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EDITORIAL by Phil Steven s
HUGS AND HUMOR, THAT'S F®®TYF A°eS Fs t's half time in the division 1 grand final of the Football Integration Development Association being played between Bendigo and Heidelberg at the Victorian Amateur Football Association ground in Elsternwick . FIDA, which caters for people with intellectual disabilities, has three divisions . Some weeks ago, a coach of one of the third-division sides was giving a Parkin-style oration, red faced and angry, artery throbbing, when one of his players stood up, walked over and gave him a hug . His teammates followed suit, hugging one another and the coach . That was a FIDA half-time . t~he Bendigo coach had told his team that they would ~ have to work to win the match . They had arrived to find the ground in heavy condition. One half of the game gone, trailing on the scoreboard, the coach seeks to instruct his players anew. "Slide in and put your hands over the ball", he says . "If you get kicked, the umpire will give you a free kick" . "No, he won't". The speaker is a player, stout, No . 25 . "Yes, he will", responds the coach . " o, he won't", says No . 25 . "And we know him better than you do" . Sensing he has been out-flanked, the coach moves on to other matters. FIDA grew out of a coaching clinic for disabled kids conducted by Hawthorn Football Club five years ago and its president is Hawthorn recruiting officer Peter Ryan . n its short life, the organisation has received two major fillips . The first was being embraced by the VAFA . The second was a generous sponsorship from Coles Myer, which enables VAFA employee and All-Australian amateur Brett Connell to administer the competition . At a time when sponsorship is usually seen as a trade off for media exposure, Coles Myer's investment in FIDA is in the tradition of good old-fashioned corporate philanthropy . Kicking with the wind, Bendigo rallies in the third term . Even by the standards of his calling, the umpire, Wayne Hinton, is copping a lot of unfair criticism . Hinton, who has umpired in the AFL, accepts it with good humor and calls play on . R ~ 7 ~.~ _~
nee a month ~ Hinton officiates in FIDA matches for a nominal fee . Recently , while in charge of a match, he became aware of a wom an player pursuing him saying : " Excuse me, umpire, excuse me" . Hinton did what his training told him he should never do: he took his eye off the play. "Yes?" he asked . "It's very muddy out here today, isn't it?" IDA is basically run by volunteers . Goal umpire Les IFSutherland travels by public transport from Port Melbourne each week to wave the white flags . Most of those involved have stories to tell, of the team that didn't score singing its team song as it walked from the ground, of the player who got only one kick in an en tire season and the look of wonder that crossed his face . Occasionally, there are also altercations. There is no lack of passion in FIDA. endigo goals on the siren to be within one point at B three-quarter-time . There is an explosion of noise and optimism as they head back to their huddle, but, with the wind at its back, Heidelberg cannot be denied . EDITORIAL - Continued on Page 14 D
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Editorial . . . . . . .-_ . . .~ ~ . . . . Section A . . . Section B Section C
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,Section E Ea st . . Section E Central Tap Outs . . . . . . Section E South . Club XVfIt . . . . . Under--19 . . . . . .
Looking Back
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.SctionD b . . 10 . .. .12 .1,5 . . .34 36 .38
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Coaches' Clipboard . . . Elsteanvick Park Matches
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C7nlpires' Corner NIarketinNews . . .. . . :. . . : . _ From the VAFA . . _ . . . . . . . . . .rship List . . . . . . . . . , . .'rc-mie 4
,4 4 ,
August 17th,1996 (D
rice : $1 .20 Vol . 96 No. 1 7
nother giant leap of two spots; this time up to hird place for the seven-in-a-row Old Xavs. Where will it all end? The L A Adamson Cup was all set to make its way back up Orrong Road to 'E' Park. But wait. That back-to-back flag is indeed a real possibility. Win the next four and the repolished Cup is back sealed in the Xavs trophy cabinet. But perhaps a little premature . 11 straight is a big ask. University Blues may halt that Xavs run as they gear up for the finals . A tough, hard win over their rivals Old Haileybury was a real fillip for the club in a tight competition . The Bloods have now lost thre e out of the last four and the microscope has s back onto them . Collegians, the lone star at the top, gently roll on with an improved performance to beat Old Scotch, who need doses of resolve to be there again in '96. But five teams with nine wins battling for three places has all the ingredients for a dramapacked finish. Blues have OM's and Mazenod ; Xavs Haileybury and St Bernards; Old Haileybury - Xavs and De La Salle ; Old Scotch - St Bernard's and OM's ; OM's - Uni Blues and Old Scotch . And the finals makeup? Collegians 56, Old Xavs 44, OM's 44 and Uni Blues 40, with Old Haileybury and Old Scotch missing out on percentage . De La Salle and St Bernards are in that limbo situation with almost nowhere to go, but still an influential player as far as the top order make up is concerned . Not the same down in the last two spots where the promotion and relegation system always, or almost always, gives scope for movement . Sad times for Ormond and Mazenod as the season slips away with only the wooden spoon to play for this week . REVIEW UNIVERSITY BLUES V OLD HAILEYBURY
A sprinkling of young turks into the University Blues team didn't do any harm as Chris Beltrame, Tom Wilcox and emerging cult-figure Doe Fairbank (3 goals) caused no end of problems for the Old Haileybury camp. But it was the Bloods early who were full of running with Mark Seccull, Grant Rowlands and Andrew Dowsing defending well plus sneaky Wes Byrns edging in for two goals . A good lead at quarter time, but the Blues fought back and a purple patch by Tim O'Rourke (2 goals) off the bench and Fairbank bullocked through for another . Nick Morey relieved the pressure and the Bloods were only four points behind at half time, but surprisingly with their heads down . Richard Furphy with a match
winning third quarter together with returned player Stephen K irsano v headed off the Bloods and the Blues ran away comfortably by 28 points at the finish with i- ndrew Henderson, Drew Slimmon and N athan Cavalier showing in the conditions . Not encouraging preview finals form from the Bloods . MAZENOD V DE LA SALLE One goal kicked in two quarters of footy gave some indication of the quagmire at the Mazenod ground, but the Nodders fought back to head up De La Salle twice in the last quarter only to be swamped by beanpole Pat G'Callaghan's scud-type delivery which goaled and a narrow four point win . It was all about yardage for most of the day and for the winners, Mark Abrahams, 'Muddy' Waters and Andrew Evans pushed the ball forward relentlessly . Obviously Mazenod lifted a notch against their local rival and some encouraging efforts from Mick O'Hara, Tim Chilcott and Craig Lane, but the injury-depleted side just could not carry the day . COLLEGIANS V OLD SCOTCH Just too good in most departments were Collegians as they wind up for the finals . With Matt Galbraith celebratin g his 150th and the other onballers and midfielders dominating the contests, the Lions were able to win by over seven goals . Brock Mooney (4 goals) was his efficient self and with Nick M ilat and A nthony Parkin back in form, the Cardinals had difficulties converting up forward . Unusual to see the Scotch best players not include a Hosking or Hume, so it was shut down of their prime movers which placed enormous pressure on their backs with Adam Nettleton and Jeremy Laird trying their hearts out . No, it's the Lions girding their loins with only two victims in front of them before that second semi. ST BERNARDS V OLD MELBURNIANS Tough physical clash out at St Bernards, but it was OM's third quarter which turned the match around . Former St Bernard player Simon Walsh was deadly accurate with seven straight for the 1'.edlegs, while Simon Bromell's second half was excellent. Cameron Eabrey and Richard Webb off a half back flank provided much needed drive and with M icah Berry back in, OM's are near full strength with only Simon Theodore and David Strooper to return . And that may happen this week . For St Be rnards Andrew Di Mingo booted five from a forward pocket but Luke Gollant was closely checked by Andy Witts . Anthony Comito and Jack Overman were the best of the others.
OLD XAVESVO 0 Bit of an uneventful day at Toorak Park as Xavs picked up their seventh consecutive win. No Dominic Berry and with Dan Richardson off early, there were limited spearheads to aim for, although Adam Jones (5 goals) continues to be a prominent force across the half forward line . Adam Sassi off a back flank was impassable and with Mike Blood an d Simon Wood co-operating effectively, Ormond had real difficulties around the ball. M ark Gilmore finished his worked off with several telling goals and Brett Connell, Stephen James an d Andrew Jobling tried hard to stem the Xavs' rush . PREVIEW The moment of truth has arrived for OM's and their clash with University Blues will determine whether Blues can rightly threaten for second spot and if OM's are worthy of a four spot at all. The pendulum is swinging in the Redlegs' direction for one last time by 11 points. De La Salle have half of an incentive against Collegians, but the Lions are back on a line with a vengeance and it's all stations go to the finals and they will win comfortably by 29 points. Old Scotch will be to quick and nimble for St Bernards and keep their finals chances alive with a victory by 21 points, while Old X averians will make it eight in a row over the inconsistent Old Haileybury . And in the final match, bottom sides Mazenod and Ormond will play for the wooden spoon with Ormond narrow winners by 14 points . SELECTIONS : OM'S, COLLEGIANS, OLD SCOTCH, OLD XAVS AND OR°.°OND.
All at De La _Me would like to congratulate Craig Wright ( 200), :lick Lafferty (100) and -Ack Farrell (50) on reaching personal milestones recently . All have served De La Salle with distiction throughout their careers and we wish them well today and in many more games for the club. Uni Blues would like to recognise the following on reaching pesonal milestones so far this season. Hamish Worsley ( 150), Matt Mudge ( 100), Paul Stephens (100), Alan Nugent ( 100), Richard Polkinghorne (100), Ben Herrald (50), Gil McLachlan (50), Tim Rourke (50), and Dom Bolton (50) . Well done guys on fantastic service to the Uni Blues throughout your careers . All the best for today and the future.
DE LA SALLE v. COLLEGIANS Field: S. McCarthy, R . Simon; Boundary: A. Pritchard, S. Hennig ; Goat- G . Wright, B. Jephson. OLD SCOTCH v. ST BERNARDS Field- P. Gersch, R. Bell: Goal: B. Hoare, D . Napoli . OLD MELBURIVIANS v. U NIVERSITY BLUES Field: W. Hinton, A . Damen ; Boundary : J . Stevenson, J . Wright; GoaL M . Lentini, C . May . OLD XAVERIANS v . OLD HAILEYBURY Field M . Jackson, M . Gibson: Boundary: M . Meier, S . Caruso: Goal : G . Grigg, K. Pitcher . ORMOND v. MAZENOD Field- J . Toohey, C. Donlon; GoaL B . Nash, M . Richardson .
C07 L-Gt1_19 3.2 6.10 10.11 12 .1187 OLD C_JiCii 2.3 3.5 5.9 5 .12.42 ~' ., .. .. .s . mey 3, Thomson, Galbraith 2. Wallace, Smith, Phillips, Woodhouse . !' c . . truth. Phillips, Jeficrson, 6tilat Parton, Sheedy . :h AnJard 2. Wilson, Phillips, Hume , Best Laird, Heath, NetOeson. G`igg, Holt Jonas. ;iSA: . .~>DOC 2.3 3.4 3.5 5.7.37 DE LA SALI.E 8.1 3.6 3.8 5.11.41 14110110d • OC Couttie 3, Bourbon 2 . Bed Chilcott O'Hara. Murray, Christie, Marna, lane Do La & :11c Mannix, 0'Callaghan 2, Tarhry . Best Abrahams, Waters, Evans, Elliott Chun, Mackintosh. ST 13="1 1RDS 4.5 9.9 9.10 12.11.53 OLD t!:-T IIURh7AN3 5.0 7.3 12 .5 16.6.102 St Bern -la D'Amingo 5 . Gallant 3. Ryan, Vasiallo, Taylor. Capes . Best Comito, Oennan. Damhgo, Anderson . Brebner, Baile.rin. Old L'cCamisns Walsh 7, Bmmmell 4. Handbury 2. Eabry. McMullin, Ber ry . Best Walsh, O'Brien, Bmnune ll, Stockey . Kennedy. Boyd. UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.5 4.6 5,9 9.14.68 OLD HAD.ErBURY 3.1 4.2 5 .2 6 .4.40 University Fairbank, Rourke 3. Lennen. Bdtranre. Wilcox. Best Furphy. Henderson. S}imnwn, Vandenberg, Cmalier, Wilrnx Old Halleybuzy Morey. Byrns 2, Huker, Hilton. Bed Byrns . Morey, Dann . SeccuO, Connell, Rawlands. OLD BAVERIANS 23 7 .8 11 .14 15.18.108 ORMOND 1 .1 4 .1 6.2 10.3.63 Old Eaverians Jones S . Kehoe 3, Dona6 2, Word. Dillon. Oekirshaw, McDonald. Lemire. But Sassi. Owen, Blood, Jones, Dillon . DonaB. Ormond Ormond, JobHng. Marrrww, James 2, Bailey. Connell, Best Gilmore . James, Job(ing, Mamww, B;ock, Syns.
RESERVES COLLEGIANS 3 .3 4 .4 7.7 11 .7.73 OLD SCOTCH 2 .1 6 .4 7.6 9 .8.62 Collegians Smith, Higson 2, Mackenzie, Entwisle, Jones, Anderson . Greenway, VasderFds, Humphry. Bed Smith . Richards. Entwick, Harding . Grigg, Gnswes. Old Scotch McDonnell 3 . McCall 2, Hooper, Spiden, Davison, Nonnan . Best lloyd, Speed. Walsh, Hooper, Warner, CastYcum . MAZENOD OC 3 .1 3.1 3.1 4 .1 .25 DEIASAId.E 1 .4 2.7 5 .12 10,17.77 Mazenod OC Welch 2. Smith, Lane. Best Welch, Carter, Smith . Jacobs, Lane, LcCuuter. Be La Salle Curran, Langstaff. McKlnnis 2, Conroy. Hall . O'Brien . O'Callaghan . Beet Shannon, McKinnis . Miller. Farrell. Sharpe. O'Callaghan. ST BERNARDB 0 .3 2.7 2.8 2 .8.20 OLD UR1tIA 4S 2 .5 4.9 7.11 10.17.77 St Bemsrds lantano. Mathews. Beat Mathews . Bond, Donlon. Daliey. Rogerson, Fitzgerald . Old 1Seflmmiens Campbell 5 . Jensz, Nelson . Bunn. Crump. Madden . Best Bunn. Pruden . Campbell, Telford, Madden, Wilhelm. UtVIVERSPPT BLUES 7.4 8.11 12.18 15 .19 .109 OLD BAB.EYSURY 0.0 1.1 1 .1 1.2.8 U ty Blues Evans 5, Jukes . Stewart 3, Stephens. Kexf0 . Hayter, Gunn, Nugent Best Garnaut- Stephens, Maptestone, Frith Nowell, Wilson. Old 8sBq7bnry Kirkwood-Scott. Best Pound, Harrison, Orton, Main, Kyle, Scaite. OLDRAVERIAPiS 4 .2 4.7 7.15 8 .18 .66 ORMOND 1.0 1 .0 1 .0 1.1.7 Old Xavericas Cok{vohoun 2. Hunter,'llxktenham Jones, Belt. Norbird . Freer. Best PetmB, ' .,son, SoRman, Coughlan, Stones . ;uddenham. Oxmorad StewartBest Ckary, :ieher, Collins. Milner, Mackey, Stewart.
B SECTION by Paul Lu y
,a:id 16 has cleared up the question of who will , be playing in the ist semi final courtesy of Brighton's win at Ivanhoe but which side will go into C section with Bulleen-Templestowe remains unanswered as both Old Ivanhoe and MHSOB snatch exciting victories . There haven't been that many upsets this year so the MHSOB win over Trinity must rank as the biggest to date whilst Old Ivanhoe's 1 point victory over NOBS has almost made them secure as they now have a two game lead over NOBS. It is still possible for NOBS to stay in B section but they cannot afford any more defeats like last week . It will be a nervous couple of weeks for everyone concerned . REVIEW OF ROUND 1 6
PARADE V BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE A standard 69 point win for Parade out at the Garvey Oval with the highlight being the 2nd quarter where Parade kicked 7 goals straight which considering the muddy conditions was a good performance . At no stage did Bulleen stop trying but their backline was unable to sustain the repeated Parade attacks . It started in the centre where for the second week in a row Simon Vincent and Dion Clavola were totally dominant for Parade . Brett 'Moose" Pannam playing in the backline also revelled in the conditions and with captain Peter Brabender they were responsible for setting up much more of the play. The Big "H" also made a welcome return in the ruck. Bulleen are still playing with plenty of pride and will fancy their chances this week at home against NOBS . Prior, Field and Glen Alexander in defence were best for the Bullants . MHSOB V TRINITY A controversial finish to this game with a mark not awarded to Mal Cumming from Trinity in front of goal with 20 seconds to play . It depends on who you talk to, on whether the mark should have been paid but the scoreboard shows a three point win to MHSOB and they were grateful for the 4 points . It capped of a big day for Melbourne as they celebrated the 300th game of club legend and premiership coach Ron Verma. Adam Preece and Adam Howard were part of a great defence for MHSOB as they fought back from a 1/2 time deficit to lead by 5 points at 3/4 time . The last quarter was a tense affair with both sides scoring 2 goals but Melbourne held on in an exciting finish. Drew Fairchild controlled the CHB position for Melbourne whilst Archdall and Pertzel won their fair share of possessions on the ball . Colin Phillips with 5 goals was the only winning forward for Trinity who are missing the services of many key players. Special mention to Trinity's Sam Kennedy on a wing who took a remarkable 19 marks for the day and was best on ground. Peter Board has 4
been in good form of late and with Simon Dalrymple contributed for the whole 4 quarters. THERRY V BANYULE I can only imagine the conditions out at Theny but the fact that neither side kicked a goal after 1/2 time indicates that it must have been a terrible slog . Theny set up their win with a 5 goal lst quarter and were able to hold that lead for the rest of the game . It was a day where you just had the throw yourself on the ball and Jason Reddick, Dennis Castaldi an d Pat Gorman were most successful on doing that for Theny . Mick Goodwin also returned to some form with 2 goals and he and John Pola will be an important players come finals time for'I'herry . It has been a disappointing year for Banyule but senior players Matt O'Brien, Dave Williams and John Gilham have not let them down and they were again in the thick of the action last week. Therry can now look forward to September action whilst the Bears need to find some motivation to finish the season on a positive note. OLD BRIGHTON V IVAPIHOE Another game were the conditions were incredibly tough and the difference was probably in the last 10 minutes of the 2nd quarter when Brighton were able to slip away with 3 unanswered goals to lead by 3 goals at 1/2 time . Both sides kicked only one goal each after that defeat . Although disappointed with the result Ivanhoe have performed extremely well in its return to B section this year and if they can add some firepower up forward they can look forward to an even better showing in 1997 . For Ivanhoe Peter Lee was best at half back with support from fellow defender Scoble, ruckman Tucker and winger Kende ll . For Brighton Fitzgerald kicked 3 out of 7 and was named best, whilst Lennox continued his excellent form of late . Brighton can now look forward to their second finals campaign in a row and hopefully improve on last years first semi final loss .
OLD IVANHOE V NOB S Old Ivanhoe flew out of the blocks with the first 4 gcals of the game but could only add one more goal over the next 2 quarters as NOBS slowly took control ana by 3/4 time NOBS had opened up a 7 point lead and looked to be heading for a win . Unfortunately NOBS couldn't trouble the scorers in the final term and Old Ivanhoe were able to sneak a goal and a couple of behinds to hang on and win by a point . It was pretty desperate stuff from both teams as neither side scored in the last 15 minutes . Again NOBS kicking for goal let them down badly . Better players were
peter and David O'Farrell who both had outstanding games in defence whilst Ed Considine was in the thick of the action . For Old Ivanhoe Marty Stewart kicked 4 and with 'AP' picked up plenty of possessions whilst the backline of Vaughan, Grinham and Weddle kept their heads and bodies focused through the match. Tyson 'Summer Bay' Young showed his great potential in the ruck. PREVIEW OF ROUND 1 7
Only 3 winners last week but at least I was close with the margins . Match of the day is at EP where parade take on Brighton. The first time they met this year it was Parade by 53 points at home but it was only in the last quarter that they were able to get away from Brighton . Both sides will relish the chance to get on EP with September not far away and I expect Parade to win again but only by 20 points . NOBS travel to Bulleen and they need not only the 4 points but a percentage boost as well . NOBS by 30 points . Old Ivanhoe at home will take it up to Therry but the onballers of Therry will be too strong . Theny by 25 points . Banyule at home will face a confident MHSOB who will realise that a win here will just about make them safe for the year. MHSOB by 10 points . Trinity will be looking to get back some confidence before the finals but will not find Ivanhoe an easy proposition . I will stick with Trinity to win by 12 points but they will need to improve . TRIVIA gUESTION Last week the answer was Danny Del-Re an d the winner was Peter 'Animal' Stephens. Thanks for the call from Hugh Ptailon from Uni Blues but you were beaten by an hour or so . This week I will be at Parade v Brighton . Which family holds the distinction of producing 3 generations of VFL/AFL premiership players? The premierships were with South Melbourne and Carlton . Press eorrc ,pondents please call on 9478 1228 (AH), 9268 1568 (BH) or Fax on 9268 1576.
SL I01' :t OLD PARADIANS 2 .1 9.1 11.5 14.10.94 BULLEENTENIFLI, e TGWB 0.5 0.6 2 .7 3.7.25 Old Partitions Harrison 4 . Boyd 3. Kerr, Harford, Muktta, Co .=:g I-, Pannam, Philp. Farrell . Best Vincent. Cialrola. Pannam, Bel lis, Brabeuder. 7appa. BuBeea Templestowe Fiekl, Shine. James. Best Prior, Field . Akxander. Glover, A. Pazziss, Lanbropoulos. IVNiHOEPARE 1 .2 3 .5 3 .7 4.7.31 2 .1 6 .5 6 .9 7.10.52 DID BRIGHTON Ivanhoe Park Newbold. McGowan, Flynn, Brown . Best Lee . Tucker. Scolds. Kendell, M~elini, Manuel. Old Brighton Fitgerald 3, Pry or 2, Perry , Patterson . Best Fitzgerald, Lennox, Patterson, Fildes, Fisher, Birch . NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .4 2 .9 5.10 5.10.40 OLD IVANHOE 4.1 5 .2 5.3 6.5.41 North Old Bops Sutherland 2. Sullivan . Barker, Boyle. Best P.OPanell. Considine, D. OFarrell, Torilon. Sutherlarxt. Cheshire. Old Ivanhoe Stewart 4. McAskill t, T. Young 1 . Best Vaughan . Stewart, T. Young. Grinham, R . Weddle. Parker. THPRRY CCOB 5.3 7 .6 7.9 7.13.55 BAtiY[B.E 3.2 4.3 4.5 4.8.32 Therry Goodwin, Pola 2 . Grocock, O'Connor, Stanko . Best Reddick. Castaldi, Gorntian. Goodwin. Carter, O'Connor. Baapule Kaynwz 3, Egan. Best O'Brien, Fahbris, Williams, Hold, Gilliam, Kayrooz. MHSOB 3.3 5.5 9.8 11.8.74 OLD TRINITY 5.3 7.5 8.9 10.11.71 ASB80B Woodley, Pretzel 2, Miry, Corner. Preece. Zaghoul, Lindsay. Fleming. Glower. Best Preece, Fairchild . Archdaâ&#x17E;¢. Pertzel . Howard . Lindsay, Old Trinity Phillips 5, Stafford . Hatfield, Ramsden. Sealey, Smith . Best Phillip, Kennedy. Cumming . Board. Dalrymple. Ramsden . RESERVES OLD PARADIAtiS 5 .4 9 .13 14 .19 19.24.138 BUtI.EFSi TEMPLESTOWE 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 .2 .2 Old Paraillimor Arthur 4, Jenkins. Canavan. Wallis, Godfrey. Brabender 3. Walsh . Hart. O'Loughlin, Joyce. Best Arthur. Jenkins, Wiltets, Brabender . Year, Canavan. BnBeza Templestowe Best Bellato, Slilne, Cenara. Hooper. t.efuere . Shallard. IVANHOE 0.2 2.3 2.3 2.4.16 OLD BRIGHTON 4 .3 8 .3 10.6 12.8.80 Ivanhoe Joyce 2. Best Finlayson. Fairweather, Joyce, Ebbage, Gilles, Whitehead . Old Brighton Goal Kickers and Best Players not reeehed . NORTH DID BOYS 3 .3 4.6 5 .11 5.13.43 DID IVANHOE 1 .3 2.3 2.3 3.4.22 Old Ivanhoe George. Power. Stevens. Best Caddy. Taylor . Abousahba . Stevens . Brophy, Jones. North Old Boys Zocco 2. Lowrie, Curran. Kitney. Beet larryon. Curran . Sweeney, O'Dwyer. Balky, Anderson. THEBItY CCOB 2.2 4 .4 6.6 9.13.67 BANYULE 1 .1 2 .2 2.3 4.3.27 Therry CCOB Tadinac 3 . McCann 2 . Clarke, O'Halloran, Cabris . Griggs. Best O'Halloran, 67itchens. Carter. McCann. Lawry, Carbis. Banpole Taylor 2, Kearsey . Best Kearsry, Jordan. Smith. Bassett Barker, Sutterby . }IHSOB 4.3 6 .7 7.8 7.12.54 OLD TRINITY 3.2 5.4 7.7 10.10.70 MHSOB Bamert McGrath. Winch 2. Farr. Best Feferkranz, Palmas, Webster. Winch, Fahey. Konstanty. Old Therey Beet 3, O'Shaughr y, Greig. Heath 2, Krivrokuca 1 . Best Robinson, Smith . Gzlding, Beet 0'Shaughnessy. Kr'r,rokut-a .
OLD BRIGHTON v. OLD P1 -21-3 S(E .P. - Sat .) Field: M . Jenkins, H . Little; Boundary: S . Mannix, M . Tape ; Goal: S . Lamble, J . Kelly . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v. NORTH OLD BOYS Field: M . Pinney, M . McCrohan; GoaL P . Gluyas, G . Beard . OLD IVANHOE v. THERRY Field: R . Eastwood, D . Anderson ; Boundary : D . Ryan, T. Healey; Goal: A. Miller, G . Clancy. BANYULE v . MHSOB Field : A . Firley, T . Ovadia ; Goal: R. Miller, K. Coughlan . OLD TRINITY v. IVANHOE Field: D. Dalgleish, G . Thwaites .
-ARE A melee is "Where an incident take s place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or othe r or other similar such conduct "
ith the final four settled and relegation almost certain for Whitefriars and Old Geelong the final round would appear to be somewhat superfluous . The sides in the four however must keep focused on the job at hand and will be keen to continue or commence a winning streak that will take them to glory on 7 September at headquarters . On the other hand, coaches of sides out of the four will motivate their charges to finish the season on a winning note and assure supporters and those around the clubs that work so hard that their efforts have not been in vain . REVIEW...ROUND 17 "Safe at last" was the cry from Hampton after the club rallied to the call of coach Don Scarlett, despite the Old Geelong early lead of 4 goals . Rovers had good players in the Ferguson boys, Clint and Justin, "Juggle" Hobson and "Marlon" Anderson . OGs were again disappointing with Rovers kicking 13 of the last 17 goals to win comfortably . Jackas returned to form with an impressive display against Old Mentonians in an important match for both clubs . With Ilalinski and Kirzner up forward and a defence of Duzenman, Rosen and Jeremy Wrobel doing well, Ajax gave notice of improved performances in weeks to come. Andrew Carew (I st game) was also a good contributor . A very disappointed OMs were well served by Tony Bournon and David Paterson on the ball with Macguire, Brooks and Austin, all featuring across half back .
St Bedes Mentone Tigers served it up to St Kevins early but found difficulty penetrating the solid defence after quarter time . Andrew Varasdi and Nick Hart were solid for SKOBs with Mark Brady, Huddo, Gribble and Garvey doing well. For the Tigers, Tim Lamb, "Moose" McCraw, Matt Connolly and Peter Larman did well in a game that was the last chance to keep finals aspirations alive. In "Atrocious" ground conditions, the Bears worked hard all day to overcome a persistent White friars . With the "Ant" and "Chopper" on top and Mark Grech, Danny (350 games) Farchione and "Elbows" consistent, particularly after half time, the Thommos forged ahead . For the Friars, best was Jim Begley, well supported by ldagurie, Cog , Mark Bateman, Elliot and Hickey. In an enormous performance, the in-form Saints ran all over the Eagles after half time to score a confidence boosting win . With Claxton, Reece Williams (great blood lines) and O'Sullivan back in town for the Saints, the Eagles were unable to get back into the game . Adam Ryder, Trent Collins and Chris Purcell were best for the Eagles in a game that was a great lead into the finals for both clubs . Sincere thanks to Thomastown Club are extended
from Whitef: is for the excellent assistance given Friars reserves player D e n Naismith who appeared to be seriously injured. The toughfulness and sportsmanship of all associated with the Bears were a credit to Amateur Football. Fortunately, Damiens injury was not as bad as was feared and he is well on the road to recovery . PREVIEW... . ROUND 1 8 At Keysborough, the Panthers will be hoping to finish off what might best be described as an ordinary season by cleaning up the Rovers . The OM's form of late has not been too bad so I'll go for an OM's win by 22 points to ensure participation with the Rovers in C Section in 1996 . The clash at Como between arch rivals OGs and SKOBs would be a big match in recent seasons but, based on the recent form of both sides, SKOBs should prevail to the tune of 67 points . The Tigers, after a disappointing match last week, take on the in-form Saints . The Saints have been somewhat ordinary away from home recently but should hold too many guns for the Tigers and win the day by 20 points. rcellin hosts tefriars and must get back on track with the finals approaching . With second place up for grabs, the Eagles should get home by 49 points . At Thomastown, the Bears will be keen to prevail against the Jackas who may be back on track after several weeks in the wilderness. The home ground advantage may be enough the get the Thommos home by 7 points . Reserves winners: Hampton Rovers, Old Geelong, St Bedes Mentone Tigers, Marce llin and MAX. Correspondents : By 5 .30 pm Monday, fax 9889 9014 . To Greg Rickard, Peter Wolfe, Peter Ciardulli, "Dutchy" Holland who will not have sides in the finals, thank you most sincerely for your contribution as correspondents in 1996 . Pest and Fairest Predictions : Fellows (Thomastown), Stroud (OMs), Hayes Dewar (SKSC), Le Grand (Rovers) .
OLD i:=ENTO S v. H!_`dI'TON ROVERS Field: C . Carran, C . Brajtberg; Goal: M. Venn, P. Allsop . OLD GEELONG v . ST KEVINS Field : W . Henry, S . Meredith ; Boundary : B . Corcoran . ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v. ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD Field: T. Foley, P. Callil; Boundary : D . Fowler, F . Martinez ; Goal: J . Robinson, K . Segota (R) . MARCELLIN v . WHITEFRIARS Field : B . Tamblyn, P . Simpson . THO STO v. AJAX Field: J . Kvins, P . Keogh ; Goal: R. Barichievich, M . Frame.
All at 5i=0B land congratulate Ver = tiile" s'_, Varasdi on his 100th game last week. "Vara" is a most gifted sportsman who gives his all and is most popular . Hampton Rovers would like to recognise the following milestones Elf Pana g iotidis ( 150), Craig Amoore, Stephen Anderson, Mark Crawford ( 100), David Anderson, Drew Anderson, Simon Biick, Blair McGregor, Anthony Natoli, Adam Power and Erik Zuker (50). Congratulations to you all and we hope there are many years left in you yet .
Congratulations to Mareellin defender Justin Seabury who played his 100th game for the club recently . "Moose" is a dedicated footballer and has been a strong contributor to both the senior and reserves in the past few years . Well done Moose . Congratulations to Phil Cambers who played his 50th match for Marcellin recently . Phil came through the Under 19's and made his senior debut in round 1 this year . Phil is a great clubman and should be commended for his tremendous contribution to Marcellin . At Old Mentonians, Garry Norton, OMFC legend is lining up for his 400th VAFA and OMFC game this week, whilst Bert Calvert will be coaching his 200th game . Congratulations to both on superb efforts . Also Peter Flaskis and Cameron Leaver play their 50th matches for the club today. All the best guys and we hope there are many more to come. All at AJAX would like to congratulate Danny Pat on playing his 100th game last week . Dual Best & Fairest winner, Danny is a fine player with many more games left in him for the AJAX club. Well done Danny. fihomastown congratulates Robby Ward ( 50), Percy Valeri (100) and Enzo Valentino (350) on reaching their respective milestones. Well wishes for today are extended to you all, and many thanks for your fine years of service . Well done.
5aturuay, 2a ; i _,,,, , , , -5andrin g'~Senior? _: ~ G<: 1-~1NllI. - 2 p .m. Reserves 1st SLAI-FIN, -. - 11 .30 a .m. Sunday, 25th August - Elsternwick Par k
&'~'TON ROC ~a 5.2 11.5 14.7.91 OLD GEELONG 5.1 6 .2 8.3 8 .9.57 Hampton Banana Crawford 4, Power 3, Andrson . McKellar 2, Ferguson, Hobson. Pan2fiondi. Ferguson, Bed Hobson, ~arlett, Ferguson, Douglas, Anderson . Old Geelong Howells 3, Vickers-Willis, Taylor, O'Dea, Handbury, Manton. Best Smyth, Vickers-Wi6iq Furphy, Handbury, Dugdale, Welsby . MAX 3.2 8.4 8 .5 11.6.72 OLD MENTONIANS 3.3 4.6 4.9 6.13.49 Aj= Kalinski 5. Rapaport. B. Goldberg. P. Goldberg. Kiuznerm Steiner. Rosen. Beat P . Goldberg. Rosen, Pat Kalinski. Duzenman, Carew . Old Yentonlans Samikl 2, Acreman . Ferguson, Katris, Leaver. Beat Bournon . Pasteroon. Mesquite, Brooks, Austin, Dart ST REVBts 2.1 6.2 8.3 11.7.73 ST. BEDSS E AiE TIGERS 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2.20 St Movies Ryan 3, Farquharson, Moore 2. Hart, Brady. Burden, Dollman. Best Hart . Mortgan, Kennedy, Chapman, Vasasli, Terafni . St Bedes Mentoae Tigers Thompson, McCraw, Goodchild. Best McCraw . L3rnb . Firth, Connelly, Lannan. ST IOLDA SOUTH D 7,3 8,7 12.14 17.16.118 MARCELLIN 3 .1 5.3 8.7 9 .9 .63 St Kilda South Caulfleld Claxton 4, O'Sullivan, Riddell 3, Gardner, Williams 2, Handfle'd, Ryan, Hayes-Dewar. Bed Claxton, Wi€iiarns, Wilson, Ryan . PrsneA.OSulln•an . ffiarcellin Mason 3, Rowe, Thlesz 2. Corcins, Treganowan. Best Ryder, Collins, Sampinton, Rowe, Purcell, Merton. WFSTT:1ARS 1 .0 3.2 3.2 4.4.28 TrY014ASTOWN 2,1 3.1 4.4 7.6.48 W7 .3t. :rs Coghlan 2, Campbell. Veinal. Beat Begley, Maguire. Bateman . Coghan. ot4 Htckey :own . Colosimo. Smith Best 2, Reid, Delpapa, Rfstevski . Fellows. Grech. Reid. Fan:, Gorski, Ristevsk.i.
HAMPTON ROVERS 1.3 4.3 4.5 4 .5.29 OLD GEELOIIQG 2.3 3.4 4.6 7 .9.51 Hampton Rovers Wright l.andrigan. Day. Ivey . Best McConville. Ammre . btason. Balmer, Sher, Hunt Old Geelong Taylor 2 . Ronlhi . McInnes, Cameron, Paul, Mantello. Best Oliver, Ma9nnes . Paul. Oliphant Robson, Davis. 1 .3 1 .6 2,7 2.8.20 AJAX OLD NIANS 0.0 1 .2 1 .4 2.5.17 Ajar Roseman . Frey. Best Michmacher, Roseman . Rubenstein, Krungold, Nathan . Cukiernan . Old Mantimbses Lean, Russo . Bed Norton, Windus, Johnson . Wallace, Konrcinan . Cosentry. STBBBRrS 1 .0 2 .0 3.0 4.0.24 ST BEDES *tTUNE TIGERS 4.1 8 .1 9.6 10.6,66 St Revins 08hea 2. Donahue, Dynan. Beat DeRooden, Thomas, O'Shea, DeJong . 6kDonald, Dillon. St Bodes Mantuan Tigers Hutchinson 6, Tomlinson . Hambridge . O'Brien . Peck . Best Johnston.OBricn, Dols, Smith. Dwyer, Mukryinney. ST BIIAA SOUTH CAULFIELD 0.2 0.4 1.5 1.6,12 SdARCELLtPt 3.1 5.4 8.7 9 .10 .64 St Bitda South Csutfied Rugers . Bed Wood, Howard, Baker. D'Agosttno, Fir,inx}n, Kuek. Mareellin Cronin3. Wallis 2, Sexton. Beattie . Mathews. Best Cronin . Colussi, 0'Calleghan, Hacbert.s. Peaimenti. Hurley . WHSTSFRIAFts 0.2 1.4 2.7 2 .7.19 THOMASPOWH 0.1 1,1 2.1 2.2.14 WhIteftiars Hay. Naisnuth. Beat DuSv, Clark. Berates, O'Connor. Parr, Hay. Tfiomaatown Valentino, Pandolto . East Batista, Esen . L'Aurora . Rocca, Kennedy. Scott.
Senior 2nd SEi ;iI-F'INFiI. - 2 p .m. Reserves 2nd SE :'+iI-FIP' `L - 11 .30 a., .
D SECTION by Ken Bremne r CYAL_PRES S think it fitting that we spend some time probing the many varied possibilities that can unfold as a result of a'promoters dream' round 18 matches . St Leo's to defeat Kew (at Kew) and rely on Parkside knocking over Old Camberwell (at Parkside) resulting in the Leo's in the '4', the 'Wells' out for the lst time this year and Parkside remaining 'safe'. If Kew and Parkside win then the 'Parkers' are into the finals however a loss to Parkside could see them jettisoned to "E" section in '97 . Doesn't seem fair does it? St Johns must win over Caulfield Grammarians (at Dandenong) to ensure their survival in the section whilst 'Grammar' need victory to win the 'minor' premiers title. Monash Blues to win against Uni Reds and anxiously await the outcome of the Southbank v Beaumaris match . A 'Bankers' win puts the 'Blues' into a 2nd semi final berth whilst the reverse means a lst semi date against either St Leo's, Old Camberwell or Parkside (read above) .
Southbank to remain in the section (as is) must win and rely on either an Old Camberwell or Caulfield Grammarians victory (or both) . A possible scenario : (allowing for St Leo's to defeat Kew) Old Camberwell defeat Parkside, Caulfield Grammar likewise over St Johns and Southbank knock off Beaumaris . Result. . . . . .Top '4' (Caulfield, Monash, Beaumaris, Old Camberwell), St Leo's 5th then 3 teams separated only by percentage Parkside, Southbank and St Johns all on 9 wins apiece with one of them facing the 'chop' ! This I might hastily add is only one of many possible versions that could actually take place . A better script you couldn't get out of the land of the 'Stars and Stripes', so fella's put on the 'warpaint' and do yourselves and your clubs proud . ROUND 17 REVIEW (10 AUGUST) - IN BRIEF A heavy track at Glenhuntly didn't stop Caulfield Grammar and Monash Blues turning on a terrific spectacle . The 'Fields' jumped out early only too see the 'Blues' surely but slowly peg the lead back . In the last quarter scores remained locked for some 10 minutes until Caulfield gained the ascendancy and held sway to win by 14 points . Best for the 'Fields' were Markovic, Royals and Williams and for Monash, Touhey, Logan and Newman .
St Leo's bolted out of the blocks against Parkside to hold a match winning 31 point lead at the long interval . The second half reduced to a slog in the bog like conditions and whilst the 'Parkers' made a game of it the lack of a key forward made their efforts fruit8
less. MVP's for the 'Two Blues' were Pitch, Turner and Burge and for Parkside, Pino, Inserra an d i.xacNamara. Once again heavy conditions prevailed at the 'Gordon Barnard' reserve for the Old Camberwell v St Johns game. The physical strength of the Joe's has stood them in great stead over recent weeks and against the 'Wells' it came to the fore again . Close all day with neither team conceding the Joe's were able to hold sway narrowly all day and win yet another close one . Better players for St Johns were Marky, Dicky an d Patto. 'Wazza' from the 'We lls' didn't fax for the ist time this year so I can't report on their better goers . Southbank made pretty short work of an undermanned Uni Reds outfit and from the outset were never in any real trouble . Goals wereri t easy to come by early in the piece however with a better forward structure after the long interval the 'Bankers' peppered the goals to score comfortably. At Beaumaris the game against Kew remained very much one sided all day and for the 'Baysiders' it presented the opportunity for a nice 'soft' pre-finals work out . Better players for Beaumaris were Thomas, M ill s an d Pitts Oust up from the U19's) . ROUND 18 PREVIEW (17 AUGUST) St Leo's wont let it's slim chance of finals footy participation slip by them when they confront Kew . The Leo's midfield players will give their forwards ample opportunities to kick a match winning score . The 'Brown and Golds' wont go down without and effort and I'm sure St Leo's will be well prepared . Two Blues' by 29 points . Parkside on the field at least, wont be the most hospitable of hosts to Old Camberwe ll. The 'Wells' at present are struggling and are hampered by injuries to key players (what clubs aren't) . Ladder positions mean nothing and the 'Parkers' will be chomping at the 'bit' in the knowledge that only a 'win' will do . Parkside win a'ripper' by 21 points . St Johns are in a similar situation to that of Parkside and realise that only victory is good enough . On the other hand the Caulfield Grammarians w ant the prestige of winning the mantle of 'minor' premiers for '96 . A couple of crucial, untimely injuries sustained by the 'Fields' puts them behind the '8' ball and a doubt surrounds their ability to cover these gaps . At home with all or nothing at stake I'm on the Joe's to win by 11 points . Monash Blues at home will finish off the Uni Reds for '96 without any sympathy at all . The 'Blues' will be all out to hone up their skills got the forthTHE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
coming finals (1st, 2nd, only time will tell) . The 'Redz' will put up a spirited defence but all to no avail with the home side heading to the shower 100 points in front. Beaumaris head to 'Yarra Park' in finals mode . No debate about that at all. The 'Baysiders' finals campaign starts this round and definitely not next week . For Southbank it's all or nothing and forgetting all thats happened this year with injuries, suspensions and the lot, the year boils down to this one game . Talk about 2 clubs being 'pumped' up. Pity there's all the other games on in the VAFA this weekend because this one will showcase it all . Southbank to win it, simply because they have to! The margin, who cares, lets say 1 point. Club Scribes - Don't forget the telephone calls and/or fax messages on Monday to: Tele: 9810 3370, Fax 9810 3251 by 5 .00pm . Thanks heaps!
MILESTONES All at Parkside congratulate Michael Campbe ll on playing his 150th game against Kew 2 weeks where he out in his usual honest performance . "Bouda" is a favourite with Parkside supporters who love his touch, straight through style and determined attitude . His teammates respect the mighty job he does each week against bigger and more talented opponents . Now for the 200 Mick. Southbank belatedly congratulate Glenn Cank (50) and Andre Pitts (150) on reaching important milestones recently . Well done guys your contribution to the club has been great, let's pull out two big ones today . From all at Southbank well done.
SENIORS BTLHOSMMAI S WP 2.5 6 .6 6 .7 8.8.56 PARESIDE 1 .3 1 .6 3.11 4.11.35 St Leas Emmaus WP Shackbck 3, Henrecus . Vaughan 2. Pitcher. Best Pitcher. Turner, Burges .s, stephens. Meehan .Shwkbck. Pazkside Anto`wpoukrs 2 . Chilmtt . Lay. Best Pino.Tessati, Inseva MacNamara, Chikott, Warren. BEAUtdARIS AFC 4 .7 7.11 10 .13 15.18.108 KEW 1.0 2 .0 4 .0 4.2.26 Beanmarls Mills, OReilly 6 . Holt 2, Blackie. Best Easton . Pitts. Mills . Fraser, Thomas . Holt Kew Pulvimnt3 3, Gkncaredi. Best Brow. Wood, King, Mitchell, Furlan. Cullen . OLD CAMBERWELL 3.2 4.4 5.4 6 .5.41 ST JOHNS OC 2.4 4.6 6.9 6 .10 .46 Old CambetwtiB James 2. Inkster. Hotskins. Seeley. Lethlean. But McKenzie. Scott, ' Spu(ritU' Walker . Jack, O'Hara . 8t Jolin's Mulkns. Doherty 2 . Rxhek, Saunderson. Best Rachele, Back, Pattison . Canning Doherty . Koppers . CAULFILLD GRAMMAR 4.5 7.5 10.6 12.8 .80 MONhSH BLUES 2.1 3.5 7.6 10.6 .66 Caulfield Grammar Amiet 4. Baxter 3. Will 2, DiCrosta . Harrison, Cassidy. Best MarkoviG Williams, Whitmee . Synman. Baxter. Royals . ffionash Blues Ford 3 . Rogers, Donnelly 2 . C. Barker. A. Barker, Alexander. Best 1Lohey. Logan, A. Barker, Newnan . Carman . Headheny. UNIVERSITY REDS 0.1 0.1 1 .2 2.3.15 BOUfHB6NK CBA AFC 5 .2 6 .3 12.7 12.11.83 University Reds G re et, Hall. Best James, Meenan. Wharf, Rowland, Fastman . Greet Southbank CPA AFC Perry 8 . Watford, Keighmn . Hodgson, Wallmeyer. Best 75eyvaud. Pevy . Keighmn. Walford . Melkan. Waikiceyer.
RESERVES ST I.EN EMMAUB WP 3 .0 6.1 6.1 6.2.38 PARH8IDE 2 .2 4.5 6.8 7.12.54 St Leos Emmaus J. Murphy 3, P. Murphy, Ingram, Nankervis. Best Lindsay, Hanneberry. Burke, Sargent Nankernis . Mitchell . ParkaSde Islenti. McCall 2. Harris. Copley. Ross. BEAUMARIS AFC 4.2 7.5 11.14 14.23.108 KEW 1.2 2.2 2.2 3 .2 .20 Beaumarls Fisher 3 . Lewis 2, Holt . Thatcher, MeNicholas, McGregor, King, Carroll, Celan, Sheklrake. Maypiece. Best Fisher . Thatcher. Lewis, Yass. Fhmn McGregor. Kew Franklin, Robinson, Giansante. Best Wells . Hope. Frank in. Paron, Deacon, Robinson. OLD CAMBERWELL 3.2 5.3 6.8 9.12 .66 STJOHNSOC 0 .2 0.4 0.5 0.5.5 Old Camberwell Lenton 4. Douglas, Roe. Kerkvliet. Thomas, McCrae . Best Jackson . Young, Taybr, Thomas . Douglas, Howard. St Jokm OC Best Foy, Corcoran. Munnikhuis. Cotton, Keen . Liddel l CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1.2 1 .5 3 .6 5.8.38 MONASH BLUES 1.0 3 .1 7 .3 9.4.58 Caulfield Grammar Schotten 2. Santiago, Keble. Holloway . Best Jacobs. Williams. Salem, Chan . Guar. Davies. Monnh Blues DeYoung 3, Mun3tie 2, Edqu'st, Forsyth . Maiden, Gunn. Best Newman, DeYoung, Alexander. Murchce, Thomfnn, Forsyth. UNIVEB81Tr REDS 0.0 1.1 2 .2 4.5.29 sOVmBANBCBAAFC 3.3 6L.5 7.10 10.11 .71 University Reds Hempenstall 2 . White, Basile. Best Ryan . Bowman. Simmons, Foster. Mann. Basile . Soathbank Bolts 5, Conk 2. H . Pitts, Frank . P. Pitts. Best Rolfs, Roberts, Nettleton. BUnnett Menvtti, 0'Sullivan .
ce _ .~= .n Saturday, 24th August - Glenferrie Oval Senior 2nd SEMI-FINAL - 2 p .m. Reserves 2nd SEMI-FINAL - 11 .30 a.m . Sunday, 25th August - Central Reserve Senior 1st SEMI-FINAL - 2 p.m . Reserves 1st SEMI-FINAL - 11 .30 a.m.
KEW V . ST LEOS EMMAUS Field: C . Keeton, B. McKee; Boundary: C . Hayes, I . Burgess. PARKSIDE v . OLD CAMBERWELL Fietd : S. Alger, B . Schmidt. ST JOHNS v . CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS Field : P. Withington, R Burns . MONASH BLUES v . UNIVERSITY REDS Fietd: A. Ladd, M . Rossato. SOUTHBANK v. BEAUMARIS Field : A . Flack, V. Vescovi; GoaL L. Wilson, S. Kahn . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 7996 9
-1 WE USE o
E EAST SECTION by Barry Hickey
~_~eja vu is alive and well in E East, as we repeat the process of 1995 when the fmal four composition was decided by the Round 18 results . The Parkers are temporarily out of the four and must rely on themselves beating Swinburne University and Yarra Valley disposing of Eley Park to resume their place. Aquinas have set themselves up as flag favourites with a torrid win against Yarra Valley and again their were echoes of last year, with Yarra then having a late season loss to St Leo's, the eventual premiers. As a forecasting aid to a rematch in dry conditions though, last week's game was as much use as a Social Democrat at a Klu Klux Klan Convention. To the teams whose season finishes today, thanks for the competition and comraderie, have a great summer and a strong return in 1997 . To the finalists, have a great series and the very best of good fortune. ROUND 17 REVIEW
Bulleen Cobras kicked woefully but still beat Eltham Collegians in a game I'd like to tell you about but can't! Swinburne University had plenty of endeavour against Richmond Central, but were unable to translate that effort into scores on the board . Central had good players in Glen Porteous, Bill Katelis, Chri s Andonopoulos an d Simon Pickett bobbed up with 6 goals . Aquinas OC triumphed over Yarra Va lley OB in the mud wrestle, setting up the win in the first half, then preserving their lead in the daunting conditions in the second. The Blooders win was a team effort, but special mentions go to 'Kirky', Chris Ti lling an d Simon Jones . Yarra are waiting for the next encounter . Eley Park kept their final four hopes alive by winning against St Mary's in a very even game . The Sharks gained a critical break to go 4 goals up in the 3rd, which the Saints in spite of every effort, were unable to bridge . Black, Francis and Frail were strong on the wings and flanks for the Saints . The Sharks had a good performances from Holm, Bruce and Worrier . Old Carey were blitzed by Chirnside Park in the opening 15 minutes when the Parkers took a 5 goal to nil lead ; Pembo Sur, Pedler and Piccioli were dominating. The C's then did some dominating of their own, scoring 10 goals to 2 and taking a handy 14 point lead into the long break . Honours were even in the 3rd, but the C's finished the stronger and were 44 points up at the close. Mark Pemberton, Dave Paola, Justin and Mick Carusi and Andy Sore stood out for the Parkers . The C's were very even with 10
Michael Addison, the 'Marks' Nance and Scrong, the 'Nicks , Vas and Everett , plus Cam Campbell and Matt Cohen, all featuring in some great plays . The game was very fast and open, so the solo central umpire, Matt O'Brien and the linesmen, Murray Browne and Harry Thomas, all did super jobs just keeping up with play ; especially Murray who had already run as a central in the Reserves match, mind you, towards the end he was using his laser vision to signal 'out' from distances of up to 100 metres, always correctly of course. REVIEW ROUND 18 Richmond Central and Bulleen Cobras is a game between two sides who had the potential to finish much higher then they have . Points and pride only are at stake and in what should be a very entertaining game, Central should prevail by 3/4 goals . Eltham Collegians will not trouble Aquinas, who are focused on avenging the disappointment of last year's GF loss . Eltham have shown some promise this season and their young side will be a big improver in 1997. Aquinas should win by 9/ 10 goals. Yarra Valley meet Eley Park, with all sorts of rumours about them throwing the game in the Sharks favour flying round . Quite apart from Yarra not having anything to gain from such dopey action, it is not in their nature to throw anything other than challenges at their opponents. Yarra will win this game because they have more skills and depth round the ground the margin will be about 6 goals, but they'll know they've played a game of football, because the Sharks will give this one a red hot go . St Mary's meet Old Carey as a curtain raiser to their famous "1-300 Night" . The Saints have been beset by injuries throughout the season and rarely had their best side on the field together. They are a proud Club and will play for that pride, 'but the C's should have enough margin in skill to win by 3/4 goals, in an entertaining match . Chirnside Park will be all out against Swinburne University to win and secure their final four position, on the assumption that the Sharks lose to Yarra Valley. This incentive will make them too strong for the developing Students and the Parkers should record a 10/ 12 goal victory . RESERVES winners should be : Bulleen Cobras, Aquinas, Yarra Valley, Old Carey, Chirnside Park . Correspondents the Monday contacts are 9547 9144 and Fax 947 7764.
To Sean Flynn (Aquinas) , Michael Flanagan (Bulleen Cobras), Brendan Egan and Pete r
Anthony (Chirnside Park), Paul Clear (Eley Park), Andrew Siwka (Richmond Central), Frank Ymer (St Mary's) and Hadyn Park (Yarra Valley), thanks for your suppo rt during the year, the reports are nothing without your contributions.
MILESTONES Chirnside Park's stalwart defender, P,iatt
Warren, plays his 100th game against Swinburne today. A member of the Park's first senior team in 1991, Matt has played 100 out of a possible 106 since. Initially a Centre Half Forward, "Horse" is now a key member of the Parker's very dour defence . Congratulations Matt! Yarra Valley OB's have another carton of 50 gainers, Rowan Thompson, Brad Peak, Cameron Reynolds, Tony McVean and Paul Telford . Well done guys and let there be many more! Eley Park's Craig Nicholls plays his 50th today and the Shark's Coach Adam Lenarcic, coaches his 50th today as well. Congratulations to both. '
SENIORS BSB,LFJiN COBRAS 0.1 3.9 3.15 6.19 .55 ELTHAM OC 0.0 1.0 2.1 3 .1 .19 Bnlteen Cobras Dillon, Thompson 2 . Goetz, Wagg . Best Brown, Hamn, Schneider, D'Angeto, Zorzl, Dilbn . Elthem OC Smythe. Tucker, Keane. Best Bell Luttkk, Mullins. Clarke, Smythe. Hampshire . SWIhBURNE UtiiVERS1TY A 0.2 2.4 3.4 5 .6 .36 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 .6 9 .12 15.16 21 .19.145 Swtnburne Unisesity A Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Richmond Centrals Pickett 6, Cooper 4, Bove . Shannon 3, Andonopotous. Tate, Porteous. Best Porteous, Shannon. Bore, Andonopobus, Dunn. Katells. AQUINAS OB 2 .3 6 .10 6.12 7.12 .54 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 0.0 1.2 2.2 3 .4.22 Aquinas Iamhome, Quinn 2, Hacking, Dunne . Livingstone . Best Vankirkhoven, Jones, Tam11i. Tdling, Hacking, Quinne. Yarn Valley Telford 2, Scates. Best Thomspn. Pung, Petersen, MacVean. Habberi. Peake. ELEY PARE 3,4 6.5 10.8 14 .9 .93 8TMA1tYS 3 .2 6.5 6.8 10.13 .73 Eley Park Kaye 4. Holm 3, Hawley 2. Bowen. Bromley, Bruce, Kaye. Verde. Best Hawley, S. Warner, Hook. Verde. Kaye, AWamer. St Marys Fraarxis. Black 2. O'Brien. Stone. Phillips, Ymer, Watson. Stephens. Best Blaek. Francis . Frail, Stone. Ymer, Drake . 01D CAREY 3 .3 10.6 13.10 20.12.132 CB2BNSIDE PARK 5 .0 8.2 11,5 13 .10.88 Old Carey Addison 5. Nance 4 . Spencer 3 . Serong. Withingtnn, Morrison . Everett, Chen, Hughes. Popplewell . Auldist. Best Addision. Campbell. Everett, Cohen. Vasi4opoubs. Serong. Chtrnside Park M. Pemberton 5. Trotter, Egan, Pedler, Piccioli, Milkerai0s . W. Pemberton, Brown . Oates. Best M . Pemberton. Sore . Carusi, Trotter, W. Pemberton. Warren.
Saturday, 24th August - Camberwell Senior 2nd SEMI-FINAL - 2 p .m. Reserves 2nd SEAiII-F INAL - 11 .30 a .m . Sunday, 25th August - Glenferrie Oval Senior lst SEMI-FINAL - 2 p.m.
Reserves lst SEMI-FINAL - 11 .30 a .m . ~~~_>
RICHAdOPiD CENTRAL v . BULLEEN COBRAS Field : D. Miller, L. Gallagher. ELTHAM v. AQUINAS Field: C . Cimoli, M . O'Brien . YARRA VALLEY OB v. ELEY PARK Field: C . Nash, P. Maebus; Goat- A. Simpson, S . Ryan . ST MARYS v . OLD CAREY Field : G . Waldron . CHIRNSIDE PARK v. SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY Field: A. Stubbs, P. Walker.
RESERVES BUId.EEN COBRAS 1 .1 4.2 5.4 4 .5 .41 ELTBAM OC 1 .4 2.6 4.7 5.9 .31 BnBeen Cobras Goat Kickers and Best Players not received . Ettham OC Tucker 3 . O'Donnell . Glare. Best Maddison, Tucker. White. Cross. Elmer. Hespe. SWB7BUBNE UNIVERSITY A 1 .0 20 3.2 3 .20 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5 .4 10.9 13.13 25.15.165 .2 Swinhurne University A Goal Kickers and Best Players not recehxd. Richmond Central, Jackson 10, Taylor 7, Barker 4 . Hoey. Waters . Hogan . Callings. Best Jackson . Waters, Taylor. Hogan, Barker, ColWngs. AQUINAS OB 2.0 3.0 4.2 4 .3 .27 YARRAVALLEY OLD BOYS 0 .2 0.3 1.3 1.3 .9 Aquinas Hughes 2. Wilson . Harper. Best McEvoy, King, KvietelaiBs . Langford . Hughes, Harper. Yana Valley Old Boys Dme Best Team effor t ELEP PARK AFC 1.3 4.5 7.6 10.9 .69 ST MARYS 7.3 8.3 10.8 12.8 .80 ELtp Park Delt'orso 6 . Clear 2. Brady, Miha}ec. Best Dell'orso . taMarca, Carroll. Taikmopaubs. Moms. Bazk.y. St Marys Bums, Burt, Frail 3. Langford, Innes. McCashney . Andrews. Best Frail . McCashney. Evans. Bums . Harrison. Burt OLD CAREY 3 .1 4.3 7.10 10.12 .72 CHUtNBIDE PARB 0 .1 3.1 7.2 7 .3 .45 Old Carey Brady. Dmer. Hands . Curry 2, Evans, Ustiek . Best Moulton . Harris, Jones. Ustick, Evans, Brady. Ckimside Park Thamas. Satonwn. Peters . Harrington. Caine. Basso. Skein. Best Kimpton . Skein. 0'Connor. Wyngard. Caine, Bassa .
.'2 :1V11'r
17-1-9 7:~f~
-P,TJ I~ Till 10 C~DTLl ~ A
T~ ~ ~~~ 15 DV Applications in writing to: The Secretar y
4 Kanooka Avenue, Lower Templestowe, 3107 Applications close 18/10/9 6
E CENTRAL SECT1 R9 by Darren B rigg s SPORTSCOVER lliamstown CYMS's fourteenth consecutiv e n last week was perhaps their most conclusive for the season, achieved with amazing ease ove r an awestruck North Brunswick at Bocce Palace . Coach Alan Elliott's men have the added bonus of today's bye in which to prepare for next week's showdown with Old Essendon, who secured a position in the second semi final thanks to West Brunswick's shock seven point win over University Blacks. The Blacks' finals campaign is approaching crisis point and one suspected that continued wet Melbourne weather could see the Blacks best chance of premiership glory lie with their reserves, who have been perennial premiers over recent years . - ROUND 1 7
Two weeks ago in this column I referred to West Brunswick's draw and their opportunity to shape positions within the final four. After a competitive performance against Old Essendon, West Brunswick hosted University Blacks in the knowledge that an upset would condemn the Blacks to a cut-throat first semi final appearance against North Brunswick . Four quarters of tough, physical football later, which provides the Park Street boys with a tremendous building block for the next season . Best for the winners, who were without several prime movers including Hector Hamilton and Rohan Eastway, were Luke Brown, Doctor Jared Osborne and Gary Davies while nothing heard form the Blacks, though my West Brunswick did report Blacks prime movers in the two's for the second consecutive week included Matt Hallam and J . Quilty - strange, given the importance of the West Brunswick clash to the Blacks season at that time. As expected, a thriller out at Zooville, where UHSOB established a handy break over Old Westbourn e by half-time thanks to a four goal second term . The desperate Warriors hit-back in the third quarter and pulled to a slender one point lead by the orange break . The final quarter was a tremendous battle, with Uni High's better adaptation to the wintery conditions the main factor for its meritorious one point win. Best for the gallant Warriors were fullback Adrian Board, Danny Jago and Ash Leitch who relished the transition to defence . The defeat will be a difficult one for Westbourne to stomach, particularly should they regroup and knock off West Brunswick at home this week . At a very muddy Postage Stamp, Newlands Coburg hosted Old Essendon in a game Grammar coach Alex 'Sugar Lips' Frazer said was played in fantastic spirits . Newlands players gave it everything, but simply were no match for their higher skilled and fitter opponents, who boosted seven unanswered final quarter goals to enable the 100 point win. Best fo r 12
the winners were Pana (6 goals), Barr (3 goals), Magee , Stevens and Powerhouse H, while for the Cobras Chahine, Groves and Dooga were honest contributors . Finally, the Williamstown juggernaut visited Bocce Palace and rolled on its merry way at the expense of an injury depleted North Brunswick . Such was the ease of this win that even with a full contingent it is very hard to envisage the Green and Gold machine reversing the result should they get the opportunity come finals time . Willi set up the win with the dry ball during a first quarter in which they moved the ball with great precision, kicking seven goals to North's two, a remarkable effort in the conditions . North were never again in the hunt as Willi inflicted North's worst defeat at home for over a couple of season. Best for the winners were outstanding youngsters Noodlehead Thege and Emma McCutcheon (5 goals) as well as seasoned veterans Crab Stick Case and Le Chefster while for North James Saunders, first gamer John Kennedy, Sly Fox and Vinny Grimaldi battled hard against the odds . La Trobe had the bye . PREVIEW - ROUND 18 Old Westbourne will look to salvage some long lost pride when they host West Brunswick . There will be little between these two sides but assuming West can continue on from last week I fancy they will edge out the Warriors by eight points . Newlands Coburg travel to face University Blacks and are not likely to find the large expanses of the Melbourne University Oval conducive to their style of football . University Blacks will not miss this perfect opportunity to rebuild confidence and should win by fifteen goals . Old Essendon host No rth Brunswick in a game which offers OEG the chance to exercise the green and gold demons that have haunted them over recent years. Their task is likely to be made a little easier with the possibility that North will look to secure its reserves the double chance and at the same time qualify a few big names for the seconds finals campaign . Old Essendon by four goals. Finally at La Trobe and UHSOB will slog it out for sixth place out at the Bundoora Bog . Both La Trobe and UHSOB have been better sides when at home this year and for this reason I select La Trobe to prevail in a close battle by 14 points . Williamstown CYMS have the bye . E Central Best and Fairest: Here's how I see the main chances; please note I did not list last year's winner at all among my 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
chances, so any hopefuls not mentioned, don't despair! Willi : A. Thege, A. Harry, D . Lee, A. Daniel; OEG : P . Lutterschmidt, A . Hutchinson: Uni Blacks : G . Darroch, M . Hallam, B. Cunnungham, R. Hall; North Bruns : S . Morrs, A . Tirchett ; West Bruns : R . Eastway, G . Davies ; UHSOB : M . Sedgewick; La Trobe : A. Cummings, S. Dunin, M. Bakogiannis: Old Westbourne: A. Horsburgh, S . Whitting ; Newlands Coburg : D . Fennessy, M . Warren. My trifecta : 1) P . Lutterschmidt, 2) M . Sedgwick, 3) S . Moore . Good luck to all invited! Correspondents : Numbers again by Monday 5 .00pm are Ph : 9379 1411 (H) and 9618 3413 (W) or Fax 9629 8008 . L
MILESTONES All at North Brunswick congratulate Leig h Demorton and John Pananikolaou on playing games 100 and 50 respectively this week.
SENIORS WEST BRUNSWICK 0 .2 2 .4 4.7 4.10.34 UNIVERSITY BLACSS 2 .2 2 .4 3.6 3.9.27 Wed Himasurick Davies, Cannane, Haste . Byrrre. Best Brown, Osbome. Vitale. Bargaianddis. Coonan. Davies. University Black Hall 2. Cacravrelb. Best Beaton, Radford. Pekin . UBSOB 4 .4 6 .8 6 .14 7.17.59 oI.DWBBTBOURNEABC 4 .2 4 .6 .79 8.10.58 UHSOB Maori 2 . Rea, Gunthorpe. Davidson, McLennan, Wallace. Best Fre iJah. Wallace. McLennan, B,ebrcer. Slimes. Sedgwrck . Old Westbauroe Ball Horsburgh 2, Franklin . Robson, Whiling. Szusakiewi¢. Best Bo ard. Ja,QO . Thomson . Leitch. Roderick . Gibb. NBWLANDSCOBURGFC 2 .1 2 .4 3 .10 3.14.32 OLD ESSFNDON GRAMMAR 6 .4 10 .8 12 .13 19.18.132 NeWiands Coburg Mardini . Warren . Martinez . Best Chahine . Groves. Fennessy, Keppel. Ceji, Hapes. Old Essendou Gxaaunsr Pana it Barr 3, Bishop. Clobesy, Lutter:chmidt 2, Conlon . O'Brien . Papal, Steven. Bed Pana, Barr, Ste4m, McGee. Lutterschmidt. Tapungao. NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .2 4 .4 7.4 9.6.60 WILIJAMSTOWN CYMS 7.3 9 .6 13.8 18.11.107 North Brunswick T'uchett 4, Grimaldi 2 . Saunders, Kennedy, tatouL Best Kennedy, Saunderes, Grimaldi, Fox Holman, Magnusson . Williamstown CY71S MeCutcheon 5, Orbit 3, Kurkowski 2, Lee, Thege . Grieve. Tuck, langrfiam, Singleton . BestThege, A'kCutctcean. Grieve, Cook, Case . Grigg THORNBURY COUGARS (F) 6.10.48 IA TROBE UNIVERSITY (RF) 12.14.62 Thornbury Cougars Goal Kickers and Best Players not reahA . La'irohe University Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. RESERVES WBS'[' BRUNSWICK 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1.1 UNIVERSITY' BLACKS 0.4 1 .10 4 .12 4.16.40 West Brunswick Best Baker. Henderson . McAllister. Khoury, Fithall . Cook. University Blacks Begley. Stevens. Hallam, aides . Best Sowerby. Dooley . Cortie. l2y^an . Glass. Pekin.
UffiOB 3.4 7.6 8.7 10.11.71 OLDWESTHOURNEAFC 0.2 0.2 2 .2 4.2.26 UBSOB Wood 3, Boyce 2. Terrill. Pie[tter. Farrell. Zulicki. Sokolenko. Best Sokolenko . Pfeiffer, Farrell . RoJers, Madriglano . Matheson. Old Weatboume AFC Shea 2. Horshurgh, Christo. Bert Geter. Shea Leitch. Horsburgh. Craig. Danger".
2 0 0 1
50 50 31 29 _1
NEWGAND3 COBIIRG FC 1 .3 2 .3 2 .3 3.4 .22 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 4.2 8 .9 14.11 18.16.124 Newhinds Coburg Ziskos, Griffiths. Best Malacria, Berton. Ziskos. Bond . Prior. Fsaendoa Grammar Cha@ley 6. Ridley 3. Novachek, Gillis, Mansfield 2, Whitfield . Dudderidge. Leigh. Best Chalkk.q . Novachek. Shaw. Barry. Greasley. Ridhy. NORTH BRUNSWICK 0.1 0.1 1 .3 4.3.27 WII,LIAMSTOWN CYMB 5.3 9.5 13 .7 16.10 .106 North Brunswick Papanikolaou 2. Hogg. Kaadan. Best Demorton. Briffa, Ririha . Ho Randello, Tsavalas. own GYMS Warre n 5 . Bond . Warren 3 . Bubnic. Wilson 2 . White. McNamara . Smart. Anderson. Best McEachran. Snmrt . Trew, Bond . Cannon. 1HORNBURY COUGARS (F) 3.3 .21 IA 'PROBE UNIVERSITY (RE') 12.13 .61 Caulfield Grammar Amiet 4. Baxter 3. Will 2, DiCrosta, Harrison . Cassidy. Best 6tarkovic, Williams . Whitme. Synman, Baxter. Royals. Monash Blues Ford 3 . Rogers, Donnelly 2, C. Barker, A. Barker. Alexander. Best Tuohey, Logan . A. Barker. Ne,vman, Carman. Headbeny.
Saturday, 24th August - Gillon Oval (Nth Old Boys) Senior 2nd SEMI-FINAL - 2 p .m .
Reserves 2nd SEMI-FINAL - 11 .30 a.m. Sunday, 25th August - Gillon Oval (Nth Old Boys) Senior lst SEMI-FINAL - 2 p.m . Reserves lst SEMI-FINAL - 11 .30 a.m,
PH: 9429 5944 RM.: 0_1271 9V 13
> EDITORIAL - Continued from Page 1 Former commissioner of police and FIDA patron, Mick Miller, hands out medals to winners and losers .
s the Heidelberg players jubilantly head off on a vicLtory lap, a Bendigo supporter approaches the captain of the Bendigo team Gordon Carroll a ginger-haired man who has defended soberly and bravely from full-back . ~he supporter is disconsolate, almost in grief. Not so the captain. "It's only a game", he says . This article appeared in Monday's Age and was written by Age writer Martin Flanagan who we are indebted to for his ability to capture-the spirit of FIDA footba ll; the efforts of the FIDA executive In using football as an aid to the integration of people with intellectual disabilities into our society ; the work of the VAFA's Brett Connell in making it all happen and the support of Coles- Myer who have seen fit to facilitate this tremendous project . Well done Martin. - Phil Stevens Scores from last weekend's Grand finals : Division 1 : Heidelberg 4.10 .34 defeated Bendigo (1) 3 .7.25 Division 2:liaringa19 .10 .64 defeated Maribyrnong 2 .1.13 Division 3: Marlins 9 .8.62 defeated Broadmeadows 0 .1. 1
LATE SCORES : Reserves (Due: 9531 8333 by 3 p .m.) St Kevins (Res.) Seniors/Under 19s (Due 9528 3319 by 5 p .m.) Swinbume Uni, (Sen .) Old Paradians (U19 )
Phoned incorrect scores (from 3/8/96) Banyule (Res. ) Old Haileybury (U 19) Fines imposed (according to offending team's section) . First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25); each further offence ($50) .
C~ u u<r~ ~:~ Clubs must phone final siren scores to Nancy 9528 3319 (before 5 p.m.) before ringin g through 0/0 scores; goalkickers and best players (both teams) to EP 9531 8333 (before 5 .15 p .m.)
FROM ROUND 15 - 13/8/96 Joshua Smythe, Eltham (failed to attend hearing) Misconduct - 2 matches
Carlo Cortese, North Brunswick (Reserves) - Striking 3 matches Paul Cunningham, North Brunwick (Reserves) Abusive & Threatening language to umpire - 4 matches B. Pollock, Old Brighton - Striking - I matc h Rohan Aujard, Old Scotch - Striking - 2 matches Steven Drake, St Marys - Striking - 3 matches Regan Zampogna, Therry (U19) - Abusive & Threatening 2 matche s Darren Kane, University Reds - Disputing Umpire's Decision 1 matc h Accepted prescribed penalty APOLOGY: lot week's edition showed a Nth Brunswick player (Jason Hope) was suspended for 4 matches with 3 extra matches to be added to a future suspension . This should have read "a 1 match suspension with 3 matches to be added to any other suspension up to the end of 1997" . P. Stevens
INVESTIGATIONS RESULTS - (from August 13 ) Charge of conduct unbecoming against the University Blues Football Club, following a complaint lodged by Old Xaverians which alleged that player Tom Hutchins (Uni . Blues) did strike player James McDonald (Old Xaverians) . Player found guilty and suspended for 2 matches . Charges of conduct unbecoming against both Williamstown CYMS and Old Geelong clubs resulting from changes arising from U19 game played on July 27 . Williamstown CYMS player Jano Matar and Old Geelong player Simon Pettig suspended each for 4 matches for striking each other. Simon Pettig was suspended for an additional 6 matches for racial abuse of an opposition player. Charges of conduct unbecoming clubs of the Association laid against Hawthorn Citizens and Marcellin arising from the Club XVIII semi final played at Brunswick on August 3rd. A Hawthorn Citizens' player was found guilty of biting a Marcellin player during an after siren brawl which involved players and spectators of both sides . Both clubs were fined $500 each for their involvement in the brawl and Hawthorn Citizens' player Stephen Timewell was suspended for 4 matches . Hawthorn Citizens were fined an additional $250 for the involvement of their player which caused and exacerbated the brawl which ensued. Marcellin was also fined an additional $500 in that Marcellin supporters did set upon two Hawthorn Citizen supporters and assault them . Both clubs are to show cause before an Executive sub-committee before the start of the 1997 season as to why they should be included in the Club XVIII competition for the new season .
1 E-7 IIn1 7 V`3) increase as clubs continue to re-offend . The Executive has decided to impose a "one-off" fine of $250 for a fourth offence by a team of a club.
* U19 venues subject to change (ground availability/conditions) * refer `From the VAFA' for allocation of res . semis (first weekend ) SECTION
1st SEMI
2nd SEMI
1/9/96 (Sun) E. Park
8/9/96 (Sun) E. Park
15/9/96 (Sun) E . Park
22/9/96 (Sun) E. Park
31/8/96 (Sat) E. Park
7/9/96 (Sat) Sandringham
14/9/96 (Sat) E. Park
21/9/96 (Sat) E . Park
24/8/96 (Sat) S and ringham
25/8/96 (Sun) E . Park
31/8/96 (Sat) S and ringham
7/9/96 (Sat) E . Park
25/8/96 (Sun) Cent . Reserve
31/8/96 (Sat) Cent . Reserve
7/9/96 (Sat) Cent. Reserve
E East
25/8/96 (Sun) Glenferrie Oval
24/8/96 (Sat) Glenferrie Oval 24/8/96 (Sat) Camberwell
31/8/96 (Sat) Camberwell
7/9/96 (Sat) Camberwell
E . Central
25/8/96 (Sun) Gillon Oval 25/8/96 (Sun) Mordialloc
24/8/96 (Sat) Gillon Oval
31/8/96 (Sat) Gillon Oval
7/9/96 (Sat) Glenferrie Ova l
24/8/96 (Sat) Mordialloc
31/8/96 (Sat) Mordialloc
7/9/96 (Sat) Mordialloc
24/8/96 (Sat) E. Park 11 .30 a.m .
24/8/96 (Sat) E. Park 2 p .m.
31/8/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 2 p.m .
7/9/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 2 p .m .
24/8/96 (Sat) De La Salle 11 .30 a .m . 24/8/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 11 .30 a .m.
24/8/96 (Sat) De La Sall e 2 p .m.
31/8/96 (Sat) Timber Ridge 11 .30 a.m .
7/9/96 (Sat ) Timber Ridge 11 .30 a.m
24/8/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 2 p.m .
31/8/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 11 .30 a.m .
7/9/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 11 .30 a.m .
24/8/96 Monash 11.30 a.m .
24/8/96 (Sat) Monash 2 p .m .
31/8/96 (Sat) Timber Ridge 2 .00 p .m.
7/9/96 (Sat) Timber Ridge 2 .00 p .m.
Club XVIII Nth
St Bemards def. Collegian s
Marcellin def. Hawthorn Cit .
St Bernards def. Hawthorn Cit.
This Weekend (Sun) E. Park
Club XVIII Sth
De La Salle def. O.B . Bloods
Old Xaverians def. Old Scotch
Old Scotch def. De La Salle
This Weekend (Sun) E . Park
E. South
U19/Blue U19/Red
Traditional football boots with' stops can be quite unstable . They can make turning difficult and increase the risk of knee and ankle injuries . So an Australian footballer and scientist pulled out all the stops to give you a boot with superior comfort, greater stability and surer grip when turning . The boot is Blades, with unique angled rubber ribs and a distinctive X-shaped heel support . Australian Design Award winners, Blades have won over the entire team at AFL side Footscray, the Victorian State Football League umpires, Socceroo captain Paul Wade and top Rugby League internationals . Also approved by the Australian Rugby Football Union, Blades offer a broader iast for Australian feet, an internal EVA wedge to lessen achilles strain and 3 sole types to suit any playing surface .
So try a pair of Blades . And take the greatest step forward in football boot technology for 25 years .
Thomas & Zaena . BLD00 3
DE LA SA Coach : T,
D O LL=~ ~ ; •h: f'-1i ~ Zemski ant: Mark Feldy I . A . Carew 2. S .Ickawicz 3 . B . Davis 4 . M . Page 5 . J . Rath
6 . G. Samuel
7 . A . Burman (VC) 8 . J . Beebe 9 . D . Massage 10, H . Snow 11 . P . Steiner 12, D.Mohr (C) 13. A . Wiser 14.. D. Ones 15 . M . Rogers 16 . A. Rogers 17. G. Kaplan 18 . B . Lewski 79 . D. Macro Cha 20 . JJ . Rosens s 21,
22. D. Sutton
23 . S . Whytcross 24 . J . Sche r
25 . D. Boon 26 . 27 . 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 3', 39.
D. Grosman (VC) A. Lust (DVC) P. Zattsberg B. Lukav R. Richards A. Chrapot J. Rogers D . Gelbart A. Sloane A. Rosen J. Segal J. Weinberg J. Hines J. Aber
Coach : `^ddy t lizi 1 . (3,13a 2. 8 .R
6. P 7. P .' ."~.' . 8. J. 10. B . H. it. S .CIO12. Pd.& 13. SHz, ., , . 14. T . Van D, Verne (ViCaidt) 15. C. Harfs 16. S.Sz,"-: 17. S.W 18. T. Pa'.. 9. h1.G 20, L E 21. T.( =.9 71 . R.HY. 23 . P. Ha 24 . A.k . C. Saq1h 425 33. A . Srr2is 26 . T.Chznom 34. D .Cabnan 27 . J . DD', 35. N .l}xd 28 . A. La 43. N7.H?yrrmd 29 . D. eci 48. R. Thorp n 33. A. C51 . T.Proc".a 31 . T, 75. J. Pta;:h
L hi.Cla, 2. P. Fus . 3. S. Cnx'2 4. LHz9 5. A. Fknrhy 6 . tA.listRr 7. C .Brcwre 8. C I . C ..Ce ~ 5 dt. AF
10 . D. Tessix 1 . .E' -« 12 . AD.
;2. D~,
. . C.' . A 13 41 P . ~'~• A5 . C. 15 . 11 16 . I' 17 . L. 16 . N. 9 . D. 20. !d.' 21 . C. 22. P. t 23. M.0 24. C. 26. 27. 28, 29. C0. 31
P.N, . L VM.t D. J.I A
32, D. 91 . R. bull
Ce 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7.
L Li 0. I
9. 0.. 10. L' 11 . C 12. M. 13. fd.E 14. &T 5. J. fi .:. 76. ' 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
31. 32. 53. Sf. 35.
T. J. T. 1 S. Eva U .S.
1,03)s~;3w 001 1
OLD PARADSAPdS Coach : Paul Digney 2 . htP.Lyrr.h(Cap ) 3. BP.Pt&en 4 . B.M. Pt&A 5 . AMtdah 6. S.010 7 . P.T. ~, s 8 . fd.S.FArin 9 . B. W^ n . LF 's 1101 . BM. 2. M . E 3. D.f tC 14. S. F 15. S.J It. S.F 17. S.6 18. D. ~ . N!20K 21 . N.1 22. AL 23. M. ( 24 Fd.l . 25 l.F~.~. ... . 26 oC~:::: 27. P.Eto~s 23. EdC-. 29. S .F 30. KW 1 31. C .1
1 . E . Se y 2 . D. Holt-, 3 . F. Purcel l 4 . S . Murray (DVC) 5 . A. Wardell (DVC) 6 . J . Berry 7 . C. Banks 8 . J .Charlton 9 . J . La w 10 . T . Stevenson 11 . T . Cloke (C) 12, N, Osborne 13 . S. Gowling 14 . M. Bennett 15 . S. Dixon 16 . H . Webb 17 . J. Miller 18 . C . Jenkins 19. B. McLeod 20. S. Parikh 21 . A. Gains 22. K. Rutherford (DVC) 23. A. Gooch 24. R . Tandy 25. W. Deague 26. C . Sibree 27. J . Larkin 28. S . McKenna 29. J . Rig g 30. S . Humphris 31 . D. Hall 32 J. Wright (VC)
Coach: Pat Hawkin s
1 . M . Jones (VC) 2 . T. Flemin g 3. J . Kay 4. B . Hilbert 5. N . Alston 6. L. Nisbet 7. A . Heil 8. J . Dyer 9. S . Bailey 10. D. Boland 11 . T.Bowden 12. S . Tucke r 13. W . Somerville 14. M .Innes 15. L. Ford 16. S . Hede 17. P.Adami 18 . R. Ryan 20. J. Danihe r
Coach: Geoff Pot' te r 1 . D . Van Englen 2 . R . Zampogna 3. D . Bdedis 4. S . Horalewski 5. S .Sacco
21 . H. Ockleshaw (DVC) 22 . T . Winter 23 . 24 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 . 37 . 39 . 42 . 43. 44 . 49.
B. Perry P. Shannon J. McCormack C . McGuigan M.Iacovangelo T. Coughlan N . Ireland J. McDonald J. Hardwick P. Wals h M. Chamberlin N . Barret t M. Mulcahy J. Drake J. Hawkins D . Colma n T. Woodruff (Capt) R . Hoare D . Donati
itehall St, Farraei(le Ph: 9687 8722 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
ST . BERNARDS Coach : Kevin Mahady t . B. Swann 2 . T. Pee l 3 . S. McKeon 4 . M. Hayes 7 . J .fanzano 8 . B. Loughlin 10 . B. Overman 11 . M.Tankey 12 . B. Hogan 13 . A. Domingo 14 . R . Nutter 17 . A. O'Sullivan 18 . G . Collins 19 . C . Rae 20 . M. O'Callaghan 21 . A. Dunca n 23 . C . Patience 24 . L .Rogers 25 . D .Ferns 29 . D . O'Connor 30. J. Moun t 31 . S . Catanzarin 32 . S . Daffey 33. J . Ballarin (C) 37 . T. Bateman 41 . D.Juegan 43. C. Davis 45. M. Dowling 55. G. Cusack
6. W. Bradey 7. M . Postma 8. A . Grant 9. S .Stell a 10. D. Salzyk (VC) 1t . J . Hutchinson 12. B . Crochford (VC) 13. T. Kenna 15. M . heffeman 16. S .Goodwin 17. G . O'Connor 18 . D. tuema 19 . M . Cul l 20 . B. Jacobsen (VC) 21 . A. Fitzpatrick 23 . A. fielding 24 . B. Megrath 25 . N. Gill 26 . J. Van Englen 27 . P.Copeland 28 . C . Laws 30 . M. McCartney 33 M, Jacobsen 35 . S.Dowdle 37 . P. Dunn 42 . A. Moloney (C) 43 . B. Stevens 44 . F . Grech
Coach : Steve Carroll t . C.EeBram: 2. S 8ia't':ey 3. J .Cacsn 9. R ."CIYs 6. J .Ea"- fin 7. P. Fa ak 8. 8. F;
9. 8. Fi
10, FAJ in 11 . G } 12. D h 13. T.1 Id. A.1 1S.T. . 16. D .I .,., . D.K.rys 81.S" .
19. J.20. C. I
21. E22. J. 23.J 24. 25. i.. :.. n 26. H. I 27. J. t 28 . D.I 29. T .I 30 . C. 31 . C. S 32 . o. 39 . D. 34 . 1 !
;6 . R. 39 . S. 14 . T. D. !'
62 2 i4it, Afe nder Rd. Ponds 9326 "nee1749 17
Under 1 ~J-` v BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach: B ri an Cartwright 1 . J. Pro S . Darer 3I .. S .YOr4 4 . G.Alexatstr 5 . C . Parris 6 . R .M;mev 7. P. Pdeqxr; (VcV) 8 . A . Bryan 9. R .SnaptzN 10 . P. George (Cap) 11 . S. Fab/ 2 A.Panr 3. S. Boyd 14. D . t#a6r:.s tVcai) 15. B. 1316 g 16. S. Smah 17. N .Wa51?I 18. R .Vr7aanss 40. T.!"em 19. P. 140 41 . L . C . + 20. T. A97,13 42. P.EL . ___ 21. D.Ra°r 4 22. G ." ~aren 1 44. C. ; b 23. LE I 45. G.',orM 46. G. 1-..,M 47. C. I 26. K.i'-, 48. B.t i 27. D.F, J 49. M.L_ i 50. D.Glaar 29 P. :.;;::; 51 . 33. R. 52. 31 . A . 53. J.SS,EI 32. P.G 54 . 33. C. h, 55 . A . FrariS3n 31. D.Oc 56. 35. M .Ost.50..,:. 57 . D. Wire 35. P.Fhr2 58 . 37. Vt. Trr., n 59 . B . Lefzrte 38. S. J3m=s 60. P . Dar* 33. D. Mctbm>ra
DE LA SALLE (2) Coach : Clayton Weser 1 . M.Ch n 2. P. F¢era 3 S. Cror,2 4. L .HaB 5. A.FbuarJay 6. M.Fser T C. Browne 8 . C.Wrl 9. C.Ca- .be9 10, O.Te=sar 11 . A.E,ws
41 . A ROP (R.CIV) 42. D .Jadcaar 43. M. EBs 44. C . Makitson 45. C .S®rtaw 46. M.ft n 14 . P.65r°ix ~. 47.1dFarre~ 48. D . Sarkh 15 . J. tz4.;`1 16. M.Ja'm.:n 41 O.tanbe so. P. Mara 17 . D.Crowe i S M.At iatar6 51 . D.Gra w D.0'Bri:n 52. S. Harrison 20 . M.Krp53. P. Arm 21. C. Sh .,.i 54. J. D.a^W:tt 22. P .0Y k+n 55 . C. Harram 23 . M. 9, ~ 5fl J.Gftr 24. C . Ms 57. C. Fdff 25. G. F#y :. 58. C. Chary 26. P .yr y .VC) 5. S. Jacobs 27. L.Vanfwrr f4 60. S.Tturus 28. M.Ukrfy 61 . SA4ai 29. D .Hrgan 62 G .ftm 30. J Horn 63. J. AkrE4y 31 . A. E& 64 . C.Boude 32. T. St, 65 . B.&fdc 33. 8 .kG 66. L Langone 34. P. L, 67 . B. Byvm Th 68 . G . bxvdl 35. A . I 36. A.i_ .. 69 .dFwG:s 37. R .ik.i 78 . MSartW33. B. Bi t 80. M . FA 39. P.Bra :-r 40. G . Curran
UNI RLACICS Coach: Damian Carroll
ST. LEOS E M MAUS Coach : Peter O'Connor 1 . D . Lear 2. N . Hodder 3. A . Laurie 4. E. Mitchel l 5. E . McLaughlin 6. R . McCan n 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12 . 13.
J. Smith A. Major A. Daly D . Cashen T. Ludlow S. Vozzo B. Carey
15 . G . Simondson 16. O . Brow n 17 . A. Swanwick 18 . L . Newey 19 . T . Batt y 20. L . Latham 22 . E . Sheahan 32 . D. McNally 35 . L. Thomas 52 . N. Schlittle r 80 . A. Auliso (Capt) M . Cody P . Deery G . Psaitopoulos B . Wilb y M . Smith J . Rattigan G . Wyett
1 . T. Belleville 2. M .Buckis 3. J. Butterfield 4. B .Dilto n 5. 0 Furness 6. C Franklin 7. R .Gazai 8 . B .Gilbertson 9. T. Holmes 10. N . Howell it . J. Scott 12 . T.KHchen 13. L. Kirkham 14 . A . Ledd'm 15 . J . Magee 16 . A . Maher 17, B . Morgan 18 . P . Oswald 19 . A . Robinson 20 . C . Ross 21 . A .Sanders 22 . L.Spencer 23 . A .Walker 24 . T.Warburton 25 . J .Ward 26 . R . Watson 27 . S. White 28 . M. Atkin 29 . T. Gargon 30 . A. Mwrissey 31 . N . Rolls 32 . L . Juniper 33 . S. Dimond
OLD CAMBERWELL Coach : Andrew Tsindos i. 2. T. Molloy 3. M . Kordic 4. T. Webb 5. N . Board 6. R . Watson 7. R . Whitehead (Capt) 8. T. Donovan 9. B . Smit h 10. M . Richmond 11 . C . William s 12. A . Paterson (VC) 13. S . Hancock (VC 14. N . Sims (VC) 15. 16. M. Cook 17.
18. W. Hayes 20. R . Scott 21 . T. Hardman (VC) 22 . J. Miles 23. 24 . C . Mill s 25 . J. Heffernan 26. A. Seeley 27 . 28. W. Taylor 29. S. Pickles 30. A. Manuel 31 . J. Clyne 32 . J. Herdmann 33 . 34 . A. Campbell 36 . 41 . A. Gleevoy 42 . J. McGilp 44 . 48 .
WARRINGA L Coach: Harry Harisiou I . J. Hopkins 2 . C . Williams 3 . B. Kinnear 4 . K. Conne ry 5 . A. Rossimel 6 . A. Karafili 7 . S. Attard i 8 . B. Woodlock 9 . A. Heard 10 . A. Fogarty 11 . S. Yin 12 . A. Camilleri 13 . S. Taylor 14 . P. Witchell
15 . K. Hand (Capt) 16 . T . Was 17 . L. Sheean 18 . H. Beale 19 . T . Benton 20 . P. James 21 . M . Peters (VC) 22 . P . Harmon 23. H. Reeves 24. L. O'Connell 25, S . Walter 26. J . Anderson 27. B . Anderson 28. S . Piaytair 29. A . Kir k 30. N .Haymes 31 . A . Jackson 32. N . Miller 33. S . Ha rtrick
OLD GEELONG Coach : Tim Killworth 3. 8. 14. 15.
H. Troedel C. St. Clai r E.Bostack(Capt) A. Poodey
32. 33. 36. 37. 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43.
A. Browne B. Ranken R. Murnane T. Crooke E . Plowman M . Pettig S . Pettig D. Campbell J. Pau l
16. S.0'Brien 28. E. Jeffries
49. S .Humphris 50. S . Hogg 51 . L. Wilson VCapt) 52. M . McConachy 53, W. Pau l 54. S . Cole 55. J . Wallace-Smith 56. G. Collins 57. 58. 59. 68. 70.
72 . 73. 174 . 175.
T. dAntoine L.Ailken W. Gordon S . Bing ley D. Ha k
N . Beattie J . Downie S . Lucas R. Oliver
ST KEVINS Coach : Owen Hourigan Assis. Coach : Justin O'Conno r 1 . R. Simkiss 2. M . Gargano 3. S. Kurin g 4. M .Rizio (Capt) 5. J. Pickering 6. B. Quirk 7. S. Rie s 8. A. McGuiness 9. M . Furlong 10. A. Liv y 11 . J. Hassell 12. M . Fields 13. A P"rvetta (VCapt) 14. P.Greenham 15. C. Haddad
16. M . Pangrazio 17. J. Bowler
18. G. Large 19. J. O'Brien 20. D. tAcArdle 21 . B . Marusic 22. B . Delahay 23. A. McKaige 24, J . Goldsworthy 25. M . Funston 26. B .Day 27. J . Finch 28. A . DeKretsa 29. C. Baker 30. S . Kennedy 31 . R. Doherty 32 . S .Radford
VVILLI,QMSTOVdN C .Y .M.S. Sen . Coach: Gerard Barns 1 . B . Woud a 2 . B . Cock s 3 . A. Petzierides 4 . B .Forrester 5. B .Twis t 6. A.Thege 7. J . Clark 8. G .Singleton 9. S . Wuchatsch 10. G . Burgess 11 . D. Macleod 12. C.Bergi n 13. M . Elhaouli 14. L.Grochowski 15. T. Murray 16. M . Holland 17. J . Meter 18. G.Rickard 19. L.Gray 20. B . Robinson 21 . R .Cockerell 22. W. Kaddour 23. D . Bordignon 24. D . Wouda 25 . D . Ryan 26. D . Le e 27. C . Mathews 28 . S. Kennedy 29 . A. Hout i 30 . M. Elhaouli 31 . B. Davies 32 . B. Tod d 33 . B. MacLeod 34 . N . Magor 35 . S.Siewek 36 . G . Carlyon 37 . S. Dyer 38 . J. Hrycyszyn 39 . D . Krogmann
Under 19 U _ --- : BEAUMARIS Coach : Peter McBreart y
I . N. McLean 2. B. Thomas 3, M. Pitts (VC) 4. J. Wadha m 5, R. Thatcher (Capt.) 6, C. Kent 7, D. Whitaker g. M. O'Brien g, B. Nicholson 10. G . Moloney 11 . S. Blackie 12„ M. McLeod 13. N . King 14, A. Quin 1 :>. B. Stevens 16. P. Fisher (VC) 17. S. Mclve r 18. N . Boctor 19. R . Thornton 20. T. Cotter 21 . P. Thomas 22. N . Joh n
Coach: Adrian McMaster 1 . B. Lowe
23. 24. 25. 26. 27.
B. Ferguson C . Cezaw H . Dwyer B . Carroll (Capt .) J . Vance
28. 29. 30. 31 . 36. 41 . 51 . 52. 53. 58.
J . McKenzie S . Fraser R . Canfield M. Matulick J . Handfiel d A . Van Den Blink D . Sheldrak e B . Valle R . McGrath B . Steven s
OLD BRIGHTON Coach : Leigh Bowes 3. A. Birc h 11 . D . Paterson 12 . A. Alderton 15. F . Carr 20. A. McNamee 24. W. Clark 41 . J. Murchie 43. L . Marget 44. A . Brown 45. C . Rogers 46. A . Price 47. P . Williams 48. N . Bulfin 49. J . Raj u 50. C . McGuigan 51 . D . Strachan 52. M . Balmer 53. A . Remfr . X .Johnso y54 n 55. M . Dennis 56. S . Toms 57. A . Liplrol 58. D . Watson 59. C . McPherson 60. D . Crewdson 61 . A . Witte 62. A . Lewis 63. B . Wilson 64. R .Martin 65. R . Kent 66 . B . pamham 67. D. Taylor 68 . M . Jackson 69. J . Stewart 70. B . Medley 71 . G . Rhodes 72 . L. Salter 73 . N . Remtry 74 . B . Logan 75 . S . Alderson 77 . B . Morrison-Jack 80 . A. Palfrey
2 . A. Covent ry 3 . W . Campbell 4 . N. Silver 5 . S . Thomson 7 . L.Chambers 8 . D. Sawle 9 . B. Lechte t0. J. Graham 11 . R . Stumbles 12. B. Hansa 13. J. Babarcty 14. W. Lubransky 15. W. Bowe s 16. C . Goldswort hy 17. M. Cutler 18. B. Samild 19. C . Flinos 20. S. Curry 21 . M. Liddell 22. T. Townley 23. D . Sandall 24. C . Napier 25. D . Williams 26. N . Hayman 27. A . Campbell 28. T. Yate s 29. A. Beauchamp 30. L. McMahon 32. R . Haywood 33. B . Hill
35. J . Davies
PRINTED LABELS P865E(0305144PA80945.2661 °QuaG1y Labels jar Qualiq CGeets "
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Craig Harris 1. 2. 3. 4.
C. Cullen B . Marlyn D. Varker A . Varker
5. D. Anderson (C) 6. A . Browne 7. L. O'Grady B. D. Busby 9. P . Molino 11 . L. Tregear 12. S . Burke 13. P. Nelson 14. B. Hoare 15. E .Zuker(C) 16. P. Allardice 17. S .Osbaume 18. B. Artz 19. S.G . James 20. A. Aquino 22. H. Georgeanakis 24. R. Dunball (VC) 25. M . Dunball 26 . D. Ariz 27. S. Blick 28 . T. Wilmott 29 . H. Tregear 30 . L . Muir 39 . T. Lynch 40 . C. Hutchinson 41 . M . Talen t 42 . W . Armour 43 . M . Salter 44 . M . Ile s 45 . A. Quon 46 . M . Louis 47 . A. Duddy 48 . M. Kamkas 49 . P. Apinitis 50 . T. Pucella.
MAZENOD Coach : Kevin King 1 . 6. 2. J.Le Grzrd(Cap) 3. B.jov*
4. S.Gytelkii S. P.Effm 6. Fd . Rk-y
7. S. Pa(*.rd (VC) 8. A. Kral 9. 8.Ck?ad to. T.Syizs 11. G .JaWsk 12. M . ikrrc h 13 . A. tt4abns 36. F. tVo 14. G .Yaag 37 . ft.Hmljn S. G .Wzri 49. ASa'ryttce 16 . LE- 51 G„Jm 17. A. Oft 61. S.Bs Iai It . V. Di Scl~a 62. D. Weld It, A. WxDowel 63 . N. Mkah. 21 . P. tACCukch 69 . P Fay 22 . T. 864 it . D.dwt'p 23 . T. Pope 72 . B. Na.wn 24 . 0. Viand T7 . C. WW 25 . J .Dwoa 27 . W.OcctaAo(VC) 2a . A. Mae 34 . D. BodW 35 . 8, Hal
MONASH BLUES Coach: Steve Rust t .C. Gregory 2.J . Baxter (C) 3.C. Miller 4 .A.Bragg 5 .R. Harris (VC) 6. H. Tomlinson 7.W . McIver 8.M . Lawrence 9.M . Weeks 10. B. Henderson 11 . D. Collins 12.A. Hickey 13.A. Herrman 15A. Leadston 16.D. Walter 17. P. O'Neill 18.C . Stott (DVC) 19. H. O'Donnell 21 .N . Kazenwadel 22. J. Cavanagh 23.T. O'Brien 24.B. Hodson 25.J. Hawkins 26.M. Wagstaff 27. R . Burston 28.S. McGee 30.T. Cameron 31 .D .Jones 32 . D . Horsfall 33.A. Lourey 34 . M. Oka 37.8. Dempsey (DVC) 39 . N . Walker 41 .S. Millie 43 . C . Riordan
INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Coach : George Joseph Black Rock. 3193 19 . M. Weilgosz
ORMOND Coach : Brian Keatin g OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Andrew Baxter 1 . SW-*ian Nc~6)
1 . M. Stielow 2. N . Courtney 3. R .Franklin (VCapt) 4. N . Larkin 5. A . Murph y 6. M . Broadhurst 2 &LayiCa,q 7. H . Brow n 3 &" 21 . 8. K . McInerney 4 . ttTtWe 2L A i -a CO S 21 c ~': .• a 9. S . Taylo r 6. D . I'm t 6.f :~ 'i 70. M . Hester 7 . P.Lr ii K f 11, C . Bailey E. E( 26. G[ 12. J . Argall 9 . D.I 27. 6.t 13. M . Mabbett 1Q D.129. T.~ 14. S . Finlayson 11 . Li 23. E. 15. R . Cunningham . D i R g. ,12 11 ld 31. D.--- (Q 16. D . Fishtock 17. S . Handley 14, RI K D . . 1t ;p. R'1t5 . (ptCl 18. S . herrman tE &I f6 J . 19 . T. Ashford , .~ 17. !4. . C 20 . G. Smit h 18. V ai. 9. . ... 21 . S . Metz (Capt) 19. AL 33 . P.Crnr~s 22 . S . Head 21 C ..km , 45. w.FO 23 . C .jackson 24 . 25 . M . Wrodarczyk 26 . J . Byran 30 . S . Wiedemann 39 . T . Morga n 42 . G . Hall (DVC) 43 . S . Wrodarczyk 45 . L. Livingstone 50 . M . Wonnacott 51 . G . King 53 . I . Ransom
31 . M. Cunningham 38 . A. Bryson 39 . A. Diamond 40 . D . Broadhurst 52 . B. Plowman 53 . B. Burke 53. B. Karaminovski 56. B. Karaminovski 57 . K. Gleeso n 58. E. Karaminovski 60. P. Davis 63. F. Khovreiss 66. B. Clarke 71 . A.Cranston 72 . M. MacDonald 73. S . Duffy 74 . C .Fernando 75. S . Price 77. S .Holloway 78. G.Davis 79. M. Merrick 80. R . Plavljanic 81 . R . Nahas 82. N . Athens 83. L. Phillips 84. M . Slade 85. D . Aiken 86. A . Bourke 87. C . Johnstone
Khyatt's OF BRIGHTON 19
: 4 L.N Cr "1: Pet-r Randall Coach : John Bourke 1 . E . Mascitti (Capt) 2. G. Burch (V-Capt) 3. D . Heveren (DVC) 5. L. Kan e 6. R . Kunst 7. J . Quin n 8. N . Fredrickson 9. M . Boyl e 10. D. Boland 11 . S . Moran 12. M . Tilling 13 . P . Glennie 14 . R. Chapman 15 . P . Fredrickson 16 . C.Thomas 18 . J . Hunt 19 . M . Hope 20 . B . Griffi n 21 C. Brownhill 22 . B . Moran 23 . T. Huggins 24 . M . Reilly 28 . D. Plant 32 . J . Bleakney 33 . G . Hurley 38 . V . Sorace 39 . M .Mercuri 42 . R. Moran 44 . M . Thomas 51 . A. Hyland 54 . D. Kealy 55 . A. Cultrera
Cr ioh : Al i Cousi Ac istank * . Candl e 1 . B. Dalton (DVC) 2 . B. Miers 3. G . Ker r 4. D . Skillern 5 . M. Holliday (C) 6.A.Mays 7. J . Clif f 8 . A. Cont e 9. T. Wyngard 10. P. Allatt 11 . C . McKinnon (VC) 13. E . tatestmore 15. C . Piccioli 16. M . Gossip 17. D . Butler 18. N . Egan 20. M . Banks 22. S . Cousins 23. B . Roach 24. S . Power 25. D. Violi 26. P .Brown 27 . F. Vargo 30 . M . Adam s
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
M. Roberts W. McMahon L . Crosby R . Badanjek M. Bello
7. 8. 9. 10.
D . Bellissimo B . Alford J. Mason T. Black
6. L . Rya n
11 . M. Mifsud (VC) 12. M. Karavasilis 13. S . Moran 14. M . Van Lint (DVC) 15. T. Stephens (C) 16. J . Blackmore
17. 18. 19. 20. 21 .
D . Sampimon P . Diacogiorgis B . Colville C . Mulready B . Delta FI N
22. B . Symes (DVC) 23. N . Armstrong 24. J . Evans-Smith 25. S . Mouss i 26. A . Reitano 27. A . Sangorgio 28. P . Toscano 29. T. Marti n
30. D. Cardimone 31 . A . Rubira 32. J .Sheehan 33. P . Hogan 41 . M . Randazzo 51 . L. Baltic]
52 . B. Alford
Hawthor n 0 ® •; f Coach : Leigh Colema n
O LD SC OTCH Coach : Steve Aird 1 . M. Gwynn 2 . M. Stevens 3 . A. Teesdale (Capt) 4 . P . Shear 5 . A. Walkom 6. T. Gray 7. A. Littlejohn 8. S. Milliken 9. M. O'Brien 10. C . Woods 11 . W. Junkeer 12 . D . Thomas 13 . R . Silverwood 14 . P . Davis 15 . J. Snow 16 . S . Gilchrist 17 . C . Bird 18. D . Ireland 19. S . Penton 21 . D . Robson 23. O. Crane 24 D . McLennan 25 . C . Tindale 28. R . Eag le 29. L. Andrews 31 . W. Gerstman 34 . N . Thompson 36. S . Romensky 44 . L. Boyl e 45 . M . Ford
Jones Lar ootton
1 . A . Andrews (Capt) 2. B . Powe r 3. H . Munroe 4. J. Arrowsmith 5. T. Wolley B. J. Gerrish 7. S Natoli 8. D . Beardsley 9. B . Dahlstrom 10. M .Shauhgnessy 11 . T. Morpeth 12. 13. 14. 15.
R . Rhea J . Cade T. Perry J . Ivory
16. M . Chisolm 17. J . Newman 18. D . Burrows 19 . C . Ba r 20 . 21 . S . McMahon 22 . T. Sheehan 23. T. Cad e 24 . N . O'Haloran 25 . M . Lapira 26 . T . Tobi n 27 . M . Greig 28 . C. Butler 29 . L. Kennedy 30 . C. Stanley 31 . E . Davatzis 32 . K . Noden 33 . C. Wilson 34 . D. Robinson 35 . A . McKenzie 36 . R. Baxte r
OL,, C . .. Coach : rator Schiller 1 . L . Murphy 2 . S. Collins 3 . D. Bedford 4 . D. Cochrane 5 . J. Carte r 6 . A. White 7 . C . Anson 8 . A. Oppy 9 . J. Wood s 10 . P. Busse 11 . R . Saf i 12 . R . Spencer 13 . K.Safak 14 . 15 . 16 . A. Costello 17 . K. Lewis 18 . C . Angus 19 . S. Wilso n 20. S. Detarczynski (VC) 21 . N . Beal e 22 . C .Battle 23 . S.Pratt 24 . M. Heppell 25 . F. D'Anna 26. J . Nash 27. C . Murray 28. 29. 30. M. Hutchens 31 . 32 . P. Maniotis 33. Q. Smyth 34. J . Zit o 35. B . Gust 36. L. Cleak 37, L. Small 43. J . Amup 44. G.Hendrik s
HANG TEN Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hote l
A NS Coach: A m Stuckey 2. MP' h 3. BP ±n A, B.M. r n S. A!,
6. S M
7. P.T. ~ams 8. B.S.F`^n 9. 8. N~ ', It. M.I -a., 11. B.Lyrdt 12. M. Ed,Trvj 13. D. C"7 14. S . t
1S. SJ 16. Sr 17. S .k 19. D-
21 KM i 29. 21. N.1 d 72. M. , 23. M. t 24. MI 1 R J .F-Y. LE 4 . J . 41 26. 0'C-. a . P. Eod:s .27 td.f; 0. A "t 31. C 32. C.-
31. C. 1 34. SA 35 . 6i 1 36 . B.1 37. D. !
Nhitehall St, 4arraville Ph: 9687 8722
WHITEFRIARS Coach : Andy Dalrymple 1 . M . Tudo r 2. M .Vandenboam (VC) 3. D . Fedele (DVC ) 4. 5. L. Eames 6. M . Jongebloed (Capt) 7. M . Winterbu m 8. A . Lacey 9. S . Gillen 10. A . Davis 11 . D. Nolan 12. A . Sandford 13. T. Hughes 14. A . Beattie 15. R. Mik a 16. R.Tartagtia 17 . A . Glen n 18. C. O'Connor 19. A . Shepherd 20. A . Pawlick 21 . R. Facials 23 . D.Gritfin 24 . M . Smith 25 . 26 . R. Pawlick 27 . 28 . P . Molloy 29 . 30 .
YARRA VALLEY Coach: John Ma y 1 . T. Wapshot 2. T. Hate 3. S . Standlietd 4. J . Reid 5. A . Drew 6. L. Dou r 7. S . Thompson 8. L. Morris 9. D. Millsan 10. A . Barton . B . Reynolds 1 1 P . Ford 12. 13. J. McConnell 14. B . Mcitraith 15. K . May 16. L. Taylor 17. T . Mcltraith 18. L. White 19. B. Wilson 20 . T . Tyshing 21 . M . Wear 22 . B. Teltord 23 . A. Drew 24 . A. Cusano 25 . S. Gado 26 . D. Rowe 27 . L . Smith 28 . A. Lawton 29 . S. Seaboume 30 . A. Siebel 34 . D. Steven 35 . A. Laing 46 . W. Butler 52, A. Hartnett 69, H. Van Kiser
- 1 -0 BOYS
KEW Coach: M . O'Dea
COLLEGIAN S Coach: 1. Lockwood 1 . C. Bacon 2 . D. Hoyle 3. N. Sibbing 4. J. Gonzales 5. G .Constable 6. J. Gleason 7. N . Mathers 8' G . Dingl e 9. C . Comley 10 . S. Hooper 11 . P . Ashby 12 . N . Comley 13 . J . Morrison 14 . D. Wain 15 . T. James 16. R. Lee 17. P . Dunne 18. N. Hunton 19. M. Burgess 20. J . Gleeson 21, W. O'Connor 22. D . Crocke r 23. I . Lockwood (C,Coach) 24. T. Emonson 25 . T. Gates 26 . G. Mainers 27 . J . Ga y 28 . S . Messina 29 . D. Meizenthen 30 . S . O'Sullivan 31 . C. Sutherland 32. R. Nancarrow 33, J . Strathairn 34. A. Taylor 35. J. Taylor 39. R . Jones 56. D . Howe 58. P. Young 59. R . Lancaster 60. B . Kerss 60. G. Oakley 61 . D. Kerss 66. S . Gomes-Vieira
1 . P. Corridon 2 . S . Ivak
C. . Id: .e N .
3. M . O'Dea (Coach)
Coach: Glen Stallworthy 1 . M . Keaney 2 . R. Lovic h 3 . K. Richardson 4 . S. Bowe (Capt.) 6 . P. Avery 7 . G . Stalworthy 8 . P. Lovic h 9 . W. Power 10. P . Orchard 11, A . Still 12. A . Tsoumbris 13. J . Pove y 15. G . Morris 16 . H. Ousalkas 17 . D. Zavarella 18 . S. Timewell 19 . J . Law 20 . A. Hartley 21 . D . Murphy 22 . C . Benton 23 . D . Tracey 24 . A . Wilson 25 . A . Hure 26. M. Wilkinson 27. R. Lord 28. J . Morrison 29. D. Murray 30. D. Lauletta 32 . B. Delbridge 35 . A. Dunlop 36 . S. McDonald 41 . E. Sill 44 . P. Rossitt o
4. A . Tucker 5. A . Morrow 6. M . Garoffolo 7. M . Doyl e 8 . K . Corbally 9 . D. McGuire 10 . P. Bladed 11, M. Smith 12 . D . Maher 13 . M.O'Hanton 14 . P. Seal 15 . A. Lazerus 16. D . Byrne 17. C .Johnson 18. C. Curtain 19. O. Nialt 20. A . Wilson 21 . G. Kalac 22. S . Reid 23 . R. Guppy 24 . S. James 25 . 26 . 27 . J. Leonard 28 . 29 . 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38 . 39 . 40 . M. Quinn 56 . T. Reynolds
i . A. i 2 . i0 . (., m 3 . D. Boot,-y 4 . P. Doyle 5 . V. Paonessa 6 . J. Hes s 7 . A. Merton 8 . M. Nimmo 9. B. Edmonds 10. G . Cox (C) 11 . M. Lowry 12. A . Barnett 13. S . Lan e 14. R. Pertich (V.C.) 15 . A . Robinson 16 . A . Keogh 17 . D. Low . 18 . G . Lowry 19 . D. Pizzalotto 20. J. Ken t 21 . M. Kent 22. G . Banks 23, G . Seaford 24. A. Bucknell 25. M. Curry 26. D . Dodoricco 27. P . Fitzsimmons 28. R . Holland 29 . A . King 30 . T. Slattery 31 . D. Theis z
,h: Eon Holmberg 1 . J. Bugeja 2 . M . Bevanda 3 . G . Carroll 4. S.Lanyon 5. S. Elliot t 6. H . Curry 7. B. Devine S. J . Smith 9. D . Foga rty 10. P . Fletcher 11 . J . Cahill 12 . 5 . Hall (C) 13 . C. Henderson 14 . P . Hevey 15 . L . Koutsovasilis 16 . R . Holmberg 17 . D . Perron e 58. M. Lynch 19. P. Considine 20. D . Pasquariello 21 . F. Milett o 23. R . Christie 25. A . Ryan 26. A . Schmidt 27 . J . Schmidt 28 . K . Scott 31 . B . Swain 32 . J . Trimboli 33 . B. Pawsey 34 . I . Turnbull (VC) 42 . P. Vanderway 43. T. Spall 45. R . Dean A .q . C . --!W s
Coach: 1 . J. Beaton 2 . J. Sandman 2 . B . Milieki
Coach : I . Bvxa1
Coach : Brian Moon
Coach: D. La w 1 . D. Law (CC) 2 . D. Bellman 3 . T . Williams 4 . B. Gasa 5 . P. Van Bentham 6 . C . Fazzalar i 7 . A. Rhodes 8 . M . Pleasants 9. N . Di b 10. M .Thouas 11 . R . Musa 12. T. Tregoning 13. B . Whit e 14. S . Burns 15 . R. Casey 16 . C. Bishop 17 . D. Hexter 18 . C. Hammon 19 . D . Rei d 20 . P. Hammon 21 . M. Crowley 22 . A. Smith 23 . A. Tyrrell 24. R . Boyle 25. M. Howden 26. P . McMaster 27. R . Sheila 28. C . Vassallo 29. N . Boyle 30. D. Greasley
1 . G . Anhurson 2 . K. Bree n 3 . M. Quinn 5 . P. hayes 6 . A. Denaty (VC) 7 . M . Creak 8 . R . Day 9 . G. Wood 11 . J . Comito 14 . A . Vinecombe (Capt) 15. G. Farrugi a 17. S . Gollant 20. J . Ma rtin
21 . A. Kennedy (DVC) 25. P. Moo n 26. B.Schwarzenburg 35. T. Matko v
37. M. O'Connell 40, G . Tol e 44 . 48 . 62 . 64 . 65 . 69 . 78. 79. 81 .
B. Moon P. Farru9ia A . moodie A . Bames M. Castles K . Mahady S . Denah y M . Cunningham ri S . B sto w
6. 8. 9. 10. 11 .
M . Keenan T. hewat M . Lawry W . Dreer S. Molna r
13 M. Frahm (C) 16 . M. Wh,vkes 21 . G . Smith 22 . M. Devereax 23 . A. Fielding 24 . M. Jurcic 26 . G. Growcock 32 . R . costello 35 . B .Hitchens 36 . C. Rizz o 45 . D. Lyons 48 . R. Keenan 49. P . Kelly 51 . M . Doran 60. C.Jacobsen 68. P. Wessleman 96. S. Redden 99. L. Arsovski 111 . M. Slazyk 148 . G . Thompson 171 . D . Forbes
380 Gilbert Ph: (03) £ 710733 Fax : (03) 71 0753
160 C bu- Rd Ph : (0:. ,
Fax : (03) - '2 0 65 ,
Jonn u . veal PHA t AXY 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199 6
~ , Alexander Rd . 6toonee Ponds 93261799 21
Club XV111 South
Coach : M . Selby
Mark Borthwick S. A'Beckett A. Barron J . Belt D. Blackburn R. Burn R. Calvert H. Cameron D. Crowe W. Davis W. Dodd J . Dowling P . Edgar S . French J . Geddes J . Hamilton M . Hammet B . Hickli n T. Jackson (Capt) P . Jones N . Kennett R. Knight P . La w C. Levinge J . Mantello H . McInnes A . McMillan M. McPhee S . Nadenbosch J . Neville-Smith M. Oddi e
Coach: Brendan May Assisistant Coach : Peter Mannin g 1 . K. Manu (Cap .) 2 . T.kkHeray 3 . A.Ckssm 4 . 8.0'Draa4 5. B. Byrm 6 . 8. Hoy 7 . M.Tr~n 8. D.Jereings (VC) 9 . N.Varty.s 10 D. Tessier 11. S.Bd 12. 5. Rudd 13. d .CtdhKr 14. M .0`Dkiscoil 15. A.&atrkr 16. C. Taylor 17. B.OHeam It. S. Tucker 19. P.Mamsg(VC) 20. M . S!.arsiope 21. S.6oss 22. A yiasl?iry 23. C. Bourke 24. T. Fates 39 . J. h}res n. J, worry, 40 GJ w
. D.V ffamson41 26 . S. -,-
27. . Can 42. P.`~ . . 28. C.Ckary 43. T.l 29. S.Gua 44. C.F. . .tr 30. N- ~'-Fm 45. P.S 31 . M.FarreB 46 M Sm~ 32. P. Carbon 47. Atfarma 33. B.Cbssen 48 . LP. . 51. 8. EBS 49 J. 1A 35. S.FAZSinr,ns 5a p, 36. P. Forbes 51 . S. 37. M.Furr~l 56. J.l: ~. C. 4,,Z
OLD SCOTCH Coach: Simon Iltingworth I . B. Aujard 2. 0 . Young 3. M . Coope r 4. H. Middleton (VC)
5. S . Montgomery (Capt) 6. M . Godwin 7. M . Clunies-Ross 8. D. Bingley 9, 1 . Bowden 10. M . Bingley 13. N. Murdoch 15. D. Murtagh 17. N. McLeish 18. C. Knight 19. N. Moss 20. N. Tribe 21 . J . Deakin 22 .- D. Hooper 23. S . Pryde 25 . B . Langley 27. C . Winneke 29. R . Bretherton 30. P . Williamson 31 . D . Bini 32 . S . Sheahan 37 . A . Chambers 41 . A . Paulden 49 . M. Gore 51 . S.Illingwonh 53 . B. Simpson 55 . A. Aston 56 . S. Norden 58 . A. Cowper 60 . M. Weber 62 . M. Slasiuk 66 . B. Pentokt 88 . A. Price
M AZENOD Coach: Danny Ydai n 4. S . Garbellini 5. D.Carte r 7. P. Deegan 9. P. Hall (Capt) 10. T. Sykes 11 . G .Janetski 12. A. Wilke 13. T. Bridgiand 15. C. Vamey 16. M . Little 17. T. Tsiavis 21 . I . Neil 23. T. Pope 26. W. Poulter 27. D. Krom 28. N. Little 33. J. Boyle 35. B. Hall 36. F . Nigro 37. G. Trigg 39. R. Bourbon 40. P. McCusker 41 . B. Welch 44 . D. Bolle 46. B . Hains 47. P. Riley 48 . P . Vine 49. L. Haley 50. 0. Jones 52 . S . Thompson 53. K . Carmody 54 . P . Jacobs 55 . M . Quirk 56 . M. Welch 57 . M . Peters 58 . R. Cahill 59 . C. Lan e 60 . M. LeCouteur 61 . L. Hea d
63 . P . Welch 65 . D . Biviano 66 . L. Todd 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 . 71 . 75 . 77 . 88 . 89 .
G.McAllister K . Duffy B . Harper P .OcchipinG T. Clayton G. Mann C . Wood G. Jones P . Fay
99 . P .Crowhurst
OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Teamlist not supplied.
2 . M. Jarvis 3 . B. Stefanou 5 . R Murray 6 . S. Moody 7 . M. Hall 8 . A. Hancock 10 . R. Moreton 11 . J . McLauchlan 12 . D. Cochran 13 . A. Noble 15 . J . Tregaskis 16. B. Morrison-Jack 17 . S . Hannaford 17 . J . Pyers 19. D. Smyth 21 . P . Cantone 22. J . Lockett 24. L. Hamilton 24. P . Neytan 26. J . Uglow 28. S . Kay 29. J . Rattray, 30. P . Cockayne 31 . F. Magee 31 . M . Scadett 32. R. Wraith 33. D. Payne 34. R. Smith 35. A . Rutter 36. D. Joyce 39. P . Greene 41 . M . Payne 42. A . Willey 43. T. Betts 44. S . Carter 45. J . Tumbull 48. C . Haling 49. D . Toniolo 5 1 P . Bainbridge 64. B . McMurtde 78. R . Saunders 84 . M . Shippe n
Coach :
J . Omond A . Osboume J . Pettit J . Pettit C . Richardson A. Robson J. Sewers C . Snow T. Sullivan C . Walke r d . Whitehead A. Williams M. Williams D . Williams
OLD MELBURNIANS Coach : A. Cordne r 1 . D. Milne 2 . D. Mos s 3 . D. MacDonald 4 . A .Coroner(VC) 5 . B . Vile 6 . C. Branchflower 7. A . Woodhouse 8. S . Potte r 9 . J . Scott 10. G . Stooke 15. H . Ingleton 16. C.Jensz 21 . T. Rea d 25. S . Hargreaves 28. S . Cox (C) 33. A . Clements 35. S . Stribling 37. S .Osbome 44. S . Baldwin 45. J . Ela m 48. W. Houserman 54. A . Wilson 55. T.Osbome 61 . P, Harris 62. D . Stanton 71 . R . Hockney M. Atkinson A . Carroll A . Clar k
J . Carroll B. Pyke C . Whit e
Ll REAL ESTATE ST KEVIN S Coach: Brendan Milla r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
M.Wharton M. Quinlan S. Bannon A. Bucelta G . Gosgrif t B. Stackpole (VC) R . Marks
8 . R . Drew 9 . D . Nanfra (Capt) 10 . M. Menzies 11 . L . Davidson 12 . D . O'Brien 13 . P. Hooper 14 . P. O'Tierney 15 . M. Pabst 16 . B. Quin n 17 . A. Aloi 18 . B. Millar 19 . M . Powell 20 . J . Wilhelm 21 . A. Davies (VCapt) 22 . I . Wood 23 . R. Curtis 24 . A. Nanfra 25 . L. Smith 26 . C. Smith 27 . R. Snell 28. P .Bannon 29. P . Hamilton 30. T . Saultry 31 . B . McDonald 52. P . Lewin
V .U .T. Coach : Geoff Fletcher 1 . B.Difalco 2. E.Burmeister 3. T .Nucara 6. D.Tanner 7. P. Byrnes 8. K.Vanderpoel 9. N.Djinovic . G . Farley 1 0 G . Ziegler 12. 13. M .Robertson 16. W. O'Connor 17. C.RUssell 19. T . Williams 20. R.Papakos 21 . P . Cox 22. P .Cliffe 23. E .Midon 24. A .CIiHe 26. S . Case 34. P .Allen 38. M .D'Angelo 41 . F.Kilro y 52 . K . Vanduursen 56. T. Brown 57 . M . McGlade 58. T.Moebus
Jones Lang Wootton
E East AQUINAS Senior Coach : Brett Davidso n Reserves Coach : Sean O'Loughlin T.l'"- 33. C.CoAYr 2 . G. tl 31 . LKeg g S. Ed 22. M.VarJrer H, in N+re,in 6. g :. , 33. M.u 7. P. 34. M.Ta D. - - t 35. S. L" aa. n 9. &P''-rd 36. D.F 0 S. F 37. M. J 1' B.L,~mu 33 . C. RF-A 39 . R .Le_. .v7 I C .:. y 40 . S.F~j 14. C .6aa 41 . M.Bm%m 15. J. Knights 42 . J.McEmy 16 . H . FHM 43. M. SHBery 17. M. P:navi 44. P . W'x'k 18 . J.Hugdw.s 45. S. as 19 . G.NRoteehaad 46. S.BStanw 20. P. Para$ 4T P. Bernard 21 . C. Wm 48. ACNIad 22. S. FP(rar 49. C. Larnbon 23. d,Lirag;lcta 50, ABettava 24. P.f4Wr 51. AINIand 25. D. Name 52, T . Wear 26, S. Caaulj 53. S. PkWSwi 27. S. .brhs 54. S. Won
Senior Coach : Joe D'Angelo Rese rv es Coach : Mark Horsfield
Senior Coach: Bill Gommers Rese rves Coach: Denis Caine
Senior Coach : Adam Lenarcic Reserves Coach: Mick Marshall
Senior Coach : Matt Ryan Rese rv es Coach : Kim Tucker
Assistant Coach : Andrew Gillard 1 . RSBa•e_&- 18. R0 2. J.BArTb 19. BE_ 3. B. ft 23. J . . SIfS 21 . I. (I3
4. I. Mt1
4. KC 22. P.O 5 M, 2'S. !As 5. ML_ .J 23. J. :_& 9 Ke24. C 1, ' 7. T.WO 24. M.d : . T.tta.taars'a 25. W.C .B 9. P.Gca:z c'b'. AF 9. MSt'Eetan 27. A.' -,a 9 . H.TunzJ 30. C.F--~r 10. S.WM 33 . M.I II . SPery 34 . L( 1a Alssa 31 . S( 12. D.ThairGscn 3i T. . N . Borg 35. 6.1. P13 14. B .W-11 ;G. B .1 15, M SVXtn 37. J.f 15. S. Wain 33. G. 16. At BEAceO 43. R 11. P.CE;rrl, 44. B. 46. AI e7 53. S 8. L .,
~. SO'LaighEn G . R.Maoce
RICHMOND CENTRA OLD CAREY Senior Coach : John Wise Assist : John King Reserves Coach : Scott Macrae 1 . C. Ha 41 . A. Gates 2. C. Hrckey (Cap) 42. C. Prpp'sxO 3. M . Cohen (VC) 4. LPar,ersan 43. S.W-ick 5 . 0 .Lee 44 . & C .CaTOet 45 . M. Small 7 . A .Crev€r 46 . T.Ger4N 8. P.N.rrt; 47 . M.Sercrq 49 . M. F~':.ksa] 9 . M. an 10. K .sa,hs 49 . R.Msakn tt A .Core (RCap) 50. M. Dawson 11 M. ; or 51 . J.MZrshaB 13. S. 52. P. ft<Y.nn 14. !1,=___.Narr.' 53. R.Foster 15. C. HL" 54. C. Eels 16. M .:° 55. M .Cwry 17. C.GFrzkrrarn 56. W.S<mg 18 C. Mat9vrxs 57 . A. Ecd2s 58 . C, Bcyk, M Mark Nara 20 . C .A%Nrsm 59 . C .Mason 21 . J .Ecdes tvJ . RHugfes 22 . J. Kards 61 . R. Sayan 21 T. Prke 62 . M. SoMag 24 . M.YamaS 63. C.Soce» 25 . C .Goodit 64 . A.M$arlatw 26. 1 MC0u2 65. 27. N.Vaskp}a% 66. J.Bayes {VC) 70. T.AukmI 8. P. Nance 72. M . Backbm 73, S, Brady 29. T. MWym 3). S. Feehan 77. P. Daton S1 J . Bayard 31, N. Evened 32. G . Neale (Fr) 84. C . VFtJirqton $8 . & Clint 33. P. Bch 34. D .FaeEs M.Ea>tham 35. R . Evans S .Cheary 36 . H . !.!arson S . Greenwrod 37 . P. B-= D. Lansence 33 . LCe, _, E .Penes 39 . P . I B.Ganna n
G TE N Westgate Transport Elgin Inn Hotel
Senior Coach : Tim Pontefract Reserves Coach: Peter Jackson 1 . A. Mm 2 . L&xry
a B. Ram
3. J . DJ-,W_ 4. K.Tafty 4. LN.anvan S. S . Shaven 6. S . pltetl
7. F. Bwe 8. G. kia%pan 9. D.Wass 10. A!laurtv 11. J. Bt 2 F.M^^-' 13 . G. P 14 . C.S I 1S P.C 1&6" • te"_52-_17. A~.-:- : 1& M 2 19. J.M 23. W . ( .. 21. A.H a 2 2. 4. 1 23. G.t 24. AJ, 25 AC 2"0 . B. F 27.G .E 28 . AA 3"s.SF i 31 . 32. D.Vt ,y3. L.VIS--- 1 34. D.F 35, 0. C x P.it :s 37. G.F 3?. 3. ~-=
41 . D. P 42 P.6 •l A S 44. I.J & 45. M . 46. 0. F . 47, D. ❑ . 49. 49. 52CE , 51. H. 52 . 0. F 53. J .' 54 . P. 55. E6. 0 . 57. K. E° L1 69. 60.B.G 61. 62 63. 64. 65. G. Bad 66 . 67 . 68, 69. A! T a ray 70. 71 . 72 73. 74. P . Czaa:d 75 76, L Egan 17. AR:gan l8. 79. E7.
1 . M .PaT berkon 2. A Sae
3. G .Sided 4 . M.Cansi S . B. Peckr 6 . 0 . TrcCer 7 . V .fted 8 . D.Gains 9. B .Gray
10. M. Ktamars
It G, "rd V. 0.Pada 13. P. OAS 14. S.Mtfr9osh 15. M.Waren 16. M.W* a 18. B. Maturo-7i 19. S.0'Ctrcwr 20 . K.0ates 21 . S . Oates 22 . T.MdAra#s 23. B .SwR 24 . C. D-zm/ 25. R. N•etnd tson 26. P. pop 27. J.Canci 28. S. Pk-*/
33. G. °t-'!n 39. J. 40. R I 41. G .I s 42. D. L_ o 43. P. Ed 44. M. 45. W. m r 49 . C . , 52 . S .trinr. 53 . R Davison 56. G.DaOa
29. M . Ha"m 33. S. Bad 31. P.Egan 32. P.A rBhatq 33 . A.Chkas}i. 34 . R .E q 36 . D. F,aro
1. G.6 2& G Farr 2 Ar a 26 Otis 2. A .. 27. aKa 3. !dc ~28. aAn 3.G.L 29S 4. D.Go,. x j 4. M.[3 3 7 . 4. . C. B 0S S. T. .. & D. & a` 7. 0 . 7. K 8. 0 .1 @. S .( 9. C.' . 10. 11. A ( 12. A l 13 8.1 dF.r 14. D.L...s 48 IN 15 . A 47. P.' f 1& N._-. A. 17 .SP%finu _ .A If. J.V:sTars 5n Y,. 19 D .-, 51 . P .( ._ 20. R l- (CO)
21 . SL_ 22. S .8 21 G. ' 24. R.
DIRECTIONAL DRI l! I'. ~ 1 Ken Basso 97221697 A,NZ . BANK FIN'ACE Greg Skien 015 552 013
ST. MARYS Senior Coach: Nell Lelievre Rese rv es Coach : Evan Evans I U.S hroah 32 . A .Gwut 2. T.& 33. P.Sierers 3. P. U . . ax 34 . 4. AB 35 . RPe.uns S. W.h~r 38. E.Evam 6. S .9 . 37 . J.MSCa:hney 7. 36. F.Han'sm 39, R King 8. d. Seim .ro 9. M .H>d m 40. C.Dmaia V. P.FealherYvi 10. T.. ares 11 . L . Ph"`; 41 A. Home 12 . RA >~ 44. Z 8e'aM 13 . M.S .•.' .i 45. W . Black 4& G. Lan58crd 14 . J . RD 15. DAr ss 47. S .Mc4mtel 16. J. D48. P. B~rrron 17. AB • 49. S.Ma m n 18. W .F. 50. K.Lzr q xd 19 R h -,ad 51. B.PraB 20. D.S',.__a 52. T. Canal 21 . T.Yn•xr 53 . B. Mort 22. D. Wadaek 55 . C.0Brkn 23. S.Preskm 58 . TAnofara 59 . G . Fb.ssell 24. I. Garye 61 . M.McCatJrr 25. M 1e4-je . .Hetuf{ 62 26 . J 27 . B.Stewarl 63 . S.Dw-tat 64, h1z-.-,A 28 . J . loves 65. P.N1_3i=i 23 . J .Frarr.is 30. P. Watscn 68 . G,--. nars 31 . P.Akxan
"The Road Builders '
1 . G . Snry~h 41 . 0. S!nad ar 2. K. locker 42 . C. HM 3. P.TLder 43. K.Hawhare 4. B . Fkspn. 44. 45. M.Ryan 5. A . Kogan 6. I.Chfan 46. D .HaJle'd 7. H. Hem 47. G. Knb.17/ 8 . D. WooAvtatl 48 . . Murgia 9 . M . Less 49. 10 . M . Barry 50. P. We 11 . G .Haren 51. M .I - + 12 . T.Ca6er 52. S. f 13. D .Be t Si A.6 x: 14. J . S!saaa 54. N. Tt . C .MaN.Tem 55 . G .Mt. r15 16. 56. RDa 17. H . Leys 57 . D . ShyeY 18. C .Bar"uig 58. R . Kean 59. 19. C. Dwyer 29. J. SSTAn &. J. S . K. an}}an 61 . C.R h21 ?p 22 . A. Lacey 62. M.Berd 61 C. Cress 23 . A.0'DwwB 24 . 64 R. Jm 25 . T. S'z kord 65. R W
26. A.G`are 6& S. , : < 27 . R . Spar LCt
28 . A.Ct23. J . Sta*j C. Dais 30. J . Cray D. Ethe r 31 . Z. Jwarhavsti U .S A, .' „ 1 32. 33. J. Taller G . R. 34. 35. J. ( ffeS1 A . . J. Daddy A . l36 L. 37. P. FksstAUtiq 33 . J. tM scat 39 . J .Ccdrert/ 40. S.YfiEe
. . . .. ..
SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY Seniors Coach: Keith McKenzie Rese rves Coach : Mark Johnston 1 . M.MBar p 2. J. She~d/ 4. C .De@'cda 5. RVct,ergvy 6. D. Craa: 7. A.Haabi 32. A .F 8 . J.HOR4 33. D. 9 . C.Srre{h 34 . Ar ~°. 10 . M.Ja`rHdm 35 . T .G it . G.Barry 37. AF . C. Bcki 38 . N. ^12 13. Rleesm 39 . W. Lo 14 . R Good. 40. B.Irrr 15. M .St3•enwn 41 . C.Lvnb 16. P.Jamr;s 42. C.B$sog 17. S. Lee 43. D .Way 18. M.Slrab 44. D . Ra•aslrad 19. B.0'Mara 45. R Potter 20. A .H4emann 46. E .SaA:ses 21. T.Dr^narvJ 47. M.Kery 22. S .Ftr•m 48. M.Os ro i 23 . TM 49. 5 1' 24 . J. Mhtica 50. B.C 25 . DWa^.tk.n 51. B.C . FtEkidt 52. J.F°26 Kai 27 . J.Naman 53 . D.I 28 . G.0'Gabghan 54 . H.1 r 55 . C.b,.n 29. G. pale 30. P.Twk
YA RR A VALLEY Senior Coach : David McCormack Res. Coach : Scott Alderson I . N. Fad 35. R . Pena.4rra 2 . F .MacVean 37. LTrzanb:lh 3 . R Ttoerg)scc 38. D . Poor 4 . M. Furg 31 T. R:d'anay, 5S . C.Waslrf 40. M.VAF?e 6. J .Dcksnn 41. B .Daans 7 . J .Dmirs 4-9. T. Crean
8. A . RyVean 43 . H, Park
9. C . Ross 44 . E.7.aTarznnan 10. D .1Sr!ro 45 . L Fees 12. M. VrT>ie 45 . N. DDJAg 13. G.Prker 47 . T.Pera&ma 15, J. Keenan 48 . A. McDeary 16. B.Sm's'lie 49 . T.LdpB IT SAder<.en 5A. J .Lglcad 16 . D. (a~.in 51 . B. Dnrr~ 19. N. Park 52. A. Handed 20 . S.Fran•a 53. S .Cr.raran 21 . A. LrreseyCda 54 . R Fedon 22 . P. M=_-Aar 55. S . Taybr 23. J . SavarD 55. L Harrsglcn 24. fA D-s+i:t 49. G. -We.rd 25. T. Hatton W. D. Dag 26. G.6!cLeW 61. P.Te9utl 27. L.IkM€ym 63 . T.Slrervg 28. J.64acVean 64 . D.6yr 73. P.Petec>o-n 65 . S.Jenew 30, D. Rear 66, A. Bl-sbmek 31. J. Owe Si . A P.aea 32. C.teBeman F9 . M.HOath 33. D.he'aM 72. Rl .ar+'.cn 34 . T. CYa.. 71 J . Scale 35 . B.Pc :
, OT ;r~ P_')~'
Mafvern 'Uafe Hotel
DE Senior Be-, ; 1 . B. Mooney 2 . D . Smith 3 . B. 6t'oolhouse 4 . S. Laussen 5 . D. Peters (1) 5 . D. Greeves (2) 6 . A. Smit h 7 . D. Baxter (1) 7 . C. Higson (2) S . C. Polloc k 9 . V. Cleary 10. N. Anderson (1) tO.J.Grittg(2) 11 . B. McKenzie 12. D. Stub s 13. A . Shoddy t 4. R. Schober 75. Y . Phillip s '.. 16. A . Wallace 17. D . Phillips 17. A . Oldha m 18* J . Bennett (Capt) 19 . C . Davidso n 20. G . Dean-John s 21 . A. Johnston (R-Capt) 22 . D . Kerr 23 . A. Sheerly 24 . R . Hartnett 25 . D . Lever (RVCapt) 26 . N . M,tat 27.S .Humphry 28 . S . Blackman 29. A. Kenneally 30.10 . Gailbraith (V-Capt) 31 . R. Schobe r 32. D. Thomson (V-Capt) 33. G . Irvine 34. D. Entwistle 35. J . Taylor 36. S . Harding 37. J . Danse y 38. S . Van Der Venne 39. B . Jone s 40 . A . Kelson 41 . S. Lubich 42 . A . Vasdekis 43 . A. Greenway 44 . A. Parkin 46 . S. Wadley 48 . J. Lemon 50 . B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52. J. Schmidt 53. S . Hobbs 54. K . Muir 55. E . Jones 56. D. Howe 57. J . Moore 58. A . Rose 59. M . Richards 60. B . Kerss 61 . D . Kerss 62 . G . Constable 63 . 64 . G . Tiver 6566 . S. Cromes-Vieira 67 . 68 . 69 . D. Armstrong 70. R.Conron 71 . 72. 73. 74. 75. N . Proctor
Res .
:Arthur-Allen .. Coich : Brow n
1 . M . Chun 2. P . Fiume 3. S . Crowe 4. L. Hall 5. A . Ftowerday 6. M . Fishe r 7. C . Browne 8 . C . Wrigh t 9. C . Campbell 10. D . Tessier 11 . A. Evans 12 . D . Toohey (Capt .) 13 . A. Water s 14 . P. McCormack 15 . J. Hodder 16 . M . Jackson 17 . D. Crow e 18 . M . Abrahams 19 . D, O'Brien 20. M . Knupple 21 . C. Shannon 22. P . O'Callaghan 23. M . O'Callaghan 24. C . Montgomie 25. G. Hyne s 26. P .Vdyles (Res .VC) 27. L. Van Der Plight 28 . M. Laffert y 29 . D . Hegan 30 . J. Horn 31 . A. Elliot 32 . T. Silvers 33 . B. Miller 34 . P. Conro y 35 . A. Mackintosh 36 . A. Abbot t 37. R. Makinson 38. B . Brashe 39. P . Brasher 40. G. Curra n 41 . A . Phillips (R.Capt) 42. D.Jackson 43. M . Ellis 44. 45 . 46 . 47 . 48 .
C . Makinson C . Sparrow M. Hagan M. Farrell D . Smith
49 . D . Lambe 50 . P. Mannix 51 . D . Grace 52 . S. Harrison 53 . P. Aron 54 . J . Duckett 55. C. Harrison 56. J . Gallager 57. C. Fidler 58. C. Cleary 59. S .Jacobs 60. S . Thomas 61 . S . Alban 62 . G. Hegan 63 . J . Murphy 64 . C . Bourke 65 . B . Buick 66 . L . Langone 67 . B. Byrne 6& G . Langstaff 69 . J. Forbes 78 . M. Stanhope 80. M . Hill
SeniarL ich: Tong I aatsc h Ass!! . G ch: Rob Prosser Reser: Coach : Chi Boyle 1 . C. I 2. D.' ' (VC) 3. T . 4. A.t 5. D. 6. N. 7 . S. 7 . P. & . D. . 9 . P.
for Coach : Neville Taylor rves Coach : Gary March I . A. Baxter
2 . D. Connell (DVCapt) 3 . W . Gyms 4 . C. McKenzie (Capt) 5 . R. Buchana n S . F. Main 6 . W. Smith 7. A. Hilton 8. M . Orton 8. F . Capomolla 9. S . Rowlands 10. T . Chegv.5n 11 . C. Hucker 12. D. Seccull 13. B . Cart y 14. A . Forsyth 15 . N . Morey 16. P . Thiessen 16. D . Williams 17 . A . Hilton
to . M., N(,') it. T. 12 . S. 12. A 13. a 13. T. 14. T.
If. D. 15. C . 16. L', . T. .17 17. T. 18. D .
18 . M. Constabl e
20. 21 . S. .. , 21 . I . 22 . D . 23 . 1'"~. . 24 . 5 25 1, . 2"v . F . 27. W. 27. D. 22. A.
N. 29. R 30. S .I 31 . C.I C 32. 1V.: , 33. J. E 34, k,, ;b. J. F 36. P. L 37 . G .' 38 . 0. : 39 . AE 4+J. P.! 41 . B.i 422 . it, 43 . W.I 44 . D. E 45. G. f , 61. L
4& B. IN
47. P. F 4. P.b_ 49. t.
.E` 3UR Y
;RD'JC )
41. C .
51 . P 52. S 53. K 51 . P. a S .htC 5S. M4 . 1 57 . M.F 58 . R C 54 . C.L u, . M A
19 . M. Armstrong (VC) 19 . N . Gerrard 20 . C . Krause 21 . A. Walde n 22 S. Richardson 23 . M. Seccutt 23 . J. Mackay 24. R, Lavender 25. G . Rowlands 26. G . Phillips 27. J . Dan n 28. A . Pound 29. M . DeMattia 30. R. Aughterson 31 . B . Main (RCapt) 32. P . O'Donnell 33. G. Tanne r 33. T. Johnston 34 . C . Reidy 35 . D . Lappage 36 . A . Dowsing 37 . T. Evans 38 . J. Hayter 39 . P. Corrigan 40 . S. Duxbury 41 . T. Oscar 42 . D. Scaife 43. R. Pincher 44. A. Kirkwood-Scott 45. N. Hill 46. B . Mitchell 47. D. Scoffen 48. D. Bum 49. B . Wignall 50. A . Bonwick 51 . T. Boothman 52. R . Harrison 53. B . Wignall 54 . M. Schmid t
55. C . Ladds (RVCapt) 56. P. Kyl e 57 . B. Ladds 58 . 59 . 60 .
OLD M ELSilR NBANS SaniorCoach : Sean Ratphsmith Reserves Coach : Guy Nelso n Assistant Coach: Archie Salek 1 . A. Witt s 2 . S. Theodore 3 . J.-Stadtski 4 . B. Ellin ghaus 5 . N. Boy an 6 . P. Handbury 7 . C. Thompson 8 . M . Lovett 9. T . Smith 10. P . O'Brien 11 . A . Thompson 12. A . Hewitt 13. S . Rose 14. J . Bunn 15. S . Bromell 16. C . Eab ry 18. Q. Keeble 19. J . Correll 20. A . Safek 21 . D . Strooper 22 . L . Bunn 23 . M. Berry 24 . N . Sereda 25 . M. Pruden 26 . C. Kennedy 27 . C. Bry an 28 . S . Babbitt 29 . C. Buse 30 . I . McMullin 31 . J . Hart 32. R. Webb 33. G . Dixon 34. C.Anastasakis 35. D.Brovrn 36. A . McKeon 37. S . Eab ry 38. R . Eggleton 39. S . Madden 40. S . Middleton 41 . G .4V'ilhetm 42 . P. Theodore 43 . O . Bo yd 44 . A. McDougall 45 . Z. Useinov 46 . H. Wri gh t 47 . J. Power 48 . S . Walsh 49. T . Stuckey 50. P . Marinis 51 . D. Corbin 52. B . Campbell 53. B . Crump 54. I . Patterson 55. M . Burgess 56. M . Ellinghaus 57. R . Money 58 . D . Clements 60. J . Rattopoulos 61 . B. Luckock 62 . R . Morrell 63 . B. Telford 64 . A. Nelson 65 . 66 . L . Boyd 67 . B. Vile 68 . A. Henshaw 71 . 72 . 73 . 74
WH E E L ERS HILL tI 0 T E L PH : (03) 9822 00
OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach : Wayne Hermes Reserves Coach : Simon Tallen t 1 . K. Stoke s 2. J. Hosking (VC) 3. S. Duthie 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
T. Holt R. Price A. Millar J. Hughes C . Reid R . Aujard S. Kerr S. Hume N. Hooper D . Norman D . McCall A. Spee d
17. S. Woodhouse 18. A. Nettleton 19. S. Spide n 20. T. Wilson 21 . S. Gibbs 22. L . McDonnell 23. D . Walsh 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
M. Angus T. Pritchard B. Phillips C . Winneke S. Teesdale C . Heat h
30. J . Laird (DVC) 31 . A. Smit h 32. S. Grig g 33. J . Hannemarm 34. D. Steel e
35. S. Steele (Capt) 36. M. Davison 37. E. Montgomery 38. C . Hosking 39. A. Cowper 40. A . Warner 41 . A. Castricum 42. A . Gibb s 43. J . Paterson 44. D . Tracy 45. A . Stubbs 46, G. Jonas 47. N . Morris 48. R . Hardy 49. M . Gore 50. D . Pel l
52. R . Grego ry 53. P .Gaidzkar 54. B . Aujard 55. S . Montgomery 56. J . Schonfelder 57. N . Strang 58. R . Hardy 60. M . Webe r
OLD XAVEo:1ANS Senior Coach : Nick Bourke Reserves Coach : 1 . M . Blood (DVC) 2. M . Bourke (VC) 3. M . Hannebery (C) 4. D. Landriga n 5 . H. Cook 6 . A . Keyhoe 7 . P .Tuddenham 8 . M . Holme s 9. S . Hawkins 10. S . Cotquhoun 11 . A.Jones 12 . J . Bowan 13. C. Ellis 14 . L. Ford 15 . A. McLean 16 . T . Ockleshaw 17 . D. Richardson 18 . S . Hunter
19 . M . Lloyd 20 . B . Buckley 21 . L. Hanebery 22 . A. Bourke 23 . A. McDonald 24 . B . Coughlan 25 . D. Tapping 26 . A. Nei l 27 . L . Fay 28 . R . Clarke 29 . S. Wood 30 . D . Dann 31 . S. Mallard 32 . A. Brushfield 33 . A. Sass i 34 . A. Bell i 35 . C . Mortensen 36 . P. Barrett 37 . A. Landrigan 38 . M. McClelland 40 . T. Nelso n 41 . A. Dillon 42 . J. Lowe (RCapt) 44, J. Petroff 45 . D . O'Tool e 46 . C . Andronopoulos 47 . J. Dalirangle 48 . M. Logan 49. P . Lachte 50. N . Fay 51 . D . Walsh 52 . M. O'Callaghan 53 . A . Kearn s 54 . M. Brennan 55 . A . Long 56 . M. Stones 57 . G . Short 58 . D . Bel l 59 . M. Hardman 61 . S . Natilli 65 . A .Jone s 66 . Panagiotopoulos
Senior Coach : Geoff Reilley Assistant Coach: Russell Barnes
Senior Coach: Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach: Andrew Nathan
Senior Coach :
Reserves Coach : Peter Purcell t . A . Joblin g 2 . C . Symes 3. A . Orr 4. A . Grace (DVC) S. B . Turne r
6. T. Gallagher 7. B . Connell (C)
8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. t3. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24.
M . Gilmore (DVC) A . Forrest P . Marnow D . Edgell N . Sebo P . Kingston S . James M . McConvilt T. Stewart (RCapt) E . Frase r S . Ryan D. Cleary D. Wood J . Brown R. Bloc k P . McDonald J . Collin s
25. M . Wrodarczyk 26. D. Connel l 27. T . Hills (DVC) 28. B . Collins 29. D. Whela n
30. S . Wiedemann 31, B . Ega n 32. A . Kukuljan 33. M . Shepherd 34. R. Remman 35. G . Bailey 36 . S . Mackey 37 . R. Presser
38 . P . Milner (RVC) 39. T . Morgan 40 . G . Lehner 41 . G . Hall 42 . C. Keleher 43 . S . Wrodarczyk 44 . L. Mulcahy 45 . L. Livingstone 46 . C. Spagnol 47 . R. Keatin g 48 . W . Block 49 . M . O'Halloran 50 . M . Wannacott 51 . G . King 52 . N. Wells 53 . I . Ranson 54 . L. Fraser 55 . K. Alexander 56 . S. Eccles 57 . R. Barnes 58 . W . Hourigan 59 . G . Sneddon 60 . M . Atkinson 77 . S.Handley
1 . A. Comito 2 . T. Dobson 3 . T. Backhouse 4 . V. Comito S . R . Donlan 6 . S. Ryan 6 . C . Wood 7, S. Parrett 8 . A. Capes 9 . J. Kennedy 10 . G . Matthewes 11 . P.Cape s 12 . B. Hogan 13 . S.McKeon 14 . S. Doran 15 . L . Overman 16 . D . Sawicki 17 . M. Conroy 18 . L . Vassallo 19 . L .Gollent (C) 20 . T. Sheehan 21 . B. Loughlin 21 . J . Comit o
22 . C .Calthorpe (DVC) 22 . P . Daffey 23 . 23. 24 . 25 . 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 37. 38. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
B . Hom D . Patience J . Anderson P . Hayes J . Gollant (VC) A . Nathan (CR) P . Gilmou r J . Overman J . Mount T. Yor k S . Chatfield P . Runting P . Rogerson M. Daflev B . Chatfi eld C.Bond T. Bateman A . Brebner A . Di Mingo D. McAllister S . Byrne J . Balladn D.Juegan M . Marshall B .Teague S .Taylor M . Farmer G. Morrish C. Parrett A . Farmer D. Solomon R. Edwards N . Lynch F.Catalfamo J . Kavanagh G. Smith S . Ma rt in M . Wri ght J .Jone s
Grant Williams Reserves Coach : Barry Netvandt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
D . Slimmon T. Hutchins S. Kirsanovs J. Frith P. O'Donnell B . Blood
7. D .Hayter 8. M . Thomas 9. S . Meade 10. S . Stevenso n 12. H .Worsley (Capt) 13. G. Evan s 14. J . Buckley 15. P .Stephens (RCapt) 16. D . Gust IT J . Kanis 18, G. Markley 19, B . Herral d 20. R . Polkinghome 21 . T. McIntyre 22. A . Nugent 23. B . Furphy 24. R. Calnon 25. A . Henderson 26. N.Cavalier 27, B . Fricker 28. D. Bolto n 29. S . Ku c 30. G . Allardice 31 . M . Mudg e 31 . R. Vandenberg 32. J . Gamaut 33. L. Tweddle 34. R. Furphy 35. M . Jukes 36. S . Kewell 37. A. Lennen 38. M . Unsworth 39. S . Henderson 40. A. Mitchell 41 . R. Dodds
45. G . McLachlan 46. D. Gun n 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 . 52. 53. 55. 56. 58. 59. 60. 61 . 63. 65. 66. 67. 72.
T . Rourke C. Miles P. Seller H . Nailon S. McMahon S. Longley T . Whitehead C.Stewart A. Farrar T. Miskin A. Collins A. Wilcox A. Wilson A. Muller A. McLeod M.Starick D . McAloo n J. Norman (RCapt )
Jones Lang Wootton
622 hit. Alexander Rd. 6leonee Ponds
9326 1799 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 25
vANYULE Senior Coach: Rick Brockwell Reserves Coach: Tim Bell 1 . B . Kinear 2. D. Witchell (VC) 3 . L. Hol t 4 . T . Gloury 5 . B . Wilmore (DVCapt) 6 . P. Williams (ResC) 7 . S. Richmon d 8 . R. Williams 9 . G . Sutterby 10. J. Fortune 11 . T. Short 12 . J . Egan 13. M. O'Brien 14. P. Healy 15. S. Gray 16. D . Mayne 17. A . Steven 18 . J . Turnbull (DVCapt) 19 . D. Stephen s 20 . S . Playfair 21 . R. Dintinosante 22 . J . Gilham 23 . M . Gray 24 . C. Wilkes 25 . G . Jordan 26 . H. McDermott 27 . W. Keenan 28 . D . Fabri s 29. M. Creek 30. L . O'Connell 31 . C . Bassett 32. G . Laurie 33. D . Glass 34. C . Stevens 35 . A . Hardie 36 . D . Tyle r 37 . 38 . 39 . 40 . 41 . 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 .
G . Bassett G . Riches C. Head M . Keene M . Wheaten T . Egan L . Ferrell M. Moore M. Gilbert
46. P. Agostinelli (RVC) 47. R . Smith 48. B . Gillies 49. D . Barker 50. G . Gent 52. D . Noonan 55. D . Williams 56 . B . Grindl e
BULLEEN/ TEMPLESTOWE Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Reserves Coach : Craig Heard 1 . J . Prior 2 . S . Driver 3 . S . Young 4 . G . Alexander 5, C . Parri s 6 . R . Minney 7 . P. Robertson (Vcapt) 8 . A. Bryan 9. R . Shepherd 10. P . George (Capt.) 11 . S . Farley 12. A . Parris 13. S . Boyd 14. D . Mathews (Vcapt) 15. B . Greig 16. S . Smith 17. N. Waddel 18. R. Williams 19 . P . Nigro 20 . T . Agosta 21 . D. Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23 . L . Stot t 24 . P. Nagle 25 . T. Merrett 26 . K . Stelling 27 . D . Doud 28 . P . Mutimer 29. P . Bone 30. R . Field 31 . A . Shine 32. P . Graham 33. C. McWaters 34. D. O'Connell 35. M . Osborne 36. P . Hare 37. W .Thomson 38 . S . James 39 . D. McNamara 40 . T . Matthews 41 . L . Cessario 42 . P. Edwards 43 . C . Beams 44 . C . Shallard 45 . G . Taylor 46 . G . Shallard 47 . C . Morihovitas 48 . R . Lambert 49. M . Bellat o 50. D . Glover 51 . 52. 53. J . Scott 54. 55. A. Franklin 56. 57 . D. Shine 58 . 59 . B. Leferve 60 . P. Dallogi a
M .H .S.O.B .
Senior Coach:
Senior Coach : Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Colin Drake
Senior Coach: Peter O'Connor Rese rves Coach: Brandon Smales
1 . J . Bamert 2 . A. Howard 3 . D. Woodley 4 . R . Verma 5 . D . Fleming 6 . C . Young 6. S. Harries 7 . B . McGrath 7. J . Pertzel 8. J . Dixo n 9. D . Comer (Capt) 10. M . Beazley 11 . M . Webster (vCRS) 12. M . Feferkmnz (R-Capq 13. A . Preece 14. M . Zaghtoul 14. G . Dai r 15 . P . Barge 16 . M . Atkins 17 . A. Webster 18 . I . Gillespie 19 . A. Snaidero 20 . D . Fairchild 21 . B. Cookman 22 . A. Lindsay 23. D . Exton 24 . G . Wilson 25. C . Glover (DVC) 26. M. Thompson 27. W. Watford 28. T. Lawrence 29. C . Drake 30. R .Newton 31 . G. McLardie 32. M . Konstanty 33. B . Ansell 34. N . Fahey 35. S . Konstanty 36. A. Palmos (VCRes) 37. A. Barge 38. S. Benne tt 39 . A. Athanasopolos 40 . B. Haye s 41 . A. Stewart 42 . N . Bradley 43 . J. McLaughlin 44 . B. Archdall 45 . D . Pollock 46 . T. Holland 47 . M. Jamieson 49. N . Archdall 50. E .Thomas 51 . S .Karamoutsos 52. J . Jackson 53. P . Frost 54. P . Hunt 55. M . Pond 56. J . Winch 57. T . Grimmer 58. J . Goldin 60. P. Konstanty 61 . M . Pretty '.. 62. S.Danckert '.. 63 . A. Farr
1 . C . McKay 2 . D . Waters 3 . O. Abrahams 4 . P . Sullivan 5 . C. Kitney 6. M . Robinson 7. P . Booth 7. S . Sleep 8. B . Collison 9. L. Curry 10. S . Evans 11 . P. Tatter 12 . J. Curran 12 . M . Sammon 13 . B. Curulli 14 . S. Cheshire 15 . P. Kearney 16 . C. Wheeler 17 . M. Maguire 17 . M. Anderson 18 . J . Murray 19 . P. Considine 20. J . Sutherland 21 . N . Mulqiney 22 . M. Connolly 23. C . McMahon 24. J . Barker 25. P . Bryar 26. P . Dwyer 27. M . Gravina 28. D. O'Farrell 29. M . Sammon 30. M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32 . D. Boyer 33 . J. Mollroy 34, B. Cont i 35 . S. Manassa 36 . D. Tonkin 37 . S. Mikunda 38 . A. Sweeney 39 . D . Beck 40. 41 . L. Curran 42 . T. Cleveland 43, J . Lowrie 44. M . McIntyre 45. A . Zanatta 46. C. Hanley 47. P . O'Dwyer 48. B . Pawsey 49. J . Trimboli 50 . C. Bailey 51 . 52 . T . Jamieson 53 . M .Murone 54 . A. Trimboli 55 . S. Drum 56 . A. Twist 57 . L . Koutsovasilis 58 .
Doug Gott Rese rv es Coach: John Matthew 1. R .A xg 2 . Planes 3. C . Tt=+w S. P.' I 6. D . :
7. P . s. R.ta. 9. Fd.TI
It. G. K,
ray 9
11 . S.E.:. ..F; 12. LE
ta S.~ ~: 4. P. ;
15. T.F n 16. R, G 17. PAL, It. T.Scobb It. G .! 20. R .; A 21. LE ai 22. R .L i 23 . M. " 24 . T.O . 25 . A .Bm~„ 26. S . F• vie 27 . D r 29. C. u
31 . D. iMr-tare 32. J. Lyrz,1 33. B. K=. 1 34. 8. ,twce 35. P. :lead 36. M .r hn 37. G .F on 34. D .1
N. K E 46. S. ( 41. C .iprM 42. 8 .: P 43 . S .Lypui 44 . 1. Nwtd4 45 . J. RayWOM 66. R .6ilos 46. M. PaW 67. G.Si xgwc.lc 47 . J. Di Saito 68 . J. Own 48. P.Cksna-i G . Skmrm 49. A. R W t^_b 70 . J.ti,athew 59. D.JacYa 71 . . A.Mt{braN 51 72 . 5?. R. Pace 73. 53 L . Pra:ce 74 . 54. G.E,?cPhiad 'S. 55. L .Pe3rce 76. 58. S.Da`r.M 57. P.,k:urlm 78. C. Bo a 58. V. Ros:4W 59. D . Rssray-Wood fitJ. C .Ftisvi 61. G .W~y 62 T. D- 1 63 . R.6lcKim's 64 . D . Szjga~~ 65 . T.BaarrCa
PRESTON 9484 6006
TATTS and POKIES Bar and Bistr o 120 Upper Heidelberg Rd . Ivanhoe
CAFE S trW tia4 aourkv Si, {dbSDOU.rw .88Q2 3468
se REAL Cl
59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . M. Fennelly 63 . R . Gale 64 . 65 . 66. 67.
69. 70.
Senior Coach : Shane Young Kevin McLean Reserves Coach : Reserves Coach: Roger Brown Darren Cadd y 1 . A . Krzywniak 2. M . McLennan 3. M . Rei d 4. M . Talbot 5 . A.Olliver 6 . A. Augustine 7 . L. Fildes 8 . S. Lennox 9 . M. Fisher 10 . J. Williams 11 . A. Fitzgerald 12 . G . Bennett 12 . A. Alderton 15 . S. Magee 16 . N . Perry 17 . A. Rickarby 18 . P. Roach 19. A . Mandylaris 20. D . Kollmorgen 21 . R . Oakley 21 . C. Jackson 22. K . Farrell 23. A . Pryor 24. R. Carter 25. S . Nikas 26. T . Ward 27 . C. Gilmour 28 . P. Woff 29 . J. Munch 30 . K. Teschendod 31 . S. Murray 32 . B. Williams 34 . R . Smith 35 . S. Mercer 36 . B. Pollock 37 . T. Mitchell 39 . A . Fischer 40. B . Patterson 40. C. James 41 . J . Murchie 42. G. Sloan 43. J . Howden 45. M . Bilionis 46. M . Barber 47. D. Wilson 48 . A. Grant 49 . N. Winter 50 . S. Williams 55 . C. Toms 56 . R. Brown 57 . A. Mclachlan 59 . T. Farrar 61 . A. Witt e 63 . R . Sherman 65 . N . Treuleson 66 . T. Lennox 68 . G . Bill oms 71 . B. Alderson 78. R . Saunders 79. H . Bickett 80. A . Palfrey 84. P . McMaho n
1 . D. Supeir 1 . M . Powe r 2. P . Sigley (CCapt) 3 . A. Jenkin s 4. A. Parker 4 . D. Toll (R) 5 . J . Stevens 5 . A. Atkinson 6 . S. Kent
7 . T. Young 8 . T. Stevens 9 . M. Karayannis 9 . P. Armstrong 10 . M. Veal (CCapt) 11 . S . Tully 12 . A . Sturesteps 12 . M . Toze r 13. A . Pappos 14. C. Gdnham 15. G . Douglas 16. M . Woods 17. J . Luk 18. P . Bisogni 20. T . Ryan 20 . W . Millard 21 . J . Mansfield 22 . P. Donaldson 22 . P.Golding 23 . M. Stewart 24 . A. Corcoran 25 . J. Maycock (RVCapt) 26 . M. Tolley 26 . I . Roxburgh 27 . J . Weddle 27 . Z. Abousabha 28. D . Jones (RCapt) 29. R. Weddle (VCapt) 30. E . Brophy 30. A . Kobe 31 . D. Caddy 32. D. Goad 33. T . Cormack 34. T . LLame r 35. L. McLean (VCapt) 36. S. Pidot o 37. D . Stott 38 . G . George 39 . G . George 40 . R . Davies 41 . L . Taylor 42 . S . Vaughan 43 . D . Sanger 44 . T. Agushi 45 . C . Duncan 46 . A . Barker 47 . J . Wier 48 . B . Wilson 49. M . Wilson 50. C. Corcoran 51 . B . Shedbolt 52. P . Cargin 53. D.Craker 54. P. Wal l 55. J . Bau d 56. M .Shedden 57. S. Barry 58. S. Davies 59 . B. Elsworth 60. S. Brophy 68 . C . Mille r
RTE ~ 1011 1aaftt 8V O
OLD PARADIANS Senior Coach : Dale McCann Rese rv es Coach : Paul Amel 1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2 . P.J .O'Loughlin 3 . J.A . Dalla s 4 . S.J . Philp (VC) 5 . M.J . Harford 6 . J.V . Geary 7 . P.G . Cosgriff (VC) 8 . P .G . Zapp a 9. T.J . Jackso n 10. P .A. Brabender(C) 11 . N .P . 12. S .R . Wallis 13. T.D. Wallis 14. D.R. Ciavola 15. N.G. Kerr 16 . M .P. Godfrey 17 . B. J. Hart 18 . A. Muleta 20 . P.A . Nailer 21 . A.J . Farrell 22 . H. Bellis 23 . P.A. Walsh 24 . D .A. Digney 25 . D . Heffernan 26. M.B . Geary 27. K.C. Kenkins 28. B.J. Brabender 29. B. Powell 30. T.J . Mulligan 31 . S . Laferlita 32. A .J. Price 33 . M .J. Harrison 34 . P .J . Joyce 35 . J .P .J. Mills 36 . S .M . Swindon 37 . L. Rocchiccioli 38 . M .G. Vear 39 . P.E . Reid 40. D.J. Baird 41 . D .J. Horsington 42. J.M . Swindon 43. M.P . Geary 44. I . Harford 45: P.J. Stephens 46. B. Flynn 47. N .A . Ball 48. M . Hudson 49. T.S . Brain 50. P .K. Monar 51 . S .J. Dunn 52 . M .L . Muscara 54 . J .T. Mould 56 . J .W. Tobin 57 . J .M . Wa y 66 . D. McCrohan 67 . A. Villant i 58 . L .K. Mansifled 69 . D .J . Arthu r
Whitehall St, Farraville 1,n: 9687 8722
Senior Coach : Simon Dalrymple Reserves Coach : Ian Wallace Assistant Coach: Michael Hadley 1 . S. Keneddy 2. C . Robison 3. A. Allibon 4. T. Norman (Vcapt) S. P . Van Der Hoek 6 . R . Heat h 7 . A .Anderson 8 . S . Dalrymple (CC) 9, S . Hopkins 10 . S . Hatfield 11 . R. Boxtell 12 . M . Cumming 13 . M . Donato 14 . J . Stickland 15 . A. Parke 16. M. Seuling (Vcapt) 17. G . Hatfield 18. B. Clarke 19. G . Hudson 20. P. Board 21 . C . Phillips 22. P .Robison 23. A . Ramadan 24. T. Board 25. T. Harris 26. P . Bee t 27. L. Stafford 28 . D. Vargo 29 . A. Seeley 30 . L. Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32 . D . Glass 33 . D . Heighton 34 . P. Papas 35 . L . Bennie 36. J. Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37. P. Dowling 38. R . Phillips 39, T. Antonopolous 40. B . Burke 41 . D. Alysandratos 42. A . Banfield 43. M . Krivokuca 44 . J . Mollison 45 . N. Kin g 46 . 47 . F . Cameron (RVC) 48 . C. Smith 49 . P.Johnson 50 . L . Jervis 51 . S. Gleason 52 . 53 . 54 . 55 . 56. 57. N . Kolitias 58. 59. 60. 80. T. Smith
Senior Coach : Des English Reserves Coach: Chris Bye 1 . M . Petrevski 2 . J . Woodgate 2 . A. Shelton 3 . P. Gorman 4 . M.Elliot
5 . S. Ramsey 5 . S. Seymour 6 . J. Vaina 6 . G . Rossignolo 7 . P. Jones (RVC) 7 . J . Pole 8 . L. Hollow 9 . M . Growcock 10. R . Egglestone 11 . D. Forbes 12, R. Moran 13. M . Bosanko 14. J . Reddich (VC) 14. D. Ram m 15. G . Pinner 16. M . Goodwi n 17 . R. Lyons (RCapt) 17 . G . O'Connor 18 . B. Carter (VC) 18 . Liddell 18 . B. Milieki 19 . J .Armstrong 20 . M. Carter 21, J . Thrush 22 . S . Griggs 23. C. Bye 24 . P . Mellon 25. M . O'Rourke 26. G.Carbis 27. G. Smith 28. 0. Barron 29. M . Hudson 30. M .Tadinac 31 . S.Hollow 32 . S. Eastmure 33 . N. La Fontaine 34 . J. Gallagher 35 . S. O'Halloran 36 . C. Rizzo
37 . 38 . 39 . 40 .
D . Castaldi (C) B. Prendergast S. Boyle C . Keay
41 . 42 . 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
G . Pignatelli M. Gauci C . Whelan J . Beason J . Brambles R . Collins D .Goodwin D.Wrigglesworth
A .J .A .X . Senior Coach : Rodd Morgan Assistant Coach : M arty Hafphen Res. Coach : Anthony Bursztyn 1 . J . Wmbel 2. A . Kalinski 3. J . Hoppe 4. M . Dudakov 5 . M . Rajch
6 . G .Rozenberg 7 . C . Cohe n 8 . M. Roseman (R.Capt) 9 . T. Bursztyn 10. R . Bloom 11 . M . Weisler 12. D . Rosen 13. J . Engelman 14 . Y . Report 15 . J . Kirzne r I& P. Goldberg (VC) '. 17 . A. Cukierman 18 . J. Wrobel 19 . M. Halphen (Capt) 20. R . Hartman 21 . D . Sheezel 22. J . Dunne 23.. J . Abraham 24. S . Sheezel 25 . J . Feldman 26 . B. Duzenman 27 . D .Degen 28 . J. Bram 29. D . Mark s 30. A . Micmacher 31 . M . Chrapot 32. P . Steiner 33. D. Pa t 34. D. Gunn 35. A. Rosen 36 . J . Segal 37 . A. Slade-Jacobson 38 . A. Grundman n 39 . J . Sham 40 . A . Redlich 41 . P . Naphtali 42. E . Rubenstein 43. J .Joseph 44. A .Krongold 45. E . Steen 46 . M. Nathan 47 . A. Abrahams 48 . L . Goldberg 49 . D .Kal b
50 . B . Grodski (VC) 51 . A . Troye r 52 . S . Rubinstein 53. A . Sheffield 54. D. Gelbart 55. 56 . S. Frey 57 . 58 . M . Freid 59 . 60 . 61 . 62 . M. Levin 63. 64. S . Glassman 65. 66. 67 . 68 . S . Feldman
69 . J. Vernon 70 .
I 28
Senior Coach : Don Scarleit Reserves Coach : Andrew McGrego r
Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson Reserves Coach : Tony Day
Senior Coach : Trevor Poole Reserves Coach : Angus MacGowa n Assistant Coach : Paul Hermann 1 . N . Straus s
1S .C. . Le Grand (Capt) 1 . A. McGregor (R) 2 M. Crawtord 2. M. Beaumont (R)
1. A.C_i 2. A.f3r eu 2. J .C'r-
3. S . McDonald (DVC) 3 . C . Amaore (R ) 4 . S . Anderson 4 . A . O'Brien (R) 5 . A . Mason 5 . D. Rogerson (R) 6. A. Natol i 6. R . Hunt (R ) 7. E. Melnjak (VC) 8. D . Marshall
3 . C .I' 4 . SA
9. S . Morgan
9 . M . Luxmore (R) 10 . C. Ferguson 10 . R. Hetheri ngton (R) 11 . S . Will s 11 . P . Mantis (R) 12 . D. Anderson 12 . B. Armstrong (R) 13. C . Thoma s
14. F. Casette (VCR) 15. S . Stick
15 . P . Buckley (DVCR) (R) 16 . T. Wrigh t 16 . M . Lester (R) 17 . S . Helliger 18 . T . Worland 19. A. Hullick .. 19. C . Diletosso (R . A. Power )20 21 . R . Ty rell 21 . A . Sher (R) 22. M. McKellar 22 . A . Hunter (R) 23 . J . Day 24 . J . Redder 25 . R. Melnjak 26 . D. Artz 27 . A. She r 28 D. McConville 29. M. Fletcher 30. C . Scadett 31 . E. Panagiotidis 32 . A . Browne 33 . R . Bulmer ( R-Capt) 34 . M . Deuka s
35 . C. Day
36 . J . Ferguson 37 . S . Walker 38. S . Green 39. K. Ivey 40. J. Harper 41 . D . Hobson 42. C . Buck 43. C . McGregor 44 . S . McGregor 45 . A . Williams 46 . B . Busby 47 . G . Kirby 48 . B. McGregor 49 . S . Peake 50. M. Talbot 51 . J. Rogers 52. T. Rus h 53. B . Johnson 54. M . Sho rt 55 . M . Clarke 56 . W. Mills 60 . S . Willison
2 . H . Burbank
6. S . Olsen 7 . J . Senior 9 .J. Wilson 10 . M. Oliphant 11 . R . Liley 12 . P. Ronchi 13. P . Herman 14 .B . Edmonds 15. A . Teelow 17. M . Vickers-Willis 18. A. Handbury 19 . A. Salter 20 . G . Coldvrell 21 . S. Glove r
6. T .1 7. M .
(C) 9. it r 10. A. 11 . M. 1t . B .i .. ._.i 12 . J.'"13. D. It. o. 15. J. 15.D. h 16.J . . 16. G .r 17. S. , ~s 18. A.( '(VC) It . P. I 19 . D .C (Dl'C) 20. 5 .0 .; ._. 21 .G" m 21 . C. . ' 22. L .0'P° ^ ' 23. P.!' 24. S. 25. M . ; 27. S. rr- .-: 41. 1f NY 42 J .'..
42. D ., 30. A.7tc--30- J. &,.;
31 . S.Ec, _ 32. M . S,-.
16. S . Samild
17. L. Richardson 18. T . Boumon 19. D. Kitto
24 . T. Peddie (VCapt) 25. A. Allen 26. N . Kemp 27. D . Morton 28. M . Taylor 30. A . Howells 31 . J. Nevins 32 . G . Wilkinson 33 . M. Wilkinson 34 . T. Pau l 35 . D . Eley 36 . A. Riqby 37 . G. Skrling 38. P . Beltrame 39. D. Swan 40, S . Bones 41 . S . Saunders 42 . P. Liascos 43 . D . Hay 44 . E. Spiden 45 . L . Morrison 46 . R . Rice 49. J . Smythe 50. M . Robson 51 . A . Robson 52. S . French 53. B. Hicklin 54 . W . Dodd 55 . S. Furphy 56 . C . Walker 57 . R . Knigh t 58 . C . Stinchcome 59 . C . Oliver
60. S . French 61 . R . Oliphant 62. A . Osboum e ..' 66. B . O'Halloran 68 . J .Manto n
69 . A.MacGowan
1 . A. Acreman (VC) 2 . C . Lea n
8. N. Macquire (VC) 9. G . Pride 10. B. Stanforth 11 . D . Salley 12 . G . Dickson 13 . S. Sharp 14 . A . Richmond 15 . C . Davi s
22 . J. Taylor (Capt) 23 . M. Davis
26. C .C, sr
Senior Coach : Bert Calve rt Reserves Coach : Jeff Norma n
3 . B. Murphy 4. G . Stroud 5. C . Wallace 6. D . Paterson 7. G. Ferguson
3. D . Welsby 4. T. Dugdale 5. D. Ardli e
S er
20. N. Moodie 21 . T . Lenten22 . P. Harrington 23 . R . Large
24 . D .Johnson 25 . J . Winduss 26. G. Dart 27. G. Katres 28. M . Bond 29. A. Carter 30 . M . Brooks 31 . P. Flaskis 32 . S. Flaskis 33 . C. Gardiner 34 . D .HWland 35 . D . Murphy (C) 36 . P. Russo 37. H . Webster-Griffiths 38. B . Sherril l 39. A. Beynon 40 . T . Leonard 41 . C.Morley 42 . C.Rusworth 43 . C . Bes t 44 . D . Sarah 45 . C . Leaven 46. J . Norman 47. J . Konicanin 48. D .Johnsen 49. J . Donovan 50 . G. Richards 51 . K . McGrath 52 . A. Szadura 53 . S. Kitto 54 . C . Sheddon 55 . M. Stano)evic 56. M. Leone 57. T. Ryan 58. D . Coventry 59. C . Furben 60. D. Nock 61 . C. Dwyer 62 . D. Murphy 63 . T . Hancock 64 . M. Austin 65 . D . Murphy 66 . S. Mullin 67 .
68. 69 . M . Nash 70 . S. Bateman 71 . T . Kersley
INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock . 3193
~f~fl8 Sf3( F~ :?'.1S
~ '. GcEe:S ITQt~E TIGERS g for Coach : PaulBeddoe R 2 serves Coach: Brad Berry 1 . M. Kinsella 2. S. Zaki c 3. J . Sebire 4. V . L'Huillier (RCapt) 5, M . Murray 6 . A . Ryan 7 . D. Diggms 8 . B . Beasley 9, M . Jone s 10 . C. Ross 11 . M. Hecker 12 . C. Stewart 13. D . Goodchild 14. P. Lerman (Capt .) 15. D . Goodchil d 16. S . Napie r 17. A . MacGeorge 18. J . Tully 19. B . Tomlinson 20. T . Lamb 21 . G . McDonald 22. S . McCarthy 23 . T . Peck 24 . M. Manson 25 . D . Smith 26 . S. Hecker 27 . D . Johnston 28. D . O'Brien 29. J . Sanders 30. M . Dol s 31 . J . Selby 32. J . Dickinson 33. A. Walsh 34. C. Meyer 35 . R. Bilos 36 . M. Beasley 37 . M. Connolly 38 . A. Hayes 39 . A . Wilce 40. C . Johnston 41 . D . Hendrike s 42. A . Thompson (VCapt) 43. K . Goodchild 44. J . Recupero 45. R. Goul . O. Lalo rd46 47. B. Hambridge 48 . B. Hutchinson 49 . D.Bueno 50 . N. Tully 51 . M. Mifsud 52 . A. Kearney 53. M. Firth 54. M. McCraw (VCapt.) 55. P . Dyvae r
56. M . Zaki c
57. M . Lomagno 58. M . Leyden 59. D.Taney 60. J . Pertil e 61 . R. Mulquinney 62 . B.McShane 63 . N.Haye s 64 . B. Griffiths 65 . J.Drury 66 . R . Price 67 . C . Ambrosini 68. C . Price 69. P . Walker 70. D . Marshall 71 . A . Whitelaw
ST . KEVI NS Senior Coach : Tim Hart Res . Coach: Glen Taylor 1 . B . Burden 2. J . Dyna n 3. M .Chapman(DVC) 4. A. McGuines s 5. R. Callahan 6. A. Morgan 7 . A. Hart 8 . D. Williams 9 . G . Smith 10 . D . Moore 11 . D . Rya n 12 . M . Dollman (DVC) 13. R . Bowles 14. J . Bare 15. D . Fox 16. B . Garvey 17. M . Terzini 18. N. Ha rt 19 . D. Sheehy 20 . A. Varasd i 21 . J. Quirk (DVCRes) 22 . J.Macey 23 . P. Ryan 24 . P. Meagher 25 . N .Goldswo rthy 26. B . Kennedy 27. R . Gross (VCapt)
STH GAULF6ELU Senior Coach : Allan Fleming Senior Coach : Terry Walsh Reserves Coach: Reserves Coach: Charlie Capiron L SR~an 2. H .Ad~e'4o 3 . H .taw3rd 4 . S.Cn~rs
Senior Coach : Des Meagher Reserves Coach: Gary Kalliniko s
Wayne Coope r
1 . M. Powe r
1 . S . Papaioanou 2 . B . Byron 3 . A . Smith 5 . A. t7 Gaw 4 . R.Ward 6. M.RP . 5 . J . Bubis 7. G.Ha51 s{ r 6 . B. Pelligrino S. G.Bak 7 . S. Plant 9. G. 8 . A. Fellows 10. IF 7 9. Y. Capeci 11. J .C'• 10. P.Buitard 12. AFd' 11 . L . Alberti NVct1S a 12. A . Volpe 14. 5. We i 13 . G.Scarpa 15 . fdKu 14 . M . Patmore ta P. li . D,uneto .,. 15 . L. Dal Papa 18. R.t~ is 16 . D.Farchione 9. Ftr , 17 . D. Gorski 20, A I 18 . F . Arcoraci 21 . M 19. P. Ristevski 21. P. 20. L . Alabakis 60. P.D-; 23. LCr 21 . E. Lentini 81. M.' z 24. P.C 22. L . Salfese Q A, 25. PA a 63. F. K., 23. R .Dimaggio 28. M . Farquharson (DVC) 26. 8. . ~ 24. B . Smith 29. A . Moun t 27. A.65. J.I . 30 . P . Hagerty 25 . R. Kennedy 28 . G. t . E6 . B.C ° 31 . M .McNee 29 . D. IX 26 . C. McNeil 67 . S. E 32 . B. Noonan (ResVC) 30. d Du 27 . S . D'Avoine ~ 68 . W. ' 33 . S. Denton 31 . KO 28 . L. Moribito 34 . A. Donoghu e 32 M. U 29 . K. Harling . 70. D .: Tan . Thomas ( ResCapt) 35 . A 33. N.C ~ 30. C . Fellows )n 36 . A . Noonan 34. T.F..awl It . X( 31 . D . Fletcher 37. S . Kennedy 35. P. P 72. 6" 32. P. Colosimo 38. J . Herman 36. M~.h 74. C.F^-~ 33. J. Zaigo s 39. S . Gribble 37. id 34. P . Mastraianni 40. D. Boyd k 3@. D .F c 76. B.T,~~ 41 . A . DeJong 35. A . Colosimo ... 39. Afn .. n. S. 42. D. McDonald 36. Z. Fleming ., 40 D 43 . D. James 41. A 7d . G.L 37. D. Dimovski 44 . J . Drake 42 . P . 38 . G . Scot t 45 . T.Bare 43 . A I 39 . O .Essen 46 . D . DeRooden 44. 40 . N.lulianglia 47 . M. Brady (Capt) 45, 41 . D .Brooks 48 . B . Howard 48. A-, 42 . J. Bubis 49. J . Moore 47. M I 43 . A. Latouf 50. M .Durrant 48. B. 1Y 44 . A. Ward . D . Wilks 51 49. M. E 45. A .Insiiari 52. P . Lewin 50. M[ 53. R. Quirk 46. S . Sam i 51. d. Fi 54. S .Game 47. D . Plowright 52. B. P 55. M . O'Shea 53. B .B . .> w . ; _a 48. 56. J . Shepardson 54 . S .Grg 91 . J.i-eld 49 . M . Withers . S. 57. S.Dillon °2 55 . L. N1W . Wn 50 . A . Maloney 58. S. Charles 5' 'i B. Kxam's€J.s!i 51 . E . Valentino 59 . T. Hart 57 . K G6asca 52 . L. Smith 60 . C . Sing h B. E. Kzar"xw.:Pi 53 . P. Baitistia 59. KC%Psm 54 . J . Rocca 55 . P. Valeri 56 . R . Geremia 57 . 58. M. Reid 59. 60. M . Bardsley 61 . G. Ska f 62 . T . Staios 63 . M . Grech 64 . F . Valeri 65 . S. Holmes 66 . D. Pougios 67 . N . Grec h 68 . 69.
2 . M. Bateman (C) 3 . R . Pasqualotto 4. 5. M .Robinson 6. C . Houston 7. P . Cochlan 8. M . Heath 9. C. Maguire 10. B. Hickey 11 . P. Campbell 12. J. Begley 13. T.Hughes 14 . D .6anagan 15 . A.Lace y 16 . B. Vandenboom 17 . A . Carbone 18 . r . eegiay 19. C. Andrews 20. A . Pawfick 21 . P . Hassle r 22. J . Bonn y man (ResC) 23. P. Ciardull i 24. J. Ciardulli 25~ M. Vernal 26 . C . Ryan 27 . M. Jackson 28 . C . Fames 29 . C . Harris 30. P . O'B ri e n 31 . N . Jenkins (C) 32 . M . Carbone 33. G. Feutrif 34. S . Lowell 35. C. Law 36. J. McFarlane 37. P. O'Brien 38 . R. Vujkic 39 . J. Naismith 40 . A. Thawaites 41 . T. Carrigg 42 . D . Naismith 43 . N . Elliott 44 . M . Bateman 45. M . Lester 46. G. Johnson 47. S . Habjan 48. M . Rei d 49. P . Dodd 50. B. Kelsey 51 . L. Eames 52 . S. Alexander 53 . J. Alexander 54 . S. Gillen 55 . M. Duffy 56. B. Calleja 57. A . Heath 58. M . Smith 59. R . Stopajink 60. M . McDonald
Your On Time Printer 29
C~ A itiS .h: G-^y Nicholson oaoh . :leil Flyn n
1 . y- ~V~ 7 2. T.Yra a t d . !! 34. J.!4S . P.AtGxeS35
CAULFILLD GRA h Sonior Coach 2 D.
2. C .' 3G
',; Schatta~n . p E ~ -;
Senior Coach : Robert Bayley Rose rCoash :Tom Von. T.i P" ~ 2. G.1 K !. 3.R1 ;R.fl. . 5. d.f -~ t, V7J~ E. C. 5 1 , P ' 7. D.41. " . 9 . !: E
Rnsorw - Co~h:t i . J.AK Mit
Hit< . .~rand
Senior Coach: Reserves Coach: Rick .ls, 1 . S G~M ~ i
4. P. 40. P. I 41. A 42.kt 5
43. A . P Fa'ou
6 J-~
to. J. K At, 4d. S
12. J. C R! 4. IC 15. tL(
T5 C.1
14 . o. '
17. Y. 1 !@ . G . 7
t7 s ~ u' , La 57. N D.
2 D.
. d.
59. T.1
., 3
1S. R k. K . D 57. 1-1G16 1 17. 0 .G ta. o.H . 57 . 1 to. IL • ' 19 . AY ' fv. D. 55 . G .. ~s 21 . S .F 62 ta.~_. p. t., . . 63. WE-di 2'+.1 . .' , 24 . D. 25. A ' 23. G.' , 67. 5'6J 2s . 6.! 69 . D.PuW ~ . @..' . ~ 70 . P. Cnz d3N 11 .. RA ~ad-n 7 .2 71 W.Id.aksc51 74. GTodm 75 . RCa":w 76. P. Par., 0.4 77. YI.Fa 78. D . G?"° R': 79. D. FN' &7. [1 0
1. 0.~
° quli q IQbtla forQuditftiir9rln ~,•
Senior Coach : Laurie Zarata Roseraes Coach : Mark Rowe t P.
K SOUTi•iBAPl Derek Hine
Senior Coach! Reser . C^> h: Roil Watlmey e 2. H qry. _ 8 Al . A.
1a G. 17 . F.
ResioCo~h : Martk Nic/®o-~ naP 37. S .' 3 2. u ' - 38 . P
ST LEOS EMMAUS K WATTLE PARFlack Senior Coach: mark Ras . Coach : David Miller y v 1 41 JGai m . a. 2 3. t 42 P._ 1 ,„e~ 17 8.C
PATfERSON CHENEY Ringwood • Danderang • Sth A'elboum e 9262 6666 • 9215 2222, 9'i82 658 t ~
UNIVERSITY RED S Coach : Michael Farrell Re~orva : - Grant Hammond
E Central
Senior Coach : Rkk Morris Reserves Coach: Mick MarahMl S ior Coach : Shane Rule t. P . Cooper `a Raserves Coach :Barry Funnoll 2 . F. Denan'd V_ . .---- ; 40.A~,.,~..(VC) 3 . K . Frost 4 . td. Papadatos 42 0 . 5. D.Marda 9 ?S h 4 Af 43. K CL 6. A. Webb 44. P . 7. W. ca n j.i 4a S . 8. J. Tanasei4o 9. D. Od e Z B. 10. M. Hayes 11 . F. Coscareth 12. 13. G . Rislic 14. S. Noninski 15. D. Morris 36. P. KePpel 16. 37. G . Mameli 54 . L , 17. 38. D. Weflo 55 A ( 18 N. Lowe 39. J. Au~ stakis .I 19 . 40. D . G84kri s 17. 56. M 57. ft ' 20 . 41 . A. Chapple ~. S. 21 . R. Martinez 42. 22 .0.Fermzssy 43 . 29. [ , 53. 23. T. Rundman 44. D . Griffiths 21. D. . . . 61. S.I &GzP:) 24 . P. Davies 45 . 7n J. .. Sr '~ E2 S. ! 25, J . Refalo 46 . M. Cooper 69. C ' 26.P.Mardrti 47. 64. T. : 27. 48 . P. . + 64. D 28. R . Bazzaro 49 , 65 A 29. 50. C. Hayes 66 . R . 30. 51 . P. Stepen 67 . D. 31 . 52. 63. R u.: 32. P. Pashakis 53. C 31, S 70. 1. 33 . R . Gnffiths 54. ;1 71 . O .a 34 . 0. Koppel 55. N . Zambeito 33, P.i 72. J., 35 . R. Morris 97. K. Moloney 3 . T 73 P . N 74. S G. 75. J.
oi . A C. S
Senior Coach: Gordon Burrows Resume Coach : Peter Sacco I . A Tim (Cap) 2. D. !--s 3. S.Hn. an 4 . P.Oir co 5 . J, K 6 .V.r I . J. 1 33 . D.Gaem 8 . P.uen rgion 39 .M .i 9.J . ' 40 .S.t 41 .G .i it . 1Bwooloh 42J. F 12. P. Cape 13. P. Mean 44, F.Mt ` 14. J. Hope 46. C.C . 15. B, Owen 47. D . M^ ~ -.*a 16. L Dema1en 48. A. Xcae . Kyviafs It. A 50. L. R*tti 78. V .R~kPq 51. S . Kay 19 . V. Lace 52. T.Gwara 20 . G.La8rd4 53 D.A--''° 21 . P.Ssxo 54.J.L . Q . C. Fax 55, S. ' .i . 23. 0. She 57.5.,., 24 . G . HzEH 58. B. 'C>. P.G?taatcaro 59. C., An 26. J . Btba n 60 . P. C . 27. P. Rande Ba 61 . H. Kae.wr 28, D . Lawton 62 . S. Torcasio &. J. Satx*rs 63. J .6 05ca 33. J.TYarr4rm 64. F.6,y.dca 31. 5-Walsh 65. R . Thorpe. 32. J. Pocvrn:as 33 . G.t#_Call 341 . S. Mine 35 . P.DaaseX 36 . B. Evan; 37 . B. iirorye
CeMa't Y.Frm^?v Be . . , . an S: .aons
Coach : oavld Twomey Resenres Coach: Andrew Hadley
2 E 1 P. 4. AS 5. 6 7. R, 8 P.' 9 J
North Fitzroy Phone 9481 4693 THORNBURY COUGr-LR S Senior Coach : Gary Cutler Res . Coach: Rod Robenso n 1 . B. 2 A
a B.i
18. D.Ou?am . A. Hadley '. 19. . D Shea 47S 48 . . Jones '. 20. E. SzusKz~lcz 21 41 S. Hevritt ' . 1 50. . BVaBance 22. P. O'Malley (VC) 5 . P Martins~l 23. S . Le"-5 52 24. L. Fe dd ~. A . Irn ;tia . 0 . Bali 25 . S t~aM 54 26 P . M' nan 55 . B . Darq~fiNd . B . Gran 27 . C . E ... . n 56,.A~~ J. 28.C.Pa x(VC) ~ 29. D. I`irgh 58 F . Stewart 130. ..t59 A. Li xortJw. 3 . J .. C Alle n _an E . D D Mordn
32. G .,lenk;,un 33. G . Robsm 34. B. Filch 35. B. Fran4Jin 36. D . Moore 37. S . Ctm'an;n 38, A . McCarthy 39 . M. G3rb 40 . A. Triaaznon
Senior Coach : Senior Coach: Mark Sedgwick Reserves Coach: Gino Mazza I . R. FrPph 2. D .&O-r 3. A.&ace 4. C .MLerevn S. C .S"-6. S .Cr 6. K .J(7. C. S
8 . M.S
5 G .
9. .45 .._.i 42 10 . G. Muu 43. D. I 1 e(Ca-a) .A
9. 'N.I G . T1 11. F 12 S . 13. 0.( 1.1 1~ 6 S. 17. S. . 18 T.'
31. D.
r- A 3i
THOtuASTUWR1 c. ,c T -a, o 4,--
Indoor Sports
C. Bal l C . Partvn A. Christo A, chaman S . Sutton B . Williams S .Ttwrnpson
4. B
6 P.C 7. T `
3. L. Blake 4. A. O'Keefe 5. A. Leitch 6.J.Horstwr¢i 7.D .Jago B. A. Horsburtxg (Capl) 9. C . Vitinge r 10. G. Crowe 11. D. Roderick 12 . G. Hards 41 . A . Jordan 13 . M . Ha!,,y 42 . B . Gray 14 . B. Smith 43 . T . Geer 15. A.Board
i6. S. Christo 44 .. TM..Marcu Craigs17 . P. King 45 46. G . Flower
76. M.t 77. N.4
1 . B. Baar . S. Vtiri6rii h2
M C.Wah: 44. M i. : 12 . C.Arnd 45. G.T•.
13. P. McLean 46 M . aAs 14 . B. CamGtas 48 . .B . M.D>~~ 49. D.Dewca 15 16. P.G~...x~? 50. D.Zttzki 17.6.P e6 51 .J.P~r .s 18.E .H' ' 52.LRte iB.P .H 53 .F .P•-'i 19. G . J.I r 54 . G..20 6lntta ~o 55 . MI . 20. P. W . W.i os . S.E12 on 56. D. 7 . 22. DBeredt 57 58. D . M n 23 . D. Koch . 0 .5 24 . N.Fane§ 59 .Cnn 24 . S.VF a raa1 0.. P M.A~ms 25 . L.Ga~s 61 . G.Arnoiknsm 26. C .Gatiercak 62 27 . K.Strehan 61 S . ~' i Pahxe9 ~. C. &~ 28. M. M,~ 29, 65. J. lad . 0. SeP.d?r8.o 30. G. Jaws 66 a 31 . M.Villom 67 .PScid M . CardeeB 32. D. Burn 68 31. P . ERrircJham 69. J0Coeard Repo 31. D- D1411 70 . 8 Ea=t 35. J. h'nVr'hrrwy 71 ;t5. M. PAR) 37. G. Cattera9 33. A. Boyce 39. M . Pea 40 . J . Fhnd-rs 41 . M . Natural
Garry Connolly Assistant Coach : Steve Piumridg e
Reserves Coach : Mark Plumridge t . G . Darroch 41 . G. WrRsm 2. RHak 42 D.R9an 3. 0 . t7arrissy 43. J. OA 4. MZeHospk 44. P.Fabes S. B .C 45. J . Ban 6. J.D'sbaaxib 46 . E. RtoA 7. C. K "7 47 . S. Cullen B. D. Haom 18 . D. Mctx+n 9. C. Pew 49, M.Rdaudcon 10. A.Kercdy 50. T.Jessen 11. B.Sm:A 51 . ANavile 12. N. RrA.-+U 52. M.P--`a+ 13. T. 5N 53. N . ; -3 14. M .Ha d 54. M.1 . ~ . 15 .Ad-os 55.M . P.C~ r 56. 0. 16 .H.f ... 57.D. 17 . PMie, ._ 58. D. t18 . d.Waru 59. L L19 .20 . S.Lam 60 . SFra~•~~ 21 . B . Ted 61 . CNA}et 22. T. Led 62 .
23. S . Beaton 61 24. M. Fogerty 64 .
25. N . Bmrks 65. J . Trevast~ls 26. D. She 66. 27. M .Yayes 67. 28. P. Lee 69. KCarancku 29. A, Glass 69. S . Lkle 30 . D.Sanertr/ 70. 31 . N. Came 7t H. Keam 32 . L Peiv3a8 72 . 33. P. HoJgsan 73. 34 . J .Ccok 74. 39. P.Cmie 75 . 36. M.& 76 . 37. J.Gaoa 77 . .' 38. C . 0. tan 78 . ..' 39. Ritz 79 . 40. G. S: -1 80.
Senior Coach: Phil Lcatham Reserves Coach : Nick Magafas 1 . A.HWCn 40. RE --Ip 2. J.Gray 41. S. . R.EasSnal 4203 Ell as 4. G.Davies (Cap) 43. J.T5. D. PaQazogloJ 44 . J . K--ds 6 . M.Sar~ce 45. C. K. n 7 . F .Vdab 46. G .: H 8 . P.Hmidan 47. P.Kr. 9 . J. Klkury 48. L. B-1 10. S.FyPa 49. J.t€yrtad 11 . S.Cocaara 50. R. CacM4f 12. S. RiCharciial 51. C. HafzKiaaral 13. J . Sofa 52. B . Rympn 14. P.Rt4tissca 53. B.Chtre 15. PWaulil-ltai 54. A.BaMr 16. S .SmfJre 55 . M. One 17. J.Jaclam 66 . Rkdrilieus 18. J.Cutin 57 . P.Co~ 19. S . Bar¢arreks 58 . OWdiars 20 . P.Hdey 59 . H.MtDaraH 21 . S.ihNarn~a ~. M Kodarc€ 22 . N. Magalas (RC) 61 . M.Fmkprs 23 . J.OAow 62. B.Perm 24 . D.Caomn 61 S.Cam ally 25 . G .Malun 64. R McGrath 26. G .fla~d 65. S .Dearavgo 27 . D. B ranr,alcam 66. D. DisBto 28. K.Buhagsr 67. J.H23. D. .Mo1r~iu 68. M.A; .,,:rwn 30. M. Leis 61 N. ~ . . 30. J. Spachnif 70. R. 31 . A .Ma>chara 71. N. n .S .0'?idrea 72 .AS~ F32 33. T.Ttornam 73 . D. Honw 33. G.ChWei 74 . A.Barbu 34. M.Cap:s 75 . S.Stapieflon 35 . J.Tass<rce 76. I . Mcilekz 36 . C.Rktie Wi. P.Dedam 37 . S.Combes 38 . B.M~9 39 . T.FHrler,a n
Senior Coach : Alan Elliott Reserves Coach : Tony Ryan 1 . S. weir 33 . A. Thages
2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7.
N. Beaaf4 (S) 37 . A. Bw'd D.Daasca(R) 31 T .BOdh A.Harry (C®p .) 33 . T. Carter J . Tuck 40 . G . NO D. Mad_roi 41 . L. Rckards D.G%;e 42. M.Erancswr C . ' ~ (S) 43 . M.Oflfnn D .E~ti(R) 44 ~N .Bond
B. B. Ham 45. M. Quick 9. G.Cav: 46. S .Kerae}{ 10. S . ki,,Sachra' 47' R. Isla s
i 1. L.GrokwrsH 48 . K . Farfae 12. W.Grlfdt4 49. G. Bas 13. B.Tw-~I 50. D.Oteram 51. D.Buiavn 14. ADarA 15 . D,WrBe 529 . M . Mom 16 . G . Heri>etisen 53 . C. HaT 17, S. Bryn 54, It . T. Larghaz n 19 . P.Denan 20 DMrJPam 21 . P.Sa3ar 22. Vt. Payne 23. P. McNamara 24. D .Grogli (S) 24. I Ryan (R)
26. D.Le=. 27. 8 . Tuck 28. Clan 29 . MA.Mersen 30 . A. Cook (VCa%) 31 . C.MckenNa 32 . D.Tcanty(St 32 . S.Ourn (R) 39 . T.Caaxo 34 . G .Waren 35 . R . KrNko,wsli
E S, ANZ ALBERT 1 ,R K Senior Coach: Jack 6'-^-~atd :in Res. Coach : David Kili 1. S . Di (R-0VC) 28. C . .N.Pastras 29. T. FV2 3. P . Srdih 23. S. F 30. J. F 3. C.1 4 . R.1 31 . P.E 32. Y c 4 . P.1 5 . D. L 6.C a 7 P. I 8.A i 8 R. L 9. G . ' to. ld. : t0.4C T 11 . A 11 . J. 1 12. N.~~ 13. S 14. tA 14. M.S~ 15. All16 . M. " 16 . R . 17 . D.'i 18.P. 19 . C. 20.fl. 21 . P. c 22. M. 1 23. AJ 24. M. I 25. J. 55 T. 25. D.: .~ . i 56 yy 26. E . Lmttl 57 . B. z7. C. Loved 58, G .La r
OAKLEIG H Senior Coach : Rod Bourke Reserves Coach : Brad Osborne I. PC= X B .I 237. P .
MQFhSieVPC1S PANEL SHOP PJL HAIRSTYLIS i S for Ladies & Ma n 3Fv ;; i ai.co CHAOSTON E 32
Senior Coach: Mick t'-hall Res. Cr^^h : !' •k Mc . . ' ad o
Seniors Coach : An ge 0 R®s. Coach : Paul Tha
G, c
10. FL it. P. 12S. 13. P.Si 14 . S.$ 5. J. 1&!t 17. J. 78
19. M 20. J.
Phone:-101313 f. ;. Fl-'
Seniors Coach: Gary Ryan Res. Coach: D°v'd Ratner
. B.Pt.^^ 37 Rt 2 .A.L a a 3 . T.F 4 . 0. Ca ~ 40 . .,. 5 . R.1° 41 . S.T a 6. M.! c[vC) 42. N .B 7 . M.1 ~ 4. 5 , 3 . 3 , 44. B.OTktu'Hi 9. 45. 10. P . c 48. J.CrookE 1 1 . T.1 ;C) 47.J.Waton 12. L.! 48. H .Kiegiocia , 49. D. 13. M. i„~ - . A.a 14. 11 `.A 51 . A. 5 16 . J.P.a7n 52 . S. M 53. M . P. Ttxmas (VC 54 . C M . :-- :.. .--n 55 . G . u, 20. 56. B. Lc 57. M. y-s 21 . 1 . 7 22 . G . 58. G . Naya r 59. 24. 7. Krgic 60. J, young 25. 61 . 26. 62. N .Mwim 27. A .Vfasrxql 63 . 28. C. Lkeray 64. 28. M.S{awart 65 . 30. P . Hazrism feo . 31. G. Won 67. M. Ca&an 32. 68 . B. 69 . G. 33. A.young 37. L . Thomas 70. M . Hayx 35. 71 . R. Louden 36 . R. Had 72. 3 774.
Senix Cearh: Glen Cori R . Coach : Ronnie Lam1 . M. ' 2 . J. 3 .J. 6. J .F 7 . R .l:^^ S. A.FU. .:_ . 10. B . i 11 . A . 12. M. 13. C . P r 14.C.! 15. R16. N.tti' . S. Do:18 19 . G.Va, . DsrZ-d,m 20 . M . Rkide 21 . R .bres 36. C.' 22 . G. Dared 42. M. . 23.J .Dr'.r,3 4.JE J 24 . M .A~.ean 44. RA ; T . A.1<k- 49 . A.I' x*
2}. G 21. V 2Z o,, 23 C.
24. 8
59 . 0
61 K. 61 . D 2aa Al . R . FL J.'c27 1 J.I it Ji 66. P . 69.
26.S. 05 54.J. 27. B . Lit Co. G . 28. R .t tm 7 6. T.I £9.M.F ... 33. M.1 , 32. J. 34. T.
Seniors Coach : MyFos Landry Reserves Coach : Neil Frank s
Senior Coach : Pot" OlMori Ras. Coach : Craig Richardson
1 . S. Persons 2. S. McMahon 3. A. McLennan 4. E. Banat 5. A. Mantemsso 6. M. Wanner 7. N . Frar4 s S. P. Angus (CayA) tO.T. TrewMH 1. A . Landry 12 . A . Complied[ 13 . V . Brarua6sarm 14 . D. Wara-Smith (VCaPt) 15 . B. Coo k 1 6 . S. CtanraJbM 7 . L . Barclay i8. S. GW 19. D. Sons 20. C. Landry 21 . S. Baxter 22. A. Aitchison 23. M. GalWzzo 24. G . Banal 25. A. Corke 26. G. Nelson 27. A . tiir^,de 28. A . ThriPp 29. D. Morgan ;a1. R. Blood 31. A . Grass 32. A. Parsons 33. R. Pc-0 ;e 34. A. 014e9 48 . J. B!easby 36 . N. Bowman 49 . J. Whelan 37 . T . Stewart 52 . L. Marks 38 . A. Bm-tly 53. B. FernriCk 39 . S. TaS"Dr 54 . M . Denny 40S. Marshall ,,g, P . Halter 41 . S. Farrow 5 1. A. Briggs 43. A. Benner r~ A. 6Vatts 44 . C. Bowman 60. !A. Hayes 45. D. Scown 62. d. YrSule 46. D. Brarransar.o
I. P.Varceo/ 44 . M .I 2, J. Hill 3. G. &alzo 4. R gain 5. M.B-Ini 48 .O.f-oJ .7 6. D. 2~th 4 . J . fiYm ) 8 . S.C l:c> 51 . S.W aian : 9 .A.rr. ,a 52.A.M k-r 15 .0. 'Si~ +-0 53 . A. Kerr 11 . L .1 1 54. J. Wield 55. H . W ta's 56. H . Le ? 57. A . Rion 58. T. N>al 59. L.Tv'm 60. M . F 62 .J. 1 19. J.tw20. it ? 66 . D. 21 .J. ~ 10 .R.r )oil 22. J 87 . T. F 23. G. 24. R 2"a. J. 27 . S. .r ." 28 . J.Tieter 29 . G. tksman 3) . P.Ha risat 31 . M . Om 32 . R.t m 33. R'i;. ,~ 35C .! 37. K.TC"_.a 38. RP in 39. J. Ga 40. G.Arrci 41 . S . Ctazlrm 42. C. MuaAare 43. it Faukrer
AAL' 1i 1S IN
Senior Coach : PelerTurtey Reserv es Coach : Darmam Sutherlan d I . M .86 : (VCaP4) 2 . M . C- . -• D.' a 3. S. q irrl „,. B . t 4. BA 5. M. ,_ iv 6. M.C4vk 7. G .G: : S. k
Senior Coach: Brett Sebire Reserves Coach : Peter Lewis 1.D . F 2. M. C ra 3.K . V 4. P .l (NsC) 5.0.F and (VC) 6. T . Davis 7. K .Gw4:r(Caq) 39 . RGreuh B . 0.PenH(6'JC) 4 . D.NKtA 9 . P.Eaa4 41 . C.Fraser 4Z C n tQ B4 3(C) 1 . PF aas 43 . M .Ean 12 . M . t as 45 . G . Parrry 14 13. A.( 46. M.Groga n 47. M.Nonogi w 15. M. E .n 43. T. Evans 16. J . 1.1 'h 50. it Ladds 17. C .: i 51 . M. Newsy It. T.£ in 52. D.Fan 19.D .F, r 53. D.Naoran 20.C .C 54. 0. tWy . D . E 21 55. M.YIarF dmles 22, P . l da. D. HtgPes 23.M., 57. P.Coorritts 2d. A . Cr~ 25. 8 F ~ . J, vktnat 59 . C.Dms~ 26 . P.t . 60 . M . Corral 27. M. Vies 28 . M .OEt`r--n(P,C) 61 . S.Flanm.ry 67 . D.Ban 23 . S.HawB.w 30 . N.Free :e 64 . R."-~-7 31 . A.Walh 65 . C. 66. D.'32 nan . S. Wan 33. D. ; qVC) 61 . G .t~, trd .. ~ ~. D .r 32 . P.i 35. M 70. C . R 36. C. 71 . P. .7- S. 75. 6L ~ . ~, S.Fo„uo 76 P .C
16 . At, 17 . M.P . . .. 18 . S. S 19 . A.H .ry 20. A. S 21 . R 22 . R. n 23. C. F 24. A C 25. 8 %. C .
X S.! : 37. J.G J
C H O I C E CREDIT UNION . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .... .
cnr. Punt & Tagrak Rds.
Current VAFA player s Seniors : All registered players with a permit . Seniors /Reserves : If both teams are playing reserve player must have played at least 2 matches of senior or reserve section football, also be registered and hold a permit. Under 19 : Must be registered and hold a permit. If player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 under 19 matches during the season . If less than 6 senior/reserve games player must only be registered and hold a permit - no other games played requirement . * If player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent under 19 final. Reserves : Must be registered and hold a
permit . Must have played 2 reserve matches and not more than 10 senior matches during the season . Club .VIII sections : Must have played in at least 4 Club XVIII matches and not played in more than a total of 8 senior and reserve matches during the season . Other players who hold a current VAFA permit. AFL and VFL List Players : Must play during on the first weekend after June 30th with VAFA club . Must remain "equal" or in "credit" (VAFA games played after June 30th . Must play at least 3 VAFA senior matches after June 30th . AFL Supp . List Players : Must play 3 senior VAFA matches before the finals . VSFL Under 18 Competition : Must elect immediately after round 16 where he wishes to play the remainder of season only . No number of qualification games required .
Mon to Wed 1996 Finals Information Friday (a.m.) : Umpire appointments Saturday (a.m .) : Weekend game locations Sat. (evening) Final siren scores
by Damien Batey
;~or the final time this season, all sides will take to the playing field . As this years finalists prepare for the challenges that lie before them, the remaining sides will be focusing on making the most of their remaining four quarters in 1996 . REVIEW ROUND 1 7 The game dubbed as the local derby between Monash Gryphons an d Glenhuntly may not have carried the same ferocity as their first encounter this year, but it proved to be the good contest nonetheless . Both sides set the scene for a tough contest at the start of the game, kicking five goal apiece. After a second quarter that was similarly even, the Hunters worked their way towards a 10 point half time lead . Erratic kicking by the Gryphs in the second quarter, may have cost them the advantage moving into the main change. In the third term, Glenhuntiy were able to slip away from their opposition, courtesy of a winning ruck division, who constantly drove the ball out of the centre. The Gryphs insipid play was exposed as the Hunters capitalise on Monash's error rate, fumbling and poor disposal of hand and foot became the trademark of the Gryphs game in the second half as Glenhuntly ran away with the game . For the Gryphs, Wells was again an inspiration, playing in a variety of positions . Toghill continually ran the ball out of defence and Healy battled admirably at half back on a day where winners for Monash were few and far between . Powerhouse easily accounted for ANZ Bank registering almost 50 scoring shots to run out winners . The Zedders crashed against the House, who look like being an awesome force in this years finals . After a fairly even first quarter Powerhouse scored 6 goals to 1 the second term to set up their victory . ANZ have been one of the strongest sides outside of the four this year, but they looked slugglish last week as they went on to add just one behind to their tally after half time . Fortunately for ANZ and inaccurate 17 .30 from Powerhouse saved them from a much larger disgrace . For the Zedders Gary Walkey played strongly on a wing, whilst Darren 'Rex' McLellan in the backline an d Matt 'Sam' Malone on the ball also contributed for their side . Elsternwick returned to form with a soft win over Monash Whites . The Wicks have shown some tenacity late in the season, recording their second win against a Monash sides in as many weeks . In extremely muddy conditions at Clayton, the Wicks strength and commitment to the ball was too much for the Whites to compete with . The Whites managed just one goal against Elsternwick, who sit in eight spot . Clearly, Monash have been a severely undermanned side this year and will need to do some serious recruiting over summer . Best players for Elsterncvick were Adam McKenzie on the ball, skipper Leigh Murphy and hackman Shane Mahony who
incidentally blotted his copy book by allowing the White s only goal in the last term . Salesians returned to the winners circle with a big win over Oakleigh . After last weeks loss, Salesians re-grouped to record a big twelve goal win over the Krushers Although the win will not return Salesians to second spot, the victory places them one game clear of nearest rival St Patrick's . Salesians will be expecting another big win this week against Elsternwick, to steel themselves for the finals . The re-match between Peninsula and St Patricks turned out to be a great game . The Vultures travelled out to Mount Eliza, hopeful of being able to avenge their loss against Peninsula earlier this year. A wary St Pats was watchful of Peninsula in the first quarter, making sure the Pirates didn't skip away to an early lead. By quarter time patience of players on both sides had become tested and a fracas-looked likely to erupt . However, the players soon found their composure and went on to play a tough and entertaining second quarter . At half time only a slight margin separated the sides as neither side would concede its determination. The third quarter proved to be the turning point for St Pats as they kicked away to a reasonable lead, after Stephens was awarded a free kick and goaled . Later in the third quarter the Vultures took the foot off the gas a little to allow Peninsula to close the margin by three quarter time . After a plea from St Pats Coach Brett Sebire to 'lift the feet out of the mud and run home with a victory", the scene was set for a big Vulture quarter . The Pirates had other ideas as far as how the game should be won however, and so begun the Pirate goal cavalcade . By the ten minute of the final quarter, Peninsula virtually had the game sewn up . The pressure on St Pats defence in the last term was the telling factor in Peninsulas win . By running forward and drawing the opposition, the Pirates created numerous loose men to kick their goals. The resultant five goal loss was a disappointment for St Pats who toiled dourly for three quarters . Best for Peninsula were Dentry at half back, Trewhitt on the ball an d Claringbold in defence . For St Pats wrongway Gurtler was again a great asset, as was Wise in the ruck and Matty 'Boll ards' Cosgrove in defence . PREVIEW - ROUND 1 8 Powerhouse look to be in no danger of losing the double chance in their bout with Monash Gryphons . The Gryphs suffered severe injury setbacks last week, and are forced to finish the year with depleted ranks . The Gryphs have been a vastly improved side this year however and can look forward to continued success next year . IM TRF AMATFI IR FnhTRAi I FR 19AR
Glenhuntly and Monash Whites the two bottom sides play their last game for the year . The Hunters are coming off a win however and will be keen to finish the season strongly. The Whites in the other hand will be put to rest at the final siren . Elsternwiek's last game will be no picnic, when they meet with Salesians on Saturday. Elsternwick may be coming off a win, but they will struggle to keep up with a side with finals in its sights . Oakleigh will end a lack lustre year with a match against top side Peninsula. The Krushers have been disappointing this year, falling back into field after having been a finalist last year. The loss of too many key players has been the key to Oakleigh's demise . The Pirates should win . St Patricks have a tough last round shead with ANZ Albert Park . The last time these sides met in a rugged and intensely physical encounter . This time ANZ are likely to push the Vultures again, but the home ground advantage and finals drive should get the Vultures home.
S 5.5 8.10 11 .12 13.15.93 MONASH GRYPHONS OLFaYHUNTLY 5.2 10.8 14 .11 17.13.115 Monash Gryphons Harmck, BlandfoM 3. Salay, Fraser 2, tmmock. Wells. Gilchrist Best wells, Toghill. Healy . Coxhead . Blandfont . Cdenhuntly 6kA4m. Craig 4. A t.vncerma 3. Worsmir 2 Knott Mitchell. Young Seabrook Bed B&idger. R lanwma. A. tamanna Crag Rennison . Worsnop, RDssiter, Yoaug. 3 .1 4 .2 4.3 4.3 .27 ATty BANK POWER HOUSE 6 .6 12 .10 15.19 17 .30.132 AN'Z Hame hiabte 3. Smith. Best G . WaTrley. McLellan. bbbne. Wills Carlisle. C. Wa}kky.
St Pats favourite son, Phil 'Chuekles c rmlett, reached the unequalled effort of playing 300 games for the Vultures . A former club president and committee member, St Pats are proud to be associated with fearless Phil. 150 GAMES - PETE ANGUS Gutsy Peninsula captain Pete An us runs out for his 150th today. A strong leader, winner of two senior best and Wrests and an inspiration to all at Peninsula. 100 GAMES - ANDREW McLORINAN "Macca" plays his 100th for Peninsula today . A tough rugged player and a favourite at Peninsula . The club congratulates him on his milestone . 250 GAMES - TONY HEATH Elsternwick 'Living Legend' Tony Heath plays his 250th games . He has filled many roles including player, coach, committee man and of course a life member of the club . Tony is a model of club loyalty and everyone at Elsternwick passes on our best for his big day. MAHONY FAMILY TRIBUT E Elsternwick great Paul Mahony will line up in the seniors in his 385th game alongside his three sons, Shane, Craig and Brian. This will be a fitting highlight to Paul's achievements and a great effort from his wife and the boys mum, Cheryl . MILESTONES AT THE GRYPHON S Elusive half forward Luke Fraser played his fiftieth against Elstemwick in round 16 . Matthew Healy will run out against Powerhouse this week to attain his milestone . All at the Gryphons congratulate both players on their fine efforts . 41 11, 1 6
power House Robinson 6 . Craven 5, J . Scotland 2, Gilt, Phelan . G . Scotland. Harrison . Best G . Scotland . Friend . Robinson . Williams MasseBa. Hall. MONASHtYHITES 0 .2 0.3 0.4 1.7.13 EISTERNWICK 3 .3 8.4 12.5 14 .5.89 Monash Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Elstemwich Andrew 6, Ward, Mussored 2, McKenzie . Clement. Murphy. Beat McKenzie. Murphy. Mahoney, Sumam. Andrew, Bravington. 4.4 5.7 13 .15 18.20.128 SALESIAN Be 0.1 2.7 5.8 6.9.45 OAKLEIGH AFC Salesian Abbott, Bobetic . Brown 3 . B}me. Canavan, Healey 2. Bouchard, Bourke,
McKnight Best Bobetic. Healey, Abbott Brown, Browne, Gaspari .
OahleTgh AFC Marshall 3. Heverin, Schilling . Taylor . Best Ferguson, Taulor . Theofilopolous, Walsh, Marshal l PENINSULA OB 2 .3 5.5 7.9 14 .12 .96 ST PATBICKS ME'VTONE 1 .3 4.7 4.8 7.11 .53 Peninsular OB Warne-Smith, McMahon 3. Trewttitt 2 . Ba.ven, Framss. Galluao, Gress. Sim Landry. Best Dentry . Trewhitt Ctaringbokt . A. Landry, C . Landry. Barclay. St Patricks Mentone Evans. Capuano 2. Gurtkr, Stephens . Perrin. Best Gu rtler. Wise, Cosgmve, T. Sullivan. M. Sullivan. C. Sulliran.
RESERVOIR MONASH GRYPHONS 2.1 5.8 6 .10 11 .14.80 GLENHUNTLY 2.3 3.3 4.3 4 .3.27 Moorish Gc9phons O'Brien S. Burke 3. Thomas. Bennett Bartie. Best Barrie . Leeton, OBrien. Ctathe, Egan . Burke. Glenhnntly Harrison 2 . Mmeki. Olly. Best Fletcher. Thomas . Jones . Them . Young. Nayar. 3.1 3 .1 4 .1 4.1.25 ANZ BANK POWER HOUSE 4.3 13 .5 16 .8 18 .14 .122 ANZ Bank Pastras 2. Lovett Best t .oddell, Heyes. Carlisle, Farrell. Baker. Sweeney. Powerhouse Wilson 8 . McGrath 3. Scales 2, Enskr, Etans, Williams . Best Miller, Wilson, Braini. Williams . McGmth. Stainol . MONASH WHITES 3.7.25 ELS'rERNWICB 8 .7 .55 Monash Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Elaternwlck Heath 4 . Broderick 3. Roberts. Best Broderick Bmvington. Roberts. Heath . Baldock. Nunn . SALESIAN OC 0.2 3.4 4.4 6 .6.47 oAKLEIGH AFC 0.1 1.2 1.2 1 .3.9 Salesian Bates 2. Wallbridge. Butler . Mclanly. Castakli. Best Butler, Seager. Forbes. Forbes . Wallbrktge. Castaldi. Oakleigh AFC Dickie. Best Hatzis . Stirling, Adaway. Monaghan . Gdnter, Bilting. PENHiStILAOS 4.2 7.4 9 .6 12.7.79 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 1.1 2.4 2 .9 2.10.32 Peninsula Old Boys Hayes 4. Marks 2, Fenaick Hell}er, Campbell. Nelson . Whelan, Bkasby . Best Parson . Briggs. Hayes. Wight Stewart, Farrow . St Patricka Mentone Herter. Nicholls . Best McCarthy, Donegan . ladds, Nicholls . Noonan. White .
Saturday, 24th August - :,_ordialloc Senior 2nd SEMI-FINAL - 2 p.m. Reserves 2nd SE9di-FINAI . - 11 .30 a.m . Sunday, 25th August - Mordialloe Senior 1st SEMI-FINAL - 2 p .m . Re erves 1st SE :.5I-P'INAt. - 11 .30 a .m .
POWERHOUSE v . MONASH GRYPHONS Field : A. Kiel ; Boundary : A. McLean, J . Willingham . GLENHUNTLY v . M ONASH WHITES Field : A. Harris, M. Argall . ELSTERNWICK v . SALESIAN Field : D . Kramer . OAKLEIGH v . PENINSULA Field : M . Flanaghan, R. Martin ; Boundary : Russ Martin, D. Blackburn . ST PATRIC K S MENTONE v . ANZ ALBERT PARK Field: P. Griffiths .
CLUB XV111 North & Sout h by Norm Nugent
~)reliminary Finals day was kind to your tipster : the day was sunny, the Oaldeigh hospitality and ground were tip top and I selected the two winners . REVIEW OF PRELIMINARY FINALS
NORTH St Bernards revelled in the afternoon sunshine as they kicked away from Hawthorn Citizens to hold a seventeen point lead at quarter time. In Greig Wood and Marcus Creak St Bernards had reliable avenues to goal . Conversely a forward who could mark and convert was a sad deficiency in the Hawthorn Citizens line up. The contest livened in the second quarter as Hawthorn Citizens realised their season's efforts were ebbing . Bodily clashes were common as each side struggled for supremacy . Hawthorn attacked for much of the quarter but, as in the second semi final, they could not kick goals . When the quarter ended each side had added only one goal for the term and St Bernards held a thirteen point lead . After a passionate and inspiring address from Glen Stallwo rt hy, Hawthorn Citizens quickly went on the attack in the third quarter. Once again they scored only one goal in their five minutes of dominance . On the other hand, St Bernards with surgical precision, went forward only rarely but on each occasion a goal resulted . The quarter on the scoreboard belonged to St Bernard's although in general play, Hawthorn Citizens were in possession on many more occasions . At three quarter time St Bernards held a twenty six point lead, which Hawthorn Citizens, saw as a deficit they could erase . They certainly tried hard as they again repeatedly moved the ball forward . Although the last quarter was the best for Hawthorn Citizens on the scoreboard, St Bernards managed two steadying goals at critical times as Hawthorn Citizens edged close . As the game ended, although Hawthorn Citizens had cut St Bernards lead to seventeen points, it was nevertheless a heartbreaking end to their season which promised so much but yielded so little . The continued good play by Avery and Morrison was in vain as St Bernards through their forwards, Wood and Creak as well as the efforts of Mick O'Connell, Glen Farrugia, Andrew Vinnecomb and until injured of Paddy Hayes emerged clear winners . Umpires Tony Robbins and George Pollard . SOUTH Old Scotch qualifies for the fourth successive Grand Final when they proved far too talented for De La Salle as they triumphed by thirty one points . Inaccuracy in the first quarter when they had more opportunities really placed De La Salle under pressure . Further more their failure to trouble the scorers in the second quarter enabled Old Scotch to hold a
twenty one point lead at half time. In Tony Price, Old Scotch had a focal point up forward . His efforts allied with those of Simon Illingworth and Rod McLeish gave Old Scotch a match winning edge . De La Salle, rallied in the third quarter when they outscored Old Scotch and appeared likely to provide a close contest as at three quarter time Old Scotch led by fifteen points . In the final quarter when De La Salle were again unable to kick a goal, their concentration lapsed and Old Scotch seized the initiative to kick three more goals and build their lead to thirty-one points when the game ended . Old Scotch were well served by Paul Williamson (ruck),_ Davide Bini, Michael Godwin and Captain Scott Montgomery across the half back line . A philosophical De La Salle Coach Brendan Hoy commented that his players contributed great efforts as they strove for victory . He congratulated them all on a great seasons achievement . Particularly good players for De La Salle were Justin Murphy, Paul O'Brien and Kevin Mannix whilst Michael Thorn self suggested, "I played a pearler!"#### Davide Bini, who was one of the Old Scotch stars must have set a world record in his travel to the game . Davide who lives in Ivanhoe went to Oakleigh via Miami, Buenos Aires and Auckland . From Tullamarine on Saturday morning he went straight to the football . No jet lag was evident either Davide! ! Umpires - Tony Hall and Mick Girolami . PREVIEW OF GRAND FINALS NORTH - MARCELLIN V ST BERNARDS The form sides of the finals should provide a close contest as they strive for premiership honours . The sides have met once during the season in Round 8 when Marcellin, despite atrocious kicking, won a low scoring contest by nineteen points . Daffy, who starred in the second semi final was the "Eagles' best that day and is sure to trouble St Bernards on the wide expanses of Elsternwick Park . In Damian Dodoriccio, Marcellin have a reliable forward who kicked three of Marcellin's five goals in the second semi final victory. St Bernards defenders must deny him scoring opportunities today. On the other hand St Bernards have a variety of avenues to goal through Greig Wood, Marcus Creak and Farmer . Their opportunities to score in the finals have often set up by the strong play of big men Paddy Hayes and Barnes as well as by the penetrating kicks of Captain Andrew Vinnecomb . Marcellin both on and off the field must plan to produce strategies to negate St Bemards creative play . To select the winner is a real difficulty as I have seen each side play so well over
the past two weeks . Coaching moves and strategies by those charismatic mentors Brian M oon and Andrew Kennedy will play a big part in deciding the premiership. I expect a titanic struggle as each team has genuine premiership claims . At the finish I tip St Bernard's to be just in front on the scoreboard . SOUTH For the fourth successive season Old Xaverians and Old Scotch will contest the premiership match . This season Old Xaverians have comfortably defeated Old Scotch in each of their three contests . Of greater significance and concern to Old Scotch must be the fact they have scored a total of seven goals in these matches while the Old Xaverians have kicked a total of thirty-three goals . So far this season Old Xaverians defence has proven the best in the competition and today these players must again nullify Price, Iliingworth and McLeisch each of whom is capable of kicking Old Scotch to victory . In an evenly balanced forward line Stones and Kins have proven consistent goalkickers for the Old Xaverians . To insure victory they must score goals again today . For Old Scotch the consistent Tribe, Hooper and Scott Montgomery must do well again today. Form suggest they will! The evenness of the Old Xaverians side is reflected in the fact that only Richard Curtain, Dave Landrigan, Flynn and Kins have featured twice in the eighteen best players named against Old Scotch . This evenness ; their stronger defence and more productive forwards all lead me to predict Old Xaverians will win the premiership .
CAPTAIN : 50 . Michael Kinna VICE-CAPTAIN: 27 . David Kins DTY VICE CAPT : 13 . Lucius Orsini
4 . Richard Curtain 37. Tony Landrisan 2. John Kennedy 39 . Martin Chamberlin 9 . Michael Collopy 8 . Mark Fitz 47 . John Flynn 14 . Richard King 10. Nicholas Fay 6 . Michael Durand
44. David McLean 53. Patrick Hal l 35 . Michael Meehan 1 . Robert Visintini 15 . Anthon Ries 64 . Sam Kennedy 28 . Kris Court 32. Sam Hogan 25. Gerard Dalton 11 . Paul Connors 40 . Joe McGrath 73 . Simon Ralton 53 . David Charles 71 . Andrew Hall 33 . Marcus Sadler 18 . Paul O'Sullivan
Grand Final - August 18th at Elsternwick Park No . 1 Oval at 11.30 a.m. GoaL A. Bishop, A. Miller. SOUTH OLD XAVERtANS v . OLD SCOTCH Grand Final - August 18t h
at Elsternwick Park No . 1 Oval at 2 .00 p .m . GoaL J . Kelly, G. Dae .
CLUB XVIII NORTH PRELIMINARY BYAAL HAWTHORN CITY 1 .1 2.6 4.7 7 .10.52 ST. BERNARDB 4.0 5.1 9.3 11 .3.69 Hawthorn Cttzsns Heaney, Ousalkas 2, Bovre. Avery. Richardson. Beat Qusalkas . Morrison, Avery. Lord. Gardiner. Orchard. St Bemards Wood. Creak. Framer 2 . Ferrugia. Moodie . O'Connell. Beat Wood . O'Connell . Creek Vine,.rombe. Fertugia.l.lcNister. Hayes. Castles.
CLUB XVIH SOUTH PBEUNRiARY FINAL OLD SCOTCH 3 .0 5.1 8.4 11.5 .71 1 .4 1 .4 5.7 5 .10.40 DEL9SAILE Old Scotch Price.lllingworth 3 . Winneke . Simpson, Tribe, McLeish, Badwin. Beat . Aston. Godwin. Aujard . Williamson. Tribe . Price De La Salle Goal Kickers and Best Players not received .
Hugh Lyon
U19 SECTIONS by Brett Connel l
Knitwear ITS CURTAINS FOR (21) OF Li r'I 1-11MS TODAY. WHICH ( 16) SURVIVE? AT 5 .00 PM WE'LL KNOW. Review of Round 17 matches Division One
}'d Xaverians continued on their winning way by sound;y defeating AJAX last Saturday . A terrific (8) goal first term set up the win and left the Jackas battling hard but to no avail. Gelbart, Burman and D . Onas were fine players all day for the Jackas, with Woodruff, Hawkins (4) and Bailey shining lights for the Xavs . St. Bemards began well against Old Melbumians at home but could not maintain their good work for the next 3/4's . The OM's winning well but straighter kicking could well have seen them win by more . Sewell, Holme and Miller were named best for the OM's . De La Salle boosted a flagging percentage this time against Collegians helped by an (11) goal to (2) first 1/4 . Although the Lions struggled they battled hard and none were better than McLeod, Caldwell and Dillon . While for De La Harper, Mercuri and Moore were prominent in an even team performance. Old Paradians and Uni . Blues received forfeits from Therry and North Old Boys respectively, and await today's hitouts against Old Xavs and OM's respectively to sharpen themselves up for the vital (3) weeks ahead . Division (2) White Warringal set up a final four clash with Old Camberwell this weekend with a strong win over Uni Blacks last week. Leading at every change the Redbacks were well served by Williams, Hopkins and Rossi-Mel, with Woodluck booting (6) majors . For the Blacks Wilson, Raffaele and White were solid 4 1/4 performers. Bulleen-Templestowe hosted St. Leos WP Emmaus and battled for the full four 1/4's before going down by (10) goals. It has been a long hard year for the Bullants as a club and Brian Cartwright and all of the officials and players should be congratulated in the manner in which they have approached this season . Thanks guys, and well done. For the Bullants Potamianos, Daskalou and Pemberton never gave in, while for the Two Blues Carey, Simondson an d Major were in everything . Old Camberwe ll jumped De La Salle (2) and led at 1/4 time by (4) goals they extended this by another (6) at 1/2 time to lead by (10) and never looked back . Best for the 'Wellers were Denovan, Kordic and Scottt with Hancock chipping in with (7). The 'Wellers know though that today is a vitally important game with finals around the corner, and definitely would have used last week as a fair dinkum hit out. St . Kevins moved into top gear with a sound thrashing of Old Geelong winning comfortably by a lazy (22) goals . For the OG's none tried harder than Pooley, Wilson and Cole, while for the SKOBS Delahay, Davoren, Baker and Doherty (5) were good players in an even team performance . Williamstown had the bye . Division (2) Blue Ormond returned to the winners list belatedly with a 38
strong win against Monash Blues, an (11) goal second 1/2 proving the differenc e between the two sides . Metz, M cInerney and Mabbet were terrific players for the 'Monds, as to were Lawrence, Baxter and Riordan for the 'Ashers . Mazenod did what any top side would do to a side outside the four and thrashed a disappointing St . Kilda Sth . Caulfield. A (7) goal to (2) first 1/4 setting the win up in trying conditions . For the `Nodders Joseph, Johnson an d Bailey were excellent players . While once again the Saints failed to register goalkickers and best players . Old Haileybury doubled Caulfield Grammarians score at Wheelers Hill Campus, and have eyes on this week -facing Old Brighton for the double chance . For the 'Fields none were better than Goldsworthy, Sandal an d Silver, with Poutney, Clarke an d Mason best for the Bloods. Old Brighton highlighted the difference between 4th and 5th positions on the ladder with a resounding win over Hampton Rovers . A (12) goal to (3) second 1/2 proving the difference on the day. Browne, Hoare and Zuker were best for the Rovers . Beaumaris had the bye. Division (2) Red Old Paradians (2) failed to trouble the scorers last week against Marcellin, who booted (12) majors themselves, but they still will face an elimination final today against Aquinas . For the OP's Redford, Lynch and M. Cosgriff battled manfully, with Stephens, Bellisimo and Roberts fine players for the Eagles . Aquinas set up their elimination final clash with ilRarcellin this week by disposing of Yarra Valley comfortably. Chapman, Highland an d C. Thomas were prime movers in the win, with B . Reynolds, Reid an d A. Laing battling valiantly for the vanquished . Old Scotch kicked a cricket score against Chirnside Park at home, but today face much tougher opposition against Marcellin . Despite the large score the Parkers are to congratulated on the way they played the game out and the discipline and spirit in which the match was played in . For Scotchies Gilchrist, Davis an d Tindale (5) were hard to go past . Old Carey eased into finals mode with a resounding win against Old Trinity, their 17th straight for the year . It was a tough OC's unit who allowed the OT's to kick only one goal for the game . Costell o, Bedford an d Battle were named best for the OC's. Whitefriars had the bye . Preview of today's game . Division One Old Paradians travel to Toorak Park to face a rampaging Old Xavs in what for the OP's is an elimination final . A win today could see them sneak into the four on percentage, a loss and its curtains for 1996 . The Xavs nearly doubled OP's score last time they both met, an d THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
although the margin will be a lot closer today the Xavs ,=,411 add another scalp to their belts today . Therry host has no bearing on the St . Bernards in a match. that finals but pride is at stake Last time they met it was the Bernards who blew Therry off the park, nothing seems to suggest this situation will reverse itself today, although the conditions may make large scores difficult . Old Melburnians face Uni . Blues and are fighting for their spot in the four. A win and they are safe, a loss to the Blues and a win to the OP's could see the OM's miss the finals . Today they will not have enough firepower to challenge the Blues, but will breathe a sigh of relief when the scores from Toorak Park come in. North Old Boys host De La Salle at the Gillon Reserve and if last weeks matches are any indication De La will win comfortably . In the final match Collegians host AJAX . Both clubs have struggled this year despite winning a couple of games each . Today gives both clubs the opportunity to finish the season on a high note . The Jackas having won more games this year than the Lions leans me their way, in what should be a terrific contest . Selections : Old Xavs, St . Bernards, Uni. Blues, De La Salle & AJA X Division (2) White St. Leos WP Emmaus ran Warringal to (1) point last time they met . Today the Redbacks need to win to maintain their chance of playing off in the finals . In what will be tough conditions for all concerned the Redbacks will have too much riding on the result to drop this match today . Old Camberwe ll have the opportunity to destroy Uni. Blacks season today by defeating them at home . Last time they met it was the 'Wellers comfortably, but the Blacks have improved . In what should be a terrific match the Blacks to get up in a thriller. De La Sall e (2) an d Old Geelong has no bearing on the finals, but both sides will be striving to win and finish the season off well. The OG's have been a little more consistent than De La (2) and they will get the money today. St . Kevins host Williamstown who are coming off the bye . Last time at Williamstown it was the SKOBS by (8) points, but today the CY's have their season hanging on the result . Despite this I cannot see Owen Hourigan letting his boys drop this one, despite Gerard Barns trying everything he possibly can the SKOBS will prove too strong all over the field. Bulleen-Templestowe have the bye. Selections : Warringal, Uni . Blacks, Old Geelong & St. Kevins Division ( 2) Blue Beaumaris will end Ormond's inconsistent season at Banksia Reserve with a solid win . The Sharks coming off the bye will prove far too accomplished, although the 'Monds will give their all it will be in vain, as the Sharks fire up for another assault on back-to-back premierships . Monash Blues await St . Kilda Sth. Caulfield at Clayton in what will prove an important match for both teams . Neither can make the four but both have shown glimpses of form this season that would suggest that they have the talent . At home and on familiar turf the 'Ashers will prove too committed in the finish for the Saints . Mazenod will fine tune themselves against Caulfield Grammarians today at home. They won by (7) goals last time the two sides met and I cannot see this margin being any different this time . Old Brighton host Old Haileybury at South Road in what is a battle for the
double chance . Last time they met it was the Tonners who came from behind to win . This time they will prove too strong for the Bloods and snatch the double chance for the first time this season. Hampton Rovers have the bye . Selections: Beaumaris, Monash Blues, Mazenod & Old Brighton Division (2) Red Whitefriars coming off the bye will soundly defeat Old Paradkns (2) at home . The 'Friars are set for their assault on the finals and will win well today in preparation for such. Marcellin versus Aquinas is in effect an elimination final . The winner will advance through to the finals next week, for the vanquished it is mothballs for 1996 . Last time they met at Aquinas it was the Eagles by (20) points, today in what will be a titanic struggle the Eagles will prove too experienced and win by less than a goal . Yarra Valley host Old Scotch at home and despite having a very good second half of the year, will find Old Scotch too much to handle today . In the final match Old Carey host Chirnside Park in a match that will hold little bearing for each except percentage for the OC's . Chirnside Park will battle hard as they normally do and should be commended for continually displaying courageous performances in the face of heavy defeats . Well done Allan Cousins and the players for your efforts this year. I look forward to seeing you next season, where hopefully there are a few more wins in sight . Old Trinity have the bye . Selections : Whitefriars, Marcellin, Old Scotch & Old Carey . Finally I would like to wish all clubs the very best today whether it is your last game for 1996, or you are going on to play finals over the next three weeks . I trust your involvement this season has been fruitful and I look forward to seeing you all again in 1996.
Under 19 - Continued on Page 46 >
LOOKING by Noel Rundle -
5 YEARS AGO - 1991
~ reunion luncheon for past umpires was held at EP. 90 turned up, including Les Wenker, field umpire at the exhibition football match at 1956 Olympics (when the VAFA defeated the team of players who played VFL and VFA as amateurs), and former advisers, Max Barker and Kevin McKay .
Therry saluted 200 games - for Gerard Biddlestone, Best and Fairest in 1986, State player, a great handball exponent (no reference to his kicking, I note . NR) and a magnificent clubman and for diminutive rover, a reserves star, Bob Lyons a m an with a big heart and a fierce competitor. Over the hill at St Bernards, Kevin Mahady one of four brothers to have played for the club reached the 200 with two B section flags to his credit, 1984 and 1987 . A strong running player, Kevin was doing a fine job on the committee as player's member. Can anyone recall when an A section club did not score in the first half, and only scored 1 .2 for the game? Well, Uni Blues scoreboard read 0.0, 0.0, 1 .0, 1 .2 and the man who can tell the story in years to come "as the day I kicked every goal for the Blues" was Mark McCa rt y. The Brown and Blues kicked 19 .13 to keep alive a slender chance of making the four which was a big turnaround after losing 5 straight at the start of the season . Old Haileybury (A), 2 points behind fourth team Therry, climbed above sixth team Old Scotch when trailing by 5 points at last change, they kicked 4 .1 to 2 .0 to win. Best were Armitage, Rae, Baxter (Old H) and Full er, Hunter, Brown (Old Scotch). St Bernards accurate kicking ( Shane Zantuck would be delighted if such a comment could be made in 1996) kept them in top place when they went right away from second team Old Trinity. One goal each at the first change, final scores were 11 .3 to 2 .10. Best were Fitzpatrick, J . Gollant, R . Purcell, Malls, Wood, F. Comito . In the U19 zone 1 De La Sall e (Blue) kept their unbeaten record when they beat second team St Bernards 17 .16 to 4 .2. Stars for the winners were Crowe, Dean, Schuling, S . Greeley, Lafferty, Murray.
10 YEARS AGO - 198 6 Blues lost their slim hope of making the four when they succumbed to Old Scotch in the last 15 minutes to go down by 21 points after leading for most of the day. 1985 "A" Section best and fairest, Andy Smith, played on Don McInnes and held him to 3 goals while captain Fergus Kiel was impassable in the second half. In the battle for 4th place in "B" Parkside (5th) lost to St Bernards (8th) by 2 points an d Uni Blacks (4th) lost to St Kilda (7th) by 14 points to draw level
1 on top of the ladder ,
both 2 games clear of Fawkner . Best wer e Spillane, Wood, - Gleeson (OP) (a trio of great players - N.R.) an d Peters, Klein, Tirnan (Old Xav.) . Melbourne University Football Club honoured one of its favourite sons, Ern Cropley . It was a real galaxy of football talent and personality at the evening - 5 Cordners - Don, Ted, Denis, Ed and Ian, Mo rton Browne, Ray Wilson, "All Bodies" John Adams, Werribee's Michael Turner, Trevor Steer, Barry Church and of course Ian Munro . After Peter French had spent some weeks compiling a list of Amateur footballers who had played league football, this scribe picked his team and awaited the flack. The team was: Backs : Terry Callen (Old Xav.-Geelong), Geoff Southby (P'house-Carlt .), Ray Gabelich (P'side Coll.) . Forward Backs : Peter Lucas (H . Rovers-Coil .), Don Will iams (Elster.-Melb.), Mark Browning (Beverley Hill s -S.M.), . Centre : Brian Dixon ( MHSOB-Melb .), Laurie Mithen ( Orm .-Melb .), Robert Dipierdomenico (Kew-Hawthorn) . Half Forwards: Geoff Tunbridge (Uni. Blues-Melb .), Phonse Kyrie (Old P.-Coll .), David McMahon (I'hoeF'roy) . Forwards: Ross Smith (H . Rovers-St Kilda), Ian Graham (Uni . Blues-Ess .), Ian Law (Old ScotchH'thorn) , I/C : Stephen Clark ( B/Temp-Ess ./Melb .), Ken Melville (Uni. Blacks-Melb .) . Coach : John Kennedy ( Teachers College, Hawthorn) . Have any stars appeared in the last 5 years to challenge anyone in the team for a place? - N .R. ) 15 YEARS AGO - 198 1
Some real milestones this week - Old Mentonians' Ron Bungey - 250 games - 237 consecutive and great clubman. MHSOB's John Cooper 250 games, 2 best and fairest, committeeman and canteen and bar operator and to North Old Boys' Harry Leigh - boundary umpire (and still going in 1991 - NR) . "F" Section coaches were Bill Dunn (Banyule), Bruce Bugden (B'wick), Alan Quaife (B . United), Robert Wolf (Clayton), Wayne Ashdown (C'wealth Bank), Johanson (FITOB), Colin Crampton (Monash Whites, R . Kerley (Peninsula OB), Max Lyon (Therry CC) and Paul Bain (UHSOB). St Bedes (D) held on to 4th position in "D" when, after a scoreless first quarter, they went on to defeat Powerhouse 9.6 to 2 .10 . Best were G . Terrell ( 5
goals), Steendam, King (St Bedes OC) and Scotland, Demier, D . Stewart (Powerhouse) . North Old Boys (A), on top came from behind to `beat old Scotch (6th) by 18 points . Stars were Malone, Marchbank, G . Carroll (NOB) an d Morgan, McLellan, Poikinghorne (0. Scotch) . parkside ( 9th in "C") fighting to avoid relegation led MRSOB (3rd) by 19 points at the last change but went down by 8 points when they were scoreless in the final term . MHSOB had good players in Falcolner, Poole, Todd and for Parkside, Ridd, Heaver, Sweeney. 20 YEARS AGO - 197 6 Old Melburnians lost top position in "C" Section when they went down by 19 points to Fawkner in a high scoring game. The victors went into the four at the expense of Hampton Rovers . With final scores 19 .21 to 16 .20 . Fawkner's best were F . McM ahon, Foley, Duggan while for OM's, Brown, Pisarski an d Whitton starred . 300 games up for Commonwealth Bank's evergreen Tony "Barney" Borrack, Victorian representative in 1965 and 1966, sometime captain-coach, president and at all times a wonderful clubman . 150 games to Old Mentonians goal sneak Colin Erickson - the first life member of the club . Uni . Blues veteran Graham (Simon) Templar also reached that milestone in a career that had started back in 1965 and had seen a couple of years spent in W.A. Caulfield Grammarians also saluted 150 games man Geoff Tamblyn . La Trobe Blacks confirmed their top position in "E" Section when they defeated St Kevin's OB by 29 points . Best were Drew, Ryan, Cowling (La Trobe) and Randles, Brennan, Cross (St Kevin's OB) . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 1
Old Trinity, leaders in "C" Section, fresh from their big win over Assumption, were lucky to get home from 4th placed Old Haileybury by 3 points scores 13 .20 (98) to 14.11 (95) . Bets were Fletcher, Christie and Dart (Old Trinity) and Curtis, Gadsden and Langford-Jones (Old Haileybury) . The lead changed a couple of times in the last quarter before "Big Al Just" finally goaled to put Old Trinity in front . 150 games to Ken Castanelli (SSB) a member of the club since 1961, the club's last premiership year (in which he was a playing member) : Peter Eames
(Parkside) ruck, and Peter ( The Pot) Giles (Ivanhoe) . Umpires were saddened at the sudden death of one of their members, goal umpire John For, a life member of their Association. Footscray Tech . held a dinner in honour of Bill Baird for his wonderful service to the club over 25 years . 100 games to Geelong's rover Mick Ailden and full back Philip Marshall, both club best and fairest winners and Victorian players ; to Brian Tickell (Old Trinity), Mike Gourtey (Collegians) and Ken Sewell (AMP) . 30 YEARS AGO - 196 6 Kew held a Past and Present players reunion in the pavilion with over 100 sitting down to "Brown and Gold" soup, Chicken "Snell" and Apple "Perrin" - well organised and the attendance a fitting reward to Bob Burden's hard work. Geelong almost lost their position in the "C" Section four with a lucky point win over bottom team Monash University. Luscombe and the Smiths L . and E. saved the game while Wetternhall, Message and Hone dominated play for Monash. 100 games to Geoff James and Bob Douglas of SSB; Harey Tartakover (0. Melb .) ; Graeme "Rocky" Evan (Powerhouse and Noel (Redda) Dorey (Hampton Rovers. On top in Juniors were Caulfield Grammarians (Section 1) and Commonwealth Bank (Section 2) . 45 YEARS AGO - 195 1 In "B" Section State Savings Bank, after a poor start, won their 5th game in a row with a 4 goal victory over Melbourne High. Graham Harry, Ray Leason and Don Daly were best . Ormond Juniors were the only undefeated team in the Association after they beat their nearest rival, MHSOB, 14 .15 to 4.6 . Graham Barnard, Lindsay Shannon and Ian Bishop were starring . University Blacks trounced Ormond 102 points to 56, and made up for the previous 4 defeats . Vic West gave a polished display of drop kicking for goal and intelligent play in the centre, while David Quinn defended well at full back and John Smith and Bob Leggatt picked up most of the crumbs . Ormond's scribe would not find a best player "my reverie was broken only by the lugubrious boom of the Ormond clock".
Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain present all scores and match details i n
a light-hearted manner. Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9.30 a.m. each Sunday
COACHES gn~*4 ;*,mra 1%- A
® m . , .~
_ FC
App®lr.` . _g -i Coach, what to look for s far as football coaching goes we are rapidl y approaching the business end of the season . As coach you will either be facing the next few weeks in anticipation of participating in a successful finals campaign or contemplating a period of self examination after a fruitless season . Clubs, too, undertake an examination of their coaching staff and either coaches decide to move on or clubs decide a fresh approach is required and club and coach may part company . The "Amateur Footballer " record suddenly carries many ads and the coaching merry-go-round begins . It is decision time and appointment of new coaches brings with it the promise of something fresh and new ; the possibility of ultimate success . In football clubs today, coaches have an enormous influence on the culture and environment of the club . Coaches can greatly influence the future direction and success of a club . They can take the club forward in rapid strides or they can damage the environment of a club just as quickly, with such consequences that it takes many years to repair the damage. Yet still many clubs approach the task of appointing a coach in a less than professional manner . The VAFA Coaches Association (AFCA/VAFA) have developed a simple guide for clubs that focuses on the process of recruiting a new coach.
The key features of the approach as outlined in the document "Guidelines for the Effective Recruitment of an Amateur Coach" are focused on isolating the key competencies that the club requires of their coach and then structuring the recruitment around these competencies. Furthermore, the approach stresses that coaches should be selected using the following principles : ® past and present experience ® attitude and motivatio n 0 qualifications ; an d ® coaching role specific competencies . Some of the competencies that may be relevant when appointing a coach in Amateur Football could be : 1 . Achievement Orientation -"desire to achieve excellence" . 2 . Technical coaching Knowledge - "in depth specialist knowledge applied, maintained, improved and transmitted to others" . 3 . Innovation - "ability to identify patterns and propose innovative solutions" . 4 . Planning and Organisational Skills - "ability to increase order through planning to achieve set goals, reviewing progress and adopting organised and co-ordinated approach" .
5. Providing Direction - "ability to set clear goals and objectives, delegation, guidance, decision making ability and performance monitoring" . 6 . Influencing - "ability to convince others of a particular course of action" . 7 . Analytical Thinking - "ability to break down complexity into parts, identifying sequences, implications and time frames . S. Initiative - "ability to take action, spot and seize opportunities". 9. Developing Others - "ability to develop, coach or improve skills of others". 10 . Interpersonal Effectiveness - "ability to understand others' strengths, weaknesses and motivations and to interpret body language/feelings/concerns of others" . 11 . Self confidence - "strong faith in own ability " . 12. Relationship Building -"ability to maintain relationships, networks, contacts useful in achieving goals" . 13. Team Leadership - "ability to develop team work, co-operation and motivate people" . 14 . Communication Skills -"ability to communicate clearly, concisely and fluently" . 15 . Change Orientation -"ability to adapt easily to change" . 16. Specific knowledge - understanding of Amateur Football . Often Amateur Clubs appoint individuals because of their profile . In doing so, they often ignore that these individuals do not have the necessary experience, background or competence as a coach, let alone a thorough understanding of Amateur Football . Effective appointments on the other hand have occurred when clubs chose individuals who have served apprenticeships after retiring therefore developing their experience under other coaches before taking senior jobs . M artin Legge, the current senior coach of Old Camberwell is a classic example . Martin began his coaching career with Banyule reserves after an illustrious amateur career . He was then approached to coach Old Camberwell U19's and so impressed that he has progressed to the senior job . Despite a lengthy playing career, Martin served his apprenticeship . Today he is a well prepared and thoughtful coach who uses his wide experience and knowledge to develop his young players. He demonstrates many of the competencies listed prior . Old Camberwell should be commended for their foresight in recognising Martin's talent, investing time in his development and encouraging him to progress within their club. In business today, 70% of the key jobs are filled without need to advertise . Key Managers are ofte n
approached because of their experience and potential uid recruited accordingly. The recruitment of any coachlike key managers, should be considered as a significant investment and a strategically critical decision by ,ly club, and thorough processes should be adhered to . would urge any club that is contemplating this process -c, contact Brett Connell at the VAFA who will provide the guidelines mentioned . Furthermore, the VAFA Coaches Association is only too willing to assist clubs with coach recruitment and Brett will liaise on behalf of the association to provide such support . John Simpson CA/V.0A President Group Human Resourcesi;:an2 ;er RACV
* 8choi'-7-,L :
7"" Matches
Subject to ground conditions Old Brighton v . Old Paradians ~T: Peter Olivie ri a: South CLUB : Pn :cerhouse A.F .C . PL.,1zI!TiG HIS^!OP,I: North Melbourne D/19 :
Il~ ijhtsDss . District; KeIlorParkEss.Distric t CdACH1idG 17ISTORY: Keilor Park 1.1/16 : Caidii lcl E;rmiimarians Rese rv es & U/19 VAFA; St IGIda C .H .C .A .F .A:; Coburg District Seniors F .D .P,L: .S,niorsV S .niors VAFA . :F~?rcH,use COf.C i+i ;G P :III.^ ; OPHY: The most impor-ant qi a?:Iy AI nccd as a coach is people skill s. Tre pt==r p :l,; ~r equalll; .'1l :ilce. Tr aining sessions and pla.;ing en}cyal;l mcst of the highs because therc r c pleili; of eth Inva. I3avc ~orki people around you coachiu'! whilc I A '>iBIT1oR : To continue .FUTRE l ; liera I h avc something to offer . To aeehiev, <I my goal s
This San . :
Club XVIII Grand Final s
Next Sat . : U19(11st and 2nd Semi Finals (11 .30, 2 .00) C Sec. 2nd Semi Final Next Sun .: Sat . Aug . 31 : B Sec. lst Semi Final Sun . Sept. 1 : A Sec. 1 st Semi Final Sat . Sept . 7: C Sec. Grand Final Sun . Sept, 8: A Sec. 2nd Semi Final Sat. Sept . 14: B Sec . Preliminary Final Sun . Sept . 15 : A Sec. Preliminary Final Sat. Sept . 21 : Alex Johnson U19 Championship Final B Sec . Grand Final Sun. F°pt . 22 : A Sec . Grand Final
;,nFl tiie club goals. To be successful at ,ri~aterr lcxr3 1'1i1 coachingf
GR,,GE - - SECTION CLUB - ELEY PARK A .F .C . Applications in ivriiing to President, Clo No. 4 McCracken Ave. Blackburn Sth, 3130
Applications close 30th Octocer,1906
HOME TEA M Club XVIII and Reserve Secti o n FINAL SIREN SCORES PHONE : 9531 8333 Senior Sect ion and Un d er 19 FINAL SIREN SCORES BEFORE 5 p .m . 11 PHONE : ® *31 P I d, 11471 A an - ,3 Section) by Q SCORES, GOALKICKERS AND SIX BEST PLAYERS (Both Teams )
If shorts are wom they must be white dub shorts only . If tracksuit pants, they must be navy blue only.
To VAFA Administration by 5 .15 p .m .
If a whole green tracksuit has been purchased complete VAFA green suit can be wom . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
' " Club Travel UMPhr,IES CORNE R by Ste ve M cCart hy a nd Anthony D am e n
** We start this week with congratulations to a couple of the 'Oscars' . Last weekend Chris Donlon umpired a VSFL Under IS match while Tim Ovadia umpired his first B Section match. Well done guys!
** Out most recent of 'Bomber's Bulletins' was entitled 'Umpiring in Wet Conditions' . With the advent of inclement weather and the poor playing surface of football grounds, the conditions that we as umpires have been used to have definitely changed . Players' skills will become more even with all clubs that is, it becomes a level playing field for all, players and umpires alike . Attitude to Conditions Don't let conditions dominate your mental approach to the game . Skill level of the game shall be lower so you need to work hard and lift level . Set the game up early, use your voice with positive encouragement . Apply positive attitude to ensure game moves on . Ignore conditions of the ground . Concentrate on running correct line for act of play. Be aware of poor disposal of players, anticipate shorter kick. Identify areas for free kicks . Reward player who endeavours to get in front and makes play. Protect him from infringement. Encourage the worker who moves in to make play with tap ons . Penalise the player who seeks to pull ball in holding the ball . To be as positive as the player who works to the front . You have to work hard to be side on to play as the umpire needs to be quick to react to scrimmages . Work hard as No . 2 . Move up quickly at set kick, encourage partner to move forward of play . Prior to game discuss/think of areas that shall cause concern . **This week we include the profile of Adam Kiel who umpired his 100th game last wee k . Nickname: Kiely. Memories of first game : Goal after siren at Old Ivanhoe for a draw . Occupation : Manager . Car : Magna s/wagon . Personal motivation: Love of the game of football . Words of advice to youngsters : Work hard on skills . Suggested improvement to football: No more rule changes . Pet football hates : Cold Showers in mid July . Hobbies/other sports : 44
Tennis, English Soccer and Golf. Favourite Food: Schnitzel . Drink : Bourbon . Favourite movie: Silence of the Lambs . Last movie seen : Striptease . Boyhood sporting idol : John McEnroe, Gary Ablett . Best Amateur Footballers seen : Rick Marks (AJAX) . Most memorable match: First game . Biggest influence on career: Brian Goodman. Best umpires : Wayne Hinton. Last boo k read: Lou Richards (Kiss of Death) . Your ultimate non-footy sporting fantasy: Round at St Andrews with Norman, Nicklaus and Palmer . Dream guest at a dinner party: Gary Ablett, Greg Norman, Michael Jordan, John McEnroe . Ambition in football : Umpire more finals and 200 games . We ll done Adam! **Dates to remember. Today at EE Gunn Reserve, Ormond (prior to the Mazenod match) the PUMPS Reunion . VAFAUA Annual Dinner at the John Nicholl s Room, Optus Oval, Parkville 7pm. Friday 27th September VAFAUA Dinner Dance . Savoy Park Plaza (Comer of Spencer and Little Collins Street) 7 .30pm - midnight. $50 all inclusive . Dress - Formal . Contact Peter Gersch or Mike Lentini . **After a week off - we're back and we must thank Peter Simpson and Alan Ladd for their contribution last week . Great to get that point of view from the lower grades. Thanks guys . Don't forget it you've got any suggestions for Umpires Comer or just have umpiring questions contact Macca and AD via the VAFA fax . MACCA AND AD
F . 7-T F' - ;-i L i i1 Steven,:,
com Y&AIr-:!i Over $1 00 worth of beer, gaming, champagne, wine, ciders, soft drinks, meals & sporting discounts
All profits go directly to your club and assis t your club's chances in the CUB incentive Competition
Umpires 20 VAFA umpires who purchased and wear Blades boots were asked to fill out a questionnaire about how their boots performed. Names went into a barrel and two names were drawn, each to receive a Blades tracksuit . Congratulations to the winners :
® Vin Vescovi ® Mark Jenkin s Clubs $250 will go to one club who provides the longest list of players wearing Blades boots (subject to verification) . The closing time for clubs to supply lists has been extended to next Wednesday (August 21) . Listed players' names will go into a barrel and 2 will receive a Blades tracksuit.
C' ®n. clubs. .,. Your club secretary has all details ring now!!! 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996
uidDi ;19 il 't ;;rIOFt 1 OLD PARADIANS HUCC P) 19 .16.130 THBBRY (PO ) 4.5.29 Old Parsdisms P'rymn. Phelan. S. Ptcelan. Lynch. Best Flynn, King, Stevens. Oak-, OUommr . Harris . Therry Goat Kickers and Best Players net recewed . AJAX 1 .1 1 .3 2.5 2 .5 .17 Old)XAYERiA.iS 8 .3 13.9 19.10 2214.146 4- Bumwt, S91r, Gelbart. Bumvn . D'Onas. Beebe. Segal, Jonas. Old ~arerlam Ireland . Heil Hardwick, Hilbert. Kay, Perry 2. Woodruff, Shanrd?n, lacoungeb, Jones. Fleming Ockkshaw . Bat Woodruff, Hawkins, Bailey, Jones . Perry.lrelarM . STBERNARDS 3.0 3 .0 4 .5 5 .7.37 OLD MElEt 4.7 6.9 7.13 S.17.65 St Bernards Goal Kkkers and Best Pia}zrs not reeemed . Old MeRearnians Munay 4. Jenkins 2 Cbke. Sewell. Best Sewell. Hokre. Miller . Waddell . Murray, EtStofL UNIVERSITY BLUES (REC F) 19 .16 .130 NORTH OLD BOYS (FOBFEIT9D) 4 .5.29 University Blurs Goal Pickers and Best Players not recen-ed . North Old Boys Murray . Khoder. Best Lynch. Maguire. Koutsavasilis. Thomson. Abboud. Murray. DE LA SAL1 E 11 .7 16.7 20 .11 26.18.174 COLLEGIANS 2,0 3.1 3,3 4 .327 D. La Sstie Me<ser 5 . Moore 4, Ellis. Cbhesy S. Borel4t Lee, Conn . Harper 2. Harber. Shkkls, Vurcent. Best Harper. MmurL Mean. ButEr. lee, Thomas. CaBegtsns Dillon . Vander.~enne, Michael, Morris . Best McLeod, Caldwell. Walsh, Ricate, SM. Patulb.
UNDER 19 2 WHITE WARRBtGALAPC 3.3 6.6 9,11 12 .14.56 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1,1 3.6 4.8 8 .13,49 Warringat Woodbek 6, Williams 3 . Sheehan, Playfair, Mitchell. best Williams, Hopkins, Pssinei. Comxry. Anderson. Sattes. University Btxcks McArthur, Ratfaeik . Ne th, Franklin . McCorni,c7cBrennan, Wilson . Best Wilson . RaEiaek, White. Oswald . Ross. M.cComtkk-Brennan . BU1LBBltE TOWE 0 .6 0.8 2.11 2.12 .24 ST L84S EMMAt15 WP 3.5 8.11 11.12 13,16 .94 Bulleen•Templestowe Mountain, Potamianos . Best Postamtanos,Daskalou, Pemberton. PapaxSopouEos, Mountain. Leihy . St Lea's u= WP h'ewey 4 . Ma)or. Some, Thomas 2, Batty, Daly . Daniels. Best Care,. Sunmdson, Major, McCann Schltttkr . Daniels. OLD CAMBERWELL 6.7 12 .12 21 .14 27.18,180 SE LA SALLE (2) 2,0 3 .0 2 .0 2.1.13 Old Camberwe ll Hancock 7, hardman, Scott 4 . Nordic 3, Board . Whitehead 2, McGilp, Miles . Webb. Williams, Seeley. Best Deno+,an . Nordic . Scout . Whitehead, Hardman, Hancock . De Lt Sidle Goal }tickers and Best Players tmt recewed . OLD GSELOBG 1 .1 2.1 2.1 3.1.19 STh~V1ftS 5 .6 10,11 19 .14 25 .17.167 Old Geelong Pooley 2 . Jeffries. But Pooky, WOson, Cole, S[ Clair, Bostock . Rankln . St Dotreeiy 5, Eakec Da:aren. Rces. DeWtay 4. Mantak 2. Greerjant Rode. Best Delalj. Datimen. Baktr. Goklsv.ort}ry. Gargrro . Ries .
UNDER 19 2 BLU E ORMOAD 2 .5 7.6 14.9 18 .13.121 MOHA9HBLUES 6 .5 9.8 9,11 10,12.92 Ormond Mine 5. Larkin, McInerney S. Buron . Hall 2. Hammond, Murphy, SOetow. Ent Metz, Mdnn, .rnev, Habbett, Hall, Hester . Steikm, WomiatutC Monssth Blues Harris, Hawkins 3. Herrn~n . Gregory 2 . But Lawrence, Barter . Riordan, Dempsey, O'Neill. Hermcv t ST 1SQ,DA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2 .1 2 .2 4.3 5 .3 .33 MAZEROD GC 7.0 8,6 11.9 15.14.104 St Kilda South CaulDetd Goal Kickers and Best Players not receired . Mszennd Meehan 3, Ward . Hawkins, Young. Bordignon 2. Riley. McDowell. Johnson, Moore 1. Best Joseph . Johiuan. Bailey. Young. Meehan, Duane. CAULPtELD GRAMMAR 0.2 2 .4 3 .5 6 .6,42 OLD 13AD,ETBURY 5.8 7.10 9 .16. 12 .18 .90 Cautltetd Grammer Liddell 5 . Lubransky. Best Goldsworthy. Sardatl, Siher . 7lnkkr, Bowes. hams .
Old Hatieyhuriaas Carson, Dunphy. Hill 2. Dowling, Efstathiou . Ladd, P . Iangford,7ones, Mason. Melin .. Bat Pountney, Clarke . Mason,Wanien . P . Iang'mrd-Jones. Waters. OLD BRIGHTON 5 .4 9.6 13 .12 21 .18 .144 HAMPTON ROVERS 2,4 7.7 9 .11 10.13.73 Old Brighton Goal Kickers and Best Playeres not recerved . Hampton Rovus Hoare . Martyn, tinker 2, Dunbali . Holt, Lake, Mannl. Best Browne, HM! ton Armour. Dunhall . Martyn .
UNDER 19 2 RED OLD PARADIANS (2) 0.0 0.0 0 .0 0.0.0 MARCELLI U 0.3 4.5 6 .8 12 .14.86 Old Puadlsns ( 2) Best Redford, Lynch. Cosgnft, Turner, Jenkins, Vincent. Muceilin McMahon 3, Bettioi, hiulready 2. Badanjek. Randauo, Raravasilis . Moran, Dallarrva . Best Stephens. Beiiissmw. Roberts. RarMaao, Ryan. M.oran , AqUINAS OC 4.2 5.7 5,8 8.14.62 YARRA VALLEY 2.1 4.3 4.3 4.3,27 Aquinas Thorns 4 . Callers 2 . Heveron. Higgins . Best Chapman, Highland, Thomas . Brounhli. Such, Fin•emn. YarrsValley Telford 2, Casarm, Ford . Best Reynolds, Red . Lvng. Drew, McComcell.'tyshmg. OLD SCOTCH PARK 4 .8 7.16 14.24 21 .38.164 CHB4NSIDE AFC 0 .4 0.4 2.7 3 .7 .25 Old Scotch Tinmore 5, Thomas 4, Andrews . Ford . Stevens 2 . Crane, Davis, Junkeer, latttzjohn. Morris, Pa ton. But Gilchrist, Davis, Tutdaze. Eagle. Thompson . Crute. Chhndde Psrk AFC Goal Kickers and Best PlayYrs not received . OLD CABBY 9.3 12 .5 15 .9 17.12.114 OLD TRINITY 0 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1.2,8 Old Carey Woods 5. Sall 3. Murphy 2, Collins, Oppy, Detarezynski, Hendtlks . Angus. Small . Cleak. Best Costelb. BedfoM. Battk. Wlute, Woods, Oppy. Old Trinity Goal Kickers and Best Players not remned .
OLD VE-P,u` NS v. OLD P:,tt.,iv-IS (at Coliing~.~:eod F.G.) Field: T . Williams, J. McGauran ; Goal: P. Bishop, D. Murray. TBERRY v . ST BE S Field: S. Cook. OLD LBUR S v. UNIVERSITY BLUES Field: A. Price, C. Ryan. NORTH OLD BOYS v . DE LA SALLE Field : B . Allen, K. Brewer; Boundary: A. Scherini . COLLEGIANS V. AJAX (Oval 20 Albert Park) Field: B . Bain; Boundary: D . Bain, M. Jelinek. WHITE ST LEOS EM US v. WARRINGAL Meld: B . Stewart . UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. OLD ERWELL Field: M . Allen, P. Tuppen; Goa1: B . Seymour, W. Fowler (R). DE LA SALLE ( 2) v . OLD GEELONG Field: I . Stevenson, ST KEVINS v. WILLIAMSTOWN Field: A. Stephen, S. Davie. BLUE BEAUMARIS v . ORMOND Field : S . Rolls, J . Bell . MONASH BLUES v. ST KILDA STI€ CAULFIELD Field:- G. Kelly, C. Stevens . MAZENOD v. CAULFIELD GR. Field T. Creighton, I . Cayzer . OLD BRIGHTON v. OLD HAILEYBURY Field: G . Morgan, G. Skaudarkumar; Boundary: Damien Harrass. Goai : J. Slater, R. Richards R . RED WHITE FRIARS v. OLD P IAPTS Field: P. Bailey, G . Armstrong. MARCELLIN v. AgUIlVAS Field: B. Buyck, F . Karabelas; Goa1: M. Bushfield, G . Dae. YARRA VALLEY v, OLD SCOTCH Fietd: K. McMahon, D . Ischia. OLD CAREY v . CHIRNSIDE PARK (Ramsden St Reserve) Meld: J. Stoppa .
SECTION 1 Saturday, 24th AuElsternwic' : Park 2nd SEAH-FINAL - 2 p.m . Saturday, 24th August - Elsternwick Par k
lst SEMI-FINAL - 11 .30 a.m . WHITE Saturday, 24th August - De La Sall e 2nd SEIdI-FINAL - 2 p .m. Saturday, 24th August - De La Salle lot SEMI-FINAL - 11 .30 a .m. BLUE Saturday, 24th August - Oakleigh 2nd SEhRI-FINAL - 2 p .m . Saturday, 24th August - Oakleigh ist SElVlI-FINAL - 11 .30 a.m . RED
Saturday, 24th August - Monash 2nd SEMI-FINAL - 2 p .m. Saturday, 24th August - Monas h 1st SEMI-FINAL - 11 .30 a .m. ~
aw A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the groun d or other or other similar such conduct "
h U Stevens or wording of the entry regarding Thornbury ,L Cougars last week led to a bit of confusion . Take t, ol With the removal from the E section competition of Thornbury Cougars, votes for the Best and Fairest award for this section will only be counted for the first 9 rounds in totality (ie . 5 matches each round) and then for the last 9 rounds only for the 4 matches played each round . That is votes cast for games v. Thornbury Cougars from rounds 10,11 and 12 will not be counted. ### With finals beginning next week, there will be firs t and second semi finals to be played on both days of next weekend . Please be advised that once the "fours" are settled members of the Executive meet with me and it is decided whether or not to shift lst or 2nd semi final reserves games to match senior teams playing . So arguably a 2nd semi final reserves match could well be a curtainraiser to a 1st semi-final senior match . All of this information will be loaded onto the Q UIT INFO-LINE when it becomes available .
°The 1996 Vote Count Night will be held this year at the Carlton Crest Hotel on Monday September 9th . Invitations have been forwarded to club Presidents , with three invitations going to each club of the Association. Section best and fairest winners and leading goalkickers will be invited as well and these winners will be non-paying guests of the Association. rr# #
PLEASE DO NOT RING ELSTERNWICK PARK ASKING FOR SCORES OR FIBIAI. FOUR DETAILS ON SATURDAY NIGHTS . STAFF HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED TO NOT GIVE OUT THIS INFORMATION. From the time matches conclude to 6pm, calls other than the ones we wait for, hold up our deadlines we have to meet . THE SAME APPLIES FOR NANCY FRcTAGGfiRT'S NUMBER . Hopefully scores will be available on the Info-line at 5 .15 pm, with ladders and next week's games available on this same service after 6 pm . GENERAL INFORMATION CALLS WILL BE WELCOME ON 9531 8333 AFTER 6 P113 .
## #
## #
Who will scr
A SECTION (2 rounds left) COLLEGIANS safe on top UNI BLUES (36) play OLD XAVS (36) play OLD HAIL . (36) play OLD SCOTCH (36) play OLD MELB (36) play DE LA SALLE (32) play
b le M* to th e
0. Melb. (a) Mazenod (h) 0. Hail (h) St Bern. (h) 0 . Xavs (a) De La Salle (h) St Bern (h) Old Melb. (a) Uni Blues (h) Old Sco . (h) Colleg. (h) Old Hail. (a)
a-j "°F~ours" ?
B SECTION (2 rounds left) OLD PARAD. (60) play O .Bright . (EP) O .Trinity (a) OLD TRIN . (52) play Ivanhoe (h) 0 . Parade (h) THERRY (44) play 0. Ivanhoe (a) Ivanhoe (h) OLD BRIGHT. (44) play 0. Parade (EP) Banyule(a) IVANHOE (36) play 0. Trinity (a) Theny (a )
OTHER SECTIONS LOOKING CLOSE (1 round left) (a spot in four at stake displayed only)
C SE CTION AJAX 4th (40) ST BEDES M/T 5th (36)
play Thomas . (a) play St K . S. Caul . (h)
OLD CAMB . 4th (40) play Parkside (a) ST LEO'S EMM. 5th (38) play Kew(a) PARKSIDE 6th (36) play 0 . Cam . (h) ST JOHNS 7th (36) play Caulfield (h)
E EAST SECTIO N ELEY PARK 4th (38) play CH . PARK 5th (36) play RICH . CENT. 6th (34) play
Y . Valley (a) Swin . (h) Bul1.C (h)
W A SECTFOtt FOR 12 4 0 1567 9 7 0 1340 9 9 9 8 7 4 4
7 0 7 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 12 0 12 0
1394 1430 1303 1167 1297 1209 1099
1297 107 46 ~ 1275 10220 36 1477 96.82 36 1105 100.17 32 1366 94.95 28 1506 80 .28 16 1572 69 .85 1 6
OLD PARADIANS 15 1 0 1836 1024 179 .30 13 3 0 1956 1048 186 .64 OLD TRINITY 11 5 0 1605 1260 127.38 THEflRY CCOB OLD BRIGHTON 11 5 0 1535 1302 117 .50 IVANHOE 9 7 0 1428 1334 107.05 BANYULE 6 10 0 1419 1591 89.19 OLD IVANHOE 6 10 0 1354 1742 77 .73 M H S O B 5 11 0 1402 1667 84 .10 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 12 0 1173 1471 79.74 BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 0 16 0 1049 2318 45.25 C SECTIO ST KEVINS 15 2 0 1789 1053 169.04 N ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 12 5 0 172~7 1453 118 88 1628 1346 120.95 A J A X 10 7 0 ST BEDESIMENTONETIGERS 9 8 0 1275 1375 92 .73 THOMASTOWN 8 9 0 1405 1467 95 .77 HAMPTON ROVERS 6 11 0 1452 1598 90 .86 OLD MENTONIANS 5 12 0 1260 1517 84.38 OLD GEELONG 4 13 0 1234 1643 75.11 WHITEFRIARS 4 13 0 1162 1806 64 .34 D SECTION CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 12 5 0 1715 1208 141.97 / 694 1194 141 .88 BEAUMARIS AFC 11 5 1 MONASH BLUES 11 6 0 1350 1168 113 .64 OLOCAMBERWELL 10 7 0 1551 1388 111 .74 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 9 7 1 1414 1178 120.03 PARKSIDE 9 8 0 1350 1213 111 .29 STJOHNS OC 9 8 0 1115 12C5 9253 SOUTHBANK CBA AFC 8 9 0 1460 1277 114,33 KEW 4 12 1 1236 1555 79 .49 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 16 1 807 2286 35 .30
13 2 1 1336 801 166.79 OLD-, 4VERfA1fS 12 3 1 1152 826 139.47 OLD tl."LBUA'ilANS 11 5 0 1267 900 140.78 UNIVERSITY BLUES BE LA SALLE 10 6 0 1247 902 138.25 COLLEGIANS 9 6 1 1235 1010 122 .28 OLD SCOTCH 8 7 1 1260 1002 125.75 MAZENOD O C 6 10 0 1103 1300 84 .85 ORMOND 3 13 0 755 1317 57.33 ST BERNARDS 3 13 0 769 1368 56.21 3 13 0 655 1523 46.03 OLD HAILEYBURY B RESERVE SECTION OLD PARADIANS 15 1 0 1604 681 265 .89 14 1 1 1481 585 253.16 OLD BRIGHTON OLD TRINITY i 1 5 0 1386 1035 133.91 8 7 1 1126 920 122.39 THERRY CCOB NORTH OLD BOYS 8 7 1 1210 1047 115 .57 M H So B 7 8 1 1022 1040 97 .52 BANYULE 5 11 0 927 1246 74 .40 OLD IVANHOE 4 11 1 841 1319 63 .76 57 .61 IVANHOE 3 13 0 712 1236 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOW E 2 13 1 473 1986 23 .82
60 56 44 34 34 30 20 18 12 10
C RESERVE SECTION 1 6 1 0 1488 440 338.18 MARCELUN 13 4 0 1188 747 159.04 A J AX STBEDESIMENTONE TIGERS 12 5 0 1377 655 21023 OLD GEELONG 10 7 0 1130 1090 113,00 8 9 0 945 1083 87.26 STKEVINS THOMASTOWN 6 11 0 999 1120 89 .20 HAMPTON ROVERS 6 11 0 941 1079 87 .21 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 6 11 0 850 1352 02 .87 OLD MENTONIANS 5 12 0 744 1370 54 .31 517 1425 36.28 WHITEFRIARS 3 14 0
64 52 48 40 32 24 24 24 20 12
D RESERVE SECTION MONASH 13LUES 15 2 0 1564 477 327 .88 60 14 3 0 1310 740 177.03 56 OLD CAMBERWELL ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 13 4 0 1102 874 125 .09 52 PARKSIDE 11 6 0 1180 773 153 .95 44 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 10 7 0 1386 783 177 .01 40 STJOHNSOC 9 8 0 1098 948 115 .82 36 BEAUMARIS A F C 6 11 0 922 11 77 .48 24 SOUTHBANK C B A AFC 4 13 0 814 1487 54 .74 16 KEVd 2 15 0 552 1407 3923 8 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 16 0 372 1725 21 .55 4
E EAST SECTIO N AQUINAS O 13 16 1 0 2182 1000 218 .20 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 14 3 0 1945 1131 171 .97 12 5 0 1892 1396 135 .63 OLD CAREY ELEY PARK AFC 9 7 1 1666 1557 100 .58 CHIRNSIDE PARK 9 8 0 1700 1377 123 .46 RICHMOND CENTRAL 8 8 1 1610 1377 116.92 BULLEEN COBRAS 6 11 0 1342 1420 94 .51 ELTHAM O C 6 11 0 1259 1808 69 .63
E EAST RESERVE SECTIO N 3 0 1623 573 283.23 56 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 14 AOUINAS O 8 12 5 0 1203 612 196 .57 48 12 5 0 1324 703 188 .34 48 OLD CAREY ST MARYS 10 6 1 966 1289 74.94 42 CHIRNSIDE PARK 10 7 0 1115 923 120 .80 40 9 8 0 941 895 105.14 36 BULLEEN COBRAS RICHMOND CENTRAL 8 9 0 1317 1219 108 .04 32 ELEY PARK A F C 4 13 0 823 1269 64.85 16 3 13 1 405 1765 22.95 14 SVi1NBURNE UNIVERSITY ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2 15 0 631 1479 42 .66 8
SWINBURNEUNtVERSITY 0 113 7 0 1597 1855 2236 E CENTRAL SECTIO N WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 16 1 0 1924 970 198 .35 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 14 3 0 1864 986 189 .05 UNIVERStTY BLACKS 12 5 0 1578 694 227 .38 NORTH BRUNSWICK 12 5 0 1 98 1297 146 .34 10 7 0 1448 i145 126 .48 8 WEST BRUNSWICK UHS 0 8 7 10 0 1282 1517 84 .51 1498 1307 114.6 1 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 6 11 0 1 744 2530 4683 0 NEWLANDSCOBURG FC 3 14 0 11
1167 134.28 48 1137 117.85 36
E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTION 15 2 0 1488 467 318.63 UNIVERSITY BLACKS NORTH BRUNSWICK 14 3 0 1578 739 213 .53 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 13 4 0 1534 600 255 .67 WILLIAMSTOWNCYMS 13 4 0 1649 666 247 .60 WEST BRUNSWICK 9 8 0 1111 864 128 .59 LATROBE UNIVERSITY 7 10 0 1002 870 115 .17 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 5 12 0 768 1172 65 .53 UHSOB 5 12 0 760 1477 51 .46 NEWLANDSCOBURGFC 3 14 0 639 1862 34.32 THORNBURY COUGARS 1 16 0 231 2152 10 .73
2699 22.71
PENINSULA OB 14 2 1 2468 1115 221 .35 POWER HOUSE 14 2 1 2054 1206 170 .32 SALESIAN 0 C 14 3 0 2249 1096 204 .83 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 13 4 0 1669 1188 157 .32 1380 130.36 OAKLEIGH A F C 9 8 0 1799 8 9 0 1741 102.65 A N Z ALBERT PARK 1696 MONASHGRYPHONS 5 12 0 1829 1787 91 .16 5 12 0 1281 2035 62.95 ELSTERNWICK 2 15 0 921 2731 33 .72 GLENHUNTLY 2582 24 .86 MONASH WHITES 0 17 0 642
60 56 52 52 36 28 20 20 12 4
E SOUTH RESERVE SECTION 491 39124 64 SALESIAN O C 14 3 0 1702 543 313.44 58 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 12 5 0 1963 696 282 .04 48 12 5 0 1491 655 227.63 48 OAKLEIGH AFC POWERHOUSE 11 6 0 1454 697 208 .61 44 A N Z ALBERT PARK 7 10 0 954 1485 64 .24 28 MONASH GRYPHONS 6 11 0 886 1168 75.88 24 ELSTERNWICK 4 13 0 605 1987 30 .45 16 MANASH WHITES 3 14 0 385 2011 19 .14 12 GLENHUNTLY 0 17 0 338 2305 134 .66 0
i UNDER-19 0 2483 760 326 .71 UNIVERSITY BLUES 17 0 SECTION OLD XAVERIANS 14 3 0 2327 861 270 .27 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 5 0 1610 1121 143 .62 DE LA SALLE 12 5 0 1511 1135 133.13 OLD PARADIANS 11 6 0 1695 1124 150 .80 ST BERNARDS 7 10 0 1510 1673 90.26 4 13 0 992 1557 '63.31 AJAX 13 0 803 2423 33.14 THERRY 4 914 2164 41 .85 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 15 0 2 15 0 624 2035 30.66 COLLEGIANS
CLUB XV81 NORTH 14 1 0 1151 596 193 .12 56 HAWTHORN CITIZENS MARCELUN 12 3 0 919 480 191 .46 48 11 4 0 1021 565 180 .71 44 STBERNARDS 102 .21 32 COLLEGIANS 8 7 0 739 723 OLD IVANHOE 7 8 0 612 770 79 .48 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 7 8 0 505 800 63 .13 28 50.68 28 THERRY 7 8 0 447 882 KEW AFC 6 9 0 523 753 69.46 24 2 13 0 319 1178 27.08 8 OLD ESSENDON
UNDER-19 (2) WH1TE ST KEVINS 16 1 0 2175 705 308.51 13 4 0 1859 888 209.35 OLD CAMBERWELL WARRINGALAFC 12 5 0 1622 1230 131 .87 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 12 5 0 1405 1128 124 .56 6 0 1523 952 159.98 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 11 1223 104.25 ST LEO'S E6.iMAUS WP 8 9 0 1275 81.84 8 9 0 11 94 4 13 0 1026 1830 56 .07 DEDl ..4 SALLOE G21 A 1 16 0 356 3233 11.01 $ BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE UNDER49 (2) BLU E 15 2 0 1467 954 153 .77 MAZENODOC 14 3 0 1699 829 204.95 OLD HA LEYBURY OLD I BRGHtON 14 3 0 1701 958 177.56 BEAUMARIS A F C 13 4 0 1886 698 270 .20 HAMPTON ROVERS 8 9 0 1034 1496 69 .12 ORMOND 7 10 0 1227 1531 80.14 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 7 10 0 1049 1537 68.25 MONASH BLUES 4 13 0 660 1766 48.70 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 3 14 0 817 2038 40 .09
60 58 56 52 32 28 28 16 12
UNDER-19 (2) RED 17 0 0 1956 755 259 .07 OLD CAREY WHITEFRIARS 13 4 0 1317 695 189 .50 OLD SCOTCH 12 5 0 1475 1005 146 .77 MARCELUN 11 6 0 1283 860 149 .19 AOUINASOC 11 6 0 1164 1093 106 .50 OLD TRINITY 7 10 0 899 1230 73.09 YARRA VALLEY 7 10 0 807 1418 56 .91 CHIRNSIDE PARK A F C 4 13 0 835 1884 44 .32 OLD PARADIANS (2) 3 14 0 735 1776 41 .39
68 52 48 44 44 28 28 16 12
CLUB XWll SOUTH OLD XAVERIANS 14 1 0 1048 325 322 .46 13 2 0 1017 484 210.12 OLD SCOTCH 112,74 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 10 5 0 637 565 DE LA SALLE 9 6 0 748 517 144 .68 ST KEVINS 8 7 0 467 872 53 .56 60.86 MAZENODOC 7 8 0 482 792 OIDGEEIONG 6 9 0 391 852 45 .89 V U T 4 11 0 487 1123 43 .37 OLD MELBURNIANS 3 12 0 357 681 52 .42 *
56 52 40 36 32 28 24 16 12
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