The Amateur Footballer, Week 9, 1997

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Fostering Fatni~i1. Foot6aff since 18-9-'2




v ~t ~ ~j.lqT®~Y V who represented thed s both days of last weeken he sixtyV~ V~A o er yer , fation sa sece s~A teams t of the ASSOC three special par to ~Nagg become B travellin g oiaid hull dred year history* s who played for the fnau~iq and &F, team john Dillon Shieldsf o ani hopetan uY begun a tradition 1 be eontin Vu~A ral Terry D states that wi1 g ectively have atch against resp between the two B team s mMetropolitan matches ms '- The A ateur and of inatches ued for many ye Auste a kea a new era shield. a new the South annual gaotball SA ~d the VAFA for betwl~ly may these matches cont inue on an Simi as well basis call it ~aS l .


All in all a wonderful day and it is hoped that come th thee match against h we can VCFL in Ju1y produce football of a similar standard and and fair conmaybe noteh fought fierce a n y another in from a closel

a close~ .> ~onth Austtalial ^ ,~ns terribly .. -

test . 3 1•7•13 Match details : 4 .2) ~2 13 .9 tSA 9 . 51 Q fSoutb 18 .16 .12 4 VAFA. Ql IQ .3FINAL : VAFA 1SA 12,11) Holt ; IAustraha 17-15-117 1 Mark Seccull : 2~a Tim ers - Michael Y . Other best p Matthews Jackson Berry and Mark Brady . 4 ; Jason dicharson Blood . Micah ; Mica" , Dan RHatfiel Jackson 5 w ; Glenn 2 . Matthe Goals Luke Gollant 2 Goilant and Tim ockleshaw I .

Berry a e 'AOrn with pr l ut Big V b outclassed, ew South w~ es) which e

often gets C B n~atch vN This scribe SOlast week s ~ al editio n its w Spot by Terry Daniher coach of the NSWside sid was lusw,rong, however fn " E representative h in that "te VAFA to finis e played the V~As C to after the he John D llQn on at last. terrific game of footbio 3 st th tifiably pleased in theyr~oter aeceptin g it really was a r effort of k'O~ but also almost VVagga last Saturda ettinguP the ws ace . Shield Daiiihei praised the Victorianthat AIDcould couldhave on applygone ust the amahin v way th o gh the third quarter, g p brilh ing constanuntil half e e I ought thahe Victorians ined at the fin~ hs either way was capably led ictboria kickside Monash . The Victorian blues saw hi h early and tough aeve Played with any t from the first quarter. lcomplet e liant 1 don t South Australlt a n "D°°' breezewere i unabte to make aRogers In between ust that the and self belie' ing into a strongNSw e pressure game round a dvantage as. they Many passion, ~onderful to bepe~istene hard at the ball they could ersonget use of the wind or home their half back line showed c ng ellfromtheVic and saw by continui seft Elsternwi on s e m°~m by I don t tb attacked constantlye by neither r would have lnke back into the contest e attacks were rep dIn the sec o dn tg applied all de o hhe fenc the .other sithe ed a that they had notwinner yfthsuperb 11 points at quarter time• ressure well and played in Park thinking in he right spir r side was able to bT~ a Vict Pans mannedd aP half time s match over the ground. the ball into attaek an wa doubt right to the very end layers performed : Half way iy drove th ehsides ony the score ht that each of the 22 player constant Of separated t through S1 thoug called upon and that the coaching page 44 only one p°iter both sides had s skilfully when his support staff was itd as if d on the third qua' , Desk Continue lor and team which Play a t he ~ Neville 'faY together . . . From ... tat in mouldingeam mates for seasons ' had been they



A SECTION by Jason Frenke l

Tith most players resuming fresh in round 9 _ after a week's break for representative football , its back to the grind as the action in A-section hots up after an important round of results two weekends ago in round 8 . Scotch emerged on top of the ladder after a telling two week period during which they knocked off both Xavs and Collegians comfortably, and earned the right to be classified as genuine contenders for the L . A. Adamson trophy. Assuming the Cardinals can overcome the Blues today, the top of the ladder will be staggered tonight with a game separating first from second and second from third as Co llegians meet Xavs today in the match of the day . Important goings-on at the other end of the ladder, too, as Trinity finally hit the winning form to record their second win of the season over Old Paradians . The season is far from over for Bernie Dunn's team and the victory could well be the turning point of their season . Parade missed a real opportunity to put the heat on Old Haileybury , who succumbed to the resurgent De La Salle . De La joined Parade with a 4-4 record in the middle of the table and both sides should continue to keep the pressure on the Bloods, while M elburnians also returned to the winners list two weeks ago with a good win over University Blues .

Interesting to note that, despite the dry weather and good ground conditions on all weekends so far in the season 1997 (bar one Saturday) . the average score being kicked by a side during match has not increased on last year, with teams averaging 92 points a game in 8 rounds in 1996/97 . Put it down to some tight defence and close checking from the backmen . REVIEW The Redlegs met the Blues at the Junction Ova l

in a match both sides needed to win desperately, and it was the home side who emerged with all guns blazing booting 8 goals to 2 in an impressive first term . Despite the efforts of Richard Vandenberg and co . the miserable start continued throughout the afternoon as the Melburnians steadily increased the margin . Four goals apiece to Stuckey and Guest an d three to Ellinghaus, the Redlegs were finally able to post a handsome score . In contrast, Lennen was the only light up forward for University. booting five of the team's eight goals. Haileybury found themselves in trouble early at home to a revitalised De La Salle. It's amazing what confidence can do as De La came out firing to set up a quarter time lead, before the Bloods reduced the margin to 7 points in a tighter second term. The visitors pulled away again in the third and seemed to 2


have the game in the bag with a four goal lead at the last ~- ' change, but th e Bloods gave it their all in a desperate last term on . Evans, Jackson and Ellioltofashrby8pin t were among the good players for De La all day, while Matt Chun booted four goals . Efstathiou and Lapp. age combined up forward for Haileybury with 9 goals between them, while Andrew Walden continued his excellent season . Most pundits considered the Collegians-St Bernards clash had to be a fait accompli and so it proved with Bernards suffering a comprehensive 76 point hiding from the Lions on the rebound . Just four goals in a dismal day out for the visitors - the form o9 the Gollant brothers continues to be the only bright spot in the darkening picture for Garry Foulds. Drew Warne-Smith and Danny Thomson were among the goalkickers for the Lions while Yori Phillips, Anthony Sheedy and Scott Mollard all played well . Trinity's woes looked set to continue at quarter time at Garvey Oval with Parade taking the lead early in a good first term. Boyd and Mulligan were on song for Parade in front of goals with the former finishing the day with five goals, but it was the T's who added five in the second term to force their way back into the match . They followed up with a strong third term for a matchwinning 34 point lead at the final break . Robert Phillips and Jamie Stickland both kicked four for the winners with Jeremy Sutcliffe and Sam Kennedy leading the way - T's need to really push on after breaking their run of outs . Scotch earned the right to sit atop the ladder after a second convincing win against top opposition, this time Nick Bourke's boys from Xavier . An even contest in the first half as both sides struggled to get on top, it was all Cardinals in the second half as they added 9 .9 to 3 .8 to finish with an easy win . Tim Holt led a dour backline which restricted Bourke and Richardson to just three goals while Campbell Heath and John Smythe were also among the better players . An undermanned Xavs refused to blame the loss on injuries, but apart from Wood, Ford and Dillon too few winners on the day proved to be their downfall . SELECTIONS Xavs to edge out Collegians in a close on by 10 points . Scotch to add to University's woes by 6 goals . Trinity to continue with their winning ways over Melburnians by 20 points . Parade to burst De La's bubble by 18 points . St Bernards to notch up their second win in an upset over Haileybury by 22 points .




Fa 1007


GLD 7t .9VERIAPIS v. COLLEGIANS Field : W. Hinton A . Damen .ndary: B . Corcoran Goal : Michael Lentini Anthony Simpson U r,- 2SITY BLUES v . OLD SCOTCH Field : M . Gibson C . mohue Boundary : B . Brown J . Stevenson Goal : Kevin 'a Bernie Hoare OLD TRINITY v. OLD MELBURNIAN S Fi Id: M . Jackson G. Pritchard Boundary : T. Dodd B . Mutton G 1: Malcolm Venn Alan Bishop DE LA SALLE v. OLD PARADIARtS AT ELSTERN WICK PARK - SATURDAY Field: J . Kvins H . Little Boundary : C . Kealy S. Waterman Goal : Charlie May Peter Bekkers Reserve Goal : L . Wilson . S . Shipley ST. BERTVARDS v, OLD HAILEYBURY Field : D . Dalgleish G . Thwaites Boundary : D. Styles Goal: Dominic Napoli Grant Bear d



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Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter Garry Petroff writes about Saturday A section matches played and previews the Sunday A section match of the day .

OLD SCOTCH 2.3 6.5 9 .12 15.14 .104 OLD XAVERIANS g 2.1 5.5 7 .9 8.13 .81 Old Scotc . P. Goldberg3 . Hume 2 . B. Goldber Steele. h~ d Halt. Heath a . SmytheP Goldber~g A2n .2. gusBGoldber Xa Bourke 2, Richardson. Ford. Wood . EllLS .lValsh. Best Wood. Ford. Dillon, Heil. Gladman, Fay. COLLEGIANS 3 .3 7.7 10.11 18.14 .110 Sr. BERNARDS 0.5 2.7 3.8 4.10.34 Collegians li'arne-Smith S. Thomson 3. Daridson 2 . Dene-Johns 2, Smith . Galbraith, McKenzie . Mallard. Best Warne-Smith. Phillips. Sheerly. MoIlard . McKenzie . Thomson . St. Bemards Kennedy 2 . Farmer. J. Gallant . Best J. Gallant. L. Gallant, Loughlin . Inegan . Ocerman . Tayior. OLD MELBUBhIANS 8 .3 14 .4 18.7 20.13.133 UNIVERSITY BLUES 2 .1 5 .1 6.3 8 .5.53 Old MeBnvnians Guest 4 . Stuckey 4. Ellingftaus 3. Berry 2. Britain 2 . Bo}A. Eabry, Jukes . Thompson . Witts. Best Bein% Ross, Theodore. Rdmrts. Eabry, Guest. University Blues Lennen 5 .Lendenberg 2 . Fa'ubank. Beat Vandenberg. Herrald. Stewart. Ataplestone . Furphy. Lemten. OLD PARADIANS 4.5 6 .9 8.10 12 .14 .86 OLD TRINITY 2.3 7 .7 13 .14 18 .15.123 Old Pazadiens Boyd 5. Mulligan 2. Ciavok Holland, Muletta Loughlin. Pannam. Best Vincent . Burns. Pamvam. BotA, Holland. Dalas . Old Trinity Sticldand 4, Phillips 4 . Dalrymple 3 . Baxtell 3 . Sutcliffe 2 . Anderson, Heighton. Best Sutcliffe, S. Kennedy. Taylor. Anderson. Dalrymple. Hatfield, OLD HAILEYBURY 3.2 6.6 8 .7 13.11 .89 DE LA SALLE 8.2 7.7 11 .13 14.13 .97 Old Haileybury Efstathtau 5. Lappage 4. Kraus. Armstrong. A. Walden. Marley. Best A. Walden . Orton. Phillips . Thiessen, Seee u➢ . Byins . De La Salle Chun 4 . Clancv 3, Evans 3, B . Mannix 2, Boinllel . Duncan . Best Evans . Chun . D. Jackson. Eiliof, Bonnici. OCallaghan.

RESERVES - 31 .05 .97 OLD SCOTCH 1 .1 4.5 7 .8 11.11.77 OLD XAVERIA@IS 3 .2 6.2 10.5 11 .8.74 Old Scotch McDonnell 3 . Hamieman 2. Hooper. T. Reid . C. Reid. Pritchard . Castricum. Kalinskl. Best Woodhouse. Smith. C . Hosking. C. Reid. Thomas, Hooper. Old Xaverians Gaal kickers and best players not recetved . COLLEGIANS 6 .7 9.12 13.16 18.24.132 ST. BERNARDS 0 .1 0.2 3.3 7.3.45 Collegians Schober 3. NetiLis 2 . Procter 2 . Gribble 2. Greenway 2. Cooper. Woolley, Humprhy, Eniwisle. O'Donnell . Milat Harding. Beat Useinov. Proctor. Marley . Va.det5s. O'Damell . Greevcs . Notts. St. Bernards Gilmour- Feaster- Dailey. Best Cattharpe, Fewster. Gallagher, Chatfield, Horn. Cusack. OLD MELBUHR7ANS 3 .4 5 .8 9.10 9.10.64 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.2 6 .7 8.8 10.15.75 Old Mtm, .**.ia„a McMullin. S. Eahrv 2 . Dixon 2. Bardsley. Crow . Strauss. Best Rose. Crux. Bardslev. S . Braxn . Keeble. Hart . University Blues Nugent 4. Brocklep. O'Donnell, Strack. Byrne. Featherston. Morison. Best A . Wilcox Norman, Kanis. Nurgent. Keys. Keely. OLD PARADIANS 2.3 5.8 9.13 14 .13 .97 OLD TRBrTCy 1 .1 2.3 4 .5 8 .7.55 Old ParadLa ns Walsh 3. Hart 2. Vesar 2. B. Flynn, M. Flynn . Healev- Hensley, Hickev. Jot•ce. T. Wallis. Best Swindon. Dintosarite . S . Wallis. Hart. M . Fh=. Old trinity Beamish. Moore. Wallace. Cameron, Jervis. Smith 2 . Board . Best Robison. Board, Smith . Botd. Jenis. Harris. OLD HAILEYBURY 1 .2 1 .3 3 .4 4.5 .29 DE LA SALLE 3.4 8.9 12 .10 15.15 .105 Old Ha ileybury L. Byrns . Cheg~iin . Lavender. Dowling. Best Floyd . BnrUtotonwesz. Forsyth. Scaife . Hill, Traitor, De La Salle K . Mamiix 5. Suift 3 . Moore 2 . Duckett 2 . Hall. OBrien . O"Callaghan . Best Moore, D . O'Brien . Johnstone, K. MamiLx. Farrell. Sxift.

A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumpin g into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"

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+ound 8 was played in near perfect conditions wit h Therry Penola again serving notice of its commitment to joining the leaders by the half way mark and a further suggestion that there are six major contenders and four others who will need to improve dramatically in the coming weeks . A week most certainly is a long time in football with Therry bouncing back from a disappointing loss against Ivanhoe in Round 7 to give Old Brighton a big surprise at headquarters . St Kevins, MHSOB, Mazenod an d Ormond continued to build on impressive records to date whilst Old Ivanhoe, Ivanhoe, St Kilda South Caulfield and Banyule again failed to give supporters much enjoyment . At Righetti, a third quarter halt to play and a count of the number of St Kilda South Caulfield players revealed a discrepancy which will have been dealt with by the hierarchy by the time this article is read . Again, the need for coaching staff to be aware of the rules relating to players being sent to the 'sin bin' were highlight with big bag 'Reece' taking a breather. REVIEW ROUND 8 Despite a competitive first half of football by Old Ivanhoe, Ormond were never really in trouble and opened up after half time to take control of the match and score very convincingly . For the Monds, Ryan, Fraser an d Symes were better players in a side that has taken all before it so far. For Old Ivanhoe, Kent, Veal an d Moore again kept moving the ball into attack on a regular basis whilst Weddle in the ruck was a tireless performer. At Central Reserve, Ivanhoe with Peter Flynn an d Ben Joyce on top early, took the game right up to Mazenod. A fter the big break, the Nodders fought back strongly with Marcus Welch an d John Ba llenger lifting and Steve Bourbon an d Chris Harrison doing well. Rob Prosser's three quarter time blast worked wonders and a 28 point victory for the Nodders was a pleasing result . Ivanhoe had other good players in Shane McGowan, Steve Saunders and forward Mark Scuderi . At Elsternwick on Sunday . Therry played hard and physical football and kept at Old Brighton until the tide had turned in the third term and the flood gates well and truly opened thereafter . Midfielders in Gorman, Reddick an d Crockford provided plenty of opportunities from the midfield and forcvards in Thrush an d Mick Goodwin were able to convert often enough to ensure victory . For Old Brighton . onballer Spiro Nikas was best with Fitzgerald, Po llock and Kent being worthy of a mention. St Kilda South Caulfield came out with all guns blazing against the SKOBS and raced to a handy lead. To the Saints credit they kept up with St Kevins all day

through some very tight work in defence and a fine performance up forward by "Sink" Gardner. St Kevin's were best served by "Buckets" Ryan, Marcus Dolhnan and "Jungle Jim" Macey. A quarter time suggestion of a Sunday 6am dip off St Kilda Pier by coach Tim Hart sparked the SKOBS into a vastly improved performance as the game progressed . At the Banyule ground, described by ZdgISOB correspondent as the 'hoodoo' ground of B Section, MHSOB were never really got out of second gear with six goals being scored in each of four quarters, and with rovers in Saultry and Pertzel in fine touch, the High School boys were pleased to get back on track . Skinner (HB) an d Dean Comer (skipper) were also better players . For the Bears, big Dave Williams in the ruck was a tireless worker. A report from a Bears correspondent on a regular basis would help the performances of players . PREVIEW ROUND 9 At Chelsworth Park, Old Ivanhoe takes on Mazenod in a match that on paper would appear to be an easy four points for the Nodders. I'm sure the Old Ivanhoe boys will put in a top effort, but I'll select Mazenod by 12 points . Ormond visit Packer Reserve in what may be described as a local derby. I confidently select Ormond to prevail by 44 points . The match of the round sees MHSOB welcome St Kevin's . This is a huge match for both clubs . The home ground advantage may swing this game the way of MHSOB, who will salute by 19 points. A rejuvenated Therry Penola welcomes the Banyule boys in what will be a torrid encounter . Therry will not fall at this hurdle and should bolt in by 62 points . Ivanhoe faces Old Brighton coming off a bad loss and may find the fired up Brighton boys a handful . Old Brighton by 13 points . Reserves: Mazenod, Ormond, St Kevins, Therry, Old Brighton . Correspondents : By 3 .30pm Monday, Fax 9889 9014 Congratulations to all players chose to represent the VAFA at all levels . I particularly congratulate Mick Blood, Luke Goll ant an d Mark Brady, chosen as leaders of the team to take on South Australia .

; ;IiSOB - Today a-Iiirlst St . Kevins marks James Dixon's flu-1 game for MHSOB . Dicko is moving to ;,delaide for business and is a great loss to MHSOB, havil ;g now played 185 games, starting with the `86 U 19's . From all at MHSOB, we wish you good fortune and th e nories of your reat games will linger on !





26 23 21 21

2 6 7

OLD IVANHOE v. MAZENOD Field: C . Stewart P. Callil Goal : ss Richards Russell Owens ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD v, ORMOND Field : A . Firley G . Curran Goal : John Robinson ~ hannon Ryan MHSOB v . ST. KEVINS Field : S. McCarthy B. Schmidt Boundary: M . Meier M. Chapple Goal : Stuart Lamble David Murray THERRY PENOLA v. BANYULE Field : C . Donlon T. Ovadia Goal : Reno Barichievich Robert Seymour IVANHOE v. OLD BRIGHTON Field : D. Lane P. Simpson Goal : Malcolm Frame Geoff Grigg




A and B Clubs must only phone Ql0

SENIO :_s-31.5 .97 ORRSC :xi) 4.3 8 .7 10.14 18 .17.125 OLD IVANHOE 1.1 3 .4 3.5 7 .7.49 Ormond Grace 4. Turner 4. Seines 3 . B. Turner 2. Naughton 2. Fraser. Remman, Block. Best Grace. Renunan, Fraser, Horsfleld . Block . Turner. Old Ivanhoe, McLean 2 . Karayamvs. Kent. Pappos. Spiden . Young . Best 2oung. Moore. Kent, Karayarmis . Ueal. Weddle . MAZENOD O.C. 2,1 5 .7 9.10 15 .14.104 IVAN'HOE 3.2 6 .4 8.9 11 .10.76 Mazenod Of: Harrison 7, Oechuito 3, Banter 2 . Murray 2, Barker. Best Bourbon, Occhuito. Harrison. Balten~ec Welch, Quirk. Ivanhoe Joyce 4. Scuderi 2. Brown 2 . Flyrm. Timms . Lee. Best MeGovan. Ftyzm, Saunders. Scuderi . Brown . Jorce . ST. KEVINS 2.2 8.5 15 .7 20 .13.133 ST. KILDA/STH . CAULFIELD 6.3 8.3 13 .4 18 .5.113 St . Nevins Ryan S . Bossong 4. Gargano 2 . M Dotirnan 2 . Bavles 2, Fox Mount. Best Ryan . M . Ilollman . Wri~ht. Fax. Bv.vle,. Macey. St . liitda/Sth Caul6eid Gardner 5. Green 4. M. Ryan 3. Patterson 2 . Clements 2. D'Agosttno. Gilmore . Best R}an. O"Sullivan. Gardner. Clements, Gilmore. D'Agostino . BANYGZE 1 .4 4.5 9.12 12 .13 .85 RSHSOB 6.4 12.6 18 .6 24.8 .152 Banyule Mitchell 4 . J. Egan 3, Ptayratr 3. Turnbull 2. Best R . Williams . Turnbull. Dinthtosante, Ptav(a's. S . Gray. WOOdlock. M H S 0 B Pertzeil 4, McCully 4 . EPoodley, 3. Fleming 3 . Helmut 2 . Skinner 2. Bruce, Di:~n . Best Skinner. S. Aultry. Carter. Pertzel . McCully. Cassell . OLD BRIGHTON 3.0 5.4 8.4 9.4 .58 THERRY PENOLA OB 0.4 9 .10 14.11 .95 4.6 Old Brighton Jackson 3, Match 2, Talbot 2, Kent. Lennox Best Fitgerald. Pollock. Kent. Minis . Jackson, Dennis. Therry Penola Goodnin 5 . Thrush 3, Besanko 2. O'Connor. Gorman. Grooock, Clarke. Best O'Halloran. Goodain . Gorman, Griggs, Gaud . Carter.

RESERVES - 31 .5.9 7 ORMOND 3 .4 8 .8 11.15 15.16 .108 OLD IVANHOE 4 .1 6 .1 7.3 7.4.46 Ormond Brown 6. King 4, Stewart 3. Lehner. Beat Stewart. King. J . Collins. Keath . Brown. Milner. Old Ivahoe Mvers 3 . Craker, Glisenti . Martin, Yancood. Best Jones . Bisogill. Brophy. Caddy Craker. Myrss . &iAZENOD O.C. 4 .0 7 .5 8.7 12 .8.86 IVANHOE 1 .4 1 .5 3.6 6.7.43 Maaeaod OC Goal kickers and best platers not received. Ivanhoe Scoble 2. TirackwTav 2, Andreiski Fairuyather, Sloan . Best McFarlane . Jacka. Fairweather. Dittos. Fahour, Scobte. ST. S EVINS - - 21 .17.143 ST. KILDA/STH. CAULFIELD 1 .5.11 St. Kevias McCann 7. J . Bare 3 . J. Finch 2 . B . Kennedy 2 . Kurin . Fraser, Hacsett. Charles . D. Moore. Dynan. Beg Moylan. Kuring. McCann . Fine . Fraser, Hassett. St. Knda/Sth. Caul. Niciasen . Best Hall . Baker. Niclasen. Pope . BANYULE 0.1 2 .1 2.3 4 .5.29 *rIHSOB 2.6 4 .10 7.12 12 .15.89 Banyule Jakobar 2. Gilbert . Logan. Best Agostinelli. Farrall. Noonan . Halt. Riches, Mahadv. i4nISOB MeLardie 3 . A. Webster 2 . Verma 2. Semi 2. BeazleV 2, Morcam. Best A. Preece . Fefedsatu A. P.ebster. Scrm. Morcam. R. Newton . OLD BRIGHTON 3.2 6.8 14.13 17.17.119 THERRY PENOLA OB 1.1 2.3 4 .5 6.8.44 Old Brighton D. Patterson 4. McNamara 4. Murw 2. A . Fischer 2. Rekarby. Bickett . Toms. Douglas, Bron•n. Best D. Patterson. 4ia Toms. Carter. Rlekarby. Hoxt3en. Therry Penola Pinner 1J . Sacco. S. Sacco. Goodwin. Juric . Best Hollow. Kuret. Postma J. Saccn . Vin Engelen . Bye.

scores; g oalkickers and besf iavers (both teams) to EP 9531 8333 (before 5 .15 p .m .) There is no need to phone through final scores only as is a requirement of other sections .



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速 hope you all enjoyed your weekend off, I missed my ,_footy, so lets get into it . We have settled top four now, the fifth placed team having fallen two games behind third and fourth, and the top two teams have both each now lost one game . The match of the round was billed to be the one at Mentone, and the top two teams were close, but as always, there had to be a loser . REVIEW ROUND 8 Match one was the big one at Mentone, where previously unbeaten St Bedes/Mentone took on North Old Boys. In a physical encounter, the visitors were able to capitalise on a four goal to nil head start to run out 22 point victors. North opened well in the first quarter and the Tigers looked somewhat rattled in front of a big home crowd . However the Tigers were able to settle and the rest of the game was a battle . Scoring was not easy in greasy conditions, and the Tigers with just one goal in the first half faced an uphill battle . But to their credit their desperation in the second half game them a lift, and they limited the NOB's to just one second half goal . However the initial gap was just too great and the Tigers efforts fell short . Best for the victorious NOB's were W aters who got plenty of the ball, as did Curran an d Manassa, however their forwards failed to really capitalise on their efforts . For the Tigers . Beasley again stood up and played well all day, whilst McCraw and Hecker were good in the clinches . Overall a solid rather than spectacular display from the top two sides, each who will have enjoyed their break and come back breathing fire .

To Bulleen now where Bulleen/Templestowe, who were looking to bounce back from a loss, took on an ever improving Old Mentonians outfit . For the first three quarters the footy was tough, intense and at the final break, there was just 4 points separating the two, the Panthers with the advantage. The Bullants numbers were depleted, but they were not going to give up at home. Unluckily for them though, the Panthers were also not keen to lose, and they used their determination and spirit to kick 7 goals to none in the last quarter to runout comfortable 45 point victors . Best for the Panthers was again big Acreman who booted 10 goals to take his club total to 700 goals, and Dart in the middle was not far behind. For the Bullants, Jones an d George got most of the ball, but for their side, it just wasn't enough . The Bullants now slip two games away and must find something if they are to claw their way back into contention. AJAX hit rock bottom for the season, going down to St . Leos by 100 points at Bennetswood Oval . After an even first quarter . St Leos ahead by just one point at the first break, the Two Blues hit top gear and kicked 23 goals to 7 in the last three quarters to run out convincing winners. With a dominating ruck setup,

St . Leos always had the fist use of the ball and were able to feed a welcoming forward line, full forward Vaughan the biggest receiver finishing with 11 goals . Others among the best for St. Leos were O'Meara an d Banks in a good team effort . AJAX's only winners were Halphen, Rosen and Wrobel in what was a very disappointing display by the Jackas who surely now must realise relegation is almost a certainty if they don't do something soon . Thomastown travelled to Clayton to take on Monash who were on a one game winning streak . In a game devoid of any real style, the Bears made the least number of mistakes, and thanks to some inspirational play from captain coach Fellows in the third quarter, held on to run out 26 point victors . Monash thought they were a real show, after failing to score a goal in the third term, they were still only 10 points down at the final break . However, the Bears were able to control the ball out of the middle and kicked four goals to two in the last to take the points . Other good players for the Bears were Ristevski an d C. Fellows, whilst Monash supporters were too disappointed to nominate any best players, and for that matter, wished they could get their money back, if that is, they had to pay to get in. The final match was a one-sided affair that saw Marcellin return to the winners list with a 100 point victory over a disappointing Hampton Rovers side . After a competitive first quarter, the Eagles turned it on and ran the Rovers ragged in heavy conditions. The Eagles lack of height proved a positive for them, and their ability to shift players round at will and still win duals highlighted their class . For the Eagles, Seabury, Samptmon and Waters were vote getters . all moving around the ground brining their teammates into the game and forcing the gap. For the Rovers, they had triers in Scarlett, Hobson an d Martyn, but surely would have been disappointed after a good win in the previous round . PREVIEW - ROUND 9 In a battle of the bottom two sides, AJAX v Monash, because I have to pick someone I will go for Monash, who have won one game more than AJAX and a bit more to play for. At Brunswick, North Old Boys should be too strong for St . Leos, although they will still be high after their big win in the previous round . The NOB's though by 40 points. St Bedes/Mentone travel to Bluff Road to take on the Hampton Rovers side that always stands up against the Tigers . They may stand up, but the Tigers will stand taller and win the game by 30 points . In what should be a top notch clash, Old Mentonians take on Marcellin at Keysborough, the

winner to take a one game advantage in the race for a spot in the top two. Big Ads is on fire, but I think Marcellin will be too strong in a close affair. Bulleen/Templestowe travel out to Thomastown in another clash that will put the winner a game clear in the fight for a finals berth . The Bullants just keep disappointing, and at home, I will give it to the Bears by a couple of goals. Reserves winners should be, and with four out of five last outing I am a bit more confident this week, Monash, NOB's, St Bedes/Mentone, Marcellin and Thomastown.

St. Leos mmaus 'A-' - .'t drrew Bethune, Steve BucMe and Stephen Pitcher are congratulated on reaching 50 games for the club . Congratulations guys and we look forward to many more fine matches from you both . Old Mentonians - Adam Acreman booted his 700th goal for the club tow weeks ago against BulleenTemplestowe . Congratulations from all at the Panthers, and , rell done on a marvellous achievement. Alos we would like to congratulate Cameron Wallace who nothces up his 50th game for the club tGdav . May the next 50 be just as good . Whitefriars - the folllowing players have recently achieved club games milestones recently . Anthony Carbone ( 150), Rob Reidy ( 100), Michael Lester (50), Travis Hughes (50) and Andrew Shepherd (50) . To each and everyone of you well done on your fine service to the Friars and we trust that you go on to play many more fine matches for the club .

AJA:~' v. -"ONASH BLUES Field : B . Allen C . Wallis Boundarv : C . Hayes G. Miller NORTH OLD BOYS v . ST. LEOS EMAIALiS Field : C . Brajtberg B . Tamblyn Goal: John Pickett John Finn HAMPTON ROVERS v. ST. h EDES MENTONE TIG . Field : P . FBithington A . Kiel OLD MENTONIANS v. MARCELLIN Field : A . Chapman C. Keeton Goal : Bernie Dix John Kelly THOMASTOWN v. BULLEDN-TEP.iPLESTOWE Field : G . Moore C . Nash -----





23 16 14 14

0'_5-31 .5.97 ST. LE08 E9Lh'fAUS WP 3 .5 11 .8 18.13 26.14.170 AJAX 3.4 6 .7 8.7 10.11 .71 St . Leos ERibL3US WP Vaughan 11, Graves 3 . Banks 2. Burgess 2 . Dinicolantino 2, Donolan 2 . Simondson 2 . Lawlar, Pitcher. Best O'Meara Banks . Rancid. Grasw . Vaughan, Donovan. AJAX Rosen 5 . B. Dank 2. Halphen, wrobel. Jelinek. Best Halphen. Rosen. NhobeL Segal . Traper, Cuk[ernian . BiONASH BLUES 3.3 7.5 7.8 9 .9.63 THOMASTOWN 2.3 5.7 8.12 12.17.89 Manash Blues Webster 4, Teasdale 2. Trumble. Gregory, McGregor. Best Findlay, Rico s. Rogers. White. Trumble. McGregor. Tlwmasiowrr Goriest 5 . L. Smith 3, Ristetski. Scerri . N. Grech, A. Fellou^a. Beat A . Fellaas. RisteFski. C. Fellov.s . Jim Bubis . Gorski, Holmes. ST. B'S MENT. TIG . 0.0 1 .2 4 .6 6.7.43 NORTH OLD BOYS 4.5 7.8 7 .12 8.17.65 St. B's Ment. T3g. Hayes 2 . Leman 2 . S. Hecker, Garth . ry Best M. Hecker, Beasley. McCraw. Dave Goodchfld, S . Hecker. Connellv. North OB Bode 2 . Currie. McMahon. Miranda. Spooling. L}ans, Fobes. Best Waters. Curran . Manassa. Collision, Forbes. Micunda MARCELLIN 2 .3 11 .6 16.8 23.11.149 HAMPTON ROVERS 2 .2 4 .2 4 .4 7.7.49 bta rcellin Dodortcio 5. 07tynn 4 . Waters 3 . Pattie 2. Seabury 2 . Rout 2 . Cronin . Frisina Sampimon. Slattery. Chambers. Best Seaburv, Sampimon . %4'aters . O'Aym. Cronin . Rowe. Hampton Rovers Margn 2. Prantzcs 2 . Craw{ord 2 . MeKellar. Best Scarlett . Hobson . Marten. HeOiger. Broovete. McConville, BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 4.1 8 .3 13.6 13 .8.86 OLD MENTONIANS 5.3 10 .6 13.10 20.11 .131 BuRttn Templestowe Matthews 6. Prior 2. Robertson. Shine . Agrotis. Mcl3ren, Jones. Best Jones, George. Prior. Darby. Matthews. Agrotis. Old Mentonisns Acreman 10. G. Stroud 3 . Davis 2 . Dwyer 2 . Large . Riley. So3:ey. Best Dart. Acreman. B. Murphy. G . Stroud. Paterson, SoIley.

RESERVES - 31 .5.97 Sr. LEOS E5MUS WP 1 .4 2.7 3.9 5.11 .41 AJAX 3.0 4.0 4 .4 6.4 .40 St . Leos EMMAUS Carey. Daley. lteiniy. B. Mitchell. E. Mitchell. Best Remy, Van den Akker. Ottobre . Niel . Mitehell. AJAX Gtasman 2. Woolf. Abor. Rotstein . Rubenstein . Best t4eislltzer. J . Davis. Rockman. Abor. Snow. Ktooger. MONASH BLUES 5.2 7.5 8 .6 10.7.67 THOMASTOWN 1 .0 2.0 3 .0 5.3.32 Monash Blues Spencer 4. Roeder, Meteor 2, Murchie . Best Mills, Crau2ord. Baxter, Murchie. Spencer . McCann. Thomastown Alberti . DiMa~Q o . L'Auroa . Pellegrino. Mineo. Best Alberti . DLMa~o. Poutg4os, Petleguto . B . Ward. Mineo. ST. B'S MENT. TIG. 5 .5 8.8 12.7 14.8.92 NORTH OLD BOYS 0 .0 2.0 4 .1 5.4.34 St. B's Ment. Tig Di¢~S 6, Recupero 3. Napier. Gould . Scheter. Mtisud. Dwyer . Best Stewart. D[gg"v~s,_i6'alsh . Johnston. Schreier. Furlong. North OB Kearnep. Siveenev. Boyer. Ltrx7ie . Cleveland. Best Joyce . D. O'FaneIl. J. Christian. Kearney. Roberts. Gale . MARCELLIN 4.5 4 .8 8.11 8.15.63 HAMPTON ROVERS 4.2 5 .6 6.9 8 .9.57 6ierer.llin Donllngo 3 . M. Day 2. LIlley. Moran. DeGruchy. Best Domingo, Douglas. Lillev. Moran. Healy. McIntosh . Hampton Rovers Holt 2 . Boyle, Buckley . Hunt . Hunter. Landrigan . Best Hunt, Hold. Zukur. Casella. Redder, Buckiev . BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3.2 4.6 6.9 9.10.64 OLD MENTONIANS 2.0 3.2 7.2 8 .5.51 BuBxa Templestowe Panou 3 . P. Bone 2 . R . Toscana 2. Daskalou . Monett . Best FautHPr. P. Bone. Panou. Glover. J . Rozanitis. R. Toscano. Old .,:en toaiaru Tucntmnan 3 . Fluids 2. '! . Stroud 2 . Moodie. Best Watson, Harrington. KonicitwL Coventry. coolie. Twentyman.




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D SECT['-.'by Peter KAy A. . nul . Cook Nur games decided by 50 points each and one by the u ' closest of margins has all last weeks losers lamenting and the winners stating there is more to come . Whitefriars and Old Geelong are probably the only two clubs who can feel safe and satisfied with their season thus far. Relegation of the dreaded three is still a problem for 8 clubs . Play of the Day: Devils Paul Laursen 60 metre goal after the 3/4 time siren. Whitefriars and Old Essendon saw the visitors in front from the first bounce and maintain control of the game throughout . Vandenboom again controlled the ruck and Robinson capped off the work of his Friar mates by finishing the first half with 6 majors . Whitefriars had numbers at every contest and made Old Essendon pay dearly for mistakes with quick turnovers . In the third 1/4 the onballers supported by both wingman saw Whitefriars out to a 7 goal lead until the loss of Harris who had been roving well . Old Essendon who never gave up and tried many things then kicked 4 in a row to trail by only 18 pts at orange time. Old Essendon usually strong at the end faded as Whitefriars stepped up their game to kick 8 in the last and the last four in the match. Best for the Friars was Robinson (9), Vandenboom, Mika (from the under 19's), A . Carbone and Fedele whilst Old Essendon's Lutterschmidt, Robert son, Bishop and Dragojlo. Parkside got home by the smallest of margins against Old Camberwell and after starting brilliantly with 7 goals to 2 in the first and were glad the siren came when it did . Tessari and Harvey gave the Devils great drive from the packs and brought the team together. But they relaxed as Old Camberwell applied the pressure and lifted with Inkster bringing them back into the game with a great display up forward. Only 15 points separated the sides at half time and although extended to 21 pis Old Camberwell still continued to close and got within a point with 5 minutes to go. The Devils hung on to that margin desperately and were relieved when the siren sounded . Best players on the ground were Inserra (Park.) an d Inkster (O .C.) with the devils best being Hockey, Tessari and Davey. Beaumaris travelled to Old Geelong confident after last week's humiliation of St Johns, and confident of beating OGs . OGs had set themselves for a tough encounter and for the first quarter the game promised to be close . With nothing in it at the first break OGs suddenly opened up a 4 goal lead until the Sharks bounced back to trail by 9 points at the last change . OGs opened with two quick goals which broke the opposition and then went on to kick 9 for the quarter. OGs Welsby and Wilson were strong in defence whilst Smithers (BOG) and Paul gave plenty of drive from the centre . Howe lls up forward again capped off great play from his team mates to finish with 6 . Pitts, Groves an d Easton were better Sharks on the dav . Salesian entertained Caulfield and jumped the visitors to open with 6 goals and then extend it to 11 goals to

1 at half time. Caulfield were lethargic as an enthusiastic running Salesian took control and never stopped to extend the final margin to 13 goals. Salesian's best were Roche (BOG), Lawton, Canavan and Hazel with Cincotta finishing with 7 in a strong display up forward . Aquinas hosted St Johns in a game that was crucial to both Clubs . St Johns had all the play early and could have finished the game by quarter time but for inaccurate kicking . To Aquinas's credit they bounced back to be only 13 points down at half time. The thrid quarter was tight before St Johns began to break away to lead by 30 points and then open with the first goal in the last and then run out winners by 9 goals. Koppens was superb in his first game back from injury and with Charlton controlling the defence and Waters on target up forward . Aquinas missed Livingstone up fonvard but had great contributors in Jones, Wiston and Hughes. The St Johns captain 'Cracker' was BOG . Reserves Predictions . Today the dew is kicked off the grounds after a weeks rest and Old Geelong will win over Caulfield, Old Camberwell in a home ground advantage over Salesian, Parkside to topple the ladder leaders at Whitefriars, St Johns at home against Old Essendon and Beaumaris too strong for Aquinas . Looking ahea d Game 1 being played at Caulfield where an in from Old Geelong will travel to a regrouped Caulfield. Geoff Reilley looked determined as he stood alone on the boundary after his players left the field at Chadstone two weeks ago . Old Geelong can rest assured this game is no gimme but their taller set up will trouble the hosts and they should win by 3 or 4 goals . Game 2 will see the unluckiest club this season Old Camberwell entertain an enthusiastic Salesian who were buoyed by their great effort against Caulfield . If Salesian ,an hold Inkster they will win if not Old Camberwell might taste the second victory for the season . But I feel Salesian might make it two in a row . Game 3 has section leaders Whitefriars hosting Parkside who it is rumoured left last night to travel east while some players got planes for holidays . All of D Section are determined to knock them of their pedestal and will be rapt when it happens . But Whitefriars will turn the corner with 9 from 9. sorry Devils . Game 4 has St Johns at home after four weeks hoping to turn the corner at 4 and 5 with Old Essendon wanting to consolidate in the four. In a close game St Johns with players returning may be too strong. Game 5 sees Beaumaris who have run hot and cold week in week out lately take on a season that is proving disappointing for Aquinas . The visitors will be desperate

lar a win to keep away from the bottom three whilst the Sharks want to retain their spot in the four . Sorry Aquinas but its Beauy's turn to run hot this week . Special Notes: Old Essendon's 1st Annual Ball is to be held at the North Melbourne Social Club on June 28th, Ring club Secretary Diane on 9379 7663 for bookings . parkside wish European Vacationers Peter De an , Jamie ChIlcott and Dean Moodie all the best and a safe trip and return and to also George Panjari on his trip to the USA . Clubs are reminded win or lose fax your match reports in. Your players and supporters and Club need the press and as can be seen after excellent returns four clubs d'd not provide a report this week - hence best players are not known and some one sided reports .

AZuiDas's 1996 Under 19 Captain An,rew HyLr,3 ; his 50th game today. Andrew has easily made the tran_iuon to Senior Football and is performing consistently well congratulations . Whitafflars - the following players have recently achieved club games milestones recently. Anthony Carb~ne (150), Rob Reidy (100), Michael Lester (50), Travis Hughes (50) and Andrew Shepherd (50) . To each and everyone of you 1i ~ ll done on your fine service to the Friars and we trust that you go on to play many more fine matches for the club.

CAULFIELD GR. v. OLD GEELONG Field : D . i-samer V. Vescovi Boundary: A. Degen J . Handfield OLD CAMBEWELL v. SALESIAN 0 C Field : A . Flack S . Rolls WHITEFRIARS v. PARKSIDE Field : N. McCorquodale R. Sneddon Boundary: G . Mooney ST. JOHNS 0 C v . OLD ESSENDON OR . Field : A . Stephen S . Alger BEAUItiARIS v . AQUINAS 0 B Field : D . Anderson C . Steven s


19 14 14 14

SENIORS - 31 .5 .97 SALESIAN O.C. 5.5 11 .5 16.8 17 .14.116 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 0.2 1 .8 3.6 5 .11 .41 Saksian OC Cincotta 7. Healey 3 . Canavan 2. Ni'L<emm . M t 2, Sutherland, Katana0l . Best Gaspari. Roche. Karana~i. HazeIl. Sutherland Healey. Caulfield Grammar Sinman 2. Doherty, Liddell. Harrison. Best T. Rrn,ats. Restariek. Dtcrosta . Matheson Wilson, S}nunan . OLD GEELONG 3.4 7 .5 9.11 18 .15.123 2.4 . 3 .6 8.8 11 .8.74 BEAUAIARIS A.F.C . Old Geelong Hov.eIls 6. Harper 3, Wirfen 2 . Neeld 2. A . Mtthen 2. Edmonds. Darcy. Vtckers-tVillis . Best Smithers, Paul. Howells . WeLby . L. Wilson, J. Wilson . BeaurnarLs AFC Hanrahan 3, O"Rllee 3 . Pitts 3, Devlne, Thomas . Best Dcnine. Easton- Graves . Hanrahan . Pitts, Vance . PARKS ID E 7.3 10 .5 12.6 14 .7.91 OLD CAMBERWELL 2.1 8 .2 11 .4 14 .6.90 Parkaide Gunn 3. Hockey 2. Lauursen 2. Macnamara 2 . Vita 1 Ryan. Soligo. Williams. Best Inserra . Hockev. Har.vv. McCall . Vita Plan . Old C amberweB Inkster 10. Horskins 2. Thomas. Scott . Best Inkster. Douglas. LeKCh,Town . Short. McKenzie. OLD ESSENDON GRAE3MAR 3 .5 6.7 10.9 13 .11 .89 WIBTEFRIARS 7.5 10 .8 13.9 21 .12.138 Old Esseadon Fleming 4, Lukasz 3. Robertson 2, Barr, Fletcher, Dragojto . Reade. Best Luttersetunidt . Robertson, Bishop, Hexter, Dragojto . Stecen. Afiiterriars Robinson 9 . A. Carbone 3. Jenkins 2, Gtoufchee 2 . Htckey, C . C Harris. Matt Bateman . Best Robinson, Mika, B. Van Den Boom, Pasquatotto- . Carbone . Hickey. AQUINAS OB 1 .1 6 .4 10.5 11 .8.74 ST. JOHNS OC 5.5 8 .7 14 .11 19 .15.129 Aquinas OB Phillips 3 . Bambury 3, Wilson 2 . Hughes 2. TaruW. Best Jones. Weston. Hughes . Hyland, Bethmte. Cultrera. St. Johns OC Lzbraty 4. Hilton 3 . Walton 3, Waters 2, Ross 2 . Ham 2, Atwujabber 2. Daherty. Bea t Koppens- Waters- Charlion . Munroe, Archer, ltalton.

RESERVES - 31.5 .97 SALESIAN O.C. 01 1 0.3 1 .5 4.6 .30 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3.7 8.12 13 .12 16 .14 .110 esian OC Alligan 2. Dayc. Robcrts. Beat Hermazt Napoli . Seamer- Roberts. Weblikian. BGTne. Caulfield Grammar Scholten 6 . Fraumano 2- N. Lubranski. Castles . Mulcahv. W. Lubranski . MeDonald. M . Klo>e. Kahofer. Santiago . Best V. Lubranski. McDonald . Kahoter. M . Klose, Mrdcahv . Giles. OLD GEELONG 4,1 7-4 9.7 9.8 .62 BEAUMARIS A.F.C. 1 .1 2.2 4 .2 4.5 .29 Old Geelong Pescott 3 . Dugdale 2. Furphy 2. Taylor. Camron. Best Power. Oliphant. Pescott . Harrington . Fmphy, Vale . Beaumaris AFC Reach 3. D. OBrien . Best Thatcher. D. OBrien. tt'tlson. M . O'Bften. Lucv. Smith. PARKS ID E 5.2 7.3 10.6 14.8 .92 OLD CAMBERWELL 2.1 3.3 5.4 8.4 .40 Padtside Petropoutas 3 . Dunbabin 2 . Tyson 2, 4ctestvisi 2 . G. Panjari. J. Panj:an. Romano. Stuart . L'viares. Beat Copley. Lcrd . Regmato, Romano, Sherlock. Darrigro. Old Camberwell Roe 3. Brennan, Strachan . Best Roe. Richmond, Hopkins. Taylor. Simpson. O'Halloran . OLD ESSENDON GRAIvII,7AR 2,3 5.3 8 .7 11.10,76 WHITEFRIARS 3,3 4.3 6 .4 7.6 .48 Old Essendon Corby 3 . Leigh 2, Gillis 2, Stevens 2. Stembridge. Cramer. Best t4'atker. Cacpodiferro . Hutchison, Ridley. Cramer. Corby. White friars Campbell 3. Tlnvaites. Glenn. Fulton. Van Den Bcrnn . Best Elliott, Barrack . Dan Van Den Boom, Campbell. Deteappo . Gtllan. AQUINAS OB 1 .4 2.8 6 .11 8.15 .63 ST. JOHNS OC 2.3 3.6 4 .8 4.12 .36 Aquinas OB Hmvn 2 . Crouch 2. Leahy- Kevatitias. King. Cotlirxr. Best Barney. . P. Kevahtas . Boland . Cross. Crouch . lStaerF• St. Johns OC Blake 2 . Corcoran . GIton. Best DowsetL Raciie0e. Lagonder. Cotter, Munrukhus, Pepper .



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o, it looks like Kew and Yarra will take an 8:1 ratio into the start of the bottom half of the firs t round. The C's have a critical game in round 9 wit h Central, which they need to win to stay on the leaders' hammers . Central needs to beat the C's to stay ahead of the Parkers, and then there is the glorious inequality of the C's and the Parkers being one game short of the rest of the Section courtesy of a politically incorrect sprinkler. The Cobras haven't done themselves any favours by turning 4:4 :1, but they're not out of it either. 31 MAY GAMES' STORIE S Richmond Central beat Eley Park in a game which further compounded the Sharks' injury woes . It is a tribute to the spirit of the Sharks that they can stay on the field and continue to contest . The Centrals were 18 gs to 1 g up at half time, so it was a pretty fair effort by the Sharks to hold their opponents to a 28 go tally. Glen Porteus an d Chris Andonopoulos maintained their habit of winning kicks all day for Central, while where Eley Park would be without Bowen and Hill leaves me clueless . Eltham Coll egians went down to Old Carey on a truly magnificent Main College Oval, with the feature of the day being the C's Ressies extraordinary kicking for goal. Have a look at it on the next page! I was there and I still don't believe it. For the Turtles, Todd Heldeys trove hard in the ruck all day, and President Graeme Leys an d Robbie Ham did similarly in the back line . The C's runners had a field day on the sweeping steppes, with Campbe ll, Vas, Morrison, an d Withington in everything, and mention has to be made of Addo's extraordinary goal from the boundary late in the last term . Chirnside Park pushed Kew all the way into the back half of the final term when the Kew boys took a worrying 9 point break out to a safe 23 point win . It was hard yakka all day, with the final outcome being decided by Kevis physical strength and those extra centimetres . Jamie Be ll was once more a rock at CHB, Dean Wood was sensational for the Brown & Golds in and round the packs, an d Marty Channon had a good day up forward. For the Parkers, Matt Warren and Craig Devoy were magnificent in defence .

Bulleen Cobras won comfortably against Hawthorn Citizens although the Hawkers again posted a reasonable goal tally. Grant Morris on a HBF was the Cit's best, with Paul Orchard at FB, and Jamie Law not far behind . Yarra Valley OB's R & Rd . but even in that, Downs, White, Habben, White, Peterson, Thompson, Peake, Loveless, Telford, McLeod an d 10

McVean probably still excelled!! Couldn't resist that Haydn ! 14 JUNE MATCHE S Eley Park play Yarra Valley and it is difficult to conceive that the Sharks will trouble Yarra who are, deservedly, the glamour side of the section . Yarra will have too much of everything for the Sharks, except good old fashioned grit and determination . Old Carey host Richmond Central in the match of the day, and one of very special importance for both sides . Central needs the win to consolidate the temporary advantage they have over the Parkers (that extra game), and the C's have to score to keep in touch with Yarra and Kew. Games between these clubs are generally of a very high standard and there aren't too many secret weapons which Glenn Taylor or Tim Pontefract can spring on each other . Centrals, on their day, can beat anybody, their problems seems to be that neither they, nor their opponents, know when they are gong to be in that mode . Centrals have some very good footballers, Porteus, Holt, Bove, Andonopoulos, O'Sullivan, Picket, the Shannons, Siwka, Hoey, are all class acts capable of destroying opposing sides . The C's are likewise endowed with a wonderful bunch of talented players who are gradually beginning to have some belief in themselves . A top game this will be, with the C's slight edge in pace, giving them the points in the end. Kew are at home to Eltham, and, if the rumours are correct, what a big day for the Turtles with the return of Mattie Ryan! It is tremendous to have someone of Mattie's talent contributing to E East, and amateur football . However, the Brown & Golds will continue on their winning way, because they have too much strength and overall experience for the Turtles . Hawthorn Citizens welcome Chirnside Park to their boutique ground . The Hawkers have recently been a little more structured in their approach to goal, and it is showing. The Parkers, though, have one of the best defences in E Section, and a handy band of forwards themselves, so it is hard to see the Cits seriously troubling them. Bulieen Cobras have the bye, and will be conduct'ng an election to choose someone to give me some match notes . Oink oink flap flap! ! Reserves winners will be: Yarra, C's, Kew, and the Parkers . The make up to the four is very similar to that of the seniors, except the battle for 3rd and 4th spots is very much more open . The C's, Central, Cobras and Parkers, are all in it, making for some cutthroat competition in the run down to the finals . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997

Correspondents, the Monday contacts are 95-I7 9144, Fax 95477764 . SENIORS - 00 .00.00 ELF-1' PAI :E v. YARRA VALLEY Field : Ni . Argall C . Ci toll OLD CAREY v . RICHMOND CENT:-AL Field : R. Martyn R. Smith Bounda ry : D. Blackburne KEW v, ELTftAM COLLEGIANS Field: M . Bushfield 速 1-rAS1.TT?IO CITIZENS v. CHIaNSIDE 1'APT: Field : K. Walker M . Evan s BULLEEN COBRAS has the bye .


RICHMOND CESrTRAI, 7.6 18.7 24.10 28.16.184 ELEY PARK A F C 1 .1 2.3 4.6 5 .7.37 Richmond Central Waters 4 . Jackson 3 . Shannon 3, Pickett 3, Save 4. Andonopoulos 4. Black 2. Hoev 2. Porteous 3, Zajac, Best Porteous . Waters . Andonopoulos. Treslse. Zajac. Pfckett. Eley Park Strata. Brady. Brigtnshaw . Heath. C. Ka}e. Best Bouen . D. Pam e. M. Payne. Hill. Trotter. Cantone . ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 0 .0 1 .3 1 .6 2 .7.19 OLD CAREY 6 .3 12 .8 16.15 24.18.162 Elthant Cu Di:more. A. McDonald. Best Hedley. McDonald . Ham. Leys. Parsons . Dismore. Old Carey M . Addison 5. Small 4. S . Carry 3. Campbell 2 . Withington 2 . Hawking 2. Mon-iron . Vesitopoidos, Erans, I . Cohen, Eastham. McQuic . Beat Jackson. Withington. Oppy. I . Cohen. Small . AuldiSt . CIBRNS IDE PARK 1 .3 3.7 5.11 8 .16 .64 KEW 2.2 5.7 9.13 12.15 .87 Chrinside Park SPatker 3 . Pleciloai 2. Burke. Oates. M. Pmherton . Beat Dastotto. Warren. Dovy. Mathers. Brown . Pedlar, New Channon 4 . Porte 4. R. Pulvirenti 2, A. Bell. M. Mascit8. Best Wood, Lat7anchi. McMahan . Gencarellt. J . Bell . R. Puhirenti. BULLEEN COBRAS 8 .3 12.8 17 .11 19.14 .125 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 1 .6 5.6 7.7 11.11.77 Bulleen Cobras Ctemenis 6 . Starretv 4. B. Moran 3 . Humphrey 2. Jackson 2, McLeod, J. Moran. Best J. Moran. Schneider. Humphrey . Dillon, Trinehi, Gaylor. Hawthorn Citizens Lauletta 3 . Law 2. Rossitto 2. Stalluzxtkry . Murray. McDoesan . Pou,er. Best Orchard. Morris. Laulctta. Law. Avery. Cobain. YARRA VALLEY : BYE

RESERVES ^- 00 .00.00




E.771"7 .


s .v

. ~

RICHMOND CENTRAL 4.4 7 .8 8.7 11 .13.74 ELEYPARK AFC 3.2 3 .4 5.6 6 .8.44 Richmond Central White 3. McIntosh 2, Adams 2 . Wilson 2. Murphy. Tonto. Best '. i urphy. C. Adams . McAlpin. Davies. S. Adams . Macak. Eley Park AFC Verde 2 . Dell'Orso. G. Lamarca . Morris, Yelland. Beat Taiternopoulos . 4erde .lelland.W. Lamarea Young, G. Lamarca ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 .1 OLD CAREY 3.8 6.16 12 .25 12 .35.107 E(tham Collegians - Beat Schafer, White. Esans . Old Carey Bryce 3. S . Addison 2. Weill 2. Nance. Stolle . YarnaA . Anderson, Cana. Best Davey. Bennett. Anderson, Bryce. Yarnall, Gorman . CHIRNSIDE PARK 3.0 5.2 6 .2 9.2 .56 KEW 6.2 10.8 15 .13 18.15 .123 Chirnskde Park Smith 3 . Davison 2. Hus. .~y . Anthony. P. Egan. Skein. Best Smith. Gray, Scott . Wtim ard. Karp. N. E~an Kew Duckworth ~ Kiriakou 5 . tlells 2 . Dandanis. Deacon . D. Hope . C . Livingston . 1 . Richardson. Best Dalryrnpic . R . Livingston . Wong. Duckworth. Kir>akou, Deacon . BULLEEN COBRAS 8.2 15.8 21.10 27.18 .180 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 0.0 1 .1 5 .3 11 .3.69 Buaeen Cobras D'Angelo 6. Catvzo 5, James 4, Batdi 3 . Browzr 3 . Zorzi 2. tssa 2 . M. Stratton, Sette . Beat Brown. James . Parker, Cai.vzo. J. D'Angeto. Zorzi. Hawthorn Citizens Bogie 3. Cheapp 2 . Lrn,ich 2. Fitzpatrick. Heu9sh. Langtey, Time~,~^ll . Beat Loaich, ardiner. Zaxerdta. Langlcy. Cheppa Denoyan. YARRA VALLEY: BYE

0-4-- a t

DL -W 1997 This Sat : This Sun :

De La Salle v . Old Paradians FIDA Matches

Ni Yt Sat : Therry Penola v. St Kevins N st Sun: NO MATC H Sat . 28/6


Sun, 29/6 Sat . 5/7 Sun. 6/7

MazenGd v. MHSOB MHSOB v . Old Ivanhoe FIDA Matche s

Sat . 12/7 Sun. 13/7 Sat . 19/7

Old Ivanhoe v. Therry Penola Old Scotch v . Old Paradians NO MATC H

Sun. 20/7

St Bernards v, Old Scotch

L l Dates to be avoided for part (3) of draw to be od_ d by Monday July 14 .


Phil Stevens or Brett Connell chat to John Kelly during hi s program "As the Mood Takes Me "


last, a week with no surprises but still littl e on offer in the way of clues for the finals as we prepare to pass the half way mark of the season with the all teams having had a look at each other after this week . However the tip of a draw at St James' Park looked a fair chance with scores locked together for a fair portion of the last term . Round 8 revie w West Brunswick would have travelled to Fearon Reserve with hopes of securing third place but instead finished the day out of the four facing a tough couple of weeks . Williamstown continued on their fine form of last week with 4 goals to nothing in the first term to open up a handy lead that they stretched early in the second against the wind to set up a comfortable 45 point break at the main change . Sadler (4 goals), Chick and Thege set things up for the home side who lost their way a bit in the third before eventually kicking away to a comprehensive 71 point win . The move of Smyth (3 goals) to the forward line continues to pay dividends for the Magpies but he lacked support with Wests best work coming from Boort Boys Malone and Byrne in defence . The ressies were playing for second spot with on ballers Stewart and Coealaris keeping the visitors right in the game well in to the third before the likes of Brad Macleod and Travis Beckwith helped Willi find an extra gear to run away to the tune of 13 goals . An historic dav at Ransford with Uni Blacks facing poor cousins the Reds for the first time . Keen to make amends for last week's loss, the Blacks jumped out of the blocks with a reshuffled forward line based around Lynch who managed 6 for the day. The plethora of scoring options available to the Blacks was the difference with Scotty Gullan nipping in for 4 goals . For the Reds Steve Drury did as good a job as you could hope for on the dangerous Hall while Matty Wharf ensured the centre line traffic wasn't all one way. In the ressies the Reds showed their best form for some weeks to take the game right up to the Blacks in the first half with excellent work across HB from Dan Fitts and Chocco . After the break the home side lifted its work rate with Dooley and Cheesman providing the drive to build a comfortable victory . And it was good to see some old fashioned unashamed MUFC camaradery in the rooms after the game . La Trobe need a win to stay in the hunt and a n Io

Old Westbourne performance worthy of an Australian cricket captain virtually handed them the game at half time with the scores reading 8 .4 to 0 .14 (2 rushed) .To their credit the Warriors fought the game out with Kuklych playing a blinder and Leitch and Franklin continuing their fine seasons . The highlight was Chris " Nude Boy" McDonald's Mannasaesque (or should that read McGuanian these days) goal from 40 metres . "Rubber Man" Canty and "Poppa Smurf' Gerard Murphy were also among the best for the Trobers . The early risers still don't know how Brad "Terminator" Lederman managed to soccer the sealer through a sea of goalsquare legs in the twos . Special mention goes to N ic "Space Cowboy" Rosengreen who rocked the Trobers' band night with a rendition of Steve Miller's "I'm a joker" although the whisper is he's a bit of a stroker too . Swinburne were confident they could get back on track against Uni High and for much of the day that appeared to be the likely result as the Razorbacks built up a 17 point lead at the final change thanks to the work of wingman Jason Piotrowski and HB's Michael Stroud and Mark Milano . However Joey Dell olio's 4 goals weren't enough to hold out the strong finishing High boys with "Fatty" Wallace's 7 and Alex Talarico's 3 goals testament to the better forward structure that got the visitors up by 11 points . Ashley Bone was a standout in his 50th game for the Green and Tans . In the ressies David Ferguson was the difference for High who had the best of the ruck with the duo of Burns and MacDonald . Preview roun d West Brunswick's doldrums are set to continue with Blacks not having to travel far to run out 8 goal winners . The battle of the west offers little hope for Old Westbourne with Will iamstown a 10 goal better side on current form . North Brunswick host La Trobe having had the week off and should be fresh enough to get home by 17 points .

The Reds finish off the first half of the season at home to Swinburne who must win to stay in touch . After a few near misses that motivation should be enough to get the visitors home by 5 points . UHSOB have the bye . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199~


. Correspondents please fax 9243 4920 by )pm, . cail 93812292 until 8 .00pm or email .)ace .nca.arl

Uni Blacks eccentric forward Rob "Planet" Ixan chalks up his 100th game for the Pheonix . Modelling himself on club stalwart Simon Costello . Hall has lined up in three Reserves Premierships and has hopes of strutting his stuff with a senior mug later this year. Keep punching Hally.


'BRUNSWICK v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : R . Treverton M . Forde OLD WESTBOURNE v . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field: M . Gilday NORTH 3RUIdSWICX v . LA TROBE UNI . Field : T. Foley (R) S . Lugowski UNIVERSITY REDS v . SWIINBURNE UIdI. Field : G . Waldron J . Moore UHSOB has a by e




21 21


SENIORS - 31 .5 .97 WILLIAtdST(i'i.7`7 CFASS 4.4 9 .9 12.10 17 .11 .113 WEST BRUNSWICK 0.4 2 .6 4.7 5 .12.42 Williamsto.wa CYMS Black 4. Sadler 4. Lee 2. Cannon 2 . Bezz..:.uit . Cook . Grieve. Jackson . Warren. Best Sadler. Grieve . Thege- Chick . Hay. Cas e West Brunswick Smythe 3. D'Andrea Cannane . Best Malone. Petschel. TooseSmythe. Byrne. Cauane UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5.4 9 .9 13 .14 16 .19.115 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 .2 3 .2 5.5 6 .6.42 University Blacks Goal kickers and best players not received . University Reds Kane 2 . James 2 . Jackson, KyTiacou . Best Jaekson- Drury. Fennessy. Herman. Keepel. Hart. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 6.1 8 .4 11 .5 14 .10.94 OLD WESTBOURNE AFC 0.6 0.14 5 .18 9 .19.73 LaTrobe University Hayward 4. Kreuzer 2. Dunin 2 . Bakoganis 2 . Adamtlndalte. MeDonald . Sideboitom.~Best. Canty. Turner. Sidebottesn . Adamthwaite. Murphy. Ha}titard. Old Westbourne S . Christo 3 . Franklin 2 . A. Leitch 2 . Gibb . Kuh'_t3ch. Best A. Leitch, J. Horsbiugh. Kuklych. Franklin . Robsot, Whiting. SWII4BURNE UNIVERSITY 3.3 8.3 11 .6 11.9.75 UHSOB 3.2 4.6 8.7 13.8 .86 Swinburne University J . Dellolio 4 . Flynn 2. Milano 2. C. Dellolio . Bennet . O'Mara Best Piotroswki . M . Milano. Stroud . D. Milano. Bemiet. Turnbull . UHSOB Wallace 7. Tataricu 3, Koch. Mazza. Bunn . Best Bone . Crackhell- Talarico. Smith. Rothwell. Skims. NORTH BRUNSWICK: BY E

RESERVES - 31 .5 .97 WB.LIAMSTOWN CYASS 2.1 6.3 10 .5 17.7 .109 WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .1 2.2 4 .4 4.7 .31 WilBamstown CYMS Beckwith 4 . J. Tuck 3. Burgess 3. ~4il..wn 2. B . Macleod . McNamara. Oldham . N. Bond. McKenzie. Best B . MacLeod . Beck~xith. Oldham. Hann. Burgess . McKenzie. West Brunswick Ortiz . Lucas, MeNaughton. Gaylord . Best Stewart. Disisto. CocolarLC. b?tati. Cackett. McAllister. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .5 3.8 8 .13 15.15 .105 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 .2 1 .4 2 .4 4.4.28 University Blacks Goal lockers and hest players not recteved, University Reds hterill 2. Farrell. Coca. Best Merhi . Atkins. James, Cocco . FrisbyMadden . LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3 .2 5.5 7 .7 10.11.71 OLD WES'rBOURNE AFC 1 .1 4.2 4 .3 5.5.35 LsTrobe University Greatms 2 . Lederman 2. Starer 2 . Stirling 2 . Foster. Moon . Best Storer. Lederman. Price- Bernardo. Stirlln . Rosengren. Old Westbourne Szuakiewicz 2 . Cox Evans . Fleming. Best E~mrs. Pavey, Crabb . Williams . Sherlock, Harris . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 1 .0 2.1 5.1 8.1.49 UHSOB 2 .3 5.9 8.14 12.18.90 nburne University Freeman 2 . Wren 2 . Lee 2. M. Pryor. Best FLmrd. Lee . Ya~jrt . Turk. Freeman, t64en. ; ,a13. Lewicki 2. Cook 2. Fogliaro 2 . Khour,~. Rogers . Pam'. Kelley. Best Arson. Gillies. Rogers . 2ullcki. Goodson. Dantiano. NuRTIT BRUNSWICK; BYE ~._._

Reserves/C18 failed to provide scores by 2.30 p.m .

Seniors/U19 failed to provide

final scores by 5 p.m.

Collegians (R) Swinburne (S) Marcellin (R) St Bernards (U19) Old Geelong (R) Old Melburnians (C18) Old Xaverians (C18) Marcellin (C18 ) Fines increase as clubs continue to re-offend . Fines will be imposed according to the team's section - $5 (first offence) ; $25 (second offence) ; $50 (third offence) . A"one-off' fine of $250 for a fourth offence is imposed. Fines then revert to a 550 per offence until the eighth offence (another $250 "one-off' fine).

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imost to the half way mark, a chance to rest these niggling injuries and comeback today refreshed for the tough 10 weeks ahead . No surprises two weeks ago with everything going according to plan . REVIEW St Mary's finally put another win on the boar d with a hard fought victory over the Wicks at the postage stamp . Although trailing all day the Saints found something extra kicking into the wind in the last stanza and ran away from the Wickers who just had no answer, and were very disappointing . Best for the victors were Chooker, Vial an d Jake, while the Wicks did not wish to name anyone. At home the Pirates played some very strong football against ANZ and had scored some 26 goals by the time the orange break arrived . To their credit the injury ridden Rats never gave up trying but weight of numbers took its toll in the end as the Pirates sailed away to an easy win . They had good players in Sharpin, Farrer and Barclay while for the Z's Mitchell, the Robot Koegler an d Matt Malone were all great contributors . The Krushers really made a game of it down at Southern Road and at the last break still had a fighting chance . But the Vultures who keep on winning finished off the strangers to put another valuable 4 points on the board. Best for the Oaks were Benny Dell'Aouila who was solid at CHB in his debut game while Andy Monoghan an d Damon Rubery never gave up all day. We believe that coach Brett Sebire was everywhere for St Pats along with a few others who we cannot name as we did not receive a report . Southbank as predicted proved too strong for the Gryphons to record yet another good victory. But the scoreline did not really do justice to the Gryphs whose commitment and endeavour against overwhelming odds never waned all day . if they can keep that going they will win more games as the season progresses . Ch ris Doyle was voted the Bankers MVP along with Justin Nugent in his debut and Old Timer Rusty Linford . For Monash Wells knocked up getting kicks in the back half and Grady was a fine ruckman . The final game of the round saw the House crush the Hunters to the tune of some 78 points. This result would have been hard to envisage with only a goal the difference at 1/2 time . But Power House with superior running and a good forward set up with McCulloch alias the Flash an d Craven in the top flight overran the Hunters to record a big victory and put the boys from the Heath under extreme pressure to figure in finals action . Better Hunters were Timmy Rossiter, Turner an d Glen Richards . 11

PREVIEW Peninsula make the long trek up to Glen Iris an d although not as strong away from home (so rumours have it), have too much to lose to go down today although the Saints will let them know theyve been in a game . Both Oakleigh and Elsternwick have been disappointing this year, the Wicks unable to finish out games and the Krushers getting oh so close . Hank and big Adamie should have a great battle in the ruck this could influence the outcome, in a toss of the coin I'll go for the home side with apologies to my mates at Wickerland . The Gryphons will need to show the same spirit as last week to take the game right up to the Vultures and at home they will be better, but St Pats although not winning by the margins of the other sides have really not put a foot wrong as yet and should win to turn 81.

Glenhuntly must win this game to keep their chances alive and although the Rats will have regrouped and hopefully have a few injured players back we just cannot see them getting home against the desperate Hunters . The game of the Round and perhaps the season thus far takes place at Albert Park where the House look forward to welcoming the yet unconquered B ankers . This should be a beauty both have good running players and excellent forwards . The Bank's depth based on the Magoos results is obviously better and thus combined with their desperation and willingness to get the hard ball at all times should see them remain unbeaten and turn the corner in a very strong position . SOCIAL NOTES St Mary's are holding a Trivia Night on Saturday June 21st contact Terry Ymer on 9808 6775 for bookings . Elsternwick are still holding their Sportsman Night on June 11 even though their coach has yet to sell any tickets, anyone interested can contact Big Adam Hankin on 9572 4643 . Club Sc ribes: It's back to usual this week even though all reports bar St Mary's and Peninsula went to the wrong number last week . PLEASE FAX YOUR REPORTS TO 9850 6964 by 5pm Mondays . Finally congratulations to Andre Pitts from Southbank on making the C-E side that played the NSWAFL in Wagga, and to my former club mate s THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997

Stephen Anderson, Chris ScA=lett an d Michael Fletcher who also wore the "Big V", a pretty good effort consider4ng the Rovers' ladder po"-n .

Southbank - would like to congratulate Anthony Corboy, a previous B&F winner, who today plays his 100th senior game for the club . We hope to see the "Cowboy" play many more . St. Mary's - Evan Evans today plays his 400th r e for the Saints . He joined the club in the'70's and filled many off-field roles on the commitee . He is currently the Reserves Coach and was a member of the F Section Premiership of 1993 . A valued clubman and a terrific competitor who still today competes in te Seniors weekly. Well done "Evo" .



RESERVES - 31.5 .97


7 4

SENIORS - 31 .5.9 7 ELSTERNWICK 4 .2 9,6 10.8 13 .9.87 ST MARYS 5 .2 8.3 9.12 15.17.107 Elsternwick Clement 3. Hanidn 3 . Jenkins 3. Steele 2 . Mussared, Whelan . Best Contin . NeW, Murphy. Curtain. Clement. Wignore. St Marys Duke 4. Chapman 3, Pet6ti 2 . Burt 2. Gerstman, Livingstone. DeYoung. Bell. Best Duke. Mullenger, Chapman. Stone . Frail. Burt. PENINSULA OB 9 .3 17 .7 26.11 30 .20.200 ANZ ALBERT PARK 2,1 4,3 5.3 7.3.45 Peninsula OB Banner 5, Franks 4, Crean 3, Gross 3 . Marshall 3. Barclay 2, Bowen 2. McMahon 2, Campbell 2 . Atchinson 2 . Farzer, kPight. Best Sharpin. Fatter. Barclay. Crean. Atchhvan . Gross. ANZ Albert Pith Malone 3 . Smith 2 . Niwlosi 2 . Best Mitchell, Koegter. Malone. Saunders. Nicolosi . Sutherland. ST. PATRICKS MENTONE 2.1 4.3 6 .4 11,9.75 OAKLEIGH A F C 2.2 4.5 6 .9 6.12 .45 St. Patrixk .s Meatone White 2. C . Barr 2 . Sebire 2, Matt Sullhan. Mick Sullhan. Perrin. Dates. GurUcr. Best Peraazo. Sebtre. Gurtlec Mich Salivary Wise. Hughes. Oakletgh AFC Lewis 3 . Rubery, Moutis, Tayior. Best Rubery. Adanric. Dell'Aquila. Monaghan. Taylor. Walsh. SO11T1IDANK CBA AFC 3 .5 7.12 14 .20 19.25 .139 MONASH GRYPHONS 2.2 2.2 3.3 5.3 .33 Sovthbenk CBA AFC M. Burnett 7, Osborne 4. A. Rallis 3 . Eastham 2. Nugent, Walford . Best M. Burnett Linford. Osborne, Nugent . A . Pitts. C. Sparrow. Monash Gryphons GuyTner. Fraser . Stratford. Salay, King. Best Wells . Grady. Chaleson. Beimett. Coxhead . Kitchen. Daeev, Callus . GLENHUNTLY 4 .4 8.6 12.7 14.8.92 POWER HOUSE 7 .1 9.4 18.6 27.8.170 Glenhuntky C . O'Donnell 3. A . Breslin 2, Turner 2. Carstensen . Young. Gilmore . Lewis. Hill . B. O'Donnell . Rossiter. Best Rosslter. Turner. Richards. Carstensen . August. Power House Craven 9. McCullough S. Ryan 3 . Senior 2 . Gill 2, Pavlou 2, Morris. Phelan . Richardson. Scotland. Best Piggy Jackson . Scotland . Craven. Gill. McCriltough. Monts .

44 39 33

.~ trl? 'A l ST. MARYS v. PENINSULA 0 B Field: R. McLeod P. Keogh OAKLEIGH v . ELSTERNWICK Field : G. Wolter P. Griffiths MONASH GRYPHONS v. ST. PATRICKS MENTONE OVAL NO 1 MONASH UNI . CLAYTON Field : G . Armstrong A. Ladd POWER HOUSE v. SOUTHBANK CBA Field: G . Seabourne R. Love ANZ ALBERT PARK v. GLENHUNTLY Field: I . Cayzer M . Flanagan

ELSTERNWICK 0.1 0.3 1 .5 1.7.13 ST MARYS 1 .7 2.11 4 .16 9.18.72 Elsternwick Ray. Best Kirkham . Wright. Hunt . Liltkakis . Byrne . Ot^erman . St Marys - Best Heubner. Learmonth, Richardson . Malloch. PENINSULA OB 7.2 14.3 17 .10 25.12,167 ANZ ALBERT PARK 0.1 0.2 2.4 2.7 .19 Peninsula OB CoxB. Baxter 4, Hihule 2. Kent 2. Bond 2. Morgan 2. Cooper 2. Williams, Cannon . A. Parsons, Beet 0'Nra1. Cor.. Bkasby. Park . Bo•xman, S. Parsons. ANZ Albert Park Lcwvtt, Dana. Best Lenegh an. ST Wolfe . Haggar, Wlffen. Carter. SH Wolfe . ST. PATRICKS ME NTONE 2 .2 2.2 5.2 5.5 .35 OAKLEIGH A F C 3 .5 5.10 7.10 12.12.84 St Patricks Mentone Bugeja 2, Lewis 2 . P. O'Meara Best Grogan. McMillan . O'Connor. Stern. Taska P. O'Meara. Oakkigh AFC Niko 3 . Nuske 2 . SchilIu~~2 . A. Wood. Atiss. S . Andonopoulos. Gant. Moore. Beat Stapleton. Chapple. Gant.~. AndanOpoulos. Donadel, Nike . SOUTHBANK CBA AFC 6 .3 9 .6 13.9 19.11.125 MONASH GRYPHONS 0.1 0 .2 1 .4 4 .6.30 Southbank CBAAFC Cank 7 . G. Roth 4. Aitken 2. Smith 2. Plaza. Scanlon. Jones. Morrow. Best Plaza Jones. Mellcan . Aitken . Wardrop. Wheeler. Monssh Gryphons R . Gilchrist 2, Martin,W alter. Best Healy. Wadley. Coleman, Toghitl. Drew. Beattie. GLENHUNILY 2.1 6.5 7.7 8 .9.57 POWER HOUSE 0.4 1.5 4 .7 7.8 .50 Gtenhuntly Bain 3 . Johnson 2. Derrick . Thom, Pappst . Best Ryan. L. Thomas. Mance . Johnson. Bain. Tallarico . Power House Gogo 3 . Phelan 2 . Gatanopaulos. Harris. Best Harris . Tucker. Staindl . McFarlane. Entwhistle, Newman .

r ll `



' i11~

-T :_ 1q _

01 f;9r~


I want athletes to be prepared for anything . I want them to calmly identify what thought and behaviour will follow these situations . Calmness is very important as I don't want them to become uptight and worry themselves sick about all manner of problems that might occur . I simply want them to image a positive response so that it will automatically occur in a contest . Here are some examples of situations that I've identified as useful for footballers to consider . And after each situation I've listed appropriate thoughts and behaviours (actions) that I would contribute over time . You're asked to play against a legenda ry player. Thoughts: Here's a chance to make a name for myself, this is a challenge : I love challenges, How can I beat/nullify him? What is my plan?, no-one is invincible - everyone can have an off-day?, concentrate for (4) 1/4's - don't let up if I get on top early, always assume that the opposition will use this player even if he doesn't seem to be in good position . Actions: play close early, if forward, keep running to spaces, be assertive, avoid "sheepdog" behaviour, ie . watching opponent all the time . You're very lethargic .

Thoughts: I'm in control of my mood, other players are putting in so must I, visualise 'activity', it's an important game, it's going to be tough - be ready, I hate the thought of my opponent beating me . Actions : keep busy - talking to others - do something physical, keep working hard - start with the 'little things', listen to music (pre-game) or imagine a lively tune (during game) . You're playing well in attack and you're moved to defence . Thoughts : I'm the one in control of the game, I'm becoming more versatile, a change of role - remain positive. Action: run positively to position, immediately make contact with opponent, play tight early . You have a miserable first half . Thoughts : recall other games where I've turned form around, focus on things that make me a good player, start again, focus hard on things . Action : remain positive - seek any advice, analyse and reconstruct game plan - then bounce up and become energised, handle ball confidently and with purpose before play resumes . first contest after break attack the ball, increase workload .

You have a sensational quart er. Thoughts: good that I'm in form - no lairising - start again, segmentalise next quarter - set some targets, the game will tighten to - I might get tagged . The first 10 minutes of the game flies right by you - you're running to the wrong spots . Thoughts : no panic play has to be settled, focus on getting to the fall of the ball (running player), don't try too hard. Action: is my opponent doing damage?, if so tighten up, if not make self a target, use voice and so some hard things . You are severely criticised by the coach . Thoughts : what does he want me to do ? Action : look coach in the eye, use as a spur - be calm but determined and positive, if disagree - discuss at later stage - calmly. You've just eluded the grasps of (3) defenders you're in the clear (40) metres from goal on a 45 degree angle. Thoughts : finish the job - be purposeful, balance, calm, drill it. Action : do not get over excited, look as though the most important job is still ahead . I'm sure all coaches could think of many more that could aid a player's preparation . Players so conditioned would be more likely to respond positively to these situations and produce more purposeful behaviour and thought patterns . Article by Ken Davis Human Movement

Deakin University - Geetong Campu s

SENIOR COACH-OF-THE-MONTH Name: Paul Beddo e Section : C Club : St Bedes Mentone Tigers Coaching History: '87, '88 De La Reserves ; '94 De La Seniors ; '95, '96, '97 St Bedes Mentone Tigers Seniors Coaching Philosophy : Planning and preparation is the key to success . Be realistic - establish a game plan that compliments and is workable with your players . Immediate ambition : to take St Bedes Mentone Tigers to B Section . Future Ambition : Stay involved in football, what else am I going to do on Saturdays . 97A

Tuc nA .fnTC11O C(1(ITR6I I CO 1QQ7

Under 19 Section 1 DE LA SALLE Coach : Clay Weser 1 . M . Andrews 2. M . Aron 3. R. Beattie (VC) 4. A. Bonnici 5. L Bone;la (C) 6. B. Betheras 7. C. Buick 8. B. Clancy 9. XCIanry 10. M. Coghlan it . J . Doak 12. D . Forer 13. N . Hater 14. M. Herber 15. K. Hater 16. S. Hart

17. k Hayes 18. J. Healy 19. D. HW 20.J.H 21 . M. Karpavicus 22. S. Hyland 23. 24. 25 . 26. 27.

S. Logan B. Mercuri M. Mercuri T. Messer A. Moe n

28 . J. Mystakicfis 29 . K Rodgers 30. L Seeger 31 . S. Thomas (VC) 32 . J. Waters

OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS Coach: Leigh Bowes 22 . N. Bulls 45 . T. Woodruff 46. W. Earle 47. L O'Na& 49. J. Raju 51 . A. Hasfonh 52. R . Hayward 53. G. Pamitam 54. A . Lipitat 55. S . Dimer 56. L Margot 58. D. Watson 59. C. McPherson 60. D. CreWdson 61 . T. Ewart

62. A . Lewis 64. R. Martin 65. R. Kent 67. R. Handy 68. N. &ggin 69. J . Stewart 70. J . Thomas 71 . G . Rhodes 72. A. Betts 73. B. Loctan 75. S. Alderson 76. S. Grated 77. M. Day

33 . E. Williams 34 . A Mithen 35 . B. Conn 36 . A. Peckani 37. B. Lee

OLD MELBURNIANS OLD MVERIANS 1 Coach : Mark Zuker 1 . C Cloke 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

J . Berry (DVC) F. Purcell S . Murray (C) A .Jakowenko A . Cravrshay A . Bens (VC) C. Langford D. Gardener M. Benko

11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22 . 23 . 24 .

D . Purcell R . Campbell R . Tandy M. Bennett D . Fabinyi D . Morris J. Miller (DVC) R . Forster W. Deague S. Dixon J. Andronis J. Tomlinson A. Cooch J. McKenna

25 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 39 .

A. Sewell (DVC) C. Sibree N. Couzens N. Coutts J. Wright D. Vartey A. Maher E. Sedgksy J. Rigg

PH : (03) 9822 001 1


Coach : Pat Hawkins ttdFost


4. B.FPorxt(L) ft 6. TA F I 7. tiBarea 8. AKa'rcdj 9. T.ramv to D.Pctad it. B.Aerm 1Z RWebb 13. ttTreffi t4. Lt.4s5H [ 15. LDa3re-Jores 16. D. S" 17. T.Cardy 18. D.h'akaj 19. RJU e 2D D.Tit= 21 . 8.Sapiftit 22 J.Driis 23, C. Cam 24. C.Coriolis 25. T.G NSon 46. C. swas 2a J.Iktt~,.ry ~. B.Ik 27. C.E'cGtirJ3t at. LCOnnnRy 28. P.091eI 51. R .r[N 29. f.tHaq 52 LCturtir 30. C.Fbae 53. & 03k 31. A Skphvs. 54. T. Bsateei 32 TBany 55 J.F.4Ider 33 . J.Kaa(vq 56. B.Qrisbe 34. T.Btt}~t 57. P.ftt;ni 35. Rodin 58. ACdMm 36. J €.acLran 59. MOariertn 37. J.Dr'dE60. FAWalst 38. htMCCakry 61 . LBadnidc 39. P *~itat~, 62 &Tnrnttio 40. L : . v.vtli 63. it Hat 41 . 64. TPowk . ALaw"Velo 65. D. Stan+42 43. J.I Imle 66. M.MkYZrcie 44. P.L}*Yii 67. P.D!Iaviy 45 &C:3rrada 68. M .Prztr~r 46 tABds{2 69. LMCCi~ 47. &Wr.CaBry 70. htCzsdj

MAZENOD Coach: Kevin Kin g I . I . Johnson 2. J. Beaton 3. C, Grant 4. D. NisbeH 5. P. Egan (VC) 6. L Varney 7. S . Paducd (C) 8. A. Smyth 9. S . Gan>e8ini 10. L Perkins 11 . A . Meadows 12. A . Quinn (VC) 14. D. Kelly

16. M. Davies 17. N . Meehan 18. B. Meehan 19. D . Ciancio 20. P. McCulloch 21 . D . Rrc7g 22. T. Bailey 23. P. Nefs6n 24. J. Persi 25 . J. Dunne 29. P. Fay

30. D . Sdrolield 32 . P. Fotutiotis 34 . R . Hawkins 42 . L Stephenson 74 . A. McDowell 76 . N. Parry

I . C . Angus (C) 2. F. Yaghmoor 3. P. Cerch e 4 . J. Powell 5 . T. Baker 6. S. Well 7. C . Anson 8. J. Zito 9. J. Woods 10. S. Lautette 11 . P. Varyiamis 12. J. Mai 14. M. Raffae :e 15. B. Hood 16. A. Costello 17. K. Lewis 18. C. Richards 19. T. Wood. 20. M. Lawrence 2t . D. Stone 22. C. Battle 23. T. Stuart 24. N. MacLean 25. A. Tranter 26. S. Wood 27. C. Davey 28. S. V'rtak 32. M. MkJaarini 34. J. Fanner 35. S. McConnell 35. L. Cleak 39. J. Nash 43. F. Hakins 47. A. Bon d

N. Beale D. Cochrane A. K. Saf A. White J. Armup

H A NG TE N Q.P.O . Bar & Bistro



Tim livy (Purple) o 1 . S . Pnuscxr 2 . M. Lynch 3. N. R?3torJ 4. J. tuc-e 5. AHanatl 6. A Benricasa 7. PJet,.kraoa 8. D, ft ~-ynz s 9. B.RicfeNron 10, M . Pafges 11, A Broker 12 M . DamaWe 13. B. Ratcoi 14. S.Ciativh 15. M . Dempster 16. M Cali! 17. ABums 18 L 19 NL .byc= 201 G Porteous 21. D. Green 22 M. FTnn 23. M.Ca;gntt 24. B. Lynch 25. G. sold 26. LO'Cwaeor 27. M. Pa s 28 . A Stewart 46 . S. Haw, 29 . B. Waxiton 47. P. Kzrsaa 30. ATalarko 48 . C. P--, 31. ASxnith 49 . .Wriglit 50 . L32C It.33 . D. Warren 51 . T.' .' X 34 . D.Varvm 52 . S.'.' 35. AS3cco 53 . S . J . L36AB2cteo54 37. D.&^rac 55 . D.r k 38. G.056. J .Rosbrc 39. M.° ~ 57. T. Ronan 40. M. ,-and 58. J .Smiih 41 . AL .: 59. D. Stamen 42. Mat C -m 60. M. Vert,, 43. C. limiter 61 . J . Valcall 44. M.BucYny 62. P.Corrn;t 45. LFhms 72, R.Vd'ar d

•J.(.cLi Il6.,d'A7

20 . J. O'Brien (VC) 21 . N. Sier 22 . 23 . 24 . 25 . 26 . 27 . 28 . 29 .

J. Vincent C. Haddad R.Sheedy S. McConnell R. Zeman S. Andrew C. Bossong J. Dailey

30 . N. Edwards 31 . M .O'DwtneB 32 . J. Andriannopaass 33 . R. Ryan 34 . J. Luncantionio 35 . J. Nolan

36 . M . Conti 37. J. Hunt

~ SIP8Qt4!

UNNG3StfY BLUES Coach: Steve Carrol l

ST. BERNARD'S Coach: Dominic L.egudi 1 . A. Stranied 2 . T. Wilkinson 3 . R . Bonnici 4 . D . Thomas 5 . J. Pearson 6 . P. lannazzo 7 . T. Harvey 8 . J. Delaney 9 . R . Nutter 10. B. Overman 11 . S. Erickson 12 . B. Hogan 13. S. McKeon 14 . A. Thomas 15 . A. Brandt 16. J. Uafd 17. T. Plants 19. L Kavanagh 21 . B. Loughlin 25 . D . Fewster 27. James Mount 30. Joseph Mount 31 . B. Swan

32 . J. Evans 43. C . Davis

FIYER FOR ~+~K Whitehall St, Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722

9. L Cress+ve➢ 10. M . Davoren 1 1 . J. Bergin 12 . B. Delahey 13 . M . Mdnemy 14 . N. Moore 15 . A. Finney 16 . B. Quirk (C) 17 . B. Day (DVC) 18 . M . Funston 19 . A. Rattl e


Coach: Ken Johansen (Gre e

OLD CAREY Coach : Peter Schiller

ST. KEVIN'S Coach: Brendan Miller Asst. Coach: Brett Miilott 1 . A. Callery 2 . A. Jones 3. P. Mount (DVC) 4. C. Bake r 5. O. Brown 6. C. Go9dsworttry 7. M . Pangrazro 8 . P. Scarfo

622 hit. Alexander Rd. iltoonee Pond s

9326 1749


1 . M. Belford 2 . R. Benjamin 3 . D. Bolton 4 . C. Brooks 5 . H. Christie 6 . B. CaIW_ry 7 . J. Cam m 8 . M. Cobbledck 9 . M . Coleman 10. J. Cou!oooupas 11 . N. Cowling 12 . W. Crocker 13. A. Davidson 14 . J. Eastaugh (C) 15 . B. Fricker (DVC) 16. S . Fuller 17. M . Godfrey 18. T . Hayes 19. J. Hocking 20. W . Jackson 21 . T .Johnson 22 . D. Keity 23. M . Komck 24 . J. Lyle 25 . J. Mahoney 26. A. McKenzie-McHarg 27, X McKinnon 28 . B. O'Gorman 29 . J. Presti 30. T . Roydhouse 31 . J. Sterling 32 . L Stevens 33 . E . Stewar t .34 . J. Sturrodc (VC) .35 . A. Tamil .36 . R. Versteegen .37 . J. Wilcox .38 . A. Winter .39 . D. Wood




19(2) BEAU ! ; "%RIS Coach : Peter McBreartY 1 . N . McLean 2. B . Thomas 3. M . Pitts 4. T. Wirdavr 5. B . Grirfiths 6. LGibson 7. B. Stevens 8. N. Burton 9. J. Walker 10. G . Moloney 11 . G . Johnson 12. J. Baytord 13. D. Emmersan 14. A.Oui n

15. F. McDonald 16. S. Mitchell 17. T. Eaton

18. A. Palmer 19. R . Thornton 20. T. Cotter 21 . A . Catlin 22. S . McKay 23 . B . Ferguson 24 . C. Cetat 25 . K. D'snachki 26 . S . Hoder 27 . J . Vance 28 . J . McKenzie 29. C. Martin 30. R. Carrie4d 31 . N. Kenned y

41, A. Van Den Blink 47. T. McAlpin e 51 . D. Shetdrake 53. T. Rand

MARCELLIN Coach : Shaun Mangan 1 . M . Randazzo (C) 2. M . Robert s 3. G. Gull 4. L Bethel (DVC) 5. G . Hawkins 6. C. Keogh 7. W . De Vert~{ti G . T. Louder 9 . D . Marson 10. M. Moussi 11 . P . Pappatardo 12. M . KaravasiGs 13. C. Duinardo 14. D. are 15. B. Symes 16 . S. O'Connor 17 . J. Pacocdoco 18. J. Sheehan (VC) 19. L Pettineli a 20. N . Mathews 21 . M. Van Lint 22. D. Keamey 23. P . Dtacogiorgs 24 . J. Smart 25 . J. Ddahunt 26 . M. Maguire 27 . D . Hogan 28. R . English 29. B. Dinneen 35. C . Abzangelis 50. B . Kearney

OLD HAILEBURY UN II'f B Coach : Greg Lasscock 1 . C. Home 2. S. Dovey

3. S. Saunders 4. M Thiel e 5. P. Dimond 6 . D . Reid 7 . B. Shearer 8 . R . Parker 9 . E. Dunphy . D .Harrop 10. R . Goukfen 11 12. D. Warden 13. G. Finlayson 15. C. Jayasekem 16. B . Langord-Jones 19. C. Efsthatiou 21 . B. Waters 22. D. Mason 24. C. Pountney 25. N. Biggs 26 . J. Bel l 27 . B. Carson 29 . C. Joyce 30 . A. Rode 60. M. Samara

The Beehive + Hotel ®

Coach : Craig Thompson 1 . M . Allan 2. L. Brown 3. M. Bynw , 4. P. Ciwcchiob 5. A Claimants 6. B. Dryne 7. O. Furness 8. B. Henderson y 9. D. Le~Sr 10 . A .tA~J>e< 11 . J.Marr 12 . J. McAuley 13. R. AMNarn2 14. A. McNidid 15. 8. Moody 16. B. Murphy IT A Nolan 18. W . Pasme 19. C . Pease 20. H . Peck 21 . C . Schilling 22. T. Sessions 23. M. Staunton 24. S . VeUler 25. S . press 26 . S . Whae 27 . N. Wilson 28 . G. Baud 29 . B. Costello 30. S. Dirriord 31 . P. Greenbank 32. E. Harmon 33. J. Hodgkins 34. J. Hurt 35. J.O#mstead 36. L. Maguire 37. J . Marim 38. J . S4qrerath 39 . D. Walsh 40 . T. Reid 41 . A . Winter 42 . A. Naughton 43 . L. Ma& gs 44 . D. BirtcS 45. M. Raffaets 46. A. AsHey

WHITEFRIARS Coach: Andy Dalrymple Assistant A9a! Gooday t . A- Clough 2. M. Northey 3 . B. Phan 5 . D . Eames 6. B. Winch 7. M. Wintertbm (C) 8. R . Fedele (VC) 9. S . Gillen 10. A .Johnson 11 . M . Cassamro 12. D. Reid 13 . T. Hilton 14 . J. Tr'yvaud 15 . B. Doherty 16. T. Mulcahy 17. R . Murray 18. C . O'Connor 19. M. Duffy 20. S. Fleming 21 . M . Belches 22. S . Davis 23. J . Bond 24. M . Nolan 25 . N. Crosher 26 . D. Sullivan 27 . T . Hoare 28 . D. Cassarino 29. M. Walsh 30. A. Beattie 31 . D . Edwards 32. C . Leahy 33. M . Rees. 34. M . Anderson 35. B . Keating 36. A. Seeley

Hawthor n WARRINGAL Coach : John Stanton I . C. Taylor (C) 2. D. StmuEes 3. B. Kinnear 4. M . George 5. M . Pop e

OLD SCOTCH Coach : Terry Kendall

COLLEGIANS Coach: Tim Kihvarth 1 . T. Van Der Venne 2. S. E!g 3. J . Clark 4. G. Brown (C) 5. L Taylor 6. C. Mollard 7. L Gym8 . B. Page 9 . M. Britten 10. A. Langdon it . M. Gronwtka 12. P Johnston 13. N . Florentine (C) 14. T. De Young 15. C . Harris (C) 16 . A . Baxter 17 . R. Hosking 18 . A . Conn 19 . B. Luff 20. J. Waters 22 . P.WayCott 23. T. Holden 26. T. Champion (C) 30. L Moon 32. J. Tarpey 33. B . Samuel 41 . S . Sayers 44. C. Gibson 69. A . Dakin

OLD c UFJi Coach : Andrew Tsindos I . T. Donavan 3. E . Williams 5. B. Smith

6. A Hanson 8. J. Hardman 9. A Geb!ey t0 . J. Webb 11, C. Williams 12 . A. Patterson (C) 13. S. Hancock 14. J. Heffernan 15. A. Gleevoy 16. A Baker 17. R . Scott 18. A . Campbell 20. B . Day 21 . S . Barry 22. J . Miles 23. M . Cook 24. S . Pickles 27. S. Miles 29. S. Buckett 30 . J. Z..antner 31 . M . Wilkinson 32 . C. Davis 36 . A Kettle 41 . W . Saffar 44 . W.Oru,in 47. L Juniper

1 . C .Junkheer 2 . L Hannennan 3. A. Parker 4. A. Sheer 5 . T. Stewart 6. 1. Mackenzie 7. T. Gros s

8. T. Frankenburg 9. N . O'Brien 10. N . Smith 11 . L Hawkins 12. L Hume 14. J . McNeur 15. C. Lunn 16. T. Chapman 17. A . Mecann 18. J . Hughes 19. H . Jenkins 20. C. T'mdale 21 . M . Toose 23 . O. Crane 25 . J. Love

28 . A. Lines 29 . D. Robsor, 31 . S . Prendergast 34 . M . Soccio 36 . L Andrews 37 . N. Thompson 41, Mark O'Brien 44 . S. Conno r 65 . Matthew O'Brien 67 . A. Crow 70. N. Staden 71 . C. Ward 89. R. SiNerv.rood



6. B.Witson 7. S. Anderson 8 . C. William 9 . B. Davison 10. S. French 11 . S. Yin (C) 12. M. Manoveia 13. S. Hartridc 14. M. Van Lint 15. G . Long (VC) I S. Brandt 17. B. Parkes 18. H . Vest s

19. S. Walters 20. P. Starmans 21 . R. Gray 22. A . CamAteri 23. M . Bortikn 24. P . James (VC) 25 . A. Hopgood 26 . J . Anderson 27 . S . Allard 28 . D. Nasrallah 29 . M . Waiton 30 . D. Mutton 31 . G . Bet

L Hull-Brown B. White T. Thomson C. Burk e H . Mousse

WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Coach : Tony Ryan 1 . B. Wonder 2. B. Cock s 3. A Petzier«des 4. M. Hevritt

5. G . Rickard 6. B. Twist

7. E. Moufid 8. A. MackJey 9. S. Wuchatsdt 10. L. Gray

11 . D . Macleod 12. N . Hunt 13. J . Clar k 14 . B . Davies

15 . Grocliolnowsla 16 . B . Forrester IT LGray 18 . H. Ahmed 19 . W. James 20. M . Manning 21 . L Oldham 22 . T . Murray 23. G . Singleton 24. J. Mater 25. L Thomas 26. T . Thompson 27. C. Matthews 28. W. Yessfne 29. S. Hudson 30. J. Wyatt

31 . B. Todd

HUGH LYON KNITWEA R Banyule Newsagency Tattslotto & Post Office


Under 19 (2) Blue AJAX Coach: Henry Ritterman Assistant: Bruce Joseph 1 . J. Rodman 2 . J. Sharpe (C) 3 . B. Davis 4 . G. Dukes 5. J. Rath 6, D. Loewy 7. S .WhytCross 8. J . Rosenbaum 9. S. Ajzenman 10. H . Snow 11 . J . Scher 12. D . Katz 13. R. Sochin 14. J. Weinstock 15. A. Rogers 16. P. Rothbart 17. A Moms

18. A. Goiva n19 . G. Weisman (DVC) 20 . S. Czamy 21 . D. Stub 22. A. Wise 23. A. Bensimon r 24. A Lewi i''. s ., 25. M. BSashk '. 26. A. Sloane .' 27. A. Lust 29. J.Josejl 30. T. Hams 31 . J. Harris 32. J. Rogers 33, A. &mbaum 34 . J . Sharp 35 . D. Stiglitz

HAMPTON ROVERS Coach : Edi Meinjak t . R. Dunba!( (C) 2 . J . Crouch 3. T. Prantzos 4 . J . Midwinter 5 . W. Armour 6. A . Crowther 7. M . Iles 8. A . Quo n 9. S .James (VC) 10. A . Landrigan 11 . A . Voss 12. B . Marlyn 13. T. Smith 14. N . Rahn 15. M . DunbaN 16. D. Voss 17. P . Nelson 18. C. Lucas 19. G. Shenfieid 20. S . Parkinson 21 . David Anderson (VC) 22. L. Tregear 23. W. Benton 24. J . Avram'uEdes 25. B . Hebard 26. Scott Wills 27. A . KolXner 28. S . Grimmer

MONASH BLUES Coach : Nick Karavias 1 . C. Gregory 2. M . Benatto 3. D. Dea n 4. A Brass 5 . X. Martin 6 . F. Eley 7 . S. Lloyd 8 . L Virgon a 9 . T. Callender 10. B. Henderson 11 . J. Sullivan 12. M. Stewart 13. A Herrman 14. R. Burston 15. M . Tinker 16. B. Smiley 17. J . Miller 18. B. Anot 19. N. Freeman 20. M . Power 21 . N . Kazenwadel 23. J . Roscoe 25. J . Hawkins 26. C . McConvid 27. J. Bolton 28. S. McGee 30. T. Cameron 31 . L Holloway 32 . C. Bodswodh 34 . M.Okke 43 . C. Riorda n

OR MO N D Coach : B rian Keating I . H . Brown (C) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

N . Courtney (DVC) G. Hammon d S. Thompson D . Robbins M. Broadhurst J. Cuba n

8. D . Weisz 9. S. Taylo r

10. P. Townsend 11 . C . R. .13 =all 14. D . Pasara 15. R . Cunningham 16. D . FfshkxdC 17. S. Norton 19. S. Herman 19. T. Ashford 22. B. Hooper 23. D . Beckett 24. M. O'Halloran 25. J. Dal e

26. 0 . Mabbelt )VC) 27. P. Gleeson 28. A. Stasiak 29. S. Steven s



36 . M . Segal 41 . V. Raleigh 39. D. Katz 42. E . Yeo 40 . A . Ha4pt1e143. J . Atwr

M.H .S.O.B . Coach: Ian Radial

DE LA SALLE (2) Coach : Rob Smith 1 . T. Bunting 2. J. Campbell 3. D. Chaplin 4. S. Clay

5. A. Dennison 6. A. Ellis 7. P. Femon 8. R. Feld

9. 10. 11 . 12. 13.

D Hamilton A. Hayes G . Clancy (C) D. Haggerty (VC) J . Howrlan

..' 14. G . Hristov .'... 15. A. Jackson '.. 16. G . Jennings 17. S. Kemp 18. A. Keogh 19. D. King 20. D. Lambe 21 . J . Masterson 22. M . McHenry 23. T. Morse 24. T. Nolan

25. M . O'Donnell 26. D.Oge 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

H. Pipkom C. Pothflos B. Reade. J . Silver J . Lyons J . Byrne T. Farrell A. Needhan I . Watson M . Ruschena S . Tucke r

THE ANGEL TAVERN Cnr. GlenferriJDandenong Rds.

1 . T. Parker 2. P. Fink 3. A. Tilling 4. C. Bruce 5. J. Davis 6. J. Moore 7. Ash~y O'Brien 8. T. Lower 9. A. Mazur 11. S. Redder 12. M . Stirling 13. N. Remfry 14. D. Forbes 15. J . G regson 16. T. Leaver 17. R. Joseph 18. S . Norman 19. J . Wilson 21 . R. Ckowes 22. P . Brown 24. A . Askew 25. L TayEor 26. S . Stee l

27. A . Cassell (C) 28. S. Bennett 29. M. Sharpies 30. A. Burke 31 . S. Harrison 32. C . Allan 33. M. Askew 34. 35. 36, 37. 38. 39. 40.

J. Buckmaster E. Cotter G . Grant W. Hardy T. Lonnie B. Mezis T. Morgan

41 . Anthony O'Brien 42 . R. Park 43 . G . Piggott 44 . N. Rehak 45 . H. Taylor 46 . G . Ward 47. D. Watson 48. D. Wilson 49. N. You r

Malvern 8509 4023 6RYPHlNN BAR & BISTRO 9903 2093 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996



Coach : Tony McNamara 16. A, Lux

Coach: Peter Calliha n

18. W. Gordon 26. N . Gatenby 29. J . Aga r 30. C . Bird 35. L Wilson 36. N . Agar 43. D . McInnes 50. R . Brown 51 . A. Reuss 53. G. McGregor 54. S . Bfngley 55. D. Brauer 56. G. Couin 57. T. D'Antane 58. N . Edga r

59. H . Gretton-Watson 60. A . McCan n 61 . O. Walsh

63. C. Chamberlain 64. E . Leyland 65 . C. Watkins

1 . M. Frost 2. T. Roiring 3. B. Haalj 4 . B.Hobert 5. T.Wu>ffir 6. M. Fzgertkl 7. N. Barred 8 . A Ke.nnrr.~dy~ (C) 9. T.Fartrnma 10. D. Bdand 11 . B . Main 12. M . Webb 13. N.Tutit6 14 . L n`,sbet i

15 . L Dame-Jones 16 . D . Storey 17 . T. Connety 18 . D . Mackaj 19 . R .Jwk's 20. D .Triata 21. B.SCWa_ton 22. J . D-ctrus 23. C.(xausaai 24. C. Carrcdus 25. T.Gtaeoni 48. C. Stephens 26. J .Het¢way 49. 8.Ih a 27. C.M~y3n 50. L. Ford 2& P. ay 51 . R 29. N.Irdrind 52. L Curtain 30. C. Hoare 53. S. Clahs. 31 . A Stephens, 54. T. Bovr den 32. T. Sony 55. J. Wedar 33. J. Kay (Q 56. B . Chrr;re 34. T.Hogan 57. P.Adami 35. M. Cvnn 58. A Coburn 36. J. McLean 59, M.0borribeirn 37. J. Drake (VC) 60. M. Wal ;h 38. M. McCarttr7 Or . L Hardvack 39. ARoberts 62 . S .Tnintia '. . L Ai nsv,afi 63 . N . Hart .40 41 . FID:lon 64 . T.Fa,•A?r 42 . A Oar:ug~ 65 . D . Stem 43 . J. Hc~;e 66 . M McKena9 44 . P. Lyttbson 67. P. Dr#aMmry 45 . S. Carratus 68. M. Puuarv~„r 46 . M. Bourka 69. L MzCrae 47. S. McCartlry 70. M. Ca;scA7

ST. SEDES MEMNE TIGERS C oach : Brian Bourke 1 . A. Ryan 2. P. Carrol l

3. C . Tesoriero 4 . A. McShane 5 . A. Cousins 6 . D. Serorm 7 . B. McShane 8. S.Kidd 9. L McHugh (DVC) 10 . S . Davidson 11 . D. Ferguson 12. A Conrro9y 13. A . Gangi 14. J . Drury

15. C . Martin 16. L. McGregor 17. J. Crowe

18. C. Ambrosln i 19. D. Falkingharn (C) 20. H. Dwyer 21 . J. Cunningham . N. Wdkinsx2 23. D. Napier 24. G. Afford (VC) 25. L While 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

S. Walsh S. Kngrrefl C . Williams B. Johnstone T. Fava

31 . J. Cummins 32 . A. Smith

Under 19 (2) Re d AQUINAS O.C. Coach: John Bourke 1 . H . Nichol 2. M . Jam'seson 3 . P. Heveren 5 . M. Selena 6. S. Jones 7, T. Moran 8. M . Greer

9: C.Juenchott 10. C . Lyng it . S. Downs 12. D. Marshall 13. P. Glennle14 . R. Chapman 16. M. Hunter 17. B. Wilson 18. J . Hun t 19. M . Hope 22 . B. Moran 23. S. Hills 24. M. Betty 32. J . Bleakney 41 . J. Pole aran 42 . R .Moran 44 . ii. Thomas 54. D . Keaiy 55. A . CuHrera


NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Andy Rya n 1 . D. Scene 2 . T . Waters 3 . B. Koutsovasdks 4 . O.Khader(C) 5. L Curren 6. P . Borysiewicz 7. T. Miktxlda 8. A. Hewitt B. M. TaEeb 10. B. Cariss ti . C . Murray 12. D. Atlasd 13. M . Nugent 14. M . Drum 15 . C. Miler 16. S. Mdtroy 17. S. Re7noldson 18. J . Saba

19. M . Payne 20. R. amato 21 . H. MakhaA 29. B. Moustafa 33. A. McKenzie

1 . D Bernet 2 . N . Gazeas 3 . B. Willi s 4 . B . Davis 5. A . Oates 6. L. Waddell 7. N. Coyne 8. P. Armstrong 9 . T. PaGn 11 . D. Side 12. R. Gildettiale 13. M. Eisenbise 14. G. O'Shannessy 15. A . Hales 16 . J . Harmp 17 . R. Hense 18. A. Johnston 19. M. Kelly 20. G . Mclsaac 21 . C . Barker 22. J . Smart 23 . A . Sutherland 27 . Z Atxwsabha 38 . G . George 40. R. Davies

ST. LEO'S EM MAU; Coach : Peter O'Connor 1 . G. Newey 2. N. Hooder 3 . G . Bonnici 4 . J. Morel

YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS Coach: John May Wayne Redclaway 1 . T. Wapshott 2. T. Hale 3. S . Uoyd 5. A. Dew 7. S. Thompson 8 . L Morris 9 . S. MJson 10. B. Searie it . B . Reynolds 12. D. Lang 14. T. Lloyd 16 . A. Bell 17 . T . Mcl6vrath 18 . L White (VC) 19. E. Kruse 20. T.Tystdng 22. B. Telford 23. C . Arnold 24. A . Cusano 25. S . Matters 26. D. Rowe 28 . A. Lawton 30 . B. Wapshott 35 . A. Laing (C)

5 . E. McGtarxPuban 6. S. Savage

7. R. O'Keefe 8. T. McCann 9. A. Daly 10 . D. Cashen 11 . D. Can 12 . M. Bainbmlge 13. S. WiJis

14. P . Batty 15. C. Miter 16. J . Daniels 18 . J . Manton 32 . D. McNally 35 . L Thomas


CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach: Allan cousins 1 . A. Thomas 2 . D . tacobucd 3. A. DiPietro 4. D. Skilem 5. M . Hottiday 6. A. Mays 7. B. Chirnside 8. A. Conte 9. T. Wyngaard 10. P. A~att 11 . R . Long 12. P . Green 13. E . Westmore 14. M . Markarski 15, D. Pemberton 16. R. Piccrdi

17 . B. Whitehouse 18 . S. Corva n 19 . C. Piccidi 20. J. Pereira 22. S. Cousins 23. B. Roach 24. P . Del Guidio•e 25. A. vdi 27. F . Varga 28 . A. Crew 29 . J. Carusi 30 . M. Adams 31 . D. Uncles 39. D . Butler


OLD TRINITY Coach : Steven Maus

1 . S' Jones 2, B Hall 3 . H. Munroe

4 . J. Anmwsrnitn 5 . M. Kassaby 6. D . Kneen 7. S. Natoli S. T. MorpeDt 9. A . Andrews

10. M . Shaughnessy 11 . K. Noden

12 . C. Wilson 13. J. Cade 14. D . Hayes 15. R . Baxter 16. M. Chishorn 17. J. Newman 18. R. Ramadan 19. C. Ban' 20. D. Robinson 21 . Y. Ada] 22 . C. Stanley 23. S. Somerville 24. E. Davatzis 25. B. Hutchinson 27. M.Griag 28. C. Butler 29. S . Connor 31 . L Kennedy 32. C. Pawsey 35. T . Tobin 42 . A. McKenzie 43 . D . Waldron 48. D . LOuldrls 52. B . Bunahs 60. S . Medfin 61 . D. Burrows 62. M .Pawsey

OLD PARADIANS THERRY C .C.O .B . Coal= Ken Johansen (Green) Coach: Paul Mallon Tea t'rry (PtpPte)

i . 8 Pt~tiw ar~i~a 4. J. Um it Afbnord & ABenrcm 7. F bt Ja,ce & D. RT~ 9. B.F4dt?f#m 10. M.P+oayes 11 . A&alxr 12. MDom9e 13. & RYJ 14. S.CGT'da 15.MLD3rcsler 16. l.1.(`a* 17. AB= 1& LGahin 19. At .bya 20. 0 Pormds 21. D. Ct1p.n 22 htFkm 23. M C05711f 24 . B.Lyvvih 25. GBod 26. LOCauia 27. Mfi M 26. AS@VW 46 . &Sanenn 29. &Wbodtam 47. P .Pke .3QAT<iam4&C ..' 31 . A&ffM 49. LYeP1 32 Gt4Yi¢H 51 T .Lud 3g. O.Waroi 51 . T.1"Orim 34. D.VXaw 52 S. W~Xft 35. A&2i'n Si . &OW 3& ABeaiip 54. J. OW 37. D.&iarac 65. D .Pe6cb 38. GO'Meara 58. J.R•tm+k 39. M.Bwxio 57. T.Ft+rircT 40. MtBddrn7 53. J. Slit 41 . A DOM 59. D. 5>n= 42 MatCo3jrf an M .Yereia 43. GBLW 61. J.YmcerA 44. !A&id" 62 P. Card 45. L :tnis 72 8.t9ani

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

D . Van Egten R . Zampogna G. Vandenberg D. D'Aprano S. Sacco

6. S. Good•rrin 7 . G . Kuret B . A. Grant 9. S . Stell a 15. A . McMahon 17. A. Rowan 20 . J. Smit h 21 . B. Ftzpatddt (VC~ 26 . J. Van Englen (V ) 28. D . Dunne 32. T. Jones 33. M. Jacobsen 34. A. McDonald 48. C. O'Brien



Club XVIII Section 1




Coach : Leigh Carlson Res. Coach : Nevi6e Jam~ 1. B. h 2. N.,.. 3. B.N. one 4. . -n 4. N. &.....r 5. D. ^--as 5. D. 6. A S .. . . 7. C. . . , 1 36. S.Itr;drg 7. D. I-Srt3h 37 . ht~ 8. C.h oil 3B . M. take .1Y QV :8 . S4'diD<sVan la J. C, 38 . J. Carr it &I' 't & 40 . B .Sretnn 12 D. :. . 41. S.LLCc 13. G.P.;ar 42. LVasd:kis 14. RP- K 43. AGWwsy 15.Y.i44.APatiÂť(VC) 16. A'; e 45. N . Pr&rsa; 17. C.'etws 46. S.Woolej 1& J.rrarett(VC) 47. D .M 19.Ct' 1,m 48.J.t~ 20. G.i kim 48. LVai DxVUre 21 . A.F.9aUnm 50. B.Jdferson 51. P.Ba>isr 22 D. Ken 21 A Stay 52 . it G1 24. D. tfxm=" 53. M. inp3;s 25 G. r 54. L Fbb5r5 26. N., . 55. E,kues 27. St_ `ry 56. D.F icvp 28, &Bo... 57. J .Pt,oore 29. AK58. ATPqmpson 3{t. M . ._; 59. M Rilunl; 31 . j.r 60. B. Yeas 32 . DJhMsm(C) 61 . D. Yens 33 . J.Sr--n 62. M.Ot)orx ui 3 4. D.BdrrsY 64. M.Grfibk 35. RP.. 3ft 70. LSnuh

MAZENOD Coach : Peter Hal l Res . Coach: Peter Allsop 2. A. Noon e

a S . Campbell 9. P. Hall 12. 15. 17. 23. 27. 31, 32. 33. 37. 38.

A . WAkks P . AUsop T. Tsiavis S . Coulson D. Krom N . Snarl D. Moore R. Toyama G. Trigg D. Steinfort

39. R. Bourbon (VC) 41 . B. Welch 44 . D. Bol4e 46 . J. LeGrand 47 . P. Riley 48 . P. Vine 49 . L. HaM/ 52 . Mark Riley 53, Mick Riley 54 . P. Jacobs 57 . M. Peters 60 . M. LeCouteur 63 . P. Welch

65 . D. Biviano 68. K. Duffy 69. B. Harper 71 . D . Huggins 72 . D. Lind 73, S. Buckingham 74. E. Atg'~aras 7R .I. DiCintio


O D BRfGFtfDfi! DE LA SALLE Coach: Brendan Hoy Asst Coach: C. Bourke 1 . D. Williamson 2. T. McHenry 3. A. Ciassorl 4. M. Williamson 5. B . Byrne 6. B . Hoy 7. M. Thom 8. D.Jennings 9. C. Johnstone 10. P. Grant 11, S. Bell 12. S . Rude 13. J. Clothier 14. M.O'Driscriff 15. S. Brabrtee 16. C. Taylor 17. B.0'Heam 18. T. Moore 19. G. Curren 20. M. Stanhope 22. A. Worsteling 23. M. Funnel] 24. C . Zeibe& 25. J. Murphy 29. S. Gurr 30. M. Cleal 69. G . Spot 31 . B. Ells

32. P. Manning 33. C. Cleary 34. T. Ford 35. D. Dimitrapolous 36. D. Lambe 37. G . Larkins 38. J. Close 39. D. Hyland 40. B. Buick 44. B. Kellett 41 . R. Chappie 45. C. Wrigh . A. While 46. G. McHenryt42 43. M . Lowe 47. M. Farrell THE ANGEL TAVERN Cnr. Glenferrtt~/Dandenong Rds . Malvern 9509 4023 6RYPH INN BAR & BISTRO

9903 2093

Coach : Stuart Kay 1 . G. Bennett 2. M . McLennan 3. H. Jarvis 5. R. Murray 6. S. Moody 7. M . Hall 8. A. Hancock 9. A Grant 10. R. Moreton 11 . J . Rattray 11 . J . McLachlan 12. D. Cochran 13. A. Noble 14. J . Bennett 16. M . Hendrie 16. J . Morrison 18. C. Lade 19. D. Smith 22. J . Lockett 24. L. Hamilton 24. P. Neylan 26. J . Uglow 28. S . Kay 31 . F. Magee 31 . M.Scarett 32. R. Wraith 33. D. Moreton 34. R. Smith 34. M. N&ca4Js 35. A . Rutter 37. M. Donohue 39. P . Greene 40. C . James 42. A. Willey 43. T. Betts 44. S . Gartner 46. M. Barber 48. C. Haling 49. A . Neale 51 . N . McCann 52. M. Walker 53. P. Bainbridge 55. A . Heron 56, "rt. Brown 64. B . McMurtie 78. R . Saunders

Coach: Res. Coach:

2 . D . Mass 4 . A Cordner 5 . E. ArttCinson

i . L Orsid (DVC) 2 . J.Kennedy 3 . M. Jones

6 . C . Brandtflovrer 7 . J. Gardner 9 . S. Cox 10. S.Osbome 11 . A. Anderson 12. R . Egieton 13. G.Stooke 14. S. Bardsley 15. N .Osboume 17. A . Cretin 18. R. Simpson 20. T. Osborne 23. D. Stanton 24. S . James 25. A Wilson 26. K Rutherford 28. D. Mine

4 . R . Curtain (VC) 5, M. O'Callaghan 6 . J. Mathews 7. 8. 9. 11 . 13. 17 . 18. 24 . 27. 28 . 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 37 . 39 . 44 .

31 . S. Rainer 33 . A Clements 35 . M Atkinson

36 . A. Woodhouse 44. A Carroll 61 . P. Hands 80 . A Cornell ill. P. Waite 117. J. MacLellan 178 H.Inleton N. Nam A Hum e

T.OSuliivan M. Fitz M. Colkopy P. Connors A. Ries P.0'Bemie P.O'Su3iNan R . King D . King (C) C .Court A. Holmes M.Tyrel M. Sadler S. Hogan M. Meehan T. Langrigan M. Chamberlain D. McLean

53 . P. Hall

62 . M. Cdbpy 63 . P. Conquest 64 . S. Kennedy 71 . A. Hall

91 . S. Bailey

ST. KEVINS O .B. Coach: Paul Bannon 1 . D. Nanfra 2 . A. Nanfra 3 . P. Nanfra 4 . N.. Goldsworthy Quirk S. R 6 . J. Quirk 7 . N . Martin 8 . T. Bare 9 . D . James 10. L Davidson 11 T. Finch 12. D. Whelan 13. P. Hooper 14. B. Noonan 15. D. Boyd 16. P. Bannon 17, S. Charles 18. P. Ryan 19. M. F`ie~ 20. S. Herbert 21 . A. Davies 22. I. Wood 23. J. Wikte&n 24. J. Lync h

25. B. Stadcpole 26. D . OBrien 27. P. Lewin 28. A. Buccefla 29. D. McDonald 30. S. Dillon 31 . J. Goldsworthy 32. D. Ivory 33. P. Curtain 34. D . Kalms

Laurie Taherner's RISING SUN HOTEL

PH : (03) 9822 001 1


OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIANS Coach: GL Seebeck Ass. Coach: M 1 . B. Simpson 4. H. Middleton 6. M . Godwin (C) 7. M . Ckrnies-Ross 11 . B. Cain 13 . N. Murdoch 14 . S. Norden 20 . N. Tribe 21 . S. Wilson 22 . D. Hooper 23 . S . Pryde 25 . B. Lancyey 27 . C. Wmneke 28 . L Higham 30 . P. Widiantson 32 . S . Sheahan 34. D. Steele

36 . A. Chambers 37. E . Marntg~ner

41 . A . Paukfin y 45. T. Stubbs 47. J . Deakin 53. P . Gaidzkar 54. T. Philips 55. A . Sston 56. A . Richardson 57. S . MJ3iken 58. E . Johnston 59. A . Walkom 60. M. Weber 61 . A. Brdar 62. J. Cook

63. T. Gray 66. J. Batch 68. A. Nom 69. C .Iilrna ; 70. C . Stewart 71 . R . Hume

ST. BERNARDS O.C. Coach : Brian Moon I . R. Day 2. M . Quinn 3. P. Moon 4. A. Density 5. P. Hayes 6 . J. Comflo 7. M. Creak 9 . G . Wood 12 . G . Tota 13. A Matkw 14. A Vinecombe 15. A. Kennedy 18. M. Cunningham 19. G . Famxyia

20. J. Martin 22. P. Fanugia

23. W. Sdtwarzenbeig 24. J. Watkinson

27. A. Myers 28. A. Barnes 35. M . O'Connell 38. D. McABster 44. B . Moon 45. M . Castles 48. . A Moodie 87. S . Denahy

A. Calker N . Room G. Stewart B. Smart N . Taylor

S . Desmond L Duncan A . Gale D. Gleason J . Lad e

622 Mt . Alexander Rd . Matinee Ponds 9326 1799

20. A . McNamara M. Selby

36. S . Young

Im rue e . .nre ; - -1- . .-r, . ., .,,


ClubV II Section 2 KEW Coach: M. O'Dea Team Manager: F. Guppy I . P. Conidon 3. M. O'Dea (CC) 4. A. Tucker 5. S. Ihak 6. T. Hamad 7. D. Brand 8. A. Lawrence 9. P. McCormick 10 . K. Corbaly 11 . R. Guppy 12 . D. Leary 13. M.0'Haniot 14. A Hancock 15. A Lazarus 16. A LetMean 17. C . Thompson 18. C . Curtain 19, M.. Bond 20. D. McLauc~rGn 21 . J . Leonard 22. D. McGuire 23. T.. Mn ast 24. N 25. A. De4xy 26. B. SmiUt 27. R. Stevenson 32. A D'Anna 40. M. Quinn 44. A Guerra 48 . C.Johnson 49 . M. Garaa'folo 55 . T. Reynolds 77. A Stavr4tsla

Ford S, tiiiweA MS HARP OF ERIN i

MARCELLIN Coach : Simon Meehan Res. Coach: 1 . A. Merton

2. P.O'Calaagtlan 3. A. Trotter 4. J. Tsaukas 5. J. RusBoita 6. D . Boo" 7. R . Barnesi S. R . Pertidl 9. J. Kent 10. M. Kent 11 . G. Basfwd 12 R . Holland 13. M. Cronin (q 14. D. Theisz 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

A . Keogh C. McCann M . Nirnnm M . Curry R. Bolt

20. M . Getson 21 . W. Getson 22. P. Hartv_rts 23. J . Sloane 24. S. Dimattna 25, J. Daffy

The Beehive 速 Hotel 0

MONASH WHtTES Coach : Ronnie Lamb 1 . M. Dods 2. D.T wy 3. M.Vea 4 . R .IVG.-/ 5 . R .CaM 6. D .Nelsai 7. T. Ratvrson 8. A Forbes 9. J.Farv.tatlwr 10 B r APi,btt3rd . rolge It. M .ToSSav6irw 12. 13. C.Rayrmr 14 . D.D'B 'r~n 15 . H.Be h 16 . M. Richards 17 . KCa'wrt 18. S. Dods 19. G. Van clarZzkn 20. M. Rs~ (V~C) 21 . G .S~ r 22. J.Kemry 23. J. Dew1 24. M. McLean 25. AMcBettr 28. 0.le.retan 29. M . Lloyd 30. M. Krebs 31. P.Mr.lrarrry 32. P.Sporcer 33. A Strdwt 3-0 . T. Cogray 35 . B. Wtate 36. C. F#v (C) 44. 8 Larn b 37. LFbtdar " 49 . AM&K'issock 39. P. Grass 50. 1 41 . S.Kr.u~ 51. M.EoM 42. M. Rhoden 5Z N. Fens


OLD ESSENDON 'MERRY C .C .O .B. THOF&MU,qC7- - Coach: Gary Cutler GRAMMAR IANS Coach: C oach: D. Law 1 . D. Batman 2. C. Bishop 3 . R. Boyle 4 . G . Campbell 5 . R. Casey 6 . J. Carter 7. B. Ba7fe 8. R . Cram 9. P. Cramer 10. P. Duckk" 11 . C. Faaalari 12. D. Garvey

13. B . Gasa 14. K. Gass 15. GL Gillis 16 . T. GBHs 17 . D. Greastey 18 . C. Hammon 19 . Darren Hexter 20. David Hexter 21 . M.HowMen 22. D. Lawc~ 1

423. . 2 . P. ~ycMas McMaster 25. A. Ramzi 26. D . Reid 27, A. Rhodes 28. R . Shiels 29. A, Smit h 30. D. Stembridge 31 . K . Streidler 32. M . Swift 33. A. TVrel l 34. P. Van Bentham 35. C. Vassatto 36 . G . Walsh 37 . B. White 38 . T. William s

1 . R. Costello 5 . B . Uddell 6. M. Keenan 7 . P. Ka7y 8. T. Herrat 10. J. Patterson it. S. Moltulr 16. B. Mieldd 21. G. Smitl1 23. AFielding 26. W. Dreier 27. B. Ste ens 36. G. Rizzo (G) 38 . B.SdPeck 39 . A Fenn 40 . C. K~y 48, R . Ke:~an 49 . D. Lyons 56. T. E=. 60. M. n

1 . B. Carter

2. A. Mountney 3 . R. Buzesid 4 . B. Robertson 5 . T. Culler (C) 6 . P. Cutier 7. I. Hussian 8. C . KrmGevsf . A. Crocker d9 10. G . Thompson 11 . R .Osrnond 12. J. Gerstkamp 13. D .Carter(VC) 14. M . Goddard 15. M . Katy 16. S . Murdoch 17. A .Johnson 18. S . Borg 19. M . Johnston 20 . S . Penrose 21 . S . Bartlett 22 . W . Duson 24 . K. Cooke 28 . C. Brenton 29. R. Robertson 31 . R . Vesdc 33. P. Cioaso 34. P. McDonald 37. P. Haros 44. J. Reber 45. T. Jones 48. S. NcrrAnisla 49. P. Dodkins 50. P . Brewer


MT. ULYDALR O.C. SYiVD AUTALI.Y HO Coach: Steven Lawson 1 . I. Cooler 2. M . Vos 3. B . McKay 4. M . Walsh S. B. White & M . Rankin 7. M. Napoteone 8. M. Gobetti 9. A. DelBiortidc, 10 . M. Dicetb 11 . C . GHibsor1 12 . C . G6t ee 13. B. Colvin 14. C . Walsh 15. F. Livingston 16. T. AUen 17. A . Bunett 18. K . Maniscaichi 19. J . Burgess 20. J . Flannagan 21 . T . Flanagan 22. L Procter 23 . S. Woollen 24 . C. Callanan 25 . M.Brebner 26 . S. Madden 27. C. Varga 28. D . Cicchialo 29. P. Fur" 30. B. Commerford 31 . N . Pearce

Coach : 1 . T. Marks 2. A. Bums 3. M. Joy

S. D. Harnett 6 . J. Cotsis 8 . R . Bennet 9 . I. Bingham 10. P. Henning 11 . J . Rutter 12. S . Gould 13. J . Kenns 14. S . O'Boyle 15. N. Murray 16. N. Brewster 17. M . Webb 20. C. Hall 22. P. Kotstakos 23 . D. Raab 26 . D.O'Donohue 31 . B. Hanneman 35 . C . Cachia 40. 42 . 43. 46. 47. 50. 54. 62.

N . Toce A. Findlay C . Karabs J. Green G. Wagner P . Verga4os A. Sneddon R.O'De7

32. P. Cardan 35. D . Cadanan

Hawthorn 99


E East BULLM COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Angelo

Res. Coach: Mark Horsfield 1 . RS :3rr..#r a M.SYalon 2 T.Otwh 4 W. Caitoge 4. LttkLmd & SGe/is

5. FL Media 12 Sh e

& LH1 ay 14. 1 pc4xrt3r 7. RW ia M.Jame s 9. P. Goetz IT B. BIM 10. S. Wa03 21 . M. 11 . --.Rely 22. R. Boston 12 D .tlurr~cxr 24. P.Zaa 13. S. Dion (g) 25. W.Ehey 1 6. D.Tridti 2& RSmeIVa t& R BodorIek 29. ASum7as 19. S To xre l 31 C.Pxier 20 . J.Maan 32 C.Clarturls 23. J. Radem 3a T.SeUa

24 M, Bela 39. T. Karavchtr 26. AGallad 40 W. BA

27. J.Caftle :11ge, 41. N.Polsoes 31 . &MOrai 42 G.Lekles 33. RFaJ!ni 43. RCaana 34. M. D'Fv gdo 4a C. Besitrom 36. C. Merraigh 53. S. Staten 37. J.Paalach 63. P.CoUarl 38, C Brown 44. &t7qrar y 46. A H.ntpttr

ELEY PARK Coach : Graham Mutlenger Res. Coach : Rob Wickham 1. S. Watts 2 A Moms 2. R. Ratio 3. G . LaMama 3. M. B2dj 4. M . De4'orso 4. D.Grpnt 5. T.Yaradmos S. C . Kaye 6. G .Bromlzj 6, D. fT:v~ 7. K Pat7~ r 7. D. Burn & R WuWvam 8 . D- BoeMuok 9. M. Hooper 9 . RYoung 10. C. Mcl;ean 11 . A Fnatorby 12 . D .Payrw 13 . M. Paytce 14 . 0. Bruce 15. ADi x 16. N. D':, 17. S. Raymer 18. F.Mfinaka; 19. D- Trotter 20. M.Hook(C) 21, IT Led'aw 22. S. Bmmky 23. G .Smith 24 . G . BMr 25 . G . Heath 26 . D . Haalay 27 . D. Kaye 40. W. L .al4arr2 28 . D. Anancia 41, D. Carroll 29 . P. Centeno 42. F. Lacher 30. L McLean 43. A KeisM 31. N.Karadirqs 44. V.Fuku:lEma 32. McCorkek 45. S. Bosley 33. M.GeorLsqr 46. LOFoc '4. A HM 47. P. Storey 35. S . Pdevmzn 48. A WuNrjm 36. R. LaNarca 49, A Briginshaw 37. A Lerands 50. VV. Haim 38. J.Verrk 51 . NTa€wapcui~ 39. C. 8m-MI 52. A Wunfrym

`The Road Builders '

CHIRNSIDE PAR K EL C®LLEG .'. Coach: Stephen Jones Res. Coach : Peter Anthony 1 . M . Pemberton 2. ASore 3. G .Sk.csn M .Cansi(C) S. B. Rader 6 J.BrvNn

7. V.Pcook (VC) 8. S. Oates

9, W. Pemberton 10. M. Koaprnars 11 . G.t'iyrgard(RVC) 12 D.Pa¢'a(DUC) 13 . R.Da."sen(RVC )

14 . S.M~k~o h

15 . M.tvarre<,(SVC) 16 . M. Walke r

IT D.Datrias 18 . B. Massaroro 19. S. 0'Cennor 20, K Coles 21. T. D'Arqt!' .q 22, P .MHxurj 21 M . Simmars 24. C. Denny 25. F. Pmla 39. D. Hatvej 26. G .KeBaxey 4D M.Morra 27. N . Reed 41 . T. Scott 28. J . Mosca 42. N. Stan 29. M.Har~on 43. P .Sdr~ 30. L Matirr 44. R BurKe 31 . M.0(as6n 45. W. Hussey 32. G.LaraxN 46. P. Egan 33 . AClmmsuk 47. T.Bera 34 . S.VReeler 48. R. Gray 35 . R.Si6bug 49. C. Peters 36 . D. Karp 50. S. Byrnes 37. L Lowen 51 . R Coy'r. 38. G.IOimplon (RC) 52 . A. Asbury


Coach : Peter Slaci k Res. Coach : Peter Hansen 1 . J. Leas 2. 0. Tud»r 3 . A Tucker 4 . R Heaney 5 . D. Hogan 6 . G Clarke 7 . R Ha m 8 . J .Weadwud 9. S.Lews 0, 1 M. Sony 1 . J .Maai 39 . F.Coorwrty

12 . T. Carter 40 . 13 . S.kyay 41' ASmeaL-j

14' S.Arcoe 42' C. M

15 . LVfEte 43. N.Harnshre 16' J. Weatlwrd 44' G. Stadl7oof: 17. Slops 45. M. Ryan 18. M. Barkrg 46' A Hadfield in. G. Dsmore 47. M. H~y 20. RCo'a. 48. RHarris 21. T. Duggan 49- S- French 22. C. Lamy 50, P.Gomasks 23' G.0'Doreal 51 . C. Dods 24. M . Dwyer 52' S . Ffilqpson 25' T. Slit3land 53 . R. DomBj 26. J. Glare 54. 8. Turkj 27' R Solar 55. P. Momm 28. A Kelso 56. R Dries 29. C. Bishop 57. D. Elmer 30. D . Hogan 58. R Keare 31 . ZJovmavsld 59 . B. Evar t 32. C. Watson 60. A McOaiald 33, J.Taylor 61 C. McCorred 34. S. MadeFJ 62 . M. Bent 35. S.0'A5€b 63 . S.kaporeptos 36. T- Heft 64 . RJovarpv&Id 37 . C.HOrs6urgh 65' G. bras 38 . G.Sayrcer 66' S .Fi¢patrick

Shell Mooroolbark 9726 7083

HA GN CI Coach : Glenn Stalhvorthy Res. Coach: Darren Murray 1 . D. Murray 2. R. Lavidt 4. S. Wite

5. W. Glazebrook (DVC) 6. P. Avery 7. G . Stalh.nrOry 8. M . Dunsta n 9. W. Power (VC) 10. P. Orchard (C) 11 . A.Sill 12. S . Cohen 13. J . Povet+ 15. B. G~ver 16, N.Ousakas 18. S . Tanevre5 18. D. Lauretta 19. J . Law 20. S . Parker 21 . A . Dunlop 22. J . Schulz 23. D. Trat,y 25. R . Br~n 25. S. Davis 27. R . Lord 28. M Morrison 29. P. Barker 30. A. HarBey 31 . C . Langley 32. J. e 33. S. Du

34. S. Macdonald (RVC) 34. M. Stephenson 34. P. Hewish 35 . D. Murphy

37. G . Marshall (CR) 38. D. Lindrea 38 . I . Ceppa 39. D. Latriff 40. C. Frayne 41 . M . Wirytcross 42 . S. Irvine 44 . P. Rossitto 45 . A. Donaldson 46 . D. McCowain 47 . T.O'Hanlon 47 . T. Fitzpatrick 49 . R. Adams 49 . M . Nowak 51 . R. Donovan

52. I. Rosthom 54. E. Si9 56. P. Ryan

KEW Coach: Rob Bayley Res . Coach: Tom Vana 1. B.l ahfdi 2 G. Pcre W a R. HArier6i 4 D.Cttarriw a J.Barres 6 CHope

7. D. Hope

& J.Pdvia4i 9. A Genexell 10. B.Cftiq 11.APar r e; 12 S.Bw9 s 13. C. Kr'talzv 33. 0 . IVichall 14. G.Ginrirc 33. A Kenegietter is, M . Bill 40. P. Feftelli 16. D.WuodM 41 . Rtidng,-tm IT J. Ed 42 Clir.rtJSbn 18. ttKing ta'Q 43 J.Daxrres 19 NPeters 44. ADane 2D. S. I-babon 45, D. Mascot 21 . D.Havvxn 46. P.S.fivai 22 J. Paw 47. M. D=..alen 23. AM 4& MDardais 24. B .Oirro§ 49. J. Lucst 25. D .Vr 'St~H TO. J. Pallor 26 M.Ctr~qn 51 . SkbdJSDn '26 P. NaW 52 . L Fleisher 27. RF-'~ 53. Gkd2ws 28. L07c.r¢F.t) 5k M. Minton 29. M.CcTml)b 55. J. Forms; X Ca 56. J. Chow 31 . AVt57. t1L}7opoix[s 32 J.R;~:;::.i 5& ASpats 33. S. 137,'r7 59 . IT Hasioa 34. M.6`sc'- 60. V.WOog 35. RBur.M 61. S. Matter 36. ASari2 62 RPapaias 37. W.lartrrchi 99 SBnr e


THF AMATFI IR FnrlTaei I Fr] 1002

S OLI? CAREY Coach : Glenn Taylor Res. Coach : Simon Jackson 1 . CHE 2. C. Holey (Q 3 . htCdmn 4. CFstir 5. D. Lee

6. C Cambell (VC) 7. A Drover

B. ACopj 9. RAfdtiom 10, KShies 11 . ACope 12. M.Spenser Sp Jones 14. ,a M .Oary 15. ClkrOhe; 16. M.J.xe.-, 17. SCuy 18. C. Ma ub vr,

21. tAlktdonD 41 . AG~s 22. J.tiards 43. S. Duty 23. T. price 44 . B.Handiks 24. M.Ytn,f 45, M.17--'han 25. CCna1a9 46. M. (- .I 26 J.MAm 47 M.£-A 27.N ' ?,Q 28. P.Ptnce .,. Rt'~ : n 29. T. Macon M S. . .)n 30. SFetfcn 51. J .' .'. .,,'011 31 . ft BOW 52. M.raf e 32 CVftrington 54. RCrirrrca 33 SFeid 55p T.Arnar 34. 0. Foos a v/. 35. R&arr, 59. C 36. LSmd 63. C. Sacco 37. P. Bryce 64 . AMCFaLae 38. I. Cdmn A. T. fadd'St




Q.P .O .

Bar & Bistro

RICHMOND CENTM Coach : Tim Pontefract Res. Coach : Danny Hickey 1 . AWka1n 2 A 3 a 6. 6.

T. 0'&&w S. Shannon G.BUc 1:N S. P04

7. F. BM & G.Mdcoin 9. P.J3imon 10. AMaptrj 11 . J.Barke' n . D.r iclej 12, RMadc 1& c.rttar,n 14. C.Stanm 15 R. Church 1& MJenner 17. AFavxett 18. M.7qw 19 J. Marrag 21 . AFGA 22 AFkres 25. AD" 25. SFArkbd< 26. J .Allelet 27. CAda'rc; 28. A Vf~,aS 30. S. Fierreen 30. G. Tae 32 D. Vaz 33 J.Cahen 34. D. 37. G Pat•vars 40. B . Nato 42. P.tbei 43. ASM3ta 4a M. Mark 46. D. Fa1ef

Coach : David Kyle

Res. Coach : Ash Wain t . RTeftd 2 F.Macsar 4 MRk 5. ADrvw 6 D.Houtx 7. J. Do;us 8. T.Mr=

9.c. Riss 10. D. Kyle

19. R. Broke 39. R Bonnet 20. 101. Nkidge 4D. IT



47. D.Bara'te 49. It Rate 5g, G Barry 52 Ckdxp(zrks 53. SL #6ruad 54 . P.Mtisde 5a M. Day 56, LD,Sj 5& AC<ktr&gs 56 0. Mail 57. SA+a" 5& N.Baw: . 51 Lx Collanan 8& D. Cc&i' ge 61. A Davrss 62 T.Or,han 63. T.Gu5ein 64. AKetr y 65, D.1lmxirei, 66. LJa.#P;3iter 67. R M*ms, 68. D. R4dbe 69. m. Tapley 70. T.Tayior 70. D. Misfit 71 . Kt41ile 72 GSiN 73. J Simian 74. P.Caamd 75. LV."~3utt M. LEgn 77. AHOga 78. MT~ 79 S. Trecsse TO. JVndis 81 . S 0'Sr4i+al

it. a Reynolds 12M.mile 13. D. Cole 14. 1 Loveless 15 TOSAW 1& B,Srr & 1B. D. Ross 19. KPu k 41, B.Da,mts 20 SFmre 42 T.C+Ean 21 . ALiveer-Cole 43 H . Pak 23. D.Ba'sffav 44 . J. He 24. MOahes 45 L Fees 25. T.H ablam 46 . F1Do3vW 26. G.Mdead 47. B.MCtr,ratri 27. A Pvr,e 48. R. Dau 28. J.Ptr.:eah 49. SSeahnne 29. P. Petstarl 50. P. Ford 30. D . polar 52 Af'emnett 31, J. Don 53. S Comm 32 C. Heffeman 55 S Taylor 33. D. kc#ad 56 ~ 34 . T.ChiiKld 57.. L G.H7 35. IT peala- 63, T. Strong 36 . R PacJUa 65. A Bestamd. 37. M.Iloss 71 . M. Lang 3& T. OS . 72 Rtaw6n M TPei .::,:7 74. ABnt

40. M.W !

-78. J- Scales

A Section OLD MELBURNIAN S DE LA SALLE COLLEGIANS Coach : Peter Hannan Coach: Leigh Carlson Res. Coach: Greg Feuhill Res. Coach: Neville Jan. James 1 . M . Chu n 1 . B. KIM 2. P. Fume 2. N . Florentine 3. D. Crowe 3. B . Woo#tause 4. L Hall 4. S .La=en 5. L Swift 4. N. Boctor 6 . M. Fisher 5. D. Gree+es 7 . C . Browne 5. D. Peters 8 . C . Wrigh t 6. A.SrtBh 7. C. Hgswt 7. D. W~Srrath 8. C. Pollock 9. V. Cary t0. J. G '

1 1 . 13. Vi. 12. D. Slobs

13. G .Pakner 14. R. Sd»ber t5. Y.Ph34ss 16. A. WalL17. C. Nankerv's 18. J. Bennett ('VC) 19. C . Daudswn 20. G. Dearre-Jalxis 21 . A. Jot-,l22. D . Kerr 23. A .Sheerly 24. D. Hameit 25. G. Brlg~a 26 . N. M3at .', 27 . S . Hier{ahry . S . Bladmv3n 28 . A. Kerv r..alFj 29 30. M . Ga&.reith 31 . J. Ke^mis 32 . D.Thanson(C) 33. J. Sneddo n 34. 35. 36. 37. 38.

D. EnM.isle R. N~rtey S. Hardn9 M.Opie M.Lake

38. S. Van Der Venne 38. J . Car t 40. B. Seaton 41 . SLubic 42. 1: Vasdsks 43. A .Greenvay 44. A . Par4An (VC) 45. N . And.~ 46 . S . Wookey 47 . D. Mdat 48 . J. Lemon 49 . T, Van Dee Verese 50. B. Jefferson 51 . P. Baxter 52. N. GA 53. M .I Ess 54. L. 55. E. Jones 56. D. Howe 57. J" Moore 58. A. Tixin•{ron 59. M .Ricturds 60. B. Kee n 61 . D. Kens 62. M.ODorxreN 64. M.Grbbl. 70. T.StnAh

9 . C. Campbell 10. T. Slivers

it . A Evans (DVC) 12. D. Toohey 13. A. Waters 14. A. Duncan 15. J. Hodder 16 . A. Fbweniay 17 . A. Elliot 18 . J. Hom 19 . D . O'Brien 20. S. Albon 21 . D . Jackson 22. P .O'Ca&aglan 23. D. Grace 24. D. Cross 25. G. Hynes 26. P. =1&r 27. L Pligt 28. M . Lafferty 29. D. Rosman 30 . B. Mannix 31 . K. Mann& 32 . C .O'CaNaghan 33 . P. Rennie

34. A. Moore 35. A . Mackintosh 36. A . Abbott 37. M. Rose! 38. A . Johnstone .' 39. P . Brasher 40. M. Buffer 41 . J . Murphy 42. J. Clarke 43. M . Sharpe 44 . R. Mackinson 45 . C. Cleary 46 . M. Hegan 47 . M. Farrell 48. D. Smith 49. D . Lambe 50. P. Mannix 51 . B. Buick 52. B . Byme 53. R. Grapple 54. J . Duckett 55. S . taska 56 . G. Curran 57. P. O'Brien 58 . T . Ford 59 . P. Aron 70 . D. Midro 78. D. Jennings

OLD SCOTCH OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Michael Ford Res Coach : Erwin Leyden Coach . Wayne Hartnas Coach: Sinion Meehan Res. Co~h: S~1 Res. Coach : Andrew Baxter 1 . A. Walton 1 . K. Stoke s 2 . S. Theodore 1 . A. Baxter 2 . J. Hosldrg (VC) 3. A Ross 2 . D. Connell 3 . C . HosfBng 4. B . ElSnghaus . Byms 3. W 4. T. Hofl n 5. L Bun 4 . C . McKenzie 5. R. Price 6. P. Hantwry 5 . F. Main 6. L McDonnell . Thompson 7. C 6. W. Smith 7. J . Hugftes 8 . M. Lovett 7. Adam Hilton 8. C. Reid 9 . T. Smith 8. M . Orton 9. R. Aujard 10. T. Roberts 9. S . Rowlands 10 . J. Ken 11 . M. Jukes 10 . C. Warden 11 . S. Grigg 12. A. Hewitt . L Hucker 11 12 . S. Humes 13. S . Rose (RVC) 11 . (2) F. Capomolla 13. N .Hooper(RC) 14. J . Bunn 12. D. Secull 14 D Norman . Britain 15 . R 13. B. Carty 115. J tGtdten 16 . C. Eatxy 14. A. Forsyth 16. A. Speed 17 . B.BfrFtill 15. N . Morey 17. S . Woodhouse . Keebie 18 . O 16. A . Dowsing 18. A. Nettleton 20. B. Telford 17. Ash Hilton 19. S .S W' 21 . L Boyd 20. T. WilsoO 18. M . Constable . Waddell 22. A 19. M .Amis trorx3 21 . S. Gibbs 23. M. Berry 22 . C. Heath 20 . C. Krau s 24. M. Sereda 21 . k Walden 123' D. Walsh 25. M . Pruden 24 . M . Angus 22. P. Thiessen 26 . C. Kennedy 25 . T. Pritchard 23. M. Seou l 27 . O . 26. B. Phillips 23. (2) J. Mackay 27. S. Collins 28. S. R ' 24. R . Lavender 29. J. WaNace-Smith 28. S. Teesdale 25. G. Rowlands 29. A. Teesdale 30. I. McMullin 26. G. Philips 30. J . Laird (VC) 31 . J . Hart 27. J . Dann 31 . A Smith 32. R. Webb 28. S . Walden 32. A. Kaknsid 33 . G. Dixon (RC) 29. R. Stewart t 33. J . Hannemann 34 . R. Mmrd 30 . R. Augtlterson 34 . N. Beattie . 35 . D Brown 31. B. Main 35 . S . Steele (C) 36. A McKeon '. 32 . P. O'Donnell 36 . M . Davison . S. Eabr 37 y . , 33 . A. Floyd 37. J. S . Crawshay 38. M 34. B. Mitchell 38.A G 39. N . Strauss 35. D.Lappage 39. P. Goldberg R 40. J . Caro 36. B . Lay 40. A. Warner 41 . G. Wilhelm 37. D. Ladd 41 . A Castricum 42 . P, Theodore . Pedder 38. S 42. A. Gibbs . Coke 43. T 39. R. Weber 43. J. Paterson 44. A. McDougall 40. S. Duxbury 44. P. Busse 45. Z Useirmv 41 . B. Malin 45. T. Stubbs 46. D . Home 42 . D. Scaife 46 . G.Jonas 47. J . Fob 47 . T. Reid 43 . R . Ptecher . Jenkins 48. C 48 . P. Davis 44. A. Kirkwood-Scott 49. T. Stuckey (C) 49. D. Thomas 45. N . Hill 50, P. Marini 50. D. De l 46. C. Jimm1ieson 51. C. Banks s 51 . S.IIkntJworUt 47. J . Kuria 52 . B. Campbell 52. R . Gregory 48. D. Bum 53 . F. Marsden 53. P. Galdzkar 49. M . Harrison T. Kiepen 54. T. Phillips 50. A. Bortv6dc S. Brown 55. J. Bock . Harrison 52 . R J . Guest 56. A . Richardson 53 . M. Dusting 57. S . Milken 55 . C . Lacks 58. E . Johnston 57. B. Ladds 59. A. Wa@con 65. C . Dowlin g 60. M . Weber 61. A. Brdar 62 . J. Cook 63 . T. Gray 65 . A. Fairweather 65 . M. O'Brien 66. J. Batchelor 67. M. Ryan 68. A . Newel 69. C.I&man 70. C. Stewart 71 . R. Hume 77. A. Loyd 90 . C. Nash

THE ANGEL TAVERN Cnr. Glenferrii'/Dandenong Rds . Malvern 9509 4023 GRYPH /NN BAR & BISTR O


ENGINEERING PH : (03) 9822 0011



OLD TRINITY Coach : Date McCann Coach: Bernard Dunn Res. Coach: Ian Wallace pies. Coach: Wayne Tulloch 1.. Gennery S.K . Vincent I. S 2 . Hudson 2 P.O'Lou~n a 3. A. A&ibat a J. D las 4. T. Norman i 4. S. Phffp 5 . P. Vandedioek 5. M. Harford 6 . R. Heath 6 . B. Parmam 7. A. Ande rson 7. P. Cosgrifl 8. S. = Dairympie Pie 8. D. C~avola 9. A. 9. A . Boyd A. Urbancic 10. P. Bratrender 11 . R. Boxtell It . N . Willits 12. M. Cunning 12. S. Walks 13. M. Donato 13, T. Wallis 14. J. Stio4dand 14. B. Bmbender 15 . D. Baiaszy 15 . B.Dintinasente 16. M. Godfrey 16 . M.Seuang 17. G . Hatfi~d 17. B. Hart 18. A . Nilson 18. M. Spencer 19. S . Hopidns 19. T. Canavan 20. P. Board 20. P. Harris 21 . M . Heppea 21 . A. Farrel) 22. H . BeiGs 22 . D . Beardsley 23. C . Poppiewaff 23. P. Walsh 24. D. Dicpney 24 . T. Board 25 . A. Giddings 25 . A. Heffernan 26. M.B. Geary 26. P. Be st 27. K. Jenkins 27. M . Greig 28. J . Holland 28. D. V 29. E . Tomaste9o 29. A . Se~y 30. L Taylor 30. T. MuBgan 31 . A . Muleta 31 . S. B(adeni 32. P. Healy 32. D . Glass 33. M. Harrison 33 . D. HekPubwi 34. A. Vacirca 34. J. Pappas 35. J. MA}s 35. L Bennie 36. S. Swindon 36. J . Sutcliffe 37. L Rochr-ca 37. P. Drnata7g 38 . N. Vankuyk 38. R. Pht m ps 39. P. Reid 39. A. Vise 40. D. Baird 40. T Harris 41 . M . W'r y 41 . C . Ord 42. D. Tregame 42. A. Sheehan 43. M.P. Geary 43 . T. Peggie 44. H, Nyu r 44 . M . Beamish 45. M.S. Flynn 45. N. King 46. B. Flynn 46. S . Tonens 47. N . Bag 47. F. Cameron 48. M. Vear 48. C . Smith 49. D. Cosme 49. P. Johnson 50 . N, Fkubb 50. L Jervis 51 . J . Tcvn St . D. Little 52. A. Smith 52 . M . Boyd 53. D. Horsington 53. M .?homton 54. J. Mould 54. A . Grisbmok 55. J. Swindon 55. J . Breen 66. M. Ryan 56. A. Richards 57. C . Felows 58. R . Fanant 59. T. Cade 60 . S. Medlin 61 . D. Burrows 62. M . Pawsey 80. T. Smith

FIl,~ O~ ~Y ~j~R ~ 7F '~ '~ r~.

ST. BERNARDS Coach: Andrew Nathan Res . Coach: Andrew Nallm 1 . A. Cornito Rea. Coach: Barr t 2. T. Dobson 3. A. Bretxaer . D. Strcnrnony1 Nekand 2 J. Staritsid 4. V. Corruto 5 . R. Doolan a G . William 4. D. Guengerch 6 . S. Ryan 7 . S. Perrett 5. P.O'Dannet 6. B . Bbod(DVC) 8. A. Capes 7. D. HayRe r 9. J. Kennedy B. N . Bv me 10. G. Matthews it. P. Capes 9. M. 12. B. Ho~n 10. D. Maqestare 11 . C . &~tran~e 13. S . MdCeon 12, R. Furptyr (C) 14. S. Doran 15. L Overman 13 . G. Evans 14 . D. Gust 16. C . Wood 17. S. O'Keefe 15. P. Stephens 16. C. Stewart 18. N. Mitchell 19 . L Godard 17. J . Kanis 20 . T. Sheehan . . Kirsarrovs 21. B. =in 1169. S. 19. S Herraltl 20. Z McCarty 22. C. ~ali~~pe 23. B. Horn 21 . T. McIntyre (VC) 22 . A. Nugent 24. J . Kavanagh 25. P. Hayes 23 . T . Wilcox 23. B. Furpby 26. J . GoPant 27. A. Nathan 24. P . Fairbank 28. P. Glrnair 25. A. Henderson 26, N . Cavalier 29. J. Overman 30. J. Moun t 27. J . Jamieson 27. B. Pricker 31 . B. Swann 32 . S. Chatfield 28. D . Bolton 29 . A. Muller 33 P. Rogerson 34 . M .Junscay 30. A. WA 31 . R. Vandenberg 35. A . Brandt 38. C. Bond 32. J . Gamaut 33. L Tvreddle 37, M. Farmer 34. J . MdGnnon 38, D. McAllister 35. A . WifCox 39. S. Donnelly 40. J. Baearv~ 36. L Morison 37. A. Lennen 41 . D. Juegan 42 . M. Marshalt 38 . J. Ryan 43 . C. Davis 39. J. Henderson 44. S . Taylor 40 . B. Miller 45 . C. Gray 41 . M. .Keel/ 42. D. 46. T. Paradowsb 47. J . Rainey 43. J . McIntosh 44. R. Featherston 48. A . Catteradf 49. B. Hemley 45. T. O'Brien 46. D . Gunn 50. J. tanzano 51 . J. Contito 47. S. Btoddey 48. H . Carter 52 . A. Osborne 53, J. McPhail 49 . D . Stradc .50. H. Naibn 55 . G . Cusack


UNl. BLUES Coach : Mck Bourke Coach: Mark 7ytu3n Res. Coach: Michael Plant Asst Coach: Cxartt 1 . M. Blood (C) 2 . M.Bourke 3. L Hannebery 4 . D.,tan (VC) 5. J. McDonald 6. T. Ke}roe 7. S. Lethlean 8. M . Holmes 9. Z Hawkins 10. I . Gladman 11 . Adam Jones 12. J . Bowen 13. C . Ellis 14. D. Stoney 15. A. McLean 16 . L Ford 17. D. Richardson (VC) 18 . S. Hunter 19. D. Steen 20. M . Hardman 21 . T.Oddeshaw 22. A . Bourke 23. B . Perry 24. B Coughlan 25 . P. Ledrte 26. A. Had

27 . L Fay 28 . R. Clarke 29 . S. Wood 30. D. Dann 31 . S. Moaard 32. A. Bfushfield 33. A . Sassi 34. A . Belli 35. S . Hede 36. P. Barrett 37. D . Webb 38 . T. S hrfirg 39. S. Sm puA 40 . R. Rvan 41 . A42. J. Lowe 43. T. Woodruff 44. J . De Bnougt 45. T. Coughlan 46. Andrew Jones 47. T. Frweer 48. M. Logan 49. R . Visentini 50. S. Tucker 51 . A. Murphy 52 . P. Conquest 53. M. Diamond 54. M . Brennan 55. D. Stones 56. M. Stones 57, D. Walsh 58. L Tuddentiarn 59. M. Meehan 61 . S. NatiHi

51 . C. Ryan 52. S. Longey 53. R. Versteegen 54. T. Roydhouse 55. D. Hueston 56. N . Dwyer

57. J. Kennedy 58 . T. Miskin 59 . L Fehring 60. D. Edwards 61. J. O'Sullivan 62. S. Kuc 67. S . McAlocn (CR) 71 . T. Harris 72. J . Norman (VCR) 82. N . Court


.r,~a1 l•lr, .,G7

Whitehall St,Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722

@ Carlton

622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Dtoonee Ponds

9326 1799 ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1996 25

IVANHOE Coach : Doni Valkartis Res . Coach: Rob Pearce 1 . D. Williams I . P. Meror y 2. L Hu4-Brrnm 2. J . Di Santo 3. C. Tucke r 4. D. Valkanis 4. R. Toogood 5. P. Manuel 6. D. Frawley 7. P. Rawiley 8. Saun&rs 8. R. Hitd 9. N. ThaciorJray 10 . P. Lee 11 . H. Mcussa 12 . L Smith 13. S. Narfda+r,¢ 14 . P. Flynn

BAN YULE Bell Coach: Harry Harision Res. Coach: Tim 1 . B . K'mcer , 2 . D. Wdd ell (VC) 3. L Holt 4. J . Anderson 5. B. Edmore 6. S. Kayrooz 7. S. Richmond 8. R. Williams 9. R. Cullen 10 . J. Fortune 11 B. Owen 12 . J. E~n 13 . M. O' Bd. (VC) 14. A. Logan 15. S. Gray 16. D . Mayne 17. T. Benton 18. J . Turnout 19. B . Woodbdc 20. S . PtayPair 21 . R. DnGnosante 23. S . Gray 24. G. Williams 25. M .Whselan 26. B. McDermott 27 . A. Rossi-Met 28 . D. Fabris 29 . M. Peters 30 . B. G4fes 31 . C. Bassett 32 . T. Wason 33. D. Glass 34. C . Stevens 35. B. Anderson 36. D, Tyler

15 . 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

T. Flynn M. Saided K. Mousse T. Scoble G. BuWn D . Sartor

48. D . Stephens 52. D . Noonan 55. D. Wap ams (C)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

P. Robinson J. Ballenger J. Chilcolt A. Han ey D. Schofield N . Marmo S. Morgan D . Christie P. Hal l

10. M. O'Hara (C) 11 . T. Smith (RVC) 12. P . McCuske r 13. T. Bridgtand (RVC) 14. G. Young 15 . D. Barker (VC) 16 . T. Howard (RC) 17 . T. Tsiavi s

18 . D.O'Donaghue 19. D. Clarice 20. C. Murray 21 . S. Pdan 22. D. Sherlock 23. S. Coulson 24. J. Caudh 25. D . Carter 26. P. R ky 27. D. Krorn 28. N . Little 29. R. Sharp

21 . L Blackwood 22. A . Angelini 23. A.Jewson 24. T.O'Neit 25. J . Frisina 26. P . Rovis 26. S . Fainveetlter 27. N . Andreevsld 28. A . McKelar 29. A . Scott 30. J . Makin 31 . D. McFarlane 32. J .Lynch 33. B. Kendal 34. B. Joyce 35, P. Whitehead 36, R. Gilles 37. C. Giankouldis 37. G. Fmtayson 38 . T. Thomson 39 . M . Ebbage 40 . J. Griggs 41 . C. McDonald 42 . P. Murphy 43 * S, McGowan 44 . E. Newbold 45 . J.Ray~rood 46. G .O'Bden 47. E. Marino 48. B. White

37. M . Jesse 38. G. Riches 39. C. Bead 40. P. Witched 41 . A. FOote 42 . T . Egan 43 . L Ferule 44 . S. Allard 45 . M. Gilbert 46. P. Agostinel li 47. R . Smith

MAZENOD Coach: Rob Prosser Res. Coach: Chris Boyle

30 . S . Fisher (VC) 31 . N. Snarl 32 . D. Moore 33 . R. Toyama 35 . J. Fisher 37. G . T rigg 38. D. Stanfmf 39. R . Bourbon 41 . B. We lch (RVC) 42. N . Jambs 43. W. Lane 44. D . Bote 45. G. Rogers 46. J . LeGrand 48, P. Vine 49. L Hairy 51 . M . Murray 52. Mark Riley E3. Mick Riley 54 . P.Jacobs 55 . M. Quirk 56 . M. Watch 57 . M. Peters

60 . M. Le Casteur 64 . S. Bourbon 73. B. Devlin 86. M. Cout6e 88. A. King

49. A. Rosenfeld 50. D. Jadta 52. C. Payne 54, D. Richards 55. L Pearce 61 . G . Hickey 68. J . Owen 76. G . Kennedy 77. R . Armstrong 78. C . Brown

M .H.S.O.B. Coach: Warren Fall Res. Coach : Colin Drake 1. J. Sarat Z Ailment a D.Wmft 8. RVama 4. D.R.wnig 5. SOimma & GYaug 7. J.Patiil 7. It Bare a J. Dion 9. DOaw iQ MBeaft 11. SNtalan 11. MWetcler 12 SA'tCLTj 12 M Fs4ekra¢ 13. cRatiali ta ARM 14. ATfaxj 14. C, Y,* 15. P.Bage 16, IAA9cn 1& AQ3k 17. A Vtatoer 1& RATA 1& t Gks* la J . Carrier 20. D. Fair" 21 . It Join 21 . SMladw 22 ALid,W as M as S FA Ife 24, & " 24 . tiWkm 25. G t;iW 21 & Harrison 26. Mihaioan 27. P. R11 27. LM4t 2&D.soaw 28, A Lamm 29. P. Pix~p 2d 0 Daka 30. Rfkreton 31 . W.l'daXa'tl 32. A (aSSO as Ri RcrslcrR7 33. ASattry 34. SFWn d 31. t1fim 49. C. Dyne 35. A6afs 19. ti .Mct(A 35. SKaetri.y 5C. r, .Dyta' 3C, APaitos .1. . Afw;a 37. KBr7 5:: aiJ.X:eC :

3,.R C.h4v

G'. 11 hS ;tr*:

3a AWaban 5 ; ii4xn`.:,s 40. W. Paytis 5 5 A. :' ~ 41 . S9atr.y 5u 41 . Rli 57. A~: :r.E42 P.q~ 5& J. W.n 59. B . Bchd 43. J. W 44. B. Adxfal 60. P. Kws3lly 45. D.Saai 61 . PARelr 46. AfbM 62 SDarekket 47. J.14r'mn 63 T. Kr g 4& SMumn 64. &Oximen

OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS Coach: Date Tapping Res . Coach : Steve Bames Runner: Gary Sanders I . A. Kaywndoak (DVC) 2 J. Muc h 4. M. Talbot 5. N . Perry (C) 6. S. Antanis

7. L Fildes (VC) 8. S. Lennox 9. 10. 11 . 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 18.

M. Fisher R . Hartmen A. Fitzgerald M. Gamble M. Dennis D . Tymns J. Bradley A . Rickerby M. Jac~-on P. Roac h

21 . 22. 23. 24. 24. 25. 27. 28. 29.

C . Jackson K. Farrel A. Pryor R . Carter S. Douglas S. Nikas C . Giknwe P. Wolf M. Gordon

19. A. Mandylaris 20. D . Kd=niorgan 21 . R . Oakley,

30. K. TesdiertdoA 31 . S. Murray (RC) 32. B. Williams 33. M. Tog 34. M. Reid (DVC) 35. S. Mercer 36. B. Pollock (DVC) 37. A. Hain 38. A . Lomas 39. A. Fischer 40. B. Patterson 41 . J . Howell 43. J. Holden

45. P. McNamara 46. B . Hamilton 47. D . Wilson 48. 49. 50. 55. 57. 61 . 65. 71 . 79. 80. 84.

T. Desmyth N . Winter S . Widiams C. Toms A . McLaren A . White R . Kent B . Alderson H . Eidcett A . Palfrey P. McMaho n

6 IMBED= tfyunopl


TATTS and POKIES Bar and Bistro 120 Upper Heidelberg Rd . Ivanhoe

CAF E ~co unr aou . . s t

u.ta~u. :v .96o] u!D

1 CO . Pry ti n

♦l 131AlI ACENIi





THERRY C.O.O.B. OLD IVANHOE Coach : Kevin McLean Res. Coach : Darren Caddy 1 . A . Corcoran 1n. B .Yarnood 2 . P . Sigley 3 . D. Wany 4 . A. Parker 4n. D. TO

5. T. Young 6. S . Kent 7. T, Young 7R C. Webb a T, Stevens

ORMOND coaa, : Greg Healy

Res . Caach : Tim Hiite 1 . A. Jobiing 2. C. Syntes 3. A On 4. A. Grace 5. B. Turner (DVC) 6. T . Gallagher 7. B. O'Conne~ (C) 8. M. Gilmore (VC) 9. A. Forrest

9. M . Karayannis 10. M . Vea! it . S .TUEy 12 . M .Johnston 13. A. Pappos 14. S . Kingston 15. G. Douglas 16. M . Woods 17. J. Ltdc 18. P . Bisogni 19. A . Barker 19R. P. Quick 20. M . Huber 21 . J. Mansfield 22. P. Donaldson 23. M . Stewart 24. G. Hav e 25. C. Moore 25a J. Maycodc 26a. D. Craker 27. J. Weddle 28. D.Jones 29. R. Weddle 31R. D. Caddy 32R. N. Harris 33. T. Com'iaadc 34. D. Ha l 35. L McLean

36. S. Pidao 37a. D. Stott

38. Gerry George

39. Gary Geetga 40a. R. Davies 41 P. L Taylor

42. S. Vaughan 43 X Atkinson

44. T . Agushi 45. J. .H =led 45. M

46. S. Ford 50. C. Corcoran 51 . B. Shadtx5lt

10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15.

P. Marrow D . Edge41 N . Sebo P. Kingston S . James C. Fraser

16. T. Stewart (RC) 17. P. Joy 18. S. Rya n 19. D. Cleary (RVC) 20 . S. Metz 21 . J. Brown 22 . R . Block 23. P. McDonald 24. J. Collins 25. M. Wrodarczylc 2& D. Connel l 27. T. Brennan 28. B. Collins 29. D. Whelan 30. S. Grace 31 . B. Egan 32 . M. McDonald 33 . M. Shepherd 34 . R . Remman 35 . G . Bailey 36. S. Mackey 37. S. Turner 38. P. Miner 39. J . Byron 40. G. Lehner 41 . G. Hall 42. C. Keleher 43 . S. Wrodarczyk 44 . M . Mabbett 45 . L Livingstone 46. P. Tod d 47. R. Keating 48. G . Smith 49. M. HorsPefd 50. J . Mclean 51 . G. King

52. N . Well;

53. P . Schuhkraft 54 . B. Davies 55 . D. Amlield 56 . S. Eccles 57 . H. Brown 58. M. Collins 59. G .Sneddon 60. M. Hester 61 . B. Keath

62. S. Harrold 63. A. Murphy 64. S . Head 65 . L Craven 66 . A Turner 67 . D. Turner 68. D. Mahbett 69. P. Mulcahy

ST KEVIN'S Coach : Tim Hart Re& Coach: Qwten 1 . B. Burden 2 . J. Dvnan 3 . M. pman (DVC) 4 . W. Kea~ran

5 . R. Catlnan (RC) 6 . S. Fox 7 . B. Kennedy 8 . B. Dobnan 9. G . Smith 10. D . Moore 1t . D . Ryan 12. M. Dolknan (VC) 13. R . Bowles (DVC) 14. J . Bare 15. M. owe 16. B. Garve~+ 17. M. Trezmi 18. N . Hart 19. D.Sheehv 20. A Var~ 21 . S . Powell 22. J . Macey 23. A Pivetta 24. P . Meagher 25. M . O'Shea 26 . P. M.cCann (RVC) 27 . R. Gross 28 . M . FareMharson (DVC) 29 . A Mount 30 . M . Gargano 31 . A. McGuiness 32 . B. Noonan 33 . S. Denton 34 . J. Wh'r`.bread 35 . A. Thomas 36 . D. Kennedy 37. S. Kennedy 38. D. Smith 39. S. Gribble 40. A Hart 41 . J. Hassell 42. S. Herbert 43. D . McDonald 44. D . "an 45. D . Weight 46. D .DeRooden 47. M. Brady (C) 48. T. Smith

49. J. O'Connor 50. S. Kuring 51 . R . Bateman 52. J . Finc h 53. J . Goldsworthy 54. S. Gam e 55. 56. 57. 58. 60. 61 .

R. SiN6ss G. Mulcahy C. Bossong S . Charles P . Cbhesy J . Price

62 . JS. L 63 . . Dean 64 . P. Curtin 65 . N. Martin 66 . J . Quirk 67 . D. Ivory 68 . P. Rya n 69 . N. Goldsworthy 70. D. Boy d

ST. KILDA STH. CAULFIELD Coach : Terry Walsh Res. Coach: Tony Gilchrist I . B . Ryan 2. N . Astap>nko (VC) a J . Howard 5. P . Clements 6. M . Rya n 8. G. Baker 9. G . Healy 10. T . Presneti 11 . J. Gardner 12. B. King 13. S. Neeson 14 . S. Wood 15 . M. Kuek 16 . P. Rogers 17 . G . Knohel 18. R . Williams 19. D . Bilston 21 . M. MihaWk; 22. P. O'Sullivan 23. A . Data Lana 24. M . Wdgosz 25. P . Dynon 26. N . Buck

27. R. Gilmore (VC) 28. G . Hofert 29. D. Dunlevie 30. T . Presnell 31 . M . Cunningham 32. M. D'ZJva 33. N. Cote 34 . R. Harvey 35 . D. Mahoney 36L C . Kalks

Coach: Terry Quin n Res. Coach : Chris Bye 1 . M. Petrevsld

2 . B. Hollow 3 . P. Gorman 4 . M. Elliott 5 . J . SeYmour 6. J . Veins 7. P . Jones 8. L Hollow 9. M. Grrnvcodc 10. R. Egc~estone t t . B. Wamer 12. R. Moran 13. M . Basanko 14. J. Redikck (VC) 15. G. Pinner (RC) 16 . M . Gmdwin 17. G .O'Connor 18 . B. Carter

18 . L Kuret

19 . D. Rosasato 20 . A. Motoney~ 21 . J.Thrush

22 . S. Griggs (RVC) 23. C. Bye 24. S. Kuret 25. M. Postma 26. G . Carbis 27. B. Stevens 28. D . Barron 29. S . Goodwin 30. M .Tadmac 31 . S . Hollow 32. J . Sacco

33. N. LaFontaine 34 . M . Donohue 35 . S .O'Hakoran 36 . C. Rizzo 37 . D. Castatd (C) 38 . B. Sellec k 39 . A. Fenn 39. S. Boyle 40. G . Keaues 41 . G . Thompson 43. G . Rostt,}nolo 44. D .O'NeIE 47. D . Goodwin 48. D . Wrigglesvmn h

37 . A. Zodit 38 . R . Elliott 39 . A. Diamond 40. J.Thursfield 41 . A . Merrick 44. S . Diamond .', 45. W. Defiam .,' , 47. M. Murphy 48. B . Mascali 49. M . Benton 50. M 51 . J . .Frav. D'ev 'no 52. S. Koutapls 53. C. Thursfield 54. T. Galloway 55L L MagaW

57 . M . Merrick 58 . S. Patterson 60 . C. Biston 61 . M. Tkocz (C) 64 . M. MacDonald 65 . K.Toohey 66. G . Brown 67. S. Emmett 69. M. Slade 73. W. Perkins









C Section

AJAX Coach: PhR Aasor s A ssGCoedt: Michael Zwls d Res . Coach Brian Zolineld 1 . J. Wnk>el a B. Davis 4. M. Dudakov 5.J.Rath 6. D. Kaib 7. G. Samuel 8. A. Krongdd 9. A. Rosen 11. A. Gordon 12 . D. Ones 13 . A. Levy 14 . Y. Rapoport 15 . A. Burman 16. R . Woo( 17. A Cukiennan 18. K . ' 19. M . (C) 20. W. KrorxJold 21 . S. G4asman 22. D. Mohr 23 . A. Bensimo1 24 . S. Rut>Pxsteine 25 . K Levine 26. B. Duzenman (DVC) 27. A. Lust 28. J. Bram (VC) 29. A. Hearst 30. N.Israelsohn 31 . M . Bernell 32. A Moniech 34. D. Gun n 35 . S. Roth 36 . J. Segel (DVC) 37 . R .Loewy 38 . J. Lewis 39. D . Boon 40. A- Redlich 41 . P. Naptal 42. J .Klooger 43. R. Weisz 44. N. Dlamond 45. E. Steen 46. J . Davis 47. A. Abraham 48. L GaWberg 49 . M .Jefnek 50 . B. Gradski 51 . S. Boon 52 . A. T~eh1 ski 53. A. Sheffield 54. D . Collins 55. B. Zelinsld (CGR) 56. S. Davis 58. M. Fried 6G. J . Weinberg 69. J . Vernon


BULLEEN HMPTON R TEMPLESTOWE Coach : Don Scartett Res . Coach: Ian Cave Coach : And rew Smythe Res . Coach : David Hooper 1. C . LeGrand 2. P. Amowe 1 . J . Prior 3. A . Mason 2. 3. 4. 5.

G. Alexander S . Young W. Thompson C. Parris

6. R. Mmney 7. P Robertson e 8 . N. Bar 9 . B. Leterve 10. P. George 11 . S. Farley 12. A. Parris 13. D .TMfoch 14. D . Cooper 15. P. FauBCner 16. S . Smith 17. C. Barry 18. G. Shallani 19 . P . Nigro 20 . M . Jones 21 . D. Hooper 22 . G . McLars 23. D. Matt :ews 24 . P. Nagel 25. T. Merrelt 26. P. Graham V. N . Waddel 28. C . Mutmer 29. P. Barre 30. M . Agrotis

'. 31 . A . Shine

.' 32. R. Williams 33. G. Pemberton 34. S . Lambropoious 35 . D. Daskabu 36 . P. Hare 37 . S. Boyd 38 . S. James 39. P. Da6ogid 40. T. Mathews 41 . A. Rozantis 42. P. Edwards

43. C . Papdopoutas 44. J. Rozantis 45. C . Taylor 46. D . Dowd 47. C. MorihoVitis 48. R. Lambert 49. A . Dyson 50. D. Glover 51 . A.K~ 52. D. WAkams 53. T . Franklin 54. K. SteBng 55 . B. Brennan 56 . M.Toumy 57 . P. Giannis 58 . D . Vona 59 . C . Elks 60. A. Panou 61 . D . Anderson 62 . G. Chivers

JOHN GEORG E DISCtkI'=\fi,~Tl'ItE.ti PRESTON 9484 6006

4. S .Arxtcrson (VC) 5 . R. Barnes

6 . A. Natoli 7 . D. Mccorrygle 8. D. Marshal 9. S.Motga n 10. C . Ferguson 11 . A. Browne 12. D .R.Anderv'on 13 . C. Thomas 14 . F. CaseNa (RC) 15 . S . Blick 16. J. F 17. S. 18. B. Hott 19. A. HRkck 20. P. Buckfey 21 . C . McGregor 22. M. McKellar (C) 23 . J . Day 24 . AOuon 25 . R. McDonnell 26. SamWDs 27. T. Prar&zoo, 28. Scott Was 29. h4.Ratchet (VC) 30. C . Scartett (VC) 31 . D . Hdr'on 32 . DA. AnrJef ,on 33 . E Zurcer 34 . W. Armour 35. B. Armstrong 36. B. Mnityn 37. M. Beatarm'A 38. S. Seilr/ 39. K. We 40. 1 . B 41 . R. Bu'mer 42 . T. Comehts 43. A Frederiksen 44. S. Green 45. P. '.~ 46. R. .. 47. B. Hewn 48. R. Hurd (RVCI 49. A.Htxyter(RVC) 50 . S. James 51 . B. Johnstone 52 . M. Lake 53. T.l h 54. N. ~'~~Ran 55. C. Marirlis 56. A McGregor 57. B. McGregor 58. L . Muir 59. A O'Brien 60. A. Paetti 61. J . RaMer 62 . D. Rogerson 63 . A . Ross 64 . M . Saker 65. R.Tyre6 65. A. Vuker 67. D . Varker 68. S. Wa&cer ~. D . Wehge 70. S. Will son 71. M. Young 72 . E .Zuker 73 . B . Bird

S AUSFINE FOOD PTY LTD INTERNATIONAL Suite 3, 41B Bluff Rd , Black Rock. 3193

MARCELLlN Coach : Anthony Paatsch Res. Coach : Tony Day 2 A~ 3 D.VA* s (C) 4. M p

M ONASH BLUES C oach: Dave Rogers Res. Coach: Steve [Ung 1 . L Fx1dlay 2 . J. Baxter 3 . C. Miller 4 . P. Maiden 5. D . Rogers 6. M. Nwrnan 7. W. MdVor S. M . Lawrence 9. L Bad ~

5. M. MOM

& D.SartWm 7. MRanetNq 8 Rrti3ia 9. D.h'kMn 9. J. Daffy . 10. ABerdMoCto 10. S . Wetster 11 . D. Tam It. M . Spencer 12 B .Dtain 12 . J. Cardwell 12 P.OT*ghm 13 . R. Anderson 11 D.BaaraW 14 . J. Gunn 14. D.=,n 15 . M.Tmk er 15. A 16. J.Y#s 16. C . Do bbin 17. 6Cac 17. V . CoSOmbies IT bt6ctmn 18. G. Hi{rwett 1& A(a*jbt-l 19. D. Roche 18. P.FSAi®Rs 20. J . Cavanagh 19. D.Caqer (sS3 . S. McClure 21 19. D .M3dei 22. A. Dobson . 20. S OTTym 23 . P. White 21 . C MM 24 . B. Hodson 22 D. Mzwn 23. P.D ant as 25 . M. Tehan 24. AC>illajher 26. P. Hurley 24. M88d~ct5 27. D . Newman 25. ktStam 28. S . McGee 2& & Vtalth 29. A . Headbeny 27. S lheisz 30. P. 27. 31 .J .LS' 1Du}as 32. M. T r y 29.J.Ckit ..' 33 . J.M . Smilh 3J. Tmguwm 34 . B. Dawsley 31 . GPdt 32 RCtdksj$77Q 35 . D . Murchie 38. MCuoper 36. H . Cavalier 34. P.Mdk/re 37. J . Andrifsos 35. ATmtw 38. P .Tudhey 38. P.Beay 39. M. Smith 37. A9v It'vi 40. W. Crawford 38. D.FWUerts 41 . A.K ers 39. J.TSX905 42. A. Hickey 4& J.De+re 43 . R. Feenaghty 41 . J.SeabJry 44 . D. Teesdale 42. d ItA>lom 43. D.Dodoriow 45 . A. McPherson 44.. Payne. C 46. D. Jones 45 MVmtlr2 47. S. Mentha 4& J.9>oecn 61 . C.k¢ag* 49. M. Kestod c 47. LDR>m 62 GDioab 50. D . Sdrv+eddes . J.Dm^xn 48 btRa)d= 63 51 . S . MiB e 49. GPLcG'm 6i L 52. J . Mitre 50. J.Saan^. 65. 53. L McCann 50. D.Bo65xry 66 . D.Cio 54 . R. Harris 51. L&t" 67. MBasiord 52 Remres 6& flCul 55 . D. Trumb;e 53. Gb& .'+vs W. bLMasa 56 . R. Knigs tce . B.Dflres 54. PLArtsSag 70 57. P. O'Neill .De,erad n . s .ocatiror 55. W 58. M. Armstrong 56. &Q6 72 Gfeo9h 59. H . Middleton 57. B. Day 73 . B. Yair~cen 60. A. Thornton 58. L 8~0d 74. bL 62. D . Horsfa& 75. D.Y 59. MKaa.Ts3is ~ 65. D. Wood 60. AMtft 7& JDdaMad 67. B . Dempsey 70. N. DeYoung 71 . A. "teins 72 . P. Napier 75 . S. Edquist

l6a IM ruse nr,anTPi In Frlr1TRAI I FR 1996

NOFi t}i OLD BOYS Coach: Frank Dunnel i Res . Coach: John Tierney I . C. McKay 2. D. Waters 3. S. Mannassa (DVC) 4. S. Steep 5. B. Devine & M. Gravina 7. P. BOoth 8. B. Colson 9. L Curry 10. J. Forbe s 11, P. O'Farrell (C) 12. S. Lock 13 . B. CunuBi 14. S. Cheshire 15. P. Kearney 16 . J . Christian 17. M . Maguire 18 . J . Murray 19 . B. Smith

20 . M . Robinson 21, J . Curren 22 . M. Connally 23. P.O'Cvryer 24. J.Barker 25. P. Ch lien 26. J. Ro~rts 27. S. Walsh 28. D.O'Fama' 1 29: D. Bd~e 30. M. 31 . L Boyle (VC) 32. J. Lowrie 33. M.Orianuk 34. 8. ConU 35. D . Hooper 36. D. TOnkin 37. S. Macunda 38. A. Sweeney 39. J . Zurt b o 40. R. Mulclurney 41 . G. Bum s 42. S . Rethmann 43. P. McMahon 44. M . Lyons 45. B. Pawsey 46. M . Caulfield 47. R. Little 48. M. Anderson 49 . J. Trimboa 50 . C. Bailey 51 . O . Newm= 52 . T. Jamieson 53 . N. i mley 54 . T. Cleveland 55 . S. Zocco 57. B. Altman 59. J. Bugela 63. R . Gals 69. J. Joyce

OLD M EMN Coach: Peter Murphy Res. Coach: Jeff Norman 1 . A. Aaem an 2. C. Le an 3. B. Mu 4. G. S (VC) S. C. Wallace 6. D. Paterson 7. G. Ferguson

8. M . Macr{Jire (C) 9. G. Pride 10 . J. Graham 11 . D. Saky 12 . S. Martin 13. R. Large 14 . M . Finn's 15 . C. Davis 16 . P. H

17. L Ru~ 18. T. Boumon 19. D. K'4to 20. S. Mullen 21 . S. Kills 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

P. Harrington N. Moo dies D.Johnson J. Wmduss G. Da rt

27. G. Kafis 28. M . Bond 29. A. Carter 30. M . Brooks 31 . P. Flackes 32. J . Sy 33. G. New 34. S . Worrell

35. Darren Murphy (VC) 36. P. Russo 37. J . Webster-GMs 38. D. Mills 39. T. R iley 40. T. Leonard 41 . N. t.inford 42. C. Rushworth 43. M . Lawes 44. B. Clothier 45. C. Leaver 46. J . Norman 47. J . Konican in 48. D.Johnsen 49. A . Houston 50. G. Richards 52. P. Wieske 53. M. Shcud

54. J . Shec don 55. S . Ballast 56. M. Leone 58. D. Coventry 59. C. Furber 60. D. Nock 61 . C. Dwyer 62. Daniel Murphy 63. T. Hancock 64. M. Austin

ST. B速ES MWNE ST. LEO'S EMMALIS THOMASTOWN Coach: Tony Fellows 11Gm Coach : M ark Flack Res . Goach Coach:PaulBeddoe Res. Coach: Brad Berry I . M . Kinsella 2. S. Zakic 3. J . Seb1n: (DVC) 4. V. L'HuR[ier

5. M . Murray 6. A. Ryan 7. D. Diggins 8. B. Beasley 9. G. Marinic 10. C. Ross 11 . M . Hecker 12. C. Stewar t 13. David Goorldf$d 14. P. Lannan 15. DannyGoodctuld 16. S . Napier 17. A . MacGeorge (C) 18. J . Tuy NC)

19. B. TomGruon 20. T. Lambe 21 . G . McDonald 22. S. McCarthy 23. T. Peck 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

T. Beasley D. Smith S. Hecker M . Manson D. Feben D. Ord

30 . M. Hols, 31 . M. Mufsud 32 . J. Dickinson (RVC) 33 . A. Walsh 34 . D. Kinesetia 35 . R. Dios

36 . G . McLachlan 37 . M. Connolly 38 . A. Hayes (DVC) 39 . R. L'Hui ke r 40 . C. Johnston (RVC) 41 . P. Ord 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47. 48 . 49. 50. 51 . 52 . 53. 54. 55 . 56.

A.Tfmm~ K. Goodchi~ J. Recupero R . Go,-?d O. Labr C . Bracchi B. Hutchinson S. Flannery N . Tully S. Bomar A. Kearney M. Beasley M. McCraw P. Dwyer D . Marshall

57. M. Lomagno (RC) 58. M. Zakic 59. P. Newport 60. A. WhBelaw 61 . B. Dunstan 62. C . Thomson 63. A Ord

65. Damien Murphy 71 . T. Kar s

72. D. Cam

Doyle's Bridge Hotel Deck & Bistro

Res. Coach: DaWd Miller 1 . D. Dinicolantonio (C) 2. J. O'Meara 3. E. Mitchell 4. T. Van Den Akker 5. C. Kenny

6. A. Hughan 7. V. Ryan 8. T.Oakey 9. A. Bethune 10 . A. Dobbyn 11 . C. Dobb}m 12 . G. Robinson 13 . J. Miller 14 . D. Coni~an 15 . A.0'Re~y 16 . B. Carey 17 . R. Parker 18 . T. Batty 19 . A. (hanlan 21 . G. Sinrondson 22 . A. Burgess 23. S. Nankervis 24 . D. Ke~y 25 . 26. 27. 28. 29.

P. Rax:h S. Edwards P.Bowden B. Mdmey S. Darcy

30. R. Armstrong 31 . M . Contessotto 32 . A. Nec#u 33. A. Banks 34. B. HenricYs 35 . J. Briggs 36. K. Morris 37. S. Manton 38. P. Burke 39. B.L. Vaughan 40. J. Gay 41 . C. Srrdth 42. P. O'Halloran 43. B. Drury 44. F. DinioDlantonio 45. S. Rondu 46. M. Smith 47. R. McCann 48. A. Pintslrn 49. A. Atuso 50. M.Ohotxe 51 . A. Mckenzie 52. J. Niel 53. M. La1ar 54. J. Graves 55. P. Clarke 58. B. Mitchell 59. D. Pitcher 60. S. Buckle 61 . J. Rees 64. J. Cronin 65. M. Lindsey 67. S. Walsh 69. J. Donovan 70. G . Rafferty 71 . A. Prosser 80. H . Meehan 88. S. Pitcher

: George Petsinis

1 . S. Pasinou 2 B. Byron 3. A. Smith 4. G . Petsinis 5. James Bubis 6. B. Pellegrino 7. S. Plan t 8. A. Fellows 9. V. taped 10. D. Capeci 11 . L Alberti 12 F . Farcthione 13 G . Scarpa 14. M. Patmore 15 . L Del Papa 16 . D. Farchlone 17. D. Gorski 18' F. Arcoraci 19 . P. Ritevsid 20 . L Alabakis 21 . E. Len6ni 22 . L Sallese 23 . R . Dimac,KJio 24 . B. Smith 25 . R . Kennedy 26 . C . McNeil 27 . S. D'Avoine 28 . L Modbito 29 . K. Harting 30 . C . Fellows 32 . P. Colosimo 33 . M. Chaftey 34 . J. Canioni 35 . A. Colosimo 36. J. Theodorou 37. D . Dimovslti 38. G. Scott 39. S . Weeks 40. P. Scent 41 . D. Brooks 42. J . Turner 44. A . Ward 47. D. Powright 49. Jim Pouglos 50. C. Diana 51 . E . Valintino 52. L Smith 53. P. Batista 54. J . Rocca 55. P. Valeri 56. S . Mineo 57. C. CAurora 58. A. Gentis 59. Z Framing 61 . B. Colosimo 63. M . Greah 65. S. Holmes 66. D. Pougsas 67. N. Grech. 68. D. Curran 69. R. Pandoifo

Langbourne Constructions


D Sectio n AQUINAS O.C . Coach: Andrew Crosb y Was. Coach : Sean O'Loughlin t . G. Btadt 2. G. Wad a S Ed aNs & SKSny 7. G, Game a ADCttadie 9. P.RfS{s 10. D.Bdad 11. C.83rb. ry 12tAT~ 13. G .4'sef 14. Alati'm 15. J. Wits 16. S. class, 17. 6tDffo~ 18. J. = 19. G 2a P. PsmS 41 . M. Epson 42. J.Mrlrv 21 . C.Ociral 4a M .Sla -.y 22. SFPAn 23, J. Li.'3vJt lbm. 44. P. DI45 N.Fre n 24. P. Helper 25. C.6Yt 46. D. L-,2C. AFmd4n 47. P. 4& ax . S.JxM t27 28. GVf~n 49 . Clarboxn 29. SOttuyGSn 51 . At td ~. C. 54 . &W. 31. L Krg 55. ACdtoa 32 tAWY¢dnai bfi. S.Dd>ory 58, A Rehire 31 J.Vamin 34. tATatffi 6 1 B.McDurtkt ..', 35. S.LWfqsbW " 61 . J.LarKartl .'.36. D .Ft ela t 65. RAaric e 37. D.JOce 66. PAWk. m 67. P.Chiddartlc 3& D.Tam 39. Rlery 69. J.Ha^+arrJ 40. AD= 86. &8a: .:,

496 p( 9a CAULFIELD GRA1 :A :1 :AR Coach: Geoff Reil4ey Res. Coach: Usti Scholten

OLD CAMBERWELL Coach: Rod Allison Res. Coach: Egan Smith 1 . & Baud 2 T.Jarnes

1 . B. MadWa 2 J. Didsm 45. L Woe 4. Jack 3. T.Odtcrty 5. Stbrs'as 46. AHanard 4. R W s 3& Rttarr's S. I line 47. P. lacclan 5. W.Haden 37.!y,-l N.T a A 35 J.FW'--,v-t j, U. Read 49. AYErd & 7. J. GwhsNw 39. _n 9. D.T~t 50. J. lid~srala & S 40. M. P a:.~ 10 NO 51 A f t 9. C, Harris 41. M . Lui,! 12. J.YNSan (Q 54 . P.Rd'imxd 10 . RHO 42 RKmrrt 13. PL Sns 56. J.0a7bs 11 . M.Camitt/ 43. RR,=: 14. ft i 57. LTtan s 12 Fiturben 44, M.Trr..~ 1& R Sparrh 58, C, HUM 1a D. Gm 4i W. 1& D.W* 6& N . ficacciaglas .S.race 45. I14 17. ACods 62 . tM9io R . AX4Ctr 47 . A15 L_: - .i 1 8, D. Hayes 63. D. Ranteas 16. T.Fbw& 43 RR nc~o 20 . RtSco t 65. T.Be4Op 17. G Vffam 49 . P.Bu :e .' 21. T. Hardiest 66 P .Ir,dOe 1& N.Ca< 50. J.J°'bs 22 R.WatSon 67. RNael, 19. J. VANnee 51 . N.S?et 23, T.Ssr pean 69. A. 2i" H. Vale 52 C. Wile 24. D. krberser 70. W.ExI .fST 5 RIB 20- M se 1 25. ATaile r 71 . AFt55o 21 . N.Bd~el 54 . M.tbMm 26. M.iTCteiad 7L P. Yang 22 T.TaMBry Sa M.Da,^as 27. B .01brat 73, M.S:c+ri 23, D .Aii 5 6, ADw.d 28. B .tekh 74 . GYourJ 24. KDxhs 57. M. Q150, 29. C.Stractren 75. D.aRn 53. R 25 T.Waks 30. C.T¢'m 76. W.Fares 59. A.26SWRairm ~ 31. J.Hrrad 77. T.Jalnexan 60. J.Tr . .27. JJsm FT33n 32 C.WQ+lcdi 76. AKbxd 2& 61 .Jdn 31 ABnrmt 79. C 29. D.Stmski 62 B.C" . . . : :n ~. f~ ~ 31,1 8 3). D. Lam . D. Sim R J 64. ACc~ry 31 . fickmal ~. C .&ms 02 T.l kw 32 M .DSQosb 65. FL 83. 0 .11 ach 40. J. " . . .~~ 67. P.f . 33. &K3= 41 . T.Jurotn 84 . C.Baylad 34. N. 63. A V 42 RYu4t 85. M .tUFAur35. A12'uatm. 89. T.F . i OR 4a 1 V01,ar

'iAe Sh~rk .'

BEAUMARIS Coach : Brett Merchant Res. Coach : Scott Mathers 1.SR.14 5 J.MdmiarJ

2 P.ttd.#arxG 2 3. RLPAts 25 . J.Stuichle) a LV 2& W. M 4. Mlk, ':c 27. D .J9rea'i 4. 6t D ;.y 28. J. w0de 28. B .uacy6A 5. D .WrKft & It TaV1a 29. C. Man 7. SFj'='1, 29. P.0136'at 7. , ,,,: . ; 1 1 -" 30. AEastan 8. PAO31. P. 0a 8. It VA :-h 32, C. Dalslmh 9. Btxwn M 33. 11Va n 9. At#Fxtare 33 . T.tidt 10. J.Vta9un 34 . Sttatirtrs 10 RDr~ 3`a B.CanN 36. SFhra'aa'~(~Q 11 . & Backe 12 P. hlditerm 37. AErrb ia B.Vmg`un 38 . S.Tnsoa[ 3R R~'i 14. ARin 14. N.IYag 40. P.Te~a 15. htlin}~ne 41. AEUadio 15 LS L-,eG 42. 0 &M4paxe m . M.lixr,4m 43 . S.V .16 44 . S.Ah;CtW 1& D. O'Brien 17. T.hkfirlrl5 45. Allwrrot 17. EBel 46 . S.C3nn 18. A P4;d 47. t.L WIN 19. P.1han`s 48 . D.Md~ 20. M . Dun 49. D .OT,xIyt4'+P 'k ..' 20. it R3m 49. D. t .sCet 21 . PSaam m 50. N.8ac 53. RhlcGah 21 . AK~ 22 J.Hdt 55. G.OTAsa 22. GFkv;Htt 56, T.lic9ar 23. T.Fstar 57 . J. Pox 23 . Ah QTQ 54. J.Bammt 24 . O.Cyc~ .& ` . APt:Sxey ` s



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-QBeliq ln6lls(or Qiwltir Clients" OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR Coach: Alex Frazer Res . Coach: tan Stevens 1 . i0,z~>•~~t>~~

a P. WIMIXTXX A 4. S.Fkneg 5. SFircvsO n 6. GW 37. J. ; 7. T. C970106 33 (99.': -1 & S0'35ao 39. A" i-n 9. J.GOOd9'x 40. T. . : . LSe~ 41 . Li . .10 11 . B.Pam 42. A, us 12 Jtexte 43. A6s"t 13. P.Wiey 44. RCIds51 14. SEvnrs 44. P.Bazry 15 . 58+3Nop 46. D.NO.zceh 16 . S ttd'IxtsMt 47 . .lTeseo 17. P.Ihaar(Ra 48, P. MM 18. T. Bead 49. A fichiisen 194 G .Slor.n 50 0.8ellmn 20. J. L203 51 . SGaaB=Y 21 . S. D* 52 A Darmn 23. J.k ~ 24. C.BoGcxt-on 25. Altaic 26. D. Fethef 27 . D. Bar 28. B.TuM 29. J.SuxrJns 3]. J.mkleat 31 . ACab/ 32, J. 33, S. C zreef 34. J .Leacic 35 . D.Vfii&M X P. Tfst

54. S Maj" 55. R1Sasa 5& A ORfan 57. RVAkft 58 . AVkereLe 59. P10srcn 60. APalmer 6t . D .Podo r 6L P.Barodr 63. AParix 64. J.Fbes 65. ASolctiau 66, B.lantvo 67. RC *

ST . JOHNS Coach : Stephen Mooney . Coach: Dean Higgins Was t. GMaJr.son 2 htt.~n a M Wean, 4 . &t a SOQ) 5 . S . Cmrirr3 & SCamran 7. RBad< 8. D.Jardsv.x 9. AFachele 10. trtCaur7ecLr, 11. D. Hz3s 12 J.Slaceton ta SHun 14 . J.Arzter 15. GPM= 16. W.Ctc.Har 17. S Cockcarre 18. GBrer Y 19. J.Caki __ YLAdnir ~~ n 41 . RFcrJq.zif) 21.. S 22 S MT" 42 M DCfisu¢P 23. SH3bn 42 T.Dar.,artiim 24 . hik 'tvrra li 43. G. tattle 25. C.VtOtars 44. SPep9"r 26. G,y,asn, 45 . t1Sax>ckr '.ur 27. RLVann 4& AHabzrt 47. J.Cat M 2& P. Hole! 30. R Viper 48. S. Martin 31. T. CvRskS 49. W. (bss 32 G. stair 50 . D. Pie 33. ZhYzxee 52. S. Darcy 34 . tAHar=dc 54. J.Caruttnm 55. ADarc/ 35. is= 3& J,Dftry 57. RCa& 37. ER4ttan] 53, Rties 3& MRxlxte 59. El .qprcWr 39. RDmwS .tt 62 T. Wx



Coach: Mark Neel d Res. Coach : Simon Bones 1. M .r'~ 2. M . Etlmttrris 3. D.We•3°sby 4. T. DuyccN 5. A Haeve"ae 6. B. Matlten 7. S. Goscoit 8. T.SeAnour 9 . J . Wean 10. M. CA4tmr4 39 . E Pmtwnan 10. T.Wf1zn 39 . 8. stem 11 . H. tFr; 40. S Borcs 12. RReKtu 41 . S.PattiD 12. N. Prrvrer 41 . J . Coo k 13. P.Nr:mtzn 42. P.LJz,'rrxs 14. E . Bt5to-',o 43. D. Hay 14 . J. Pescott 44. C . oiiver 15 . ATODw 45. LM,ordson 16. P.0'DEa 46. W. D3vxkon 17. M.lkters-VN'ds 47 . A Reid 1B. AHanibur/ 49. E .Smlttwrs 18' N . WK-Oar 49 . S. Rophns 50. M.RO55cn 19. A, sat, 20. G. CaVmM 51 . A. Robson 21 . G. Htran 52 . M . 22. J.Tarrior WC(mach/ 23. M. Daess 53. & Hici7m 24 . M.TaAr 54. W. Dodd 25 . A Men 55. B . Furptr; 26 . N. Kemp 56. G. WnJkzr 27. A Rtoisi 57. R. itriaht 29. A 1fJ33zn 58. C. Strcntmme 30, C. Bird 60 . &Frerdi 31 . J. Power 61 . R.0€pipst ..' 32. G . W7'c0n 62 . A Osborne 32. PA . Wd39mon 66. B.0'HNhran 34. R. Cernan 70. D . H;3 a5. LWu50n 71 . H .Cameran 36. Afbgby 74. J. Geddes 37_ LVlaikr 76. S .A'8eck^.tt 38 . P.821irem6 77. T. S0n2n

Coach: Des FAeac~her Was. Coach: Chns Burke 1 . D. Fedak 2* M. Batsmen (G) 3 . M.Car:.., .a 5 M. Ps"aaan 6. G, He on (VD) 7 P.C n 8. A P 9. C. 1. is 10. B. H i 11. RC . D. Grit -12 13 . 17.16_ .; 14 . T.CanpO y 15 . A Laar 16. B .VmxYatacn 40 ATtM2ites 17. AC~irreNG) 41 . C.0'C✓~txwr 18. D. Qua[y 42. D. Na:smith 19. M.Jarget)OXi 43. N.Erot(RdC} 20. S. Mc410fEe 44. M. Bateman 21 . P.Htseler 45. M.Lest?r 22. J. Borryman 46 G. Johnsen 23. P.Cerdd5 47. S.t261cn 24. R Ma!a 4& tA Rsici 25. M. Vernal 49. C.FuYan 26. C. Ryan 50. B. K.ds:( 27. D.Vandarbearn 51. LEzmes .'.. 28. C. Eames 53. D.Oeimppo 29. A Par,#icF 54. S . Cam 30 . P.0'BrHn 55 . D. ~rezio 31. N.,Fenkms 56. ac-0 .' 's2 . M . Barrack 57. D.Johnson 33, C . Harris 58. D. virelan 34 . D. GbutdDVA 59. D. Gertrin 35. C. L .aw 60. A. Rim 36. D. tMn 61 . D. Ca;sar 37. P. O'Brian (RC) 62. S. Fotkar 38. C.CamJg 63. S.V~ 39. J. Naismitll 65. A Harris

SALESIAN Coach: Peter Turley

Was. Coach: Michael Byrne 1 . M .BCUke 2 M . C= .' 5 a S" md 4.Ai , 5. Rtt_.:. artEC) 6. RC'1,3113 7. G. vi & htf._31up 9. D. scatt 10. 11 . M GY.fic 12 AGaS* ta 1.Bxxx;(A) 14. P. Wxf t 15. T. W ft 34 B. Wm 16. AC1 tplint 40. J.Haneart 17. MNiFat r.s 41 . S. Bober 18. 3. SiK'!ar 42. B. Ch~res 19. s, seem 43. M' &dxrbW 20. AS^~r 44. C .tAx'd 21 . Rt1~5 45. M .Sqa>cer 22 14 Pam 46. D.Sutlwtxrl 23. C.Radre PM 47. C. Cla ram 24. ACtace 48. P.Yar,rix~ 26 B.K[Wtrr 49. D.TaJnr 26. D.6' "aen 50. J.Tajor 27. UMXrW 51. P. Badat 28. M. Byrne 52 T.Akan 29. MckFabee 53. D. Ease 31 D.laMan 54 . SBu5sr 31. AOam/ 55. D.S:,arex 32 AS!'ms 5R. PatFabes 57. PdiR4ks 3a ft we 58. S. 34 . T.Vr7 le 35. P.5 -,xt4trvJa 59. M. 36. RF OA ( 0 M. Rees 37. J. BlerIM 61, M. Wiseman 3& M.PLh3t 62 &

. . CHO . I- CE CPPtT tlNl® N ® 7 t

PARKSIDE Coach: Laurie Zarafa, Was . Coach: Mark Rowe 1 . P.tWW i

2 ADek-V=..s'i 3, F. Sarsanstl 4 . D . Ware 5. SWaxl 6. AS3m[ 37. J.PaO 7. D.Dtk t m 8. J.CtisseAt 38, F.D arrigo 91 GDrirfi¢q 39. F.Coadles 40. L1uzrt'cW 10, AVla 41. Eteaes 10. tACoos) 11 . V.iY,rtvno 42. P.Deat 12 D.tdcCai 43, A Hatted 44 . P. S0600 1 3. AC[ft 45. P.M35as 14. s, Pro 15. D.Moade 46 . T.R7m 16. MCarrqbe4 47 . T.P~~qnul~ 17. D.L'xarts 48. C. Tyson 18. A' 49. S.User 50. M.Yulip 19. s, Gum 20. GPeddvxn 51 . O.Gm 21. ht Tessai 8,1 52. M. F34M 22 . B.Htncy 5a M .Ya401 23. htSteabdc 54 . M.Cdrg:n 24 .RM~ 55. R. Lord 25.. SBvAS 56. SDairJ 57. MMcP~ 26, GtAassa 59. T.Pacen 27. LP'm* 28. SFil. 61 . P.titates 29. L61nE1reoA 62 G.Wfi= 30 . B.tMDdiy 63. SHxjvi 31. Lf2ay 64 . T.7iex~M 31 . CW15511, 65 . G.F4y'!= '.. 32 J.Mdat 66. D.T&j 33. GHare.m 69. N.tr4rc+pat., 34. M.Pattern 87 . M. HcpSirs 35. G. Pa o 88. K010 36. W. Lay 16. Lthtkfr9


OLD WESTBOURNE Coach: David Twomey LATRLBE U~~ ~'~ Coach: M . B Res. Coach: U. Ryder 2

48. Lh-rsan 49. N . 50. S. !1 51 .M .t, 52. J.CS,~s 55. ACn rid 56. M (. 58. S.Pca 59. 60. Kr.;;;; :.;.y .Lynch 61 . S. Said 0 K(An-~r 63. C .Bhcz 4 STumer 69. T.Tenma 45, STUnar 70. J.Dunaresq t 46, D.WrGM 71 . P.Steu2r

Rr.Coach: ' arDs 1. B.B-oe9 2 SRAithrj 3. &FranNi t 4. A O 5. A le4ir 6. 1 Pashto 7. D.ecp to AtfosiHS9h A 9. A(7rob 10. RI?ar's 11. D.Pogeirk 12 MG2 s 1S P. Nam 14. 1 Saloon 15. ABa>sd 39. &Snith 16. SCh"s87 /A C. Car 17. B . Haley 41. CFad 1& P.Irag 42 P.Mrcfas 19. ht Cra 43. RCtdli6wt 20. E 45. ECa a 21 . MKib3jdt 4S G.Flaw.x 22 W.F~ 47. R CrRft ert 23. Stfskh 4& M.Cai 24. LFaiCe'd 49. S.t ~ 25. SLoonard 5). P.Otmia 26. P.Meemarr 51. AFkbLas a 27, D.Tweaxy 52 SS.Akn 28. G PavAj 53 G.Ba l 29. D.nOn'.tu fi 54. B. Dtralerfieki 30- C. Galvin 55 B.Lixas 31 . D.Evas 53. W.Tarior 32 G.Jaac»n 59. AL';pawrtte 33. G.FYAmn(JC; M.Bakdaer 34. R45tceM C Harris 35. SNeholson P. Harris 36. A I'a34 P. 37. SOumain D . Shea 33. SR'rOCj W.T4lx

U .H.S.O. B .

Coach : David Nash Res. Coach : Gino Mazza 1 . RFri7h 2. AT '2arim 2~^ D. Brehmr 3. ABarF 37. G.Cateral 4. C. PJ&ltrnen 3& A 6ayce 5. D. D~ 39. M . Rea 6. S. Caclmd 40. 8, MacDonald 7. C. S14nn ; (C) 41 . C .Pfeiffer 8. S. Neer! 42 D.Wabca 9. RSmith 43. M.OT7e1 10. P. Bum 44. J. 17 . S.Wts 4E . C. Cook 12. J. Kennedy 46 R KOej 12~ C.Amol 47. G .them 13. P.Md.rm(74;) 48. KLtw.cb 14. J. Jam 49. D. Da Was 15. ML Davidson 50. D. Ztkao 16. P . GrmtlrorEZ 51 . J . Rogers 17. P .Sdaa 52 D.Ferguron 18., E. FaOg3n 53, J . Cotter 76 T. RaM4ax 54. J . PfaKer 19. G.Mam 55. J.Khoury 20. G.613diigtra 56 fiGJ~21 . F. Nevila 57, 0. Terrill 23. P. Eitrsa7tam 5& D. Matlasai 24. S. CannuIren; 59. D. Smith 25. A H?Rner 60 J. Damqrp 26. B. Foggam 61. P. H{ bz . K St2ah>n 62. P. Last n27 28. M .P.otimret 64. BmMxDx& 29. K .brx's 65. D. RdcGariri 30. B.tJxahmnath 66. M.yasrg 31 . P. Dolores 67. F. Marmzro 32. D .Bwrn 6a R Campbell 33. P. Drenrlo 69. J. Co°.ard 34. D. Darqhs 71. A SatLherds 35. J. Nash 73. S. Da&

36. M. Prices

77. J. KW.r

UNWMSW RIEDS WILUAMSTOWN Coach: Justin Doyl e CYMS Res. Coach : Grant Hammond 1. tAFristry 2 ttBa4mvr 3 C.Th3Yirer 4. D.Fartcy 5. D. knee & P.ShattlOdc 7. J. D* & hiFarei 9 D.PUs 10 P.Uns 11, B.Pid2',t 12 R4G:aaan 13. E4Jares it Bled 15 P. Kexd i6 . tdMan 17.PuJ*s 111 U Neenah 19. G. 20. G 21. J.Shax 23. &Krg 24. C. Tdtai 25 B.Foser 26. S. 27. S. RNlard 28. N. M 29 P..larres :71. D. Lusatia 31 . AJa3san 3Z A Welsh 33 STtadw 34. R M;fi 35. 36R~ ~ 37. D.ikarp7idal 3& S. ISM

Coach : Allan Elliott Res. Coach : Paul McNamara t. N. B azzant 2. D. Dawson 3. AV 4. J.Tud c 5. D. Maceod 6. D. Grieve 7. M. Canaan 8. B. Han n

9. G. Case

10. S . hicEadxarr 11 . LGrrrhvrrsl4 12. W.G6ffitlts 13. B . Twis t 14. ADamel 15. J.Srnan 16. B .CIt< 37 ABnrC 17. A FmBnrshn 3& T. Beckwith ~. B. ~ 18. Ato tarn 39 . T. Carter 47. J .I(eTpei 19. P. "i 40. G. Be,,, 43. P. Stow . ACtsck 49.It ATM ~. G .Ja ~ 41 . AFauh 5& C Dribkr 22. W.Pa i 42 43 M 51. T. Hannigan 23. G . He,, son 44. N .Bmtl 52 T. Donis 24. C. Sint :m 45. M. Ct9oic 53. Zed 25. G . BurSca, 46. A M t 54 . P.ILvram 26. D- Lee 47. AlShra 55. D.rMts 27. C.Bergn 48. APavrcrjrrski 1% T.thrt 28. C. Ctrostan 49. C. Mont 29. M. Atakrson 50 . P. WeiOhtrnan 5& M.Caraqa 30. A Cook 51 . D . Bu6rdc 59. B. Greet 31 . C. McKenzie 52 . B.Std,rs 64 . C Natom 32 . W. Know 53 . L Riderd 65. P.Sinta's 33 . D. odem 54 . R Kraka:SAi 6& P.Ictsan 34 . G. Warren 55 . S. CakYrvroctl 69. B. Doff 35 . A B~c 56 . S Bryan &t. G. Ba 36 . ATIve(a 57 . P.Md'W+na2 86. GMxtkvr ar a 39 A G 40. M F4ns~ 41. L Metric 42 B.0`Carer 43 T..eckaon 44. &Hat

The Lord Newry Hotel Ampol Australi a

THE ROYAL OAK HOTEL North Fitzroy Phone 9481469 3

NM. BRUNSWICK SWINBURNE UfVI . . UNIVERSITY BLACKS WEST BRUNWICK Coach: Craig Fox Coach Coach Res. Coach: Peter Makin 1. ATirdttiit 2. D.Arhns 3. SFodason 4. M. Sof t 5. W. MdArmor", 6. V.Grimaktt Z J.Brfk 8. P.0"Uvem 9. J. M~r (VC) 10 SW-w` b 1t J.&^~M(VC) 12. J.Paemrca 13 P. Mann 14 . J. Rene 15 . &OBtain 16. L De JlonOn 17. A Kynai> 18. V. PaMatro 19. V. LiraS t 0. G. tat4wf Zt . B.Vir€tman 21 R.ThOrp^.(DVC) 23 . D. ERs (D~) U 8. Allard b. J.K 26. S. ( 39. B. , _ .._, 27. P. Grej 40. C . on 41 . H.23D . . 29. R.Saarrkrs 42. J.P ft 30. M. Smith 43, B. F-nnond 31 . G.WZkh 44. J.P:aru u 31 A4C22rame 46. T.C-ara 3 G.PPt(RVC) 47. D.'vswn 4 . FABoated ,h("~ 50. RSzssine 5 P. Dowrs6tt 52. M . Ps253e. 5. G . Wales 53 . AVdYaski 37. I). Do&1aaan (C) 55. P. Fkrdej 38. S He" 51 . S. Kenya

Canada Hotel SFVanston Street, Carlton

Coach : Garry Hickey Res. Coach: Mark Johnston

1. lAM arq 2 J.So* 4. C.DH'05o 5. J.Det'c6o 6. M. George 7. A & d Heaft 9. CSntt,ti 1Q RTMW 11 . G.Bary 12h1D& 13. RLOM 14 . RGooda 15. AFeeell 17. S6 Lee 1& AEkani 19. &OA'aa 20 A Mprann 21 . T. Dytnxd 22 SFt}m 23. A4 Evras 24 . S FftYttn 25. P. Da* 43 Cleverer 26. M.WW 44 . N.M ergen 27. D. Murphy 45. RPUter 29. D.Oeµmi 46. ES '~^is 30. P.Tuk 47. AF: . SC~s 4& hLO "31 .no 32 ASanstas 49. J.M1'i 33. D.Miano 50. B.C 1 34. B. 51 . P. .` G, 35. TGfrtCtu~x 52 J .F ~ 37. &R.aid .n 53 M .ttuvr a r k N. " 54. W.Pctidt 39. G.Cra~r 55. ZSmj'.e * 40. 14 S4arJ T.Bei 41 . 1). Men D. Fodor 42 J.G&at C.NSV el it

: Gary Connolly

Res. Coach: Paul Malcolm 1. G.Darrod t 2 SLiOf: 2 J.SadcN a RU 4. M.Varlhar 33. &Narfi 5. RMrNiar 39. P.Flerrfon & S.Stitr 40. G.S &a t 7. B.LkircJstane 41 . S WMwed & B, Henderson 42 AGaId 9. CPekn 43. J.A'bd 10. P.DOr A'a t 44. P.Fat~' 71.&Snith 45.J. DiMirlield 12 f.tRd7erG 46. EFixAi 13.L -,= 47. SUM 14 . S. h6ar 43. AK.qrtLrFj 15. AYttras 49. GFrai Km I& P. Cocal'Ad 50. CO'tfeeia 17. RPaidzt 51. AM1k.* 52 T. tabor P.Wagard I& 19.J.Wad 51 N. painnied 20. S, Lame 54. D. &W 21 . T. Holmes 55. btFEmn 22 T.Lmrtb 56 C "WEns 23. S.Peetat 57. S Dooley 24. P.tFOC~ty 5& htBagetj 25. &L}nch 59. J .Kag

26, D .Bike

6D. A

27. FA Hayes 61. Sixes 28. AB;uld 62 f1 Hard 29. AG' ass 64. Ctie<jd 30. D.Sav.rtrj 65. RK~rt 31 . htCaaS 66. nlbM 32 M,bnes 70. D.Pirur 33. T. Mann 71. FlYzarn 34. .1 Belem 72 ht &#'s 35 P. care 74. A Slow 36. SP 77. RCarrixan 37. J. C>cM 87. L Drawn

: Phil Leathern Res . Coach : Nick Magnafas 1. AParbn 1 R Faearry 4. 6 Dal= 5. ACaa~ 6. J. Goes 7. F.V¢de B. J. ik,0 od 9. J. Nury to. S.Fpfta it. S.CawEis 12 LBVr,n 13. J .Sca 14. P.(4brem 15 P.Md i6. SS.'r~ 17. D.FMi?

21. S. " 22. It I 23 . J.Gwa 24 . D.r~ 25 . G I m 26. 6 r8errk 27 . D.BaYre 2& A CUT" 29. D. MIA5ax :aT. M. 31 . A M-hoarsa Lewis 32 SD'hr8ea 33. TTirxripsen 34. C.

35. R McDautj 36. AAbftkh 37. S.Cmrrdv.s 38. M. P,* r, 39. R 40. B .BAe

41. G HeXd 42 P. Hams 43 . J . Tckin 44. SGa .n 45 . T. 46 . GFatxs 47. R Proton 48. P.Ltrdry 49 . MFlr13h 50. RCxr-ft 51 . J .TM 52 LS.aKmt 53. T.61oue

61,lf 62 R w= 63 A Cnyard 64. A Clark 65' D Webb 668Y. 67. A6 lo 68. Afa'x, 69. M. Debar 70. S Rim 71 . P.Cadt 72 M .S'* 73 M. N

74. T.lie '^'-sn 75. C. Yt : 76. ERz 77. J.K~ .: , _. 78. P. M c t . d. , 79. M. H



E South .

GLENHUNTLY Coach: Steve Allender Res. Coach: Peter Derrick 1. Co'Darell

OAKLEIGH A.F.C. Coach: Jason EardSey ri

Res. Coach: Ch s Mawe 1 . RGe c McDonald 2a Bloornfidd Coach: Jack 2 C melan a L a T. w Res. Gooch: Dave Kilmartin 4. P. FE~ri~ 4. D .Cstsar 1. Sgi k 5. Cliches E G. Mean 2 t1Pas1x 7. P. Daradel 6. M .Seabodc a P.Srr2h p 8. B.kyes 7. M MaR ; a D.K#wnh@p '..., B.J. Janis 9. J.Mxds 4 .RV{ff i ,0. M.VAOd 9. AMrLtfu 40 . L Mokfiff e 5. GSwiJ;.vsp ,1. J .Wi4p 10. AYang _ .Cahs(F~ S. P 11. LEr(C) 42 MScxoer .' . AlaFdas 6. CDeFre~e 12 d14epao, ta 12 D.!itehi!nn 43 . MJa>as 7. GFi n 44. B.0'DUma 14 . D.B&orrk^J 13, MKrap°raJ<7 & RLitd;al 45 ASt-e~lo t 15. G( bcbd 14. J.Gkme 9. Etk00106 16. J. Nu n 15. P.Bn 46 AB.'an 10. MPfkraps 17. J.FardE.Y 40 C.Tryior 16CJdasBn 47 . J.tYotLLVt 11 . AMiie1 1& Aftsh 41 . GM.alapxris 17. SAagst ~ ~~ 12. GIaM 19. P. Taylor 42. SFfiakhdcs 1B . CflvSey . SlhC.-AqQTr4.7 13 20. T.Fdanic 43. lRaftlix 19. GCvstieeri 50. Glrm 14. D.Gcen 51 . D.fixnGhi+ 21 . APiefflmnds 44 . C .Teryebn 20 T.3cey 15. P.C+.mcs 22 S.Osborne 45. G Cyx211, 21. LT~(vL7 52 CKbod 1G MMalone 4& Pkillomaks 22. GRdank; 53. D.bldirkn 23, P. fiddle 47. A. Roar 17. D. M 24. &fft 23. P.RmtsVq 54. D.Mra I& P.Boyk 55. P.Daridc 25 C. Wide] 46 . CFe~gr.r,n 24. AVtutsnp 19. AFaandt 26. AK4i, 49. SfrdaxqoJra 25. C.4tatts 56. B.lnnavai 20 RI2KDer 27. It Henley 5D M= 21 T.Stort 57 . MRyW 21 . P.Sat9ee (S) 2& AMotw~an 52 L 27. S Smt<h 58 . 1 0'a;re 21 . T.ClDew$4 '. 29. D.RM 53 . V.OdPtr 2& CkY7nay' 5 9. B.Dqles 22, MCrsc . MJdttmn 3D R1.Sdairg 54 . A05kviw 29. CQaD 60 30. B. VAl;a1 61 . R easier= 31 . CMae 58. J.46ss 25. J.MAuleld(M 32 RKtihcs 57 . T.h:rw 131 LTiem 62 . MFrMi' 5& D.Bkrftm 26. ELo~at~alFVPdC) IM ASdxCz 32 0 .Daed.vlc~n 63. GThan 27. Clmelt(DJq 3 3. D.J.xes 64. M. Calisidef .34. S.MV 61 . B. 070 ` 26. C.V:i~y 34. D. IVVu 65. P.R'nism 35. RNs#x 62. MD/er . Gl'eskey 39. AY1rr'q 29 3& RHal 66. APrtod3 36. B.HAt 63. CMamiam 31 J.Fki$ar 40. 14 StR U4vd 37. AB24n 69. G R:1d er 37. P.Tape( 64. S'ttnison .' ~ 31. T.Het;'rr'cn 42 CCaisb 38 71 . P. Jones 38, D. Chaorraii 6a 32. AtFardW 4a RCari:k 4. B.Ibrmrt2 .39 . N.t3a~dfw _~. g' :'~ 39.. W.1,~ars T.Fbin~g .' Y . RMDod1fM 33 . N . Dow 44 34 . J. Botine 47 . M. corer 35. SN&{P 46. P.Hefes 36. M Few" 57. B.CuUt77r 37. AJ'46t 56. N.Rltaw


POWERHOUSE Coach : Peter9livieri Res. Caach : Craig . 1. ASrekm 2 dNat a it PaAOu 4. RDerF 5. MBrmY 6. D.&a d 7. Cf4dendsa1 & S. C ross 10. GM.'CaBxgh it. J.G'@ 12 J.P[dat{on 13. J.Fbms 14. T. Aid 15 JS codxd 1& RTharas 17. Ct4deod 16 . CDak 19 . J. Em 20. M4evJ3d3)fl '. 21 . ldrianJadoon 22. SCraren 40. GC+t ol'J 24. RVfAats 41 . SCJa7bn 25. SEE2rc; 42. R Dean 26. J.Saia 43. J. 27. GtJevAard 44 . G, Dean 28. J.TWa 45. MGaPnj 29. GNevamin 46 SMeordti 30. P.Rim,pn 47. D.Narron 31. MOntstry 46 . D.Pi>don 49.M Ociateld 32B. Sm 33, P.R/mi 5a AStord 31 . RS:>ekkn 54 . J. _ Blowileld 2& awftra 58. 6& D .Might 36. AR'tsism 37. KTdkrd 70. RiS3p'.vod 87. T.Frs'i 33, P.FI 431 39. T. Fraler5an 61 GSa 1 4

ST. MARY'S Coach: Anthony Pet,iti Res. Coach: Evan Evans ,. Mta 'morAi 2 T.But~i'Q a RlinOfin 4. ABeI 5. SSime 6. WW.hWi>ry3 7. A " 6 . P.Tudwq 9. MNatrer 10. T.J.xes 11 . LPI*s 39, G9DE9 12 A(ian 1a dD~apnkn 40 . CDi~wdo 14. P.VPaSni 41 . C01den 15. 0. Mdet+s 42. T. VW 16. SFida - 43, AHuse 17. MV.'aher 44. MRah+.afd t& J .CtarFe 45. P1Pidtvdson 19. P.pads 46. J .tklxrii 47. & McDaniel 2a 0. 21 . LYma~ D 48 . P.Bric n 49. C, O'Bnen 2Z 2 3. SRtsko 50. K Diggal 24. SMdCN 51 . RFlat 25, M.tegea 52 T.Ceiey 2& J.tktdj 53 . D.W .54431531 ; 54. ST;n 27. 4 2& J.h.reS 5n. RS9d" 29. J.Fnrdis 57 . Rtantae 30 MSteel e 5B. T.ftnnford 59. Ssepom 31 . APake 32 W.Gonanan 60 AVb4d ; 33, P.SYticm 63. Rtgoee 34. B.DdE 64. MSarmme 7 ..'. 35 R Painc 65. P.1!'sti9an EE= 66. A ~ J. M~tney 67. LY~ 38, FMonison 6 8, GTi>ooite rs

cnr. Punt & Towak Rds.

ST . PATRICKS MENTONE ELSiERNU CK A.F.C. coach : Wayne Marshall Res . Coach: Rod Williams 1. LMuTiry P 2 AFtt4in a MNrSas

NtU NASH GRYPHONS Coach : Gary Ryan Res . Coach: David Ratner 1 . 1-Mile(O) 2. MHad/

4. G ~ W 5, C M Lt~ A etm1 5 D.Ke~ g & GJerilas & 6.RYm 7. T.FUM 7. R & 6.J.Ban1ord ^ S.Cie : alts 9. P.LU+.codc .BrrrY5lkn 111 R 10. P. 39. GGtr/rn?r 11.'L t 11 . D.DePauch 40. MS~ 11. P. Wholly 12. D.DOrtnsharz 41 . D .C7>atm 12 N.5`.Sgmm: 13, MTO¢dil 42 T.USx '., 13. P.SYat'•iadd i 14. MI.e++tt 43, P.Cot3M 14. SSq?pe0 15. RFAckmidc 44. &KeW 15. F. Di 1& ATOi.>ngas 45 J. Co t 16. M. Straw 17. 1 47. P. Data 17. J. Wad 1 11 A0'&iai 4a. L Maki 16. J.NEI 194 B. Begley 49. S.Prena 19. M8:/ad 2G GBwr,4FA 50 . SDm.v 20. MHtxd 21. GCun'i[k 51 . J.lerv/ 21 . M. fac e 22. B.Cmbeed 52 D .H* 22. MMr.2ae0 t. 23 . 0* Fromm 53, G Waf 23. SCufan 3 8, J. Off 24 . D.K~~ 54, P.G36tsia 39. SPatt 24. RV90M 25. M. ' 55. P.Cde mn . M.Pai 25. T.Sta.rtW.Ss 40 26. T.OWxist 5& J.FosDr M C, Whpry 41 . K68dadc 27. RCJdrist 57. LFrasa 27. MDy'ids 42 B .Mltanj 2B. T. Parr( 56. S(iresJ€ra 23- P.C:vboai 43. D. Was 29. J.Fuler 59 . D.V`.a1; . M.Narai 44 29. S. Wray 31 RDwp BO GCtuF.'s 61. GGodinok 30 J.WigYd 45. ROabin7r~ 31. G. Boone 31 . GDe.a~Ne 46 C. War. 32 C.MoiJeac 62 M .Gaanegh 47. T.Badr 32 P.Ftans 33. RWhre 65 P . w . Wan 49. D 33. J.Mrttk'+m 34, MffjaotG~q 56 SMA'd 34. A(brAn 50 . rmu'it,7ha n ..' 35 RJanizsai 63. 0 51femavg ;S. K Cyi;t e1 54. S W4 W 3& J. Pane 70 J.SrrM . K&Akr .Bmrig5n 61 36. B 37. J.6:.3ae 72 D.6dans 62 ABu:kr 37. D.TMM 36. P.CA S 98.ROx

ANZ Bank The Palmerston Hotel Ivans Pies McKinnon Rd . NeNsagency

CrYf H Is

/vAp & u®s-wd\

SPvn i Si.u CHA9STON E

E{SR(ttlUli HAIRSTYLISTS for L adies & Men

PENINSULA O.B . Coach: Brett McUwrdhh Res . Coach: Neil Franks 1 . SPa:as 2 S.tI0AA21 un a SMdaam 4 . EBaren(di.7 5. ABrigq4 6. MFk`mrer 7. N.Frads 8. P.lvrJvs 9. P.Krotn 10. T.TrcMf3StY~ 11. Al~ihyNQ 12. ACv`dbel 13. V. Bramr&Nm 15. R.Co k 16. S.C7YirJbotf 17. LO~y 40. SMa5 al 16. SGNU` 41 . SFartwv 19. GBnmM 42 3.JWm 20. R .9a7tii 43. A Barer 21 . SBaca, 22. AWN= 45. D.Sv= 23. MGXOM 4& AL OM 47. 1 Braden 24. G. BOW 25. It Rated 46. J. 6k-by' 2G G Ndon 49. J.441rlai 27. J. Nebo 50. T. Cox 2& B. Taylor 51. D. Slim 52 R6edierd 29. D.Abrtjai ACre~ 53. RShrd1al 30. 54. M. Dady 31. AGruss 32 APa:prs 55 . APw.ep 31 It Cannon 5& MBomer 60. EVr4iarx 34 . P.Cocper 62. RPfi¢R 35 GPmk 6.5. GPtrk 36. tiDarmM 66. T.Sznryi 37. T. Stewart 67. AKnde 3& tKa4 69. SFarx 39. It Kmt


coach: Derek Hine Res. Coach: Neil Wallmeyer 1 . SMelorn 2. RRAamsie a MBux :eit 4. N Wgineyer S. IBM 6. ACa6ay 7. M0stwc & AS3mnvtho 9. J.Mdt3'r0c, 1G RNOdTan 41 . Rhessitt 11 . APqs 42 T . Plain 12 MMoceCry 43. P.Nenidae 13, CPeryW 44. M14m,vrJ 14. MFxtvn 45 . P.Pos'Orin 15 CDv71e 46. RPfips 18. LVanLoon 47. P.SiAfm t 16. B. Castles 48. RPf 19. MSl)Man 49. SWcrto'rr 20. RTprr:am 51 . Atkss~ra 21. GPabociim 52 d" 22 tlPabet 5a T.h*a,~_a E 54. .lMafowi 23. APd 6* 55 B. Newman 24. GF7offi.s fp 25 . J.Nxtebary 5G M6ratma 26. Rt.Word 57 . SOhrer 27. GV7atddcq 56 K,14)amn 2& B.0'S•Jfr. 59. KtV>-!bd 60. T.tfne 29. CBd giao 31 . D.Pose{Fn 61. T.h'af? .,on 62. MBrttnn3 32. F. Maya 33 P.FiadAr 63 . Mtka 34. CSp3rm++ 64 . ZFkccx5 35 D.tr4be 65. Rlua; 35. GJnsM 66 . B.Ckay 37. B .Jett 67. CPad 3& hLF5lreekr 68 LPaJ '. 39. MSt7liamn 69. P. Me I 40. B.ScvcUn 50 . MFrsd c

Coach: Brett Sebire Res . Coach : Peter Lewi s

1. D. 2. MCo~ a D. FkghM 4. P. Lens 6. FL Goat M 7. ICCtxdzr(L) & D. perm (M 9. P.Brcrr.S 10. B.Sebire 11 . P.FSawcs 12. MDanes 14. T.Avmn 15. ASdtSt#tai 16. J.MGTBry 17. GSuBm 19. G. Jerkin 20 CRme s 21 . B. Belay FM 22 C Damon 23.MC 26. D.Ca'aly 27. M. gle e 28. MO'Ceien¢p 29. S. Nav6er 30. R Freese 31. D.JUres 33. D.Nrhew 34. B. 35. J. Sian 36. C.SLxArets 37. LTnyua;s 3& S. Pe=n 4A. AYAi& 41 . RYotrg 42 . C.&ardt 43. MBmr 45. CB .r 46. MCrogai

48. MVt&VI 49. T.Eva1s 5R A Leads 51. GNdam 52 CNluyv: 53. DNYirei M, 55. Meums 5B J .Neam 60 MCmieli 62. D.G7eyie 64 . P. Rider 68. P. 0Taeara 72 . IA Won 76. MHC6suy 85. MYarrci[kes


UMPIRES ~., ' by Leah Galft_jher and Peter Simpso n new photo for the column and still my mum doesn't like it. How strong should you blow your whistle ? Loud enough to stop the game at Elsternwick Park, poor Gibbo who had a centre square bounce when a whistle was heard, thinking this was a square infringement paid the free kick but no one owned up to the offence, both boundaries said they didn't blow their whistle, the culprit was tracked down to the field umpire who was next door umpiring the Elsternwick game, good strong whistle that guy has . Congratulations to these umpires who represented our Association Victori a v South Australia Mark Gibson (F), Jon Stevenson, (B) Barry Brown, (B) Dom Napoli, (G) Michael Lentini (G ) Victoria v NSWAFL Martin Jackson Victoria U19 v NSWAFL U19 Andrew Chapman MILESTONE S It seems the goalies are really clocking up the games recently, this week another goalie reaches a high number of games . NAME : Kevin Segota. NICKNAME : Chillie . AGE: 36 . STATUS : Who cares, I'm available . GAMES : 350 . BEST FOOTBALLER VAFA: B . Conti, J. Kanis, M . Blood, G . Ridd. BEST UMPIRES VAFA: G . Hardiman, J. Horwood, C. Segota, J . Segota. (keep it in the family) AMBITION IN FOOTBALL: to leave a Uni Blues game sober. LAST BOOK READ : The Sultan of Spin Warne . LAST FILM SAW: The Castle . 4 DINNER GUESTS : Danny Devito, Damian Oliver, Mike Robins, Kate Fischer. FAVOURITE MEAL : Pizza. FAVOURITE DRINK : Scotch and Coke . FUNNIEST FOOTBALL MOMENT : seeing Vinnie Vescovi on Footy Legends . HARDEST GAME: 1987 'A' Grade Grand Final, 1987 Interstate game in South Australia . WHAT WOULD YOU DRESS AS TO A FANCY DRESS PARTY: Bananas in Pyjamas .

A first year umpire to our ranks Ross Treverton had an interesting start to a game recently, about 10 minutes into the first quarter the automatic sprinkler system was activated (well, it is a wet weather game )


and the game was called off. Ross also has a fear of bouncing the ball into his head (which umpire doesn't) yet after making this statement earlier in the year, Ross proceeded to perform the act and as a result got a good hard look at a Sherrin close up and we hear there was some blood flow visible. We have a radio star in our ran ks Andrew Chapman became Crud Mastermind champ recently for an incredibly eight nights in a row on Triple M . It seems you have to get the answer wrong to win, hope you get them right on a Saturday afternoon Chappy . , Thanks to new umpire Rick Love on donating "Speed" to the milk bar, quick investigation tells us it's not a drug but a sports drink for the guys after training . White wacker winner : Steve McCarthy for a colourful display at his 300th game. Woody Award : Shane Mannix for making the switch from boundary to goal. Early retirement from our ranks was John Stoppa who finished Uni studies and has decided to travel abroad . We wish him the best . Bounce Off results. C . Segota 314 d L Gallagher 266, R . Eastwood 319 d J . Kvins, K. Segota 323 d A. Kiel 300, G . Pritchard 305 d C . Keeton 292, M . Jackson 293 d M . Bushfield 270, C . Brajtberg 303 d S. Mannix 214 . Guys remember nominations for ten years service and life membership in writing to Colin Segota by the end of June. SOCIAL NEWS Trivia Night 28th June, 7 .30pm at Elsternwick Park, Cost $20 per head which includes food and first drink free (order a keg) . Bring the wife/girlfriend (or both) . Tables of eighth names and money to either Andrew Chapman or Leah Gallagher by 26th June. Bowling Night late June . Annual Dinner at Collingwood Football Club Social Rooms on August 18th . Reports from the Golf Day in the next edition . Simmo and Spider

CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies

TI U19 Brett Connell

-he halfway mark of the season dawns today. Time for clubs to reassess goals and plan for the final half of the season that lies ahead . Review - Round 8 Section 1 St . Bernards proved the prediction right when they were far too strong for Old Brighton at home. After an even first 1/4 where both teams had the same scoring shots but not the same results in terms of goals the Bernards grew in confidence . The Tonners had booted themselves almost out of the contest by 1/2 time and with Davis, Delaney and Swann dominating for the Bernards never got back into the match. Top side 13e La Salle just got the points against a spirited St. Kevins out fi t at Waverley Park . Despite leading all day the SKOBS never gave in and battled right to the end . For the D's M and B Mercuri were standout players, combined with Horn (7), Borella an d Logan. Uni . Blues dropped their third match for the season against an improving Old Melburnians . The OM's booting (7) second 1/2 goals to (1) to win by (9) points . Old Carey came back to earth with a thud when Old Paradians took hold of their match in the second 1/4 and maintained this lead for the remainder of the game. The OC's despite the dominance of Stuart, Nash, Costell o and Mai, had no answers for the likes of Porteous, Joyce and Warren for the OP's. Old Xaverians began slowly against a fired up Mazenod outfit and found themselves in arrears at 1/4 time, and only a goal up at 11/2 time. The Nodders had given the reigning premiers a shake-up but could not maintain their momentum going down eventually by some (8) goals . Drake, Hilbert and Hede were prime movers for the Xavs turnaround . Section 2 Old Camberwell finished strongly in their match against Uni. Blacks booting (9) second 1/2 goals to (6), but were unable to overcome the Blacks 1/2 time lead of some (5) goals . Paterson, Smith (5) and Derry were best for the 'Wellers . Athitefriars an d Wi lliamstown fought out a titanic battle at Donvale, and at one stage it looked as if the CY's were going to take the points, however being kept goalless in the third 1/4 did not help their cause. They hit back hard in the final term with Matthews, Macleod and Hudson on fire, but could not bridge the gap . For the Friars Winterburn, Winch and Hilton were excellent contributors . Beaumaris defeated Warringal comfortably and by extending their lead at every change assisted their percentage no end. Cotter, Catlin and

Corfield were better Sharks players, while for the Redbacks Yin ain), Walters and ilson battled manfully all day. Old Scotch consolidated second spot with a sound win over Marcellin, in what shaped as danger game for the Scotchies. Lines, Hawkins, Crane (5) an d Chapman were fantastic players for the Scotchies . Old Haileybury matched Collegians for 3/ 4's at McKinnon two weeks ago but were unable to contain Hosking, Baxter, Clark and Johnstone (8) in the last term as the Lions ran away to record a comfortable win . For the Bloods Carson, Reid an d Somaia were fine players in a match that was a lot closer than the final scores indicated . Section (2) Blue Hampton Rovers returned to the winners list its time against a very competitive AJAX outfit, and in doing so find themselves in the four. In a tight match the Rovers (5) goals to (3) in the third 1/4 was probably he difference . For the Jackas Dukes, Whytcross and Rosenbaum continually kept AJAX in the match . Monash Blues hosted the undefeated St . Bedes Mentone Tigers and by not scoring a goal in the first 1/4 the 'Ashers did help their cause . To their credit they kicked (7) for the match with Bolton, McGee and Sullivan in fine form . For the Tigers Connolly, McShane and Napier were unstoppable across that day. Ormond failed their acid test against a stronger and more committed MHSOB at the High School . (11) goals to (3) at 1/2 time told the story, although the 'Monds did add some respectability to their score in the final 1/2 . Tilling (4), Moore and Sterling dominated for the High . The OGs were looking for their third win when they ventured to Toorak Park to take on Old Xaverians (2), and for a 1/2 they looked the goods. Unfortunately they were unable to maintain their pressure and allowed the Xavs to gain the ascendancy with Bowden, Ha rt and McLean doing as they pleased. None were better than McGregor, Bird an d Minis for the vanquished OGs. De La Salle (2) had the bye . Section (2) Red St . Leos Emmaus WP pushed the in-form Yarra Valley at home for most of the match but by playing catch up football were unable to bridge the gap . Straighter kicking by the Valley could have seen them win by more but with McNally, Will is and Cashen doing everything in their power for the Two Blues the Valley were forced to fight out every contest . Bell , TNG A6AATFi IR F(1(ITRAI I FR 1R 9 7

Tys ' and Lawton were the Vallev's prime movers . C' ide Park hosted Old Paradians (2) and were never quite able to get their noses in front in a tight contest . The telling factor in the finish was that both sides had the same amount of scoring shots but the parkers inaccuracy in the end cost them . Goddard, Roach and Knight were terrific performers for the parkers, with Richardson (6), B. Lynch an d Redford named best for the OP's. In the top of the table clash old Trinity held on to win from a fast fi nishing NOBS at the Gillon Oval . The margin in the finish was (7) points and with NOBS not scoring a goal in the first 1/4 they faced an uphill battle . Murray, Koutsavasillas and Cariss helped get NOBS back into the match, but the OT's held on and now remain the ladder leader. In the final match Old Ivanhoe would have brought some joy to coach Stewart McLean's face two Saturday's ago when they had their third win for the season against Aquinas at home. Bernet, Dowd and Harper catalysts in the fine win . With players on senior duty expected to return over the next few weeks expect OIG's to be the improver in the second 1/2 of the season . Previews - Round 9 Section 1 Old Brighton host the ladder leaders De La Salle and although at home the Tonners are hard to defeat the D's will have too many options up forward today . Uni. Blues host St. Bemards and will be looking to get back to their best form today, and will do so but not by more than (2) kicks . Old Carey and Old Melburnians clash in what shapes as a crucial match for both teams, with a position in the four up for grabs . Old Carey have been in fine form and will want to rebound from their last round loss, but today the OM's will prove the better team and increase their chances of competing in the fmals with a win today . Mazenod host Old Paradians at Central Reserve and will find the OP's far too strong all over the ground today. Finally the Old Xaverians and St. Kevins clash should be a beauty, with plenty of school rivalry to boot. Despite the emotion of the game the Xavs have too much riding on this match to lose here today. Selections: De La Salle, Uni. Blues, Old Melburnians, Old Paradians & Old Xaverians. Section 2 Old Camberwell host Whitefriars at Balwyn and will be looking for their third win for '97 . Unfortunately today the Friars will prove too strong in most positions. Warringal host Uni. Blacks who should win well, despite the travel commitments . The Redbacks will battle hard but find the Blacks a real

handful . Old Scotch host fourth placed Beaumaris and the winner will consolidate their final four spot today. At home the Scotchies must start favourites, and with a superior forward structure will win today . Collegians will have no trouble in defeating Marcellin at the new Harry Trot and will remain the only undefeated team Section 2. In the final match Old Haileybury travel to Williamstown and will need to be on their game to bring home the (4) points today. At home the CY's will win and keep in touch with the top bracket of teams . Selections: Whit , Uni . Blacks, Old Scotch, Collegians and Wi lliamstown CYMS . Section (2) Blue AJAX an d Monash Blues clash at Albert Park and both teams will be fired up to return to the winners list. At home the Jackas are hard to defeat, but today I am leaning towards the 'Ashers getting their third (4) points for '97 . Ormond should return to the winners list by defeating Be La Salle (2), but would want to make sure they are on their guard, because any relaxing could see the D's get the points . Old Geelong host MHSOB and it will be a long afternoon for the OGs who will battle, manfully but not be able to maintain the High's running game . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers await the Old Xaverians (2), who will be attempting to do what no other team has been able to do, and that is defeat the Tigers . Not today Xavs the Tigers by plenty at home . Hampton Rovers have the bye. Selections: Monash Blues, Ormond, MHSOB & St. Bedes Mentone Tigers

Section (2) Red Yarra Valley play host to a rejuvenated Therry Penola fresh from (2) weeks off courtesy of the Queen's birthday weekend. Therry Penola will want to consolidate their top four position, and will do so today much to the chagrin of Yarra Valley. Old Paradians (2) and St. Laos Emmaus WP clash with the Two Blues wanting to add to their (3) wins for the season . In a turn up I believe that the Two Blues will be too strong for the OP's even at home . Old Trinity will maintain top position by defeating Chirnside Park, but not before the Parkers match the OT's for the first 3/4's . In the finish it will be the OT's superior forward line that will win the match for them. Aquinas host North Old Boys on the rebound and will feel the brunt of a big loss as the NOBS attempt to erase memories of their last outing in Round 8 . Old Ivanhoe have the bye. Selections: Therry Penola, St . Leos Emmaus WP, Old Trinity & North Old Boys .

EPQRTSCaVER/ADVANCE BANK "PICK THE PREMIERS" WEEKLY WINNERS (8) Old Mentonians, No rth Old Boys, Elsternwick, St Leos Emma u s Ring Tony (VAFA PROPERTIES) to claim prize . IM TIJC AhAATCI IO C(1(ITCAI l CC A -

Winning Edge Presentation s 'ter eight rounds it seems a maximum of tw o ._ places are available to prospective finalists i n Section 1 while the Section 2 four seems settled . Some surprising results in Round 8 didn't help my success rate which was only 63% . REVIEW OF ROUND 8 SECTION 1

The St Bernards versus Old B righton Bloods game did prove to be a dour struggle from which Old Brighton Bloods emerged victorious by a mere four points . The victory gave more proof that Old Brighto n Bloods, in their second season, are likely Grand Finalists . For St Bernards, their narrow loss has prevented them joining three other sides with five wins each and so the defending premiers find themselves one game and some fifty per cent behind Mazenod, who lie fourth . De La Salle moved ahead of St Bernards after their forty nine point victory over St Kevins, who sit on the bottom rung of the ladder . De La Salle, despite the enormity of the task ahead, can still retain their finals' aspirations . Old Scotch, who scored an easy victory over Old Melburn ians by forty nine pints, regained third place as a consequence . Old Xaverians with another awesome display, severely dented Collegians finals' chances with a one hundred and twenty three point thrashing of the hapless "Lions" whose percentage dropped by twenty five as a result . Mazenod, who had the bye, moved into the four because of other favourable results . SECTION 2 Congratulations to Thornbury Cougars, who won their first ever VAFA match with a resounding victory over a disappointing Old Essendon Grammari ans by the huge margin of one hundred and fifty nine points . Kew continued on their winning way with a comfortable twenty eight point victory over Therry Penola . Marcellin suffered their fifth successive loss after their promising start yielded wins in the first three matches of the 1997 season . Leaders Syndal Ta lly Ho clearly proved themselves to be superior to Marcellin when they won by sixty four points ; almost thrice the Marcellin score . Monash Whites rose to the challenge of their long trip to Mt Lilydale, with victory by fifteen points . Their loss has made Mt Lilydale's hold on fourth place more vulnerable although they still hold a lead of one game and sixteen per cent over Thornbury, who now lie fourth . REVIEW OF ROUND 9 SECTION 1

For a comparative test of strength . De La Sall e

ome t expe c leaders to further hinder De La Salle's journey in quest of a final four position . Old Scotch, at home, should prove too strong for St Bernards, whose form has been inconsistent. . . . . . am reliably informed that injuries are a problem at West Essendon! Nevertheless Old Scotch have proven worthy of my confidence in them, today . Mazenod should further strengthen their hold on fourth place with a comfortable victory over Old Melburnians, whose form has not been impressive during the first eight rounds . Old Xaverians should again "kick the sweep" against their APS colleagues St Kevins, who simply will not field enough good players to extend the "Crocodiles" . Collegians have the bye . SECTION 2 In Round 1 Old Essendon Gramma rian s defeated Therry Penola by forty nine points after a game in which Old Essendon were dominant . Neither side has really done well since and the last two efforts by Old Essendon have been lamentable . . . . . a forfeit and a thrashing from a team who haven't won a match all season! On the other hand, Therry Penola, although not winning, have at least proved competitive and have shown signs of improvement . Although I have no great confidence, I suspect Therry Penola will win narrowly today . For a potential Grand Final preview Kew visit Syndal Tally Ho. Over the first eight rounds these two teams have clearly proven themselves to be the best in the competition . The veteran Kew captaincoach, O'Dea has again shown himself to be a potential match winner, who must be negated if Syndal Tal1v Ho are to win . Over the season Kew have marginally the better record and today under pressure their greater experience could prove vital . I anticipate a dour struggle . which will keep the scores close and from which I expect Kew to emerge victorious . In Round 1 Marcellin and Monash Whites played an evenly contested game, in which Marcellins' greater accuracy and steadiness gave them victory by twenty points . Since then however Marcellin's form, like their communication, has deteriorated . Not once this season has Marcellin supplied match details for the Amateur Footballer, which is disappointing . On the other hand, Monash Whites have shown a steady improvement and seem assured of a final's berth . On the form shown over the past five rounds, I must select Monash Whites to win . Nit Lilydale are at home to the jubilan t 'ruC AAA A TFI ID C!1llT146I I CO i W

Tornbul-y Cougars, who will be anxious to carry on Ti-,, ii-7, lay 31 form . I doubt they can as Mt Lilydale wil l Gir far more opposition than did Old Essendon. Mt L11, tale should win and thus consolidate their pasi-n the final four.

c JldL 2 ~ - _'_ OUND 1 0 e,!.ilB 18 (1 )


CLVti :_ vII1(1) - 31.5 .97 ST. BERNARDS 3.1 6 .1 6.3 8 .8.58 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 4.5 5 .8 6.12 8 .12.60 St. Bernards Creak 2 . P. Moon 2. Hayes 2, CasOe. Farruk a. Best Creak. Matkov, P. Moon . CasOe, Fanugla. Hayes. Old Brighton ltRttev 4. Bennett 2, Smith, Wraith. Best Bennett, MeLennan,147tey, Nikakis . Barber. Rattrav. DE LA SALLE 1 .4 4.8 7.7 9 .11 .65 ST KEVRiS 1 .1 1.2 2.4 2 .5.17 De La Salle Bolt 2. Funnell 2. Williamson . Kinsella Rudd 2, Hyland . Best Dickens. Kinsella. Ellis. Funnell. Phillips . Lambe. St Nevins Zeman, Davies. Best Bov'd . James, Collins. Ivorv . P. Nanfra J. Hunt. OLD h1ELBURNtANS - - - 7.2 .44 OLD SCOTCH 14.9.93 Old Melhurn3ans S. Osborne 2. SchneRe . Gardiner, Rutherford. Jensz. Cordner. Best Stooke. T. Osborne. Anderson . Jensz . Rutherford . Harris. Old Scotch Pryde 4. Stewart 2. Roberts . Zavecz, Teasdale. Gregory. Deakin, Hawkins, Godwin, Couper. Best Tribe . Roberts . Cowper. Deakin. Pryde, F6itlkmaL.on . OLD XAVERIANS 8 .2 15.5 21 .8 24.14 .158 COLLEGIANS 2 .2 2.3 4 .3 5.5 .35 Old Xaverkans Matthews 8. P. Hall 6. King 4. O'Sulll<arr 3. A. Hall . Fay. Collopy. Jones . Best Curtain . Matthews . PetrofL P. Hall. Landri~an. Ries. Collegians Hickson 2. Mrakian. J. Taylor. Curtis. Best Nooper• Cross. Straithairn . Young, BaxTer. Walsh.

CLUB XVITI (2) -^ 31 .5.97


OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 0.0 1 .0 2.0 3.1.19 THORNBURY COUGARS 6.3 14 .8 21.7 28.10 .178 Old E doa Casey. Carter. Swift . Best Swift. Smith, Williams. Reid . Murton . Carter. Thornbmy Cougars Cutler 7. Cllecken 6 . Huljak 3. Brewer 3 . Robins 2. Carter 2, Berton. Martinez. Thompson. Bennett . Best Team effort, KEW 1 .1 3 .2 7.8 8 .11.59 THERRY PEPdOLA OB 1 .2 2 .5 2.6 4 .7.31 Kew Hancock 4• Guppy 2 . O'Dea hak. Best Leonard. leak, Lawrence . Slawins'a. Guppy. Hancock . Thercy Petiole Eastmiae . Blight. Tadinak. RNoLtaz. Best Sandman . Smith, Tadinac. Keenan . Lymts. Fitzpatrick. MARCELLIN 0.0 0.2 1 .3 3 .6.24 SYNDAL TALLY HO 5.5 7.8 9.10 12 .14.88 Marce7Bn Goal kickers and best playeTs not received. Spndal'Tally No GaaitMekers and best plapers not received . MT. LILYDALE OC 4.4 5.4 6 .8 7 .8.50 MONASH WHITES 1 .2 4.6 7.6 9.11 .65 Mt. LBydsle O.C . Allen 2. Burrett. Glthee, Jealous, Madden, Pearce, Best Ves . Plcello. F1an~+an, Gibson . Allen. Madden. Monash Whites Tassa}ainen 2. Glass 2 . Tract•. Forbes . S. Dods. Veal . Collier. Bat Riddle . Veal . Kennv. Collier. Tract-•. M. Dods.


Proud to be a Sponsor and the Official Supplier to the VAFA 156 GEO RGE STREET, FITZROY, VIC 3065 TEL: (03) 9419 7344 F TFI IR FCt[1TRGI I FR 1 4q7

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5 YEARS AGO - 199 2 ; ; oach Frank Dunne ll would have proud of his team when St Bernards held off "A" Section top team Collegians. The boys from Aberfeldie nearly threw it away. 17 points ahead at the last change, they kicked 0 .9 in the last term . Collegians also had the left boot on as they matched 0 .9 with 2 .6 . Final scores 9 .18 (72) to 8 .17 (65) . Best were R . Purcell, M . Marshall, C . Delahunty (St. B's) and S . Hinchen, M . Galbraith, J. Dansey (Coll .) . "C" Section coaches were Michael Ritterman (Ajax), Harry Harisiou (Bull-Temp), Mark T} rmm (Fawk.), Ron Verma (MHSOB), Craig Jackson (State/C'wealth Bank), Mark Greene (St Kilda/Sth Caul .), Gary Curtis (Thomastown) Justin Coburn (U . Blacks) . It was a day out for Ivanhoe's full forward, Kasimiotis, who kicked 11 goals in the club's win, 20 .17 to 11 .8 . 200 games to Hampton Rovers' Wayne Capp, best and fairest, 1988, 1991, and one of the club's most consistent senior players . Peter Grierson became only the third Aquinas OC's player to reach 200 games . Peter had played in the club's only three senior flags and had held down the full back position with great skill . A Section umpires were A . Kilner, D . Harford, M . Bushfield, D .Dalgleish, L. Harrison . R . Bell, S. Clinch, G . Ridd, R . Simon, M . Jackson . The VAFA (C-E) team defeated South Australia .21 (99) to 7.7 (49) . Best were Rafferty (B .O .G .), 13 Rosman, Lawson, Andrews, Hoare, Burden . Ken Bremner was the successful coach . 10 YEARS AGO - 198 7 Scotch moved into the 4 with their 6 goal Old win over Co llegians . Scotch scored the first 7 goals for the match and maintained that margin for the rest of the game . Andrew Mc Millan (1992 Pres .) was impassable in defence and centre Brian Hodge was back to his best . De La Salle visited Bundoora for the first time in six years and annihilated home team, Old Paradians, 19 .12 to 7 .9 . With a 7 goal first term, De La were in control all day . Beddoe, Rennie (7 goals), Greene, Connolly, M. Lowe and Barry were best for the winners . Power House celebrated its 40 years in the VAFA with a reunion luncheon at its home ground, Ross Gregory Oval, and picked its best team ever . B : Bruce Thompson, Geoff Southby, Neville Hughes .

HB: Fred Wubbeling, ÂŽ~ Bill Hawes, Ke n Pirrie L: Peter Coloe, Ji m -C McKenzie, Fred Stafford Jr. HF : Dick Sykes, Peter Hutchinson, Chris Corbett . F: Bert Bredyk, Martin Bartlett, Paul Shewa n Rucks: Leigh Grant (VC) . Mike Newton, Les Gordon (C). Coach was John Layton . Caulfield Grammarians, bottom in A, surprised top team Ormond to lead 11 .10 to 8.5 at half time and then were goalless in the second half while Ormond kicked 15 goals to win 23 .11 to 11 .14 . Best were Schuhkraft ( 10 gls .), R . McDonald, Barnes, Tobin, P. Cox, Symeoploulos (Ormond) . St Bernard's Old Collegians Football Club was holding its 25th Anniversary Ball. An energetic ball committee including John Perrott, Paul Daffey and Peter Nathan was chaired by Jim Taylor . 15 YEARS AGO - 198 2 In a magnificent game at Sandringham, the VAFA produced a strong finish to score a surprise 20 point win over the VFA .

The team to represent the VAFA was as follows : Backs : Lockie (Uni. Blacks), Orton (Uni . Blues), Burne (Old Xavs .) . Half Backs : Bourke (De LaSalle), Carroll (North O .B .), Atkinson (0 . Xavs), Centre : Cooper (Marcellin), P . Brown (Old Scotch), Eason . Jones (Coil .) . Half Forwards : Blay (Kew), J (Marcellin), Murphy (De La Salle), Forwards : Malone . (North O . B), Dillon (North O . B .), Honybun (Uni Blacks), Rucks : R. Brown (0 . M .), Sherwen (Old . Cordner Scotch), Jennings (Uni. Blues), Reserves: I . (0 . M .), Yeoman (Uni . Blues), Considine (North O B .) . Final scores were 23 .13 to 19.17 . Best were on, Jennings, R. Brown, Honybun, Cooper, Di ll Burne. Goals came from Dill on 5, Jones, Murphy 4, Jennings 3, Cordner, R. Brown 2, Yeoman, P. Brown, Lockie . A second team played a VIA team drawn from VIA second division and went down. 10 .12 (72) to 20 .13 (133) . Best were Marks, O'Bri en, Bennett, Barnes, Roe . The VAFA Under 19 were too stronE and fast for VFA Under 19 and won 20 .17 (137) tc 11 .4 (70) . VAFA (CDEF team) defeated Tasmania ir Launceston by 32 points, 21 .12 (138) to 16.1( (106) . Best were Smyth (9 goals), Hobbs McAuliffe, White, Rowston, Robinson . naan~rr_„o cnn-,' - 1 FR 1QQ

20 YEARS AGO - 197 7 Coach Shane Maguire returned to the North Old Boys team (I think it was Shane's first comeback but not his last N .R ) 300 games to Peter Harris - Alphinton. Starting his career in 1959, Peter has since been team captain, Reserves coach, successful assistant coach of two premiership teams, best and fairest, best clubman, committeeman for 15 years, secretary, and, needless to say, life member of the club, and now VAFA umpire - Life Member. In the worst weather conditions for years Bruce Bourne starred for Ormond kicking 7 of the club's 9 goals in their 33 point victory against Coburg . Only undefeated teams were North ("A"), Ivanhoe (Junior 1) and Hampton Rovers (Junior 2) . In the battle of the Brunswieks in "E" Section, North (3rd) beat West (2nd) by 23 points. Best were Kenny, Hughes & Handley ( North) an d Ceddia, Guatte, Heenan (West) . 200 games to North Brunswick's Terry Jewson, a foundation member of the club, and to AJAX star Barry Juberg who joined the club in 1966 and played in the first premiership team that year. Barrie had also won the club best and fairest and also many other club awards . 25 YEARS AGO - 1972 South Australia trounced Victoria at Alberton Oval, Adelaide when they swept to a 31 point victory. After the first quarter S .A. were always in control . Best for Victoria were Birrell , Beattie and Moran with goals coming from Shannon (4) and Beattie (4) . Caulfield Grammarians gave a wonderful display of football to topple previously unbeaten leaders, Ormond, by 12 goals and take top place on the ladder by percentage . Caulfield outscored Ormond in every quarter even though there was a strong wind . D. Clark, Long and Morphet were best while Ladd (5 goals), Crumpton and Burney showed out for Ormond . In a high scoring "B" Section game Old Trinity, 31 .13, had a big victory over neighbour Kew, 16 .12. G. Fellows (10 goals), Stephens (9) and Fletcher (Old Trinity) an d Mitchell, Pearce and McEwan (Kew) were stars . ANZ Bank (E Section), yet to break the ice, gave Old Ivanhoe, (3rd) a scare when they went down by 3 goals in a first class game . 1 .9 to 20 .9 . Best were G. Stevens, Cultriss, Walker (Old Ivanhoe) and May, Pickering an d Male (ANZ) .

30 YEARS AGO - 1967 Old Paradians had won seven games in a row and were now three games clear - six teams were level in second place . Hew 16 .10, with a burst of 8 goals in the 3rd quarter, beat Old Scotch 9.19 who kicked 1 .8 in the last quarter.

Peter Lucas ( Collegians) and Bill Rodds (Parkside) played their 100th games . Ormond beat Commonwealth Bank by 1 point - "Gympie" complained that the umpire had been mesmerised by the Ormond grandstand . Caulfield Grammarians trailing Ivanhoe by 13 points at 3/4 time, kicked 2 .6 to a point in the last quarter to win by 4 points. 40 YEARS AGO - 195 7 Victoria 9 .15 (69) defeated South Australia 9.9 (63) at Alberton Oval, Adelaide . Victoria led by 17 points at the last change . However, half way through the last quarter S . A . hit the front but Vic . again drew level and the scores remained at 9 .9 to 8 .15 for almost five minutes until Victoria got a goal with only a few seconds to play. Best were Russel, 5 goals, Brady, Paton an d Birtles. Geoff Paul played his first senior game with M elb. High - (Geoff later was captain-coach) . Old Melburnians an d Ormond equal leaders with 7 wins and 1 loss, met at Wright Street in the match of the day, with Roy Alexander, the umpire . O .M's let down Captain Paul Cox, playing his 100th game, as Ormond won, 8 .7 to 3 .15, with the rain pouring down all day .

Ben Garvey, St . I_evins . Tripping, 3 matches . Paul Nigro, Bulleen-Templestowe. Striking, 4 matches . Chadd Galvin, Old Westbourne . Audible offence, 2 matches . Christopher Whelan, Glenhuntly . Abusive language, 1 match. David Murphy, Swinburne University . Abuse of Umpire, 2 matches . Leigh Livingstone, Ormond (Under-19) . Spitting, 4 matches . * Chri s Calthorpe, St . Bernards (Res .) . Striking, 2 matches . * David Murphy, Swlnburne University . Striking, 2 matches . * Accepted prescribed penalty . Results of Investigation Hearings - June 10th, 1997 Charge of conduct unbecoming from reserve s match played May 25 between Collegians an d Old Scotch . Collegians fined $300 (previous offence) and Old Scotch $100 for being involved in a melee . Following complaints lodged by both clubs from the under 19 match played on May 17th between Old Melburnians and De La Salle - Old Melburnians player Jamie 123gg was suspended for 8 matches for elbowing an opponent behind the play . ' Accepted prescribed penalty


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alfway through the season, as we turn for th e _run home. - ROUND 5

At Brunswick Hawthorn helped themselves to another victory and the all important (4) points against an undermanned Werribee team. Karingal trounced a hapless Lions outfit, not even allowing the Lions to score at all . The Marlins forfeited their match against Parkside (1) when they were over 1/2 an hour late due to car troubles and the like. Parkside (1) were happy to receive the points, while the forfeit did not alter the Marlins' position on the ladder at all . Keilor an d Maribyrnong fought out a close contest, with the Underdogs getting their first (4) points for the season, and in the final match Ball arat ran away from Ringwood in the final 1/4 in what was an extremely entertaining match for 3/4's . In Bendigo Heidelberg returned to the winners list by convincingly defeating Bendigo (1), while disappointingly Parkside (2) had to forfeit their match with Bendigo (2) . Broadmeadows had the bye . PREVIEW - ROUND 6 In the first match at Elsternwick Park the Lions

will be looking to return to the winners list, but face the might of Heidelberg still fuming at losing to Karingal two rounds ago. Although the Lions will be competitive, they will not have enough to defeat the Bombers today. Parkside (1) host Hawthorn who will be looking to win their second consecutive match . Parkside (1) have gathered good numbers more recently and should be able to win this game today. Parkside (2) will be no match for Ringwood at 11 .30am, likewise Maribyrnong when they meet premiership favourites Karingal. In the final two matches Werribee await Bendigo (2) who should consolidate their position within the four, and Keilor will find Bendigo (1) pumped up for a win following their loss last round to Heidelberg at home . Against Ballarat Broadmeadows will be keen to continue their good form, with a win bound to assure them a place in the four . In what will be a great FIDA match Broadmeadows will win by less than a kick . The Marlins have the bye. Player of the Round - Round 5 Russell Campbell (Keilor Saints) Reminder: Monday June 23, Elsternwick Park, 7 .30pm. FIDA Delegates' Meeting.

LADDERS ROUND 5 DIVISION ONE PLAYED WON LOST DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS KARINGAL 5 5 0 0 344 113 304 .4 20 HEIDELBERG 5 4 1 0 363 189 192 .1 16 BENDIGO (1) 5 3 2 0 227 197 115 .2 12 RAID LIONS 5 2 3 0 188 253 74 .3 8 MARIBYRNONG 5 1 4 0 132 240 55 4 KEILOR 5 0 5 0 54 323 16 .7 0 * received forfei t DIVISION TWO PLAYED WON LOST DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS MARLINS * 5 4 1 0 435 101 430 .7 16 BALLARAT 5 4 1 0 296 158 187 .3 16 HAWTHORN * 5 3 2 0 276 191 144 .5 12 BENDIGO (2) * 5 3 2 0 205 176 116 .5 12 PARKSIDE 1 * 5 3 2 0 221 248 89 .1 12 BROADMEADOWS 5 3 2 0 196 251 78 .1 12 RINGWOOD 5 2 3 0 180 73 .8 73 .8 8 WERRIBEE 5 2 3 0 183 274 66 .8 8 PARKSIDE 2 * 5 1 3 0 145 445 32 .6 4 * received forfeit NB: teams receiving the bye are given (4) points but no % forfeiting teams receive average losing score, teams forfeited against receive average winning score for the round


UNDER-19 (1 ) OLD BRIGHTON v . DE LA SALLE Field: G . Hodgins (R) D . Perkins UNIVERSITY BLUES v . ST. BERNARDS Field : J . Toohey (R) M . Allen Goal : Phil Burg Ken Coughlan OLD CAREY v . OLD MELBURNIANS Field: M . Jenkins (R) F . Karabelas MAZENOD 0 C v. OLD PARADIANS Field : C. Segota (R) B . McKee Goal: Peter Allsop Steven Mooney ST . KEVINS v . OLD XAVERIANS Field : R. Eastwood (R) C . Ryan Goal : Robert Dunstan Rod Steen

UNDER-19 (2 ) S Field : D. Ischia OLD CAMBERWELL v .1VHITEF WARRINGAL v. UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : A . Harris D. D'Altera OLD SCOTCH v. BEAUMARIS Field: A. Carrick J . Bell COLLEGIANS v . MARCELLIN Field : T. Carrick K . Brewer WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS v . OLD 13AILEYBURY Field: M . Wittmann A . Rechtman

U-19 (2) BLUE AJAX v. MONASH BLUES Field : P. Tuppen A. Price ORMOND v. DE LA SALLE (2) Field : I . Burgess G . Kelly Boundary : M . Clarke OLD GEELONG v . MHSOB Field : G . Morgan M . O'Brien ST. BEDES M EAdTONE TIG. v . OLD XAVE S(2) Field : P . Maebus C . Stevens (J) HAMPTON ROVERS has the by e U-19 (2) RED YARRA VALLEY v . THERRY PENOLA AT DOM ENEY RESERVE, PARK ORCHARDS Field : J . Papas G . Brereton Boundary: R . Binding J . Binding OLD PARADIANS (2) v. ST. LEOS EMMAUS AT GARVEY OVAL Field : K . McMahon D . Fatekas OLD TRINITY v. C11I SIDE PARK AT 1 .30 P.M . Field : P. Bailey S . Mannix AgU11VAS v. NORTH OLD BOYS Field: A. Scherini J . Ashurst OLD IVANHOE has the bye

The following teams as at Round 6 had scored (4) or more Discipline Ratings of (A) .

Warringal De La Salle (1) Williamstown CYMS

Old Camberwell Terry Penola

Congratulations to the coach, players and officials of these teams, you have been a credit to your club and the VAFA in general. Well done. U19 Sub-Committe e



' I


Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms before matches and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . leave the arena . Water Behaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediatelydeliver water only during a Carriers. Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play . To break in play or to players behind the passage of play . Trainers. May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach. Attire - Runners . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . Water Carriers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top. Trainers. VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . If not VAFA top a plain white top only . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only . * Umpire teamsheet comments will be transferred to weekly FINES LIST.

UNDER 19 SECTION 1 - 31 .5.97

UNDER 19 (2) 13LUE - 31 .5.97

4.4 8.7 12,14 12,1GP0 2,8 4.10 7.13 9,15 .69 udi 3. Deals 2. Mount. Thomas, hsnnoao. Hogan . Brandt, ludka Beg , tic-a. Hogan, Legudl . ers and best players not icamod. rC* 4,8 7.11 10.13 11 .18 .87 "LE Sp; a - 5 4,1 7.1 9.3 11 .4 .70 ry 4: ,:='• Horn 7, Logan 2. Erectile. Area. Best B. h4ecuri. M . Atecuri. Horn. Bere a

H"' :'ION ROV.-= 8 3,2 5.5 10.8 11 .11 .77 AJAX 1.2 5.3 8.6 9 .8 .82 Hampton Bes- Amtour 2. Crouch 2. Anderson. oneadttL NeLm, Qum . Tregear, D. Voss. Wills . Beg Parkinson, Anderson. Wills, Armous. Rohn, Crouch. AJAX Gohan 3 . Lews!tl 2, S. Czarrty, Roclmtan, Bensmiart. Why'taoss. Best Dukes. Whyteross. Rcsenaum. M. Segal. Gohan. Lewtn. MONASH BLUES 0.1 4.3 8.7 7.8 .50 Sr. BEDES hUNTO' NE TIGERS 3 .6 10.10 21.16 33.19.217 Manash Blues hScGee 3. Roscoe 2. Jones. Dean. Bttf Bolton. McC,m . Sullivan . Burston . Martin . Jones. St IT . Mont Tig F'mguxll 5• Gangt 5, Kidd 4. W1Nams 4, W7ntte 4, A. h:cShane 3 . Crou'e 2. Alford 2 . Cacroll . FaRdngham. W'illdns, R'aptec Bast Carnally. A. McShane, Napler, Kingwell. Gangt. Croux. MHSOB 7 .4 11 .10 13 .13 19.20,138 ORMOtiD 1.3 3.5 8.7 8.10 .53 hIIiSOB Broan 4 . TWUtg 4 . Taylor 3 . O'Brien 3, Moore 2. Bennett . S1ms .Luccs, Rodder. Best TNtng. Atoae. Sterting . t4"tLsat, Brown . O'Bnen. Great team e0"ort. OrmmM Goat kkkers and best players not received , OLD XAVERIANS (2) 3.3 7.5 11.7 18.10.106 OLD GEELONG 3.1 5,1 7.3 9 .5159 Old Xnvertans (2) McLean 5 . Lctt}eton 4, Cttamberim, Hoare . Duncan, McCarthy. hferhn, Gleason, Ford . Ent B-den . Hart. MeLean, Couna%v, Gteeson . Duncan. Old Ge<tong Lay 2. Bmgtey 2 . Mtms 2 . bfcGregor. Gatenhy. Fa!4a3w . Best McGregor, Bird . httms. hiehutes, MeCann, Gatenby. BE LA SALLE (2): BYE

r. Lr-;'u .

. ,-s Goat tdckers and bast players not receh•ed. 2.4 2 .6 7.9 9.12,68 C *D 7 '_LBtJRIr'IANS I -t= : -°ITYBLt7c"S 4.3 8.8 8,12 7. 15Z7 [-, C:1 ": ! :unnkrm Goal Idckers and best pLar^ers not rec~•ed. Blues Goa! kickers and tmst pdayr,s na receh•ed . CC E',^,ADIA.h'S 4.1 10.4 13.5 16 .6 .102 Cya;FY 4.4 8.6 10.9 13 .12.90 Cr. .. ;.rd tins F- is 4, Ckn•oa 4 . Ventura 3 . Lynch 2. Pruscino. Benincasa Ralik . Best Jayee,1'hrren, Tatarkeo. Ventura. Ciarrola. p~, C_,- Angus 4. S. Wood 3 . Bond 2 . Mat. McConnell . Former. YaghmOOC Best Stuart . .. :'.".. C;,::tetto. Mal. Battk. Tranter. 1.4 5.9 9.11 15.15 .105 C y .Y_47'ER1AIcS .u"qyENOD OC 4.2 5 .3 5.4 8 .5 .53 C: i Savcrtarm Barrett 4 . Nisbet 3 . HID -a 3. Patlos. MeGtugan. Jones, Drake. Delahunty . F^zt Drake. HAbert. Hede. C . Corrodes, Man. Farrow. .;zenod OC Goal klckers and best playcrs not received .

UNDER 19 SECTION 2 - 31 .5.97 1-,A7"=1TYBLACF:S 4,3 10.5 12.9 18.9.105 1,2 4.7 9,8 13.11 .89 C' J) CAMBERWELL, Blacks Goat sobers and best players not received . CJ rarnY-;;e9 Smlth 5. Paterson 2. HeOeman 2, Cantptkti 2, Hancock . Seeley, Best .. . . - .~ . `m[h. Decry. Miles. Carripbell, Cox

C,iIli iT.L1RS 3.3 8.4 10.8 1213 . .85 FiLLL'=,t3fOWNCYMS 4.5 7.9 7 .11 11 .1882 Fh?tr'r1~ Sullivan 4 . Davis 3. Northey 2 . Which 2. Road. Bust Wmterbum, Which. Walsh, Nathey'. lnstawn C1fiiS Hudson 2. Macleod 3• Wheeter 2. Mattlteas, TtmpsaL HatLara. lttheas. Mucked. Hudson.'utchatsch . E--1t^!1RI8 AFC 3.4 5.8 11 .15 19.20.134 ;;:W3 : C9L AFC 1.1 1 .3 2.4 2 .5 .17 F-atur~ : s Thomas 4 . Cattln 3 . Ferguson 3. McKenzie 3, Stevens 3, Cotter 2, Palmer. B~t ~' .her. C<at6n . Canfield. Griffiths. Stevens, hlcLean.

James. t591swt . Beat SLt . W5lters. W91son . Long. Betl.

`!ARC=LM 2.5 5 .8 8.8 11 .12 .78 C-D SCOTCH 3.2 8.4 11.8 14 .8 .72 `'_: :ccllin Kearney . Kourrov 4 . Katava.s.'+lls . McCallum 1 Devtree0l . Pappa!ardo, ClJll . Best Det•ereeW Cull. rswt

G:d cotchDesire, S. Haaitlns 4. Beattte 3. Chapman. Gross. Best Lines, Hawktns.Crane, ri.- ..:.ian. Parker. Stewart. 5.1 8,1 7.2 11 .3 .89 C: H HAB.EYBHRY Cc9LEGIANS 5.2 8.5 9.6 14.11 .95 . : .. eyb urp Biggs 3 . Demand 2 . Dunphy 2. Saunders 2 . Parker. W'arden. But Carson, n<+ia . J:n•a .sekera . W:udm. Daley. Jchn.,,;n 8, ttamott 2 . Britton . Hartshorne . HosEdng. S rs. Best Husking, c, Florentine. V ;-colt . Johnson .





UNDER 19 (1)


35 29 28 23

34 25 22 19





35 28 27 26



UNDER 19 (2) RED - 31 .5 .97 ST, LEOS EP.PdAUS 41P 2 .1 5.1 8.2 11 .5 .71 YARRA VALLEY 2 .8 8.10 8 .13 14.14 .98 St. Lens EhZhtAtJ8lh.ilrt 3. htcCtusky 2. Hodder. hScCann. McNally. McLoughlin, Nmet . Willis. Best hkNaltp. Willis. Cashen• hkClusky Hodd:r. Morel. Yana Valley Thompson 3, Reynolds 2 . Lang 2. White 2 . htc8rattr 2, Lloyd . Scarle, Drew . Beat Eeu, 94sltmg, Lau2at . Thwnpson. Laing, Lang. CHlRNSIDE PARK 4 .5 7.9 11 .15 14.20.104 OLD PARAD1Ah'S (Y) 5 .3 11 .7 14 .13 17.17.119 Chirnalde Pazk Varga 4 . Atlatt 2. Adams, Chtmstde, Conan . Goddard. Knight. C . Pkdoll . Raxh . tiestmor¢. BM Goddazd. Roach . Kllght . Varga Pemberton, Munson . Bid Beradlaw (2) Rtdtardsat 6, Sarco 3 . Lynch 2. Buttter 2. Costantm. L;srano, O'Meara. 14zke8ekt. Beat Richardson. Lynch, Redfad, Baker. Saccn. Lucas. NORTH OLD BOYS 0 .2 2.5 4.7 5.11 .41 OLD TRINITY 2,4 2.7 4 .12 8.12 .48 North Old Bops Touter 2 . Murray. Timm, htwstafa. Best Murray Koutsavas8his . Caries . Tlmms Nugent, Tonkin , Old TNrdtp Butter 2 . Jones . Sommeni8a W'aklrceL Ne.vman . Best Dada . Pacsador• M. W11sat . Shaughnessy, Robinson. OIDIVANHOE - - 14,20.104 AQUINAS OC 8.7.55 Old Ivanhoe Gazezs 2. Hatreqt 2. House 2. Archer. Barker. Bernet. Doarcl. GlEderdak, Palm . Spoor. Willis. Beat Bernet, Dowd. Harper, Kelly, h4oclsaac. Waddell. Aqutrtas - Best Relty. R . htornn. Jatnteson. Hever..n. T. Moran . Hope . 1FIF : ,RY PEliOL4 : BYE

24 19 18 18



.. . From the Desk (Continued from Page 1)

board, however NSW broke away late in the quarter to kick three late goals to lead by 31 points at the last change . In the last quarter the Victorian players led by Rogers, Brett Collison and Guyan Stroud got Victoria back to within 18 points but a strong finishing burst with two very late goals gave the game to NSW by 35 points. George Voyage the Victorian coach praised the VAFA players after the game and commended them on their professionalism and never say die attitude for the game and was looking forward to the rematch in Victoria next year . Match details: VAFA: Q1 - 1 .1 (NSW 2.6) 92 - 4 .3 (NSW 3 .10) 93 6 .3 (NSW 9 .16) FINAL : VAFA 8 .6 .54 (NSWAFL 1217 .89) My votes : 3 - David Rogers ; 2- Andrew Treganowan ; 1- Brett Collison . Other best players - Andre Pitts, Michael Hazel and Guyan Stroud. Goals: Andrew Treganowan 4 ; Dean Matthews 2 ; David Rogers i and Michael Tessari 1 .

fore, and their willingness to share the ball and us( the adequate space of the huge Maher Oval was t( prove crucial . Browne from half back began to exer his influence an d with Sturrock and Occhiuto dam aging through the mid-field the VAFA were in coin mand come the final change . A solid final quarter sav NSW hit back somewhat outscoring the VAFA 3 goal : to 2, however the damage had been done and the VAFA went on to record a resounding 50 point vie tory . Coach Chris Wade was extremely pleased witl his team's work ethic and willingness to use the spac( of the expansive Maher Oval to full advantage . Match details : VAFA:g1-3 .2(NSW 2 .1) ;92-6.9(NSW 2 .3) ;Qc - 10.4 (NSW 3 .5) FINAL : VAFA 12 .19 .91 (IdEi~ SOUTH WALES 6 .5 . 4 1 ) My votes : 3 - Matthew Dennis ; 2 - Walter Occhiutc ; 1- Lucas Wilson . Other best players - Adair Andrews, Chris Browne and Joe Sturrock. Goals : Anthony Muleta 3 ; Chris Bossong 2 ; Matth ; Adam Andrews 1 ; Brian Hilbert 1 ; JoheDnis2 r Horn 1 ; Murray Pitts 1 and Lucas Wilson 1 . All in all a wonderful weekend of the best player; in the VAFA being given the opportunity of playin€ with others of the same ilk in the one team. My final set of 3, 2 and 1 votes : 3 - To all players involved for conduct themselves or. and off the field in a manner befitting the VAFA 2 - To all coaches, officials an d support staff for carrying out all tasks - nothing asked was ever toc difficult or too burdensome 1 - To all parents, club officials and supporters for making the trek north to wave the Big V flag. Your efforts amazed even our NSW counterparts .

VAFA U19s outclass NSW opponents (Under 19 match v New South Wales ) A early kick-off did not discourage the VAFA U19 team from beginning well against their NSW opponents at the Maher Oval last Saturday. The morning, although a little chilly, proved to be the start of a great day for football and after an even first quarter the VAFA slipped into top gear adding 4 goals to the home team's nil . Pitts, Wilson and Andrews were prominent early and the match was well within the VAFA's keeping at half time. Dennis, Bossong an d the dangerous Muleta were important players during this time and assisted the VAFA to lead well . In the third term the VAFA's running game came to the

(presented by Quii- )

iu (50 cents per min .) • Permits (Thurs) • Weekend matches (Fri) ® Scores (Sat . night)

T MSHEE7`S Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .



Points have been allocated for Round 8 matches and all clubs are shown . A team that has a bye is credited with a win . A senior win receives (8 points) ; reserves (2 points) ; U19 (5 points) ; club XVIII (2 points). If a club's 4 teams all win 6 bonus points are given ; if 3 teams all win 4 ; if 2 teams win club receive 2 bonus points . Bonus points from previous rounds are also shown . NAME SEN. RES.



BON. BON. BON . PREV. TOTAL 4/4 3/3 2/2 BON .

*INELIGIBLE PLAYER(S) RD 4 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG 7 8 8 0 112 28 140 OLD SCOTCH 7 8 6 5 112 6 12 130 NORTH OLD BOYS 7 6 6 0 98 20 11 8 WHITEFRIARS 0 C 8 7 5 0 103 12 11 5 OLD XAVERIANS 6 6 9 6 117 6 11 1 DE LA SALLE 4 5 10 3 98 6 6 11 0 KEW 7 7 0 8 86 4 20 11 0 COLLEGIANS 6 7 8 5 112 18 108 ORMOND 7 5 5 0 91 16 10 7 YARRA VALLEY 0 B

7 7 5 0 95


7 7 4 0 90 8 7 2 0 88 8 8 0 0 80 4 3 11 0 93 5 4 7 0 83 6 5 5 0 83 5 6 5 2 81 6 5 2 7 82 7 6 2 0 78 5 4 5 0 73 6 4 2 3 72 6 7 I 1 69 7 2 0 0 60 6 4 0 0 56 6 4 0 0 56 5 0 4 0 60 3 3 a 2 54





8 12 2 12 0 4 4 6 0 4 8 0 0 4 2 4 6 0 6

102 100 94 93 91 87 87 82 82 81 72 69 64 62 62 60 60

If you have any queries with the above table please put in writing addressed to Sue Anderson , PO Box 359 Elsternwick, 3185 or fax 9531 6601 .

r~ L 1~

w .-


If so then you are invited to come and join Macquarie Uni AFC, Sydney's friendliest football club . We are currently experiencing a revival on the field and welcome new players and officials from interstate . ® Competitive Teams ; • Great Facilities; e Heavy Social Calendar For further information please call :

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W A RESERVE SECTION OLD SCOTCH 8 0 0 805 422 COLLEGIANS 7 1 0 720 473 OLD XAVERIANS 6 2 0 828 447 DE LA SALLE 5 3 0 735 534 UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 3 0 679 522 OLD MELBURNIANS 3 5 0 598 548 OLD PARADIANS 3 5 0 531 615 OLD TRINITY 2 6 0 417 861 ST BERNARDS 1 7 0 462 923 OLD HAILEYBURY 0 8 0 378 808

190 .76 32 152 .22 28 185 .23 24 137.64 20 130.08 20 109.12 12 65.34 12 48.43 8 50.05 4 46 .78 0

B RESERVE SECTIO N ST KEVINS 7 1 0 950 464 204 .74 28 THERRY PENOLA OB 7 1 0 587 599 98,00 28 OLD BRIGHTON 5 3 0 756 446 169 .51 20 ORMOND 4 3 1 632 563 112.26 18 M H S O B 4 4 0 594 562 105.69 16 S4NYULE 4 4 0 380 675 56 .30 1 6 x OLD IVANHOE 3 5 0 485 661 73 .37 12 "AZENOD 0 C 2 5 1 509 471 108 .07 10 .1ANHOE 2 6 0 567 638 88 .87 8 o ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 0 8 0 185 911 20 .31 0 C RESERVE SECTION STBEDESRIENT.TIGERS 7 0 1 738 382 193 .19 30 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 2 0 827 384 215.36 24 MONASH BLUES 6 2 0 517 500 103 .40 24 ST LEOS EMMAUS W P 5 3 0 515 S88 87.59 20 THOMASTOWN 4 3 1 600 558 107 .53 18 "ARCELLIN 4 4 0 505 450 112.22 1 6 1,MPTON ROVERS 3 5 0 488 595 82 .02 12 cJLLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 6 0 435 590 73 .73 8 OLD MENTONIANS 1 7 0 464 653 71 .06 4 AJAX 1 7 0 346 735 47.07 4 D RESERVE SECTIO N WHITEFRIARS 7 1 0 741 386 191 .97 28 PARKSIDE 7 1 0 702 478 146 .86 28 OLD GEELONG 6 2 0 641 364 176 .10 24 BEAUMARIS A F C 4 4 0 519 538 96,47 16 C'_D ESSENDON OR . 3 4 1 561 499 112.42 14 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 4 1 458 566 80 .92 1 4 x C zULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 5 0 381 523 72 .85 12 S=LESIAN 0 C 3 5 0 440 636 69 .18 12 5t,IUINAS O B 2 6 0 378 668 56 .59 8 ST JOHNS 0 C 1 7 0 422 669 63 .08 4 E EAST RESERVE SECTIO N YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 7 1 0 749 339 220 .94 28 KEW 7 1 0 716 422 169.67 28 OLD CAREY 6 2 0 558 261 213 .79 24 BULLEEN COBRAS 5 3 0 763 593 128 .67 20 =GHMOND CENTRAL 5 3 0 639 525 121 .71 20 cL5Y PARK A F C 3 5 0 525 554 94 .77 12 C-11RNSIDE PARK 3 5 0 354 550 64 .36 12 -~Y`tTHORNCITIZENS 3 5 0 399 975 40.92 12 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 7 0 247 792 31 .19 4 E CENTRAL RESERVE SECTIO N UNIVERSITY BLACKS 7 1 0 854 105 813 .33 28 VfILUAMSTOWN CYMS 7 1 0 724 291 248 .80 28 "'EST BRUNSWICK 6 2 0 500 390 128 .21 24 UNIVERSITY REDS 5 3 0 469 362 129 .56 20 UHSOB 5 3 0 551 800 91 .83 20 4TH BRUNSWICK 3 5 0 370 550 67.27 12 =~~'NBURNEUNIVERSITY 3 5 0 316 531 59151 12 Li, TROBE UNIVERSITY 3 5 0 214 708 30 .23 12 =_D WESTBOURNE A F C 1 7 0 184 735 25 .03 4 E SOUTH RESERVE SECTION SOUTHBANK C 8 A AFC 8 0 0 1036 258 401 .55 32 OAKLEIGH A F C 6 2 0 641 535 119 .81 24 ST MARYS 5 3 0 565 600 94 .17 2 0 `_NiN5ULA 0 B 4 4 0 719 458 156 .99 16 - -"~HUNTLY 4 4 0 443 527 84 .06 16 'ER HOUSE 3 4 1 519 561 92 .51 1 4 ~TERNWICK 3 5 0 475 591 80 .37 1 2 ~, =.SH GRYPHONS 3 5 0 445 625 71 .20 1 2 ATRICKS MENTONE 2 5 1 373 612 60.95 1 0 ALBERT PARK 1 7 0 361 910 39 .67 4







CLUB XVIII (1 ) OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 7 1 0 554 339 163 .42 28 OLD XAVERIANS 6 2 0 483 188 256 .91 24 OLD SCOTCH 5 3 0 433 330 131 .21 20 MAZENOD 0 C 5 3 0 451 399 113 .03 20 COLLEGIANS 5 3 0 474 556 85 .25 20 DE LA SALLE 4 4 0 348 362 96 .13 16 STBERNARDS 4 4 0 332 475 69.89 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 2 6 0 315 614 51 .30 8 STKEVINS 1 7 0 174 512 33 .98 4 CLUB XVIII (2) KEW 8 0 0 621 281 221 .00 32 SYNDAL TALLY HO 8 0 0 554 253 218 .97 32 MONASH WHITES 5 3 0 562 377 149.07 20 MT LILYDALE O C 4 4 0 538 431 124.83 16 THORNBURY COUGARS 2 6 0 471 452 104.20 12 MARCELLIN 3 5 0 334 450 74 .22 12 OLD ESSENDON GR . 3 5 0 306 629 48.65 12 THERRY PENOLA OB 2 6 0 276 604 45 .70 8 OLD GEELONG 0 4 0 132 346 38 .15 0 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 DE LA SALLE 7 1 0 864 672 128,57 28 OLD PARADIANS 6 2 0 925 616 150 .16 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 3 0 874 559 156 .35 20 OLD CAREY 5 3 0 782 648 120.68 20 OLD XAVERIANS 5 3 0 752 633 118 .80 20 OLD MELBURNIANS 5 3 0 692 764 90 .58 20 OLD BRIGHTON 2 6 0 681 860 77 .39 8 MAZENOD 0 C 2 6 0 530 847 62.57 8 ST BERNARDS 2 6 0 484 821 58.95 8 STKEVINS 1 7 0 524 853 61 .43 4 UNDER-19 (2) COLLEGIANS 8 0 0 991 472 209 .96 32 OLD SCOTCH 6 2 0 812 594 136 .70 24 WHITEFRIARS 5 3 0 849 530 160 .19 20 BEAUMARIS A F C 5 3 0 725 590 122 .88 20 OLD HAILEYBURY 4 4 0 684 684 1()o .00 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 4 0 558 663 84 .16 16 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 3 5 0 633 829 76 .36 12 OLD CAMBERWELL 2 6 0 636 730 87 .12 8 MARCELLIN 2 6 0 501 773 64 .81 8 WARRINGAL A F C 0 8 0 383 1255 30 .52 0 UNDER-19 (2) BLU E ST BEDES MENT. TIGERS 8 0 0 1216 289 420 .76 32 M H S O B 7 1 0 908 411 220 .92 28 ORMOND 6 2 0 818 672 121 .73 24 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 4 0 632 798 79.20 16 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 4 4 0 467 694 67 .29 16 AJAX 3 5 0 511 670 76.27 12 DE LA SALLE (2) 3 5 0 347 723 47 .99 12 MONASH BLUES 2 6 0 484 812 59 .61 8 OLD GEELONG 2 6 0 448 934 47 .97 8 UNDER-19 (2) RE D OLD TRINITY 7 1 0 737 463 159.18 YARRA VALLEY 6 2 0 808 643 148 .80 NORTH OLD BOYS 6 2 0 564 470 120 .00 THERRY PENOLA O8 5 3 0 749 646 115 .94 OLD PARADIANS (2) 5 3 0 636 616 103 .25 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 3 5 0 520 649 80 .12 OLD IVANHOE 3 5 0 592 945 62 .65 CHIRNSIDE PARKA F C 3 5 0 438 746 59 .71 AOUINAS 0 C 2 6 0 470 869 54 .09



28 24 24 20 20 12 12 12 8



L 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7

D FOR AGST A SECTIO N 0 871 659 0 832 623 0 908 690 0 712 751 0 689 772 0 719 810 0 765 657 0 661 730 0 671 829 0 607 91 2


1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 7 8

B SECTIO N 0 905 631 0 1086 645 0 934 829 0 882 699 0 885 889 0 893 754 0 860 862 0 760 921 0 806 1206 0 671 124 6


1 1 2 2 4 4 6 6 6 8

C SECTIO N 0 1080 590 0 910 505 0 998 455 0 937 737 0 862 800 0 705 834 0 792 980 0 658 838 0 550 1058 0 482 1177


0 1 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7


E EAST SECTION 1 0 1055 491 1 0 1061 504 1 0 694 426 3 0 902 600 2 1 667 487 4 1 872 689 5 0 408 1133 6 0 439 1047 7 0 386 1107



0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

983 938 848 847 771 649 666 704 744 657

E CENTRAL SECTIO N 0 0 826 1 0 933 3 0 549 4 0 702 4 0 566 4 0 502 5 0 549 5 0 515 6 0 499

625 721 686 771 816 768 813 823 952 83 2

PT S 132 .17 28 133 .55 24 131 .30 24 94.81 20 89.25 16 88.77 16 116.44 12 90.55 8 80.94 8 66.56 4 143.42 28 168.37 24 112.67 24 126.18 2 0 99 .55 20 118 .44 16 99 .77 12 82 .52 12 66 .83 4 53 .85 0

183 .05 180 .20 219 .34 127 .14 107.75

28 28 24 24 16

84.53 16 80.82 8 78.52 8 51 .98 8 40.95 0 157.28 32 130.10 28 123.62 20 109.86 20 94 .49 16 84 .51 12 81 .92 12 85 .54 8 78 .15 8 4 78 .97

214 .87 28 210 .52 28 162 .91 24 150.33 20 136 .96 18 126 .56 14 36 .01 12 41 .93 8 34.87 4

454 390 651 749 606 732 680 666 71 3

181 .94 32 239.23 2 8

1281 434 875 659 996 616 1198 789 821 840 676 937 686 945 706 1079 641 970 605 1216

295 .16 32 132 .78 28 161 .69 24 151 .84 24 97 .74 16 72 .15 12 72 .59 8 65.43 8 66.08 4 49.75 4

84.33 93.72 93.40 68.58 80 .74 77 .33 69 .99

20 16 16 16 12 12 8


0 1 2 2 4 5 6 6 7 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


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