. S . McMahon 3 . A . McLodnen 4. E . Bowen S. A . Monterosso 6. M. Warne r 7. N . Franks B. P. Angus (Capit 10 .T. Trewiutt 1 . A. Landry 12. A. Campbell 13. V. BrancaNsan o 14. D . Warne-Smith (VCapt) 15. B. Cook

.PANEL . . . . . . . SHOP . . . . . P/L . . ..


cnr. Punt & Toorak Rds.

CREDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UNION .. . .. . ..... ... . =--F- b_


: 1996 Finals Information Mon to Wed Friday (a.m.) : Umpire appointments Saturday (a.m .) Weekend game locations Sat. (evening) : Final siren score s

The following teams as at :_ __i .- i 11 had scored (6) or more Discipline Ratings of (A) .

B leen-Te plesto e C ollegi s De La Sall e ( 1) Monash Blues North Old Boys Old Brighton Old Camberwell Old Melburnians Old Trinity Uni . Blacks Uni. Blues V*Thitefriars Yarra Valley Congratulations to the coach, players and officials of these teams, you have been a credit to your club and the VAFA in general . Well done .

iJ 19 Sub-Committee 0 THF AMATFIIR FCX)TRAI 1 FR 144R

~ SOUTH SECTION by Damien Batey

a fashion not dissimilar to the way it was las t .', season, Powerhouse have slowly started to mak e their mark on the competition . With a win over Salesians, followed with a draw against league leaders Peninsula last week, they have established themselves as the most dangerous side in the competition . This week they meet with St Pats in what could be one of their last games against a side in the four for the rest of the home and away season . REVIEW - ROUND 1 2

The highest game of the round delivered all the excitement it had promised, when Peninsula fought out an exciting draw against Powerhouse . In a game that was tight all day, boggy conditions made it harder to break away . With just a point the difference at quarter time, the scene was set for a mammoth contest . With Powerhouse's strong centre line breaking through the packs, Powerhouse were able to set up a 2 goal half time lead, The Pirates showed in the second half just why they are ladder leaders, by kicking away to a three quarter time lead . In the final term Powerhouse snatched a minor lead in the dying stages. Then with a point the difference, Peninsula forward Drew Warne-Smith marked and kicked the point that levelled the game. By the time the full back had returned the ball into play, the siren had sounded for full time . Tony Trewitt was best on ground for the Pirates with his dominating play in the centre . Adam L an dry cleaned up in the back line, to keep the Pirates out of a great deal of trouble . Salesians crushing defeat of the Monash Gryphons was an exercise only in percentage boosting . With a strong 7 goal 1st quarter, Salesians looked to be in the box seat for a massive victory . The Gryphons were able to temporally stifle Salesians assault when rain slowed scoring half way though the game . This, however was not enough to prevent a 13 goal victory for Salesians . Sam Sinclair, Adam Healy an d Rob Cincotta were Salesians best in a strong performance . The Gryphons early season form seems to have past them by and they will struggle to win too many more games . St Pats celebrated an untaxing victory over Glenhuntly . The Vultures were comfortable 20 goals victors over the struggling Hunters . In a game that featured 2 multi-pronged Vulture forward line, Murphy was the focal point with eight goals . The rest of the goals were shared amongst several players, including a group of five players who booted two goals each . Mark Davis was best afield for St Pats, with Murphy, Graves, Brett Sebire and Darren Fenech also featuring prominently . ANZ Albert Park notched up yet another win, this time against Monash Whites . With difficult condi-

tions prevailing althoughout the day, the game did not make for much in th e way of football highlights . Instead, it was a typically dour, wet weather slog . Monash started the game enthusiastically, with the Zedders slow to leave the starting blocks . A close margin separated the sides at quarter time and the game looked like being tighter than expected . The Zedders however increased their workrate over the next three terms, dominating possession to run out with a convincing win . Best for ANZ was again Rick McDonald, who was helped by M ark Phill ips on the wing and Adam Jenkin on the ball . Elsternwick continued its improved form, but ended up succumbing to Oakleigh last week . In a game that was tight all day, the Wicks led the charge at three quarter time . After gaining the first goal of the final term, they moved on to an 11 point lead . However, the Krushers steadied to record a much needed 18 point win . Best for Elsternwick was Geoff Andrew, who won the ball tirelessly, Jamie Ward on his wing and former captain Neil "Dame Nellie M elba" Christie, in his come back game . PREVIEW - ROUND 13

Powerhouse will meet another challenge this week, this time in the guise of St Pats . With Powerhouse in the process of vanquishing almost all that lies before them, they will be a very difficult side to beat. The Vultures lost in the last encounter and this time they're away from home . All signs point towards another Powerhouse victory, but the Vultures are bound to put up a tough fight . Monash Gryphons have a daunting task in the form of Peninsula on the weekend and are in danger of being on the receiving end of a 20 goal loss . The Pirates have too many forward options and are too talented in the midfield. Glenhuntly meet with Oakleigh in what should be another Krusher victory, but none the less will be too little to late for an Oakleigh finals campaign. Elsternwick and ANZ Albert Park will be an interesting match up, as both sides have displayed some fantastic returns to form in recent weeks . The Zedders will start as favourites but will need to counter the Wicks tenacity . Monash Whites yearning for the end of the season will seem even more tiresome with a game against Salesi ans . Salesians have too many big guns and the Whites aren't the side capable of rolling them . sta -- . . . . r,-11 ., ,-,.,.-r., .

100 GAMES - PETER FATOi,W :i "Fats" celebrated his 100th game for St . Pats recently. All St Pats hope that this much loved Vulture will feature promii, nUy in a premiership this year. Well done Fat - Man! 100 GAM ES - P. MURPHY Another St Pats player to reach the tonne in recent weeks has been 'Spud' Murphy . The club wishes Spud all the best for his mil estone and the rest of the season. 100 GAMES - AL WALSH 'Walshy' celebrated his 100th last week for St Pats. A great club man and friend to all at St Pats hope that Al will stick around for many years to come . 100 GAMES - ADAM HEALEY Adam has been a valued member of Salesian over the last 6 years . A great kick and handy round the goal, we wish you all the best on your 100th game today! 150 GAMES - DEAN MORGAN Peninsula's Dean Morgan reaches this great milestone this week. A reliable and consistent player, the club wishes him all the best. 100 GAMES - DAMIE N SUTHERLAN D A great effort by one of the stalwarts of Salesian Damien is a previous treasurer, current premiership coach of the reserves and today realises one of his biggest goals, the big 100. 100 GAMES - MICK POWER Salesians congratulates you on the big 100 today Mick . Mick is a previous Best and Fairest winner in the reserves, a quick and versatile onballer and forward line player . Mick is also very handy around the goals and we wish you all the best today . 100 GAMES - HICK BOURKE The big Turk, a Salesian champion and twice Best and Fairest player of the club . Bourkey has played most of his football at centre half forward and centre half back and is famous for his 65 metre drop punt goals . We wish you the best on your 100th game today. SOCIAL NOTE S Saturday July 20th the Zedders presents "The Dancing Fools" at the ANZ Clubrooms - all welcome .

tONASH GRYPHONS v . PEN:=tSULA OB Field: D. Lane . POWERHOUSE V. ST PATRICKS M ENTONE Field : P . Withington, J . Stoppa; Boundary : D . Stoppa . GLENHUNTLY v . OAKLEIGH Field : R . Marlyn, C . Rennick ; Boundary: D. Blackburn, R . Martyn . ANZ ALBERT PARK v . ELSTERNWICK Field: I . Cayzer . MONASH WHITES v. SALESIAN Fietd: B. Schmidt.

JULY 20 - ROUND 14



SENIORS 7.2 12.2 16.9 17 .11 .113 SALESIAN OC MONASH GRYPHONS 0.2 1 .6 2.8 4 .10 .34 Salesian OC Cincotta . healey, Byrne 3. Grace. Wiseman 2, Sutherland . McKngith . Canavan, Napoli. Beat Bmwn.healey, quinn . Wiseman, Sinclair, Roche . Monash Gry phons Lewis .2 . O'Brien. Barry . Best Wells, Karavias . Grady. Roche. Stratford, White. PENINSULA OB 4 .2 4 .4 8 .8 8.9.57 POWER HOUSE 3 .2 6 .4 6 .8 8.9.57 Peninsula OB Warne-Smith 3, Bonner. Trewhitt 2 . Morgan. Best Tmwhitt . Dentry, Landry. Angus, Bowen, Marshall. Power House Craven 2 . Harrison, Robinson . Scotland . Phelan. Friend . McCullough. Basil McCardel. Evans. Friend . Devlin . Richardson. Hall. 5.4 9.8 16.9 22 .15.147 ST PATRICKS MENTONE GLENffilNTLY 0.2 2.6 2.8 2 .9.21 St Patricks Mentone Murphy 8, Holloway. Davies. Sullivan . Barr, Fenech 2. Evans. Groves. Capuano, Grant . Bestl Davies, Murphy . Groves. Sebire . Fenech. Perazzo . Glenhutly Sutton. Wilson . Best Rossiter. Craig, Sutton, Young. 0'Donnell, Turner. OAKLEIGH 3 .3 5 .10 7 .11 13.13.91 2 .2 3 .4 7 .7 11.7.73 ELSTERNWICK Oakieigh Kitts 4, Ferguson 3 . Alexandmu. Schilling 2. Adamic. Gee . Best Adamic . Kitts. Taylor, Alexandmu . Kitts . Walsh . Elsternwiek Andrew 4, Clement 3, Mahony . Murphy. McKenzie . Best Andrew, Ward,Chtistie. surnam . Murphy. Clement A51 2 BANK 3.1 9.4 15.7 18 .13 .121 MONASH WHITES 3 .1 4.2 4.3 5 .4 .34 ANZ Bank Smith 5, Malone 4, Lovett, Lawrence . Phillips 2, meDonald. Jenkin . Guicas. Best ~Donald . jenkin . Phillips. Saiahan. Sutherland, McDonald. Monash Whites R Mansfield, M. Mansfield. Power. Brown, Stevens. Lawton 2, Alligan .Nolan. Sutherland . Heart Bouchard, mansfield. Castaldi, Bates . Forbes. Chiappini . RESERVES 15 .17.107 SALESIAN OC 4 .3 6.6 8.10 MONASH GRYPHONS 0.0 1.2 4.2 5 .3.33 Saiesian OC Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . htonash Grypbons McKenzie, Leeton 2, Lowcock, Thomas. Best Charleson. Robinson, Lowwck. Freema, McKenzie . Hunt PENINSULA OB 0 .3 3 .3 5 .4 8 .5 .53 POWER HOUSE 2 .0 3 .2 4 .3 8 .4 .40 Peninsula Krohn 2, Marks, Briggs, hayes, Bleasby . Nelson . Scown. Best Thripp, nelson. Bleasby.hapes . Boundy, Scown . Power house Pavlou, Wilson, Senior 2. Best Tucker, Senior, mcLeod .Norman, Braini, Scotland. ST PATRIC%.S MENTONE 7.6 10.14 20.22 31 .26 .212 GLENHUNTLY 1.0 1.1 4.1 2.1 .13 at Patricks Mentone Davis 8 . Piper 6, Allinson S . Donegan 4 . Cerritelli 3 . Brown, Emmett . 0'Qrien . Walsh . Andrew . Best Lewis, Brown, D. Noonan, piper, Andrew, J. Noonan. Glenhuntly Murray, Krstic. Best Fletcher. Murray. Jones, Derrick, Nayer. Thomas. OAKLEIGH 4 .6 8 .9 14 .15 20.24 .144 0.1 1 .1 1 .1 1 .1.7 ELSTERNWICK Oakleigh Dickie 6. Leslie 3. Ayres. Bassindale, TheoOlopoulos 2. Donadel. Porter, Maddocks. Williamson, Perdikoma0s . Zavaleris. Best Stapleton . Hatzis . Osborne . Leslie. Zavateris. Donadel . Elsterawiek Heath . Best Grandemange. Mahony. Ray, Bravington. Norris, Park. 5.2 11.4 11 .5 12.8 .80 ANZ BANK EdONASH WHITES 2.4 3.6 5.10 5 .11 .41 ANZ Bank DeFreece 6, D . Leeds 2. C. Leeds, Carlisle . Baker, McCarthy. Best Heuston . Jones. DeFreece . Heyes, Gleeson . Liddell . Monash Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .




` ; ound 12 tipping was good for us as three of m y senior colleagues returned a 100% success rate while my success rate stayed at 87% . Long may our success continue!! With three rounds remaining it does appear that each four is settled as there will need to be a series of extraordinary results for either to change . REVIEW OF ROUND 12 NORTH Despite the adverse conditions leaders Hawthorn Citizens did in fact increase their round 3 fifty eight point margin over Kew . This time the Citizens won by fifty-eight points as they held Kew goalless . Things did go " according to Hoyle" at Albert Park although David didn't play!! Collegians virtually sealed fourth place with a clear cut victory by sixty points over Therry, who once again are succumbing to pressure as the season nears its finale . St Bernards continued with their newly found accuracy as they powered to a sixty four point victory over North Old Boys who surely lost all finals chances by their defeat. Marcellin had little difficulty in defeating a very accurate Old Ivanhoe Grammarians by forty seven points. For Old Ivanhoe the consistent Craig Sharp, on the centre line, veteran forwards Bruce Yarwood, Ian Wells and Martin Tozer as well as Mark Wilson and John Valiotis played well . Old Essendon Grammarians had the bye . SOUTH Leaders Old Xaverians atoned for their Round 3 loss when they defeated De La Salle by seventeen points . My nemesis Old Geelong let me down again as they managed to lose by forty points against bottom side Old Melburnians who rose to eighth place as a consequence of their win . Thanks to uncanny accuracy Mazenod did prove too strong for St Kevins as they scrambled to an eight point victory . St Kevins can only blame themselves as they had far more opportunities than did Mazenod to win the game . Second placed Old Scotch had a virtual training run as they overwhelmed VUT to record a one hundred and fifty-four point victory after a very one sided match. Old Brighton Bloods had the bye . PREVIEW OF ROUND 13 NORTH

In a possible final's preview Hawthorn Citizens are at home to Collegians for the match of the round . Although rumour hath it that Collegians will mount a strong challenge, I believe Hawthorn Citizens will win the game despite Ian Lockwood's optimistic prediction of the outcome . Close rivals Therry an d North Old Boys meet on the John Fawkner Oval where it always has been very difficult for visiting teams to win . Today I believe North Old Boys will win because their form

has been quite consistent whereas Therry have again lost all semblance of the side who started the season with so much promise. Old Ivanhoe Grammarians must win at St Bernards to keep their claim on fourth place a reality . It is always difficult to win at St Bernards irrespective of the section . As Old Ivanhoe are Beryl Street debutants one can only imagine their daunting task . St Bernards should win well and thus stay in the quest for the double chance . Second placed Marcellin await Old Essendon Grammarians who are yet to win a game this season . The "Eagles" should soar to another big victory before their parochial fans . Kew have the Bye. SOUTH Leaders Old X averians should be untroubled to inflict a heavy defeat on Old Geelong whose form, to me, is unpredictable . Now that Old Melburnians have again tasted victory I suspect they will possess sufficient talent to make it two in a row at the expense on St Iievins . Mazenod should build badly needed percentage against VUT, who face a tiring journey before the game and an eighty minute ordeal on the wide expanse of Central Reserve . In a potential final preview Old Scotch (second) are at home to Old Brighton Bloods (fourth) . The visitors have the greater incentive as Scotch are assured of participation in the 1996 final series . At home I select Old Scotch who I believe will prove too talented . De La ~ille have the Bye .




35 28 24 20 20


10 3



32 24 19 18 17



JULY 20 -C ti"D 14 NORTH


FROM ROUND 12 - 6/7/9 6

* Alex Steven, Banyule (Reserves) - Striking - 2 matche s * Paul Edwards, Bulleen-Templestowe - Striking - 2 matches Adam Leening, De La Salle (U 19) - Striking - 2 matche s * Sam Wills, Hampton Rovers - Audible Obscenity - I match Andrew Webb, Newlands-Coburg - Abuse of Umpire - 4 matche s Basim Allamadine, Newlands-Coburg - Striking- 4 matches Matthew Hanneb cry, Old Xaverians - Striking- I match Paul Marnow, Ormond - Abuse of Umpire - I matc h * Michael Learmouth, St Marys - Striking - 2 matche s Scott Hollow, Therry (Res .) - Unduly rough play - 3 matches * Jody Hutchinson, Therry (U 19) - Striking - 2 matche s * Michael Kiely, Tnornbury Cougars - Striking - 2 matches * Accepted prescribed penalty INVESTIGATIONS RESULTS - (from July 9) Player John Konicinan (Old Mentonians reserves) was found guilty of striking St Kevins reserves player Steve Denton . Konicinan was suspended for 4 matches - to serve 2 matches and 2 to be added to any other suspension the player may incur over the next two seasons . Charge was laid by senior umpire who was watching the reserves curtainraiser match .

rs,L lt

~ ~


0.1 0.3 0.4.4 00 .7 5 .7 9 .9.63 HAWTBORNCPPi2 . . ;5 1 .7 5 Rew Goal Kickers arm Best Players not r«zived . . Lovich . Best Hawthorn Citizens Duff, Keaney 2 . Benton. Law, ower, Rossitto Avery. Power. 6torrison, Duff. Gardiner, Lavich. 9.14 .68 3,0 4.3 7.9 COLLEGIANS THERRY 1 .1 1.2 1.2 1.2.8 . Ashby, Morrison, Collegians Taylor. Howe. Straithairn, Anderson, Gay .Hooper . Ashby. Lockwood. Best Mothers, Burgess, Hooper . Bacon, Sibbing . Hudson, Patterson, 1'herry Frahm. Best Costello. O'Connell . larsouski . Sandman 3.3 6.3 .39 .1 1 .2 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 6.2 9.4 12.8 16 .10,106 ST BERftARDS Bestl Dean. Carroll . Trimbole . . Perronne, Turnbull . Fletcher 4 North Old Bops Smith, Turnbull, Fletcher . . Martin. moon. Hayes. Beat St Bermuda Wood 6. Fanner 3, O'Connell, Kennedy 2 MaOmv, Farmer, Wood, Martin . Kennedy . 3.0 4.1 4.1 7.1 .43 OLD IVANHOE .8 13 .12 .90 h9ARGELLIH 2 .2 6.3 10 . Valiotis. Yarwood . Old Ivanhoe Yaewood . Wells 3 . Myers . Best Sharpe. Tozer Wells, Wilson . . Merton, Gallagher. Mmreell in Highmore 3, kent . Dodoricio 2. cox, Pertich, Dineen . Payne. BestTsoukas . Gallagher . Merton, King. Dodoricio, Daffy

CLUB :M11 SOUT H .5.29 DE LA SALLE 4 .4.46 OLD XAVERIANS .7 O'Brien. Best Mannix. classon . O'Brien . Rudd . De La Salle Hoy. Wlghtman Gallagher. Tucker, Ellis. . Old Aaverlsns Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .1 5.2 .32 OLD GEELONG 3.0 3.0 4 .6 8.9 10 .12 .72 3.1 6 OLD ;StELBURNIAt7S Old Geelong Goat Kickers and Best Players not receh'ed . . Osborne, Eggleton. Best BranchBower. . Jensz 3 Igeiburntnas BranchBower S Old Eggleton . Clements . Atkinson. .2 7 .7 8.9 .57 ST.I;EVINS 3.0 6 .0 6,1 9.1 .65 MAyENODOC 2.0 5 . James 2, Cosgriff. O'Brien, Bannon . Best Hooper. Ryan. A . . Eeviuo Lewin 3 St nanfra, D. Nanfra, Goldsworthy. Lewin . . Campbell, Carmody. Best Trigg, Grady, Pdazeaod OC Harper, Jacobs 3 . Peters Jacobs. Campbell, Harper . Cahill. .14 .158 OLD SCOTCH 24 0.4 .4 VuT . Pryde 4, McLcish, Godwin 3, Deakin 2, Williamson. Old Scotch Illin~vrorth to . Godwin. Hooper. Beat Deakin, Hooper, Stasiuk, Williamson, Illingworth VQT Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .

Clubs must phone final sc o res to N ancy 9523 3319 (before 5 p .m .) before ringin g through Q/Q scores; gcaalkic kers and best p1ayers (both teams) t o EP 9531 3333 (before 5.15 p.m .) q MOMMUMMMMMUMOMW

If shorts are worn they must be white club shorts only . If tracksuit pants, they must be navy blue only . If a whole green tracksuit has been purchase d complete VAFA green suit can be worn . 37

Hugh Lyon



Knitwear Muddy conditions, and desperation is the name of the game. REVIEW OF ROUND 12 MATCHES DIVISION ONE

Uni Blues remained undefeated when they soundly put paid to any ideas Old Paradians had of reaching fourth spot last Saturday evening by defeating them comfortably at the Crawford Oval . Halligan booted (8) while Kelly and Beltrame were everywhere for the Blues. For OP's Dintinosante, Baker an d King never gave in. I predicted that Old Xavs would struggle in the mud at Waverley Park and how wrong I was . Leading at every change Xavs confirmed their second billing in this section with a resounding win over De La Salle . For De La Ellis, Borella and Harber tried in vain, while Donati, Kay and Boland were best for Xavs. Collegians jumped Therry at home but were unable to maintain their momentum, only to see the boys from Glenroy kick (6) goals to (1) in the last three quarters to win their third game for the year . For the Lions none tried harder than Byrne, Caldwe ll and Smythe, with Crotty, Slazyk and Jacobsen dominant for Therry . Old Melburnians returned to the four in style by soundly defeating North Old Boys. Leading at every OM's confirmed they want to be part of the September action with four 1/4's of disciplined football . Best for the vanquished were M . Maguire, Lynch, Lyons an d Khoder . St . Bernards kept their slender finals hopes alive with a hard fought win over AJAX at Albert Park . Straighter kicking by the Bernards was probably the difference with Mount, Loughlin and Hogan their best, while for AJAX Burman, Steiner and Gelbart were in everything . DIVISION ( 2) WHITE

Old Geelong hosted Warringal at Como Park and were headed right from the start . In trying conditions for all concerned the Redbacks proved too strong in the finish and went away to win by (33) points . Best for the OG's were Bingley, Pettig and Campbe ll , and for the Redbacks Gloury, Yin and Attardi. The fast improving St . Leos WP Emmaus displayed why they will reshape the four before the year is out with their resounding victory over Williamstown at home . The loss proving costly to the CY's who dropped from the four . The Two Blues were never headed all day and had better players in Thomas, Manton and J . Smith. The CY's had triers in Moufid Elhouli, Woudad and MacLeod . St. Kevins had little trouble defeating De La Sall e (2) winning by over (100) points, they were best served by McArdle, Large and Rizio . Yes the papers were wrong BulleenTemplestowe did not give second placed Old Camberwell a (25) goal hiding, it was more like viceversa. Building on their lead at every change after an (11) goal opening term the 'Wellers were never troubled . Once again best for the Bullants were Daskalou , 38

Papadopoulos and Lamberopoulos, with Hardmann (12), C . Williams and Webb in fine form for the'Wellers. Uni Blacks had the bye. DIVISION (2) BLU E Ormond threw away the little chance they had of making the finals against a determined Caulfield Grammarians at the Wheelers Hill Campus . Leading at every change the 'Fields were out to avenge their first round loss to the Monds and did so convincingly . Old Brighton inflicted Beaumaris' first loss for the season in a tough, tight match at South Road . A solid second quarter put the Tonners in front at 1/2 time by (14) points and they were not headed at the next two changes despite the Sharks fighting back strongly at times . A team effort was recorded as the 'Tonners best with Pitts, O'Brien and McLean named best for the Sharks . Monash Blues travelled to David Street to take on Hampton Rovers but a lack of numbers required them to forfeit to the Rovers . The 'Ashers would be a little disheartened by this as they were keen to reverse their first round result where they went down to the Rovers by (1) point. Mazenod proved that they were worthy second place getters last week with a hard fought win against Old Haileybury at McKinnon Oval . With nothing in the scoreline all day Mazenod led by (3) points at 3/4 time, kicking (2) themselves and holding the Bloods goalless saw the Nodders clinch second spot . The Bloods were well served by Reid, George and Fossey, while the whole team was praised by Kevin King as best for the Nodders . St . Kilda Sth . Caulfield had the bye. DIVISION (2) RED

Old Scotch rebounded strongly to win against Old Paradians (2) at Camberwell Sports Ground . A (14) goal to (3) first half set the win up for the Scotchies who secured second spot with the win . Ford (10), Thompson, Chapman and Panton (7) were best for Old Scotch, with OP's Jenkins, Turner and Ridd giving their all for 4 quarters. Old Carey remained undefeated with a solid win over Whitefriars, dropping the 'Friars from second to third on the ladder . Leading at 1/2 time the 'Friars let the OC's into the match in the second half where they kicked (6) majors to the 'Friars (3) to run our winners by (15) points . Collins, Murphy and Angus were great performers for the OC's, with the 'Friars Mika, A. Davis and Hughes always in the thick of the action . Old Trinity kept their slim finals chance alive with a morale boosting victory over Marcellin at Bulleen . After leading by (20) points at half time the Eagles went to sleep to let the OT's get their running game going and they then powered away to victory . Andrews, Peggie and Klindworth were excellent for the 07s, while Stephens, Mulready and Alford were named best for the vanquished . Yarra Valley underlined their improved status



„Irii a strong win against Chirnside Park in muddy conditions at Kimberley Reserve. A fantastic second quarter , .xW yarra Valley claw its way back from a poor start, ,nd from this never looked back, booting (3) second hal f ,Is to (0) to win their fifth match for the season. Prime rovers in the win were Laing, Telford (4) and T. M1Scllraith for Yarra Valley. Aquinas had the bye . PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAME . DIVISION ONe Old Paradians and De La Salle clash in what will be titanic struggle . Last time the two sides met it was De La by some (29) points, this time the encounter is bound ,,to be closer, with both teams coming off losses last week and spots in the four still up for grabs this game is crucial to both teams. In a toss of the coin OP's to get the points today . Old Xaverians take on Collegians and despite the Lions having improved drastically since last time these two sides met, they will not be in the class of the Xavs who are keen to consolidate second spot today . Therry host northern neighbours North Old Boys at Glenroy in what will be a tight match for a half. North Old Boys have struggled in the last (6) weeks and fiherry, with a few players now back will win comfortably today. Old Melburnians and AJAX clash in what shapes as a danger game for the OM's. Not wanting to drop out of the four with a loss today should be incentive enough to see them get the four points against a very determined AJAX unit. St. Bernards host Uni . Blues at Beryl Street and on gut feeling with an eye towards the sky I believe that the Bernards can do what other sides have dreamed of doing all year, defeat the Blues . They matched it last time the two sides met for a 1/2 and with a little more application today will get the points in a dour struggle . Selections : Old Paradians, Old Xavs, Therry, Old Melburnians Sr St. Bernards DIVISION (2) WHITE

Warringal play host to Williamstown who over the last month have dropped in form which must be a concern to coach Gerard Barns . Williamstown won by (7) goals at home last time the two sides met, but today the scores will not be as high and the result reversed as the Redbacks firmly entrench themselves in fourth spot . Uni Blacks and St . Kevins should be another great game at the Uni . Although heavy conditions will be the order of the day, and a weeks break under their belt the Blacks will struggle to hold the SKOBS powerful onball division and talented forward line . SKOBS by (3) goals . De La Sa ll e (2) host Bulleen-Templestowe in what will be an opportunity for the Bullants to register their second win for the season. Last time in dry conditions De La ran away with the game in the last half, this week I am predicting the Bullants to be in front at the finish with very trying conditions suiting their style of play . Old Camberwell and Old Geelong clash at Balwyn in what last time was a cake walk for the Wellers, this time the OG's will know what to expect and in a hard fought struggle the Wellers will win and put a stranglehold on second spot. Selections : Warringal, Uni . Blacks, BulleenTemplestowe & Old Camberwell DIVISION ( 2) BLU E Ormond host Old Brighton at the Gunn Reserve in what will be extremely trying conditions for both teams . (3 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

The Tonners coming off a fantastic win last week will be pushed by the 'Monds but will record a comfortable win in the end . Beaumaris host Hampton Rovers at Banksia Reserve and on the rebound will show little remorse as they bounce back today at the Rovers' expense. Monash Blues after forfeiting last week host Old Haileybury at Clayton . The Bloods will be keen to bounce back strongly and the 'Ashers will not lie down without a fight, however with much more incentive to play for the Bloods to win well. St. Kilda Sth . Caulfield play host to Caulfield Grammarians today and despite the weeks rest will not match the 'Fields endeavour for the four quarters required, and will go down at home today. Mazenod have the bye . Selections: Old Brighton, Beaumaris, Old Haileybury & Caulfield Grammarians DIVISION (2) RED

Old Paradians (2) host Old Carey at Bundoora and will take the match right up to the OC's in the first half, from here the OC's will power away with far too much talent and record their 13th win on the trot. Whitefriars and Old Trinity shapes as an important clash for both teams. A loss by 0T's could see their slim finals chance dissipate, whereas for the 'Friars a loss could see them drop to equal fourth. The last time the two sides met it was the 'Friars comfortably, however this time it will be the OT's turn to reverse the tables and keep in touch with the four. Marcellin host Chirnside Park at Bulleen in what is bound to be a no holds barred affair in the wet. Marcellin must bounce back from last weeks loss, as to must the Parkers to save some face for the season . At home and with much riding on the result the Eagles to win here today . Aquinas and Old Scotch clash in another do-or-die game for both teams . Aquinas after a weeks break are eyeing off fourth spot, while the Scotchies realise a win today will go a long way to securing the double chance . At home and with revenge on their minds the Bloods to win a tight contest . Yarra Valley have the bye . Selections : Old Carey, Old Trinity, M arcellin & Aquinas Under 19 - Continued on Page 46 >

U19 Coach-of-the Month - June NAME- Eddy Galizi CLUB: Collegians

Grade : U 19 PLAYING HISTORY: Various F .D .F .L. Clubs, finished my last playing year with West Newport in 1994 . COACHING HISTORY: 1995 A.N.B .Y. U18's Division 1 ; 1996 Collegians U19s. COACHING PHILOSOPHY: Football is a team game, play as one. FUTURE A144BITION: Coach and play in open age .

MELBOURNE SPORTS BOOKS Books on all major sports 9 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, 3000 - Phone : 9621 1211 Owner/Manager: Santo Caruso Trading hours: Mon . -Thurs . 9.30 a .m . - 5.30 p.m. Friday 9 .30 a.m . - 7.00 p.m .; Saturday 9.30 a .m . -1 .00 p.m. 39

5 YEt`v>5 AGO - 1991 VAFA President David Scott was elected by AAFC to be AAFC President for the next three years which would cultivate with the next carnival in Melbourne in 1994.

Therry an d Old Scotch played for fourth position in "A' Section at Swan Street . Well, the boys from Theny came out in "rocket" form, kicking 7.4 to 0 .0 in the first term. Old Scotch gradually pegged them back, trailed by 27 points at the last change, kicked 5 .1 to hit the front, only to see Theny score a goal to hang on and win by 5 points, 14 .13 to 14.8 . Match winners were Grocock, Castaldi, Eastmure, Briddlestone, McCann, Matton (Therry) - they must have been stars as they left out Zanetti who kicked 6 goals. Hunter, Keipert, Miller, Aujard, B .Steele were Scotch's best. 150 games to David McDonald at Ormond one of only 4 players to have played in the clubs five "A Section flags in 1985-7-8-9 and 1990 and to Park side's Rod Shanahan key member of the winning senior premiership team of 1982 . Old Paradians (B) helped champion rover and captain Frank Gleeson celebrate his 150th with an easy win over Old Mentonians that pushed the losers out and put themselves in the four. Jamie Geary, Frank Gleeson, Steve Philip (Old Parad .), were stars in the victory, 18 .20 to 8 .14. It was the match of the day in D when top team Ajax met St Kevins Old Boys (4th) . Tied at the last change, the Jackers went on to kick 4.3 to SKOBs solitary goal . Zubin, Micmacher, Rozenberg (AJAX) and Gross, Arthurson, Fogarty (SKOB) were best. 10 YEARS AGO - 1986 Parkside (B), third, defeated top team Old Xaverians by 2 points after trailing by 25 points at half time . Final scores were 12 .9 to 12.7. Best were Sherlock, Yoksich, Griffiths (P'side), and Beattie, Summers, Peter Curtain (Old Xavs). Ormond held a very successful old players night with best and fairest winners a feature of the night . Those present were Havel Rowe (1947), Joe Sheehan ( 1950), Geoff Harris ( 1951), Ron "Hookey" Trevorrow (1955 all the way from gLD), Norm Pert ( 1959), John Burdekin ( 1960), Ken Davidson ( 1962), Brian Finlayson (1963, 67, 69), Kevin Ladd ( 1968), Roger Wood (1971), Bruce Bourn e (1974, 76), Alan Naylor (1977), Bruce Corben ( 1978), Steven McCooke (1979, 81) an d Guy Ritchie (1983, 85) .

100 games to Old Trinity's David "Doughty" O'Shaughnessy, senior best and fairest in 1982 and 1984. Caulfield Grammari ans (A) with their second successive win, kept their survival hopes alive. It was a great victory as the "Fields" trailed the 'Hoes by 3 goals at the 40

last change, then kicked 4 .7 to 0.2 in the final term . David M atthews and John Kanis in their new roles in the ruck and centre dominated the game. Old Haileyburnians (C) fell by the wayside yet again when they were thrashed by Kew, 8 .5 to 3 .6 . It was a fairly rugged game. The best were Peric, T . Portelli, F. H bopoulos (Kew) and Smith, Holman, Paul (Old Halley.) . Ormond went into second position in "A" Section when they h an dled Elsternwic k Park's heavy conditions far better than fourth placed Bull een-Temp. The two Phils, Kingston and Mehrten continued their Carnival form to dominate in Ormond's 38 point win, 12 .15 to 6.13, a real turn around as Ormond led by only one goal at half-time. 15 YEARS AGO - 198 1 Merit Award winners for 1981 were Ida Marcon (Ivanhoe), Bob Jenson ( North Brunswick), Bob Coldrey (Hampton Rovers), Greg Tootell (Caul . Gramm .), Allan McFarlan e ( Coburg), Brian Costello (Uni. Blacks) and Colin Johnston (TAFL) .

Centuries galore at Hampton Rovers when Don "Village" Scarlett (now HR senior coach), along with former club captain Steve "Lucky" Huckett thundered down the race for their 200th games, followed by lionhearted rover Alby Martin to play his 100th. The Executive expressed their thanks to Brighton City Council Parks an d Gardens supervisor, Tom New, and his assistants, Greg Gianakis and Clarrie Peel for keeping Elsternwick Park in great shape despite the recent heavy rains. 300 games to Elsternwlck's Don Perkins and 150 games to Mick Convery. fifarcellin kept in touch with "A" Section for when they annihilated second place Ormond, 16 .8 to 6 .18 . Best were Hesse, Bracher, Gartner (Marcellin) and McAsey, Kingston, P. Mehrten (Ormond) .

St Kevins (C) kicked 12 .2 but still went down to Bulleen-Temp . 13 .7. Stars were Bird, Van den Driest, Gilmore ( B : Temp .) .(1986 Capt . -NR) and Han n an , Olsen, Tempany (St Kevins OB). In the battle for fourth place in C Section, MHSOB kicked 4.4 to Old Camberwe ll's 0 .4 in the final term to win by 12 points . 13 .9 to 12.3 . Best were Todd, Knight, Short (b'IHSOB) and Polglase, I .Rogers, Warner (O . C'well). 20 YEARS AGO - 1976

The team to represent Victoria in the AAFC Carnival in Adelaide, was selected as follows :

M . Ritterm an (AJAX), G. Fletcher, J. Griffiths, J . Butcher (Caul. Gramm .), P . O'Brien (Cob .), I. Rice THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

(Coll.), I . Davis ( Geel .), J . Gartner (Marc . OC), R . SBberberg (MHSOB), R. Booth (Monash), S . Maguire (North OB), (c) J . Anderson (Old Scotch), (vc) C . gansen (Old Trinity), B, Bourne (Orm .), R. Sykes (power House), M . Bates, R. Shepherd (ROB), P . gughton, M. Drennan, G . Mitchell, P. Rackham, G . Wade (St Bernards OC), N . Burne, J. Clarke (U. Blacks), R . Hindle (U. Blues). Peter O'Donohue was coach with Brian Lauder, manager and Fred Coldrey assistant .

Monash Blues (ninth) caused a major upset when they defeated top side North Old Boys. Better backingup and aerial supremacy won the game for Monash . North, nearly 10 goals down at the final change, added 6 goals in good time but faded out towards the finish . Best were Moore, Bickford, Syme (Monash) and Fogarty, O'Keefe, O'Connor (North). Undefeated teams after 10 games were Old Ha9leybury (C), AJAX (D), West Brunswick (F), North Old Boys (Junior 1) and Thomastown (Junior 2). Bennett (Hampton Rovers) kicked 10 goals in his team's (C Section) big win against Power House, 24.22 to 7.10. 25 YEARS AGO - 197 1 In a high scoring game Ormond defeated leaders Caulfield Grammarians, 21 .15 141 to 18.13.121 . The defeat tumbled Caulfield from top place to fifth, on percentages, with the top five teams level on 32 points . Best were Morgan, Wood, Logan (Ormond) and Butcher (5 goals), Fox and Steve McLaughlin (Caulfield) .

Don Bradshaw, OGG's captain (who travelled from Hamilton each week) played his 50 consecutive game. Peter de Luca in first "A" Section game kicked 8 fine goals from full-forward for St Bernards . Milestones - 350 games to Les Gordon (Power House), 200 to John (Pincus) Penhale (ANZ Bank), 150 to Don Mullin (Kew), Peter Sierakowski (Ormond) . 100 to Alan Saxby (AMP Society), Rod

Jones (Old Trinity), Brian Grindlay ( Old Paradians) and Henry Halassa (De La Sa lle) . 30 YEARS AGO - 196 6 M HSOB were now 2 1/2 games in front of Coburg while a further 1 1/2 games behind were Caulfield Grammar, Old Paradians, Old Scotch and Collegians .

Old Carey welcomed back John Elliott from his overseas trip and commented 'the Chicago Wildcats are still recovering from the night John trained with them" . Youngest player for St Pat's (Ballarat) is Ray Ball. (Ray later played for Richmond and South Melbourne and was later centre half-back for Caulfield in he VFA) . Parhside ruckman Keith Johnson was his team's best player for the third successive week . "A" Section umpires were Loy, Posetti, Waites, Murphy an d Mason . 45 YEARS AGO - 195 1 Blues and Blacks staged a great struggle for three quarters but Blues were too strong in the final quarter with 8 .2 to 2 .2. Duncan Anderson ( 13 goals), John Jolley and Rick Morrison were outstanding for the Blues with Harry Meredith, Robin Farmer and Hugh Mi ller best for Blacks .

Ormond managed to defeat Old Melburnians by 5 points to leave the teams in places 4 and 5 on the ladder with 24 points . Ron McFarlane, Ormond's angular ruckman and a wobbly kiek, steered through 7 goals . St Andrews and Bellfield, battling for a place in "D" Section four, staged a great game, with the home team stronger in the second half to win by 11 points . Rod Ellison on the back line was best afield for St Andrews while other stars were Ted Drinhwater, John Wa ller and Bob Stein. Caulfield Grammarians Juniors commented on Ted Marshall's two glorious drop kick goals - "miracles, miracles".

VALE - FRED COLDREY All people associated with Amateur football were saddened to hear of the death of Fred Coldrey in Queensland on Monday . Fred's involvement in Amateur football has spanned over 70 years. In 1926 Fred became a foundation member of the ist Hampton Scout Troop Football team which was later named the Hampton Rovers and Scouts Football Club . The Rovers joined the VAFA in 1933 with Fred as the Club Delegate . Fred held committee positions with the Rovers from 1928 to 1970 including club President for six years . Fred was awarded Life Membership in 1938 and was still a keen supporter of the club in 1996. Fred joined the VAFA Executive in 1939 and was a member up until 1982 . During his time on the Executive Fred served on many sub-committees which included Grounds, New Clubs, Awards and the Permit Committee of which he was Chairman from 1954 until 1982 .

The Victorian Junior Amateur Football Association was formed in 1939 . Fred held the office as the inaugural VicePresident and was President of this Association in 1950, 51 and 52 . The VJAFA was absorbed by the VAFA as the Under19 Section in 1953 and the VAFA awarded the honour to Fred of having the Premiership Cup for this section named after him . In 1958 Fred was awarded Life Membership of the VAFA, he served as Vice-President from 1962 until 1982 . Fred was awarded a Merit Award from the Australian Football Council in 1972 for being a manager or assistant manager of numerous VAFA interstate or Carnival teams . In 1982 the VAFA saw fit to award Fred a 50 Years Service Award for his great service to Amateur football . Up until two weeks ago, Fred was still assisting Administration with the mailing of `The Amateur Footballers" on Friday afternoon . All Amateur followers extend their deepest sympathy to his wife, Mon, brother Bob and their respective families . 0 TV-IG AMATFI IR FCl(1TRAI I PP 1 44R



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G AN EDGE any organisations in the 90's are turning to teams in an attempt to gain competitive advantage over their competitors and produce a satisfactory performance outcome for their business . Football clubs, being mini organisations, have the same opportunity to gain competitive advantage over their opponents .

Teams in any sphere operate at two levels ; TASK and PROCESS . The TASK level relates to what the teams does and the PROCESS level to how the team carries out the tasks . In teams, Tasks are functionally related eg . : kicking, running, being fit, ball work, social functions, plans, strategies ; whereas the Process level covers many of the interpersonal relationships of all the members in the club, not just the players . Organisations put a lot of effort into developing TASK skills but often neglect developing PROCESS or interpersonal skills . It is in this area that coaches may find opportunities to gain an edge .

One of the key interpersonal aspects in teams is the level of trust between members in the team . We give or place trust in people based on our own perception of their competency, (i .e : aptitude, experience, skills, knowledge) and also our perception of their intentions or motives (Le : attitudes, reliability, empathy, sensitivity) . When out perception of somebody's competence or intentions become negative, our level of trust in them falls . This had serious implications in a football team where many decisions are made based on trust eg . : who fullbacks kick out to, whether one trusts the voice coming from behind for a handball, calls indicating an imminent tackle, who the ruckman taps the ball to and where, whether to tell the medical team of an injury that may result in non-selection etc . Many decisions like these are based on trust . However, trust is dynamic . It can go up and down . Failure to pass to a team mate, failure to shepherd or support a team mate may result in loss of trust . Trust can also be lost when players make errors or mistakes . Sometimes the trust can be lost in oneself which then saps self confidence and thus performance . Football clubs including coaches have many opportunities to held build trust in the members of their various teams . This can be achieved be helping people to get to know each other's competencies and intentions . This occurs naturally through training, social functions etc . However, as injuries and absences create shock waves through clubs and new players are brought up from the under 19's, reserves etc ., knowledge of competence and intentions can be low - therefore on field performance can suffer. Another opportunity for coaches is in helping team members understand better how teams actually work . The more team members understand what makes teams work efficiently and effective, the more they can "pull those levers" to achieve better team outcomes. Teams can basically have six anchors - their purpose, their vision of what sort of team they want to be, their goals, objectives and measures of success, t~'reir strategies and tactics to achieve the goals, clarity on who does what (Le : the roles) and some form of operating rules that help to guide behaviour, often

known as ground rules. When there is one team that stays together for a long time, these six areas are pretty well entrenched and help the team be effective . However, in organisations including Football Clubs, there are many teams and many of these interact with each other . As well, teams can be formed temporarily to achieve a purpose and then be disbanded . With the on-field team, there can be temporary teams formed for set plays . As well, some teams break up into subteams such as the backs, the forwards, the centres . So there can be many teams within what appears to be one team . When team members don't understand how teams operate, whenever they join or interact with another team, they may not be fully clear on the team anchors. Often the two areas that are affected the most are the role clarity and the ground rules . So when a new member joins the team, eg . : from the under 19's, reserves, Club XVIII etc ., if they don't know and understand the roles and ground rules, team performance can be affected . When this is linked to low trust (because of little knowledge of competence and intention) the team can be affected by things like the fullback not sure whether to kick it to a team member, too many going for a mark, kicking blindly and not kicking to a lead etc . Many situations like these occur that impact performance negatively every week in the life of the club . The more team members understand who does what, why and when as well as understanding the operational guidelines or ground rules, the better they will be able to move in and out of the teams that go to make up the Football club, both on and off the field . On-field performance can also be affected by sub-teams off the ground. For example, if the training/fitness/medical teams feel that they don't get much support and recognition for their efforts, with too few doing too much, trust levels can be driven down because they doubt the intentions of others around the club . This then impacts their own personal effectiveness which then can impact on the on-field performance negatively . David Parkin was able to improve Carlton's effectiveness last year by gaining improvements in the team PROCESS area. He was able to use his older players to share the leadership of the team and used others to develop strategies and set plays - a really interesting mix of TASK and PROCESS . He was reported as saying that the Carlton team of 1995 was the least coached side he had ever coached . So, even if a coach can gain only a 1% improvement in team process, it may mean the difference between winning or losing . The Japanese have used this thinking of 1% improvement at the basis of their Total Quality Management Programs . David Parkin has shown us the benefit of focusing coaching efforts on both TASK and PROCESS . It is worth thinking about applying some business thinking to the world of Football . Paul Fisher Paul is a Mazenod supporter and Senior HR Consultant with Myer Grace Bros . Article supplied by Tony Paatsch Senior Coach - Mazenod OC AFCA/VAFA Executive Member

REVIEW - ROUND 8 In what was an extremely wet and wintry day at Brunswick on June 30 the day was soured even more by (3) teams not being able to field teams and as such forfeiting . Parkside and the Magpies kicked off the day at 9 .00am and conditions were to be ps trying at this time as they were at 3 .15pm . Parkside booted their highest score for the year and in doing so made sure that the Magpies day was one to forget . Karingal received a bonus (4) points from M aribyrnong who were unable to field a team . The Marlins tore into Werribee an d kept them goalless while helping themselves to (12) goals to boost an already impressive percentage. Hawthorn was another team to forfeit on the day, doing so to Bendigo (2) . In doing so giving themselves little chance of playing in the finals . Chadstone also forfeited to Bendigo (1) leaving themselves well short of match practice in the run home to the finals . In the final mach Keilor battled hard against a much more powerful Heidelberg Bombers, who ran out convincing winners by (71) points . Mitcham, Ringwood an d Broadmeadows all had the bye . PREVIEW - ROUND 9 This weekend there is once again (6) matches at the Alec Gillon Oval in Brunswick . There has been some time changes with the first match now being Werribee and the Magpies at 9 .00am . Werribee will win comfortably and in doing so see themselves certainties of playing off in the finals . Maribyrnong play Ringwood in what promises to be an exciting match . Last time the two sides met an excellent exhibition of FIDA football was witnessed at Ringwood, with Maribyrnong winning by (2) goals . Today the result will be close with Ringwood taking revenge on the Underdogs this time . Mitcham take on Keilor in what should be a very close match, although relative ladder positions would suggest otherwise . Today with pride at stake the Mitcham Tigers will record their first win for the season . Heidelberg challenge Bendigo (1) at 12 .45pm in what will be a close match if the conditions are heavy. Heidelberg despite battling for 4 1/4's will find the overall strength of the Warriors too much today . Karingal play Bendigo (2) in the match of the day . Last time the two sides met Karingal were victorious and will do so again today and remain undefeated so far this season . The Marlins and Broadmeadows clash has been long awaited and the two best sides in Division 3 will put on a great display of FIDA football . With no history as the Marlins forfeited last time the two sides were due to meet, it is anyone's' guess as to who will win . In a close match the youthful Marlins to defeat the Kangas today . ® ® ®


All teams are reminded that players must have played at least (3) matches to be eligible to participate for teams in the finals . Also the cut-off date for registrations and medical forms was Sunday June 30 . From this date no more registrations will be taken. Following on from this any player who is yet to hand in his/her medical form will be considered ineligible to take part in the rest of the season as of June 30 . Teams must be aware of this fact because if these ineligible players take the field then loss of match points will result . 9 ®


Clubs are reminded that for the FIDA End-ofSeason function numbers of those attending accompanied with a cheque for the designated amount is due by Friday July 26 to Brett Connell at VAFA Administration. This night will incorporate presentations of the Divisional Premiership Pennants as well as other awards on the night . Please promote this night amongst your players, as it will be a great night for all concerned. ® ® ®

Player of Round 8 - Craig Cope (Heidelberg Bombers ) LADDERS : Division 1 : Team Played Won Lost Drawn For Agst % Pis Bendigo (1) 7 7 0 0 481 67 717 .9 28 Heidelberg 6 4 2 0 323 82 393.9 16 Chadstone 7 3 4 0 208 137 151 .8 12 Keilor ' 6 2 4 0 83 361 31.8 8 Mitcham 6 0 6 0 75 494 15 .2 0 ' received forfeit

Division 2: Karingal 6 6 0 0 379 111 341 .44 24 Bendigo (2) 7 4 3 0 241 161 149.7 16 Maribyrnong 6 3 3 0 172 192 89.6 12 Ringwood 6 3 3 0 162 304 53 .3 12 Hawthorn 7 0 7 0 152 338 44 .9 0 ' received forfeit Division 3: Broadmeadows ' 6 6 0 0 800 42 1904 .7 24 Marlins 6 5 1 0 706 9 7844 .4 20 Werribee 6 3 3 0 301 505 59 .6 12 Parkside 7 2 5 0 334 594 56 .22 8 Magpies 7 0 7 0 50 1063 4 .7 0 ' received forfeit

L ,.F





Club Travel -

UMP MFIES CC a am %_J9 by Steve McCarthy and Anthony Dame n

ITell, faithful followers - we're back as promised . A great contribution by the "Oscars" Mark Pinney and Crai g O'Donoghue last week . We'll be enlisting the help of some more guest scribes before the end of the year . Thanks "Concave" and "Elvis" . e ®


The Oscars were in the news last week as Matt 'Stickman' McCrohan umpired his first A Section game . He headed to Toorak Park to run with the slightly more experienced Robert Bell. By all reports he acquitted himself quite well and should be able to use this as a stepping stone to bigger and better things. Congratulations Matt and stick with it! ® a


Some other recent promotions include Jamie gvins back into B section and Sharon Alger back into D Section . Both Jamie and Sharon have returned to the VAFA after several years umpiring elsewhere . Welcome back. ® ®


A big 'hello' to ex-VAFA goal umpire Roy Tucknott who was seen in the goals out at Parade a couple of weeks back . Good to see him still involved in the game and larger than life . ® s


Congratulations are in order this weekend to another great club umpire . Bulleen-Templestowe's Robbie Hill runs his 650th game on the boundary for the Bullants this Saturday in the Banyule game. Robbie even received a mention in Noel Rundle's column last week when he umpired his 500th in 1991 . Robbie is a great example of the dedication and tireless efforts put in by many club officials in VAFA circles and is a credit to himself and his club . Have a great day Robbie and we'll see you at 700! Are boundary umpires allowed to wear gloves for better ball control? (Just kidding! -S .Mc) ® o


Congratulations and cheerio to Ben Jones of Beaumari s who correctly named the scribes of this column in the McDonalds Trivia Quiz last week . Glad to see that we've got at

least one reader .

9 ®


As mentioned earlier in the year, Ormond coach Geoff Reilley was unfortunately struck down by a serious illness . Well Geoff is up and about and back behind the coaching line . Both scribes can now report that we have caught up with him for a few quiet ones as promised and he's in fine form . His only battle now is to avoid relegation . All the best Geoff, it's good to have you back . ® e ® This year we've given you "Ronnies Rule of the Week" but at our regular meeting we receive "Bomber's Bulletins" . Bomber (Brian Bulluss) provides the umpires with regular memos in relation to rule interpretations or changes, administrative issues or any other important issues that umpires need

to know . Our most recent memo focussed on 'Items Requiring Attention' which had been picked up from observers' reports on umpires . This week well look at the first two . It is important that we reprint these, especially for the benefit of those umpires who can't make it to the meetings . 1 . Protected Area - Set Ric k It is essential that you establish VERBAL CONTROL immediately with the player who is to take up the position on the mark . Players must be told where the mark is. In your verbal control ensure that the 10 METRE PROTECTED AREA is clear and the player with the ball will not be interfered with in the act of kicking. That means players from both sides should be cleared from the area .

Player shall not be allowed to "run in" with the player kicking and enter into protected area . If they do, a 25 metre penalty shall be given . You must be alert to the player who wants to PLAY ON quickly after he has taken a mark or received a free kick . Once he deviates from his line of kick you must CALL AND SIGNAL PLAY ON IMMEDIATELY . 2. Head high Tackle s Head high tackles must be paid early in Quarter . They are : Player has ball and is hit in head . Player who is knocked in the head or to the ground after disposing of the ball . Player who goes to the ground and players jump into him, object not the ball. Look at disposer, dwell for a short period of time after ball has been kicked . LATE AND HEAD HIGH TACKLES SHALL BE PENALISED .

Well look at another two next week . ® 9


Don't forget the Annual Umpires' Trivia Night taking place at the Victorian Bowls Club in Grattan Street Carlton tonight . Hosted by Peter (Agate) Harris at 7 pm for a 7 .30 start the evening is $15 per head including light supper . Bookings were not necessary so it is not too late to just turn up on the night. Results in next weeks column. e e •

Seems to be a deal of confusion relating to who can carry water out onto the field and who can't. Certainly water carriers can continuously carry water bottles out to players in need - water only : no messages from the coach or medical assistance to be given . At a recent trainers' night the question was asked c an trainers carry water? The answer is yes, but not continuously as a water carrier does . Obviously when a trainer has to attend to a player requiring medical assistance a player in trouble finds a"squirt" of water soothing . Our umpires have been asked to only caution trainers who are acting as "out and out" water carriers . MACCA AND AD

PREMIER SPONSOR Robert Hodges Real Estate MAJOR SPONSORS Australasian Shopfitting s Cadbury Schweppes Deloitte Touche Tomatsu Devonshire Hotel Half Moon Hotel Jakes Night Clu b Michaels of Brighton Miele Australia Moreton Bay Printin g Radins Canvas Signature Signs Signcraft

"The International" Warrenknox Electrical GOLD SPONSOR S Barts The Chemist Corporate Copyin g Emery Vincent Associates : Trophy Sponsor Triple M SILV E R SPONSORS Aztec Sheet Metal Brighton Star - Mercedes Benz Clive Champion Kitchens Cody Outdoor Advertising Fildes Pty Ltd - Printing & Packagin g Forty Winks - King Koil Bedding John D . Harris & Co - Diary Printing Sam Sales & Promotio n Selby's - Outdoor Advertising Banners Thonemann Robertson Thompson - Stock Brokers Tootell's Wines & Spirits Trump Property Service s Bob & Alison McLellan Ross & Chris Paterso n George Thomson & Famil y THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996


UNDER 19 SECTION 1 5.3 7.4 10.8 14.11 .95 UNIVERSITY BLUES OLD PAHADIANS 2 .1 3.3 4.5 5.6.36 Uniseratty Blras Halligan 8. Camm 2 . BEltmrne. Brockley. pricker, Kuc . Versteegen . Best Keity. &Itar~. Halligan, Wilcox, Brockky. Mclntosh. Old Paradfaaa Lynch 2 . DlnUnosante . Baker. Flynn. Best Dintonosante . Baker, King. Gale, Woodham . Howard . 1.1 2 .2 3 .2 3 .2.20 DELASALLB 16.10 OLD RAVgRtARS 4 .0 8 .4 13 .5 .106 De La Salle Johnstone . Healy Harbcr. Best Ellis. Beretta. Hader. Nolan . Vincent Thomas. Old Xasertsns Woodruff 3 . Kay. Barrett. innes . Hilbert 2. Heil . Tucker . Hardwick. Doman. Fleming. But Donald, Kay, Boland . Bailey. Woodruff. Drake . 1 .4 2 .6 2.8 2.8 .20 COLLEGIANS THERHY 0 .2 3 .5 4.7 6.13 .49 Collegians Vandervemte. McLeod . Best Byme . Caldwell, Smythe. Bngha . Mcleod. Therry Jatobsen 2 . Cmtty. Rowan. J. Vanengeten . Gmnt Best Crotty. Staryk . Jacobsen, J . Varangeten . Crackfoni . D. Vanengelen . NORTH OLD BOYS 3.1 4.2 4.7 8.7.43 OLD MELBtHtifIANB 4 .5 11.7 14 .11 17.18 .120 No rt h Old Boys Khoder 2 . ClppolonL Pavlov, Thomson. Lyons . Lynch. Best Maguire. Lynch. Lyons. Khoder. Cippoloni. Pavtov, Old Metbnrntana Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . AJAX 4.2 4.9 5 .11 5,14.44 ST BERBARDS 1.4 5.7 7 .7 7.9.51 After Davis 2 . Carew. Snow. Kaplan. Best Burman . Steiner. Gelbart, Rath . Carew, Segar. St Bernarda lanzano 3 . Overman 2 . Mount . Swann. Beat Mount. Loughlin. Hogan . Dowling. McKeon. Swann .

UNDER 19 2 WHIT E OLD GEELONG 3.1 5 .2 7.4 8 .6 .54 pA30BipCu1L 5 .1 9 .3 11 .6 13 .9.87 Old Geelong Bingley 3 . Wallace-Smith. Beattie 2. Jeffries . Beat Bmgley. Pettig. Campbell, Wilson, Pootey. Beattie. Waaingil Woodcock 5, Kinnear 2 . Witchell. Harman . Gioury. Attardi . Camilierl . Sheean. Best Gbury . Yin, Attardi . Canedkn. Sheean. Roslwel . ST LEO'S EMMAUS WP 4 .2 5.6 10,9 14.14.88 1 .1 1.3 3.5 3 .10.28 WiLLIAMSTOWN GYMS St Leo's Emmavs WP Vozza 5. Tiromu 4. Carey . Schbttter. hiitctr,ll . Manton, Smith. Best Thomas, htanton . J. Smith . Batt_v. Cashen. M . Smith. WiIDamstowo GYMS Twist 2 . El Haouli. Beat El Houh. Woudad. MacLeod. Kennedy . Wuehatsch. Matthews. 6.6 9 .11 14.14 19.17 .131 STEEVHtS 2 .3 3.3 .21 DELASALLE(2) 1.0 1 .3 St Kerlns Maruslc. Greenham 6. Large . Gargano. Davoren 2 . Pnvtta. Best hicAnile. Large. R.W Is. Davroren. Patton . Quirk . De Sa lle (2) Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . BULLEEN-TEttP1 .FSTOWE 0 .0 2 .0 4 .0 5 .3 .33 DID CAMBERWELL 1 .6 17.8 20.15 28.20.188 Butleen -Temptestosre Papadopoulos 2. Daskalou . Lambropoulos . Gannas. Beat Daskalou. Papadopoluus. tambmµoulos . Gatmas . Pemberton . Fotamfanos. Old Camberwell Harclman 12 . Hancock 3 . Board. Campbell. Hanson. Nordic. Seeley 2. Miles, Williams. Whitehead. Beat Hopkinson, William. Webb, Whitehead . Board. Denorvan .

UNDER 19 2 BLU E CADLFIEI.D GBA.MtdAR 5 .1 10.3 11 .4 13 .7.85 OBMOND 2 .1 5.8 8.9 8.10.58 Coalfield Grammar Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Ormond Herman 3, Ashford . Courtney. Handley, Smith, Wannacott . OLD BRIGHTON 5 .2 8.6 9.7 12.7.79 BEAUMARIS 5.3 6.4 8.8 10.9.69 Old Brighton Williams 4, Kent 3 . Logan . Wilson . Price. McGuigan . Liptrot . Beat Team Effort. Beaumeds Fisher 3. Pitts. McAlphme 2 . Doctor. MeKenxre. McLean . Best Pitts . O'Brien . hkkao. Kent. Fisher. 11 .10 .76 HAMPTON ROVERS MOIPASH BLUES (forreited to Hmm pton Roaers) 8.9 .57 Horrifies Rovers Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Moorish Shoes Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . OLD HAiLEYB1DIY 2 .4 3 .4 7 .5 7 .7 .49 MAZENOD OC 2 .3 4,6 7 .8 9.12.66 Old Halteybury Efstathiou 3. Ladd . Mason . Byrns. Home . Best Reid . George. Fossey, Floyd, Waters . Byrns. Masenud Wanl. Moore 2. Clifford . Mee. Hawkins.l2iley. Young. Best Whole Team.

UNDER 19 2 RE D 26 .24 .180 9.5 14 .11 20 .16 OLD SCOTCH OLD PARADIANS ( 2) 12.1 3.4 3.7 4.8.32 Old Scotch Ford 10, Pardon 7, Andrews 4 . Chapmn. Davis, Junkeer. Sladen . Stevens. Beat Ford . Thompson . Chapman . Portion. Junkeer. Gilchrist. Old Paradlant (2) Lynch. Lkid . Spuna. Kelly. Best Jenkins. Turner. Rktd. Donne. Price. Cosgnff. 934.67 OLD CAREY 2.7 3 .9 5.13 WIDTEFHtABS 3.0 5 .2 6 .3 8 .4.52 Old Carey Salt 3. Angus 2 . Collins . Anson . White. Small, Best Collins. Murphy . Angus. Wflson. Hendnks, Oppy ~ Wbitefrtars Mika 3. Eames. Pawhk. Hughes. Vandenhoom . Lacey . Beat Mika . Davis, Hughes . R. PawLk. A. PawOk. Gdlan . 0 .6 3.8 6.8 10 .9 .69 OLD TRINITY 4 .2 5.4 6.5 7.9 .53 MARCELLIN Old Trinity Natoli 3 . Shaughnessy 2 . Lrondas. Newman. Cade. Arrowsmith. Peggie . Bast Andrews. Peggie . Kmdxarth . Natoli. Beardsley . Burke. MarceHtn Badanjek 5 . Moussi. Dallarrva . Best Stephens . Mrdready . Alford . Symes . BadanJek . Mouss,. CBDtNSIDEPARK 4.1 7.2 7.4 7.4.46 YAHRAVALLEY 2.3 7.8 7 .12 10,20.80 Chirnside Park Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Yarra Valley Telford 4 . Morns 3 . Mcllrath. Gadd. Laing. Best laing . Telford . Mcilrath. Tyshing. Morns. Red-





SECTION 1 OLD PARADIANS v. DE LA SALLE Fietd : G . Ridd, C . Cimoli . OLD XAVERIANS v. COLLEGIANS Field : S . Rolls, M . Rossato . THERRY v . NORTH OLD BOYS Field: A. Carrick, L. Gallagher. OLD MELBURNIANS v. AJAX Fietd R. Killey, B . Bain ; Boundary: D . Bain, 1 . Burgess . ST BERNARDS v . UNIVERSITY BLUES Fietd : A. Chapman . WHITE (2) WARRINGAL v . WILLIAMSTOWN Field : P . Bailey, M . Argall . UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. ST KEVINS Meld: F . Karabelas, B. Buyck . DE LA SALLE (2) v. BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Fietd: T. Creighton, D . Ahchow . OLD CAMBERWELL v. OLD GEELONG Meld: S . Cook, C . Ryan. BLUE (2) ORMOND v . OLD BRIGHTON Field: B . Walsh, J . Bell . BEAUMARIS v . HAMPTON ROVERS Field: T . Williams, L. Demytko . MONASH BLUES v. OLD HAILEYBURY Field: J . Toohey (R), G . Armstrong . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v . CAULFIELD GR . (at I pm) Meld : G . Morgan, J . McGuran . RED (2) OLD PARADIANS v. OLD CAREY ( 1 .30 pm Start) Meld : B . Stewart. QVHITEFRIARS v. OLD TRINITY Fietd: A. Stubbs . Boundary: T. Degan . MARCELLIN v. CHIRNSIDE PARK Field : K . McMahon, D . Ischia. Ag UINAS (at Aquinas College) v. OLD SCOTCH Field : B . Allen, I . Stevenson ; Boundany : A. Scheriwi ; Goal : P . Gluyas, G . Clancy . Under 19 - Continued on Page 47 >

EL.EES - BEWAR E A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "


Today please hold on to your "A/Footballer" so that you can use teamlists for next week . ® ®

Edited by 'ZAil Steven s rnwick Park has been taking a bit of a poundElste

ulg lately with the heavy rains in particular which has made it impossible for the drainage work being done outside the boundary line to be completed . As a result there will be no Elsternwick Park matches this weekend or next weekend . Hopefully some fine weather 4ill be just around the corner which will allow us to get the ground in the best possible condition for the September action . ® ®


Maybe the above announcement will make the abusive, name-calling spectator at last week's Elsternwick Park match happy. Whilst abusing me for being to blame for the mud at the Park he promoted me to the lofty title of President! "As President, you should be ashame d ." . Hope he paid his $3 to get in - he certainly got his $3 worth off his chest. ®



Please note that there will be no "Amateur Football er" for next weekend - the weekend of the A and B section bye . This is due to the fact that all our budget projections are based on 22 productions of the "Amateur Footballer" in the one year .


Seems to be a deal of confusion relating to who can carry water out onto the field and who can't . Certainly water carriers can continuously carry water bottles out to players in need - water only: no messages from the coach or medical assistance to be given . At a recent trainers' night the question was asked can trainers carry water . The answer is yes, but not continuously as a water carrier does . Obviously when a trainer has to attend to a player requiring medical assistance a player in trouble finds a"squirt" of water soothing . Our umpires have been asked to only caution trainers who are acting as "out and out" water carriers . ® o


In the next issue of the "Amateur Footballer" and all subsequent issues a finals eligibility display will appear so clubs can qualify players for teams that may make finals . Last Wednesday night's Extraordinary Meeting of Members result may have a bearing on this display . Grab the next "A/Footballer" for the latest. ® ®


Information required by Administration as soon as possible - 1 . Responses from Under 19 coaches to the proposed Alex Johnson Championship to find the champion under 19 team for 1996 - refer to last week's "A/Footballer" for complete details . 2 . Updated information on players nominated to be inducted into the VAFA 300 Games Club or players thought to be worthy inclusions who may not yet have been thought of . ®



D Under 19 - Continued from Page 4 6 d



(Glen Eira Rd Campus 67 Gl) RED (2) OLD PARADIANS (2) v. CHIRNSIDE PARK ( 1 .15 pm start) WI-IITEFRIARS v. YARRA VALLEY AQUINAS v. OLD TRINITY ( at North Ringwood) OLD SCOTCH v. OLD CAREY





47 33 33 31 29


48 48 6 46 6 39 5 35




72 44 38 38 29

51 47 43 0 1

35 24



ASECTION D FOR 10 2 0 1350 7 6 6

4 6 6

0 0 0

1667 1031 1128

5 5 4 3

7 0 1104 7 8 0 9318 9 0 969

B SECTION OLDTRINITY 12 0 0 1665 OLD PARADIANS 11 1 0 1451 THEflRYCCOB 7 5 0 1242 OLD BRIGHTON 7 5 0 1128 IVANHOE 6 6 0 1134 BANYULE 5 7 0 1107 OLD IVANHOE 5 7 0 1112 MHSOB 4 8 0 1180 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 9 0 910 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 0 12 0 860 C SECTIO N ST KEVINS 12 0 0 1434 MARCELLIN 9 3 0 1264 AJAX 8 4 0 1345 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 8 4 0 1197 THOMASTOWN 6 6 0 1083 ST BEDEStMENTONE TIGERS 5 7 0 970 OLD GEELONG 4 8 0 933 OLD MENTONIANS 3 9 0 95 1 9 WHITEFRIAqSVERS 2 10 0 /91 7 0 SECTION CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 8 4 0 1322 MONASH BLUES 8 4 0 1078 OLD CAMBERWELL 8 4 0 1207 BEAUMARIS AFC 7 4 1 1229 ST LEOSEMMAUS WP 7 4 1 u25 PARKSIDE 7 5 0 1080 STJOHNS OC 6 6 0 905 SOUTHBANKCBAAFC 4 8 0 1006




9029 140.47 40 1027 111 .30 32 859 124.21 28 146~ 6 1029 1141 959 1198 1192

560' 4 24 94 .46 .74 24 2 96 .76 20 92 .60 20 77.71 i6 81.29 1 2

690 902 1037 1053 1107 1283 1420 1248 1173 1866

241.30 160.86 119.77 107 .12 102.44 86.28 7131 94.55 77.58 45.55

774 1035 1115 1115 1099 1185 1158 1247 1402

48 44 28 26 24 20 21 6 12 0

65.27 48 129 107.35 .95 97.13 88.26 78.73 82.12 81 .88 65.41

32 32 24 20 16 12 12 8


940 140 .64 908 118 .72 1135 106 .34 931 132.01 918 122 .55 972 111.1/ 939 96 .38 1039 96.82 7173 89.68 1714 38.80

SECTION AQUINAS O 8 E EAST N 1788 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 11 1 0 1453 OLD CAREY 8 4 0 1429 ELEY PARK AFC 7 4 1 1210 CHIflNSIDE PARK 6 6 0 1272 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 6 1 1121 BULLEEN COBRAS 4 8 0 1026 EITHAM O C 4 8 0 944 ST MARYS 3 9 0 1038 SWINBURNEUNIVERSITY 0 12 0 46 4

770 32.21 873 166.44 44 44 1060 132.31 32 97.90 3 1072 198. 2 406 1027 109.15 22 1101 93.19 16 1392 67.82 16 1315 78.94 12 1922 24.14 0


32 32 32 30 30 28 24 16 14 2


788 172.46 44 512 .70 3~6 767 150.36 965 180 32 853 141 .50 32 1180 83 .56 20 1251 102.24 i6 994 111 .97 1 2 1885 48 .17 8 2223 17 .23 0

PENINSULA O 8 E SOOUTH BECT ION 1884 SALESIANOC 10 2 0 1696 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 10 2 0 14 1 4 POWER HOUSE 9 2 1 1427 OAKLEIGH A F C 6 6 0 1260 AN Z ALBERT PARK 6 6 0 1288 MONASHGRYPHONS 5 7 0 1280 ELSTERNWICK 2 10 0 920 GLENHUNTLY 1 11 0 517 MONASH WHITES 0 12 0 53 1

837 225.09 831 204.09 814 173.71 957 149.11 1058 119 .09 1191 108.14 1171 110.16 1505 61.13 2146 24.09 1882 28.21

UNDER-19 SECTION I UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 0 0 1760 OLD XAVERIANS 9 3 0 1720 DE LA SALLE 9 3 0 1066 Ol0 MELBURNIANS 8 4 0 1155 OLD PARADIANS 7 5 0 1225 ST BERNARDS 6 6 0 1219 AJAX 59 THERRY 3 9 0 59 3 9 COLLEGIANS 2 10 0 45 7 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 11 0 66 6

576 30S.56 48 667 257.87 3 97 36613 896 1 8 2 .91 944 129.77 28 1197 101 .84 2 4 064 71 .33 12 1751 33.87 12 1412 32.37 8 1627 40.93 4

UNDER-19 (2) WHITE STKEVINS 11 i 0 i6-03 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 2 0 1432 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 4 0 992 WARRINGALAFC 8 4 0 1227 WILLIAMSTOWNCYMS 8 4 0 1030 OLD GEELONG 6 8 0 909 STlEO'SEMMAUSWP 5 7 0 1002 DE LA SALLE t21 3 9 0 667 BULLEEN-T0 M,PLESTOWE A 1 11 0 296

497 658 2 17 63 695 142.73 1028 119.36 867 118 .80 1033 88.00 938 106.82 1223 54.05 2411 12.28



BEAUMARIS A F C 11 1 0 1695 484 350 .21 MAZENODOC 10 2 0 1130 863 130 .94 OLD HAILEYBURY 9 3 0 1127 684 164 .77 OLD BRIGHTON 9 3 0 1278 776 164 .69 ORMMOND 6 6 0 955 1083 88 .18 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 5 7 0 803 1186 67 .7i HAMPTON ROVERS 5 7 0 784 1223 64 .10 l.1ONASH BLUES 3 9 0 724 1214 59 .64 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 2 10 0 570 1568 36 .35 UNDER-19 (2) RE D OLD CAREY 12 0 0 1576 668 235.93 OLD SCOTCH 9 3 0 1126 773 145.67 WHITEFRIARS 8 4 0 971 593 163.74 MARCELLIN 7 5 0 975 741 131 .58 AQUINAS OC 7 S 0 870 883 98.53 OLD TRINITY 6 .40 YARRA VALLEY 5 76 0 736 872 3 1175 84 53.02 CHIRNSIDE PARK A 62 1340 52.39 4 F 8 C 0 0 702 OLD PARADIANS (2) 2 10 0 574 1353 42 .42

42 40 40 38 24 24 20 8 4 0

40 32 32 32 24 20 12 4



A RESERVE SECTION rU~ 10 1 1 3 9 2 1 3 8 4 0 1004 8 4 0 990 7 4 1 949 6 5 1 936 4 8 0 866 3 9 0 554 2 10 0 504 1 11 0 554

646 583 1 q9 05 704 142 .61 734 134 .89 752 126 .06 816 114 .71 954 90.78 1025 54 .05 1059 55.15 1095 50.59

8 RESERVE SECTION OLD PARADIANS 11 1 0 1228 572 214 .69 OLD BRIGHTON 10 1 1 1072 490 218.78 OLDTRINRY 9 3 0 1144 794 144 .09 THERRY CCOB 6 6 0 954 720 132 .50 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 6 0 988 877 112 .66 M H S O B 5 6 1 827 856 96 .61 OLD IVNHOE 4 7 1 752 997 75 .43 BNYULE 4 8 0 744 978 76 .07 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 2 9 1 441 1480 25 .90 IVANHOE 1 11 0 493 1052 46.86 C RESERVE SECTION MARCELLIN 11 1 0 1052 382 275 .39 A J A X 9 3 0 979 609 160 .76 ST BEDES/MENTONE TIGERS 8 4 0 979 506 193 .48 OLD GEELONG 8 4 0 927 666 139 .19 STKEVINS 6 6 0 779 846 92 .08 HAMPTON ROVERS 5 7 0 766 780 98 .21 THQMASTOWN 4 8 0 772 863 89 .46 OLD MENTONIANS 4 8 0 580 941 61 .64 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 4 8 0 551 1079 51 .07 WHITEFRIARS 1 11 0 384 1189 32 .30

443 38 24 24 22 18 16 4

32 32 24 20 IS 16 16 4

D RESERVE SECTION MONASH BLUES 12 0 0 1314 339 387 .61 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 2 0 927 576 160 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 9 3 0 802 721 111 .94 .23 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 7 5 0 973 593 164.08 PARKSIDE 7 5 0 938 617 152 .03 ST JOHNS O C 6 6 0 893 691 129 .23 BEAUMARIS A F C 4 6 0 644 942 68 .37 SOUTHBNK C B A AFC 2 10 0 591 1168 50 .6 KEW 2 10 0 435 1016 42.81 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 11 0 286 1235 23 .1 6


YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 10 2 0 1136 454 250.22 * OLD CAREY 9 3 0 1041 640 192.78 CHIRNSIDE PARK 8 4 0 870 691 125.00 ST MARYS 7 4 1 678 935 72 .51 AQUINAS O B 7 5 0 940 520 180 .77 RICHMOND CENTRAL 6 6 0 892 906 98.45 BULLEEN COBRAS 5 7 0 667 704 94.74 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 3 8 1 372 1080 34 .44 ELEY PARK A F C 3 9 0 611 977 62 .54 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 11 0 441 1136 38 .82 E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTION UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 2 0 1156 396 291 .92 NORTH BRUNSWICK 10 2 0 1145 614 222 .76 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 9 3 0 11 is 460 242 .39 F WILLlAMSTOWNCYMS 9 3 0 1179 540 218 .33 WEST BRUNSWICK 7 5 0 940 655 143 .51 LATR08EUN :VERSITY 5 7 0 712 681 104 .55 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 4 8 0 598 831 71 .96 7 NEWL NDSCOBURGFC 2 10 0 469 1200 39 .68 THORNBURY COUGARS 1 11 0 134 1708 7 .85

40 40 36 36 28 20 16 4912 8 12

E SOUTH RESERVE SECTION PENINSULA O8 12 0 0 1386 351 394 .87 48 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 10 2 0 1594 473 337.00 40 SALESIAN 0 C 9 3 0 1299 450 288.67 36 OAKLEIGH A F C 9 3 0 1148 486 235 .25 36 POWERHOUSE 6 6 0 1000 586 170 .65 24 A N Z ALBERT PARK 6 6 0 768 912 84 .21 24 MONASH GRYPHONS 4 8 0 641 827 77 .51 16 MONASHWHITES 3 9 0 333 1349 24.68 12 ELSTERNWICK 1 11 0 309 1641 18 .83 4 GLENHUNTLY 0 12 0 164 1891 8 .67 0 CLUB XVIII NORT HAWTHORN CITIZENS H 11 1 0 990 466 212.45 44 MARCELLIN 9 3 0 749 396 189 .14 36 STBERNARDS 9 3 0 770 451 170.73 36 COLLEGIANS 7 5 0 662 592 111 .82 28 OLD IVANHOE 6 6 0 509 574 88 .68 24 >t THERRY 6 6 0 352 738 47 .70 24 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 7 0 435 725 6000 20 KEW AFC 4 8 0 422 707 59 .69 16 OLD ESSENDON 2 10 0 243 969 25 .08 8 CLUB XVIII SOUT H OLD XAVERIANS 11 1 0 784 281 279 .00 OLD SCOTCH 10 2 0 78 1 391 199 .74 DE LA SALLE 8 4 0 673 409 164 .55 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 8 4 0 499 407 122 .60 ST KEVINS 7 5 0 440 773 56 .92 MAZENOD 0 C 5 7 0 341 568 60.04 OLDGEELONG 4 8 0 355 752 47.21 OLDMELBURNINS 3 9 0 313 531 58 .95 V U T 3 9 0 341 960 35.52 * INELIGIBLE PLAYER ROUND 9

44 40 32 32 28 20 16 12 12



From the moment you make ! move to Quit smoking you'll t your body getting back in sha p Within two hours of stoppi there is no more nicotine in y blood stream . 6 hours - your he beat slows down and your bl c Pressure starts to drop . After ju ;

"day you'll have more energy - g it a couple of days and you'll f and smell fresher, and your ta buds and sense of smell will CO' alive .

And even more importantly, w enough time, you'll reduce y e risk of emphysema, lung ca n and heart disease :

And after all, isn't that the na i of the game?

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