Ouit. Smokelree
Big match On Sunda y display below promotes our last representative iencounter for the year . It is hoped that as many VAFAe hi,,Inclrs as possible will take advantage of the "fre spectator entry" day (cars $2) to support the Big White . Last time I previewed l ill st the VCFL (the Big Blue V) versus South Australian match I predicted the Sunday's match I C,,,,1 ; and also the winning margin! For 9 points in a thrilling tip the VAFA to scrape home bypex-VCF r Then again a s n L ect the playeto give an .,, „rria~nbool 1966 and 1967} a ex
cellent account of itself . Finals on the horizon
At the moment the Senior Administration Committee program for this year's snd I are working on the .finals At the moment the likely prof;iui is series of matches _r;an appears to be as follows : ; BA-all matches at E.P. (31/8 :7/9;14/9 and 21/9) final to be at :11 matches at E .P. except prelim ; C - all matches at S_ ndringham (30/8 ;6/9 :13/9.20/9) final, which is played at d>dngham except the grand g an Q F!sternwick Park (23/8,3018, 9, 13/9): 23/8; ,ither Central Reserve. a~eigh or E South at 3018,6/9,13/ 9) ; E East at Camberwell, at Brunswick (23/8 , ',tordialloc and E Central
24I8,30/8,6/9). Th e four under 19 sections this year will play a 4 week finals serie s PHIL STEVENS (23/8,30/8,6/9,13/9) E with two matches a day CHIEF EXECUTIV OFFICER (11 .30am and 2 .00pm ) with venues probably from Trinity Grammar, Oakleigh, Parade College, De La Salle and Parkdale . Club XVIII also play a 4 week fmals series (3 /8,9 /8,16/8,24/8) with the first semis and grand finals being played at Elsternwick Park . One thought under consideration is to play the under 19/1 grand final at 9 .00am on C section grand final morning (weather permitting) . Once firmed a finals display will appear each week in the "Amateur Footballer" .
Best wishe s
Wishing everyone an enjoyable weekend of football and a special big welcome to our visitors from all over the state representing the VCFL . This issues cover shot captures dashToday's Cover : Holt in full flight for the ing old Scotch defender Tim in the June match against Sth Australia . Tim VAFA important player in the (No .19) is expected to be an VAFA's backline in this weekend's match .
our overall dominance to 4-2? Can the VAFA extend Can the VAFA make it 3 consecutive wins? .81 (Bendigo) previous meetings, .14 .100 VCFL 11 .16 VAFA 15 1~~ VAFA 7 .15 .57 (Mildura) 18 .9.11 7 1985 VCFL VAFA 7.13 .55 (Lavington) Park) .11,119 VCFL 1987 13 .12.90 (Eisternwick .92 VCFL 13 13.44 1993 VAFA .78 VCFL 10.10 .70, (Mmrwel O 11 .12 1995 VAFA
e Big 1Nhite V We need your support. Be ther e and help th
give of its best.
Entry For Spectators Is Free($2 charge for cars) Main Match Carnmences`1 .4 5 p m
urtain Raiser - Old Xavs v . Old Carey U 19 I ~ .~~ a m
• ~
2 C ..
., u A a m
~ __ , ~
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Jul y 26th,1997 Price : $1 .2 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
0 Vol. 97 No . 1 5
'--' ince 1984 the VAFA and VCFL have met on five .-v%previous occasions . In 1984 in Bendigo the Amateurs "got home" by 19 points and in 1985 in Mildura the VCFL convincingly won by 60 points . It was the VCFL's turn again in 1987 in Lavington to win by another convincing 64 points margin . Six years later the VAFA enjoyed success at Elsternwick Park when the Amateurs got home "by the skin of their teeth" to win by two points . In the last encounter in Morwell the VAFA won again in another close match, this time by an eight point margin. So today these two football bodies meet again for the sixth time and the question that will be answered later today will be - has the VAFA been able to extend its number of wins over the VCFL to 3 consecutive wins or will the VCFL be able to win and bring the overall "head to head" result to three all? Whatever the result, today's match brings together two groups of players and officials who share so much in common. Country and Amateur players and officials put in an untold number of hours for the love of our great game so that one's team, club and League or Association will prosper. With the many changes to the game at state and national level, we also enjoy the thrill of seeing players from our competitions being chosen to prove themselves at higher levels with the possibility of achieving every boy's dream of playing AFL football . Today's teams are competing for the Brian Molony Cup for the second time. Brian sadly passed away just
before the last match and these matches allow n old friends who enjoyed "Muncher's" company tc together and exchange stories about the old days. We are privileged to welcome to the pre-match cheon VCFL President John McCarty, many of VCFL Regional Directors, some sponsors of our bodies and very special guests the Chairman of VFL Mr. Bill Carroll and the Chief Executive Office the VFL Mr. Ken Gannon and his wife Robyn . Also with us today is Claire Molony, wife of the Brian Molony, and Claire will present the Brian Mot Cup to either Kevin Neille (VCFL) or Neville Ta . (VAFA) who are the opposing coaches in today's mal On behalf of the Association's President Da Burnes, Quit Be Smokefree (The Association's m~ sponsor) and members of the VAFA's Execut Committee I wish players, the two coaches, i appointed umpires and supporters a most enjoya day at the VAFA's headquarters Elsternwick Park a it is my hope that the standard of the football playec another wonderful advertisement for football at 1 grassroots level . Finally I would like to acknowledge the excellent operation and efforts of the VCFL General Mana~ Barry Senior and Field Officer David Matthews assisting the VAFA in staging today's match. PHIL STEVEP VAFA CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE
ian " 1 9C !unthe two the r of late )ny lor ch, vid jor ive he )le nd is he
he VCFL is delighted to have the opportuni ty ~to play the VAFA for the honour of holding the ~, - Molony Cup. The VCFL and VAFA are both integral parts of % 'ic orian footba ll with both bodies playing a signif,caj t role towards the future of Australian footba ll in Victoria . Today's match acknowledges an d honours the riemo ry of the contribution former VCFL President and Life Member Bri an Molony made to not only country football but to representative football . Brian was passionate towards representative football and was one of the prime movers in establishing matches such as today's game becoming a regular fixture on the football calendar. The previous matches played between the two c~째ams have been ve ry close and entertaining results with the VAFA narrowly winning the pas t
two by just two and eight points respectively . No doubt the Country team will be very keen to reverse those results today. Regardless of which team wins it is important to understand that these matches should be played in the true spirit with at the end of the day the biggest winner being the game of Australian Football itself . On behalf of the VCFL President Mr John McCarty and the VCFL Directors may I congratulate the players and officials of both teams and the umpires on their selection for today's game . To the VAFA officials, President David Burnes, General Manager Phil Stevens and their associates . thank you for your help and hospitality and may the proud traditions of both competitions continue and of course may the best team win . BARRY SENIOR GENERAL MANAGER
~oer in
l o,l O 1 I
COACH Neville Taylo r
C O F SELECTORS Tom Johnston SELECTORS Max Lyon Bruce Ferguson Rob Fuller Peter Hutchinson Phil Steven s
RUNNER Rob Fuller
.~ L,~-SS C3C
1 .. . Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blood .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .(Captain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Old . . . . . . . . . Xaverians . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . Luke Gollant St Bernards . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . Mark Brady St Kevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. . . .. . . . .Rohan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..Old . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scotch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . 5. . . ... . .Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Holmes . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Old . . . . . . . . . . Xaverians . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . ... . . Toby . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Roberts . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Old . . . . . . . . . . . Melburnians . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 .. . .Justin Old . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .Hosking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .Scotc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. .. . . .Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theodore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . Old . . . . . . . . . . . .Melburnians ...................... ....... ........... 9. .. . . . .Glenn Hatfield Old Trinity .............. .. . . . 10 . Micah Berry Old Melburnians ............. 11 . Mark Neeld . . . . . . . . . . Old Geelong. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12. .. .... . Cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eabry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Old . . . . . . .. . .. .Melburnians ................................................ 13 .. . . Simon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . Old . . . . . . . . . . . . .Xaverian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 14 . . . . . . ... . .Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . Ockleshaw . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . Old . . . . . . . . . . . .Xaverians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . Anthony Parkin Colle ....... ...... ... ...... . ... . gan .......s ..... ......... ...... 16 . Mark Seccull Old Haileybur y 17 . . . .... . .Dan . . . . . . . . . . . .Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ..Old . . . . . . . . . . Xaverians .......................................... 18 . Wes Byrns Old Haile bu r . . . . . .. . .. . . ....... 19 . . . . ... . . .Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Holt .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Old . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scotch . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . ... . .Jason . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . Gollant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St . . . . . . . . .Bernards . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 . Yo ry Phillips Colle .. . . . . . . . . . gian . . . . . . .s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 . Matthew Jackson.. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Old . . . . . . . Brighton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 23 . Anthony Darcy Old Geelong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . Andrew P ry or Old Brighto n . . ........
25.. . .. . . ..Tom . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Old . . . . .. . .. . .. . .Scotch .................. ...... ....................
Nigel Pedler (VCFL - Warrnambool Umpires' Association) Wayne Hinton ( Victorian Amateur Football Association) John Wilson ( VCFL - Southern Umpires' Association) Robert Mutton ( Victorian Amateur Football Association )
Rod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Morwell .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taylor
Luke . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . .Grovedal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rayner Shane . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shepparto ..........................n .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fitzsimmons Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shore . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . Fopiani
Sean Lever Cobden , 10 .. . . . .Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Grovedale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .Bruhn . yrtlefor d. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . 11 . Guy .Rigon . . 12 . Ben Hollands North Albury Brett Hungerford St Joseph s
Dean Smith . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .St . . . . . . . . . . .Josephs . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . Glenn Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albury ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Matthew Chillcott Port Fair 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 119 .
Wayne Loader Camperdown
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St .. ..Nat . . . . . . . . . . .Albans .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . 22 . .. ., Matt Fowler . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . Albury.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . Pine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . . . .... . . . . Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Allen .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . Gavin McMahon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lavington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. .. . . . Mark . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .St . . . . . . .Alban . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
28 . Stephen. . . .Ash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alb . . . . . . . . . . . .u. ~'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 29. . ... . .. Michael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hurst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nathalia . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .
COACH Kevin Neille
SELECTORS Greg Liddell Mark Elli s RUNNER John Brooke s TEAM MANAGER David Matthews
30... . . . . .Ma . . . . . . . . . . .e. .w . . . . .Mansfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .Leong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . Cracknell Bacchus . . . .Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marsh . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32.. . .. . . .Mark Lambourne Lemnos . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tony Trevaskis North Albur y
Darryl Tinkler (VCFL - Albury Umpires' Association) Bernie Hoare (Victorian Amateur Football Association) INTEItC GE : Pat Harris (Victorian Amateur Football Association) TIMEKEEPER : Alex Johnson (Victorian Amateur Football Association ) 0
C SECTION by Russell Goul d
e had some close results last weekend which is good news as we draw closer to the end of th e season . There was movement at the bottom of the table, and there are now three teams battling to avoid relegation. All have tough draws coming home, and my tip is that Monash will be the unfortunate ones to have to join AJAX in 'D' next year, but it could go a different way if they knock off the improving St Leos this week . Up top things are far from settled with just four rounds to go. Old Mentonians are just holding onto fourth spot, but looking at their run home, it looks doubtful they can hang on and should lose their spot to Bulleen/Temp who could win their final four games, with the one maybe the round 16 clash with the Panthers . There could also be some shuffling of the top three with both Marcellin an d St Bedes/Mentone having to face the NOB's who are now not so sure a thing. We also have a bit of a challenge in the goal kicking, Tony MacGeorge from the Tigers kicking 8 to move to within 4 of Big Ads with just 4 rounds to go and I will surely be watching that with interest . Itis getting exciting and the next few weeks should provide some great football . REVIEW We firstly go down to Bluff Road oval where Hampton Rovers led Old Mentonians all day until the final few minutes where the Panthers stuck their noses in front and got the victory by just 7 points . The Rovers provided plenty of physical pressure and led at every change, 13 points the greatest margin at the final change. Guyan Stroud booted five goals for the visitors after half time and made up for Big Ad's inaccuracy, and Twentyman was also good after half time for the Panthers and helped keep them in the game . The Rovers were fighting to stay clear of the relegation pile but the Panthers were fighting for a finals spot and that seemed to be the greater incentive, but lim sure we can expect good things from the Rovers for the rest of the year. North Old Boys hosted Bull een/Templestowe and were keen to turn around the result of their last encounter. But the Bullants always knew they were in with a chance and came out plaving like it . Bulleen thought physical pressure and ferocity at the ball was their best weapon and for most of the day it worked . Neither side could break away in a hard fought contest, and just 2 points separated the teams at half time . The second half was more of the same, but the NOB's swung some changes which proved effective and they finished the stronger, scrambling through a couple of late goals to get them home by 10 points . Both teams had many good players the best of whom were Spurling, Curry and Micunda for the victors, whilst for the Bullants' major contributors were Bone an d Willi ams, I think we will see both these teams in the finals . 6
Perfect conditions for football were experienced at Thomastown where the Bears were hosting a determined St Leos . The Two Blues 1d coming off a good showing against Marcellin and u firing in the first term . They kicked five goals to have a good 13 point lead early. The Bears then rali but managed only 4 goals from 13 shots in the see( term and lead by just 5 points at the long break . third and fourth quarters were a real battle as b sides fought to take control of the game . Going into last term with a 5 point lead the Two Blues were ablE withstand a strong comeback and in a real nail-b : took the game by 3 points . In a great team effi McKenzie and Rafferty were solid for St Leos whilst Thomastown Grech an d Ristevski stoodup as the guns failed to fire. At Albert Park Marcellin overcame a lazy start s a very competitive AJAX to runout comfortable 82 pc victors. In a low scoring first half the Eagles co mcenyalowedAjaxtosywithnoucandwerju , kicks behind at half time with enough of a sniff to Ithemgoin . Unfortunately though Marcellin went u] notch in the third and with Sampimon and Croi running riot they stretched their lead to 45 points at final change, AJAXis competitiveness slowly fading . 't last quarter became a bit of a show as the Eagles pi on another 7 goals to run away with the game, Seabi : finishing off the game well for the winners . For AJf four quarter triers were Bran, Onas and Rosen out c group of very disappointed Jacker players . The second blowout of the round was at t University where St Bedes/Mentone Tigers piled 16 goals to 3 in the first half to destroy a very ordim, Monash Blues outfit. The Tigers were winning all oi the ground and were especially good in starting attac from the backline . They kicked another 7 goals to 2 the third and held a 116 point lead at the final chant To the home sideis credit they showed a bit of chars ter in the last and kicked 5 goals to try and reduce t margin, but the Tigers also kicked 6 and won by 1 points . Best for the Tigers were Marinic, Tu lly a Sam Hecker. whilst the Monash Boys all tried ha without any real standout performances. PREVIEW Match of the round is at Marcell in where the Eagl take on North Old Boys in the fight for top spot . IÂŤ go for Marcellin home in a close encounter . Another interesting clash at Burcvood where Leos takes on Monash, the winner to move a gar clear of the bottom of the table . St Leos have shov they are a good side over the last couple of weeks ai should win in another close one . Old Mentonians take on Thomastown who see M THE AMATEUR FOOTeALIFR 1 s
it le n ld
M 97
ic, i, ,,\ c dropped the ball a bit . The Panthers surely have j ,,,,r,~ to phv for and will win by 5 goals . St Bedes/RRentone host AJAX, the Tigers to win ,= ic1 ,ti1~~cea to get closer to the top of the goaIlticking i 7Di~ .
Bulleen/Templestowe should defeat the visiting Hampton Rovers side who will surely not go down ~I,i,i,out a fight . elves winners : NOB's, Monash, Old ~1,nlonians, St Bedes/Mentone Tigers, Bulleen! Tt n plestowe .
.1JAX- wishes to thank : .iarceIlin FC for their senty and co-operation in joining AJAX in wearing black urrnbands and willingly participating in the pre-game memorial service, remembering the Australian athletes who died in Israel at the opening ceremony of the tViaccabi Games (Jewish Olympics) . North Old Boys - Phil O'Dwyer plays his 150th game for the club he has been with since 1986. Currently the reserves vice-captain Phil is a well respected club member and all wish to congratulate him. St Bedes/Mentone Tigers - Congratulations go to both Marc RRifsud and Matt Corderoy on playing their 50th game with the club. Soc ial: Also, St Bedes/Mentone are holding their annual trivia night at the club on Saturday August 2. To book a table contact Mark Beasley through the club, numbers are limited to 10 tables of 12 .
SENIORS - 19.07.9 7 AJAX 2.0 4 .2 5.4 6 .6.42 bIdRCELLIN 3.5 6 .7 11 .13 18.16.124 AJAX Rosen 4. Lust. Mohr. Beat Halphen . Feldman . Braun. Onas. Rosen. Roth. Marcdlin CatCry S. Seaburv 3. Beattie . O'Flynn 3. Kara44asilis. Sampimon . Waters. Dodorlcv. Best Sampimon . Rowe. Day . Caffrey. Seahuly. McIntosh . MONASH BLUES 2.0 4.0 5.2 10 .3 .63 ST. B'S MEN . TIG . 7.2 17.5 22.10 29 .11 .185 Monash Blues McIver 3 . Webster 2. Teasdale 2 . De Young 2 . Rogers. Best Hipxell. Tinkler. M . Newman. McGee, HoIlowap, O'i3eill . St Bs Meut . T3g. McGeorge 8 . Dlggins 5 . Hecker 4, Hayes 3. Beasley 2 . S. Hecker 2. Thompsn 2 . Ord. Marinic. Lannan .
THOMASTOWN - - - 10.16 .76 ST. LEOS EMMAUS WE 12.7 .79 1Lamestown Gorski 3 . V:flert 2. Holmes 2. Caceci . A. Fellows. A. Ward, Best N. Greeh. Riste4ski . A . Fellows, Gorskl Holmes. M. Grech. St Leos Banks 3, Faulisi 2 . Graves 2. Bur~ess. Dinicalantino. Major, Ryan. haughan, Best McKenzie. Buckle. Rafferty. Mc~Cann. O'Meara DWmlantino. NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .4 4.5 8 .8 11.9.79 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 .3 4.4 9 .4 10.5.85 North Old Boys Spruling 3, Bower 2. Collison 2 . Curran 2. Cook, Lock. Best Spurling. Cumr. Mtcunda Manassa. Smith. Bower. Bulleen Templestowe Goal rackets and best players not received. HAMPTON ROVERS 4 .2 8.6 13.8 15.11.101 OLD MENTONIANS 2 .3 7.5 11.7 16.12.108 Hampton Rovers Crau^ford 4 . Wilmott 3 . D. Anderson 2, S. Anderson. McConville, McKellar. Ferguson. Natoll, wills. Best htartm. D. Anderson. Ferguson. Fletcher. McKellar, McDonnell .
Old Meaton#an.G . Stroud 6. Acreman 3 . Paterson 3 . Bouman. Ferguson. Mire. Twentyman. Best G. Stroud . Paterson. Twenttm3n . hfacquire . Bournon. B. Murphy. RESERVES - 19 .07.9 7 AJAX 2.1 5 .2 5.3 5 .4.34 MARCELLIN 3.3 5 .3 7.4 13 .5.83 AJAX i4oolL Diamond . Wajntrag. Siher. Skurnik . Bet S . Dais . Abrahams. Zedinksi. GrodskL Glasman. Grundman. Mereellin Petrofi 7. Taylor 2. Howell. J. Lilley. T. Lilley. Tsoukts. Best Golds. Stokes. M. one. Sheehan, A. Day, htoussL MONASH BLUES 2.0 4.0 6.1 7.3 .34 ST. B'S MEN. TIG. 1 .2 5.4 8.6 15 .11 .101 Monash Blues Waxi 3. Spencer 2 . Baxter. Manuell. Best J. Millie. Davslev. Kellock. Jones . Harris, McCann.
St. Be Meat . Tig. Dan Goodchitd 5 . Schreier 3 . Peck 2. Johnston 2. M . Beasley. Connolly. Tonilfnson . B est M . Kinsella Peck. Tomlinson . Furlong. Lomagrto. Gomehiud. THOMASrowN 9.7 .61 ST. LEOS EMMAUS WP 13 .9 .87 Thoneastava Scarpa 2 . D. PouZkis 2. B. Smith. Petsin6. T. Colosimo. Z. F7emhtg. Pandoifo. Best B. Smith. Z. Fleming. Thcodorou. D . Pat ~~ . Plavr)ght . T. Cr)tiYhno . St Leos A. De+iin 7. Carey . R . MeCann . Ndreu. Niel. I;anetta Vandenakker. Best De,91n . Nankervis. McCann. Panetta Carey. Ndreu. NORTH OLD BOYS 5 .4 7.5 8 .9 10.13.73 BULLEEN TEh7PLESTOWE 0.1 4.6 5.7 6.9.45 North Old Boys GraFtina 3. Lowrie 2. Robinson 2. Zocco . Reimann. v Best BuZeja. Cleveland . Sweeney. Gratiina Hooper. Roberts. BufFeen Templestowe Goal Kickers and best players not receri•ed . HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .0 1 .1 1.4 2.4.16 OLD MENTONtANS 4 .5 7.11 12.15 17.20.122 Hampton Rovers Hayden 2. Best Armstrong. Hunt. Mason . Hebard. Tyrrell . Old blentordans Millis 4 . WSnduss 3, Salley 3 . Lu^xes 2, Linfmd 2 . Rik.y 2 . Graham
ST. BEDES MENl'ONE'rIGERS v. AJAX Field : M . Gibson B. Tamblyn Boundary: J . Handfleld S. Hering Goal : Kevin Seta Phil Burg Sr. I.EOS EMMAUS v. MONASH BLUES Field : J. Kvins N . McCorquodale Goal: Peter Bekkers Steven Mooney MARCELLIN v. NORTH OLD BOYS Field: R. Eastwood A. Kiel Boundary: J. Stevenson B. Brown Goal: Alan Bishop Shannon Ryan BULLEEN-TEM PLESTOWE v. HAMPTON ROVERS Field: D . Lane C . O'Donohue Boundary: T. Dodds P. We Goal: Ross Richards Robert Seymour OLD MENTONIANS v. THOMASTOWN Field : C. Segota R Sneddon Boundary: G. Miller M . Chapple Goal : John Robinson Leo Wilson
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D SECTION by Peter Kelly & David Coo k REVIEW OF ROUND 14 esults from last week saw Old Essendon sneak a ame clear in fourth spot and St Johns and Salesian joined by Parkside each a game out of the four . Parkside the giant killers being the first to defeat Whitefriars and now accounting for top side and premiership favourite Old Geelong will lament if they miss the finals because of their failure to perform consistently in games they should have won during the season . Whitefriars managed to hang on against St Johns in a very high standard game where both sides applied constant pressure in a game that meant so much to both clubs. They are to be congratulated performing so well under such trying and testing circumstances with factors out of the control of either club having an influence on the game . After an even first quarter Whitefriars' aeriel dominance saw them get out to a lead of 36 points at half time and the game looked over . Houstan and O'Conner had repelled many attacks and with Mika and Bateman slightly on top at the ball ups it took a great effort from St Johns in a disciplined second half to get within touch . Hilton for St Johns took control with strength and skill and if it had not been for time and a couple of great desperate moves in defence by the Friars, St Johns may have stolen this game . The Friars best were also Pasqualotto and Hughes whilst St Johns best were Labrooy and Aberjaber (4 gls ) Parkside started well and took control early against Old Geelong just as they have in other recent games and then allowed the opposition to settle and take the lead . OGS leading by 4 gls in the second quarter appeared to be taking control until fierce determination produced a 9 goal second quarter as the Devils made every possession a contest . OGS scored early in the third but the Devils answered with Brad Hockey in the centre dominating during this section of the game. Parkside inspired by McNamara's heart and determination and the strength of Hockey lifted as one which was capped off by Vita who finished with 5 Goals . The play of the day occurred during this game when Parksideis second gamer Romano took an extremely courageous mark that seemed to inspire and lift the whole Parkside team. Caulfield slowly edged away from Old Essendon and led by 20 points into the second quarter and were still 15 points up at half time . OEGS playing for fourth spot produced their best quarter for weeks given the loss of key players through injury and played superbly to kick 5 goals to nil to lead by three gls at the last break. Caulfield scored the first goal to put the result in doubt . but with both sides playing desperate footy OEGS hung on to keep fourth spot . A great dual all day between Caulfield's Liddel who got the points and 8
Goodger on the wing was reported as a highlig whilst OEGS best were Leask, Steven, Chapman a j Hutchinson . The game played between Beaumaris a t Salesian was played at a furious pace all day with n, ther side able to break free. The game rested on t~~~ ~. time on period of the final quarter where Salesianve determined and desperate for the ball grabbed an point lead until the Sharks clawed their way back even the scores . In a last desperate attempt with t] ball in dispute and every contest being hard foug McManus scrambled a point which was the fin result. The Sharks best were Nicholson, Marti Sherman, Johnston, an d Hanrahan with their ma goalkicker being O'Riley who finished with 4. Salesia were serviced by regulars Hazel, Bobetic with ga players in Wiseman an d Sutherland. A relatively even but poor standard game so Aquinas with a 2 goal lead at half time in the mat( against Old Camberwe ll which was extended slight by the last break. The last quarter was all Aquinas they kicked 8 goals to 2 to run out easy winner Aquinas' Quinn who started on the wing before mo ing forward finished the day with 5 goals and Collivi were great contributors all day and were given gre, support by Phillips who finished with 6 . Whilst Frig Whitehead and Walker were Old Cambis best . Preview of todayis games. Parkside will move a step closer to a fmals bert when they take on Caulfield at home today if they ca maintain the performance of last weekis game Como Park . Caulfield who have had their chances i the past two weeks are in a must win situation avoid relegation . Parkside at home by 5 goal, Salesian it would seem will meet Old Geelong on t l rebound after what they term as their shock loss . iwek Salesian on the other hand will have a test of cha act째r after a very disappointing one point loss wit this weeks game probably deciding their season . 01 Geelong will win this game even though their gar style will be cramped by the Salesian ground . Old Essendon will cement fourth spot with a easy win at home over the to be relegated 01 Camber vell . With much more at stake and a grez home ground advantage Old Essendon by 10 goals . Aquinas will host Whitefriars at their horn ground being played on the school top oval where on would expect the Friars to win easily . That may not b the case in a result that may be closer than most pre dict with Aquinas still in the hunt to avoid relegatio . M THE AMATEUR RXITRAI I FR ioc
Ihc~ c m win three of their last four games . For me litti lriars by 6 goals . St Johns absolutely thrashed when the last met Beaumaris will be hoping to take their recent form i,ItO this game in their efforts to make the finals. Old i;s-~cridon with a game an d percentage will definitely ,,.cord a win today and St Johnsi only hope is to play tour quarters of skilled football as they have done in t il,' na ;t two weeks against Caulfield an d the Friars . 13 e . 111 tnaris on the other han d needed the hard hit out Lit n'cek against Salesian and will not give up second _~ pot at this late stage of the season . In a ve ry close r am( , the Sharks by a kick.
Aquinas - congratulate Matthew Slattery and Paul Harper who both notched up their 50th game last week . Starting the season in the Reserves both have grabbed opportunities to play good senior footy when given the chance. SOCIAL : Aquinas - Sportsman's Night is on the 30th of July where Jason Dunstall and others are guest speakers contact the clubs Cameron Colliver on 9720 3200 for details. old Essendon - Club XVIII vote count night is on Sunday August the 3rd at the social rooms at 12 .30. All welcome . St Johns - will be celebrating their reverse raffle night after next weeks Aquinas game and all support, s are welcome .
2 5
29 25 23 23
SENIORS - 19 .07.9 7 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 .2 5.8 5.8 8.11.59 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 1 .2 3 .3 8.4 9.8.82 Caulfield Grammar Stumbles 3 . Thompson 2, Will 2. Vella Best Doud . Lubransky, Ltddeu . Beauchamp, Wilson, Ropals. Old Essendon Fletcher 2, Craig 2, Podger. FLatdng. Lukasz. Panagiotopoulos, Capodifeno. Best Leask, Steven. Chapman, Hutchison, Craig, McPherson. OLD GEELONG 6.3 8.5 12.10 18 .11 .107 PARiiSIDE 3.4 12.7 15.8 20 .11 .131 Old Geelong t4clsby 5 . W. Mithen 3. Howells, Neeld. Harper, Stevens, Wiffen . Beat Mithen . Wilkinson. Welsby, Smithers, Darcy, Howells . Parkside Vita 5, Laursen 4, MacNamara 3 . Manilli 3, Gunn 2, M. Romano 2. Panjart . Best Hockey. MacNamara. MarulU, Vita huerra. Laursen . BEAUAiARIS A.F.C. 3.7 5.9 9 .14 10.19 .79 SALESIAN O.C. 4.2 8.3 9 .6 12.8 .78 Beaumarls O'Riley 4 . Salisbury 2. Hajvvahan, McManus, Nicholson, Reidy. Best Nicholson, Martin, Sherman . Johnston. Hanrahan . Hoyne. Salesian Cincotta 5, Grace 2, Kavanagh . Canavan. Bobetle. Byrne . Wiseman. Best Hazel]. Wiseman. Kavanagh, Sutherland. Cincotta G . Gasparl . OLD CAMBERWELL 1 .4 2.7 5.9 7.11.53 AQUINAS O .B. 2 .5 4 .8 8.8 18.12.108 Old Camberwell James 2. Inkster 2 . Walker 2, Seeley . Best Scott. Frigo, Leitch . lialker, Whitehead, Seeley . Aquinas Phillips 6 . Quinn 5. Lorkin 2. Doherty 2, Lamborn . Best Quinn, Lorkin . Phillips . WhLston, Lamborn. Flynn. wiRT'EEFRIARB 3 .5 11 .8 13.14 15 .20.110 ST. JOHNS 2.2 6 .3 8.5 14 .5.89 WhttefrFaxs C . Harris 4. Mika 3. Robinson 3. Cou~hlan 2. Jongebioed. C. Carrigg, Hughes. Best Houston. Mika Pa_~ualotto . Mark ~ateman . Hughes . O'Connor. St. Johns Aboujabber 3 . Koppens 2, Labrody 2, Hilton 2, Emery 2 . Reynoods 2, Meechan . Best Hilton. Ladson. Emery. Labrody. B . Hilton, Saunderson .
RESERVES - 19.07 .97 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 0.2 0.3 1.3 1 .8 .14 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 2 .2 5.3 8.3 12.3 .75 Caulfield Grammar Bett any. Best Lawrence. Williams . Boves, Giles, Harris, Anderson . Old Essendon Grammar Ciohesv 5 . Dudderldge 3 . Gills 2, Wright. Barry. Beat Robertson. Corby. Saunders. Carter. Barry. Gills. OLD GEELONG 2 .2 8,5 9.10 10.13.73 PARKSIDE 3 .0 3 .1 4.1 5.3.33 Old Geelong McKellar 3, Power 2, Farrar. Lfley . Oliphant Robson . Best Lffey. Ott. O'Halloran . McKellar . Kemp . St. Clair. Parkside Dunbabin . J. McCall. Mifsud. Panjart Tyson. Best Lord . Constantine. Tyson . V.-Sren . Fisher, J. McCall, BEAUMARIS A.F.C . 2.2 5 .5 5.7 7 .8.50 SALESIAN O.C. 1 .2 2 .3 4.7 5 .8 .38 Beaumaria Wright. Devine, Ott. McMahon. O'Brien . Wilson. Osborne. Best Wright. Smith . McMahon. Devine . O'Brien, McKenzie . Salesian O'Neill . Bror~n, COoke. Best Bouchard, Forbes . Brennan. Chalmers. Taylor. Napoli. OLD CAASBERWELL 4.4 8.10 15 .12 19.17 .131 AQUINAS O.B. 1 .0 1 .0 2 .2 2.2 .14 Old Camberwell Craig 4 . Cocks 3 . Watson 2, Maurodogbs 2 . knbergwer 2 . Honored 2. Simpson. Taulor. Richmond. Hopkins. Best Kent . Nash. Kerkvliet, Craig. Simpson, Bridel . Aquinas Ctifford . Wilson. Best Todd. Kelly . Clifford. Franklin . Phelan. 8'H04EFRiARS 2 .0 7.2 10.4 13.8.88 ST. JOHNS 1 .5 1 .10 4.14 8.18.54 whitdriazs Peter O'Brien 5. Fulton 2 . Ciardulli. Lester. Burroack . Campbell. McFarlane . Strike . Beat Campbell. Eames, GrifHn . D. Vandenboom. Borrack. Fulton. St Johns Lagonder 2 . Doherty 2. B. Cotton 2. Best CorcorrazL Pepper, Kelly. Rachele . Hyrlquist. Gorman .
_~~~速~ In PARKSII)E V. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR Field : M . Jackson P. Simpson Goal : Malcolm Frame Gary Clancy SALESIAN 0 C v. OLD GEELONG Field: D. Dalgieish L. Gallagher Boundary : C. Kealy Goal: Ken Coughlan Michael Lentini OLD ESSENI}(3N GR V. OLD CAMBERWEid. Field: M. Bushfield C . Wallis Goal: Reno Balichicvich Robert Party AQUINAS 0 B v. wHI1EFg2IARS AT AQUINAS COLLEGE Field: G . Gioras G. Armstrong Boundary: R. Binding J. Binding Goal : Grant Beard John Finn ST. JOHNS v . BEAUMARIS Field : M . Jenkins T. Ovadia Goal : Charlie May Peter Allsop
Advance Leasing Ltd . providing . . . Commercial Hire Purchase & Leasing products 速 Motor Vehicles 速 Plant & Equipment 速 Office Equipment o Fixtures & Fitting s Ring: Peter Johnston (03) 9684 4207 or John MacDonald (03) 9684 4264 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
Hugh Lyon
E EAST SECTION Barry Hicke y
Knitwear his is the time of the year when the competition divides into two types . The first is well documented, it is the struggle for the place in the four, and fine tuning for the shot at the big goal, eThe Flagi. The second is equally well known, but spoken less of, the keeping together of team morale and spirit for those clubs whose race is run for the season, and the key objective is to remain sufficiently intact to front up again next year. It is in the latter battle that the social fabric of a club becomes so important, trying to maintain a common purpose to see the season out and front up for yet another go. It often seems a thankless and even futile task, but if it is not undertaken there is no survival, and I think we should salute those frequently unrecognized heroes, who just do it . LAST WEE K Eley Park went down to Chirnside Park, with the Sharks unable to penetrate the Parkersi rock- like defence for most of the game . Craig Devoy gave a BOG display for the Parkers across half back, Ryan Burke was also sensational in defence, and Mark Pembo did all the things only he seems capable of . The Sharks had good players in Featonby, D . Bowen & 'The Pig' Payne, but just eanit recover from their horrendous injury list . Yarra Valley OB's overwhelmed Eltham OC's in an awesome display of power football . The Turtles couldnit cope with the defensive work of Messrs Fung, Dodwell, Downs & McIlwaith, and with Yarra's centres and on-ballers in command the forwards had a field day. Old Carey won well against Bulleen Cobras, who have loads of talent but somehow struggle in the application of it . In a fast, open game, the Cis were never headed after opening up a 35 point lead during the first term . Shane Dillon had heaps of possessions on the ball for the Cobras. Simon Gayler wasn't far behind him, while 'Browney' and Leo Hickey were good value in a number of roles . Kanga Matthews had a magnificent game at CHB for the C's . Chad Esler rucked effectivelv. Jason Woods showed out with his marking and long kicking, on-ballers . Nick Vas and Cam Campbell were busy, and the Addo & Hedgie act continued to add to its repertoire . David D'Altera was on time but there werenit any roadworks on his way for this appointment, and Michael Flanagan had the honour of umpiring the Senior side of his old club (the Cobras) prior to his departure eup northi for a while . Kew kicked the sweep against Hawthorn Citizens with a truly devastating display of sustained scoring . The Cits were never realiv in the contest, yet never ceased contesting. Ang Gencarelli at HBF and Rick Pulverenti at HFF both had stand out games for Kew, and amongst the 13 goalscorers Massimo Masciti with 11, and the very versatile Jamie Bell with 7 big ones . have to be mentioned . The Cits weren't helped 10
by some late withdrawals, and their better players were y,y , great duel with Masciti at CHB . Shane Parkers in thi BP, and Steve Irvine on the HBF . Richmond Central rested . TODAY'S GAMES Eltham host Eley Park on the wide open spaces o the Main College Oval and will be hoped for a repeat o the form they showed in their last encounter with th, Sharks . Both sides are having a miserable year and I will be a relief to go into a game in which both have ; real chance of winning . Eltham will know their groun( better and should win by a couple of gis . Richmond Central meet Yarra Valley in a gam, which may decide Centralsi final four hopes, depen dent upon the outcome of the Parkers and C's doubb header. Rumors abound about Centralis pick-ups, a ; metre ruckman, and 'Big' Billy Katelis has returned looking more like Sylvester Stallone than Sly himsell On their day, Central can beat anybody in the section but as with the Cobras, they seem to have problem getting their days right . Yarra will have a clear p acreditnherfavou,btCenralist mberwilfof set some of that if the weather is conductive to big] marking. Nothing surprises me about Centralis per formance when they're in the mood, but even thong] theyill give a good account of themselves, Yarra ar travelling well enough to come home in front by a goa or three. Chirnside Park and Old Carey meet for the sec ond time in five days, and will, no doubt, be sick of thi sight of each other. On the broader expanses o Elsternwick Park the Cis marginal marking advantag, should see them win a top match by one or two goal s The enigmatic Bull een Cobras are at home to Ker and should make the mighty Brown & Golds worl hard for the four points . A win for the Cobras is no out of the question, but Kew will have the greater driv+ and talent to seem them ahead by a few goals at thi close . The Cits turn to watch some other teams at work Reserves wins to: Eley Park, Yarra Valley, Ok Carey & Kew. Unless some wheels fall off altogether Yarra and Kew will meet in the 2nd Semi for sure, an( the is look like doing battle with Central . But thi Parkers and/or Cobras can make it into the lst Sem as wel?, so the acid is really on in that race . Correspondents the Monday numbers an 9547 9144. Fax 9547 7764. Social : Eley Park have their Pool Competition at Bullet: on Sunday, 27 July, plus the Auction Night. or Saturday . 2 August . THF AMATFt1R FnnTRAI I FR 1QQ
Q t c,~l t~1t
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AUGUST 2 - ROUND 1 6 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS v . ELEY PARK Field : C . Cimoli C . Keeton RICHMOND CENTRAL v. YARRA VALLEY Field : M . Argall R . Smith Goal: Skip Shipley John Kelly CHIRNSIDE PARK v. OLD CAREY AT ELSTERNF7ICK PARK - SATURDAY - 2 .10 p .m. Field : G . Brereton P. Withington Boundary: B . Corcoran M. Meier Goal : Robert Dunstan Anthony Simpson BULLEEN COBRAS v. KEW AT BULLEEN PARK Field : C . Nash A. Stephen HAWTHORN CITIZENS has the bye .
ELEY PARK 1,2 1 .3 1.5 4.7.31 CHIRNSIDE PARK 6,3 13.7 17.17 21.18.144 Eley Park Georgtou 2 . Holm, Yelland. Best Bowen. D. Payne . Featonby. Poole, M. Payne, Cant. Chimside Park Pemberton 7. Walker 3. Piccioll 2, Brown 2 . Mather 2. Oates 2, Schilling McIntosh, Sore . Beat Detim Pemberton, Pkrloll. Sore. CarusL Burke . YARRA VALLEY O.B . 7 .3 17.14 28.17 32.20.212 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3 .2 4.2 4.4 4.4.28 Yarra Valley Telford 5 . F. Matvean 3, Peake 3 . Reddawav 3. Harrington 3. Downs 3 . Drew 3 . Heffernan 2 . J . Malvean 2. Peterson 2, Snvllie 2 . Scales. Best Peake . Downs, Lotttess. Heffernan . Sndllie, Keenen . Elitism Simon, Garnett. Justice . D,rytt. Best Morrow, Justice, Turney, Las . Halley . Hespe . OLD CAREY 5 .7 11 .10 18.11 21 .13.139 BULLF.EN COBRAS 0.2 2 .8 4.8 6.11 .47 Old Carey Addison 9. Hickey 4. Vasilopoulos 3. Anderson 2. J. Woods. Lee . Best Matthews. Vasilopoutos . Addison, Campbell. Ester. Hickey. Bulleta Cobras Badanjer. M . D'_ Angeto, Dillon. Hickey, Wa~. Baloi . Best G . Brow~n, Hickey, Dlllon. Gayior. D'Angeio, Goetz. KEW 7.5 14 .7 27.12 43.14.272 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 2.0 2 .0 4 .0 4 .1 .25 Kew M. Mascittl 11 . J. Bell 7. R Puhiren0 5 . Dintasi 4 . Wood 4. N . King 3, McMahon 2 . Harrison 2, Bortone . Cullen. S . Bruno. Muller, C . Hopew . Best GencarellL Maseitti . Puhlrenti. Bell, Hope, McMahon. Hawthorn Citizens Lauletta Barker, Guinane, Best Avery. Stallwarthy, Power. Parker. Irvine. Rossitto . RICHMOND CENTRAL : BYE
RESERVES - 19.07.97 ELEY PARK 1 .2 1.3 3 .4 3.5 .23 CHIRNSIDE PARK 4.4 8.8 10.8 14.12 .98 Eley Park Dell'Orso, Lettinl . lacuone. Best Carey. Verde, Dunstan . Collins. Had}aloukas . Mihalec. Chhnside Park Koopmans 4, Calloway 3 . Hussey 2. Pillikidis, Skein. Gray. Larnpkln . Best Basso, Koopmans . Gray, Skein . PiWktdis, O'Connor. YARRA VALLEY O.B. 9.5 11 .10 18 .18 30.19.199 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 0.1 1 .5 1.6 2.8 .20 Yarra Valley Balks 11 . Ford 4, Lawton 3. BaLshaw 3. Rowe 2. Chrisfield 2, Crean 2. Strong Joiner. Davis Best Lawton. Habben. Rowe . Janson. Joiner, lPilk.s. EBham Da,ies, Glare. Best Glare, Schafer, T. Barnett. R. Harris, L. Sharpe . OLD CAREY 5.1 6.6 9 .19 14.21.105 BULLEEN COBRAS 0.2 1 .2 2.3 2.8 .20 Old Carey D. Parker 2. Mcguie 2 . Hawking 2 . Hands 2, Kennedy. Cherry, Soecio, BatdwelL Gorman. Drake. Best McQute, Evans. 1. Cohen, Cache . BardwRll. Soecio. Butlers Cobras Goal kickers and best players not recehed . KEW 10.4 17.8 21.12 33.17.215 HAWTHORN CITIZENS 1 .1 1 .2 2.2 2.2.14 Kew Kinaeou 7. Donovan S. Brassil5 . Dandanis 3, Robinson 2, Wells 2 . Campbell 2, Peron, Burno . Wright. Wong. Best Putvirenti. Robinson. Brassll. Cunane, Doumas. Konq. Hawthorn Cit7zens Frame, Fitzpatrick. Best Tracey. Dunstan, Nowak . Langley . Frayne. McDonald. RICHMOND CENTRAL: BYE
(50 cents per min .) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O
• Permits (Thurs) • Weekend matches (Fri) • Scores (Sat . night )
ni Blacks had to work hard against a deterUmined La Trobe side that was able to appl y enormous pressure in defence forcing the ball to ground at every opportunity . "Chicken Wing" Lynch was the home side's only effective forward early but, after the half time, Rob Mackie made the most of his promotion from the U19's stepping into the breech at CHF and snagging a couple of handy goals . The other highlight was the emergence of the next generation of Costello's to play senior football at the Blacks with Ben making his debut in front of a full legion of Costello onlookers . Uncle "Doc" Costello was passing on his tips to Ben before the game much to the chagrin of Garry Connolly, however Ben still managed to put in a solid performance under the weight of the crowd & family expectation . For the Trobers, Murray Lewis continued his fine season . Ross had a good dip coming off the bench and "El Presidente " Dumaresq worked hard on the wing. The Blacks continued on their merry way in the two's with Buckets Lowe dominating the ruck and Gaddy making his return from injury with a lazy 7 goals while Mick Cotsopoulos knocked up getting kicks for the Trobers in defence . On a sad note Bertie Blasket busted a leg in his 199th game and the Boys from Bundoora face an uphill battle to talk him over the line into the 200 club . The Reds were never able to get into their game with Will iamstown who were simply too quick and skilful from the first bounce . The return of Thege provided a focal point up forward while on ballers Harry and Grieve provided first use of the ball time after time . In the early game Willi got the jump and continue their goal blitz through most of the first half with The Tuck brothers and Danny Oldham on fire . To their credit the Reds fought out the game with Mimo Merhi inspirational as always and Charlie Daadler putting a bit of spine into the backline . Old Westbourne made it three on the trot against Swinburne and, with the bye this week . have a few teams looking over their shoulders at an unexpected threat for the final spot in the four . Percentage will be the problem and the Warriors did themselves no favours by blowing a 53 point lead at the final change to run out 5 goal winners . The lapse was understandable given their strong efforts of recent weeks and with Malcolm Gibb again BOG and coach Twomey putting in four quarters the scene it set for a big run home . Special mention for the Warrior ressies who
chalked up their first win of the year in what will be a real fillip for the lads who have been struggling for numbers in recent weeks Best were Slim and Evo .
Third placed North Brunswick hosted fourtl placed Ul^1SOB in what was a must win game f o both sides . After an even first term Craig F'ox' ; charges stamped their superiority over the gam, with 8 goals straight in the second quarter to se up the win . Latouf, Mill er, Adams and Wernhan were among the best with John Kalpakis hand, after backing up from a BOG performance in th~, twos . For High, David Koch worked hard as th, fill-in ruckman an d Dick Smith was serviceable a CHB . The return of Adrian Tirchett is likely it spark fear into hearts of teams hoping to den North's run into the finals while Sam Salmone' ; appearance in the ressies has got more than a fell blokes terrorised . A great win in the two's, includ ing a brief appearance from senior coach Fox, get the charging North into the four where they lool set to stay at the expense of Uni High . Round 15 Preview La Trobe host West Brunswick and should bi able to capitalise on recent strong showings to rut out 20 point winners . Williamstown and Uni Blacks meet in the psy chological super match of the season with the win ner taking a handy advantage into the finals Blacks by 5 points. Swinburne are the first side to host Nortl Brunswick who spend the rest of season on thf road . North by 50 points . In the battle of the former merger suitors Un High take on the Reds with the opportunity t< avenge their earlier loss and further secure theii grip on fourth spot more than enough to see Higt home by 24 points . Old Westbourne has the bye . Social Notes West Brunswick is holding a Follies night ir the -ooms tonight . Uni . Blacks "Big Sunday" is being held at the all new "Pavvy" at Melb Uni on Sunday 27 July al 2pm . Tickets are available at the door for a spil roast lunch & drinks and the $2000 raffle . Correspondents please fax 9243 4920 b} 1 .30pm, call 9381 2292 until 8 .00pm or emai] micj@netspace .net .au
:E [ir+L l
ncSCP'1â&#x153;&#x201C; S
;";~LL UNIBLACKS 3 44 ; ; .P.~+`iIKOLAOU NORTH BRUNSWICK 9 4 2 UHSOB 2 8 , F1ll [C'riI
RESERVES - 19 .07 .97
1 i
I"k TROBE UNI . v. WEST BRUNSWICK Field: C . Stevens E. Lindsay WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : S . Alger G . Seabourne SWINBURNE UNI . v. NORTH BRUNSWICK Field : C . Bratjberg V. Vescovi UHSOB v . UNIVERSITY REDS Field : T . Foley M . Forde OLD WESTBOURNE has a bye
ra 11-1
UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 .3 7.11 12.13 14 .18.102 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3.5 4 .6 7.9 10,11 .71 University Blacks Gullan 3, Lynch 2, Mackie 2. Little 2. Jessen 2. Hanlon. Darroch, McArthur. Best S. Smitir, Little . TreGaskis. Lynch . C . Pekin, Roberts. LaTrobe University Lewis 3. Hayward 2 . Gronow. Robinson . Canty. Storer. Kreuzer. Best Lewis, Kreuzer. Robinson. Murphp. Dunin . Dumaresq. UNIVERSITY REDS 0.3 3.6 6 .7 8.8.56 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5 .7 16.12 22.19 30.23 .203 University Reds Kane 2, Jackson 2 . James. Doyle. Shaw. Best Evans, Heenan . Keppel . Senbergs. Hart . Jackson . Williamstown Thege 8 . Warren 5. Black 4. Cook 3, Duncan Macleod 2 . Featherston 2 . Sadler 2 . Smart, crime . Harry, Herbertson. Best Thege . Grim Harry, Dertan . Duncan Maeleod, Cook. OLD WESIBOURNE 2.3 6.7 14.17 15.19,109 SR BYBURNE UNIVERSITY A 3.1 3 .5 7.6 11 .12.78 Old Westbourne Franklin 3. Tourney 3 . Clones 2 . Leitch 2, S. Chrtsto 2, Gibb. E~ans . A . Chr6ta Best Girb . J. Horsburp~r. A. Hasburgh. Leitch. S. Christo, Txntxy. Swinburne University A Goal kickers and best players not received . NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 .3 9.3 12.7 13 .12.90 UHSOB 2.3 3.8 7.11 9 .15.89 North Brunswick Wernham 6 . Tirchett 2, Sorletto 2. Ellis . Warren, Miller. Best McMahon, Latour, Adams, Wernham, Ma~nusson . Lirosl. UHSOB Talartco 2 . Desiin 2 . Veal 2. 1Vatlace. Jones . C. Pfeiffer. Best Koch, Rothwzll, Smith. C. Pfeiffer. Detiin . Cracknell. WEST BRUNSWICK: BYE
UNIVERSITY BLACKS 6 .6 10.4 15.19 22.22.154 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.2.2 University Blacks A. Gadd 7. Howell 3. C. Brown 3 . Vauan 2 . Carob 2. Dooley. Lowe. N. Beaton . Butterfield, Hohnes. Best A. G~d . ~garty, Lowro, Vaughan . Milner. Currie. LnTrobe University Best Cotsopouios, Napier . Biggins, McKie, Baillle, Wright . UNIVERSITY REDS 2.5 2.7 5.9 9 .12.88 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 5.70.2 1.4 4 .8 4.7.31 University Reds Matti 3. B. Campbell. J . Campbell, Kyrzi~, George . T. Jackson . Hewrscn. Best Mani. Walsh, B. Campbell . Carrachet Diaidcr. Berryrnan . WBBamstowa McGowan 5. M. Tuck 5 . Bond 4, Bur~ess 2, Beckwvrth. Benant J. Tuck. Best J. Tuck. M. Tuck, Oldham. Wilson, Bond .lvfeKenzte. OLD WESTBOURNE 3.4 4.6 10 .7 10.8 .68 SWBVBURNE UNIVERSITY A 0.0 1.2 2 .3 2.8 .20 Old Westbourne E~ans 4. Leitch 3. Hewitt, Pam. Jago. Best Leitch . Sutton, Ems . Horsburgh . Hewitt . Cummin. Swinburne University A Goal kickers and best players not recehed . NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .5 8.8 13.15 22.18.148 UHSOB 1 .3 1 .5 2.6 4.6.30 North Brunswick Papanikataou 9. Hogg 3, Cunningham 3 . Briffa 3 . Polemtc~ . Salamone. FaY. Marint. Beat Kalpalds, Papanikdaou . Hogg. Ems . Valeri . Bradford. UHSOB Fobliaro 2. Mazza . Hoban. Best O'Neill. Eltringhanm, Rogers . Hoban . Cotter. Lcrvtckd . WEST BRUNSWICK: BYE
Reserves/C18 failed to provid e scores by 2.30 p .m .
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! St.
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E SOUTH SECTION by Ken Bremne r & Tom Brai n
By Jingo's, Golly Gee Whiz!!**!! Just when all the drama seems to be dead and buried up jumps th e Gryphons to knock over the House and put life back into the season. Oakleigh have seized their chance by continuing their good recent form and are, as a result of it, poised to snatch 4th pozzie away from Power House, if they themselves do not suffer too many more 'glitches' over the remaining 4 weeks . Too all intents and purposes, St Mary 's season came to an end at the hands of Southbank . Now's the chance for the 'Krushers' to stake their claim, commencing this week against the competition leaders. The scoreboard at Ferndale Park Glen Iris belied the effort and resolve put up by St. Mary's against Southbank . Double the scoring shots and a 91 point win reflects a flogging, however full credit to the Saints for gritty determination and application . Another win for St Maryis is just around the corner and for the Bankers it's head down and A's up and try to keep the momentum going. Saints coach Tony Pettiti kicked another bag while Mocca Sheahan was an excellent banker. Peninsula played St Pat's in cold and cloudy conditions . The game was tough and hard fought for 4 quarters with neither side faltering . The Pirates eventually took control in the dying minutes of the game to score by 8 points. Best for Peninsula were Bedford & Campbell and for the'Patters', Wise, Davies and Sullivan . An inaccurate Elstern wick had a strong win over ANZ Albert Park at the Rats home track . The Wickets led at every change, gradually increasing their lead during the day and kicking away in the last . MVPis for Elsternwick were recorded as Clement (8 majors) & Bravington (ruck) and for the Rats Malone ( 8 snags), Rutherford (again) an d Smith . Not much to report from the Oakleigh v. Glenhuntly encounter. Krushers sent me BOG's and Glenhuntly, 'Fresh' air. Judging by the scoreline 46 shots to 22 and a match winning margin of 94 points indicates that the Krushers were well and truly on top of matters. Better players for Oakleigh were adjudged to be Kitts, Gant and Zavaleris.
At home the Monash Gryphons were confident of matching up well against Power House . How true it turned out to be . The Grvphs took early control and were never headed. In the championship 3rd quarter, they withstood a Power House burst and kicked clear to be 18 points ahead at lemon time . The House try as they did , simply eouldnit overhaul a more determined opposition . Best for the Gryphons were Wells, Hetherington & Asbell (apologies to many others) and for Power House . Senior, Wright & Ha ll. Reserves Southbank list) played St Mary's (3rd) and blew them away by 126 points . Hard to envisage a form reversal come finals . The Pirates scored a handy 38 point win 14
over the Patters hence showing up their 2nd pos iTheWcksbywing(just)by4poinsag thelE a have kept their mathematical finals appearance chani alive. The Krushers moved to 3rd by virtue of their point victory over Glenhuntly and now eye off 2nd pla Power House with the inclusion of some experienc players took control of matters against the Grypho and saluted by 40 points. PREVIEW St Pat's at home will be a tough nut for St Mary's crack. Whilst safe in the '4' I'm sure the Patters will w< to rediscover a little of the early season form they d played . KB tips the Patters by 36 points . The Saints : certainly a vastly improved combination and will certa ly trouble the Vultures who will still be aiming at the vi double chance and this motivation is enough for TB to with the flow.
Elsternwiek appear to be just a couple of play short of making life difficult for the top bracket tear They'll serve it up to the Pirates but KB reckons t Peninsula lads will weather the storm by 45 points, danger game away from home for the Pirates but It, obtained 2nd spot now and they wonit throw it . atody Southbank meets Oakleigh at the `Tennisi Cen and the Krushers have heaps to play for . I reckon the prefer to shape their own destiny rather than rely on o ers i.e . Power House. However, the Bankers are form ibleopstnadKBricnhemtownby39pi The Tigers would love to finish the home and aways w an unblemished record and while the Krushers h< plenty to play for so does the home side so itis our s : for the Brain . Glenhuntly have lost the plot a little of late whilst t Gryphons have notched up a decent scalp. But a we in footy is a long time and KB confidently predicts Hunters turnaround to salute by 40 points . Hunti have been disappointing of late but they have plenty pride which will be enough to get them home toc although they had better not relax against the comp( tive Gryphons. Power House just canit afford another hiccup, aione at the expense of their neighbouring ANZ Alb Pa_k crew. The House to blitz the Rats and steady t ship! KB says by 60 points . Injuries play an incredil part in football . House and Rats are both devastated them at the moment so itis the survival of the fittest w House just getting home . Reserves In what sounds like a shock selection. I'm on t THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1!
patters to do over St Marys by 6 points, Elsternwick to it rigit[ up to the Pirates but just faIl 1 I points short . SGU t~anlc.v,Oakleighwill be early finalsjoust and with j,onle ground advantage the Bankers to get home 27 %ictors . Glenhuntly to raise their flagging spirits a t tI,c _ :pense of Gryphons by 18 points and at Albert [jrk, neighbours Power House an d ANZ Rats will lock Ijo!ns with the House favored to win by 24 points . Social : Glenhuntly - Seventies disco on Saturday 26 iy, celebrating Glenhuntly Stayini Alive . O -,,deigt;. - Krushers $1000 draw on 2 August. Food drinks supplied . All welcome .
50 games to a true Gryphon Club Man . Today at Glenhuntly, '?endigo Boy' Greg Brovial l runs out for his 50th game . In .his 3 years at the club Greg has been both an asset and inspiration, on and off the field, which as seen him win both a Reserve B&F and the 1996 Best Club Man Award . All at the club wish him iell today.
SENIO>:S - 19 .07.97 Sr. MARYS 5.2 8 .4 11 .8 12 .9.8 1 SOUTHBAi ;Ii CBA 7.2 13 .8 19. 11 26 .16.172 St Merya Cm:il kickers and best p1a}xrs not received. South6aak Goal kickers an d best players not received . PENINSULA O.B. 2.1 6.5 9.6 11.7.73 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 3.0 5.4 8 .8 9 .11 .65 Peninsula Bedford 7 . Marshall 2 . Warner. Beat Bedford, Campbell, Parsons, Cook . Marshall. Franks . St Patrleks Mentoae Murphv 3. C . Sullivan 2 . White. Carries . C. Barr, P. Sullrian. Best Wise, Darks. P. Sullhan. Sehtre. Emmett. Grmrs. ANZ ALBERT PARK 4 .4 6.5 9.8 11 .8 .74 ELSTERNWICK 5.10 10.16 11 .21 18,28.136 ANZ Albert Park Malone 8, G . Waikley, Mouldav. Jenkin. Best Malone . Ruther,"ord, Smith . Saunders. Kcegter, Otten. Ehteraw3ck Clement 8, Mussared 3, C . Mahone. B. Mahonv. Comm . Lyron, Jenktn, Hankin . Bed Bravington. Clement . Ward. Mussared. C. 2.4ahonv. Lvon . OAIO EIGH A.F.C . 8 .4 10 .7 17.11 23 .17.155 GLENHUNTLY 4 .4 5 .8 . 8.9 8.13.61 Onkleigh Gant 6 . Wlash 4 . Ruberv 3. Lewis 3. Hevedn. Wood. Perdikomans, Kitts. Hall. Nuske. Andonpad~. Best Heverin. Fitts, Gant. Robert wash . Marshalt. Gleahuntly Miller 3, McLinden Williams. Turner, Seabrook, Short. Best Rossiter. Miller, Turner. C. O'Connell. Whelan . Short MONASH GRYPHONS 3.5 9.7 14.12 16 .17.113 POWER HOUSE 3.0 8.4 12 .6 18 .8 .104 Monash Gryphons T. Gilchrist 4. Barrie 3. Bennett 2 . Hetherington 2, Asbell 2 . Co.xhead 2 . Kitchen. Best l6Ralt. Hetherinyston . T. Gilchrist. Blandford . Barrie. Askeli. Kitchen. Potrer House Craven 6 . Scotland 3. Snedden 2 . MeCuIlou~h. Ryan. Seniar. Birch. Jackson. Bent Senior. Wright, Hail. Cra~en, Auld. Scatiand.
RESERVES - 19.07 .97
ST. PATRICKS MENTONE v . ST. MARYS Field : D . Kramer G . Richard Boundary : G . Mooney Goal : Malcolm Venn Bernie Dix ELSTERNWICK v . PENINSULA 0 B Field : R . Martyn J . Bell Boundary : D . Blackburne SOUTI-IBANK CBA v . OAKLEIGH Field : J . Toohey R . Treverton GLENHUNTLY v . MONASI3 GRYPHONS Field : A . Ladd K . Brewer POWER HOUSE v. ANZ ALBERT PARK Field : D . Anderson G . Wolter Boundary : A . Degan C . Haye s 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
ST. MARYS 0 .1 1 .2 2.2 3.3.21 SOUTHBANK CBA 6.5 12.7 17.9 4.7.31 St Marys Goal kickers and best players not recewmd. Southbank Carib 7. D. Posterino 4, Scanion 3, Paleod'unos 2 . Hanneberv 2. McCarthy, Aitken. Wardrop, Plaza . Best Paleodtmos . Posterlno. O'Sull&,an. Scanlon, Cank, Hannebery. PENINSULA O.B. 4 .1 4 .4 7.7 10.9.69 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 0.2 1 .4 4.6 4 .7.31 Peninsula Kent 3 . Taft 2. Barclav. MeLarinan. C . Park, Scrnvn. Stewart. Best Kent . Bleasbv. O'Neal. McLorinan. Scown, Bowman. St Patrtcks Mentone Batty 2. Morris. T. Stern . Best O'Brien. Batev. Ladds. Lewis. O'Connor. Wa1sh . ANZ ALBERT PARK 2.0 3.3 8 .5 11.7.73 ELSTERNWICK 3.5 6.7 8 .9 11.11 .77 ANZ Albert Park Stuto 3. Wolfe 3, McCarthy 3 . Dann. Lindsay . Best Leneghan. Hcves. K. Darr. Sam wolfe. Ha{gar. Sorrensen . Elstenm}rk Lee 4 . Campbell 3 . Hunt, Sappett . Trease. Byrne. Best Lee, Trease. Sqtpett . Campbell. Overman. Bai(ey. OAKLEIGH A.F.C. 2 .6 5.8 8 .12 9.15 .69 GLENHUNTLY 1 .0 3.0 4.3 5.4 .34 Oakleigh Dickle 4. Niko. Osborne . Perpina Theofilopoulas, D. Chapman. Rest Malaputis. Chapman . Chapple. Wood, Bromlev. Tatterson. Glenhuntty A . Breslin 3. P. Breslin . Thom. ~Rest Mance. Stewart . Sutton. A . Breslin. P. Breslin, Rvan. M. Jones . MONASH GRYPHONS 2 .2 4 .3 4.5 6.5.41 POWER HOUSE 0 .5 3 .7 6.9 12 .9.81 Monesh Gryphons Adams 2. Fraser 2. Beattte. Brown. Best Adams, Martin. Foster, Leeton. Robinson. Power House Wilson 5 . Scalzo 3 . Maddox 2, Gronhoj. Gent . Best Heywood. Scalzo, McKenzie. Gent . Norman- Morris .
Every second Saturday morning Phil Stevens talks to Larry Stephens an d Adrian Hoo k
9 .45 a .m . Saturday 15
rJI t_ Ji~
t C_~IJt- 1 The Victorian Amateur Football Association and Red Cross Blood Bank Victoria have joine d forces to help maintain sufficient blood supplies to Victoria's 200 hospitals . Clubs will compete against each other to see who can make the most blood donations to the Blood Bank during th e
r= ,W_
Each Club has nominated a "Captain Blood" who will help raise awareness of the need for blood within their club . For more information speak to your "Captain Blood" TODAY! Great prizes and incentives have been generously donated by Hugh Lyon Football Jumpers, Schweppes Sport, Four 'n Twenty and Spalding . Blood Bank Donor Enquiries -phone ( 03) 9694 030 0
Australian Red Cross
tinder 19 (1 ) DE LA SALLE
r ,COach : GayWase : Gn.g McHenry pssi: Caach iC.Ar<v-rs ~ g ~C ~. t, . :: terxy SThoma$~~) ~ luJ
OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS Coach : Leigh Bowes 22. N . Buifin 45. T. Woodruff 46. W. Earl47. L.O'Net9 49. J . Raju 51 . A. Hasfor8l 52. R Hayward 53. G .Pamham 54. A Liptmt 55. S. Dimer 56. L Marget SB. D . Watson 59. C . McPherson 60. D. Crewdson 61 . T. Ewart 62 . A Lewis 64 . A. Martin 6.5 . A. Kent 67 . A. Hardly 68 . N. Big4n 69 . J. Stewart 70 . J. Thomas 71 . G . Rhodes 72 . A. Belts 73- B. Looan 75 . S.Alderson 76 . S. Grabert 77 . M . Day
R. BarN~a D, Faer D K-1-C. A' . Hackett J. Waters X Clancy 45 . A. Mtt~n 47. 8.Lee 48 . A. Pedlcax 51, S. Hart 53. LSeager
MAZENOD Coach: Kevin King I . B. Johnson 2. J. Beaton 4, J. Nisbett
6. P. Egan (VC) 7. L Varney a S . PaoAtc6 (C) 9. S . Gairlaefini 10. L Perkins IL A. Meadows 12. A. Quinn (VC) 13. B . Mason 14. D. Kelly 15. N . Meehan 16. M. Davis 17. R. Wilson 18. B. Meehan 19. D . Ckcto 21 . D . Rigg 22. T. BaBSq 23. P. Nelson 25. J . Dunne 2& S. Dwyer 30. D . Schofield 32. P. Fotinsatis 34. R. HaKAcins 37. D. Grant 42 . L Stephenson 57. P. McCulloch 62 . M. Van Suylen 63 . W.OcdluAo 75 . k'McOovre 'i 76 . N. Parry
OLD MELBURNIANS OLD XAVERIANS 1 ST. KEVIN S Coach : Mark Zuker Asst. Coach : Paul Neuchew 1 . C. Cbke
2. J. Berry (DVC) 3. F. Purcell 4. S. Murray (C) 5. A.Jakowenko 6. A 7. A.. Bauls C (V ) 8. C. Langford 9. D. Gardner 10. M .Benko 11 . D. Purcell 12. R.Canlptlell 13. RL Tardy 15. D. Fabinyi 16. D. Morris 17. J. M31er (DVC) 18. A. Forste r 19. G- Hope 20. S. Dbcon 21 . J . Andmnis 22. J . Ton dinson 23. A.Cooch 24. M . Bennett
25. R. Sewell (DVC) 26, J . McKenna 27. M. Amor 28. C. Sbree 29. D. Varley 30. N. Coults 32. J . Wright 33. N . Couzens 34. J . Younes 35 . E . SedgEey 39. J . Rigg
Coach : Pat Hawkins 1 . M. Frost 2 T R2rtFarg 3. B. Healy 4. B.HNxrt (C) 5. T. WNRer
5. T. lower
6. MFRZ~raO 38 . M.MCCaNy 7. N . Barrett 39 . J . Pa7os 8. AKautert~ 40. LA.nsvroM 9. T.fanow 41. RDato n 10. D. Boland 42 . A lacovargeb 11 . 8.Merkn 43. J.Hak 12. M. Webb 44. F . Lydrarm 13. N.7norara 45. S. Canopus 14. L Nisbett 46. M. Bourke 15. L Demce,icha; 49. S. McCarthy 16. D. Story, 50. C.Stepattens 17. T.Comw3Fj 49. B.ihk 18. D. M~j 50. M .Wisorl 19. FL Jams 51 R. Ford 20. D.Tm.ra 52. ADuntan 21 . B, Stapleton 53. S.CUik ..^ 22 . J . Dernis 54. T. Bowden 23 . C.Clausen 55. J. Wider 24 . C.Canodus 5G B.ChostH 25 . T. G%-= 57. P. Atlani 26. J.Hares..ry 58. A Coburn 27. C. McGuigan 59. M.Ctnrnber8t 28 . P.Chttey 60. M.WNsh 29 . N.Ire"aM 61 . S .Tri 30. C. Hoare 62. O. Stean 31. X Rudd 63. M McKSrra 32. L Hardwick 64. N t 32. T. Barry 65. S..Tucker Har 33. J. Y27e (VC) 66. let Phogar 34. T. Hogan 67. P. Delahwnry 35. M.Ouvut 68. D. Reventax 36. J. McLean 69. A Lawler 37. J. Drake (VC) 70. C. Wany
Coach : B re ndan Millar Asst Coach : Brett Millott 1 . A Celery 2. J . Price
3. P. Mount (Dvq 4. C. Baker 5. 0. Brown 6. C. Goldsworthy 7. M.Par~razq 8. P. Scarf.
9. L Cresswatl 10. M. Davoren 11 . J. Bergin 12. B. Detahey 13. N. Mdnemy 14. N. Moore 15. A Finney 16. B. Quirk (C) 17. B. Day (DVC) 18. M . Funston 19. A Rattle
20. J. O'Brien (VC) 21 . Allis 22.. J. VNxent B 23. 24. 25. 26. 2T 28. 29.
C. Haddad R. Sheehy S. McConnell R. Zeman S. Andrew B. Murphy J. Daltrey
30. N. Edwards 31 . M. O'Donnell 32. J . Ryan 33. B . Powell 34. J . Hunt 35 . R. Ryan
Q~q~- SIMPE30M
OLD CAREY Coach: Peter Schiller 1 . C. Angus (C) 2 . F .Yagttrrloor 3 . P. Cerch e 4 . J . PoweG 5 . T. Baker 6 . S . Weill 7. C. Anson 8 . J . Zrto 9. J . Woods 10. S . Vital 11 . P . Varyianriss 12 .. J . Mai 14 . M . Raffaele 15 . B . Hood
16 . A Costello (VC) 17 . K Lewis 18 . C. Richards 19- T. Wood
20 . M. Lawrence 21 . D . Stone 22 . C . Battle (VC) 23 . T. Stuart 24. N . MacLean 25 . B. Davies 26 . S. Wood 27. C . Davey 28. J. Harcourt 31 . S. Lautette 34. J. Fanner 35. S. McConnell 39. J. Nash 42. J. Arnup 43. F. Hatdns 44. A Tranter 47. A. Bond
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Ken Johanesen Asst Coach: Tim Livy 1 . A Ta%arico (C) 2. M. Lynch 3. M. Bor *6o 4. ti Want 5. ASmih 6. D. St;vans 7. S. Pmseke 8. M. Gala 9. G. Boyd 10. D. Green 11 . B. 1:6-41 12. I . Santos 13. L Harris 14. S. Oavola 15. NI.VonNra 16. P. Hams 17. G. Porteous 18. L GaPrkt 19. B. Hartley 20. M. Dempster 21 . A Howard 22. rA.Jmtce 23. M. Ree s 24 A Bennncasa 39. D. Constanon 25 . A Vealno 40. M . CosOrttf 26. 0 ,Warren 41 . M . tkkl:br~ 27. B. Wisconsin 42' M* kice 28. P. Donnell 43 . J. 29 . M. Cosqnff 44 . B . LM 30. AStevra rt 45 . LO~r Lucas 31 . D.Vaarw 46 . G .0Ma.ard 32 . C .Wright 47 . M . Pb:rVes 33 . A Sacco 48 . C. Price 34 . T. Rwtcanan 49. D. Raynes 35 . J.ROsbrook 50. N .Rediord 36 . A Baker 51. S. Richamson 37. B . BaA/coat 52. L Wakefield 38. C. ButtHr 53. J . Smith
ST. BERNARDS Coach: Dominic Legudi I . A. Stranieri 2 . T. Wilkinson 3 . R. Legtxk 4 . R. Bonnici 5 . J . Pearson 6 . D. Thomas 7 . T. Harvey B . J . Delany 9 . R. Nutter 10. B . Overman 11 . S . Erickson 12 . B . Hogan 13. S . McKean 14 . A Thomas 16 . A. Brandt 17 . T. Plante 19 . L Kavanagh 21 . B. Loughlin 25 . D . Feuster 26 . A Gleason 27 . James Mount 28 . P.lannazzo 30 . Joseph Mount 31 . R. Swan
32. J. Evans 33. S. Smith 37. J. Lloyd 42. V.ludica 43. C . Davis 47. A. Osborne 82. J.Zocco
FINER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St., Yarraville Ph :96878722
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach: Steve Carroll 1 . M . Belford 2. R. Benjamin 3. D. Bolton 4. C. Brooks 5. H. Christie 6. B. Callery 7. J. Camm 8. M . Cot>b!eddc 9. M . Coleman 10. J. Couloooupas 11 . N. Cowlin g 12. W. Crocker 13. A. Davidson 14. J . Eastaugh (C) 15. B . Pricker (DVC) 16. S . Fuller 17. M. Godfrey 18. T. Hayes 19. J . Hocking 20. W. Jackson 21 . T. Johnson 22. D. Keily 23. M. Komck 24. J . Lyle 25. J . Mahoney 26. A McKenzie-McHarg 27. X. McKinnon 28. B. O'Gorman 29. J . Presti 30. T. Roydhouse 31 . J. Sterling 32. L Stevens 33. E. Stewart 34. J. Sturrock (VC) 35 . A. Terrill 36. R . Versteegen 37 . J. Wilcox 38 . A. Winter 39 . D. Wood
Ca no 622 Mt. Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 93261799 17
OLD HAILEBURY LINIVERS0 BLACKS° 19 (2) BEAUMARIS Coach : Peter McBreart y t . N. McLean 2. B. Thomas 3. M.. Pitts 4 . T. Window 5 . B. Griffiths 6 . L Gibson 7 . B. Stevens 8 . N . Burton 9. J . Wdker 10. G. Moloney 11 . G.Jahnson 12. J . Bay(ard 1 3. U. Enunerson 14. A. Quin
15. F. McDonald 16. S . Mitchell 17. T . Eaton 18 . 19 . 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 41 . 47. 51 . 53.
A. Palmer R. Thornton T. Cotter A. Catlin S. McKay B. Ferguson C. Celan K. Dimadtki S. Horler J. Vance J . McKenzie C . Martin R . Corfield N . Kennedy A . Van Den Blink T. McAlpine D . Sheldrake T. Rand
Coach : Greg Lassoc k
MARCELLIN Coach: Shaun Manga n I . M. Randazzo (C) 2 . M. Roberts 3 . G . Gull 4 . L Bettid (DVC) 5 . G . Hawkins 6 . C . Keogh 7 . W. De Vercefk 8. T. Louder 9. D . Marson 10. M. Moussi
1 t . P. Pappalardo 12. M . Karavasits 13. C. Duinardo 14. D. Ciro
15. B . Syrnes 16. S . O'Connor 17. J . Pacocdoco 18. J . Sheehan (VC) 19. L PettineM a 20 . N. Mathews 21 . M. Van Unt 22 . D. Kearney 23 . P. Diaca}iorgis 24 . J. Smart 25 . J. Delahunt 26. M. Maguire 27. D . Hogan 28. R . English 29. B . Dinneen 35. C. Abzangeks 50. B . Keamey
1 . C. Home 2. S. Dovey
3. S. Saunders 4. M. Thiele 5. P. Dimond 6 . D. Reid 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 . 12. 13. 15. 16. 19.
B. Shearer R . Parker E. Dunphy D Herron R . Gouk1en D. Warden G. Finlayson C.Jayasekem B . Langord,lones C. Efsthatiou
27 . 29 . 30. 60.
B. Carson C. Joyce A. Rode M. Sartala
21 . B. Waters 22. D. Mason 24. C. Pountney 25 . N. Biggs 26 . J. Bek
The Beehive ® Hotel ® Hawthor n
COLLEGIANS Coach : Tim Killwort h Asst. Coach : Gareth Brigtia 1 . T. Van DerVenne 2 . N .Fkxentine 3. J . Clark 4 . G. Brown (VC) 5. L Ta}dor 6. C. Mo9ard 7. L Byrne 9. M. Britten 10. A.Langdon 11 . M. Gromotka 12 . P.Johnson 14 . T. De Young 15 . C. Harris 16 . A Baxter 17 . R . Hosking (C) 18 . A Conn 19. R .WB 20. J. Waters 21 . J. Condon 22 . P. Waycatt 23. T. Holden 24. M. Godfrey 25. B . Papad~poutos 26. T. Champion 29. T. HarLshone 30. L Moon
32. J . Tarpey 33. 40. 41 . 44. 64. 69.
B. Samuel (VC) C. Drake S . Sayers C. Gibson B. Page A. Dakin
OLD CAMBERWELL OLD SCOTC H Coach: Andrew I . J . Webb 3 . E. Vffams 5 . B. Smith 6. A Hanson 8. J. Hardman 9. A. Geblej 10. T. Donovan 11 . C . VA14ams 12. A. Paterson 13. S. Hancock 14. J. Heffernan 16 . A Baker 17 . R . Scott
18 . A. Campbell 20 . B . Day 21 . S . Barry 22 . J . MSes 23. M . Cook 24. S . Pickles 27. S. Miles 29. S. Beckett 30. J.Zentner 31 . M. Wikinson 32. C. Davis 36. A Kettle 41 . N. Satfar 44. W .Orvrin 47. L Juniper
Tsmdo s
Coach: Terry Kendall 1 . G.Junkeer
2. L Hannemann 3. A. Parker
4. A Sheer 5. T. Stewart 6. T. McKenzie 7. T. Gross 8. T. Franka7bu'g 9. N .OBtien 11 . L HaWiSns 12. L Hume 15. C. Lunn 16. T. Chapman 18. J . Hughes 19. H. Jenkins 20. C. Tindale 21 . M .Toose 23. 0. Crane 24. M.Socdo 25. J. Love
29. D. Robson
31 . S. Prendergast 34. N. Beattie 36. L AndeWs
37. N . Thompson (C) 44. S. Conno r
47. A Lines 59 . A Waerr
67 . A. Crow 70 . N . Sladen 71 . C . Ward 80 . M . O'Brien 89 . R. SiNeWwood
Coach: Paul OShannassy 1 . M . Atkin 2 . L. Brown 3 . M . Byrne . 4 . P. Cavicchob 5 . A, Clement 6 . B. Dryne 7. O. Fumess 8. B. Henderson 9. D. Maher Leahy 10. A. 11 . J.Marr 12. J. ff~c.4viey 13. R . kkNamara 14. A, McNichol 15. S. Moody 16. B.Mutphy 17. ANdan 18 . W. Pascoe 19 . C . Pease 20 . H . Peck 21 . C. Sdii'siig 22 . T. Sessiws 23. M . Staunton 24. S . Vegter 25. S. Whnprers 26. S. Wh~e 27. N. Wilson 28. G . Baud 29. B. Coste,5o 30. S. Dxtwnd 31 . P. Greenbank 32. E. Hannon 33. J. Haigkirs 34. J. Hurt 35. J. Olmstead 38. L. M~e 37. J . Martm 38. J . Skqtmrth 39. D . Walsh 40. T. Rei d 41 . A . Writer 42 . A. Naughton 43 . L Meltirgs 44 . D. BA s 45 . M . Raftaele 46. A. Asf~ey 47. R. Neale 48. B. Taylor 49. R. Mackin 50. E.O'HeanrLarge
WARRINGAL Coach: John Stanton t. 2. 3. 4. 5.
C. Taylor (C) D. Stroules B . Kinnear M . George M . Pope
6. B. Wilson 7. S . Anderson 8. C. Williams 9. B. Davison 10 . S. French 11 . S. Yin (C) 12 . M. Manove!!a 13 . S. HarUidt 14 . M. Van tint 15 . G . Long (VC) 16. S. Brandt 17. B. Parkes 18. H . Veale 19. S. Waiters 20. P. Stamtans 21 . R. Gray 22. A. Camiileri 23. M . Bonilin 24. P .James(VC) 25. A. Hopgood 26. J . Anderson 27. S. Attardi 28 . D. Nasrallah 29 . M. Walton 30 . D. Mutton 31 . G . Bell
L Hull-Brovm B. White T. Thomson C . Burke H . Moussa
WHITEFRIARS Coach : Andy Dalrymple Assistant : Mal Goodey t . A.Crough 2. M. Northey 3. B. Phan 5 . D . Eames 6 . B. Winch 7 . M. Wnterbum (C) 8 . R . Fede te (VC) 9 . S . Gillen 10. A .Johnson it . M . Cassarino 12. D. Reid 13. T. Hilton 14. J . Tre~aud 15. B. Doherty 16. T. Mulcahy 17. R. Murray 18. C. O'Connor 19 . M. Duffy 20 . S. Fleming 21 . M. Setches 22 . S. Davis 23 . J. Bond 24 . M. Nolan 25 . N . Crosher 26. D . Sullivan 27. T. Hoare 28. D . Cassarino 29. M. Walsh 30. A . Beattie 31 . D. Edwards 32. C. Leahy 33. M. Rees. 34. M . Anderson 35. B. Keating 36 . A. Sealey
---x,~,,r ; MITCHAM
WILLIAMSTOWN CYM S Coach: Tony Ryan Asst Coach: Mark Mitvalsky I . B . Wouda
2. B. Cocks 3. K. Houli 4 . R. Steele 5 . N. Hunt 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
S. Wudhatsdt M. El Houli (VC) M. Hewitt (VC) T. Thompson T. Murray
11 . D . McLeod (C) 12. W. James
13. A. Maddey (VC) 14. H . Harb 15. N . Little 16. R . Whee}er 17. G. Rickard 18 . L Okkham 19 . S . Hudson 20 . M . Manning 21 . J . Matar 22 . W. Yessine 23 . A. Tokovic 24 . B. Twist 25 . F . Harddara 26. L GrochoWski 27. C. Matthews 28. L Gray 29. C. Beazley 30. N . Deal 31 . A. Theige 32. M. El Houli 33. D . Maisel 34. J . McCutcheon 36. A. Petzierides 37. G. Singleton 38. J . Waga
39. G. Canyon
HUGH LYON KNITWEA R Banyule Newsagency Tattslotto & Post Office 18
Simonds Group of Companies
MONASH BLUES Coach : Nick Karavias
Coach: Edi M eInjak I . R. DunbaR 2. J. Crouch 3 . T. Prantzos 4, J . Midwinter 5. W. Armour 6. A. Crowther 7. M.IIe s
8 . A . Quo n
14. J 15.A.rv 16P . . R . Marris 17. . A
1 8 . A-
1 9. ~~ S. (W7amy ( 21 . 0, Stub p. A A.~r~~lmc~r ' 24. A ~r . ~ M'S wsne : 27 . . oLus J J tseph , Hams 30 31 . Harm
9. S . James (VC) 10. A. Landrigan 11 . A. VosS 12 . B. Marlyn 13. T. Smith 14. N . Rehn 15 . M .Dunba3 16. D . Voss 17. P. Nelson t8 . GLucas i9 . S . Shenfleld 20. S. Partdnso n 21 . David Anderson (VC) 22. L Tre9ear 23 . W . Benton 24 . J. Abram4ndes 25 . B . Hebarzi 26. Scott Wifls 27. A. KoSner 28 . S. Grimmer
1 . C. Gregory 2 . M. Benetto 3. D . Dean 4. A . Bragg 5. X Martin 6. F. Etey 7. S. Lloyd S. S . Jones 9. H. Byrne 10. N . Turner it . J . Sullivan 12. M . Stewart 13. A. Herrman 14 . R. Burston 15 . M. Tmkler 16. B . Smiley W. J . Miller 18 . B. Amot
19. N . Freeman 20. M . Power 21 . N. Kazenvradel 22 . J. McNeur 23. J. Roscoe 24. M. Thomas
25. J . Hawkins (VC) 26 . C. McComr61 27 . J.Bofton
28. S. McGee 29. . S . Cooke 30 . T. Cameron 31 . L . Holloway 32. C . BodsvorYn 35. M . Hunte r
ORMOND Coach: B ri an Keating I . S . Thorngson 2. G .Hanxnaxi 3. D . Robbins 4 . D. Rowan 5. T. Ashload 6. M. Broadhurst 7. H . BmM 8 . M . Wonneecott 9. N. Courtney 10. J. Culle n IL C . Baitey
12. P .TOwnsend I& R. Mar-hall 14. D. Pasara 15. R. Cunnir>gham 16 . D . Fishloc r
ST . BEDE'S MENTONE TIGERS Coach : Brian Bourke 1 . A . Ryan 2. P.Cart~ 3. C . Tesaiero 4 . A . McShane 5 . A. Coush>s 6. D. Semkn 7. B. McShane B . S.4Gdd
9. L McHUgh (DVC) 10. S . Davidson 11 . D. Ferguson 12. A.Cauroty 13. A . Gang 14. J . Drury
17. S . Naughton 18. S. Herman 20 . C. Ryan 22. J . Brathwaite 23. D . Becket 24. M .0'Ha3OSan 25 . J. Date
26. D .MaWett 27. P . Gleesnn 28. A. Stasiak 30. H. Black 33 . S. Stephens 39. J . Byron 45, L Lrvingstal e
Z. C. Riordan (C) 44. L Nolan
p',A mbaum J . Sharp 3j, D. Stg~a ' 36, M. Segal 39. D . Katz 40. A . Halphen 41- V.Raleigh 42. E. Ye n 43. J.Abar
15. C Martin 16. L McGregor 17 . J . Crow e
18. C. Ambrosin i 19. D. FalWngham (C) 20. H. Dwyer
21 . J .Cunninoam 22. N. Wdlons 23. D. Napie r 24. G . Alford (VC) 25 . L Wintl e 26. S . Walsh 27. S.ICn4++e1 28 . C . W~ams 29. B . Johnstone 30. T. Fava 31, J .Cuttwr>:ns 32. A. Sint!) 33. S. Waters
71I1 xAl .7
HOTEL DE LA SALLE (2) Coach: Rob Smith
Asa Coach : Greg &atHne 1 . A .Donn ison 2 J. Mysialads 4. J.P.AasteRon 5. M. Caught6. R . Field 7. M .l.aaghnan S. M . Hd'AS'rdY t0. A. Keogh 11 . D . Kv 9 12. J . Howd<n 13. J. Bym e 4. M. Jdurstone
15 . J .Griggs
16. M . Rusdiens 17. D. Lambe 18 . J. Campbell 19, J. Lyons
20. K.MCGuiness
21 . A. M0an 22 . A. Needham 23. A . Jackson 24. S . Tucker 25. T . BuMiae 26 . T. Nolan 27 . K .0'Res1'ry 28. E . W3hams 30. A. Hayes 3t . D. Hegert/ NC) a J . SaVver 33. J .Watson 35. G. Hristoa+ 36. B. Reade 37 . C . Buick 38. L Woods
M.H .S .O.B .
Coach : Ian Radlow 1 . T . Parker 2. P. Fink 3. A .Tilling (VC) 4. C. Bruce
5. J . Davis 6. J. Moore
7 . Ashley O'Brien 8. T. Lower 9. A. Mazur t . S.Rodder 12I . M. Stiding 13. N . Rem1ry 14. D. Forbes 15. J. Gre~ 16 . T.Leaver 17, R . Bruce 18. S. Norman 19 . J. Wilson (VC) 20 . B. Sims-Lucas 21 . R . Ctowes 22. P . Brown 24. A . Askew 25 . L. Taylor 26 . S. Steel
27. A. Cassell (C) 28. S . Bennett 29. M. Sharpies 30 . A. Burka 31 . S. Harrison 32. R .Joseph 33. M . Askew 35. E. Cotter 39 . B. Miezis 40. T. Morgan 41 . Anthony O'Brien 45. H. Taylor 47 . D, Watson
Coach : Tony MacNamara 8. A. Lux
15. J. Dovmie 16. A. Reuss 18 . C, Bid 26. C . Watkins 31 . A. Mims 36. J. Paut
43 . S. Bingley (C) 50. N . Edgar 51 . G . McGregor 52. M. Clark 53. C . Charnbertan 54 . M.Lugsdn 55 . G. palziet 56. R. Brown 57. W. Wmspear 58 . A. McCann 59. H. GrettorrWatson 6o. W. Gordon 61 . S. Lamb 63. J . Lanny 64. D. Mdnnes 75. B.O'CaAaglan 76. N . Gatenby 79 . O. WaSh
Bo. L Wilson (VC)
2 OLD: XAVERIANS Peter Callinan
Coach 1. Ph frost 2 T.Femk g 3 . B . t~ay 4. B.F~ert 5. Twiner 5. T.Fovtsr / 6 . ML F-Wafd 38. M. MtGasttr 7. tJ.Bazrett 39J.Podos 6. AKerm~11CC1 40 . 9. T.Fa now41 42. R DA . AI~-b 10. 0.8oznd 43. J . Fade 11 . B . MeAin n 12. tA Webb 44 . A Lyttkto 13. N.Tlrcem 45. S .Carmdus 14. LN,~betl 46. M, Bourke S . LDeWJDhas 49, C-St~n S 18. D.SNref 49 . 6.It~e tl. T .Con~'f n 18- O.M2drs/ `'.A. M.Y1Jso 18R .bnES 51 . Rford(VCS 9 DM= ~ 21 . B. StapV~c"~ 53 . S C!arAe 22 .p,~rn 23' C t~~'a8en 55 . J .Chrisne 24 . C.Carroftis 56 . B mi 25. T.Gb^sfln 57. P.Pda m 26. 1 f UM sYN6) 56 . ACahu 27. C. Ptc('iuaW yJ. 59, (M M. V&" 28 . P.CIaNzv 61. S.Trwnf>9 29. 4. Ward . 0-Sean 30. C.fba2 62 31, X Build _ 63 . M . NicKnne . ti. Part 32. LHartlv,uk 64 65. Sjudvr 32 . !.Barry 66. MPuu~er 33. J, Kaye 34. T. Hogan 67 . P. DazhmY 35- M.OU:nn 68. D. Pennrx 36. J . McLean 6- A Lawler 70, C.Warry 37 . J.Orske
45. H . Clancy (C)
LTnder 19 (2) Red AQUINAS O .C. Coach : John Bourke 1 . H . Nicol 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.
M. Jamieson P. Heveren M. Bol~ona S. Jones T. Moran M. Greer
11 . 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 22. 23. 24. 32. 41 . 42. 44 . 54 . 55 .
S. Downs D . Marshall P . Glennie R . Chapman M. Hunter B. Wilson J. Hunt M. Hope B. Moran S. Hills M. Reilly J. Bleakney J. Pole R . Moran M. Thomas D . Keaty A. Cuflrera
9 . J. Juenchhott 10. C . Lyng
NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Andy Rya n 1 . M. Taleb 2 . T. Waters 3. B. Koutsovasilis 4. O. Khader (C) 5. L Curren 6. D. Skene 7. T. Mkunda 8. A . Hewitt 9. A . Naiss 10. B . Cariss 11 . C. Murray 12. D.Aboud 13. C. Miller 14. J . Saba 15 . N. Tonkin 16 . P. Borysiewicz 17 . S . Reynddson 18 . S . Mdlroy 19 . M . P?yne 20 . R. Amato 21 . M. Nugent 22 . G . Taylor 23 . H. Makhoul 28 . M. Drum 29. B. Mousiata 30. D. Tim s 33. A McKenzie 37. I. Taleb 40. R . Muiquinney
OLD IVANHOE GRAMMARIANS Coach : Stuart McLean Asst Coach: Shane HarroP 1 . D. Bernet 2. N. Gaz.eas 3. B. Wa'es 4. B. Davis 5. A Oates 6. P. Dowd 7. J. Hartop 8. B. Spoor 9. T. Pakn 10. R. Glderda+e 11 . D. Archer 12. M. Ket,y 13. D. Spiden (C) 14. G .O'Shannessy 15. L Courage 16. R. Hense 17. B. Limberg 18. L Waddell 19. A Harper 20. J. Vincent 21 . C. Barker 22. J. Smart 23. A Sutherland 24. S. Jenkins 26. G . Madsaac 27. N. Coyne 28. A Johnston 38. G . George 48. R. Davies
ST. LEO'S EMNIAIS Coach : Peter O'Connor 1 . S. Newey 2. N . Hooder 3. G. Bannici 4. J . More l 5. E . McGlanghlan 6. S . Savage 7. R . O'Keefe 8. T. McCann 9. A . Dal y 10. D . Cashen 1 t . D . Carr 12. M. Bainbridge 13. S . Willis 14. P. Batty 15. C. Miller 16. J . Daniels 18. J . Manton 32. D . McNally 35. L. Thomas
YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS Coach : John May Wayne Reddavray I . T. Wapshot t 2. T. Hale 3. S. Uoyd 5. A. Dew 7. S.Thompson 8. L Morris
9. S. Milson 10 . B. Searle 11, B. Reynolds 12 . D. Lang 14 . T. Lloyd 16 . A. Bel l
17 . T. MclMrrath 18 . L White (VC) 19 . E. Kruse 20 . T. Tyshing 22 . B. Telford 23 . C. Amokf 24 . A Cusano 25 . S. Matters 26 . D. Rowe 28 . A. Lawton 30 . B. Wapshott 35 . A. Laing (C)
REGENCY PHARMACY 130 Regent Street West Preston ZTECHCOMPUTER PERIPHERAL S 57 St. Heller Street Heidelber g
Coach: Allan Cousins
Coach: Steve Maus
1 . A. Thomas 2. D.lacabucci 3. A. DiPietro 4. D. SldNem 5. M. Holliday 6 . A. Mays 7. R. Chimside 8. A. Cont e 9. T. Wyngaani 10 . P. Atlatt 11 . R. Long 12 . P. Green 13 . E. Westmore 14 . M. Markovski 15 . D. Pemberton 16 . R. Pic 'ciW'i 17 . B. Whitehouse 18 . S. Corvan 19. C. Piccia!i 20. J . Pereira 22. S . Cousins 23. B. Roach 24. P. Del Guidice 25. D. Violi 27. F. Varga 28. A. Crew 29. J . 30. M . Adams 31 . D. Undes 39. D. Butler
1 . S. Jones (VC) 2 . B . Hal 3 . H. Munroe 4. J . Anowsmith (C) 5 . B . Hutchinso n 6 . D. Kneen 7. S . Natoli 8 . T. Morpeth 9. A. Andre s 10. M. Shaughnessy 11 . K. Norh.,n 12 . C. Wilson 13. J . Cade 14 . D. Hayes 15 . R. Baxter 16. M. Chisholm 17. J . Newman 18 . Y . Adal 19 . C. Barr 20. M. Lapira 21 . L Kennedy 22 . C. Stanley 23 . S . Some{v&24 . E . Davatizis 25 . T. Tobin 26 . D. Robinson 27 . M. Gneig 28 . C. Suter 29 . S. Connor 30 . S. Kimonides 31 . R . Ramsden 32 . M.Passador 35 . M.Pawsey 42. A. McKenzie 43 . D . Waldron 48 . D . Loukldis 52. R . Burrows 60. S. Merlin 61 . D . Burrows 64. S. Coope r
OLD PARADIANS Coach: Ken Johanesen Asst Coach: Tim May 1 . A Tatum (C) 2. M.Lvnch 3 . M. ~rrad~o 4 . R. Uilladi 5 . A Srtqh 6 . D.Stevers 7. S .Pnsdno 8 . M. Gale 9 . G. Boyd ar 10. D. Gre 11 . B . Rauti 12. I . Santos 13' L Harris 14 . S .Ciavota 15 . M. Ventura 16. P, Harris 17. G. Porteous 18. L. Galvin 19 . 8. a ter M. Den~{ster 21 . A Ho~ra~d 22 . M.Joyce 23 . M. Rces 24 . A. Bervxicasa 25 . A. Vecchio 26 . O. Warren 27 . B. Woadharn 28 . P. Cameq 29 . M. CosgrAi 30 . A. Stet53rt 31 . D .Vararw 32 . C . Wrikp 33 . A. S acco 34 . T.Runc"aran 35 . J. Rosbrook 36 A. Baker 37 . B. B~V 38 . C . 39 . D . Coastartm 40 . M. Cos
THERRY C.C .O.B . Coach : Paul Metton 1. 2. 3. 4.
D. Van Eglen R. Zampogna G. Vandenberg D. D'Aprano
5. S . Sacco 6. S. Goodwin 7. G. Kuret 8. A Grant 9. S. Stell a
15. A. McMahon 17. A Rowan 20. J . Smith 21 . B. Fitzpatrick (VC) 26. J . Van Englen (VC) 28. D . Dunne
32. T. Jones
33. M.Jacobsen 34. A. McDonald 48, C . O'Brien
41. M. H
42 . M. Jcyce 43 . J. L44. 8. L 45. L.O~CKxiar 46 . G . oweara 47. M. PberuJes 48 . C . Price 49. D .Raynes 50. N . R r1Eort1 Si . S.Rzhartlson 52' L . Wakefield 53. J. SrtM h
FINER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St ., Yarravitte Ph: 9687 8722 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
Section 1
Club X
: Ian Lockwood
Res, h Coach : Neville James g. R. Lee 3. J, Gay 4. J.F , 5. N. M1 7, N. Mothers 8. K. Curtis 9. C.Cartle`7 t®. S-
16. S . 17. P . 19. M. 20. C. Mai CCay 23. I . Lock-od (CC) 25. G.6 rig'a
26. S . Fraser 31 . J .StrdBrann 32. R .Nancsrtow 33, J . Sneciien 34, A. Taylor
N"i . J.Taybr ~ . A. Mealdan 37, M.Opie 51, P. Baxter
as, N.IngBs.s
55 . R. Crass 56, D. Howe 58. P. Young 59. R. Lancaster 60. B.Kens 61 . D. Kerrs 66. R. Anderson
66. G.Oc~klcY 66. B .O'Connor 69. C. Higson 70. R. Corcon 71, A Thomson 75. J . Walsh
Coach : Peter Hall Res. Coach : Peter Ailsop 2. A. Noone 3. T. CFd3coft 6. W. Franc's P. Deegan 8. T. Cfri~ 9. P. Halt 11. J.Dicirdio 12. A. WiNs 13. S. Carnp6ell 15. P. Akwp 17. T. Tsiavs 19 T. Walker 23. S. Coulson 27. D. Krom 31 . N. Snart 32. D. Moore 33. J. Bo 34. B . DevAn * 36. R. Tayama 37. G. Trigg 38. D.Steuifort 39. R . Bourbon (VC) 40. M. Birc h 41 . B . WeUh 42. J . Gr&roson 43. W. Padter 44. D . Bo9e 45. G. Rogers 47. P. Rdey (C) 48. P. Vne 49 . L. 52 . G .Flaky Peacock 54 . P. Jacobs 60. M. LeCakerx 63 . P. Watch 65 . D. Bi+riarw 68 . K. Duffy 69 . B. Harper 72 . D Lind 73 . G .Janetski 74. E. Atgiaras
IMEELERS HILL I-1 O T E L DE LA SALLE Coach : Brendan Hoy 1. D. WaSamson 2. G .Cunen 3. G ..kclEon 4. Slasia 5. ht Auld 6. N. Famru 7. G. Tarr & C.Furza 10, D.TessKr 11. bL Ftmre4 12. T. RtIh~nr y 13. D. - Rfic
OLD BRfGHTGN BI .OODS Coach: Stuart Kay
1 . G. Bennett 2. M . McLennan 3. H. Jarvis 5. R. Murray 6. S . Moody 7. M . Hall B. A . Hancock 9. A . Grant 10. R . Moreton 11 . J . Rattray 11 . J . McLachlan 12. D . Cochran 14. S. Bolt 13. A. Noble 15. D. J=re~s 14 . J . Bennett 16. D. tambe 16. M. Hendrie 17. 8.~n 16. J . Morrison 18. M. Es 40. E. Betlane 18 . C . Lade 19. A Peatt 41 . B . ER-0s 19. D. Smith 20. ABresher 42 . AFqmtq,n8ds 22 . J. Lockett 21 . G. Birch 43 . A Cbssat 24 . L. Hanvtton 22. A Wors" 44 . M. Ram 24 . P. Neylan 23. P.Balsr 45. B. Buick 26 . J. U 23. B.OTInam 46 . G .McFE:nry 28 . S. Ka y 24. A Plu~Ps 47. D. @ndrapaVxrs 31 . F. Magee 25. GROEns 48 . 8.R~ d 31 . M.Srarlett 26, B.I ~ It 49. S. Gum 32 . R. Wraith 27. T. Ford 50. &Hoy 33 . D. Moreton 28. D. Ksseba 51 . D, Knit 34. R. Smith 29 . D. Hylard 54. D . Larkins 34. M . Nikakis 30 . E Dickens 55. T. Mom 35. A. Rutter 37. M . Donohue 31. J. CIA* 56. J .Murphy 39. P. Greene 32. P. Mahang 57. M. Stardrope 40. C. James 33. L G¢rnatos 58, A white 34. D .Egan 59. M.Wi6e:nson 42. A.Wittey 43. T. Bett s 35. R .Chapqe 60. M Thorne 44. S . Garbler 36. P. Grant 61 . C. C ar y 46. M. Barber 37. S. Hoy 72. T. Slwebs " 48. C. HaHng 38. M. Farrell 80 C Johnstone 49. A . Neale 39. J.KGhrx,y 84 M.ODritmS 51 . N . McCann 52 . M. Walker 53 . P. Bainbridge 55 . A . Heron 56 . R . Brown 64 . B. McMur6e 78 . R . Saunder s S. Desmond L . Duman A. Gate D . Gleeson J. Lade 20. A. McNamara M. Selby 36. S. Young
OLD MELBURNtANS OLD XAVERIANS Coach : I . A. Cordner (C) 4 . D. Mos s 5 . E. Ad'wnso n
6 . C. Branchflovrer 7. J. Gardine r
Coach : 1 . L Osirri 2. J Kennedy~ 3. M.Ja~es
4. R. Curtain (VC) 5. aCakjw
9. H.Ingleton 6. J . Matthews 10 . 5. Osborne 7. T.O'SuGivan 11 . A. Anderson & MEG . 12. R. Egleton 9 . M . Coltofry 13. G. Stooke 11 . P . Cennors 14. S . Bard.-zley . A . Ries 15. N.Osboume 17. 1 3 P .O'Bemee 16. G.Jensz 18 . P. O'Sullivan 17. J . Mr:C121te 24 . R . King . R. Simpsan n18 '.. 27 . D . King (C) 19. P . Waite '.. 28 . C . Court 20. T. Osborne 31 . A. Holmes 21 . N . Naim 32 . M. Tyrelf 23. D. Stanto 33, M. Sadler . J . Scoff n24 34. S. Hogan 25. X Wilson 35. M. Meehan 26. K. Rutherford 37. T. 28. D . Milne 39. M. 30. S.laycoc:k 44. D. McLean 31 . R . Schneile 53. P. Hall 33. A Clements 62. M. Cdbpy 35 . M Atkinson 63. P. Conquest 41 A. Carroll 64. S. Kennedy 46 . A. Hume 71 . A. Hail 63 . P. Hands 91 . S . Ba3ay 80 . M. Comell
ST. KEVINS O .B. Coach: Paul Bannon 1. D .Nanfra 2. ANantra 3. P. Nanfi2 4. N. Gotdsworfh7 5. F, Quirk 6 J . Quirk 7. N. Martin 8. T. Bare 9. D.,umes 10, L Davidson it . T. Finch 12. 0. PtMan 13. P. Hooper 14. B. Rosman 15. D. Bvjd 16. P.82nrwn 17. S . Chacks 18. P. 19. M . ~ic,'tl 20. S.tierbert 21 . A. Davin 22 . I. Wood 23 . J.4Y9r-Im 24 . J. Lynch 25 . B. S2t&yWe 26 . A Ai 27. T. Wills 28. A Buccela 29. D. McDwra:tl 30. S. Dillon 31. J .Goldsvonhy 32. D. holy 33. D. Ha1ms 34. J. Fo x 35. J. Wtuthread 36. D.MUrnfor o 37. P. Rgs 41 . S Murptr7 38. J. Sgttery 42 P. McCarthy 39. B. Darcy 43. T.Page 40. N. Sw~e~y 44. R 8ateman
Laurie Taberner's RI~SIt G SUN 80TE. SOUTH MELBOURNE
PH: (03) 9822 0011 OLD SCOTCH COLLEGIANS Coach: G. Seebeck Ass. Coach : M. Ciunies-Ross 1 . B. Simpson
2. O. Young 4. H. Middleton 5. S. Hawkins 6. M. Godwin (C) 7. M. Clunies-Ross 8. D. Bingle y 9. S. Spark 13. N. Murdoch 16. S . Norden 20. N. Tribe 21 . J . Deakin 22. D. Hooper 23. S . Pryde 24. C.7avecz 27. C. Wmneke 28. L. Higham 29. A . Teesdale 30, P . Williamson 31 . D . Bal i 32. S. Sheahan 37. A. Chambers 39. A. Cowper 41 . A. Puler 43. N . Taylor 45 . T. Stubbs 48 . B. Cain 51 . G . Stewart 52 . R. Gregory 53 . B. Simpson 54 . T. Phillips 56 . A. Richardson 58. E. Johnston 60. M . Webe r 62. J . Cook 63. T. Gray 67. M . Ryan 70 R. Hume 99. C. Nash
ST. BERNARDS O .C . Coach: Bri an Moon I . R. Day 2. M . Quinn 3. P. Moan 4. A. Denahy 5. P. Hayes 6. J . Comito 7. M. Creak 9. G. Wood 12. G. Tota 13. A Matka 14. A . Vnecornhe 15. A Kennedy 18. M. Cunningham 19. G. Farrugia 20. J . Martin 22. P. Fanugia 23. W. Schwarzenberg 24. J. Walkinsat 27. A Myers 28. A Barnes 35 . M. O'Connell 38. D . McAllister 44 . B. Moan 45 . M. Castles 48 .. A Mood!e 87. S. Denahy
622 ML Alexander Rd. Moonee Pond s 9326 1799
Club XVIH Section 2 KEW Coach : M . O'De a Team Manage r: F. Guppy 1 . P . Canidon 2. C.Johnson 3. M. O'Dea (CC) 4. A . Tucker 5. S.Ibak 7. D . Brand 8. A. Lawrence 9. P. McCormick 10. K. Corbady It . R . Guppy 13. M.O'Hanlon 14. A. Hancock 15. P. Condon 16. D. Leary 17. C. Thompson 18. C. Curtain 21 . J. Leonard 22. D. McGuire 23. T. Maughan 24. N. Prendergast 25 . T. Hemadi 32 . A. D'Anna 33 . M. Bond 39 . B. Smith 40. M . Quinn 41 . A. Chisholm 44 . A. Guerra 49 . M . Garaoffolo 55 . T. Reynolds 56 . D. McLaughlin 77 . A. Slawinski
Duhig Ford
HARP OF ERIN [ ~ .H O T ,,.E " L:,; MARCELLI N 1 . A. Merton 2 . P. O'Callaghan 3 . A. Trotter 4 . J.Tsoukas 5 . J. Rusilotta 6 . D. Boolhey 7 . R. Banesi 8 . R. Pertich 9 . J. Kent 10. M. Kent 11 . G . Basford 12 . R. Holland 13 . M . Cronin (C) 14 . D. Theisz 15 . A. Keogh 16 . C. McCann 17 . M . Nunmo 18 . M . Curry 19 . R. Bot l 20 . M . Getson 21 . W. Getson 22. P. Harberts 23 . J. Sloane 24. S. Dimattina 25. J . Daffy
The Beehive • Hotel • Hawthorn
Coach: Ronnie Lamb Team Manager: M. Rhoden I . M . Dods 2 . D. T 3 . M .V~ 4 . R. Angley 5 . B . Samuel 6 . J . Plehn 7 . D. Nelson 8 . A . Forbes 9 . J . Fairweather 10 . B .Codier IT . A . Hibbard 12 . M . TossavauFen 13 . C. Raynw 14 . D .O'Brien in . H . Beh 16 . M. Richards 17. K. Calvert 18. S. Dod s 19. G .VanderZalm 20. M. Rirkke (VC) 21 . G . Sinclair 22. J. Kenny 23. J. Deva7 24. S. Norden 25. A. McBeth 27. J. Card 28. D. Levetan 29. M. Lloyd 30. M. Krebs 31 . P. Mclnemy 32. P. Spencer 33. A. Stritthof 34. T. Cogky 35. D. Johnston 36. C. Howe (C) 37. L. Holden 38. J. Round 39. P. Glass 40. B. Huderetl 42. M . Rhoden 44. R. Lamb 50. J. Cowley 51 . M . Bon d
Coach: D. Law
1 . R. Costello 5. B. Liddell 6. M . Keenan 7. P . Kelly 8. T. Hewat 10. J . Patterson 11 . S . Molnar 16. B . Mielaci 21 . G. Smith 23. A . Fielcling 26. W. Dreier 27. B . Stevens 36. C. Rizzo (C) 38. B . Selledc 39. A . Fen n 40. C. Keay 48. R . Keenan 49. D . Lyons 56. T. Byrnes 60. M. Goodwin
1 . D. BeGman 2. C. Bishop 3. R. Boyl e 4. G . Campbell 5. R. Casey 6. J . Carter 7. B. Boyle 8. R. Cram 9. P. Cramer 10 . P. Dudderidge 11 . C. Fazzatari 12 . D. Garvey 13 . B . Gasa 14 . K. Gasa 15. G. Gillis 16. T. Gillis 17. D. Greastey 18. C. Hammon 19. Darren Hester 20. David Heater 21 . M.Howden 22. D . Law
23. P. Leigh 24. P. McMaster 25. A. Ramzi 26. D . Reid
27. A. Rhodes 28. R . Shiels 29. A. Smith 30. D. Stembridge 31 . K. Stretcher 32. M. Swift 33. A. Tyrell 34. P. Van Bentham 35. C . Vassato 36. G . Walsh 37. B. While 38. T. WdHam s
TH MNBURY CODU^'JS Coach : Gary Cutter I . B. Carter
2 . A. Mountney 3 . R. Buzesld 4 . B. Robertson 5 . T. Cutler (C) 6 . P. Cutler 7. D. Robins 8 . C. Krincevsld 9 . A. Crocker t0 . G . Thompson it . R.Osmond 12 . J. Gerstkamp 13 . D.Caner(VC) 14 . M . Goddard 15 . S . Prior 16 . S . Murdoch 17. A.Johnson 18 . S . Borg 19. M . Johnston 20. G. Theoharis 21 . P . Clarke
22. W. Duson (C) 23. P . Cioccio 24. M . Alessandrino 25. A . CAecicen 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 . 32.
W. Nasreddne D . Mousalds C . Berton A . Robertson M. Martin R . Vesda A. Hugak
33. I. Kearns 34, P. McDonald 37. D . Bennett 38. J . Overall 39. M. Haden
44. J . Faber (DVC) 46. S. Novriniski 49. P. Da&ins
50. P. Brewe r
7!>re Z tt NomNG HILL HOTEL
MT. LILYDALE O .C . Coach : Steven Lawson 1 . I. Doolan 2 . M. Vos 3 . B. McKay 4. M. Walsh 5 . B. White 6. M. Ranki n 7. M. Napodeone 8. M. Gobet6 (VC) 9. A. DelBiondo 10. M . Dice9o 11 . C. Gibson 12. C. Gilbee 13. B . Colvin 14. C. Walsh 15. F. Livingston 16. T. Allen 17. A. Burrett 18 . K. Maniscaldd 19 . J. Burgess (C) 20. J. Flannagan 21 . S . Madden 22. L Procto r 23. S . Woollen 24. C. Callanan 25. M . Brebner 26. T. Flanagan 27. C . Varga 28. D . Ckxhielb 29. P. Fudong 30. D. Flanagan 3t . N. Pearce 32 . P. Carolan 33 . C. Andrson 34 . W. Jealous 35. D. Callanan
SYNDAUTALLY HO Coach : Daniel 0'Donohue t . T. Marks
2. A. Bums 3. M . Joy 5. D. Hartnett 6. J. Cotsis 8. R. Bennet 9. I . Bingham 10 . P . Henning 11 . J. Rutter 12. S . Gould 13. J . Kemts 14. S .O'Boyk: 15. N . Murray 16. N . Brewster 17. M. Webb 20. C. Hall
22. P. Kotstakos 23. D . Raab 26. D .O'Donohue 31 . B. Hanneman 35. C . Cachia 40. N . Toce 42. A. Findlay 43. C . Kamlis 46. J . Green 47. G . Wagner 50. P. Vergakis 54. A. Sneddon 62. R. O'Dell
- . -1 O M .V. NAPOLEONE & CO . PA. Orchardists, & Cool Stores WANDIN. VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA 3139
rA: ]Fast gULLEE N COBRAS Cc~ch : J-^D'An~d r ^s . c?r~;r. .Mark M ~~ & SGa7br 12 . A Issa 14. J.01clonran 15. M Jamas 17, G. Brown 21 . M. Horsfald 22. P. Samoan m 24 . P.Zorzi „ 25.W. 28. RS#oc 29, A Summers 30, G. Parker 32. C.Gornents 35_ T.Setta . ^a T. Karxwcko W 41 . N, r 42. G. . ; 43, R' ro 45. 0 ua 53. S. a. n 63. P.Cat_ ..I
ELEY PAR K Coach: Graham Mul3enger Res. Coach: Rob Wickham 2 M. Brady 1 . D. Muricla 3. R. taNatt2 2. A Morris 3. A FeaUrdry 4. M. Det'Orw 4. M. Gm rg~u~ 5. W La`.9ana .68540100 5. C. Kaye (DK,) 6. 0 7. Taffamopoalos 6 . D. Ban 7. 0. Bowen 8 R Poa'.e 8 . D. Cenci 9. T. Karxkntos 9 . P.Yesantl 10. C. Mclean 11, L Mst .ean 12. A D unstan 13. AKeksa& 14. G. Elder 15. RYaug 16. P.Story 17. AHr9 18. S. Rayner 19. D. Trotter 20. M. Hack (C) 21 . F. M3 alec 22. P. Camara, 23, G. Smith 24. S. Watts 25, G. Heath 38, K. Pakyr 26. D. Na0.*7 X) 39 J. Veda 27. D. Kaye 40. N. as 2& W. Hatrn 41 . R,_ -n . F. tettitn 42.V, F~^ :29 5t¢ma all. G . Brom~j 45. S. E.--y 31 . G.Imra ca 43. L Katie 32' D . Gram 44. L Dix 33, N . Db< 45. S. Ochre 46 . M. Payrce 34, S. Bromky, 47.AVSMdrym 35, P. Blew 48 .P.CHar 36. S. Lee 37. D. Payme 49 . M. Hoap2r
: 't I ' I L
"The Road Builders"
CHIRNSIDE PARK Coach: Stephen Jones Res. Coach: Peter Anthony 1 . M. Pemc..Wn 2. A Sore 3. G .Sknn 4, M .Canrsi(C) ° 5. B. Pedar
6. J. Brown
7. V " (VC) & S, Oates 9. W.PCmtedar 1Q M,KOopn:ns 11. G.W"q~tJ(RVC) 12. DJ (DVC) 13. R C A^ti(FsU th o. fit Y. (SW) 17. DA .-.~ 18, B. h'.,,sarotC 19. S.0'Cm'dror 20. K Oae s 21. T.0'mJeb 22. P.MBwrry 23. M. Simmons 24. C.Onrr/ 25. F. Paola 39. D, Harvey 26. G,Kekanxf 40. M.Mnnis 27 . N, Reed 41, T, Scott 28 . J. R4os<a 42. N. Sitihin 24 M.HansOtai 43. P,Sdding 30_ L Matter 44. R Burke 31 . M. Ogstan 45. W. Hussey 32 . G. taKl3w 46, TP, Egan 33 . A(dansae 47. . Btdh ?A, S. lMneeler 48' FL Gray 35 . R. Sibbing 49 . C. Petra 36, DL K2rp 50 . S, Byrnes 37 . L Lmmen 51, H. Doyle 38. G.K€ 52 . Af4;bwy
ELTHAM COLLEG Coach: Peter Slacik Res . Coach: Peter Hansen 1, J. Smytl n 2. K Tucker 3 . A Tucker 4 . B.Hespe 5 . C.HarsWry 6, G. C!arke 7, R ftwitej 8 . J. Wood.+ard 9 . RVRUte 10. S. Mdarcn 11 . J. Mine 39, F . Doonerty 12. G. Dismore 40 . D. Barnett 13. S, Jolley 41 . S.Dalv?I 14. S.Jus6ce 42, C .HaW 15. C.WniL 43. N.Hamsl>3 16. B.Anw!d 44 . Stackpool 17. G. Lays 45 . M. Ryan 18. M.Barkng 46 . ROaves Lewis47. 48 A. Hadfield 19. D.. WA . R . Harris 20. S 21 . B. Parson; 49. L Stmrpe 22. S 50. J,Tafbr 23. G .0'Do-nne9 51. W.Slarpe 24. M . Dwyer 52. A Smerey 25. D.Mtdrea3/ 53. J. 26. J. Stare 54. A Kelm 27. B .Tumey 55 . P.MAnvrr 28. 8. Turner 56. M Edwards 29. C .6islmp 57. T.Em(2nm ; 58 . MG-shy 30. 0- Hagan 31, Z,bvdnwski 59 . B . Evans 32. T. Scott 60 . P . Barnett 33 . T. Hedei 61 . C . 34 . S . P.7aMd 62 . C . tace7 35 . T.P ----+t 63 . R,Jarmwvs 36 . S . F on 64 . C . Watson 37 . R. Hkaarq 65 . S . Schafer 38 . G "` :_-- 66. S .Fispatrkk
Coach: Glenn Stalhvorthy Res. Coach: Darren Murray /, D. Murtay 2. R Lcrich 4, S. Wfte 5, W.G!azetxoak(DVC) 6, P. Aer y 7, G . fita6~wrthy 8. M. Dunstan 9. W .Power (VC)) 10 . P. Omhard ( 11. A S3 12, S. Cdbain 13 . J. Pa ey 15 . B. Glover v 16 . N . QusaRsas 18, S. Tmtswee 18 . D .larsetta 19 . J. I20 . S. Parker 21 . A. Dunlop 22. J . Schutr 23. D . Tracy 25 . R . Brain 25 . S . Davis 27. R. Lord 28, MM29. P. Barker 30. A . Hartley 31 . C. Largley 32. J . Eta'e 33. S . D~f 34. S . Macdonald (RVC) 34, M . Stephenson 34. P, Heivish 36. D. Murphy 37. G. Marshall (CR) 38. D. L'vtdrea 38. I . Ceppa 39. D. La1afl 40. C. Frayne 41, M . Wtryiaoss 42, Skrvrne 44. P. Rossitto 45. A. Donaldson 46. D. McCovrain 47. T.O'Hankbn 47. T. F'AZpat(s:k 49. R. Adams 49. M. Nowak 51 . R . Dorwvan 52. I. Rasthom 54 . E. Sill 56 . P. Ryan
Coach : David Kyle Res . Coach : Ash Wain 1, R Talked 2, F.Maazzn 3, RThanpsnn 4, M FUn3 5 . A Drrx 6, D . Howse 7. J . Downs 8. T. Mac.ezn 9 . G, Ross 10. D . Ky'a 11 . C. 12 M, 13. D .We 14. T. Loveless 15. T.Or..tx;Ytn 16. B. SmiEZ 18, D, Ros s 19. N . Park 41 . B. Downs 20. S. From. 41 T, Crean 21 . 41 H- Park 23. D.6alsha^x 44 . J. H o 24. M. Daies 45. L Rees 25. T. Halaxer 46. N. OodlreR 26. G. Mclrod 47 . B. Mcfh.walih 48. FL Davis 27. A Ftawa 28. J. Macrean 49. S. Saaboume 29. P . Peterson 50. R Ford Potter 52 A Harrell 30. D. 31 . J. Dove 53 S.C0rWW 32. C. Heffernan 55 S. Taylor 56, LHanirqton 33. D. Ireland 34. T .CNicfieid 57. G .F4fmte 35, B. Peake 63. T. Strong 36. R.Pemkuu 65 . ABOshroac 37. M . Ross 71 . M . Laing 38. T.OStffm r 72. R Lawton 74. A Bun 39. T. 40. R=AW 78. J. Sca"es
Coach : G~nn Taylo r Res . Coadt: Simon dacksan C. F61 2. C. Hickey, (C) 3. 14 Cahm
4, C. Ester
5, S. Jackson (RG) 6. G .CmW (VC) 7. A Drever as. L Small 8. A CQP7 37. P . Bryce 9. M,AtNJ;son 38. LCohen 10 . K Shrives 39. P . Berx>vit 11. A 12, C.~rson 4~1 . AG-t~ i 13 . & Jones 42. M. Parer 14 . MCurry 43, S.Cfcerry 15 . P. Hams 44. G. Henclaks 16. M Jones 45. M' Easumin 17. S. Carry 46. M,Cam 1B, C, Mamxvrs 47. S. Hauanis 19. P. Drake 48. S. Addison 20. W. Mudge 49. R Meadan 21 . M.HosHrp 50. G.CNncek 22. J . Hands 51. H. Manton 23. T. Price 53, hA ketxced{ 24. m- Yarnell 54. EL Gomm 25. C- Coodal 55, T. knoll 26. J . McQuio 56. D. Parker 27. B.t ' W 57. 0. Palmer 28. P. Nance S& FL Bardiml 29. T. Ma6ton 59. C. Mason Sa S. Feelxrr 60 . J . Bayard 31 . N .Everett 61 . T.Se7nwur 32. C. W~ttrn 62 G. Catwres 33. S. Fa 63, C. Socr,ro 34. D. Pails 64, AJark;ai 35. R. Evans 70. T. Pa xoist
0 Bar& Bistro
KEW Coach: Rob Bayley Res. Coach: Tom Van a 1, B .Lafrar>dm 2 . G. Pmte (VC) 3, R PrAverro 4. 0,431003601 S. J. Barons 38. D . M"'1x8 6. C. Hope 39. A. so 7. D.FbP. 40. P. 8. J. Pdstirceti 41 . R . li+A'~^<tan 9. P.GexareN 42. C.L'nne_ nn 10. B. Caftan (C) 43. J.D ourmis 11, ABanres 44, ADara>? 12. S. Md&hon 45. G . 13. C.iGinkou 46. S. ' 14. G. Crimmins 47. M. Deakin 15. FABria 48 . M,D~rv' 16. D, Wood (VC) 49. J. Lrsa . J. Bel 50. J. PorteS17 . N. king (VC 51 . S . Hodgson r18 '. 19. N. Peters 52. I.Fktdrar 20. S.Hamson 53, G. Andrew; 21. D. Harut:an 54. M. R obinso . J . Parvn 55. D. Ku g n2 23 . A. Bay 56. J. Chow 24. B. Danes 5T N.Lykopandis 25 . D.Vhght 58 . D.CraclaidI 26 . M Drawn 59. J. Bor bone '26. P. Nagy 60. V- WON 27 . P . Furian 61. H. Perdsis 28, L x~.4) 62. RPapakos 29 . M, Dairympa 63 . LBay* 30. C,Gawft (~ 64. S.BayWi 31 . AW4`Js 65. C. Bounce 32. J.Brass( F4G) t 66 . S.6autms 33 . S. Duckworth 67 . 0. Masorn 34 . M . Masotti 68 . J . Romas 35. RBruno (Rati7 69, S.Lefce 36, ASkermt 70. KHaOe 37. W n 99 . S. Bruns
RICHMOND CENTRAL Coach : Tim Pontefract Res. Coach : Danny Hickey 1 . A Wilson
2, A Bamidd 47 . D. BarrenCe 3, T.05teR 2n 49. N.Ritdz 5, S. Sharamn 5D C. Barry 6, G.BUr ShTx 51 . FLNINpin 6. S. Pickett 52. Ck&KPWX 7. F . Bove 53. S. t ightwro od B . G .MakoYn 54. P.WdL>sid• 9 . P„bd¢nn 55, M, Dav y
10. A Murphy
56. LD*
11 . J . Barker 56, ACokmergs 11 . D . Hickey 56, 0 Vhisen 12, F.Mac2k 57, SAmarmt 13. C .Pearson 58. it BOAS 14. G. Shannon 59, M,CaJWno 15. P. CtaRch 60 . 0 Ca9ngs 16. M .Janner 61 . A Downes 17. AFav.sett 62 . T.Graharn 18. M .Z~ 63 . T.Guthne 19, J.MZru~g 64 . A Kemp 21 . A HoB 65 . D. Humphreys 22. AFbres 66. L,oeFPrser 25, AD" 67 . R lkInosh 25. S .Ruddock 68. D .Muclga 26. J.Audifisi 69. M. Taf t 27. C. Adams 70. T.Taybr 28. A Waters; 70. D . Marrftt 30. S. Fenian 71 . K WfaN 30. G.Tate 72. G . Saw 32 . D.Valoc 73. J. Sheeran 33 J. Cohen 74, P. Dlawood 34 . D. Holt 75. LF9estcott 37, G. Poreos 76. L Egan 40 . 8. Kateir, 77. A Hogan 42. P. Hoet 78 . M . Terre 43, ASrrA3 79, S,Tresnse 45 . M. Black 80. J- Vaths 46. D. Farky 81 . S .0'Suhvm
Duhig Ford Shell M ooroolbark 9726 7083
ELTHAM TIMBER & HARDWARE Pn. 1175-1181 Man Rd, Eflham Phone : 9439 5533 (all hours)
A Section
COLLEGIANS Coach: Leigh Carlson Res. Coach : Neville James 1y B. Kin g
2. N. Raertere 3. B . WooAw 4. S .Lausscn 4. N. Sector 5. D. Greeves 5. D. Peters 6. A. Sni9h Z C. Hit}SOn 7. D. Wan:e-Sns1h 8. C. Pottxk 9. V. Cleary 10 . J. Grigg 10. S .Mo&vd 11. B . McKenzie 12. D. Sti6 s 13. G. Palmer 14. R. Scttober 15. Y . 15. N. Midnel 16. A . WaNace 17. J .Tarpey 18. J . Bennett (VC) 19. C. Davidson 20. G. Deans-Johns 21 . A JoFruto n 22. D. Kert 23. A . Sheedy 24. R . Hartnett 25. G. Bri~a 26. N . M~1 27. S. Hurnphry 28. S. Bacl29. A.Kennea99 30. M. Ga~radh 31 . J . Nevurs 32. D .Ttwrnson(C) 33. J . Sneddo n 34. D . EnMisle 35. R p 36. S.Hart9ng 37. M. Qpie 38. M. take 38. 5. Van DeeVeree 38. J . Carr 40. B. Seaton 41 . S. Ltic 42. L Vasde}ds 43. A. Greem•ray 44. A. Parkin (VC) 45. N . Anderson 46. S. Waoley 47, D . Milat 48. J. Lennn 49. T. Van DerVenne 50. B.Jefrersm 51 . P. Baxter 52. N. Gill 53. M. I 54. L R~s 55. E.Jones 56. D. Howe 57. J. Nbore 58. A.Thonpson 59. M. Rchartk 60. B.Ken s 61 . D.Kerts 62 . M .O'Da»eW 63. Z Useaw+ 64 . M. GrbMe 70. T. Smith 77. T.Prector
DE LA SALLE Coach : Peter Hannan Res. Coach: Greg Feufitt 1 . M . Chu n 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
P. Fiume D. Crowe L. Hall L. Swift M . Fisher C. Browne C. Wright
9. C. Campbe9 10 . T. Saver s 11 . A. Evans (DVC) 12 . D. Toohey 13 . A. Waters 14 . A. Duncan 15 . J. Hodder 16 . A. Fbwerday 17 . A. Et&ot 18 . J. Hom 19 . D. O'Brien 20 . S. Albon 21 . D. Jackson 22 . P. O'Callaghan 23 . D. Grace 24 . D. Cross 25 . G . Hynes 26 . P. Wytes 27 . L. Van Der Pligt 28 . M. Lafferty 29 . D. Rosman 30. B. Mannix 31 . K. Mannix
32 . C. O'Callaghan 33. P. Rennie 34 . A. Moore 35 . A. Mackintosh 36 . A. Abbott 37 . M. Rosel 38 . A. Johnstone 39 . P. Brasher 40. M. Butler 41 . J. Murphy 42 . J. Clarke 43 . M. Sharpe 44 . R. Madcinson 45 . C. Cleary 46 . M. Regan 47 . M. Farrell 48. D. Smith 49 . D. Lambe 50. P. Mannix 51 . B. Buick 52 . B. Byrne 53 . R. Chapple 54 . J. Duckett 55 . S.l .aska 56 . G . Curran 57 . P. O'Brien 58 . T. Ford 59. P. Aron 70. D. Mtdm 78. D. Jennings
THE ANGEL TAVERN Cnr. GlenferrieJDandenong Rds. MaAwrn 9509 4023 6RYPH INN BAR & BISTR O
9903 2093 24
OLD HAILEYBURY Coach: Simon Meehan Res. Coach: Andrew Baxter 1 . A. Baxte r 2. D. Connell 3. W. Byms
4. C. McKenzie 5. F. Mai n 6. W. Smith 7. Adam Hilton 8. M. Orton
OLD MELBURNIANS OLD PARADIANS Coach: Michael Ford Res. Coach: Mark Libardi 1 . A. Walte r 2. S. Theodore 3. A. Ross 4. B. E~lghaus 5. L Bun n
6. P. Hanbury 7. C. Thompson 8. M. Lovett
11 . (2) F. CapomoHa 12 . D. Secull 13 . B. Carty 14 . A. Forsyth 15 . N . Morey 16 . A. Dowsing 17 . Ash Hilton 18 . M. Constable 19 . M. Armstrong 20. C . Krau s 21 . A. Wa&len 22 . P. Thiessen 23. M. Seoul
9. T. Smith 10. T. Roberts 11 . M. Jukes 12. A. Hevritt 13. S. Rose (RVC) 14. J. Bunn 15. R. Britain 16. C. Eabry, 17. B. Bir4ati 18. O. Keeble 19. M. H'~ 20. B L. TeGord 21 . Boyd 22. A. Waddell 23. M. Berry 24. M. Bennett 25. let Pruden 26. C. Kennedy 27. O. 28. S.
27 . 28. 29. 30. 31 .
29. J. WaNace-Smith 30. I. McMuf t 31 . J. Hart 32. R. Webb 33 . G. Dixon (RC) 34. R. MoreN
9. S. Rowlands 10 . C. Warden 11 . L Rucke r
23 . (2) J. Mackay 24 . R . Lavender 25 . G . Rowlands 26 . G . Philips
J. Dann S. Walden R . Stewart R . Aughterson B.Main
32 . P. O'Donnell 33. A. Floyd
34. B. Mitchell 35 . D . Lar>nage 36. B. Lay 37. D . Ladd 38. S. Pedder 39. R . Weber 40. S. Duxbury 41 . B. Malin 42. D . Scalfe 43. R . Plecher 44. A. Kiikvmorl•Scout 45. N . H&! 46. C . Jimmieson 47. J. Kurta 48. D . Bum 49. M. Harrison 50. A. Berwick 52. R . Harrison 53. M. Dusting 55. C. Ladds 57. B . Ladds 65. C. Dowling
35. D . Brown 36 . A. McKeon 37. S. Eabr y 38 . M. Crawshay 39. N . Strauss 40 . J. Carroll 41 . G. Wu§iel n 42. P. Theodore 43 . T. Clore 44 . A. M~ugall 45 . S. Crew 46 . D . Hdme 47 . J. Guest 48 . C . Jenkins 49 . T. Stuckey (C) 50 . P. Marcfs 51 . C . Banks 52. B. Campbell 53 . P. Gason 54 . S. Brown 55 . D . Borsezeky A. Bolts J. Elam J. Fob S. Bardsley K. Rutherford
Coach : Date McCan n
Res . Coach: Wayne Tulloch 1 . S. Vincent (VC) 2. P.OL .a~ @n 3. J. Da~ (VC) 4. S. Philp
5 . A. Muletta 6 . B. Pennam 7. P.Cosgriff 8. D . Ciavola 9. aeo~d 10. P.Brrbender 11 . A . Bums 12. S. Walks 13. T. Walks
14. B. Brabender 15 . B. Dinfinsante 16. M. Godfrey 17. B. Hart 18. A. NilSat 19. T. Canavan 20. P. Harris 21 . A, Farrell 22. H . Be@is 23. P. Walsh 24. D. Dkgncy 25. A . Heffernan 26. M .B. Geary 27. K Jenkins 28. J . Holland 29. E. Tomasie9o 30. T. Mulligan 31 . M .Vear 32. I . Hussain 33. M . Harrison 34. A . Vacima 35. J . Mrs
36. S . Swindon (VC) 37. J . Hensley 38. A . Bn93o 39. P . Reid 40. D. Baud 41 . J . Tobi n
42. D. Tregambe 43. P . Healy 44. P . Joyce 45. J . Swindon 46. D. Stuckey 47. N. Bag 48. M . Ray 49. D. Cosma 50. B. Swindon 51 . G. Hickey 52. M .S. Flynn 53. D. Horselgton 54. J . Mould! 55. M . Van Kyuk 56. M . Ryan 57. J . Muir 74. L Thomas
The Marine
F7NER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St., Yarraville Ph :96878722
y cAV e# C Rea io ~ ~ant . f f. g' kem
Z. s'y~s
la N' wn-'
14 D f~'r(RC) i6: bj ~
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46. 4 S
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Zan (RVC
qArAtFUR FOOrBq~C~R 19 9 >
BA N YULE Coach : Harry Harislou Res . Coach : Tim Bel l 1 . B . Kincer 2. D. WEtche9 (VC) 3. L Hoit 4. J. Anderson 5. B . Edmore 6. S . Kayrooz 7. S . Richmond 8. R. Wikams 9. R. Cuifen 10 . J. Fortune 11 . B. Owen
12 . J. Ega n 13 . M . O'Brien (VC) 14 . A. Logan 15 . S . Gray 16 . D. Mayne 17 . T . Benton 18. J. Tumtwtr 19. B. Wooclocdc 20. S. Playfai r
21 . R. Din6nosante 23. S. Gray 24. G . Williams 25 . M. Wneetan 26. B. McDermott 27. A. Rossi-Mel 28. D. Fabris 29. M. Peters 30. B. Gilles 31 . C. Bassett 32. T. Wason 33. D. Glass 34. C. Stevens 35. B. Anderson 36. D . Tyle r 37. M. Jesse 38. G . Riches 39. C . Bead 40. P. Wrtcheil 41 . A. Foote 42. T. Egan 43. L FerWe 44. S. Attardi 45. M. Gifheft 46. P. Agostinelli 47. R . Smith
48. D . Stephens 52. D . Noonan 55. D . Williams (C )
IVANHOE Coach: Doni Valkanis Res. Coach: Rob Pearce 1 . D. WdGams 1 . P. Merory 2. L Hull-Brown 2. J. Of Santo 3. C. Tucker 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8.
D. Vafkanis R.Toogood P. Manuel D. Frawley P. Rawley S. Saunders R. Hird
M .H.S.O.B .
Res. Coach : C . Boyle
Coach : Warren Fall Res. Coach : Colin Drake
Coach : R. Prosser I . P. Robinson Z J . Belanger 2. M. Peters (2(1) 3 . T.Chdwtt(1) 3 . M. Brookes (R) 4. A. H 5. D . u 6. N . Marine 7. S. Mortran 8. D . Carter 9 . P. Hap
10. M.O'Hara (C) 11, T. Smith (RVC) 12. B. MCCMske r
9. N. Thackwray 10 . P. Lee
13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
11 . H . Moussa 12 . L Smith
13 . S. NarkieÂťicz 14 . P. Flynn 15 . T. Flynn 16 . M. Scuderi 17. K. Mousse 18. T. Scxibte 19. G. Butlen 20. D . Saftor 21 . L Blackwood 22. A. Angelina 23. A Jewson 24. T. O'Neill 25. J . Frisina 26. P. Rovis
T.Bridgland(RVC) G. Young D. Barker (VC) T. Howard (RC) T. Tsiavfs
18. D.O'Doneginue 19. D. Cando 20. C. Murray 21 . S .Polan 22. D.Shedock 23. S . Coulson 24, J. Caudti 25. A. King 26. 27. 28. 29.
26. S . Fairweather 27. N . Andreevski 28. A. McKellar 29. A . Scott 30. J . Makin
Paul Rkj D. Krom N. Little R. Sharp
30. S . Fisher (VC) 31 . N. Snarl 32. D. Moore 33. D. Pearce 34. B. Davin 35. J. Fisher 36. R. Toyama 37. G . Trigg 38. D. Stanton 39. R. Bourbon 40. J. LeGrand
31 . D. McFadane 32. J .Lynch
33. B . Kendall 34. B . Joyce 35. P . Whitehead 36. R. Gilles 37. C. Giankoulds 37. G. Finlayson 38. T. Thomson 39. M . Ebbage 40. J . Griggs 41 . C. McDonald 42. P . Murphy 43. S . McGowan 44. E . Newbold 45. J . Rayvood 46. G. O'Brien 47. E . Marino 48. B. Whit e 49. A. Rosenfeld 50. D. Jacka 52. C. Payne 54. D. Richards 55. L Pearce 61 . G . Hickey 68, J . Owen 76. G . Kennedy 77. R. Armstrong 78. C. Brown
41 . B. Welch (RVC) 42. N. Jacobs 44. D. Bole 45. G . Ro~rs 47. PeterRi~y 48. P. UM 49. L Hahry 50. A Rogers 51 . M. Murray 52 . A. Levriswr 53 . P. Egan 54 . P. Jacobs 55 . M. Quirk 56 . M. Welch 57 . D. N"t<bett 60 . M. LeCouteur 63 . W.Occhuito 64 . S. Bourbon 66 . J.Grqnissar 86 . M. Couttie
1 . J.Barner t
2. A Nrnvattf 2 . J. Goklin 3 . D.Woocky 3 . RVemvs 4 . D.Reming 5 . C.Yotng 6 . S.Grettner 6 . B.A>$w d
OLD BRIGHTON G MMARIANS Coach : Date Tapping Res. Coach: Steve Samos Runner: Gary Sanders I . A. Krzyvmkiak (DVC) 2 . J . Mud 4. M. Talbot 5 . N . Perry (C) 6. S. Antonia 7. L. Fides (VC) 8. S. Lenno x 9. M. Fisher 10. R . Hartman 11 . A. Fitzgerald 13. M. Gamble 14. M. Dennis 15. D . Tymms 16. J . Bradley 17. A. Rickerby 18. M. Jackson 18. P. Roach 19. A. Mandylaris 20. D . KoUnrorgan 21 . R . Oakley 21 . C . Jackson 22. K . Farrell 23. A . Pryor 24. R . Carter 24. S . Douglas 25. S . Nikas 27. C. Gilmore 28. P . Well 29. M . Gordon
7 . J . Perm (VC) 7 . N. Bennett 8 . J . Dixon
9 . D.Caner(C) 10. M. Beasley 11 . M.Irish 11 . M. Webster 12. S. MdLOj 12. M.Fefetlvariz 13. C.Theoba.kl 13. APr,,,ace 14. A ' 14. C. 15. P. P e 15. M. 111 rtPeld 16. M .. .::n 16. ACark 17. A. Webster 18. B.Ansel 18.f. '
19. J.Geme 20. D . Fairchild (VC) 21 . N .Jotvrs 21 . G .hctartFe 22. k Lindsay 22. M .
30. K .Teschendorf 31 . S . Murray (RC) 32 . B . Williams
23. S.RkNe 24. B. Kety 24. G, Wilson 41 . S. Srmle/ 25. C 42 . P.Sixitsmel 26. S .Harre,on 43. J .SfaL=ri 28. M .TtwmPson 44 . B.Ardxiall 27. P .Ihni 45 . D. Sun 27.LE 46.A Holland 28. D. Ski er 47. J . Karazn 28. ALawrera 48. S.Mwcan 29. P .A.bergo 49. C.Bnrce 29. C . Drake 49. N . Ardw" 30. R. Newton 50. D. 83W 31. W. YJaSad 51 . A Bar
32. P.Casself 52. B. McGrath 32. M. Kautarity 53. R MdnTyre 33. ASauftry 54. R . Knowles 34. S . Heinot 55. A tealis 34. N. Fahey 56. J .Wndi 35. ASavds 57. AGrimmer 35. S. Kanstar4j 58. J. Nevtbn 36. A PalrroOs 59. B. Etche9 37. N. Bradley 60. P. Korsbrrtj 37. C. Chan 61 . M . Pretty 38 . C. Miller 62. S. Dardert 39 . A Walson 63. T. Kug 40 . W. Hayes 64. B. Cookman n CIWE SPORTSWEA R
33 . M . Toll
34. M . Reid (DVC) 35 . S . Merce r 36 . B . Pollock (DVC) 37 . A. Hain 38 . A. Lomas 39 . A. Fischer 40 . B. Patterson 41 . J. Hoeveli 43 . J. Hoiden
45 . P. McNamara 46 . B. Hamilton 47 . D. Wilson 48 . 49 . 50. 55 . 57 . 61 . 65 . 71 . 79. 80. 84.
T . Desmyth N. Winter S. Wiliam C. Toms A. McLaren A. White R. Kent B. Alderson H. Bickel A. Palfrey P. McMaho n
C~F' ~ ta~N~y
Q RmON d Coach: G. HeaSy Res. Coaoh : T. Hitte 1 . A. Job1ing 2.C.S~ 3. A.OT 4. A. Grace 5. R. Turner
D. . Paruer ~C) 4, A..To4N ) 4q D 5. T. Young . 5a. P Carc,~n a S. Kent 7. T. Young 8. T. Stevens . M &Yar»'ood 9. M. 10. M. y it .. STUii
lta. P. .Martin 12 M J°hnst°n 31 A 13a. C .. Chan 4. S Kingston 5. G. Douglas 1&-t S. Warty 16. M. Woods 17. J . Lttk 18a . P. 0S°0
9.. A. Barker
~ 20. M.. ward 20p, W 21. J . Mansfield 2iR. C. Webb 2?- 9, Donaldson 22n. P. Belong 23. M. Ste.rart 24. G, Ham 25. C. Moore 25a. J. Maycock .' 26. D. Spden 26a. D.Craker 27. J. Weddle 2711 P . Ritchie g8. D. J~
6. T . Ga&'Kjhei' 7. B. Connell (C) 8. M. Gilmore (VC) 9 . A. Fosrest 10. P. Mamow 11 . 0 . Edgeil . N.SeW 13, 12 P. Kingston 14, S, James 15. C. Fraser
Coach; Tim Hart Res. Coach : Owen 1 . B.Burcsan 2. J. Dynan 3. M. BradY (C) 4 . W. Kei~ran 5. R. Callahan (RC ) 7, B . Kennedy 8 . B. Dot!rna n 9. G . Sm& 10. D. Moor e it . D.Ryan
16. T . Stewaft(RC 17. P. JOY
18 . S . Ryan 19. D. C4eaN (RC) 20. S. Metz
21 . J . Brow 22. R. Block 23. P. MCD-a1d 24 . J . Co€kns 25 . D. Beckett 26. D. Gannett 27. T. Breru;an 28 . B . Cclkms 29. D. Whetan 30. N. We4s 31 . B. Egan 32. M . McOonald 33. M.Shepherd 34 . R . Retnman 35. G. Bala/ 36. S. Mackay 37. S. Tumer 38 . P . MsSner 39. J. Buren 40. G . Lehner 4l . G. Heft 42. C. Keleher 44. M. Mahbett 45 . L LivinVcoe 46. P. Todd
29. R. Weddle (VC) 30. B . Wi%is ~. E . Brophy 31n . D. Caddy 32. O .Goad 32R. N. Hans 33. T. Co¢anack
47. R. Kea" 48 . G. Smith 49. M .Horsfeld 50. J. McLean 51 . G . K+ry
34. D. Ha%
35 . L McLean (VC) 36. 5 . Pidoto
37. R.Weisz 37n. D . Slott 38. Gerry Georg e
53. M. Turner 54. B . Davies 65 . D . Amfiald 56 . S.Ecdes 57. H.Brown 58. M. Collins 59. G.Sneddon 61 . B . Kea{h
39. Gary George 40. W. McCaskill 41a. L Taybr 42. S. Vaughan 43. X Atkinson 44 . T. AgJShi 44 . C.Grinham 45, J. Her<psted 45u. M. Linke 48 . K . Gksen ti 50. C. Corcoran 51 . B. Shadtxi4t 7. D. Kadaaarf 9 . B. Elsvrorth
6. S. Fnx
62. Rarcn MuOY 64. S. Head 65 . L. Craven 66. 'k Turner 67. D, Turner 68 . D . Mabbett 70. R.M-Ws 75. A. Mu rphy
12. M. Dolman (VC)
13 . R .8avAss(DVC) 14. J, Bare 15. M.Uw a 6 . B. Garvey 17. M. Terzuu 18. N. Hart 19 . D. Sheehy 20. A. Versed 21 . S . Povre9 22. J. Macey 23 . A. Pivetta r 24. P . Mea~'~e 25. M.O'Shea 26 . p, McCann (RVC) 27 . R. Gross 28. M . Farqutzars0n (DVC ) 29 . A. Mount o 30. M .Garguan 31 . A McGuines s 32 . B. Noonan 33 . S. Denton d 34, J . Wnftbrea
35. A, Thomas
36 . D.KennedY 37. S . Kennedy
38. D. Smssh 39 . S. Gril#e 40. A . Hart
t 41 . J. Hasset
42 . S. Charles 43. R. Ssmass 44. D. MoyM1a n
45. D. Weight 46 . D . OeRoadan(
47 . M . Chapman PVC ) 48. R. Dohert y
49 . RETIRED 50. S .Kurin 9 n 51 . R. Batema 52 . J . Findt 53. J . GokSwo+thY 54. S. Game 55 . B. MasustC 56 . G. Mulcahy9 57. C. BGSSOa 58 . N. Martin
59 . J . L 60. P . ClahesY Cl . N. GOMSN-" 62, J. Quirk
Wats h C~ch: Ter<y s Res. C~11: Taly Gdchri n .Rya 1. B 2. N. Astapenko (VC) 3. J . Hrnvar d s 5: P . Clement 6. M . Ryan 8. G. Baker 9. G. Hea1y i0 . T. Presr~t tt . J. Gardner 52. B . Kmg 13. S . Neeson 14 . S. Wood 15. M. Kuck
16. P . Rogers4 17 . G . KnOe
18. R . WdHams 19. D. Bilston
21 . M. Mfialevia 22. P.C'Su%Nan 23. A . Delta Lana 24 . M . Wes{gOsz 25 . P. Dyno n 26. N . Buck
27 . R. Gilmore (VC) 28 . G . Hote e . D . Dunlev, l29 30 . T. Pr2sne 6 31 . M . Cunningham 32. M.0'Zitva
33. N . Cole 34. R. Harvey 35 . D . Mahoney °..f'iL C. KatPr, 37, A.Zotit 38 . R . Etfiott 39. A . Diamon d
40. J . Thursfieki 41 . A. Memd c 44. S .Oiamond
45. W. Derha m 47 . M. Murphy 48. B. Mascal ➢
49. M. Benton .
50 . M . D'Agostrn o
51 . J.FranieY . 52. S. KoutapEts 53 . C. Thursfie4d 54. T . Galloway 55 L L. Magaw
THERRY C.C.O.B . Coach: Terry Quinn R.C Chris Bye
1 . M . Petraes4 o 2 . B. Hollow 3. P. Gorman 4. M . FS6att
5. J. Seymour 6. J.Vana 7. P, Jones 8. L Hodavr
9 . M. GroKwck 10. R. E4911--st0ne 11 . B. arner 12 . R . Moran 13. M.Basanke 14. J . ReddiCk (VC) 15 . G . Pinner (RC) 16. M. Goofirnn 17. G. O'Connor 18 . B. Carter
18. L . Kuret
19. D . Rosasato 20 . A. Moloney 21 . J. Thrush
22. S. Gdgga (RVC) 23. C. By e 24 . S. Kuret 25 . M . Postma 26. G. Cartss 27 . B. Stevens 28. D . Barran . 29. S . Goayv+n 30 . M.Tacknac 31 . S. Hollow 32. J . Sacco 33 . N. LaFontaine 34, M, Donohue 35, S.O'Haltoran 36. C. Rizzo 37 . D . CastekSi (C) 38. B. Sekeck 39. A . Fenn 39. S. Boyie 40. C . Keauee 41 . G. Thompson 43 . G . RosiQno;o
44 . 0 . ONO 47. D . GaaP.'rtn 48 . D. W60eswonn
57, M . Merirk
58, S. Patterson 60. C . Bdsta, ) 61 . M .Tkocz(C 64 . M. MacDonald 65 . K. TaoheY 66. G.Brovm
67. S. Emmett 69 . M. Slade 73. W. Perkins
63. P. Rya n
64. J. PrOB 65. S. Dillo n 66' D . Ivory 67 . S . Hotel 68. T . Bare 69 . T. SmRh 70. D. eq'd
. S. Myers
REGENCY PHARMACY 130 Regent Stree t West Presto n
57 St . Heltier Stree t Heidelberg
C Section A -"L AJAX Coach : Phil Astori a
Asst Coach: Michael Zernski Res. Coach : Brian Zelinsid 1 . J. Wmbe l
3. B. Davi s 4. M. Dudakov 5. J . Rath 6. D. Kalb 7. G . Samuel 8. A. Krongold 9. A. Rosen 11 . A Gordon 12. D. Ones 13. A Lev y 14 Y. Rapoport 15. A Burman 16. R. Wo01f 17. A Cukiem,an 18. K. Siegel 19. M. Hatphen (C) 20. W.Krongdd 21 . S. Glasman 22 . D. Mohr 23 . A. Bensimon 24 . S. Rubensteine 25 . A. Levin e 26 . B. Duzenman (DVC) 27 . A Lust 28 . J. Brain (VC) 1 A Hearst N.Israelsohn 31 . M. Barnett 32 . A. Morrkch 34 . D . Gunn 35 . S. Roth
36. J. Segal (DVC) 37. R . Loevr y 38. J. Lewis 39. D . Boon 40. A Redlich 41 . P. Naptati 42 . J. Kboger 43. R . Weisz 44 . N . Diamond 45 . E. Steen 4& J. Davis 47 . A. Abraham 48 L. Goldberg 49. M. JeHnek 50. B. Grodski 51 . S. Boon 52 . A, Zielinski 53. A. Sheffield 54 . D . Collins
55 . B. ZieSnski (CC-R) 56. S. Davis 58. M. Fried 60. J. Weinberg 69. J. Vernon
BULLEEN HAMPTON ROVERS MARCELUN Coach: Don scadett Coach: Anthony Paatsch TEMPLESTOWE Res. Coach: Ion Cave Res. Coach: Tony Day Coach: Andrew Smythe 1 . C. LeGran d 1. C.S'ztBry : David Hooper Res. Coach 2. P .Arnoore 2 A k/ckr 3. A . Mason I . J. prior 3. D.Vht:rs(C) 4. S . Anderson (VC) 2 . G . Alexander 3 . S. Youn g
4 . W. Thompson 5 . C. Panis 6 . R. Minney 7 . P. Robertson 8 . N. Bone 9 . B. Leferve 10. P. George 11 . S. Farley 12 . A. Parris 13. D.TuBoch 14. D. Cooper 15 . P. Faulkner 16. S. Smith 17. C. Barry 18. G . ShaHard 19. P. Nigro 20. M. Jones 21 . D . Hooper 22. G. McLaren 23. D . Mathews 24. P. Nagel 25. T. Merrell 26. P. Graham 27. N Waddell 28. C . Mutimer 29. P. Bone 30. M. Agmtis 31 . A. Shine 32. R . Williams 33. G. Pemberton 34. S. LambropoSous 35. D . Daskalau 36. P. Hare 37. S. Boyd 38. S. James 39. P. Dallogid 40. T. Mathews 41 . A. Rozantis 42. P. Edwards 43. C. Papdopoulas 44. J . Rozantis
45. C. Taylor 46. D . Dowd 47. C. Morihovitis 48. R . Lambert 49. A. Dyson 50. D. Glover 51 . A . King 52. D. Williams 53. T. Franklin 54. K . SteNing 55. B . Brennan 56. M . Toumy 57. P . Giannis 58. D. Vozza 59. C. Ellis 60. A Panou 61 . D. Anderson 62. G. Chivers
S. R. Barnes 6. A . Natol i 7. D. McConville 8. D. Marsha9 9. S . Morgan 10. C. Ferguson 11 . A . Browne 12. D.R.Anderson 13. C.Ttwrnas 14. F. CaseNa (RC) 15 . S . Bfick 16 . J .Fer 17 . He .S er 18 . B .Hok 19 . A . Huridc 20 . P .BucMey 21. C. McGregor 22. M . McKellar (C) 23 . J . Day 24 . A. Coon 25 . R. McDaxreil 26 . Sam W& 27 . T. Prantzos 28 . Scoot Wilk 29 . M . Fletcher (VC) 30. C. Scarlett (VC) 31 . D. Hobson 32 . DA. Anderson 33. E. Zuker 34 . W. Amwur 35 . B.Anmtran0 36. B. Martyn 37. M . Beaumont 38. S. Seiby 39. K. tvey 40. I . Bqle 41 . R. Bulrru.v 42. T.Comehs 43. A. Frederiksen 44. S. Green
45. P. Hayde n 46. R. Hetheri~on 47. B. Hoare 48. R. Hunt (RVC) 49. A. Hunter (RVC) 50. S. James
51 . B. Johnstone 52' M. Lake 53. T.Lvnch 54. N. McMdtan 55. C. Marirms 56. A. McGregor 57. B. McGregor 58. L. Muir 59. A. O'Brien 60. A. Poretti 61 . J. Redder 62. 0. Rogerson 63. A. Ros s 64. M. Salter 85. R 66. A. =or . D.Varke .67 r 68. S. Walker 69. D. Weinger 70. S. Wdlison 71 . M' Young 72. E.Zukerr 73. B. Bud
4. M.Git
5. lvi. Morn 6. D.Sztnpanwn 7. M. Ron (VC) 8 R . Fnsv a 9. D.Martat a J .W`ry 10 . A 11 . D .Ta/br 12 . B.Crani 12 . P. 0 13 . D . Bearr2tEo 14 . D .Fbvte(RVC) 15 . A Mctrtrosh 16 J. Wags 17 . G .Cox 17. htGet;rM 18. A(~fry(VC) 18. P. fiarb a..rts 19. D.Gcap?r(VC) 19. D.M~ 20. S.0Fyrm 21 . C.M35on 22 . D.Marson 23 . P. chambers 24. A GaWier 24. M . Bechet4 25. 55 Stokes 26. G. Walsh 27. S .TIw'sz 27. S . Beattie 28. J. DauBb.-, 29. J. Golits 30. ATreqvar+rn 31 . C . Pitt 32. RColu>si(RVC) 33. M.Coope r 34. P .Mdntyre 35. ATro+=r 36. P . Pazfj 37. A Sh~#an 38. D. fhrG?rts 39. J.TSOU1as 40. J.Oema 41 . J. Se31ttXy 42 J. Rohalotta 43. D.DOdorinb 44. C. Payne 45. M. Van lint 46. J.Sleelari 61 . C.kmngeks 47. L0'Flynn 62 . C.D¢arth 48. M. Panr~ao 63 . J. Daireen 49. C. Mc(arm 64 . L Peffirgeb 50. J. Sirens 65 . T. Louier 50. D.~Bwy 66 . D.Qr 67 . M . Bastard o51 .L 52. P. Series! 68 G Cull 53. C. MaGwws 69 . M . Maw 54. N.Fvmstrmrp 70. B.Bynws 55. W.Deverce7i 71 . S.oconmr 56. G. C o 72 . C . Keogh 57. B. Day 73 . B . Kmm 58. L Bettiol 74 . M . Kar s7as 59. M. Karansa% 75 . D. Keaary dva 60. A Marton 76. J. Deblxxrt
MONASH BLUES Coach : Dave Rogers Res. Coach : Steve King L Finclay " J . Baxter 3. C. Miler 4. P. Malden 5 . D. Rogers 6. M. Nevman (VC) 7. W. Moivor 8. M . Lawrence 9. L Baring 10. S . Webster 11 . M . Spencer 12. J . Cakhve3 15. M .Tinkler 16. C. Dobbin 17. V. Colombies 18. G. Hipwell 19. D. Roche 20. J . Cavanagh 21 . S . McClure 22. X Dobson 23. P. White 24. B. Hodson 25. M . KeBodc 26. P. Hurley 27. D 28. S .. Newman McGee 29. A. Headberry 30. P. Brophy 31 . J .L. Smith (C) y 32. M .Tr 33. J.M . Smith 34. B. Dows4ey 35. D. Murdtie 36. M .Tehan 37. J. AndriGSos 38. P.Tudhey 39. M . Smith 40. W. Crawford 41 . A. Klei n 42. A. Hickey
43. R. Feenaghty 44, 0. Teesdale 45. A. McPherson 46. D.Jone s
47. S. Mentha 49. M. Ke"mdc 50 . D. Schweddes 51 . S. Millie 52. J. Millie 53. L McCann 54 . A. Harris 55 . D. Trumble 57 . P. O'Neill 58 . A. Klopsteins 59 . H. Middleton 61 . P. Midis 63 . S. Forsyth 64 . A. Lam
67 . B. Dempsey 70 . N. DeYoung 71 . L McGregor 82 . D . HorsfzJ i
John George Tyres Cnr. BeIB Ctvlley Dve., Presto n
9484 6780
JOHN GEORGE AUSFINE FOODS PTY. LTD . 6>kolfi7'~l'RE9 fPti'ERNA110NAL Suite 2,41 B Bluff Rd, PRESTON 9484 6006
Black Rock 3193
~ NORTH OLD BOYS Coach : Frank Dunnell Res. Coach : John Tierney t . C. McKay 2 0.. Waters 3 . S Mannassa (DVC) 4. S . S(°ep 5 .'B. Dev~e 6. M . Gra+mia 7.P. BOoth 8. B. Cotiison 9. L Curry
,10. J. Forbes
11, p. O-Farted (C) 12. S. Lock ,
13. B. CUNtiI 14. S. Cheshire 15- P. Kearney 18. J. Christian 17. M . Maguire I& J. Murray 19. B. Snuth
20. M . Robinson 21 . J. Curren 22, M . Connelly 23 O'Dwyer 24.. P. J. Barker 25. P. Christian 26. J. Roberts 27. S. Walsh 2& D.O'Fameti 29. O.Boye 30. M . Leigh 31 . L Boyle (VC) 32. J. Lowri e 33. M.Orianuk 34, B. Conti 35. D. Hooper 36. D.TOnlan 37. S.Mikunda 38. A. Sweeney 39. J. Zumbo . 40. R. Mutquiney 41 . G . Bums 42. S. Reinmann 43. P. McMahon 44. M. Lyons 45. B. Pawsey 46. M. Caulfield 47. R . Little
48, M. Anderson 49. J. Trimboli 50. C . Bailey 51 . 0. Newman 52. T. Jamieson 53. N . Tinley 54. 55. 57. 59. 63.
T. Cleveland S.Zocco B . Altman J . Bugela R . Gate
69. J . Joyce
OLD iUEENTONIANS ST . BEDE'S Coach : Peter Murphy M ENTONE TIGERS Res. Coach : Jeff Norman 1 . A. Acrema n 2 . C . Lean 3 . B. Murph y 4 . G . Stroud (VC) 5 . C . Wallace
6 . D . Paterson 7 . G. Ferguso n 8. N . Maa7Jtre (C) 9. G. Pride
10. J . Graham 11 . D . Sotley 12. S . Martin 13. R . Large 14. M. Finnis 15. C. Davis 16. P. Hughes 17. L Richardson 18. T. Boumon 19. D. K'rtto
20. S . Mullen 21 . M . Elliott 22. P . Harrington 23. N . Moodkee 24. S . Ktlto 25. J . Winduss 26. G. Dan 27. G. Katris 28 . M . Bond 29. A. Carter 30 . M . Brooks 31 . P. Flaskis 32 . J. Sly 33 . G . New 34 . S. Worrell 35 . Darren Murphy (VC) 36 . P. Russo
37 . H. Webster-Griffiths 38 . D. Millis 39. T. Riley 40. T. Leonard 41, N. Linford 42 . C. Rushworth 43. M.Lawes 44. B. Clothier 45. C . Leaver 46. J. Norman 47. J. Konicaran 48. D .Johnsen 49. B. Lee 50. G. Richards 51 . R . Butler 52. A . Merriner 53. M. Stroud 54. J. Shedtlon 55. W. BaNantine 56. M . Leone 57. P . Watson 58. D. Coventry 59. C. Furber 60. D. Noc k
61 . C. Dwye r 62. Daniel Murphy 63. T. Hancock 64. M . Austin
65. Damien Murphy . 66. M . Henry 71 . T. Kersley 72, D. Campbell
_ Coach: Paul Beddce Res. Coach: Brad Berry 1 . M . Kinsella 2 . S. Za3o c 3. J. Sebire (DVC) 4. V. L'HLffler 5. M. Murray 6. A Ryan 7. D. Du,}ghs 8. B. Beasley 9. G .Marin'sc 10. C. Ross it . M. Hecker 12. C. Stewart 13. David Gooddhitd 14. P.Lannan
15. Danny Gooddritd 16. S. Napier
17. A. MacGcorge (C) 18 . J.Tuly(VC) 19 . B. Tomta~son 20 . T. Lamb 21 . W. Furlong 22 . S. McCarthy 23 . T. Peck
24 . T. Beasley '. 25 . D . Sm4h ..', 26 . S. Hecker ...', 27 . M. Manson ...' 28 . D.Feben 29 . D. Ord 30. M . Dots 31 . M . Mifsud 32 . J . Dickinson (RVC) 33. A . Walsh
34. D. Kinsella 35 . R. Bbs 36. G. McLachlan 37. M . Connolly
38. A. Hayes (DVC) 39. R. L'HuiPeer
40. C. Johnston (RVC) 41 . P. Ord 42. A. Thompson 43. K Goodcti8d 44. J. Recupero 45. R. Gould
46. O . Lalor 47. C. Bracdti 48. R. Shreier 49. S. Flannery 50. N. Tully
51 . S. Boozer 52. A. Kearney 53. M. Beasley 54. M. McCraw 55. P. D~vyer 56. D . Marsha l 57. M. Lomagno (RC) 58 . M. Zal6c 59. P. Newport 60 . A Whftelaw 61 . B. Dunstan 62 . C . Thompson 63 . A Ord 64 . M. Corduroy 65 . W. Earle 66 . M. Rya n
ST. LEO'S EMMAU S THOMASTOWN Coach : Mark Fl ack Res . Coach : David Miller 1 . D. Dinloolantonio (C) 2 J . O'Meara
3 . E . Mitchell
4 . T. Van Den Akker 5 . C. Kenny 6 . A Hughan • 7 . V. Ryan 8. T. Oakley 9. A Bethune 10. A.Daly 11 . C.Dobbym 12. G. Robinson 13. J. Miller 14. D. Cooigazi 15. A O'Reiky 16. & Carey 17. R. Parker 18. T. Batty 19. A Quinlan 21 . G. Simmondson 22. A Burgess 23. S. Nankervs 24. D. Kenny 25. A. McKenzie (VC) 26. S. Edwards 27. P. Bowden 28 . B. Mdnemy 29. S. Darcy
30 . R. Armstrong 31 . M. Contessotto 32 . A Nedru 33 . A. Banks 34 . B. Henrias 35 . J . Briggs 36 . K Morris 37 . S. Manton 38 . J . Smith 89 . B.L. Vaughan 40. J . Gay 41 . A. Majo r
42. P.O'Hatioran 43. B. Drury 44. F. Diriodantonio 45. S . Ronchi (VC) 46. C. Smith 47. R. McCann 48. A Pinhom 49. B . Mitner 51 . T. Ludlow 52. J. Niel 53. M .Lalor 54. J. Graves 55. P . Clarke 56. P. Rouch 58. B. Mitchell 59. A . Amsio 60. S . Buckle 61 . J. Rees 62. J. Cronin 6; .. M . Lindsey 64. S . Walsh 65. J. Donova . G. Raffertyn6 67. A. Prosser 68. H. Meehan 69. S. Pitcher
Coach : Tony Fellow s
Res . Coach: George Petsinis t . S. Papaionou 2. B. Byron 3. ASmth 4. G . Pekrnis 5. James Bubis 6. B. Pellegrino 7. S. Plant 8. X Fellows 9. V. Capea 10. D . Capea 11. L Attert i 12 . F. Farchione 13 . G. Scarpa 15 . LDelPapa 17 . D . Gors4a 19 . P. Ristevski 20 . L Alabafds 21 . E. Lentini 22 . L Sallese 23 . R . Dimaggr'o 24 . B. Smit h
25 . R. Kennedy 26 . C. McNeil 28. L Moritito 29. K Ha(Gng 30. C. Fellows 32 . P . Colosimo 33. E . Rio 34. J . Cadoni 35 . A. Colosano 36. J .Theodomu 37. D. Dimwsl6 38. G. Scot t 39. S . Weeks 40. P. Scerd 41 . D. Brooks 42. 0.Esen 44. A. Ward 46. N. Uftielfa 47. D. F1orlric,ht 48. D. Tripiccho 49. J. Paxgios 50. C. Diane 51 . E. Vatsttno 52. L Smith 53. P. Batista 54. J. Rocca 55. P. Va3eri 56. S. Mined, 57. C . !Aurora 58 . A. Gentis 59 . Z. F4errsng 60 . A. Fleming 61 . B. Colosimo 63 . M. Grech 64 . R . Ward 65 . S. Homes 66 . D . Pougios 67 . N . Grech 69 . R . Panddfo
D Section AQUINAS O.C . Coach : Andrew C0 'rosb .Coach :Sea~1hlin yLOU ges ..' 1. G.BUrch 2. G.C"stfoN . 3. S. Edrrdrtts 6. S. Kerry 7. G.Gkonne '.. & A Corollas 9. P. Pi~ps 10. D. Eo.`sntl 11 . C,Baanbuty 12. M .TTanO 13. C . Jeflre/ 14, A Larian 15. J. w 16. S.Cbx 17. M Derqri 18. J. Hughes 19. G.Wlsrehzad 20. P . Paw 41 . M. Bohan 21 . C. Doing 42. J. McEvlx, 22. S . Film 43. M. Saaery 23. J. tisingstare 44, P. Durres 24. P . Harper 45. N, Frectsipsor 25. C . Box 46. D. Langdon 26. A Frark6.n 47. P. Kteie4titis 27. S .,lerres 48, M. Moore 28, G. WcYOn 49. C. Lamboom 29. S . 01- n 51 . A S. H~d 30. C. Cod 54. Up~n 31 . LK»55. ACtdt.2 32. P.t ~ . . t 56, S. Doherty 33. J.' .. 58. AErbwme 34. Pk T 60 . 8. McDcraltl 35. S. U, mice 61 . JA~+gk.,J 6. D. Ph, 65. R' rice 37. D.Jar 66. Mi.l . C .T~i ~ 67. R 138 . R.Let69. J. tf39 40. ACM ~ B& B.
u>ru s ~m nrarc
Coach: Rod Allison Coach: Geoff ReilFey Res. Coach: Mattinevi Schotte n Res . Coach: Egan Smith 1. B.MZBr•vs 28. T.Ctan 2. J.Ddkwn 29. AWood P T. Dotertq 30 . D. Laure 3r*C.Boyd 31. P.'• . . 4. A Kawuris 324 M . W. Harken 33, B1.5 1 7. J. Cmv§shaw 35. AL. ce 8, S CaSIMiM34t 36, R. Hw, „ 9. C. Harris 37, PA. Schc'hn 10. PA,CtYer 38. J.P 'rick 71 . PA.Ca~itt7n 3 . J.; - 'RUC) 1 2.. HerrsoM. M 940. : 13. D. Gun 41. KU 14 S, legal 42 6 Par 75°ANdllson 43, ,Royas 15x RCast les 44. M. Tapp 16. T. Rarah an 45. W. Baa .s 17. G.V~ ns 46. AC3es e 18m N. Cox 47. L Sak m 18' C . &,ahmi 48. D. Fraumaro 19. dNA erna (D7C7 49. P . Burke 20s H.VEla 50. G.Ma Do n-ad 20' PA. '- 51. N. Sdver 21 . N. Bn 52. M. Ha~e s 22. T. TM dry a' 54. W. Lubransky 23. D. t-` 55, M, Davies ce K r s 56. A DovN T. s 57. P . Anderson T.v, , 5 59. ABFatmhaanp 5 ns 60. J.Tmt:er B.i .._ .ipson 63. J.Babartzy
1 . S.Balsd 2. T.,hmes 42, R.K~ M 3. Alrkster(l4;) 43. T.Wa6.?~ r 4. S, Jack 45. LBrrdge 5. S Radius {t4;) 46. A Howard 6. S. Rae 47. P. Lawson 7. M. Scott 48. J. Swan 8. N. Board 49. A Kent 9. D.TaW 50. J.MdC .mzie 10 . E Smith 54. R Richmond 11. Ale-ou 56. J. Douglas 12. J .Gt(C) 57. LTtromas 13 . N.&- 58. C. Hume 14. Rt, . . . . . .I 60. N.WTcdoglos 15. R : 62* K Short 16, D. t, 63' D. Ferrous 17, ACw .,, 65. T.Bislmp 78. D. Holes 66. P. Lodge 20. N.Tharp~son 67. R, Nash 21. T. H2nknan 69. A ttadaks 22. RWatson 70. yJ.Eatl 23. T. Simpson 71 . A Russo 24. D.fml:zn}:r 72. P.YOwg 25. A Ta/'Wr 73. M. Salley 26. M RrJtmand 74. G. YowxJ 27. B.0'Ra2 75. D.Chrc4 28. B. Leitch 76. W.Honws 29. C. Strachan 77. T. Johnson 30. C. Tom 78. A Pf2 rwJ 31. J . Ramat 79. C. tMis 32. C. McCulloch 80. AFl?dek 31 A Brunner 81 . 0. Sir. 34. P. McCrea 81 T. Webb 37, M-F 83. D, Walsh 39. C. Evans 84. C. BaYloN 40. J. H:.r~f 85. M. Hopon; 41. T.,btwt,~ 86. G.FUison
Coach: Mark Neetd Res. Coach: Simon Bones 1 . MNA (C) 1 . D.VfaYSr 33 . B.SmAh 2 PA.ErAntnos 33 . M.Whanson 2. C. Cciver 34, R Cannort 3 . D . WeWStry (VC) 37. A4. Rana 3, H .Prrd2rson 40. S.Bars 4. T. Dugetall 40. E . Bastock 5. A Hmw&s 41. G. FataceH 6. B.Matltin 42. D.Conptc& 7. ADarcy 42 P.t.occes & T. Seymour 46 W Davidson t0. T. Wilton 47. M.O;:phant it . RLikj 47. R. Steven 12. N . Power 48 . E . Sociders; 13. P. Herman 50. M, Robson 13 . J . Cook 51. J. Wilson (VC) 14. J .Pescatt 55 . B.FUrplr, 14 . D.Bt3dmum 59. G.Wagzr 15 . ATeekxrr(VC) 57. R.KriP 17. MV6kebsWFS 58 . C. Stkx3reame 18. N.MdCiker 61. RDkphant 19. ASatt?r 62. H.M1M,Jnnes 21 . G. Harper 61 D . 0Brb n 22 . J . Tayl or '64, C. SL Clar 23 . M. Davis 65 . M.MCCanrly 24 . M.Tafa 66. P. Walke r 26. N . Kemp 67 . M. knefis 27. W. Paul 68. ARtossa 28. A Fanet 69. M, 04 29. AMtln :nn 72. C.VaW. 30. B.OYaFmran 75. S. Hanmton 31 . J.Povrr 76. C.Sfsxtxone 32 . G. kYRrtsrni 80, L Wisan
WHITEFRIAR S Coach : Des M19eayher Res. Coach : Chris Burke 1. D . Fedea 2, M.Bateman(C) 3. M.Carterin e 5. M. Rob' on 6. C.HOU : i(VC) 7. P.Ccp1 'san 8. A Davic 9, C.' ' 10. B. . 37. P. 0'Br~ (RC) 77. P.t,®~~pGal 38. C.CanigO 12. D .GBffm 39. J .Pdasmith 13. T. Htxglies 40- A Throhs 14. T.CarrkJg 41 . C.OCnmor 15. ALacaj 42. D .Naismiih 16. B.V7tr3:r6mtn 43. Pd .EPbi(RVC) 17. ACetone(4C) 44. M. Batsman 18. D . wit, 45. M. Leste r 19. M. 46. G.Jchtson 20. S. McAuktre 47. S, Hebron 21 . P. Hessler 48. M. Reid 22. J . Eom/man 49. C. Felton 23. P.C's7rzkln 50. B.Ketsey 24. R. M&a 51 . L Ean>rs 25. M.Venal 53. D .Ddzoppo 26, C. Ryan 54. S. Gkon 27. D. Vaiclarboom 55. D. Dorano 28. C. Eames 56. B. Cz"'~ ~ 29. A Parr"xk 57, D.Joisuon 30. P. O'Brum 58, D. Whelan 31 . N.Jerildris 59. D.GrnBkn 32, M. Barrack 60. A Glenn 33. C. Harr; 61 . D.Czssar 34. D.GkaaidwA 62. S.FwA2r 35. C. Larr 63. S. Vulsm 36. D. Nolan 65. A Harris
Greythorn Bulk Store P
BEAUMARI S Coach: Brett Merchant Res . Coach: Scott Mathers 1 . S, Fluor, 2 P. PACPfans 25 . J . M-=d 3 . Pas 25 . J . S1 ak.e 3.. M I . W A; F m s 26 . W.P 4. M, Devax 27. D. J4. M .Der, 28 . J .Mck _ 5. D .Wngtri 28 . B.Lucy (RC) 6. ITay~r 29 G. Pf< 7. S.Fa~~ 29 . P.0'L .~,.i 7. htMddcha30 . AEason 8. M, 0'BrHn 31. P. Gtt 8. J . WhNa 32. C. D3"h 9. 8.Pbicoai(D.q 33. N.Van 9. A MM;Ja'aikrw 33. T. Halt 10 . J . V,-dram 34. S Mothers 10. R . Ellwood 35 . B. Camul 11 . S.B4acke 36. S.ttsrdenh'C) 12 . P. Mu`AaIoo 37. A Smitn 13 . B.Va~ttn 38. S.Tnsma 14 . A Grin "9. P. Duffy 14 . N .Krt9 40. P.Tesoreno 15 . M. Hon: 41. A BDdde 15 . L Stevens 42. 0. M,aienca 16 . M.Hanrdhan 43. S.VJdson 16, D.0Brwn 44. S.McGragor 17. T.6 t 45. A Prunes 17. E.Be➢ 46. S Osborn 18. ARezd 47. M.N'r,lml 19. P. Picnics, 48- D . McKenzie 20. M. Own 49. D.0PeR((oVC) 20. N. Ftyr» 49 . S. Ne ;tdtt 21. P.9xsnan(1PA ), 50. N. Box 21 . AKenJaH 53. R.McGrath 22. J. Flntt 55 . C. 0-Mean 22. C. Her,#siT 56. T. F'qOtn r 23. T Fsher 57. J Fa 23. A Hag (RVC) 58. J. Beaamwnt 24. 0. Groves 59. A RoKtury
All electrical & gas home appliances
OLD ESSEN DON ST. JOHNS Coach : Stephen Mooney GRAMMAR Res. Coach : Dean Higgins
Coach: A. Frazer Res. Coach : I. Stevens 1 . J. PanarJotdporyos 2. J.Ctspman(DVC) 3 . P. Luttrrsdxnxft (C) 4 . S . Fkamnq 5, S . Emerson 6 . C . R3'r.7 37. J. Walke r 7. T. GpFolorr 3& M . McK=rrae 8 . S. O'Brien 39. A Mernngton 9. J.Gcodecar 40 . T.DBbsi 10. I. Stevens 41 . L RAW 11 . B. Pao 42. A Jealous 12 . J.HA.arzre 43. AGatt 13 . P.ChaSdef 44 . R.CAtrsy 14 . S. Evans 44 P . Barry 15 . S.BStrop 46 . Novaccek .D 16. S.McPimron 47, J_Testm IT P.Hext.r(VC) 43. P.PAurtx 18. T. Read 49. A Hutchison 19. G . Steven 50, D . Bear an 20. J, Lang 51 . S A.Grzasle7 21, S. Dale 52 . Dawson 22 . M . Lr7casz 53, T . Hawks 23 . J . FW- 54 . S. PAaybury 24 . C. Robertson 55. R M.usa 25 . A Leask 56. A 0Ryan 26 . 0 . Hatcher 57. R . Wright 27 . D- Barr 58 . AWoenu6e 28 . B. Turner 59, PDarns, 29 . J . Saunders gJ, A Palmer 30 . J . McLean) 61 . D . Rodger 31 . A Cortr7 62 . P. 8aroch 32 . J . PAansfvM 63 A Poner 33 . S. Cramer 64 . J . Ross i 34. J . Leask 65 . A Sotenau 35 . D.VAHt6uzd 66, B.Lamaro 36. P,Trat 67 . P, Craig
t. G. Matheson 2. M. Ladson 3. M N:t;sen 4. B. Labially 5. S Canting 6. S. Corcoran 7. R Back B. D.,brkovic 9. A Rac1rei s 10. M.Cawma3Hs 11 . D. Ha&s 12. J. Stie-hin 13. S. Ham 14. J. Archer 15. G. Pattern 16. W. Charter 17. S. Cock}ece I& C. Emery 19. J. (anal 20. L Adamson 40 . B. PBOU-Jatt:r 21 . S. Koppers; 41, B.PaKkxrst(C) 22. S.Fe/nidkis 42_ 64 LrOllerq(RC) 23. S. Ham 42 . T. Concertina 24, PdAdams+xt 43 . G. Lamb
25. C.Mews 44. S. Pepper
26. G.Waters 45. N.Sa!aderscn 27. R Walton 46. A Herbert 28, P. Liddell 47. J-Coven 30. R Walker 48 . S. Marter 31 . T. Can4rell 49. W. Ross 32. G. Shaer 50. D. Fire 33. Z Monroe 52. S. Clancy 34. M. Hancock 54. J. Curvainam 35. J. Sacco 55. ADarc/ 36. J. Dalwrt; 57. R Carter 37. E.Matard 58, R. Hiles M. M . Fad,, 59. E. Lo;.cnder 39. R Dormant 62. T. Stake
SALESIAN Coach: P. Turley Res. Coach: M . Byrne 1 . M . Bourke 2, Pat Forces, 3 . S. SumeAand 4 . A H3alej 5 . M . Caravan (C) 6. RCkcott; 7. G, Gastrin 8 M . Form (VC) 9. D.ScoTU 39. B.Cunn 10. D. Owns 40. J . Hacnrtbrt it . T. White 41 . S. Bobetic 12. AGasFan 42 . & Crabbers 13. I. Be 43 . A Robert 14. P. McKreg t 44, C. Hter i 15. T 45 . M. Spencer 16. At ; 3 uu 46. M.Tassonz 7. Mahr .tes 47 . RPtor toG 1 S. : 18. 48 . P. Kavx-,h in 19. SR i 49. S. Pap 20. A S 50. J . Re{rrohs 27 . R. fi..t 51 . P. &'nrch3rd 22. AEdnWs 52 . T.ANigan 23. C. He ;(VC) 53 . J .Germa 24 . AGr.__ 54 . S.Bu"w 25. B.tGrdmer 55 . D.Se>rner 26. B. Bowman 56 . S. Fitzgerald 27. M. MansfeM 57 . D. GtebikBan 28. PA. Byrne 58 . D. Taylor 29. MarnFoibes 59 . J .Tai'eos 30, . Stanton 60 . NI. 83te s 31 . A Davey 61. A Kaas 32 . A Stevens 62. D. Sutleifand 33 . A4. Cooke 61 PAPer0o5 34 . ki Wiseman 64. Paul Forbes 3S P.Sart-ra7a 65. S.Bacash 36 . W Herman 66. S. Knight 37 . J. Brauvan 67. M, Sutlradarrd 38 . R Fizn3 68. P. Nomikos
PARKSIDE Coach: Laurie Zarals Res. Coach: Mark Rowe 1 . P. Laursen 2 . A DH4:-Vergiru 3 . F. Sartsam-m 4 . D.War2n 5 . S.Msfstxl 6 A Stuart 7 . D. DrLxtx; 37 . J . Panor, 8. J.CIkkMt 38. F.OardJo 9. G.qst3«i(~139. F.COanbs 10. A Vita 40. L lmern (VC) 10. M.CAa.D 41 . E, Linares 11 . V. Running 42. P. Dew 12. D . McColl 43 . J . Flubbarr 13. ACopky 44 . P.SoaOo 14. S. Paro 45 . P. Ma[kans 15. D . MoaSe 46 . T. Ryan 16. M. Campbell 47 . T. Petropot+~s IT D . Linares 48 . C.Ty;o n 18. A Reg-Tato 49 . S. CoDer 19. S. Gunn 50 . M. Kreg ri 20. C. Peckhrm 51 . D- Gunn 21 . M.Tessan(C) 52 . M. Hansen 22 . B. Harvey 53 . M. lands 23 . M. Sherbck 54. M. ConNan 24 ., R ManRi 55. R. Lord
25 . S. Baler 56 . S. Dalael
26. C.Masset 57. M.MCPh:rson 27 . L Pantan 59, T. Patten 28 . S. Fisher 61. P. Linams 29 . Lb~rsnva(VL7 62. C. Wilozns X B. Hockey 63. S. Hogan 31 . 1 . Stay 64. TTluem(FVC) 31 . C.Auun 65. G.R7kes 32 . J . McCal 66. D. Tilley 33 C. Harnnon 69. 1d r4ecrGpceres 34, M. Romano 87. M, Hopkins 35, G. Parom 88. N. Combo 36 . WW. Lay 89. L Maldhn 0
CHOICE CREDIT . . . . . . .. .... . .. . .UNION ..............
t t " T[Y
E Central
S" LATRMariou8akogianis Coash : Rcs, Co ac h : Damien Rider z M` ~
45. S.Turner 46. D. Wr0 46. M.v ver y 47. D.I - .r ; 4& Lt :mat a 49. WP ' 50. SE 51. P.6• 52. J. Cw... .; 53. J. Ma kksan 55. ACunrtings 57. N. Roser~rtn 58. S. Price 59, S. Hayward _ 60. K Roare/ 61. S. Bkrtd . 6. TuKM .1"tbst 62 1 C. 63. C.Booc B. rats 64 . F.CrmrAord Ai _v 65. A Grant S.•ony 68 . AWe 39. A P`a,ictt 67. S. Plti8p5 4a J.! •^, 68 . G. Foster 41, 0.1r , w.. 69 . T. Tenace 42. KCurran 70 . J.Dwnarasq 43. S Tumer 71 . P. Dumamcl .: 72 . S.SBtag 44. P.Pdron
OLD WESTBOURNE Coach: DavidTwamey . . Res. Coadx Eddie 1. B. Ba3rird 2. S.Oratvxj 3. 8. Frzr~n 4. A olCee{e 5. AL€tcn 6. J . HorSburOfl 7. D.Ja p 8. Ahbrsburgh (C) 9. AChrsto 10. R. Harris 11 . 0. Ra,NnCk 12 . M. Gm 13 . P. North 14 . J .Sahnon 15 . A Board 39 . B. Smith 16. S.Christo 40 . C. Cox 17. B.Haki 41 . C. Ford 18. P. " 42. P.Mnats 19. M. rag 43. RCu9dcert 20. ES~~z 45. EGa9 21 . RL KA'd; 4& G- Flower 22 . IN. FlemiN 47. FL Cuthbert 23 . S. Latch 46. M. GWm 24 . L Fairfield 49. S . Heml 25. S. Leonard 50. P.0'KCete 26. P. t(DSman 51 . A PrJbtxrs 27. D.Tvromey 52, SSuttai 28. C. P~2y 53. G. Ball 29. D . Hwstwrgl 54 . B . DrqrfK?tl 30. C. 55. B . L nas 31 . D.Eans 58 . W.Ta}dor 32. G .Jerirrm 59 . ALipiwmbe 33. G. Robum (q M. B=lmer 34. P. Vincent G. Hams 35. S. Nicholson P . Harris 36. A Hadey P . Mariinsen 37. S. Cummin D. Shea 38. S.F6rrity W.Tajar r
U . H .S .O.B.
Coach: D. Nash
Res . Coach: G. Mazza 1 . RF2rv h 2 . AT~roo 3 . ABoce 4 . C.Mderan 5 . D. Koch 6 . S. C2c'voell 40. 8. t'--"-nlel 7 . C.Skrm(C) 41 . G I 8 . T. Hgftx 42 . 0.6 . 9. F . Smith 41 R 10. P. Burrs 44. J .E 11 . S.Adi5 45. C. t, 12. J.Kerredj 46. R . K._ 12A C. Anmld 47. G. Gave 13. P.hYiext(4C) 48. Ktevr.dd 14. Bab 49. D. De Luca 15. M. DaMeat 50. D . ZWk9d 16. P. Gunflnrpe 51 . J . R17. P.Sd?9a 52. on 18. E.H53. J . G 19. G. 54. J . F' ,y 20. G.MCc;-~ 55. J .k 21 .RA'a••.". 56.K~ s 23. P. E`:.;ti,i1 57. T. Pniry 24. B.Caadx.xs 58. 0 . Mat an 25. AF'. :'. :. - 59. 0 . Smith 26. B . Fz„'o 60. J . Damgrp 27. K Str-lnkm fit P. Hoban 28. M .RWwied 62 AGo~..on 29. K,areas 63. P. Gasket °.A. B.Abraheresm 64 . P. Las t 31 . P . Dol2nce 65. D . A4cCartcey 32. D. Bum 66. M .Yaag 33. P . Drerx~ 67. P. A~§am 34. D. Dadw 68. M .Cam~S 35. J. Nash 69. J. Ca:ard 37. G.Cattar0 70. D. Veal 36. A Boyce 7& S, Dr& 39. A4 Rea 77. J. Keiper
UNWERSITY REDS WILL S7't9WN Coach : Justin Doyle Res. Coach : Grant Hammon d CYMS
Coach : Alan Elliott Res. Coach : Paul McNamara 1. N.P.eseM 2. D. Dawson 3. AFarry 4. J.Tuck 5. 0. M acleod 6. D.Gric& 7. A4 C3mon 8. B.Htnn 9. G. Case 1a S.A2,Fathw 39. AG ny. 11. L Graiw`r,'h 40. M.Han~ " 12. W.GrMhs 41 . I . PIcBunie 13. 42 B.0'Coruwr 14. A Danis 43 . T.Jadso 1 15. J. Smart 44. B. Hart 16. B. Chick 37 A Bard 45 : S. Drury 17. AFeatlzrston 31 T.B:'dnsitlt 46. B.Carniaboill 18. ALarigham 39 . T.Carter 47. J . Ke o 19. P. Dorm 40 . G A. Bors 48. P. Sts.arou 49. N. Anxilt ~. ~ ~ i 41 . Ctidc 21. G.Jad 1 42. AFuuh 5a C. Dmk'~ 22. W.Pa, ..v 43. M.C'Rph 51 . T. Habdiah 23. G.Nafr:on 44. N. Bond 52 . LDicrvs 24. C. SirK 1 45 . M . Quick 53 . Ze d 25. G.Bun 46, AMenbermat 54. P. HPmm 26. D. Lee 47 Ak'i ~ 55. D. Aloes 27. C.Bergn 48. Ao<ynsla S& T. Hart 28 . C.DUn-" 49. C .A'-~S 57. R Paroao 29. M.Prxwrmn 50 . P.Vc ;i,trnan 58. M. Carabser oc. n rr 30. ACoak 51 . D.E . J9. H.lir2et 33. S. Thatcher ". 64. C.Nat7am It 31. C.McKw¢ce 52 . B .&.-i_rs 34. M. Marti 32 W. Kevrin 53 . L fti=~aN 65. P. 35. AR~ 68. P.Jadson 33. 0. okuan 54. R 36. R. Ryn 69. B. 34. G.Warren 55 . S .G.:_~::c?d 37. D. a- 80. G. Bcx 35. A Bieck 56 . S . Bryan 38. S. 36. ATtiey 57 P McNamar a t 86. C.M:~f•h 1 . M.Fri~ry 2 N.BOVrtnan 3. C.TtoS t er 4. D.Ferne ,y 5. D. Kam 6 . P. 7. J . Dap 8. M. Forst 9 . D. Fibs 10. R Holmes 11 . B. Pdzft 12 M.Grasarro 13. M. James 14. B- Ten! 15.P.KF 16.N. 17. Pu 18. fA , -- on 19. G. W20. G. Pk 21 . J .St i22 R. O'Brian 23. 8. K r 24. C. Te i 25. 8. Fo r 26. S. Ea n7n 27. S. Pb d 28. N. FL~ 29. P.Jan 30. D. Lt-,'a 31 . AJzdwn
The Lord Newry Hote l
North Fitzroy Phone : 94814693
Simonds Group of Companies
Ampol Australi a
Coach: Garry Hickey
Res. Coach: P . Mario 1 . ATirdcet[ 2. D.tda ns 3. S. Ho ,&,on 4. M .So r1cto 5. W.t".••°'ron 6 5.' 7. J.L 8 P.19. J.'.~{wt 70. J.r ^s 11 . J. Bo--oh (VC) 12 J.PoHmkas 13. P . Moro
Res. Co ach : Mark Johnston 1.M. h 2. J. S v
14, 1 Hope
15. B .0'Brien 39. M .Wanen 16. LD-aV.ortun 40. C.Jeva.f 17. AKyrezis 41 . F.Vakri 18. M . Maacoun 42. J. Fspftbu 19. V.Liresi 43. M.CaParame 20, G. Latmf 44. J. Marini 21 . B .6"ttatman 46. T.Cmsa m 22. R .TMtpp(DVC) 47. D. Magnuson 23. D.E7c,(DVG7 48. I.Bao-¢ti 24. G.Latout 50. M.Lotentaes 25. J. Rsnrzd~ 51 . S . K:.a/ 26. S . Hogg (P,G} 52. M. Fsasaa 27. P.Grey 53. AVzl~ 28. S . Werrham 54. S . Leumtres 29. R. Saunders 55, B, Ami d e R,. M . Smith 57. J. SomeM 31 J. Freemen 58. J.1'hompson 32. A Boutdolim 59. 8 . Evans 33. G. Plat (ftVC) EdJ. B .Lamt~-~.s 34. P. tkr#e~ 61 . G. Iarobacdo 35. P. Dawseft 61. J. Flasher 36- G. Wases 63. M. Whitman 37. D.D'dMortcn(C) 69. C.Vamam 38. M. Bred"trd (RVCI 65. S . SasSire
5. J. I 6. M . Gel 7.AHa n 8. J. Herr 9. C. Smiy „ 10. R.Tunsu) 11 . G . Barry 12. M . Dyke 13. RLeason 14. R.GoDde 15. A Flavet 17. S, Lee 18. A Rtannaru 19. B.0},tsra 20. A snare 21 . T. : . and 22. S. 23. M, E, re 24. S.FU _bai 25. P . C 43 . r. Freeman 26. M . "ht 44 . N. Morgan 27. 0. Mury#rf 45 . R. Potter 29. D. Dzpaau 46 . E. SarSGis 30. P.P47 . AKe:y 31 . S .C 48 . M. Debora 32. A ;Is 49 . J .Merntt 33. D.'.' 50 . B. Canfield 34. S. i 51 . P. James 35. T., an 52 . J .PiGWts;d 37. B . fte*'.n 53 . M. Md'zJman 38. N. t k 54 . W. Pollock 39. G.( 55 . L Ssa~.";la 40. M . Stroutl T. B°n~tt 41, D. Wren D.Fodor 42. J.G-ig:n C.HoAe:H
Coach : Ga rry Connolly Res. Coach : Pat Malcolm
1 . G.Darroch 2. J. Redford 3. R. Ha 41 . S A.& ' 4. M.Vaugh3rl 42 Gadd 5. R. McArtiwr 43. J p bd 6. S. Smith 44. For---, 7. B. Lim store 45 . Be i~ 8. B.t~rskison 46 J E.Rh~~~u 9. C. paid,, 47 S ( 10. P. DDrrom 48 fi R dy 11. B. Smith 49. C.Fn 12. M. Roberts 5a Ct •e 13. T.J as sen 51 A• . . . 14. S.MaNr 52 . T.-15. A K 'oo~ms .f or 16 . P.C~rawi~ ~ N . Biymrt 17. H. P zker ~-. D M.h~n 18 . 8 55 56. J.P. Rise 19 . J. Word 20. S. Lowe ~ S M' ~ 21. T. Holmes 59 . J. Krq 22. T. Lamb 60. A Ctx esman 23. S, Beam 61 . S .Jnr n 24. M. Fogarty 62 J.SatLry 25 . 8. Lyrich 63, J . Plater 26 . D.&rks 64 . C.FWit 27 . M. Hayes 65. J.Trevasl6s 28. A B aud 66. N . HowzB 29 . A Glass 67 0 Cbtott 30 . D.Souztby 68 J .0'Bri 31. M. Carah 69. S. tittle"' 32- M. Jones 7a D. Pc4en 33 . T. KtEhen 71, H . Keam 34. J . SAM 72. M.BuMs 35. P.C;;;ue 73. AGZeson 36 . S.tdt74. ASNrw 37. J .G77. H . Cameron 38 . 8.P_:rh 83. C.Brwm 39' . LBrov.n . G.°~c^t ' 87 99. N . Beaton 40
Coach: Phil Leathern Res. Coach: Nick Magnates 1 . A HanBm 41 . G. F:: rc:. 1 2 . dC- 42. flP,~- . . . J."-~: 4 . G .I 43. S.~_ ..-. 5 . AC- 44. T.Y. - . 6. J-Grc 45 Gke . 46. 7. F.Vk:> 7 . B P.F.- ..... 8. J.F_; rotl 484 . .La.h 9. J.~IIy 49.M.PwSn 10. S.P .. 59 . R[~~yt 11 . S. ~ra 51. J.Toa:E 12. L Brown 52' 1 S ;?vart 13. J.Sotra 53 . T.Moore 4.P. Robmim 15. P.AM`t+u}t&ai 54 . M.~ 16. S.3mythe 56' P 17. D. Home 57 . C . J.C~ 58 . D. .18 -s 19. D.Kror.chrJ 59 . LH • i 20. D.Disisto 60 B. E 21 . S .Mxdatmra 61 G. ; too 22. N.Magatas 62 : R C 23. J.~6cew 63' A it 24. D.Cocr::n yq" A ' 25. G.Nalore 65' . G.Pku;Ct 66 . AP•^^ D26 27. D. Down 67 A .ACam^b'" 68 . "28 . AAt : :*rc= 71 . A31 32. S .D'F:,: : 72 . M. ;" 33. LThc^s 73 . M. . CKerc._'74 T.H C34 -. 35. H. PJaA 75 . Q° . 33. M. . _.r 39. R.R~~S 78 79 . 40. B .BaksgL- 80 . Plh"~e s
CANADA HOTEL Swanston Street, Carlton
E South ANZ ALBERT PAR K Coach : J. McDonald Res. Coach : Dave Kilmartin 1 . S. Duke 2. N . Pasiras 3. P. Smith (S )
GLENHUNTLY Coach : Steve Allender Res. Coach: Peter Derri ck 1. O'Donnell
2. C. Video 3. T. Hip
4. D.Cassar S. G. DzJaori 6 M. Seabrook 7. M. Kaks a J.Jais 4. R Wit 9. AArdorso 40 . LM *kih . G .Smsxllrs(S s5 ... 10. A Young 41. 1 Gilmore . J.temman )6 11 . T.R~[er(C) 42 . M.Satluner 7. C, Run . 12. D.Hutdreson 43. M.Jones, B R LkuSa 13. M. Kr~ttsk 44. B.0'Donme1 .N~sij9E 14. J. GEmore 45. A Sutton 10. M. Ftops 15. P . B25n 46 . A Bain 11 . A M14tdd 16. C .,btmston 47. J.WaYon 12. J. Davis 17. SAtgust 48. C, Lane 13. S McCarthy 18. C . Horsk'j 49. J.0'Nair 14. T.Prior 19. G.Carslursen 50. G. Lewis 15. P. Guk2stS) 20. T.SiM:y 51 . D.Hunphries 15. S4Ya,9e) R 21 . I. Twr~r (VC) 52. C. Mitchell 16. Ai MAabr e( 22. G . ~rds 53. D. Mdx&n 17. D. MatEthn (DVC) 23. P.Ttxm(DvC) 54. D. Man S. P. Boyle 24. A Worsrwp 55. P. Derrick 19. AFamrcJa 36 . M . Pearson 25. C. Watts 56. B. Lonavry 20. R ICOEQier 37. A Jeidrin 26. T. Short 57, M. Ryan 21 . P.Stppptt(S) & G .W~ 27. S. Smith 58. J. Crooke 21 . T.G~n(R) ~, AM P 28. C. Murray 59. B. Dykes 22 MCDX 41 . R. Baker 29. C.Craig 60. M.Jalrreon 23. AB~sstt 42 . C.Cafisk 30. B.Wd~++n 61 . R.Carsensen 24. S. Wtten 31 . LTIa-as 62. PAHorsej 25.McDornsd J (C) 43. RCarFsW . R McDonal . . Lovett 44 32 . O . Da ,4wn 63. C.Ttum 26. E . 6 P m~r ( . C. twe'il (~) 45 d27 33 . D. '- 64. M. Cab&.r 28. C.1'47 ..VHSHf 34 . D. r 65. P . Harrison . M. Carter 29. G.t' 36. R L 66. A Mineola . S. .29 )48 P.HcytS 37 . A P, 69. G. Fleisher 30. J . Fk-'hr 50. K D~u 38. W. : is 71 . P . James . G . Larkin 31 . D.G51 39 . T.H__ : ..3 74. B .F'aro4wtz 32 . UP I 52. T. Hartason 33 . N. Loan 53 . J . Boume 34 . N. RuCrfoN 54 . D. hRjers 35 . D. SaMars 55 . J . Sranasan 57. B. Cmtliajs
Coach :CoWayne Marshall Res. ach : Rod Williams 1 . L Murphy (C) 2, A Harkin 3. MM. Andrew 4. C. Lyons 5. M. Wrr-~an G G .Jerddns 7. T. Heath
8. S Currie
9. S Clemente t0. R.Bras"tan 11 . LM~saz~3 11n P. Mahwry 12. N. Wqlmore 13. P. Stankolich 14. S.SopFett 15. F. Daq}rcllorio 16. M. man 17. J. ard J. Nei I M.Bu:ard M' Hunt
21 . M' Lads
22. M.Mu;Spica 38 . T.Swvularton 23 . S. Curtain 39 S. Park 24 . R.Wllkarns 40 . M. Ray 25 . RMdntyre 41. KBaldock 26. C. Matmrrj 42. B . Matprry 27 . M. Daniels 43. W. Duke 28 . P . Cartoon 44. D. Let 29 . S . Matonrj 45. R. Gradanergz 30. J. Wright 46. C . deeds 31 . G. Devanstrre 47. J. Matheson 32* P . Harris 48. T. Byrne 33 . J. Marren 49. S. Roberts 34 . AConon 50. REr.dasgham 35 . K Campbell 51 D, Steade 36 . B.Brwrigtan 54. S.KutMm(fir) 37. D.Trease 55. J.L7kakis
Coach: Jason Eardley Res . Coach: Chris Moore 1 .RGee 2. A Bloomfield a D. RrBUr y 4. P.HAarin 5. C. Fishes 7. P. Darotld 8 B.. A,Q(RC) 9. J 10. M. Wood
Coach: PeterC4iviecl~~~I Coach: Anthony Petittl Res . Coach: Craig Res. Coach: E . Evans . ASrcekna n R1 1 . M. Learmpdh 2 J. Hal t 2 T. Burt (DVC) 3 . N. Parlou 3. R livi47ston 4 . R Davin 4. ASe7 5 . M . Braaa 5 . S.Star e 6 . D. Burch &W t 7. C. Richardson 7. A PctitB 8 . S. Cuss 8. P. Ttrom j 9. A Morris 9 . M. FaIner it. J 10. G . 10. T. Jaws 12. A 11 . J.GD 11 . L Phillips 13. J . KrqP{W 12 . J. Robertson 12. A G1xn 39. G. ~ 14. D.Brt.mW.y 13. J.Chapman 40 . C, 15. G. Pad;ortl 41 . G.6',azpams 13 . J. Harris 14, P.Watson 4l. C. O'Brien 16. J . N«w 42 S. M:tiJOdts 14 . T. Auk! 15. O.Pratravs 42. T.WonaS 18. AWaFh 43, JDmk4p ;k s 15 . J. Sco"ud 16. RTtamas 19. P.Ta,'br ( G G) 4 . G8 .WooUard 18. S. Hicks 43 A House 17 . C.Md.eod 17. M.WaMar 44. MR^rNr.ard 20. T.Adardo (Y 445. .Cf ~ 18 . C. Doyle 18. J .Clarke 45 N. Richardson 21. AFtr,R:.m~(n~C) 46. P. " 19 . J . Evan; 22. S.Ostorra 47. S . 19. P.PousS 46. J.M~m'rorry 20 . Mire'uJacksonn 20. D. Steuart 23. P.D~ 48. GFer~1 47. S. McDOruw.B 24. S.KrJS(DVCt 49. SNida~paks 21. AkenJacksem 21 . T.Ymer(C) 48. P. Simon 25. C.Mar=fns 50, M .Cfan[rk: 22 . S. Craven 40. G. Ammd 22 . D. Woodcock 49. C. O'Brian 26. Aft 24. R . Williams 41 . S . Clayton 23 . S. Preston 50. N. D~yI 5 1 G. Pz~;re 27. R.Har@ej 52. 1L25. S. Evans 42. N. Dean 24. S. McKay 51 . B.Fra9 2& AA1o ns,g~ 26. J.Samor 43. J.EntwtustW 53. V.G W 25 . M. Lekewe 52. T. Gamy 29. D. Hal (tWC} 54. AAC..riros 27. C. Newland 44. G.Dw 26 . J. Handy 53. D.Sdej 30. M. Sdtifikg 55. 8 . t 28 . J. Tucker 45. M .Gror~q 27. B. Steva rt {VC) 54. S. Tan 31 .C. Moore 56.J. . 29. G.Fkaxnan 46. S .McCard.H 28 . J.Ir ne s 56. RShKhh^rg 32. RNates 57. T.' .' s 30. P. Harrison 47. D. Norman 29 . J. Frarqtas 57. R Lamont 33. A Schultz 58. D. tkmn 31. M. Ormsby 48. D. Phaan 30 . M.Stiek 58. T.Aaopardf 34. S. Kirrer 60 T. Bremlej 32. B. Upon 49. M . 0stentaid 31. A Police 59. S . Stie sS:te n 35. RNU,dce 61 . B . 33. P. Ryan 50. A Stard 32. W. Gerstrnan 60. A Woods 36. B. Pats r 62 M .Cyd 34. R.SreddOn 54. J.BW.fred 33. P. Slavers 63. B . Wlate 37. P.Tarpej 63 C.Mwnnrs . 35. C.We2mns 58. h7.Faar 34. 8. Duke 64. M Scannrsil 38. D.Cf :apman 64 . S.Ta1•arsm 36. ARoburcon 66. D.Wrig 35. R Potxns 65. P . Hart4P n 39. N.A~vJrpi 65. B. . KTdbni 70. RFlaj~ M37 36. E .Evans 66. A 40. C.Tayur 66. A 38. P. Phelan 87. T. 37. J. P~trzj 67. L Woods .9. T. Fredanken 88. G . Semiarid 38. F.Narrsa~ 68. G.Ttrqtmms
S i-v ;i Si.v CHAD STON E
ANZ Ban k The Palmerston Hotel Ivan's Pies McKinnon Rd . Newsagenry .
F-O:l2MU WAR, HAIRSTYLISTS for Ladies & Me n MONASH GRYPHONS Coach : Gary Rya n
Res. Coach : David Ratner 1 . LWeds(C) 2 M. Way 3. AGr~Fj 4. G.Hanack(VC) 5. D. King 6, G. Ryan 7. H.Level & J. Borchardt 9. P.lnwcodc 10. P.W6kimson 39. G .Gvjmer 11 . D. C9 Rauch 40. 64 SNaj 12. D. Comastnaxz 41 . D . Ctnrleson 13. M Toglo 42 . T. Drew 14. M. Lewis 43 . P. Coleman 15. R McCormick 44 . B. Kere,mn 16. A Tobress 45 . J . Gonis 17. J. Peerugton 47 . P. Burke 18. A 0'Brien 48, L Martin 19. G.BogIay 49. S. Arena 20. G .Bra+.t8(RVC) 50, S.Drew 21 . G.Cormzk 51. J . Leroy 22. B. Coxheed 52 D. Hato
23. C' Freeman 53. G. Via
24. Claim 54. P. G~Enski 25. M . Kpiniste, 55. P. Coleman 26. T. Gbhrist 56. J. Foster 27. A. G'r.dvist 57. L Fraser 28. T. Parry 58 . Saxrsai'-~ra 29. J .FU6er 59. D. Waiter 30. R . Davey 60. G. Ciouas 31 . G . Roche 61 . G. G3:ahald 32 . C. McNesse R. MCaaoah 33 . R. White He. P.Bt* a 34 . P.4Grajrkn(RC) 66 SM1oGral 35 . R,kmceson 69. OSa.°mara~~g 36 . J . Same 70 J.Sm ~ 37 . J . Bean 72. D.Adans 38 . P.Ca5is 93.ROJc
'° .l~:_1i115 y' Cal . Punt & Toot k Rds.
PENINSULA O.B. SOUTHBAN K Coach: B rett Mcliwraith Res . Coach: Neil Franks 1 . S. Parson s 2. S. Mdlamn 3. S. Mclorinan 4. E.Bowe1(VC) 5. A BrigO s 6. M.Wamer 7. N. Franks (RC) 8. P.MOus(C) 9. P. Krohn 10. T.TrevAkp(VC) 11 . A Landry (VC} 12 . A Compact 13 . V. Bracarosarto 15 . B, Cook 16 . S.Chmli4od 17 . L Barclay 18 . S.Gbver 40. S Marshall 19, C. Bowman 41 . S.Famyv 20. R. Shapi 42. S. Jackson 21. S. Batter 43. A Banner 22. A Atchison 45. D. Sweatt 23. M.Garikao 46. AORdet 24. G. Boni 47. T. Bra bn 25. RL Prichard 48. J. Beasley 26. G.NeGon 49. J.WSaJan 27. J.WHelzn 50. T. Cox 28. B.Tayor 51 . D. She 29. D. Morgan 52. R. Bedford 30. ACrean 53. H. Shorten 31 . A Gross 54 . M. Dentry 32. A Parsons 55. A Pawed 33. R Carman 58. M. Bonner 34, P. Cooper 60. E. WiNams 35. G. Park 62. B. Wght 36. N. Bo',emra~ 65. C. Park 37. T.Sterart 66. T.Szarrji 38. I. Kent 67. A Hide 39. N. Kenn 61 S. Famr
Coach : Derek Hine Res. Coach : Neil Wallmeyer 1. SMefk'en 2 R. Putamorsp 3. M. Bunnell 4. N. Wananejer 5. J. Beare 6. ACor6aj 7. M. Osborne 8. ASammartirq 9 J. Nie'kmara 10. B.Ha~ 41 . B.Messmz 11 . A P 42 . T. Place 12. M. McCarthy 43 . P. Henidge 13. C. Perry (VC) 44 . M. WarlarM 14. M. Eastlt,vn 45 . P. PosL^riru 15. C . DajH 46 . R. Phelps 16. L Van Loon 47 . P. Sudan 18. B .C'slks 48 . H.PVs 19. M . Shearon 49 . S. Marrow 20. RTanson 51. AMesskra 21 . G. Paeockrus 52 J. Payne 22. N. Roberts 53. T. Maya 23. A Page 54 . J. Matherson 24. G . Falls (RC) 55. B. Nettem
25, J. Forinebeny 56, M. Bremner
26. R. Linford 57. S. Oliver 27. G . Vhnhop 58. K Sparrow 28. B.0'Suftan 59. KWa7ord 29. C. Elftton 60. T Hhe 31 . D . Posterina 61 . T. Matheson 32. F. Maya 62. P.O Bremner 33. P. Factor 61 Nt Hire
35, D .Irwre 65. R. Lucas 36. G.,brks(RVC) 66. B. Mary 37. B. Jeb6 67. C. Peel 38. PA.F'Jn:eHr 68. Lf?~u1 39. MSlpderson 69. P. Puts 40 . B. Scanlon 50. M. Frank
Malvern Vafe Notef ST. PATRICKS MENTONE Coach: Brett Sebire Res. Coach: Peter Lewis 1 . D.Fen:dr(DJC) 2. M. Cosgrove 3 . D. Huglies 4 . P. Lewis 4' A While 6 . FL Green (RVC) 7. KGurWr(C) 8 . D . Perrin (VC) 9. P. Emmett 10. B, Sabine 11 . P. Fatouro-s 12 . M. Davies 13 . P.0'Pf=ara 14 . T. Altmann 15 . ASCkSra~cn 16. J . McCarttr y 17 . C. Sr3~an 42. C. Brm~t 19. G. .Mnkin 43. M. Barr 20 . C. Groves 44. RETIRED 21, B. Relay (FM) 45 C. Barr 22 . C. Domran 46. M. Grogan 23 . MattS~'sran 48 . M.Wakh 24. A Tasca 49. T. Evars 26. D.C2za.y 50. At2tlds 27. M. Woo 51 . G.F1rMaan 28. b1.02rim(RC) 52 . C .Musgrave 29. S. Hawker 53 . D. Watch(RVC) 30. N. Freese 55. M.Yannoudes 56. LMarns 33. D.Andrew 57. V.0'Coramr 34. & Bastions 58. J. 1,41001ran 35. LTwjcross 60. M .CemteFJ 36. C. Stephens 62. D. Gwp 37. J. Ste m 64. P. Polar 38. S. Perazzo 72. M .Roten 39, M. Bums 73. M .OTlrsara 40. D. Bray 75. S.Pontn 41 . RL young 76. M.HOtovayy
o t
~~~~~ ~~ /UdV & t ASTi2O\ 32
~~~~ L'1VMy . i WU s>ravtC c 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
While still on trainfg it was good to See a ttimes clubs have had to incur fines for late startsr ~ercise mak s to the time mterval between qua :, theagai • n Old habit l uarters due or the start of the game being g~lies havge start d doing tunnel bal : {~.s being ~~oeded time allowed is as follows . A half die hard! umpires have been enjoying the 5th quarter of delayed' The alltted three (3) -lutes the Uni Blues Some urnP uch . Last week ath be A quarter time interval is tes . A three quarter time the meat tray football a little bit too ed rn away not t o wit interval is fifteen (15) min, outdone won game ~ehael Len W ood time U19 , . m~ors & ve (5) minutes rs fi of the game (2p the inleT`~l quarter he won and Richard k our q prior to the start d the third taking (3rd) the field at a 1136am Reserves) an not park yourd the scull . nple of where you should are game where a car parke . umPk~ nO~ clubs th uttlh t ar e the scheduled start• A class U ample a hammeririg by the foot r~anum of five (5) minutes (5) minutes lat e getting . At ae time this car was Should any match be more than and a fur the goals ~ behind re stered n g the um p ball as each score much discussio starting the offending club shall incu r minute fine the match is disg e to arrive in the centre of mu~ was w~~g for his wif wife d surely ttrer fine for each additional rncgota umpir one of the ump icked U . which the w n deiayed' w the courage of Coli the last quarter in an emptY Spot went sailing Last week sa result of an accidental clash did however s ~ down that end not on ty went sailing mg ~th a rece a broke at Elsternwick nose, a Park Ja~n• enforced However it th ISe goa(s. The firstg'sticks but sailing through Wa~r, or e nt gam between the bi Did g you give the all clear Kenny during if his partner Marty reste of the game now known AD to run th windscreen . o blood rule' Abigeffort, by r~ous day umpires on Windscreens oBrien?teur umpue come down t call for r him ~ ghearer was after having a ran on the p congratulate these u ' Good to see a former amateu tive match this The VAFAIJA sti to tnr~ePresenta Wel the level where it all start for old Scotch game . done l Arn~ a cry from his recent run their aPP°ll V~A Play the VCFL k that the ho spotted at the recent St Be. weekend, where thew played at Elsternwick Park guys, hope that rtrs a great day for you par b 11 k of the umpires get down to Elsternwic at the Gab a m~ ,~~ WN~T FORGET Association on Coming in up next Ifwriting week is the logy their support . (Emergency) ~tont A. ~en ~~,. Bernie Hoare' FIELD: Wayne the 31st July. Mutton, ., B must must be provided. BOUNDARY ~rna' there was a sampler 2nd AuguSt Bowling Night Last week in ~ nmh~ ~y our od as Fitness Advisoso . Deposits and rest of mon~g to e~end so of our training night . be as go ,~p away . It should be a la hl,i°ota~oi mg in to Andrea Flack thought that a change kes at ~'° abit of Tuesday night found the umP d~e of winter i s confirm your spot now . . It Until next week keep rurmmg' S1WA0 gr spiDER Swimming in the ~ the outdoor pool rn . in Malve a worry when Jimmy got personally I believe that the say it was one was heated to 26° they ~au e l etis ust . minus (-) sign fell sessio n on w ~.~ ~e fojr the heated spa short and sharp
om T .Benny„ Goodmanand andmatch Brian all scores an « Brain present al ted manner . details in a light-heaT SFecia a lListenoBy,Tmad d ,Under the Griller" 9 .30 a .m.• each Sunday• Program
includes Phil
Steven s
CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l Supplies
U19 SEC-'6,by Brett Con-. .111
Ladders take shape as the business end nears Review - Round 14 Section 1
Id Brighton at home was always going to be a 0 tough ask for the Old Paradians, however they answered the challenge to firmly entrench themselves in second position . Leading comfortably at '/2 time the OP's with Woodham, Prescino and Ventura prominent looked to be headed for a big victory, but the Tonners fought back to win the last '/z but not by enough and now face an uphill battle to make the four. De La Salle returned to the winners list with an important win at home . After an even first '/2 the D's pushed ahead to win by (21) points with Corin, Hyland and Meeuri leading from the front . For the OM's Fabinyi, Tandy and Crawshay were prominent . In a tight match all day the SKOBS broke away from St. Bernards in the last '/ 4 to record their second win for season 1997 . Altis, Scarfo and Moore were catalysts in the win, with better Bernards' players Hogan, Overman and Evans . In the clash of the section giants the Blues struggled after /4 time and were well behind the eight ball at '/2 time, down some (4) goals . The Xavs players in Fleming, C. Carrous and Boland were in everything and with the assistance of Webb and Winter the Xavs consolidated top position . Old Carey blew away Mazenod with a withering (9) goal first term and from this point on were always in command . Stuart, Lewis and Vitali were excellent OCis on the day, with the Nodders best served by Rigg, Parry and N . Meehan.
Section 2 Old Camberwell reversed their first round result against Marcellin as predicted with a commanding win at home. With Day, Miles and Seeley doing as they pleased and Hanson with (6) majors the Wellers were unstoppable . For the Eagles none battled harder than McCallum, Roberts and Randazzo . In a match that was crucial to both Whitefriars and Beaumaris' finals aspirations the ac time score of 7 .10 a piece was a fitting scenario, however it was the Friars who responded in the final term adding (4) goals to (1) to consolidate their position in the four . Bond, Winch and Phan were fine players all day for the Friars, as to were Wright, Ferguson and Celan for the Sharks. Williamstown CYMS kept in touch with Uni . Blacks for the first '/2 but failed to score a goal in the third '/4 and found the deficit too much to pull back in the final term . Grochowski . Harb and 34
Hunt were named best CY's, with Dimond, Henderso n an d Peck great contributors in a vital win for the Blacks . Old Haileybury traveled to Warringal and won well with Thiele, Clarke and Davey continuing their good form . For the vanquished Redbacks Bell, Parkes and Hopgood stood out as fine players. Old Scotch after a slow start wore down Co llegians booting (11) goals to (7) in the last mis to win a vital match in the make-up of the four. Crow, Prendergast and Davis were primemovers in the Scotchies turnaround, with better Lions being Elg, Byrne an d Van Der Venne .
Section ( 2) Blue A determined AJAX team jumped MHSOB and raced away to a handy first'/ 4 lead, however the High fought back strongly in the remaining '/+'s adding (12) goals to (5) to win comfortably. Sterling, Moore an d T. Leaver were prominent High school players . Monash Blues returned to the winners list with a fine win against De La Salle (2) at Clayton. Bolton, Roscoe an d Riordan were fine players for the Ashers, as to were Lambe, Harper and Asmus for the D's . St . Bedes Mentone Tigers continued on their merry way with a fine victory over Hampton Rovers last weekend . With Ryan, Falkingham and Fava continuing their fine form the Rovers were powerless to stop the onslaught . For the Rovers the gallant Rehn, Anderson and A. Voss never gave in. Ormond had an effortless victory against an Old Geelong team who fought hard all day. Thompson, Livingstone an d Black (7) were excellent Moods, with Gatenby, McInnes an d Brauer solid (4)'/, performers for the OG's. Old Xaverians (2) had the bye . Section (2) Re d North Old Boys forfeited to Yarra Valley . which amazingly keeps the NOBS still in second position . Therry Penola assisted their percentage with a resounding victory over Chirnside Park, a brillian t (10) goal last '/< the icing on the cake for Therry Penola as they strive to gain a position in the four. Old Paradians (2) dropped out of the four after Old Ivanhoe proved to all comers that they will not be finishing the season off lying down. Redford, Sacco and Price were better OP's, with Willis, Barker and Davies all prominent in the OIG's great win . In the final match Aquinas continued in their winning vein by defeating Old Trinity at Bulleen . Leading at every change courtesy of a (7) goal opening term the Bloods were well served by Heveran, Hope and Bleakney. St Leos Emmaus WP had the bye .
previews - Round 15 Section 1
The Old Melburnians an d Old Brighton clash at oval No . 1 Albert Park shapes as a beauty . Both te~uns are still within a chance of making the four and although last time it was the OMis by plenty I expect a more even contest today. In a toss up OM's to t emain in the hunt . St . Bernards host De La Salle and with the Dis returning to the winners list last week I cannot see them dropping this opportunity to move closer to a final four position . Uni. Blues travel to Bundoora in the hope that they can return to the c inners list at the expense of Old Paradians, and with a win regain second position . Last time it was the Blues by just (3) points, however this time it will be the OP's at home. Old Xaverlans clash with Old Carey as the curtain-raiser match to the VAFA versus VCFL senior representative match (Elsternwick Park, Sunday) . Last time it was the OC's, but I expect the Xavs to reverse this result this time around . Mazenod await St. Kevins at home and will be keen to reverse their last round result when the SKOBS trounced a lacklustre Nodders unit . In what should be a- great match the Nodders will get the points at home . Selections: Old Melburnians, De La Salle, Old Paradians, Old Xaverians & Mazenod Section 2 Beaumaris host Old Camberwell at Banksia Reserve and with the four near on settled these two teams will be desperate to build on their win/loss ratios . Last time it was the Wellers in a tight contest, however I fancy the Sharks this time round. Uni . Blacks get the opportunity to get closer to the double chance when they take on Whitefriars at home . The Blacks have taken all before them recently and with the closeness of the four a win here just before the finals would be a great motivator for either team . In a toss up the Blacks by (4) points. Marcellin host Warringal at home and with everyone having written the Redbacks off recently they have stuck to their guns and improved gradually . Last time it was the Eagles in a close one, this time it will be the Redbacks to open their account . The last time Old Scotch and Old Halleybury met it was the Bloods in front at the final bell. This time they have the opportunity to knock the Scotchies from third position and will do so well at Haileybury College today . Collegians host Williamstown CYMS at the Harry Trot and will return to the winners list, and hold top position for another week . Selections : Beaumaris, Uni. Blacks, Warringal, Old Haileybury & Collegian s Section ( 2) Blue
chance of getting back fourth position alive when they defeat Monash Blues at home, and Ormond should assist the Rovers in their endeavours by defeating the Old Xave rians (2), if their last round (70) point win is any indication . In the final match Old Geelong host the ladder leaders St . Bedes Mentone Tigers and despite all of their best endeavours the OG's will be no match for the Tigers today. MHSOB have the bye . Selections : AJAX, Hampton Rovers, Ormond & St . Bedes Mentone Tigers
Section (2) Red Chirnside Park will re-group after last weeks disappointing display and be competitive against eastern neighbour Yarra Valley, but the Valley will prevail in the long run. St. Leos Emmaus WP and Therry Penola clash in a game that will have a great bearing on the make-up of the final four . Both teams have been impressive recently and with healthy percentages would consider themselves final's hopefuls . A win today will firm up each team's chance and at home the Two Blues should get the points . In another crucial match the out of form North Old Boys host Old Paradians (2) . If NOBS lose here today they can kiss their season good-bye, and I have a gut feeling that the OPis will more than make-up for their first round loss today with a big win . Old Trinity will endeavour to get back in the winning mode against a determined Old Ivanhoe whose second 1/2 of the season has been extremely impressive . Last time it was the OTis by plenty, and although the result will be the same the margin will be less than (2) kicks . Aquinas have the bye . Selections : Yarra Valley, St . Leos Emmaus WP, Old Paradians (2) & Old Trinity U19 Umpires and Last Round's Results on Pages 42 and 43
De La Salle (2) host AJAX at Waverley Park and with only a game separating the teams on the ladder one would expect an even contest . This will be the case for a'/2, however it will be the Jackas who pull away and finish far too strong for the D's. Hampton Rovers will return to the winners list and keep their 10 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997
Winning Edge Presentations
CLUB 111 SECTION by Norm Nugent
ound 14 results maintained the weekly surpriss to which Club XVII followers have become accustomed . My success rate rose to 75% as the season moved to todayis climax, with the finishing order in Section 1 still to be determined . In Section 2 we have a preview of next weekis first semi final to thicken the plot . Clearly those responsible for the fixtures planned well .
twelve points . Monash were clearly the better side as their defenders did well to concede only eight scoring shots to Syndal Tally Ho . For Monash the victory will bring renewed confidence for the finals, whereas for Syndal Tally He, reconsideration of their game plan is now necessary .
De La Salle did show what might have been when they overpowered Old Melburn ians to win a one sided contest by sixty eight points . Their loss sent Old Melburnians to the foot of the ladder . St Kevins, through one straighter kick defeated St Bernards after the closest match of the round . For St Kevins their second successive victory lifted them two places on the ladder, which added a lot of respectability to their season . For St Bernards, their defeat added another sad chapter to their sorry season . Once again Old Xaveri ans clearly outplayed Old Scotch, as the 'Crocodiles' recorded an overwhelming victory by ninety-two points. Once again the inability of Old Scotch to score against Old Xaverians proved heart breaking to the eCardinalsi, who must now rely on St Kevins defeating Collegians today, for them to qualify for the 1997 finals . Mazenod, kept second place as a consequence of their thirty three point victory over Collegians, who nonetheless remain fourth, half a game ahead of Old Scotch . When judged by the final scores . Mazenod were clearly the stronger side, who had the majority of play in their forward line . Old Brighton Bloods had the bye . SECTION 2 Mt Lilydale, clearly enjoyed their long trip to Keller, where, with an awesome display of power, they thrashed Old Essendon Grammarians by the unusually large margin of one hundred and fifth-six points. Old Essendon were held goal-less while Mt Lilydale players honed their team work for the finals, as they kicked twenty-five goals . Kew defeated Thornbury Cougars by sixty-nine points . The unusual feature and one which will long be remembered by the Kew players, was that the leaders held Thornbury scoreless . Marcellin, made it three wins in a row when the Eagles outplayed Therry Penola to win well by thirty points. The Marcellin mid-season slump . which was preceeded by and has been proceeded by, good form, has prevented the Eagles contesting successive finals series . Monash Whites provided the surprise of the Round when they triumphed Syndal Tally Ho, b y 36
Last placed Old Melburnians host Old Brighton Bloods, for whom victory will ensure the double chance next week . I am in no doubt that Old Brighton Bloods will win this match and so repeat their fiftyone point victory recorded over Old Melburnians in Round 7. De La Sall e will finish their season with the once to be feared journey out to St Bernards. In their Round 7 meeting St Bernards, largely through the efforts of their stalwarts Marcus Creak and Brian Moon, were able to defeat an accurate De La Salle by sixteen points . Today I select De La Salle because of their superior recent form and I expect they will kick more accurately than they did on May 24! ! In a preview of a final, the two leading sides Old Xaverians an d Mazenod clash on the wide expanses of Central Reserve . As nothing short of victory (except an Old Brighton Bloods forfeit or defeat) will ensure either side a place in next weekis second semi final, we can expect a high standard match played in a finals atmosphere. Mazenod, aided by their home ground advantage will be all out to erase memories of their sixty eight point defeat by Old Xaverians in Round 7 . That victory demonstrated the versatility of the 'Crocodile' forward line as eight players contributed to their fourteen goal tally . The Old Xaverian defence has proven to be the best in the competition with their flexible forward line, leads me to select Old Xaverians to win and again become 'minor premiers' . Collegians must defeat form side St Kevins to qualify for their second successive finals series, Oakley with six goals, almost outscored St Kevins by himself when Collegians won by a mere five points in round 7 . St Kevins do like close finishes! As Collegians have so much at stake I select them to win and so qualify for next Saturdayis first semi final . Old Scotch have the bye . SECTION 2 In a match between two sides whose form has fluctuated markedly by Thornbury Cougars who are at home to Old Essendon Grammarians . In round 8 Thornbury. with a resounding one hundred and fifty nine point victory over Old Essendon won their first VAFA rostered match. Today I select them to win again purely on home ground advantage and on thei r THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199 7
greater potential to score . Any repeat of last weekis scoring will result in a soccer like final score ! Leaders Kew travel to Oak Park to play eighth placed Therry Penola, who will not have enough talent to extend Kew . I expect Kew to win by a greater margin than the twenty eight points they had in excess of Therry Penola on round 8. Syndai Tally Ho will be desperate to return to the winning list at the expense of Marce llin . In their previous contest in round 8 Syndal Tally Ho clearly outplayed Marcellin to record a sixty two point victory . Although Marcellin have shown improved form of late, I select Syndal Tally Ho to win well again . In a rehearsal for next Saturdayis first semi final, AKonash Whites must make the "long march" to the hill not of Yunnan, but of Lilydale to play the confident and in-form Mt Lilydale . In their previous encounter in Round 8 at Monash, the Whites won comfortably by fifteen points. Since then I believe, each side has shown continual improvement as knowledge of team mates and of coaching strategies have deepened . Today, at home, I lean slightly towards at Mt Lilydale victory after a hard fought contest. As this is my final column of the home and away season, I thank my army of readers and the Editor for their interest . I hope your reading pleasure matches that which I gain from my writing .
CLUB XVI II (1) - 19.07 .97 DE LA SALLE 4.1 6 .4 11 .5 14 .7.91 OLD ESELBURNIANS 1 .1 1 .2 2.3 3 .5.23 De La Salle Bolt It, Rudd 2. Helan 2 . Best Rudd, Bolt. O'DrLscoll. Gray, Hoy. Faazrell. Old Melburniane Jensz 2. S . Osborne. Best Milne. Crellln. Harris, Can Jensz, Schnelle. ST. KEVINS - - - 7 .6.48 ST. BERNARDS 8 .7.43 St. Ksv3as Noonan 2, Finch 2. Meagher, James. J. Quirk . Best Collins, Noonan. Stackpate . R . Quirk. Finch, Meagher. St. Bernards Creek 2 . P. Moon. Solomon. Barnes. Best Kennedy. Barnes. Solomon. Moon, Creek . OLD SCOTCH 0.0 1.1 2 .2 2.4 .18 OLD RAVERIAtiS 4 .3 7.3 13 .5 17.6.108 Old Scotch End. Pnde. Best Woodhouse. Tribe, Godwin . Coul>er. Deakin. Cain Old Ravertaus B . Matthews 8, R Kint? 3 . P. Hall 2. Collopy 2. Landrigan. Jones. Best T. O'Sulli~an. LandAgan. B. Matthews, P. Hall, L . Orsini, Curtain . MAZENOD O.C. 3.0 8.3 8 .8 10.10 .70 COLLEGIANS 1 .1 2.4 4 .6 5.7 .37 hlazenod Deegen 3, Kendell 2. Jacobs 2, Riley, Rogers . McLean. Best Rogers . Lind . Ashe, Bilston. Riley. Caznpbell CotFeglans Fraser 2, Grlhbte. Nancarrow, Wain. Best Strahhalrn. Fraser. Monison. Comley. Hickson .
CLUB XVIII (2) - 19.07.97 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR - - - 0.7.7 MT. LILYDALE O.C. 25.13 .163 Old Essendon Grammar Best Reid. WIl&.ll~ms. Lang. Smith, Matiouryâ&#x20AC;˘ . Stretcher. Mt Lilydale Allen 6, Flanagan 5 . Pearce 4. Madden 2, Naopoteone. Walsh . ManlschaldL Durrett, Varga, Anderson . Gibson, Callanan. Best Carrion, Pearce . Flanagan. Allen, Napoleone, Burrett . KEW 3.1 5.5 7.9 9.15.89 THORNBURY COUGARS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0.0 Kew Guppy 5 . Bond 2. hak 2 . Leonard, D'anna Best Hernardi. Guppy. Cocridon, SlawtnskL D'Anna. J. Edwards. Thornburp Cougars - Best Team Efrort MARCELLIN 4.3 8 .5 8.9 9.11.65 THERRY PENOLA O .B. 0.2 0 .7 0.10 3.12.30 Mareellfin Randell 2. Savage 2 . Luke. Curry. Bren. Scott, Keogh. Best Dlmatttna Kosst. Harman, Keogh. Parris, Randell. Therry Peno}a Keenan, Costello. AIlellcki . Best MiellckL Costello. Keenan . Selleck. Bllgat . Keay MONASH WHITES 1.1 3.3 5.6 7 .8.50 SYNDAL TALLY HO 2.1 3.1 5.1 6 .2.38 Monash Whites Tossavainen 3 . Collier. Tracy. Van Der 7alm . Kenny. Beat O'Brien. Nelson. Samuel. S. Dods. Collier, Van Der Zalm. Syndsl Tally Ho Goal kickers and best players not recehed ,
THE SUPT-)AY T AGE Sunday Age VAFA sportswriter
Garry Petroff writes about Saturday A section matches played and previews the Sunda y A section match of the day . 1
ELSTERNWICK PAFK DRAW 1 997 This Sat: Chirnside Park v. Old Carey (E) -2 .10 pm This Sun : Old Xaverians v. Old Carey (U 19J 1 ) - 11 .00 am VAFA (A-B) v. VCFL - 1 .45 pm Next Sat : MHSOB v. Banyule Next Sun: Club XVIII First Semi Finals Aug. 9 : Old Haileybury v. St Bernards Aug, 10 : FIDA Semi Final s Aug . 16 : NOIt1ATCH Aug . 17 : FIDA Grand Finals Aug . 23 : Old Scotch v . Collegians Aug . 24 : Club XVIII Grand Finals Aug. 30 : B Section )st Semi Final Aug. 31 : A Section Ist Semi Final Sept . 6 : B Section 2nd Semi Final Sept . 7 : A Section 2nd Semi Final Sept . 13 : C Section Grand Final Sept . 14 : A Section Preliminary Final Sept . 20 : B Section Grand Final Sept . 21 : A Section Grand Final
LOOKING BACK by el Rundle 5 YEARS AGO - 1992 any who have come to Amateur `A' section finals over the years, have asked after a whil e "who's that red haired fellow on the wing?" The answer was Phil Kingston who celebrated his 200th game with the 'Monds, after a magnificent career for Ormond and Victoria. 5 club flags, Carnival captain 1988, All Australian, Phil was a fearless footballer in any class, and those who were privileged to see him in interstate matches will never forget his courage when the opposition tried to hit him with the proverbial 'grandstand' . Then again, in fairness to all, Phil probably gave a few opponents 'grandstand' treatment as well . Bull een Templestowe held on to fourth position in 'C' when they convincingly beat third team Commonwealth Bank. 16 .13 to 6 .8 . Best were George, Young, Cumming (B-Temp) and Andrews, A & T Maher (C .B .) . On top in C18 North goalkickers was Treganowan, Marcellin, with 65 goals . Umpire Kevin Segota abandoned field umpiring for the goals . Club officials remarked that they had never seen a goal umpire that short before . Marketing News featured the support of long term sponsor, BDF, manufacturers of Leuko products . Mazenod acknowledged the great performance of Peter Hall, 250 games, senior premiership captain '88 . Best and Fairest 1986, and thanked him for his loyalty and courage . Four rounds to go and St Leo's (in F) were the only undefeated team . MHSOB, sixth in 'C', went under narrowly to top team Kew 12 .18 (90) to 13 .14 (92) . A win would have given them a chance for the four, and avoiding any thought of relegation . It was a great last quarter. ten goals being scored . Best were Knight, R . Newton, Comer (MHSOB) and Bruno, McMahon, Casuaria (Kew) .
'C' Section umpires were M . Forde, P . Keogh, P. La Vale, R . Francis, C. Keeton, T . McKenzie, J . Moore, J . Garrett . A. Ladd, S. Burdack. 10 YEARS AGO - 198 7 Legendary footballer Buileen-Templestowe captain Andrew Smythe played his 250th game, a great clubman, Andy had played for the State . and twice been awarded the distinction of best player on the ground . University Blues scored a surprise of the season - they defeated O .Xaverians by 1 point and 38
kept their A section hopes alive . It was tight all day, with the Blues nearly losing through inaccuracy, 11 .15 to 12 .8 . Best were Holmes, Angel, Banks ( Uni Blues) an d Dann, Greetham, King (O .Xavs) . North Old Boys ended their final four chance s when they kicked 1 .10 in the 3rd quarter and went down 12.16 to De La Sa lle OC 15 .15 . Tim Cooke was a brilliant player for De La, Peter Rennie was a dangerous forward with 6 goals, and Deveson was strong in defence . Jerome Griffin was North's best continuing his great season . Parkside lost top position in B section when they went down to Marcellin 9 .7 to 12 .14 . With 2 rounds to go, St Bernardis, Parkside and Marcellin were level on 48 points . 0 . Essendon on top in E, were surprised by 6th placed O . Geelong who held them to a 58 point draw. Best were Richardson, Defegley, Wynsprere (0 . Geel) and Crameri, McKay, Vaxarlis (O . Essendon) . 15 YEARS AGO - 1982 AJAX club secretary John Brustman officiated in his 400th game as goal umpire. 39 year old veteran Geoff Fletcher has reached over 300 games with FIT. Goal umpires were J. Goodman . I. Malcolm, R . Bridge. D . Hinchcliff, R . Dunstan, M. Murray, J . Fry, C. Jones, A . Smith and J. Vellerman . St Kilda CBCOC (in C) inflicted the 2nd defeat for the season over O. Camberwell , 16 .9 to 12 .14 . Best were Thynne, Kellaway, Jones, Fitzroy, Buzza, Hinricks (5 gls)(St Kilda) . O . Camberwell must have been very upset as they failed to send in details of goalkickers and best players . 20 YEARS AGO - 197 7 North Old Boys suffered their first defeat for the season when St Bernard's beat them by a point in a thrilling finish, with a goal being scored from the last kick, an instant before the final siren . Best were Mitchell , Cahir, I4adzielski (St . B) and O'Connor, Welch, Sheales (North OB) . MHSOB saluted their unsung heroes, boundary umpires Doug Whorlow & Don Pritchard. who have run 200 an d 150 games respectively . With 3 rounds to go the battle in B Section to avoid relegation was intense with Geelong on 24 points followed by Old Haileybury, St Kilda CBCOC an d Coll egians on 20 points .
on Dodds, who started as a goal umpire in 1963, decided to try out as a field umpire and since 1964 has now umpired over 250 games, including two B Section grand finals . AJAX, 3rd in C Section, withstood a strong finish by Fawkner (ist) to defeat the top team by 13 points and keep alive their double chance prospects . Best were Feldpicer, Bluzer, Schulberg (AJAX) and Richardson, Ferguson, Ward (Fawkner) . Caulfield Gr. most prolific goalkicker . John Butcher, played his 200th game . His great career included interstate selection in e71, e75, e76 and to date, over 600 goals . (John was elected to the VAFA Executive in 1976 and served with distinction until retirement in 1981 N .R)25 YEARS AGO - 1972 Ormond an d O . Paradians played an exciting draw after Parade had many chances to clinch the game. However, the 2 points enabled them to move up to 3rd place ahead of Coburg. In a high scoring game Ivanhoe's accurate kicking, 23 .10 played a big part in the defeat of O. Trinity 17 .17, and they rose from 5th to 3rd, knocking Trinity out of the B Section four. It was disappointing for Trinity who, after 10 games, had been on top with only 2 defeats . Robinson, Berry and Ireland were best for Ivanhoe . Geelong ( B Section) had every chance to make their position in the four secure by beating 0 . Scotch but poor kicking in the final term (4 .11) let them down and they were beaten by 4 points . Well known umpire Ian Marsden was standing for Doncaster City Council (won the election and later became Mayor - Ed) .
Victoria finished too strongly for Tasmania and ran out winners by 32 points after Tasmania had got within 7 points of Victoria 10 minutes into the last quarter. Best for Victoria were Birrell , King, Wade, McCarea, Rojo an d Duke . 30 YEARS AGO - 1967 Collegians' inaccuracy 5 .18 against Caulfield Gr. 12 .7 cost them a place in the four . Noel Stokes played his 200th game for Kew Noel had been captain, Club B&F (3 times) and Australian Amateur player (later a VAFA selector) . Six teams were still in the fight for four position in A Section . Commonwealth Bank skipper, Tony Borrack, played his 150th senior game . CARNIVAL RESULTS Victoria 17 .19 defeated West Aust 4.10. Best players were Joiner, W. Roach, Smith, Fisher, Parkes, Mulcahy . Victoria 11 .15 defeated Tasmania 8 .12 . Best players were S. Will iams, H ughes, Proser, Sykes, Payne, Wood . South Aust, after a surprise defeat by Tasmania on the first day. convincingly beat West Aust on the second .
45 YEARS AGO - 195 2 Well-known Alphington identity, Pere Adams, played his 100th game . A Section results in sloppy heavy conditions Alphington 8 .13.61 d O . Paradians 3 .9 .27 ; Ormond 11 .13 .79 d O . Scotch 6 .10 .46, O . Melb 11 .7 .73 d Hampton Rovers 6 .2.38, Uni Blues 12 .15 .87 d Comm . Bank 6 .11 .47 and bottom team Collegians, yet to crack it for a win . drew with Uni Blacks 3 .10 to 4 .4 .
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E T-SHIRT OFFE R Present this voucher for your Free T-Shirt and fill in the space below for the opportunity of your club to win the Jag Wardrobe . VA FA Club's Name ---------------------------------------Valid till August 9th 1997 or until stocks last.
9% THF AMATFI IR F(lC)TRAf t ER 1997
~ he most impressive coaches that I have been privileged to work alongside deliberately educat e their players towards independence rather than dependence. Such coaches universally have a healthy respect for themselves and their players ; pride themselves on their clarity of decision-making in times of pressure ; and actively work at being a sensitive liso:ner and encourage all people involved at the Club . IT'S ,A CHALLENGING TASK Successful coaches appreciate the need to constantly entertain new ideas, upgrade their knowledge of the sport and arrive at the contest thoroughly prepared . Overwhelmingly, their communication skills are exceptional . From my experience the best coach:es tend to be honest, and rather than overburdening =players with extensive information, they recognise the value of brief, succinct and relevant messages/themes . Appreciating the impact high arousal and adrenalin levels have upon oneis memorv and concentration capacities, the skilled coach utilises a variety of tools (eg . videos, handouts, diagrams, interactive player groups, respected and knowledgeable football staffl to extract maximum effectiveness from the communication process . Individualising messages and spending quality one-on-one time with players prior to the game also provides coach and player with the opportunity to clarify any concerns in a private and personal manner. Such discussions are also excellent forums for coaches to highlight their faith and trust in the player to do the specific role designated and can provide a~enues for encouragement to take place . Above all, aim not to clutter the players minds rather clear their minds ; prepare thoroughly, welcome questions and aim to do better with each u-eekis coaching opportunity . Remember 1 . Aggressive, unapproachable coaches produce anxious, hostile and frustrated players . 2 . Provide individuals with specific feedback that encourages them to develop their abilities further . 3. Understand that non-verbal communication ofte n has greater impact than what is said to the player. 4 . When a player believes you have faith in their abilities . they rarely let you down .
5 . Encourage, encourage, encourage . 6 . Spend two minutes listening to every one minute talking . 7. Players will only listen if they feel you care about them . 8. Don't overload with information - keep it brief, be very clear as to what it is that you expect and provide adequate time for questions and interaction to occur. 9 . One-on-one discussions and small player groups (ie. forwards, backs, rucks/rovers) are very effective tools for more detailed explanations . 10 . Lead by example - never belittle, ridicule or humiliate individuals publicly . Always demonstrate self-discipline and provide constructive advice in an atmosphere where players feel safe and valued . Anthony Stewart Sporting & Consulting Psychologist Phone 9887 722 0
U19 COACH-OF-THE MONTH NAME: St Bede's Mentone Tiger s SECTION: U/19 Blue PLAYING HISTORY: 211 games for De La Sa lle . 'A; grade premiers 1980, 1983 & 1984 . Club Captain 1982, 1983 . Ve ry fortunate to play with great teammates. State Captain 1982, 11 Representatives games with VAFA. COACHING HISTORY: Coach of St Bedes Co llege First 18 several times over the years . Assistant Coach VAFA 1987. Stingray ( South Eastern) Assist an t Coach 1997 . U/15'& COACHING PHILOSOPHY : To assist players continued enjoyment of our great game .
FUTURE AMBITION : To improve my coaching and to assist St Bedes players improve each week .
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD MELBURNIANS v . OLD BRIGHTON Field : G . Waldron A . Price ST. BERNARDS 0 C v. DE LA SALLE Field : T. Carrick M . Wittmann OLD PARADIANS v. UNIVERSITY BLUES AT GARVEY OVAL Field : A. Flack A . Chapman Goal: Geoff Grigg Russell Owens OLD XAVERIANS v. OLD CAREY AT ELSTERNWICK PARK - SUNDAY - 11 .0 0 A. M . Field : D . Ischia S . Rolls Boundary : T. Bowman R . Kemp Goal : Bernie Dix Gary Clancy MAZENOD v . ST. KEVINS Field : G . Thwaites S . Lugowski UNDER-19 SECTION 2
UNDER-19 BLUE DE LA SALLE (2) v. AJAX AT WAVERLEY PApX Field : A . Carrick B . Schmidt HAMPTON ROVERS v. MONASH BLUES Field : D. Perkins A. Firley OLD XAVERIANS (2) v . ORMOND AT TOORAR PARK Field : S . McCarthy C . Stevens (J) OLD GEE . LONG v. ST. BEDES MENTONE TIG . Field : J . Bell R . Krishnan MHSOB has the bye
UNDER-19 RED CHIRNSIDE PARK v . TARRA VALLEY AT 1 .30 p .m . Field : B . McLeod A . Scherini ST. LEOS EMMAUS v . THERRY PENOLA AT WHITEHORSE RESERVE Field : D . Fatekas G . Moore NORTH OLD BOYS v . OLD PARADIANS (2) Field : D. Pullen M . Allen OLD IVANHOE v. OLD TRINITY Field : F . Karabelas D. D'Altera AQUINAS has the bye
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UNDER 19 SECTION 1 - 19.07.97
1.5 2.8 9.9 12.11 .83 C)D eqIC1PCQVY 4.4 J1,L ;grL.,;,lA.qS 10.5 11.9 15,18,108 aa cc :;ntwt Goal ktckers and txst pfaymcs na mcePred .
iv,l Fcr J!^-++s Gnch 4. Vecchto 3. Green 2- Talarico 2, Porteous. Rees, Pruscino . Raealll. ~[ ;, ::i .ll, .._n . ['resdno, Ventum- VVanO- Stevens . N2tien. 4,8 8.9 11 .14 .80 1.8 5 .9 6.10 8.11 .59 CLp ;.=LCiR,MtAh'3 p. La se' :, Cortn 3 . Hyland 3. M. Harker 3. McHenry. M. Me.un Best Corfn. Hyland, .; . I out, King. Harter.
C{J 5r .n.yu;--s Murray 3 . Younes. Berry, Seuxll . Coach. Miller. Beat Fah3nyl, Tandy. . Amor. --: , S:-J. F 4-3 7.8 10.11 14 .15,99 . Purcell M ST 5•3 7.4 9.10 12.18-88 .ERS 5 dHDS 5i P ct i;^-,%ra Bn- 3. Hunt 2 . McConnell 2. Quirk 2 . Day. Moore. Mount. Rattle. ScarM. Sea{b. Moore, Zeman . Haddad. McConnell . It Xr. uds Sheehan 3. LeKyudi 2. Mount 2- Feaster, (udM•a. tannaz2o, Orerman, ._. ,, :...h Beat Hogan .0~•etman, Evans- Nutter, fannazm . Pearce. 2.2 3.3 3 .8 5.7.37 ❑.il`E!2.:ITYBL128 p)D %AVERiAh•8 3.2 7.7 10.11 12.14.86 :Pey States Goal kdekers and test players not rececred . : VI qd gsirrkvn.s Ireland 3. Heaty 2 . FRrnung 2. Jates, Stynes, Stean . Mercurl . Barren. Beat : ;ny:i_ C . Canndus . BaL3nd. Fatrav, ~4ebb, Winter. 9-9 O1pCAREY 9-13 18.20 23-24.182 yr4g~OD O .C . 4 . Coste[b 3 . &ut~ Sa 2 . Lauktte 2, S.Btbod 2 . l,eis 7. 8 2. Bond 2. Hood . I lk p . Farner. Trmtter. Battle. y~3„rwd Hacrldns 5 . R(gg. IknYS. Paanccl . Y.7LSOn . Bert Rtgg, Parry . Meehan, Paducci. -.a Haxknu . UNDER 19 SECTION 2- 19 .07.97 OLDCP-=`-BERWEfl ' 23.18-154 ,L?RCEAffi 12,3 .75 (y d CarnbcaeB Hanson 6. Paterson 4, SaOar 3. Seeley 3, t4915ams 2 . Day 2, Mies. t~.-~ Kettle., Beat Day. Miles, Seeley, Kettle. Derry. Hans~t. 5!.rc^1!.~ . PappaLvdo 4 . fro 2- MeCailum 2. Randazzo 2. Roberts. Detrereelll, Bed tut. Roberts . RandarC so. Bettld, Pappaiardo, Van Lint. ' 1411EFR1AR8 2.4 4 .5 7.10 11 .12-78 gcq9i4RL4AAC. 2.4 8-7 7.10 8 .13-81 Rr.itcfct=re Bond 3, Winch 3. Northey . Reid* Phan. Eames. Johnson. Best Bond, Winch. Murray, R`,ttsh. tWnterbum. p;.a~ .zFa Vance 2. Spea!¢ntm . Celan, Palmer . McKenzie. Catltn, Heiler. Beat Wright . F'qZL4STOWN CYMS 1 1 8-2 8.5 10.7.87 i]tS'F&:ITY BLACKS 4-8 8 .13 11.18 14-18-102 .'JI! unataan 9Lkist 3- Murray 3 . Rickard 2- Gra3tvaskl 2 . Best Grocho,~sM. Harb, Hunt . 0 , .- _ .:a . Twist . Haddara. e^lty Blacks Peek 4. Henderson 2, Greenik'udc 2 . Hannan 2, 4VILson- Ckntentys, ~ ..~ . i, :.- Murphy. Best Ormatd . Henderson, Peck . White. Bryne. Schilling. R'ARRBv'GAL A .F.C . 0.0 0,0 0 .1 4-2-26 0LD HABEYBIlRY 5 .3 10.7 14 .11 23 .15.153 Werrt.ga151n 2, Beak . Pope . But Bell . Parkes- Hopgood . Taylor. Yin, NasraBah . 0I4 F'.%i!cyMuy D~ey 6. Saunders 4. San ;ila 3 . DLnatd . B. Langfwd Jones 2 . Poutney 2 . .~i , ; a 2. Rode . Best Thiele . Clarke. Davey. Saunders, Jatasekera. Somalia . OLD SCOTCH 1.2 4.6 9 .8 12.11-83 COLLEGIANS 2.5 4.6 9 .12 9.12 .88 011 scotch Crane 4, O'Brien 4 . Hau•kns 2. Crox, Lae. Beat Crow. Prendergast . Davis. cr: . L ;rx, Junkeer. Cour.yexu Grom.aka 2. Van Der Venne 2, Mallard 2, Britten. Clark, Janson . Beat Elg. I'.: : ~x, Van Da Venne. Clark. Godfrey, Glbson.
54 48 42
UNDER 19 (2) BLUE - 19.07.97 AJAX 6 .2 7.3 9.6 11 .8 .74 MHSOB 2 .2 10.5 12.8 14.10 .94 AJAX Why2cr~s 4, Colvin 3. Crarny 2 . Saw. Beat Why2cross. RaLSman . Calvin . Blashkl, Snou, Sbatme . MIL908 L. Taylor S. Brown 3, Bennett 3, Caller, Parker- Moore. Beat Sterling, Moore. T. Leaver L. Taylor. Osborne, S?msLex7s- Bravn. MOIQASH BLUES 4.0 8 .5 6.8 11 .10.78 DE LA SAL1E (2) 2.3 5 .7 8.10 9.14.68 Mwtnsh Shies R~ 4 . Herrman 2, Bragg*. Sullivan, Pocrr, Haa•kNS . Arnot. Best Bolton. R4scroe. Rtwdan, Sultn2n . Burston, Stewart. De In Salta (2) Ames 2. Loughran 2. Coghian- Reate, Hegarty, Rerper. Ck2tesy. Best Loathe, Harper. Asmus, Tucker. Cegtdan, Jdutstate . ST- BEDESMENT.1iG. 8.4 101 8 14-13 21 .17 .143 HAMPTON ROVERS 0.1 3.2 4,2 5.2,32 St Bs Merit Ttg Ringuell8 . Ryan 4, t47ntie . Senorita] . Carroll. GangL Napier. Kidd, McHugh. Dmty. Da~t•ee Bat Rtan . FaLLdngham, Fa.a, CenneBy, Cousins. WngwclL Hamplon Hovers NelSOn 2- Amtwr, Par}dn .son, D. Voss. Beat Rehn . Anderson, A Voss. S . Parkinson, Amtau- B . Dunha9 . ORMOND 7.2 13.4 18 .4 21.8.134 OLD GEPd.O:VG 0.0 1.2 4 .8 8.11-59 Ormond Black 7. Bobbins 5, Byron 4 . Broom 2. Thompson. Ro•aan, BzaalhursL Beat Tho . Lningstane. Biack. Robbins. Rowan, Bymn. mm= enby 3 . h9ms 2, Bird 2 . lavciin.s . Best Gatentry, Metnnes, Brauer . Gretton-A'atsat- R"alsh. Reuss. OLD RAVERIANB: BYE
UNDER 19 (2) RED - 19 .07.97 YARRAVALLEY 19.10.124 NORTIIOLDBOYS FORFEITED 10,11 .71 Yarra Valley Goal kickers and best players not receh•ed. Boys North Did Goal kickers and best players net received (Forfeited ) THEIiRY PEPiOiA OB 8-4 14,7 22.11 32.13.205 Ct1II23iS IDE PARK 0.3 2 .5 7.8 9.10 .64 lheny Penchi Zampogna 12, Stella 12, Boo+•agUa 2, Grant 2, hkMahon- J . Smith, J . Van Engelrn . tan Engelen. Beat G. Smith. Trewm- Stella Zampogna Davidson, Gooda7n . C~d kickers . eDPark and Gati best playas not receM1ed . OLD PARAffiA1Y'8 t2J 4.3 2 .5 8.7 13.7.85 OLD IVANHOE 3.3 8 .8 9.10 14 .10.94 Old Paratiffart, (2) CtaroLt 3, Sanero 3, Lynch 2, Derango 2 . Boyri. Joyce . Santos. Beg RedCard- Sacco, Price . Buttter, Todd. Rrfibroak. Old Ivanhoe Davis 3, Thmnas 3, Coyne 2, Oates 2. Spkten 2. Doarl. Whddell. Beat Willis, Barker, Dafies. Da•rts, Thomas, Rbdde9 . OLD TRINITY 1.4 5.9 8-10 9,15-69 q4ilINAS O,C. 7.4 9.4 11 .6 12.8.80 OId Trinlty Jones 2. Butter 2. Hall . Newman 2, Shaughnessy. Davatsts. Beat Shaughnessy, DaGat_Eis• Kassaby, Wilson . Medtln. Barr. Aqidtvs Cultteta 4 . Pete 2. Bteaknep, M . Hope. T. Maan- M . Goland. Beat Heeran, Hope. Beaknry, Pote, Cuttrera, Chapman . ST. LF.tS: BYE
Proud to be a Sponsor and the Official Supplier to the VAFA 166 GEORGE STREET, FITZR速Y, VIC 3065 TEL: (03) -: 7 1 7344
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Points after Round 14 matches . A team that has a bye is credited with a win. A senior win receives (8 points); reserves (2 points) ; U19 (5 points) ; club XVIII (2 points) . If a clubis 4 teams all win 6 bonu s points are given ; if 3 teams all win 4 ; if 2 teams win club receive 2 bonus points . Bonus points fro m previous rounds are also shown. NAM
4/4 3/3 2/2 BON.
OLD XAVERIANS II 11 18 11 222 6 30 25 2 ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 12 14 14 0 194 4 44 24 2 COLLEGIANS 10 13 11 8 177 30 20 7 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 13 10 0 172 4 28 20 4 OLD SCOTCH 10 14 1 0 9 176 24 200 NORTH OLD BOYS 13 10 9 0 169 28 1 97 YARRA VALLEY 0 B 12 12 10 0 170 4 20 19 4 WH IfEFRU1RS 0 C 11 12 11 0 167 4 20 19 1 41ZLLIAMSTOWN CY.0 14 12 5 0 161 20 18 1 DE LA SALLE 8 8 13 6 1 57 6 12 17 5 KEW 11 12 0 13 138 4 32 17 4 OLD CAREY 12 9 9 0 159 4 8 17 1 OLD BRIGHTON 11 9 6 11 i58 12 17 0 MHSOB 9 9 12 0 150 16 16 6 SOUTHBANK 14 14 0 0 140 2 24 16 6 ORMOND 9 9 10 0 140 24 16 4 BEAUhtARIS 11 8 7 0 139 12 15 1 OLD GEELONG 12 10 3 0 131 6 137 RCELLIN 12 9 2 6 136 0 13 6 OLD PARADIANS 4 5 i8 0 132 0 13 2 As a result of the following clubsi teams all winning in Round 14 (min . of 3 required) the following players win a pair of Blades boots - Old Xaverians (M . Holmes), De La Salle (B . Mannix), St. Bedes M .T. (G . '~tarinic), St. Leos Emmaus (A . McKenzie), Whitefriars (C. Houston), Yarra Valley (B . Peake), Old Carey (C. Matthews), Kew (J . Pulvarenti), Uni. Blacks (S. Smith) . These players were named best player for their senior team . Each player to phone Peter Warner (988 9 9222) to arrange collection of prize . If you have any queries with the above table please put in writing addressed to Sue Anderson, PO Bo x 359 Elsternwick, 3185 or fax 9531 6601 .
9 Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms before matches and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water Carriers. Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play. To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behind the passage of play . Trainers . May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Attire - Runners. VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only. Water Carriers . VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only. If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only. No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers . VAFA white/blue top % : ith navy blue track pants . If not VAFA top a plain white too only. Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only . Umpire teamsheet comments will be transferred to r ; c-_ .'•;Iy FINE$ LIS T (~'_% THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1997 45
SENIORS : All registered players with a permi t SENIORS/RESERVES : If both teams are playing, reserve player must have played at least 2 matches (be registered and have a permit) . U N DER 19 : Must be registered and have a permit . If player has played in an aggregate of 5 or more senior and reserve matches he must have played at least more than 5 U19 matches during the season . If player is ineligible due to above and is thus ineligible for first U19 final he can be played in any subsequent U19 final . U19 players playing in VSFL U18 after June 30 must at round 16 decide where they will complete the season (VSFL or VAFA U19 only) . Where a club fields a second U19 team to qualify for the Section 2 team, player not to have played more than 10 matches in U19/1 team . RESERVES : Must be registered with a permit. Must have played 2 reserve matches and not more than 10 senior matches during the season . CLUB XVIII SECTIONS : Players must have played in at least 4 matches and not played in more than a total of eight senior and reserve grade games .
Original and pink copy must be [oi igeci ~:-A.a t, riires later than half time of any atch. Each player must slgn,the original elearly beside name which must show first and s name.
Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin.
A Quality Rang e for your V.A.F.A. Club. i~ 째 o000 Beiersdorf Australia Ltd Product Information
A RESERVE SECTIO N OLD SCOTCH 13 13 0 0 1343 644 208.54 52 COLLEGIANS 14 13 0 1 1415 820 172 .56 52 OLD XAVERIANS 14 11 0 3 1428 779 183.31 44 DE LA SALLE 14 8 0 6 1276 1016 125 .59 32 VERSITY BLUES 14 8 0 6 1117 945 118 .20 32 LjLO MELBURNIANS 14 7 0 7 1129 1004 112 .45 28 C :D PARADIANS 14 5 0 9 881 1208 72 .93 20 CtpTRINITY 14 2 0 12 680 1461 46 .54 8 -yT BERNARDS 13 1 0 12 724 1419 51 .02 4 C_p HAILEYBURY 14 1 0 13 668 1365 48 .94 4 B RESERVE ST KEVINS 14 11 0 3 1425 768 185 .55 44 14 9 0 5 1337 769 173 .86 OLD BRIGHTON 36 1:111508 14 9 0 5 1107 884 125.23 36 THERRY PENOLA OB 14 9 0 5 1019 1017 100 .20 36 C 9'.,OND 14 8 1 5 1182 859 137.60 34 --cNOD O C 14 7 1 6 1037 859 119 .33 30 KwVHOE 14 6 0 8 1053 1025 102.70 24 ;YULE 14 5 0 9 603 1347 44.77 20 ,! :~_DiVANHOE 14 4 0 10 738 1133 65 .14 16 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 14 0 0 14 377 1563 24 .12 0 C RESERVE ST B'S MENT TIG 14 13 1 0 1485 561 264 .71 54 NORTH OLD BOYS 14 10 0 4 1386 655 211 .60 40 h1ARCELLIN 14 9 0 5 943 665 141 .80 36 MDNASH BLUES 14 8 0 6 880 881 97 .62 32 57 LEOS EMMAUS W P 14 8 0 6 841 965 87 .15 32 'NGMASTOWN 14 7 1 6 980 1028 95 .33 3 0 '0 M.ENT0NIANS 14 5 0 9 946 994 95 .17 20 -',' .'PT0N ROVERS 14 4 0 10 714 1147 62 .25 16 =. ;LLEENTEMPLESTOWE 14 4 0 10 710 1144 62 .06 1 6 4 X 14 1 0 13 491 1316 37 .31 4
CLUB XVIII (1) OLD XAVERIANS 14 11 0 3 872 280 311 .43 44 MAZENOD O C 14 11 0 3 929 606 153 .30 44 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 14 11 0 3 824 612 134 .64 44 COLLEGIANS 14 9 0 5 707 637 110.99 36 OLD SCOTCH 14 8 1 5 804 584 137 .67 34 DE LA SALLE 14 7 1 6 603 653 88 .29 30 STBERNARDS 14 4 0 10 430 883 48 .70 16 ST KEVINS 14 4 0 10 320 873 36 .66 16 OLD MELBURNIANS 14 3 0 11 450 1063 42 .33 1 2 CLUB XVIII (2 ) KEW 14 13 0 1 921 429 214 .69 52 SYNDAL TALLY HO 14 11 1 2 890 438 203.20 46 MONASH WHITES 14 10 0 4 898 545 164.77 40 MT LILYDALE O C 14 9 0 5 1043 613 170.15 36 MARCELLIN 14 7 0 7 560 640 87.50 28 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR14 4 1 9 504 965 52.23 18 THORNBURY COUGARS 14 3 0 11 696 932 74 .68 16 THERRY PENOLA OB 14 1 0 13 316 1141 27.70 4 OLD GEELONG 4 0 0 4 132 346 38 .15 0 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 14 11 0 3 1350 991 136.23 44 OLD PARADIANS 14 10 0 4 1649 1179 139 .86 40 UNIVERSITY BLUES 14 9 0 5 1516 908 166 .96 36 OLD CAREY 14 9 0 5 1372 1165 117 .77 36 DE LA SALLE 14 8 0 6 1243 1212 102 .56 32 OLD MELBURNIANS 14 7 0 7 1214 1327 91 .48 28 OLD BRIGHTON 14 6 0 8 1206 1394 86 .51 24 MAZENOD O C 14 5 0 9 1061 1433 74 .04 20 ST BERNARDS 14 3 0 11 996 1471 67 .71 12 ST KEVINS 14 2 0 12 914 1626 56.21 8 UNDER-19 (2) COLLEGIANS 14 11 0 3 1432 527 173 .16 WHITEFRIARS 14 10 1 3 1319 887 148 .70 OLD SCOTCH 14 10 0 4 1420 966 147.00 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 14 10 0 4 1191 1003 118.74 BEAUMARIS A F C 14 7 0 7 1116 1123 99 .38 OLD HAILEYBURY 14 6 1 7 1272 1099 115.74 WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 14 6 0 8 1114 1466 75 .99 OLD CAMBERWELL 14 5 0 9 1360 1155 117 .75 MARCELLIN 14 3 0 11 903 1392 64 .87 WARRINGAL A F C 14 0 0 14 608 2182 27 .85
44 42 40 40 28 26 24 20 12 0
E EAST RESERVE YARRA VALLEY OLD BOYS 14 12 0 2 1486 622 238 .91 48 KEW 14 12 0 2 1457 687 212 .08 48 OLD CAREY 14 10 0 4 970 493 196 .75 40 HICHMONDCENTRAL 14 9 0 5 1028 844 121 .80 36 0 _LEENCOBRAS 14 8 0 6 1097 912 120 .29 32 Cr =NSIDE PARK 14 8 0 6 806 796 101 .26 32 PARKA P C 14 5 0 9 738 1106 66.73 20 "= ::7H0RN CITIZENS 14 3 0 11 579 1742 33 .24 12 ":1 COLLEGIANS 14 3 0 11 384 1473 26 .07 1 2
UNDER-19 (2) BLUE ST BEDES MEN1OTIGERS 14 14 0 0 1935 442 437 .78 MHSOB 14 12 0 2 1409 827 170 .37 ORMOND 14 12 0 2 1441 905 159 .23 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 14 7 0 7 885 1048 84.45 HAMPTON ROVERS 14 6 0 8 1039 1256 82 .72 AJAX 14 6 0 8 869 1224 71 .00 DE LA SALLE (2) 14 5 0 9 706 1255 56.25 MONASH BLUES 14 5 0 9 724 1348 53 .71 OLD GEELONG 14 3 0 11 764 -1639 46 .61
56 48 48 28 24 24 20 20 12
E CENTRAL RESERVE U!71VERSITY BLACKS 14 13 0 1 1662 173 960.69 52 4 1LUAM5 TOWN CYMS 14 12 0 2 1281 516 248 .26 48 UNIVERSITY REDS 14 10 0 4 1000 596 167 .79 40 N 38TH BRUNSWICK 14 8 0 6 1009 726 138 .98 32 ,ESTBRUNSWICK 14 8 0 6 783 795 98 .49 32 0 FI S O B 14 8 0 6 804 1004 80 .08 3 2 "905E UNIVERSITY 14 5 0 9 332 1206 27 .53 20 ~.BURNE UNIVERSITY 14 4 0 10 384 1254 30 .62 16 C=D WESTBOURNE A F C 14 2 0 12 334 1437 23 .24 8
UNDER-19 (2) RE D YARRA VALLEY 14 11 0 3 1183 817 144.80 44 NORTH OLD BOYS 14 9 0 5 837 1018 82,22 36 OLD TRINITY 14 8 0 6 1259 909 138.50 32 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 14 8 0 6 1179 1011 116.62 32 THERRY PENOLA OB 14 8 0 6 1264 1210 104 .46 32 OLD PARADIANS (2) 14 8 0 6 1052 1137 92 .52 32 AOUINAS 0 C 14 8 0 6 1085 1241 87 .43 32 OLD IVANHOE 14 6 0 8 1084 1405 77 .15 24 CHIRNSIDE PARK 14 4 0 10 755 1477 51 .12 1 6
D RESERVE SECTIO N 'M7TEFRIARS 14 12 0 2 1194 665 179.55 48 ]LD GEELONG 14 10 0 4 1052 661 159.15 40 ?,>RKSIDE 14 10 0 4 1165 802 145.26 40 eF1rLdARIS A F C 14 8 0 6 910 871 104.48 32 C_ D ESSENDON GRAMMARI4 7 1 6 1049 709 147,95 30 ..FIELD GRAMMAR 14 7 0 7 788 791 99 .62 28 - _D C:-'.'BERWELL 14 5 1 8 763 949 80.40 22 째-'_L5IAN 0 C 14 5 0 9 817 1041 78 .48 20 S7 ='BHNS 0 C 14 3 0 11 662 1080 61 .30 12 :C'JIPl4S O B 14 2 0 12 555 1470 37 .76 8
E SOUTH RESERV E SOUTHBANK C B A AFC 14 14 0 0 1709 392 435 .97 56 PENINSULA 0 B 14 10 0 4 1110 696 159 .48 40 OAKLEIGH A F C 14 10 0 4 971 848 114 .50 40 S71,LjRYS 14 9 0 5 1037 985 105 .28 36 :-SNHUNTLY 14 6 0 8 830 946 87.74 24 `_3TERNWICK 14 6 0 8 826 1016 81 .30 24 .',ER HOUSE 14 5 1 8 800 894 89 .49 22 PATRICKS MENTONE 14 4 1 9 680 1007 67 .53 18 "-',ASH GRYPHONS 14 4 0 10 707 1040 67 .98 1 6 ~0 ALBERT PARK 14 1 0 13 605 1551 39,01 4
W D L FOR AGAINST % POINTS A SECTIO N 0 3 1546 1116 138.53 44 0 4 1387 1047 132.47 40 0 3 1316 1047 125.69 40 0 6 1189 1228 96.82 32 1 6 1257 1146 109 .69 30 1 6 1229 1337 91 .92 30 0 9 1240 1396 88.83 20 0 10 1190 1483 80 .24 16 0 11 1059 1300 81 .46 12 0 10 1091 1404 77 .71 1 2
11 10 10 8 7 7 5 4 3 3
B SECTIO N 11 0 3 1727 1153 149.78 10 0 4 1581 1292 122.37 9 0 5 1576 1274 123.70 9 0 5 1409 1142 123.38 8 0 6 1515 1375 110.18 8 0 6 1443 1531 94.25 6 0 8 1465 1378 106.31 6 0 8 1392 1494 93.17 3 0 11 1407 1951 72.12 0 0 14 1115 2040 54.66
44 40 36 36 32 32 24 24 12 0
C SECTIO N 13 0 1 1706 821 207.80 12 0 2 1588 844 188.15 12 0 2 1884 1115 168.97 9 0 5 1515 1282 118.17 7 0 7 1534 1378 111 .32 5 0 9 1280 1445 88.58 4 0 10 1190 1458 81 .62 4 0 10 1224 1640 74.63 4 0 10 995 1771 56.18 0 0 14 785 1947 40 .32
52 48 48 36 28 20 16 16 16 0
D SECTIO N 12 0 2 1689 1097 153 .97 11 0 3 1459 1058 136.61 11 0 3 1462 1159 126.14 7 0 7 1336 1286 103.89 6 0 8 1266 1348 93.92 6 0 8 1240 1409 88.01 6 0 8 1102 1316 83 .74 5 0 9 1280 1497 85.50 5 0 9 1057 1251 84.49 1 0 13 951 1411 67.40
48 44 44 28 24 24 24 20 20 4
E EAST SECTIO N 12 0 2 1974 12 0 1 1330 11 0 3 1922 9 1 3 1301 9 0 5 1364 5 1 8 1330 4 0 10 746 4 0 10 633 2 0 12 759
1002 197.01 743 179.00 929 206.89 745 174.63 1097 124.34 1201 110.74 1684 44.30 1946 32.53 2012 37.72
48 48 44 38 36 22 16 16 8
E CENTRAL SECTIO N 14 0 0 1399 12 0 2 1593 9 0 5 1024 7 0 7 1174 7 0 7 1041 6 0 8 1017 6 0 8 800 5 0 9 839 4 0 10 758
779 179.59 736 216.44 1105 92.67 1130 103.89 1180 88.22 1220 83.36 1184 67.57 1121 74.84 1190 63.70
56 48 36 28 28 24 24 20 1 6
14 10 10 8 8 7 6 4 2 1
742 296.09 1043 145.54 1118 135.15 1315 133.84 1324 107 .25 1538 85.24 1518 86.30 1929 62.26 1625 70.15 2199 44.70
56 40 40 32 32 28 24 16 8 4
E SOUTH SECTION 0 0 2197 0 4 1518 0 4 1511 0 6 1760 0 6 1420 0 7 1311 0 8 1310 0 10 1201 0 12 1140 0 13 983