The Amateur Footballer, Week 14, 1997

Page 1


~uit SmokeFree




Club XV1II finals now over 4 I weeks

Recently Club XVIII teams were asked to consider a proposal to play a four week finals series which ~vould enable the grand finals to be played on a Sunday at Elsternwick Park which has become a bit of a tradition over recent years . As only three clubs of the 19 expressed a desire to retain the old 3 week series which would have lead to grand fmals away from EP, it was decided to go with the 4 week series . Please refer to the EP Program in this issue for actual dates .

Another amateur matures nicely

Great article in Tuesday's Age written by Ashley

Brown e blossoming Thompson playing fodr eiburnians player St, Kilda. The article acknowledges rather well the L'AFA as an excellent breeding ground in recent times

for players fast estab- 7 lishing themselves a t AFL level - Simon ~ Arnott (Swans), Jon Stevens (Swans) and Anthony McDonald (Melbourne) . Without listing all other players who have "made the grade" over recent years it is great to see that despite Don Scott's thoughts on the Amateurs that we are proving to be a viable pathway for players aspiring to reach the top level .

Next week's "Amateur Footballer"

Next week the teamlists and a match preview fo r the VAFA v. VCFL match will appear as well as the normal columns, statistics and information for round 15 for sections C,D, E and under 19 . Deliveries and pick-up points are just the same as for any other week of Amateur football . Page 37 Continued on

T C_LS TER"d1(V1CP : PARK 1 . 4 5 P M

k it /-% ma e 3 corisecut}ve wins ? Can the ~FqF

4-2? Can the VAFA extend our overall dominance to Previous meetings :19841, VAFA 15,10 .100,: VCFL 18.9 .117' VAFA 1985 VCFL 18 .11 .119 VAFA, 1987 VCFL 13 .14.92 VCFL _ VAFA. 1993 11 .12 .78 VCFL 1995 VAFA

11 .15.81 {Bendigo } 7 .15 .57 (Mildura) 7 .13.55 (Lavington) (Elsternwick Park) 13 .12.90 10.14 .7Q (Morwell~

White ,V give of its best, We need your support. Be there and help the gig Entry For Spectators Is Free ($2 charge for cars ) MainUatch Commences 1 .45 p m

.15 am Curtain Raiser -- Old Xavs V. Old Carey U19 11


20 Vol . 97 No. 1 4 Juiy 1 9th, 1 997 Price : $1 . Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997

A TSECTIO by Jason

The Blues met the T's at the University Ground with both sides having plenty to play for such as a spot in A-section in season 1998, and it was the home side packing the punch as the Blues got off to a good start which Trinity had Be rn ie Dunn's charges playing catch-up footy all afternoon . Plenty of forward activity for University with Herrald's six goals and host of multiple goalkickers - the Blues recorded a whopping 40 scoring shots to Trinity's 24 for an easy 56 point win to keep them afloat for another week. Sam Kennedy's five majors and more good games from Cumming an d Allibon were the only bright spots for the Ts . Relegation looming larger at Trinity. After last week's slip-up against De La Salle, Collegians were pretty fired up in their clash with Old Haileybury ; the Bloods too with plenty to play for including their spot in the four, which has looked increasingly tenuous week by week . The pressure on Simon Meehan and the Bloods won't have eased this week, because the Lions were roaring in the first quarter last Saturday kicking 8 goals to 2 to present the Bloods with a mammoth task to get back in the contest . Mark Seccull and Matt Armstrong continued their good form and Phillips an d Carty played well, helping the Bloods to outscore the Lions in the remaining three quarters, but with Drew Wa rneSmith booting seven, and experienced campaigners like Danny Thomson and James Bennett coming to the fore . the Lions had the score board before the Bloods had even come to the party . Recently rejuvenated St Bernards travelled to the Junction Oval to meet the Redlegs - this publication forecast the match would be'a thriller with OM home after the siren by 3 points' . Lo and behold the two teams did turn on a thriller with the home side triumphing by 5 points . Nip and tuck all day, Jason Gollant was at the fore of St Bernards play, popping up all over the ground and feeding team-mates with the football while Demamiel an d Mitchell provided options up forward - and eight goals between them . For the Redlegs enigmatic Micah Berry led the charge while Cam Eab ry an d Thompson gave them drive in the midfield . Scores were tied at the last change but the red-and-blue were in the happy camp at the end of the day . Inaccuracy has cost the Redlegs on plenty of occasions this year - Michael Ford would be thankful for the five-behind buffer his charges had last Saturday . The big question on everybody's lips has been . "Just how far can De La Salle go this year?" Their clash with Old Xaverians at Toorak Park has provided some answers . perhaps . to that question . After kicking away to a quarter-time lead of almost four

goals, the D's hardly offered a whimper fo r the rest of the after- ~ noon as Xavs boote d 16 goals to 4 in the remaining three quarters . Simo, Wood paved the way for the Xavs victory with anoth er excellent game while big Mike Blood gave hi usual tireless effort on the ball and around th ground . Ben Mannix was again among the best fo De La Salle after an excellent season around goa while Rennie an d Jackson also played well . Vitit) Haileybury's loss on the same day, Peter Hannan ani the crew will be disappointed they didn't make m ofthisgamewnylokd-pacetqur e time. Fairly lack-lustre game at Elsternwick Park oi the Sunday as Parade searched for an end to th form slump which has beset the team agains Scotch, keen to tie up its appointment wit) September. A fantastic single-handed effort fron Boyd in front of goals with 9 majors out of the team', total of 11 was not enough by Parade to throw th Cardinals ; they had six kicked by Rohan Aujard ani various other multiple goalkickers to boot. Ton Wilson continues to impress for Scotch as doe ; Collins, while Heffernan and Pannam helped shuttl~ the ball forward for Parade . Not enough Boyd's on th, day for Parade; a comfortable five goal win for Wayn Harmes' charges .

PREVIEW Old Xaveri ans host Old Paradians in wha should be (if ladder positions mean anything) an eas; encounter for Xavs. But BEWARE! Parade knock ethprmisoftherpcinthslafirtm i

around and would love to do it again . Xavs by 2t points . For a side short on fanfare, Collegians are big or professionalism and should have too much polish fo . an inconsistent Old Melburnians in their clash a Harry Trott . Lions by 24 points . Si: Bernards meet Scotch at EP tomorrow in wha could be a closer contest than many would havi thought a few weeks back . St B's will no longer settli for the easy-beats title - watch them upset thi Cardinals by 10 points in a boilover . The Bloods venture downtown to mee Unive .rsity with a spot in the four beckoning fo . Meehan's men . University have lifted with Gran Williams' return but the Bloods will be desperate an( should win by 3 goals . Trinity host De La with both teams needing a wit - the T's if they are to stav in A-section and the D's i they are to play in September. Should be close but sorry De La fans- the fairvtale's over for season 1997 Trinity by 8 points .



r), L adians - Captain Peter Brabender today il„ 2pOth game for the Old Paradians. A consum1,~,1I back flanker 'Plugger' has been an inspiratio n 11_1t,t~ t Parade player over the years, and all 200 have la}~d consecutively, A fine achievement all the best for today. ple Trinity - The club salutes the diminutive Trevor Norman on reaching 200 games. Respected by l,,11 .ni_;ces and opponents alike . 'The Shark' has built ill ; c,r«r on tough, uncompromising football and a t1, .l~rrninedness to give his all week in week out . Three~, B&F, four-times premiership player, Norman is a mpion Trinity player who epitomises the Amateur It~-iLU~'.uer.

Congratulations also to Tony Smith, a club stalwart of nt:~u'Iy two decades who passed the 150 games mark . Tony, who pilots the plane on the club's end-of-season ;ooty trip, won the reserves B&F last year at the tender a ;e of 38 . The clubs hopes he remains a Trinity man for c ;rs to come. Also cheers to Simon Dalrymple, who in 50 games With the Ts has taken all before him by storm . A rugged on-batler who likes to burrow in packs, Dalrymple's honr,uts include Captain/Coaching a premiership team, is-itlning a B&F, and representing the Vics this year . Con ~atulations to all three Trinity players . I I

SENIORS - 12.07 .97 u ;tt'r'rUA:wS 0-1 519 10 .10 16.15 .111 04 E:1LLE 3 .6 316 7 .7 7.10 .52 t ti,-rtans Bourke 6. Richardson 3. Jones 3. Dann 2, Wood. Landrigan. Best m. Blood. Dillon. Gl~nan, Brushfield . ., . 3 3 . D. Jackson 2 . B . Manm. Lafferty. Best B . Mannix. Brasher,

Jackson . Lafferty. Sanger.

COLLEGIANS 8 .3 9.7 13 .11 15.16 .106 OLD FLIB.EYBURY 2 .1 5.3 7 .5 10.8 .68 Cc:ilegians Warne-Smith 7. Mollard 2. Cleary 2 . Deane-Johns 2 . Blackman . _ ~ Best Bennett . Blake . Jefferson . King. Thomson, Warne-Smith. Oct H,:i::ybtay Estaphkou 3. Kraus 2 . Lappa~e Hilton. Morey . Armstrong. Home. pr,t rarty, Seccull. Armstrong Phillips. ttiarden . Byrns . OLD SCOTCH 5 .3 10.8 16.14 .110 12 .12 OLDPARADiANS 2.7 7.8 9.12 11.12 .78 0!d Scratch AuJard 6. Heath 3, Wilson 3 . Phillips 2. Eagle. B. Goldberg. Best Price. ' !': !son, Steele, Collins. Paterson. 0!d Puadiens Boyd 6, Cosgrift Pannam . Beat Boyd . Heffernan . PhIlp. Godfrey, L .:uu-nt. Mulligan. OLII .'AELBURNIANS 4.4 6.9 9.14 14.17 .101 ST. oe[2NARDS 3.3 8.7 10.8 14.12.96 01d 5?cthurn9sns Berry 3 . Campbell 3, P. Thompson 2. Webb 2. C. Eabn'. Holme . : : :r, . i . Smith. Best Berry. MacDougall. Eabrv. Thompson. Ross. Birkill. lernsrds Demamiel 4. Mitchell 4, V.Comilo. Vassallo. Sheehan. L. Gallant , , J . GdJazn. Best J. Gollant. Swano, Thomas . Mitchell . McKeon . BLUES 4.2 9.6 14.13 20.20 .14 0 1.5 5.7 7.10 12.12.84 ty mines Harrold 6. Featherston 3. McKinnon 2. Furphy 2. Stewart 2 . 2, T. Wilcox 2 . Sturrock. Best Verstcegen . Fairbank Kadick. McKinnon , dn. Furphy. Old Trinity S. Kennedy S . Sutcliffe 2 . Richards 2. Dalrymple, Pawsey, Phillips . Best Cumming, Alllbon. Richards . S. Kennedy, Sutcliffe. Pawsey .

RESERVES - 12 .07 .9 7 is

1-6 4.10 11.14 3.4 7 .6 10.7

12.17.89 11 .8.74

Old Raveriaas Pence 3 . Penn 2, Jones 2, Tucker 2 . Hardman, Hunter, Freer. Best Clarke, tt'oodrufr. Hardman, Tuddenham, Perry. Hunter. De La Salle Hall 5. Grace 2, Ellis 2, Fisher, Cross- Best Ellis, Dockett . Van Der Pllght. Crass, Murphy. Hall . COLLEGIANS 4.5 10 .7 17.12 23 .19.157 OLD HAB.EYBURY 4.1 5 .2 8.3 8 .4.52 CollegLim; Cooper 4 . Johnston 3, Walsh 3 . Vasdekis 3. Useina• 2, Ne+1ns . Pollock, Humphry. Jones, Lubieh. Fraser. Bolter. O'Donnell. Old Halleybury Hardeman 4, Byrns 2 . Aute~son, Jhnmieson . Best Hi ll, Doswk~g. Smity, Barthoiwrteusz, Hardeman, Kir~4cewvod-Scott . OLD SCOTCH 5.4 10 .5 15.6 21 .9.135 OLD PARADIANS 1.2 2 .4 4.7 4 .8.32 Old Scotch McDonnell 8, Pritchard 6- Warner 2, Hanneman 2 . Gr1g*, Hooper, Kallnsk7. Best McDonnell . Back, Gregory. T. Reid, D . Thomas. Pritchard. Old Paradiana Goal lockers and best players not recehed . OLD MELBURNIANS 3.5 8.8 12.9 18 .9.112 ST. BERNARDS 2 .1 4.3 9.7 11 .9.75 Old Met6urnlane Jukes 3, Anastasakis 3 . Dixon 2. Boyd 2. Hart 2, Walton 2. Keeble . Lmett . Rabbitt, P. Theodore. Best Anastasakis . Nelson . Waddell. Brown, Banks. Rabbttt. St Beznrsrds Collins 2. Dartey 2, A. Farmer 2, A. Capes. Dowling. Cusack. V'mecombe . O'Brien. Best M . Farmer. A. Capes. Abfalter, P. Capes, Vmecrombe. Donnellti'. UNIVERSITY BLUES 2.4 3.6 8.9 12 .13.85 OLD TRINITY 1.2 8.6 7.6 8 .7.55 University Blues Byrne 3. Seller 2, Norman 2. Gust. Nugent. Jamieson. Mudge, McCarty. Best O"DonnelL Carter. B. Furphy. Gamut, Gust, Mudge. Old Trinity Goal kickers and best players not recewed .



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OLD XAVERIANS v. OLD PARADIANS Field: H. Little D. Dalgleish Boundary : B. Corcoran Goal: Peter Bekkers Geoff Grigg COLLEGIANS v. OLD MELBURNIANS Field : W. Jackson W. Hinton Boundary: C. Kealy R . Kemp Goal : Grant Beard Alan Bishop ST. BERNARDS v . OLD SCOTCH EP - SUNDAY Field : M . Gibson S . McCarthy Emergency Umpire : C. Stewart Boundary: R, Mutton J. Stevenson Goal : Bernie Hoare Anthony Simpson ST. BERNARDS v. OLD SCOTCH RESERVES Goal: David Murray, Robert Seymour UNIVERSITY BLUES v. OLD HAILEYBURY Field : C. Segota R . Eastwood Boundary: M . Meier D . Styles Goal: Michael Lentini Ross Richards OLD TRINITY v . DE I.A SALLE AT 2 .15 p.m. Field : A . Damen J . Kvins Boundary : T. Dodds B. Brown Goal : Kevin Segota Dominic Napoli

JULY 26 - ROUND 15 VAFA versus VCFL at Elsternwick Park (Sunday 1 .45 p .m. ) I

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e sleeping tiger awoke last Saturday an d took St , Kevins to the cleaners at Righetti Oval. The Ivanhoe boys played superb football and despite a third quarter comeback by SKOBS, they were never really threatened . Whilst it would need a disastrous drop in form by one of the top sides for Ivanhoe to make the finals, football is a game where few expectations are realised and just maybe the 'Hoes will give it a shake. Mazenod could not cope with the ladder leaders Old Brighton and despite a most spirited effort incurred a loss that would just about have sealed its finals chances for this season . Again Banyule and St Kilda/South Caulfield suffered defeats to further make it appear almost certain that C Section awaits them in 1998 . REVIEW After a very keen and close tussle all day Therry Penola broke away from Old Ivanhoe with a six goal quarter. Up forward Mick Goodwin an d John Pole were in fine touch for Therry and were dominant both on the ground and in the air. The Old Ivanhoe club doctor emphasised the true spirit of amateur football by his inserting stitches in John Pola s head to enable him to return to the field after half time . Carter and Crofty in defence were other good players for Therry along with Reddick, Gorman an d Hollow. Old Ivanhoe will be very disappointed particularly after moving to an 11 point lead in the last term only to see Therry kick the last six majors. Parker, Tu lly an d Haros were best with Veal, Pappos and Corcoran good contributors.

Ivanhoe were well and truly fired up for a big effort against

Mazenod kept with Old Brighton for most of the day at Central Reserve but could never quite bridge the gap of around 8 - 10 points that appeared around half time. Mazenod's defenders Chri s Murray, Trevor Howard and Simon Fisher were very busy all day attempting to and mostly holding the OB forward set up that is capable of breaking loose and leaving the opposition behind . For Old Brighton defenders were also featuring in the best . Fitzgerald, Tymms an d Williams were clearly the best performers with Ha rtman an d Nikkas also very busy all day .


Ormond was able to score a percentage boosting victory against the hapless Banyule Bears . A final term in which the Monds kicked 8 goals gave them the huge victory after the Bears had stayed within 5-6 goals for the first three quarters . For Ormond Paul McDonald, Matt Turn er an d Mark Gilmore were best performers with Brett Conne ll , Rod Block and Steve James again featuring. Anthony Turner again served notice that he will be a player to watch in the coming weeks with a six goal haul . For Banvule M. Gray, Woodlock and Whelan got the votes with Scott Playfair, O'B rien and J. McDermott having a keen go for most of the day . 4

SKOBS and did not let the coaching staff or supporters down by racing to a point half time lead . Six goals in a hurry in the thi quarter from SKOBS put them back in with a char: but the Magpies doubled their work rate, particula across the centre and up forward to again take or and send supporters into a frenzy. Brad Giles, Trev Timms an d Karim Moussa were best for the Pies w, Flynn, Tucker and McFarlane on top all dz Makeshift forward Jim Macey along with Brady, F an d Waight were best for SKOBS . MHSOB an d St Kilda/South Caulfield played it game where the goal umpires were kept busy all d with 48 majors being scored . The Saints thought it a final score of 129 points in any match should ensc victory but when three members of the MHSOB si helped themselves to a total of 17 goals on erflectalwysonthen dtosc remoregoalsthan t

opposition if one is to win the day. The third quari when MHSOB ran riot with 12 goals particularly i Dan Woodley (FF) an d Nathan Johns (CHF) really vv the difference on the day . Steve Grimmer, Fairchi and Cassell were other top performers for Melbour High . The Saints were disappointed not to have w the match for'Jocka' Howard who celebrated his 30C game, but the effort was full of merit with Matt Ry and Neeson best. The regulars in Tkocz, Astapen] and Gilmore were tireless workers once again .

Old Ivanhoe at home will know they have be playing but should be too strong for Banyule an d pi vail by 29 points. Mazenod at home will face a SKOBS team corm off a bad loss . Going on the Nodders recent form ai the home ground advantage however, even the mc ardent SKOB supporter could not put money on it one . Mazenod should get home by 24 points . Ivanhoe players pleaded with me not to select the against Ormond so I'll go with my promise and sek Ormond by 16 points. Perhaps Don Blackwood c, give the home side a more accurate prediction . Sorr did not accept the cap last Saturday nigh but I'll glac wear one if the Ivanhoe boys get the points here . St Kilda/South Caulfield will give Old Bright i plenty of curry at home but I think the Bloods will too hot for them and end up victors by 16 points . Down by the riverside MHSOB welcomes Therry what promises to be a danger game . I can't see Thei holding down the High forwards all day and will go I an 11 point victory to MHSOB . RESERVES : Banyule . St Kevins . Ormond . C Brighton and MHSOB .



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C0RIZESP0 ,-qDENTS' By 5 .30pm Monday 9889 9014. f3,,,,`.u1( .and Old Brighton missing again last week. SE. ;tORS - 12 .07.9 7 Ormond - Craig 'Chief Symes today plays 100th nle for the club . Beginning in the U16's as a junior hicf ',as been an integral part of the senior team mor e r,rcn t: and with ale on his side we all look forward to the Congratu ations and well done . Old Ivanhoe - 50 games to 'Lachie' McLean an d Anthony-'Aper' Parker for today's match . Both are great both on and off the field and the club looks forwar d t, many more fine matches from you both . ngraitilations and well done. bid Brighton - 50 games to David Patterson. C-aptain of the successful U19 Premiers in 1996'Patto' has stepped up to senior football and has performed extremet ; ,well . Congratulations on 50 games and we all look for114'd to the next 50 being as good .

Social : Old Ivanhoe - Trivia Night July 25 at the meta Club Bulleen . Call Andy Harris (959 6775) or John n~nt (9850 5857) for more detail s St. Kevins / Old Brighton - Sport sman's / Comedy Night, Wednesday July 23 . All welcome call Mike Perry (0414 950 923), Chris Haling (9520 7492), Tim Corrigan (018 445 179) or Steve Nolan (9520 7428) for further de}^ils . $55 all inclusive with Neil Balme, Robert Shaw, p, -y & Dicky and Johnny Garfield and more, hosted b y I S;ruigard at International Receptions in Brighton .

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LAST WK TOTAL 6AL 3 59 6 45 7




OLD P, :INHOE v . BANYULE Field : A . Chapman J . Toohey Boundary : P. Kyle Goal : Malcolm Frame Malcolm Venn IriAlENOD v, ST. KEVINS Field : M . Jenkins G . Curran Boundary : G . Miller M . Chapple Goal : Shannon Ryan Peter Allsop IVANHOE v. ORMOND Field : M . Bushfield P . Simpson `Goal : John Finn John Kelly ST . KILDA SOUTH CAULFELD v. OLD BRIGHTON Field : B . Schmidt A . Firley Boundary: A. Degan C . Hayes Goal: John Robinson Russell Owens MHSOB v . THERRY PENOLA Field : T. Ovadia B . Tamblyn Boundary: J. Handfield S. Hennig Goal : Leo Wilson Reno Barichievich

OLD IVANHOE 3.2 6.6 10.7 12.10.82 T7iERRY PENOLA O .B. 3.5 8 .6 10.11 16 '13.109 Old Ivanhoe McLean 4. Youn~ 2. Corccxan. Donaldson. Hares, J . Acddle. R. Weddle, Parker. Best Parker, Tullt~ Haros . 4eal. Papp~. C. Corcoran, Therry Penale Goodwin 6, Pala 8. Hallow 3. Gorman. Best M . Goodwin . Cazter. Crotty, Reddick . Gorman . Grocock . MAZENOD O .C . 3.2 7.5 11 .8 13 .11 .89 OLD BRIGHTON 4 .3 8.7 12.11 14 .15.99 Msztnod OC Hanley 2 . Fisher 2 . M. Murray 2 . Welch . C. Murray, King Couttie. Schofield, Barker, Ntsbett. Best Barker. C. Murray, Fisher. 1rRsbett. Houard . M. Murray. Old Brighton Krvnvnnak 3, Dennis 2. Much 2, Talbot 2 . Patterson 2. Bradley. Reid, Nikas. Best Fitzgerald. Tyttmis. Williams, Hartman . Nikas. Patterson. ORMOND 3.7 8.9 11 .10 19.13 .127 BANYULE 2.2 3.3 5 .5 8.7.43 Ormond A . Turner 6 . Connell 2. Bailey 2, James 2. Block 2, Remount. B. Turner, McDonald, HorsCmid. Keleher. Beat McDonald. M . Tuner, Gilmore. Connell. Block, James. Banyule Turnbull 2 . Kayr., O'Brien, McDermott, Williams. Best Gray. 1tY,odlock. Whelan, McDermott. Playfair. O'Brien . ST KEViNS 2 .3 5.5 11.7 13.8.86 IVANHOE 4 .3 9.9 12.10 17.16.118 St Kevins Macey 6. Keighran 2. Hart 2 . Gargano, Dolman . Fac. Best Brady. Macey. Fax. Waigtt. Farquharson. OlKx. Ivanhoe Williams 3, Lee 3, Flynn 3 . Blask,aai 2. Hull-Brmen 2 . Joyce, Mansell. Scoble. Best Gillies . Tunms . Maussa Ftynn . Tueker. MeFarLv,e . Sr. KILDA/STH CAULFIELD 4.2 9 .3 12.7 20.9.129 M.H.S .O .B. 3.8 11 .7 24.9 28 .12.180 St. Kik1a/Sth Card. M. Ryan 6. O'S,illi~an 3 . Astapenko 3. Gilmore 2 . Green 2, Tkocz. D'A~ tino. S. Diamond, Neeson . Best M. Ryan. Neeson. Astapenko. Gilmore . O'Sullltan, Cruwvs. M160a waodlcv 8. Johns 5 . Pectzd 4. Fairchild 2. Saullry 2. VHister 2. Heiner, G}u~. Ahsgt. Gamer. Bruce. Best Gr¢suna. Nbodley. Fairchild. JdvLs. Cassell . Bruce.

RESERVES - 12.07.97 OLD IVANHOE 1 .0 2.1 3 .6 5.6.36 THERRY PENOLA O.B . 4.7 7.10 13 .13 15.18 .108 Old Ivanhoe Kingston 2, Cargtn, Mayrock. Stgley. Best Maycock . Atkinson. Caddy, Harris, Jones . 54gtey. Therry Penola OB Bosanko 3 . Rossignolo 2. Hallou 2. Clarke 2 . Prenderkast. Grtggs. Maloney. l'atna . Sacco. Moran . Best Boy9e. O'Kearney. Bosanko. Hollow. Prendergast. Griggs . MAZENOD O.C. 5 .3 10.4 12.4 14.5 .89 OLD BRIGHTON 1 .1 2.3 8.9 12.12 .84 Mexenod Grimison 4 . Smith 4, Riley 2 . Welch, Fisher. Snart. Rogers . Best Tsfavls . Snart. Krom. Grimison . Fisher, Robinson. Old Brighton Grant 6. Murray 4 . Toms . McNamara Beat Mandylaris, Trans . Grant . Well. Murray. Haaden. ORMOND 4 .3 13 .9 15.13 18.15.123 BANYDLE 1.1 2 .2 5.3 8.4.40 Ormond J . Brown 7. Orr 5. M. Brown, Cleary, King. Steuart, Wells . Whelan. Rest King. Hall. J . Broun . M . Bro•.vn . Orr. Davies . Banyule blahady 2, R . Smith, Cullen, Jesse. Heard. Beat Ferrall. Gilliam, Jesse. Fortune . S . Smith . R . Smith. ST KEVINS 3 .7 8 .9 10.11 15 .13.103 IVANHOE 2.1 7.2 10 .3 11 .5.71 St. Resins Fraser 3 . McCarm 2. Moore 2. Mulcahy 2. Mount 2. Charles 2, Williams 2. Best Sarasdi. Mount. Mulcahy, Hassett. B . Kennedy. Charles . Ivanhoe Kline 3 . Fainrea0ter 2. Krischker 2 . Thaclrnrav 2 . Pace. Merory. Best Gittos . Fairwrather. Too•wod . Andrersld. Jackson . Rosent'eld. ST. KB,DA(STH CAULFIELD 2.1 2.2 5.3 6.5 .41 M.H.S.O.B . 3.3 9.8 10 .12 15.14 .104 St. Kilda/Sth Caul. Mascall 2. Wetigosz 2 . Gill, Kingsley. at . Diamond. Best Emmett. Weilgosz. Derham . Mascali. Kallis, Paterson. MHSOB McGrath 5. Verma 3, McLardie 2. Atkin 2. Theobald. Palmas. Haves . Best S . Konstanty . M. Konstanty . Palmas, Spiteri . Newton, Md,azdie.

1y~~'• < r~YY a~~,- {I~_ ~-~ JULY 26 - ROUND 1 5 VAFA versus VCFL at Elsternwick Park (Sunday 1 .45 p.m . )

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C SECTIO N by Russell Goul d

Vell we are certainly getting to the business end of the season now, and the ladder does seem to b e sorting itself out or at least at the top . Last week the top five teams defeated the bottom five teams, all in different matches of course, and the top three at least are set . They only real move in terms of possible finals contenders was that of Thomastown, but the move was downwards . Their loss saw them fall three games away from fourth and are really out of contention . The Bullants are still hanging around though and the next few weeks will be interesting. Relegation talks come next week . REVIEW The closest match of the round was at Mentone where Thomastown was held up at the barriers, and despite a good effort still ended up 29 points behind St Bedes/Mentone at the post . The Tigers piled on 12 goals in the opening term and threatened to take the game apart. But the Bears don't like to travel long distances for a big loss, so they pulled out the whip and set about catching up. At half time they were still 40 points down, but a seven goal to three third term game them a sniff. But the Tigers checked them at the final turn and were able to put in a good last 200 to take the victory. It was never going to be easy for the Tigers but with solid performances from Tully, Larman and Lamb they weathered the storm as they should and to the victors go the spoils . For the visitors there's always next year, and with goers like Valeri, Kennedy an d Capeei who were solid in defeat, who knows . The next close match was at Burwood where St Leos took it right up to Marcellin before succumbing to the Eagles by 37 points. The first quarter was a competitive one, the Two Blues keen to improve on their 100 point loss in the teams first encounter, the Eagles up by a goal In the second quarter however the cracks started to show as Marcellin got running and split the gap to 24 points at half time . In the second half the Eagles were never headed . Centre square dominance set up a 41 point lead going into the final term, and that was enough . But to the Two Blues credit they kept at it and best players in Buckle, Donovan an d Banks helped them outscore the Eagles and reduce that winning margin. Sampimon continued his great form for Marcellin as did O'Flynn an d Frisina and all bodes well for the Eagles . It was a 63 point margin at Clayton where Bulleen/Templestowe continued to push for a finals berth, this week defeating the luckless Monash Blues. In a high scoring first term the Bullants kicked 8 goals to five to take a handy lead . A serious lapse by Monash in the second term allowed the Bullants to kick away and take a 7 goal lead into the second half . Monash continued to get the ball into the scoring zone but the Bullants baekline . lead by Prior didn't allow them t o r

convert . Monash tried in the third but in the last the Bullants powered away to take vic-

tory with James kicking 7 and Greig also playing we For Monash, McGregor and Caldwell had a dip bi inconsistency continues to hinder any chance thi have of getting out of the cellar . At Albert Park, Adam Acremen (10 goals) and 01 Mentonians continued the sorry tale that is AJAX season, defeating them by 109 points after a 19 go first half. The Panthers were doing everything rigl~ and despite AJAX skipper Marty Halphen's efforts (4 possessions) the Jackers were never in it . In the secor half the hosts did fight back and only kicked one . AJAX triple teamed Acrem-, Igoalthnevisr allowing him only 2 second half goals, but in doing let players like Watson an d Stroud do the damage ar put on a cricket score . A couple of good players f AJAX were Bram and Rosen, but the scores say it, for them. The big scoring continued at Brunswick whe North Old Boys totally outclassed Hampton Rovers the tune of 119 points and look to be getting better we head for the finals . So good in fact they need n send me a match report and are happy for me to say must have been a good team effort. And to the Rove report which praised the victors, but also gave credit Rovers players Ferguson, Fletcher and Browne wl all performed solidly for their team and were amoi many triers. They now look to this week against tl Panthers to get the victory that will get them up off fl bottom of the table and away from potential relegatio PREVIEW Firstly to Brunswick where those NOB's take Bulleen/Templestowe who are keen to stay in tow with the Panthers for that fourth spot . UnfortunatE though, with the NOB's playing the kind of footb, they are I would have to go for them by around points. Then at the University I think it will be learning per usual for the Monash boys who face a Bedes/Mentone unit keen to do some teachin' . T: Tigers to win by a methodical 6 goals . St Leos will visit the Bear pit wanting to win, b probably won't . It will not be an easy one f Thomastown, but they should win by 20 points . Marcellin will be 0/168 at the end of their da play against AJAX. Down at the Bluff Road oval the Rovers will cor out ready to play but won't be able to stay with 0 Mentonians who want Big Ads to kick the tc Panthers by 23 points . Now the Reserves continue their battle . Whilst Bedes/Mentone have started to drop kick goals . a a THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER if

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ti(; ?v1OB's also keep winning, the rest are all over the pl, :cc, but here are my guesses : Marcellin, St i3,,cl '.' :ntone . Thomastown, NOB's, Old Mentoni ans .

uld Mentonians - 100 games to the following nla rs Matthew Austin, Andrew Ca rt er an d David Paterson. All products from the U 19's who have established themselves as regular senior players and good clubmen. We all look forward to the next 100 from each of you, Also Geoff 'Scratcher' Dart an d Cameron Rushworth play their 50th games for the Panthers as well . Also both fine clubmen, with Scratcher's" 50 even more impressive in that they were all consecutive . Well done to you both . Monash Blues - John Sos - 200 Games . The starstudded career of a Monash Icon reaches a new milestone today. Sos has captained a few premiership sides and won the odd best and fairest as well as being a champion bloke and resident comedian . Congratulations on your achievement Sos. Social : Old Mentonians - 30th Anniversary Dinner on August 9, and on this night the best team of the last 30 years will be announced. Call David Holland (9553 2011 w . 9585 0646 h) for more details . Marcel lin - The Annual Auction is being held on Sunday July 27. 70 main items up for auction, over 200 in the silent auction. For tickets please contact Phil Chambers on 9841 4108 .

,,,1':a v . MARCELLIN Field : C. Brajtberg P. Withington ?'ONASH BLUES v. ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Field: A . 1 :zphen C. Nash Boundary: G . Mooney D. Gaunt Goal : Steven Mooney Anthony Simpson THOMASTOWN v . ST. LEOS EMMAUS Field : G . Gioras N . McCorquodale NORTH OLD BOYS v. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE Field : C. Keeton R. Sneddon Goal : Robert Seymour Robert Parry HAMPTON ROVERS v. OLD MENTONIANS Field : D. Lane A. Kiel Boundary: T. Bowman Goal : Bernie Dix Robert Dunstan


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SENIORS - 12 .07.9 7 AJAX 2 .0 3 .0 6.4 11 .5 .71 OLD MENTONIANS 9.5 19.6 26 .10 28.12 .180 AJAX Rosen 4, Brain . Siegat Dudakov. Halphen . Onas . Best Haiphen, Rosen. Bran, Duzenman . Krengold. Feldman . Old Mentoaffins Aereman 10 . Austin 4. Stroud 4 . Bournon 2 . S. Kitto 2. Paterson 2 . Brooks. Dart. Ferguson. B . Murray. Best Acreman. Brooks, Stroud. Watson. Dart . Ferguson . MONASH BLUES 5.1 8.3 12.5 14.6 .90 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 8 .4 15.4 18.8 24.9.153 Monash Blues Barker 3. Webster 3. Rogers 2• Gregory 2 . Hurley, Caldwell, McGregor. Meteor. Best Caldwell . McGee. White . J.L. Smith . TtnFder. V.'ebster. Bulken Temp2estowe James 7. MeLaren 3. Shine 3. Matthews 3 . Williams 2. Greig. Smith Agrotis . Jones. Merrett . Hare. Best Shine . Prior. N . Bone . Grel~ James. Williams. ST. LEOS EMMAUS AT 2 .4 3.9 4.9 7.10 .52 MARCELLIN 3.4 7.9 10 .14 12.18 .90 St Leoe EhFrSAUS Banks 2. Armstrong. Dinicolantino . Donotan. Millen. OMeara Best Buckle. Dono~an . Banks, Bur~ess. O'Meara. Bethune. Marerli.n CafGV 4, Karavaskalis 3 . Frisina 2, Dodoricio. Gill. Dinneen . Best Frisian, Sampimon. O'Flyrm. Theisz . Caffig . Kara4asalLs. ST. B'S MENTONE TIGERS 12.1 18.6 19 .11 22.16 .148 THOMASTOWN 5.1 10.1 17.3 19.5 .119 St as Meat. Tlg. MacGeerge 7. Hayrs 3 . McCraw 3. Zakle 2. H ~' uts 2. Hecker 2. Lannan 2 . Orr. Best Tully. 1. .•vnb. Lannan, MacGecrge . MeCrau•. 8. Hecker. 1Zwmastown Capeci 7. Gorski 4 . Diana 2 Holmes 2. Ristesski 2, L . Smith. A. Ward. Best Vateri. Kennedy. CapeM. Risteaski. Diana A. Felloas . NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .7 9.13 16 .17 23.18 .158 HA.44PTON ROVERS 2.3 2.5 2 .5 5.7 .37 North Old Boys Curren 5 . Barker 3. Collison 3 . Lyons 2. Tonkin 2• Lock . Currv. Spurting, Manassa. McKay, htlcunda Waters, P. O'Farrekk. Best Waters . Ltrons. Micunda. Manassa. N . Tonkin . Cowan. Hampton Rovers Marshall, Brownie . WWnott . Crawford, Marinis. Best J. Ferguson, Fletcher, Mar ryn . Brov.•ne. C. Ferguson. MeKellar.

RESERVES - 12.07 .97 AJAX 0.1 1 .3 4.3 4.3 .27 OLD MENTONIANS 4.1 6.6 12 .10 18.15 .111 MAX Skurnik 3. B . Goldberg 2, Diamond . Best B . Zielinski . Israelson . Abrahams. S. Boon. L . Galdber . L. Krongoia . Old Meatonia .rts N 5, Riley 3 . Fituvs 2, Russo 2. Twentmtatt 2. S . Kitto . Leone. Hest Mills. Twentyman. S. Kitto. Carter. Graham. Elliott . MONASH BLUES 2.1 8.1 8 .2 11 .2 .68 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 .2 5.4 10 .5 12.7.79 Monash Blum Spencer 5. Kellock, Dobson. Schmedes. Neal. Wood, Andritsos . Best Dempsey. Spencer. Newman. Feenaghty. Andritsos. Dobson. BuReen Templestowe Bone 3, Papadopoulos 3 . Alexander, D. Bone. Daskalou• Edwards. Faulkner, Toscano . Best Faulkner, '.4llliams. P. Bone. Merihoi9tis. Dr6•er. Alevander. ST. LEOS EMMAUS WP 2.2 4.3 4 .3 4.5.29 MARCELLIN 2.2 4.5 8.10 14.12.96 St. L~ EMMAUS Mitchell 2. Contessotto . Smith. Best Contessotto. Bri sgyss. Rees. Ndreu . Vaughan . Parker . Ma .rceRin'tf. Cooper 4 . P. Harberts 3 . Sheehan 2, Taylor 2. Walsh, Darry. Moussi. Best M . Cooper. Stokes. Sheehan . DalPp. Taylor. Colussi. ST. B'S MENTONE TIGERS 4.3 10.10 13 .13 28 .19.187 THOMASTOWN 1 .3 4.8 4 .8 5.8.38 St Be Meat Tig Connolly 8. Dan Goodchild 6. Ross 4 . MiCsud 2 . Thompson 2. Manson 2 . Cordcroy 2. Btios• M . Beasley. Best M. Beasley. BDcs. Thompson. Dickinson. Schreier. Cannoltv. Thomastown Scarpa. Valentino. Pandalro. D. Pougios . Ro^ca Best Rocca Stains. Valentino. J. Pouglos. L'Aurora McNeil . NORTH OLD BOYS 4.2 8.11 13 .15 20 .17.137 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 1.0.8 North Old Boys Crmina 7, Cheshire 4 . Fahey 4. Anderson 2. Burns . Pawsey. Sereenev. Best Roberts. Dmme . Gravvia Fahev. Sweenev. Anaerson . Hampton Rovers Elpirick. Best Masn. Thomas. Ivey. Boyte . R< *son. Armstrong.


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D SECTION by Peter Kelly C "I David Cook REVIEW OF ROUND 1 3

I Each week sees Old Essendon, Parkside, Salesian, St Johns, Aquinas and Caulfield involved in games that could decide on their relegation prospects or that fourth spot and a finals berth . Last week Old Essendon's loss saw them hold fourth on percentage from St Johns an d Salesian whilst the other Clubs face relegation if they don't record wins this week . This week to week uncertainty creates a lot of phone interest in results immediately after games on Saturday night and that certainly won't change today. St Johns who struggled in the first quarter, played catch up foo ty in the second and then turned it on in a great third quarter display easily accounted for Caulfield . The long break saw Caulfield leading by 15 points in what was reported as a game of many errors to that point. The third quarter blitz by the St . Johns saw 6 unanswered goals where great team play and excellent pace set up their eventual victory. On field leadership by Labrooy and control of the air around the ground by Saunderson brought Spider, Hammy, an d Hilton into the game . All players seemed to click, some in new positions others in their usual role for St Johns whilst Caulfield seemed bewildered as they had few players prepared to run after half time. St . Johns were also pleased with first senior gamer Meechan who finished with 3 and Waters' endeavour. Caulfield's Brohier tried hard and his goal in the last should have lifted the side as they closed to 14 points but it wasn't to be . Parkside again started at top pace but Beaumaris soon settled and got their game going . As the Sharks repelled early attacks in the second they set up many scoring thrusts with Sherman and Hoyne giving great drive forward . The third quarter saw the Devils try hard with consistent performers in Drinman, Harvey, Hockey an d McNamara but they again had little support and the ball was turned over too often allowing free delivery into the Sharks forward line . The last quarter saw three quick goals to Parkside before Beaumaris settled and ran out comfortable winners . The Sharks best were Catlin(6 g1s), McNicholas, Quin and Mills ( 5 gls) . Salesian jumped Old Essendon and had control until half way through the second quarter when OEGS pegged back a four goal lead and hit the front by a kick, until Salesian managed a goal to regain the lead at the long break . The third quarter was all Salesian who went into the last three goals up and playing good running footy . Old Essendon never really looked likely to bridge the gap and Salesian ran out easy winners to now only miss fourth spot on percentage. Cincotta (7) and Grace (6) were great up forward with Sutherland, Bobetic, Roche and 8

Canavan putting in all day whilst Old Essendon' Lutterschmidt, Fleming, Evans (5 gls) an, Hutcinson were recorded as their best . Old Camberwell were jumped early whei Whitefriars took control and it looked like how mucl at half time. In the second half Old Camberwell slow ly got back into the game having much more genera play but were unable to get close enough to reall ; threaten which was caused by Whitefriars dominanc of the air . The Friars who have failed to impress in th, last few weeks had good players in Mika, Carrigg Quilty, Carbone and Maquire whilst Ok Camberwell's Lodge (A welcome addition after ; lengthy absence) Waller and McKenzie all played well Old Geelong continued their winning way an( last week easily accounted for Aquinas . It was a oni sided match from the start without any sustainec pressure being applied. OGS have only one problen facing them prior to the finals and that is a pressuri game to test their ability to concentrate for 100 mins Aquinas tried hard and at times managed to hav( glimpses of good form as they scored but all too ofter it was because OGS had relaxed a little before gettinl on with the job . PREVIEWS OF TODAY'S GAME S This week OGS entertain Parkside and will agair do it easily in the end as other finals contenders loot for a weakness in their armour. OGS too strong in most areas will easily account for Parkside who are now a real threat for relegation if they can't win sonic of the seasons remaining games . Beaumaris meet the constantly improving Salesian and the Sharks without a real testing hit out in the last few weeks will look forward to some pressure . At home however they will be too strong and record another victory cementing their hold on the double chance . Whitefriars will want to show St . Johns that the three point victory in their last encounter was no fluke . The Friars at home will be looking for a win to keep their double chance alive whilst St Johns out of the four on % hope to reproduce their last half effort from laz,t week and stay in touch with the four . This game could go either way and will depend solely on which side gets to the ball first . The Friars who state they are better prepared back themselves to easily account for St . Johns. Caulfield who stopped at half time last week to watch their seasons final aspirations slip away meet Old Essendon in a game that has more resting on it than a Preliminary final . With a loss to either side 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997


more repercussions than a win that will see ()EGS lose their place in the four or Caulfield face defnilc relegation both clubs should be desperate . They ; ;,,1 ~econd halves last week they would rather forget H,d v;illbe keen to regroup . At home I fancy Caulfield , jnst get up. Aquinas at Old Camberwell with both rlttbs facing definite relegation unless they can recor d :~ from five games they should have some pride o play for in this match . Aquinas to keep their slim hop of avoiding relegation alive will win this game by ~7fCe, goals .

Reserves OGS to defeat 2nd place Parkside because of a I ome ground advantage, Beaumaris over Salesian, %,;Ilitefriars too strong for St Johns, Caulfield to edge closer to the finals over Old Essendon and Ol d )erwell over Aquinas .

° Beaumaris - again celebrate a milestone when Paul 'Spider' McManus plays his 100th game slst Salesian this week . . s t Johns - Guy Matheson has also reached his 100 Ih game only the fourth at the club and an original founding member . Congratulations on the achievement from all at the Clubs on reaching this milestone ,

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CAULFIELD GRAMM V . OLD ESSENDON OR. Field: C . Stevens T . Foley OLD GEELONG v . PARKSIDE Field : L. Gallagher S. Alger BEAUMARIS v. SALESIAN 0 C Field : P. Call (R) D . Anderson OLD CAMBERWELL v . AQUINAS Field : C . Wallis D . Kramer WHITEFRIARS v. ST. JOHNS Field : G . Armstrong G. Thwaites (R) Boundary: R. Binding J . Binding

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SENIORS -- 12.07.97 CAULFIELD GRAb; :.:AR 4.3 6 .8 6.7 10.11 .71 ST. JOHNS O.C. 1.0 4 .3 10.5 15 .8.88 CaulBekt Grammar Vella 3, Will 2 . Brohier. Gurr. Doherty. Cutler, Cowllshaw. Best S4nman. Brohiez. Whitmee. Harris. Ro}aLs. Ca.vtishaw. St . Johns Waters 3 . S . Hilton 3. Labrodv 3, Meechan 3. Emory. Aboujaber. Mullens. Best Emery. S. Hilton. Sandeman, Harn . Waters. Dowsett OLD GEELONG 4.4 14 .8 19.9 24 .10.154 AQUINAS O.B. 0.5 3 .9 7.12 8.19.67 Old Geetmig Howells 9, Neeld 5. Stevens 3. Pescdt 2 . Fk4rers-\i9lli5, McGutes, Beattie, Ritcssa. Seynour. Best Howells. Pescett. L R51son. Wilkinson. A . Mtthen. Vklsbv. Aquinas WhLston 3 . Tarulli 2 . Flynn. Dunne. Whitehead. Best Tanilli. Whiston, Collria. Flynn, Hughes, Close . SALESIAN O.C. 5 .1 9 .4 16.5 20.11 .131 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2 .4 8 .8 11 .11 14 .17.101 Saleslan Cincotta 7 . Grace 6, Byrne 3, Canavan 2 . Lawton. Hazelt . Best Bobetkc . Sutherland. Hazell. Roche, Cincotta. Grace. Old Essendon Evans 5, Fleming 3, Lutterschmidt 2. Pavagkotopoulos. CipoIlirti. Goodger. Robertson . Best Lutterschmidt, Fleming, Hutchison . Hexter. Evans . Fletcher. PARKSIDE 3 .3 8 .4 8.4 11 .7.73 BEAUMARIS A.F.C. 4 .2 13 .5 18.8 23 .9.147 Parkside Sherlock 3 . Gunn 2, Laursen 2 . Tested 2. Haney. McNamara. Best Drinnan. Hockey . Harvey . MeNamara. Laursen, Pino. Beauararis Calls 6 . Mills S. Hanrahan 4. Blackie 2, Quin 2 . Fairbanks . McNkholas, Reidy. Best Catlin. Hoyne. Quin. McNichols, Sherman. Nicholson. OLD CAMBERWELL 0 .3 2 .4 3.6 8.8.56 W[BTEFRIARS 5 .1 8 .3 10.8 12.13.54 Old Camberwell Lodge 2. James 2. Walker 2. Whitehead. Scott. Best Lodge, Walker. Spurritt. McKenzie . Whithead. Hardman . Whitefriars Robinson 4, Reidy 3. M . Carbone 2, Jenkins, Mika. A. Carbone. Best Mllta, C. Carrigg, guilty, A. Carbone . Maguire. Coughlan.

RESERVES - 12 .07 .97 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 .5 7.8 9.9 12.11.83 0 .0 1 .1 3.3 3 .3 .21 Sr. JOHNS O.C . Caulfield Grammar Scholten 2. M. Ktose 2 . Hansen 2. Thompson 2. Farmer, Bettanyh . Santiago. Keown. Best Thompson. Harris. Keown, Lawrence, Anderson, Fr allmano .

St Johns Halls. Pepper. Corcoran. Best J. Cotton. Carman . Denton. Kelly, Sacco, M. Rachele. 5 .3 9.9 18.12 19.17.131 OLD GEELONG AQUINAS O.B. 0.2 2 .1 4.7 5.8 .38 Old Geelong McKellar 4. M. Robson . Kemp. R. Oliphant. A. Robson, Wilkinson. Du~ale. Farrer. LLs~os. Bed R. Oliphant . D. Walker. C. Olhrr. Ronchi. LL3scos. A. obson. Aquinas Phillips. 07 .ou P.K . Langford . Tilling. Beet Slattery, Tilting McDonald. Philllps, ord, Boulton . SALESIAN O .C. 0.2 3.8 7.8 11 .13 .79 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 1 .3 2.3 3.4 6.7 .43 Salesian tl'orner 3, Brown 2, Alllgan . Best White, Brennan, Scent, Forbes. Bowman . Brown. Old Emend= Stevens 2. Reade- Lamard, Dudderidge, DIBlasi . Best DIB1asL Dale. Baerry- McLean. TrLst. Gillis. PARKSIDE 3.3 8.8 7 .11 11.14 .80 BEAUMARIS A.F.C. 1 .2 3.4 3.4 8.6 .54 P®rkskie Lord 3. Drummond 2. Dunbabin 2. Mifsud 2, PanJarL Pe tropoutos. Best McCall. Linares . Mttsud . PanJarl Peckham. Warren. Beaumaris Goal kickers and best players not receried . OLD CAMBERWELL 0.1 1 .2 3.3 5.5.35 WHITEFRtARS 2.2 5.3 6.9 7.14 .56 Old Camberwell Harvev 3. Cocks . Kent. Best Hayes Taylor. Harvey, Kerk~iiet. Freedman. Watson. White&lars Jackson 2 . McFarlane 2, Bonmman, Dav1s . Fulton. Best Nolan, Elliott, Griffin . D. Inn Den Boon. Davis- Glenn .




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E EAST SECTION by Barry Hickey

i ice touch to the conclusion of the reserves gam e between Richmond Central and Chirnside Park. Central agreed to the match ball going to the Parkers' captain, Glen (Les) Kimpton as a momento of his 100th game in the Black and Orange . Congratulations Les, and well done Shane Fenton and your club for an old fashioned bit of sportsmanship . The consensus round the traps is that the flag this year will be decided by a play off between Yarra Valley and Kew. The C's have now served notice that they too should be taken seriously . LAST WEEK Eley Park had a good win against Hawthorn Citizens built largely on a big scoring burst in the back half of the 2nd term . The rest of the game was fairly even. Hi ll , Bowen, Trotter and Featonby were all outstanding for the Sharks. And for the Cits, Paul Orchard played well at FB, as did Dave McCowan up fonvard, plus Paul Barker in the ruck . Y'arra Va ll ey narrowly defeated Bulleen Cobras in a top game that was tight all day. Yarra were never headed throughout, but the Cobras kept coming back, and were only four points away late in the last term . Humphrey, Cobras' dashing centreman, was a key player for them, as was Badanjek in the forward line . Scales, Yarra's midfielder also played well, the backs, Fung, Dodwell, an d Livesey-Cole made life hard for their opponents. an d having Telford back was a big plus up forward. Richmond Central overcame old rivals Chirnside Park after a game where the lead changed a number of times. The Parkers were up at 3/4 time and it was only in the last 3 or 4 minutes that Central pulled away to their 15 point final margin . Steve Shannon was again one of Central's best, Chri s Andonopoulos capped off a handy game with 4 goals, and Andy Siwka put in another good one . The Parkers had good games from Carlo Piccioli on the ball, Matt Warren at full back, and forward Shane Oates. Old Carey had a solid victory against a depleted Kew, and I have to say, after the hammering I got from the C's fonvards over my match preview comments last week, that they held sway on the day and every single one of them was a contributor to the result . The C's hit the front at the 13th minute mark of the first term and drew away steadily for the rest of the game . It was very fast, open football, which had Messrs . Keeton an d Ma rt yn eager to participate in a bit of post match conviviality . Ang Gencarelli was terrific for Kew on a HBF. Sean McMahon was also very busy, Nigel King an d Greg Porte did well from limited chances, and Jamie Bell seemed to play everywhere to great effect . The C's were well served by Dino Faelis, Justin Nash, Matt Cohen and Tommy Auldist in the backs Bruce Cohen, Chri s Hill an d Hamish Morrison in the midfield . Cam Campbell an d Vas were deadly around the packs . an d Chad Esler

rucked efficiently all day . With 10 goal scorers the C's forwards did have a goo d day, capably lead by Hedgie an d Addo, Jason Wood impressed with his strong marking and kicking, and it was good to see Ando back again . Eltham OC had the wandering weekend . TODAY

Eley Park meet Chirnside Park in a game that the Parkers should win but will need to maintain theft concentration in, or the Sharks may well give them a sever nip. The Sharks have a lot of players off the injury list and back on the field, and will give plenty o1 cheek for the rest of the season . But the Parkers are too committed an outfit to take any team for granted, and will have too much overall skill for the Sharks for a 3/4 goal win . Yarra Valley OB's should have no problems against Eltham OC's, with big advantages in skill and pace, Yarra will be too strong for the young Turtles . Old Carey will need to be at their best against neighbours Bulleen Cobras. The Cobras put up a first class effort last week and will be brim full of confidence . They had the C's on the ropes in their 6th round meeting, and are playing better now than they were then . The C's cannot afford to relax their concentration nor the standard of play they've built up. Both of these sides have some real dashers, so it should be a great spectacle, with the C's better balance bringing them home 3/4 goals in front . Kew will be too strong for Hawthorn Citizens, who will contest every possession, but simply don't have the numbers of skilled and experienced players that Kew do. Reserves victories to : the Parkers, Yarra, the C's and Kew. TUESDAY 22 JULY The Senior teams of Old Carey and Chirnside Park play at Central Reserve, Glen Waverley (Mazenod's ground) in a historic match, under lights, to complete, at long last, the Round 7 fixtures . This game pits the two best backlines in the section against two sets of forwards who both possess that bit of magic that makes it worth going a long way to see . And the midfields duels will be spectacular as well, W . Pemberton, Brown, Paola, Hill , B. Cohen and Morrison as good as any in E East and even a few levels above. What a game! I'll go for the C's by a couple of g's, mainly because they may be a tad stronger in the air, although that reason could be suspect because night conditions tend to nullify that advantage . Correspondents the Monday numbers are, 9547 9144, Fax 9547 7764 .


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ihe Warriors claim another scalp with North Brunswick slipping back into the pack of five likely finals contenders . Round 13 Review Fleming Park was an apt venue for one of the grudge matches of the season but injury riddled West Brunswick proved no match a Uni High outfit that was playing for a place in the finals . Despite the big margin . Fatty Wallace was held to just 3 goals with Angus Hamilton given the task of shutting down High's key forward option. Alex "Lasagne Kid" Talarico took up the slack with 5 goals from a flank while Peter Scullin continued his good form at full back after stepping up to the ones a few weeks ago . Heppell, Koonan and "Chook" Flanagan worked hard for the Magpies who must be wondering what might have been made of a season that's now left in the medical room . An eventful ressies game saw the Green and Tans hang with George Madrigano again outstanding (apparently the best contributors for each side weren't eligible for votes). Blacks kicked the sweep against Swinburne with Sullivan bagging 7 as the home side dominated the in the middle and in the air up forward . Chris Pekin, Trevaskis and Roberts were the best in what proved little more than a training run for the club after a close first term . Carmello "Bu ll " Dell olio was inspirational all day for the Razorbacks while Dino De Paoli, Brett O'Mara and youngster Robert Goode all played there hearts out. Blacks ressies coach Paul Malcolm's rousing 3/4 time address might have raised some eyebrows at the salary cap committee, if the association had one . with all sorts of offers made if the players could break the magical 40 goal barrier. Plugger Howe ll 's 13 goals give him a fair right to the booty while the amazing Two Gary's 4 goals in the last quarter can't be overlooked . La Trobe were always a fair chance of taking a clean sweep against the Reds in '97 and halfway through he second term they appeared set to close the curtain on another fruitless season for the boys from Brunswick St . However veteran Reds forward and former coach Mick Farrell put his hand up as forward options began to appear for the visitors who got their noses in front at the main break. After half time the Reds were a different outfit and with "Raggsy" and the "Max Factor" offering plenty of scoring power the result became a little flattering . In the early game the third placed Reds got a shock of their own with La Trobe taking the game right up to their more fancied opponents

but the damage had been done in a 10 goals to 1 first term . Old Westbourne showed their toppling of the Reds was no fluk with a comprehensive win over the highly faneieti North Brunswick another side they hadn't topplei before this year . After an even first term th Warriors grew another leg prompting renewed con cerns about staging amateur football in such clos proximity to Melbourne's Petrochemical Mecca Gibb, Vincent and Eddie were the prime mover in what could have been an even bigger win hai their kicking been straighter . Vin Lorosi, hlio] Warren, Darren Adams an d Dave Ellis were th four quarter performers for North who can proba bly use the loss as a wake up call in the lead up ti the finals . The Warriors on the other hand haven' given up all hope with Swini and the bye to com, and upsets appearing to be the flavour of th, month . North had no worries in the twos wi l Burrows again dominant and Bradford Loumetzes and Kalapsis contributors. Round 1 4 Preview Uni Blacks are getting back to their best am will prove too accomplished for La Trobe . Black, by 48 points. Uni Reds still have a faint sniff but a fresl Williamstown will be keen to retain their unbeat en record and should cruise home by 35 points . Old Westbourne have cast themselves as th late season giant killers and won't have any diffi culties against the injury hit minnow Swinburne The Warriors by 32 points . North Brunswick have never lost to Uni Fiigl and, with the chance to resecure third spot, won' drop this one . North by 49 points . West Brunswick has the bye . Correspondents please fax 9243 4920 b~ : .30pm, call 9381 2292 until 8 .00pm or emai anicj@netspace .net.a u

! I 11 1 i Y 1 1



Phone : (03) 9 56 1 7577 Fax : (03) 9 5 6 1 7 56 6

,,'r'est Bruns-,zeC . - L )b -- ' :cr has another go ,j ; ;ing the club record at after Steve Smyth e a brief comeback to raise the bar to 317 . Uri, Blacks - Gerry Sullivan reaches 50 1Tllsocial N otes

Tire Blacks are hosting a past players lunch a t ~;X elks game against La Trobe with all past ers & supporters of both sides welcome . Also the Blacks auction night is on ; ,,', dnesday 6 August at 7pm . Tickets and info ~aitable from Justin Gray 9662 8690 & Nick ; arah 9655 8073 . The Uni Reds Trivia night is on tonight at The Lc d Newry Hotel.


LI,SiTY BLACKS v. LA TROBE UNI . Field: M. Forde UNIVERSITY REDS v . WILLIAH4STOWP7 CYMS Field : G . Pritchard D . Pullen OLD WESTBOURNE v . SWINBURNE UNI . Field : G . Seabourne K. Brewer NORTH BRUNSWICK v. UHSOB Field: A. Carrick P.

WEST BRUNSWICK has the bye

SENIORS - 12 .07.97 GnST BRUNSWICK 1.2 1 .3 2.4 5 .8.38 UHSOB 3.8 10.12 15.18 20 .19.139 West Bnmswick Svmthe 3. Lew1s . Creston. Best Connan. Hamilton, Flanigan, Heppell . UHSOB Talarico 5. Jones 3, Wallace 3 . Koch 2. Mazaa 2, Frei,}ah 2 . Sldins. Ryan, McLean . Best Total team effor t . UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5.2 15.4 21 .10 29 .13.187 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY A 2.2 31 3 3 .5 4.6.30 University Blacks Whitehead 7, B . Sullhan 7 . Lynch 4. Nitvll3 . Gullan 2. Roberts 2, Hanlon 2, Donovan, J. Gadd. Best Treuaskis. C. Pekin. B. Sullivan, Roberts, Vthitehead. S. Smith. Swinbnrne Uni Milano, Goode, Snovr, De11oBo. Best Dellolio, DePanll. O'Mara Goode. Canfield. Hamiiton. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3.2 5.4 5 .7 9.9 .63 UNIVERSITY REDS 1 .2 5.9 12.9 17.12 .114 LaTrobe Uni Clegg 2. Robinson 2, La+raard 2 . Lewis . Slaskett Bakogianis. Best Curtin, Levis. Kreuzer, Ireland. h4urptiy, Cle~. University Reds Kane 6 . Graziano 5, Farrell 4. Barney . Namera Best Keppel, Atkins. Kane. Graziano. McBurney, Farrell . OLD WESTBOURNE A.F.C. 2 .4 7.11 8.12 13.16.94 NORTH BRUNSWICK 3,0 4.1 5.3 7.4.48 Old Weatboume Franklin 5, Christer 3. Horsbtu h 2. Gibb . Clowzs. Ciecacioppo . Best Gibb, Vincent . SzuszkY~s3cz, Franl;lin. Hors~tugh. Leitch. North Brunswick Warren 2, McMahon . Briffa. Kvriasiz. Hodgson, Demorton. Best Lirosi . Adams, Warren . Ellis, Dimarco. Kennede. WILLIAMSTOWN: BYE

RESERVES - 12 .07.9 7 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 .1 3 .3 5.5 9 .8.60 UHSOB 3.4 3 .10 5.12 9 .13.87 West Brunswick Lucas 3, Ortiz 2, D'Andrea 2 . McDonald, Rodgers . Best Cason, Baker. D'Andrea Vltall. Lucas. Rtan . UHSOB Lewickt 4, Neal, Rogers. Parry. Davidson . Zulickt. Best LewickL Abrahamsen. Zuliki . DeLuca Madrigano, Hellner. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 10.8 19.11 29.16 41 .20 .268 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY A 0.0 0.1 0 .1 0.2 .2 University Blacks Howell 13, Nixon 4. Dooley 4 . Baud 3. Vaughan 3. Rather 2, Milner 2, Conic 2, Kitchen 2, Rucutti 2 . Cameron, Carah . Birks. Best Neville. Barber, Howell. Baud. Dooley. Sonrrbq. SwYnburne Uni - Beat Flynn. Wren, SarOtses, Leeson, How4ett, Turk . LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 0.2 1 .3 5.7 5.8 .38 UNIVERSITY REDS 5 .3 10.7 14.8 17.12.114 LaTrobe University Black. Hartley, KRkemy, Grant . SpralJa. Best Honey. SpraiJa. Grant . Foster. McKie . Tendelti. University Reds Daalder 3, Walsh 2. Ryan 2. Tunis 2. Mann. Prior, Fitts, O'Carroll , Frisby. Nardetla. Ktngsman, Campbell. Best Frisby. Tanai. Daalder, Campbell. George. Walsh. OLD WESTBOURNE A .F.C. 0 .1 1 .5 1.5 1 .5.11 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4.4 9.9 16.18 22.21.153 Old WestLaurne Leitch. Best Evans. Giddins, Horsburgh, Patty. Cumntin. Leitch. North Brunswick PapanikaLaou 5, Valert 4 . Hoy~ 4, Evans 3 . O'Brien 3. Chiapini. ~i. Laumtzes . Salamone . Besi BuRm.ts. Kalpakas. O'Brien, Evans. S. Loumtzes. Bradford . B


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E SOUTH SECTION by Ken Bremne r & Tom L,ain

ove over Tommy, KB's back in town, batteries Mrecharged and rarin' to go in the run home to the finals. Big scores kicked last weekend threw up 2 massive winning margins i .e . Southbank by 200 points and St Pat's by 167 points. Other comfortable winners were Peninsula by 61 points and Oakleigh by 47 points. St Mary 's in a bit of an upset knocked off Power House by 25 points. Interesting to note that all winning clubs in the i's got kick started by their rezzies winning. Look back on your records and surprisingly it isn't a common occurrence. REVIEW SENIORS A great win for St Mary's over Power House and in

doing so reversed a flogging from early season . Hard at the ball, great running play and accuracy were the cornerstones of success. The Saints extended a 6 goal half time lead to 8 before the House restored a little respectability to the scoreline by bagging some late goals to go down by 25 points . Best for St Marys were Paice, Binyon and Watson whilst for Power House Scotland, Wright an d McCullough . Peninsula and Glenhuntly played a very tight first half of footy with the Hunters going to the sheds 1 point in front at the long interval . The Pirates however started to get on top in the third and carrying on the momentum in the last quarter ran out easy winners by 61 points . MVP's for Peninsula were Cook, Bonner and Dentry and for Glenhuntly, August, Mi ller an d Rossiter . To quote the Elsternwick scribe. . . . . . ."An absolute slaughter" . . . . . . .end quote!! ! Southbank just far too good playing like a team possessed and with set goals in mind 38 goals even on the 'Postage stamp isn't a bad days output . The Wicks would prefer to make mention of the determined and tough effort put up by their magoo's . Best for the Wicks were Lyons and Murphy and for the Bankers Nudge with 13 twins, Johnny Mac and Cowboy all deserve a mention . ANZ Rats were competitive for 2 of the 4 quarters, but were completely outclassed in the end by St Pat's . The Patters set up a huge win by a big first term and sealed matters in the last . Stanza's 2 and 3 were the Rats best and the scoreboard for that time at least were fairly even keel. Good goers for the Rats were Rutherford, Nicolosi (KB's early tip for the comp . B&F medal) and Moulday and for the Patters . White, Davies an d Mick Sullivan . In a hard fought game at 'Krusherland the Monash Gryphons just couldn't stick with the locals after trailing by only 15 points at half time . The Oakleigh midflelders ran amok after the long break and continually fed their forwards who converted the chances into match winning goals. Best for the Gryphons were Wells, Grady and Asbell and for Oakleigh Wood, Rube ry an d Hall.

RESERVES A'soft' 55 point win recorded by the Saints ove, Power House. Pirates comfortable 36 point winners) Hunters . Southbank, unconvincingly conquered th( Wicks by 50 points. St Pat's registered a solid 40 poin win at the expense of the Rats and Krushers 21 poln winners against a gritty Gryphons . PREVIEW FOR ROUND 1 4 St Mary's resources will be fully tested in thet toughest test to date when they meet with Southbank The Saints will have enormous incentive to win, howeve such is the Bankers form at present KB select, Southbank to win by 39 points . To play in the finals thF Saints must win this game but the Brain will stick wi . lhisde Match of the round at Mt Eliza with Peninsula anc St Pat's going head to head . No effort will be spared b3 either team to gain an invaluable psychological advan tage. KB puts his faith in the hands of St Pat's to win b3 21 points . TB disagrees the Pirates record at home is vir tually faultless and this will enough to see them get homE today. ANZ Rats an d Elsternwick do battle after both hav ing suffered 'heavy losses last round . Form of either does n't exactly inspire confidences, however forced to make < selection KB plonks on the Wicks to get home victors b} 24 points . Going on form through Southbank the Rat : performed a little bit better, the Wicks have a couple a injuries, so Tm punting on my old side the Rats to win . Glenhuntly travel over to 'Krusherland' to do battle for the victor a faint finals chance lingers . Unfortunatel} it's curtains for the loser . With recent wins under their belt and at home KB predicts an Oakleigh win by 17 points . The Hunters have still yet to beat a side abo vthemandoywilbfernthKusao n a roll and will win. Monash Gryphons receive a visit from Power House and I don't think the boys from Albert Park will worry toc much about pleasantries . The House will be in an angry mood following last week's shock loss and will vent their anger on the Gryphs . KB confidently predicts Power House victory by 48 points . The House just cannot afford to lose today a win will keep their predators at bay and that's exactly what will happen. RESERVES - Southbank but only just against St Mary's (18 points), Pirates to win over an improved St Pat's (21 points). Elsternwick too accomplished for a battling Rats (27 points). Oakleigh to stitch up the Hunters (36 points) . Power House to get back on track by finishing off the Gryphons (27 points) .

E, ,tc -nwiek - Last week 2 of the 'pretty boys, A,iriwn Contin and Craig Ntahony reached milegames respectively . This ,l011,, ;, 150 games and 50Robby Grangemange plays (Saturday 19 July) (1 ;, 200th game for the Wicks . A tireless worker on and nfi ~, c, field, a true clubman . Welcome to the 200 club membership 'Grangy' . SOCIAL NOTES - Peninsula - Talent Night Saturday !q July. Upper School Centre 8pm, $5 per person . , ;t yary's - 1-300 Night on July 19 . Buy a ticket and ,lal d a chance to win the $1000 up for grabs . gouthbank - Cent a Number day, Sunday 20 July l lam til stumps (Clubrooms) . - Glenhuntly ~venties Disco Saturday 26 July celebratin g 6enhuntly Stayin' Alive . - Elsternwick - The inaugural `Girls Free Night' at the clubrooms Saturday 19 Ju ly. - Oakleigh -'Krushers' $1000 draw 2nd August . Food and Drinks supplied . All welcome.

SENIORS - 12 .07.9 7 ST. MARYS 6.1 11 .4 14.7 18.8.116 POWERHOUSE 3.5 5.10 8.14 12.19.91 St Marys Pettit 9. Jones 2. Clark 2. Theoharris. O'Brien. Watson. Ynrer. Bell. Best Paiee. Binyon, Watson. PetittL DeYoung. Jones. Parer House McCullough 4, Craven 3. Ryan 2. Harrison, Williams . Scotland. Best Scotland . Wright. Mc~t4ough . Ryan. Harris . Wllliarns. PENINSULA O .B. 3.1 8 .1 10.4 18.10.118 GLENHUNTLY 3.5 5 .8 7.14 8.15.83 Peninsula OB Bedford 4. Warner 3. ClarinFpold 2 . Campbell . Marshall . Landry, Cook. Angus. Trewhitt. Franks. Bonner. Shappin. Best Cook . Bonner. Dentrv. Park . Atchuvson, Warner. GknhuatlyMiller 3 . O'Donnell. Bain. Lewis. Turner. Richards . BeatAugust. Miller. Rossiter. O'Hare, Turner, Thomas. ELSTERNWICK 3.1 4 .2 5.4 6 .8.44 SOUTHBANK C .B.A . 8.2 16 .8 27.12 38 .16.244 E}sterawk,k C . Mahonv 2 . Clement, Hankin. D . Mahony. S. Mahony. Best Lyvns. Murphy. Mussared. C. Mahony. Surman. MLssaglia. Southhank Perry 13. McNamara 7 . Nugent 4. Bunnett 4. A Pitts 4, Corby 2 Osborne. l1`atford, Melican, Eastham. Best Carboy. Nugent. Pam;. McNamara. A. Ro]Ls. Doyle. ST. PATRICKS MEhTONE 11 .3 16.9 22.17 36 .22.238 ANZ ALBERT PARK 1.2 3.5 8.5 11.5.71 St Patrte&s Meatone White 10 . Mick Sullkan 7. Barr. Muphy 3. Young 2. Sebire 2. Emus 2. Fenech 2 . Matt Sullivan, P. StdliFan . Gurtler. Stephens . Best white, DaAcs . Mick Sullivan, E~ans. Barr. P. Sullivan. ANZ Albert Park Malone 3 . Nieolosi 2. Rutherford 2, Wolfe 2 . C . Carlisle. G. Wa41ey. Best Rutherford. Modest, Malone, Saunders, Mollday. Smith. OAKLEIGH A.F.C. 2.5 6.9 12.13 16 .14 .110 MONASH GRYPHONS 1.3 4.8 8.9 9.9.63 Oskleigh Bribery 3. Walsh 3. Heverln 2 . Moutis 2 . Perdikomatis 2 . Zavateris. Woodard . Lewis, Bloomfield. Monash Gryphons Kitchen 4 . T. Gilchrist 2. Blandford 2 . Coxhead . Best Wells. Grady. Asbell. Coxhead. D%zv. Kitchen.







56 48 41

ELSTERPIkVICK PARK DRAW 1997 This Sat: NO MATC H This Sun: St Bernards v . Old Scotch Next Sat: Chirnside Park v . Old Carey (E) -2.10 pm Next Sun : Old Xaverians v. Old Carey (U19/ 1) -11 .15 am VAFA (A-B) v. VCFL - 1 .45 pm Aug. 2: MHSOB v. Banyule

Aug. 3: Club XVIII First Semi Finals Aug. 9: Old Haileybury v. St Bernards Aug, 10: FIDA Semi Final s Aug. 16: NO MATCH Aug. 17: FIDA Grand Finals Aug. 23: Old Scotch v. Collegians Aug. 24: Club XVIII Grand Finals Aug. 30: B Section lst Semi Final Aug. 31 : A Section lst Semi Final Sept. 6: B Section 2nd Semi Final Sept. 7: A Section 2nd Semi Final Sept. 13: C Section Grand Final Sept. 14: A Section Preliminary Final Sept. 20: B Section Grand Final Sept. 21 : A Section Grand Final

ST. MARKS 2.2 8.7 11 .11 13.18.84 POWER HOUSE 3.1 3.1 4 .1 8.3.39 St Marys Richardson 3 . Tetley 2. Burns 2 . amts 2 . House. Francis, George. Joseph . Best Brent. Henry, Learmonth. Richardson, Francis . Evans . Power House Blowfietd 2 . Wilson 2, McKenzie . Maddox Best Taylor. Heyurood . Gronhoj. Deans, McKenzie. Newman . PENINSULA O.B. 2.4 5.8 8 .8 12.9 .81 GLENHUh1T.Y 4.0 4.1 6 .2 7.3 .45 Peninsula OB Krohn 3, Cox 2. Bleasby 2. Bader. Pouell. Park, Fana.v. Parsons. Best Bteasbv. Powell. Krohn . Jackson. Whelan. Parsons . Glenhuntiq WNiartts 2, Conunerford 2 . O'Donnell 2 . Breslin. Best D. Jones. Smith. M. Jones . Conunerford. O'Donnell . Williams. ELSTERNMCK 1 .1 1 .4 4 .6 6.8 .44 SOUT'IIDANK C.B .A. 3.3 4.6 10 .8 14.10 .94 Etsternwiek Byrne 2 . Campbell 2 . Missag(ia Lee. Best Campbell . Musagla. Jenkin. Oterntan. Daniels. Byrne. Southbank Refs 4 . Jebb 3 . Maps 3. Posterino 2 . O'Sulliian . McCarthy. Best Jebb. Van Loon . McCarthy . Binnk . 1Vatts . Posterino. ST. PATRICKS MENTONE 3.3 9.4 11.6 16.10 .108 ANZ ALBERT PARK 2 .2 5.8 9 .6 10.6 .68 St PatrFcks Marione Holloway 5. O'Meara 2. Levert 2. Hughes 2 . O'Brien 2. T. Stern 2. Grech. Beat Hughes, htorris, O'Brien. Batey. Grab. Andrew . ANZ Albert Park Bourne 4 . Pastras 2. Shane Wolfe 2 . N. Daou. Kilmarton. Bes! Green, Heyes. Leneghan . Djorek. Bourne. Snorresen. OAKLEIGH A.F.C . 3.0 5.2 7.8 8.9 .57 MONASH GRYPHONS 1 .3 2.4 2.4 5.8 .36 Oakleigh IHckle 3, Osborne 2 . Nike. Sherpina TheoBlopoulos. Best Perpina Chapple. Chapman. Theofilopoulos. Taylor. Tattersoh . Monash Gryphons Gilchrist. 3. La.vcock. Arena. Best Healy. Coleman, Toghill. Robinson. Gravdon. Leyroy. Gilchrist. Loac•cock.


; ) ~,, F Lj~, j~&

,~ .

JULY 26 - ROUND 1 5


II ST. MARYS v. SOUTHBANK CBA Field: A . Price G . Wolter PENINSULA OB v. ST. PATRICKS MENTONE Field : G. Richard P. Griffiths ANZ ALBERT PARK v. ELSTERNWICK Field : R . Marlyn D . Miller Boundary : D. Blackburne OAKLEIGH v. GLENHUNTLY Field : A. Ladd (R) A. Harris MONASH GRYPHONS v . POWER HOUSE Field : R . Smith R . Krishnan

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Under 19 (1 ) DE LA SALL E

Coach : Clay W McHen ry Asst Coach : Greg 1 . C .Aus Z L Bone" (C) a M. M.T'teruy 5. S. Ttx.rnass{VC) 6. R. Bc~t~e (DVC) ' C. Browne 8 B. Clancy 9, M . Alan 10. P. Aron 11 . E. WAams 12. S. Cbt>oaY 13. K. Harper 1a A Walers . 14. M.Mx~un 15 . G, Jennings 16, M. CDDnnet 17 . M. Karp ack+s 18 . J, Horn 19 . SLogan 20. 6. Com 21 . M. Harber 22. T. Nola n 23. J. Hw.den '.. 24. D. Lambe 25. M. Ca# .bn 26. A F-vW 3y 26. A. Nee ch am 27. B. htcvcui 28 . S. Nyfand 29 . K Rodger s 34. A. Darusa~ 31. T.Mwser 35 , J. Doak 36. H. Ppkan 37. R.Borxuci 38. D.Farer 39 . D . King 40. C . Bud 41 . B. Hackett 42 . J. Waters 44 . X. Clarcy 45. A. h~t~en 47. B. I49. A Ped'c6u 51 . S . Hart 53. L. Sager

MAZENOD Coach : Kevin Kin g 1 . B. Johnson 2. J. Beaton 4. J. Nisbett 6. P. Egan (VC) 7. L Vamey 8. S . Paoktati (C) 9. S . Garbelini 10. L Perkins 11 . A. Meadows 12. A. Quinn (VC) 13. B. Mason 14. D . Kelly 15. N . Meehan 16. M. Davis 17 . R. Wilson 18 . B. Meehan 19 . D. Cirtcio 21 . D. Rigg 22. T. Bailey 23. P. Nelson 25. J . Dunne 26. S. Dvryer 30. D . Schofield 32 . P. Fo6niWfs 34 . R. Hawkins 37 . D. Grant 42 . L Stephertson 57. P. McCulloch 62. M . Van Suylen 63. W.Ocituflo 75. A. McDov&A1 76. N. Perry

OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS Coach: Leigh Bowes 22. N. Bulfin 45. T. Woodruff 46 ' W. Earle 47. L O'Neill 49. J . Raj u 51 . A. Hasforth 52 . R . Hayward 53 . G .Pamham 54 . A. Liptrot 55 . S. Dimer 56. L. Marget 58. D. Watson 59. C. McPherson 60. D. Crewdson 61 . T. Evar t 62. A. Lewis 64 . R . Martin 65 . R . Kent 67 . R . Handiy 68 . N . Biggin 69 . J. Stewart 70 . J. Thomas 71 . G . Rhodes 72. A. Betts 73. B . Logan 75. S . Alderson 76. S . Grabert 77. M. Day


Coach: Mark Zuke r Asst . Coach: Paul Neuchew 1 . C. Cbke

2 . J . Barry (DVC) 3 . F. Purcell

4. S . Murray (C) .. S. A. Jakowertko 6. A. Cra~•,5hay 7. A. Bales (VC) 8. C. Langford 9. D. Gardner 10. M. Benko 11 . D. Purcell 12. A. Campbep 13. R. Tandy 15. D. Fatkrtyi 16. D. Morris 17 . J.Miler (DVC) 18 . R . Forster 19. G . Hope 20. S. Dixon 21 . J. Andronis 22. J. Torrignson 23. A. Cooch 24. M . Bennett 25. R. Search (DVC) 26. J . McKenna 27. M. Amor 28 . C . S'trree 29 . D . Vartey 30. N . Coutts 32. J. Wright 33. N. Couzens 34. J. YaJnes 35. E . Sedgley 39. J . Rigg

Coach: Pat Hawkins 1 . M. Fros t 2. T. Raning 3. B.H~7 4. B.H~art(C) 5. T. Wx6e r 5. T Fo»f r 6. M. Fitztkitab 38, PA McCarthy 7. N. Bartell 39 . J . Ptxdos 8. A. Kxp0tj 40 . L Ainsworth 9 . T. Farrow 41. R DDO n 10. D. Bdantl 42. A laon2raxb it . B. Merin 43. J.H~k 12 . M. Webb 44 . R. 13 . N.Tlmtfi 45. S.CanaAs 14. LNlsbett 46. M .Paurk, 15. L Deanz-Johns 49 . S. t.4cCartlry 16. D. Storey 50 . C. Stephens 17. T. Como9j 49. B. Ih~ 1& D. M~y ~. M Wilson 19. RJorus Sr . R. Ford 20. D. Triara 52. A Dura2n 21 . 8. StzpRnm 53 . S. C6rke 22. J. Daxris 54. T. Bowden 23 . C.Clarsan 55. J.Mdder 24 . C. CarrorMs 56 . B. Chicle 25 . T. Gleason 57. P. Adimi 26 . J.liancssy 58 . ACabim 27. C59. M .C1iamberkn 28. P. Coffe~ 60 . M. Walsh 29. N.Irr~rd 61 . S.Tnxntda 30. C. Hoare 62 . D . St:an 31 . X RtEd 63 . 14 MtKenib 32. L HartWrdc 64 . N. Hart 32. T. Barry 65. S. Tucker 33. J. Kaye (VC) 66. M Pkrtiger ..', 34 . T. Hogan 67. P. De ianixiij 35 . M.OttirHt 68. D. Reecex 36 . J . McLern 69. A Larder 37. J. Drake (VC) 70. C . Warty

Coach: Brendan Millar Asst Coach: B rett Mittott 1 . A Calery 2 . J . Pric e 3 . P.Mount (DVC) 4. C. Baker

S. O. Brown

6. C . Goldsworthy 7. M. Pa~qrazeo 8. P. Sqdo 9. L Cnessxet! 10. M. Davoren 11 . J. Bergin 12. B. De43t1cy 13. N. Mdnemy 14 . N. Moore 15 . A. Fnney 16 . B.Quirk (C) 17. B. Day (DVC) 18. M. Funston 19. A. Rattle 20. J . O'Brien (VC) 21 . B. A11is 22. J. Vincent 23. C. Haddad 24. R. Sheehy 25. S . McConnell 26. R. Zeman 27 . S . Andrew 28 . B. Murphy 29 . J. Dailey 30. N . Edwards 31 . O'Denr~l . 32. J. Ryan 33. B. Powell 34. J. Hunt 35. R. Ryan


C-4- simpeorm OLD CAREY Coach : Peter Schiller 1 . C . Angus (C) 2. F. Yaghmoor 3. P. Cerch e 4. J. Powe6 5. T. Baker 6. S. Weil 7 . C. Anson 8 . J . Zito 9. J . Woods 10. S .Vrta6 11 . P. Varyiamis 12 .. J . Ma i 14 . M. Raffaele 15. B. Hood

16. A.Coste;b(VC) 17. K. Lewis 18. C. Richards 19. T . Woo d

20. M . Lawrence 21 . D. Ston e

22 . C. Battle (VC) 23 . T. Stuart 24 . N . MacLean 25 . B. Davies 26 . S. Wood 27. C . Davey 28. J. Harcourt 31 . S. Laulette 34. J. Farmer 35. S . McConnell 39. J . Nash 42 . J . Amup 43 . F. Hakins 44 . A Tranter 47 . A. Bon d

OLD PARADIAN S Coach: KenJohanesen Asst. Coach : Tim Livy 1 . ATalarim(C ) 2. M. Lynch 3. M. Bonadb 4. ft Want 5. ASm&h 6. D . Sevens 7. S.Prusctro 8. M. Gab 9. G. Boy~tl 10. D. Grzen 11 . B. RaRli t2. 1. Santos 13 . L Hams 14 . S . Ciavala 15 . M . Venture 16 . P. Harris 17. G . Porteous 18. L Gabin 19. B. Hartley 20. M. Dempster 21 . A Hvr,ard 22. M. Joyc e 23. M. R > 24. A Bertrincasa 39. D. Constantin 25. A Vecchio 40. M . CosOriff 26. 0. Warren 41 . M . IGbebrard 27 . 8 . Woodham 42 . M . Joyce 28 . P .Con_N 43. J.taxas 29 . M .Cosgntt 44. B.LYncg 30. A Stewart 45. L 0'Conrmr 31 . D .Vararq 46. G.0'Meara 32. C. Wright 47. M. Pberges 33. A Sacco 48. C. Price 34. T. Rwuim=n 49. D. f1~7rws 35. J.Rosbrook 50. N.RSdroN 36. A Baker 51 . S. Rtchardson 37. B. Bodycoat 52. L Wakerrftl 38. C. Blither 53 . J. Smith

ST. BERNARD S Coach : Dominic Legudi 1 . A. Stranieri 2. T. Wilkinson 3. R. Le,7xS 4. R. Bonr>:ci 5 . J. Pearson 6 . D. Thomas 7 . T. Harvey B . J . Detartey 9 . R . Nutter 10. B.O,erman 11 . S. Erickson 12 . B. Hogan 13 . S. McKean 14. A Thomas 16. A. Bran dt 17. T. Pianta 19. L Kavanagh 21 . B. Loughlin 25. D. Fewster 26. A Gee" 27. James Mount 28 . P. lannazzo 30 . Joseph Mount 31 . B. Swan 32. J. Evans 33. S. Smith 37. J. Loyd 42. V.ludica 43. C. Davis 47. A.Osbome 82. J .Zocco




Whitehall St., Yarravitte Ph: 9687 8722


622 Mt. Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds 9326 1799


Coach : Steve Carroll 1 . M. Belford

2 . R . Benjamin 3 . D. Bolton 4 . C. Brooks 5 . H. Christie 6 . B. Callery 7. J. Camm 8. M . Cobb :edck 9. M . Coleman 10. J . Couloooupas 11 . N . Cowling 12. W. Crocker 13. A. Davidson 14 . J. Eastaugh (C) 15 . B. Fndcer(DVC) 16 . S. Fulle r 17 . M . Godfrey 18 . T. Hayes t9. J. Hocking 20. W. Jackson 21 . T. Johnson 22. D. Kelly 23. M. Komdc 24. J . Lyle 25. J . Mahoney 26. A McKenzie-McHarg 27. X. McKinno n 28 . B. O'Gorman 29 . J. Presti 30 . T. Roydhouse 31 . J. Starting 32. L Stevens 33. E . Stewar t 34. J . SlUnock (VC) 35. A. Temll 36. R . Versteegen 37. J. Wilcox 38 . A. Winter 39 . D. Woo d

IJn~.~1ey 19 (2) BEAUMARIS Coach : Peter McBrearty 1 . N . McLean 2 . B. Thomas 3 . M.. Pitts 4 . T. Window 5 . B. Griffiths 6 . L Gibson 7 . B. Stevens 8 . N . Burton 9 . J. Walker 10. G . Moloney 11 . G . Johnson 12 . J. Bayfotd 13. D. Emmerson 14 . A. Qui n 15 .,. F. McDonald 16 . S. Mitchell 17 . T. Eaton 18 . A. Palmer 19 . R. Thornton 20 . T. Cotter 21 . A. Catlin 22 . S. McKay 23 . B. Ferguson 24 . C. Celan 25 . K. Dimachki 26 . S. Hoder 27 . J. Vance 28 . J. McKenzie 29 . C. Martin 30 . R. Corfi¢3d 31 . N. Kennedy 41 . A. Van Den Bkink 47. T. McAlpine 51 . D. ShNdrake 53. T. Rand

MARCELLIN Coach : Shaun Mangan 1 . M. Randazzo (C) 2 . M. Roberts

3 . G . Gull

4 . L Bettiol (DVC) 5 . G . Hawtdns

6 . C . Keogh 7 . W. De Vercelli 8 . T. Louder

9 . D. Marson 10. M. Moussi

11 . P. Pappatanio 12. M. Karavasitis 13. C. Duinardo 14. D. Ciro 15 . B. Byrnes 16. S. O'Connor 17. J. Pacoccioco 18. J. Sheehan (VC) 19. L Petiined a 20. N. Mathews 21 . M. Van tint 22 . D. Kearney 23 . P. Diacogiorgis 24 . J. Smart 25 . J. Detahunt 26 . M. Maguire 27 . D. Hogan 28 . R. English 29 . B. Dinneen 35 . C. Abzangetis 50 . B.Keamey

OLD HAILEBURY UNIVERSnY BLACKS Coach : Greg Lassock 1 . C. Home 2 . S . Davey 3. S . Saunders 4 . M. Thiel e 5 . P. Dtrnatd 6 . D . Reid 7 . B . Shearer 8 . R . Parker 9 . E. Dunphy 10. D . Hanop 11 . R . Goulden 12. D . Warden 13. G.Fmlayson 15. C . Jayasekem 16. B.LangordJones 19. C . Efsthatiou 21 . B. Waters 22. D . Mason 24. C . Pountney 25 . N . Biggs 26, J. Bell 27. B. Carson 29. C .Joyc . A. Rod e30 . M. Somalia e60

The B eehive ® Hotel ® Hawthor n

Coach : Paul O'Shannassy 1 . M. AUUcin

2. L Brown 3. M. Byrne

4. P. Cavcch b 5. A. Clemer6s 6. B. Dryn e 7. O. F~ness 8. B. Hendersai 9. D . Leahy 10. A Maher 11 . J. Man, 12. J. McAtu'sy 13. R . McN ama ra 14. A. McNichol 15. S. Moody 16. B. Murphy 17. A. Nolan 18. W . Pascoe 19. C . Pease 20. H . Peck 21 . C . 22. T. Sessions 23. M. Staunton 24. S. Veyter 25. S.WnxnPre:s 26. . StYht e 27. 1~ Wilson 28. G . Baud 29. B. Costello 30. S. Dimond 31 . P.Grearbank 32. E. Harxmn 33. J. Hodgkins 34. J. Hunt 35. J.02mstead 36. L . Maguire 37. J. Martin 39. J. Skpvro`th 39. D. Walsh 40. T. Reid 41 . A. Writer 42. A, Naughton 43. L . M.1irgs 44. D. Baks 45. M. Raf(a.e 46. A. AsNey 47. R. Neale 48. B. Taylor 49. R. Mackie 50. E.O'Heamlarge



Coach: Tim Killworth Asst. Coach : Gareth Bri gtia 1 . T . Van Der Venne 2 . N. Florentine 3 . J . Clark 4 . G. Brown (VC) 5 . L Taylor 6 . C. Mallard 7 . L Byrne 9 . M . B ritten 10. A .l2rx3don 11 . M . GromoBca 12 . P .Johnson 14 . T.DeYoung 15 . C. Harris 16. A . Baxte r 17 . R. Hoslarig (C) 18 . A Conn 19 . R . Luft 20 . J . Waters 21 . J . Condon 22 . P. Waycntt 23, T. Holden 24 . M. Godfrey


Coach: Andrew Tsindlos 1 . J. Webb 3. E. Williams 5. B. Smith 6. A. Hanson 8. J. Hardman 9. A. Get2ey 10. T. Donovan 11 . C. VJJ53rns 12. A Paterson 13. S. Hancock 14. J. Heffernan 16. A Baker 17. R. Scott 18. A. Campbell 20. B. Day 21 . S. Barry 22. J. Miles 23. M . Cook 24. S. Pickles 27. S. Miles 29. S. Beckett 30. J. Zentner 31 . M . Wilkinson . C. Davisk32 36. A. Kettle 41 . N. Better 44 . W.Onvin 47. L Juniper

Coach : John Stanton

25 . B. Papadopoulos 26 . T. Champion 29 . T. Hans(wne 30 . L Moon

32. J. Tarpey 33 . B. Samuel (VC) 40. C . Drake

41 . S. Sayers 44. C . Gibson 64. B. Page 69. A. Dated

Coach : Terry Kendall 1 . G .Junkeer 2. L Haraternann 3. A Parke r 4. A Sheer 5. T. Stewart 6. T. McKenzie 7. T. Gross 8. T.Frankerrburg 9. N .OBrten 11 . L Hawkins 12. L Hume 15. C . Lunn 16. T. Chapman 18. J. Hughes 19. H . Jenkins 20. C . Tindae 21 . M. Toose 23. O . Crane 24. M. Boccie 25. J.Love 29. D. Robson 31 . S. Prendergast 34. N. Beattie 36. L Ander.s 37. N. Thompson (C) 44. S. Connor 47. A Lines 59. A. Walkorr . 67. A Crow 70. N. Sladen 71 . C. Ward 80. M .O'Brim 89. R. SiNervrood

1 . C. Taylor (C) 2. D. Stroules 3. B. Kinnear 4. M . George 5. M . Pope 6. B. Wilso n 7. S . Anderson 8. C. Williams 9. B. Davison 10. S . French 11 . S . Yin (C) 12. M. ManoveAa 13, S . Hartrick 14. M. Van Lint 15. G. Long (VC) 16. S . Brandt 17. B . Parkes 18. H. Veale 19. S . Walters 20. P . Starrnans 21 . R. Gray

22. A Camifleri 23. M. BortiCn 24. P. James (VC) 25. A HoPgood 26. J . Andersan 27. S. Allard

28. 29. 30. 31 .

D . Nasrallah M. Walton D . Mutton G. Bel l L Hull-Brown B. White T. Thomson C . Burke H . Mousse

WHITEFRIARS Coach : Andy Dalrymple Assistant: Mal Gooe=y 1 . A .Crough 2 . M. Nwthey 3. B . Phan

5 . D. Eames 6. B . Winch 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 22 . 23. 24 . 25 . 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 36 .

M. Wmtedwm (C) R . Fede!e (VC) S. Gillen A . Johnson M. Cassarino D . Reid T. Hilton J.Treyaaud B. Doherty T. Mulcahy R . Murray C . O'Connor M. Duffy S. Fleming M. Batches S. Davis J. Bond M. Nolan N . Crasher D . Sullivan T. Hoare D . Cassarino M. Walsh A. Beattie D. Edwards C . Leahy M. Rees . M. Anderson B. Keeling A. Sealey




Asst Coach: Mark MHvalsky 1 . B. Wouda 2. B. Cocks 3. K. Houli 4. R. Steele 5. N. Hunt 6. S. Wuchatsch 7. M . El Houli (VC) 8. M . Hewitt (VC) 9. T . Thompson 10. T. rray u 1 1. D.MMc lmd (C) 12. W. James 13. A. Mackley (VC) 14. H. Herb

15. N. Little

16. R. Wheeler 17. G. Rickard 18. L a-detam 19. S . Hudson 20. M . Manning 21 . J . Meter 22. W. Yessine 23. A. Tokavic 24. B . Twis t

25. F. Harddara 26. L Grochovrski 27. C. Matthews 28. L Gray 29. 30. 31 . 32.

C. Beazley N . Deal A . Theige M . El Houli

34. 36. 37. 38.

J . McCutcheon A . Pettierids G. Singleton J . Wag e

33. D. Malael

39. G. Canyon

HUGH LYON KNITWEAR Banyule Newsagency Tattslotto & Post Office 18

Simonds Group of Companies


19 (Z,) Blue AJAXHann Ritterrnan Ca c m

Ass istard• B ruce Joseph

HAMPTON ROVER S Coach: Edi Meinjak 1 . R . DunbaB 2. J . Crouch 3. T.Prantzos 4. J . Midwinter 5. W. Armour 6 . A. Cmv4her 7. M . Ilea

8 . A. Quo n

9. S. James (VC) t0. A . Landri9an 11 . A . Voss 12 . 8 Marlyn . 13 . TSr4tls 14 . N. Rehn 15. M. DunbaN 16. D, Voss 17. P. Nelson 18. C. Lucas 19 . G . Sh field 20. S. Parkinso n 21 . David Anderson (VC) 22. L . Tregea r 23. W. Benton 24. J . Abrantindes 25. 8 . Hebard 26 . Scott WNs 27 . A. KotGner 28 . S. Grimmer

MONASH BLUES Coach : Nick Karavias 1 . C. Gregory 2 . M. Benetto 3. D . Dean 4. A. Bragg 5. X. Martin 6. F. Hey


ORMOND Coach: Bri an Keating

7. S. Lloyd 8. S . Jones 9. H. Byme 10. N . Turner jj . J. Sullivan 12. M . Stewart 13. A. Herrman 14 . R. Burston 15 . M . Tinkter 16 . B. Smiley 17 . J. Miller 18. B. Amat 19. N . Freeman 20. M . Power

21 . N . KazenwadcH 22 . J. McNeur 23. J. Roscoe 24. M, Thomas 25. J . Hawkins (VC) 26. C. McConvial 27. J. BoRon 28 . S. McGee 29 .. S. Cooke 30. T. Cameron 31 . L Holloway 32. C . Bodsworth 35 . M . Hunter 43 . C. Riordan (C) 44 . L. Notan

1. 2 3. 4.

Coach : B ri an Bourke 1 . A. Ryan 2 . P. Carron 3. C. Tesaiaro 4. A McShane 5. A. Cousins 6. D. Sera6n 7 . B. McShane 8 . S. Kidd 9. L.McHu~t(DVC) 10. S . Davidson 11 . D. Ferc~a5on 12. A CorxidN 13. A. Gangi 14 . J. Drury 15 . C . Martin 16. L McGregor 17. J . Crowe 18. C. Ambrosini 19. D. FatkrxJham (C) 20 . H . Dwyer 21 . J . Cunningham 22 . N . ikons 23. D. Napier

S .Tlwrnpson G .Hamrta~ D . Robbins D . Rowan

5. T. Ashford 6. M .Broadhuwst 7 . H. Brown 8. M . Wonnacart 9. N. Courtney 10 . J. Cullen 11 . C . Bailey 12 . P. Ta.vnsenrJ 13. R. Marshall 14. D. Pasara

15. R. Cunningham . D. FShtodc x16 17 . S. Naughton 18 . S. Hemtan 20. C . Ryan 22. J . Bratltvraite 23. D. Beckett 24. M .O'Hanoran 25 . J. Dale 26 . D . Mabbett 27. P. GIc'PSOn 28. A . Siaslak 30. H. Black 33. S . Stephens 39, J. Byro n

45. L Livingstone

24. G . Afford (VC) 25. L Wintle 26. S. Walsh 27 . S . Ki 1gwe1 28. C. W4&ams

..' 29. B . Johnstone 30. T.Fava 31 . J. Cunvnins 32. A. Smith 33 . S. Waters

=--~Lt..xc U


Coach: Greg Bwttine

Asst. 1 . A Dennison :2. J . MYSrslOcks 4. J . Masterton ,5. M .Coughlan 6 R.Feld 7. M. Laighnan :.'8_ M.Hotto'raay tu,: A Keogh 11, D, King i Z . J. Hotiwr.'n J. Byrne `rt. Jchnstone J. Grtggs I. M.Rusa'ens t7.. D .Larnbe r,?. J . Campbell i'~ J. Lyons . K.p7GG ness I . A. Moon 2. A. Needham ::3.. A.Jadtson 24. S. Tucker 25. T. Buntirle 26, T. Nolan .. 27, K.0 'Remy 28. E. Williams 30. A. Hayes

31 . D. Hegerty NO 32. J. Sitver 33. 1 .Watson 35. G.Hristov 36. B. R.ade 37. C. Buick 38. L Woods 45. H . Clancy (C)

M.H.S.O.B. Coach: tan Radlow 1 . T. Parker 2. P. Fink 3. A .TiNing(VC) 4. C. Bruce 5. J. Davis 6 . J. Moore

7 . Ashley O'Brian 8. T. Lower

9. A . Mazur 11 . S . Redder 12 . M . Sliding 13 . N. Remfiry 14 . D . Forbes 15. J. Gre~an 16. T.Leaver 17. R. Bruce 18. S . Norman 19. J . Wilson (VC) 20. B. Sims-Lucas 21 . R . Clovres 22 . P. Brown 24 . A. Askew 25. L Tayior . Stee 26. S l 27. A. Cassell (C) 28 . S. Bennett 29 . M. Sharpies 30. A. Burke 31 . S . Harrison 32. R. Joseph 33. M . Askew 35. E. Cotter 39 . B. Miezis 40 . T. Morgan 41 . Anthony O'Brien 45. H . Tay4o r 47. D . Watson



Coach: Tony MacNamara S. A. Lux 15. J. Downie 16 . A. Reuss 18. C . Bid 26. C. Watkins 31 . A. Mims 36. J. Paul

43. S. Bk11gley (C) 50. N. Edga r 51 . G. McGr r

52 . M .Cladc W 53. C. Chambedain 54. M . t.ugst§ n 55. G . Dalzie! 56 . R .Bmvm A Winspear 57 .. W. 58 . McCann 59. H. Gretton Watson 60. W.Gordo n 61 . S. Lamb 63, J. Landry 64 . McInnes 75 .* B 0. O'Callaghan 76. N . Gatentry 79. O. Walsh 80. L Wilson (VC)


ATS HOTE L OLD XAVERIANS 2 Coach: Peter Catfinan 1 . M . FrosS 2 . T.F4min 3. B. Hasy 4. B.M2rt 5. T. Wvte r 5. T.Fpvrer

6. PA .FRtt,},r~+d 36 . M.MGCerthJ 7. N . Citrrett 39. J. PaOs B. AKMme?/(C) 40 . LAnswath 9. T .Fana.v 41 . FL Won 10. D. Sol 1 42 . A Iacartx):b 11. 43. J.1i6z 12. M. Webb 44 R LyttFton 13 . N .T-'G 45. S.CarmU+s 14. LT it 46. M.Boutr• 15. L.D Joins 49. S.Fl~tCartlr( 16. D.S .cy 50 . C.Steph°ns v ,49. 8 .fhe". 17. T.CaraA 50. M .Wdsan 18. 6. W-, 19 . R ..k„ 11 51 . R Ford (VG) 210. B . Sbd dw 53. S-C!ark? 22. J. Dennis 54. T. 8navn 23 C.C4'vFt.n 55. J.Mti>xt?r 24. C. Carrodn S6. B GhnsGe 25. T.G4xsen 57. P.A,dam: 26- J .B~msry (vLl 59. A -Coburn 27 . C.M~('iugan 59. M.Chamb=rta 28. P . Dailey Ell. M.Vtah.h 29. N.Irearn 61- S-Trurnhv 30. C. Hose 62 . D. Saan 31 . )c Rudd 63 . M .P&iCenw 32. L HanP.'nck 64 . N. H3 n 32- T. Barry 65. S.Tuckt 33 . J." 66. M. Pinrsg^r 34 . T. Hogan 67. P. D :~atamty 35. M . Ones 68. D. F~m 36. J.MCLatr 69 . ALavhzr 37. J. Drake 70 C. Warry



Under 19 (2) Red AQUINAS O .C.


Coach: John Bourke 1 . H. N icol

Coach : Andy Ryan 1 . M. Taeb 2 . T. Waters 3 . B. Koutsovasdis 4. O . Khader(C) 5 . L Curren

2. M. Jamieson 3. P. Heveren 5. M. Bolona 6. S. Jones 7. T . Moran 8. M . Gree r 9. J .Juenchhott 10. C. Lyng 11 . S. Downs 12. D. Marshall 13. P. Gennie 14. R. Cha{xnan 16. M . Hunter 17. B . Witson 18. J . Hun t 19. M. Hope 22. B . Moran 23. S . Hills 24. M. Rally 32. J. Bleakney 41 . J. Pole 42. R . Moran 44. M. Thomas 54 . D . Kealy 55 . A. CuRrera

6. D. Skene 7. T. Miranda 8 . A. Hewitt 9. A. Nais s

to. B. Cariss 11 . C. Murray 12 . D. Aboud 13 . C. Miller 14 . J. Saba 15 . N. Tonid n 16 . 17 . 18 . 19 . 20. 21 . 22 . 23 . 28 . 29 . 30.

P. Borysiewicz S. Reynoldson S. Mciimy, M. P;yne R. Amato M. Nugent G . Taylor H. Makhoul M. Drum B. MoustaFa D. Tims

33. A. McKenzie 37. I. Tateb


Coach: Stuart McLean Asst Coach : Shane Harrop 1 . D. Bernet 2 . N. Gazeas 3 . B. Wals 4 . B. Davis 5 . A Oates 6 . P . Dowd 7. J . Ham p 8. B . Spoor 9. T. Patin 10. R Giderdate 11 . D. Archer 12 . M. Kelly 13 . D. Spiden (C) 14 . G.O'Shannessy 15 . L Courage 16 . R . Hense B. Lirnberg IT L Waddep 18. 19. A Harper 20. J. Vincent 21 . C. Barker 22. J. Smart 23. A Sutherland 24. S. Jenldns 26. G . Madsaac 27. N. Coyn e

ST. LED'S EMMAUS Coach : Peter O'Connor 1 . G .Nevrey 2 . N. Hooder 3 . G . Bonnid 4 . J. Marel 5 . E. McGlanghlan 6 . S. Bavage 7. R. O'Keefe 8. T. McCann 9. A. Daly 10. D. Cashen 11 . D. Carr 12 . M . Bainbddge 13 . S . W9s 14 . P. Batty 15 . C. Miller 16 . J. Daniels 18 . J. Manton 32. D. McNally 35. L Thomas

YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS Coach: John May Wayne Reddaway 1 . T. Wapsho 2. T. Hae tt 3. S . Loyd 5 . ADew 7. S . Thompson 8 . L Morris 9 . S. Milson 10. B. Searle 11 . B. Reynolds 12. D . Lang 14. T. Lloyd 16. A. Bell 17. T. Mcitwrath 18. L . White (VC) 19. E. Kruse 20. T. Tyshing 22 . B. TeHotd 23 . C. Arnold 24 . A. Cusano 25 . S. Matters 26 . D. Rowe 28 . A. Lawton 30 . B. Wapshott 35 . A. Laing (C)

28. A. Johnston 38. G. George 48. R. Davies

40. R. Mulquinne y

REGENCY PHARMACY 130 Regent Street West Preston ZffECH COMPUTER PERIPHERALS 57 St. Hetiier Street Heidelber g



Coach : Allan Cousin s

Coach : Steve Maus

1 . A . Thomas 2. D .lacobucci 3. A. DiPietro 4. D . Sisters 5. M. Holliday 6. A. Mays 7. R . Chimside 8. A. Conte 9. T. Wyngaard 10. P. Allatt 11 . R. Long 12. P. Green 13. E. Westmore 14 . M. Markovskl 15 . D. Pemberton 16 . R. Picciai 17 . B. Whitehouse 18 . S . Corvan 19 . C. PiccioG 20 . J . Pereira 22. S . Cousins 23 . B . Roach

24. P . Del Guidice 25. D. V"iol i 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 39.

F. Varga A . Crew J . Canusl M. Adams D . Undes D . Butter

1 . S. Jones (VC) 2. B.Hall

3. H. Munroe

4. J. Arroxsrruth (C) S . B. Hutchinson 6 . D. Kneen 7 . S. Natoli 8 . T.Morpelh 9 . A Andrews 10. M . Shaughnessy 11 . K. Noden 12 . C. Wilson 13. J . Cade 14 . D. Hayes 15 . R. Baxter 16 . M . Chisholm 17 . J . Newman 18 . Y. Ada] 19 . C. Barr 20 . M. Lapira 21 . L Kennedy 22 . C . Stanley 23. S. Somerville 24. E. Dava6zis 25. T. Tobin 26. D . Robnson 27. M. Grag 28. C. Butler 29. S. Connor 30. S. Kimonides 31 . R. Rarnsrkn 32. M. Passador 35. M . Pav,sey 42. A. Mckenzie 43. D. Waldron 48. D. LaJkidis 52 . R. Bumxvs 60. S . Med5n 61 . D. Burravs 64 . S . Cooper


;S:fB~AUSTRl11J%► DIRECfiONAL DRILIING Ken Basso 9722 7697



Coach : KenJohanesen Asst Coach : Tim Livy ) 2: L~ (C 3. M . 4 . R. VillaMi 5 . A. Snzlh 6. D. Ste+eres 7. S. Pncsdno 8. M . Gale 9 . G. Boyd 10. D. Grean 11 . B.Ravki 12 Santos 13, L 1' Harris 14. S . C-013 15 . M- Ventura 16. P. Hems 17. G. Paiaatt 18 . L GatJn 19 . B. Hartley 20 . M.Den7rier 21 . A. Howard 22. M. Joyce 23. M. Rees 24. A. Bercxx.asa 25. A. Veacrio 26. Q. Warre i 27 B. Woor&t3m 28. P. Cornell 29. M. C~c,Ndt 30. A. Stewa~i 31 . D. Varat» 32. C. VJri~^d 33. Sacm 34 A. T. Rxicarv3n 35. J. Rostxook 36. A. Baker 37. B. B~odymzt 38. C. tl 39. D. Constantin 40. M . 41 . M . 42. M . Jq~ce 43. J. Luqs 44 . B. L~yncg 45 . L OCCrtnar 46. G. a Meara 47. M. PberxJes 48 . C. Pnce 49 . D. Ray50 . N. RedfortJ 51 . S . Ridiarzlson 52 . L. Wakefield 53 . J .SrtMh

Coach : Paul Melto n 1 . D. Van Eglen 2. R. Zampogta 3. G. Vandenberg 4. D. D'Apran o

5. S . Sacco 6. S Goodwin 7. G. Kuret 8. A Grant 9. S . Ste l a

15. A McMahen 17. A. Rowan 20. J . Smith 21 . B. Fitzpatrick (VC) 26. J. Van Englen (VC) 28. D . Dunne 32. T. Jones 33. M. Jacobsen 34 . A McDonald 48. C . O'Brien

FINER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St ., Yarravitte Ph :96878722


Club X Section 1 COLLEGIANS :~.Coach: ~ tan Lockwood Res, Caad1 : Nevitle James 2. R- Lee Gay MC I 5. N. Michael 7, N. MaUias 8. K Curtis 9, C. Comley to. S-Hc 11- P-A s 13 . J. Monsson 14. D. Wain 16. S- Mackay 17. P-Dunne 19, M . Btugess p. C-Makpy 2 1 I. Lockwood (CC) 25. G- Briglia 26- S-Fraser 31. J.Stnthazm 92- R-Narr-arrow 33 . J-Snadden 34, A- Taylor 35_ J. Taybr

36. A . M:rdain 37, 51 . P. MBaM~ ~ N .Ingliss 55. R-Cmss "0D-Hrnroe 5 58. P. Young 59, R.t.ancaster 60 . B. Kerr s 61, D- Kerrs 66. R.Arderrnt 66- G. Qa7deY 66. B.O:Connor 69. C . HK}son 70. R. Conron 71 . A. 75- J. Walsh 77. M . B 99. M . Ri


MAZENOD Coach : Peter Hall

Res. Coach : Peter Ausc p 2. A. Noone 3. T. ChikOtt '.. 6. W. Francis 7. P.. Deeg an con 8. T 9. P . Hal it . J.Dicintio 12. A. Wilke 13. S Carrptrefl 15 . P-AIwP 17 . T.Tsiav's 19 . T. Walker 23. S. CoWson 27. D-Krom 31 . N. Snort 32. D- Moore 33. J. Boyle 34. B . Dev§n 36. R. To atr e 37- G. T ngg 38 . D-Stemfqt 39. R . Bourbon (VC) 40. M. Birch 41 . B. Welch 42. J. GrptKSOn 43. W. Pots Yer 44. D. Bole 45 . G. Rogers 47- P. Rlley (C) 48 . P. Vne 49 . L. Hairy 52 . G . Peacock 54. P. Jacabs 60. M. LeCaAers 63. P. Welch 65. D. Biviano 68. K Duffy 69. B . Haryer 72 . D.Lad 73 . G. Janetsk 74 . E. Atiliaras


,.' Coach: Brendan Hoy 1 .'D. 2. G.Cwran a G .ladGan 4. St asia 5: 1A Add 8. NFanow 7. C.Ta~br & CF urze 10. 0-Tessler it- M.Fix x9 12- L WAnry i3. D-DZ eitR rk K& B 1SD. " 16. D.tamtw 17, Shine 18. AL F7Es 19. AP€a1t 2a ABratMcer 21 . G.8 -i 22AV rat 23. P. B r

OLD BRIGHTON BLOOD S Coach : Stuart Kay I G . Bennett

2 . M. McLennan H. Jarvis 3' R. Murray 5. 6. S . Moody 7. M . Ha N 8. A. Hancock 9- A . Grant 10. R. Moreton 11- J . Rattray 11- J . McLachlan 12 . D. Cochran 13- A-NoNe 14 . J. Bennett 16 . M . HerWrie 16- J. Morrison 40. E. Before 18. C- Lade 41 . B. ENS 19- D. Sntifh 42. A Fqmtq>!a#s 22- J . Lockett 43. A CHssat 24- L . Hamilton 44 . M. Rom 24 . P . Neylan 45. B . Bukc 26 . J. U!av 46. G .MCF?Anry 28 . S. ma y AP47- 0. "~ 31 . F- Magee CI 48- S-R~ 31 . M.Scartett 8. 1 49, S. Gurr 32. R. Wraith T Fora 50- B. Hoy 33. D. Moreton ar, 51 . D.IGrg 34. R. Smith ~ Olr, :va 54. D. Ladtins 34. M . Nikaks EEzrs 55 . T. Naoore 35 . A . Rutte r J.C'~,"Wr 56 . J. mw" 37. M. Donohue 57. M .St~epz 39 . P. Greene 58. A WtNtr 40 . C . James it C 59. M. Wa amson 43. T. Bet~LSey 6D. So. P.Grdnt ~ 61- M ~ C-C9ary 44 . S . Cartner 37 S . Ftd7 72 . T. Shift 46. M . Barber ,~ SiFarra9 S7. C_,bhnstone 48. C. Haling 39- J.KClam,y 84 M.O ,Drisco 49. A . Neale 51 . N . McCann 52 . M. Walker 53 . P..Ba nbrklge 55. A iHeron 56. R. Brown 64- B. McMur6e 78. R. Saunders S . Desmond L. Duncan A . Gal e D Gleason J. Lade 20. A. McNamara M. S elby 36 . S. Young © THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997


Coach :

I . A . Cordner(C) 4- D- Moss 5- E. A[&inso n 6. C. Branchtlowar 7. J. Gardine r 9. H.Ingleton 10. S .Osbome 11 . A . Anderson 12. R . Egleton 13. G. Stooke 14. S. Bardsley 15 . N.Osbaime 16 . G .Jensz 17. J. McClellan 18. R. Simpson 19. P . Wa@e 20. T.Osbome 21 . N . Naim 23. D . Stanton 24- J. Scott 25 ' A. Wilson 26. K Rutlerford 28 . D. Milne 30 . S .Laycodc 31 . R. Schneile 33. A . Clements 35. M Atkinson 41 A. Carroll 46. A. Hume 63- P. Hands 80. M. Comell

Coach: 1 . L Orsini 2. J Kermc~ 3. M-Jor~s

4. R. Curtain (VC) 5. M . dCanghan 6. J. Matthews 7. T. O'Sullivan 8 . M. Fitz

9. M. CoBopy it . P. Coon= 13- A- Rie s 17. P.O'Bemie 18. P. O'Sullivan 24. R .tCe1g 27- D. Ka1g (C) 28. C- Court

31 . A . Holmes 32 . M. Tyrefl 33. M.Sadier 34. S. Hogan

35. M.Meetlan 37- T. 39. M- 'n 44 D. McLean 53. P . Hall 62 . M. Collopy 63 . P. Conqueat 64 . S. Kennedy 71 . A. Hag

91 . S. Bailey



ST . BERNARDS D .C . Coach : Brian Moo n 1 . R . Day

Ass. Coach: M. Clunks-Ross ,... 2 . M. Quinn 3- P. Moon I . B . Simpsort 4 . A. Denahy 2 . O. Young 5. P. Hayes 4 . H . Middleton 6. J. Cwnilo 5- S. Hawkins 7. M . Creak 6- M. Godwin (C) 9. G. Wood 7. M. Clunies-Ross G. Tole 8. D. Bingley 13 '.. 9. S . Spark 12. A Ma&ov 14. A. Vnecombe 13. N. Murdoch 15. A. Kennedy 16. S . Norden 18. M. Cunningham 20. N . Tribe 19 . G . Fanugia 21 . J. Deakin 20. J. Martin 22 . D. Hooper 23 . S.Pryde 22- P- Farrugia 23. W. Schwarzenberg 24. C. Zavecz 24, J . Watknson 27. C. Wmneke 27. A. Myers 28. L Hgtlam 29- A . Teesdale 28- A Barnes 35 . M. O'Connell 30. P. Wiiliamsan 38 . D. McAlkster 31 . D . Bini 44. B. Moon 32. S.Sheahan 45. M . Castes 37. A. Chambers 48. . A. Moodie 39. A. Cowper 87- S . Denahy 41 . A. Pulle r 43 . N. Taylor 45- T. Stubbs 48. B . Cain 51 . G. Stewart 52. R . Gregory 51 B. Simpson 54 . T. Philips 56 . A. Richardson 58 . E . Johnston 60- M . Weber ''.. 62. J . Coo . T. Grayk63 67. M. Ryan 70 R. Hume 99. C. Nash


1 . D. Nanira 2 . A Nanfre 3. P. tknfra 4. N-C "~;wurt}y. 5. R.Wd c '., 6. J.Qark 7. N. Mann & T. Bare 9. 0. James 10. L Darckoa 11 . T-Faxh 12. D . Whelan 13 . P.Haoper 14. B. P."owen 15. D. Boyd 16. P. Bazxwn 17. S . Charles 18. P. 19. M-RSd 20. S.HerUwt 21 . A Daves 22 . L Wood 23 . J . Wdtelm 24. J .L>mch 25. B.St3cFyo;e 26. AA~ 27. T-Colkns 28. A Buce?ta 29. D. MGDOfWd 30. S. Mon 31 . J. GflEdsuqrtR7 32 . D . hror y 33. D.IC-§ns 34. J . Fox 35. J.Weu,6read 36. D.MUmtor d 37. P. Rqs 41 . S . Murphy 38. J. Slattery 42 . P. Me;aht 39. B . Dam7 43. T. Pape 40. N. Sweeney 44. R. Batema n


PH: (03) 9822 0011 OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIANS Coach : G. Seebec k

ST. KEVINS O.S. Coach :PaulBannon

622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 9326 1799

Club KEW Coach : M . O'Dea Team Manager : F. Guppy I . P. Conidon 2 . C .Johnson 3 . M. O'Dea (CC) 4 . A. Tucke r 5 . S.Ibak 7 . D. Bran d 8. A. Lawrence 9. P. McCormick 10 . K. Corbatty i t . R. Guppy 13. M .O'Hanlon 14. A. Hancock 15. P. Conidon 16. D. Leary 17. C. Thompson 18. C. Curtain 21 . J . Leonard 22. D. McGuire 23. T. Maughan 24. N . Prendergast 25. T. Hemadi 32. A . D'Anna 33. M. Bond 39. B. Smith 40. M. Quinn 41 . A. Chisholm 44 . A. Guerra 49 . M. Garaoffofo 55. T. Reynolds 56 . D. McLaughlin 77. A. Slai.fiski

Duhig Ford

HARP OF ERIN H-OTEL , MARCELLIN 1 . A. Merton 2. P. O'Callaghan 3. A. Trotter 4. J . Tsoukas S. J . Rusikstta 6. D. Boothey 7. R . Barresi 8 . R . PerGch 9 . J. Kent 10. M. Kent 11 . G. Bastord 12 . R . Holland 13 . M. Cronin (C) 14 . D.Theisz 15 . A. Keogh 16 . C. McCann 17 . M. Nimmo 18 . M. Curry 19. R. Boll 20. M . Getson 21 . W. Getson 22. P. Harberts 23. J . Sloane 24. S . Dimat6na 25. J . Daffy

The Beehive - Hotel Hawthorn 22

Section 2 MONASH WHITE S Coach: Ronnie Lamb Team Manager. M. Rhoden 1. M . Dods 2. D . Tracy 3. M. V~ 4. R . Angley S. B. Samuel 6. J. Plehn 7. D . Nelson 8. A' Fee9- J. Fattvmather 10. B. CoEeer

11 . A. Hibbard

t2. ' ."ossavaEnen 13. C. Rayrxir 14. D. O'Brien 15. H. Beh 16. M . Richards 17. K. CaNert 18. S . Dods 19. G.VanderZalm 20. M . Riddle (VC) 21 . G. Sinclair 22 . J . Kenny 23 . J . Devoi! 24 . S . Norden 25 . A. McBeth 27. J. Card 28 . D .Levetan 29. M. Loyd 30. M. Krebs 31 . P. Mclnemy 32. P. Spencer 33. A. Siritthaf 34. T. Cog4ey 35. D. Johnston 36. C. Howe (C) 37. L. Holden 38. J. Round 39. P . G4sss 40. B .HudweG 42. M . Rhoden 44 . R. Lamb 50. J. Cowley 51 . M . Bond




Coach :

Coach: D. Law

Coach: Gary Cutler

1 . R. Costello S. B . Liddell 6. M. Keenan 7. P. Kd)y 8 . T. Hewat 10. J. Patterson 11 . S. Molnar 16. B.Mi eleci 21 . G . Smith 23 . A. Fielding 26 . W. Dreier 27 . B. Stevens 36 . C. Rizzo (C) 38 . B. SN6ecdc 39. A. Fenn 40. C. Keay 48. R. Keenan 49. D. Lyons 56. T. Bymes 60. M . GoodWn

1 . B. Carter 2. A. Mountney 3. R. Buzes}d 4. B. Robertson 5. T. Culler (C) 6. P. Cutter 7. D. Robins 8. C. Krincevski 9. A. Crocker 10. G. Thompson 11 . R.Osmond 12. J . Gerstkamp 13. D.Cader(VC) 14. M. Goddard 15. S . Prior

1 . D. Batman 2. C. Bishop 3. R. Boyie 4. G. Campbell 5. R . Casey 6. J . Carter 7. B . Boyle 8. R . Cram 9. P. Cramer 10. P. Dudkleridge 11 . C . FazzNari 12. D . Garvey 13. B. Gasa 14. K. Gasa 15 . G . Gillis 16. T.Gks 17 . D. Greasley 18 . C. Hammon 19 . Darren Hexter 20 . David Hexter 21 . M . Ha++den 22. D. Law

23. P. Leigh 24. P. McMaster 25. A . Ramzi 26. D. Reid 27. A . Rhodes 28. R . Shiels 29. A . Smith 30. D . Stembridge 31 . K. StreBcher 32. M. Swift 33. A. Tyrd l

34. P. Van Bentham 35 . C . Vassallo 36 . G . Walsh 37 . B. Mile 38 . T. William s

1 . SA. Murdoch 617. . 17. 18. S. Borg

19. M. Johnston 20. G . Theoharis 21 . P. Clarke 22 . W. Duson (C) 23 . P. Cioccio 24 . M. Alessandrino 25 . A. Cifecken 26 . W. Nasredr5ne 27. D. Mousakis 28. C. Berto n

29. R. Robertson 30. M . Martin

31 . R. Vescic 32. A . Hugak 33. I. Kearns 34. P . McDonald 37. D . Bennett 38. J. Overall 39. M. Haden 44. J. Faber (DVC) 46. S. Nowiniski 49. P. DorBcin s 50. P. Brewer


MT. LILYDALE O .C . Coach : Steven Lawson 1 . I . Doolan 2. M . Vos 3. B . McKay 4. M . Walsh 5. B . White 6. M. Rankin 7. M. Napoleone 8 . M. Gobetti (VC) 9 . A. DelBiondo 10. M. Dkel o 11 . C. Gibson 12 . C. Gitbee 13. B . CoMn 14. C. Walsh 15. F. Livingston 16. T. Allen 17. A. Burrell 18 . K. Maniscatchi 19 . J. Burgess (C) 20 . J. Flannagan 21 . S. Madden 22. L. Procto r 23. S . Woollen 24. C. Caflanan 25. M. Brebner 26. T. Flanagan 27 . C . Varga 28 . D. Cicchlel4o 29 . P. Fudong 30. D. Flanagan 31 . N. Pearce 32. P . Caralan 33. C.Andrson 34 . W. Joalous 35 . D . Callanan

SYNDALJtALLY HO Coach: Daniel O'Donohue I . T. Marks


2 . A . Bums 3 . M . Joy 5 . D . Hannett 6 . J. Cotsis 8 . R . Bennet 9. I . Bingham 10 . P. Henning ii . J. Rutter 12 . S. Gould 13 . J. Kerms 14. S. O'Boyle 15. N. Murray 16. N. Brewster 17. M . Webb 20. C. Hall 22. P . Kotstakos 23. D. Raab 26. D.O'Donohue 31 . B . Hanneman 35. C . Cachia 40. N . Toce 42 . A. Findlay 43. C . Karaks 46 . J. Green 47 . G . Wagner 50 . P. Vergakis 54 . A. Sneddon 62 . R. O'Dell

- .-1 v M .V . NAPOLEONE & CO . PrL orctr,3,cยงsts & Cool Stores WANOIN, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA, 3139


E East , BULLEEN COBRAS Coadt : Joe D'Artgela

Res. Co~n' Mar(C Horsfield 5 .R° .'- a ~ W.Ca B. S.Gaz/mr 12 Alssa 14. J. Chapman 15: M.Jamzs 17. G. Brown 21. M. Horsfdd 22. P. Basoskr -1 24. P.Zora 25. W . St~e n 28. R 29. A Summers 30. C. Poker 32 C.Clanents 35. T. Sells 39. T.Itarmmclco 40, W. 6e4 41 . N. PoEte^i 42. G.L ekes 43. R Cararoo 45.CB~o 53. S.Strat~n 63 . P.C OMr 6


ELEY PARK Coach: Graham Mulfenger Res. Coach : Rob Wickham 1 . D. Arundal 2. PA Brady 2 . AMmra ; 3, RtzMarzz 3 . A Feato-rdz7 4. M . Dek'Orso 4. M.Geo' 5. W. taP.9arp 5. C. Kaye (~ 6 A Brignishirfr 6. D. Bruce 7. N. T ' 7. D. Bm~,ren 8. R. Poof: 8. D. Carrell 9. T. KaracSmos 9. P. Ye:and 10. C McLean 11 . L Mclean 12. A Duistan 13. A Ke5a8 14. G. Dior 15 . RYmag 16 . P. Storey IT AH71 18. S .. Raymer Met 19. D 20. M. Hook (C) 21 . F AkhNec 22. P.Cammme 23. G. Smith 24. S. Wells 25 . G. Fk+ath 38 K Podq;r 26 . D. Hav1~j (UC) 39 . J. VeNe 27. D. Kaye 40 N. Ya2rkmos 28. W. Ho,Sn 41 . R yficdem 29. F. Leda 42 V. Fulauslim 30. G . Bmmky 45 S. Bade{ 31 . G. tarneme 43 . L KK?tis 32. D. Gram 44.LD'a 33. N. M 45. S. Colns 34. S. BrumW 46- P-yne 35. P. Blew 47. M A VAmtrfm 36. S. Lee 48. P. Ckar 37, D. Payne 49. M. Hoolea r

"7he Road Builders "


..' Coach: Stephen Jones

Res. Coach : Peter Anthony 1 . M. Punberbn 2 ASore 3 . G.Ske ;n 4. M.Carusi(C) 5. B. Pecker 6. J. Brown Z V. Pk6ok (VC) 8. Sf ' 9. W. ~£rtqi 10,. M. Kn`pmans 11. G.R'r7aN(RVC) D. f DVG7 R. 1

' D.B~ 10 B .C_,lrpttt f- S.UUAwror

F.F 39. D.Harvr,y G.I ,ay 40. MMoni; NA 41 . T. Scott 2B. J.Mosra 42. N.Slab~n M X Lt~ ~ 4 ~ 4 . RP .6 Burke 31. M. ~sgn 45 . W. Husscy 32. G . L~w 46 . P. Egan 33. A CYJnSide 47. T. Bella 34. S.WheeRr 48. RGra/ Peters 35. R.S~bug 49. C. 36, D. Narp 50. S.6ynus 37. L tmrzn 51 . R Cop, 38. G.Onpron (RC) 52 APJsbur y

ELTHAM COLLEG Coach : Peter Slaci k Res. Coach: Peter Hansen 1 . J. Smythe 2. KTudur 3. A Tucker 4 . B. Hsspz 5 . C.Horsury 6. G. Clarke 7. RKennedy 8. J. Woodward 9. RY✓tFte 10. S. Mdaren 11 . J. MaID 39. F. CowierFj 12. G- Damara 40. D . Barred 13. S. Jolley 41 . SDaoeI 14. S.Jtshce 42. C.Ha& 15. C. WniN 43. N. Hamsharef 16. 8.lvrro"d 44. G. S 17. G. Lays 45. M. Ryan 18 . M. Bar`aig 46. R Dades 19 . D.. Lewis Doyt? 48 47. A Hadfvkf 20 . S . R. Harris 21. B. Parsons 49. L Sterye 22. S Agnamoopoks 50. J.TaylOr 23. G .0'Cvnrxes 51. W.Starpe 24. M. Dwyer 52. A Smacks, 25. D. MnJreaty 53. J 26. J. G1are 54. A Kdso 27. B.Tumey 55. P. Morrow 28. B. Turner 56. M. Edwards 29. C.&shoo 57. T.EmNsrO 30. 0. Hogan 58. M. Ormsby 31. Z Jmarm,ski 59. B . Evdrr, 32. T. Scott 60 . P. Barrett 33. T. Hadley 61. C. McDonad 34. S. Maxfdd 62. C. Lacey 35. T.Ba-tt 63. R .Jovarovs 36. S. F . rson 64. C. Watson 37. R. Hearo-ey 65. S. Schafer 38. G. ^'' . 66. S. Fnzpatri &

Coach: G~nn Shlhvorthy Res. Coach : Darren Murray 1 . D. Murray 2. R Lovich 4. S . Vda e 5 . W. GEazebrook (DVC) 6 . P . Avay 7 . G. ly '.., 8 . M. Drmstan 9. W. Power (VC) 10 . P.Orchartf(C) 11 . A. Si8 12. S. Cebaur 13. J. Povey 15. B. Gkwer 16. N.6usaNas 18. S . Tmiewell 18. D. Lateeita 19. J . Law 20. S. Parker 21 . A. Drarbp 22 . J. Schutz 23 . D. Tracy 25. R. Braln 25. S. Davis 27. R. Lord 28. M Mort{son 29. P, Barker 30. A . HarNey 31 . C. Largky 32. J . Boae 33. S. DT 34 4 S. Maalonsld (RVC) 31 . M. Si~henson 34 . P.Hemsh 35 . D. Muphy 37 . G . Marsha8 (CR) 38 . D. Ladrea 38 . I. Ceppa 39. D. tahdt 40. C. Frayne 41 . M. Whytaoss 42, S . tNew _ 44. P. RossRto 45. A. Domakfaron 46. D . McCowain 47 . T.OHanbn 47 . T. Fitzpatrick, 49 . R. Adams 49 . M. Noltak 51 . R. Donovan 52. 1. Rosthom 54. E . Sill

56. P . Ryan

Shell Mooroolbark 97267083

1175-1181 Main Rd, Eflham Phone: 9439 5533 (al) hours)



KEW Coach: Rob Bayley Res . Coach: Tom Vans 1 . B. tafrardu 2. G. Pmte (VC) 3. R P~trvren6 4. D. Candor 5. J. Carnes 38 . D.M&tu4 6. C. Hope 39 . A Ka~ 7. D. Hop~ 40 . P. Pedr=++ . J. Pri~nren6 41 . R.Uiar ei8 m 9 . C.GctxaraR 42. C.Lntnn 10. B.Cu3en(C) 43. J. Counts 11 . A Bames 44. A Donna 12 . S.Md.Aahon 45. G. . C.IGrekou 46 G .EM13 14. G. Crimm;ns 47. M . M.Brb 48. M .C_ .15 ...!rr8 16. D.Ytood(VC) 49. J. Lucas 117. J. Bey 50. J.Fader8. N. ednq K) 51 . S. Fkdson 19. N. Peters 52 . 1 . Fletcher 20. S.Hanison 53 . G.AnJrerrs 21 . D. Hannam 54 . AL Robins m 22 . J . Pawn 55. D. KrttJ 23 . ABes 56. J. Chow 24. B. Daman 57. N. Lyic0Wks 25. D. Wright 58. D. Cracknal 26. M. Clerwn 59. J. Bortone '26 P.Naqy 60. V.Watg 27. RFur6s 61 . H . E91 28. L~iat~C) 62 . R .Papakos 29. M . Dveymple 63 . L Bay* 30. CC~(RCj 64 . S. Bayley 31 . AW~(RVC) 65. C.BornRros 32 . J .Based 66. S.Boutms 33 . S. Duckwronh 67. D. Ma.,,A 34. M. Morals 68. J. Fames 35. R Bruno (M&) 69. S, Lem, 36. ASKemC 70. KHage 37. W.Lartard r 99. S. Bnuo


Coach: Glenn Taylo r Res. Coach: Simon Jackson 1 . C. 2.C. 3.M .6 4 . C.Eskr 5 . S. .hcFCCa Rc) 6 G.Cor :_ ) 7. ADrdr 36 . LSmat 8. A Cori 37. P. Bryce 9. M.Pc-1n 38. LCohen 10. K Shr& , 39. P. Banned it. A CDP ~7 2. C.M d?rson ~. AGate; 13. S . Jones 42. M- Parker 14. M . Curry 43 . S. Cherry 15. P. Hams 44 . G. Hendr§;s 16. M. Jones 45. M. Eastlnm 17. S. Curry 46, M. Cam 18 . C. Mattl>wvr, 47. S. Hawlings 19 . P. Drake A.S. SAddi;On 20. W. Mudge 49. R. Mardian 21. PAHO;FanO nd 50. G. Canned 22. J. Ha s 51 . R Monison 23. T. Pnce 53 . M.Kemv41 24. MYar-° 54, B. German 25. C- Goo 55 . T. Arnett 26. J. M-^ 56 . . Paiker 27. I 57. Pa<mer D 0. 28. h. : . 58. R BardvA,T 29 . T. ".' 59. C. M~mn 30 . S. F 60. 11 rd 31. N.E 61 . T. , rrwur 32. C.V. .,;„ gton 62. G . u 33. S. Fiekf 63. C.134. D.Fad r3 64 . A, ~+n 35. R. Et2ra 70 . T ,

HARP OF ERIN =>i7 (+o)

RICHMOND CENTRA L Coach : Tim Pontefract Res. Coach : Danny Hickey 1 . A Wi'-2. A Ba 47 . D. Banence 3. T.0'; 49 . N. Prtd:a 5 . S.Sh 50. C. Barry 6 . G . Bun, 51. H. McAyin 6 . S. Pic- ~ 52. C. 7. F.8%. 53. S. Lqlhtwood 8. G. Maeadm 54. P. Wnrt. 9. P. Jackson 55. M . Davt 10. A Murptry 56 . L Day 11. J. Barker 56. A Goktberr, . D. Hki<e/ 56, D. WiBon p1 12. F.Maak 57, S .Av.,rjot 13. C. Pearson 58 . N. Bowe 14. C.Slerutpi 59. M.Calbnan 15. P. Church 60. D.CaSirJs 16. M.Juxur 61 . ACrn ras 17. A Fawcett 62. T. Graham 18 . M, 4W 63. T.GuhrP 19 . J. Marring 64. A 21. A HM 65. 0 . Humphreys 22. A Flores 66 . I .,bel-ftBr 25. A Dunn 67. A. McIntosh 25. S .RtAdcck 68. D.6xrckJe 26. J.Puklist 69 . M.Tapfej 27. C. Adams 70 . T. Tafbr 28. A Waters 70 . D. Murftt 30. S. Fentan 71 . K Vuiutr 30. G .TaL 72. G.Szw 32 . D. Vans 73. J. Sleahan 33 J .Cohen 74. P . Cawood 34. D. Holt 75. L Westcatt 37. G. Porteous 76. L Egan 40. B. Katelr, 77. A Hogan 42. P . HOW 78. M. Tento 43. A Swig 79 . S. Tresstsr 45. h4 Bhdc 8q . J. VatMs 46. D. Farley 81. S. 0'Su2N an


Coach: David Kyle Res . Coach : Ash Wain 1. P. T ~ t 2. P. N' 3. FLT n 4. M . Ftkrj 5. A. C°-r 6. 7. J. D B. T. M 1 9 . C.R-. 0. KyH 1 0. C.R 11 12. R . D. C, V13 w 14. s 15. T.0' an 16. B .S' 18. D. Rus s 19. N . Park 41 . B. Dorms 20. S. Frame 42 . T.Crean 21 . A Lrve:€y~ 43 . H. Park 23 . D. Baklaw 44. J. Ho 24. M. Da:ies 45. LBee,25. T. Habl>rn 46. N. Cott,seN 26. G. Mcleod 47. B. h4:l1vnaith 27. A Rom 48 . R Da',is 26. J.Macvczn 49. SS=:aac,nra 29. P . Peterson 50, P. Ford 30. D.Poner 52 . AFrZmett 31 . J. Dome 51 S Corcoran 3Z C.Heftenan 55. S.Ta,'br 33 . D . Ireland 56 . L Haumquan '4 . T. (7rnsfwkf 57. G. We 35 . B. Peake 63. T. Strong 36. R. Pana"vna 65. A Ekasiaroa.4; 37. M. Ross 71 . M. Laing 38. T. OSubar1 72. R lawtor, 39. T. Readwny 74. A Bud 40. M . White 78. J. St2E.-.

A Section

COLLEGIANS Coach : Leigh Carlson Res. Coach : Neville James 1j B. King

2. N. Fk .rerd'eie 3. B . Woo9iouse 4. S .Laussen 4. N. Boctw S. D.Gtecwes 5. D. Pete rs 6. A .Smfih 7. C. Hipon 7. D. WarnrSrrutlr 8. C. Pollack 9. V. Cleary 10. J . Grigg " 10. S. M aid 11. B. McKenzie 12 D . Stubs 1 3' G. Palmer 14. R . Schober 15. Y. Ruts 15. N. h4ichad 16' A Wa llace 17. J. Tarpey 18. J. Bennett (VC) 19. C. Davidson 20. G .Deane,blxss 21 . A. Johnston 22. D. Kerr 23. A.Sheedy 24. R. HartnNt 25. G . Bric,~a 2i-' N. M~ 27. S. Hinphry 28. S. Blackman 29. A. 30. M . Gak:raAh 31 . J. Nevins 32. D. Tiwrtssan (C) 33. J. Sneddon 34 . D.ErdMwisle 35 . R. Motfey 36. S . Haniuxj 37. M .Opie 38 . M .Lake 38 . S . Van Der Venne 38 . J. Carr 40 . B . Seaton 41 . S . Li6ic 42 . L Vasdekis 43 . A. Greenway 4a. A. Parlai (VC) 45. N . Arxkrsa~ 46. S. Wooley 47. D . MPat 48. J . Lemon

49. T. Van Der Venne 50. S. Jefferson

51 . P. Baxter 52. N. CA 53. M. I 54. L R= 55. E. Jones 56. D. Howe 57. J. Muore 58. A Thom(uai 59. M . Richards 60. B. Ken s 61 . D. Kerrs 62' M . O'Donnell 63. Z Usenw 64. M . Grib Ne 70. T.Srn4h 77. T. Proctor

DE LA SALLE Coach : Peter Hannan Res. Coach: Greg FeutriEl 1 . M . Chun 2. P. Fiume 3. D. Crowe 4. L Hall 5. L Swift 6. M . Fisher 7. C. Browne 8. C. Wright 9. C. Campbell 10. T, Silvers 11 . A. Evans (DVC) 12. D. Toohey 13. A. Waters 14. A. Duncan 15. J . Hodder 16. A Flowerday 17. A. EBot 18. J . Hom 19. D.O'Brien 20. S . Abort 21 . D. Jackson 22. P. OCallaghan 23. D. Grace 24. D. Cross 25. G. Hynes 26. P . Wyles 27. L. Van Der Pligt 28. M. Lafferty 29. D. Rosman 30. B . Mannix 31 . K . Manna 32. C. O'Callaghan 33. P . Renni e 34. A . Moore 35. A . Mackintosh 36. A . Abbott 37. M. Rosel 38. A . Johnstone 39. P . Brasher 40. M. Buffer 41 . J . Murphy 42. J. Clarke 43. M. Sharpe 44. R . Mackinson 45. C. Cleary 46. M. Hogan 47. M. Farrell 48. D . Smith 49. D . Lambe 50. P. Mannix 51 . B. Buick 52 . B. Byme 53 . R .Chapple 54 . J. Duckett 55 . S. Laska 56 . G . Curran 57 . P. O'Brien 58 . T. Ford 59 . P. Aron 70 . D. Midro 78 . D . Jennings



Coach : Simon Meehan Ras. Coach: Andrew Baxter

Coach: Michael Ford Res. Coach: Mark libardi 1 . A. WaBon

Coach : Date McCan n Res . Coach: Wayne Tuffoob 1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2. P.O1oughBn 3. J. Dallas (VC) 4. S. Philp 5. A Mutelta 6. B. Pannam 7. P. Cosgrift 8. D. Ciavda 9. A. Boyd 10 . P. Brabender 11 . A. Bums 12. S. Wallis . T. Wallis 13 B. Brabender 14. 15. B. Dintinsante 16. M. Godfrey 17. B. Har t 18. A. Nilsou 19. T. Canavan 20. P. Harris 21, A. Farrell 22. H. Belts 23. P. Walsh 24. D. Digtey 25. A. Heffernan 26. M.B. Geary 27. K Jenkins 28. J. Ho9.zx1 29. E. Tomasic4So 30. T. Mulligan 31 . M.Vear

1 . A. Baxte r

2. D. Connell 3. W. Bym s 4. C. McKenzie 5. F . Main 6. W. Smith

7. Adam Hilton 8. M. Orton 9. S. Rowlands to . C. Warden 11. L Hucker

11 . (2) F. CapomoNa 12. D. Secu S 13. B. Carty 14. A. Forsyth 15. N. Morey 16 * A. Dowsing 17. Ash Hiton 18. M . Constable 19. M . Armstrong 20. C. Kraus

21 . A. Walden 22. P. Thiessen 23. M . Seoul 23. (2) J . Madcay 24. A. Laverxier 25. G. Rowlands 26. G. Philips 27. J . Dann 28. S . Walden 29. R. Stewart 30. R. Aughterson 31 . B . Main 32. P . O'Donnell 33. A. Floyd 34. B . Mitchell 35. D.Lappage 36. B .Lay 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 52. 53. 55. 57. 65.

D.Ladd S . Pedder R. Weber S . Duxbury B . Mefin D. Scaife R . Plecher A . Kirkwood-Scdt N . Hill C. Jimmieson J . Kurta D. Bum M. Harrison A. Bonwidc R . Harrison M. Dusting C . Ladds B.Ladds C . Dowling

2 S. Theodore 3. A. Ross 4. B. EIGrtghaus 5. L Bunn 6. P. Harbury 7. C. Thompson 8. M. Lovett 9. T. Smith 10. T. Roberts 11 . M. Jukes 12 A Hewitt 13. S . Rose (RVC) 14. J. Bunn 15. R. Brittain 16. C. Eatay 17. B. Brtu! 18. Q. Kee(>le 19. M . H'~5 20. B. Te~wd 21 . L Boyd 22. A Waddell 23. M . Berry 24. M . Bennett 25. M . Pruden 26. C. Kennedy 27. O. Boyd 28. S . Rabbit 29. J .WaHace-Smtth 30. I.

31 . J . Hart 32. R. Web b

33. G. Dixon (RC) 34 . R.Morell

35. D. Brown 36. A. McKeon 37. S . Eabr y 38. M . Crawshay 39. N . Strauss 40. J . Carroll

41 . G. Wilhelm 42 . P. Theodore 43. T. Cbke 44 . A. McDau}aH 45 . S. Crow 46 . D. Hoime 47 . J. Guest 48 . C. Jenkins 49 . T. Stuckey (C) 50 . P. Marai's

51 . C. Banks 52 . B. Campbell 53 . P. Gason 54 . S. Brown 55 . D . Borsezeky A Wilts J. Elam J. Foti

S. Bardsiey K Rutherford

THE ANGEL TAVERN Cnr. Glenferria/Dandenong Rds . Makrn 9509 4023

The Marin e



9903 2093 24


32. I. Hussain 33. M. Harrison 34. A. Vacirca 35. J. Mills 36. S. Swindon (VC) 37. J. Hensley 38. A Bnj#o 39. P. Reid 40. D. Baird 41 . J. Tobin

42. D. Tregarnbe 43. P. Healy 44. P. Joyce 45. J. Swindon 46. D. Stuckey 47. N. Bag 48. M . Ray 49. D. Cosma 50. B. SvAndon 51 . G. Hickey 52. M .S. Ftym 53. D. Horsngtai 54. J. Mould

55. M . Van Kyuk 56. M . Ryan 57. J. Muir 74. LThomas

FINER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St ., Yarravilte Ph :96878722 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199i

: OLD SCOTCH Coa~r : Wayne Harmes ~. Cosch: S'uran Itirgvrorth 1. K.Stokes 2 J . Hosfdng (VC) a C. Hcslang 4. T.Hort 5. R. Price

'6. LMcDonriell 7. J .Kdd7tien 8. 0. Reid 9. R. Aujani

10. J.Kerr 11 . S. Grigg 12. S. Hume 13. N. Hooper(RC) '. 14. D. Norman '. 15 . M. O'Brien 16. A, Speed V. S. Woodhouse 18, A. Nettleton 19 . S .Spide n

20. T. WfiSon 21 . S . Gibbs 22. C. Heath 23, D. Walsh 24. M. Angus 25. T. Pritchard 26. B. PhUPs 27. S. Collins 28, S. Teesdale 29. A. Teasdale 30. J. Laird (VC) 31 . A. Smith 32. A. KafinSId

33. J. Hamemarvi 34 . G . Eagle 35 . S. Steele (Q) 36 . M. Davison 37 . J. ~ 38 . 8. 39 . P. Goiberg 40. A Warner 41 . A Castriam 42. A. Gibbs 43. J. Paterson 44. P. Busse 45. T. Stuta'u 46. G. Jonas 47. T. Reid 48. P . Davis 49. D. Thomas 50. C. €&narr 51 . S. tHinsvnrtli 52 . A. G

53 . P.

54 . T. PhVAps 55 . J. Bock

56. A Richardson 58. E. Johnston . M. Weber x60 61 . A Brdar 62. J. Cook 63. T. Gray 67. M . Ryan 70. R. Hume 77. A. Lloyd


Coach: Bernard Dunn Res . Coach: [an Wallace 1 . S . Kennedy (VC) 2. G. Hudston (VC) 3. A .AV o n 4. T. Norman 5. P. Vandet[roek 6. R . Heath 7. A Ande rson 8. S. Dalrymp4e 9. A. Andrews 10. A. Urban6c 11 . R . BoMefl 12. M. Cununmg 13. M. Donato 14. J.S6cWand 15. D. Baiasry 16. M.Seu5ng 17. G . Hatfield 18. M . Spencer 19. A. Sheehan 20. P . Board 21 . L Kennedy 22. D. Beardsley 23. C. Popplev ell 24. T. Board 25 . A . Giddings 26. P . Beet 27 . M. Gneig 28 . D . V 29 . A Sea, 30. L Taylor 31 . S. Bladeni 32. D . Glass (VC) 33. D. Heighten 34. J. Pappas 35. M.Pausey 36. J. Sutd'Afe 37. P. DarXuxj

38. R.Ph~s 39. A. Vise 40. T. Harris 41 . C. Did 42. M . Thornton 43. T. Peggie 44. M . HeppeH 45. N. Kin g

46. M . Beamsh 47. F. Camemn (RC) 48. C. Smith 49. P .Johnson 50. L Jervis 51. D . Little 5Z M. Boyd 53. S. Ton ens 54. A. Grisbrook 55. J. Breen

56. A. Richards 57. C. Fellows 58. R. Fanant 59. T. Cade 60. S. Meclm 61 . D.Bunows 62. S. Wyke 63. P. Moore 64. S . Cooper

R. McDonald M .Pacher J . Beet

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Nick Bourke Res . Coach : Micilhad Plant I . M . Blood (C) 2. M . Bourke 3. L Hannebery 4. D. Landrigan (VC) 5. J . McD~aM 6. T. Keyoe 7. S . Lethlean & M . Holmes 9. J . Hawkins 10. I. Gladman 11 . Adam Jones 12. J. Bowen 13. C . Elli s 14. D . Stoney 15 . A. McLean 16. L Ford

17. D . Richardson (VC) 18 . S. Hunter 19. D . Stean 20 . M. Hardman 21 . T.OckJeshaw 22 . A. Bourke 23 . B. Perry 24 . B. Coughlan 25. P. t.echte 26. A. Hed 27. L Fay 28. R. Clarke 29. S . Wood 30. D. Dann 31 . S . Mollani 32. A Bfushfield 33. A . Sass! 34. A . Belli 35. S . Hede 36. P . Barrett 37. D. Webb 38. T. Spurting 39. S. Smith 40. R . Ryan 41 . A. Dillon 42. J. Lowe 43. T. Woodruff 44. J. De Brough 45. T. Coughlan 46. AndrewJones 47. T. Frwee r 48. M. Logan 49. R . Visentini 50. S. Tucker 51 . A. Murphy 52 . P. Conquest 53. M. Diamond 54. M. Brennan 55 . D. Stones 56 . M. Stones 57 . D. Walsh 58 . L Tuddenham 59 . M . Meehan 61 . S . Nafilk

UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach: Grant Williams Res . Coach: Barry Neivandt 1 . D. Slinmon 2 . J .Staritsld 3 . G. Williams 4 . D. Guengerich 5 . P .ODavi~ 6 . B . Blood (DVC) 7. D. Nayter 8. N. 8~m a 9. S. Mead e 10. D. Maplestore it . C. Bettrane 12 . R . Furphy (C) 13 . G. Evans 14 . D . Gust

15 . P. Stephens (RC) 16 . C . Stewart 17 . J. Kani s 18. S. Kirsanovs 19. B. Henald 20. Z McCarty 22. A. Nugent 23. T. Wilcox 23. B. Fwqty 24. P. Faitbank 25. A. Henderson 26. N. Cavafies 27. J . Jamieson 27. B. Fricker 28. D. Bolton 29. A.

30. A Will

31 . R. Varidenberg 32 . J . Gamau t 33. J . Hutdt~gs 34 . J . MclGrtnan 35 . A. WdCac 36 . L Morison 37 . A. I.ennen 38 . M. Cot:bleddc 39 . S. Henderson 40 . B. Mde r 41 . M. Keely 42 . D . K~y, s 43 . J. MdMOSh 44. R . Featherston 45. J. McGrath 46 . D. Gunn 47. S. Bnxkley 48. H. Carter 49. D. Strack 50. H. Nation 51 . M. Kordick 52. S.Longtey 53. R. Versteegen 54. T. Rogdhouse 55. D. Hueston 56. N. Dwyer 59. L Feh" 60. D. Edwards 61 . A. Holm 67. D. McAloan (RC) 72 . J . Norman (RVC) 82 . N . Court


Coach : Gerry FouFd s Res. Coach: Andrew Nathan 1 . A Conuto I . T. Paradowsio 2. T. Dobso n 3. A Bte6ner 4. V. Corruto 5. T. Harvey 5. S.O'Kede 6. S . Ryan 6. C. Woad 7. S . Perrett 8. T. Wittenson 9. A Capes 10. J. Kennedy 11 . G. Mathewes 12. P . Capes 12. B . Hogan 13. S . McKeon 14. S . Doran 15. L Overman 15. D. AblaRer 16. A Farmer 17. L Vassatio 18. N . MRcteit 19. L Go&ant (C) 20. T. Sheehan 21 . B.

22 . C . 23 . B. Horn 24 . G .DeMart»ct 25 . J. Kavanagh 26 . J. GollaM 27. A. Nathan 28. P. Gilmour 29. J. Overman (VC) 29. D.O'Connor 30. A Thomas 31 . M . Fanner 32. S. Chatfield 33. J.lanzano 34. S. Dailey 35. M .Juricskay 36. C. Bond 37. J. Mount 38. D. McAllister 39. S . Doneqy 40. G. Toto 41 . D.Juegan 42. M. Marshall 43. C. Davis 43. J . Rainey 44. S . Taylor 45 . M. Dowling 46. P . Rogerson 47. A Osborne 48 . G. Collins 49 . A Fewster 50 . J. McPhail 51 . B. Ga9augher 52 . C . Gray 53 . S.Vdeqa 56 . G. Cusack 82. D . Solomo n

P . Robinson 80. T. Smith



622 Mt Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds 9326 1799

B Section ► ~j d4~ .ce BANYULE Coach : Harry Harrison Res. Coach: Tim Bell 1 . B. Kincer 2. D. Witcheti (VC) 3. L HoR 4. J . Anderson 5. B. Edmore 6. S . Kayrooz 7. S . Richmond 8. R Williams 9. R. Cotten

10. J . Fortune 11 . B . Owen 12. J . Egan 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

M. O'Brien (VC) A . Logan S . Gray D. Mayne T. Benton J . Turnbull B . Woodock S . Piayfair R . Dintinosante S . Gray G. Williams M. Wheelan B. McDermott A. Rossi-Mel D . Fabri s

29. M. Peters 30. B. GBies 31 . C . Bassett 32. T. Wason 33. D . Glass 34. C . Stevens 35 . B. Anderson 36. D . Tyle r

37. M.Jesse 38. G . Riches 39. C . Bead 40. P. Witdiell 41 . A. Foote 42 . T. Egar 43 . L Fertile 44 . S. Attarr6 45 . M. Gilbert 46 . P. Agostinelli 47 . R. Smith

48 . D. Stephens 52 . D. Noonan 55 . D. Williams (C)

IVANHOE Coach: Do'rm Valkattis Res. Coach: Rob Pearce 1 . D. Williams 1 . P. Meror y 2. L Hu~-Brown 2. J . Di Santo 3. C. Tucker 4. D. VaBranis 4. R. Toogood 5. P. Manuel 6. D. Frawley 7. P . Rawley 8. S . Saunders 8. R. Hird

MAZENOD Coach : R. Prosser Res. Coach : C. Boyle 1 . P. Robinson 2. J . Ballenger (1) 2. M. Peters (2) 3. T.CtkOII(1) 3. M. Brookes (R) 4. A. Hanley 5. D . Schofield 6. N . Mamw 7. S. Morgan & D . Ca te

9. P. Hag 10. M.OHara(C) 11 . T. Smith (RVC) 12. B. Mcqusker

9. N. Thackwray 10. P . Lee 11 . H. Mousse 12. L Smith

13. T. Bridgland (RVC) 14. G . Young 15. D.Barker(VC) 16. T. Howard (RC) 17. T. Tsia+ri s 18. D.O'Do" 19. D. Cianao 20. C. Murray 21 . S. Pdan 22. D. Sherlock 23. S. Caitson 24. J.Cauchi

13. S . Narkiev,iCz 14. P . Flynn

15. T. Flynn 16. M . Swderi 17. K . Mousse 18. T. Scoble 19. G. Bullen 20. D. Sailor 21 . L Blackwood 22. A . Angeles 23. A..Jewson 24. T O'Neill

25. A. 26. Paul

27. D. Kmm 28. N. Little 29. R. Sha rp 30. S. Fisher (VC) 31 . N. Brian

25. J . Frisina 26. P. Flours 26. S . Fairweather 27. N . And2evski 28. A. McKellar 29. A. Scot t

32. D. Moore 33. D. Pearce 34. B. Dents 35. J. Fisher 36. R. Toyama 37. G. Trigg 38. D. Stelnfort 39. R. Bourbon 40. J . LeGrand

30. J. Makin 31 . D . McFarlane 32. J. Lynch

33. B. Kendetl 34. B. Joyce 35. P. Whitehead 36. R . Gittos 37. C . Giankou8dis 37. G . Fmlayson 38. T. Thomson 39. M. Ebbage 40. J. Griggs 41 . C. McDonald 42 . P. Murphy 43. S. McGowan 44 . E. Newbold 45 . J. Ravwood 46 . G .O'Bden 47 . E. Marino 48 . B. White 49 . A. Rosenfeld 50 . D.Jacka 52 . C. Payne 54 . D. Richards 55 . L Pearce 61 . G . Hickey 68 . J . Owen 76 . G . Kennedy 77 . R. Armstrong 78 . C. Brown

41 . B . Welch (RVC) 42 . N.Jacobs 44. D. BoPFe

45 . G. R

47. Peter

48 . P . Vim 49. L Hatry 50. A. Rogers 51 . M . Murray 52 . A. Le•.vison 53 . P. Egan 54 . P.Jaoobs 55 . M . Quirk 56 . M. Welch 57 . D. Nisbett 60 . M. LeCouteur 63 . W.Ocdiu2o 64 . S. Bou rbon 66 . J . Grenison 86 . M. Couttie

M .H.S.O.B . Coach : Warren Fall Res. Coach: Colin Drake 1 . J. Bared 2. A. Fmrard 2. J. Gokln 3. D. Weeder 3. R.Vertre 4. D.Ft.ming 5. G. Young 6. S. Grinner 6. B.A>5or d 7. J. Penal (VC) 7. N. Berriett 8. J. Di w 9. D.Comer(C) 10. M.Beazfef 11 . M. Irish 11 . M.Webster 12. S . M CC* 12. M.FAerkrem 13. C .11teoGeld 13. APreece 14. ATEng 14. C . Kdtf 15. P . Barge 15. M . Meffield 16. M.Atldn 16. A- CIA 17. A. Webster 18. B . Anse! 18.LGillespie 19. J. Gemar 20. D. Fairchild (4C) 21 . N. Johns 21 . G .M,clar& 22 A Lindsay 22. M .Z&M 23. S. Ritchie 24. B. Kelly 24. G .WkOn 41. S.St~Iey 25. C.G)mer(VC) 42. P.S~aGS~wa1 26. S.Hanison 43. J.Spiteri 26. M . Thompson 44. B. Ardxt39 27. P. Fkrrt 45. D. Senn 27. LE 46. AHolarKi 28. D. Slinnar 47. J. Karw 28. ALaewence 48. S.Morcan 29. P.Abergo 49. C.Bruce 29. C.Drace 49. N.NdxWl 30, R. Newton 50. D. Baker 31 . W.Wagad 51 . A 32 . A. Cassell 52. B . 32 . M. Kastar ty 53. R. Mdidyre 33. A Sa6py 54. R. IG=~-34 . S. HeEtrot 55. A t{eefis 34 . N. Fahey 56. J.Wirich 35 . ASainis 57. AGrkrmer 35 . S.KautaMy 58. J.Nzwton 36 . A Pa3n os 59. B . Etdte9 37 . N.Bradle/ 60. P.Kar,rxty 37 . C. Chan 61 . M .Prett9 38 . C.M& r 62. S.Danckert 39 . A Watson 63 . T. Kmg

't-11 OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS Coach: Dale Tapping Res . Coach : Steve Barnes Runner: Gary Sanders 1 . A. Krzyvmkiak (DVC) 2 . J. Much 4. M. Talbot 5. N. Perry (C) 6. S. Antonis 7. L Fddes (VC) 8. S. Lennox 9. M. Fisher 10 . R. Hartman i i . A. Fitzgerald 13 . M . Gamble 14 . M . Dennis 15 . D. Tymms 16 . J. Bradley 17. A. Rlckerby 18 . M . Jackson 18 . P. Roach 19. A. Mandylaris 20. D. Kolmorgan 21 . R Oakley 21 . C Jackson 22. K. Farrell 23. A. Pryor 24. R. Carter 24. S . Douglas 25. S . Nikas 27. C. Gilmore 28. P . Wolf 29. M . Gordon

30. K .Teschendorf 31 . S . Murray (RC) 32. B . William 33. M. Toll 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41 . 43.

M. Reid (DVC) S . Mercer B . Pollock (DVC) A . Hain A . Lomas A. Fischer B. Patterson J. Howell J. Holden

45. P. McNamara 46. B. Hamilton 47. D . Wilson 48, T. Desmyth 49. N . Winter 50. S. Wi l iams 55 . C . Toms 57. A. McLaren 61 . A. White 65 . R . Kent 71 . B. Alderson 79 . H. Bickett 80. A. Palfrey 84 . P. McMahon

40 . W.Ha/es 64. B.Codarbn AC11VE SPORTSWEAR f~i-~;1 +










IM 9



OLD IVANHOE Coai;h: Kevin McLean

D~ne 6tcCorrnack

L-=:Dense Caddy 1. A. Corcoran tn. M. Power 2 . P .S~Y 2a J. Va~ot~ 3. D. Warty 3Fc A . Jenkins 4 . A. Parker (VC) 4n. D. Toll (VCR) 5 . T. Young

Sa. P. Cargin 6. S. Kent 7. T. Young 8, T. Stevens 8a. B. Yanaaod

9 . M. Karayannis 10. M. Veal (C) ,I, S. Tully ttn. P.Martin 12. M. Johnston 13. A. Pappos 13n. C . Chan 14. S. Kingston 15 . G. Douglas t5n. S. Wany 16. M. Woods IT J . Luk 18n. P. Bisogni 19 . A. Barker 19n. P. Quick 20. M. Huber 20q. W. Millard 21. J . Mansfield 21n. C . Web b

22. P. Donaldson 22R. P. Golding 23. M. Stewart 24. G . Hams

25. C . Moore 25a. J . Maywdc 26 . D . Spiten 26a. D . Craker 27. J . Weddle 27a. P. Ritchie 26. D . Janes 29. R . Weddle (VC) 30. B. Wills 30P. E. Brophy 31a. D .Cac~y 32. D . Goad 32a. N . Harris 33. T. Connacic 34. D . Hal

35 . L McLean (VC) 36. S. Pidoto 37. R . Weisz 37s. D . Stoll 38 . Gerry George 39 . Gary Gexge 40 . W. McCaskiH 41a. L Taylo r 42. S. Vaughan 43 . A Atkinson 44. T. Agushi 44 . C . Grinham 45 . J . Hempeted 45n. M. t.inke 48. K.Gtisenti 50. C . Corcoran 51 . B. Shadboit 57. D . Kadaoui 59. B. Elsworth 60. S. Myers

ORMON D Coach : G . Heaty Res. Coach : T. Hille 1 . A. Jobing 2. C. Symes 3. AOrr 4. A. Grace 5. R. Turner 6. T. Gallagher 7. B. Connell (C) 8. M. Gilmore (VC) 9. A Forrest 10. P. Marrow 11 . D.Edgell 12. N.Setw 13. P. Kxx,}ston 14. S. James 15. C. Fraser 16. T. Stewart (RC) 17. P. Joy

18 . S. Ryan

19. D. Cleary (RC) 20. S. Metz

21 . J. Brown 22 . R. Block 23 . P. McDonald 24. J. Collins 25 . D. Beckett 26 . D. Connell 27. T. Brennan 28 . B. Collins 29 . D. Whelan 30 . N . Wets 31 . B. Ega n

32 . M. McDonald 33 . M. Shepherd 34. R. Remman 35 . G . Bailey 36 . S. Mackey 37 . S. Turner 38 . P. Milner 39 . J. Buron 40 . G .Lehner 41 . G . Hall 42 . C . Keleher 44 . M. Mabbett 45 . L . Lvingstone 46 . P. Todd 47 . R . Keating 48 . G. Smith 49 . M. HorsPeld 50 . J. McLean 51 . G.Kmg 53 . M. Turner 54 . B. Davies 55 . D . Amfeld 56 . S. Eccles 57 . H . Brown 58 . M. CoRans 59 . G. Sneddon 61 . B. Keath 62 . Aaron Murphy 64 . S. Head 65 . L Craven 66. A. Turner 67 . D . Turner 68 . D . Mabbett 70. R . Nichols 75 . A. Murphy


Coach : Tim Ha rt Res. Coach : Owen Hourig an 1 . B. Bunclan 2. J. Dyna n 3. M. Brady (C)

4 W.

5. R . Cattanan (RC) 6. S. Fox 7. B. Kennedy 8. B. Dot4r:an 9. G. Smith 10 . D. Moore 11 . D. Ryan 12 . M . Do4man (VC) 13 . R. Bowles (Dvq 14 . J . Bare is . M . Olive 16 . B . Garvey 17 . M . Terzini 18 . N . Hart 19. D. Sheehy 20. A. Varsa6 21 . S . Powell 22 . J . Macey 23. A . PNetta 24 . P . Meagher 25 . M . O'Shea 26. P . McCann (RVC) 27 . R. Gross 28. M . Farquharson (DVC) 29. A Mount 30. M . Garguano 31 . A. McGuiness 32 . B. Noonan 33. S . Denton 34, J . 35. A. Thomas 36. D. Kennedy 37. S . Kennedy 38. D. Smith 39. S . Dribble 40. A. Hart 41 . J . Hassell 42. S . Charles 43. R. Sinddss 44. D. Moytan 45. D. Weight 46. D. DeRoode n 47. M . Chapman (DVC) 48. R. Doherty 49. RETIRED 50. S. Kuring 51 . R. Bateman 52. J. Finch 53. J. Goklswarthy 54. S. Game 55. B. Mamstc 56. G . Mutcahy 57. C.Bossong 58. N. Martin 59. J. L

60. P. y 61, N. Golds 62. J. Quirk 63. P. Ryan 64. J. Prtce 65. S. Diton 66. D. Ivory 67. S. Herbert 68. T. Bare 69. T . Smith 70. D. Boyd

Coach: Terry Walsh Rer. Coach : Tony Gilchrist I . B. an 2. N. ARystapenko(VC) 3. J . Howard 5:P. Clements 6. M . Ryan 8. G. Baker 9. G . Healy 10. T. Presnelt 11. J . Gardner 12. B.Kug 13. S. Neeson 14. S . Wood 15. M .Kuek 16 . P. Rogers 17. G . Knobe! 18 . R. Williams 19 . D. Bitston 21. M. Mail 22 . P.O'Su l wan 23 . A. Dalla Lana 24 . M. Wettgosz 25 . P. Dyno n 26 . N. Buck 27 . R. Gilmore (VC) 28 . G . Holed

29 . D. Dunlevie 30 . T. Presnell 31 . M. Cunningham 32 . M. D'Zdva 33 . N. Cole 34 . R . Harvey 35 . D. Mahoney 36L C. KaINs 37 . A. Zalit 38 . R . Elicit 39 . A. Diamond 40 . J. Thursfreld 41 . A. Merrick 44 . S. Diamond 45 . W. Derham 47. M. Mumhy 48 . B. Mascali 49. M. Benton 50. M. D'Agostino 51 . J. Frawley 52 . S. Koutapls 53. C . ThursreId 54. T. Galloway 55 L L . Magaw 57. M. Merrick 58. S. Patterson 60. C . &Iston 61 . M. Tkocz (C) 64. M. MacDonald 65. K. Toohey 66. G. Brown 67. S. Emmett 69. M. Slade 73. W. Perkin s

Res. Coach : Chris Bye 1 . M. Petrevsid 2 . B. Hollow 3 . P. German 4 . M. Elliott 5 . J. Seymour 6. J. Vaina

7 . P. Jones & L. Hollow 9. 10. 1t . 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

M. Grovacodc R . Eggiestone B. Warner R . Moran M. Bnsanko J . Redcicc (VC) G.Pinner (RC) M. Goodwin G. O'Connor B . Carter

22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 39. 40. 41 . 43. 44. 47. 48.

S . Griggs (RVC) C. Bye S . Kuret M. Postma G. Catbis B . Stevens D. Barron S . Goodwin M.Tadnac S . Hollow J . Sacc o N. LaFontaine M. Donohue S . O'Halloran C. Rizzo D. Castaldi (C) B . Se5ack A. Fenn S . Boyle G. Keaues G. Thompson G. Rosiqnolo D. O'Neil D. Goodnin D. Wrgglesworth

18. L. Kuret 19. D . Rosasato 20. A . Moloney 21 . J . Thrush


REGENCY PHARMACY 130 Regent Stree t

Š ~B ~NG

West Preston ZITECH COMPUTER PERIPHERALS 57 St. Hellier Street Heidelberg


Laurie T r's


Ai S





C Section Ai a z


AJAX "~'~



: Don Scarlett Coach: Phil Aarwts TEMPLESTOWE Coach Res. Coach : Ian Cave Asst. Coach : AGd>aea ZErnsfd Coach : Andrew Smythe 1 . C. LeGrand Res. Coach: Brian Ziellinski Res. Coach: David Hooper 2. P. Annore 1 . J . Wmbel 3. B. Davis

4. M. Dudakva 5. J . Rath 6. D. Kal b 7. G. Samuel 8. A Krongokl 9. A Rosen 11 . A Gordon 12. D. Ones 13. A Levy 14. Y . Rapoport 15. A Burman 16 . R. Woof

17. A. Cukierman 18. K. Siegel 19. M . Halphen (C) 20 . W. Krongdd 21 . S . Gasman 22. D. Moh r 23 . A Bensimon 24 . S. Rubensteine 25 . A Levin e

26. B. Duzenman (DVC) 27. A Lust 28. J. Bram (VC) 29. A Hearst 30. N.IsraeSohn 31 . M. Bamett 32. A Mordech 34. D. Gunn

35. S. Roth 36. J. Segal (DVC) 37. A . Loewy 38. J. Lewis 39. D . Boon 40. A Redlich 41 . P. Naptak 42. J. Kloa3er 43. R . Weisz 44. N . Diamond 45. E. Steen 46. J. Davis 47. A Abraham 48. L Goldbierg 49. M. JeSnek 50. B. Grodski 51 . S. Boon 52. A Zeknski 53. A Sheffield 54. D . CoO vr s

55. B. Zrelinski (CC-R) 56. S. Davis 58. M. Fried 60. J . Wajnberg 69. J . Vernon

1 . J . Prior

2. G. Alexander 3. S . Young 4. W. Thompson S. C. Paris 6. R. Minney 7. P. Robertson 8. N. Bone 9. B. Leferve 10. P. George 11 . S. Farte}r 12. A Parris 13. D. TuAooh 14. D. Cooper 15. P. Faulkner 16. S. Smith 17. C. 18 . G . Shallard 19 . P. Nigro 20 . M. Jones 21. D. Hooper 22 . G . MCLaren 23 . D . Mathews

24 .

25 . T. Merrell 26. P. Graham 27. N . Waddel 28. C . Mutrcner 29. P. Bone 30. M. Agrotis 31 . A Shine 32. R . Williams 33. G. Pemberton 34. S. Lambropobus 35. D. Daskalou

36. P. Hare 37. S. Boyd 38. S. James 39. P . Dallogid 40. T. Mathews 41 . A Rozantis 42. P . Edward s

43. C. Pa(xiopoulas 44. J . Rozantis

45. 46. 47. 48.

C. Taylor D. Dowd C. Morghwitis R. Lambert

49. A 50. D. Glover 51 . A King 52. D. Williams 53. T. Franklin 54. K. SteB'uig 55. B. Brennan 56. M .Toumy 57. P. Giannis 58. D. Vozza 59. C. Ellis

60. A Panou 61 . D. Anderson 62. G . Chivers

3. A.Ma.w n

4. S. Anderson (VC) 5. R. Barnes

6. A Natoli 7. D. McConville 8. D. Marshall 9. S. Morgan 10. C. Ferguson 11 . A. Browne 12. DR. Andercon 13. C .Tiwmas 14. F.Ceset4i(RC) 15. S.Btick 16. J.F 17. S. 18. B. Holt 19. A. HuBdc 20. P. Buckley . McGregor ~. M 23. J. Day 24. ACuo n 25. R. McDorx>d 26. Sore Wills 27. T. Prurtzos 28 . Soott wills 29 . M.Fletdref(VC)

30 . C. Soarfen (VC) 31 . D. Hobson

32 . DA. Arderson 33 . E . Ztdcer 34 . W. Armour 35 . B . Armstrong 36. B . Martym 37. M. Beaumont 38. S . Selby 39 . K. N 40. I . 41 . R.Buknar 42. T. Comehfs 43. A.Frederiksen 44. S. Green 45. P. Hayden 46. R. He#her'vic~on 47. B. Hoare 48. R. Hunt (RV 49. A. Hunter (C) 50. S. James 51 . B. Jotn,tone 52. M . Lake 53. T. L 54. N. 8an 55. C.Marirtis 56. A. McGregor 57. B.McGregx 58. L Muir 59. A. O'Brien 60. A. Poretti 61 . J. Radder 62. D. Ra,}ercon 63. A. Ross 64. M.Sa#er 65. R 66. . =67.A D. Varker 6 68. S. Wa6rer 69. D.Weiniger 70. S. Will71 . M. Young 72. E.Zrdcer 73. S. Bird

MARCELUN Coach : Anthony Paatsch Res. Coach : Tony Day 1 . C.Shaery 2 A Rytkr . a D.Waters(C) 4. M . Gil 5 MMar,n & D. Sarnperion 7. U Rowe (V,,) & 8 Fraeva 9. D.Mer@m 9. J. Daly 10. A Bendorrdhe 11 . D.Tayb r 12. B.Cmn 12. P.OCaWoi 13. O. Baarzatal 14. 0 A. Hoar (Fll~ 15. MGrtosr 16. J. WaSs 17. G.Cox 17. M. Getscn 18. ACattry(VC) 1& P.tiarberis 19. D.Cooper (VC) 19. D.Mct4all 20. S.0'Fbpxi 21. C, Mason 22. 0. Marsan 23. P.Ctrambers 24. AGa 24. M. Bectxtti 25. M. Stokes 2& G. W&h 27. S.iheist 27. S. Beattie 28. J. Dotigtas 21 J. colas 30 . ATregerqv2n 31 . C. Pitt 32 . ACokwi(RlC) 33 . MCoapz r 34 . P.Mclnrtrc 35 . A Trotter 36. P. Walj 37. A Sheehan 38. D. Harb?rts 39. J.TSoulas 40. J. Dam 41 . J.Seabury 42 . J. RINrdotta 43. D. Dadoricco 44. C. " 45. M .VattJrt 46. J.SheNVn 61 . C.kmngeks 47. LOPtym 62 . C.Dsurto 48. M. Pardam 6& J. Dinneen 49. C. McCann 64 . L PettageFa 50. J. Scam 65 . T. LoiKer 50. D. Bootlxy 66. O. Cir o 51 . LSuBrvan 67. MBaskird 52. P. Barresi 68. G. Cull 53. C. Mathews 69, M. MIAM 54. N.lvmstrwq 70. fi.Bymes 55. W. Caveman 71 . & OCoramior 56. G. GLA 72. C. Keogh 57.8.Day 73.8.Keruean 58. L Bettiol 74 . M . Karavasits 59. M. Karavasas 75. 0. Wrrry 60. A Marton 76. J. Debhu R

MONASH BLUES Coach: Dave Rogers Res. Coach: Steve IGnq ' . L Finday 2 J. Baxter 3 . C. Miller 4 . P. Maiden 5 . D. Rogers 6 . M. Newman (VC) 7. W. Mchr a

8 . M. Lawrence 9 . L Barin g 10. S. Webster 11 . M. Spencer 12. J. Caldwell 15. M. Tinkler 16. C. Dobbin 17. V. Cdombies 18. G .Hijavvell 19. D. Roche 20. J. Cavanagh 21 . S. Mcqure 22. A. Dobson 23. P. White 24. B. Hodson 25. M. Kellodc 26. P. Hurley 27. D . Newman 28. S. McGee 29. A. Headbeny 30. P. Brophy 31 . J .L Smith (C) 32. M. Try 33. J .M. Srrtith 34. B. Davsley 35. D. Murdtie 36. M . Tehan 37. J . Andritsos 38. P. Tudhey 39. M . Smith 40. W. Crawford 41 . A. Kiers

42. A . Hickey

43. R. Feenaghty 44. D. Teesdale 45 A. McPherson 46. D. Jones 47. S . Mentha 49. M . Ke2odc 50 . D. Schweddes 51 . S . MdBe 52 . J. Mite 53 . L McCann 54 . R. Harris 55 . D. Trumble 57 . P. O'Neill 58 . A. Klopsteins 59 . H. Midklieton 61 . P. Mills 63 . S. Forsyth 64 . A. Lam

67 . B. Dempsey 70. N. DeYoung 71 . L McGregor 82. D. Hurst at )

John George Tyres Cnr. Bell & DOW Dve., Presto n

9484 678 0



INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. Suite 2,41 B Bluff Rd , Black Rock. 3193




xk NORTH OLD BOYS OLD MENTONtANS ST. BEDE'S Coach : Peter Murph y MENTONE TIGERS Coach : Frank Dunnell Res. Coach: John Tierney 1 . C. McKay 2 . D. Waters 3, S. Mannassa (DVC) 4. S. Stee p 5. B. Devine 6. M.Gravina 7. P. BOath 8. B . Corson 9. L Curly s 10. J . Forbe 11, P .O'Fanel (C) 12 . S . Lock

t3 . B.Cumlli 14 . S. Cheshire 15 . P. Kearney 16. J. Chris6an 17. M. Maguire 18. J. Munay 19. B. Smi1 h

20, M. Robinson 21 . J. Cunen 22. M. Connelly 23. P. aDwyer 24. J. Barker 25. P . Christian 26. J . Roberts 27. S . Walsh 2& D.0'Fanrel l

.' 29. D. Boye '. 30 . M . Leigh '., 31 . L Boyle (VC) 32 . J. Lowri e 33. M . Orianuk 34. B. Gong 35. D. Hooper 36. D. TOnkin 37. S. Miktmda 38. A. Sweeney 39. J . Zumbo 40. R . Mulquiney 41 . G. Bum 42. S . Reinmann s 43 . P . McMahon 44 . M . Lyons 45 . B. Pawsey 46 . M . Caulfield 47. R. Little 48. M. Anderson 49. J. Tmnboli 50. C. Bailey 51 . O. Newman 52. T. Jamieson 53. N . Tinley 54. T. Cleveland 55. S .Zocco 57. B . Aftnan 59. J . Bugela 63. R. Gale

69 . J . Joyce

Res. Coach: Jeff Norninan 1 . A. Acreman 2. C. Lean 3 . B. Muqhy

4 . G . Stroud (VC) 5 . C. Wallac e 6 . D . Paterson 7 . G. Ferguson

8. N . Macqrire (C) 9. G. Pride 10. J . Graham 1t . D.So&ey 12. S . Martin 13. R. Large 14. M . Finnis 15 . C. Davis 16 . P. Hughes 17 . L Richardson 18 . T. Boumon 19. D. Kdto 20. S. Mullen 21 . M. Elkot t 22. P. Harrington 23. N . Moodie 24. S. Krtto 25. J . Winduss 26. G. Dart 27. G. Katris 28. M . Bond 29. A. Carter 30. M . Brooks 31 . P. Ftas4ds 32. J. SN

33 . Cl . t~ew 34 . S. Worrell

35 . Darren Murphy (VC) 36. P. Russ o

37. H . WebsterGrifFtlhs 38. D. Milli s 39. T. Riley 40. T. Leonard 41 . N. Untoni 42. C. Rushworth 43. M. Lawes 44. B. Clothier 45 . C. Leaver 46 . J. Norman 47 . J. Konicanin 48 . D .Johnsen 49 . B.Lee 50. G. Richards 51 . R . Butter 52. A . Merriner 53. M . Stroud 54. J .Sheddon 55. W. Ba&antine 56. M . Leone 57. P. Watson 58. D. Coventry 59. C. Furber 60 . D. Nock

61 . C . Dwyer

62 . Daniel Murphy 63 . T. Hancock 64 . M. Austin

65 . Damien Murphy 66. M. Henry 71 . T. Kersley 72. D. Campbell

_ Coach: Paul Beddoe Res . Coach: Brad Berry 1 . M . lKinse9a 2. S . Zaloc 3 . J . Satire (DVC) 4 . V. L'HUEer 5 . M. Murray ...' 6. A. Ryan 7. D. Dg}cJns 8. B. Beasley 9. G . Mariruc 10. C . ROSS 11 ' M. Hecker 12 . C. Stewart 13 . David Goodchild 14 . P.Lanna n

15 . Danny GooddM 16. S . Napier 17. A. MacGeon3e (C) 18. J . Tully (VC)

19. B. Tomlinson 20. T. Lamb 21 . W. Fur~fong 22. S.McCarUry 23. T. Peck 24. T. Beasley 25 . D . Smith 26 . S. Hecker 27 . M. Manson 28 . D.Fehen 29. D. Ord 30. M. Dols 31 . M . Mifsu d 32. J . Dickinson (RVC) 33. A. Walsh

34. D.Kmseta 35. R. Bilos 36. G . McLachlan 37. M. Conno~y 38 . A. Hayes (DVC) 39 . R . L'Hui~ier 40 . C . Johnston (RVC) 41 . P. Ord 42 . A. Thompson 43. K. Goodch3d 44. J . Recupero 45. R. Gould 46. O.Labr 47. C. Braoch 48. R. Shneier 49. S. Flannery 50. N. Tuk/ 51 . S. Boczar 52 . A Kearney 53 . M. Beasley 54 . M. McCraw 55 . P. Dwyer 56. D . Marshall 57. M. LomacJrw (RC) 58. M. Zadc 59. P . Newport 60. A. WhitelaW 61 . B . Dunstan 62. C. Thompson 63. A Ord

64. M. Carderoy 65. W. Earle 66. M. Ryan






Res. Coach: David Miller 1. D. Dinicolantaiw (C) 2. J. O'Meara

3. EMfthell 4. T. Van Den AWcer 5. C . Kenny 6 . A. Hughan 7 . V. Ryan 8. T. Oakley 9. A. Bethune 10. A . Day 11 . C.Dobbyn 12. G . Robinson 13. J.Millf f 14 . D. 15 . Aa 16 . B. Carey 17 . R. Parker 18 . T. Batty 19. A Quinlan

21 . G.Simmondson 22. A Burgess 23. S. Nankenas 24. D. Kenny

25. A McKenna (VC) 26. S . Edwards 27. P. Bowden 28. B. Mdnemy 29. S. Darz .y

30. R. FvmstroncJ 31 . M. Caitessatto 32. A. Nedru 33 . A. Banks 34 . B. Henrkus 35 . J . Briggs 36. K Morris 37. S . Manton 38. J . Smith 39. B.L Vaughan 40. J. Gay 41 . A. Ma V 42. P. aHa%" 43. B. Drury 44. F. DinicdantmiD 45 . S. Ronchi (VC) 46 . C . Smith 47 . R . McCann 48 . A . Fmhom '.. 49. B . Milner 51 . T. Ludlow 52. J . Niel 53. M .Labr 54, J . Graves 55. P.Ctafke 56. P. Rouch 58. B. Mitchell 59. A Ansio 60. S. Buckle 61 . J. Rees 62. J. Cronin &- . M. Lindsey 64 . S. Walsh 65 . J . Donovan 66 . G. Rafferty 67 . .0Prosser 68. H . Meehan 69. S . Pitcher

Coach: Tony Fellows Res. Coach : George Petsinis 1 . S . Papaionou 2 . B . Byron 3. A. Smith 4 . G. Petstrts 5. JarnesBubis 6B. P 7. S. Plant 8. A. Fellows 9. V. Capecl 10 . D . Caped 11 . LAlbefti 12 . F. Faichione 13 . G. Scarpa 15 . L Del Papa 17. D. Gorski 19. P. Ristevsla 20. L Alabaltis 21 . E Lentini 22. L SaNese 23. R. Dima,tgio 24. B. Smith 25. R. Kennedy 26 . C . McNeil 28 . L Morribito 29 . K. Hating 30 . C . Fellows 32 . P. Colosimo 33 . E . Rio

34. J . Cadoni 35 . A . Colosimo 36. J .Theodanu 37. D. Dimovs}d 38. G. Scott

39. S. Weeks 40. P. Scant 41 . D. Brooks 42. O. Ess 44. A. Ward 46 . N . Lgane4a 471,D . Pbvrtght 48 . D. Tripicdso 49. J . Pougios ..' , 50. C. Dana 51 . E . Vagn6no 52. L Smith 53. P. Battista 54. J. Rocca 55. P. Vakeri 56. S. Mineo 57. C. L'Aurora 58 . A. Gangs 59 . Z Fleming 60 . A. Fferning 61 . B. Colosimo 62 . T. Staics 63. M. Grech 64. R. Ward 65. S. Holmes 66. D. Poxjos 67. N. Grech 69. R. Pandolfo


D Section AQU I NAS O.C. Coach: Andn;w Crasby Res . Coach: Sean 0'Loughtin 1 . G. Burc h 2.G. b 3. S . t. °^1s 6. S . k 7. G. 8. A. D( ie 9. P . F 10. D.F d 11 . C .B_:.tury 12.M .7,y 13. C ..kme7 t4. A Lorton 15. J. Knights 16. S .Cbsa 17. M . Damn 18. J.Hu~ 19.G.V" h . 9P. Rues 'I . R. Bosc 21 . C . Diann 42, J McEvoy 22. S . Flynn 43. M . Battery 23. J. Lrvak)SGSm 44. P. Durrce 24. P . Harper 45 . N .Frede6 25. C . BOX 46. D.Largrbn 26. A Frerdn 47. P. Kveitelaitis 27. S . Jones 48, K Moore 28. G. Wston 49. C. Lamboom 29. S . O'Loughlin 51 . A Wendt 30. C . Coliver 54. S. Upon 31 . L Kag 55. A Cutters 32. M' 56. S. Dolrrry 33. J. Wlaw 58. A Bohm 34. M.TanA 60. B . McDonald 35. S . Li4;rrJstore 61 . J. Laztgfird 36. D. Phdmt 65. R Moos 37. D. Joyce 66. 1A w1ton 38. C, T" 67. flC ~ 39. R Le,y 69. J. Fhcchg 40. A Cmss 86. B . Parcta7




1 . B. &`r="s 28' T Glen 2. J.C~'een 29. AWO~ 3- T.Ce~~j 30: D.La,~s r C.2 ~ ;J 31. P.Mt catr y 4. A14':•_ ::~~5 32. M .~rtHta 5. W F'wr' ~ 33 . B.Ft.a~ , 6. A KaMter 34. N. Lubransk7 7. J.Cn+aksl wnv 35. Atamm 8. &Oossatyla'sh 3& R. Harri s 9. C. Harris 37. M.Sd>aSten 10. M.Cvtier 38. J.r' rick t1 . M.CassceA7 39 . J.:. .-. .'(fi4C) 12. M. Henan 40. U , 13. D. Gum 41. ML I 14, 5. Ki A Wloae 42 . B. " 9 154 [son 43. R Als 15x RCmtHs 44 . hl. Tapp 16. T P--'- 45 . W Bmvet 17. G.k .s 46. AG~:s 1 V N. 47. L Salem 18" C48. D. Frdumaw 1° JrJR'C)49. P. Burka ' H., 50. G. McQonad 2fP'M.h. a 51. N.S4rer 21 . N. Br - 52. M.Ha7~s 22. T.TC r 54. WW.Lubiansi.y 23. D. Ash 55. M. Dose s 24. K Dachs 56. A Dowd 25° T.Wakes 57 . P. Anderson 25' T. Vk-.3es 59. A. Beauchamp 26, SWoams 60, J,TrcdCe r 27. B. Thompson 63. J.Babarr<y

1. S. Baord 2. T.James 42. RK- ' 3. AIrkster(VC)43. T.'' . S.Jack 45. L'. .4 . SHasVinS(4C) 46. A :5 d 6. S. Roe 47. P .L . . . 7. M, Scoff 48. J. . N. Board 49. S8 . 0.Tatmt 50. J. A9 V' <en¢Ie 10. ESmitS 54. P. :-_IVnond it. AKVr~ 56. J.Oo~ 12. J. t'~son (C) 57• L Thomas 13. N. Slms 58. C. Hume 14. R. Whitehead 60, N.R4rvtcrJogfo; 15. RSpurriti 62. M.Simn 16 . D. Walker 63. D. PuritZOs 17. A Cocks 65. T.BiNmp 18 . D. Hayes 66, P.~p~a 20. N. T~ 67. R. Pda:h 21. T. Hardman 69. A Hafas 22. RWatsat 70. W,EaA 23. T. Sunpsal 71 . A Russo 24. D.Hnber~r 72. P.YOwg 25. ATaYior 73. MSee Ny 26. M.Rhm~ 74. GYwx€J 27. B.OYa2 75. D.Chrch 2& B. Leitch 76. W. Homes 29. C. Sudden 77. T. 30. C. Tom 78. A Manuel 31. J . FDtsrd 79. C. P.UG 32. C. Md.Aftcn 80. A Mitdre 33 . A Bauman 81 . D. Sinn 34 . P. McCrea 82. T.Walic 37. M.Frgo 83. D. Wash 39 . C. EvuS 84. C. Betord 40 . J . Fhrvey 85. M Hopkins 41. T.,blmton 86. G.A%ision

Coach : Rod Allison Coach: Geoff Reille y Res. Coach : Matthew Schollban Res. Coach : Egan Smith

Coach: Mark Neel d Res . Coach: Simon Bones 1 . M.waId(C)

1 . D .VkBar 33. B. Smith 2 M, Edmunds 33. M. WDrincen 2 C. Other 34. R. Carom 3 . D. V&lsbj (VG) 37 . M. Ytrgona 3. H .ArWermn 40 . S. Boxe s 4. T. DuOdak'• 40. E . Bostork 5. A HoMD ; 41. G. Farrcatt 6 . B. Mitten 42. D.Ctmplasi 7 . ADM 42. P.I.iaavs 8 T. Seymour 46. w. Davidson 10. T. We.fen 47. PA.O'~.thant it . R. Uzi 47. R.Stevmm 12. N . Purr 48. E . Smilwrs 13. P. Hammon 50. M. Robson 13. J. Cook 51. J. Wilson (M 14. J. Pescoll 55. B. Emor y 14. D .Bladroum 59, G.Vta&s;r 15. A.'reelmor(M 57 : Knight 17. !tV 58.: C.Stimcttcme R 18. N .MtKetar 61. RD9pam 19. ASa'ter 62. H.Minres 21 . G . Harper 63 . D. O'Brie n 22. J. Taylor 164, C.SLMr 23. M. Davis 65. M.A4ccoeGry 24. M.Taftor 66. P.WNker 26, N . Kemp 67 . M. limalis 2T W. Pad 68. ARAM 28. A Faner 69, M, Ott 29. AMtJxn 72. C.Vak 30. B.0Fallorn 75 . S. H=mrx,Pon 31 . J.Povrar 76. C.Stvncaome 32. G . W1idmar 80. L Wilson

WHITEFRIARS Coach : Des Meag her Res . Coach: Chris Burke 1 . 0. Fedde

2 M . Bateman (C) 3. M . Carbore 5. PA . Robinson

6. C . Houston (VC) 7. P.Ca,ta n 8. A Davis 9. C . Mapnre 10. B . Hickey 37. P. O'Brien (RC) 11 . P.Canpbea 38. C.Carrigg 12, D. Gdtfat 39. J. Nz'rsmrth 13 . T. Fk~s 40 . A Tlrvaites 14 . T. Carrgg 41. C.0'COmwr 15 . ALac_ry 42. D.Nasmnh 16. &Vrud:rdaaan 43 . N .Eliot (RVCj 17 . AC~a(UC) 44 . 1A . Bateman 18. D.OraR~ 45 . M . Lester 19. ht 46 . G .JoMson 20. S . Mckifte 4T S. Harlon 21 . P . Hassler 48, M, Rexl 22 . J. BonreAnan 49 . C. FWtn 23 . P . CaNu9 50 . B. Kelsey 24, R. Mika 51. L Eames 25 . M . Verret 53, D. Duzoppo 26. C . Ryan 54 . S. G~ 27. D . %lamembrin 55 . D.G-auo 2& C . Emrw.s 56 . B. C 29. A Paa"'xk 57 . D. J m 30. P . O'Brien 58 . D.V. 31 . N.Jen)ons 59 . D.v"t 32. M. Barrack 60 . A G . C . Hams 61 . O. C..,.ar `3 34 . D. Gbtfd>rvA 62 . S . F°'-r 35 .C .Lar 63 .SV . . : 36. D.Nolan 65 . AHams

Greythorn Bulk Store PRINTED LABEIS C},y)A'E (07) 9465 FAX (0)) 9465 2607

BEAUMARIS Coach: Brett Merchant Res. Coach : Sco tt Mothers 1 . S . Rektj 2 . P . N&-Anus 25. J. PAalxtwud 3 . M. Pips 25. J. WShe{dtake 3 . 1.46uavns 26. . PAOs 4 . M. Device 27- D.Johnson 4 . M. Day 28. J. McKena2 5 D. Wright 28. B. Lucy (RC) 6. J. Taylor 29. C . MarSn 7. S . Fairbanks 29 P.0'Bnen 7. MR4f5or`abs 30. AEasHIn 8. M O'Brien 31 . P. On S. J.Vl~ 32. C.Daglash 9. 8 P&tcr:m (ihC) 33. N . Van 9. A McFarlane 33. T. Hok 10 J. Warham 34, S. Maatlteis 10. R ER .wod 35: B Commit 11 . S. B1c*kb: 36. S. ' 12. P. Mc:.7atwn 37. A Smith 73. B. Vat~han 38. S. TntsmR 14. A Oun 39. P. Duffy 14. N. King 40. P. Tescirema 15. PA. Hoyane 41 . A BWcke 15. L Stevens 42. 0. Maypi:ce 16. M. Flaimlsm 43. S. Wdson 16. D.OBrien 44. S. McGregor 17. T.MV.1ch0gs 45. ATlwmas 17. E. Bell 46 . Osborn 18. A Read 47.: M. S Nichol 19. P .Thomz; 48. D .M.G@nrie 20. M. Quin 49. D.OF2a1(WC) 20. N. Flynn 49. D . Naistut t 21 . P. Ja nai (OVL) 50 N . Box 21 . AKen~ 53. R .McGrah 22. J. Holt 55. C.0V'sara 22. C . Harden 56. T. Hogan 23. T. fisher ST J . Fox 23. A Hai (RVC) 58. J . Beaumant 24. Q. Groves 59, A Pot.twry

OLD ESSENDON GRAMMA R Coach : A . Frazer Res. Coach: I. Stevens 1. J. Pana~tdpouk,s 2 J.Ch3pman(DVC) 3. P.Wttersdmtidt(C) 4. S. Flaming

5. S. Show n 6. C. Ratty 37. J. Walker

7. T.GppoMre 38 . M.MGGrree & S. 0Bran 39 , A PAeWgtmt 9. J.Gaod~r 40 . T.BBtisi 10, I . Stevens 41 . I Rate r 11. B. Papal 42. A Jealous 12. J. Hearne 43 . A Gat 13. P. ChaeGel 44 . R Cki#vsy 14. S. Evans 44 . P. Barry 15. S. B~p 46 . D. Novecac 16. S, P,"f..Plarsan 47 . J . Testro 17. P.H-1,r{VC) 48 . p, Munch 1 8, T. Read 49 . A Hutduson 19. G. Eleven 50 . D.BeP4nan 20. J. tang 51 . S. Grrasky 21. S. Dale 52 . A Damon 22. M. LL*asz 53 . T. Havl.ce 23. J . Hughes 54 . S. Ma7bury 24. C. Robertson 55 . R Mona 25. A Leask 56 A 0'Ryan 26. D. Retclnr 57 . R. Wright 27. D. Barr 58 . A Wcerrde 28. B. Turner 59 . N. Osman 29. J. Sounders 60 . APahrwr 30. J. McLean 61. D. Potar 31. A Corby 62. P. Baroch 32. J. Mansfiekf 63, A Porter 33. S. Cramer 64 . J Ross i 34. J. Leask 65 ASoterou 35. D.VAUtfir ',d 68. B.tamro 36. P. Test 67 . R Craig

All electrical & gas home appliances

9857 ST. JOHNS Coach : Stephen Mooney Res . Coach: De an Higgins 1 . G. Mathescon Z M* Loosen 3. M. hdasen 4. 8. labrady 5. S.Cann~ 6, S. Cacoran 7. R Back & D .Jardcovs 9. ARacthda 10. PA.Camni 11 . D. Hags 12 . J . Sheeran 13 . S. Ham 14 . J .Aniwr 15 . G . Patbson 16. W. Chadton 17. S.Ca:rayne 18. C. Emery 19. J . Canal 20. L Adamson 40 & AIIw-Jatar 21 . S. Koppens 41 . 8. Padt7JSi (C) 22 . S.Peftmlds 42. MD(Yaash(RC) 23. S. HYOn 42. T. Duuannbxp 24, NIAdamism 43. G . Lam b 25 . C. WdW;zms 44. S. Pepper 26. G . Watars 45. N . Saumd-rsm 27. R . WNton 46. A Herbert 28. P. LicJ.JI 47. J. Cott" 30. R. WaCc•r 48. S. Manin 31 . T.Cantwek 49. Vil. Ross 32 . G . Shaer 50. D. Eye 33 . Z Monica 52. S. Clancy 34 . M. Hancock 54. J. Cumontsou 35 . J . Sarco 55. A. Darcy 36. J . Dobarty 57. R . Carter 37 . E Meant EEL R. Kies 38 . PA Rachyo 59. E. Lataxler 39 . R Dmusaft 62, T. Bake


SALESIAN Coach : P. Turley Res. Coach : M. Byrne 1 . M. Booed 2 Pat Forbes 3. S. St&i>rrond 4. A tka.akf 5, M. cram (C) 6. RCincotta 7. G. Gasp & M. Hazel (VC) ^ a D. Scott 39. B. a rm 70 . D. Dow 40. J.Ham'stton 11. T.Wh;e 41 . S.BOhzbc 12. A G3span 42. & Chalmers 13 . I. Babelic (VC) 43. A Roberts 14 . P. Rk.Itr'Ryht 44, a Hunt 15 . T. Vlatibro* 45, NIL Spencer 16 . ACF€apprca 46. PA .Tr~sone IT P:attPorfr 47 . RPtrAjott 18 . S. Srdair 48. P. Kaar-~t 19 . S.Bmvn 49. 8 .n ~ 20 . AScager 50. J.I . s 21, R. Nepali 51 . P.1--,hard 22 . AEcknonds 52 . T, 23 . C. Rode (VC) 53. J.1 a 24 . A Grace 54. S . B.IGrdver 55. D.' .25 ner 26 . B. Bmmnan 56. 5 . •'d 27. M. Mansfield 57. D. C ., an 28 . M. Byrne 58. 0.T- , 29 . MickFor6ee 59 J.'~r 30 . D. lawmn 60. M . Bates 31. A Da:vf 61 . A Ka n 32 . A St?Fens 62. D. Sutherland 33, M. Cooke 63, M .PeTob 34, PA.V.4seman 64. Paul Forlbes 35 . P. Scanivrefia 65. S. Baash 36. W. Heman 66, S. KrxO# 6 37. J. Brennan 67. M . Su@redarxt 38. R Hazed 68. P. Nomkos

PARKSIDE Coach: Laurie Zarafa, Was . Coach: Mark Rowe 1 . P.taursen 2. A DeIW-Ver~ 3. F.SansorcetE 4. O .War2n 5 . S. Mafsud 6. A Stru t 7. D . Doorman 37. J. Parnan 8. J . ON= 38. F. Geroge 9, GC1etain (RC) 39. F.Cmmbes 10. A Vim 40. L Inser2 (VC) 10. M. Cocco 4t. E Linares 11 . V. Ramona 42. P. Dean 12. D . McGee 43. J. Hutbam 13. A Copley 44. P. 14. S. Pao 45. P, Matk2rs 15. D . Ftoode 46. T. Rya n 16. M. Campbeu 47. T. Petmpoa.4os 17. D .Laeres 48. C.T15on 18. AR:lmato 49. S.Coa.~zr 19. S. Such 50. It Kngt 20. C.Peck>=m 51. D G~ 21 . M. Tessan (C) 52. M. Hansen 22. B. Hamy 53, M. Yancko 23. M. Stpreck 54. M. Corrpn 24 . RMant7i 55. R. Lord 25. S. Boyer 56. S. Da4ae{ 26. C.P."rass;t 57. M.MtPlwrson 27. L Panyan 59 . T. Pollan 28. S. Fisher 61. P. Linares 29. LPhvo:aahCa 62. C. W4`iams 30. B. Hockey 63. S. Hogan 31 . 1 . Gray 64. TTtnnv:(RVC) 31 . C. Aden 65. G. RMrs 32 . J .6cU 66. D. Ti 33 C.Hamitton 69. NArrsupp as 34 . M.Romano 87. PA.HOpkxn 35 . G. Pam3n 88. N. P

36. W. Lay 89.

CHOICE CRED .. ..... . . . I. . T . . . . UNION . . . . . . . . . . . ... .


E Central


Coach: D. Nash Coach: 1 David Twomey ResCo~k F.drFeSa~zldewi¢ Res. Coach: G. Mazza

LATROBE UUNIVERSITY C oach: Maria 6akoSianis ,_ Coach : Damien Rider

53. J. Mt..,_ > 55, ACumaalitS 57. N. Rosertgmn 58. S. Pra~ 59. B. Halvsnl 60. K Fooney P . _ ~. 61. S. T.t'-'^'osh 662. 3. C. ~ C res 64. F. Ccarxbrd 65 . AGrrttt __r 66 . ABa6ie 67 . S. PNBps 61 G. Faster :! . D.Lyd 69 . T.Taroea '?. Kikmmn 70 . J .Dumarzsq a? . S . irerar 71 . P. Dunwreque P.MoW 72 . S.SCrfing

. 8.8tarir8 2. S. Whiting 3 . B. Franklin 4 . A O'Keefe 5 . A Lqtd t 6. J.HorsbUrgh 7. D.Jap 8. AHorsburgh (C) 9. A. Chrcto 10. R. Hams 11 . D.Ro~k 12. M.G~ 13. P . North 14. J.SaNron 15. A Board 39. Smith 16. S. Christo 40. C. Co . B. Haw 41 . C. Ford x17 18. P.Kvq 42. P.Mnatffi 19. M.CrniO 43. RCtr8t6ert 20. ESar-xYJ:ni¢ 45. E.= 21. h4.Kuit~jch 4& G .FWwar 22. W.Fenag 47. R.CuCt6en 23 . S. Latch 48. M.GWm 24. L Fairfield 49. S . Havdtt 25. S. Leonard 50. P. OYzefe 26 . P. Mesman 51 . A. Rabbis 27 . D-Twomey 52. S . Snow 28. C. Pavaj 53. G. Bag 29. D . Horshxgr 54. B.O,.rt~~?d 30. C.GaNn 55. B.Luca z 31 . D . Evans 51 W.Taymr 32. G .Jerwaon 59. AL'grsmmb? 33. G .RCtson(4L) PA Below 34. P.YaKent G . Ham s 35. S . Mcholson P. Hartis 36. AHarTej P .Martinsen 37. S. Curnmin D. Shea 38. SHaney W .Taym r

7 . R.Frei~h 2. AT~rECo 3. A Bore 4. C . McLennan 5. D.K.od r & S . Crocknell 40. B. MarDwraid 7. C.Slims (C) 47 . GF r B. T.Hatac 42. D.{'- . a 9. FL Smith 43. M. ,

10. P. Burns 44. J. E

11. S.M6'a 45. C .G'• 12 J. Kenrzdj 46. R . MmH 47. G. K12"sCCrone 13. RMdmr(VC) 48. K.tewEdi 14. B~ 49. D.D:LrK.a 15. M. Dasirkat 50. 0. ZLd'zSd 16 . P. Gumlmrpz 51. J. Rogers 17. P. SGda 52. D. Ferguson 1& EHmxl9an 53. J. Cotter 19. G.Mz~ 54. J. Platter 20. G .Madrighm 55. J.Kforry 21 . RNSV.le 56 . H. Goes 23 . P. Eftringlorn 57. T. Party 24. B. CarruCcers 58 . D. Matheson 25. AF{}kw 59 . D. Smith 26. B. F~ro 60. J. Damhrn 27. K Stmlet>an 61 . P. Hoban 2& M.Rorinve% 62 . A Goodson 29. KJDM 63 . P. Gasket 30. B.Abreirmsen 64 . P. Last 31 . P.Qoknce 65. D.kictamvy 32. D. Bum 66. MYaug 33. P .Drer>dcd 67. F.MaWm 34. D.DOUO!as 69. M.CmnioteG 35. J. Nash 69. J.Coturd 37. G.Cattrrad 70. D.VeaI 38. A Boyce 73 . S. Dwkn 39. M. Rea 77. J. Kd{e r

HOTEL North Fitzroy

2. N . Bomnan 3 . a Relater 4 . 0 . Fe+xieq 5 D.Kane 6. P. Shaddock 7. J. Doyle 8. M . Farrel 9. D. F91s 10. P.HCknes it. &Pic.tdtt 12. M. GrJraro 39 . A Georie 13. M. James 40. M .thms 14. &Terd 41 . I.MCetrmia 15. P. NO 42. 8 .OEormsr 16. N.Ma;m 43. T.Jx}son 17. Puddles 44. 8.H3rt 1& M.Hwm 45:S.My 19. GWr~d 46 B .Cmn" 20. G. Nar~ 47. J. Keppel 21. J. Stan 48. P. S6Yefau 22. R. O'Brien 49, N. Amott 23 . B. Ksig 5& C . Daaider 24 .C.Tom 51.T. flamigan 25 . B. Foster 52. T. Dons 26. S. Easianmt 53 . Zed 27. S. Rowland 54 . P. Hzwntn 28. N . Hall 55 . D. Ations, 29. P. Jam 56. T. Had 30. D . Ltcarde 57 . R Parwao 31 . AJackson 58. M.C,,C,, 32. AWaSh 59. B. Great 33. S.Tmkher 64. C.Nortlvm 34, M. Marti 65. P.Simmons 35. AMmYaviar 68 . P. .tzciuon 36. RRyan 69 . 8.Dowr 37. D.FaVarstal 80. G . Box 38. S. SttAV 86. C. Mactiamar

Coach: Alan Ellio tt Res. Coach: Paul McNamara 1 . N . Beziant 2 . D . Dawson 3 . AHerry 4 . J . Tuck 5 . D .Madecd 6. D.GrieJe 7 . M. Cannon 8. B. Ham

9. G . Case

. 10. S. McFadtran 11 . LGmchar2li '..., 12. W.GritFths 13. B .Tvvis . A. Dare t14 . J.Sman d15 16. B . chick 37 ABond 17. AFeaiherstai 38. T.BecAinth 18. Alarx)fBm 39. T.Carter 19. P. Darvrn 40 . G, Bons p- M . ~ 41 . ACledc 21. G. Jackson 42. AF'xtdl 22, W'~ Palms 43. M .OTynn 23. G.Her6eisfln 44 . N.Bord 24. C. Sk'glabon 45. M. Cuic k 25. G.6urgess 46 . A Manbervat 26. D. Lee 47 A f5h2 27. C. Bergin 48. A Paw¢yrtld 28. C. Dunstan 49. GMuaat 29 . M.Pndenon 50 . P.WeVtn:n 30 . ACvok 51. D.Buiark 31 . C. McKenzie 52 . B.Saunskrs 32. W. Kerrm 53. L R;ckart . D. 54. m3 lona k R KuAcov+s 34 . G. Warren 55 . S. 35 . A Black 56 . S. Brymn 36. AlteV- 57. P.MCNarnam

Simonds Group of Companies

Ampol Australia

Phone : 94814693

NTH. BRUNSWICK SWINBURNE UNI . Res . Coach : P. Mahn 1, A'Ftrd lett 2 . D. Adams 3. S.FY_, 4. M. S^"'"1 5. W.'' '' hon 6. S. 7. J. e B. P. ( rr--tnrn fl. J. 70. J. : 11 . J.E+-~at(VC) 12. J.Pa4emicas 13. P.Marin 14. J. Hope 15. B . O'Brian 39. M. Warren 16. LDaVOnan 40. G,kvsR i 17. AKyra85 41 . F.VaHr IS, M.Malkrnm 42. J. Pacanihalau 19. V. Lirosi 43 . M. Calamine 20, G. Uncut 44, J. Marmi 21. B.PhiVnan 46. T.Cmsara 22. RTh3rPe(WC) 47. D.R`qu5ai 23. D.EOs(DVC) 4& I .Paosa 24 . G.tatout 50. M.LounLres 25. J. K.~d/ 51. S. K:ay 26. S. F~j (R(.7 52. M. Pisasaie 27 . P.Grey 53 . AVelkoski 28 . S.Nlerrtum 54 . S.t.oumtass 29. F. Boulders 55 . &AGard 30. M.SmOh 57 . J .Somervp31 . J .Freanan 58 . J .Thornpson 32 . A 8andoloh 59 . B. Evan s 33 . G.Plat(RVC) 60. B.LOumtres 34 . P. Her6ej 61 . G. I 35. P. Dawsett 62 . J . Elasmar 36, G, We-- 63, M . Whitanon 37. DDeAlatm(C~ 64 . C.Vrmc44 38. AtBreYW (FMC} 65 . R Sassine

1 . M. Frisby

The Lord Newry Hotel


Coach : C . Fox

UNWERSrN REDS WILLIAItASTOWN Coach : Justin Doyl e Res. Coach : Grant Hammond CYMS

Coach: Garry Hickey Res . Coach: Mark Johnston 1. M. Mono

2, 1 Steady 4. C. Deloto 5 . J. De&'o4o 6 . M. George 7 . A Namutoat 8 . J. Hormqe 9. C .Smiryh 10. R.TurrdluS 11 . G. Bar ry 12. M . Dyke 13. R. Leeson 14. PL Goode 15. ARaw9 17. S. Lee 18. A Runav 19. B.OAard 20. AH ;mam 21 . T. Djmord 22. S. FP 23. M. r 24. 25. P. D43 on . C. Frerxnan 26. M. 1 44. N .Morgan 27. D.Mwi`45. R. Potter 29. 0. Dept 46. E.5arUGis 30 . P. TA 47, A KeBj 31 . S.Cofins 4 M .Detmno 32 . AS2mSls 49. J.Merris 33 . D. Mgar* 50, B . Canfield 34 . B. Stapleton 51 . P . James 35 . T. Gnmshavt 52. J. Piotrat,5!d 37. B. Redien 53. M. Mzr.GJman 38. N. Haiengek 54. W. Pollock 39. G. Crouch 55. Z Stotcaosp 40. M. Stroud T, Barrett D. Fodor 41 . D .Wren 42. J. GBgan C . HowMaO


UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach: G arry Connolly Res. Coach: Pat Malcolm

1 . G . Danactt 2 . J. Ptadlard 3 .FL Hal 41.S. A Whitdisad 4. M . Vaughan 42 GokI 5. R. MGMur 43 . J. AHad 6. S . Smith 44. P.Foto;s 7. B. 45. J . But' A . E. tBt° " 9. C. P" rs~ 46 10. P. Corovmt 4& A K y 11 . B. Smith 49 C F i 12. M. Robert 50 C.0 13. T..kessan 51 . A N 14. S. Mier 52 . T.Ba,v:r 15. A Kan!oos 53 N . paInmed 16. P.CaGCavdlb 54 . D.Bry2M k_er 5,pg~ 118 . B. t8 B. ~n ioa~ 19 . J .Ward b/ 6 . U . 20. S. Loom 5& M .6 21 . T. Holmes 59. J.Kr q 22 . T. Lamb 60. A Ctat .sman 23 . S. B''alon 61 . S .Jorces 24 . M. Fogarty 62. J. Slatary 25 . B.LViuh 63. J. Ptvi r 26. D .~rks 64. C. H4 tt . 27. !A H3jes 65. JTrevasas 28. A Baud 66. N. Havvel 29. A Goss 67. D. PDbatt 30. D.Sarartrj 68 . J. O'Brien 31 . M .Caah 69. S. Littka, 32. M . Jones 70. C Pekin 33. T.K,loran 71. H. Kea m s4. J. nasan 72. M. Bolos 35. P . Come 73 A G!ee a n 36. S . MatlhF m 74. A Stars 37. J.G~ 77. H.Canemn 38. B. "rth 83 . C. Bmvm 39. P. Hadon 87 . L gram 40. G.5t A an 99. N . Bzaton

WEST BRUNSWICK Coach : Phil Leathern

Res . Coach : Nick Magnafas 1. Atixrelon 41 . G.Hepp€! 2. J.Grzy 42 . P.Hata 3. REaslvay 43 . J.T~ 4. G.OPrAes 44 . S.Gas~ 5. AC~'ie 45 . T.Rbrin 6. J.Gross 46 . G. Forbes 7. F. Yrta,e 47. B. Flanagan 8 . J .Henood 48. P.Lahj 9 . J . Khoury 49. M.fklan 70. M50. R,~~ it S sotns 51, J.Toose . L.12 GBr`am~ . LStets2n 13. J.SWra 52 .hgb~a 14. P.P.cUinwn 5 T e5 . P.McPkt~ 5*415 M.Ordz 16. S .SrrryttK .ftrrkgtan 17. D.H me, 56 557,P 8 C Prke 18. J.Qft~ D.. ' 79. D. Kmselt9 59. L Robson 20. D. D~o 60 8.8rtm 21 . S.Mr~mua 61 G .Sabdffi~ 22. N.Magihs 52, Rluas 23. J.O5botw 63. AGaytsd 24. D.Coaun 64. AChrtr 25. G. Ma;ww 65 D . Wetab 26. G. Naval 66. AM 27. D.Baxke 67 A8akg 28. ACmrjibeil 68. ARSEs 29. 0. hcASister 69. M . Cbt.bai 30. M.Lems 70 . S . Ryan 31 . AMoucheacw 71 . P .Cos3a 32 . S.D'Nrkea 72 M Sh^-r 33 T.Thwrt%on 73. V W 34 . G 74. T C.H^ son 35 . H. M~wxti] 75 K . 36. APJZlfth 76. E . S.CoDmois 77 . J.Kw K37 . 38. 78 P.Ms.i.a39_ R(ioA~gues 79 M" xe 40.8. P,v.~ 6o. P.; -As



GLENHUNTLY Coach: Steve Allender Res. Co ach: Peter Derrick 1 . C . ODMXA

z c.vndm

OAKLEIGH A.F.C . POWERHOUSE Coach : Jason Eardley Res. Coach : Chris Moore 1. RGec 2 A 6loonM 3. D.R~ry 4. P.Nttrem 5. C. Riches

2. J. H O 3. N. Pa bu 4. R Dar~ s., M. Brrad 2 N.Pasvas 7. P. 6. 0. Burch a 8 . ~~ (F~ 3. P. Smi<h (S) 7. C.Ridtardson 9. J. 3. D. K~marsat (R) & J. Items 8 S. Cross 10. M . Wood '.. 9.. AMOrt 4. R.VhSs 9. A Mtorio 40, L MrRu?itfe S 11 . J. S. G.Samcers(S) 10. A Young 41 . 8, Mmore, 10. G. McCousaugm 12 a J. Lcrwlvti A 11. T.Ross4er(C) 42 . M.SaGener 11 .J.GR 13 . J. Wupper 7. G. Finn 12. D.FNrtd~son 43 . ii Jones 12 . J.RObertsat 14 . D.Brcank.y & R. LirWsay 13. M. Kr*.skl 44 . B.0'DOrre! 13 Harris 15 . G. Word 9. E.N~ 41. G Malapairs 14.. JT.Atd 14. J. G3more 45. A Sudan d 10. M. PhIps 16 . J. NJr o 42 15. P.B2 lin 4B . ABa'sn 15. J. Scotland 18 . A Walsh 11 . A MtitdYd , 4 3 . ~ .J 16. C. Johnston 47. J. Waton 16. R Thomas 1 9. P.Taybr(G~ 1 2. J. Davis Woodland IT S . August 48. Q Lam 17 20 . LPdan2oNC . C. McLeod 13. S McCarthy, 45. G.Chzpmmt 18. C . Fbnlhy 49. J.0'tiair I& C.Doyk 14. T. Prior 21. A. 46.P. 19. G.Cars~nsen 50. G.Levfs 19 . J. &~ 15. P. Gtdcas S) 22 S. Osborne 47. S. Lewis 20. T. Sibsy 51 . D. Hanpldi;s 23. P.Didde 20. PndrewJaclaan 15. SY/Wfe(~) 48, C.Fergursort 21 . I. Twrer (VC) 52. C. Mitchell 24. SK~BSIDVC) 21. Adrian Jackso n 16. M. Msbr o 22. G .Rch?rds 53. D.McLkxkn 17. 0. McLegan (Dq 25. C.MarstaN 22. S. Creven 40. G . Arnold 23. P.Tlmas M 54. D. Kra 18. P. BaTa 26. A Kid; ~ ~~ 24. RVtJams 41 . S. Clayton 27. R Fiad.ry 19. A Faru, 36. M. Pearson ',. 24. A Woramp 55. P. Derrick 25. S. Ears 42. N . Dean 52. ~Bass~'xYsve' 25. C.tNatts 56. 8 .LOnaway 28.0 .b 20, R KoegtEr 37. A Jmljn 53. V.Gm er 26. J.Sextior 43. J.E ' '21l . P.SlappyeS 3& G 26. T. Short 57. M. Ryan 29. D. HaM ~. BA. G~rennos 27. 0 NevArd 44. G . Dean . T.Gleewn( 39. AKemp 27. S. Smith 58, J. Crooke 30. M. Sd~'sg ) 28. J. Tucker 45. M. Gm" 2214 Cox 40.M. 28. C Murray 59. B. D/ras 31 . C. Mom 5& J.Akss 29. G.Neownan 46. S.MCCardel 32. R Nates 23. A Bermed 41 . R Baker 29. C.CrazJ 60. M. Johnson 57. T.Mrnas 31 P. Hampan 47. D. Noonan 24. S. Widen 42 C .Car€sk 39. B.V ilsm 61 . RCarsteisert 33. ASdxfp 5& D . Bkrdirdt 31 . M. Ormsby 48 . D. Phelan 25. J. Mcoonld (C) 43 . R. Carlisle 34. S. later 31 . LTltonus 62. M.1brs,y 60. LBmmLy '.., 32 B . Edson 49. M.Ostent;t/ 26. E . Loved 44 . R. McDonald 32 . 0. Doerkrlsn 63 . C.7hom 35. RNuNce 61. B. Ow 33. P. Ryan 50. A Stand 27. C.Lorett(DY>r) 45. P. r( 33 . D. Jones 64 . M. Calluxler 36. B. Fat% 62 M. Dyer 34. R Sradrbn 54. J . BhYW 37. P.Torp:/ 28. C.W~'xy(VC) 46. V.SGrto 63. CMam>ar's 35. C . W s 58. R1. Remarousibl 34 . D. hkBer 65 . P. Hanson 38,. NClvpman D. 29. G. (S) 47. M.Carter 64. STatErsm 36. R. 1L+8 66 . A Mrodd 36. ARabssm 66. D. right 29. S~R) 48. P. N_ryes 39 .AJ ,rndmu 37. ABn:s€n 69. G.FWCher 65. B. 37. KTdbrd 70. RHayrawd 30. J6. 50. KDmu 40. C.Tayqr 38. W.Wdiams 71. P. Jones 66. A 38. P. PtceSn 87 . T. Frz~ 31 . D. Grcen 51. G. Larkin 39. T. liosl'ap 74. & Horowitz 39. T.Freckr&e;n 88 . G.ScoCard 32 MFrod 52 T.Harbxnson 33. N. Dzat 53 . J. Sum 34. N . Rutherford 54 . D. Myers

Coach: J. McDonald Res. Coach: Dave Kilmartin 1 . S. cute

as. D. Sanders 57

3 T. HA 4. D.Cassar 5. G. Dickson 6. M. Seabrook 7. R KrxAs

2 T.Bun(DVC) 3. R. LMngston 4. AB~ 5, S. Sena 6. W. ' r 7. A Pt~tti a P.Tuote y.y 9. M . Fattier 10. T.Jon=.s 11 . L Mips 12. A Gunn 39. G. 13. 1 Chapman 40 . C. 14. P.Vhtson 41. C.0'Bren 15. 0 . Prderrs 42. T. Wwj 16. S. Hicks 43 . AHtxse 17. M. Walter 44. M. Recirry,b 18. J .Ctuke 45. N. Richardson 19. P. PA= 46. J. NW" 20. D.Stawert 47. S. McDontrd 21. T.Ymer(C7 4a P.Bireon 22. D. WooUmck 49. C.0'Breo 23. & Preston 50, N. 24. S, McKay 51 . B, F 25. M.L65e :re 52. T.CarFy ..26 J.F erdj 53. D. nk~y 27 B.S~ wa rt(VC754. .Ta S 28, J. leers 56. R. SUrchice,g 29. J. Frardds 57. R Lamont 30. M. Steie 58, T. Aaopan§ 31 . APdice 59 . S.StepleDn 32. W. Gersinlan 60. A Woods 33. P. Stevens 63 . B. Vlt~34. B.DU4e 64. hiSrzmmRi 35. R P. 65. P. RarEgan 36. E.Evane 66. ARcb= 37. J . MrCastney 67. L Woods 38. F. Hanison 68. G. TheW+ams

Srarason . Curftys


ANZ Bank The Palmerston Hotel Ivan's Pies McKinnon Rd . Newsagency

ELSTERNWICK A.F.C. Coach: Wayne Marshall Res. Coach: Rod Williams


Jb Y



Res. Coach: David Ratner 1. LWets (C) L 12 A W(C ) 2 M Hea!/ 3. A Grxy 3 . M.tvdrew 4 4, C. Lyons . G.Harradc(VC) 5. M.4lficean S. D.Ku q a G.Jardns 6, G. Ryan 7. T. Heath 7. H. Ltrrt4 a S . Currie 8. J. Blardiord 9. S . Camas 9. P. Lrntcnck 10 . RBrdvirq7lan 10. P.1Mucarnson 39, G.Gv7mer 11. L MisSagla 11 . D. De Rauch 40. M. S~j 11A P. btttor7 12. D. Don~ashemz 41 . D. ChaPxson 12. N . Wi~nore 13. K 4Z T. Drew 14 . M. Levns 43. P. Coleman 13. P. SixAOY.di 14. S. Soppett 15 . R. NkCormich 44 . B . Kerryron 15.F. ' 16. TobW 45. J.GOrgs 16. M.Sumian 17 . J . Hetlxru90n 47. P. Burke 17. J. Ward 18 . A. O'Brien 48 . L MarEn 1a J.Nea"I 19, G. Begley 49 . S. Arens 19. M.Bucard 20. GBm.vA(Ri=C) 50 SOrew 20. M. Rwtt 21. G.Comixk 51 . J. Leroy 21 . M. Lads 22. B. Coxheed 52, D . Hal e 22. M.Missared 38. T.Swamenat 23. CraiOFr~man 53 . G. Wadley 23. S. curtain 39. S. Par k 24. D. Krtd~n 54 . P. Gatt;nsitl 24. R.WI6arts 40. M. Ra y 25. M. KAni;ter 55. P. Colman 25. R.Mctrttyre 41 . K8adock '.. 26. T. Gilchrist 56. J- Faster 26. C.Mahary 42 &NaMrr 27. R Gilchrist 5T L Frase r . Dames 43 . V y2TM 28. T. Perry 58. S. Gumsekam 28. P. Carbon 44 . D. Lee 29. J. Fuller 59. D.WAer 29. S. Matrorry 45 . R. Grdtowooe 30. RRastiy 60 G.G~ 30. J.Wr6aht 46 . C. Norris 31 . G .Rod. 61 . G.G~larsti 31 . G. Dewnstrre 47. J. Matlreson 32. C.bkAleese 62, FAC e.ara0h 32 . P. Harris 48 . T. By" 33 . RWite 65. P. 33 . J. Overman 49. S, Roberts 34 . MGmrcknl(N 66 S= 34 . A CanUn 50. R&idxgtivn 35 . R .tamlason 69 . 35 . K CampSe& 51 . D. Steele 36 . J .Bame 70 J.S~t1 36. B.Brdvrcoon 54. S.KsDam(RC) 37 . J . Beattie 72. D.Adarns 37. D. Pease 55. J.LlAakus 38 . P.Cakrs 93.R05c

un - U INS AAra & crsTrzo\ G



Coach : Peter Offirke d Coach : Anthon y Petitti Res. Coach: Craig Richardson Res. Coach : E. Evans 1. A Srdman 1. M. Leanmpvh

ARCADIA HOTE L United Motor Ao itions Car. Punt & Toorak Rds.


Coach : Brett McBwraith Res . Coach: Neil Franks 1 . S. Parson s 2. S. McMahen 3. S. Mmlorim 4. E . Sam (VC) 5. A Briggs

6, M. Warne r

7. N. Francs (RC) B. P. Argue (C) 9. P. Krohn 10. T.TrexNtt(VG) it . Atandiy(VC) 12. ACanpbell 13. V. BrnpMisarro 15. B. coo k 16. S. Com" 17. Lea rchy 18. S. G!o:Er 40 . S. Marshall 19. C.BOwmen 41, S.Farrav 20. RSharpin 42. S.Jaclvton 21 . S. BamG~ 43 . A Boraer 22 . A AElison 45. D. Sx9cn 23 . M. G?W(<ao 46. ADM 24 . G. Bond 47. T. Bradan 25. R Pritchard 48. J. 26. G.N2Ywn 49 . J.W~an 27. J.Wtdat 50. T. Cox 28. B.Tafbr 51 . D. Sims 29. 0. Morgan 52. R Bedford 30. AC2an 53. RShorten 31. A G= 54. M . DerOry 32 A. Persons 55. A Pcvre9 33. R Cannon 58. M. Bauer 34. P. Cooper 60. E. Wisams 35. G . Park 62. 8. Wight 36. N . Bonme.n 65. C. Park 37. T.Stewart 66. T.Szaryi 38. I. Kent 67. A Hknde 39. N . Kent 69 . S. Farrar

Coach :

Derek Hine Res. Coach : Neil Walimeyer 1. S. Mdk2n 2 RPu2morsie 3. M. Bumnatt 4. N. Wakneyer 5. J. Beare a ACodo7 7. M. Osborn e 8. ASmnmarorp 9 J.h'civlamara 10. B. Fbld3son 41. B. 11 . A Pitls 42 . T. Plate 12. M . P.kOartle7 43 . P. Rencge 13. C.Perry(VC) 44. M.WarFtrd 14. M. Easthm 45, P . Posterino 15. C. Coyle 46. R 16. LVanLoon 47. P.Sutbn t& B, Castles 48, K PCs 19. M. Sheehan 49. &Mwow 20. RTanson 51 . A Messina 21 . G. Reinforce; 52. J. Payne 22. N. Robert 53. T. tvkra 23. A Roth 54 . J. Mahon 24. G. Rods; (RC) 55. B.Netr@mn 25. J. Fkrmterry 56. M. Bremner 26. R. Lrcf3rd 57. S.09R r 27. G. Werdrop 58 . K Sparrow 28. 8 .0' " 59 . KWaford 29. C . Biwgton 60 . T F~ 31 . D. Poste~o 61. T. Matheson 32. F. h~yd 62. M. Bremrcer 33. P. Patfwr 63. M. Hire 34. C. Sparrow 64. Z Roberts 35. D- Irvine 65. R. Lucas 36. G.Jores(RJq 66. B. Cleary 37. B. JeLb 67. C. Peel 38. M.V,Aveeler 68, L Reid 39. M. Stephenson 69. P. Ras 40 . B.Scardon 50. M. Frank

Malvern 'Vale Hotel ST. PATRICKS MENTOIdE Coach: B rett Sebi re

Res. Coach: Peter Lewis 1 . D.Fenech(DVC) 2 M.Cosgrow 3. D. Hughes 4. P. Levds 4' AVAtit. 6. RGrodt(RVC) 7. I(Gurtier(C ) 8. D. Perrin 9. P. Emmett 10. B. SeL;re 11. P. F&= 12. M Davies 13. P .Ot.eare 14. T.Nkroson 15. MickSuPeren 16. J. McCarCrf 17. C. SdSVan 42. C. Drove . G .Jenkm 43 . M. Barr r19 .'. 20, C. Gram 44 . RE11RED 21 . B.Bafey(FM 45 . C.Ba n2 . G. Doman 46 . M. Gro~.n 23. Matt NU 48 . M. Walsh 24. A Tasca 49. T. Evans 26. D. Car* 50. A Lacks 27. h9.415se 51. G. McMMan 28. tA0&ien(FC) 52. C.MtnWp 29. S. Hawker 53. Dtlocrennq 30. N. Freese 55. M Y 31 . D.Joras 56, L Moms 33. D. Prdrew 57. V. 0'C^-nor 34. S. Beanlard 58. J. Na, . LTwftmss 60 . b9.C°_35 ° 36. C. Stephens 62. D. „~. 37. J. Stem 69. P. ; 38. S. Perazzo 721 M- Fallen 39. M . Bums 73 . 0A 077aara 40. D. Bray 75 . S. Pont, 41 . R Yorag 76. M. Ho<.,,r y



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C. ;F_'=AtTSM ~ "~ W G3'T . I, ~ ~~7 a RULE

Sfi CHERS/INTERC CxE - LAW 3 .2 .6, 3 .2 .5 AND 3 .2.6 . en it is necessary for a player to be taken fro m e ground on a stretcher, the field umpire shall stop play at the first appropriate opportunity after he is advised that a stretcher is on the ground . Play will not recommence until the stretcher has left the ground and is outside the boundary fence . When a player is taken from the ground on a stretcher, he may be taken off at any point of the ground . His replacement shall enter the ground through the interchange area and may enter prior to the injured player leaving the ground. The replaced player may return to the ground by way of normal interchange . Unfortunately the abovementioned law came into play last weekend at the B grade match between Ormond an d Banyule. A young Banyule player broke his leg in two places during the 3rd quarter of the senior match. The game had to be stopped for sometime whilst officials from both clubs did an excellent job assisting the injured player from the arena, into the changerooms and eventually to an ambulance . The VAFAUA wishes player Egan a speedy recovery to full health . Editors note: Unfortunately last week this colum n 't enlarge on the blood rule that was presented in a previous edition of "The Amateur Footballer". The only addition could have been that further to 'The game will restart when the replacement player takes up a playing position" was the previously made point that if an umpire feels the player leaving is not leaving immediately and/or as quickly as possible the umpire will take appropriate action and that may be restarting the game as soon as the player has left the field and before the interchange player has assumed a playing position (Please refer to Amateur Footba ller No, 11 for full details - P. Stevens) . What do we do on a training night? The answer to the first question is yes, two nights officially on Tuesdays and Thursdays however many do additional fitness work on other days of the week, especially in the pre-season . To answer the second question what constitutes an average training night? Listed below is an example of a recent Thursday training session, usually shorter and sharper than Tuesdays : 5.45pm : Arrive at Elsternwick Park after taking on the peak hour traffic on the way home from your day job . You try and find a car parking spot that Peter 'Agate' Harris hasn't deemed 'out of bounds' . 6.OOpm : Now changed, formal training begins . Some of the umpires have already being doing laps

and/or practicing their bouncing. This night _I) training consists of - 3 laps warm-up - Stretching - 8 x 90 in, stride s - 8x60m,(3/4pace) - 8 x 30 m, (sprint ) - 3 laps warm-down (sometimes Indian file) - Stretching warm-down - Bouncing practice or alternatively the RACV 'bounce-off. 9 .15pm: Shower and change . Usually a cold shower as the goalies get off early and take all the hot water ! 7 .30pm: Umpires Advisor, Michael Sneddon conducts lecture and information session . Tonight he focuses on key elements of umpiring football including communication, concentration, consistency and common sense . 8 .30pm: VAFAUA monthly meeting . Discussion centres around the importance of our group maintaining unity and the progression of the social rooms . 9 .O0pm: Appointments are handed out for the weekend. Some stay to discuss where they are going on the weekend, whilst enjoying refreshments from the 'Milky Bar' . 9 .30pm: Arrive home to have dinner some 14 hours after departing for work. Just in time for the 'Footy Show . For those spouses who happen to read this article of course the times are only approximates and in reality many have been later than stated . Does that get you out of trouble Jerks? Congratulations to Andrew Chapman on his promotion to B grade for the first time . Well done to a hard working, fast-rising "Oscar" and not a bad bloke either. Umpires Corner received positive feedback recently from some D Grade clubs on the umpiring together of Alan Ladd and Andrea Flaek . Both have had challenging years and have stuck to their guns at training and out in the middle . Keep the good work up . During the celebrations of Mark Bushfield's 250th umpiring game, memories were revived of Bushys short but spectacular career as a Goal Umpire . Enough to say his other nickname is alleged to be the "Flying Nun" . Those old enough to remember the sit-com by the same name will know what we mean . SOCIAL NOTES: The Bowling Night is on Saturday 2nd August (2 weeks time! See Spider to book a spot) . Our pre-finals seminar will be held at Victoria Park on Monday 18th August. Compulsory night for all Field, Boundary and goal umpires . SIMMO AND SPIDER

CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies

U19 SECTION Brett Connel l

lose in all sections in the battle for the four . Review - Ro Section 1

Old Brighton kept their winning sequence intact with a narrow win against traditional rivals Mazenod . Leading at every change the Tonners kept their fmals chances alive, while for the Nodders their chance may have passed but not without N . Meehan, Paolucci and Hawkins (8) giving their all . De La Salle will be ruing a slow start against the ladder leaders Old Xave rians . Trailing by (5) goals at 1/4 time the D's booted the next (10) goals of the match but went down by (7) points . Drake, Mercuri and Healy prominent for the Xavs . St . Bernards also will be disappointed in starting so slowly in their clash with Old Paradians . Trailing by (4) goals at 1/4 time the Bernards battled hard for the remaining 3/4's but failed to make up the deficit . Lynch, Steven and Porteous (5) best for the OP's . Old Melburnians would have expected to win well against St. Kevins and did so setting up their win with a (7) goal to (0) first 1/ 4 . Bains, Hope, Seagley and Murray (8) we re dominant all day for the OM's with Price, Mount an d Scarfo never giving in for the SKOBS . In the final match of the section Uni . Blues reversed their last round result against Old Carey with Coleman, Benjamin and Eastaugh (8) doing as they pleased, the OC's were powerless to halt the onslaught as the Blues found some awesome form . For the OC's none were better than S . Wood, Lewis and T. Wood. Section 2 Old Camberwell stuck with ladder leaders Collegians for three and half 1/4's before the Lions through the assistance of Elg, Johnson and Baxter moved away to win a danger game . For the Wellers Campbell, Seeley and C . Williams were very impressive in a fine team effort. 6dhitefriars an d Old Haileybury played out a draw at Donvale and while it has assisted in helping the Friars to maintain second spot it may well have dashed the Bloods chance of a fmals berth. In a close match all day Phan, Reid an d Hilton stood out for the Friars who came home strongly, with Parker, Mason an d Reid excellent Bloods players. Uni. Blacks began slowly against Marcellin at the McAllister Oval however after 1/2 time Mackie, Mellings and Schilling moved into top gear and the resultant (15) second 1/2 goals to (4) told the tale . For the Eagles fine players on the day were Dovercelli, McCallum an d Marson. Beaumaris have made life difficult for themselves in terms of making the four after Williamstown CYMS recorded 34

an important victory at home . Leading a t every change the CYs ( were unshakeable i n their resolve to take home the four points and did so comfortably in the finish . For the Sharks none were better th an Horler, Bird and Palmer, while for the jubilant CYs MacLeod, Petzie rides and Wuchatsch were everywhere . In the final match Warringal battled their hearts out again but to no avail as the might of Old Scotch told on the day . For the Redbacks Van Lint, Taylor an d Hopkins were terrific battlers, with Crow, Hawkins ( 13) and Crane (5) hard to go past for the Scotchies . Section (2) Blue AJAX returned to the winners list at the expense of Old Geelong hoping to make it (2) in a row . (38) scoring shots to (20) meant a high scoring match and with Dukes, Whytcross an d Rosenbaum finding form for the Jackas no side would want to take them lightly in the remaining (5) weeks . For the OG's fine players were Brauer, MacKinnon and Paul. Monash Blues ran into a fired up Old Xave rians (2) team wanting to push their finals chances to new heights . A withering first 1/2 of (11) goals to (2) set the scene and has given the Xavs plenty of confidence for the weeks ahead. Bolton, Burston an d Riordan never gave in for the Ashers, with Connolly, Poulos an d S . McCarthy better players for the Xavs . MHSOB had to battle hard to shrug off a determined Hampton Rovers unit hell bent on maintaining their position in the four. Wilson, Taylor an d Moore fine players for the High, who had to dig deep to keep the fast finishing Rovers at bay in the last 1/ 4 . De La Salle (2) were no match for the ladder leaders St . Bedes Mentone Tigers at Darling Park . The D's battled manfully for a 1/2 but the overall class of the Tigers shone through in the finish . Moore, Tucker and Loughnan were named best for the D's with Falkingham, Kidd an d Ryan fine Tigers on the day . Ormond had the bye . Section (2) Red Red section once again proved to be the closest of the (4) U19 sections with quite a number of upsets taking place . Ladder leader Yarra Valley were clearly outpointed by local neighbours Aquinas at the Grammar School . Had the Bloods kicked straight the match may well have been over at 1/4 time, but with Moran, Hunter an d Boland running riot the Valley were powerless to stop the rush . Better Valley players were L. Morris, Wines an d Lawton . A fast finishing Therry Penola halted any thoughts Old Ivanhoe had of moving up the ladder with a(7) goal to (3) last 1/4 .

yedby Stella, J . Smith an d G . Smith Therry Penola have kept themselves in reach of a finals berth. For the OIG's Davis, Armstrong and Barker were fine (4) 1/4 performers . St. Leos Emmaus WP issued a stern warning that their first 1/2 of the year inconsistencies have past and they are now chasing a spot in the four. It was North Old Boys who felt their wrath last Saturday with the Two Blues amassing a mammoth (68) shots to (12) to run out convincing winners with Thomas, Morel and Ingles dominating across the day. For the vanquished Reece, R. Maguire an d I . Taleb battled but to no avail. Old Paradians (2) came from behind to win a thriller at home when they booted (8) second 1/2 goals to (3) to maintain their position in the top four. O'Connor, the Cosgriffs (Mark and Matthew) an d Sacco (5) were damaging, while for Old Trinity their recent drop away in form could well be due in some part to the call-up to senior football of some of their better U19 players . Chirnside Park had the bye . Previews - Round 14 Section 1 Old Brighton face an acid test this week when they take on Old Paradians who are firmly entrenched in the four, but a loss here today could spell disaster. The Tonners are a fine unit at home and are keen to revenge their first round loss to the OP's as well as figure in the finals action themselves . At home the Tonners to win. The De La Salle versus Old Melburnians game takes on huge proportions today for both teams . Neither are in the four but a loss would almost rule out the chance of competing come September. The D's returned to some of their best form last week and I favour them today. St . Kevins host St . Bernards in a battle that will have much pride involved . The SKOBS sit on the bottom and will be keen to reverse their last round result and at home will win today . Uni . Blues host traditional rivals Old Xaveri ans in what again will be a fierce contest. Both team's recent form has been strong and hence their respective ladder positions, at home the Blues are a strong side and today will get the points. Old Carey host Mazenod who will be no pushover if their recent form is anything to go by . However the OC's will be aware that should they drop this match other teams will be breathing down their neck for fourth position, and for this reason the will win today . Selections: Old Brighton, De La Salle, St . Kevins, Uni . Blues & Old Carey Section 2 An improved old Camberwe ll will be looking forward to meeting Marce llin who last time the two teams met defeated the Wellers handsomely . Today I believe the shoe will be on the other foot with the Wellers getting home comfortably . Whitefriars will need no firing up for this match against Beaumaris after their abysmal performance last time around. The Sharks are yet to prove they are a force to be reckoned with and need to bridge the (2) game gap between themselves and the top four . with a win

today. However the Friars will have other ideas and should get the points . Williamstown CYMS host Uni . Blacks at home and with the CY's finding some form last week this match should be a beauty . The Blacks have confirmed they want to be part of the September action with solid wins against the top teams and given this I believe that they will have the edge today over the CY's . Warringal host Old Haileybury coming off their draw with Whitefriars last weekend . As per usual the Redbacks will be competitive for the first 23 1/4's but will find the Bloods' big guns too many to handle . Old Scotch and Co llegians is the match of the round with the Lions keen to maintain top position with finals just around the corner. Last time it was the Lions by (10) points and with better form in the last month the Scotchies will be able to reverse this result today . Selections : Old Camberwell, Whitefriars, Uni . Blacks, Old Haileybury & Old Scotch Section (2) Blue AJAX host MHSOB and with both teams coming off good wins last week this, match will be a keenly fought contest. With more at stake the High will win but by not as much as the last time the two met . Monash Blues await De La Salle (2) at Monash Uni . and will be very keen to get back into a winning frame of mind. The Uni. holidays hit hard recently but with many players returning the Ashers will win today . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers clash with Hampton Rovers at Mentone and although undefeated the Tigers have looked the goods all year and will not drop this match today. Ormond will win well against Old Geelong who will be far more competitive than last time they met, with Old Xaveri ans (2) having the bye . Selections : MHSOB, Monash Blues, St . Bedes Mentone Tigers & Ormon d Section (2) Red Yarra Vall ey despite a minor setback last week will send North Old Boys tumbling from second spot today. Last time it was NOBS in front at the finish and the Valley will be doing everything in their power to see that this result today is reversed . Therry Penola will move another step closer to playing off in the finals when they should defeat Chirnside Park at Oak Park, and Old Ivanhoe can be expected to give Old Paradians (2) a red hot go before the OP's settle to consolidate their fourth position, at least, at the close of the day . In the final match Old Trinity play Aquinas with fond memories of last time when the Bloods were belted convincingly . The OT's have dropped away more recently and the Bloods have improved, so much so I am tipping the Bloods to win and put the cat amongst the pigeons in terms of finals' placings. St . Leos Emmaus WP have the bye . Selections : Yarra Valley, Therry Penola, Old Paradians (2) & Aquinas U1 9 Umpires and Last Round's Results on Pages 42 and 43

Winning Edge Presentations

CL'-'- -Mll SECTION b; Norm Nugent

ound 13 results were not entirely as I forecast .and as a consequence my success rate remaine d steady at 62 .5% . I certainly hope the results in the penultimate and ultimate rounds yield me a higher rate of success. REVIEW SECTION 1 Old Bri ghton Bloods proved too strong for Collegians and won by twenty seven points . Despite this victory and Collegians loss the two clubs held their top four positions because of the results of other matches . Old Xaverians did not let me down as they overpowered De La Salle to record a fifty seven point victory. Thanks to Xaverians accuracy they were able to top their fifty point margin recorded over De La Sall e in Round 4 . St Kevins recorded their first match victory for the season when they defeated an inaccurate Old Melburnians by twenty three points. Despite this victory. St Kevins, though their low percentage, remain at the foot of the ladder. The Old Scotch versus Mazenod match with so many consequences for the final position of each side, was a dour struggle in which each side was under pressure . The inaccurate kicking by each side meant that goals were scarce as only seven of them were kicked during the match . Mazenod, who triumphed by seven points, retained second position and their defeat kept Old Scotch half a game outside the top four. If Old Scotch can win today maybe their Round 15 bye will see them make a belated return to the four . St Bernards had the bye. SECTION 2

Kew received a forfeit from Old Essendon Grammarians . Marcellin won for the second successive week, when they easily accounted for Thornbury Cougars, who lost by fifty nine points . Marcellin's long losing streak has made a late entry to the final four practically impossible . In a low scoring game at Oak Park, Monash Whites were able to defeat Therry Penola by fourteen points . Without accurate kicking, Therry Penola would have been far closer at the final siren . Syndal Tally Ho again proved too strong for Mt Lilydale when they won by twenty points . Had they not kicked inaccurately . Syndal Tally Ho would have won by a much wider margin . PREVIEW SECTION 1 De La Salle should salvage something from their season by outplaying the disappointing Old

Idelburnians for the second time this season. In Round 5 Dc La ~ Salle aided greatly by Bolt's kicking, defeated Old Melburnians by sixty six points . I doubt that De La Salle will win by as much today . St Kevins, confident after their win last week face the disappointing St Bernards at Righetti Oval . In Round 5, St Bernards, largely through the efforts of Marcus Creak an d Bri an Moon recorded a sixty seven point win over St Kevins . Since then neither side has shown a great amount of form . ST Bernards, who hit rock bottom two weeks ago, must still possess some talent to match their determination . I will give them another chance to salvage something from their season by selecting them to defeat St Kevins today . The two power sides of Club XVIII for many seasons, Old Scotch an d Old Xave rians meet at Camberwell. Against Old Xaverians, Old Scotch nearly always experience difficulty in kicking goals . (The 1995 Grand Final was the exception!!) In Round 5 this season Old Scotch kicked very inaccurately in their match against the "Crocodiles" . For Old Xaverians to win again they must again quieten Pryde and tag those perpetually good players, Tribe and Williamson, who seem to save their best for matches against Old Xaverians . Despite the Old Scotch desperation I believe Old Xaverians continued good form warrants me selecting them to win . Mazenod, at home, should avenge their narrow three point loss to Collegians, in Round 5 with a comfortable win over the Lions . Dresser did well that day for Mazenod and since their surge up the ladder, he has been amongst their best each week . Baxter. who did well for Collegians that day, must again play well to help the "Lions' to victory . The outcome of this game will prove vital to each side in determining the final positions on the ladder after Round 15 . At home I expect Mazenod to win comfortably . Old Brighton Bloods have the bye. SECTION 2 Old Essendon Grammarians will be at home to Mt Lilydale for the third match this season between these two sides. In Round 4 . Mt Lilydale, largely through the efforts of Allen, won convincingly by eighty eight points. Old Essendon were obliged to forfeit the match scheduled for Round 7 . For the enigmatic Old Essendon to win today, Casey will again have to kick goals and the consistently good pair Maybury and Swift will again need to star . Despite their long western journey, I favour Mt Lilydale to win because of their better form . Kew should be able to repeat their Round 7 thir-

i ,,- three point victory over Thornbury Cougars when tjtc}; meet again today . Thornbury do have troubl e goals despite the prowess of Altay Cileceken ar ' so Kew should have another great "O'Dea" as titt=v continue on their winning way , garcellin are my selection to defeat Therry genola at Bulleen . These teams played a tense game in Roulld 7 before Marcellin won by the minimum ma rgin . A highlight of this game should be the clash of long standing club icons Matt Getson (Marcellin) and Steve Eastmure (Therry Penola) .

In a potential final's preview, Syndal Tally Ho journey to Clayton to play against Monash Whites. Syndal Tally Ho won the previous game between these two teams by telling margin of twenty eight points . Despite the consistently good play of ?o .~ ;avainen and Co llier for Monash, I predict syndal Tally Ho will win again .

CLUB (1 ) OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 4 .3 7.4 12 .4 12.7 .79 COLLEGIANS 2.1 7.2 7.4 8.4 .52 Old Brighton Bloods Shippen 7. Carter 2. Hendrte. James. Barber . Best Hendrie. Shippen. Barber. McLennan. Morrison-Jack. Bennett. Collegians Oakley 5. Lockwood. Hickson, Gribble. Best Gtlbble. Strathairn, O'Connor, Baxter. Hickson, Mirakirvt. DE LA SALLE 1 .1 2.2 4 .2 6 .3 .39 4.1 9.3 11 .5 15.8 .98 OLD %AVERL4NS Dc La Salle Bolt 3, Hegan. Baker. Best Laska Williamson. Clothier. Phillips . Rudd. Bolt. Old Ravttlans B. Matthews 4 . A. Hall 3 . P. Hall 2. Jones 1 Ring 2, Collllopy, Ockleshaw. Best Jones. Petrofi . Connors. Collopy, J. Matthews. R. Curtain . OLD MELBURNIANS 3.3 4.5 4 .7 4.9.33 ST. HEMS 2.2 4.4 8.8 7 .8.50 Old Me.IDwata s Jensz 2 . Moss. Scott. Bost Harris. Stooke. Moss . Jensz. Milne. Scott. Cordner. St Resins Lenin 3. Finch 2 . Noonan 2, Powell. Best Dillon, Collins. Jams. Noonan, Lewin . Stach7wte. OLD SCOTCH - - 3 .10.28 4 .11 .35 MA7 E NOD O.C. Old Scotch Deakin. Pc}de . Nash. Best Hume. Cain. Nash . Tribe . Deakin. Hooper. Maxatod OC Riley 2. Huggins, McIntyre. Bed Joseph. Welch. Campbell . Rogers. cslte. Bourbon. ST BERNARDS : BYE





28 22 20

The VAFA and the wearing of gloves Everyone I'm sure is aware of the VAFA's stance on gloves . As a result of last Monday's Executive meeting it has been decided to allow a glove (singular) to be worn following a successful consideration of submitted medical evidence supporting the wearing of the glove.The actual glove to be worn must be one

KEW RECEIVED FORFEIT 7 .13.55 OLD ESSSENDON GRAMMAR FORFEITED 3 .6.24 Kew Goal kickers and best players not reeched , Old Essendon Goal kickers and best players not receried. 4.8 9 .11 10.14 12 .17.88 MARCELLIN THORNBURY COUGARS 0.1 1 .1 2.2 2 .7.19 Marcellia Goal kickers and best players not received. Thornbury Cougm Cilecken . Cutler. Best Brewer. Cutler. Johnston. Carter. Bennett . Dusan. THERRY PENOLA O .B. 1.2 1 .3 2.5 2.5.17 MONASH WHIM 2.0 2 .4 2.8 4.8.32 merry Pertain Eastmure 2. Best Bye . M. Keenan . R Keenan. Hewat. Kuret. Costello . Mon:sh Whites Tossavalnm 2, M . Dods. Forbes. Best S. Dods . Collier, Plehn. Tracy. Cawley. Ra}nw . MT. LILYDALE O.C . 2 .3 3 .8 3.7 4.7.31 SYNDAL TALLY HO 1 .4 2.8 4.9 8.15.51 Mt Lffydale OC Flanagan 2, Anderson 2. Best DScello, Gllbee. McKay. Anderson, PI roctar. Catalan. Syadal Tally No Goal kickers and best players not recehtd .

A and " Clubs must only phone Q t ag rres; aoa Nckers and bes#la yers (both teams) to EP 9531 8333 (before 5 .15 p.m .) There is no need to phon e through final scores only as is a requirement of other sections .

approved of by a senior football body (eg AFL) and must be inspected by myself and the umpire advisor . Once these details are complied with the player's club, the opposition club and the umpires involved each week will be advised of this special permission . Permission will only be granted for a stated period of time when a new application will need to be made should the hand condition not have fully remedied itself during the period granted . Otherwise the wearing of gloves continue to be banned in the VAFA .

LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundle

5 YEARS AGO - 1992 Id Scotch and North Old Boys, both trying to hang on to the 'A' Section four, played a thriller with Old Scotch getting home by a point 8.12 (60) to 8 .11 (59). Old Scotch, 7 wins, 6 losses, were in fifth place on percentage trailing Ormond and De La Sall e in third and fourth, each with the same game score . Best for Old Scotch were R . Aujard, M . Brady, G. Eagle and for North, B . Girolami, B . Conti, T. Beare . Uni Blues helped John Kards celebrate his 250th amateur game with a 93 point win against Parkside . An outstanding player (including 1985 carnival) with Caulfield Grammarians, John joined the Blues in 1988 and has given the club wonderful service on and off the field . Captain of the club, all admired John's loyalty and dedication . Umpires' Comer profiles 150th games, Mark Bushiield (still going strong in 1997 - N .R .) who listed his best amateur footballers seen as Brett Burden an d James Bennett (both still among the stars in 1997) . Monash Blues, second bottom in B, troubled top team, Old Trinity up to the last change with the top team going away with the final term to win 15 .17 (107) to 13 .10 (88) . Best were G. Clarke, T. Norman, A . Anderson (0. Trin) and M . Hay, G . Hipwell, A . McGregor (Mon . Blues) . St Kilda South Caulfi eld congratulated Charlie Capiron on his 150th game . 1983 C Section B&F winner, quadruple club champ (83 .88,89,91), coach, captain, premiership player, interstate player, carnival winner - certainly the most skilful player to represent the club, and a man respected by all who had the pleasure of his company in amateur football . It should have been a big day for Mazenod (3rd in D) . They were celebrating Adrian Green's 250th game, who began his career in 1978 (the club's first year) and the only player for that year still on the ground . Well, bottom team, Will iamstown, spoilt the party as they led all day and finally won, 12 .16 (88) to 9 .11 (65) . Best were Featherstone, Turnley, Cook (Will) and Hanley, Conroy, Brooks (Maz .) . QUIZ - One of the players referred to above was a member of Victoria's 1982 victorious Carnival team in Perth . Can you name him? It's the durable James Bennett ( Collegians) who played superbly on the half back flank in Perth . 10 YEARS AGO - 1987 Old Xaverians confirmed their position as hot favourites for the A section flag when they made it

two out of two with a 22 point defeat of Ormond . The Xavs superior physica l strength and marking power, led by Nick Wilton (c .h .b) an d Mark Summers (ruck), was too muc h for the 'Monds . Geoff Greetharn blanketed Paul Schuhkraft . Ormond's bright spot was Paul Cox who showed he was a rover of real class . Level on points, it was make or break for De La Salle or Old Scotch, and it was break for Old Scotch who after quarter time were never in it . Final scores O. Scotch 7 .6, De La Salle 15 .16 . Best were M. Greene, Maher, Rennie (De La) and Fuller, Burford, Brown (0 . Scotch). It was a black day for Uni Blues . Not only did they lose M ike Yande ll (leg injury) and Mark Tyquin (broken wrist), their 26 point loss to Collegians looked like goodbye to A section . St Bernard's saluted Ray "Soapy" Va ll ance on 300 games as team manager. 200 games to Hampton Rovers Michael "Beast" Malone, B&F '80, Best Team Player '78 and '79 . Most Consistent in '82 and captain in '81 . At Marcellin's 20th bi rt hday celebration, the club's best ever team was announced and sparked off much controversy . The team was : B- Paul Carafa, Bernie Cooney, Tony Paatsch HB- John Gartner, John Jones, Andrew Cullman C- Bernie Cooper, Chris Mahon, Greg Sha w HF- Frank Marchesani, Peter Gartner . Chris Slattery F- Dominic Simmonetti, Tony Jones, Peter Toohey R- Gerry Price . Mick Power, Dirk Eber t I/C- Mike Butler, Tim Holmes Coach- Rav Walsh (How did they overlook Peter French? N .R.) 15 YEARS AGO - 1982 Wayne Henry , in his 150th game, an d Denis Henry, in his 100th game, umpired together for the first time and joined the Segota Brothers as the only pairs to umpire together. Thomastown, 2nd in E, convincingly defeated 4th team, Balaclava 13.8 to 8 .10 . Stars were Steele, Weidnie, A. Fellows (T'town)and Darvell, Cro ttie, S . Withers (B'clava) . 200 games to Michael Butler (Marc), 150 games to Ian Ri ce (Coll) and Nick Brennan (St Kev s) . Kew 4th in B, were too strong for top team , Ivanhoe, scoring 18 .12 to 13 .12 . Best were Burden, Smith, Busuttil (Kew) and O'Flaherty, Edwards, Morcom (Ivanhoe) .

20 YEARS AGO - 197 7 Umpires' Corner features 'Gentleman' Jim f a sfootball petera, who and completed both as a player umpire P' games years o 111pire and 6 years as a goal umpire . Ormond (A) continued its slide with its 3rd suc,"i s, defeat - 10 points ahead of Marcellin at the 1,1,t change, it scored only 4 behinds in the last quarter to Marcellin's 6 .5 and was now only one ,rune ahead of Uni Blacks . North 0. Boys (A) undefeated after 14, were 3 6~,Mes ahead of St Bernard's and De La Sall e . O . Geelong marvelled that a rather shorter than erage pair of legs had carried their great little rover to 100 games - Sandy Gilbert who had also ~(ayed 100 games with MHSOB in their great A section days . 150 games to Peter Gartner (Marc) and Don I3arton (Geel .) 25 YEARS AGO - 197 2 St Bernard's (5th) lost another chance of getLuig back into the four when they faded towards the finish and went down by 11 points to a determined Monash Blues (8th) . Scores were 12 .12 to 9 .19 while best were D. Young, Flett, Amor, Lowcock (7 goals) (Monash) and lannazzo, King and Wade (St Bernard's) . Battle for the four was tough in B section with Uni Blacks on top with 40 points and 4 teams one game behind, Geelong, 0 . Scotch, G . Trinity and Tvanhoe. De La Sall e scored their first win for the season at the expense of 0 . Paradians . Both, Pearte (7 goals) and Ashford were the stars in a convincing win as De La led all day. Only sad note was that champion ruckman Henry Masala dislocated his thigh bone and it looked like curtains for the season. 150 games to O . Brighton living "legend", 17 stone Roger Wilson, Reserves coach for years and enthusiastic urger of the seniors, meat pie in one hand and transistor in the other. 30 YEARS AGO - 1967

Coburg's accuracy 12 .3 enabled them to defeat Collegians 10 .7 by 8 points. 0. Camberwell scored only 5 points against Glenhuntly 20 .22 . Top scorers for the day were Ormond Jars . 35 .19 (Wallis 11 . Grace 6) . who defeated C'wealth Bank 4 .7 .

THE T~7 ~_) Sunday Age VAFA sportswrite r Garry Petro ff writes about Saturday A section matches played and previews the Sunday A section match of the day .

Graham I3aff played his 250th game for Collegians - Graham had also represented Victoria on numerous occasions . Others to chalk up 150 games were Adam Shostak (AJ=, Cam McMillan (OGG), Graham Tozer (0. Brighton).

John Fisher (Kew) an d Mick Mulcahy (0 . Xavs) had been appointed captain and vice captain respectively of Carnival team to play at Launceston . (John later coached State and Australian Amateur teams). A Section umpires for the day were Doherty, Hinton, Marks, Marshall and Murphy .

j'Aam F"~: ton, 0'_d ybny. Sttildtg, 2 matc`:: ~s. Phil Hare, Ienc'__ StrikIug, 2 matches, Cameron Barker, i:_a ;,-111 : ;;. .r, Striking, 5 matches . Joe Chu% . Abusive language, 2 matches. Steve D' Bnnu. ' (Res .). Sinking 4mekles Bill A3oustafa,lVorth Old Boys (U19). Striking, 4 matches . Tdruit Mmiss Hawthorn Citizens . Abusive language. 2 matches.


(Res .) . Strilcing, 2 Under-19). Striking, 2 matches. (Under-19) . Misconduct, 2

matches. =Ryan Scott Old Cambermll (U19.) Mkoldutl, 2 matches. North Old Boys (U19) . Striking, 2 matches . *Accepted prescribe d penalty Results of Investigation Hearings - July 15th, 199 7 As a result of letters of complaint lodged alleged conduct unbecoming member clubs Richard vsld, Williamstown ' 2 matches abusive language to a goal umpire (from match v . UHSOB semars 21-6-97) Mark Castim St. 12 matches - deliberate and serious striking of a player (from Club XVIII match v. Mazenod 21-6-97) from *ymg for the rest of the 1997 season - assaulting a spectator upon leaving the ground (from match v. Old 1-laile#ury 21-6-97) . Old Hael AFC fined $500 in that a number of unidentfied supporters racially abused player Dion Ciavola during the above matchA report to be lodged with the Executive for consideration regarding the inappropriateness of the unfenced oval chosen for the above mentioned match and the inadequate preparations carried out by the Old Haileybury club for the conduct of this match.

*Accepted prescribed penalty


~ The Victorian Amateur Football Association and ~ Red Cross Blood Bank Victoria have joine d forces to help maintain sufficient blood supplies ~ to Victoria's 200 hospitals . Clubs will compete against each other to see who can make the most blood donations to the Blood Bank during th e

Each C lub has nominated a " C ~:__,tain B lood" w ho will help raise awareness of t he need or blood w ithin their club . For more inform at ion spea k t o your "Cap tain Blood" TODAY! Great prizes and incentives have been generously donated by Hugh Lyon Football Jumpers, Schweppes Sport, Four n Twenty and Spalding. ~ B lood Bank Donor Enquiries -phone (03) 9694 0300

AusGrslinn Re d Gros s





The Ambitious 速 and the fiedgiing clu b hat does a coach do when he realises he's in charge of a fledgling club that lacks the playe r numbers to be competitive? How does he prepare the small band of dedicated individuals who turn up to training.? How can he lure more of his players away from the comforts of home, to that cold training track ? The answers to these questions lie in the ability of the coach to accept reality, aim for long term goals and develop a camaraderie that will stand the club in good stead, for years to come . Every coach yearns to be remembered as successful, and winning games is just as important to him, as it is to the players - but success can be measured in many svays . As a coach, I have always regarded my greatest success in the fact that players attend training sessions that I conduct . It is therefore my responsibility to endeavour not to waste their time . If a coach can plan his training sessions so thoroughly that his players will want to return to the track, how then could any other measure of success be judged as more meaningful . Imagine the ambitious coach who gets to the track at 5.30pm, sets up his dozen or so cones, visualises his 2530 players moving in sync through the set plays - then had 12-15 players turn out to train . He's likely to be demoralised, embarrassed and even angry - so angry that he lets his emotions overflow . ' However, if that coach had not set his own ambitions so high, he would have taken a step back and realised that his expectations of the struggling club were unrealistic - he would have realised he was never going to get those 25-30 players . Worthwhile training drills can be done with just 12-15 players, training isn't a waste of time if numbers are not high and positives can still be drawn from even the most negative of situations . Of all the team sports, Aussie Rules has the highest number of active participants on the paying field at one time, but not all of the training drills associated with the game need to have as equally as high a number of individuals. Think of all the (1) on (1) duels that could be fine tuned at training, or of the mini match up contests that improve a player's vision, reaction and execution - as well as the numerous specialised set plays that can further develop players movements from defence to attack . All of these drills require a mere handful of participants . The list goes on . Goal kicking contests that put pressure on the ball carrier can be enhanced when prizes are awarded to the winner - soccer. rugby and even British Bulldog matches can promote an atmosphere of fun, 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997

competitiveness, winning and bonding . It just requires the man in charge to work out a way to keep his players returning to the track - even if it's to invite the ladies to watch a short 50 min . session, than take everyone out to dinner at a local restaurant . No-one said it was easy, but the rewards will be almost as satisfying as winning the match of the day, because long after you finish coaching people will still remember you for what you tried to instil into a struggling club . For the coach who has the stamina to tough it out, the rewards will even be greater, because those players you won over will draw their mates to the atmosphere you helped create. It won't happen overnight, but in time the teams you struggled to fill at selection will get stronger, drawing even more players to the club . Eventually, the inevitable will occur - your club will get those players needed to be competitive, and you will earn that match winning success you strived for, when you first arrived at that fledgling club . Alex Frazer, Senior Coach Old Essendon Grammarians

Reserves/C18 failed to provid e scores by 2.30 p .m .

Seniors/U19 failed to provid e final scores by 5 p .m .

Marcellin (C18) Parkside (S) Old West. (Res.) Old Melb . (U19) Ajax (U19 ) St Leos Emmaus (U19) St Pats-Mentone (S) Fines increase as clubs continue to re-offend . Fines will be imposed according to the team's section - $5 (first offence) ; $25 (second offence) ; $50 (third offence) . A .one-off' fine of $250 for a fourth offence is imposed . Fines then revert to a $50 per offence until the eighth offence (another $250 "one-off fine) .

UNDER-19 SuCTION 1 OLD BRIGHTON v . OLD PARADIANS Field : B . Allen (R) A. Scherini DE LA SALLE v. OLD MELBURNIANS Field : F. Karabelas G . Skandakumar Goal : Gary Clancy Skip Shipley ST. KEVINS v. ST. BERNARDS Field : G . Moore M . Allen Goal : David Murray John Pickett UNIVERSITY BLUES v . OLD XAVERIANS Field : C. Stewart (R) D. Ischia OLD CAREY v. MAZENOD 0 C Field : C . O'Donohue (R) R . Love UNDER-19 SECTION 2


UNDER-19 (2) BLUE AJAX v . MHSOB Field : S . Lugowski MODL`.SIi BLUES v. DE LA SALLE (2) Field : I . Burgess J : M . Clarke ST. BEDES MEN ..AshurtBonday TONE TIGERS v. HAMPTON ROVERS Field : G .

Morgan C. Stevens ( J) ORMOND v . OLD GEE . S LONG Field : R . Devine J . Bell OLD XAVE (2) has the bye UNDER-19 (2) RED


The following teams as at Round 12 had scored (8) or more Discipline Ratings of (A) .

OLD GEELONG, OLD SCOTCH, OLD TRINITY, TFIE I.' PENOLA, UNI BLUES AND WHITEFRIARS Congratulations to the coach, players and officials of these teams, you have been a credit to your club and the VAFA in general . Well done . U19 Sub-Committe e

0%V ~ rmh` y eq a'-





CLUB XVlil ~,10C,~Z TEAMS 9531 8333 BY prn SATURDAY R ES ERVE S ~ TEAMS 9531 8333 B Y 2 .3 0 pm SATURDAY (Z:-E/U19 HOME 't' Ew~."IS 95 28 3319 FY 5prn SATURDAY or 9528 2471 A and B se c . HOME TEA~ ~~1-by +'_I sc ores, g oalk i c kers , best players 9531 8333 --'Y 5A5 prn SATURDA Y





UNDER 19 (2) BLUE - 12 .07 .9 7

pPtDL :: 19 SECTION 1- 12.07.97

.7 18.7.11 5 4 .2 9S 18.12 15 .18,108 3.3 4,7 10 O. Goal idckers and best p4.~ ers not rettK•ed. .ell ;ns 8, FallnlotLs 3 . Perkins. Nelson . McDrr+ . McCulloch . Best Meehan . 4µ31wn . Perkins, Stephmsm. 1.2 7 .4 7.8 11.8.74 8.5 7 .8 9,11 11 .15.8 1 kickers and best players not reeeh,ed . N{er 4, Heady 2, Barrett 2. Ireland 2, Mercu ri . Best Drake. Mercuri. Healy. d. Boland. 3.0 8.1 14,3 19.7.12 1 18 .18 22.18.150 L~5 7.4 13.12 Laughlln 3. Harvey 3. Smith 3 . 4annazzo 2. Legudt 2 . Hogan 2. lt•acce, Mount. ,:man. Best Joe Mount, Lougtm Harvey . Hogan. Samuel. Lkry•d . Porteous 8 . Rees 4 . Stanley 3 . Storm 3, Ventura 2 . Gale 2• Constantin , IL Bcet Lynch, SteFen, Porteats . Prusetno. Stanky. Rees. 7 .8 13.11 20,18 27.18.180 a~~~sLi;PW41ARg 0 .2 3.10 11 .12 11.14.80 ,^dbt-n7ar-' Murtny' 8, Vance S . Hery 3, Balms 3. Cooch 2 . Miller 2, Campbell . Batns. Hope. sxtq . Iey, Bem+. Campbell. McConnell 2, takerv. Moore. Scarto. Vincent, Best Price, St 3 . Day 2 . .~..~ . .-._artu. Day, Parxh . t-;R~,_rrygLUE$ 5.8 8 .10 15.14 22 .19.151 C LB pp,EY 1 .1 4.8 7.14 7.14.58 . Presll. ['r.i . e:~itpBi~s Eastaug 18, Calkr 3 . Crocker 3. Kelly 3 . CoUbledlck 2, Johnson 2 8c,, C ;.:man. BenJanWt. Frkeker. Prestt. Cmbtedick . Carnm . . Le,vis. T "1 _ Y ire 3, ika.les . Tuck. SaCak . 1eu1s. Best S . Wood . Wood . Anson. .,I top . .-05

UNDER 19 SECTION 2- 12 .07 .9 7 8,1 8 .2 11 .3 13,8 .84 5.2 8 .8 11.12 18.15 .111 Hanson. Seeley. Patereer. Scat, Campbell . Ba t '. RLks. Cax. Cue;,:zro Grwnotka 3 . ti'a}cat 2. Clark 2, Elg 2. Taylor 2, ForsyTh 2. Byrne . Jahn.wn. ~ r Best Elg, JWutsm . Baxter. Van Der Venne . Brwrn. Hosktag. ~•711'IFi'Y;3ARS 2 .4 4.8 7.10 10.19.79 .D 11AiGEYBURY 2 .5 4.10 9 .13 11 .1379 pS Whltdrtars SuWcan 4, Which 2. Davis . Hilton, Northey. Reid. Best Phan . Reid. H9tar, Bend, Eeatne . Sullivan. ~~ 3 . B~gs 2, Dimond 2 . Clarke, Saunders. Somala . Best Parker. ~d RMd. S¢tcu~ila . GoPu. Thick , VJVE.^S1IYBLAC1iS 1 .7 8 .12 13.18 21 .17,143 ~tL4CI1Iti 3.1 4.3 5 .7 8.8.58 l;r.; :er_-ity E'=<k. M.xkle 8. fireman 4, Peck 2 . Murphy 2 . Costello. Byrne, Mellings. G, ,k. CI :nents. Best Ri..ckle . Mellings . Schilling . Castello . Staunton . Hannan. t•arrlls Ctro 3 . RkCaIlum 2. B>akagvog7s, Keop,AtvangelLa. Best Devercem, lECCaunm, • •. _ _i- Cho . Keogh. Randazm . - y; :4t^ iiRIS A .F.C . 2.2 81 7 7.12 9.15 .89 BIllvP_ !3TOWN CYMS 5.3 8.7 8.9 12.11 .83 Praum,cla Pled 3 . llamas 2. Vance 2. Celan 2. Best Harer, f3W . Palmer. Stevens, .~L:cheU . F;! :;unstaert CYRSS Rickard 3. Murrav 2 . Grochosvskl 2. Twist . htatthms . Maclcal. W.: tda. l' ..~tzHrkirs . But Macleod. Petzietkles. Wuchatsch, Harh. Hunt. Cocks . 4 .8.32 WARRINGAL AF,C. 28.25.181 OLD SCOTCH Warringed Bell. Hopkins . 11k1eh, Parkes. Best Van Lint, Taylor, Hopkins, H~ood . Anderson. Latg. Old S^^'ch Haw;dns 13, Crane 5 Parker 2. O'Brien, Frankmburg, Cross. Ward . Hume, Lone . .__t Crowe. Hawkdns. Crane. Prcndet( I. Junkeer. M. O'Brtm.


62 49 40


49 35 31


36 35 35


9.6 14 .9 19.10 23.18.148 AJAX OLD GEFl,OI.'G 2.2 4 .4 8.5 12 .8.80 AJAX P.'h}tcrass 7 . GOlFtn 5, Benstmat 3. Snow 3. Katz 3, Rtagman. Best Dukes. VRtytcross, Rosenbaum. C,oAin. t5'alsna'ut. Leuin. Old Geelong RLns 3, Gatmby 3, Staunton 2 . Rtc}ilnnm 2. Kmaufs. Brauer. BM Brauer. MwK(nnon. Paul. Gatmbp . McCann, Mclnnes. 1 .4 2.7 2.7 2.7.19 A3ON8811 BLUES OLD 7CAVERIANB (2) 5.3 11 .7 19 .10 25 .15.165 Moruah Blues Hawidns . RAmdan . Beg Bolton . Burston. Riordan. Martin, Roscoe, HaaP.dns. Old McCarthy X%verbm 6 . Gkeon 6, McLean 3, Lyttletwt 3, Bawden 2 . Mclnerny. Poulos . Connolly. Coburn, Quinn . Best Connolty. Poul~. McCarthy. Bo'h•den, MeLean, Gteesm. M .H.S.O.& 2 .0 5.4 8 .8 10.11 .71 2 .2 4.3 9 .8 10,9.69 HAMPTON ROVERS 48HS0B Tayta 3, NAlsnn 3 . Bourke 2. Parker, Nma1 . Bat W1Lsat. Taylor. Moore, Morgan . Davis . Staling . Iiamptmt Rouser Nelson 3, Parkinson 2. Qum 2 . Crwtch. 4unba1l. Mande[aMs. Best Grimmer. Reim. Perrv. Leitrim Parkinson Armour . 2.0 4.3 4.5 4.7.31 BE LA SALLE (2) ST. B5 h E YT'OttE TIGERS 7.5 11.7 17.12 24.17.181 BaLn S.Be DautF,tu .Coxsg2.Hrt%w.L1eStRk+cxe.Tucka. Aanus .h'6~ Lambe. St Be Pr~nt Tig. Ktnguell 8. 5411kms 4, RkShane 3. Catsms~2, G~ang12. Bald 2. Drury. Napier. Carol. Best FaLtdngham . Kidd, Ryan, Tessiero. Kingaell. Coustns. ORkiONB:13YE

UNDER 19 (2) RED - 12.07.97 YARRA VALLEY 2.2 3.5 7.7 9.10 .64 AgUIPtAS O.C. 0.12 4.15 7.18 11.21 .87 Visas Valley Wines 3 . 44hpshot . Searle . Wop{M. Arnold, Morris. McBaratth. Best MaTts . t4•tnes, La•vton. L3acd. TeUad . La1ng. Aquinas Hnreran 3 . Rtoran 3, NichW . Jones. Lyng. Hill. Cuttrera. Best Moran, Hunter. Boland. Potz, Kelly. Chapman. TFIERRY PESiOlA 0.8 . 5 .3 7.5 10 .7 17.8.110 OLD IVAN'HOE 5 .1 7.5 13 .9 18.12.10A messy Pend. OR Stella 7. Zampogna 3 . Van Engekn 2. RtcMadm 2, Sacco, S.Mtth, . Trex1n. Beat Stella. T. Smith . G . Smlth. Van Engelen . Zampogna Best Davis, Armstrong. Old h-anhae 5, Gates 4 . Spklm 3, Thanas 2, V.7llls. Stal*g.. McMahon Barker, Strides, Waddell. Willis. 8.9 18,20 30.28 38.32.248 ST. LEO'S EMMAUS W.P. 8.8.42 NORTH OLD BOYS 2.1 3.1 53 St. Leon EMMAUS htges 5 . V.97atis 5. Dames 4. Mad 4. Hodder 4. Thomas 4. McGnn 4. Chalmers 2. Carr 2. Dam, Ralaughlm. &~t Thmvr . Rtw~el . Inglcs. Hakler. De'Hn.l3mtmd. North O d Boys Maguire 3 . IOtMer 2 . Rtatstafa . Beat Reece, Magulre . TaEeb . Skeme. Kouts.•'tasWas, McKenzie . OLD PARADIANS (2) 1.1 4 .3 10.5 12 .8 .80 4.4 7.9 8 .15 10.19 .79 OLD TRINITY Old Pn••ats aM Sacco 5, Mathew Joyce 3, Derango 3. Richardson . Best O'Connor. Mark Cos IT. Matthew Cosgri6, Phelan. Redford, : to. Old : :laity Gail blotters and best playas not recehzd . C1DL'B



';~ight race towards the finals. REVIEW - ROUND 8 Parkside (1) were no match for Ringwood Blues who were impressive in their display to maintain their position in the finals . The Lions were hoping to do the same against Maribyrnong but the Underdogs had other ideas and in a close match won by (9) points . This leaves Maribyrnong just outside the four with (2) matches to play. Keilor found the might of Heidelberg too much on the small Elsternwick No . 2 Oval and were convincingly defeated, as were Werribee who had been performing well recently but faltered two weeks ago against a very strong Broadmeadows outfit . Broadmeadows with the win now find themselves in the four and are looking ominous . The Marlins did not have it all their own way against Bendigo (2) but in the finish it was the fitter Marlins who ran away with the win . In the match of the Round, if not the season a fired up Bendigo (1) toppled the previously undefeated Karingal by the narrowest of margins . This now puts the Warriors equal top with the Bulls, and the finals series coming up looks like being a beauty . Hawthorn were to have the bye, however with Parkside (2) being unable to field a team for the remainder of the season Ballarat who were due to play Parkside (2) played a scratch match against one another . PREVIEW - ROUND 9 At Brunswick this weekend there are some very

interesting clashes that could may well decide the fate of some team's finals chances . Ringwood take on the Marlins in the early match and despite Ringwood's recent good form the Marlins will be too strong. The Lions will consolidate their position in the four with a comfortable win against Keilor, while Broadmeadows will be wanting to have a big win against Parkside (1) to consolidate their position in fourth spot on the ladder. With the chance of them even attaining third spot by the completion of the round. Heidelberg get the chance to inflict Karingal's second loss for the season today, and close to finals the final finishing positions will be crucial. The Bulls will be fired up after their first loss last week however the Bombers are my tip this time. Parkside (2) have the bye . Ballarat host Werribee in what will be a one-sided match after 1/2 time with the Knights proving a handful for the Lions . In Bendigo Maribyrnong and Hawthorn will find no joy with both teams facing the Warriors at home and running rampant . Bendigo (1) coming off a morale boosting win against Karingal last round will be too talented for Maribyrnong, an d Bendigo (2) will put on hold any thoughts Hawthorn Citizens had of returning to the four after this round . Player of the Round - Round 8 David Smith (Bendigo 2) Reminder: Monday July 28, Elsternwick Park . 7.30pm. FIDA Delegates' Meeting.

LADDERS ROUND 8 DIVISION ONE PLAYED WON LOST DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS KARINGAL 8 7 1 0 536 194 276 .3 28 BENDIGO (1) 8 7 1 0 489 193 253 .4 28 HEIDELBERG 8 5 3 0 504 344 146.5 20 RAID LIONS ' 8 3 5 0 273 396 68 .9 12 MARIBYRNONG 8 2 6 0 223 370 60 .3 8 KEILOR 8 0 8 0 72 611 11 .8 0 * received forfei t DIVISION TWO PLAYED WON LOST DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS MARLINS " 8 7 1 0 629 180 349 .4 28 BALLARAT ' 8 7 1 0 517 236 219 28 RINGWOOD 8 5 3 0 542 275 197 20 BROADMEADOWS 8 5 3 0 426 366 116 .4 20 HAWTHORN 8 5 3 0 371 320 115 .9 20 BENDIGO (2) ' 8 4 4 0 440 412 106 .8 16 PARKSIDE 1 8 3 5 0 275 539 51 12 WERRIBEE 8 3 5 0 252 470 53 .6 12 PARKSIDE 2 ' 8 1 7 0 227 757 29 .9 4 * received forfei t NB : teams receiving the bye are given (4) points but no % forfeiting teams receive average losing score . teams forfeited against receive average winning score for the roun d 44


~ j BLADES CLUB CHAMPIONSHI P $ 1500 TO THE WINNING CLUB Points after Round 13 matches . A team that has a bye is credited with a win . A senior win receive s (8 points) ; reserves (2 points) ; U19 (5 points) ; club XVIII (2 points) . If a club's 4 teams all win 6 bonu s points are given ; if 3 teams all win 4 : if 2 teams win club receive 2 bonus points . Bonus points fro m previous rounds are also shown . NAME


U - 19 C•18 TOTAL BON. BON . BON. PREV. 4/4 3/3 2/2 BON.


OLD XAVERIANS 10 10 16 10 200 6 24 230 ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 11 13 13 0 179 4 40 223 COLLEGIANS 10 12 11 8 175 30 205 OLD SCOTCH 10 13 9 9 169 24 193 NORTH OLD BOYS 12 9 9 0 15 9 28 187 BLACKS 11 12 9 0 157 UNIVERSITY 4 24 185 YARRA VALLEY 0 B I1 11 9 0 155 20 175 apHITEFRIARS 0 C 10 11 10 0 152 4 16 172 WILLIAMSTOWN CYhfS 13 11 5 0 151 20 17 1 OLD BRIGHTON 11 8 6 10 154 12 166 MHSOB 9 8 11 0 143 4 12 15 9 ORhIOND 9 9 9 0 135 4 20 15 9 KEW 10 11 0 12 126 32 15 8 SOUTHBANK 13 13 0 0 130 2 22 15 4 DE LA SALLE 7 7 12 5 140 12 15 2 OLD CAREY 11 8 8 0 144 8 15 2 BEAURtARIS 10 7 7 0 129 12 14 1 OLD GEELONG 12 9 3 0 129 6 13 5 OLD PARADIANS 4 5 1 7 0 127 0 12 7 MARCELLIN 11 8 2 5 124 0 12 4 MAZENOD 6 7 6 10 112 12 12 4 As a result of the following clubs' teams all winning in Round 13 (min . of 3 required) the following play ers win a pair of Blades boots - Old Xaverians (B . Coughlan), Uni . Blues (R . Versteegen) . Ormond (P. McDonald), MHSOB (S . Grimmer), St . Bedes (J . Tully), Whitef. (R . Mika), Uni. Blacks Q. Trevaskis) . These players were named best player for their senior team . Each player to phone Peter Warner (988 9 9222) to arrange collection of prize . If you have any queries with the above table please put in writing addressed to Sue Anderson, PO Bo x 359 Elsternwick . 3185 or fax 9531 6601 .

RUNNERS, TRAINERS, WATER CARRIER S Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms before matches and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water Carriers. Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play. To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behind the passage of play. Trainers. May carry water If team short of water carriers. Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Attire - Runners . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts,Track pants if worn to be navy only. Water Carriers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts.Track pants if worn to be navy only . If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top. Trainers. VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . If not VAFA top a plain white top only. Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only . * Umpire teamsheet comments will be transferred to weekly FINES LIST. 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER



SENIORS : All registered players with a permit SENIORS/RESERVES : If both teams are playing, reserve player must have played at least 2 matches (be registered and have a permit) . UNDER 19 : Must be registered and have a permit . If player has played in an aggregate of 5 or more senior and reserve matches he must have played at least more than 5 U19 matches during the season . If player is ineligible due to above and is thus ineligible for first U19 final he can be played in any subsequent U19 final . U19 players playing in VSFL U18 after June 30 must at round 16 decide where they will complete the season (VSFL or VAFA U19 only) . Where a club fields a second U19 team to qualify for the Section 2 team, player not to have played more than 10 matches in U19/1 team . RESERVES : Must be registered with a permit. Must have played 2 reserve matches and not more than 10 senior matches during the season . CLUB XVIII SECTIONS : Players must have played in at least 4 matches and not played in more than a total of eight senior and reserve grade games .

Original and pink copy must be lodged with um oires no later than half time of a ny match, Each player must sign the original clearly bes ide name which m ust show first and surname. Blue copy must be handed t o opposition captain at toss of coin.





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A RESERVE SECTIO N 13 13 0 0 1343 644 208 .54 52 13 12 0 1 1269 774 163 .95 48 13 10 0 3 1278 718 177 .99 40 13 7 0 6 1083 858 126 .22 28 13 7 0 6 1173 956 122 .70 28 13 7 0 6 998 916 108 .95 28 13 5 0 8 820 1058 77 .50 20 13 2 0 11 620 1358 45 .66 8 13 1 0 12 639 1246 51 .28 4 4 13 1 0 12 724 1419 51 .02

B RESERVE 11 0 2 1371 692 198 .12 44 97 KEVINS 13 Tl,cppYPENOLA05 13 9 0 4 964 928 103 .88 36 8 1 4 1126 794 141 .81 34 60140ND 13 OLD BRIGHTON 13 8 0 5 1200 734 163 .49 32 ,, .;S~OB 13 8 0 5 1018 829 122 .60 3 2 13 6 1 6 961 815 117 .91 26 .:7D0 C E 13 5 0 8 988 969 101 .96 20 HOE 13 4 0 9 683 1071 63 .77 1 6 ULE 13 4 0 9 541 1292 41 .87 1 6 _DA SOUTH CAULFIELD13 0 0 13 342 1426 23 .98 0 C RESERV E 5T8'SMENTTIG 13 12 1 0 1384 516 268 .22 50 OLD BOYS 13 9 0 4 1313 610 215 .25 36 N ORTH MARCELLIN 13 8 0 5 860 631 136 .29 32 MONASH BLUES 13 8 0 5 815 780 104 .49 32 ,ASfOWN 13 7 1 5 919 941 97 .66 30 ST LEOS EMMAUS W P 13 7 0 6 754 904 83 .41 28 978 84 .25 1 6 --D :'9NTONIANS 13 4 0 9 824 -.'?7 .VROVERS 13 4 0 9 698 1025 68.10 16 1071 62.09 16 LF-.S.NTEMPLESTOVJE 13 4 0 9 665 J 4 X 13 1 0 12 457 1233 37 .06 4 D RESERVE SECTIO N 'i+H1TEFRiARS 13 11 0 2 1108 611 181 .34 ?ARKSIDE 13 10 0 3 1132 729 155 .28 CLD GEELONG 13 9 0 4 979 628 155.89 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 13 7 0 6 774 716 108.10 EE~UtdP.RISAFC 13 7 0 6 860 833 103 .24 C-D ESSENDON GRAMMARI3 6 1 6 974 695 140 .14 _=_ESIAN O C 13 5 0 8 779 991 78.61 C_7 CF'.18ERWELL 13 4 1 8 632 935 67.59 ST .,OHNS O C 13 3 0 10 608 994 61 .17 4OUINAS 0 8 13 2 0 11 541 1339 40.40

44 40 36 28 28 26 20 18 12 8

E EAST RESERVE YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 13 11 0 2 1287 602 213.79 44 FEW 13 11 0 2 1242 673 184.55 44 OLD CAREY 13 9 0 4 865 484 178.72 36 BULLEEN COBRAS 13 8 0 5 1088 807 134 .82 32 P C4A'IOND CENTRAL 13 6 0 5 1028 844 121 .80 32 ~; :SIDE PARK 13 7 0 6 710 773 91 .85 28 !PARK AFC 13 5 0 8 715 1010 70.79 20 "~~/THORNCITIZENS 13 3 0 10 565 1527 37 .00 12 E_"HAM COLLEGIANS 13 3 0 10 364 1274 26.57 1 2 E CENTRAL RESERVE UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 12 0 1 1508 WILUAMSTOWN CYMS 13 11 0 2 1159 UNIVERSITY REDS 13 10 0 3 934 UHSOB 13 8 0 5 774 ' .- RN BRUNSWICK 13 7 0 6 861 . .'cST BRUNSWICK 13 7 0 6 783 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 13 5 0 8 330 =:, NBURNEUNIVERSITY 13 4 0 9 364 -D WESTBOURNE A F C 13 1 0 12 266

171 881 .87 450 257.56 474 197 .05 856 90.42 696 123 .71 795 98.49 1052 31 .37 1186 30.69 1417 18.77

48 44 40 32 28 28 20 16 4

E SOUTH RESERVE SOUTHBANK C B A AFC 13 13 0 0 1562 371 421 .02 52 PENINSULA 08 13 9 0 4 1041 665 156.54 36 ST MARYS 13 9 0 4 1016 838 121 .24 36 OAKLEIGH A F C 13 9 0 4 902 814 110.81 36 =' :HUNTLY 13 6 0 7 796 877 90 .76 24 ERNWICK 13 5 0 8 749 943 79.43 20 --~lER HOUSE 13 4 1 6 719 853 84.29 1 8 ?4TRICKS MENTONE 13 4 1 8 649 938 69.19 18 '•=3H GRYPHONS 13 4 0 9 666 959 6945 i6 ALBERT PARK 13 1 0 12 532 1474 3609 4





CLUB XVIII (1 ) OLD XAVERIANS 13 10 0 3 764 264 289.39 MAZENOD O C 13 10 0 3 859 569 150 .97 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 13 10 0 3 824 612 134 .64 COLLEGIANS 13 9 0 4 670 567 118 .17 OLD SCOTCH 13 8 1 4 788 476 165.55 OE LA SALIE 13 6 1 6 512 660 77 .58 9 387 835 46.35 ST BERNARDS 13 4 0 OLD MELBURNIANS 13 3 0 10 427 972 43 .93 ST KEVINS 13 3 0 10 272 830 32 .77

40 40 40 36 34 26 16 12 12

CLUB XVIII (2) KEW 13 12 0 1 852 429 198.60 48 SYNDAL TALLY HO 13 11 1 1 852 388 219.59 46 MONASH WHITES 13 9 0 4 848 507 167.26 36 MT LILYDALE O C 13 8 0 5 880 606 145.21 32 MARCELLIN 13 6 0 7 502 612 82.03 24 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR13 4 1 8 497 802 61 .97 18 THORNBURY COUGARS 13 3 0 10 696 863 80 .65 16 THERRY PENOLA OB 13 1 0 12 288 1083 26.59 4 OLD GEELONG 4 0 0 4 132 346 38 .15 0 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 13 10 0 3 1264 954 132.49 UNIVERSITY BLUES 13 9 0 4 1479 822 179 .93 OLD PARADIANS 13 9 0 4 1543 1096 140.78 OLD CAREY 13 8 0 5 1210 1095 110.50 DE LA SALLE 13 7 0 6 1163 1153 100.87 OLD MELBURNIANS 13 7 0 6 1155 1247 92.62 OLD BRIGHTON 13 6 0 7 1123 1288 87 .19 MAZENOD O C 13 5 0 8 991 1271 77.97 STBERNARDS 13 3 0 10 908 1372 66 .18 STKEVINS 13 1 0 12 815 1538 52.99

40 36 36 32 28 28 24 20 12 4

UNDER-19 (2) COLLEGIANS 13 11 0 2 1366 744 183 .60 WHITEFRIARS 13 9 1 3 1241 826 150.24 OLD SCOTCH 13 9 0 4 1337 900 148.56 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 13 9 0 4 1089 936 116 .35 BEAUMARIS A F C 13 7 0 6 1055 1045 100.96 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 13 6 0 7 1047 1364 76.76 OLD HAILEYBURY 13 5 1 7 1119 1073 104.29 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 4 0 9 1206 1080 111 .67 MARCELLIN 13 3 0 10 828 1238 66.88 WARRINGAL A F C 13 0 0 13 582 2029 28.68

44 38 36 36 28 24 22 16 12 0

UNDER-19 (2) BLU E ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS1313 0 0 1792 410 437 .07 MHSOB 13 11 0 2 1315 753 174.63 ORMOND 13 11 0 2 1307 846 154.49 HAMPTON ROVERS 13 6 0 7 1007 1113 90.48 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 13 6 0 7 885 1048 84 .45 AJAX 13 6 0 7 795 1130 70.35 DE LA SALLE (2) 13 5 0 8 638 1179 54.11 MONASH BLUES 13 4 0 9 648 1280 50 .63 OLD GEELONG 13 3 0 10 705 1505 46 .84

52 44 44 24 24 24 20 16 12

UNDER-19 (2) RE D YARRA VALLEY 13 10 0 3 1183 817 144.80 NORTH OLD BOYS 13 9 0 4 837 1018 82.22 OLD TRINITY 13 8 0 5 1190 829 143.55 OLD PARADIANS (2) 13 8 0 5 967 1043 92.71 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 13 7 0 6 1179 1011 116.62 x THERRY PENOLA OB 13 7 0 6 1059 1146 92.41 AQUINAS O C 13 7 0 6 1005 1172 85.75 OLD IVANHOE 13 5 0 8 990 1320 75.00 CHIRNSIDE PARK 13 4 0 9 691 1272 54.32

40 36 32 32 28 28 28 20 16





D L FOR A SECTIO N 0 3 1320 0 3 1392 0 3 1316 1 5 1134 o 6 1115 1 6 1168 0 9 1124 0 9 1123 0 10 992 0 10 1091


B SECTION 11 0 2 9 0 4 9 0 4 9 0 4 7 0 6 7 0 6 6 0 7 5 0 8 2 0 11 0 0 13



AGAINST % POINTS 958 137.79 1049 132 .70 1047 125 .69 1221 92 .87 1161 96 .04 1079 108.25 1301 86 .40 1329 84 .50 1226 80 .91 1404 77.71

40 40 40 30 28 26 16 16 12 12

1625 1355 1468 1468 1410 1319 1403 1248 1271 1028

1017 159 .78 44 1037 130.67 36 1150 127 .65 36 1230 119 .35 36 1321 . 106 .74 28 1423 92 .69 28 1265 110 .91 24 1407 88 .70 20 1849 68.74 8 1896 54 .22 0

12 11 11 8 7 5 4 4 3 0

C SECTION 0 1 1631 0 2 1464 0 2 1699 0 5 1407 0 6 1469 0 8 1204 0 9 1089 0 9 932 0 10 1145 0 13 743

756 215 .74 48 802 182 .54 44 1052 161 .50 44 1181 119.14 32 1303 112 .74 28 1366 88.14 20 1350 80 .67 16 1586 58.76 16 1564 73 .21 12 1823 40 .76 0

12 10 10 6 6 6 5 5 4 1

D SECTION 0 1 1582 0 3 1380 0 3 1352 0 7 1274 0 7 1188 0 7 1013 0 8 1109 0 8 998 0 9 1172 0 12 898

966 163 .77 48 990 139 .39 . 40 1070 126.36 40 1227 103 .83 24 1269 93 .62 24 1206 84.00 24 1302 85 .18 20 1189 83 .94 20 1444 81 .16 16 1303 68.92 4

E EAST SECTION 11 0 2 1762 11 0 1 1191 10 0 3 1650 3 1157 5 1364 7 1283 9 715 9 605 11 734

974 180.90 696 171 .12 904 182 .52 714 162 .04 1097 124 .34 1062 120 .81 1540 46 .43 1734 34.89 1740 42 .18


E CENTRAL SECTION 13 0 0 1196 11 0 2 1491 8 0 5 934 7 0 6 1105 7 0 6 985 6 0 7 729 5 0 8 908 4 0 9 839 4 0 9 680

1036 90.15 1040 106.25 977 100 .82 1082 67.38 1142 79 .51 1121 74 .84 1081 62.90


E SOUTH SECTION 13 0 0 2025 10 0 3 1446 9 0 4 1445 8 0 5 1656 7 0 6 1265 7 0 6 1230 6 0 7 1249 3 0 10 1065 1 0 12 1027 1 0 12 909

661 306.35 52 1045 138.37 40 978 147.75 36 1202 137.77 32 1263 100.16 28 1366 90.04 28 1363 91 .64 24 1855 57.41 12 1521 67.52 4 2063 44 .06 4

8 8 5 4 4 2

1 0 1 0 0 0

723 665

44 44 40 34 32 22 16 16 8

165 .42 52 224 .21 44

32 28 28 24 20 16 16


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