The Amateur Footballer, Week 14, 1996

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EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s Step Three : Your clu b members sell the number of -pub Near Yo u Cards" that your clu b below based on tickets sold at . Figures IN THE has purchased D WIN $15 each . N $ 5D0 profit ! v 11 1 50 cards K* $750 ~**$1000 profit!! 100 cards u* $1500$2000 rofit~~ ~ p COMPETITIO N 200 cards r~ $3000 a * It is important to note that each pub card purchased iR Australian Hotels' Association, Carlton and offers over $100 of value to the purchaser . combined to he e U United Breweries and the VA FA hav o . As each club purchases 0~wdos ~ ateslub opportunity t bu Amateur clubs a'one- off opP ry to Step Four y uali your name goes into a barrel for the CUB prize ~ automatically cartons of e on cards" which tirillpTa , ar Y s A club purchase of 100 cards means your club nam , 6ub co be part of a Luck y . times goesAinto barrel five ,~ product can be won ? clubthe purchase of 200 cards means your club name ear You Card"? A "pub Near goes into the barrel twelve times . Luck t ; at is a"1'ub N You Card" folds Five: p rQIf sold StepCUB t~r at an end-of-year clBub functhe out and displays a . More profit o n number of bonus n tion your club could make $2 per can tio product tokens top of your profit from card sales! ? The first club name drawn from the barrel will Win which are redeem. able from any 3 0 cartons of CUB product n Page ? z> hotel that displays EtyjTa tz Lar. -continued o the pub Near You ~. , log o . INDEX All you have to do is present a . . . . . . . ... . . . 'sditorial : . . . . . .2 bonus product token when purchas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section A 4 . .. . . . . . . . . ing and the bonuses are yours . . . . . Section B . : . ... 6 The recommended retail price of Section C . . . . . . . . . is to be no more Section D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 t-.,,ch "Pub Card" . . . . . . 12 0On-sel l . . . . a club car~ than $20 (i .e Section E East ) The . . cards for say $10, $15 o r Section E Central . 13 : : : important not$'~onowever is that the cost to each club per Elstemti~ck park Matches : 15 ticket is only Tap Outs . . . . . 34 .36 Section E South . . . . liow does it work ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . club lodges an order with the VAFA for a . . Club XVl1I .38 .4C one . Your . .... . Step number of "Pub Near You Cards" accompanied by an Under-19 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Looking Back . . 42 appropriate cheque . it wishes purchase 50 Pub Coaches' Clipboard . . - • • - - • • 43 Your club indicate s : .44 FIDA Report • . . . to the VAFA$250 ; you wish to purCards y pay $500 or even 200 cards . . ' . . . . . .4? umpires' Corner . chase 100 cards - you Pl y . . • 43 From the 'tIAFA . . . . . _`~~ you pay $1{}00. ip List . . . . . . . . _ The VAFA immediately obtains these cards fo r Step Two : your club . ---' - _ , - am ~ °' ~~ •




juiy 27thq1996 Price

: $1 m 20


he sleeping giant Old Xavs has rolled over and Treally stirred as the finals race now commences in earnest. A solid win over leaders Collegians has fired up the Xav's machine and a finals spot is not beyond their reach . On the other hand, their opponents in last year's grand final University Blues, had another stumble, this time over St Bernards and now is in a block of six teams with only a match between them . So with only five matches before 7e pace quickens . Old Scotch have reaffirmed some belief in themselves with a sound win over Old Haileybury who must have been thinking this is all too easy coming from a B Section flag in 1995 to be courting Collegians at the top of the table. The Lions have still a big gap and with quality players still to fit into the team, the first right of entry into the finals is assured. Old Melburnians finally tasted victory after six weeks, but will need to restore further confidence in themselves and regain a fit side to play a prominent part in the weeks to come . Their opponents, M azenod, appear to be really struggling at the moment and the tonic of a win an absolute priority. Maybe this week against an in form Scotch . St Bernards won't lie down and thoroughly deserve their seven wins to be a real chance, while De La Salle just hang on with sufficient number of games away from the relegation zone to enable their supporters to sleep easier . But at the rear of the table, Ormond now slip three behind De La Salle, with only five to go . It was De La Salle who only two years ago pulled off that remarkable comeback to stay up . Still plenty of fight in Ormond to do the same . But all eyes are on Old Xavs as the groundswell of red and black support emerges to bring back life into the competition. Crucial match against the Blues this week at the University Oval, but after that they have the luxury of playing their last four matches at Toorak Park. The odds are shortening. REVIEW If Brook Mooney boots those two relatively easy shots in the third quarter for Collegians it could have been different . But the misses were costly as Old Xavs regrouped and with James McDonald and Dominic B erry firing up, the match was whisked away from the Lions and love all in the last quarter. 2

Not much joy for veterans C" '~, 7 olloc'playing his 250th and Steve Laussen his 200th to be without a win on the Village Green paddock . De La Salle were off to a good start over Ormond and although Ormond pressed in the last quarter, De La were able to hang on and virtually be assured of spot in the top section in 1997 . Two disappointing sides, Old Melburnians and Mazenod down at the Junction Oval desperately battle to win its first match for six weeks . Old Scotch were hard at it against taller opponents Old Haileybury and its smaller, livelier players fought hard again to turn it around in the last quarter to finish full of running and record their best win for ages . And in the final match, St Bernards Luke Gollant was at his absolute best with six goals in an inspiring performance to lead up against University Blues . A pre- Olympic '56 remembrance luncheon for St Bernards before the start set the scene and a fine 38 points win to end the day . RISING STARS Going around this year are a number of players who will make their mark in amateur football in the immediate years to come . Emerging from the juniors or direct from the school, they have made an impact in their first real season of top grade football. Let's see who they are . Collegians- Andrew Smith ; Old Melburnians- Simon Rabbitt ; Old Xavs- Adam Jones ; University Blues- Drew Slimmon ; Old Scotch- Craig lios k ing ; Old Haileybury- Shane Walden; Mazenod- Dean Schofield ; St BernardsDamien Juegan ; Ormond- Garren Bailey and De La Salle- Tim Silvers . Good luck to those players for the rest of the season and hope that the next step is just as fulfilling as the last. PREVIEW Another test for Old Xavs as they take on University Blues at the Varsity Oval, with all the pressure being on Xavs in the past four weeks and now anxious to make it five in a row. Should be a terrific match, but Blues still remember that dumping in last year's grand final and will have enough talented players to steam home over Xavs by 17 points . Collegians, whose record at home is not exactly brilliant, will send Old Haileybury into a spin and cause another loss as the top team reasserts itself to leap clear by a margin of 21 points . De La Salle take on a partly revived Old Melburnians, but the Redlegs have still have a way to go to recover from their desperate plight in recent weeks and De La at home will lead the way by 13 points . Old Scotch will not let Mazenod interrupt their revival towards a 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199 6

berth and will sink the Nodders by 17 points irow them further into relegation mode, while in ,trial match, St Bernards will engineer sufficien t knowledge to cast off Ormond and win by 2 2 po ;i,z_ and keep their finals hopes alive . SrLEC_iONS : U Ei_`ITY -GU-S, COLLEGL :Ii1S, TAp_j~ 5 IL , OLD °CC"^'= I



DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED BY HOME TEAM Cl u b XVIll and Reserve Section I FINAL SIREN SCORE S PHONE : Senior Section and Under 1 9 FINA L SIREN SCORES BEFORE 5 p .m . PHONE : A and B Section Q ~ y :) SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SI X BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams) To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m . PHONE :

SENIORS (July 13th) COLLEGLa*iS 2.4 3.6 4.12 6.14,50 OLD XAVE[tL$NS 2.3 6.6 9 .8 10.9 .69 Collegians Mooney 3 . Wallace, Peters . Milat . Bat Dean-Johns . Milat. Woolhouse, Parkin, Mooney, Bennett Old Xaverlsas McDonald 3, Ford, Berry. lemere 2, Wood.Bat Holmes. McDonald, Ellis, Dan, Bowen . Landrigan. DE LA SP.I.LE 4.7 6 .14 8.16 9.18 .72 ORHOND 1 .2 3 .3 6 .5 9.7 .61 Be La Salle D . Crow•e 4, S . Crowe, Harrison, Hodder. MacKintosh. Silvers. Best Evans. Brasher. Chun, D. Crowe . Alban, S. CroweOrmond D . Connell 2 . Presser . B. Connell, Roman. Bailey . Whelan, Symes. Block. Bat Jobling. Turner. presser McDonald, Baileyt D. Connell . OLD SCOTCH 2 .5 4 .7 5.11 10.12 .72 OLD HAH .EYBURY 3.4 4.8 6 .10 8.12 .60 Old Scotch Duthie 5, Steele, Hume, Phillips. Wilson, Aulard. Best Patterson. Holt, Gibbs . Nettleton, Hosting. Steele. Old Haileybury Kraus 3 . Hooker, Byrns. Ladd . Dann, Dowsing. Best Seccull. Connell . Hilton, Kraus. Walden, Rowlands. OLD MELBURPIIANS 5.2 7 .9 10.11 13.18 .96 A4AZENOD Be 2.2 4.4' 8 .6 11 .8.74 Old Meiburnlana Handbury. Bmmelt, Campbell 3, Kennedy, Theodore, Thompson . Hewitt. Bat Entry. Handbury. Bromelt, Suba . Wilts . Hewitt. Mazsned Hanky 4, Christie . Morgan, Belleville . Quirk . Hunt, Chi4cott, Marshall. Best Schofield. Fisher. Chikcott, O'Hara . Murray. Hanley. ST BERNARDS 3.3 9 .5 12 .9 17.14.116 UNIVERSITY BLUES 6 .4 8 .7 9 .9 11 .12 .78 St Bern ards Gollant 6, Dobson 4. Comito 3 . Juegan, Horn, Capes. Vasallo. Beat Overman . Comite, Gallant, Anderson . Parrett. Vasallo . University Blues Lennen 6, Frith 2, Cavalier, Herald. Rourke . Best Mclachlan, herald . Allardice, Vandenberg. Worsley. Henderson.

RESERVES (July 13th ) COLLEGIANS 2.1 2.5 3.9 5 .10.40 OLD XAVERIANS 4.2 8.2 12.3 13.5.83 Collegians Harding 2, Vandervenne. Foard . Lemon. Best Johnston, Hartnett . Moore . Je(ierson. Humphry. Lemon . Old Xaverians Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. DE LA SALLE 0.1 3.4 6.7 11.7.73 ORMOND 3.3 3.4 3.4 4.4.28 Be La Salle Hall 3 . Flowerdayt Began 2, Curran . Duckett, O'Brien . McKinnis. Best Fisher. Duckett. Fknverday . O'Brien. Farrell. Hill . Ormond Stewart 2, Keleher, Edgell . Best Kingston. Milner, Ransom . Hourigan, Edgell . Lehner . OLD SCOTCH 6 .4 12,6 17.14 20 .15 .135 OLD HAILEYSURY 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.3 .9 Old Scotch McDonnell 9. Heath 4 . Davison. Castricurn 2. Jonas, Spiden. Stubbs . Bat Warner, mcDonnell, Heath. Jonas . Spiden. Castricmn . Old Haileybury Main. Best Orton. Main, Reidy . Lavender. Kirkwood-Scott, Capomolla. OLD MELBURNIA?iS 1.2 2.5 3.9 7.12 .54 MAZENOD Be 5.1 9.6 11 .8 14 .12 .96 Old A3elburnlans Teal 2, Mckeon, Minden . Nelson. Dixon, Useinov. Best meKeon . Useinov, Boyd. Nelson, Crump. Teal . Mazeaod Be Howard 7. Couttie, Mann 2 . Smith, Welch, Sharp. Best Howard . Occhiutn. Carter. Rogers . A1cCusker, to Contour. ST BERNARDS 4.1 9.7 11 .9 12 .12.84 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1.1 3.2 6.2 8.2.50 St Bernards Renting, Mathewes . Bond, Conroy . Wood 2, Ryan . Doolan. Best Doran, Brebnec Mathewes. Doolan. Abfalter, Running . University Blues Jokes . Buckley, Wilcox 2, Wilson . Kanis- Best Buckley, Malloon . Stephens . Nugent . Heine . K all.

COLLEGIANS v. OLD HAILEYBURY (EP - Sat .) Field : W . Hinton, M . Jackson : Boundary : J . Stevenson, S . Henig ; Goal : K . Pitcher, G . Beard . DE LA SALLE v . OLD MELBURNIANS Field : S . McCarthy, A. Damen; Boundary : M . Tape, S. Mannix; Goal: B . Nash, C. May. MAZENOD v . OLD SCOTCH Field : R . Simon, R . Bell ; Boundary : F. Martinez, A. Pritchard ; Goal : W . Fowler, B . Jephson . ST BERNARDS v, ORMOND Field : G . Thwaites, J . Toohey ; Goal: M . Lentini, D . Napoli . UNIVERSITY BLUES v . OLD XAVERIANS Field : H . Little, M . Gibson : Boundary : G . Drummond, J . Wright; Goal: B . Hoare, K. Segota . REMEMB ER PATRONS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO BRING ALCOHOL INTO ELSTERNWICK PARK OR INTO ANY VAFA VENUE


`svo weeks ago I saw Old Brighton do what everyone was saying couldn't be done and by defeating Trinity have opened up the fight for the flag . To win 12 in a row was a great performance by Trinity and being the class act that they are they will bounce back but the return of Reid, Shippen and Hayden and my spies tell me that Bradley is also not far away have made Brighton a genuine threat . REVIEW OF ROUND 13 OLD BRIGHTON v TRINITY Conditions were fine at the Beach Road oval for the clash between the top and fourth placed sides and what eventuated was an outstanding effort from a disciplined Brighton team . To keep the much vaunted Trinity attack to just 9 goals and then kick 19 themselves shows how good an effort it was . Brighton were on top from the first bounce and only their kicking for goal in the 2nd quarter stopped them from being more than 2 goals in front at half time . They made up for it in the 3rd term with 7 goals straight and finished off the game in fine style to record a 11 goal victory. In all started in the centre square where Lennox, Nikas, Fildes and Pryor were outstanding whilst Murch, Bilionis and Talbot finished off the good work up forward . For Trinity Mal Cumming in defence, Bladeni in a tagging role and onballers Norman and Van Der Hoek tried hard but basically they were outplayed by a better side on the day. The return of the Hadfield brothers, Anderson, Keneddy, Allibon and R . Phillips will help Trinity's cause no end . PARADE v MHSOB The Trip out to Bundoora proved to be a shocker for Melbourne as they were completely outplayed by the home side who eventually won by 96 points . Parade were able to restrict MHSOB to just 5 goals and add 20 themselves on a surface that is one of the better ones going around . Tim Mulligan, M ar k Harrison an d Nick K err proved to be too much of a handful for the MHSOB defence as they shared 14 goals whilst Philp, Zappa and Da ll as were part of a winning centreline . Jimmy and Mick Geary continued their good form for the winners . "Doc" Glover was judged best for MHSOB with his work around midfield whilst Andrew Saultry picked up many possessions as a rover . Dan Woodley and captain Dean Comer were useful at half back . It looks like a couple of hard weeks for MHSOB as they face some more top sides in the next 3 rounds . BANYULE v BULLEEN-TEMPLSTOWE Banyule did what was required against the bottom side with a 10 goal 3rd quarter to run out easy winners by 97 points and in doing so kept their sli m 4

finals hopes alive. The Bullants were only 20 points down at half time but once again fell away in the 3rd but not scoring at all . 6imon Kayroos in his first game for Banyule had a day out with 7 goals and he had support in the goalkicking department from Holt and Turnball . John Gilham is a fantastic onballer and he continually won the ball out of the centre and set up the game for his forwards whilst Dave Fabris, Corey Wilkes and Troy Benton were also fine players . Stephen James again showed his class to kick 5 to bring up his 50th for the year which is a top performance considering how poorly his side is travelling . Robbie Williams in defence again played well and so did Hare, C . Parris and Young. Anything is possible I suppose but I can't see how Bulleen are going to win one this year. 3V ÂŽE v OLD I V

{) E

For the 2nd time this year Ivanhoe were able to overcome their local rivals and keep the pressure on Therry and Brighton for a spot in the four . Old Ivanhoe had their chances and lead for the first 3 quarters but were overrun in the final term by only scoring 1 point to the "Hoers" 4 goals 4 behinds . Onballers Luke Smith, Angelini and captain Niball were constant possession winners for Ivanhoe and were instrumental in their side coming from behind to win . Luke Blackwood was an excellent player in defence for Ivanhoe . Weddle and Veal in defence

were winners on the day for Old Ivanhoe with midfielders Parker and Donaldson again playing well . Old Ivanhoe also have a couple of tough weeks ahead of them and wouldn't want that percentage to drop any lower.

THERRY v NOBS It took until late in the final quarter before Therry could break away from NOBS who missed an opportunity to get closer to MHSOB and Old Ivanhoe . North lead throughout the day and by as much as 16 points in the 3rd quarter but to Therry's credit they were able to persist and grab the 4 points with a 6 goals last quarter. Therry welcomed back Pola from injury who contributed 5 goals and were well served by defenders Gauci and Keays . Pat Gorman is playing well on the ball for Therry and he again picked up a swag of possessions and combined well with Peirevski in the ruck . Onballers Shaun Manassa and Dave O'Farrell were best for NOBS with Bruno Conti and Damien Boyer (5 goals) also having good games . Although disappointed with this result I'm sure that NOBS coach Peter (}'Conner can get those couple of wins to keep his side in B section . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

ers last week. 'P .~ at home to win t points over Banyule . e3 also at hom e 1111 old Ivanhoe by 40 points . Ivanhoe t o aunt for Bulleen by 75 points . Unfortunately face Trinity on the rebound and Trinity will by 50 points . Therry will be too strong for 7 by 45 points . @UESTIflN Last week the answer was Tony King and the svinrer was Tim Nelson (V/C of Xav's reserves) who gave Ole the answer at his own Bux turn on the Saturday night. Good luck to Tim and Emma . This week I will be at Parade v Banyule . Who am I? I played 50 games for 2 clubs between 1979 and 1984 and was recruited from the VFA . In one VFA game I was knocked out and was clinically dead before being resrived . I was swapped to my second club in 1981 in a deal involving a big name . In 1984 1 fronted the tribunal on 5 separate occasions over incidents in the reserves or seniors .

OID ?9RADL64iS 6. - 12.6 16.9 20.12.132 I,".:I 1.2 3.2 5.4 5 .6.36 C:,e r'ant Mulligan, Harrison 5, Kerr 4 . Geary. Wallis. Brabender. Pannam, M^'^1ta, . .,,vd . Best Mulligan, J. Geary,Ml . Geary, Philp, Dallas, Zappa . AS .,JB Bamert 3, Comer, Gdaver . Best Glover. Saultrv, R'oodkey, Fleming, Comer, Harr . OLD BRIGHTON 6.3 8.9 15.9 19 .17,131 OLD TRINITY 3.0 7.3 8.7 9 .11,65 Old Brighton Talbot 4. Bilionis, Murch 3. Reid, How•den 2, Pryor, Perry, Krynvniak, Fi raid . McL2chlan . Best Lennox. Kryzwniak, Nikas, Fildes, Pryor, McLachlan . 01,: rinity Heath 3, Bosley 2, Bladeni, Van Der Hoek . Sticktand Board. Best Cumming. Bladeni . Van Der Hock, Norman . Board, Dalrymple. Bl°•PLESTOWE 3 .1 7 .2 7.2 12 .4,76 81 : :iia 3 .5 9 .10 19.15 26 .17.173 Bulteea Templestosse James 5, Mictaren 3, Young 2, George, Williams . Best Hare. WiIF-Ts. Young, James, hktaren, Parris . B . . .e Kayroos 7, Holt 4. Turnbull 3 . Ean . w1llmore . O'Connell, Witchett 2, Gilhsm . Richmond. Benton . Wilkes . Best Gil am, Fabris, Wilkes, Benton. Kayroos . O'Connell . OLD IVAHHOE 5,2 8 .6 10 .10 10.11.71 IVANHOE 3,5 7,6 9 .10 13 .14.92 Old Ivanhoe McLean 3 . Corcoran. Young 2. Tolley, Veal, Pappas . Best Weddle, parker, Donaldson . Stewart, Veal, Vaughan . Ivanhoe Newbold 3, Smith . Larosa 2, Herd. Brown . An elini, Flynn, Jaeka . Fairweather. Best Smith, Angelini,Blackwrood . McKellar, Niter 1. Newbold. NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .4 5 .8 8 .10 10.11.71 THERRYCCOB 1 .4 4 .4 8,7 14 .9.93 North old Boys Boyer 5, Considine 2 . Sutherland, Boyle . Beek. Best 3lanassa, O'Farrell, Conti . Boyer, leigh, M4ikunda. Therry Fota 5, Reddick, O'Connell 2, Gmcock. Bosanko, Castaldi, Carter, Goodwin . Best Gauci, Hannan, Petrev "Keays . Pignatelli, O'Connor.

7=~] Fietd: R. Eastwood, A.

y ; Goal : R . Barichievich, K . Coughlan . OLD i ~:^ 3N v. f 17 _ _~ . Fietd: T. Ovadia, D . Dalgleish : Goal: R. Richards, J . Robinson. IV LaE v. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field : C . Segota, M . Pinney; &oundanJ : D . Ryan, T. Healey . I'31- CF€ OLD ^'"a v . OLD TRINITY Field : M . Jenkins, C . 0'Donohue ; GoaL• P. Gluyas, M . Frame . 'V, iOB Fietd: J. Kvins, C . Donlon: Goal: R. Miller, G . Dae.



-- . " (July 13th ) OLD PA.1bAD1ANS 3 .4 4 .10 5 .13 7 .15.57 MHSOB 1 .0 1 .1 3.2 3.2.20 Old Paradises; Geary 4, Brabender. 'Wallis. Horeington. Best Lababnara Arthur, Horsington, Canavan. Tobin. Mansfield . MHSOB McGrath 3 . Winch . Best Fahey . Brennan . Karamoutzos . Mclaughlin, Fe(erkranz, Archdall . OLD BRIGHTON 2 .3 5 .4 8.9 11 .12 .78 OLD TRINITY 2 .2 5 .5 6.6 6.8.44 Old Brighton Grant 5. Bickett 2, Murray, Gilmour . mcLennan. TeschendorL Best Jackson . Winter, Murch, Bennett . Murray. BicketL Old Trinity P. Robison 2 . C. Robison, Giddings . Wallace, Stafford . Best Stafford, Giddings, Vargo. Summat, Boyd, Smith. BULLEEK TEMPLESTO&`E 0 .2 2 .2 4.5 4,6 .30 BANYULE C3 6 .7 11 .8 16,10 .106 Built= Templestowe Shepard 2. Bellato . Murphy, Best Glover. limper. Nagel, Chahkas . Bellato. Le(evre. Banyule Williams 6, Creak 3, R . Williams 2, Keene, Glass, Riches. Short. Best Grindai. tVhetan. Hobbs, P. tS'dliams. R. Williams. Creak. OLD IVANIIOE 4 .3 6 .5 6 .6 7.8 .50 IVANHOE 3 .0 4 .2 6 .6 9.7 .61 Old Ivanhoe Cr.yker 3, Davies, tamer 2. Best Atkinson, Super . Brophy. IFinzer. Craker. Young. Ivanhoe Rawlev . Seobie 3 . Hotfinana Joyce, Thaekwray . Best Hoffman, Thackwray, ScobEe, Gilles, Flynn, Ebbage . NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .4 1 .5 5 .5 5.7 .37 THERRY CCOB 2 .4 5,5 5 .7 5,7 .37 North Old Boys Cheshire 2 Lowrie . Bryar, Kordsavasilis . Best Kearney . Zocco, Hanley. Cheshire, Wright, Kitnev. Therry Rossignold . Stanio 2. Pinner. Best Lafontaine, Whelan. Skelton. Carter. Pdoran, Jor.,

Glubs mos i phone : ;~~'e:

to ~~ a Cl c

~;~x .

(before 5 p .m .) before ringii . g through Q/Q scores ; ggalkiok.~:-a. and best players (both teams) to E=' 3 (before 5.15 p .m. ) The VAFA "Amateur Footboller" is proudly sponsored and printed by:

C Y P R E S S 9 7 6 3 4. 0 8 8



ound 13, July IT Heading for 13 wins on the trot, St. K evin s were stopped in their tracks b y a St . Kilda South Caulfield side on a mission . SKOBs may have been "Cherry Ripe" to be knocked over by the Saints, who have obviously set themself for the SKOBs and Jackas in consecutive weeks, and have won the day very well on each occasion . What about the "Jackas"! Four losses in a row and a tumble from second to fourth position with St . Bedes Mentone Tigers now with a chance of playing in the finals. Positions in the top four have changed dramatically over the past few weeks with an unexpected slide by Ajax and a big move by St. Kilda South Caulfield after many weeks around fourth place and outside the four. Marcellin has continued to score impressively whilst SKOBs, despite two losses in as many weeks, are still well placed at the head of the ladder . Ground conditions have been in a range from fair to disgraceful in recent weeks, the result of which is that lower and may be less skilled teams have been able to tough it out with top teams, be extremely competitive and, in some cases, cause major upsets . Two solid performances by the Rovers sees them out of the relegation zone with an outside chance of participation in the finals if the winning run can continue . Thomastown on the other hand has lost the last two and with the SKOBs and Saints to tackle over the next two weeks, must now pull out something extra to be a chance of taking the coveted fourth spot after round 18 . Marcellin is going along nicely, waiting to pounce. Seven wins in as many weeks and with a powerful back up of reserve players the Eagles must be particularly confident as the finals approach. Games against the Saints and the SKOBs over the coming weeks will be very interesting and will be the acid test for the top three sides . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers, now a win and a rather large percentage away from fourth position must put in some "Herculean" performances against the lower sides and claim the points on at least one occasion against sides in the four . It is a "big ask" but with grounds as they are and upsets the order of the day, anything is possible. Old Mentonians have not had much luck in 1996 and will be hoping for better performances over the next four weeks. With only one of the current top four sides to play, I predict OMs will do enough to avoid relegation . Old Geelong are in a similar position to the OMs but play Ajax and SKOBs and have a fair amount of percentage to make up to avoid the dreaded departure to D Section.

Whitefriars caused the season's "boilover" with a tremendous victory over SKOBs and must now be hopeful of becoming late season giant killers in a 6



determined bid to stay in this section . The Friars must be oatopchnewit of its games on the "quagmire" at the College but may need an enormous amount of luck to knock over either the Saints or Eagles away from home . I predict the four after Round 18 will be as shown after Round 14 . Jacka's poor form is a concern but a healthy percentage and what would appear to be an easy run to the finals, should ensure at least fourth spot. PREVIEW ROUND 1 5 At David Street, Rovers take on the in-form Marcellin. Rover's recent form has been encouraging but it would take a very brave man to select against the Eagles . Marcellin by 21 points . The local derby at Keysborough should be a tight one . Old Mentonians are desperate but the Combine must be favourites with a chance of finals action . I'll select the Tigers by 8 points . Ajax and Old Geelong should be a close encounter at Albert Park . Provided Ajax regroups and maybe has a few of its crocks back on deck, they should return to the winners list with a margin of 14 points . St . Kevins will be hoping for improved playing conditions against Thomastown . A margin of 27 points to SKOBs by siren time is predicted . St . K ilda South Caulfield must be firm favourites against the Friars who will be fired up in anticipation of another upset. Sorry Friars, Saints to prevail by 36 points . Reserves winners : Marcellin, St . Bedes Mentone Tigers, Ajax, St . Kevins, St . Kilda South Caulfield . Correspondents : by 5 .30 p .m . Monday, fa x 9889 9014 . Submissions (maximum 3 per side) needed for Schweppes C Section "Dream Team" to be announced on Grand Final Day .

°: T :?TGr1 , OVL 7- S v . ;,--' CF LIfd Field : G . Curran, P. Callil; Boundary: B . Corcoran, D . Fowler. OLD MENTONIANS v . ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Field: P . Keogh . B . Tamblyn : Goal : M . Richardson (R), P. Allsop . AJAX v . OLD GEELONG Fietd : P . Simpson, N . McCorquodale : Goal: A . Miller. G . Clancy . ST KEVINS v . TI30 STO Field : S . Meredith, D . Anderson . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v . WHITEFRIARS Field: P. Leyden, D . Lane.



FR 1 4aR

(July 20th) 6.5 10.12 18 .13 20.19,139 1.1 1 .3 2.6 9.7 .6 1 r - Crawford 8, Panagiotidis 6, Anderson 2, Biick, Power, melnjak , rcrnson . Morgan, Hobson. Scarlett . Crawford . Panagiotidis . ir3. Campbell, Coghtan 2. Carbone . White . Best Bateman . , Co ' Ian. Hickey. Vandenhoom. iS 4 .2 7.9 10.11 13.13 .91 1 .4 2.7 4.8 6.10.48 atonians Acreman 6, Paterson, Pride 2. Carter. Kitto . Stroud . Best I r-oks . Kitto. Acreman, Leaver, Mullin. :: . Word 2. Colosimo, Grech . Holmes . Petsinis. Best Reid, Girth, Smith ,


" pa. Volpe .

ONG 3 .0 5,2 10.4 15 .8.98 ,;. 1,1 4,4 9.6 13.9 21 .13.139 , ; Howells 5 . Best Taylor, Handbury. Howells. Wilson . Vickers-Willis, 4 . O'Flynn . Gallagher 3. Collins . Caftry . Phillips. Merton 2 . Ibo. Best Rowe, Collins. McIntosh. O'Ftynn, Gallagher, Golds . ONE TIGERS 2 .1 5.3 9 .5 11 .11 .77 3 .3 5.5 8 .10 10 .12.72 tone Tiger s MacGeorge 6, Biggins 3. Goodchild . Hecker. Best :. Sanders. Tully . MacGeorge. Thompson. Before . knski 4. Sheezel. Rosen 2 . Feldman . Goldberg. Best Goldberg. Wrobel. : . a . Kalinski, Cohen. S 4.3 6.5 10 .7 11 .10.76 DA SOUTH CAULFIELD 5.2 7.9 11 .14 14.17.10 1 as Ryan 5 . Gross 4 . Tereini. Burden . Best Varasdi . Dolhnan . Brady. L Teraini. Chapman. South Caulfield Gardner 5 . Astapenko. Clacton, D'AgosBno 2 . Green. Id . Ryan . Best Astapenko . Hayes-Dewar. McGaw, Mihaljavic. Gardner.

THO"_`ST "v t .-1 6 .4 6.6 L .~l10.9 .69 I3.*`iONiiOVE_.S 3 .2 8.4 11.4 13.5,83 'fhomestowa Cap~i. Holmes 3, Petsinis 2 . Smith, Breaks . Best Fellows. Capeci . Grech . Reid . Volpe. Smith. Hampton Rovers Crawford 4, hlelnjak 3 . Natoli, Power 2, Ferguson, Anderson . Best natoh. Le Grand, Fletcher, Scarlelt, Morgan, Wills , MARCELLIN 3 .2 7 .15 8.18 11 .24.90 OLD 'TONIAH6 2 .4 2.5 4.7 7 .8.50 Efareetlia Caffry 3 . Rowe 2, Phillips, Collins Mason . Gallagher. Sampimon, Bello. Best Rowe . Day . 0'Ftynn. Gallagher. Moran. Bello . Old :..entoninns Acreman 3, Bond 2. Brooks, Kitts . Best Macquire, Mullin, Brooks, Carter, Katris, Murphy . ST B's °"T0;-'E TIGERS 0 .2 3.3 4 .5 8 .7.55 OLDJdG 2 .1 3.2 4 .3 4 .4.28 St 1_ . .- itoae Tigers MacGeorge. Hecker 3 . Goodchild . Connolly. Best Tully. Hecker. '"--"rorge. Kinsella. McCarthy. Thompson . Old He . . Howells 2. Vickers Willis, Burbank. Best Peddie, Cook, Welsby, OhPhanL L . to . Wilson . 2 .0 3 .2 6 .4 7.6.48 0.4 0 .9 2 .12 2,15,27 -gley. Reidy, M. Carbone. A. Carbone. Coghtan, Campbell, Harris. Cog6tan. M . Carbone . Reidy, maguire . Johnson. St Ins Thomas, Chapman. Best Brady. chapman, kennedy, Mount, Dollman. Garvey. ST BILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4 .0 7 .4 9 .6 13.10.88 AJAX 1 .3 2 .4 5 .6 5.9 .39 St Kilda South Caulfield Gardner . Ryan 4, Claxton 2, Astapenka . Green. Williams. Best Astapenko, Hayes-Dewzr. Ryan, Gardner . McGaw, Times, Ryan. Ajax Kalinski 4 . Sheezet. Best Goldberg . Feldman, kalinski, Rosen. Bursztyn, Rapaport.

RES ERVES (July 20th)

RESERVES (July 13th ) I•=:TON ROVERS 2 .2 2.2 4.4 9 .7.61 j . ; HA . ..I 1 .2 3-4 5.6 5 .6 .36 i iot ..r Rovers McConville . Beilby 2. McGregor . Stier, Balmer, Cornehls . ( Best Cornehts, Hunt. MeCowvllle. Buckley, Hunter, Sher. 1 : . . -.,s Vernal 2. Vandenhoom, Andrews. Thwaites . Best Kelsey. Reid . Vernal, t r nboom. Fulton . Elliott . (-AIENTOPiIANS 3 .1 6.5 6.8 13 .11 .89 °`9STOWN 1 .2 2.2 7.6 7,7.49 Old ;entonisns Russo 3 . Hanrington, Norton, Johnsen 2. Davis. Flaskis, Hancock, Richards . Best. Davis. Sherriff,lVinduss . Flaskis . Coventry . Appel . Thomastowa Smith 3, Fteming, L'Aumra. Valentino, Withers. Best Smifh- Rocca. Mombito, Saliese . Farchione. Dirrwuski. OLD GEELONG 2.0 2.1 2 .1 2.4.16 MARCELLIN 5.1 8 .3 14 .5 19.7.121 Old Geelong Beltram~, Liley . Best Liascos . O'Dea. Kemp . Edmonds, taley . Knight. 1' rcellin Mason 6. S . Gallagher 4, Frisina. Seabury 2, Beattie. Becchetti . V . t-^~ or, Sexton, Sheehan . Best Seabury, Bearzatto. Douglas. Frisina. Beattie, ~l ONETIGERS 0.2 0 .6 2 .8 4,9,33 1.4 3 .5 4 .6 8.8 .5 8 t : B's ldentone Tigers Hutchinson 2, Leyden. Kearney . Best Dols- Dayer. Manson. Reculmro. O'Brien, Tomlinson . Ajax Rubenstein, Rapaport . Feldman 2. Nathan . Krottgold . Best Rapaport . Rajch . Krongold. Nathan, Feldman . Dudakov. ST EEVINS 2 .3 5 .6 6.10 8.11 .59 ST BILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 3 .1 3 .3 7 .6 8.6 .54 St Nevins Noonan S . McNee . Hart. Meagher_ Best O'Shea . MeNee. B. t4oonanRvan. Gobble. A 'onan. St silda South Caulfield Alderuccio . Dynan 2, Btsenger, Kuck, Best Howard . t rd, Thursfield . Dvnon . Kuck. Rogers . STB'S'


PO' 1 3 .2 5.3 6 .4 8 .5.5 3 . ON RO' ER5 0 .2 2 .7 4 .10 4 .11.3 5 Thor^=gtoan Pandolfo. Skaf 2, Rocca, Smith . Moribito . Dimovski. Best Rocca. Di-, .., .d. Staios. Dimaggio . Skaf, PandoUo. H;... .,rton Rovers McDonald . Rogerson. Anroore. Deliver. Best Ivey . Mason . Young. Shera . Thomas. Ansoore. 4 .3 12 .5 14 .9 18.13 .121 MARCELLIN OLD MENTOh2t->: :; 0.0 0 .0 0 .0 0.0 .1 Mareellin Galtaib,t Beecttettl . Beattie 3. Duncan 2, Pezzirtenti. HartFerts, Fnsina, Stokes. Douglas, Daffy . Chambers . Best Frisina, Becchetti . Beattie . Stokes, Chamber ;. 0'CaC ...,, Old Menta-i c:-c '_ s ., FLrds . winduss . Norton. Shedden, Davis . Coventry . STB'SMt,iti?Oi+ :='iiGERS 23 5 .4 7.8 12.10 .82 OLD GEELONG 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 .2 St B's Mentone TI'crs h'utchinson 4 . O'Brien 3, Keen in 2, Dols. Hambridge . Hayes. Best Ryan, Receptor, Lamb, O'Brien- Manson, Dols . Old Geelong Best Liascos, hay. MacCrowan. Cotdwelt. Spiden. Robson . WHITEFRIARS 1.3 1 .3 1 .5 2.10 .22 ST f{EVIIiS 0.2 1 .3 1.5 1.5 .11 Wbitefiinrs Vernal 2. Best Vernal, Habjan. Reid, Catleja . O'Brien . Fulton . St Bevies Meagher. Best Game . De Borden, Durrant, Denton. Meagher, Quirk. ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4.3 7.4 7.7 8 .8.56 AJAX 0.1 0.2 0.7 3 .9.27 Bt :alda South Caulfield A'ruccio . Emmett. Diamond 2 . Heatv. Aitchison. "i :est D..:mmtd, Atchison, Emmett Healy. Presnell, Dunlevie . Aiaa Kalb 2 . Rajch . Beat Feldman . Pat. Roseman . ;i:,r Kmona,ld, Kalb.


20/7 TOT;: ,



C Y A N PRES S 0 Id news is stale so lets not dwell on a review of round 13 (July 13) . St Leos Emmaus scored a comfortable win over Uni Reds in a wet, windy and muddy environment at Bennettswood Reserve . The 'Redz' put up spirited opposition, however the Two Blues just packed too many guns . The Parkside v Monash Blues match was a classic with a small, hard tackling and disciplined Parkside unit closing down the taller, faster and more skilled Blues . 'Parkers' narrow but convincing winners . In a low scoring event Caulfield Grammari an s continue to woes for Old Camberwell by inflicting an 8 point win in what was a hard slogging affair. Beaumaris scored a convincing win away from home and in adverse conditions against St Johns OC . Meanwhile at Victoria Park Kew, Southbank faced an acid test against the 'K's' . The match was tight till midway through the 2nd term form whence the 'Bankers' got on song and took control to run out big winners. ROUND 14 REVIEW (20 July)

Southban k against the breeze in the lst quarter took the advantage early doors from St Leos and were never headed throughout the game . Quarter by quarter the 'Bankers' built on their lead and ran right away from a very lethargic opposition to score by just on 11 goals . A 'real' team performance by Southbank whilst the Leo's were best served by Burgess and Douglass . Old Camberwell got off to a bright start kicking 8 unanswered goals in a wind assisted first quarter . Uni Reds tightened the game up in the 2nd and held the 'Wells to just one major however they themselves could only register a like tally. Much the same in the 2nd half with Old Camberwell ending the day with 35 scoring shots to 4 and winning by 16 goals . James, 'Doc', Walker and Wilson the best for Old Camberwell . In heavy conditions Caulfield overcame a persistent Beaumaris to score the 4 points . The 'Fields' set up their win in the lst half with a tight, aggressive wet weather footy. The 'Baysiders' kicked the l st couple of the 3rd term however Caulfield steadied and from there on matched every Beaumaris move to win well. Brohier best for the 'Fields' along with Baxter and Royals and for Beaumaris, Taylor and Easton . St Johns OC's and Parkside did battle on a heavy track (slight understatement there!) and with the home team scoring 2 goals 3 points to zip in the lst quarter the game was just about over . Both teams gave 100% commitment to the contest but it was the Joe's who scored narrowly but convincingly given the conditions . Patto, Bear, Hoppa and Dicky were best for St Johns with Laursen, Chilcott an d Sansonetti 6

serving the 'Parkers' very well . 'Big' Andrew H eaders from Monash along with 'Barnsey' from Kew failed to make use of either Telstra/Optus service and ring 'ol KB . Hence there's not much to report from the game other than to suggest it was a heartstopper ( again) for 'Doc' Rogers and Co . from Monash . The Blues getting the spoils by just 2 points . ROUND 15 REVIEW (27 July)

St Leos Emmaus will host M onash Blues in a game that both teams will be desperate to to win to get back on to the winners list . Baring miracles the ground is most likely to be in heavy shape for at home I'll tip the 'Itvo Blues' however, I do so with very little confidence . St Leos by 11 points . Kew meet St Johns at Vic Park Kew in a match that holds high stakes for the visitors . The 'K's' are on a promise of another legendary nude 'Mud Bath' for old KB if they can get the spoils . On that basis alone I should favour St Johns, however Kew's form isn't all that bad and at home I reckon on them getting the points narrowly in a tough encounter . Kew by 7 points.

Beaumaris welcome Parkside down to the 'Bayside' and the form of late of both teams ensures a great game . Forgetting last weeks 'hiccup' Beaumaris have been most consistent and more importantly very good at home . Parkside's form is hard to fault but forced to select a winner I'll go for the home ground advantage and stick with Beaumaris by 21 points . Old Camberwell visit Southbank down at 'Yarra Park' . Both are last round winners and I'm sure both wish to continue on in that manner . Stakes are high so motivation won't be a problem . The 'Bankers' dare I say it, look to have turned the right corner and I think that they'll have the manpower to close down the potential matchwinners of the 'Wells' . With more hope than surety I'll pick Southbank to win by 15 points . Caulfield Grammar should have a little more than a training gallop exercise in their encounter with Uni Reds at Glenhuntly . Whilst I'm sure the 'Redz' will give it their best shot the talent laden 'Fields' will ultimately run out comfortable winners in excess of 80 points . Yes, the 'Dare' is on again! Same deal, just a change of club and venue . See preview of Kew v St Johns game above for more specific details. Club Scribes - Don't forget the telephone calls and/or fax messages on Mondays to Tele : 9810 3370, Fax: 9810 3251 by 5 .00pm . Thanks heaps ! P THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

SESYIORS (July 13th) .USWP

4 .7 8 .8 15.12 18.13 .121 0 .1 1 .1 3 .3 4.4 .28 ros Bmmaus WP Vaughan It . Darcy, Donovan . Henricus . Kenny, Lawlor , , Pinhom. Best Vaughan, Ronchi, Armstrong, Henricus, Meehan . ~e€ty Reds Kane 3, Farrell. Btst Rowland, James, Eastman, Wharf, Mitchell , 3 .3 4.6 4 .8 4.9 .33 e ;:NE CBA 4 .3 6 .9 9.11 13.14 .92 fuic :enH 2, Barry . Hannam. Best Wood, Bruno, Dimasi. King, peters . Furtan. 'caak CBA Perry 6 . Keighran 2, Pitts. Burnett. Hodgson . Mcnamam. Corboy . , Keighran. Bolts. Perry. Treyvand, Walford . =tDE 3 .5 5 .10 6.12 8.12 .60 3 10 5 .1 6 .3 7.5 .47 tci7 BLUES ;:,cCall 2. Grimm . Hoyne, macnamara, MamBi . Panjari, Regime . Best L ci . Inserta Macnamara. Reginato . Dean, Drinnan . : Blues Donnelly 2. Baring. Julian Smith. Barker, mcGee . Koop . Bes t n, Julian Smith, Alexander, Hipwell. Jeremy Smith, Dowsley. Si JOHNS OC 0.3 0.4 4 .6 6.9 .45 BaUs4A&IS 4 .2 9 .4 10.4 17.7 .109 St Jobns OC Emery 2, Mailers . Canning, La Brooy . Higgins . Best Walton, Canning, Rachele, Pattison, Back, Emery . IIcaumarls ORiley 8, Fairbanks, Vaughan 3 . Wright 2 . Holt. Best 0'Ritey. Holt, i,rbanks. Vaughan. Taylor. Quin. . OLD CAMBERWELL 1,4 2 .5 5 .8 5.11 .41 CAULFIELD G 3 .1 4 .3 4 .6 7.8,50 Old Camberwell Horskins 2 . Inkster, Seeley. Lethlean . Beat James, tValker, Scott . Jack. Kent . Watson. Caulfield Grammnr Harrison, Amiet 2 . Baxter. Dierosta . Will. Best Baxter, Harris, Royals . Keown, Cossart-Walsh. Cowlishaw.

RESERVES (July 13th) ST LEAS EIdMAUS WP 5 .4 6 .4 8 .8 10.11 .71 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 .5 0.5 1,5 1 .6 .12 St Leos Emmaus WP Clark . Contessotto 2 . Burke . McNamara, Mitchell. Niel, Ottobre, Turner. Best Graves. Sargent. Niel, Cronin . Ottobre. Corrigan, University Reds Winkler . Best Terrill. Atkin. Foster . James . Fenton . Bowman. KEW 1 .2 1 .4 3 .4 3.5 .23 SOUTHBANK CBA 5 .1 7 .4 9 .7 11 .8 .74 Kew Kiriakou 2 . Deacon . Best Brassil, 6luckian, Danne, meGauchie . Fraser. Hope . Soutbbank CBA Hargreaves 3 . Worland . Menotti 2 . Pitts . Phelps . Conk, Posterino . Best Merritt. Roberts. Posterino. Scanlan, Warland . Jehb. PARKSIDE 2 .4 4 .4 4 .6 4.7 .31 MONASH BLUES 0 .2 1 .3 2,3 2.8,20 Parkside Dunbabin 2, Copley. Stuart. Best Harris . Dunbabin, Austin. Hamilton, O'Neill. Thomas. Monash Blues hturchie 2 . Best Anddtsos . Mentha . Smith . Thornton . Beer. Anderson . ST JOHNS OC 2 .3 6 .4 9 .6 11.10 .76 BEAUMARIS 3 .0 4 .0 6 .0 7 .4 .46 St Johns OC Pepper 5, Pradel . Doherty 2. Williams. Niclasen . Best Williams, Rachele. Pradel. Doherty. Rallis. Woods. Beaumarls McMahon . Leon 2. Uoyd, Hall, Wade. Best Tmscott, king. McNicholas, McMahon, Sheldrake . OLD CAMBERWELL 4 .2 6 .4 12 .4 13 .5 .83 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1,1 3 .2 6 .4 9.6.60 Old Camberwell Pmvan . McCrea, Bmmnen 3 . Kerkvliet. Roe. Wilson, Channon. Best Kerkvtiet. Wilson, McCrea, howard. Douglas . Jackson. Caulfield Grammar Williams, Gurr 2. Tapp, Dickson. Santiago, Mathews . Best Williams . Gurr, Holloway. Dickson . Salem . Ash .

SENIOS (july 20th) SOUT ;!BARH C-A 4 .3 8.7 11 .8 16.10 .106 STLEOSr ;AUSWP 3.1 4 .3 5 .5 5.5 .35 Southbank CBA Perry 5 . Burnett 3, Corboy 2 . Beare, Eastham, Hodgson, Elkington, Pitts. Sparrow . Best Watford. Linford. McNamara, Eastham, Castles . Pitts . St Leas Emmaus WP Vaughan 3, Bethune. Henricus. Beat Burgess . Douglass, Meehan, Pinhom . &IONASH BLUES 1,2 3 .6 4.11 8.12 .48 KEW 4 .3 5 .4 6 .4 7.4 .46 Monash Blues Ford 2. Barker, Rogers . Alexander, Kiers . Best Barker, tVhite. Edquist. Anderson, Logan, Barker. Sew Porte 4, Puh•irenti 2. Dimasi . Best Wood. King. Peric . Furlan . Harrison, Lafranchi. ST JOHNS OC 2 .3 3 .5 5 .6 5 .7.37 PARBSIDE 0.0 2 .4 2 .4 4 .4.28 St Johns OC Higgins, Mullens 2, Chariton. Best Walton. Pattisoa Back . Emery, Raehete, Mullens . Parkside Panjari 2, MacNamara, Reginato . Best Laursen . Chileott . Sansonetti, MacNamara . Romano. Reginato . UNIVERSITY REDS 0 .2 1 .2 2 .2 2 .2.14 OLD CAMBERWELL 8 .10 9 .10 12 .13 16 .19.115 University Reds Pickett, Farrell. Best A. Jackson . Heenan, T. Jackson, Frisby . Blizzard. Pickett Old Camberwell Kent, Inkster 4 . Walker 3 . Lethlean 2 . Watson. Kyriacou, Scott. Best James. Seeley. McKeinie, Leitch. Jack, Wilson . CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 .5 5 .9 9.9 10.10.70 BEAULiARIS 2 .1 2 .1 6.5 7.11.53 Caulfield Grammar Will 3. Webster, Cowlisbaw 2. Baxter, Millard . Dicrosta. Best Brohier, Baxter. T. Royals, R. Royals, Dierosta, Keown . Beaumvis 0'Riley 4, Day . Kinsella . Quin. Best Taylor, Easton . Holt, 0'Riley. Quin. Fraser .

RESERVES (July 20th) SOUTHBANB CBA 0 .0 1 .1 2 .1 5.4 .34 ST LEOS E6SASAUS &P 5.7 8.9 9.11 10.12 .72 Southbank CBA Posterino . Rodriguez 2 . Jebb . Best Roberts. Posteriori, Jebb . Jones . Menotti, Sparrow . St Leon Emmaus WP Clark 4 . Oakley . Nankervis 2. Ingrain, Ottobre. Best Graves . Ottobre . Paxton, Sargent. Nankervis. McNamara. kiONASH BLUES 1 .3 4 .6 6 .7 12.10 .82 KEW 1 .0 1 .0 1 .1 1 .1.7 Monash Blues Spencer 5. Crozier 2, Dobson, Mumble . Beer. Feenaghty . Forsyth . Best Cotombies. DeYoung, Headberry, Trumble, Beer. Murchie . Kew 6tascitti. Best Mitchell, Bruno. Brassii, Rintoul. Dalrymple. Robinson. ST JOHNS oC 1 .2 3 .7 4 .7 5 .7.37 PARKSIDE 2 .4 3 .6 3 .7 4 .9.33 St Johns OC Blake 3. Connolly 2 . Bestl Archer . Pepper, Halls, Niclasen . Williams, Sacco Parkside Stuart 2, Austin, Pardon . Best McCall, Harris. Thomas, Stuart, Darrigo. UNIVERSITY REDS 0.0 1 .2 1.3 3 .3.21 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .9 6 .10 13 .16 16.19.115 University Reds Doensen . Mann. Harris. Best Symons, Ryan. Simmons. James. Kenny, Harris. Old Camberwe ll McCrea 8, Walker, Lenton 2 . Brennen, Provan. Cocks. Mudge. Best Walker. McCrea, Jackson. Cocks, Lenton. Provan. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1 .4 4 .7 6 .12 8 .17.65 BEAU§SARIS 2 .1 2 .1 2.1 2 .4.16 Caulfield Grammar Mathews 3 . Holloway 2, Tapp. Barnett . Bowes . Best Ash, Holloway, Salem. Shrimski, Klose . Tapp. 2 - aumaris Holt 2 . Be .t Sheldrake . Fidy. Tmscott . McNiehotas, Lewis. Mills.



Cl ST LEOS E : : iAUS v . M ONASH BLUES Field: A . Flack, C . Brajtberg; Goal : S. Ryan, A . Bishop. KEW v. ST JOHNS Fietd: A. Ladd, B . McKee . BEAUMARIS v, PARKSIDE Field : P. Griffiths, D . Kramer : Goal: J . Kelly . SOUTHBANK v. OLD CAMBERWELL Meld : T. Foley, V. Vescovi. CAULFIELD GR . v . UNIVERSITY REDS Field : S. Alger, G . Ridd .


E EAST 1 _ _ : Barry ic i.-.,;,, ,

There being no edition of the Amateur Footballer last week, we scribes get to fit 3 weeks events into 2 weeks space, so brevity is the way of goin g today. Chirnside Park is now the main challenger for a place in the four, with a big win over Richmond Central two weeks ago, followed by a strong performance in the slush of last week . Today's clash between Eley Park and Old Carey could easily decide the fate of both sides . ROUND 13 REVIEW

Bull een Cobras just failed to run Old Carey down after trailing by 38 points at half time . It was a good performance by the Cobras who wanted the ball far more than the C's in the second half . Even so, the C's were able to stay ahead and take home the 4 points . Richmond Central collapsed against Chirnside Park after an even first half. The Parkers dominated the last two quarters in a most impressive display. Eltham Collegians accounted for St Mary's, with the latter again unable to capitalise on an early break. The Turtles rattled on 7 goals in the 2nd term and were never headed. Yarra Valley OB blitzed Swinburne University with Paul Telford equalling Yarra's goal kicking record of 14 . SvAnburne really had no counter to Yarra's superior skills . Aquinas OC were unable to run away from a spirited Eley Par k after establishing a handy break in the 2nd term . The Sharks confidence was boosted by the way they took the game up to the Blooders in the second half, still, Aquinas had the wherewithall to hold on . ROUND 14 REVIEW

Chirnside Park won convincingly against Bull een Cobras to push closer to a finals spot . Justin Carusi, M ark Pemberton and Michael Simmonds impressed for the Parkers, while the Cobra's evergreen Shane Dillon, plus John Moran and Wayne Olney were unbowed for the visitors. St Mary's shocked Richmond Central and me, with their 34 point win last week . And they did it the hard way, kicking 4 against the wind in the 1st term, then answering every challenge from Centrals . Saint's backs, Theo Harris and Brent, with winger Black, were all prominent . Yarra Valley cruised to victory over Eltham, the Yarra's doing all the right things in the difficult conditions. The Turtles had many chances early but were unable to convert them into goals . Yarra's onballers, Peterson, Thompson an d Heffernan stood out in an even team. Old Carey's squad of Lone rangers went down to the teamwork of Aquinas, in leg deadening conditions 10

at Bulleen . There wasn't much in it at half time, but the Blooders had double d the C's score by 3/4 time and while the C's looked threatening early in the last, the Blooders held on to record a 16 point win . Peter Dunne and Mick Denavi stood out for the visitors, while the C's had solid games from Craig Popplewell and Chris Soccio . Eley Par k had a big win over Swinburne University, which will have them in the right frame mind to tackle Old Carey today . PREVIEW ROUND 1 5 Bulleen Cobras and St Mary's is anybody's guess, as both sides can turn on good performances when the mood takes them . Being at Koonung Park the Cobras should win by a few points . Richmond Central meet Yarra Vall ey and will be desperate to halt the losing habit of the last three games . Central seems to have sunk in the mud, while Yarra flows on regardless, so it is hard to see Central being able to match the running play of their opponents. Yarra by 5 goals. Swinburne University host Eltham Collegians in another day full of endeavour but little success . The Turtles will have too much skill round the ground for the Students and will win comfortably. Aquinas at home to Chirnside Park will be a top game if the grounds have had a chance to recover . The Parkers are renowned mud runners and will take the game right up to the Blooders in what will be an even contest . The Bloods should have enough in reserve though to win by 2/3 goals. Eley Park battle Old Carey to see who sits in the hot seat for a place in the four . The Sharks did very well against Aquinas in round 13 and their work ethic will trouble the C's in the heavy going . In a dour struggle, the C's should get up by a couple of points, but a win to the Sharks would not surprise . RESERVES winners should be : St Mary's, Yarra Valley, Swinburne, Aquinas and Old Carey.

Corres p ondents the Monday contacts are 9547 9144 and Fax 947 7764 .

BULLEE N COBRAS v . ST MARYS Field : A . Chapman, P . Maebus . RICHMOND CENTRAL v . YARRA VALLEY Field: C . Nash. G . Waldron . SWINBURNE UNI . v . ELTHAM Field: M . O'Brien, G . Gioras. AgUINAS v. CHIRNSIDE PARK Field : R . Smith, R. Burns . ELEY PARK v . OLD CAREY Fie(d: A. Kiel .



SENIORS (July 20th)

WK 13/7



89 58 57 49 40 41 37 35 33 25


RESERVES (July 20th)



-7 :

CHIRNSIDE PARK 2.1 3 .4 4 .6 8.10.58 BULLEEN COBRAS 2.0 2 .1 4 .2 4 .2.26 Chirnside Park Piccioli 4, Milkerailis, Henderson. Walker. Pedler. Best J . Camsi. M. Camsi. Pedler. Pemberton. Pieeioti. McIntosh . Subteen Cobras D'Angelo. Dillon, Thompson, Wagg. Best Mct.aren . Dillon. Wagg. Schneider, Moran, McLeod . ST FdARYS 4.4 8.7 11 .10 12.12.84 RICHMOND CENTRAL 0.4 1 .9 3.13 6.14.50 St Marys Stewart . Jones. Binyon 2, O'Brien . Huebner, Stephens . Black . Ymer . Theoharris . Best Theoharis. Brent. Black . D . Stewart. B. Stewart, Binyon . Richmond Central Cooper 2 . Andonopoulos . Waters. Daly, Siwka. Best KateHs. Shannon, Daly, Andonolwubs . Siwka, Zajac . YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 4.1 7,3 9 .6 16.11 .107 ELTHAM GC 2.7 4.8 6.11 7,12 .54 Yana Valley Old Boys Telford 4, McVean, Laing . Hetternan 3, Peake, Thompson, Rees. Best He(fernan, Smillie. White, Peterson . Thompson . Telford. Ettham OC Otdfield . Carter 2 . Hespe . Dwyer. McDonald . Best Solar. Oldfield. Bell, Horsborough, Dwyer. Morrow. OLD CAREY 1.3 4.5 4.5 6.8 .44 AQUINAS US 4.4 5.5 8.11 8.12 .60 O(d Carey Spencer, Addison 2, Hickey, Morrison . Best Morrison . Soccio. Mathews, Everett, Price, Poppleweli . Aquinas Lamimume . Cultera . Vank. White. Tamtli, Grieson . Pike. Hacking. Best Dunne, Vanker. Grieson . Tamlli, Whitehead. Lamboume . ELEY PARK 9.3 14.7 21.12 24,16.160 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 1 .3 3.5 4.8 5 .12 .42 Eley Park Hawley 9, Kay 6 . Hill 4, Bookluck 3, Comte. Dix. Best Hill, Hawley . Bookluck, Kaye. Bromley. Lenarcic. Swinbume University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received-



If shorts are worn they must be white club shorts only . If tracksuit pants, they must be navy blue only . If a whole green tracksuit has been purchased complete VAFA green suit can be worn .

CHIRNSIDE PARK 0.0 2 .3 4 .4 4.7.31 BULLEEN COBRAS 3.1 4 .3 5 .3 5.4.34 Cbirnside Park Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Bulleen Cobras Horsfield 2 . Carizzo. Humphrey . Parker . Best Pette. Parker. Sandwith . Sheehan, paatsch . Basiasin. 5.4 7 .9 10.16 11.17.83 ST MARTS RICHMOND CENTRAL 1.3 2 .3 2 .3 7.5,47 St Marys Bums 5 . Burt. Andrews 2, Harrison . Evans. Best Andrews . Harrison. Burns, Sadler, Drake, Burt. Richmond Central Don=on 2 . Jackson. Barker. Macak. Pearson . White. Best Manning. Hogan, Donazzon, Barker. Jackson . Jenner. YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 1.4 4.5 11 .10 13.18 .96 ELTHAM Be 0,3 1 .3 1 .3 1.3 .9 Yarra Valley Old Boys Dove, Reynolds 3 . MeVean, Rowe 2 . Jenson, Christian, Crean . Best Reynolds. McVean, Biesbrcek . Dove, Park, McVem . Eltham Be Taylor. Beat Taylor, White, Duds. Maddison, Phiilipson, O'Donnell . OLD CARET 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.8 .8 AQUINAS OR 1.4 1 .4 1 .7 2 .7 .19 Old Carey Best Cohen . Evans, patterson . Moulton. Hughes, Withington, Aquinas OB O'Loughlin, Clifford . Best McEvoy, Clifford . King. Paris, Harper . Upton. ELEY PARK 5.5 7.8 10.10 11 .13,79 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 .8 Eley Park Holm 3 . Booktuck . Dell'orso 2, Arundell. Bruce . Gibson . Millen. Best Arundell, Holm. Dix . Morris. Verde, Millen. Swinburne University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .

> EDITOR.iElL - Continued from Page 1

The second drawn 10 cartons and the third drawn 5 cartons . Step Six : Your club must keep to these dates . o All cards must be ordered and paid for by Friday August 30.

® Purchasers must be aware that tokens are not redeemable after October 31st, 1996 . o The VAFA will conduct the CUB Lucky Draw on VAFA Grand Final Eve - Friday September 20th . Winning club presidents will be contacted that evening . It is important to note that all funds raised stay with clubs . The VAFA, the Australian Hotels' Association and the VAFA's Level Four sponsor Carlton and United Breweries have all combined to give VAFA clubs the opportunity to save on fun, food drinks and entertainment: make money and win prizes .

I urge each club to go for it !!!! Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER




' nive::czi,inability to adapt its slick running game to the recent arrival of Melbourne' s notorious wet winter conditions has seen the once premiership favourites fall to third place and a possible last man standing lst semi final appointment with the current quiet achievers of E Central, North Brunswick. Clearly, their now appears to be little between the top four sides, with conditions, form and injuries likely to be the deciding factors come finals time . REVIEW - ROUND 13 (played July 13th ) At Artie Park a more cohesive Old Westbourne recorded its best win of recent times when it beat a disappointing La T robe by five goals. The Warriors used better disposal and more committed running to set up the win, which Captain Andy Horsburgh described as a fine team effort . Best for the Trobers were on-ballers Hollywood Brown, while Stewy Bland was a dour defender . Those attending the University Blacks past players function were forced to gag on their Chardonnays as the visiting Williamstown dominated from the first bounce to set-up a decisive 18 point lead at half time in the heavy conditions . The Blacks managed to pull up within two goals at 3QT but in an entertaining final term, it was the CY's that had all the answers, establishing a nice psychological edge over the Blacks by finishing up conclusive four goal winners . Best for Willi were General Lee, Boxer Shorts and Dirty Harry while Jimmy the Rat battled hard for the vanquished . As expected Old Essendon at home had a real battle with the improved UHSOB, trailing by a point at 3QT, but were able to pull away with a six goal to nil final quarter . Best for the winners were Magee, Steven and fiassir (5 goals) while for UHSOB my spies suggest that Mark Sedgwick was prominent enough to tighten his apparent grip on the E Central B and F award . N ewlands Coburg shocked North Brunswick early in their postage Stamp clash by taking a 2 goal lead but a seven goal to two second term was enough for the Green and Gold machine to establish the status quo en route to a hard fought ten goal win . Best for the Cobras 18 year old guentin Warren was brilliant, well supported by Kevin "Bonehead" Frost who kicked 2 goals in his 200th game . Finallv, the less said the better about the West Brunswick/Thornbury game, called off about seventeen minutes into the second quarter when lone umpire Mick Gilday decided things were out of control and players safety at stake . For the record, the Magpies were ten twins in front before the abrupt end . On a brighter note . Magpie legend Bob Baker celebrated his 3 0 0th game in the two's where he

compiled a leisurely 40+ possessions . i 1 'y" - ROUND 14

1 i ,T-ily 20th ) At Boggy Bundoora La Trobe won for the first time since round 8 and indoing so virtually ended the finals chances of a lethargic West Brunswick . The Trobers set-up the win by holding West to a solitary goal with the strong wind in the first quarter and from there on gradually wore down the Magpies and if not for inaccuracy the margin could have been significantly more than twenty five points . While all in Red and Black contributed to the win, there were none better than the EBI and the Chocolate Jetsetter while for West Jamie Gray and Barge were tireless workers . In Cyclonic conditions at Fearsome Reserve, Westbourne got off to a good start to lead at quarter time but from there on it was a procession as the top of the ladder Williamstown CYMS completely dominated the Warriors en route to an emphatic 85 point pounding . Best of the battling Warriors were Inspector Blake, Froggy TL omson and Benjamin Franklin .

No reports received from the Bocce Palace clash of North Brunswic k and U :__ but none are really needed . North's winning margin of seven goals is an accurate reflection of the comparative strength of these two sides and today's bye will give North Coach Mouse Burrows and his players a nice break as they prepare for the tough weeks ahead . Finally at Centreway, Old Essendon took a stranglehold on second position when it defeated University Blac k s . Lukas z set the tone for the Grammar with a 55 metre goal in the first minute and this inspired his teammates who used the dry the ball to set up an early three goal advantage from which the Blacks never really recovered . Two early goals to OEG in the second quarter saw the lead extend to four goals, after which the Blacks endeavoured to play catch up football, something which was not really possible in the muddy conditions . Best for the winners were Hutchy, Paris, M agee and Powerhouse while nothing heard from the shellshocked Blacks camp . OEG are now favoured to hold second position to the table as long as they can maintain their unbeaten status at home when they meet nemesis North Brunswick in a classic Round 18 encounter . PREVIEW - ROUND 1 5 Briefly this week : West Brunswick at home will endeavour to regroup sufficiently to upset Williamstown . It's possible, particularly if boom recruit Tornese fires and Eastway returns, but not likely, Willi by 15 points . Old Essendon face a danger


_ ._ne at Artic Park against an Old Wesi' i rne team I tat generally plays well against its Grammar coun-

t. OEG have done the hard work and will no t .- 3 host a his slip. OEG by 19 points . U tt~,ixersity Blacks side on the double rebound and in no mood for upsets . Blacks by six twins. Finally, the rested Newlands Coburg host a revitalised La Trobe and at the Postage Stamp little is likely to separate the sides . IT tip the Trobers by three goals on the assumption they are as committed as last week . North Brunswick has the Cougar inspired bye . Correspondents : Numbers again by Monday 5,00pm are Ph : 9379 14119(H) and 3616 3413 (W) ( ; F?-- : 2 E 1 .= )08.

J s . . C_' v. sY43ed Field : P . -,,',Talker, D . D'Altera. OLD 3STBdU " NE v . OLD ESSENDON Field: B . Allen . Boundary: A . Scherini . a£1B v. UNIVERSITY B CFi;S Fietd: M . Gilday, A. Harris . PIElULt31YI3S-CCDBU1tG v. LA --8( UI Field: M . Forde. NORTH B1tUNS C--




, ;,1; P-



Scheduling of all' :' Id atohes Subject to ground condition s

y` ~_?R8-~L6+11C= 71 -tTY 1 .0 3.6 6.6 6 .13.49 WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .4 2 .4 3.5 3 .6.24 La Trobe University Zebrowski . Fredrickson 2. Haynes, Wright . Best D . Edmunds. P. Edmunds. Fredrickson, Napier. Bakogianis. 67addison. West °*uaswick Davlies. Tornese, Conran. Best Hamilton . Bargiamidis, Gray. D'And,- Cannane. Coonan. WII.L' TZ`^1C S 1 .7 5 .12 10 .14 15.19.109 OLD, . .. 1 )U--.E 2 .1 2 .3 3 .6 3.6.24 Willls;. .st s G ;S Kurkowski 6 . Bezzant 3 . Harry. Greve 2 . Weir. Warren . Best Cook. Th I. Harry, Kurkowski, Lee . vthtting_ Best Blake.limmson . Franklin, Outen, Gibb, .OldWestrin2 Robson. OLD'. R 3 .0 5 .2 6 .3 6.4.40 U1BN. 1 .2 1 .4 1 .4 2.8 .20 Old I:at - h4eri. .; on 2, Capediferro . Clohesy . Lukasz. Pana . Best Go- Luuprscj Hexter. Panan. Magee . Steven .

Un .ro ~msitg 1sks roley, Hallam. Best WiegarJ. Begley. Pekin . Gotten, Roberts . n~a LAtdDSCOBURG(bye) ands Coburg Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . •,'t : ;iH BRUNSWICK 3.5 5.7 8.11 11.17 .53 )B 2.2 3.2 5 .3 6.4 .40 P'--th BrnnsWie'e Hodgson, Morin 3 . Moore 2, Miller, Kyriaais . Saunders. Best Whitman . Boudoloh. Thorpe, Kyriazis. Saunders. Tirchett . UHSOB Wallace, Cook 2. Koch. Bone. Best Strahan. Cracknell . Bone, CatteralL McLean, Davidson .

y 20th ) IA TROBc U2rT9BRaf't r 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 .3 WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .3 2.3 3.4 3 .4.22 La Trobe University Best Rooney, Bolger, Oliver, Little, Makim. Ryan . West P-rnsclea Ortiz 2. Rodgers. Best Henderson. Cook. tYewitt . Soldatos. Fithall, Costal: . WILt: ...._ .•"'p . . ( ff?AS 2.2 3. 8 4.13 7 .16.56 OLI . Ot 1.0 1.0 2.0 3 .2.20 Wlm¢ in C . - Mc Varnara Payne 2, Bubnic. Quick, Bons. Best Fowlie. Smar., , u. .,,. Hann. t'avne . Bons. Old Westl me Sfoora . Craig. Ball. Best Allan . Hewitt. S. Leitch. C. Ball . Craig. A. Leitch . OLD ! .. 0 .1 0 .2 1.2 2.4.16 IDON GT "'.AR UNIV . ..,11Y BL1,1 3 .1 5.4 5.5.35 Old I2ndan G. tmsr Stevens. Dudderid"ge . Best Greasley, Papal, Dawson. Gasa, Lutter ,hnlit, McLean. Unlcc-!ty ?7irc'.~: Stevens, Sides 2 . Jessen . Best Corrie . Jessen . Zahra Forbes, Graharr. Hc, ;.r n . PiEb7LAttBS COBURG (bye) Nemlands Coburg Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 .3 6 .5 6,7 10.7.67 UHSOB 2 .0 2 .0 2 .5 2.7.19 North Brunswick Papanikolaou 3 . Hogg. Hope 2. Cunningham, Webb, Briifa . Best ^-ndl ) . Dcuwrmn .Thorpe, Kennedy, Adams, O'Brien. :;,iSOn Terrill . Collard . Best'.man. Sciola, Or been. Collard . Pfeiffer, Rogers,

This Sat .: Collegians v. Old Haileybury FIDA Round 1 0 This Sun, : Next Sat, : NIHSOB v. Ivanhoe Next Sim .: FIDA Semi Finals Sat, Aug. 10: University Blues v. Old Haileybury Sun, Aug, 11 : FIDA Grand Finals

Sat. Aug. 17: Old Brighton v. Old Paradians Sun . Aug . 18 : Club hyltll Grand Final s Sat. Aug. 24: C Sec. 2nd Semi Final Sun . Aug, 25 : Avail. for potential finalists Sat, Aug, 31: B Sec. ist Semi Fina l Sun, Sept . 1: A Sec . ist Semi Final Sat. Sept. 7 : C Sec. Grant Final Sun . Sept . 8 : A Sec . 2nd Semi Final Sat. Sept. 14 : B Sec, Preliminary Final Sun, Sept . 15: A Sec . Preliminary Final

Sat . Sept, 21 :

Alex Johnson U19 Championship Final B Sec. Grant Fina l

Sun, Sept . 22:

A See . Grant Final

~ . ._. ._ R A melee is'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct" TI-IF AAAATFI IR FCtnTRAi I FR 1 40R





69 56 51 49 29 29



47 35 30 28 28

If a VA club has a player contemplating an early retirement or a suitable club person who becomes a V13 . umpire this season and then continues to umpire games in season 1997*, the VAFA will pay $ 1000 to the club supplying the umpire . (*Payment will become payab le after 2 games umpired In 1997)

Take advantage of this one-off offer now by talking to Phil Stevens or Sue Anderson immediately o n

95318333 . Join the line of excellent former Amateur footballers who made the transition to VA FA umpiring - Phil Call1l, Geoff f :ld, cl, Anthon y Da men - all former class footballers, now umpiring with similar class .

THF AMATFI IM FflnTaei I co ,nnc

Two weeks ago the Banyule Amateur Football Club had the (10) year reunion of their 1986 senior and reserve premiership teams. Allan Jeans spoke at the night which from all accounts was a huge success . The night must have been a good one because as this scribe described, he saw John 'Nodger' Keenan, Reserve Coach of that year at 8 .45am Sunday morning making his way to Spencer Street Station, obviously on his way back to Seymour . Yes this scribe told of the ambling pace of 'Nodger' and those sky blue track pants . He could not tell us where 'Nodger' had spent the night but one things for sure he certainly looked as if he had had a huge night. For the statistically interested the 4 winning teams last weekend registered the following scores in Club XVIII matches - 8 .4 (52), 8 .4 (52), 8 .5 (53) and 8 .6 (54) . Now isn't that interesting? More trivia from VAFA Club XVIII Scribe Norm Nugent. It seem that UHSOB and Uni . Blacks who meet today (27/7) in E Central previously met in the 1971 and 1972 seasons in B Section . They met in A Section in 1965 when the Blacks were premiers and UHSOB were relegated . Well done Norm some fine incidental trivia for all concerned .

Congratulations are extended to Andrew Leoncelli (formerly Old Xavs) who played his first AFL game last Saturday against Geelong at Kardinia Park . Andrew's stats of 7 kicks, 6 marks and 6 handballs would suggest that he will maintain his spot this weekend as the Demons take on North Melbourne under lights at the MCG . Interesting to note that Andrew was drafted at the beginning of the year but broke an ankle which sidelined him for 3/4 of the season . Great to see him doing well . Well done Andrew. While on the subject of Melbourne Footba ll Club it is interesting to note the VAFA flavour involved at the moment. Barry Richardson (ex Old Xavs ; State Coach) is Chairman of Selectors, Steve Laussen (200 gamer and Premiership player for Collegians) is runner, Andrew Leoncelli (as above), Anthony McDonald (ex Old Xavs ; 1995 State Vice Captain) is on their Supp . List (and given his '96 form would be playing seniors if he was not a Supp . listed player ed . note), Christian Davidson (ex Collegians; 1995 Equal Woodrow Medallist A Section, State Rep '94), and Rohan price (ex Old Scotch ; State Rep '96) . An interesting mix you would surely agree .

Mon to Wed 1996 Finals Information Friday (a.m.) : Umpire appointment s Saturday (a.m.) : Weekend game location s Sat. (evening) : Final siren score s &'rA


Cr e : ". V'" Se n inrs : All registered players with a permit. Se niors/Rese rve s : If both teams are playing reserve player must have played at least 2 matches of senior or reserve section football, also be registered and hold a permit . Under 18 : Must be registered and hold a permit. If player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 under 19 matches during the season . If less than 6 senior/reserve games player must only be registered and hold a permit - no other games played requirement . * If player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent under 19 final . Re serves: Must be registered and hold a permit . Must have played 2 reserve

ye matches and not more than 10 senior matches du ring the season . Club X 'VIII sections : Must have played in at least 4 Club XVIII matches an d not played in more than a total of 8 senior an d reserve matches during the season.

Other players who hold a current VAFA permit . and I, List Players : Must play during on the first weekend after June 30th with VAFA club . Must remain "equal" or in "credit" (VAFA games played after June 30th . Must play at least 3 VAFA senior matches after June 30th . I. Supp . List Players : Must play 3 senior VAFA matches before the finals . VSFL Under I S Competition : Must elect immediately after round 16 where he wishes to play the remainder of season only . No number of qualification games required .


in conjunction with the V.A.B.A. wishes to gratefully acknowledge the sponsorship and support o f

CUB's continued sup ~) o-Tt of A~mateur football benefits all memJe _?UiDs ~~~ci A ~l~yers. North Old Boys A .F.C . looks io? t~,Tard to the continued support of C .U.B . ande.dehds i-his th-ank you in recognition of all the support given to Amateur football b y Carlton and United B reweries.



Under 19 Section 1 AJAX Coach : Mike Zemski Assistant : Mark Feld y 1 . A. Carew 2, S.Ickowicz 3. B. Davi s 4, M . Page 5, J. Rath

6. G . Samue l 7, A. Buman (VC) 8. J. Beeb e 9. 10. 11 . 12: 13. t,#. 15. 16. 17. 16. tg. 20. 21 .

D. Massage H. Snow P. Steiner D.Mohr (C) A. Wiser D. Ones M . Rogers A. Rogers G . Kaplan B. Lewski D. Macro J. Rosens J. Ones

26. 27. 28 . 29. 30. 3t . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 .

D. Grosman (VC) A. Lust (DVC) P. Zattsberg B. Lukav R. Richards A . Chrapot J . Rogers D. Gelbart A . Sloane A . Rosen J . Sega l

22. D. Sutton 23. S . Whytcross 24. J. Scher 25 . D. Boo n

COLLEGIANS Coach: Eddy Galizi 1. G.8 riah

2 . B. Fasyh 3 . N. Fbreria~ 4 . G. Brown 5 . N. ft-al (Cap) 6 . P. WaSh 7 . P. Rddu2 8 . J. McBride 9 . A. hBrrts 10 . B. Hall 1 . S.Cay it 12 . N. 13 . S.Hatxel 14 . T.Van De rVerur. (41Cap) 15 . C. Harris 16 . S. layers 17 . S. McLeod 18 . T. Patric 19 . M. GrarptKa 20 . L Byrnes 21 . T.Cabael 22 . R.HOSkirq 23 . P. Hall 24 . Attain G . C Smyth 33. A. Sayers 26 . T. Ct am an 34 . O. Cahnan 27 . J. Won 35 . N.Lyrdh 28 . A. Lam 43. W.Hefrooai 29 . D. Bolen 4& R 30 . A.Gresn 51 . T.Proda 31 . T. Bartholomew 75 . J .Walsh 32 . D. Bedi4iekJ 91 . R. tsdl

Fff 4- j

DE LA SALLE Coach : Terry Russell 1 . ld .Chsr 2. P. Firm 3. S.Crawa 4. LF W 5. A.Fb»eid3y 6. M .Roher 7. C. Browne 8. C. Vv 41 . A . Pi~pS 9. C. Campbell 10. D. TessHr (RCw"A) 11 . A.Evarx 42. D .Jad59 n 12. D Todq(Capl)~ . M.Effs 44. C . A~4avon 13. A. Waters 14. P. McCormack 45. C . $atrmr 46. M. aHap 15. J. Hodder 47. M. F vd 16. M .Jadua 48 . D .Srz* 17. 18. D'C~ M . Abr 49.0 .Lambe 19. D.Ob, .. 50. P.A~~c 20. M .Km^-_~e St . D .Gtao 21 . C.SIa,, 52 . S.Harison 22. P.0'Cr n 51 P•Amn 23. M . ac . .n 54. J.DvScetl 24 C.pY 55. C .Hamson 7. G.H 56. J.Gatager 26. P.Wyx, (R~.VC~. C . Fu1a 27. LVrn!~P 19. C. 28. FA .Left 60. S. Toms 29. D. Hegar 61 . S.A&pn 30. J.Han 62 G . Helen 31 . A.E6W 63. J . " 32. T. S3vers 64, C, Courts 33. BWar 65. B.Buck 34 : Conroy 66. L Largaie 36.: A.bzdantosh P 67. 8. Byrne 36. A.AlboB 68. G .kmqtaH 37. H Maker;vn 69. J . Forbes 38. 3. Basle 78. M.S1adx{a ~. P.&asher 80. M.H8 40. G.Curan


Coach: Terry Mills L M .Abbas 2 . D. Water (C) 3 . B. Koutswastis 4 . L there S . T.Coorkvi 6 . 0. Kt o kr 7, 8, Clancy . Beek 9I . J 0. tFrwmarl 10 . L Boman It. C.ASmat(VC) 12. klDulrxey 13. M. Batker 14. B. Timor . 36. 15 . J.Fmdc 37 16. S. Kean 17. H. HwJu 333,, It . D.Pzdar 19. H. MaNwd 40 ' 41

20. I.tJcBunep ~

21. AMde~ 4 . 72. B. Lynch 44.3 23. E . " 24. A. tia~x41 25. P.TfsanFsm M J.Sowavs(VC) 27. S . Minorit e 28. M. Waters 29. I. TAb 30. A. Tak0 31. T. MotrJtercee 32 J. Saba 33. T.ClzrelaM 31. S . Em 35. M. M.d7ide

J. S1Ateland B .Ma" C . Frar§in D . Canon T. Paterson B.Ckary D .Cleary 61.Ek~ A. Ke eney


37 . J . Weinberg 38 . J . Hines 39 . J . Abo r

PH : (03) 9822 001 1


OLD PARADIANS Coach: Paul Digney 2. AP-Lynch(Cap )

BP. Witson

4. 8.M. Rwian 5. A. Were 6. S.Kng 7. P.T. Ran 8. M . S. Flynn 9. B.Wmdnm t0. M. Pkomer s B.L 12. M . Ed~,+~/ 13. D.GaaryNCaH) 4. S.Rdd 15. S.,Erius 16. S.HUrst IT S.Ftiashq 18 . D. Jones 20. K.KereO 21 . N. Pzdad

22 . M . Joyce jyCqn 23. M .CoW, 24 . M .Hddetrard 38. J.Ruhmk 25 . LBaker 41 J .Cdau 41 . T. GrabxsES 26 . o corm 27 . P. Ecces 42. S. Harrison 43. M.Gak~ 28 . 6tCW 29 . S. elan 46. J. NeJ~s 31 . A. Howard 48. J. Chad.4ick 31 . C. Tu~ 52. L Pidiatns R C.JduSlora 54 . J.Ymced 31 C. Walson 55 . J. S7.aia X S. µdrion 57 . 5.0'Ncd 35 . M, Ryan 62 . C .price 36 . B.Dsrlirusame 6i . R .51ud1 37 . D. Slerers 69 . L Turner

Coach : Mark Zuker 1 . E . Sedgley 2. D . Holme 3. F. Purcel l 4. S . Murray (DVC) 5. A . Wardell (DVC) 6. J . Berry 7. C . Banks 8. J.Charlton 9. J. Law 10, T. Stevenson 11 . T. Cioke (C) 12. N . Osborne 13. S . Gowling 14. M . Bennett 15. S. Dixo n 16. H . Webb 17. J. Miller 18. C . Jenkins 19. B. McLeod 20. S. Parikh 21 . A. Bain s 22. K. Rutherford (DVC) 23. A. Cooch 24. R . Tandy 25. W. Deague 26. C . Sibree 27. J. Larkin 28 . S. McKenna 29. J. Rigg 30. S. Humphris 31 . D . Hal l 32 . J. Wright (VC

Coach : Pat Hawkin s


I . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12.

M.Jones(VC ) T . Fleming J . Ka y B. Hilbert N. Alston L. Nisbet A. Heil J . Dyer S . Bailey D. Boland T . Bowden S . Tucker

Coach : Geoff Porter

15. 16. 17. 18. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 39. 42. 43. 44. 49.

L. Ford S . Hede P.Adami R. Ryan J . Danihe r N. Ockleshaw (DVC) T . Winte r B. Perry P. Shannon J . McCormack C. McGuigan M .lacovangelo T . Coughlan N. Irelan d J . McDonald J . Hardwick P. Walsh M . Chamberlin N. Barrett M . Mulcahy J . Drake J . Hawkins D. Calmar, T . Woodruff (Capt) R. Hoare D. Donati

13. W. Somerville 14. M . Innes

ST.RERNARDS Coach : Kevin Mahady 1 . B. Swann 2 . T . Pee t 3 . S. McKeon 4 . M . Hayes 7 . J .Ianzano 8 . B. Loughlin 10 . B. Overman 11 . M .Tankey 12 . B. Hogan 13 . A. Domingo 14 . R. Nutter 17 . A. O'Sullivan 18 . G . Collins 19 . C. Rae 20 . M . O'Callaghan 21 . A. Dunca n 23 . C. Patience 24 . L.Rogers 25 . D.Ferns 29 . D. O'Connor 30 . J . Mount 31 . S . Catanzarin 32 . S . Coffey 33 . J . Ballarin (C) 37 . T . Bateman 41 . D.Juegan 43 . C. Davis 45 . M . Dowling 55 . G . Cusac k

t . D. Van Englen 2 . R.Zampogna 3. D. Briedis 4. S . Horalewski 5. S .Sacco 6. W. Bradey 7. M . Postma B. A. Grant 9. S .Stella 10. D. Salzyk (VC) 11 . J . Hutchinson

12. B. Crochtord (VC) 13. T. Kenna 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

M . hetfeman S .Goodwin G . O'Connor D. tuema M . Cul l

20. B . Jacobsen (VC) 21 . A. Fitzpatrick 23. A . fielding 24. B . Megrath 25. N. Gil l 26. J . Van Englen 27. P .Copeland 28. C. Laws 30. M . McCartney 33 M .Jacobsen 35. S .Dowdle 37. P . Dun n 42. A . Moloney (C) 43. B . Steven s 44. F . Grech

UNISLUES Coach : Steve Carroll 1. C .BeMramne. 2. S .Brodc'ey 3. J.Cemn 4. R :Ckvk 5. D . Decal 6. J.Easiaugh 7. P.Faibank 8. B .Faua 9. B.Frkker 10. M.Hatz}ar 11 . GHarlon 12. D .Harrs 13. T.HaI 14. A.terclersun 15. T.JUmon 6. Keky 7, C Keys 18. S.Kuc It.'etess 20. C .Letrrran 21 . E. Lindsay 22. J . Rra ti nvy 23. J.Mcktosh 24. A)kKenzebkliarg 25, L Monson 26. H .Ngon 27. J . Nash 28. D .Fttpnbs 29. T. Roallocre 30. C, Ryan 31 . C .Sd&-,g 32. D .Sbrimori 33. D .Slradc 34. J . Sturrock 35. R .Vers!ecp 35. R .VaMardq 38. 5. tNi?eliead 39. T. WeL'e z

40. M. V% W

FRM~ 7~p~'O ^~1~+~ ~~ ► l~.d'. ►7

Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph: 9687 8722



622 Mt. Alexander Rd. htoonee Ponds 93261799


C j* 6J

(`HN a


Under 19 White BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach : Brian Cartwrigh t 1. I ft S. Driver I. S. young 3. 4. G.Akxarrdzr S. C. Perris

6. R. 7 . P. = (Vcaq) 8. A. Bryan 9. R. Shepherd

10. George (Caot.) y it . SP,.Fatr

12. A.pains 13. S. Boyd 14. D.Malhems(Vrap) 15. B. Greg 16. S.SnHh IT N.Waddd 18. R. WrBmns 40. T. Wiliam 19. P. t5go 41 . LCessata 20. T. Agula 42 . P . Edwards 21 . D. HoW 43. C. Basin 22. G.Md.aren 44 . C. Stallard 23. L Slat 45 . G. Taylor 24. P. Nagle 46 . G.ShaPard 25. T. Merrell 47 . C. Morinvelas 26. K. Selig 48 . R.L anibat 27. D. Daud 49 . M. Baralo 28. P. M;4inier 50. D.Gbver 21 P. Bore St . 31 R. Field 52 . 31 . A. Shine 53. J. SCM . Grew MP 54 . 33. C.hkWakrs 55 . A . Frakki 34. D.0'Camzl SCi 35 M, Osborne 57 . D. Shine 36. P. Here 37. W.Thanson 59 . B .Lelerve 38. S. .hrres 60. P . DaBO g O ;fl. D. McHamara

DE LA SALLE (2) Coach : Clayton Weser 1 . M. Chun 2. P. Fm 3. S.CrvNe L. Hall I. A.F'b~da7 5. 6. M. Fsh?r 7. C.6roatw 41 . A. 8. C. Vfip (R.Caf4) 9. C.Carr febei 42 . D.Jadaoo 70. D .Tessi:r 43. M. Ellis If. A. Evans 44 . C. Makieson 12. D .Toohey(Caq.)45 . C.Spanax 73. A.Waers 46. 14. P.McCamadc 47 . R Farrell 15. J . Hodder 48 . D. Sindtt 76. M.Jackton 49 . D.lan>be 17. D.Crcwo 50. P.Mareiu 78. M.PLraharrs 51 . D.Graco

to, D.98fien

51 S. Harrison

20. M. KmIpp1e 53. P. Aron 21. C .Shannm 54 . J . Duckett 22. P.0'C94ran 55 . C. Harrison 23. O)Caleghari 5 6. J .Ga63Vr 24. C .Moripme 57. C. Riker 25. G . Him 58. C . Clea ry 26 P.tS~ (Res.VC) 59. S. J~ 27. L.VanDerPF~ 60. S.Tlwmas 28. M.IaNeRi 61 . S. Abcai 29. O .He~ 62. G .Hegan 30. J . Hwn 63. J . Murph/ 31. A. Bid 64 . C. Bourke 65 . B. Buick 32. T. Silvers 33. B. Wier 68. L Langone 34. P. Coney 67. B.Byme 35. A. tktk44osh 68 . G . btg5ali X A. AW 69, J .Forbes 37. R . Malanson 78 . M. Stadwpe 80. M. l ff 38. B. Eisele 39. P.Bresher 40. G . Cmrz n

UNIBLACKS Coach : Damian Carrol l

ST . LEOS EMMAUS Coach: Peter O'Connor 1 . D. Lear 2 . N . Hodder 3 . A . Laurie 4 . E . Mitchell 5 . E . McLaughlin 6 . R. McCann 7 . J . Smith B . A . Major 9'. A . Daly 10 . D. Cashen 11 . T. Ludlow 12 . S . Vozzo 13 . B . Carey 15 . G. Simondson 16 . O. Brown 17 . A . Swanwick 18 . L. Newey 19 . T. Batty 20 . L. Latham 22 . E . Sheahan 32 . D. McNally 35 . L. Thomas 52 . N . Schlittler 80 . A . Auliso (Capt) M . Cody P . Deery G. Psaltopoulos B . Wilby M . Smith J . Rattigan G. Wyett

1 . T. Belleville 2. M .Buckis 3. J. ButtediekJ 4. B.Dillon 5. O .Fumess 6. C.Franklin 7. R.Gaza i 8. B.Gilbertson 9. T. Holmes 10. N. Howell 11 . J. Scott 12. T.Kitchen 13. L . Kirkham 14. A. Leddin 15. J. Magee 16. A. Maher 17. B. Morgan 18. P. Oswald 19. A. Robinson 20. C. Ross 21 . A.Sanders 22. L .Spencer 23. A.Walker 24. T.Warburton 25. J.Ward 26. R. Watson 27. S. White 28. M . Atkin 29. T. Gargon 30. A. Morrissey 31 . N. Roll s 32. L . Juniper 33. S. Dimond

OLD CAMBERWELL Coach : Andrew Tsindos 1 . 2 . T. Motloy 3 . M . Kordic 4 . T. Webb 5 . N. Board 6 . R. Watson

7 . R. Whitehead (Capt) 8 . T. Donova n 9 . B. Smith 10 . M . Richmond 11 . C. Williams 12 . A. Paterson (VC) 13 . S. Hancock (VC) 14 . N. Sims (VC ) 15 . 16 . M. Cook 17 .

18 . W . Hayes 20 . R. Scott 21 . T. Hardman (VC) 22 . J. Miles 23 . 24 . C. Mill s 25 . J. Heffeman 26 . A. Seeley 27 . 28 . W . Taylor 29 . S. Pickles 30 . A. Manuel 31 . J. Clyne 32 . J. Herdmann 33 .

34 . A. Campbell 36 .

OLD GEELONG Coach : Tim Killworth 3 . H . Troedel 8 . C . St. Clair 14 . E. Restock (Capt) 15 . A. Pootey 16 . S. O'Brien 28 . E. Jeffries 31 . A. Mims 32 . A. Browne 33 . B. Ranken 36 . R . Murnane 37 . T. Crooke 39, E. Plowman 40 . M. Pettig 41 . S. Peaig 42 . D . Campbell 43 . J . Pau l 49 . S.Hurrylhris 50 . S. Hogg 51 . L. Wilson VCapt) 52 . M. McConachy 53 . W. Pau l 54 . S. Cole 55 . J . Wallace-Smith 56 . G. Collins 57 . T. d'Anloine 58 . L.Ailken 59 . W. Gordon 68 . S. Bingley 70, D . Hall 72, N . Beattie 73 . J . Downie 174 . S. Lucas 175. R . Oliver

ST KEVINS Coach: Owen Hourigan Assis. Coach : Justin O'Connor 1 . R. Simkiss 2 . M. Gargano 3. S . Kuring

4 . M.Rizio(CapQ S. J. Pickering 6. B .Ouirk 7 . S . Ries 8. A. McGuiness 9. M. Furlong 10, A . Livy 11 . J. Hassell 12, M. Fields 13. A . Pivetta (VCapt) 14 . P .Greenham 15. C. Haddad 6. M. Pangrazio i 7 . J. Bowler B. G.. 0Large Brien 19. J 20. D . McArdle 21 . B . Marusic 22 . B .Oelahay 23. A . McKaigert 24 . J. Goldswo hy 25. M. Funston 26. B .Day 27. J. Finch 28 . A .OeKrelsa 29. C. Baker 30. S . Kennedy 31 . R. Doherty 32 . S .Radlord

41 . A. Gleevoy 42 . J . McGilp 44 .

48 .


WARRINGAL Coach: Har ry Harisiou 1 . J . Hopkin s 2. C . Williams 3. B . Kinnear 4. K . Conne ry 5. A . Rossimel 6. A . Karaiili 7. S . Attardi 8. B . Woodlock 9. A. Heard 10. A . Fogarty 11 . S . Yin 12. A . Camilled 13. S. Taylor 14. P. Witchel l 15. K . Ha rte (Capt) 16. T. Was 17. L.Sheean 18. H . Beale 19. T. Benton 20. P . James 21 . M . Peters (VC) 22 . P. Harmon 23. H . Reeve s 24 . L. O'Connell 25 . S. Walter 26. J . Anderson 27. B. Anderson 28. S. Playfair 29. A. Kirk 30. N .Haymes 31 . A. Jackson 32 . N . Miller 33. S. Hartric k


St U N

WILLIAMSTOWN C .Y .M.S . Sen. Coach : Gerard Bams 1 . B. Wouda 2 . B. Cocks 3 . A. Petzierides 4 . B.Forrester 5 . B.Twist 6 . A.Thege 7 . J . Clark 8 . G .Singleton 9 . S. Wuchatsch 10 . G . Burgess 11 . D. Macleod 12 . C .Bergi n 13 . M. Elhaouli 14 . L.Grochowski 15 . T. Murray 16 . M. Holland 17 . J . Matar 18 . G .Rickard 19 . L.Gray 20 . B. Robinson 21 . R .Cockerell 22 . W. Kaddour 23 . D. Bordignon 24 . D. Wouda 25 . D. Ryan 26 . D. Lee 27 . C. Mathews 28 . S. Kennedy 29 . A. Houli 30 . M . Elhaouli 31 . B . Davies 32 . B . Todd 33 . B . Macleod 34 . N. Magor 35 . S .Siewek 36 . G . Carlyon 37 . S . Dye r 38 . J . Hrycyszyn 39 . D. Krogmann



Under 19 Blue BEAUMARIS Coach : Peter McBreart y


I . N. McLean 2 . B. Thomas 3. M . Pitts (VC) 4. J . Wadham 5 . R. Thatcher (Capt.) 6. C. Ken t 7. D. Whitaker 8 . M . O'Brien 9. B. Nicholso n 10. G . Moloney 11 . S . Blackie 12 . M . McLeod 13 . N. Kin g 14 . A. Quin 15 . B. Stevens 16 . P. Fisher (VC) 17 . S . Mclve r 18 . N. Boctor 19 . R. Thornton 20. T . Cotter 21 . P. Thomas 22, N. Joh n 23 . B . Ferguson 24 . C. Cezaw 25 . H. Dwye r 26 . B . Carroll (Capt.) 27 . J . Vance 28 . J . McKenzie 29 . S . Fraser 30 . R. Codield 31 . M . Matulick 36 . J . Handfield 41 . A . Van Den Blink 51 . D. Sheldrak e 52. B . Valle 53 . R. McGrath 58 . B . Steven s

Coach: Adrian McMaster

~? 't,i~y~i~ ; ,L~? /'


1 . B. Lowe 2. A. Coventry 3. W. Campbell 4. N. Silver 5. S . Thomson 7. L.Chambers 8. D. Sawle 9. B . Lechte 10 . J . Graham 11 . R. Stumbles 12 . B. Hansa 13 . J . Babarcty 14 . W. Lubransky 15 . W. Bowes 16 . C. Goldsworthy 17 . M . Cutte r 18 . B . Samild 19 . C. Flinos 20 . S . Curry 21 . M . Liddell 22 . T . Townley 23 . D. Sandall 24 . C. Napier 25 . D. Williams 26 . N. Hayman 27 . A . Campbell 28 . T . Yates 29 . A . Beauchamp 30 . L. McMahon 32 . R. Haywood 33 . B . Hill

35 . J . Davies

J..`G .


PRINTED LABELS P80\E(03)94657111PAX113)9452h67 "Qaalilptn6els f orQualiq Clients ,

Coach : Leigh Bowes 3. A. Birc h 11 . 12 . 15 . 20. 24 . 41 . 43. 44 . 45 . 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52 . 53. 54 . 55 . 56. 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . 63 . 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . 77 . 80 .

D . Paterson A. Alderton F . Carr A. McNamee W. Clark J. Murchie L . Marget A. Brown C . Rogers A. Price P. Williams N . Bultin J. Raju C . McGuigan D . Strachan M. Balmer A. Remfry X. Johnson M. Dennis S. Toms A. Liptrot D. Watson C . McPherson D. Crewdson A. Witt e A. Lewis B. Wilson R .Martin R . Kent B. parnham D . Taylor M. Jackson J. Stewart S. Medley G . Rhodes L . Salter N . Remfry B. Logan S. Alderso n B. Mordson-Jack A. Palfrey


Coach: Craig Harris I . C . Cullen 2 . B . Marlyn 3. D . Varker 4 . A . Varker 5 . D . Ande rson (C) 6. A . Brown e 7. L O'Grady 8. D . Busby 9. P. Molin o 11 . L. Tregear 12 . S. Burke 13. P. Nelson 14 . B. Hoare 15 . E .Zuker(C) 16 . P. Allardice 17 . S.Osboume 18. B. Ari z 19. S.G.James 20. A. Aquin o 22 . H . Georgeanakis 24 . R . Dunball (VC) 25 . M. Dunbal l 26 . D . Ariz 27 . S. Blick 28 . T. Wilmott 29 . H . Tregear 30 . L. Muir 39 . T. Ly nc h 40 . C . Hutchinson 41 . M. Talent 42 . W. Armour 43 . M. Salter 44 . M. ties 45 . A. Quon 46 . M. Louis 47 . A. Duddy 48 . M. Karakas 49 . P. Apinitis 50 . T. Pucella.


MAZENOD Coach : Kevin King 1 . B.JQtmm 2. J.LeGrard(Cap .) 3. B.Jos*

4. S. Gatxlfri 5. P. Egan 6. M.RIky 7. S.Paducd(VC) 8. A .Kndt 9. B.CIBad 10. T. S~'ss 1t . G.JarRSti 12. M. Ra.rch 13. AWabws 36. F.fkyo 14. G. Yamg 3T. R. HaeAais 15. G.pascm.a 49. A.9rryttw 16. L. Evats 51 G. Jmza 17. A.Ounm 61 . S.Bhn 18. y.DiScah 62. D.Sdxfceki 19. A .McDaveN 6 1 21 . P.61xu7och 69 . P Fa, 22. T.B3ky 71 . D.tiaiao 23. T. Pope 72 . B . 24. D. Viard 77. C. Wood 25. J.Dwrw 27. W.Ocddo(VC) 23. A . Moore 34, D. ~ 35. B . Hat



MONASH BLUES Coach: Steve Rust 1 .C. Gregory 2.J . Baxter (C) 3 . C. Miller 4 .A . Bragg 5 . R. Harris (VC) 6 . H . Tomlinson 7 . W. Mclvor 8 .M . Lawrence 9 .M . Weeks 10 .6 . Henderson 11 . D. Collins 12 .A . Hickey 13 .A . Herrman 15 .A . Leadston 16 . D. Walter 17 .P . O'Neill 18 .C. Stott (DVC) 19 . H . O'Donnell 21 . N . Kazenwadel 22 .J . Cavanagh 23 .T. O'Brien 24 .6 . Hodson 25 .J . Hawkin s 26 . M . Wagstaff 27 . R . Burston 28 . S . McGee 30 . T. Cameron 31 . D . Jones 32 . D . Horsfall 33 .A . Lourey 34 . M . Oke 37 . B . Dempsey (DVC) 39 . N . Walker 41 .S . Millie 43 .C . Riordan


IHTERRATlORAL PTY LTD CAULFIELD Suite 3, 41 B B?utf Rd , Coach : George Joseph Black Rock. 3193 19 . M . Weilgosz

ORMOND Coach : B rian Keatin g


1 . M. Stielow 2 . N. Courtney 3 . R.Franklin (VCapt) Coach : Andrew Baxter 4 . N. Larki n 5 . A. Murphy t . S.Wa#m{V ;zpt) 6. M. Broadhurst 2 BLryiCq4) 7. H. Brown 3. B b~ 21 . B. Wass k LIRA 2Z A. Sirrrs 8 . K. McInerney 5. BCkb: 21 S ." 9 . S. Taylor 6 D, RA 24. C . Pcorirzp 10. M. Hester 7. P.LapftO,Va 25, KG:q: 11 . C. Bailey 8 F.CaEa da 26, C . D,.~ 12 . J. Argall ?. D.De2t 27. B.Cm 13. M. Mabbett 10. D.tak a T.SM 14 . S. Finlayson L %ra q, E.Daydry 15 . R. Cunningham 12. I. D.Watla~ X C .#e 11 61.TM1~ 31 . D.FMiQYC) 16 . D. Fishloc k 17 . S. Handley 14. AP, ~i D. U m 15 dfk..._~ 33. It EmTa (WC) 18 . S. herrman 18. &l<-'..d•ksa.s 35. J. Dlass 19 . T . Ashford 17. M.3;. C . S= 20. G . Smith it. C.' e 37. S.0fmry 21 . S. Metz (Capt) . 3g 19. AF. P. Ccnya 22 . S. Head 20. C. 45. N . P 23 . C.jackson 24 . 25 . M. Wrodarczyk 26 . J. Byra n 30 . S . Wiedemann 39 . T . Morga n 42 . G . Hall (DVC) 43 . S . Wrodarczyk 45 . L. Livingstone 50 . M . Wonnacott 51 . G . Kin g 53 . I . Ransom


31 . M . Cunningham 38 . A. Bryson 39 . 40 . 52 . 53 . 53 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 60 . 63 . 66 . 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . 77 . 78 . 79 . 80 . 81 . 82 . 83 . 84 . 85 . 86 . 87 .

A. Diamond D. Broadhurst B. Plowman B. Burke B. Karaminovski B. Karaminovski K. Gleason E . Karaminovski P. Davis F . Khoweiss B. Clarke A.Cranston M . MacDonald S . Duffy C.Fernando S . Price S .Holloway G .Davis M . Merrick R. Plavljanic R. Nahas N. Albans L. Phillips M . Slade D. Aiken A. Bourke C. Johnstone




Under 19 Red AQUINAS Coach : John Bourke 1 . E . Mascitti (Capt) 2 . G . Burch (V-Capt) 3. D. Heveren (DVC) 5 . L. Kane 6 . R. Kunst 7. J . Quin n 8 . N. Fredrickson 9 . M . Boyl e 10. D. Boland 11 . S . Moran 12 . M . Tilling 13 . P . Glennie 14 . R. Chapman 15 . P . Fredrickson 16 . C. Thomas 18 . J . Hunt 19 . M . Hope 20 . B . Griffi n 21 C. Brownhill 22 . B . Moran 23 . T . Huggins 24 . M . Reilly 28 . D. Plant 32. J . Bleakney 33 . G . Hurley 38 . V . Sorace 39 . M .Mercuri 42 . R. Moran 44 . M . Thomas 51 . A. Hyland 54 . D. Kealy 55 . A. Cultrera

Coach : Peter Randal l

CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach: Allen Cousins Assistant: S . Condie 1 . B . Dalton (DVC) 2. B . Miers 3. G. Kerr 4. D. Skillern 5. M . Holliday (C) 6.A .Mays 7. J . Cliff 8. A . Cont e 9. T. Wyngard 10. P . Allat t 11 . C . McKinnon (VC) 13. E . Westmore 15. C. Piccioli 16. M . Gossip 17. D. Butler 18. N . Egan 20. M . Banks 22. S . Cousins 23. B . Roach 24. S . Power 25. D. Violi 26. P .Brown 27. F. Vargo 30. M . Adam s

Coach : Steve Aird 1 . M . Gwynn 2. M . Steven s

3. A . Teesdale (Capt) 4. P . Shea r 5. A . Walkom 6. T . Gray 7. A . Littlejohn 8. S . Milliken 9. M . O'Brien 10. C. Woods 11 . W.Junkeer 12. D. Thomas 13. R. Silvenvood 14. P . Davi s 15. J . Snow 16. S . Gilchrist 17. C. Bir d 18. D . Ireland 19. S . Penton 21 . D . Robson 23. 0. Crane 24 D . McLennan 25. C. Tindale 28. R . Ea g le 29. L. Andrews 31 . W. Gerstman 34. N . Thompson 36. S . Romensky 44. L. Boyl e 45. M . Ford

Jones Lang Wootton

7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

D. Bellissimo B . Alford J . Mason T . Black M . Mifsud (VC) M . Karavasilis S . Moran M . Van Lint (DVC) T . Stephens (C) J . Blackmore D. Sampimon P . Diacogiorgis B . Colville

L. Murphy S . Collins D . Bedford D . Cochrane J . Carter A . White C . Anson A . Oppy J . Woods P. Busse R . Sal i

Coach : Adam Stuckey

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

R . Spencer K .Safak A . Costello K . Lewis C . Angus S. Wilso n

20. S. Detarczynski (VC) 21 . N . Beal e

22. C .Battle 23. S .Pratt 24. M . Heppell 25. F. D'Anna 26. J . Nash 27. C . Murray 28.

B . Symes (DVC) N. Armstrong J . Evans-Smith S . Moussi A . Reitano A . Sangorgio P . Toscano T. Marti n D. Cardimone A . Rubins J .Sheehan P . Hogan M . Randazzo L. Ballot

The Beehive + Hotel 0 Hawthor n WHITEFRIARS Coach : Andy Dalrympl e 1 . M. Tudor 2 . M. Vandenboom (VC) 3 . D. Fedele (DVC) 4. 5 . L . Eames 6 . M. Jongebloed (Capt) 7 . M. Winterbum 8 A. Lacey 9 . S. Gillen 10 . A. Davis 11 . D . Nolan 12 . A. Sandford 13 . T. Hughes 14 . A. Beattie 15 . R. Mika 16 . R.Tartaglia 17 . A. Glen n 18 . C. O'Connor 19 . A. Shepherd 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . R. Fedele 23 . D.Griffin 24 . M . Smith 25 . 26 . R. Pawlick 27 . 28 . P . Molloy 29 . 30 .


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 .

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 41 . 51 .

Coach : Leigh Coleman 1 . A. Andrews (Capt) 2 . B. Powe r 3 . H. Munroe 4 . J . Arrowsmith 5 . T . Wolley 6 . J . Gerrish 7 . S Natol i 8 . D. Beardsley 9 . B . Dahlstrom 10 . M .Shauhgnessy 11 . T . Morpet h 12 . R. Rhea 13 . J . Cade 14 . T . Perry 15 . J . Ivory 16 . M . Chisolm 17 . J . Newman 18 . D. Burrows 19 . C. Ba r 20 . 21 . S . McMahon 22 . T .Sheehan 23 . T . Cade 24 . N. O'Haloran 25 . M . Lapira 26 . T . Tobi n 27 . M . Greig 28 . C. Butler 29 . L. Kennedy 30 . C. Stanley 31 . E . Davatzis 32 . K . Noden 33 . C. Wilson 34 . D. Robinson 35. A . McKenzie 36. R . Baxter 37. CONSOLIDATED 39. TRAVE L


20. C. Mulready 21 . B . Delta Ri v




6. L. Ryan

52. B . Alford DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Ken Basso 97221697

A .N.Z. BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015 .552 013


1 . M . Roberts 2. W. McMahon 3. L. Crosb y 4. R. Badanjek 5. M . Bell o

OLD CAREY Coach: Peter Schiller

li' f

29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 43. 44.

M. Hutchens P. Maniotis Q. Smyth J . Zit o B. Gust L. Cleak L . Small J. Arnup G.Hendriks


HANG TEN Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hote l

J. Rsobrook J.Ccft T.Grzbawski S. Harrison K Gale J . Nc4rJs J . Chadxick L yfaems J . vinced J . Spria S. oNeB C. price to Stud] L Tunwr


Whitehall St,Yarraville Ph: 9687 8722

YARRA VALLEY Coach :Jchn Ma y 1 . T . Wapshot 2 . T. Hale 3 . S. Starxtlieid 4 . J. Reid 5 . A. Drew 6 . L. Dour 7. S. Thompson 8 . L. Morris 9 . D. Millson 10 . A. Badon /1 . B. Reynolds 12 . P. Ford

13 . J. McConnell 14 . B. McIlraNh 15 . K. May 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 34 . 35 . 46 . 52 . 69 .

L. Taylor T . Mcllraith L. White B. Wilson T . Tyshk:g M . Wear B . Telford A. Drew A.Cusano S . Cads D. Rowe L. Smith A . Lawton S . Seaboume A . Siebel D. Steven A . Lain W. Butlger A . Hartnett H. Van Kiae r

EIL®i/ii RN E



2 . RP. Lynch 3 . B.PVkitsor) 4. B.lA Phelan 5. AMdela 6. 5. Krg 7. P.T. Ham 8 . M.S.FfyTn 9. B.Wo~am 10. tA PIomiars It. B. r 12. bt Ed~y 3' D, Geary 4. S. iMtl 15. S.Jetddns If. S. Hurst 17. S. Mirki" It. O.Juras 20. KKeM 21. N. Bedford 22. {dJolce 23. Al. Coso 24. ldKkleLraM 38• 25. L Baker 4(1 26. O'Connor 41 . 27. P.ECdes 42• 28. 6t .! (Caft)13. 29. S. Retain 46. 3). A. Hasard 48 . 31. C. Tefraj 529 . 32. C.11usEOno 54 . 33. C. Watson 55 . 31. S.!l.ddaQn 57 . 35. M. Ryan 62. 36. B. Dintionscinte 65 . 37. D.Strrerc 69 .

Y~' ! ~ O:Y




, 0 R



Club XVIII North COLLEGIANS Coach : 1 . Lockwood 1 . C . Bacon 2. D . Hoyle 3. N . Sibbing 4. J . Gonzales 5. G.Constable 6 . J . Gleeson 7. N . Mothers 8 . G . Dingle g . C. Comley to . S . Hooper 11 . P . Ashby 12 . N. Comley 13 . J . Morrison 14. D. Wain 15 . T . James 16. R . Lee 17. P. Dunne 18. N . Hunton 19. M. Burgess 20, J. Gleason 21 . W. O'Connor 22. D . Crocke r 23. I . Lockwood (C.'Coach) 24. T. Emonson 25. T. Gates 26. G. Mathers 27. J . Gay 28. S . Messina 29. D . Meizenthen 30. S . O'Sullivan 31 . C. Sutherland 32. R. Nancarrow 33. J . Strathaim 34. A . Taylo r 35. J . Taylor 39 . R. Jones 56 . D. Howe 58 . P . Young 59 . R. Lancaster 60 . B. Kers s 60 . G . Oakley 61 . D . Kers s 66 . S. Gomes-Vieira

OLD ESSENDON Coach: D. La w 1 . D. Law (CC) 2 . D. Bellman 3 . T . Williams 4 . B. Gasa 5 . P. VanBenthem 6 . C . Fazzalar i 7 . A. Rhodes 8 . M. Pleasants 9. N . Di b 10. M.Thouas 11 . R . Musa 12. T. Tregoning 13. B . Whit e 14. S . Burns 15. R . Casey 16. C . Bishop 17. D. Hexter 18 . C. Hammon 19 . D. Reid 20 . P . Hammon 21 . M . Crowley 22 . A. Smith 23 . A. Tyrrell 24 . R. Boyle 25 . M . Howden 26 . P . McMaster 27 . R. Shells 28 . C. Vassallo 29 . N. Boyle 30 . D. Greasley

HAWTHORN CITIZENS Coach : Glen Statlworth y 1 . M. Keeney 2 . R . Lovich 3. K. Richardson 4. S. Bowe (Capt .) 6. P . Avery 7. G. Stahvorthy 8. P . Lovich 9. W. Power 10. P . Orchard 11 . A . Still 12. A . Tsoumbris 13 . J . Povey 15 . G . Morris 16 . H. Ousalkas 17 . D. Zavarella 18 . S. Timewell 19 . J. Law 20 . A. Hartley 21 . D . Murphy 22, C . Benton 23 . D . Tracey 24 . A. Wilson 25 . A. Hure 26. M. Wilkinson 27. R . Lord 28 . J. Morrison 29. D . Murray 30. D . Lauletta 32. B . Delbridge 35. A . Dunlop 36. S . McDonald 41 . E . Sil l 44. P . Rossitt o


KEW Coach : M . O'Dea 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25.

P. Corddon S. Ivak M. O'Dea (Coach) A. Tucker A. Morrow M. Garofiolo M. Doyle K. Corbally D . McGuire P. Bladeni M . Smith 0 . Maher M .O'Hanlon P . Sea l A . Lazarus D. Byme C.Johnson C. Curtain O . Niall A. Wilson G . Kalac S. Reid R . Guppy S. James

26 . 27 . J. Leonard 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. M . Quinn

Stillwell Ford

i{ti ~t;~u r. ~ert ~{c~rw

31. D.I , 32 Lkt,;, I 33. d .ISSta~~ 34. D.S'xra,1a 3i. Af7fan X B. U e4 37. D.Attv 33. 8. W?. 33. G .IJa:?,ax 40. R. Wes 11. LTaP 42 D.Ctts

HARP OF ERIN ~ -~~i'=ae) if,=--L STBERNARDS Coach: Brian Moo n

43. C.Iq 44. A. RM 45. Atlrt. 4& D.DaW 47. d1Yef 4& B fts 49. 6LtYtsn EA. B.W-Krm 51. D.Pucd 52 K. l b 61. d'•. .ra 54. A. 55. 1 P• Ob. IA~ a 57. A k :a S .f -Y u. Si _ ,h E7. J.Mars -I 61. ARqan 62 fiwebt 63, 64 CxNw 64 . D.YA 6S . R&a3eiYp E9 . S. Kze3

NORTH OLD BOYS Coach: Ron Holmberg 1 . J . Bugeja 2. M . Bevanda 3 . G . Carroll 4 . S.Lanyon 5 . S. Elliott 6 . H. Curry 7 . B. Devine 8 . J . Smith 9 . D . Foga rt y 10. P. Fletcher 11 . J. Cahill 12 . S. Hall (C) 13. C . Henderson 14. P . Heve y 15. L. Koutsovasilis 16. R. Holmberg 17. D. Perrone 18. M . Lynch 19. P . Considine 20. D. Pasquariello 21 . F. Miletto 23 . R. Christie 25 . A. Ryan 26 . A. Schmidt 27 . J . Schmidt 28 . K. Scott 31 . B. Swain 32 . J . Trimboli 33 . B. Pawsey 34 . I . Turnbull (VC) 42 . P. Vanderway 43 . T. Spell 45 . R . Dean 48 . C . Petinis 53. A . Pearce 59. T. Phee 69. J . Joyce



56. T . Reynold s

Coach: I. B.Y~=wnW 2 it• 3. D. 1 4. LV i G. t J.Vr 7. I. C.Y & C.f_1 9. ASdsaa 10. G.l xi-. 11. C.ttrch 12 C. WArpar 13. C.Chan It. E.lA.: Aa 15. ltaste 16 S. "s 17. ftAE~ IE Vied 19 . P.Ovd 2?. S. Rai] 21 . C . PixV I22 H.tV,.>a~ 23. S .Caw 24. N. GA 25. P .Ai 1 .'. . r~ 27. P. , 2d T. P " 23. T.

MARCELLIN Coach : A. Kennedy 1 . A. Kennedy 2. M . Comer 3. D . Boothey 4. P . Doyle 5. V . Paonessa 6. J . Hes s 7. A . Merton 8 . M . Nimmo 9 . B . Edmonds 10 . G . Cox (C) 11 . M . Lowry 12 . A. Barnett 13 . S. Lane 14 . R. Pertich (V .C .) 15 . A. Robinson 16. A. Keogh 17. D . Lowry 18. G . Lowry 19. D . Pizzalotto 20. J. Kent 21 . M. Kent 22. G. Banks 23. G. Basford 24. A . Bucknell 25. M . Curry 26. D. Dodoricco 27. P . Fitzsimmons 28. R. Holland 29. A . King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D. Theisz

1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11 . 14. 15. 17. 20.

G. Arthurson K . Breen M. Quinn P . hayes A . Denaly (VC) M . Creak R. Day G. Wood J . Comito A. Vinecombe (Capt) G. Farrugi a S. Gollant J. Martin

21, A. Kennedy (DVC) 25 . P. Moo n

26 . B. Schwarzenburg 35 . T. Matko v

37 . M. O'Connell 40 . G . Tota

44 . B. Moon 48 . P. Farrugia 62 . A. moodie 64 . A. Barnes 65 . M. Castles 69 . K. Mahady 78 . S. Denahy 79. M. Cunningham 81 . S. Bristo w

THERRY Coach : 1 . J. Beaton 2. J. Sandman 2. B. Miliek i 6. M. Keenan 8 . T. hewat 9 . M. Lawry 10 . W. Dreer 11 . S . Molna r 13 M. Frahm (C) 16 . M. Whykes 21 . G. Smith 22 . M . Devereax 23 . A . Fielding 24 . M . Jurcic 26. G. Growcock 32 . R. costello 35 . B .Hitchens 36. C. Rizzo 45. D. Lyons 48. R. Keenan 49. P. Kelly 51 . M . Doran 60. C.Jacobsen 68. P. Wessleman 96. S. Redden 99 . L Arsovski 111 . M. Slazyk 148 . G . Thompson 171 . D . Forbes

PRESTON 380 Gilbert Ph: (03) 9471 0733 Fax : (03) 9471 0753 BAYSWATER 160 Canterbury Rd Ph : (03) 9729 0911 Fax: (03) 9720 6554

IV OPi 1 G L

~~~~~ ~~~4M John D . Veal PHARMACY 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

622 NIL Alexander Rd . M1toonee Ponds 9326 1799 21

Club XVIII South




Coach: M. Selby

Mark Bo rthwick S. A'Beckett A . Barron J . Bel l D . Blackburn R . Bum

Coach : Brendan Moy Assisistant Coach : Peter Mannin g .Maravs(Catt.) 2. T. McHemy I. K 3. A.Cbssm 4. B.0'Drscap 5. B.Byme 6. 8. Hry 7. M .TI~n 8. D. J-93 (VC) 9. P7. Varga ; 10. D.Tessiar 11 . S.BN 12. S.Rvitl 13. J.Cblhbr 14. M .ODrica4 15. A. Bratrier 16. C.Taybr 17. B.0Heam 18. S. Tucker 19. P.M3mig(VC) 20. M .SbrOape 21 . S. G m 22. A. VS'mstekrcJ 23. C. Baake 24. T. Fa6e; 39 . J G.FSyrws 25. J.Mwphy 40. .J asm 26. D. Wdemson 41 . S. Marcepue 27. A.Carr 42 . P. Mtskas 28. C. Nary 43. T.M,ore 29. S.Gurr 44 . C. Rayner 30. N. Chapn:n 45 . P Scales 31 . M . Farrell 46 . M. Sharp 32. P.CarfSm 47 . K Farrell 33. 8. Chs4m 48 . L Pro 34. 8.EBs 49 . d 55Vnman 35. S.Faz:xrons 50. a ylors(etig 36. P.Fabes 51 . SJambs 37 . M.Fwnel 56 . J. Gataglier 33 . C. tP/ras

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Simon tllingworth 1 . B . Aujard 2. O. Young 3. M . Coope r 4. H. Middleton (VC) 5. S . Montgomery (Capt) 6. M . Godwin 7. M . Clunies-Ross 8. D. Bingley 9. I . Bowden 10, M . Bingley 13. N. Murdoch 15. D. FAunagn 17. R. McLeish 18. C. Knight 19. N. Moss 20. N. Tribe 21 . J . Deakin 22. - D. Hooper 23. S . Pryde 25. B . Langley 27. C . Winneke 29. R . Bretherton 30. P . Williamson 31 . D . Bin i 32 . S . Sheahan 37. A . Chambers 41 . A. Paulden 49 . M. Gore 51 . S. illingworth 53 . B. Simpson 55 . A. Aston 56 . S. Norden 58 . A. Cowper 60 . M. Weber 62 . M. Stasiuk 66 . B. Pent old 88 . A. Price

MAZENOD Coach : Danny Wain 4 . S. Garbellini 5 . D .Carter 7 . P . Dee an

9 . P .HaII~Capt) 10. T . Syke s 11 . 12 . 13 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 21 . 23 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 33 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 44 . 46 . 47 . 48 . 49 . 50 . 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 63 . 65 . 66 .

G.Janetski A . Wilk s T . Bridgland C. Varney M . Littl e T . Tsiavis I . Neil T . Pope W. Poulter D. Krom N . Little J . Boyle B . Hall F. Nigro G.Tngg R . Bourbon P . McCusker B . Welch D. Belle B . Hains P . Riley P . Vine L. Haley C .Jones S . Thompson K . Carmody P .Jacobs M . Quirk M . Welch M . Peters R . Cahill C . Lan e M . LeCouteur L. Head P . Welch D . Biviano L. Tod d

69 . 70 . 71 . 75 . 77 . 88 . 89 . 99 .

B . Harper P .Occhipinti T. Clayton G. Mann C . Wood G. Jones P . Fay P.Crowhurst

2. M . Jarvis 3. B . Stefanou 5. R Murray 6. S . Moody 7. M . Hal l 8. A . Hancock 10. R . Moreton 11 . J . McLauchlan 12. D . Cochran 13. A . Nobl e

15. J . Tregaski s 16. 17. 17. 19. 21 . 22. 24. 24. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 39. 41 . 42 . 43. 44 . 45 . 48. 49. 53. 64 . 78. 84 .

B. Morrison-Jack S . Hannatord J . Pyers D . Smyth P. Cantone J . Lockett L. Hamilton P. Neylan J . Uglow S. Kay J . Rattray P. Cockayne F. Magee M. Scadett R . Wraith D . Payne R . Smit h A . Rutter D .Joyce P. Greene M. Payne A. Willey T. Betts S. Carter J . Turnbull C . Haling D . Toniolo P. Bainbridge B. McMurtde R . Saunders M. Shippen


R . Calvert H . Cameron D . Crowe W. Davis W. Dodd J . Dowling P. Edgar S. French J . Geddes J . Hamilton M. Hammel B. Hicklin

T. Jackson (Capt) P. Jones N . Kennett R . Knight P. Law C . Levinge J. Mantello H . McInnes A. McMillan M. McPhee S. Nadenbosch J. Neville-Smith M. Oddi e J. Omond A. Osboume J. Pettit

J. Pettit C . Richardson A. Robson J. Sewers C . Snow T. Sullivan C . Walke r d . Whitehead A. Williams M. Williams D . Williams

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach: A . Cordner 1 . D . Milne 2. D . Moss

3. D . MacDonald 4. A . Coroner (VC) 5. B . Vil e 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 15 . 16. 21 .

C . Branchtlower A . Woodhouse S . Potter J . Scott G . Stooke H . Ingleton C . Jensz T. Read

25 . S . Hargreaves 28 . S. Cox (C) 33. 35 . 37 . 44 . 45 . 48 . 54 . 55 . 61 . 62 . 71 .

A . Clements S. Stribling S. Osbome S. Baldwin J. Ela m W. Houserman A. Wilson T.Osbome P. Harris D . Stanton R . Hockney

M. Atkinson A. Carroll A. Clark J. Carroll B. Pyke C . Whit e

jl~l,'};I fl~l)f':i l;)1l;il \ll'i ;<.)B 1 t0l ; ;

PH : (03) 9822 001 1

67 . G.McAllister 68 . K . Duffy

WHEELERS HILL H 0 T E,L OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Teamlist not supplied .


ST KEVINS Coach: Brendan Milla r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

M.Wharton M. Quinlan S. Bannon A. Bucella G . Gosgrit t B. Stackpole (VC) R . Marks

8 . R . Drew 9 . D . Nanfra (Capt) 10 . M. Menzies 11 . 12, 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 .

L . Davidson D . O'Brien P. Hooper P. O'Tierney M. Pabst B. Quinn A. Aloi B. Millar M. Powell J. Wilhelm

23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 52 .

R. Curtis A. Nantra L . Smith C. Smith R. Snell P.Bannon P. Hamilton T . Saultry B. McDonald P. Lewin

21 . A. Davies (VCapt) 22 . I . Wood

V .U .T. Coach : Geoff Fletcher I . B.Ditalco

2 . E.Burmeister 3 . T.Nucara 6 . D . Tanner 7 . P. Byrne s 8 . K.Vanderpoel 9 . N.Djinovic 10 . G . Farley 12. G . Ziegler 13. M.Robertson 16 . W . O'Connor 17. C.Russell 19. T . Williams 20. R.Papakos 21 . P. Cox 22. P.Cliffe 23. E.Midon 24. A.Cliffe 26. S . Case 34. P.Allen 38. M .D'Angelo 41 . F .Kilroy 52. K. Vanduursen 56. T . Brown 57. M . McGlade 58. T .Moebus

Jones Lang Wootton


s~ nwaf~_ CHM


E Eas t AQUINA S Senior Coach : Brett Davidson Reserves Coach : Sean O'Loughli n 30. C.Cofivar 31 . Lkrg 32. M . Varxe r wren 33. M .Co"sla 34. M.TanA 35. S.L'erags4mce X D. Phelan 37. M. Word & 0'Canor 38. C. TBhg 33 . R.Learey 40 . S. f@ay c:,k.Nray 41 . M.Boulan C . BA 42 . J. McEvoy Hj . FeM 43 . M. Salary M.DenaA 44 . P.Omne J. Hughes 45 . S, Gies G.What.twad 46 . S.Bethne P.Pam 47 . P. Earned C. 0-irn 48 . A. Word SFt{m 49 . C .Lantom J. Livingstone, 50 . A. Bettune P. Harper 51 . A. Hyland D. How 52. T.MUkr SCmery 53. S . Robertson S .Jews 54 . S . Won 55. J. Crouch R Minoan S.Otaglan 65. R Mont e T.Je¢s G . Word S. Ednards H. He A S. Koury P. Raps D McKellar & Boland S. H8e'/





Senior Coach: Joe D'Angelo Reserves Coach : Mark Horsfiet d Assistant Coach : Andrew Gillard

Senior Coach : Bill Gommers Reserves Coach : Denis Caine

Senior Coach : Adam Lenarcic Reserves Coach : Mick Marshal l

Senior Coach : Matt Ryan Reserves Coach : Kim Tucker

1 . RSdree.8r 18. R.Danka 2. J. VAr" 19. S, Dewar 3 a Pam 21 J. Moran 3. S. M.'Lxat 21. 1.Oakfy 4. LMd .esd 21. M.Hasfw:i 4. N. Cart~dge 22 . P.8ast~n S. M . James 23. M.SwuArth 5. MSlarrep 23. J.Rewn S. MK a) 24. C.SM9h 7. T. Wit 24. MOt+z & T. Mauarda 25. W.O.r€y 9. P. Goetz 26. A R»s'e/ 9. M~i 27. AGaard 9. KTuryq 30. C. Parker 10. SWa;g 33. M . B awer It S. Fatly 34. LColanai 12 AIssa 34 . S.Gay'er 2 D.thanpson 35 . T.Ke:y 13 . N. Berg 35~ G Lekkas 14 . B. Mal 3O. & LearAan 15. M.Strafbn 37 . J .Paalsch 1S. S.Wom 38 . G . Brown 16, M. Gannet[ 43 . R Calatro 17. P.CtwtChs 44 . B. Wan 46_ A Pimpzy &7. S. Stmtbn 69. L ThmnPSat

RICHMOND CENTRAL OLD CAREY Senior Coach : John Wise Assist.: John King Reserves Coach : Scott Macrae 1 . C. H7 4 . k Gales 2. C. Hiskey (Capt .) 42. C. Pcfpr.wel 3. M. Colon (VC ) 4. L.PaBerseo 43. S.Dslick S. D. Lee 44. 6. C.Can+pbe8 45. M.Smsh 7. A. Dever 46. T.Gentle B. P.Han's 47. M .Serag 9. M . AM= 48. M .Haikig 10. K. Slaves 49, R. Meaden It. A.Cop(IlCao) 50. M . Dawson 12. M . Spencer 51. J. Maralw 13. S. Jones- 52. P. Wkkurn 14. Marcus. Hence, 53. R. Foster 15. C.Hugfes 54. C. Ester 16 . M-loras 55. M . Curry 17 . C.G6rderrem 56. V Sarong It . C. Wnnevs 57. A. Eccles 19 . Mark Nance 58. C . Boyle 20 . C.Anderson 59. C .Mason 21 . J . Ecdes 60. R .Htghes 22 . J, Hands 61. R . Baden 23 . T.Price 62. M.SmlaO 24 . M .Yan d 63. C .Socdo 25 C.Good[311 64 . A. McFarlane ffi . J . McOw 65 . 27 . Ii .Vas 66 . J.Bayes (VC) 70 . T.Auk1;1 28 . P. Nance 72 . M. Bladburn 29 . T. AtwBm 73 . S . Brady 30. S. Feehan 77 . P . DaRon 31 . N . Everett 80. J. Bayard 32 . G . Neale (BC) 84 . C. Vfdh4on 33. P, ft as . S . C':rer 34 . D . Feels M. Eastharn y 35 . R . Evara S . Cher 36. H . Mariam S . Greerroood 37 . P . Bryce D. Laurence 38. I.Cotrtn E .Pddes 39. P . Beruneft IL Conran 40. B . Hwr~r

M44R~C TEN Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hotel

Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Reserves Coach: Peter Jackson 1. A NMI 41 . 0.Hwnphrys 2. L Barry 42 P. Hcei 3. B. Flagg 43. A. SWa 3. J. Dbaazon 4. K.Tapkq 4. I . Hanson S. S.Sharrmn & S.Pcke 7 . F. Bove & G . Mkon 9. D .Ways 10. A " It . J . Barker 12 F.Mxak 11 C. Pearson 14 . C . Sha:'do 15. P. Mich 16. MJenra.t 16. S .A^ams V. k Fawcett 1& M. Zajac 19. J. Maireq 20. W .CcSao) 21 . k Hon 22. K . Gcsdx 23. G. Coops 24. A. Jones 2i ADwn 26. B. Ross 27. G. Bmshaw 28. AWa'en 29. D.MAatl1 30. G.TaIe 30. S. Parlor 31. 32. 0. Vasz &+. LWesaA 34. D. Hot 35 . D. CaH'qs x P, Jackson 37. G . Praecus 38. S. Howe 39 . C.Hr&:n 40 . B. Kat?as

44 . I. Jo9'-R'kk-x 45. M. Stick 46. D. Farley 47. 0 . Barznce 46 49. N . Rare 50. C. Barry 51 . H .6tAjpw 52 C.Ar&xWuns 53 J.Coxet 54. P. Waezk 55. 56. O.Wd:sn 57. KWtal? 5& L D4 59. 60. B. GsaasSs 61. 62 63. 64. 65. G. 80 66 67. 61 69, R Tapley 70 . 71 . 72 73 74 . P. Cawood 75. 7& L Egan 77. A Hop 7& 79. 6o.



O ®B°E . MW " ."O, 3

1. M.Pembedcn 2. A. Sore 3. G.Slsien 4. M .Cansi 5. B. Pedlar 6. D.Trztler 7. V. P'i 'erm& B. D.Cake 9. B. Gray 10. M . Koepnaas 11 . G . Wyrgard 12. D.Pada 13, P. Cutts 14. S.Md fth 15. M. Warren 16. M. Walker 18. B. Ma.csaUB 19. S. (YCarror 20 . K. Gates 21. S. Gates 22 . T.Ma.:raKH 23 . B . Saace 24 . C .Demq 25 . R.Haadersar 26 . P . Pope 21 . J. Carusi 28 . S . PedJy 29 . M.Hanagon 30. S.Bond 31 . P. Egan 32. P. Anthony 33. A.Chmside 34. R. S" 36. D. Karp 37. W. Panbedon

38. G .Krrtrtam 39' Brown 40. R. Burke 41. G .Pifddis 42. D .Caamzn 43. P. SdeGng 44 . M. Bdenan 45 . W. Hussey 49 . C .PeNrs 52 . SB}}rne 53 . R Davison 56 . G.Da&ar


A.NZ, BANK FINANCE Greg Ski en 015552013

ST. MARYS Senior Coach: Neil Lelievre Reserves Coach : Evan Evan s 1 . M .Leamrorih 32. A .Gum 2 . T.Bwt 33. P .Slererst 3. 'vmg.clme 34. 4 . AN 35. FL Burns S . W. Mu"r 36 E . Evan s 6. S. Stan, 37. J.McCashrey 7 . 38. F.Hankon B. J .Sruao 39. RKmg 9. M, Hautrau 40. C. Congo .42. P.Feathersten 1011 T.,bres 11 . L.Ph7ps 43. A.House 12. RA'rvalcgbu 44 . Z. Ireland t3. M.Sfoddon 45. W.8ac1c 14. J. Rauds 46 . G.langford 15. DArdewx 47 . S.6'~ixmet 48 . P. ' 16. J. Duck 17. ABaurrs 49 . S.Mare~im 18. W.Ross 50 . K.Langfad 19. RHerdersai 51 . B.Fra4 20. D.S4ewad 52 . T. Carey 21. T.Ymer 53 . B.FAirtr 22. D.Weory;«k 55. C.OBren 23. S .Pre. Ion 58. TAuopar6 24. I.GoM 59. G .Russe3 2, M.LeL-,fe 61 . M . McCarthy 26. J.Hendi 62 . B.DuG 27. 8. Ste,rad 63 S. Dariquea 28. J.kaes 64. M.Scamncet 29. J. Francis 65 . P. Hartigan 30, p. Watson 68. G . Theolnans 31. P.AI:x, r


1. G .Cart 25 GFHa,H 2 . ACaDwJ 26 D.HawYy 2. AMnn; 21. D.Ka}s 3. M. &a0/ 28. D.An .r&A 3 GLaVatca 29 SLe? 4. D .Cxari 3d J.M -W 4. M.Waw 31. PLKaradars 5. C . Kate Y A. Stone 5. LKara>9»s 33 M.Cx+gxi & D. BKar 34. A.19 & G.&ard_y a S, Lees 7. D.8'r~n X B.Jusonceits 7. KPo* 37. Alesara 8. D. BOW 3& F Valac

8. S .CrAzs 39 C.Brwwdeai 9. G.Cmrte 40 SWan•a

9. C. whds 41. D.Caic4(F a14) 10. C. McLean Q F. Core It. AFealorAy 43 MMUe» 12 ADwslan 44 . G .BrokYxk 13. B. man 45. S. " 14. D.Brrxe 46 LD'i 15. ADx 47. P.SSey IS N.Ltc 4& AW4r4rym 17. S. Rage 49. A Bry'snhaw It. J .Vevrans % W.Horn 19, D. Troter St . P. Clear

20. kw(can) 21. S. Lee 22 . S. &a>' q 21 G . ° , 24 .

CN U t Liz i


"The Road Builders '

1. G .Smrih 41 . D.Sff*Ay 2. K.Tudtr 42 C.HrA 3. P. Tucker 43 . K.Hartahare 4. B. Haste 44. 5. A Hogan 45 . M. Ryan 6. LChrbe 46 . D.Hadfield 1. H .Han 47 . G .Hir~f 8. D .WooArad 48 . .Mw0 9. M. Lees 49 . 10. M. Barry 50, P. Webster 11 . G. Hansen 51 . M. Luttick 12, T. Carter 52. S.Pftm 13. D.8&1 53. A. Edgntnn6e 14. J. Stewart 54. N .Turray 15. C. Mad.iisai 55. G. Morcax 16. 56. R. Daiws 17. H. Leys 57. D. S" 18. C. Baring 58. R Keane 19. C.Dayer 59. 2D . J.S'sran 60. J. stem 21 . K. Duggan 61 . C. &stuop 22 . A. Lacey 62. M.B3N 23 . A.0'DmnaB 63. C. Cross 24 . 64. R Jovanntsld 25 . T.Sickknd 65. R.Wealbera 26. A.Glara 66. S.Ftrpatrkk 27 . R. Solar I-Clatle 28 . ACoSs 29 . J . Slardz{ C. Dods 30. J . clay D. Ekmr 31 . LJovanaski M .Gasparolo 32. A. McDaeki 33. J . Taylor G. Muons 34. R.aborn 35. J . WPM AOtiglay 36. J. Doody A. Slockdale 37. P. Hasb,utg 38. 1 Muscat 39. J.Coaierty 40. S.Y7i6 e

SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY Seniors Coach: Keith McKenzie Reserves Coach : Mark Johnston 1. M. Wane 2. J.Sr.ed/ 4. C.OeB'ab 5. RVebergarg 6. D . Crew. 7. A . Harroon 32. A. Finn B. J.Ha* 33. D . Milano 9. C .Surah 34. A .Fasynba 10. lA mkiston 35. T.Grknshaw 11 . G.Barry 37. A .Fanel 12. C. Bees 38. N . Muirs 13. RLeeson 39 . W. Lo 14. R. Good 40. B .Irt,e 15. MStavenson 41. C. Lance 16. P.James 42. C. BAN 17. S.Le^. 43. D.Wai 18. M.ShauJ 44 . D. Rairelad 19 . B.0'Mara 45. R Potter 20 . A.Htkflmam 46 . E.Sad&ses 21. T.Drrt~rd 47. M .KeFi 22 . S.Ftfm 48 . M .DeBono 23 . T.Mxts 49 . N.Pearsm 50 . B.Caaidd 24 . J. Morten 25 . D.6kFadisn 51 . B.Crauh 26 . M . EGrolt 52 . J . Pidrauski 27 . J, New 53. D.Mwphy 28 . G .0'M&n 54 . H. Laui:r 29 . G . Make 55, C. Brown 30. P.Tudc

YARRA VALLEY Senior Coach: David McCormack Res . Coach : Scott Alderson I. N. Ford 36. R . Pernakata 2 . F . MacVean 37. L Trembalh 3. RTtrornpson 38. D . Ross 4 . hiFurg 39. T.RWdaway 5 . C. WorsWy 40. M. Wnie 6. J .DKkwn 41. B. Dom 7 . J Downs 42. T. Crean 8. A. MacVean 43. H . Park 9. C. Ross 44. E . bmireman t0. D. M.tlro 45. L Rees 12. 4 46 . N. DOW 13. G . Polar 47 . T .Penakm 15. J . Keenan 411 . A. McCleary 16. B.Sm's7ie 49 . T .Lpoi 17. SAFktsai Sl . J. Ly4 18. D .La ngdon 51 . B.On -ng 19. N . Park 52 . A. Hartnett 20. S . Frarne 53 . S, Corcoran 21. A . Liresey .Cde 54 . R Fenton 22. P .MaAh 55. S. Taylor 23. J.Savaris 56, L Harrigan 24. M.D av '-ra 59. G .SIcepYwrd 25. T. Habben 6D. D. Dour 26. G. McLeod 61 . P. Telford 27. Lldclr4yre 63, T. Strong 28. J. Mactlean 64. D. Dour 29. P.Peterson 65. S.Jmsm 30, D. Potter 66. A. Usbroak 31. J. Dove 67. A. Row e 32. C.heBenan 68. M.Hoalh 33 . D. Inland 72. R Lawton 34. T .Clmfkld 78. J.Sca!es 35 . B.Peake


Malvern Vafe Hotel


A Section


SentorCoach:cLeiqh Cmison Coah : Robert Bayley Rolm" 1 . B. Mooney 2 . D. Smith 3 . B. Woolhouse 4.S . Laussen 5. D. Peters (i) 5. D. Greeves (2) 6. A. Smith 7. D. Baxter (1) 7. C. Higson (2) 8. C. Pollock 9. V . Clear y 10. N . Anderson (1) 10. J . Grigg (2 ) 11 . B . Mckenzie .' 12 . D . Stub s 13. A . Sheedy 14 . R . Schober 15 . Y. Phillips 16 . A. Wallace 17 . D . Phillips 17 . A. Oldham 18 . J. Bennett (Capt) 19 . C . Davidso n 20 . G . Dean-Johns 21 . A. Johnston (R-Capt) 22 . D. Kerr 23. A. Sheedy 24. R. Hartnett 25. D. Lever (RVCapt) 26. N. Mila t 27. S . Humphry 28. S . Blackman 29. A . Kenneally 30. M . Gailbraith (V-Capt) 31 . R . Schobe r 32. D . Thomson (V-Capt) 33. G. Irvine 34. D . Entwistle 35. J . Taylor 36. S. Harding 37. J . Dansey 38. S. Van Der Venne 39 . B. Jone s 40 . A. Kelson 41 . S. Lublch 42 . A. Vasdekis 43 . A. Greenway 44 . A. Parkin 46, S. Wooley 48 . J. Lemon 50 . B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52. J. Schmidt 53. S . Hobbs 54. K. Muir 55. E . Jones 56. D 57. J .. Moore Howe 58. A . Rose 59. M . Richards 60. B . Kerss 61 . D. Kerss 62 . G. Constable 63 . 64 . G. Tiver 65 . 66 . S . Cromes-Vieira 67 . 68 . 69 . D . Armstrong 70 . R .Conron 71 . 72. 73. 74. 75. N. Proctor




Senior Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen ResJAssis.Coach : Brian Brown

Senior Coach : HAILEYBURY Tony Paatsch Senior Coach : Assis . Coach: Rob Prosser Neville Taylor Reserves Coach: Reserves Coach : Chris Boyle Gary March I. C .tan e 2. D . A4aray NC) I . A . Baxte r 3. T.CI ~ 2. D . Connell (DVCapt) 4. AHarky 3. W. Byms

1 . M . Chun 2. P . Fiume 3. S . Crowe 4. L. Hal l 5. A . Flowerday 6. M . Fishe r 7. C . Browne 8. C . Wrigh t 9. C . Campbell 10, D . Tessier 11 . A. Evans 12 . D . Toohey (Capt .) 13 . A. Water s 14 . P. McCormack 15 . J . Hodder 16 . M. Jackson 17 . D. Crowe 18 . M . Abrahams 19 . D. O'Brien 20 . M . Knupple 21 . C. Shannon 22, P . O'Callaghan 23 . M . O'Callaghan 24. C. Montgomie 25. G. Hyne s 26. P .Wyles (Res.VC) 27. L. Van Der Plight 28. M . Lafferty 29. D . Hagan 30. J. Horn 31 . A . Elliot 32 . T. Silvers 33 . B. Miller 34 . P. Conroy 35 . A. Mackintosh 36 . A. Abbott 37 . R. Makinson 38 . B. Brashe 39 . P . Brasher 40 . G . Curran 41 . A . Phillips (R .Capt) 42 . D.Jackson 43 . M . Ellis 44. C. Makinson 45. C. Sparrow 46. M . Hagan 47. M . Farrell 48 . D . Smith 49. D . Lambe 50. P. Mannix 51 . D . Graco 52 . S. Harrison 53 . P. Aron 54 . J. Duckett 55 . C . Harrison 56 . J. Gaflager 57 . C. Fidler 58 . C. Cleary 59 . S .Jacobs 60 . S . Thomas 61 . S . Abort 62. G. Hagan 63. J . Murphy 64. C . Bourke 65. B . Buick 66. L. Langone 67. B . Byrne 68 . G. Longstaff 69. J . Forbes 78 . M. Stanhope 80 . M. Hill


5 . D. CefEer 6. N. Mm 7 . 3. Maitat 7 . P. D-Wn 8 . D.Cta&a 9 . P.Ha 1

4. C . McKenzie (Capt) 5. R . Buchanan 5 . F. Main 6. W. Smith 7. A. Hilton 8 . M. Orion It . M .0'Nera (VC) 8 . F . Capomolla If. T.Smih(RJC) '.. 9 . S. Rowlands 12. S. Node 10 . T. Chegwin 12. A. Wrk 11 . C. Hucker . B. Dots13 12 . D. Seccull 11 T.Brctlaid 13 . B. Carty 14. T. Mon 14 . A. Forsyth 15. D.Barksr (VC) 15 . N. Morey 15. C. Varney 16 . P . Thiessen 16. T.Hnveard(RC) 16. D. Williams 17. T.Baie/ 17. A . Hilto n 17. T.Tsatis 18. M . Constable 8. D 19. M . Armstrong (VC) 19 M..OGaA ~ano 19. N . Gerrard 20. C . A4ma/ 20. C. Krause 21. S. Pdan 21 . A . Walden 21 . I. N O 22 S . Richardson 22. D .Sherbck 23. M .SeccWl 23. J . k4ervmc 23. J . Mackay 24. S. BoMn 24. R . Lavender 25. M. HW 25. G . Rowlands 26. P. FLY 26. G . Phillip s 27. Vl.Ocdado 27. J. Dann 27. D. Kran 28. A . Pound 28. AMoae 29. M. DeMattia ?8 . N. M 30. R . Aughterson 29 . R Srerp 31 . B. Main (RCapt) 30. S. Few 32 . P. O'Donnell 31 . C.B :live'k(Cap.j 33 . G . Tanner 32 . W.Marsha& 33 . T . Johnston 33 . J.8o71e 34 . C. Reidy 31 . A. Toclar 35 . 0. Lappage 35 . J. FrcJpr 36 . A. Dowsing 36 . P. Fbtuism 37. T . Evans 37. G. T* 38. J. Hayter 33. D.SleadaA 39. P . Corrigan . R 39 .8xnbm 40. S . Duxbury 40. P. f.kCu:ker 41 . T. Oscar 41. B. Midi 42. D. Scalia 42. N .Jacobs 43. R . Pleche r 43. W . Law 44. A . Kirkwood-Scott

44. D. &A 45. G .pogus 61 . L. Head

62 . g. Sdq(ceb! 40. B. Hairs 47. P.fEtry{RDVC) 63 P.Wekh 48. P. Vrm 64 . S. Bourbon 49. L Katy 65 . D. Bviano 66 . L . Todd 50. C. JaSS 51 . M. Muray 67 . G.McAti.clO 52 . S. Thunlam 68 . K. Ddfy 53 . K Camwij E8 . B. Harp 54 . P. Jacobs 10. P.Ocdfpdi 55 . L{ 0tA 71. T .CIZ bri 56 . M, ytelui 75. G. Mam 57. MPetas 88. M.CaAtie 58. RCali7 99. P .Craoiesf 59. C. Law 60. M.LeCaReur

45. N . Hill

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52 . 53 . 54 .

B . Mitchell D . Scoffen D . Bum B. Wignall A. Bonwick T. Boothman R . Harrison B. Wignall M. Schmid t

55 . C. Ladds (RVCap[) 56 . P. Kyl e 57 . B. Ladds 58 . 59 . 60.

OLD MELBURNIANS Senior Coach: Sean Ralphsmith Reserves Coach: Guy Nelson Assistant Coach: Archie Salek 1 . A . Witts 2. S . Theodore 3. J ..Staritski 4. B . EIIin ghaus 5. N . Boyden 6. P . Handbu ry 7. C . Thompson 8. M. Lovett 9. T. Smith 10 . P. O'Brien 11 . A . Thompson 12 . A . Hewitt 13 . S. Rose 14 . J. Bunn 15 . S. Bromell 16 . C . Eabry 18 . O . Keeble 19 . J. Correll 20 . A. Salek 21 . D. Strooper 22. L. Bunn 23. M . Ber ry 24. N. Sereda 25. M . Pruden 26. C. Kennedy 27. C. Bryan 28. S . Rabbitt 29. C. Susa 30. I . McMullin 31 . J . Ha rt 32 . R. Webb 33. G. Dixon

34 . C.Anastasakis 35 . D .Brown 36 . A . McKeon 37 . S . Eab ry 38 . R . Eggieton 39 . S . Madden 40 . S. Middleton 41 . G . Wilhelm 42 . P. Theodore 43 . O . Boyd 44 . A. McDougall 45 . Z. Useinov 46 . H . W ri gh t 47. J. Power 48. S . Walsh 49. T . Stuckey 50. P. Madnis 51 . D. Corbin 52. B . Campbell 53. B . Crump 54. 1 . Patterson 55. M . Burgess 56. M . Eilinghaus 57. R . Morley 58. D . Clements 60. J . Raftopoulos 61 . B . Luckock 62 . R . Morrell 63. B . Telford 64 . A . Nelson 65 . 66 . L . Boyd 67 . B. Vile 68 . A. Henshaw 71 .

72 . 73 . 7e

WHEELERS HILL H 0 T E L PH: (03) 9822 001 1


oAFc OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach: Wayne Hermes Reserves Coach: Simon Tallen t 1 . K . Stokes 2 . J . Hosking (VC) 3 . S . Duthi e 4 . T. Holt 5 . R . Price 6 . A . Millar 7 . J . Hughes 8 . C . Reid 9 . R . Aujard 10 . J . Kerr 12 . S . Hume 13 . N . Hooper 14 . D . Norman 15 . D . McCall 16 . A. Spee d 17 . S. Woodhouse 18 . A . Nettleton 19 . S. Spiden 20. T. Wilson 21 . S. Gibbs 22. L . McDonnell 23. D . Walsh 24. M. Angus 25. T. Pritchard 26. B. Phillips 27. C . Winneke 28. S. Teesdale 29. C . Heat h 30. J. Laird (DVC) 31 . A. Smit h 32. S. Grig g 31 J. Hannemann 34. D . Steel e 35. S. Steele (Capt) 36. M. Daviso n 37. E. Montgomery 38. C . Hosking 39. A. Cowper 40. A. Warner 41 . A. Castricum 42. A. Gibbs 43. J. Paterson 44. D . Tracy 45. A. Stubbs 46. G .Jonas 47. N . Morris 48. R . Hardy 49. M. Gore 50. D . Pel l 52. R . Gregory 53. P.Gaidzkar 54. B. Aujard 55. S. Montgomery 56. J. Schonfelder 57. N . Strang 58 . R . Hardy 60. M. Weber

OLD XAVERIANS Senior Coach : Nick Bourke Reserves Coach: 1 . M . Blood (DVC) 2 . M. Bourke (VC) 3 . M. Hannebery (C) 4 . D. Landrigan 5 . N. Cook 6 . A. Keyho e 7 . P.Tuddenham 8 . M. Holmes 9 . S. Hawkins 10 . S. Colquhoun 11 . A.Jone s 12 . J. Bowan 13 . C. Ellis 14 . L. Ford 15 . A. McLean 16 . T .Ockleshaw 17 . D. Richardson 18 . S . Hunte r 19 . M . Lloyd 20 . B . Buckley 21 . L. Hanebery 22 . A. Bourke 23 . A. McDonald 24 . B. Coughlan 25 . D. Tapping 26 . A. Nei l 27 . L. Fay 28 . R. Clarke 29 . S. Wood 30 . D.Dann 31 . S. Mollard 32 . A. Brushfield 33 . A. Sassi 34 . A. Bell i 35 . C. Mortensen 36 . P. Barrett 37 . A. Landrigan 38 . M. McClelland 40 . T. Nelso n 42 . J. Lowe (RCapt) 44 . J. Petroff 45 . D . O'Tool e 46 . C . Andronopoulos 47 . J. Dalirangle 48 . M. Logan 49 . P. Lachte 50 . N . Fay 51 . D . Walsh 52 . M. O'Callaghan 53 . A. Kearn s 54 . M. Brennan 55 . A. Long 56 . M. Stones 57 . G . Short 58 . D. Bel l 59 . M . Hardman 61 . S . Natill i 65 . A.Jone s 66 . Panagiotopoulos




Senior Coach : Geoff Reilley Assistant Coach: Russell Barnes Reserves Coach: Peter Purcell 1 . A. Jobling 2. C. Symes 3. A. Orr 4. A. Grace (DVC) 5. B. Turner 6. T . Gallagher 7. B. Connell (C ) 8. M . Gilmore (DVC) 9. A. Forres t

Senior Coach : Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach : Andrew Nathan

Senior Coach : Grant Williams Reserves Coach: Barry Neivand t

10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15.

P. Marnow D. Edgell N. Sebo P. Kingston S. James M . McConvill

t6. T . Stewart (RCapt) 17. E. Fraser 18. S. Ryan 19. D. Cieary 20. D. Wood 21 . J . Brown 22. R. Block 23. P. McDonald 24. J. Collin s 25. M . Wrodarczyk 26. D. Connel l 27. T . Hille (DVC) 28. B. Collin s 29. D. Whelan

30. S. Wiedemann 31 . B. Egan 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

A. Kukuljan M . Shepherd R. Remman G . Bailey S. Mackey R . Presse r

38. P. Milner (RVC) 39. T. Morgan 40. G . Lehner 41 . G . Hal l 42 . C . Keleher 43. S. Wrodarczyk 44. L. Mulcahy 45. L. Livingstone 46. C. Spagnol 47. R . Keating 48. W. Block

49. M. O'Halloran 50 . M. Wannacott 51 . G . Kin g 52 . N . Wells 53 . I . Ranson 54. L . Fraser 55. K. Alexander 56. S. Eccles 57. R . Barnes 58. W . Hourigan 59. G . Sneddon 60. M. Atkinson 77. S.Handley

I . A . Comito 2. T. Dobson

3. T.Backhouse 4. V . Comit o 5. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 21 .

R . Doolan S . Ryan C . Wood S . Parrett A . Capes J . Kennedy G. Matthewes P .Capes B . Hogan S .McKeon S . Doran L. Overman D . Sawicki M . Conroy L. Vassallo L.Gollant (C) T.Sheehan B . Loughlin J. o C .Calthorpe Camill (DVC)

22. 22. P . Daile y

23. B . Hom 23. D . Patience 24. J . Anderson 25. P . Hayes 26. J . Gollant (VC) 27. A . Nathan (CR) 28. P . Gilmour ,9* J . Overman 30. J . Mount 31 . T. Yor k 32. S . Chatfield 32. P . Runting 33. P . Ro gerson 34. M . Daffev 35. B . Chatfield 36. C.Bond 37. T. Bateman 37. A . Brebner 38. A . Di Mingo 38. D. McAllister 39. S . Byrne 40. J . Ballarin 41 . D.Juegan 42. M . Marshall 43. B .Teague 44. S .Taylor 45. M . Farmer 46. G. Morrish 47. C. Perrett 48. A . Farmer 49. D. Solomon 50. R. Edwards 51 . N . Lynch 52. F.Cataltamo 53. J . Kavanagh 54. G. Smith 55. S . Mart in 56. M . Wri ght 57. J .Jones

Jones Lang Wootton


622 hiL Alexander Rd. Afoonee Pond s


1. 2. 3. 4.

D. Slimmon T . Hutchins S. Kirsanovs J. Frith

5. P. O'Donnell 6. B. Blood 7. D.Hayter 8 . M . Thomas 9. S. Mead e

10. S. Stevenso n 12. H.Worsley (Capt) 13. G. Evans 14. J. Buckley 15. P.Stephens (RCapt) 16. D. Gust

17. J. Kanis 18. G . Markley 19. B. Herrald 20. R. Polkinghorne 21 . T. McIntyre 22. A. Nugent 23. B. Furphy 24 . R. Calnon 25 . A. Henderson 26 . N.Cavalier 27 . B. Fricker 28 . D. Bolton 29 . S. Ku c

30 . G . Allardice 31 . M . Mudg e 31 . R. Vandenberg 32 . J. Gamau t 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 .

L . Twaddle R. Furphy M . Jukes S. Kewell A. Lennen M. Unsworth S. Henderson A. Mitchell R. Dodd s

45 . G . McLachlan 46 . D. Gun n

47 . T. Rourke 48 . C. Miles 49, P. Seller 50 . H. Nailon 51 . S. McMahon 52 . S. Longley 53 . T. Whitehead 55 . C .Stewart 56 . A. Farra r 58 . T. Miskin 59 . A. Collins 60 . A. Wilcox 61 . A. Wilson 63 . A. Muller 65 . A. McLeod 66 . M.Starick 67 . D . McAloon 72 . J. Norman (RCapt )

B Section

_~; GANYULE Senior Coach : Rick Brockwell Reserves Coach : Tim Bell 1 . B . Kinear 2. D . Witcheli (VC) 3. L. Holt 4. T. Gloury 5 . B . Wilmore (DVCapt) 6 . P . Williams (ResC) 7 . S . Richmon d 8 . R. Williams 9 . G . Sutterby 10 . J . Fortune 11 . T . Short 12 . J . Egan 13 . M . O'Brien 14 . P . Healy 15 . S. Gray 16 . D. Mayne 17 . A. Steve n 18 . J. Turnbull (DVCapt) 19, D . Stephens 20. S. Playfai r 21 . R . Dintinosante 22. J. Gilha m 23. M . Gray 24. C . Wilkes 25. G. Jorda n 26. H . McDermott 27 . W. Keenan 28 . D . Fabri s 29 . M . Creek 30 . L. O'Connell 31 . C. Bassett 32 . G . Laurie 33 . D. Glass 34 . C. Stevens 35 . A. Hardie 36 . D. Tyler 37 . G . Bassett 38 . G . Riches 39 . C . Head 40. M. Keene 41 . M. Wheelan 42 . T. Egan 43. L . Ferrell 44. M. Moore 45. M . Gilber t 46. P . Agostinelli (RVC) 47. R . Smith 48. B . Gillies 49. D . Barker 50. G. Gent 52. D . Noonan 55 . D . Williams 56 . B . Grindle



BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Reserves Coach : Craig Heard 1 . J . Prior 2. S . Driver 3. S . Young 4. G . Alexander 5. C. Parris 6 . R. Minney 7 . P. Robertson (Vcapt) 8 . A. Brya n 9 . R . Shepherd 10 . P. George (Capt.) 11 . S. Farloy

12 . A. Parris 13 . S. Boyd 14 . D . Mathews (Vcapt) 15 . B . Greig 16 . S . Smith 17. N . Waddel 18 . R . Williams 19. P . Nigro 20. T. Agosta 21 . D. Hooper 22. G . McLaren 23. L. Stott 24. P . Nagle 25. T . Merrett 26. K. Stelling 27 . D. Doud 28 . P . Mutimer 29 . P . Bone 30 . R. Field 31 . A. Shine 32 . P. Graham 33 . C . McWaters 34 . D . O'Connell 35 . M. Osborne 36 . P. Hare 37 . W . Thomson 38 . S . Jame s 39 . D . McNamara 40 . T. Matthews 41 . L . Cessario 42 . P . Edwards 43. C . Beams 44. C . Shallard 45 . G. Taylor 46. G. Shallard 47. C . Morihovitas 48. R. Lambert 49. M . Bellato 50. D. Glover 51 . 52. 53. J . Scott 54 . 55 . A. Franklin 56 . 57 . D. Shine 58 . 59 . B. Leferve 60 . P. Dallogi o


M .H .S.O .B .


Senior Coach: Doug Gott Rese rv es Coach : John Ma tthew

Senior Coach : Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Colin Drake

Senior Coach: Peter O'Connor Rese rves Coach : Brandon Smales

I . J . Bamert 2 . A. Howard 3 . D. Woodley 4 . R . Vemra S . D . Fleming 6 . C . Young 6. S. Harries 7 . B. McGrath 7. J. Pertzel 8. J . Dixon

I . C . McKay 2 . D . Waters 3. O. Abrahams 4. P. Sullivan 5 . C . Kitney 6. M . Robinson 7. P . Booth 7. S . Sleep 8. B . Collison 9. L. Curry 10. S . Evans 11 . P . Tatter 12. J . Curran 12. M . Sammon 13 . B . Curulli 14 . S . Cheshire 15 . P . Kearney 16 . C. Wheeler 17 . M . Maguire 17 . M . Anderson 18 . J. Murray 19 . P. Considine 20 . J. Sutherland 21 . N . Mulqiney 22 . M. Connolly 23 . C . McMahon 24 . J. Barker 25 . P. Brya r 26 . P. Dwyer 27 . M. Gravina 28. D . O'Farrell 29. M. Sammon 30. M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32. D . Boyer 33. J . Mollroy 34. B . Conti 35. S . Manassa 36. D. Tonkin 37. S . Mikunda 38 . A . Sweeney 39 . D. Bec k 40 . 41 . L. Curran 42 . T . Cleveland 43 . J . Lowrie 44 . M . McIntyre 45 . A. Zanatta 46 . C. Hanley 47 . P. O'Dwyer 48 . B. Pawsey 49 . J. Trimboli 50 . C . Bailey 51 . 52 . T. Jamieson 53. M.Murone 54. A . Trimboli 55 . S . Drum 56. A . Twis t 57. L. Koutsovasilis 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62. M . Fennelly 63. R . Gale 64. 65. 66. 67 .

I. R .Aashag 2. P.LaRosa 3. C .Tudcer 4. M.Mard 5 . P.Marwfal 6 . D . Fra* 7 . P . Raaky 8 . R.Had 9 . M.Tled^nray 10. G.KercceQi 11 . S.t,bOry 12. L. Strdh 13. S. 11a04*2 14. P. Rim S. T. is 1& R.G 17. P.Le^. 18. T.SaBA 19. G.BuBo 20. R.Senarl 21. L.Badwood 22. R.A~:Sd 23. M. Pearce 24. T.OTk4t 25. A.Bzno 26. S. Faiomathe 27. D . Ni6af 28. A. MdCetar 29. C . Dryski: 30 . S .Haqm 31 . D.McFarlace 32. J.Lynch 33. B . Kerdd 34 . B .Jotce 35 . P.YTAetead 36. M. Hamtan 37 . G. Fatlaywn 39. D.Hdlman 39. M. E83ge 40. S.Ce•+ar 41 . C. MtOaiald 42. B.Skep 43. S. Lyn n 44. I .Hznte N 45. J. Raywood 66 . R. G 110S 46. M . PtW 67. G.6ftatgaick 47. J .OiSarRO 68 J.Caen 48. P. C~nen 69. S.Nam ran 49. A.Rasedet] 70. J.Mante 50. D .Jadz . . A McDpraY1 71 M x51 52. R . Pm 73. 53. L. Pike 74. 54. G .Md'I>?8 75 . 55. L.Pearce 76. 56. S.IxNrP) 77. 57. P.JdxWan 76. C .Brown 58 . V. Possdto 59. D . RzltrayP7ootl 60 . C .Whon 61 . G.Hicky 62 . T .DeB 63. R.MtKun; ; 64 . D.Stygak4i 65 . T .B:knmbe

11 . M . Webster(VCRS) 12. M . Feferkranz (R-Capt) 13. A . Preece 14. M . Zaghloul 14. G. Dai r 15. P . Barge 16. M . Atkins 17. A . Webster 18. I . Gillespie 19. A. Snaidero 20. D. Fairchild 21 . B.Cookman 22. A. Lindsay 23. D. Exton 24. G . Wilson 25 . C. Glover (DVC) 26 . M. Thompson 27. W . Watford 28 . T. Lawrence 29 . C . Drake 30 . R .Newton 31 . G . McLardie 32 . M. Konstanty 33 . B . Ansell 34 . N . Fahey 35 . S . Konstanry, 36 . A . Palmos (VCRes) 37. A . Barge

38. S . Bennet t

39. A . Athanasopolos 40. B . Hayes 41 . A . Stewart 42. N . Bradley 43. J . McLaughlin 44. B . Archdall 45. D. Pollock 46. T . Holland 47. M . Jamieson 49. N. Archdall 50. E .Thomas 51 . S .Karamoutsos 52. J .Jackson 53 . P. Fros t 54 . P. Hunt 55 . M. Pond 56 . J. Winch 57 . T. Grimmer 58 . J. Goldin 60 . P. Konstanty 61 . M. Pretty 62 . S.Danckert 63 . A . Far r

,r._rreni>h_r.s 15


TATTS and POKIES nYSWoUINmAtUX Bar and Bistro

PRESTON 9484 6006

9. D . Comer (Capt) 10. M. Beazley

120 Upper Heidelberg Rd. Ivanhoe

iJCAFEA.f i00 tiR. 8auw Sr. NsmourM,9e0274 60


68 . 69 . 70 .

AE AI C31 •~~~ AGCN1


Film= i"r





Seraor Coach: Shane Young Rese rves Coach: Roger Brow n 1 . A . Krzywniak 2. M. McLennan 3, M. Reid 4. M. Talbot 5. A . Olliver 6. A . Augustine 7, L. Fildes

Senior Coach : Kevin McLean Reserv es Coach : Darren Caddy

8, S . Lennox 9, M. Fisher 10. J . Williams it . A . Fitzgerald 12. G . Bennett 12. A . Atderton 75. S. Magee 16. N . Perry 17, A . Rickarby t8. P. Roach 19, A. Mandylaris 20. D . Kolimorgen 21 . R . Oakle y 21 . C .Jackson 22. K. Farrell 23. A . Pryor 24. R . Carter 25. S . Nikas 26. T. Ward 27. C . Gilmour 28. P . Woff 29. J . Murc h

30. K .Teschendod 31 . S . Murray 32. B . Williams 34. R . Smith 35. S . Mercer 36. B . Pollock 37. T. Mitchell 39. A . Fischer 40. B . Patterson 40. C. James 41 . J . Murchie 42. G. Sloan 43, J . Howden 45. M. Bilionis 46. M. Barber 47. D. Wilson 48. A . Grant 49. N . Winter 50. S . Williams 55. C. Toms 56. R . Brown 57. A . Mclachlan 59. T. Ferre r 61 . A . Witte 63. R . Sherman 65. N . Treuleson 66. T. Lennox 68. G. Bilionis 71 . B . Alderson 78. R . Saunders 79. H . Bickett 80. A . Palfrey 84. P . McMaho n

1 . D . Supelr 1 . M. Power 2 . P. Sigley (CCapq 3. A. Jenkins 4. A . Parker 4 . D . Toll (R) 5 . J. Stevens 5 . A . Atkinson 6. S . Kent 7. T. Young 8. T. Stevens 9. M. Karayannis 9. P. Armstrong 10. M. Veal (CCapt) it . S . Tull 12 . A . Sturesteps y 12 . M. Toze r 13 . A . Pappos 14 . C . Gnnham 15 . G. Douglas 16. M . Woods 17. J .Lu k 18. P . Bisogni 20. T. Ryan 20. W. Millard 21 . J . Mansfield 22 . P . Donaldson 22. P .Gotding 23. M . Stewart 24. A . Corcoran 25. J . Maycock (RVCapQ 26. M . Tolley 26. I. Roxburgh 27. J . Weddl e 27. Z. Abousabha 28. D. Jones (RCapt) 29. R. Weddle (VCapt) 30. E . Brophy 30. A . Kobe 31 . D. Caddy 32. D. Goad 33. T . Cormack 34. T . Lame r 35. L. McLean (VCapt) 36. S . Pidoto 37. D. Stott 38. G . George 39. G . George 40. R. Davies 41 . L. Taylor 42. S . Vaughan 43. D. Banger 44. T . Agushi 45. C. Duncan 46. A . Barker 47. J . Wie r 48. B . Wilson 49. M . Wilson 50. C. Corcoran 51 . B . Shedbolt 52. P . Cargin 53. D.Craker 54. P . Wal l

55. J . Bau d


56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 68.

M . Shedden S . Barry S . Davies B . Elsworth S . Brophy C. Mille r


John U. Veal


Senior Coach : Dale McCann Reserves Coach: Paul Ame l 1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2. P.J. O'Loughlin 3. J .A. Dallas 4. S.J. Philp (VC) 5. M.J. Hanford 6. J .V. Geary 7. P.G . Cosgriff (VC) 8. P.G . Zappa

9. T.J . Jackso n

10. P .A. Brabender (C) 11 . N .P . Willit s 12. S .R . Wallis 13. T.D. Wallis 14. D .R . Ciavola 15. N .G. Kerr 16. M .P. Godfrey 17. B . J . Hart 18. A . Muleta 20. P .A. Nailer 21 . A .J . Farrell 22. H . Bellis 23 . P .A. Walsh 24. D.A . Digney 25 . D. Heffernan 26 . M .B . Geary 27. K .C . Kenkins 28. B .J . Brabender 29 . B . Powel l 30 . T.J. Mulligan 31 . S . Laferlita 32 . A .J . Price 33 . M .J . Harrison 34 . P .J . Joyce 35 . J .P .J. Mills 36 . S .M . Swindon 37 . L. Rocchiccioli 38 . M .G. Vear 39 . P .E . Reid 40 . D.J. Baird 41 . D.J. Horsington 42 . J.M . Swindon 43 . M .P . Geary 44 . I . Harfor d 45 : P.J . Stephens 46 . B. Flyn n 47 . N .A. Ball 48 . M. Hudson 49 . T.S. Brain 50. P.K . Monar 51 . S.J . Dunn 52 . M.L. Muscara 54 . J.T . Mould 56 . J.W . Tobin 57 . J.M . Way 66 . D . McCrohan 67 . A. Villant i 58 . L .K. Mansifled 69 . D .J. Arthu r



N Oo R T LE L ~~~~~ ~~~






Senior Coach : Simon Dalrymple Rese rves Coach : Ian Wallace Assistant Coach : Michael Hadley 1 . S . Keneddy 2 . C. Robison 3 . A . Allibo n 4 . T . Norman (Vcapt) 5 . P . Van Der Hoek 6 . R. Heath 7 . A.Anderso n 8 . S . Dalrymple (CC) 9 . S . Hopkin s 10 . S . Hatfield 11 . R. Boxtell 12 . M . Cumming 13 . M . Donato 14 . J . Stickland 15 . A. Parke 16 . M . Seuling (Vcapt) 17 . G . Hatfiel d 18 . B. Clarke 19 . G . Hudson 20 . P. Board 21 . C . Phillips 22 . P.Robison 23 . A. Ramsden 24 . T. Board 25 . T. Harris 26 . P. Beet 27 . L . Stafford 28 . D . Vargo 29. A. Sealey 30. L . Taylor 31 . S. Btadeni 32 . D . Glass 33. D . Heighton 34. P. Papas 35 . L . Bennie 36. J. Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37. P. Dowling 38 . R . Phillips 39. T. Antonopolous 40. B. Burke 41 . D . Alysandratos 42. A . Banfiel d 43. M . Krivokuca 44. J . Mollison 45. N . Kin g 46. 47. F. Cameron (RVC) 48. C . Smith 49. P .Johnson 50. L. Jervi s 51 . S . Gleeson • 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. N . Kolitias 58.

Senior Coach : Des English Reserves Coach : Chris Bye

59. 60. 80. T. Smith


Whitehall St, Yarraville i,tt : 9687 8722


1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 9. to. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 14.

M. Petrevski J . Woodgate A . Shelton P . Gorman M.Elliot S . Ramsey S . Seymour J . Vain a G. Rossignolo P . Jones (RVC) J . Pol a L. Hollow M . Growcock R. Egglestone D. Forbes R. Moran M .Bosanko J . Reddich (VC) D. Ram m

15. G. Pinner 16. M . Goodwin 17. R. Lyons (RCapt) 17. G. O'Connor 18. B. Carter (VC) 18. Liddel l 18 . B. Milieki 19. J.Armstrong 20. M . Carter 21 . J. Thrush 22 . S. Griggs 23 . C. By e 24 . P. Mellon 25 . M . O'Rourke 26 . G .Carbis 27 . G . Smith 28 . D. Barron 29 . M . Hudson 30 . M .Tadinac S.Hollow 32 . S. Eastmure 33 . N . La Fontaine 34 . J. Gallagher 35 . S. O'Halloran 36 . C . Rizzo 37 . D . Castaldi (C) 38 . B. Prendergast 39 . S. Boyl e 40 . C . Keay 41 . G . Pignatelli 42 . M. Gauci 43 . C . Whelan 44 . J . Beason 45 . J . Brambles 46 . R . Collins 47 . D .Goodwi n

48, D .Wrigglesworth

C Sectio n

A.J .A .X.




Senior Coach: Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach : Marty Halphen Res. Coach :

Senior Coach : Don Scarlett Rese rves Coach : Andrew McGregor

Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach : Tony Day

Senior Coach : Trevor Poole Reserves Coach: Angus MacGowan Assistant Coach: Paul Hermann 1 . N . Straus s

Anthony Bursz tyn 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

J . Wrobet A. Kalinski J . Hoppe M . Dudakov M . Rajch

6 . G .Rozenberg 7 . C. Cohen 8 . M . Roseman (R .Capt) 9 . T . Bursztyn 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 .

R. Bloom M . Weisler D. Rosen J .. Engelman Report Y J . Kirzne r

16 . P. Goldberg (VC) 17 . A. Cukierman 18 . J . Wrobel 19 . M . Halphen (Capt) 20 . R. Hartman 21 . D. Sheezel 22 . J . Dunne 23 .. J . Abraham 24. S . Sheezel 25 . J . Feldman 26 . B. Duzenman 27 . D. Degen 28 . J . Brant 29 . D. Marks 30 . A. Micmacher 31 . M . Chrapot 32 . P . Steiner 33 . D. Pat 34 . D. Gunn 35 . A . Rosen 36. J . Segal

37 . A . Slade-Jacobson 38 . A. Grundman n 39 . J . Skein 40 . A. Redlich 41 . P . Naphtali 42 . E . Rubenstein 43 . J .Joseph 44. A .Krongold 45. E . Steen 46. M . Nathan 47. A . Abrahams 48 . L. Goldberg 49. D.Kalb 50 . B . Grodski (VC) 51 . A . Traye r 52 . S . Rubinstein 53. A . Sheffield 54. D. Gelbart 55. 56. S . Frey 57. 58. M . Freid 59. 60. 61 . 62. M . Levi n 63. 64. S . Glassman 65. 66. 67. 68. S . Feldman

69. J . Vernon 70.

1 . C. Le Grand (Capt) 1 . A . McGregor (R ) 2 M . Crawford 2 . M . Beaumont (R) 3 . S . McDonald (DVC) 3 . C. Amoore ( R 4 . S . Anderson 4 . A . O'Brien (R) 5 . A . Mason

5 . D. Rogerson (R) 6 . A . Natol i 6 . R. Hunt (R) 7 . E . Meinjak (VC) 8 . D. Marshal l 9 . S . Morga n

9 . M . Luxmore (R) 10 . C. Ferguson 10 . R. Hetherington (R) 11 . S . Will s 11 . P . Mantis (R) 12 . D. Anderson

12 . B . Armstrong (R) t3 . C. Thomas 14 . F. Casella (VCR) 15 . S . Blic k 15 . P . Buckley (DVCR) (R) 16 . T. Wrigh t 16 . M . Lester (R) 17 . S . Helliger 18 . T. Worland 19 . A . Hullick 19 . C. Diletosso (R) 20 . A . Powe r 21 . R. Tyrell 21 . A . Sher (R) 22 . M . McKellar 22 . A . Hunter (R) 23 . J . Day 24 . J . Rodder 25 . R. Melnjak 26 . D. Ariz 27 . A . She r 28 D. McConville 29 . M . Fletcher 30 . C. Scadett 31 . E . Panagiotidis 32 . A . Browne 33 . R. Bulmer (R-Capt) 34 . M . Deukas

35 . C. Day 36 . J . Ferguson 37 . S . Walker 38 . S . Green 39 . K . Ivey 40 . J . Harper 41 . D . Hobson 42 . C . Buc k 43 . C. McGregor 44 . S . McGregor 45 . A . Williams 46 . B . Busby 47 . G. Kirby 48 . B . McGregor 49 . S . Peake 50. M . Talbot 51 . J . Rogers 52 . T. Rush

53. B .Johnson 54. M . Short 55. M . Clarke

56. W. Mills 60. S . Willison


1. C . slatery 1 . A .Day 2 . A .R~s 2 . J.D'xr°An 3. O.VdrtaT 3.C.k as 4 . S .C Mr S . LL E 6 . T.C (DVC) 7 . M. tiaa: 8 . R.Frisir a 9 . D.Medm(C) 9 . J. Daffy 10. AGs. .a9Y~er 11 . M.Maan 11 . B .Crorin 12 . J.Afla 13 . O. Bea¢aao 14 . D.Haae 15 . J. Riaps 15 . D.AIcFftsh 16. J. Wa%

it . G. Cox 11 . 8 . McCkneMs 16 . A .CaN7NC) It . P .Heay 19, D.Cwper(DVC) 20. 5 .0Rrm 21 . G. Mason '21 . C.Payre 22 . LOFtim 23. P .Chanbers 24 . S . Be9e 25 . M. Stokes 26 . C . Carpenter 27 . S .Theiu 28 . M. Etlmmffi 41. J . Seatvr/ 4Z J . Dw9las 29 . J. Colds 29 . S . Lane 4Z D. DDeforooo 31 A .Tr n43 J.Lai 37. J. 44. V.G &Wz 31 . S . Edwards 46. 1 Gods 32 . M.STnces 49 . N . Godwin 33 . D. Sarrippirron 50. R Cduss zWj 34 . P.Sexbn 51. D.Bran p 35 . M. Ca 52 D. H-*s 35 . C . Pezrimctai 51 C . H-36 . A . Mdrtmh E& S. D... 37 . A . Sfioetran 57. B. D.v . 38 . J. Growap 61 D.01 n 39 . M.B end 'G (C8)

40. J. Dam 6A. AC r

2. H . Burbank 3. D. Welsby 4. T. Dugdale 5. D. Arrllie 6. S . Olsen 7. J . Senior 9. J . Wilson 10. M . Oliphant 11 . R. Liley 12. P . Ronchi 13. P . Herman 14. B . Edmonds 15. A . Teelow 17. M . Vickers-Willis 18. A . Handbury 19. A . Salter 20. G. Coldwell 21 . S . Glover 22. J . Taylor (Capt) 23. M . Davi s 24. T. Peddie (VCapt) 25. A . Alle n 26. N . Kemp 27. D. Morton 28. M . Taylor 30. A . Howells 31 . J . Nevins 32. G. Wilkinson 33. M . Wilkinson 34. T. Paul 35. D. Eley 36. A . Ri9by 37. G. SUding 38. P . Beltrame 39. D. Swan 40.S .Bones 41 . S . Saunders 42. P . Liascos 43. D. Hay 44. E . Spiden 45. L. Morrison 46. R . Rice 49. J . Smythe 50. M . Robson 51 . A . Robson 52.S ' French 53. B . Hicklin 54. W. Dodd 55.S ' Furphy 56. C. Walker 57. R. Knight

58. C. Stinchcome 59. C. Olive r 60. S . French 61 . R. Oliphant 62. A . Osboume 66. B . O'Halloran 68. J .Manto n

69. A .MacGowa n

PHOn_ ~~J ~J ^~ I~74 Ii 6 li-,`~. ~

OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach : Bert Calvert Rese rves Coach : Jeff Norma n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A . Acreman (VC) C. Lean B . Murphy G. Stroud C. Wallace D. Paterson G. Ferguso n

8. N. Macquire (VC) 9. G. Pride 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15 . 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33. 34 . 35 . 36.

B . Stanforth D. Solley G. Dickson S . Sharp A . Richmond C. Davi s S . Samild L. Richardson T . Bourbon D. Kitto N . Moodie T. Lanlen_ P . Harrington R. Larg e D.Johnson J . Winduss G. Dart G. Kates M . Bond A . Carter M . Brooks P . Flaskis S . Flaskis C. Gardiner D.Holland D. Murphy (C) P . Russo

37. H . Webster-Griffiths 38. B . Sherril l 39. R. Beynon 40, T . Leonard 41 . C.Morley 42. C.Rusworth 43, C. Best 44. D. Sarah 45 . C. Leaven 46. J . Norman 47. J . Konicanin 48. D.Johnsen 49. J . Donovan 50. G. Richards 51 . K . McGrath 52. A . Szadura 53. S . Kitt o 54 . C.Sheddon 55 . M . Stanojevic 56. M .Leone 57. T. Ryan 58. D. Coventry 59. C. Furben 60. D. Nock 61 . C. Dwyer 62 . D. Murphy 63. T. Hancock 64 . M. Austin 65 . D. Murphy 66. S . Mullin 67 .

68 . 69 . M . Nash 70 . S. Bateman 71 . T . Kersle y

INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock . 3193



ST, BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach : Reserves Coach: Brad Berry , M. Kinsella 2 . S. Zakic Sebire 3 . J .. L'Huwllier (RCapt)

4, V 5, M. Murray 6 . A . Ryan 7. D . Diggins 8, B . Beasley g, M.Jones 0, C . Ross 1 . M. Hacker it 12 . C . Stewart 13 . D . Goodchild

14, P . Lerman (Capt .) 15 . D . Goodchild 16. S . Napie r 17. A . MacGeorge 18. J . Tully 19. B . Tomlinson 20. T. Lam b 21 . 22 . 23. 24 . 25 . 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

G. McDonald S . McCarthy T. Pec k M . Manson D. Smith S . Hecker D. Johnston D. O'Brien J. Sanders M . Dol s

32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 .

J. Dickinson A. Walsh C. Meyer R. Silos M . Beasley M . Connolly A. Hayes A. Wilce C. Johnston D. Hendrikes

31 . J. Selby

42. A. Thompson (VCapt) 43. K. Goodchil d 44. J. Recupero 45. R. Gould 46. 0 . Lalor 47. B. Hambridge 48. S. Hutchinson 49. D. Bueno 50. N. Tully 51 . M. Mifsud 52, A. Kearney 53. M. Firth 54. M. McCraw (VCapt.) 55. P. Dywer

56. M. Zakic 57. 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71 .


ST . KEVINS Senior Coach : Tim Hart Res . Coach: Glen Taylor 1 . B . Burden 2. J . na n 3. M . Chapman (DVC) 4. A . McGuiness 5. R . Callanan 6. A . Morgan 7. A . Hart 8. D. Williams 9. G. Smith 10. D. Moore 11 . D. Ryan 12. M . Dollman (DVC) 13. R. Bowles 14. J . Bare 15. D. Fox 16. B. Garvey 17. M . Terzini 18. N. Hart 19. D. Sheehy 20. A. Varasd i

Charlie Cepiron 1 . B. R;an 2 N.AtI*!6n 3. H. Howard S.Cnw.ys 5.I. A. NkG~ 6, K Ryan G .Hr}es-Deaar 8. I. G .Bak r

21 . J . Quirk (DVCRes) 22. J.Macey 23. 24. 25. 26.

P. Ryan P. Meagher N .Goldsworthy B. Kennedy

27. R . Gross (VCapt) 28 . M. Farquharson (DVC) 29 . A. Mount

30 . 31 . 32 . 33 .

P. Hagerty M. McNe e B. Noonan (ResVC) S. Denton

34 . A. Donoghu e

35 . A . Thomas (ResCapt) 36 . A . Noonan 37 . S . Kennedy 38 . J . Herman 39 . S . Gribble 40 . D . Boyd 41 . A . DeJong 42 . D . McDonald 43 . D . James 44 . J . Drake 45 . T.Bare 46. D. DeRooden 47 . M . Brady (Capt) 48. B . Howard 49. J . Moore 50. M .Durrant 51 . D. Wilks 52. P . Lewi . R. Quirkn53 54. S .Game 55. M . O'Shea 56. J . Shepardson 57. S .Dillon

58. S . Charles 59. T . Hart 60. C. Singh

M. Lomagno M. Leyden D . Taney J. Pertil e R . Mulquinney B.McShane N .Haye s B. Gnttiths J.Drury R . Price C . Ambrosini C . Price P . Walker D . Marshall A . Whitelaw

9. G .Healy 10. J. HardTeN 11, J. Gardner 12. AFltsirun 13. S. tkeson 14. S.ykM 15. ldKuek 16 . P.Poges 17. D .V4`lwn 18. R WrAam 19. M.Wei~Sz 20 . A. Rd&,l 21 . M W14 51C 22 . P.0'S Aan 23 L. Govan m . P. Davis 24 . P.CIaY4on 61 . tA .Tkocz 25 . PAmm 62 . A.AktJSOn 26. 8. JadSan 63 . F. Ktpxe'ss 27 . A. Dalbbna 64 . B. hfanscy 28 . G.Hdal 65 . J .Haro] 66. B.Ctarke 29. D.O,,~ 30. J.D,,~ie 67 . S.Etmd 31 . A4 68. W .Mantes 69. P. Gren 32. tA DR,, 33. N.Cde 70. D.Sheman It . A.Cran#rn 34. T.Prse! 72. kt MacDonald 35. P. Beeng :t 36. 8{ p}~~~rp 73. S. Duty ~. M ." 74. C . Fanarrb e 38. D.P~zk 75 . S . Pric 39. AOiamOd 76 . B .Tarey 40. D.Broftst 77 . S .Ho-Bo-r,ay 41 . A. SeAim 78. G. Dad~ 79. M. Wft 42. P. Keian 80. R Pbr(ank 43. A Praud 44. S. f}amau7 81 . R Naftas 45 W.Dertam 82. N.AUanc 46. A. Strt9ad 83 . L PYillips 47. M.l.4,~riry 84. ~~ 48. S.Maicaf 85 . D.Aken 86. A.Bwke 49. M.B«Men 59. M.DAgafao 87 . C.Jatvdone 88. J-Ha]h 51. J. Frau* 52. B.Planrtan 89. J.MCWtj* 53. 8. Bake 90. S. !ddlamaa 91. J.Ttsrgiekl 54. S.Greg 92. S. Pettersai 55. L At3gax 56. 8 Karamnw5ki 57. KGW.?son 58. E. Kmmrosld 59. K Gkesan

f~j~~ ~q I '~_/ PUBLISHITIG



Senior Coach : STH CAULFIELD Allan Fleming Senior Coach : Terry Walsh Reserves Coach: Reserves Coach:


Wayne Coope r

1 . S. Papaioanou 2 . B. Byro n 3. A. Smith 4. R .Ward 5. J. Bubi s 6. B . Pelligrino 7. S . Plan t 8. A . Fellows 9. Y . Capeci 10. P .Bullard 11 . L. Albert i 12. A . Volpe 13. G .Scarpa 14. M . Patmore 15. L. Dal Papa 16. D. Farchione 17. D. Gorski 18. F. Arcoraci 19. P . Ristevski 20. L. Alabakis 21 . E . Lentini 22 . L. Sallese 23 . R.Dimaggio 24 . B. Smith 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 .

R. Kennedy C. McNeil S. D'Avoine L . Moribito K. Harting C. Fellows D . Fletcher P. Colosimo J. Zaigos

O.Essen N .Iulianglia D .Brooks J. Bubis A . Latout A . Ward A . Insitari S . Sam i

47. D. Plowright 48. 49. M . Withers 50. A . Maloney 51 . E . Valentino 52. L. Smith 53. P . Battistia 54. J . Rocca 55. P . Valeri 56. R. Geremia 57. 58. M . Reid 59 . 60 . M . Bardsley 61 . G. Ska f 62 . T . Staios 63 . M . Grech 64 . F . Valeri 65 . S. Holmes 66 . D. Pougios 67 . N. Grech 68 . 69 .


Senior Coach : Des Meagher Reserves Coach : Gary Kallinikos 1 . M . Powe r 2. M . Bateman (C) 3. R. Pasqualotto 4. 5. M .Robinson 6. C. Houston 7 . P. Cochlan 8. M . Heat h 9 . C. Maguire 10 . B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12 . J. Begley 13 . T.Hughes 14 . D, flanagan 15 . A.Lacey 16 . B. Vandenboom 17 . A. Carbone

18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23 .

P. Begley C . Andrews A. Pawlick P. Hassle r J. Bonn man (ResC) P. Ciardulli

24 . 25, 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

J. Ciardulli M. Vernal C . Ryan M. Jackson C . Fames C . Hams P. O'Brie n

31 . 32. 33. 34. 35.

34 . P. Mastraianni 35 . A. Colosimo 36 . Z. Fleming 37 . D . Dimovski 38 . G . Scott 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.



N . Jenkins (C) M . Carbone G. Feutril S . Lowell C. Law

36. J . McFarlane 37. P . O'Brien 38. R . Vujkic 39. J . Naismith 40. A . Thawaites 41 . T. Cardgg 42. D. Naismith 43. N. Elliott 44. M . Bateman 45. M . Lester 46. G .Johnson 47. S . Habjan 48. M . Reid 49. P. Dodd 50. B. Kelsey 51 . L. Eames 52 . S. Alexander 53 . J. Alexander 54 . S. Gillen 55 . M. Duffy 56 . B. Calleja 57 . A. Heath 58 . M. Smith 59 . R . Stopajink 60 . M. McDonal d

PRINTING Your On Time Printer 29

D S e Ct u on


Senior Coach: Garry Nicholson Reserves Coach: Nei1 Flynn 1 . 8. Kn3 (p1C) 32. G. karp5y 31 N.Vai 2 P.ldcld-maz 3 . LW&r¢ 33. T.PrA 4 . IA Ds) 34. J.A'c . S.Fai1n'cs 35. P.Ar"4 . 5. ATnat a S.1'<- {pJC 6. J.TaJior 37 . AbS 7. D.vJ-r4 ;G. S.Tr .139. P.tk4Fj -&J 8. 040. htSF9. 8 n 41. AR-a 10 . N. . . 41 D.NaypW 10. A ; 43. S. F,--*y it. R . .. 44 . S.MoG,.-p 12. P. 41 tt Pew 13. & 46. SYS~ 4. AC . 47. J.R" 1S !lF 48. DId . 18. M.t g".t 49. D. . T.W&S :D. P .T1 017 1 18. D. Web 51 . 9.5- . . . 19 . P.Rrzras(VC) t? 6 9 51. J 2J . M.01A . N.FyrrlA8SC) :3. flkXt .p 21 . P.Sfmi (pdC)64. 5.5 1 21 . AKerxia§(r'iaC)55. C. 0, a 2t J.HxY{p!C) 56. C. L, 2J. T.F6ter 57. S.lh~, 21 A .U 58. 0.Lky'J twt~t 24. Q. Gm 59. A. R.•m 25. J.Str,4Gake 60. APs;r%t %. W .Id3s' 61. RR:4h 27. KVZa(Pe$p1C) 62 A. Us 28 8.1:,p,=_Z1 63 . DP-ley 29, S. Faye 64 . P, Nwe 30. AEaSm1Cacd. 65. G.At3mlos 31. P.0a

CAULFIELD GRAM. KE W Senior Coach: Gaorge Voyago Coach: Res. Coach : Matthew Scholten 1. B. Wm 21 D.5FdtrsD 2 6tW-rd 3). D.lw. 2. C.Nase 31 . J.Fk4~j 3. C. Boyd . 3L kL DacOa 4 . ktYa~ 31 B .I~t S W.W..4'F~ 34. J.kGip. 6. AWB(YC) 3i . Ala~rc-ace 7. J .3rn*s S. C.WCa¢t4o 8. S.Ca.A-WaSh 37, kt5d ~ & B.Lyrss 39. JSar~(RVC) 9. C.Ihrrs 4D. kLPtkh:i 10. G .HNr6rnt 41 . kiWta.3asak . klCasagy 42. D.5}taran i 12. J. Few 42. C.Kebk 11 D .Ckar 43. R. Was 14. S.Kbss 44. !d T~q 45. Id.57 YO 15. S .Artd I& T. P 46. C .Grnan2y 47. LSaIg n U. G. s 18. B." 4& J W.~s e 49. 4A Hanra It. JJ 20. Rr 51 T.Pepro kva SI. Ktk a 20 . MPr-21. N. 54. ktS.8vretl '.21 M.BtI 55 . M.Oavks(WC) ,'..23. D.AtA 53 . S. 24 . K03.'a 61 . J.Maes,rw' 67 . J.Cewk~tax 25. T.WAS %. S.W°ffi1a 71 . C. B.YG 71 G. N3 icl'v.,3 . 27. J. Rl'3n Z& T.Cha7 93. T.A,'~1


PRINTED LABELS 68056(03)9765 7441P.AX(53)9445 247


Senior Coach: David Rogers Senior Robert Bayley Reserves Coach: Tom Van a Reserves Coach: Ian Hildehrand 1. T.Foe 3a RPnru(k2.1C) I. J.Ahr: (VC1 2. G.PUW 1 A. Start 2 V^ 3. RPt*m 37 &hcF' .m 33. ktSm;h 4 . D.Cha3& S5ct 4 . P. 4D P .EsNed c S . J.Bnn:a 39. W.D71 41 . AKers 6. C . 14e W. P.F.' 42 1AC' . .. .n 7. 0. Wee 41 . R 7. P.Fam 43.RF, `s 8. J. . 42 C.. . . & D.'---I 44. A( . - d.. 9.A i 43G.Da .,. 9. LBrta3 45. J. G tu. 8.( . aR.) 44. P.Gm . .: 18 I" 46. D.4 11 . AP-es 45. D.IAa!_e it. Id Sperza 47. S. 12. D.Ia) 46. W. Fuca V. J.CaF M 48. C.1, 11 C.Kr>it0 47. 6LDetts 13. RAodt an 49. RI 14. J. W94 4i C.FnU 14. J.G m R KFc : 1S. T.Go.zkabx 41 dLuzs 15. Fi&W 51. T.Cs+* 16. D.Wood (DYC?i4) 50 S .Kctkas 1& C.Doft S2 . J. 17. &lahardd 51 . J . Was 17. Y.G~ 51 DJ,- 0 It. N Krg XV) 52 . I.W e ~ 1& G .Rpw {CI 54 . R1 y It. R&q Si C.Garsarg! 19. D. " 20. SHassan 54 . N. Pain 2J . G .ttsn :S RRXD n 21. D.hUmHa 55 . B.A4xzutae 21 . C.AkMSi 57. A 1 22. J.Partn % g.4y~ 2L AIXkson S9. H yl 2J. T.Cm 57. N .L}hoaoks 23. P.Wde 24 . &Qmaa 59. D .RCa` fJa A. 2i P. Vey 61 . M.8 :.s 25 . D.Wnj4 59 . T.Faus 27. D.N:mW 26, P. NM 60 . V.Wag f2 J. kit 28. SkWe 27, RFn'an 61 . A. Dame 61 S.Fmsltn 28. LDymi FL A~r,q 29. AHea$Srt 6S. D.Wa7d 29. ILD:k~yis(f~ p 5 .Par~akN 30. P.&Dst:'-J Eb. htAI-da ~. D Cr~.dra1 64 V, fastm 31 . J. Brut, NC) 31 . AWek(fes.Dm 6S. KW(0 V. G.Wa#y 70. N.D+YaNg 32. d&asN %. S.B1sn 11. J.bLSmLh 71. A8 31 S. ' R 0, 34. B.Dore/ 72 P.O 34. L8:(et AVaYn E D.IJkvdie 75, S.E I 31 H.Cara:el 7& S.8 r 37. J.A7ak,~s .mdp.~rNs9»» ~. P.Tt~+ay

a C. a

S,tillweN Ford


"Q04 tnbelajor qudi4 Clients"


Senior Coach : Laurie Zarata Rese rv es Coach : Mark Rowe t . P .'.>'-xa ~ F.DInv 2. AG_VH•~`d 37 .. VyWra s3 F .Ca==~~ 40. Lks2ta .S.1141 . P.6.g1:n .1 42. P.Ceat ~ D" 41 AVev, 1, 44. J. IMM 9 G.t eti 45, P.A±yk:aa 48 Z. Sa`oWO 11. V.F .xn 47. C. Tyson 12. D.t,kCea 48. A&11' 4 SCc • 11 ACrp~gy 14. S. No 53. B. .B I. M.F ~15D 16 . 17.4. 'at. S. 17 . G . Cx.:. 53 . W. 18 A'v.n'ra 51 . L.P '9.SCA, 55 .T . ldPc;e R A-.21 57, W 921,AtTesz^5 . D.Ae 22. KAESn ;CaYMM 21 IAStNxi 59. 24. R.Maa 6 e5. P .N,srs 61061 ..j A54 26. G.I'-e9 67 . T .Th. cs . OG27 . Lf .~ v 2. S.c'K o~. N.A r



Senior Coach : Reserves Coach : Nail Walimeyer 1 . S t ICWU A! Swat, m 2. R ^x? a Sv..r7at PA; 3. R E ARS"t? 4. N.W,,arqa R P- .,.!z S J.B=ae 6 ACcstry34C) Rh 2s,S 7. W.Ke~Pd'd1(YC) 9 a ASarma<;iA 9. J.N^`"Vra Gf :: :3 :c 10. Bh i P~ -L, it. A r R.F : :.,; 12. 'ty G. Pata:+ims 13. G. al 14. ALF'sn D.Bu;r„f 15. i RFCa . 0.f16 C P. Pas 11. P.L R1F"*at 1& B.( 57 . SFemi 21 . G ., `.A. RPiS 59. KWaM 22 . NP 23. T. 6). 24 . G. . i1 . 25.' KJadw 20 8. 1 7 6i Y.W4zag, 27. K .' 6i. 28. 6 .: .~ 1 65. 23. C. F 66. 30. C.6„ 2 67. 1d WadrO 31.D.F m 69. 32. F . 69. P. Felm 33. P.A's7~ 70. 34. T. Pat 71. 35. RF:.ts 72. 36. G .,hsa' 73. 37. B. .ktb 74. 3s. Aweti n

Senior Coach: Steve Mooney Res. Coach : Mark Niclesen 37 . S.W&rs 2 M.Laizn 1 P M a D.Nk4esai{FaC) 3). sC~raag 4 . 8 La 8^rry P'CI 49 . 5jtt * N.Kp rs 41 . M.D'Ohera S.Cataan 42 T C>r a 7. RP.ttk 41 D S. G.Ria's 44 ." 9. AP~ek 45. S .P6~~ . N.S`~+~n 18. LtCrr~ata 46. 11 . D.Fats 12 dSWei IT J .CCir.nlResMC1 13 S, Ham 4& S .4dsrtn 14. B.Srvr9;s 49. 15. G.Pamyn(D5C) 57. B.Dmeq 16. W.CfaRa SI. LQs'crAFaA It, E Fe~?•=r= r~? S.Clar4y 17 SC_~_, f(AIC) 51 54. S.IkaW 18 IA ;u.. .d S5 A.05-ty F. Ll~ .- 56 . 21. Al 51 M Vale . C.wrps .2 :& A Pr& 21 8.! att 59 . E.LWora24. 61 P.Harrjrt 25 . CA-4 61 . J.CroM 25, G .wnen V AE£ek2 26 . RWe-in 63. J. Ut m 27. RW"^^ 64. J.t ue 2& P. U 29. D.N a(C) E R.Cr^,e 66. B .C 36. A" 67. J. 's7. F. 6 8.A , 32. G. 69. P . 1? L° . 70. B., ~ 34.D. 71. R.1 5'2M 3S. J. Sr.w 36. J.D"

ST LEOS EMMAUS WATTLE PAR K Senior Coach: Mark Flack Res . Coach : David Miller 1 . P." 40 J.GW 2 B.Sew'a~+i 41. B .G.r4tr 3. Dki~ 42 P.0143'iat 4. 1V-iDnANar(CI43 B .Onr y 5. C. 4att1 44 F. Dmcra"dn 6 D.f ; . .^Pm(4 . .. SR ."! 7. d .Cl : 8. 1 41. J.12 9. A , 4 kg .~ n 10. P.Da-n 46 B n It. U S ~~ 6k 5 4 41 . . t 12 GR St A 13 JPo . : 52 J .,.: 14.D" r 51U .-1 15. A . 5t JGs 16 P.55 PC, ~z 17. L `.d D.T, as 18 f• 'R 0 It. F. A E A Lt 2;. A_. 21. Y` . S . 2Z J J23. Sa~s f% G1 24. D.e 61 D.Frce 25 K8l JCnrn 26 5.Ehrs'~ ES gL"rds.ry 27 . P.BaYn E6 8 .tt:dry 2& Id.D3&s 67. S.Wa 5. S.Drtr 69 D.Px ta 30. 8iF9. Jp.2va~ 31 . It( h 71. AF- .a 32 A . 73 D.C:'eae9 33. A 74 5.11 :r," 34. & . 77. G h 5 Sf~ D ;fi 6 .-s U Y. N .Cv e 39. P.Flia 9? BVrra

OLD Coach: CAMBERWEL L Ma in Legga

Senior Reserves Coach: Rick rt Jamos 1. lG 42 . 8. . T.k41 T. :°2 3 . Alrr r 44 . T.1.4 . B.Tc,M 6 AGa~ 5 . SA, s 45. RIugts 6 . AR.-1 47, P .[ 7. P.K.~ACf40 N 48. d5 .. n . S.Lakan(VCol) q. A. Keg 9. D .T,- 59. J.6ze 10.E .5 S1.A'se 11 . AK :sJ 1) 52 T. 12. JA 1 57. D. • 13 CJ n 54. P.1 rf 14. S.J 55. u .. . .1 15. R:, 56. P. . D.W57. L RG16 17. AC ... . . :d. N P 18. D.H3Yas 59 . T.nrcsm It. A0eu 60, M.SNky 23. DPmnn 61. G. Dwym 21. S.Py1: 62 ld5tdA 22 . 11 .3sanm 63. W.E2A 21 T.5im 64. S.CnsX'A 24 . ii.ptur 65. A. Nash 25 . ATrb E6. D.CMsch 26 . G .Yasg 67. S.Brata 21. 8.014n 68. J.Gan 28. 8.1.?tch 69 . D. Pakw 29. W.WJBp 70. P.CnurchB X. J. &M 71 . A. W4an 31 . J. WNad 72. R . Le? 32. ld.Scz'I 71 W.A4+9z15on 33. A6aaem 74 . C . Town 34. P . 6kCr•a. 75. R . CdF[x 35. S.B,ar:Nx 76. P. Pawl CB. D.Em 77. W.Paaard 37. R. Egon 78. D.UasP.n 33 . 0. Ahx 79. D. lJZDons.k ~. C.Eva•s 80. B .Cwwzrsa . J.Naray 81 . P.Fshey 40 41. D.Ssa

PATTERSdN CHENEY Ringwood • Dande nong • Sth Melbourne 9262 6666 • 9215 2222 r 9682 6581

UNIVERSITY RED S Coach: Michael Farrell Reserves : Grant Hammon d 1 G5•t 31.D.Hur;rnsla9 2NP za 38, . A30F9 .E! 40.l1. A4 .. S. D K-.z 41. H.'.,.'txk 42. 7.J.N 43.T., 8 Id= .:, .- H P 9. D. Fhs 45 5 c ._'r t0. P. iktrzs 4i s Pr : it . B . PcYe 47. A. Ps ~ 12 DF'=: 48P -.. .:k 13!!. .'s 4 N. 14.8.Tcr y}.C[ :-~ 15. P-Cc-l 51 . T'-~ 16.N!'-.-.57 . L 17. A, : : :

18. !' 19. G.'~ .

20. G Caok 21.S.Pia '2. R.C-zn 23. A. Tnrnndes 24. C.Tehan 25. B. Fr,'v 26 . S. Bev61 . B. " 27. S. R¢dab 62 . O . E.. ., 28 . N.Ha9 63. A .<.;_, . 29 P.J?res 64.C. ?J . D .Laz:A? 65. P. 31 . A. Ja:ksw 67. 8J4 31 .RZn69.G.R 32 . S. AkaeaN 70 . C. F--, 33.6.Thdcher 34L. 72 . P 34. hl e~h 73 .5. 35. AtdcR~ 74 .G.4= ' 36. A. Ryan 36. T. V90 8S. G ",:.:


E Central



Senior Caach : Rkk Morris Ma win Reserves Coach : Mak 1 . P. Cooper 2. F. Denami Y. K. Frost" 4. N . Papadalos 5. D .Marded 6. A. Webb 7.W .Ced 8. J . Tanasdb 9. D . Griffin 10. M. Hayes 11 . F. Coscareila 12. 13. G. RisGc 14. S. 15. D. Morris 36. P. Keppel 16 . 37. G . Merrell 17. 38. D. G*detlo 18 M . La+ve 39 . J. Aug4ustakis 19 . 40. D. Galku s

Senior Coach : Shane Rule Rese rves Coach :Barry Funnotl 1. MBarDgranrs 40. ABa~ke.nNC) 2 D. Huffer 41. J. maw 3 S Fredrickson 42 D. LyraS 4 . A. CIA 43. K. Carmn 44. P.Stuct4pry S S Cav}hey & J.Dma<esci 45. S.Tmrer 7. BFurset 4& D. Wright A, ftSbrer- 47. D.HaCey 9. P.Edmu :h 48 LM37amzra ta O.SsktdYkai 49. N. MN

11 . J. zebrv*pj 51 S. Bosom 12 F. Curia 51. kwater 11 W, Brown 5Z J .Cmais 14. S, Haines 53 . 1 . Maddson 15. MLenis 54 . L Chadwick 1& B.SIlteC/ 55 . AO.arhmza3s 17. M. V9La05 55 . M Casopodss 19. P, Call 57 . R.Cavd

a J. me" S& S . Price

21 D.Ies(R) 59 . B.Harw-nd 21 . D. Edrrards (VCH) 60. K. Paaq

V- J. SYT 23. S. .man (C4)

20 . 41 . A. Charpte 21 . R. Martinez 42. 22 . D. Feruessy 43 , 23 . T. Runciman 44, D . GrifrCta

61 . S. Stand(R44) 24 . P . Davies 45. 61 S. Magree 25 . J. Relab 46. M . Cooper

63. C. Back 24. S. FICandr 25. T.6!333dn 64 . T.Wisxl 26. P.Grolow 6k D, Briggs (R) 27. L Ryan 65. A RthuCsai 23. MSrazfa 66. R&x"ur.y 29. P.S at 67. D . Steady 30. C .( 6& R Bra d 31 . S' n 70. I.M.~.ary a. M' . . 71 . D .Stneedy 33. P. 72. J.At-aea 34. T._ . roan 73. P. Bradirtan 35 N .BOkAS 74. S.Ba5gia '~a." G. Gray 75. J. Fafr.y 37. AChbda 76. q Byron al. C.Suheca'A 77. N .Po'hiH 3.3. SArYmny

THE ROYAL OAK HOTEL North Fitzroy Phone 94814693 THORNBURY COUGAR S Senior Coach : Gary Cutter Res. Coach: Rod Robertson I. B. GeV 2 AMmGzy 3. RBue4j 34 . P. Mr DmA 4. BJkIc ..ison 35 . K. Norm S G.f"- 1 6. P., . r(Cap) Bd-q(M) 37. G.Tiw.dwts 39.S.Coulopas La re 40.SHUr' f0. G T~-m , 41 . ft Preston If. BR 12"D 42 R&uw 12 S.L .._/ 43 . P.Haros 130 Cars( ) 44. V. D'Angdo (VC) 14. M°" dard 9z0 1t L~ , r 45 . T .Wres (DVC) .M.S[nafsms 16. SIRUC) 4& S 17. S .. 47. I. Ryan 48. A. P^^^a 11 1 49. P.D S 19 . MJolnsksn 50. A J 23 . RA'rAdrox 51 .At in 21 . ACreg 52 T h.-an 22. W.Dusin 53. 21 54. C.ASynbaxis 24 . D. Muscat 55. 25. D. Beg:e/ Sa. A. Crocker 2c. S. Russ 57. D. Brewer 27 . D. Brew 58. D. ace 28 . 8.8ei -e 59. P.ArD7w 23 .R. r 60. G .Z~ba 3?. A + 61. P.TockC 62 SApp!etry 3t A H+~zt

THOMASTOWN a, .c 1 i a 4,,

Indoor Sports

26 . P . Mandfiia 47. 27 . 48. 28 . R. BauanD 49. 29 . 50. C. Hayes 30 . 51 . P. Stephen 31 . 52. 32 . P. Pashakis 53. 33 . R. GAlfilhs 54. 34 . D. Keppel 55. N . Zambelb 35. R. Morris 97. K. MWOney




Senior Coach: Gordon Burrows Reserve Coach : Peter Sacco 1. k rxdr9 (Caq) 2. D . Adams 3. S .Hod~on 4. P .Dmarco 5. J. KaloadSs 6. V .Gtanaldi 7. J.Briffa 38. D . Gtqp~ 8. P .CuxirrghW 39. M. Br~ 9.J. ' .r 40. S. ft 10. S .WeN/ 41 . G . PM 11. J.BmdoM 42. J. Paparrikolam 12. P .Crqaro 43. M. Senate 13. P .Mam 44. F.M.3rci 14, J. Hope 46. C .Co/dese 5. B .OErien 47, D . Wpm 16. L Owrxdan 48. A. X'r8 a 17. A. Kyfiaus 50. L. RirRzri 18. V.RadeGo 51 . S. Keay 19. V . Lra:i 52. T. Chaim 20. G. taSa! 530. ArgMn 21. P.Sacw 54. J. Relief! 22. C. Fox 55. S . Satinerit 23 . D. Eks 57. S .Heaky 24, G. Halal 58. IL CIA 25. P.Gemaaaro 59. C.TSavaias 26 . J. &Aam 60. P .Gray 27. P. Ra+IdeYo 61. H. Kaadan 28 . D.taetan 62. S . Torcasio 29 . J.Sauatrs 63. J. Modica 30 . J.Ttanpacn 64. F .Mo6ca 31 G Walsh 65. R.Thapa 32 . J.Pakmims 33 . G. McCall 34 . S.Moaa 35 . P.Dowseg 36 . B.Evans 37 . 8. Thape

Coach: Alex Frazer Reserves : Ian Stevens

Coach: David Twomey Reserves Coach: Andrew Hadley

~ -~:'r~s 2 P. !'~^-e DPI I d 1. J P

4 .A' u 5 SF n 6 C .I.~r 7. RDan 8 P.Vm 9. JCoaTa IO. LS~ it . BP# 2 JFYem I P. Poem It dDsTran I& Its- nog P I& & kvhm 17. R Plane 18 T.Peak 19. aSte 22 A W-ro m 21 . LSea 2L ktdm 21 JFMr#a 24. 5.01tv 25 A1taVi 26 P.L4 27. D, Ba r 28. D. GM P. P.DukRy 30. J6kl : 31. Kfr

3 Z1 1 r 33. Si+a :.:.

36 P.TrM 37. Jwoo r 'si Vd Led ;d. ILTapxp

0 W.Grtn 41. DTcks 42 J.CYs it G .C v td it D.Ikm 44 P.Bxy~ m. D.Ikmd 0. D. iktsJay Q. P. 144n

5. RN~iza s1 u.y~ sl . 5 Cmx7ry 52 K6ua 53 Ueda, It B.Gw SS P.Gdtenp SS Gw#c1 57 P.Cra„a .M. A Donm '~. D.%v^''~ 1 aa3n.q

1 . B. Baatlr4 2. S. Whiting 3. L . Blake 4 . A. 0'Keefe S. A. Leitch 6. J . Horshurgl 7. D. Jac,p 8. A. Horsturhg (Capt) 9. C. ViBinger 10. G . Crewe . Roderic k " . G0 12. . Harris 41 A,bardan 14. B. Srd1h 42 . B. Gray . T . Geier 15. A.Boerd 43 16. S. Christc, 44• T . Marcus 17. P. King 45. M . Craig 18. D . Outen 46 . G . Flower 19. D . Shea 47. A. Hadley 20. E. Szusk'wv rz 48. S. .kxles 49. S. He+titt 22. P h 0'Ma0ey (VC)51 . P. MaNnsen 23. S. .Leitc wtla 24. L Fairfield 52 r~ .DA. Ina 25. S. Leonard 54 . Bal l . B. Da rfield 26. P. Mercian 55. B. Green 27. D . Bilman 56 . J King 28. C . Par slow (VC) 57 . A. Cogan 29. D . Horslwrgh 1 -14. 58. P. SterraA 59. A. Lipscorrbe 31. J. Alan 60. D . Momn 32. G. Jenkklson C . Bill 33. G. Robson C . Parskra 34. S . Fi6eD A. Chrisio 35. B . Franklin A. chamtan 36. D. Moore S. Sutton 37. S . Cuaxnin B. Wdliams 38. A . IAcCarlhy S. Thompson 39. M. Gibb 40. A . Triakmn

UNIVERSITY BLACK S UHSO B Senior Coach: Mark Sad9w(ck Reserves Coach: Gino Maua 1. R. Freifah 2. D.6rebner 3. A .Rar e 4. C.Fkterem S. C. Stwrle 6. S.CrackneB 6. K.Jones 7. C.Skirats 8. M.SbT,dck 9. R.Smah 42 . D Wa%ce (Cap) . Mazza 43. ABa~h 11 it .G C.Wada 44 . M. Ccrosi6vm 12. C.Arnol 45 . C, Cook 13. P. Mvlean 46, M . Robins 14. B. Carruthers ; 48. B. Fkudd 15. M.Davkkon 49 . D. De Lon 16. P.GGw9hape 50. D. Zrkdd 11. B. Palhsel 51 . J . Pagas 18. E.Iourign 52. T. Roe It. P.Ho 53. P.Basz 19. G. Mazza, 54. J Plelkr 20. G.M"rgrarro 55 . MRoach 20. P. Wood 56. W. WAms 21. S.EaBahro 57 .TenB .D 22. D. Bara~l 58. D . Matheson 23. D. Koch 59 . D . SmRh 24. N. Faced 60 P . own 24. S. Wi~'.amson 61 . M. Adams 25. l .Gort i . G.Anoklu;sen 26 . C.GaewCOk 62 l 27. K.Sfmtan 63 S Pdda 64. C .BoB 2 . R Bwt 65J.Lad 29. M .Dulcaa 66 . D .Sokderko 30 . G.Jones . PSdda 31. M .Vdczn 67 68. M.Camdxl 3Z D. Bun n . J CaMard 33 . P. EGrirqham 69 70. D. Regan 34 . D. Douglas 71 . B . Bid "s5 . J . McWrd~g 36 . M . PDIb 37 . G.Catlerai 38 . A. Boyce 39 . M . Rea 40. J . Fhrrdirs 41 . M .0'CmreA


Senior Coach : Garry Connolly Assistant Coach: Steve Plumridge Reserves Coach : Mark Plumridge

1 . G .Danoch If. G.Wid.m 2. R . Hal 42 . D. Ryan 3. D .Mmissy 43 . J. Quit, 4. MZeWryk 44 . P.Fabes 5. B.Cmnirgham 45 . J.BSxn 6. JD'sbaarh 46 . E Road1 7. C .Ke96d 47 . S.Guhn 8, D . Helton 48 . D.Morm 9. C . P" 49 . M .Padurdson 10. A .KemeCj 50 . T.Jassen 11 . B .SrrAh 51 . ANevile 112. N . R~wts 52 . MGrdlarn 3. T. Bosies 53. N. Skmrwns 14. M. Hallam 54 . M. Briggs 15. A .Ro*m 55 . M. Noon 16. P .CaccavieDO 56. C. Stephens IT H . Peycker 57 . D. er6kdt 18. P .Wr.gmd 58 . D. Begley 19. J.Ward 59. L K.kEm 20. S . Lowe 60, S. Fraser 21. B . Ted 61 . C.MkAie9 22. T.Lanto 62. 23. S . BeGOn 63. 24. M.Fogany 64. 25, N. Bowles 65 . J . Trevaskis 26. D. She 66. 27. M.Hayes 67. 28. P . Lee 69. K. Carenduz 29. A. Glass 69. SAJA 30. D.SmverGy 70.

31. N. Caren 71 . H. Kean 32. L. Personal 7 2 33. P. Hodgson 7i~ 34. J.Corsk 74. 35. P. Cana 75, 36 . M . Be" 76. 37. J.Gad1 77. 38 . C. Cuolahan 18. 39 . P. Harden 79, 40 . G. Bolivia go.



Senior Coach : Phil Leatham Reserves Coach: Nick Magatas .HmmOon 40. RBaker (FiCapi 2I.. A J.Grey 41 . S.Davies 3 . R.Easmo-y, 42. E.KarafierNOs 4, G. Davies (CapQ 43, J . Tobin 5 . D.Papaza)bu 44. J .Kodogiarinhis 6 . M .Sassim 45. C. Kaskrebs 7 . F . VIA 46. G . SaklaPos 8 . P}{arinlian 47. P.Kyle 9 . J. Khoury 48. L Brown 0 . S. Fyffe 49. J, heynod 11 . S.Cocdaras 50. RCackcil 12 . S.Rzhardsm 51 . C .HaiziSanai 13. J.Sdm 52. B.Flavogan It P.Rdbnson 53. B.Cfarke 15 . PJknatgFdpl 54. A. Baker 16. S.Snryttce 55. Mptiz 17 . J .Jacksan 56. R Redgm It . J .Curin 57. P.Coo k 19 . S.BargamHs 58. D .WiSams 20. P Hickey 59. H . McDonald 21 . S.Mct43ma•a 60 . M. Kociarcic 22. N. Magalas (RC) 61 . M.Paigers 23. J . Osborne 62. B .Pernn 24. D.Coonan 63 S .Coup9/ 25. ~, Malone 64. P, McGrath 26. G .Nea9t 65. S .Dearavp 27. D. Rrzncai'sano 66. D. Cgsrsio 28. K. &degar 67. J. Haste 29. D..McAtki6 68 . M.Arr.krson 30. M. Lewis 69 If LeLlos 30. J . Soaking walace 31 . A.Mou9uaa 71, N . FOOD 32. S.D'Ndrea 72. A .StbSPsen Hehis 33. T.Thorrqwn 73. D. 33. G .Chappel 74. A .BaArs 34. M.Capes 75. S .Sadelm 35. d.Tasw>° 1& I. Mdie:ce 36. C.P4chk 96. P .DzNiam 37. S.Coombes 38. B.M;caS 37. T. Herrkrson

Senior Coach: Alan Elliott Reserves Coach : Tony Ryan S. W& 36. A. The9es N . 8euard (S) 37 . A. Bond O .Oawsal(R) 38 . T.Badwah A. Harry (Cap .) 39. T. Carter J . Tuck 40. G . Reid D . MacLeod 41 . l. R'r.Yarrk D . Grieve 42. M.Brammer C. . (S) 9. AI.OTyrcl D .EB:ii (R) 45. M.Ouxk ts. nam 46. S. Kervedy G .Case S. MtEadran 47. R .ISk2 48. K. Foefn L.Groko,vsk 49. G . Bons W. GdiRhs 8.Twisi 50. D .Ordain A .Darwel 51 . D . Rubric 52. M. Oldham D .Whle G. HeAreAsoe 53. C . Ha& n 54. S .Brya T. Luginam P . Dervan D. Wh&h3m P . Bechar W. PaPrk P . MtNamara D.GrN (S) T. Ryan (R) 0. Lee B . Tack C .True MAnderson A . Cook (VCao) C .Mckenzie D. Temty (S1 S . Don a (R) T.Camon G.Wanen R. KuhoxsVi


E South


Senior Coach : Mick Marshall Seniors Coach : Angelo t .ananna Res . Coach: Mark Mussarod I Ras. Coach: Paul Thomas I. LlAx;dw(CN.4.i 32 P. Pat I. B . When 37. B . Huardz Senior Coach : Jack McDonald 2 ANaS'n 31 P. Lem 2. A .La'tiarna 38. C. Than R.S. Coach: David Kilma rt in a M .A r*p 34. ArV1151 3. T. NB 39. N.AbnaOM 4 . D.Tmsa $. P. Ma;q 4. D.Cassar 40. C.Crai g I . S. Duke (6DVC) 28 . C.Yta➢c4ri(tC) 5. M.Wrels i 36. B.62riojtn 2. N . Pastas 29 . T. Harbrson S. R. Larnama 41 . S. Taladco 3. P.Snih 29 . S.Re*th 6 LBixHr 37. R;dLext 6 . M.SeaGoD&(VC) 42 N.BV~na6 7. T.Pea6 37 . D.ti;im 3' C. Leeds 30 . J. Flentiar 7. M .Kads 43. 4. R . Was 31 . P.Cxbs & C .Wa5as 3& SHOW S . J.Jant 44 . B.0'dnei 9. S. C6-1 61 4. P. Cakes 32 . M . FarreB 33. DOsttare 9 . 45 . S. D . Leeds (R-0VC) i R&arav NC) 49. 6L Pay t0. P.Jones 46. J .Crooke t . P .Ma`rxq 41 . H. Tara 11 . T.ROsslcr(C) 47. J .Walon 6. C .Detr~ 33. N.Daou 7 P .~ 34. N .RMhnlad 12 S .ft-WN.q) 42 G.C:w 12 . L. McAuliffe 48. H.Ka}pnuz 13 P . STziwti4 43. 8 . Masrq 8. AMba kdy 34. C .Wesitdade 13. M.Kraosky 49. D .,ones f4. S.Srpro 8 . R. Lindsay 35 . AJefhcy 44. JErans 14. T. Burkky 50. A. SUMn 15 J.Pa;4y 45. RGaviur6ge 15.A. Wooly 51 .A.Skkn S . G. Sataalrs 36 . M. Pearson 15 M. 46 BSrse 52. S.Kri;ktk 10 . U . Phito 37. M. Sweeney 16. J.Herderson R-0VC) 10 . r, Thynn 17. JWari(Y.C4) 47. P.Coed! 11. S .Atgust 53. M.Fkxu.y . A .kni.n 1& J .F's.4 .65416201 e 2 1 37 4 AM,-'Sm 18. P .Thana(VC) 54. C .M2cYz9 11 . J . Lkda 38 Aloarep IS. M .BLFod 49. S.C . .8 19. M.RRSosm 55. G.Calrdar 20 J .Pz~s 51 . Rk, yte 12 . N.Vffiams 39 . D. Armstrong 20. 56. B . Laraway 13. S.lkCaAhy (RNC)40 . M. Su3tStkmJ 21 . M. L a: s 1 3. 6 6 21 . 1. Turner 57. M.Jonas . S. Brown 2L M.MYei 54. S.B , . 58. G. Nayar 14 . U. WeaNwrit 41 22. G. Sardos . C.Car6sk 14. M.Szefz 42 23 . N.CNS5e 58. G 23. S.Websar 59 . . A. Kcirp . DCozn f24 .: 15. A. Bearfn 43 59. AL. 24. ZKrstic 60 . J.Ymig 16. M. Malone 44 . K Taylor 25. P.hank 63. D. 6 25. 61 . 45. P. HW.. .MNarry 61 . K' 26. 62 . N. McEwm 16. P. Kno 46. D. Par k i CMD '~t 62 27. .' 17. D . k27. AWOrsnop 63 . Mid-'e" 47. M CaAer 28. &ParsS 69. IL Hopi 28. C. Mrsray 64 . . P. P, ~es (Rtap 19. C.,bfces C) 48 . J .Wrsanr, 23. S . . 64. RWOoka:4 29. M. Stewart 65. 33. S .Pwm ES C .Ar4viou 20. R.Koe~x 49 .Car~k 33 . P.Harrson 66. . R 21. P .St~e ~ . H.A9czmade 31 . KWteme Pa RPtt a 31 . G. Oaten 67. M. Catander 22. M. Cox U .SmeW 67. S .PA 32 . 68. B. Dykes .T 23 . AR~iI 52 . M. Murray 31 AYarxJ 69 . G .Fkk16r 24 . M. Lawrex 53 . G .VIaB~y 34 . L.Ttornas 70. M.NayR 71 . R .La«Hn 25 . J.! 54 . T.Scardamag5a 35 . 25 . D.Dnararroral 55 36. RHa9 72. ~mmds 73 26 . E Lax91 ~' W' . B. CuAkys 74. 27 . C. Ltrv&! 57 58. G.lzrkin



MONASH GRYPHON S Seniors Coach : Ga ry Ryan Res . Coach: David Ratner 1. LWa% (D'41 X Pig 2 M"itiks) 37. IN 3.AGz.t{ 33.R n . C .Rdasm 39. S .AJ M4 & D.Krg(dC 4). M . D.Czn S&GRy?7(C)41 7. NY-'-'as 42 P. S & J.Exd 43, M.G Rn 9.P.1 rk 41.M&,~ 1A P.1 45 C.0'Etien It. fti, .. . 46 JJ3:ta's 12 D.C_..;-st(D'i)47. P. BA-13. M,Tc~ 48 . 1-Matt 14, ILL,49 . ATtket73 15. J.C_rrr Y1. S.BAie S. B.Ot•:'erry St . C.Leelw 17 . dSrJ 52 D.Hse I AUn 51 M. ... 19. G.ey 54. P.Ga" 20. G- -: a7 55. C . M:oney 21 . My % J.Feslg 2L & :M 57. LFrasa 21 C .Frarmn 5& M.t . 24. RB!3:k 59. B.F 25 D. W44 6). KM_ ..; 2& A.Dam 61. D.Dr°°1 27. RGkva 62 . J.T-

I J.tMm:e E5. R E _ . .

23. 1Fder a C.M'37. P.How 69. J.& .T Or, G.Pr.rda 72. D.A.'rs Y. AGrahsn It. S.1~5a 33. RFErWA 9e. C.0'sban 34. G Hwak(PCI 93 . T. I.e? ;G . R Jarra a

MONASH WHITE S Senior Coach: Glen Cormick Res. Coach: Ronnie Lamb I. M. Dods 2.J.Ska 3. J. Notes 4. R.An~/ S. J. mgue 6 . J R.P~M 7. .Carra 8 . A. Fates 9 . J. Fairweather 10. B.C*+ 11 . A. Kited 12 . M .TOssav&en 13. C. War 14. C .CtetrcLeYein 15. H .Beh 16. N .U"~~g 18. S. Dods 19. G.VmtDerZakn 20. M. F6Fe 21 . R..brzs 36 C Have 22. G. Camick 42 M . Rhoden 23.J.~ 43.J .E8uroarJ 24. M. McLean 44 . R, Lamb 25. A.M ;.Bath 49 . A.M:Krswck 26. S.0§ro S0. J.Caxky V. B. 09 60 G. WSprague 28. R.Hammerlon 76 T .F d 29. M. Dobbs £0. M. Krebs 32. J. Stevens 34. T.Cogley 35 . L Holde n

OAKLEIG H Senior Coach: Rod Bourke Reserves Coach: Brad Osborne i. R6r. ~. 0. ' 2 . A' 37. P L .1 4 . P.t 5.C .P' 1

Mark Stevens PANEL SHOP P/L . . ..... . . . .... . . .

IF,t)RMULA~-T Si-unTs i.u CHAOSTONE 32



Coach: Myies Land Santora Rese rves Coach : N oil Franksry

Senior Coach: Poter Olivieri Ros . Coach : Craig Richardson

1 . IS. Persons 2. S. McMahon 3. A. McLorinan 4. E. Bowen 5. A . Maderoseo 6. M. Warne r 7. N. Franks 8 . P . Angus (Capl) 10 .T . Tre7r'hitt 11 . A. Landry 12 . A. Campbell 13 . V. Brancatisarw 14 . D. Wame-Snssth (VCapt) 15. B. Cook 16. S. ClarirgboA 17. L . Barclay 18. S. Gloss 19. D. Sims 20. C . Landry 21 . S. Baxter 22. A. AtiJ7ison 23. M. Gaibazzo 24. G. Bond 25. A . Cake 26. G. Nelson 27. A . Hirrid-28. A . Th ripp 29. D. Morgan 30. R. Blood 31. A. Gross 32. A. Parsons 33. R. Pool e 34. A. 0'Ned 48 . J. Bieasby 36 . N. Bowman 49 . J. Whelan 37 . T . Stewart 52 . L. Marks 38 . A. Bourxfy 53 . B . Fenwick 39 . S. Taytor 54 . M . Danny 40 . S. Marshal ,-g, P. Hei6er 41 . S. Farrow 5 ). A. BdgDs 43 . A. Bonner SS A . Watts 4a . C. Bowman 60. M . Hayes 45. D. Scown 62. d. Wtate 46. D. Brain.aGsarm

1. P.VanOO/ 44 . M. " 2. J. Hal 45. M.Baake 3. G.Scako 46. S.McCazdd 4 . R.Derin 47, D .Na'man 5 . M .Brai0 49. D.Plxlan 6 . D. Burch 49. J. Ryan 7 . C. Ridwdson 50. A, Stand 8 . S. Cress St. S .Wastae 9 . A. Moms 52. A .Mler 10. G . MtCuSatgh 53. A . Ken It . L. : 54. J. BWa 12. M-Madkx 55. H. Whole 13. W.DoSi 56. H. Lee 14. C. Newland 57. A.Rym~ 15.J.~ 58.T .Ned 16. S. Cramm 59, L . Taylor 17. C .Md .eol 60 . M .Erap 18. F.03yie 62 . j, W W 19. J. Evars 63, B . Werra 20. A . Sretrran 66. 0.44'ryi4 21. J.Derretrce 70 . R.Haywoxj 22. J. McGrath 87 . T.Frcerd 23. G. Scc4u d 24. R. WAams 25 . S.Evara 26 . J.Seria 27 . S.Lyrch 28 . J. Tucker 29 . G. Newnan 37. P.Hartison 31 . M .Onnstr/ 32 . B. Wison 33. R.Ta}'br 35. C. VrR.ams 36. A.Robinsai 37. K.Te4urJ 34. P.Ptalan 39. J . GM 40. G .Amoi 41 . S .C" 42. C . kkradane 43, A . Fake



/~AV & U1 ~-ffVC\1 SALESIAN O.C .


Senior Coach : Peter Turley Rese rv es Coach : Dam(an Sutherland 1 . M. BOA (VCap) 2. M.Casiaki 3& D.Tapbr 3. S. rd 33.8.O"Irn 4. B.Bownen 40. MSuS~'s'.aM S. M.Canavan (C) 41 . S.&beuC 6. M. CIA 42 AFxorarz 7. G.Gaspaui 43 . T.Lcar 8. M.HaiF9 44. 9. D .S(A 45 . NIL Sperm 10. D. Oliver 46, S. &vxn ii. R.Cixdta 47 . R.E ;{s 12. A .Gaspari 4& P.KarYaO 13 . 1.8obe5C 49 . I D 14 . P.MdCr44 50. B.R~ 15 . T . Walbridge 51 . P.' had 16 . A.Cluapp5r 5Z T.' . 17 . M . Fates (RC) 51 O . . S. Sinclair 54. & EE18 19 . A. Healey 55. D .4 r 20. A. Seaga 66, S . Fr-md 21 . R.Napck 57. R1 1 22. 58. I T 23. C. Rocta Karl) 59. M 1 24_ A.Grus 61 M E 25. B. Kanner 61, G.Md;abM 26. C .Cb!rsai 62 . LW=="waY 27. M.Marefiald Gi. D.SL 1 28. M.Bytta 64. 29, M. Fate E V, -d 30. D . La" (EritC) 6& P '' ' 31. B . Mdardy 67. I . 3 32. A . S itevens 68. M P„ 33. M. Wiseman 6 2 5. 4. ":Y 34. S . Roberts 70. C. . T. Brwme ;35 36 S . Reba 37. J. Brennan

Senior Coach: Brett Sebire Reserves Coach : Peter Lewis I. D. Ferach 2. M. Cosgrove 3. K . wood 4 . P. Lewis (EksC) 5 . 0. Iflatbarq (VC) 6 . T .Dav's 7 . K.Gtd@r(Cap) 39 . R. Each 8 . D.Perrin PVC) ~. ~.~'~ 9 . P. Emrotl 42 C . &arm . Se~e (C) ~_. M . Ban itI.. P.FNaaos B 12. M. Davies; 45. G . Berry 13. A.Garx,i 46. M.Grcg3n 47. KODarogirue 14. T.A"^^^an 15. M.SM:ran 48. M.Wal;h 16. J .McCaAtry 49 . T.Evans 17. C .' an 50. A .ladds 18. T. an 51 . M. Holowat 19. D .naaser 53. D. Neaten 20. C .Grares

21 . 0.8a

54. 0. Mlrptq

55. !A. Ylaraxudes 22 P 23. M.Su6vin 56 . D.HuJi'Qs 24. A .Cotem 57. P.Coanf% 58 . J. imaun 25. B. Bums 59 . C. Donegan 26. P.WNBa 60 . M .CerNeO 27. M . Wae 28 . M.0'Brkn (RC) 61 . S. Flannery 29 . 63 . 0. Ba n 33 . N. Foam 64 . R.YOUn7 31 . A.Wal:h 65 . C.Meb 32 . S. R/an 66. D. Breman 33 . D.AraE :r(RVC) 67 . G .Capuara 34 . P. Kpjxasa, 69 . D. Haar 35 . M. Grard 70. C . N~s 3S. C. S'epFers 71 . P. Mwphy 37 . S.RTAtry 75. M.Canq3pia 38. S.Perano 76 . P.Canpapia

. . . . . . . . . . . .... . .. . . . . . . . . . . CHOICE .CREDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UNION . . . . .... . .. . . . .

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E SOUTH SECTION by Damien Batey c; Tn a compelling fortnight of football, many interesting results were registered . Amongst the mos t important matches were Power House's victory over St . Pats in Round 13 and Salesians narrow escape from a courageous AAIZ Albert Park . As we now approach the final four rounds, the pressure is mounting for a superb finals series. REVIEW ROUND 1 3

Peninsula inflicted a loss upon Monash Gryphons in a round that sported many one sided games . The Pirates were too strong for the Gryphs, as they moved onto another percentage boosting 20 goal victory . Some encouraging signs came out of the game for the Gryphs, who were playing like a side with nothing to lose . An air of familiarity echoed in the Pirates best with Adam Land ry again in the thick of things . Tory Trewhitt also continued recent form, whilst Warne-Smith booted nine goals . Power House were again the talk of the town, this time with a four goal win over St . Pats . In a costly game for the Vultures, they lost third spot to their opponents . St. Pats got an early jump on House, booting the first three goals. A very even second term saw both sides get a lot of the play with Power House holding a minor lead at half time . Power House kept St . Pats at bay in the second half despite the Vultures determined attempts to stay in touch . A similar final term helped Power House to a good win over St . Pats who lost their second game to House this season . Best for the Vultures were Hellerbrand, Stephens and Grant . Oakleigh enjoyed a comfortable victory over Glenhuntly in a game that highlighted the contrasting abilities of many E South sides . The win moved the Krushers onto 28 premiership points, which put them three games behind the four at the completion of the round . AP7Z Albert Park continued their excellent late season form with a decisive victory over Elste rnwick . The Zedders 15 goal win made for a disappointingly uneventful match between two sides that would normally fight out a close match . ANZ's strong second half saw them kick 11 goals to Elsternwick's one . Matt 'Sam' Malone was again ANZ's best in the midfield, with Mark Phillips and Matt 'Richo' Sutherland also playing strongly . The Wicks best was ever reliable Jamie Ward with Scott Clement and Adam Hankin also battling hard .

Salesi an cruised to a 30 goal victory over Monash Whites . With just three goals for the day . Whites were never in the hunt . REVIEW ROUND 14 St . Patricks received a shock with Monash Gry phon's determined fight against their more highly favoured opponents . Although the final scores indi-

cated a relatively comfortable victory to St . Pats, it was no reflection of the commitment and endeavour shown by the young Gryphon side . In the first half, Monash threw everything at the Vultures, moving into the main change only a couple of points in arrears . It wasn't until the third quarter, that St . Pats finally lifted their conversion rate and built a substantial lead . The Vultures five goal win was a disappointing result for the Gryphs, who had their chances to cause an upset in the first half . St . Pats unveiled a strong new forward set up, that featured Stephens an d Barr as prominent options who kicked 5 goals each . Fenech also played strongly in defence, whilst Sullivan was a good contributor in his first game back from injury. Power House earned four points the hard way against Oakleigh in a thrilling contest. The Krushers fell just one point short of victory, due to their more accurate kicking than that of Power House . With 11 more scoring shots, Power House may have expected to finish further in front of their gutsy opponents . With their draw now softening up a little, House will be hoping to record some strong victories before the finals . Elsternwick finally cracked it for another win after weeks of falling short, this time against Glenhuntly. The Wicks led all day and got out to a sizeable half time lead, largely through the play of centre half forward Scott Clement, whose strong marking was a feature of the game . Glenhuntly however applied great pressure after half time and fought right back into the game . The Hunters were unlucky in losing to the Wicks: because more accurate kicking could have clearly won them the game . Geoff 'Swan' Andrew and on baller Adrian McKenzie were also among Elsternwick's best . A four point loss was a demoralising result for Glenhuntly, who had a big chance of winning their second game for the year . Congratulations also to Elsternwick's Paul Mahony, the club president and a tender 46-year-old, he booted 8 goals last week . In another heart-choking result of the round, Salesian managed to stave off a hungry AIYZ Albert Park by just two points . The Zedders were well on their way to an upset with an awe inspiring six goal first quarter. Salesian then pegged back the deficit to just 9 points at half time . The second half was a battle of great ferocity and attrition . Salesian however failed to convert their good play into scoreboard pressure and ANZ still led by 10 points at three quarter time . In the last quarter, neither side could truly break away until a soccer style goal put Salesian i n THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

front in the dying stages . Best for ANZ were Gary tAtaikley on the ball, Chris Walkley in the centre and Paul Cuicas at centre half fonvard . In the remaining match of the round Peninsula unsurprisingly defeated Monash Whites by a large margin. PREVIEW ROUND 1 5 Monash Gryphons take on Oakleigh in what should be a closely fought and tough match. The Krushers were unlucky not to get away with a win against Powerhouse last week, but it is difficult to tell whether or not they will falter against Monash . The Gryphons on field performances may have been more consistent lately, which could help them cause an upset. Power House take to battle with Elsternwick who got out of jail last week against Glenhuntly . Similarly Power House came out winners in a tight finish last week. Power House should record another win against the Wicks however. ANZ Albert Park who are growing with talent every week meet with Glenhuntly . The Zedders are the side to jump into the four should any other sides make a fatal slip up . This week a big win over the Hunters will make the top four sides fear the Zedders even more. Monash Whites play host to another side in the four, this time its St . Patricks. The Patters need to win against all sides below them on the ladder and should easily account for Whites. The ultimate re-match between Salesian and Peninsula should be a great game . The Pirates have often struggled to win this game, but their number could be up this time around . Salesian looked as if they had the staggers last week, and will need a concentrated, four quarter performance to beat the Pirates .

SENIORS (July 20th ST PATRICES MENTONE 4 .6 4.12 9.14 16 .19 .115 ;RONASH GRYPHONS 3 .1 5.4 8.8 11.8 .74 St Patricks Marione Stephens, Barr 5- C. Sullivan 2, M. Sullivan . Sebire. Evans . Ntchols. Bestl Stephens, Barr. Fenech, M. Sullivan, Flanne ry, Hilkbrand . Monask Gryphons Wells 3 . Fraser, Blandford 2, Lewis . Kitchin- Stratford . ODoherty .Best Toghill, Karavias. Lewis, White, ODoherty, Roach. POWER HOUSE 0 .4 0.11 2.12 5.21 .51 OAKLEIGH 4.6 5.6 6. 6 7.8,50 Power House Phelan, Har ri son 2 . Clayton . Best Newland . Missaglia . Clayton, Morris. Evans, Phelan . Oakleigh Heverin, Marshall 2 . Adamic. Billing, Bloomfield . Best Redford . Kitts, Marshall. Alexandrou- Taylor. Walsh . ELSTERNWICK 5 .4 11 .7 13.12 13.13 .91 GLENHUNTLY 3.4 6 .7 10.10 11.21 .87 Eloternmick Andrew 4, Clement 3, Murphy 2 . Burke, Bravington, Mahony . Andrew. Best McKenzie, Andrew, Murphy, Clement. Ward . Bravington. Gleakuntly Sutton 3. Rennison, Seabrook 2. Worsnop, Craig . B . Turner, I . Turner. Beat Craig. Sutton. Worsrtop. Bridger, Rnssiter. B. Turner. PENINSULA OS 3.8 7 .9 11 .12 15-19 .109 MONASH WHITES 0.1 0.1 1 .2 1.2,8 Peninsula OB Warne-Smith 6. Bond 3 . Franks 2, McMahon . Warner- Bowen. Wight Best Land ry. T rewhitt Glover. Bond, Angus . Mc M ahon . ffionaab Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. ANZ ALBERT PARK 6 .3 6 .6 9.8 9.10 .64 SALESIAN OC 2.5 4.9 6.16 8.18 .66 ANZ Albert Park Smith, Guicas, Lawrence 2, Walkley, Malone . McDonald. Best Wald-y, G. Walkley, Guicas, Rutherford, Shop", McLellan . Safest= OC H azell, Wiseman 2. Bourke, Grace . Bourman, Cincotta. Best Bourke . Mansfield, Gaspari . Bowman, Roche. Cincotta.

RESERVES (July 20th) ST PATRICKS MENTONE 6 .2 9 .4 10.10 17.12 .114 MONASH GRYPHONS 0.2 0.4 0.5 1.6 .12 St Patrician Mentone Nicholls 6, Davis 5, Walsh, Allinson 2. Batey . Emmett, Best Fatoums, Lewis, perauw. Batey, Davis . Walsh . Monash Gryphons Bennett. Best Tolongas, Browell- Williamson- Black . Hunt, Beattie. POWER HOUSE 2.7 3 .7 5.10 6.11 .47 OARLEIGH 0.1 1 .2 1 .3 1.5 .11 Power House McKenzie . Evans, McLeod . Blowfield- Williams. Best Telford . Williams . Senior, Braini. Miller. Ormsby. Oakleigk Zavaleris . Best Zavaleris . Stapleton, Donadel, Chapple . Adaway, Perdikomatis. ELSTERNWICK 5.5 5.10 10.15 15 .17 .107 GLENHUNTLY 2.2 4 .3 4.4 6.5 .41 Elsternwick Mahony 8 . Broderi ck 2, Cowell, Soppett . Ray . Heath . McDiormid . Best Mahony . Cowell, Soppett Park . Broderick, Ray. Glenhuntly Der ri ck 3, Jones. Ollie. Best McEwen. Fletcher . Thomas . Jones. Murray, Thom. PENINSULA OB 3-4 7.10 14.14 21 .16 .142 MONASH WHITES 0.1 1 .2 1 .3 1.4 .10 Peninsula OB Marks 6, Sims 4, hayes 3, Parsons, Ba rclay. Baxter 2 . Watts. Bowman . Best Sims . Parsons, Briggs. McLodnan . Monterosso, Brancatisano. Monaah Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. ANZ ALBERT PARK 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 .2 SALESIAN OC 5.4 7 .9 12.10 19.16 .130 ANZ Albe rt Park Best McCarthy, Gleeson, Sweeney, Saunders, Heyes . Redpath. Salesian Byrne 9. Bmwn, Walbridge . Lawton, Kirchner 2, Taylor . Mansfield . mail-

lard . Best Byrne, Clauson, Mansfield . WallbrFdge. Kirchner. Scotti . I''T




il : : 'Ul lit 9

MONASH GRYPHONS v . OAKLEIGH Field : J . Stoppa . Boundary: C . Stevens, M . Meier. POWERHOUSE v . ELSTERNWICK Field : P . Gersch, B . Schmidt ; Goal : A. Simpson (R), S . Lamble . ANZ ALBERT PARK v. GLENHUNTLY Meld: R . Marlyn, L. Gallagher ; Boundary : D . Blackburn, R . Martyn . MONASH WHITES v. ST PATRICKS MENTONE Field: M . Rossato . SALESIAN v . PENINSULA OB Field : C . Keeton, R. Killey : Goal : G . Grigg, R . Dunstan .


ounds 13 and 14 saw results very similar to my predictions as I enjoyed a 100% and an 87 .6% success rate in these rounds . With the ultimate fixture of the minor round now with us, the southern four is settled . On the other hand in the north, today's round is a promoter's dream ( well scheduled Phil!!) as each likely finalist plays another and it is still theoretically possible for Old Ivanhoe to qualify . :' EVIEW OF ROUND 1 3 NORTH Fourth placed Collegians made leaders Hawthorn Citizens work hard for victory before the Citizens ran out winners by twenty points . Therry, through marked inaccuracy virtually handed the four points to arch rivals N orth Old Boys by four points . Sixteen scoring shots by Therry against ten by North Old Boys clearly show the Therry profligacy . St. Bernards, virtually ended any Old Ivanhoe hope of final's participation when they overwhelmed Old Ivanhoe and won by one hundred points . Once again Old Ivanhoe were served best by Craig Sharp and Bruce Yarwood across the centre, Brett Wilson on the ball as well as by John Valiotis, Steve Myers and the ex Old Paradians Nick Mills . Inaccuracy by 14 areellin forwards enabled Old Essendon Grammarians to remain competitive in their match at Bulleen from which Marcellin did emerge victorious by twenty seven points . Kew had the bye. SOUTH Leaders, Old Xaverlans won on forfeit from Old Geelong which meant that Old M elburnians were able to jump ahead of Old Geelong on the ladder through their nineteen point victory over St . Kevins . Mazenod comfortably defeated VUT by thirty-five points at Central Reserve . Although second placed Old Scotch easily accounted for fourth placed Old Brighton-Bloods by forty-six points the Combine still remain safely in fourth place and appear likely to stay there . De La Salle had the bye . REVIEW OF ROUND 14 NORTH North Old Boys finished their creditable season for their embattled club with a nine point loss against leaders, Hawthorn Citizens . St . Bernards kicked the sweep and moved up to second place as a consequence of their forty-nine point victory over Therry . For the second successive week inaccuracy by Marcellin cost them dearly on the premiership ladder . Four goals from fifteen shots against Kew enabled the "Eagles" to win by only eleven points and sent them down to third place with one game to play . Old Ivanhoe, won a hard slog, which was really a last ditch effort for fourth place, against Old Essendon Grammarians . However their thirty-four

point victory was not enough to bridge their percentage deficit. For Old Ivanhoe Bret t Wilson Craig Sharp, Bruce Yarwood, David Supa, Pete Ritchie and Peter Martin all played well . Collegians had the bye . SOUTH Old %averians, proved far too talented for St . Kevins with a fifty-three point victory . In fact the "Crocodiles" only allowed St . Kevins one minor score! Old Melburnians, failed to live up to my expectations, as they were defeated by the more accurate Mazenod by seventeen points . Old Scotch and De La Salle played an even contest, which Old Scotch won by twenty-six points, mainly through much greater accuracy in front of goal . VUT, can blame their inaccuracy for their nineteen points loss to Old BrightonBloods . Although languishing last, VUT certainly played Brighton Beach Oval far better than have many more credentialled sides . Old Geelong had the bye.

PREVIEW OF ROUND 15 NORTH Victory today by St . Bernards against Hawthorn Citizens will allow the sides to meet again next week in the second semi-final . In their Round 6 match at St. Bernards, the Hawthorn Citizens won by four points and another titanic struggle can be expected today. St . Bernards have the greater incentive today and with Wood and Farmer reliable on the forward line, I am taking the punt to select St . Bernards. Old Ivanhoe, at home, should defeat Therry without any great pressure and in so doing hope to build percentage necessary to challenge Collegians for fourth place . The promoter's dream round continues at Marcellin, where the home side must win and win well to have any chance of regaining second place . Their opponents, Collegians, with the prospect ol playing Marcellin in next week's first semi-final, wilili, be anxious to do well . The heavy Lyons Oval wil prove stranger to Collegians than to Marcellin, whc never the less will struggle to kick a percentage build ing score . At home, I select Marcellin, who have thf greater incentive today . Old Essendon Grammarians who are at home to Kew, must be given a real chanci to record their first win . However I must select Kew who, despite their poor season, do seem to have suffi cient talent to win this game . North Old Boys hav, the bye . SOUTH Leaders, Old Xaverians should win again at th expense of Mazenod, who like their A Section sidf have had a disappointing season . Although VU'

owed good form last week, I doubt they have the h of talent to defeat Old Melburnians, whom I Ct ahaut any enthusiasm because out west th e 'Ad lburnians could lose form and the will to win. gt nd placed side Old Scotch, should record ;r easy victory over Old Geelong, who have di -)pointed again this season. In a preview of next ie ,'s first semi-final, Old Brighton-Bloods are at home to De La Salle. In Round 6 Old Brighton-Bloods won a close encounter by two points . Despite their home ground advantage C',`1 - '' : :ton-I3loods face a better performed De La E ; forward line whose ability, I expect, will lead their side to victory . St. kpvins have the bye . eason 1996 1 been the twenty-fifth of this , hich ° . .n many forms . David Windlow, V~ umpi red jr Club XVHI finals, is anxious I c mmplete recort r this section. Can any reader LIp please?? As ., "lis is my last general colunm for 1 9 96 I thank my army of readers and Don Dowell of old Ivanhoe, who has wee kly supplied me with dccAls of 71~ i eX_. ... ~ ad so to the finals .

NO 7~TI•I (July 13 : 1 h•,rrry'f!o .'~ CI2iz7NS

2.2 7.6 9 .8 910.64 2.1 2.5 5 .8 7 .10.52 y;..-:i'aors Citizens Avery. Bowe 2 . Lovich, Duff, Richardson, Power. Ousalkas. '.- :ry . ' .`orrison . Power, Sill. Murphy, Tracey. .allc~i .-~c Taylor . Gonzales. Morrison, Hooper. Ashby, Gay . J. Taylor. Best V Nancarrow. Morrison . Ashby. Lee. Crocker. gl: . .""Y 0.5 1.8 2 .10 4.12.36 .. . it ; : : OLD BOYS 2.2 5 .2 6,3 6.4.40 coy Keen.-m, Lyons, Patterson, McCann . Best McCann. Lawry, Keenan, Kelly, -e Hudson. 'rll P^ps Fletcher 3, pasquerallo 2 . Carroll . Best Turnbull. Scott. Trimbole. t,'arroh, Fogarty . iARDB 17.17 .11 9 vANHOE 2.7.1 9 undo Wood 8. Fanner 4. Day 2. Denaly, Moon, Martin . Best G . Fafrugia. P. Farrugia . Martin. Mean. . .:!hoe Kennedy. Ritchie. Best Sharpe. Yarurood . Wilson. Valiotis . Myers , 3.4 5,9 6.12 9.14 .68 2,0 3 .2 3.4 5.5 .3 5 R sford 3 . Dinneen . Paonessa 2, Highmore, Holland . Best Daffy. -- essa, Vathakos, Pertich . Basfonl. a Casey . Sheilds 2, Fazzatari . Best Allsted . Cmmer, hexter. Sheilds .

CLUB XVIII SOUTH (July 13th ) Oi.D 7L"'.'EP.tA1V8 (received forfeit from GtD cc_1AaG (forfeited) c'j :: ::cerizns Goat Kickers and Best Players not received. CIl Geelong Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .

9.10 .64 4.7.3 1

OLD !"-'-."M,LNtAPIS 0.5 2 .5 2.8 6.9 .45 ST. e;ia"i`, S 1.3 0 .5 2.5 3.8 .26 CI'_"elbnmisns Atkinson 2, Jensz . Banks, Rainer, Bardstey. Best MacClellan, n : m, E Ieton, Laycock. Banks . Bevine 3annon. Nanfra . James. Best James, Hooper, Millar. Stackpole.

`ra . Goldsworthy .

"YOD OC 6 .3 10.5 10.8 11.10 .7 6 1 .3 2 .3 4.4 6.6 .42 nod Be Neil 3, Varney . Peters . Halvy 2 . Built . Harper. Best Campbell . dy. Itaprer, Neil. Varney,. Peters . Kickers and Best Players not received .

. NJ '.'.TH OLD BOYS 1.2 1 .2 a 4.6. ."0 7 PBORNCIi12 -i98 2.3 3.8 _ 3 5.9 .39 Nc:ih Old Boys Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Br-thorn Citizens Kenney 4, Avery . Rossitto. Best Kenney . Avery . Rossitto .. GWctiner, Orchard, Murray . ST B L RRARDS 5,1 8.1 12.3 13.6 .84 Tfi'C?Y 0.2 0.6 1 .6 5.7 .37 St Bzmards Wood 5, Farmer 3 . Day 2, Vinecombe . O'Connell, Tota . Best Farrugia . W^ad. Mar ti n, Day . Kennedy. Raerry Lawry 2. Rizzo, Woodgate. Munro . Best mcCann, Kelly. Keenan . Lawry, Frahm, Woodgate. KEW 3.6 .24 MARCELLIN 4 .11 .35 Kew Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. h4aredBn Gallagher 2, King . Dinneen . Best Tsoukas. Highmore, Gallagher, Cox. King, Pertich. OLD flANHOE 3 .3 4.4 8.6 9 .10.64 OLD ESSE.YDON 1 .1 2.3 2.3 4 .6.30 Old Ivanhoe Young 4 . Cormack. McKinnon, Wells. Myers, Kennedy. Best Wilson . Sh , Yan:ood, Super, Ritchie. Martin . Oldaendon Cassey 3, White . Best Allsted . White. Cassey . Campbell, Dotson, Rhodes.

CLUB XVM SOUTH (July 20th) ST. KEVINS 0.0 0 .1 0 .1 0.1.1 OLD RAVERIRKS 3.2 5 .4 7 .5 8 .6.54 St Bevins Best Stackpole, Hooper, D. Nanfra. A. Nanfra, O'B rien, Goldsworthy . Old Raeerians Goal Kickers and Best Players net received . OLD k4ELBURPitAIiS 2.3 3 .3 3 .6 5,6.36 EILAZZENOD GC 1 .2 5 .3 8 .4 8 .5.53 Old M elburnians Cordner 3. Jensz . Schnelle . Best Laycoek . Egleton, Jensz. Osborne. Mussed CC Jacobs 3 . t.eCouteur, Campbell, Harper. Carmody, Varney. Best Jacobs, Joyce, Le Content . Jacobs, Peters. Campbell. OLD SCOTCH 1.0 4 .2 7 .4 8.4.52 DE IA 6ALLE 0.3 0.4 1 .5 3.8.28 Old Scotch Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Dc La Salle Rudd, Mannix . Tessier. Best O'Brien. Mannix. Wightman, Tessier. Ellis . Rudd . OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 4.1 6 .2 7.4 VtPf 2.2 3.3 3.5 Old Briqhton Moods Goal K~ kers and Best Players not received . VtiT Goal Kickers and Best, !_~ers not received .

8.4,52 4.9 .33



OLD SCOTCH 2 .1 4 .3 6.8 11.10 .7 6 ^ BRIGHTON BLOODS 2 .4 3 .4 3.5 4.6 .3 0 ^otch lllingworth 4. Pryde, Mcleish 2 . Winneke. Price . Sheahan . Best . Godwin. Penfold . Williamson . Hooper. Norden . nton Bloods Swan 2. Wraith. Smith. Best t.feMurtrie . Swan. Rattrav, einders. Smith.


1st and 2nd Semi Finals (Venues to be announced) 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER



Hugh Lyon

U19 SECTIONS by Brett Connel l

Knitwear A --nonth t : still three sections a---- yet to be finalise d REVIEW OF ROUND 13 MATCHES DIVISION ON E

0 Id Paradians maintained their chance of sneaking into the four with a solid win over De La Sa lle at home with Lynch booting (5) . The win dropped De La to fourth with OP's breathing down their necks. Old Xavs received a forfeit from Co ll egians. Therry thumped an undermanned North Old Boys at home to save some face for the year. Old Melburnians consolidated their spot in the four with a win over AJAX, holding the Jackas goalless for the match . While St. Bernards matched Uni. Blues for a half but the powerful juggernaut rolled home to finish well, with Halligan booting (8) majors. DIVISION (2) WHIT E

Warringal proved themselves worthy of a finals berth with a commanding win against Williamstown at home, the loss leaving the CY's 5th and facing a tough run home. St. Kevins motored away from Uni Blacks in the last three quarters of their match to win comfortably and sow up the double chance, while De La Salle (2) proved my tip against them was a bad thing booting an unbelievable (38) goals in boggy conditions against the hapless Bullants . Old Camberwell put an end to any thought the OG's might of had of finishing strongly this year with a (13) goal thrashing at Balwyn . St. Leos WP Emmaus had the bye. DIVISION (2) BLUE. Old Bri ghton improved their likelihood of the double chance with a sound win against Ormond at the E . E . Gunn, while at Banksia Reserve Beaumaris went on a goal kicking rampage with Blackie booting (9), as they overran Hampton Rovers . Monash Blues hosted Old Haileybury but were underdone and struggled for the majority of the match to match the Bloods overall strength, the Bloods winning by well over (25) goals with Efstathiou booting (14) . St Kilda Sth Caulfield matched Caulfield Grammarians for three quarters, but were found wanting going down by a little over (7) goals . Mazenod had the bye . DIVISION (2) RED

Old Carey flexed its muscles against Old Paradians (2) and won in a canter . Whitefriars ran away from Old Trinity in the second 1/2 to win well, and in doing so returned to second position . Marce llin proved far too strong and committed against Chirnside Park, who are better than this result reflects, while Aquinas defeated Old Scotch in a close match all day to keep themselves in touch with the four . Yarra Vall ey had the bye .


A ruthless Ol d Paradians kept Collegians goalless, and won by (12) goals with King, Howard and Harris prime movers. In doing so they kept the pressure on both OM's and De La . North Old Boys hosted Old Xavs at the Gillon Oval and despite the closeness in scoring shots Xavs were always in control with Woodruff, Kay and Jones proving handy players. Old Melburnians realised that percentage will play a big part in where they finish this season and went about a demolition of Therry, allowing them to score (1) point only. Morell (8), Sewell and Carroll were fine players for OM's while J . Van Englen, Sacco and Crockford were best for the vanquished . De La Sall e proved that their spot in the four was worth its weight in gold as they delivered the final blow to St . Bernards' season in no uncertain terms . As to did Uni Blues who never gave AJAX a look in with Wilcox, Fairban k and Strack unstoppable for Blues, as were Burman, Lukav and Page for the Jackas. DIVISION (2) WHIT E

St . Kevins had little trouble in disposing of the "giant killer" in St. Leos WP Emmaus, leading by (7) goals at 1/2 time they extended this margin to win by over (12) goals . Kuring, Delahay and McArdle were SKOBS best with McCann, Cashen and Simondson t rying in vain for the Two Blues . Uni Blacks boosted their percentage against a disappointing De La Salle (2) . Smith, Henderson and Be lleville excellent contributors for the Blacks . Williamstown turned up the heat at home and blew away Old Camberwe ll in a crucial match for both sides . McCutcheon, MacLeod and Matthews were never beaten for the CY's, while for the Wellers none tried harder than Richmond, Webb and C . Williams. Old Geelong returned to the winners list at the expense of Bulleen-Templestowe, to add some respectability to their win/loss ratio . O'Brien, St . Clair and Pettig were in everything for the OG's while the Bullants were best served by Papadopoulos, Daskalou and Giannis . Warringal had the bye DIVISION (2) BLU E

Hampton Rovers began better and finished more strongly than Ormond at David Street to record their 6th win for the year, Zuker, Armour and Browne named best for the Rovers, with Metz, Finlayson and McInerney valiant in defeat for the 'Monds . Beaumaris at home to Old Haileybury and an expected tight contest, not to be at 1/2 time as the visitors ran away with a morale boosting win, and an important psychological victory so close to the finals . Best for the Sharks were Boctor, Kent and Corfield, with Dunphy, P. LangfordJones and Walden shining for the Bloods . Mazenod were never troubled by Monash Blues winning comfortTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

ably with Paolucci, Occhiuto and Bailey doing as they liked for the Nodders, and Miller, Baxter and Hodson best for the Ashers. Old Bri ghton like the Nodders were untroubled to win their match against St . Kilda Sth . Caulfield winning by well over (11) goals . Paterson, Carr and hlcGuigin, best for the Tonners. Caulfield Grammarians had the bye . DIVISION (2) RED Old Trinity kept their faint finals hopes alive with a comfortable win against Old Paradians (2) at Bulleen . B . Lynch, Redford and Vincent best for OP's. Chirnside Park struggled against a committed Whitefriars in the mud failing to score a goal for the match . Mika, R . pawlick and Hughes shone for the 'Friars . Yarra Valley kicked poorly and saw themselves fail by just (7) points against Marcellin . A steady 3rd 1/4 was the difference as the Eagles added (3) goals to Yarra Valley's (1) behind . Reid, McConnell and Drew never gave in for Yarra Valley, with Stephens, Roberts and Blackmore instrumental in the Eagles win. Old Carey remained undefeated after disposing of Aquinas for the second time this season convincingly . Detarcynski, Collins and Maniotis were in excellent form for the OC's, as to were Hyland, Birch and Tilling for the Bloods . PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAME . DIVISION ONE Old Paradians host North Old Boys at Bundoora and will have their thoughts firmly on a finals spot, NOBS will be no pushover but OP's have too much riding on today's result . Old Xavs host Old Melburnians at Toorak Park in what shapes as a real danger game for the OM's, a loss could see them drop to 5th . Xavs have taken all before them this year and are cranking up another finals assault on Uni . Blues, unfortunately for OM's they will feel the brunt of this today . Therry travel to AJAX knowing full well that they cannot let the Jackas start as they did last time the two teams met, where AJAX outlasted the fast finishing boys from Glenroy. This time at home the Jackas will struggle and Therry will square the ledger . St . Bernards host Collegians at West Essendon and like last time around, should win today . Uni. Blues face De La Sall e today and will finish too strongly in the must win game for De La .

Selections : Old Paradians, Old Xavs, Therry, St . Bernards & Uni. Blues DIVISION (2) WHITE Warringal host St . Kevins and are hanging onto 3rd spot fully aware of their fate should they lose today . Despite this incentive SKOBS will reaffirm their number i billing today. St. Leos WP Emmaus will return to the winners list over De La Sa lle (2) who are better than last week's performance showed . Uni . Blacks will defeat Bulleen-Templestowe comfortably and boost their percentage for that important run home to the finals . Despite Old Geelong not likely to finish in the four this season they can certainly take a hand in who does and will do so today against Willi amstown with a strong win at Como . Old Camberwell have the bye . Selections : St . Kevins, St. Leos WP Emmaus, Uni . Blacks & Old Geelong DIVISION (2) BLU E Old Haileybury travel to Ormond and will be revved up knowing a win could see them move further up into the four, with this incentive they will defeat the 'Monds THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

today. Beaumaris on the rebound would not be anyone's favourite assignment but this is what Mazenod face this week to hold onto 2nd spot . Despite this incentive the Nodders will not be able to match the might of the Sharks today . St. Kilda Sth . Caulfield struggled last time against Hampton Rovers, an d despite this match being at home I cannot see them pushing the Rovers for more than 1/2 a match. Old Brighton well aware that other games could well favour their move up the ladder will defeat Caulfield Grammarians comfortably. Monash Blues have the bye. Selections : Old Iiaileybury, Beaumaris, St . Kilda Sth. Caulfield & Old B ri ghton. DIVISION (2) RED

Chirnside Park will return to the winners list today by defeating Old Paradians (2) in a close match. Yarra Valley have improved immeasurably since they last played Whitefriars but will find overall that the 'Friars added incentive of the double chance will see them through . Old Trinity and Aquinas clash in what will be a great game . Aquinas winning by (1) point the last time these two sides met . Although conditions will be vastly different this time around the added sniff of finals football for John Bourke and his players will see them through . Old Carey have not put a foot wrong this year and today's match against Old Scotch shapes as a real test. Last time it was the OC's by (20) goals, this time the Scotchies at home to inflict the first defeat for the season on the OC's. Marcellin have the bye . Selections : Chirnside Park, Whitefriars, Aquinas & Old Scotch



1 Ruai%_.

5 SA~7 O-199 1 games to young De La ;iulle wingman, Andrew : ackhatosh - drink with him at the Prince Alfre d

Hotel and you'll wish you never started . A bit of an exception to the usual run of school captains at De La . Umpire Ken Coughlan whistled his 250th game also a great toiler for the VAFAUA . It was a dual celebration for Old Mentonlans when senior captain Russell Maguire and player's representative, Dean Rogers, ran out for their 200th games . Russell had starred as a rover, and named his father, Fred, as his boyhood hero and career influence and his greatest moment in football, Old Mentonians 1990 "C" Section premiership . Dean, as well as being treasurer, was most consistent twice and runner up best and fairest. N orth Old Boys continued their great form in "A" Section, one loss, when they were far too good for sixth team, Old Scotch, 16.11 to 10.15 . North's stars were Jones, Cahill, Moloney, Egan (5 goals). It was a traffic jam in "B" Section for third and fourth positions, Banyule, Old Mentonians 2 8 , Old Xaverians, Old Paradians, Parkside 24 . Old Trinity (44) and St Bernards (36) looked safe for top two positions. U19 Section coaches were Phil Aarons (Coll.), Dennis McGrory (Be La Salle), Adrian Williams (Maz.), "Hark Swain (Old B'ton), Tony Gilchrist (Old Hail.), David Way (Old Paradians), Terry Kendall (Old Scotch), And rew Ralph (Old Xavs), J . Veal (Ormond) and Terry Davis (St Bernards). 10 YEARS AGO - 1986 The Collegians machine continued to roll on when they annihilated Ormond at the Harry Trott by 96 points . 22 points ahead at half time, Collegians were too skilful, their passing, foot and hand, was precise, and in a fairly physical game, Phil Kingston and Russell Barnes came off second best in physical clashes . Collegians best were A. Ingleton, Bickford, Irvine, Herman, Lemon, Pollock. Ormond's best player was full back Martin Crampton who restricted "A" Section leading goalkicker, Ian Roberts, to 1 goal . 200 games to Warren Tuckey (C'wealth Bank), 150 ames to Steve Morris (Ormond), Paui Bain (UHSOB), 100 games Paul 'Freddy' Forsyth (Ormond) and Greg Connolly ( St Bedes) . 150 games to Umpire John Horwood . Bernie Dunn was pleased with his boys at Therry when they moved closer to the "B" Section four with a 42 point win over fourth placed Parkside, 19 .17 to 13 .11 . Best were Gibson, Crotty, Biddlestone (Therry) and Willi ams, Glasgow, Papas (P'side).

Bulleen United (E) were still undefeated . Old Essendon, on top in "F" lost their first game when they went down to second team, UHSOB, 10 .11 to 12.14 .

Best were Flavel , -uckman, Vestas (UIISOB) and Bishop ,

Bilby, Price (Old Essendon). 250 games to Parkside's Robe rt Poyntz, 150 games to Gary Johnston (B'wick) and Steve Graham (R3FiSOB) . Uni Blacks saluted the 250 games played by Ross Perrett who commenced as a junior way back in 1972, played in 1974 "t1 Section Premiership team, captained the team in 1977 to 1981 and won many other honours . His smiling face and rugged football had won the respect of all. In appalling conditions at University Oval, Marcellin kept their hopes of avoiding relegation alive with a 15 point win over Uni Blues . Best were M . Getson and J. ad. 15 YEARS AGO - 1981 Old Paradians saluted 200 games for Tony Johnson who joined the club as a junior in 1967, played in the club's "B" Grade flag, won the best and fairest in 1975 and captained the team in 1978 and 1979 - and still kicks the occasional drop kick . And in the umpiring business, Brian ( Benny) Goodman also reached the 200 mark - in 11 seasons, 18 finals and 17 grand finals . And in case spectators might have queried Benny's football knowledge, Benny played 105 games between 1965 and 1970 with Brunswick Amateurs, winning the club's best and fairest in 1968 and 1970. A recurring shoulder injury curtailed his football career. De La Salle held on to fourth place and cost Ormond second spot when they trounced the 'Monds, 10 .5 to 6.12 . Best were Frantic, Brown, Connolly (De La) and Ritchie, Robertson, McCoo ke (Ormond).

Old Trinity, on bottom in "D", beat Old Ivanhoe by 10 points in a high standard prolific scoring game, 22 .8 to 20.10 . Stars were O'Shaughassy (9 goals), Birrell, Wardrop (Old Trinity) and Eurrington, K . Hogan, Marshall (Old Ivanhoe). Coaches in "E" Section were P . Darvell (AMP), Garry Rosewarne (E'wick), Tony Sheehan (Latrobe), Wayne Kirby (Old Pdent,), D anny Demir (N. B'wick), J . Carlyle (Princes Hill), Arthur R. Jackson (Thomastown), Brian Grace (T'bury), and A . PdePtair ([T.Reds) . Who coached ANZ Bank, Beverley Hi lls, Old Geelong ? 20 YEARS AGO - 1976 South Australia won their third successive AAFC Carnival when they beat Victoria, the hot favourites, by 34 points in the final match on Thebarton Oval. It was a distinct reversal of form by the SA's who were not convincing in their win over Tasmania . SA 3 .2 7 .3 15 .7 19.12 (126) Vic 5.1 7.2 9 .4 14.8 (92) 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Goals: Butcher 5, Hansen 4, Shepherd, F-'"rberg,

Booth, Bourne, Griffiths. Best : Griffiths, Hansen, Rice, Be Bourne . FIT saluted veteran Geoff Fletcher who broke the club record of 245 games held by Robert Sharp . In his 18 years with the club, Geoff had, at various times, been president, coach, captain and coach . 300 games to Collegians personality, Bruce Ferguson, a player with the club since 1960, and Victorian representative in 1966. Monash Blues, goalless at half time, to St Bernards, 4 .6 and 21 points down at the last change, got up to win by 1 point, and allow De La Salle to take second place in "A" Section . Best for Monash were, Black, O'Dwyer, Cheatly. Les Murray (North OB) kicked 10 goals in the club's 14 point win over University Blues, 18.13 to 16 .11 . Other stars were Horan, Butera (NOB) and Sharp, Summon, Rabone (U .Blues) .

25 YEARS AGO - 197 1 200 games to John (Egg) Elliott the first Old Carey player to reach that number . Captain from 1962 to 1965, John won the best and fairest trophy in the club's 1961 premiership team. A double century also to Dennis Davies of St Kevin's Old Boys - as the scribe said "a bachelor, he is believed to be losing his grip of late" . Coll egians and MHSOB staged a"relegation-saver" game with High kicking 5.2 to 1 .2 in the third quarter to seal the game and win by 19 points. Collegians suffered a setback when vice-captain Phil Pryor was carried off unconscious on a stretcher and taken to hospital after an accidental blow to the head . Vengeance was Old Trinity's when they easily defeated Assumption, 21 .9 to 8 .8 at Eistemwick Park . Fletcher, G. Fellows ( 5 goals) and Emerson were best while Stevens and Phil Cohen each kicked 6 goals. 30 YEARS AGO - 1966 In the worst weather conditions for some years, 3 leading teams were defeated - Melbourne High, Old Carey (on top in "D" Section), and AJAX, who suffered their first loss for the season at the hands of Assumption who lead all day and won, 11 .16 to 8.6. Jackson . McMahon and ilfuinari (Assumption) and Janover, Duzenman and Perelberg (AJAX) were best. Surprise of the day was hackman "Crash" McMahon's 2 goals. Top "C" Section sides, S t Bernards and Old Brighton staged a low-scoring thriller with the home side victors 5 .6 to 5.5 . Mudlarks were Reidy, K. Hampson, Mahoney (St Bernards) and Berry, Code and D . Meyers (Old Brighton) . 100 games up to John Taylor (Kew), Bruce Ferra l l )•

Best "trueboot" performance of the round clang's Guy Wilson with 6 goals against Preston . 45 YEARS Commonwealth Bank continued their hoodoo run c. ,x Ormond who took a 1 point lead in time-on only to ~ c Bank clear the ball down to a certain ruckman who held the mark of the day and capped a magnificent disG+ .' THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

play with the winning goal . (Gympie - 1951's press correspondent believed in anonymity - will your archives give the ruckman's name?) . Or as Ormond scribe, Dr J .R. Porter, penned "The fickle dame transferred her affections in our encounter with the Bank. A few chips light in that settlement". Col Campbell, Ron McFarlane and Laurie Holman were Ormond's best.

In "B" Section Geelong held off determined finish by visitors Alp on who kicked 3 goals and a poster in 4 minutes to get within 7 points when Tom Russell tore through to goal with a long punt . Alan Vizard with clever scouting, kicked 4 goals for the home side .

LATE S CO Reserves/Club XVHI (Due : 9531 8333 by 3 p .m .) Round 13 : North Old Boys (Res .) ; Uni Blacks (Res .) ; Old Geelong (Res .) Newlands-Coburg (Res.) ; Old westbourne (Res .) Round 14: All clear . Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p .m.) Round 13 : Monash 1Vhites (Sen.) : Monash Blues (U19) ; Old Xaverians (U19) Ormond (Ul9 ) Round 14: Eley Park (Sen. ) Phoned incorrect scores (From Round 13) Yarra Valley (Sen .) ; St Bedes Men .T7g. (Res.) ; St Bernards(Res .); Marcellin (Club XVIII); Bull-Temp. (Res .) Mazenod (Club XVIII) ; Old Ivanhoe (Res.) ; Ormond fU 19) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section) . First o`f;nce (56) ; seco-d offence ($25) ; _ .ich furt_ter offence ($50) .

3t11 > 1 - 20 / 7/<, >

Matthew Day, Beaumaris - Striking - 5 matche s * Chad Celan, Beaumaris (U 19) - Striking - 2 matches * Wayne Olney, Bulleen Cobras - Striking - 2 matches * Darren Bookluck, Eley Park - Striking - 2 matches Dallas Hope, New - Striking - 2 matche s Julian Smith, Monash Blues - Striking - 2 matche s Gerard lValsh, Nth Brunswick - Attempt to Tri p - 3 matches Paul Bry ce, Old Carey - Strikin g - 2 matches * Peter Leigh, Old Essendon ( Res .) - Striking - 2 matches Daniel McCall, Parkside - Attempt to St rike - 2 matches Campbell Ross, St Bedes Mentone Tigers - Striking - 3 matches Mark Koppens, St Johns - Fa iling to attend tribunal - Penalty to be determined . Peter Gunthorpe, UHSOB - Misconduct - 2 matches * Accepted prescribed penalty INVESTIGATIONS RESULTS - ( from July 26) Tribunal case (19/7/96) referred to investigation . St Bedes Mentone Tigers player Daniel Tangey pleaded guilty to a charge of striking Ajax player Mark Roseman in resereves match played July 13 . Player Daniel Tangey suspended for 2 matches.

Charge of misconduct against the Monash Blues AFC in that U19 coach did approach the umpires during a break and di d rate and abuse both field umpires . Coach Steve Rust pleaded guilty and was suspended from coaching for the next two matches. Monash Blues were fined $250 .


Y.A .F. A


Monday July 15 the VAFA Coaches Associatio n (AFCA/VAFA)hosted a dinner for (60) VAFA coaches and AFCA members at Elsternwick Park . The guest speaker was the coach of the West Coast Eagles, Mr . Michael Malthouse. Mick, known somewhat as a media recluse, held everyone's attention for well over an hour and then answered questions from the floor . It was evident Mick is a very deep thinker and has a burning passion for our great Australian football game and there is no doubt these are two of the main reasons for his outstanding success at the AFL coaching level . Mick spoke about "coaching for development" and by this he explained you can only work on what you have at hand and as a coach the major part of his responsibilities is to develop potential players for the Eagles . He explained how the Eagles, being a newcomer to the AFL, have to build a tradition and that the ex-West Coast Eagles players who have finished their playing career with the club are sticking by the present day players and actually writing the Eagles history . Players such as Dwayne Lamb and Karl Langdon are such examples. The development of new players especially, has been very important to him over the past (2) seasons as several high profile experienced players retired after the 1994 Grand Final . He spoke of planning to replace an "ageing" player and how he has several young players he is developing now to replace older players who will retire over the next two or three years . This tied into this "development agenda" which he holds most important as part of his football coaching philosophy, especially as he pointed out being able to mould and shape a young player's style of play into the position you wish them to play in the future . He explained how the West Coast Eagles made a decision at the start of this season to bring in some young players and after a slow uncertain start it now seems after (10) wins on the trot (article dated 15/7) this development of youth policy seems to be paying dividends . On the lighter side, and Mick does have a sense of humour . even though he does come across through the media as a most serious person, he was asked why he finished coaching Footscray in 1989 . He replied with a rye smile coming to his face "always pick your assistant coach very carefully" (I will leave it to you to work this one out) . He also explained the "juggling act" he undertook this year between his decision to sign with the Eagles for another two seasons and his young family's requirements . This showed he is the same as all of us coaches . We all perform the same

fine balancing act between keeping the family happy and our commitment to VAFA coaching . Also on the night the 1995 AFCA/VAFA Coaches of the Year were presented to those in attendance . Senior Coach Kevin McLean (Old Ivanhoe) and Under 19 Coach Steve Carroll (Uni Blues) both spoke preceding Mick Malthouse and touched on their role in the development of players not just for the benefit of the football club but for the players lives in general . It was interesting to hear Mick reiterate their ideas in his address later in the evening, with regard to one of the most important roles of the coach as being responsible for the development of not only the players for the club but the players as people as well . It was encouraging to hear that the development of players for life in general is a common theme among coaches despite the level that they may be working with . In conclusion on behalf of the VAFA Coaches Association and to all of the coaches present at the dinner, I wish to thank Michael Malthouse for his time and congratulate him on his commitment to Australian Rules Football, not only at the AFL level but at our Amateur level and other junior level s of football . Don Scarlet', Hampton Rovers Senior Coach AFCA/VAFA Executive Membe r

Peter Turley Salesian Old Collegians Gr :re : E South "MSTORY : 3 years, Richmond FC U/ 19s ; 15 Pvnes Ormond AFC 1990 ; 40 Games Oakleigh FC VFA 19t __'1994. COACHING HISTORY: Oakleigh VFA Reserves Coach 1994 ; Salesian Old Collegians Senior Coach 1996 . COACHING PHILOSOPHY: To help players develop an attitude about their football that will see them extend their expectations of themselves and their teammates, in all aspects and areas of a football club . FUTURE AMBITION : To Coach or make a positive contribution to football at the highest level if I possibly, can, and to enjoy every moment of it .

MEL C SPORTS BOOKS Books on all major sports 9 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, 3000 - Phone : 9621 1211 Owner/Manager: Santo Carus o Trading hours : Mon . -Thurs . 9 .30 a.m . - 5 .30 p .m . Friday 9 .30 a.m. - 7 .00 p.m. ; Saturday 9 .30 a.m . -1 .00 p .m .


FIDA REPORT ROUND 10 REVIEW - ROUND 9 Despite a muddy centre square the Alec Gillon Oval in Brunswick was bathed in sunshine for the major part of Round 9 (14/7). Although the day began rather cold Werribee jumped the 17 , it and did not allow them to score winning by an even (100) points in the finish . Maribyrnong and i_igwood were battling for 3rd spot, in what turned out to be a great game of FIDA football, with only (2) points separating the teams at half time . Although Maribyrnong did pull away in the second half to win well the game was an extremely entertaining affair . The third match for the day saw Mitcham record their first win (as predicted) over an out of sorts Keilor. Keilor only managing (1) goal for the match . Heidelberg Bombers and Bendigo (1) battled it out in the next game and eventually Heidelberg outlasted Bendigo to win by (21) points and inflict Bendigo (1)'s lst loss in the competition since joining at the beginning of 1995 . In the remaining matches Karingal were far too strong for Bendigo (2), who hung onto second position despite losing, and Broadmeadows proved that they are the best side in Division 3 when they comfortably defeated the Marlins by a little over (4) goals . PREVIEW - ROUND 1 0 This weekend there is (6) matches at Elsternwick Park beginning at 10 .15am . Chadstone play Keilor in the first match in what will be a close game, Chadstone have been struggling for numbers recently and on their recent form I cannot see them defeating Keilor today . Ringwood play Karingal in a vital match for both teams, for it looks as if with respective ladder positions as if these two sides will meet next week in the Division 2 semi-final, so today's psychological advantage is important . Although they will battle hard I cannot see Ringwood giving Karingal too many heartaches today . Broadmeadows play Werribee and as the only Division 3 undefeated team 'look to the finals I cannot see Werribee getting close ioday . Mitcham and Heidelberg play in the second Division 1 game of the day . Although the Tigers per~ormed extremely well in their last outing I cannot see :Ic,idelberg losing this match today . Parkside and the Marlins clash at 12.45pm and with both of these -;des guaranteed to play off in the finals little hinges ml this match . The Marlins should win comfortably . Havs-thorn and Maribyrnong play in the last game of 1~rFund 10 and in what will be Hawthorn's last game for 1996 . Maribyrnong want to win to keep their hances of finishing 2nd alive, and will do so today c thout much trouble. Bendgio (1), Bendigo (2) and gpies have the bye . s ® ® P'H Ti-iG eaaeT M io cnnroni I C m , . . n

Teams are reminded that finals begin next weekend and will be played at Elsternwick Park . A draw for the semi-finals will be distributed to teams at the next Delegates' Meeting . ® ® ® All teams are reminded that there is a Delegates' Meeting tomorrow evening at Elsternwick Park beginning at 7.30pm. All clubs are urged to have a representative present so that they may collect relevant finals information and be involved in general discussion regarding up coming events . s Clubs are reminded0 thata for the FIDA End-ofSeason function numbers of those attending accompanied with a cheque for the designated amount was due by Friday July 26 to Brett Connell at VAFA Administration . This night will incorporate presentations of the Divisional Premiership Pennants as well as other awards on the night . Please promote this night amongst your players, as it will be a great night for all concerned . Please see Brett today if you have not let him know whether you are coming or not . o ® ® Player of Round 3- Maree Stanley (Werribee Crows) LADDERS : Division 1 : Team Played Won Lost Drawn For Agst % Pis Bendigo (1) 8 7 1 0 502 109 460 .55 28 Heidelberg 7 5 2 0 365 103 354,36 20 Chadstone 7 3 4 0 208 137 151 .8 12 Keilor' 7 2 5 0 90 420 21 .42 8 Mitcham 7 1 6 0 134 501 26 .74 4 ' received forfei t

Division 2 : Karingal 7 7 0 0 435 156 278.84 24 Bendigo (2) 8 4 4 0 286 217 131 .79 16 Maribyrnong 7 4 3 0 205 207 99 .03 16 Ringwood 7 3 4 0 177 339 52 .21 12 Hawthorn 7 0 7 0 152 338 44.9 0 ' received forfeit

Division 3: Broadmeadows 7 7 0 0 854 71 1202 .8 28 Marlins 7 5 2 0 735 63 1166 .66 20 Werribee 7 4 3 0 401 505 79 .4 16 Parksfde 7 2 5 0 334 594 56 .22 8 Magpies 8 0 8 0 50 1163 4 .29 0 ' receired forfeit




o速 Good to see boundary umpire Malty Meier back on the track last week after his 'early finish' to the game at De La Salle the week before . Our sources tell us that Matty got the `wobbles' ten minutes into the game and had to be replaced . A special thank you to Julian Knupple of De La Salle who came to the rescue and ran the remainder of the game on the boundary . 速速 This week's profile is on yet another of those footballers turned umpire in former Old Alan Stubbs . Alan doesn't make it down to Elsternwick as much as much as these days due to work commitments but he has still managed to clock up 200 games . Nickname : Stubbsey (what a surprise!!) M emories of first game : Too old to remember . Occupation : Baby sitter and crowd controller (secondary school teacher) sic . Car : Magna. Personal motivation: My two sons and wife Kay . Words of advice to youngsters : Work hard and be good to your mum . Suggested improvement to football: Return of the drop kick a Is Bob Murray and Billy Barrot (9 points for a goal) . Pet Football H ates: Footballers "attempting to umpire instead of getting a kick" . Hobbies/other sports : Golf and snow skiing . Favourite food : Yum Cha Breakfasts . Drinks : Creamy Soda. Favourite movie : Attack of the Killer Tomatoes . Last Movie seen: Jumanji (with the kids) . Boyhood sporting idol: Peter Crimmins and Darrell Baldock. Best Amateur Footballer seen : Gary Norton and Wayne Kirby . Most memorable match: F Reserve Grand Final 1989 with Peter Simpson . Biggest influence on career: Benny Goodman, Brian Woodhead. Best Umpires: Ron Lippold, Benny Goodman . Last Book Read : The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes . Your ultimate non-footy sporting fantasy: A foursome at Augusta National with Norman, Trevino and Stephenson . Dream guests at a dinner party: Groucho Marx, Prince Phillip, Judith Lucy and Diana (Phantom's girlfriend) . Ambition in football : To be umpiring at 50 (2003) . Well done Stubbsey!!! !

速0 A couple of weeks back we asked for feedback and/or letters from our readers . Well it appears we have at least one . A player who religiously reads this column is seeking clarification on a particular rule in regard to 25 metre penalties . We quote rule number 13 .4 "If a free kick or mark has been awarded and a player of the opposing team runs through the 10 metre protected area, unless accompanying or following an opponent within five metres, a 50 metre penalty shall be awarded" . AND 13 .8 "To suit local requirements controlling bodies may reduce the distance of

the penalty to 25 metres" . The player requested anonymity, so Dave P from Powerhouse, your request will be met. Keep those requests rolling in. 0 0 We continue with our second instalment of "Bomber's Bulletins" entitles "Items Requiring Attention" . 3 . No 2- Set Kick Control

The umpires initial position is to arc into control with verbal control, thus setting the scene for the umpire, as No . 2 to quickly come up to control the mark with strong verbal presence . Move in to be 15 metres from the set mark . Once the kick has been taken, move out to be 20-25 metres from general play when ball in contest, then back to the vicinity of the major axis, ready for the next act of play. 4. Scrimmage s

Be mindful to avoid scrimmages developing . Keep on the move to be side on to the contest . If you are ducking and weaving you are not moving around . Look for the first earned free kick. Take early positive action on the player who dives on the ball and tell/let all the players know . Encourage players to knock the ball on and keep play moving . **This week's other profile is an introduction to another of our Umpires Advisers in Russ Francis . VAFA games: Over 100, under 200 . Nickname : Rusty (DSC) (Ask him what it means - SMc and AD) . Memories of first game: Nandally vs Manangatamy thirds . Free Stubbies after I got the home side up - fast learning curve for second game . Occupation : TAFE Manager . Car: Renault: Personal motivation : Keep fi t - running with good friends - drinks after . Words of advice to youngsters: Just like real estate - position, position, position. Pet Football Hates : Socks that fall down, pre-season training and cold showers . Hobbies/other sports : Red wine, good food, cycling, computer games . Favourite Food: Lebanese, Indian curry . Drink: Durif, Morris 1987/8/9, 1991/2/4 . Favourite movie : Life of Brian . Last movie seen : Up Close and Personal . Boyhood sporting idol: Bob Murray . Best Amateur Footballers seen : Can't remember any. Most M emorable matches: 1 . Benny's last game . 2 . Lippold when he got knocked out. 3 . Belly when I couldn't bounce. Biggest influence on career: David Levens - but I still stayed the next year . Best Umpires : Horwood (Mr . Angry), Gersch (Mr . Cool), Ronnie Smith (Mr . Persistence) . Ambition in football: To survive another season "uninjured" . Thanks Rusty .


(July 13th) OR" (July =v4 1l ) 0.3 1 .6 5 19 9.13.67 5 .4 7,8 10 .10 113178 L Goetz. `< ICII!Od, RFdtc n 2. Ae!ly . Beat D'Angela S.hneider . F.cdfem . L!uran, 4. Spencer 2• Addison. Nance. Campbell, Morrison . Price, Best hiathr, Lee, P; vuc. Cehen . tL 22 3.5 5.5 7.5.47 3.5 6.13 12.20 1816134 nrn. Tate. kerates 2. Dates. Hervd^rscn Paola, Carun . Pemberton . 4 .4 9.12 12.16 16.20.116 5 .3 6.5 9.11 10 .15.75 Carter 4 . Tucker. OWiz'A 2 . Morrow. Solar. Ciarke. Webster. But Ohi 6etd. Le.s. Turr>ir. Tucker. Buck . Bmven 2, Frail . Bourke. Stewart . Tier. Best Stewart. Ynxr. Stes,•art. Mike. 9.2 19 .4 26 .9 32 .11103 02 0 .2 1 .4 2.5.17 114, Zoos 4, Lupt . Patasan 3, 61acVcut. Tyshfag 2. tiabben. Drew. :en, 3md! e. Petxrsrn, Rees. thru . Players net recoved . 22 7.6 83 6.30.58 1.4 3.4 4.6 6,7.43 2. Durcte. Tanuh . Best Vankcrkharen . Denim . Dunrr,

aes: : : . . ._ . in "_ Tk :n rp OLD ':.~ST : IA TR+?-0!d W:-!t : . :_ . Ctr_.t :' :.. .. la TSnc:: : 1 ;


8.15 12 .18 14.24.109 1.2 1.1 1.2.8 •_ .. Capes 2, Oita. Baker, Chamledam . Sotdatoa . But Baker, . . . , )do] n, Regrow. Tucker. Appleby. Raber nn. ,l 6.2 8.2 9 .5.59 .3 2.6 3 .10 5.14.44 2. Gtbb. Gaer . But D. Rill C. Bail . Leith, Shea . run Bra. n t ca

o. E rat S .•gat}a. Bolgec ZeBraas#i. Gibson. 14 3 .9 6.13.49 3 .2 3 .4 4.5.29 t Mtkha!. Beaks . Soxxrby. Fogarty, 8y an . t Brammer. langiktm . Barns Payne. Smut .

5 .2 8.6 15.9 19.1tx139 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0.1 mar Duddendge 6 . RVJIev 4, Papal. Cram 2 Lctgh, Luttersthmidt. Ateiean. pal B„it0p. Luttershnr,dt Tnst, Duddendge, p3cLean, . .. ., ROAM. Oven. N.tkfimne.•. ScwLt. k?aUr em . C 2.0 5.2 6.3 6 .4.40 6.5 7.9 16.12 30.17197 Runnman 3. Fiardmi, Tardw. Zukos. Best Berton, Vesct7, 6iarneB• Gnffitlu. A B:aaurlek Paaantkolaeu 7, 0Bnen, fi^"^ W"bb 4, Ez-^- Hope S . Adams 2 . Lawton, l: 3r,iSmtCt.Ker . :i.,C t .t Bar , .

Its. Best?#cteart . Wmner. Bromley. Hook. Grant. Blom

ERVES (July 13th ) AJE i 3.0 5 .2 7 .6 710,52 F 2.1 5,2 6 .4 6.7,43 )br :s Caruao 3. Humph Strati 2, Poites, Bennett Cartkdge . Best Baslasm. 'u~aafu-y . Seeman . ? . m. Jc 2 . Hacking, H a_;. Nate. Best Humpl.rey, Cope . Cum•. Srccw. Cot_ , 2.0 4.1 7.2 7.4 .46. 3.2 4.3 8.5 10.6 .66 Jackson 2 . D.141t-an . A . t15ion . !Aacak. Pearson . Tayb;,r. But A7arw4 Barker, n.Ritchw . rd 3, Oates . Caine 1 Sporn. Herrington. Alsbury. Best Harrington. Basso. Cause. Chimsqde 1 .2 2.4 3.7 4.11.35 1 .4 5 .4 T.6 7.10.62 OCennel! . Cc~rerty. Vankuyk. Best Davies . White . Smedley, OUanne7l . Hadf•.~i. s . Gunn . But !.tannwn . Hamsm• Brent. Buns. Bun. Evans. 33.23 .221 0.1. 1 Old Baya A!deraon 9. Chrisu :n 6. Dockson . Rau•e. Trnnbaih 3 . 51acVean, Rir9ail Ross an . Best Akkrson, ChnsWtn . Randall, Dickson. MtzcVean. Park . at ;ty Gail haters and Best Piavers net recnrwi . 2.6 61 1 1014 10.1676 0.1 0.1 0 .1 2.4 .16 ,G . ClnTord 2. Sean OLc ' lin. Stma•t Olough!m Knights. Bea t Cb(irod. A . Clifford . Edwards . Best Ga. -L-Ac, Karadm. . ' mer .

TIC'S (July 13th) (matchabandoaed) 14,1197 BOY COUGARS 0 .8 .54

'ek Vitale. Davies. Haste . Curtin 2 . Cocnan. Hamilton. Best Byrne . Soothe . Gray. e. H.tmtkcst. 2. But P. Coder. G . Coder. Lint. B:trtktt. Johnson. Robm ..on. i_? "t'e,5TB0URHE 1 1 8.6 1119 1515.105 nOeE UNIVERSITY 5 .2 7.4 10 .7 11 .7.73 •-!_ - me Blake. B&triai 3. Hcrsburgh, Fiamt.tgan. Whiting 2. Smith, Leonard. Franklin . B est cm . Mesmaa . Hursirurgh, R.,bsm. Baanm . Blak e Fe University hiaddtson 3 . Sutherland 2. Lewis, Brovn. Caughcy . Wright . Fredrickson . Best Bryon . Edmunds . Bakcgiams. Stand. Drum . A4addtson . TYBLACKS 0 .0 1 .2 2.4 4 .5.29 -i15TOWHCYMS 1.4 3 .8 3.10 7.11 .5 3 ity Blacks Hal!. Little, Beaten, Gulien. Best Padiard. Carah. Lnmgsto-n, Guilty. Roberts. ':ock Warren. Brrant, h#cCutlxrort Hert>ertm. Hury. But Lee. iskm . :Leod. 2.2 3.6 5.10 11,1179 1.2 3.2 6 .3 8.4 .40 2 . Pana. Best McGee. Pont . Steven. C.tpxhferro. Koch. Best Bcre . Guntturtpe, Cattera!!. Strahan. rbUSCOBURG 4 .5 6.8 9.11 10 .16 .76 3Pt 0507C0 . 2.1 9.5 16.7 2112.138 is C, burg Chattme 3 Frost . Rafeto 2. Warren. htardim . Fenn?esr•. But Warren. Fertnesrv. -~ ..~s. Rtf lo. Gt!mis . , .ick Moore 6. tiad,san. Fox 4. Krruts. 4fd!er 2 . Raxtello. Ongaro. Thompson. Best - Kt!p.akas. Mi!!er. M1tahnussn . ftiroldto.

2 .ODoherty , Gilchrist. But Kimavjws, Shadier

13 .33 24,18.162

Peninsula Warru ,' mIH It, PooEe 6. Banner, Bowen . Franks. Bond 2 . A. Lamdrv . Best A. Ltr~dn. Trz !. C.1 by, Marshall, Cook, Wame-Struth . PO'. HC' 3.0 9.2 12,7 16.11 .107 STP6 .-.:Y' :0 4.1 6.3 8.6 12.10.82 Fee •r Hoase n . Robinson. ScuUand 3. Craven . hlcCul!ough 2. Rtcbardscur, Hall, Gil !. Best Fm 3. P an, Will im. Ham.v;n. CLt .imt Hal!. St ratrkas' " :- tr<e liugtes Barr, Baptisms, Evans 2, Murphy . Holtoa•ay, Sullivan . Carries. Best Hd!:vruid. I at,.• Barr. Setnre. Piano. Grant . GLEtI 6Y 2 .1 3.2 5.2 9.060 0'U, GH 4.4 7.7 16.9 22 .13 .145 C'•_ .-.,t'a- ; 3. AMcEs•en 2. James, Craig. Derrick, Castor. Best Bnd;er. Sutton, P.asrter . Craig. Jones. 5. He4•rnn 4. Kitts 3. Perguun. tYa>zh 2 Rr" .ux4wx7icutcs. Taylor. Hatzis. Waish, He --in. I . PA 6 .5 91 1 12.16 20.19.139 EtS : . . CP 2 .1 5.4 6.7 6,11 .47 t Park Malaria 6, Smith 5 . Walklev, McDonald 3, Cox, Lovett Strahan. Best Malone . .`- .•-_' . jerkia. Rutherford Mr1 .et4in. t 4. Andrm Whelan. Best Ward, Clement, Harkin . Brartn,ton, McKenzie, 0.2 3.5 3.5 3.6.24 15 15,10 24 .15 3121 .21 3 dtes Gatl Ktckers and Best f9arers rtarecetmd . aarestaa 00 Sutherland 8, Cincotta, Grace . Bourke 4, Healey. Fitzgerald . Sinclair 2, Browne. Bo" n. Mansfield. Women, McKnight. Byrne. BoFstrc. Bost Sutherland. Bobehe . Fitzgerald, Bor. . Cincotta.


i 6 .5.41 'LA 12.10.E p9a„a Moran. Hunt 2, Gadimkt Free<nan . But Gadmski . Fuller, Egan. Hunt .7tmmas. 'rrow 3. Hethcr. Glover 2. kiarks. Parsons. Corke. Svrs . Watts. Best Glover. Wight . : °utcattsvm. Hdlrcr. ;7ER HOUSE 2 .3 3.4 5.7 7.10 .52 ?ATBICFSS UE'iTONE 1,1 4.3 5.3 7.4 .46 Power Haase Scalzo 3, Phelan 2. Bbrafie!d, Harris. Best Scatzo. Grant. Newiar,ds. Tramph, Semor. Norman . 6t P¢tricks MtatOae Hork°r 3. D .4ns 2 . Gangi . Piper. Rest Ladds. Lewis. !hcCart:rv. Bums. Winte. Pipe,,. GLE2tHU,Y2LY 0 .1 1.1 4.3 18.38 OAYIEIGH 3.3 5,7 6.7 9.11.65 Club 'IF Derrick 4. Cataraler. But Dermk Lonocay. Htndasan . fleteiee Tmmas, htrcckt . Child, Drckre 4. Nts 3. LesOe. Pd:!hane,,:n . Best htatapams, Ayres. Maddacks. !ia!Iv . Osborne. Liza ms. A.YZ'.' t PA : 10 .7.67 LS E t" 12.11 .83 At#L :^a rt F :; : Dcfrece 5 . C. heeds, D. Lewis 2. Fane!! . But Hrrm Sounder . Panei!. Pearsw . lMlik"'.. d na th . Etsternr ::x Heath 6. Park. Woodruff 2. Broderick. Grandernge . But Broderick, Gr .vuieman;r L..G~ !.:, .. '-.;,Lacrs MG"=sa `anTS 0.1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .3. 3 010,1='~'i " 6 .5 10.10 16.13 19 .19.13 3 M onash Wattes Grad Kickers ad Best Players net received . Sa.testas GC Ga .sp<tn 5. Lawton 4. Braun 3. Hunt . Oliver 2. tians6e!d . Abbxt. Allison . &s '-wagtr. AbbAt Hunt Wallbndge. Gaspan.

Ua- - :.19 :-'- ziOTd 1(July 13th)

UNDER 19 SEt_ ~ M 1 (July 20th)

OLD PARADLSNB 1 .5 5.5 30.7 11 .8,74 4,1 4,5 7,8 8.8 .56 DEL.4^s4LLE Old Part " Lards 5. Harris, Dunne 2. Kellet. Floenges. Best Flynn. Sterervs. Lyrch . Harris, Sister , De La -_ A ` . ... !t.r , Elhs . Conn, Moore, Searle. Franns, Hyland, Best CwUer . Moore . Nolan. OLDx' .~:: cedt14 .13.97 CO•. . . _ , . 113.43

0.3 0.4 8-8 0^ G7?hBE . : .tiS 4.4 4.9 8.12 Cenegiaas Goal Kickers and Best Players not rectived, . Kellet. Best tung Old Paradtsas Lynch 4, Dintirtasante S. Hams . Ryon, Stevens . Geary . King . Hax'ard, Hams, Stevens . Fty'rm . Lynch. NORTH OLD DOTS 1 .2 3 .7 3 .9 6.14.50 OLD %AVERIA.@S 4,2 7 .3 10.5 13.10.88 North Old Soya Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Old Revulsive Jones 3 . Hav-•kins. Hilbert . Woodruff 2 . Hardaick . DonaU . Kay. Perry. Best Woodndt, Kay-Jonas. Hdhert. Drake. Coughlan . OLD UBN7AR8 8 .5 18,11 23-24 28 .35.203 0-0 0.0 0.1.1 THERRY Old Metburniaaa More] 18, Bunn. Carroll 0,0 4. Boyd . Kennedy 3. Murray 2 . Covell, Purcell, Ruth,ertord. Waddell . But Morel(. SeWell, Carrell, Halme . Boyd. Bunn. Theraq Beat Vaneng=_tm . Korea . Crocktord, Stayk. D . Vamngelen . Pectins. 8.12 936.70 DE LA BALLE 5-2 7 .7 ST HE&NABDB 0.0 0.2 2.2 4.5 .29 De La Sell- Moore 2, Johnstone, Healy, Abrahams . Conn, Chapple, Lee. Beat: Abrahams, Beretta, Kmq. Troyz , Butler, Conn. St Bernuds Goal Krckers and But Players not received . G?iR'ER3YfT BLUES 4.6 8-12 16 .16 20.19.139 0.0 01 1 0-1 1-1-7 MAX Uaheratty Start Eastaugh. Frlcker- Vers(eegen 1 Johnson . Hire, A'aIIOn 2 . Dema} . Fairbank. Ryan. Strack . W11cax . Beat WBC-ax. Falrh:.nk . SVack, t{adon. Verstexgen . Frkker. Aire Burman. But Burman. lukav . Page. Segal . Gras. Rath .

5.4 9 .6 11 .01 36 .11 .107 tiO :. :HOLD BOYS 0.4 1 .6 2 .10 3.16,34 Therry Zampogna 4 . Sacco . Steven. Crotty. Jacobsen 2 . Gocdwsn . Vannengeten. Beat Cmekford. Cr.., Huvura, S.xca 1'airengden . P~tma . Nort~t Old Boys Fartov 2. Turner . Best Water . Lyons. Maguire. Ttwmscn . Muray Turner. OLD MELBUP.NIAtfS 2 3 5 16 7.9 8.11.59 AJAX 0 .0 0.3 0.7 0,7.7 Old Millimeters Benv 2 . Bennett, Cartel. Ckka Md4cT. Murray, Rutherford . Beat 1WIrre. Carroll, S:xell . Clake . Baits Deague. Ajar Beat STaner. Burm3n. Gdbart. Rath, Lukas. Onas. 8.4 10,4,64 STBEP.t{ARDS 4,3 73 5 .4 10,7 17.16 21.21-147 UNIVERSITY BLUES St Beraards tanzano 4. Davis 2, Ronald, McKeon, Gray, Bateman. Best McKeon.MeunL Davis, Bateman. Ferns, Hc~ University Btaes 11 t~an S. Co. Hanton . tYilcos 2 . Beltrame Brockky Feneker, Hope . Nation, RaMheus•<.. Verst~gen. B.^st Brcckky. Halligan, Not, Rtrydhuuse. Solvent. Ryan .



1116,88 F'ARRINC..4L 3.6 6.11 9.15 G1LI1-934ST0&7I CYtrS 0.3 3.5 41 1 6.16 52 W" al Wcnd.lack 3. William 2, Mtardi . Andnson. Kanfilh. Sheean. Taylor, W7tetxll . Yin. Best ja loury. Camilleri. Attardt . tin . Hopvns. WilBamstova CYMS Elhaouh 2 . Burgess. MacLeod . Woudab, Woudad. But Woodall, Matheas. Hwh. Cockereil. Cocks. 7 .7 9.9 .03 UHIVERSFYYBf.ACKS 2.2 3 .4 ST REVLNS 2.3 10 .7 15 .7 19 .12126 "-i12 . Butter5eld. Murphy, McArthur. McCormack-Brenn3n. Dial. Best University Blacks Go Haaell. Smith, Ibh17 White. Franklin . St Rums R3c .. . J. G,, ...,,,.,,n . Marusre 5. Fields 4. Best Hung. Delaltay .ttEArcG'^.. Hastert, Stan, 0'Brftn. 8.5 18.6 29.12 38.19,237 DO LA S.4LLE 121 31121 BULL"t`:bTS'7£5ibd 0 .2 2.3 3.3 De is Sells G :v . '-' -, a ndl °st fi.iyers not rettm ed. Balleen-Tem,lcstsac Andcts4poulos . Walker. Daskalau. Best papadopaulos. Ksng . Daskakru. Grena K -..'.. ; Gannas. OLD CaLLRWBLL 5.5 13 .10 19 .12 19-16,130 OLD G£FONG 0 10 3.0 4.5 6.7.43 Old C..-. ° _ccdl F : dx 4. hancock, R1utehzad 3 . S:ms. Williams 2, Donavan- tlrrdman. Miles . Best Pattec,~ . Co.-': .. 7 ;,.b, Wh¢etuad. McGdp. Knrdx. Old G-e ::c ; Beattie 2. Teague. WallaceSimUt. Rims. t6dson . Best Aitken. St . Chile, Wdsat Fetng Cole, GEr,aa.

UNDER 19 2 BLUE (July 13th) 5,9.39 OREiOFiD 0.1 3.3 4,6 4-4 9.8 10.12 14,16.100 OLD BRIGHTON Ormead Lartan 2. Hzr" ' .•: P.:,' : ;. Best . Ba~le;, tlalt. Wann.acotL Tavtw . Atetz. Okd Brigbtan Go,il ._ ti_ _.~l i .:lyzrs out recaeed . 22 .25 BEAU4fARIS 5.6 8.12 16.15 2.5 3 .5 416.30 HAMPTON ROVERS 11 Beaamaris Blackie 9, Sector. Pitts 3 . McKenzte. Kent 2, Vince, thatcher . Fisher. Best B43ckte. McKawe. Thatcher. Pitts.OBreen, Wadham. Hampton Rovers Iles 2, Anderson, Allardice . Best Tudor. Browne. Armour• Baker, Dunbali . Anderson. bfONASHBLUES 2 .2 2.3 2.4 3 .4.22 OLD HAB.EYBURY 6.5 14 .8 22 .16 31.20.206 Moaash Blum Gregesy, FBerdan. Carr>eron . Beat Miller Gre'v 0 Wall . Hocismt. Herrman, Poordvn. Otd Haik hary Efstathrou 14 . Nmtrano 3. Bvms. Carson . ~aMter 2, C4arke. Dunptrv. Honte. k4ackay. Bad . Scat~e. Farm . Waters. Best E(staUuat . Jtm~meson . B}-ms. Dunphy, Trotter, Gcoact, ST R1LDA BOOTH CAULFIELD 5 .3 8,6 12.9 13.12.90 CAULFIELD G AR 5.1 10.5 15.6 21.10.136 St Hilda South Caulfield Broom 6 . Stumbles 3. Lrdde11. Cutler 2. Babarct_v. Boa'es 2 . Hayrnan. naRer. Chambers . Samitd. Best Sioldl . Berxes. Goldsaertttr. Ltdlel . Chambers. Stumh!es. Caulfield Grammar Goal Kickers and Best Players rAt recenred .

UNDER 19 2 WHITE (July 20th ) ST REVDtS 4.6 8.9 12 .13 16.13 .109 6T LEOS EMMAUS WP 1.0 1 .3 3-4 4-8.32 St %evtaa Greenham 4 . Finch 3. Baker 2• Riz1o. Quirk . Marusle, Gargano . Tod . Radtord . Pctrtcnta . But Kurmg. Dclahay- McArdle . Da.oren . Rmo .l2adford. Leos Emmaas &P Voaio 2 . Slmmxison. WeV. Beat McCann, Cashen. Smtondson . Saarrntck. St Carey . Smith. DE LA SALLE ( 2) 0 .1 0-2 0,2 0.3 .3 17 .17,119 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .6 9.10 11,12 Be La s aDe (2) Goal Kickers and Best Plovers not recen•ed . University Blacke Newth 6. Gazal S . Celtic 4, Smith. McCormick-Drennan. Best Smnh, HerBerr n. Cilevdle. Ga~r*.t. Wtate Frankltn. WBtLLt`J[~ibt . '.Ms 1 .4 4.13 7.14 15 .16.106 (~=nC."='=`: ' 3 .8 5 .7 8.9 9.11 .65 TitCVa ::.stcac _'S Txtst 4 . Elhaoult 3 . Burgess, Woudad 2 . Coekerell. Gray. Groehowaki. Harb . Bc-'. McCutr' n, Macteod. Mattxsvs. Woudab. Wbralad . Thmnpson. Old C*•: .i:aracH . tettead. Williams 2. Hardm an . Hancock, Molloy, Paterson. Seeley. Beat Rector ..d. Webb, t4,~~~ams . Pkkks.l4llltehead . Hardman. OLD GEELONG 7 .6 12.12 18.15 24.16.160 BIBdFEN-TEkiPLESTO&E 1 .1 1 .1 2 .2 3.412 Old Ginsburg OBr1en 10, Lucas 4 . Petttg 3. Bmgiey. Paul, St Char 2. Smith. Best OBrten. St . Clalr . Petug. limas . Bostock. Cole . Balleea-Templeatoafe Papadapoulos . lambrcpordos . Daskalou. Best PapadopoWos . Daskalou . G .armas. Walker. Potiamiarws. Pemberton, V/AR1tIPG.4L (bye)

UNDER 19 2 BLUE (July 20th) HAMPTON ROVERS 2.3 3.5 3.6 5.10.40 0RM0aD 1.1 i.l 2.5 4.7.31 Empire Roven Browse . Holt. ties, Salter. 7Arker• Best Zuker, Mnour . Braane. Holt . James. Salter.

Ormond Bro:nt. Larkln. McInerney, Smith, But num. Fmlayson. Mchrenu .y . Rarmon, Head Hall . B 8 0,0 0 .3 1.4 3.6 .24 OLD HAILETBURY 4 .2 6,3 7.6 7 .9 .51 Beaumaria Boctor. Whitaker. Tttatcher. Best Horror, Noun . carficld. Whitaker, Pars, McKenz:t. OW Halteybary Efstathiou. Trotter 2 . Carmen. Jimmleson. l.ukt . Best Dunphy . tartgford-JOms. Walden, Clarke, George. Trotter. kL1ZENOD 6 13 5.9 5,12 8 .15 .63 MoYASH BLUES 0.0 0.3 03 0.5.5 Maaenod OC Occhiuto, Knott 2. Meehan Meado°as . Ciancio. MeDoxzll Beat Paolucei . Ocduuto. Holey. KelYi, ix Grard. Kota. ffioaash Blues Beat Miller. Baxter. Hadson, MclrYrr. Dempsey. Kazemv ;std. OLD BRIGHTON 5.6 5 .10 7 .13 12 .18.90 2.3 3.4 3.7.25 ST AB.DA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2,1 Old Brighton laptrot 3. Kent. Fare 2 . Williams, Bul6n, Manor . Dennis. Aklerson. Suit Paterson . Carr. McGWgm. Remb•. Patnham. SVathan. IN Kids South CaulOetd Btnke 2. Bourke. Beat Memck . GaBoway . Bomke . Athens . Davts . M<Datald . CAULFIELD GRA!iAtAH1A6S (bye)

UNDER 19 2 RED (July 13th)

UNDER 19 212ED (July 20th)

OLD PA&SDL§NS (2) 1 .0 1 .0 2.2 2 .3.15 OLD CARBY 3 .6 7.8 10.15 14.21.105 Old Paradiaas Sacco . Muldoon. Best Jenkins, Jones. Lvnih . Price, Telle., Sim . Old C ar eg t59nte 4 . Hendnk. Small 3, Sah. Woods . ~oslello. Mmpha. Best DeUrcynski . Costello, Angus, t1`tute Leuts. Battle , PiDTEFRIARS 2.3 31 1 5.13 7-22 .64 2.2 3.4 3 .5 3.6 .24 OLD TRINITY Whitetrtus Laces 2 . DavSS Mika. SlRgtn .red, Jatgebtced . Hughes. Best Atika. Davis. huglm Fetkk. R' ;nterbum. Dans. Old Trinity Cade 2. Shaughnessy . But Burke. Beardsk.^, Cad'. HARCELLIB 2.2 5 .7 11.16 18,17.125 CtIIRNSDE PARR 1.1 1 .4 1 .6 2.6.18 Marseille Black 5 Dmt .3thna . Roberts, Stephens 3. Datlanva. Moran . Mousst. McMahan. Best Ste~lxns. 54aran. Dunathna . Anrs.rcnC. Ryatt Roberts. C1fGnslde Park Goal Kickers and PzstYia•ers not rcterved . 1011,71 A9UtNA5 OC 3.4 6.8 919 910.64 OLD SCOTCH 4 .3 5 .7 7.7 Aquinas GC Trusts 4, Huggins 1 Kane 2, Heserrn. But Thomas . Hytv,d, Bdand . M,'vcrth. W6rg. Burch. Old Scotch Crane. Ford, Partial Stevens 2 . Andrrrs. Best Morns. Crane. Thomp:nn. Guynne . Milliken . Licit .

5.3 6.3 8 .4 10.6.66 OLD TRINITY OLD PARADIAPS (2) 11 1 1 .4 2 .4 4.6.30 Old Triatty Goal Kickers and Most Plovers not recewed . Old Paradtsna (2) Sacc•o 4. But Lynch, Redford. Vincent, Sxcco. JenYvns. Cosgnff . 0.12 CIHRRSmEPARK 0-0 0 .2 0.2 iYHITEFRiAAS 4 .7 6.9 9.18 11 .21 .87 Chiraside Park Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Whttetriaa Lacey 3. Paaihk 2. Dasis . Hughes. Jmyebteed Eames . Mika. Molloy. Best Mika. Pau11k. Hugtxs . Davis. Lacey . GJlan. YARBA VALLEY 0,8 1 .10 1 .11 3.14.32 5 .9.39 MARCELLLY 2 .1 2 .4 5.7 Yarra Valley Telford . Tyshuul. Mcllrattt. Beat Red, McCamell, Drew. Telford, Reynolds. Casvm. Marce8la Black 2. Stephens, MoussL Karara4abs . Beat Steplrens, Roberts, Blacknmre . Sheet:art . Badanjek Ryan. OLD CAREY 3.4 3.7 6.11 9,15.69 2,517 AgOLYAS GC 0.2 0.4 0 .5 Old Carey Angus. Sall 3. DAmta 2 . Hemfnks. Beat DetarcynskL Collins. Minis . Words . hlurpM•. Angus. Aquinas GO Hytard .7lmmpsar. Beat Hyland. Btrch . Tilting. Huggins . Mercun. FredrickOLD SCOTCH (bye)




Edited by Phil Steven s Some tribunal chairmen have been ruling statutory declarations provided at some hearings as invalid and in a recent case a player was suspended until he appeared, so inappropriate was the declaration provided . A statutory declaration is not an absence note or an alternative to turning up . It must state clearly why a person cannot attend and should be backed up by supporting evidence from one's employer etc if possible. The Stat. Dec . must clearly outline the reasons for nonappearance and a detailed description of the particular charge being heard . Players are asked not to take risks reorganise schedules and attend unless it is absolutely impossible. ®



With Thornbury Cougars being suspended from the E Central section for the remainder of the season clubs that would have been drawn to play Thornbury are ,:5ked to submit a completed teamsheet if it wishes that game to count towards finals eligibility . These teamsheets must reach Elstermwiick Park on the Monday following the day the game would have been played . s ®


Reports of people receiving horrendous telephone bills in relation to the quit Info-Line . It is acknowledged

by V.I .P . (Voice Information Processing) who is the provider that the matter is a Telstra and Optus one which V .I .P. is intent on solving. Our advice to people who have received bills where more than 50 cents per minute has been charged is to : write to Telstra or Optus seeking a credit on your account (if you have already paid it) or to calculate what is owed and pay that only. If you have any concerns contact me or David Siminton at V .I .P . (South Melbourne) and we will continue to act on your behalf . It seems that normal house phones register calls made at the appropriate rate, so perhaps avoid mobiles for a while. 0 0


With the attempt to alter the current rule relating to VFL List Players playing in the VAFA after June 30th not eventuating, some of these players lose their eligibility to play in the VAFA as each week passes - unless they remain equal or in credit of VAFA games played in relation to VFL games played (AFTER JUNE 30) . According to my records the V- : Tf . rs, 'ho cannot play VAFA football for the remait_ _ of this season are - Drew Pearce (Caulfl ; Jason Ibrahim (Marcellin), Mark Illich (Will), John Pappas (Marcellin) and Chris Neeson (St. K SJC) . 0 ® ®

Just a point on prescribed penalties . The decision to accept the prescribed penalty is not made by clubs. Clubs wishing to take the P .P . for their reported player must apply to the VAFA for the prescribed penalty for an offence to be granted . The VAFA makes this decision after studying a player's tribunal history and other matters that may relate to the game played . All parties to the report are to assume the report will be heard on a Tuesday night - if it is not Sue Anderson (VAFA) will phone all parties concerned .

> Under 19 - Continued from Page 4 6 Tjo_ ; -




OLD P` -_ta llif.-iS V. NORTH OLD BOYS Field : B. Stewart, S. Cook. OLD XAVl :_tL`,-IS v. OLD : IELBURNIANS Field : B . Bain, J . McGauran; Boundary: D. Bain, I . Burgess ; Goal: L . Wilson, B . Seymour . AJA X v . THERRY Meld: P . Withington, C . Rennick . ST BERNARDS v . COLLEGIANS Field: A. Carrick, K. Brewer. UNIVERSITY BLUES v . DE LA SALLE Meld: A . Steven, C. Ryan ; Boundary: K . Jelinek, C . Hayes. WHITE WARRINGAL v. ST KEVINS Meld : K. McMahon, B . Buyck. DE LA SALLE (2) v. ST LEOS EMMAUS Field : B. Walsh, M . Argall . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v. UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : P . Bailey, R . McArthur . OLD GEELONG v, WILLIAMSTOWN Meld : P. Tuppen, S . Rolls . BLUE ORMOND V. OLD HAILEYBURY Meld : T. Williams . MAZENOD v . BEAUMARIS (at 10.30 am Main Oval) Meld : A. Price, G . Skaudarkumar ; Goal : S . Kahn . . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD v . HAMPTON ROVERS (1 pm) Field: G . Morgan, J . Bell . CAULFIELD GR . v. OLD BRIGHTON (at Caulfield Campus) Field : T. Creighton, L . Demytko . RED OLD PARADiA,NS v. CHIRNSIDE PARK (at 1 .15 pm) Field : F. Karabelas. WHITEFRIARS v . YARRA VALLEY Field : A . Stubbs, 1 . Stevenson ; Boundary : T. Degan. AQUINAS v . OLD TRINITY (at North Ringwood) Field: C . Cimoli, D . Ischia . OLD SCOTCH v. OLD CAREY Meld: M . Allen: GoaL• D . Murray, M. Venn .


8 SECTIO N 12 1 0 1730 821 210.72 48 12 1 0 1583 938 168.76 48 8 5 0 1335 1108 120 .49 32 8 5 0 1259 1118 112 .61 32 7 6 0 1226 1178 104,07 28 6 7 0 12E0 1359 04 .19 24 5 8 0 1183 1512 78,24 20 4 9 0 1216 1380 88 .12 i6 3 l0 0 981 1265 77 .49 12 0 13 0 926 2033 45 .41 0 C SECTIO N 12 2 0 1537 923 166.52 11 3 0 1493 1133 131 .77 10 4 0 1386 1230 112 .68 8 6 0 1456 1200 121 .33 7 7 0 1102 1199 91 .91 92 .94 6 8 0 1198 1289 5 9 0 1243 1377 90 .27 4 10 0 1032 1294 84,39 4 10 0 1059 1379 76 .79 3 11 0 1026 1568 65 .43

48 44 40 32 28 24 21 16 16 12

D SECTIO N 10 4 0 1442 1034 139.46 40 9 5 0 1173 1014 115 .68 36 36 9 5 0 136 3 1199 113.68 8 5 1 1391 1046 132 .98 34 8 5 1 1281 1052 121 77 34 8 6 0 1169 1056 110,61 32 7 7 0 987 1075 91 .73 28 6 B 0 1204 1107 108 .76 24 3 10 1 1131 1313 86,14 14 0 13 1 707 i950 36 26 2 E EAST SECTIO N 13 1 0 1506 857 222.40 52 52 13 1 0 1763 944 186.7 6 5 0 1551 1207 128.50 8 5 1 1413 1336 105 .76 34 8 6 0 1464 1145 127 .86 32 5 8 ' 1218 1245 97 .83 22 5 9 0 1114 1574 70 .78 0 4 10 0 19 1237 90 .46 i6 6 4 0 14 0 11 97 1481 80 .82 2285 22 .89 10 CENTRAL SECTION 13 1 0 1521 841 180.86 52 1 1 3 0 1 505 827 18 98 44 10 4 0 1366 605 225.79 40 10 4 0 1672 1081 154 .67 4 0 9 5 0 1328 959 138 .62 36 5 9 0 1409 1433 98 .26 2' 5 9 0 tOG6 1342 79,43 20 4 10 0 1235 1123 109 .97 16 3 11 0 1057 2053 51 .49 12 0 14 0 469 2393 19 .60 0 E SOUTH SECTION 245.44 50 12 1 1 2155 878 919 214.91 48 12 2 0 1975 11 2 1 1585 1089 145 .55 46 11 3 0 1611 995 161.91 4 4 7 7 0 14 5 5 1169 12447 28 7 7 0 1491 1304 11d .34 2210 96,48 20 5 9 0 1397 1448 3 11 0 1058 1731 61 .12 12 1 13 0 E64 2382 27 .88 4 0 16 0 563 2204 25,54 0 1NDE4-19 QECTIOON 1

2037 71 3 0 1905 10 4 0 1417 10 4 0 119 2 9 5 0 1384 6 0 0 131 2 4 10 0 6E 6 3 i1 0 773 497 12 2 1 13 750

647 314 .04 56 760 250.66 44 904 155.75 40 956 124.59 40 1000 13B .40 35 1414 92 .79 24 1988 33 .50 16 1262 61 .25 12 159d 31 .18 8 4 1822 41 .16

UNDER-19 (2) WHITE 13 i 0 1878 11 3 0 1627 1 0 4 0 1 315 9 5 0 1174 9 5 0 1789 7 7 0 1112 6 8 0 1034 4 0 91 1 A 1 103 0 339

592 317.23 807 201 .61 7080 121 .76 824 142.48 1020 116 .47 1185 93 .84 1067 90 .76 1363 66,04 2818 12 .03

52 44 40 36 36 28 24 16 4

UNDER-192(2) BLUE 12 0 1876 12 2 0 1193 11 3 0 1384 11 3 0 146 8 7 7 0 939 6 8 0 1025 6 8 0 854 3 11 0 751 2 12 0 625

565 332.04 868 137.44 730 189.59 840 174.76 1276 73 59 1223 83 81 1411 60 .52 1483 50 .64 1794 38_18

48 46 44 44 28 24 24 12 8

UNDER-19 (2) RE D 14 10

0 4

0 0

1760 1122








W L D FOR AGST PTS A SECTIO N 998 135 .77 40 10 3 0 1355 0 5 0 1203 1099 709.46 32 7 6 0 1145 975 117.44 28 100.45 28 7 6 0 1103 1098 7 6 0 1124 1240 98 .71 28 7 6 0 1089 1107 08 .28 28 6 7 0 1173 1191 98 .49 24 6 7 0 960 1020 94 .12 24 6 1 4 0 87 1 .49 i 7310 D264

700 250.00 56 619 181 .26 40

o OLD XAVERIANS 11 1 1 1076 686 156 .85 45 923 879 135-94 38 OLD MELBURNIANS99 4 3 0 11077 732 147.13 36 DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 5 0 1040 818 127-14 32 7 5 1 1071 825 129 .02 30 OLD SCOTCH 7 5 1 988 835 118 .32 30 COLLEGIANS C 5 8 0 962 1008 95 .44 20 MAZENOD 0 48 .53 12 3 10 0 563 OLD HAILEYRURY 1160 2 11 0 638 1145 55 .72 0 STSERNARDS .OND 2 11 0 612 1132 54 .06 8 OR`.< B RESERVE SECTIO N OLD PARADIANS 12 1 0 1285 592 217 .06 48 OLD BRIGHTON 11 1 1 1150 534 215.36 46 9 4 0 1188 872 136-24 3 6 OLD TRINITY .50 26 9e THERRY CCOB 6 6 1 950 757 112 125 .14 26 914 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 6 1 1025 847 913 92 .77 22 M.H S O B 5 7 81 0 850 1008 84 .33 20 BANYULE 5C 8 1 802 1058 75 .80 18 OLD IVANHOE 471 29 .7 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 2 2 ~a 1 5541586 1102 50Z7 10 0IVANHOE


13 1 0 1294 399 324 .31 52 11 ARCELLIN A J A X 10 4 0 1062 698 152 .15 40 " 5 0 1094 564 193.97 36 BEDESI}AENTONE TIGERS ST OLD GEELONG 8 6 0 945 869 108 .75 32 7 0 849 922 92 .08 28 ST KEVINS 7 6 8 0 862 869 93 .18 24 H71,1PTON ROVERS5 9 0 874 987 88 .55 20 THOMASTO4VN ,ENT. 6 'a '1 0 20 1165 56 .74 20 5 9 0 66 DASTHIC'AULFIELD OTDIpL B , .,~mccoinoc a 12 0 <42 1261 35 .05 D RESERVE SECTIO N MONASH BLUES 13 1 0 1416 377 375 .60 52 OLD CAMBERWELL 12 2 0 1125 657 171 .23 48 44 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 11 3 0 945 767 123 .21 32 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 8 6 0 1098 692 158 .67 PARKSIDE 8 6 0 1002 674 148 .66 32 32 ST JOHNS O C 8 6 0 1005 770 1 3065 1 .19 16 S A F C 4 10 0 706 1083 65 .IAR BE6U cOUTHBANK C B A AFC 3 11 0 699 1263 55 .34 12 KEV! 2 12 0 465 1172 39 .68 8 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 13 0 319 1421 22 .45 4 E EAST RESERVE SECTIO N 48 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 12 2 0 1453 464 313 .15 ST MARYS 9 4 1 813 1017 79.94 38 AQUINAS O 8 9 5 0 1035 544 190 .26 36 OLD CAREY 9 5 0 7090 611 178 .40 36 771 S 12542 3 6 CHIRNSIDEPARK 97 57 00 '111 17 93 .59 24 RCLHEONDOENTRAL 6 8 0 985 1053 ELEY PARK A F C 4 10 0 706 1061 66 .54 16 14 SVANBURNE UNIVERSITY 3 10 1 344 1380 24 .93 .83 4 ir ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 13 0 460 1284 35 E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTIO N 48 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 2 0 1240 441 281 .18 48 NORTH BRUNSVdICK 12 2 0 1409 573 245.90 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 70 4 0 1261 496 254 .23 .88 40 WILLIAMSTOWNCYMS 10 4 0 1266 609 207 .66 36 WEST BRUNSWICK 9 5 0 1070 666 160 .61 ^0 LATROBEUNIVERSITY 5 9 0 759 762 93 .56 20 WESTBOURNE A F C 5 9 0 677 933 72 OLD U H S O B 3 11 0 569 1318 43.174 12 12 NEVlLANDS COBURG F C 3 11 0 553 1413 39 .14 t THORNBURY COUGARS 1 13 0 158 1860 8 .49 E SOUTH RESERVE SECTIO N PENINSULA O B 14 0 0 1610 402 400-50 56 SALESIAN O C 11 3 0 1562 455 343 .30 44 44 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 11 3 0 1754 537 326 .63 40 OAKLEIGH A F C 10 4 0 1224 573 213 .61 1093 643 170 .92 32 8 6 0 POWER HOUSE A N Z ALBERT PARK 6 8 0 837 1125 74,40 24 .84 1-1ONASH 4V011E5 4 10 0 694 1023 67 .53 16 1 2 3 EISTERN4"lICK 3 11 0 439 1749 28 .50 2 624 ISUNTRYPHONS 0243 3 L1063 11078 10 30 14 0 * GLEN CLUB XVIII NORT H 52 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 13 1 0 1093 548 199.45 44 ST BERNARDS 11 3 0 973 507 191.91 44 MARCELLIN 11 3 0 852 455 187.25 .04 32 COLLEGIANS 8 6 0 714 656 109 OLD IVANHE 7 7 0 592 723 81 .88 28 2C NORTH OLD 0098 6 8 0 505 800 63 .13 24 1E THEflRY 6 8 0 400 862 46 .40 KEV! AFC 5 9 0 446 742 60 .11 20 OLD ESSENDON 2 12 0 308 1101 27 .97 8 CLUB XVIII SOUTH OLD XAVERIANS 13 1 0 902 313 288 .18 OLD SCOTCH 12 2 0 909 447 203 .36 151 .63 DE LA SALLE 9 5 0 699 461 112 .60 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 9 5 0 581 516 .76 MAZENOD 0 C 7 7 0 470 646 72 .56 ST KEVINS 7 7 0 467 872 53 GEELONG 5 9 0 3E6 816 47 6 .30 OLD 4 0 39 6 0 OLD MELBURNIANS 3 4 ~~ 0 416 1088 38.24

52 48 36 35 26 28 20 26


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