The Amateur Footballer, Week 18, 1996

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A!series, season approaches the all important final s

series, it is always wise to reflect on the season that was and try to think of ways that we can make the game at our level even better. Iready the Executive has been spending many hours A re-examining our reinstatement guidelines - always a daunting task given the changing nature of AFL and VFL football . This task will be completed soon, put to the clubs for consideration and the guidelines settled on for the new season . I feel confident that the 1997 guidelines will be the most appropriate yet enabling us to preserve the ethic of Amateur football . uch work has also been done in relation to examining the E Section structure we currently have in place. There is a reasonably strong likelihood that a decision will have been made at last Monday night's Executive meeting in relation to this issue - the introduction of a new structure or the retention of the new structure . Clubs have been given significant opportunities to provide the Executive with reactions to proposed plans which will no doubt influence the decision that is made . Look in this issue's "From the VAFA" Column for a statement on this matter . Readers can gather then that even though the season is far from over much work is being done to ensure that the 1997 season is even a better one for the VAFA . Each year the Executive committee meets over a thre e

day period considering all submissions received from all persons interested in Amateur football and improving it .

(,nlubs are invited to provide written submissions to the ~,O Executive on any issue related to the conduct of Amateur football . There are a number of associated committees that the Executive relies on for advice specific to their area of expertise . The VAFA branch of the Australian Football Coaches' Association, which includes myself as an administrator and current Executive member, each year puts together a submission related to an examination of the rules of the game that the Amateurs operate under . Any person with positive information related to the rules

should mark their submissions Rules Review and direct them to ._ . : myself at VAFA L Administration . Old Ivanhoe coach Kevin McLean, the 1995 AFCA Coach of the year is Chairman of the Rules Review sub-committee. ° Over the last two years our trainers have formed an Association which plans programs to better the knowledge of all trainers and organises accreditation programs as directed by the VAFA's Executive . Again submissions to assist the VAFATA assembling its submission for the seminar should be directed the VAFA Administration, marked specifically to the attention of Sue Anderson (VAFA Administration Officer) . ° Any other matters associated with coaching should be directed to Brett Connell, one of the two VAFA Administration Officers. ther topics that the Executive welcomes thoughts 0 and information on are : The state of umpiring in the VAFA ; the conduct of U19 football ; representative football ; permits ; the EDITORIAL - Continued on Page 14 >

HNDJE; Editorial

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Section A Section E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Section C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . .S SeciionD .-- . ., .-„ . . . ._ . . . 1 . . .S Section E East . : .10 Secuon E Central . . . . . . . 12 Tap Outs . . . . . . . 14 Finais Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . 5 Section E South 34> Ciub XVIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 Under-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Looking Back . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;40 40 Coaches' Clipboard . . . . . . . . . . . ' .-12 )✓; Park Matches . . . . . : . . .43 Urzip:res` Corner. . _ . . . . . . . . . .~ . . _ . .4 . . . . : .~, . . . . . . . . .} 7 4f'rontheVAI,

1'1'eiiaiership List . .

. ..

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August 24th,1996 Price : $1 .20 Vol . 96 No . 1 8 THE AMATFI IR FnnTnei 1 co .ooa


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c4W S AND OLD SCOTCH WE'LL MEU AGAIN ho's it going to be? Second spot looks settied as Xavs need only to beat St Bernard s today, but third and fourth position is wide open in the last 100 minutes show down before the finals . Timely that the match between OM's and Old Scotch should determine a finals possie . In the wind down of the AFL's centenary year celebrations, these two schools continue on the tradition of their historic clashes with the stakes again high this time - a finals berth . OM's are in fu ll flight after a fine win over the patchy University Blues who will need to beat Mazenod to rail back into the four at the expense of either OM's or Scotch . This possibly leaves Old Haileybury out in the cold . They need to beat De La Salle easily and hope that Blues are beaten and they slip back in on percentage replacing Scotch or OM's . Won't happen. The smart money is on a four make up of Collegians, Old Xavs, OM's and University Blues. Terrific finish - as always. Collegians, minor premiers, sail ahead towards a deserved week's break and firm flag favourites, but the late season challengers are coming thick and fast in the shape of the formidable Xavs machine and a rejuvenated OM's . To the bottom four sides, De La Salle and St Bernards have always been competitive during the year and threatened at several stages, but when the close ones were needed . . .Ormond and Mazenod step down with dignity ; the "Monds" after 26 consecutive years and eight premierships and the eight year club Mazenod after only one term . REVIEW OLD MELBURNIANS V UNIVERSITY BLUE S

Doesn't take OM's much to become excited . Four weeks ago against Mazenod, they could barely string together two handballs, now their spirit is back - as well as some good players and playing like a side who could figure prominently in the finals . Fine start as the determined Simon Walsh capped two goals and the balanced Cameron Eabrey and Richard Webb cleared easily off a half back flank . Andy Witts held the ball in at centre half forward and with David Strooper back after a twelve week absence competing strongly, OM's held a 21 point lead at half time . Blues coach, Grant Wi lliams revved his players up and they hit back in a rush of goals in the third quarter thanks to the wily Geoff Allardice, Adam Ltnnen and tough Richard Vandenberg. But Micah Berry and Walsh steadied and OM's held a commanding lead a three quarter time in the deteriorating condi-


tions and went onto a 24 point victory . Campbell Kennedy was a brave player for OM's, but the Redlegs win was a good team effort all round . Blues, a little down on confidence, had fine players in Vandenberg, the pacy Drew Slimmon, Ben Herrald and Gil McLachlan . OLD XAVERIANS V OLD HAILEYBURY Smooth as sil k and precision movement of the ball appeared to highlight Xavs performance in their massive 100 point win over a disappointing Old Haileybury . Starting from Andrew Brushfield and Michael Brennan up back and the stately Michael Holmes repelling everything, Adam Jones (6 goals), Dominic Berry (5 goals) were able to mop up in what was almost a Sunday stroll for the eight-in-a-row Xavs . Beat St Bernards today and they have razed the field in the second round . And the win was without Dann, Landrigan, Richardson and Wood, so the premiership second favourite is in fine shape for player quailty and not forgetting Matt Bourke's comeback in the two's last week . For the Bloods, time is running out but terrific efforts by David Connell and Mark Seccu ll in what was a difficult day at the office . DE LA SALLE V COLLEGIANS The sight of Woodrow Medallist Christian Davidson and Darren Baxter running around against De La Salle can only hearten Lions supporters and place fear in the opposition as the finals approach . So the pieces are falling into place for Collegians as they easily defeated De La after kicking three into the wind and limiting the home side to 1 .6 . Another six in the second quarter and it was all over . Darren Peters was strong at the ball and James Bennett in control in the back half with Brock Mooney (4 goals) moving into the sixties now. Throw in a Gabe Deane-Jones plus Galbraith/Thomson axis and it's a talented combination . De La Salle had a real go at the leaders and Pat O'Callaghan battled hard against the Pollock/Jefferson double and Adam Elliott an d Andy Evans were capable players in their side's 41 point loss . ORMOND V MAZENOD In a game, billed as a close contest between two sides angling for one last win in A section, didn't quite work out as Ormond won by over 10 goals . Based on a theme that '97 starts today, the 'Monds' opened just like that kicking four in the first quarter with the breeze and restricting Mazenod to only one in the second and kicking another four themselves . Tim Gall agher was a fine player together with wingman Andy Forrest and ruck rover Rod Block deputising for Andrew Jobling . For the injured-

wracked Mazenod, Paul Robinson has come on in leaps and bounds and he was greatly supported by Craig Lane an d Mick Hunt in the centre . OLD SCOTCH v ST BERNARD S

The Cardinals had far too much incentive for St Bernards and a great start sealed the result early . Sixteen goals was a good day's work in the heavy conditions and for the third consecutive week Scott Duthie snagged five to top the half century . But the form of youngster Bruce Phillips recently from the College was really heartening . Cam Heath is back firing, so that's also good news . Too many out for St Bernards with Vassall o, Jason Gollant, Caithorpe, Dobson an d Gilmour not presenting themselves and it was left to gutsy Anthony Comito and the brave war horse Luke Gollant (4 goals) to carry the day . Youngsters in Juegan, Sawicki and first gamer Swann provided hopeful signs . PREVIEW The lucky last and the battle royal is between OM's and Old Scotch, but can't see Scotch having the all round skill or experience to defeat an in-form OM's . Old Xaverians should make it nine straight with a win over St Bernards, while University Blues will not pass off a chance to regain the four and defeat Mazenod easily . Ormond's last match in A section will not be a walk in the park for top side Collegians, but the Lions will appreciate a tough warm up before the break and head towards a win . And in the final match, De La Sa lle will take over Old Haileybury's spot as the Bloods will let their faint hopes for a finals berth slip away .

SELECTIONS : OM'S, OLD XAVS, COLLEGIANS, UNI BLUES AND DE LA SALLE, THANKS To club officials, particularly to those of the six clubs not featuring in the finals, thank you very much for your constructive comments and snippets to create a column . To the four teams moving towards that pot of gold after 5 pm today, best of luck for the series .

MILESTONES : All at Ormond congratulate Ashely Orr on play-

ing his 100th game today against Collegians . Coming through the U19's Ash has been a key member of many succesful Ormond teams in the centre of the ground, and we look forward to many more fine games in the future . Well done . Also Phil Kingston breaks the club record today by running out in his 257th match for the Ormond Amateur Football Club . Congratulations Phil on a fine career you have been a credit to the VAFA and the OAFC . St. Bernards would like to congratualte the following players on achieving milestones recently . Paul Ranting (200), Rod Doolan ( 150) and Shane By rne (175 - retired) . All have given magnificent service to the club and we are proud to have you as players in the St. Bernards colors . Well done to you all. 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

SENIORS DEIASAI" 1.6 2.7 8 .9 8.11.59 COILEG1Aha 3.2 9.9 11.11 14.16 .100 De La Salle Harrison 3, Crowe 2 . Brasher. Evans, B. Mannix. Best P . O'Callaghan, . S Evans, Elliott . Harrison, S. Crowe, Toohey . Collegains Mooney 4 . Wallace, Thomson, Deane-Johns 2 . Peters. Cleary . Lemon. Phillips . Best Bennett. Wallace, Jefferson. Cleary, Lemon . Parkin. OLD SCO'iCB 5.10 9.11 12,15. 16.20 ST BERNARDS 1 .2 4 .5 4.8 9 .116 .9.63 Old Scotch Phillips. Duthie 5. Heath, McCall 2. Smith, J. Hosking . Beat J. Husking, Phillips, Wilson. Holt. Heath. Smith. St. Beinatda L Gollant 4, Ryan, P. Capes. Mount. Chatfield. Swarm . Best A. Condto . L. Gollant. S. Overman, Sawicki, Juegan . Swann. OLD MELBUBARANS 4 .3 6.6 10.12. 11 .13 .79 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .0 3.3 6.7 8 .7 .55 Old Meiburaians Walsh 4, Kennedy 2, Bmmeli, Wilts, Fraser, Berry . McMullin . Best Webb, hewitt OBrsen, C . Eabry . Kennedy. Berry. University Blues Lennen . Vandenberg 2, C~walrer, Allardice, Bettrme . Rourke. Best Vandenberg, Slimmon, Herrald . McLaughlin . Henderson, Polkinghorne . OLD XAVERViNS 4.3 8.8 11.11 19 .16 .130 OLD HAtLEYBUR7 2 .2 2.2 3.4 4.6 .30 Old %avtrlaus Jones 6. Berry S . McDonald 3, Keyhoe, Dillon 2. M . Hanneberry . Best Dillon . Petmff, Hawkins, Bowen, Brennan, Berry. Old HaBeyburiana Kraus 2. Hilton . Dowsing. Best Secull, lappage, Byms, Morey, S . F?a.vlands. Floyd. ORMOND 4.6 8 .7 14.11 15.11.101 MAZENOD 1 .2 2 .4 4 .5 5.8.38 Ormond A Grace 5, Presser, Bailey 2 . Gflnmre. James, Whelen, B. Collins . D. Connell. B. Connell . Best R Block, Gallagher . Forrest. Presser. James. Orr. Matenod Sharp. Hunt . Morgan, Lane. Christie. Best Robinson, Hunt. Lam, Juui :, Marshall. C. Murray.

RESERVES DELASAIJ.E 3.7 4.8 5.15 7.16 .58 COLLEGIANS 1.1 3.1 4.3 6.5.4 De La Salle Cunan, Duckett, Fisher, Flowefday, Hall, 61cKinnis, Wright Bast Wright, Shannon, Duckett, Farrell . Hegan. Philips. Collegians Goal Kickers and Best Players not rece'rved . OLD SCOTCH 6.1 12 .4 15 .9 22 .12.144 STBERNARDS 0.3 2 .3 2 .8 2.8.20 Old Scotch McDonnell 7. Woodhouse, Davison 3. D. Steele. Stubbs, Reid 2, Hooper, Spiden, Hanneman. Beat Hooper, Spiden, McDonell, Wamer, Fell . Lb}d . St. Bernards Mathewes. Wood. Best Wood, P. Daffey, Mathewes, Dorian . C. Pertett, Catalfarm. OLD MELBURNANS 3 .2 6.5 8.5 10.5.65 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1 .4 1.9 3.16 6 .19.55 Old Metburntana Campbell 2 . Sereda 2 . J. Power. J . Bunn, Dixon. Wilhelm. 0 . Boyd. Beat Rise, Hart. J. Power. Wilhelm. McKeon, Nelson. University Blues Stewart, Kewell, Blton. Maplestone, Wilson, Gunn . Best Stewa rt, Bolton, McAloon, Muller. Courant Gunn. OLD XAVERIANS 2.0 9.0 13.1 16.5.101 OLD HAtLEYBURY 0 .4 0.5 0.9 1.10 .16 Old %averlana Colquhoun 3, Collins . Banatt. Nelson 2. Freer, Mr1 .ean, Mortensen . Webb, Hunter. Fay, Tuddenham . Best Mortensen . Lechte, Barratt, Hardman. Nelson . Collins. Old Hatlebury Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ORMOND 1.3 0.9 11 .12 15 .16 .106 MAZENOD OC 2.1 3 .2 6 .4 7.4.46 Ormond Hourigan 4, Collins 3, Brown . Hall, Wrodarczyk 2. Metz. Sneddon. Best Cleary . Collins. Metz, Keating, Keleher. Mackey. Mazenod Peter Riley, M. Welch. Noble . Campbell, Smith . Paul Riley . B. Welch . Best Snub . Campbell . Welch, Bridgland. lam . Rogers.

0 ~ ORMOND v . COLLEGIANS Field: M . McCrohan, S . McCarthy. OLD HAILEYBURY v . DE LA SALLE Field : J . Toohey, W . Hinton ; Goal: C . Segota, M . Richardson. OLD MELBURNIANS v . OLD SCOTCH Field : A . Damen, M . Gibson ; Boundary : G . Drummond, L . Gallagher; Goal: M . Lentini, B . Hoare. OLD XAVERIANS v. ST BERNARDS Field: H . Little, D . Dalgleish ; GoaL C. May, K . Pitcher. UNIVERSITY BLUES v. MAZENOD Meld: G. Thwaites, J . Jenkins. A Section - Sharpshooters - Continued on Page 7 >

B c_. by Paul L= 'yy

- 7o real surprises in the round 17 results as the 5 1 ÂŽ teams that won were all above their opponents on the ladder before the round began . The main results were the win to NOBS and the defeat of MHSOB that sets up a big game this week between the two sides to decide who stays in B section for 1997 and who will be relegated to C section . The promotion/relegation system keeps interest in our footy right through the season and in the best traditions of Amateur footy we won't know the answer to the relegation question until 5 .00 pm today . The answer to the promotion question will have to wait another couple of weeks . REVIEW OF ROUND 17

NOBS v BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE As expected NOBS were able to control this game throughout the afternoon and kicked away in the final term for an easy 53 point win . With MHSOB losing, the percentage gained wasn't as important but NOBS would have been pleased to kick 15 goals with Sutherland (5) an d Luke Boyle (3) the main contributors . Tonkin, David Beck and Owen Abrahams have all had reasonable years for NOBS and again on Saturday they were instrumental in setting up the win . Robbie Wi lliams, Graham and Field were named best for Bulleen, who must be looking forward to the end of the season.

PARADE V BRIGHTON In difficult conditions at EP Parade stopped Brighton's winning run of 5 games courtesy of a 5 goal lst quarter with the wind . The difference at the end was 13 points but Parade had the opportunity to put the game beyond doubt before 3/4 time but bad kicking for goal let them down . Andrew 'Zorba' Farre ll had an excellent game at C11B for Parade, Peter Cosg riff was dominant on his wing and Ciavola, Philp and Vincent continued their good form on the ball . The highlight was 'Chooka' O'Loughlin's goal in the final term which was worthy of 'goal of the year' status . For Brighton Tom Hayden was dangerous all day with his 3 goals across half forward, 'Hooker' McLachlan was good around the packs and Oakley solid in defence. The return of Rickarby was a welcome sign for Brighton and his contest with Petrevski of Therry in the lst Semi Final will be a beauty . THERRY V OLD IVANHO E

Therry continued on their winning way with their 5th win in a row by a margin of 44 points over Old Ivanhoe . The Therry forwards were right on target with a tally of 16 .7 with O'Connor and Pola each getting four goals . Leigh Ho llow and Steven Boyle are part of a reliable defence at Therry and with vice captain Bernie Carter they will have a big role to play in the finals. Pat Gorman an d Petrevski again combined well out of the centre for Therry . Old Ivanhoe will be

satisfied that they have survived their first year in B Section and will looking t o

next year and building on a likely 7 wins for this year. As has been the case all year Marty Veal, Paul Donaldson and Rowan Weddle were the stars with Corcoran, Young an d Stewart also playing well . BANYULE V MHSOB A remarkable finish to this game with Banyule's Dave Williams snapping two goals in the last two minuted to snatch an exciting 2 point victory. Banyule should have been further in front at half time but for some inaccurate kicking in the second quarter with the wind . Captain Williams in the ruck was at his best in the conditions and with John Gilliam and Jack Egan they pulled the game out of the fire for Banyule . An extremely disappointing result for Melbourne who now have to get themselves up for the clash with NOBS . Campbell Glover was again the best for MHSOB with Andrew Lindsay at half back and captain Dean Comer also good in the tough conditions . OLD TRINITY V IV O E This game was at Timber Ridge oval and the ground conditions were good but the wind made it difficult for players on both sides . Ivanhoe got within 3 points in the last quarter with the wind and had their chances but Trinity were able to steady and record a 11 point win . Rod Heath was best for Trinity with his 5 goals whilst Trevor Norman and Simon Dalrymple were again outstanding on the ball for the winners . Ivanhoe's Danny Jacks in the ruck had the better of his Trinity opponents with Colin Brown on a wing and Ted Flynn ( 5 goals) up forward also playing well . When these two sides met earlier in the year it was Trinity by 122 points so it was probably a combination of the weather, Trinity not being at their peek at the moment and Ivanhoe improving their own game that resulted in a much closer game this time round. PREVIEW OF ROUND 1 8

This week Brighton will beat Banyule by 18 points, Old Ivanhoe will win by 40 points over Bulleen and Therry by 25 points over Ivanhoe . Parade travel to Trinity who are the only side to beat the Parade boys this year when they won their round 5 clash by 6 points . This game is a rehearsal for the 2nd semi final so I expect both clubs may be playing their cards close to their chest with player positions and resting injured players . In a tight game Parade by 6 points . Now to the big relegation game where the stakes are oh so high . The first time they met their year it was NOBS by 39 points but this game is at the small High School ground and I doubt it many of the NOBS players would

have played there. But I expect the experience and class of Conti, Boyle, Considine and Abrahams to really lift North and keep them in B section for 1997 . '',Tobs by 10 points in a thriller . TRIVIA QUESTION Last week the answer was the Howell family and the winner Paul W indsor even though John 1?brahams tried to claim it . This week I will be at : arade v Trinity. Who am I? I played 169 games for 2 clubs between 1968 and 1982 . I was a dashing defender who represented Victoria . I later coached Sandringham in the VFA. I would like to thank the following club press correspondents for their efforts this year . It is much appreciated and made my job so much easier. In no particular order : Glen Alexander, Colin McDonald, Tony Orchard, Michael Smith, Don Dowe ll and Rob Stanley. Thank you again. Qlil

:~STOP .~S: All at RRISOB would like to congratulate the followin g on reaching milestones recently with the club . All of the Konstanty's (Paul, Stewart & Mark) play their 100th game for MHSOB this weekend . All have been loyal and hardworking clubmen throughout, congratulations on your combined milestone. Also Jason Bamert plays his 100th game for the RRISOB today . Another one of the players to come through the juniors and become an integral part of successful MHSOB teams recentlv. Well done Jason, all at the club wish you well for today.

Therry would like to congratulate Chris Bye (current Reserve Coach) who, it is rumoured, may be hanging up his boots at the completion of today's match as a player . A fantastic player and Amateur person from all at Theny Chris well done on your career and all the very best for today. Old Trinity would like to congratulate Craig Robison on reaching his 300th club game today. A former Captain of the club and VAFA Representative Craig's input into the Old Trinity FC has been remarkable . Well done Craig. Also Damian Glass played his 50th game for Old Trinity against MHSOB two weeks ago . A fine achievement from a hard worker at the club, may the next 50 be as good .



810 .10. OLD BRIGHTON 1 .6 2 .7 8 .9 8.11.59 OIA PARADIAli3 5.3 6 .7 8.15 9.18.72 Old Brighton Hayden 3 . Murch 2 . Reid, McLachlan, Tattwt. Oakley. Best Oakley . Hayden, Mctachlan, Reid . Patterson, Lennox . Old Puadiiana Harford. Kerr 2, Philp, Ciavrola . Mulligan, Muleta . O'Loughlin. Best Farrell, Cos„riPF, Ciao•nla, Vincent, Philp, Mulligan . 33 4.4 7.6 8.6 .54 BOLLr' :{gN TEMPLESTOWE 3 .2 7.8 10.13 15 .17 .107 NORTH OLD BOYS BuBcen Temglestowe Greig. Robertson, Smith, C . Parris, Shine, hktaren. Williams. Field. Beat WilOams, Graham, Field . Hare, Shine . Thompson. North Old Boys Sutherland 5, Boyle 3, Barker, Connolly 2, Beck . Abrahams, Curry. Beat Temkin, Beck . Abrahams . Barker, Sutherland, Conti . 2.2 2 .7 6.8 8.11.59 OLD IVANHOE THER.RY CCOB 5.0 8 .0 14 .3 16.7.103 Old Ivanhoe Donaldson 2, Agushi, Kent, parker . Steu•art, Young, McLean. Best Veal, Donaldson, Corcoran, Stewart. Your, Weddle. merry CCOB O'Connor, Polls 4, Goodwin . Pignatelli, German 2, Reddkk, Bosanko . Best Carter. Gorman, Boyle. Hollow, Pola . Fetrevski . BAR1 IB.E 0.3 4.12 6.13 8.14 .62 IiiHSOB 4.1 5.2 7.4 9.6 .60 Witchell 3. Kayrmz, Gilham 2. OBrien, Fort une. Best D. Williams, Gilham . Banyule Egan. Williams, O'Brien, Turnbull , !1380B Barnet, Weodley 2, Lindsay, Glower. Saulhey, Comer, Beasley . Best Glover, Lindsay. Comer, Ansell. Webster, Saultrey . 2 .5 4 .8 8 .13 9.15.69 OLD TRINITY I9ANaOE 2 .2 4,5 5.7 8.10.58 Old Trinity Heath 5. Stockland, Phillips. Board, Dinardo . Best Heath. Norman, Dalrymple, Glass, Sooting, Andrews, Ivanhoe 2 Flynn S. P. Flynn 2, Tucker. Best Jacka . Brown, Nibaldi, Kendell . Angetini, T. Flynn .

ERVES OLD BRIGHTON 2.4 3.4 4 .5 6.5.41 1.1 2.5 3 .5 4.9.33 OLD PARAD1dH8 Old Brighton Grant, Fischer 2 . Bilionis, Murray. Beat McLennan . Witte, Roach . Carter, Fischer, McMahon . Old Paradlans Wallis 2. Godfrey, Tobin. Beat Canavan, Jenkins . Ball, Wallis, Tobin, Godfrey. 0 .2 2.3 4,3 4.6 .30 BBLLF.EN TEMPLESTOWE NORTH 01D BOYS 3 .7 5.9 9.15 14.20.101 BuBeen Templestoxe Boyd. Edexards. Murphy, Nagel . Beet Bellato. Leihy. Nagel, Hooper. Shal4vcl, Franklin . North Old Bops J. Lowrie 4 . Kearney . Anderson 3 . Trimboll. Khod°.r . Svveeney. \t'heeler. OLD IVANHOE 1 .2 2.2 3.3 3 .5.23 0,5 6 .10 10 .10 14.13.97 'PBERRY CCOB Old Ivanhoe Chan, Davies, Maycock. Best Maycock . Jones, Btsogni, Super, Caddy, Armstrong. Therry COB Thrush 9. Goodwin . Prendergast. Jones. Griffs, Pinner. Best Thrush . LaFontaine. Carbis, Prendergast, Griggs . Armstrong. BA11y0LE 1.3 1 .5 3 .5 3.6.24 tSH$OB 0 .3 7.6 8.8 12.11. 93 Banytde Parker, Wflliaers. Bed Steven, Fogarty, Stephens, Foster, Stevens . MHSOB McGrath S. Winch . Fe[erkmra 3, McLaughlin. Best Feferkranz. Konstanti . lawrecre, McGrath, Barge, Konstanti . 26 .14.170 12.6 20.10 DID TRINITY 8 .2 IVANHOE 0 .1 0.2 0.2 0.3 .3 Old Trinity Jervis 6. Smith 4, Beet. Burke 4. Cameron 2, MoWson, King. Tureens . Grei?. Krisvkuca . Best Beet, Torrens, Burke, Smith. Cade, Jervis. ivanh ce Best Joyce, Thackwray, Raywood, Rosenfeld . Hickey, Di Santo .

OLD TRINITY v . OLD PARADIANS Field : R . Eastwood, C . Donlon ; Goal: W. Fowler, R . Miller . 3 .42VYULE v . OLD BRIGHTON Field: M. Pinney, P . Simpson; Goal: R. Richards, G . Beard . OLD IVANHOE v. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field: G . Curran, S. Meredith . MHSOB v. NORTH OLD BOYS Field : J . Kvins, A. Firley ; Goal: A . Simpson, B . Jephson . THERRY v. IVANHOE Field : C. O'Donoghue, D . Anderson ; Goal : G . Grigg, R. Barichievich.

A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing , scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"

C SECTION by Terry Quirk

;'- 1 ound 18 saw few surprises in C Section with relmegation decided beforehand and little chance of a change to any positions on the ladder . With this rather inconsistent scribe selecting the five, including the Thomastown huge victory over Ajax, every match went basically according to the expectations of most "learned men" . Some clubs are now assessing their seasons and planing for 1997, whilst the six clubs that have a side participating in either the firsts or reserves realise it is make or break time of the year, the business end when everyone in the club from boot studder to "el presidente" goes a bit harder to ensure there is no cause for regret later . REVIEW - ROUND 1 8 "Dutchy", my goal umpiring advisor, reports that Old Mentonians put in the best performance for the season to demolish a Rovers side that played poorly, but as well as the OMs defence would allow. The "Statue" an d the "Banana", both retirees after many serviceable years in amateur football both on and off the field, were well held by Cam Leaver, "Aussie", Nick Maguire and Mathew Brooks . In addition, the reliable Tony Bou rnon and Guyan Stroud again were best for OMs . For the Rovers, the Ferguson boys, "Racehorse" Wills, the "Axe" and Peter Buckley in his first game featured. At Como the Hart Foundation, led by "Chairman Tim" and deputies "Nicholas and Andy" held off a determined bid by Old Geelong to cause a boilover in the last game of one of the clubs and the Ammos all time greats, Jumping Jack Manton . With huge improvement all over the field and with some younger players standing, the OGs persisted only to be beaten in the dying minutes . Good performances by youngsters, Thomas, De Rooden and Dynon for the SKOBs were good signs right on finals time in a very even team . The OGs played several young hopefuls and must now have definite plans and hopes of returning to C Section in 1998 .

On a day that Paul Howard (Johnny's little mate) described as better suited to penguins, the Saints fi nished the "minor rounds" with an inspiring but convincing victory over the young enthusiastic "Tigers" . With smaller players "sharking" the knock outs of St . Bedes tall timber, the Saints were able to control the play from the centre and find the "Sink" an d Tony Riddell up forward . Claxton, Diamond, Baker and O'Sullivan were best for SKSC whilst Matthew Manson, Steve McCarthy, Justin Sebire and "Modra" Ryan were best for St . Bedes . Jacka's correspondent John "I can wave the flags" Brustman was not too disappointed with the effort of Ajax despite a rather ordinary performance at Thomastown . With the Goldbergs, the Wrobels, Marty Halphen and Rod Bloom doing well for the Jackas, there were also several players who could not cope with the pressure applied by the Bears, who were keen to fin-

ish the season with a double header . The home ground advantage at Main Street has been enormous for the Bears, who have had a tremendous debut in C Section . Vin Capeei (59 goals for 1996), Grech, Tony Fe llows, Plant and Alberti were best for the Bears who thoroughly enjoyed the after match with the umpires . Mareellin finished the home and away matches with a big win over Whitefriars building on their lead as the game progressed . With Anthony Caffry and Matt Rowe a focus up forward and Chris Purcell leading the way in the ruck, the Eagles had winners everywhere . Mark Bateman, Maguire, Carrigg and Anthony Carbone t ried hard to steam the flow of goals, but the Friars were totally outgunned by a very professional outfit. FINALS PREVIEW lst Semi-Final A very confident St. Kilda South Caulfield go into the game against an Ajax side that has had many excuses for poor performances in the past eight weeks . Now its time to stand up and be counted Jackas, forget the injury list and other excuses and have a "red hot go" . I'm sure both sides will have very well rehearsed game plans on the wide flanks at Elsternwick . I'll go with the form and select the Saints by 22 points but suggest that the prospect of "mothballs" to the loser may inspire the Jackas to a much improved performance. 2nd Semi-Final SKOBs and Eagles on the big Sandringham oval should be a "blinder", despite SKOB's two victories during the season. Those victories may help confidence but will have no bearing on this result. I expect the sandy ground will suit SKOB's style and predict a victory over the Eagles by 17 points . Reserves winners: The power team of the reserves, Marcellln should be too strong for St . Bedes Mentone Tigers, whilst the poor form of both Ajax and Old Geelong should see a tight struggle before an Ajax victory in the first semi. Correspondents : By 5.30 p .m . Monday, fax 9889 9014 . Information re seniors and reserves would be appreciated . Best and Fairest: (late predictions) Phil Golberg (Ajax), Tony Bournon (OMs), Tony McGeorge (SBMT) . Best wishes to all clubs, umpires and to the VAFA fo r an exciting and most entertaining finals series in C Section.

r:1ILESTOR; LS : All at AJAX would like to congratulate CHB Danny Gunn on reaching his 100th game this weekend . Danny, an inspiration in defence to all at the club wish him well today for his achievement.

Thomastown would like to set the record straight, it was Enzo Valintino's 150th and Danny Farchione's 350th last week not vice-versa. All at the club are proud of both of their achievements .



1ST SE FINAL - SUI ; Df'-"_', AUGUST 25 ST KILDA STH CAULFI -T,D a . :'. 7

Elsternwick Par k - 2 p.m. Field: P . Gersch, M . Jackson ; Boundary : S. Hennig, M . Tape ; Goal: M . Richardson, B . Jephson. Reserves AJAX v. OLD GEELONG Elsternwick Park - 11 .30 a.m . Field: A. Carrick, P . Walker; Goal:- J. Kelly, T. Edwards 2ND SEN3I FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 ST KEVINS v . MARCELLIN

SENIORS OLD h43:iZnYL1.'C3 3.7 8.12 10.15 15 .19 .109 ROVERS 0.1 1 .7 3.9 4.9.33 HAMPTON Old ffientonians Stroud 5. Acreman 4 . Bournon 2. Bond, Ferguson . Macquire, Paterson. Best Boumon. Stroud, Macquire. Large. Brooks, Leaver. Hampton Rovers Wills. Crawford, Power. Anderson. Best J . Ferguson . Wilis. Scartett C . Ferguson, Ariz, Buckley. DID GEELONG 4.2 9.6 11.7 13.9.57 ST SEVINS 6.1 9.4 11.7 14.10 .94 Old Geelon & Goa! Kickers and Best Players not received . St.lTesias Ryan 4. Gribble 3, Moore 2. Gross, Farquharson, Doliman• Garvey, Terzini. Beat Hart. Kennedy, Gribbte, Hart, Chapman, Moore . ST . B'S 1dENT. TIGERS 1.1 4.3 4.5 7.8 .50 ST . H1LDA SOUTH CAULFIEIS) 3.3 7.5 10.7 12.13 .85 St. B's iKent. Tigers Goatchiki 3, Hayes. Hecker. Macgeorge, Ross . Best Manson . ttcCarthy, Tully, Lerman. Sebire . St . Kilda Sth. Caulfield Gardner, Riddell 3, Claxton 2 . Green, Astapenko, HaysDewar, Handfiekl . Best Claxton, Diammnd, hiihalJavk, Baker . OSul6Fan. Govan. HARCELLIti 3.3 9 .10 15.13 20.22,142 G'HL 1.2 2.3 3.4 4.5 .29 MarceBtn Rowe 5, Cathy 4. Collins 3, OPlynn, Mason 2, Bello. Treganmvan, Merton . Moran. Best Purcell, BeEco, Godwin, Gallagher, Sarnpimmm . Whttefdsrs Reidy 2 . Coghlan . Vanden earn . Best Bateman, Maguire, Carbone. Begley. Reidy. THOMASTOWN 6.3 6.5 12 .9. 14 .12 .96 AJAX 2.2 6.5 7.5 10 .6 .66 Th own Capeci 5, Smith. Ristevski . Plant 2. Fellows. Gorski. Volpe. Best Grech. Follows, Plant Ca". Alberti. Reid. Ajax Kianer 4, Goldberg 2, Kalinski. Bloom . Sheecet. Rosen. Best Goldberg, Wrobe, Kianer, Goldberg. Bbom. Halphen. RESERVES OLD ME2iTON'IANS 0.4 1.5 1.7 2 .8.20 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .1 1.3 2.6 7 .9.51 Old M eatonians Russo. Wireless. Best Norton. Winduss. Coventry. Dwyer, Lean, Wallace. Hampton Rovers Hunter 2, Ivey, Butmer, McConville. Hunt . Hetherington . Beat Hetherington. McConville. Mcgregor, Sher, Thomas. Mason. OLD GEELONG 0 .0 1.0 1.0 2 .1 .13 ST BE9II7S 1 .1 4.3 6.8 8 .15.63

Old Geelong Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. St 1Sevins Bare 2. Donahue, Williams, Dynan. Smith. James. Dillon. Dynan . Donahue. Game. Denton . De Rooden. ST. B'S MENT . TIGERS 1 .2 6 .12 9 .12 12 .16.88 ST. HIId>A SOUTH CAULFIELD 1 .2 1.2 3.6 3 .7.25 St. B's Ment . Tigers Hutchinson, O'Brien 2. Peck, Kearney . McShane. Dols. Goodchild, Hailtier. Mulquinney. Dwyer. Best L'Huiitier, Dols . Goodchitd. Dwyer. Kearr~~y Gondchi}d . St. Silda 8t6. Caulfield Aidentecio 3. Best Kuck. D'Agostino. Steford. Emmett, J. Haward, Healey . 14lARCELLIN 3 .6 9 .7 9 .10 13.14.92 WHITEFRIARS 0.0 0 .0 0 .0 0 .0.0 Msreellin Wallis 4. V. Gallagher 3 . Howe, Cronin, Beattie, Cooper, Becchetti . D'Cal4•ighan Best Cooper. Daffy. Wallis. 0' Frisina Edwards . &3itef:iars Beat guilty. Eames, taw, Parr. Dn . Andrews . THOMASTOWN 3 .7 3 .7 6 .10 8.10.58 MAX 2 .1 3 .6 3 .9 5.12.42 Thomastown Rocca 3, Smith 2 . Fleming. Valentino, Kennedy. Best Kennedy, Valentino, Ward, Rocca . Pellegrino. Fleming. Ajax Redlich 3, Frey, Rajch . But Cukiennan. Grodski, Krongoid. Degen . Kalb. E . Rubenstein.

Sandringham - 2 p .m . Field: R. Bell, R. Simon ; Boundary : J . Wright, J . Stevenson; Goal : B . Nash, G. Wright . Reserves MARCELLIN v. ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Sandringham - 11 .30 a .m .

> Sharpshooters - Continued from Page 3



aggested last week, the script was written I I I ~ direct from 'Hollywood' and accordingly, it was played out to the letter of it . The 'upshot' of it all, was that St Leo's replaced Old Camberwell in the '4' and booked a lst semi final berth against Beaumaris who slipped from 2nd to 3rd as a result of a loss at the hands of Southbank . Parkside and St Johns OC's consolidated their 'D' section places with respective wins over Old Camberwell and Caulfield Grammar and Monash Blues through the defeat of Beaumaris and in turn their own victory over Uni Reds put themselves into the 2nd semi against Caulfield . Unfortunately all the above was the worst possible scenario for the 'Bankers' whom whilst recording a season tally of 9/9 find themselves (at this point in time!) relegated along with Kew and Uni Reds . ROUND 18 REVIEW (17 AUGUST)

St Johns OC's put paid to any chance Caulfield Grammar had of victory by virtue a bagging '4' majors in the 2nd quarter into a howling gale . 'Grammar' started off well enough holding the locals to only 2 goals in the lst but as stated above the damage was done soon after . The 'Jocs' it appeared had too much play for to let this one slip by . Best for Caulfield were lst gamer Goldsworthy, Lowe and Cossart-Walsh . Obviously 'Miro' and 'Ned' from the 'Jocs' are still celebrating . . . .no correspondence entered into (Well done guys, KB) . At Victoria Park for the Kew v St Leos game the ground was in good 'nick' all bar the glue pot centre . The 'Ttvo Blues' didn't take full advantage first time round of the wind and managed to hold an 18 point leat at quarter time . Kew unfortunately couldn't take advantage either in the 2nd and St Leos extended their lead out to 30 points at the long interval . In an even and low scoring 2nd half both teams battled it out with the end result favouring St Leo's by 39 points. Best for St Leos were Robo, Pitch and Jam . Parkside, playing to avoid relegation and for a possible final '4' position never gave Old Camberwell a real chance . The 'Parkers' took full control of a 5 goal wind advantage in the lst quarter and then managed to kick 3 into in the second whereas the 'Wells' scoreless in the lst mustered up 4 goals 3 points by half time . In a tough 2nd half the 'Parkers' played with greater spirit (not necessarily motivation) and ran out comfortable winners by 27 points . Best for Parkside were MacNamara and Drinnan and for the 'Wells' M cKenzie, Walker an d Scott . At Monash Uni in pretty ordinary conditions the home side had it very much their way all day and if not for inaccurate scoring would have registered an even easier victory than what they achieved . Uni Reds had a real 'dip' all day, however they lacked the manpower to take any control of the game . Best for

Monash were White, 'Unbaldy' Barker an d 'Chopper' Newman. Southbank ha d no other option up their sleeve against Beaumaris other than to win the game and hope other results worked in their favour . They did their part, however to their collective disappointment the 'other' results didn't pan out to their wishes . The game was played in great spirit with little separating the teams all day . The last quarter was a ripper with Beaumaris constantly attacking with the 'Bankers' repelling nearly every attack. Time ran out for a gallant Beaumaris and the 'Bankers' registered a terrific victory . Best for Beaumaris were Groves, Taylor, and McNicholas and for the 'Bankers % Keighran, Treyvaud an d Rolfs . FINALS PREVIEW - lst and 2nd SEMI (24 AUGUST) S lst SEMI - ST LEOS V BEAU

Last round winner taking on last round loser but one needs to look at the comparative opposition played and win/loss margin(s) recorded . St Leos defeated Kew by 39 points whilst Beaumaris went down to a very much pumped up Southbank by only 3 points. On neutral ground with all playing stocks available and taking into account their '96 home and away results against each other in particular (and all other oppositions) I'm on the 'Baysiders' wagon to register a comfortable 30 point win by virtue of their evenness across the field and their blend of talls and running players . The Leo's will need to get dominance from their mid-field players to give their forwards the opportunity to post a winning score . Again I believe that Beaumaris can at least break even in this department, hence the confidence in my selection . Good luck to both competing clubs ! 2nd SEMI FINAL - CAULFIELD GRAM V MOIdASH BLUE S

I reckon that events as recent as last week tilts the scales of this match in the 'Blues' favour . Admittedly, 'Grammar' knocked off the 'Blues' just 2 weeks ago, however there wasn't much in it and the last round was a wash out for Caulfield (V St Johns) and a walk in the park for the 'Blues' (V Uni Reds) . 'Doc' Rogers should have a full compliment of players at his disposal whilst 'Gorgeous' Georgie will more than likely have a couple of his better credentialled players on the side lines . Transferral of the ball from the 1/2 back lines is the trademark of both these teams and the one that settles to the tempo quickest and can get into their normal match procedures will take the points . My hunch is that the 'Blues' will most likely be the team that can do the above. With little confidence I'll select Monash Blues to win through to the GF by 17 points . Again good luck to both clubs in your pursuits!

Rezzies - Likely winners are bianash over Old Camberwell and in an upset I'm tipping Parkside to knock over St Leos and make it a 'grey' day for the Ttvo Blues' . Club Scribes - Many Thanks to the scribes who throughout the year helped me to keep you informed! Competing clubs in finals are still requested to send me info as per below! ! Don't forget the telephone calls and/or fax messages on Monday's to : Tele : 9810 3370, Fax : 9810 3251 by 5 .00 pm . Thanks heaps !

MILESTONES : All at St. Leos would like to congratulate Jac k Cronin on reaching 250 games for the club today, a terrific worker both on and off the field, all at St . Leos wish you every success on your great milestone today .



Central Reserve- 2 p .m. Field: P. Callil, W . Henry; Boundary: F . Martinez, A . Pritchard; GoaL R . Miller, K. Segota . Reserves ST LEOS EMMAUS v. PARKSIDE Central Reserve - 11 .30 a .m .

Field : S . Cook, F . Karabelas ; GoaL• A. Miller, S. Ryan. 2ND SEMI FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 CAULFIELD GR . v . MONASH BLUE S

Glenferri Oval - 2 p .m. Field: P. Keogh, S. Alger ; Boundary: S . Mannix, M . Meier; GoaL• G. Dae, M. Frame . Reserves MONASH BLUES v. OLD CAMBERWELL Glenferrie Oval - 11 .30 a.m .

Field: K . McMahon, P. Bailey : Boundary: K . Wilson, B . Davis ; GoaL' G . Dae, M . Frame . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

SENIORS ffG11 2.2 5.5 6.6 7.8.50 8't LEO81®. .:AU6 WP 4 .8 8.11 10.12 12.17.89 Kew Barry 3 . Pulvirenti. King, Porte. Best taFmnchi . Barry. Cullen, Furtan . St Lem; Emmaus WP Donovan 3. Shacklock 2, Corrigan. Lindsey . McKenzie. Meehan . Pitcher, Turner, Vaughan. PABESIDE 4.3 7 .3 10 .4 12.5.77 OLD WEIS, 0.0 4 .3 5 .6 7.8.50 Parkside NacNamara, Moodie 3 . Paniad, Reeginato 2 . Allan, Sherlock. Best MaaYantara, Drinnan, Tessari . Now, Sher(adC. Campbell. Old Cambawell Horskins, Pmvan 2, Walker. Scott. Lethkan. Best McKenzie, Walker. Gladman, Scott O'Mara, Spurtit t ST JOHNS OC 2 .2 6.6 7.6 8 .7.55 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1 .3 2.3 2.3 3 .7.25 St. Johns OC 6lullens 4, Williams 2, PatBSon . IaBmdy. Best Woods. Back. Williams. Koppers. LaBmdy. Counnadias . Caulfield Grammar Will. Matthews, Tapp . Best Goldsworthy. Lowe. Cossart-Walsh . Royals. Cowhshaw, synman. MONASH BLUES 5 .7 7 .16 12.19 17.24.126 UNtVERSriYRED9 0 .2 0.3 2.4 3.4 .22 Monash Blues Ford 6 . Barker, McGee 3 . Koop 2 . Alexander, Donnelly, Rogers. Best Newman. Barker. Logan, Klein. Carman. Ford. University Reds James 2, Lukies. Bent Heenan, James, Eastman, Jackson, Frisby . Wharf. SOIiTBBANECBAAPC 3.1 4.4 8.9 9.9.63 BEAUl;SARtSAFC 1.1 5.3 6.4 9.9.60 Southbank Perry 5, Beare 2. Bunnett. Spamnv. Best Wal(ord, Pakodimus• Keighran . McNamara Rolfs. Melican Beaumaris 0'Riley 4 . Culnane. Holt, Sherman. Vaughan. Best Taylor. Groves . McNicholas. Thomas. Fraser, Blacki e RESERVES HEW 0.1 2 .2 2.2 3.4.22 ST LEOS F.b4SAUS WP 2.6 3 .9 5 .12 9.13.67 slew Bames.l,a(anis. Curtain. Best Hope, Danne. Deacon. Howe. Muckian, Wells . St . Laos Emmaus WP Ingram 3. Ottobre 2 . Dinicotantonio. Nankervis, Niel . Thomas. Best Graves. Ottohre. Niel. Mitchell. Sargent Pinhom . PARESIDE 0 .0 5.5 8.5 11.9.75 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 .7 2.8 4 .11 4,12.36 Parkstde McCall 3. Island . O'Neill . Stuart 2 . Dunbabin, PanJari . Best Dunbabin• IsL3nd. O'Neil. Romano . Fisher, McCall . Old CamberveB Paterson 2 . Douglas, Bowe. Best Roe•Mudge, Paterson. Douglas. Thomas, Bowe. ST JOHNS OC 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.6 .18 CAULF1FdA GRAMMAR 2.5 6.10 6.11 12 .18 .90 St. Johns Walker 2 . Best Corcoran. Cotton. Munnikhuis. Darcy. Ducacanbino . Caulfield Grammar Liddell 5 . Barnett 3. Scholten 2. Gurr. Salem. Beat Jacobs, Dachs, Salem.Santiago . Klose, Williams , MONASH BLUES 3.8 10.15 17.16 27.19 .181 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 .0 0.0 0.1 0.1.1 Monash Blues Maiden 9. Farrar 7. Mumble 4 . Rodolico, Pdquist . Gunn, Millie, Crozier, DeYoung. Cavalier. Best Trumble, Farrar. hiurchie. Maiden, Forsyth . Alexander University Reds Best Bowman. White. Thatcher. McKinnon. Basile. Ryan . SO VFBBANE CBA AFC 5.4 7 .5 11 .10 12.12.84 BEAUSSARIS AFC 1 .1 3 .1 4.2 4.5.29 Soathbank Maya S. Cank. Rolfs 2 . Menotti . Scanlan . Pitts. Best Sparrow, Roberts . Maya. McCarthy, Nettleton . MenotO. Beaumarls Ellwood. Fisher, Lloyd. Lewis. Best Truscott . Flynn. Fisher. Lewis, Yass . Thomas.

E EAST SECTION by Barry Hickey he vicissitudes of Melbourne's weather continued unabated last week and I don't care about i t being a'winter sport', the football of today cannot b e properly played played on, or, in bogs, nor are 50kph gusts of wind helpful to any of the carefully nurtured modern skills . Here's hoping that Hughie, Jupiter Pluvius, or whoever currently runs Celestial Weather, gives us a break over the next few weeks, so that Aquinas, Yarra Valley, Old Carey and Chirnside Park can play the attractive, dynamic football which is their hallmark . These finals have the makings of some sensational games and to the four clubs represented in both Seniors and Reserves, every best wish for success . Round 18 Review Richmond Central had a strong win over Bulleen Cobras to finish the year in fifth spot, leaving themselves and me, to ponder upon what went wrong in 1996 . The Cobras also, were a far better side than their ranking indicates and it is to be hoped that the long recess will see both these clubs emerge in 1997 as the winners they have the potential to be . Eltham Collegians were overwhelmed by Aquinas OC's, who kicked their 12th 120+ points score for the season ; a remarkable effort given the sort of winter we've had . The Blooders had great games from centres, Glen Whitehead and Shane Doherty, plus Simon Jones in the back line . Eltham are a very youthful unit and will benefit from this years experience. Yarra Va ll ey OB over came a brave Eley Park, which can be proud of their performance on the day, and for the entire season . Hook, the Sharks Captain, again inspired his team and he was ably supported by on-ballers Storey and Hill . Yarra gained a 3/4 goal break in the lst term and defended it with skill and vigour for the rest of the game . Once again the Yarra win started from the backlines, where Fung, Livesy-Cole and White were supreme ; and the onballers (Whatever happened to good old fashioned 'followers!), Habben, Scales, Thompson and Peterson, provided enormous drive . Eley Park did a terrific job this year, to come from Club XVIII to hold a place in the four for 15 of the 18 rounds of H and A is truly commendable . St Mary's fought hard but unavailingly against Old Carey and will be glad to see the back of their injury plagued season . Full marks to the 8 Saint's Reserves players who went close to upsetting the C's Reserves and then backed up for a second game with their depleted Senior side . The Saints played some excellent football, but were outgunned by the C's overall skill levels . For the Saints, full back Huebner, centre Theoharris and ruck B. Stewart all had top

games . The C's were very even, but Matt Cohen, Hamis h Morrison, Nic k Everett and 'Vas' were great contributors . It is hoped that the Saints return in 1997 as the competitiv e force they are used to being . Chirnside Park rejoined the four against Swinburne University, though tribute must be paid to Swinburne's tenacity in fielding full teams right to the end of the year that would have demoralised many other clubs . Best for the Parkers were Scott McIntosh on the ball and HBF Glen Laidlaw. The Students stuck to their tasks right through the year and will only have to continue that to start to achieve success . PREVIEWS 2nd SEMI FINALS, SATURDAY 24/ 8 Aquinas and Yarra Valley at the Camberwell Sports Ground will be a ball tearer! Clearly the two best performers in E East, this game will be worth a long time in the traffic to watch . Both sides are blessed with talent in the midfield and on-ballers, Aquinas have VanKirkoven, Colliver, Tarulli and Dunne; Yarra have Peterson, MeVean, Habben and Thompson. Both have attacking half backs and both have potent forwards . But it's the Blood's awesome, high level consistency that gives them an advantage over all their opponents and that will be the main factor today, dry or wet. Aquinas by 2 goals . The Reserves game between the same clubs will be a fitting opener to the day, with, Team Sheet atrocities aside, both teams being equally successful during the year . This will be a very tight match with Yarra's greater goal kicking potential being the deciding factor in their favour, by a few points . If the ground is heavy though, Aquinas will go into the G, by the same margin . !at SEMI FINALS, SUNDAY 25/ 8 Old Carey confront Chirnside Park at the Glenferrie Oval and will be hoping for a repeat of their Round 17 victory over the Parkers . But that was H and A and this is finals . The Parkers main strength is a tough defence with Matt Warren, Marcus Walker, Andy Sore an d Mick Carusi, plus a strong midfield• ers/on-ballers contingent in Justin Carusi, Johr Brown, Dave Paola, Scott McIntosh and Briar Pedler. The C's have very strong backs, centres anc on-ballers and a versatile set of forwards as good a: any in the Section, but its main asset is the ability tc move the ball quickly in long looping movements to < scoring position . This will be another great game with the C's the likely winners by 2/3 goals . M -•1„1 aa,n~rr„r~ cnnrpAi I Co 10o 4

The C's and Parkers also meet in the reserves mach, where the C's stronger defence and more prolific forwards should see them win by 3/4 goals .

1ST SE' _J FINAL -SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 OLD CAI'.EY v. CHIRNSIDE PARK Glenferrie Oval- 2 p .m. Meld: A. Ladd, R. Bums ; Boundary : A. McLean, J. Willingham ; Goat: A. Simpson, K. Pitcher . Reserves OLD CAREY v . CHIRNSIDE PARK Glenferrie Oval - 11 .30 a .m . F1eltL• D . Miller, S . Davie; Goat B . Seymour, M . Bushfield . 2ND SEMI FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 4

AQUINAS v. YARRA VALLEY Camberwell- 2 p .m. Field: T. Foley, A. Flack; Boundary: C . Hayes, 1 . Burgess ; Goat P . Allsop, A. Miller . Reserves YARRA VALLEY v . AQUINAS Camberwell - 11 .30 a .m.

Field : R. Killey, A . Stubbs; Goat* P . Allsop, A . Miller .




SENIORS RICHMOND CENTRAL 3.4 7.6 11.9 15 .15 .105 BULLEEN COBRAS 4 .4 7.6 8.8 9.8 .62 Richmond Central Goal Kickers and Best Players not recerved. Bulleen Cobras McLeod, Thompson, Wagg 2, Gaylor, Gillard. Starrett Best Gaybr . Dillon. Opie, Gillard, Schneider, Wagg. ELTAAM OC 1 .0 3.3 8.9 8.9.57 A9URtA3 OB 8 .5 14.10 17.17 22.21.153 Eltham OC Clarke, McDonald, Keane 2, Hespe . Gla re. Best Hamshare. Clarke. Stanley. Lut tick, Gray. Keane. Aquinas Quinn, Whelan 4, Jess, Pike 3, Doherty, Hacking 2, Dena4i. Colliver, Mo`ice. Beat Doherty, Jones, Whithead, Quinn, Hacking, Coflhe~er. YARRA VALLEY Oil) BOYS 4 .6 7.8 9 .11 13.12 .90 ELEY PARK AFC 1 .3 5.7 8 .8 9 .8.62 Terra Va ll ey OB Telford 4, MacVean 2, Peake. Holder. Heffernan, Thompson, McLeod, Midm . Peterson. Beat Thompson, Midm. Heileman, Mabben, Telford. Eley Park Storey 2. Bowen. Briginshaw, Hl. Holm Kaye, Smith, Womer. Best Storey, Cante, Bowen, Warner, Hawley, Verde . ST MARYS 2 .2 4.6 8.8 10.9 .69 011) CAREY 9 .4 14.9 19.13 23 .18.156 St. Marya Burt 3, Hendy Duke 2 . Ymec Jones. Gunn . Best Huebner, Theohar s. ri Stewart. McCashney, Black, Ymer. Old Carey Price 6. Cohen. Everett 4. Morrison 3, Addison . Hughes 2, Withingmn, Vasilopoukrs. Best Cohen, Morrison, Soccio . Eve re tt . Vasilopoulos . Price. CffiRNSIDE PARK 3.0 11.7 13.9 21 .13.139 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 1.1 1.2 2.2 2.2.14 Chirnskte Park Pembe rton 6. Piccioli 5, htikeraitis 3 . Pemberton 2. Anthony, Carusi, S . Oates, Brown, Mclntosh. Best Laidlaw, M . Pembe rton, W. Pemberton, Brown . Warren. Swinburae Unicertity Goal Kickers and Best Players not receWed .

RESERVES RICHMOND CENTRAL 3 .4 7.4 10.5 11.5.71 BULLEENCOBRAS 1 .3 3 .9 3 .12 7.17.59 Richmond Central Goal Kickers and Best Players not n :ce ived . Bull een Cobras Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. P.LTBAM OC 0 .0 1.2 1.3 1 .3 .9 AQUINAS OB 6 .5 8.8 12 .13 21 .17 .143 ElthamOC White. Best White, Maddison . Clarke. 0'Dunnell. Cress, Davies. Aquinas OB Hughes 8, Hiney 3 . Kvietelaitls, King, McKellar 2. Clifford. Harper, 07.ougtilin. Belli. Beat Hughes, King. Cruickshank, Cliffoni. Hewitt Grierson, YARRA VALLSY OLD BOYS 11.3 16.7 21.13 23 .14 .152 ELEY PARK APC 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.3.3 Yarra Valley OR Par k 5. Reynolds 4, Dove, Chris tian 3, Ross. Strong. White 2, langdon. Dai a Cram . Best Team effort Eley Park Best Georgian. Morris, Barley. Dunstan, Raymier, D ix. ST AtARYS 0.3 4.4 5 .6 7.7.49 OLD CAREY 3 .0 6 .4 8 .6 8.10.58 St. lderye Fancis 3, Duke 2. Bums. Burt. Best Azzapanli, Frail. Burt McCashney, Francis, Evans , Old Carey Hands 4 . Brady. Cory. Drever, Neate . Best Shrives . Mason, Curry. Hands, Jones, Drever. CffiRNSIDE PARK 4 .8 4 .9 7 .13 8.15.63 SWR7BIIRNE UNIVERSITY 0 .1 1.2 2.2 2.4.16 Chhaslde Park Egan 2, Caine. Bond . Husey, Pope, Simmons, Skein . Best The whole team, 'cause we the Finals.




The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day . The rear gate (off St Kilda St) is only opened on the occasion of a


SUNDAY TCH Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials

Id E> : _ ndon's twenty-eight point win over North Brunswick ended the green and gold machine's recent dominance over the Grammar and provide d Alex Fraser's men with the perfect confidence builder with which to tackle all-conquering Williamstown CYMS in today's second semi final . The Cy's tuned up for today's blockbuster with a light training run at what was a fairly heavy Alec Gillon oval while West Brunswick and La Trobe finished their seasons off in fine style with comfortable wins . REVIEW - ROUND 1 8 Old Westbourne ended a disappointing season on a sour note when they went down to West Brunswick . There was not a great deal in this game for three quarters with both sides playing their better football when kicking into the wind . The Magpies looked vulnerable at 3 quarter time when they lead by only two goals and faced the breeze in the last term . However, West lifted and with a four goals to two last quarter were able to complete what has been a very good rebuilding year for Phil Leatham's men . Best for the winners were Jamie Gray, who has an excellent second half of 1996 and Andy Mouchacca up from the two's, while for the Warriors Captain Andy Horsburgh, Ash Leitch and Brad Franklin gave the full 100°'0 . A predictable case of 'no contest' at Melbourne University, where the Blacks were far too fit and talented for an undermanned Newlands Coburg outfit . Good to see the Blacks Coaching staff follow the selection advice of West Brunswick by returning Matt Hall am to the senior side . 'Chicken Wing' answered the call with thirteen goals - an E Central best performance for the season 1996 . Other Blacks to perform well were Zahra, Lowe, Cunningham and Begley while for the Cobras Rabbitt Warren, Dooga and Gilinis battled valiantly against overwhelming odds . Alex Fraser's men were in fine voice after their ground breaking win over North Brunswick - no less than four renditions of "We are the Grammar boys . . ." were heard floating across the surrounding East Keilor area . The win completed a perfect nine from nine record at home for an Essendon Grammar side poised to make a better fist of this years finals campaign . My North correspondent suggested Peter 'Powerhouse' Lutterschmidt went close to another BOG performance, while OEG dangerman Adam Merrington chipped in with five very timely goals . For North, a veteran trio were best - Sly Fox, Mayo and Vinny - well supported by R . Thorpe . La Trobe ended their season on a high note when it showed greater discipline and commitment at the ball en route to a comfortable five goal win over UHSOB . Best for the winners were Paddy Edmunds, relishing his move to the half bac :tline, CHF Ben , ~,

Hayward, ruckman Ash Cummin 03 and back-pocket Davi d eanderthal Man ' Sidebottom, while for the vanquished winger R. Fewijah continued on his impressive form . Willi C S had the bye . SEMI FINAL PREVIEW 2nd Semi: Williamstown C S(no VAFA flags) v Old Essendon (last flag F grade - 1986)

Clearly a battle of the two form sides of E Central - Willi will attempt to emulate Carlton's AFL performance in 1995 as they carry an unbroken sequence of fifteen wins into the finals while Old Essendon have won their last six straight. The game should be a beauty as both sides have potent forwards ; Willi has Kurkowski, Bezzant and McCutcheon, OEG Merrington, Clohesy, Barr and Pana, while the mid-field battle between Thege and Powerhouse should also be a highlight. Willi clearly deserve the title of premiership favourite but in OEG's favour is the knowledge that they are the only team in E Central that has beaten With and in fact it could have been two wins given the one point result at Willi back in Round 12 . I'll tip an upset and select OEG to advance to the Grand Final by recording a nine point win in what will truly a great game of football . lst Semi Final : University Blacks (A Grade - 1974) v North Brunswick (E Grade - 1981 ) The dry grounds early this season saw the Blacks showcase a brand of football more conducive to C or D grade but since the rains have come the Blacks' form has clearly declined . The first semi final will be an acid test of whether the Blacks have the required commitment to challenge the top two for premiership honours . A first semi final departure by the Blacks would clearly be seen as a big disappointment to all players and the revamped committee . The Blacks boast two comfortable home and away victories against a North Brunswick side which has not been anywhere as convincing as last years which I believe is more a reflection of the higher standard of the 1996 E Central than a decline by the green and gold when compared to 1995. To win this game North Brunswick must be relentless in its attack on the football and apply a disciplined game plan aimed at limiting the effectiveness of the Blacks formidable running game . The usual big game from Vinny Grimaldi will help as will the expected boggy conditions at the Alec Gillon Oval . North Brunswick has a number of veterans in the twilight of their career and from that respect the green and gold machine can be expected to throw everything (except maybe the A.R. Glenn grandstand)

at Uni Blacks but I just feel the Blacks have a little too much skill and youth to allow what most E Central followers would consider an upset North win . Uni Blacks to advance to the preliminary final by eleven points . Reserves winners should be University Blacks and Williamstown CYMS . Correspondents : For the four remaining scribes, numbers again by Monday 5.00 pm are Ph : 9379 1411 (H) and 9618 3413 (w) or Fax 9629 8008 . Thanks very much go to the scri )es of clubs not competing in finals - Jared, Burra and Dooga, your help has been most appreciated .

P;?ILESTONES All at North Brunswick congratulate Gar y

McCall on playing his 100th game this week . All at UHSOB congratulate Gino _-_ on reaching his 150 game milestone . Both on and off the field Gino has been of terrific service to the club . All the very best for the future .

SL :3 OLD 711 . : .!'C 1 .3 2.5 3.7 6 .9.45 WEST BRUNSWICK 3 .6 ' 5.8 5.13 9 .13 .67 Old Westbourne Whiting 3, Baarini. Franklin. Horsburgh. Best Horsburgh. Leitch. Franklin. Jagn, Ball, Robson. West Brunswick Byrne, Davies . Haste 2. Carman, Eastwaym Williams. Best Mouciacca . Gray. Cannane. Haste. Curtin. Davies UNIVERSITY BLACKS 9 .4 13 .12 18.17 25.18.168 NEWLANDS COBURG HC 0 .2 1.3 4.5 4 .6 .30 University Blacks Caccaviello 6. Begley, Beaton 5. Cunningham 4, Sowerbp. Livinstone 2, Hall . Best Hallam, Livingstone . Zahra. Caceaviello, DarrocFi, Cunningham. N ds Coburg Hayes 2. Rafeio . Zambeflo. Best Warren, Fennessy, Grilinis . Baker. biarUnez, Hayes. OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 3 .3 6.9 8.13 15.15.105 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .6 4.7 7.9 11 .11 .77 Old Essendon Grammar Merrington 4, Barr, Paris 3 . Clohesy 2. Capodiferro. McPherson, Magee . Best Hutchison . Bishop . Steven. Lutterschmidt• OErien. Heeter. Nth Brunswick Moore 3 .luchett 2. Miller. Sorlettn. Marin. Fox Kyariazis. Hodgson. Best Magnuson . Grimaldi, Kennedy. Fox. TCrchett'Dwrpe . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS REC . FORFEIT 15.13.103 THOR'~VURYCOUGelRB FORFENETED 7 .9.51 WI@°^^°town CYMB Goal Kickers and Best Players not received , T .. - .-- . Cc gars Goal Kickers and Best Player, not received . LATROBE UNIVERSITY 0 .0 3.2 5.2 10.4.64 U)B 1.2 1.5 4.6 5 .8.38 Lairobe University Fredrickson 3, Hayward 2. Brown, Makim• Haynes, Gronow, Maddison . Best Edmunds, Cummings, Bakogianis, Sidebottom, D . Edmunds. Hayward. UH80B Wood 2, Mazza, Rea, Rothwell . Best FreiJah. Crackuell . Wallace. Bone. Shahan, Davidson .




1ST SE- .11 FINAL - SUN13L_ AUGUST 2 5

UNIVERSITY _ : I.EICICS v . NORTgI BL_JNS CII; Gillon Oval - 2 p .m . Field: V. Vescovi, N. McCorquadale ; Boundary : D. Lane, M. Flanagan ; Goal: G . Grigg, C. May . Reserves -

UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. OLD ESSENDON Gillon Oval - 11 .30 a .m . Meld: D. D'Altera, R . Smith ; Goal : J . Slater, R. Barichievich . 2ND SEMI FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 W1I.L STO CYMS v. OLD ESSENDON Gillon Oval - 2 p .m . Meld: M . Forde, A. Kiel; Boundary: K. Brewer, 1 . Stephenson ; GoaL• P . Gluyas, J . Kelly. Reserves 481LL STO CI'hiS v. NORTH BRUN SWICK Gillon Oval - 11 .30 a .m .

Field : P . Maebus, A. Harris ; Goal: P. Gluyas, M . Bushfield .

6% -1

OLD WESTBOURNE 0.1 3.3 4.4 6 .8 .44 'fEST BRUNSWICK 2.7 2.7 2.10 3 .10.28 Wit Westbourne AFC Christo 2• Leitch. Hewitt Jenkinson. Szuszkiewicz. Best Allan. Leitch . King, Smith, Shea. Horsburgh. West Brunswki; Robinson 2, Rodgers. Best McNamara. Baker. McAllister. Phantom. Robinson, Newitt. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7.1 10.3 14.6 15 .9 .99 NE9rZflAh'DS COBURG FC 1.0 1.3 2.3 2 .4 .16 University Blocks Stevens 5, Smith 4• guilty 3. Hanlon, Mitchell . Cooky . Best Suuth. Mitche0 . Morcam. Giass . Fogarty, Cheeseman. Piewlands Cubing Webb. Ziskos. Best Chapple. Runciman, Berton . Griffiths. Ziskas . OLD ESSENDON GRAIMM 10 .7 .67 NORTH BRUNSWICK 6.5 .41 Old Esaendon Grammar Whitfield. ftidleg, Novacek 2 . Chalkley, Papal. McKirrel. Dudderfdge. Best McKirrel. Papal. Dudderidge. Nos•acek. Whitfield. Trist. North Brunswick Papanilalou, Briffa 2 . Sacco, Hope. Best Marini . DeMorton . Bradford. Webb, Hope, Heaky. WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS REC . FORFEIT 19.8 .62 TBORNBURY COUGARS FORFEMIED 4.6 .30 ABBsrnatavin CYPdS Goal Kickers and Best Players not received , Thornbury Cougars Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. LATROBE UNIVERSITY 4.2 4.4 5.5 5.6 .36 UB$OB 0.2 2.8 2.10 5 .12 .42 IaTrobc University Caughey . Hartley. Spralja. Gibson, Cousins. Best Oliver, Rodney. Gibson. Mclntosy, Hartley, Huffer. UBSOB Pfeifer, Rogers. Zulicki. Bunn . Mazza, Cook. Best Total learn effort .

> EDITORIAL - Continued from Page 1 conduct of the finals series ; reserve grade umpiring ; grounds and facilities at grounds; tribunal and investigations ; administrative matters that affect VAFA clubs ; various polices that the Association has seen fit to implement in recent times leg. racial and religious discrimination policy) ; the 'off the ball' harassment policy; the football record "The Amateur Footballer" . ould I advise everyone who is interested in providing C seminar submissions that material must be in the Administration's hands no later than the end of October - preferably before the end of the current season whilst we are still "thinking football". PHIL STEVENS

he Annual Umpires' Dinner was held at the TJohn Nicholls Room at the Carlton Footbal l Club last Monday evening . The night is an awards night for the VAFAUA and some of the highlights of the night are as follows (more details can be gained from Umpires' Corner) . Brad Nash former Ormond Amateur FC premiership player and Best & Fairest winner (1987) being awarded the Most Improved Goal Umpires Award. An emotional Mark Bushfield winning the Bob Dunstan Award for services to the VAFAUA, despite President Richard Simon taking over Bob's speech . Very humble winners in Heath Little (Field) and Matt "the measure" Tape (Boundary), winning the equivalents of Nashy's award . The Golden Whistle Award went to Matt McCrohan (well done Matt), but his bagging of "Chuck" (although unintentional) was rather humorou3 . Two well deserved Life Memberships Geoff "Retired" Ridd and Steve "Scoutmaster" Hopper, were presented on the night, and who could forget Bill Mason's response on behalf of the VAFAUA Life Members. Ten Year awards were presented to David Fowler, Bill Fowler, Graham Thwaites, Frank Martinez, Sam Kahn, Chris Keeton (well done on the new son - Athol), Geoff Ridd, Geoff Kelly and Richard Eastwood who responded on behalf of all of the recip-


SETT-7l~ 9ANO ~ ~CDI1~~ FOR SEASON 1~097 Applications in writing to : The Secretary 4 Kanooka Avenue, Lower Templestowe, 3107 Applications close 1 8/10/9 6

tents . Colin Kinnear (Football M anager and Chairman of Selectors of Carlton) was the guest speaker and his talk about finals, umpiring and general football experiences was very informative, although "Chilly" was still awestruck as to the memorabilia on the walls at the entrance . All in all a fine night was had by all, well done to the winners of the awards and all the very best in the run into the finals. ### A couple of weeks ago we were selecting the winners of the respective sections and we got to E Section . This week the tips are from C and D Sections . C Section chances: N. Astapenko (STKSC), P . Coghian (Wh.), A. Fellows (Th .) . D Section ; R. Back (St . J .), L. Inserra (Pa .), R. Royals (CG .) . Next week A and B tips for the respective medals. ### The AFCA/VAFA is holding a Professiona l Development Evening at Carlton Football Club on Tuesday August 27, with Col Kinnear being the guest presenter. All VAFA Coaches are invited to attend . Any other interested participants are asked to call Brett Connell at VAFA Administration for more details (9531 8333) .

~ Venues subject to change (ground availability/conditions) T .B .A . - venue to be advised . SECTION

1st SEMI

2nd SEMI




NEXT SUN. E . Park

15/9/96 (Sun) E . Park

22/9/96 (Sun) E. Park



8/9/96 (Sun) E. Park 7/9/96 (Sat)

14/9/96 (Sat)

21/9/96 (Sat)

E . Park

S and ringham

E . Park

E. Park

THIS SUN . E. Park THIS SUN . Cent . Reserve THIS SUN . Glenferrie Oval

THIS SAT. S and ringham THIS SAT. Glenferrie Oval

NEXT SAT . S an dringham

7/9/96 (Sat) E. Park

NEXT SAT . Cent. Reserve

7/9/96 (Sat) Cent . Reserv e

THIS SAT. Camberwell

NEXT SAT. Camberwell

7/9/96 (Sat ) Camberwell

E . Central

THIS SUN. Gillon Oval

THIS SAT. Gillon Oval

NEXT SAT. Gillon Oval

7/9/96 (Sat) Glenferrie Oval

E. South

THIS SUN. Mordialloc THIS SAT. E. Park 11 .30 a.m.

THIS SAT . Mordialloc

NEXT SAT. Mordialloc

7/9/96 (Sat) Mordialloc

THIS SAT. E . Park 2 p.m .

NEXT SAT. Oakleigh 2 p .m.

7/9/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 2 p.m .


THIS SAT. De La Salle 11 .30 a .m.

THIS SAT. De La Salle 2 p.m .

NEXT SAT . T .B .A. 11 .30 a .m .

7/9/96 (Sat) T .B .A. 11 .30 a.m .


THIS SAT. Oakleigh 11 .30 a.m .

THIS SAT. Oakleigh 2 p .m .

NEXT SAT. Oakleigh 11 .30 a .m.

7/9/96 (Sat) Oakleigh 11 .30 a.m .

NEXT SAT. T.B .A. 2. 00 p.m .

7/9/96 (Sat) T.B .A. 2 .00 p .m.

C D E East



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A Section


senlur Coazh: Lai cadson ResetvesCoach : obortBzylry 1 . B. Mooney 2 . D. Smith 3 . B. Woolhouse 4. S . Laussen S. D. Peters (1) 5. D. Greeves (2) 6.A .Smth 7. D. Baxter (1) 7. C . Higson (2) 8. C . Pollock 9. V . Cleary 10. N . Anderson (1) 10. J . Grigg (2 ) t 1 . B . McKenzie 12 . D . Stubs 13 . A. Sheedy 14 . R . Schober 15 . Y. Phillips 16 . A. Wallace 17. D. Phillips 17. A. Oldha m 18. J . Bennett (Capt) 19. C. Davidson 20. G. Dean-Johns 21 . A . Johnston (R-Capt) 22. D. Kerr 23. A . Sheedy 24. R . Hartnett 25. D . Lever (RVCapt) 26. N . Milat '. 27 . S. Humphry '. 28 . S. Blackman 29 . A. Kenneall y 30 . M. Gailbraith (V-Capt) 31 . R. Schober 32 . D. Thomson (V-Capt) 33 . G . Irvin e 34. D. Entwistle 35. J. Taylor 36. S . Harding 37. J. Dansey 38. S . Van Der Venne 39. B . Jones 40. A . Kelson 41 . S . Lubich 42. A . Vasdekis 43. A . Greenway 44. A . Parkin 46. S. Wooley 48. J . Lemon 50. B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52 . J. Schmidt 53 . S. Hobbs 54 . K. Mui r 55 . E. Jones 56 . D. Howe 57. J. Moore 58. A. Rose 59. M . Richards 60. B . Kerss 61 . D. Kers s 62. G. Constable 63. 64 . G. Tiver 65. 66 . S . Cromes-Vieira 67 . 68 . 69 . D . Armstrong 70 . R.Conron 71 . 72. 73. 74. 75. N . Proctor

DE LA SALLE Senior Coach : Mike McArthur-Allen ResJAssis.Coach : Brian Brow n 1 . M . Chun 2 . P . Fiume 3 . S. Crowe 4 . L . Hall 5 . A. Flowerday 6 . M. Fisher 7 . C . Browne 8 . C . Wright 9 . C. Campbell 10. D. Tessier 11 . A. Evan s 12. D. Toohey (Capt .) 13. A . Waters 14. P . McCormack 15. J . Hodde r 16. M . Jackson 17. D . Crowe 18. M. Abrahams 19. D . O'Brien 20. M. Knupple 21 . C . Shannon 22 . P. O'Callaghan 23 . M. O'Callaghan 24 . C. Montgomie 25 . G . Hynes 26 . P .Wytes (Res.VC) 27 . L. Van Der Plight 28. M . Lafferty 29. D. Hagan 30. J . Horn 31 . A . Elliot 32. T. Silvers 33. B. Miller 34. P. Conroy 35 . A. Mackintosh 36 . A. Abbott 37 . R . Makinson 38 . B. Brashe 39 . P . Brasher 40 . G . Curra n 41 . A. Phillips (R.Capt) 42 . D.Jackson 43. M . Ellis 44. C . Makinson 45. C . Sparrow 46. M . Hagan 47. M. Farrell 48 . D . Smith 49 . D . Lambe 50 . P. Mannix 51 . D. Graco 52 . S. Harrison 53 . P . Aro n 54 . J . Duckett 55 . C. Harrison 56. J . Gallager 57. C . Fidler 58. C . Cleary 59. S .Jacobs 60. S. Thomas 61 . S. Albon 62 . G . Hagan 63 . J. Murphy 64 . C .Bourke 65 . B. Buick 66 . L . Langone 67 . B. Byrne 68 . G . Longstaff 69 . J . Forbes 78. M . Stanhope 80. M . Hill




Senior Coach : HAILEYBURY Tony Paatsc h Senior Coach : Assis. Coach : Rob Prosser Neville Taylor Reserves Coach : Rese rv es Coach : Chris Boyle Ga ry Marc h 1 . C. Lam ..' , 2 . O.Mwraf(yC) 1 . A. Baxter . 3. T. 2 . D. Connell (DVCapt) 4. AHantrj 3 . W . Byms S. D.CarMr 4. C. McKenzie (Capt) 6. N. Rim 5. R. Buchana n 7. S. Fk w 7. P. Deegan 6. D.Ctwme 9. P, F`

1 0. M.G :ara (VC) It . T.S= i(RVC) 12. S. I 12. i1 13, 8.1.. 13 . T. P - rd t4 . T. E 15 . D.Isafr.a (VC) 15. C. Verney ts. T.Howzrd(RC) It. T. Balky 17. T. Te,bsis ts. 0.0 nau~e 9. M ' 20. C. A6nraf 21. S.Pdan 21 . 1. Net! B. D.SMrIOdc 23. J.6tara¢m( 24. S. Ba/sen 25. ht Hie'! 26. P. Wa7 27. W.OolAnO 27 . D. Kron 28 . Agne 28 . N. 29 . ftvarp 3'1 . S. Fabe r 31. C.Be6 .~..(C ajel .) 32. W. A' I 33. J.E 34. A' 35. J.f ,;rr 36. P.Fotism 37. G . Trigg 38. D. Ssnial 39. R 6ax6on 40. P.11tifn>rker 41 . B.Wekh 42 . N.,kcoM 43 . W. La e 44 . D.B -Aa 45 . G, Rages 61 . LF'eatl 48 . B. Ham 62. D. Sc 47. P.E~(~VC) B. P.WeRh 48. P.yee 64 . S. Beaten 43. LHa4f B. D .Birima ; so. C. Joe . E6. L Todd 67. GMalster 51 . M.IHna{ 52. S.Ttampscm 6 8. K.D+.tFy 53. KCamr~bf ~. B.Haryer 54 . P.J~ 70. P. 71, T. Clayton, 55 . RDA 55 . M. we" 75 . G. Alarm 57 . F1 . Peter, 86 . M. Cowe 91 P.Crowtassl 58 . ftCahiB 59 . C. Lane 66 . AI .LeCodea

5. F. Main 6. W. Smith 7. A . Hilton 8. M. O rton 8. F. Capomolla 9. S. Rowlands 10. T. Chegwin 11 . C. Hucker 12 . D. Seccul l ...' 13 . B. Carty 14 . A. Forsyth 15 . N. Morey 16 . P . Thiessen 16 . D. Williams 17. A . Hilto n

18. M . Constable

19. M . Armstrong (VC) 19. N . Gerrard 20. C . Krause 21 . A . Walden 22 S. Richardson 23. M. Seccull 23. J. Mackay 24 . R . Lavender 25 . G . Rowlands 26 . G . Phillips 27 . J. Dann 28 . A. Pound 29 . M . DeMattia 30 . R. Aughterson 31 . B . Main (RCapt) 32. P . O'Donnell 33, G. Tanne r 33. T. Johnston 34. C . Reidy 35. D . Lappage 36. A . Dowsing 37. T. Evans 38. J . Hayter 39. P. Corrigan 40. S. Duxbu ry 41 . T.Oscar 42 . D. Scaife 43 . R. Plecher 44. A. Kirkwood-Scott 45. N. Hill 46. B. Mitchell 47. D. Scotfen 48. D. Bum 49. B . Wignall 50. A . Bonwick 51 . T. Boothman 52 . R . Har rison 53 . B . Wignall 54 . M. Schmidt

55 . C . Ladds (RVCapt) 56 . P. Kyl e 57 . B. Ladds

58 . 59. 60.

OLD M ELBURNIANS Senior Coach : Sean Ralphsmith Rese rves Coach : Guy Nelson Assistant Coach : Archie Salek 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10 . 1t . 12 .

A. Witts S . Theodore J . Staritski B . Ellinghaus N . Boyden P .Handbury C . Thompson M. Lovett

T. Smith P . O'Brien A. Thompson A. Hewitt

13 . S. Rose 14 . J. Bunn 15. S. Bromell 16. C. Eabry 18. Q . Keeble 19. J . Correll 20. A . Salek 21 . D. Strooper 22 . L. Bunn 23. M . Berry 24 . N . Sereda 25 . M . Pruden 26 . C . Kennedy 27 . C . Bryan 28 . S. RabbiN 29 . C . Susa 30 . I . McMullin 31 . J. Hart

32. 33. . 35.

R. Web b G . Dixo n34 C.Anastasaki s D.Brown

36. A . McKeon 37. S . Eab ry 38. R. Eggleton 39. S . Madden 40. S . Middleton 41 . G. Wilhelm 42 . P. Theodore 43 . . M8 ayd 44 . AO.c D ougall 45 . Z. Useinov 46 . H. Wri gh t 47 . J. Power 48 . S . Walsh 49 . T . Stuckey 50. P . Marinis 51 . D. Corbin 52. B . Campbel l 53. B . Crump 54. I. Patterson 55 . M. Burgess 56. M. Ellinghaus 57 . R . Morley 58 . D . Clements 60 . J. Ratlopoulos 61 . B. Luckock 62 . R. Morrel l 63 . B. Telford 64. A. Nelson 65. 66. L. Boyd 67. B . Vile 68. A . Henshaw 71 . 72 . 73. 74 .


OLD SCOTCH Senior Coach: Wayne Harmes Reserves Coach: Simon Taltent t . K. Stokes 2 . J . Hosking (VC) 3 . S. Duthie 4 . T. Holt 5 . R. Price 6. A. Millar 7. J . Hughes 8. C . Reid 9. R . Aujard 10. J . Kerr 12, S . Hume 13 . N . Hooper 14 . D. Norman 15 . D. McCall 16 . A. Speed 17 . S. Woodhouse 18 . A. Nettleton 19 . S. Spide n 20. T. Wilson 21 . S. Gibbs 22. L . McDonnell 23. D . Walsh 24. M . Angus 25 . T. Pritchard 26 . B . Phillips 27 . C. Winneke 28 . S . Teesdale 29 . C. Heath 30 . J . Laird (DVC) 31 . A. Smit h 32. S. Grig g 33. J. Hannemann 34. D . Steel e 35. S . Steele (Capt) 36 . M . Davison 37 . E . Montgomery 38 . C. Hoskin g 39 . A. Cowper 40 . A. Warner 41 . A. Castricum 42. A. Gibbs 43. J. Paterson 44. D . Tracy 45. A . Stubbs 46. G.Jonas 47. N . Morris 48. R. Hardy 49 . M . Gore 50 . D. Pell 52 . R. Gregory 53 . P.Gaidzkar 54 . B. Aujard 55 . S. Montgomery 56 . J. Schonfelder 57 . N . Strang 58 . R . Hardy 60. M . Weber

OLD XAVERIANS Senior Coach: Nick Bourke Reserves Coach: 1 . M . Blood (DVC) 2 . M . Bourke (VC) 3. M . Hannebery (C) 4. D. Landriga n 5. N. Cook 6 . A. Keyhoe 7 . P .Tuddenham 8 . M. Holme s 9 . S. Hawkins 10 . S. Colquhoun 11 . A .Jone s 12 . J . Bowan 13. C . Ellis 14. L. Ford 15. A . McLean 16. T . Ockleshaw 17. D. Richardson 18 . S . Hunter 19 . M . Lloyd 20 . B. Buckley 21 . L . Hanebery 22 . A. Bourke 23. A. McDonald 24. B. Coughlan 25. D . Tapping 26. A . Nei l 27 . L. Fay 28. R. Clarke 29 . S . Wood 30 . D. Dann 31 . S . Mollard 32 . A. Brushfield 33 . A. Sassi 34. A. Bell i 35 . C . Mortensen 36. P . Barrett 37. A . Landrigan 38. M . McClelland 40. T. Nelson 41 . A . Dillon 42 . J . Lowe (RCapt) 44 . J . Petroff 45 . D. O'Tool e 46 . C. Andronopoulos 47 . J. Dalirangl e 48 . M.Logan 49. P .Lachte 50. N . Fay 51 . D . Wals h 52. M . O'Callaghan 53 . A . Kearns 54 . M . Brennan 55 . A .Long 56 . M . Stones 57 . G . Short 58 . D . Bel l 59 . M. Hardman 61 . S. Natilli 65 . A .Jone s 66. Panagiotopoulos




Senior Coach : Geoff Reilley Assistant Coach: Russell Battles

Senior Coach: Shane Zantuck Reserves Coach: Andrew Natha n

Senior Coach : Grant Williams Reserves Coach : Barry Nefvand t

Reserves Coach: Peter Purcell 1 . A. Jobling 2 . C . Symes 3 . A. Or r 4 . A. Grace (DVC) 5 . B . Turne r 6. T. Gallagher 7. B . Connell (C) 8. M . Gilmore (DVC) 9. A . Forres t 10. P . Marnow, 11 . D. Edgell 12 . N. Sebo 13 . P. Kingston 14 . S. James 15 . M. McConvil l 16 . T. Stewart (RCapt) 17. E. Fraser

18. S . Ryan 19. D . Cleary 20. D. Wood 21 . J . Brown 22. R. Block 23 . P. McDonald 24 . J . Collin s 25 . M. Wrodarczyk 26 . D . Connel l

27 . T. Hille (DVC) 28 . B. Collin s 29. D . Whelan 30. S . Wiedemann 31 . B . Egan 32. A . Kukultan 33. M . Shepherd 34. R. Remman 35. G . Bailey 36. S. Mackey 37 . R . Presse r 38 . P. Milner (RVC) 39 . T. Morga n '.. 40 . G . Lehner 41 . G. Hall 42 . C . Keleher 43. S . Wrodarczyk 44. L. Mulcahy 45. L. Livingstone 46. C. Spagnol 47. R. Keatin g 48 . W. Block 49 . M, O'Halloran 50 . M. Wannacott 51 . G . Kin g 52 . N . Wells 53 . 1. Ranson 54 . L. Fraser 55 . K . Alexander 56. S . Eccles 57. R. Barnes 58. W. Hourioan 59. G. Sneddon 60. M . Atkinson 77. S .Handley

1 . 2. 3. 4.

1 . A . Comito 2. T. Dobson 3. T . Backhouse 4. V. Comito 5. R. Doolan 6 . S. Ryan 6 . C. Wood 7 . S. Parrett 8 . A. Capes Kennedy 9. J L. Kennedy 10. it . P .Capes 12 . B . Hogan 13. S .McKeon 14. S . Doran 15. L. Overman 16. D. Sawicki 17. M . Conroy 18 . L . Vassallo 19 . L .Gollant (C) 20 . T. Sheehan 21 . B. Loughlin 21 . J . Comito

22 . 22. 23. 23. 24. 25.

D. Slimmon T . Hutchins S. Kirsanovs J. Frith

5 . P. O'Donnell 6. B. Blood 7. B. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14.

D .Hayter M . Thomas S . Meade S . Stevenson H .Worsley (Capt) G. Evan s J . Buckley

15. P.Stephens ( RCapt) 16. D. Gust 17. J. Kanis 18 . G . Markley 19 . B. Herrald

C .Calthorpe (DVC) P . Dailey B . Hom D . Patience J . Anderson P . Haye s

26. J . Gallant (VC) 27. A . Nathan (CR) 28 . P . Gilmour

29 . J. Overman 30 . J. Mount 31 . T . York 32 . S. Chatfield 32 . P. Runting 33. P. Ro gerson 34. M . Dafley 35. B . Chatfield 36. C. Bon d 37. T. Bateman 37 . A . Brebner 38 . A. Di Mingo 38 . D. McAllister 39 . S. Byrne 40 . J. Balla rin 41 . D .Juegan 42 . M. Marshall 43. B.Teague 44. S .Taylor 45. M. Farmer 46. G. Morrish 47. C. Parrett 48 . A . Farmer 49 . D. Solomon 50 . R. Edwards 51 . N. Lynch 52 . F .Catalfamo 53 . J. Kavanagh 54 . G . Smith 55 . S. Martin 56. M. Wright 57. J .Jones

20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

R . Polkinghorne T. McIntyre A . Nugent B . Furphy R. Calnon A . Henderson N.Cavalier B. F ricker D. Bolto n S. Ku c

33 . 34 . 35 . 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 .

L. Tweddle R . Furphy M. Jukes S . Kewell A. Lennen M . Unswo rt h S. Henderson A. Mitchell R. Dodd s

30 . G . Allardice 31 . M. Mudg e 31 . R . Vandenberg 32 . J. Gamau t

45 . G . McLachlan 46 . D. Gun n 47 . T. Rourke 48 . C . Miles 49 . P. Seller 50. H . Nailon 51 . S. McMahon 52. S . Longley 53. T. Whitehead 55. C.Stewart 56. A. Ferrer 58. T . Miskin 59 . A. Collins 60 . A. Wilcox 61 . A. Wilson 63 . A. Muller 65 . A. McLeod 66 . M.Stari ck 67. D . McAloon

72. J . Norman ( RCapt)

Jones Lang Wootton


622 ML Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds

43261749 Tuc nnen'rci in FrlrlTRAt I FR 199R

B Section

.:~ =- 1 000




Senior Coach : Rick Brockweli Reserves Coach : Tim Bel l 1 . B . Kinear 2 . D . Witcheil (VC) 3. L. Holt 4. T. Gloury 5. B . Wilmore (DVCapt) 6. P. Williams (ResC) 7. S. Richmond 8 . R . Williams 9. G . Sutterby 10. J. Fortune 11 . T. Short 12 . J . Egan 13 . M . O'Brien 14 . P . Healy 15 . S . Gra y 16. D . Mayne 17. A . Steven 18. J . Turnbull (DVCapt) 19. D . Stephens 20. S. Playfai r 21 . R . Dintinosante 22 . J. Gilha m 23 . M . Gray 24 . C. Wilkes 25 . G . Jorda n 26 . H. McDermott 27 . W. Keenan 28 . D. Fabris 29 . M . Creek 30. L. O'Connell 31 . C . Bassett 32. G. Laurie 33. D . Glass 34. C .Stevens 35 . A . Hardie 36 . D . Tyler 37 . G . Bassett 38 . G . Riches 39 . C. Head 40 . M . Keene 41 . M . Wheelan 42 . T . Egan 43. L. Ferrell 44. M . Moor . M . Gilberte45 46. P . Agostinelli (RVC) 47. R . Smit h 48 . B. Gillies 49 . D . Barker 50 . G . Gent 52 . D. Noonan 55 . D. Williams 56 . B . Grindle



Senior Coach : Phil Maylin Rese rv es Coach : Craig Heard 1 . J . Prior 2. S . Driver 3. S .Youn g 4 . G . Alexander 5 . C . Parri s 6 . R . Minney 7 . P. Robertson (Vcapt) 8 . A. B ry a n 9 . R. Shepherd 10 . P. George (Capt .) 11 . S . Farloy 12. A. Parris 13. S . Boy d 14. D. Mathews (Vcapt) 15. B . Greig 16. S . Smith 17. N . Waddet 18. R . Williams 19. P . Nigro 20. T. Agosta 21 . D . Hooper 22 . G . McLaren 23 . L . Stot t 24 . P. Merrell Nagle 25 . T . 26 . K. Stelling 27 . D.Doud 28 . P . Mutimer 29 . P . Bone 30 . R . Field 31 . A . Shine 32. P . Graham 33. C . McWaters 34. D . O'Connell 35. M. Osborne 36. P. Hare 37 . W.Thomson 38 . S. James 39 . D. McNamara 40 . T . Matthews 41 . L. Cessario 42 . P . Edwards 43 . C . Beams 44. C . Shallard 45. G. Taylor 46. G. Shallard 47. C . Morihovitas 48. R . Lambe rt 49. M. Bellat o 50. D . Glover 51 . 52 . 53 . J. Scott 54 . 55 . A . Franklin 56 . 57 . D. Shine 58. 59. B . Lefe rv e 60. P . Dallogi o


M .H .S .O .B.

Senior Coach : Doug Gott Reserves Coach: John Matthew


Senior Coach: Peter O'Dea Reserves Coach: Colin Drake

Senior Coach : Peter O'Connor Rese rves Coach : Brandon Smales

I . R .Amstrory 2. P.taRosa 3. C.Ttdser . M, maw I P.Mm6nl 5. 6. 0. Frardef 7. P.f~y I. Billed 9. M. Tlerk.ttay 10. G. Kc-mrdj 1t . S . 12 . LM 1 3 . S .Narbmicz 14 . P. Fhm 15. T. m ..' i6 . R .G es 17. P. Lee 18. T.Saae 19. G .Bula 20. R. Stewed 21. L Bad;nvod 22 R.Arrp.Rd 23. M . Pearce 24. T.OTted 25. A. Bazro 26. S.Faoreapier 27. D. Mb3i 28. A . McKetar 29. C .Drysink 3a S. Nattey 31 . D .McFarare 32 . J . Lyrch 3A B. Kerciet 34. B.,k}vx 35. P. VMMeteatl 3a M . Harrtan 37. G. Fda 38. D.Hdtman 39. M. Etfrap 40. S.Cavar 41 . C.tkDara4 42. B . Sktp 43. S .Lynn 44. I. New6di 45 . J.Rayw .nd 46 G. R .Gdtor M ~ 67. G.iSU 47 .' J.OiSaKo r68 48. P.CHeman SAmn 49. A. Rbser4eM D. J .Mmt-r n 50. D.Jauka 5t. A. t N M, 52. R. Pace 73 . 51 L Prlnee 74. 54. G.M.tPh al 75. 55, L . Pearce 76. 56. S. DeWitt 77 . 57. P.Jdvsk» 78 . C. Brown 58. v. Paasdta 59. D.Rattray-Y,'oW 60. C. W4 :a i 61 . G.Hitk:y 62 . T. Del 63 . R .MSK6»s 64. D .Srygauki 65. T.BVAbi,

a ,

4j,la m



PRESTON 9484 6006


. rn ~nnc

120 Upper Heidelberg Rd . Ivanhoe

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8.

J . Bamert A . Howard D. Woodley R. Verma D. Fleming C. Young S . Harries B . McGrath J . Pertzel J. Dixon

9. D . Comer (Capt) 10. M. Beazle y 11 . M. Webster (VCRS) 12 . M. Feferkranz (R-Cept) 13 . A. Preece 14 . M . Zaghloui 14. G . Dai r 15. P . Barge 16. M . Atkins 17. A . Webster 18. I. Gillespie 19. A . Snaidero 20. D . Fairchild 21 . B . Cookman 22 . A. Lindsay 23 . D . Exton 24 . G . Wilson

25 . C. Glover (DVC) 26 . M . Thompson 27 . W . Watford

28 . T . Lawrence 29. C. Drake 30. R.Newton 31 . G. McLardie 32. M . Konstan ty 33. B . Anseii 34. N . Fahey 35. S . Konstanty, 36. A . Patmos (VCRes) 37. A. Barge

38 . S. Bennet t

39 . A. Athanasopolos 40 . B. Hayes 41 . A. Stewart 42 . N. Bradley 43 . J. McLaughlin 44 . B . Archdall 45. D. Pollock 46. T. Holland 47. M . Jamieson 49. N . Archdall 50. E .Thomas 51 . S .Karamoutsos 52. J . Jackson 53. P. Frost 54 . P. Hunt 55 . M. Pond 56 . J . Winch 57 . T. Grimmer 58 . J. Goldin 60 . P. Konstanty, 61 . M . Pret ty 62. S .Danckert 63. A . Farr


4W tin4 Heub SL rMtDO~.iy.9£R)2 346 D





1.2" ,

1 . C. McKay 2. D. Waters 3. O. Abrahams 4. P . Sullivan

5. C. Kitney 6. M . Robinson 7. P . Booth

7. S . Sleep 8. B. Coliison 9 . L. Curry 10 . S. Evans 11 . P. Ta tt er 12 . J. Curran 12 . M . Sammon 13 . B. Cumlli 14 . S. Cheshire 15 . P. Kearney ''. 16. C. Wheele r 17. M . Maguire 17. M . Anderson 18. J . Murray 19. P . Considine 20. J . Sutherland 21 . N . Mutqiney 22 . M. Connolly 23 . C . McMahon 24 . J. Barke r 25 . P. Bryar 26 . P. Dwyer 27 . M. Gravina 28 . D. O'Farrell 29 . M. Sammon 30. M . Leigh 31 . L. Boyle 32. D. Bayer 33. J . Moliroy 34. B . Conti 35 . S . Manassa 36. D. Tonkin 37 . S . Mikunda 38 . A . Sweeney 39 . D . Beck 40 . 41 . L . Curran 42 . T. Cleveland 43 . J. Lowrie 44. M. McIntyre 45. A. Zanatta 46. C. Hanley 47. P . O'Dwyer 48. B . Pawsey 49. J . Trimboli 50. C . Bailey 51 . 52 . T. Jamieson 53. M.Murone 54 . A. Trimboli 55 . S. Drum 56 . A. Twist 57 . L . Koutsovasilis 58 . 59 . 60 . 61 . 62. M . Fennell y 63. R . Gale 64.

65. 66. 67 . 68 . 69 . 70 .

OLD BRIGHTON Senior Coach: Shane Young Rese rv es Coach : Roger Brow n 1 . A . Krzywniak 2. M . McLennan 3 . M . Rei d 4 . M . Talbot 5 . A.Olliver 6 . A. Augustine 7 . L . Fildes 8 . S. Lennox 9. M. Fisher 10. J . Williams 11 . A . Fitzgerald 12. G. Bennett 12 . A . Alderton 15 . S . Magee 16 . N. Perry 17 . A. Rickarby 18 . P. Roach 19 . A. Mandylaris 20. D . Kollmorgen 21 . R . Oakley 21 . C. Jackson 22. K . Farrell 23. A . Pryor 24. R. Carter 25 . S. Nikas 26 . T . Ward '.. 27 . C . Gilmour 28 . P. Wolf 29 . J . Murc h 30. K .Teschendort 31 . S . Murray 32. B . Williams 34. R. Smith 35 . S. Mercer 36 . B. Pollock 37 . T. Mitchell 39 . A . Fischer 40. B . Patterson 40. C. James 41 . J . Murchie 42. G. Sloan 43 . J. Howden 45 . M . Bilionis 46 . M . Barber 47 . D . Wilson 48 . A. Grant 49. N . Winter 50. S. Williams 55. C . Toms 56. R . Brown 57 . A . Mclachlan 59 . T . Ferrer 61 . A. Witte 63 . R. Sherman 65 . N . Treuleson 66 . T. Lennox 68. G . Bilionis 71 . B . Alderson 78. R . Saunders 79, H . Bickett 80 . A . Palfrey 84 . P . McMaho n


OLD IVANHOE senior Coach:


Kevin McLean Reserves Coach : Darren Caddy

Senior Coach: Dale McCann Rese rv es Coach : Paul Annal

1 . D. Supefr 1 . M . Power

2. P. Sigley (CCapt) 3 . A. Jenkins 4 . A. Parker 4 . D . Toll (R) 5 . J . Stevens 5. A . Atkinson 6. S . Kent 7. T. Young 8. T . Steven s 9. M . Karayannis 9 . P. Armstron g

10 . 11 . 12 . 12 .

M. Veal (CCapt) S. Tully A . Sturesteps M. Toze r

13. A . Pappos 14. C . Gdnham 15. G. Douglas 16. M . Woods 17 . J . Luk 18 . P. Bisogni 20 . T . Ryan 20 . W. Millard 21 . J . Mansfield 22 . P . Donaldson 22. P .Golding 23. M . Stewart 24 . A. Corcora n 25 . J . Maycock (RVCapt)

26 .

26 . I . Roxburgh 27 . J. Weddle 27 . Z.Abousabha 28. D . Jones (RCapt) 29. R . Weddle (VCapt) 30. E . Brophy 30. A. Kobe 31 . D. Caddy 32. D. Goad 33. T . Cormack 34 . T. Lamer 35 . L . McLean (VCapt) 36 . S . Pidoto 37, D . Stott 38 . G . George 39. G . George 40. R. Davies 41 . L. Taylor 42. S. Vaughan 43 . D . Banger 44 . T. Agushi 45 . C . Duncan 46 . A . Barker 47 . J . Wier 48. B . Wilson 49. M . Wilson 50. C. Corcoran 51 . B. Shedbolt 52 . P. Cargin 53 . D.Craker 54 . P. Wal l 55 . J .Baud 56 . M . Shedden 57 . S . Barry 58. S . Davies 59. B . Elsworth 60. S . Brophy 68. C. Mille r



1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2 . P,J . O'Loughlin 3. J.A. Dalla s 4. S.J . Philp (VC) 5. M .J . Harford 6. J .V. Geary 7. P .G . Cosgrrff (VC) S. P .G. Zappa 9 . T .J.Jackson 10 . P.A . Brabender(C) 11 . N .P. Willits 12 . S.R. Wallis 13. T.D. Wallis 14. D.R . Ciavola 15. N .G. Kerr 16. M .P . Godfrey 17. B . J. Hart 18 . A. Muleta 20 . P.A . Nailer 21 . A.J . Farrell 22. H . Bellis 23. P .A. Walsh 24. D.A . Digney 25. D. Heffernan 26. M .B . Geary 27 . K.C. Kenkms 28 . B.J . Brabender 29 . B. Powel l 30. T.J . Mulligan 31 . S. Laferfita 32. A.J. Price 33. M .J. Harrison 34 . P .J . Joyce 35 . J .P .J. Mills 36 . S .M . Swindon 37 . L. Rocchiccioli 38 . M.G. yea r 39. P.E . Reid 40. D .J. Baird 41 . D .J . Horsington 42. J .M. Swindon 43 . M .P . Geary 44 . I . Harford 45 : P .J . Stephens 46 . B. Flyn n 47. N .A. Ball 48. M. Hudson 49. T.S . Brain 50. P .K. Mortar 51 . S .J. Durn 52 . M .L . Muscara 54 . J .T. Mould 56 . J .W. Tobin 57 . J .M . Way 66. D . McCrohan 67. A. Villanti 58. L .K . Mansifled 69. D .J . Arthu r

73T,g ~~p~~~ L

~~~ ~~~~ M John D . Veal PHARMACY

°' ~ pA~.~ Whitehall St, Yarraville Pit- 9687 8722



Senior Coach : Simon Dalrymple Rese rves Coach : tan Wallace Assistant Coach : Michael Hadley 1 . S. Keneddy 2. C . Robison 3. A. Alfibon 4. T. Norman (VCapt) 5, P . Van Der Hoek 6 . R. Heath 7, A.Anderso n B . S. Dalrymple (CC) 9. S. Hopkin s 10. S. Hatfield 11 . R . Boxtelf 12 . M . Cumming 13 . M . Donato 14 . J . Stickland 15 . A . Parke 16 . M . Seuling (Vcapt) 17 . G . Hatfield 18. B. Clarke 19. G . Hudson 20. P. Board 21 . C . Phillips 22 . P .Robison 23 . A . Ramsden 24 . T . Board 25 . T . Harris 26. P. Beet 27. L . Stafford 28. D . Vargo 29. A . Sealey 30. L. Taylor 31 . S . Bladeni 32 . D. Glass 33 . D. Heighten 34 . P. Papas 35 . L . Bennie 36. J. Sutcliffe (Vcapt) 37. P. Dowling 38. R . Phillips 39, T . Antonopolous 40 . B . Burke 41 . D. Atysandratos 42 . A. Banfield 43 . M. Krivokuca 44 . J. Molfison 45. N . Kin g 46. 47. F. Cameron (RVC) 48. C. Smith 49 . P .Johnson 50 . L. Jervis 51 . S. Gleason 52 . 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. N . Kolitias 58 . 59 . 60 . 80 . T . Smit h

Senior Coach: Des English Reserves Coach : Chris Bye


1 . 2. 2. 3. 4.

M . Petrevski J . Woodgate A. Shelton P. Gorman M.Elliot

5 . S. Ramsey S. S. Seymour 6. J . Vein s

6. G. Rossignolo 7. P . Jones (RVC) 7 . J . Pof a 8 . L. Hollow 9 . M . Growcock 10 . R . Eggfestone 11 . D . Forbes 12 . R . Moran 13. M. Bosanko 14. J . Reddich (VC) 14. D. Ramm

15. 16. 17. 17 .

G. Pinner M . Goodwin R. Lyons (RCapt) G . O'Conno r

18 . B.Carter (VC) 18 . Liddell 18 . B . Milieki 19. J .Armstrong 20. M . Carter 21 . J . Thrush 22. S . Griggs 23 . C. By e 24 . P. Mallon 25 . M. O'Rourke 26 . G .Carbis 27 . G. Smith 28. D . Barron 29. M. Hudson 30. M .Tadinac 31 . S .Hollow 32 . S. Eastmure 33 . N. La Fontaine 34 . J. Gallagher 35 . S. O'Halloran 36 . C . Rizzo

37 . D . Castaldi (C) 38. B. Prendergast 39. S . Boyle 40. C . Keay 41 . G. Pignatelli 42. M . Gauci 43 . C. Whelan 44 . J. Beason 45 . J. Brambles 46 . R . Collins 47 . D .Goodwi n 48. D .Wrigglesworth




Senior Coach: Tim Hart Assistant Coach : Adrian Giffin 1 . B. Burde n 3. M . Chapman (DVC) 4. M. Rizr o 5. A Livy 6. A. Morgan 7. B. Kennedy 8. D. Williams 10. D. Moore 11 . D. Ryan 12 . M. Dolman (DVC) 13 . R. Bowle s 14 . J . Bare 16 . B . Garvey 17 . M . Terzini 18. N. Hart 20. A . Varasdi 21. R. Doherty 22. J. Macey 26. A . Hart 27. R . Gross (VC) 28. M. Farquharson (DVC) 29. A Mount 34. A Donahue 35. A Thomas 37. S. Kennedy 39. S. Gribble 47. M. Brady (Capt) 59. T. Har t

Senior Coach : Bruce Ferguson 1 . C . Slattery 2 . A. Ryder 3 . D. Waters 5 . M. Bello 6 . T. Collins (DVC) 7 . M. Rowe 8 . A. Frisrc a 9 . D. Merton (Capt) 10 . A. Gallagher 11 . M . Moran 12. A. McIntosh 15. J . Phillips 16. J . Wallis 17. C. Purcell 18. A . Caffrey (VC) 19. D.Cooper(DVC) 20. S .O'Ft}m n 21 . C. Mason 22. L.O'Flynn 24. S . Beattie 26. C . Carpenter 27. S. Theisz 29. J. Golds 30. A.Treganowan 31 . S. Edwards 33. D . Sampanon 34. P. Sexton 35 . M. Gill 41 . J. Seabury 49. N . Godwin 57 . B. Day

MARCELLIN RESERVES Reserves Coach : Tony Day 1 . A. Day 3 . C. Mathews 4 . S. Gallagher 6 . D. Merto n 7 . N. Duncan 8 . R. Fristna 9 . J. Daffy 10 . A. Gallagher 11 . B. Cronin 12 . A. McIntosh 13 . D. Bearzatto 14 . D. Howe 15 . M. Gil l 16 . J . Wallis 18 . P. Healy 21. C. Mason 22. L.O'Flynn 23. P . Chambers 24. S . Beattie 25. M . Stokes 26. C. Carpenter 29. J . Gold s 31 . S . Edwards 33. M . Hurley 34. P . Sexton 35. C. Pezzimenti 37. A Sheehan 39. M . Becchetti 40. J . Dem a 41 . J . Seabury 42. J . Douglas 44. V. Gallagher 46. J . Gold s 50. R. Colussi (VC) 51 . D. Bromage 52. D. Harberts 56. S . Dimattin a 63 . D. O'Callaghan (Capt) 68 . D. McNeill

ST. BEDES/ MENTONE TIGER S RESERVE S Reserves Coach : Brad Berry 2. R . Parson s 4. V. L'HuiOier (Capt) 5. M . Murray 6. A Ryan 12. C. Stewart 13. D. Goodchild 16. S . Napier 17. M . Manson 20. T. Lamb 21 . G. McDonald 23. T. Peck 24. B . Tomlinson 25. D. Smith 27. D. Johnston 28. D O'Brien 30. M . Dols 32 . J . Dickinson 34. C. Meyer 37. M . Connolly 41 . D. Marshall 43 . K . Goodchild 44. J . Recupero 45 . R. Gould 47. B . Hambridge 48. B . Hutchinson 49 . D. Bueno 50. N. Tully 52. A . Kearney 55 . P . Dwyer 56. J . Pertile 57. M . Lomango 58 . M . Leyden 59. D. Tangey 60 . M . Zakio 61 . R. Muktuinney 62 . B . McShane 63 . N. Haye s 65 . J . Drury

ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD SENIOR S Senior Coach : T. Walsh Assistant Coach : P . Ryan I . B. Ryan 2 . N . Astapenko 3. J. Howard 4. S. Cruwys 5. A. McGaw 6. M. Ryan 7. G Hayes-Dewar 8 . G. Baker 10. J. Handfield 11 . J. Gardner 12 . A. Fitzzsimon 13. S. Neeson 15 . M.Kuek 16. P. Rogers 17. D . Wilson 18 . R . Williams 19. M. Weilgosz 20. A. Riddell 21 . M. Mihaljevic 22 . P. O'Sullivan 23. L Govan 24 . P. Claxton 34 . T. Presnell 39 . J. Thursfield 41 . A. Sexton 42 . P. Kerian 44 . S. Diamond 46 . A. Straford 47 . M. Murphy 50 . M. D'Agastino 55L. L Magaw 61 . M.Tkocz 67 . S. Emmett 69 . P. Gree n


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1/2 time

3/4 time




AJAX SENIOR S Senior Coach: Redd Morgan 1 . Jason Wrobet 2 . A. Katinski 3. J. Hopp e 4. M.Dudakov 5. M . Rajch 6. G. Rozenberg 7. C. Cohen 8. M. Roseman 9 . T. Bursztyn 10. R . Blow 11 . M. Weisler 12. D. Rosen 13. J . Engeknan 14. Y . Report 15. J . Kirzne r 16 . P. Goldberg (VC) 18 . Jeremy Wrobet 19. M. Halphen 21 . D . Sheezel 25. J. Feldman 26. B. Duzenman 28. J . Brain 29. D. Marks 32 . P . Steiner 33 . D. Pat 34. D. Gunn 35. A. Rosen 36. J. Sega l 37. A . Slade-Jacobson 39. Y . Shev 40 . A. Redlich 42 . E. Rubenstein 45 . E. Steen 50. B. Grodski (VC) 71 . A. Carew

1/4 time


Reserves Coach : Anthony Burszty n 4 . M. Dudako 5 . M . Reich v 6. G. Rozenberg B. M . Roseman 11 . M . Weisler 12 . D. Rosen 13 . J. Engelman 14. Y. Report 17. A . Cukieman 18. Jeremy Wrobel 27 . D.Dege n 29 . D . Marks 33. D . Pat 37. A .Slade-Jacobson 39, J . Shein 40 . A. Redlich 41 . P. Naphtali 42 . E. Rubenstein 43. J. Joseph 44. A. Krongold 45. E . Steen 46 . M . Nathan 47 . A. Abrahams 48 . L . Goldberg 49. D . Kal b 50. B. Grodski (VC) 52 . S . Rubinstein 53 . A . Sheffield 56 . S . Frey 58 . M. Frei d 64. S. Glassman 68. S . Feldman 69. J . Vernon

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OLD GEELONG RESERVES Reserves Coach: Angus McGowan 1 . N . Strauss 2. W. Davis 4. T . Dugdale 5 . D. Ardile 6. S. Olsen 7. J. Senior B. C. St.Ctair 10. M . Oliphant 11 . R. Liley 12. P. Ronchi 13. P. Herrman 14. B . Edmonds 15. A. Teetow 16 . P. O'Dea 20 . G . Gold Well 21 . S. Glover 23. M. Davis 25. A. Alle n 26. N . Kemp 28 . M . Taylor 32 . G . Wilkinson 33. M. Wilkinson 34. T. Paul 35. D . Etey 37. G. Stirling 38 . P . Bettrame 39 . D. Swan 40. S. Bones 42. P. Liascos 43. D . Hay 44. E . Spklej 45. L Morrison 46 . R. Rice 47 . S. Furtano 50. M. Robson 51 . A . Robson 52. D. Messatesta 53. B. Hicktin 54 . W. Dodd 55 . S. Furphy 56. C . Walker 57. R. Knight 58. C. Stinchcombe 59 . C. Oliver 60. S. French 61 . R . Oliphant 62. A .Osboume 66. B . O'Halloran 69 . A. MacGowan 70 . L Wilson 71 . H. Cameron 72. J. Cooke 73. G. Snow 74. J . Geddes 75 . H McInnes 76 . S. A'Beckett 77. T. Sullivan


1/4 time



Senior Coach : David Rogers

Senior Coach: George Voyage 1 . B. Mathews 2. J. Dickson 3. N . Brohier (Capt) 5. W. Horton 6. A . Will 7. J . Cowlishaw 8 . S. Cossart-Watsh 9 . C. Harris

1 . J . Alexander (VC) 2 . D. German

3. C. Miller 5. D . Rogers 6. M. Newman 7. P . Farra r 9. L Baring 10. J . Koop 12 . J . Caldwell 13 . R . Anderson 14. J. Gun n 17. Y. Colombies 18. G. Hipwell (Capt) 23. P . White 27. D. Newman 28 . S. McGee 29 . A.Headberry 31 . J. Smith (VC) 33. J.M . Smith 34. B . Dowsley 35. D. Murchie 38 . P .Tuohey 41 . A. Kiers

11 . M. Cassidy 12. M. Harrison 15. S. Amiet 16. T. Royals 17. G. Williams 18 . B . Baxter 19 . J . Whitmee 20. H. Vella 21 . M. Liddell 21 M. Millard 27. R . Keown 30. D . Lowe 31 . H . Holloway 32 . M . DiCrosta 34 . J . Margerison 42 . D. Synman 43. R. Royals 73. G . Markovic

47 . S. Mentha 48 . C . Logan 50. K. Ford 52. J . Millie 54. M. Donnelly 55 . D. Trumble 58 . C. Barker 70 . M . Alexander 71 . A. Barker 75. S. Edquist

PRINTED LABELS F14\F.i8L98ii4t1 FJX i4tI9Jd`?667 °~ alit Inbtlt ja Waiii} Qitnft ° 1/2 time

3/4 time



TA r

MONASH BLUES RESERVES Rese rve Coach : Ian Hildebrand 4. P. Maiden 7. P. Farrar 8. D. Bennett it. M . Spencer 13. R.Andersoh 14. J . Gun n 15. R. Gree n 17 . Y. Colombies 20 . G . Hann 21 . C. Alexander 22 . A. Dobson 27 . D. Newman 32 . G . Wadley 35 . D. Murchie 36. H. Cavalier 37. J. Andritsos 38. P. Touhey 39. M. Smith 43. R . Feenaghty 45. J. Gonis 46. D . Phillips 47. S. Mentha 49. H . Butler 51 . T. Crozier 52. J . Millie 53. D. Rodolico 55. D. Trumble 59. H. Middleton 60. A Thornton 62. J . Beer 63. S . Forsyth 65 . D. Wood 66 . M. Alexander 70 . N.DeYoung 75 . S. Edquist

Senior Coach : 6. A. Mitchell 7. P. Kerkvliet 10. E. Smith 13 . C . Paterson 14 . S.Jackson 18 . D. Hayes 21 . S. Roe 22 . M . Channon 23 . T . Simpson 25 . A. Taylor 26, G. Young 27. B . O'Hara 29. W. Mudge 30. J . Brown 31 . J . Howard 33. A. Brunnen 34. McCrea 35. S. Burmeister 37. R . Elsom 39. C . Evans 40. J. Ha rvey 41 . D. Sim 43. T. Walker 44 . T. Homes 45 . M . = 46 . N. ouglas 47 . P . Lento n 48 . J . Swann 49 . A . Kent 52 . T. Bishop 56 . G. Douglas 57. L. Thomas 58. N . Borne 59. T.Johnson 65. R . Nash 68. D . Welsh

PATTERSON CHENEY Ringwood - Dandenon th Melbourne gS 9262 6666 - 9215 2222, 9682 658 1 1/4 time

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Senior Coach : Garry Nicholson Assistant Coach : James Whitla Runner : Mick McNichotas 1 . B . Kin g 3. I. Williams 4. M . Day 5. D. Wright 6. J . Taylor 7. S . Fairbanks 8. J . WniUa 9. B . Nicholson 10 . N . Culnane 12 . P . McMahon 13 . B .Vaughan 14 . A . Qui n 15 . M . Hoyne 16 . M . Hanrahan 17 . T. McNicholas 18 . D. Kinsella 19 . P . Thomas (VC) 20 . M . Ruin 21 . P . Sherman (DVC) 22 . J . Holt (DVC) 23 . 24 . 26 . 29 .

T. Fisher Q . Groves W . Mills S . Fraser

30 . A. Easton (Capt) 33 . N.Van 36 . S . Hanrahan 40 . M . Shaw 41 . A. Blackie 49 . D. O'Reilly 53 . R. McGrath 54 . M . Pitt s 56. S . Reidy 57 . B . Ferguson 59 . A. Rowbury

GIAN Final

1/4 time

ST. LEO'S SENIORS Senior Coach: Mark Flack 1. P . Muyhy 3 . D. 4 . T. Van Den Aldser (ResC) 5 . C. Kercr y 6 . D. Dirurotantr6D (Cao) 7. J. MI.Phy 8 . T.Oa4dey 9. A Bethune 10 . P. Davidson 11 . M . Sh3d :bdc 12 . G. Rob7rson 13 . J.Panefla 14 . D. 15 . A.O' R 16 . P. McNarr a,m 17 . LShea t 8 . G. SarWrd 20. A. G8 21 . S. Ingram 22 . A. B r~ss 23 . S. Nanc.:~vis 24 . D. Kenny 26 . S. Edwards 27 . P. Bowden 28 . M . 29 . S. Darcy 30. R. ArrnstraxJ 31 . M . Coniessoito 32 . A. N'oreu 33. A. Douglass 34 . B. HereGis 36 . K. Muris 37. N. Curio 38 . P. Burke 39 . B.LVaughan 43. B. Drury 44 . F. D' ' onio 45 . S. RarxN 46. C. Ingram 47. J.OTf.earu 48. A.PFdwrn 49 . A. Hu~en 5o. M.Ottot:re 51 . A. McKenzie 52 . J. tlw 53. 54 . J. Grrnves 55 . P. Clark 56. D.Thonas 58. B. M1che1 59 . D.P h.cher 60. S. Bueld e 61 . J. Rees 62 . G. Turner 63. D. Price 64. J. Croni. 65 . M. t .irdsey 66. B. H a 67. S. Was 68. M. Fane ta 69. J. Darxivan 70. G .RaBerty 71 . A Pmsser 72 . S. Hanneberry 74 . J. Muler 76. D.Slevers 80. H. Meehan 88. S. Pilcher

1/2 time

ST. LEO'S RESERVES Senior Coach : David Miller 1 . P. Mwptrf 3. D. War 4. T. Van Dan Afher (ResC) 5. C. l Kenryarv 6. D . D'a,co .oruo (Cap1) 7. J. Murphy 8. T.Oadey 9. A Bethune 10. P.0 ' 11 . M. Siach6ck 12. G. Robinsat 13. J . Panetta 14. D. 15. A O Rs 16. P. h4.1lansva 17. L Shea 18. G. Sargent 20. A . Gil 21 . S.4ngram 23. S . Nanksms 24. D. Kenny 28. M . Charxlier 29. S . Darcy 31 . M . Cattessctfo 32. A. Ncteu 37. N. Curie 38 . P. Burke 39 . BL .Vaughan 43 . B. Dnry 44 . F. Dinioa4ar4atro 46 . C. hymn 48 . A. Pinlnm 50 . M.Ottebre 52 . J. Niel 54 . J. Graves 55 . P. Clark 56 . D.Thcrnas 58 . B. MadA 60. S. BuHr}a 61 . J Rees 62 . G . Tuner 63. D. Price 64 . J.Cmrtin 65 . M. L'e>dscy 67. S. Walsh 68. M. Gzusett2 70. G . Rafferty 71 . A. Prosser 72. S. Han~naeaay 74 J. War 76. D .Stefens 88. S. Rd-

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L .F-

Reserve Coach: M.ark Rowe 4. D. Warren 6. A . Stuart (Co-Capt) 9. G. Dunbabin (Co-Capt) 10. M . Cocco 11 . V. Romano 13 . A. Copley 14 . S.Fine 19. S. Gunn 20. M.Page 25. P. Harris 26. G. Masset 28. S . Fisher 30. D. MaruWi 31 . C. Austin 32. J . McCall 33. C. Hamilton 34. M . Ramano 36 . W . Lay 37 . J. Panjari 38 . F. Darrigo 44. J. Hubbard 46. Z. Stojcevski 47. C . Tyson 48. A.Istami 49. S. Collier 52. S. Ros s 54. L Pola 57. M . McPherson 58. D. Reshki 64 . T. Tomas 67 . D. Gunn 69 . H. Antonopoulos

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Senior Coach : Brett Davidson 1 . T. Jess 6. S . Kenny 11 . B . O'Connor 12 . S . Bethune 13 . C. Jeffrey 15 . J . Knights 17 . M. Denavi 19 . G . Whitehead 21 . C . Quinn 22. S. Flyn n 23. J . Livingstone 24. A . Whelan 28. A . Grierson 30 . C. Collive r 32 . M VanKerhoven 34 . M . Tarull i 35 . S. Livingstone 36 . D. Phela n 44 . P. Dunne 49 . C . Lamborn 51 . A. Hyland 56 . S. Doherty 59. B. Pike 60. B . McDonald 65. R. Morice

3/4 time

Senior Coach : David McCormack 2 . F . Macvean 3. R . Thompson 5. M. Fung 6. J. Dickson 9. C . Ross 10. D. Midro 12. M . White 13 . G. Patter 15 . J . Koenan 16 . B. Smillie 19 . N. Par k 21 . A Livesey-Cole 23. J. Savaris 24. M. Davie s 25. T. Habben (Capt) 26. G. McLeod 27. L McIntyre 29. P. Peterson 31 . J . Dov e 32. C. Heffernan 35. B . Peake 37. T . Lupoi 39. T . Reddaway 40 . M. While 45 . L. Lees 46 . N . Dodwell 55 . S. Taylor 56. L Harrington 61 . P. Telford 71 . M . Laing 72. R. Lawton 76. J . Scales


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YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS RESERVES Reserve Coach : Ashley Wain 1 . R. Fenton 5 . A. Drew 7 . J. Downs 8 . A. Macvean 9. C. Ross 10. D . Midro 11 . C . Reynolds 12. M. White 13. G. Potter 14. L. Trembath 16. B . Smiths 17. S . Alderson 18 . D.Langdon 19 . N. Park 20 . T . Tyshing 23. J. Savaris 24. M. Davies 26. G . McLeod 27. L. McIntyre 28. J. Macvean 30. D . Potter (Capt) 31 . J . Dov e 32. C. Heffernan 33 . D. Ireland 34 . T. Chrisfieki 36 . R. Penaluna 37 . T . Lupoi 38 . D. Ros s 39. T. Reddaway 40. M. Whit e 42. T. Crean 43. H . Park 48. & McCleary 50. J . Lyford 51 . B . Dinning 52. A. Hartnett 53 . S. Corcoran 55 . S. Taylo r 56 . L Harrington 60. D . Christian 63. T. Strong 65. S .Jonson 66. A. Biesbroek 67. A. Rowe 69. C. Box 71 . M. Laing 72 . R .Lawton 74 . A. Burt 76. J. Scales 77. A. Randall

1/2 time

AQUINAS OLD COLLEGIAN S RESERVE S Reserve Coach : Sean O'Loughlin 1 . R. Cronin 2 . G . Clifford 3. S. Edwards 5. H . Hewitt 7. G. Glennie S. S. Kelly 9. P. Phillips 10. S . Hiney 14, C. Belli 16 . H. Field 18 . J . Hughes 20 . P . Paras 24 . P. Harper 25 . D. Home 26. S. Connelly 27. S. Jone s 29. Sean O'Loughlin 31 . L Kin g 33. M. Collella 37. M . Cliffird 38. C . Tilling 39. R. Leavey 40. S . Riley 41 . M . Bouton 42 . J . McEvoy 43 . M. Casey 45 . S. Giles 46. J. Goldsm'ai 47. P. Kveitelaitis 48. A Clifford 50. P. Grierson 53, S. Robertson 54. S. Upton 55. J. Crouch 57. J . Wilson 58. A Bethune 61 . J . Langford 66. M. Wilso n 67 . P. Cruickshank 81 . D. McKellar 86, B. Barclay 99 . Simon O'Loughlin

3/4 time


t 'ruC ntAGTGi ira Fr1(1TRGi 1 FR 1QQfi


OLD CAREY SENIORS Senior Coach: John Wise Assistant Coach: John Kin g 2. C. Hickey (Capt) 3. M. Cohen 4. L Patterson 5. D. Lee 6. C. Campbell 7. A . Drever 8. P. Harris 9. M. Addison 12. M. Spencer 14. Marcus Nance 15. C. Hughes 17. C. Glindeman 18. C. Matthews 19. Mark Nance 21 . C. Socci o 23. T. Price 24. M. Yamall 26. J. McOuie 27. N . Vasilopoulos (VC) 30. S .Feehan 31 . N . Everett 33. A .Jackson 34. D. Faelis 36. H . Morrison 37. P. Bryce 38. I . Cohen 39. P. Bennet t 42. C . Popplewell (VC) 43. S . Ustick 47. M. Sarong 55. M. Curry 64. A. MacFarlane 70. T. Auldist 84. C . Withington

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CHIRNSIDE PARK SENIOR S Senior Coach: Bill Gornmers 1 . M . Pemberton 2. A . Sore 4. M . Carusi 5. B . Pedler 6. D. Trotter 7. V. Piccroli 10. M . Koopmans 12. D. Paol a 14 . S. McIntosh 15 . M. Warren 16 . M. Walker 19 . S. O'Connor 20. K. Oates 21 . S. Oates 22 . T. Milkeraitis 25 . R . Henderson 27. J. Carusi (Capt) 29. M. Harrington 31 . P. Egan 37. G. Laidlaw 50. M . Simmons 51, J . Brown 57. P . Anthony 64. M . Salomon

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Reserve Coach : Scott Macrae 4. L. Patterson 7, A. Dreve r 8. P . Harris 10. K. Shrives it. A. Cope (Co-Capt) 13. S . Jones 14. Marcus Nance 15. C. Hughes 16. M .Jones 19. Mark Nance 22. J . Hands 26. M . Yamall 28. J . McOuie 29. P . Nance 30. S .Feeha n 32. G . Neate (Co-Capt) 33 . A. Jackson 35. R. Evans 37. P . Bryce 38. I. Cohen 39. P . Bennett 40. B . Humphrey 41 . A. Gates 43. S . Ustick 44. R. McDowell 47. M . Sarong 48. M .Hosking 51 . J . Marshall 52. P . Meldrum 55. M . Curry 56. W .Serong 59. C. Mason 64. A . MacFarlane 73. S . Bracty 84. C. Withmgtan


1/4 time

CHIRNSIDE PARK RESERVES Rese rve Coach : Denis Caine 3 . G . Skein 8 . D. Caine (Coach) 11 . G . Wyngaard 17. M. ston 19. S.0' onnor 24. C . Devoy 26. P. Pope 28. K. Bass o 29. M. Harrington 30. S. Bond 31 . P. Egan 32. G . Laidlaw 33. A. Chimside 34. S. Byrne 36. D . Karp 38. G. Kimpton 39. D . Harvey 40. R . Burke 41 . G. Pilikidis 42 . D. Cowman 43 . P . Schilling 44 . D.Johnson 45 . W. Hussey 46 . D. Duck 47 . C. Smith 48 . T. Muller 49 . C. Peters 50 . M . Simmons 52 . R. Sibbing 53 . R. Davison 54 . A. Alsbury 55, G . Dalton 56. J . Mosca 57. P. Anthony 64. M. Solomon

1/2 time

WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS SENIORS Senior Coach : Alan Elliott 1 . N . Bezzant 3. A. Harry (Capt) 4 . J. Tuc k 5 . D . MacLeod 6. D . G rieve 9. G . Case 10. S. McEachran 11 . R . Kurkowski 12. W. Griffiths 13. B. Twis t 14. A . Daniel 15. C . Trew 16. C . Singleton 17. S. Bry an 18. A.Langham 20. S. Weir 21 . L Grochav ski 23. G. Herbert son 24. D . Grigg 24. J. McCutcheon 25. R . Evan s 26. D . Le e 29. M. Anderson 30. A. Cook 33. T. Cannon 34. G. Warren 36 . A.TT eges 37 . A. Bond 38 . T. Beckwith 39 . T. Carter 40 . G . Reid 41 . L Rickards 42 . M. Brammer 43 . S.Kennedy 44 . C. Fazekas 45 . B. Iscra 46 . A. Finch 47 . C. Hall 48 . K. Fowtie 49. W. Kewin 50. R. Kurkowski 51 . D. Bubnic 52. D. Didgenova 53. M . Haman 54. M . Oldham 55. M . Quick 56. G . Bois 57. D. Oldham 58. J . Dawson 59. G. Grey 60. B . Macleod 69. P . Culhane 70. G. Clark

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Fina l


OLD ESSENDON GRAMARIANS SENIOR S Senior Coach : Alex Fraser 1 . J . Panaglotopoulos 2. P . McKenzie 3. P . Luttersohmidt 6. C. Ridley 8. P. McGee 9. J . Good9er 11 . B. Papal 14 . J. Chapma n 15 . S. Bishop (Capt) 16. S. McPherson 17. P. Hexter 18 . T. Reads (DVC) 19. G . Steven 20. A. Merrington 22. M. Lukasz 23. J. Hu~es 24. S. O' nen 25. A. Leask 26. P. Leigh 27. D. Barr 30. J . McLea n 31 . A . Capodiferro (VC) 33 . S . Cramer 34 . A. Lutterschmidt 35 . D. Whitfield 36 . P . Trist 38 . M. McKerrel 39. M.Tapungao 40. W. Conlan 49. A. Hutchinson 51 . S. Greasley 60. R . Clohesy

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WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS RESERVES Reserve Coach : Tony Ryan 2 . D. Dawson 7 . D. Elliott 8 . B. Hahn 15 . D. White 18 . J. Smart 19. P. Dervan 20. D. Witham 22 . W. Payne 23. P. McNamara 24. T. Ryan 27. B. Tuc k 29. M. Anderson 31 . C . McKenzie (Capt) 35. S. Kennedy 37. A. Bond 38. T. Beckwith 39. T. Carter 41 . M . Wyatt 42. M . Brammer 43. M .Ofynn 44. N. Bond 45 . M . Quick 46 . J . Tinham 47 . M . Wilson 48 . K. Fowlie 49 . G . Reid 50 . G .Bone 51 . D. Bubnic 52 . D. Oldham 53. C. Hal l

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NORTH BRUNSWICK RESERVES Reserve Coach : P . Sacc o 2 . D . Adams 7 . J. Briffa 8 . P. Cunningham 9. J. Mille r 10. S. Webb 13. P. Marin 14. J. Hope 15. B .OBrien 16. L. Demorton 19. V . Liriosi 21 . P . Sacco 25. J . Kennedy 27. P. Randello 28 . D. Lawton 29 . J . Saunders 31 . G. Walsh 32 . J. Polemicos 33 . G . McCall 35 . P.Dousett 36. B. Evans 38 . R. Thorpe 39. M. Bradford 40. S. Hogg 41 . G . P7 42. J. Papanikotaou 43. M. Sorfte o 44. F. Marini 46. C . Cortese 48. A . Xirha 50. L. Rigazzi 53 . B . Whitman 55 . S . Salamone 57 . S . Healey 59 . C.TsavaBas 60 . P . Grey 61 . H. Kaadan 63. J. Modica 65 . R. Saunder s


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UNIBLACKS SENIOR S Senior Coach: Gany Connelly Assistant Coach: Steve Plumridge 1 . G. Darroch (DVC) 2. J . Radford 3. R. Hal l 5. B. Cunningham 6 . S. Robertson 7 . B. Livingston 8 . D . Hallam 9 . C . Pekin 10. A. Kennedy 11 . B. Smtih 12. N . Roberts 13. T. Bowles 14. M. Hallam 15. A . Koolos 16. P . Caccavielb (VC) 18. P . Weigard 20. S . Lowe 21 . J . Quilty 22. T . Lamb 23 . S. Beaton 24 . M . Fogarty 25 . N. Bowles 30 . D. Sowerby 31 . N. Carah 34. J. Cook 35 . P. Corrie 36. M. Begley 38. B. Henderson 39. P. Hanlon 40. G. Sullivan 41 . G. Whitson (Capt) 43. A . Gadd 47. S . Gullen 48. D. Morcwn 50. T.Jessen 52. M . Graham 53 . N. Simmons 58 . D. Begley 61 . C. Mitchell 69 . S. Little 71 . H. Keam 76. P. Hodgson 91 . S. Zahra

2 time

NORTH BRUNSWICK SENIORS Senior Coach: G. Burrows 1 . A. Tirchett 2 . D. Adams 3. S. Hodgson 4. P. DiMaroo 5. J. Kalpakis 6. V. Grimaldi 7. J. Briffa 8. P. Cunningham 9. J. Miller 11 . J. Boudoloh 13. P. Merin 17. A . Kyriaazis 18. V . Randello 19. V . Lirosi 20. G.Iatouf 21 . P . Sacco 22. C. Fo x 23. D. Ellis 25. J . Kennedy 26. J . Bulman 29 . J . Saunders 30 . J. Thompson 31 . G . Walsh 34 . S. Moore 36 . B. Evans 37 . B. Thorpe 38 . R . Thorpe 39. M. Bradford 43. M. Sorleto 47. D . Magnuson 48. A. Xirih a 53. B. Whitman 54. J . Tirchett 55: S . Salamone 61 . H. Kaadan

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UNIBLACKS RESERVE S Rese rve Coach : Mark Plumridge 2. J. Radford 6. S. Robertson 7. B. Livingston 8. D . Hallam 10. A. Kennedy 11 . B. Smit h 13. T. Bowles 17. H . Peycker 18. P. Wiegard 22. T. Lamb 23 . S . Beaton 24 . M . Fogarty 26 . D. Birks 27 . J . Afford 29 . A. Glass 30 . D. Sowerby 32 . M . Jones 33 . C. Brown 35 . P . Corrie 37 . J. Gadd 39. P. Hanlon 40. G . Sullivan 42. D. Ryan 43. A. Gadd 44. P. Forbes 45. J. Baum 46. E. Riccuili 47. S. Gullen 48. D . Morcom 50. T.Jessen 51 . A . Neville 52 . M . Graham 53 . N . Simmons 55 . M . Nixon 56. C. Stephens 57 . S . Dooley 58 . D. Begley 60 . S . Fraser 61 . C. Mitchell 66 . A. Midgley 71 . H. Keam 76 . P . Hodgson 91 . S. Zahra

Reserve Coach: Ian Steven s 4. A. Soteriou 6 . C. Ridley 7 . R. Cram 10 . I . Stevens 12 . J . Hearne 13 . P. Pedron 21 . L . Shaw 24. S. O'Brien 26. P. Leigh 28. D . Garvey 29. P . Chalkley 30. J . McLean 32. J . Mansfield 34. A. Lutterschmidt 35. D. Whitfiekl 37 . J . Walker 38 . M . McKerrel 39 . M .Tapungao 42 . J . Carte r 43 . G . Campbell 44 . D. Hexter 45 . P. Barry (Capt) 46. D. Novacek 47. D . Greasley 48. P. Murton 51 . S. Greasley 52. K. Gass 53. C . Fazzalari 54. B . Gas s 55. P . Dudderidge 56. G. Walsh 57 . P . Cramer 58 . A. Dawson 59 . D. Stembridge 60 . R. Cbhesy

PENINSULA SENIOR S Senior Coach: Myles Landry 1 . S . Parsons 2 . S . McMahon 3 . A. McLarinan 4 . E. Bowen 5 . A. Montorosso 6. M. Warner 7. N. Frank s 8 . P. Angus (Capt) 10. T. Trewhitt 11 . A. Landry 12. A. Campbell 14. D . Warne-Smith (VC) 15. B. Coo k 16. S. Claringbold 17. L . Barclay 18. S. Glover 19. D . Sims 20. C . Landry 22. A. Atchison 23. M. Galtuzzo 24. G. Bond 25. A . Corke 26. G. Nelson 29. D. Morgan 31 . A . Gross 32. A. Parsons 33. R. Poole 37. T. Stewart • 38. T. Boundy 40. S . Marshall 41. S . Farrow 43. A. Bonner 45. D. Scown 48 . J . Bleasby 49 . J . Whelan 53 . B. Fenwick 54 . M. Dentry 56 . P. Hellier 59 . A. Briggs 60. M. Hayes 62 . B. Wight


POWERHOUSE SENIOR S Senior Coach : Peter Olivieri 1 . A. Snellman 2. J . Hall 3 . G. Scatzo 4 . R. Devlin 6 . D. Burc h 7 . C. Richardson 8 . S. Cros s 9 . A. Morri s 10. G . McCulloch 11 . L Missaglia 14. C. Newland 15. J. Scotland 16. J. McGrath 18. F. Doyle 22. S. Cravem 24. R . Williams 25. S. Evans 26. J . Senior 27. S. Lynch W. P. Harrison 35. C . Williams 36 . A . Robinson 37 . K . Telford 38 . P . Phelan 39 . J . Gill 41 . S . Clayton 46 . S . McCardel 47 . D. Norman 66 . D. Wright 87 . T . Friend 88 . G . Scotland

PENINSULA RESERVES Rese rv e Coach : Neil Franks 1 . S. Parsons 3. A. McConvan 5 . A. Montorosso 6. M. Warne r 9. P. Krohn 12. A . Campbell 13. V . Brancatisano 17. L. Barcla y 18. S . Glover 19. D. Sims 21 . S . Baxter 23 . M . Gulluzzo 25 . A. Corke 26 . G . Nelson 27 . A. Hinds 29 . D. Morgan 30 . R. Blood 32 . A. Parsons 34 . A. O'Neill 36. N. Bowmen 37. T. Stewart 38. T. Boundy 39. S. Taylor 41 . S. Farrow 45. D . Scown 46. D . Brancatisano 48. J . Bteasby (Capt) 49. J . Whelan 52. L. Marks 53. B . Fenwick 56 . P . Hellier 59 . A . Briggs 60 . M . Hayes 62 . B . Wigh t

~,~ Carlton. 1/4 time

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SALESIAN OLD COLLEGIANS RESERVES Reserve Coach: Damian Sutherland 2. M. Castald i 6. M . Clark (VC) 7. C . D. 8 . D..9 Scotti 10, D Oliver 11 . S. Mahoney 12 . A. Gaspari 15 . f Walbridge 16. A. Chiappini 17. M. Forbes (Capt) 20. A. Seege r 21 . R . Napoli 22. M. Power 25. B. Kirchner 26. C . Clauson 27. M . Mansfield 29. M . Forbes 30. D. Lawton (VC) 31 . B . McLardy 32 . A. Stevens 34 . S. Roberts 36 . S. Nolan 37 . J. Brennan 40. M. Sutherland 41 . S. Bobetic 44. C . Hunt 45. S. Brownhill 46. S. Brawn 47. R . Mansfield 48. P . Kavanagh 49. D, Taylor 50 . M . Ward 51 . P . Bouchard 52 . T. Affsgan 53 . D. Eager 54 . S. Butler 55 . D. Seamer 56. S. Fitzgerald 57. M. Abbott 58. J. Taylor 59. M. Fothergill 60. M. Bates 61 . B. Rice 64. E . Maillard 65. L. Westaway

1/4 time


Senior Coach: Peter Turley 1 . M . Bourke (VC) 3. S . Sutherland 4. B. Bowman 5. M. Canavan (Capt) 6 . M. Clark 7. G . Gasped 8 . M. Hazel 9 . D. Scotti 11 . R. Cincotta 12 . A Gaspari 13. I . Bobetic 14 . P. McKnight 15 . T. Walbridge 16. A Chiappini 17. M. Forbes 18. S. Sinclair 19. A Healey 20. A Seeger 21 . R. Napol i 23. C. Roche (VC) 24. A Grace 26. C. Clauson 27. M . Mansfield 28. M . Byrne 31 . B. MoLardy 32 . A Stevens 33 . M. Wiseman 35 . T. Browne 37 . J. Brennan 39 . B. Quinn 41 . S. BobetFc 42 . A. Browne 46, S. Brown 48. P.Kavanagh 50. B. Rice 56. S. Fitzgerald 57. M . Abbott 59. M . Fothergill

1/2 time


3/4 time

ST. PATRICK'S MENTONE ST. PATRICK'S MENTONE RESERVE S SENIOR S Senior Coach : Bre tt Sebire 1 . D. Fenech 2. M . Cosgrove 3 . D. Hughes 5 . O . Hiqebrand (VC) 7 . K. Gurtler (Capt) 8 . D . Perrin (DVC) 10. B. Sebire (Coach) 12. M. Davis 13. A. Gangi 15. M . Sullivan 16. J . McCarthy 17. C. Sullivan 18. T . Sullivan 19 . D. Prosser 20 . C. Groves 21 . D . Batey 22 . P. Murphy 23. M. Sullivan 24. A . Cousins 25. B . Bums 27. M. Wise 28. M . O'Brien 35. M . Grant 36 . C. Stephens 37 . T. White 38 . S. Perazzo 40. D. Nicole 43. M. Barr 49. T. Evans 51 . M. Holloway 59. C . Donegan 60. M . Cenitelli 61 . S . Flannery 63 . D. Barr 67 . G . Capuano


1/4 time

Reserve Coach : Peter Lewis 3. D . Hughes 4. P. Lewis (Coach) 6. T. Davis 9. P. Emmett 10 . C . Nichols 11 . P . Fatouris 13 . A . Gangi 14 . T. Allinson 15 . D. Emmett 16. J . McCarthy 19. D. Prosser 20. C. Groves 21 . D . Batey 24. A. Cousins 25. B. Bums 27. M . Wise 28. M . O'Brien (Capt) 29. S . Hawker 30. N. Freese 31 . A. Walsh 33, D. Andrew (VC) 35 . P. Hutchinson 37 . T. White 38 . S. Perazzo 42 . C . Brown 43. M . Barr 46. M . Grogan 47. M . O'Donoghue 48. M . Walsh 50. A.Ladds 51 . M . Holloway 53 . D. Noonan (DVC) 54 . D. Murphy 57 . P. Coombs 58 . J. Noonan 59. C . Donegan 60. M . Cerritelli 62. B. Piper 66. C . Marla 67. G .Capuano 69. D. Horler 71 . P . Murph y

1/2 time

POWERHOUSE RESERVES Reserve Coach : Craig Richardson 1 . A Snellman 3 . G . Scalzo 5 . M. Brani 8 . S. Cross 12 . M. Maddox 13. N. Trompf 14. C . Newland 16. J. McGrath 17. C . McLeod 19. J. Evans 24. R. Williams 26. J . Senior 27. S . Lynch 28. J . Tucker 31 . M. Ormsby 32 . B. Wilson 33 . W. Elliot 37 . K. Telford 39 . N . Pavlou 40. G . Arnold 44. M. Hobert 45. M . Bourke 47. D. Norman 48. D. Phelan 49. B . McKenzie 50. A. Staindl 52. A. Miller 53. A. Kerr 54 . J . Bowfield 59 . J. Harris 60 . M. Engler 63. L . Taylor 66. D . Wright 88. G. Scotlan d

3/4 time





Coach : Pat Hawkin s 1 . M . Jones (VC) 2 . T. Fleming 3 . J . Kay 4 . B. Hilbert 5 . J . McDonald 6. L Nisbet 9. J. Dyer 10. D. Boland 11 . T.Bowden 12. S. Tucke r 13. W. Somerville 14. M.Innes 15. L Ford 16. S . Hede 17. P . Adami 18. R. Ryan 20. J . Daniher 21 . N.Ockleshaw 22. T. Winte r 23. B . Perry 24. P . Shannon 25 . J . Hardwick 26 . J . McCormack 28 . M. Chamberlin 29 . T. Coughlan 30 . N. Ireland 33 . P. Walsh 35 . N . Barrett 37. J. Drake 39. J. Hawkins 42. A. tacovangelo 43. T. Woodruff (Capt) 45. A . Hei l 49. D. Donat i

Coach: Steve Carol] 1 . C. Beftrame 2 . S. Brocklery, 3 . J. Cam m 4 . R. Clark 5 . D. Demaj 6 . J. Eastaugh 7. P. Fairbank 8 . B. Faull 9. B. Fricer 10. M. Halligan 11 . G . Hanlon 12. D . Harris 13. T. Hart 14. T.Johnson 15. D . Keity 16. D . Keys IT S . Kuc 18. E . Linsday 19. J. Mahoney 20. J . McIntosh 21 . L. Morison 22. H . Nailon 23. J . Nas h 24. T. Roydhouse 25. C. Ryan 26. C. Schilling 27. D. Strack 28. J . Sturroch 29 . R. Versteegen 30 . J . Watts 31 . S. Wnitead 32 . T . Wilcox

114 time

1/2 time



3/4 time

Coach: Terry Rusel t Assistant: Greg McHenry Team Manager : Mark Kemp 1 . C. Troja 2. L. Borella 3. M . Ellis 4. K . Harper 5 . D.M. Mercuri 6 . A. Johnstone 7 . M . Harbour 8 . S . Clohesey 9 . S . Thomas 10 . S. Laska 11 . D. King 12 . M . Butler (Capt) 13 . J. Healy 14 . P. Srarfo 15 . S. Fernando 16 . B. Corin 17 . A. Moore (VC) 18 . B. Beth eras 19. B. Lee 20. C. Browne 21, G . Larkins 22 . T. Nolan 23. T. Shields (VC) 24. D. Lamb e 25 . T. Messer 26. R. Chappie 27, D. Hyland 28. S. Hyland 29. S. Kemp 30. A. Leaning 31 . C . Wilson 32. L Nelson 33. P. Femon 34. P. Aron 61 . J. Vincent 66. A. Flowerda y


1/4 time


Coach : Mark Zuker Assistant : Paul Neuchew 1 . E . Sedg4ey 2. J . Berr y 3. F. Purceii 4. S . Murray (DVC) 5. A . Waddell (DVC) 6. D. Hokne 7. A . Bains 8. J . Chariton 9. R. Cooper 10. T. Stevenson 11 . T. Cloke (Capt) 12 . J . Carroll 13 . J . Law 14 . H. Webb 15 . S. Parikh 17 . J. Miller 18 . K. Rutherford 19 . W . Deague 20. S. Dixon 21 . R . Tandy 22 . C . Jenkins 23. A. Cooch 24. C . Banks 25 . B . Sewell 26. C . Sibree 27. A. Clark 32. J. Wright (VC )

1/2 time


Coach : Owen Hourigan Assistant Coach : Justin O'Connor 1 . G. Larg e 2. M .-Carguano 3. S . Kuring 4. M . Rizza (Capt) 5. J . Pickering 6. B . Quirk 7. S . Ries 8. D. McArdle 9. J . O'Brien 10. A . Livy 11 . J . Hassett 12. C. Haddad 13. A. Pivetta (VC) 14. P . Greenham 15. M . Field 16 . M . Pangrazio 17. J . Bow~r 18 . R. Simkiss 19 . M . Davoren 21 . B . Marusic 22 . B . Delahay 23 . A. McKaige 24 . J . Goldsworthy 25 . M . Funston 26 . B . Day 27 . J . Finch 29 . C. Baker 31 . R. Doherty 38 . J . Todd 41 . S. Radford 49 . A. DeKretser

3!4 time





OLD CAMBERWELL GRAMMARIAN S Coach : Andrew Tsindos 2. T . Molloy 3 . M . Kordic 4 . T. Webb 5 . N. Board 6 . R. Watson 7 . R. Whitehead (Capt) 8 . T. Denova n 9. B. Smith 10. M. Richmond 11 . C . William s 12. A. Paterson (VC) 13. S. Hancock (VC) 14. N . Sims (VC) 16. M . Cook 18. W. Hayes 20. R . Scott 21 . T. Hardman (VC) 22. J . Miles 24. C. Mills 25. J . Heffernan 26 . A . Seeley 28 . W . Taylor 29 . S . Pickles 30 . A. Manuel 31 . J. Clyne 32 . J. Herdmann 34. A. Campbell 41 . A. Gleevoy 42 . J. McGil p



Reserve Coach: Damian Carroll 1 . J. Mage e 2. S . Whit e 3. K . McCormick-Brennan 4. A . Leddin 5. R. McArthur 6. S . Smith 7. S . Dohler 8. N. Wilson 9. C. Franklin 10. J . Butterfield (Capt) 11 . Z . Gellie (DVC) 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 .

T . Gargon N. Howell M. Raffaele B. Murphy C. Ross R. Gaza [

18 . B. Henderson 19 . J. Ward (VC) 20. T. Belleville 21 . P. Oswald 22 . M. Staunton 23. B. Nev1h 24. T. Kitchen 25. M. Atkin 26. O. Furness 27. B. Gilbertson 28. T. Holmes 29. S. Jones 30. M . Buckis 31 . T. Warburton 32. A . Robinson 33. A . Mahe r

Coach : Harry Harisiou 1 . J . Hopkins 2 . C. Williams 3. B. Kinnear 4. K. Convery 5. A. Rossimel 6. A. Karafil i 7. S. Attardi 8. B. Woodlock 9. A . Heard 10 . A . Fogarty 11 . S . Yi n 12 . A. Camilleri 13 . S . Hartrick 14. S. Playfai r 15. K. Harte (Capt) 16. T. Wason 17. L. Sheean 18. H . Beale 19. T. Benton 20 . P . James 21 . M . Peters (VC) 22 . P . Harmon 23 . P . Witchel l 24 . L. O'Connell 25 . S. Walter 26. J . Anderson 27. B. Anderson 28, A. Jackson 29. S. Taylor 30. N . Hayme s



Coach : Kevin King 1 . B.Johnso n 2. J . LeGrand (Capt) 3. B. Joseph 4. S . GarbelUni 5. P . Ega n 6 . M . Riley 7 . S . Paolucci (VC) 8 . A. Knott 9 . B. Clifford 10. J. Sykes 11 . G . Janetski 12. M. Rousch 13. A. Meadows 14. G . Young 16. L Evans 17. A, Quinn 18. V. LaScata 19. A . McDowell 21 . P . McCulk>ch 22. T. Bailey 23 . D. Ciancio 24 . D. Ward 25 . J . Dunne 27 . W . OcchuRo (VC) 28 . A. Moore 31 . P. Hemmerich 34. D. Bordignon 35. B. Hal l 37. R . Hawkins 49. A. Smyth 53. D . Kelly 58. G. Jones 63. N . Meehan 69. P .Fay 77. C. Wood


Coach: Leigh Bowes Assistant Coach: Sam Williams 1 . S. Gadsden 3. A. Birc h 11 . D . Paterson (Capt) 12. A. Alderton 15. F. Carr 20. A . McNamee 24. W. Clarke 41 . J . Murchie 43 . L. Marget 44 . A. Brown (VC) 45 . C. Rogers 46 . A. Price 47 . P. Williams 48 . C . McGuigan 49 . M. Raj u 50. N . Buliin 51 . D . Strachan 52. M. Balmer 53. A . Remfry 54. X .Johnson 55. M . Dennis 56 . S . Toms 57. A. Liptrot 58 . D. Watson 59 . C.McPherson 60 . D. Crewdson 61 . D. Catman 62 . A. Lewis (DVC) 63 . B. Wilso n 64. R . Martin 65. R . Kent 66. B. Pamham 67. D . Taylor 68. M.Jacksan 69. J . Stewart 70. B . Medley 71 . G. Rhodes 72 . L. Seller 73 . N. Remfry 74 . B. Logan 75 . S. Alderson 76 . A. Chapponel


1/4 tim e


1/2 time

3/4 tim e


1/4 time

1/2 time

3/4 time






Coach : Peter McBrearty Runner: Dylan Aimers I . N. McLean 2 . B .Thomas 3. M . Pitts (VC) 4. J . Wadham 5. R. Thatcher (Capt) 6. C. Kent 7. D. Whitaker 8. M. O'Brien 9. B. Nicholson 10. G . Moloney it . S. Blackie 12. M. McLeod 13. N . King 14. A. Quin 15. L Stevens 16. P. Fisher (VC) 17. S. Mclve r 18. N . Boctor 19. R. Thornton 20. T. Cotter 21 . A . Thomas 22. N. John 23. B . Ferguson 24. C. Cezaw 25. H. Dwyer 26 . B. Carroll (Capt) 27 . J . Vance 28 . J . McKenzie 29 . S. Fraser 30. R. Corfield 31 . M. Matulick 41 . R . Van Den Blink 47. T. McAlpin e 51 . R . Shelorake 53. R . McGrath

1/4 time

1/2 time

Coach: Andrew Baxter 1 . S. Walden NC) 2. B. Lay (Cap!) 3' B. Malin 4. M. Thiele 5. B. Clarke 6. D . Reid 7. P . Langford -Jones 8 . F. Capomolla 9 . D. Deitz 10. D. Ladd 11 . L. Byms 12 . D. Wardern 13. M. Troffer 14. C . Home 15. J. Hunter 16. B. Langford-Jones 17. M . Scarfe 18 . C. Wiltshire 19 . A Floyd 20 . C. Jimmison 21 . B . Waters 22 . A. Simms 23. S. Mackay 24. C. Pountney 27. B. Carson 28. T. Sutton 29. A. Dunphy 31 . D . Fossey (DVC) 33. R . George (DVC) 37. S . O'Grady 38. C. Ettsathiou 39. P . Corrigan 45 . N. Hill 53 . D. Mason 59 . J . Amitrano

3/4 time



Coach: Peter Schiller 1 . L Murphy (Capt) 2. S. Collins (VC) 3 . D. Bedford 4 . D. Cochrane 6 . A. White 7 . C. Anson 8 . A. Oppy 9 . J. Woods 10. N. Harris 11 . N . Saf i 12 . R . Spencer 15. A. Guerra 16. A. Costello 17. K. Lewis 18. C . Angus 19. S. Wilson 20. S . Detarczynski (VC) 21 . N . Beale 22. C. Battle 23. S . Pratt 25. F. D'Anna 27. J . Mai 28. R.Oppy 30. M . Hutchens 32. P . Maniotis 33. Q. Smyth 37. L Small 39 . S. Vital i 44 . G. Hendrick s


1/4 time


Senior Coach : 1 . J. Treyvau d 2. M. Vandenboom 3. D . Fedel e 4. S. Gee 5. L Eames 6. M.Jongebked 7. M. Winterbum 8. A Lace y 9. S. Gillen 10. A. Davis 11 . D . Nolan 12. D . Eames 13. T. Hughes 14. A. Beattie 1 5. R . Pawlidc 16. R . Tartaglia 17. A. Glenn 18, C . O'Connor 19. A. Shepherd 20. A Pawlidc 21 . R . Fede4e 22. S. Davis 23. D . Griffin 24. R . Mika 25. D . Reid 26. M. Smith 27. B. Micallef 28. P. Molloy 29. B. Crough 30. M . Duffy 31 . D. Levi 32. A . Tartaglia 33. M . Tudo r

1/2 time

OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIANS Coach: Steve Aird 1 . M. Gwunn 2 . M. Stevens 3. A. Teasdale (Capt) 4. P. Shee r 5. A. WalCom 6. T. Gray 7. A . Littlejoh n 8. S . Milliken (VC) 9. T. Costello 10. C . Woods 11 . W.Junkeer 13. R. Silverwood 14. P . Davis 15 . J . Snow 16 . S . Gilchrist 17 . C. Bird 18 . D. Ireland 19. S. Panton 20. C. Trndale 23. O. Crane 28. R . Eagle 29. L . Andrews 34. N . Thompson 36. S. Romensky 44. D . Thomas 45. M . Ford 47. N . Morri s

3/4 time

Fina l


coach' Peter Randell 2W~ on 3 . t crosbv. R. Badan}~


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Cur-. : ax- _' V~ Seniors : All registered players with a permit . Seniors/Reserves : If both teams are playing reserve player must have played at least 2 matches of senior or reserve section football, also be registered and hold a permit . Under 19: Must be registered and hold a permit . If player has played an aggregate of more than 5 senior and reserve matches he must have played more than 5 under 19 matches during the season . If less than 6 senior/reserve games player must only be registered and hold a permit - no other games played requirement . * If player is ineligible due to having played more than 5 senior and reserve matches and does not gain selection in his club's senior team in the first second round match, he is then eligible to play in any subsequent under 19 final . Reserves : Must be registered and hold a

permit . Must have played 2 reserve matches and not more than 10 senior matches during the season. Club I sections: Must have played in at least 4 Club XVIII matches and not played in more than a total of 8 senior and reserve matches during the season . Other players who hold a current VAP'A permit . AFL and I, List Players : Must play during on the first weekend after June 30th with VAFA club . Must remain "equal" or in "credit" (VAFA games played after June 30th . Must play at least 3 VAFA senior matches after June 30th . AFL Supp . List Players : Must play 3 senior VAFA matches before the finals . VSFL Under IS Competition : Must elect immediately after round 16 where he wishes to play the remainder of season only . No number of qualification games required .


Mon to Wed Friday (a .m.) Saturday (a .m.) Sat. (evening)

: 1996 Finals Information : Umpire appointments : Weekend game locations : Final siren score s I

CHART E RED ACCOUNTANT S Ground Floor, 77 Station Street, Malvern 3144 Victoria Australia Telephone : ( 03) 9500 05 1 1 Facsimile : (03) 9509 237 9 THE AMATFUa POnTRAI i Go ,oo.

SOUTH TI Lay Damien Batey

ith the home and away season now behind us, the agenda has been set for the most fascinating finals series in recent history . The four competing sides; Powerhouse, Peninsula, Salesi an s an d St Pats are so evenly matched that the premiership could be won by any one of them . The two games to be played this weekend match sides of such equal ability, that the results could go either way . REVIEW ROUND 18 Powerhouse met with a revitalised M onash Gryphons side last week, who were determined to make the most of their last outing for 1996 . In a high scoring match, the Gryphons booted 16 goals, a considerable effo rt for a losing side . An eight goal victory for Powerhouse however, was the final result . The Gryphs fi nish their season in seventh spot, a considerable improvement on last year, when they finished last. Powerhouse will meet with Peninsula in the second semi final on Saturday, in what should be a fan tastic battle . Powerhouse have not played a side in the four since round 13 and may need a hit out against quality opposition to regain their best form . Glenhuntly put Monash Whites out of their season misery, by inflicting the final loss upon the Whites to be recorded this year . In what must be a trying time for Monash, they have completed yet another season that has been marred by failure . Glenhuntly similarly have had a poor season, but have man aged two out of their three wins by playing Whites this year . If E grade football undergoes another facelift before next season, it is hard to foresee what the future will hold for Monash Whites . Salesians enjoyed a comfortable ten goal win over Elsternwick, as their finals preparations for their match in the first semi final on Sunday . A humble eight spot is the best the Wicks could produce this year, in a season where they struggled to build on their potential . Salesi ans will be p ri med for the clash with the Vultures an d will be hoping to try and show better form against St Pats who have toppled them twice this year . St Patricks looked comfo rtable last week, cruising to an 11 goal victory over ANZ Albert Park. The Zedders were disappointing in their final game for the year, capitulating to the Vultures despite starting the game off s trongly. After kicking the first three goals of the match, ANZ had little effect upon the rest of the match. Late in the first term, St Pats steadied and evened the ledger . Soon the Vultures were winning more possessions in the centre and were starting to deliver the ball more decisively to their forwards . In the second half, St Pats ran away with the game whilst ANZ failed to convert their endeavours into scoreboard pressure . High Flying little man Mark Davies was best afield for St Pats and impressed Vulture fans his trademark arrog an ce, whilst Tim

Sullivan played yet another reliable game in defence . For th e Zedders Gran t "Chaffy" Saunders at half back, Gary Walkley on a wing and Darren McLellan were shining lights on a dismal day . Peninsula secured their minor premiership but only very nearly did they dispose of Oakleigh to do so . In a miraculous return to form, the Krushers got to within 30 points of the number one side . In a low scoring match played in steady rain and howling wind, the Pirates held off Oakleigh by three goals . Peninsula found the contest to be surprisingly tough game against Oakleigh who have bowed out of this years finals . Adam Landry, Tory Trewhitt and Eiv Bowen formed the ever familiar nucleus of Peninsulas best players . Another highlight of the game was Drew Warne-Smith's 100th goal, as the spearhead helped his side to another win . PREVIEW 2nd SEMI FINAL

After their heart stopping draw in their last meeting, Peninsula and Powerhouse return to battle for a grand final berth. The Pirates had a tough match last week when they took on Oakleigh and looked anything but convincing . Powerhouse should be more highly favoured contender for a grand final berth . PREVIEW lst SEMI FINAL St Pats meet with old foe Salesians in another epic contest on Sunday. the Vultures will have the mental advantage of having won the first two contests this year and should escape with another win .



uOttS POWERHOU - 1 5 .4 10.8 19.13 24 .17 .161 MOttA ::.: GktPHONS 4 .3 8.6 12.6 16 .7 .103 powerhouse Phelan 6, Birch, Robinson, Craven 4. Richardson 3, Friend 2, Gill . Best Phelan, Wright Friend. Half, hiissaglia Birch . Mcassh C~Sphoas Salay. Gilchrist 3. Fraser. Stratford 2, 0'Doherty. Tnghill. Kitchin, Harrack, Adams, Lowcock . Beat 14ells, Roach . Grady. Toghil(, Healy, Kitchin . 0'Doherty. GLF21HUNI7.Y 8 .6 10.9 13.12 16 .15 .111 MONASH WHITES 1 .0 7.6 7.9 9.13 .67 Cdenhunt}' Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Moaash Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . ELSTERNWtCB 3 .0 4.0 5 .4 7.5.47 SAI&S1AN OO 6 .4 13.10 14.12 17.15 .117 Fdsternwiek Clement 3 . Andrew 2 . McKenzie 1 . Best Clement, Murphy. Mahony . Bravington, Neill. Bourke . Saleslan Healey 4, HazetL Sco[ti 3. Kavanagh. Stevens. Bobetic, Mcl.azdy. Ahbott. Browne, McKnight. Best Bobetic, Healey . Stevens. Browne, Gaspari . Scotti . QAHLEIGH APC 4 .1 4.3 5 .4 5.4.34 PEN[MSULAOB 2 .2 4.4 6 .7 7.10 .52 Oakle3~h AFC Marshall 2. Bloomfield, Heverin . Kitts . Best Maddocks. Ferguson, Taylor, iII. htalapanis, Altxartdrou. Peninsula OB Warne-Smith 3 . Franks . Bowen, Poole, Landry. Best Landry. Tre.vhitt Bowen, Atchison. Landry C . Franks, ST PATRICKS MENTOhE 3 .5 8 .7 13.13 17.18 .118 ANZALBERTPARK 5 .3 5 .4 5 .6 6.8 .44 St. Pats Mentone Sullhan 4. Evans 3. Davies. Guctler, Fenech 2, Hughes. D. Barr. M . Barr. Capuano. Best Daties. Stephens . T. Sullivan, Gurtler. Perrin, C. Sullivan. ANZ Albert Park Lawrence 4. Guicas, Malone. Best Saunders, Walkley. McLellan, Phdtups . Rutherford. Wills,

1BT Si _i - :iItlL - SUNDAY, AUGUST 25 SALESIAN v. ST PAi ;'3CKS LONE Mordialloc - 2 p .m .

Field:- C. Keeton, D . Kramer ; Boundary : J . McGuaran; C. Steven ; GoctL• W . Fowler, R. Richards Reserves -

ST PATRICKS MENTONE v. POWERHOUSE Mordiall oc - 11 .30 a.m . Field: B. Allen, B. Bain ; Boundary : A. Scherini, D. Bain ; GoaL• D. Murray, M . Lentini. 2ND SEN[I FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 PENINSULA OB v. POWERHOUSE Mordialloc - 2 p .m . P'ield: G. Waldron, P. Griffiths, Boundary: D . Harris, B. Stewart; GoaL• D . Murray, A. Bishop . Reserves PENINSULA OB v. SALESIAN OC Mordialloc - 11 .30 a.m . Field: R. Martin, A. Price ; Boundary: M . Argall, G. Sandarkamar; Goat B . Seymour, J . Slater.

RESERVES POWERHOUSE 1.1 8 .6 12.11 . 13.14.92 MONASH GRYPHONS 0.5 0 .5 1 .5 1.6.12 Powerhouse Pavlou 9 . Maddox 2, Senior . Engler. Best Telford. Pavlou . Engler. Williams, Miller. Tromph. Monash Gryphona Martin. Best Freeman, Elan, Lawrence. Harris. Leefnn. G1Eh`HUIiTLY 0.7 6 .13 8.15 11.19.85 MONASH WHITES 2 .2 2 .2 2 .8 4.9 .33 Glenbuntly Goal Kickers and Best Players not received . Monash Whites Goal Kickers and Best Players not received. ELSTERRWICB 2.4 2 .4 4 .8 4.9.33 SALESIAN OC 1.0 5 .11 5.16 11.21.87 Elsternwick Mahony 2, Heath . Best Grandemange, Nunn . Baxter, Mahony, Diangregorio.ltiatarillis . Saleslan Hunt, Fothergill, AOigan 2 . Forbes . Forbes. Best Forbes. Hunt. FoOiergill, Taylor. Forbes . oAffi.EIGHAPC 0.0 3 .2 3 .2 43 .27 PENINSULA Do 2.2 4 3 7 .9 7.12.54 Oakleigh Ayres 3. Donadel . Best Stapleton . Ayres . Monaghan . Grinter, Holly, Andonopoubs . Peninsula OB Marks 3 . Whelan 2. Bleasby. Hellier. Beat Mcl .orinai. Briggs, Hayes . Fenwick. Watts . Fanvw. ST PATRICKS MENTONE 5 .2 8 .4 11 .8 11.12.78 AxZ ALBERT PARK 0.2 2 .8 2.10 5.12.42 St . Pats Mentone Davis 6. Hawker, Nicholls 2 . Allinson. Best Coombs, McCarthy, Batty, Davis. Horler, Allinson. APZ Albert Park DeFrece, Oeuston. Pastras, Lovett, Cox . Best Heuston, Heyes . Pastras. Redpath, Haggar. Curttwvs.

LATE SCORES : Reserves (Due: 9531 8333 by 3 p.m.) ALL CLEA R Seniors/Under 19s (Due 952 8 3319 by 5 p .m .) Parkside (Seniors) : Old Xaverians (Ui9); Therry (U19) Phoned incorrect scores (fr om 3/8/96 )

St Bernards (Res .) ; St Kevins (Res .) ; West Brunswick (Res .) . Fines imposed (according to offending team's section). First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; each further offence ($50) .

; 1-FIEL EFICI L S If shorts are worn they must be white club shorts only . If tracksuit pants, they must be na blue only . If a whole green tracksuit has been purchased complete VAFA green suit can be wom .

increase as clubs continue to reoffend . The Executive has decided to impose a"one-off"fine of $250 for a fourth offence by a team of a club .


11 1


lthough the weather was not as salubrious as it 116 could have been, a crowd witnessed two high standard matches, well worthy of Grand Final day . The results were pleasing to me as for the second week in a row I picked the card . R1.VIEW OF GRAND FINALS NORTH

This Grand Final opened slowly with only three scoring shots in the first quarter . The honours for the quarter lay with St Bernards, who held M arcellin to only one goal despite the "Eagles" having the assistance of the prevailing breeze . The second quarter saw St Bernards sweep forward to goal in the first minute . This was to be their only major until the fifteenth minute . In the intervening time St Bernards attacked repeatedly but couldn't scores goals . Marcellin made a rare trip forward for a major score which was their team's total for the quarter . With their two goals late in the quarter St Bernards held a comfortable lead of fourteen points at half time . Really only their marked inaccuracy prevented St Bernards holding a big half time lead . The third quarter developed as one of backline supremacy as only one minor score was added by each team in the first twelve minutes . Rain then added to the player difficulties as Marcellin seemed to lose a metre in pace and allowed St Bernards to sweep the loose ball forward for the only goal of the quarter shortly before the three quarter time . At the last change St Bernards held a nineteen point lead which caused Brian Moon to urge his players forward to premiership honours . Player tiredness seemed evident in the last quarter before St Bernard's forwards hit the post twice and Captain Andrew Vinnecomb snapped truly from forty metres . It was Marcellin's turn to attack as they surged forward for two consecutive behinds . "Eagles" Coach Andrew Kennedy like a cavalry horse of yore, darted into the fray and immediately initiated a fonvard move at the twelve minute mark . The result minor score was to be the last of the game by Marcellin . Rain was now falling again to compound the "Eagles" -woes as their field kicking lost all penetration . The final minutes belonged to St Bemards as first Vinnecomb marked and goaled from forty metres out ; then Arthurson snapped a goal . The denouement belonged to the man of the moment, St Bernards Coach Brian Moon, who after diving to mark the slippery ball, kicked accurately from the intersection of the boundary and fifty metre lines to put the result beyond doubt. Indeed the inspirational leadership of Coach Moon led to whispers of a palace coup at Beryl Street, with Zantuck out and Moon in . Over to you, today Shane! The game ended with St Bernards becoming premiers by forty two points . Coach Moon extended thanks and congratulations to

his charges and com- ~ miserated with Marcellin, who had proven worthy opponents . Best players for the premiers included ; Captain Andrew Vinnecomb, Paddy H ayes, Greig Wood an d Glen Farrugia . From the Marcellin viewpoint disappointed Coach Andrew K ennedy extended congratulations to St Bernard s who through superior ball handling and disposal clearly outplayed Marcellin, who nevertheless were the big improvers of season 1996, for Marcellin David O'Neill, Aron Merton, Cam Pitt and Chri s Payne played well . UMPIRRS: Tony Robins and George Pollard . SOUTH The game opened at a fast rate with Old Xaverlans the first to score. Old Scotch then scored the first goal through Davide Bini, who kicked the loose ball off the ground . Scotch continued to defend grimly before Patrick Hall , received a free kick, with which he scored Old Xaverian's first goal . The rest of the quarter belonged to Old Scotch for whom McLeish goalled from a long way out . Coach Simon IllingworCh followed suit two minutes later from a similar position . D . Bingley, the recipient of an "off the ball" free, kicked truly from fifty metres . Usually, the ball was not bounced between those Old Scotch goals . At the end of the first quarter Old Scotch were looking good as they held a lead of seventeen points . At the break Simon I ll ingworth reminded his players, "Everyone has a task" . The players retained this reminder for a lot of the second quarter as Old Xaverians surged fonvard but couldn't kick truly . At the seventeen minute mark Michael K inna scored the only goal of the quarter when his long shot rolled through for Old Xaverians who thus trailed Old Scotch by ten points at half time . The "Crocodiles" quickly went forward in the third quarter . Hall goaled within the first minute . Despite playing with seventeen men, Old Xaverians goaled again at the eight minute mark through John Flynn . By three quarter time the Old Xaverians had edged to a three point lead . The weather was fine again as the last quarter commenced . Again the defences prevailed and neither side was able to score for the first seven minutes . John Flynn finally broke through for Old Xaverians when his long snap rolled through for a goal . Over the next seven minutes each side added minor scores before Stones goaled for Old Xaverians after he received a pass from "Jimmy" Durand whose play and endeavour really lifted under last quarter pressure . After Hall sent Old Xaverians forward again Captain Michael Kinna soccered a goal despite staunch opposition . With time running out and his n . .~TCi,n cf\llT

- 1 i

CO 16Q


side staring at defeat Old Scotch Coach Simon Illingworth kicked their first goal in almost three quarters when he received a free kick and a twenty five metre penalty . Not to be denied Old Xaverians attacked again and saw Patrick Hall mark spectacularly and then goal for the third time . The siren sounded shortly afterwards, to signal another premiership to Old Xaverians ; this time by twenty one points . Their best players included the steady an d



dependable defender M ichael Meehan, David King, forwards Michael Callopy and Patrick Hall . For Old Scotch ruckman Paul Williamson, forward Simon Illingwortla and defender Scott M ongomery were best. I now lay down my pen after my eleventh season of writing . Thanks to my army of readers without whom writers would not be needed . I hope the Editor will see the need for my column in April 1997 .

1.1 2 .1 2 .3 2.6.18 0.1 s.s 4.10 8.12.80 ford, Kennedy. But Fitt Payne. Cuny, DiMafina mbe 2, Creak, Day. Fa(rugla. Walkingston. Moon. Former. Best Comitio. Moodys. Barns. Castle. 6latkov. Moon ,



OLD XAVERIANS 1.2 2 .4 4 .5 8.7.55 OLD SCOTCH 4.1 4 .1 4 .2 5.4.34 Old Eaeerlans Goal Kickers and Best Players not receil•ed . Old Scotch Illingworth 2. Bini, McLeish. Bingley. Best Montgomery, Langley, Williamson. Hooper. Aston.





PH/FAX 9706 7739 MOBILE 01 8 357 763 TOLL FREE 1800 134 886


Hugh Lyon

U19 SECTIONS by Brett Connel l

Knitwear THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS, WITH ONLY (16) T LEFT, AFTER TODAY IT WILL ONLY BE (9) Review of Round 1 8 matches Division On e Old Xaverians put paid to any thoughts Old Paradians had of sneaking into 4th position last week with a solid (4) 1/4 performance at Victoria Park . Although the OP's pushed the Xavs for the first 1/2 an (8) goal to (3) second 1/2 told the tale . Woodruff, Shannon, Coughlan and Dyer were again prominent for the Xavs, with Ryan, Hildebrand and B . Lynch best for the OP's . Therry hosted St. Be rn ards at Glenroy and found themselves (4) majors down at 1/2 time . However in the second 1/2 it was a re-vitalised Therry who booted (6) second 1/2 goals to (4) to fail by only (8) points of pulling off a miraculous win . Old Melburnians had a perfect run into the finals by clearly pressuring Uri . Blues all day to go down by (2) goals at the finish . In fact the OM's had more shots at goal than the Blues, but were unable to capitalise on their opportunities . For the OM's Clark, Morell and Hoime were best with Versteegan, Ryan and Strack prime movers in keeping the Blues winning sequence in tact. De La Salle warmed up to their first - semi clash this week with a comfortable victory over North Old Boys at the Gillon Oval . Leading by (4) goals at 1/2 time De La extended this gap to 10+ goals by the finish . For NOBS none were better than Evans, Lyons and Thomson, while Corin, Butler and Hyland were always in the thick of the action for De La . Collegians gathered their 3rd win for the season against neighbours AJAX at the new Harry Trott . Leading all day the Lions finished too strongly for the Jackas whose better players included Segal, Mohr and Page . Division (2) Whit e St. Leos WP Emmaus reversed the result of the last time they met Warringal an d in defeating the Redbacks relegated them to 4th position. In a close match all day the Two Blues pressured the Redbacks consistently and in doing so gave coach Harry Harisiou plenty of think about before today's first semi - final. Newey, Cashew and Simondson were best for the Two Blues, as to were Wason, Taylor an d Convery for the Redbacks. Uni. Blacks found themselves back in the four last week at 5 .00pm courtesy of a fine win against 2nd placed Old Camberwell at the Crawford Oval . A excellent first 1/2 set up the win, and not even a flying last 1/2 by the `Wellers could save them from dropping this one so close to the finals . Frankli n, McArthur and White were terrific all day for the Blacks with Gellie chipping in with (5) majors . For the'Wellers none tried harder than Webb, Scott and Kordic. Old Geelong evened up their win/loss ratio for the season at De La Salle (2)'s expense . Never troubled after a (6) goal to (2) first 1/4 the OG's ran out the game strongly to win by over (8) goals . O'Brien, Barnett and Bostock excellent players for the OG's . In a do-or-die match for Williamstown against ladder leaders St . Kevins the CY's threw everything at the SKOBS in what was a great game of U19 football . However it was a steadier SKOBS who had much more of the play in the last 1/4 to win a close one, and leave the CY's wondering what could have been . Quirk, Reid and Tod where the best SKOBS on the day . Bulleen38

Templt,zowe had the bye . Division (2) Blue. Beaumaris sounde d a warning to the other three sides in the four with a demolition job of Ormond at Banksia Reserve . (13) goals to (2) at 1/2 time told the story as the Sharks pleased themselves what they did after that, with McGrath, Boctor and O'Brien in damaging form . For the 'Monds Hall, Finlayson and Byron battled hard but were clearly outclassed . Monash Blues led at 1/2 time in their match against St . Kilda Sth . Caulfield but failed to show enough in the second 1/2, as the Saints piled on (6) goals to (1) to win comfortably for the 4th time this season . For the Ashers Dempsey, O'Neill and O'Donnell were best in a losing side. Mazenod received a forfeit from Caulfield Grammarians which was not the ideal build up to this week's second - semi, but may well hold them in good stead injury wise . In the match of the section Old Haileybury jumped away from Old Brighton in the 1st 1/4 only to trail at 1/2 time by (2) goals . The double chance was on the line in this match with the loser having to face the might of Beaumaris in the knock-out first semi . So it was an important 3rd 1/4 where the `Tonners held the Bloods to only (1) goal while adding (1) themselves, from here on the match was tight with the Tonners proving too good in the finish winning by (14) points . Best for the Tonners were Paterson, Parnham and Gadsden . Hampton Rovers had the bye . Division (2) Re d Whitefriars easily accounted for Old Paradians (2) who despite having battled for most of the year will no doubt reap the benefits of having two U19 teams during this season . Well done to Adam Stuckey and all of the OP (2)'s officials and players for the year . On a day out for the `Friars Winterburn, M . Jongebloed, A . Pawlick and Molloy (5) were best, while the OP's had battles in Jones, Mark Cosgriff an d Vincent . Marcellin put paid to any thoughts Aquinas had of sneaking into the top four with a strong win at home. Never headed the strength and experience of the Eagles troubled the Bloods who in their first year of U19 football for some time acquitted themselves extremely well . For the Eagles Captain Stephens was again in the thick of the action along with McMahon (6) and Mulready. Old Scotch clearly outpointed Yarra Valley at Park Orchards winning by almost (15) goals . Yarra have had a terrific second 1/2 of the season and have laid the foundation for some strong years ahead . Best for the vanquished included A. Laing, Reid and Morris, as Davis, Ireland and Silverwood shone for the Scotchies, with Littlejohn booting (4) . In the final match Old Carey completed (18) matches without defeat and set themselves up for their 2nd semi-final clash with the 'Friars, by soundly defeating Chirnside Park . The Parkers have battled this year but will be better off for the experience in the years to come . Well done to Allan Cousins and his players for their efforts throughout the season . For Old Carey the prime movers in the win were Costello, Hendricks an d Small, while for the Parkers their best were Allatt, Adams, Holliday and Mays. Old Trinity had the bye .



pREVIEW OF TODAY'S GAME . Division On e First - Semi Final: De La Salle versus Old Melburnians (Elste rnwick Park) With a win each against one another so far this season today's U19/1 first - semi holds little fears for either team . It was the OM's who in Round one convincingly defeated De La by almost (10) goals, but in the return match De La had revenge to the tune of almost (5) . The scene is set for a classic battle on Elsternwick Park which will be in terrific shape . De La must be weary of prime movers for the OM's in Cloke, bioreli, Holme and Sewell, but on the other hand Mark Zuker will be well aware of the damage Slereuri, Borella, Butler and Johnstone can cause if left unattended . With little separating the teams this season statistically it will come down to the side better prepared and best able to adapt to relatively dry conditions . Given OM's pushed the undefeated Uni . Blues last week their form would suggest they are playing well, and on this hunch I am leaning towards the OM's narrowly. Second - Semi Final: Uni. Blues versus Old Xaverians (Elsternwick Park) Once again the two powerhouses of U19/1 meet for the right of direct entry into the Grand Final in two weeks. On the two occasions the teams have met this year it has been the Blues who have come out on top, but finals is a different story. On both occasions the scores have been close without being thrashings and the Xavs have had their chances, especially in their Round 2 clash where they led at 1/2 time but only added (2) goals to the Blues' (10) in the second 1/2 to lose by around (5) goals. Today the Xavs must work diligently to cut off Halligan's supply from Eastaugh, Fricker, Fairbank an d Strack, while Steve Carroll will be well aware of the importance of checking Xavs prime movers in Woodruff, Bailey, Boland, Barrett an d Hardwick . All in all it should be a great game between two mighty teams, but I do lean towards a Xavs upset today . Selections: Old Xavs & Old Melburnians Division (2) White First - Semi Final : Uni . Blacks versus Warringal (De La Salle) The score stands as a win apiece and after today only one team will remain in the fight for the premiership . In Round 8 it was the Blacks comfortably, but on the return journey the Redbacks won a close won by (7) points . Last week saw the Blacks have to defeat second placed Old Camberwell, whereas Warringal were defeated by the strong St . Leos unit. Both sides have key forwards in Gellie (Blacks) an d Woodluck (Warringal) and both will need to be watched closely. The Blacks key players in Henderson, Raffaele an d McArthur will need to fire today, as to will Anderson, Convery and Kinnear for the Redbacks, if either side is to take the initiative early. Relative ladder positions mean little and at a pinch it will be Warringal in front at the final bell by (14) points . Second - Semi: St . Kevins versus Old Camberwell (De La Salle) St. Kevins will start favourites today if for no other reason than their win loss ration this year stands at 17/1, but the side who inflicted that loss was none other than the 'Wellers in round 8 . The next time the two sides met it was the SKOBS but only just. The SKOBS have good avenues to f oal through Marusic and Greenham, while the 'Wellers ook to Hancock as a focal point. Gargano, Pivetta and Goldsworthy will be in everything for the SKOBS, as to will Kordic, Whitehead, Denovan and Webb for the 'Wellers. In a tight match it will the SKOBS who will win through to the Grand Final in two weeks . 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Selections : Warringal & St . Kevins Division ( 2) Blue First - Semi Final : Beaumaris versus Old Haileybury (Oaklelgh) The score stands at one win each after the home and away season, and who would have thought that the Sharks would have to be coming through the first - semi when after (14) rounds they sat pretty on top with a 12/2 win/loss ratio . However it was the Bloods who soundly defeated the Sharks in Round 14, which began a horror month for the Sharks losing games they would have backed themselves to win, and even not scoring a goal in one Round . Today sounds different though . A fine hard surface at Oakleigh will be far from what both teams have been used to recently, so it could well come down to the team who adjusts to the conditions better on the day. Boctor, Pitts, Thatcher, O'Brien an d McKenzie are all match winners in their own right, but so to are Walden, Trotter, Byrns an d Dunphy . The match will be fierce and the winner will be Beaumaris, although I am still not convinced that they are back just yet and a Bloods win would not surprise . Second - Semi Final: Mazenod versus Old Brighton (Oakleigh ) Mazenod must start favourites today as they have defeated Old Brighton both times this year and although the Tonners went close in the second round the 'Nodders won well first time around . Leigh Bowes will be well aware of the 'Nodders strengths in key players Young, Paolueei, Occhluto and Le Grand, but has excellent players in Price, Williams, McGuigan and Parnham. Going on results and win/loss ratios can at times be tricky, but I believe the 'Nodders defence will .withstand anything the Tonners can throw at them today and advance to the Grand Final in two weeks . Selections: Beaumarls & Mazenod Division (2) Red First - Semi Final : Old Scotch versus Marcel lin (Ramsden Street Reserve)

Once again another match where the score stands at one win apiece . Early in the year it was Marcellin who whipped Old Scotch at home, but on the return journey it was the Scotchies by about (5) goals . Relative ladder positions mean little now but one thing is for sure the Eagles defence is one of the best in the section and today it comes up against the Scotchies attack which is second only to the undefeated Old Carey team . Prominent Eagles players have been Stephens, Bellisimo, Karavasills and Bello and they will need to be watched, while for the Scotchies Panton, Davis, Eagle and Tindale are prime movers. In dry conditions at Ramsden Street Reserve the Scotchies should prove too strong for the Eagles today . Second - Semi Final: Old Carey versus Whitefriars (Ramsden Street Reserve ) Well what can you say . Old Carey have gone through undefeated but today face Whitefriars who have gone close on both occasions . The 'Friars have the best defence in the section but will need everyone firing if they are to halt the OC's today . Murphy up forward for the OC's is a key, along with Angus, Collins, Sail an d Spencer . But do not think for a minute that the 'Friars will be easy pickings, the likes of the Pawlicks, Mika, Lacey, Fidele and Winterburn will take advantage of any leniency offered to them but it unfortunately will not be enough for the 'Friars today. Selections: Old Scotch & Old Carey Under 19 - Continued on Page 46 > 39

LOO 1 by Noe.5 YE[,.P.S AGO - 199 1 Ormond congratulated Paul For~,Ah on his 200 games, played mostly on the flank, at HB or H F where he used a great football brain to read the pla y very well . Can his score of 8 flags be beaten - U19 79, Reserves - 82, 84, 86 and A Section 85, 87, 88, 89? Umpires welcomed David Harford and Graham Thwaites to A section status . Chris Freeman, Parkside's star forward, reached 150 games. Premiership player in 1982, leading goalkicker in B in 1987 and 88, the scribe wrote "a well known identity not only at Parkside, but at Elstemwick Park, which he has visited on a number of Tuesday nights" . It was down to the wire in A section with Therry fourth to play Marcellin eighth and Ormond, two points behind, to play second bottom Uni Blues . It turned out to be the end of the season for Therry as they were never in the hunt, losing 7 .8 to 14.12, while Ormond had a 13 goal win to get into the four for the first time for the season .

Would you like to be a betting man and take the odds that Collegians, in the four since round 3, would miss out? Well, it was a big ask, as they played top team North Old Boys and only went down by 4 points, 11 .8 to 11 .12 . They were really unlucky . Old Scotch and Old Haileyburians level on 36 points met. A win to OH would have left Collegians in the four on percentage, a win to OS meant that a Collegians loss would put OS in the four on percentage . Old Scotch were in control all day to win 14 .14 to 8 .12 . And the third, fourth and fifth percentages level on 40 points were : Ormond 135 .11, Old Scotch 115.63, Collegians 113 .89 . No changes in the four for B, C, D, E and F for round 17 to round 18 . All connected with Amateur football mourned the sudden passing of VAFA Patron and former President, Old Xaverians identity, legendary interstate manager and manufacturer of the wonderful "Arena" football boots, a passionate lover of Amateur football and a gentleman, Lou Zachariah . 10 YEARS AGO - 1986 Old Scotch made "A" Section in 1987 a certainly when they were on top of Ormond (4th) all day to win 12 .9 to 8.10 . Best were Ford, R . Senior, Moir (Old . Sc .) and Young, Russell, Boyanton (Orm .).

In "D", Monash Blues (on top) kicked very inaccurately against Balaclava (2nd) to lose 14 .22 to 22 .8 . Best were Dickson, S . Withers, Angwin (Bala.) an d Sturgess, Connelly, Hay (Monash) . 100 games to Rodney Bryant (St Bedes), Steve Gibson (Therry), Mark Young ( H . Rovers), Rick Friedman (AJAX), Tom Gard (Parkside), David O'Shaughnessy (Old Tri.) . 200 games to AIVZ Bank' s 40

living ledgend Harry Bir'_enfelds an d Old Haileyburians' country boy Joh n

Corrigan. 250 games to field umpire Richard Tracey, 2 8 finals, field umpire v. VCFL - AAFC Carnival in 1985, President, VAFAUA - Richard had been a wonderful man for Amateur football. Fawkner (5th in "B") went down to top team Old Paradians by 1 point, 8.11 to 8.12 . Best were Busch, Grills, Nelson (Old Par.) and Buckley, M. Barrett, Mitchell (Fawk .) . Leading goalkickers were A- Roberts (Coll .), B- J. Mitchell (Old Melb .) 45, C- O'Sahughnessy (Old Trin .) 79, D- P . Hackney ( Cob .) 54, E- Jenkins (State Bank) 69, F- Wilson (St Andrews) 77, G . Hearn (Old Carey) 43. Caulfield Grammarians saluted one of their greats Warwick Watson on his 200th game . Warwick's career included captaincy, best and fairest, treasurer, club delegate and above all skilful and most determined football . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 1 Top goal kicker for year in Junior 2 was Grahame Osborne of Bulleen-Temp ., 109 goals . Other top true boot artists were "A" Tony Jones (Marc .) 92, "B" John Priestley (Old Brighton) 74 ; "C" Devere (B : Temp.) 70; "D" Ryan ( St Bedes) 68, "E" S. Scullin (N . Brunswick) 82, "F" Al . Legge ( Banyule) 66, "J .1" Corcoran (Old Parad .) 82, "J .3" Goetz (Old Brighton) 66 .

150 games at Thomastown to Stephen Gerny an d Warren Kernaghan . 450 games to umpire Bob Dunstan, field and goal (Bob has now passed the 600 game mark - NR) . Old Xaverians an d Ormond met to decide second place in "A". In a stirring game, Old Xaverians, 13 points down at the last change, kicked 4 .5 to 1 .1 in the final quarter to win by 9 points . Best were J . Pirrie, Corcoran, Meehan (Old Xavs) and Roberston, Kingston and Buckley for Ormond . No team went through the season without losing a game - one defeat teams were Coburg "D", Thomastown "D" and Old Brighton Grammar Junior 3. Coll egians, on top in "B" lost yet another game this time to Old Paradians, 3.9 to 5 .9. Best were M. McCarthy, N . Hughes, Assetta for Old Paradians and Wagstaff, G. Parsons and Baum for Collegians . 20 YEARS AGO - 1976 Ivanhoe kept their "B" Section hopes for the four alive when they defeated Old Paradians by 6 goals . It was a real form reversal as Old Paradians had beaten Caulfield Grammarians and Marcellin in the previous 2 games . Ivanhoe's best were C . Stewart, R . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996

Stewart, Stredwick and for Old Paradians, Johnson, Te llefson, Symes. 150 games to Hampton Rovers' ruck mainstay Don "Village" Scarlett - biggest man in the club in "both" directions . (In 1995 Don coached the Rovers to their first flag in 44 years) . 200 games to Old Haileyburians' great clubman Don Lord . 100 games to Victor Tsakm s (T'town), Richard Mu llett (Old Camb.), Mick Wilson (Marc .), John Zachariah ( Old Xavs .), John M ehan (Old Camberwell). Old Trinity 4th in "A" Section and 4 points ahead of Ormond and University Blues, met Ormond in the final game, while Uni Blues played second bottom team, Monash Blues . Ormond beat Old Trinity, but Blues were much too strong for Monash Blues and regained their place in the finals to go on to meet St Bemards in the first semi . Old Scotch managed to win their first ever game at Queen's Park but failed to spoil the festivities at Geelong's Old Players Day attended by some real old timers - first captain-coach Vic Profitt ( 1926-1930), Ewen Laird ( 26-28), Roy Fidge ( 29-33), Pat Wheeler ( 28-39) and Bill King (30-31) . Congratulations went to Bob Poulton ( 1937), Peter Robinson ( 1965) and Phillip Marshall (1967) for their wonderful organisation. President of the Umpires Association was Ken Jorgensen, a former player for over 5 seasons with Commonwealth Bank, gaining interstate selection in his first year and representing the State on 4 occasions. Top Tipster for the season was Keith Findlay 69 points, with Norm Nugent runner-up, 3 points behind . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 1 St Bernards practically clinched a place in the final four when they scored a decisive 45 point win over a sluggish and disappointing Coburg. The winners were best served by Sullivan, Santamaria and Hannaberry while Warfe, Sullivan and Zylan tried to keep Coburg in the game . Coburg trailed all day and were never a threat. Most exciting game of the round was the desperate battle for survival between Old Xaverians and Commonwealth Bank (second last and last in "B" Section) . No satisfaction to either - a draw 16.13 .109 to 15 .19 .109 . Gowers, K. O'Shaughnessy (4) and Raffaele (Old Xavs) and Dick, Torrens, Inbery for Comm . Bank were best . Leading goal kickers were " A" David Barkley (U.Blues) 81, " B" Moffat (U.Blacks) 52, " C" Bevan (Toor .-Malv .) 88, "D" Eccles ( P'side) 85, "E" Shannon (St Pats) 98, and "F" Gartner (Marcellin) . First player to score 100 goals was Martin Bartlett of Powerhouse - 54 goals with the seniors and 52 with the juniors . Congratulations were passed on to goal umpires Bill Ahlm an d Ralph Bridges, who were nominated for life membership of the Umpires Association. 30 YEARS AGO - 1966 University Football Club were celebrating the centenary even though recent research had shown that the club was actually formed in 1859 . The club

joined the VAFA in 1921 with the Blues and the Blacks, and Blacks were immediately successful, winning premierships in both 1921 and 1922. Footscray Tech . had a big win in "B" Section kicking 16.22 .118 to UHSOB's 8.11 .59 . As the scribe said, "Outstanding feature in Footscray Tech's win was the big fellow's marking, namely Gary (Shorty) Dempsey. He must have had putty on his fingers" . "B" Section leaders, Hew, showed its supremacy with a 10 goal win over De La Salle (5th) . Briggs (4), Crowe and Fisher were Kew's best while Faul, Tame and Murphy starred for De La. 200 games to Kel Davidson (Caul . Gramm.) - the first player to ever achieve that record with the club . In early years a star centre halfback, he has recently been a devastating forward pocket . John Wall of National Bank also reached 200 an d again was the first for the club. MHSOB regained top place in "A" Section following Coburg's sensational defeat by Old Paradians . Coburg led Parade by 26 points at half time after being well on top but a much more determined Parade blanketed them in the second half and won by 10 points . Coburg's only score after the interval was a goal just before the final siren . Proctor, Danaher and Mansfield were best for Old Paradians and McIntosh, Scanlon and Dumayne for Coburg. Lowest scoring team for the round was ANZ Bank's 2 .1 .13 against OGG's 14 .14 .98 in "D" Section.

45 YEARS AGO - 195 1 Veteran field umpire Jim Walsh retired after 21 years umpiring Amateur matches . Jim had also been honorary secretary of the Umpires' Association for many years and was remembered by many players as a wonderful umpire . In his playing days Jim used to kick goals for Brighton VFA team . (Readers may remember also Jim's sons, Jim (junior) who played with Comm . Bank and Brian who starred for Ormond and later went on to play many wonderful games as a back pocket player for St Kilda. ) In difficult wet and greasy conditions Old Scotch held on to 4th place in "A" Section with a sound win over Ivanhoe . Brian Thompson and "Baron" Jim Perry (ruck) starred for Old Scotch, while Neil Whittaker, Kevin Clarke and Len Irvin were best for Ivanhoe . Ormond Juniors, the only undefeated team in all sections, continued on their winning way with a massive victory over Caulfield Grammarians, kicking 25 .28 to 2 .4 . Best were Bishop (7 goals), Col Wilson (6), Lindsay Shannon and Frank Forbes. University Blacks (7th), trying to keep in touch with the four, beat 3rd placed Hampton Rovers by 9 points after trailing by 12 points at half time . Hampton's poor kicking in the first half (6 .12 to Blacks 6.2) contributed to their defeat . Doug Arnold, Rua Warnett and Eric Pearson were best for Rovers. , St Andrews kept their chances alive for the "D" Section four with a goal win over St Pat's OC . Best were Frank Plummer, "Joe" Dorman and "Marbles" Ellison for St Andrews and Jack Callander, K evin Currie, Noel Panetteri for St Patricks,



APPLYING - FC A COA :,`. :-1iqG a ~,:I~ION s the season draws to a close, it may be time to conider your future . Where will you be coaching in 1997? Are you to remain with your present Club or will you seek that exclusive premiership elsewhere ? Finding the appropriate coaching position is not easy. Further, many coaches are faced with the daunting task of applying for a position and attending an interview . When applying for a coaching position the following points should be taken into account . The letter of application - preferably handwritten . Include in your letter of application the following items : Your name, address and telephone number . Where you saw the position advertised . A brief personal introduction . - A general overview of your past playing and coaching experience in football. - Your reason for applying for the position, outlining what you can do for the club . Above all, keep your letter of application brief, restricting it to four or five paragraphs. THE RESUM E The Resume should be included with your letter of application and contain further detail on points already raised. List the following headings and include all relevant information: 1. Personal Details: Name, address, phone number (work/private), date of birth, marital status. 2 . Playing History: Year by year (if any) . 3 . Coaching Experience : Year by year (if any) . 4. qualifications : Level of education attained . Coaching Accreditation Courses attended .

5. Other Relevant !_ rience : Positions of responsibilities held with groups or committees . Coaching experience in other sports . 6 . List of References: Include the names of three referees with their title and a contact number . Your aim with your letter of application and resume is to seek an interview. THE INTERVIEW Pre-plan thoroughly

(a) Be familiar with the Club you intend to coach - seek out information on its past performances, key players and the opposition teams you may confront . Research, even to the extent of visiting the ground t o view change rooms and social facilities . Try to find out the names of the present committee and even those who will be interviewing-you . (b) Prepare a list of specific coaching objectives . You will need to be able to elaborate on your coaching philosophy and how you can assist the Club . (c) Think carefully of the questions you might be asked at the interview : Why do you want this position? What can you offer the Club? What remuneration are you seeking? (d) Finally prepare a list of questions you would like to ask at the interview . Questions can range from the support staff available to potential recruits to the expected announcement of the coaching position . The Intervie w With a thorough preparation the interview will be more informative and beneficial to both parties . Finally be punctual, enthusiastic and responsive . by Kevin Madden National Director of coaching, AFF and AFCA Committee Afembe i


■ ■ ■



invites applications fo r GRADE - E SECTIO N CLUB - ELEY PARK A .F .C . Applications in writing to Presiden t

Gl© No.4 McCracken Ave; Blackburn Sth, 3130

Application's close 30th October, 1996

Applications in writing to: The Secretary 21 Stanley Avenue East Hawthorn 3123 Applications close September 30, 1996

A and B sections (normal requirement ) 1 . Final siren score to 9528 3319 (Nancy) 2 . Q by Q, goalkickers, best players to 9531 8333 (E .P. staff l 3 . Duty of home tea m

C-E, LT19 VJhite, Re d, Blue semi finals 1 . All senior and U19 final siren scores to 9528 3319 (Nancy) by 5 p .m . 2 . All reserve section final siren scores to 9531 8333 (E .P .) by 3 p .m.


Scheduling of all EP Matches Subject to ground conditions U19/1 lst and 2nd semi Finals (1 1,30, 2.00) i.: C Sec . lst Semi Final B Sec . lst Semi Final n. : A Sec . 1st Semi Final t. 7 : C Sec . Grand Final rt . 8: A Sec . 2nd Semi Final t. 14: B Sec . Preliminary Final rt . 15 : A Sec . Preliminary Final t. 21 : Alex Johnson U19 Championship Final B Sec . Grand Final pt . 22 : A Sec . Grand Final

3 . Duty of WINNING team . E.P . Finals : C sec . 1st semi; U19/1 semi final VfZ:i staff will record all final siren scores,

FROiri ROUND 17 - 20/8/95 Andy Evans, De La Salle - Strikin g J. Sourassis, North Old Boys (U19) - Abusive Language (failed to attend tribunal) - 2 matches ' Sam Furphy, Old Geelong - Attemp to Strike -1 match * Darren Bingley, Old Scotch (Club 18) - Striking - 2 matches ' Terry Board, Old Trinity - Striking - 2 matches Robert Visintini, Old Xaverians (Club 18) - Striking - 6 matches * Matt Sflelon, Ormond (U19) - Striking - 2 matche s * Leigh Adamson, St Johns - Striking - 2 matches * Darren Halls, St Johns - Striking - 2 matche s * Accepted prescribed penalty INVESTIGATIONS RESULTS - (from August 20) Pursuant to last week's hearing, a further charg e of misconduct against the Hawthorn Citizens club arising from the after match brawl on August 3, Hawthorn Citizens' player Paul Rossitto was suspended for 4 matches for running at least 50 metres to join the brawl and strike an unknown player. Charge of misconduct against Parkside and St Leo's Emmaus in that during the match played on August 10 both senior teams were engaged in a melee . The charge was proven and each club was fined $250 .


S 7- ,, '

3' '

Proud to be a Sponsor an d the

Official Suppliteorr to the VAFA 156 GEORGE STREET, FITZROY, VIC 3065 TEL : (03) 9419 7344 FAX : (03) 9417 7419 TOLL FREE 1 800 654 147 (Count ry & Interstate only)

- Cl-.?!-,; Travel ~

UMV . .__a_ S by Steve McCaE~ ,hy a nd Anth ony Dame n

his week's column really has the feel of a " That was the week that was" approach . We review two extremely important events in the calendar of the VAFAUA - the Finals Preparation Seminar held at Elsternwick Park Thursday a week ago and last Monday night, the Annual Pre-Finals Dinner, held at Optus Oval. *** Memo 9-96 listed the Agenda for the Finals Preparation Seminar at Elsternwick Park on Thursday August 15, 1996 . Training was cancelled for the evening and the seminar commenced with an introduction by Brian Bulluss, Umpire Adviser. The guest speaker was John Russo, veteran VFL/AFL field umpire with over 200 games experience, two grand finals who retired prior to the 1996 season . In relating last experience he listed finals preparation as 1 . Mental buildup

- Stay relaxed, cool calm confident, not arrogant . Week to week, don't worry about 3 week's time . Finals are another game of football. Don't be self centred, remember those around you .

2 . Physical build u p - Remain stable, avoid crash fitness campaigns - Maintain your normal fitness programs . 3 . Game day. Awareness of player' temperaments, aggression. Not over efficious . Follow normal pre game routines (lucky P .W . Allow plenty of travel time . Present capable confident approachable manner . Dress professionally . 4. The Game Enjoy the game . Pick up the warranted free kicks . Not over umpire the "little things" . Reward the ball player . Communicate with the players in a manner you like to be spoken to . Co-operation by respect. "Don't try to do too much different, remember what got you to that appointment" . Paul Young, our fitness adviser, followed with a presentation titled "Food for Thought as we Prepare for the Finals" . The food was ordered as

1 . People we admire and the qualities they have . 2 . Failing is a learning experience . Persistence and perseverance eventually pays . 3 . We learn by doing. 4 . Commitment to and confidence in the people around us . 5 . Committed to the Goal . The sacrifices people make. 6. Making a Difference . Your importance to the game . Each decision you make has an effect on how others respond. 7. Get up and win the race ! Paul's old nickname was "Scoop" - it is now'-Me Storyteller" . Advisers R on Lippold, Russell Francis and Gary Baumgarten ran Skills - In Finals, highlighting the following skills. A . One Umpire contr ol - Set Kick 1 . Kick at goal - likely to score . 2 . Kick in from behind . 3 . Kick out of defence . 4. Kick at goal - unlikely to score . B . Boundary Throw Ins

C . Players heading towards boundary - deviation when caught behind D . Centre/Field Bounc e E. Running the Diamond - position in general play. F. Two Umpire system - Control Change and Retention - Awarding free kicks as No . 2 . A fantastic Seminars with the following Quotable Quotes. 1 . "the body tells you then the advisors tells you . Some get told by the Adviser before the body got the chance!" - Peter Gersc h 2 . "A KILL drill!" - Mark Gibson 3 . "never failed once, 2 000 step process" Thomas Edison 4. "Crossing your i's, dotting your t's" - Pau l

Young . The highlights of the Annual Pre-Final s Dinner held in the John Nicholls Room at Optus Oval were : - A masterful MC performance by Peter Gersch except no control over Life Member Bill Mason who easily eclipsed Graham Cavanagh's long standing longest speech record .

The Bob Dunstan Award to Mark Bushiield for exceptional services to the VAFAUA . Life Memberships presented to Steve Hopper and Geoff Ridd . Ten year Service Awards to David Fowler, Bill Fowler, Graham Thwaites, Frank Martinez, Sam Kahn, Richard Eastwood, Chris Keeton, Geoff Ridd and Jeff Kelly . Golden Whistle Award to Matt McCrohan . Most Improved Field Umpire to Heath Little. M ost Improved Boundary Umpire to Matthew Tape .

Most Improved Goal Umpire to Brad Nash . Special Presentation to Wayne Henry on his 400th game. A stirring speech by Col Kinnear of the Carlton FC which silenced the crowd as he spoke of his start to football in the VAFA . A terrific night was had by all . Congratulations to the VAFAUA Executive and Social Committee on a job well done and thanks to sponsors Carlton Crest (take care, "Salad" is coming!), Melbourne Sports Books Santo Caruso and Geoff "VG" Curran. ** Congratulations to the following umpires on their recent promotions - Chris Donlon - A, Craig Brajtberg - C, Michael Rossato and Ben Schmidt - D, and goalies Alan Bishop, Andrew Miller, John Kelly and Gordon Day on their Club XVIII Grand Final appointments.

pays . . . . eventually. Suggested improvement to Footy : Don't play on grounds in such a poor condition that the game is no spectacle at all . Pet Football Hates : Spectator and player ignorance with regard to rules. Hobbies/other sports: Any salt water sports especially surfmg. Favourite Food : Indian . Drink : Chardonnay . Movie : Mississippi Burning. Last Movie seen : Mission Impossible . Boyh ood Idol : Bruce Doull, Allan Border. Best Amateur Footballers : R. Lawson, T. Fellows, G . Norton and M . Armstrong. Most Memorable Match : C Section One umpire Thomastown v Fawkner 1990 - really tough game, big clashes but with absolutely no spite at all . Biggest Influence on Career : Graeme Simpson and Roy Tucknott (they saw my first game) . Best Umpires : Peter Gersch . Last book read : Op Centre by Tom Clancy . Non Footy Sports Fantasy: Ride in a 500 CC Grand Prix with Doohan as team mate . Dream Dinner Guests : Mick Doohan, Gene Hackman, The Nanny and Barbara Eden . Ambition in Football : To remain injury free to the 200 mark at least . Well done Heath. MACCA AN D AD

Club Trave l

** Our profile features an umpire better known for his "trips to the country with friends" - Heath Little. VAFA Games: 155 today (4 on Boundary) . Nickname : This year Nomad (I only need to run a D grade game to have run in every Senior grade this year) . Memories of first game : I was stuffed afterwards and did not have much idea during it! - not much had changed. Occupation : Project Officer - NAB . Car: Subaru Wagon . Personal Motivation : Fitness and to enjoy whatever l do . Words of advice to Youngsters : Persistenc e



C3 EAU I 1996 "D" GRADE FINALIS T Invites applications fo r

k Applications in wi iting to: The Secretary PO Box 134 HAMPTON, 3188 Applications close October 24th, 1996

(current coaches retiring) Written applications to : Football Director P.O. Box 107, Black Rock 3193 !





UNDL319 SEC`KtOPt 1 OLD %AVERIf 'S 5 .4 6.7 12 .13 14.18.100 OLD PARADIANS 1 .1 5.2 8.3 8.452 Old Xaverlana Woodruff 4, Barrett 3 . Hawkins 2, Drake . Ireland . Sharron . Jones. Ryan. Best Woodruff, Shanron. Coughlan. Dper, Jones. Kay. Old Paradlana Lynch 3. Ste:xns 2 . Harris. Flynn. Pfutan. But Ryan . Hildebrand. Lynch . Geary, DinOnosante. Flynn , THERRY 02 3 .6 6.8 9.11.85 STBHtNARDS 5.9 6.9 9 .12• 10.13.73 Thezry Stevens 4, Brady. Hutchinson. Van Englen, Slaryk . Crockford. Best Sacco . Van Englen. Bnuiy. h'mMrwy. Fielding, Stevens , St Bemarda Goal Kiders and Best Players not recelred . OLDMBt.BURNiANB 2 .4 6 .5 9.10 11.14.80 3.4 6 .7 9.15 12.20.92 UNIVERSITY BLUES Old MeBtmnlans Clark 3. Carroll 2. Bains . Banks. Cbke. Conch . Murray . Rutlurford. Best Clark, MoretL Hohrz. Miller, Waddell, Deague. University Sirius Stmk 4 . Nailon 3. Halligan 2. Eastaugh, Hanlon . Kelly. Best Versteegen. Ryan. Strack. Naikrn . Hanlon. Kelly. 1 .2 3.5 3.7 8 .7.55 NORTH OLD BOYS DE LA SAI7.E 3 .5 7.7 15.12 18 .18.128 North Old Boys E- 4, Lyons 3. Clancy. Beat Evans. Lyons, Thomson, Koutasaxasihs . Sourasis. Timm

De La Salle Johnstane 4, Moore, Messer, Vincent. Harber, Heaty 2. Corin. King. Shields, Best Corin, Butler Hyland, Borella . Moore, Vincent. 2 .4 5.8 6.11 7.12 .54 COLLEGIANS 1 .0 3.8 3.9 3.13 .31 AJAX CaBeataaa Goal Kickers and Best Players not recetved . .~a:6atis 2, N.obr. Best Segal. Mohr, Page. Burm2n. Rath . Doxas .

UNDER 19 2 WHITE ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 4 .1 8.4 11 .7 12.30 .82 3 .3 7.6 8.7 11 .9 .95 WAtU2IIiGALAFC St. Leos Emmaus WP Vozzo 4, Thomas 3 . Newry. Simondson . Ludlow. Best Neuzy. Caslcen. Shmndson. Carey, hta' r. Sciilittkr. Werriugd Wcadbck 4. Attardi ~ Sheehan 2. O'Connell, PL'cyfair. Beat Mason, Taylor, Cunnery. Yin. Peters, Harte. 5 .1 8.2 8.5 10.8 .66 UNIVERSITY BLACKS OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .0 2.3 5.4 9.6 .60 University Blacks Grille S . Howell 2 . McCormick-Brennan . Newth, McArthur . Best Franklin . 6kArthur. White, Getiie . Smith. BelicvlM. Old Camberwell Hancock 4 . Kurdic 3 . Denovan. Hardman . Best Webb. Scott. Herdic. Det-an. Smith, Patterson. DELASALLE(2) 3.3 8.8 8.7 9.9.63 DID GEELONG 6.2 10.2 13.5 17.11 .113 On La Salle (2) Heggarty 3. Eppinger. Worsteting. Chappte. Leening. Hyland. Moon. Beat Hy~. Heggarty Chappk. Buck . Eppm4cr. Moan. Old Geebag O'Bnen 7. Cole. Pooky . W~lson. Pant 2. Campbell. Pettig. Best O'Brien . Barnett, Bostock Gordon. Campbell . Wilson, ST BEVBiS 3.1 5.7 7.11 8 .18.66 WBJdAMSTOWN CYMS 3.3 4.6 6 .11 7 .11.53 St Kerins Marusk . Greenhorn 3, Ries 2. Best Quirk . Ries. Tod . LF,y. hiarusfc. Pickering WBBamstoaen CY3S Burgess 3. Hunt 2. El Houli. GrochowskL Beat McCutcheon . Kennedy. HouiL MoufdethouN. Cockereti• Burgess.

UNDER 19 2 BLUE 17 .9 21.14.140 BF.AUh1A81S AFC 8 .4 13 .7 ORMOND 0 .1 2 .1 2 .3 2 .3 .15 Beaumarts Sector 9, Whitaker, Biackfe . Fisher 3. Kent . McGrath . Cetan. Best Mcgrath . Boctor.0"Brten . Wadham. Whftaker. Kent. Ormond Bymn . Smi[h . Best Hait . Finlayson . Bymn . Stfelow. Hester. Brmnt. BLUES 3 .3 5 .4 5.4 6 .7 .43 MONASH ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFff,1D 2 .3 4 .4 8.11 10.12 .72 Moaash Blues Gregory 3. Riordan, Baxter. Hickey . Best Dempsey. O'NeiO .ODonneB . Jones. Gregory. Baxter. St. Kilda Sth . Caulfield Goal Kickers and Best Players not reeea•ed . MAT.ENOD GC REC. FORFEIT 14.13.97 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR FORFEITED 8.5.41 Mattnod OC Goal Kickers and Best Play,,. not re,ceived. Caulfield Grammer Goal Kickers and Best Players net recchvd . OLD BAB .EYBURY 4.2 8.3 7.6 9.6.60 OLD BRIGHTON 2.32 7.9 8.9 10 .14.74 Old Baileybury Goal Kickers and Best Piayeres not received . Old Brighton Williams 3 . McGuigin 2. Martin. Rhodes, Liptrot. Lewis . Brown. Best . Gadsden. Strachan. Lewis. Kent Paterson, Pandtam

I ___

_~ . ._~ 1



[1 I_,•~1 _

SECTION I 1ST SF-7 I17 FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 SALLE v. OLD MELBURNIANS DE ILA Elsternwick Park - 11 .30 a.m . FYe(d: B . Tamblyn, C. Bratjberg; Boundary : D. Fowler, B. Corcoran ; GoaL S . Ryan, G . Clancy . 2ND SEM I FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES v. OLD XAVERIANS Eistemwick Park - 2 p.m.

Fietd: P. Leyden, B . Schmidt; Boundary : D . Ryan, T. Healey ; Goal; S. Ryan, G. Clancy. WHITE 1ST SEMI FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS, WARRINGAL De La Salle - 11 .30 a .m .

Field: B . McKee, M. Allen ; Goal: S. Kahn, L . Wilson. 2ND SEMI FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 ST KEVINS v. OLD CAM BERWELL

De La Salle - 2 p .m. Meld: P. Withington, C . Nash; Boundary: R . Martyn, D. Blackburn; S. Kahn, L. Wilson. BLUE 1ST SEMI FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 4 BEAUMARIS v. OLD HAILEYBURY Oakieigh - 11 .30 a.m.

Field: T . Creighton, T . Williams ; Boundary: B. Frenker, J . Bell ; Goa I: S . Lamble, M . Venn. 2ND SEMI FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 MAZENOD v. OLD BRIGHTO N Oakleigh - 2 p .m . FYetd: S . Rolls, M . Rossato ; Boundary: G . Morgan, G . Armstrong; GoaL• S . Lamble, M . Venn. RED 1ST SEMI FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 4

OLD SCOTCH v. MARCELLIN Ramsden St Reserve - 11 .30 a .m . Field: J . Stoppa, C . Cimoli; Boundary : P. Tuppen, B . Buyck ; Goal: R. Dunstan, J . Robinson. 2ND SEMI FINAL - SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 OLD CAREY v. WHITEFRIARS Ramsden St Reserve - 2 p .m.

Meld: A . Stephen, A. Chapman ; Boundary: M . Jelinek, E. Kyrikou ; GoaL• R. Dunstan, J . Robinson .

UNDER 19 2 RE D WIIITEPRIARS 8 .7 12 .14 17.22 20.30.150 OLD PARADIANS ( 2) 1 .0 1 .0 1.1 1 .1 .7 Whttetrlars Malloy 5, Jongebked 4• Eames 3.. Fedek . Pawtik 2, Giltan. Fedete. Lacey . Mika . Best Winterbum. Jongebkred. Pawhk. Mike, Fedek. Malley. Old Paradises Edgeky. Best Jones. Cosgnf{ Vincent Prim. Johnstone. Redford. MARCELLIX 3 .2 9.8 14 .11 17.12.114 AQUINfSOC 2 .6 3.6 8•11 8.15.63 MareeBia McMahon 6 . K-sdis. Dallarrva 3 . Blaekmore 2. Symes . Stephens . Mulready. Best Stepluns, McMahon, Mutrealy, Roberts . Blacknnre. Bellissinw. Aqainu Cuhrera S. Bruch. Tiwmzs. Hereren. Best Cuttrera. Moran, Kane. Brownluu. Mautih. Hyland . YAHRAVALI.ET 1 .2 2.7 5.9 7.9.51 OLD SCOTCH 8 .5 13.9 17 .15 21 .18.145 Yarra Valley OB Casana. Telfor• Ford 2, Laing. Best L3ing, Reid, htorr¢ .'fhompson. Drew. McConnell . Old Scotch Utttep~ hn. Stevens 4. Gray. Panton . Sih•erwo¢d 3 . Crane 2. Snow, Thomas. Best Davis, treland . Siheruvod. Littk,phn. Eagle. Gray . OLD CAREY 9.8 13.13 21 .16 32.20 .212 C1IBtPiSIDE PARK AFC I .0 2 .3 3 .3 3 .3.21 Old Carey Woods 9. Murphy 3 . Angus 3. D'Anna. Costello. Collins. Hendnks. Detarczynski 2. sina0. spencer. Sall White. Best Costdb. Herdnks. Small, Woods. Murphy. Spencer. Chirmide Park Visit, Conte. Picrok. Best Tllatt Adams, Holliday, Mays . McKinnon.


Clubs must phone fina l siren scores to Nancy 9528 3319 (before 5 p .m .) before ringin g through QQ scores ; goalkickers and best players (both teams) to EP 9531 8333 (before 5.15 p.m .)


3dited by PH Stevens without a signature beside it is considered an ineligible player . E


A fter extensive consideration of all written nformation on the above matter the Executive has decided the fo ll owing : 1 . The 3 year trial that has currently run for two of its planned three years, will continue as is for one more year - 1997 .

2 . A new structure will be implemented for the 1998 season. 3 . The Executive has appointed a sub-committee that will meet over the next fortnight and make a recommendation as to which 2 - 3 structures are worthy of consideration for implementation. At its next meeting the Executive will vote on one of these structures which will be adopted and circulated to clubs well prior to the end of this year, so that clubs can plan for next season . By making this decision the Executive has honoured its decision to give the geographical structure its 3 year trial . The early announcement of the 1998 structure will keep the 1997 season alive all the way through as clubs will be playing for not only a final four spot and a premiership but also for a finishing ranking which will determine where they play the following year. I would like to say that from the information provided to the Association that there was no overwhelming support for either retention of the current structure or an immediate reversal to a promotion/relegation structure . Because of this we understand that there will not be an overall delight at the decision, however the overall plans hopefully satisfy the long-term aims of the Association . Team Managers please attend to teamsheets very carefully, particularly now that finals matches are here (or almost here) . If a player's name is printed on a teamsheet and the player does not take the field this name must be struck from the sheet. Any nam e

The 1996 Vote Count Night will be held this year at the Carlton Crest Hotel on M onday September 9th. Invitations have been forwarded to club Presidents, with three invitations going to each club of the Association . Section best and fairest winners and leading goalkickers will be invited as well and these winners will be non-paying guests of the Association . PLEASE DO NOT RING ELSTERNWICK PARK ASKING FOR SCORES OR FINAL FOUR DETAILS before 6 pm on SATURDAY NIGHTS . From the time matches conclude to 6 pm, calls other than the ones we wait for, hold up our deadlines we have to meet . THE SAME APPLIES FOR NANCY McTAGGART'S NUMBER. Hopefully scores will be available on the Info-line at 5 .15 pm, with ladders and next week's games available on this same service after 6 pm . GENERAL INFORMATION CALLS WILL BE WELCOME ON 9531 8333 AFTER 6 PM.

On Sunday September 8th, which is A section second semi-final day, the Association will be honoring past football ers of the Association who have played 300 or more games of senior, representative or under 19 teams with the VAFA Each player has been invited to attend the luncheon and the player will be presented with a certificate highlighting the occasion . A second certificate will be hung at Elsternwick Park - in time hopefully a 300 Games Players' Room will adorn E.P. Current players John Ranis and Tony Fellows (University Blues and Thomastown) will be inducted when they retire . 1996 inductees will be as follows : Garry Norton, Allan Ramsay, Peter Hutchinson, Bruce Bourne, Kevin White, Tony Borrack and Gary Rosewarne . Ron Bungey (deceased) will have a certificate presented to his club.

~'A P) 4_~ i r~j°.(~







ASECTKJN 13 4 0 10 10 9 9 8 7

77 7 8 8 8 9

0 0 0 0 0 0






1395 1216 11ga4.72 1427 99.79 1424 1226 1265 96.92 1360 1482 91 .77 1310 1544 84.84 1136 1673 67.90

40 36 36 32 28 20 16


C SECTIO N 2 0 1874 1140 164.39 ST KEVINS 16 1414 130.27 13 5 0 1842 MARCELUN 13 5 0 1812 1503 120.56 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 1694 1442 117.48 AJAX 10 8 0 THOMASTOWN 9 9 0 1501 1533 97 .91 1460 90.75 STBEDESJMENTONETIGERS 9 9 0 1325 6 12 0 1389 1550 89.61 OLD MENTONIANS 6 12 0 1485 1707 86.99 HAMPTON ROVERS OLD GEELONG 4 14 0 1321 1737 76.65 4 14 0 1197 1948 61 .14 WHITEFRIARS

2809 21 .75 10

E CENTRAL SECTIO N WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 17 1 0 2027 1021 198 .53 68 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 15 3 0 1969 1063 185 .23 60 UNIVERSITY NORTH BRUNSWICK BLACKS 0 1746 724 140.87 241 .16 52 12 613 05 1975 1402 48 11 7 0 1515 1190 127.31 44 WEST BRUNSWICK 7 11 0 1562 1345 116.13 28 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 28 20 U H S O B 7 11 0 1320 1581 83.49 88. 1197 2698 4 4.37 NEWLANDSCOBURGFC 15 0 0 664 0 3 18 2802 23.70 0 THORNBURY COUGARS FC 62 62 60 56 36 32 20 20 12 0


UNIVERSITY BLUES 18 0 0 2575 840 306 .55 OLD XAVERIANS 15 3 0 2427 913 265.83 13 5 0 1637 1190 137 .56 DE LA SALLE OLD MELBURNIANS 12 6 0 1690 1213 139 .32 OLD PARADIANS 11 7 0 1747 1224 14273 ST BERNAflDS 8 10 0 1593 1738 91,08 AJAX 4 i4 0 1023 1621 63 .11 THERRY 4 14 0 868 2496 34 .78 COLLEGIANS 3 15 0 678 2066 3282 NORTH OLD BOYS 2 16 0 969 2310 41 .95

9BULE NTEM2~LESTOWEA2160135894 3 6 3233 1/.01

UNDER-19 (2) BLU E

UNDER-19 (2) RED

57 03 2090 24 .07 10 68 52 52 40 32 32 28 24 20 12

D RESERVE SECTION MONASH BLUES 16 2 0 1745 478 365 .06 64 14 4 0 1346 815 165 .15 86 OLD CAMBERWELL 4 0 1169 896 /30 .47 5 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP .14 / 56 .37 4'a PARKSIDE 12 6 0 1265 809 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 11 7 0 1476 801 184 .27 44 107.51 36 9 9 0 1116 1038 STJOHNSOC BEAUMARIS A F C 6 12 0 951 1274 74 .65 24 5 13 0 898 1516 59.23 2 0 SOUTHBANK C 8 A AFC 2 16 0 574 1474 38.94 8 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 17 0 373 1907 19 .56 4 E EAST RESERVE N 3 0 1775 576 308.16 60 YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 15 SECTIO AQUINAS O B 13 5 0 1346 621 216 .75 52 OLD CAREY 13 5 0 1382 752 183 .78 52 125 .45 44 939 CHIRNSIDE PARK 11 7 0 1178 ST MARYS 10 7 1 1015 1347 75 .35 42 RICHMOND CENTRAL 9 9 0 1388 1278 108 .61 36

9603.52 36


ELEY PARK ABRCS 4 14 0 1026 1321 15813 16 48142 3 .03 SWINB U .46 /


.57 64 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 16 2 0 1587 483 328 .77 58 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 14 4 0 1601 641 249 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 14 4 0 1711 698 245 .83 56 14 4 0 1619 806 200 .87 56 NORTH BRUNSWICK WEST BRUNSWICK 9 9 0 1139 908 125 .44 36 LATROBEUNIVERSITY 7 11 0 1038 914 113 .57 28 OLDWEST BOURNEAFC 6 12 0 812 1200 67 .67 24 UHSOB 6 12 0 804 1513 53 .14 24 3 15 0 655 1961 33 .40 12 NEWLANDS COBURG F C THORNBURYCOUGARS 1 17 0 261 2214 11 .79 4 E SOUTH RESERVE SECTION PENINSULA OB 17 1 0 1975 578 381 .27 68 SALESIAN O C 15 3 0 1789 576 310 .59 60 STPATRICKSMENTONE 13 5 0 2041 738 276 .56 52 12 6 0 1545 709 218.05 48 POWER HOUSE OAKLEIGH A F C 12 6 0 1518 709 214.10 48 A N Z ALBERT PARK 7 11 0 998 1563 63 .72 28 24 L40NASH GRYPHONS 6 12 0 898 1260 71 .27 ELSTERNWICK 4 14 0 638 2074 30 .76 16 MONASH WHITES 3 15 0 418 2096 19 .94 12 GLENHUNTLY 1 17 0 423 2338 18 .09 4 CLUB XYt11 NORTH 1 0 1151 596 193 .12 56 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 14 MARCELLIN 12 3 0 919 480 191 .46 48 ST BERNARDS 11 4 0 1021 5 6 5 180.71 44 8 7 0 739 723 102.21 32 COLLEGIANS OLD IVANHOE 7 8 0 612 770 79 .48 28 NORTH OLD BOYS 7 8 0 505 800 63 .13 28 THERRY 7 B 0 447 882 50.68 28 6 9 0 523 753 69 .46 24 KEW AFC OLD ESSENDON 2 13 0 319 1178 27 .08 B

UNDER-19 (2 ) WHITE III 24, 750 295.85 2 ST KEVINS 17 t 13 5 0 1919 954 201 .15 OLD CAMBERWELL UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 6 0 1589 1012 157.02 WARRINGALAFC 12 6 0 1697 1312 129 .34 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 12 6 0 1458 1194 122 .11 ST LEO'S EMMAUS WP 9 9 0 1357 1298 104 .55 011307 4 0 0 11522 85 .875 OLD GEELONG( 9 94

9 95 157.19 MAZENOD OC 16 2 0 1564 OLD BRIGHTON 15 3 0 1775 1018 174 .36 BEAUMARIS A F C 14 4 0 2026 713 284 .15 19A80 14 4 0 1759 903 OLDHAILEYBURY HAMPTON ROVERS 9 9 0 1034 1496 69 .12 ORMOND 7 11 0 1242 1671 74 .33 CAULFIELDGRAMMAR 7 11 0 1090 1634 66 .71 4 14 0 903 1838 49 .13 MONASH BLUES ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 4 14 0 889 2081 4272

PTS 58 S4 44 44 38 38 24 16 12 12

MARCELUN 17 1 0 1580 440 359 .09 STBEDES/MENTONE TIGERS 13 5 0 1465 679 215.76 13 5 0 1230 805 152 .80 AJAX 10 8 0 1143 1063 107 .53 OLD GEELONG 8 10 0 1029 1103 93 .29 THOMASTOWN *STKEVINS 8 10 0 948 1096 86.50 HAMPTON ROVERS 7 11 0 992 1099 90 .26 STKILDASTHCAULFIELD 6 12 0 875 1440 60 .76 OLD MENTONIANS 5 13 0 764 1421 53 .76 WHITEFRIARS 3 15 0 517 1517 34 .08

E EAST SECTION 17 1 0 2335 1057 220 .91 68 AQUINAS O B OLD BOYS 15 3 0 2035 1193 170 .58 60 YARRA VALLEY OLD CAREY 13 5 0 2048 1465 139 .60 52 10 8 0 1839 1391 13221 40 CHiRNSiDE PARK 1439 119.18 38 RICHMOND CENTRAL 9 8 1 1715 98.85 38 ELEY PARK AFC 9 8 1 1628 1647 1525 92.07 24 BULLEEN COBRAS 6 12 0 1404 67.11 24 0 1316 1961 ELTHAM O C 6 12

E SOUTH SECTIO N PENINSULAOB 15 2 1 2520 1149 219.32 POWER HOUSE 15 2 1 2215 1309 169 .21 SALESIAN O C 15 3 0 2366 1145 206 .64 i4 4 0 1987 1232 161 .28 ST PATRICKS ME-ONE 9 9 0 1833 1432 128 .00 OAKLEIGHAFC 8 10 0 1785 1814 98 .40 AN Z ALBERT PARK 1948 8B.91 MONASHGRYPHONS 5 13 0 1732 5 13 0 1328 212 61 .71 ELSTERNWICK 3 15 0 1032 2798 38.88 GLENHUNTLY 0 18 0 709 2693 26 .33 MONASH WHITES



D SECTION CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 12 6 0 1740 1263 137 .77 MONASHBWES 12 6 0 1476 1210 121 .98 BEAUMARIS AFC 11 6 1 1754 1257 139 .54 ST LEOS EMMAUS WP 10 7 1 1503 1228 12239 8 0 1427 1263 112 .98 PARKSIDE 10 10 8 0 1601 1465 109 .28 OLDCAMRERWELL 10 8 0 1170 1230 95 .1 2 ST .XJHNSOC 9 9 0 1523 1337 113.91 KO1tyfTiiBANKCBAAFC 4 13 1 1286 1644 78 .22 34.37 2412 UNIVERSITY REDS 0 17 1 829

0 18 0 1611


B RESERVE SECTIO N 15 1 1 1522 618 246 .28 62 OLD BRIGHTON 15 1 0 1637 642 254.88 60 OLD PARADIANS 12 5 0 1566 1038 149.90 48 OLD TRINITY THERRY CCOB 8 7 1 1223 943 129 .68 38 NORTH OLD BOYS 9 7 1 1314 1077 122 .01 38 8 8 1 1105 1072 103 .08 34 MHSOB BANYULE 5 12 0 951 1329 71 .56 20 BU 1 1416t8 OLDIVANHOE 4 02 12 1 864 61 .

R SECTION 16 1 0 1908 1083 176 .18 OLD PARADIANS 14 3 0 2025 1106 183 .08 OLD TRINITY 12 5 0 1708 1319 129 .49 THERRY CCOB 11 6 0 1594 1374 116 .01 OLD BRIGHTON IVANHOE 9 8 0 1488 1403 115 .92 BANYULE 7 10 0 1481 1651 89 .70 OLD IVANHOE 6 11 0 1413 1845 76 .59 MHSOB 5 12 0 1462 1729 84 .56 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 12 0 1280 1525 83 .93 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0 17 0 1103 2425 45 .48



OLD XAVERIANS 14 2 1 1437 817 175 .89 OLD MELBURNIANS 13 3 1 1217 881 138.14 DE LA SALLE 11 6 0 1305 943 138 .39 136 .99 11 6 0 1322 985 UNIVERSITY BLUES OLD SCOTCH 9 7 1 1404 1022 137 .38 COLLEGIANS 9 7 1 1276 1068 119 .48 MAZENOD O C 6 11 0 1149 1406 81 .72 ORMOND 4 13 0 861 1363 63 .17 STBERNARDS 3 14 0 789 1512 52 .18 OLD HAILEYBURY 3 74 0 671 1524 44.03

/35 .97 52 1667 1226 1633 1376 118 .68 40 1419 133B 106 .05 40

64 60 56 56 28 28 16 16

OLD CAREY 18 0 0 2168 776 279 .38 72 WHR'EFRIARS 14 4 0 1467 702 208 .97 56 OLD SCOTCH 13 5 0 1620 1056 153 .41 52 MARCELUN 12 6 0 1397 923 151 .35 48 AQUINAS OC 11 7 0 1227 1207 101 .66 44 OLD TRINITY 8 10 0 899 1230 73 .09 32 7 11 0 858 1563 54 .89 28 YARRA VALLEY 16 CHIRNSIDE PARK A F C 4 14 0 856 2096 40.84 0 742 1926 38 .53 1 2 OLD PARADIANS (2) 3 15

CLUB XVIII SOUTH OLD XAVERIANS 14 1 0 1048 325 322 .46 56 13 2 0 1017 484 210.12 52 OLD SCOTCH 112.74 40 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 10 5 0 637 565 DE LA SALLE 9 6 0 748 517 144 .68 36 ST KEVINS 8 7 0 467 872 53 .56 32 * MAZENOD O C 7 8 0 482 792 60 .86 28 OLDGEELONG 6 9 0 391 852 45.89 2 4 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 4 12 0 357 i6ai 52 .42 12 *



I:~ r,,,~ f~ . ~i~ J~.. .__ _





From the moment you make t1 : move to Quit smoking you'll fin your body getting back in shape Within two hours, of stoppinc there is no more nicotine in yoE blood stream . 6 hours - your hea, beat slows down and your bloo pressure starts to drop . After jus t

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Fo r info call 13 1848

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