The Amateur Footballer, Week 15, 1996

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EDITORIAL by phil Stevens

have handed over my editorial space to Executiv member phil Rowell who as a former umpire, fore1 nr~r Chairman of the Umpires committee and curren~y Chairman of the Tribunal and Investigatio n Committee recognises as we all do that the umpire is crisis f big f $ssue facing football at our level . the sinle g d0est foot issue n during his For the record , eDbi (1976 and career umpired 2 A S l ctio as well as

Grand Final in 1978, 1979) and a B Section C being the VAFA nominated umpire in the 1976 AAF

carnival . Phil Stevens

IRE S - AN ENDANGERED SPECM? an you envisage a game of football without umpires? Now before you quote the AFL advertiseC ments and answer - "I'd like to see that!" just think what it would be like . The realisation is that it is just not possible.Now most of us who have followed football for many years will admit to having yelled at the umpires and in the process e an d rid has many sincer f it started s to It e been Of Ou part of the gam b laved p . he problem we now have however is that some peopl e do not know ,% _ pI-yers, officials and supporters -. We have seen when to stop or when to say °enough" an unhealthy increase in reports and investigations arising out of abuse of umpires . o what, I hear you say. It is just part of the change we see in modern day society where people express their views more forcefully and more publicly . AFL coaches and players do it - the radio and television commentators do it - therefore why shouldn't we follow the lead of the professionals ? T is a very good reason why we shouldn't follow the lead and symptoms are already being seen in our Association. Have you noticed that this year we have had more games in the lower sections and the under 19's sections with only one umpire? The reason is that whilst we had sufficient numbers of umpires to provide two umpires to all games within a couple of weeks of the losing umpires at a signifistart of the season we are cant rate at present . The reason virtually all of those

leaving give is that they are just sick and tired - _ .: .. of being abused week -. in and week out he problem is likely to be compounded as the game is Tnow too fast to be umpired alone and the more one umpir e cause they cannot cope with the pressures of umpiring alone . accordingly we as an Association - the Executive and the officials, players and supporters of the clubs an d the ampires themselves - have a problem that must be remedied now before the problem leads to dramatic consequences such as abandoning sections because we cannot provide appropriate umpiring requirements .


to address the ow do we collectively commence Can I suggest a few points for starters . issue? H

. It is not the crowd roaring during a game that is of agreat concern as umpires are concentrating so hard they or spectadon't even hear that . It is the player, officialumpires at tor who wants to vent his spleen on the . It is between quarters and after the match the breaks o the coach who as the football leader of the club wh Y 11 EDITORIAL -Continued on Page INDEX . . . . . . . .i Editorial . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section A . . . . . . . . . .4 Section B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ . . . . . . . . . Section C . . . . Section D . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Section E East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section Section E Central . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .1 5 Tap Outs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Section E Soutl: . . . . . . . . . . . . :36 . . . . :38 Club XVIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Under-19 . . . . . . .4O Lookinga ~ Back . . . . . . ... . . .42 Coaches' clipboard . . . . . • • • • • • ~ 4 3 Elstern~uick Park Matches . . . . . . . . .44 Umpires' Corner . . . . • . • • •

. . . . . . .`l6 FIDA Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 From the VAFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Premiership List . . . . . . . .


. 96 No. 1 5 August 3rd,1996 Price : $1 .20 Vol ta




The vacant fourth spot was the only spot open two weeks ago . Change that . Make it three vac ancies as seven teams now clamber for a rightful spot and a finals berth with only 400 minutes of footy left . The culprit in all this uncertainty is Old Xavs who have carved a swath through the top order . All was calm weeks ago, but Xavs have levelled out the competition in their disruptive drive to the top . Xavs successive wins over top side Collegians and now University Blues has slipped the students back into a pack of five teams with seven wins . Old Scotch (five out of the last six) are riding in tandem with Xavs and pushing up further into unchartered territory as the middle order slips and slides around. St Bernards and Old Melburnians dropped backjust when another solid win would lift them into the'?, ur . Their disappointing results cast doubts on their abilities to be there at the finish . But one of the highlights of the round was a courageous last ditch win by Ormond to beat St Bernards and keep their oh so faint 1997 A Section hopes alive. For the first time this season, they are off the bottom of the ladder as their co-partner Mazenod took over the cellar-dweller position and almost a berth back to B Section . De La Sall e bounded clear over OM's while Old Haileybury's tenuous hold on second spot continues as Collegians narrowly beat them . The Lions peer down on the raging battle around them and prepare for a second semi berth . But the last four matches has a sense of inevitability about it . In what spot with Xavs finish in the four? Where will they be positioned to make another assault on the flag? In second possie with 11 wins at all possible? Pressing questions on everybody's lips as the last quartet of matches approaches . UNIVERSITY BLUES V OLD XAVERIAN S

Nice and tight early as both sides fought a last ditch battle in the cloggy conditions at the Varsity Oval . Didn't appear to worry boom recruit Dominic Berry (six goals) as he worked hard at ground level and steered them through towards this band of devotees behind the goals . Xavs slipped away just before half time as Blues lapsed and it was the Red and Blacks willingness at the ball that gave them their half time lead of 21 points . Injuries to key players on both sides was disrupting. Mollard and McDonald for Xavs and Meade, Vandenberg an d Polk inghorne couldn't greet the judge after half time, so it was the walking-wounded at the finish . Blues fought back deep into the third quarter with three quick goals to set up a torrid last quarter . When Daniel Gunn put Blues to within 2 goals at the 18 minute mark, anything was possible, but Tim Ockleshaw's sealer a t 2


the 21 minute mark saw the visitors go on to a well earned victory . Mike Blood an d Gil McLachlan had another terrific battle with Bloods the more effective, while other Xavs to do well were Dermott Dann an d Michael Holmes . For Blues Toby McIntyre, Drew Siimmon and Nathan Cavalier were best . COLLEGIANS V OLD HAILEYBURY

With a 33 point lead at half time against the top side Collegians, you could be forgiven for being just it tick cocky moving into the second half . But the Bloods consistency continues to haunt them as they dropped off the pace and the Lions steamed their way to another win by seven points . Plenty of Adam Hilton early with three goals and a couple of tragic misses . Mark Seccull at centre half back and David Connell led the way on the surprisingly good surface at E Park . Matt Galbraith had tied up the dangerous Nick Morey, while Chris Reidy was doing equally as good a job on the effervescent Danny Thomson . Brock Mooney dri lled five, while Andrew Kenneally did well . Worrying times for the Bloods as they continue to slip out of overdrive and coast along to their detriment and a secure second spot . DE LA SALLE V OLD MELBURNIANS

The win over Mazenod the previous week should have spurred OM's and a chance to really press back into the four race . However, they caved in after half time on the rolled out track at Waverley Oval and De La Salle leapt to fifth after an unexpected 59 poin t win . Giant Pat O'Callaghan was back after a five week absence and made his presence felt and Andrew Evans an d Andrew Mackintosh continued their good form . OM's couldn't complain about the absence of key players Ellinghaus, McMullin and Webb were back, so it's bad habits again for the Redlegs and the question is : will they just play the season out? Best players for OM's were Andrew Hewitt and veteran Tony Witts who is holding things together at the moment. MAZENOD V OLD SCOTC H

Trying conditions out at Springvale Road, but Old Scotch shot away in the third term booting six goals and it was all over . Not much joy for the Nodders as they try every trick in the book to reverse the slide and even Mick O'Hara's lion-hearted efforts just cannot turn it around . Elusive Scott Duthie bagged another five to bring up to 43 for the season ; a real will of the wisp as he scoots around the Scotch forward line. The tough players in the muddy conditions did well for the Cardinals, such as Andrew Smith, Ken Stokes, Craig Hosk ing and James Patterson. For Mazenod Dean Schofield and Chris Murray tried hard in a disappointing result for the Nodders . Ol d 10 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Scotch have everything to look forward to, while Nodders can hope and pray to turn the corner . ST BER NARDS V ORMOND

St Bernards coach, Shane Zantuck couldn't tie up the connecting flight back from Atlanta, which ,robably was just as well, because that three point loss would have quickly soured the Games' visit. A committed group of 21 Ormond players visited the Bernards haunt and came away with the four points to be still in the chase to avoid relegation . None better than the polished and equipped Ashley Orr who returned to some of the great form of several years ago. Assisted by Darren Edgell who filled the breach and Paul M cDonald and Michael Shepherd who n-ere all terrific . Had to hang on for the last four minutes did the Monds, as St Bernard's attempted to stay well up in the fight four the four. Jack Overman continues his excellent form for St Bernard's while Luke Gollant in the middle gave his all . Jason Gallant was sadly missed. What better player to have in a tight finish such as this one . PREVIEW Collegians will tar and feather Old hielburni ans down at the Junction by 27 points as the Redlegs hasten to lose interest in the season, while the Old Scotch mosquito fleet will run around De La Salle at Camberwell to the tune of 21 points . Old Haileybury will almost ce rtainly end St Bernard's chances for the four and win by 17 points . In the upset of the day, Ormond will ma ke a desperate last m an standing effort against the Blues who battle in the heavy conditions . The 'Monds' by 11 points . And in the final match Old Xavs will exert all their power and glory to overwhelm Mazenod at Toorak Park by 49 points. SELECTIONS : COLLEGIANS, OLD SCOTCH, OLD HAILEYBURY, ORMOND AND OLD XAVERIANS .


Old Haileybury would like to congratulate '95 B&F winner Wes Byrns who played his 100th game on July 13 . 250 TO OR MOND'S RUSSELL BARNES

All at OAFC would like to congratulate former State Rep and Premiership Captain "Barney" on his 250th game with the club on July 13 . MILESTONES AT THE LIONS Collegians AFC would like to congratulate Chris Pollock (250) and Steve Laussen (200) and on reaching their respective milestones on July 13 . Both players have been integral parts of Collegian's Premiership sides in recent times and will be so again come September . 250 AT ORMOND TODAY

All at the OAFC would like to congratulate Life Member and current Senior Coach Geoff Rei lley on coaching 250 Ormond club games today . A great ambassador for the VAFA and the OAFC, well done Geoff on your fine career . SECTION A - NEXT WEEK'S MATCHES and UMPIRES Continued on Page 15 . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

SENIC~S COLLEGIANS 1 .2 2 .5 6 .9 11 .11 .77 OLD HAB.EYBURY 4 .3 7 .8 7 .9 10 .10.70 Collegians Mooney 5. Woothouse 3 . Peters . Parkin, Cleary . Best Kenneally, Galbraith, Deane-Johns, Wallace . Kerr. Peters . Old HaBeybury Hilton 3. Kraus 2. Morey . Byrns, Constable, thicker, Connell . Best Seccull, Connell . Hucker, Rowlands . Kraus, Damn . DE LA S,ALLE 4.2 8 .5 14 .9 16.10.106 OLD MELBURNIaSPiS 2 .4 4 .6 5 .9 6 .11 .47 Be La Salle Manna 4. Harrison 3 . Evans 2, Abrahams, Chun . Crowe. Toohey, Silvers, O'Callaghan, Mackintosh . Best Evans, mackintosh . Alban, Jackson, Abrahams. O'Callaghan. Old k*.etburnians Eltinghaus 2 . Bromett .hewitt, RaRopouios. McMullin . Best Hewitt. Susa, Witts . McMullin . Etlinghaus, Thompson. MAZENOD OC 2.2 3 .3 3 .3 4.6.30 OLD SCOTCH 2.4 4.11 10.15 13.19.97 Mazenod OC Marshall, Chilcott . Hunt, Fisher. Best Fisher, Scofield, O'Hara . Hunt. Chilcott. Murray. Old Scotch Duthie 5, Aujard . Husking, Angus . Wilson, Grigg, Spiden, Stokes . Gibbs. Best Holt. Grigg, Patterson. Smith, Hosking. Stokes . ST BERNARDS 2.5 5.9 8 .11 10.13.73 ORMOND 4 .1 4.5 9.6 11.10.76 St Bernards Ryan 4, Dobson, Dimingo . Comito 2. Best Overman, Gottant, Anderson, Ryan . Comito . Sawicki. Ormond Bailey 4 . Remman 2 . Connell, Presser, Jobling. Marro, Grace. Best Hitle, Orr. Connelt. Jobling, Bailey. Remman. UNIVERSITY BLUES 5.1 6.2 9.3 10.6 .66 OLD PaVERIAttS 4.3 9.5 11 .5 12.10 .82 University Blues Lennen, Hermld . Allardice 2 . Bellmore, Henderson, Stimmon. Gunn. Best McIntyre, Cavalier, Stimmon . McLachlan, Henderson, Fairbank . Old %averians Berry 6. Ockteshaw 4, Jones. Wood. Best Berry. Dann . Holmes . Ford, Oekleshaw .Jones . RESERVES COLLEGIANS 2 .3 8 .10 11 .16 15.19.109 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 .3 4 .5 6 .5 6 .8.44 Collegians Grigg 3. Cleary, Worley . Vasdekis, Smith, Humphry 2, Enhvisie. Jones. Best Jones. Greeves .Jefferson, Entwisle, Sheedy . Cleary. Old Haileybury Walden . Harrison . Buchanan . Ducabury . Phillips. Pound. Best B. Ladds, C. Ladds, Pound. Rowlands . Buchanan . Walden . DE LA SALLE 2 .1 5 .5 6 .8 9,8.62 OLD MELBURNIAfiS 2 .6 5 .7 7 .8 12.11.83 Be La Salle Curran, Shannon 2 . Duckett, Flowerday. Grace .Hall. Jacobs. Best Duckett, hegan, shannon, Hill, Fisher, Wright . Old Alelburnians Teal 5. Campbell 4, Hart, Walsh, Fraser . Best Teal. Fraser, mcKeon . Rose, Walsh . Nelson . MAZENOD OC 1 .1 5 .3 8 .4 11 .7,73 OLD SCOTCH 2.6 4,9 5 .10 9.11.65 Mazenod OC Welch 5, Smith. IzCouteur . Howard, Sharp. Bourbon . Riley. Best Bridgland . Riley . Welch, Bourbon, Jacobs, MeCusker. Old Scotch McCall 3. McDonnell 2, Castricum . Hooper. Jonas . Reid. Best Jonas, Teasdale. Hooper, McCall, Norman . Walsh. ST BERNARDS 3.3 6.8 6 .9 9.12 .66 ORMOND 3.4 7.4 12 .9 16.10 .106 St Bernards Mahady. Edwards. Fitzgerald. Overman. Doolan, lanzano. Rogerson, Hogan. Best Bond, Bregner . Datiey . Overman, Fitzgerald . Perrett. Ormond Kingston, We. Is 3, Brown . Wrodarczyk . Stewart 2 . Mackey, Horsefield, Keleher. King. Best Brown. Horse('ield, Keleher. Stewart . Lehner, Wells. UhTVERSITY BLUES 2 .2 6,3 8 .4 9.11 .65~ OLD XAVERIANS 2.5 5.6 6 .7 6.8 .44 University Blues Wilson 4, Tweddle 2. Miles. McAloon, Maplestone. Best T\veddle, Gamaut. buckley, Jukes.Maptestone . McAloon . Old Xaverians Barratt 3, McLean . Belli, Hannebery. Best Nah(i, Keyhoe . Bourke . Hannebery, Barratt, Hawkins .



by :°aul Lub y

nly 2 questions remain unanswered for the res t of the home and away season and they are :(1 ) can Ivanhoe displace either Brighton or Therry in the four? and (2) can NOBS creep in front of MHSOB and avoid relegation? Ivanhoe have it all in front of them as they play Brighton, Trinity and Therry in the last 3 rounds whilst NOBS play Old Ivanhoe, Bulleen and MHSOB in their last 3 games. Both clubs have their own destiny in their own hands and that's the way you want it . REVIEW OF ROUND 1 4 OLD PARADIANS V BANYULE

This game was a lot closer than the final margin of 50 points suggest with Banyule getting to within 23 points early in the last quarter before Parade kicked the last 4 goals of the game . It was a case of Banyule not taking their opportunities in the lst and 3rd quarters and Parade having a few more marking options up fonvard . Banyule's 9 man backline in the 1st quarter was an interesting move from Rick Brockwell with the 3 spare men instrumental in switching the play and running the ball forward but it left Parade's captain Pater Brabender all by himself and he cleaned up for the winners on numerous occasions . Other better Parade players where Mick Geary in the ruck and up forward, Philip and Swindon on the ball an d 'Harro' who bagged 5 goals . Ruckman Dave Williams and onballer John Gilham both played sensational games for Banyule with support form tagger Kinnear, Lee Holt on the ball and Matty O'Brien who played on the wing and then in defence . OLD BRIGHTON V OLD IVAIYHOE

of the game but at 3/4 time they were still only a point down and that elusive firs t

victory was still a possibility . But Ivanhoe showed why they are still in the fight for the finals with a 5 goal last quarter to record a 28 point win . Tucker was good all day for Ivanhoe in the ruck whilst Angelini an d Paul La Rosa continued to win the ball out of the centre . When moved onto the ball in the 2nd half Garry Kennedy lifted the home side showing great skill in the conditions. Hare, Williams and Thompson have been good players all year for Bulleen and last week was no exception . TRINITY V NOBS Top side Trinity bounced back with a 32 point win over NOBS in difficult conditions at Brunswick but it was a hard fought encounter and a totally different game to their first meeting of the year when Trinity won by 109 points . Trevor Norman was best on ground at half back for Trinity and Nobs couldn't find a way around him all day . Leg Taylor was able to control the ruck for the winners with winger Sam Kennedy, centreman Settling and the Board brothers able to feed off him . Nobs defender Shannon Mikunda kept Stickl and to only 1 goal which was 9 less than what Stickland kicked last time these two sides met. Mike Leigh an d Peter O'Farre ll were also excellent players for NOBS who are still a chance to win enough of their last 4 games to stay in B section. Their draw does not include any of the 4 teams currently in the four and their recent form hasn't been too bad even though they haven't won since Round 10, it may come down to round 18 and their clash with MHSOB.

Old Ivanhoe staged a rousing last quarter to get within 2 goals of the home side but the poor lst half took its toll and they went home without the 4 points. THERRY V MHSOB Brighton through onballers Nikas and Lennox and A bit of a drive for the Melbourne boys and by all forward Murch (6 goals) controlled the game for 3 accounts Therry were too good as they recorded an quarters and had opened up a 46 point lead at 3/4 easy 11 goal win to stay in 3rd position . A six goal time and they will be disappointed with their last 2nd quarter by Therry in which they kept MHSOB to quarter effort . Old Ivanhoe coach Kevin McLean just 3 points set up a 53 point lead at half time and moved Anthony Parker up forward in the last quarthey cruised from there. The 'Chief was dominant in ter and his 3 goals nearly pulled off an improbable the ruck for Therry and he gave his onballers every win for the visitors but it wasn't to be . Paul opportunity to win their share of the ball and Donaldson continued his fine form for Old Ivanhoe O'Conner (5 goals) and Jason Reddick obliged . and he was helped by Veal at half back whilst the Backmen Boyle and Woodgate controlled the Corcoran brothers were in everything around the MHSOB forwards all day and continually set up packs and up forward . Fitzgerald with his 2 goals chances for their own fonvards . Since he has moved was a 4 quarter contributor for Brighton as where up the ground "Doc" Glover has been an excellent Oliver, Anderson and backman Alderton. player for MHSOB and he again set the example for i<tANHOE V BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOW E his teammates . Other good players where Tony The Bullants came out firing in the boggy condiGrimmer at Half Back, Drew Fairchild on the ball tions at Ivanhoe Park and by 1/4 time had opened up and Andrew Webster tried hard in the ruck . New a handy 13 point lead and anything seemed possible . MHSOB coach Tony Drummond has a big job in They could only manage auother 2 goals for the rest I front of him for the rest of the year . 4


pREVIEW OF ROUND 1 5 5 winners last week but its harder this week. parade travel to Old Ivanhoe and will not want to i, ke the home side too lightly but should win by 25 ,ints . Brighton will account for Bulleen by 55 Prints. Banyule don't have much to play for whilst : :OBS are desperate for a win . The ground is a bog and in dour struggle NOBS by 5 points . MHSOB v Ivanhoe will also be close but the finals incentive will get Ivanhoe home by 15 points . Match of the day is Trinity v Therry and earlier this year it was Trinity by 5 goals but only after a tight struggle . I expect a siHl :iar game this week with a similar result. Trinity by 20 points . TRIVIA QUESTION Last week the answer was Glen Middlemiss and the winner was dashing Banyule winger Matt O'Brien. Keep trying Norm Nugent!!! This week I will be at Trinity v Therry . Q: Since they entered the AFL in 1991 Adelaide have had 5 Best and Fairest winners . Name them . SOCIAL NOTE S The Old Paradians would like to invite all supporters to a reunion lunch with the our A grade premiership side of 1951 and the triple premiership side of 1986 on August 10 at the Garvey Oval . A 3 course lunch will be served from 12 noon at a cost of $20 . Please ring Steve Exton on 9277 3355 or Keith Shark ie on 9432 3127 if you would like to attend .


EMT OLD IVANHOE v . OLD PARADIANS Field : M . Pinney, D . Anderson : Boundany : D . Ryan, T. Healey ; Goal : A. Miller, R . Barichievich . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v . OLD BRIGHTON Field : C . 0'Donohue, J . Kvins . BANYULE v . NORTH OLD BOYS Fie(d : P . Simpson . C . Segota . Goal: K. Coughlan, M . Frame . OLD TRINITY v . THERRY Field : S . McCarthy (R), M . Gibson (R) : Boundary : G . Drummond, F . Martinez : Goal : K. Pitcher, S . Caple . MHSOB v . IVANHOE (E .P . - Sat .) Meld: A . Firley, J . Robinson .

OLD PARr1DIANS 4.2 8.4 8 .7 12.10.82 BANYULE 1.4 1F 3 .8 4.8 .32 Old Paradians Harrison 5, Boyd 2 . Swindon. Kerr. Godfrey, ciacola, Year. Best Bmhender, Geary . Zappa, Philp, Swindon, Harrison. Banyule O'Brien, Egan, Turnbull, VVitlmore . Best Williams, Gilliam . Kinnear . Holt OBrien, Egan . OLD BRIGHTON 5 .2 10.5 16.7 17.11 .113 OLD IVA*tHOE 1 .4 3.8 8.9 15.11 .101 Old Brighton Murch 6, Perry•. Talbot . Nikas, Fitzgerald 2 . Lennox, Sherman, Pryor. Best Nikas . Lennox, Fitzberald, Oliver, Alderson, Alderlon . Old Ivanhoe Young 5 . Parker 3, corcoran, Douglas 2 . Donaldson, Stewart . Veal, Best Donaldson, Corcoran. Parker, Kent . Veal . A. Corcoran . IVANHOE 2.6 4 .9 5 .11 10.14.74 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 5.1 6 .3 6 .4 7 .4.46 Ivanhoe Flynn 3. Kennedy 2, Jacks . newboold, Angehni, meKeliar. Smith . Best Tucker. Angelini. La Rosa, kennedy. Lee. Kendell . Bnlleen Templestowe James 3 . Dowd, George . McLaven, Prior . Best Hare, Williams, Thompson, Young . Saw. Shine. NORTH OLD BOYS 2 .4 i 3.6 7 .8 8.9 .57 OLD TRINITY 1.2 7.3 10.7 13.11 .89 Nort h Old Boys Barker 3, Sutherland 2, Considine, Connolly . Conti . Best Leigh. O'Farrell, Mikunda. Connolly, Winters . Conti. Old Trinity Heath 4, Ramsdell . Dalrymple 2, Tavlor, kennedy, Stafford, Hatfield . Stickland. Best Norman . Taylor . kennedy, 8euling, P . Board, T. Board . THERRY CCOB 4 .3 10 .10 13.10 17 .17.119 MHSOB 2 .2 2 .5 5.6 8 .6.54 Tuerry CCOB O'Connor 5, Pola, wrigglesworth 3 . Elliott 2, Carter. Petrevski. Gorman, Bosanko. Best Petrevski. Boyle. Woodgate. Picvatelli. O'Connor. Reddiek. MH80B Bamert 2, Comer . rosman. Glover, woodley . Grimmer, Fleming. Best Glover. Grimmer, Fairchild, Webster, Saultry . Lindsay . RESERVES OLD PARADIANS 3 .6 4.8 5.13 9.18.72 BANYULE 0.2 0.4 0 .5 0.6.6 Old Pazadlans Canavan, Jenkins 2 . Stephens. Willits, Baird . Artur. Horsmgton . Best Befits . Tobin . LaBagnara, Rouhiccioli, Canavan . Reid . Banyule Best Stevens, Rfches,Glass, Kearsey. Hobbs, Tyler. OLD BRIGHTON 2.4 8.7 8.11 16.13 .109 OLD IVANHOE 1.1 1.1 2.2 2.4 .16 Old Brighton Grant 7, tvlandylaris 3 . James 2, Barber, Murehte. Btekett. Magee Best James, Grant. Howden, Barber, Cooper, Mandylaris . Old Ivanhoe Hisogni, Power. Best Brophy. Maycock . Jones . Woods, Barker, Roxburgh. IVANHOE 5,6 9.8 13.12 17 .18.120 1 .2 .8 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0.1 I.1 1.1 Ivanhoe Hawley,. Joyce 3 . Thackwray, Matthew. Rosenfeld 2, Flynn, Pace . McDonald . Finlayson . Broe.•n .Best Brown, Finiayson, Flynn, Rosenfeld. Scohle, McDonald . Bnlleen Templestowe Shallard . Best Glover, Bellato, Franklin . Hooper, iamhert. \icNamara . NORTH OLD BOYS 2.1 3 .2 5 .5 6.7.43 OLD TRINITY 3.4 4 .8 7,11 9.13.67 North Old Boys Twist 3 . Considine, Turnbull . Lowrie. Best Wright . Zocen, Sweeney, Harley, Zinnia . McKay . Old Trinity Smith 3, Dowling 2, Gidding, Torrens, Kirvakuca . Beet. Best Smith, Vargo, King, Torrzns, Smith . Dinardo . THERRY CCOB 1.5 2.7 3.12 5.13 .43 MHSOB 3.4 7.7 9.7 11 .9 .75 Therry Goal Kickers and Best PI Ir not received . MHSOB McGrath, Verma 3 . aeh 2 . h§ciardie, Zagliloul . Best mcLardie . Fel"ierkranr, Archdall. Fail P-1 miller.



by T---. fy Q C

ith 3 rounds remaining St . Bedes Mentone Tigers is the only team with an outside chanc e

of displacing Ajax from the four. The young Tigers have had a very good year and certainly must be looking to tremendous times next year . With games against St . Kevins and St . Kilda South Caulfield to come, it is most unlikely the Jackas will be displaced . With three games against teams outside the four and with several "big guns" set to return, the Jackas must be near certainties to hold fourth spot. In Round 15, the top five sides accounted for the lower five sides which meant only slight percentage changes between teams fighting relegation. The OGs versus OMs clash will be very important for both clubs . Whilst a loss will not be the last straw, the loser will face an uphill battle to stay in C Section in 97 . REVIEW - ROUND 1 5

The Rovers turned in a top performance against Marcellin for three quarters but could not handle the pressure, but I guess lower sides are inclined to do that against top sides . Marcellin supporters were happy with a "team effort", although Dave Waters and Damian Sampimon Gxt?re in charge all day . O'Flynn, Collins, Cooper an d Rowe were also good players for the Eagles . Again, "Chippa The Sk ipper" Le Grand at CHB and Justin Ferguson stood out for the Rovers, "Softy" Scarlett was also a better player in the ruck. A six goal second quarter was enough for St . Bedes Mentone Tigers to assert its ascendancy against Old Mentonians and reverse the result earlier in the season. Tony McGeorge with six goals was superb, whilst last year's best and fairest Adam Thompson revelled in the conditions . Brendan "B anana" Beasley, John Tully and Matt Connoll y were also worthy of mention for the Tigers . An injury ridden OM s could not recover from the half time deficit . With Stroudy on one leg up forward, it was left to Richard Large in the ruck, backmen Nick Moodie, Cameron Leaver and Matt Austin and "Fergie" across half forward, to perform well for OMs.

In a tight match in which Old Geelong led at every break, Ajax with 5 goals in the last fiftee°n minutes were able to storm home to a 22 point victory . A top effort from OGs desperate to avoid relegation with the two "Toms", Peddle an d Dugdale, standing tall and James Wilson outstanding in defence . Ajax defenders Jeremy Wrobel, Danny Rosen and Danny Gunn were very busy all day, whilst the Goldberg boys both performed well . Jackas are looking to the return of more injured players today in its quest for honours in September . St . K evins accounted for a very determined Thomastown in a tough affair at Kooyong. SKOBs 6



controlled the centre ~ breaks and used th e ball better on the day . Thommos kept fighting back to keep the top dogs working hard for victory . Shane Kennedy, Tony Mount and TAarh Brady were best for SKOBs, along with onballers "Dolly" and "Longy" . For the Bears, "Chopper" Reid, "Potsy" Plant, Holmes, "Ant" Fellows and the Grech boys were best in an even team performance . A superb display by St Kilda South Caulfield and a 101 point victory over itefriars again served notice of the Saints intentions over the next six weeks . Again, the "Awesome Foursome" of Astapen k o, Thocz, Hayes-Dewar and "Sink" Gardner featured for the Saints win . Green and Govan were also in form . Reece Williams is also making a late charge to again feature in finals action . The Friars were somewhat flat after the previous week's effort and defenders Begley, Maguire and Bateman were busy all day, Paul Coghlan worked hard all day to provide a focus in the forward line . PREVIEW - ROUND 16 St. Bedes Mentone Tigers at home should be confident, but I expect a top effort from the Rovers . I'll go for an upset, the Rovers to prevail by 11 points . Old Geelong at home should be too strong against Old Mentonians in a game with so much at stake. OGs by 19 points. The two top sides test each other at Bulleen . the home ground advantage to the Eagles will be a big factor, however I expect the SKOBs will withstand this challenge and win the day by 17 points . Thomastown will be in trouble against the inform Saints. The Thommos will not be a pushover at home but I'll go for the Saints by a 29 point margin . Ajax will be strengthened by the return of keys players but will have to work hard to win the day in the mud at Whitefriars . I'll select the Jackas by 9 points in a game that may provide another upset . Reserves winners: St. Bedes Mentone Tigers, Old Geelong, Marcellin, St . Kilda South Caulfield, Ajax . Correspondents : by 5 .30 p .m . Monday. Fax 98899014 .




100th to AJAX's JASON OBEi . AJAX's former captain Jason Wrobel (1994, 1995) plays his 100th game with the club this Saturday. Jason came through the club's Under 19s and was the winner of the Under 19's B&F competition in 1992 . As a VAFA representative, Jason has been an outstanding club man and is a credit to AJAX and to Amateur football - all at AJAX hope to see Jason continue for many years . AJAX'S REDLICH PLAYS 100t h

AJAX's big man Adrian Redlich played his 100th game with the club 3 weeks ago . Adrian is a big improver and has worked hard on his fitness this year . Well Done Redders. DALE 'SPIDER' DIGGIPtS PLAYS HIS 100TH Everyone at St Bedes/Mentone Tigers would like to congratulate Dale'Spider' Diggins on his 100th game last Saturday against Old Mentonians . Dale was a member of our '93 D Section Senior Premiership team and was also joint winner of the Club B&F in that year . Dale has thrilled the crowds at Mentone with his uncanny goal kicking sense and we hope to see many more goals from 'Spider' in the next 100 games .

_~ ; _, ORS HAMPTONROF ELHS 3 .1 5 .1 6.3 8.5.53 MARCELLIN 4 .1 5 .5 8.6 14 .10.94 Hampton Rovers Crawford 3, Sher, Power, mcGregor, natoli, McKellar. Best Le Grand . Ferguson, Scarlett. Morgan, Sher, Wills. Mareettin Treganowan 3, Mason, Merton, 0'Flynn, Coffey 2 . Rowe, Slattery. Collins. Best Waters, O'Flynn, Collins, Sampimmn, Cooper, Rowe . OLD MENTONIANS 3.2 3 .3 5 .5 5 .8.38 7.3 10 .4 13 .5.83 ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 1 .0 Old Mentonlans Stroud 2, Carter. Paterson, Murphy. Best large. Ferguson. Carter,Moodie, Leaver. Austin. St B'S Mentone Tigers MacGeorge 6 . Hecker . Goodchild 2, Diggins, Connolly. Beasley. Best Thompson, A4acGeorge, Tully, Kinsella, Beasley, Connolly . AJAX 1.3 3.6 5.7 10.12 .72 OLD GEELONG 3.0 4.1 7,2 8.2 .50 Ajax Sheezel 3, Kalinski, Kianer 2, Wrobel . Goldberg, Feldman. Best Rosen, Gunn . Goldberg. Wrobel, Rozenberg . Wrobel. Old Geeing, Howells 3, Taylor 2, Welsby, Burbank, Stinchcombe . Best Peddle . Dugdale, Won . Smyth, Handbury, Taylor. ST REVINS 13 .11 .89 THOMASTOWN 9 .6.60 St Navies Ry an 4 . Gribble 2. Tercini, Garvey, Cullman. Bowles, Donahue. Hart, Marcy . Best Kennedy. Bowles. Dollman. Mount . Brady, Macey . Thomastown Holmes 3 . Colosimo 2, Capeci . Gorski. Ward, Volpe . Best Reid, Fellows. Plant. Holmes, M . Grech. N. Greek. ST KtLDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 5 .4 11 .13 18 .15 24.18.162 WaITEFRIARS 2.2 3.4 4 .8 8.13.61 St Kilda South Caulfield Green 6, Gardner S. Tkocz, Astapenko, D'Agostino, Claxton 2. Steford, Williams, Handfield, Ryan . Best Green, Hayes Dewar. Baker, Fitzsinron . Murrihy . Staford . Wliltefriars Robinson, coghlan 2, Carbone, Reidy, Maguire, Bateman . Best Coghlan. Begley. Bateman, Bonnyman. Maguire. Reidy.

RESERVES HAMPTON ROVERS 1.0 1.2 1.2 2,5 .17 MARCELLIN 4 .4 6.4 9.8 9.9 .63 Hampton Rovers Bulmer. Willison . Best Casella, Mason,Hunt. Young. Armstrong. Thomas. Marcellin Golds 2, Daffy, A. Gallagher, S. Gallagher. V. Gallagher, Gill . Golds, Pezzimenti. Best A. Gallagher, Golds . Daffy, Frisina, Stokes, V. Gallagher.


TOTAL 77 57 53 52 51 32 29 23 23 21

OLD MENTONIANS 2 .1 4.3 4 .3 5 .3.33 ST B'S MENTONE TIGERS 4 .3 7 .5 12 .10 18.13.121 Old Mentonfans Elliott. Flaskis. Konilinan . Russo, Wallace. Best Elliott. Winduss, Flaskis, Johnson, Davis, Norton . St B's Mentone Tigers Hutchinson 5. Recupero 4 . Tomlinson, Hambridge 2, L'Huillier, Drury, Tully, Lamb, Mulquinney . Best Johnston, Lamb . Goodchild, Hutchinson, Dols. Kearney. 3.2 8.4 9.5 12.6 .78 AJAX OLD GEELONG 0,1 2.1 2.2 2.4 .16 Ajaa Redlich 3, Sheffield 2, Dudakv, Rubenstein, roseman, Slade-Jacobson . Goldberg. Krongold. Best Slade-Jacobson, Micmacher, krongold, Cukierman . Fried, Engleman . Old Geelong Wilkinson, Liley. Best Liascos, mcinnes, Wilkinson, Hay, Bellrame, Robson . ST REVINS 9.5.59 4 .4.28 THOMASTOWN St Eevins Noonan 3 . Dynan . MeNee 2. Boyd . Meagher. Best Game. mcDonald, Denton, Noonan. Dynan, Thomas . ThomastoWn Es-n, Valentino. Dimovski . Kennedy . Best Moribito . Kennedy . States, Dimovski. L'Aurora, D'Avoine . ST 14B.DA SOUTH CAULFIELD 3.3 12 .5 12 .10 18.14.132 WBSTEFRtARS 2.0 2 .0 5 .3 6.4.40 St Bilda South Caulfield Aldernccio 4, Emmett 3, Rogers 2, Atcheson, Frawley, Conard, Lewin, Diamond . PresnelL Thurlieid. Wilson, Dynon . Best Atcheson. Wilson. diamond, Presnell. Frawley . Dalla Lana . Whitefriars Goal Kickers and Best Plovers Not received .

ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v . HAMPTON ROVERS Fietd: S . Meredith, T . Ovadia ; Goal: B. Hoare (R), L. Wilson . OLD GEELONG v. OLD MENTONIANS Field: P . Callil, N. McCorquodale ; Goal: B . Jephson (R), R. Dunstan . MARCELLIN v. ST KEVINS Meld : A . Damen (R), H . Little (R) ; Boundary: S . Mannix, S . Henig ; GoaL J . Kelly, G . Dae . THO TO v. ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD Field: T . Foley, G . Curran . WHITEFRIARS v . AJAX Field : P . Leyden, B . Tamblyn .



;lenty of interest still left in the 'Section' followin g , round 15 matches. Five, maybe even six team s still vie for those precious positions in the W . All teams have a say in shaping the final composite of the '4' as do they at the other extremity of the table . St Johns and Southb ank are locked in a real struggle for survival and all indicators point to the issue not being resolved till final siren time, Round 18 . Kew an d Uni Reds are Tail end Charlies', however in the case of the former they are extremely competitive and will make each of their competitors work extremely hard for victory . ROUND 15 REVIEW (27 JULY) Old Camberwell win one quarter of footy, the last and win the game . Southban k were able to hold a lead of 5 goals in each of the first 3 quarters but could never put the 'nail' in the 'Wells' coffin and allowed them back each time to the extent that they (Old Camberwell) only ever trailed at breaks by about 2 majors . A stirring last quarter saw the 'Wells' over the line and to quote 'Wazza' the scribe from Old Camberwell. . . ."The game had ended and it was a pity that one side had to lose the game as both teams had put on a superb display". Best for the 'Wells' were Walker, Leitch, Big Brad, Jumpin' Jimmy and Scotty. For Southbank, Perry, Keighr an , Beare and McNamara. On the spacious Beaumaris oval, Parkside try as they might just couldn't collar the local lads. Trailing by some 15 points at the halfway mark the 'Parkers' fortunes turned very sour losing 2 out of their 3 big men to injury. Beaumaris were always in control and steadied when needed, never more so than when Parkside challenged in the last to get within 9 points. What a tipster! Beaumaris by the selection of 21 points . Beaumaris well served by Kinsella, Fraser and lst gamer Steve Reidy and the 'Parkers' by MacNamara, Dino and Laursen . At Vic Park Kew, the visitors St Johns were travelling 'OK' till just on 1/2 time when 3 untimely errors (free kicks) allowed Kew to score full points from each and go into the long break with the lead . The 'Brown and Golds' outplayed the Joe's in the 3rd but only held a 14 point buffer at orange time, although scorewise, it was always going to be tough for the Joe's to make up . St Johns made a real go of it in the last and levelled up scores 5 minutes from full time. Dejavu to the first half . another 2 errors (repeat above) and good night Irene, it's all over Red Rover . Kew home by 12 points . Best for St Johns were Archer Dicky, Spider, Marksy, Coutta and Patto and for Kew Woody, Capt Bruno and Nath an Gill .

In very heavy conditions at Bennettswood Reserve the St Leos team blasted the lst 4 majors and that 8

should've just about been the ball game . Someone didn't tell that to the Monas h guys and they fought themselves right back into contention and in fact the lead by 2 points at the long interval . Monash should nearly have put the Leo's away in the 3rd but bad kicking cost them dearly, so much so that St Leos held a slender 6 point break at 3 quarter time . Monash were able to hold the "1`wo Blues' scoreless in the last, bag a few themselves and snatch a hard fought victory by 8 points . Hammer, Pitch and Henricus tried hard for St Leo's and Logan, Donnelly and Baldy were the best for Monash . No report from either Caulfield Grammarians (that is strange) or Uni Reds (now that isn't strange) so it's a tad difficult to tell you about the goings on . My prediction of an exercise gallop looked vindicated by the scoreline . The 'Fields' look towards a top finishing position whilst the 'Redz' continue to count down the weeks. ROUND 16 PREVIE W (03 August)

0 A must win game for both St Johns and St Leo's out at Dandenong. Conditions I'm sure will be more conducive to the "Jocs" dour style of play than that of the "'l\ao Blues" . With their renowned home ground advantage I tip St Johns (confidently) to salute by 15 points . • Two old 'foes' in Parkside and Kew do battle at 'Pitcher Park' . The 'Parkers' still have a faint hope of finals participation, likewise Kew to salvage themselves from what appears certain '97 "E" section participation . In what appears to be a close match up I'll tilt in favour of Parkside to emerge victors by 11 points . 0 I'm not convinced that either Monash Blues or Old Camberwell are travelling that well at present . Be that as it might, one will emerge victorious after they lock horns at the Uni Oval Monash . My thoughts are that the 'Wells' have slight edge in 'brilliance' and that this factor will hold them in good stead to win a great tussle by 13 points . Ž'Desperate' would be an understatement when trying to find a word that best describes Southb ank's plight against Caulfield Grammari ans . The 'Bankers' must win to give themselves a better than even money chance of D Section survival whilst the 'Fields' will be wanting to shore up their top of the table 'pozzie' Georgie my boy! read on and weep . . . . .Southbank to WIN by 1 point . 0 Beaumaris travel to the picturesque Flemington Park Oval, East Brunswick to take on Uni Reds . the 'Baysiders' will be in no mood to take in the nice park scenery and will more than easily consolidate their position in the top 4 . The 'Redz' will no doubt b e THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

counting down weeks, however, pride being what it is will ensure their competitiveness against the visitors. Beaumaris by panels . . .100t points . Club Scribes - Don't forget the telephone calls and/or fax messages on Monday to : Tele : 9810 3370 Fax: 10 3251 by 5 .00 pm . Thanks heaps!

50 G.'_ I -.SAT ST LEO'S Ei .L_ "_lUS All at St Leo's Ammaus would like to congratulate Dave Thomas on reaching his 50th game after starting with the Under 19s . Keep up the good work Thomo . 100 GAMES FOR DEAN HIGGINS St John's O .C . congratulate their captain on playing 100 fantastic games for the club today against St Leo's . Higgo has been a great player for the club since it was formed in 1991 and has won two club B&Fs and also a league B&F . To a great club champion congratulations and we all hope that you may play 200 for the club and maybe win that elusive flag .

ST~ -7I0~i - ~ STll"'77 t;' :JSWP 5 .0 6 .3 8.4 8.4.52 :LOfi : . t«iL_ 3 .3 6 .5 6 .10 8.12.60 r~ Lem :_ . .. s WP Vaughan 3. Darcy. Douglass, Heartens. Kenny, Pitcher. Beat A4eeh an, _r, Henfscus, Dinteolantonlo, Hughan, Donovan . Manuals Bk.-3 Koop 3 . Mentha Dannelly . Rogers . Baring, Hipwell. Best Mentha, Logan, White, Kiers, Camian, Newman. 2.3 5,6 7 .6 9.9 .83 STJOBTtSOC 3.1 5.4 5 .6 7.9 .51 Ecs Dimasl 3, Porte, Barley 2, Pulvirenti, Gill . Beat Wood, Dimasi, Cox, Furtan, Fraser. Gencarelli . St Johns OC Charlton. Rachele 2, Williams, Sheehan, Walton . Best Archer, Back, Enary, Rachele, Coumtadfas, Pattison . BEA S 6.0 8.3 10.5 13.7 .85 P E 2.3 5.6 7.6 9.10.64 Beanmaris Kinsella 6. 0'Riley 4. Mills . Quin, Williams. Beat Fraser, kinsella, rowbury, Thomas, Easton, Taylor . Parkside Macnamara 3, Muncie 2 . Chikott. Sherlock, Tessari, Warren. Best mcna; Hoyne, SOUTBRANK m3ra. Firm, Laursen, Chilcott CBA 6 Tessari . .0 9.3 13.6 14 .8.92 3 .2 7.3 12.5 16 .9.105 OLD CAMBERWELL Bouthbank CBA Perry 7. Hodgson 2, carboy. McNamara, keighran, Melican, McNamara. Best Perry . Pitts. melican . McNamara, Rolfs. Beare. Old Camberwell Lethlean 5, Horskins 3, Seeley. Walker, Inkster 2, Spur(itt, Kent Best Walker, Scott, Seeley, Kent, Wilson, Leitch . CAUMFIELD G R 3 .2 11 .7 17,8 21 .17.143 UNVIERSITY REDS 2 .2 3 .2 3 .3 4.3 .27 Cnntfield Grammar Mathews 6, Dicrosta 3, Vella, Margerison . Baxter, Markovie, Liddell 2, Cowlishaw, Braider. Best Brohier, Baxter, Mathews, Williams, Lowe. Royals. University Reds Foster, White. Rowland, Farrell. Best Daalder. Farrell, Jackson, Rowland . Mitchell, Wharf.



STLEOB US WP 4.7 5.11 5.13 6,15 .51 MONASH BLUES 1.0 2.1 4.1 6.2 .38 St Leos Emmaus WP Ingram . shacklack 2 . Niel, Van Den Akker. Best Graves, Ingram, Crain, Hanneberry, Turner, Gill. Monaeh Muss Alexander, Gunn . Miden, Wadley, Gonis, Feenaghty . Best Murchie, DeYoung, Spenser. Thornton . Bennett, Newman . KEW 2 .0 4.1 6.1 7.2.44 ST JOHNS OC 2 .1 5.3 7.6 10.12.72 Near MascitU 2, Danne. Cracknell, Kiriakou, Dalrymple, Levy. Best DaNve . Pardis, Rintoul, R Livingston, C . Livingston . Wells , St Johns OC Cotton, corcoran 2, Dowsett, Niclasen . Rallis, Doherty, Ladson. Best Kall is, Doherty, keen, Niclasen . ladson, Corcoran. BEAUEdAEtIS 0,0 1 .1 3 .1 6 .2.38 7.4 8,7 10 .9 11.12.78 PARKSIDE Besumsris Lewis. Flynn 2, Gtt, mcNicholas. Best Flynn, McNicholas, Lewis, Ott, Kendall, Sheldrake . Parkside Dunbabin 4 . Stuart, Antonopuulos 2, Gunn, PanJari . Romano . Best Romano, Harris. Gunn . McCall, ReshiU, Stuart. SOU1YiBANH CBA 0.1 0.2 1 .2 4,2,26 5.5 9.10 12.12 16 .12.108 OLD CAMBERWELL Sonthbaak CBA Phelps, Conk, Rolfs, Menotti. Best MenotB, Pitts, Roberts, Gillin . Forbes Conk. Old Camberwell McCrea 6. Brennan. Porvan 2 . Harvey, Walker, Mitchell . Patterson . Lenton, Jackson. Best Mitchell, Porvan, Patterson, Walker . McCrea, Harvey . CAUMFIELD GRAMMAR 7,2 11.9 18.11 25 .13.163 UNVIERSITY REDS 1.2 2.2 2.2 2 .3.15 Caulfield Grammar Scholten 6, Tapp 5, Barnett 4, Cleveland 3, Hollowayw, Williams, Chan, Wailes, Jacobs . Santiago . Beat Tapp. Holloway, Santiago. Lawrence, 5=1^m, Cleveland . University _ rr Hall. Winkler. Best Ryan, mann, Simmons. Terrill, George, Pitts.



~r 7 ST JOHNS v. ST LEOS Eadt .AUS Field : B . McKee, C. Bratjberg. PARKSIDE v. KEW Field : P. Keogh, D . Kramer . MONASH BLUES v . OLD CAMBERWELL Field : G . Thwaites, P . Whitington : Boundary : B . Corcoran, D . Fowler ; Goal : B . Statics, M . Venn . SOUTHBANK v . CAULFIELD GR . Field: A. Flack. S . Alger . UNIVERSITY REDS v . BEAUMARIS (at Fleming Park 30 AB) Field : A. Ladd, V. Vescovi.



Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain present all scores and match details in a light-hearted manner . Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9 .30 a .m . 4 each Sunday


I 'he battle for the third and fourth spots continues L with Old Carey now six points clear of Eley Park, who are two points ahead of Chirnside Park. The Sharks and the Parkers clash next week and both have games ahead with other sides in the four, so the final set up could go down to Round 18 as it did last year. The unpredictable Centrals caused the boilover of the round last week by a 6 goal damming of the Yarra's flow of 12 wins on the trot. If you've worked out what makes your team tick Tim, let me know, because they've got me hornswaggled ! ROUND 15 REVIEW Bulleen Cobras walloped a disappointing St Mary's in both games last week . After trailing at the first change the Cobras dominated from half time onwards, with Mick Opie having a good day in the ruck and Paul Zorzi at HB . For the Saints, Black in the mid-field, Brent at CHB and Burke on the ball stood out .

Richmond Centrals surprised Yarra Valley OB and everybody else, with an impressive win at the Kevin Bartlett . Yarra did not have the drive off the half back line they are used to . and Centrals used the ball well, especially in the last term when they overran Yarra with a 7 goal burst . Taylor at HB and Matt White in the mid field were effective for Yarra . For Central it was a big team performance with special mentions to Merv Shannon an d Billy Katelis who rucked and changed at CHF and Dave Holt who kicked 4 in the final quarter after moving from FB . Eltham Collegians took the points over Swinburne University, with the students having a goal tally of 4 for the sixth time this year . Aquinas OC's win against Chirnside Park was a dour struggle, with the Parkers leading by 8 points at 1/2 time . They improved that margin a little in the 3rd . but were slowly overhauled and beaten by a very determined set of Blooders, Brend an Pyke was terrific on the ball in the last term, Marchi Tarulli kicked 3, and on-baller Chris Lamborn was consistent all day . Old Carey won the mud wrestle at Eley Park with a very determined team effort . The C's established a small break in the 2nd term and locked the defiant Sharks out for the remainder of the game. Worrier and Hook were very solid for the Sharks at FB and CHB and Hill the on-baller gave them great drive . For the C's Craig Popplewell at HBF, Matt Spencer at HF and Luke Patterson roving were prominent on a day when everybody put in .

Yarra's strength out of the centre and their attacking backs will be too much fo r

the Cobra's own close checking backs . Yarra by 5 goals. Eltham Collegians tackle Richmond Central and on their own unique ground will make the Centrals work hard for a win, which the latter's size and nous should give them . Theoretically Centrals could still make it into the finals, but they have to win the three remaining games by big margins . St Mary's play Aquinas and it is hard to see them stopping the Blooder's juggernaut . The Saints are having a difficult year and while there is no lack of endeavour on their part, Aquinas will be too skilful for them . Chirnside Park and Eley Park meet in a really critical match at the Kimberley . At stake is a finals berth, so the well known work ethic of both sides will be to the fore in this game . There won't be much in this at the end, only a few points, which the Parker's better scoring potential and the 'Kimberley' factor should decide in their favour . Old Carey host Swinburne University and should be a bit strong for the battling students . The ground conditions will preclude any massive scoring but the C's will need as many 'points for' as they can get to hang on to 3rd spot .

RESERVES winners should be : Yarra Valley, Richmond Central, Aquinas, Chirnside Park an d Old Carey. Correspondents the Monday contacts are 9547 9144 and Fax 9547 7764.

Sean Flynn, Aquinas competent utility player, played his 100th last week . A great clubman in a team renowned for them, Sean was the Blooder B and F in 1994 and is modesty itself when he is forced to include himself among the players selected for mention in the Amateur Footballer . Well done from all at Aquinas Sean and you've years ahead of you yet. Bulleen Cobras, Rod Sheeham played his 250th game recently which is a magnificent achievement . Congratulations from the Club and all in E East Rod . Also from the Cobras, Reiner Denke plays his 50th . Well Done !

PREVIEW ROUND 1 6 Yarra Va ll ey at home to Bulleen Cobras should too accomplished for the Cobras even though the latter will be fairly chuffed with their win last week . 10 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

SENio" -




41 38 37 35 26

BULLEEN COBRAS 2.2 7.7 10.13 19.18 .132 ST MARYS 4.5 6.8 7.10 9.11 .65 Helicon Cobras Thompson 6, Starrett. Isa 3. D'Annelo 2, Giilard, Goetz, Redfern, Wa+~, Zoai. Best Moran, Thompson . 3chneider, Mc~eod, Brown, Zoai . St Marys Huebner. O'Brien, Binyon, Stephens 2, Mullenger . Best Black . Brent, Bourke. Phillips, hiultenger, Bell. RICHMOhU CENTRAL 5.2 6.3 8.4 15.7 .97 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 3.1 7.6 9.7 9.7 .61 Richmond Central Holt 4, Cooper. Katetis, 3. Pickett 2, Tate. Bove, Port eous. Best shannon. Daly. Malcom. Porteous, Andonopoutos . Halt. Yarra valley Old Boys Roca 4. Telford 2, Harrington. Peake, Lapel . Best Taylor . White, Peterson. Smillie, Habixn, Rees . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 3.0 3.0 3.2 4.5 .29 ELTHAAI OC 3.8 7.14 11.17 12.19 .91 Swinburne University Goal Kickers and Best Players Not received . Eltham OC Carter 3, McDonald, Clarke, Keane 2, Tucker, Solar, Smyth . Best Clarke, Solar, Morrow, Horsborough . Hespe, Mullins. AgUINAS US 5.4 7.6 9.7 10.13 .73 C73UUiSIDE PARK 3.1 8.3 9.6 9.6 .60 Aquinas OB Tarutli 3, Grieson . Lamborn 2. Dunne . 4forice. Pike . Best Pike . Doherty . Tamtli, Lamborn, Denarvi, Dunne. Chirnside Park Piccioti 4, pemberton 2, Trotter, mctntosh, Henderson . Best Walker, J. Camsi. M. Carusi, melntosh . Pemberton . Paola. ELEY PARK 2.5 3.6 3.7 4.9 .33 OLD CAREY 2.4 5.7 6.10 8 .12 .60 Eley Park Bowen 2, Hill, Kaye. Best Worner, Hook, Hill . Comte, Bowen, Kaye . Old Carey Hickey . Nance. Addison 2, Vasilopoulos. Hughes . Best Popplewelt . Spencer, Patterson..aterson Price. Autdist. Patterson . RESERVES



j,-,rT' 7, rj 777-777-7 YARRA VALLEY v . BbiLEEN COBRAS Field: C . Nash, I . Cayzer . ELTHA1 v. RICHMOND CENTRAL F'ietd : R . Smith, P . Walker . ST MARYS v. AQUINAS Field : A. Kiel . CHIRNSIDE PARK v . ELEY PARK Field : C . Keeton, L . Gallagher . OLD CAREY v. SWINBURNE UPtI . Fietd: P. Maebus, P. Griffiths.

BULLEEN COBRAS 5.9 7.15 12.21 16 .24.120 ST MARYS 0.2 2.3 2.4 2.8.20 Bulleen Cobras Caizzio 4, Humphreys 3 . Horsfield, Wills, Paatsch 2, Po6tes, Lekkas. Thompson. Best Paatsch. Pette. Wills. Humphrey, Baker, Cartledge. St Marys Hartigan, Azzapardi . Best Evans. Dasadio, Leamwnth, Burt . Innes . Pratt . RICHMOND CENTRAL 2 .4 5.6 7.7 8.7.55 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 3 .4 9.9 13 .10 15 .13.103 Richmond Central Jackson 5. Wilson 2, Davies . Best Jackson, Jenner. Wilson. Collings. Farley. Donnaron . Terra Valley Old Boys Randal . Chrisfiekl 3. Strong. Rowe 2 . Savaris. Penton. Burt, Reynolds, MacVean . Best Reynolds, Strong. Ross. Savaris, Burt, Biesbroek . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 2 .1 3.3 4.4 6 .6.42 ELTHAM OC 3 .3 7.6 10.8 13 .11 .89 Sr.tnburne University Goal Kickers and Best Players Not received . Eitham Hogan 4, Lees . Woodward, Stockdate . McDonald 2 . Gray. Best Taylor, Gray, Dods. Stockdale . Glare. AQUINAS OB 3 .2 5.4 5 .11 7 .16.58 CaIRNSIDE PARK 0 .0 1.0 1.0 1 .0.6 Aquinas OR Hughes 2, Clifford. Upton, Wilson . Boulton, Hiney . Best McKellar, King. Clifford. Upton, Slattery . Paras. Chirnside Park Skien. Best Anthony, Caine, Skien, Basso. Wingaard, Peters . ELEY PARI; 2 .0 4 .1 4.2 4 .2.26 OLD CAREY 1 .1 3 .1 4.1 5 .1.31 Eley Park Broadhead, Brace . Dell'orso . Verde . Best Cant. Broadhead. Verde. Holm. Div. Taifernopoutos . Old Carey Hands 2, Humphrey, Drever. Withington. Beat Withington. Cope, Jones. Mason, Shrives. Neate .

> EDITORIAL - Continued from Page 1 incessantly abuses umpires during the game . Others within the club take their lead from him . Accordingly it must start with the leaders of the club who incessantly abuses umpires during the game . Others within the club take their lead from him . Accordingly it must start with the leaders of the club - the Presidents, Coaches and Captains - exercising self-discipline and exerting authority over players, officials and supporters of the club . The message must be to cease the abuse . b. In this issue of the Amateur Footballer you will see a special offer to clubs of $1,000 for any club person who takes on field umpiring in the Association for the remainder of this season and umpires two games next season. Why not look within your club supporter base and amongst past players or players nearing retirement and see if there are not at least one or two persons who may not like to have a try at umpiring . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

c . Why not make sure that after the games when you are the home club you invite the umpires in for a drink and why not be generous and give them a few free drinks tickets . Make sure that someone talks to them- believe it or not they are actually human and would like to have a chat . t he Executive is serious about changing the culrure towards abuse of umpires . The trend we are presently seeing is of concern . Clubs will be monitored and where conduct is inappropriate charges will be laid for conduct unbecoming. The challenge to clubs is to exercise self-discipline. It is in your interests to do so as without two umpires at games it is the game that suffers . - Phil Rowell ~~

ast week's predictable Round 15 of E Central y results has settled the identity of the four side s that will contest this years Senior and Reserve Grand Final series - the only bone of contention left is which of either Old Essendon or University Blacks will join .':TilliaYnstown in the Senior Grade Second Semi Final . Injury riddled West Brunswick have bowed out of the finals race and will now endeavour to shape the four with games against OEG and Blacks to come while La Trobe, Old Westbourne an d SOB are in a battle royale for what may prove to be very important sixth and seventh positions . T -, _ U : F : 1 5

11` :oe -i continued the disappointing fade out of a depleted West Brunswick when they set up their win with an eight goal to one first half . West battled hard after the main break but lack of effective forwards made a legitimate comeback bid impossible . Best for the Cy's were veterans Jetset Cook and Dirty Harry, well supported by ", -a -"Strap it up" Grieve while for the Magpies Ct .- a in the Ruck an d Duck Disisto were valuable contributors. At the Hoppers Crossing Bowling Green, Old Essendon prime movers Steven, Hutchinson and Powerhouse were the catalysts for an excellent first term by the visitors in which they set up a five goal break over .Old Westbourne . The Warriors rallied in the second stanza and via a brilliant seven goal burst had evened things up by the main break . However, as has happened on many occasions this year, the Warriors could not sustain their brilliance and the capitulation that followed must have been a little too familiar for Coach David Twomey's liking . Fourteen goals to two after half time saw OEG run out easy 73 point winners . Best for the winners were Cappo, Steven, Powerhouse (again), Hutchinson, Mezza (5 goals) and Tassie (8 goals) while for the Warriors Jago, Scott Whiting on the ball, Benjamin, Burra and Inspector did best.

As expected, Newlands Coburg proved to be a far harder nut for La Trobe to crack at the Postage Stamp then in the Round 6 debacle played at the more spacious Bundoora . Only a few points in it at half time but an excellent fifteen minute blitz of running football by the Trobers in the third term, which produced seven unanswered goals, effectively put this game out of the reach of the gallant Cobras . Best for the winners were Danno, Popey, Sideiy, Ruckus and Benny while for the Cobras Marty ( 4 goals), crack youngster Rabbit W arren and ever reliable Rick Morris played excellent games, In the final game University Black s got back on the winners list by recording a hard fought six goal triumph over SOB. While it appears clear that the Blacks fortunes have turned sour in line with the

bleak weather of recent weeks, this tipster is certainly not writing the Blacks off

as a premiership contender as they could very quickly rediscover their unstoppable running game should conditions suit come finals time . North Brunswic k had the Bye. PREVIEW - ROUND 1 6 West Brunswick will be hoping for the return of some of its injured/unavailable prime movers for the clash with Old Essendon . OEG are unbeaten at home this year and while I expect West Brunswick will throw everything into this, I cannot forecast an upset . OEG by 21 points . University Blacks host Old Westbourne and similar to last week the Blacks will be in no mood to let this one slip . Blacks by eight goals . Williamstown CYMS are travelling very well at present and at home they will be far too good for a Newlands Coburg side which has struggled to be competitive away from the Postage Stamp . Willi will win this by twelve goals in a hand canter . Finally, in-form sides La Trobe and North Brunswick clash at the Bundoora Bog and as with recent meetings of these two sides little is likely to separate them for most of the day . North Brunswick have gradually increased their output throughout Season 1996 and are likely to be at full strength for this danger game thanks to return of prime movers Tirchett and Grimaldi from injury . La Trobe are capable of an upset at home but North are likely to have that one or two players that La Trobe cannot counter for the full four quarters. North by 14 points . Boycey's boys have the Bye. Correspondents: Numbers again by Monday 5.00pm are Ph : 9379 1411 (H) and 961 8 ;113 (W) or Fax 9629 &0t)3 .

OLD ESSENDON v . S' : :UNSWIC := Field: A . Chapman, M . Forde; Goal: A . Bishop . UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . OLD TBOU :1-: Fietd: M. O'Brien, A. Harris. LL STO v. NEWLANDS-COBURG Fietd: D . D'Altera, K . Walker. LATROBE UNIVERSITY v . NTH BRUNSWICK Field: G . Waldron, M . Gilday. UHSOB -Bye .

A melee is'vJhere an incident takes p .ace invotving players pushing, scr< ging, jumping into p< *s, throwing each othe r to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "


9G, C-1 ; 1

L_ u0 :-^

All at L . Trae salute ; - --ve 'IAoc,re • c- ar[c_a and David 'Powders' Lynch on reaching 1t VAFA Gaines today . Since joining the Club in 1991, Doogie has been a great clubman and his versatility has seen him play in a variety of on-field positions . All at La Trobe look forward to the next 100! Powders joined La Trobe form St Andrews-Coburg in 1995 and as well as sterling on-field service has provided much entertainment with his extensive range of multi coloured running shorts and his ability to emerge from the Bundoora Bog without a hair out of place . Well Done Lynchy on reaching the ton! TL41N AND THE BIG SHIP REACH 100 AT WILLLI CYMS All at Willi CYMS would like to congratulate two of its finest, Grant 'Sebastian' Case and John 'The Big Ship' Tuck on playing their 100th games today . The physical presence of Sebastian and the incredible skill of The Big .Ship has been much admired both on and off the field since day one at the Club. All the best for today's game.



1 .3 1.5 3 .9 4 .9.23 W H,'" 5 .3 8 .6 10 .11 11 .14.80 West 8 . . .. mien Byrne . D'Andrea . Baker, Smythe. Best Coonan, Brown, disisto,E:.stw=v, Gray, D'Andrea. Witliau to,.:_ C :!1&S Kurkow•ski 6, Lee 2 . Langham . Herbertson, Thege . Best Cook. 1 :ay, Grieve, &ScEachran, langham, Kurkowksi . ."°9U 3E 2 .1 9 .3 10.4 11 .8.74 OLD OLD 10 1: 3RA?- 7.3 9 .4 1 6 .7 23.9.147 Otd«aurne Whiting, Moore, Outen 2, Baarlni . Fairfield . Robson . Gibb. Horsbr*^h Beat Jago, PJhiting, Horsburgh, Outen. Blake, Franklin. Old :.- ..don Grammar Clohesy 8 . hierrington 5, 6ukasz . Tapungao 2 . Pane . Steven, McKenzie, Capodiferro, Lutterschnddt . Bishop. Beat Lutterschmidt, Steven, Capodiferra. Clohesy.64errington, Hutchinson. UHSOB 3.0 3.0 6.0 7.3 .45 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 2.1 7.2 10.4 12.8 .86 UH50B Wallace . Koch 2, Strahan, Straehan . Cook . Best 8kinns . Smith. Frei}ah, Strahan. Bone . Brebner . University Blacks Caccav4eila 6, Hall 2, Quilty . Hallam, Cunningham, Cook. Best Caccaviello, Daarach, D . Pekin, C . Pekiu. Robert s, Cunningham . NEWLANDS COBBRG 4.3 8.5 10.5 12 .8.80 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3 .7 7.9 14.11 19 .15.129 Newiands Coburg Martinez 4 . Stepien 3, B,.zaano 2, warren, Charbel, Ratelo . But martinez, Warren, Fennesy, Keppel . Stepien, Ced. In Trahe University Dunin, Zebmwski 4, Brown, Wright 3, 89addis-on 2, Haynes . hayward, Edmunds . Best Edmunds . Sidebottom, Zebrowski . Cummings. Edmunds, Bakogianis. NORTH BRUNSWICK (bye) 16 .12(108) THORNBURY COUGARS 9 .7 (70) North Brunswick Goal Kickers and Bes' B1 ~,rt received , Thornbucy Cougars Goal Kickers and I } ... .. Not received.

WEST BRUNSWICK 0.2 1 .4 1 .5 2.6 .18 WILLIAMSTOWN CYPdB 5.5 5.7 10.9 12.14 .85 West Brunswick Coco(aras, Capes . Bet Pdouchacca, micali. Hatzistavrou, Fithall, Sohn . Caombes. Williamstown CYBSS Payne 5, McNamara 2, Smart . Wilson, Bond, Buckland, Clerk. Best Oldham. Fowlte, Payne, Band. Smart. Clerk . OLD w8STB0URNB 2.1 3.2 5.4 9 .6 .60 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2.5 5.10 7.13 10,17.77 001d Westhonrne Sznszkiewicz 3, Christo. Parslow 2, Galvin, Crowe . Best Jenkinson.hewitt, Old Geier, S . Par,bw, C. Parslow, Crowe . Essudon Grammar Whitfield. McLean, Stevens 2, O'Brien. Novalek, Chalkley, Casa . Best O'Brien. Conlan, mclean . Greastey . Mansfield. Barry. UH80B 0 .1 1 .1 2.1 3 .2.20 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7 .6 14 .10 15 .12 17.15.117 UHSOB Wood 3 . Best Matheson. Pfeifer, Bunn, Flanders, Bennett. Rogers . University Blacks Birks S. Stevens 4, Koolaos, Smith, Mitchell 2, Cheescuran, Fraser. Best Jones, Barker. Fraser . Kootoas, Fogarty . Forbes. NEWLANDS COUBRG 1 .0 2 .3 5 .7 7.10.52 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 4,6 10 .11 13 .14 19.20.134 Neerlands Coburg Runcim .an . ttardini, Marnell 2. Berton. Best Malacria• Barton, Hippisley. Mardini . PAamell . In Trobe University McDonald S. .Yiakim, SpraiJa, Hartley. Storer 2, Richardson. Oliver. Turner, Sutherland. Chiodo . Best Sutherland, Turner. McDonald, Rooney, Goodain, Richardson. NORTH BRUNSWICK (bye) THOP :c6U: 2 COUG" S Norc?r P ~an --:: iek Gcai "ckers and Best Players Not rec e Tfiontbury Cc, , as Goal Kickers and I: :. . t P: :., :rs Nat recelved .

15.17(017) r .(36)




(50 cents per min . )


Mon to Wed Friday (a .m.) Saturday (a.m .) Se.i. (evening)

C1'e-~v Seniors : All registered players with a permit . Seniors/Reserves : If both teams are playing reserve player must have played at least 2 matches of senior or reserve section football, also be registered and hold a permit . Under 19 : Must be registered and hold a permit. If player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 under 19 matches during the season . If less than 6 senior/reserve games player must only be registered and hold a permit - no other games played requirement . * If player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club"s senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent under 19 final . Reserves : Must be registered and hold a permit. Must have played 2 reserve matches and

: 1996 Finals Information : Umpire appointments : Weekend game locations : Final siren score s

A r - ;_yes s not more than 10 senior matches during the season. Club X-VIII sections : Must have played in at least 4 Club XVIII matches and not played in more than a total of 8 senior and reserve matches during the season . Other players who hold a current VAFA permit . AFL and VFL List Players: Must play during on the first weekend after June 30th with VAFA club . Must remain "equal" or in "credit" (VAFA games played after June 30th . Must play at least 3 VAFA senior matches afte r June 30th. AFL Supp . List Players : Must play 3 senior VAFA matches before the finals . VSFL Under IS Competition : Must elect immediately after round 16 where he wishes to play the remainder of season only . No number of qualification games required .


a relation to last week's section on the Melbourne Football Club and those VAFA players who are currently on their list or supplementary list I was informed that I had left off a player . Apologies to Paul Corrigan of Old Haileybury who is on the Demons Supp. list as well as those guys mentioned last week . Paul is fresh from school last year (1995) and has played a couple of games for the Bloods but the majority with the Demons, a real VAFA flavour at the Dees Den right now . Car alarms can be tricky devices to out smart, just ask Trevor Neal (FIDA Ground Manager) . Last Sunday at the completion, of the day he gave his keys to a lad he was going to drop up to the train station . The lad got out of the car and left the keys in the ignition to find Trevor because his mobile was ringing . Now like a good lad he locked the car door before leaving the car . Trevor returned to find his mobile ringing but his car locked . Now Trevor has a car alarm and with the keys inside he could not get into the car. He calls his girlfriend who comes to the rescue some (40) minutes later with the spare car alarm . The story does not end here. It seems that car alarms cannot be opened when the keys are in the ignition, so here's Trevor pushing his spare car alarm button and getting no response . It was not until the lad who had been so diligent in the first place, by locking Trevor's keys inside the car, asked him why he did not use the keys to open the door to get his keys out . Who do you think was red-faced then ?

OLD M ELBURNIANS v . COLLEGIANS Field: D . Dalgleish, M . McCrohan : Goal : K . Segota, M . Richardson . OLD SCOTCH v. DE LA SALLE Meld: P . Gersch, M . Jackson ; Boundary : J . Stevenson, J . Wright ; Goal : G . Grigg, A . Simpson . OLD HAILEYBURY v. ST BERNARDS (at Haileybury College) Field: J . Toohey, R. Bell: Boundary : A. Pritchard, M . Tape ; GoaL• R . Richards, C . May . ORMOND v . UNIVERSITY BLUES Meld : W. Hinton, R . Simon; Goal : P . Gluyas, W. Fowler . OLD XAVERIANS v . MAZENOD Field : R. Eastwood, M . Jenkins ; Goal : B . Nash, M . Lentini.

Great to see games back at Elsternwick Park last weekend, despite the slushy conditions. Drainage has definitely helped rid EP of the dreaded "lake" that used to form in front of the southern end coaches box, we now are only experiencing a little difficulty with the area just in front of Administration . But the show goes on and who said football and cricket could never get on . Here at EP we would be lost without the mats being roiled out each Friday evening, or I might add we may have lost players, boundary umpires and coaches, due to the "quicksand" like conditions between the two coaches boxes. Bring on those drying winds of September.

At this time of the year as it draws closer to the end of the home and away season thoughts of sectional Best & Fairest Awards come to the fore . We would like to take this opportunity to make our selections as to whom might be a chance for each section Best & Fairest . This week we will centre on the Under 19 sections . Section 1 : (Halligan - Uni . Blues, Carew - AJAX, Johnstone De La Salle ( 1)), Under 19 ( 2) White : Daskalou (Bulleen-Templestowe, Bostock - Old G°Elong, Smith - Uni . Blacks), Under 19 ( 2) Blue : ( F' Beaumaris, Zuker - Hampton Rovers, Paolucci - . snr ".), Under 19 (2) Red: (Stephens - Marcellin, -- : i - Y;aitefriars, Murphy - Old Carey) . Next week the three E sections predictions .

Clubs mus-onn e

d c~res ~o : ` -,--9528331, (before 5 p .m.) before ringin g through rl/r . soores; goa1kioE_E: an-1 , -a_ `, °-=s (both teams) t o hefore 5.15 p.m.)




If a VA club has a player contemplating an early retirement or a suitable club person who becomes a VA umpire this season and then continues to umpire games in season 1997*, the VAFA will pay $ 1000 to the club supplying the umpire . -1,_. - -. wM bei _- .; r ~~~ter 2 games umpired In 1997j Take advantage ox"'this one-off offer now by talking to Phil Stevens or Sue Anderso n .i . -1--diately o n Join the line of excellent former Amateur footballers who made the transition to VAFA umpiring - 77-7 . °l, 7 , L _ - E_71 ~or er class footballers, now umpiring with similar class . ._.


~, - -- `= `~




0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 19 Section 1 AJAX Coach: Mike Zemski Assistant : Mark Feld y 1 . A . Carew 2. S ak° cz 3 . B .. Davis 4 M Page 5, J . Rath Samuel 6 . G.. Buman (VC) 7. A 8 . J . Beebe

9, D. Massage 10, H, Snow 11, P. Steiner 12. D.Mohr (C) r 13. A. Wise 14 D, Ones 15, M . Rogers 16: A. Rogers 17. G . Kaplan 18. B. Lewski 19, D . Macro 20, J. Rosens 21 . J. ones 22. D . Sutton

23. S. Whytcross 24. J . Sche r 25. D . Boon

26. D . Grosman (VC) 27. A . Lust (DVC) 28 . P . Zaltsberg 29 . B . Lukav 30 . R. Richards 31 . A . Chrapot 32 . J . Rogers 33 . D. Gelbart 34 . A. Sloane 356 . A. Rose n ,'.:. 3 . J. Sega l 37. J. Wajnberg 38. J. Hines 39. J. Abo r

COLLEGIANS Coach: Eddy Galizi 1. G.&ie3a 2 . B. Forsyth . FkKertare I. G 4, N . Braan

5 . N. Michael (Capi) 6. P. Walsh

DE LA SALLE Coach: Terry Russell 1. M.Cta s 2. P. Fame 3. S.Crc;re 4. LFLal 5. A.Fimrtlap 6. M .Wier

1. C. Browne I. C. Vmp

41 . A Pti~ 9. C.Car~ 10. O.Tessi.w (RCaF!) 7 . P.REdrr. I. A.Evars 420.J~sm . Mc6nk 12. D. Tadsr/ (Ca0.)43. M. Eft 9. I. A J .l+krt'8 13. A.Waters 44 . C. r WCmack C. Spar10. B .HaB 14. P. 45. 46. M . 112. .CSy 15. HoA 1 . NS . Brass 16 . M.Jac#on 47. M .Fane9 13. S.Hahaet 17 . D .Crm 49. D.Smih 14, T .VanfkrVerme (VrCap) ta . M.Ai%,mars 49 . D. Limbo .~0 ` . P.M;ma 15. C. Home 19 . D.0'Br~ 16. S.Sayers 20. M. Krag+ : 51 . D. Gw IT S.Mdeod 21 . C.Sb,,, 52. 5.Harrism 18 . T. Patuft 22. P.0'Cd 0 53 P.Amn 19 . M.GranMMka 23. M .9Ca s 54. J .D~.cIWd 20 . LByme 24. C. IdxN r~a 55 . C. Harz'sm 21 . T.C~t 25. G.Hyrce 56.J .13atager 22 . RNasking 26 P.V& (PzS.VCP7. C .Fri~ 27. LVarDuP..1 .158. .Ckary 23. P. Hz#ish 24. A . h7!'u 28. M .Laffaty 59. S .Jacotr 29. D. H~ 6o. S . Ttares 25. C .Sayih 33. A .Sayers 30. J .Han 61. S .Abon %. T. 34. D.Ca6nan 31. AEkd ~~ fn V. J. (Mlon 35. N. Lynch 28. ALare 43. W.HCyrroM 32. T. Rim 6i . C. BxuRe 29. D.Bottari 48. ftThanpsar 33 . B. M.~r . 6.8utlc 34 . P. Conroy 65 31 A.Green 51. T. Proctor 35 . A .Mzduw 666.. B,Bj 31. T. Radholornaw 75 . J. Wash L7 ~ 36 . A .A~ 32. D.BW dpb 91 . Rt.wl 37 . R Makson 68 . G.bngslHl 38 . 9 . Brash? 69 . J. Penns 33 . P.taster 78 . M .9.aidmqe 80. ML HE 40. G.Cwran

NORTH OLD BOYS OLD Coach : Terry Mill s M ELBURNIANS 2. E ~ (C) 3. B. Koueumlis 4. LLrcare 5. T. C.WkA 6. 0. Kb?t4a 7. B.Chnc/ I. J. Beck 9. 0. Nannoin 10 . LCtermr It . C.A#ary y(VC) t2 . M . C~aad 13. M .B~..w It . B.Twcer , 36 . 15. J . FvcB a7 It. SKea n 77. H. Hard ui ~ . It. D . PaYaa 19. H . MakhaA 'H' 20. I. htc&mey 42 . 21 . A. Mden ~, 22. B . Lp~h 44 . 23. E. •

B. Ma~al 0. Frark n D. Timm T.Pet:rscn B. Ck?ry D .Nary M. EM A.Keancep

24. AH~ 25. P.Ttr.enpsm 26 . J.Saaxs's(VC) 27. S.MaaxrJa 2& M . Waters 29 . I .Talab 37. ATaleb 31 . T. Mugharie 32 . J. Saba 33. T.Clere'ard 34. S. Evans 35. M. ".tte

PH : (03) 9822 001 1



OLD PARADIANS Coach: Paul Digney 2. M.P. Lynch (Cag) 3 BP.Wbor, 4. B.M. Proton 5. A.MaleW 6. S. King 7. P.T. Hams S. M.S.Rjm 9. 8 . Vdao#em 10. M. Pkan:rs 11. B .Lyrch 12. M. Mal, 13. D.Ciaary(vc-p) 14 . S. R, 1

15 . S.A . H! ,.It,S

IT S." q 18 . D. , 20. K. t. 1 21 . N.ftaxd 22 . biJairetVCA .xt 23. M.CoV. 24. M. H§betrarq 34. J. Rsobecok 25. LBaHSr 40 . d.Cdins 26. OCorrKr 41 . T . Grd}arski 42. S.Hanison 27. P. Eccles 28. M.Ca>ygraN 43. M. Gale 29. S . Phelan 40 . J. Ncdsi; 33. A .HCward 48 . J .Chadr;dc 31. C. TeCri 52 . L Williams 32. C.Jotuetarw 54 . J .Yaeed 33. C.4Vatscn 55 . J .Spria 34. S. Mi#.bon 57 . S.0Ndt 35 . M. Rtan 62 . C. price :6 . B.Dide.,mie G. R.Stodd 37 . D. Ste+ens 69 . L Ttaner

Coach : Mark Zuke r 1 . E. Sedgley 2 . D . Holme 3. F. Purcell 4. S . Murray (DVC) 5 . A . Wardell (DVC) 6. J . Berry 7. C. Banks 8. J .Charfton 9. J . Law 10. T . Stevenson 11 . T . Cloke (C) 12 . N. Osborne 13 . S. Gowling 14 . M . Bennett 15 . S. Dixon 16 . H. Webb 17 . J. Miller 18 . C, Jenkins 19. B. McLeod 20. S. Parikh 21 . A. Bain s 22. K. Rutherford (DVC) 23. A. Coach 24. R . Tandy 25. W.Deague 26. C . Sibree 27. J . Larkin 28 . S . McKenna 29 . J . Rigg 30 . S . Humphris 31 . D. Hal l 32 . J. Wright (VC

Coach: Pat Hawkins


1 . M .Jones(VC) 2 . T. Flemin g

Coach: Geoff Porte r

3. J . Kay 4 . B . Hilbert 5 . N . Alston 6. L. Nisbet 7. A. Heil 8. J . Dyer 9. S. Bailey 10. D . Boland 11 . T. Bowden 12. S. Tucker 13 . W . Somerville 14 . M.Inne s 15 . L. Ford 16 . S . Hede 17 . P .Adami 18 . R . Ryan 20. J . Daniher 21 . N . Ockleshaw (DVC) 22. T. Winte r 23. B . Perry 24. P .Shannon 26. J . McCormack 27. C. McGuigan 28. M .lacovangelo 29. T . Coughlan 30. N. Ireland 31 . J. McDonald 32 . J. Hardwick 33 . P. Walsh 34 . M. Chamberlin 35 . N . Barnet t 36 . M. Mulcahy 37 . J . Drake 39 . J . Hawkins 42 . D . Calma n 43. T. Woodruff (Capt) 44 . R . Hoare

I 49. D . Donat i

ST . BERNARDS Coach : Kevin Mahady 1 . B. Swann 2 . T. Pee l 3. S. McKeon 4 . M. Hayes 7. J. lanzano 8. B. Loughlin 10. B. Overman 11 . M .Tankey 12. B . Hogan 13. A . Damingo 14. R. Nutter 17. A . O'Sullivan 18. G . Collins 19. C. Rae 20. M . O'Callaghan 21 . A. Duncan 23 . C. Patience 24 . L.Rogers 25 . D .Ferns 29 . D . O'Connor 30 . J. Mount 31 . S. Catanzarin 32 . S. Daffe y 33 . J . Baltarin (C) 37 . T. Bateman 41 . D.Juegan 43. C. Davis 45. M . Dowling 55. G . Cusack

1 . D. Van Englen 2 . R. Zampogna 3. D. Briedi s

4. S . Horatewski 5. S .Sacco

6. W. Bradey 7. M . Postma 8 . A. Grant 9 . S.Stella 10 . D . Salzyk (VC) it. J. Hutchinson 12 . B. Crochford (VC) 13 . T. Kenn a 15 . M. hetfeman 16 . S.Goodwin 17 . G, O'Connor 18 . D . tuema 19. M. Cul l 20. B . Jacobsen (VC) 21 . A . Fitzpatric k 23. A . fielding 24. B . Megrath 25. N. Gil l 26. J . Van Englen 27. P.Copeland 28 . C. Laws 30. M . McCartney 33 M . Jacobsen 35 . S.Dowdle 37 . P. Dunn 42 . A. Maloney (C) 43 . B. Stevens 44 . F. Grech

Coach: Steve Carroll 1 . C. B :tar nE 2 . S.&acki:y 3. J .Camn 4 . R:Clafr 5. D. Denial 6. J .EaMaug1 7. P. Faft-A I. B.FaA 9. B. FrKker 70. M. Hatitian It . G.Harton 12. D.Haris 13. T .Hart t4. A .terdarson t5. T . Johnson 16 . D.Kety 17. D. Kays it . S.Kuc 19 . J. Lawless 20 . C. Lehman 21 . E. Lindsay 22 . J .Mahoney 21 J .MsV'~~pshh 24. A.ItcRentie-Mdiarg 25. L Morison 26. H .N" 27. J. Nash 28. D . Prctinas 29. T. RaJdhaise 30. C. Ryan 31. C.Sc" 32. D. S5rnmen 39. D. Strad, 34 . J.Stwmck 35 . R.Vers?eagen 36 . R.Varxisr#eg 33 . S.W16elcead 39 T. 1551 m i. M . Wilson

g~ ~~® l

Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722


622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Ateenee Ponds

9326 1799


Under 19 White BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach : Brian Cartwright 1 . J, nix S.Omv I. S. Ya¢o3 3. 4. G .AkxavSer 5. C.Pana 6. R.lA~r~y 7. P.Ru~ASm(Vcap ) B. A. Bryan

,, , R. Shepherd 10. 1t . 12. 13.

P. Geap (Cap .) S.Faky A. Paris S. Boyd

14. D. Mathews (Vcalp!) 15. B.Grcig 16. S.Sm9h 17 . N.P7ad~ 18 . R. Wpaazns 40. T. M.athew.s It . P.tfi9o 4t. L. Cessaro 20. T .Apsta 42. P. Edwards 21 . 6. Hooper 43 C . Beams 22 . G. tAd.aren 44. C . Sh=..lard 23 . L. SlUI 45. G . Taylx 24 . P . Hap 46. G . StaBard 25 . T. kt=.tre8 47. C . r4as Yo . K .9clng 48. R . LartW 27 . D . Dcud 49. M. BaFal o 28 . P.lAdkrer 50. 0. Glowe r 29 . P.Borw 51. 3) . R . Field 52. 31. A. We 53. J . Smtl 32. P. Gralbarn 54. 33. C .65.Watos 55. A. Frank€n 34. D .o'Correa 56. . M 35 .Osbara 57. D. Shire 36. P. Hate 58, 37. W. Tthonson 59. B. Lelsr:e 33. S. .krtv.s 60. P. Dal* 33. D.61cNamara

DE LA SALLE (2) Coach : Clayton Weser t . M.CMn

2 . P . Fun? 3 . S . Crasa 4. L. Hall 5. 6. 7. 8. . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

A.FY.~vt~'day M. FShct C . Broara 41 . A. P . s C . Wright (R C .Cemp~t 42.0._ (9 an D . Tessier 43. IA. E A. Evans 44 .C.'ram D .Tcolne7 (Cap.) 45. C. ,~panow A. Waters 46. M.Hw P.MCCamack 47 . M.FarreB J . Hodder 48 . D. Smyt h

. M. Jackson 49 . D. Lambe i 67. D, Crowe 50. P.Mattix hi. m . Abraham 51 . 0. Gram 19. D.Ogrkn 5Z S. Harrison 20 M .Ycruplito 53 . P.Arao 54 . J. Durk. .~#1 21 . C. Sherman 22. P.OCa' tan 55 . C.Narrt:m 23. U . or-iun 56 . J. Weiler 24. C.tA 57. C.Fder 25. G.H. 58. C.Ch.ary 26. P.V (Pzs .VC)59. S. Jacobs 27. L .4c.,PVd O. S. Tram 28. M .L 61. S. Allow 29. D.H_,, m. G.Hegan X J, Harm 63. dMu~ry 31 . A. Errtd 64. C. &anke 32. T . a°x~s ~ . 8. Buick 33. B. Wu 66. L Langone. 34 . P.Caroy 67.88~rre 35 . A. Mack'sRUsh 68 . G. k~aB 36. A. AM 69. J. Fa~s 37 . R. Mako;m 78. tA Stadole? 33 . B . Gasha 80. M. MOO

39 . P . (?raster 40. G. Curran

UNIBLACKS Coach : Damian Carrol l

ST. LEOS E MMAUS Coach : Peter O'Connor 1 . D. Lear 2 . N. Hodder 3 . A . Laurie 4 . E . Mitchel l 5. E . McLaughlin 6. R. McCann 7. J . Smith 8. A . Major S. A . Daly 10. D . Cashen 11 . T. Ludlow 12. S . Vozzo 13. B . Carey 15 . G . Simondson 16. O. Brown 17. A. Swanwick 18 . L . Newey 19 . T. Batty 20. L . Latham 22 . E. Sheahan 32 . D . McNally 35 . L . Thomas 52 . N . Schlittler 80 . A. Auliso (Capt) M . Cody P . Deer y G . Psaltopoulos B . Wilb y M . Smith J . Rattigan G . Wyett

1 . T. Belleville 2. M .Buckis 3. J. ButtertieH 4. B.Dil4on 5. O .Fumess 6. C.Franklin 7. R.Gaza i 8. B.Gilbertson 9. T . Holmes 10. N. Howell 11 . J. Scot t 12. T .Kitchen 13. L. Kirkham 14. A . Leddin 15 . J. Magee 16 . A . Maher 17. B . Morgan 18 . P . Oswald 19 . A . Robinson 20 . C. Ross 21 . A .Sanders 22 . L.Spencer 23 . A .Walker 24 . T.Warburton 25 . J .Ward 26 . R . Watson 27 . S . White 28 . M. Atkin 29 . T. Gargon 30 . A. Morrissey 31 . N . Rolls 32. L . Juniper 33. S. Dimond

OLD CAM BERWELL Coach: Andrew Tsindos 1. 2 . T. Molloy 3. M. Kordic 4. T. Webb 5 . N . Board 6 . R . Watson

7 . R . Whitehead (Capt) 8 . T. Donovan 9 . B. Smith 10 . M. Richmond 11 . C . Williams 12 . A. Paterson (VC) 13 . S. Hancock (VC) 14 . N . Sims (VC)

15 . 16 . M. Cook 17 . 18 . W . Hayes 20 . R . Scott

21 . T. Hardman (VC) 22 . J. Miles 23 . 24 . C. Mill s 25 . J. Heffernan 26 . A. Seeley 27. 28. W. Taylor 29. S . Pickles 30. A. Manuel 31 . J . Clyne 32. J . Herdmann 33. 34. A . Campbell 36. 41 . A . Gleevoy 42. J . McGilp 44.

OLD GEELONG Coach: Tim Killworth 3. H. Trcedel 8. C. St. Clai r 14. E . Bostock (CapQ 15. A . Pooley 16. S .0'Brien 28. E . Jettr'w_s 31 . A . Mims 32 . A . Brown-33 . B . Ranken 36 . R. Murnane 37 . T. Crooke 39, E, Plowman 40 . M. Pettig 41 . S. PeBig 42 . 0 . Campbell 43 . J . Pau l 49 . S.Humphris 50 . S. Hogg 51 . L. Wilson VCapi) 52. M. McConachy 53. W . Paul 54. S. Cole 55. J . Wallace-Smith 56. G . Collins 57. T. d'Anloina 58. L.Ailken 59. W. Gordon 68. S. Bingley 70. D. Ha g 72. N. Beattie 73. J. Downie 174. S. Lucas 175. R. Oliver

ST KEVINS Coach : Owen Hourigan Assis. Coach : Justin O'Conno r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

R. Simkiss M . Gargano S. Kuring M .Rizio (Capt) J. Pickering

6. B. Quirk 7. S. Ries

8. A. McGuiness 9. M . Furlong 10. A. Livy 11 . J. Hassett 12 . M. Fields 1 1 A. PHetta (VCapi) 14 . P .Greenham 15 . C. Haddad 16 . M. Pangrazio 17 . J . Bowler 18 . G. Large 19 . J . O'Brien 20 . D. McArdle 2t. B .64arusic 22. B . Delahay 23. A . McKaige 24. J . Goldsworthy 25. M. Funston 26. B.Day 27. J . Finch 28. A. DeKretsa 29. C . Baker 30. S. Kennedy 31 . R . Doherty 32. S.Rad{ord



WARRI NGAL Coach: Harry Harisiou 1 . J . Hopkins 2 . C . Williams 3 . B . Kinnear 4 . K . Conne ry S . A . Rossimel 6 . A. Karatdi 7 . S. Attardi 8 . B. Woodlock 9 . A. Heard 10 . A. Fogarty it . S. Yin 12 . A. Camilled 13 . S. Taylor 14 . P. Nltcheli

15 . K. Harte (Capt) 16 . T. Was 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 .

L .Sheean H . Beale T. Benton P. James

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33.

L. O'Connell S . Walter J . Anderson B . Anderson S . Playfair A . Kirk N .Haymes A . Jackson N . Miller S . Ha rtrick

21 . M. Peters (VC) 22. P. Harmon 23. H. Reeves


WILLIAMSTOWN C .Y.M.S . Sen. Coach : Gerard Barns 1 . B. Wouda 2 . B. Cocks 3 . A. Petzierides 4 . B.Forrester 5 . B.Twist 6 . A.Thege 7 . J . Clark 8 . G .Singleton 9 . S . Wuchatsch 10 . G . Burgess 11 . D. Macleod 12 . C.Bergi n 13 . M . Elhaouli 14 . L.Grochowski 15 . T. Murray 16 . M . Holland 17 . J . Matar 18 . G.Rickard 19. L.GraY 20. B . Robinson 21 . R .Cockerell 22. W. Kaddour 23. D . Bordignon 24. D . Wouda 25. D . Rya n 26. D . Le e 27, C . Mathews 28. S. Kennedy 29. A. Houli 30. M. Elhaouli 31 . B. Davies 32 . B. Tod d 33 . B. MacLeod 34 . N . Magor 35 . S.Siewek 36 . G . Carlyon 37 . S . Dye r 38 . J. Hrycyszyn 39 . D. Krogmann


Under 19 Blue BEAUMARIS Coach: Peter McBrearty N, McLean B .Thomas M. Pitts (VC) J . Wadha m R . Thatcher (Capt .) C. Kent D. Whitaker M . O'Brien B . Nicholson G. Moloney S . Blackie M . McLeod N. Kin g A. Quin

B. Steven s

P. Fisher (VC) S. McIver N. Boctor R. Thornton T. Cotte r P. Thomas N, John

B. Ferguson C . Cezaw H . Dwyer B. Carroll (Capt.) J. Vanc e J. McKenzie S. Fraser R . Corfield M. Matulick J . Handfield A . Van Den Blink D . Sheldrake

CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Coach : Adrian McMaster 1 . B. Lowe 2 . A. Coventry 3 . W. Campbell 4 . N . Silve r

5 . S. Thomson 7 . L.Chambers 8 . D . Sawl e 9 . B . Lechte 10. J . Graham

t i . R . Stumbles 12. B . Hansa 13 . J . Babarcty 14 . W. Lubransky 15 . W. Bowes 16 . C. Goldsworthy 17 . M . Cutte r 18 . B. Samild 19 . C. Plinos 20 . S . Curry 21 . M . Liddell 22 . T . Townley 23. D. Sandell 24. C . Napier 25 . D . Williams 26. N . Hayman 27. A. Campbell 28. T. Yates 29. A. Beauchamp 30. L. McMahon 32. A . Haywood 33. B. Hil f

35. J. Davie s

B . Vall e

R . McGrath B . Stevens S"G.


PRINTED LABELS PHONE(93)4t, 744 FAX (0 3)945 M67 "Quality ta6elsfor Qualiq Cljtntr"

Coach : Leigh Bowes 3. A. Birc h 11 . D . Paterson 12. A. Alderton 15. F. Carr 20. A . McNamee 24. W. Clark 41 . J . Murchie 43. L. Marget 44. A . Brown 45. C . Rogers 46. A . Price 47. P . Williams 48. N . Bulfin 49. J . Raju 50 . C. McGuigan 51 . D. Strachan 52 . M . Balmer 53 . A . Remfry 54 . X. Johnson 55 . M . Dennis 56 . S . Toms 57 . A. Lipbot 58 . D. Watson 59 . C. McPherson 60 . D. Crewdson 61 . A. Witt e 62 . A. Lewis 63. B. Wilson 64 . R .Marlin 65 . R . Kent 66. B. pamham 67. D . Taylor 68. M. Jackson 69. J . Stewart 70. B . Medley 71 . G . Rhodes 72. L. Salter 73. N . Remtry 74. B . Logan 75. S . Alderson 77. B . Morrison-Jack 80. A . Palfrey


HA MPTON ROVERS Coach: Craig Harris 1 . C. Cullen 2. B . Marlyn 3. D. Varker 4. A . Varker

5. D. Anderson (C) 6 . A. Browne 7. O'Grady 8 . D. Busby 9 . P. Motino t 1 . L. Tre g ear 12 . S. Burke 13 . P. Nelson 14 . B. Hoare 15 . 8. Zuker (C) 16 . P. Allardice 17 . S. Osboume 18 . B. Ari z 19 . S.G . James 20. A . Aquino 22 . H . Georgeanakis 24. R . Dunbatl (VC) 25 . M. Dunbal l 26. D . Ariz 27. S . Blick 28. T. Wilmott 29. H . Tregear 30. L. Muir 39. T. Lynch 40. C. Hutchinson 41 . M . Talent 42. W. Armour 43. M . Salter 44. M . Iles 45. A. Quon 46. M . Louis 47. A. Duddy 48. M . Karakas 49. P. Apinitis 50 . T . Pucella .


Coach : Andrew Baxter 1. S.W 96 n(Cap) 2. atzt(Cr:O! a BV- 21. s . Id71 y 5. &C : 21 6 D.(L 24 . 7. P. L 25. S. F .C 2& 9. D.C 27. 10. D.L I I . L ~ , ., 29. 12. D.Wsdoi 31 It. M .Tr.r.,f 31 . 1S. (LPaG.e ;2 15. Jlxs&y 31 1& Btart',kz6,~ ~. t7. N-S-;:?e 1@. C.Vf€sh=z 37. 19. A. Rod ;g. F. C. .4riNM 45.


1 . B. .btaam

Coach: Steve Rus t

2. 3. 4. 5.

I .C. Gregory 2.J. Baxter (C) 3. C. Mille r 4. A. Brag g 5. R. Harris (VC) 6. H. Tomlinson 7. W . Mclvor 8.M. Lawrence 9.M. Weeks 10.B. Henderson 11 . D . Collins 12.A. Hickey 13 .A. Herrman 15 .A. Leadston 16 .D . Walte r 17 . P. O'Neill 18 . C . Stott (DVC) 19 . H . O'Donnell 21 . N . Kazenwadel 22 .J . Cavanagh 23 .T. O'Brien 24 . B . Hodson 25 .J . Hawkins 26 . M . Wagstaff 27 . R . Burston 28 .S . McGee 30.T . Cameron 31 . D. Jones 32 .D. Horsfall 33.A. Lourey 34. M . Oke 37. B. Dempsey (DVC) 39. N. Walke r 41 .S. Millie 43.C. Riorda n

J.LeGrand(Cap.) B. Jos* S.G P.Eg ui M. RTCy

1.I. S.Paotum ( C ) I. A. Kra 9. B. Word 10 . T. S~ZS 71 . G.JauSt}i 12. M. Rarsch 3 . A .M=.adons 14 . G.Yamg 15 . G.p3saazi 16. L.Evms It . A .Odm It . V.Di Scda 19. A MCON0 21 . P.6tcCtW 22. T.Waj 23. T . Pope

24. D. Ward 25. J. Dome

X 37 . 49 . 53. 61 . 6Z 63. 71 . 72. it,

F. Nigro R.Haxkbs A . Srzryita G. ~ws S .Buskn D. Sdd'wki N.ldeeho P Fay

D. cencio 8. Alarm C. Word

27. w.0a-Yeao(VC) 28. A. Moore 34. 0. ' 35. B.Ha I




INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD CAULFIELD Suite 3, 41 B Muff Rd , Coach : George Joseph Black Rock. 3193

ORMOND Coach : B ri an Keatin g


MAZENOD Coach : Kevin King

t . M . Stielow 2. N . Courtney 3. R.Franktin (VCapt) 4. N . Larkin 5. A . Murph y 6 . M . Broadhurst 7. H. Brown 8 . K. McInerney 9 . S . Taylo r 10 . M . Hester 11 . C. Bailey 12 . J . Argall 13 . M . Mabbett 14 . S. Finlayson 15 . R. Cunningham 16 . D. Fishloc k 17 . S. Handley 18 . S. herrman 19 . T. Ashford 20. G . Smith 21 . S. Metz (Capt) 22 . S. Hea d

23. C .jackson 24. 25. M. Wrodarczyk 26. J . Byran 30. S . Wiedemann 39. T. Morgan 42. G. Hall (DVC) 43. S . Wrodarczyk 45. L. Livingstone 50 . M . Wonnacott 51 . G. King 53 . I . Ransom


19 . M . Weilgosz 31 . M. Cunningham 38 . A. Bryson 39 . A. Diamond 40 . D . Broadhurst 52 . B. Plowman 53 . B. Burke 53. B. Karaminovski 56. B. Karaminovski 57, K . Gleason 58. E . Karaminovski 60. P . Davis 63. F. Khoweiss 66. B . Clarke 71 . A .Cranston 72. M . MacDonald 73. S . Duffy 74. C.Fernando 75 . S . Price 77 . S .Holloway 78 . G .Davis 79 . M . Merrick 80 . R. Plavljanic 81 . R. Nahas 82 . N. Athens 83 . L. Phillips 84 . M . Slade 85 . D. Aiken 86 . A. Bourke 87 . C . Johnston e



under 19 Red AQUINAS Coach: John Bourke 1 . E . Mascitti (Capt) 2. G. Burch (V-Capt) 3. D . Heveren (DVC) 5. L . Kan e 6. R . Kunst 7. J. Quinn 8. N . Fredrickson 9. M. Boyle 10. D . Boland 11 . S. Moran 12. M. Tilling 13. P. Glennie 14. R . Chapman 15 . P. Fredrickson 16. 0 . Thomas 18 . J. Hunt 19. M. Hope 20. B . Griffin 21 C. Brownhill 22 . B . Moran 23 . T . Huggins 24 . M . Reilly 28 . D. Plant 32 . J . Bleakney 33 . G. Hurley 38 . V . Sorace 39. M .Mercuri 42. R . Moran 44. M . Thomas 51 . A . Hyland 54. D . Kealy 55. A . Cultrera

CHIRtdSIDE PARK Coach : Allen Cousins Assistant : S . Condie 1 . B. Dalton (DVC) 2. B. Miers 3 . G . Ker r 4 . D . Skillern 5 . M. Holliday (C) 6 .A.Mays 7 . J. Cliff 8 . A. Conte 9 . T. Wyngard 10 . P. Allatt 11 . C. McKinnon (VC) 13 . E. Westmore 15 . C. Piccioli 16 . M. Gossip 17 . D. Butler 18 . N. Egan 20 . M . Banks 22 . S . Cousins 23. B . Roach 24. S . Power 25. D. Violi 26. P .Brown 27. F. Vargo 30. M . Adam s


A.N .Z . BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015552013

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Steve Air d 1 . M. Gwynn 2 . M . Steven s 3 . A. Teesdale (Capt) 4 . P. Shear 5. A. Walkom 6. T . Gra y 7. A. Littlejohn 8. S . Milliken 9. M . O'Brien 10. C. Woods 11 . W. Junkeer 12. D. Thomas 13. R . Silverwood 14 . P . Davis 15 . J . Snow 16 . S . Gilch rist 17 . C . Bird 18, D . Ireland 19 . S . Penton 21 . D . Robson 23 . 0. Cran e 24 0 . McLennan 25 . C . Tindale 28 . R . Eagle 29 . L . Andrews 31 . W. Gerstman 34 . N . Thompson 36 . S. Romensky 44. L . Boyle 45 . M . Ford


Jones Lang Wootton

MARCELLIN Coach : Peter Randal l 1 . M . Roberts 2. W. McMahon 3. L. Crosby 4. R . Badanjek S. M. Bello

6. L . Rya n 7. D . Bellissimo 8. B. Alford 9. J. Mason 10. T. Blac k

11 . M. Mifsud (VC) 12 . M. Karavasilis 13 . S. Moran 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 .

M. Van Lint (DVC) T. Stephens (C) J. Blackmore D. Sampimon P. Diacogiorgis B. Colvill e C. Mulready B. Dalla Riv

26. 27. 28. 29.

A . Reitano A . Sangorgio P . Toscano T. Marti n

22 . B. Symes (DVC) 23 . N. Armstrong 24. J. Evans-Smith 25. S . Moussi

30. D . Cardimone 31 . A . Rubira 32. 33. 41 . 51 . 52.

J . Sheehan P . Hogan M . Randazzo L. Bettiol B . Alford

T he Beehive e Hotel 0 Hawthor n



Coach : Leigh Colema n 1 . A . Andrews (Capt) 2 . B . Power 3 . H . Munroe 4 . J. Arrowsmith 5 . T. Woiey 6 . J. Gerrish 7 . S Natol i 8 . D . Beardsley 9 . B. Dahlstrom 10 . M.Shauhgnessy 11 . T. Morpet h 12 . R . Rhea 13 . J . Cade 14 . T . Perry 15 . J . Ivory 16. M . Chisolm 17. J . Newman 18. D. Burrows 19. C. Ba r 20. 21 . S . McMahon 22. T. Sheehan 23. T. Cad e 24. N .O'Haloran 25. M . Lapira 26. T. Tobin 27. M . Greig 28. C . Butler 29. L . Kennedy 30. C . Stanley 31 . E . Davatzis 32. K . Noden 33. C . Wilson 34 . D . Robinson 35 . A. McKenzie 36 . R . Baxter 37 CONSOLIDATED 39 . TRAVEL 40 . . .., , ,v

Coach : Andy Dal ry mple 1 . M. Tudor 2. M.Vandenboom (VC) 3. D . Fedele (DVC ) 4. 5. L . Eames 6. M. Jongebloed (Capt) 7. M. Winterbu m 8 . A. Lacey 9. S. Gillen 10. A. Davis 11 . D. Nolan 12 . A. Sandford 13 . T. Hughes 14 . A. Beattie 15 . R. Mik a 16 . R.Ta rtaglia 17 . A. Glenn 18 . C. O'Connor 19 . A. Shepherd 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . R. Fedele 23 . D.Griffin 24. M . Smith 25. 26, R. Pawlick 27. 28. P . Molloy 29. 30.

C~~~ L71


1 . L. Murphy 2 . S. Collins 3 . D . Bedford 4 . D . Cochrane S . J. Carte r 6 . A. White 7 . C . Anson 8 . A. Oppy 9 . J. Woods 10 . P. Busse 11 . R . Sali

Coach : Adam Stuckey 2. RP.Lynch

12 . R . Spencer 13. K.Safak 14.

15. 16. A. Costello 17. K. Lewis 18. C. Angus 19. S . Wilson 20. S . Detarczynski (VC) 21 . N. Beale 22. C.Battle 23. S .Pratt 24. M . Heppell 25. F. DAnna 26. J . Nash 27. C. Murray 28. 29. 30. M . Hutchens 31 . 32 . P. Maniotis 33 . 0. Smyth 34 . J. Zito 35 . B. Gust 36 . L. Cleak 37 . L . Small 43 . J. Arnup 44 . G .Hendriks

HA N G TEN Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hote l

3. B .P. yf$on 4. B .M .Phelan 5. AH~u 6. SKirz3 7. P.T.tiarrs 8. AL S . ET~ 9. B.WOa~am it. Lt Pboflnern 11 . B. L 2. M. b~#.y i3. D. Geary 14. S Fr3d 15. S jenycls ' 16. S. Real 17. S. it . D.J ~ 20. K. Ke" 21 . N. Dedad 22 . M .J W 23. At Coso 24 . K fttrani 33. J.BsdrodC 25 . LBakr 40. J.Caie; 26 . 0'Cavox 41 . T. Grcb r,Vi 27. P. Eccles 42. S. Harrison 28 . M.Coso (Capp. LtGa k 48. J.N ft 29. SPte. 30. p,ka~ yrJ 48. J.ChidaEic 31. C.TeLy 52. Ltt'&ms 32. C. bWAore, 54. J .Ymar4 33. C.Wasm 55. J .Spna 34. S Wdoon 57 . S.0'IddB 35. M. Ryan 62. C. Vic: 36. 8 Dvosps,,d? 65 . R St+xd 37. 0. Sievers B . L Tunxr


Whitehall St,Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722

YARRA VALLEY Coach: John May 1 . T. Wapshot 2. T. Hate 3. S. Startdliekl 4. J . Rei d 5. A. Drew 6. L . Dour

7. S. Thompson 8. L . Morris 9. D. Millson 10. A. Barton . B. Reynolds 1 1 . P. Ford 12 13. J. McConnell 14 . B. Mcllraith 15 . K. May 16 . L. Taylor 17 . T . Mctlraith 18 . L. While 19 . B . Wilson 20 . T. Tyshing 21 . M . Wear 22 . B . Telford 23 . A . Drew 24. A . Cusano 25. S . Gado 26. D . Rowe 27. L. Smith 28. A . Lawton 29. S . Seaboume 30. A . Siebe l 34. D . Steven 35. A. Laing 46. W . Bullet 52. A. Hartnett 69. H . Van Kiaer

f2N E


MrTC H 20

OLD CAREY Coach: Peter Schiller




Conch I . LOCkWOOd Coach : Glen Staliwo rt h y 1 C. Bacon 1 . M . Keeney 2 . D. Hoyle . Sibbing 3, N 2. R . Lovich 4. J. GGonzales 3. K . Richardson .Constable 8. 4 . S . Bowe (Capt .) 6 J. Gleason 6 . P . Ave ry 7. N . Mathers 7 . G . Stalworthy 8, G. Dingl e 8 . P. Lovich g. C. Comley 9 . W. Power 10 . S . Hooper 10. P. Orchard 11 . p, Ashby 11 . A . Still 1? . N. Comley 12. A . Tsoumbris , 3. J . Morrison 13. J . Pove y 14. D. Wain 15 . G. Morris 15. T. James 16 . H. Ousalkas 16. R . Lee 17 . D. Zavarella t7, P. Dunne 18 . S. Timewell 18. N . Hunton 19 . J . Law 19. M, Burgess 20 . A. Hartley 20. J . Gleason 21 . D . Murphy 21 . W, O'Connor 22. C . Benton 22 . D. Crocker 23. D . Tracey 23 . I . Lockwood (CtCoach) 24. A . Wilson 24 . T . Emonson 25 . A . Hur e 25 . T . Gates 26 . M . Wilkinson 26, G . Mothers 27 . R. Lord 27. J. Gay 28 . J . Morrison 28. S. Messina 29 . D . Murray 29. D . Meizenthen 30 . D . Lauletta 30. S. O'Sullivan 32. B. Delbridge 31 . C . Sutherland 35. A . Dunlop 32. R . Nancarrow 36. S . McDonald 33 . J . Strathaim 41 . E . Sil l 34 . A . Taylo r 44. P . Rossitto 35 . J . Taylor 39 . R.Jones 56 . D. Howe OLD IVANHOE 58 . P . Young 59. R. Lancaster Coach : 60. B. Kers s 60. G . Oakley Z n. : a D. ^ 61 . D . Kerss 4 . tt . 66. S . Gomes-Vieira

KEW Coach : M . O'Dea 1. 2. 3. 4.

P. Corridon S. teak M. O'Dea (Coach) A . Tucker

5. A . Morrow 6. M . Garoftolo 7. M . Doyle

B. K . Corbally 9. D. McGuire 10. P. Bladeni 1/ . M. Smith 12. 0 . Maher 13 . M.O'Hanlon 14 . P. Seal 15 . A . Lazarus 16 . D . Byrn . C.Johnso e17 n

18. C. Curtai . O. Nial l n19

20. A. Wilson 21 . G . Kalac 22. S. Reid 23 . R . Guppy 24 . S. James 25 . 26 . 27 . J . Leonard 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 38 . 39. 40. M . Quinn

Stillwell For d 7f /ud~ic~aade~cata HARP OF ERIN (3 1

Coach : D. Law 1 . D . Law (CC) 2 . D. Bellman 3 . T . Williams 4 . B . Gasa 5 . P . VanBenthem 6. C . Fazzalari 7. A. Rhodes 8. M . Pleasants 9. N . Di b 10 . M . Thouas 11 . R . Mus a 12 . T . Tregoning 13 . B . White 14 . S . Burns 15 . R. Casey 16. C . Bishop 17. D . Hexter 18. C . Hammon 19. D . Reid 20. P . Hammon 21 . M . Crowley 22. A . Smith 23 . A . Tyrrell 24 . R. Boyle 25 . M . Howde n '. 26 . P . McMaster 27 . R . Sheils 28 . C . Vassallo 29 . N . Boyle 30. D . Greasley


7. C .W & C. St

9. A.S .Lc--tAG tt. C.L<-° 2 C.I. a = 14. E. It die: . 16. S.l2,_s 17 . RA`° 18. G.P 19. P .0 43. C. HLI 20 . S .P 44. ANar 21, C.P 4i k(.L P!2 HE 48. V :. . , 21 S.C_ 47.d1 24. B. C' 4E 8 i aa P.N 49.h R LBi 52 6. 27. P.F 51 . D. a T. P 52 KFm 23. L2 S3. 1' R G.( SS.A 31 . D. Pt 55. d ' ,..32. T.R . 55. kt ..., .31 J.R 57. A F 34.D.!~ S&S. . AE, F3i :, 0. BL .. 36. Sj. 37, O.P'= 61. A . M . B.b.- ., 62 Rt . 33 . G" . : _.•~,: 63 . 9.r 7 43. 0 .C64 . 0. 41 . L' 85. FLB ,te 42 D.~ fg. S.IGg


Coach : A. Kennedy 1 . A. Kennedy 2. M . Comer 3. D . Boothey 4 . P . Doyle 5 . V . Paonessa 6 . J . Hes s 7 . A. Merton 8 . M. Nimmo 9. B. Edmonds 10. G . Cox (C) 11 . M . Lowry 12. A . Barnett 13. S .Lan e 14. R. Pertich (V .C .) 15. A. Robinson 16 . A. Keogh 17 . D. Lowry 18 . G . Lowry 19 . D . Pizzalotto 20. J. Kent 21 . M. Kent 22. G. Banks 23. G. Basford 24. A . Bucknell 25. M . Curry 26. D. Dodoricco 27 . P . Fitzsimmons 28 . R . Holland 29 . A. King 30. T. Slattery 31 . D . Theisz

Coach: Ron Holmberg 1 . J . Bugeja 2. M . Bevanda 3 . G . Carroll 4 . S.Lanyon 5 . S. Elliott 6 . H . Curry 7 . B. Devine 8. J. Smith 9. D . Fogarty 10. P . Fletcher 11 . J . Cahill 12. S . Hall (C) 13 . C. Henderson 14 . P. Hevey 15 . L . Koutsovasilis 16 . R . Holmberg 17. D. Perron e 18. M. Lynch 19. P . Considine 20. D. Pasquariello 21 . F. Miletto 23. R. Christie 25 . A. Ryan 26 . A. Schmidt 27 . J . Schmidt 28 . K. Scott 31 . B. Swain 32. J. Trimboli 33. B. Pawsey 34. I . Turnbull (VC) 42. P . Vanderway 43. T. Spel l 45. R . Dean 48 . C. Petinis 53 . A. Pearce 59 . T . Phee 69 . J, Joyc e

1 yl_"ci J

56. T. Reynold s

5. 6 1



Coach : B rian Moon 1 . G . Arthurson 2 . K. Bree n 3 . M. Quinn 5 . P. hayes 6 . A. Denaly (VC) 7 . M. Creak 8. R . Day 9. G. Wood 11 . J . Comito 14. A . Vinecombe (Capt) 15. G . Farrugia 17. S . Gollant 20 . J. Martin 21 . A. Kennedy (DVC) 25 . P. Moon 26 . B. Schwarzenburg 35 . T. Matkov

37. M . O'Connell 40. G. Tota

44. B . Moon 48. P . Farru9ia 62. A . moodie 64. A.Bames 65. M . Castles 69. K. Mahady 78 . S. Denahy 79 . M. Cunningham 81 . S. Bristow

THERRY Coach : 1 . J. Beaton 2. J. Sandman 2 . B. Miliek i 6 . M. Keenan 8 . T. hewer 9 . M . Lawry 10. W. Dreer 11 . S . Molnar 13 M . Frahm (C) 16. M . Whykes 21 . G . Smith 22 . M. Devereax 23 . A. Fielding 24 . M. Jurcic 26 . G. Growcock 32 . R . costello 35 . B .Hitchens 36. C. Rizzo 45. D. Lyons 48. R.Keenan 49. P. Kelly 51 . M. Doran 60 . C .Jacobsen 68 . P. Wessleman 96 . S . Redden 99 . L. Arsovski 111 . M . Slazyk 148. G. Thompson 171 . D. Forbes


PRESTON 380 Gilbert Ph: (03) 94710733 Fax: (03) 9471 0753 BAYSWATER 160 Canterbury Rd Ph : (03) 9729 0911 Fax : (03) 9720 6554


~ John D . Veal

622 NIL Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds


9326 1799


Club XV111 South



Coach : M. Selb y

Coach : Brendan May Assisistant Coach : Peter Mannin g .MarM (Cap.) 2. I. K T. R~tkray 3. A.Cbssm 4 . B.O'Driscoll S. B.Byme 6. 8.Ho7 7 . M.Tfian 8 . D.Jenrirgs (VC) 9 N, Vargas 10. D.Tesser 11 . S .BN 12 . S .BW,d 13 . J.Cldhzr 14 . M.0'Gr soal 15. A, Bratea 16 . C .TayLv 17. B.0'H :am 18. S.Ttdu

19. P.MaroYsg(VC) 20. M. Stanhope 21. S. Goss

22. A.VSadeEng 23. C. BOWL. 24. T. Forbes 39. J. Ftyn=s 25. J~" 40 G.Jackso n 2e. D~WM3- 41. S.Iftyn 27. A. Can 42. P.Mtsias 28. C. Ckary 43 . T.Mae 29. S . C.RayrRr 30. N.Cha 44. P.Scp' t 31 . M . Farrel 45 46. . ~} te 3?. P. Ca~ 47. M FA Fam B 33. 8- Chosen 48. LP 34. B.EBs 49. J.1~mu 35. S.FSZSimms 50 . A'._. . Forbes 51 . S .Jaedo -36,P 37. M.Fmi 56. J. Go her 33. C.tfyrw-s

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Simon tttingworth 1 . B . Aujard 2 . 0. Young 3 . M. Coope r 4 . H. Middleton (VC ) 5 . S . Montgomery (Cap[) 6 . M. Godwin 7 . M. Clunies-Ross 8. D . Bingley 9. I. Bowden 10. M. Bingley 13. N . Murdoch 15. D . Mudagh 17. R . Mcleish 18. C . Knight 19. N . Moss 20. N. Tribe 21 . J. Deakin 22,- D. Hooper 23. S. Pryde 25. B. Langley 27. C. Winneke 29. R. Brethedon 30. P. Williamson 31 . D. Bin i 32. S . Sheahan 37. A . Chambers 41 . A . Paulden 49 . M . Gore 51 . S .Illing.aorth 53 . B . Simpson 55 . A . Aston 56 . S . Norden 58 . A . Cowper 60. M. Weber 62. M. Stasiuk 66. B. Penfoki 88. A. Price

M AZENOD Coach : Danny Wain 4. S. Garbellini 5 . ID Carte r 7. P . Deegan 9. P . Hall (Capt) 10. T. Syke s 11 . G.Janetski 12 . A . Wilks 13 . T. Bridgland 15 . C 16 . M.. Varney Little 17 . T. Tsiavis 21 . I. Neil 23 . T. Pope 26 . W. Poulter 27 . D . Krom 28 . N . Little 33 . J. Boyle 35. B. Hall 36 . F . Nigro 37. G . Trigg 39. R. Bourbon 40. P. McCusker 41 . B. Welch 44. D. Bole 46. B. Hains 47. P . Riley 48. P . Vine 49. L. Halvy 50. C. Jones 52. S . Thompson 53. K . Carmody 54 . P .Jacobs 55 . M . Quirk 56. M . Welch 57. M . Peters 58 . R . Cahill 59 . C . Lane 60. M. LeCouteur 61 . L . Head 63 . P. Welch 65 . D . Biviano 66 . L . Tod d 67 . G .McAllister 68 . K. Duffy 69 . B. Harper 70 . P.Occhipinti 71 . T. Clayton 75. G . Man n 77. C. Wood 88. G, Jones 89. P. Fay 99. P.Crowhurst

WHEELERS HILL Ii 0 T E, L OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Teamlist not supplied .

2. M . Jarvis 3. B . Stefanou 5. R Murray 6. S . Moody 7. M . Hal l 8. A . Hancock 10. R. Moreton 11 . J . McLauchlan 12 . D . Cochran 13 . A . Nobl e 15 . J . Tregaski s 16 . B. Morrison-Jack 17 . S. Hannaford 17 . J . Pyers 19 . D . Smyth 21 . P. Cantons 22 . J. Lockett 24 . L . Hamilton 24 . P. Neylan 26 . J. Uglow 28 . S. Ka y 29. J. Rattray 30. P. Cockayne 31 . F . Magee 31 . M . Scariest 32. R. Wraith 33. D. Payne 34. R. Smith 35. A. Rutter 36. D.Joyce 39. P . Greene 41 . M . Payne 42 . A . Willey 43. T. Betts 44. S . Carter 45 . J . Turnbull 48. C. Haling 49 . D . Toniolo 53 . P . Bainbridge 64 . B . McMurtrie 78 . R . Saunders 84 . M . Shippen

OLD GEELONG Coach: Mark Borthwick S . A'Beckett A . Barron J . Bet t

D . Blackburn R . Bum R . Calvert H . Cameron D . Crowe W. Davis W. Dodd J. Dowling P. Edgar S. French J. Geddes J. Hamilton M . Hammet B. Hicklin T . Jackson (Capt) P. Jones N. Kennett R. Knight P . Law C. Levinge J . Mantello H . McInnes A . McMillan M . McPhe e S . Nadenbosch J . Neville-Smith M . Oddie J . Ormond A. Osboume J . Pettit

J. Pettit C . Richardson A. Robson J. Sewers C . Snow T. Sullivan C . Walke r d . Whitehead A. Williams M. Williams D. Williams

OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : A. Cordner 1 . D . Milne 2. D . Moss 3. D . MacDonald 4. A . Coroner (VC) 5 . B . Vil e 6. C . BranchBower 7. A . Woodhouse 8 . S. Potter 9 . J. Scott 10 . G . Stooke 15 . H . Ingleton 16 . C . Jensz 21 . T. Read 25 . S. Hargreaves 28 . S. Cox (C) 33 . A. Clements 35 . S. Stribling 37. S .Osbome 44. S . Baldwin 45. J . Elam 48. W. Houserman 54. A . Wilson 55. T . Osborne 61 . P . Harris 62. D. Stanton 71 . R. Hockney M . Atkinson A . Carroll A . Clark J . Carroll B . Pyke C . Whit e

PH : (03) 9822 001 1

REAL ESTATE ST KEVIN S Coach : Brendan Millar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

M.Wharton M. Quinlan S. Bannon A. Bucella G . Gos g ritt B. Stackpole (VC) R. Marks

8. R. Drew

9. D. Nanfra (Capt) 10. M . Menzies 11 . L. Davidson 12. D. O'Brian 13. P . Hooper 14. P . O'Tierney 15. M . Pabst 16. B . Quinn 17. A . Aloi 18. B . Millar 19. M. Powell 20. J . Wilhelm 21 . A. Davies (VCapt) 22 . I . Wood 23 . R . Cu rtis 24 . A. Nantra 25 . L . Smith 26 . C . Smith 27 . R . Snell 28 . P.Bannon 29 . P. Hamilton 30 . T . Saultry 31 . B. McDonald 52 . P. Lewin

V.U .T. Coach : Geoff Fletcher 1. 2. 3. 6.

B .Difalco E .Burmeister T.Nucara D . Tanner

7. P. Byrne s

8 . K.Vanderpoel 9 . N .Djinovic 10 . G . Farley 12 . G . Ziegler 13 . M.Robertson 16 . W. O'Connor 17 . C .Russell 19 . T. Williams 20 . R.Papakos 21 . P. Cox 22 . P.Clifte 23 . E.Midon 24 . A.Cliffe 26 . S. Case 34. P.Allen 38. M .D'Angelo 41 . F .Kilroy 52. K. Vanduursen 56. T . Brown 57. M . McGlade 58. T .Moebus

Jones Lang Wootton

st 22


East AQUINAS Senior Coach : Brett Davidso n Reserves Coach : Sean O'Loughlin T.Jess 30. C.Mar G. COW 31 . LKirO . M. V~a,~4Aenr S.Edirad ; 32





Senior Coach: Joe D'Angelo Rese rv es Coach : Mark Horsfield Assistant Coach: Andrew Gillard

Senior Coach: Bill Gommers Reserves Coach : Denis Caine

Senior Coach : Adam Lenarcic Reserves Coach : Mick Marshall

Senior Coach: Matt Ryan Reserves Coach : Kim Tucker

33MCekt3 .. SH.. Kra( t& 'w~ . 34. M. Tang 7. P HPrik D.F#tCelar 35. S.Lita'Gstace 8Dow 36 . 0. Phela n 37 . M.Ckitxd 10. SFDq .TarO 11 . B.OCrdaa 33 . C 39 . R Le 12 ay'MY ta C. ~ 40. S . Wa 41 . M.&stton 14. C. so . RxEvm/ j. Krdgt4s 42. J 15. 16: H.Fr.s`0 43. M.Sh"^ ry . P.Dwu's 17. htDenai 44 18. J .1p,y}~s 45. S.G~s 19. ,,=it 46. S. .Paas 47. P.E EP a s 20.( d 21, C .O:€m 48. A .Lai n 22 S.Ftdrr; 49 . C J, Livingstone 50 . AI -e 23. 51 . M, J 24 . P. Horror 25. D.Ht 52 . T .MuYet 2& Su 53. S. Poberlum

S. Wo n 27. S.,h , 54.. dCraxh 2 R' 55 2a.

$, -

t . RSUvi-der 18. RDoik, 2 J. D,kTl) 19. S. Dewy 3. B.F4oare 20. J .Msan 3. SMrLara; 21 . Wel d 21 . M.F 4. N. l; ye 22. P .B S. bt .k.. 23. M4 5. MI 1 23. J' 6. M t . 24. C. 7. T.24. M . " 8 T. V aa 25. W.1 ey 26 . A. ry4 9 . P.1 9, it ---a 27 . A. --ard 9, RTuNq GO. C .Parcer 10. S .WaA 33, R Baku 71 . S. Pary 34 . L. Delman i2 Alssa 34. SGa"a 12 D. iiu'npscn 35. T.Kerit 7 1 N. Borg 35.. G. LAW 14. B. Not ;a. B. Letyran I& M5'rut3an 37. J.Paals:h 15 . S. wooll 33 . G . Brown I& AL 8enrx'<J 43 . H . C''azze 17. P.Ch:rdw 44 . Biftan 46_ A Hamprey 5a S .S9a~n 8. L Tmmps n

RICHMOND CENTRAL Senior Coach : John Wise Assist : John King Reserves Coach : Scott Macra e

21 . S. Oates

22. T.Ma'aeraKs 23. B.Saace 24, C, Davey 25. R _ 26. P. Pepe 27 . J. Dew 28 . S. Reddy 29 . M. " m 30. S . Bond 31 . P . Egan 3. P . Ardhary

. G.Kkroon 39. J. Brown 40. RBooks 41. G . PA,ad3 42. D .Cwan 43 . P. ' 44 . M. Solorwon 45 . Yd.HLa y 49. C. Pekrs 52. S. Brv~ 'con 53. R Dav 56. G. Df t

33. AX N-, 38

n 65. RMance


1 . M . Perrit-r'um 2, A. Sor e 3. G . S!9en 4. M.Canr-J 5. B. Pacer 6 . D .Trcds 7 . V.Pcr;d 8 . D.Cakte 9. B. Graf 10. M .Knopnars It . G. Wpngard 12. D.Padz 13. P. Cr&ls 14. S.Mddosh 15. M.Waren 16 . M. WaNrs 18 . B .MassaW§ 19 . S . O'Connor 20. K .Oa.ks

Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Reserves Coach: Peter Jackso n

1 . AYfiN 41 . D .H,uepttWs 2. L B?rrg 42 P. H I B. 43 ASwia 3. J. Dbnizm 44. I.,k a-P,dd af I. C .Ha 41. A. Gates 4. K .Tap~ey 45 M.8~Kk 4. LP_ °n 2 . C . H's~:y. (CaF4) 42 . C . PawaWeB 46 D.Fa"q 3. M.Cohen (VC) S. S., rvan 47. D. Barrarce 6. S. Y 4. L.PaBersm 43 . S .lktlct 48 5. D. Lee 44 . 7. F.~ 49 . N.R 6. C.CaT.TAe1 45. M. Srreth '... 8 . G. r 5& C. B 7. A. Dreyer 46. T .GerdH 9 . D. r 51 . H A 10. A' by 8. P. Harris 47. M .Sarong 5 2. 3 . 7 L47s . KHosong 1 M .Addison 48 It J .. T 53. J. C 12 P. ° fs ". P . R . 10. K. Shmres 49. R . Meadzn it. A. Dope (RCaFt) 5o. M. Damon 13. C . Pearson 55. 14. C.Shannon 55. D.4 12 . M.Sgencer 51. J . Marshall 52 . P. Meldun 'i P.CNxch 11 S. Jones 57. K@,, .14 . Maru Cares 53 . R.Fos6er 1& M Jenrvy 58. LDay 54 . C.Esl.a IS.. 5.Adarn s 15 . C, HL , 59 . 16. M.- 55. M. cum 17. A. Fascetl 60. B. G :rwasAs 17. C. -to 56 1?y Germ] 18, M .Zxx 61 . 19 . J .Mxrwog 62 18. C °•' 57. A. Eccles 19 war-,a 58 . C.Sryk 20. W.Ccd».to 63. :an 21 C.Ar-son 59. C.Ma 21 . A H :9 E-0. 2Z K. Gordon 21. J . Ec , 60 . RHrglws 65. G. Bat 22. J . Hands 61. R .Sahh '. 23. G . Crc,z H. 62 . M. Sontag 24. A Jorss 67. 23 . T. Pnee 24 . M.YamaB 63 . C .Sa( b 25. A . D~':n 68. 25 . C . Gakl 64 . A . RkFadara 26. B . Pas s 69. M Tapley 27. G.Bosna,r ,'.. Zd. J. M,cOua 65 . 70. 27 . VaskpoLk6 60. J.B3yes 23. AWzes 71 . (VC) 70. T .AuKA 29. D.F's€!I 72 . 28. P.Idarce 72. M.B~ackb,un 3D. G .Tate 13. 3) . S. FenV 29. T . Mxkon 73. S. Brady 7k R Cased . P 3). S. Feehan 77 . Delon 31 . 75. 32. D . Vam 31. N. Everett Ki . J . Bayard 7a LEmn 32 . G .Near, (RC) 84. C.Ytlhagtm 33. L.We>s7 77, A. Heger 88, S. give r 39. D . HI 78 33, P. Gish 34 . D . Faa§s M. Easlharn 35. D.C:iL^Ds 79. 35 . R . Evare S. Gherry 36, P . Jackson 80. 36. H . Mbernsnn S . GrearvrmM 37. G. Pore;vs 37 . P . Bryce D.Lax7ence 38. S. time 38. 1 .Cow E .Pd1es 31 C.HSrJnar l 39. P. &-nnelt B. Gannon 44 . B.Ka!r7s

DIREC IlONAL DRILLING Ken Basso 9722 1697 A .N.Z . BANK FINANCE Greg Skien 015 552 01 3

ST. MARYS Senior Coach : Neil Lelievre Reserves Coach : Evan Evans I. M.Leam;aih 32 . A.Gu-e 2. T .&at 33 . P.S4rrars 3. P. Le&TJore 534 . 3 . R. Ewns 4 . AEel 5 . W. bilboerip, 36. E. Evers 6 . S. Slone 37. J.McCaslkw.y 7 . 38. F. Hamm a. J . Swoto 38. R Krcg 9. M.Herbwr 40 . C.Danzd'u .42. P.FeaCarsten 10. T. Jl*S 11 . LPirB'qs 43 . A.Hxse 12. RAiratoyi, 44 . Z kehnj 73. M. SIOH.1ai 45 . W. Bhdc 14 . J. Poussis 46 . G .lzr&d 15 . DArdess 47. S. MsOonnel 16 . J. Duck 48. P. B'inob 17 . A Banke 49 . S .Maradrn 18. Yd.Pnss 50. K .Langad 19. RHzrr.Hrs~ 51. B .Fr~ 20. D :mzd 52. T .Carty 21 . m:r .YS .T 538. Me'ne 22. D. WoarS^.ack 55, C.OBran 23. SPresten 58 . TAuepatti 24. 1. GarSN 59 . G . Passed 25 . M.Le6ve 61 . M.kkCanPy 26 . J.Hendr' 62. 8.give 27 . B. S!ewa0 63 5. DarMt 28 . J . has 64. M.Scazruicet 65. P .Hart qan 23. J .Fr.rcis 68. G. Theoharis 30. P.Wa4M 31 . P. Akx_.s.r

1 . G.Carb 2'a GH:a% 2. ACatiwd 26 D.HavLq 2 k Mitts 27. DAM 3. 6LBradd 28. D.Anz',A I G.taMzzrra 23. SLee ._ , ,. .. ~.~.o,, w. .. 4. MOcd'uso 31 . 5 . C.Kaje y. . T.Karalros 33 ME-: A5 & D .E' 34. A`I & GI Y 35 S. 7. DJ .r 3'i RJWSmttr7. KPN 37. AL~ .

8. D.F . 5.( 9. Gf 9. C.

. 33. F . 39 . C.Cv .8 id • ',0. S4°'- 1 41 . D .( I( PP4)

;i0...G.A ri 4a 44Z M_ertx I1 12 . A. 44. G8alxlsx IS B 45. G. Buret 14. D.-,,e 4& -Da 15. xD1 47. P. Storey 16 N.Dx 48. AWwdry;n 17. S.Ralover 49. ABr.~n=laa 18. J.Vcrara 50. W.Htkn 19, D.Trotter 51 . P. Clea r

20 . u . He (Can) 21 . S, Lee 22 . S.&norn!:y 21 G' 24. P

"The Road Builders '


1 . G .Sirej~h 41. D.Srtr.~y 2. K.TucMsr 42 . C.H~ 3. P. Tooker 43. K. Harnshor, 4. 8 .Hesce 44 . 5. A . Hdpn 45. M. F6. f.Chrtz 45. D .t d 7. H.Ham 47. G.r r 8 . D.WoD3va•J 48. .6.-.=9 . M . Lees 49. 10. M .Beny 50. P.W^" s 11 . G .Hum 51. M .Luna 12. T.Car'ar 52. S.P'irrowo 13. D . Bel 53 . A. Edgcumbe 14. J. Siewad 54 . N . Torrey 55. G . Morrow 15. C .f4addiDir 16. 5& H. Darzs 17 . H.Leps 57. D.ShV y 18 . C.ftarErg 58. RKea+ce 19 . C. Dwyer 59. 20. J, %W 60. J. Sim 21 . K. Cvffln 61. C. Bistrop 22. A.tac.y 62. M .8ad 23. A.0'Dowd 63 . C, goes 24. 64. RJwarwsN 25. T .SIddaM 65 . R.Weatter6 66. S.FleoaM 26 . A.Gore 27 . R.Solar L.Clnda A .Costs 28 . 29 . J. Slaw" C. Deis 30 . J. Grad D. Ekrer 31 . Z.1tavaravs4i M.Gasp:da0a 32. A.MCDmad 33, J . Tap G. Moons R. Osborn .' 34. 35 J. Weld A. . . i J. Goody A 37. P 38. J. MLecat 39. J .Ccorerly 40 . S.Wtde

SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY Seniors Coach : Keith McKenzie Rese rv es Coach : Mark Johnston I . M. Wer e 2. J.Steetd 4 . C.Deffo5o 5 . RVebergag 6. D.Croax 7 . A. Han3ai 32 . A F'unm B. 1 .HW4 31 D. Were 9. C. Smidin 34. A. Fasyiha 10. M.Jcdesltn 35. T.Grair:h>a 11 . G . Barry 37 . A. Fanel 12. C .B-38. N. MdvS 13. RLeesa : 39. W. Lo 40. B.Inre id. RGcurk 15. I,tSzdan:m 41. C . Lamb 16 . P.James 42 . C .BO'r0 17 . S. Lee 43 . D.Way 44 . D. Ra'rsbrd 18 . M .G9a.d 19 . B.07Aara 45. RPdler 20. A.H~mar~ 46 . E.Sad4ses 47. M .Ke9j 21 . T.D;n'snd 22. S. Rym 48. M.Dz&nw 23. T.tA,is 49. N. Pearson 24. J. Martin 50, B .Cardied 25. D.t.kFadden 51. 8 .Cr0Ld 26. M. EW1 52 . J. PxArarsk2 27. J. Horner 53. D, Morphy 28 . G.0'Czdag :an 54. H. Laukr 29 . G.Mapv 55 . C. Brown 30. P.Tak

YARRA VALLEY Senior Coach: David McCormack Res . Coach : Scott Alderso n 1. N. Ford 36. Ft. NnAm 2. F.MacVean 37. LTrerrdah 3. R Thornpsorr 33. D. Ross .' Ftrg 39 . T. Redkm4 Z M. Wttsky 40 . M . Write 5. C

6. J. Deem 41 . B. Downs 7. J. Downs 42 . T.Cfean 8 . A. MaNew 43. H . Park

9 . C. Puss 44. E. Zrcnrrerman t0 . D. M.HrO 45. L. Hoes 12, M. Virile 46 . N . Drdbld 13. G .PoYer 47. T.Pere4me 15. J . Keenan 43 . A. MoVeary 16. B . We 49 . T.Lto 17. SAHen 59 . J.Lyiad B. D. Largdcn 51 . B. D:rtr9rg 19. N. Park 52 . A. HaMM1 20 . S. France 53. S. Cacaan 21 . A LiresmdLcie 54. R . Fenian 55. S . Taylor 22 . P. Martin 23. J .Savaft 56. LHarra54m 24 . M.Davias 59. G.SWsrd 25. T.Hathen 60. D. Do 26. G.!lclead 61 . P.TeMpd 27. LMcUdyre 63 . T.Strcrg 28. J.MacVean 64 . D.Daix 29. P . Peterson 65 S.Jonsoo 3). D. Met 66 . A Br:stra:k 31. J. Dare 67 . A. Pane 32 . C. ha8eman 68. M. Hoath 33 . D. Ireland 72, FL Lawlon 34 . T.Clirilreld 78. J. Scales 35 . B. Peak.

40. B.Humque

H A' TEN Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hotel

MaEvern rUa~e Hotei


A Section


SaniorCoach :Ld qh Carlso-n Reserves Coath : Robart Br({sy 1 . B. Mooney 2 . D . Smith 3 . B. Woolhouse 4 . S. Laussen 5 . D . Peters (1) 5 . D . Greeves (2) 6 . A. Smii h 7 . D. Baxter (1) 7 . C. Higson (2) 8 . C. Polloc k 9 . V. Clear y 10 . N. Anderson (1) 10 . J. Grigg (2) 11 ' B. McKenzie 12. D. Stubs 13. A. Sheedy 14. R. Schober 15. Y. Phillips 16. A . Wallace 17. D. Phillips 17. A . Oldha m 78. J . Bennett (Capt) 19. C . Davidso n 20. G. Dean-Johns 21 . A . Johnston (R-Capt) 22 . D, Kerr 23 . A . Sheedy 24 . R . Hartnet t 25 . D . Lever (RVCapt) 26 . N . Milat 27, S. Humphry 28 . S. Blackman 29 . A. Kenneall y 30 . M. Gailbraith (V-Capt) 31 . A. Schober 32. 0. Thomson (V-Capt) 33. G . Irvine 34. D. Entwistle 35. J. Taylor 36. S . Harding 37. J . Dansey 38. S . Van Der Venne 39. B . Jones 40. A . Kelson 41 . S . Lubich 42. A . Vasdekis 43. A . Greenway 44 . A . Parkin 46. S . Wooley 48 . J . Lemon 50. B . Jefferson 51 . P . Baxter 52 . J. Schmidt 53 . S. Hobbs 54 . K. Mui r 55 . E. Jones 56 . D . Howe 57 . J. Moore 58 . A. Rose 59. M . Richards 60. B. Kerss 61 . D. Kerss 62. G . Constable 63. 64. G. Tiver 65. 66. S . Cromes-Vieira 67. 68 . 69 . D . Armstrong 70 . R .Conron 71 . 72 . 73 . 74 . 75 . N . Procto r



Senior Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen ResJAssis.Coach : Brian Brown

Senior Coach: HAILEYBURY Tony Paatsc h Senior Coach : Assis . Coach: Rob Prosser Neville Taylor Reserves Coach : Reserves Coach : Chris Boyle Gary March 1 . Claw

1 . M . Chun 2 . P . Fiume 3. S . Crowe 4. L. Hall 5. A . Flowerday 6. M . Fishe r 7. C . Browne 8. C . Wrigh t 9. C . Campbell 10. D . Tessier 11 . A. Evans 12 . D . Toohey (Capt .) 13 . A. Water s 14 . P. McCormack 15 . J. Hodder 16 . M.Jackson 17 . D. Crow e 18 . M . Abrahams 19 . D. O'Brien 20 . M . Knupple 21 . C. Shannon 22 . P . O'Callaghan 23 . M . O'Callaghan 24. C. Montgomie 25. G. Hyne s 26. P .Wyles (Res .VC) 27. L. Van Der Plight 28. M . Laffert y 29. D . Hagan 30. J . Horn 31 . A. Elliot 32 . T. Silvers 33 . B. Miller 34 . P. Conroy 35 . A. Mackintosh 36 . A. Abbott 37 . R . Makinson 38 . B. Brashe 39 . P. Brasher 40 . G . Curran 41 . A. Phillips (R .Capt) 42 . D.Jackson 43 . M . Ellis 44. C. Makinson 45. C. Sparrow 46. M . Hagan 47. M . Farrell 48. D. Smith 49. D. Lambe 50. P . Mannix 51 . D. Greco 52 . S . Harrison 53 . P . Aron 54 . J. Duckett 55 . C . Harrison 56 . J. Gallager 57 . C . Fidler 58 . C . Cleary 59 . S.Jacobs 60 . S. Thomas 61 . S. Albon 62, G . Hagan 63. J . Murphy 64. C. Bourke 65. B . Buick 66. L. Langone 67. B . Byrne 68. G. Longstaff 69. J . Forbes 78 . M . Stanhope 80. M . Hill

2. D. AM.¢raf (VC) 3. T.Cterz4 4. AH~y 5. D. Carter 6. N.I,bnsro 7 . S!~ 7 . P.D ^ 8 . D. Ci : 10 . M.r,r ( lC) 11 . T.' MCI 12 . S. Q. A , It. 8[ ' 13 . T.P, .rd 14. T. t S. D.ce , (VC) S. C. Yt : ; 16. T.Haadd(RC) 17. T.Ba 17. T. Team If. D.ODage 19. hlGs7ano 31. C.mxray 21 . S Pdan 21 . I.tial 22. D .WW 23, J.Wink 24. S.Bqsen 25 . M. Hint 26. P. Rey 27 . W.Dtetd.§a 27 . D. Win 28 . A. hbae 28 . N. idk 29 . R Sharp 30 . S, Fishe r 31. C.B:fertz(Czq .) 32. W.Nar:ha9 33. J. ByH 34. A. Ttxk?r 35. J. Fisher 36. P. PAA sat 37. G.Tr;g 38. D.Ste5dal 39. R Bouwn 40. P. McCxker 41 . 8 .Welch 43. W. 44. 0 .1 ; 61 . L Flead 45 . G .I, 46. 8 HzL„ 62 . D. SctroFp i 47 . P.1 J(RVC) 63 . P.Y1ekh 48 . P.Vma 64 . S.Baxtm 49 . L Hahy G . 0.8starn 68 . L Todd 50 . C. Jones 51. 61. Mmray 67 . G.t.~i;ta 52. S.Tt~ 69. K.DdtJ 53. KCannol/ O. B.Harpsr . 70. ROW" 54. P.Jalvals 71 T. 55. ld.Otwk CbY 56. M. Wed 75. G. Nam 86. Af.Cdrt!v 577. htPdcts 9 . P .Crarhati to. RCati9 59. C. Lane 66. fd. LeCaGeo r


I . A. Baxte r 2 . D . Connell ( DVCapt) 3 . W. Byrne 4 . C . McKenzie (Capt) 5 . A. Buchanan 5 . F. Main 6 . W . Smith 7 . A. Hilton 8 . M . Ort o n 8 . F . Capomolla 9. S. Rowlands 10. T . Che g win 11 . C. Hucker 12. D. Seccull 13. B. Carty 14. A . Forsyth 15. N. Morey 16. P . Thiessen 16. D. Williams 17. A . Hilton

18. M. Constabl e

19. M. Armstrong (VC) 19. N . Gerrard 20. C . Krause 21 . A . Walden 22 S . Richardson 23 . M. Seccull 23 . J . Mackay 24 . R . Lavender 25 . G . Rowlands 26 . G . Phillips 27 . J. Dann 28 . A.Pound 29 . M. DeMattia 30 . R. Aughterson 31 . B. Main (RCapt) 32. P. O'Donnell 33. G . Tanner 33. T . Johnston 34. C. Reidy 35. D.Lappage 36. A . Dowsing 37. T. Evans 38. J . Hayter 39. P . Cor rigan 40. S . Duxbu ry 41 . T. Oscar 42 . D . Scalia 43 . R . Plecher 44 . A . Kirkwood-Scott 45 . N . Hil l 46 . B. Mitchell 47 . D . Scoffen 48 . D. Bum 49 . B. Wignall 50. A. Bonwick 51, T . Boothman 52. R. Harri son 53. B. Wignall 54. M . Schmidt 55. C.Ladds(RVCapt) 56. P . Kyle 57. B . Ladd s 58. 59. 60.

OLD MELBURNIANS Senior Coach : Sean Ratphsmith Rese rves Coach : Guy Nelso n Assistant Coach: Archie Salek 1 . A . Wills 2. S. Theodore 3. J.,Stadtski 4 . B, Ellin g haus 5 . N . Boyden 6 . P. Handbury 7 . C. Thompson 8 . M. Lovett 9 . T . Smith 10 . P. O'Brien 11 . A. Thompson 12 . A. Hewit t 13. S . Rose 14. J . Bunn 15. S . Bromell i6. C. Eabry 18. Q. Keebie 19. J . Correll 20. A . Salek 21 . D . Strooper 22. L. Bunn 23. M. Berry 24. N . Sereda 25 . M. Pruden 26. C . Kennedy 27 . C . B ry an 28 . S. Rabbi tt 29 . C . Susa 30 . I. McMullin 31 . J. Ha rt

32 . R . Webb 33 . G . Dixo n

34 . C.Anastasakis 35 . D.Brown 36 . A. McKeon 37 . S . Eab ry 38 . R. Eggleton 39 . S . Madden 40. S . Middleton 41 . G. Wilhelm 42. P . Theodore 43. O. Boy d 44. A . McDougall 45. Z. Useinov 46. H . Wri ght 47. J . Powe r 48 . S. Walsh 49 . T. Stuckey 50 . P. Madnis 51 . D . Corbin 52 . B. Campbell 53 . B. Crump 54 . I . Patterson 55 . M. Burgess 56 . M . Ellinghaus 57 . R. Morley 58 . D. Clements 60 . J. Raftopoulos 61 . B . Luckock 62. R. Morrel l 63. B . Telford 64. A . Nelson 65.

66. L. Boyd 67. B . Vil e 68. A . Henshaw 71 . 72 . 73 .

WHEELERS HILL tt 0 T E L PH : (03) 9822 0011 1



oAPc OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach : WayneHarmes Reserves Coach : Simon Tallent K. Stoke s 2. J. Hosking (VC) 3. S. Duthie 4. T. Holt 5 . R . Price 6 . A . Millar 7 . J . Hughes 8 . C. Reid 9 . R. Aujard 10 . J . Kerr 12 . S . Hume 13 . N. Hooper 14 . D. Norman 15 . D. McCall 16 . A. Speed IT S. Woodhouse 18 . A. Nettleton 19. S. Spide n 20. T. Wilson 21 . S. Gibbs 22. L . McDonnell 23. D . Walsh 24. M. Angus 25. T. Pritchard 26. B . Phillips 27. C . Winneke 28. S . Teesdale 29. C . Heat h 30. J . Laird (DVC) 31 . A . Smit h 32 . S . Grigg 33 . J . Hannemann 34 . D. Steele 35 . S. Steele (Capt) 36 . M. Daviso n 37 . E. Montgomery 38 . C . Hoskin g 39 . A. Cowper 40. A. Warner 41 . A. Castricum 42. A . Gibbs 43. J . Paterson 44. D . Tracy 45. A . Stubbs 46. G. Jonas 47. N . Morris 48. R. Hardy 49. M . Gore 50. D. Pell 52 . R. Gregory 53 . P .Gaidzkar 54 . B . Aujard 55 . S . Montgomery 56 . J . Schonfelder 57 . N. Stran g 58 . R. Hardy 60 . M . Webe r

OLD XAVERIANS Senior Coach : Nick Bourke Rese rv es Coach : 1 . M . Blood (DVC) 2 . M . Bourke (VC) 3 . M . Hannebery (C) 4 . D. Landrigan 5 . N. Cook 6 . A. Keyho e 7 . P.Tuddenham 8 . M. Holmes 9 . S. Hawkins 10. S. Colquhoun 11 . A.Jone s 12. J. Bowan 13. C . Ellis 14. L . Ford 15. A . McLean 16. T. Ockleshaw 17. D . Richardson 18. S . Hunter 19 . M . Lloyd 20 . B . Buckley 21 . L. Hanebery 22 . A. Bourke 23 . A. McDonald 24 . B . Coughlan 25 . D. Tapping 26 . A. Nei l 27 . L . Fay 28 . R . Clarke 29. S. Wood 30. D . Dann 31 . S . Mollard 32. A . Brushfield 33. A . Sassi 34. A . Belli 35. C . Mortensen 36. P . Barrett 37. A . Landrigan 38. M . McClelland 40. T . Nelson 41 . A. Dillon 42 . J . Lowe (RCapt) 44 . J . Petroff 45 . D . O'Toole 46 . C . Andronopoulos 47 . J. Dalirangle 48 . M.Logan 49 . P . Lachte 50. N . Fay 51 . D . Walsh 52 . M . O'Callaghan 53. A . Kearns 54. M . Brennan 55. A .Long 56. M . Stones 57. G . Short 58. D. Bell 59. M . Hardman 61 . S . Natill i 65 . A.Jones 66 . Panagiotopoulos




Senior Coach: Geoff Reilley Assistant Coach : Russell Bame s Rese rv es Coach : Peter Purcell 1 . A . Joblin g 2 . C. Symes 3. A . Orr 4. A . Grace (DVC) S. B. Turner 6. T . Gallagher 7. B. Connell (C ) 8. M . Gilmore (DVC) 9. A. Forres t

Senior Coach : Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach: Andrew Nathan

Senior Coach: Grant Williams Reserves Coach : Bar ry Neivandt

10 . 11 . 12 . t3 . t4 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20. 21 . 22.

P. Marnow D . Edgell N . Sabo P. Kingston S. James M. McConvil l T. Stewart (RCapt) E. Frase r S . Ryan D . Cleary D. Wood J . Brown R. Bloc k

23. P . McDonald 24. J . Collin s 25. M . Wrodarczyk 26. D. Connel l 27. T . Hille (DVC) 28 . B. Collin s 29 . D. Whelan

30 . S. Wiedemann 31 . B. Ega n 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 .

A. Kukuljan M. Shepherd R . Remman G . Bailey S. Mackey R . Presse r

38. P. Milner (RVC) 39. T. Morga n 40. G.Lehner 41 . G. Hall 42. C. Keleher 43. S . Wrodarczyk 44. L. Mulcahy 45. L. Livingstone 46. C. Spagnol 47. R. Keating 48 . W . Block 49, M . O'Halloran 50 . M . Wannacolt 51 . G . Kin g 52 . N . Wells 53 . 1. Ranson 54 . L . Fraser 55 . K. Alexander 56 . S. Eccles 57 . R . Barnes 58. W. Hourigan 59. G. Sneddon 60. M . Atkinson 77. S .Handley

1 . A. Comito 2 . T. Dobso n 3 . T. Backhouse 4 . V. Comito 5 . R . Doolan 6. S. Ryan 6. C . Wood 7. S . Parrett 8. A . Capes 9. J . Kennedy to. G. Matthewes 11 . P .Capes 12. B . Hogan 13. S .McKeon 14. S . Doran 15 . L. Overman 16 . D. Sawicki 17 . M . Conroy 1 8 . L. Vassallo 19 . L .Gollant (C) 20 . T .Sheehan 21 . B. Loughlin 2t . J. Comito

22 . C .Calthorpe (DVC) 22 . P. Dailey 23. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

B . Hom D . Patience J . Anderson P . Hayes J . Gollant (VC) A . Nathan (CR) P . Gilmour

29. J . Overman 30. J . Mount 31 . T . York 32. S . Chatfield 32. P. Runting 33 . P. Roqerson 34 . M. DaHev 35 . B. Chatfield 36 . C . Bond

37 . T. Bateman 37 . A. Brebner 38 . A . Of Mingo 38 . D . McAllister 39. S . Byrn e 40. J . Ballarin 41 . D .Juegan 42. M . Marshall 43. B . Teague 44. S .Taylor 45. M . Farmer 46. G . Morrish 47. C. Parrett 48. A. Farmer 49. D. Solomon 50. R. Edwards 51 . N. Lynch 52 . F .Catalfamo 53 . J. Kavanagh 54 . G . Smith 55 . S. Martin 56 . M. Wright 57 . J. Jones

1. 2. 3. 4.

D . Slimmon T. Hutchins S. Kirsanovs J . Frit h

5. P . O'Donnell 6. B . Bloo d 7. 8. 9. 10.

D.Hayter . Thomas S . Meade S . Stevenso n

12. H.Worsley (Capt) 13. G . Evans t4 . J. Buckley 15 . P.Stephens (RCapt) 16 . D. Gust 17 . J. Kanis 18 . G . Markley 19 . B. Herrald 20 . R . Polkinghorne 21 . T. McIntyre 22 . A . Nugent 23. B . Furphy 24. R . Calnon 25. A . Henderson 26. N .Cavalier 27. B . Fricker 28. D. Bolto n 29. S . Ku c 30. G . Allardice 31 . M . Mudg e 31 . R. Vandenberg 32 . J. Gamau t 33, L . Twaddle 34 . R .Furphy 35 . M. Jukes 36 . S. Kewell 37 . A. Lennen 38. M . Unsworth 39. S . Henderson 40. A . Mitchell 41 . R . Dodd s

45. G. McLachlan 46. D. Gunn

47. T. Rourke 48. C. Miles 49. P . Setter 50. H. Nailon 51 . S . McMahon 52 . S. Longley 53 . T . Whitehead 55 . C .Stewart 56 . A. Farrar 58 . T. Miskin 59 . A. Collins 60 . A. Wilcox 61 . A. Wilson 63. A. Muller 65 . A . McLeod 66. M .Starick 67. D . McAloon 72. J . Norman (RCapt)

Jones Lang Wootton



622 NIL Alexander Rd. Rioonee Ponds 93261799


3 Section

BANYULE Senior Coach : Rick Brockwell Reserves Coach : Tim Bell

1 . B. Kinea r 2. D . Witchell (VC) 3. L . Hol t 4. T. Gloury 5 . B. Wilmore (DVCapt) 6. P. Williams (ResC) 7. S. Richmond 8 . R . Williams 9. G . Sulterby 10. J . Fortune 11 . T . Short 12 . J . Egan 13, M . O'Brien 14 . P . Healy 15 . S . Gray 16 . D. Mayne 17 . A. Steve n

18 . J . Turnbull (DVCapt) 19 . D. Stephen s 20 . S . Piayfair 21 . R. Dintinosante 22 . J . Gilham 23 . M . Gray 24 . C. Wilkes 25 . G. Jorda n 26 . H . McDermott 27 . W. Keenan 28 . D . Fabri s 29 . M . Creek 30 . L. O'Connell 31 . C . Bassett 32. G. Laurie 33. D . Glass 34. C . Stevens 35. A . Hardie 36. D . Tyle r 37. G . Bassett 38. G . Riches 39. C . Head 40. M . Keene 41 . M. Wheaten 42. T. Egan 43. L . Ferrell 44. M. Moore 45 . M. Gilber t 46. P. Agostinelli (RVC) 47 . R . Smit h 48 . B . Gillies 49 . D. Barker 50 . G . Gent 52 . D. Noonan 55 . D. Williams 56 . B . Grindle



BUULEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach: Phil Pdaylin Reserves Coach : Craig Heard 1 . J. Prior 2 . S. Driver 3 . S. Youn g 4 . G . Alexander 5 . C. Parri s 6 . R . Minney 7 . P. Rabertson (Vcapt) 8 . A. Brya n 9 . R . Shepher d 10 . P. George (Capt.) 11 . S. Farloy 12 . A. Parris 13 . S. Boy d 14 . D. Mathews (Vcapt) 15 . B. Grei g 16 . S. Smith 17 . N. Waddel 18 . R. Williams 19 . P. Nigro 20 . T. Agosta 21 . D. Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23 . L. Stott 24 . P . Nagle 25 . T . Merrell 26 . K. Stelling 27. D. Doud 28. P . Mutimer 29. P . Bone 30. R. Field 31 . A. Shine 32. P . Graham 33. C. McWaters 34. D. O'Connell 35. M . Osborne 36. P . Har e 37. W.Thomson 38 . S . Jame s 39, D . McNamara 40. T. Matthews 41, L. Cassano 42 . P . Edwards 43. C .Beams 44 . C . Shallard 45 . G . Taylor 46 . G . Shallard 47 . C . Morihovitas 48 . R . Lambert 49 . M. Bellat o 50 . D . Glover 51 . 52 . 53 . J. Scott 54 . 55 . A. Franklin 56 . 57 . D . Shine 58 . 59 . B. Lefervo 60 . P . Dailogi o

M.H .S.O.B .


Senior Coach : Doug Gott Reserves Coach : John Matthew

Senior Coach : Peter O'Dea Rese rv es Coach : Colin Drak e

Senior Coach: Peter O'Connor Reserves Coach: Brendon Smale s

1 . R.Amntray 2, P. La Rosa 3. C.Te^F=_r 4. Md'r.7 5. P.11- -31 6. D.Fr 7. P.Ra :'cy 8. R. M 9. M .T . al t0. G.Ba 12. L .: . ..~ 13. S. N• 1 *z 14. P.P 15. T . Flynn 6. R.Gaos 17 . P. Lee It . T . Sat4z 19 . G.&unen 20. R.qenai 21 . LE7atkrroal 22 . R.Prge.''ra 23. M.Peerra 24 . T. 0109

25 . A . Bonn 26. S . Fair o,tw 27 . O.h 28 . A .I' ~rar 29 . C .tr,. 30 . S N 31. D . F.k _im 32 . J. Lynch 33 . &Y 6 34. B. ..,35. P. yh&ta.atl 3i IA.Handen 37. G .Fadeysm 38. D .RcHmon 39. M. Ebbarle 40. S.Cavar 41. C . McDonald 42. B. S4+ap 43. S. Lynn 44. I . NewbaYi 45. J .Paya~atd ~ . R.~~ 46. ld .Pdha 67 . G.Slrarr~atk 47. J .DiSado 68. j, Ono d8. P.C€emzn 49. A. Rax+'~al 69 smaron 0. J. FAatu'~w 50. D.Jacka 71 51 . A. ~Id 72. 52. R. Pace 73 53. L .Prince 74 54. G.IkPhal 75 . 55. L . Pearce 76, 55. S.0-.deriy 77. 57. P. , 01=4m 78, C.Broan 58. V. Pa;.s2to

59. D. Rairay-WOC4 60. C. Wtsm 61 . G.Hdey 62. T .DO 63. R.McKun"s 64 . D.Szyga!:ki 65 . T .Bacanin

TATTS and POKIES Bar and Bistro

Fxa.1.19 rE taIENaaW Pn



PRESTON 9484 6006

120 Upper Heidelberg Rd . Ivanhoe

I . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8.

J . Bamert A . Howard D . Woodley R . Vemia D . Fleming C . Young S . Harries B . McGrath J . Pertzel J . Dixon

9. D . Comer (Capt) 10. M. Beaztey 11 . M. Webster (VCRS) 12 . M. Feferkranz (R-Capt) 13 . A. Preec e 14 . M. Zaghloul 14 . G . Oair 15 . P. Barge 16 . M. Atkins 17 . A. Webster 18 . I . Gillespie 19 . A. Snaidero 20 . D . Fairchild 21 . B. Cookman 22 . A. Lindsay 23 . D . Exton 24 . G . Wilson 25 . C. Glover (DVC) 26 . M . Thompson 27. W. Watford 28. T . Lawrence 29. C. Drake 30. R.Newton 31 . G . McLardie 32. M . Konstanty 33. B. Ansel l 34. N. Fahey 35. S . Konstanty 36. A . Palmos (VCRes) 37. A . Barge 38. S . Bennett 39. A . Athanasopolos 40. B . Hayes 41, A . Stewart 42. N . Bradley 43. J . McLaughlin 44. B . Archdall 45. D . Pollock 46. T. Holland 47. M . Jamieson 49. N . Archdall S0. E . Thomas 51 . S .Karamoutsos 52 . J .Jackson 53. P . Frost 54 . P. Hunt 55 . M. Pond 56 . J . Winch 57 . T. Grimmer 58 . J. Goldin 60 . P. Konstanty 61 . M. Pretty 62 . S.Danckert 63 . A. Far r

sun CAF E

+?~.+t+n~a .. - ¢.6L D2 3 46 4

T ;',

1 . C. McKay 2 . D. Waters 3 . 0 . Abrahams 4. P . Sullivan . CM.. Kitney 56. Robinson 7. P . Booth 7. S . Sleep 8. B . Collison 9. L. Curry 10. S . Evans 11 . P . Tatter 12. J . Curran 12. M . Sammon 13. B . Curulli t4. S . Cheshire 15. P . Kearney 16. C . Wheeler 17. M. Maguire 17. M. Anderson 18. J. Murray 19. P. Considine 20. J. Sutherland 21 . N . Mulqiney 22 . M. Connolly 23. C . McMahon 24 . J. Barke r 25 . P. Bryar 26 . P. Dwyer 27 . M. Gravina 28 . D . O'Farrell 29 . M. Sammon 30 . M. Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32 . D. Boyer 33 . J. Mollroy 34 . B. Cont i 35 . S . Manassa 36 . D. Tonkin 37 . S . Mikunda 38 . A. Sweeney 39 . D. Beck 40 . 41 . L. Curran 42 . T . Cleveland 43 . J . Lowrie 44 . M . McIntyre 45 . A . Zanatta 46 . C. Hanley 47 . P .O'Dwyer 48 . B . Pawsey 49. J . Trimboli 50 . C. Bailey 51 . 52. T. Jamieson 53. M .Murone 54. A . Trimboli 55. S . Drum 56. A . Twis t 57. L. Koutsovasilis 58. 59. 60. 61 . 62 . M. Fennelly 63 . R . Gale 64 . 65 . 66 . 67 .

68 .

69 .

70 .




Senior Coach : Shane Young Reserves Coach: Roger Brow n

Senior Coach: Kevin McLean Reserves Coach : Darren Caddy

1 . A. Krzywnlak 2. M. McLennan 3. M. Reid 4. M. Talbot 5 . A.Olliver 6. A. Augustine 7, L . Fildes 8. S. Lennox 9, M. Fisher 10. J. Williams it, A. Fitzgerald 12. G . Bennett 12 . A. Alderton y 15 . S. Magee 16. N . Perr 17. A. Rickarby 18. P. Roach 19. A. Mandylaris 20. D . Kollmorgen 21 . R, Oakle y 21 . C .Jackson 22. K. Farrell 23. A. Pryor 24. R . Carter 25. S. Nikas 26. T. Ward 27. C . Gilmour 28. P. Woff 29. J . Murc h 30. K . Teschendort 31 . S . Murra y 32. B . Williams 34. R . Smith 35. S . Mercer 36. B . Pollock 37. T. Mitchell 39. A . Fischer 40. B . Patterson 40. C. James 41 . J . Murchie 42. G. Sloan 43 . J . Howden 45. M . Bilionis 46 . M . Barber 47. D. Wilson 48 . A . Grant 49 . N. Winter 50 . S . Williams 55 . C. Toms 56 . R. Brown 57 . A. Mclachlan 59 . T . Farre r 61 . A. Witt e 63 . R. Sherman 65 . N. Treuleson 66 . T . Lennox 68 . G . Bilionis 71 . B. Alderson 78 . R . Saunders 79 . H . Bickett 80 . A. Palfrey 84 . P. McMahon


1 . D. Supelr 1 . M . Power 2. 3. 4, 4. 5. 5. 6.

P. Sigtey (CCapt) A. Jenkins A. Parker D. Toll (R) J. Stevens A. Atkinson S. Kent

7 . T. Young 8 . T. Stevens 9 . M. Karayannis 9 . P. Armstrong 10 . M. Veal (CCapt) 11 . S. Tully

12 . A. Sturesteps 12 . M. Toze r 13 . A. Pappos 14 . C . Gdnham 15 . G . Douglas 16 . M. Woods 17 . J . Lu k 18 . P . Bisogni 20. T. Ryan 20. W. Millard 21 . J . Mansfield 22 . P . Donaldson 22 . P .Golding 23. M . Stewart 24. A . Corcora n 25. J . Maycock (RVCapt) 26. M . Tolle y 26. I . Roxburgh 27. J . Weddle 27. Z.Abousabha 28. D. Jones (RCapt) 29. R. Weddle (VCapt) 30. E . Brophy 30. A . Kobe 31 . D. Caddy 32. D. Goad 33 . T . Cormack 34 . T . Lerner 35 . L. McLean (VCapt) 36 . S . Pidot o 37 . D. Stott 38 . G . George 39 . G . George 40 . R. Davies 41 . L. Taylor 42 . S. Vaughan 43 . D . Banger 44 . T . Agushi 45 . C . Duncan 46 . A. Barker 47 . J. Wie r 48 . B. Wilson 49 . M. Wilson 50 . C . Corcoran 51 . B. Shedbolt 52 . P. Cargin 53 . D .Craker 54 . P. Wal l 55 . J.Baud 56 . M. Sheridan 57 . S. Barry 58 . S. Davies 59 . B. Elsworth 60 . S . Brophy 68 . C . Miller

N O R 1 E L~ 10~11al,&1u

OLD PARADIANS Senior Coach : Dale McCann Reserves Coach: Paul Amel 1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2. P.J .O'Loughlin 3. J.A. Dalla s 4. S.J . Philp (VC) 5. M.J . Harford 6. J.V. Geary 7. P.G . Cosgriff (VC) 8. P.G . Zapp a

9. T.J . Jackso n

10. P .A. Brabender (C) 11 . N .P. Willits 12. S .R . Wallis 13. T.D. Wallis 14. D.R . Ciavola 15, N .G. Kerr 16. M .P. Godfrey 17. B . J . Hart 18. A . Muleta 20. P .A. Nailer 21 . A .J. Farrell 22. H . Bellis 23. P .A . Walsh 24. D.A. Digney 25. D. Heffernan 26. M .B . Geary 27. K.C . Kenkins 28. B .J . Brabender 29 . B . Powel l 30 . T .J. Mulligan 31 . S. Laterite 32 . A.J . Price 33 . M.J . Harrison 34 . P.J . Joyce 35 . J .P .J. Mills 36 . S.M . Swindon 37 . L . Rocchiccioli 38 . M.G . Vea r 39 . P.E . Reid 40 . D .J. Baird 41 . D .J. Horsington 42 . J.M . Swindon 43 . M.P . Geary 44 . I . Harford 45 : P.J . Stephens 46. B. Flyn n 47. N .A . Ball 48 . M . Hudson 49. IS . Brain 50. P.K. Monar 51 . S .J . Dunn 52. M .L . Muscara 54. J .T. Mould 56. J .W. Tobin 57. J .M. Way 66. D . McCrohan 67. A . Villanti 58. L.K . Mansifled 69. D .J . Arthur

Whitehall St, Yarraville 1,i1 : 9687 8722



Senior Coach: Simon Dal ry mple Rese rves Coach: Ian Wallace Assistant Coach : Michael Hadley 1 . S . Keneddy 2. C . Robison 3 . A . Allibon 4. T. Norman (Vcapt) 5 . P . Van Der Hoek 6 . R . Heath 7 . A .Anderson 8 . S . Dalrymple (CC) 9 . S . Hopkin s 10 . S . Hatfield 11 . R. Boxtell 12 . M . Cumming 13 . M . Donato 14 . J . Stickland 15 . A . Parke 16 . M . Seuling (Vcapt) 17 . G . Hatfiel d 18 . B . Clarke 19 . G . Hudson 20 . P. Board 21 . C. Phillips 22 . P.Robison 23. A. Ramsden 24. T . Board 25 . T. Harris 26. P. Beet 27. L . Stafford 28. D . Vargo 29. A. Sealey 30. L . Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32. D . Glass 33. D . Heighton 34. P. Papa, ; 35. L . Bennie 36. J. Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37. P. Dowlin g 38. R . Phillips 39. T. Antonopolous 40. B . Burke 41 . D . Alysandratos 42 . A . Barfield 43 . M . Krivokuca 44 . J . Mollison 45 . N . Kin g 46 . 47 . F. Cameron (RVC) 48 . C . Smith 49 . P .Johnson 50 . L. Jervis 51 . S . Gleason

Senior Coach: Des English Reserves Coach : Chris By e 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7.

M. Petrevski J. Woodgate A. Shelton P. Gorman M.Elliot S. Ramsey S. Seymour J . Vein s G . Rossignolo P. Jones (RVC) J . Pole

9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 14.

M . Growcock R . Egglestone D . Forbes R . Moran M .Bosanko J . Reddich (VC) D. Ram m

8. L. Hollow

15. G. Pinner 16. M . Goodwin

17. R. Lyons (RCapt) 17. G. O'Connor

18 . B .Carter(VC) 18 . Liddel l

18 . B . Milieki 19 . J .Armstrong 20 . M . Carter 21, J . Thrush 22 . S. Griggs 23 . C. By e 24 . P. Mellon 25 . M. O'Rourke 26 . G .Carbis 27 . G . Smith 28 . D . Barron 29 . M. Hudson 30 . M.Tadinac 31 . S.Hollow 32 . S. Eastmure 33 . N . La Fontaine 34 . J. Gallagher 35 . S. O'Halloran 36. C . Rizzo 37 . D . Castaldi (C) 38 . B. Prendergast 39. S. Boyle 40. C . Keay 41 . G . Pignatelli 42 . M. Gauci 43. C . Whelan 44. J . Beason 45. J . Brambles 46. R . Collins 47. D .Goodwin 48. D .Wrigglesworth

53 . 54 . 55 . 56 . 57 . N . Kolitia s 58 . 59 . 60 . 80 . T . Smit h CONSOLIDATED TAAVZL



C Section

~ A.J.A.X. Senior Coach : Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach : Marty Halphen Res . Coach : Anthony Bursztyn 1 . J . Wrobe f 2. A . Kalinski 3. J . Hoppe 4 . M. Dudakov 5 . M. Batch 6 . G .ROzenberg 7 . C . Cohe n

8 . M. Roseman (R.Capt) 9 . T. Bursztyn 10 . R . Bloom 11 . M. Weisler 12 . D. Rosen 13 . J. Engelman rt 14 . Y.Rapo 15 . J. Kirzne r 16 . P. Goldberg (VC) 17. A. Cukiennan 18. J . Wrobet 19. M . Halphen (Capt) 20. R. Hartman '. 21 . D. Sheezel .' 22. J . Dunne 23.. J . Abraham 24. S . Sheezel 25 . J . Feldman 26. B . Duzenman 27 . D . Degen 28 . J . Bram 29 . D . Marks 30 . A . Micmacher 31 . M. Chrapol 32 . P. Steiner 33 . D . Pat 34 . D . Gunn 35 . A. Rosen 36 . J. Segal 37 . A. Slade-Jacobson 38 . A. Grundmann 39 . J. Shein 40. A. Redlich 41 . P. Naphtali 42. E . Rubenstein 43. J . Josep h 44. A .Krongold 45. E . Steen 46. M . Nathan 47. A . Abrahams 48. L. Goldberg 49 . D .Kalb 50 . B . Grodski (VC) 51 . A . Traye r 52 . S. Rubinstein 53 . A. Sheffield 54 . D . Gelbart 55 . 56 . S. Frey 57 . 58 . M . Freid 59. 60. 61 . 62. M . Levi n 63. 64. S . Glassman 65. 66. 67. 68. S . Feldma n

69. J . Vernon 70.




Senior Coach: Don Scariett Reserves Coach : Andrew McGrego r

Senior Coach :

Senior Coach : Trevor Poole Reserves Coach : Angus MacGowan Assistant Coach: Paul Hermann 1 . N . Straus s

1 . C . Le Grand (Capt) 1 . A. McGregor (R) 2 M. Crawford 2. M. Beaumont (R ) 3. S. McDonald (DVC) 3. C. Amoore (R ) 4. S. Anderson 4. A. O'Brien (R) 5 . A. Mason 5 . D. Rogerson (R) 6 . A. Natoli

6 . R. Hunt (R) 7 . E . Melnjak (VC) 8 . D. Marshal l

9 . S . Morga n 9 . M . Luxmore (R) 10 . C. Ferguson 10 . R . Hetherington (R) 11 . S . Will s 11 . P . Mantis (R) 12. D . Anderson 12. B . Armstrong (R) 13. C . Thomas 14. F. Casella (VCR) 15. S. Slick 15. P. Buckley (DVCR) (R) 16. T. Wright 16. M. Lester(R) 17. S. Helliger 18. T. Worland 19. A. Hullick 19. C. Diletosso (R) 20. A. Power 21 . R. Tyrell 21 . A. Sher (R) 22 . M . McKellar 22 . A . Hunter (R) 23 . J . Day 24, J . Rodder 25 . R . Melnjak 26 . D . Ariz '.. 27 . A . Sher ''.. 28 D . McConville 29 . M. Fletcher 30 . C . Scadett 31 . E . Panagiotidis 32. A . Browne 33. R . Bulmer (R-Capt) 34. M. Deukas 35. C . Day 36. J . Ferguson 37. S. Walker 38. S. Green 39. K. Ivey 40. J. Harper 41 . D. Hobson 42 . C. Buc k 43 . C. McGregor 44 . S . McGregor 45 . A. Williams 46 . B . Busby 47 . G. Kirby 48 . B . McGregor 49 . S . Peake 50 . M . Talbot 51 . J . Rogers 52 . T. Rush 53 . B . Johnson 54. M. Short

55. M. Clarke 56. W. Mills

60. S. Willson


Bruce Ferguson Rese rv es Coach : Tony Day 1.C .Siabry 1 . A.Day 2. A. Rqda 2. J . Dinneen 3. 0. Wales 3. C . Mat-em 4. S. 5. td.8: u

6. T.Collins (DVC) 7. M . Bowe 8. R.Frkh a 9. D.6lelm(C) 9. nay 0. A. 1 . M .Maan it. B.Cra-in 12. J.Atia 13. D. BearzaPm 14 . D.Howe 15 . J. Ftdott 15 . D.MeWosh 6 . J.We% 16 . G. Cox 17 . B.lkCkmuns 18. A.CaHry (VC) 18 . P.Feal) 19. D .CWT (DVq 20. 5.0FtJm 21. G .Masrn 21. C. Payre 22. LO'Rzm 23. P.Ch wb ss 24. S.Bearnre 25. M . Stokes 26. C.CzTeror 27. S. Tte~z 28. !d. ER7W& 41. J. SS-`21 J. Gttols 42 J. Da 29. S.lare 42 D. Do .. ~ 30. A . Trey-{man 43 J.l€r 30. J.Gt&h 44. y.Ca ter 31. S .Eduz-ds 41 J. 136 32 . M. Syrnes . N. r . . 33 . D.SaRqkmm 98. RC i . P. Sexton 51 . D.L °-n34

35 . tA.GO 52 0. . C .Pezisw..r&i :d C. NF35

36. A. bklrtish Y SA 3T A, Sheeran 57. B. L-, 38. J .Grascdl G .+ D. . M.B;tcte?' ((,n f3 , 40. J . Dema 68. A.C 0


2 . H . Burbank 3 . D . Welsby 4 . T. Dugdale 5 . D . Ardlie 6 . S. Olsen 7 . J. Senior 9 . J. Wilson 10 . M. Oliphant It . R . Lile y 12 . P. Ronchi 13 . P. Herman 14. B. Edmonds 15. A. Teelow 17. M . Vickers-Willis 18. A . Handbury 19. A . Salter 20. G. Coldwell 21 . S . Glover 22. J . Taylor (Capt) 23. M . Davis 24. T. Peddle (VCapt) 25 . A . Alle n 26 . N . Kemp 27 . D . Morton 28 . M. Taylor 30 . A. Howells 31 . J. Nevins 32 . G . Wilkinson 33 . M. Wilkinson 34 . T. Pau l 35 . D. Eley 36 . A. Rigby 37. G . Stirling 38. P. Beltrame 39. D. Swan 40. S . Bones 41 . S . Saunders 42. P . Uascos 43. D. Ha y 44. E . Spiden 45 . L. Morrison 46. R . Rice 49. J . Smythe 50. M . Robson 51 . A. Robson 52 . S. French 53 . B. Hicklin 54 . W. Dodd 55 . S. Furphy 56 . C . Walker 57 . R . Knight 58 . C. Stinchcome 59 . C. Olive r 60 . S . French 61 . R. Oliphant 62. A. Osboume 66. B . O'Halloran 68. J .Manto n 69. A .MacGowan

OLD MENTONIANS Senior Coach : Be rt Calvert Reserves Coach : Jeff Norma n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

A. Acreman (VC) C . Lea n B. Murphy G . Stroud C. Wallace D. Paterson G . Ferguso n

8 . N. Macquire (VC) 9. G . Pride 10. B . Stanforth 11 . D. Solley 12. G. Dickson 13. S . Sharp 14. A . Richmond 15. C. Davis 16. S . Samild 17. L. Richardson 18. T. Boumon 19. D . Kittl e 20. N . Moodie 21 . T. Lenten 22 . P. Harrington 23 . R . Larg e 24 . D .Johnson 25 . J. Winduss 26 . G . Dart 27 . G . Katres 28, M . Bond 29 . A. Carter 30 . M . Brooks 31 . P . Flaskis 32. S . Flaskis 33. C. Gardiner 34. D.Holland 35. D. Murphy (C) 36. P . Russo

37. H . Webster-Griffiths 38. B . Sherril l 39. R .Beynon 40. T. Leonard 41 . C .Morley 42 . C . Bosworth 43 . C . Best 44 . D . Sarah 45 . C . Leaven 46 . J. Norman 47 . J. Konicanin 48 . D.Johnsen 49 . J. Donovan 50 . G . Richards 51 . K. McGrath 52 . A. Szadum 53 . S . Kitto 54. C. Sheddon 55. M . Stanojevic 56. M .Leone 57. T. Ryan 58. D . Coventry 59. C . Furben 60. D . Nock 61 . C . Dwyer 62 . D . Murphy 63 . T. Hancock 64 . M. Austin 65 . D . Murphy 66 . S. Mullin 67 .

68. 69. M. Nash 70. S. Bateman 71 . T. Kersley

INTERNATIONAI . PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock. 3193


ST. KEVINS ST . BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Senior Coach : Tim Ha rt Res . Coach: Glen Taylor seniFa or Coach : 1 . B. Burden Reserves Coach : Brad Berry 1 M. Kinsella 2. S. Zakic 3. J . Sebire 4. V . CHuillier ( RCapt) 5, M. Murray 6, A . Ryan 7, D. Dggms S . B . Beasley 9 . M . Jones 10 . C. Ross 11 . M . Hecker 12 . C. Stewart 13. D. Goodchil d 14, P. Lerman (Capt.) 15 . D. Goodchil d

16. S. Napier

17. A. MacGeorge 18. J. Tully 19. B. Tomlinson 20. T. Lamb 21 . G . McDonald 22. S. McCa rthy 23. T. Peck 24. M. Manson 25. D . Smith 26, S . Hecker 27. D . Johnston

28 . D . O'Brien 29 . J . Sande rs 30 . M . Dols 31 . J. Selby

32 . J. Dickinson 33 . A. Walsh 34 . C. Meyer 35 . R. Bilos 36. M. Beasley 37. M. Connolly 38. A. Hayes 39. A. Wilce 40. C . Johnston 41 . D . Hendrike s 42. A . Thompson ( VCapt) 43. K . Goodchild 44. J . Recupero 45 . R. Goul . O . Lalo rd46 47 . B . Hamb ri dge 48 . B. Hutchinson 49 . D. Bueno 50 . N. Tully 51 . M. Mifsud 52 . A. Kearney 53. M. Fi rth

54. M. McCraw ( VCapt.) 55. P. Dywer 56. M. Zaki c

2 . J . Dyna n 3. M .Chapman(DVC) 4. A . McGuiness 5. R . Callanan 6. A . Morgan 7. A . Ha rt 8. D. Williams 9. G . Smith 10 . D. Moore 11 . D. Ryan 12 . M. Dollman (DVC) 13 . R . Bowle s 14 . J. Bare 15 . D . Fox 16 . B. Ga rvey 17. M. Te rzini 18. N . Hart 19. D . Sheeh Y 20. A . Varasdi 21 . J . Quirk (DVCRes) 22. J .Macey 23. P . Ryan 24. P . Meagher 25. N.Goldsworthy 26. B. Kennedy 27. R. Gross (VCapt)

28. M. Farquharson (DVC) 29 . A. Mount 30 . P. Hagerty 31 . M.McNe e 32 . B . Noonan (ResVC) 33 . S, Denton 34 . A . Donoghue 35 . A . Thomas (ResCapt) 36. A . Noonan 37. S . Kennedy 38. J . Herman 39. S . Gribble 40. D. Boyd 41 . A. DeJong 42. D. McDonald 43 . D . James 44. J. Drake

45 . T.Bare 46 . D . DeRooden 47 . M. Brady (Capt) 48 . B . Howar d 49 . J . Moore 50. M.Durrant 51 . D. Wilks 52. P . Lewin 53. R. Quirk 54. S .Game 55. M . O'Shea '.. 56. J . Shepardson 57. S .Dillon 58. S. Charles 59 . T. Hart 60 . C. Sing h

..' 57. M . Lomagno .' 58. M . Leyden 59. D . Taney 60. J . Fertile 61 . R . Mulquinney 62. B .McShane 63 . N .Haye s

64 . B . Griffiths 65 . J .Dmry 66 . R. Price 67 . 68 . 69. 70. 71 .




STH CAULFIELD Senior Coach : Terry Walsh Reserv es Coach :

Senior Coach : Allan Fleming Reserves Coach : Wayne Coope r

Senior Coach : Des Meagher Reserves Coach : Gary Kallinikos

Charlie Capiron I B. Ryan

43. APr-7 80. RRe4yk $1 . R Haas 44. S. Diamwrd 45. W.Oadem 82 H . At83. LPaTs 48. ASOalaM 84. AtSp& 47. M.tAsr3 ri, 48. B.MauaG 85. D.AMn 49. IA 13601M 86. A.8w4e w 50. !d t7At}a ft 87. C. :awa ',.. St. J. Frawsq 88. J. HaxJh . J.Mc Y1 52. B .Pbnman 89 DOM 53. 8&rk? 90 . S.lkNamma 54 . S .Greig 91 . J.Ttarsfk4i .PaBarson 55 . LMs<}aw 92 . S 56 . B.Karamimr4li 57 . K .GI-sm 58 . E. KararrJna0i 59. KGReson


C. Ambrosini C . Price P. Walker D . Marshall A . Whitelaw

mm--_ -a-'

~ R~+~®


1 . M . Powe r 2. M . Bateman (C) 3. R. Pasqualotto 4. 5 . M .Robinson 6 . C . Houston 7 . P. Cochlan 8 . M. Heath 9 . C . Maguire 10. B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12 . J . Begley 13. T.Hughes 14, D. ilanagan 15. A .Lacey

1 . S. Papaioanou 2. B. Byro n 3. A . Smith 4. R,Ward 5. J . Bubis 6. B . Pelligrino I. G.Batkr 7. S . Plan t 9 . G.Heay 8 . A. Fellows 10 . J. HaraJroli 9 . Y . Capeci 11 . J.G3dkr 10 . P.Bullard 12 . AFiz;sram 11 . L. Alberti 13. SWesm 12 . A. Volpe 14. S. WOW 13 . G .Scarpa 15. M.Ku?k It. P. ROM 14 . M. Patmore 17. D! m 15 . L . Del Papa 18. 8'r, 16. D . Farchione 19. M.Yaz 17. D . Gorski 20. A. r r 18. F. Arcoraci 21. M.bic 19. P . Ristevski 22. P.O . n 20. L. Alabakis 29. L. (k 60 . P. 21 . E . Lentini 24. PCanm 61 . !A 22 . L. Sallese t 62 . A.Aktasa~ 25 . P.DrM 23 . R.Dimaggio 2& 8,l dzan 63 . F.Ktrowe'ss 64 . B.Mutq 24 . B. Smith 27 . ADaM bna 65 . J . 1,111W 25 . R . Kennedy 28. G.Hdrst 29. D. Laters 66 . B. Ckrk 26 . C . McNeil .;,, 3J. JD ia 67. S. Enid 27 . S. D'Avoine 31 . M. ~ 68. W . Wives 28 . L . Moribito 69. P .Gren 32. M .D-&a 29. K. Harling 70. D. Sftn 33. t1 . Cck 30. C . Fellows it. KU-lan 34. T.Presce! 31 . D . Fletcher 35. P.Berr~r 72. M.M.atDCnaH 32. P . Colosimo . S. Way 36. M.AI ::udo 73 74. C. Femardo 33. J . Zaigo s 37. M. Knit 34. P . Mastraianni 29 . 0.8--r.ik 75 . S.Pdce 35 . A . Colosimo :~ . Alt' , ,i 76 . B.Tarnp 36 . Z . Fleming 40 . DP _ ~:1A R. SJkkM 41 . A :.drn 78 . G .Da+G 37 . D. Dimovski 42 . P.Kr°n 79 . M. Mu sk 38 . G . Scot t 2 N.' ak 3. H. 1 4. S, U. 5. AMd G M, Ryan 7. G.Rayes-0anar

1 6. B . Vandenboom 17. A . Carbon e 18. P . Begley 19 . C. Andrews 20 . A. Pawlick 21 . P. Haseler 22 . J. Bonny man (ResC) 23 . P. Ciardulli 24 . J. Ciardulli 25 . M. Vernal 26. C . Ryan 27. M . Jackson 28. C . Fames 29, C. Hams 30. P . O'Brie n 31 . N . Jenkins (C) 32. M . Carbone 33. G . Feutri l 34. S . Lowell 35 . C. Law 36 . J. McFarlane 37 . P. O'Brien 38 . R . Vujkic 39 . J. Naismith 40 . A. Thawaites 41, T. Carrigg 42 . D . Naismith 43. N . Elliott 44. M . Bateman 45. M . Lester 46. G. Johnson 47, S . Habjan 48. M . Reid 49. P . Dodd 50. B. Kelsey 51 . L. Eames 52 . S. Alexander 53 . J. Alexander 54 . S. Gillen 55 . M. Duffy 56 . B. Calfeja 57 . A. Heath 58. M . Smith 59. R . Stopajink 60. M . McDonald

39 . O .Essen 40 . N. lulianglia 41 . D,Brooks 42 . J. Bubis 43. A. Latouf 44. A. Ward

'.. 45. A. Insitari 46. S. Sam i 47. D . Plowright 48. 49 . M . Withers 50 . A . Maloney 51 . E . Valentino 52 . L. Smith 53 . P . Battistia 54 . J . Rocca 55 . P . Valeri 56 . R. Geremia 57 . 58 . M. Reid 59. 60. M. Bardsley 61 . G . Skaf 62. T. Staios 63. M . Grech 64. F. Valeri 65 . S . Holmes 66 . D. Pougios 67 . N . Grech 68 . 69 . Sizzi


PRINTIN G Your On Time Printer 29


bee- -on


Senior Coach: Garry Nicholson Reserves Coach: Neil Flynn I . B.Ks7(DE) 2?. G.lJss~;y 2 P.33. N .t',a lWCIe1r5 33. L . M. D4 34 . J. Fk F4 . S .F''--` 'si R ) '4 S. ATm . 36. S.t . . (DV 8. J.1 37. T 7. 0 8. J. & O, 9. B. 14. N, 0. A. LP ' 12 F

I B, 154. A .C . !l.F 16 !A' ..` . it. T. 6. D. 19. P.

CAULFIELD GRAM . KEW Senior Coach : Goorge Voyago Senior Coach Res. Crch : Matthew Scholten D. Stiats'v

2 1 ~ D. yr 2. C .: 31 . d

3. C.L_,1


4. Id Y S. W.' 6. A{ 7. J . 8. S.t d 6.l 9. C.

4. D' y 37 .a SS5. J : I W.D,t 6. C.r . . P. 7. DF, & d .. W 41 . RLn, :. .c.

12. D. B?:, 13 . C.r: :< .

11. M. ( 12. J.F,.t ta D . Go

21 T. Char

2. GI 3S k9 1. R l . B.Sk:-

9. At .~42 .) 41C GA . &t ~ A10

70. G.

S. S. 6 T. . 17. G. & B. 19 . J! 2a R 23. K . 21. N._ 22. No 23. D.;, 2d. K I 1 T. {

: Robert Bayley Reserves Coach: Tom Vene 1. T.F, ,

ar . L : 4& J F .;a 49. IA" rnn so. T.P~:,asx . Si. Kl4tn S4. k4S&:ra 55. !A I ~(fiYG} S9. S. ~, 61. 67. a 71. E.1 7a G. T.

17. & 8. N h7. B 2). S 21 . 0 .


Senior Coach: David Rogers Reserves Coach: In Hildebrand 1. lt~r (tC ) 2 D.C° a C. 39. 6t Str¢h 4. P. 40 P.Ew., S D. 41. AKcs & kF 42, k1. ;'--. ,. 7. P.ra 43. R'_ & D 44. It. J.GfA J.1 46 D k1c t . 5..47 :: 12. J. , 48. C .' 11 R ; 49. H. 4. J.( Yt. K iS.RI-Si. T.rme i& G I 62 1 , 7. yJ 1& G

it. 0.1 20. G.1 21 . C. 22 Ai 2t P. a P. 27. D., 2& Sk

23. T.f^24, B

Senior Coach: Lauria Zarafa Reserves Coach : Mark Rowe


Senior Coach: Derek Nine Rese rves Coach: Neil Wailmoye r 1. S 39. 2, R '-. . .~a,

a us-. .

40. 8.S R}

41 . k c 42. R a 47. P.P~ . 44 . RNa' S 4a. dSs 4& J.F&

ST JOHNS Senior Co

h: Steve Mooney Res. Coac,, : Mark Nic'--i n i. 37. S 2. D 1 a kt sCj 31. sc : 4 8 .1a ; , y 40, BA"S. !d Hcc- ;--s 41 S.Cc4 . U. I 7. RE:- :~, ~ ..2 _ . & GF .


Senior Coach : Mark Flack Res . Coach: David Miller 1 P.~.,kry #? JG.ry 2 & RN:d 41. 6.Cxc4n 3. O ft L9 P.0}l3xa : 4 T.1'n Oen P.Ita (rC) 4a B. Dr6q, 5 C.Ystry 41 F.DiT6 0.DaE4m6 SW.o3i 1. J•`_` .. 4n C.iv#sa & T. 47. J.01 tS AF,

52, 0. 1

53. Atu~



It. S. ,

S. R I y, 16. D.I 57. L :1 IT A( 58. 6 It. D.i 59. L 19. A1 "ttk t 5 A. D.6-7 61 . G .D_ rPas 21 . S . 1$s 62. 11122. H.! 63. W.Eatl 22. 64. S.CnAIdan 65, R. Nash M D, arson 67. S.Er*m E8. Man 69. D. PeRrar 70. P. CnppJzB 71 . ASUadui 72. R. Lee

PATTERSON CHENEY RingwDai • Darulenong • Sth MeIboume 9262 6666 • 9215 2222 • 96826581 .. .


UNIVERSITY RED E Coach: Michael Farrell Rese rv es : Grant Hammond 1 .G.Sch;z4 37.D.' S

2. N.Bc;vnan -- A 9, O.He;tsn A 4. E. K-ro 46µ F S.D.K~a 41 :K6. P .Sukk 428.~u

49. ', . 50. G. 51. G"

23. C ce. 30, r 67. S.WnPard 31 . 1 68, 32. F.1 . 69 . !1. FSrcr? 37. P.I 76. 34 . T.f 71. ;z R1 , 72. 73. 74 :"2. A.Welv.

~ T

??. M. S 73. W. M*w 31 AB . 1 74. C.Taan 34 . P, M, 75. R CdF/et 35. S.B. ..9 76. P.Pare7 3; . D .E 77. W.k,raard 37 . REtx7 7& D.(Xras6n 36 . D.Atn 79 . D.MzDenaU 39. C.E r~ 80. B .Ccosixra 40. J. aNa.:y 81. P. Fafl6y 41. o.S€

47, G.Wt 48. 1 Far.

23 . T. 24. G . Yz G.C- ~. N. A X R . Eo 1A 15'6fa 27.

t0. A il. Af.~ 12. J.i '-s. 13 C.

27. T.E 24 . D .k~ 25 . k1 • % . G.1 27. B.C 23. B.L 29. Al 33. J.& 3 1. J.H

PRINTED LABELS FiI05Ei031W, 744 FAX(&3)4# .iy,67 "Quality lnbek for Qualit} Clirnts°



Senior Coach: Martin Legge Baser.- : Coach: Rick Jamos t. L° , n . fl.f rtl 2. T. T,1 3. A T. 4. 8.- . . At N L. ..'v* 6. k is AB

2z C. 26. G. 2& Rrv 27. RWe 28. 24 D. Pe;~u IC; 3I. UFq X RWAz 31. T.C.tae3 32. G . S'a+ :1? Zlksr,a. 34. D.b-rF= ~. J.Ssm

57. IkN Fb . AF 1 53. Efr 63. P.)61, J.'c : r

Gt. J. t 60. R .1 E6.B.( 67. J.

71. R. ;-,s-i

17. LS`e y3 DP-as 18 G ca" 571 D. 19 P. FPt) 59 2AG 1 's9t2 21 . Stmn Eri, S_ :r^ 71. A','~,s ot J 21 S.h7k:m; 405 ' 24. Oft

61 D

25 KMyr FA Jtrr ix S.E:4 '; c. 40 . : . :-; T+ P. ., 61 BH.,. ` 11(r= 67SC : 63 B.Fl -'~ ', . RI_ E9 . J'.~ 31 . kt(~ 71. A ?11 kk 73 D.CS 33 AC•.~ 74 SP*. . bl F,, . .. R. 0 .I 35. EI H. 6-w

a, C

.+7. \ : 33 F 37 B byi




7. 1 ~ 4 .Al.F~rc7 4438 . .0 .FCS 45. P9 . P. W".rr_s 4 . S510 I t .B.Pzk_~Y 6 p.A, 12. D. Fei¢~ 48 . P .: ;mro49.N. s ; 14 Ten9 B Y. C E 15.P.Knx.y 51.T .NIda 51. 1 °16 77.A&izard 52_F 18.lA.Fkeha-i 53 .U. i9. G.Wrnfa 54 ld .F: 20. G. Wk 55 . :D 21 . S. Feaetl 56. . 0 P- 57. E(21R ATrarv,' . u r .21 . C. Teka . i!24 . C.'-1 25.8 .Fc3(er 'L! `. SuzsMa 61 .R" z?. S. P

.-. .

28. N.~ 23.P SJ. 0. 31. . 3 1 RA

32. 5. ~'a• 71 .d. C

34LD 7is 34 M. 6

35. A ;...n .xr,n 74 . G. 36, A . R}2n 75 . P. R` . T.Id,ah~ [~ G kx'


E Central



Senior Coach: Rick Morris Rese rv es Coach : Mick Marsh all 1 . P. Coope r

oM,ror Coach : Shan. Rule ii :; arves Coach :Barry Funnel i Q. AEiasx ..HtNC) 41. J.Ak.sray 42 D.lyuh 43 KP .Pman bba 44. ry 45. S,'Turner ^ 46 D.Wr~, 47. D." z8. L. MoN a rnara 9. N. Mai S .L It5llal ~ ~ . M.' Kt 2 J, r, or

fi4. D . s1Rl 65 A

66 R ; 67. G . R L.F$ .. :.1 70. 1. L„~C'ear/ 71 . D. Ce"1 72. J .,,.:. 73. P. E 74 . S. r 75. J . ra^.iq 78. M Bgn^.o 77 . N. Mills

THE ROYAL OAK HOTE L North Fitzroy Phone 94814693 THORNBURY COUGAR S Senior Coach: Gary Cutler Res. Coach: Rod Robert so n 1.8.i 2A y 3 R," 4 8 ,. .n aG a P. 7 . T. B.C.r 9 .W. 1Q G. It RI 12 S.1 13 . DA IS M' 6.S. IT SI I:. T.t 19 :-


MD. A. 31. D. F2A


4. CA ~akis 55. 56. A. r ar 57. D . D. 59. R, u G. .

62 S .

TNOMASTOWN f.4. .c I a, ~v 4 ., Indoor Sports

2 . F . Demurs 3 . K. Frost

4 . N. papadatos 5 . D.Manika

6 . A. Webb 7 . W. Ce d 8 . J. Toma:.slko 9 D. Griffin 10 . M . Hayes 11 . F . Coscareiia 12 . 13 . G. Ristic 14 . S . h'wlatski

15 D. Monte 36. p 16 . 37. G . Mama;;! 17. 38. D. Grigc4Gtto 1B .M . Lowe 39. J . Augorstakis 19 . 40. D. Gdlka s 20 . 41 . A. Chapkie 21 . R. Martinez 42. 22 . D. Fcsvmssy 43 . 23 . T. Rurmiman 44 . D. Grilf hs 24. P . Davies 45 . 25. J. Relate 46. M . Cooper 26. P . Modal 47. 27. 48. 28 . R . Bazzarro 49. 29. 50. C. Hayes 30. 51 . P. Siepen 31 . 52 . 32. P . Pashakis 53.

33. R . Griffiths 54 ,

34. D . Kep{xl 55. t4.7ambdb 35. R . Morris 97 . K. Moensy,




Senior Goach : Gordon Burrows Reserve Coach: Peter Sacco I. A. Txdeq (Cato) 2. D. Ada ms 3. S. Hodgson 4. P.D>-rrn 5.J .K 6.V.r . JA 38. D. Gugry I P.C•: vn 39. M.Bradiai it. 9. J .1 40. S . ft 10. S.- .,a 41. G.P4d 11 . J .Bq60M 42. J.P~.qr 12 . P.Ong~u 43. M. gcrkjo t3. P. Marn 44. F.Idvei 14 . J . Hope 46. C . Cortese 15 . B.0'Bmn 47 . D. Magnuson 16. LDerrctcn 48 . A .Xika IT A. KYriazis 50. L. Rgaui 18 . V.Rantelb 51. S .Keay 19 . V. Liaii 52. T. Crosara 20 . G.Laro! 531).Angain 21 .P.Spoet 54.J.TsdaB 22 . C. Fox 55. S . Sedamore, 23 . D.Eks 57. S .HeaWy 24 . G. Halal 58 B . C11A 2S . P.Gerataaara 59 . C .Tsa/afias 26 . J.Bulnan 60. P. Grey 27 . P.Rtru.ktb 61. H . Koehn 28 . D. Lawn 62. S. Torcasio 29 . J. Saunders 63. J. Modica 30 . J.TheMP900 64 . F.MdSta 31 . G. Walsh 65. R .ThaFz 32 . J. PoLrrims 33 . G. kkCal 34 . S. Mere 35 . P.Dwse,Y 36, B, Evans 37 . B. Ttwrpe

Coach: Alex Fru .r R,--vos: tan Stevens

Coach : Said Twonray Rsssrves Coach : Andrew Hadley

I. J 2 P. 3. P 4. 1


8 C W. 7. RCr, If P. B;j-9. i Sooner IP. L&rer it. B. Pz;d 12 JFkase 13 P.Petm 14. J Dram iS S~iC) 16 S Mi4~ 17. P.t urr 18LPaak 19. GSawn id. AVertnkn 21 . L Saw 2L kLtoW, 23 lF~ 24 so e~ 25. ALe4 2E P . Leo 27. DBar ffi D.Ga ^ i:. P.Crt a.d6i 31 . R 33 34. A 3:. D X P. ° 37. JI s3 It



1 . B. Baarrx 2. S. Whiling 3. L. Blake 4. A. O'Keefe S.C. Leitch 6. J . Horsburgh 7.D .Jago 8. A. H=urtxj (Capl) 9. C . ViBirg?r 10. G . Crew11 . D . Roderick 12. G . Harris 41 13. M. Haley 42. A. Jordan . B. Gray 14. B. SmiB . A.BOard t15 43. T. Geier 16. S. Christo 44 . T. Marcus 17 p King 45 . M. Crag 18. D . Cuen 46. G . Flower 19. D . Shoe 47. A. Hadfey 20. E. Szuskirjez 48. S. Jones 21 . 49. S. Havin 22. P. 0'MaOey (VC)~ 23. S. Leitch 52 . P VMarln~ 24. L Fairfield Fairfield 53-. AD. Ir~ne-0Sa 25. S. Leonard r~ . Ball 25. P. Maranon 55 . B. Da rfield . B. Green 27. D. BiBman 26. C. ParsEax (VC) 56, J . King 29. D . Hors..lkrrgh 557- A ~. C. Gatrn 59. F..8 S(C art 31 . J . Man 60. A. Li~ . D. Moron 32.0, ~k'stsm C 33'G. Robson ~ C. Ball . Farrah, 34. .B 35. B. Franklin A . Chdsto A. 36. D. Moore S channan . Sutton 37. S. C~sr~ 38. A. McCarthy B. wiliears 39. M . Gibb S. Thompson 40. A. Trianon


Senior Coach :

UHSO B Senior Coach : Mark Sed gwick Reserves Coach : Gino Mane t . R.Frejah 2. D.Bredner 3 . A.Bwa 4. C.Akleman 5. C.S one 6 . S.CradmeS 6. K. Jam 7. C.Skhns B. M.Sed,4wich 9. R. Seth 42 . 0 .WuTace (Cap) 10. G.lduza 43 it. C.Wark 44. ABa!Xdl . M. Considim 12. C.Anqi Ccok 13. P. McLean 45 G ' , M Roberns 14. B . CamAtsrs 46. B K 48 615 M.Daakhon 49 IS. .DeLuce D 1 . P .CxaBtarEe 50 .. D. Z" 17. B . R-Atm~eB 51 . J Rogers 18. E . Hasigan 52. T. Ro e 18. P.HO~er 53 F .~ssi 19. G. Mazza 54. J Plailar 20. G. Madr;v'mm 55 . M.130ach 20. P . Wood . Willem 21 . S .Be+"ann 56 W 57 . D. Ted 22. D. Berr~i . D. Mathe 23. D. Koch 58 . D. Wh .N .FaneB 59 ~ P. w24 24. S . Mason . M. Adams 25. L.Gais 61 26. C .Gatlwrcaz ~ : S. Pd ~ 27. K .SVaPan ~ . C ~ 28. M. RoUave4 6

29. MD uacart

5 . J Lord

66 . D.SakderMo 30. G.Jaces 67 . PS6a a 31 . M Voen ~ ~~~ 68 D . Bum ' .Carard 33. P. EdrioOham70 69. JD. Pages 34. D . Dw~as . B. East 35. J. Mc14h~ j 71 36. M. Ri1to 37. G .Caherat 33. A. Boyce 39. M. Re a 40. J .Rand:rs 41 . M.0'CaaaB

Garry Connolly Assistant Coach : Steve Plumridg e Reserves Coach: Mark Plumridg e I- G. Dartttb 41 . G .4YnASm 2. R. Hal 42. D . Ryan 3. D. Marissy 43 . J.OL9/ 4. M.ZeN,Cxyk 44. P.FcrGas 5. B.C_. ra n 45. J. Be= 6. JD xw; 46. E. Rzcd4i 7.C.K I 47.S.Gtft 8. D. P48. D. h4xcan 9. C.I i 49. M.i ichardsorri 10. A .Re 50. T.;. ..,n 11.B .S 51 .A.1 12.N .R+52.MP n 13. LBm+aes 53. N.v,-z~s 14. M. HaBarn 54 . M.8 . 15. A .dotles, 55. M.tam 16. P .Caaxr'r.90 56. C.Ste{dSns T H .Pepciar 57 . D.r-°1 18. P .Megard 58 . D.' . 19. J.Ward 59. L . , 20. S .Lare 60. S.Er . 21 . B . TerrB 61 . C.' ,1 22. T. Lamb 62 .

23. S .Bealm 63. 24. M. Fogarty 64 .

25. N . Wes 65 . J Travesties 26. D .8aFS 66. 27. M.Hayes 67 . 28. P. Lee 68 . K. Canenb/z 29. A. Glass 69 . S. W e 30. D .SOwerby 70 . 31 . N . Carah 71. H. Keen 32.L1`61SdwB 72 . 33. P.HtrYJ;on 73 . 34. J .Cwk 74 . 35. P.Carie 75. 36. M. Be¢af 76. 37. J . Gadd 77. 33. C.Cuo'ahan 78. 39. P.Hadon 79. 40. G . SuSvan 80.



Senior Coach : Phil Leathern Rese rves Coach: Nick Maga4as 1. A. Hamilton 40. RBaker(RCaq .Gray 41 . S.Daries 3I .. JREastwal 42. B. Karakeraos 4 . G. Davies (Cap) 43. J . Tobi n 5 . D. PapazogLv 44. J . Kodcgiarais 6 . M .Sassmce 45. C. Kavalieralos 7 . F . Wale 46. G . Wake 8 . P.Hamorr 47. P. Kyle 9 . J. Khoury 48. L Brown 10 . SFyBe 49. J .IkywoW 11. SCocolaras 50. R Cackat 12. S. Richardson 51, C. Habisairou 13 . J. ScBra 52. B. Flanagan 14. P.Rof>ir;m 53. B.Clarke 15. P.Mcrct!xtdon 54 . A.Bak:r 16. S. Smythe 55 . M.Or+u 17. J. 66. R. 18 . J.CuAh 57 . P.Ccdc 19. S.Bargam.d's 58. D.Vt4`eams 20. P.Hb.Aey % H. McDonald 21. S.h1113ava 60. M .Koxanc:K 22. N. Maalas (RC) 61 . MJiobGere 23. J. Decors 62 . B.Pech 24. D. Coaran 63 S. CM)* 25. G.Mabfce 64 . P, McGrath 26. G. tkw41 65 . S. Dearavgn 27. D. Brarcaisara 66 . DDk~o 28 K .Butagar 67 . J.H: 29. D..MCABkier F8 . M . And an 30. M. Lewis 69 . N. t . J. Sp?bJia3 70 . R'1!30 ' 31 . A . Maucharcca 71. N 1 32. S . D'Arbsea 72 . A. , ien 33. T.Thampson 73 . D.133. G.Ch~t 74. AB3rb~ 344. 75 . S.SMpiclon 35. J.Tassaw 76. I. Wicks 36. C .P&chie 96. P.Derham 37. S .Caambos 38. B . " 39. T. H?Mrr o

Senior Coach : Alan Ellio tt Reserves Coach: Tony Ryan 1 . S. Wek 36. A . Thzge s 2 N . Bezzard (S) 37. A . Board 2. D . Dawsar (R) 33. T.Lecloach 3. A. Harry (Cal{.) 33. T. Catler 4. J . Tuck 40. G. Pao-7 5. D . MacleaJ 41 . L. Rdanc 6, D . Grieve 42. M. Bramarrar . ' , (S) 43. M.OPt]nn I. D 7. C .EIRil (R) 44. N, 8ca d 8. B. Ham 45 . M. D.kck S. G .Case 46. S . Kennedy, t0. S. MfEadaan 47 . R tsUa iI . LGroror>4 48. K. Fcwde Q. W. Grri41t; 49. G. Ba~s 13. B.Twisf 50. D .Mam 14. ADatW 51 . D . B.dcJc 15, D .Vfi6e 52. M.OkJ>am 16. G . Herterlsan 53. C . Hal 17, S. Bryan 54, 18. T. Laqam 9. P.Dervan 20. D. W7RYam 21 . P, Scalar 22. V1, Payne 21 P.Mdtamara 24 . D. Grigg (S) 24 . T. Ryan (A) 26. 0. Lee 27 . B. Tuck 28, C. True 29 . MAroleram 30. A.Cook(VCaM 31 . C.6kamie 32 . D. TemLy (S) 32 . S. Oft (R) 33 . T.Caraa 34 . G. Warren 35 . R.Kurk7:e4i



E South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Senior Coach : Jack McDonald R.I. Coach: David Kilmartin 1 . S. Duke (R-DVC) 28. C.Y MC) 2.N .Pashas 29 . T.N: i 3. P.Sm,Bh 29. S.F 3.C .Leeds 30.J. F 4. R . Vtds 31 . P. .P.Caurts 32.M.Fan O4 d . 5. 6 Leads jR-DVQ 6. C . Demos 33, N . Does 7 P .AI i 34 . N. Rd3w(ocd 8. Ah,_,4dy 34 . C.WesrMat'-; & Rl .kx' 35 . AJeihtry 9.G.S-- ~ .M .Pea~ 10. M. F 37 . M . Sweeney f 0. K . T (R-0VC) 1. A. k 37 . A. .~'n Toomay 11.J.ti 39 .D.Ar . 12. N.V ~m> D 13. S.MkzaAh+rR-VC)41 M.Sudiw.~rd td. M.WnaB_ 42. S. Brown M. Szalz 43. C. Carlisle . A Kemp 15. A. Scale . K.Ta}rx 16 M. Makme 44 . ----r 16.P.Kr 45. P. H 46.D . Pa. 17. D. h' 18. P.2 ., :e d) 47. M. -sr 48. P.' .~(RC 19. C.J--" 49. J a"0.R .R ~IRJ . 21 .P.S7, 51 .N .ade . T .S 23 . A&n 52. M. ,ay 24 . M. .Lavnoca 53 54. r y 25 . J McDonald 55 . TyFa 5 r:na 25 . D. Dnsrar~ . W . Sxra 26 . E. LnrHt 56. B .Cmlhu}s 27 . C.Larr?I 57 58. G.laddn

OAKLEIG H Senior Coach: Rod Bourke Reserves Coach: Brad Osborne t. ft^_ ~. 8. .. . 2.A I 37.P. .

Mark Stevens PANEL SHOP P/L

. . . .... . . . ..... . .



Senior Coach : Mick Marshall Res. Coach: klark Mussared 1. Lk#1 'C I a P.RarS 2 A. He 31 R'. 3 ILt' 34. A~ 4 . D.' 35. P ;n . B r 37. R 37. D.

Seniors Coach : An4aio Lemmas Ros. Coach : Paul Thoma s

9.S.f 39, GC 10. RE..-{YC) 2 7 48. K4 it . P.' 41 . N.T ._.. 12 S'- N-00 42. G. 13. P.S' 41 8 14. S .'. . 44 . J. C. 16. J.P 45 R . 46 B~Gi61" .. . 17. J. .. . r. .C ) 47. P. C 1R. 48. A 19. MB 1 49. 20. J. Fk s S0 . 8 . . 21.ktL.a~; 53R . ld.M 54. S .kc2 .. n 23. NCI % G. 24. D. G59. A~ 2± P. & &7. D. 2aC.VI 61.K. 27. M0 . 62. A .

Z+. BP :.563. D. . S," .., 64. RPF23 . . . 3 0S, G~ . C.' 31. K.t,e Qc. ft . 67. S.F. ,


SlfEtURI~Atd Phone: ~11G1313 Ei/j/j -x-

1 . B. Vftxn 37. B. Honerh 2. A.Lanama 38 . C. Thom 3.T.F61 39.N .Caw 40 . C. Craig 11 R.t.mnama 5. 6, D (VC) 41. S.Tabroo M. Seabrook 42L N. Bourmi 7. M.Kals 43 . 8. J.Jara 44 . B.OTmd 9. 45 . 10. P .Jones i J. Creole 11. T. Rossia (C) 47 . J. WatCa t2. L McAuNfia 48. H.KaygdSu 13. M. Kr*wsky 49. D.JonZs 14. T . Dickey 50. A.5dim 15.A.Akare 51 .ASiaan 16 . J.Herdle sat 52. S.KrsBti 17 . S. August 53. M. W,ascy 18 . P.Tlunss; (VC) 54. C . Mitchell 55. G .Callardar 19 . M .Retntton 20 . 56. 8. tmreway 57. MAOres 21 . I . Tuner 22 . G.Salos 58. G .NaJar 23 . S. WeGs,4a 59. 24 . Z Ila& 60, J, Young 25 . 61 . 26. 62. N . McEwen 27 . A.Waupp 61 28. C. Mutay, 64. 29. M.Slcwui 65. 30. P. Hanson 66. 31 . G . Does 67. M. Callarf-i 32. 68. B . Dykes 33. A. Young 69. G. Hakim 34. L.4mrms 70. M.Iday't 35. 71. R.Lou4M 36. R Hall 72. 73. 74.



Seniors Coach: Myias Iles Landry Reserves Coach : Franks

Senior Coach: Polar Ofiviod Res. Coach : Craig Richardson

1 . S. Parson s 2. S. McMahon 3.A McLennan 4. E. Bowen 5. A. Monterosso 6. M. Warne r 7. N . Franks B. P . Angus (Capt) tO.T. Trexhitt 11 . A . Landry 12 A Campbell 13. V . BrancaGsarr o 14. D. Warm-SMth (VCap!) I& B . cook 16. S . Claritgholidl 17. L. Barclay 18. S . Giovr 19. D. Sims 20. C. Landry 21. S . Baxter 22. A. Atchison 23. M. Gaibzzo 24. G. Bond 25. A. Cooke 2&, G. Nelson 27. A. Hirttk 28 . A. Thripp 29 . D. Morgan 30 . R. Blood 31 . A. Gross 32 . A. Parsons 33 . R. Poole 34 . A. 0'Ne8 48. J. Bieasby 36 . N. Bowman 49. J. VIlr,lan 37 . T. Stewart 52 . L . Marks 38 . A. Bormdy 53 . B. Femricic 39 . S. Taylor 54 . M . Gentry 40 . S. Marshall ,,g, P. H,M6ef 41 .S.Famrw 51 .A.BriOgs 41 A. Bonner 56 A. Watts 44 . C. Bowman 60.!d . Hayes 45. D. Seovm 62. d. WMte 46. D. Brancatisano

1, P.Varrocy 44, M .Hddrg 2. J. Hat 45, M . Bourke 3. G. Scalzo 46. S. Mandel 4. RDerai 47 . D.h'''mari M. Brar4 4 8. 0. 8 an BI.. GW 49, J . Ryan 7. C. Richardson '„q. A.Sd 8 . S. Cross 51 . S.V' . 9 . A. Morris 52,k h Ill. G- McCulao 53 . A. 0,,

b -N

12 . M . Maddox 13 . W.Oadd 14 . C. us" 15 . J. ScU'ard 16 . 5. Cravam 17 . C. McLeod 18 . F. Day* 19 . J. Evans 20. A. Waran 21 . J .Denetria 22. J .McGrath 23. G . Sto4'aM 24. R Wffians 25. S. Evare <' 6. J . Senior 27. 5. L}nCh 28. J . Tucker 29. G . Nomnan 30. P.Hamsm 31 . M.GmStry 32. B.VAsan 39. R .Taybr 35. C .wif ams 36. A. Robimw 37. K . regard 38. P . Phelan 39. J.G R 40. G. Am.dd 41 . S .CIar1IN~ 42. C . FACFafare 43. A .Faukaw

54.J.6_vFxe d

55. H . Mdhais 56. H . Le e 57. A. Ryan 58. T. Fled 59. L.Tayix 50. M. Ero#:r 62. J.Vficks 63. B{enrie 66. D. W+ajd 70. R. Heywood 87. T. Friend


Seniors Coach : Ga ry Ryan Ras . Coach : David Ratne r 1. Lw- PC) 36. RE2. M.iY(CFes) 37. J. . A( a R IE3

4. C . ,

- S . . . .n

S. D. 40. 1! 6 G.I °x) 41. D.r 7.N.1 42P .1 @ J.P 43. M., : 9. P .t .. c 44. N . P .4 4. C.L .19 . RI 46 J.P'`-'s .1t 12. D.I "°xz (CR) 47. P. I 13 tA4S L!l3tn 14. M 49. ATc~s IS J. .`<i. S.B~ 1S So tell 51. CA, 17. J 52 DH, ad 18.Av o 53.M . G. Bogey 54. RrS19 k-W a 22 BCe».tzvJ 21 C. From 24. FiBack 25 . D. Wei X ADav's 27. fl.G 'a6 2H . It roan

57 . LP S& M . . . . S9 . 8. Reed fd. KWcard 61 . 62 65. D.6~:: , p.dF.i 72 D.P : . a 97. S.

33. A.': . sold 31 . G .- ANC) 35. R,Mlean

Senior Coach: Glen Cormkk Res. Coach : Ronnie Lamb 1 .M.DA 2. J. Srros 3. J. F40 4. R . Ar4le{ S. J. Madi lue, J. Ratio I. R.Ccmucz 7. 8. A . Fates 9. J Fairweather 10. B . Color It. A . Hbbrsd 12. M. Tossavairan 13. C. Rayner 14. C.Ctarrd?er'ain 15. H.Bah 16. N.1)aing 8. S. Dods

11 G. Van DerZz'm 20 . M . P;b9 e 21 . R. .kuSs 22 . G.Cones:k 23 . J. DateB 24 . M . Mean 25 A. M:Be% 26 . S.06ro 27 . B.lklerJ 28 . R.Hanar.~vion 29 . !A. Debts 30. M. Krel~s 32 . J . S;zrem 34 . T.COliey 35. L.Holdion

36. C . Hoe 42. M. Rhoden 41 J. Educed 44. R. Lamb 49. A . McKksock 50. J.Coa4y 60. G. Sprague 76 . T .Hayaad

C.Cs .z;a 93. T. Lee

/r,ty & C ®3rctn,A SALESIAN O.C .


Senior Coach : Peter Turley Reserves Coach :

Senior Coach: Brett Sebi re Reserv es Coach: Peter Lewis 1. D. Fenae h 2. M.Cosgrove 3. K .VdaroJ 4. P. Lewis (F1asC) 5. 0. HdeLrard (VC) 6. T .Daris 7. K .Guikr(Cap) 39 . R~Gnch B. D.Pen6i(DVC) 4O .D.Nr.hoas 9. P. Ewell 41 . C. Fraser 42 . C. Brown 10. B. Setae (C) 43 . M . Ban 11. PFabaos 45 . G. Brxry, 12. M . Dares 46 . M .Grcyan 13 .A.Gafj 47 . M .ODow}cua 14 . T.Afton 48 . M .WaSh 15 . M . S&an 49, T. Evan 16 . J. McCarthy, 50. A. Leads 17 . C.S*,an 51 . M . Hallway 18 . T.Sd9ran 52. D.Fan 19 . D.Prossnr 53. D. Noonan 20. C. Groies 54 . O. " 21 . D. Ba!?y 55 . M .Ylareoodzs . 22 . P W h/ 56. D.HLrAs 23 . M . S&an 57 . P. Coabs 24, A, Cousins 58. J . Noreen 25 . 8, Bums 59. C. Dar.yon 26 . P.WiHe 60. M.Cenile5 27 M Vibe 28 . M.0'&nen (RC) 61 . 5. Flannery 29 . S. Hawker 63 . D . Ban 31 N. Freese 64. R . Yang 31 . A. Walsh 65. C . Marks 32 . S. Ryan 66. D .Breren 33. D.ex (RVC) 67. G .Capnno 34 . P.Wdtnson 69 . D .Harter 35. M.Grard 70. C . Nicholls 36. C .S'?p'srs 71 . P.MUrptry 7 75. M.G a 37 . S. 33. S. Perazzo 76 . P. Carrp aaqi

Damian Sutherland I . M . Bourke (napi)

2. M .Cas(akii 34. D.T[ 3. S.Sudcerlard 34. B .C 4. B.Barnan 40. M. ; rd 5. M. Caravan (0) 41. S . F

6. M.Clark 42. AL._ ....: 7. G .Gaspad 43. T. Loa 8. M. Hazel 44. G. Hot 9. D.SCd'd 45.6LSpercer 10. D.Okeer 4& S. Brown tt . R .CixdW 47. REp 12. A.Gaspari 48 P. Kum* 13. I. Bttelic 49. J. Du7"An 14. P.MdG~4 '~. B.P~ 15. T.WaR>rdge 51. P.B:odard 16. A.Claappii a. T.Abw 17. M. Forbes (RC) 5a D. 18. S . Simbi 54. S. F_- -r

19. 20. 21 . 22..2 23. . 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

A. Nasky, '.5. D.£-1-._r A . Seeger 56 S.F ,;iasi R . NaoB 57. RP'R.MaratceV7 59. J.T ..: . . C .Roche (VCap4)59 . M . A . Graze 60. M. B:24 B . Kadmer 61 . G1h,-. C .Cbm a. L ;: zi M.Maretea 63 . D.S .._ .anj M. Byrne 64 . S., q M. Forbes 65 M

30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

D. Lawton (RVQ 66, E. B . F✓xlardi 67 . S. ~. A . Stevers E8. M . FA M. Wiseman 69 . S. iaB S . Roberts 70. C.2u~ T. Browne S .Noan J. Brennan

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... ... . . . . . . . . . .




cnr. Punt & Toorak Rds. (

CHOICE CREDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..UNIO . .... . .^ . . .^N. . .

[_NP-MN .


kz~ 7



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fter displaying inconsistent form in recent weeks, L Salesians proved that they are a big occasion side last week . Their five goal win over Peninsula last week, took them back to the top of the table and helped them firm as early premiership favourites . REVIEW - ROUND 1 5 Oakleigh thumped an undermanned Monash Gryphons by 74 points . The Gryphs who knocked off Oakleigh in the last encounter were unable to keep up with the Krushers this time . The late withdrawal of Gryphs coach Ryan took the spine out of Monash's backline, who were under siege from a strong Oakleigh attack . The Krushers kicked away to an early lead and were dominant for the remainder of the game . Monash could not contain the Oakleigh runners, nor the strength of Marshall who controlled the Krusher foruiard line . On a day of few winners for Monash Lee Wells showed his poise and skill at centre half forward, where he won many possessions and kicked two goals . Stratford was a solid contributor for the Gryphs also, as was Boach in defence . The Gryphons are a very young side who can look forward to building themselves into a strong side next season . Oakleigh's experience and superior skill level however, were the most telling factors in the Gryphons demise . Powerhouse continued the scintillating run into the finals with a 26 goal victory over Elsternwick. The Wicks were merely a stepping stone to further success for Powerhouse, as the goals flowed frequently for the House . Although Elsternwick put in a more determined effort after half time, they could do nothing to prevent the Powerhouse goal cavalcade . Best for the Wicks were Jumpin' Jack Neil, Adam 'Tank' Hankin and Shane PJahony . ANZ Albert Park ran into a tougher match than they may have expected when they met with Glenhuntly last weekend . Despite their lowly position on the ladder the Hunters fought with a great vigour. By halftime, ANZ were only slightly the better of Glenhuntly . But after halftime the Zedders knuckled down to win the match . As they gradually fell behind on the scoreboard, Glenhuntly's physical presence and courage remained in a game that the Hunters should reflect on as a corner stone to future success. Best for ANZ were Rick Wells on the ball, Paul Boyle at centre half back and Peter Smith at full forward. Although they defeated Monash Whites by 12 goals- last weekend, St Patrick's were in dire straits at half time. In the first half, Whites played inspired football against the Vultures, who found scoring a major battle in trying conditions . At half time, the Vultures led by just two goals against an opposition 34



that hasn't won a match so far this year. A firm word or two at the half tim e break from senior coach Brett S ebire may have been the impetus in St Pats second half turnaround . Mitch Grant led the charge for St Pats repelling Monash's attacking moves and settling up the play fro his teammated . Chris 'China' Sullivan astounded all with his goal kicking prowess, to earn a swag of eight. Wise also was a strong player for the Vultures, proving his value as a ruckman . Salesians reigned supreme in their return bout with Peninsula, to make it two zip out of two clashes this year. From all accounts, the game was won due to Salesians rapid start, which helped them to a five goal quarter time lead . Salesians maintained the pressure and led by 7 goals at half time . Salesians midfielders took control after the main break and held the Pirates to run out winners by 39 points . A good first half by Brad Bowman and a solid four quarters by Mick Bourke helped Salesians across the line . For the Pirates, Cam Landry was again amongst the best as was Ely Bowen. PREVIEW - ROUND 1 6

Elsternwick will host a game against M onash Gryphons today. Both sides have shown glimpses of real potential this year and are likely to be stronger sides next season. The Gryphs will have the stronger of the two line ups, but the Wicks are bound to pressure them . Monash should win however, given that their youthful determination prevails . Glenhuntly become the next obstacle in the way of the Powerhouse machine, that is crushing all in its path . Watch out for the Hunters however, who may have hit a purple patch after a good effort against ANZ last week .

Oakleigh will be favoured to crush their second Monash side in as many weeks if their win over Gryphons is anything to go by . If anything the Whites look even less convincing than the Gryphs . The Krushers will expect another four points here . St Patric ks will play Salesians in the match of the round . This will be a game of high stakes and strong tradition, that both sides would dearly love to win . Last time the Vultures bowled Salesians over on their own turf . Salesians will probably start as favourites this time, but who knows what St Pats have up their sleeve . Peninsula have a tough task in ANZ Albert Park this weekend, who have been terrorising sides above them with strong performances . The Pirates wont do it easily, but should come up trumps on their home ground .


L- 1 ES - TONY WALLBRIDGE Salesian tough man Tony Wallbridge reached his 100 game milestone this week . Tony never shirks the issue and alway goes in hard for the ball . TW is a casanova off the field with great performance on end of season trips and social functions . Goodluck today Tony! 50 GAMES - MICE FORBE S Salesians Mick Forbes reached his 50th milestone last week . The flamboyant style of Mick on and off the field range from his purple hair to his skilful midfield bursts of pace that are legendary. Well done last week Mick . 50 GAMES - KIEREN BUTLER Congratulations to Kieren Butler of Elsternwick on playing his 50th game last Saturday against Powerhouse . 250 GANES -SCOTT GLOVER The backbone of Peninsula Scott Glover reached a great milestone today . A great club legend and loved celebrity at Peninsula, the club thanks him for many years of support. A best and fairest winner and boundless contributor for the Pirates . Peninsula congratulates Scott and anticipates he will reach his 300th game for the club . 50 GAMES - GREG NELSON 'Nelli e' of Peninsula will play his 50th today . A versatile utility player with the Pirates, who started at the Club back in 91 . Well done 'Nellie'! 200 GAMES - STEVE DUKE Congratulations to Steve Duke on reaching 200 games for the Zedders . A tireless worker on and off the field this is a tremendous achievement for Steve, who is currently the club Secretary. Congratulations Dukie from all at the club .


Get you teams organised for Elsternwick's annual trivia night to be held next Saturday (10th August) the competition will be hot, so get in early you teams to Marc Bullard . ST PATRICKS - ANNUAL BALL The Vultures annual ball will be held on the l0th of August . See Paul Murphy on the sidelines of todays game for more details .

ELSTERNWICK v . ItiffOii ::sH GRYPHONS Field: J . Stoppa . GLENHUNTLY v . POWERHOUSE Field : R . Burns . OAB:LEIGH v . MONASH WHITES Field: R . Killey . ST PATRICKS MENTONE v. SALESIAN Field: D . Lane, B . Schmidt . PENINSULA OB v . ANZ ALBERT PARK Field: R. Martyn . Boundary : R . Martyn, D. Blackburn .


SI_= ;IORS MONf53 GRYPHORS 2.3 4.8 6.10 8.14 .62 OAELLEIGH 5.1 9.7 14.13 20 .16 .136 Hannah Gzyphons Kitchin, Wells. Blandtord 2. Fraser. Salay . Best Wells, Roach, Stratford . Fraser, Toghill, Kitchin, Gilch rist Oakteigh marshall 9, Bloomfield 3 . Alexand rou, Heverin. Taylor 2. G ribich, Kitts.Best Kitts, Marshall. Alexandrou, Walsh. Taylor, Kitts . POi cRHoUS", ~. 10.3 18.12 22.16 32 .22.214 ELSTER1iWICK 2 .3 3.6 6.6 6 .10.46 Pow" Home Craven IN, Robinson 8, Scotland, Williams 4, Phelan 3, Richardson 2. W right Best Wright, Friend, Craven, Robinson . Doyle, Scotland. Etaternwlek Andrew 5, Clement But Neill, hankin, Mahoney, Andrew, Clement. G.Andrew. ANZ Its BE 3 .3 9 .8 15 .16 19.19.133 GLEiHUNTLY .53 7 .4 11.6 15 .8.98 AHZ Bank Smith 7, Guilas, Malone 3, mcDonald 2, lawre nce, Lovett . Phillips. Walkley .Beet Wills, Boyle, Smith, Shopper, mcLellan . Wal kley. Gienhnntly Sutton 6, tamanna, Janis . Wilson 2, Craig . Thom, Lmraway . Best Rossiter. Sutton . Worsnop, Wilson, Craig, Lamanna. MOt7ASH WHITES 0.0 4 .3 4 .3 7.3.45 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 2 .2 6 .3 13 .6 19.12.126 Moaash Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players Not received. St Patricks Maritime Sullivan 8, Barr, Gurtler 2, Sebire, White, M . Sullivan . O'Brien. Hughes, Fenech . Nichols . Best Grant. C. Sullivan . Wise, Barr. Davies, Fenech . SALESIAN OC 5.4 9 .9 11 .14 13.16.94 PENINSULA OB 0.1 3 .2 4 .3 8.7.55 Salesian OC Cincotta 4, Grace . Sutherland . Healey 2, Bowman, Hazell . Byrne.Beat Hazell . Cincotta Sutherland, Wiseman . Roche, Bourke. Peninsula OB Warne-Smith 4. Land ry 2, Warner. Bonner. Beat Landry, Bowen, Marshall. Cook, Nelson, Trewhitt .

RESERVES MOftASH GRYPHONS 2 .4 2.5 4 .6 5 .8.38 OAKLEIGH 1 .4 7.7 9 .8 11 .10.76 Monash Grypboas Lowcock. Marti n. Char leson, Browell, Blaytord . Best Hunt. Freem , Charleson,Madeley. Bennett. Browell . Tolonq as . an Dickie, Miss 3. Bassindale 2, Ayres. Donadel, Be Bono . Bestt Adaway. Be Oakleigh Bono. Stirling, Donadel, Zavaleris. O'Neill . POWER HOUSE 4.6 10.10 14 .17 20.19 .139 ELBTERIr W[C% 0.0 1 .1 1 .1 1.3 .9 Power House Pavlou 7, Phelan, Maddox 4 . Snellmzn 2, Holbe rg, Tromph, Mct.eal . Best Braini, McLeod, Maddox . Phelan, Tmmph, Miller. ELaternwick Heath . Best Bullard . Roberts. Hunt. Weir. Norris. Butler . 3.3 7 .5 9.6 10.8 .68 ARZ BANK GLENHUNTLY 2.2 2 .5 6.8 6.12 .48 ANZ Bank Defrece 6. Leeds 2, Dann, Lm•ett. Best mcCarthy, Jones, Lovett . Heyes, Curthoys. Ddrece. Gtenhuatly Henderson 2. Augustine, Oily, Crooke, Thomas. Best Henderson, Thomas. Fletcher. Young. Mitchell . Jones. MONASH WHITES 2.3 3.4 3.5 3.7.25 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 7 .5 13.10 16.11 23 .12.150 Monash Whites Go al Kickers and Best Players Not received . St Patricks Mentone Nicholls 6, Davis 4 . D . Emmett, P . Emmett, Allinson 3, Pe(azazo . Walsh, Horler, Hawker. Best Nicholls. D. Emmett, P. Emmett. Allinson. Lewis, Ladds. SALESIAN OC 2.1 3.3 4.6 6 .7.43 PENINSULA OB 2.1 5.3 6.5 6 .6.42 Salesian 0C Napoli 3. Walibridge. Castaldi. Bobetic. Beat Wallbridge. Napoli, Bouchard, CastaWi. Brown, Burger. Peninsula OB Hayes 2, Marks, Morgan, Krohn. Galluzzo. Best Farrow, Parsons, Hayes, Watts . Morten n ), Gallium.


TOTAL 85 69 64 60 54



ound 15 results saw me record my worst tippin g ~ rate of the season with only a 50% success rate . I can only hope my final's selections will yield a better success rate. REVIEW OF ROUND 15 NORTH Hawthorn Citizens stamped themselves as premiership favourites through their ten point victory over St Bernards, who as a consequence lost the double chance . Therry showed a belated return to form when despite very inaccurate kicking, they defeated a disappointed Old Ivanhoe Grammari ans by twenty seven points . It was a tame ending by Old Ivanhoe, who were a remote chance for late entry to the finals . For Old Ivanhoe the consistent Brett Wilson, as well as Guy Locke, Steve Myers, Chris Chan, Chris -Lynch and evergreen Bruce Yarwood all battled hard . Marcellin regained second place as a consequence of their clear cut forty-one point victory over Co ll egians. Marcellin despite their forward inaccuracy were clearly the better side . Kew ended their disappointing season with a sixty five point victory over Old Essendon Grammarians, who thus failed to record a match winning performance during their debutant season. North Old Boys had the Bye. SOUTH Old Xaverians overwhelmed Mazenod by one hundred and thirty four points as the "Crocodiles" powered towards their fifth successive finals series . For Mazenod their humiliation ended a disappointing season for their club . VUT ended their lack lustre season on a high note when they doubled the Old Melburnians score on their way to a thirty six point victory. Old Scotch were virtually untroubled to defeat Old Geelong by seventy one points . In preview of todays first semi final Old Brighton Bloods defeated De La Sall e by six points after a very evenly contested game. St Kevins had the bye . Preview of Semi Finals NORTH First Semi Finals : 12 noon Gill on Oval, Brunswick . ST BERNARDS V COLLEGIANS

Today Collegians make their Club XVIII final's debut with the knowledge that St. Bernards have beaten them twice during the season and that their scoring opportunities have been considerably less than those of St Bernards. In Round 12 St Bernard's through Wood and Farmer, who each kicked five goals easily defeated Collegians . This pair today will pose Ian Lockwood and his advisers plenty of problems. Collegians have to rely on Gonzales up forward although he has not played well against St Bernards in either encounter. The Taylors are two other consistent Collegians players who have done well against 36

St Bernards . On the other hand Quinn has starred twice for St Bernards against Collegians and their captain r"-n drew Vinecombe did well in Round 12 . Although Collegians have had a successful season I select St Bernards to win today . Second Semi Finals : 2. 00 Gillen Oval, Brunswick . HAWTHORN CITIZENS V MARCELLIN. In their two meetings this season honours have been even . The Round 11 match in which Marcell in doubled the Citizen's score has been the Citizen's only loss for the season . This victory should give Marcellin every confidence that they can win today and thus write another successful chapter in their "rags to riches" rise this season. Hawthorn Citizens have been served by Morrison and Avery each time against Marcellin for whom Kent and Curry have done well against Hawthorn Citizens . Although Dodoriccio has not been among the goals of late, he remains Marcellin's best bet up forward . Hawthorn have no particular forward focal point as their scores have come through many players . Facts back up their success as no other team has scored as many points. Pr%vailing conditions could well determine the outcome of this match, Marcellin could prove too fast for Hawthorn who really laboured under pressure in the 1995 finals . On the other hand accurate kicking has not been the Eagles strong point. Today I select Hawthorn Citizens because they have the score on the board and in wet conditions I expect them to be too strong for Marcellin . SOUTH First Semi Finals : 12 noon Gordon Barnard Reserve, Balwyn OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS V DE LA SALLE

Little separates these sides on the field although Old Brighton Bloods have narrowly won each of their encounters this season . In Round 7 they had two points to spare and last Saturday their margin was six points. De La Sa ll e will field an experienced line up as will Old Brighton Bloods who must be favoured providing they gain an even break in conditions . A heavy ground will favour De La Salle whereas Old Brighton Bloods are more accustomed to a sandy based surface . Each side will rely on a team effort as neither posses a focal point up forward . Form as recently as last week points to another close match which I favour Old Brighton Bloods to win . Second Semi Final : 2 . 00 Gordon Barnard Reserve, Baiwyn . OLD XAVERIANS V OLD SCOTC H Once again for the fourth consecutive season these two teams have dominated the competition . 10 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

over this time the only aberration by Old verians ,,,as when Old Scotch narrowly won last year's Grand Final . The 'Crocodiles' twice this season have ,,,,sily defeated Old Scotch, by sixty seven points in Round 1 and by fifty nine points in Round 11, the ,Illy two defeats suffered by Old Scotch in 1996 . In ; :ach `Crocodiles' victory Landrigan, Flynn and Kins ~c,_rred while Stones and H all proved the leading ;; .1,rerians goal kickers . For Old Scotch ton was _mong their best in each game . Old Scotch Coach Simon Illin gworth is their most reliable goal kicker whose supply of the ball is likely to be curtailed by the best set of defenders in the competition . Other players likely to do well for Old Scotch include the very consistent Tribe as well as their Captain Scott M ontgomery and Sheahan . For Old Xaverians I would expect Curtain an d Kennedy to do well again. At the end of the latch I expect Old vierans to be the winners .




TOTAI. 50 30 29 24 24 44 24 18 17 15

CLUD<`'S1I 1 - °1$) 3.4 ` .9 7 .9 8.10.58 1 .2 3 .3 6 .5 7.6.48 Citizens Keeney 3 . Murray . Bowe 2, More. Best Bowe, Power, Tracey , Orel . .;, „ossitti. Morrison. St H , mards Wood, Farmer 3, O'Connell . Beat Vinecrombe, . Castle . Wood . OId)!VAHHOE 0.3 1 .5 2.6 2.8 .20 THERRY 1.2 2.6 4.11 5.17 .47 Old Ivanhoe Wells, Wilson. Best Wilson, Yanvood . Locke. Myers, Chan. Lynch. Thorny Goal Kickers and Best Players Not n:cen•ed. 2.2 5.8 7.10 9 .13 .67 MARCELLIN 2.0 2.1 4.1 4 .1 .25 COLLEGIANS 9dsrceiBn Kent 3. Dodo riclo, Vathakos 2, Merton. Theisz. Beat Merton, Vathalms. Kent . Pe rtich, Theisz, Sheean . Collegians Ashby, Gonzales,Hoyie . Taylor. Beat Ashby. Mothers, Taylor, Sibbing, Morrison, Crocker. OLD E$BEfiDON 1 .2 1.4 1.5 1 .5.11 2 .2 4.6 6.9 11 .11.77 KEW Old Esaandon Cassey . Beat Dotson, Cassey, Campbe ll, Rhodes. Hew oak 3, Hancock 2, Lucas, ODe2. Lawrence . Gard€eld, Leonard. McGuire . Best Ivak, McGuire, Law rence. Seal, Niall . Maughan .

CLUB XVIH SOUTH OLD BAVEBIATiS 5.5 11 .9 19.12 22.14 .146 MAZENOD OC 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 .12 Old Xaaerlana Goal Kickers and Best Players Not received . 7 ~ueuod Neil 2. Best hall . Cahill, Harper, McCulloch. Trigg, Neil . YDT 3.4 7.5 9.5 11.5.71 DID >BELBIIRPIARS 4.1 5.1 5.4 5.5.35 VI7T Goal Kickers and Best Players Not received. Old Melbnrnians Jensz 4 . Cordner. Best Jens2. Cox. Atkinson, Egleton, Cordner. OLD SCOTCH 7.2 11.2 13.9 16 .12.108 OLD GEELONG 2 .1 3.3 3.6 5 .7.37 Old Scotch Illingwo rth 6, Pryde 3. RteLeish. Simpson 2 . Deakin, Sheahan , Godwin. Best Pryde. Simpson . Godwin, Williamson. Illingvrorth, Bingley . 01d Geelong Goal Kickers and Best Players Not received . OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 2 .1 4 .5 7.5 8 .8.56 DE L4 SALLE 1 .3 2 .3 5 .6 7 .7.49 Old Brighton Bloods Hamilton. Pyer, 3, Stefanou, Wraith. Best Hamilton, Rattray. Hall, cochran .Tre -askis.l'yers. De La Salle Goal rockers and Best Players Not received .

:aiiut : i

CLUB I Fill P_u.L` : _JN- .Y FINALS at W.A. Scanlmell Reserve, Guest Rd, Oakleigh ''eh ; _.- r 69 G1 1

%ORT' lst Semi-- inal ST BERNARDS v. COLLEGIANS at Alex Gillen Oval (North Old Boys) at 10 a.m . Goal: S . Ryan, R . Miller. 2nd Semi-Final HAWTHORN CITIZENS v . MARCELLIN at Alex Gillon Oval (North Old Boys) at 12 Noon Goal : S . Ryan, R. Miller. SOUTH lst Semi-Final OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS v. DE LA SALLE at Gordon Barnard Reserve (Old Camberwe ll) at 12 noon

Fieid: G . Beard, S . Lamble 2nd Semi-Final OLD XAVERIANS v . OLD SCOTCH at Gordon Barnard Reserve (Old Camberwe ll) at 2 p .m . Meld : G . Beard, S. Lamble



e main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day .

The rear gate (off St Kilda St) is only opened on the Occasion of a

SUNDAY Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and official s

d Paradians moved into the four with a percent_ age boosting win against North Old Boys, not allowing the visitors to score a goal . Millership, Harris an d Ryan (6) were unstoppable for the OP's, as Koutsavasilis, Turner and Khoder were not disgraced on the day for NOBS. Old Xaveri ans knocked Old Melburnians to 4th with a comfortable victory at Toorak Park . A (12) goal first 1/2 put paid to any chance OM's had of challenging Xavs for the double chance . Coughlan, McCormack an d Shannon were fine players with Donati booting (8) for Xavs . For OM's none were better than Holme, Sewell and :.:orrell . AJAX blew away Therry (and my prediction) in a match that they controlled from the beginning, leading by (9) goals at 1/2 time they extended their lead in the second 1/2 to win easily by (17) goals . Rosen, Davis an d Mohr were driving forces behind the win. St. Bernards defeated Collegians at Be ry l Street, but not without getting a fright from the Lions in the second 1/2 . With old coach Neville James back in charge the Lions booted (8) second 1/2 goals to (4) to only go down by (14) points . Better players for the Bernards were Davis, Hogan and Bateman, with the Lions best recorded as Caldwell, Sayers and Champion . Uni . Blues did as they have done some 30+ times recently with four strong quarters, and blew De La Salle out of the four . De La were in with a chance at 1/2 time but the Blues juggernaut steamrolled the second 1/2 to win comfortably . Ryan, Halligan ( 13) and Wilcox damaging for the Blues, with Harper, Bore ll a an d Larkins never giving in for De La . DIVISION (2) WHITE In a tight match at Banyule Warringal's solitary goal in the first 1/4 probably cost them, as St . Kevins led by (22) points at 1/4 time and eventually won by (20) points . The SKOBS having long memories from last time they met, were determined to reverse the result from Round 7 . Rossi-Mel, Playfair and Convery best for the Redbacks, with Day, Delahay and Rizio always giving their all throughout . St. Leos returned to the winners list with a comfortable win over De La Sall e (2), a (5) goal to (1) second term proving the difference on the day . Carey, Vozzo (7) an d Manton fine players for the Two Blues . Bull eenTemplestowe failed to score a goal against a mean Uni. Blacks defence, who used this match as a real percentage booster . Groves, Pemberton and Mountain were fine contributors for the Bullants, with Staunton, Gellie (10) and Raffaele doing a s 38

they pleased for the Blacks. Will iamstown ran away in the second 1/2 against Ol d Geelong to win easily by (7) goals, and in doing so moved themselves back into the four . For the OG's Bostock, Gordon and Pooley were valiant in defeat, while Houli , El Houli Moufid and Cockerell made sure that the CY's would have every chance of competing in this year's finals. Old Camberwell had the bye . DIVISION (2) BLUE. Old Haileybury took no mercy on Ormond at E. E. Gunn Reserve in poor conditions . An (8) goal lead at 1/2 time turned into a (16) goal thrashing by the finish with the Bloods doing as they pleased . For the 'Monds S. Wrodarcyzk, Murphy and Finlayson battled hard, while for the Bloods Carson, Hill and Dunphy were solid four 1/4 contributors . Mazenod inflicted Beaumaris' second defeat in as many weeks as they held the top side goalless while helping themselves to a creditable (10) . A great team effort was recorded for the Nodders . The win placing them on top with every chance of hanging onto the double chance. St. Kilda Sth . Caulfield ran away in the second 1/2 against a disappointing Hampton Rovers by booting (6) second 1/2 goals to (1) . Browne, James and Zuker were great battlers for the Rovers on a day they would rather forget . Old Brighton kept the pressure on the other top three sides with a comfortable victory over Caulfield Grammarians, their sights are set on the double chance and will have to win all three now to be assured of such . Monash Blues had the bye . DIVISION (2) RE D Old Paradlans (2) surprised everyone (me included) when they soundly defeated the out of sorts Chirnside Park at home. After a tight first 1/2 the OP's moved up a gear and ran away to win their third game for the year . Lynch, Saclo and Turner were OP's best. Whitefriars consolidated second spot with a strong four 1/4 performance against Yarra Valley at home. The 'Friars were never headed and built on their lead at every change . A. Pawlick, R . Pawlick and Mika were best in an even 'Friars performance while Reid, McConnell and Drew were excellent battlers for the vanquished . Aquinas remained in the hunt for fourth spot when they soundly defeated Old Trinity at home . Huggins, Cultera and Chapman were prime movers in the win. Old Scotch found the might of Old Carey too much last week and went down by a little less than (8) goals at Camberwell . OC's final term of (6) goals to (1) blowing the scoreline out to the greatest margin between the two sides all day. For Scotch Morris, Sheer and Gilchrist wer e 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

.~~,,., . ; far from the action, with Murphy, Sall and ~gus doing well for the OC's . Marcellin had the bye . PREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAME . DIVISION ONE

old Melburnians and Old Paradians clash in ,hat will be a great match . Last time they met it was lie OP's by (10) points and the beginning of bigger and better things for them . After a demolition of NOBS the previous week I can see OP's taking this match in a close struggle and consolidating their spot in the four . Therry await Old Xavs at Glenroy but will be outclassed today as Xavs crank up the machine towards the finals . North Old Boys host ACC rivals St. Bernards in a local derby at Gillon oval, a (100) point thrashing last time was a sad tale for NOBS, however this time they will match up better but fall short today. Collegians host ladder leaders iini . Blues and will be far more competitive than last time they met, but will still go down today. In the final match Be La Salle will find themselves back in the four if they can get over AJAX today . AJAX had a morale boosting win last week and will confront De La Salle head-on today, but with more riding on this game for De La than AJAX, De La should finish in front. Selections : Old Paradians, Old Xaverians, St . Bernards, Uni . Blues & De La Salle.

DIVISION (2) WHITE Warri ngal will bounce back today against De La Salle (2) and keep the pressure on both Uni. Blaeia and Williamstown for 3rd and 4th spot . Uni . Blacks face a danger game against the vastly improved St. Leos WP Emmaus. Last time the two teams met it was the Blacks by (25) points, although the margin will be closer the Blacks have too much riding on this one to let it slip . St . Kevins host Old Camberwe ll coming off the bye and will be smarting from last time around when the 'Wellers won comfortably . At home and with finals just around the corner the SKOBS will win today . Williamstown host BulleenTemplestowe and despite the relative ladder positions the Bullants will once again give their all for Brian Cartwright, although it will not be enough with Williamstown realising they must win to stay in the four . Old Geelong have the bye. Selections : Warringal, Uni . Blacks, St . Kevins & Williamstown DIVISION (2) BLUE Mazenod host Ormond at Waverley and will be keen to defend their top of the ladder position . The 'Monds pushed the Nodders last time at home, but the margin today will be far greater if recent form is any indication . Beaumaris on the rebound last week failed to score a goal, today they host Monash Blues with stand-in coach Glen Wadley in charge. Despite their recent lapse in form the Sharks will bounce back today . Old Haileybury host St . Kilda Sth . Caulfield who recorded a meritorious victory last week against the Rovers. Today will be a different story as the Bloods challenge for that elusive double chance . Hampton Rovers host Caulfield Grammari ans at David Street and will bounce back from last week's loss to St. Kilda Sth . Caulfield . The last time it was the 'Fields by (9) points, today Craig THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Harris will have plenty of ammunition from last week to fire the Rovers to a win. Old Brighton have the bye . Selections : Mazenod, Beaumaris, Old Halleybury & Hampton Rovers DIVISION (2) RED Yarra Valley and Old Paradians (2) would not seem a great match on paper given respective ladder positions, however on recent form it should be a beauty . The Valley struggled last game but have had a fine second 1/2 of the season, while OP's crushed Chirnside Park last week to give themselves a chance of moving off the bottom . Last time it was the Valley by (11) points today the OP's will win by the same margin . Marcellin coming off the bye get the chance to challenge Whitefriars for second spot today at home . The 'Friars won easily last time around and will prove too strong again today, although in a much closer match . Chirnside Park host Aquinas who will draw closer to that fourth position today with a percentage boosting win over a recently disappointing Chirnside Park . Old Trinity host Old Scotch an d despite the close margin last time they met the Scotchies have far too much hinging on this result today to lose . Old Carey have the bye .

Selections : Chirn ide Par : ., -hitefriars, Aquinas & Old Scotch .







Jl `?d Flalleyburians beat second team Collegians oy 5 points to be one game out of the four, final scores 17 .13 to 16.14. Rick Schober kicked his 5th goal for Collegians at the 31 minute mark and then surged forward only to hear the siren . Best were Schober, Mount, Wallace (Coll .), and Old Haileybury saw wonderful performances by Andrew Walden (7 goals), Seccull, Williams. "D" Section scribe Peter Lemon returned from Africa and boasted to the other scribes that he had an International tipping record - 100%. He'd picked Italy to win the first Italy v . Namibia Rugby test. Robin Martin, after 18 years became the first MHSOB player to reach 300 games which included 180 senior games . A wonderful club man, Robin had been a memlier of the committee since 1977 . As the scribe said "a social 'mogul' and "legend" MHSOB saluted Ron for his service. It was 300 games and no more when Ajax's champion M ichael Ritterman ran out against Glenhuntly. Michael's career included times at St Bernard's and MHSOB also. Congratulations were due to Max Lyon and our U19 team for their performance in the Vic Health U19 Championships, played at Collingwood . "A" Section umpires were Russell Francis, Rob Bell, Justin Toohey, Geoff Ridd, Andrew Kilner, Tim Shearer, M ark Gibson, Peter Keogh, Troy Hales, Noel McDonald (Field) . 10 YEARS AGO - 1986 Parkside slipped out of the "B" Section four and Fawkner went into it when Fawkner inflicted a 43 point defeat on the Red Devils, 11 .15 to 5 .8 . Best were Rhodes, Mitchell, Young (Fawkner) and Sturgess, Papas, Coleman (P'side . 100 games to Co llegians David Tadgell, noted for his team spirit and courage and his willingness to help out around the club. Old Brighton congratulated former team member Andrew Cooper on being a member of the Australian rowing 8 that won a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games . 250 games for Paul M ahony, one of the famous Mahony clan at Elsternwick (David, 200 plus and Pat, delegate) and for Peter Ferguson (Preston) whose strong marking and great dash has been an asset to the club . 200 games to Bulleen United captain Richard -~?orley, 7 times club best and fairest, and "E" Section best and fairest for the past three years . Don Hill ier officiated at his 500th game as a goal umpire which included 13 "A" Section grand finals, 7 "B" Section grand finals and 7 other grand finals, and 18 representative matches . 40

Caul'ield Grammarians won their fourth game in a row when they defeate d second placed Bulleen -Templestowe by 38 points . The 'Fields started very well when Alan Nalder kicked 5 goals in the first term and they led by 24 points at quarter time, never to be challenged . Nalder finished with 10 goals, with Kanis, Matthew, J. Stone, M orrisey and Royals good players . Old Paradians second in "B" were far too good for Uni Blacks, fourth 9 .9 to 2 .4 . Best were P. Wood, Spillane, Heffernan ( Old Paradians) an d Alexander, Mark s, Hyatt (Uni Blacks) . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 1 David (Turk) Urquhart set a club record for Old Melburnians when he ran out for his 222nd game . Best and fairest in 1971, captain in 1976, committeeman for many years - David had given the club and the Association great service . All at West Brunswick congratulated Robert Gualton (200 games), Ray Monger (150 games) and 100 games to Rick Brockwell, Steve Larnpard and Steve Fyffe. 250 games to State Bank champion, Peter Wynd, captain, social secretary and chairman . Uni Blues (2nd in "B") overwhelmed top team Collegians, 22.9 to 12 .7. Best were Tyquin, Sleeman (8 goals), Kauffman (Uni Blues) and Williams, Hibbins, Hoyle (Coll .) . Assumption OC had a reunion of former players at the school for the annual match between Assumption and Sacred Heart College, Adelaide . Among those present were Brother Desmond (Tuck) and Terenece (Orre ll), now principal and headmaster of S.H .C . Ian Fayman celebrated his 150th game for AJAX with a best afield performance against Old Melburnians.

AMP's club record, 218 games was set by Laurie Taylor, great player, administrator, clubman . 20 YEARS AGO - 1976 AJAX, on top in "D" saw their hopes of being champion team shattered when third team, Old Camberwell Grammarians, after leading by 14 points at half time went right away in the second half, kicking 10 .8 to 4 .4 . Best were Wakin, D . Steven, McCallum (Old Cam .), and Rozen, Segal and Schulberg (MAX).

Coburg paid tribute to Bob Sinclair who joined the club when it entered the VAFA in 1935 . Although not a regular member of their team, he has made a great contribution to the administration of Amateu r



football, 20 years as club secretary, and on the VAFA ,ecutive for 17 years . Another veteran retiring, to Rosebud, was Charlie pundon, 38 years with Brunswick, who had been I esident, Treasurer and finance officer and one of j ;,c few responsible for the new clubrooms at runswick . 200 games to No rt h Old Boys ruckman , Damien hfaguire, celebrated by the club's victory 16 .21 to 10 .8 against traditional rivals St Bernards OC . Old Trinity's Dick Dart, a veteran of 11 finals appearances (3 grand finals), and the club's best and fairest in 1967, became the club's first 200 game player . UHSOB president, Robert Reid (honoured with life membership of the club in 1974 along with teammate Colin Kinnear), a remarkable drop kick for goal, also played his 200th game . Umpire's Corner starred Bob Dunstan, a field umpire and goal umpire with the association since 1952 (Bob is still on the job in 1996 - NR) . Umpires' golf championship was won by organiser and handicapper David Dressing . (David later retired from umpiring and had a brief coaching career - NR) . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 1

Old Carey congratulated Tony Fink on his 200th game . Tony started with the club in 1958 while still at school and was a valuable member of the club's 1960 premiership side. Norm "Shags" Willoughby also reached the 200 for Parkside - a "will of the wisp" player, Norm will also be remembered for his job as social secretary over a number of years . University Blues farewelled their chairman of selectors, manager etc ., Graham "Pizza" Wiese on an overseas trip . University Blues, Coburg and Ormond were level on top with 12 wins while St Bernards and Caulfield Grammarians, 2 games behind, were fighting for fourth place. Collegians, one win only were headed for relegation with De La Salle, Old Scotch and MHSOB, 3 wins each for company . 30 YEARS AGO - 196 6

University Blacks, premiers in 1965 made the four for the first time this season - after 15 weeks . Their win over the Blues and Caulfield Grammarians' defeat by Old Scotch put Blacks in the four at Caulfield's expense. Purden, Fleming an d Heath were best for Blacks while McKay, Fraser an d Ainsworth pater VFL Geelong Captain) starred for the Blues . Kew an d Ivanhoe were on top in "B" Section with 13 wins apiece, while Ormond, 2 games behind, appeared safe . Old Melb. (9 wins) and De La Salle (8 wins) were after fourth place . Len Woods played his 200th game for Kew while Russell Parsons notched up his 100th game .

his boat across the ground, donning his diving dress, going overboard and taking up his position between the sticks, with Perce Matthews pumping air to him with one hand, holding the watch in the other hand, and ringing the bell with the other hand . (Ossie and Perce were members of the executive of the VAFA for many years.) MHSOB Juniors defeated Murrumbeena, 28.23 (191) to 2 .6 ( 18) . Neil Robe rt s gave a fine display and capped it all with 17 goals, ably assisted by Bob Shearer an d Keith Marshall. Leading goalkickers in "A" section were Duncan Anderson ( Uni Blues) 78, fo ll owed by Sam Birtles (Hampton Rovers) 38, Easton (B'wick) 35, Evan McGregor (Ormond) 31, and Manson Russel (Old Scotch) .

(ROUND 14 (A & B) and 15 - 27/7/96) LATE SCORES : Reserves/Club XVIII ( Due : 9531 8333 by 3 p.m.) St Bernards (Res)

Newlands-Coburg (Res) Swinburne Uni (Res) Old Essendon (Club XVIII) Eley Park (Res ) Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p .m.) St Bernards (Sen) Newlands-Coburg (Sen) Caulfield Grammarians (U19 ) Phoned incorrect scores (From Round 14) Williamstown CYMS (Res)

North Old Boys (Club XVIII) De La Salle (U19/1 ) Old Carey (U19 ) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section) . First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; each further offence ($50) .

!, ÂŽ

F U"


increase as clubs continue to reoffend . The Executive has decided to impose a"one-off"fine of $250 for a fourth offence by a team of a club .

40 YEARS AGO - 195 6

Old Melburnians, vying for fourth place in "A" Section with Old Scotch and Ormond played a great last quarter to defeat Uni. Blacks, 11 .8 to 8 .5 . Neil Smyth, with intelligent and forceful football was best player with Jack Granger and Trevor Downs also on the job for most of the day. In dreadful conditions Old Paradians won the "water polo" match against Geelong or as the scribe wrote "Ossie" Meehan opened proceedings by rowing 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996




old on reader! You haven't turned to the Editoria l , page by mistake . The Chief Executive Officer has in fact been invited to write this week's Coaches' Clipboard . What you say - a non-accredited coach being given valuable space? For the record today's writer has the following coaching record before embarking on the different level of stress - that of a football administrator . Coached St . Kilda reserves (i game) versus North Melbourne in 1982 (lost) - coach was unavailable, ill . Coached Sandringham VFA 1983 season - finished 6th. Coached Old Haileybury 1988 (C Section) - finished 4th . Coached Old Haileybury 1989 (C Section) - first (6 games only then resigned to become VAFA General Manager) . This year I have been delighted to be a member of the AFCA/VAFA sub-branch and my primary role on this group has been to provide an effective liaison link with the VAFA Executive and umpiring groups . Whilst the purpose of my article today is not to advise VAFA coaches on how to coach - that is the role of experts that this column presents to you on a weekly basis, whose experience in coaching by far exceeds mine in terms of length of time at the job and achievements realised . My theme today is to present to you a few of the main strengths I observed in the coaches I had over the course of my 13 year, 169 senior game career with Geelong and St. Kilda, and how each of these coaches suited or didn't suit my career at that particular stage of my career. The point I will try and illustrate is that every player moves through various stages as he continues to play and a wily coach will perhaps vary his approach or attitude to various groups of players to get the best out of the large group at his disposal . Prepare for a walk with me down "memory lane" . Geelong 1968-1969 . Player Stevens aged 17 and 18, obviously young . Keen to learn everything and anything, overawed by stature of men in same team (Marshall, Goggin, Wade, Walker) . Coach Peter Pianto, a former premiership player had the ability to give a young player a go who was anxious to prove himself at this level . Once assured of a place in the team, the coach worked hard at developing adaptability in player - easy to do in a team that was strong in those years (played in finals 1968 and 1969). Geelong 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973 . Player Stevens now moved through ages 19, 20, 21, 22 and now an estab-

lished regular player in team . Keen to develop a reasonable base of games played and work hard to avert Geelong's slide out of the four . Coach Bill McMaster keen to work with young, senior players (such as Stevens) and get them to look after new young players and for them in turn to put pressure on old players in twilight years of their career . Geelong 1974, 1975. Player now aged 23, 24-25. Player has been slowed considerably by injury and is being pressured for place in side by other players and positions in side limited to one or two positions . Coach "Polly" Farmer expects every player's devotion to skill and fitness training to be the number one priority in every player's life . This frustrated player who was battling injury is striving to re-establish his career and come to grips with its associated intrusions into available time . Player has become slightly disillusioned with his prospects at the club and begins looking for something to re-ignite career. St. Kilda 1976 . Player excited at opportunity to show stuff at new club . Plays some very good games early but is then hit with injury and mediocre form and loses position in team that is struggling at the bottom of VFL ladder . Coach Allan Jeans bases team selections on defensive skills demonstrated by players and player's attacking tendencies developed at Geelong don't really fit in with new coach's requirements . St . Kilda 1977. Much the same as 1976 . New coach Ross Smith much the same mould as the previous coach . Player used in a spare parts capacity .

St. Kilda 1978, 1979 . Player set to quit league football and play at a lesser level elsewhere - interstate, playing or coaching. Appointment of Mike Patterson changed all that. Club previously struggling, Patterson called all players who had played a lot of years and/or a lot of games together regardless of current form and asked them to devote two years to lift the club on and off the field . In exchange for this pledge of loyalty the group was assured a better than even opportunity at the selection table and due consideration to work required on the training track be given to each individual . This group - O'Dea, Young, Hunt, Breen, Colling, myself and others - enjoyed this new final "lease of life" and managed to play quite a few handy games resulting in the team just missing the four in 1979 . St . Kilda 1980, 1981 . The appointment of the legendary Alex Jesaulenko saw the return to spare parts' role for the Patterson group as St. Kilda realised an influx of youth was required and with the Jesaulenko name in charge this education could be done quickly because of the enormous reputation of the man . Unfortunately this learning process was stifled as the great Carlton man found it hard to come to grips wit h THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996


the lack of skill level (compared to his Carlton players) and most of the development work was left to his assistants Smith (Ross), Clarke (Jack) and to the older players who assisted the young players gaining experience . St . Kilda 1982. Player retired from senior football availability and appointed permanent captain of St. Kilda reserves and assistant reserves coach to Jack Clarke and assistant to Jesaulenko on training nights. A most satisfying year and a catalyst to wanting to develop a career as a coach - which still prevails ! This article, whilst providing an ageing ex-player, with a walk down memory lane, aims to point out t o

current coaches a message - look at the group at your disposal . What stage is each player at? Are there too many of your group at any particular stage to be useful to you? Whatever, let each player know where they fit and then set realistic goals for them as an individual and as a team/club member. If they don't want to fit, don't let them stay - they'll disrupt those who want to fit . If they don't fit at the moment, but their desire is impeccable, find a place for them because when times are tough these types won't let you down . Phil Stevens

FRU_ 1 ROUND 15 - 30/7 /96 * Tony Franklin (Bulleen-Templestowe) (Res .) - Striking - 2 matches Chris Miller (Monash Blues) - Elbowing - 3 matches * Kevin Frost (Newlands-Coburg - Striking - 2 matche s * Svend Samild (Old Mentonians) -Attempt to Strike -1 match David Wrigglesworth (Theny) - Striking - 4 matche s * Accepted prescribed penalty

ELSTL Zii ~:'.TCK Pt _ :~; UAW a Oi;: n::CT OF SL.'sON

* Scheduling of all EP Matches Subject to ground conditions This Sat . : This Sun .:

MHSOB v . Ivanhoe FIDA Semi Final s

Next Sat .: University Blues v. Old Haileybury FIDA Grand Final s Next Sun. : Sat . Aug. 17 : Old Brighton v. Old Paradians Sun. Aug . 18: Club XVIII Grand Final s Sat . Aug. 24 : C Sec . 2nd Semi Final Sun . Aug. 25: Avail, for potential finalists Sat . Aug. 31 : B Sec . lst Semi Fina l Sun . Sept. 1 : A Sec . 1 st Semi Final Sat . Sept . 7: C Sec . Grand Final Sun . Sept . 8: A Sec . 2nd Semi Final Sat . Sept . 14: B Sec. Preliminary Final Sun . Sept . 15 : A Sec . Preliminary Final Sat. Sept . 21 : Alex Johnson U19 Championship Final B Sec. Grant Fina l Sun, Sept . 22:

INVESTIGATIONS RESULT S Charge of conduct unbecoming against Chirnside Park and Yarra Valley in that their under 19 teams were involved in a melee in the game played on July 6th . Both clubs were offered the prescribed penalty for this offence which was accepted . Both clubs were fined $100 . Charges of conduct unbecoming against the Old T rinity and Old Brighton clubs following the rese rves match played on July 13th. Both players pleaded guilty to charges of st ri king. Old Brighton player Chris James was suspended for 6 matches for striking Old Trinity player Crai g Robison. Crai g Robison was suspended for 3 matches for striking 01d Brighton player Gerard Bennett . Charge of conduct unbecoming against the Therry club in that under 19 player Anthony Grant was allegedly involved in a number of incidents in the match played against North Old Boys on July 13th . Player Anthony Grant was suspended for a total of 6 matches - striking (2) an d kicking (4) .

A Sec . Grant Fina l

If shorts are worn they must be white club shorts only . f tracksuit pants, they must be navy blue only . If a whole green tracksuit has been purchased complete VAFA green suit can be worn . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 43

Club Trave l

UMPL-~ -'ES CORNE R by Steve McCarthy and Anthony Da m e n

•• This season has seen Umpires Corner concentrate on highlighting the important areas of umpiring that are reiterated at our weekly meetings held after training on Thursday nights . These theory sessions are held in conjunction with our fitness training and practical skills sessions to provide a complete training course for all field, goals and boundary umpires . Our most recent theory session covered the topic of Umpiring in Wet Conditions and the following memo reviewed the skills necessary . WET CONDITIONS With the advent of inclement weather and the poor playing surface of football grounds, the conditions that we as umpires have been used to have definitely changed . Players skills will become more even with all clubs that is, it becomes a level playing field for all players and umpires alike . Attitude to Conditions Don't let conditions dominate our mental approach to the game . Skill level of the games shall be lower you need to work hard and lift level . Set the game up early, use you voice with positive encouragement . Apply positive attitude to ensure game moves on . • Ignore conditions of ground . Concentrate on running correct line for act of play . • Be aware of poor disposal of players, anticipate shorter kick . Identify areas for free kicks : ® Reward player who endeavours to et in front and makes play . Protect him from infgringement . • Encourage the worker who moves in to make play with tap ons . • Penalise the player who seeks to pull ball in - holding the ball . To be as positive as the player who works to the front, you have to work hard to be side on to play as the umpire quick to react to scrimmages . Work hard as No . 2 . Move up quickly at set kick and encourage partner to move forward of play. Prior to game discuss / think of areas that shall cause concern. • The Woody Award is presented by the head of our umpiring advisers p an el, Brian Bulluss to an umpire who has 'gone the extra yard" . This month's award was presented to Mark 'Dipper ' 44

Pinney for his performance in umpirin the Catholics (Therry v NOBS) with a punctured ~ung . A brave performance indeed . A special mention was given to Mick Gilday in his professionalism recently in a game that had to be abandoned . •• Whilst on the subject of going the extra yard spare a though for Ben "Tambo' Tamblyn . After umpiring a recent Parkside fixture Ben got home to realise that he had somehow seconded big Parkside legend Frank Sansonetti's gear bag. Ben contacted Frank and was notified that as Frank doesn't drive could he please return the gear to Frank in Reservoir . What Ben thought would take 20 minutes from Bentleigh ended up a 90 minute return trip, perhaps more like "an extra mile" award . •• Congratulations are extended to the fo ll owing umpires on their recent promotions up the ranks - Peter "Simmo" Simpson to B Section, Trent Foley to C Section, Paul Withington to D Section and John Robinson to B Section in the goals . •• Our goal umpires recently represented our Association at the Herald Sun Shield Semi Finals and were a credit to our organisation. To Bernie Hoare, John Kelly, John Robinson, Bernie Jephson, Phil Gluyas and Anthony Simpson, well done from your fellow umpires . •• Due to business commitments, goalie Graham Wright has had to announce his retirement. From all your friends at the VAFAUA Graham you will be missed from the ranks - don't work too hard to pay off you new 1996 Honda Prelude . Business must be booming as his earlier model Honda didn't get used as a trade-in, just given as a gift to his daughter . •• Highlights from the July VAFAUA meeting . White Wacker - Paul Leyde n Raffle Winners - Leo Wilson - (slab) and Michael Rossato - (bottle of wine.)

M embers Draw - Norm Nugent •• The Annual Trivia Night held on Saturday July 13th was a great success with the following results : lst Jamie Kvins and partner / Brendan Corcoran and partner . Thanks to Agate and Co for their assistance and handicapping procedure. MACCA AND AD THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

0 F. '. D. FIDA REPORT SE .'.iI-FINALS (4/8) REVIEW -ROUND 1 0 Elstermvick Park was the venue for the last game of the home and away season of the FIDA competition . Fine conditions prevailed later in the day, however it began cold and frosty. Chadstone played Keilor in the first game and as predicted Keilor were far too strong defeating Chadstone and finishing 4th for the season . Ringwood took on the top side Karingal and despite a close match early the Bulls ran away in the second 1/2 to soundly defeat Ringwood and leave them in 4th position for 1996 . Broadmeadows were far too strong in their match against Werri bee and ran out convincing winners leading at every change. Mitcham could not defeat Heidelberg but took the match right up to them in the first 1/4, from then on it was all the Bombers as they steel themselves for another finals campaign . Parkside battled hard initially against the Marlins in bright sunshine however it was the young Marlins who were far too accomplished all over the field winning by well over (15) goals . Hawthorn and Ma ribyrnong fought out a close match all day, but at the final siren it was the Underdogs who were in front, leaving them second on the ladder overall . Bendigo ( 1), Bendigo (2) and the Magpies all had the bye .

PREVIEW - SEMI-FINALS This weekend there is (6) matches at Elsternwick Park beginning at 10 .15am . All of the matches are semi finals with the winners of each match going through to next weekend's Grand Finals . In the first match Heidelberg Bombers play Chadstone Chargers . This match will be one-sided if recent form is any indication, Chadstone have been down on numbers recently and if they are so today Heidelberg will win easily . The Marlins take on Werribee and must not take Werribee lightly if they are to win through to their first Grand Final . Relative ladder positions would suggest an easy victory for the Marlins, although they will win they will not have everything their own way today . Karingal, undefeated all season will play Ringwood Blues at 11 .30am . These same two sides met last week and I can see the results being similar, although Ringwood will give it their best shot. Broadmeadows play Parkside in the final Division 3 match and despite Parkside's endeavour the Kangas will be too strong today as they await a rematch with the Marlins next week . Bendigo (1) play Keilor and although they had the bye last weekend will prove far too strong today for the Saints . The final match is between Maribyrnong and Bendigo (2) both teams are evenly matched and have won (1) game a piece each this season . Maribyrnong have been the more consistent, but Bendigo (2) was the last team to defeat them, today Maribyrnong will win and face Karingal next weekend in the Division 2 Grand Final . s a •


All teams are reminded that to participate in finals players must have completed a FIDA medical form and have handed this in, and they must have played at least (3) FIDA matches throughout the season . Teams playing ineligible players will automatically lose that particular match . e •

Teams are reminded that the draw for next weekend's Grand Finals to be played at Elsternwick Park will be made available by Monday afternoon . These details will be relayed to the teams before the close of busines s Monday August 5 .

® o


It has come to the FIDA Executive's attention that there has been an increase in the number of players and the frequency of bad language at matches both on field and off. The FIDA Executive view this type of behaviour as undesirable and ask that all coaches and or administrators of teams police this matter with some diligence . Our game of football is unique we realise, but we also appreciate that parents and supporters should not be subjected to this form of behaviour and will not tolerate it any further. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated . 6 9


All teams are reminded that the August 23 End-ofSeason Players Function is just around the corner and we need to know numbers of those people attending ASAP. Please see Brett Connell or call him (9531 8333) to discuss your teams attendance or otherwise on th e

night . ® o


Player of Round 10 - Damien Kilner (Ringwood Blues) LADDERS : Division 1 : Team Played Won Lost Drawn For Agst % Pts Bendigo (1)' 8 7 1 0 502 109 460.55 28 Heidelberg 8 6 2 0 435 112 388.39 24 Chadstone 8 3 5 0 215 216 99.5 12 Keller ' 8 3 5 0 169 437 38 .67 12 Mitcham 8 1 7 0 143 571 25.04 4 reeeived forfei t Division 2 : Karingal' 8 8 0 0 52i 178 667 .94 32 Maribyrnong 8 5 3 0 261 240 108 .75 20 Bendigo (2)' 8 4 4 0 286 217 131 .79 16 Ringwood ' 8 3 5 0 199 425 46 .82 12 Hawthorn 8 0 8 0 185 394 46 .95 0 received forfei t Division 3 : Broadmeadows 8 8 0 0 996 77 1293 .5 32 Marlins 8 6 2 0 863 87 991 .95 24 Werribee 8 4 4 0 407 647 62.9 16 Parkside 8 2 6 0 358 722 49.58 8 Magpies 8 0 8 0 50 1163 4.29 0 received forfei t




OLD PARADIANS 3.6 10,14 21 .25,151 16,17 NORTH OLD BOYS 0.3 0.3 0.4 0,7 .7 Old Puadtans Ryan 6, Gale, Lynch . Dmlinosante 3, Geary 2 . Mdlership . King, Ploengu, Flyer . Best M6lership, Harris, an. Stevens, Flynn, Lynch . North Old Boys But Koutsaasdis . Turner. Khoder. 6tagulre. Lynch, Thomson. OLD %AVERIANS 3.6 12.6 17 .12 22.18,150 OLD MELBURNU',tS 3.4 3.6 3 .8 5 .10.40 Old %scerisns Donau 8. Hawkins 4, Kay 3, Woodruff, Sharuwn, Hardwick 2, Perry . Best Coughlan. McCormack, Shannon, Orion, Kay, Hawkins . Old Melhurnlans Murray 2, Cloke. Jenkins, Sexeil. Best Holm . Seuzli . Murrell. Murray . Bains, Miller. AJAX 5.7 13 .12 18 .14 26.23 .179 THERRY 2.0 4.2 7 .7 8 .10.64 Ajax Dans. Rosen 6. Carew, Rath 31 Gelbart, Kaplan 2, Ickaw•Ere. Mohr, Jones. Segal. Best Rosen . Mohr, Ones, Segar- Gelbart. Theory. D"" Goa) Kicker and Best Players Not received .

ORdOND 1 .2 3 .5 4 .7 469 11 OLD HAILETBURY 8,7 11 .12 17.17 20.20-140 Ormond Brown . Byron, Finlat'son. Metz. Best Wrodarezyk. Murphy, Finlayson . Batley, Hester. Metz. Old Haileyhury Ladd 4. Dunphy, Lay, Gyms 3. Amitrano, Hill, Langford Jones, Melin Wafden, Waters. Carson . Best Carson, Hdl, Dunphy . George. Byms. Warden. MAZENODOC 6.3 6 .5 7,11 10 '1474 0.0 0.3 0 .4 0,5,5 BEAUMARIS Massenet Moore. Ward 2, Occhiuto, Dunne . Meadows, Kelly, Knott. Egan. Best Great Team Effort . Beanmaris Mat Whitaker. Wadham. Sector. STK6DA SOUTH CAULFIEID 4.2 5.4 8 .9 11.9,75 HAMPTON ROVERS 2.7 5.18 6.19 6.19.55 St Klkta South Caulfield Burke . Aszodi 3. Meek. McDonald, Slade. demand, tVVel,osa Best Cunningham . Merrick. Bourke, burke. Athens, FYtelgosa. Hampton Roves Holt 2 . Varker, Crouch . iles. Mounts. But Brame. James. 2uker, Holt, Iks . Anderson .

STBERNARDS 3.5 7.8 9.12 11 .14.80 COLLEGIANS 1 .1 1.2 6 .7 9,12.66 St Bemuds Ferns 3. Davfs. Bateman 2, Orerrnan, McKeon . Dowling . Hogan. Best Coeds . Hogan. Bateman, Harries, McKeon. Mount

CoIlegiana Broun. Bronbtka. Michael 2. Forsyth. Harwell. Van der Venne. Best CaMwell . Sayers, Champ~n. Proctor, Brown. UNIVERSITY BLUES 2.4 8.6 12 .10 19.15 .129 DO LA SALLE 1.4 3.6 4 .8 7.8.50 University Blues Halligan 13, ryan 3. Johnson. Kuc . Sturrock. Best Ryan. Halligan . Wlteox . Fncker, One. Comm. De La Salle Conn 2, Ellis, Harper. Hyland . Johnstone . Messer. Best Harper, Borelia . larklns, Harbor. Heah_•, Conn.

UNDER 19 2 WHITE WAR0100.4L 1 .0 3.4 4 .10 5.12.42 i2 STBEVDtS 4.4 6.9 8 .11 8.14.62 r3ngal Anderson 2, Wfiiwms . Mayfair. Sheean. Best Rossi-htei . Piayfair. Conivery. Ym, Harmck. Hopkins . St Kerins Mamslc 3 . Finch, Gargano . O'Brien, Radford . Lay, Best Day, Delahay, Rizro, .sett. McArdle . Radford . . ST LEO'S B1dMAU5 WP 3.4 8 .10 12 .16 15.18 .108 Be La Salle (2) Goal Kickers and Best Players Not received. St Leo's Emmaus WP Vorzo 7. Newey 3, Camels, Hodder, Pecore, Schlittler . Simondson . Best Carey, Vouo. Manton . Hodder, Ludlow. Daley . BUI.LEEN-TEBiPLESTOWE 0.1 0.3 0 .3 0.3.3 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 9.6 1 6.8 25 .14 32.19 .211 Bulleen-Templestowe Best Croxes. pcmherton.hlountain. King, Giansartte, Potamianos . Univusity Blacks GeIVe 10 . Hou•ell . Hewfth 4 . Gazal, Holmes . Staunton . Belleville 2, Gilhertson, Murphy, Ward . Ra(raele. Smith. Wilson. But Staunton. Gelie. Raffaele. Ward . McArthur. Ne th . OLD GEELONG 43 6 .6 7 .8 9 .9 .63 NB,LI! MSTO WN CYMS 4.2 8 .8 13.11 16.11 .107 Old Getk~-,; Rlr-ry . Wilson 2 . Campbell. O'Bnen . Cole. McConally . PetOg . Beat Bostock, Gordon . P S . Clair. Wilson, Smith.

18tunstoxd C7, '6 Burgess 6. Hub 3 .7vusst 2. El Houli. MacLeod . McCuthcon. Singleton . ncst Houli. El Houh . Cockerel, MacLeod. Harb . Burgess.




CASBFIELD GRAMMAR OLD BRIGHTON Cautileld Grammar Goa) Kickers and Best Players Not received.

6 .9.4s 12.11.83

Old Brighton Goal Kickers and Best Players Not received .

UNDER 19 2 RED OLD PARADIANS (2) 3 .3 7 .5 11.8 15.10 .100 C1IHtNSID E PARK 1 .3 4 .7 7.9 811.59 Old Puadians Seem 4 . Lynch. Phelan 3 . Turner 2, Collins, Redford . Podd . Best Lynch . Sacco .'tLrner. Jenkins. Phelan . Kellett. Chimside Put Goa) Kicker, and Best Player, Not received . WHITEFBIARS 3 .7 9,8 13.11 18.18 .126 YARRA VALLEY 0 .0 0 .0 3.0 3.038 Whiteirius Pawlik . Jongebtned 4, R. Pawlik 3, Fedele, Das7s 2 . WW nterburn. Eam s . Glenn. Best A . Pawbk, R. Pawthk . Mika. Jongebloed. Winterhum. Hughes . Yacra Valley Thompson 2. Reynolds. Best Read . ?.icCannell. Drew, Reynolds. Thompson, MoMs. AQUINAS OC 4,6 7.10 7.13 30 .16.76 OLD TRINITY 0.2 0 .5 0 .9 2.9.21 Aquinas OC Huggins, Cultera, Hereran. Thomas. Brownhdl 2 . Best Huggins . Cultera, Chaprnan . Wely . Bollard. Brown Hill . Otd'Mnlty Goal Kicker and Best Players Not received . OLD SCOTCH 2.2 3 .5 5 .8 6,11.47 OLD CAREY 2.0 5 .6 8 .6 14.8.92 Old Scotch Parton 3, Stevens, Tindale . Best Moms . Sheer. Gilchrist, Cray. Ireland. Penton , Old Covey Sah S . Smali. White, Spencer 2. Oppy. Sm,vth. Collins, Best Murphy, Sah, Angus. DetarcynskL I . Spencer.

SECTION 1 OLD MELBURNIANS v . OLD PARADIANS Field: C . Rennick, A. Steven ; Boundary : C . Hayes, M . Jelinek ; Goat: D . Murray, S. Kahn . THERRY v. OLD XAVERIANS Field: R. Brewer, C . Cimoli. NORTH OLD BOYS v. ST BERNARDS Fieid : S. Cook, A . Price . COLLEGIANS v . UNIVERSITY BLUES Field: B . Bain, L . Demytko ; Boundary : D . Bain, I . Burgess . DE LA SALLE v . AJAX Fietd : A. Carrick, T. Williams . WHITE DE LA SALLE ( 2) v . WARRINGAL Field : J . McGuran, B. Stewart . UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. ST LEO'S EMMAUS Field: D . Miller, M . Argall . ST KEVINS v. OLD CAMBERWELL Fietd : W. Henry, C . Ryan . WILLIAMSTOWN v . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field: P . Tuppen, G . Armstrong. BLUE MAZENOD v. ORMOND Meld : G. Morgan, C . Stevens. BEAUMARIS v. MONASH BLUES Meld : M . Rossato, M . Allen . OLD HAILEYBURY v . ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD (at Haileybury College, 11 .30 a.m .) Field : F. Karabelas, G . Skaudarkumar . HAMPTON ROVERS v . CAULFIELD GR. Meld: B. Allen, S . Rolls: Boundary : A . Scherni. RED YARRA VALLEY v . OLD PARADIANS (2) Field : T. Creighton . MARCELLIN V . WHITEFRIARS Meld : K . McMahon, D . Ischia ; Goal : B . Seymour, G . Clancy . CHIRNSIDE PARK v. AQUINAS ( at 1 .15 p .m .) Meld : A . Stubbs, I . Stevenson . OLD TRINITY v . OLD SCOTCH Meld : P . Bailey. B. Buyck .




~, ~


~ v evens

have presented below a FINALS TIMETABLE for the 1996 finals se ries of matches . As is always the case clubs are to understand that the VAFA reserves the right to alter at any time the timetable . More often than not, this will be a result of knowing the participating teams on a Saturday night for the weekend ahead .


lst SEMI

2nd S EM




1/9/96 (Sun) E. Park

8/9/96 (Sun) E. Park

15/9/96 (Sun) E . Park

22/9/96 (Sun ) E. Park


31/8/96 (Sat) E . Park

7/9/96 (Sat) S an d ringham

14/9/96 (Sat) E . Park

21/9/96 (Sat) E. Park


25/8/96 (Sun) San dri ngham

24/8/96 (Sat) E. Park

31/8/96 (Sat) San dri ngham

7/9/96 (Sat) E. Park


25/8/96 (Sun) Cent. Reserve

24/8/96 (Sat) Glenferrie Oval

31/8/96 (Sat) Cent . Reserve

7/9/96 (Sat) Cent . Reserve

E East

25/8/96 (Sun) Camberwell

24/8/96 (Sat) Camberwell

31/8/96 (Sat) Camberwell

7/9/96 (Sat) Camberwell

E. Central

25/8/96 (Sun) Gillon Oval

24/8/96 (Sat) Gillon Oval

31/8/96 (Sat) Gillon Oval

7/9/96 (Sat) T.B .A .*

E. South

25/8/96 (Sun) Mordialloc

24/8/96 (Sat) Mordialloc

31/8/96 (Sat) Mordialloc

7/9/96 (Sat) Mordiallo c


24/8/96 (Sat) Northcote 11 .30 a .m .

24/8/96 (Sat) Northcote 2 p .m .

31/8/96 (Sat) Northcote 2 p.m .

7/9/96 (Sat) Northeote 2 p .m .


24/8/96 (Sat) De La Salle 11 .30 a.m .

24/8/96 (Sat) De La Salle 2 p .m .

31/8/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 11 .30 a.m .

7/9/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 2 p .m.


24/8/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 11 .30 a .m.

24/8/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 2 p.m .

31/8/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 11 .30 a.m .

7/9/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 11 .30 a.m .


24/8/96 Monash 11 .30 a .m .

24/8/96 (Sat) Monash 2 p.m .

31/8/96 (Sat) Northcote 11 .30 a .m .

7/9/96 (Sat) Northcote 11 .30 a.m .

Club XVIII Nth

This Weekend (Sat) Brunswick 12 Noon

This Weekend (Sat) Bunswick 2 p .m.

Next Weekend (Sat) Oakleigh

18/8/96 (Sun) E. Park

Club XVII I Sth

This Weekend (Sat) Old Camberwell 12 Noon

This Weekend (Sat) Old Camberwell 2 p .m.

Next Weekend (Sat) Oakleigh

18/8/96 (Sun) E. Park

* T .B .A. - To Be Advise d


~_ .


DUTIES TO BE COMPLETED BY HOME TEAM Club XVIII and Reserve Sectio n FINAL SIREN SCORES PHONE : 9531 8W-oz Senior Section and Under 1 9 FINAL SIREN SCORES BEFORE 5 p .m . PHONE : f7` 7 2471 A and B Section Q by Q SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SIX BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams) 9 ~, nn~r. To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m . PHONE : THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

VAFA PREMIERSHIP LISTS 1996 W L D FOR AGST ~, PTS A SECTION v COLLEGIANS 11 3 0 1432 1068 134 .08 44 1176 108.25 32 8 6 0 1273 OLD HAILEYBURY OLD SCOTCH 8 6 0 1200 1128 106 .38 32 UNIVERSITY BLUES 7 7 0 1211 1057 114 .57 28 99.91 28 DE LA SALLE 7 7 0 1066 1067 99.84 28 OLD XAVERIANS 7 7 0 1255 1257 98 .14 28 ST BERNARDS 7 7 0 1161 1183 94 .43 28 OLD MELBURNIANS 7 7 0 1271 1346 1337 82. 7 1 6 C 4 10 0 1035 1 391 74 .42 1 16 MAZENOD O 0 SECTIO N OLD TRINITY 13 1 0 1819 878 207 .18 52 OLD PARADIANS 13 1 0 1665 970 171 .65 52 THERRY CC00 9 5 0 1454 9162 125 .13 36 OLD BRIGHTON 9 5 0 1372 1219 112 .55 36 IVANHOE 8 6 0 1300 1224 106.21 32 BANYULE 6 6 0 1312 1441 91 .05 24 5 9 0 1284 1625 79.02 20 OLD M IVANHOE H S O B 4 10 0 1270 1499 84 .72 16 1038 1355 76.61 12 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 11 0 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 0 14 0 972 2113 46 .00 0 C SECTION ST KEVINS 13 2 0 1626 983 165 .41 52 MARCELLIN 12 3 0 1587 '186 133.81 48 5T KILDA STH CAULFIELD 11 4 0 1548 1291 119 .91 44 A J A X 9 6 0 1528 1250 122.24 36 32 STBEDES(MENTONETIGERS 8 7 0 1185 1237 95 .80 THOMASTOWN 6 9 0 1258 1378 91 .29 24 88 .10 20 HAMPTON ROVERS 5 10 0 1296 1471 82 .06 1 6 OLD MENTONIANS 4 11 0 1130 1377 OLD GEELONG 4 11 0 1109 1451 76 .43 16 62.83 1 2 WHITEFRIARS 3 12 0 1087 1730 D SECTION 1585 1061 149 .39 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 11 4 0 10 5 0 1233 1066 115.67 MONASH BLUES 10 5 0 1468 1291 113 .71 OLD CAMBERWELL BEAUMARIS AFC 9 5 1 1476 1110 132.97 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 8 6 1 1333 t172 1i9 .87 PARKSIDE 8 7 0 1232 1141 107 .98 ST JOHNS O C 7 8 0 1038 1139 91 .13 SOUTHBANK CBA AFC 6 19 0 1296 1212 106.93 4 1734 1UNIVERSTYD4ti19 2693 4 35.07

E EAST SECTIO N AQUINAS O B 14 1 0 1979 917 YARRAVALLEYOLDBOYS 13 2 0 1824 1041 OLD CAREY 10 5 0 1691 1240 ELEY PARK AFC 8 6 1 1446 1396 CHIRNSIDE PARK 8 7 0 1524 1218 RICHMOND CENTRAL 6 8 1 1315 1206 ELTHAM O C 6 9 0 1205 1603 BULLEEN COBRAS 5 10 0 1251 1302 ST






E CENTRAL SECTIO N OLD SSENDOiGRAMMAR 12 3 0 1652 907 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 11 4 0 1446 650 NORTH BRUNSWICK 11 4 0 1780 1142 WEST BRUNSWICK 9 6 0 1361 1038 LATROBE UNIVERSITY 5 10 0 i364 1203 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 5 10 0 1482 1580 UHSOB 5 10 0 1111 1422 NEWLAND S *THORNBURY ~OUGARSFC 0 15 0 0 1530 250 1 E SOUTH SECTION SALESIAN O C 13 2 0 2069 8 12 2 1 221 0 12 2 1 1799 POWERHOUSE MENTONE 12 3 0 1737 ST PATRICKS OAKLEIGH A F C 8 7 0 1591 A N Z ALBERT PARK 8 7 0 1624 MONASHGRYPHONS 5 10 0 1459 ELSTERNWICK 3 12 0 1104 GLENHUNTLY 1 t4 0 762 MONASH WHITES 0 15 0 60 8 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 UNIVERSITY BLUES 15 0 0 2166 1 2 3 0 2055 OLD XAVERIANS 10 5 0 1535 OLD PARADIANS 10 5 0 1457 OLD MELBURNNIANS DE LA SALLE 10 5 0 1242 STBERNARDS 7 8 0 1392 AJAX 4 11 0 952 THERRY 4 11 0 730 COLLEGIANS 2 13 0 563 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 14 0 75 7 UNDER-1912) WHITE 14 t 0 1940 STKEVINS OLD CAMBERWELL 12 3 0 1627 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10 S 0 1385 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 10 5 0 1295 WARRINGAL A F C 10 5 0 1357 ST LEO'S EMMAUS WP ~ B 0 1142 OLD GEELONG 7 8 0 1175 DE LA SALLE i2` 4 11 0 97 4 Yr BULLEEN-TEk.1P~LESTOWE A 1 14 0 309 UNDER-19 (2) BLUE MAZENOD OC 13 2 0 1267 BEAUMARIS A F C 12 3 0 1881 12 3 0 1524 OLD HAILEYBURY OLD BRIGHTON 12 3 0 1551 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR ' 5 • 984 OR".'OND 5 0 10589 Hf :'PTON ROVERS 9 C• 9 MONASH BLUES 4 11 0 7051 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 3 12 0 760 UNDERa9(2) RE D 15 0 0 1842 OLD CAREY WHITEFRIARS 11 4 0 1248 MARCELLIN 10 5 0 1139 10 5 0 1237 OLD SCOTCH AOUINASOC 9 6 0 1034 OLD TRINITY 7 8 0 847 YARRA VALLEY 6 9 0 673 CHIRNSIDE PARK A F C 4 11 0 781 OLD PARADIANS (2) 3 12 0 719

215.81 175.22 129.92 103.58 125 .12 1 00 .69 75 .17 96.08 78.24 23.23

56 52 40 34 32 26 24 20 16 0

183.18 183.35 222.46 155.87 131 .12 113.38 93 " 78 .t83 50 .37 21 .19

56 48 44 44 36 20 2' 20 12 0

974 212,42 52 972 227 .37 50 1135 958 .50 50 1040 167.02 48 1231 129 .24 32 1402 115.83 32 1584 92.11 "0 1945 56.76 12 2515 30.30 4 2330 26.09 0 697 310.76 60 800 256.88 4 8 1007 152.43 40 1054 138 .24 40 1085 114 .47 40 1480 94 .05 28 1326 71.79 16 2167 33.69 16 1674 33.63 3 1973 38.37 4 634 305.99 807 201 .61 827 167.47 1083 119.58 1142 118.83 1i10 102.88 1292 90.94 1471 6621 3029 10.20

56 48 40 40 40 28 28 i6 4

873 145.13 639 294 .37 763 199 .74 884 175 .25 1359 72 .41 1363 77 .62 1486 61 .17 1483 50.64 1849 41 .10

52 48 48 48 28 24 24 16 12

747 246.59 637 195.92 791 143.99 936 132.16 1037 99.71 1042 81 .29 1340 50.22 1652 47.28 1593 45.42

60 44 40 40 36 28 24 16 12

AGST % PTS Yd L D FOR A RESERVE SECTION 751 1 49.13 46 OLD XAVERIANS 11 2 1 1120 741 535.7 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 10 3 1 9006 1139 815 139.75 ,~ DE LA SALLE a 5 0 UNIVERSITY BLUES 9 5 6 1105 862 128 .19 36 COLLEGIANS 8 5 5 1097 879 124 .80 34 OLD SCOTCH 7 6 1 1136 898 126,50 30 MAZENOD 0 C 6 8 0 1035 1073 96.50 24 ORMOND 3 11 0 718 1198 59.93 12 3 11 0 607 1269 47.83 12 OLD HAILEYBURY STBERNARDS 2 12 0 704 1251 56 .27 8 B RESERVE SECTION OLD PARADIANS 13 1 0 1357 598 226 .92 OLD BRIGHTON 12 1 1 1259 650 228 .91 .16 THERRY CCOB 6 7 1 993 832 119 .35 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 7 1068 981 108 .87 M H SOB 6 7 1 922 956 96 .44 79 .26 0 856 +080 BANYULE 5 5 OLD IVANHOE 4 9 1 818 1167 70 .09 IVANHOE 3 11 0 674 1150 60.72 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 2 11 1 452 1706 26 .49

52 46 -OLDTRINY10425937 26 26 26 20 18 12 10

C RESERVE SECTIO N 326.20 1357 416 56 MARCELLIN 14 1 0 AJAX 11 4 0 1140 714 159.66 44 STBEDESR+IENTONE TIGERS 10 5 0 1215 597 203.52 40 OLD GEELONG 8 7 0 961 947 101 .48 32 95.58 32 ST KEVINS 8 7 0 908 950 6 9 0 879 932 94 .31 24 HAMPTON ROVERS STKILDASTHCAULFIELD 6 9 0 783 1205 64 .98 24 5 10 0 902 1046 86 .23 20 THOMASTOWN OLDMIENTONIANS 5 10 0 703 1232 57 .06 20 2 13 0 482 1383 34 .85 8 WHITEFRIARS D RESERVE SECTION MONASH BLUES 13 2 0 1454 428 339 .72 52 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 2 0 1233 683 180 .53 52 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 12 3 0 996 805 123 .73 48 6 0 1261 707 178 .36 36 CAULFELD I GRAMMAR 9 PARKS DE 9 6 0 1080 712 151 .69 36 ST JOHNS 0 C 9 6 0 1078 814 132 .43 36 1161 64.08 16 BEAUMARIS A F C 4 11 0 744 52.88 12 SOUTHBANK C B A AFC 3 12 0 725 137i KEW 2 13 0 509 1244 40.92 8 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 14 0 334 1584 21 .09 4 E EAST RESERVE SECTION YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 13 2 0 1556 519 299.81 52 AOUINAS O B 10 5 0 1093 550 198.73 40 OLD CAREY 10 ' 0 1121 637 175.98 40 ST MARYS 9 5 1 833 1137 73 .26 38 CHIRNSIDE PARK 9 6 0 973 829 i17 .37 38 BULLEEN COBRAS 9 7 0 873 798 109 .40 32 RICHMOND CENTRAL 6 9 0 1040 1156 89 .97 24 ELEY PARK A F C 4 11 0 732 1092 67 .03 1 8 YSWINBURNEUNIVERSITY 3 11 364 1469 24 .78 14 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2 13 0 549 1326 41 .40 8 E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTIO N 461 294 .36 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 2 0 1357 6 09 248.93 NORTH BRUNSWICK 13 2 0 1516 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 11 4 0 1338 556 240 .65 11 4 0 1352 627 215 .63 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS WESTBRUNSWICK 9 6 0 1088 752 144 .68 6 9 0 993 814 105.71 LATROBE UNIVERSITY OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 5 10 0 737 1010 72 .97 UHSOB 3 12 0 589 1435 41 .05 3 12 0 605 1547 39.11 NEWLANDS COBURG F C THORNBURY COUGARS 1 14 0 194 1967 9 .86 E SOUTH RESERVE SECTION 1652 1904 1605 1300 1238 905 732 508 358 291


52 52 44 44 36 24 20 12 12 4

445 371.24 56 562 338.79 48 497 322 .94 48 611 212 .77 44 652 189 .88 36 1173 77 .15 28 1099 66 .61 16 1888 26 .91 12 1774 201 .12 8 0 2131 13.66

CLUB XVIII NORTH 596 193.12 56 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 14 0 1151 MARCELLIN 12 3 0 919 480 191 .46 48 ST BERNARDS 11 4 0 9023 565 180 .71 44 COLLEGIANS 8 7 0 739 723 102.21 32 OLD IVANHOE 7 8 0 612 770 79 .48 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 7 8 0 505 800 63 .13 28 THERRY 7 8 0 447 882 50 .68 28 KEW AFC 6 9 0 523 753 69.46 24 OLD ESSENDON 2 13 0 319 1178 27 .08 8 CLUB XVIII SOUTH OLD XAVERIANS 14 1 0 1048 325 322 .46 56 OLD SCOTCH 13 2 0 1017 484 210 .12 52 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 10 5 0 637 565 1/2 .74 40 DE LA SALLE 9 6 0 748 517 144 .68 36 ST KEVINS 8 7 0 467 872 63 .56 32 OC 7 8 0 482 792 60.86 28 MAZENOD OLD GEELONG 6 9 0 391 852 45.89 24 V U T 4 11 0 487 1123 43 .37 1 6 * OLD MELBURNIANS 3 12 0 357 681 52 .42 12 *




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