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A SECTION by Jason Frenke l
ith a third of the home and away fixture completed last weekend it would be a good time t o take stock of the fortunes of A grade teams . Yes, the ladder is starting to take some shape, but it would be a brave man who would dare predict where the L . A . Adamson Cup might end up in season 1997 . Three teams entrenched at the top of the table each with one defeat . Xavs, the Lions and the Cardinals all look likely in 1997, but Wayne Harmes would be mindful that his side spent much of last year in the four, yet missed out in the end . The Bloods are looking shaky in fourth spot - Parade are running into form after knocking off the premiers and seem keen for a piece of the action . De La Salle join the Redlegs and Blues on 2-4 after shaking off their early-season lethargy, while Trinity and St Be rn ards prepare to start afresh after starts to the season thevd rather forget . REVIEW And it was Old Paradians who finally burst Xaverians bubble . Xavs had been victorious in 18 of their previous 20 encounters since their change of fortunes early last year and their 11 point loss on the weekend shouldn't trouble Nick Bourke too much. Xavs led by 2 points at the last change but were overrun in the finish by on-baller Ciavola and the likes of Holland, Philip and Mulligan . Five goals to the young Tony Muleta and multiples from Brabender, Boyd, Digney and Cosgriff would have pleased Dale McCann : particularly the eight-goal second quarter . Simon Wood was again among the best for Xavs - the on-balier is having a fine season, as is Dan Richardson. The long-kicking forward added 7 goals to his tally and heads the goalkicking table with 29 .
Confident after opening their account the previous week, St Bernards bolted out of the gate away to Old Scotch and jumped to a two goal lead at quarter time . J . Gollant found the big sticks early and then played another fine game in the ruck for St Bernards . Scotch found their feet in the second term as on-bailer P . Goldberg combined with Rohan Aujard to turn the Cardinals fortunes around . Overman , Calthorpe an d Farmer tried all day for the visitors, who didn't toss the towel in, but four goals apiece to Goldberg, Campbell Heath an d Steve Hume for the Cardinals was always going to be a difficult task for St Bernards to contain . De La Sall e continue their climb off the bottom rungs of the ladder, this time at the expense of Trinity . An early lead to the home side proved important Trinity were never adrift by more than a couple of goals yet they never made up the deficit and lost by 9 points . B . Mannix added another five in front of the big sticks for De La while Damian Toohey, Adam Elliot an d Andrew Mackintosh led the charge . Mackintosh is 2
having an excellent season. Four goals to Sam Kennedy and two apiece to Roger Boxtell an d Robert Phillips for the T's, whil, Dalrymple an d Stickland continue to show leadershii in these tough times . The Is had better mount thei own revival soon ; 1997 is all but slipping away for th, B-Grade champions . Buoyed by their return to form (almost) in recen weeks . University Blues started brightly against th( Bloods at Tucker Road, and lead all day and going int( the last quarter, too. Adam Lennen an d Paul Fairbanl were lively up forward for the students whilE Maplestone, Richard Furphy an d Richard Vandenberg all helped Uni Blues to a lot of the ball foi most of the day. In the end it just wasn't enough, for a : Bloods coach Simon Meeh an exclaimed after th( game, "nothing else matters if you are in front at the siren" . And Old Haileybury were in front all right - bs the barest of margins, too as they fell in by a solitary point. Plenty of character in the come-from-behind win with the Walden brothers, Andrew and Shane, leading the charge for the Bloods . Lappage continues to play well, too, and along with Hilton, added four goals to Old Haileybury's total . They just fell in but, as Meehan says, a win is a win . And wouldn't Old Melburnian s do just about anything for a win - by any margin- as Michael Ford's charges fail to emerge from their slump and go down to Collegians . Things were always going to be difficult with a 37 point deficit at the first change, but to their credit they didn't toss the towel in and matched it with the Lions for the rest of the game with Holme an d Ellinghaus among the better players . Tony Parkin justified his selection in the Representative side with another B .O .G performance for the Lions in an outstanding season so far while James Bennett was also among the best . Plenty of forward options at Collegians this year an d Warn e-Smith . Davidson and co . continue to post a winning score as Collegians tip-toe quietly around the top end of the ladder. Very little fanfare at this stage from the Lions' den. PREVIEW Crunch time for OM's this week in an all-important clasn with ladder-leader Old Xaverians . The Redlegs will get close, but not close enough - OX by 17 points .
Parade have worked hard to get a 3-3 record and will be mindful of a slip-up against an improving University today, but the Blues will lift a notch this week and get home by 4 goals. Trinity host Haileybury in a do-or-die clash for Bernie Dunn's troops . Haileybury, too, have plenty to play for, but expect Trinity to launch their 1997 as of today : Is by 28 .
St Dernards host an improving De La Sa ll e in a neither side can afford to lose, its desperation for S d they won't lie down today; rn .ucLsby 14 points . ,\ ,ld in the Match of the Day tomorrow at i, ;iern«'[ek Park, Scotch an d Coll egians both vie for anci ' break on the other in what should be one of „ t, ; i games of the season . Tough one to call, an d in lo_ s of the coin, the Cardinals by 4 points .
5 I
22 12 11
OLD XAVERIANS v. OLD MELBURNIANS Field : J . Toohey G . Pritchard Boundary : D . Styles Goal : Grant Beard Geoff Grigg COLLEGIANS v . OLD SCOTCH AT PLSTERNWICK PARK - SUN . Field : M. Jackson M . C,lbson Boundary : S. Hennig R. Mutton Goal : Malcolm 1: enn Anthony Simpson COLLEGIANS v . OLD SCOTCH AT ELSTERNWICK PARK RESERVES Goal : Skip Shipley David Murray UNIVERSITY BLUES v . OLD PARADL4NS Field : R. Eastwood C . O'Donohue Boundary : T . Dodd B . Brown Goal : Kevin Segota Shannon Ryan OLD TRINITY v . OLD HAILEYBURY Field : S . McCarthy H . Little Boundary: M . Meier J . Stephenson Goal : Bernie Hoare Michael Lentini ST. BERNARDS v. DE LA SALLE Field : C. Segota G . Thwaites Boundary : B . Corcoran C . Kealy Goal : Dominic Napoli Alan Bishop
!'TU S r CTF`~C~7 C=,,~~r~a m ~tU,nS A and B Clubs must only phone Q/Q scores ; goalkickers and best players (both teams) to EP 9531 8333 (before 5 .15 p.m .) There is no need to phone through final scores only as is a requirement of other sections.
I PI-Owu J
SENIORS -- 17.05.9 7 OLD PARADIANS 4 .2 12.2 14.4 19.6.120 OLD XAVERIANS 4 .5 7.10 13.12 16 .13.109 Old Parad3ans Muleta 5. Brabender 4. Boyd 3, Digney 2. Cosgriff 2 . Nilson . Vincent. Mtilllgan. Best Holland. Philp. btull'~,az~ . Cospitf. Ciavola . Muletta. Old Xaverlans Richardson 7. Bnurke 2, Coughlan 2, Clarke 2. 1L'ood. Fay. Blood. Best wood. Richardson. Clarke . Dann. Bowen . Fay. OLD MELBURNIANS 1 .1 4.9 6.11 10.18.78 COLLEGIANS 6 .8 10.10 12.15 14.19 .103 Old Mefic {=n• Guest 4 . LoGrott 2 . Stuckey 2 . L. Bunn. Berry . Best Holme. Elllnghaus. Berry. McKeon. Guest . Waddell. Collegia ns Warne Smith 4, Davidson 2. Mallard 2. Parkin 2, Bennett . Lemon. Peters . Thompson. Best Parkin, Bennett, Palmer . Phillips . Cleary. Wallace . OLD SCOTCH 4 .5 9.10 14.11 21 .18 .144 Sr. BERNARDS 8 .8 7.10 10.13 15.14 .102 Old Scotch Heath 4. Hume 4 . P. Goldberg 4. Angus 3, H-kfng 2 ilsan. Nettleton. Phillips . AuJuard . Best P. Goldberg. Aujard. Phillips. Akttleton. Grill Colltns. St: Benarda J . Gallant 4. A . Comito 3 . Farmer 2, Kennedy. Harvey. McKeon. L. Gollant . Calthorpe. Overman. Best Overman. J. Gollant. Caltharpe. Farmer. Wilkinson. V. Comfto OLD HAILEYBURY 2 .5 5.8 9.13 13.13.91 UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 .4 7.5 11.10 13.12.90 Old HaBeyhtay Hilton 4. L3ppage 4. Morey 2. A . Rtalden 2. Philips . Best A . waiden. S. tt5lden. Carly. Bums . 1 . Orton. University Blues A . Lenne . n 3 airbank 2. McKinnon 2 . Vandenberg 2 . Slimmon 2. Versteegen. Blood. Best Mapleston . Fairbank. Fmphy. Versteegen . Stewart. Versteegen. DE LA SALLE 2 .5 6.7 10 .8 13.13.91 1 .2 4.4 8 .4 12.10.83 OLD TRINITY De La Salle Matssllx 5 . Toohev 3 . Evans. D. Jackson. P. O'Callaghan. Hart . Mackintosh. Best Mackintosh . Elliott. B. hiannLx . Toohey . Sea~er Lafferty. Old Trinity S . Kennedy 4, R. Boxtell 2, R. PhWips 2, rlllibon. Andrews. Datrymple. Hatfield. Best Strickland. Dalrymple. S. Kennedy. Sutcliffe. Andrews. Beardsley.
RESERVES - 17 .05 .97 OLD PARADIANS 0 .0 2.1 3 .1 4.3 .27 OLD XAVERIANS 2 .9 7.12 16.14 21 .15 .141 Old Paradians Goal kickers and best players not received . Old Xaverians Jones 4, Diamond 3. Logan 2 . Tucker 2. Freer 2. Walsh. Coughlan 2, Hardman. Stean. Ryna . De Brought . Best Leehte. Hede . Brennan. A . Bourke . Hardman . Jones . OLD MELBURNIANS 3.5 8.5 8 .8 9.8 .82 COLLEGIANS 1 .3 3.7 7 .8 11.14 .80 Old Meltn+r*++w .,a S . Brown 2. O. Boyd 2, Campbell. Keeble . C. Eabry. Bardsley. Bunn. Best Wilhelm. Bunn. Nelson, Brown. Boyd . Dixon . Collegians Van Den Veene 4 . Pollock 3 . Humphry 2. Smith. Lub[ch. Best Morley. PoQock. Smith. Greenway. Rumprhy. Seaton . OLD SCOTCH 7.3 15.6 23 .8 29.12 .186 ST. BERNARDS 2 .1 2.2 7 .2 10.8 .68 Old Scotch Kalinksi 7. McDonnell 5 . C. Reid 4. Hamteman 4. Hoskutg 3 . Hooper 2 . Davis, Spiden . Pritchard. Ilhttivt . Best Norman. Katinski. McDonnell . Davis. Hooper. Woodhouse. St . Bernards Kavanagh 2 . Mathewes 2 . Cusack, Datfey. Farmer. O'Connor . Tote. Rood . Best Donnelly. Bond . Cusack. Mathewes. Marshall . Dowling. OLD HAILEYBURY 3.1 5.1 5 .2 8.5 .53 UNIVERSITY BLUES 7.5 13.8 19 .10 21 .14.140 Old Halleybury Floyd 2, Stewart 2 . Aughterson. BFTns. Langford Jones . Dann. Best Scaife . Smith. Langford Jones . Byrns . Floyd . 6ielln. University Blues Featherston 5 . Wilcox 4 . Keelv 2. Strack 2. Gust 2. Morison 2 . Carter. O'Donnell, Court. Bvrne . Best Fehring. Carter. Wilcox. Featherston. Edwards. Muller. DE LA SALLE 8.1 10.4 20.7 25.12.162 2.2 5.4 6 .4 10.7.67 OLD TRINITY De La Salle Flume 5 . K. Mannfx 4. Hall 3, P. OBriert 3 . D . O'Brien 3 . Grace 3, Rosman 2. Moo . V.hies . Best K. Maturity. P.O'Btiut. Duckett . Grace. Butler. Fisher. Old Trinity Are . Sealey 3. M. Greg 2. Cameron . Beamish. Smith. Thornton. Farrant . Best Harris. Sealey. Vargo, Pegg3e. Greig. Urbancie.
7~r Nationwide Factors - Factorteam
* Companie s
Avoid cash flow problems and free up your cash by using your debtors to finance your business Contact Bruce Waddell - 03 9684 422 2 Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
OIlowing victories to 7`herry Penola an d Mazenod over sides in the four and the improved form of Ol d ace, at this stage of the season there appear to be ei`ht genuine chances of participating in the finals aetion. I have included Ivanhoe in those chances following three successive losses against topsides but the "T'oes" will need to lift in the next few weeks to remain in contention . St Kevins and MHSOB both had losses that will cause much concern at the selection tables but I am sure that reduction in injury lists and return to form of key players will see both sides quickly back on track. 째 ROUND 6 sd gave St Ilevins a hiding on a day tha t everyone at SKOBs will prefer did not happen . The Nodders were never in trouble at any stage and continued to build its lead as the game progressed . "The " and m;^k-< - in defence were great play-
along with
Adam Hanley, Simon . SKOBs had few stars with y and Matt Chapman goo d
goers on a very black day . _ _ started well against Old Ivanhoe but with McLean up forward and Veal and Co doing the job in defence, the Old Ivanhoe boys worked to lead in the second quarter and dictated terms thereafter . The reliables in Karayannis, George, Tully and Kent were good players for the Old Hoes . For Banyule, the Williams boys were sensational with Egan, Turnbull, -1m^ and Glass working hard all day . Penola took on MHSOB at home an d its best win for the season . With Pola an d h marking everything and Crotty an d k solid in defence, Therry held off a challenge from MHSOB to win comfortably . Paddy 1 1, o and Goodwin were also fine players . For MHSOB again, Cam Bruce, Dan Woodley an d Johns performed well with Paul Albergo (rover), Pertzel an d Comer better players . Ormond started slowly against Ivanhoe but took control with an 11 goal second quarter. With Craig Fraser (5 goals) an d Anthony Turner on fire in the forward line an d Rod Block enjoying freedom on the ball, the "Monds" won the day . For Ivanhoe, "Junk Yard Dog", Travis O'Neill at full back, Paul Manual and : -- Gowan in defence an d Peter Flynn an d I- -,r, - s, were best . O , took on the Saints in a match that, on paper, looked to be a percentage booster for the OB's . The finals score did not tell the true story of the game. The 11 goals in the final stanza buried the Saints after a spirited fightback in the third quarter.
Again, Lennox, 7 - 1 and Jr .kson were best for the OB's with Nikas, Perry an d McLachlan good performers as well . For the Sainter ; Gilmore and the every reliable Mark Tkocz were be : with Astapenko, Nick Buck and D'Agostino solid per formers on the day. PREVIEW ROUND 7 At Elsternwick, St Kevins take on arch rival Ol, Ivanhoe in what promises to be a tough encountei Despite SKOBs poor showing last week, I can't forese them failing again and predict a 49 point margin . The match of the round sees Mazenod take or Ormond . A very interesting encounter . Maybe thi experience of Ormond will see it home by 14 points . Cellar dwellers St Kilda South Caulfield an < yule will both be keen for their first success fa: 1997 . The Saints at home may be strong enough tc prevail by 22 points . Old Brighton takes on SOB at the High Schoo oval . Coming off a loss MHSOB will be keen to stay ir touch with the leaders and may surprise to win the day by 7 points . Another close encounter with Ivanhoe desperate d Therry Penola in full flight, Ivanhotrecodawin e at home may prove too strong and come up trumps by 17 points. Reserves : St Kevins, Ormond, St Kilda South Caulfield, Old Brighton, Therry Penola . Correspondents : By 3 .30pm Monday, Fax 9889 9014. Justin (Joe) O'Conno r My deepest sympathies are extended to the family of Justin O'Connor. "Joe" was a dedicated clubman at St Kevins and a very popular young man . I personally treasure and will always remember Joe for his great efforts and friendship during our time together with St Kevins Under 19s in 1996 .
ST. KEVINS v . OLD IVANHOE ELSTERNWICK PARK SATURDAY Field : D . Dalgleish (R) A . Firley Boundary : H . Martin S . Waterman Goal : John Finn Gary Clancy MAZ ENOD v. ORMOND Field : M . Jenkins P . Callil Bour dary : G . Miller Goal : Charlie May Peter Bekkers ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULF. v . BANYULE Field : B . Schmidt M . Bushfield Goal : John Robinson Russell Owens MHSOB v. OLD BRIGHTON Field : J . Kvins (R) D . Lane Boundary : M . Chapple M . Clancy Goal : Malcolm Frame Stuart Lamble IVANHOE v . THERRY PENOLA Field : W. Hinton (R) B . Tamblyn Goal : Ross Richards Reno Barichievic h
,( ,nes St . kevii1i - 50 : nne recognition (belatedly) fo r ,t,,ve Denton, Danny :.=oore and Greg Smitia. Well done [o you all . old Brighton - 150 games to Luke Fildes. Luke's began in 1988 in the U19's and he progressed the reserves to become senior vice-captain i n
ic;p7, A fine clubman and tough combatant on the ;,c1,1, ~vell done Lukey. 150 games to Matthew Talbot . icr a long and persistent career "Tabs" has achieved r_ich. and his commitment both on and off the field n never be questioned . Well done "Tabs". 100 games w Adam "Hooker" McLachlan who after several stints at higher levels finally reaches the ton . A fine performer r'° the Tonners and enjoying another fine season in 1 97. Well done and all the best for the next 100.
LAST WK TOTAL 3 31 6 31 9 30 6 27
6 3
"Team Photos Promo te Team S-phitl l rHoTns AN 0 FUNDRAISING, Book - a r . ;. ;.-{_d;(arp-dub PLUS bma: ,III astfarevcr.
26 20 19
=-- -
Great clubman Justin "Joe" O'Connor sadly left us last Saturday, 17th May, 1997 . Whilst Joe is now resting in peace his spirit is as strong and prevalent as ever, a spirit which has contributed in so many ways to preserving the richness of our game, particularly at the grass roots level . Apart from his marvellous contributions as a player, leader and clubman, Joe was above all else a great mate. His passion for the game stirred the emotions of his clubmates, particularly the young blokes and ensured that one could always leave Righetti with a smile, urgently anticipating the next week. In 1996 Joe played a huge role in steering the Under-19s to a premiership which, without Joe's selfless contribution, could not have been won . One interest which Joe would not forgo was his commitment to the Navy Blues . A beloved fan of Carlton, Joe spent many a Saturday afternoon in the outer at venues such as the Junction Oval, Windy Hill and particularly Princess Park, closely monitoring the fortunes of legends such as Fitzy, Jezza, Perce, The Dominator and of course The Buzz . We suspect that Joe privately modelled his own game on the Blues Mosquito Fleet of the early eighties, Ashman, Marcou, Sheldon etc . As a result Joe would continually attempt to break that third tackle and get caught out on his left boot . However Joe's torps were definitely comparable to the Dominator's and would often be executed on the run . Whilst we will deeply miss you Joe, your spirit will live on at Righetti where your contributions were simply "sensational" . No doubt Joe's wonderful personality was nurtured by his loving parents David and Van, and is now mirrored in his two sisters Michelle and Francesca and his brother Christian . Deepest sympathies are extended to Joe's beautiful family and relatives from all at SKOB .
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98 9J 81: 7 7
Last Round's Results on Page 39
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C SECTION by Russell Goul d
And then there was one . St Bedes/Mentone are ow our only unbeaten team after 6 rounds o f football, and the middle group does not seem to be getting closer . It is a bit early to talk relegation, but right now, there are a couple of teams who could use the motivation, but now to the games. REVIEW ROUND 6 At Mentone, St Bedes/Mentone inflicted Monash's third consecutive 100 plus point defeat, this time to the tune of 139 points . The Blues managed only 14 scoring shots to the Tigers 48, 26 of which were goals . the Tigers dominated all over the ground, their halfback line particularly so, and they repelled constantly any attacks the Blues made . As the game wore on, the Tigers did as they pleased as the Monash boys failed to show any real fight . The first and last quarters were the best for the Tigers, with eight and nine goals respectively, and in between they had so much of the ball it should have been a bigger victory. Votes for the Tigers were shared by MacGeorge, Mick Hecker and Dave Goodchild, whilst triers for the embarrassed visitors were Kiers an d Newmann . Hopefully, and I do mean it, someone takes the shovel out of the Blues hands, because that hole is just getting deeper . For the second week in a row Thomastown played out a close affair, this week downing St . Leos by 9 points at Bennetswood Oval . In an even, physical affair, both teams squandered scoring opportunities throughout the match, which, especially for St. Leos, proved costly . Neither side was able to break away in the first half, the margins just three and five points at the first two breaks . But a six goal burst from Thomastown in the third got them the break they needed and they lead by 14 points at the final change. The Two Blues fired everything at them in the last quarter, but kicked 3 goals 7 points to spoil any chance they may have had of taking the game, and the Bears held on . Best for the Bears were Ristevski, Ward and Pouglos, whilst for the home side Dinocolantonio, Buckle an d Donovan got the votes . Down at Keysborough, Old Mentonians bounced back with a healthy 59 point victory over the Hampton Rovers side . In a very tough and even first quarter, the Panthers managed to hold a one point lead, but from there went on to kick 14 goals to five to run out comfortable victors . Although Rovers full back Fletcher was able to shut out the competitions leading goal kicker in Acreman, the Panthers found other avenues to goal and were able to capitalise on their possession, something the Rovers failed to do . The Panthers had good players in Brooks, Murphy and Macquire, whilst for the Rovers, Helliger was again good and is having a fine year, whilst McConville battled hard in the key positions . At 4/2
the Panthers are willing to pounce, but are they able, whilst the Rovers remain com-
petitive and could turn the corners with a win . Marce llin continued their winning form with a 6 5 point (almost 70) win over a more competitive AJAX, In a show of superiority, the Eagles kept the Jackers goalless for the entire first half after they kicked the first score, whilst Marcellin kicked 10 goals . The second half was a little disappointing for the Eagles and they failed to kick a goal in the last quarter despite a great amount of possession . But credit to AJAX for battling on, in particular Marty Haiphen who was prepared to do whatever it took for his side, and was helped out by Duzenman across half back . For the Eagles, best was Day in the ruck whilst Harbe rt s an d Golds were also good . A solid rather than spectacular win for the Eagles, and maybe some good signs in terms of competitiveness from AJAX . Out at Bulleen, No rt h Old Boys had their winning streak broke by a fired up Bulleen/Templestowe side to the tune of 41 points . The Bullants were keep to topple the ladder leaders and came out breathing fire . But the NOB's were up to the task in the first half and hung around. Then a 7 goal burst by the Bullants in the third term proved the difference, and put the game out of visitors reach . The Bullants again thanked their on ballers for good delivery into a stocked forward line who converted well . The boys from Brunswick had good players in McKay . Macguire an d Manassa and would hope to be better prepared for this weeks clash against Marcellin . PREVIEW ROUND 7 AJAX host St Bedes/Mentone who will look to continue their best start for many years, and I think they will remain undefeated . Tigers by around 54 points . In a rematch of last years D Section grand finalists, I think St Leos may be able to turn the tables on Monash and win by a couple of points. In a clash of two of the top teams, I think Marcellin may just be that little bit too good for North Old Boys but I'm sure, and I hope, it will be a tough encounter . The Eagles by 23 points . Hampton Rovers are busting for a win and host the in form Bulleen/Templestowe at Bluff Road . I'd like to think the Rovers are due, but me thinks the Bullants too good by 31 points . Old Mentonians travel out to Thomastown, an d I think they may come back smiling . The Panthers in another close one for the Bears, with just a 12 poin t margin . Rese rves winners will be St Bedes/Mentone, Monash Blues, North Old Boys, Hampton Rovers and Thomastown .
i ustly, congratulations for last week to St g,desjMentone's reserves vice-captain Justin pl as with victory. Well donelto a pl, ls d as stand in sk ppert 1}rL t onc of the most po aul congratulation sY t from ball at A very P Tholnastown to E ric Lentini on playing his 350th gatne with the club, only the second player in their history to do so, and along with Leo Moribito who plays his 200th game, all will be celebrating at the clubrooms tonight so get along and join in the fun . St. Belies Mentone Tigers - Congratulations are t xtended to Dave Marshall in completing 200 games for the club finally . "Billy Picken" a loyal and dedicated clubman is thanked for all of his support both on and off the field . Monash Blues - Congratulations to David Tnlmble on reaching 100 games for the `Ashers . A member of the '96 Premiership team Dave is a most popular clubman . Congratulations Dave .
SENIORS - 17 .05 .97 MARCELLIN 7.4 10 .7 14.11 14.17.101 1 .12 3.24.32 AJAX 0.1 0 .7 Mazcell3n Treganouan 6. Rowe 3. Ryder 2. Theisz. Ibrahim, Marson . Best Day, The(sz. R"aters . Gill. Roa~o. Ibrahim. ~ A J A X Bram . Gordon. Halphen . Best Halphen. Duzenman. Mohr. Roth. Velinek. Israelsohn. ST. B'S MENTONE TIGERS 8.4 12 .8 17.13 26.22.178 MONASfi BLUES 2.3 4 .5 5.7 5.9.39 St. Bodes Ment. Tigers McGeorge 7, Hacker 6 . Dan Goodchild 2 . Hayes 2, Kakic 2, Dave Goodchild, M. Hecker. Kinsella, Lator. Lerman. McGraw, R4an. Best Dave Goode hitd. Mick Heeker. G. Manmic. Boczar. Beasley. MacGeorge. Monash Blues Webster 3 . Maiden. Feenaghty. Best Feenaghty. Edquist, Tirilder. McIvor, Webster. Hurley. 3.6 8 .8 11 .11 14 .18.102 ST. LEO'S EMMAUS WP THOMASTOWN 4.3 7 .9 13.13 16.15.111 St. Leos B . Vaughan 6 . Buckle 2, Henricus 2 . Banks . Dintcolantino . Meehan . Pitcher. Best Dinicalantino. Buckle . Donovan. Burkess. . Fen Graves. Vau~tan. Thomestown Capeci 4 . Colosimo 4, Ward 2 Kennedy. Best Ristevski . Pouglos . Fellaws . Ward. Colosimo. Gentts. BULLEEN TEMPLESTO WE 4.2 4 .5 10.11 16 .12.108 NORTH OLD BOYS 2.5 7 .7 7.10 9 .13.67 Bull/Temp James 5. Mclaren 4 . Mathews 3 . Parton . Smith . Robertson. George . Best Prior. Farris, Graham. More, Parris. Agrotis. North OB Micunda 4 . Walsh 3 . Connelly. Best McGuire. McKay. Mannassa . Boyle, Miranda. CollLson. OLD MENTONIANS 4.4 9 .5 14.11 18 .15.123 HAMPTON ROVERS 4.3 4 .4 5.9 9.13.67 Old Mentmilans Bournon S. Stroud 3. Riley 2. Acreman, Ballantvne . Davis . Dart. Murphy. Kitto. Paterson. Russo, Best Brookes. Murphy, MacQiire. Stroud. Mite . Lean. Hampton Rooms McKellar 2 . Stick 2 . Marshall 2 . Scariett . Browne. Natoli. Best Fletcher. Helliger. McComeille. Blick. Hobson. Martyn.
23 13 12 12
to~;~i,.u :4~a~f AJAX v. ST. BEDES MENT. TIG . Field : G . Hodgins C . Keeton MONASH BLUES v . ST. LEOS EMMAUS Field : C . Brajtberg P . Simpson Goal : Bernie Dix Peter Allsop NORTH OLD BOYS v . MARCELLIN Field : C . Stewart N . McCorquodale HAMPTON ROVERS v . BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field : B . Allen C . Nash Goal : David Murray Robert Seymour THOMASTOWN v . OLD MENTONIANS Field : A . Kiel P. Buchanan
MARCELLIN 2 .4 3 .6 6.9 8 .15.63 AJAX 1.1 4 .2 4.4 5 .4.23 Mareellin Howe 2, Stokes . James Golds, Jeremy Golds. O'Cataghan . Harbeerts . Kennedy . Best Harberts . Jeremy Golds . Daffy, Colossl. Harberis . McNeil . A J A X Burman . Diamond. Glassman. Sheffield, ttaolf. Best Zeilinski . Krongold, Davis. Tra}er. Goldberg. Burman. ST. B'S MENTONE TIGERS 4 .3 7.8 9.9 17 .12.114 MONASH BLUES 1 .2 2 .2 6.5 6 .6.42 St. Bodes Most Tigers Connally 5 . Peck 3 . Schreier 3. Bracciv 2. Manson . Mirsud . Ord . Earle. Best Stewart . Connolly. Dickinson. Kinsella. Peck. Bracchi. Monash Blues Baxter 2, Murchie 2 . White . Dobson . Best O'NeW. Bader. Murchie . Forsyth. Crawford . Roche. ST. LEO'S EMMAUS WP 8 .3 12 .4 15.4 17 .11 .113 THOMASTOWN 2 .1 6 .4 12.8 17.8 ..110 Thomastown Gov 4, Manton 4. Ndreu 2, Contessotto. Ludlow. Millen. McCann . Niel, Thomas. Vaughan . Best Ndreu. Manton. McCann . Millen. Thomas. Gay. Thomastown Scarpa 4. L . Smith 4 . B . Smith 2. Diana 2. Valentino. Scerri . Thendorou . Pellegrino . Mineo. Best L. Smtth . Mineo. Diana, States, Ward . Seerri . BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 .3 1 .3 2.4 3 .4.22 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 .2 9 .6 11 .10 19 .13.127 Bull/Temp Cooper 2. Shim. Best hUmxy. Rozanitis. Bo}d. Stdlinq,, D'AIlW. Mrrrett North Old Boys Spurling 5. Burns 2. Barker 2. Fahey 2 . Hooper 2. . ... Best RateTs. Bums . Spurting, J . Chrtstian . Cheshire. Roberts . OLD ME NTONIANS 5 .4 7 .11 11.14 13 .18.98 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .0 3 .3 5.4 7.8.80 Old Mentonlans Marriner 4 . Lhiford 2 . Stroud 2 . Twenty,man 2 . Wallace. Millis . Fhinis. Best Martinet. Wallace . Moodie. Leone. Mullin. Twenitianan. Hampton Rovers Goal kickers and best players not received.
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e teams are losin~ touch and will need wins before .he halfivay marlr ^"' the season to make a push for a vials berth . and both lucky to escape with the poincs, t_ C still not putting four quarters together, - ' =rrun by Old Geelong and Old Essendon getting bed - each week sums up the weekend . Aquinas entertained Old C 1, who took the game right up to their hosts and trailed by only a point at the long break . In what was a very even first half neither side had any clear winner . Aquinas drew away in the third quarter to lead by 16 points and with both sides having had noticeable last quarter fade outs this season the game was still in doubt . Aquinas were a little more desperate and eventually ran out 29 point victors . Best for Aquinas was pJisston in the ruck who put in four quarters and Phillips who finished with 5 goals . Old Camberwell's best were _ tl r, Smith, Inkster (5) and McKenzie. Caulfield travelled north and met old Essendon who although starting well were pegged back and led by a point at quarter time . The second quarter saw Old Essendon assert themselves and establish a handy half time lead . Caulfield bounced back from 5 goals down to trail by 9 points at the last break and Old Essendon looked vulnerable . An early miss which could have reduced the deficit to 3 points proved costly and until the last 10 minutes Caulfield were still in it . Six goals were then run through by Old Essendon when for no reason 1 , and Cox were best Caulfield just stopped. Royal-, for Caulfield whilst Old Essendon's _' ' . Blasi, Lutterc idt and Podger (celebrating his 21st birthday) played well all day . Clohesy finished the day with 6 goals for the home team whilst Caulfield's Harr' on with 3 was their main goalkicker . St . Johns jumped Whitef ' s and kicked the first 5 goals in a very high standard game . Whitefriars a little slow were being beaten to the ball by a more determined running St . Johns, and in front of a very big crowd it wasn't until the second quarter that Vlhitefriars looked like being in the game . Vandenboom was having a great duel with Koppens but a heavy fall saw Koppens taken from the ground . His loss seemed to be the turning point and with St . Johns still in control at half time the game was in the balance .lVhitefriars were picking up the tempo and finally hit the front briefly in the third quarte,r until right on the siren St. Johns regained the lead . Glouchev and Law were giving the Friars great drive but were being equalled by Labrooy and Back . In the last some very telling marks repelled St . Johns attacks but the final quarter was tough, relentless football . Ten minutes to go the scores level saw Maguire (Whitefriars) goal with a snap over his right shoulder, after spending sometime on the bench . St. Johns attacked relentlessly but the siren came with the ball deep in the St . Johns forward line . 8
Both clubs are to be congratulated on an e : :cellent display of tough hard but fair football . Best for St . Johns was Hilton whilst the Friars Vandenbooonl, guilty, Law, i n, 3aten and Carrig stood out .
3 ' e ran in numbers at the bail taking full advantage of early opportunities and although OGs looked good their game did not flow. Parkside relaxed a little as the game progressed and OGs took this in their stride gaining control . Parkside's forward line lacked confidence after great pressure from the OGs' backs . The final quarter saw the Red Devils only manage 1 point giving the game to the OGs . Best for the Red Devils was Campbell, McNamara . McCall and Ryan (4) . No report from OGs . Salesian had a close game against Beamnaris but trailed all day in a scrappy affair . Twenty points down at three quarter time Salesian took a determined stance and hit the front late in the quarter only to see the Sharks bounce back and score a goal to win . Salesian's best were H azel, Sutherland and Matt Forbes with the Sharks best being Groves, Mills, Hanrahan (5) and Martin . Reserves predictions . Parkside, Old Geelong, Old Camberwell, Whitefriars and Beaumari s Looking ahead. Game 1 at Caulfield sees the Red Devils travel to Glenhuntly Oval with Caulfield coming off a bad loss hoping to return to the winners circle . Parkside overrun by Old Geelong should have a little more confidence and win by 2 goals. Peter disagrees and selects Caulfield . Game 2 at Como Park sees OGs take on Salesian who have been a little unlucky this season in three close games . OGs are a better settled combination and the visitors will find the open spaces of Como having a big effect on their runners . Salesian will have to wait another week for a possible victory. Game 3 at Balwyn has Old Camberwell hosting a constantly improving Old Essendon . Old Camberwell must play four quarters to hope at a chance to get the points, and although being at home will give them a slight edge Old Essenylon will be too strong all over and will win easily . Peter disagrees . Game 4 being played at Whitefflars will see ex-schqol and local rivals meet again . These clubs have built up a friendly 'bitter' rivalry and a large crowd is expected for a very hard contest . The Friars lucky last week against St . Johns may have needed the wake up call. If Aquinas had been meeting them a week ago the result may have been different but Whitefriars at home by 5 goals will give them 7 from 7. Game 5 by the bay sees the Sharks take on St . Johns . St. Johns very unlucky last week will struggle THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
er the loss of their three big men due to injury and will to rely on players returning to fill the gaps. H~anmaris will not want to take the game too easily but hat will be a very close game should just get home . p~,r scIects St . Johns , notes . Before the social notes start special mention to the o umpires at St . Johns last week, Andrew Stevens an d Andrea Flack . A great display in a very fast and highly skffled game was added to by the teamwork displayed by you both . Well done . Aquinas have a Night Club Bus Tour on the 31st leavIng their club at 7 .30pm. Contact the club for information . ` Old Essendon have a trivia night after the Whitefriars match on May 31st - all sponsors, supporters and visitors are most welcome and their is no charge for the night .
Cp-TILFI~JD GR . v . PARKSIDE Field : G . Moore L. Gallagher OLD GEELONG v . SALESIAN 0 C Field : S . Rolls G . Gioras Boundary: A . Degan OLD 'CAMBERWELL v . OLD ESSENDON GR. Field : C . Wallis D. Kramer WHITEFRIARS v . AQUINAS 0 C Field: T . Foley A. Flack Boundary : R . Binding J . Binding BEAUMARIS v. ST. JOHNS OC Field: R . Sneddon D . Anderson
2 3
16 12
I SENIORS - 17.05.97 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 3.0 9.4 12 .9 19.14 .128 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 .5 4.8 10.11 11.15.81 . Old Esseadon Clohesy 6. Fleming 4, Fletcher 3. Lukasz 2, Lutterschmidt 2 DanagtotoF+oulos . Robertson. Beat Lukasz, DlBlasL Lutterschmidt. Gooder. Reade. Bishop . Caulfield Grammar Harrison 3 . Mathews 2 . Cutler. Dickson, Doherty. HaIl. Wilson. Best T. Royals. Wilson, Horton . Laure. Dkkrosta Cutler. PARKSIDE 6 .5 7 .8 10.10 13 .12.101 OLD GEELONG 3 .2 8 .9 13.12 16 .15.111 Parkside Ryan 4, Gunn 3. MacNamara 2 . Solt 2 . L . PanJarL Vita. Best Campbell, MacNamara. Harvey. D . McCall . Ryan . Sa Up . Old ag Edmonds 5 . Howells 3. Paul 2 . Vickers- 2 . MIIhen . Stevens. . Paul. Snilth~VkLsby . Best Vickers-Willis, Wilson . Mtthen. Edmonds. Wilson SALESIAN O .C . 3.2 5.4 7.10 11.11 .77 .80 .4 11 .6 12.8 2.4 6 BEAMARIS A .F.C. Salesian OC Cincotta 4. Bobettc 2 . Wiseman 2. McKnight. Stevens . Grace. Best . . Bourke. Sutherland, Healey Hazell. Stevens, MeKrtlgtt Beaumsrls AFC S. Hanrahan 5 . Matnnoud 3, ORfky 2. Groves. Sherman . Best Hanrahan. Pitts. McManus. Riley, Martin. Groves. 2.5 5 .8 10.9 16 .11.107 AgIIINA .S O.B . 2.2 5 .7 7.7 10.8.88 OLD CAMBERWEId. OB Phillips 5. Banbury 4 . Lh~ingstone 4. Jones . DenavL Whiston . Best ~. Phillips. Jones. Hyland. Doherty . Morice. Old Camberwell hilcster 5 . Hardman 3 . Horsktns. Jack Beat Hellernan. McKenzie. Inkster, Wilson . Hardman. Smith. 5 .2 7.3 11 .4 12.5 .77 ST. JOHNS O.C. 0.1 3.2 10 .4 13.5 .83 WHITEFRIARS St . Johns Hilton 3. Abbajabber 2 . Labrody 2, Matheson 2 . Chariton, Courmarhts, Rydqutst. Best Hilton . Adamson. Rydqulst . Iabrody . Abbajabtxr, Collayne . Wh}tefiiar>i Robinson 3 . Cazr~~ 3 . Jenkins 2 . Gloufchev 2, Carbone, Naismth . Maguire. Best Van Den Boom.Iaw. guilty. Bateman . Robinson. Canlgg.
RESERVES - 17.05.9 7 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 1 .2 4.2 5.8 5.8.68 .12.48 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 .0 4.3 4.6 6 Old Eseendon DragoJto 3. Gillis 2. Leigh. McLean. Walker. Best Hughes, . Hearne . Hutchison, Dragojlo, walker. McLean Caulfield Grammarians Scholten 2 . Bettany 2. McDonald, Thompson. Best HIose. Williams . Beauchamp, Farumano . McDonald. Thompson. PARKSIDE 3.4 7.8 9 .11 12.15 .87 OLD GEELONG 0.0 0.3 2.5 5.8.36 Parkside Panjari 3. Reginato 3. Dunbabin 2. DMnan. Lay . Lord . Williams . Best MeCall. Drinnan. Lennon. Sherlock. Reginato . Copley. Old Geelong BOnes 4, tiaIlcer . Best Oliphant. Dugdale . Taylor. St . Clare. Vale, Bostock. 2 .3 4.5 8.10 13 .12.90 SALESIAN O.C. BEAMARIS A .F.C . 0 .4 4.6 6.7 6 .11.47 Salesian Brown 6.pLll~a~t 2, Byrne 2. Bowman, Forbes. ScottL Best Hunt, Brown . Chalmers, HazNrtan. Taylor, Bowman. Besuwarfs Read. Williams, Smith. Wright. Thatcher. Tesoretro. Best Lucy. Smith . Roach. Thatcher. King. 1 .1 3.3 7 .7 8.9.57 AgUINAS O.B. 2.4 6.5 9 .7 11.10.76 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 . Best Barclay. Bethune. Joyce. Mason . Slattery. Aquinas Joyce 4 . King 2. Close J. wdson. Old Camberwell Board 3 . Richmond 2. Brunnen 2, Hopkins 2, Craig. Ho'a~ard . Best Evans. Taylor. Richmond. Hopkins. Board. Simpson. 4.3 5 .4 7.4 11 .4.70 ST. JOHNS O .C. WHI TEFRIARS 2 .1 6 .4 8.5 11 .9.75 St. Johns Walton 6, Canal 2. Cantwell 2 . Lamb. Best Don-sett . Lamb, Martin, Cunningham. Walton, Lagonder. w}iltetrlaza O'Brien 3. Banrnmmm 3. Campbell 2, CYardullL D. Johnsart. G. Johnson. w Bed VandMtboom. CanpbA Davis. Lester. OBnen. Outflo
Advance Leasing Ltd . providing . . . Commercial Hire Purchase & Leasing products ® Motor Vehicles ® Plant & Equipment ® Office Equipment • Fixtures & Fitting s Ring : Peter Johnston (03) 9684 4207 or John MacDonald (03) 9684 426 4 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997 9
E fiv7' SECTION blHickey
t grabs your attention when you walk into a hospital X-ray Department and find it full of amateu r footballers waiting for their not so happy snaps of injured elbows, knees, wrists, shoulders, ankles, and so on. Every team in E East seems to be having a horror time with injuries this season, and no doubt it is the same in all other sections . The combination of firmer grounds and faster playing tempi appears to be wrecking havoc, but additionally, the players are on the ground for longer than in previous years . 5 years ago the average quarter ran for between 28 and 29 minutes, this year it's 32 and 33. What's going on? Admittedly, there's a few cricket scores being kicked this season, and the blood rule is dragging the time out, but a major portion of the extra time must be caused by getting incapacitated players off the field . Bit of a worry really. LAST WEEK . Chi rn side Park were too strong for the depleted Eley Park, with the Sharks only able to put 19 on the field in the Seniors, and 16 in the Reserves, all due to their injury list . It was a credit to the Sharks' reserve that they went down only by 14 points . The Parkers were dominant in the Senior game, with Matt W arren at CHF, John Brown on his wing, and Brian Pedler at HBF, burning all day for them . Hille, Hawley, Bruce, tNunhym, and Georgio stood out for the Sharks, but they really are in strife at the moment. Eltham Collegians were no match for the brilliant Yarra Valley OB combination on the huge College oval which Yarra used to best advantage . Telford had another day out at FF, and looks a certainty for the section goalkicking award . 61 scoring shots entails an awful lot of flag waving, so there'd have been a couple of stiff shouldered volunteers last Sunday. Good to have Fraser McVean back on the field for Yarra, and in top form too, along with his cohorts, Peterson, Habben, Thompson, Peake, Drew, Harrington, Scales and White . Yarra really does have a very classy line up . Bulleen Cobras were coasting against lackadaisical Old Carey, 5 g's up in the 19th minute of the 3rd, they looked sure things, and deservedly so . Then the sky fell in! The C's kicked 8 goals in 12 minutes, taking a 3g lead into 3/4 time, which they stretched to 29 points by the final hooter. After fumbling around and being outplayed by a very committed Cobras unit for 2/3rds of the game, the C's suddenly found 'on' switch for their looping play on mode and it was all over . Even though the Cobras didn't do anything wrong, they couldn't match the C's when the latter started performing closer to their real ability . Michael Addison, 10
Chad Esler an d James MeQuie were major contributors in the C's comeback, but in fact the whole side lifted . The Cobras were well served Badenjek, and Starrett up forward, McLeod, on the ball, an d Leo Hickey an d "Browney" in defence . Hawthorn Citizens were blitzed by the inexorable Kew on the tiny Victoria Road Reserve . Jamie Bell had a field day for Kew at CHB, taking 17 marks and kicking 4 gs . His flankers, Rob Furlan an d Angelo Gencarelli also featured prominently . The Cits had good games fr om Paul Orchard at FB, Darren Murray on HBF, Dan Laulette in the ruck . Centrals had the day off, and the Parkers at Bulleen Park must have been bemused by the C's total form reversal in the last 40 minutes . As were the C's!! TODAY Eley Park are at home to Eltham and are looking forward to only their 2nd home game for the season . Both sides have been copping some wallopings recently so it will be a relief all round to experience a more even match up . In spite of the Sharks' numbers problem, they will be a tad too experienced for the Turtles today, and should win by 4/5 goals . Yarra Valley host Richmond Central in one of the key contests of the day . Central actually matches up quite well with Yarra, an d O'Sullivan, Bove an d Andonopoulos will give Habben, Thompson, Peake and Co. a run for their money on the ball. Tim Pontefract has got Centrals manning up effectively, but the sheer volume of talent Yarra puts on the field is a worry for their opponents . This will be a ripper of a game, and, on the Domeney, Yarra should finish 2/3 goals ahead . Old Carey and Chirnside Park meet at Ramsden Street in another corker. These sides played a sensational game at this venue late last year, and today's meeting will be no different. Stephen Jones has the Parkers doing very little wrong this year, and their work ethic will test the C's, who cannot afford the concentration lapses of the last two games to continue today . Both sides are full of brilliant ball players ; watching people such as Brown, Pedler, Paola, the Pembo's, Piccioli, Addison, Vasilopoulos, Matthews, Esler, and Price is always a pleasure . In a game that will go right down to the wire, the C's should come home a couple of goals up . Kew and Bulleen Cobras do battle at Victoria Park in yet another key contest in sorting out the E East pecking order. Kew will be determined to stamp their authority on the game early, and this will be the
Cobras biggest worry, because they have shown a tento start slowly, and giving sides like Kew a start disaster. Porte, Barnes, and Harrison will troui,i< <he cobras' backline, but having Opie back in the icE ; should give McLeod and Co. plenty of first uses of the ball . Starrett and Badanjek will create a few (icadaehes for Kew as well . All in all, another top with the home game, and an overall edge in shill . giving Kew enough advantage to win by 4/5 ~oal8 .'
Hawthorn Citizens have a rest, Ed Sill has a'ready been handed his fist of things to be done round the house. Reserves' victories should go to : Eley Park, Yarra Valley, Old Carey and Kew . Correspondents : the Monday numbers are 9547 9144 and Fax 9547 7764 . SOCIAL NOTE S Eley Park is having its Spit Roast night tonight . Attendance is compulsory for all players . New is having a Sports Panel night at Sofia s on June 4th . Panelists will be Doug Hawkins, Mark ,T,rlaon and Merv Hughes, hosted by Oscar Swarv .
Milestones: ilchmond Central - Congratulations to Jason Barker on playing his 50th game for Richmond Central this week . Who knows, maybe if he trained once in a while we'd squeeze another 50 games out of him! Well done Pl.ugge r
I T,EY PARK v. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Field : R. Smith M . Argall YARRA VALLEY v . RICHMOND CENTRAL Field : A. Scherini C . Cimoli OLD CAREY v. CHIRNSIDE PARK AT RAMSDEN ST RESERVE (44G2) Field : K . Walker R . Treverton ' KEW v . BULLEEN COBRAS Field : D . D'Altera R. Marlyn Boundary: D . Gaunt D . Blackburne HAWTHORN CITI4ENS has the bye.
L ,'1
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SENIORS - 17.05.9 7 CHIRNSIDE PARK 3.2 7.5 16.9 24.11.155 ELEY PARK A.F.C . 1 .2 2.5 3.8 4.8 .32 Chfrnsikle Park Ptccfoll 4 . Pemberton 4. Carnal 3, Masarottt 2. Sore, Mother. Pedlar. Laldlaw, Paola, Brown. S . Oates. Best Pemberton, Pedlar, Brown . Mather. xoopmans . Paola . Eley Pak AC Bowen. Carrell, Hawley, Hill. Best Hill. wuni yrn. Kaye . Bruce, Hawley, Payne . ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2.0 2.0 2 .0 2.1 .13 36.22 .238 YARRA VALLEY O.B. 9.3 17.10 23 .19 Eltham Gasparotto. Dwyer. Best Tucker, Hedley, Mlal. Bishop, Clarke, Heaney. Yana YaIley OB Telford 11. Macvean 5, Scales 4. Peake 3. Drew 3. white 2. Loveless 2. Thompson 2 . Heffernan. M~Vean, Peterson . Best Drew. Thompson, Fung, White . Tel[m~d, Macvean. BULLEEN COBRAS 2.2 5.4 8 .8 11.8.74 OLD CAREY 2.5 3.5 11 .5 18.7 .103 Ba lleen Cobras Badan}er 4 . Starrett 4. Dllln, Ople, Orwin . Best Rickey, D'Ar o. D1Ilon. Hump hry. McLeod. Baylor. O~ep Addison 8, Hawidng 3, Curry 2, Arnett, Campbell . Vasllopoulos . Best Auldist, Addison. Lee, McQule . Yarnall Evans . 2 .6 3 .9 4.11 .35 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 1.4 KEW 10.1 13.10 21 .19 29.21 .195 Hawthorn Citizens Duff 8, Lauletta 8. Avsry 6 . Sill 4, McCowan 4. Best Orchard, Murray. Lauletta. Sill. Avery. Stallwvrthy. Kew Porte 6, Barnes 5 . Bell 4, Pulvirenti 3 . Harrison 2. Br1a 2. Bako~~~ 2 . Peters. ~L'aod. McMahon. Apostalakos, Mascittt. Best Bell. Gencarelll. n . Furlan . Crimmins . McMahon.
RESERVES - 17.05.9 7 CHIRNSIDE PARK 4.2 8 .3 8.5 11 .9.75 ELEY PARK A.F.C. 0.0 1 .2 7.5 9 .7.81 Chirnside Park Smith 3, Hussey 3. O'Connor 2. Reed . Dipietro, Egan . Kimpton. Best wyngard . Snuth . xympton, o'eonncs. Seh~ g. Diptetro. Etey Park AFC Dell'Orso 3. Holm 2. Lettini. Mlhalec, Verde. Best Verde . Holm. DeIl'Orso. G . Lamarea TalCernopoulos . Fukushlm3 . ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1.1 2.3 3.4 4.4.48 YARRA VALLEY O.B . 3.4 8 .9 13.18 20.23.143 Eithem 24 t4htbwt . Mullins. Best Mlllins. Hespe. Jolley. Davies . Harris. Glaze. Yarca Valley bB Ford 6, Reddaway 3. Dave 2. Koenen. Gentle, Rowe, Macsean. Seaborne, Ross. Best MacSean. Balshaw, Lain& GulsIleld. Reddaway. Ford. Park. BULLEEN COBRAS 0 .5 2.5 5.6 9.8.62 OLD CAREY 0.3 2.6 5.10 5.12.42 Bulleea Cobras Catazzo 3 . Stratton . Polltas . Trapman. Lssa. Horsfletd, Goetz. Best Parker, S. Morn . Jackson. Traphan. Chapman. Goetz. Old Carey Cohen 3 . Harris, Seynwur. Eastham. Best Sandwell. EasOtam. Jackson . Shrives . Cohen . Gannon. HAWTHORN CITIZENS 2 .2 4.2 4.4 4.5 .29 2.7 5.15 11.20 15.21.119 KEW Hawthorn Citizens Morrison 2 . L6ttlrea I.'mgiey. Best Uixirea Ryan. O'Ranlon. Morris. Fitzpatrick . Tlmewell . %ew Klrlakou 6, Brassil 2, Porter 2 . Channon 2, Rtlls. Penesis, Barnes . Best Pedrettl. Kthtakou, Wells, Channon. Dandinis, Chow .
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~7_ 22 VAFA
ore questions than answers came from a round of football that leaves eight of th e nine sides with legitimate fnlals aspirations and offers new hope that at least one of the big two may not be invincible as everyone's attention turns to the clash that should leave only one side undefeated . Round 6 review La Trobe got off to a great start kicking three of the first four goals against Uni Blacks, including two pearlers from Gerard Robinson, before the ladder leaders steadied to take a 14 point lead into the first break . Garry Connolly used the interval to fire up his charges who responded with six goals to one in the second as they came to grips with the wide open space at Bundoora . "Planet" Hall was at his best with 10 goals for the game while Roberts provided plenty of drive on the ball and Darroch did the job in defence . For the Trobers Peter Kleinitz and Al Grant worked hard but it wasn't enough to rescue the Peter O'Donohue Cup . In the twos the Blacks were far too accomplished despite some errant kicking from Plugger Howell. For the losers a special mention for first gamer Greg F oster who camped out overnight to secure his spot on the ball . Williamstown were expecting an easy game against the Reds and they dominated the opening minutes with the breeze but failed to capitalise on their dozen scoring shots as the Reds began to show signs of the confidence that's been missing for weeks . The difference at the main break was three goals . With both sides knowing the game was up for grabs Alan Elliott had to focus his lads attention on the tough game that had come a week earlier than expected . Willi responded with the first 3 goals of the second half but that only sparked the best Reds footy of the year into the wind and a 4 goal deficit at the final break. Led by Paul Keppe ll who was tireless in the ruck the Reds remained a chance until late in the term but Williamstown were always able to keep a kick and a half clear thanks to the efforts of Aaron Thege and Alan Harry . In the ressies the Reds were too soft for a far more committed Willi outfit that led all day to win comfortably . Swinburne continued on their merry way with a four point win in a thriller against Old Westbourne . Skipper Damien Milano was the
difference in the last line of defence while brother Mark lent support acros s half back . Joey Dellollo's 5 goals helped keel get the Razorbacks over the line while the Warriors were left to lament what went wronÂŁ as a 9 point lead evaporated in the final min . utes . Further cheer for Swinburne in the early game with their first win for the season . North Brunswick did the rest of the compe . tition a favour by bringing Uni High back to the pack with most of the damage done by skipper Dean Demorton with 3 third term goals in what proved a match winning spell . Lirosi an d Boudoloh were among the other key contributors as Craig Skinns continued his excellent season for the Green and Tans to no avail . There was some solace for High in the twos with a win and the return Freija who'll should be fast tracked back into the main event this week . . Preview round 7 West Brunswick have the week off and need to overcome their injury concerns if they are to overcome La Trobe . Home ground advantage and the rest is all that separates these teams at the moment, Wests by 2 goals. Uni Blacks couldn't beat Williamstown last year and the Phoenix is likely to be pretty apprehensive but this top of the table clash . Yet to be challenged this season, the leaders take on a Willi side that was tested last week and I expect the current yardstick to take the opportunity to show what they're made off and find themselves sitting alone at the top on Sunday night. Blacks by 4 goals. North Brunswick are on a role and should prove too strong for Swinburne by 5 goals. Reds are finding some form but will struggle to overcome Uni High on the rebound . High by 14 points . Old Westbourne has the bye . Correspondents please fax 9243 4920 by 1 .30pm, call 94825492 until 8 .00pm or email micj@netspace .net .au I'm keen for details of both games from both clubs so drop me a line .
wngratulations to David "Mm:" McAllister ,ti i G chalked up his 150th for West Brunswick ,ita Steve "Vizard" Turner passing 100 at La TCobe .
Social Notes
W,,st Brunswick are holding a seventies night ,,night and Blacks will be hosting a past players hl°,h at the Ransford Oval and all Blacks an d past players and supporters are welcome .
21 17 14 13
SENIORS - 17.05.9 7 LA TROBE UNt 4 .0 5.0 5.1 7.2.44 UtiIVER8r1Y BLACKS 6 .2 12.6 19.9 24.12.158 LaTzobe Uni Robinson 4, Kremer, SuOterland . TiFJte. Best Lewis, Sutherland, McDonald. Currie, Robinson . Grant. Out Blacks Hall 10, Gullan 5, Henderson 2, Lowe 2 . Butterfield 2. Caceaviello, Gadd. SadUh. Best Henderson. Hall, Roberts. Da[roch. Smith . Tmaskfs . WBbiAMiBTOWN CYASS 4 .5 8.9 14.12 18 .15.111 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 .2 8.4 11.5 15.6.96 Williamstown CYbiS Lee 4. Cook 3. Warren 2. Sadler 2, Beavtt, Daniel. Grieve, Herbertson . Thege. Best Thege. Harry. Lee, Sadler, Holland . Grleve. But Reds Kane 2, McLennan 6 . Packson. Hart, Heenan 2. James, Ha rt. Best Jackson. Keppel. McLennan, Heenan, McNamara, Drury. SWINBURNE UNI . A 2 .1 7.4 8.10 11 .12.75 OLD WESTBOURNG A.F.C. 3 .3 8.4 9.4 11 .8.74 Swinburne De3lollo 5. O'Mara 3, Dellall . Piotrowski . Potter. Best Milano, Hamilton, Milano . De3lollo . Meech . Smith. Old Westboiaae Gtbb 3. Fcankiia Hast•urgh. Clvtsto. Christo. Witte. E~ans. SzuzkL:.~iz. Best Wtilttng. Fah{ldd . Leitch. Franklin . P. O . A. O'Kecia U.H.S.O.B. 4 .0 4.5 11.7 15.10.100 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .0 8.2 16.7 17.8.110 UHSOB Mazza 6, Wallace 4, Cracimell. Talarkn, McLennan. Bunn, Koch. Best Bunn . McLennan. Maaa. Gunthorpe . Crackn^_ll. Sklnns. Nth Brunswick Nianhazn 4 . Demorton 4. Hodgson 3. Sorleto 3. MLler, Gray. Whitman. Best Denrorton, Llrasi. Whitman. Kyralzis, Adams. Wtsenham. WEST BRUNSWICK.- BYE
RESERVES - 17.05.97 LA TROBE UNI 0 .0 0.2 0.3 1 .4.10 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7.4 10.9 16.12 22 .19.151 LaTmbe Unl Girstuns. Best Bernardo. Phillips, Sklebottom. Wright. Foster. Launikonts . But Blacks HvAe114. Kitdseri 4 . Birks 3, Be&ey 3, Cameron 2, Neville 2. C. BrmTL L . Brown. Checsmazu Glass. Best Connk. Cheesman . Jones. B3rks . Kitchen . Glass , WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5.3 7.3 8.5 12 .7.79 UNIVERSITY REDS 2 .1 3 .5 5.7 6.11.42 Williamstown McKenzie 3 . McNamara 3 Bubntc . Burq^ss Featherston. Hann. Oldham . Payne. Best Bubnk. Hann. Berg t. McKenzie, Caldecuood . Featherston . Vat Reds Dander 2 . Mann 2, Carracl T, Fitts. Best Frisby. MerhL Wharf, Kudau. O'Carrall. Daalder. SWINBURNE UtYI . A 6.1 12.5 14.11 14.18.100 OLD WESTBOURNE A.F.C. 0.1 3 .1 5.2 7.3.45 Swtnburae McCallum 6. Freeman 2, Flynn . Lee, Ftavell. Leeson. Goode. Howlett . Best Freeman. Flynn, Fiavetl. McCallum. Fuhunani. James . Old Weatboa¢ae Christo 4. Salmon, Wllllams. Smith. Best Christo. Pavey. Hewitt. Crabb . Bannon, Salmon. U.H .S.O.B. 3 .2 8.8 8.8 12.11.83 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4 .0 5.2 8.2 9.3.57 UHSOB Lewkld 5, Veal 2, Cook 2. Nash 2 . FreiJah. MacDonald. Best Goodson . LewkM . O'Neil, Veal, Cook. Cotter. Nth Brunswick PapaNkolou 3 . Anderson 2 . Dimarco 2 . 1Varren . OBrien . Best OBrien . Somentille. LVarren, Lanautzes. Hogg, Bradford. WEST BRUNSWICK: BYE
WtiST BRUNSWICK v. LA TROBE UNI. Field: S. Lugowski M. Flanagan UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field : G . Seabourne V. Vescovi NORTH BRUNSWICK v . SWI1tiIBURNE UPiI. Field : P. Maebus A . Carrick UNIVERSITY REDS v. UHSOB Field: A. Ladd G. Waldron OLD WESTBOURNE has a bye. ;, t~
St . George Bank Limited ACN 055 51 3 070 Diverse Investment Products ~V Foreign Exchange '~)r Foreign Currency Accounts * Debt Hedgin g Contact Our Staff - 03 9640 866 6 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
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E SOUTH SECTION by Ken Bremne r & Tom Brai n
o psets and baring one result all games were fairly elose and very competitive . A we ll oiled "Bank" machine (23 second 1/2 goals) mercilessly put down the "Saints" by 154 points. "Patters" and "Hunters" maintained winning form at the expense of the "Pirates" and "Krushers" respectively, recording 10 and 9 point wins . The "Wicks" celebrated a long overdue win, polishing off the "Rats" by 35 points and the "House" knocked over the "Gryphs" by 27 points . REVIEW OF ROUND 6 St Mary's commenced well in its match with Southbank and were very much in the game up to the 1/2 way mark of the 2nd term . From that point in time the "Bankers" careered away, kicking 28 goals to 4 . Southbank nominated Doyle, Sparrow an d Sheahan as their best and for St Mary's, Gerstman, Theoharris and Chapman . Glenhuntly an d Oakleigh staged a terrific contest and after a high scoring lst quarter the game reduced to a defensive slog . It wasn't til the 2nd half that the "Hunters" took some control of proceedings and managed to hold onto the winning edge . Good goers for Glenhuntly were Turner, Hille and Richards and for Oakleigh, Gee, Hall an d Squizzy Taylor . Powerhouse jumped out to a substantial lead early doors and it looked a matter of "how" far . To the credit of the "Gryphons" they battled on extremely well and got within 3 straight kicks in the early part of the last quarter . However, it wasn't to be and the "House" steadied well to win. For the victors, Wright, Clayton an d Hall got the "nod" and for the vanquished, Hetherington, Kitchen and Guymer . Two evenly matched teams in St Pat's Mentone and Peninsula locked horns . The "Patters" played 4 solid, disciplined quarters of football whereas the "Pirates" were somewhat spasmodic . St Pat's named Perrin, Young and Sebire as their MVP's, whilst Angles from Peninsula chimed in with Briggs, Bowen an d Atchison . In a dour struggle at the "Postage Stamp", the Elsternwick troops kicked away in the final term to record a solid victory. Wasted opportunities in the 1st 1/2 by the "Rats" cost them dearly . It was a tight and physical game, however it never reached "dizzy" heights as a spectacle . The "Rats" cause wasn't helped by some last minute withdrawals . "Wicks" plonked for Jack Neil and Leigh Murphy as their best and the "Rats' went for Nicolosi, Malone an d Larkin as their choices . MAGOO'S : St Mary's succumbed to Southbank to the tune
of 63 points. Peninsula skittled St Pat's Menton( easily, by 47 points. Elsternwick by panels, 77 point,, to be precise in their clash with ANZ Albert Park, Oakleigh in a close one against Glenhuntly by 11 points and in what might've been considered an upset, Monash Gryphons over Powerhouse by a lazy 34 points.
PREVIEWS - ROUND 7 St Ma ry's, coming off a "flogging" won't relish the thought of entertaining an in-form St Pat's who'll be on a "high" having knocked over Peninsula . Home ground advantage will count for very little . "Patters" easily, in the vicinity of 50 points . Must agree here the Vultures are in top touch and the Sainters are carrying a few injuries, they will be competitive for awhile but the weight of numbers will tell in the end . Peninsula, after 2 defeats in succession will still pack too many 'guns' for a competitive Elsternwieh unit. The "Pirates" should have little trouble in recording a comfortable 60 point victory on their own 'dung hill. They really need to win this one the home side to restore some pride and confidence after a couple of bad weeks . The Wicks will be confident but the travel won't help them so I'll tip the Pirates just . Oakleigh faces a 'must' win encounter against Southbank. Whilst conceding the "Krushers" are a chance, given the fact they're virtually playing for their season . I can't and won't tip against the "Bankers" in their present form . Southbank by 36 points. Now that the Krushers have let me down again I'm right off their bandwagon . I couldn't tip them against my own side anyway . The Bankers to win but don't take them lightly boys . Monash Gryphons, a la Oakleigh, take on Glenhuntly in the knowledge that their season fortunes are very much on the line . I reckon on this game being very close, however the experience, not to mention the recent winning form of the "Hunters" will see the visitors home by around 24 points . The Hunters have had the hardest draw of us all and have performed pretty well, today they have the chance to increase the game between themselves and the rest of the field and KB I think they will much to the chagrin of the Gryphons . To wrap up matters, ANZ Albe rt Park play host to nearby foe, Powerhouse. You can analyse this game any which way and the findings are the same . Powerhouse, just too strong and too good . "House" to score comprehensively by 60 points . Good to see a
i, i names hel han pP~ t d eir cause, Ricky I thin k Rcls line up, it can only cy %ui1l need a few more of the 91 vintage to help t}i(:m overcome the House today, who must keep winto keep the Hunters at bay. I,IAGOO Ss -Patters" won't cause too many headaches for -3cints" who'll win by 45 points . "Pirates" to do
dernolition job on the "Wicks" and send them home 1iv 70 points in arrears . Good clash on the card"s licm ;een "Krushers" and "Bankers" with the latter f~ toured to keep their record in tact, only just tough, by i l points . Flip of the coin job between ~ Gryphons" and "Hunters" with the fall going "Gryphs" way to get home 5 points clear . Should be a stroll in the park for the "House" and they'll enjoy a 50 point win along the way over ANZ "Rats" . SOCIAL NOTES Elsternwick - Sportsman Night featuring Bill BrownIess, John Barnes and Mark Harvey . Venue Elsternwick Bowling Club . Time - 7pm . Cost - $25 . Date - June 14 . Ring Marc Bullard for bookings (0411 427 638 ) St Mary's - Spit Roast after today's game against St Pat's . Trivia Night - June 21 (all welcome) . Contact Terry 9808 6775 for tables. Monash Gryphons - Come as your favourite .superstar" evening, following today's game . Venue The "Gryph-Inn" (all players and supporters welcome) .
Milestones Southbank - Congratulate a very consistent performer in Gavin Jones who today plays his 100th game . Well done Gav . St . Pats - Congratulations to our club captain Karl Gurtler on playing his 100th game against Peninsula . From everybody at the "Patterdome" well done Karl . We all hope you are here for another ton. Special hello to Jonty Noonan who had his spleen removed after Saturday's game . Get well soon.
LAST WK TOTAL 6 37 9 31 22 4 22
34 30 29
37 r=IOP.3 - 17 .05 .97 SOUT1B3Ah : C .F.A. A.F.C. 17 9 .11 19.13 32 .15.207 ST.''ARYS 2 .3 3 .8 5.9 7 .11.53 i~A..k Bunnett9 . R~4. Smmaatno3 .:.p:vrax3. Ho3~m 3. Blank 3, Pitts . Caiwi 2 .1'r.are. Cabov. Best Sammzutino, CastEs. Bionic burn~ett Pakodeaus . St. Marys Blnyon 2 . Jones. Clark, LivhLstone, Francis, Theoharris . Beat Gertsman. TheohairLs . Chapman . Evans. Clark. Huebner. ST. PATRICKS MENTOhE 2 .2 8 .5 8.7 12 .13.85 PENINSULA O .B. 3.3 3 .5 7.9 11 .9.75 St Patrteks Mentone White 4. Gurtler 2, Murphy 2 . Barr. Young. SuIlhun. Grom^es. Best Perrin. Y Sebfre . Evans. GurOer. Jones. Peninsula OB Remind 3. Campbell 2. Bonner 2. Cook. Farrer. Best Marshall, Brt~s. Bvaen. At inson, Franks, Gross . ELSTERNWICK 2 .2 3 .5 8.11 14 .20.108 ANZ ALBERT PARK 2.1 5.2 9.7 10.9.87 F.tsteznwiek Andrew 7 . Clement 2, Mussared, Steele, Curtain, Neill. Murphy. Beat Neill. Murphy. Andrew. Clement, Mahnny. Curtain. ANZ Albert Park Smith 4. Nkvlosl4. Malone 2 . Best Nicolost. Malone. Lucldn. Smith. WaIlrey. Koegter. GLEIiHUN4LY 8 .2 6.4 11.7 13 .12.90 OAHI.EIGH A.F.C . 4 .3 5.7 8.11 11 .15.81 Gknhuntly Sutton 3, Miller 3 . Carsten.sen 2. Breslin 2 . Kouts. Janis. O'Donnell . Best Turner. Hill. Miller, Richards, Janis . Antonio Oskieigr Hall 3, Wood 2 . Kitts 2. Lewis 2. HeveiirL Grintec Best Gee. Hall . Taylor. Lewis . Rubery . Wood . POWERHOUSE 8 .3 12.5 17.10 19 .13.127 MONASH GRYPHONS 2.1 6.8 9.11 14.18.100 Powerhouse Craven 6. Phelan 5 . McCullough 4. Scotland . Hall. Birch. Jackson. Best tUrt L Clayton. Hall. Auld. Crarron.'t'~itmas .
Hamdc 3. Kitchen 3. G8^.laist 2. Ktflnister 2 . t5Us 2. Flynn, Mva3fad. Beat Hethetn~ Kitchen . Guyzrer. Solat. Rode, T. Gfldutst. P. GAdakL RESERVES = 17.05.97 SOUTIIDANK C .F.A. A.F.C. 4 .4 10.6 15.11 20.14.134 ST. MARYS 0 .1 3.2 6.4 11 .5.71 Southbank Rol[s 9 . Lucas 5. Cank 3, Pitts. Jones. Plaza. Best Roberts, Scanlon. Rolls . Wardrop. Radeli6e . Jones. St Marys J. Roussis 5. Burns 3. P. RoussLs 2, Gunn. Best J. Roussts. Harrison. hues. P. Roussis. ST. PATRICKS MEtiIONE 1 .2 3.4 5.4 7.4.46 PENINSULA O.B . 3 .2 5.4 9.10 13.15.93 St Pats Mentaae Gro~~an. P. O'Meara M . O'Meara. CereitellL Jenkln . Panton, Taska. Best Glllespie, Batey. Grech, Freese, CeniteIli. Bray. Peninsula Cannon 5. Bond 3 . Warner 2, Baxter. Crean. Taylor. Beat Crean. Clartngbaid . Bleasby. Wllllams, BrazxatLsano . Hinde. ELSTERNWICK 5 .8 7.15 14.18 18.21.129 ANZ ALBERT PARK 2 .1 5.1 7.3 8.4 .52 ÂŁtaternwick De~ronshlre 4. Hnsktng 3 . Daniels 3. Hunt 2. Whelan 2, Grand~Cunle. 04xrnzan. LacLS. Beat Whelan. Park. Hunt. Currie, L Hos API At6ut Park P~ .stras 3 . HitR,anin 2 . Leneghan. Carter, Daou. Beat Haggar. Heyrs. Duke. Wylie, Carter, Pastras. GLENHUN7'I.Y 2.2 4.7 8 .13 10.17 .77 OAKLEIGH A.F.C. 5.1 9.7 12.9 13.12 .90 Glenhuntiy Pappin 3. Ryan 3 . Sutton. Williams. Bain . Seabrook. Best MeLinden. OHare, Pappin. Talarlco. Haggerty. Seabrook. Oakleo Dtckdc 5, Tatterson 2. Andanopoulos. Bloomfield, Bromley, Delt'Aquila, Dnnadd, Osb= Beat Chapple . Dickey. DdrA.qui)a. Dnnadel. Bromley, Tatterson. POWERHOUSE 1 .2 2.5 3.7 7.8 .50 MONASH GRYPHONS 2 .2 6.4 9.5 13.6 .84 Pmred~ Maddox 2. 2 . McCardel . McLeod. Phelan. Best Ryan . Doyle. Norman. McCord-.1. Tavi~, raint. Mosh Gryphons Kalter 4 . Graydon 2. Barry 2. Coleman. Bennett. BugeJa, Togiu(I. Beat Charleston, Bugeja . Coleman. Martin, Freeman. Wadley. Bennett.
Jl~~r i ST. MARYS v . ST. PATRICKS MENTONE Field : G . Brereton G . Wolter PENINSULA 0 B v . ELSTERNIYICK Field : G . Armstrong G . Stoppa OAKLEIGH v. SOUTHBANK CBA Field : T. Ovadia (R) S . M an n ix MONASH GRYPHONS v . GLENHUNTLY Field : J . Ashurst P. Griffiths ANZ ALBERT PARK v. POWER HOUSE Field : A . Damen (R) M . Whitman 15
0 ver 30 years ago the late Len Smith, who coached both Fitzroy and Richmond, decide d to put pen to paper and write his philosophies of football . There precious notes are only owned by a handful of people and I am one who is privileged to have them . Len Smith was my grandfather and I would like to pass on his thoughts of "THE AIMS AND DUTIES OF A COACH " 1 . No 1 aim is to help to win a premiership for his club . 2 . It is not good enough to have the knowledge . One must cultivate the ability to impart that knowledge. 3. Do not judge success by what you have achieved, but by what you should have achieved with the ability you have. 4. A coach should train a player to use his ability to the fullest advantage of the team . 5. He must be capable of earning the respect of his players . 6. A coach should be able to instil into the players a very high "team spirit" or love of this club . Dedication, friendship, unselfishness are vital . 7. He should teach players the value of discipline and how our great game should be played . Sportsmanship and sincerity and how to accept defeat graciously and be modest winners should also be impressed on them . 8 . A coach should study and know the rules of football and be able to explain their meaning. 9 . Team tactics should be discussed collectively and also individually and thus all players should be
aware of team planning and their own individual requirement in that planning . 10 .Treat each player individually and learn all of his problems both football and personal so that you can assist him to overcome them . 11 .Be a friend and confident and encourage him to seek your help. 12 .It is sometimes necessary to be tolerant, but be tough on "psycho's" . 13 .Your job is to train players with a deep sense of teamwork and team loyalty . 14 .A coach must be able to get his players fit and keep them fit both mentally and physically throughout the duration of the season . 15. So a coach should channel his thinking into these 4 basic areas. 1) Concentration on the individual ability of each player to make sure they know what to practice so that they become expert at the fundamentals . 2) Physical conditioning. 3) Team work and tactics . 4 . Mental conditioning. In closing - if you, as coach or a potential coach, put these 15 points into your coaching make-up, you at least have the right ingredients for success (also the right stable of players will assist greatly) . Wayne Harmes Senior Coach Old Scotch AFC Excerpts from "The notes of Len Smith "
Ijiider 19 ~~cti®n ~ E ~ pE LA SALL
Coach : Mark Zuke r
CoachCfaY~~ C oach : Leigh Bov+es t . A'. Pndresvs 22. N. Buifin
f 2 . ~g~yam'e(VC) 451 T.WOOdruf . W . Eade '~ a.l3onnk.i .,., 46 47. 'Nei2 49. J . RAu ~ Hastorth . R.Ha~rrad 53 . G .Pamham 54, A. UPtr0l 55 .. LS.Oimer 56 Marget 58 . D. Wat~ n 59. C .. McPhe+sa 60, D Crewdson 61 . T . Ewait 62. A . Legs 64. R. Martin 65. R . Kent 67. R. Handily 68. N . Biggn 69. J .. Stewart 70. J Thomass 77 . G. Rhode 72 . A. Bette 73. B. 75. S . 76. S, Grahed ~ ~. ,.. , 77. M . Day r . L Seage ~ 31, S,Thwnas (V C) 52, J, Wate rs . 33~ ~Witfiams Kforen ( ' 34, 35. aGeM :P~.ra ~ B. Lee 37.
1 . C C1oke
) 2. J . Berry (OVC 3 . F . Purcea 4. S. Mu raY (C)
Coach : Pat Hawkin s 1 . 6M1.flost 2 T.FertkcJ ~. 8~ A
~r~_ ~
5. A. Jakawank o 6 . A CraWShaY
7. A . Batns NC) 8. C. Langford 9. D . Gardene r
10. M . Banko
1 . D .Puttz2 V. R . Campbem 13 . R. Tandy 14. M. Bennetti 15. D .FabmY Moms t6 . 0..MNer(DVG) 17. J 18 . R. Forster 19. W. Dengue 20. S .Oaon
& AKatred/ 9. T 1A D.BOtad it. aNeSn z tA.Y e b 3. tLTted 14. LFiebtS
15. LD %-J`n`s
1. J . AnrNOru s
22 . J. Tomlinson 23. A . Ccoch a 24 . J . McKenn
PVC ) 25 . R .Sewe4 e 28. C. Sbre s 29 . N. Cauzen
30, N . Coutts
32 . J . Wdght 33, D. Var1eY 34. A. Maher
35 . E. SedgleY 39. J. Rig9
5 P
35. MQ~n ~. M~
3G JPfd em Mwald, 11)rJO~ 61 3T
. L.itadnxic ~ ~. AFld>~ 62 STnn 40. L F+re'+aM 63 4. e S~wda r M. At)ik'n t 65 D. n 68 hL miWa e 67. P.Detiln'i'! 68, tA.Ptdn2e[
14. N. Moore
15, A . Finney 1 6. B.Otnrtc(C) ) (DVC 17 B. .Day n 18 . M Funsta } A We .O't3rien (VC) 20. J 21 . N. Sfer t 22. J . Vmcen d 23 . G.. Hadda 24. R SheedY 25. S . takCannel i
26. R. Zeman 27. S. Andrew 28 . C. Busson g . J. Daifey 29 30. N EdvrXds pA 0'Dorme A 3 . J: An~s 33 R Ryan 34 . J. Luncantont o 35. J . Nda+? 38 . M. ConO 37. J. Hunt
~w ~ ~
47. S.Pr1CCat1 N
OLD CAREY Coach: Peter Schitie r 1 . C. An9us (C) 2. F .Yaghmoor 3. P. Ce(cW-
4. J . Powell 5 . T . Baker 6. S' Weal 7; C. Anson 8, J. Zito
9. J, Woods 10 . S. Lan1aue
t i . P. Vary:am" 12 . J . Mai 14 . M. Rafiaele 15. B . Hood 16 . A. COsteeo 17. K . Lewis
18. C. RdrartU 19. T. Wood, 20. M . Lawrence 21 . D. Stcne 22. C. Battle
23 . T. Stuart 24. N. MacLean 25. A . Tranter 26 . S. Wood 27. C .Dav2J 28, S. Vital, 32 . M. MigHOnni 34. J .Famier 35 . S. M000weit 35. L. Cieak
39 . J . Nash 43. F . Hekins 47. A Bond N. Seals 0 . Cochrane K. S A . White J . AnnuP g~
4 . B.tfe ~ J't~y W . LGxic4Y 27 .. G.tk0 .Ra+ 5}, Rfad , 2& P.C~Y 29. N.@~d 9, S. 30. C.Fkae 31. ASkSJem 54. T.BOrskn lvjjar 32 T. 4a Y Q
Coach ; Kevin King j 1. Johnson J. Seaton 3 C. Grant 4, D . N/sbett 5. P . Egan7NC) 6 . L Vacne 7 . S. Paatuca (G) a A . Smyth . 9 . S.Geabe6~u 10. L Pedsir>s t y . A. Meadows t2. A. (Arnn (V C) 14. D. Ke[ty 16 . M . Dawes 17. N . Meehan }8. B . Meehan 19. D.. Ciarn,xo P McCuGorh 21 . 0. Ris9 22. T . Bet1rY 23, P . Nelson 24 . J . Pers1 25 . J. .Dunne 29, P Fa 'JJ . D. 32. P. Fotinfotiss 34. R. HaeAan 42 . L Stephenson 74. A . McDav10 76 . N. Parry
2& T. Gomm
31 arc~N 34. T.Fbg
1& D.Sa'+eY 17. LCard9 I& D .t7krW 19.fLS res 2p D.Treca 21 . BS$i~' 2'L J.Oems a 24. GGmds 4 G`.~
I . A. CaMary 2. A. Jones 3. P. Mount (DVC) 4, C . Baker 5.0.Brown 6 • 7. M.P 8 P 9 . L CmsSwett 10. M .Davoren 1t . J.. BerTn 12 B Datahe/ Y 13 . M,Mdnem
7 Ke
h2ne e nCoach 1 e n m tlvy (PDrpi a
5 . S.Pnrtcw 2. M. LY~
Caadt : Steve Carroll 1, M, Belford 2. R . Berrlamin 3 . D. Bolton 4. C. Brooks 5. H. Chdstie 6. B. CrilerY 7 J . Camm
3 . it wd~
4. J.ltxas 5 . AHaxa3 6. ABU0=5a 7. MatJOfce S. D. Rl~m 9. 8. R .w ' 10. M. Pa wg% 11 . A. B dkZr 12. M.DOrrurgu'y3. 8.Ra'-A 14. S .Ci84da 15. 4A.Dempster 16 M . G917. A. Bu= 1& L .G34ra+ 19. M..kw20. G.PwLwu7 21 . D .Green 2'L M. FkM 23. t&-q"9 24. 8 . LYrrn 25. G.eStd
I . A. Stranied 2, T. Wilkinson
. R. B~nKa ,3 4, D . Thomas 5. J. Pearson 6 . P.fannazza 7, T. Harvey 8 . J. DelaneY 9, R, Nutter Overman 10. B ..6sc4rson y} . S . Hogan . B 12 13 . S. McKeon 4 .Thomas 27. ~~ r A .Hastr: 45. S 2& .SLwran 0 oeir 15. A. Brandt P1n 47 . P. Yar✓7a 29. 8. W 16. J. Uoyd . C 3D. ATdadco 48 . LKNtI 17. T . Pianta 31 . ASmM 49 L Kavanagh '.A. T.tesd 32 C .Wt4)tA 4 g3. Q.Warren 5 21 . B. t .ought+n 'u~aa 52 .5. . Fewster .Var~ 25. D 34. D 53. 5 .O'N?R 35 PL Sacw 27 . James Mount . J .Me , 30. Joseph Mount 3S AB~ '•dao 54 55. D .Peim~ 37. D.&raa'c% 31 . B. Swan gg G.OT.~aa 5~7 . TR~o-~n 32, J. Evans 39. M.Ba~o 58 .Snrth 43, C. Davis .J `~. ~' ~~ 59 . 0. Se+ w 41 . AO+Bas'-. W. FA.Vcntu~ 42 Matf.as9n» 61. J.Va o 43. GBUtd?r 6 . P.CAttF'R 44 . M. v 72. F .V€acN 45. L Nams
-r y.~ ~~~c FRVa ~,'O S~~L~'" ~ \Vhitehall St, Yarravilte Ph : 9687 8722
8, M. Cobtxedk 9 . M. Coleman 10. J .Car3ooouPas 11 . N . Co'rMng
12. W. Crocke r
13 . A. Davidson 14. J . Eastau9h (C) 15. B,Fricker(DVC) 16. S. Fuller 17. M. GodreY 18 . T . Hayes 19. J. Hoctsing 20 . W.Jacksa' 21 . T .Johnson 22. D . Keity 23. M . fCOmok 24. ~. Lyl e MahOne Y 25.
J 26 . McKenzie-WHaR McKinnon 27. X . 28 . 8. O'Gorman 29. J .Pres4 30, T. ROydhouse 31 . J. Starting 32 L Stevens 33 . E . Stewart 34. J. Stursock (VG) ,35, A .Tem6
36. R. Versteegen .37. J . W+tcox .38. A. Winter 39. D. Wood
Rd. 622 Mf . Atexander Foods hlooDee 93261199 17
Under 19 (2) BEAUflAARIS
Coach : Peter McBrea rty 1. N . McLean 2. B. Thomas 3. M. . Pitts
Coach : Shaun Mangan
4. T. Window 5 . B. Griffiths 6. L Gibson 7. B. Stevens 8 . N. Burton 9 . J. Walker 10. G . Moloney 11 . G .Johnson 12 . J . Baytord 13 . D. Emma r.orl
14. A. <hgn 15. F. McDonald 16. S . Mitchell 17. T. Eaton 78. 19. 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 .
A . Palmer R . Thornton T. Cotter A. Catlin S. McKay B. Ferguson C. Celan K. Danadrki S. Horler J. Vance J. McKenzie C. Martin R. Canfield N. Kennedy
41 . A. Van Dan Blink 47. T. McAlpin e 51 . D. Sheldrake 53. T. Rand
1 . M. Randazzo (C) 2 M. Roberts
3. G . Gull
4. L Bet6ol (DVC) 5 . G . Hawkins
6. C . Keogh
7. W. De Vercelli G. T. Louder
9. D . Marson 10. M. Moussi
11 . P. Pappalardo 12. M. Karavasiks 13. C . Duinardo 14. D . C.Gro
15. B. Symes 16. S. O'Connor 17. J . Pacocdoco 18. J . Sheehan (VC) 19. L Pettinella 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 35. 50.
N . Mathews M. Van Lint D . Kearney P. Diacogiargis J . Smart J . Delahunt M. Maguire D . Hogan R . English B. Dinneen C . Abzangelis B. Kearney
OLD HAILEBURY UNIVEFtSfiY BtACKS Coach : Greg Lassicock 1 . C. Home 2 . S. Davey 3. S. Saunders 4. M . Thiele
5. P. Dimond 6. D. Reid 7. B . Shearer 8. R. Parker 9. E . Dunphy 10. D. Harrop 11 . R . Goulden 12. D . Warden 13. G. Finlayson 15. C . Jayasekem 16. B. t .angorclJones 19. C . Efsthatiou 21 . B. Waters 22. D. Mason 24. C. Pountney 25 . N. Biggs 26 . J. Bell 27 . B. Carson 29 . C. Joyce 30 . A. Rode 60 . M . Scmaia
The Beehive o Hotel 0
Coach: Craig Thompson 1 . M. Atkin 2. L Brawn 3. M. Byrne 4. P. Cavicchiob 5. X Cements 6. B. Dryne 7. 0. Fivnass 8. B. Henderson 9 . D. Leahy 10. A. Meher 11 . J. Man, 12. J. Mc~A.1ey 13. R. McNamara 14. A McNichol in . S. Moody 16. B. Murphy 17. A. Nolan 18. W. Pascoe 19 . C. Pease 20. H.Pedc 21 . C. S&Mrg 22 . T. Sessions 23 . M . Staunton 24 . S. Vogler 25 . S . Wimpress 26 . S . While 27 . N. Wilson 28. G. Baud 29. B . Costello 30. S . Dimond 31. P. Greerbank 32. E . Hannon 33. J . Hodgkins 34. J . Hunt 35. J . Olmstead 86. L. Maguire 37. J . Martin 38. J . Slafmrorth 39. D . Walsh 40. T. Reid 41 . k winter 42. A Naughton 43. L MeRirgs 44. D . Biks 45. M. Raffaela 46. A Ashley
Hawthor n
OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIANS Coach : Tim Kilwort h 1 . T. Van DerVenne 2. S . Elg 3. J . Clark 4. G. Brown (C) 5. L. Taylor 6. C. Mallard 7. L. Byrne 8. B . Page 9. M . Britten 10. A .l .angdon 11 . M . Gromotka 12. P . Johnston 13. N . Florentine (C) 14. T. De Young 15. C. Hams (C) 16. A . Baxter 17. R . Hosking 18. A Conn 19. R . Lull 20. J. Waters 22. P . Waycott 23. T. Holden 26. T. Champion (C) 30. L. Moon 32. J. Tarpey 33. B. Sanwei 41 . S. Sayers 44. C . Gihson 69. A. Dakin
OLD CAMBERWELL Coach: Andrew Tslndos I . T Donava n 3. E . Williams 5. B . Smith 6. A Hanson 8. J . Hardman 9. A Gebley 10. J . Webb 11 . C. WII&ams
12. A. Patterson (C) 13. S. Hancock 14. J . Heffernan 15. A. Gleeroy 16. A. Baker 17. R . Scott 18. A Campbell 20. B. Day 21 . S. Barry 22 . J. Miles 23 . M. Cook 24 . S. Pickles 27 . S. Miles 29 . S. Budcett 30. J. Zenfier 31 . M . Wilkinson 32. C. Davi s 36. A Kettle 41 . W. Suffer 44. W.Orwin 47. L Junipe r
Coach: Terry Kendall 1 . C.Junkheer 2. L Hanrrermart 3. A. Parke r 4. A. Sheer S. T. Stewart 6. I. Mackenzie 7. T. Gros s 8. T. Frankanburg 9. N . O'Brien 10. N . Smith 11 . L HavAdns 12. L Hume 14. J. McNeur 15 . C. Lunn
16 . T. Chapman 17 . A. M,ecenn 18 . J . Hughes 19. H. Jenkins 20. C. Tmdale 21 . M. Toose 23. O. Crane 25. J. Lave 28. A. tines 29. D. Rot:sor, 31 . S. Prendergast 34 . M. Soccio 36 . L Andrews 37 . N. Thompson 41 . Mark aBrien 44. S . Connor 65. Matthew O'Brien 67. A. Crow 70. N . Sladen 71 . C . Ward
89. R. Silverwood
PAT=TERSON. ,HENEY ~RiNG~1410d ~ . 18
Coach: John Stanton 1 . C .Taylor(C) 2. D . Stroules 3. B. Kinnear 4. M. George 5. M. Pope 6. B. Wilson 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
S. Anderson C. Williams, B. Davison S . French S . Yin (C) M . Manovela S. Hartridc M.VanL'mt G. Long (VC) S. BrarWt
17. B. Parkes 18. H . Veale 19. S. Waiters 20. P.Stannans 21 . R. Gray 22 . A Camilleri 23 . M. Bortikn
24. P. James (VC) 25. A HOpgood 26. J . Anderson 27. S . Attac h 28. D. Nasrallah 29. M . Walton 30. D. Mutton 31 . G. Beg
L Hull-Brown B. White , T. Thomson C . Burk e H. Mousse
WHITEFRIARS Coach: Andy Dalrymple Assistant Mal Goodey I . A. Croug h 2. M. Northey 3. B. Phan 5. D. Eames 6 . B. Wmd i 7. M . WiMerberm (C) 8. R. Fedele (VC ) 9, S. Gillen 10 . A.Johnson 11 . M . Cassarino 12 . D. Reid 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
T. H ilton J . T reyvaud B. Doherty T. Mulcahy R. Murray C.O'ConnOr M . Duffy
28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33.
D . Cassarino M. Walsh A. Beattie D . Edwards C . Leahy M. Rees.
20. S . Fleming 21 . M . Setches 22. S . Davis 23. J . Bond 24. M . Nolan 25. N . Crasher 26. D . Sullivan 27. T. Hoare
34. M. Anderson 35. B. Keati ng 36. A. Sealey
MrTCHA M wILL1AMSTOWN CYMS Coach: Tony Ryan 1 . B. Words 2. B. Cocks 3. A. Petzierides 4. M . Hewitt 5. G. Rickard 6. B . Twist 7. E . Mould 8. A MaCWey
9. S. Wuchatsch 10. L Gray 11 . D . Macleod 12. N . Hunt 13. J. Clark 14. B. Davies 15. L Grochahoves4o 16. B. Forrester 17. L Gray 18 . H. Ahmad 19 . W. James 20 . M . Manning 21 . L Oldham 22. T. Murray 23. G. Singleton 24. J. Mater 25. L Thomas 26. T. Thompson 27. C . Matthews 28. W. Yessine 29. S. Hudson 30. J. Wyatt
31 . B. Todd
HUGH LYON KNITWEA R Banyule Newsagency Tattslotto & Post Office
Under 19 ( 2) Blue AJAX Coactr: Henry Rittemtanh t.ssistarrt Bruce Josep I . J. Ra~nan
(C) 2 . J. s~me 3. B. Davis 4. G. Dukes 5. J. Rath
` 6. D. Loewy
Vdrrytcross ,. 7. S.. Rosenbaum 8J . .,, 9. S Ajzerunan 10. H. Snow II . J. Sdw 12 D.Katz , 13. R.Sochm 14. J. Weinstock 15. A. = 16. P. d 17. A MO M n 18. A. (DVC) 19. G . W& 20. S.Czamy '21 . D. Stub 22. A. Wiser 23. A. Bensimon 24. A. Lewis 25. M.Btashki 26, X Scene 27. A Lust 29. J. Joseph 30. T. Hams 31 . J. Harris 32. J. Rogers 33. A Bmtraum 34. J. Sharp r 35.' M' D. Segal Sfig1it 36, 41 . V . Raleigh . E . Yeo 39. D. Katz 42 43. J. Abor areri 40. A H
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Ec8 PAelnja k 1 . R. Durtbat (C) 2. J . Grouch 3. T. Prantros 4. J . Midwinter 5. W. Armour 6 . A. Crowther 7 . M. lies 8. A. Ouran 9. S. James (VC) 10. A tandrigan 11 . A . Voss 12. B . Marryn 13. T. Sndtfi 14. N. Reim 15. M. Dunba l 16 . D. Voss 17 . P. Nelson 18 . C. Lucas 19. G. Shenfleld 20. S. Parkinso n
21 . David Anderson (VC) 22. L Tregea r 23. W. Benton 24. J . Avramktdes 25. B. Hebard 26. Scott Wiffs, 27. A Koi&rrer 28 . S. Grimmer
C oach: Ian Radlow
Coach: Rob Smith 1 . T. Bunting 2 . J . Campbell 3. D. Chapli . S . Clay n4 Donn'ison 5. A.. Ellis 6. A
7. P. Femon 8. R. Field
9. D. Hamilton 10 . A Hayes
it . G . Clancy (C) 12 . D . Heggany (VC) 13. J. Hown7en 14. G. Hristov 15. A -Jackson 16. G. Jennings 17. S . Kemp 18. A Keogh 19. D. King
20. D. Lambe 21 . J. Masterson 22. M. McHenry 23 . T. Morse 24 . T. Nolan 25 . M. O'Donnell ...', 26. D .Og e
..' 27. H . Pi~com 28. C. Pothflos i 29. B . Reade .
30. J. Silver 31 . J. Lyons 32. J. Byrne 33. T . Farrell 34. A Needhan 35 . I. Watso n
36 . M. Ruschena 37 . S. Tucker THE ANGEL TAVERN Cnr. GlenferrielDandenong Ads Malver n
Coach : Nick Karavias I . C. Gregory 2. M. Benetto 3. D . Dean 4. A Brass 5. X Marttit 6. F. Eley 7. S . Lloyd 8. L Virgona 9. T. Callender 10. B . Henderson it. J . Sullivan 12 M . Stewart 13. A. Herrman 14. R.Bursim 15. M.Tinkler 16. B. SmBey
17. J. MBler 18. B. Anot
19. N. Freeman 20 . M. Power
21 . N. Kazenwadel 23 . J. Roscoe 25 . J. Hawkins 26. C . McConvlr 27. J. Bolton 28. S. McGee 30. T. Camerwt 31, L Holloway 32. C . Badsvronh 34. M. Oka 43, C. Riordan
ORMOND Coach: Brian Keating 1 . H. Brown (C) 2 . N . Courtney (DVC) 3 . G . Hammond
4. S. Thompson 5 . D . Robbins 6. M. Broadhurst 7. J . Cutia n 8. D. Weisz 9. S . Taylor
1 . T. Parker 2. P. Fink 3. X Titling 4. C . Bruce 5 . J. Davis 6 . J. Moore
7 . Ashiey O'Brien 8. T. Lowar
9. A . Mazur 11 . S . Radder 12. M. Stirling 13. N. Remfry 14. D. Forbes 15. J . GteS}son 16. T . Leaver 17. R. Joseph 18 . S. Norman 19 . J. Wilson 21 . R. Clowes 22 . P. Brown 24 . A. Askew 25 . L Taylor 26. S. Steel
27. A. Cassell (C) 28. S. Bennett 29. M. Sharpies 30. A. Burke 31 . S. Harrison 32. C . Aran 33. M. Askew
34. J . Buckmaster 35. E . Cotter 36 . G. Grant 37. W. Hardy 38 . T. Lonnie 39 . B. Miezis 40 . T. Morgan 41 . Anthony O'Brien 42 . R. Park 43. G . Plggatt 44. N. Rehak 45. H . Taylor 46. G . Ward 47. D . Watson 48. D . Wilson 49. N . Youngs
OLD GEELONG Coach: Tony McNamara 16. ALux 18. W. Gordon 26. N . Gatenby 29. J . Agar 30. C. Bird 35. L. Wilson 36. N. Agar 43. D. McInnes 50 . R. Brown 51 . A Reuss 53 . G . McGregor 54. S. Bingley 55. D . Brauer 56. G. Cords 57. T. D'Antane 58. N. Edga r
59. H. Gretton-Watson 60 . A. McCann 61 . O. Walsh 63. C . Chamberlain 64. E. Leyland 65. C. Watkins
ST. BEDES IIAENTONE TIGERS C~~ch: Brian Bourke 1 . A Ryan 2 . P. Carrol l 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
10 . P. Townsend 11 . C. 13 . R. Ma all 14. D. Pasara 15 . R . Cunningham 16. D . Fishktdc 17. S. Norton 19. S Herman 19. T. Ashford 22. B . Hooper 23 . D. Beckett 24 . M . O'Halloran 25 . J . Dale
C . Tesoriero A. McShane A. Cousins D . SenN'at B. McShane S. Kidd
9. L McHugh (DVC) to. S. Davidson 11 . D . Ferguson 12. A. Connotiy 13. A. Gang! 14. J . Drury 15. C. Martin 16. L McGregor 17. J . Crowe
18. C. Ambrosini 19. D . Falkingham (C) 20. H . [Sayer 21 . J . Cunningham 22. N . Wilkins
26 . D. Mabbett (VC) 27. P. Gleason 28. A Slavish 29. S. Steven s
23. D . Napier 24. G. Alford (VC) 25. L Winife
M .H.S.O .B . DE LA SALLE (2)
26. S . Walsh 127. S .Kutg,vetl 28. C. Williams 29. B . Johnstone 30. T. Fava 31 . J . Cummkts 32. A. Smith
OLD XAVERtANS 2 Coach : Peter Callinan 1 . M. Frost 2. T. Frar ng 3. B' He* 4. B.Hs1 eII S. T. Walter 6- M. f¢gerakl 7. N. Barrdt 8. AkemrxPi(C) 9. T. Fanuv 10. D.Boord 11. B 12. M..Marin Webb 13 . N .Tmati 14 . L N5ti&t 15. L Der&,br55 16. D.Storey 17. T. Car o!#j 18, D. Mackay 19. FL Jones 20. D. Triare 21 . B. Staisfaton 22. J.Derris 23. C.Ckusen 24. C.Carmr> 25. T.C>PCson 48. C.Str4>fKAs 26. J. Hennessy 49. B.He 27. C. M~6uiqan 50. L Cwx~( 28. P.Def~/ 51' RFoad(VG) 29. N.Irdand 52. LGmain 30. C. Hoare 53. S. Clarke 31. AStOlers 54. T.BOSUkn 32. T. Barry 55. J . Milder 33. J . Kay (VC) 56. B. Christe 34. T.Hogzn 57. 35. M. Quxm 58. A Cowm 36. J. McLean 59. M. Dermatin 37. J. Drake (VC) 60. M. Ytrlsh 38 . M McCarttri 61. L Hard+.~lc 39 . AR~ 62. S.Tnxrb 40 . LPmsvmrtli 63 . N . Haft 41 . A. Digon 64 . T. Fovfar 42 . Alaa.argEb 65 . D . Stem 43. J.Heda 66 . MMCKemse 44 . P . Lytd~wi 67. P. ~y 45. S . Carr~ 68. M . Pxmger 46. M. Bourke 69. L McCrt,.^ 47. S .MCCartlry 70. M.C3ssdj
9509 4023 GRYPH INN BAR & BISTRO 9903 2093 M Tuc AneATFI IR
Under 19 (2) Red AQUINAS O.C. Coach: John Bourke 1 . H . Nichd
2. M . Jamieson 3 . P. Heveren 5 . M. Bolona 6. S. Jones 7. T. Moran 8. M. Greer 9: C.Juenchott 10. C .Lyng 1i . S . Day= 12. D. Marshall 13. P. Glennie 14. R.ChaAman 16. M . Hunter 17. B. Wilson 18 . J. Hunt 19. M. PION 22. B . Moran 23. S. Hill. 24 . M. Reilly 32. J. Bleakney 41 . J . Pole
42 . R. Moran 44 . M. Thomas 54 . D. Kealy 55. A. Cuflrera
N ORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Andy Ryan 1 . D. Skero 2 . T . Waters 3. B. Koutso✓asiRs 4. O. Khackr (C) 5. L. Curren
Coach : Stuart McLean 1 . D. Bernet 2. N. Gazeas 3 . B. Willi s 4. B . Davis S. A. Oates 6. L Waddell 7. N. Coyn e B . P. Atmstraig 9 . T. Pain it. D.Spiclen 12. R . Gdderdale 13 . M . Esenbise 14 . G.O'Shannessy 15 . A. Halas 16. J. Harrop 17. R . Hansa 18. A. Johnston 19 . M . Ket}y 20 . G . Mclsaac 21 . C. Barker 22. J. Smart 23. A.SutheAand 27. Z Abousabha 38. G. George 40. R. Davies
6. P . Borysie<tioz 7. T . Mikund a 8 . A. Hewitt 9: M. Tateb 10. B . Cariss 11 . C. Munay 12. D. Aboud 13, M. Nugent 14. M. Drum 15. C . Miller 16. S . Mdroy 17. S. Reynddswt %. J. Saba 19. M. Payne 20. R . amato 21 . H. MaWrout 29. B . Moustafa 33 . A. McKenzie
ST. LEO'S EMM AU Coach : Peter OConnor 1 . G. N 2. N. H 3. G . Bonrid 4 . J. Moral 5 . E. McGtar:ghlan 6. S .Bavag° 7. R. O'Keefe 8. T . McCann 9. A. Dat y 10 . D. Cashen 11 . D . Ca m 12. M. Bainbridge I& S . Willis 14. P . Batty 15 . C.MW_r 16. J. Daniels 18. J. Manton 32. D . McNally 35. L Thomas
YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS Coach:John May Wayne Reddaway 1 . T. Wapshott 2. T. Hate 3. S. Lloyd 5. A. Dew
7 . S. Thompson 8. L Morri s
9. S. Mlsa 10. B .Seade 11 . B. Reynolds 12. D. Lang 14 . T.lbYd 16. A. B~I 17. T. W0Mrratfi 18. L. White (VC) 19. E . Knise 20. T.Tyshing 22 . B.TeHord 23 . C. Arnold 24. A. Cusano 25. S. Matters 26, D. Rowe 28. A. Lawton 30 . B . Wapslwtt 35. A . Laing (C)
R E y . O R
CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach : Anan Cousins 1 . A Thomas 2. D. tacotwca a A. DiPietro 4. D. Skilem
5 . M. Holliday 6. A. Mays 7. R . Chimside 8. A . Carte 9. T.Wynp2a rd 10. P. A~att
11 . R. Long 12. P. Green
13. E . Westmae 14. M . Markovski
15. D. Pemberton 16 . R. Piccidi 17 . B. Whitehouse 18. S. Cowan 19. C . Piccid f
20. J. Pereira 22. S. Cousins 23, B . Roach 24. P . Del Guidice 25. D. Vidi 27. •F. Varga 28 . A. Crew 29 . J. Casusi 30. M . Adans 31 . D. Uncles 39. D. Buller
Coach: Steven Mau s
Coactt Ken Joha M (Green)
1 . S. Jones 2. B . Hall
3, H . Munroe 4. J . An>pvsnMh S. M.Kassaby 6. D. Kneen 7 . S. Natoli S. T. Morpeth 9. A . Andrews
10. M . Shaucfittiessy it. K . Noden 12. C. Nfi'son 13. J. Cade 14 . D. Hayes 15 . R . Baocter 16. M .Chishom 17. J . Newman 18. R. Ramsden 19. C. Bar
20. D. Robinson 21 . Y. Ada]
22 . C . Stanley 23. S . Son*cville 24. E . Davatzis 25. B. Hutchinson 27. M. Gdeg 28. C. Butler 29. S. Connor 31 . L Kennedy 32. C. Pawsey 35. T. Tobin 42. A. Mckenzie 43, D. Waldron 48. D. Latldclis 52 . R. Burrows 60. S. Medin 61 . D . Buttar+s 62. M. PawseY
Coach : Paul Mallo n
Ten 13v}f (Ptcple) 1 . D. Van Egken 2 . R . Zampogna L Sl'Ota.ia ft Lynch 3 . G . Vandenberg 3. 4. D. D'Apran o 4. dUjcas 5. S . Sacco d 5. A Hwar S. S. Goodwin 6. ABeisr,aa 7. G. Kuret 7. t,ffiJxise 8 . A. Grant & 9. S. Stella flF ~ .'. . . 15. A. Mdvtahon 7Q MPba¢s 17. A . Rowan ii . AB:akt 12 tAD~ 20 . J. Smith 13. RR~ 21 . B.Fstzpahidc(VC) 14 S QaMla 26 . J. Van Englen (VC) 15. S.iDatvskN 28. D . Dunn e 1& MG* 32. T.Jones . A@ns 17 33. M. Jacobsen t& LC~+at 34 . A. McDonald '. 19. hLJuFe 48 . C. O'Brien 20. GPrnCaa .Grw 21. D 22. M F" zt..ntLr 24 25 flDo~d 26. LO'@vmr 27. 6tBOM 4& &Hxrispt 28. AStmrt 29. &1fittffimn 47. P.Womis 30. ATalatiw 48. 0.Price 31. A3riffi 49. LYd j 32. GW¢9 51 T.Uxd 33, 0. Warm 51. T.Mvison 34. Stews 52 SW%hp l 36. A BaaW 54. J.OYlf 37. D.Bc+avaC 55 D .PC4olo 8& GOlACaa 5& s.F0tr0* 39. 6t Bpado 57. T. (trciroi 40. MFittdrartl 58. J.Srtidh `.8. D.Stem 41. ADBi3m 42, 6+AUVYF 60. R1 .1MrAn 44 . ALQr~+cy 62 P .Oxnel 45 L :6rtk 72 R1"t1
V ~
OLD MEIBM4ANS Coach : Coach: Peter 14al i
: Peter Alls~ Res. Coach 2. A. Noone
a s . ca ns~ 9. P . Ha6
12 . A. W64cS 15. P. 9sop 17. T. Tsiavis 23 . s . Coulson 27 . o . Ksom at . N .SnaA 32. D. Moore 33. R. Toyama 37. GTrigg . 38 . 0. SteintoR S~ c .Banbon(VC) .e. LVrsd~kss 39 . R h 3 AGcrni 41 . B.Welc . Bdle W ' 44. D . AParYet 41 . LeGrand 46. J 45. tlRnder%ai 47 . P. RAW, 47. 0. Mtat 48. p. Vine 46. J.t ww 49. L Hatvy ;nt arVare 49. Lt 52 . Mark Riley 50. &J:Iforson 53. Mick RdeJ 51 . P.&=xter 54. P . Jacobs 51 N.C~ 57. M . Peters . 53. M Wiss 60 . M. t.eCouteur 54. LfiatieAs 63. P. Welch 55. EJa*s 56, D. FOM 65. D . 0 57. J. MOM 68 . K. Duf~! o n 58. ATIanWSV 69 . B. Harper 59. M.t4lards 71 . 0 . Huggins Ep. B .Kerrss 72. D. L+nd . D. K~ (Gt 61 73. S. Bucktnghan a. ir o9o. 74. E. Atc3iar?s CA. IAfi~B 7s .t .OrCmtw 7tl . T. ~
SALL E 1, DS LA : Brendan Hoy
Coach p,,{ Coach : C. Bourke
'.~ 1 . D. Waarnson
2 T. McHenry 3, A Classon n 4, M. W4kvmso me 7. M.Trron
g. D.Jenrjrtgs 9. C. Johnstone 10. P. Grant
tf . S.BOtt 12. S. Rudo '13. J . clothier
14. M .0'Drisooll 15. S. Brabnee 16. C .Taylor 17. B .0'Heam 18. T. Moore 19. G . Curren 20. M. Stanhope 22. A. WorsteYmg 23. M. Funneli 24. C. Zedxell
Coach: Stuart Kay I . G . Bennett 2 . M. McLennan 3. H. Jarvis 5. R. Murray 6 . S. Moody 7. M . Hall 8. A Hancock 9. A. Grant 10. R . Moreton it . J . Rattray 11 . J . McLachlan 12 . D. Cochran 13. A. Noble 14. J . Bennett 16 . M . Hendrie 16. J. Mor rison 18. C . Lade 19, D. Smith 22 . J . Lockett 24. L HarroHon 24. P. Neylan 26. J . WOW 28. S. Kay 31 . F. Magee 31 . M. Scarlett 32. R. Wraith 33 . D. Moreton 34 . R . Smith 34. M . N'kalci s
25. J. Murphy 29, S. GUR 35. A. Rutter 30. M . Cleal 69. G . Spot 37 . M. Danohte S. Ei&s 39. P. Greene 31 . 40. C. James 32. P. Manning 42. A. Willey 33 . C. Cleary 43 . T. Betts 34 . T. Ford 44. S. CaMer 35. D. DimIImpo}ous 46. M. Barber 38. D . Lambe 37, G, Larkins 48. C. Haling 49, A. Neale 38. J. Close . HY1and 51 . N . McCann 39. D Iker 40 B Buidc 44 . B. Kellett 52 M . Writr~t ~ 53 . P. Bainbridge 41 . R. Chappte 45. C. . McHenry S5, A. Heron . Mite 46. G 42. A n 43. M. Lowe 47. M . FarreN ( Sfi. H . Brow B . McMurtie THE ANGEL TAVERN 64. 78 . A. Saunders . Cnr . Glenlerr 1Dandenong Rds S. Desmond L Duncan Maivem
9509 4023 GRYPH 1NN BAR & BISTRO 9903 2093
A. Gate
2. D. Moss 4. A Cadner 5 . E AddriSon
6. C. Brandiflovrer 7. J. Gardne r
9 . S. Cox
10. S .Osbome it. A. Anderson 12 . R. Egleton 13. G. Stooke 14. S. BardsleY 15 . N.OsUouume 17. A. Cre6n
18. R . Simpson 20 . T.OsUane 23. D. Stanton 24. S. James 25 . A. Wilson 26. K. Rutherford 28. D . MiHe 31 . S . Reiner 33 . A. Cterrlants 35 . M Atkinson 36. A. Woodhouse 44. A Carroll 61 . P. Hands 80. A Comet 111 . P. Waite . j. M 117 H . naI~e~ 118 N. Naim A. Hume
OLD XAVERtANS Coach : Res. Coach : 1 . LOrsini (DVC) 2. J . Kennedy
ST . KEVINS O.B . Coach.. Paul Bannon I. D. Nanfta 2. A. Nanfra 3 . P. Nanha
3. M .Jares 4. R. Curtain (VC) 5 . M.O'CaAaghan 6. J . Matnews
7. T.O'SulHvan 8. M. Fit z
9 . M. Co6oPY 11 . P . Connors 13. A. 17 . P.O'Bemie 18. P.O'SuWan 24. R . King 27. D. King (C) 28 . C. Court 31 . A. Holmes 2. M. Tyred 333 . M . Sadter 34. S. Hogan 35. M. Meehan 37. T. Langrigan 39. M . Chambartain 44 . D. McLean
53. P. Hat
62. M . C0I10pY 63 . P. Conquest 64 . S. Kennedy 71 . A . Hall 91 . S . Bailey
4. N . Co:dsvrorihY 5. R. Quirk 6. J. Quirk 7, N . Martin 8. T. Bare 9. D. James 10. L Davidson 11 . T. Finch 12. D. Whelan 13 . P. Hooper 14, B. Noonan 15. D . BoYd 16 . P . Bannon 17. S. Charles 18. P. 19. M. Field yan 20 . S . Herbert 21 . A. Davies 22. . Wood 23. J . Wilhelm 24. J .Lynch 25 . B. tackpole 26. D, O'Brien 27. P . Leewm 28 . A. Buccelta 29. D. McDonald 30. S. Ddion 31 . J . GoldsvronhY 32 . D. Ivory 33. P. Curtain 34. D. Katms
taucie tahecner's RISIHG SUN NUTFII L wu1x ~___ ~atl~!E __
OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIANS Coach: Cl. Seebeck Ass. Coach: NL C1ur*9R1 . B. Stmpson 4. H . MiddetOn 6. M . Godwin (C} 7. M . Ctunies-Rass it . a. Cain 13. N . Murdoch 14. S . NonSen 20. N. Tribe 21 . S. Wr sw 22. D. Hooper 23. S . Pryde 25 . B. Langley 27 . C . Wrnneke 28. L HOam 30. P . W~6iamson 32 . S.Sheahen 34. D . Steele 36. A . Chambers 37. E . MontBwney 41 . A. Pauti6n 45. T. Stubbs 47. J . Deakin 53. P . Gaxlzkar 54 . T . Phillips 55. A. Sston
56. A . Richardson 57. S . Milliken 58 . E. Johnston 59. A. Watkan Co. M. Weber 6j, A. Bider 62 . J. Cook Gray 63. T. Batch 66. J . 66. A. NM 69 . C. V41ma+} 70. C . Stewed 71 . R. Htste
ST. BERNARDS O .C . Coach: Brian Moon I . R . Day 2. m, Quinn 3. P. Moon 4 . A DenahY 5. P. Hayes 6. J. Corrnto 7 . M. Creak 9. G. Wood 12. G . Tote 13. A Matka+ +
14. Yneromhe 15. A Kennedy
18 . M. Cunningtrarn 19. G . Fanugia
20. J . Mar6ng . 22 . P. Fanu~a
23. W. SchwarzenbeaJ 24. J . Watbrr.san
27 . A Myers 28. A Somas 35. M . O'Connell 38. D. McAlister 44 . B. Moo n 45. M. Castes 48. . A Moodfe 87 . S. Denan Y
A. Calker N . Roan G. Stewart B. Smart H. Taytor 622 b1t. Alexander Rd . hioonee Ponds
D. Gleason J. Lade 20. A . McNamara M. Selby
36. S. Young
Club XVIII Section 2 KEW Coach : M. O'Dea
Team Manager : F. Guppy 1 . P. Cortido n
3. M. O'Dea (CC) 4. A. Tucker 5. S.Ibak 6. T. Hamad 7. D. Brand
8. A. Lawrence 9. P . McCormick 10. K . Corbaly 11 . R. Guppy 12. D. Lear y 13. M .O'Hanfa1 14. A . Hancock 15. A. Lazarus 1& ALeUtlean 17. C. Thompson 18. C. Curtain 19. M . Bond 20. D. McLau 6n 21 . J. Lea 22. D. McGuire 23. T. Maugtan 24. N. Prendergast 25. A DeLacy 26. B. Smit h 27. R. Stevenson 32. A DAnna Z. M. Quinn 44. A. Guerra 4& C. Johnson 49. M. Garadfol0 55. T. Reynolds 77. A. Slawins4d
S,filtwe(1 For . .hs '.y rsy.rY«d
MONASH WHITES Coach : Ronnie Lamb 1 . M.6oaG 2 . D.Twj 3 . P1.Ve8 4 . R NVO/ 5 . R. Casey 6. D. Nelsen 7. T. RotatSOn 8. A Forbes 9. J.Fairvnatlwr 10 B.Catvr 11 . A FOt6ar d 12. M.Tessavarcen 13. C. Fiayno r 14. D .0'6ron 15. H .Beh 16. M . Ridta(ds 17. K. Calvert 18. S.DOds 19. G .Vancler7zirn 20. M . RbJ18 (VC) 21. G.SWbir 22. J.Kenry 23. J. Det94 24. IA M .l ran 25. A t&Beth 28. D. Lertzn 29. M.Lbyd 30. M. Krebs 31. P. M:Inenry 32. P. Spencer 33. A Stritlftf 34. T. Cafty 35. B. Wee
3a C. Hmae(C) 44. Ft. Lam b 37. L. Ho#Bn 49. A MciGssock 39. P. Coss so. J. 41. S. K2i5ds 51. M Bad 42 . M. RhDdln 52. N. Fen s /
4 Ito&
OLD ESSENDON THERRY C.C.O .B . GRAMMARIANS Coach : Coach: D. Law 1 . R. Costello
I . D. Beknan 2 . C. Bishop 3 . R. Boyie 4 . G . Campbell 5 . R. Casey 6. J. Carter 7. B. Boyle 8. R .Cram 9. P. Cramer 10. P. Dudderakje 11 . C . Fazzalari 12. D . Garvey 13. B. Gasa 14. K. Gasa 15. G. Gifts 16. T. Gifts 17. D . Greasfey 18. C . Hammon 19. Darien Hester 20. David Hexter 21 . M. Howrkn 22. D . Law
2 . A. Mountney a R. Buzesla 4 . B. Robertson 5 . T.CuBer(C) 6 P. Culler 7. I. Hussian & C . Krincevsld 9. A. Crocker 10. G . Thompson 11 . R . Csmond 12. J. Gerstlranp . Carter (VC) 13* M. 14. D Goddard 15. M. KH.dy
23. P. Leigh
24. P. McMaster 25. A. Ramt 26. D. Reid 27. A . Rhodes 28. R. Shiels 29. A . Smith 30. D. Stembddge 31 . K . Streicher 32. M . Svrif t
33. A T retl 34. P . Van Bentham 35. C. Vassa4o 36. G. Walsh 37. B. White 38. T. Williams
6 . M. Keenan 7 . P. Kelly 8 . T. Fml 10. J. Patterson 11 . S.MGInar 16. 8. Miefel4 21 . G. Smith 23. A Reding 26. W. Dreier 27. B. Stevens 36. C. Rb 0 (C) 38. B.Seladc 39. A Fenn 40. C. Key 48. R. Keenan 49. D. Lyons 56. T. E= 60. M.
Coach: Gary Cutle r 1 . B. Carter
16 S. Murdoch 17. A.Johnson 18. S. Borg 19. M. Johnston 20. S. Penrose 21 . S. Bartlett 22. W. Duson 24. K. Cooke 28. C . Brenton 29. R . Robertson 31 . R . Vescic 33. P. Cioccro 34. P. McDonald 37. P. Hams 44. J. Rabar 45. T.Jares 46. S. Nowin's!u 49. P. Dod4dns 50. P. Brewe r
H A~Jk47E;i:~:
MARCELLIN Coach : Simon Meehan Res. Coach : 1 . A. Merton 2 . P. O'Callaghan 3. A. Trotter 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
J.Tsoukas J . Ruslotta D. Boathey R . Barred R . Pertich J. Kent
10. M. Kent 11 . G. Basfoni 12 . A . Holland 13. M. Cronin (C) 14. D. Theisz 15. A. Keogh 16' C. McCann 17. M . Nanmo 18. M . Curry 19. R . Bott 20. 21 . 22. 23. 24. 25 .
M. Getson W. Getsan P. Hadberts J . Sloane S. Dimattina J. Daffy
The Beehive • Hotel •
MT. LILYDALE O.C. SYNDAL/TALLY HO Coach: Stem Lawson Coach : 1 . 1 . Doolan 2. M. Vos a B. MdCay 4. M. Walsh 5. B. White 6. M. Rankin 7. M. Napdeone & M. GabetU 9. A. Deleiondo 10. M. Dicelb 11 . C . GHbson 12 . C . G91ee 13. B. Colvin 14. C. Walsh 15. F. Livingston 16. T. AUert 17. A . Burrett 18. K. Manisunlohi 19. J . Burgess 20. J . Flannagan 21 . T. Flanagan 22. L. Proctor
23. S . Wootten 24. C. CaHanan 25. M . Brebner 26. S . Madden 27. C. Varga 28. D. CicdlieNo 29. P. Furlon g 30. B. Comm edorrf 31 . N. Pearce 32. P. Carolan 35. D. Callar»art
1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 20.
T. Marks A . Bums M. Joy D. Harnett J . Cotsis R. Bennet I. Bingham P. Henning J . Rutter S . Gould J . Kerns S . O'Boyle N. Murray N. Brewster M . Webb C. Hall
22. 23. 26. 31 . 35.
P. Kotsiakos D. Raab D.O'Dormhue B. Hanneman C. Cachla
40. 42. 43. 46. 47. 50. 54. 62.
N. Toce A. Findlay C. Karats J. Green G . Wagner P. VercJalds A. Sneddcn R.O'Deff
pa 25. W.OheY f 26. ft9reetra r 11S; 23. ASVmra's ,~. :a, 31 03I0 3L GCkm enS U.Tt 35. T.Setffi . ~. T.Karstdv 43. W. Bel 41 . N.Pdlias 42 G .leWes 43. F L 45. C.Bsiguro 53. SSSRA n 63. P.Coa ri
"The Road Builders '
Coach : S' shen Jones Res . Coad i: Peter Anthony Van 1 'd.F 2 l" 3G. i 4 . (C) 5. a?! 7. V.
4 W., : ::d:erton 10. M.K^aFinars 1 1 . G .W,n;NrU(RVC) 12 D.Pz'3 rDVC) . RO,c.n(RVC) 13 SR .'.CSh 14. 15. M.Vl.: " (SVCi 16_ M.49z:•zt 17, D.Oast", 18. B.M.>, ~ udi 19. S.O cam' 21 K Oates 21. T.0'Mg?n 22. P.AriMnrr y
23. M. Simmons ' 24. C .Davey
39. D. Harvey 25. F. Paola 2a G.Ke6;vay 40. M.Mank 27 . N. Reed 41. L Scott 28.. J.Masre 42 14. Stan 21 ?AHarrirgton 41 P. Schyfinli 30. LM31her 44. RBurKe 31. M .Cpszn 45. W.Fhssey 32. G. La~zv+ 46. P. E0~ 33. A CIUm5E7^ 47. T.8eN~ J 34 . S. Vitreeler 4& P. Grey 35 . R. sibbitv 49. C. Peters 36. D.Karp 50. S.Bynes 37. LLoerA 51 . P. We 3& G.I3nP1on(RC) 52. A Asbury
Shell Mooroolbark 9726 7083
Coach : Graham MuDenger Coach: Glenn Stalfworthy Res. Coach : Rob Wickham Res. Coach: Darren Murray 1. S. wafts 2 A Mams t . D . Murray 2. R Poole 3, G. LaWrta 2 . R . Lovich 4. at Deform 3. M. Brady 4 . S. Wile 4. D.Gratt S. T.Karadanos 5 . W. Glazebook (DVC) 5. C. Ka}2 6 G. BromHy 6. P . Avery 7. K Pod~r 6. 0. B!emt 7. G. Stalhvorthy 7. 0. Bowen 8 RVhddem 8. M. Dunstan 8. 0. BwtiucSc 9 . M. Hooper 9. W. Power (VC) 9. RYaug 70. G. Mct:oan 10. P. Orchard (C) 11 . A Featordry 11 . A.Sill 12 . D. Payne 12. S. Cobain 13 . M. Payrre 13 . J. Povey 14, D. Bruce 15 . B. Glover 15 . A Doc 16 . N.Ousatkas 16. N . Dix 18 . S.TimevAll 17. S R2ymter 18. F.M#rJ°c 18. D. Laurette 19. D. Trader 19. J. Law 20, M. Hook (C) 20. S. Parker 21 . B.La9diaw 21 . A. Dunlop 22. S.SromHy 22. J . Schultz 23. GSmiEt 23. D . Tracy 24. G . toter 25. R . Brain 25. G . Heath 25. S . Davis 26. D . " 27. R . Lord 27. o . Kaye 40. W.LaMarra 28. M Morrison 28. D . Anxxle9 41 . D. Carroll 29. P. Calabria 41 F . Latfai 29. P . Barker 30. L McLew 43 . A Kelsal 30 . A. HarAey . V.FuhrshSna 31 . N .KarxTmos 44 31 . C. Langley 32. McCorke-3 45 . S.B~ay 32 . J. Bogie 33. M .Geo~ 46. LDFa 33 . S. Duff 34. A F51 47. P. Stare/ 34 . S. Macdonald (RVC) an 48. A Wunhym 35. S. Nemn n 36. R. LaVana 49 . A Brtgrtstevt 34 . M. Stephenso 34 . P. Hewish 37. A tsrrarcic 50. W. Horn 38. J.Verde 51 . N7nnpoufa 35 . D. Murphy 39. C .Broadlwad 52 . A4tiwdym 37. G . Marshall (CR)
Res. Coach: Peter Hansen 1 . J. Lees 2. D. Tucker 3. ATtdV 4. P . Heaney S. D. Hagan 6. G. Clarke 7. R. Ham
8. J. Woodward 9. S. Lewis 10. M. Berry
11. J. tlzto 39. F. Coorrerry 12. T.Carbr 40 . SSdiafer 13 . S. .DL-1 41' ASmedley 14' S. justice 42' C . H39 15 . L WrutE 43. N. Hdnstgre 16' J . WeaBwg 44' G. Stad7woh 17 . G . Leys 45 . M. Ryan 46' A Hadfield 18. M. B artirg 19. G. Dsmo2 47 . at Hiddaj 20. RCok 48 . RHarris 21 . T.DuW 49' S.Fnixh 50. P. Gavales 22. C. tatey 23' G .OOm~A 51 . C . Dods 24. M .Orrycer 52' S .Ph%pson 25' T. Sftkland 53. P. Dwie9/ 26. J. Glare 54. B.Tur* 27* FL Solar 55* P . Morml 28. A Kelso 56. R Davies 29. C . 8htrop 57. D. Elmer 30. D. tb~ 58. R Keare 3t . Z Javwrovsia 59 . 8. Evans 32. C. Watson 60. AMcDora!d 33. J.Taylor 61 . C.McDoraid 34. S. Mafed 62 . M. Bad 35. S. adfisid 63. S 36 . T. Henley 64 . RJOVarpvsti 37 . C. tWrsbuOh 65' G. Farris 38 . G.Stayner 66' S. Fitzpatrick
38. D . LJrWrea 38. I. Ceppa 39. D . tahiH 40. C. Frayne 41 . M. Whytcrass .' 42. S . Irvine
.'... 44. P . Rossitto 45 . A. Donaldson 46 . D. McCowaln 47 . T .O'Han{on 47 . T . Fitzpatrick 49. R. Adams 49. M. Nowak 51 . R . Donovan 52. I . Rosthom 54. E. Sill
56 . P. Rya n
KEW Coach: Rob Bayley Res. Coach: Tom Vane 1 . B.Lt4rmdi 2 G. Pride W 3 RPltiim5 4. D .Qandler 5 J. Banes 6 C HDpe 7. D.Hape B J.Rulv'raR 9 AGa C30 10. RUMP 11. ABms 12. & Eunice 13 GK1Wmu 38 D.Mti dB 14 . GDinrnS 39. A 15. M.&b 40. P.PeAem 18 D.WaodtuC) 41 . Rtrmgshn 17. J.Be9 42 GL'ntagsbn 18. t1Kag(JQ 43 J .Poum's 19. riPelas 44 . A. Dam 81. SHarison 45. D.Mbsft 21 . D.Havurn 46. P.St6rr.n 22. J. Pa= 47. ht De" 23, ABeB 48 . MDardais 24. B .Okwisi 49. J. U)= 25. D.WriDtR 50. J.PorCr 2& M .Ctranon 51 . Sfbkfmn '~. P. Nag 52. LFkYlier 27. RRebn 53 G .P,M2vrs 28. LDmai FA 54. htRd :irran 29. M.Oa6ytt{ie 55 J. Forms 30. GGat>~ 56 JChwr 31. AW~¢Ait IT N.Ly{a(%dS 32 J. Brazil 58. ASp3rkt 33 3.8aM . 59. R HaK6s 34. M.M~ 60. V.WCn9 35. RBUOpNQ 61. SNder 36. ASlerad 62 RP30m, 37. W.lptseffr6 99. S6v u
OLD CAREY Coach : Glenn Taylor
Res. Coach : Simon Jackson 1 . CHi 2. Q Hickey (C) 3 6A Won 4. CEsier 5, D. Le: 6. GCarobeB(vRa 7. ACrever & AOpp/ 9. Atl'ddmn 10. K Shrives 11. ACope 12 MS2axx.r 13 SJxea 14. M .Cmry 15 CM#es 16. MJUres 17. SQm/ 18. CMaWer.s 19. P. Drae, 3a P. Banned 20. W. Mudge 40. B. ROOM 21. MHON^rg 41 . A. Was 22 J.Haids 43 Sp" 23 T. Pike 44 . G. Herliks 45 M.E3Wimn 24. MYmnal 25 . CGoodal 46 M. cam 47. M.Semg 26. J .Mdluia 27. kftblebi(JJ 48 . SObbon 28. P.16rce 49. RMeadar 29. T.Movlbn 50. 51 . J.MySW 31 SFedun 31. It Everett 52 . M. Parle ' 54 . B. Damon 32. VMwfpn 33 S. Field 55. Tlvro[ 34. D.Faz§s 56. W.Serag 35. R Cvans 59. C. Maam 36. LSnall It C.Socdo 37. P. Bryce 64. AMsfatvie 38 . LCohen 70. T.hid+st
YARRA VALLEY O .B. Coach: David Kyle Res. Coach: Ash Wain 1. P.T~n1 2 RMaa~n 3 Rthat(aln 4. M .Rkg 5 . AOrtw 6. D .twse 7. J. Dam B.LMwoeao 9. C.R= 10 D.Kyle it. Cftaw 12 M.Wfft 13 D.Cte 14. T.l .w'eks 15. T.0'SSrsdn 16. B.Smille 18. D.tbss 19. NPak 41. B.Daut5 20. S. Frame 42 t0reart 21. AU' .est/-Cde 43 RPak 23. D.8aduw 44. J.Ho . hLDariea 4S L Fees 24 25. T.Habhen 46. RDOdnel 26. G.M.ieod 47. B.Mchrtanh 27. ARune 48. RDais 28. J.Mapean 49. SSatarre 29. P.Pekraai 50. P.Fad S2_ A. Harmed 30. D. Peter 31 . J. DM 53. SCOrca'm 32 GHeBaran 55 STartx 33, D.6e'xd Sa LFkrtvpn 34. T. CMSfeld 57. G .411f t 63. T. Starlit 35. B. Peake 3& RPeWrfa 65 . ABe3todc 37. MPoSS 71 . M .Laag 38. T.0'✓~i+vt 72 RtaMmn 39. T.Fadjavgy 74. ABut
40. M.Wtv'he
X J. Scales
HANG TEN Q .P .O . Bar & Bistro
RICHMOND CENTRAL Coach: Tim Pontefract Res. Coach: Danny Hickey 1 . AtS4xn
2 ABaifieid 47. D.Barmce 3 T.0'Surman 49. N.Ffthe S. SSlM m 50 GBaiy, 6. GBunSwtrr 51 . RM~n Fi SFSdal t 52 CArcMqafL 7. F. BM S4. SIi7ltr~ood 8. G. Malcolm 54. P.Ktx~'.~ii~: 9. P. Jacizon 55. M. Davy 10. AMuqry 56. LDat/ 11. J. Balser 56. ACukbags it. D.Hidr,y 56. D.Wilson 12 F.Mxalc 57. SNnajct 13 CPear" 58 ttBw.e . 14 . GSiamm 59. MCabrat 15. P.Ctudi 60. D.Cafngi 18 M.J fw 61. ADax'25 17. AF3meli BZ T. Graham 18. Mlaa; 63 T.CirAt ie 19. J. Marnrg 64. A Yemp 21 . AFbh 65. D.Mur(tte}^.; 22 ARaes 68. LJOd-P4sher 25 AOtm 67. RMdrtoJr 25 SRdd:dc 68. D.tAft 26. J.Ptldcs! G9. U Tapley 27. C6d3 rs 70. T.Tafbr 28. AW&* s 70. D .Mutffi 30. SFerft 71 . KF4Z)ez 30. G. Tate 72, G.Saw 32. D.Vasic 73. JSheeten 33 J.Cden 74. P.Cav.wd 34. D.tktt 75 LWesa>3t 37. GPatae 76. LEgen 40. B. Katlic 77. AHugan 42 P.fiory 78. ktTerra, 43 ASrrMa 79. STnssce 45. IA Black 80, It vadis 46. O.Faiet 81. S0'Sti'rsn
A. Section OLD MELBURNIAN S COLLEGIANS Coach : Leigh Carlson Res . Coach : Neville James 1. B . Kuui 2. N. Fbrentaie 3. B . Wooffinuse 4. S . Laussen 4. N . Bocia 5. D . Greeves 5. D . Peters 6. A.Snmh 7. C . Higsai 7. D. WameS-M 8. C. Po@ock 9 . V. C leary 10. J.Gt~ ' It . B. MdCenzie 12. D. Stubs 13. G . Palmer 14. R.Sdtdber 15 . Y. Ph8'ps 16. A. Wallace 17 . C. Nankervc 18 . J. Bemett (VC) 19. C. Davidson 20, G.Deane-J .1ir. 21 . A.Johnsto n 22. D . Kea 23. P. Sheecty 24. D . Ham~I 25. G . BrijSa 26. N . Mdat 27. S. Himphry 28. S. Blackman 29. A. Kerpmatty 30. M. Ga4xath 31 . J. Kevins 32. D. Thianwn (C) 33. J. Snsklen 34 . D. Entw'sie 35 . R. Morley 36 . S. Hardrg '. 37 . M . CjAe .' 38 . M . Lake .' 38 . S . Van Der Venne .'.38 . J. Can 40 . B . Seaton 41. S . Lubic 42. L Vasde}ds 43. A.Greercv.ay 44. A. Par{dn (VC) 45. N . Arrkrson 46. S. Wook_y 47. D . Mlat 48. J. Lemon 49. T.VanDaVenne 50. B.Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52. N. Gil 53. M. I 54 . L 55 . E. Jones 56 . D. Howe 57 . J. Mows 58 . A.Tfxrn~on 59. U . Ridtinrtk s M. B . Kerr 61 . D. Kens 62. M.O'Dorxrc4 64. M.Grbble 70. T. SrtMh
DE LA SALLE Coach: Peter Hannan Res. Coach : Greg Feutrill I . M. Chun 2. P. Fiume 3. D. Crowe 4. L Hall 5. L Swift 6. M. Fisher 7. C. Browne 8. C. Wright 9. C. Cam~eW 10. T. Sdver s 11 . A. Evans (DVC) 12. D. Tooheg 13. A. Waters 14. A. Duncan 15. J Hodder 16. A. Fbwerday 17. A. FJROt 18. J . Hom 19. D. O'Brien 20. S . Aibon 21 . D. Jackson 22. P . O'Callaghan 23. D. Grace
24. D. Cross 25. G. Hynes 26. P. Wyfes
27. L Van DerPiigf 28. M. Lafferty
29. . D . Rosman 30. B. Mannix 31 . K. Mannix 32 . C . O'Callaghan 33 . P. Rennie 34 . A. Moore 35 . A. Mackintosh 36 A. Abbott 37 . M. Rosel
38 . A. Johnstone 39 . P. Brasher 40 . M. Buffer 41 . J. Murphy 42 . J. Clarke 43. M. Sharpe 44. R. Madc&tson 45. C. Geary 46. M. Hegan 47. M. Farrell 48. D. Smith 49. D. Lambe 50. P. Mannix 51 . B. Buick 52. B. Byrne 53. R.Chapde 54. J . Duckett 55. S . Lanka 56. G. Curran 57. P . O'Brien 58. T. Ford
OLD HAILEYBURY Coach: Michael Ford OLD SCOTCH Res. Coach: Erwin Leyden Coach : Wayne Herme Coach : Simon Meehan s Res. Coach Andrevv Baxter 1 . A Walton Res . :Sknonlifingymnit &not 1 . A. Baxter 2. S . Theodore 1 . K Stokes 2 . D. Connell 3 . W. Byms 4 . C .McKenae S . F. Ma n 6 . W. Srrmith 7 . Adam Hilton 8 . M. Orton 9 . S. Rowlands 10. C. Warden 11 . L Hudce . (2) F. r1 . D. Secu a12 . B. Carty?13 14. A. Forsyth 15. N. Morey 16. A. Dowsing 17. Ash Hi#m 18. M. Constable 19. M. Armstrong 20. C. Krau s 21 . A. Walden 22 . P. Thiessen 23. M. Seoul 23. (2) J. Mackay 24 . R. Lavender 25 . G . Rowlands 26. G . Philps 27. 28 . 29 . 30. 31 .
J. Dann S. Walden R. Stewart R. Aur~ters~ B. Mam
32 . P. O'Donnell 33 . A. Floyd 34 . B. Mitchell 35 . D. tappage 36 . B. Lay 37 . D. Ladd 38 . S. Peddler 39 . R. Weber 40 . S. Dttthury 41 . B. Mein 42 . D. Scalia 43 . R. Ptedter 44 . A. Kirkwood-Scott 45 . N. Hill 46 . C. J'arrutiKtson 47 . J. Kurta 48 . D. Bum 49 . M. Harrison 50 . A. Bonwidc 52 . R. Harrison 53 . M. Dusting 55 . C. Ladds 57 . B. Ladds
3. A . Ross 4. B . Elknghaus 5. L Bun n 6. P . Hanbury 7. C. Thompson 8. M.Lovett
9. T. Snath . T. Roberts 1 0. M. Jukes 11 12. A Hewitt
t3. S . Rose (RVC) 14. J . Bunn 15. R. Brittain 16. C. Eabey 17. B. BiAtita 18. O. Kee6H 20. B. Telford 21 . L Boyd 22. A Waddell 23. M. Berry 24. M. Sereda 25. M . Pruden 26. C. Kennedy 27. O. Boyd 28. S. Rabbit 29. J. Wallace-Smith 30. I . McMtttlin 31 . J. Hart 32 . A. Webb 33 . G. Dixon (RC) 34 . A. Morrell 35 . D. Brown 36 . A. McKeon 37 . S. Eabry 38. M. Crawshay 39 . N. Strauss 40. J. Carol 41 . G . Wilhelm 42 . P. Theodore 43. T. Cloke 44. A McDougall 45. Z Useinov 46. D. HoHne 47. J. Fob 48. C. Jenkins 49. T. Stuckey (C) 50. P. Maths 51 . C. Banks 52. B. Campbell 53. F. Marsde n T. KepeR S. Brown J . Guest
65 . C. Dowling
59. P . Aron 70. D. Midto 78. D. Jennings
9903 2093
J. Hosking (VC) C. Hoslon g T. Hot R. Price
6 . L McDonnell 7 . J. Hughes 8 . C. Reid 9. R. Aujatd 10. J. Kerr 11 . S. Grigg 12 . S. Hume s 13. N. Hooper (RC) 14 . D. Nomtan 115 . J. Kitchen 116 . A. Spee d i 17 . S. Woodhouse I 18 . A. Nettleton 19 . S. Se;#,n 20 . T. Wt~ 21 . S. Gitatis 22 . C. Heath 1 23 . D. Walsh 124 . M . Angus 1 25. T. Pritdtani
26. B. Phillips 27. S. Collins 28. S. Teasdala 29. A Teesdale 30. J. Laird (VC) 31 . A. Smith 32. A Kaknsid 33. J . Hannemann 34. N. Beattie 35. S. Steele (C) 36. M. Davison 37. J . SnMhe 38. A 39. P. Gotdbeq 40. A. Warner 41 . A. Castr(arn 42. A. Gibbs 43. J . Paterson 44. P. Busse 45. T. Stubbs 46. G.Jonas 47. T. Reid 48. P . Davis 49. D. Thomas 50. D. Del
51 . S .IIGngw3ntl 52. R.Gr~ory .' 53. P. Gaa~kar ' .' 54. T. PhiUo '. 55. J . Bock
56. A Richardson 57. S. Milliken 58. E. Johnston 59. A Watkom 60. M. Webe r
61 . A. Brdar 62. J. Cook 63. T. Gray 65. A. Fairweather 65. M. O'Brien 66. J. Batchelor 67. M. Ryan 68. A. Nowell 69. C .Il man 70. C . Stewa rt 71 . R . Hume 77. A. Loyd 90. C . Nash
THE ANGEL TAVERN Cnr. GlenferrinJDandenong Rds. Mah,ern 9509 4023 GRYPNINN BAR & BISTRO
2. 3. 4. 5.
PH : (03) 9822 0011
Coach: Dale McCann WeyneTDlbdt P105- coach : S. Vpoent I 7_ . P.O't .oughNn ?. s : .S.F, p ,M. HarEoni c. B.. Panruam 7. P Cosgriffa D . ciavd 9. A. Boyd Bm r~r i~ . N . WAR . 12 S,. Wallis 13. T Walis 14. B.Brabender 15. B. Dintunasente 16. M. Godfrey i7. B• Hart 18. A• Nilson 19 . T. Canaven 20. P. Hards 21 . A . Farrell 22. H. Bellis 23. P. Walsh 24. D. agney a A. Heffernan 2& M.B. Geary 27. K. Jenkins 28. J . Holland 29. E . TomasieRo 30 . T . Mulligan 31 . A. Muleta 32 . P. Healy
33. M. Harrison 34. A. Vacirca 35. J. M4ls
36. S . Swindon 37. L RochxxaaG 38 . N. Vankuyic 39 . P. Reid
40. D. Baird 41 . M. W'y 42. D . Tregame 43. M .P. Geary 44. H, Nyu r 45. M .S. Flynn 46. B. Flynn 47 . N. Ball
48. M. Vear 49. D . Cosma 50. N, FkuUb 51 . J. Tobin 52. A . Smith 53. D. Horsington 54. J . Mould 55 . J. Swindon 56 . M . Rya n
OLD TRINITY Coach: Bernard Dunn Res. Coach: Ian Wallace I . S. Kennedy 2 . G. Hudson 3. A . Alban 4. T. Norman 5. P. Vanderhodc 6. R. Heath 7. A. Anderson a S. Dalrymp4e 9. A. Andrews 10. A. Urbancic 11 . R . BoxteN 12. M. Cunning 13, M. Donato 14. J .Stiddand 15. D. Baiaszy 16 . M . SeuNng 17 . G. Hatfield 18 . M. Spencer 19. S. Hopkins 20. P. Board 21 . M. Heppet 22. D . Beardsley 23. C. PopPkweM 24. T. Boar d 25. A. Giddings 26 . P. Beet 27 . M . Greig 28 . D. Vargo 29. A. Seall' 30. L Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32. D . Glass 33. D. Heighten 34. J . Pappas 35. L Bennie 36. J . Sutcliffe 37. P. DovAing 38 . R. Philips 39 . A. Vise 40. T. Harris 41 . C . Ord 42. A. Sheehan 43. T. Pegoe 44. M .Beanxsh 45. N.IGng 46. S. Torrens 47. F . Cameron 48 . C . Smith
49. P. Jahnsan . 50. L Jervis .' 51 . D . Little 52. M . Boyd 53. M . Ttromton 54. A. Grisbmoc 55. J . Breen 56 . 57 . 58 . 59. 60. 61 . 62. 80.
A. Richards C. Fekrvs R . Fanant T. Cade S. Martin D. Burrows M. Pawsey T. Smith
ST . BERNARDS Coach: Andrew Nathan Res. Coach : Andrew Na hCoach: Grant WWarns 1. A . Condto Res. Coach: Michael Plant Assi. .Coach. 2. T. Dobson BarY Neivanrk Res 1 . M . Blood (C) 3. A. Brebrter 1 . D. Slunmon 2. M . Bourke 4. V. Comito 2. J . StaAtsid 3 . L Hannetery 5. R. Doolan 3. G . William s 4 . D. l2ndrkJan (VC) 6 . S. Ryan 4. D. Guenger~h 5 . J . McDonald 7 . S. Parrett 5 . P.O'DonneR 6. T. Keyoe 8. A . capes 6. B. Blood(DVC) 7. S .leth~a 9. J . Kennect7 7. D . Hayte r .. 8. M . Holmesn' 10. G. MattlteHs 8. N . me 9. J. Hawkins 11 . P. Capes 9. M . 10 . I . Gladman 12 . B. 10. D. Maplestone 11 . Adam Jones 13. S. it . C. BeHrane 12. J. Bowen 14. S. Doran 12. R. Fwptry (C) 13. C . Ellis 15. L Overman 13 . G . Evans 14. D . Stoney 16. C. Wood 14 . D . Gust 15. A . McLean 17. S . O'Keefe 15 . P. Stephens 16 . L Ford . . ' 18. N. Mitchell 16. C. Stewart 17 . D. Richardson (VC) 19 . L Gotlant . Kanis 17. J 18. S. Hunter 20. T. Sheehan 18. S . Kirsanovs 19. D. Stean 21 . B. 19. S . Herrald 20. M. Hardman 22. C . Ca l 20. Z McCarty 21 . T.OddeshaW 23. B . Horn 21 . T. Mdntyre (VC) 22. A. Bourke 24. J . Kavanagh 22 . A. Nugent 23. B . Perry 25. P. . WdCOx 23 . T 24. B. Coughlan 26 . J. GoNent 23. B. Furphy 25. P.l.echte 27 . A. Nathan . Fairhank 24. P 26 . A. Half 28. P. Gilmour 25. A Henderson 27 . L Fay 29. J. Overman 26. N. Cavalier 28. R. Clarke 30. J. mount . J . Jamieson 27 29. S. Wood 31 . B. Swam 27. B. Frisker 30. D. Dann 32. S. Chatfield 28 . D. Bolton 31 . S . Mollard 33. P . Rogerso n 29 . A. Muller 32. A. Bnishfield 34 . M . J u 30. A. Will 33 . A. Sass7 35 . A. Brandt . Vandenberg 31 . R 34 . A. Belli 36. C. Bond 32. J . Gamaut 35 . S. Hede 37. M. Farmer 33. L Twaddle 36. P. Barrett 38. D. McAllister . McKinnon 34. J 37. D . Webb 39. S. Donnelly 35. A. Wilco 38. T. SpurSng 40. J.Bakarin 36 . L Monson 39. S . Smith 41 . D. Juegan 37 . X Lerman 40. R. Ryan 42 . M . Marshall 38. J. Ryan 41 . A. Ddlon 43 . C. Davis 39. J . Henderson 42 . J. Lowe 44. S. Taylor 40. B. Miller 43. T. Woodruff 45. C. Gray 41 . M . Keey 44. J . De Brough 46. T. Paradvwsld 42. D. Keys 45. T. Coughlan 47. J. Ramey 43. J. McIntosh 46. Andrew Jones 48. A . Catterall 44 . R. Featherston 47. T . Frvreer 49. B . Henley 45 . T . O'Brien 48 . M . Logan , 50. J . lanzano 46 . D. Gunn 49 . R. Visenixn 51. J. Con9to 47. S. Bnxide7 50. S. Tucker 52. A. Osborne 48. H . Carter 51 . A. Murphy 53. J. McPhail 49. D . Strad< 52. P. Conquest 55. G. Cusack .50. H . Nailon 53. M. Diamond 51 . C. Ryan 54. M . Brennan 52 . S .Longey 55 . D. Stones 53 . R. Versteegen 56 . M . Stones 54 . T. Roydha>se 57. D. Walsh 55. D . Hueston 58. L Tuddenham 56. N . Dvryer 59. M. Meehan 57. J. Kennedy i 61 . S . NatM 58. T. Miskh 59. L Fehring 60. D. Edwards 61 . J .0'Sulkvan 62 . S. Kuc 67 . S. McAloon (CR) 71 . T. Harris 72 . J. Norman (VCR) 82. N . Court
OLD XAVERIANS UNI. BLUES Coach : aaartcTyo uin Coach: Nick Bourke
FRVERFORK saw V.u cu7 Whitehall St, Yarraville
.~. • ~....
® Carlton
622 N tt . Alexander Rd . q{oonee Pond s
~B Section
BANYULE : Harry Hioach rision C Res . Coach : T am Betf 1 . B. K~er 2. D.Wdd el~VC) 3. L Holt 4 . J. Anderson 5 . B. E2more 6. S. Kayrooz 7 . S . Richmond 8. R . WiLI ns 9. R. Cullen 10. J . Fo rtune 11 . B. Owen Bdan 12 . J. Ep~ (VC) 13. M.O' 14. A. Logan 15. S. Gray i6. D. Mayne 17. T. Banton 18. J . Turnbull 19. B. Woodlodc 20. S . Ptayfai r 21. R. Dinth osante 23 . S. Gmy 24 . G . WiXiams 25 . M. Wheaten 26. B . Mc6ennoH 27. A. Rossi-Mel 28. D. Fabris 29. M. Peters 30. B. G4Ges 31 . C. Bassett 32 . T. Wasan 33 . D. Glass 34. C . Stevens 35. B, Anderson 36. D. Tyle r 37. M .Jesse 38. G . Riches 39 . C. Bead 40 . P. Witch edl 41, A. Foote 42. T. Egan 43. L Ferute 44. S . Allard 45. M . Gilbe rt 46. P. AgastineiS 47 . R. Smith 48. 0. Stephens 52 . D. Noonan 55. D . WAYi2ms (C)
IVANHOE Coach- Dont V alkants Res. Coach: Rob Pearce 1 . D. Wthams . Merw y 1 .. L PHull-Brown 2 2 . J .DiSanto 3 . C. Tucker 4. D . Valkartfs 4. R.Toogwd 5. P. Manuel 6. D. Frawley 7. P . 8. S .
8. R. Hird 9. N. TNadcwray 10 . P. Lee 11 , H. Mousse 12. L Sm?tl 13. S. Narldexicz 14. P. Flynn 15. T.Ftynn 16. M. Sade+i 17. K . Mousse 18. T. Scobie 19. G. Butlen 20 . D.Sanor 21 . L Blackwood 22 . A. Arigefini 23. A.Jewson 24. T. ONO 25 . J. Frisina 26. P. Rovis 26. S. Fairweather 27. N . Mdreevsld 28. A. McKellar 29. A Scott 30. J . Makin 31 . D. McFarlane 32. J . L 33. B. 34. B. Joyce 35 . P.V,nBehead 36 . R Gittos 37. C . Giankar&hs 37 . G. Fmkzyscm 38, T, Thomson 39. M. Ebtrag e 40. J .G~ ' s 41 . C. M~n81d 42. P. Murphy 43. S. McGowan 44 . E. Nev.boGi 45. J. 46 . G . O 47 . E. Madno 48 . B. White 49. A. Rosenfeld 50. D .Jacka 52. C. Payne 54. D. Richards 55. L Pearce 61 . G. Hidcey 68. J . Owen 76 . G . Kennedy 77. R. Armstrong 78 . C. Brown
MAZENOD Coach: Rob Prosser Res. Coach : Chris Boyle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
P. Robinson J . Bellew J . Ct#oott A .C~ D.
6. N. Manna 7. S. MorcJa~ B . D. Ch~tle 9 . P. Hall 10. M. O'Hara (C) it. T. Smith (RVC) 12. P. MoCttske r 13. T. &idgIand (RVC) 14. G . Young 15. D. Barker (VC) 16 . T. Howard (RC) 17 . T. Tsiauf s 18 . D.O'Dona0hue 19. D . Cianco 20. C. Murray 21 . S. Polan 22. D. Sherlock 23. S. Coulson 24. J . Caudv 25 . D. Caner 28. P. Rky 27 . D. Krom 28. N . Little 29. R. Sharp 30, S. Fisher (VC) 31 . N. Snart 32 . D. Moore 33, R. Toyama 35 . J. Fisher 37 . G. Trigg 38, D . Steintat 39. R . Bourbon 41 . B . Welch (RVC) 42. N. Jacobs 43. W. Lane 44. D. Bole 45 . G . Rogers 46 . J. t.eGrand 48. P. Vine 49. L HaPry 51 . M. Murray 52. Mark Riley 53. Mick Riley 54. P.Jacbtu 55 . M . Quirk 56. M. Welch 57 . M. Peters
60. M. Le Couteur 64, S. Bourbon n. B. Devkn 86. M. Couttie Be. A . King
M.H.S.O.B . Coach: Warren Fall Res. Coach : Colin Drake 1. J. fi3mat 30 .WOaley 3 RVmre 4. D.RwnirJ 5. SOinrtkr fx C YMg 7. J.Pabx1 7FLBaixt a I D'obn 9 D.Carec 10. M fiea4.y ti . SWaln 11. MWetster 12. Sh!k:Ad7 12 MFetatvaa 13. C.Tteribatt! 13 . A Preace 14 . ATSM 14 . G Ke47 15. P. Barge 1& MA4d 16. A Clark 17. A Webster 1& B k6e1 18. tGileslie 19 Scarier 20 . D.Fa'sdw 21 . tlJdrs 21. GMda-00 22 . At.ixsa( 22 . Mla~ai 23. S F~itie 24 . & Ke!/ 24. flWbon 25. c (lever 26. a Harbor,[ 26. MTtm~an 27. P.tixt 27. LBW 2aD.5am 2a Ataatmce 23. P.Atargo 29. COr&e 3). Rtkkrlso 31. W.Ntw 32. A Cas sel
33. ASaay i 34. SHeIrrnt
31. it pate, 49. C I?rjx 35. ASai% 18 . ti.Nd1el a SKowarRy 5Q C..Bi*fl 36. APalm Cl . A.ra; ;s 37. t16rXR?y 5'! n .iO.Y:£t. ,. 38. Gwar a'. autpz ; .'.33 Avasal 40. W.Htie' A . 41 . SSarik/ 50 . 41, R flisae 57 . A~: W c' 42 P.Srd~ 58. J.tkx: .n 43 3.W 59. B. add 44 . aNtlidai 60. P.Matgally 45. D. Senn 61. htPrtAty 46. ANolaM 62 SDarckat 47. J.14rmn Gt T .IGg 48. SMnrmn 64. BOxMnan
OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS Coach : t)•aFeTapping Res. Coach: Steve Bani Runner Gary Sanders 1 . A . KrzyvMdak (DVC) 2 J. Much 4. M . Tabot 5. N. Perry (C) & S. Antcnis 7. L Fides (VC) & S.Lennou 9. M. Fisher 10. R . Hartman 11 . A. Fitrgerakl 13. M. Gamble 14. M. Der"s 15. D . Trims 16. J. Bracey 17. A. Rkke+~ 18. M. JacMon 18. P. Roach
19. A. Mavxtylads 20. D. Kolhrwrc,}an 21 . R. Oakley 21 . C. Jackson 22. K . Farrel 23 . A . Pryor 24 . R. Carter 24 . S . Douglas 25 . S. Nikas V . C. Gilmore 28. P. Wolf 29. M. Gordon
30. K. Tesdrendwf 31 . S. Murray (RC) 32. B. W9iams 33. M. Tol 34. M. Reid (DVC) 35. S. Mercer 36. B . Pollock (DVC) 37. A. Hain A . Lomas 39. A . Fischer '. 40. B . Patterson 41 . J . Howell 43 . J Holden 45. P. McNamara 46 . S. Hamilton 47 . D. Wilson 48 . 49 . 50. 55 . 57. 61 . 65.
T. Desmyth N . Winter S. Will iams C .Torns A. McLaren A. Wtpte R. Kent
71 . B . Alderson 79. H . Bidcett 60. A . Palfrey 84. P . McMahon
f~=a~C I~~tX~n.2~4 ~ INIV.= n1j n 3a 1 1
TA'TTS and POKIES Bar and Bistro 120 Upper Heidelberg Rd . Ivanhoe WHEELERS HILL tt 0 T E L
OLD IVANHOEn C, cach:Kevin McLea
~ Ccach: Darren Caddy A. Corcoran ia a Yamroal 2. P. S>~Y g D.Wa ry .,: 4. A Parker 4p . D. Toll 5. T. Young & S. Kent :.: 7. LYoun9 7. C. Webb s & T. Steven 9. M. Karayannis 10. M. Veal 11 . S.TLAY 12. M. Johnston 13 A PapPos, 14. S.IOn9ston 15. G. Douc~as 1& M . Woods 17. J. t.Mc 1& P.Bisogni ,.. 19. A. Barker 19s . P. Quick 2o. M. Huber 21 . J. Mansfield 22 . P. Donaldson 23 . M. Stewa rt 24. G. Hams 25. C. Moore 25rt J . Maycodc 26a. D.Craker 27. J . Weddle 2& D. Jones 29. R. Weddle 31R. D. Caddy 32a . N. Harris 33. T.Cormadc 34. D.HaM 35. L McLean 3& S. P doto 37FL D . Stoll 38, G 39. eGa~ ry8Gv~ea s 9e 41FL L Taylor 42. S. Vaughan 43. A. Atldnsan 44. T. AgJshl 45. J. HenPsted 45. M. L'mke 4& S. Ford 50. C. Corcoran 51. & Shadb dt
ORMOND ==N=11,10 1 . A. Jobling 2. C.Symes t 3. A Ot
4 . A. Grace 5 . B. Turner (DVC) 6. T. Gallagher 7. & O'Cavnell (C) 8. M . Gilmore (VC) 9. A. Forrest 10. P. Mamow 11 . D. Edgel 12. N . Sabo 13. P. Kingston 14. S .Jarnes 15. C. Frase r 16 . T. Stewa rt (RC) 17 . P. Joy 18. S. an 19. D. Cleary (RVC) 20. S . Metz 21 . J . Brown 22 . R. Bloc k 23 . P. McDonald 24. J. C oll ins 25. M . Wrodarczyk 26. D. Connell 27. T . Brennan 28 . B. Collins 29 . D. Whelan 30. S. Grace 31 . B.Egan 32. M. McDonald 33 . M . Shepherd 34 . R. Remman 35 . G . Bailey 36. S. Madcey 37. S. Turner 38. P. Miner 39. J . Byron 40 . G . Lehner 41 . G . Hal 42. C . Keleher 43. S. Wrndarczyk 44. M. Malthett 45 . L Livirtgstane 46 . P. Todd 47. R. Keati ng 48. G . Smith 49. M. Ho rsliekf 50. J . McLean 51 . G.IGng 52. N. Welts 53 . P. Schuhkraft 54. B. Davies 55. D. Amfield 56. S . Eccles 57. H. Brown 58 . M. Collins 59 . G . Sneddai 60. M. Hester 61 . B. Keath
62. S . Harrold . Murphy 63. P 64. S. Head 65 . L Craven 66. A Turner 67. D. Turner 68. D. Mahbett 69. P. Mulcahy
Coach : Tim H art Res. Coacfe Divan HOWW Coach : Terry Walsh Res. Coach: Tony Gilchrist I . B. Burden 2 . J . an 1 . B . Ryan 3. M. (DVC) 2. N. AstaPenko (VC) 4. W. Keighran 3. J. Howard . Calman (RC) 5. R 5 . P. Clements 6. S. Fox 6. M. Ryan 7. B. Kennedy 8. G. Baker . DWlman 8. B 9. G. Healy 9. G . Smith 10. T. Presnett 10. D . Moore 11 . J . Gar dner . Ryan 11 . D 12. B. King 12. M. Ddknan (VC) 13. S. Neeson 13. R. Bowies (DVC) 14 . S. Wood 14. J . Bare 15 . M. Kuek 15. M . Olive 16. B. Garvey 17 . M . Trezini 18 . N. Hart 19. D. Sheehy 20. A Varasdi 21 . S. Powell 22. J . Macey 23. A Pivetta 24. P . Meagher 25. M . O'Shea
26 . P. McCann (RVC) 27 . R. Gross 28. M. Farquharson (DVC) 29. P . Moun t 30. M. Gargarw 31 . A McGuineSs 32. & Noonan 33. S . Denton 34. J . Whitbread 35 . AThomas 36 . D. Kennedy 37. S. Kennedy 38. D. Smith
39. S. Groble 40. A. Had 41 . J . Hassell 42. S . Herbert 43. D. McDonald 44. D. " an 45. D. Wau,lht 46 . D. DeRooden 47 . M. Brady (C) 48. T. Smith 49. J. O'Connor 50. S. Kuring 51 . R. Bateman 52. J . Finch 53. J . Goldsworthy 54 . S. Game 55 . R. Sirnldss 56 . G . Mulcahy 57. C . Bossorx~ 58. S. Charles 60. P. Clohesy 61 . J . Price 62. J . Lynch 63. S. Dillon 64 . P. Curtin 65 . N. Martin 66. J. Quirk 67. D . Wory 68. P. Ryan 69. N . GoMlswodhy 70. D. Boyd
26. N . Buck 27. R. Gilmore (VC) 28. G . Hofert 29. D. Duntev e 30 . T. Presnetf 31 . M. Cunningham 32. M. DZdva 33. N . Cole 34. R. Harvey 35. D. Mahoney 36L C. Kalls 37 . A.Zod'rt 38 . R. Elliott 39 . A. Diamond 40. J .Thursfiekl 41 . A. Merrick 44. S . Diatnond 45. W.Deham 47. M . Wrphy 48 . B. mascai 49. M. Benton 50. M. D'Agostino 51 . J. Frawley 52. S . Koutapls 53. C. Th ursfietd 54 . T . Galbway 55i . L Magaw 57. M. Merrick 58. S. Patterson 60. C . Bifsto n 61 . M . TkoCZ (C) 64. M . MacDonald 65. K.Toohey 66 . G . Brown 67 . S. Emmett 69 . M. Slade 73. W. Perkins
9. M. GnnWCOdc 10. R . Eqclestone 11 . B. Warner 12. R. Moran 13. M . Bosardm 14. J . Reddick (VC) 15. G .Pinner (RC) 16 . M. Goodwin 17 . G . O'Connor 18. B. Carter 18. L Kuret 19. D. Rosasato 20. A. Moloney 21 . J . Thrush
22 . S. Griggs (RVC) 23 . C. Bye 24 . S. Kuret 25 . M. Posters 26. G . Carbis 27. B. Stevens 28. D. Barron 29. S . Goodwin 30 . M . Tadinac 31 . S. Hollow 32 . J. Sacco
33. N . LaFontaine 34. M. Donohue 35. S .O'HHaakoran 36. C. Rizzo 37 . D. Castaldi (C) 38 . B. Selleck
39. A. Fenn 39. S. Boyle 40. G.Keaues 41 . G. Thompson 43. G. Rosigndo 44. D. O'Neill 47, D. Goodwin 48 . D. Wrigglesrvath
16. P. Rogers 17. G. Knobel 18. R. Williams 19. D. Bilston 21 . M. M haP}evlo 22. P.O'SuOivan 23 . A. Delta Lana 24. M. Welg xz 25. P. Dymon
Coach: Terry Quinn Re , Coach : Chns Bye 1 . M. Petrevsi d 2. B. Hollow 3 . P. Gorman 4 . M. Elliott 5 . J . Seymour 6. J . Van a 7. P. Jones 8. L Hollow
~9-= sm~sa~t
BULLEEN HAMPTON ROVERS TEMPLESTOWE Coach : Don Scaraft Coach: Andrew Smythe Res. Coach : Ian Cave AssL Coach: Nlidtael ZettlsM Res. Coach: David Hooper 1 . C. LeG ramd 2 . P. Amoore 1 . J. Prior Res. Coach: Brian Belinski 3. A. Mason AJAX Coach : Phi Aarons,
1 . J . Wrotlel 3. B. Davis 4. M. Duda rov 5 . J.Aath 6 . D. Kalb 7. G . Samuel 8. A.K ngdd 9. A. Rosen ro 11 . A. Gordon 12 . D.Or1as 13 . A. Levy 14. Y. Rapoport 15. A. Bum1ar1 16. R. Wool f 17. A. Culdemian 18. K. M .=(C) 19. 20. W. Kmrlgold 21 . S . Glasman 22. D. Moh r 23. A . Bensknorll 24. S . Rutl ensteine '. 25. A. Levine ..' 26. B. Duzenman (DVC) 27. A. Lust 28. J. Brain (VC) 29. A. Hea rst 30. N .Israetsohn 31, M. Barnett 32 A. MOrdedl 34 . D. Gun n 35 . S. Roth 36. J. Segal (DVC) 37. R. Loewy 38. J. Lewis 39. D. Boon 40. A. Redlich 41 . P. Napfak 42. J . Klooger 43. R. Weisz 44. N . Diamond 45. E. Steen 46. J. Davis 47. A. Abraham 48. L Go~sg 49. M. JeRiek 50 . B. Grodsid 51 . S. Boon 52 . A. Zlelinsla 53 . A. Sheffield 54. D. Collins 55. B. 75e6r1etd (CC-R) 56. S . Davis 58. M . Fried 60. J . Wainherg 69. J . Vernon
2. 3. 4. 5.
G . Alexander S. Young W . Thompson C. Parris
6. R. Mklney
4 . S.Ander.,ai(VC) ~ 5 . R. Bames 6. A. Na" 7. D. McCwrvle 8 . D. Marshap 9 . S. Morgan 10. C.FattJtswi 11 . A. Brown e 12. D.R .Arnier .,on p 13. C. Thwnas 14 . F. Cas~ (RC) 15 . S.85 k 16. J. 17. S . 18 . B . Holt 19 . A . Huffck 20 . P.Buddey 21 . C. McGregor 22 . M. McKeRar (C) 23 . J . Day 24 . A . (hp n 25 . R. McDonnell 26 . Sam Wits 27 . T. Prarkzos 28 . Scott was
7. P . Robedson 8. N . Bon e 9. B . Lelerve 10. P. George 11 . S. Fadey 12. A. Parris 13. D . Tutloch 14 . D . Cooper 15 . P. Fau9cner 16 . S. Smith 17. C. Barry 18. G . Shallaid 19. P. Nigro 20. M . Jones 21 . D. Hooper 22. G. McLaren 23. D. Matllews 24. P. Nagel 29 . M. Fletcher (VC) 25. T. Merrett 30 . C. Scarterr (SC) 26. P. Graham 31 . D. Hobson .. 27. N . Waddel 32 . DA. Anderson 28. C . Mutimer 33 . E Zu ter 34 . W. Armow 29. P. Bone 35 . B .Armstrong 30. M. Agr~s 36 . B . Marlyn 31 . A. Shine 37 . M. BeaurrqrR 32 . R. Williams 38. S. Seiby 33 . G. Pemberton 39. K . We~ 34. S . tamt>mpoious 40. 1 . Bq7a 35. D. Daskalou '.. 41 . R . Burt~er 42 . T.Comelds 36. P . Har 43. A. Frede rflcsen . S . Boyd e37 44. S. Grean 38. S . James 45. P. Hayden 39. P. Da9ogd 46. R . Hetherington 40. T. Mathews 47. B. Hoare 41 . A. Rozant's 48. R . Hunt (RVC 42. P. Edwards 49. A.Hixder(RV)C) 50. S. James 43. C . Papdopmilas 51 . B. Johnstone 44 . J. Rozantis 52. M. Lake 45 . C. Taylor 59. T, lh 46 . D. Dowd 54. N . 47 . C. Morihovitis 55. C . Martins 48 . R. Lambert 56. A. McGregor 49. A . Dyson 57. B. McGregor 58. L Muir 50. D. Glover 59. A. C'Brien 51 . A . Knq 60. A. Paelti 52. D. Williams 61 . J. Rodder 53. T. Franklin 62. D . Rogerson 54. K. Stelling 63. A Ross 55. B. Brennan 64. M. Sader 56. M.Toumy 65. R .T re9 57. P. Giannis 66. A Varker 67. D . Varker 58 . D. Vozza 68. S.Wa9cer 59 . C. Ellis 69. D . Weirugar 60 . A. Par1ou 70. S.W~'ison 61 . D. Anderson 71 . tv1. Young 62. G. Chiver s 72. E.Zuker 73. B. Bu d
MARCELLIN Coach: Anthony PaRtsch Res . Coach : Tony Da y 1. a 2. A~ 3 D.Ylalars (C) 4. MGi 5 KM" & D.Sartpinai 7. MPov.e(M & RFrisna 9. D.Mertm 9. J.Daly 1& AB^rtxiahio 11 . D.Taplor 12. &Qdin 12. P.9T,a6alon 13. D. Bwra&1 14. D.Fbv,e@~ 15 A hki ~h 1& J.Y1a55 17. GGn 17. MGefsai IS AC3Sy(M i& P.Har6er5 19. D.G7opa(}Sa .'. 19. D.lhM 20. S01%m 21. GRSmon 22 D.Mvson 23. P.Qurbers 24. A Wagha 24. MBedx4 25. MStkes 2& GWaM 27. S. Dietz 27. & Beade r ~JC 3D ATre93rom 31 . GP4t 32 RCd速$HQ 33. MCaper 34. P. Mispre 35. A Tatter 36. P.WiFi 37. A$edan 3& D .Hu6erts 39. J.TsoLim 40. J.Dae 41. J.Seabuy 42 J.Potioea 43. D.D odericcci 44. GParne 45. MVbnL'nt 46. J.Sha4m 61. GHmtqeks 47. L0'fljm 62 GDhxdD 48. MRanixua 63. J 04r een 49. Ghidrm 64. LPelSigeFa 5Q J.SmrB 65 . T.tnda 5& D.BroS~.y 66. D.Cm 51 . LSttFan 67. MDaslard 52 RBmies 68. GQi 63. 69. M.MOussi 54. KivrnAung 70. B. Byrnes 55 W. Dr,tfcei 71 . s.OTanor 55 57. 6. Da/ ~ &~ 73. 5& L9esGd 74. MKatara :Zs 59. MYararasais 75. D.Y~nj 60. AMa1on 7& dDdatut
MONASH BLUES Co~h : Dave Rogers Res. Coach : Steve King 1 . L Fulday 2 . J . BaMer
3. C. Miller 4 . P. Maiden .., 5 . D. Rogers 6 . M. N1m1an 7 . W. Mdvor 8 . M. Lawrence 9 . L Bar'x1g 10. S. Wetster 11 . M . Spencer 12 . J. Caldwell 13 . R. Anderson 14 . J. Gunn 15 . M .TmMer 16. C. Dobbin 17. V. Colonlhtes 18. G. HipweEl 19. D. Roche . 20. J . Cavan8gtl 21 . S . McCkJre 22. A. Dobson 23. P . White 24. B . Hodson 25. M. Tehan 26. P. Hurley 27. D. 28. S. McGee Newman 29. A. Headberr y 30. P. mpt1y 31 . J.LBSrt~h' 32 . M. Tr y 33. J.M. Smith 34 . B. Dowsie7 35 . D. Murchle 36 . H. Cavalier 37 . J. Andriis os 38 . P.Tudhey 39 . M. Smith 40 . W. Crawford 41 . A. Kier s 42. A. Hickey 43. R. Feenaghty 44. D. Teesdale 45. A. McPherson 46. D.Jones 47. S . MenU1a 49. M . Kelloc9c 50. D. Sdnveddes 51 . S . Millie 52. J . M ale 53. L McCann 54. R . Harris 55. D. Trim ble 56. R . Kingston 57. P. O'Neil l 58. M. Armstrong 59. H . M iddleton 60. A. Thornton 62 . D. Horsfak 65 . D. Woo d 67 . B. Dempsey 70 . N. DeYoung 71 . A. "teins
72 . P. Napier 75. S. Edquist
AUSFINE FOOD S INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD Suite 3, 41B Bluff Rd , Black Rock . 3193
. .'
NOM,OD BOYS OLD MEMfONANS ST. B速ES R ENME Coaach : Frank Dtun ~ta`~Y Coach : Pe~r Murphy Res, Coach : Res . Coadt : Jeff Norman Ca c ulBeddoe 1 . C. McKay 2 D.. Waters 3, S Mannassa (DVC) 4. S. steep 6, M1.L Gravina `7. P..BOOM 8 . B Colson 9. L curry 10. J. Forbes 11 . P. O'Farrell (C) . :.:12. S. Laic , 13. B. Cun~h :' .14. S.Cheshue 15. P. Kearney it, J . Christian 17. M. Maguire 18. J . Murray 19. B. Smith ~. M. Robinson 21 . J. Curren 22. M.Connefy .::.23. P. O'Dwyer 24. J. Bwker .25. P. Christian 26. J . Roberts 27. S. Walsh N 2& D.0'Fame 29: D. &rfe ... 30. M . 31 . L Boyfe (VC) 32. J. Lavde 33. M.Orfanuk 34. B. Conti "'35. D . Hooper X D. TOnIn 37. S. M#wnda 38 . A Sweeney 39. J. Zumbo 40. R. MktlquineY 41 . G . Bum s 42. S. Rearmann 43. P. McMahon 44. M. Lyons '.. 45. B. Pawsey '.:. 46. M. Caulfield 47 . R. Lttle 48 . M . Anderson 49. J . TrimboN 50. C. Balley 51 . 0 . Newman 52. T. Jamieson 53. N . Tinley 54. T. Cleveland 55. S. Zocco 57. B . Altman 59. J . Buge4a 63. R. Gale . 69 . J. Joyce
1 . A. Acremart
2. C. Lean 3. B . Mu 4. G. S (VC) 5. C. Wallace 6. D. Paterson 7. G. Ferguso n 8. M . MaapJire (C) 9. G . Pride 10. J. Graham 11 . D. Solley 12. S. Martin 13. R. Large 14. M. Fmni s 15. C . Davis 16. P. Hughes 17. L 18. T. Boumon 19. D. Krtto 20. S . Mullen 21 . S . Krtto 22. P . Harrington 23. N. Moodie 24. D. Johnson 25 . J.Winduss 26 . G . Da rt 27 . G . Katris 28 . M. Bond 29. A Carter 30. M. Brooks 31 . P. Ftaskes 32. J. . tLw 33. C 34. S . Worrell 35. Darren Murphy (VC) 36. P . Russo 37. J . Webster-GdfrMs 38. D. Milfis 39. T. Rdey 40. T . Leonard 41 . N. t.lnford 42 . C. Rustrvratti 43 . M.Lawes 44 . B. Clothier 45 . C. Leaver 46. J. Norman 47. J. Konicanan 48. D .Johnsen 49. A. Housten 50. G. Richards 52. P . Wieske 53. M . Stroud 54. J .Sheddon 55. S . Ballast 56. M . Leone 58 . D. Coventry 59 . C. Furber 60 . D. Nock 61 . C. Dwyer 62 . Daniel Murphy 63. T. Hancock 64. M. Austin
Res. Coach : Brad Barry 1 . M. KnseR a 2 . S. Zaldc 3. J . Sabre PVC) 4. V . L'Hu li er 5. M . MurraY 6. A. Ryan 7. D. D~ns 8. B. Beas~y 9. G . Marinc 10 . C. Ross 11 . M. Hecker 12 . C. Stewart 13. David GoodchRd 14. P. L annan 15. Danny Goodcluld 16. S. Napier 1 7. A. MaaGeage (C) 18. J . TuRy VC ) 19. B . Tama 20. T. Lambe .:' 21 . G. McDonald 22. S. McCarthy 23 . T. Peck 24 . T. Beasley 25 . D. Smith 26. S. Hecker 27. M. Munson 28. D. Feben 29. D .Oni 30. M. Hols 31 . M. Mufsud 32. J . Dickinson (RVC) 33. A Walsh 34. D. Knesella 35 . R. Bites 36 . G . McLachlan 37 . M. Connd 38. A. Hayes ( VC) 39. R. L'HuiSe r 40. C. Johnston (RVC) 41 . P. Ord 42. A. Thompson 43. K GooddriId 44. J . Recupero 45. R. Gould 46. O. Labr 47 . C. Bracchi 48 . B. Hutchinson 49 . S. Flannery 50. N. Tully 51 . S. Boczar 52. A Keamey 53. M. Beasfey 54. M. McCraw 55. P. Dwyer 56. D. Marshal l 57. M . L .omagno (RC) 58. M . Zakc 59. 60. 61. 62. 63 .
P. Newport A. Whitelaw B. Dunstan C. Thomson A. Ord
65. Damien Murphy 71 . T. Kars
72. D. Cazn
Doyle's Bridge Hotel Deck & Bistro
ST. LEO'S EMfUTAUS THOMASTOWN Coach: Mark Flac k Res. Coach: David Miller 1 . D. Dinicdantordo (C) 2. J. O'Meara 3. E. Mitchell 4. T. Van Den Akker 5. C . Kenny 6. A. Hughan 7. V. Ryan 8. T. Oakley 9. A. Bethune 10. A . Dot><rym 11 . C. Dobbyn 12. G . Robinson 13. J. Miller 14. D. 15. A. 0' 16. B. Carey 17. R . Parker 18. T. Batty 19. A . Quinla n 21 . G. Sanondsai 22. A. Bu 23. S . 24. D. Kermy 25 . P. RoiKli 26 . S. Edwards 27. P. Bowden 28. B. Mdmey 29. S. Darcy 30. R . Armstrong 31 . M. Contessotto 32. A . Ned m 33. A . Banks 34. B . Henricks 35. J . Briggs 36. K. Morris 37 . S. Manton 38 . P. Burke 39. B.L. Vaughan 40. J. Gay 41 . C. Smith 42. P.O'HalQ+an 43. B. Drury 44. F. Dinioolantonro 45. S . RoncM 46. M . Smith 47. R. McCann 48 . A. P"introm 49 . A. Aluso 50. M.Ohotxe 51 . A. McKenzie 52 . J. Niel
53. M. t.abr 54. J. Graves 55. P. Clarke 58. B. Mitchell 59. D. pitcher 60. S . Buckle 61 . J . Rees 64. J . Cronin 65 . M . Lindsey 67 . S. Walsh 69. J. Donovan 70. G . Rafferty 71 . A. Prosser 80. H. Meehan . S. Pitcher
Coach: Tony Fellows Res. Coach: George Petsini s I . S. Pasinou 2 . B . Byron 3. A . Srroth 4. G. Petsinis 5. James Bubis 6. B. Pellegrino 7. S . Plant
8. A. Fellows 9. V. Capeci 10 . D. Capea 11 . L Alberti 12 F. Farchione 13 G . Scarna 14 . M. Patmare 15. L Del Papa 16. D . Farchione 17. D . Gorski 18. F. Arcorad 19. P . RitevsFa 20. L A{abakis 21 . E . Lentlni 22. L Sallese 23 . R. Dimaggio 24 . B. Smith 25 . R . Kennedy 26. C . McNeil 27. S. D'Avoine 28. L Mord :ito 29. K. Harting 30. C. Fellows 32. P . Colosimo 33. M . Chaffey 34 . J . Cardoni 35 . A. Colosimo 36 . J. Theodorou 37. D. D'+mo+sld 38. G . Scott 39. S. Weeks 40. P. Sceni 41 . D. Brooks 42. J . Turner 44. A. Ward 47. D. Powric,ht 49. Jim Pougos 50 . C. Diana 51 . E. ValinUno 52 . L Smith 53. P. Batista 54. J. Rocca 55. P . Valeri 56. S . Mineo 57. C. L'Aurora 58. A. Cents 59. Z Flendrg 61 . B. Colosimo 63 . M. Grech 65 . S. Holmes 66 . D . Pougios 67. N . Grech. 68. D . Curran 69. R . Panddfo
Lang6oume Construction s
VD section AQUINAS O.C. Coadt: Andrew Crasby
Res . Coach: Sean O'LOUghGn 1. 6.Brdh Z R CNbd Eolmda . SK2my 6. GC4errie 7 Coach : Rod Alfison & A Oaradie Res . Coach: Egan Smith 9. P.Pt*s Coach: Geoff Reilley 10. D.Bd3tl 1 . S8atmd Res. Coach: Matt SChohen 11. C.BmrtuY Z T. James 12 M.T" 1 . B. M aim 13. C.Jdkcy 2 . SDidtar S .F1dc 45. LW* 14. ALaNn a T.Odcrti 5. SHadars 46. A1YrrM 15. J.K7ughP5 4. RC45ks 36 RFf4ns 6. SPoe 47. P. Lef 16. S.Uose S. W.Mrtn 37. M.S~attnt .. 7. N.Tfmps:n 48. aStM t' 17. AtDerot+ '.. 6. AWWAer 33 aRestardc ...' & RBoad 49. AMerd .' 7. aCo'n#ds++ 39. aSmbo 18 It RO M 50. D,TaW d 19. G.457ftea 8 . SO W44'A 40 . M.Ptelal 10. E.£mtl' t 53. A~ 41. fitEdlon 20 . P.Paris 9. GRatB 41 . M.Udie! 12. J.HYwnCd 54. P.Hdcmrd 21. QjW 42, 1 McEvoy 10. RHaI . 42. RNmvm 13. N.SnS 56 .1 Douglas 22 SHy*n 43. h1SaWy .CIDSSAf 43. Rfbyais 11. M 14 R741ireiieal 57. LTlqM . aLiurqsnoe 44. P. Dorm 23 12. M.NO teon 44. M. Tapp 15. RSprtM 5& C K" . tlFredc+isn 24. P.Flatar 45 . Rhe~ 1a D. No 45. w.eaxcl 16. D.Watux 60 21 C, BOX 46 Wzb 45 . AC3as 14. S. Rose 17. ACods D ~"crt ~ && 26, AFtaYin 47 . P. 47. LSa+an 63. 1 6 AVAaM 1& D.fbrES .M pe . M o 27. S. Jones 48 6& T. aft 16. T.FYt7a5 4& D.r011M M. sot 28. C, WSW 51 ~ 66 P.LndOe 17. G.45ftre 49. P.Butm . Af#riand 29. SQLUx~Jr6t 18 N.Ca< SJ . It Jacobs .22 R 4i'ffibon 667. R Hash 30. C.C* er 54. Slqmn 9. A Re~s 19. It "*Tft 51. H.Sw 2a T.Sm'q~n 70 . LK'M 55ACLfta 31 1Feta 4. C. Kd k 24. D.kiU.~tge* 71 . W.E;~1 32. MVaYstoer 56 SDdh .nti N oe 51 B. H1 r . ARM 20" M.IO 25 ATaf7o 33. aVNmr 56. ABPMre 21 . tl&d+ar 54. tAtkMrr 26 . MFSdxnord 72. P.Yarg 34. M.TanrL ~. a 22 T.Tv.+rky S4 M.D '~', 27. 8.01 a'a 7d M.Seele/ ~LM%b 2a D.A~h SG A 28 . B.leaCh 74. GYmrg e w ~ D Melan 65 RMa~ic K 24. {:~Lr'+ 57. M.QAff ". 29. C.Stradwr 75. D.Chch 37. D.Jv,ce 66. M.Vlt7m .Vhies SB Rtbid 25. T 31 -TWA 76. W.Har es 38 . C.Tft 67. P.CtuidWlak . 0 31 . aHn+ad 77. T.JdxIson 39. F . aTt1C[t 27. Ju~itRj3t 32, C.MDAodi 78. Ah'arxr3 / .ad3 . L4D A~ 1:6. B.0 61 . Jdn FW 28. tow 33 . ABnrcen 79 . GNft 29. D.Strerdd 63 B. 34 . P.t{rAea 80 At1hlre1 63. a8ebaaY 37. Obese 37. µFBgp Bt. D. 5m 64. ACaRn9y 31 . 1 N*W3! 39. C .EVms 62 T .WeUh 65. R59trtks 32 MD rosta 40. J. Harvey 63 . D .V4Hsh G. P. eYrdxs:n 33. 8 . NaWn 34. N. Lu>xrddY 63 A. V+9srts.e 42 . RKt421t M . M.I4{kits 35. AL1w+9ke ffi. T.Pd4d 43. T.Waker 86 . GAtco r
Al~.(( ® ( m" 'jiI6S
Coach : Mark Neel d
Coach : Des Meagher Res. Coach: Chns Burke
Res . Coach: Simon Bones 1 . Mfled
Greythorn Bulk Store All dectttcal & gas home applrartces
I . D. ft's 2. M8NZmzn(C) 2. M .Et&nuMS 3. M. Carbone 3. D. We"-otrj S. M. Rabxrsm r 4. T . Duc,ySale 6. C.N.MS41n(VC) 5 . AF Wrft 7. P.CoOtJar 6 . B.Plstl1W & ADarss 7 . 3 . Glasca't s. C.Maguire 8. T.Sejrnaar 10. 6.1Fdw 9. J. VRscn 11 . P.Cyttu6~ 39. E. 12. D.Grif~ 10. M. oroard 39. 8. SmiSr 13. T. Hu~ 10. T.NPitten 40. S. Bones 14. T.Catt~ 11 . P, LAY 15. A Lam 41 . S PEN 12. R Raxtu 16. B.V3nx.r~boun 40, ATtMtcs 41 . J .CbA 12. N. Parn;r 17. ACsbare(VC) 41. C .0'Gwxrar 42. P.LiSmS 13. P. Harman 18 . D.Wty 42 . D.Nai=ih 43. 0. Hay 14. E . BoscSo 19. FAJc+rgebbtd 43. N.Eot(RVC) .qiuer .Pesmtt 44. C 14 . J 20. S.MCPU;Re 44. M.8aternzn n 45. L Momso 15 A Tebw 21 . P.Haseler 45, 64lrster 16. P.0'Oe3 46 . W. Dmidoon 22. J. BomrJm:n 46. G ..Nurson 17. PAVrt WM 47 . A PM 23. P.Ciartkdk 47. Stotdrmi . Smiftrs 18. A NaM6uN 48. E 24. R tliCa 48. M . Re'sl 18. N. McKelar 49. S. FAanph~is .., 25 . M. Veatvl 41 C. Fd4ai 19. A uter 50. M . Robsai .., 26 . C. Ryan 50. B.Y~?y . APAt= 20 . G.C34theL 51 27 . D.Vanr}.niban 51 . LExmes 21 . G. Kansan 52. M. 28. C, Eames 53 . D.D-e+zaPp 22. J .Tajcr R CDMXIY 29. A Paw§dc 54. S. Gan . 8. t6if_+'.n 30. P. D6ren 55. D. Domrio 23. M . Davis 53 31 . t1Je+km 56. B_Cft 24. M . Tailor 54 . W. Dodd 32. MBurradc 57. D.JatuIson 25. A Man 55. B. Furptry 33. C. Haft 58 . D.Whet+n 26 . H. Kamp 56. G. Via'i`r 34. D. Ghod',evA 59. D. Gerdn 27. A Rfos:i 57. R. Krtighl . A Glenn 29. AAtitfwn 58. C.51Onw 35 . C. Law 60. D. Cassa h 367. D. Norm 61 . S.Ftetc 30. C. Bird 6) 3 . P. Owl (RC) 62. S. Po~.rr 61 . R.01phad 31 . J. PM, .Cartgq 63. S.V*m 39. C 32. G. V W sOn 62. A Osborne 39. J .N3v''flh 65. Aliao r 32 M. Wu"otson 66. 8. 0'Habtan 34. B. Cam:n 70. D. tLaN 71 i L W" 74 . J. Geddes A PbOtrj 37. L Wi'ker 76 . S. A62dcett 38. P.Bdtrmne 77 . T.S nWan
9857 8Q6 1 BEAUMARIS Coach : Brett Merchant Ras. Coach : Scott Mathers t. SPeid) . Z+.` a M'Brr oud
PRINTED LABELS PHONEt1A +748 FAX (83) M5 297 °Qualitl IaDtlr fa Qeui~ CI<mIJ "
P M1YNant[
3 µ~ ~ w. I OLD ESSENDO N n 4 . M. Devine 27 . D. ,bhV GRAMMAR J. Ww2k 4. M. WY ~ B.lucf fQ 6. D.ISli~d 6. aTayla 29. C, Martin 7.SFautwis ~ A~ 7 . MM3tdto05
Coach: Alex Fraazer Res. Coach : [an Stevens 1 . J.Paragio blix" Z aQup-AAd a 1402(,n 31 . P.OC 3. P.L UW% rMiA & 't )M%3 3='- C DVeit 4. S.Flatur9 .Van .tYMsO~ 3a N 9. 8 5. & Emerson .Holt 3a T 9. Mfakne A 6. C.Rde/ 37 . aVta$v tD. aYtaAwn 34. S.M-nYes 7. I CqPdam 36 M. hk't:trre9 td RBMaod 35. B.Cmroi & S.013~ 39 AMnrirgmo SthrJurfQ SBiedie 3 6. it . 9. J.G.ioAJa 44. T.D34as 0 12. P.McAtiwn 337. AS1 10. LsbDVrs 41 . L Wor 8. STnesdt 1a B.VaWklr 11. B.Pcpal 42. A .kalas P. DAY 14. AOtat ~ P 12- J .lkazne 43, AGst .TeSorio) 14 . N.KN9 13. P. GdAW 44. RCJOtesj . A 8'add 15. M.tkri'ne 41 14. S.Ev= 44 . F. Bony . L "s 4Z O.Magt eoe e16 15. 5.85»R 46. D .lqrxek 16. ht.t"'rNen 43. SWb n 16 S.Md7>e sxr 47. aTeGro 4 A~ 16. D.ORien 44. 17. P.HD er(JQ 48. 17. T.Md3dd3c 1& T, Rod 49. AIke3 o n 4& SOdnm 17. EM 19 . G.Sffi.en 50. D.Beirm 18. APead 47. 1AMd'ui _ 20. J.l Y g 51 . SGm.a=St.y . D.h'~en1x .TMm~s 48 19, P 21 . S Dda 52 A Oanwn 20 h1.0un 49 . O .Olktipp 22 M .ltkmz 53. T.f1at'd~ 20. rtFMn 49 . D.tbcW 23. aF#rgfics 54. SMai'da7 21 . P.3eim6M1Q 50. RB~ 24. C.Rbertm 55 . RN§.m 25. Ateaslc 5& AOY# on . C.OT.kaa 22 aFbit 55 26. D .F~tlier S/. RVA"e~t 22 G}kvt1t 56. 27. D.Barr 5& AVfiende 57. J.F~ 23. T.Rsns r 2& B.Tur~r 59. N.Csn+n J.Beaxrcnt 5& 21 A U (fAY.7 29. J .S "I da"' 60. APalaff . APn`''bmY 59 24. 0. Groves 37. J .hkiP+"n 61. 0. Rodger 31 . A Cabj 62 . P. B~ 32 J.trtxr„£~J g1 A " 3 3. S. Ganef 64. aFbssi, 34. J. Leask 65. ASot;nul 66. 8.1anv0 36 P.Ttist 67. RD*
~j IM'2 tlR 'L .d
PAINTING Your On Time Printe r
SALESIAN Coach : Peter Turley
Res. coach: Michael Byrne 2. tACas93
ST. JOHNS Mooney Coach: Stephen Res. Coach: Dean Higgins 1 . GMa®leson 2 1ALadx+n 3. btt4d M 4. B.l2brod/ 5. SCaixing 6. SCamran 7. RBZdc , 8. D.krFanc 9. Aliadek 10 M1tCamau 11 . D.R31s 12 aSxd>an 1a 5 .13am 14. a(vder 15. G.P. "'~ai 1& W.C0ymn 17. SCadarn= a C, Emery 19. .1 Cali 20. lMvT- an 21 S 22 S.ReJndds 23. S tB1)i 24 . Mfd31xm 25. CVtttars 26. G W fe e 27. R W~n 28. P .Lictt=J 30. RYt2ker 31 . T. Caor'd 32. GS! w 31 ZMame 34, n Hancock 35. IL Sacco 36 1 Dot" 37, EMaAVd 38. ht(mdr}e 39. RDU'.Sett
40 . B.7harJal er 41 . B. " (Q 42. MO D 'a`oS Q 42 T. Du wbirp 4a GLen'b 44 . & 45 ft x~a'dsrm 46. AlktW 47. aCoW 48. S. Malin 43 W. Po55 52. S. ~
54. a Gunaam 55. A03q 57. R Cats 58. R1 fas 59. ELngprrkr 62. T. DUE
a Ss dren3rd 4. AK-4ty S M.Cmttratp a RCBtat'a 7.G. & M.r~et>1 9. D.SmD 10. D.Oiver 17. M. Clark 12 AGaspo f 13. LBC6e1CNQ 14. P.MdUr'71R 39 . B.Qun 15. T.WaWtidg: 1& ACt'epp'i 40, J .F4n'Am 441 . 8 Babetc 17, MWFaUes .2 18. 3 . ~ Cl>akrers; 19. SBro+m 43. M.SAimfani 20. A5a'~r 44. C.FtuY 21. Rt$di 45. M.FaKer 22 . M.Pawer 47. C~ 21 C.WdreNQ 24. AGra:e 48. P.Karal4 Z& 81rxmner 41 D .Tayor 26. D.ChW 59. a Ta/ior 27. M.tA" 551- P-Emd"'d 2. i.APgvt 28. M.Byme 29. NkkFabes 53 . D. Eager 30 . D.La.tmn 55 54 &BOX D.5eaner 31. A Davey 3z As~ns Ss . PazFw>C; 33. RtCodx 57. PaIFrn6es 34. T.V+ttE 5& S 35. P.Sodata,fa 59. M . W. M.Eyes 36. Rtazel 37. J.8tan'n 61. M.tYr. a n1t 3& M.p}bott 62 . RP~ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...
PARKS{DE Coach: L.aurSeZ/vafa Res, Coach: Mark Rowe 1 . P.l ausen Z A Dele-VOW 31 F.Sansorct4 4. D.Vkvtar 5 . SMft d 6. ASSDa t 7. D. MM 37. aPaO 8. aCtOmtt 38. F. D310 9. GD1btn1'9 39. F.61a¢t10 AtRa 40, L Werra (lA 41. Etitaas 10. M. CC= . 11 . 1Cftncno 42 P .Do o 43. a1lrhGvd '..., 12. D.MXal 44. P.So6g 1 3, ACqft . SPno 45 P.M~an; o14 15. D.hbaie 4& T .W 16. M.f3rod 47. T.PEhqxlm 17. D.L'ame3 48. C.Tyscn 49. SCo9a 1& ABe*& 19.S.Gun 50, M .y4w 20. GPecidem 51 . D.Gorn 21. M.Teaei (C) 52 . M.Haw 2L 6.1@ne/ 53 . M.Yartld 23. K R Na 55 Rtntd S& S .Ddzid 25. S.Bfier 57. M .AYR r" 26. GMaw 27. LPariO 59. T.Pffiffin 2& SFtg 61 . P.Liraes 29. LMnHrea(,A 62 . C.V.9farx 63. 3p. BFhd21 K Tth~ 31 . I.Ciaf M G. Was 31 . Gks1k) t a2 aMdal 66 . D.Tf 39. GFkmftn 69. NAkrcOados
~: ~>~ ~: ~.~ 36 W. Lay 89 . L656in A
OLD WESTBO1IRNE Coach: David :Edde Tp,sCoach 1. B u
47. O.HaN-°d 48. LW49. N .W 50. S .Ba 51 . PA. . 52 J . Cb s 53. J. MX 55 . A.56-
m SWIhOnd 8. &FraB3o 4. A01zeO-' A. Loch 6. J.1kttvJh 7, D. .6~ & Fbslx>dhc) 9. ACh'sh 0 R4~ s Ii . D .FVgescA 12. MM 13. P.Nxh d, 14. J.5610110h .Srt 15. ABcerd 3 1 B.GQK I& SC1iCn ~ Gr ~ 17 . 8,14" .Antet~ 1& P.Kx9 42. P 19. MGa9 . 43. RCUtW 20. ESaa*Mu ~ F, Coda 21 . NLBil~A'dh 47 . RD W 2Z W.ti minb .Gd" 23. L.s43~ 4 M. eN1& 111 24. LFaiteli 49. S.D4ade P 25. SLwr~vd 5).. APu6hiis 26. P.Mel-w 51 D.Tx meY 52 SSi o 53. G.8~ ~. G"
58. S 59,
60. K R~f
61. S.B~rd 63. C.Bhdt 69. T .Tere« 70. J .Oixcn+asesA 71 . P.S!.wraA
3a C.Cdat 55. B, U= .Ta/ar 31. D.6aa ~. W
~c~ a
U.N.S.O .B . Coach: David Nash Res. Coach: Gi no Mazza 1 . RFeO
Coach: Ju5tin Doy1e t m ~. pllan Etliot Res. Coaoh: Grant Fiam CO pau4: MaNam~a Res .Coash MF~fN nt 1 . N . B> . .zza xeoam 2. 0. Dawson 2. ATzmco 3 GTto~~ 3. A. titfiY 2- D.B mbw 4. D.FatM 37. G.Cat&rai 4 . J.Tuck 3. A Bore 38 . A ~ S 0. Kane 5, 0. Madeod 4 . C. Mclerrcea 39. M1'LB'Y' 8 P.Sa ffixk6, D, Grieve 5. O.Docti 40. B.MzcDas~d 7. ID* 7. hL C1MM 6. S.Cr~ 41 .P~11e & fAr~ t 6 . B. Ham 7. C. Ss~s (C) 42 . C.WaRaca 9, D.f~3s .D 9. G. Case 8. S.. PY.. 1Q }b)= . ONO . M 10 . S.Mc£advaa. 9. R d Smith 43 Me 44 .45 J. E:q 11 . LGro,dn`+rh .Ciamm ~ ~A ~ 10. P. Burns 12 M C. Cook 12. W.GnlffJs it . S-!/BG 46. RK~y .JXM 13. M 13. B.Twut 12. J.Kemrdi . Crone, 14 . A03hild .Ty,~ 442 B.0'C~nn~r 1rC.Amd 4Z G 5 J 5RUd - .PTiMatn 43 . t.kd Zah 53. P.Nd.6~(~`1 ~ D .De LUM 16 37. P, Bond _ 16 . 8.Cft 44. 9-W 14. J.Jmn, r~ D.Zu&da . Puddlas 17 . A Fc3Cx.'+s6m 38. T. B e}.vn1h 17 . Davidson 51 75 . M s . J. P.~ . Alargh"m 39. LCarter .C2t[Ohe4 16 19. G.L' tvp 46. B 6. P.Gim~r4"- ~ D.Fe~ 19. P.Da+van 40. G.8mis 7. P .Scz~ 53 .C9n4 G.MadePa 47. J.YeGpd .J r .S9r.aou 20. N Hu%and 41 . A. Doi* I 4B P . Sav 21. J & E. x ~n 54. J.PWz: 21 . G.Jadcma 42. AFgv~h 49. RAMOM 1B" T. "Wa 8FL OUM 55. J .ICl01ry 43. M.07~sn 22. Vt. " 19. G.``" ..22 . z~{, .Kn9 SOG ~ . rro 5s 23. G. Fa:tiat,on 44 . N. Bon d 20 . G. ~ ~ Torrid 7 5, & ~ 4 45 M Wick . C &VMn ~ g.~ 552. T.~ 21 . Rn_ . 58. D.h"atluson . Ze 25. G. BurlM 46. A Menbehirt 23, P.EtttxOam 2 8. 5. E ast@ston 53 Sao a. D L~ 47 Aldu a d54P 24. B.Ca+n~rs ~ . APawc~+sb zn;2cp 27 . GBerOh 48 .D.~ .~&5 25 . AY 61. P.t~ 2g, C Dunsmc 49. GAT-Mt .Na1 26. B.Fot~b~o ~ P.lzst .,bres 5B. 7 29. P 21 M. Anderson 50. P.Weid?tmaa 27. x SVaN 0 ~ D.~de 57. RPa'~a 30. ACodc 51 . D.Btilork 28 . M. ROTA ~ e so .Sawders 31 . C .MSKenae 52.. LB Pet9artl 29. K .d~s bAYaarg 32 A~ ~ . 8 .Ct~ 53 32. W.1G'vAn 66 . GIia6>ar 30. B .Ftr15~ 67 3y 64 "Z. . F. .Smut~e 33, D.ouem 54 . RKwYar+sh 55. S, 31 . P.IXiP:.cre ~ M . P 34 M4Mtrti 65 :Wd 32. D.B~+ 69 G . Warren 3a APA'~danm 6& P .,~ . J .C~td 35.. A ~ 56 . S.&~ 39. P .DrE4dd 71 . AScr~b'2s ~. &Duwa 30 Rt~ 36. ATiiwys 57 . P.McNamara 0. G .Bmc 34 . D. 73. S. ~ 8 .1 ... 37 . D 35. J . 1,42sh 77 . J . K~er ~. GMadomo a 38. 5 .9 " 36, hLF~
34. P.tlnatR G.ti~is AWAS 35. Slid~ P.P 26. A tkad4`/,
~. S .ftaej W.TaAa
HE ROYAL OAK HOTEL North Fitzroy Phone 9481469 3
NTy.'SRUNSWICK SWINBUF2NE UNf : Craig Fox Coaoh M Co h: pater Makm
Garry Hickey
Coach: n Res. Coach: Mark Johnsto z RVA"
L ATadatt 2 D.Adans 3. S.1'aj ,1~^ . 4.M.5a . .,, x 5. W.t
4 . GOePO6O 5. J.0dda 6.M.Goom 7. .Lf1aii* a Sri" Q R TtmW G~ Garry 12 14 Dfie FL Leeson 4. RGoode SA " IT SLee 18 . AFimX'+ 9. S. 011M 2D. A1{wrav)
7. J.P gP. ( 9. . S_•-b 0
221L S~ 23. M Cwzrts 24. S
UNIVERSITY BLACKS COach: Gary cnno11y Ras . Coach: Paul Ma4cotm I, r . Dorado 2. S.M 2. a Radford a MHM g8. B. N o 39. P.Won s. RM3v ~ 6.59>ith 4~1'&q" *Pwd 7. B.lh7~ Gadd B B.}Imda .m aA~ 9. GPZicn 43. P.FOrtes 10. P.DUnwao 44
48 . GF eww 44. 41M9M . FL Pool , 27. D.h5JG1*1 45 . AK~i .LZUt . D.DeISaOi 47 e 29 [N. a.rwwl*ul 39.. B ..k~ 30. P. Tak 27. P. Grcy 4D. C 48. td Moro }LTSgtffi 31. S. COFM 2& D.13'~Aon 41 . 49. J.MCt~iG& 32 A-= 29 . P.5suders 42 . JB .Roserzrond . 8.Csv 33. D.MPm'n 93 . P. .~es .Smih 43 . 0 PA l G.Wash 44 . J .Maret 34. BSixt" 51 .Pittlow3l .Ghdo+'r 5 3 .Md~ . pACy~y~ 46 . T,Gms32 35. T . D6°agnh~ ~. & 53. M ay. G .Pat(RVC) 47 . RSas~rR 54. 33. 34. M&slud(fhC) 5D . M.Pisasa. 5 31 G.Ga>js 5 35 . P.DSwtoeR 52 . AVdkosla . MSIDCCd G 40 .YI~s 53 36, G Foft . P.Nerbei . D.W+en 55 41 37. 04eAxtm(C) 51 . S. °~.aYe 42 J.Won 33. S.4ie "t~'-i
11 . &Si4 F 12. M.ft ts qp. S-0 G3a 13 . T.JG~ fraw . G .nfoos 49 15 AKr 6 . P.t~ ~' AP~ 7. N .Pe'c3'e~ 52 T.Bm4er . 18. d 6& t LP~ .Eyad 2D .Imve 54, D N%Dn 55' M' T. Holmes 21 .. S 23. S, Boom 24. 1AFmPS f 25. B.Lpreh 26 D.Bids 27. RL Ptfiks Z& A W a A-30 0.SaO4Y
r57M. Bag* . KmD ~ J Mosmon 61 . SL Jones 65
. N~
70. D.Pd'vi 31, M Jones . nxfar 1 33 . T.Mt,a, 71 72 NLBO 34. J. Bolero .Cade 74, A53ne 35. P 77, 4iC?Mn 36. S Made ++s . L&~am 37 . J.Gdd 87
41 . GIE4qd 42 P.Naft 4g, S.Tdin 44. SGM 45. T .PAarn 46. GFat>es 47. B.Fg'wP 48. P.Le" 49, KNOW 50. ftcadosa 552 LT`~t 53 T.Msse ~ ~ 56. P.F Wroon 57, GP9ce 5& D.VAISM 59. L Robwn 60. BBWre 61 . G Isdeve 62, (LLuoA . AGood 6~4 ~. AW 67. Ati oya 63 AArm 69. ALQDm 70 . S Rim Mad)ea= 71 . P. 0xk D'kdm 72. htSqW 33. T'DonK- 73. M.W ida GYa~'atird~ 74. T.11~~ R14~~ 75. GYa~ AP6b~ 76. Etz~~ 37. s.C~ n. J. 78, ornoln 38. M. Godwm 39. Rpowin 79. M.Moae 80. P.tta#w 49. B.B*,'~ff
Canada Hotel
Svranstan Street, Carlton
E SouthANZ ALBERT PAR K Coach: Jack McDonald Res. Coach : Dave Kilmartin 1. S. D:1 a 2 PLPas4as a P.Smqt Q a D.Onartin fl 4. RWD; S. GSaunclars(S) & P.CamS~ 6. GDeFnxce 7. S.Am a RLhdsa7 9. E faceted 10. MPhzipa 11. A Kisses 12 GIarFa n 13. SMd`.m9ryM 14. D. Green 15. P.ftricas IS K Makin 17. D.McLellan M 1a P.Bqd¢ 19. AFamtla ~ P.9~e (5} 21 . T.C4oesoi$Po 22 M Ca
23. A Barren
25. J. McDonaldM 2& Elmee& m 27, C.tixenM 2a C 29. G Wal4.y 33 A Yanp 30 J.fle# 40 MSlpcxhM 31 . T.Habinson 42 GGtBie 32 MFardW 43. ftfai,k 31 N.Daou 44. RMfadtn7J~ 34. J.BOuunc 47. MC~ 35. S. Mile 48. P.He~es 36. MPear~t 57 . RlLtliv7,' 37. AJ'dzi 58. N.RAqbtd
Coach: Steve Allender Coach : Jason Eardksy Res. Coach : Peter Derrick Res. Coad1 : Chris Moore 1 . GO'Demel 1 .RGas 2 GttiXIM 2 ABbaratiol i a T.HB 3 LC~ng 4. D. Caw 4. P.Fiert.m S GDidcon & GWas a MSeahook 7. P.Daudel 7. MKaGs & B.AAes a a Jani s 9 J.MOXA s 9. Aknerio 40. LMCNAtk 10 MWboO 10 AYouig 41 . B.Gk ve if . J.WUipP 11 . T.Passisef (C) 42 MSdfuncr 12 A7ma1a's 12 D.F#n1rsm 43 MJanes 13. J.Krepper 13. M Krap'1tdd 44. B.0DUmrJ 14 . D.Bradcy 14. J.Cirnuc 45. A99bn 15. &F1effird 15. P.&ein 46. ABab 16. J.NAa J. VValm, 1& r, Johnston 47. 17. J . Barclay 40. G Ta~Yi 17. SNgd 48. Glane 1& AVi,#41 41 . GM~ 1& G1MSk.y 49. J.OTU 19. P.Tajia 42 S. 1A)dJacks 19. GC~i 50 . GtErSs 23. T.ltladc 43. J= .Si"ey 51 . D.Htmqries 20. T 21. APadsrties 44. 21. LTa~(~Ka 52 GM~i 22 SOsbdne 45 Gehaprion 22 GFidt~ 53. D.Miidm 23. P.Didae 46. 23 P.Tto=PQ 54. D.Mxn 24. SKd4s 47. AIOO& . P.Dwirk 24. AHtxsnD 55 2'•a &t1wd 48. 25. CWaCS 56. B.Lamv4ry 26. A ft 49. SN~ 26. T.51nrt 57. MFi12 n 27. R Hartley 50 . MCtyappia 27. SSri& 51 J. Owls 28. A 52 L 2& &Mutay 59 . B. DO= 29. D.U 5a V. Gift 29. r, Crab 60. MJdvem 30 MSd~g 54. AAtl aires 30. 61 . RCaslonsen 31 . GMuafe 5& J.Pks 62. R Honey 31. LTlqrnas 57. LhSes, rad 3. GThm 1 32 0.Do kMh 6 3A AStlr3h 58. D.Bkdaui 33. D.JUnes 64 MCalarder 134 . SKee 61. B.OTJeA 65. P.fianison 35. Rtidse 34 . D. War 62 3d RRil 66. AMttti 3 6. Rt3ta', 63. G~urk . GRet 37. AB2sin 69 n s 37. P. TOM 64. STattrason 38. W. W3iars 71 . P. Jones; 3B. D. Dk'ipm3n 65. B. a 39. T.tbskng 74. &Haa+it• 33. RAicondnu 6& AVJood lud
Coach : Peter6livieri
Res. Coach : Q* Richardson 1. ASreLnmi 2 IM a FLPa.7ou 4. RDesfn & MBrari & D. Burch 7. GFGiiazdson
aac= 9. A Metric
10. G.MCpfiotr)i M it. I
12 1 1 lobabo t 1a J Harris 14. T. Add
15. J.ScUIaYI 16. RThanas 17. GMdmd 18. GDofe 19. J.E~ 20 Midi .av.Ndenn 21 . Allen .1acksort 22 SL Craom 40. B. Amid 24 . R Wiliam 41 . S Onybo 25 S Evans 42 fd Dean 2 6, J.Serior 43. J. firtMustle 27. GNertvd 44 . G.Dean 2a dTUder 45. MGmt ! 29 . GNevmson 46, SMSartid 30 P.ILtris>ti 47. D.NUmm rt 31. MOmsbj 4S, D. Moon 32B. Boon 49. M 33, P 34. RSVdion 54. J.BbnAdd 35. B. trylibris 58, MRamadxa 36. ARbieun 66. D.Vfigld 37. KTdbid 7Q RW.wod 3B. P. Photon 87. T. Friendi 39. T. fteAeriarran83. 6. SCD93id
cnr. Punt & Toorak Rds.
ST. MARY'S Coach : Anthony Pettiti Res. Coach : Evan Evans 1. M1earrtrrPti 2 T.Burt PVQ a RIA Ni>1slon
4. A Rh
5. a store a WMg 7. AP~d 8. P.Tudey 9. M11outner 10. T. Jones 11 . LFhBps 12 AGM 39. G 1 3. J.Dwian 40 O 14. P.Wason 41 . Gftien 15. 0 .enthrovs 42. T.Mind 1 6. Sffds 43. AFbuz 17. M Walter 44. MBaiuzd 1aJ.Gate 45N . Nclict1sura 19. P.11ousis 46. J.Mth:.ry 20. 47. S. 21 . TYmaA 4a P.B'sin 22 D.WUOdmdc 49. G073r2n 21 S. Roston `.A. N.DtrM 24 . SMd1a/ 51. B.Fr~ 25. MltSrae 52 T.Caej 28. dH»3/ 5a D.W 27. &SCtSat~ 54 . S.Tan 28 . J.t~; 56. RS4dtbeg 29. J .Frndds 57. RLampx 30. MSwde Sa T.Ampard 31. APdice 59. & Stapleton 32 W.GaSsit'n 60. AV1ocds 33. P.Stevens 63. B.Write 34. B. Duke 64. MSa'nmW 35 RPaars 65. P. K--" 36. EEvas 6& APc rans 37. J.h1S,sine7 67. LVlooJs 36 F.R7hsm 68. G'?-'nr1
?Pfa(vern Vale 9fote!
ST. PATWS MENTORE ELSTERMMCK A .F .C . Coach: Wayne Marshall Res. Coach: Pod Williams 1 . LMupry A 2 AFtakn I MMiav 4. B. Lyons 5. MWhew & cJeNxc 7.LNeA a SOme a SDemes 1& RBtavnr,~n 11. L 11. P.Mahary 12 N.tM1S~mc 13. P.S~ 14 . S. Sawn! 15 . F. L1 1& MSuman 1T I Ward 18. J. 1,4611 19. M&tad 2D . MHUrt 21. MLads 22 M Mrs%ed '. 23 . SQ+fan 38. ..' 24. RVe1f'airs 39. S. Park .'.. 25. T.5kaqndn 40 . M. Fay 26, GMaiary 41 . KBadodc 27. MDarids 42 B .Malqry 2S, R Cartoon 43, D. Cates 29. SAktny 44. MMOran 30. J.VVtigtd 45 ROadaTM 31. GDsssfxe 46. C.Nprfs 32. P. Hans 47. T. Boater 33. JMrAda'n 49. D.NUIat 34. ACaPJn 50. RBtd•irJam 35 K C3npbel 54 . S. KvFtarn 36. RBra.irJ+mn 61 . KBtRk r
37. D. Treace 61 A Bitte r
ANZ Ban k The Palmerston Hotel vans Pies McKinnon Rd . Newsagency
fVtOMASH GRYPHONS Coach: Gary Rya n
3e-vn iS a.v CHAOSTON E
Res. Coach: David Refiner 2 MNe*
a araa~t~1 a D. king a GW 7. RLnrel a J.Eladad 9. P. Lo+vcodc 10. P-Willimm 39. GCxqmer 11. D.Be Mich 40. USA 12 D.Dar135rnz 41 . .Datl~n 1a MToO 42 Drew D T. 14. MLeras 43 . P.Cdalwi 15. RM4)m9dc 44 . B.Km,qi ATObn}n 45. J.Care I& J.HeBrcrigbn 47. P.BuRs IT 18. AO&iai 4& LMatn 19. B. Begley 49. S, ATw 20. GBa+ei§M~ 60 . SD•ew 21. GComidc 51 . J, Leroy 22 B.Cadeed 52 D. H* 23. QaBFeeman 53, B. Waft 24. D.MHien 54 . P.&1rlisFi 25 MaTista, 55 P.Cqtaran 26. T.Gkldst M J. Foster 27. RCrldanst 57. LFrasa 211 TPmry 58 . S(ii esda ra 29. J.Fulff 5a 0. water 30. RDarc.ry 60 G(ga6s 31. GRodie 61. GG3LiNd 32 Gh7cAkese 62 Ml han3h 33. R Wine 65 P. 31. MGr,dnQLl ER ShtCral 35. RJxrream 69, O~rgeraa8 3& J. Battle R .L ~ 37. 1B:9Ge 77 11-Mors 3a P. Callus 99iROJ;
AV & UesIV \
PENINSULA O .B . Coach: Brett Mcliwraith Res. Coach: Neil Franks 1 . S. pan" 2. SMASrim 3. SMiaasn 4. EBwxn VQ 5. A ~ & MWmrer 7. N.F2Ns a P.Mgus 9. P.IGOIn 10. T.TrewM6L7 11 . A Landry (vta 12 AC3t~ 1a v.eracarr>karu 15. B. Coo k
16. Sdai gto ii 17. LBmchy d 1& S(4o~.e 40. SMasha 19. C.Basxnen 41 . SFamw 20. R9kYpn 42 S Jackson 21 . SB iler 43, A Banner 22 AAttison 45 D.Sxarn 2 3, MGa finu 46. AOTIei 24. B. BOW 47. T.B:ddm 25. R Rikh,ni 48. J.Bk:nAy 26. B. Nelson 49. J.VAKtm 27. J. Nolen 5D. T. Cox 28. B. Taylor 51. D. Sms 29. D.MxOa~ 52 FaBatkxd 30 k 51 H. Sharon 3t A Gross 54. 1A Darcy 32 A Pasons 55 A Pmv,9 33. Rfxnon 58. MBttna 34. P. Cooper 60. EVNtats 35 B. Park 62 B.4SkjA 36. N.Bawnren 65 GPVk 37. T. SLAW 66. T. SWTA 3a LKer4 67. ANhde 39. it Kern 69. SPam
Coach: Derek Hine Res. Coach: Neil Wallmeyer 1 . S. vim 2 RPisnorse a M&rrtC 4 . R Wairteff 5 J Bon & AGabo7 7. MBsbornc 8. AS1rrrWtiio 9. dM.7iutma 10 B.NOd~son 41. B. Masons 11. AP@G 42 T.Pkam 12 MMcCartlry 43. P.HerriaJe 1a C.Perry~) 44. MWmtv7d 14. MFaqhxn 45, P.P~i:o 15. C.DUyIe 46. RFfidps 16. LY,n [Dan 47. P.S.dLn 18. B. castles 4& 1t f t 19. MShaaran 49. SMaiwv 20. RTmaron 51 . AMessine 21. B, Poloodims, 52 J. Payne 22 tlBObaES 53 T. Mara 23. ARo75 54. J.Mattlea)(i 24. GRoCsQ ;L) 55. &Nefgebn 25. J.Rvrebary 55. MBtamner 2& RLkftd 57. S.ORtx 27. GWartn'op 58. K$13rwi 2a 8.0'SuGrdi 59. K Watbcd 29. C .63qm 60. T.Rne 31 . D.POS~u 61 . T.MaVearao 32 F.Mo7a 62 MB&atim 33, P.Racter 63. MHire 34 & $ arms 64 . ZFtber>v 35. D.tiie 65. RLucu 3& GJnespp E& B.qeay 37. B. J~b 67. G Ped 38. MVfteier 68. L116d 39. MStThomn 69 . P.PNs 40. B.StarYOn S0. MFtartlc
Coach : Brett Setalre Res. Coach : Peter Lewis 1 . D.Faison P Q 2 t.tCos)vre a D.IAxJ)es 4. P.Le,m a R Brach FM 7. KC:atler@a a D.Pptit(JQ 9. P.Firar~tt 10. B.St>3'se 11 . P.Fabriers, 12 M Dmies 14. Ltqmn 15 hSdtSdFrm 16. J.M~y 17. G S~ 19, G ..H18i 20. C, Woos 21, B. 22 C. ~~ Don~n n 23 WIS" 2& D.CseFj 27. MWse 2a MOBaiM 29. S.Na: hat 48. M Wan 30. it Freese 49 . T. Events 31 . B. Jones 50 ALadS 33. D.Arckew 51 . G 34. S.Bevlard 52 G ttnexfwe 36. GStq55. MBir~ t~pp 37. L Twyc+ms SB, J.~ 3a Sftvazm 60. 14 Car" 40 . AWfi& 62 D.G7espe 41. RYarg 64. P.Piida 42. D. Rp.Sn 68, P.OT.7eaa 43 MBmi 72 MPtlm 45. r- Ban 76. 46. MT~~ 85. MY ~
-~ IES
C -ache" Leah
ound 7 an d some bad news . Unfortunately the 1e and Claudia combination is being split up s one of us is travelling to Canberra for good . The goo, news is that Peter "Elle" Simpson will be takiÂŤo"over Rachel's position . Some of you may rememt,e{Simmo's guest reports last year in the Corner and ~,1e guaranteed a good laugh . Last week saw Ronnie smith run his 150th game . Unfortunately due to lack of notice and our organisation we were unable to put a lengthy write up before the game. We hope you had a good day . If there is a milestone coming up, let us scribes know early, (at`least two week's notice), so we can mention the event the weekend they are umpiring . Good news for umpire Craig O'Donohue who this week will be umpiring in the "big league" . Craig has worked hard with his umpiring in the Amateurs and we hope this promotion leads to continued success . A couple of reminders for ne xt week: Mickey is still waiting for everyone to hand in their list of goals for the year . The general meeting is on next week . Please make sure that you have your apologies or your mum ready . The Bounce Off is away again . No rain falling but there was dew on the ground making the ball conditions greasy. The results are as follows: Vinnie Vescovi 293 defeated Nick Evans 257, Graham Thwaites 348 defeated Jimmy Van Beek 292, John Stoppa 265 defeated Craig O'Donohue 252 . There is still more action to come in the first round . Umpires go away but they always return . Last week saw the return of Andrew Rechtman . Andrew left our ranks to study medicine in South Australia about 6 years ago . Maybe we have a doctor in the house? Andrew has decided to run the boundary instead of the field for reason we can not fathom. Training nights are still attracting new umpires which is boosting our numbers . Even though most games are covered by two umpires there are still some who are running the one umpire system . Fashions on the track or should we say hairstyle of the month is awarded to the young boundary rider Daniel Blackburn for his well groomed ponytail . Unfortunately that's all the hair he has as the sides are shaved to almost nothing . This is making those umpires sporting the reverse somewhat jealous .
Academy Boys don't do that, so whoever said that is full of . . . . Craig was obviously having a go at someone spreading rumors about the "Academy fellows" . At times during training Darren Dalgleish brings down young Nicholas for a run with the guys . Well, last week young Nick was reduced to tears as his footy was taken away and used in a skill drill. Poor Mickey Sneddon couldn't get Nick to allow us to practice with his footy . Even attempts of bribery - packet of chips, did not sway the kid . Shouts of "give the kid his ball back" also hampered negotiations . Alas young Nick won out, but he had to retrieve his ball from over the fence . Social News: Unfortunately the Trots night that was being organised for June 7th is now cancelled . The lack of time is the key factor . Chappie has promised to get it off the ground in time for next year . Ella and Claudia . PS : Andrew and Rachel are having a couple of farewell drinks on Sunday at the Homestead Pub (cnr . Queen Parade and Smith Street, Clifton Hill) from about 2 p .m. We would be very pleased to see you there.
Big talk from Michael Sneddon on positioning last week . All discussions were centred on the footy field . Quote of the talk goes to Craig O'Donohue ; "the 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
_ __速
Sports & Medica l Supplie s le third of the season gone and the leaders hav e emerged . c w - Round 6
S, action I Old Paradians returned to the winners list, but not after a fight against a determined Old Brighton at Bundoora. Leading comfortably at 1/4 time the OP's found themselves all square at the main break and only a solid third 1/4 enabled them to get their noses in front . Talarico, Joyce and Stewart were best for the OP's, with P ,Alderson and the E arl brothers gallant in defeat for the Tonners . Old Melburnians pushed De La e for a 1/2 but failed to win the all important third 1/4 which inevitably set up the match for the D's . Rigg, Baines and Benko battled all day for the OM's, with Hyland, Waters, Horn (7) and Lee fine (4) 1/4 players for the D's. St . Bernards opened their account at the expense of St . Kevins at Essendon with a strong second 1/4 of (4) goals to (1) . They held this lead for the remainder of the match with the SKOBS hitting back hard in the finish to fail by less than a kick . Overman, di (3) an d J. Mount proved dominant forces all day for the Bernards with Powell, Mount and Callery named best for the SKOBS . Old Xaverians set up their victory with a fine first 1/2 where they outscored Uni . Blues (14) shots to (5). Although the Blues hit back in the second 1/2 Xavs held on to win an important match . Nisbet, Hilbert an d Boland created headaches for the Blues throughout the match . In a tight first 1/2 Old Carey exerted their presence booting (13) second 1/2 goals to (4) to run out convincing winners at Mazenod . For the Nodders none were better than Parry, Nishett and McDowell, with Nash, Hood (4) and S . Wood doing as they pleased for the OC's . Section 2 Marcellin kicked the sweep against a hapless Old Camberwell at Bulleen after a fairly even first 1/2 . Hogan, Devercelli an d Pappalaroo, (7) doing as they pleased for the Eagles, while for the 'Wellers none tried harder than Miles, Cox and Seeley . Beaumaris proved one thing last Saturday, and that was that whoever travels to their home ground will be in for one hell of a contest . Winning in most positions the Sharks led at every change and gave their flagging percentage a boost . Catlin (3), Walker and Sheldrake gave the Sharks great drive all day, while Winch, Winterburn and M. Cassarino notable performers in a lacklustre 'Friars team . Uni . Blacks sounded a warning by soundly defeating 34
Connel l Williamstown in their match at Parkville . With some (21) scoring shots to (4) in the first 1/2 the writing was on the wall for the CZ"s. Cocks, Macleod and James never gave in for the vanquished, but were powerless to stop great Blacks players such White, Nolan and Peck . Old Haileybury boosted their average percentage with a solid (4) 1/4 display against the Redbacks . Warrhiga( being best served by Long, Yin and Manavella, while the Bloods named Biggs, Saunders (4), Jay e and Efstathiou (8) as their best . In the match to decide top spot the Lions led at every change with Champion, Conn and Clark extremely impressive all day . Old Scotch battled their way back into contention late in the match however a (10) point margin was the end result . Thompson, Junkeer and Love better Old Scotch players. Section (2) Blu e MHSOB opened up with a withering first 1/4 that AJAX never recovered from . A (7) goal to (2) first 1/4 set the scene for the day as Blashki, Golvan and M . Segal tried manfully to win the ball for the Jackas, while Taylor (5), Hodder and Moore did as they pleased for the High . De La Salle (2) added their second win for the season to their tally by defeating Monash Blues at home. Holloway, Burston and Eley never gave in for the 'Ashers . Hampton Rovers displayed a great work ethic all day against top side St. Bedes Mentone Tigers, however in the end it the Tigers greater goalscoring ability and defensive work that saw then win well . Parkinson, Anderson and R . Dunball gave their all for the Rovers, while Gangi (4), McHugh and Williams impressed for the Tigers. Old Geelong matched a rebounding Ormond outfit at Como Park early, but with injuries to key players were unable to halt the Monds (24) goals after 1/4 time. McCann, Bird and Gretton-Watson for the OG's were fine players, as to were Gleeson, O'Halloran, Black (4) and Byron for the 'Monds . Section (2) Red Good kicking is good football and Wayne Reddaway (Yarra Valley) would have been telling his players that all of last week as they had as many scoring shots as North Old Boys last Saturday but failed by (25) points . For the NOBS Skene, Cariss and Taylor (5) showed great form . Chirnside Park jumped an out of sorts Therry Penola at home and led convincingly at 1/2 time . Whether they went to sleep or Therry Penola slipped up a notch is arguabl e
;,; Tlierry Penola slammed on (12) second 1/2 goals to (3) to win comfortably. Holliday, Adams and Long ,e, in fine for andtGoodwin doing the damage in the sec1/2 for Therry Penola . Old Ivanhoe with greater wvnbers than the previous week took the match ri ht up the OP's in the first 3/4's of the match bu t led to go on with the job in the final term . Jenkins (3), ,qa e and Oates almost won the game for i,e OIG's, while for Old Paradians ( 2) Sacco (6), Baker and _'N -- ~ were catalysts in their win . Aquinas hosted ladder leaders Old Trinity and were ,,c : ,r in the hunt trailing at every change to go down by around (15) goals . The Bloods were best served by R Moran, Hill, Hunter and T. Moran .
previews - Round 6 Section 1 Old Brighton and Old Melburnians clash in what is a very important match for both sides to win to remain in touch with the four . The Tonners have played well recently against the top sides and will have enough form to day to win . De La Salle host a fired up St. Bernards coming off their first win . At home the D's will be too strong . Uni. Blues face their second tough assignment in a fortnight when they host the Old Paradians at home . The Blues will need all'guns blazing today and I expect them to gather a hard fought win . Old Carey face a confident Old Xaverians at Bulleen . The Xavs are on a roll and will prove today that they will stake a claim for a berth in September. In the final match the SKOBS play host to Mazenod who have failed to impress recently . At home the SKOBS will open their account today . S elections: Old Brighton, De La Salle, Uni Blues, Old Xaverians & St. Kevins. Section 2 Old Camberwell play host to a confident Beaumaris team who thumped Whitefriars last week and will be looking today to consolidate their spot in the four. The Sharks will win well. Whitefiiars on the rebound will be a tough ask of Uni . Blacks, especially given that the match is to be played at Donvale . However the Blacks form is good and they will win well and send the 'Friars tumbling from the four . W al host Maaa;a:llin at home, and the most you can say here is that at least Warringal have been consistent to date . At home the Eagles should be favoured, so it is with no real confidence I select the
home team by a couple . Old Scotch await the arrival of Old Haileybury and with the Scotchies on the rebound the Blooders will need to be right on their game today . My gut feeling Old Scotch to win well . W' town CYMS host ladder leaders Collegians, and try as they might the CY's will not be able to match the Lions all round ability today . Selections : Beaumaris, Uni . Blacks, Marcellin, Old Scotch & Collegians. Section (2) Blu e AJAX will return to the winners list this week at the expense of La Salle with a far better defence and improved form more recently the Jackas will prevail today . Monash Blues host Hampton Rovers who will rebound strongly following their match against the ladder leaders last week . Ormond face a crucial match against Old Xaverians (2) at home and on recent form the Woods must be favoured at home, although a win to Xavs could see them firmly entrench themselves in the four, at home the 'Monds . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers meet Old Geelong and although the OG's will battle manfully all day the Tigers greater overall strength will see them win well . SOB have the bye. Selections: AJAX, Hampton Rovers, Ormond & St. Bedes Mentone Tigers Section (2) Red Eastern neighbours Yarra Valley OB and Chirvside Park clash in what shapes as a crucial match for both teams . Neither team has been consistent so far, but the Parkers better form more recently suggests they should win today . Therry Penola host St. Leos Emmaus at Glenroy and coming off the bye the Two Blues will be fresh, however Therry Penola's stirring win last week was no flash in the pan and they will prove that today by winning well. Old Paradians (2) and North Old Boys meet in a match that has significance for a position in the top bracket . Both teams have defended well but the OP's have the more potent forward line and will prevail today because of such . Old Trinity and Old Ivanhoe battle it out at Bullen and the top team will prove too strong in most positions to win well and remain undefeated. Aquinas have the bye . Selections : Chirnside Park, merry Penola, Old Paradians & Old Trinity Next Week's Matches and U19 Section Umpires Continued on Page 33 - Results Page 3 9
Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain present all scores and match details in a lighthearted manner . Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9 .30 a.m . each Sunday . Program includes Phil Stevens' A section report and "Under the Griller" segment 35
ound 6 results were not as I predicted and as a ~, \b consequence my success rate dropped alarmingly from 87% to 63% . On the other hand the results have heightened the interest in each section and that as the cliche says ; is good for football". Review of Round 6 Section 1 Old Melburnians dropped two places on the ladder as a result of their sixty eight point capitulation to De La Salle, who showed form not previously displayed by them in season 1997 . St . Bernard's, after their third successive victory, have moved to sixth place just one game behind the leading four sides . St. Kevins became St . Bernard's third victim when they succumbed by sixty seven points, . "Skobbers" now find themselves lagging a t the foot of the ladder. Once again low scoring was a feature of the Old Xaverians versus Old Scotch game . As in many previous encounters Old Scotch had difficulty scoring goals against the tight Xaverian defence . Despite having the same number of scoring shots as Old Xaverians, the inaccurate Old Scotch lost by twenty points as they scored virtually only half as much as did Old Xaverians . Collegians surprised when after a closely contested match, they emerged victorious by three points over Mazenod. This win put Collegians back into the four and the loss makes the Mazenod final's quest more difficult. Old Brighton Bloods had the bye . Section 2 Undefeated Kew, despite inaccurate kicking, comfortably defeated Mt . Lilydale by thirty two points. Their defeat means that Mt . Lilydale now cling to fourth place only by percentage from two challengers ! Marcellin's unstable season continued when the "Eagles" lost their third consecutive game . Old Essendon Grammari ans, in a form reversal, won a fairly close match by thirteen points and so placed themselves within grasp of a top four position . Monash Whites had a comfortable victory by twenty four points against Thornbury Cougars, who are still seeking that elusive on field victory . The win has given Monash Whites a cushion in their contest for a final's berth, as they are now one game clear of the fourth placed side . Therry Penola forfeited to Syndal Tally Ho.
Preview of Round 7 Section 1 Old Brighton Bloods rejuvenate d by their week's rest should win again and consolidat e their top four position as their opponents Old Melburnians are having a disappointing season . Be La Salle are sure to extend St. Bernards, especially on their form of last Saturday . For either side to make a move towards the top four, victory today is vital. I select De la Salle, at home, largely on the strength of their form shown last Saturday . Old Xaveri ans should be able to continue on their winning way at the expense of Mazenod, who despite showing glimpses of fine form, have failed to win matches against leading sides . Coll egians should consolidate their top four position at the expense of St . Kevins, who are languishing last on the ladder . I cannot see St . Kevins players possessing the talent to defeat Collegians . Old Scotch have the bye . Section 2 Old Essendon Grammarians buoyed by their success last week journey to the far east to meet Mt . Lilydale, who will be anxious to atone for last week's defeat . At home I select Mt . Lilydale to win this game as they have displayed the more consistent form during the season . Undefeated leaders, Kew, journey northwards to meet Thornbury Cougars, who hope for their first win today. On form displayed this season I select Kew to win this game by a convincing margin . Therry Penola should relish their return to the J.P. Fawkner Oval where Therry sides have always been hard to defeat . Their visitors, Marcellin, face plunging to the depths of the ladder if they lose today . although I expect a better display from Therry Penola, overall 1997 performances lead me to select Marcellin. In the main game of the round two likely finalists, Syndal Tally Ho's meet Monash Whites, whose leading forward Tossavainen, could threaten Syndal Tally Ho supremacy. To win the game Monash Whites must break down the Syndal Tally Ho defence which has proven hard to penetrate during the season. I expect a high standard match form which I expect Syndal Tally Ho to emerge victorious .
~ ~-~ P A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct " 36 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
CLUB,-77M (1) - 17.05.9 7 CLUB
1 5
14 14 13
4 2 3
16 15 15
0 .1 0.2 1.3 4.4.28 OLD giHLBTJ 6.7 13.9 14.10 .94 DE I.A BeIILE 4 .4 Old Mebunlions Cornell 4 . Brat Stook^_. Naatrn . MciR3Lan. Osbourne. Carroll .
On La Salle Bolt 5 . Hyland 3. Rudd 2, Buick 2, Cleary, I .aska . Beat Cleary . Rudd. Bolt. Hyland. Brahncr. Ellis, ST. BERNARDS 4 .4 8.8 9 .10 14.12 .96 8Y; RESINS 1 .1 3.L2 3.4 4.5 .29 St Bernards Creak 4 . Moon 3 . Fraser 3. Farniga 2. Castle. b4atkou. Best Creak . Moon, Fraser. Famtgla . Castle. St ffevina Murphy 3 .1iRllthrim . Quirk, Best Whitbread[ . Ryan. Herbert . Martin, Collins, P. Nanfra OLD XAVERIANS 3.1 3 .3 5.4 8 .5.41 OLD SCOTCH 1 .2 1 .8 2.9 2 .9.21 Old Xavalang Kim 3 . Math^ws, O•SuIltvan. Hall. Beat Connors . King, Curtain. R. F{ing. Orsini, McLean.
Old Scotch Willtarnm Pt}d-_ Beat Ttbe . GodrRn. L 'r~ut. Huse. (aht. Wlllan~
9.10.84 9.7.81 D .C.MAZENOD . Gay, htathers . Eley. Taylor, Curtis, Hickson. Best Collegians Fraser 2 . Burgess Baxter. Icgtiss . Crass. Fraser. Mirakian. Siratthaim . Mstratod OC Chilcott 3 . Steinfort 3, Poulter 3 . Marshall. Best ChIlcott. Steln[ort. Jacobs . Dressez . Dinclnto. Francis . OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS: BYE
CLUB XVIII (2) - 17 .05 .97 3.4 5 .7 7.9 10.15.75 HEW 2.3 3.8 5.7 8 .7.43 MT. LILYDALE O .C. Kew Lazarus 3 . Guppy 2, Leonard 2, Quinn. Band. O'Hanlon. Beat Lawrence. . Carrtdon. Guppy. SSawinsk L Leonard, Johnston Pa laydaic OCAZen 4 . Fiulasy 1°ar~ Best Diceno. Pr,ace. A.Ilan. Glason . G9bee. NW9 . HiARCEyLIN 1 .3 4.8 8.7 9.9.83 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 3 .4 6.4 8.7 11 .10 .78 Ma=cellin Goal kickers and best players not rocch-ed . Old Earendon Dudtieridge 4. Casey 3. tWllanis, Trist. Capodtpeaa . Best Trist. Williams, Dudderktge . Smith Cram Reld. THORNBURY COUGARS 3.1 4.3 7.5 8.5.53 MONASH WHITES 2.4 6.4 10.5 11.11 .77 Thomhury Cougars Cileceken 4, Carter 2. Robertson. Cutler. Best Beaton. Bennett. Cutler. CIleceken. Cutkr. Sokolenko . ASonssh Whites Van Der Zahn 4. Collier 2. Tossavainen 2, Tracy. Kennedy. Riddle . Beat S. Dods. Nelson, Hwrx . Collia, Tracy, Van Der Zahn .
i. ® -, ® a 11 ■
If so then you are invited to come and joi n Macquarie Uni AFC, Sydney's friendliest football club . We are currently experiencing a revival on the field and welcome new players and officials from interstate . ® Competitive Teams + Great Facilitie s ® Heavy Social Calenda r For further information please call : + Paul Morgan (02) 9957 6685 (h), (02) 9236 6927 (w) ® Ross Hinscliff (02) 9413 3584 (h) ® Terence Turton (02) 9412 1453 (h )
Every seconcA' Saturday morning Phil Stevens talks to Larry Stephens and Adrian Hook
9 .45 a .m . Saturday
UNDER-19 (1 ) OLD BRIGHTON v . OLD I~ :L3U~~ :IA : s Field: B. McKee S . Alger Boundary: J . Handfield Goal : Skip Shipley Leo Wilson DE LA SALLE v. ST. BE Field : C . Ryan R. Love Goal : Robert Dunstan Robert Parry UNIVERSITY BLUES v . OLD PARADIANS Field : J . Moore F. Karabelas OLD CAREY v. OLD XAVE ; ;, Field : A. Chapman (R) M . Allen ST. KEVIIdS v . MAZEN . OD 0 C Field: A . Stephen C. Stevens . UNDER-19 (2 ) OLD CAMBERWELL v. BEAUMARIS Field : D. Ischia I . Burgess Boundary: M . Clarke WHITEFRIARS v. UNI. VERSITY BLACKS Field : A. Price 97 GAL v. CELLIN Field : T. Keating T. Keating OLD SCOTCH v . OLD HAILEYBURY Field : P. Tuppen M . O'Brien WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS v . COLLEGIANS Field : M . Forde K. Brewer UNDER-19 (2) BLUE AJAX v. DE LA SALLE (2) Field : D. Peiris M . Evans MONASH BLUES v . HAMPTON ROVERS Field: J . Bell P. Withington (R) ORMOND v . OLD XAVE S(2) Field : N . Evans G. Kelly ST. BEDES WENT. TIG . v . OLD GEELONG Field: D . Perkins C . Stevens (J) MHSOB has the bye. UNDER-19 (2 ) RED YARRA VALLEY v. C SID E PARK AT YARRA VALLEY ANGLICAN SCHOOL Field: A . Harris J . McGauran THERRY PENOLA v . ST. LEOS EMMAUS Field : M . Gllday OLD PARADIANS (2) v. NORTH OLD BOYS AT GARVEY OVAL Field : W. Simmons G . Curran (R) OLD TRINITY v . OLD IVANHOE Field : K . McMahon J . Pappas AOUINAS has the bye .
UIiDER,19 SECTION 1 - 17.05.97 12 .10 15.14,1 0 7 4 .4 6.7 6.3 7.7 12 .11 . 3 2 .2 4. Hartley 2 . L~'~Ht 2, Ventura 3. Britptcasa. Rees, Warren . Joyce. Hartley. Warren. Rees. 3 . Ltpirot 2 . Stewart, Abodtuff . Earl. Alderson. Bent ;u. W. Eart. G. Earl. Day, Ster.-art . 2,7 5.10 8 .11 10.13 .7 3 Lrt;P,V- ;S 1 .2 5.8 13 .10 17.17.119 :5 :;-r' ^r.s Cra.tshsy 2. 2. Murray 2, Bmko. Campbell. Purcell. Falenhy1 . :.s. r nko. Stbree, ord, . nuuucn, weiua. nca,uc, n,yess.u, uuouv.
at 22 8.3 8.5 10.8.88 9.9.83 2 .2 3.5 7.6 3. Mount 2, Davis, Evans. Hogan, tarmazzo. Thomas. Best mt. Hogan, Bam1d. Pearce. ;7mrorm 2. CYcsswelL Moore, Mount, Scarto. Vincent. Beat Possre➢ . b. Dk]ahey, Rattle. 4 .4 5.9 7.11 9.12.68 OLD " 5.9.57 : 7 BLUES 0.2 2.3 5.5 Stapktan 2, Barren 2 . LVhffi. Jone s . Kay. Ireland. Fimtmg. Beat hffibMt. . ' .., od . Hede. H e a l y , Hardwick. at ljokers and best players not received. [n1l;laa 3.3 7,5 10.8 11.11.77 ~r ;g50~J D.C. 6,3 9.8 16.13 22 .14.141 o!.D ~Sycnwl "' M "ell 3, E~an 2 . Kelly, NL3bett. Grant . Davis, Beaten. FaUi<b8s. Best , )'v olucc). FottNohs. ulcYte 3. Danes 2, Costello 2. S . Wood 2, Battle 2, Whkil, Nash, Hood, S. Wood. Bond. Tranter. Laulette.
®N 2 - 17 .05 .9 7
7.6 13,8 18.12 23.17.155 1.3 4 .8 6.11 7 .12.54 7, Nor-3. Cu& 2. Roberts 2. Dhteert. Randaoo . McCollum. - Coo ... --i . Dr-sctlE. Rciserts. Dttcet. Ratidaua ;y.C_. ..-- 3 . : ._ ;Z..&.,tt Bed Miles. CaL Seel.y,W6sanc,SmSth.Soon 4.5 8.8 10.10 12.17.143 g_At-iLIa A.F.C. 2.4 2,7 4.8 4 .11.35 F77CE~ ~1~~5 5eau~_1r'~ ! TC ,'hut 3. Vrntce 3 . Cotter 2 . Stevens . Thornton, h1r.Kenne. Palmer. Bat Mullrolland. Mttchell . Carroll. GY.I :eL~r Setd':, 2. NwUeey. Daily. Beet Wtntfi, Winter[wrrn, Cassartno. Nmthey, tryinTp=li BLACF~S 2.8 7.17 10.24 13.27.105 gjLryL175TOWtY Cf4ffi 0.0 4.0 8-1 12,4 .76 , r',~e Natant 2. Peck 2 . Murphy. Furness. Schilling. Hannan, Drt~rce. ° . .nton. MI11In~ Smt tY'htte. Nol.-+n. Fork. Meffings, Murphy, ~ale. .~ Ci -.:, Hunt 8, Haddara 2, Steele. Mathews . HouH. Groehavskt. Bemt hunt. Grodwvki . Haddam. 6.3 10.5 19.9 26.13.189 2.1 5.5 5,8 7.9 .51 C. ErstaBttou 8. Saunders 4. Byas 4, Bell 3. Somalla 2, Warden 2. Thete . Saunders. Jayasekera EtsthathWU. Poutney. FinL3y3at. : lYn 2 . tVllson . Sgroules. Pope . Best Long. Ym . Mamasella. Hc.Vod . 4 .5 7.8 10.13 13.18.94 CO1_s LIN > 5.2 9.5 13.6.84 C[D SCOTCH 2 .1 C-~,~ __,,_. v.uq.n~3. Cooler 2 . Clark 2, Van Da Venne 2, Brtttm, Ftormene. Moan . ' -- : CI, :mpWn. Ccnn . Clark . Baxter, Byrne, Moon. _ . .. . : . r:: :. 5 . Haw'edns 3. Seattle. Gross . Love. Parker, Sladen . But Thoeyttwt . ,iv ~ . . -. . "nn-ma Reattle, Longs.
(2) BLUE - 17.05.97
GLH .S .Gd5 . 7.8 13.8 18.12 23 .17,155 AJf 2.2 2.4 4.4 5.8.38 :5 Burke 5. T°or 5 . O'Bnect 3. Broom 2, Tiling 2, Moore 2. Askew 2, Osbane, z,uns-L.rss . Beat Taytcr. Rndder, Moore, M . Askew. Osborne. Burke. AJAX Benstrnwt 3. Gohan, Hal~n. Bost BLbshkl. Gohan . Segal . Bock, Wefnstock . Stub . BE LA 5A1.2E (2) 2.3 7.4 9.7 11.8.78 MONASH BLUES 1.1 4 .6 7.8 7.12.54 Be to SaBe (2) Goal tuckers and best (4ayvs not reeeh-ed . Manash Mum Byrne . Eky, Hawkins, Martin . McGee. SaUkey. Beoft HaIlrnvay, Burston, Eley. Hacvldns. Rtrndzn . McNmr. 1.2 1 .3 5.8 8.7.4 3 ROVERSHAMPTON 2.2 9.12 14.14 21,22 .148 ST. BEBEB METIONE T10 Hampton Ravers Wtlmatt 2, Armour. Crouch. Freeman, Tregear. Best Parkhvson, Anderson, Dunball. Armws. Vass. Kollhxr. 8t, B¢@es Mmt-T3gers Gany} 4. CousUts 3 . K'llktns 3, Ktngtell 3 . F 2. Na~er. Dwyer. Carroll . Cummins . Smith. Wtntte. Bftt GangL McHugh. V~ . Wilkins, Cousins, Falktngham . OLD G G 4.4 6 .8 8.8 7.1 0 .52 5,2 12 .8 21.11 29.20.194 Old Geelong Abbott 2, Landv, Bottcet . Brown. Clark, Cousins . Best Mcfann. Bird, Grettoct•Ratsm. Gatmby. Bolton, Abbott . Ormond Naughton 5. Pasara 4, Black 4 . Herman 2, Robbins 2, Stephens 2, Broadhurst 2. Cunningham. Wwutaratt . Byron, Brovm. Cullen . Ashford. Thompson . Bat Gk-coon, O'Halloran . Black. Ashtord. Naughton. Byron. OLD XA (2): BYE
UNDER 19 S ®N (2) RED - 17.05.97 NORTH OLD BOYS 23 8.5 9.9 12.10.82 YABRA VALLEY 2 .1 2.5 5.12 7.15.57 Fiarth Old Baqa Taylor S. Kwtsattasffis 3, IOmder 2. Mu~ikurey, Curran . Son Sit=. Ghriss. Ttnuns. htu(qutrnxy, Taylor, Cunan. Yeren Wiley tiakt~ 2. 71rompiot. Cessna. Wines. TetCwd, Stuzzaker. Beat Latng. Bell. THmnpsm . Thing. Wal'shat. Ltiayd . CHIRNSIDE PARK 5.8 9.11 12 .15 1117.89 Tf ERRY PEftOIA O$, 2.4 4,7 10.11 18.18,112 Chirraide Park Knight 4 . Ptcrlot! 3. THmnas 3 . Markosskt. Wesmwre. Best Halliday, Aclams . Long. thrk)es, tacolotcd. Allan. Theory Penolm OB Porter S. Zzmpogta 4 . Graham 3. Grant, Davidson . Vanegelen. Boscaga. Bea Batdsm, Graham, Goodwin, Van Engdm . Forter. McDonakt . OLD IVAh1iOE 4.4 7,4 9.8 10.10.70 OLD PARADIN'i3 ( 2) 1 .2 8.5 8.8 15 .13.103 Old Ivanhoe Jmktns 3. Palht 3, Archer 2. Coyne. Vincent Ban Jenkins Macisaac, Qates . Vlncent. Barker. Bernet . Old Paradlans (2) Sacco 6. P4cen2es 2 . Lucas 2. Lord 2 . R!chardsat . Hildebrand . Baker. Brst.Sacco . Baker, Plocages. O'Cwvror . Lynch . Lucas. O.C. 1 .0 4.3 10.4 13.8-88 OLD TRBVtTY 3.8 8 .14 13,21 24 .24 .168 Aquinss OC Best R Moran, Jamison, Hill. Halverson. Hunter. T. Moran. Old Trinity Passador to. Jones 4 . R'aldron 2, Barr, Shaughnessy . Arrowsmuh. Hutdllnson. Newman . Pause_v. SomrnUke. Best lrassador. Barr. Datatsts. WOsat. Pa-.uxy. Howman. ST. LE08 8 OS: BYE
S:PRORS - 17.05.9 7 5 .1 7,6 11.11 15.15.105 4 .0 7.2 13.4 18.8.114 3. Kayross 3, Mitchell 2. C . William, R . Williams . Wocdock.
bull, Whelan. J. Egan . Best J. Egan . Turnbull, R. Williams. -Glass . McLean Pappas 3 . Douglas 2. Kent, Sadbolt, Tully . Veal. Best tm . KarayannLls, Harcs, Ca George . McLean, Tully. 7.17 .59 ST. REVtNS 3 .2 5.5 6 .11 MAZENOD OC 4 .9 13.12 19 .18 25.23 .173 St. Kevfna Bossong 2 . Kelghran. Ryan, Grtbble, Gargarw, Brady . Beat Grlbble, Brady, Fox Chapman . Ketghran, Bossong. Hoozenod Hanley 4, Harrison 4, Fisher 4 . M . Murray 4, Schodfield 3, Morgan 2 . Barker 2, Marnto . Wetsh . Best Schofield, O'Donohue, Quirk, M. Murray, Barker, Monaco. 1 .1 11 5 15 .7 15.13 .121 ORMOND IVANHOE 5 .8 8.7 11 .9 11.12.75 Ormond Fraser 5. A. Turner 3 . B. Turner 3. Block Connell, Beckett, Remnuan. I Ryon. Best Egan . Block , Wil iams 6. G~lanl,oniklL~ . Flynn. Hull-Brown. Saunders . Best Flynn. Williams. McGo^uan . Manuel, ONetp, Saunders. OLD BRIGHTON 5.7 15 .9 19.12 30 .13.193 ST, KB,DA/ST7i CAiJLFtE1.D 1 .2 5 .5 13.9 14.10.44 Old BrIghbon Bradley 6 . McLachlan 6. Talbot 5. Murch 3. M. Jackson 3, Bickett 3 . Nfftas . Kent, Petty. Hartman. Best Lennox, Nikas. Talbot, Perry, M. Jackson, McLachlan . St . KBda/Sth Cant Buck 5, D'Agostino 3. Ryan 2 . Green 2, Astapenko. B. Ryan . B~,t Tkoez. Gilmore, Astagenko . D'Agastlcm, O'Sulltran . Clements. 't7iE RRY PENOLA OB 8.8 11 18 14.8 17.11 .113 MHSOB 4.1 8.6 10.10 14 .13.97 7h=zq Pawte Goodwin 4, Pola 3, Bcs;anko 3, German 2 . Elliott 2. Reddtck. ~ : :la. Ban an . Best Carter. Bosanko. Gorman. Crotty. Goodwin, Vhigesavrth. M H S O B Woodley 4. Petted 3 . Albergo 3. Johns 2. Saultry, Morcom . Best Bruce, Pertzel, Comer, Woodtey, Albergo. Johns.
BANYUI.E 1 2 8.5 5.6 5.10.100 1.3 4.5 8.5 12,9.81 OLD IVANHOE Baayule Logan 4 . Kearsey. Best Jesse. McDermott, Richmond, Logzn, Smith . Old Ivanhoe Corcoran 4. Craker 3. Barker 2, Kadoui, Myers . Yarurood. Beat Toll . Hall. Goad. Brophy. Martin, Caddy. 5 .8 10.9 17 .14.116 ST. KEVINS 2.2 MAZEHOD OC 1.2 1 .4 4.8 8 .8.44 St, Eevins Marustc S . Fraser 4. Mount 3, flare 3 . Moore, Moy9arL Beat Moylan . Game . Mantsk!, Denton, Hart. Moore. od Caucht 2, Brookes 2 . Halvy, SbUth. Best Young, Gzin>lson . Robinson. Little. Caucfll, Riley. 11.9 13 .11.89 ORMOND 3.3 6 .4 IVANHOE 1.2 3 .2 3,4 6.8.42 Ormond Bailey 4. Collins 3 . Hall 2, Steuart. EdgelL King. Whe.lart. Best Hall. Davies . Collins, Stewart . Balley. Lehner. Ivanhoe ThxkWray 2 . Sorter 2, AdnrevskL Ffnlayson. Best FhIlayson. Murphy, . White, Andrevskl . Thackwray . Fairweather OLD BRIGHTON 4.7 9.10 13.13 2D.15 .138 13 .15 ST. KB.DA(STH CAULFIELD 0.2 1 .2 2,3 Old Brighton Fischer 5. Howell 3, Gordon 3. Oakley3, Murray 3, Holden . Moore. 8,vanel. Best Oakley. Tona. Gambol. Fischer, Wilson. DeSmyth . St. KBds/Stfi Caulfield Cannard. Howard. Best Dhnile'te, Cruwys. Ts[rogtatuwu. Atchinsort, Howard . D'Slha. 10.12.72 THEW P L GO 3 .4 4.7 7 .10 MHSOB 2.3 5.4 6 .5 8,7.58 Therry Pernsia Clarke 3. Pinner 3. Moran. Kuret Rtssigtolo, Vaina . Best Vaina. Hallow, Bye. Donahue, Clarke. Postma. M H S O B McGrath 6 . Faiaos, Scrinic . Best Clarke. McGrath, Axford, ArchdaA . Konstanty. Fahey.
I gave blood for my club .... What about Yju? VAFA Blood Bank Challenge 1997 ' eason 1997 has seen the VAFA join forces with the Blood Bank in a community oriented venture to assist in the recruitment of new blood donors for the Blood Bank and prompting those people who have donated in previous years to return to donate . The competition is simple, all VAFA clubs can donate (including the umpires) and as each donation is given, a point is recorded for your team . The donor does not have to be a player or current member, a mere affiliation through family or friends is membership enough for this very worthy cause. The Challenge works by all VAFA clubs having a 'Captain Blood' . This designated person assists in promoting the competition amongst club members, families, sponsors and supporters . In short the more donations each team makes the greater the chance that your club will benefit . Donations can be made at either of the two city Blood Bank static sites or one of the 74 mobile Blood Banks throughout the suburbs . The donation process is quite simple . Before each donation you will be asked to fill in a medical questionnaire to ensure the donation process does not adversely affect the donor or the recipient of the blood . Forms in the refreshment areas of donation sites need to be filled in to have the donation registered to your club . If someone is unable to donate blood for medical reasons, they will still be able to fill in a VAFA registration form . And that's it! Could not be simpler . The scoring process is even simpler, with prizes benefiting your nominated VAFA club directly. The Challenge will be scored on a percentage basis to ensure an equal playing field for each team . The score will be worked out as a percentage of total number of donations against total number of registered players as at March 1 1997 (indicative of total club members) . For example : Donations (50), Registered players (150), Percentage (33%) .
Now to the benefits for clubs . Already a spot prize for returned 'Captain Blood' registration forms has been won and presented to Gerard Roche of Monash Gryphons . He won for himself or his club a $100 Rebel Sport voucher . To date we have about (20%) of the 'Captain Blood' registration forms returned and it would be great to see all clubs represented by such a person for two reasons, i) it gives the VAFA and the Blood Bank a contact person at each club, and if) helps in the promotion of the Challenge at club level . Along with the Rebel Sport prize the first winners of the incentive prizes are the VAFAUA who are winning the Challenge to date (see advertisement in today's Amateur Footballer for progressive club tallies) . The VAFAUA receive ( 2) brand new Sherrin football s donated by Spalding, an d a voucher from both Four'n'Twenty and Schweppes which is redeemable with their next order placed with each sponsor lie . extra product free!) . The incentive prizes being for the VAFAUA in that they had the highest percentage value after (5) rounds . The next incentive prizes are for the greatest percentage increases between rounds 6-10 an d 11-15, with the major prize being a set of club jumpers (rrp . $1000) to the winning club at the completion of round 18 (donated by Hugh Lyon Knitwear) . Along with the benefits to the clubs in terms of incentives the 'Captain Bloods' from each club will all be invited to a lunch in late August early September where their work and assistance in the Challenge will be recognised by the VAFA and the Blood Bank. So join the Challenge and get your 'Captain Blood' registration form into the VAFA if you have not already done so and urge all club members, supporters, sponsors etc . to assist in this worthy cause, that will see both your club and the Blood Bank benefit greatly. For further information contact Brett Conne ll (9531 8333) at the VAFA for more information . Come on get your club involved for the good of the community.
VAFAUA iai Lilydale OC MHSOB Swinbume Uni ANZ Albert Park St. Bedes Mentone Tigers Williamstown CYM S Old Camberwell Gr. De La Salle OC Yarra Valley OB Ormond AFC Richmond Central AF C St . Leo Emmaus WP La Trobe Un i Old Haileybury UHSOB University Reds Oakleigh AFC Salesian OC Penninsula OB Syndal Tally Ho Old Melbumians Old Scotch Chimside Park AFC Eltham OC Southbank CBAAFC Old Mentonians Old Trinity Hawthorn Citizens AFC Old Geelong
1" 1lo Old Brighton Sr. 2% 12% Univer: .;, Blues 2% 2% 11% Ivanhoe AFC 11% Power House AFC 2% 11% Parkside AFC 2% 10% Old Westboume 2% West Brunswick AFC 2% 7% 6% Old Carey Gr. 2% 5% Old Essendon Gr. 2% St . Kilda Sth Caulfield 2% 5% 5% St . Kevins OB 2% 5% Mazenod OC 2% 4% Collegians 2% 4% Therry Penola AFC 2% 4% AJAX 1% 4% Aquinas OB 1째0 4% Hampton Rovers AFC 1% 4% Marcellin OC 1% 4% St. Bernards OC 1% 4% Banyule AFC 1 째!o 4% Bulleen Cobras 1% 4% Caulfield Grammar 1% 4% GlenhuntlyAFC 1% 4% Kew AFC 1 째la 3% Monash Blues 1% Thomastown AFC 1% 3% 3% Old Ivanhoe Gr. 1% 3% Old Paradians 1% 3% North Old Boys 1% 3%
Teams NOT listed have NO blood donations registered for their club . , For more information please call the Blood Bank on 9694 0300 . ,
LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundle
5 YEARS AGO - 199 2 d Haileybury, on the bottom in "A", stuck with top team, Coll egians until halfway through the final term and then went away to win by 26 points, 12 .11(83) to 7.15(57). Best were Gary Irvine (first game back), Jim Bennett, David Hoyle, Tony Wallace, Rick Schober, Steven Mount ( Coll .), and J. Lee, Andrew Walden, David Connell, Chris Kraus, Simon Meehan, Wayne Phi llips ( Old H . ) 150 games to Old Brighton's Cameron Lade, club captain 1988-91, best and fairest 1986 & 89, "scrupulously fair to spectators, team mates and opponents alike" . Justin Toohey chalked up his 100 games as a field umpire . In 1991 Justin umpired "A" Section Grand Final . He named Rick Schober (Coll .) and Bruno Conti (NOB) as the best Amateur footballers seen . In F, St John's won their first game when they beat previously undefeated St Mary's, after nearly throwing the game away with bad kicking, 15 .16 to 16.7 . The losers kicked 7 .2 in the final term to just fail . Best were Walter, Higgins, Southern, Ham, lorlaus, A. Thomas (5 gls) (St . J) and A. Huebner, Mullins, O'Rourke, Sloan ( St . Mary's) . Ken Bremner was appointed coach of C-F Interstate team, assisted by selectors Garry Connolly ( St . Mary's), Craig Jackson (C'wealth Bank), John Keenan (Fawkner), Gordon McGregor (H. Rovers) and George Voyage (Caulf. Gramm.) . 10 YEARS AGO - 1987 UHSOB's tireless worker Tony Boyce played his 150th game . "Boysie" can usually find something around the club to do on training nights which must be given preference to going on the track . Treasurer, committee member, captain-coach of reserves side - Boysie has done it all . Ormond lost their first match for the season when they went down by 14 points to third team Old Xave rians . Early in the final term Ormond were 18 points up but then the O . Xavs boys piled on 6 goals . It was quite a game . Xavs' star, full forward Steve Curtain was knocked out by a heavy bump in the first minute and Mick Atkins caught Ormond's Phil Mehrten off balance in the last quarter and put him into the fence. Final scores were 15 .14 to 13 .12 . Best were Atkins, Peter Curtain, O'Sullivan (0 . Xavs) and Taylor, Clark, Tonkin (Orm .) . Bulleen-Temp (A) won their first
match against second bottom, Caulfield Grammarians, 20 .1 6 to 14 .14 . What a second quarter it was for the Bullants - 14 goals, 5 behinds . Harisiou, Be ll , Keenan were best. 250 games to popular North Old Boys' champion Mauro Borcich, club B&F a record 4 times, Carnival player, club captain in 81, 82 and 83, leading the 1982 premiership side . It was a thriller in "D" Section when St Kevin's kicked 4 .5 in the last quarter to Preston's solitary point to get up to score by a point . The stars were B . Campbell , A. Mulcahy, Trelear (St . K) and Moore, DeBono, Thomas (Preston) . 150 games to Kew's champion rover, Joey Busuttil, club B&F in 1984 and 1986, and also "C" Section B&F in 1986 . 15 YEARS AGO - 1982 All-Australian interstate half-forward flanker, and captain Mike Sleeman played his 150th game for Uni Blues . 200 games for Old Trinity's Stuart Stockdale Stuart's career had been highlighted by leading competition goal kicking in 'D' Reserve ('70), 'C' Reserve ('71), 'B' Reserve ('73, '74 and '78) and 'A' Reserve ('75 and '76) . Joe and Kevin Segota become the first brothers to officiate as field umpires in the same match when they controlled the match between Kew and Alphington at Elsternwick Park . In a high class match with scores close all day, Old Scotch beat Ormond 17 .20 to 17 .16 . Best were Mason (7 goals), Ta llent, Bowden ( Old Scotch) and McCooke, Vane, Parisi (6 goals) ( Ormond) . 20 YEARS AGO - 197 7 The selectors picked the following to represent Victoria against South Australia in Adelaide : J .Griffiths, B . Morphett (Caulfield Gramm.), R . Halasa (De La Salle), J . Gartner (Marcellin), P . Hall, G . Wilson (NOB), W . Peers (Old Trinity), B . Bourne, A. Naylor (Ormond), P . Aughton, M . Drennan . R. King, G . Wade (St. Bernards OC), S . Trumble (Uni Blues), I. Rice (Collegians), I . Davis (Geelong), J . Houghton (Old Hai .), I . Cordner (Old Melb .), J . Anderson (Old Scotch) (captain), R . Cooke, M . Yeo (Old Carey) . Coach was Peter O'Donohue with Brian Lauder as manager and John Butcher as assistant. Commonwealth Bank congratulated Sam Athans on his 200th game. Sam started with th e
_l,,h in 1962 in the junior side and as committee,,an and captain his leadership has been inspira-
his last game . In his 12 years Andrew only missed 8 games, none of which was due to injury.
In a high scoring game, FIT inflicted first defeat gulleen-Templestowe 'F' by 2 points after trailby 5 goals at the first change . Fahey (6 goals) , and Foulds, Murphy, tioyr1e~ Ferguson (FIT) .) aa~caeren (Bulleen-Temp were best. 150 games to Ian Ramsay (Elsternwick), Graeme Atchison (Caulfield Gramm .), Ian Poulton ds), Wayne Gale Geelong), Chris Roacht(Coll .) . ~ :11p ~ 25 YEARS AGO - 197 2 Coburg staged yet another form reversal to defeat previously unbeaten Caulfield Grammarians ~ 43 points and leave Ormond the only unbeaten side . Coburg's brilliant second quarter burst of 8 .3 to nil won the game ; Leckie, Willoughby and Zylan n,ere their best . SSB (in 'E') also lost their first game when they went down to Mareellin by 20 points . Marcellin -blitzed" Bank in the first quarter, scoring 9 .10 to ,iil. Stars were Mahon, P. Toohey and Hurley (`tarcellin) and Inglis, Spithill and Wright (SSB). 200 games to John (Herb) Adams (North Old Boys) and 100 to John Butcher (Caulfield Gramm.). End of an era for Old Haileyburian when veteran Andrew Home, 205 games in 12 years playe d
30 YEARS AGO - 196 7 Phil Hay (St Kilda CBC), Peter Bowring (Old Haileybury) and Spence Williams (Old Paradians) chalked up 100 games . AJAX and Parkside were undefeated leaders in 'D' Section with 5 wins each . Only senior teams yet to break the ice were Old Melburnians ('B') and Elsternwick ('E') . Old Scotch (23 .13) annihilated University Blacks (4 .22) . 45 YEARS AGO - 195 2 Laurie (Socks) Holman played his 100th game for Ormond. Adrian Schrader (still well known to many followers) starred for Old Xaverians . MHSOB (1 .6) against Ivanhoe (10 .6) recorded their lowest score ever . Bill Mason (later an umpire) was starring for Ivanhoe Juniors . Coburg ( 13 .18) to East Malvern (4 .9) continued their unbeaten run in 'C' Section . Murray (11 goals) was a star in Caulfield Grammarians' big win over E .S &A . Bank (23 .18) to (6 .3) .
® Sports Medicine
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~iof!h~i L : ( (0 ;i ;, ,! ;' iti <11-1, 11111 fl :
速 Permits h
Fri) 速 Sc_ .es (Sat. night)
2.30 pm 6ATURD>QY 'I 2.30 pm SATURDAY ~Y 5 pm SATURDAY r. 171 r scores, goalkickers, best players I -Y 5 .15 pm SATURDAY
--'E RS Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms before matches and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water Carriers. Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play . To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behind the passage of play . Trainers. May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Attire -Rurtners . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . Water Carriers . VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only. If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers. VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . If not VAFA top a plain white top only . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only. * Umpire teamsheet comments will be transferred to weekly FINES LIST .
A melee is `Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"
This Sat: ihis Sun: Ne :cc Sat:
Next Sun : Sat . 14/6 Sun . 15/6 Sat. 21/6 Sun . 22/6 Sat. 28/6 Sun . 29/ 6 Sat. 5/ 7 6/ 7 . 12/ 7 13/ 7 on . 20/7
1 . iled <c provi,' = scores by 2 .30 p .m . final scores by 5 p.m . St Johns ( R) Collegians (U19) M arcellin (U19) Eltham ( Fi) Hawthorn Cit. (R ) Kew (C18) Syndal Tally Ho (C18)
St Kevins v . Old Ivanhoe Collegians v. Old Scotch Ormond v . Old Ivanhoe Old Brighton v . Therry De La Salle v . Old Paradians FIDA Matche s Therry v. St Kevin s NO MATC H Maaenod v. MHSO B NO MATC H MHSOB v . Old Ivanho e FIDA Matches Old Ivanhoe v . Therry Penol a Old Scotch v. Old Paradian s NO MATCH St Bernards v. Old Scotch
Hampton Rovers . I Lilydale OC Old Paradians Old Ivanhoe (failure to sign teamsheet) Fines increase as clubs continue to re-offend . Fines will be imposed according to the team's section -$5 (first offence) ; $25 (second offence) ; $50 (third offence) . A°one-ofr' fine of $250 for a fourth offence is imposed. Fines then revert to a 550 per offence unfil the eighth offence (another $250 "one-ofi" fine) .
~1 : 1't a `l' d . i1•1 ;,v 1NAMESL G18 'hVEL IGIBLE PLAYER(S) RD 3 ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS#
a.~ ON . v:,~t. 4/4 3/3 2/2 0
~ I.
. :iT;~.
6 6 4 90 6 12 108 5 10 6 5 5 8 5 100 6 5 6 5 3 83 12 95 5 5 5 0 75 16 9 1
As a result of the following club's teams all winning in Round 5 (min. of 3 team required), the ffc o: - B . Egan (Orm.), D . Goodchild (St. Bed.), M, Lukasz (Old Ess .), J. Bell (Kew), J. Bennett (Col), '' at C. v collection of pr i - ~ . named bestt player for their senior te_m. :h pl ~er to pi:nne'ter '~rner ( E : :9 9222) to
i ~MSHEET~Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and
surname .
Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
T~ocz St. Kilsi .
Sour Caulfield .
Abuse of Umpire, 2 matches ; Anthony Grant, as: Scott fiill Aquinas, (Und~r- = 9 ) . Abusive Lan~?na~e,
S i~ig, 3 match-
sme, a ~orth
Brunswick. Striking, 2 matches : *Robert Piaaachetas, St . -19} . Misconduct , 2 matches. *Accepted prescribed penalty
Results of Investigation Li earin ~ -
p Complaint lodged by Eley Park alleging a Bulleen Cobras' 1- lid strike platipr Simon watt s a ~ejhindpe dthplay playeon d May 1i 10. , notch and Rr e hard 1 e pi incident tn match dan ek sus nded for 10 matches-4 to be served immediately r,d 6 to be added to any othe r s nsion to end of 1998 season . Both clubs accepted it relat to a mele e su le p F y ~ report from f t ishgame B th . o iebufin s ed $ 100 . Complaint lodged b y Be La Salle alleging St Bedes Mentone Tigers' player Luke McHu h struc k d edor f ma 2 tc~es . DLS playerT rent N 1 o an . Charge sustained and Luke an McHugh suspen
In a pair of Blades boots, with the revolutionary sole system and internal wedge, you'll notice the improved performance and comfort where it matters most . On the ground .
~ Official Supplier to VAFA . 46
T&Z BLD00 5
210.60 24 150.97 24 191 .76 20 142.17 16 135.85 12 121 .48 12 71 .68 4 53.57 4 40.99 4 0 46.88
B RESERVE SECTIO N 57 KEVINS 5 1 0 702 428 mERRY PENOLA OB 5 1 0 459 40 1 4 2 0 566 323 OLD BRIGHTO N 4 2 0 495 450 IVANHOE 3 3 0 486 477 _=`.' :3N0 :.'NOE 2 4 0 445 474 -s S 0 B 2 4 0 428 462 ;-i ;)LE 2 4 0 314 613 0 389 388 ;'-ZENOD O C 1 5 _ 7 iiILDA STH CAULFIELD 1 5 0 198 691
164.02 20 114.46 20 175.23 16 110.00 16 101 .89 12 93.88 8 92.64 8 51 .22 8 100 .26 4 28.65 4
C RESERVE SECTIO N 5 0 1 496 329 STBEDESRAENT . TIGERS NORTH OLD BOYS 5 1 0 702 244 IdONASH BLUES 5 1 0 407 398 THOMASTOWN 3 2 1 469 41 6 0 394 302 :.?~ELLIN 3 3 0 404 505 L LEOS E.WAAUS W P 3 3 2 4 0 380 500 ~' .'=TON ROVERS : cEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 5 0 339 488 :D MENTONIANS 1 5 0 338 490 J A X 1 5 0 287 544
150 .76 22 287 .70 20 102 .26 20 112 .74 14 130 .46 1 2 60 .00 12 76 .00 8 69 .47 4 68 .98 4 52 .76 4
D RESERVE SECTION WHITEFRIARS 6 0 0 593 300 pARKSIDE 5 1 0 524 386 OLD GEELONG 4 2 0 510 295 ^EAUMARISAFC 4 2 0 414 39 8 _D CAMBERWELL 3 3 0 371 427 LESIAN 0 C 3 3 0 370 457 GLD ESSENDON GR. 2 4 0 438 404 4 0 267 407 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 1 5 0 341 532 AQUINAS 0 B ST JOHNS O C 0 6 0 308 530
197 .67 24 135 .75 20 172.88 16 104 .02 1 6 86.89 12 60.98 12 108.42 8 65.60 8 64.10 4 58.11 0
E EAST RESERVE SECTION YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 5 1 0 652 284 229.58 20 KEW 5 1 0 487 288 170.28 20 4 2 0 365 223 163.68 16 OLD CAREY RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 2 0 505 384 131 .51 16 SULLEEN COBRAS 4 2 0 503 418 120 .33 16 C"r5'41DE PARK 3 3 0 261 341 76 .54 12 EEI PARK A F C 2 4 0 354 428 82 .71 8 r .- :'tTHORN CITIZENS 2 4 0 330 795 41 .51 8 4 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 5 0 199 558 35.66 E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTION UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 0 0 827 48 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 0 0 586 191 UNIVERSITY REDS 5 1 0 437 203 WEST BRUNSWICK 5 1 0 364 257 U H S O B 3 3 0 407 500 5,SINBURNE UNIVERSITY 2 4 0 230 441 LA TROSE UNIVERSITY 2 4 0 119 568 NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 5 0 223 505 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 0 6 0 149 664
A RESERVE SECTION ~ ._nSCOTCH 6 0 0 636 30 2 GIANS 6 0 0 542 359 6 52 340 yD)(AVERIANS 5 1 0 , 0 583 396 r;VERSITY BLUES 4 2 3 3 0 504 371 -_pMELBURNIANS 433 3 3 0 526 ,-c 3 SALLE 1 5 0 372 519 PARADIANS .RDS 1 5 0 368 887 -acRN0 5 0 291 71 0 ~~p 7=1ITY 1 0 6 0 295 632 p r1LEYBURY
1722 .92 24 306 .81 24 215 .27 20 141 .63 20 81 .40 12 52 .15 8 20 .95 8 44 .16 4 22 .44 0
E SOUTH RESERVE SECTIO N SOUTHBANK C 8 A AFC 6 0 0 770 180 427 .78 24 OAKLEIGH A F C 5 1 0 509 359 141 .78 20 POWER HOUSE 3 2 1 405 436 92 .89 14 PENINSULA 0 B 3 3 0 503 381 132 .02 12 MONASH GRYPHONS 3 3 0 390 423 92 .20 12 ST MARYS 3 3 0 424 519 81 .70 12 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 2 3 1 370 450 58 .82 10 ELSTERNWICK 2 4 0 404 465 86 .88 8 GLENHUNTLY 2 4 0 309 452 68,36 8 ANZ ALBERT PARK 0 6 0 274 684 40 .06 0
CLUB XVIII (i ) 5 1 0 291 125 232.80 20 x OLD XAVERIANS OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 5 1 0 398 235 169 .36 20 MAZENOD 0 C 4 2 0 423 303 139.60 16 4 2 0 388 352 110.23 16 COLLEGIANS OLD SCOTCH 3 3 0 340 286 118.88 1 2 X ST BERNARDS 3 3 0 224 379 59.10 12 DE LA SALLE 2 4 0 259 355 72.96 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 4 0 223 425 52 .47 8 ST KEVINS 1 5 0 11/ 396 28.03 4 CLUB XVIII (2) SYNDAL TALLY HO 6 0 0 332 144 230.56 24 KEW 6 0 0 493 216 228 .24 24 MONASH WHITES 4 2 0 467 269 173 .61 16 12 MT LILYDALE 0 C 3 3 0 423 325 130.15 MARCELLIN 3 3 0 250 297 84.18 12 OLD ESSENDON GR. 3 3 0 246 386 63 .73 12 THORNBURY COUGARS 1 5 0 259 364 71 .15 8 THERRY PENOLA OB 1 5 0 123 407 30 .22 4 0 OLD GEELONG 0 4 0 132 346 38.15 UNDER-19 SECTION I OLD PARADIANS 5 1 0 714 414 172 .46 20 5 1 0 681 542 125 .65 20 DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 2 0 705 384 183 .59 16 OLD CAREY 4 2 0 609 475 128 .21 16 OLD XAVERIANS 4 2 0 576 497 115,90 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 3 3 0 468 623 75 .12 12 OLD BRIGHTON 2 4 0 528 632 83 .54 8 MAZENOD 0 C 2 4 0 413 615 67 .15 8 ST BERNARDS 1 5 0 334 653 51 .15 4 ST KEVINS 0 6 0 327 705 46 .38 0 UNDER-19 (2) COLLEGIANS 6 0 0 718 369 194 .58 24 OLD SCOTCH 5 1 0 670 433 154 .73 20 WHITEFRIARS 3 3 0 658 386 170 .47 12 BEAUMARIS A F C 3 3 0 520 523 99 .43 1 2 X OLD HAILEYBURY 3 3 0 532 539 98 .70 12 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 3 3 0 517 566 91 .34 12 X UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3 3 0 391 468 83 .55 1 2 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 4 0 497 554 89 .71 8 MARCELLIN 1 5 0 337 614 54.89 4 WARRINGAL A F C 0 6 0 299 1035 28 .89 0 UNDER-19 (2) BLU E ST BEDES MENT. TIGERS 6 0 0 765 194 394.33 24 M H S O B 5 1 0 774 353 219 .26 20 ORMOND 5 1 0 609 457 133.26 20 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 4 2 0 376 484 77.69 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 4 0 483 676 71 .45 8 MONASH BLUES 2 4 0 374 525 71,24 8 AJAX 2 4 0 355 552 64.31 8 OLD GEELONG 2 4 0 344 594 57 .91 8 DE LA SALLE (2) 2 4 0 308 629 48 .97 8 UNDER-19 (2) RE D z OLD TRINITY 5 1 0 510 363 140 .50 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 5 1 0 419 370 113.24 20 YARRA VALLEY 4 2 0 591 417 141 .73 16 THERRY PENOLA OB 4 2 0 658 545 120 .97 16 OLD PARADIANS (2) 4 2 0 465 408 113 .97 16 CHIRNSIDE PARK A F C 3 3 0 279 508 54 .92 12 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 2 4 0 348 460 75,65 8 OLD IVANHOE 2 4 0 431 711 60 .62 8 AQUINAS 0 C 1 5 0 413 765 53,99 4 X INELIGIBLE PLAYER(S) ROUND 3 . X GAME REVERSED -APPEAL INELIGIBLE PLAYER UPHEL D
L D FOR AGST % PTS A_ :CT8 0 5 1 0 716 148.86 20 OLD XAVERIANS 138.36 20 COLLEGIANS 5 1 0 642 5 1 0 642 124.18 20 OLD SCOTCH 88.83 16 OLD HAILEYBURY 4 2 0 517 .60 12 OLD PARADIANS 3 3 0 517 6v4 85 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 4 0 527 475 110 .95 8 .24 8 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 4 0 535 580 92 DE LA SALLE 2 4 0 494 594 83 .16 8 .62 4 OLD TRINITY 1 5 0 466 538 86 4 ST BERNARDS 1 5 0 484 704 68.61 B SECTION 465 198.93 20 5 1 0 927 0 669 483 138.51 20 5 1 4 2 0 646 513 125 .93 1 6 4 2 0 693 640 108 .28 16 ST =VINS THERRY PENOLA OB 4 2 0 663 675 98 .22 16 MAZENOD 0 C 3 3 0 691 567 121 .87 12 OLD IVANHOE 3 3 0 635 688 92 .30 12 IVANHOE 2 4 0 627 631 99 .37 8 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 0 6 0 548 957 57 .26 0 0 BANYULE 0 6 0 470 949 49 .53 OLD 01
C SECTION 453 194 .48 24 ST _D'.. :S1AIENTONE TIGERS 6 0 0 881 0 814 347 234 .58 20 3ELL"I 5 1 184 .07 20 "f" .L 30YS 5 1 0 786 427 2 0 684 551 124 .13 16 LD --- - . 'C IANS 4 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4 2 0 679 556 122 .12 16 THOMASTOWN 3 3 0 516 649 79 .51 12 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 5 0 496 592 83 .78 4 ST LEOS EMMAUS W P 1 5 0 541 811 66 .71 4 MONASH BLUES 1 5 0 389 888 43 .81 4 0 A J A X 0 6 0 339 851 39 .84 D SECTIO N 458 151 .75 24 WHITEF 3 6 0 0 695 OLD -E1 G 5 1 0 644 587 109 .71 20 OLD ESSE ON OR . 4 2 0 679 557 121 .90 16 0 597 513 116.37 16 BEAUMF Rib A F C 4 2 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 3 0 477 510 93 .53 12 PARKSIDE 2 4 0 538 595 90 .42 8 AQUINAS 0 B 2 4 0 592 673 87 .96 8 ST JOHNS 0 C 2 4 0 487 562 86.65 8 SALESIAN O C 1 5 0 528 611 86.42 4 4 OLD CAMBERWELL 1 5 0 491 662 74 .17 E EAST SECTIO N 5 1 0 849 351 241 .88 20 5 1 0 932 452 206.19 20 r'".LLEY OLD BOYS 1 0 532 407 130.71 20 G~v CP' . .1Y 5 150.75 18 C',.. . . .dSiDE PARK 4 1 1 603 400 RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 2 0 666 431 153 .46 16 BULLEEN COBRAS 2 3 1 668 493 135 .50 10 ELEY PARK A F C 2 4 0 304 749 40 .59 8 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2 4 0 275 873 31 .50 8 0 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 0 6 0 309 979 31 .56 '"- - .
E CENTRAL SECTION 0 0 749 272 275.37 24 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 185.71 24 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 6 0 0 637 343 U H S O B 3 3 0 550 593 92.75 12 WEST BRUNSWICK 3 3 0 409 444 92.12 12 NORTH BRUNSWIVCK 3 3 0 468 595 82 .02 12 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 3 3 0 384 519 73 .99 12 LATROBE UNIVERSITY 3 3 0 359 544 65 .99 12 UNIVERSITY REDS 2 4 0 426 499 85 .37 8 4 OLD WESTBOURNE A F C 1 5 0 426 619 68 .82 E SOUTH SECTIO N 0 0 948 337 281 .31 24 SOUTHBANK C B A 6 5 1 0 718 554 129 .24 20 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 643 492 130 .69 16 PENINSULA O B 4 2 0 4 2 0 802 625 128 .32 16 POWER HOUSE GLENHUNTLY 3 3 0 547 608 89 .97 12 OAKLEIGH A F C 2 4 0 574 676 84 .91 8 ST MARYS 2 4 0 512 766 66 .84 8 ELSTERNWICK 2 4 0 540 819 65 .93 8 MONASH GRYPHONS 1 5 0 546 649 84 .13 4 4 ANZ ALBERT PARK 1 5 0 488 790 61 .77