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MrJM'S THE WORD! ! To all mothers of every person associated with tIlc ~,AFA, all at the VAFA wish you a lovely day ,ouiorrow . Our photographer this weekend wi ll be around the various grounds and next week one luch - mum's photo will appear and she will receive bouquet of flowers compliments of the VAFA .
PRESENTATIVE SgUAD NAMED Last Sunday evening the senior selectors named a squad of 35 players to commence trainjug for the June 7th encounter with South
Australia in Adelaide. The squad commence s trauiing next Wednesday evening at Elsternwick Par k . Murray Pitts ( Beaumaris), Gabe Deane-John s ~Collegians), Andrew Evans and Adam Elliott (De La Sall e), Peter Flynn ( Ivanhoe), Ewan Thompson (M H S 0 B), Ben Jordan ( North Old Boys), tilaiihew Jackson ( Old Brighton), Mark Seccull, Maui Hilton and Matthew Armstrong (Old Haileyburians), Cam Eabry, Micah Berry, Simon Theodore (Old Melfiurnians), Tim Holt, Rohan Price , Stephen Collins, Aidan Boyd ( Old Scotch), Andrew Ramsden (Old Trinity), Simon Wood, Da~id Landrigan, Simon Lethlean, John Bowen, Dan Richardson, Michael Blood, Glenn Hatfield, Tim Ockleshaw (Old Xaverians), Nick Mitchell, Luke Vassallo ( St . Bernards), Sam Lowerson, Marcus Dollman, Luke Mahoney ( St Kevins), Mick Goodwin ( Therry Penola), Gil McLachlan and lustin Staritski (University Blues)
LATE STARTS, LONG BREAK S A profile of all clubs' performances for the first four rounds has been completed in regards to late starting times and length of times taken during the three breaks. No action will be taken as a result of
these details, although round five times will be compared to this profil e PHIL STEVENS to decide whether it be appropriate to CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER impose a fine . For each week after that the previous three weeks' performances will be taken into account re . fines . Although the rules say matches must start at 2 .00 pm and that the bre aks can only be 3 minutes (qua rter time), 15 minutes (halftime) an d 5 minutes (thre e quarter time), the VAFA will only take into account starting times and the length of the halftime break and will only examine the other breaks if they are significantly in excess of the allowable times . NEW INVESTIGATIONS PROCEDURE This year the Executive has made a procedural change in regards to written requests for investigations emanating from clubs . Should the written complaint involve a player on player matter, for example "player number 4 Phil Stevens allegedly struck with a right fist opposition player number 5 Cliff Bastow", the VAFA's CEO and/or the Tribunal/ Investigations sub-committee Chairman can refer the matter directly to a tribunal for a hearing the next day ie . the evening after written complaints are to be received by the VAFA from clubs . When this happens both players will appear before the tribunal and the players will call witnesses as they see fit to either assist their case or disprove it . Character witnesses are not all owed and witnesses more than one should only be sent if they are able to add extra evidence that a previous witness was not able to give . One credible witness carries much more weight than a line of witnesses who can only endorse a previous witness's evidence.
May 9th,1998 Pri ce: $1 .50 Vol . 98 No . 5
A SECTION b y Jason Frenke l
PREVIEW The excitement of A-section continued in earnest last weekend with the two Grand Final replays and another close game involving Old Melburnians. Redlegs supporters had their hearts in their mouths again last Saturday but unfortunately the Redlegs found themselves on the wrong side of the scoring ledger when the final siren rang at Junction Oval, a solitary point adrift of De La Salle . Anyone expecting the grand final replays to produce close games would have been extremely disappointed when both matches fizzled into blow-outs early in the contest. SKOBS kicked a wasteful 6 . 10 in the first quarter but that didn't stop them from doing an 87 point demolition job to exact revenge against Old Brighton at Brighton Beach Oval . The A-section grand final replay on Sunday also turned out to be a non-event, with Xaverians snuffing out any hopes Old Scotch might have held with a 38 point lead at the first change before a final winning margin of 98 points . University Blues continued their winning ways at home with a 37 point win over the hapless Lions . The students replaced the "three r's" with the"three s's" to help them overcome Collegians, as Slimmon, Staritski and Sturrock were all among the best players . The Lions are struggling near the bottom with a 0-4 record. Keen to avoid their yearly relegation battle . St. Bernards have begun 1998 on a much brighter note and a 7 goal final term put paid to this scribe's theory that they'd struggle away to Old Haileybury. The Gollants led St . B's in a merry dance as Vassallo and Harvey shared 10 goals between them in their 38 point win over the Bloods . The win brought them into the middle of the table, sharing a 2-2 record with fiaileybury and Old Melburnians . PREVIEW SKOBS host the Redlegs at Glenferrie Oval in what is an important test for Old Melburnians . Michael Ford's charges are keen to establish themselves as genuine contenders rather than middle-ofthe-road pretenders and what better way to do it than away to A-section's talented newcomers . McDougall, Aubrey. Stuckey and co . form a tight backline and they'll need to be on the job today if they're going to have any chance of holding the likes of Garvey . Fraser. Ryan etc. Parkin, Berry, Topakas and Usinov form a handy forward line too, but SKOBS are just going so well at the moment . I don't have the heart to tip against them . SKOBS by 21pts .
Old Xaverians travel to De La Salle eager to continue their winning ways with the D's fresh from a thrilling win away to Redlegs . The in-form Ben Mannix will find eit Brushfield or Holmes alongside him while D Jackson will earn either Landrigan or Dillon as opponent . Michael Blood is in good form at moment (is Blood ever in poor form?) and he the talents of the two Simons, Lethlean and Wc at his feet to clear the ball from the middle. X have to drop one soon, but it won't be this wf and they'll get up by 5 goals . St. Bernards find themselves on the road ag, but confidence will be driving the team bus week after last Saturday's excellent win at Haileybury. Confidence will be in short suppl` Camberwell after the Cardinals received a drubt last week but Bernards should be cautio against taking Scotch too lightly . Jason Gollant ; Tom Wilson will do battle in the ruck while Vass might find the close-checking Rohan Price alc side in front of goals. I think I may have unc rated the Bernards, and I hope they'll back me this week by defeating the Cardinals by 21 poin Collegians host Old Brighton at the Harry T today and the good news is that one side will v away with four points and a much-needed dos confidence . Unfortunately, that also means that team will remain winless in A-section and the p. sure will mount to catch up to the pack . Dilena boosted the Lions in two matches this year w Jefferson continues to prove his worth as the le ing big man . Goals are proving hard to come by Old Brighton but the dashing Kryzwniak ; Jackson have shown they do have pace. Br McKenzie and Drew Warne-Smith are going to ih to kick goals today, but the A-section stalwarts edge out the newcomers by 19 points . Today's Optus Vision Match of the Roi comes from University Oval where the Bloods be looking to bounce back from a loss and knocl the impressive University Blues . The Hfftc Secculls and Waldens give Old Haileybury plent brotherly love, but they're going to need grit to o come the Blues . The students have shown plent dash this year with Slimmon, McKinnon Sturrock providing run while Lennen is alv handy near goals . Should be a close game . Blues before a home crowd will sneak in by points .
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old Brighton - Congratulations to Davi d Cochl'ane on today playing his 250th game. 13,,oiluliilg in 1981 "Cocky" has played at all level s n eli as serving the club on committee . A fine ,chie~-ement for a truly fine clubman. Also all at OBGFC would like to congratulate M att "Boots" ' icLennan on reaching 300 games today . A fine ;,! tier for the club over many years winning ; .~ards at Senior, Reserve and U19, as well a s ~-illg on committee . Well done "Boots" and all i;est in your chase for the elusive 348 .
an tllr laS od . 3V' S
SENIORS - 2.05 .98 OLD BRIGHTON 0.1 2.3 4 .5 9 .6 ST KEVINS 6.10 12.12 17 .14 22 .15 Old Bdghtom Kent 2. Raju 2. Jackson 2 . Alderson. Lennox Oakleigh . Beat : Lennox. Krycwnlak, Alderson. Hipwill. Woff, Pryor. St. Ifevins : Garvey 8 . Ryan 5. M . Douman 3. Bowles 2 . Wise, Frazer . Terzini. McArdle . Beet : Mahoney. StbWa .M. Dorman, Garvey . O'Conner, Ryart. OLD MELBURTvRANS 1 .1 4.5 7.8 9.13.87 DE LA SALLE 4 .7 8.7 9.11 9.14.68 Old MeBmrn3ans: Topakas 3 . M. Berry 2. L . Lloyd, Stuckey, Kennedy.Thompsar. Best: Stukett Aubrev, Eabrev, Thompson. M. Berry, Park-in . De La Salle: B . btannix 3 . D. Jackson 3 . Evans . Browne, Bonncic Best: D . Jackson, Seager, B . Marmix. Eller, Sivers . Swift. OLD RAVERIANS 6.4 11 .5 15.12 21 .19.145 OLD SCOTCH 0.2 2 .7 5.10 6 .11 .47 Old Xsveriam: tVood 2, Lethlean 2. Coughlan 2 . Richardson 2. Bowen 2 .Ford, Dann, Healey, Blood . Hunter. Hannesberrv. Barrett. Fay. Taft. Tucker. Cranage. Best : Bowen, Wood, Lau hlan . Landrtd~e- Hoknes. Hannesberre. Old Scoteh: T. Reid 2 . Pritchard 2, Colllns . Millar. Best : Price- O'Brien. Wilson. Smith . Pritchard . Splden. OLD HAU.EYBURY 3.3 6.8 10.9 13.14 .92 ST BERNARDS 8 .3 10.3 13 .8 20.9.129 Old HaBeybtuy: Carty 2. A. Hilton 2. Home 2. Carson . EfstaUllou, Fla,s . Graus. Lappage . Masat Morey. Best: Carson . Lappage . Marcy. M. Seccull . Kraus. A . Hilton. St. Bernards: 4assallo 6, Han^ey 4 . Merrington 3. C . Byrne 2 . Swann 2 . Gilmore 2 . Farmer. Best : L. Gdlant, A . Thomas. J . Gollant . J . Mount . T. Harvey. L. Vassallo. UNIVERSITY BLUES 5 .7 6.10 10.13 13.15.93 COLLEGIANS 1 .0 3.2 6.3 8.7.55 University Blnes: Lennon 5 . Baker 2. Coleman. Featherston. Gungerich . Evans, Scimmon . StarLsltl. Beat : S . Linunin. Starlski. Wilcox Sturrock . Fearang. McKinnon.
Collegians: MeKenzte 2. Bennet, Dearte - Johns, Harrison . Humphrey. Wallace. Warne - Smith, Best: Lake, Deane - Johns. Delena JeCrerson .t4ailace. Kenneallv. RESERVES - 2.05.98 OLD BRIGHTON 1 .1 1.2 3.3 6 .5.41 ST EEVBYS 4.2 9.5 11 .10 12 .12.84 Old Brighton Grammarians : B. Wilson 3. Fisher 3. Farrer 3 . Paskey 2 . B. Patterson 2. Brew 2. Best: McNamara. Fisher. Corke . C . Torts . Bu1Cm . Brew. St. Kevfus: B. DoWsian 4, I. Hewett 3. P. Scarfo 2. D. Motian. T. Salisburp. G. Mulcahy, Best : J. Finch . N . Hart. M. Rizto. B. Dallman . D. Sheehy. A. Hart. OLD MELBURNIANS 4.4 5.4 7 .7 10.8 .68 DE LA SALLE 3.3 9.8 10 .8 13.9 .87 Old MeTMu%sns: Theodore 3 . Nelson 2 . Jukes, Rose . S . Brown. J . Bunn. Miller. Best: Miller. Pattinson, P. Theodare, Jenkins, Cloke. J. Bunn. Be La Salle: Fisher 6. Campbell 2 . Fiume 2 . Reset 2 . Ford . Beet : Fisher. Hooder. Campbell . Van Der Dligt . Wytes, Morel. OLD XAVARIANS 2 .4 7.7 10.12 12.14.88 OLD SCOTCH 4 .0 5.2 6.3 8.5.53 Old Raverlens: Hawicins 3 . Hell 2, Gladman 2 . Hilbert 2, Fleming. Jones . Dillon. Best: Woodruft, HeO . Steam Hilbert . Walsh . Pennv. Old Scotch: Hawkins 3. Castricum. EapJe. Panton. Gwynn . Thomas . Beat: Thompson . Haukins. Castrkum. Marcos. Thomas. Davis. OLD HAB.EYBUHY 2.1 5 .4 7.8 12.10.82 ST BERNARDS 1.4 2 .7 4.10 4.14.38 Old HaBeybury: Forsyth 3. Webb 2 . Gopu. Deaden, Saunders. Waters . Best: Team EfCort. St . Bera速rde : Wood, P. Capes, Collins . Nutter. Beat; A . Capes- B. Overman . S. Grey, Matthews . Catterall. Freeman. U'NIVERSITY BLUES 2 .1 5.1 6.2 9 .4 .58 COLLEGIANS 5.1 11.5 14 .9 16 .10.106 University Blues: W}rnkowskl3. Nugent 3. Nation 2. Kluge 2. Cater. House, Long(y. Beat: Nugent . Tweddle, Ha}ter. Broektey. Byrne, Nation . CoBegiane : 0' Donnell 3. Byrne 2 . Florentine 2. Harris 2 . Woolev 2 . Inglis. Jones . Proctor. Startin. Beet: Florentine, Jones . Van Der Venue, Inglis. Harris . Morley.
I Ii
Tom Wilson (Old Scotch) and Jason Taylor (Old Xaverians) compete last Sunday in a replay of last year's A Section Grand Final .
The Age VAFA sportswriter Garry Petroff writes abo ut Saturday VA rA matches played and previews th e Sunday A section Match of the Day.
FISHER DE LA SALLE 6 16 WRZKOWSKI UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 14 CRANE OLD SCOTCH 12 SAUNDERS OLD HAILEYBURY 1 1 2 Next Week's Matches & A Section Umpires Continued on Pane 41
A Section COLLEGIANS Coach: Leigh cwls«, Res. Coach Craig Nankerm 1 B . King
2 N. Florentine 3 B . Woolhouse 4 T. Van Der Veene 5 G . Deane-Johns 6 S . Van Der Veene 7 L. Byrne 8 C . Higson 8 C . Pollock 9 V. Cleary 10 S. Harding 11 B. Mackenzie 12 C . Dilena 13 G . Palmer 14 D . Warne-Smith 15 N . Michael 15 Y. Phillips 16 A . Wallace 17 18 19 20
R . Hosking J . Bennett B . Mooney A . Greenwa
21 A . Johnston Y 22 D . Kerr 23 N . Milat 24 R. Hartnett 25 J . Frazer 26 S . Wooley 27 S . Humphry 28 S . Blackman 29 A . Kenneally 30 M . Galbraith 31 J . Nevins
32 J . Tarpey 33 A . Startin 34D D. Entwisle
35 R. Morley 36 G . Fode 37 M . OPi e 38 M . Lake (C) 39 R. Jones 40 M . O'Donnell 41 S . Lubich 42 L. Vasdeki s 43 G . Cooper
45 M . Mossman 46 C. Harris 47 D. Milat 48 J . Lemon 49 A. Smith 50 B . Jefferson 51 P. Baxter 52 N. Gil l 53 M . Inglis 54 T. DimoPoulos
55 A. Mirakian 55 E . Jones 57 J . Moore 58 A. Thompson 59 M . Richards 64 M . Gribble 70 T. Smith 77 T. Proctor
DE LA SALLE Coach : Kevu, Collins Rea Coach : Greg FeutriA 1 M . Chun 2 P. Fiume
2 3 4 5
M . Mercuri D. Crowe L. Hall C. Swift
6 M . Fisher 7 C. Brown 8 C. Wri ht
1 A. Kryzwniak 2 J . Murch 3 R. Oakley 4 M . Talbot 5 N. Perry (C)
1 A. Baxter
2 3 4 5 6
D. Connell (C) D. Warden C. McKenzie C. Warden W. Smith
6 S . Alderson
7 Adam Hilton
7 B . Logan 8 G . Hipwell 9 S . Lennox
8 M . Orton 9 C. Home 10 C. Efstathiou
12 D . Toohey 13 A. Johnstone
10 R . Hartman
11 C. Hucker
13 A. Waters 14 A. Duncan 15 J . Hodder
11 A. Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Kent
12 D. Seccull 13 B. Carty 14 A. Forsyth
16 A. Grant 16 S. HYIand
14 B. Paterson
15 N. Morey
15 D . Tymms 16 B. William s 17 A Man Den Dungen
15 R. earthalmeusz 16 C. Warden 16 B. Langford-Jones
20 B. Corin 20 P. O 'Brie n 21 D . Jackson 22 P. O'Callaghan 23 D . Grace 24 J . Morel
18 M . Jackson (VC)
17 Ash Hilton 18 C. Jayasekera 19 M . Armstang (VC) 20 C . Kraus 21 A. Walden 22 S. Richardson
17 A. Elliott 18 A. Flowerda y 19 J . Tully
25 G. Hynes 26 S . Wood 26 P. wYles 27 L. Van Der Pligt 28 S . Hart 29 D. 30 B . Mannxn ~ 31 K . Mannix 32 R . Bonnici 32 C. O'Callaghan 33 M . O'Donnell
34 A . Moore
34 A . Pedicini
19 A . Mandylaris 20 A . Palfrey 21 N . Winter
22 K . Farrel l 23 A . Pryo r 24 R . Carter 25 S . Nickas 26 T. McNamar a 27 D . Paterson 28 A . Alderto n 29 P. Woff 32 N . Bulfin 34 M . Reid 35 S . Mercer
36 A . Abbott
36 B . Pollock
36 B . Ashende n 37 S . Clay
38 J . Raju
37 J . Murphy 38 A . Mithen 39 P. Brasher (C) 40 M . Butle r 40 A. Raynor 41 M . Harber 42 R . Marks 43 L. Borella 44 X. Clancy 44 T. Montgomery
45 A. Tucker 46 M . Haa g n 47 D. Lasini
47 D. Rogers 48 D. Smith 50 P. Mannix
50 J . Doa k 51 N. Smith 52 B. Byrne 52 D. Hylan d 53 L. Seeger 53 A. Smith 54 S. Crowe 54 J . Duckett
56 M. Moloney
57 B. Brasher 58 T. Ford 58 A. Scott 59 B. La'Brooy 59 C . Troia 60 B. Hoy 61 R . Grace 62 R . Beattie 63 S. McManus 64 A. Scott 66 S. Thomas 68 M. Elli s
Coach :Da~ Tapping Res Coede S2epi~en Bet .
OLD HAILEYBURY OlDM®BUFthI ~~ coach: Simon Meehan Res. Coach: P~ FMouds
9 C. Campbell 10 T. Silvers 11 A. Evans (VC)
67 B. Lee 33
9a The Angel Tavem G ryph Inn
39 A. Fischer 40 N. Bufn 41 J . Murchie 42 A. Corke 43 C . Brew 44 A. Brown 45 T. Desmyth 46 D . Hanse n 47 D . Wilson 49 M. Barber
50 S. Williams (VC) 51 D . Strachan 52 D . Stockdale 53 B. Letchford 55 C . Toms 56 R . Brown 57 A. McLachlan 59 T. Farre r 60 D . Crewdson 61 A. Witte 62 A. Lewi s 63 B. Wilson 66 T. Lennox 71 B . Alderson 84 P. McMahon
23 M. Seccull 24 A. Ross 25 G . Rowlands 26 G . Phillips (VC) 27 J . Dann 28 A. Pound 29 B. Carson R . Aughterson 31 D . Maso n 32 P. O 'Donnell
33 A . Floyd 34 C . Reidy 35 D .Lappage
36 B . Lay 37 S . O'Grady 38 R. Parker 39 M . Stanojevic 40 H . Gopu 41 B . Malin 42 D. Scaife 43 R. Plecher 44 A. Kirkwood-Scott 45 N. Hill
s 46 P. Langford-Jone 47 J. Kurta 48 S . Saunders
coach : Michael Ford
Res. Coach: David Brown 1 M . Bennett
2 S . Theodore 3 A . Ross 4 S . Ellinghau s 5 L . Bun n 6 P. Hanbury 7 C. Thompson 8 M . Lovett 9 C. Aubrey 10 T. Roberts 11 M . Jukes 12 A . Hewitt 13 S . Rose 14 J . Bun n 15 M . Forste r 16 C. Eabry 17 A. Topakas 18 O . Keebi l 19 A. Parki n 20 J . Guest
21 L. Boyd 22 A. Waddell 23 M . Berry (VC)
24 C . Berry 26 C . Kennedy 27 O . Boyd 28 S. Rabbitt 29 M. Ward 30 I . McMullin 31 J . Hart 32 A. McDougal l 33 G . Dixon 34 C . Elli s 35 D . Brow n 36 A . McKeo n 37 R . Mulquiney 38 A . Michel l 40 S . Crow 41 G. Wilhelm 42 P. Theodor e 43 T. Cloke 44 P. Thompso n 45 Z. Useinov
46 D . Holme 47 S . Brown 48 C. Jenkins 49 T. Stuckey (C)
49 R. Goulden 50 A. Bonwick 51 P. Dimon d 52 D. Reid 53 C. Pountney 54 M . Thiele
50 P. Marini s 51 C. Banks 52 B . Campbel l 53 A. Bain s 54 I . Paterso n 55 S . Murray 56 J . Miller
55 D. Scaunich
57 M . Peer s
57 M . Wray 58 R. McMaster 59 L. Hardeman 60 J. Amitrano 61 A. Hall 62 R . Thornton 65 C . Dowling
58 S . Gigli a 59 J . Raftopoulas 60 H. Marshall 61 J . Sallaban k 62 W. Hauserman 63 J . Rig g 64 p Mill s 66 L. Col e
The Marine
A eeO n OLD SCOTCH coxh: Wayne H e rrtes Res Coach: MDavid
1 K . Stokes
2 B. Phillips 3 C . Hosking 4 T Holt (VC) 5 R. price (VC) 6 L. McDonnell 7 J . Kitche n g C. Reid g A . Boyd 10 J . Kerr 11 M . Angus 12 S . Hume 13 N . Hooper 14 D . Norman 15 Matt hew O'Brien 16 A. Speed 17 S . Woodhouse 18 S . Collin s 19 S . Spiden 20 T. Wilson 21 S . Gibbs 22 C. Heath 23 0. Crane 24 L . Hawkins 25 T. Pritchard 26 A. Crow 27 R. Armstrong 28 R. M alle tt 29 A. Teesdale 30 J . Laird
31 A . Smith 32 T. Gross 33 J . Hanneman 34 G. Eagl e 35 S. Steele (C) 36 A. Millar 37 J. Smyth 38 R . Eagle 39 M. Starick 40 A. Warner
41 A. Castribum 42 S. Duthi e 43 J . Paterson 44 M . Gwynn 45 M . Blenheim 46 S . Panton 47 T. Rei d 48 P. Davis 49 D . Thomas 50 C . Tindale 51 A. Faichney 52 A. Lines 53 S. Milliken 54 A. Seymour 55 A. Mitchell 56 T. Wilmot 57 N. Morri s 58 N. Thompson 59 A . Walkom 60 M . Webe r 61 S . Eustace 62 A . Cowper 63 T. Gray 64 Mark O'Brien 91 S. Grigg
0'Shau~r~essy Rss Coedr Mlichael Pl~d 1 M . Blood (C )
2 M. Bourke 3 L. Hanneberry 4 D . Landrigan (VC) 5 A. Hei l 6 A . Keyhoe 7 S . Lethlean 8 M . Holmes 9 G. Hatfield 11 Adam Jones 12 J. Bowen (VC) 13 L . Gladman 14 D . Stone y 15 J . Taylor 16 L. For d 17 D . Richardson (VC) 18 S . Hunte r 19 D. Stean 20 M . Hardman 21 T.Ockleshaw 22 A . Bourk e 23 B . Berry 24 B . Coughlan 25 P. Lechte 26 S. Tucker 27 L . Fay 28 B. Cranage 29 S . Wood 30 D . Dann 31 L. Tuddenham 32 A. Brushfield 33 B . Healy 34 35 36 37 38
A . Belli S . Hede P. Barrett J. Hawkins T. James
39 N . Ockleshaw
40 R . Ryan 41 A. Dillon 42 T. Fleming 43 T. Woodruff 47 B . Hilbert 45 T. Coughlan 46 Andrew Jones 47 J . Kay 48 M .Jones 49 R . Dillon 50 J . Drake 51 D . Walsh 52 P. Conquest 53 M. Diamond 54 R .Jones 55 P. Salter
St BERNARDS caaa,: c~ry rÂŤ~ Rea C~ : David Is w
1 A. Comito 2 J . Hardwick 3 A. Brebner 4 V. Comito 5 Joe Mount 6 C. Wood 7 S . Parrett 8 L. Vassallo 8 A . Capes (R) 9 J. Kennedy 10 N . Mitchel l 10 G. Mathewes (R) 11 P. Capes 12 B. Hogan 13 S. McKeon 14 A. Thomas 14 A. Vinecombe (R) 15 T. Wilkinson 15 L. Overman (R) 16 C . Gray 17 B . Swann 18 P. Hayes 19 L. Gollant (C) 20 T. Sheehan 21 B . Loughlin 22 Adam Merrington 23 Andrew Merrington 24 G. De Mamiel 25 JP. Kavanagh 26 J. Gollant 26 M . Overman 27 A. Nathan 28 P. Gilmour 29 J . Overman 29 D . O'Connor 30 J . Debono 31 M . Farmer 32 T. Harv ey 33 James Mount 34 S . Daffey 35 M . Juricskay 36 C. Bon d 37 B . Debono 38 D. McAllister 39 S . Donelly 40 D. Abfalter 41 B . Overman 42 T. Paradowski 43 C. Davi s 44 S . Taylor 44 B . Moon (R) 45 M. Dowling 46 C . Byrne 47 A. Osborne 48 G . Collins 49 A. Fewster 50 S . Gray 51 B. Gallaugher 52 R. Nutte r 53 D. Law 54 D. Thomas 55 M . Talbot 56 G . Cusack 57 L. Rogers 58 P. Farrell 59 S . Byrne 60 A. Catteral l 61 J . Cunningham 62 M . Talbo t 63 D . Berrhandt 64 P. Fitzgerald 65 P. Freeman
56 M . O'Callagha n
St KEVINS Coach: Ttm Hart Res . Coach : Hartley Stone
I N . Hart 2 J. Dynan 3 M . Brady 4 W. Keipran 5 M. Doli~man 6 D . Ciavola 7 B. Kennedy 8 B. Dollman 9 M . Gargano 10 N. Fraser 11 D. R a n 12 M . RYzio 13 R. Bowles 14 L. Mahoney 15 M . Oliv e 16 B . Garvey 17 M . Terzirn 18 A . Wise 19 D . Sheehy 20 P. O'Keefe 21 J . Sibilia 22 J . Macey 23 A. Pivetfa 24 S. Powell 25 B. Marusic 26 A. Becacqua 27 R . Gross 28 M . Farquharson 29 A. Moun t 30 D. Curti s 31 A . McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor 33 G . Mulcahy 34 P. Scarfo 35 A . Thomas 36 D . Kennedy 37 S . Kennedy 38 D . Smith 39 S. Gribble 40 A. Hart 41 J . Hassett 42 J . Pangrazio 43 D . McArdle 44 D . Moylan 45 D . Weight 46 J . Fogarty 47 B . Quirk
48 S . McConnell 50 S . Kurin e 51 J . Darcy 52 J . Finc h 53 J . Goldsworthy 54 S . Gam e 55 B . Callery 56 M . Pangrazio 57 C . Bossong 58 J . Pickering 59 N . Sweeney 60 J . Lynch 61 J . Herman 62 N . Goldsworthy 63 J . Berpin 64 C . Baker 65 T. Bare 66 J . Vincent 67 B . Day 68 M . Davoren 68 D . McNair 69 P. Ryan 69 M . Ryan 70 P. Bannon 88 J. Quirk
S . Young . John Allan's Golden Fleece Hote l Sth. Melbourne
66 P. Panagiotopoulos
si= S 622 Mt Alexander Rd. Moonee Ponds 9326 1799
B~ /~g r: a~ ~sDd':,At' /~/ ~LiVd.a~YQiE
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach: Andrew Smith Ftes. Coach: Pat Mackey 1 D . Slimmon
2 J. Staritski 3 J . Sturroc k 4 D . Guengerich 5 R O'Donnell 6 S . Longle y
7 D. Hayter 8 N . Byrne 9 S . Meade (VC) 10 D . Maplestone 12 B . Blood (C) 13 G. Evans 15 M . Kordick 16 C . STewart 17 G . de Crespigny 18 S. Alexander 19 B. Herrald 20 R. Polkinghorne 20 Z . McCarty 22 P. Sheehan 23 T. Wilcox 23 B . Furphy 24 P. Fairbank 25 A . Henderson 26 C. Mile s 27 B . Fricker 28 M . Thomas 30 M . Coleman 31 M . Mudge 32 A. Nugent 33 L . Tweedle 34 J . McKinnon 35 A. Bake r 36 L. Morison 37 A. Lennen 38 M . Cobbledick 39 B . Bohu n 40 B . Miller 41 M . Keely 42 D . Keys 43 J. McIntos h
44 R . Featherstone 45 G. McLachlan 46 T. Johnso n 47 S. Brockley 48 H . Carter 49 D . sTrack 50 H. Nailon 52 J . Clarke 53 R. Versteegen 54 D. Kiel y 55 J . House 56 M . Belford 57 T. Irvine 58 M . Wyrzykowski 59 L . Fehring 60 D . Edwards 61 A. McLeod 62 N . Taylor 63 G . Kluge 65 R . Benjamin 66 S . Grace 67 D. McAloon
No rth Old Boys v. Therry Penola NOBs started well at Moomba Park and dominated the first quarter against Therry, however, poor kicking saw NOB's squander their chances scoring 3 .12 to Therry's one goal in the first term. Unfortunately for Therry they also struggled to score, were unable to put any serious scoreboard pressure on NOB's and NOB's continued to have the better of the physical contests . Better players for NOB's were Jordan . Mikunda and McGrath . Therry lifted in the last quarter kicking four goals and were well served by Casteldi and Carter who worked tirelessly around the packs all day . Old Ivanhoe v . Ormond Old Ivanhoe after a slow start made it two in a row on the weekend after recording a good home win against Ormond . In a gritty battle of the backlines scoring was at a premium throughout the game . With only one point the difference at three quarter time Old Ivanhoe were able to break the deadlock kicking five goals to two in the last quarter to run out winners . The Old Ivanhoe backline which stood up to Ormond's assaults all day long was led by Rowen Weddle at centre half back, John Mansfield at full back and Andrew Tiernan . Old Ivanhoe's Jarrod Weddle provided a strong aerial presence around the ground and kicked three valuable goals when playing in the forward line . Amongst the best for Ormond were Andrew Jobling, Mark Gilmore and Brett Collins . Ivanhoe v. Old Paradian s Ivanhoe received a mauling at home at the hands of Old Paradians . After an even first quarter the floodgates opened and Paradians slammed on 7 .7 to 3 behinds in the second quarter to take control of the game . Old Paradians forward Harrison, kicked six goals and Pannam chipped in with four . Bets players for Old Paradians, were Harris, Papaluca . Pannam and Dininosante .
MHSOB v. Mazenod Melbourne High booted away from Mazenod in the second half to record a comfortable win away . In the first half Mazenod appeared to be in the contest with John Ballenger holding the backline together and Wayne McLean and Shannon Morgan lively up forward . However MHSOB with veteran Birkett up forward kicking six and on ballersThompson, Skinner and ruckman McIntyre giving MHSOB drive out of the centre they kicked away in the second half . Marcellin v. Old Trinity Marcellin grabbed top spot on the B section ladder with a solid 38 win over Old Trinity . Marcellin set up the win with a good first half of football. Kicking into the wind in the first quarter Marcellin were able to both hold the ball in their forward line and outscore the home side . gong into quarter time with a two goal lead. In the next term going with the wind the Eagles kicked seven for the
quarter and opened up a match winning lead. Forwards Treganowan and Dineen were able to capitalise on the good work of Glenn Cox and Dave Waters winning tl^••••. ball out of the centre . Marcellin were also well served t backmen Nick Godwin, Stephen 0'Flynn and Justi Seabury who rebounded the ball out of defence . B . Andrews eplayrsfoOdTintwePhlps an Balaszy . PREVIEWS Marcellin v. Mazenod
Marcellin will be looking to continue the momentui which has taken them to the top of the table and will t expecting to win against Mazenod at home. Marcelli coach Tony Paatsch will have a good idea of what t expect from Mazenod having spent three years there a senior coach . Mazenod in its recent games has bee competitive up until half time but have lost grip o games in the second half. They will need to hang in thei and make a contest of it for four quarters if they are t cause an upset on Saturday. NOBs v. Old Trinity
Both clubs having rejoined B Section have moved I the top half of the table and NOBs have proved to be or of the surprise packets of the early part of the seaso scoring several good wins . Old Trinity will be looking 1 regroup after a shock home loss and will field a strengtl ened line up for the clash against NOB's . Old Trinity t 26 points . MHSOB v. Ivanhoe MHSOB have had mixed fortunes in the early part i the season but appear to be striking some good forn Ivanhoe after winning just one game against local riv~ Old Ivanhoe, are in danger of losing touch with the lea( ing bunch and desperately need a win . But Ivanhoe wi need a massive turnaround in form to score an am win . MHSOB by 28 points . Old Ivanhoe v. Therry Old Ivanhoe has the opportunity to record its thir win for the year against Therry who are still looking I get off the mark in season 1998 . Old Ivanhoe's form looking quite solid all of a sudden, with wins against iofthearlysnd,NothOlBysa n Ormond . Old Ivanhoe by 30 points . Old Paradians v. Ormond Old Paradians are travelling nicely at this stage the season after demolishing Ivanhoe and Mazenod i the last two weeks . This week they face a tougher tas in Ormond . Ormond will be stung by their loss at ihandsofOlIvanhoedwilthroevyingat0 . Paradians. But Paradians at home and with great scoring power should win, Old Paradians by 27 points
-- 1 Old Paradians - Apologies to Peter Cosgriff wh o c,iay played his 150th game for the club. The refer,,Ice to Peter Cosgriff was a printing error . Apologies to ,,Il coucerned . old Trinity - Congratulations to Andrew Allibon on >chin 250 games today. A former captain and preplayer. Andrew has also represented the VAF A as well as winning the B Section Best and Fairest ;"ard and club award (4). A quality player for the club cr ,, [ sber of year, well done Andrew.
Ivanhoe: Duncan 2. Scuderi 2 . Flynn, Martin, Tagkrt - Scoccht. Best: Flyrm. Doherty. Tucker, Smble. Rau3ey. Lee. Old Paradfians: HarrLsan 6. Pannam 4, Vecchio 4. Papaluca 3. Hefernen 2. Gahin. Holland, Stevens. Best: Harris . Papaluca Pannan. Dintinosante. Zappa . Galvin.
15 13 13
0 e 1
MAZENOND 3.3 7.4 9.6 11 .7.73 MHSOB 4.4 7.6 12.14 18.20.128 114azenod: McLean 4. ODonaghue 2. Steinfort, Morgan, Dunne . Sheriock. Fisher. Best : Quirk. Morgan . McLean. Sherlock. Healey. Hanlev. MHSOB: Btrkett 8. Thompson 2. Skinner 2. Pertzel 2, L"ssnbrick 2. Lambert. Hunt . Albergo, McIntyre. Best: Thompson. Skinner, Mclntyre, Lambert. Clowess . McCully. IVANHOE 3.5 3 .8 6.13 7.18 OLD PARADIANS 3.5 10.12 17.16 22.20.152
e r I
SENIORS -- 2 .05.9 8 OLD TRINITY 2 .2 3.3 5.6 8.8 .56 1dARCELLBR 4 .6 11 .9 12.11 13.16 .94 Old Trinity. Greig 2, Dal}Tmole. Allibon. Balazsy. Andrews. R. Phillips. Ramsden. Best: R. Phillips. Andre.ra, Allibon, Balars~. Stephens, Shaug(messy MareellIn: Tregannowan 4. Dineen 3, Collins 2. Watcrs 2. Fritlna Cox. Beat : Cox- S. O'F1ymr . Cronin, Fli£ma. Dineen .
MARCLLLIN V . MAZENOD Field : Darren Daigleish Geoff Curran Boundary: Anthony Degen Goal : Shannon Ryan l't _scovi
MHSOB v . IVANHOE Field : Mark Bushfield Adam Kiel Goal: Bernie Dix Robert Parr y OLD PARADIANS v. ORMOND Field: Cameron Stewart Nigel Pedler Goal: John Pickett John Fin n NORTH OLD BOYS v. OLD TRINITY at DUNSTAN RESERVE, BRUNSWICK Field : Tim Sutcliffe Damian Lane Goal: Malcolm Venn Phil Berg OLD IVANHOE v. THERRY PENOLA at EP SATURDAY r ield: Tim Ovadia Brendan Allen Boundary : Anthony
OLD IVANHOE 1 .3 6.4 8 .8 13 .9.87 ORMOND 4 .4 6.9 8 .9 10.10 .70 Old Ivanhoe: J . Weddle 3. G . George 2 . J. Hope 2. B. Shadbolt 2. P. Donaldson. M. Stewart . . Tieman, M . Wuods . Best : J. Weddle. D. Spiden. A . Tiernan. R. Weddle . J. Mansfield, A . Corcoran . Ormoad : Robbins 2 . Billings 2 . Grace, MeComille . James, Hors£r.ld. Beckett. Best: Ecigeii. Jobling. Gilmore. Collins. Grace. Bailey. THERRY PENOLA 1 .0 2.2 4.4 8.7 .55 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .12 6.16 10.18 14.20 .104 Therry Peaola: C . Banniste 3. CastaldL Crockford . OConner. Finnegan . Goedwirt. Best : Carter. Castaldi . Bot9e. Finnegan. C . Bannister, Sacco. North Old Boys: Tonkin 4 . Barker 3, Sleep 2. Mikunda Jordan, Colliwu. Lock, McGrath. Best: MIlumda Jordan. McGrath. Booth. Tonkin. Curry.
RESERVES - 2 .05.98 OLD TRINITY 1.0 1 .0 3.6 6.6.42 MARCELLIIi 4.4 6 .7 9.8 13 .12.90 Old Trtnity: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not receimd) MarceWa: Tsoukas 3 . Beattie 3 . Slattery 2. S. Bovsen 2 . RobOlotto . D . Cooper. Colville. Best: Gill, Van Lint. McIntosh. Bettiol. Healv. Randazzo. MAZENOD 8 .7.55 MHSOB 14 .14.98 Mnunod: M . Welch 2. Tsiaris. Quinn . Smith, Paolucet. Egan. Best : Smith. Paalucci. Vincent Mitchell . Carter, Quinn . MHSOB: Feferkranz 4. Cookman 3. McGrath 2. Winch. Fahey. McLardte- Saultry, Harcs. Best: Feferkranz . R . Newton, J. Newton. Sauttry . Har~vw. Smith . IVANHOE 1 .0 2.0 3.4 5 .5.35 OLD PARADIANS 1 .6 5.11 6.12 9 .16.70 Ivanhoe : Fahour. FrLsina Jacka, McDonald, ThaekuTay. Best: McDonald. Murphy. Mav,occa. Blaekurood, Whitehead, J . Seoble. Old Parad3ane : P. Digney 3, M.P. Geary 2 . Trusiove . Lynch. Ball, Baird . Best: M .P. Geary. Reld. Truslove, P. Digney. M.B . Geary. Ball. OLD IVANHOE 2 .1 3.3 6 .4 6 .5.41 ORMOND 1 .0 5.1 7.4 10 .8.68 Old Ivanhox (Goal Kickers and Best Plavers not received ) Ormond : (Goal Kickers an d Best Players not recehed) THERRY PENOLA 3 .3 7.4 11 .7 12 .8.80 NORTH OLD BOYS 0 .1 5.2 8 .2 10.5 .65 Therry Penola: Bye 3 . Carbis 3. Clarke . GorYan. Hutchinson. Moloney. Morris. Pinner. Best: Gorman . Moran, Lvrona Naina. Sacco, Goodwin . North f'l Boys: B^•er 4, Robinson 3. Laxrie 2. Dyson. Bet: Orlanuk, Curren.
: atcerson Simon Boileau Goal : Gary Clancy Shane ilcruert
Live B Grade Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m . every Saturday 18th April Old Ivanhoe vs Ivanhoe 25th April Old Paradians vs Mazeno d 2nd May Old Trinity vs Marcellin O .C . Half Time and Full Time Score Hotline 94 57171 8
B Section IVANHOE Coach'. Doni Vakanis R~. Coach: Rob Peace
1 D . Williams 2 L. HuII -Brown 2 J . Di Santo 3 C. Tucker 4 D . Valkanis 4 R. Toogood 5 P. Manuel 6 I . Taglieri-Sclocchi 7 P. Rawley 8 S . Saunders 9 N . Thackwray 10 P. Le e 11 J . Finlayson 12 B . Finlayson 12 D . Ryan 13 S . Narkiewicz 14 P. Flynn 15 J . O'Driscoll 16 M . Scuderi 17 K . Moussa 18 T Scoble 19 R. Stewart 19 R. Duncan 20 D . Sarto r L. Blackwood 22 R . Angelini 23 T O'Neill 24 P. Harris 25 J . Frisina 26 S . Fairweather 27 J . Hoffman 28 J. Pace 29 D . Schultz 30 M . Sloan 31 D . McFarlane 32 J. Lynch 33 S . McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 P. Whitehead 36 M . Moussa 37 C . Giankoulidis 38 T. Thomson 39 M . Ebbage 40 B . Frew 41 C . McDonald 42 T. Timms 44 P. Martin 45 J . Raywood 46 T. Heal y
47 E. Marino 48 B. White 49 A. Rosenfeld
50 D . Jacks 51 B. Gile s 52 S. Doherty 53 M . Chazan 55 L . Pearce 56 FE Raffoul 57 D . Allaide 58 D .Rattray-Wood 59 M . Fahour 60 E. Krischker 64 C . Jackson 66 FA Raffoul 68 J . Owen 69 J . Mazzocca 73 P. Merory 78 C . Brown
Caxh Tary Pa~sch Res. Caech 6m Foxe 1 C. Slattery
Coach: Rob Pr~ Reserve: Tony CoW= 1 P. Robinson
2 M . Karavisils 3 D . Waters 4 M . Gill 5 M . Moran 6 D . Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 8 R . Frisina 9 M . Day 10 A . Bendoriccitto 11 D . Taylor 12 B . Cronin 13 S . Boysen 14 A . Domingo
2 J . Ballenger 2 M. Peters 3 W. McLean 4 A. Hanley 5 W. Occhiuto 6 N . Marmo 6 A. Smyth 7 S. Morgan 8 D . Carter 9 M. Murray (VC ) 10 M. O 'Hara 11 T. Smith 12 P. McCusker 13 T. Bridgland 14 G . Young 16 D . Healy 17 A. Mercer 18 D . O'Donaghue 19 S . McMullin
15 T. McIntosh
i 6 J . Wallis 17 G . Cox 18 A . Caffry 19 D. Cooper 20 S . O'flynn 21 C. Mason 22 D . Merton 23 P. Chambers 24 B . Dinneen 25 M . Stokes 26 T. Collins 27 S . Theisz 28 N . Armstrong 29 D . Harberts 30 A . Treganowan 31 W. Devercelli 32 R. Colussi 33 S . Beattie 34 D . Ciro 35 P. Healy 36 J . Daffy 37 G . Cull 38 M . Boysen 39 J . Tsoukas 40 J. Dema 41 J. Seabury 42 D . Marson 43 J. Robbilotta 44 S . Lane 45 M . Vanlint 46 B . Colville 47 L . O'Flynn 48 M . Randazzo 49 D . Dodorico 50 N . Godwin 51 J . Blackmore 52 M . Mifsud 53 M . O'Sullivan 54 A . Wilkinson 55 D . Mcneill 56 M . Randazzo 57 L . Bettiol 58 C . Keogh
20 C . Murray 21 S . Polan 22 D . Sherlock 23 A. Tucke r 24 D . Nisbet 25 A. King 26 J . Dunne 27 D . Krom 28 N . Little 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher C () 31 N . Snart 32 S . Paolucci 33 A. Quinn 34 M . Pollard 35 J . Fisher 36 M. Thek 37 G . Trigg
38 G . Mitchell 39 B. Vincen t 40 J . Le Grand 41 B. Welch 42 B. Clifford 43 C . Wylie 44 M . Mastromanno 44 D . Bolle 45 M . Ryan 46 D. Spreckley 47 P. E9an 48 A. O'Neale 49 L. Halvy 50 C. Vinent 51 D. Murphy
52 M . Quirk 55 M . Quirk 56 M . Welch 57 S . Yacoub 58 J . Moran 60 M . Le Couteur 61 M . Daivs 66 D. Johnson 67 S . Dresser 69 B . Harper 70 G . Bye
M .H .S.O .B. Coach: W~nn Fall Ras. Coach: Coin Drek®
1 J . Bamert 2 A. Howard 3 D. Woodley 3 J . Goldi n 4 M . King 4 D. Fleming 5 C. Young 6 S . Grimmer 6 G . Theobal d 7 J . Pertzel (C) 7 A. Barge 8 J . Gerner 9 D. Fairchild (VC) 9 D. Come r 10 D. Skinner 10 M . Clowes 11 B B . Iris . Winch h1 J 12 S . McCully 12 M . Feferkranz 13 A. Preece 14 M . WaYcott 15 J . Schippe r 16 S . Helmot 16 A. Clarke 17 P. O'Brien 18 B . Axford 19 C. Bruce 20 M . Penny 21 A. Cap p 21 G . Mclardie 22 A. Lindsay 22 M . Zaghloul 23 R. Williams
24 S . Harrie s 24 G . Wilson 25 S . Albon 26 S . Harrison 26 L. Elliott 27 P. Hunt 28 B . Betheras 28 T. Lawrence P. Albergo 29 C. Drake 30 T. Lambert 30 R. Newto n 31 N. Fahey 32 A. Cassell 32 M . Konstanty 33 A. Sault 34 E . Thompson 35 R. Limbnck 36 M . Fitzsimon 36 A. Palmos 37 R. McIntyre 38 C. Millar 39 R. Clowes 40 W. Hayes 41 B . Cookman 42 P. Spottiswood 43 M . Halliday 43 J . Spiteri 44 B . Archdall 45 D. Senn 46 R. Peters 46 A . Holland 47 G . Best 48 M . Sharpie s 48 J . Wilson 49 D. Harvey 52 B . McGrath 53 J . Newton 61 M . Pretty 64 1 . Gillespie ~+«
NTH OLD BOY ; Coach: Fra n c Dmid R es. Coach: Dam C~ 1 C . McKay
2 D . Waters 3 S . Mannassa 4 S . Sleep
5 B . Devin e 6 M . Gravin a 7 P. Booth N ) 8 B . Collison (VC ) 9 L . Cur ry 10 S. McGrath 11 P. O'Farrell 12 S . Loc k 13 M . Lyons 14 S. Cheshire 15 P. Kearne y 16 K . Low 17 M . Maguir e 18 J . Murray 20 M . Robinso n 21 J . Curren 22 M . Connell y 23 P. O'Dwye `NY e r
24 J . Barker 25 P. Christian 26 J . Roberts 27 S. Wals h 28 D . O'Farrel l 29 D . Boy e
30 M . Leig h 31 L . Boyle (C) 32 J . Lowri e 33 M . Orianuk 34 O. Abrahams 35 L . Curre n 36 D . Tonki n 37 S. Mikund a 38 D . Nihi l 39 D . Hil l 40 D . Taylo r 41 G . Burn s
42 S. Reinman n 43 M . Prato 44 T. Spurlin g 45 B. Pawsey 46 I . Taleb 47 S. Vavallo 48 M . Anderson 49 J . Trimbol i 50 C . Bailey 51 0 . Newman 52 T. Jamieso n 53 D . Blenkiro n 54 T. Clevelan d 55 D . Timm s 56 R . Pavlo v 57 B. Allma n 58 J . Quilty 59 J . Bugel a 60 M . Rabar 63 R . Gale 69 J . Joyce
ec on
OLD IVANHOE a-thS ` DYa,~h n F~ ~'
A Corcoran B Yarwood P. Sigley D Warry 3 B . Weisz A, Parker D . Tol l T Young P. Cargin S. Ken t T. Young C. Webb 8 T. Steven s g t.1 . Karayannis 10 PA . Veal i S . Tully 11 P Marti n 12 h4 . Johnston 1 3 A . Pappos 13 C. Chan 14 S . Kingston 15 G. Douglas 16 M. Wood s 17 J. Luk 18 P. Bisogni 19 A . Barker 20 P. Quick
21 J : Mansfield 22 P. Donaldson 22 P. Golding 23 M . Stewart 24 G . Haros 25 C. Moore 26 D. Craker 27 J . Weddle 28 D .Jones 29 R . Weddle 31 D . Caddy 32 N . Harris 33 T. Cormack 34 D . Hall
35 L McLean 36 S . Pidoto 37 D. Stott 38 Gerry George 39 Gary George 40 R. Davies 41 L. Taylo r 42 S . Vaughan 43 A . Atkinson 44 T. Agush i 4 5 J. Hempstead 45 M . Link e 46 S. Ford 50 C . Corcoran 5 1 B. Shadbolt 57 D . Kadaoui 59 B. Elsworth 60 S . Myers
OLD PAR ADIAPIS Coach: Patl F~y Res. Caach: Tar y
1 S. Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin 3 J . Dallas
4 S . Phil p 5 MP. Geary 6 B . Pannam 7 P. Cosgriff 8 P. Zappa 9 P. Harri s 10 P. Brabender (C) 11 A . Burns 12 F. Papaluca 13 D . Stevens 14 B . Brabender 15 A. Vecchio 16 M . Godfrey 17 B. Hart 18 M . Lynch 19 A. Brullo 20 J . Willits 21 B. Clayton 22 A. Dianati 23 P. Walsh 24 D. Digney 25 A . Heffernan 26 M .B . Geary 27 K . Jenkins 28 J . Holland 29 S . Dowlan 30 T. Mullligan 31 L. Galvi n 32 P. Digney 33 B. Vear 35 M . Gal e 37 L . Rocchiccioli 38 M . Hildebrand 39 P. Rei d 40 D . Baird 41 G . Porteous 42 T. Clayton 43 P. Heal y 44 P. Joyc e 45 T. McMahon 46 B . Flyn n 47 N. Ball 48 M . Joyce
49 M . Hildebrand 50 M . Williams 52 A . Villant i 54 S . Signorini 56 M . Ryan 57 S . Moore 72 D . Truslove
FINER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St., Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722
ORMOND coach (3-ace P. C~dt: Tim Hilo 1 S . Kennedy (VC) 1 A . Jobling 2 G. Hudson 2 C . Symes 3 A . Allibon 3 A . Orr 4 J . Arrowsmith 4 A. Grace 5 P. Vanderhoek 5 B. Turner 6 R . Heath 6 T. Gallaghe r 7 D . Balaszy (VC) 7 B. Connell (C) 8 S. Dalrymple 8 M. Gilmor e 9 A. Andrew s 9 R . Woodland 10 M. Shaughnessy 10 P. Marnow 11 A. Richard s 11 D . Edgell 12 C . Wilson 12 N . Werner 13 J . Cade 13 D. Turner 14 J . Stickland 14 S . Jame s 15 T. Stephens 15 L. Holcombe 16 C. Barr 16 T. Stewart 17 D. Burrows 17 P. Joy 18 D. Vargo 18 W. Block 19 A . Sheehan 19 D . Cleary 20 C. Phillips 20 M . McConville (VC) 21 L. Kennedy 21 J . Brown 22 D . Beardsley 22 R . Block 23 A . Ramsden (VC) 23 P. McDonald 24 E . Davatzis 24 J. Collins 25 F. Cameron 25 D . Beckett 26 D . Robinson 26 H . Brown 27 L . Clarke 27 T. Brennan 28 C . Butler 28 B. Collins 29 A. Sealy 29 D . Whelan 30 L . Taylor 30 N . Well s 31 S. Bladeni 31 B. Egan 32 D . Glass 32 T. Fimmel l 33 D . Heighton 33 L. Livingstone 34 L. Bennie 34 R. Remman 35 M . Pawsey 35 G . Baile y 36 J . Sutcliffe 36 S . Mackey 37 S . Medlin 38 Paul Milner 38 R. Phillips (C) 39 J . Byron 39 P. Johnson 41 D. Billing 40 S . Beamish 42 C. Keleher 41 S . Lauletta 43 S . Corben 42 M . Thornton 44 M . Mabbett 43 T. Peggie 45 D . Barton 44 B . Power 46 C. Cleary 45 S . Wyke 47 R . Keating 46 M . Beamish 48 G. Smith 47 P. Beet 49 M. Horsfield 48 T. Morpeth 50 C . Day 49 K . Tsonis 51 G. Kin g 50 J . Adgemis 52 N . Courtney 51 M . Boyd 53 G . Hammond 52 L . Seaburgh 54 S. Herman 53 S. Torrens 56 M. Farrell 54 S . Natoli 57 S . Haines 55 J . Levy 58 M. Collins 56 P. Chido 59 P. Konstanty 57 B . Alford 60 P. Ahearn 58 W. Somerville 61 B . Keath 59 E . Best 62 M . Stielow 60 A . Chiodo 63 M . Goldber g 61 R. Sella 64 J . Pickett Coach: Bend D" RA& Coach: Phil Rob=
RY PENOI .A Coacfi: Te~ty t~uiwt Ros. Co~tr Ctds Byre 1 M . Petrevski 2 M . Finnigan 3 P. Gorman 4 M . Elliot
5 S . Sacco 6 J . Vain a 7 A . Moloney 8 L . Hollow 9 M . Grocock 10 R . Egglestone 10 R . Bannister 11 J . Hutchinson 12 R . Moran 12 B. Crockford 13 J . Thrush 14 M . Hewitt 15 G . Pinne r 16 M . Goodwin (VC) 17 G . O'Conno r 17 R. Lyons 18 L. Kuret 19 L. Kloster 20 J . Clark e 21 S . Bannister 22 S . Griggs 23 C . Bye 24 S . Kuret 24 M . Juric 25 M . Postma 26 G . Carbis 27 B. Stephens 28 D . Barron 29 S . Goodwin 30 M . Tadanic 31 S . Hollow 32 J . Sacco 33 N . La Fontaine 34 T. Morris 35 S . O'Halloran 36 D . Watson 37 D . Castaldi 38 39 S . Boyle 40 P. Garoni 41 M . Crotty 42 M . Gauci 43 M . Warren 44 D . O'Neill 45 T. Denman 46 B. Phillips 47 D . Goodwin 63 W. Boyle
tatistics today play a major part in football, or do they? Statistics are a wonderful thing in that you can gather as much or as little information from a statistic, depending entirely on how much relevance you believe that statistic has to the discussion you are having or the points you are trying to make . To aid my point, here are some 1998 C Section statistics, from which you can take what you will . Let's start with the most potent offence, Beaumaris, who after four rounds are averaging 23 goals per game (gpg), and the tightest defence, St .Bedes Mentone who allow a miserly 13 goals per game, but they also average only 15 gpg in attack . The slackest defence is Thomastown who allow 22 gpg, but then they average 18 gpg in attack . The least potent offence is St .Kilda South Caulfield averaging just 13.5 gpg. Our only undefeated side, Old PrIentonians has the second best offence (20gpg) and defence ( l5gp_9J, but their average winning margin is only 38 points, compared with Beaumaris who, not including their loss (only 10 points), have an average winning margin of 63 points . Now taking an overview of the section as a whole, the average of goals scored is 17 per game, as is the number of goals scored by the opposition, which stands to reason. What all of theses statistics say is dependant completely on who you follow and the context in which they are taken, but do illustrate that statistics, when used properly, can be a useful tool for a thinking coaching staff Statistics will be updated as the season progresses. Review - Round 4. Old Mentonians made it a four from four start, keeping their supporters on the edge of their seats, or car bonnets, again, before finishing just ahead of StAilda South Caulfield by 27 points . The first three quarters were even enough. The Panthers though were making much more of their opportunities up forward and gradually increased their lead as the match went on and were 21 points up come orange time . Both backlines were described as almost impassable, the relative low scores evidence of this, and the kick to kick similar to a training drill . In the final term things tightened up . The saints peppered the goals, but managed only 8 behinds before finally posting a major to get within 6 points. But the Panthers won the crucial next centre break and the saints could give no more. Maybe a lucky escape for the Panthers, or evidence that the Saints have finally settled. Best for the victors were Twentvman who was excellent all dav, as were Mullin and Lean in defence on a day when outstanding forwards were few . For the spirited Saints . Astapenko and Tkocz, also down back were their team's best. In another relatively close game, St .Leos Emmaus managed to hold out a fast finishing Thomastown by 19 points at blowy 'Thomas oval . In a high scoring affair, St .Leos had first use of the breeze and booted six goals .
poor disposal into the forward line costin gthemairscoe s,andtheywr19poi up at the first break. The Bears though hit back with breeze and outscored the visitors 6 goals to 2 to be up just 5 points at the half. St .i eos burst out of the block ; the third and booted 7 goals to get out to a 4 goal leac the final break . Into the breeze in the last the Two Bli worked hard, but the Bears were coming. The home s got to within 3 points before St.Leas, who had most of play during the match, steadied and three late goals ] the match out of the Bears reach . In no particular or( best for the winners were, Burgess, Ronchi and Pec( Vaughan also booted 7 goals, and for the Bears, Fel . oDiandPlthepk Barsintldy In perfect conditions at Beauniaris, the Sharks pi on 25 goals to add to Bulleera/Templestowe's w( Beauy 75 point winners. The Sharks were all over the ,itorsnhefmadbysir and the game was practically over, The Bullants got i the game in the second, but the Sharks kept the press on and were well and truly in control by half time. third quarter was another easy one for the Sharks, < although the Bullants eventually came good in the I term, their efforts were never going to be enough to o) come three quarters of lacklustre play . For the winn Mahmoud and Pitts both kicked 7 goals and toget make up very potent forward line . For the Bullants thou that man James was again best and the rest of the te better lift if they want to go anywhere this year .
At Mentone, a solid more so than impressive four qt ter effort from St.Bedes/Mentone got them over the ] against a spi rited Banyule side by 20 points . In a ga that was extremely important to both sides, the Tis managed to take early control and maintained an earl goal lead for the remainder of the match . Each side very hard at the ball, the Tigers though ventured into t! forward line much more often that the visitors, and in end that proved the difference . Adam Thompson provi some much need drive from the centre for the Tigers, < was with first gamer Wes Furlong and Tony MacGeorge goals) in the Tigers best. This game should serve as a w. up call for the Tigers and although they lost, a confide booster for Banyule who were there all day and just mis out.
Old Geelong forced their way into third spot on ladder with as comfortable 41 point victory over Hamp, Rovers at Elsternwick Park, however no information received on that match . Preview - Round 5. This is certainly proving a hard one for tipst Results are really up and down, and I am unsure whet the competition is really even, or some teams only well when they feel like it . Ebbs and flows. ups <
n ; . u ;-re are just too many mood swings in this secHalr,pton 1 :,~-,es host Thomastown in a match of t I,rupton are all over the place this year, bu t ;; nlid' ;id and a s trong forward line, and o n L, rjund should outrun Thomastown who strug, Lill out four quarters on the bigger grounds . Rover s
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B,µ,t travel to Burwood to take on StIeDs wh o .1 and 2 and are good up front averaging almost 2 0 e . They need to be because the Sharks are th e r.i_ll leaders in that category and will use that 3 goa l to defeat the Two Blues in what looms as a nru,g affair. B,aryule play Old Geelong, the Oggers sitting nicely ulird ='ot with three wins and just one loss. They seem ~ enjoying the challenge of C section football, and I yule, as hard as they are trying will not be abl e _~teil it with the Oggers . FLlally its Saints versus Saints, the ones from South C,ttifie'd hosting the ones from Mentone. Neither team ; ; managed to set this year alight so far, and this i s ,-- up as a tight affair. The Tigers will welcome bac k names, and the saints seem to have found the :.rd they are looking for. A hard one to tip but th e have the edge in ladder position, and a couple more ~ un the board so I will go for them .
Thomastown tlations go to both John Theodorou and Gr€ " Scar,, for playing 150 an d 100 nrs respectively for the club . Both fi ne contributors ocer a number of years. Well done to you both .
the on :L . 3
HA','E'I`OI : ~ D =' 3 v. :3DM-?3T43 Field : Mark- Jenkins Peter Simpso n ST. LEOS EMMAUS v. BEAUMARIS Field : Nell MeCbrquadale David Lepair BULLEEN-TEM I'LES'I`OWE v. OLD M ENT€?NIAIVS Field: Andrew Stephen Craig Bratjberg BANYULE v . OLD GEELONG Field : Chris Wallis Paul Withington ST. KILDA STH CAULFIELD v. ST. BEDES hIENT. TIGERS Field: Shaun Rolls Andrew Chapman
A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground o r other or other similar such conduct"
lrd nd 't 0 :op
SEiYIO K3 - 2.05.98
OLD GEELONG 2 .2 8.5 14.12 16.14.110 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .1 3.4 8.5 10.9.69 Old Geelong: M. Wilson 3 . Howells 3 . W Paul 2. Neeld 2. Edmond, J . Wilson . Anderson . Davison, Cooke, Edge. Best : W. Paul . Vtckers,WIDLs . J . Wilson, M . Wilson, Edmond . J. Paul Rvsxra: Helliger .Hampton 3. McKellar 2. Pwer 2. S. Anderson, Browne, Scarlett . Beat : Parkinson . Ariz, S. ANderson . Browne, J . Ferguson . C.. Ferguson . THOMASTOWN 3 .2 9.5 11 .9 17.11.113 ST I.EOS E14iAUS 6 .4 8.8 1519 20.12.132 Thoma.stown: Coped 5, Gorski 4 . Holmes 3 . A . Ward 2 . P. Calasimo. A. Ward . Del Papa Best: Fellous, Diana Plant, Capect, P. Cobsttno, Grech. St Lens: B. Vaughan 7, T. Pcecsa 4 . J . Fennel 2 . B. Hendrfcus 2, S. Pitcher 2, J. Smith . DeYvm, Rose. Be t: Burgess, Roncht . Pecan, WillLs. Vaughan . Devlin. BEAUMftE2IS 8.5 12 .7 18.14 25.19.169 BULLEEN TEAIPLESTO47E 0.0 5 .7 8 .9 14 .10.94 Beavmarls : Mahmoud 7, Pitts 7. Mills 2 . A. Quinn 2 . Vance 2 . Hanrahan. Haynes. Holt . Jury. M. Quin. Beet: Pitts, Martin, Mahmoud, Mitchell. Ward. A. Quin. BuBttu -Tinnplestowa Williams 4, James 3 . Hartin 2 . S . Driver, C . Parris, Smith, N. Bone . Darby. Best : James, W. Thompson. S. Driver, Harlin . Agotls, Smith. ST KILAA STH CAULFIELD 3.4 5.9 8 .14 9 .20.74 OLD MEhTONIANS 5,4 8 .7 10 .11 15.13 .103 St. Kitda Sth Caulfield : : (Goal Kickers and Best 14ayxrs not received ) Old &Seatoa3sne: Acreman S . White(ord 3 . Bournon 2 . Ferguson 2 . D . Kitto. B. Murphy . Soliev. Beet: Twentymut, Mullin. Solley. Lean. B. Murphy, Acreman. ST BEDES MENT TIG. 4.4 9.9 12 .12 15 .18 .108 BANYULE 4 .2 8.3 10.4 13.8 .86 St. HWes Meat . Tig .: h4acgecu~e 10. D. Napier 2, Lalor, Ryan. A. Turner. Best : Macgeorge. N,11ce, Furlong. Bwth, D. Napier. Rt3n. Bangula 0' Connell 2 . tVithcell 2, GIDard 2, Plavfair 2 . R . Williams . Gilham . Rbodlock, Grindat. Noonan . Best: Playiair. M. Gray. Willmore . D. William . Bassett,lt'oalfock.
RESERVES - 2 .05.9 8
OLD GEELONG 2 .1 3.5 5.11 10.13 .73 HAMPTON ROVERS 0.2 2.3 2.3 8.3.39 Old : Dukdata 4 . Harper 2, O'Brien . Spiden, Gatenby. Wilkinson. Best : Spiden, or, Harrington. McGregor. Liascos. Lee. Hampton Rovexa : Tota 2 . Young. Grimmer. M. Dunball, Hunter. Best: R. Dunball, Grimmer. Salter, Mason . Percy. THOMASTOWN 0 .1 5.1 5.1 11 .2.68 ST LEOS EMMAUS 2 .4 5.6 8.10 9.10.64 Thamastown: scarps 7. B. Smith 2, Rio 2 . Best- Scarpa Sincla's, D. Maggio . Brooks. Rio. Pouglos . St . l.~- MeCcsmak 3. Mitchell 2 . Simmondson. Briggs. Hdangjho . Clohesy. Best: ShtunondsoaL Mitchell, Briggs . McCormack . Ottabre, Neue,v. BEAUMARIS 4 .3 7.5 11 .9 13 .14.92 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1.1 2 .3 4.3 4 .3.27 Beaumarls: R. CorIIeld 5, IS. Broakte 3. A . Blaclde, P. McMahon. J. Wadhom . Best: D. Sheldroke. P. Thomas, R. Cortteld. N. McLean. M. O'Brien. A. Blackie . BuIlten Temptmtowx: Cooper, Beams. P. Bone . Franklin. Best: P. Bone, P. DaIlloglb . D. Mills, J . R+e3y. B. Todd . P. Edwards. ST KB,DA SOUTH CAULFIELD 8 .7.55 OLD MENTONIANS 17.11.113 St . Kilda South Caulfleld : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) Old Meaton3ans: Norman 5 . Riley 3 . Davis . Prige. P. F7askfs. Graham . W~uss Cousins. S. Kitto. Anqerson . Best: Winguss. P. Ftaskts . Davis . S. liltto, Rlley. Clothier, ST. BEDES MENT no . 3,2 8 .5 10.8 14 .10.94 BANYULE 3.0 4 .2 8.8 12 .11 .83 St. Bales Ment Tlg.: S. Kidd 4, S. Hecker 2, S. Waters 2. M. Ubenti 2. C . Ross, L. MeH , C. Martin . A . L'Huitlter . Best- C . Maren, J. Sebire. S. Hecker. B . Beasley. S . ' d . J. Dickinson . Baneuta J. Kinneaz 5, Turnbull 3 . P. Williams, Gilbert. Riches, Parni<utsche. Best A, P it J. Kinnear. Ymg, Sheehan, Turnbull . P. Williams.
17 16 14 12
C Section BAI+lYULE Coach,ift SkT= Ras cosch stepheri Gray
1 B Klunear 2 D Witchell 3 L Holt 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 G Donaldson 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 J Fortune 11 J McDermott 12 J Egan 13 M O'Brien 14 S Kayrooz 15 S Gray 16 D Mayne
17 L O'Connell 18 J Turnbull 19 A Thompson
20 S Playfair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilha m 23 M Gray 24 A Plant 25 C Williams 26 H McDermott 27 S Yi n 28 T Gou 29 G Su tt erby 30 D Taylor 31 C Bassett 32 T Wason 33 D Glass 34 C Stevens 35 B Anderson 36 D Tyler 37 M Jess e 38 G Riches 39 M George 40 P Witchel l 41 B Grindal 42 T Egan 43 L Ferrall 44 M Anderson 45 R Culle n 46 P Agostinelli 47 B Parkes 48 W Gibson 49 K Convey 50 B Debont 51 A HoPgoo d 52 D Noonan 53 M Ashton
54 B Dintinosante 55 D Williams 56 B Woodlock 57 T Benton 58 S Hartwick 59 B Wilson 60 B Gillard 61 J Charles 62 A Camilleri 63 M Hare 64 C Dodd 65 A Mason 66 N Cargan 67 M Keegan 72 L Sheean 73 A Rossimel 75 J McIntyre
BEAUMARIS Coach: Bred ftchard Res Coach: Scoft Mathem
1 N . McLean 2 S . Nish 3 M . Pitts 3 I . Williams 4 M . Devine 5 M . Enso r 5 A . Quin 6 D . Wright 7 P. Fisher 8 M . O' Brien 9 B . Nicholson 9 A. McFarlane 10 J . Wadham 11 S . Blackie 12 S. McIver
12 P. McMahon 13 B. Vaughan 14 S. Mclver 15 M . Hoyne 16 M . Quin 16 D . O'Brien 17 L . Marsh 18 T Cotter 19 P. Thomas 20 A . Faragun a 20 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 21 T. Kendall 22 J . Holt 23 A. Catlin 23 T. Fisher 24 Q . Groves 24 B . Gray 25 J . Mahmoud 26 W. Mills 26 A. Coope r 27 D . Johnston
28 J . Vance 29 C . Martin 29 M . Hall 30 A . Easton 30 R . Corfiel d 31 L . McNicholas 31 P. Ott 32 S . Mitchell 33 G . Jury 34 J . McGrath 34 B . Gray 35 B . Ferguson 36 S . Hanrahan 37 B . Haynes 37 M . Bassett 38 C. Spence 39 P. Duffy 40 M . Lance 41 A. Blackie 42 D. Maypiece 43 S . Healey 44 S . Closter 45 P. Thomas 46 C . Kent 47 C . Day 50 B. Ward 59 A. Rowbury
60 R . Thatcher
76 M Lewis
77 M Whelan 78 R Smith
,p~ g~~~~ ¢'
coaci, Bich Res Coach DaM Hooper
Coach: Russel Bum Res Coactr David Rogerson
1 J . Prior 2 S . Driver 3 S . Young 4 G . Alexander 5 C. Parris 6 R. Minney 7 P. Robertson 8 M . Agrotis 9 R . Williams 10 P. Hare 11 W. Thompson 12 A. Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 D . Matthews 15 A . Bryant 16 A . Shine 17 S . James 18 P. Nigro 20 M . Tuomy 21 D . Hooper 22 C. Morihouitis 23 B . Le Feure 24 C. Meutimer 25 S . Boyd 26 C. Papadopoulos 27 P. Faulkner 28 K. Stelling 29 R . Lambe rt 30 D . Cooper 31 D . Williams 32 L . Stott 33 G. Pemberton 34 P. Edwards 35 D . Dowd 36 G . Taylor 37 G . Shallard
1 P. Buckley 1 C. McGregor 2 M . McKellar 2 S . Morga n 3 E . Crabtree 3 A. Mason 4 S . Anderson 4 M . Salte r 5 B. Martyn 5 R . Dunball 6 S. 6 S. W Wllson ilisi
7 M . Lanag an 7 W. Armour 8 D . Anderso n 8 M . Lake 9 A . Natoli 9 A . Guthrie 10 C Ferguso n 10 R . Van Doore n
11 R . Greig 11 A Browne 12 B . Hoare 12 R. Grimmer 13 T. Wilmo tt 13 C. Thomas 14 D. Hobson 14 D. Marshall 15 S . Blick 15 A. Roe 16 J . Ferguson 16 B. Armstrong 17 G . Hagart 17 D . Artz 18 D . McConvill e 18 B. Holt
OLD GEELOND, coa* Mark Neeld Res coad, Berrie, a
1 M Neel d 1 D Walker 2 M Edmond s 3 D Welsby 4 T Du dale g 5 A Howell s 5 A Robson 6 B Mithen 6 E Bestoc k 7 A Darc y 7 S Wilson 8 T Seymou r 9 J Wilson 10 T Wiffe n 11 R Liley
12 N Power 13 P Hermann 14 J POwer 15 S Edg e 16 T O'Brie n 17 M Wilso n 18 N McKellar 19 A Salte r 20 G Coldwell T P oo le 21 G Harpe r
22 J Taylo r 23 H Davis 24 M Vickers-Willis 25 Q Thompso n 26 N Kem p 27 W Pau l 28 A Farre r 29 A Mithen 19 S . Helliger 30 B O'Hallora n 19 A . Hullick 31 N Beatti e 20 A . Powe r 32 G Wilkinson 20 P. Cotter 33 M Wilkinso n 21 S . Parkinso n 22 M . Cripps 34 J Pau l 22 L. Tota 35 C Olive r 23 C. Scarlett 36 T Brai n 23 T. Lynch 37 J C oo k 24 J . Day 38 M Pove y 24 M . Young 40 S Bones 25 M . Davey 42 P Liasco s 25 C. Marini s 44 E Spide n 26 C. Perry 47 M Oliphan t 27 T Pratzos 48 E Smither s 27 W. Benton 28 B. Johnston 55 S Furphy 29 M . Luxmoore 59 C Walke r 30 A. Hunter 61 R Oliphant 31 R . Hunt 62 H Mclnnes 32 T. Smith 63 D O'Brie n 33 C. Van Den Dungan 75 S Harringto n 34 S. Walker 76 C Stinchcomb e 62 D . Rogerso n 80 L Wilso n
AWFlNE FO INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD . Suite 2,41 B Bluff Rd. Black Rock . 3193 Ph:9.589644 4
INDUSTCLEAN AUST. PIt 26 Govan Street , Seaford, 3198 Ph : 9782 4300
H~!(J 1~~~
C Section Oj p ~L7SfC~,~~r'S ST BEDES ST ~CILDA ~ ~ n h,, MENMINEMERS STH CAULFIELD F.~ c~h:M s ~ ~
Coach: Ted T~ R~ Coactc Br~i Bony
Cozt~: Rob F~ EMott = Res C~ste 2 1 M Kinsella 1 M. Ryan 1 D Dinicolantonio 3 B h9urphy 2 S Zakic 2 N . Astapenko 2 J OiMeara ) Stroud G 3(VCJ Sebire 3 S . Heincke 3 E Mitchell C Wallace 4 A L'Huillier 4 N . Hasell 4 A Auliso 6 p Paterson 5 S Napier 5 G . Knobel 5 D Kenny - Ferguson 6 A Ryan 6 J . Bryc e N7 G MacOuire J Shannon 76 M A Hughan . OiKeefe 7 V Ryan 8 B Beasley 8 G . Baker 8 J Fennell L Richardson 9 G Marinic 10 J Graham 9 A Bethun e 9 A . Ladd 10 C Ross 10 B Mitchel l 10 D . Wilson ;1 D . SOlley 11 M Hecker 11 B Care y i 2 C Dwyer 11 C . Neeson 12 D Falkingham 12 T McCann i 3 R Large 12 B . King 13 David Goodchild 13 A Devlin ~4 M Finnis 13 S . Neson 14 E Ryder 14 J Manto n 14 M . Weilgosz 15 C Davis 15 M Merton 15 A OiReil y 15 M . Broad ;6QNoGk 16 W Earle 16 A Ros e ~ 7 M Edmonds 17 A Macgeorge (C) 16 P Rogers 17 R Parke r i e T Bournon 17 A Tsirogiannis 18 A Giaquinta 18 T B a 18 S Vamvakis 19 D_ Kltto 19 B Tomlinson 19 A Majo r J Thursfiel d 20 A . Gill 20 S McMullin 20 T 19 Lamb 20 A Diamond 21 W Furlong 21 S Kitto 21 G Simmondso n 21 A. Cranston 22 P Harrington 22 A Pragt 22 A Burgess . Agostino e 23 T Peck 22 B 23 N Moodi 23 S Nankervis 23 A Delta Lana 24 T Beasley 24 C Kenn y 24 C . Twentyman 24 B Muscali 25 S Booth 25 A McKenzi e 25 J Winduss 26 G Dart 26 S Hecker 25 P Dynon 26 B Devlin 27 A Wilce 26 S Wood 27 P Bowden 27 G Katri s 28 C Williams 27 R Gilmore 28 S . McLaughlin 28 M . Bond 29 D Ord 28 D . Agostino 29 S Darcy 29 A Carter 30 M Turner 29 D Dunlevie 30 M . Ottobre 30 M Brooks 31 M Mifsud 30 G Brown 31 M Contessotto 3t W Ballantine 32 J Dickinson 31 M Cunningham 32 R . Marr 32 P Appe l 33 A Walsh 32 M DiZilva 33 L Thomas 33 G New 34 D Kinsell a 33 N Cole 34 B Henricus 34 S Worrel l 35 R Bilos 34 T Piesnell 35 J Brigg s 35 Darren Murphy (C) 36 A Gangi 35 R . Pope 36 S Bavag e 36 P Russo 37 M Connolly 37 S Manto n 36 M. Lewin 37 T Drinan 38 A Hayes (VC) 38 J Smith 37 S Patterson 38 D Millis 39 D Edwards 39 BL Vaugha n 38 R . Minnie 40 C Johnston 39 T Riley 40 J Gay 39 P Slifka 41 D Serofin 40 W Jones 41 D Cashe n 40 D. Broadhurst 42 A Thompson 42 P OiHallora n 41 S Cozens 41 D. Raczkowski 44 J Recupero 43 G Chalmers 42 C Rushworth 42 N . Dymond 45 R Gould 44 F Dinocolantoni o 43 M Lawes 43 C Kallis 46 0 Lalor 45 S Ronch i 44 B Clothier 44 S Diamond 47 P Howroyd 46 C Smith 45 M Spalding 45 B Derham 48 B Kinna 47 R McCann 46 J Norman 46 A Staford 49 L McGregor 48 A Plnhor n 47 J Konicanin 47 S. Meehan 50 S Kidd 49 D Co x 48 J Whitfield 48 A . Gill 51 S Boczar 50 L . Newey 49 S Anderson 49 M 53 A McShane 51 T Ludlow 50 F. 50 G Richards Buckley 54 M McCraw y 52 J Nie l 51 A. OiBrien 52 H Hanssen 55 L . McHugh 53 T Pecora 52 C . Kerr 53 M Stroud 56 D Marshall 54 J Graves 53 R . Cunningham 56" M Leone 57 M Lomagno 55 D Barlo w 54 P. Tsagloitis 57':- P Watson 58 M Zakic 56 J . Hollandsjo 58 D Coventry 59 H Dwyer 55 L McGaw 57 L . Collins 6 60 C Martin 56 B. Burke 58 P. Levins 2 Daniel Murph y 61 S Waters 57 M . Ralph 59 S . Clohesy 64 M Austin 66 A Turner 58 G . Egan 60 S Buckl e 68 G. Vardy 67 D Furlong 59 P. Clements 61 A . Whitbur n 72 D Campbell 68 M Uberti 60 T. Cannard 62 J Vaughan 69 P Tesoriero 64 J Croni n 61 M Tkocz Phillips Nicholson ST BED S m FNTON TIGERS 66 P. Koni g 62 B . Redden 69 P McCormack tM 6-1OR SPONSORS F7Rfif~~AT[ONALREALESTATE IFCO h t~ 70 P.OiRourke A Acreman G Lean
zenith' i~~~LLQ HOTEL BY THE SEA
W ya
72 A . Brookes
74 S. Willis 78 A. Prosse r 80 H Meehan 88 S Pitche r
cDa* Akio = M Res coach coq 1 V Capeci 2 B Byron
3 P McCallum 4 L Sallese 5 J Bubi s 6 B Pellegrino 7 S Plant (VC) 8 A Fellows (C) 9 A Gentis 10 C Diana 11 L Alberti 12 Z. Fleming 13 G Scarpa 14 A Ward 15 L DelPapa 16 B Colosimo 17 D. Gorski 18 L. Smith 19 P. Ristevski 20 L Alabakis 21 E Lentini 23 R Dimaggio 24 B Smith 25 R Kennedy 26 C McNeil 27 M Reid 28 L Marabito 29 K Harling 30 B. Leavold 31 S Oehm 32 P Colosimo 33 E Ri o 34 J Buzzini 36 J Theodorou 37 D Dimovski 38 G Scott 39 D Palaia 40 G Sinclair 41 D Brooks 42 0 Esen 45 A Insitari 47 D Plowright 48 J Gallimore 49 J Pougias 50 J Dowlgeris 51 E Valentino 52 A . Robertson 54 P. Stewart 55 P. Valeri 56 J . Bubis 57 C L'Aurora 58 C . Perito 60 L Bile s
61 G Skaff 64 R Ward 65 S Holmes 66 D Pougios 67 N Grech 69 R Pandolfo 76 C. Chapkou n Thomastown Sponsors; THOMASTOWN MOVIELAND MANGINI BROTHER S TRANSPORT LALOR SPORTS POWER THOMASTOWN T .AB. B.O.S.S. SECURnY THOMASTOWN NEWSAGENCY EPPING HOTEL E .J . LOVE REAL ESTATE Thomastown Thomestown Gourmet Dell
D SECTION Ken Bremne r
Bouquets to Monash Blues, Parkside, AJAX, Aquinas . St. Pats and Yarra Valley for continual excellence in forwarding fax reports on games (terrific stuff, keep up the good work) . Lemons to Old Essendon, Whitefriars, Salesian, Uni Blacks and St . Johns for lack of reporting. Surely it's not difficult to pen a few lines and forward a fax or Email . Only round 4, yet a couple of games took on the appearance of finals action . Winners (Whitefriars and Monash Blues) are grinners and the losers (Southbank and Parkside) can please themselves . One would suggest that both camps will be licking their wounds, restoring lost pride and doing a bit of soul searching between now and their next meetings . Jackers back on track at the expense of OEG's . Patters notch up a history making win in D section, Bloods overcame a resolute Salesian and Yarra Valley Old Boys continue on their merry way . Whitefriars remain the only undefeated team whilst at the other end of the scale, Uni. Blacks are yet to record win number 1 for season '98 .
less deserved 10 point victory . St Pats want to go 0 record as thanking the Uni guys and the umpires fo making the after match a terrific affair. Yarra Valley made a one horse race of matter against an injury depleted St Johns . To the credit t Joe's they toughed it out but just couldn't match th ball and midfield strength of the Yarra boys who ar starting to look and play like a very accomplishe outfit. Yarra Valley Old Boys wish to congratulat Matthew White on playing his 50th for the club las week (April 25) . Aquinas and Salesian played out an extremel tight contest with no more than a kick in it through out the day . Salesian bagged the first for the Ias quarter however a Bloods onslaught followed with, goals to 2 turning the game around on its ear an, Aquinas running out what seemed comfortable v . The scoreboard can sometimes tell lies . itors
REVIEW At Donvale in perfect conditions Southbank rattled Whitefri ars in the first quarter and if not for extremely poor conversion could have sewn the game up there and then . However, the Friars stuck to their task had the better of the second quarter and went into the sheds only one point in arrears. Totally different second half with the Friars dominating most positions and with their superior fitness made the Bankers look fairly ordinary.
PREVIEW Monash Blues v . AJAX - Sorry Headers, can't ti against you just to give you an advantage. KB bein of sane mind (at time of writing) measures up th Blues form as being stronger than that of th Jackers . Monash home by 27 points. Reluctantly must agree with KB although very tempted to punt o. the Jackas, who as their numbers return to the fol will become harder to beat every week but today it' the Blues just .
Monash Blues travelled to Parkside an d the hosts were able to edge to a slender lead at quarter time assisted by a slight breeze . Thereafter the game belonged to the Blues who seemed to have clear winners all over the park. The Blues defence was simply awesome in restricting the Red Devils to just 7 majors for the day allowing their on-ballers and midfielders to dominate and feed their forwards productively . An uninspired second half took the gloss off AJAX 4 goal win at home against Old Essendon Grammar. The Jackers led by some 46 points mid way through the second term and then appeared to take the foot of the pedal . AJAX turned their fortunes around by making 8 changes to their side and with skipper Marty Halphen back in the team and collecting 40 odd possessions. Sensational and history making win by St Pats Mentone at the Patterdome against Uni . Blacks who I must put this down as a game that was defeat snatched from the jaws of victory . The Blacks led by 31, 25 and 16 points at the respective breaks, however the intensity that Patters played with in the last stanza reaped them a 5 goal to 1 quarter and a much
Old Essendon Grammar v . Whitefriars - K walked away from Donvale with his tail between hi legs amazed at the fitness level of the Friars . Now the (the Friars) might not travel exceptionally well, hoFs ever the OEG's are going to want to be very, very goo to trouble them let alone beat them . Don't think sc Whitefriars by 40 points . Whitefriars were indeed ver good last week and impressed TB as well, especial] the way they stuck to their game plan . If OEG's ca work it out they will be a chance but I just can't sc this happening . Southbank v. Aquinas - The Bloods go into th : game with match winning confidence and are entitle to start as favourites . KB reckons on the fact ft after notching up 28 wins on the trot the Bankers wi be fired up to kick start another winning streak . In close one, Southbank by 12 points . The Tigers wi certainly have to watch and be careful of the Blooc who have certainly surprised . But the home sic rarely lose 2 in a row and I think they will bounc back with a vengeance . Salesian v. Uni. Blacks - The home team must t close to pulling their hair out or maybe even wors
been terrific without getting th e ~ ti r~.,utr . Today KB suggests that the rooste r , 11, Lome to roost and Salesian to bag anothe r (itis one cbmfortabiy, by 30 points. A man ,rut co his word, I vowed never to pick th e ain if they lost last week, and so I'll stic k 1~;1an to win comfortably . St . Johns v . Parkside - Similar to Southbank ,
; ;: :_0~'C - 2.059 1
PARKSID : 20 3.1 5.4 8.4. 1 0 b10NA~HBt.LT_5 1 .2 5.7 7.11 11 .14•`0 . . . . McNamara L. Pariah . Plno. Cusack, Moodie. Soligo. Bwt:, Hockey. 9ta Dean . Laursen, Tessari. - - 4?etar~ter 4 . webster 3, Trumble. Be Young. Rogers, IhwJey. S.
ur . ...
,- iii 1), :ery surprised if the Red Devils don't exact pt,,tishment on the host team given their very
n t~ =,iiibition last week . The Jocs aren't travel(o ;, \,;eIl at present with injuries etc . etc. an d ,id (- ~t i ould record a soft 36 point win . Even i f ,dan Pola continues his good form and kicks ba~u1 TB just cannot see the Jocs troubling ~,ii (he r(10ound Devils . Farra -,r2?ley OB v. St. Pats Mentone - One swal,~ doe,u't make a summer an d KB thinks that St. nuvilc find that is the case this week. The Yarra r ;rre going along very nicely indeed and the pat, houldn't hold too many fears for them. Yarra by r s . Fancy having to agree with KB in every „nc cliis round but realistically I have no option. he 1"arr :'s form has just been that little bit mor e o1)sis(ent than the Vultures and this should see (,,~m rr[n another one . PRESS CORRESPONDENTS : Fax to KB on 6964 ( Email KenBrerrmerCwaccess, net . au) or Tomiw, on 9265 8011 by midday at the latest on :1ot.da.~ following the game.
RESERVES - 2.05 .98
PARKSIDE 1 .3 6.4 10.4 11.8.74 MONASH BLUES 3.5 5.8 6 .12 8.18.86 Parkside: Ryan 4 . G. Panjarl 3. Warren . Linares. McCall . Hoyne. Best : Hogne. Dale . G. Panjarl. Linares. Rvan, Ferraro . Monash Bhrew S. wrodarciyk 2. Teasdale. Bolton. Try. Mentha. Sullivan. Farrar. Best: Hodson .TeasrLe. Mentha. Try, Morgan . Riordan , AJAX 5.2 8.5 14.6 15.9.89 OLD ESSENDON 0.0 2.1 2 .1 4.2.28 AJAX: Ben Simon 4, Dudakou 2. rn, ze,,.i,a., 2, Shein 2. Cohen . Diamond, f{albstetn . Levy. Sawkkl . Bests Sharp . Dudakov. Ben Simon. S. Boon . Steen. Zurbo. Old don: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received) . WHITEFRLARS: 3.3 7.6 11 .10 12 .10.82 SOUTHBANK 1 .0 1.2 1 .4 3.7.25 Whi# : McFarlane 2 . O'Brien 2, L. Eames 2. C. Winterburn 2 . Delzoppo, Haris, Burgone, 1 . Carrigg. Best: Nolan, O'Brien . Delzqrpo. Burgolne. Elliot C. Barnes. Southbank. • Nettleton, Lucas, Decarteret Best : Ge.llie . Nettleton, Roberts . AgiRNAB 5.2 8.5 14 .6 15 .8.99 SALESIAN 0.0 1.2 1 .4 3 .7.25 Artaimun Coal Kickers and Best Players not received ) Salesian: S . Babette, Sutherland. Bests Napoli, McKnight, Kirchener. Babette . Hamilton . Trakkas. ST PATRICKS YAENTONE 1.3 2.4 2 .6 5 .8.38 U1dIVERSIT7 BLACKS 3 .2 7.4 12.8 17.14.116 St. PaUicks Mmtoac. Dalman, Cosgrove. Taranto . Walsh, Wood. Best: Lloyd . Taranto. Ellery. Uptin . Bray, Dolman . University BfficBs: Howell 8.6au¢rari 3 . Kitchen 2. Jensen 2 . M . Janes. S . Jones. Bet: M . Jones. Lhingtone. Ne,t1I Whfte . Furness. YARRA VALLEY 5.0 8.1 11 .9 18 .13.121 ST JOHNS 0.3 4.8 7.8 7.10.52 Yam Vnllep: Franccrn>_ 4, Hale 4, S. Thompson 3 . Kysella 2. Strong. Rowv, ChrisIleld. El-ies. Joiner. Best: L>~•~s. Ho, S. Thompson . R-ll. Gentle, Padgett St. ,7oh^_ l;rundell 2 . Hancock 2 . Liddell 2 . Cassano. B,-,, . van Hooten. Levy, Liddell. F,rntjar. O' Dctmell .
_J '110N_,SFi BLUES v . AJAX i:eld : Chris Stevens Trent Foley OLD ESSENDON GR. v. :7fIITEF S Field : Andrea Flack Gene Hodgins SOUTIiBATdK v. AQUINAS Field : Michael Allen Graeme Hunichen SALESIAN v. UNIVERSITY BLACKS at Mt . '' averley Reserve, Mt. Waverley Field: Alan Stubbs Dirk Krame r ST. JOHNS v. PARKSIDE Field : Greg Richards Alan Ladd Boundary : Matthew Cook Justin Binding YARRA VALLEY v. ST. PATS MENTONE Field : Leah Gallagher Geoff Moore
. indlay. Rogers. J .M. Smith. Alexander. De Young.
6 .2 12.6 18.10 17.15 .1 7 OLL .r:d 3 .7 6.10 10.12 13.15 .93 AdA%I&jeh 6. Freund 3. Rosen 3. Bloom, Brsenstetn. Halphen . Mohr. Rath. Brsf : ohen. Rajch. Weiner. Rosen. GeIbart. Carear. doa: (Goal Kickers and Best Platers not rece}t e~ed) . Old E WHITEFRIARS 2 .1 7.2 13.9 18.14 .110 SOUTIIDANK 4 .9 8.11 7.12 7.15 .57 Whttefr#gr®: Gloufchev 6, C. Carrigg 4. Hu es 2 . M . Carbowe. Poser, Pasqualotto, Lacey. Beat: Gloufchev. J iced. Houston. A. Carbone. GConncs. Pcwzr. 8a3r • Stewart 2 . Perry, 2 . A. Boils 2. Nugent. Best: Reid, VYelfos. Goaltet, A. Pitts. McCallum. P.^L?NbS 3 .5 6.7 9.12 16.18.114 591.'s1AN 3 .3 7.6 9.11 12.13 .85 A, =^=°; (Go-! Kickers and Best Players, not rocehedl . 8elaz~3: Alltgan 2 . Grace 2, Healey 2. Hunt 2. Brennan, Byrne, HazeIl. Quinn. B~t: Healey. Hazell. Sutherland. Brennan. tklseman. 3T. PATBICKS MENtY)NE 1 .0 6.4 12.4 17.8 .110 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 5.7 9.11 12 .20 13.22 .100 St. Patricka Mmtaae : P. Murphy 4. C. Barr 3. M. Barr 3, Michael SullKm 3. Fenech . Grows. Sebfre. White. Best: May. I?a%irs. Michael Sullivan. Matt Sullivan . Paul Sullivan . Fenech . Unversity Blacks.- Hall 5, Caccav1e11o 3 . Henderson 2. Lynch 2. Beaten. Best: Henderson . Beaten . Ca."czx2ello. Cook. Marine. Y VALLEY 5.3 11 .9 18 .11 28.18 .188 ST JOHNS 2.1 6.3 10.8 11.7 .73 Yarn . M . Laing 7. IMdrrrll 5 . Smillie 3. Peake 2. Telford 2. Micro 2, A. Drew 2, R. Thompson 2 . Mcleod, Petersen, Lwesev - Cole, Best- M . Laing. L. White, J. Yoenen. B. Dornvns. A. Lwr.seJ • Cole. C. Heffernan. St. Johm: polo 9. La:Lwn. Waters, Best: Pola. CcurmadLas . Walker, Fredericks, Patttson . Monroe.
,{ !
D Section AJAX Coach : Rick Marks WwkerResC~cluWw
1 J . Wrobel 2 A. Kalinski 3 B. Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Rath 6 D. Kalb 7 G . Samue l 8 A. Krongold 9 A. Rosen 10 R. Bloom 11 M . Weisle r 1 2 D. One s 13 J . Engelman 14 Y. Rapaport 15 M . Rajch 16 G . Rozenberg 17 A. Cukierman 18 J . Wrobel 19 M . Halphen (C) 20 A. Carew 21 D. Gelbart 22 D. Mohr 23 A. Bensimon 24 J . Dunne 25 J . Feldman 26 B . Duzenman 27 A. Lust 28 D. Degen 29 D. Marks 30 N . Israelsohn 31 M . Barnett 32 M . Borenstei n 33 D. Pat 34 D. Gunn 35 S . Rot h 36 J . Segal 37 J . Engelman 38 J . Lewi s 39 A . Grundmann 40 A . Redlich 41 J . Snow 42 A . Sawicki 43 Y. Shei n 44 B . Goldber g 45 E . Steen 46 J. Davis 47 A . Abraham 48 L . Goldber g 50 B . Grodski 51 N . Diamond 52 B . Steiner 53 D . Katz 54 M . Nathan 55 B . Zielinski 56 J . Sharp 58 M. Frie d J . Kalbstein 64 R . Israel 65 M. Zurbo 68 D . Boon 69 J . Vernon 70 S. Boon 71 C . Cohen 73 A. Levy
AQUI NAS O.B . Caxh : Andrew Q~by Rae C~de Br~l Bsrday
1 G . Burch 2 G . Chipporo 3 S. Edward s 6 A. Donachie 7 C. Glennie 8 S . Kelly 9 P. Phillips 10 D. Boland 11 C. Bambury 12 S . Bethune 13 C. Jeffrey 14 A. Lorkin 15 J . Knight 16 S . Close 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Para s 21 S . Downes 22 S . Flynn 23 L. Woods 24 P. Harper 25 T. Grierson 26 A . Franklin 27 S . Jones 28 G . Wiston 29 J . Wilson 30 C. Collilver 31 C. Wooden 32 M .. Hunter 33 M . Collella 34 M . Tarullli 35 R. Chapman 36 M . Tilling 39 S . Connelly 41 J . Kline 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Dunne 45 N . Frederikson 46 J . Hunt 47 B . Woosnan 48 M . Moore 49 C . Lamborn 51 A . Hyland 54 S . Capton 55 A . Cultrera 56 S . Doherty 58 A . Bethune 66 M . Wilson 67 P. Cruikshank 69 J . Hackine 86 B . Barclay
MONASH BLUES OLD ESSENDON Caach : Dm Rog~s Res Comb: ~ e Km
1 J. Alexander 2 J. Baxter 3 L . Holloway 4 P. Maiden 5 D . Rogers 6 M . Newman 7 L . Findlay 8 M . Lawrence 9 M . Wrodarczy k 10 S . We b ste r 11 M . Spencer 12 J . Caldwell 13 A . Herrman 14 R . Burston 15 M . Tinkler 16 B . Smiley 17 P. OiNeill 18 Y. Colombies 19 D . Roche 20 J . Cavanagh 21 C . Gregory 22 A. Dobson 23 S. WrodarczY k 24 B. Hodson 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Hurley 27 N . De Young 28 S. McGee 29 A. Headberry 30 L . Creamer 31 J . L. Smith M . Try 33 J .M . Smith 34 B. Dowsley 35 D . Murchie 36 M. Tehan 37 J . Bolton 38 S . Hooper 39 M. Smith 40 C . Riordan 42 A. Hickey 43 R . Feenaghty 44 D . Teasdale 45 R .. Walsh 46 D . Jones 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Kamphuis 49 D . Morgan 50 D . Schwedes 51 S . Millie 53 L. McCann 54 R . Green 55 D. Trumble 56 A. Berry 57 P. OiNeill 59 H . Middleton 61 D . Walsh 67 B . Dempsey
Coach Lbyd Res Co~ch: Si~ 8~tiop
1 J. Panagiotopoulos 2 J . Chapman 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 S . Reming 5 S . Emerson 6 C . Ridley 7 T Cippoloni 8 S . O'Brien 9 J . Goodge r 10 I . Stevens 11 B . Papal 12 J . Hearne 13 P. Chalkley 14 S. Evans 15 S. Bishop 16 S. McPherson 17 P. Hexter 18 T. Read 19 G . Steven 20 J . Lang 21 S. Dale 22 M . Lukasz 23 J . Hughes 24 C . Robertson 25 A. Leask 26 D . Fletcher 27 D . Barr 28 B. Turner 29 J . Saunders 31 A. Corby 32 J . Mansfiel d 33 S. Cramer 34 J . Leask 35 D . Whitfiel d 36 P. Trist 37 J . Walker 38 M . McKerrell 39 A. Merrington 40 T. DiBlasi I. Ritte r 42 A A. Jealous 43 A. Gatt 44 R . Clohesy 45 P. Barry 46 D . Novacek 47 J . testro 48 P. Murton 49 A. Hutchinson D. Bellman 51 S . Greasley 52 A . Dawson 53 T. Hawke 54 S . Maybury 55 R. Musa 56 A. O'Ryan 57 R. Wright 58 A. Woerndle 59 N . Osman 60 A . Palmer 61 D. Podger 62 P. Baroch 63 A . Porter 64 J . Ross i 65 A . Soteriou 66 B . Lamaro 67 R. Graig
PARKSIDE Coacte L~sk Z&Va Res Coe* Mark Rare
1 P. Laursen 2 A . Delle-Vergin i 3 S . Pin o 4 D. Warre n 5 B . Groom 6 A . Stuart 7 D . Drinna n 8 B . Chilcott 9 A . Constantin e 10 A . Vit a 11 V. Romano 12 D . McCal l 13 A . Cople y 14 P. Lennon 15 D . Moodi e 16 M . Campbel l 17 B . Michel l 18 A . Reginat o 19 S . Gun n 20 C . Perkham 21 M . Tessari 22 B. Harvey 23 M . Sherlock 24 R . Marull i 25 S. Ros s 26 C . Tyso n 27 L . Panjar i 28 S. Fishe r 29 L . MacNamar a 30 B. Hockey 31 C . Austin 32 B. McCal l 33 A. Bott a 34 M . Roman o 35 G . Panjari 36 W. Lay 37 B. Pandari 38 F. Darrigo 39 M . Hoyn e 40 L . Inserra 41 N . Antonopoulo s 42 P. Dean 43 J. Hubbard 44 P. Soligg o 46 T. Petropoulo s 49 S. Collie r 53 M. Yandel l 55 R . Lord 56 B. Smith 57 M. McPherso n 58 D . Velenzisi 59 T. Patten 64 T. Thoma s 68 K. Drummon d
~ Section STJOHNS ~~„ ~ F~~ c~ ~~0° 1 p Paccagnan 2 M . Ladson 3 G. Cester y O. Now 5 S. Cannin g 6 M. Rachele S. Flentja r 3 A . Dowsett g A. Rechele 10 Fa . Courmadias 11 D. Halls 12 M. Halls 13 B . Hilton 14 J . Archer (VC) 15 G . Pattison (C) 16 S . Jabke 17 S . Cockayne 17 D . Christian 18 C . Emery 19 B . Healy 21 L . O'Donnell 22 J. Cunningham 23 M. Foy 24 B. Fredericks 25 B. Aboujaber 26 G . Waters 27 B . Pol a 28 P. Lidde l 29 D. Higgins 30 R. Walker 31 M . Levy 32 G . Shaer 33 Z. Monroe 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 T. Sarhanias 37 A. Stefanakis 39 M. Murray 40 S. Mooney 42 °T. Ducalanbino ~ 43 M . Van Hooten 44 S. Pepper 47 J . Cotton 50 D. Pye 51 M . Orundell 52 C. Hooper 54 C. Cassano 56 E . Ferracane 57 S . Shaw 58. P. Kelly 61 G. Caster 62 E . Ferrecane 63 J. Ladson 64 D . Edwards
ST PATRICKS MENTONE Coach: Sham O'Connor ~Coach: ~Wood
1 D . Fenech 2 M . Cosgrove 3 M . Dixon 4 P. Lewis 5 A . White 6 R . Grech 7 K . Gurtler 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B. Sebire 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 R . Sykes 14 C . Billings 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 G . Ca puano 20 C. Groves 21 D. Bate y 22 C. Dorman 23 Matt Sullivan 24 C. Nicholls 25 G . Uptin 26 B . Ellery 27 M . Wise 28 M . Johnstone 29 D . Murphy 30 N . Freese 31 W. Lloyd 32 B . Archbold 33 D . Andrew 34 S. Beanland 35 C . Brown 36 C . Stephens 37 A. Tasca 38 S. Perazzo 40 D . Nichols 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C. Barr 47 D. Bugeja 48 M . Walsh 49 S . Taranto 50 A . Ladds 51 G . McMillan 52 G . Dalman 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray y 57 V. O'Connor 58 J. Noonan 60 M . Cerriteli 63 A . Orchard 69 S. Parker 73 M . O'Meara
am co~ Michael E~iw 1 M . Bourke 2 M . Wiseman 3 S. Sutherland 4 A. Healey 5 M . Canavan 6 R . Cincotta 7 G . Gaspari
8 M. Hazell 9 D . Scotti 10 D . Oliver 11 D. Taylor A. Gaspari 13 I . Bobetic 14 B . Bowman 15 J . Gianna 16A .pPm~ Cha i ~ ~ 17 Matt Forbes 18 S . Sinclair 19 A . Healey 20 A . Seeger
21 R . Napoli 22 A . Edmonds 23 C . Roche 24 A . Grace 25 B. Kirchner 26 P. Shelly 27 M . Mansfield 28 M. Byrne 29 Mick Forbes 30 P. Bouchard 31 A. Davey 32 A. Stevens 33 B. Piper 34 A. Thann 35 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 R. Hazell 39 B . Quinn 40 J . Hamilton 41 S . Bobetic 42 D. Ghebilikian 43 P. Kavanagh 43 M . Cooke 44 C. Hunt 45 M . Spencer 46 M . Tassone 51 S . King T. Alligan 54 S . Brown 55 D . Seamer 56 S . Fitzgerald 60 M . Bates 64 S . Shelly 64 P. Forbes
SOUTHBANK C~,:De~t~ Res Coach: Mm Rosa
1 D . Putamorsie 2 R. Puramorsie 3 T. Reid 4 N . Wallmeyer 5 A . Stewart 6 A . Corboy 7 K . Anderson 8 M . Vear 9 J . McNamara 10 B . Hodgson 11 A . Pitts 12 M . McCarthy y
13 C . Perry 14 M . Eastham 16 L. Van Loon 17 A. Watts 18 J . Nugent 19 D . Decarteret 20 R . Thompson 21 G . Paleodimos 22 N. Robe rts 23 A . Rolfs 24 G . Rolfs 25 J . Hanneberry 26 R. Linford 27 G . Wardro p 28 I . Del Silva 29 A . Curry 31 J . Russell
32 T. Richardson 33 P. Rachor 34 S . Gillard 35 K . Sparrow 36 G. Jones 37 B . Gellie 38 A . Radcliffe 39 A. Stephenson 40 B. Scanlon 41 J . Messina 42 T. Plaza 43 P. Herridge 44 M. Warland 45 T. Fraser 46 J . Ross 47 S . Oliver 48 H . Pitts 49 R . Lucas 50 M . Frank 51 S . Cambridge
52 S . Campbell 53 S . Melican 54 C. Doyle 55 B . Nettleton 56 B . Elkington 57 S . Coughlin 58 L. Aitken 59 K . Walford 60 T Brain
V Pralu-an F.C . (Tabaret) Social Club 1st Floor, 330 Chapel St, Prahcaa 3181 CXSafiCi93r~tin
~ -` ~ ~-~ ~
The Beehive • Hotel • Hawthorn
Coach: c&ry Connolly Res Coach: Paul M*okn
1 G . Darroc h 2 S . Littl e 3 R. Hal l 4 M . Vaugha n 5 R. McArthu r 7 B . Livingston
8 B . Henderson 9 C. Peki n 10 P. Donovan 11 B . Smit h 12 N . Robert s 13 T. Jesse n 16 P. Cacaviell o 17 H . Peycke r 19 J . Ward 20 S. Lowe 21 T. Holmes 22 T. Lam b 23 S. Beato n 24 M . Fogarty 25 B. Lync h 26 D . Birk s 28 A. Baud 29 A. Glass 30 D . Sowerby 31 N . Cara h 32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitchen 35 P. Corrie 36 S . Matthew s 40 G . Sullivan 41 S . Whitehead 42 A. Gad d 43 J . Afford 44 P. Forbes 45 J . Butterfiel d 46 E . Ricciuti 47 S . Gulle n 48 A . Kennedy 49 C. Frankli n 51 A . Nevil l 52 T. Barbe r 54 D . Bryan ry t 55 M . Nixon 57 S . Dooley
58 M . Begley 59 J . King 60 A . Cheesman 61 S. Jones 62 N . Howel l 64 C . Heigh t 70 D . Peki n 72 M. Buckis 74 A. Ston e 77 H . Cameron 87 L . Brown
D S don Wlâ&#x20AC;˘Ill'EERIARS coa* Des " .
F_3 Coach:- t C
1 D . Fedele 2 M . Bateman 3 M . Carbone 5 M . Robinson 6 C. Houston 7 P. Coghlan 8 A . Davi s 9 C. Maguire 10 A. Pawlik 11 R. Reidy 12 D. Griffin 13 T. Hughes 14 T. Carrigg 15 P. Campbell 16 B. Vandenboom 17 A. Carbone 18 D . Quilty 19 M . Jongebloed 20 S. McAuliffe 21 P. Haseler 23 P. Ciardulli 24 R . Mika 25 A . Lacey 26 C . Rya n 27 D . Vandenboom 28 C . Eames 29 A . Glenn 30 M . Power 31 N . Jenkins 32 M . Borrack 33 C. Harris 34 D . Gloufchev 35 C. Law 36 D . Nolan 37 P. O'Brien 38 C. Carrigg 39 M . Winterburn 40 A . Thwaites 41 C. O'Connor 42 B . O'Connor 43 N. Elliot 44 M . Bateman 45 M. Lester 46 G .Johnson 47 S . Habjan 48 M . Rei d 49 C . Fulton 50 T. Burgoine 51 L . Eames 52 E. Jackson 53 D . Delzoppo 54 S. Gillan 55, C . Calendar 56 D . Rio 57 D .Johnson 58 J. Ri o 59 D . Gentili n 60 R . Pasqualotto 61 D . Cassar 62 M . Vandenboom 63 R . Tartagli a 64 L . Quilty 65 C . Winterburn
1 PI Telford
2 F. Macvean 3 R . Thompson 4 M . Fun g 5 A . Drew 6 D. Howse 7 J . Downs 8 L. Morris 9 C . Ross 10 N . Dodwell 11 C . Reynolds 12 M . White 13 O . Kysela 14 M . Simpson 15 J . Koenan 16 B. Smillie 17 A. Laing 18 L . White 19 S . Thompson 20 S . Fram e 21 A . Livesey-Cole 22 T Wapshott 23 D . Balshaw 24 M . Davies 25 T. Habben 26 G . Mcleod 27 A . Rowe 28 J . Macvean 29 P. Peterson 30 D . Potter 31 C . Padgett 32 C . Heffernan 33 D, Ireland 34 T. Chrisfield 35 B. Peake 36 R . Penaluna 37 D . Francome 38 B. Morrison 39 T. Reddaway 40 M . White 41 B. Downs 42 T. Crean 43 H . Park 44 J . Ho 45 L . Rees 47 B . Mcllwrath 48 R . Davi s 49 S . Seabourne 50 P. Ford 52 A . Hartnett 53 S . Corcoran 54 T. Hal e 55 S . Taylo r 56 L. Harrington 57 G . Whit e 58 G . Kerr 59 A . Joiner 60 F. Yendell 63 T. Strong 64 T. Gentle 66 A. Biesbroek 71 M . Laing 72 R . Lawton 76 J . Scales
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makes p a big his home PIN sure t waves ~~to the Mon : Justr ~mb e r t ~ g s In his t the g~ ~om a (~ ~ort e ~r o f g ~~ be S~~~ e that ~d witli b~~ege~e~e~t`vortheagain so e ~$ Ber d by~ Fr,oib nte Hoar, wngs ti7:lte~Rule: Ho1 , °nd ~
crockery t
o ~ S curtain Plates
her' nu
r ns for ourr~~e Rob rand ~kw~gs aeme also u Mel Tli ~ir~~ ~ tor'e~ KB~' Fav uri ~pire; C0 game an tMr wa .a1 iborst ootb~ RulBitter Girls, M au~s Hole, r0mato ~ Best the ~yo t°nds fore the s~ of dutifuuy ever y~°rd,,, .,_ No ~oraut ~ter uce : ns p~ `4tter a w playan arriv~ T~tb Aick-up !j~ y Nluddy~king before ~6c : ~'~ateh appo tne nent w~d go , d b 9~ k~ t look ~kwneonch` Some l~ ~c Bu Sdth of ~e~~d dsanotth~b~t Fl~, ttilo haveen . ut the ~o heck so ~ the te~4rn that ~Col~ n t Yed P g nnoat In his tgrade ~te °pd RULE Yhea6h~k~°~ or 6efo e ash l nes ~nted a~ ureb p ut ~h ~ Y at th e . b o y s l v a ~ ~s . Ys w ~Ing m Sure ~phons ~eN ash *19 60 9fte th Porto T1~e an brn e~ gear * re {«lu~ch swer for th e °Ys en~ yntouch~ it the ~o ~ the cen~e Umpire Q~en s not the f' beer uh e~ th e nt U O, h 3s we no ~ his lh~'two t . weeks Square is viouA ch~ foo gt o°wever jh~~ t"as e be-~Itfo ~Pa~t turn tter t~ ~~ n ib~ start b~ to when h get Into theto b°nle the bail thee the R rnee red f we u~ wlth the mes ~'ht ~~ th non a nis the good tottily ~~ t s~y povs ? g to see r and °peopth wer q~ ye~n f~tb k0nser Insteado t'rr~p~Qpie have ~e w~~eating o g~v b~s~~k~ on f " been g ~'E ;1 . a Jo~On~or S de h e ~ ~A~ Bowl., ter to o night and ~thernpubUclytn~ry~4 ietc~Y bution ~ c0ld0 to Ivellwent ~e and 1~ all 1ek n,ght. ~~ th e fo ~ents for we wou~d elieveL ove G u'mners bo~ Napoti ~her ~. as not a gut Were ISbAf Su _ Lis fop ~~opu p our ~nks High ~ Righ gam gfarne male: ~waites, Grab~ °rneYeroft ` Sue It~to e 12 dor ganisin -a th male ~ ~1 $rad ~w~tes . ~ah t. G~6her. Th~ks bouneIfp to Bus yrran. cing or
1 A
n ~`
Proud to be a Sponsor and the Official Supplier to the VAFA 156 GEORGE STREET, FITZROY, VIC 3065 TEL: (3) 9419 7344 0( 3) 9417 7419
rrhis year VAFA sponsor Cax•lto erie s tition which wil se at he end of eachfo~thwof the fo tbal a
CCS product, presenting a trivia compea one contestant wi seson n
The following ten questions will Six entries will appear today for the second time this month . es correet will be declared be drawn thosewinner submitted and the en thefrom monthly for May . ~ that has the highest number of responsmany entries be lodged per person per month and each entry shoul dto10flwe by thecan written responses to each question . clearly show questions I 1 . A current VAFA player wo n
~~e ~L Reserves Comp the G an ~8 Medal (fairest and bes
t VAFA club? etition Name him Player 2 . Bill Picken, Jayson and his current unique bond, Daniels , What is it? Wayne Walsh and Ian McMullin have 3 a . only one VAFA player has been drafted by the West Coast Eagles . Name
4 . What is fi,
e ~~een and VAFA football? the moustachioed fast bowler Mer
v 5 . North Melbourne Played Hughes rabic about the game ? ayed Richmond in Round 20, 1985 . g• What is memo _ Who was the first Little Leag . Successive `A' Section Best e u7 player to Participate in League football? have been won on four occas and ~est Awards O .N . Joeka Nelson Lindsay Hassett (Geel) 1935_36, three . Can you name a fourth? Norm Beattie (Cob) . 1969-1970 are $• Can you name the onl y Player born in the USA to play in an AFL premiership team? AFL 9 . When Yo u mind? mention Queen Elizabeth and VFL football what comes to 10 . Since 1945 what is the nearest combinatio n nlng VFL premierships? to a father and son winEntries to the CUB Trivia Competitio n
I 'he VA,
Po Box 359 Elsternro vick
FA acknowledge s the support of 7 ~i F
i `P D" ,Q i f E:
-T-r ugh Lyon
E SECTION (Blue) by Craig Richardso n
Knitwear REVIEW Round 4, the week of one sided games it seems , with Old Camberwell giving Glenhuntly an old fashioned belting, Caulfield doing a similar job on Power House . Then you had Peninsula rolling 5winburne eas- . ily as well and Oakleigh Krushers demolishing St Marys . In the so called close one, Chirnside Park got over Elsternwick by 6 goals . PREVIEW - ROUND 5 With round 5 now here, there is some sort of assemblence taking place on the ladder . Old Camberwell undefeated on top, followed closely by Caulfield and Peninsula and three others with 2 wins, they being Chirnside Park, Oakleigh and Powe r House . The other remaining sides in Elsternwick, Swinburne and Glenhuntly have one win under their belts each with, St . Marys yet to register the all important four points . in This week we have Glenhuntly taking on an . On form Caulfield in the battle of the co-tennants paper you would tip a fairly one sided affair in favour of Caulfield but in a battle of the co-tennants Glenhuntly are likely to push Caulfield for a fair proportion of the game with Caulfield eventually running out winners by at least 10 goals . at home on Next we have Power House Peninsula the ROSS Gregory oval for the first home game of the season for the Power House Piranha s . This should be a good, high spirited clash with both sides having fought out some great games in recent season . Peninsula seem to be in form with Power House struggling a little lately . So on form Peninsula should win but at home the Piranhas grow an extra leg so I'll tip Power House only just!! ! at home . The Swinburne Uni to take on Oakleigh Uni boys have been struggling a little in recent weeks where as Oakleigh see to have found form after a slow start . Oakleigh should win this one but if they relax at all, Swinburne could surprise at home but Oakleigh for mine by 10 goals . in what should be a huge home ground advantage for Chirnside Park, this week they take on undefeatedt Old Camberwell . Both sides are playing great footy a
the moment and with Chirnside's homeground advantage , Camberwell like in the will not want to relax previous game (Oakleigh) the y and take things easy . However, with their forward line functioning extremely well and all other parts of their team also firing I'll tip Old Camberwell by 6 goals plus . In the final game we have a desperate for a win St . The Saints who Marys at home taking on Elsternwick. have started slowly may be eyeing this one as a possible victory, but I'm sure the Wickers will have something to say about that . With more up forward for the Wickers and that little bit of hope of staying in touc h ith the four I'll tip Elsternwick to get the 4 points . All match reports/details and any milestones, to b e faxed directly to the VAFA on the correct forms on 9531 6601 . All I need is a brief report on the game, and social functions, they all need to be faxed to me prior to 4.00pm Mondays on 03 9682 9176 or mobile 0419 001 005 . Old Camberwell - Congratulations to Peter . A product of the Lenton on reaching 150 games Camberwell Grammar school nursery Peter is an entertaining member of the club both on and off the field . Well done on your achievement . Glenhuntlq - Congratulations to Brendan O'Donnell on reaching 100 games "Smasher" has been a very loyal and dependable utility player over the years and was the deserved winner of the best clubman award last year. Well done . played his Swinbu rne - Robe rt "Goodie" Goode 50th game in also the Club's 50th appearance . A fantastic effort by Goodie as he has been an institution to Swinburne and epitomises their whole club in his Milano who has been efforts alone . In round 3 Damien captain since 1996 also played his 50th game . Everyone at the club would like to congratulate Damien for his efforts both on and off the field including his families' support off the field as well . Well done to both Goodie and Damien .
PA 7
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Malvern 3144 Victoria Australia 7 St tion 7 Street Ground Fioor, a ' Facsimile
: (03) 9509 2379 Telephone : (03) 9500 0511 t@ozemail com .a u
. P.O . Box 73 M alvern 3144 t-mall : SUMP "
7 ; ~ie WRJ ^' Z •vD•:o 140a7 .26 .5 420 .58 8.2 3182 9 .4 9i . Seeley 2. tHudmsn6 . MeLean 3 . LMtch, .FOhnsart. O ~h~UMY Inkster 16 . Gibbs 6 . Bes Scott. Tvan . Old Cambe~c5~ . Chow. S. Smith Sims . Galin 2 ~: 3.3il1!K. Freedman 2 . Tun~t'• Whlthead.lnksuer• t 3 Jankrnic 2 . Millt•r, Lew+s. Stewatt . GknhunuY~ . . P. Jotes• Rosstter 30.19.199 Augst . Turnrs. St~ewart 8 .4 18.6 28 .10 13 .70 .5 GRAMM 5.1 7 .3 9 . Laae 3 . D. POWE Liddell S . Wil15. Former 4. Cowlshaw 4 . Loue. Liddell. UL R~xD6138E . ~` Will C;utSe d G~~~ Hatan Baars. Beauchamp pttdorsca 2. Syvman C. . flesmnoii 2. T tFrtwnd, C . Ti~t Horton. D . Cra+en 3 . P. HazTSSon .in. D. . Ander Robinson: S . G. Dea.x • . Rdxin:on, S Clay2an P~n • ~ D.. ANOM Beet: A 27.11.173 Wrtght. T. Friend, 7.3 18.10 11 .6 .55 .4 8.7 4.3 . BarcYav~2,~~ 3~ . P£~dBtiRFi~EUN~'E 0.a 2 WR . I.andry2 7 , A. Barm ~• ~o,8. BI»in . A. Bann . Be*, C. Landry Aichitt-n. Gr~s . Deboto. Lucky. gam=. Ijabdrea~ Canfield 2. cnvx 2Sn sposa ~o _ . De . 810 .58 Best: Sheedp. H~• ~`to . _ 1 .31 .157 .1 la 1~ 1~28 21 ST : iGoal Kickas and Best Players not xecet~TBi~i=Hd 2. Adaa•ay. ~ y,a . Moods 3. BBx~ R. Mazstv~li. ilcoW• . P4a};~ 5. Lewts 4 Deu'~utL~, ~~ Orlando , .16.76 .3 8•2 832 10 17.9 .111 ~ CK 3 . Best : 2 . Surman 2 C1tOtt1SIDE G~t 2 . McDonough 21MESSa~la 2. Murphy . Bakey. . M~~~' Ward. ~~'McHenrr 2 McD ~~ Surman• Murphy . Pemberton 7 . Carusi 4 C. ~ C. P7ccf~t. Mather. Ch}ruakla Per1L M . BakeY• M. Pemberton Mctat~h. Ecd: Bra.~n
--- --
l AULFIELD OR. Field: Pau
ones Terence Farrel l NgULl~ Field : Michael PO, k1OUSE v P~~1 Cilday Garry Seabourn e : SW BUR ~~'RSITY v . OEiKLE1Gi~ Field IN n Tony psinas Andrew Wilkinson ~R~LL Field : C CHIRNSIDE PARR V . OLD Pon Smith Chris Cimoli CR Field: Geoff . ST.' MARYS v 'LSTERNWI n
Drereton Hugh Camero
L"~ takes place A melee is "Where an incident involving players pushing, scragging, jumping intoorpacks, other the ground Otherthrowing or other each similar suchto
, •• 2 ,RESV .O5 98 29.13.167 . 10 2.0 .12 I2 .2 11 :0 ~20 CAt+ffiERWE OLD 1 .0 . Lemon 3. Kent . Stractn 3 OLEN1It1f++iZ .EY , .iahgne~ 3 . O' t . O' hiah~t~` . . Walkex 7 ;ash 7 . T .nt. Cohen Old Ca~~~'. ` Sest: Nash. T. Watkes. I{eMd Jxk, .mdden• 2 . Sailor 2. Hamilum . ranozw, xa~rir. Stxact>3" . Jankwu. Pano~~ ~ 5~~ . Crooke 7.18.120 G~~~ H~p~s 8.11 12.18 1 .30 . 4.9 G tAYiB 1 .1 2 .1 4.8 CAULFffiLD 1 .0 2 . Tmvriley 2. C~tks . Holloa~rl SanBago PORTER HOllBE Trnv ileY• . BettanY 3, Sm1th 2 . Wailes 2C,, I~hner' . Chan . 8tst: kL Mon15sc9• Santi~go . W. ~P~ S~7~s• geei: N . Uran. C. McLeod . Hansan. J . Sc~ ~ ~~ il~ B . Wtiswi 2. M . S4ibmd' . E~na$.141 .15 J Uran, P . Gh.^.~-'L J .12 21 4 .28 6 .8 11 .9 13 .4 .4 1.1 4 1n 24 Fazrwr 2. Goldthorpe 2• ~t7R~h'£ i3NV2£RSnR . . Franks 4. Marl+s 4. Aickilnsaz Gimm Atchins¢rl Freeman, Warner, ~t. Hiemana . Best: Cdtitha4~• .~'d• . L!a}d cBowen2 De Marie, ~Y ' : Freeman 2 Unk C'osaltq Swinbum . Sar6tses. Winters . 10.10 .70 Ca-'mL O' Donnell 18a0.11 rece4'cdGunt ~kers and Besi Players not . 0'4)0`11" Moulanfy Scki~ 3. Hanle,v 3, ~d~~ e . A. 4imcL . kiss, .,~d[jd 3.8 4 .9.33 eY• Fi 0.2 0.2 .811 .11.77 CK .7 9 2.1 7 Buckirtham~ &t.•sic Steele. Park: CffiRN861£ PARK Effitaawlck%~a. Grandeataug=• Chtxnskk~ stankvrich• nav ~ ~ 0 ,,man' Kirkham . KwPm3n• Laxen• A . Skein 2. PIP' 2, L__' Hanty . h{aeathex. 1, arfner. Ktmptart
d Tom Brain PreT~~~ghand n sent all scores and match details to Benny , hearted manner . Listen t Q 0 0 a .m . each Sunday . a special gues V~A gissues . Program includes Phil Stevens talkin Brian "Benny" Goodman a
E Blue CAULFB.DGRANiVIAR CHIRNSIDE PARK asrETW acAM c~, :c~tta~ Coactr Rod Mona a~ c~a, WOW r== Res coac,:ancirew Ostah 1 M . Millard 1 M . Pemberto n 1 L. Murphy
2 B . Hal l 3 D. Anderson (C) 4 S . Stevenson 5 W. Horton 6 A . Kahofer 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowe s 10 A . Will 11 M . Cassidy 12 J. Farmer 13 D . Gur r 14 S . Klose 15 R . Castles 16 T. Royals 17 G . Williams 17 P. Anderson . 18 N . Cox 19 B. Baxter 20A H. Vella 20B M . Klos e 21 N . Brohier (VC) 22 T. Townle y 23 D. Ash 24 K. Dachs 25 N . Lubransky 26 S . Williams 27 R. Keown 28 T. Cha n 29 D . Schrimski 30 D . Lowe 31 J . Holloway 32 M . Dicrosta 33 R . Morrissey 34 J . Margerison 35 A . Lawrence 36 R . Gosstray 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 M. Phela n 41 M. Liddell 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 C. Bettany 45 T. Oscar 46 G . Lehner 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 50 M . Cutler 51 N . Silver 52 T. Dionyssopoulos 53 M . Tull y 54 B . Lyons 55 M . Davies 56 A . Dowd 58 A . Coventry 59 A . Beauchamp 60 M . Barnett 61 G . Dind 62 A. Coventry 69 A. Gooding
2 A. Sore 3 G . Skein 4 M . Carusi 5 M . Holliday 6 J . Brow n 7 V. Piccioli 8 S . Oate s 9 W. Pemberton 10 M . Koopmans 11 G. Wyngard 12 D. Paol a 13 E . Westmore 14 D . Dasolto 15 S . McIntosh 16 M . Walker 17 B . Pedler 18 M . Massarotti 19 C . Picciol i 20 K . Oates 21 S. Cousins 22 P. Delguidice 23 R . Davidson 24 D . McHenry 25 R . Henderson 26 G . Kellaway 27 L. Lowe n 28 J . Mosca 29 P. Schilling 30 L. Mather 31 M . Ogstan 32 G . Laidlaw 33 A . Chirnside 34 A . Thomas 35 MT. Koopmans 36 D . Kar p 37 L . Bakey 38 G. Kimpton 39 N . Sibbing 40 T. Marriner 41 D . Kennedy 42 A . Conte 43 A. Burnes 44 R . Chirnside 45 W. Hussey 46 P. Ega n 47 N . Egan 48 R . Gray 49 C. Peters 50 C. Lindsay 52 G . Lambkin 53 B . Driver 54 D . Skillern 55 P. Churchill 56 R . McArthur 57 J. Whiteside 58 A . Mather 59 D . Harvey 60 P. Pop e 61 G. Pillikidis
2 A . Hankin 3 T. Byrn e 4 M . Savage 5 M . Whelan 6 G. Jenkins 7 D . Le e 8 S . Currie 9 S . Clement 10 R . Bravington 11 P. Mahony 11aL . Messiaglia 12 N . Wigmore 13 P. Stankovich 14 S . Soppett 15 F. Diangregorio 16 M . Surma n 17 J . Ward 18 A. Neil l 19 R . Buckingham 20 M . Hunt 21 M . Noonan 22 M . Mussard 23 S . Curtain 24 B . Franken 25 A . Patterson 26 C. Mahony 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S . Mahony 30 J. Wright 31 G. Devonshire 32 T. Swinnerton 33 J. Overman 34 A. Conti n 35 P. McNally 36 B. Bravington 37 J . White 38 M. Bell 39 P. Allan 40 M . Ray 41 A. Tilley 42 S . Ramsey 43 C. Lyons 44 G . Corri e 45 R. Grandemange 46 J . Kosij 47 M . Franken 48 J . Ahern 49 C. Walker 50 D . Hosking 51 M . Bullard 52 P. Broderick 53 R . Williams 54 S. Kirkham 55 P. Harris 56 D . Steele 58 K. Campbell 59 M . Lacis 60 S. Park 61 M. Purcell 62 C . Allan 63 T. Baxter
GLENHUNTLY Coach: Steve Altencler Res Coach: Peter Derrick 1 B. Wilso n
2 C . Whelan 3 T Hil l 4 D . Cassar 5 J . Allessi 6 P. McGuinness 7 M . Kouts 8 J . Janis 9 A. Antonio 10 A . Young 11 T. Rossiter 12 S .OiReilly 13 M . Kratewski 14 J . Gilmore 15 P. Bresli n 16 C .Johnson 17 S . August 21 I . Turner 22 G. Richards 23 P. Thomas 24 A. Worsnop 26 T. Short 27 M . Gulton 28 C . Murray 30 B. Stewart 31 L. Thomas 32 S . Jankovic 33 D. Jones 34 B . Miller 35 J . Comme rford 36 R. Hal l 37 A . Breslin 38 A . Haggarty 39 T. Hosking 40 L. McAuliffe 42 M . Stahmer 43 M .Jones 44 B .OiDonnell 45 R . Stannage 46 A . Bai n
47 J . Walton 48 J . Young 50 G . Lewis 52 C . Mitchell 53 D . McLinden 54 D . Mance 55 S . Pappin 56 R . Bateman 57 M . Ryan 58 J . Crooke 60 M .Johnson 62 G . Panozzo 63 C. Tho m 64 M . Callander 65 P. Harrison 66 P. Fogarty 67 B . Hodge 68 R . Dolge 69 G. Fletcher 71 P. Jones
Rafferty the Wrecker
OAKLEIGH AFC . coaci,: cfris Moore
Res Coach: Peter AriciarioMh 1 R . Ge c 2 A. Bloomfield 3 D. McKenzie 4 P. Heverin 5 C. Riches 6 K . Marshall 7 P. Donadel 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 M . Wood 11 C . Hanley 12 A . Zavaleris 13 J . Knapper 14 B . Dell'Aquilla 15 G. Redford 16 J. Niko 17 P. Hamilton 19 P. Taylor (C) 20 T. Adami c 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 S. Osborn e 23 P. Dickie 24 S. Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A. Kitts 27 S. Adaway 28 A. Monaghan 29 D. Hal l 30 J . Stevens 31 T. Bromley 32 G . Perpina 33 A . Schultz 34 S . Kilner 35 R. Nuske 36 D . Dooley 37 P. Nikakis 38 D . Chapman 39 J. Bonaddio 40 C . Taylo r
41 G. Malapanis 42 G. Orland o 43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 B. Woodard 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 S. Lewis 48 T. Hatton 49 S. Andonopoulos 50 P. Leslie 51 J . Bonaddio 52 P. Andrinopoulos 53 T. lanchello 54 A . Atherinos 55 B . Grant 56 J . Alis s 57 S . Simopoulos 60 M . Oram 61 A . Moulang 63 D . Woods 64 J. Tolley 66 A . Wood 67 B . Gant
Si : M,4FiY'S
c,~cn: Brett Wlwmb Res Coech
,f McLean
C . Davi s % (VC ) 3 A. Jacker S. Horskins 6 A. Seeley 7 M . Sco tt g C. Town 6 A. Gibbs . p Ni . Hanson 1 J . Heffernan 12 J . Wilson (C) 13 N. Sim s ty R: Whitehead (VC) 15 M . Short 16 D. Walker 17 R. Pike 18 A . Brownless 19 M . Freedman ;a A . Hill s 21 T Hardman 22 S . Chow 23 D. Bel l 2 4 D .Imberger 25 A . Taylo r 26 M . Stones 27 J . Douglas 28 B . Leitch 29 T Johnson 30 S . Rowe 3 1 L.O'Mahony 32 E. Williams 33 M . Richmond 34 P. McCare 35 M . Hopkins 36 S. Derry 37 R . Gillan 38 R . Scott 39 C . EVans 40 J. Harv ey 41 L. Ryan 4 2 R . Pratt 43 T Walker 44 S. Smith 46 T. Reid 47 P. Lenton 48 J . Swann 49 A. Kent 50 B. McKenzie 51 A. Ro g ers 52 J . Mcllwain 53 B . Mcllwain 54 P. Richmond 56 N. Saffar 57 T. Simpson 58 C. Williams 59 D. Alex 60 B . Lakkio 61 T Johnson 62 C. Bayford 63 C. Strachan 64 B . Day 65 J. Miles 66 T. Hamilton 67 P. Craig 68 P. Thom as 69 P. Cohen 70 D . Jennings
9857 8061
1 S . Parsons 2 S . McMahon 3 A . McCorinan 4 E . Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warner 7 N . Franks 8 P. Angus 9 P. Keohn 9 P. Krohn 10 T. Trewhitt 11 A . Landry 12 A . Campbell 13 V. Brancaijano 15 B . Cook 16 S . Claringbold 17 L . Barclay 18 S . Glove r 19 M . Goldthorpe 20 C . Landry 21 M . Bonner 22 A . Atchison 23 R . Sharpin 24 B . Wight 25 S . Atchison 26 C . Lloyd 27 S . Payze 28 B . Taylor 29 R . Bedford 30 A. Crean 31 A . Gross 32 A. Parsons 33 D . Sims 34 T. Bradon 35 G . Par k 36 N . Bowman 37 T. Stewart 38 M . Wells 39 R . Pritchard 40 S. Marshall 41 S . Farrow 42 A. Male 43 M. Bonner 44 J . Muir 45 D . Scown 46 A. O'Neil 47 T. Co x 48 J . Bleasby 49 J . Whelan 50 R. Blood 52 M . Fisher 54 M . Dentry 55 R. Cannon 56 R. Powney 58 B .Jackson 60 P. Cooper 62 D. Cross 66 A . Hayley 69 S . Farrar
Coadx Evw Evarts PAS Coe* Peter Dr=k
1 A. Sneilman 2 J . Hall 3 N . Pavlou 4 R . Devlin 5 M . Braini 6 D . Burc h 7 C . Richardson 8 S . Cros s 9 A. Morri s 10 G . McCoullough 11 J . Gill 12 J . Robertson 13 J . Harri s 14 T. Aul d 15 J . Scotland 16 R. Thomas 17 C. McLeod 18 C. Doyle 19 J . Evans 20 Andrew Jackson 21 Adrian Jackson 22 S . Craven 24 R. Williams 25 S . Evans 26 J . Senior 27 C. Newland 28 J . Tucker 29 G . Newman 30 P. Harrison 31 M . Ormsby 32 B . Eilson 33 P. Ryan 34 R . Sneddon 35 C . Williams 36 A . Robinson 37 K . Telford 38 P. Phelan 39 T. Frederiken 40 G. Arnold 41 S . Clayton 42 N . Dea n 43 J . Entwhistle 44 G . Dean 45 M . Gronhoj 46 S. McCardel 47 D . Lambert 48 D . Phelan 49 M . Ostenfeld 50 A. Stand l 54 J . Blowfiel d 58 M. Ramanausisas 60 D . Wright 70 R . Haywood 87 T. Friend 88 G . Scotland
1 M . Learmonth 2 L . Cosson
3 R . Livingston 4 A . Bel l 5 L . Willis 6 W. Stuart 7 T. Pettin i 8 R . Kodituwakku 9 T. Gunn 10 T. Jones (VC) 11 K. Gillard 12 B. Summerfield 13 J . Chapman 14 P. Watso n 15 D . Andrews 16 A. Wilcox 17 S. Leahy 18 B. Frai l 19 B. Ibbotson 20 G . Crouch 21 T. Ymer (C) 22 R . Alle n 23 S. Parsons 24 I. Gouliet 25 M. LeLevire 26 P. Frase r 27 G . McConnell 28 J . Innes 29 J . Cogdon 30 S . Rhodes 31 J . Finch 32 J . Boyes 33 P. Stevens 34 R. Ferwerda 35 G . Theoharris 36 E . Evan s 37 J . McCashney 38 F. Harrison 39 A. Wood s 40 S . De Young 41 W. Goldsworthy 42 T. Worrell 43 L. Wilson 44 P. Dinnick 45 A . Gunn 46 J . Bernadi 47 M . Bona 48 D. Morcom 49 S . De Young 50 P. Frase r 51 A . George 52 F. Sadier 53 R. Ferwerda 54 S . Goldswo rt hy 55 J. Duc k 56 A . Gunn 57 J. Grainger 58 T. Azzapadi 59 J. Hill 60 C. Tetley 61 J. Joseph 62 G. Hayes 63 T. Overton 64 S. Parsons 65 P. Hart ig an 66 S. Rhodes 67 S. Ston e 68 M . Scammell 69 G. Neven 70 A. Goldsworthy 71 N . Malloc h 72 L . Phillips 73 J . Traxnack 74 J . Wedrien 75 J . Brown 76 J . Jayden 77 T. Timbury 88 A. Ballantyne
1 M . Milano 2 J . Sheedy 4 D . Dell'Olio 5 J . Dell'Olio 6 M . Johnston 7 A. Hamilton 8 J . Horridge 10 R . Turnbull 11 G . Barry 14 R . Goode 17 S. Lee 18 A. Fiumani 19 B. O'Mara 20 A. Hilgemann 21 T. Dymond 22 S. Flynn 23 C . Smith 24 S. Fiztgibbon 27 D. Murphy 29 D. DePaoli 30 P. Turk 32 A. Sartitsis 33 D. Milano 35 T. Grimshaw 38 N. Hadsiangeli 39 G . Crouch 40 M . Stroud 43 C. Freeman 44 N . Morgan 45 R. Potter 48 M . De Bono 50 B . Caulfield 51 P. Jame s 52 J . Piotrowski 53 M . McCalman 55 T. Bennett
E SECTION (White) by Barry Hicke y SPORTSCOVER
My apologies if you detect any brevity or "notwith-it-ness" in today's report . This scribe had the misfortune to encounter a piece of viral life which doubled his normal heart rate for a period, scaring the bejasus out of him in the process . Fortunately the old ticker is in good shape and renormalization is in process, as we speak . The leading five, North, Reds, Central, Kew and C's, have a look of permanence about them, but I don't think the CY's and the Cobras should be written off just yet . This is obviously going to be a wintery winter where different skills are emphasised, so who knows ? LAST WEEK Kew bulldozed UHSOB after halftime in their game, which until then had been an even one . That, of course, is Kew's strength, just when you think you have their measure, they explode with a burst of goals, that makes you look idiotic . Reds accounted for the W arriors, and kept their end of year aspirations simmering . Central had too many big guns for the CY's and if the weather is kind to them the Boulevarders are going to give it a real shake this year. The C's took the 4 points over North, after a game that did not, apparently, ascend to the heights expected . North finished on well, which should give them confidence for when these two meet at the Allard . The Trobers took out a ding-dong against the Cobras, to post their initial win for '98 . 1 have a feeling last Tuesday's training in Cobras land might have been considerably beyond 'strenuous'! THIS WEEK UHSOB take on Old Westbourne in what will be an entertaining game . The Warriors are still finding their feet at this stage and the Green and Browns should take out the points by two or three goals . Fitzroy Reds versus Williamstown CYMS at Ramsden Street will be a top game . The Reds are performing well on their new ground, especially against the rampaging Kew a couple of weeks back . CY's have been handicapped by a long injury list, and until that improves can scarcely be at their best . Reds should take this one out by two or three goals . Richmond Central host North Brunswick in the match of the day at the Kevin Bartlett Reserve . North manned up very well at Old Carey last week and are sure to out Central under the same pres-
sure . Central's big strength is height in the key positions and pin-point disposal from their on-ball contingent . The combina tion of those two factors should give the home sid, an advantage of a goal or so at the final siren . Latrobe University meet Kew on the Maii Oval, and will have great difficulty containing thi; power laden side . Kew can apply remorseless pres sure that wears opponents down, but, in addition they put 21 skilled footballers on the field. At thi stage the Trobers will not be able to counter Kew ; assets but they will contest every ball . Kew to wb by 7 or 8 goals . Bulleen Cobras are at home to Old Carey anj will be busting to make up for the ones that go away in the past two weeks . The Cobras are a goor side and they will stretch the C's to the limit . Evei so, the C's are a very skilled side and should hav enough in hand to cross the line of majors clear . Reserves winners are likely to be UHSOH Reds, Central, Kew, and the C's . Correspondents the Monday numbers ar 9547 9144, Fax 9547 7764 or if you prefel Sunday or Monday nights on 9818 1425 .
North Brunswick - Congratulations to Darrej Adams on reaching 300 games recently . A fin achievement "DA" is one of a handful of players t reach this milestone . A star junior, "DA" has devel oped into a regular senior player through commit ment and perseverance. Well done . Old Carey - Craig Popplewe ll and Cal Goo" each feature for the 50th time in the Black, Gol and Blue today. Well done chaps .
The Only 1 Players k Ay
ORS - 2.05.98
~ +1V
i,z;~ ) Field : Ken
UHSOB v. OLD WESTBOURNE -rower Andy Carric k
v,1VILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field : FITZROY REDS ruan Lindsay David D'Alter a
RICHMOND CENTRAL V. NORTH BRUNSWICK e Ficld : Daniel Ischia Ken McNeic Field : Mark Morrison KEW LA TROBE UIVI• v. Paul Tuppen . OLD CAREY GAME BULLEEN COBRAS v DRAW Field : Ben ORIGINAL SWITCHED FROM ,"1cKee Dharshaka Peiri s I I
0.4 6.10 15 .16 ~011.7 ~1 .4 8.8 7.10 U11S4B 4 . D'nnast 2. Crackwell 2 . Kict~ 2. Sheehan . Bortone 2 Be, . R. Keen Bell 5, P . Puhtrentl5 Met"'~ton . Dicoasi .-Beli . McMahan. 2 . A . Felming~~am . Channan . . Cullen Puh3rent, Frasec . uck. Dehin. . Craclmell UHSOa : McLean 3 . Fann'elly 2 . G 30w[pe . St buck . Jotms . Sta z4 Beau McLean, DeMn. 2 SnilOt .2 10 .3 10 .4 .64 13 .15.83 7.9 OF1~ROy ul~ 0.3 4.6 . O'Keetee. bournet A . orKs Robs~t . S. ~ Mattssart. Mutimec 7avloi . Hart. in. OC=~aig. S~King. Best P binurg. . Futrell . 4Vhacf. T . : Kane 4 . B . Hart 2 . Lee 2 . McLennan . Kane Fituoy Reda . Jacksan . Lee. Ati:ins Hart. Best: Doyle . McLemazt . P . 11 .12 .78 .2 6.6 8.6 2 WIS.LIAMSTOVIN 3 5.4 10.10 18.14 Gzakows}d,4 RICHMOND CENTRAL . Macklcy Cocks poeley Rabin Womb, . Toby. Wi113amstown: Owen 2 . B. Mannln~• . Beat: Cwen. case, Duncan htaclcai . Cocks. Blark CaUow . . C. ~~ INWT 3. Holt 2. Richmond CeatraL• O' Siilt tean 3 . Byrnes 3 : O' Sullivan. SwSka. . And~toFoulos. A. Porteous 2. Ne~vton 2 . Sw1ka . A. Whtte. Smhh . Newton. C. Shannon .13 13.18 .96 .4 7 .8 11 OLD CAREY 31 .1 3.2 5.4 8.8.58 NOATH BRUNSWIC x . ~Voods. . PaFFle.vell . AnEus 2 3. Wright 2 Old CareY : M . Addison 4 . Spencer Mudge. Esler. : Best: Hendricks . Gibson, Wright Price, . Freeman. Burrows, Kyriaais. Beat N~ B~lok: A. Tirchett 3 . WWernharn 2 . Magnusson . McN+ah a t.l.kost . Ksslazls . Boudoloh .74 A. Tttchett . J .7 7 .11 10.14 BULLEENTEMPLEBTOWE 3•5 4 11 .11.77 10.10 9 .7 LA TROBE UNN%RSIIY 4 .4 Clements. TemP~owe : ~~•2. G,Bunte . Schnekla Wigney . Ga}te~r k van Fett Moran. L . Thompson, =t,, . . Pha xh. : ~ W~t . Geddo Murphy La Tmbe Uaivexsit9 : Robinson 3 • . Bakogtants . Ktenite Best: BaWk
.98 RESERVES - 2.05 .6 4.7
7.18.58 1 .0 4 .5 .35 24 5.5 5 .2 i1R rB 1 . MesclttL . Piers. Danne . M Best Apostalakas. . AFcstalakas 2 . Barnes 2 neve ew : J Lhi R. Bnuw. JBarnes, Carruthers . : Pullen. James. .~idd. etCanuthers UH$OB: Mndtlbran 3 . Le . Ma,~s. 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 .2 . nrendel . H}de Ddence OLD jpES'IEOURNE 8 .7 14.12 18.17 25 .23.172 FITZROY REDS qq_ Rod t . Me~~,• F-y~y, Cumnlln. P. Stewart . . Old Rr~tp'tsvG Best: 2. Sheathet 2 . Madden 2 S. Hall 4K. Pri~ 4. D~awa HaIl. Centra. Daaw'cr. Fltxrop Re&: KycLUOU . AicButney. Tomal Beat : . CM~z . Centra Catncher 2 3•9 8 .15 15.17 16.21.117 Kvrixon . GeotR• McBuntey.4.48 .0 1 .0 4.2 7 ~L~S~WN RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 . Bond, Bubble, J. Burgess . Buttigteg. Can. . Dawson . G. Burgess. IyjOismslawn: G. Burgess 5 . Bond . Allen, &icovlc Heat: Bubnk hricmlc. O'FIYnn• Rashkt. Savko . Best: Faulker. Ryar,. . White 2. Hickey. Reid, Kelly . R;c2tntund C entraL• Jackson 2, H . K White. 14.19.105 Murphy. GuOiene . Bannled Kelly .6 4.10 12 .14 7.7A8 01.1) CAREY 1 .0 5 .1 5.3 NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 . Best: S. . Cahen. Gardiner 2 . Battle. I Old Caroy: Cherry 5• S . Addison 4. S. Curry . Addison . . Drake . S Cum . BatIle. Cherrv. Bazdwxll . Tsialtas 2. Toppi. AMlelnour. Best: Pisasate. B. . Swrleto 3 North Bnmswkk : P . Abdelnaur. S. Lawuntzes . 8.9.57 'lltape . Funnell . Andrauts0s 4 .5 8.6 7.9 8 .11 .47 BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .2 4•5 4.8 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY Bunten Cobtain ( Goal Kicker . Letterman. R s erman 3BB1ack.~Ly Heathcate~. Hest: B ya Tiobe Univastt9' . . Napier, D . Hutchinson, Dbtuphy. Heahcote . M
Because of the new procedure regarding lodging a request for an investigation, clubs are 3. m on a Monday to find if the granting of the until advised uot to n hone the VAFA the Association . ted b y prescribed penalty applied for IS accep by a cheque for $200, is received befare If a request for an investigation . accompanied 3pm Monday following the weekend's game, the prescribed penalty will not be accepted and . the matter will be referred to the following day's tribunal for deliberation
1 R . Schneider 2 T. Orwin 3 M . Stratton 4 N . Cartledge 4 N . Cartledge 4 I . McLeod 5 M . Dallo9lio 6 B . Hoare 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 8 S . GaYIer 9 P. Goetz 10 S . Wagg 99 11 S . Petty 12 A . Issa 13 S . Dillon 14 B . Mott 15 M . James 16 D. Trinchi 17 Gareth Brown 18 R. Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 M . Strahan 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern 24 P. Zorzi 25 W. Olney 26 A . Gillard 27 C . Pasiopoulos 28 B . Liras 29 A . Summers 30 C . Parker 31 S . Moran 32 C . Clements 33 A . Cook 34 M . D'Angelo 35 T. Sette 36 D . Van Pelt 37 J. Paatsch 38 Graham Brown 39 T. Karanikos 40 S. Lennon 41 N . Polites 42 G . Lekkas 43 R . Caiazzo 44 B. Moran 45 M. Sheehan 46 A. Humphrey 47 J . Polimakos 48 M . Soumlinis 49 M . Fitt 53 S . Stratton 69 L. Thompson
Smia Coa* Gad HmnaW Rw Coe* Dum Has
1 M . Frisby 2 A . Walsh 3 C . Daalder 4 M . Carracher 5 D . Kane 6 A . Lukies 7 J . Doyle 8 M . Farrell 9 D . Fitts 10 James Briffa 11 F. Cocco 12 J . Smith 13 A . Hoare B. Campbell 15 P. Keppell 16 M . Wharfe 17 B. Lee 18 M . Heenan 19 A. Centra 20 D . Hope 21 S. OlCarroll 22 S. Pickett 23 P. Jackson 24 C . Tehan 25 P.Jackson 26 M . Hart 27 J . Loft 28 N . Hall 29 N . Arnott 30 J . Campbell 31 M. Ross 32 T. Hart 33 S . Drury 34 M . Merhi 35 A. Mackinnon 36 W. Fawaz 37 C . Sheather 38 C . Prior 39 A. George 40 C . Thatcher 41 C. McCartin 42 I. McBurney 43 F. Tomai 44 Ben Hart 45 B . Sisson 46 N . Mann 47 C. McGregor 48 A . Dove 49 R. Zapelli 50 E . Kyriacou 51 A . Leddin 52 B . OiConnor 53 Z. Senbergs 54 M . Graziano 55 D . Atkins 57 N . Berryman 58 G . Evans 59 B . Ryan 60 W. Dean 67 S . Keleinitz 80 G. Box `~ap@w ~';
Cowh: SeW DDAnpb Rm:RWwxlMw
1 B. Lafranch 2 J . Kalpakis 3 R . Pulvirenti 4 G . Crimmin 5 . Barnes sJ 6 C . Hope 6 A. Felmingham 7 D . Hope 8 J . Pulvirenti 9 A. Gencarelli (VC( 10 B. Cullen (C) 11 A. Barnes 12 S . McMahon 13 C . Kiriako u 14 G . Campbell 15 M . Bria 16 D . Wood 17 J . Bell (VC) 18 N . King (VC) 19 N . Peters â&#x20AC;˘ 20 H . Sheehan 21 D . Hannam 22 J . Paron 23 I. Baccini 24 B . Dimasi 25 C . Bradley 26 M . Channon 27 D . Cracknel l 28 L. Donovan 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante 31 A. Wells 32 J . Chow 33 J . Porter 34 M . Mascitti 35 R. Brun o 36 A . Skerritt 37 W . Lombardini 38 M . Frazer 39 A . Kennegiesser 40 G . Muckian 41 R. Livingston 42 C. Livingston 43 J . Daumis 44 A . Danne 45 J . Borton e 46 D . Mascitti 47 H . Penensius 48 M . Dandani s 49 S . Hodgson 50 G. Apolstalakos 51 M . Blair 52 I . Fletcher 53 M . Guy 54 M . Calleram e 55 N . Felmingham 56 P. Nagy 57 A . Mountney 58 P. Peoretti 59 B. Robertso n 60 S Harrison 61 T . Willi s 62 D . James 63 A. Acfield 64 O. Matthews 65 C . Warren 66 M . Migliasini 99 S. Brun o
Smior Coe h: S ean Dum Fe& Coach: John WWOmsm
Coadc C. Fox Res. C oa le & Rffmd
1 M . Bakogianis 2 D . Huffer 3 S . Frederickson 4 G . Murphy 5 S . Adamthwaite 6 B . Franzman . 7 G . Robinson 8 R . Storer 10 D . Sidebottom 11 J. Zebrowski 12 C . MaDonald 13 B . Brown 14 S . Haynes 15 M . Lewis 16 C . McKie 17 L . Heathcote 18 S . O 'Tool e 19 R . Canty 20 A . Murphy 21 D . Edmunds 23 S. Dunin 24 S. Honey 25 M . Cotsopoulos 26 P. Gronow 27 L . Ryan 28 M . Spralja 30 S. Bernardo 31 S. Lonergan 32 M . Napier 33 T. Little 34 T. McIntosh 35 C . Roberts 36 B. Launikonis 37 A. Chiodo 39 A. Girstuns 42 K. Curran 44 P. Moon 45 S. Turner 46 D . Wright 47 D . Hartley 48 L. McNamara 49 W. Biggins 50 S . Beaglehall gIehall 51 P. Klienitz 52 J . Cousins 53 J . Maddison 55 A. Cummins 57 N. Rosengren 58 S . Price 59 B . Haywood 60 K. Rooney 61 S . Bland 62 G . Tendelli 63 C. Black 64 F. Crawford 65 A . Grant 66 A . Baille 67 S . Phillips 68 G . Foster 70 J . Dumaresq 72 S . Stirling
1 A . Tirchett 2 D . Adam s 3 S. Hodgson 4 M . Sorlet o 5 W. McMaho n 6 W. Grimaldi 7 D . Magnuson 8 B. Whitman 9 J . Miller 10 B. OiBrien 11 J . Boudola h 12 J . Polemico s 13 S. Werha m 14 M . Bradford 15 B. Evans 16 L . Demoran 17 A. Kyriazis 18 M. Malkou n 19 V. Liros i 20 M. Warre n 21 G . Burrows 22 R . Thorp e 23 D . Elli s 24 G . Lattouf 25 R . Dovidi o 26 S. Ho9 9 27 D . Lucantoni 28 W. Pretty 29 C . Jewell 30 P. Dimarco 31 J . Freeman 32 M. Demorto n 33 G . Pleit 34 P. Henley 35 P. Dowsett 36 B . Thorpe 37 D. Demorton 38 J . Tirchett 39 D. Pizzar i 40 R. Abdelnou r 41 C. Anderson 42 J Pa anikolov 43 M . Pisasale 44 F. Marini 46 M . Ladumtzes 47 S . Laoumtzes 48 B . Laoumtzes 50 S . Famulari 51 A . Chiappini 52 J . Rotella 53 P. Sorletto 57 J. Thompso n 58 J. Wilcox 59 M . Newto n 60 R . Johstone 61 J. Androutso s 62 A . Bouddles h 63 D . Bonney 65 B . Funnel l
~'! r7
~e~v ncde ftfetbourn e
riir n . .Arr,
OLD CAREY yv CaactC T~ Res. CoactC "~ran Jaicson C . Angu s
2 3 4 5 6 7
C . Hickey M. Cohen C . Elser C. Hill C. Campbell A. Drever
n A . Opp y j M . Addison 10 K. Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 M . Spencer 13 C . Battle 14 M . Curry 15 S. Greenwood 16 M.Jones 17 S. Curry 18 C. Mathews 19 P. Drake 20 W.Mudge 21 L. Murphy 22 J. Hands 23 T. Price 24 N . Yarnell 25 C . Goodall 26 J . McQuie 27 N . Vasilopoulos 29 P. Nanc e 30 S.Feehan 31 J . Woods 32 C. Withington 33 S. Field 34 D. Faelis 36 L. Small 37 F. Hakins 38 I . Cohen 39 P. Bennett 40 B . Humphreys 41 A . Gate s 42 C. Popplewell 43 S . Cherry 44 G. Hendricks 45 M. Eastham 46 M. Cann 47 S. Hawkings 48 S. Addison 49 D . Burn ,50 S . Hart 51 P. Maniotis 52 A . Opray 53 M . Kennedy 54 L. Patterson 55 C . Wheatley 57 D . Palmer 58 R . Bardwell 59 C . Mason 60 S. Weil l 64 A. Jackson 70 T. Auldist
OLD WESTBOURNE RJOH D CENTRAI . Coact : Robert Mutiner Res. Coed: Eddie SaiszkJowicz AAmCoseltArdmClaft 1 R. Mutimer
2 S . Whiting 3 R. Littlepage 4 A . O'Keefe 5 P. Vincent 6 J . Horsburgh 7 S . Kin g 8 A . Horsburgh (C) 9 S . Hewitt 10 S . Sutton 11 B. Franklin 12 M. Gibb 13 S. Walker 14 B. Mattson 15 A. Board 16 D . Taylor 17 D . Merino 18 P. Kin g 19 M . Crai g 20 E . Szuszkiewicz 21 B . Dangerfield 22 W. Flemin g 23 D . Ciccocioppo 24 L . Fairfiel d 25 D . Moore 26 P. Mesman 27 N . Kotoski 28 T. Johnston 29 D . Horsburgh 30 C . Galvin 31 G . Flower 32 G . Jenkinson 33 G . Robson (VC) 34 L. Laing 36 P. Knight 37 S . Cummin 38 R . Sherlock 39 A . Robbins 45 S . Mattson 46 W. Boyd 47 K . Robbins 48 R . Walker 50 C . Villinger 52 D . Jago 53 C . Pop e 54 M . Crosswell 55 C. Pavey 56 A . Crabb 57 P. Martinsen 58 B . Stewart 59 A . Lipscombe 60 P. Stewart 61 S . Christo 62 S. Craig 63 B. Williams
Cacfr. Tin Partalract Ras Coo* D mny lickay 1 P. Byrnes
2 A . Banfield 3 T O'Sullivan 4 A . White 5 S . Shannon 6 S . Pickett 6 G. Bunshaw 7 F. Bove 8 G . Malcom 9 P. Jackson 10 A. Murphy 11 M . Newton 11 D. Hickey 12 F. Macak 13 G . McQueen 14 C. Shannon 15 P. Church 16 J . Birt 17 A . Fawcett 18 M . Zajac 19 J. Manning 20 V. Kelly 21 S . Davis 22 A . Flores 23 L . Daly 24 A.Jones 25 P. Smith 26 M. Hannon 27 C . Adams 28 A. Waters 29 S . O'Sullivan 30 G . Tate 33 D.Johnson 35 D. Mudge 36 K . White 37 G . Porteous 38 N . Bowe 42 P. Hoey 43 A . Siwka 44 A . Faulkner 45 M . Black 48 T. Gutherie 49 N . Ritchie 51 H . McAlpin 52 C . Andonopoulos 54 P. Whitesid e 55 S. Fenton 56 D. Wilson 58 A. Goldberg 59 M . Tento 60 R. McIntosh 62 T. Graham 64 M . Francis 65 A . Kemp 66 C. Corker 67 R . Gol i 68 F. Walther 69 M . Tapley 70 T. Taylor 72 J . Reid 74 P. Cahwood 78 S. Tresise 79 D . Sheehan 80 G . Magi
U .H .S .O .B. Coadc Daal Nash Res Cxach: N* Jarnes 1 R . Freijah 2 A. Talarico 3 A. Bone
4 C . McLennan 5 C . Shone 6 S . Cracknell 7 C. Skinns 8 D. Haslett 9 R. Smith 10 P. Burns 11 S . Mills 12 B . Farrelly 13 P. McLean 14 J . Ham 15 M . Davidson 16 P. Gunthorpe 17 P. Sciola 18 R . Stevens 19 G . Mazza 20 G . Madrigrano 21 B. Ryan 22 R .John s 23 P. Eltringham 24 B . Carruthers 25 A. Hellner 26 B . Fogliaro 27 S . Majo r 28 M . Rothwell 29 K .Jone s 30 B . Abrahamsen 31 P. Dolence 32 H . Starbuck 33 P. Drendel 34 G. Haeusler 35 S .Jones 37 G. Catterall 38 A . Boyce 39 M . Rea 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
J . Ford C . Pfeiffer D . Wallace M. O'Neil A. Pfeiffer C . Cook R. Killey
47 M . Saunders 48 K . Lewicki 49 D. De Luca 50 D. Zulicki 51 J . Rogers 52 J . Damiano 53 C. Thomas 54 J. Pfeiffer 55 J. Olmstead 56 H . Gillies 57 M . Marasco 58 M . Cook 59 D . Smith 60 J . Michael 61 P. Hoban 63 M . De Luise 64 J .Evan s 65 D. McCartney 66 I . Cupit 67 C. D'Agnolo 68 A . Dixo n 69 S . Hyde 70 D . Veal 72 G. Pullen 73 S . Devlin 77 L. Marten 87 M .James
iM(WAMSTOWPd CYM S Coach: Pad Marnara Res CoeicIx Cmneron Md(mee 1 N . Bezzant
2(R) D . Dawson 2 S . Wuchatch 3 A . Harry 4 J . Tuck 5 Dane Macleod 6 D . Griev e 7 Duncan Macleod 8 B . Hann 9 G. Case 10 M . Holland 11 Luke Grochowski 12 A. Featherston 13 A. Mackley 14 A. Daniel 15 D . Oldham 16 N . Bon d 17 M. Manning 18 J . Sharp 19 P. Dervan 20 D. Witham 21 P. Sadle r 22 G . Herbertson 23 B . Cocks 24(R) T. Ryan 24 P.Owen 25 D. Wouda 26 D. Lee 27 C. Bergin 28 J . Smart 29 G. Burgess 30 A . Cook 31 B . Wouda 32 A . Black 33 S . McEachran 34 A . Menhennet 35 B . Robinson 36 D . Gilmartin 37 A. Bon d 38 T. Beckwith 39 T. Carter 40 G . Rickard 41 M. O'Flynn 42 A. Pawczynski 43 M. Saccoccio 44 G . Bons 45 S . Ivkovic 46 A. Finch 47 A. Stemple 48 J . Goodman 49 W. Kewin 50 R. Kurkowski 51 D. Bubnic 52 J . Buttigieg 53 D . Mills 54 M . Dooley 55 M . Quick 56 J. Mata r 57 A . Lanqham 58 A . HouT i 59 S. Hamersleigh 60 C . Tre w 61 R . Wheeler 62 T. Murray 63 T. Thompson 64 C . Mathews 65 W. James 66 G . Singleton 67 T. Gleason 68 J . Wag a 69 W. Yassine 70 M . Wilso n 71 A . Petzierides 72 D. Krogman 73 M . Joynson 74 A . Illic" h 75 P. Breguet 76 J. Burgess 77 K . Dervan 78 K . Dowsey 79 B . Hynes 80 S. Robins 81 A. Salisbury 82 C . Scott 83 J . McCutcheon 84 M. Tuck
I BDFOC O Y) Beiersdorf Australia Ltd
F SECTION by Ed Sil l
'50MMMOMMMOMMummmamomann- -- -- -ZMzMzMM=M=M%MM==ff_
The sun continues to visit all football games providing ideal conditions for all competitors . Four weeks in and the sorting out process is now well down the track . The Gryphons and Sinners are playing catch me if you can at the top whilst the Rats and Werribee are at the other end and will be desperate for points soon to keep in touch . The Turtles are safely enconsed in third while the Hawks pinched a match to remain in fourth with the Sharks and Westies still not too far behind in the ladder stakes . REVIEW The Gryphons continued on their merry way with a twelve goaler over the Rats . The Rats were competitive at the half but poor kicking let them down after that . Ruckman Sutton, back flanker Walkley and wingman Hannett led the way for the Rats . The second game saw the Hawks hold sway against West Brunswick . The Hawks had skipped away to a four goal lead half way through the second quarter but some excellent play by captain A . Hamilton saw the margin reduced to a goal at the main break. Five unanswered goals to the Hawks sealed the game in the third . Heppell, Gray and Harris were the Westies best whilst the Avery brothers and Parker were the Hawks best . The Sinners absolutely creamed Werribee by over twenty goals in a result that might send shock waves to The Gryphons. Finally, Eltham overcame Eley Park in a game that could have gone either way . The Sharks welcomed the return of Darren Hawley who responded with six goals whilst Bruce, Trotter and Kaye also served them well . PREVIEW The first game for preview sees the clash of long standing rivals, Hawthorn Amateurs an d Eley Park . Both clubs were formed in a similar way and have followed an almost identical path into F Grade . The clash of Hawley and Orchard will be worth the price of admittance whilst the mid-field battle between Hill for the Sharks and Reed for the Hawks will be pivotal in deciding the game . Home ground advantage may be enough to swing it the Hawks way but not by much . The next game sees top play bottom with Monash hosting Wer ribee . The Gryphons continue to roll on whilst after a promising start the wheels have fallen off down Werribee way . It is unlikely to improve this week with the Gryphons forwards no doubt hungry for action whilst Werribee will no doubt con30
tinue to miss the services of key forwards . Expect the students to record a ten goal plus victory . The third game sees West Brunswick hosting ANZ . Both sides have shown considerable improvement from the first game results and will both be eyeing this week off as a potential four pointer. Smyth up forward will be looking to bounce back after being well held last week for the Westies whilst the ever dangerous P . Hamilton adds sparks in the forward line . Veteran captain for the Westies A . Hamilton is a potent centreman who creates damage with his moves forward . The Rats will be hoping that the ever reliable Nick Rutherford can provide the drive for them and therefore give Luffy Smith the opportunity to convert . Hard to go past the Westies at home though but not with much conviction . Finally, in the match of the day, Eltham visit Syndal in a match between two top placed sides . The Sinners have been the surprise packet this year, taking the step up from the Club 18 in their stride to boast an imposing four nil record . Eltham have not been far behind, having won three on the trot after a first round loss . Both sides have shown a capacity to kick multiple goals without relying on any individual player . Although early days, both sides are shaping up as potential finalists and will be looking to gain an advantage for future matches . Having only taken the Sinners once this year, this scribe is finally converted and expects them to win by about three goals . Thanks to Phil Knight and Stephen Fyffe for their continued work as press corespondents . Lets hope a couple of other clubs follow on this week. I can be contacted on 9555 0900 (BH) or 9553 3675 (F) before 5 .00pm each Monday. J
MONASII GRYPHONS v . WERRIBEE A-!Aâ&#x20AC;˘ TEURS Field : Peter Woods Bob McLeod SYNDAL TALLY HO v . ELTHAM Field: Paul Lamble Clarke Thuy s HAWTHORN AMATEURS v. ELEY PARK Field : Ron Martyn WEST BRUNSWICK v . ANZ ALBERT PARK Field: Michael Forde Chris Fedderso n ., ., .. grA ,- . - .--------
SENIORS - 2.05.98
ANZ ALBERT PARK 1.2 3.5 5.11 5.15.45 MONASH GRYPHONS 4 .7 8 .11 12.12 17.15.117 ANZ Albert Park: Smith 3. N. Rutherford . G. Tayloc Best J. Hannett . G. Walktey. J. Sutton. A. Thornas, P. Smith. G. Tayior. Monaah Gryphons : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) WERRIBEE AMATEURS 4 .4 4.5 6 .7 7.7.49 SYNDALL TALLY HO 3 .5 10.8 18 .12 28.17.185 Werribee Amateur : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not recehzd) SyndaB Tally Ho: (Goal Kickers and Best Playas not received) ELEY PARK 8.2 10.5 13.8 17.8 .110 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3 .7 7.10 11.13 17.17 .119 Eley Park: (Goal Kickers and Best Pia}ers not recehred ) Eltham Co • Simon 6. Gasparotta 3. Coonerty 3. Justice 2 . Doody 2 . Muscat. Best: Gasparotto. Hedley. Simon, Justice. Doody, Hamshare. HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4 .1 6.3 12.7 13.14.92 WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .1 5.2 7.5 10.7.87 Hawthorn Amateurs: Bourke 3, S. Avery 2. Bowe 2, Lau(etta 2, Patterson, Pollock . Vitacca. Zavarkua Ba.st : P. Avery. S . Avery, Power. Parker. Reed. Denovan. West Brunswick., A. Hamilton 3. S. Smythe 3, J. Grav, T. Moore . A. Ciannane, P. Hamilton' Best : P. Harris. J . Gray. A. Hamilton . J . Curtin, A. Ciannane. D. Williams.
RESERVES - 2.05 .98
ANZ ALBERT PARK 3.2 5.5 6.7 7.8.50 MONASH GRYPHONS 0 .2 8.2 10.4 12.8.80 ANZ Albert Park: D. Rhaland 2, R. McDonald 2, N . Pashas. P. Hetcs . K Dann . Best: J. Lnehan. S. Redpath, P. Hetr,s . C. Iva. P. Rhxr(and. P. Shoppee. Monsah Gryphous : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) WERRIBEE AMATEURS 3 .4 8.8 14.10 17.17.119 SYNDALL TALLY HO 1 .0 2.1 3.2 3.2.20 Werri6ee dmetaue : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) SyadaB Tally Ho: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) ELEY PARK 0.2 2 .5 2.6 6.8.42 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 5 .9 11 .15 17.20 19.20.134 EFey Park: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not recehed l ERham CoUegiame R . White 5, Hespe 3, Shipley 2 . Watson 2. Schafer, Maddison. Volard . Glare. Mia, L. White. Evans. Best: Shipley. MaIdiswt. Schafer . R. White. D. Barnett. Evans .
HAWTHORN AMATEURS 8.2 8.6 13 .9 16 .13.109 WEST BRUNSWICK 3.2 8.4 12 .6 16 .7.103 Hawthorn Amateur : MeCowan 2. MacDonald 2. Ottsallds 2. Broadlev 2, Richardson, Nowak, Davies, Lord . Dunstan. Morrison. Kerr. Best Br,iod(ey. McDonald . Dunstan. V^xak, Morrison . Chppa West Brunswick- D. Andrek 4, Vatale 2, 3hetry Baker, Cololarts . Ortiz. Bma Horne, Vitale . Robson. Coombes. D . Andrea McA()ster.
RICHMOND, 3 1 21 MAY 16 - ROUND 6 EJ✓ t : n ~
oc Awis I O N
This week's match : UNIVERSITY
BLUES V. 011)
t I .I?I'I3IJlli'
Tapes available by calling VAFA (9531 8333) Channel 50, Tuesdays 11-12 pm and Wednesdays 5-6 pm (weekly) Program includes highlights from Match of the Day, Player of the Match, VAFA ladders and scores from all sections and regular interviews .
F Section ANZ ALBERT PARK Cow h: Gay For3yifi Raa. Coach : Paul stiom
S Duke N P astras P Smith (S) D Kilmart in ( R) R Wills J Hanne tt G Forsyth J Su tton R Lindsay y
P Gattley M Phillips A Mitchell G Fin n T Prior J Snorrason C Defreece D McLellan P Boyle A Faranda R Koegler P Shoppee S Redpath A Benneit J McDonald C Iva C Lovett C Walkley G Walkley A Thomas D Green M Farrell N Daou N Ruthe rford P Ruthe rford M Pearson A Jenkin A Kemp G Taylor C Carlisle R Carlisle C McLean V Stuto M Ca rt er P Heyes S Bullow K Daou F Pole D Fanning
ELEY PARK Cox* ' Hook Res Coach ft Wicl(im
1 D . Arundell 2 A. Morris 2 M. Brady 3 A. Featonby y
3 R . LaMarca 4 M . Georgiou 4 M. Dell'Orso 5 C. Kaye 5 W. LaMarca 6 D . Bruce 6 A. Briginshaw 7 D. Bowe n 7 N. Taifemopoulos 8 D. Carroll 8 R. Poole 9 P. Yelland 9 T. Karadimos 10 C. McLean 11 L. McLean 12 A. Dunstan 13 A . Kelstall 14 G . Elder 15 R. Youn g 16 P. Stoney 17 A . Hill 18 S . Rayme r 19 D. Trotter 20 M . Hook 21 F. Mihalec 22 P. Cantone 23 G . Smith 24 S . Watts 25 G . Heath 26 D . Hawley 27 D . Kaye 28 W. Holm 29 F. Lettini 30 G . Bromley 31 G . Lamarca 32 D . Grant 33 N . Dix 34 S . Bromley 35 P. Blew 36 S . Lee 37 D . Payne 38 K. Podger 39 J . Verde 40 N . Karadimos 41 R . Wickham 42 V. Fukishima 43 S . B azley 44 L . Ke tt s 45 L. Dix 46 S . Collins 47 M . Payne 48 P. Clear 49 M . Hooper
1 J . Smyth 2 S. Maxfield 3 A. Tocker B. Doody 5 R .Maddison 6 R . Heany tt 7 M. Gasparo o 8 J . Woodward 9 C . Watson 10 C . Simon 11 J . Muzz i 12 G . Mullins 13 R . Bell 14 S. Justice 1 5 L . White 16 D .Barne tt 17 G . Leys 18 M. Barling 19 D . Boyce 20 T. Carter 21 D . Shipley 22 S . Athanasopoulos
Coach: C my Ryazt Res. Co o* Thu Drew
la D . Murray lb T. Fitzpatrick (RC) 2 B. Lovich 3 K. Richardson 3 M. Irvine 4 S. Bowe
1 L. Wells (c) 2 M . Healy
5 S. Avery
6 P. Avery 7 G . Stallwort hy 9 W. Polloc k 8 M . Dunstan 9 G . McDoanld
10 P. Orchard (C) 11 A. Sill 12 A. Burke 13 J . Povey 14 D. Lauletta 15 G . McDonald 23 16 C. Reed M. Dwyer 25 T. Hedley 17 D. Zaverella 26 J . Glare 18 D. Lauletta 27 B. Turne y 19 J . Law 28 T. Barnett 20 S. Parker 29 C . Bishop 30 D . Hogan 21 A. Bourke 31 Z . Jovanoviski 22 J . Modica 32 P. Clarke 23 D. Tracey 33 M. Volard 24 D. Hutchinson 34 R . Davies 35 J . Muscat 25 M . Zaverella 36 S. Phili son 26 M . Nowak 37 C . Horsburgh 27 R. Lord 38 S . Dalziel 28 J . Morrison 39 F. Coonerty 40 S . Lewis 29 P. Barker 41 G . Stackpoole 30 M . Nunn 42 C .Hal l 31 C. Langley 43 N . Hamshare 44 C . Menther 32 S . Davies 45 A. Macaulay 33 A.Ha rt ley 48 R. Harris 34 J . Bogie 49 . 35 G . Morris 50 L. Sharp e 51 T. Scotp 36 K. Sanders 52 A. Smedley 37 A . Kennedy 53 J . Athanasopoulos 38 M . Tyson 54 P. Barnett 39 P. Hewish 55 P. Morrow 56 A . Stockdale 40 C. Frayne 59 B . Evans 41 D. Lahiff 60 A . Stockdale 43 I . Cheppa 61 G . Dismore 44 P. Rossitto 62 B . Hespe 63 A . Kelso 45 J . Ginnane 64 R . White 46 T. O'Hanlon 65 S . Schafer 47 D . Lindrea 48 I . Rosthorn 49 D . McCowan 51 R . Starbuck lt busr•ness furnhare 52 R . Denovan (Vic) pry. ltd SUES .arm BIREOF 53 T. Kerr o FFICEFUxtvrt'UftE 60 J . Grummet E ko~Il(~ _1 & EtaHA4t TIMBER H4RDWAREP/L 1L75-1181 Main Road, Fltham V'rc. 3095 Ph: 4438 5533
Co~: Tysan F~ Co~h: Kevh
3 A . Grady (DVC )
4 G . Harrak 4a C. Robinso n 5 D. King 6 G . Ryan 7 M . Khou ry 8 J . Blandford 9 P. Lowcock 10 P. Williamso n 11 J . Barbi e 12 J . Urba n 13 J . Stratford 14 M . Lewis 15 M . Sparro w 16 S . Arena 17 J . Hetherington (VC ) 18 A . O'Brian 19 J. Leroy 19a M. Asbel l 20 G . Browell (RV C ) 21 R . Rafaniello 22 B . Coxhea d 23 C . Freeman
24 D . Kitchi n 25 M . Kilmister 26 T Gilchris t 27 R . Gilchrist 28 B . Lloyd 29 J . Fulle r 30 R . Davey
31 G. Roche 32 A . Tolongo s 32a C . McAleese 33 R . Whit e 34 M . Graydon 35 A . Moffat 36 G. Wadle y 37 V. Hindl e 38 P. Callus 39 M . Clydesdal e 40 M . Salaj
41 D . Charleston 42 T. Drew (RCC) 43 D . Walter 44 B. Kenyon 45 J . Goni s 46 G . Kent 47 T. Bescee 48 L . Marti n 49 J . Fin n 50 S. Dew 51 C . Leeto n 52 D . Hal e 53 T. Chisholm 55 D . Bennett J . Foster 58 S . Gunasekara
59 D. Nichol s 65 S . O' Conne r 66 S . Pelletie r 69 S . McGrai l 72 D. Adams
AAAATCIIO Cl~n't•onl I cO
JF Sectio n SYNDAL TALLY-HO r,~ ~ Fes CÂť~t~: 1 T. Marks 2 K . Gadsby 3 r4 .Joy 3 J . Collins 4 A, Turpin
P. Henderson t 5 D. Hannet J . Cotsis . Burns 7A 8 R, Bennett 8 V. Wong g I . Bingham 9 A. Burgess 10 p. Henning 11 J . Rutter 12 J . Ertan 12 S . Goul d 13 J. Kerrins 14 S. O'Boyle
15 N . Murray 16 B. Boucher 17 P. Kelly 18 S . MacFarlane 19 D. Bent (VC) 19 J . Willoughby 20 C. Hall 21 A . Thompson 22 P. Willoughby 23 . M. Beckett 24'C . Murphy 25 C. Clark 27 I . Rozankovic 28 M . Kennedy 29 G . Rolfe 30 B . Woods 31 A . Richardson 32,J . Moresi 33 M. Richardson 34 J. Allen 35 C . Cachia (VC) 36 A.Sneddo n 37 C. Beaumont 38 M . Christiansen 39 A . Hil l 40 B . Hanneman 41 A . Richardson 42 A . Findlay 43 J. Wicks 44 J . Seal
46 C. Varnavas 47 H. Bake r 48 D. Flight 50 C. Hutson 52 G. Wagner 53 . S. Boyd 54 P. Kostakos 55 N. Brewster 56 S . Drabble 57° R Vergakis 58 C. Karalis 59 M . French 62 R . O'Dell 63 N . Brewster 64 M. Webb 65 H . Brown 66 G . Wallace
WERRIBEE AMATEUR S r== 1 D . Stephenson 2 B . Campbel l 3 C. Alabakis 4 L. Brown 5 A . Neems (VC) 6 S . McGrat h 7 S. McNamara 8 B. Cotter 9 A. Towers 10 C . Cummins 11 N. Issac (C) 12 R. Rantino 13 Jason Craig 14 J . Marini s 15 P. Mayne 16 S . Bisby 17 D . Ryder 18 E. Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 M. Harris 21 S . Dalbon 22 R. Zulian 23 S . Fletcher 24 M . Elso 25 S . Duhau 26 R . Engler 27 T. Andrews 28 B. Poole 29 S . Dole 30 C. Morgan 31 B . Waters 32 B . Seeber 33 M . Houston 34 N . Roberts 35 M . Drew 36 S. Murray 37 C . Edwards 38 G . Trifil o 39 C. Chapman 40 P. Alabakis 41 S . Mille r 42 A . Cordell 43 E. Galizi 44 G . Saywell 45 A. Soto 46 T. Barto n 47 C. McNaughton 48 P. Sullivan 49 S . Pugliese 50 K . Pac e J. Craig M . Holman P. Johns T. Carr D. Smith J . Thompson C. Spencer D . Hussa r J. Coates R . Howde n K. Kwiatkowski
WEST BRUNSWIC K Cueck Join Jacksn Res Caack Pat! Cook 1 A. Hamilton 2 J . Gray
3 G . Heppell 4 D . Coonan 5 A .Cannane 6 S. Byrn e 7 F. Vitale 8 M . Malone 9 J . Khoury 10 S . Fyffe 11 S . Cocolaras 12 L . Brow n 13 P.Hamilton 14 P. Robinson 15 P. McNaughton 16 S . Smyth e 17 D. Lynch 18 J . Curtin 19 P. Shand 20 L. Stewart 21 S. McNamara 22 I . Twyford 23 J . Osborne 24 L . Sherry 25 G . Malone 26 G . Newitt 27 D. Disisto 28 P. Harrington 29 D . McAllister 30 M . Lewi s 31 A . Mouchacca 32 S. D'Andrea 33 C . Price 34 A.Sibereisin 36 D. Horne 37 S . Coombes 38 H . McDonald 39 M . Rogers 40 B. Baker 41 T. Raade 42 P. Harris 43 J . Tobin 44 S . Gason 45 L. Pelschel 46 G. Forbes 47 T. Bromley 49 M . Nolan 50 R . Crackett 52 B . Flanagan 53 T. Moore 55 M . Ortiz 56 A . Baker 58 D . Williams 60 E. Kava
Alft ~ F~
I;~,5~~ ~F; t~ 7l _ A melee is 'Where an incident takes plac e involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing eac h other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"
In a high scoring game Collegians accurate kicking helped them continue their unbeaten run when they defeated Uni . Blues 21 .7 .133 to 18 .18 .126 . Best were Bickford, T. Bennett, Hoyle, Simmen (6 goals) Collegians and Wood, Jennings, Macauley Uni Blues . 150 games to Graeme Briggs of West Brunswick . In Under 19 Premier Section Banyule inflicted St . Bernards first defeat winning 12 .20 to 13.10 . De La Salle had a fine win and revenged its grand final win at the expense of North Old Boys, kicking 9 goals to 2 in the final term . Greene, Nugent, Harrington, Murphy (6 goals, De La Salle), and Jordan . Griffin, Budoid (NOB) were best . 20 YEARS AGO - 1978 Long service awards this week to lion-hearted defender Jack Pretty (Comm . Bank) - 250 games and a hardworker also on social and fund-raising committees, 200 to Bob MacDonald (Caulfield Gramm.), full back in the club's A Section 1970 premiership team, captain in 1976, and secretary for two years - a fearless, straight ahead player, Bob's fair and manly approach had made many friends for him in amateur ranks. Caulfield Grammarians also thanked two unsung and often maligned club officials, club treasurer Gordon Cameron and club catering officer, David Labrum. Old Melburnians was the only undefeated team in B when they led Collegians all day to win by 31 points with best players Mumme, Morphet, Burns (6 goals Old Melb) . and Rice, Merry, Allan (Coll) . Old Xaverians scored their first victory in C when they outplayed Kew in a strong last quarter to win by 26 points with Cooksley, Curtain (7 goals) and Noonan, best for Old Xavs, and Blay (5 goals), Rowlands, Hinchen starring for Kew . Bulleen-Temp (E) remained undefeated when, after only leading ANZ Bank by 16 points at half, time, they kicked 18 .11 to 6.2 in the second half. Best were Hooper, Miles . Walker (BT) and Daken, Jones, Orchard (ANZ). 25 YEARS AGO - 1973 Office bearers for the Umpires Association were Lance Williams President, Darryl George Vice President, Ken Jorgensen Secretary and Lindsay Thomas Treasurer. 250 games to Tony Borrack (Comm . Bank) 200 to Dick Stanley Old Xavs, both former Victorian players . Geelong suffered their second successive defeat when they put in a poor performance against North Old Boys and were beaten by nearly 12 goals . North's anticipation and backing up left Geelong floundering - Wilson, Power, Crooks, Spurling (5 goals) were best for North and E. Smith. David, Lawler for Geelong . Reservoir OB and Collegians were undefeated after four rounds . Reservoir thrashed De La Salle by over 100 points while Collegians kicked 9.1 to Old Trinity's 2 .6 in the final quarter to win by 48 points . One hundred games to Wayne McCrimmon
Comm . Bank, Neil Dean Ivanhoe, Mick McInerney De La Salle, Jeff Symons Coburg. Jeff Symons and his older brother Peter were third generation Coburg as father Bob had been a staunch Coburg defender and grandfather Bert a life member. 30 YEARS AGO - 196 8 The fifth day of the season in 1968 was a "Mini Carnival at Elsternwick Park" in which Victoria won their games against Tasmania and South Australia . South Australia led by 3 points at the last change but were swamped in the final term when Victoria kicked 6 .3 to 0 .1 . Best for Victoria were S . Williams 4 goals, P. Patterson, Egan . Mullin, Vorrath, Crouch. Against Tasmania, kicked 7.8 to 0 .1 in the first quarter and were in control of the whole game Best were Parks, Gowers (5 goals) Renowden . Voight, Sykes and Woodhead . Victorian players selected to represent Australian Amateurs in the ANFC Section 2 Championship at Canberra on Queen's Birthday weekend were G . Crouch Uni Blacks, T . Gowers Old Xaverians, D . Hughes Old Scotch, P . Parkes Coburg, P. Patterson Uni Blacks, W. Sykes Uni Blues, A . Voight Ormond, D . Williams Caulfield Gramm, and S . Williams Old Paradians . David Hughes had been appointed captain. QUIZ : Five players went on to play VFL football, Can you name them and the clubs they played with? In the fifth round of home and away games Ormond 17 .19 defeated Ivanhoe 8.8 while Monash 16 .17 kicked 8 .9 to Geelong's 0 .6 in the second half - the winners were both undefeated and on top in B section. A section captains were Bob Spurling North OB, Brian Weyman Old Paradians, Wes Roach Coll, Ian Wood MHSOB, Eric Joiner Kew, John Hay Old Scotch, Roger Schakleton Uni Blacks David Rutherford Uni Blues, Tom Tootell Caulfield Grammarians . Who captained Coburg? Collegians 14.13 defeated Old Scotch 4.4 - the losers had kicked 0.1 by the last change. 40 YEARS AGO - 1958 Footscray IT coach Tom Baird, who started the club in 1947, played his 200th game . Other well known players to reach milestones were Pres Brideson Caulfield Gramm, Jim Hannan and Trevor Downs Old Melb . SSB broke the ice in A section when they held on to beat the last finishing Ivanhoe by 9 points . Best were Surtees, Jones and Preston SSB, and Ryan, Hughes and Lewthwaite Ivanhoe . Uni Blues lost champion full forward Peter Woodhouse with a dislocated shoulder. St Kilda CBC turned on a devastating last quarter of 8 .4 to nil against Old Brighton - centre half forward Denis O'Brien kicked 4 and rover John Langley 3 . C section captains were Dick Hellard De La Salle, John Wood Brunswick, Alan Dick National Looking Back - Continued on Page 38
1~ ~i'inning Edg e , presentation s
~---------_ of two games in mY accuracy of improvement fl ~g winners, in what after three rounds, have L come two very even competitions has buoyed my. oftLL'Aysm for more success in my prognostications REVIEW 1 showed far more competitive spirit SECTION ?vlazenod evenwithomeysagdvr y °,ainst p~0u iac uracy by Mazenod in the las t `ontest• prevented them winning by more than q,uarter, p winners played . For the non betterk eight points e ethanDmiLd,Nckwer aowell and Mar bY h . Melbourne Hig ~'ussbaum Iatt Lawrence and Club stalwart, Ron Verma for St . Old Brighton Bloods fuiis~edeao ~ sn~espite a
SECTION 1 An interesting match will be playe d on Central Reserve relish the between Mazenod and St . KevinsAfter their prospect of playing on a big ground . improved form last week I select Mazenod to win narrowly. heir Old Brighton Bloods, should consolidate tover top four position, with a convincing win collegians, who found some f e orm last ou tne nort h Despite having to m~ eith ht 1 1 little miles fro m to Moomba Park (o~Y. Ig believe firml Melbourne ran the jingle in 1960) y second placed De La Sal e wil .easily defeat Ther y
Penola, who are finding all opposition powerful Leaders Old Xaverians, should furthe r
hevins, who lost by twe ald Bri~ton Bloods tall ricky wind effecting play ~ fine high ul~ber still managed to judge man . Kevins , . Simon was really on his game for yntarks St ~vl'ose teAndrew Verasdxet by the early loss of star Player, over Collegians scored a moral boosting ~~ o vthout only 7!tc~ Penola, who are now the four a~rin on the board . Collegians wony ~eir acCUrate points: a margin which was aided b c~~ Salle remain undefeated after their twentv live point win over a more inaccurate Old . Accuracy Melburnians, who have only won once was the key in this even game, where each team had seventeen scoring shots . Once again leaders Old Xaverians, dominated Scotch, who finished eight two points in against.old nears After three rounds the question is "Who can challenge Old Xaverians on the field"?
SECTION 2 roved the Old Essendon Grammarians, again prove d Lions at home when they defeated Marcellin by the comfortable margin of thirty seven points . A very inaccurate Monash whites, defeated Parkside by thirty two Points• despite having three times as many scoring shots as the Red Devils . hen Mt . Lilydale recorded another good win o.ints . they defeated Yarra Valley by sixty one P Haydn's heroes have yet to record a win ! in the closest game of the day in which the competition was fierce and defenders in the a~he eniy c}~ . Thornbury Cougars defeated Kew b
r margin . the u n as they lie ladder third themselves i . mc arte
a sound defeat hopes of MHSOB by handin g today . pioneers of Australian Football, Old Th ent Park e Melburnians and Old Scotch meet Od Despite their potential improvemen t Melburnians, have so far shown little to enthuse their usual about while Old Scotch have playe . . I select Old Scotch dntfobal consisten t SECTION 2 Marcellin, with one owin await Thornbury ut to consolidate third Cougars, who will be all unsettle . Thornbury style football may plaee Marcellin, who prefer a free flowing game' Coach Thornbur y Jamie of Webb, bal l could give so cause pressure on the . Mareellin backline. I select Thornbury Kew, desperate to regain lost ground, should be able to score their second win of the season at the expense of Parkside, who are yet to win a match . In what could easily be a Grand Final preview . Lilydale . The the two undefeated teams meet at Mt long journey will not be pleasant for Monash White players, who will find Morrison ~t Lilydale big than their University Oval . I expect who men to give first use of the all to their for theshome s should create enough opportunitie
side to win.
Old It will be interesting to see how as Grammarians cope with the long trip to Bulleen lot t their away form has often Oleft a o ld Essendoneto defeat Nevertheless, I do expect adjusted to the t Yarra Valley, who have not ye rigours of Club XVIII foo~•co~ents have been Although many positiv e n made about Club XVIII football so far in seaso
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 MAZENOD v . ST. KEVINS Field : Josh DiPietr c David Longworth OLD BRIGHTON v . COLLEGIANS Field : Phi] Callil (R) Ramon Killey OLD PARADIANS v . ST. BERNARDS Field : Daniel Halliwell Frank Karabelas Boundary : Becky Griffith s OLD XAVERIANS v. DE LA SALLE Field : Ben Schmidt (R) Michael Jesse p OLD CAREY v . UNIVERSITY BLUES Field : Mark Gibson (R) Cameron Gill UNDER-19 SECTION 2 MARCELLIN v . OLD MELBURNIANS at Timber Ridge Reserve Field : Robert Sneddon (R) WHITEFRIARS v. NORTH OLD BOYS Field: Stan Lugowski Peter Buchanan ST. BEDES MENT. TIGERS v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : Peter Griffiths Nick Evans BEAUMARIS v. OLD TRINITY Field: Chris Stevens (J) Geoff Kell y OLD HAILEYBURY v . OLD SCOTCH Field : Ian Burgess Gajanan Skandakuma r UNDER-19 (2) BLUE MONASH BLUES v . HAMPTON ROVERS Field: Simon Olive (R ) CAULFIELD GR . v . OLD MENTONIANS at CAULFIELD CAMPUS Field : Cameron Nash (R) DE LA SALLE (2) v. ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULF . Field : Justin Grossbard Graeme Morgan OLD XAVERIANS ( 2) v. MHSOB Field : Ken Walker ORMOND v . AJAX Field : Nathan Rodier
UNDER-19 (2) RE D ST. LEOS EMMAUS v . AQUINAS Field : Denny Fatekas Matthew Meier OLD GEELONG v . WARRINGAL at T.H. KING Field : Pat Maebus Trent Greenway THERRY PENOLA v . OLD IVANHOE Field : Jim Pappas Jason Moore YARRA VALLEY v. OLD PARADIANS (2) Field : Peter Bailey Kevin McMahon BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE has the by e
Tel : (03) 9320 5678
F ax : (03) 9328 4063
~~ r- ~ 7t~ ~4Chubb Protective Services 87 Racecourse Road,
North Melbourne, Vic . 3051 Australia
ER 19 SECTIO N 2- 2 .05 .98
1 .1 4.2 6 .5 8.6.54 4 .3 8.3 7.7 8.9.57 K!'Fiers and Be . Flavors not recencdl ~~~ ua~arnrui 2.1 2.3 4.7 5.9.39 M,)nT;<<~~,rZS 5.6 14.10 22 .12 29.19.193 CI] !'Great . Panison. EWms . Hyams . Crabs, Beats Fabiny7 . Murphy. Fc Gooko•. uT t ~-:~ as I Hlltm 4. Anderson 4. Etfemtaccut 2, Red 2 . Cully. Nor[hey. •Ct Beat: Sulltt2n. Which. Phan. HIlt.. Rekt. ~they. ,f~Rn~ phD BOiS 3.7 8.11 8.13 12 .14.86 TIG. 2.1 3,2 8.5 9.5.59 old Cc}~: ,'.: :;,us 3, Khoder 2. Barker 2 . Taylor 2 . Bryant. Farad. H21pllt. Best : e alg.: P. W1n8c• 3. D. Y'oun 2. Gomez 2. Kingwrll. Drudy. Bat: . . . ham. Douty. Tesorvero . P. WIntk . Doutz-u-.s . Ztn~n.- ;tY 5 .2 8.4 11 .9 15 .11.101 7.8 10.10 11.12.78 t~7~~g~ ;it yL10XS 4 .4 e!d ITr;; . ; bvfrp: Pnmtney 5 . Davey 4. Ladd 3 . Hazrop. Som~da . PaYec Best: IL Corson . . . .. ..: . A,..~ Meades. £1Nayswt. CeT:mip- Bln cY- (Goal Kickers and Best Players not mceR•ed l 4.4 4.5 12.8 19.12.128 CLD 5[ O TC :I 3.3 6.8 8.9 11 .11 .77 G&Am±aSB G;j 5cetch~ Ste+^ns 7 . SBer 2. Paterson 2 . Cha}anan 2. O'Bmn 2. McCardi. Leeds . r.1S_:t: Stevens. Leeds. Predergasl Chapman . S~en.Th attes. Ear-l4 3. Smt[h 2 . Foley. Amin . Stevens. Buller. Alexander, Blake. Best: _. . {:. h--'ht . Kennedy. W9:nn.
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 - 2 .05 .9 8
CS 3•4 55,34 E 7.3 10.11 17.13 27.19 .181 y,kgNOD 4 .1 6.2 7.5 9.8.60 ce L+ so)lm i c- Kickers and Best Players not mcctved l ,n-nod : 2 . McDowell 2. Raine 2 . Hazrtngton, ht2 .son. B. Meehan. Beat: Ralne . ., .,. .. . Grant. R. Hmvldns• Parry. 1.3 1 .5 3.S 3.7.25 5t`F...'itis OtD &xlLtfrON 3.4 11 .7 14.10 18.13.121 K~.i-~ : Goat Kickers and Beat Players not nsehed ) Ctd er.:,hton:L . (Y Noll 5. Omer 3. Williams 2. Thornharzav 2 . Stea,art . Nrnuropi. . ' . va+. McBriar. Jduuon. Bpt: Thornhorrou. Barrav. Johnson, Dtmer. 1 .7 2.10 7.13 8 .13.81 2.1 8.7 8.8 17 .13.115 2 . Clarke 2 . Schmidt . Beg: Robotism, Taylor. Clarke. 3. O'Shea 3. Briggs 2, Prusclno 2, P' n~es B}trnt . O' Conner. Curran. ttbodham. Best- Young. Pmscino.~Coffins . Butler, Smcc.uk . CID C.~Rct 1.1 5.4 8 .7 11.10.76 Sr FtR7+:A ARMS 3.2 9.8 14 .11 21 .18.144 Otd Carey : B^:.•tt 2 . Hefkrnan 2 . L m •rence 2 . Oppy, Latham . Ma7 . TyndaB . Abbot . Hest: st I Hrrrman . Abbott. Munro. OW' . 5~ Bu*tizrda: 'r -,an It. Mount 3. flrndre0a 2. Jacks 2. l@imta. Kavanagh. Smmte. bnt :' : , ' n Jk.'rans. L. Kavanagh . R. Ronald J. CittareW. C.Osbwne. lln'tiaStIYBLt1E8 2 .1 7.7 8.12 9.13 .67 OLD RA',-LR1MB 3.1 4 .8 8.12 18.18.114 t r'~rnHp Blum: Jackson 2. Kink 2 . Hoimes. iQorBtey. Underssroal . White . Brooks. Beet: „ .,' :._ n. W7n[e. Lkkte9. Vogels 1tYtod . Calterv. Old Xnw•a}em:IGoal Kickers and Best P4mrers net n:cetved)
Continued from Page 3
ST. KEVINS v. OLD ME LBURIANS Field : James 1'an Beek Jamie Kvins Bound ary : Cameron Kealy Tristan Bowm an Goal: Dominic Napoli Geoff Grigg DE LA SALLE v. OLD XAVERIANS Field : Wayne Ftinton Martin Jackson Goal: Russell Owen Ross Richard s
OLD SCOTCH v . ST. BERNARDS Field: Steve %icGarthy Anthon y Damen Bounda ry : Tim Dodds %tidiael Chapple Goal : Bernie Hoare Kevin Segota COLLEGIANS v . OLD BRIGHTON Field : Heath Little Graeme Thwaites Goal : Brad Nash Bernie Jcphson U NIVERSITY BLUES v . OLD HAILEYBURY Field : `tb~et nirley RGoalyd An h ny BSimp o RReno 3arichievich
AUNDER 19 BLUE - 2 .05.98
11111508 3.4 6.5 11 .8 17.10.112 MO.'tASR BLUES 3.2 8.4 7.5 9 .8.82 MH9OB: L. Taylor 5. Park 4 . Moore 2 . Gregor 2. Wttght . G . htcGu9y. R . Joseph . Rudder. =%p=.. GregsanA. As .kem. Osborne, PaMlsky, Park . Cothns 5. Spence. BWton. Bell, Avery. Best : Forster - Knight, Collins, Bolton . Crowe, Spence, Merttn. HB1,73YkN ROVERS 4 .5 80 .10 10.12.72 CAULFIF3D GftA2~4AAR7AtY 0 .1 1 .2.4 6.7.43 Ti Hampton Raras: Cngps 4. Juon 3. A. Vcss• D. Vass . S. Grimmer. Best : Rohn . Woods . Grunmer. Jenthins, Croather . D . Was. Caulfield Grammartan® : Gurpinar. Freeman 2. White. Corer. Hest: W1dJaja. Freeman. Cmer. Kendal. Enksat . lSllmM. OLD MEh'TONLlA.:fiB 4.3 10 .8 18.8 22.12.144 DE IA SAL18 2.3 4.7 5.10 12.13 .85 Old Mentonlatu: Palmer 6. McNish 5. Baltannne5, Kuramoto 5 . O' Rielly. Beats McNtsh. Palmer, Kuramoto. Maon. McKap . Goss . De La Salle: R . Stnzns 3• A AtcKerzk 3. B . Bread 2 . A. Hancock 2, R. GuWter. A. Donnlson. Bat ; Stevens, S}nat, Fisher, Donnisat. Caries. Stztlad. ORMOhV 8.4 8.5 10 .9 18.12 .120 ST KII.DA SOUTH CAULFIFI,p 0.2 4.5 6 .9 7.10.52 Ormond : Stevens 5, Straugch 3. Naughton 2. Kurzell 2. htlnter 2 . Keleher Knight. Black. Ashford . Bed: Putz• AshCotd• Stevens . Naughton . Sttauch• Shaslak . St. . KIM South Ccutl~: (Goal Kickers and Best PL~}zrs not receCved ) AJAX 2 .3 8 .8 10 .10 10.14.74 OLD RAVERIAN9 2 .3 5 .3 7.5 12.9.81 AJAX' Onas 2 . M. Segal 2, Ba:Lst. Go!denteln . Gohan. Gutman. M .C. Segal. Sharp. Best: Coach declined to name hest player due to poor pertorn3nce by n4ote team . Old %svatsrss: (Goal Kkkers and Best Players not received )
UNDER 19 RED - 2 .05 .9 8
ST LF.OS EMMAUS BYE AQUINAS .1 6.3 11 .5 18 .8 .10 4 GEELONG 5 2 .2 7.7 8.7 11.8.74 AOLD (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) Old .C Braver 5 . Corning 4 . A -y 2 . Brett Steven.s, Brarxr, McCann. McInnes . Bol~ 8'dRRIIiGAL 5 .4 8.8 13 .13 9.10.64 T11gRRY FENO1.A 4.3 8.4 14.9 15.10.100 Whrringd: R41ch 7. Hopgood 2• Burke 2 . Schulze 2 . Munon . W9bsn, Stork, Stngh . Beat: Frew, t4@Ich. Nat'l, Whtte. Thmt;~t. Burke, The" Females (Goal Kickers and Best Players not recolved ) YARRA VALLEY 1.2 5 .4 8 .8 9.10 .64 OLD R'M71OE 2.8 2 .11 8.14 _ 6.15.51 Ylurt . Mlddlln 2, Pask. Cremean. McIlratha Mmru. TysMng. Best: tLloyd. Prv~ce• Pask. R2 bpshus . Fraser. Bell. Old lvonhoe:IGoat Kickers and Best Players not received) 2.3 7.8 12.11 23 .14.152 0 .4 2.5 2.8 3.9.27 ev 5 . Thorn 3,Bc~~anW~ 3• Theodossi 3• G' Meara 2 . : Bergamtn. Thorn . Varano. Bgd . Kar.thatsos . htacarntey. oars (Gonl Kickers and Best Players not received )
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 COLLEGIANS [3E: LA SALLE ~ Coach : Tim Killwort h U19 (C) :
1 2 3 4
L . Schmidt N . Lynch J . Clarke D . Telford
5 L . Taylor
6 C . Mollard 7 M . Maxwell 8 N . Harrison 10 A. Robinson 11 B. Page 12 M . Gibso n 13 S. g
14 T. De Young 15 J . Britten 16 A. Baxter 17 T. Spicer 18 D. Field 19 T. Maule 20 J . Waters 21 C. Chambers 22 N . McCann 23 T. Rodgers-Wilson 24 M . Godfrey 25 N . Bras s 31 J . Rose 33 B . Samuel 41 S . Sayers 44 C. Gibson 69 A . Dakin
OLD PARADIANS Coach- Ken Johansen (1) Co6ctK Phil Luchotta (4 1 S . Youn g 2 D. Green 3 G. O'Meara 4 B . Richardson 5 B . Galloway 5 B . Woodham 6 M . Joyce 8 D . Varano 8 A . Vecchio 9 J . BVron 10 K . Theodossi 11 A . Curran 12 C . Jacavou 16 C . Price 17 N . Attard 19 P. Karabatsos 20 M. Dempster 21 M. Szewczu k 22 M. Cosg r iff 23 D . Briggs M. Ploenges 24 L . Brickwell 25 A.Jakowenko 26 B. O'Connor 27 S. Pruscin o 28 R . Sartori 29 V. Per ry 30 S. Fellowes 31 F. Papaluca 32 A. Baker 34 G . Howe r 35 D. Loney 36 G . Dean 37 V. Ber9amin 38 N. Kudeweh 39 J . Thor n 40 J . Collins 41 F. Papluc a 42 M . Rees 44 S . Ciavola 47 M . De Range 49 D. Gleason 52 N. Macartne y 53 C. Butler G . Boyd 60 A. Swindon 82 T. O'Shea
Coach : Clay Weser U19 ( C) : S . Hyland
1 M . Andrews 2 C. Asmus 3 R. Beatt ie 4 R. Bonnici 5 P. Bowden 6 C. Buick 7 X. Clancey 8 S . Clay 9 J . Crowe 10 S . Erdos 11 T. Fishe r 12 N. Herber
13 S . Hart
14 R. Hu g hson 15 C. H Hyd e
16 S . H lan d 17 D. MycHenrY 18 M . McHenry 19 B . Mercuri 20 M . Mercuri 21 A . Molan 22 D . Moore 23 D . Nolan 24 P. Nowlan 25 M . O' Donnell 26 A . Orlan d 27 A . Pedicini 28 B . Reade 29 K . Rogers 30 D . Stinear 31 A . Toniolo 32 J. Waters 33 E . Williams 34 S . Woods 35 C . Worsteling
MAZENOD Coach : Rod Bourke U19 (C):
1 J. Schiano 2 B. Hobbs 3 P. Fotiniotis 4 C . Poletti 5 R . Hawkins 6 L . Hawkins 7 P. Nelson 8 L . Varney 9 D. Gran t 10 D. Ryan 12 A. Bray 15 L. Morgan
16 B. Meehan (VC) 17 N. Meehan 18 M . Bonaddio 19 T. Crook 21 D. Rigg 23 J . Kavanagh 24 D. Nisbet 25 R. Hammond 34 C. Raine 37 D. Fenton 45 D. Stagliano 49 P. Harrington 53 J . Di Pietro 62 A . McDowell 69 G. Miller 76 N . Parry (C) 79 C. Davis
Coach: Pat ftdoins Coach Pete Caftian (2) U19 (c):
Coach:Jeff0stiorne U19 (C):
t A P' 2 C.I m 3 BA 4 D t 5 C .t_. : s 6 s cx 7 e.cn 6 c . c- 9 TCU~ o a. Cou .. 1 T.c~ xv 12 T. c_. .. t3 J. Demm 14 a Cra~ 15 i Fanav
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
16J .Fay
t7 R. Feerj is U . F~zgerad 19 M . Frost 20 F. F~,rnaer 2 1 i.G b emi 22 N. Han 23 C. Ha~a, 24 J. He~?f 25J.H~
26 d. H-aess, ss,i osx ~ 27 C. r,U :re 49 2 F ; 28 B. 3 50 ta . , . 29 J. trr_ 5 1 r:. I r 30 D. K, 52 D. h 31 M . r=: :__1 ~ M . F -, 32 A ts : I D. Jo 33n.i•-=,ae 55a.sdwtz 34 P is' :-~ 56 s . s:cidw e 35S .1- s-; 57 n. s-36 A. ,_C__ J 56 p, stem 37 B . A'x--, ss c. ste*rs 36 J. u _y 60 D. S" 33 T. ta.: ::-' . ; 61 D. Smrrr 40 J. 62 T Srorcy 41 R.ML' u: _'A 63 H r~a; 428 ~ . 64 s . Tmmt~ 43C ary 65 C. w~y 44 E=55 C.wapana 45 P.C::•~67ta. xaureb 47K[ :4-
1 B. Swann R . Pizzichetta R . Legudi R . Bonnici J. Pearson P. lanazzo N . Smith J. DelaneyY S. Wheeler
10 C. Osborne 11 S. Erickson 12 A. Velona 13 S. Bugryn 14 A Thomas 15 A. Pfeiffer 16 A. Mastropasqua 17 T. Pianta
18 T. James
19 L Kavanag h 20 D. Sheehan 21 M . Polatajko 22 P. Rahil l 23 D. Monteleone 24 A. Monteloene 25 J . Jacks 26 A Gleason 27 James Mount 28 J . Zocco 29 J . Cittarell i 30 S . Borg 31 J . Ev80S 32 T. HaNeY 33 S . Smit h 37 J . Lloyd 42 V. ludka 43 C. Davis
OL D S -11 G i~:
>n-~~S ~s ,~ ; rr : „r
Coach : Leigh Bowes
U19 (C): 1 A . Patios 2 S . Grabert 3 G. Earl 4 W. Ear l 5 N . Biggin 6 T Ewen
7 G . Rhodes 8 T. Handley 9 L 0'Neili 10 J . White 11 S. Dime r 12 A. Robertson 13 R . O'Neill 14 A Ginnavi n 15 G . Norwood 16 J . Tharnbrow 17 C . Barrow 18 H . Rolls 19 M. Carr 20
A. McLaughlin
21 X. Carra 22 A. Walsh 23 J. Thomas 25 A. Boyd 26 S. Fox 2 7 P. A Mark s Avramedies 28 29 C. Stewart 30 D. Stockdal e 31 A Thorns 32 R. Ha yward 33 M . McBriar 35 T. Erridge
OLD CAREY Coach : Peter Schille r U19 (C) :
1 C . Davis 2 C . Munro 3 P. Cerch e 4 S. Vitali 5 T. Baker 6 B. Tuc k 7 C . Melin 8 R . Oppy 9 A. Murphy 10 D. Abbo tt 11 D. Moria rty 12 J. Mai 13 N. L a tbam 14 D. Feast 15 E. Davey 16 N. Bul l 17 P. Tompkins 18 T. Tyndal l 19 T Woo d 20 M . Lawrence 21 D. Stone 22 M . Poun d 23 T. Stuart 24 B . Shuti e 25 D. Silverwood 27 C. Davey 28 A Bunnell 35 S . McConnel l
36 P. Va iamis 37 F. Hakins 47 A . Bon d
Coach: Peter Foster Ut9 (C) : N Moore, P. Mount
Coa h slam Carloll U19 (C) :
1 A. Calle 2 N . Walker 3 P. Mount 4 A. Rattle 5 C. Noseda 6 B. Alti s 7 B. Shelley 6 T. McCann L. Cresswell 10 J. Radford 11 T. Crowley 12 P. Bare 13 A. Stua rt 14 N. Moore 15 J. Ferrari 16 K. McDonald 17 A. Foley 18 A. Wise 1 9 C. Goldsworthy y 20 P. OiKeefe 21 J . Sibilia 22 M . La astes 23 P. Milesi 24 R. Sheehy 25 S . Vanderwert 26 A . Bevacqua 27 R . Zema n 28 N . Parrett 29 A . Conla n 30 P. Halpin 31 P. Harvey 32 S .OiConnor 33 J . OiConnor 34 T. Berg in 35 E. Rafter 36 A. Smit h 37 R . Debraio 38 G . Anderson 39 D . Liepa 40 D . Dunn 41 J . Howden 42 J . Pang razio 43 L. Wilkinson 44 R . Campagn a 45 L. Meehan
1 A. Albe rt 2 S. Benjamin 3 C . Brooks 4 J. Coulloupa s 5 B. Call ery 6 A. Clark 7 A. Crawford 8 W. Crocker 9 H . Christi e 10 L . Dean-John s 11 F. Delasqual e 12 C. Evans 13 S. Ferguson 14 A. Fleetwoo d 15 J . Hockin g 16 J . Hatto n 17 W. Jackson 18 G . Kin g 19 J . Lyl e 20 D. Leah y 21 M . McKerro w 22 R. McKerrow 23 T. Menzies 24 T. McMillan 25 L. Morrison 26 N . Mules 27 C. Nort hey 28 S . Parson s 29 W. Pye 30 P. Sheaha n 31 J . Starlin g 32 A . Southerlan d 33 A . Terril l 34 B . Tuc k 35 L. Underwood 36 N . V els 37 J . Wa r d 38 J. Webber 39 A . Whit e 40 R . Woodward 41 D . Wood
U N DE P - 1 9 SECTION 2 gF~tU[,,IA1~1 S MAR CEELs11V _~. C-
Smith B Thomas A Guerin ;;i Lee ! a Ensor Gibson
7 B Steven s N
Walke i c R Carroll G Johnson J Bayford 3 D Emerson P Bird 15 A Qui n i 6 N Atkins
7 T Eaton 8 A Palme r 19 ;~ Kennedy 20 A Faraguna . 21 ts Selletto 22 K Alexander 23 A Catli n L Buller 25 P Wrig ht 2 6 T Collins S Fitzgerald 28 B Spence 29 K Rawsthorn ;p D Teesdal e 31 L McNicholas
32 A Black 33 B Griffiths 37 B Haynes a7 S Langford-Jones
Coach: James Golds U19 (c) :
1 M. Lefeanue 2 M. Karavilis 3 G . Cull 4 D . Marson 5 G . Romanin 6 S . LoyY 7 D. Angotti 8 D. Ryan 9 G . Murley 10 D. Bonanno 11 A . Hasiotis 12 D . Ballantine 13 P. PapP alard o 14 C. Duinardo 15 J . Pappalardo 16 P. Diaca9ior 9i s 17 J. Delahunt 18 M . Moussi 19 J . Sheehan 20 N . Mathews 21 M . Fisher 22 M . Roberts 23 L . Bett iol 24 B. Dinneen 25 G . Hawkins 26 T. Louder 27 D. Ciro
1 M . Taleb 2 T. Waters 3 B . Kousovasilis 4 O . Khader 5 B . Caris s 6 D . Skene 7 S . Hoban 8 T. Halpin 9 A . Naiss 10 C . Faraci 11 S . B ry ant 12 D . Aboud 13 C . Miller 14 J . Saba 15 N . Tonkin 16 P. Bo rysiewicz 17 S. Reynoldson 18 S . Mcilroy 19 M. Payne 20 R . Amato 21 M . Barker 22 G . Taylo r 23 H . Makhoul 24 B . Kurec 25 M . Moustafa 26 N . OiHalloran 27 M . Rees 28 N . Smith 29 S . Smith 30 D . Willoughby
31 B . Wilson 33 A . McKenzie
OLD 7 '! Ni'1'Y
Cca~ Terry Kendall U19 (C) : G. Junkeer
~fi: '- W ' is U19(C):a . c~ : ~is
1 G.Junkeer 2 T. Chapman 3 J. Mile s 4 A. Sheer 5 T, Paterson 6 T McKenzie 7 C . Steven s 8 T. Frankenburg 9 T. Leitl 10 N. Slade n 11 C. Fricke 2 L. Hume 13 N. Simo n 1 4 A. Willersdorf 15 J . Hughes 6 N . O'Brien 17 S . Eage r %0 N . Brewster 21 T. Glass 22 L. Hanneman n 23 L . Walkom 24 L . Hawkins 25 M . Thwaites 26 T. Withers 27 E. Stewa rt 28 T. Cardy 29 S . Hosking A. Leeds
1 S .Jones
~ Coach: Michad Lovejoy U19(C'i:
31 S . Prendergast
32 E . Oliver 35, P. Ro g ers 36 R. Ashto n 37" C. Armstrong 44 A . Reed 6 6 H . Thomas
2 A . Beaver
3 M . Passado r 4 A . Rothe 5 B . Hutchinso n 6 C Russell . B Ise p i 8 D . AsFiwpro rth 9 A . Grigg 10 S. Danri 11 K. Node n 12 C . Wilson 13 S. Johnso n 14 R . Gamble 15 R . Baxter 16 T. Hog gins 17 C . Hiitas 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J . Masle n 20 M . Canzoneri 21 L. Kennedy 22 D. Kinross 23 B . Fitzmaurice 24 E . Davatzis 25 W. Hanse n 26 D. Robinso n 27 L.' Clarke 28 C. Butler
29 W. Brady 31 R. Ramsden 32 J . Cornell 33 Y. Adal 35 C. Sor 37 S . Medlin 39 A . Mai ah 43 D . WatYdro n 44 M . Lapira 45 S . Darcy-Molloy 52 A . Andrews 56 T. Hoggins 61 N . Broster 64 M. Kassaby
1 A Ryan 2 P Carroll 3 C Tesoriero 4 J Dunne 5 J Doubaras 6 L Abdalla h 7 B Mcshane 8 L Hamilton 9 P Russ o 10 LT Iim 11 J Williams 12 A Connolly 13 N Zomer (\!C) 14 J Drury 15 G Gomez 16 A Burnett 17 S Lambe rt 18 M Young 19 D Falkingham 20 C Mizzi 21 J Cunningham 22 G Smith 23 D Napier (C) 24 G Alford
25 L Wintl e 26 P Dohe rty 27 S Kingwell 28 D Young
29 T Winne I 30 T Fava 31 P Wintle 32 S Bell 33 G Strachan 34 M Mulcah 35 A Smit h y
C째~h~ Greg Laasoock U19 (C) : J . Bell
Coadc Mark Liberal ! U19 (C):
1 L. Floyd 2 S . Davey 3 A. Brudar 4 L. Paisley 5 D . Harro 6 R . Ladd p 7 A . Biggs 8 J . Meades 9 C. Home 10 C. Efstathiou 11 R. Burn 12 T. Rogers 13 G . Finlayson 14 M . Chishol m 15 D . Pountney 16 J . Miller 17 R . Bradham 18 C . JaYasekera 19 C . Moyle 20 H . Francis 21 D . Lay 22 A. Rode 23 M . Somaia 24 B. Hall 25 D . Harrig an 26 J . Bell (C) 27 R . Carson 28 S. Dietz 29 M . Nicholson 30 D. Po rter
1 J . Gooley 2 C . Guest 3 D. Fabinyi 4 C. Murphy
31 D. Mason
A . Ellim s H . Birrel l 7 C. Fong
8 C. Jening s 9 J . Murtaz a 10 P. Stuckey 11 N . Sample d
12 E . Wilso n 13 D . Patterson 14 G . Anderso n 16 R . Atkins 17 J. Hammon d 18 E . Far uarson q s 19 R . Hyam 20 E. Alder 21 W. Yunken 22 C . Ray 23 I . Ambler 24 J . Moss 25 H . Turne r 26 H . McLeod 27 W. Austi n 28 C . Sibre e 30 N. Coutts 32 M . Benko 33 N . Couzens
32 E . E k 47 J . Robert so n
1 M . Atkin 2 C . Brown 3 L. Brown 4 M . Byrne 5 A . Clements
6 B. Costello 7 B. Dryne 8 P. Greenbank 9 E. Hannon 10 A. Maher 11 J . Marr 12 J . Ma rt in 13 J . McAuleyY 14 L. Melling s 15 S . Moody 16 B . Murphy 17 R. Neale 18 A . Nolan 19 C. Pease 20 H . Peck 21 C. Schilling 22 M . Staunton 23 S . Vegter 24 D . Walsh
WHITEFRIARS Coach : U19({.):
1 A . Croug h 2 M . No rthe 3 B . Phan y 5 J . Powe r 6 B . Winch 7 T. Hilton 8 R . Fedele 9 L . Trewhell a 10 , A. Johnso n 11' M. Cassarin o 12 D . Reid
13 N . Cowling 14 S . Ward 15 S . Staddon 16 B . Sinclai r 17 D. Eifermann 18 R. Murray M . Duffy
20 S . Flemin g 21 M . Setche s 22 S . Davi s 23 L. Armstrong 24 J . Treyvaud 25 M . Crosher 2 . Sulliva n 6 27 DT. Hoare 28 B . Dohertyy 29 M . Wals th 30 A. Beattie
31 B. Jone s 32 M . Tan 33 R . Pawli k 34 T. Mulcah y 35 D . Levi 36 J . Anderson
UNDER-19 - (2 BLU E AJAX Coach: Henry R U19(C):
1 B. Klein 2 A. Bock 3 B. Davis 4 D. Goldenfein 5 E . Goldstone 6 G. Israelsohn 7 S . Gutman 8 J . Rosenbaum 9 J. Ones 10 H . Snow 11 D. Rutko 12 S . Majman 13 D. Rubenstein 14 J . Weinstock 15 D. Frd 16 D . Feldman 17 J . Rockm an 18 A. Golvan 19 J. Basist 20 S. Czarny 21 D. Stub 22 P. Glezer 23 B . Ritterman 24 A . Lewin 25 M . Blashki 26 Mark Segal 27 C . Spero 30 A. Lefkovic 32 A. Rodgers 33 S. Shetzer 36 M . Segal 39 S . Midler 40 A. Halphen
CAULRB.DG AR Coach., Mark Dorman U19(C):S '
1 J . Same 2 B. Hasforth 3 S. Erikson 4 J. Ryan 5 S. Kendall 6 J. Fulston 7 M . Davies 8 D. Globan 9 J . Acfield 10 C. Worboys 11 P. Sykes 12 S. Sant 13 R . Silverman 14 T. Cripps 15 A. Schwab 16 B. OiCallaghan 17 T. Kavouris 18 M . Gurpinar 19 M . Richardson 20 T. Kavouris 21 C . Nairn 22 M. Richardson 23 C . Creer 24 A Wilkinson 25 G . Evans 26 S. Widjaja 27 T. Freeman 29 D. Golabek 33 P. Ralph 34 J . Wilmot 35 A . White
43 J. Sharp
MONASH BLUES z s c~c as 3 R " 4 N. P~n
6 c.w~s 6 F°ey 7 B .MA 8 S. Lido 9 C .came 10 p Fy~ ii J .EMU
12 A t~ 13 & Caswn 14 G.vad~igl
15 S. rau,g
16 a SmM1h 17 J. h4#" 18 L rkiMad 19 B. Keen pM Fdey 21 T.Crpye 22 T OE ~ 23 J. R~;me 24 P q~,l 26 L_ c~,artsn, az N. S-g 2n C. b'stqrrii 33 J . ~ 34 27 R 28 D. ~~ 35 5.8a 4xs 19 s .~ Cake 36 M. S M61 ~ a~ 4~2 K Barred~
5 M .BCog an hl 6 J . Davies 7 A . Donnison 8 M . Duggan 8 M. Evans 9 D . Forer 10 C . Guimm ar ra 11 R. Gullifer 12 A. Hancock 12 K. Harper 13 M . Harrison 13 A. Hayes 14 G. Hnstov 15 A . Jackson 16 D . Jarvis 17 B . Jefferi es 19 A . Keaq h 20 J La Rag y 20 B. Lafranc~hi 21 S. L an 22 A. Mienzi e 23 K. Jead 24 L. Meehan 24 D. Merawn 25 S . Monte Silva 26 A . Murray 26 B . Muscat 26 A . Neville 27 E. Phillips 28 M. Ruschena 29 L . Ryan 29 M Salem 30 J. Silver 31 N. Stafford 32 J. Willey
OLD {1 EAtI OmNS oLD XAVERIAPIS coad,: sver a s na,w Coach: Pat Hawkins (1) U19 (C): Waa
Coach P eto Camnan (2)
1 W. Ballantine
2UtA ~ 38 J C.Banr.9 ~Tt,+ r~ i 3 S. 40 J. M1id.cui n 0, Sees 41 ar~,1
2 M . Thomason 3 S . Worrell 4 L. Hogan wen t d 5 C. 6 T. Litchfiekl 7 D . Mills 8 A . Drinan
9 A. Worrell
10 L . Stephen 11 D. Alexander
12 M . Campbell 13 R. Buffer
14 A. OiReilly 15 D. Gran t 16 B . Kuramoto 17 C. Mackayy 18 N . S~ piliotis
19 M. Kennedy
20 C . Beswic k 21 T. McNish 22 N . Hollow 23 L . Brow n 24 B. Goss
25 N. Lan e 26 P. Nixon 27 W. Steabben 28 M . Francis . Palmer Webster b 32 N J . Gardner 33 e
5 c. aaroas
az a Mat
6 s . Ca,ads 43 C . 7 6~ 44 E Fh'r~a't 9 T. Cmct~ r~ J p~y ~ ~ 10 R Ca.x~n 47 IC 6kuy~in 11 T.Grtpvr 48A4aw~d 12 T. Davis 49 T p~ 13 J. De#>It 60 At Own 14 AM 51 N 151 Fatow 52 D .Re~ 16 J. Fay 53 M . Ru01 17 R. Fe* 5 4 a= C~ AStfxk 18 M. lkz9olaid M. ~ ~ B .Sadn°`e ~ 20 P. Rrmiar 57 A Spa» 21 T(~ 58 D.5~ ' 22 N .r~1 as C.sdctm 23 J.F1~~C 67 D.S3mJ 24 J .H~Fj 6 D.59xe7 25 J . 62 T~ 26 J. Hert~ 63 N. Tne4& 27 C. Fbae 64 s. Tnrttle 28 R. kv,.a,g5o 65 c. ft-.y
29 J. kciand 30 D. Verne
31 ~ A t~ 33 a tu,
~ s. ~ 36 At~ 37 S. MtCrSi
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Ian Wilmott
1 M . Aron 2 T. Buntine 3 A. Burrows
32 N. SynoH
44 J . Kretsch
Coach: Mike Dickenson U19 (C): J. Sao
DE LA SAt.I_E c~cr~g
66 D. Yt~d 67 M . x~
U1 9(C) :
1 D . Anderson 2 A Quo n 3 T Prantzos 4 J Midwinter 5 S Wills 6 A Crowther 7 A Duddy 8 W Climes 9 M . Cripps 10 D. Shaw 11 A Voss 12 A Landrigan 13 N . Rahn 14 M. Louis 15 G Shenfield 16 G Wood 17 A Smith 18 J Stokes 19 D Voss 20 L. Bird 21 M Jenkin 22 L. Dallas 23 S . Grimmer 24 M . Flynn 25 B Hvard 26 M Flahive 7 M. Flynn 28 C . Lucas 29 D Anderson 30 M Lanagan
AFFINITY INTERNATIONAL 259 Hawthorn Rd . Caulfield 316 2
M .F1 .S .O . B . ~,;~ o U19(C):Je111'
1 T. Parker 2 R. Clowes 3 A. Simpso n 4 J . Wilso n 5 A . OiBrie n 6 J . Moore 7 J . Gregsan 8 T. Leaver 9 R . Limbrick 10 N . McKenzie 11 S. Rodder 12 N . Youngs 13 B. Sims-Lucas 14 S. Caller 15 T. Wright 16 K. Miezis 17 G. McCull y 18 J . Davis 1 9 B . Hil l 20 A . OiBrien 21 P. Physi c 22 P Brown 23 R . Jose p h 24 A. Mazur
25 L Taylo r
26 A As 27 H H. Tay!o r 28 M . Podolsk y 29 R. Park 30 T. Morga n 31 L. Jones 32 R . Weede n 33 T. Lower
34 R . Were
35 B. Miezi s 36 S. Osborn e
Ph: 9523 8333
ORMOND Coach : Briat, Keating U19 (C): A Shwak
i S. Ttron~son z R9 . Nash 3 D. Robbins
4 D. Rowan 5 T. Ashford 6 M. Broadhurst 7 S . Keleher 8 FI. CDU~tOn 9 J . Pu11 10 J . Cullen 11 B. Minter
12 P. Townsend 13 A. Kulzel 14 B. Healey 16 S. Porter 17 S. Naughton t8 P. Ccatella 19 A. Strauch 20 K. Watson 21 B . Walker 22 D . HOpk1t15 0aHalloran 23 S . n 24 M, 25 J . Date 26 D . Mabbett 27 P. Gteeson 28 A. Stasi3k 29 K. Coon 30 H. Black 31 P. `Naked 32 A. Russell 33 S . Stephens 35 C. Knight
ST 1aLDA STN CAULFIELD Howard U19 (C): Drummon d 69 J . DunTadl 64 C . TMak~a;tl
65 D . Mahoney E6 K Too" 67 W. Perkins 88 J. Z~ne ~ S, Reec e 70C.Barrer a 71 M. Baraket 72 A Canrana S. 74 Gray 75 M. Top~1 78 D . Slade 77 A Mea e 78 R. Hat 79 C. A1c.41~n 1~ A. Ham 71L ~
sz B . zwak
83 A Saloon ~~ ~ s, 84 L 85 H . Ready 94 D. h: 68 C . Pierez 95 A. D'a 87 T. M~rs 96 M. G~ , 89 J . Van ~ 97 M. Tov e 89 N. D,~rm so s. Kaapwoa 9 1 1 caman 0 992 B. Santa3ea;ia
1 J, Jes s 5 M . Boland 6 S . Bennett ; T. Moran g M. Greer T. Harkin 1 3 P. Glennie ., T Blasch 1 t C. Field 1 a B. Anthony p A Calabaro ;2 Bâ&#x20AC;˘ Moran '" B. Mills -; ',t Johnson :2 J . Bleakney ;a Y. Delsovito ;1 J. Pole 5,, D . Kealy 09 D. Minogue
~~ ~ ~ W
U19 (TT 1 N . Hodder 2 P Batty ttY 3 G . Bonnici 4 R. Gallagher 5 C. Miller 6 G. Newey 7 A Vol pi 8 C . M Donald 9 M. Brown 1 0 C. Vaughan 11 J . Blandthorn 12 N . Zannis 13 S . Dornik 1 4 P. Mansic 5 M . Dunn 16A. Schlittler 17 T. Ka Kay 1 8 J . McNally 19 J . Ross 20 S . Goldsworthy
: Bo EMs
Cosch: Brian catmight U19(c):
Coach: U19(C) :
Coach: Ken (1) ~ Coach:~
8 A Lux 1 D. Bernet 1 S. Youn g . Aiderhove b1S n 2 N. G azeas 2 D. Green 29 D Batton 2 A. Bastow 3 B . Walli s 3 G . O'Meara 30 R Lane 3 R. Brown 4 B . Davis 4 B . Richardson 4 C. Calleja 50 N Edgar 5 A. Oates 5 M . DeBoer 5 B . Galloway 6 P. Dowd 51 T Kavou ri s 6 N . Eastwood 5 B . Waodha m 7 J . Harrop 53 C Chamberlain 7 M . Fisher 6 M . Joyce 8 B. Spoor 8 D . Florence 55 J Ry an 9 T. Palin 8 D . Varano 9 J . Florence 10 R. Gilderdale 56 R Brown 8 A Vecchio 10 L . Grove s 1 . Archer 9 J . Byron 57 A McCann 1 D 11 J . Howard 12 M . Kelly 10 K. Theodoss i 12 D .Juhasz 58 L Heine 13 D. Spiden 11 A. Curran 13 A. King 60 D Mcinnes 14 G. O'Shannessy 14 N . Macrides 12 C. Jacavou 15 L. Courage 63 N Agar 15 N . Macreevy 16 C. Price 16 R. Hense 64 B O ' Callaghan 16 N . McCroha 17 B . Limberg 17 N . Attard 17 B . Mountain 76 D Brauer 18 L. Waddell 19 P. Karabatsos 18 S . Mountain 19 A. Harper 20 M. Dempster 19 T. Mossop 20 J. Vincent 21 M. Szewczu k 20 M . Natfas 21 C. Barker 22 M . Cosgriff 21 R . Parris 22 J. Smart 22 T. Peterson 23 D. Briggs 23 A. Sutherland 23 B . Pouroganis 24 S . Jenkins 23 M . Ploenges 24 N. Povaran 26 G . Macisaac 24 L. Brickwell 25 D. Povaran 27 N . Coyne 25 A . Jakowenko 26 J . Stynes 29 A . Johnston 26 B 27 P. Taylor ~ WHITE 38 G . George 27 S . O'Connor . Pruscino 28 L . Thompson 48 R . Davies 29 B. Walleneiser 28 R . Sartori ESTATE 29 V. Per ry 30 S. Fellowes 31 F. Papaluca 32 A. Baker 34 G. Hower THERRY LA WARRINGAL YARRAVALLEY 35 D.Lone y coo* Paw matiort Coach : John Stanton 36 G. Dean Coach: Ash Wain Ut9 (c): U19 (C) :
2 R . Zampogna 4 R . Springall A . Grant 9 S . Stella 10 C. Bannister 11 S . Bocagh a 12 J. Briedis 13 D . Candiloro 14 R . Dodds 15 A. McMaho n 16 D. Dunn 17 A . McDonald 18 N . James 19 G. Kuret 20 J . Smith 21 B. Fitzpatrick 22 M. Yates 23 M. Russell 24 T. Si9fte r 25 N. Trewin 26 R. Garcia 27 R. Azzopardi 28 C. O'Brien 29 N . Perrett
1 H . Anderson 2 S. Anderson 3 D . Bloomfiel d 4 G . Bell 5 L. Bolzon 6 C. Burke 7 A. Cam,illeri 8 M . Chazan 9 B . Frew 10 E . Gal e A . George 11 2 13 T. Heale 14 A. Ho pq ood 15 J. Hopkms 16 D. Inman 17 M . Keegan 18 D. Lewis 19 G . Long 20 M . Manovella 21 S . Morri s 22 D. Mutton 23 N. Mullane 24 D. Nasrallah 25 M. Natol i 26 L. Prosser 27 M. Pope 28 D . Ryan 29 D. Schulze 30 T. Sessions R. 32 Sig oan 33 J . Spenc e 34 C. Taylor 35 N . Taylor 36 D . Thomas 37 T. Thomso n 38 M. Vanlint 39 S. Walter 42 J. Wilkins 40 B. White 43 A. Welc h 41 D. Wilson 44 S. Ye e
U19 (C):
1 A. Midland 2 T. Morris 3 S . Lloyd 4 C. Fraser 5 P. Valloppi 6 M . Wines 7 B . Stu rzake r 8 B . Arnot 9 J . Longwort h 10 B. Searle 11 B. Reynolds 12 D . B Bel Lang ayl 13 C. Shugg 14 T. Lloyd 15 D. 16 A . Bell 17 T. Mcllrath 18 R . Pearc e 19 E. Kryse 20 T. TY ~ shin g 21 P. uaugh n 22 B. Drew 23 C . Arnol d 24 A. Cusan o 25 S . Matt ers 26 J . Skipwo rth 27 T. Hancock 28 B . Rey nold s 29 S . Coleman 30 B. Wapshott 31 J . Scanlan
37 V. Bergamin
38 N . Kudeweh 39 J. Thom 40 J. Collin s 41 F. Papluca 42 M . Rees 44 S . Ciavola 47 M . De Ran 9o 49 D . Gleeson 52 N . Macartney 53 C . Butle r 54 G . Boyd 60 A. Swindo n 82 T. O 'Shea
Why is it often that when we need it the most our beathing becomes rapid or erratic? Well it's because of our innermost fears . So what do we fear the most? Yes dying - but that comes second . Public speaking is number one ! In fact any form of public performance can cause tremendous anxiety to most people . You would be surprised how many AF L players cannot eat for hours before a game or frankly get so nervous that they vomit before going on the ground . If you don't believe us read Tony Lockett's biography. So if your heart goes pitter patter before a game or before a date - relax . Take some slow breaths letting your stomach out as you breathe in . That controls all the excess adrenaline flow and lets you think clearly enough so you can get on with the business at hand .
Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms BEFORE MATC HE S and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly. B ehaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water Carriers . Not to deliver message s from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play. To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behinc ' the passage of play. Trainers. May carry water if team short of water carri_~ ; C7t~erwise can ,oniy enter field when a player requires medical' assistance . C^f" : , "deliver message from coach . t.~ciire - ~: u nne r s . VAFA jade top and VAFA club v,,hite shuns or clark navy o ioQibdl! SilOriS .? r~Cl : ~a(;iS ii VJOr l t0 1~0 l~Vy t~iliV, i7U~ ~ i~ cr<s ;:~ 5, '-'FA Clo1Ci t() I-:
VAFA ~~lhite club shoris . T rack pants if worn to be navy only . ii runners or wate r
ers %vear b :!=.e shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tiphls orflv . No othe r is to C7 : ?0doril under the preen or gold to p . i= biU ~ tol3 blue il-a ci< parts, Caps - II `:':~o :-n must b _ JrCi1ciS~ J Vi`, ;'J-; "-Ci p e :iles on ly .
®+ ~~;®® IC
m Bi 1-IL vMl® _ -d
hirty-one (31) clubs lodged entries in the Sportscover Tip 7 for ( L-=- -- Tpremiers competition . Of those, five clubs had entries where a ll their nominated premier teams won in round four last weekend . These teams - Old Brighton . Oakleigh . St. Leos Emmaus, Old Westbourne and Old Geelong - had their namcs placed in a lucky draw situation an d Old Geelong was drawn as a weekly winner . Old Geelong eiccs a prize of four VAFA water bottles and four passes which entitle the recipient to free entry to ever y Elsicrmvick Park for the rest of the season including finals matches . To claim your prize a representative of Old Geelong should contact Tony O'Callaghan at VAFA Properties . s 10,000 will be awarded to a club able to successfully nominate the seven senior sections premiers . A councback system will be employed to determine a winner if there is more than one successful entry . If no outrighu winner is declared the nearest entry will receive $1,000 cash (elub) . The weekly winner for the previous round will be presented each week in this column .
~ _X 92' ~~ . 3 ®T C
The following two vehicles were spotted by the CE sporting one of the above stickers . A prize pack will l;c made available to the driver of OAC 771 whose car sported a Syndal Ta ll y-Ho sticker and NXC $8 3 ,~liich sported a Therry Penola sticker . Callers to Angela at the VAFA must be able to tell her the make and color of their vehicle to allow the prizes to go to the right person .
T__', _`'_','' 0"VAFA ON THE
`tOtiDF4' Match details of all matches in both the Herald-Sun and The Age . The Age includes Garry P rofCs report on the VAFA. Sport 927 announces a bumper sticker winner . TUESD Y Sport 927 announces the Sportscover Match to be covered on Optus Vision. The Sportscover ~tatch of the Day from the previous weekend will be shown on Optus Localvision Channel 50 11-12 pm . WEDNESDAY Sport 927 acknowledges the SmokeFree VAFA clubs . The Quit SmokeFree Info-Line pro, icics details of permits processed on Wednesday evening . From 5-6 pm last evening's program is replayed on Optus Localvision . FRIDAY The Quit SmokeFree Info-Line provides all match details and umpire appointments for weeken d m,-aches . Sport 927 presents the weekend's VAFA matches . SATURDAY The 3INR 96 .5FM Amateur Football Show 9.30 to 10 am and the 96 .5 Inner FM call of a B sec ion match every Saturday from 1 .45pm. The guit SmokeFree Info-Line gives all final scores of matches played (after 5 .20 pm) . Southern FM 88 .3 from 7 .15 pm gives results of all VAFA games . At 6 .25 pm on 3LO Phil Stevens presents A section scores . At 5 .50 pm ABC TV flashes the A section scores onto screens . SUtiD From 9 am until 10 am Southern FM 88.3 presents the VAFA Sunday Footy Show. In the Sunday Age Garry Petroff looks at Saturday games played and previews a Sunday match . In the Sunday HeraldSun Brad Beitzel reports on VAFA matches . Both papers provide a detailed match results presentation . And of course, the humble "Amateur Footballer", each Saturday is available at a VAFA ground near rou and gives you all the details listed above and much, much more!! ! Clubs are also seeking coverage of their club's matches in local suburban newspapers, so check your paper to see if it is supporting your local team.
Herald Sun 3
ON -]'UAI2D SPIRIT OF TASMANIA From $199 per perso n Private cabin and en-suite ® Buffet dinners & breakfasts included Live bands on board (22 May - 28 August) 0 Late ba r Day trip to the Country Club Casino in Launceston via Cataract Gorge Departs every Fri . 6.00pm, returns Sunday 8 .30am VACANCIES EXIST QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY WEEKEND Ideal for supporters' groups, individuals or girls' weekend awa y
O O O r ON BO%RD SPIRIT OF TASMANIA Buffet dinner ($63 - child $40), A La Carte Dinner ($75) Cruise around Port Phillip Bay e Boarding from 4 .00pm Live entertainment on board Entertainment and bars open at 10 .00pm May 24, 31 ; June 21, 28; July 12, 26; August 9, 23 . Themed Cruise - Queen's Birthday Weekend June 7($70/80 )
SPIRIT T IT S- h® 9497 1,12211 ,
n, 1
L)" has b---en designedi for u ; ~,~nf~ !64 ¢
and C Em , - s entU '•° r u ft The B t
V .
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9587 880"1 or ~~~~ 9f,37 ~d~•~ .
YOUR PLAYERS GETTING ENOUGH CARBOHYDRATES ? Eating enough carbohydrate each day is vital to achieve maximum energy levels . Although some carbohydrate may be eaten each day, do you know if },our players are getting enough to meet requirements? Do a quick check : Each Day: For weights between 60 and 70 kg at least 300-350 grams of carbohydrate is needed each 3a~• . This is equivalent to the following foods : four slices of bread or two muffins or 3 crumpets 3 serves of low fat dairy foods such as milk, yoghurt or ice-crea m 3 pieces of frui t 2 cups of rice or two cups of pasta or 4 potatoes 2 glasses of fruit juice or sports drink I. low fat muesli bar or breakfast bar . For weights between 70 and 80 kg at least 350-400 grams of carbohydrate is needed each This is equivalent to the following foods : 6 slices of bread or three muffins or 5 crumpets 4 Weetbix or 2 cups of breakfast cerea l 3 serves of low fat dairy products such as milk, yoghurt or ice crea m 4 pieces of fruit 2 cups of rice or pasta or 4 potatoes 2 glasses of fruit juice or sports drink I low fat muesli bar or breakfast bar Recovery after matches : The optimal rate of glycogen occurs when 1 .01 .5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body ~teight is consumed immediately following training and matches and then every two hours during the recovery period. For weights between 60 and 70 kg at least 6090 grams of carbohydrate is needed immediately after training and matches every two hours after until the normal meal pattern is resumed . This is equivalent to the following foods : 1 banan a 2 slices of bread I. handful of jelly lollie s For weights between 70 and 80kg at least 70-
105 grams of carbohydrate is needed immediately after training matches and every two hours after until the normal meal pattern is resumed . This is equivalent to the following foods : * l banan a * 2 slices of brea d * 1 handful of jelly lollies * 2 cups of sports drink For weights between 80 an d 90kg at least 80120 grams of carbohydrate is needed immediately after training matches and every two hours after until the normal meal pattern is resumed . This is equivalent to the following foods : * 2 bananas * 2 slices of bread * 1 handful of jelly lollies * 2 cups of sports drink * 1 can of soft drin k Article w ritten by Julie Tatnell (North Melbourne FC Dietician)
I; I)IA I; M: S I I I~T 11~ l:1 i. Date : Time :
Wednesday June 3, 1998 7.00pm
Venue :
Richmond FC Social Club, Jolimont
Cost : $45 per head (all inclusive) Guest SDeaker: John Kennedy Snr . Bookings : Clubs encouraged to book tables of 8-10. All welcome. Confirm booking with cheque made payable to :
AFCA/VAFA, P 0 Box 359 Elsternwick, 3185
In a pair of Blades boots, with the revolutionary sole system and internal wedge, you'll notice the improved performance and comfort where it matters most . On the ground .
~~ Official Supplier to VAFA . T&zsLooos
- < - ~-
:~ _ _ --
Points have been allocated for Round Four matches and today the leading 20 clubs ar e shown. A team that has a bye is credited with a win . To refresh memories from last week a senio r tearn win receives 12 points ; reserves win 5 points ; an under 19 team win 5 points .
U•19 TOTAL 4 3 3 4 0 0 2 2 2 .5 0 0 2 2 1 3 1 .5 1 0 4 2
83 78 75 . 5 71 68 68 66 66 63 . 5 63 63 61 61 61 59 58 . 5 56 56 54 54
Bonus points are on offer and can be earned as follows : • 40 points at the end of July to each club which has at least 20 senior .reserve or Under 1 9 players regularly wearing Blades football boots in VAFA matches . •, 2 points for each $100 worth of Blades apparel purchased through the VAFA up to 31 Jul y 1998 .
Aaron Fischer, Old Brighton (Res .) . Striking, 8 matches. Paul Ni~ro, Bulleen-Templestowe . Striking, 5 mate fies. Craig Ridley, Old Essendon. Charging, 2 matches . Danny Gunn, AJAX . Striking, 2 matches .
Ashley Thomas, ANZ Albert Park . Striking, 4 matches. Ambrose Swindon, Old Paradians (U19) . Striking, 2 matches. Blair Cariss, North Old Boys (U19) . Wilful time wasting, 1 match . Adam Ladd, St. Kilda South Caulfield (Res.). Striking, 2 matches . 'Sabastian Ciavola, Old Paradians (U19) . Abusive language, 2 matches . 'Accepted Prescribed Penalty
This Sat. 9/5: Old Ivanhoe v Therry Penola This Sun. 10/5 : No Match - Mothers' Day Next Sat . 16/5 : Ormond v MHSOB Next Sun 17/5: FIDA Matchday Sat. 23/5: De La Salle v Old Scotch Sun. 24/5 : Old Brighton v Old Haileybury Sat. 30/5: Ivanhoe v Therry Penola Sun. 31/5 : Old Melburnians v Old Brighton Sat. 6/6: No matches Queen's Birthday weekend Sun. 7/6 : No matches Queen's Birthday weekend Sat. 13/6: No match scheduled - ground vacant Sun. 14/6 : FIDA matchday Sat. 20/6: Old Trinity v Ormond Sun. 21/6 : Uni . Blues v Old Scotch Sat. 27/6: Marcellin v North Old Boys Sun: 28/6 : St . Kevins v Collegians Sat. 4/7: Mazenod v Old Paradians Sun. 5/7 : No match scheduled - ground vacant
Investigation results - May 5th, 1998 Xavier Clancy (De La Salle) charged for allegedly striking No. 17 (Old Brighton) Robert O'Neill with a right forearm to the back of the neck. Suspended for 2 matches. J
First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50); fourth offence ($100) ; each subse. quent offence ($100) . Reserves/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm St . Bedes Mentone (Res .) AJAX (Res . ) St . Mary's (Res. ) Old Westbourne (Res .) Williamstown CYMS (Res .) Hampton Rovers (U19 B) AJAX (U19 B)
AJAX (Sen . ) De La Salle (U19 1) Collegians (U19 1) Uni. Blues (U19 1) Old Melb. (U19 2 )
OTHER Incorrect scores phoned (Rod. 2 & 3 ) De La Salle Sen . (3), Swinburne Uni . Sen . (3), Mazenod C18 (2), Parkside C18 (2). St . Leos Emmaus U19 (3), Bull-Temp . U19 (3)
E I' 'Ea
Call us for Player Accident Insuranc e Public Liability Professional indemnit y General Club Content s Di rec to rs & Offic er s Liabilit y
Suite 41 E, 190 Jells Road, Wheelers Hil l Phone : (03) 9561 7577 Fax : (03) 9561 7566
Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match . Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname . Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin.
(50 cents per min .) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service o
Permits (Thurs) 速 Weekend matches (Fri) 速 Scores (Sat . night)
The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day . The rear gate (off St Kilda St) will only be open when Sunday matches are to be played . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .
204.95 16 4 3 1 0 362 222 163 .06 12 4 3 1 0 350 273 128 .21 12 4 3 1 0 295 231 127 .71 12 4 2 2 0 269 289 93 .08 8
4 2 2 0 308 331 93 .05 8 4 1 3 0 217 277 78 .34 4 4 1 3 0 289 442 65 .38 4 4 1 3 0 208 370 56.22 4 4 0 4 0 153 375 40 .80 0
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
B RESERVE 4 0 0 495 3 1 0 383 3 1 0 330 3 1 0 309 2 2 0 290 2 2 0 270 1 3 0 340 1 3 0 255 1 3 0 219 0 4 0 135
192 257 .81 16 188 203 .72 12 236 139 .83 12 237 130.38 12 349 83.09 8 441 61-22 8 353 96.32 4 303 84.16 4 377 58.09 4 350 38 .57 0
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
C RESERVE 4 0 0 342 3 1 0 373 3 1 0 357 3 1 0 352 2 1 1 333 2 2 0 285 1 2 1 246 1 3 0 239 0 4 0 208 0 4 0 194
211 160 276 274 280 274 356 295 357 444
,av PENOLA OB Ta'~NrrY
T.' -'
A RESERVE SECTIO N 4 4 0 0 455 222
162.09 16 233.12 12 129.35 12 128.47 12 118.93 10 104 .01 8 69 .10 6 81 .02 4 57 .70 0 43.69 0
D RESERVE SECTIO N 4 4 0 0 334 103 324.27 16 4 4 0 0 266 110 241 .82 16 4 3 1 0 454 225 201 .78 12 4 3 1 0 314 202 155,45 12 4 3 1 0 239 193 123 .83 12 4 2 2 0 211 308 68 .51 8 4 1 2 1 335 292 114 .73 6 4 1 2 1 226 331 68 .28 6 4 1 3 0 225 245 91 .84 4 4 1 3 0 225 392 57 .40 4 4 0 4 0 174 448 38 .84 0 4 0 4 0 117 347 33,72 0 E BLUE RESERVE 4 4 0 0 633 4 4 0 0 435 4 3 1 0 348 4 3 1 0 392 4 2 2 0 264 4 2 2 0 223 4 1 3 0 246 4 1 3 0 154 4 0 4 0 201 4 0 4 0 136
122 518 .85 16 129 337 .21 16 150 232 .00 12 193 203.11 12 396 66 .67 8 392 56 .89 8 379 64.91 4 474 32 .49 4 323 62 .23 0 474 28 .69 0
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4
0 322 127 253,54 16 1 452 135 334 .81 14 0 392 187 209 .63 12 0 369 230 160 .43 12 0 383 140 273 .57 8 0 289 340 85 .00 8 0 268 352 76,14 4 0 111 514 21 .60 4 1 129 326 39 .57 2 0 119 483 24.64 0
F RESERV E MONASH GRYPHONS 4 3 1 0 403 188 214 .36 12 ANZ ALBERT PARK 4 3 1 0 215 193 111 .40 12 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 4 2 2 0 281 182 154 .40 8 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 4 2 2 0 317 276 114 .86 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 4 2 2 0 305 323 94 .43 8 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4 2 2 0 278 358 77 .65 8 SYNDAL TALLY HO 4 1 3 0 200 318 62 .89 4 ELEY PARK A F C 4 1 3 0 233 482 48 .34 4 CLUB 18 (1 ) OLD XAVERIANS 3 3 0 0 396 61 649 .18 12 DE LA SALLE 3 3 0 0 286 86 332 .56 12 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 3 2 1 0 181 149 121 .48 8 OLD SCOTCH 3 2 1 0 180 193 93 .26 8 MHSOB 3 1 2 0 236 163 144.79 4 ST KEVINS 3 1 2 0 145 161 90 .06 4 OLD MELBURNIANS 3 1 2 0 121 224 54 .02 4 COLLEGIANS 3 1 2 0 116 243 47 .74 4 MAZENOD 0 C 3 1 2 0 105 313 33 .55 4 THERRY PENOLA OB 3 0 3 0 109 282 38 .65 0 CLUB 18 (2) MONASH WHITES 3 3 0 0 219 90 243-33 12 MT LILYDALE O C 3 3 0 0 256 144 177,78 12 THORNBURY COUGARS
3 2 1 0 171 162 105.56 KEW 3 1 2 0 181 164 110.37 MARCELLIN 3 1 2 0 202 202 100.00 OLD ESSENDON GR 3 1 2 0 193 231 83 .55
8 4 4 4 PARKSIDE 3 1 2 0 155 227 68,28 4 YARRA VALLEY 3 0 3 0 118 275 42 .91 0 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD BRIGHTON 4 4 0 0 492 240 205 .00 16 OLD PARADIANS 4 4 0 0 474 276 171-74 16 OLD XAVERIANS 4 3 1 0 539 255 211 .37 12 DE LA SALLE 4 2 2 0 469 418 112.20 8 COLLEGIANS 4 2 2 0 453 411 110.22 8 ST BERNARDS 4 2 2 0 329 428 76 .87 8 MAZENOD 0 C 4 2 2 0 322 515 62.52 8 ST KEVINS 4 1 3 0 285 465 61 .29 4 UNIVERSITY BLUES 4 0 4 0 296 418 70 .81 0 OLD CAREY 4 0 4 0 208 548 37 .96 0 UNDER-19 (2 ) WHtTEFRIARS 4 4 0 0 535 239 223 .85 16 OLD SCOTCH 4 3 1 0 471 342 137.72 12 MARCELLIN 4 2 1 1 326 337 96.74 10 OLD HAILEYBURY 4 2 2 0 398 351 113 .39 8 ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS4 2 2 0 401 391 102 .56 8 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 2 2 0 345 358 96 .37 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 4 2 2 0 381 482 79 .05 8 BEAUMARIS A F C 4 1 2 1 341 478 71 .34 6 OLD TRINITY 4 1 3 0 354 345 102 .61 4 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4 0 4 0 281 510 55,10 0 UNDER-19 (2) BLU E MHSOB 4 4 0 0 563 208 270 .67 16 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 4 0 0 495 206 240 .29 16 OLD MENTONIANS 4 3 1 0 525 311 168 .81 12 A J A X 4 3 1 0 375 252 148 .81 12 MONASH BLUES 4 2 2 0 277 314 88 .22 8 ORMOND 4 2 2 0 264 363 72 .73 8 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 4 1 2 1 206 210 98 .10 6 CAULFIELD GR. 4 0 3 1 185 284 65 .14 2 DE LA SALLE (2) 4 0 4 0 270 566 47-70 0 ST KILDA STH CAULE 4 0 4 0 100 648 15 .43 UNDER-19 (2) RED YARRA VALLEY
4 4 0 0 580 182 318 .68 16 THERRY PENOLA OB 4 3 1 0 367 237 154,85 12 OLD IVANHOE 4 3 1 0 245 174 140 .80 12 OLD PARADIANS ( 2) 4 3 1 0 392 359 109.19 12 OLD GEELONG 4 2 2 0 325 228 142.54 8 WARRINGAL A F C 4 2 2 0 417 321 129.91 8 ST LEO'S EMMAUS 4 2 2 0 181 367 49 .32 8 AOUINAS 0 C 4 1 3 0 292 477 61 .22 4 BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE 4 0 4 0 142 596 511 n.a
L A SECTIO N 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4
527 519 395 348 293 412 404 291 337 329
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
AGAINST % POINT S 280 188.21 16 374 138.77 12 330 119.70 12 317 109.78 12 310 94.52 8 445 92.58 8 448 90.18 8 411 70.80 4 461 73.10 0 479 68.68 0
3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 0
B SECTION 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 4 0
4 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
C SECTION 0 0 498 1 0 546 1 0 453 2 0 366 2 0 381 2 0 470 3 0 436 3 0 320 3 0 374 3 0 35 4
362 137 .02 16 367 148 .77 12 384 117 .97 12 339 107 .96 8 355 107 .32 8 493 95 .33 8 521 83 .69 4 407 78 .62 4 486 76 .95 4 482 73 .44 4
4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 0
D SECTION 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 4 0
482 398 488 488 397 430 370 314 336 342 275 260
288 167 .36 16 210 189 .52 12 397 122 .92 12 374 130.48 10 354 112 .15 10 351 122 .51 8 378 97.88 8 423 74.23 8 412 81 .55 4 458 74.67 4 518 53.09 4 417 62.35 0
E BLUE SECTIO N 4 0 0 3 1 0 3 1 0 3 1 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 0 4 0
721 631 555 599 439 416 420 350 249 307
268 269.03 16 300 210.33 12 335 165.67 12 373 160.59 12 469 93.60 8 550 75.64 8 434 96.77 4 652 53.68 4 609 40.89 4 697 44.05 0
E WHITE SECTION 4 0 0 592 4 0 0 581 3 1 0 556 2 2 0 346 2 2 0 358 2 2 0 287 1 3 0 346 1 3 0 313 1 3 0 302 0 4 0 274
201 294.53 16 295 196.95 16 373 149.06 12 326 106.13 8 460 77.83 8 525 54 .67 8 382 90 .58 4 472 66 .31 4 467 64 .67 4 454 60 .35 0
F SECTIO N 0 0 440 0 598 1 0 391 2 0 314 3 0 ., 331 3 0 253 3 0 237 4 0 171
161 273 .29 16 247 242 .11 16 289 135 .29 12 318 98 .74 8 439 75 .40 4 401 63 .09 4 550 43 .09 4 462 37 .01 0
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 3 2 1 1 1 0
433 512 420 422 439 426 307 389 338 350
326 395 343 369 363 400 360 471 524 485
132.82 12 129.62 12 122.45 12 114.36 12 120.94 8 106 .50 8 85 .28 8 82 .59 4 64 .50 4 72 .16 0