The Amateur Footballer, Week 1, 1998

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~ic~lat the 1998 season is with us . to was ~i~i :< o!~:-~~nson h of th e " the administration change s eld structural CZ11r appear•ance on the horizon of a I, ,


C great competition as we have bric of our }'ear S .

RATION I-IANGES AT VAFA - 'HNIST , . ri ,~rru s of the staff have been rea llocated n i~.l : both Administratio ded Sue Anderson being han es T r, : : rcii j L General Manager to myself should b e d ir>n~ either within the current administrad and filled from outside applicants . <1ea1 of discussion it was decided that the an d Brett, being r."in I ; merubers of staff Sue should have thei r experienced and ~~~~,-1,cnpabtc n a~'~d so that their tasks were cen tral to the III, Association , ty for the ;, qucntt}- Brett assumes responsibi li Footballer" Amateur iiiirl~; 1rrt romP~don of the " responsibility for the development and all programs related to the Quit ;,;,, ;,,, ; 111'ana,_,'ingunder the con tr ol of the Under ) C+'.,_, i : airn the running of Under 19 football and takF :1orc o_omuient role in the servicing of VAFA , un :~ ;r< . ~uc anderson, reporting directly to myself 0hw administration of the tribunal and invesd ,~ .,~il :: nranaging administration matters as relate tr atio n as supervising the regis , t ; pirc as well


erliiation requirements related to trainers and -, I° ~~ctionumpires .

Registration Secretary Cliff Bastow an d .easurer Noel Rundle.who both previously did not do

their work out of Elsternwick Park are now domiciled at headquarters.

All of these changes in the management structure

have absorbed much time in the planning proces s and will work to make the VAFA an even more professionally organised outfit . CLOUD ON THE HORIZO N News that the AFL and VFL is considering draftin g players from the VFL competition only has caused much angst amongst VAFA clubs and supporters . Tha t our elite competition would eontemplate forcing every boy who has the dream of playing AFL football into a VFL stream at an early age appears to be ill conceived and would break down the sound structures that football at the elite level is based on - that is country football, metropolitan football and amateur football . After all do you build a house on a beach or do you build it on strong foundations? Concerned people can rest easy that the VAFA will work particularly hard to preserve our current position in this matter. Ashley Browne,reporting on the St.Kilda versus Age when writing Geelong match in last weekend's about ex Old Melburnian Andrew Thompson, wrote -`Thompson hails from the amateurs whose best players, apparently, will now have to play in the VFL if they want to be drafted . The former Old Melburniari s efforts yesterday would suggest the folly of that ." HAVE A GREAT SEASO N Best wishes to all clubs today as we embark on a new season. May success and enjoyment come your way often during the new season . I hope that everyone enjoys their year reading the "Amateur Footballer" and following the progress of the VAFA through an avid involvement with one's club .

fast .

'J L. id u

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4th,1 SS3 Price : 1 .5 ATEUR FOOTBALLER 1998

Vol . too


. 1

A SECTION by Jason Frenke l s the siren sounds at your ground today to ark the beginning of another thrilling seaso n of A-Section football, take a minute to think of the countless people who combine their efforts, energies and time to bring us the exciting, actionpacked spectacle we are privy to each winter. Everyone from the property steward to the orange-cutter plays an important role in club culture in the amateur game, enabling teams to survive and the competition to thrive. So as we turn our attention to the visible face of this great game namely the players, spare a thought for the tireless individuals who do their job for no other reason than for the "love of the game" (to borrow the well-worn cliche which Joseph Johnson - so aptly applied to amateur football in his history of the VAFA) . Remarkably, with the season beginning today, a number of players have had the distinction of playing representative football already, and before a 60,000-strong crowd at Waverley too! With the honour of tackling an Ovens and Murray representative side in the curtain-raiser to the Ansett Cup grand final, the amateurs performed with distinction to take out the SmokeFree Challenge Cup in a thrilling contest . Trailing by 29 points late in the third term, the prospects of a VAFA revival seemed dim, but Neville Taylors' charges found something extra late in the game to charge home to a thrilling victory before an appreciative crowd . Andrew Ramsden added bite on the ball after half time and Marcus Dollman, Tim Ockleshaw, Simon Wood and Mark Seccull repeatedly drove the ball forward in the last quarter as the VAFA came home with a wet sail . It was a great game and a taste, too, of the sensational season that starts today . Preview What a way to start the season with four blockbuster matches scheduled for Saturday before St . Bernards meet Old Brighton at Elsternwiek Park on Sunday to complete the round . Much attention will centre, of course, on the newcomers, with St . Kevins and Old Brighton both hoping to fare better than their predecessors, Old Paradians and Old Trinity, who resume in B-section for 1998 after just one season in the top section. With All-Australian full-back Robert Gross returning with Luke Mahoney to his former club this year, St. Kevins will be looking to open up their account with a win against Old Haileybury 2

this afternoon . SKOBS have been busy recruiting ove erthebak,wisom promising schoolboys joining the ch and with the experienced duo name on deck, St. Kevins have every reaso. season with confidence . The Blood: easy-beats . Simon Meehan took Old 1a fairytale journey last season whic, within a whisker of a grand final bei years effort will only make them hun the next step in season 1998 . If winners are grinners, then Leigh have a forced smile on his face Collegians side can lift a notch and i miership - the Lions have sat on or nea a couple of years yet the prized flag eluded them in spite of their quality s another strong season from Collegian start their 1998 campaign with a tot ment against De La Sa lle . The Dees xr ing to start this year in much the sat that they finished off last year - with all ing and a no-holds-barred attitude . Th run to make the finals fell just short la but with new coach Kevin Collins on b( host of exciting players, De La have ev+ to expect better results in season 1998 . Much has been made of the various f last year's grand finalists, and on pape Xaverians have had a better off-season runners-up, Old Scotch. Seven players i unsuccessful grand final combination 1, lost to the club, but Wayne Harmes new attitude is unlikely to dwell on the negai Cardinals will be hungrier than ever an( make amends on last years disappointir Their opponents, University Blues, will to start 1998 on the right foot after a di opening to the 1997 season - the Blues ho all but dashed midway through last seasc took a spirited second half revival just to, relegation . Andrew Smith takes over the c reigns and will be looking for the right mi x

eucc . Y0111.11 and talent to drive the Blues upward yi s, .a,on 1998 . old hielbu-Tnians , too, will be looking to put a ~jisanpo1nting 1997 behind them today when they niiigpremiers Xaverians in what shoul d m be a t~°lling llrst round encounter. Coach Michael orci heads a talented list of personnel at the Redie2s anu tl iis proud club is unlikely to settle fo r Isss than a final s berth an d a shot at the hi~; ntze it~ 1998 . They will have their work cut out to~ ; ;, m today, especially if the hype about Xavs pr ;, to be true. The experienced Jason Taylo r tb this yc h,» i,,rn added to their ranks, and many are preI above b di lrr ' tlsat new coach Tim O'Shaughnessy will z to start pit l: ttp v,-here Nick Bourke left off and guide the will not to another fl ag in 1998 . [aileybun Cite St . Bernards v. Old Brighton clash on !r took t1; Sr,uda}~ holds much interest, too . Punters are th, an d '. k , . n to gauge the playing ability of the reigning Bgrier to t< < raci ° premiers an d assess St . Bernard's prospects ,~ood year in A-section . Remember, St. Carlson , E3 rtlards looked all but gone last year before Foulds inspired his charges in a belated finuntil to tho season to stave off relega tion . They cervin the r the top t tti' want those dramas again this year, has so =< ' 1' i11 be keen to notch up a first-round win , ide. Exp all that in mind, here's wishing a ll A-seetn clubs every success in season 1998 . May your s, who :bs cear be ac ti on-packed, excitement-fi lled and gh assi, ill be lo r' i!

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eir ela7_ II. 1S - ROUND 2

" st.4seasc ~LGl~3 v . ST . KEVINS EP Sunday ~j ~ I V ERS1T`i BLUES v. DE LA SALL E Ty reas :.t) 13RIGHTON v . OLD SCOTCH 1tELBURNIANS v . ST . BERNARDS )rtunes -i,[) I JAILEYBURY v . OLD XAVERIANS at leas than ic iom the : ave bee : r-say-d : ives, T1: I keen : g fmisF be eagc Phil Stevens or Brett Conne ll sastrot :: chat to John Ke lly during his aes wer< program "As the Mood Takes Me " nand i stave oi. oachirr of expe

ST. H EVI%S v. OLD HAILEYBURY FIELD : Anthony Damen Wayne Hinton GOAL : Kevin Segota Ross Richard s DE LA SALLE v. COLLEGIANS FIELD : Jamie Kvins Steve McCarthy BOUNDARY: Tim Dodds Brendan Corcoran GOAL : Anthony Simpson Shannon Ryan OLD SCOTCH v . UNIVERSITY BLUES FIELD : Martin Jackson Graeme Thwaites GOAL : Brad Nash Geoff Grigg ST. BERNARDS v . OLD BRIGHTON FIELD : Albie Firley Mark Gibson GOAL : Bernie Hoare Brad Nash EP SUNDAY Reserves GOAL : Bernie Jephson Daniel VanDuser OLD XAVERIANS v. OLD MELBURNIANS FIELD : Richard Eastwood Heath Little BOUNDARY: Stephen Johnston Cameron Kealy GOAL : Dominic Napoli Reno Barichievic h .-., ;>J 2, '

3 .30 p .m . Thursday


A tlOil


Evans I Raw 36AASboC 2 P.Femma 36B.RSha1k~

nGx 46 47 DMf t 46 =Srtih 49 TMin Der Vienna 50 g

StLC 51 P.Badar f 13G .Pak~rer 14 J Rr~a H' s 18 A 55 A Waken 55 EJ M I17 Waking RB 56 19COaiJzn 57 20 rson ~ A7tpnPson 21 A3 22 D. ite+r 60 23S.Y 8f ~~~ Q~M.oDar~c9 25 N. ~ S~ ~M.Crttle 029 h 67 3 R C~a 31 JNwes a) 32DThonmi 70T.Sint, 33 M.Cou6 7 1 35 R~ 6~ 3 72 7 36 F~g 74 75 39 M ~ ~6~ PT.Ftu#

Coadt:f~ Tappi Res . Srx~ Sr1r (m :

1 A 44z.xialc 30 J. Mudie 2 JMtvtl) 31 S.b4.rcry 3 D. Cron 37 J . f~ifhy 3 R Oa dey 32g vffo. 4 L. Hal 38AM~ 5 Cm 39 R Smote, 4 MTW 33S .Garobdn At 40 bt 8vla 5 N Pony = 34 ht Ask! 8 CV+h'r~t 4~1 M.Fi~ 8 SP}Jesm 35SMerar 9 CC.t~ 42 R Mh Fs 7 gLogv1 38 B. Porrdc 10 T. S7wrs 43 L&t~ 8 G .Hp+al 38J.R* 11 AE:are 44XC",ary 12D.Tat~ 44T.Fh~r~sy 9 SLenm 39AFr,dia 3 10 R Hartrm 40 N g,pft 1 A JYtl rd~rssfrne 4S M F~n 13 11 A RVaM 41 14AQccfl 47Dtegi 15J.Fbdiff 47D, 12H8dea 42 A Corks 16ACsaa6 4gD .9~ 13RKet 43C.gEw . i 14 8 Paterson 44 A Down 1S 50 17A~ SOJ.Cb~t 51 15 D. Tynvrel 45 T Desrryyi 19JT~ 52 &~ 16J.&a1y 46D.Herser 20gCore 52D . 20 P.0"&Hn 53 L 17AP113W 47D.1Vffim 21D.Jasksm 53A6 ._ 18 M J3d= 48 22 R 54 6 '..,19AM4,er's 49M.Barba O.OGram- ~ 5 4 JS23 . Q X y, _g 20 A P:tkey 50 S Wft. 24 J. Mu,B 56 M, t,1,y 25 G. FMws . tsr 8rsb" 21 NVfiAsr 55C,Tarrs 22KFard 56Rgwm '.. ~PYYkNz;W 55'8 A ~8 27 L ftDa PII 59 8. ta'gmf 23ARyu 57AMciadt en 28SHart 59C. 24 R Carer 59 R Few 25S Wee 61AMs 2 9 6R~ 31Kt.arnBc e2 RBsser, 26 L Md3amya 62 A LevS 32R 6 33S.Md.ina 27 D. P?Mratet 68 T. LetrKn 28AAtlatn 71B .AWSm 3.~?MOtkrn~ ~SA,~ 29 PM 84 P. Mcklahm 34A ~f~'d ~Ag.{.~


Coach: Simon Meahm Coach : e ~ (~: Raw FaicLufs Res. Co gSn ; ~ (~: r~ 1 A 8~ 32 P.0'Dotr69 2 D.Cav~ 33P. Hatt! 4 C.MdCam 35D~ 5 D. Wadai 36 8. Lay 6 W. S~ 37 S. OY'xamj 7 Adxnti ool 39 B. C. 8 MQbn 39MS enato ic 9 C.hkrra 40 H = 9 R .Ykber 41 g .., 10 C. Ef--thrpi 42 D. Sra4? 11Ghlrata 43R Pechar 12D.SemA 47AWkwoa . 13 g Sccg 14AFv-11 451y M 15R~ ~P~a Kees 16 C.tMxGn ~S anjor; jxes 1~~ 50A8cmtiJt 17 Ash ftn 51 P. Omxd 18M COVabla 520, Fkid 19 R 51 C ~C~ 54MTi~ 21AWadqi 55L6prs_ 23 h! S:cz6 57 M Y 24ARxs 58R 25 0. Revtwd3 59 L Hard nai 26 G.o tea me. 27a 61 28 Sk'abor 62 29 R Parer 63 30 R 31B.M~ g

(M : 1 Rt BaitB 96 C 2 S.TtoMa 3 ARom 4 g Brera 5 L®m 6 P.HOr" 7 C .Thmpu 8 Al Lo5Q4 92S~ 10 T Robeffi 11 bi .k9z5 12AFkw& 13 S 1'lass, 14J.Bm 15 16C.Egxy 178.BAd 180.KeeW 19 a Corral 20 J.Cuest 21 LBopJ 22AYhJded 23 M Sony 24 25 26 C. Ksxr#j 270. 8~d 283.P.ue 23 30 1. MdAffn 31 J. Rat 32 A

Under 19 (1) Conch :: Clay Weser U19 (C) : S . Hyland

Under 19 Coach: Tim Klllwo rth U19 (C) : I LStlxfrS 37 2 N.lvndt 38 3 dYa ~ 4 D.(T2ar ft 5 LTa,ir 41 S.S~as 42

7 M. M1~Mmmq


8 N .Haiamt 44 C . Gbson 6 45 10 4 12MC,fi9n 48 13 S.pp~'~~q 49 T 14 J. Bra~n ~ 18 i6A Bader 52 17 T.~g 53 18 D. RNd 54 19 t Matte 55 20 J. Vttts~xs 56 21 C.Chart m 57 L= 7~3 ~ 24 U Go t 25 N.&a~ ~@ ~ 64 28 g 29 66 30 67 31 J. Rom 68 32 .San~ p A Daim ~B ~


1 M.Alhens 198.Merari Amu 20 M Weed 3 R .6eaW 21 A Mee r 4 RBpvu 220.Mope 5 P.BO~ 23 D.NaE. 6 C.8 La1c 24 P.Naa46 ~ 7 X t~ ~~p 9 J.C+aM 27AkSCiti 10S.6dx 28 gRsaja 11T.Fdv pKm 72 N. Fate 30 D.Stris, r 13S. Hart 31ATakYi 75CN ~E~ 16 S. 34 Sµ}~pJ; .t~brst~g 18M.M ~~ry 35C

Under 19 (2) COG* Craig WVmm

Utn P A Donalson 2 T &n~Yc~ 6

~ J.AI a~ ~2 04J~21 S

~ 22 AM.

A~ L~ M, DJW 2 I8 . E 25 S. 4M Mcrt~ 9 D. Farrar 26 A 10 C. Qamera 26 8.43..~ 11 R 26AL,,t, 12AHancock 27Er'.ilin 12 K Hsrpcf 28 M Fg, 13M .Farrel qL~ 13 A ~~5~"m 14 G ~ 15AJarksn 31P! ~Staft i6 D.J3v's 32 N. . nOp 1 7 17 B. Jeftnes, 32 J,

Under 19 Coach: Leigh Bowes U19 (C) : I A Faros 2 S. Grated 3 CaEari 4 W. Egi 5 N.Bogn 6 T. ErR t 7 C~Finje, 8 T Handrry 9 LO'Nal 10J.Y a, 11 SDim 12 A Rotseron 13 R 0N91 14 A C» e,in 15 G. NorrROd i6 J.Thmttow 17 C.Bartuv

18 H. Pas 19 M. can 20 A hk1<vJhSt 21XCaa 22Atfth 23 J. Theresa 24 25 A Boyd 26 S . rat 27 P. Makc 28 A Amaf;s 29 C. Sevrat 30 D. Sbdd* 31 ATIqTe 32 R HaA^rdd 33 M. kcBtiy 35 T 6ridqe

Under 19 Cos* Greg Laescock U19 (C) : i C, Horns 16TRogers 2 S. Dow 17gHM 3 ABnrr 18 R1aJd 4 M. Ctr;hdn 20 C . E$=,iou 5 LRop! 21 S. Dot 6 R Clean 22 D. Masorl 7 J.Rd>emon 23RBradt3m 8 D.taf 24 D.Hargm 9 S. Parma 25 N,Bi,gs 10 D. Hattqr 28 J .BM 11C.As* 27LPadeu 12 D. %Xrq 29 C. Joyce 73CaPi4son 30ARods 14 T.F9En 60 hL Sonja 15 C. iWasakone

Unc Coach: Marl U19 (C) : 1 J.Cocef 2 C. Great 3 D. Fobif 4 C Mj^ 5 AEkna 6 RBceN 7 C. Fad 8 C.Jxairs 9 J. mrsea 10 P. SPrSxy 11 A FA ;td 12 E41bat 13 D. P;trasot 14 D. AbWJsr 15 16 R A%ts 17 J. Pamncrq

The Angel Tavern Gryph Inn 4 ~ ru~ n . . . -.. ~..___

-_ -~~ Sectio n r ,

~ • ~ ~



lichael Ford a,:



C,- Ch : Wayne Hannes R s. Coxh: Dav d

ck h c r (C) : S . Steelz ~ : T. Hott, R . Prim

33 G L. 34 35 D. &e 36 A'~ _ 37 33AA?cn 39 40SCr 41 O.P1 42 P.Th--c 43 44 45 Z U9 46 D. Ft 47 P.TFr•;y 48 C ; -, , 49TS~ri 50P.M : 51 C E._~ ; 52 fl Cs : ; 53 A P.54SE55 S h+~

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37J.t,-..d -aR --•t " . . .,,n ~M :.* 40 A W~ 41 A 0-- : iam 42 S, Dane r, ma 44AtOWym $T ~ 46 S. F~n - ~=:.n47T.Fiad 46 P. 03+s ld,y.- <3QTtarm a7C.Ts>c~ 51 A F*3rW L? RC ~ay ~D. f,~,{,gpd sj4A4 eflnpaf


55 A WLrd


56 TW~ ' --,,;-: 57 Pt b4xr s 58 N .TttanpEai 59 A WOW 60 M Wabcr

81A74&ac 62 A Lir as 83 T.6ay +-- ;n; ; 64b~a&0'Ran

Ier 1 ~0

i M IXooi 35 P. Swat 2 M Barks 37 J. t~ 3 LaF~ricberry = 38 T. J~nes 4 39 N.O~ 5 AM 40RRrat 6 A 47A~rn 7 S. 42LRareq 8 M F;~ 43 T. N4od't~ 9 G. H~i 47 a h~at 10 45 T Cotydem''n itA~nJ:~ 46Pn~vJ~ 12East 47dKe7 13t Gtatroai 46 M JnrE 14QS:ne( ~RDioa1 15 J. T8ytY 501 Q~ 16LFad 51D.Wam 17 D. PxhvAat 52 P. Ca q rac? 18S.Ffit~r 504.0 19D.5mn 54RJ~ 20 M H rc4ran 55 P. Saler 21 T, Cddedm 55 M Ordagfm 22ABaA;e 57 23RBary 58 24&Ca~Oat 59 25 P. LsdM ~ 26 S. Tucker 61 • 27 L Fay 62 28 B. C~a 63 29S Wmd 64 30 D. Dan 65 31lTWjeriwm 66 32 A 6r daWd 67 33 S. Hetly as P. 34A8E&

coach Terry Kendall U19 (C) :

Under 19 COG* Pat Fl6wkhs COM (i) Ca®dt: ( U1

26 . . ..t 27ACoi8s 28 . :, - . .23 30 -


, ,

31 32

33 34 ., .-35 ._ 36 ~. 37 '. . •


+tl•rmf 33 _~ 41 m^. 43 44 %, ~rg r. 46



- -

~ 49 50





35 S Fid1e

Under 19

: Ubardi 18 E F2r¢; 19 R H~ars 20 EAbff 21 W.Nr,~22 C. Pay 23LIvrb 24 T SW,, 25HTun, 26 T K1-~ .A.r _27W 28 C . Sir23 M. Fk,, r X NC31,11 :;rra 32 M.6r ; : 33 N .cow, 34 R Bats

OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Tim OShaug teassy Res. Coach : Affichael Matt Srx (C): M Blood ~ (VC) : J. Bowen, D. Flichardson, Q Landr'gan

P 9

I AB&•>~ 35S 2 C.Fatdt 36A 3 B .Bo ,#a'n 379.lAcCxa h 4 D. Bab 38J.bHmre7 5 C. Caarods 39 T. M3GtEy 6 S .Catoit 40J .Mda^;rt 7 8 .Ctric6e 41 Rbiaraji 8 C. Carlat 42 B. Media 9 T. 43 C . Mqr$nrr y i0 R 44

Ctmav 45 POdSaiviv 12T. Dais 46J.oY'aM 13 J. Dom 47 KOb.~t~ 14ADfacp 48AO~i iS TFatox ~ T. FaAs i6 J. F~r 50 M Cvn 17 R Fe* 51 N. P7~ 18M .Fkyerekl 52D.Fam~ 19 M . Fta t 53 M Fiah 20 P. W'mltr 54 D. Rysn 21 TCi~n 55 ASd,k 22 R Hal 56 a


e Hat4~'is 5 ~~ 3 24 J. J. H 756 AD.~ 25J.Hede E9C.Sto is 26 JC 6D D. 27 ..H me 81 D. SSt>Ia/ 28 R.laoxa>~io 62 T.



~ P ~

67 M~





Coedt G w Res. C Sru (C) : ltdte Gollant Sac (1lt,y :

Coach : Tim Hart RBS. Coac h: Hartley Sione Snr (C) : Snr (VCj:

Coach : AndrewSmlfh Res. Coach: Pat Mackey Srg (C) : Sow (VC):

i ACanib 29D.0'Canor 2 J. H~Atidc 30 J. DEban 3 A d•~ 31 M Farm 4 V. CpNm 32 T Harve/ 5 be Mart 33 Jaitws hbu4 6 O NPood 34S.D~y 7 S.FcsTeft ? 5MJiir~

39 SCatAe 1 NWet 2 J. Q/nan 40 4 Nat 3 M 2`aU/ 41 J. F smsr.G 4 W K~mi 421 ~ 5 M Doinai 43 D. 6 0.C~a 44D.Ma t 45QWagtt 7& IW rie~,y 46 J. Po~' 88&D~ 9 M Gngerq 47 B.OJAc 10 N. Frr 48 S. hkCavtFl 11 D. R~ 49 12ME;iao 50SWrine 13R8a+tzs 51d03roy IM 14 L V~e xy 52 J. 15MCtx 53J.Ga baatrf 16 a Garvey 54 S .COW 17MTaz+mi 55dC aby r A Woe 56 Rt. Pmpao IS 19D.St~ty 57C.Bc~rg 20P.Ot+,90fa 58J.Fi0axi>3 21 J. Sbag 59 N. S -y 221 Macy 60 d (~ 23 APi+~a 61dHanvn 24S.Pas~ ~N.Cd~vWt/ 25dMai sc 63J. &>t~t 64 C. E~ 26 A 6aa~ua a 27 R Gr~s ~ T. an 28 M Fa~q.>h im 65 J.14 a3fA 29 A hM1aat 67 S. 037 . C1r€s 68 M D~am 30 D

.Lerst I 0.S6nTm 370 2 J. Star-ti 38 J. Ryan 39 a RYin 3 J. SIlrtak 4 D. Gtag~irh 40 B. k~r 41 M Ka* 5 P. 0'CUr~€9 6&qad 420.10>ls 43J.h7dt&s h 7 D.F~ 44R Feghasr bn 8 r1L~ne + 9 S. A1~e ~ Q 1J~8~1 10 D. NVesiz* 46 T..lutrs~n .B~'ana 47 S 8ad7ey 11 C 12 48RC:r~pr 13CtiEv~ 49D.Stedt 14 T. RoyJf>a~ r'-O H N~ 15MKortbc 51Stdr}7,ahm 16 C. ScraR 52 S. la4e1

8 L Vessabo 36 C .

8 A CBpes (f7 37 & OJrrio 9 J. Kevt~h/ 38 D. 10 N 33S .Dux~j' 100. masteftes 40D. ~ 41B.Ox~rmn 11 P. Capes 42 T. Pataiov~ii t2&Ho3~t 43C.D a% 13 S M3reai 44 S Ta/rt 14A7hmvas 446RUm R 14 A Vtmmrt .ii 45 M Oa+6g Q~ 46Q@~rne 15T.W8vr~n 47AO~bane 15 L O+amat R 48 G CtiM1s 16 C. tra~ 49 A FensRx 17&Sr~n 505.

516.C a~t a i8P. F~~ = 52RNM 19LGo5mx 20 T. Shaeh3n 53 D . Law 21 B.d ta4h6n 54 Q Thanm 22 A in 55 M Taw 56 C. Cusack

23 57 L Fisgas 58 P. F~ M ~ 24G.L1eA9trtdH C9SB~+r~e 25, P. Ka2rt;g t ~ A C~'~ 26 J. Gdart 61 J, Curigivrn 26MC~ 62MTabot 27 A tJsttai 63 0.2mhar R 28 P. Cirqtr 64 P. FA~tl 29 J.O.+#nt~t 65 P. Fre~r~

Under 19


S .OCorna 68 P Ra 33 G. Mkzly 69 M Ry~n 34 P. Sr.xb 70 P. 2aYim 35AThanas 88J. 0iek 36 D. Kera~}/ S. Wag . 37S Kaned~ 38 Q Srtdh

Under 19

17G.Da 53R Vasloppen Qm igSy 54 D. Kd'j 18S.~ 55J.Has~ 19&Haraid 56M Mod 57 23 Z MX:aty 21 T. hkNfjte 58 59 LF~ 22 23T.Wiatt ~D. ~ 61 24&Fupty 25 A H~ 62 N. Tatbr 26 C, Was 63 G.1IXge 64 27 B. Ftid v 28 0. BY~n ~ R B~ia m 65S. C~aa.' 23 3 M"* ~ D. ~ ~ M A Ntgan 32 ~ 33 L Twetlda 70 T. Sin«k 34J.lkWnm 71 35 A&#a 72 J. Nam 36 L ktan'sm


Under 1 9

Coach ~t Osbana U19 P

C~ Pa w F~ U19 p.

Co6<h Stem Carroll mg P.

1 B.s Sm 23D. Mat~aare 2 RP=7nd~ 24A Magsbeas 3 Rltgri 25dJa1s 4 RBarid 26ACeesm 5 J. Poatnn 27 JannsMarrt 6 P.tan~m 28J.Zam 7 N.Sm88 29J. Ceara 8 J.Od3tcy 3D S Ba'g 9 S."iadt't 31 J.E✓as 10C.Csbane 32TH" 11 S6idsn 33 S.Srt~ 12At~a 34 13 S.Bua}n 35 14 A Ross 36 iSAPi~r 37J.tb7d 16 A Masrcpmpu 38 17 TFer4a 39 18TJar~s 40 19 L Ka+arv~t 41 20 D.Shad>3n 42V.kda 21 M Pak;tao4 43 Q DM 22 P. RztA

I AC~ay 26A8eaaFa 2 NW~ar 27N.PareC 3 P.kkut 28RZaret 4 S .l~a-de~net 29ACutan 5 CN~ 30P.Ft~et

I Aitbat 22RMdrnrtw 2 SBajanim 23T.htata e 3 C .Erccks 24T.h1d.9at 4 J.Cai ;apas 25LA5m's:n 5 B. C~ay 26 N. M1~ 6 AC®k 27C.t4a6te7 7 AGarJad 28 S. Par.;are 8 W C~u 23 W. P1E 9 H.C#risS a 30 P.Shvat .it 10LOwrhktre 31J.S>~Fg 11 F. 32 ASatltaisrd 12C.Eas 33ATmi 13 S Fergmi 34 B.Tuic 14 A. F~aod 35 L lkdr;nAOd 15J.Hotlag 38NWg k 16 J. HtEdat 37 J. W~d 17 W. J26= 38 J.VA f t 18QfGg 39AVA~ 19 J.lyis 40 R Ykodn2rd 20D.tealy 41QVAnd 21 M .md(ef av


6 B. F41s 3P. Harve7 7 B.Shdr/ 321 SOCarqr

8 Th'6.'m 33d0'Carnr 9 LCre Sxei 34 T. ~ OdR~d 35E 11 T.Ctarky 36 Aertth 12P.8ax 37N.S~t 13 AS1ra1 38 GNdasen 14N.A'uaa 15 A P~ 40 N. Six K 41 ~j A ~ 18AHASe 43 19 C. Gok~xrtlt7 44 20 P.0i~ 45 ~~~ ~ 23 P~


24H5ha 1t7 49 25 J. Ferai 50

John Allan's

~c vs~ i ~ 82 A lavdEr 66 D. Waysaq

Golden Fleece Hotel Sth . Melbourne

622 ~ Rd pOO&

932 6 2799

BJWZDZN ~aro ~~

eason 1998 begs the question "Can some other Zsides interrupt Old Trinity and Old Paradians oscillation between A and B section? " MHSOB appear to have recruited well and could well emerge as the big improvers . Ormond, Old Ivanhoe an d Ivanhoe also appear likely to challenge and expected new kids on the block Mareellin and North Old Boys to give some cheek throughout the year. PREVIEW MARCELLIN V. OLD IVAPIHOE Marcellin fresh from its success in 'C' Section last year will be looking to consolidate it's position in 'B' Section . They face a slightly new look Old Ivanhoe with new coach Stewart Glascott, brother of David Glascott, and player and coach at Old Geelong . Old Ivanhoe also has a new captain Anthony Aper Parker . The club has recruited well and new players include Jason Taylor, Paul Northey and Andrew Egan . Big things are expected of James Hope, fresh out of school football. Old Ivanhoe suffered a pre-season blow with last year's leading 'B' Section goal kicker, Lachlan McLean, breaking his leg last week (here's to a speedy recovery) . Old Ivanhoe by 18 points . MHSOB V. NORTH OLD BOYS MHSOB have had a busy off-season with a number of departures and arrivals and are keen to go at least one step further this year . Two high profile recruits are Ewan Thompson (Richmond) and Peter O'Brien (Collingwood), A Section best and fairest winner in 1996. The club has lost the services of "Doc" Glover, key forward Nathan Johns and Dan Woodley, club best and fairest last year. Long standing captain Dean Comer will end his 9 year stint as captain with an appearance in the reserves . The club is holding a lunch in his honour on Saturday. North Old Boys have added extra experience to their coaching staff to ensure they stay in 'B' Section . Senior coach Frank Dunnell will be assisted by John Newbolt . In the Reserves the coaching team is Darren Caddy and Mark Dyson and in the U19's Andrew Ryan and Gil Huckstepp. 1998 sees the return of former players Paul Booth and Owen Abrahams and the debut of Ben Jordan, son of John Jordan, premiership player and coach . "1997 VAFA Personality of the Year" Bruno Conti has hung up his boots for 1998 .

Despite North Old i Boys good pre-season form, MHSOB by 24 points .


Ormond has secured the services of a nf for season 1998 . Steve Grace an ex-pre : player with the club . They have been strengtl the return of Matt McConvill (Sandringham) Block (Sandringham), David Turner (Carli Paul Marnow (overseas) . Plus the recruitinâ‚Ź Werner (Tatura), Matthew Nash (QAFL) an Firnmell (Echuca), Craig Symes (overseas) missing from action this year. Old Trinity after a disappointing seas Section are expecting to reassert themselv Section . They will be strengthened by the r Ramsden (Essendon) and have recruitec Stephens from Box Hill . Departures include Hatfield to Old Xaverians and Matt C Richmond . Old Trinity have a number of injur Ormond can be hard to beat at home . Ormoi points.

IVANHOE V. MAZENOD Ivanhoe is counting on a better start to 1 son to ensure a part in the finals action . C oValknishecdyratIvno E reported a strong turn out for pre-seas sources at the club expect "the selectors v their hands full" picking the sides . Ivanhoe has retained the services of its k ers who include Trevor Timms, Steve & Chris Tucker and 1997 club best and faire Flynn. They expect further improvements from i grown players Tom Healy and Danny Ryan . Ivanhoe is holding its season launch lunc Ivanhoe Park beginning at 12 noon . Mazenod is looking for further improvemf its current crop of players to remain competit Section . The players expected to improve t] include John Ballenger. Matt Quirk and Fisher. Ivanhoe at home should be too strong . Iva 40 points . OLD PARADIANS V. THERRY Along with Old Trinity, Paradians can be ed to be a force in 'B' Section this year after a season in 'A' Section. Old Paradians launch season with a jumper presentation and fan

and have enjoyed good form in their tast «eekend a well organised recruiting pr ,-se:~son g~,,ueS. Withhave ~ proress in place parade the local areabeThe l,~~(rs from Assumptio n players to flow through li,t) c~pects a number of 2zn . Lndcr 19 progr

T I l r . ~T e expected to be around the finals action l is ~e~u and are kin~fmor~ further improvement players g through the tr (' m its }~aunger accomplished at home . s' should be p1radian by 36 points. . „nrents tF) 9654 6532 or (B ) -~ I ~~radUis ,,, ., (... _® . ~ i~o~~ 2Sb0 by 12 noon Monday . W coa; : niersrc iened t Warr ; on) ar.: of Nu ~ Trar, wi ll t , ) n in :. 's in 'c eturn ( Tra%i, onballe ; reig t: .es an id by 2 (

his sFa ch Dc:, nd l~~_z on am ill hw :


: Tim MARCELLIN V . OLD IVANHOE FIELD Sutcliffe James Van Beek BOUNDARY : Anthony Dc~Icn Luke Russell GOAL : Robert Dunstan Vin scoci

MHSOB v. NORTH OLD BOYS FIELD : Phil Calls ,~tark Bushfield BOUNDARY : Michael Chapple lances Maxwell GOAL : David Murray Skip Shipley OLD PARADL9NS v. THERRY PENOLA FIELD : [,)en Allen Ben Schmidt BOUNDARY : Greg Shilo Robert Mutton GOAL : Bernie Dix Phil Ber g ORMOND v. OLD TRINITY FIELD : Darren Dalfieish Geoff Curran GOAL : Charlie May Peter [3ctiker s IVANHOE v. MAZENOD FIELD : Cameron Nash Damian.. Lane GOAL : Russell Owens Malcolm Venn

eyplay . unders St Pefe r


:s hom: heon a t nt from vein 'B us year Simo n

shoe by

expectdifficult A their illy day

The Age VAFA sportswriter Garry Petroff writes about Saturday VAFA matches played and previews the Sunday A section Match of the Day.

VALE - JOHN GARTNER (November 1953-March 1998 ) The Marcellin Old Collegians Football Club today mourns the death of one of its "favourite sons" and football legend John Gartner, who tragically died on Saturday evening March 21 after suffering a heart attack when returning from a run . In 1968 as a 15 year old schoolboy, John played in the first ever team to represent Marcellin against Frankston in the YCW competition when some players failed to turn up for the match . Three years later whilst in his HSC year he was a member of the club's inaugural VAFA 1971 F Section premiership team and also played in the 1974 C Section and 1976 B Section premiership teams . Along with his brother, Peter, John was a valued member of a core of players who took Marcellin from F Section to A Section in a record 6 seasons . Affectionately known as "Crabby" to his mates John was the youngest member of the well known and respected Gartner family . He had a distinguished VAFA career . He played 171 games, captaining the club and winning a best and fairest award, as well as representing the VAFA including the 1977 Adelaide AAFC carnival . John Gartner was not a flashy player, but solid, honest and dependable and could alway s be relied upon to do the job required of him and more . These qualities were evident in all facets of his life - family, business, sport, social and community. John Gartner lived his life with dignity and integrity and was a wonderful role model to his loving wife Maryanne and his children Karlie, Luke and Kathryn .

The 1000 plus people who attended John's funeral Mass was a fitting tribute to him, and clearly showed the respect and admiration in which he was held by all who knew him .

Live B Grade Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m . every Saturday

5 ''~


4th April 18th April 25th April

Old Ivanhoe Marcellin O .C . vs Oldlvanhoe vs Ivanhoe Old Paradians vs Mazeno d

~ Half Time and Full Time Score Hotline

9457 1718 ~

B S Lc~~ --i

°• c. f~- . IVANHOE

~~ V*xis Res. Coo* Rob Pearre i D. P.Meay 2 LFk& a aan 2 J.L1Sarsa 3 C.TLda 4 D. 4 RTOpdxd 5 P.Merw 6 D.FraBSy 7 P. Ftaby 8 S Saar, 8 R. Hid 9 N .ThYhxsry 10P. Lee ii H.M ~ 12 L Srtwh 13 S. NYma 14 P. F?ym 15 T Firm 16 M Spq_ai 17 KMqsa 18 T Bootie 19 O. Btien 20 D. Senor 21 L BbdwmW 22 R Mgeh 23 T 0Aad 24 T.Oi ed 25 J, Fmina 26P.Prn's 26 S. Farmadner 27 N .Avdwk 28 A Mdl~b

29 A Sees 31 D. A'.tfarivr? 32 J. L}trA 33 a Kaxkd 34 S. J7rce 35 P.Y 35RGtbs Ganizubs 37 G. F'cf.wn 38 T Tlmem 33 M @G1J 40JC»~ 41 0 M:Avhdi 42 T.Tmrc; 43 S . 44 E Ncvitod 45 J. Ra{rmcd 46 G.O Bnen 47 E IV.9ito 48 B.Vr> l?a 49 A Boaffft `.J7 D.JaJ a 51 B. cam 52 C. Parm 54D. Fitaran 55LPmm 61 Ci Hzi Sy 68 J. Qtcn 76GKz~ 77 Rtvte =rg 78 C &am

UVARRINGAL Under 1 9 Cw* John $Won U19 (C) : 1 H.Andaen 23 N Wane 2 S. Anderson 24 D. Nmrlyd 3 0 . Bbmf& 25 M.N3~i 4 GBel 26LPexser 5 LBo4= F M. Pepe 6 C.8uke 28 D .Rym 7 ACana:n 23D.Srhiza 8 MCtzman 30T.Seamns 9 &Frcw 31 RSrcf 10 E Cale 32 M . Sitan 11 AGeage 33 1 Sw ce 12 A Green 34 C .T4ior 13 T. Healey 35 N.Tag7or 14 A HWotl 36 D . Thorna 15J.HaWc 37TTlmaxn 16 D.kmw 38 M.15r§t 17 M Keagan 33 3.V taft 18 D.'tiv,'s 40 BW1iE 19GLong 41D.Kbm 20MMamela 42J .N96x 21 S.Mm'x 43ANMW 22D.MLoon 44S .Y.

MARCELUN ~T~Padsc mhWos

Snr (M: 1 C.Smary 2 M Yawsis 3 VII&M 4 Mq 5 Mh a an 6 D.S :ncinm 7 Mfoc e 8 RFteaa 9 M Da7 10 A Bexborb 11 D Twt t 12 B .Cmrin 13 S .Bq sen 14 A DmvW 15TMa6osh 16 It VMS 17G. Cm 18AC*y 19 D.COqs 20 S.ORim 21 C.Mavn 22 D. Marten 23 P.Ctmbers 24 B. Dirven 25 R Stakes 26 T Urn; 27 S.Tlrm a 28 N. Amaorg 29 D. HaUttG

30AT 31 W. Demos 32 RCdj5d 33 S. Beare 34 D.Cio 35P.Ha* 36J.Da~y 376Ci 38 MBqren 39 J. T=JM 40J. Done 41 d.Saabary 42 D. M arson 43 J. Pdl9[ffi 44 Slat s 45 M VZ'&t 46 B.Cd& 47 LORim 48 M. Pandezzo 49 D. Me= 50 N.CodNn 51 .t 8§fstt.te 52M Mfa4 53 M .0'Su6r>n 54 A V,friwn 55 D. Mmes 56 M. Pxelm9 57 L B ew 58C. Kao

Under 19 Coacir Jwm Golds U19 (c): 1 M. tebanue 15 J. Pappabado 2 M.K3auls 16 P. Dmo" 3 r. Cal 17J.ON3riuR 4 D. Mason 18 M.6'.WA 5 GPunath 19J. Wehn 6 S. Ley 20 N. Matcmn 7 D. Pig73 21 MFbter 8 D.Rym 22MP,MtrEs 9 C>lkaky 23L8M 10 D.Ba~ 24 B.D'un.tat 11 AHaects 250.F;m,(ara 12 D, 8atuea 26 T.1a.q:r 13 P.Pappaiando 27 D.Cio 14 C. Ds ar b


~~ Pro= Rm w Sm Tbity Oftm StP (VC) I P. ftmon 2 J, Brianger 3 AMate 4 AH Yk 5 W 001.0 6 N. Marne 7 S.lHagn 8 O.CaNr 9 B. Wat 10 M ON3a 11 T.SnRh 12P.MXIAW 13TB1#Td 14 G.1arg 5 D.Ba{a 6 D.Ha'#f 17 T. Tgafis 18 D.0'IXXs}u 19 D. fibbed 20 C. MEW 21 S. Fckn 22 D.S3t3tack 23P.Egan 24 S. Peaked 25A)6g 26 J. Dunne 27 D. Wan 28N. Le e 29 R.S'~p 33 S. F~ 31 N. Srw 32 D. hkm 33 M .Fnbd 34 W. Mdm 35J.fta 3;3ASr(g41

37 G T . 33 0. S~i~1 33 BwcorR 4D J.Lp Gad 41 D.Vitters 42 ItJacobs 43 MThNc 44Cz Wei 45 P. &a5 46 D.Jtlat_m 48 D. *#y 49 LH#ry 50 SFd 51 MMuay 52 B.Cta+e 53 D.= 54 P. 55 MOsk 56 MVkkh 57 A0."sn 58 D. K* 59 X R~m 60 M 61P. Ksam 6: S. Crew 63 B. Harper 64 J. Seep 65 J Pa7ntmi 86 C. Rs9t 67 A C 1taa 68 D.Ch eR so MB rockes 70 G.Bye 71 M Btti6m 72 S . WR& 73 M Ryan

Under 19 Coo* Rod Bmmke U19 ('C): 1 AMdDNM 17 DNbbet 2 N. P37Y 18 B. Meehan 3 D.Grant 19 D.F#an 4 J. Bad 208.F##a 5 G. War 21 M/vszi 6 G. Pro 22 MHunlor 7 .Uarcy 23 P.Neban 8 D. 24 R HasYins 9 R. Hangbn 25 J. GwmW 10T0adc 26M8ma1io 11J,SCiano 270 .F4 12 L HaMis 28 J. Red 13BMason 29 LPef'ets 14 M. C, Paine 30 RHarnnnone 15N.MeN W 31P.Foh* 16 S.0SL&an

M .H.S .O .B. Cm* Ykm Fall

Sr,r a Sw(V4

1 &C01 2 AHavad 3 0.Woodey 3 J. Grin 4 MKrg 4 DFa* 5 C. 6 S ~ 6 G.Ttecodd 7 J. Palad 7 A Barge . 8dC 9 D. Farddd 9 O.Cam 10 D.Sbimer 10M8~y

26 S.Hancm 26 L W 27 P. tpiR 288.8~~ 28T. 29 P.Pb?W 290D'am 30 T.1~1 3) R. Ne.tBm 31 N. F~r.q 32 A C5~ 32 M. 33 A Sart ;y 34 E1trn~cat 3i R linSrdc

38AF&= 11 J. Vfitlt 37 p,= 12MFelaimcc*arnz 39RCbm 13A Preece 40WF4% 14 M YAVmA1 41 B C5alanan 15J.Stl*W 42 P S006 15 P.Baga 43 M 16 S. Hrnct 43 1 44 B.A,~d[#al 17 P.Otnen 45 D.Sgn 18 B.Aakxd 46 R Peters 188 .k sA 46 A Ha9a )d 19 C. Btua 47 G. Bed 20 M ~rry 48 M . Sta (6es 21 N Jdrs 49 D.l;~.ty 21 a Wore 52 B. NsGah 22 A L»~ 53 J. NeaAn 22 MZapal 59 B. &W 23 R Y W P. Kdsla47 24 S. Harrier 61 M.Re¢/ 24 a Wilson 64S.D~ 25 S. Arm

Under 19 Co ac , 0 Dw


r~ ft* Dm

A PAs. Cm* Dom Ca I C. M,-q 2 D.Wbs 3 S. 4 SSkwp 5 B.Iks4te 6 M.Pra:iu 7 P. 6001h 88 .colkm 9 LOary 10 J. Fa6es 71 P.0Fa4ef 12 S. Lock 13B_Cu6 14 S.Cicstve 15 P. Kearney 16 J.Ctrsfan 17 M M>9xe 18 J.bSnW 19 B Sm81 20 M . Ratoxon 21 J.Curo) 22 MCcrn:#7 23 P.0ikry9r Z4 J. Baker 25 P.Chts9an 26 J. Rd>9t', 27 S. WaM 28 D.OFarrd 23 D.6cyre 30 M. LEO

31 L 32d 33M 34 8. 350. 36 D. 37S. 38 A 39 J. 40 R 41 G. 42S, 43 P. 44M 45 B. 46 M . 47R. 48 M 49 a' 50C. 51 0. 52T., 53 N. 54T.1 55 S. 57 & . 59J1 63 R ED J. .

Under 1! coo* Andy Ryan

U19 P:

U19 (C):

I AA#ew is a '.V= 2 P.B.nm 19 tilb.rg; 3 J. Dar's 20RLirisidt 4 J. G-,Vm 21 P.CNx+ 5 RJm# 22tdMd4~ee 6 Ttaw 23PFT* 7 B, S&Aira 24 E Fb 8 AMaar 25 RM e at 9 J.Moae 26KMjam 10T.Mnan 278 .Hi 11 PrdmfOUicn 28 LJar0 12 A3iny00tricn 29 MPWr§y 13 S.03t ate 3 1 ASar4gJn 14 T.Pa{a 31 R . Pa k 15 S. Piadier 32 T. YdVi 16 H.Taikt 33 RV&eln 17 L TajSx 34 G. McCu87

1 MT . ~ 21 M.N 2 T,Wr 22faT< 3 BKai . . . ..-5 23H.M 4 0.kit oa 24 5 LC!rcn 25 6 D.Si eae 26 7 IMkurii 27 8 Afkvk 28M .D 9 AName 238.Nk to R Canes 30 D. T. 11 C. Mury 3 1 12 32 1301:6x 33A64 14 J. Saba 34 15 N .Taridn 35 16 P. Bcrys ni¢ 3 6 17 SR*Xbpn 37 LTrk 18 SMt6oy 38 19 M. Payne 39 20 R Pmab 40 R . A4


~i Section OLD .

rt;~~ \

OLD IVA NH OE Ca~ ~ k~~ ~ Coxh: Drk

PARADLANS c~ ~ ~~~ Pm coach. TOW

~,•~Ci :

= r=nx

3 DJUnes := RY'le~

_ ;~,;r~'. .CadN 0 ,M7Ccsk v~7 =.rr

L 1'~ P~ D~ G`~'i~ ~C~~ ~ R~ 41 LTa~

'~ ~''~~ ~'!AA#i5m 44 T f~str 45d , 45 ' s " , . 48 S. Fad 47

48 49 ."'

y-- :

S.Va~A 2I P. OlnrJ* J.l~ 4 S.Finp 5 ABnd~ 6 B.PaNen 7 P, ~d~ 8 PZrpW 9&C~n 10 P.Brd erder itABws 12 S Mis 13 TVJ~ 14 M. J~ 15D.Ccer® 16 M G~Sei 17&Hat 18 L Cdm 19 J. H.tdd 20 P.t'.anm 2f H. 8~ 22 M.HaLrd

~0 51 .C~~ B. ShItok

23P lyhit

53 54

26 MB . Geary

55 55 57 D. KsR'nri --r.~ 53 59 &Es.wtlt 60 S.Myes ; n•si.

Under 19 coa n:rsa .aw


29AJaKSYO 30 31 32

33 _ '-



6 35

37 J 38 GCeaga

39 40

41 • F 'ui i 42 :-::w 43 44

45 .n~ 46 5t,--•rJ 47 .~nr 48RDames

41 J.Ta~s

42 D.T~eg~SKa 43ABtarB 44 P. J7(e

45R V"t 46 S.5igaiii

47 N. U 48 M . M= 49 J. SnStG~n 50 S-Oow~ 51SMm 52 J . " ~ 53 B.~~ BiaRvtkr

24 D. D grey 25 A Haftrw

54 MP. G eary 57J. ft

27KJxtaw 28 P. Healy

Under 19 ~~ JmWam~ ) Uchab

u19(c) : - 25 23G .Mecr,= 27N.CoprK

29D.Harsi~ 30 T. 31 M. Lyrri~ 32Lf~ 33 M .N.a~iem 34M .Rpn 35 T. C~~ 38&Lr~ 37J .Hastl ~ M. H3)ttand ~P.Fad ~ D .~

1 ATAaim 2 SOa'uxJo

3 M .C~grff 4 S. Ca.da 5 S.Ptt smn 6 M. DarV .,a 7 D.5 t rk.y 8 B. Y.b alsm 9 M. Rees 10D.Gre~ 11 A Berittrsa 12ABacdio 13 B .Rtdr~

14A Baker 15 G. Boyd

16 ht Joyce 17 G.OL~ 18 M . Pb mjes 19 C. PAa 20A5a¢o 21 ASwrKhn

22 8. Rdadam 23D .Vaap 24M.ik+Ora 25ADiar~ 26L86M

27 N. K jjmh 28 A. 0" 29 N. Pzard 30 S.Bo~n 31F.P~1r.~ 32 B. StAm 33C.J... 37 S. Yang 35A Mv+k(in 36 R Sska i 37 C.&a§ r 38 T.0'9Aaa 39 V. Bagm 40 B . MS+chw 41M.Sicxa k

42 G. Dun

1 Nr 1 PY


Bumd Rft Cm* PM Bobbw Srr P. Fi.

Gme F s CoadO TM me ~v (L7 :

~r(YC): S

Sm(VC) :

1 SK~f _ 3 AP~ 4 J.Nra~i 5 P. ~1~ 6 RH~ 7 D.Ba~ry 8 S. p~.t~ 9 AHs6ex,' 10M .~n~/ 11 Af~ 12C.Wb n

13 J. Cade

14 J.58J~i 15 T.S~'s 1 6 B. Way i7D .Bu%~ 18 B. t'~-AraM 19A5hed m

20 C. Raps

21 L KerreCJ 22 D.B!uYd=la( 23 A R~ 24 EDa,a75 25P.C m 26 D. Rti'em 27 L Care 28 D.Ltayo 29M.PamaJx

30L Taylor 31 S. Cizdffi

3D.G~ 33 D.H ou 34LBaree 35M.Pa+~ 36 37 S. Ma~n ~ R PFi~ I 0 B~r 4JC.8utkr 41S-1nic~a 42 M. TrnKn 43T.P~e 44 B. Parr 45 S." 46 M.Ba~ 47 P. 8ecd 48TMarpMh ~ P.,ktrarl 50J .IEts:y 51 P.Ctuob 52 L S~aeuo 53 S.Tmers

54 S NIA

55LPGJ~; 56Ppgb 57 C. Fcd3ns 53 50 BpACYiada 61RBJ~ 64 M . K:~dr/




3 ACa 4 A Grace 5&Tura 6 TC4agt~er 7&Ctmei 8 6L Ghrre 9 RYA~cdald 10P.Maroa ii O.Ed~e 12NWare 13 D.Ttcner 14 S. .kanu 15 CF~ 16 T.Swat 17P.Jq~ 18 W. Bbjc 19D.Ckary 20 M. McCaHID 21 J. Brw,xi 22 RBhic 23 P. M~David 24 J. CODS 250.896ma 26 H. Bmrm 27 T. Braxan 28 B.Cxr s 290 .Y.fiiehn

3.9GBaic/ 36 S.'~y 37 STu~rs.r 38 PailM~ ~J.E}tm 40 G t~lrpr 410 .E~g 42C.Ktdeher 43 S.Ca6m 44M.M~ 45 D.Bartr.n 46 C.OM 47 RISa~g 48 G. Sntih 49M.F~J 50 C. Day 51G1Gg 52 N. Cart" 53 G Harmord 54 S.Hartan 55 M.OM~ran


33 N. MIS 31 & B~ 32 T Fmrrl

56 M. Farrel 57S.H x e 58 M. C~ 59 P, Ku0,ikr 60 P.Pt~n 618. Kea 1 82M.Stei7.v 63 M. Gd3 e'g

Under 19 ~g : co

Under 19 c~ ~e~, K%ft

1 S. .brm 2 ABee.e

i SThurpm 2 T. Calm 3 D.Fqhtis 4 D.Poxa~ 5 T.Al #xd 6 At &cah~ 7 S. Kei eta 8 FA N xh 9 J. Pik 10J.Ct~ ii 8. Mi o 12P.TaerSeni 13 A Kuzal 14B.Hrdey 15 C. IGxfA

4 Afate 5 B.HuYtimi 6 C. Reed 7 S. be .pi 8 D. Rh.wrtli 9 A Gh;g 10 S .Oam 12C.Wi:on 13 S. Jchr,m 14RGart&

15 R Barer 17C.Hfi s 18 N. OaltOan 19 J.MWen 21 ht Carmni 21 L 1lemedy 22 D. Knva

23 B. Fezmviz 24ED%= 26D.P.otzysm 27LCIaaYe 28W.Herm 29 M. Pama7or 31 R Rar sJen

32 J. Canal 33 35C.Sa 36 A Mao 375.Me* AO C.6a19r 430-Wa<§m 44 M. lapis 56 T.H ~KAvs 61 R Bumxs 64 M. Kassaby

16 P. Stem 17 S. t4~gmn

18 P. Camb 19ASfaxh 20KW ism 21B.W,3a 22 0 .H*is 23 S. Egan 24 M.0}+ab an 25 J. Dee 26 D.M~ 27P.~ 28 A S* ma c 23KQm

30 H. Back 31 32 33 S.Sb I' m

ER~ Ras. Co6ch Chis @/e Smr ( P~: g+K ~q: i M.P~ersti 2 B .HAxv 3 P.Gmt~ 4 M. ~ 5 J. 6 J.tkeg 7 P.Jan~

6 L l 9 M .Gmm~* 10REgy~ne 10 S.Sacm i1M.l~rrayn 12 B.Go&.S.M 12 R MOM 13 M. BOZa im

14 M. H?wPd 15G.Finne 16 M. GmdYn 17G.0'Cam 17 R(.yars 18 B. Cau 18 LWtH 19 G. Carts 20 J-Ctske 21J. TM sh

22 S. C~ ~ C. S. Bye ~ 24M.JUh 25M.Poss5 26 D. Wason 27 W. 8oy4e

~D.Bartm 29 S.GooQim ~ 3JlATakeio 31 S. Htb.v 321Sz[m 33 N.LaFatae 34S.Strt~ 35 S.Oli~6onav 350.Mn@g~ 860.W~n 37 D.Cas~i ~B.H►iin c ~ S.Bo/4 40 P. Gxrzri 41 M .CecSy 41 G. fiarp m 421.1Gaxfi 42 A Mdaia/ 43MWaren 44 D.OW 45 T. Da~ 46 &PFA¢5 47 D. GoOdni t 48 D. 49 Al Gt~i ~ G. HcMsbd c J.r v REMbA 62P.Sto aff i 64 B. Ktr/as

Under 1 9 c ~a d Mom ~ 1 2 RZarpogm

4 RS FgA 8 AGrad 9 S.5tala 10 C. Bani ster 11 S. Bo:ag6a 12 J. erais 13 D, Cad= 14RDoddS 15 A MdAa)an i6D.Dum 17 A Md)mM

18 N.Janes 19G. Km 20J .Srr kh 218.F4~idc 22Mags 23 M. RAffig 24 T. S'* 25 N . Trewn e'S RC~rm 27RAaapxS

28 C. Man 23N.Pata r

C SECTION by Russell Gould en I was born, around twenty two years ago, the world was a very different place . Long hair, tight shirts and flared pants were the fashion, ABBA and the Skyhooks were popular, and apparently a pot of beer was around 80 cents . Elvis was still dead though . But throughout all these changes, one thing has remained constant . Around March or April we cover the turf wickets with dirt and kick off what we hope will be another great footy season . I have those hopes for this year, so lets see what we are playing with . Firstly to the new boys . Up from D Section are premiers Beaumaris and runners up Old Geelong . Congratulations on last year's performances to both teams, and good luck for this year. Both teams have stuck with last years coaching staff, and I'm sure are keen to consolidate a place in C this year . However, I recently drove past the Como ground, home of the Oggers, and found it looking not unlike the SCG, circa late September 1989 . For those who never saw it, it has been ripped up for resurfacing . That spells good news for those teams carrying the odd tubby bloke, who always thought that ground was just too bloody big. Down from B Section are wooden spooners Banyule, who last year had a season they would rather forget, and St . Kilda South Caulfield who managed some big upsets in B last year, but just lost too many games early to hold their position in a section that was very strong. Banyule have changed coaches, and will look to this year as one to erase last year and forge ahead. Good luck also to these teams for '98 . Two teams who were unlucky in last years finals series were St . Bedes Mentone an d Old Mentonians. Both lost extremely tight finals last year in what was a very even finals series, and will be determined to make this year their own . St . Bedes are another to change coaches. Ted Turner has been hired to do the job almost completed last year, and has good building blocks in the Reserves and Under 19's who were both premiers last year. Old Mentonians are in a similar position, without the flags. A solid base of established senior players mixed with some talented youth should see them well placed again this year. Bulleen-Templestowe and Thomastown are two clubs that are always just about there, but slow starts and in consistent form away from home always seem to cost them . Both teams have also changed coaches for this season. Darren Birch has taken over the Bullants, whilst at Thomastown, Alan Fleming has taken over from veteran captain Tony Fellows, allowing him to concentrate on his footy in what I don't want to say could be his final year. Both these teams must find form away from home if they are to threaten this year . St . Leos Emmaus and Hampton Rovers have also opted for a change in coach . St . Leos have gained the

services of Amateurs journeyman Harry Harisiou, whilst at Hampton Russel l Barnes wi ll take the charge of a Rovers unit r to deliver the goods consistently last year aft ing some pre-season poaching, but still need op a want to win to be successful . St. Leos . They made little impressior athesmbo section in their first year last year, but with asm on their side, could well stir up a bit o1 year. On the whole, it seems change has been of the day over summer. If change is as th good as a holiday, let's hope everyone is reste thongs and sunscreen have been replaced boots and linament, and lets get this show on

SELECTIONS - ROUND 1 St . Kilda South Caulfield take on I Rovers at Bluff Road Oval, and first up I will Sainters. Sorry Rovers, but you let me down too often last year, and the Saints have some 1 to their names and will prove too strong. St . Leos take on Banyule at what will bi Bennetswood Reserve. Coach Harisiou shou'. bit of inside mail on Banyule, having served year, and on unfamiliar territory, I think the may struggle. I will go for St . Leos . Bull een-Templestowe host St. Bedes and the Bullants will be keen to impress . Ha little of any teams pre-season form I have to I year . The Tigers were unlucky not to make the a grade, whilst the Bullants choked as the en Tigers to win . Old Mentonians will bet Old Gee Keysborough. The Panthers too were unlucky and will not want to start as slowly as they Oggers however produced some good footy lass Mark Neeld, and I'm pencilling this one in watch. Lastly the new kids the Beaumaris Sh-, Thomastown . Thomastown are notoriously I from home, and the Sharks came on in lE bounds last year. They have a good strong lisi. provide good competition for most teams t Sharks to win . NOTE TO PRESS CORRESPONDENT S All correspondence to be faxed by 5pm Mi Fax No : 9798 5739 or email GUSROULII@c031 .aone Any problems phone as above or 0417 57

rho failt_ er suffer . to due; much t~ in the, enthus . talk th :


i~,y i IP'I'ON ROVERS V. ST. KILDA SOUTH Adam Kiel Peter Simpson CAULFIELD : FIELD :Eugene D"Lazarus John Pickett v. BANYULE FIELD : ST. LEOS EMU~~AUB To rti pl stq)ben Nei l McCorquodale ~switch ~i at Banyul e BULLEEN-TE j~qpLESTO v. ST. BEDES r,1ENTOPIE TIGERS FIELD: Nigel Pedler


-j nl


lr Chapman GOAL : Robert Seymour ; :cn r : P_rry

v . OLD GEELONG FIELD : OLD >.v ENTONIANB Withington [ii,; f3rafjberg Paul

THO 8T0 FIELD : V. BEAUTv ARI 8 Stewart David Lapier BOUNDARY : ;,,neron ; ;i [an Bo v.°man


the order y say s d up, th: by foo ; ; the roa^* iainpton ;o for tt:; just ono: ,ig scalp ;


a blon-, d have, here la< , Iew be r Vtentone ring seu. 0 on las ; jump up I neared. long a : last year did. Th : L year for s one tc rks ho~i ad awa~ aps and and will its year.

~ndays .

3 036

;, (C

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C Section ~r BANYULE ~: ~ R6s coack Gray

Sn(c): srr m

i B 1Qrmr 2 DW%td 3 LHa6 4 M G1hat 5 B Wime 6 P Wlarts 7 GDonaloban 8 R WIrt s J Phi 10 J For6n e 11 J McJletrtpC 12 J E~n 13MC&rt 14SKz~= is s 16DGay Maim 17 L 18 J Turtrul 19A11my oon 205Playfair 21 R Dirftsanb 23MGw 24AF W 25 C Willarm 26HMoDerinut 27 S Yn 28TGary 29 G SJ~tr7 3)DT~17r 31C8~ 32TWhson 33D Glass 34 C Sa v's 358Ardarasn 36 D Tyl€t 37MJesse

38 G Riies 39MGeaEle 40PW dd 41 8 GrinM 42T Egan 43LFaui 44 M Anderson 45 R 05e+n 46 P A20stref 47 B Padres 48 W Giean 49 K Caae/ 50 B O~ar4 51 A Hap3OOG 52DNoxat 53MAdlo n 54 8 DirArrGarta 55 0 vVilars; 56 B Wao*dc 57TBallon 58 S HaMZk 59BWakm 60 B Glad 61 1 claw 62 A CaNai 63MFin 64CQdi 65 AMason 66 NCa~ 6lMK~ 72 L St~n 73APomW 75JMd~e 76Mtaw 7/MFVICkn 78R6mill

BEAUMARIS coed): BI-eft mardlant

pm Coaac seac

COS* Darm Bkt ,

SriP Snrtv4

i N Md" 2 S Nish 3 Mft 3 1 VAEaro 4 M Devine 5 MErox 5 MDaI 6 D WfiyY 7 P Fetes 8 M 0'BdEn 9 B Piddxn 9 A McFarl3re 10 J W"d an 11 S Bbj6D 12AGti 12 P MfAaipn 13 8 V.aDw 14 S McW 15M" 16MCu i60D&rn 17 L Mash 18 0 Gmurs 19 P Ttmas 20AFar*r e 2) M Melon 21 P Stan= 21TKeIN 22JHa6 23AC311in 23TF'sha 24 T Coder 25 S Taylor 26ACasper 27 D JNVSmn 28 J VatKB

ROVERSN Res Ceade D" F§r> W Snr p

29 C Man 29 M Hal 30AEffin 30 R CarW 31 L Md6dobs 31 PC4 32 S Wttd 33 J B;Aefrld 3JMx'iah 34 B Gray 35 8 Fegtm 35 S Harat~ 37 B H*ee 37MBassar 38 C Spence 39PD4 40 M boo 41 A Badie 42 D 43SM4*m 44 S 45 P Thxt as; 46 C Kent 47CDW 48 49 50BWad 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 A Rvr4uy

Sm (m~ 1 J.PRDR 2 S. DRIVER 3 S.YCIRJf 4 G.A1EXAdCS 5 C.PARR7S 6 R MR4EY 7 P.RQBSi150N 8 M.AGRORS 9 RVYUM 10 P. FARE I W1HCAPSiON 12A PARRIS 13 D.TtR1AC}i 14 D.Mp7TtkVdS 15 A. BRfAYi 16 A SWE 17 S.J4.ES 18 P. NCR0 20 M.TWMY 21 D HDCP6i 22 C. NoRfliDLUTIS 23 BtEFEtBE 24 C mamMER 25 S.86YD 26 C . FARADOPCULOS 2! P. FAUSNE R 28 K SfH1NiG 29 RtAt,fa'eRr 3) D . COOPER 31 D.VdUAMS 32 LSIUTf 33 G PBeE:ffCN 34 P.EDNARDS 35 D. DUA9 36 G TA'ftAR 37 G . SH.N1ARCd


WARRINGAL U19 CDs* John Starilon


de s


U19 (c):

i H.Andasai 23 N. Wane 2 r. Wonsan 24 D. NagaM 3 DBxn1W 25M .NaN 4 G . Bel 26 L Pr~.r 5 LBdmn 27M.Popa 6 C. Butx 28 D. Rfm 7 ACariei 29 D.Stlt~he 8 M .Ctosan 3)T.Sessions 9 B.Ftav 31 RSS~ 10 E GNe 32 M. Sfart 11 AG~pe 33J.Spa-ce 12AC~ 34C.Taft 113 T. He* 35 N. T~tt 74 Atbpg~otl 35 D.TTnnts 15J.Hq#s 37 T Thorson 6 D.krt07 38 M .V3*4 17 M. Keeg~ 33 S . Y 18 O.lews 40 B .Ydta 19 G.lay 41 0. W3~n 20 M. Mairn:4.a 42 J . Wiens 21 S. Morris 43AWakh 22 D.MVmn 44 S11:e

MSmOY 25P I2 8 Thorns 26 T 3 A Cut 27 S Ff.~aNd 4 MLce 28 8 Spmm 5 M Ereor 29 K Ravsriom 6 L GDSOn 30 D Taasdal .+ 7 B Skxrs 31 L M36dn6r, 8 N Butn 32 A Dark 9 JWata 33BG Ift 10 R Carol 3 4 11 G Johr em 35 12 J Ba76td 36 130Ert, 378H~ 14PBzd 38 15ACin 39 16 N A45s 40 17TEz4<n 41 8APalm 42 19 N Karrxl/ 43 20 A Faa;}ra 44 21 M SeF~ 45 22 K A'e~ 46 23ACdo 47SLaVbld24 L B.Aff Jates

UNDER 19 coaa,: eob EMS Ut9(G7: I SRldaflv,m 1 6N .McGdu 2 A6asto v 17B.Mnrtw 3 Rftm 18 S . Mountain 4 CC" 19TMossop 5 M.Oeso4r 20 M. N azos 6 N.Ea*vood 21 RPar's 7 6LFder 22TP-larson 8 D. Florence 23 B. Pongais 9 J. Pam 24 N. Pwarn 10 L Gro,es 25 D. Pararn i1 J.Hp afd 26J.S'gros 12 0. atom 27 P.Tkv 13AKTQ 26LTtnrt{rM 14 N.MmiQS 29 Vtfiansear 15 N.Maowy

coo* Russell Burnes; Res co adt: Davla %gmm sn ~ Sre :C s~i S


2 Morgan 3 A Mason 4 S Ar dasn 5 0A1L 6 A Nab6 7 D M4ptAa 8 S Par1imn 9 S Morgan 0 c Ragman 11 A Browne 12DRA*d ans n 3 C Thom 14FCaseb 15S8§ic 16JF~ i7 S 18 B Hot 19AHa®& 20 P &idky 21 E Cr3#ee 22 M Md~ft 23JDay 24ACwn 25 M Davy 26 SanW& 27 T Rrantras 28 Sa.CYRs 29 M Foche 30 0 Scam 31 D Hobson 32DAAncorson 33E7Jv 31WAmar 358An n3m3 368M~n 37AG1Jda

4~1 LT 42 M tat~ 43 R ~n Doae 44P Casa 45GH3}31 46cs9>ods 47 8 Hoare 48 R tArt 49AHW 50 M L mmae 51 B Jdrstar 52MLaire 53 T t}nxh 54PNesson 55 C Mainis 57 C Perry 58LTogear 59 W Babn 60 J C(adi 61JFabts 82 D Rx,lsson SfARaw 64 M Ya4 H'i R TKtd 66 M Dri~ 67R Cwdd 69SWairar 63 D WMiga 70 M FBtine 71 B Hebard 72 B LadiJan 73Albss 74D1bm 75 T Wtror9


It7fHiNAnoNlu FTx LTD. Suite 2,41 B Bluff Rd, Black Ra;#c. 3193 Ph : 9589 6444

4NBUSTCtEAN AU,Si: PIL 26 Govan Street, Seaford, 3198 Ph: 9782 43 00

UNDER 19 Coach {6n U19 {C) : 1 TYfitoft 16GWwC 2 ACvot 17ASnft 3 TPrantm 18JS> as 4 J VA~M 19DVoss 5 SN.45 20LDalm 6 A Cr,MYa 21 M Jeidt 7 A Duddi 22 L Tre~ 8 W(~na 23MIns 9 M ~y 24 10M(ki~ 25BHe,ad 1 A V= 26 M F®19,e 12 A la~iipn 27 13L6Fd 28 SGem'ia 14NRohn 23DAidersorr 15G 9v" 30Mtaq n


INTERNATIONAL 259 Hawthorn Rd , Cauffield 3162 Ph : 9523 8333

OLD GEELC Coadr. Mark NOW Pm Cos* sm p.



1 M N~dd ~ Sf Esirnands 41 3D 4 TW~e 42PL H3m ~ 5 A b RoFpES bson 45 45 S 7 SN~ ~n ~E 8 T 9 J =u I'll 52 11 R 12 N ~ 5~4 13PHkan am 55SF 14J FCvft 56 15 S or 16 T OE 7 57 17M ftm g3C1+ 18NMdEer 60 19A Sao 61RC ~ 21 22 T~ OC M ~ 66 24 M War;-VAIS 67 ~ Qr yT~ ~atpp~n ~ 2/WPai 70 28 71 AA29 72 99 8 n 73 31 N ~ t 74 75 S H 33MW= rosn 76 C 34JPa Stindx 35 C 01-f 77 2676w 78 37JC001t 79 38 M Ppvi 8)LFM1

MAWHAM VA ESTA UNDER 1< Cos* Bft cart"o U19 P 1 39 2 40 3 41 4 42 5 43 6 44 7 45 8 A tut 46 9 47 10 48 11 49 12 50NE~ 3 51TK~ 4 52 15 53CCto 16 54 17 5,iJ1{ya 18 56RB :a 19 57AMd 20 58 L Hbir 21 59 22 60DMd 23 61 24 62 25 69NA~ 26 61BCC 27 65 28 66 29DBdon 67 30 R Lane 6 8 31 69 3? 70 33 71 34 72 35 73 35 74 37 75 38 76D Bra


C Section


~ sa)Es MEN QNETI ERS ~~~d r~

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Y 5 %t ~ P FUbgin <n ti L4a;de ~ •o,lmm 6 9

3G~f 7GKre

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"UNDER 1 9 U 2 {C}

: Se""dd

wao-ae 18N. Ti-am 19M. 3 S.NyRi 27 C 4 Lf .*,. ,. ~ T . 5 CTi~~' 22N T Nyqy , 7B A A% 23 L 8tp 24 B.Gm * 7A 25N.lap A Yks~ 28 P. ~L~12#m 27 W. _ Abe,* . ~ M. Ranc% +3 fi ~ Pahtar 37 M 31 :5D0 ~ 3' N ~3~~ 3idGa~

33q fth i1 3! D i4agy q,,3EMDaq 35pgks S? N Ccb 36R Gxk 4 34 T ReyH 37 M C9rriyt. 5 G~ 35MMat~ ~AN,, 6 ~ D Mahan/ ~H1 33 M Cud m;y 7 V 7 37 S Palgmn 8 Jg 40 C ,bhrp~ 3 " Rpg .1 A 41 D SatXn PSMq 42Aliq~ t0 40 128~ 43CM N J Gsdg 41 44 J R9p4vD 112 g f6y 42 14 J 45 IArh m 13 S Nea~ 43 C Kais '8q 44S S 14 M WjO, P 15 45 B DeAm1 i 47 C &xay C~~ 19 A 46A6 3 116PR 48q(~ OPS X E 18JTntj 47 17 AT-PM 19gTa~lr 49L McCy~ 48 18St4 M44 20Tfgny `~ONTtf~ 49 M SWIM 19 J ThrrAay ~C ~ 21 W S' S 2'jq~vrpb 50MD'A~ 22 S ~ q ~ 21 51 26 Oft 53A 1.>cS1~ 237 ?2 &1 268~ 24TL'ea{y S4MM~ L,,. S3 25DSrdA `ACap;ra 54 248~ Kom, 25 8 F{~g 56 D fqYgyy 25 P D1rpn ~ L McC,~, 17 M Lanegrp 26 S . 27 M Mars~ 1{bod ~CVA~; MZalc~ 27R0~ SI ~DCfd ~SDa.i~ I28 A Gi 58 V M Lbk 67 C q7p~; 23 0 ark* 59 31 M UAW 61 J Veifi~g So 30 G &nx 32 JDb6py~ ~S~rs bi Mllacz 3IMqm~ 68 A

UNDER 19 uy9~;~ L°"doy I A1}~ 16W9~ 2 P Cm," 17 G iCier 3 Ci~p 18 M 3 f~ 19DFa1Qy~ m 20CMrm 6 L~ 21Agmg 7 ~'~ 22GSm7~ P F#~ 24 G ACpy 10PPdYi¢r ~L~ 11Jy~ 26P 12 A 0011" 13NZmiar ~SKiyµg 14JOuy ~G~ iSTYqig1 I 7%,

UNDER 19 ~,>~ ► OW- + u1g~:

~~DER 19 U19(L7; I t' How. 2 p8* 3 Gg,,b 4R C*IVW 5C w b 6 G ryen~ %to 8 C AtDaw 9 Mgam 10Cvk#M

37 0 38 G~ 31 'D 11W. 4 L S~ 5 J &!~a 41 D Na * 6 B~ 420 Eam 7 S pat 8 AF 43 9 A Ga6s 44 it 10C L Z7 45A65Fj 46 12ARdMW 47DFl~ 3G48JC~ 14AV$~ 49J 15Lpap~g 50 J0p 16 B Cobsnp 51 E~@g~n 17 52L9w,

E SOUTH SECTION by Ken Bremne r Tom rai n Welcome back for yet another season of what promises (on paper at least) to be a very evenly graded competition. Move over 'Cookey and 'Pete', the old team are back in town (up from E) to guide you all good folk with pearls of wisdom and naturally enough the odd ridiculous statement from time to time . The 4 teams up 'E', namely Southbank, Yarra Valley Old Boys, Uni . Blacks and St . Pats Mentone will all be hoping to hold firm this year whilst the 2 teams down (AJAX and Monash Blues) will be doing their all to wipe out the memories of last season and to quickly move back up the grades . Having said that, the remaining teams in the competition will be hellbent on exerting their authority and not letting any of the 'new' boys have things their own way . With a final 5 and an uneven draw the numero uno spot will be all important for the weeks rest come finals time . No longer will the tag of 'minor' premier be as important as well as the well earned rest . Hope reigns supreme at this time of the year and to all clubs, both Tom and myself wish all good fortune and trust that everyone involved can enjoy the "FOOTY" season ahead ! PREVIEW ROUND 1 Monash Blues host St Pats Mentone in a game that pits in combat a team down a grade and the other up a grade . On that basis alone KB gives the nod to the students to draw lst blood and get an early 4 points on the board . St . Pats are never an easy beat and I'm confident that they'll take the game right up to the Blues, however at days end Monash to score by 21 points . The Vultures have had a bit of an interrupted pre-season with coaching appointments and TB feels that they may not be quite on top of their game going into round 1, and so tips the Blues to start off the season with a good win . Old Essendon Grammar welcomes across from the other side of town St. Johns Old Collegians . This game will be a real tense struggle and whilst form from '97 counts for little KB reckons on the home ground advantage being the key element in confidently predicting Essendon to kick off '98 in grand style by notching up a 30 point win. Both sides have new coaches this year and may take time to settle into the different styles . OEG's were a bit stiff in the end last year, while the JOCS were a bit disappointing so I'll agree with Mr. Bremner and tip the home side .

Two of last season's 'E' Section premiers Southbank and Yarra Va ll ey Old Boys do bat at Yarra Park adjacent to the National Tern Centre . It promises to be an epic encounter wi no quarter asked nor given and both teams was ing to exert authority early in the season . In a n biter and tossing a coin for the anticipated resi KB picks the Bankers to win by the narrowest margins . . . . l point . It should be a really good gaz of Ammo footy the ground is in magnificent con tion and both sides should be primed and chair ing at the bit . Always though when two premie from the previous year meet first up, game pla are not really in place but the incentive of the fl unfurling and loyally sways me to tip the Tiger s Parkside greet Salesian Old Coll egians a: whilst I'm sure the Red Devils will be hospital after the game no such favour will be forthcomi on the pitch of the battle . A close and hard fou~ match is on the cards and the results may well in the balance till late in the game but KB tips favour of Parkside to tough it out and get home points in front . We believe that the Red Devils ha recruited very well and certainly finished '97 great style, Salesian after a year of consolidati will be looking to make that step forward in'98 b like KB the Brain feels these aspirations will put on hold for one week. Home side comfortab University Blacks an d AJAX in another gai whereby it showcases teams up and down In different sections . The Blacks will be buoyed their pre-game flag unfurling and should hit t ground full of running, however KB suggest tI the AJAX boys will hit their straps to nudge front at some stage of the game and then go with matters from there to register an 18 point v tory. To keep KB honest I feel I must disagree he : The Jackers have worked hard over summer to i themselves of last years horrors and will have better season, while the Blacks will be looking continue their march up the sections . To use racing parlance TB feels the Blacks will get hor by a nose . Aquinas lock horns in battle with Whitefria and a great game is anticipated. The Friars will doubt start as one of the early season favouril given their ladder standing from last season a Aquinas will no doubt be very competitive . This

r3 :lo es id is

oi1e .15ame that KB selects on the basis of '97 alone and on that reasoning along tips in favour of ~t,hicefriars by 15 points. The local derby is always tolloll one with a fierce ri valry between the 2 des- You hav ethe Friars rightful early favour tes and as KS say cliis should see them home in a tough one . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : pa', to KB on 9850 6964 or Tommy on 9265 ,011 by midday at the latest on Monday following the game . Remember, we/us KB and Tommy don' t ,,ant or need statistical info (that's for the VAFA :1dnlillistrahon) but rather a brief summary of , our match and/or any special events fortheomin ;

Player milestones to be forwarded direct to ~ -AFA Administration .

F` ~~i'' MONASH BLUE S v. ST. PATS MENTONE FIELD : Chris Wallis Trent Foley OLD ESSENDON GR . v. ST. JOHNS FIELD : Frank Karabelas Shaun Rolls SOUTHBANK v . YARRA VALLEY OB FIELD : Ben Tamblyn Andrea Flack PARKSIDE v. SALESIAN FIELD : Michael Allen Daniel Halliwell UNIVERSITY BLACKS v. AJAX FIELD : Simon Olive Chris Stevens AQUINAS v. WHITEFRIARS FIELD : Leah Gallagher Dirk Kramer BOUNDARY : Anthony Degen


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Konica Australia Pty Ltd 171-183 Ferrars Street, South Melbourne, Vic 3205 Telephone : 699 4955 Facsimile : 699 2207 OFFICES IN ALL STATES

D Section :AOYINA SCDt4EfiE

AJAX Coach: Rick MWa Fla caedl:an&w

~~ ~ 2 A FCs6csi 3 & Dais 4 6t Cutiw 5 J.Fi ;h 6 D.Kzb 7 G San el 8 A Kragdd 9 A P~ 10 RBioan it D.G+Poat 12 D. Cvss 3 J. Erg~vm 4 Y.Rapapon 5 M. R# 16 G. Rmvt" 17 A Ci}iermn IS J.WObel 19hLH*m 20 A Caew 21 M.Wbisix 22 D.WIT 23 A Bavnvi 24 J. Cure 25 J. Feldrren 26 B G¢erren 27 A tust 28 D. Degm 29 M . F~e 30N~ 31 M. B3nelt 32 D. Ma15s 33 D. Fd 34 D.Cun 35 a Roth

35 J. Se9d 37 A Fmutl 38 J.lerta 39 A auxt2in 40ARelt 41 J.Stpw

42 d ifmgB 43Y.Sten 44 N. DiarncM 45 ESYen 46 J. Oat 47 A 0.bahin 48 LCotrrg ~ tdJ~s W 8 Cyd1sli 51 S. Gomm 52 B.Soser 5! D. Kaz 54 M Nato 55 A Smddd 56 J. Shap 57 M. Qtridt 58 M. Fred 59 BSak sli 60 D Kd 61JKabssa 62 S Da s 63 S.Gold3br.rg 64 R hraal

85 M Zu6o 66 P.Za',4ag 67 M Bc~ al DBom 63 J Vwnn 70 S .Boan

UNDER 19 Coacte Nemy RREemlan U19 (C): 1 J. Ratlman 12 S. MajnW 2ABaJ 1 3 3 B .Da.ic 14 D.RiWalan 4 D. Goidagan 15 D. Frii 5 E Cx>k~bre 16 D. Ninai 6 O.kraclsft 17N.S!*md 7 S.CAm 18AGnMan 8 J. Fosetam 19 J . Exist 9 J.CNE 20 S.Cmrq 10 H. Snow 21 D . Sib 11 D.fi6a 22P.Ckxa


AQUINAS O .B . Coad C~ tPWS ~ Srlr (q. Srr (VC):

arw sr (Vc~

726D i c.~~td 3 :,~ 3 S.BdtazS 38C.T&g 5 33 RL76 S. ~~ ~M.B~n 8 ADoni ~~ 9 P. = 0 D.6c43~id 4L5 N. Radwd m 11 C. BatMry 46 D. LagUn 13C.,k y~g~ htco y 14A Loon 49 C Larbocat 15J.WigtG 50 16 S.Co z 51 AHy+ar d 17 M. Dwai 52 18J.Hugies 63 190.t 5-0cw~ 20 P. Px s c~A~~ 21C.0 "rn 56S.Ddv~47 22 S P,fm 5~ 58 A &h. 23 J- -V24 P. FbW D 59 25 C.B tD B M DxW 26 0 . Fta}3n 61 .L LarTjxd 27 S Ja~ 62 28GW» p 23 S.Otix.~tin 64 ~ C. Cc&~er 65 R 31LIfrg 66 µ ..M . ~ MY en 67 P.Qiddnk 34 M.Tgu6 35 S. t .i»ra

O NASH BLUES OLD ESSENDON coo* Dm p6gm Coach.:~, Stew "

2 J. Ba ft 4 P.M.aYn 5 D.iors 6 M .Namcn 7 LFrJW 10 S.Y.btsor 11 MS w ar 12dCddAvA 14 R.Bus51 15 6iTet4:r 16 B .S^rJey 17 Y.Cd'aitus 19 DP,adie 2IJ.Cannagh 21 C. a" 22ADcbsn 248Ho dsm

28 S.MCC*e 29 A Headerty

54 RCren 55 D. Tnmd3o 57 P. 01,461 59 H . kkklelo t 67 B OarqCy 70 N. Da`Pouig

69 J.Hay4 g 86 & Bads,

UNDER 1 9 Coach Teny McEvoy U19 P 1 H.Nral 29 2 M.Ja`tiesm 30 3 P.H~ 31 4 32 J. 5 M. Boom 33 6 S.Jur z 34 7 T.Maan 35 8 M. Geer 36 9 J.Jartfnp 37 10C.tyrg 38 11 S.[kMr, 39 12 R . 40 13P.Cinie 41J,Pole 14 RC1opnan 42 RMom 5 43 16 M . Hut9•r 44 M. Ttp'ras 17 B.Wbzn 45 18J.Hud 46 19 kt Hope 47 20 48 21 49 22 B .mom 50 23S .FNS 51 24 M. R91ey 52 25 53 26 54 D. Ne~ 27 55 A CtAea

Res Coa h: Mark Rose

Sn (C): sn (V4 30 LCwrer 31 J.LSrsh 32 M. Try 33 JAl Sffgh 34 B.Duvsky 36 M. Teton 33 M.Slm 40 M. Boast 42AHckey 43 R Fttn** 44 D. 46 D.JM 47 S. Marft 50 D.Sdmvdw 51SMBa 53 L Md;a7t

UNDER 19 Coo* Mks Dickenson U19 (G) : i J.w 18LMdekxd 2 S.Co6c 198. w bn 3 M.Jop.e X N.Rme,~ 4 N.Pa~n 21 TCsaae 5 C 1t#are 22 T.0"&i«ei 6 F. Eby 23J.Rc=e 7 BMc?'m 24 P.0'L'vcd 8 S. Dvyd 25 C. B:aristm 9 C0&m 26C.Md:ar.9 10 P. Facc6 27 M. Fkfr?,y it J.Bravs 29 S. 0062 12AWeds 30LCmffw 13B.Casim 31RFWM 15S.Yarg 33J.4$9V 16 J.5rtiBt 40 M. Berr" 7 J. MAer


J PMVOtPft 35D. WI&M ' 2 J.Ctepm 35 P.Trr t 3 P. U'stSdrd 37 J. Vtcl~ 5 S. Emet~tm 6 C.Rdel 7 TCppoiori 8 S,OBrcn 9 dGoodr 10Lscm 11 B.Fa{~i 12 J.H~ne 13 P.CIA?ry 14 S.Erdns is S. Estop 16 S. Md~ 17 P. He4a 8T.Read 19 0. Sleren 20 J. Larg 21 S. Dzfa 22M.i j~ 23 J. H+#m 24 C.Rda6at ..' 25 A ttvmk 26 D. FVda 27 D.Bar 28 8. Turer 23 J.Sardem 30 31 ACaty 32 J. Marsfie4d 33 S.(S~ 34 J. taz c

PARKSIDE Coactr LaLrie Zarafa

..~ v 39 A Mwmgbn 40LDiBlad 41 i.FAsr 42 AJaaas 43 A C& 44 RCblmy 45 P. Barp 46 D. Nn,axk 47J.IDtu 48 P. MOM 49 A H~l~irnon 50 D.Beklm 51 SGrsaley 52 A Dar= 53 T.FvAte 54 S. MtNb.ry 55 RMse 56 A 0RyM 57 RN.Y4t 58 A Waarda 59 NCmon 60 AFkirt 61 D. PD* 62 P. Bxlxi 63AWrtr 64 J. Fad 65 A Scorsrou 66 B. tanao 67 R. G*

I P. L3t .°xn 2 A DOL-lkrgrr 3 S. Pip 4 D. V~bmn 5 B.C~mn 6 AS4W 7 D. Dsv o 8 BCIdtt4 9 ACasTa#ns 10AVda if V.Rmaro 12 D. MtL:31 13 A Caory 14 P. Lam 15 D.Mm3z 16 td C9 #61 17 B. VIchol 18ARayeb 19 SCym 20 C. FEt4hvn 21 MTeaai 22 B.Havy 23 M.Shctlodc 24 RManE 25S.Pm 26 C Ty= 27 LPm# 28 S. Fivor 23 L 30 a Hockey 31 CAlSt 32 B.McCa9 33ABob 34 At R~ 35 Q Fd#

36 W. Lay 37 B.Pa,3h i 38 F. Dar:Jo 39 M.Hayne 40 L kw a 41 N. Al-PoLim 4'2 P. D em 43 J. Hktba d 44 P. Soros 45 46 T Facpoui 47 48 49 S. 005% 50 51 52 53 M. Ya)M 54 55 R Lad 56 B .Sil t 57 M. Ma'~ 58 D.4 ah-69 59 T. Rican 6) 61 Q 63 64 TTtarta 65 % 67 68 K Dnmm ax

D Section

ST JOHNS : ota Ladson r Su (C):

.4r NC): a Fc-at

ST PATRICKS M ENTON E Coach: St " 0'Canor Pm Coach: Km Wood Srr ~ Sr c

1 D.Fa~ 2 FLC~wz 3 M. Docn 7 4 P,tems , C',d :dAL ~kcto( ..: 5 P.MU~try 39 MKxrW 6 RGeh 7 KCarler - ~ 40 B.Abo*W 8 D. Pam 41 hta°Okero -~~ 42"GD:dxtno 9 P. Erttnt9 43 Atl4nF13clat 10 B S at ee tt OOtAeaa :s S.PismZr C rak: 12 M. DeAs 13 D.Spaar &iS.Gnnmt 14 C BlIngs; 47 d CcF§on 15 MikSu6.2n ; c~.r48 S M.aSn 16 P. Su*M 49 7 C. S " :.-,m 18 T. SUKW :A a (ye 19 A Me - ..= 51ATartrcw 20 C.GOes 21 D.Bakj 53 22C.~man ; :~1 54 23 MmS" g mq.r 24 CNtlols 56 25 G .U~ ~~Tw 57 S.Stm 26 D.Car~ 58 P.KN/ 27 M . Vtse 59Et WIJN 28 M .JcttBax 29 60 v+ 61 G.Ceser 30 N. Ram 31 -n~ 62 EFetcare 32 63J.t;ds n 33 D.Pndcmr -q 67JEdaetis 34 S . Baxilard 858.YIM14b 35 r, Brown 36 C . S:, snas 37 J. Stm

: :.zNf Sacm

:v6 T Satarms

3' S. Pr.= 29 D. &g~a 40 D.Nid~ 41 42 43 KEW 44 45 C. Bar 48 47 48 M.Man 49 50 A labi; 51 G Mdhkn 52 s+ a 54 55 56 57 V.OCanu 58 J. Noon an 59 80 M C 0a" 61 6? D.G esp e 63 64 65 66 6! 68 B9 P 3fm 10 71 72 73 MOhlua

SALESIAN Coade Pe~r Tur~y

Rae Coach :


Str (YC): 1 btBcuka 2 M. Yv m n 3 SS,4tatarq 4 ANezfcy 5 M.Canaai 6 RCirroda 7 G. Gas* 8 M. 1 9 D. Bond 10 D.GFff 11 D.Taft 12 A Gasnai 13 tBcbe3c 14 B. Bpuna 15 J. Gerru 16 A CtaQoi 17 MatFpUes is SSrKol, 19 A NiILy 20 ASaW 21 RNapof 22 A Esimtds 23 C. PoChe 24 ACrae uB Ktdm 26 P. Sh* 27 M . MaE eM 28 M . Btm e 29 A6dcFpbes 30 P. Bouchard 31 ADaxy 32 A SleRws 33 B. Pp[t

SOUTHBANK Coad1: Datek FBns ft Coach ift flow Sot (V4

31 Allan 35 36 S. NcIn 37 J. &eren 38 RNsel 39 B. Qin 40 J. HaNOn 41 S. BoteSc 42 D.Cthe6M= 43 P. KaMaJh 43 M.Cocka 44 C.kkr t 45 M. SPeroo 46 M.Tessare 47 48 49 50 51 S.Kng 52 T. F3gan 53 54 S.Btaa 55 D. Sam 58 S. F1q.aald 57 58 59 6) M. Bales 61 Q 63 6t S. Shely

64 P. Fetes

1 D. PSYrq se 2 P.PuartqFJa 3T.Pad 4 N.15'dme}Qr 5 ASk4a t 6 ACp6oy 7 KAhrn 8 M. War 9 J. Mdr'anta 10 BNod3xn 11 A P1;s 12 M. MCCarpry 13C.Pary 14 ht Easton 15 16 LVor Loon 17 A NtffiS 18 J. Nuga 9 19 D.Dam+ael 20 R itarpsn 21 G.Palaosin ps 22 N .ftaG 23ARaYs 24GL Bolls 25 J. Namebaty 26 R t&dad 27 G VYaGvp 28 I. DelStia 29 A OM 30

31 J. Rmd 32 T F3dardaon 33 P. Padnr 34 S.Cdard 35 K Sparrow 36 G . JM 37 BGe6e38 A Pladolik 33ASWm= 40 B Sa1 m 41 J.Mqse 42 T Pan 43 P.Nartr.k18 44 M Watad 45 T. Fram 46 J. F m 47 S.CFer 48 N . Fos 49 R tuaa 50 M. Frank 51 S. Cartirii3e 52 S.Cam1bN 53 S. Maim 54 C.Dyie C'o B.Nc4A .~n 56 B . gag1n 57 S .Caucfin 58 Llllm 59 K4&W 6D T Brain

U B~CKgy Rea Coech Pa CI3= d Src(G): Sri (VC): I G.Darra>t 2 S. We

3 Sa d

4 M.~ytat 55 RMo'+Rtr 7 B. 8 B. 9 C .Feqn 10P.Drwai 11 B.Sntli 12 N. Boons 13 Timm 14 15 16 P. Cacmeb 17 N. Peydaar 18 19 J. Wad 20S.tue 21THc8as 22 T tart 23 S .Ba3lon 24 M. FWy 25 B .' 26 D. A BaLd 29 AClass 3D D.Savsty 31 N.Caah 32 M .,tres ~ T IQW

45 J.6UoW 46 E Rai1i 47 48AWe Ymnody n9Q 5~ 1 A N :H 52 T Sates 53 5 4 55 K Nixon 57 S. Doolay 58 M ee,*Y 59 60 A C~1iansnan 6 1 6211F~ 63 ~ C. V.6# 6S 67 68 89 70 D. Pdn 71 ~MBJdiS 74 ASMe 75 76 77 RCar~an

35P. Con79 ~S.M~ 80 81 38 82 39 83 40 G. S *,an 81 41 . Manead 85 442 AS 43J.A4xd 87L6mxn 44 P. Forbe s

UNDER 19 Coac1:Paul OWWWWay U19 (c): 1 lAAm 13J.Mrlakry 2 C. Brown 14LM *Vs 3 LBraui 15S .MOOdf 4 M.Byrtg 16 B .hirpty 5 ACYmatrs 17 RNwle 6 B.Ccow 18 A Nolan 7 B.Dryre 19C.f leas 8 P.GrOo-ba rk 20N .Pack 9 EHarm 21 C .Sd *g 10AMater 22M .SEbNSn ii J Man 23 S.Vaglar 12 J. Martin 24 D.VYakh

F.C. ('rabaret) Social Club 1st Floor, 330 Chapel St, Pcahraa 3181

The Beehive • Hotel • Hawthorn

D Section

WHITEFRIARS coad,: nw ~r Res Caectc Brim C~s

Sir (C): Srn (VC): D.Fedafe 33 D 2I M.Bawnen 35 C. Les 3 MCahae 36 DNClan 4 37 P.0&en 5 M, Robinson 38 C. Ca~igg 6 C. Hasson 33 M.1tih ,iWo 7 P.Co¢la 40 A Thmim 8 A Davis 41 C.0'Cartnr 9 C.Magie .OCara 10APa8 43 N.9at 4 8 11 RR4 44 ALBabernen 12 D. Grill 45 M.teslar 13 T. H#46 G Jdrm 4 LCarti 47 S.FW6jan 15P. 48 MBeid 16 B. . . C. R1. 17 A Cab" 50 T 18D.Ct8ry 51 LFan~es 19 M.JacJebloed q E,~ 20 S.M~ 53 D.Dedmppo . 21 P. t4aseler 54 S. C 22 C.Cak.ndr 23 P. Gardf 56 D. FS o 24 RMFa 57 DJdrgxl 25Atace~ 58J.F6o 26 C. Rryn 89 D. C~ 27 D. Yxderboan 60 R 28C.Earnes 61DC~ 29 A Gann 6? hL 30 M . Folmar Vataftorn 31 N.Jaluis 63 RTa? oa 32 M .Banrac c 64 Lp,~y, 33C.H~'s aC .Wi~rWn

YARRA VALLEY Cofich Qavfd Kyle Hes Caech BretMen Ruddy

Str P Str On: 2

PITe d . b RM Ttw~ n MfUA

ALAW D. 9 G Ross 10 N DOdxe l 11 r- Wide 12 At 130.~ 4 15 µ 16 B. 17A ~ 18 LYd~ia• . 20 S Fr 21 A LNesey'Cbler 22T 23 D.= 24 M. Dies = ~G 27APxe 28 d Mx.t~n 29 P. Pelersm 30 D. Roder ~ ~ 33 D. kNad 34 s. ~ 36 R Per Am 37 D.Fnvvma 38 & Morison

39 .Redianat 40MT NAk 41 B Daws 42 T. Qea 43 H . Pak 44 J No 45 L BM 46 47 6. Mci'ntaAi 48 R.Davis S. Seahame "' P. Fad 50 51 635~ 54 T.~ 55 . 57 GNt~ ~AJre OD F.Ya'M 21 63 T. Stag fi4 T. CeAe 65 65 A BieWVdc 67 68 89 70

rzat w, 73 74 75 76 J .Scales

UNDER 19 coacti: snwm sryin U19 (C):

UNDER 19 Coe* asn vhdn U19 (C):

1 ACm# 19M.DA 2 M No'Ce/ 20 S . Remiig 3 11 Phan 21 M.Seldres 4 22 S .Davis 5 11, POW 23 LMffctag 6 B. Wtrh 24 J.Trtyvad 7 TF ilson 25M.Qaher 8 RFedela 26D .SAan 9 LTie+d:eta 27T.Nuae f0AJdrem 28B.DufBry 11 6LCasain 29 M.Ml~ 12D.Ratl 30ABe~e 13 N.Cw.Sfg 31 &Jui:es 14S.WaN Is S. Sladjon32M.Ten 33 RPM*

1 AMilad 17T.M~ 2 TMat's 18 R Pearce 3 S.Lb/d 19EWyse 4 GFra;er 20TTy51ig 5 P. V4Oppi 21 P.Yarjrt 6 btNfies 22 B.Deav 7 B.S9rzaler 23 C. knoll 6 B.Pmd 24A 0 9 J . WVmM 25 S, William 10 B. Seale 26 J. SlrQnom 118.11arift 27T.Nasa 4c 12 D. Lang 28 B. pe~tk 13CShgg 29S.Cdanan 14T1).ryd 33B.N*Gha6 15 D. Belay 31 J. Scanlan 16ABell

16& Sinclair 34T.Msicahf 17 D.FAaman 35 D.leJi 18 R L" 36 J. Anderson

GUESTS FURNITURE We treat you like a guest at Guests.

Ph: 9877 4744

UMPIRES CORNER by Leah Gallagher and Peter Simpso n TT]e'come to a new season of Amateur football and â–şry Amateur umpiring, after three or four weeks of pracuce games we now start the battle for premiership points or for the umpires a chance to reach for new levI n Their games~tlth pre-season over we can now say goodbye to the three minutes runs in the heat around the hockey fields . Dashing along the sand at Elwood beach . Point Ormond Hill (watch out for the bikes and roller ulad,~rs) .

300 metre runs . This year there will be a new format to Umpires ' Corner (meaning not much to censor) as well as a new scribe in Adam Keil, this might take us a few weeks to ,et it together so bear with us as we try to stretch the nit of our boundaries . May I take the opportunity t o thank last year's partner Peter Simpson in his work tonards this column. MILESTONES To start the season off we have a couple of umpire s

,cho f avc reached milestones in their career : Ron Smith umpires his 250th game, Ronnie (affectionately known at Emu) is a popular character running aronnd in the lower grades and when he gets with his mate ' Ball Tearer" (David D'Altera) anything can hapBrendan Corcoran, joins the 100 club reaching his 100th game . Brendon is a BP (quiet achiever) who helps out the association by getting work done around the new c lub rooms and not bad when it comes to trivia nights . From all your running mates we congratulate you ;u~ s on these milestones . Representative games usua lly happen around .lunc, vet Mark Gibson an d Dominic Napo li found themselves at Waverley Park for a rep . game on the night of the Ansett Cup Grand Final, well done guys . D

Each year we lose some umpires for either personal or physical reasons, so here are a few that will be sadly Mussed by fellow umpires and spectators (not). - Justin Toohey, could end up as an observer. - Craig O'Donoghue, find him in the latest edition of Inside Football. - Colin Segota, might run on by going onto the supplementary list . WELCOMES 1Vith some losses brings forth some gains with first ~<<u umpires to our Association, in all around 20 new =PUes to our ranks and hope that today will be their 1rst of many.

Returns of some umpires to our Association like Tim Sutcliffe, Clark Thuys, Brad Nash . Also watch out for our running coach, James Van Beek in the middle. RULES After umpiring a couple of practice games with teams from outside our association it is interesting to note the set up of ruckmen at centre bounces . As the Amateur rules do not require a line through the centre circle, a ruckman can attack the bounce of the ball from any direction he chooses, as like a field bounce . Ruckmen do not have to follow the lead of the AFL and match up on opposite sides of the circle . True or false (answer next week) . SOCIAL NEWS Last years Bounce Off between Kevin Segota an d Richard Eastwood resulted in Kevin winning the event for a second time. The Aquathon held recently at Elwood Beach in better conditions than previous years (meaning a low jellyfish count) resulted in these winners . MEN lst Ben Schmidt 2nd Mark Bushfield 3rd Daniel Halliwell

WOMEN lst Andrea Flack 2nd Chris Bushfield 3rd Rebecca Griffith s Coming up will be the Bowling Night to be held either late April or early May, usually a great night so get behind the social calendar and make it beneficial . MEETING NEW S

News from our last Association meeting is that meetings are compulsory, and that members are required to attend unless a written apology is received by the secretary -These meetings are held for the benefit of the members and decision are made for or against by the members at these meetings . Lets get behind each other and take a little bit of interest in what going on around us . White Wacker of the Month goes to Vinnie Vescovi for being the fittest he has been for a long time and then deciding to run this year as a goalte. May everyone enjoy this season and we trust that it brings to all concerned the promotions that they want . Keep bouncing. Leah and Adam

~his year VAFA sponsor Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) has pleasure in presenting a trivia competition which will see at the end of each month of the footba ll season one contestant win two cases of CUB product . The following ten questions wi ll appear in each edition of the "Amateur Footba ller" for April - there are 25 correct responses required for a perfect ent ry . On the Tuesday following the final round in April , six entries will be drawn from those submitted an d the entry that has the highest number of responses correct wi ll be declared the monthly winner. As many entries can be lodged per person per month an d each entry should clearly show questions 1 to 10 followed by the written responses to each question . 1 . The VAFA introduced the centre "SQUARE" in 1973 . What was unique about the "SQUARE" ? 2 . The VAFA defeated the Ovens and Murray League by 3 points in the curtain raiser to the Ansett Cup Grand Final in 1998 . Who kicked the winning goal ? 3 . The first General Manager of the VAFA is now assistant secretary of the Melbourne Cricket Club . Can you name him, and the VAFA club for whom he played? 4 . VFL players from the following clubs have coached VAFA teams to 'A' Section flags . Richmond (3), Hawthorn (2) . Can you name the players and the VAFA teams they have coached? 5 . Who was the last captain coach of an 'A' Section premiership team? Perhaps the clue may be that this burly aggressive key position player is now in a somewhat different position in football . 6 . In the 70's Reservoir Old Boys, no longer with us, went from D to A in the shortest possible time . Only one other club has done it in the post-war years . Can you name the team? In that period "The Carnival is Over" was a popular song. 7 . Only one man on the VAFA Executive in 1998 has won a Section best and fairest . Can you name him? He's big, and he's a north of the Yarra man . 8 . The Ryder Medal is awarded to the best and fairest player in District Cricket . This year a former amateur player was runner-up, beaten by one vote . In his days in the VAFA he tied for a section best and fairest . Can you name him, his VAFA club and his cricket club? 9 . Collegians is known as the oldest club in the Association, being the only survivor of the clubs who formed the VAFA in 1892 . Can you name the second and third oldest 10 . Name the odd man out, for two reasons . Robert Dipierdomenico (Hawthorn), Ros . s Smith (St. Kilda), Neil Roberts (St . Kilda), Gary Dempsey (Footscray and North Melbourne), Ian Law (Hawthorn), Don Cordner (Melbourne) .

Entries to the CUB Trivia Competition c/- VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 .

The VAFA acknowledges the support of Carlton and United Breweries for

Carlton. One of the world's brea t brewers . .

Hugh Lyon

E SECTION (Blue) by Craig Richardso n

Knitwear j= ]~th "The Footy" back, all teams will be full of ~r high expectations. The usual questions need to be answered such as "Will our new recruits come up to their pre-season promise?' Will the old crew continue to be a force etc . etc" .

Well E Blue promises to be a very tight and hard fought competition throughout the entire '98 season with many more questions having to be answered . Now bring on the real stuff with pre-season having finished . PREVIEW Glenhuntly at home against St . Ma rys . Well , both sides showed early on last year they had something and were probably only a little short on depth in the wash up of '97. So if both sides can strengthen in this area, I'm sure they both will prove to be worthy combatants with all comers in 1998 . As far as this week goes, I'll go for the home side for this reason alone in a first up encounter.

Chirnside Park take on perennial finalists of the last few years in Power House . Little is known of Chirnside Park, and Power House have had the usual Grand Prix pre-season training misfortunes. This game should provide spectators with a high class encounter, but the more hardened Power House should sneak the 4 points in a tough first up clash . At Swinburne's home ground and a foreign one at that for the Wickers, I'm tipping an exciting game . Elsternwick, a side in the past relying on too few need some further support around the ground . Usually good starters to the year are the Wickers, thus I'll tip them but Swinburne could surprise at home . Oakleigh v. Old Camberwell , at home of the Crushers . Always tough to beat at home are Oakleigh and after a promising finish to '97 the y


again should be there abouts come finals action What to expect from Old Camberwell ? After ; few seasons in D Section they've slipped a notc] but will obviously be no easy beat in what shoul( be high class affair . I'll play it safe and go for th, home side . Crushers just . In the final game, Peninsula take or Caulfield at home. The Pirates like Power Housi have been finalists over the past few season : without being able to go all the way and again ir '98 should be very hard to roll, especially or home turf. As for Caulfield, well like Olc Camberwell, they too have slipped down from E Section . Obviously they have high expectation ; for the coming season but to take on the Pirate ; at home first up is no easy assignment . So isomewhatfnupdreawknigfo r a more fancied side in Caulfield, I'm actually tipping a home side victory . To all teams in season '98 all the very best and I hope your seasons all go along smoothly without too many bumps . Press Correspondents : including best players, goal kickers etc . please fax before 4 .00pm each Monday on (F) 9682 9176 or phone (M) 0419 001 005 .



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Specialising in VAFA Football Jumpers and Rugby Top s 2 0 LAMANA STREET MORDIALLOC , 3195 PHONE : 9580 3122 FAX : 9580 3199

E Blue

CAULFIELD GRAMMAR co~c,~arr~r r~s coadxM~ewScho kao


1 M. Word '•39.4 M,,~ 2 & Nay 34 N. (ulrasky 3 D.Ndarspi 35 R Lar"~ 4 S.Sle.arem 36 RCzstW 5 W. Holm 37 M . SC>um 6 A Kahckr , 38 JRead . t 7 J Co.W- 39 SaracEp 8 S.Cosart-Y,1sm QAD .Amma 9 M.CNer 408 bi Pi dm 10 AWN 41 M . LidU 11 M .C d/ 42 S.Maz 12 J. Famer 43 M. Ttky 13D.Cur 44 aeeor,r 14 S.F0 .m 45 W. Sam 15 RCaspes 46 A Gin 16 T. Rya' 47 LSin 17 GY.1a B 48 S.Varreas 18 NCm = .,,48J." ,.. 19 8.8axr 50 G. MdYretd 20AH.VAa 51 N. SW 20BM.10me 52 T 21NBrat a .. 22 T.'EoaNcy 53 M .JU sso t ..., 23 D, As" 54 &Lyvs =4 K Dads 25 T. Wates Z-3 S Vvibre 27 R ft880Nn z3 TO M

J &TAmKsm 4 D, Lam 3/ J.kbbNw 32 M. Diansta

`JS M. Dmie3 56A0 .v.d 57 P.kdaaw 58 ACaerky 59 A 6oaxtr2trp 60 Rt Bare d 61 G,Ort l

CHIRNSIDE PARK ~~ c~ 28d 2 ASxe 30.S k* 4 M.Canssi .., 5 &Pader 6 J. &wat 7 V.Pnio6 6 3.OE has

29 30 L M at er 31 M. CgIm 32 G.t WtW 33 A Ctintvde 34 S.15tr.Uer

ELSTERNWICK A .F .C Wft m ~ abreWaA* ~ Snr {v~: 1 LMuqry 2 ANaU 3 LByrte 4 MSa.aJC 5 6tVfiela 6 GJa-Fatg 7 D.tE e 8 S Cure 9 S .Ciamer[ 10 RBraioat 11 P. Matnry 11aL Mmw* .., 12 R Wgme 13 P .14S.Sqqe 6 15 F. Dargregoas 16 M SurtIaft 17J. 18 A 19R&*nlm

22 U Mosaic 23S ' Oj* 24 B.Fra4a'n 25 A P4nnor1 26 CM3my 27 K Denials 28 W.Da.tdaOn 29 S.Mafpry 30dWO 31 G Duwrciie 32 T.34iratn

33 J.O;remt3l 34 A Cardn 35 P. Nrlfali 36 &Bm.ioon 37 J. Yft 38MB a 39 P.4kn 40 M. Rs/ 41 ATiej 42 S. RareeJ 43 C. t}ms 44 GCmfe 45 R Grandon-W 46 .1 f0q 47 M.Fr4ri= 48 J.Ph8m 49 C, Mar 50 D. H3sang 51 M.8.91rd 52 P. Bmd4ridc 53 R.4'rlfarc 54 S.KtAem 55 p Harris 56 D. SkNs 57 58 K Camphei 59 M. Uli9 60 S. Pak 61 M.Puce1 82 C. Alan 63T.8adar

t+oms+ OAKLEIGH A .F .C Coach: ahft Moore

GLENHUNTLY ~~Peter Derft

Pm C N h Pew r anaafopw

srp tL7: Srx ~VC}


1 B.V~ 37ABa* 2 CF4hefan 38 Aµ, W 3 T.FB 39`TFbxyig 4 D.Cassar 40LMc46ffie 5 J.l llasa 41 6 P.McG42 K Scram 7 k KbA 43 M. Jonas 8 J.Ja"s 448.0DOmeI 9 A,4uio 45 R ftrage 10AYarg 4SABai n I TROMW 47 J. Mtn 12 S.0ReH7 48 J.Yarg 13 M, Kramisid 49 14 J. GInore 50 G.ttv% 15 P. BT * 51 16 C.,khsm 52 C. Uttar 17 SAtggt 53 D.Mdiiden 18 54 D. 19 55 S . P4# 21LTvtv 5-~7~~ 22 G. Wards .C2nke 23 P.fixn~ ~J ~AM~6rswp ~M.JqYsn 61 26T.Shat 620.Pw~ 27 M. (914n 69 OThcm 28 C. MW 64 M. CaHidar 29 65 P.Harrison 85 p knYtv

32SJa4~ic ~R ~ 33D.Jores W0 Revs 348.M8ar 70 35 J•COm)aw 71 Rim 36 RM

1 RGec 36 D. DXY.y 2 A BbornWd 37 P 3 D. Mtletoe 386.ChWn 4 P.He.>:•in 39 5 ORdes 40 C. Taylor 6 K Masiln1 41 GMalapars, 7 P.Durgdi 42 .r Nato 8 FiMafiw 43 J. 9 dMaA; Tt-Oowrbs 10 M.Nhtod 44 a Woodard 11 CNada7 45 D. ChWren 12 A Iaralei's 46 P. 13 J Wapper Andbrxpft 14 &D-e(Aquils 47 S. tewk 15 ('i Re:Ard 48 16J.N3a 49S . 17 P.Nardbn k`dcIrX)PwIQs 18 50 P, ta3 e 19 P.Tatbf 51 .', 20 T. Pdarnc 52 21 A Rt&mst; 53 71 S.Csb am 54 AAYtanos 23 P.Diiie 55 B .Gzt 24 S. Kts 56 J.Pdss 25C.MasW 57 gsairpodas 26A 10's 59 27 & A*Ay 59 28 60 B Gat A29 D~ 61 AMUfaig 30 62 31 TBraNCI p 13 . 0 Sd 34 &fGw 35 R NW*

UNDER 19 Coach. Mark Dorsmm U19 q : aC'se, 12J.Ssmz 2 Ai Dahes 13 S. Sfit & 8ftm 14 RSt,inar, 15 A HfidS 16 S.Ww





17 J. 18 J. PdQgd 19 M . Rder3bn 20 T. Kapiis 21 J.R~aa 22 P. Sfrnt

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Res CaedcArKYw Tsitdcs SNr~ d VYisatl gY (YCj A k~r R.

fl6s Co~hGeoff~Bary

1 = "'~ 31 LOTJ.Nprt7 1 SPasps 4 T'ar~ 32EW~rts 2 S. M~M:~on 3 A Mdaiiai '..~ ~ 33 N. S~fa r 4 E8a.en S~ 3lP.McQ~ 5 .'ix.i+'s 35M .Fiaptas 6 M Watrcr 6 AS~'Bj 3,1 SP1ry 7 N.R.rds 7 !! Sx6 3 R(1&n P. Atgs B C.Tart1 38 RSCOB 9 P. Keon i .lG'bbs 39C.Ekrc 9 P.Wdn i .?4-r" 40J.karwy 10 T. Trent it -` ` -,fw 41 L Ryan 11 S.Farar ~2 d 7Ear1 42 R Prat 12ACanebd i3N=ms 43TNAFa 13 V. Bn x* rq tCRti,'r3tlea'1 44S . °,4rdh 14 15 B. Cook '.5M 3M 45TJimtv7 16 S. C4ritgbdd .6 D ~-ar 48 T Rti d 17LBardaj v R"res 47 P. Wien 18 $ fina ;SA BWAIM 480.0}taloran 19 19 MFreeirm 49 T Harridan 20 ^aANk 50J.Md4v¢ie 21 S. Bader 21 T.NZtdren 51 ARogm 22 A Atr}*n 2?SCrew 52J . MAmakh 23 R.SIa* Z3 0. Ed 63 R Mash 24 &Ye4Jfq 24 DM~tergrr 25 R .8sd4rd 54 P.FIIdmaq 25 A Taybr 55 260 .Ndaa ; 56,1Kaly 27 J. Whaan 26 M5i rxS 28 B. layer 2; T DO! NN 57 L ShP23 D.Mmgat 29 & lierh 58 C . WA3M 30 R Bend 29 TJdam 59D.Nx 31 A Gm 3D S.Fbe OD &Lab4o 32 A Pam 33 34 A OtOei

33 P. Fipan 33 R . Sn.ri~on 3i C.Yr~arts 36 A Rc8¢rspt 37 KTet4rd 38 PRrI

52 LMa4¢ 53 54 M Dandy 55 A Craan 55 A Px4@ 56J.Atlsm 57t Kat 58 MBxrrrn 59 T. Brxkn 80 11Ket 61 R Canm 62T.Cm 63 S.Jatl;vn 64 RPoOard 65 C Park 66 C, Park

.R8 S .Crws~ 39T Q GAna d 9 AMttrs 41 S.C~ 10 0. McCakxgh 42 N D ~ 11 J.C~B , J~~ 12J.Rdardn 44RDam 13'lrte 14 T.N9d 46 S. MtCaatld 15 J. Sm@aid 47 D.t .^fnbgt 16 RThartas 48 D. Fhetn 17 C. MdmE 49M Oslo 18C.Dvfe 50ASaaq 19 J. Bvas 51 20 MAcwJatl s n 52 21 PGta1,.aj= 53 22 S. Cram 54 J. BbNW 23 % 24 R. Wff"ns 56 25 S . Eras 57 26 J. Seix 58 M 27 C.Nentantl Rarallwas 28 J. Tucker 59 29 O.NSVman 81 D.Wngty 30 P. Harem 70 R NWucoC 31 M.CstEbj 87 T. Hard 32 B.Bwn 88 G SmBVid

I M teamor9, 2 3T M ati~n 4 ABe@ 5 S.Skne 6 W hAiBtgc~ 7 AP~ 8 P.T- cy 9 M.1#~e 10 ~ 11 ER*. 12AOm 13 d Clt3ptre~ 14P.W~m 15 0. Ptrtews 16 S.FSds 17 . W~Ipr 18J.Cta4$ 19 P. Rae,'s 20 D.SEirut 21 TYme r 22 DNtoCmdc 23 S . Reew 24 S.MYN 25 M. Lekxe 26 J. Hmdj 27 B. S%Wcert 28 J. knEs 29 J. Raft 30 M.5 e e 31 A Noe 32 W.Cw,4Tw 33 P.S var g 348.Dh

35 a PounS 36 E El" 37 J 38 F..= 33 C Sr*y 40 C. Cimio 41 C.0&in 42 T. W;md 43 A Harn 44 MRr*ad 45 N. Rd~m 46 J. Wt" 47 S. Mnlomel 48 P. Biio n 49 COBAn 50NDigg 51 B. Fri 52 T Carcy 53 D.W 54 S. Ta 55 56 R Sadiberg 57 a latnr 58 TAmqa6 59 S .S~piebn 80 AVbo~ 81 6? 84 B. N! & 64 MSrannel (6 P.Nadpn 65 A PkhirS 67 L Rot h 69 C:Theotded

e3~ Saturday's Final Siren Score s

(A Section) 6 .25 p .m . Saturday

23 D.DZPxf 30 P. TA 31 32 ASarft 33 D. Wxn 34 AFarAbn 35TGirtehZx 8 J.FiortBge 36 37 10 R Tuttxi 38 N.Na mrgd 11 r. Barry 39 0 C+w3 12 40 M.58dd 13 41 14 ROeodg 42 15 43 C. Rea w 16 44 N .Mmgan 17 S. Lee 45 RPa1Rr 18AFim'ri 46 19 B, Mad 47 20 A FSgerrem 48 M. De Bow 21 T.Dytraq 49 22 S Ftjm 50 &Ca" 23 C.SrtJfi 51 P. Janes 24 S. Fdgi>lnn 52 J. RL4rm* 25 53 M. Mx,ynan 26 54 27 D.Mupq 55 T. Bayed 28

E SECTION (White) by Barry Hickey SPORTSCOVER

Six E Centrals + 4 E Easts = 10 E Whites? Quite apart from disliking mixed terms an d metaphors, a quick look at a map should convince anyone that a more fitting name for the E Sections would have been North and South . And I know the bit about "What's in a name?", but if a Rose was called a Furtleworth it wouldn't have the same mystique, no matter how sweet it smelt. An interesting season this, with the chance to compare the relative strengths of last years sections, and the absolute surely that there will be few, if any, one sided matches . The big bonus for the E White scribe is that of having UHSOB's Tony Boyce in the section, if Boycey hasn't heard about it then it hasn't happened, yet ! All the very best to every Club, for what promises to be a ripper of a football year . THE ROUND 1 GAMES UHSOB play Old Carey at the Brens Oval . UHSOB have a new coaching panel, with David Nash continuing with the Seniors, and former star E Central scribe, Mick James, directing the Ressies. Numbers have been good during preseason, and the connections expect a solid showing from the Green and Browns in 1998 . The C's have had their customary flood of returning vacationers in the two weeks prior to the first game, and are fortunate that some missing notables have been replaced by equally talented returners. Practice match form of both teams, has been reasonably encouraging, though neither has yet seen their best side on the field together. Picking winners at this time of the year is a bit of a lottery, but I'll go for the C's, because of the potency of their on-ballers and forwards, even though they may be short of a gallop . There won't be much in it, a few points tops . Fitzroy Reds meet La Trobe University at the Ramsden Street Reserve, and Dan Fitts tells me that, like the C's, the Reds training numbers have gone off scale in the last few days, with the Sale contingent being the principal booster. Reds are still adjusting to their new status and 1998 is something of an adventure for all concerned . Grant Hammond returns as the Reds coach, and they are aiming at a more consistent performance this year compared PR

with 1997, when they had a few unaccountable lapses . La Trobe , could be boomers. Sean Dunin has taken c the coaching role, and the 'Man Mountain' is c the track again, both of which augur well . Bi for this game I'll go for the Reds to win by goals .

Richmond Central take on the Bu llee Cobras, and both clubs are confident of impro ing on last years results . Recruiting has coven losses, and coaches Tim Pontefract (RC) ar. Joe D'Angelo (BC) remain in the generals' sea from previous years . The Cobras pre-seas( form has been very promising, suggesting th: they may start realising the tremendous pote tial they have had for the past two years . TI Cobras should take the points today, evâ‚Ź though Central is tough to beat at the Kev Bartlett . The Cobras seem to be a bit furth ahead in their preparation at this stage, ax should come home by 3/4 goals . North Brunswick host Kew in a c1a : between two '97 Grand Finalists . Craig Fox coi tinues as the Green and Golds coach, whil Kew welcomes back the very experienced Se D'Angelo . Jason Tirchett looks like making return at North, which is a major boost . Ba Clubs have had good numbers at training, ar seem to have covered any losses from the tc sides they fielded last year. No question th North and Kew will have a major say in tl make up of the final four, and today's clash w be an indicator of what's in store for the rest E White . Both play with similar pace ar vigour, with Kew perhaps having an advanta,, in the forwards, who are capable of kickii prodigious scores . Kew should win a top gan by 2/3 goals . Williamstown CYMS welcomes Old Wes bourne in another big game. Town have lo some talent from last year's brilliant outfit, bhave also recruited well enough to be serioi contenders once more . Paul McNamara h taken over as the CY's senior coach, and Robe Mutimer is also new at OW. Old Westbouri expect to continue on from their last half se son form in '97, when they won 7 out of 9 . Th will be a very even match, and on the Fear ( CA THF GMATFI IR F(N1TRCi I FR 1<

It's hard to go past the Towners to win by a goal or nrO .

Reserves winners should be: Old Carey, Fitzro~Reds, Richmond Central, Kew and ~l'illiamstown CYMS . SOCIt1I. NOTES UIiSOB are holding a Fancy Dress at the clubrooms tonight. Attendees are to wear anytiling beginning with U . H, S, 0, or B! CORRESPONDENTS: The Monday numbers, (h) 9547 9144, (F) 9547 776 4




VAL E - LUKE OLDHAM The Williamstown CYMS Football Club will wear black arm bands against Old Westbourne today to honour the life o f Luke Oldham. Luke, wh o played with the Under 19's in 1997, was tragically killed on New Year s Eve . Luke was a terrific lad and will be missed and remembered by al l associated with the CY's .

moke fre e ELSTERNWICK PARK DRAW 1998 This Sat : Old Geelong v Bulleen Templestowe (U 19) This Sun: St . Bernards v Old Brighto n Next Sat: No matches - Easter Next Sun : No matches - Easte r Sat. 18/4: Old Geelong v Bulleen Templestowe Sun. 19/4 : Collegians v St. Kevins Sat. 25/4 : North Old Boys v Old Ivanhoe Sun . 26/4: FIDA Matchday Sat. 2/5 : Old Geelong v Hampton Rovers Sun. 3/5: Old Xaverians v Old Scotch Sat . 9/5: Old Ivanhoe v Therry Penola Sun. 10/5 : No Match - Mothers' Day Sat. 16/5 : Ormond v MHSOB Sun 17/5: FIDA Matchday Sat. 23/5 : De La Salle v Old Scotc h Sun . 24/5: Old Brighton v Old Haileybury Sat . 30/5: Ivanhoe v Therry Penola Sun. 31/5 : Old Metburnians v Old Brighton


Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain pre-

sent all scores and match details in a lighthearted manner . Listen to Benny, Tommy an d a special giuest 9 .30 a .m . each Sunday.


FM 88.3

Program includes Phil Stevens' A s ection report and "Under the Griller" segment

E White tli




BULLEEN COBRAS CoeC V=W Sar Pd Mo m Sir (VC) : At Dalopo I RSdvreidN 2 T.QWn 3 M Shron 4 NCa00* 4 I.Mdmd 5 MD&* 6 &Hmm 7 F.Bak f a S.GNkr 8 LA:maci3 9 P. Cu2 10 & MM 11 S.Fe@/ 12A#~ 13S.Obn 14 &Ma0 15 MJames 16 D.Trimdi 17 Garnth BmMm 18RBafto 19 STrdpren 202 MaM 21 22 P.BaStXn 23 J. RSCkm 24 P.Zua 24M 25 W. 26 A CEarE 27 C. PW0pttLv 28 B.laas 29 A Sumtets 30 C Pater 31 S.Mmv 32 C.DanerRs 33 ACock



34 M. DMgelo 35 T. Srl4 36 D.lfn Nk 37 J.P3Y;dh 38 Cy-dem Bmrm 39 T Kaarim 40 S.Icmr n 41 N . PONDS 42 r.1.66M 43 RG~o 44 B. Maw 45 M.Si al:an 46 A = 47 J 48 M. Sam" 49 M Fil 50 51 52 53 S. S m n 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 LTryornpoa

FITZROY REDS Coach: Res Cmch Srr p

Ras : Rkt~d Bd w

Srr (VCj: 1 MFristry 2 AWt 3 CDal* 4 MCartatlkr 5 DKne 6 AWlie, 7 J. Dnrie 8 M . Fwd 9 D. Fi.S 10 J w es Brfa 11 8 Kytiamu 12 J.SnM 13 A Hoare 14P. YMO 15P.Ksry 16 MV4hik 17 BTmia 18 MH~ 19 A Cola 20S.Rdo 21 S.0>ad 22 C Pkttk 23 P.Jad2_n 24CTdw 25 J. Loft 26J.Mt 27 F.Cam 28 N.Hat 29 L Pedar,cn


co6~s VArWb

30 B.Ca*d 31 M. Pm 32 T. Had 33 S. Duy 34 M. WON 35 A Maiirtn ~'i R Rya n 37 D. Hsrrpcrstal 38 S Stmv 39 A Geuge 40 MHeR 41 P.S[txou 42 I. MH mx/ 43 TaqJatlsm 448014441 45 J. stow 46 N. Man 47 G Em 48 ADM 49 J.C3r4.bN 50 &Terti 51THffigm 52 B . Fosb 5325 Mbe* 54 Mil-man 55 D.Ake 57 N. Bmymat 86 C. Mdr'ama


Sir P Sre (YC):

Res. Coo* John Wmwnsm SrV (L7: Sru (VC):

.*Res Coach: & Fend Srr (Cx Srr (VC):

1 &L9t2rcSi 37 W.larb &~ 2 r. Put 38 D. MW 3 R RNigA 39 A 4 C.Ginrirs 5 J. Banrs 6 r, Hope 4 7 4 .ft~9~ 43J. 28J ~ 9 AGEnareยง 44ALetrn 10B. 0-4m 45J.Babne 11 ABares 46 ,ttamb 5 12 S. Md.lafm 47 AAcยฃNd 13 C.KrEakw 48 M, DMJM 14 C. C.~~{AU 49 J .lix~ 15 J.IFitz}s 50 16 DNbod 51 S.Had3s~n 17 J.B~ 52 I. Fk~ is R 19N. Po ~r's ~C~~ ~ 54 M.C4lerene 20 SHafsan 55 M.Fraea 21 D. H~ 56 P. N~, 22 J. paw 57 C~i 23 J.Barai 58 AM{w" 24 B . Dirrj 59 J. Barbe 25 DV.SilI 60 M.Cwry 26 MChmn 61 H.Paisis 27 D.QafM 62 GMu.ik n 28 L Danrn 63 B . Pbbcrsm 23 ~RC ~ 61H .SI ~Garst 65 T WAs 31 AWaS 66 D. Jmm 332J. a~ ~ v ~ 3 34MM~ ~ 35RBnro 70 36 A S?wt 99 S. Bnno

1 MB~ 2 D.HLf t 3 S Redmtlzm 4 G 5 & 6 & R~ 7 C.FcbYtan 8 R. Sim 9 0 D.SikCoffim 11 J.Zehar.iti 12 C.M7Dpwitl 13 B. Brorm 14S.H*ft Is M.Lets 6 C MdGa 17L Fia~ 18 S. DTaie 19 R Catf 20 A MuEty 21 D.Etrnn~ 22 23 S Llrv 24 S Hme/ 25 M Ccrs~poJOs 28 P.GtaAi.v 27 L 28 M 29 30 S.Bgnado 31 S. LaMM 32 M 13a 33 T tk3@ 34T, MdYDM 35 C. Rabat, 36 B. taifk is

1 ATrthaB 2 D.Adns 3 S.Ho #on 4 M Sak9 5 W.MJ4.ahm 6 W.Crrrakf 7 &TMrye 8 J. Cxidpt 9 J. M w 10 B.D&ixl 11 J. BadO ah 2J.Pdmm 13 S.WaHian 14 LCtMW 15 B.B~ 16 L D~ 17 S. MDae 18 MMe9mtn 19 V.lirt i 20 M Mm 21 &Vfiinan 22 RTMrye 23 D. ELs 24 C.I:Sb d 25 R DaACn 26 S. HqD 27 D.tua6ni

37A CKb b 38 33ACiskrs 40 41 42 K C~ 43 4eP. M m 45 S.Tuna 46 D. WrgM 47 D.Hartzy 48 L MdJanara 49 W. &}g s 5D S. Be ~l 51P. 52 dCOW s 53 JMaUda n 54 55 A Cimrr= 56 57 N. Rcsagat e 56 S Pr 53 B. Ha~v+ood 60 K 61 &Bb d 82 GTmki 63 C. Bladc 64 F. GmJad 65AGat 6SABaSe 67 S. R aos 68 G Fas k?r 63 70 J. Wnaeq 71

72 S. SHV

28 W.aely 29 C Javd 30 P. Dram

31 J. Reemai 32 D.MiMson 33 C>Pr! 34P.HalLy 35P.Dv soft 36 J.TrM 370.D womn 38 A C##c1 39 & AUd 40 C. fvtdm n 41 RPLd>Mr 42 J Paparkm 43 G_ 6urtam 44 F.FJai i 45 46 S .Fandxi 47 B. Fvrd 48 P. Y=do 49 50 R)chsine 51 ZN 4 52 M. Fswala 53 J. Tharqsm 54 M.laamgms 55 B. tamnkm 56 57 S. L vmhm 58 D. Pmai 59 M. Na>9m

eft .. .. . . . .....-. . . . ~ .. ..~... . . . --

1 (1


&,003cJrG an Tayla ~,~pn ~~

C=->r 5 C~i 6 C.~ 7 AO;ewr a AOrQJ lJ pG3sat It M1' E.~ ,12 ~_„~ 3 C=.~-3 i~Qsry c c~m~ " .a1s 'C,ry o C hi~ens oPpi= Z Y~!'n)> Ct L!' -I 22 C r _ns :3


5CG J :7 t! Vs.i:pul~ "` " :' :~•'~ TI °`e'fu n SIJ 'i8o~ 32C atgvb

33SFcad 34 D.FaDFS 3; 36LSnai

37 FRAM 38 L Cd)en ;9 P.Bar~1 40B.HmQhe}s 41 ACa s 4 C. Pop~ 43 S.CN.ry ~ p~ G s ~ M,pa~in 46M.Can 47 S. F"aafar,ys 48 SPdism 49 O. Bun ~ SN~t 51P.Mari~ 52AOpra7 53 M. Kerc eJ/ 54 L Pa 4xson 55 C. 57 0. Pd net 56 R Ba+tkxi 59C.Maxn W S N~3 64 AJafsm 70 Tlat.lst



17 p.TmpSs 18T.TyrW

45 Ts.~ 86a

21 D.Stor e

~"~ , ,~

6 B.TLck 8 GM* ~ q 9 AA1,1y

22 M. PoTd

27C.Davr y

, D",,r, 12' "' a o~--~ Daffly is N B 16

e~ 25 D.6amwwd 28 Aemt 35 S" cC=xa

3i Fr 47 ABoM

U .H.S.O .B. Co®dr. D. Nash Asa CAadr. D.Om" R®s. Coedc bt Jarm

I RMd~ 29D.Na t,4 2 SV5hi5g 30 C . Ga m 3 Rt~ 31 C .Fkxrt 4 AOR~ 326JsrMSm 5 P.\hr~rt 33 G ~ 6 J. Fda~rgh N~9 7 S.1r+~A 34 L ~ 8 ANaGt~ ~P. Wi~t 37 S.Qnttin 33 R°~ 9 S~ IS S. S~iYn 39 A Rabbis ii B.RJ~ 45 SM & n 12hi(#b ~tyBoyy 13 S. WaFar 47 K Roht#~s 14 & M55m 48 RW;a ;.g 15ABoad 50C.l &n,ryr 16 D.Ta~r 52 D. 17D.MaYp 53C. ~ POW 18 P.Krg 54 M. 00Mx! 19 M C4* 55 C. Pa" 20 E Snsdiexi¢ 56 A Crth 21 8. OWWW 57 P Wit~ W~8 58 8. S~tsrt 23D.C`ecooW 59ALoSmeibe 24 L p~d 60 P. 25 D.Maae 61 S .CNsb 26 P. M~ ~5~9 27 N IWb 4i 63 g Mum 28T.Jdvs4~n

1 PSr+ 2 A8X" 3 T

2 ATdarim 39 M . BM

36KYr4& 37 Gp, ds 3$N.Sone 4 A~ 42P.lbr.y 5 S.Sfa7rm 43ASrn4a ' 6 S. p~ 44 A Faih>ar 6 GBiurt4ay 45 M.B~dc 7 F.BaE 48T~, 8 GMaban 49 N.ft ie 9 P.Ja~ 51 N .M"Aph . 10 Alitpty 52 C.


pq x

11 D.F5da/ 54 P.Yd>?85ide 12F.Mx~s 55M.Dzm/ 13 6. M~ 56 D. Wffim 14 C.S>arrpn ' 58 A God" 15P. Ouch 53M.Tab i6 1W W RMtA~t 17AFsvsaJ B2LG~en IS M. Z~x 64M .Frarx 19 J. Mxrag ' 65 A " 21 S D3aS' 66 C. Cui3r 22 A Fid~ 23 L Ddy 63 F. W.iha 24 .0Jaxs 69 25P.Strfi 7p 7T~ ~ ~ ~m 72 J. Reid 27 C. Adam, 74 P.C~mmd 28 A fter 78S.Sr~e 23 S.O~mi 79 D . Stecte~ 30 r. T& gp~µ~ 35D, Rxig3

R Rekh


4 C.Mdctrei C, P%ft 5 C.~ 6 SCradc~ei ~µQ~ 7 C.Slim 44 A Pkf t 8 D .F~e6 45 C .Co c 9 RSr~ ~RKiey OP.&ms 47 ii S.Mi~ 48 Ktaniii 12 B. Fara@/ 49 D. De W m

13 P.Md .ean 50 D.Ziidi 14 J. Han 51 J. Fbg~a is K ~ 52 J.Denivn 1 6 P. i7P.S~ 54 J. F~r 18 R SEies 55 It ohistew 19 GMaaa 56 C .Ttm'«B 20 C' M~gp 57M.Mamv


59 D.&* jp~ 248.CsnAias 61P. Fidm 25 A Fl6 - a 62 26 B. FaJ4io p 27 S~ 64 .L Evss 28 M . RAwM 65 D hkCabxy 29 K Jaws 66 3~P.Oafare 63ADbcn

_ 63 S- Z 33 70

D.4~ 34 GJtrcs 77 35SJ~nes 72~p~,q~ 36 M. R& 73 S. D~ 37(iC~ai ' 87M .Jart~s

WILIJAMSTOWN CYMS GOWN Pad Mdknm R" Coedc 031TISrm McKeivS® srw (G). StY(l+C): I N.Bea3t 42 A ~ 0.03vson 43M .S ~ 2 SR.Sd~h 440.&(s 45 S Fhu,i c A 4 46 A Fzt 5 D" Ma~o d 6 D.C»ui 48 J .C~ 7 D.c m M3~d ~Wy.y~ 8 B. H am 50 R W+laNd~i 9 r. Case _ 51 D. Bj rc 52 J. 1 WaCYOdp»sic 53 D.Ml~ 12 A Faffir.rsln 54 M. 13 AMaYr,y 55 M.Qdc ~ 14ADari~ 56J.M~ 15 D. WWI 57 A ~ 408O44 58 A il M 18J.Steip 6)C.T ~ 19 P.Dtttan 61 RTdr .+ela ~ n @tMmW 20D. Wker 21 P. Sack( 63 T 22G1la6ei6m 64C . M~a~ .r, 23 B.Cods 6i W. Jarss T ~ 24R 65 C, ~ 67 T. Gksm 25 D. YrbuCa 68 J Y~4ga 26 0 te5 69 W Y~


C~ ~M.S~ 26 J. Slat 71 A Pcirisiies 29 0, &r~s 72 D. 30 ACod~ 73 , ,y3 31 B. Wnda Mf 74A t 33 S M~a'inn ~ j ~ 34AM~ 77KP ~

35 B .Robimi

78K Dmwy

36D.Ci r ar6t ryB, ~ 37 A Ba~d 80 S . Rcbi s 38 T.Be im,Ci 81AS~~ y 39T.Cara 82C.Smtl 40G. Ward glJ .M DA±e n 41 hLORyrn 84 M,Tui c

U N DER 19 rw* Peter Sdder ma P. 1 C. D~"s 2CMuro


Coactr This Paftw F~. Goo* DM t#dMy sly P. 9m (VG)

11 K WW



Goo* Robert ' Res. Coactc Ed~e Ass. Ca®dc Atxkew Chft

~ t nC%.~,C

f~ ~~ `~ i^ ♦



Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers ' uniforms before matches and if not u p to standard the offi c ial i s to be to ld h e/s he is not able to take the field until att ired correctly. Behaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediate leave the arena . Water Carriers. Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to iinger on the field of play. To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behind the passage of play. Trainers . May car ry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance. Cannot deliver message from coach .

Attire - Runners : VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts.Track pants if worn to be navy only, Water Garriers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts.Track pants if worn to be navy only. If runners or water carriers wear bike

shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only. No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top 'i'rainers . VAFA whiteEbtue top with navy blue trac k

pants. If not VAFA top a plain white top only. Caps-if worn must be purchased VAFA P roperties only . *Umpire tearnsheet comments will be transferred to weekly FINES LIST

BDF速速S O Beiersdorf Australia Ltd

FSECTION by Ed Sil l

e start of the 1998 season heralds conflicting appeals for all sides in the newly formed F Section. For some it is a sanctuary away from the heights of E Grade, for others it is a stepping stone from the one side format of Club XVIII, whilst for others it is an opportunity to call the VAFA home for the first time . The first half a dozen games promises to be full of intrigue and suspense as clubs jostle for the all important early season points . The nature of the Section makes it a tipster's nightmare early on, with very little 1997 form to work from, which will no doubt lead to a great deal of speculating for all F Section fans . PREVIEW The first game for preview sees Monash Gryphons hosting Eley Park in what is probably match of the round . The Gryphons would have been disappointed with last year, a very slow start meaning they were behind the eight ball early on . They did finish the year strongly, however, and F Section spies indicate they have enjoyed an excellent preseason under coach Gary Ryan . The Sharks primarily through a horrific injury list, were also disappointing in 1997 . The appointment of captain Martin Hook as senior coach is sure to add youthful exuberance to this talented side . However, Monash are extremely keen to get off to a good start at home and are fancied by a couple of goals . The second game sees Syndal Tally Ho at home to West Brunswick. Syndal has fallen on hard times in recent years after being a powerhouse suburban club in the 1980's and early 90's. Runners up in Club XVIII last year, under coach Jeff Bingham they are sure to be keen to impress in the senior ranks of the VAFA. West Brunswick is another club to have fallen from grace in the last few years but various reports suggest that due to solid re-grouping under coach John Jackson, an improvement can be expected for the 1998 season . With their experience in the higher grades the Westies are given the nod in what is sure to be a tough encounter . The next game sees Elthanm and Hawthorn clash at the wide expanses of Turtle Park . Thes e two sides split the results in their meetings last year and are no doubt looking forward to the opportunity to get their season kick started this week . Eitham have reappointed coach Peter Slacik for the season whilst Peter "Barrel" Tyson has taken over the reigns down at Hawkland . Expect home ground advantage to play a big part in the results as

Eltham salutes the judge first time round . In the final match, new boys Werribee host ANZ Albert Park down at the luxurious surrounds of Chirnside Park . The Chinese whisper has been working overtime over the summer break with the news that Werribee will be extremely competitive in their first year and coach Stephen Fletcher will no doubt have his charges primed for the first bounce . The Bankers were another side to disappoint in 1997 as their overall talent belied their final resting place on the ladder . Coach Gary Forsyth will reinforce the importance of a good start to his side but probably to no avail, as the new boys strut their wares and record their first win in Amateur football , Wishing all clubs the very best of luck for the 1998 season and here's hoping that the horrific injury tolls that ravaged clubs in 1997 are not replicated in 1998 . Press Correspondents : (B) 9555 0900, (F) 9553 3675 .



MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is 'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground o r other or other similar such conduct " [ss r~~ ,, . . All '


~ Tr . . . ~


Official Supplier of Sports Medicine Products t o

BDF速 Q@Q Beiersdorf Australia Ltd (ACN 000 025 623) 7 Maurice Street, Nunawading VIC 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 15 7


F Section







C-* Gary FwvA iies C oack' Pe A Shoppe srw Sm (VC~ I S. DIM

Cos* Martin Hook Res Coade Rob Widdsem Snr P Sm (VC):


Coe* P. Slack Re6. Co6dr. P. Hanson Snr (C): Snr M. 1 J. &10 34 R Wes 2 S .MMSW 35 J. Mus A

Coach : Peter Tysan Res Coe* Kefi Res Snr (G):

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LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundl e

5 YEARS AGO - 199 3 xtensions to Elsternwick Park administration E offices had been carried out over the summer and the official opening ceremony took place before the De La Salle O .C. v. St. Bernards O .B . game. The Brighton City Band performed before the game and at half time. The 1993 season was launched at the P .S .M . Dinner at the Southern Cross Hotel by incoming president David Burnes . Tom Hafey was guest speaker. Canterbury North Balwyn, Balwyn Combined, Yarra Valley G.S. Old Boys joined the Association, oakleigh came up from U19 to seniors, and Camberwell and Old Westbourne joined the seniors for G Section . Certificates of Merit were awarded to Alby Bolger (Parkside), Pat Egan (Therry), Ian England (Old Carey), Tim Gallop (MHSOB) Ted and Norma McNamara (Uni. Blues) and Matt Szylit (Ormond) . Brian Woodhead and Brett Connell had joined VAFA Administration . Mike Murray and Andrew Kilner were President and Secretary of the VAFAUA . ` A Section field umpires were J . Toohey, P. Gersch, R . Simon, W. Hinton, A . Kilner, D. Daigleish, M. Jackson, S . McCarthy, P. Cherry, R. Bell . Old Scotch charged home in the last term against Collegians only to go down by 1 point, 12 .8 to 12 .9 . Best were D . Hoyle, A . Dulmanis, M . Lake (Coll .) and J. Handbury, C . Reid, K . Stokes (Old Scotch) . It was a sad day for Old Mentonians when their legendary footballer and official, Ron Bungey, passed away at age 43 . Ron was a founding member of the club, and after missing the club's first game due to a wedding commitment, played the next 237 games of his 361 game career consecutively. Therry were in great form in B when they annihilated Old Paradians 24 .16 to 8.9 . Best were M. Petrevski, P . Mallon, J . Zanetti (9 goals) and O'Loughlin, Swindon, M . Geary (Old Paradians) . 10 YEARS AGO - 198 8 The Executive welcomed "Mr Parkside" Tom Johnston to its ranks . Tom was elected to the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Ray Walsh, who had returned to his club Marcellin Old Collegians . Tom became the third Parkside member to serve on the Executive, his predecessors were Lionel Pepper (1946-62) and Brian Lauder (197579). Jim Hawkins again led the Association as

President with Richard Elliot, Executive Chairman. After his speech a t the Umpires Pre-Season Dinner at Brighton Yacht Club, the umpires were not sure whether Jim was a Golf Pro or Businessman . 1988 Umpire Advisor, Neville Nash, had been appointed by the VFL as Umpires' Administrator in Brisbane. His successor was David Levens, former VFL umpire, whose experience in football included a stint as President of the Warracknabeal Football Club . Wayne Henry, on meeting David, suggested that the 1988 "A" Section Grand Final team could be Wayne Henry, Sam Kahn; Goal, Robert Bell, with Noel Rundle to help out . (What does it say about David Levens' appearance?) Old Xaverians provided the surprise in round 1 when they reversed the 1987 Grand Final defeat by Ormond . One goal ahead at half time, O .X. kicked 10 .2 to 4 .6 in the second half . Best for O .X. were Nick Bourke (9 goals), Anthony Callan, Sam Furphy, Danny Meagher. Rick Marks (former VAFA and AJAX star) and Laurie Meehan . Gilmore, Best and Sutherland served the 'Monds well . Ormond newcomers, Andrew Jobling and Steve Carboon, made quiet debuts . 1987 'C' Premiers Monash Blues, got home in 'B' Section by 7 points in a 'thriller' against Caulfield Grammarians, 13 .11 to 12 .10 . Best were Zacharidis, Barker, Sturgess, (M.B .) and Armstrong, Royals, Bettany (C .G .). Closest game was in 'D' where Bulleen-United, 25 pts ahead of North Brunswick at the first change, saw their lead whittled away quarter by quarter and then managed to hang on to win by 2 pts, 13 .9 to 13.7 . The stars were Empey, Jenkins . Graham (B .U.) and Balazsy, Samatore, Nirosi (N .B .). First round 'A' Section umpires were Mark Bushiield, Steve McCarthy, Justin Toohey, Steve Clinch, Paul Cherry, Cameron Schwarb, Andrew McRae, Ken Coughlan, Greg Hardiman, Kevin Segota. 15 YEARS AGO - 1983 Williamstown and Preston joined th e Association's Junior Section 1 whilst Assumption Old Collegians withdrew from the competition on the eve of the season . Former Reservoir Old Boys, Old Scotch and 1983 Old Melburnians Coach Laurie Aghan had been appointed coach of the interstate team . Ritchie Halassa, Peter Murphy and Gavin White, and Executive Member, David Scott were appointed as State Selectors . Peter French had joined the Association as General Manager. Jim Hawkins was Chairman of

the Umpires' committee (Oh - to what heights men can rise - Jim became VAFA President in 1988). Richard Tracey was President of the Umpires' Association . Doug Cuttriss created club history at Old Ivanhoe by lining up for his 300th game capping a distinguishED career in which he won two club best and fairests and was a member of the 1973 premiership team . Collegians shocked 1982 premiers, North Old Boys with a 7 goal win, 19.10 to 13 .8 . Best were Daff, Cook, Griffiths (Collegians) and Considine . Butera, Weir (North O.B) . 20 YEARS AGO - 1978 The opening of Season 1978 saw a number of changes, Jack and Norma Fullerton retiring after 27 years of dedicated service . Taking over as Secretary was All Keam, whose participation in amateur football started in 1940, and who has been a devoted and active member of his club . MHSOB since that date. Manson Russel and Alex Johnson had been appointed President and Executive Chairman respectively. `A' Section matches saw the introduction of two field umpires. The Reinstatement Committee had been in operation using the recently restructured definition of amateurism . Peter O'Donohue was appointed State Coach for the matches to be played in Melbourne on Queen's Birthday Weekend. Chairman of Selectors was Don McQueen . Clayton made its debut in Amateur Football . Old Scotch and Ivanhoe returned to 'A' Section with strong wins over Ormond and Marcellin OC . 25 YEARS AGO - 1973 The season saw the introduction of the "Square", with diagonal corners at centre half forward and centre half back, and other corners on the wing. New Clubs Fawkner and Thornbury were welcomed while reappearances were made by University Reds (F) and Old Paradians, Parkside (Junior) . St. Bernards reported on their 1972 grand final breakfast at which Peter Hutchinson of Power House received a presentation as Amateur Football Personality of the Year. John Landy, 1956 Olympian and former Old Geelong player, was guest speaker . Geelong were the first club in Club Histories . The club was formed in 1926 with three men, P .L . Williams, K .W. Nicholson and V.H . Profltt playing vital roles . It was a late start in that year with the first match on May lst . The club was also placed in 'A' Section, the other teams being Uni A, Uni B, Old Scotch, Old Melburnians, Caulfield Grammarians, Hampton (later the Rovers), Elsternwick, Sandringham, Teachers College, Murrumbeena . 30 YEARS - 196 8 Melbourne High veteran Barrie McDonald played his 200th game (and went on to play more), Commonwealth Bank veteran Alan Kirby had retired . Tributes were paid on the passing of Harry Heathershaw, Executive Committee Member, 19541968 first coach of Commonwealth Bank and pres-

ident of that club for seven years. Old Paradians unfurled their 'A' section pen nant . 'A' Section umpires were Geoff Thomas, Alai Thorp, Brian Hagarty, Harry Marks and Gavai Marshall . Uni Blues and North Old Boys returned to 'F Section with decisive victories over Old Scotch aw Collegians respectively . David Hughes, 8 goals out of the team's tally c 10 was Old Scotch's star. 40 YEARS AGO - 1958 Club treasurers were advised that affiliation fee; for the season were A and B$140, with other sec tions $130. With 14 teams in Junior Section, th Association had a record number of 64 teams play ing. Collegians unfurled their 1957 'A' Section pen nant in front of runner-up Uni Blues, with umpir Arvidson in charge . Collegians were far too strong, 18 .14 to 7 .4 Mansfield Bennett (9 goals) and Sunderland wer best for Collegians while Shaw, Howden an( Charles Langley held the disappointing Blue together. Life Memberships were conferred on Per Matthews, Ossie Meehan and Fred Coldrey . Old Geelong made their first appearance in 'E Section after successive premierships in 'D' and 'C in 1956 and 1957 . Alphington awarded life mem bership to Pere Adams for long and meritorious ser vice . Executive committee were Pere Matthews, Joe] Cordner, Harry Heathershaw, E .J . Lane, Jac] McCann, Lionel Pepper and All Perrin. Ian Clela . nhadberpoitUmsCach New teams were Huntingdale and St Kilda CB( Old Boys . 50 YEARS AGO - 1948 The season opened on 24 April -'A' Section (1 { teams), 'B' Section (10 teams), 'C' (8 teams), 'D' (' teams) and Junior (9 teams) . University Blacks played Collegians an+ unfurled their 1947 'A' Section pennant. Hampton Rovers made their first appearance ii 'A' Section . Old Scotch and Melbourne High drew the Cardinals kicking 9 .23, their opponents 11 .1 1 Top goal-kicker for the day was Tom Ho goals for Uni Blues against Elsternwick . 'A' Section teams were Coburg, Collegian ; Hampton Rovers, Ivanhoe, MHS Old Boys, Malverr. Old Melburnians, Old Scotch, Ormond ani University Blacks .


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U19 SECTION by Brett Connel l

elcome back to another much anticipated sea~son of U19 football . We say good-bye to Williamstown, Old Camberwell and Chirnside Par k whom we hope will return in the not too distant future. On a brighter note we welcome "new" teams in St . Kilda Sth . Caulfield, Old Mentonians, Bulleen-Templestowe and Caulfield Grammarians . Good luck to all teams in 1998 and all the very best this weekend in the season opener. PREVIEW SECTION 1 Mazenod host finalist Old Carey at Central Reserve which will be like a bowling green following some softening rain early in the week. Former Oakleigh AFC senior coach Rod Bourke has the reigns at Mazenod, while Peter Schiller remains at Old Carey hoping to go a couple better this year than last . The OC's to win today. Old Brighton host Old Xaverians at Beach Road Oval and will struggle to hold the reigning premiers, despite all of Leigh Bowes' best efforts . Ken Johanesen continues with Old Paradians in the hope of going one better than 1997, however their first up match could well determine their early season fate . Uni . Blues are notorious slow starters and the OP's should get the points here today. St . Bernards host De La Salle at the College and although neither team excelled in 1997 I expect both to figure prominently this year . At home Jeff Osborne's Bernards to be too good . Collegians return to Section 1 and will host a St . Kevins unit definitely much improved from 1997 . New coach Peter Foster will have his eharges fired up and I expect the SKOBS to prevail in a close one . Selections: Old Carey, Old Xaverians . Old Paradians. St. bernards & St . Kevins SECTION 2 Old Haileybury will travel to Timber Ridge to tackle a Marcellin team who I expect to improve dramatically from 1997 . New coach James Golds (former player) will assist in this process and the Eagles will kick the season off on the right foot today. Whitefriars play host to Beaumaris and with both teams having appointed new coaches Shane Styles (Whitefriars) and Colin Alexander (Beaumaris) last year's results matter little . At home the Friars will prove too strong today . Newly installed St . Bedes Mentone Tigers meet 1997 runners-up Old Scotch and new coach of the Tigers Mick Lovejoy will find little of the latter today with 38

the Scotchies winning well . Another newcomer Old I Trinity travel to Crawford Oval to take on Uni . Blacks under Paul O'Shannassy who will be keen to kick the Blacks season off with a win, in the hope of furthering their cause in 1998 . The Blacks at home will prove too good, and in the final match North Old Boys will find Mark Libardi's Old Melburnians too strong at home. Selections : Marcellin, Whitefriars, Old Scotch, Uni . Blacks & Old Melburnians .

SECTION ( 2) BLUE A revitalised Monsah Blues unit headed up by Mike Dickenson host 1997 runners-up Ormond at Clayton, and with many of 1997's team still eligible the 'Monds should prevail. Caulfiled Grammarian; host Old Xaverians (2) at Glenhuntly Park or. Sunday and in what will be the closest match of the round the 'Fields will draw first blood for 1998 . Df La Salle (2) coached by Craig Williams will finc AJAX far too accomplished today, as too will St Kilda Sth . Caulfield when they take on MHSOB a Packer Reserve . In the final match of the sectior Lightning Premiership victors Old Mentonians witt coach Sven Samild returning for this weekend wil have too many avenues to goal for Ian Wilmott'c Rovers today. Selections : Ormond, Caulfield Grammarians AJAX, MHSOB & Old Mentonians SECTION (2) RED St . Leos Emmaus host Yarra Valley OB a Bennettswood Oval and with the Valley still smart ing from their early exit from the 1997 finals raci they will account for a fiercely determined St . Lea today. Brian Cartwright's Old Geelong host Bulleei Templestowe at the expanses of Elsternwick Parlt and although the Bullants got a taste for the grouni last week I feel the OG's will prevail this tim around . Therry Penola begin their season at hom to Old Paradians (2) and should be too strong, whil Old Ivanhoe (an expected 1998 improver) have th bye . Warringal and Aquinas clash in what will b the closest game of the round with the Redback favoured to win at the wide expanses of Norf Ringwood . Selections : Yarra Valley, Old Geelong, Therr Penola & Warringal . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 191



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UNDER-19 SECTION 1 MAZENOD v. OLD CAREY FIELD : Ben McKee Josh Di Pietro GOAL : Peter Wallis Ken Couglan OLD BRIGHTON v. OLD XAVERIAN S FIELD : Dharshaka Peiris Tim Ovadia GOAL : John Robinson Stephen Leahy OLD PARADIANS v . UNIVERSITY BLUES FIELD : George Gioras Stan Lugowski ST. BERNARDS v. DE LA SALLE FIELD: Graeme Hunichen Max Wittmann COLLEGIANS v . ST. KEVIN S FIELD : Gene Hodgins Clark Thuys GOAL : John Kelly Andrew Lon g UNDER-19 SECTION 2 MARCELLIN v . OLD HAILEYBURY FIELD : Chris Cimoli Cameron Gill at Timber Ridge Reserve WHITEFRIARS v . BEAUMARIS FIELD: Ron Smith ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v. OLD SCOTCH FIELD : Chris Stevens (J) Graeme Morgan UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . OLD TRINITY FIELD : Kevin McMahon Matthew Meier NORTH OLD BOYS v . OLD MELBURNIANS FIELD : Andy Carrick Jim Pappas UNDER-19 (2) BLUE MONASH BLUES v. ORMOND FIELD: Ian Burgess Paul Boschetti CAULFIELD GR. v . OLD XAVERIANS (2 ) FIELD : Dharshaka Peiris Ken Walker Sunday at Glenhuntly Ova l DE LA SALLE (2) v . AJAX FIELD : Justin Grossbard Albie Firle y ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD v . MHSOB FIELD : Daniel Ischia OLD MENTONIANS v. HAMPTON ROVERS FIELD: Nick Evans Geoff Kelly At 1 .30 p.m. UNDER-19 (2) RED ST. LEOS EMMAUS v. YARRA VALLEY FIELD: Trent Greenway Peter Bailey Switched game - to be played at Yarra Valley OLD GEELONG v . BULLEEPt-TEARPLESTOWE FIELD : Pat Maebu s EP SATURDAY FIELD: Gajanan Skandakumar THERRY PENOLA v. OLD PARADIANS (2) FIELD : Jason Moore Damian Murphy AQUINAS v. WARRINGAL FIELD: John McGauran Peter Buchanan OLD IVANHOE has the bye

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& COACH RECOGNITION a 1998 , member of the AFCA/VAFA committee wi ll be ~ assigned to represent a specific section fo r the forthcoming season . He wi ll be the section's voice at committee meetings . He will contact coaches a number of times during the season for a chat and discuss any concerns they may wish to be brought up at committee level . Feel free to contact your sectional representative at any time during the season if you have a concern or just wish to speak to a supportive colleague. One of the important duties of the sectional representative is to distribute the sectional survey to all coaches within his section . The survey is a valuable tool for AFCA/VAFA in formulating future pl an s an d directions . Your co-operations in completing this survey is most appreciated an d wi ll help maintain the standard an d focus of your association.

Section Representatives for 1998 season. A Section : Wayne Harmes/David McCormack (Old Scotch)

football topic . If this is the case feel free to contact another Sectional Representative or any committee member with your concern or request. AFCA/VAFA has a program of coach recognition where coaching achievement is recognised through the coach of the month award . The award is presented to the coach (Senior and U19) who in the opinion of the AFCA/VAFA committee has performed extremely well over the previous month . The criteria for the appointment can include such things as team building, coaching in difficulty circumstances and unexpected upsets, as well as the win/loss ratio of the team . Not all good coaches have the player talent available to him to win a premiership, but with the coach of the month award these coaches can be recognised for their efforts. At the conclusion of the season AFCA/VAFA announces the VAFA's Coach of the Year (Senior & U19) . This is a coveted award that is held in high regard in football circles . 1998 AFCA/VAFA STRUCTURE

B Section : Steve Grace (Ormond ) C Section: Harry Harisiou (St . Leos Emmaus)

President :

D Section: Andrew Crosby (Aquinas ) E Blue Section: Geoff Reffley (Caulfield Grammarians)

Secretary: Committee :

E White Section :

Glenn Taylor (Old Carey)

F Section : Gary Ryan (Monash Gryphons ) U19: Brett Connell (VAFA) In some cases the sectional representative in your section may be an opposing coach and so you may feel reluctant to speak to him on a specific


Kevin McLean

Vice President : Geoff Reilley Glenn Taylor Barry Alexander, Brett Connell, Andrew Crosby, Steve Grace, Harry Harisiou,John Keenan, Mike McArthur-Allen, David McCormack, Geoff Reilley, Don Scarlett, John Simpson, Glenn Taylor, Gary Ryan, George Voyage. Glenn Taylor AFCA/VAFA Secretary


wo weeks before the AFL's Ansett Cup Grand ~Final the VAFA was offered the opportunity of playing in the curtainraiser match against the premfer country league-the Ovens and Murray Football League . This came about as the traditionmatch between the country and the metropolican champion leagues couldn't proceed as the metro champion league was not able to be resolved at the end of the 1997 season - hence the invitation to the VAFA. As it was a pre-season match we were very mindful that players would have been in various degrees of preparation so could have been at risk if we had chosen players without a thorough knowledge of each player's preparation . As a result senior coach Nevi lle Taylor agreed to contact all A and B section coaches asking each to nominate players ready, willing and able to play in this high pressure match in front of perhaps sixty thousand people. The VAFA coaches responded magnificently and we were able to select a side which was a blend of experienced players and young players who were eager to impress given this opportunity . The VAFA was behind at each change but due to a tremendous last quarter the Association got up and won by three points. The players are to be congratulated on a supreme effort . Not only did the result give the VAFA wonderful exposure, but the experience of running the lap of honor with the

Quit Smokefree Cup in front of 55,000 cheering St . Kilda and North Melbourne fans applauding the Big V, must have given the 22 players an unforgettable memory . Match details were as follows: VAFA : 2 .1 6 .4 8.5 12 .9 (81) OMFL: 2 .5 6 .8 10 .10 11 .12 (78) GOALS: Richardson 4, Jackson 2, Wood 2, Seccull, Lethlean, Mitchell and Ockleshaw 1 . BEST: Simon Wood ( won the medal for best on the ground), Dan Richardson, Mark Seccull, Glenn Hatfield, Andrew Ramsden and Matthew Jackson . The VAFA was invited to provide one of the field umpires and Mark Gibson was chosen for this match . It appears li kely that for 1999 the VCFL and VMFL champion league will play a challenge match to see which league wi ll play the VAFA for the title of 1999 Quit Smokefree Champions . Again thanks to all the VAFA coaches and players for makin g themselves available at such short notice .

MARKETING NEWS by Phil Stevens

?day in this column, which will appear as often as space permits, I F a present a number of competitions that have been put in place by th e VAFA and some of our sponsors that will reward supporting clubs . This list is by no means exhaustive and will be added to in future columns.

gZJIT SMOKEFREE INCENTIVE COMPETITION Quit has a llocated extra funding to reward clubs who meet five se t n criteria in regards to the establishment of smokefree areas and 1Li smokefree policies within clubs. Should in excess of 25 clubs meet the criteria set a club will become eligible for a bonus prize of $1500 which wi ll be drawn by mean; of a lucky draw with 15 other clubs to receive $300 prizes . The VAFA will also make a $100 paymen to each other club who meets the criteria . Each club as it becomes a "SmokeFree Club" will be acknowledged as such on Sport 927's Bi~ Sports Breakfast.

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BLADES CLUB CHAMPIONSHF77 $2000 is now the prize money that has been allocated for this competition by Blades for 1998 As per last year a table will appear in every edition of the "Amateur Footballer" indicating th progress of clubs in this rich competition . Points will be allocated as follows : 12 points for each win by the senior team of a club 5 points for each win by the reserves team of a clu b 5 points for each win by the Under 19 team of a club - note that for this year points will not b allocated for Club XVIII teams or for a club's second Under 19 team.

Bonus points are on offer and can be earned as follows : 40 points at the end of July to each club which has at least 20 senior,reserve or Under 19 play ers regularly wearing Blades football boots in VAFA matches . 2 points for each $100 worth of Blades apparel purchased through the VAFA up to 31 July 199E Hopefully everyone this year will follow this competition with a great deal of interest.



At the Sponsors' Evening each club was given its two entry forms for this competition whic was nearly won last year . More of this competition will be presented in the coming weeks in regard to entry deadlines . We give you a few rounds to look at the new sections before asking you to nom nate the seven premier teams in the seven senior sections . $10,000 cash will go to the VAFA club who successfully nominates the eventual seven premie teams, with a countback to be used to separate more than one successful entry. In the event of ther being no winner $1000 will go to the club considered to have lodged the leading entry . e a -- . . . .r. „- -TO ., , - -

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927/S7` -_77COVER/ADVANC E COMPETITIO N Recently a number of bumper stick ers were distributed to all clubs for display on club supporter.lalayer and officials cars . Cars bearing stickers will be identifled reguarly and awarded sponsor p, iaes which will be presented in the "Amateur Footballer" regularly . Afier sticking the sticker on a car a person should fill in the details on the coupon and lodge with eiuier the VAFA or mail direct to Sport 927 (8th floor, 766 Elizabeth Street,Melbourne) . On the Big Sports Breakfast on Sport 927 each Monday morning at 7 .45 am one entry will be drawn which ,,,,ill win for the person lunch or dinner for two at Lucattini's (City) or The Lobster Cave (Beaumaris) . Each winner will automatically be entered in an end of season draw for a VIP package for two persons to the 1998 Spring racing carnival inclusive of a marquee lunch, beverages, reserved seating, racecourse entry and racebooks . This prize will be drawn at 7 .45 am on September 21st 1998 . For further details regarding any of the above promotions please contact VAFA Administration 5531 8333).

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STRAPPIN G RSTAID ' Proud to be a Sponsor and the Official Supplier to the VAFA 156 GEORGE STREET, FITZROY, VIC 3065 TEL : (03) 9419 7344 F :(03) 9417 7419

I The Victorian Amateur Football Association and Red Cross Blood Bank Victoria have joine d forces to help maintain sufficient blood supplies to Victoria's 200 hospitals . Clubs will compete against each other to see who can make the most blood donations to the Blood Ban!-- during th e

y ach Clu b -i ,r.<> r ai s e aw e or more in . r :- . -

f th e nee d n spea k to your "


will help a ir cl ub .

lood" TODAY!

Great prizes and incentives have been generously donated by Hugh Lyon Football Jumpers, Schweppes Sport, Four 'n Twenty and Spalding . B lood B a n k Donor " . : (C _>} 9694 030 0





In a pair of Blades boots, with the revolutionary sole system and internal wedge, you'll notice the improved performance and comfort where it matters most . On the ground .

ii Official Supplier to VAFA .


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Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname, Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin.


(50 cents per min .) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service U

Permits (Thurs) 速Weekend matches (Fri) 速 Scores (Sat . night)



The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St Kilda St) will only be open when Sunday matches are to be played . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . B ~y ~p THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1 qq&

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