The Amateur Footballer, Week 9, 1998

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Offl(~~速 00)速G'O O~TzUMo Proudly supporting the V.A .F.A .




YINS NOT k l'~ o NOT ALL E I t V A A/B s ide displays great tenacity to hold on n a match that had everything, including a heart~ stopping finish where South Australia had the opportunity to goal after the siren which went through for a behind, the VAFA displayed all those qualities that good sides portray - physical and mental toughness, loyalty to each other, ability to follow the coach's instructions and most of all the desire to not give up even when all appeared to be slipping away. South Australia was equally as impressive and the closeness of this match and last ~ ear's should ensure that these games continue in the future. Neville Taylor, the selectors, VAFA supporters who made the trek to Adelaide to support, the VAFA Executive, the off-field support staff, and most of all the players who made it happen are thanked for their tremendous contribution .

Match details: SAAMFL: 5 .1, 6 .5, 9 .7, 11 .9 . 75 VAFA GOALS: N . Mitchell 2 . L. Vassallo 2, A . Boyd 2, M . Blood, S. Lethlean, M . Dollman, A . Ramsden and M. Jackson 1 goal each . SA GOALS : M. Tvlor 7, S . Carr 2, J Goodes 2 . VAFA BEST : L. Mahoney, M . Jackson, E . Thompson, A . Evans, A . Ramsden, S . Lethlean . SA BEST: M. Tylor, R . Kent, T. Martin, J . Pascoe, M . Carter, S . Carr. C/F team dominates curtainraiser match. George Voyage's representative team overwhelmed their South Australian opposition in the early match with every player displaying his talent s

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to all in attendance . This team showed excellent skills, teamwork and spirit typically seen in a top side that plays week in and week out. The C/F team also was well supported by Victorian families and friends who journeyed to Adelaide and they are thanked as is everyone else who assisted this team. Match details: VAFA : 9 .1, 13 .5, 22 .8 . 29 .9 .183 SAAMFL: 1 .1, 2 .1, 4 .1 . 10 .3 .6 3 VAFA :GOALS: T. Macgeorge 10, G . Stroud 5, A. Cultrera 4, M . Hazell 2, A . Will 2, B . Murphy 2 . D. Matthews, T. Bournan . A . Power and M . Pitts I goal each . SA GOALS : M . Kowal 4, D . Meade 3 . K. Stephenson, K . Karatas and H . Fowler I goal each . VAFA BEST: T. Macgeorge, M . Hazell . M . Pitts, D . Rogers . J . Smith, G . Stroud .

VAFA: 3 .1, 8 .8, 9 .8, 11 .12 .78

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SA BEST: K . Stephenson, A . Kulpe . M . Kowal, H . Fowler, J . Evans, D. Meade . The two VAFA umpires chosen were Marty Jackson (A/B game) and Steve McCarthy (C/F game) and both umpires are congratulated on their selection and performance . On behalf of the VAFA Executive Committee I sincerely thank each club that provided players and supported the extremely successful representative football campaign for 1998 . We trust that the players who now come back to clubs are even better players for the experience . This report is continued at the foot of today's Marketing News page where a review of the Under 19 match played in Lavington appears . Continued on Page 4 7

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June 13th,1S :;. :'_, Price: $1 .50

Vol . 98 No. 9

over Old Brighton he week's break would have been welcomed by saw them slip into ; injured players using the extra seven second spot on th e T most e y days' break to nurse thebatter ladder. Cam Eabr batteredPlo their fort was best for the Redlegs . This result and others al coaches were given the Opportunity an d-away seathe weekend left a swag of sides equal on point, tunes for the remainder of the hometunes . Second to fifth spot ; . For those who didn't have the week off, reprenear the top end of the ladder son and no doubt the was he reason, sentative football all have a SeDe from La the second to represent the state would be a source of placed Salls pote on he chance great pride for those lucky enough to be selected for table ke to be able to the game in South Austra lia. I'd li s to enter the foul congratulat a match well done an _VThe Dees will have a Kevin Th vrit at Glenferri e ebn en prior to th e blm e today when they take on Bt. evins way Oval, Both sides have a 5-3 record and will be keen e I. 'd also like to take this opportunity to bring th to distinguish themselves today as contenders A-section into the 21st Centur_v, and punters can rather than pretenders . Andy Evans was in goodo do this by accessing the fantastic St . Kevins interform last week while Brasher and Hyland have als . Tony Nanfra and the SKOBers should een y net web site been in good touch, while Luke Mahone s KevinsbThe be congratulated for their efforts - the site i p r a consistent performer all yea . and p ort quently updated, has great ictures SKOBS might just have a height advantage today, . Kevins supp an excellent reference point for St and I think home ground advantage will see them ers not just in Melbourne but all around the world? sneak in by 10 points . /vmv / Cheek out the site at http : / at Harry Trott S Collegians host Old cotch The technologically-advanced SKOBS made a what can only be described as their most important welcome return t game of the year - and that's a masterpiece of . o a hard-fought win over Old Scotch at Camberwell . The Lions are now three understatement, too Ryan was a welcome return and along with Hewett games adrift of eighth spot, and relegation is loomshared 9 goals for the victors . ing large for this proud club, even at this early stage o For the second time in three weeks, performed of the season . Two whopping defeats have added t the second side on the ladder, and again p their misery, and it's hard to see them beating with distinction, even though the Blues gave them . The will e keen to keep th e Scotc today ne In spite of their excellent . pressnre on for a spotdm the fou band should win by a run for therr mo y 'JY BSJYv

had nge. Simon Lethlean'gs five goals helped seal a 46 point for University . . Bernards and Conflicting results from St . where one match provided a thriller Waverley Park and the other proved a fizzer. The De Salle clash was the thriller, where the D's Haileybury withstood a belated last term revival from the Bloods to hold a slender 2 point lead at the final e Evans and Clancy shared 1 0 ge and Morey managed d 9 for the Dees, whil Bloods . - Collegians clash out at the The St . Bernar'ds college was anything but a close one, with the home side bolting away in the second half to record a . The Lions managed to whopping 99 point victory kick a decent score, but their defence was all at sea . as Vassallo and Gilmore shared 15 goals between Sundays clash at Elstern als whose 37 ponlt welcomed by old M elbumia

5 goals . Bernards at the University Blues host St . University oval in what may well turn out to be the match of the round . Bernards might just prove themselves to be the 'smokey' of the year and if they can snare the students' scalp today, they will be one step closer toward achieving that status . Garr the moment cviyth Foulds' forward line is firing at Nick Mitchell back in the side and Gilmore and Vassallo slotting them through from everywhere . The Blues strength is its midfield, with Slimmon . Maplestone and Fricker giving them great run, . The while Wilcox and Sturrock are tight in defence visitors will give them a run for their money, but by 7 points . University should get up . . .just. Blues dubious task this week Old Brighton have the and I'm now almost con of playing Old Xaverians, -notdragmey n t bers lastlweek and w well d bpDU .onudmtha

they, still managed to notch up a comfortable 46 1;,lint win, Having said that, complacency can brin g side undone . and with Taylor missing, and _)ckleshaw sidelined too, they are below full sirength. Lennox has had an outstanding seaso n for Brighton, and Jackson bobbed up with fou r last week, but the Xavs juggernaut will roll on today, OX by 8 goals . Second-placed Old Melburnians face Old gageybury in an important clash at Junction Oval . A last quarter comeback fell just short against De La last week, but another loss today and the Blood s ill really be staring down the barrel . Nick Morey finally found a bit of form last week, while the enigniatic Andrew Walden continues to be an integral p,irt of their set-up . Old Melburnians seem to b e tting better week by week, with Ellis and Topakas proving handy in front of goals over the last couple oi rounds, and Eabry . Thompson, Roberts and co . ,_[v>ing them plenty of drive across the midfield . Redlegs at home by 29 points . Correspondents : Jason Frenkel e-mail : alcohol-~,pegasus .com .au (AH) : 9532 8226, (Fax) : 9523 0675





ST. I i S v. DE LA SALLE Field : Jamie Kvins Darren Dalgleish Boundary : Cameron Kealy Rtichael Chapple Goal: Brad Nash Bernie Dix COLLEGIANS v . OLD SCOTCH Field : Tim Sutcliffe Mark Gibson Boundary : Steve Johnston Simon Boileau Goal : Ross Richards Russell Cn.-en s UNIVERSITY BLUES v . ST. BERNARDS Field : Heath Little Anthony Damen Boundary : Cameron Hayes Bob Mutton Goal : Anthony Simpson Reno Barichievic h OLD BRIGHTON v . OLD XAVERIANS Field : Richard Eastwood Nigel Pedler Boundary : Anthony Patterson Luke Russell Goal : Shannon Ryan Geoff Grigg OLD MELg IANS v. OLD HAILEYBURY (reserves at Oval 1 Albert Par k - 2 p .m .) Field : %'.'ayzie Hinton Cameron Stewart Boundarv : Brendan Corcoran Rohan Dever Goal : Dominic _\ apoli Phil Berg

Old Brighton's Robbie Kent marks strongly in their Round 8 clash against Old Melburnians .


26 26 25 15

A Section COLLEGIANS Coach: Leigh Carlson

Res, Coach: Cr4 Nankervis 1 B . King 2 N . Florentine 3 B . Woolhouse 4 T. Van Der Veene 5 G. DeaneJohns 6 S. Van Der Veene 7 L. Byrne 8 C. Higson 8 C. Pollock 9 V. Clea ry 10 S . Harding 9




Coach : Kevin Collins Res. Coach : Greg Feutrill


Coach: Simon Meehan Res. Coach : Peter Fatouros

1 2 2 3

M . Chun P. Fiume M . Mercuri D. Crowe

4 L. Hall 5 C. Swift

6 M . Fisher 7 C. Browne

8 C. Wright 9 C. Campbell

10 T. Silvers 11 A . Evans (VC)

11 B . Mackenzie 12 C. Dilena

12 D. Toohey 13 A . Waters

13 G . Palmer

14 A . Duncan

Coach:Date Tapping

Res. coack 1 A . Kryzwniak 2 J . Munch 3 R . Oakley

1 2 3 4

A. Baxter D . Connell (C) D . Warden C . McKenzie

4 M . Talbot 5 N . Perry (C)

5 C . Warden 6 W. Smith

6 7 8 9

9 C . Home

S . Alderson B . Logan G . Hipwell S . Lennox R. Hartman 11 A .. Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R. Kent 14 B . Paterso n 15 D. Tymms 16 B . Williams 17 A Van Den Dungetl 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 A. Mandylaris 20 A. Palfrey

7 Adam Hilton 8 M. O rton 10 C . Efstathiou 11 C . Hucker D . Seccull

12 A. Hewitt 13 S. Ros e 14 J . Bun n

15 R . Bartholmeusz 16 B . Langford-Jones 17 Ash Hilton 18 C . Jayasekera 18 M . Constable 19 M . Armstong (VC) 20 C. Kraus 21 A . Walden 21 B . Water s 22 S . Richardson 23 M . Seccull 24 A. Ross

15 M . Forste r 16 C . Eabry 17 A. Topaka s 18 Q . Keebi l 19 A. Parki n p0 J . Guest 21 L . Boy d 22 A. Waddel l 23 M . Berry (VC) 24 C . Ber ry 26 C . Kenned y

25 G . Rowlands 26 G . Phillips (VC)

27 O. Boyd 28 S. Rabbit t

27 J . Oann 28 A. Pound 28 s . Walden 29 B . Carson 30 R. Aughterson

29 M . Ward 30 I . McMullin 31 J . Hart 32 A . McDougal l 33 G . Dixon 34 C . Ellis 35 D . Brown 36 A . McKeon 37 R . Mulquiney 38 A . Michel l

24 R . Ha rt ne tt 25 J . Frazer

25 G . Hynes 2 6 S. Wood

26 S . Wooley 27 S . Humph ry 28 S . Blackman 29 A. Kenneally 30 M . Galbraith 31 J . Nevins 32 J . Tarpey

26 P. Wyles 27 L . Van Der Pligt 28 S. Ha rt 29 D . Rosman 30 B. Mannix

27 D . Paterson 28 A. Alderton 29 P. Woff 32 N . Buifin 34 M . Reid

31 K. Mannix

35 S . Mercer

31 D. Mason

32 R . Bonnici

36 B . Pollock

33 D . Kin g 33 M. O' Donnel l 34 A. Moore 35 A. Mackintos h 36 B. Ashenden

38 J . Raju

31 B . Main 32 P. O' Donnell 33 A. Floyd

33 A. Startin

34 D . Entwisle 35 R . Morley 36 G . Fode

37 M . Opie 38 M . Lake (C) 39 R . Jone s 40 M. O' Donnel l 41 S . Lubich 42 L. Vasdekis 43 G . Cooper 45 M . Mossman

46 C . Harris 47 D . Milat 48 J. Lemon 49 A. Smith 50 B. Jefferson 51 P. Baxter 52 N . Gill 53 M. Inglis 54 T. Dimopoulos 55 A. Mirakian 55 E. Jones 57 J . Moore 58 A. Thompson 59 M. Richards 64 M. Gribble 70 T. Smith 77 T. Proctor

22 K. Farrell 23 A A. P ryor 24 R . Ca rt e r 25 S. Nicka s 26 T. McNamara

39 A . Fischer 40 N . Bulfin 41 J . Murchi e

37 S . Clay 37 M. Rose[ 38 A . Mithen 39 P. Bras her ( C) 40 M. Butler 41 M. Ellis 42 B . Lee

42 A . Cor k43 C . Brew 44 A . Brown 45 T. Desmyth 46 D . Hansen 47 D . Wilson 49 M . Barber

43 L . Borella

50 S . Williams (VC)

44 X . Clancy 44 T. Montgomery 46 M. Hegan gan

51 D . Strachan 52 D . Stockdale 53 B . Letchford 55 C. Toms 56 R . Brown 57 A . McLachlan 59 T. Farrer 60 D . Crewdson 61 A . Wi tt e 62 A . Lewis 63 B . Wilson 66 T. Lennox 71 B . Alderson 84 P. McMahon

47 D . Lasini

47 K . Rogers 48 D . Smit h 49 A . Moore 50 P. Mannix

50 J . Doak 51 A . Orlando 52 D . Hyland 53 L . Seeger 54 J. Ducke tt 55 M. Harber 58 T. Ford

59 B . La'Brooy 61 R . Grace 62 R . Beattie

34 35 36 37

C . Reidy e D .La B. Laypag S. O'Grady

38 R . Parker 39 M . Stanojevic 40 H . Gopu 40 W. Phillips 41 B. Malin 42 D . Scaife 43 R . Plecher 44 A. Kirkwood-Scott

45 N . Hill 46 P. Langford-Jones 47 J. Ku rt a

48 S. Saunders 49 R . Goulden 50 A. Bonwick 51 P. Dimond

52 D . Reid 53 C . Pountney 55 D . Scaunich 56 D . Webb 57 M. Wray 58 R . McMaster 6 0 J. Amitrano 61 A. Hall 62 R . Thornton 65 C . Dowling

63 S . McManus

66 S . Thomas C:- 째7

.~ .z

21 N . Winter

The Angel Tavern

11 M . Juke s

15 N . Morey

15 J . Hodder 16 S . Hyland 17 A. Elliott 18 A. Flowerday 19 J . Tully 20 B. Cori n 20 P. O' Brien 22 S. L as ka 23 D . Grace 24 J . Morel

1 M . Bennett 2 S . Theodore 3 A. Ross 4 S. Ellinghau s 5 L . Bun n 6 P. Hanbu ry 7 C. Thompso n 8 M . Lovett 9 C. Aubrey 10 T. Robe rts

13 B . Carty 14 A . Forsyth

14 D . Warne-Smith 15 N . Michael 15 Y. Phillips 16 A. Wallace 17 R . Hosking 18 J . Bennett 19 B. Mooney 20 A. Greenway 21 A. Johnston 22 D . Kerr 23 N . Milat

21 D . Jackso n 22 P. O'Callagha n

Coach : Michael Ford Res. Coach : David Brow n

The Marine

40 S . Cro w

41 G . Wilhelm 42 P. Theodore 43 T. Clok e 44 P. Thompso n 45 Z . Useinov 46 D . Holme 47 S . Brow n 48 C. Jenkins 49 T. Stuckey (C )

P. Marini s 51 C. Banks 52 B . Campbel l 53 A . Bain s 54 I . Paterson 55 S . Murray

56 J . Miller 57 M . Peer s 58 S . Gigli a 59 J . Raftopoulas 60 H . Marshall 61 J . Sallaban k 62 W. Hauserma n 63 J Rigg 64 P. Mills 66 L. Col e THE BEACONSFIELD HOTEL Ph . 9534 0225

A Section


OLD XAVERIAN s O'Shaughr essy Res. Coach : Michad Plant

1 K. Stokes 2 B . Phillips 3 C. Hosking 4 T. Holt (VC) 5 R. Price (VC) 6 L. McDonnell 7, J . Kitche n 8 C. Reid 9 A. Boyd 10 J . Kerr 11 M . Angus 12 S . Hume 13 N . Hooper 14 D. Norman 15 Mathew O'Brien 16 A . Spee d 17 S . Woodhouse 18 S . Collin s 19 S . Spiden 20 T. Wilson 21 S . Gibbs 22 C. Heath 23 O. Crane 24 L . Hawkins 25 T. Pritchard 26 A . Crow 27 R . Armstrong t 28 R . Mallet 29 A . Teasdale 30 J. Laird 31 A . Smith 32 T. Gross 33 S. Eustice 34 G. Eagl e 35 S. Steele (C) 36 A. Milla r 37 J . Smyth 38 R . Eagle 39 M. Starick 40 A. Warner 41 A. Castribum 42 S. Duthie 43 J . Paterson 44 M. Gwynn 45 M . Blenheim 46 S . Penton 47 T. Reid 48 P. Davis 49 D. Thomas 50 C. Tindale 51 A. Faichney 52 A. Lines 53 S . Milliken 54 A . Seymour 55 A . Mitchell 56 T. Wilmot 57 N . Morri s 58 N . Thompson 59 A . Walkom 60 M . Webe r 63 T. Gray 66 H . Thomas

1 M . Blood (C )

2 M . Bourk e 3 L . Hanneberry 4 D. Landrigan (VC) 5 A. Hei l 6 A. Keyhoe 7 S . Lethlean 8 M . Holmes 9 G . Hatfield 11 Adam Jones 12 J . Bowen (VC) 13 L. Gladman 14 D . Stoney 15 J . Taylor 16 L. For d 17 D . Richardson (VC) 18 S . Hunte r

19 D . Stean 20 M . Hardman 21 T.Ockleshaw 22 A. Bourke 23 B . Berry 24 B . Coughlan 25 P. Lechte 26 S . Tucker 27 L. Fay 28 B . Cranage 29 S . Wood 30 D. Dan n 31 L. Tuddenham 32 A . Brushfield 33 B . Healy 34 A . Belli 35 S . Hede 36 P. Barrett 37 J . Hawkins 38 T. Jame s 39 N . Ockleshaw 40 R. Ryan

41 A . Dillon 42 T. Fleming 43 T. Woodruff 47 B . Hilbert 45 T. Coughlan 46 Andrew Jones 47 J. Kay 48 M . Jones 49 R . Dillon 50 J. Drake 51 D . Walsh 52 P. Conquest 53 M . Diamond 54 R . Jones 55 P. Salte r 56 M . O'Callaghan 66 P. Panagiotopoulos

s TB ERNARaS co~h: c~my Faalds Ftes . C.oactt : David Law

1 A . Comito 2 J . Hardwick 3 A . Brebner 4 V. Comito 5 Joe Mount 6 C . Woo d 7 S. Perrett 8 L . Vassallo 8 A. Capes (R) 9 J . Kenned y 10 N . Mitchel l 10 G . Mathewes (R) 11 P. Cape s 12 B. Hog an 13 S. McKeon 14 A. Thomas 14 A. Vi necombe (R) 15 T. Wilkinso n 15 L . Overman (R) 16 C . Gray 17 B. Swann 18 P. Hayes 19 L . Gollant (C) 20 T. Sheehan 21 B . Loughli n 22 Adam Nlerrington 23 Andrew Merrington 24 G . De Mamie l 25 JP. Kavanagh 26 J . Gollan t 26 M . Overman 27 A. Nathan 28 P. Gilmour 29 J . Overman 29 D . O'Connor 30 J . Debono 31 M . Farmer 32 T. Ha ey 33 JamesrvMount 34 S . Daffey 35 M . Juricskay 36 C . Bon d 37 B . Debono 38 D . McAllister 39 S . Donelly 40 D . Abfalter 41 B . Overman 42 T. Paradowski 43 C. Davi s 44 S . Taylor 44 B . Moon (R) 45 M . Dowling 46 C. Byrne 47 A . Osborne 48 G . Collins 49 A . Fewster 50 S . Gray 51 B . Galfaugher 52 R. Nu tt e r 53 D . Law 54 D . Thomas 55 M . Talbot 56 G . Cusack 57 L. Rogers 58 P. Farrell 59 S . Byrne 60 A . Catteral l 61 J . Cunningham 62 M . Talbot 63 D . Berrhandt 64 P. Fitzgerald 65 P. Freema n

ST 4{EVitdS Coach: Tim Ha d Res. Coach: Hartley Stone

1 N . Ha rt 2 J. Dynan 3 M .Brady 4 W. Kei g hran 5 M . Dol(man (C) 6 D . Ciavol a 7 B. Kennedy 8 B. Dollman 9 M . Gargano 10 N . Fraser 11 D . Ryan 12 M . Rizio 13 R . Bowles 14 L . Mahoney 15 M . Olive 16 B. Garvey 17 M . Temni 18 A. Wise 19 D . Sheehy 20 P. O'Keefe 21 J . Sibilia 22 J . Macey 23 S . Lowerson 24 S. Powell 25 B. Marusic 26 A. Bevac us 27 R . Gross (C) 28 M. Farquharson 29 A. Mount 30 D . Curt is 31 A. McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor 33 G . Mulcahy 34 P. Scarfo 35 36 37 38 39 40

A. Thomas D . Kennedy S . Kennedy D . Smith S . Gribble A. Hart

41 J . Hassett 42 J . Pang razio 43 D . McArdle 44 D . Moylan 45 D . Weight 46 J . Foga rty 47 B . Quirk 48 S . McConnell 50 S . Kurin g 51 J . Darcy 52 J . Finch 53 J . Goldswo rthy 54 S . Gam e 55 B . Calle ry 56 M . Pangrazio 57 C. Bossong 58 I . Hewi tt 59 N . Sweeney 60 J . Ly nch 61 J . Herman 62 N . Goldsworthy 63 J . Bergi n 65 T. Bare 66 A . Morgan 67 B . Day 68 D . McNair 69 P. Ryan 69 M . Ryan 70 P. Bannon 70 M . McArdle 71 T. Salisbu ry

John Allan's Golden Fleece Hotel Sth. Melbourne ~ s1t~~ MN

622 Mt . Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 9326 1799

UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : Andrew Smith Res. Coach: Pat Mackey 1 D . Slimmon 2 J . Staritski 3 J . Sturroc k 4 D . Guengerich 5 P. O'Donnell 6 S. Longley 7 D . Hayter 8 N . Byrn e 9 S. Meade (VC) 10 D . Maplestone 12 B. Blood (C) 13 G . Evan s 15 M . Kordick 16 C . STewart 17 G . de Crespigny 18 S . Alexander 19 B . Herral d 20 R . Polkinghorne 20 Z . McCarty 22 P. Sheehan 23 T. Wilcox 23 B . Furphy 24 P. Fairbank 25 A . Henderson 26 C. Mile s 27 B . Fricker 28 M . Thomas 30 M . Coleman 31 M . Mudge 32 A . Nugent 33 L. Tweedle 34 J . McKinnon 35 A . Bake r 36 L. Morison 37 A . Lenne n 38 M . Cobbledick 39 B . Bohu n 40 B . Miller 41 M . Keely 42 D . Keys 43 J . McIntosh 44 R . Featherstone 45 G . McLachlan 46 T Johnso n 47 S . Brockley 48 H . Carter 49 D . sTrack 50 H . Nailon 52 J. Clark e 53 R . Versteegen 54 D . Kiely 55 J. House 56 M . Belford 57 T. Irvine 58 M . Wyrzykowski 59 L . Fehring 60 D . Edwards 61 A . McLeod 62 N . Taylor 63 G . Kluge 65 R . Benjamin 66 S. Grace 67 D . McAloon

arcellin travelled to Bundoora and had a solid win ', over Old Paradians . After an even first quarte r Marcellin were able to get on top in the second quarter through the dominance of Bernard Dineen and Glenn Cox and had a six goal lead at the long break . Old Paradians lifted in the third quarter and cut the margin to 16 points . But Marcellin took over in the last quarter kicking 7.1 to 0 .1 in the last quarter to consolidate their second place on the ladder. Old Paradians better players included Harrison who kicked six goals, Joyce and Brabender. In a thrilling shootout MHSOB were able to hold off Old Ivanhoe's last quarter surge to hang on to win by a straight kick. In a free scoring game the two sides went virtually goal for goal up until half-time . MHSOB got on top in the third quarter, and appeared to have set up a match winning lead of five goals by three quarter time. However, Old Ivanhoe had other ideas and slammed on four goals in four minutes at the start of the last quarter. But MHSOB with the memories of two close losses this year against Old Paradians and Old Trinity were able to steady and manufacture a goal to grab the points . Ian Birkett gave MHSOB an option up fonvard kicking six goals and Dave Skinner and Ewan Thompson gave MHSOB bite around the packs . Old Ivanhoe's best included John Mansfield, Tully Young and Brad Shadbolt . In the other close one for the round Ormond finished stronger at the Gunn Reserve to get over a tenacious North Old Boys combination, In a game that was close all day it took until the 32 minute mark of the last quarter to separate the sides, when Ormond centreman Mark Horsfield spirited the ball out of the centre to kick the winner . Ormond's on bailers Matt McConvill and Anthony Grace played good games and captain Brett Connell in his 200th game was amongst the best . For NOB's . Jordan, Booth and Mikunda were prominent all day. Ivanhoe broke its winning drought with a comprehensive win over Therry Penola at Elsternwick Park two weeks ago. A significant factor in the Hoes change of fortune was the return of Darren "Dumbo" Williams who booted i l after returning from a knee injury which as kept him sidelined since round 14 of last year. He provided Ivanhoe with a much needed forward option to capitalise on Chris Tucker's ruck work and on bailers Rob Angelini and Peter Flynn many possessions won around the packs . Therry Penola hung in the contest up until three quarter time and their better player included Goodwin and both Bannisters . Old Trinity unveiled a new weapon on the weekend against Mazenod on the weekend, the Western Bulldogs style, pre-match warm up . It seemed to work as Old Trinity notched up another win against a persistent Mazenod . The game was even until the third quarter when Old Trinity were able to break the

Mazenod defence shackles kicking seven goals . Best players for Old Trinity were Pawsey. Heath an d Stephens. For Mazenod, backmen Jerome Dunne, Adam Hanley were both good four quarter players . PREVIEW

MARCELLIN V. M HSOB This game promises to be an interesting affair, t ;1 both sides pressing their claims to be contenders at end of the season . Marcellin scored an impressive, tory over Old Paradians and the successful returr Treganowan to full fonvard further strengthens ti forward set-up. MHSOB do not struggle to score eit and the key to the game could be which on ball divis can get on top . Marcellin by 25 points . NORTH OLD BOYS V. OLD PARADIAN S North Old Boys will appreciate the return to Gillon Oval after a tough clash at Ormond . North i Boys should be able to get past Old Paradians . i Paradians despite their patchy form are all square t~ four wins and four losses and need a win if they akepintouchwladgbn . North Old Boys by 20 points . THERRY PENOLA V. ORMOND Therry Penola after scoring their first win for year came crashing back to earth at the hands Ivanhoe and face and even tougher task against an form Ormond side . Ormond with its tight and physi brand of football should win enough possessions score a solid away win . Ormond by 34 points . OLD TRINITY V. IVANHOE

It took Old Trinity a half to shake of a persist+ Mazenod, but at home Old Trinity appear to N Ivanhoe covered. Ivanhoe will be encouraged by its i over Therry but will need further improvement to trc ble the league leaders . An interesting battle will be I ruck contest, which will see Andrew Ramsden against Ivanhoe's ultra consistent Chris Tucker . Old Trinity by 45 points OLD IVANHOE V. MAZENOD Old Ivanhoe were gallant in defeat against MHS( and have shown in recent weeks they are amongst I contenders for a finals spot. At Chelsworth Park tl should be able to take points against Mazenod . Old Ivanhoe by 31 points . M E LE E S - BEWAR E A melee is 'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct'

` j >> (1 ; ~Iraci :ans - Congratulations to Nicholas Ball C e ,;nfly played his 100th game. A regular senior pla} er before injury . Nick all wish you well for the next A1so Adrian Jefferson played his 50th game on 9 . Winner of the club B&F last year his stron g orl< at half back is a joy to watch, all the best for the nc_-~c 50 . Ormond - Congratulations to Reserve runner Ross . Si ngo" Singleton who today officiates in his 100th me. Ross has been associated with the club for 1 0 ;enrs, and has been a major contributor in assisting the reserves on game day . Well done "Singo" . „fazenod - Congratulations to David Biviano, John Ballenger, Paul Egan, Troy Bridgland and Paul Robinson for playing 50 games for the club over the :1st couple of weeks . We look forward to the next 50 irom each of you .




2 3

MARCELLIN v. ~H SOB Field: Graeme Thwaites Mark Bushfield Boundary: Tim Dodds Jon Stevenson Goal : Kevin Segota Bernie Hoare NORTH OLD BOYS v. OLD P 6 Field: Brendan Allen Geoff Curran Goal : John Robinson Robert Streage r THERRY PENOLA v. ORMOND Field : Andrew Stephen Cameron Nash Goal : John Kelly Stephen Leah y OLD TRINITY v . IVANHOE Field: Andrew Chapman Damian Lane Goal : Daniel Van Duser Robert Seymou r OLD IV OE v. MAZENOD Field : Phil Callil Mark Jenkins Boundary : Anthony Degen Greg Shilo Goal : Robert Dunstan Vin Vescovi

JUNE 20 - ROUND 1 0 OLD IVANHOE v . MARCELLIN NORTH OLD BOYS v . MHSOB THERRY PENOLA v. OLD PARADIANS OLD TRINITY v . ORMOND at EP SATURDAY MAZENOD 0 C v . IVANHOE B Section Results on Page 3 8 Bernie Carter (lhemy PenoIN clears the ball while Michael PetPevski (Therry Penotcs) and 'Stem Saunders (Ivanhoe) l oo k on.

Live B Grade Football Broadcast fr® 1.45 p.m. every Saturday 13th June 20th June 27th June

Old Trinity Old Trinity Ivanhoe

V. V. V.

Half Time and Full Time Score H otline

Ivanhoe Ormond Old Ivanho e

9457 171 8

B Section IVA N HOE Coach: Don! Vakarik; Res Coach: Rob Pearce

1 D . Williams 2 L . Hull-Brown 2 J . Di Santo 3 C . Tucker ( C) 4 D . Valkanis 4 R . Toogood 5 P. Manuel 6 I. Taglieri-Sclocch i 7 P. Rawley 8 S . Saunders 9 N . Thackwray 10 P. Lee 11 J . Finlayson 12 B . Finlayson 12 D . Ryan 13 S . Narkiewicz 14 P. Flyn n 15 J . O 'Driscoll 16 M . Scuderi 17 K . Moussa 18 T. Scoble 19 R . Stewa rt 19 R . Duncan 20 D . Sa rt or 21 L . Blackwood 22 R . Angelini 23 T. O 'Neill 24 P. Harri s 25 J . Frisina 26 S . Fairweather 27 J . Hoffman 28 J . Pace 29 D . Schultz 30 M . Sloan 31 D . McFarlane 32 J . Lynch 33 S . McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 P. Whitehead 36 M . Moussa 37 C . Giankoulidis 38 T Thomson 39 M . Ebbage 40 B. Frew 41 C . McDonald 42 T. Timms 44 P. Mart in ood 45 J . RaYvr 46 T. Healy 47 E. Marino 48 B. White 49 A. Rosenfeld 50 D . Jacka 51 B. Giles 52 S . Doherty 53 M . Chazan 55 L. Pearce 56 FE Raffoul 57 D . Allaide 58 D .Rattray-Wood 59 M . Fahour 60 E . Krischker 64 C . Jackson 66 FA Raffoul 68 J . Owen 69 J . Mazzocca

73 P. Merory

78 C . Brown




Coach: Tory Padsch Res Coach: Dare

C oo h: Rob Prosser R : Tor y Cc~

1 C . Slatt e ry 2 M . Karavisils 3 D . Waters (C) 3 J . Golds 4 M . Gill 5 M . Moran 5 D . McNei l 6 D . Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 7 J. Lilley 8 R . Frisina 9 M . Day

1 P. Robinson 2 J . Ballenger 2 M . Peters 3 W . McLean 4 A. Hanley 5 W . Occhiuto 6 N . Marm o 6 A. Smyt h 7 S . Morga rt n 8 D . Ca er 9 M . Murray (VC) 10 M . O'Hara 11 T. Smith 12 P. McCusker 13 T Bridgland 14 G . Young 16 D . Healy 17 A. Mercer 18 D . O'Donaghue 19 S . McMullin

11 D . Taylor

12 B . Cronin 13 T. Collins 14 A . Domingo 15 N . Godwin 15 L. Bettiol 16 J . Wallis 17 G . Cox 18 A . Caffry 19 D . Cooper 20 S . O'flynn 21 C . Mason 22 D . Marson 23 P. Chambers 24 M . Randaz zo 25 M . Stokes 26 M . Boysen 27 S . Theisz 28 A . Mayfield 29 S . Beatt ie 30 A . Treganowan 31 S . Boysen 32 R . Colussi 33 J . Phillips 34 D . Harbe rts 35 N . Armstrong 36 P. Heal y

37 A . O'Connell 39 D . Dodoricio 40 J . Dema 41 J. Seabu ry 42 B . Dinneen 43 C . Purcell 43 J . Tsoukas 44 D . Me rt on 45 M . Vanlint 46 L . O' Flynn 47 G. Carpenter 48 A . Wilkinson 49 L . Getson 50 D . Ciro 51 B . Colvill e 53 M . O'Sullivan 57 B . Day



20 C . Murray

21 S . Polan 22 D . Sherlock 23 A. Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 25 A. King 26 J . Dunne 27 D . Krom 28 N . Li tt le 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher ( C) 31 N . Sna rt 32 S . Paolucci 33 A. Quinn 34 M . Pollard 35 J . Fisher 36 M . Thek 37 G . Trigg 38 G . Mitchell 39 B. Vincent 40 J . Le Grand 41 B . Welch 42 B . Clifford 43 C . Wylie 44 M . Mastromanno 44 D . Bolle 45 M . Ryan 46 D . Sp reckle Y 47 P. Egan 48 A. O'Neale 49 L. Halvy 50 C . Vinent 51 D . Murphy 52 M . Quirk 55 M . Quirk 56 M . Welch 57 S . Yacoub 58 J . Mora n 60 M . Le Couteur M . Daivs 66 D. Johnson 67 S . Dresser 69 B . Harper 70 G . Bye

~' ~LL~ ~'L K 0 TE L

M .H .S .O .E .


Coach: Vkm Fag Res. Coach: Coin Drake

Coach: Fra* Diroid Res. Coo* Darrw Ca*

1 J . Bame rt

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2 A. Howard

3 D. Woodley 3 J . Goldi n 4 M King 4 D. Flemin g 5 C. Young 6 S . Grimme r 6 G . Theobald (C) 7 J. 7 A. Barge 8 J . Gerner 9 D. Fairchild (VC) 9 D. Comer 10 D. Skinner 10 M . Clowes 11 B . Irish 11 J . Winch 12 S . McCully

12 M . Feferkranz 13 A . Preece 14 M . Wayco tt 15 J . Sch p p e r B . Ansel i l 16 S . Helmot 16 A . Clarke 17 P. O'Brien 18 B . Axford 19 C. Bruce 20 M . Penny 21 A. C app 21' G . Mclardie 22 A . Lindsay 22 M . Zag hloul 23 R. Williams 24 S . Harries 24 G . Wilso n 25 S . Albon 26 S . Harrison 26 L. Elliott 27 P. Hunt 28 B . Betheras 28 T. Lawrence 29 P. Albergo 29 C. Drake 30 T. Lambe rt 30 R. Newto n 31 N . Fahey

32 A . Cassell 32 M . Konstanty 33 A . Saultry

34 E . Thompson 35 R. Limbrick

36 M . Fitzsimon 36 A . Palmos 37 R. McIntyre

38 C. Millar 39 R. Clowes 40 W. Hayes 41 B . Cookman 42 P. Spott iswood 43 M . Halliday 43 J . Spiteri 44 B . Archdall 45 D. Senn 46 R. Peters 46 A . Holland 47 G. Best 48 M . Sharpies 48 J . Wilson 49 D .

. McGraih 52 B 53 J . Newton 61 M . Pretty 64 I . Gillespie

~` .

C . McKay D . Water s S. Mannassa S. Sleep B. Devin e M . Gravin a P. Booth (VC) 8 B. Collison (VC ) 9 L . Cur ry 10 S. McGrat h 11 P. O 'Farrel l 12 S. Lock 13 M . Lyons 14 S. Cheshire 15 P. Kearne y 16 K. Lo w 17 M . Maguire 18 J . Murray 19 B. Jorda n 20 M . Robinso n 21 J . Curren 22 M. Connell y 23 P. O'Dwyer

24 J . Barke r 25 P. Christia n 26 J . Robe rt s 27 S . Walsh 28 D . O'Farrell 29 D . Boye 30 M. Leigh

31 L. Boyle (C) 32 J . Lowri e 33 M . Orianu k 34 O . Abraham s 35 L. Curre n 36 D . Tonki n 37 S . Mikunda 38 D . Nihil 39 D . Hil l 40 D . Taylo r 41 G . Burn s 42 S . Reinman n 43 M. Prato 44 T. Spurling 45 B. Pawse y 46 I . Taleb 47 S . Vavallo 48 M . Anderson 49 J . Trimbol i 50 C . Baile y 51 O . Newman 52 T. Jamieso n 53 D . Blenkiro n 54 T Clevelan d 55 D . Timms 56 R . Pavlov 57 B . Allman 58 J . Quilty 59 J . Bugela 60 M . Raba r 63 R . Gal e 69 J . Joyce


C SECTION by Russell Goul d

don't know just what to make of C section this year. I mean apart from the top four (by the way Hampto n are now two games clear in fourth spot ), the rest of the teams are playing musical ladders . I mean St .Kilda South Caulfield, for example have kicked just 7 goals in each of their last two matches, one of which was an 111 point loss, yet they come out last round and kick 32 goals, seeing them jump from bottom spot to sixth . Thomastown have been floating around the bottom three all season, but still got to within 2 points of third placed Old Geelong . Bulleen/Temp, who were just getting it together a couple of rounds ago, have now lost their last two, and St .Leos, who beat Bulleen/Temp, who beat St .Kilda South Caulfield by 111 points, lost to those very same Saints by 113 points . That is a 224 point turnaround in two rounds by a team that claims to have an injury list of up to 25 players . To be a successful football club, you must be consistent, so if any one of the bottom six harbour hopes for fmals action, you best start looking at getting some consistency into your team plans . Review - Round 8 . The only game closer than 40 points was at Thomastown where the Bears fought all day only to falter in the final few steps allowing Old Geelong to escape with a two point victory. In perfect conditions the bears controlled the early going, but poor kicking cost them and they were 2 points down at the first break . The Bears continued to control proceedings in the second term and this time put the score on the board . They booted five goals to take a 19 point lead into the long break.The third was more even, and the Oggers managed to cut the lead to 14 points at the final change . The final term was an enthralling battle, the Oggers getting as far behind as 24 points before rallying and grabbing the lead with 5 minutes left. The Bears continued to fight though and got to within a point, but the siren beat them. The second closest game of the round was played at Keysborough where Old Mentonians and Adam Acreman returned to some good form, beating an ever competitive Banyule side by 49 points. Both teams went goal for goal in a terrific first half of football, and Banyule took a one point lead into the long break . The tide turned though in the third term, and the panthers booted 10 goals to three to grab control of the game and they went into the final term with what turned out to be an unassailable 43 point lead . Banyule though matched the Panthers in the last, and would be ruing the one quarter that lost them the game . Adam Acreman fmshed the game with 8 goals and state rep Tony Bournon added another 5 for the Panthers in a high scoring, quality game of football . A big crowd gathered at Beaumaris to see the end of an exciting reserves game . and a less than inspiring seniors match. Beaumaris consolidated top spot on the

ladder with a seemingly effortless 72 point II ~ win over St.Bede s Mentone . Beaumaris -~" took control from the outset booting 8 goals to 2 in I first term, and posting some ominous signs for 1 Tigers . The Sharks midfield dominance continued the second term and they added another 5 goals to up by 62 points at the long break . The third term v a little more even, the ball being flung between h back lines . The Tigers lack of any real forward struch seeing their large amount of possession going un warded. The Sharks turned it on again at the start the final term and booted five goals to sew the game before the Tigers salvaged a little pride with some L goals. In another very one sided match, Bullee Templestowe failed to capitalise on home grou advantage, going down to the rampaging Hampt Rovers by 81 points . The result seemed clear at qu ter time, the Rovers up by 51 points after a 9 goal op ing. The Bullants came back slightly in the third a went into the long break down by just 34 points a with a bit of momentum . The Rovers though again tc over and got the lead out to 53 points at orange tir before fmshing off with a 6 goal to one last term to r out comfortable victors, Power booting 7 for the Rov, to take his season tally to 54. And the most surprising result of the round ca from Bennettswood reserve where St . Kilda Sot Caulfield, who prior to this round boasted the le potent offence in C section, slammed home 32 sausa rolls to trounce the more fancied St .Leos by 113 poir, After an even first quarter, the Sainters booted 11 go in both the second and final terms, their accuraci highlight, to never be headed. The Two Blues manaf to kick 14 goals themselves in a game that saw bc defences sitting in the crowd for most of the matc : would think . But credit to the saints who look to ha their player list back to full strength, and should competitive from now on . Preview - Round 9

After our break for the state game, we have another southern local derby . This time it is a batlle the Mentone teams, St.Bedes Mentone hosting t Mentonians at the Tigers ground. These two tea. have built up a healthy rivalry over the last couple years and last year the Tigers won both clashes a have a 3-1 win loss ratio in derbies versus the Panthe This year though you would struggle to pick them, current form anyway . They are undefeated at home, t now have the least potent offence in this section, a against the Panthers you must kick goals because it can . Stroudy will be back, and Ad's kicked 8 last roui so I'm going for the Panthers .

Old Geelong play Beauma ris at a yet to

11ounccd venue in a re-match of last years D Section ,n A, which the Sharks won. The Oggers nar,,xk. c._ aped the Bear cave at Thomastown, and are ,,,, il,c strongest of the top teams . The Sharks on the ,,j, c r Irmd are now averaging 22 goals per game and co be given the most respect . This game wi ll be a bi ,- one for both teams, the Oggers with a score to settic . but they will no be able to contain the Sharks who %r in comfortably . Tilose 30 goal plus Saints from South Caulfield go ome to host Thomastown who must be wea ry of all ilcse trips down south. Surely the Saints should win . car. t really fluke a 113 point win . st .Leos travel to Hampton to face a Rovers side on After knocking off ladder leading Old Mentone in ; ou lid 7, they destroyed Bulleen/Temp on the Bu llan ts I)on-~e ground . Thier midfield is outstanding, their dcienc,~ so lid as a rock, an d they have the competitions ~_~cu,rlg goalkicker up forward . St.Leos have a lot of l,, : rt and intestinal fortitude, but that will not get them or, r the line . Rovers to win big . Fina lly. an d in a local derby northern style, the Banyule Bears put out the welcome mat at the fr ont of i ;le cave for the Bullan ts from Bulleen/Templestowe . k bear .versus a bull an t, mother nature decided this one o : me, the Bears to get a much deserved win .

SENIORS - 30.05 .98 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 .2 7.2 11.4 12 .7.79 HAMPTON ROVERS 7 .5 12.6 19.9 26.10 .166 Bulleen TempFestowe: Mattheus 3 . Mcl .aren 3. Cooper . Smith . Williams . Birch. Lambropolllos. Darby. Best : Prior. Daloglio . Darby. Tulloch . Williams, W . Thompson. Hampton Rovers: Paver 7. MeKellar 3 . S. Anderson 2 . D . Ariz 2. Dunes 2• HeBger 2 . Pftmella 2 . D . Anderson . B . Artz . Blick . Broa•ne . C . Ferguson. t6'ilmott . Best: Broome . S. Anderson . Pucella. Power. D. Ariz. B . Ariz. ST LEOS EMMAUS 6.1 11 .3 13 .6 14 .10 .94 ST IIII,DA SOUTH CAULFIELD 7.7 18 .9 21 .13 32 .15 .207 St Leos: D. Dink .nlantonio 3 . Pecora 3 . Vaughan 3 . Fennell . Henrtcus. McCann . Rose. Thomas . Best : Pecora . D . Dinlcolantonfo. Burgess . Meehan. Buckle, T. McCann. St 1{ilda South CaulBekl: (Goal Kickers and Best Players Not received ) OLD MENTONIANS 5.3 9.8 19 .11 25.14 .164 BANYULE 5 .1 10.1 13.4 18.7.115 Old Meaton3sns : Acreman 8. Baurnon 5. Ferguson 4 . Flaskis 3 . Paterson 2. Austin . B. Murphy . Vardy. Best: Bournon. Acren•m . FlaskLm . Paterson. Solley. Carter. BanyuFe: Kayrooz 6 . T. Egan 4. Play9'air 3 . J. Egan, Gillard . J. McDermott. Noonan. Witchell. Best: Holt. S. GrayKayrooz, T. Egan, tVOCMlock . R. Williams, BEAUMARIS 8 .6 13 .4 15.10 20 .12.132 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG . 2.3 3 .8 4 .7 8 .12.60 Beaumaris: Mahmoud 5 . Pitts 4. Fisher 3 . Mills 2. A. Quinn 2 . Hanrahan . Holt. Hosne . M . Quin . Best: Pitts. 14eard. Martin. Mitchell. Holt. Home. St Sedes Manicure Tig.: T. Beasley 3, S . Hecker 2 . Macgeorge 2. Thompson . Best: Booth, D . Napier. Furlong. McCraw. Giaquinta . T. Beastey. THOMASTOWN 3 .5 8 .10 11 .15 13 .17.95 OLD GEELONG 4.2 6.3 10 .7 14 .13.97 Thomasttoan: Caper-1 3. Gorski 3. A. Ward 2. B. SRGth. P. Colosimo. Genus, Riste+.skt. Plant. Best : B}'ron . Morabito. Plant, Grcch . McCallum . Old Geelong : 49elsby 2 . Gross 2 . Neeld 2 . J. PRL=at 2. tV. Paul 2. P. Handburv 2, M .tPtlson . Hoµrells. Best: Gross. Welsbv. Cook. DavLSon. P. Handbury~. Neeld. ~

RESERVES - 23 .05 .98

i`homastown - congratulate Kevin 'Flea' Harling on playing his 250th game for the club in Round 8, [ ica is a life member of the club and has two good i ends who wear white on Saturdays he would like to iil : ;nk for keeping him going . Old Geelong - Congratulations to M atthew Oliphant, who played his 100th game for the OGs in round 8. The "Chimp", character around the club is -atulated on this fine achievement .

FI A ',11 ) TC~N ROVERS V. ST. LEOS EMMAUS Field : Adam Kiel Robert Sneddon Goal : Andrew Long Gary C11i1c1

BANYULE v . BULLEEN-TENtPLESTOWE Field : Craig Bratjberg Simon Olive ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v . OLD M ENTONIANS Field : Paul Withington Chris Stevens Goal : Eugene D'Lazarus Peter Walli s OLD GEELONG v . BEAUMARIS Field : Peter Simpson Graeme Huniche n ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD v . THOMASTOWN Field : Daniel Halliwell Neil McCorquodale Boundary : Jason Handfield Becky Griffith s

JUNE 20 - ROUR U 1 0


BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 .1 5.3 5.6 7.6.48 HAMPTON ROVERS 6.3 13.4 14.10 22.12.144 Bulleen Templestowe: Beams 2. Nagel 2. Rell}•. Stott. Sand . Best: More~titts . Todd. N. Smith. Nagc l, Beams. ReIly. Hampton Rovers: L .Tota 6 . Armour 4 . LtLnnoore 3 . McDonald 3 . Buckley 2. M . Dunball 2. Lynch. Mason . Best: R . Grimmer. Buckley . Mason. Tom. McDonald . Morgan . ST LE05 EMMAUS 3 .3 6 .7 10.14 13 .17.95 ST K1LDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4 .4 7 .5 8.7 9 .10.64 St Leos Emmaus: McGloin 3 . Ottbre 3. B . Dehin 2 . F . Dinicotantonlo 2 . Briggs. Cox. K. Mitchell. Best: O'ReiNy. Ottobre. B. Dehin . Hughan. McGloin . Levins , St Kilda South Ceu]feetd : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) OLD ME NTONIANS 1.3 2.4 6 .8 9 .10.64 BANYULE 5.3 10 .11 15.14 18 .17.125 Old Mentonlans: Millis 2 . Riley 2 . Cozens . Dais. Dyer. Ne:a. Norman. Best: Duyer. Davis. Cozens. M4Ii.s . Elliott . Lawes. Banyule: Fortune 7. Gilbert 4. Grhtdal 3 . Donaldson. OBrien. Dohertv. Witcheli. Best : Head . O'Brien . Gilbert. Donaldson. Fortune. J ..Kinneab . BEAUMARIS 1 .1 2.6 6.7 8.7 .55 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG . 2.4 4.8 5.6 8.8 .54 Beaum®rts: P. Thomas 2 . T . Cotter 2. R. Thatcher . A. Easton . R . CorQeld• J.159utla. Best: A. Easton, P . Thomas . J. Wa3ham . N. McClean, M. OBrten. T. Fisher. St Bedes Mentone Tig .: Goodchild 2. L . Hustle 2. Napier 2 . McGregor, Waters . Best: Beasley . Nicholls . Bociar, Gang, L'Htdier . Napier. THOMASTOWN 3 .2 5.4 7.5 10.8.68 OLD GEELONG 3 .3 5.3 6.8 8.11.59 Thomnsstowna Scarpa 4. Thomas. M . Robertson . F. Vateri . Oehm. DelPapa. Harling. Best: Sinclair. J . Theodoroa S . South . Pellegrino. Valert. Haling. Old Geelotag: Furphy 3, Edge 2 . Harmngton. Kemp. Liasms. Best: Lla.-cos . Anderson. Brain . Edge. Harrington . Kemp .





Coo* Jo„Sin~ Res Coach : Stephen Gray

Coa* Brett Marchard Res Coach: Scott Atzghers

1 B Klunear 2 D Witchell 3 L Holt 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams s Donaldson 8 7 R G William 9 J Plant 10 J Fortune 11 J McDermott 12 J Egan 13 M O'Brien 14 S Kayrooz 15 S Gray 16 D Mayne 17 L O'Connell 18 J Turnbull 19 A Thompson 20 S PlaYtair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham 23 M Gray 24 A Plant 25 C Williams 26 H McDermott 27 S Yi n 28 T Goury 29 G Sutterby 30 D Taylo r 31 C Bassett 32 T Wason 33 D Glass 34 C Stevens 35 B Anderson 36 D Tyler 37 M Jesse 38 G Riches 39 M George 40 P Witchel l 41 B Grindal 42 T Egan 43 L Ferrel l 44 M Anderson 45 R Cullen 46 P Agostinelli 47 B Parkes 48 W Gibson 49 K ConveyY 50 B Debon t 51 A Hopgood 52 D Noonan 53 M Ashto n 54 B Di t nosante 55 D Williams 56 B Woodlock 57 T 58 S Hartwick 59 B Wilson 60 B Gillard 61 J Charles 62 A Camilleri 63 M Hare 64 C Dodd 65 A Mason 66 N Cargan 67 M Keegan

1 N . McLean 2 S . Nish 3 M . Pitts 3 I . Williams 4 M . Devine 5 M . Ensor 5 A. Quin 6 D. Wright 7 P. Fisher 8 M . O'Brien 9 B. Nicholson 9 A. McFarlan e 10 J . Wadha m 11 S . Blackie 12 S . Mclver 12 P. McMahon 13 B. Vaughan 14 S . McIver 15 M . Hoyne 16 M . Qui n 16 D. O'Brien 17 L . Marsh 18 T. Cotter 19 P. Thomas 20 A. Faraguna 20 M. Mellon 21 P. Sherman 21 T. Kendal l 22 J . Holt 23 A. Catlin 23 T. Fisher 24 Q . Groves 24 B. Gray 25 J . Mahmoud 26 W. Mills 26 A. Coope r 27 D . Johnston 28 J . Vance 29 C . Martin 29 M. Hal l 30 A. Easton 30 R . Corfield 31 L . McNicholas 31 P. Ott 32 S. Mitchell 33 G . Jury 34 J . McGrath 34 B. Gray 35 B. Ferguson 36 S. Hanrahan 37 B. Haynes 37 M. Bassett 38 C . Spence 39 P. Duffy 40 M . Lance 41 A. Blackie 42 D . Maypiece 43 S. Healey 44 S. Closter 45 P. Thomas 46 C. Kent 47 C. Day 50 B. War d 59 A. Rowbury ry 60 R. Thatcher

72 L Sheean

73 A Rossime l 75 J McIntyre 76 M Lewis

77 M Whelan 78 R Smith


Res Coach: DaM HooW 1 J . Prior 2 S . Driver 3 P. Graham 4 W. Thompson 5 C . Parris 8 N . Bone 9 L. Stott 10 P. George 12 A. Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 D . Cooper 15 D . Bon e 16 S. Smith 18 P. Nigro 20 M . Jones 20 B. Wolnizer 21 D . Hartin 21 D . Hooper 23 D . Matthews 29 P. Bone 30 M . Agrotis 31 C . Darby 31 A . Shine 32 R . Williams 33 G. Pemberton 34 S . Lambropoulos 36 P. Hare 37 S . Boyd 37 L . Thompson 38 S . James 39 T. Driver 41 L . Cassano 43 C . Papadopoulos 44 J. Rozanitis 47 C . Morihovitis 48 R . Lambert 49 M . Bellato 50 D . Glover 56 M . Tuomy 59 D . McNamara

~~g p%i!~

OLD GEELON( Coe* Mark Neeld Res Coach: B eavie 0

Coach: Russell Bo nes

Res Coach. DrM ROgera°n 1 P. Buckley 1 C. McGregor 2 M . McKellar 2 S . Morgan 3 E. Crabtree A. Maso 4 3 S. n Anderso n 4 M . Salter 5 B. Marlyn 5 R. Dunball 6 S. Wills 6 S. Willison 7 M . Lanagan 7 W. Armou r 8 D. Anderson 8 M . Lake 9 A. Natoli 9 A. Guthri e 10 C Ferguson 10 R . Van Dooren 11 R . Grei g 11 A Browne 12 B. Hoare 12 R . Grimmer 13 T. Wilmot t 13 C . Thomas 14 D . Hobson 14 D . Marshall 15 S. Blick 15 A. Roe 16 J . Ferguson 16 B. Armstrong 17 G . Hagart 17 D . Artz 18 D . McConvill e 18 B. Holt 19 S. Helliger 19 A. Hullick 20 A. Power 20 P. Cotte r 21 S. Parkinson 22 M . Cripps 22 L . Tot a 23 C . Scarlett 23 T. Lynch J. Day 24 M . Young 25 M . Davey 25 C . Marini s 26 C . Perry 27 T Pratzos 27 W. Benton 28 B. Johnston 29 M . Luxmoore 30 A . Hunter 31 R . Hunt 32 T. Smith 33 C. Van Den Dungan 34 S. Walke r 62 D . Rogerson

1 M Neel d 1 D Walker 2 M Edmond s 3 D Welsby 4 T Dugdal e 5 A Howell s 5 A Robson 6 B Mithen 6 E Bestock 7 A Darcy 7 S Wilson 8 T Seymou r 9 J Wilso n 10 T Wiffen 11 R Liley 12 N Powe r 13 P Herman n 14 J POwe r 15 S Edge 16 T O' Brie n 17 M Wilson 18 N McKellar 19 A Salte r 20 G Coldwel l 20 T Pool e 21 G Harpe r 22 J Taylor 23 H Davis 24 M Vickers-Willi s 25 Q Thompso n 26 N Kem p 27 W Pau l 28 A Ferre r 29 A Mithen 30 B O'Halloran 31 N Beattie 32 G Wilkinso n 33 M Wilkinson 34 J Paul 35 C Olive r 36 T Brain 37 J Coo k 38 M Povey 40 S Bone s 42 P Liascos 44 E Spide n 47 M Oliphant 48 E Smithers 55 S Furphy 59 C Walke r 61 R Oliphant 62 H Mclnnes 63 D O'Brien 75 S Harrington 76 C Stinchcomb e 80 L Wilso n





INTERNATIONAL PTy LTD . Suite 2, 418 Bluff Rd , Black Rock. 3193 Ph: 9589 6444


26 Govan Street , Seaford, 3198 Ph : 9782 4300


p~p P/fETl~OR~ Res Sh" A Acreman

2 C Lea n g B Murphy 4 G Stroud (VC) 5 C Wallace 6 D Paterso n G , Ferguso n g N MacQuire 10 J Graham

I D . Solle y 12 C Dwyer R Large 1 4 M Finnis 15 C Davis

16 D Nock 17 L Richardson 18 T Bourno n :.19 D . Kltto 20 S Mullin 21 S Kitto 22 P Harrington

23 N Moodi e 24 C . Twentyman 25 J Winduss 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 M . Bond 29 A Carter 30 M Brooks (VC) 31 . M Elliot 32 P Appel 33 G New 34 P Flaskis 35 Darren Murphy (C)

36 P Russo 37 M Sichla u 38 D Millis 39 T Riley 40 W Jones 41 S Cozens 42 C Rushworth 43 M Lawes 44 B Clothie r 45 M Spalding 46 J Norman 47 J Konicani n 48 J Whitford 49 S Anderson 50 G Richards 51 M Bennett 52 A Perry 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 W Ballantine 56 M Leone 57 P Watson 58 D Coventry 62 Daniel Murphy 64 M Austin 67 H Hannsen 68 G. Vardy Phillips Nicholson FlRSfNATIONALREALESTATE




Coach: Ted Tiarerr Res Coach : Brad Barry

Coach: Hazry Flaisfo u i~ C~

1 M Kinsella 2 S Zakic 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier 6 A R yaa n 7 J Shannon 8 B Beasley 9 G Mar in i c 10 C Ross 11 M Hecke r 12 D Falkingham 13 David Goodchild 14 E Ryde r 15 M Merton 16 W Earle 17 A Mac eor e 18 A Gia umta (C ) g 19 B Tomlinson 20 T Lamb 21 W Furlong 22 A Pragt 23 T Peck 24 T Beasley 25 S Booth 26 S Hecker 27 A Wilce 28 C Williams 29 D Ord 30 M Turner 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 33 A Walsh 34 D Kinsella 35 R Bilos 36 A Gangi 37 M Connolly 38 A Hayes (VC) 39 D Edward s 40 C Johnston 41 D Serofin 42 A Thompso n 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 0 Lalo r 47 P Howroyd 48 B Kinna 49 L McGregor 50 S Kidd 51 S Boczar 53 A McShane 54 M McCraw 55 L. McHugh 56 D Marshall 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 H Dwyer 60 C Martin 61 S Waters 66 A Turner 67 D Furlong 68 M Uberti 69 P Tesoriero sTBFD s M NTON TIGERS t~MA~~OR SPONSORS





Terry W~sh Coadu Rat, E~dt

1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 S . Heincke 4 N . Hasell

1 D Dinicolantonio 2 J OiMeara 3 E Mitchel l 4 A Aulis o

5 G . Knobel J. Bry ce

5 D Kenny Y 6 A Hughan 7 V Ryan

7 M . OiKeefe 8 G . Baker 9 A. Lad d 10 D . Wilson 11 C . Neeson 12 B. King 13 S . Neeson

14 M . Weilgosz 15 M . Broad 16 P Rogers 17 A Tsirogiannis 18 S Vamvakis 19 J Thursfield 20 A Diamond 21 A . Cranston 22 B . Agostino 23 A Della Lana 24 B Muscali 25 P Dynon 26 -S Wood 27 R Gilmore 28 D . Agostino 29 D Dunlevie 30 G Brown 31 M Cunningham 32 M DiZilva 33 N Cole 34 T Piesnell 35 R . Pope 36 M . Lewin 37 S Patterson 38 R . Minnie 39 P Slifk a 40 D . Broadhurst 41 D . Raczkowski

42 N . Dymon d 43 C Kallis 44 S Diamond 45 B Derha m 46 A Stafor d 47 S . Meehan 48 A . Gill 49 M Benton 50 F. Buckley

51 A . OiBrien 52 C . Kerr 53 R . Cunningham 54 P. Tsagloitis 55 L McGaw 56 B. Burke 57 M . Ralph 58 G . Egan 59 P. Clements 60 T. Cannard 61 M Tkocz 62 B . Redden

2~hyatts OF BRIGHTO N D~D~O~ VAIII~ .I' js~jY'Sj~~

8 J Fennell 9 A Bethune 10 B Mitchell 11 B CareyY 12 T McCann

13 A Devlin 14 J Manto n 15 A OiReily 16 A Rose 17 R Parker 18 T Batty 19 A Major

20 A . Gill 21 G Simmondson 22 A Burges s 23 S Nankervis 24 C Kenny 25 A McKenzi e 26 B Devlin 27 P Bowden 28 S . McLaughlin 29 S Darc y 30 M . Ottobre 31 M Contessott o 32 R. Marr 33 L Thoma s 34 B Henricus 35 J Brigg s 36 S Bavage 37 S Manton 38 J Smith 39 BL Vaughan 40 J Gay 41 D Cashe n 42 P OiHallora n 43 G Chalmers 44 F Dinocolantonio 45 S Ronchi 46 C Smith

47 R McCann 48 A Pinhor n 49 D Co x 50 L. Newey 51 T Ludlow 52 J Niel 53 T Pecora 54 J Graves 55 D Barlow 56 J. Hollandsjo 57 L . Collin s 58 P. Levin s 59 S . Clohesy 60 S Buckl e 61 A. Whitbur n 62 J Vaughan 64 J Cronin 66 P. Koni g 69 P McCormack 70 P.OiRourke 72 A . Brookes 74 S. Willis

78 A. Prosse r 80 H Meehan 88 S Pitche r

Ras Coach :VJayDe ;~ Cooper

1 V Capeci 2 B Byron 3 P McCallu m 4 L Salles e 5 J Bubis 6 B Pellegrino 7 S Plant (VC) 8 A Fellows (C) 9 A Gentis 1 0 C Dian a 11 L Alberti 12 Z. Fleming 13 G Scarp a 14 A Ward 15 L DelPapa 16 B Colosimo 17 D . Gorski 18 L . Smith 1 9 P. Ristevski 20 L Alabaki s 21 E Lentin i 23 R Dimaggi o 24 B Smith 25 R Kennedy 26 C McNei l 27 M Reid 28 L Marabito 29 K Harlin g 3 0 B . Leavold 31 S Oehm 32 P Colosim o 33 E Ri o 34 J Buzzini 36 J Theodorou 37 D Dimovski 38 G Scott 39 D Palaia 40 G Sinclair 41 D Brooks 42 0 Esen 45 A Insitari 47 D Plowrigh t 48 J Gallimore 49 J Pougias 5 0 J Dowlgeris 51 E Valentino 52 A . Robertson 54 P. Stewart 55 P. Valeri 56 J . Bubis 57 C L'Aurora 58 C . Perit o 60 L Bile s 61 G Skaff 64 R Ward 65 S Holmes 66 D Pougios 67 N Grech 69 R Pandolfo 76 C. Chapkou n Thomestown Soonaora: THOMASTOWN MOVIELAND MANGIN BROTHERS TRANSPORT


T1 by Ken Bremne r 0, T_ -n Brai n Results from round 8 made a real 'mess' of the laderr r and nearing the mid-point of the season w e find 2 teams (Whitefriars & Southbank) clear of a 'bunch' nigh on all equal in positions 3 thru 6, themselves clear from another 'pack' all equal in spots 7 thru 9 then Uni .Blacks one rung ahead of the tailenders . St Pats and St Johns . The 'heat' is intensifying at the bottom end with what appears to be, even at this early stage, positions 11 and 12 at years end being filled by the incumbent 'Patters' and'Jocs' . But what about the 'hot' spot, number 10 for relegation? Could it be dejavu like '96 when Southbank only 6 pts from finals action were relegated with 9 wins? Only time will tell, but over the ensuing weeks Yarra Valley. O .E .G .'s, Salesian and Uni .Blacks will be extremely competitive and all top of the ladder teams will be well advised to be on their guard ! Review Round 8- May 30

Based on ladder positions there were 3 mini upsets registered with Uni .Blacks humbling their colleagues the Monash 'Blues', Salesian tipping out Old Essendon Grammar and Ajax inflicting a heavy defeat on Parkside . Southbank won as they liked, Whitefriars scored a not overly convincing victory and Aquinas winning by a 'street' against a hapless St John's . The Whitefriars V Yarra Va ll ey game loomed as a danger one for the ladder leaders and it certainly lived up to expectations . The Yarra boys threw everything bar the kitchen sink at the 'Friars' and in a high standard match fell just 17 pts short at siren time . Pasqualotto. Lacey & Robinson with 6 majors were fine contributors for Whitefriars and for Yarra Valley, McVean, Liversey-Cole & Heffernan tried valiantly . Aquinas took all before them in their match against St Johns O .C .'s culminating in a 24 goal victory as a result of qtr. by qtr. goal scoring of 8, 7, 11 and 7 respectively . At the rate the Joe's are firing it's going to be one long cold winter . For the 'Bloods' they can now confidently gear up for their arch rival Yarra Valley . Salesian overcame a slow start against Old Essendon Grammar to reverse a 2 goal 1st qtr . deficit into a slender 1 goal half time lead . The 'Chaddy boys' never surrendered this lead and whilst O .E .G .'s came out hard and running in the 3rd stanza Salesian not only withstood it but extended the margin out to a 6 goal buffer at games end. Monash Blues probably wish I had never printed Jack Clancy's 'Spray of his beloved Uni .Blacks team in last rounds report. What a turnaround! Strong tackling, hard running, bitter determination and a willingness to contest every issue made this 'Blacks' team unrecognisable from the feeble, insipid effort of

the previous week . I'm pretty sure the 'Doc' will have made his charges pay in blood, sweat and tears for their ordinary performance in succumbing by some 55 pts at home base . Three Ist gainers, Hannan, Costello & Thompson deserve special praise for the 'Blacks' . Ajax jumped out of the gates to lead some 8 majors to 2 at qtr. time and that pretty well set the scene for the remainder of the day . Parkside couldn't combat the 'Jackers' fleet of foot speed and aggression at the ball. Maybe after 3 relatively easy wins on the trot the 'Red Devils' lost their intensity . For Ajax, Freund, Roach, Halphen & Kalinski were great and for Parkside . McCall and Panjarri never stopped trying . 'Jackers' by 85 pts . Not much can be said about the massacre at Yarra Park except to say that at qtr. time St Pat's looked to be troubling Southbank and only trailled 5 goals to 4 . Some 19 unanswered goals later the'Patters' got their next and then only registered 1 more before mercifully the siren put an end to the days proceedings . To be fair to St Pats it has to be mentioned that they did have 3 of their prime movers out of action . Perri, Barr bros . & Murphy tried hard for the vanquished and Southbank were well serbved by Macca, Steam Boat & Alfie . Preview Round 9 - June 13

Monash Blues V Salesian - This visitors will enter hostile territory but are entitled to do so brimful of confidence . KB however, suggests that the 'Blues' will rebound hard and strong on the heels of their recent loss and at home with pride on the line and a lot a stake will roll the 'Chaddy' boys by 24 pts . The Blues were decimated by injury last game and with the break will get most of these back and even though the boys from Chaddy had a good win TB thinks they will struggle today against the revitalised Blues . Old Essendon Grammar V Southbank - You don't need to be Einstien to figure out that the hosts will be absolutely desperate to get back on the winner list, if only to stay in touch with the top bracket . They will have to be at the top of their form to conquer the 'Bankers' who appear to be just starting to hit their 'straps' . For KB it will be the visitors heading home victors by 19 pts . The OEG's walk about 10 feet taller at home and the Tigers will need to be wary of this but after a slow start they appear to be gathering some good momentum while the home side have been inconsistent . The Brain agrees with his leader and selects the visitors. St Johns O .C .'s V Uni.Blacks - Bouyed by their fan-

,1suc last round win even the long drive out to nolcion shouldn't pose any real problems for the f31ac1s' . Facts, figures and more recently form lead 1; B to confidently predict a 44 pt win for the visitors lgainst a depleted but very determined Joe's unit. Buoyed by Mr. Clanc_vs words the Blacks were most impressive last game and today is their big chance to put together two in a row and TB has no doubt that is exactly what they will do against the Jocs who have lost the play and their pen. yarra Valley V Aquinas - Both teams are very talented and the match promises to be very evenly contest,d, Although their recent form leaves a lot to be desired, KB leans towards the 'Yarra' to cause somev.-hat of an upset, and at home notch up an 11 pt win against a spirited 'Bloods' team . KB you really are an idiot and obviously know nothing, the Bloods have too much at stake to let anyone beat them today and this includes the Yarras who will certainly give a good account of themselves but even on unknown territory TB is punting on Bloods to record a good victory . parkside V Whitefriars - The 'Friars' have taken all before them to date, whilst Parkside suffered a nasty 'glitch' last round . On that alone you'd have to pick Whitefriars wouldn't you? Well, not KB, because I reckon the 'Red Devils' will really take it up to the Friars' and stretch them to breaking point . Parkside by 7 pts . Again I'm in disagreeance with the so called niaster of tipping, the Friars have done nothing wrong and keep winning and even at the daunting expanses of Fairfield they will keep that record in tact in what should be the closest game of the round . St Pats Mentone V Ajax - Even at the notorious "Patterdome' the 'Jackers' having now found their real form should score a comfortable win. The 'Patters' are doing it hard at the moment but will manage to make life as difficult as they can for the visitors . KB's on Ajax to score by 36 pts . All the St . Pats people wish KB you could actually get their nickname correct they are commonly called the Vultures not the inane name you use . The Jackas (KB notice the correct spelling) are now in good touch getting close to full strength and are fast becoming a danger to everyone above them and they won't let this slip against the home side who as usual will be very competitive. Press Correspondents: Fax to KB on 9850 6964 (Email KenBremner@access .net .au) or Tommy on 9265 8011 by midday at the latest on Monday following the game .




19 18 17 17

MONASH BLUES v . SALESIAN 0 C Field: Nathan Rodier Alan Stubbs Boundary : Matthew Cook Justin Binding OLD ESSENDON GR . v. SOUTHBANK Field : Geoff Moore Alan Ladd ST. JOHNS 0 C v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : Paul Jones Greg Richar d YARRA VALLEY v . AgUI1YAS Field : Frank Karabelas Andrea Flack PARKSIDE v . WHITEFRIARS Field : Leah Gallagher Rick Love ST. PATS MENTONE v . AJAX Field : Trent Foley Dirk Kramer


Aquinas - Congratulations to Chris Jeffrey on reaching 100 games for the Bloods in round 8 . `Hairshirt" as he is affectionately known has been a member of the 2 premiership teams . is the current treasurer and is a very active committee member off the field. Also Scott Ke lly played his 100th game in round 6 . His career has been broken by both travel and worked related commitments, he has earnt this milestone through hard work and the ability to rebound from several on-field setbacks. 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1998


D Section AJAX cown: a ck a aft r~ c~n : r~„ sr 1 J . Wrobel 2 A . Kalinski 3 B . Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Rath 6 D .. Kalb 7 G. Samuel 8 A . Krongol d 9 A . Rosen 10 R . Bloom 11 M . Weisler 12 D . Onas 13 A. Freund 14 Y. Rapaport 15 M. Rajch 16 G . Rozenberg 9 17 A. Cukierman 18 J . Wrobel 19 M . Halphen (C) 20 A. Carew 21 D. Gelbart 22 D. Mohr 23 A. Bensimon 24 J . Dunne 25 J . Feldman 26 B . Duzenman 27 A. Lust 28 D. Degen 29 D. Mark s 30 N. Israelsohn 31 M . Barnett 32 M . Borenstein 33 D. Pat 34 D. Gunn 35 S . Roth 36 J . Segal 37 J . Engelman 38 J . Lewi s 39 A . Grundmann 40 A . Redlich 41 J. Snow 42 A . Sawicki 43 Y. Shein 44 B . Goldberg 45 E . Steen 46 J . Davis 47 A . Abraham 48 L . Goldberg 49 E. Rubinstein 50 B. Grodski 51 N . Diamond 52 B. Steiner 53 D . Katz 54 M. Nathan 55 B. Zielinski 56 J . Sharp 58 M . Fried 60 D. Weislitzer 61 J . Kalbstei n 64 R. Israel 65 M . Zurbo 68 D. Boon 69 J . Vernon 70 S . Boon 71 C. Cohe n 73 A . Levy

AQUINAS O .C . c~, a~,cr~y r~ c~sa, : eBa By 1 2 3 5

G. Burch G. Clifford S . Edwards T. Grierson A . Donachie 7 C . Glenni e 8 S . Kelly 9 P. Phillips 10 D . Boland 11 C . Bambury 12 S. Bethun e 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A. Lorkin 15 J . Knight 16 S. Close 17 M. Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Paras 21 S. Downes 22 S. Flynn 23 L . Woods 24 P. Harper 25 J . Hacking 26 H. Field 27 S . Jone s 28 G . Wiston 29 J . Wilson 30 C. Collilver 31 C. Wooden 32 M . Hunter 33 M . Collella 34 M . Tarullli 35 R. Chapman 36 J . Hunt 37 H . Nichol 38 M . Tilling 39 S . ConnellY 40 S . Connelly 41 J . Kline 42 R . Mora n 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Dunne 45 N . Frederikson 46 D . Joyce 47 N . Moran 48 M. Moore 49 C . Lamborn 50 G . Macklin 51 A. Hyland 52 M. Corrie 53 P. Raeck 54 S . Capton 55 A. Cultrera 56 S . Doherty rtY 57 C . Thomas 58 A. Bethune 66 M . Wilson 67 P. Cruikshank 70 C. Lyng 80 M . Joyce 86 B . Barclay

MONASH BLUES OLD ESSENDON PARKSlD E c~,: ~ a«, m c~ u~ya c~ c~rG t~z~ ~ coa~, : sr~,e Res c~, smn ~ Res c~a, Ma* r~ 1 J . Alexander 2 J . Baxter 3 L . Holloway 4 P. Maiden 5 D . Rogers 6 M. Newman 7 L . Findlay 8 M. Lawrenc e 9 M . Wrodarczyk 10 S . Webster 11 M . Spencer 12 J . Caldwell 13 A. Herrman 14 R. Burston 15 M . Tinkler 16 B . Smiley 17 P. OiNeill 18 Y. Colombies 19 D . Roche 20 J . Cavanagh 21 C. Gregory 22 A . Dobson 23 S . Wrodarczyk 24 B . Hodson 25 J. Hawkins 26 P. Hurley 27 N . De Young 28 S . McGee 29 A . Headberry 30 L . Creamer 31 J .L. Smith 32 M . Try 33 J .M . Smith 34 B. Dowsley 35 D . Murchie 36 M. Tehan 37 J . Bolton 38 S . Hooper 39 M. Smith 40 C . Riordan 42 A. Hicke y 43 R . Feenaghty 44 D. Teasdale 45 R. Walsh 46 D. Jones 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Kamphuis 49 D. Morgan 50 D . Schwedes 51 S . Millie 53 L. McCann 54 R . Green 55 D . Trumble 56 A . Berry 57 P. OiNeill 59 H H . Middleton 61 D . Walsh 67 B. Dempsey

1 J . Panagiotopoulos 2 J . Chapman 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 S. Reming 5 S. Emerso n 6 C . Ridley 7 T. Cippoloni 8 S . O'Brien 9 J . Goodge r 10 I . Stevens 11 B . Papal 12 J . Hearne 13 P. Chalkle y 14 S . Evans 15 S . Bishop 16 S . McPherson 17 P. Hexter 18 T. Read 19 G . Steven 20 J . Lang 21 S . Dale 22 M . Lukasz 23 J . Hughes 24 C. Robertson 25 A . Leask 26 D . Fletcher 27 D . Barr 28 B . Turner 29 J . Saunders 31 A . Corby 32 J . Mansfield 33 S . Cramer 34 J . Leask 35 D . Whitfield 36 P. Trist 37 J . Walker 38 M . McKerrell 39 A. Merrington 40 T. DiBlas i 41 I . Ritter 42 A. Jealous 43 A. Gaff 44 R . Clohesy 45 P. Barry 46 D. Novace k 47 J . testro 48 P. Murton 49 A . Hutchinson 50 D. Bellman 51 S . Greasley 52 A . Dawson 53 T. Hawke 54 S . Maybury 55 R . Musa 56 A . O'Ryan 57 R . Wright 58 A . Woerndl e N . Osman 60 A . Palmer 61 D . Podger 62 P. Baroch 63 A. Porter 64 J . Ross i 65 A. Soteriou 66 B. Lamaro 67 R . Graig

1 P. Laurse n 2 A . Delle-Vergin i 3 S . Pino 4 D . Warren 5 B. Groo m 6 A. Stuart 7 D . Drinnan 8 B. Chilcott 9 A. Constantin e 10 A. Vita 11 V. Roman o 12 D . McCal l 13 A. Copley

14 P. Lennon 15 D. Moodie 16 M . Campbel l 17 B . Michel l 18 A . Reginato 19 S . Gun n 20 C. Perkham 21 M . Tessari 22 B . Harvey 23 M . Sherlock 24 R . Marull i 25 S . Ross 26 C . Tyso n 27 L . Panjar i 28 S . Fishe r 29 L . MacNamara 30 B. Hocke y 31 C . Austin 32 B. McCal l 33 A. Bott a 34 M. Roman o 35 G . Panjari 36 W. Lay 37 B. Pandar i 38 F. Darrig o 39 M . Hoyne 40 L. Inserra 41 N. Antonopoulos 42 P. Dean 43 J . Hubbard 44 P. Soligo 46 T. Petropoulos 49 S . Collier 53 M . Yandel l 55 R . Lord 56 B . Smith 57 M . McPherso n 58 D . Velenzis i 59 T. Patte n 64 T Thomas 68 K. Drummon d




1) Sectio n WHITEFRIARS Coach: Des Meagher Ptes coach: Brim Grille 1 D . Fedele

2 M . Bateman (C) 3 M . Carbon e 5 M . Robinso n 6 C . Houston (VC) 7 P. Coghlan 8 A . Davi s 9 C. Maguire 10 A. Pawlik 11 R . Reidy 12 A. Lacey 13 T. Hughes 14 T. Carrigg 15 P. Campbel l 16 B . Vandenboom 17 A . Carbone (VC) 18 D. Quilt y 19 M . Jongebloed 20 S . McAuliffe 22 R . Pasqualotto 23 P. Ciardull i 24 R . Mika 25 D . Griffin 26 C . Rya n 27 D . Vandenboom 28 C. Eames 29 A . Glenn 30 M . Power 31 N . Jenkins 32 M . Borrack 33 C. Harris 34 D. Gloufchev 35 C . Law (VC) 36 D . Nolan 37 P. O'Brien 38 C . Carrig g

39 M . Winterburn 40 A . Thwaites 41 C. O'Connor 43 N . Elliot 44 A . O'Connor 45 M . Lester 46 G . Johnson 47 M . Nolan 48 D. Delzoppo 49 C. Callander 50 T. Burgoine 51 L . Eames 54 S. Gillan

56 D . Rio 57 J . McFarlane 58 J . Ri o 59 D . Gentilin 61 D . Cassar 62 R . Tartaglia 64 M . Duffy 65 C . Winterburn

YARRA VA--Y Ccach: DaM Ky{e Res Coecte ftxlan Ruddy 1 PI Telfor d

2 F. Macvean 3 R . Thompson 4 M . Fun g 5 A . Drew 6 D. Howse 7 J . Downs 8 L . Morris 9 C . Ross 10 N . Dodwell 11 C . Reynolds 12 M . White 13 O. Kysela 14 M . Simpson 15 J . Koenan 16 B . Smillie 17 A . Lain g 18 L. White 19 S . Thompson 20 S . Frame 21 A. Livesey-Cole 22 T Wapshott 23 D . Balshaw 24 M . Davies 25 T. Habben 26 G. Mcleod 27 A . Rowe 28 J . Macvean 29 P. Peterson 30 D . Potter 31 C. Padgett 32 C . Heffernan 33 D . Ireland 34 T. Chrisfield 35 B. Peake 36 R . Penaluna 37 D . Francome 38 B . Morrison 39 T. Reddaway 40 M . Whit e 41 B . Downs 42 T. Crean 43 H . Park 44 J . H o 45 L. Ree s 47 B . Mcllwrath 48 R . Davis 49 S . Seabourne 50 P. Ford 52 A. Hartnett 53 S. Corcoran 54 T. Hal e 55 S . Taylo r 56 L. Harrington 57 G . White 58 G . Kerr 59 A . Joiner 60 F. Yendell 63 T. Strong 64 T. Gentl e 66 A . Biesbroek 71 M . Laing 72 R . Lawton 76 J . Scales


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Garry Petroff writes about Saturday VAFA matches played and previews the Sunday A section Match of the Day.

UMPIRES CORNF hy Leah Gallagher and Ads 1,1 Kiel Welcome back after the weeks break where both teams and umpires have the chance to reflect o n their performances so far and reassess goals for the second half of the year . The break is more than that, it's a chance for the body to repair any damage done so far. Important message from our leader Mick Sneddon about the break "Do your footy tipping for two weeks" . The break is mainly for the VAFA representativ e games to be played and we congratulate all players who wore the Big Vjumpers, from our band of umpires we congratulate these umpires who represented our Association in these games : Senior match: Martin Jackson, C-F match: Steve McCarthy, Under 19 inatch: Andrew Stephe n MILESTONE Today we have Graeme Thwaites celebrating his 250th game . Graeme is an umpire and works hard both off the field or on the field, he is always at social functions and always pushing the umpires cause . Whether teams or spectators love him or hate him, Graeme always goes about his job professionally and the umpires wish him the best in todays' game. PROMOTIONS

With the rotation system up and going it gives other umpires a chance in a higher grade, with that in mind these guys are given the chance . Tim Sutcliffe into A section . Mark Jenkins into B section . Chris Stevens into C section . Rick Love into D section . GET WELL Former umpires advisor Kevin McKay went into Mercy Private hospital on June 3rd for a hip replacement . Kevin will be there for 7-10 days where he will be transferred to a rehabilitation hospital (likely Bethesda Hospital) for 3-4 weeks . I'm sure Kevin would appreciate any visits from former umpires or running umpires who know of him. GOOD BYES A couple of running umpires have been given better appointments from their work place and have in the true umpiring spirit taken them up . Tim Ovadia will be going overseas to work in London (Check to see if he owes money on the slate) . Chris Wallis is heading north to Brisbane wit h ~vork, a very entertaining umpire and thanks for shouting the bar before leaving . HIGHLIGHTS Former boundary umpire (from 1987) Paul Carroll is now running the boundary for Whitefriars . Last game Leah and Paul ran together was in 1987 before Paul went to the AFL, last week they umpired together as a field umpire and a goal umpire (Paul had a rest from the boundary). How times change .

New boundary umpire Matthew Cook was late to his game (only just), reason for lateness fell on his father's shoulders (David Cook) for seeing a Club 18 game . yet out of this young Matt forgot his jocks and ran with two pairs of shorts on . Come half time the young man was struggling with a comfort level, on advice of the two female umpires he put the boxers on, taped them up and went out wearing one pair of shorts. Matt not only ran better in the second half but was breathing better. ME ETING HIGHLIGHT S The Treasurers Report receiving a round of applause for the first time . White Wacka winner : Kept another month by Bernie Hoare . Woody Award : Nigel Pedler for running a C section game on a Saturday then filling in for Richard Eastwood the following day at Elsternwick Park in an A section match . Wanting to buy boots? Blades are still being sold by Property Stewart Vmnie Vescovi so get orders in before the grounds get muddy and you are caught out . Buy a Brick campaign still open . RULE OF THE WEE K In reference to whether lights can be turned on at grounds given dark playing conditions prevail . The rules of the Association state that should both captains or one captain and the field umpire agree that the ground is unfit for play before the match (Rule 84), or during the match (Rule 85) the match shall be abandoned and declared a draw . Obviously the ground being "unfit for play" therefore is interpreted as too dark or foggy etc . in this case . SOCIAL Trivia Night 27th June, $15 cost. Bounce Off Winners to date : Ben Allen, Chris Stevens, Wavne Hinton, James VanBeek . Good to see former umpire and President Richie Simon still running around . Richie umpired an APS game recently and was surprised to learn that Wayne Hinton (on rotation) was also umpiring at the same venue (Old Haileybury) . So it was back to the old times of picking each other up, however doing a public school game and an Under 19 game there was no after match . Although I'm sure the wives were going to have the lads home early. it was not so these two took off to a pub to catch up on things . LEAH & KIELY

Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms BEFORE MATCHES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water Carriers . Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play . To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behind the passage of play. Trainers. May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Attire - Ru n n era . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only, Water Carriers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers . VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only .

Because of the new procedure regarding lodging a request for an investigation, clubs are advised not to phone the VAFA until after 3 2m on a Monday to find if the granting of the prescribed penalty applied for is accepted by the Association . If a request for an investigation, accompanied by a cheque for $200, is received before 3pm Monday following the weekend's game, the prescribed penalty will not be accepted and the matter will be referred to the following day's tribunal for deliberation .

Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain present all scores and match details in a light-hearted manner . Listen to Benny, Tommy and a specia l


guest 9 .00 a .m . each Sunday . Program includes Phil Stevens talking VAFA issues .


1-1,i,,: ear VAFA sponsor Carlton and United Breweries (CUB) has pleasure in presenting a trivia competition which wi ll see the end of each month of the football season one contestan t win two cases of CUB product. ,[he foll owing questions appear today for the first time this month . At the end of June six entries will be drawn from those submitted and the ent ry that has the highest number of r{ .sponses correct will be declared the monthly winner for June . As many entries can be lodged per person per month and each entry should clearly show questions 1 to 13 followed 1 y, t he written responses to each question . 1 . 1 . Halley's Comet flashed across the sky on 2 May 1910 . On that day a child destined to be a famous footballer was born . Halley's Comet did not appear again until 2 May 1986 . On that day, the famous footballer died . His life had span ned from comet to comet . His football had more than a touch of comet about it . He could play cricket a bit too . C an you name him ? 2. In Victori an football only one m an has ever achieved the treble - captained a VFL premier team, captain-coach of a VFL premier team and coached VFL premier team . C an you name him, the years, and the clubs? 3. The Australi an Broadcasting Commission has the same post offi ce box in all capital cities . What is the box number and how did the ABC choose it ? 4. The great Dermott Brereton, fi ve times Hawthorn premiership forward, well remembers his first match for Hawthorn - in the rese rv es . opening match, 1982, against Melbourne at the MCG . He started on the bench, got on the ground, and was soon in action, flying across the front of the pack for a mark . As he lined up to kick for goal, the veteran Melbourne player on the mark started some heavy 'sledging' . Dermie concentrated hard, but alas, the ball went off the side of his boot . The skies turned blue however as the big '1-g' on the mark had run over the mark, Dermie got a 15 metre penalty, another kick, an d put it right through the centre for a goal . Who was the Melbourne defender? It was second time around for him at Melbourne . He's now a comedian commentator . 5 . The Swan s coach . Rodney Eade, recruit from Glenorchy ( Tas), played 229 league games and 21 night games with the Hawks before joining Brisban e Bears . What number did he wear with the Hawks ? 6 . Who was the first captain of the Freman tle Dockers? 7 . Of the three players, Ron Barassi Jnr., Robert Flower and Greg Wells, who kicked the most goals for Melbourne ? 8 . 306 games for his club, 29 finals, 2 League premierships, 11 state games, state captain in his final year, noted by his peers as the most courageous modern day footballer, club captain from mid 1979 until 1987 - can you name him? 9 . The fi rst interstate draft took place in 1981 . Who was the first player named in the first interstate draft? He later coached in the VAFA . 10 . In 1977 for the fi rst and only time in League histo ry the goals kicked by two players from the one club exceeded 200 goals . Can you name the players? 11 . Name the year in which AFL coaches were fi rst allowed to address players at quarter time . 12 . How many club best and fairests did Terry Wallace win in his League career ? 13 . The people listed below were Australian sportsmen who became world champions . Can you put the surname and name the sport? Je an Pierre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bernard 'Midget' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Albert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Geoff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Entries to the CUB Trivia Competition, c/- VAFA PC Box 359 Elsternwick 318 5. ®

The VAFA a 0mow1edges

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Hugh Lyon

E TI (Blue) by Craig Richardso n

Kn itwear irstly we had Swinburne (ever improving) give ~Glenhuntly a belting as did Power House to St . Marys . In what obviously was a tough fought encounter Oakleigh got up against Chirnside by 5 goals. The Pirates smashed Elsternwick and in somewhat of an upset or at least a surprisingly easy victory to Caulfield over Camberwell by 93 points . ROUND 9 Glenhuntly take on Power House after the weeks rest (and perhaps plenty of junk food and beer for all of us) and on form prior to the break should not give Power House too much of a problem. Power House smashed St . Marys last game and seem to have found some resemblance of past form, thus the Pirahna's by 10 goals plus . Chirnside at home take on Swinburne. Swinburne the ever improving side at the moment should and will given Chirnside somewhat of a scare today but in the end I feel Chirnside might have a little too much for them plus the home ground advantage . Chirnside by 4 goals. Elsternwick at the 'Postage Stamp' tackle the Krushers . In what could be a more closely fought out game than ladder positions would normally tell us . However, Oakleigh with more at stake to play for should get up by about 4 goals. In the match of the week Old Camberwell take on Peninsula at home. A slight hiccup last week by Old Camberwell but one that should only shake them up and make them realise that every game needs hard work . The Pirates however won't lay down and in a game that will go right down to the wire . I'11 tip the home side by 2 goals . In the final game . St. Mary's play Caulfield at home . Basically on form etc . Caulfield will continue to boost their already impressive percentage . St . Mary's really do need something special today if they even want to stay within 10 goals, so Caulfield by at least 20 goals . Social Notes : Power House have on tonight their 'Talent Event' . Please make an effort everyone to attend, and see Gary Dean for further details .

Glenhuntly have as previously mentioned their 1-200 Night on tonight with a 7.00pm kick off. I~il~i1 L~ 速 Glenhuntly - Congratulations to John Crooke o reaching 50 games . John first played in 1994 an whilst it has taken him a while to reach his 50 he ha been a consistent contributor this year. Well done . Old Camberwell - Congratulations to Bradle Leitch who today joins the 200 club . The preacher is tough half back and former premiership player, with true love for the club, beer and footy trips . Also Chri Town played his 100th game in round 8. Althoug small in stature, is a courageous hard tackling bacli man . Well done Chris . Power House - Yours truly plays his 100th toda3 Well done Richo from all at Power House FC . Elsternwick - Peter 'Harry's Boy' Harris play his 250th game today. Harry Boy has been at the clu for 20 years . So all at Elstermvick wish him all the ver best. It


MELEES - n=77 A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "

C H A R T E R E D A C C O U N T A N T S Ground Floor, 77 Station Street, Malvern 3144 Victoria Australia Telephone : ( 03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : ( 03) 9509 2379 P.O . Box 73 Malvern 3144 E-mail : scotptnr@ozemail .com .a u 22

A4e r1 11 --- .-,., .r.. .

SENIORS - 30.05 .98

SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 28 .16 .184 GLENHUNLTY 10.8 .66 Swlatutae Untveralty: D. Milano 11 . C. Dell'oho 4. Caviccchiolo 4 . Murphy 3 . Uebergang, Plotrowski. J. Dell'ollo . N. Amith. Hern . Dehono. Best: D . Milano, Piotrowski. Horridge. CaFicchiolo. C . Dell'ollo. N. Smith. Glenhuntly: August 4, McGuinness 2, Jankarie. Stewart. Lewis, Turner. Best : Au~ust, Rossiter. Steuart. Jankovis . Turner. McGuinness . POWER HOUSE 10.2 19.7 26 .12 34.20.224 ST MARYS 0.0 1.3 4 .5 4.7 .31 Power House: Craven It . Richardson 5. Burt 3. Miller 3. Robinson 3. Llovd . Maddern 2. Gill 2 . Harrison. BaIley. Morris. Best : Maddern. Craven. lloyd. Doyle, Wright. Morris. St Marys : Goldsworthy . Learmouth. Kodittwakku. Evans. Best: Goldsuvrthy . Alderson. Clarke, Harrison. OAKLEIGH 2.4 8.7 14.18.102 CHIRNSIDE PARK 3 .1 6.3 10 " .'1 .4 11.5 .71 Oakleigir: Lewis 3 . C . Marshall 3. Heverin 2 . S. Kitts 2 . Bloomfield. Bromley. Mackenzie. Tay9or. Best: C. Marshall. Dooley. Del'Aphita . Taylor . Heverin . Kitts . Chknslde Perk: M . Pemberton 3, S.0ates 2 . Bakey 2. Pope. Pedler. CarusL Thomas . Best Mark Koopmans. Porter. Allatt. Datolto. Mather, W. Pemberton. PENINSULA 9.1 15.3 24 .6 28.10.188 ELSTERNWICK 2.0 3.3 4 .3 7.5 .47 Peainnnla : Paver 6. Goldthorpe 5. A. Bonner 5. Farrar 3 . A. Launrv 2, A. Campbell 2. A. Atchinsan 2. M. Bonner. Angus. C. Landry. Best: Gddthorpe. C . Landry . A. Bonner, payer. Farrar. Crean. Elstemwldc: Byrne 3 . Ward . Curtain. Grant. Ahearn . Best : McDonough, Ward. Byrne. Contin . Brain on, Ahearn . CAULFIELD GRAhfASAR 4 .1 9.5 12 .6 20 .7.127 OLD CAMBERWELL 2.2 2.8 4 .10 4 .10.34 Caulfield Grammar. M . Liddell 6. Baxter 4. Cowilshaw 2 . Restarick 2. Will 2, D. Anderson. Hall, Oscar. Stevenson. Best: BrohIler. Hall. Baxter. Horton. Kcaain . Oscar. Old CamberwelL• Brounless . Hardman. Inkster. T. Johnson. Bed: Short. Slott. Whitehead. Leitch. E. Williams, Ryan.

RESERVES -- 30.05 .98

Andrew Will (Caulfield Grammar) an d A. Gibbs (Old Ca.mberwelt) compete in their Round 8 clash at GIenhuntly Park.

GLENHUNTLY v. POWER HOUSE Field : Albie Firlev (R) Ross Treverto n CHIRNSIDE PARK v. SWINBURNE UNI . Field : Ntark Morrison Ron Smith ELSTERNWICK v . OAKLEIGH Field : David Anderson Andy Carrick OLD CAMBERWELL v . PENINSULA OB Field : Garry Waldron Daniel Ischia ST. MARYS v . CAULFIELD GR. Field : Ron Martyn

Hugh Lyo n Knitwear

SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 19 .16.130 GLENIIUli1ZY 3 .8.26 Swinburne University: Andrlnopolous 6. Hlll Kremann 3 . Goode 3. Freeman 2, Philip 2. Drahtklis. DeMarte. James. Best: Phlllps. Freeman . Hillgemann. Snow, Andrtnopolous. Jeffrey. Glen}runtly: Do3dge. Bishop. McCilnden. Beet: D. Jones . Callander, Guilteri . M . Jones. Derrick. Doidge . POWER HOUSE 6.2 10.5 11.5 13.8 .86 ST MARYS 3.3 4.5 8.7 9.9 .63 Power House: Kerr 4 . Senior 2. Cross. Newfield . Hearn. Bailey . Burnside . Evans . Best: Senior. Marshall. Bailey, Tucker. Vestergaaro. Allan. St Marys: hill 3 . Leahy 3. Joyce 2. Tahos . Best : Leahy. Tahos. Joseph. Haussler. C~den . OAIG.EIGH 4 .1 5.5 8 .8 6 .12 .48 CHIRNSIDE PARK 1 .0 3.3 4 .3 8.5.41 Oaklelgh : Iachello 3. Gant 2. R. Bonaclgio. Best: Oram . Kilner. Stirling. Nuske, A. Wood. [anchello. Chirnside Park. Oates 2 . Skein. Burns, Kimpton. Hussey . Beat: Mariner . P. Egan. Mosca. Macarthur. Hussev . Davison. PENINSULA 7.4 14.11 17 .15 22 .19.151 ELSTERNWICK 3.1 5.1 8 .2 7.4 .46 Peninsula : Claringtxild 5. Whelan 3, Atchinson 3. Lloyd 3. Fisher 3. Farrmv 2. Nelson. Haley. Pritchard. Best : Fisher, Warner, Whelan . Muir. Claringbold . Lloyd. E}siernwick: Kirkham 3, Rav 2 . Davison. Currie. Best : Grandemange. Davison. Rae .Wr1q1 t . Kirkham . Norris , CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2.2 4.2 7 .3 8.5.53 OLD CAMBERWELL 5.1 7.5 8 .9 12 .11 .83 Caulfield Grammar. Holloway 4 . Scholten . Moaissev . S . Williams. Bowes . Best: Ash . Morrissey. Dicrosta Gurr. Bowes. Castles, Old CambuweBv Orin 5. SaRar 3. Freedman. Jennings . Lenton. Strachan. Best: Mites . Jennings. Orwin. Cohen . Swann. Sollgo.


E Blue caU M D


Coach: Geoff Reilley Res Coach : Matthemr Sctaken 1 M . Millard

2 B . Hall 3 D . Anderson (C) 4 S . Stevenso n 5 W. Horton 6 A . Kahofe r 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart-Walsh 9 W. Bowes 10 A . Will 11 M . Cassidy 12 J . Farmer 13 D . Gurr 14 S . Klose 15 R . Castles 16 T. Royals 17 G . Williams 17 P. Anderson 18 N . Cox 19 B . Baxter 20 H . Vella 20 M . Klos e 21 N . Brohier (VC) 22 T. Townley 23 D . Ash 24 K . Dach s 25 N . Lubransky 25 T. Waile s 26 S . Williams 27 R .Keown 27 R . Morrissey 28 T. Chan 29 D . Schrimski 30 D . Low e 31 J . Holloway 32 M . Dicrosta 33 N . Silve r 34 J . Margerison 35 A. Lawrence 36 R . Gosstray 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 M . Phelan 41 M . Liddell 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 C . Bettany 45 T. Oscar 46 G . Lehner 47 L . Salem 48 S. Varthalis 49 B. Cowling 50 M. Cutler 51 J . Liddell 54 B. Lyons 55 M . Davies 56 A. Dowd 59 A. Beauchamp 60 M . Barnet t 62 A. Coventry 69 A. Gooding

co~cn: se~, .i Res Coach: KalO~es 1 M . Pemberton 2 A . Sor e 3 G . Skein 4 M . Carusi 5 M . Holliday 6 J . Brown 7 V. Piccioli 8 S . Oates 9 W. Pemberton 10 M . Koopmans 11 G . Wyngard 12 D . Paol a 13 E. Westmore 14 D . Dasolto 15 S. McIntosh 16 M . Walker 17 B. Pedle r 18 M . Massarotti 19 C . Picciol i 20 K. Oates 21 S. Cousins 22 P. Delguidice 23 R. Davidson 24 D. McHenry 25 R. Henderson 26 G . Kellaway 27 L. Lowe n 28 J . Mosca 29 P. Schilling 30 L. Mather 31 M . Ogstan 32 G. Laidlaw 33 A . Chirnside 34 A . Thomas 35 MT. Koopmans 36 D . Kar p 37 L . Bakey 38 G . Kimpton 39 N . Sibbing 40 T. Marriner 41 D . Kennedy 42 A. Conte 43 A. Burnes 44 R. Chirnside 45 W, Hussey 46 P. Egan

47 N . Egan 48 R. Gray 49 C. Peters 50 C. Lindsay 52 G. Lambkin 53 B . Driver 54 D . Skillern 55 P. Churchill 56 R . McArthur 57 J . Whiteside 58 A. Mather 59 D . Harvey 60 P. Pop e 61 G . Pillikidis

Coach: Rod William Res Coach: Mnd ewCurtan 1 L. Murphy

2 A . Hankin 3 T. Byrn e 4 5 6 7

M . Savage M . Whelan G. Jenkins D . Le e

8 S. Currie 9 S. Clement 10 R . Bravington 11 P. Mahony 11aL . Messiaglia 12 N . Wigmore 13 P. Stankovich 14 S .Soppett 15 F. Diangregorio 16 M . Surma n 17 J . Ward 18 A . Neil l 19 R. Buckingham 20 M . Hunt 21 M . Noonan 22 M . Mussard 23 S . Curtain 24 B . Franken 25 A . Patterson 26 C . Mahony 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S . Mahony 30 J . Wright 31 G . Devonshire 32 T. Swinnerton 33 J . Overman 34 A. Conli n

35 P. McNally 36 B. Bravington 37 J . Whit e 38 M . Bell 39 P. Allan 40 M . Ray 41 A . Tilley 42 S . Ramsey 43 C. Lyons 44 G . Corri e 45 R . Grandemange 46 J . Kosij 47 M . Franken 48 J . Ahern 49 C . Walker 50 D . Hosking 51 M . Bullard 52 P. Broderick 53 R . Williams 54 S. Kirkham 55 P. Harris 56 D . Steele 58 K. Campbell 59 M . Laci s 60 S . Park 61 M . Purcell 62 C. Allan 63 T. Baxter

GLENHUNTLY Coach : Stew Alliender Res Coach: Peter Derrick 1 B. Wilso n 2 C. Whelan 3 T Hil l

4 D. Cassar 5 J . Allessi 6 P. McGuinness 7 M . Kouts 8 J . Janis 9 A . Antonio 10 A . Young 11 T. Rossiter 12 S . OiReilly 13 M . Kratewski 14 J. Gilmore 15 P. Bresli n

16 C .Johnson 17 S . August 21 I . Turner 22 G . Richards 23 P. Thomas 24 A. Worsnop 26 T. Short 27 M. Gulton 28 C . Murray 30 B. Stewart 31 L. Thomas 32 S . Jankovic 33 D.Jones 34 B . Mille r 35 J . Commerford 36 R. Hall 37 A . Breslin 38 A . Haggarty 39 T. Hosking 40 L . McAuliffe 42 M . Stahmer 43 M . Jones 44 B .OiDonnell 45 R . Stannage 46 A. Bain 47 J . Walton 48 J . Young 50 G . Lewis 52 C . Mitchell 53 D . McLinden 54 D . Mance 55 S . Pappin 56 R . Bateman 57 M . Ryan 58 J . Crooke 60 M .Johnson 62 G . Panozzo 63 C. Tho m 64 65 66 67 68

M . Callender P. Harrison P. Fogarty B . Hodge R . Dolg e

69 G. Fletcher 71 P. Jones

Rafferty the Wrecker

OAKLEIGH ,q.F.C, cOWl,: Chris Moore Res Coecf : Pew

1 R. Ge c 2 A . Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 P. Heveri n 5 C. Riches 6 K . Marshall 7 P. Donadel 8 R . Marshall 9 J. Moutis 10 M . Wood 11 C . Hanley 12 A . Zavaleris 13 J. Knapper 14 B. Dell'Aquila 15 G . Redford 16 J . Niko 17 P. Hamilton 19 P. Taylor (C) 20 T. Adami c 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 S . Osborn e 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitt s 25 C. Marshall 26 A . Kitt s 27 S . Adaway 28 A . Monaghan 29 D . Hal l 30 J . Stevens 31 T. Bromley 32 G. Perpina 34 S . Kilner 35 R . Nuske 36 D . Dooley 37 P. Nikakis 39 J. Bonaddio 40 C . Taylo r 41 G . Malapanis 42 G . Orland o 43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 B. Woodard 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 S. Lewis 50 P. Leslie 51 J . Bonaddio 52 P. Andrinopoulos 53 T. lanchell o 54 A. Atherinos 55 B . Gran t 56 J . Alis s 57 S . Simopoulos 59 J . Brown 60 M .Oram 61 A . Moulang 63 D . Woods 64 J . Tolley 65 B . Stirling 66 A . Wood 67 B . Gant

SP .. ., -., ., .. vn r ac. v CHADSTON E


E Blue

~ ca ERwEUCaxte Mathew Har sa n _ fies CaadxxPndrewT>ud 1 J. McLean

PENINSULA O .B. Coecte &ett MrMvraih Rw Coaclx Net Re s

1 S. Parsons 2 T. Jame s 2 S . McMahon 3 A. Inkster (VC) 3 A . McCorinan 4 S . Jack 4 E . Bowen 5 S . Horskins 5 N . Kent 6 A . Seeley 6 M . Warner 7 M. Scott . Town SC 7 N . Franks g A. Gibbs 8 P. Angus 10 M . Hanson 9 P. Keohn ti J . Heffernan 9 P. Krohn 12 J. Wilson (C) 10 T. Trewhitt 13 N . Sims 14 R . Whitehead (VC) 11 A. Landry 15 M. Sho rt 12 A. Campbell 16 D. Walker 13 V. Brancaijano 17 R. Pik e 15 B . Coo k 18 A . Brownless 16 S . Claringbold 1g M . Freedman 20 A. Hill s 17 L . Barcla y . Hardman 21 T 18 S. Glove r 22 S . Chow 19 M . Goldthorpe ,23 D. Bell 20 C. Landry 24. D .Imberger 21 M . Bonner 25 A . Taylor 26 M . Stones 22 A . Atchison 27 T. Doherty 23 R . Sharpin 28 B. Leitch 24 B. Wight 29 T Johnson 25 S. Atchison ,30' S . Ro e 26 C . Lloyd 31" L . O'Mahony 27 S . Payze 32 E. Williams °33 M. Richmond 28 B . Taylor 34 P. McCare 29 R . Bedford 35 M . Hopkins 30 A . Crean 36 S . Derry 31 A. Gross '37 R. Gillan 32 A. Parsons 38 R . Scott ,39, C . EVans 33 D. Sims 'd0 J. Harvey 34 T. Bradon 41 L . Ryan 35 G. Park 42 R. Pratt 36 N . Bowman 43 T Walker 37 T. Stewart 44 S . Smith 46 T. Reid 38 M . Well s 47 P. Lenton 39 R. Pritchard 48 J. Swann 40 S . Marshall 49 A. Kent 41 S . Farrow 50 B. McKenzie 42 A. Mal e 51 A. Ro g ers 52 J . Mcllwain 43 M. Bonner 53 B . MCI [wain 44 J . Mui r 54 P. Richmond 45 D . Scown 56 N . Saffa r 46 A . O'Neil 57 T. Simpson 47 T. Cox 58 C . Williams 59 D. Alex 48 J. Bleasby 60 B . Kallio 49 J . Whelan 61 T. Johnson 50 R. Blood 62 C. Bayford 52 M . Fisher 63 C . Strachan 54 M . Dentry 64 B. Day 55 R . Cannon 65 J . Miles E6 T. Hamilton 56 R . Powney 67 P. Craig 58 B. Jackson 68 P. Thomas 60 P. Cooper 69 P. Cohen 62 D. Cross 70 D . Jennings 66 A . Hayley 69 S . Farrar •' ALL ELECTRICAL & GAS HOME APPLIANCE S

9857 8061 0



~ . . .~~ ., -

POWERHOUSE I ST. MARY'S Coed): Peter OMeri Coach Evan Evan Res Caactc C* Rkhardsm Res Coe* Pft Diw ldt

1 J . Gent 2 J . Hall 3 J. Grey 4 C . Lloyd 5 M . Braini 6 D. Burt 7 C. Richardson 8 S . Cross 9 A . Morris 10 T. Bailey 11 J . Gill 12 R. Wright 13 J . Harris 14 Hazelwood 15 C . Trewin 16 L . Bold 17 C . McLeod 18 C. Doyle 19 J .Evans 20 D . Allen 21 D . Miller 22 P. Bates 23 S . Craven 24 R. Williams 25 S . Evans 26 J . Senior 27 S. West 28 J . Tucker 29 T. Madden 30 P. Harrison 31 R . Marshall 32 B . Wilson 33 R . Taylor 34 A. Doughton 35 C. Williams 36 A . Robinson 37 M . Hansen 38 P. Phelan 39 O . Vestergarrd 40 C . Burnside 41 S . Clayto n 42 N. Deans 43 W. Uran 44 G. Dean 45 P. Ghazouani 46 S. McCardel 47 D . Norman 48 D. Phelan 49 A . Jame s 50 A . Stand l 51 B. McKenzie 52 E. Krolmark 53 A. Kerr 54 J . Blowfield 55 N . Uran 56 J . Hem 57 C . O'Connor 61 B. McNamara 66 D. Wright 70 R . Haywood 87 T. Friend 88 G. Scotland

1 M . Learmonth 2 L. Cosso n 3 R . Livingston 4 A . Bel l 5 L . Willis 6 W. Stuart 7 T. Pettin i 8 R . Kodituwakku 9 T. Gun n 10 T. Jones (VC) 11 K . Gillard 12 B . Summerf ield 13 J. Chapman 14 P. Watso n 15 D . Andrews 16 A . Wilcox 17 S . Leahy 18 B . Frai l 19 B. Ibbotson 20 G . Crouch 21 T. Ymer (C) 22 R. Alle n 23 S . Parsons 24 I . Gouliet 25 M . LeLevire 26 P. Fraser 27 G. McConnell 28 J . Innes 29 J . Cogdon 30 S . Rhodes 31 J . Finch 32 J . Boyes 33 P. Stevens 34 R . Ferwerda 35 G . Theoharris 36 E. Evan s 37 J . McCashney 38 F. Harrison 39 A . Wood s 40 S . De Youn g 41 W. Goldswo rthy 42 T. Worra l 43 L . Wilson 44 P. Dinnick 45 A . Gunn 46 J . Bernadi 47 M . Bona 48 D . Morcom 49 S. De Young 50 P. Frase r 51 A. George 52 F. Sadler 53 R . Ferwerda 54 S . Goldswo rt hy 55 J. Duc k 56 A. Gunn 57 J . Grainger 58 T. Azzapadi 59 J . Hil l 60 C. Tetley 61 J .Joseph 62 G. Hayes 63 T. Ove rton 64 S. Parsons 65 P. Harti g an 66 S . Rhodes 67 S . Stone 68 M . Scammell 69 G. Neve n 70 A . Goldswort hy 71 N . Malloc h 72 L . Phillips 73 J . Traxnack 74 J . Wedrien 75 J . Brown 76 J .Jayden 77 T. Timbury 88 A . Ballantyne

SWINBURNE UNI Coach : G~y Hkkey Res Ca~ch : Geotf Barry 1 M . Milano 2 J . Sheedy 4 D . Dell'Olio 5 J . Dell'Olio 6 M. Johnston 7 A. Hamilton 8 J . Horridge 10 R . Turnbull 11 G. Barry

14 R . Goode 17 S . Le e 18 A . Fiumani 19 B . O'Mara 20 A . Hilgemann 21 T. Dymond 22 S . Flyn n 23 C. Smith 24 S . Fiztgibbon 27 D . Murphy 29 D . DePaoli 30 P. Turk 32 A . Sartitsis 33 D . Milano 35 T. Grimshaw 38 N . Hadsiangeli 39 G . Crouch 40 M . Stroud 43 C . Freeman 44 N . Morgan 45 R . Potter 48 M . De Bono 50 B . Caulfield 51 P. James 52 J . Piotrowski 53 M . McCalman 55 T. Bennett


SECTIONE (White) by Barry Hicke y


ell it's looking like the present top three sides will only lose to each other and UHS, Nort h and CY are going to fight it out for the fourth spot . It remains to be seen though, whether the autumn top dogs can maintain their ascendancy during the winter months, when it could be very different . The Reserves race is less predictable, any one of the top five could beat the other four, but if there's a stand out Ressies team right now, it has to be Kew . The VAFA meeting threw me this week for those who normally ring me on Monday evenings, hopefully we'll have a full book of reports for Round 10 . TWO WEEKS BAC K UHSOB and Richmond Central staged a ripper at the Brens where Central always seemed to have something in hand, but still had to fend off a hard charging UHS in the last term . Chris Andonopolous had a day out at HF, with Andy Siwka starring at both CHF and CHB for Central, who are looking very settled and ominously good . Fitzroy Reds took the game right up to the Old Carey in the first and third terms but were unable to convert excellent defence and midfield play into enough goals to stay with the C's . The difference in this respect was the C's Matt Spencer who kicked goals regardless of well organised 'filled holes', 'plugged avenues' and 'players dropping back' . Dino Faelis was busy in mid-field for the C's, with Bucko Jackson defending stoutly. Farrell was courageous all day for Reds, Keppell rucked superbly, with Teehan and Jackson giving plenty of drive through the centre . North Brunswick were too strong for La Trobe University with forwards Adrian Tirchett and Peter Dimarco being given an armchair ride by North's talented bunch of running centres and onballers . Jeremy Freeman kicked a dazzler for North in the last term, 40m out in the Allard's notorious 'dead' pocket and on the run, it didn't look like missing . The Trobers were able to stay in touch until half-time, but then North slipped away . Having skipper, Bill Brown, back will bolster the Trobers, and they also had good games from forwards Robinson and Cameron . Williamstown CYMS had a resounding win against Bull een Cobras after an even first quarter . The CY midfielders, Bushy Pawczyinski, Cooky and Owie gave big Crusty heaps of scoring chances . CY's may well be the smokies in the run home to the finals . Old Westbourne were overwhelmed by Kew after the long break when they had no counter to the visitors' physical strength . Glen Robson stood tall for the Warriors, with Fairfield, Vincent and

Taylor defending well . The K's are a very good side, with even more depth this year than last . THIS WEE K UHSOB versus Reds will be a top game tc watch . Both sides make the ball their object, ant have talented players running into form . They aisc both performed well against strong opposition las week, but UHS's forward set up seems to be work ing better than the Red's is in the last few garne ; and this will be the telling factory today. UH ; should take the points by three or four goals . Cobras take on North at the Koonung Reserve which now has just about the best surface of an, ground in amateur football . And the Cobras are ; five or six goal better side on it . Like CY, Nortl seems to have a better list to pick from each week and their bottom half of the season will be a bi ; improvement on the top half . And while Wayn, Olney and Browney are having great seasons ii defence for the Cobras, they will have their worl cut out stemming the floor of the ball tha Grimaldi, Sorletto, Thorpe and Co send dowa towards Adrian Tirchett and Peter Dimarco . Afte a great game, North should win by 3 or 4 goals . Kew host Wi lliamstown in what will be a rea measure of how much CY has improved in the las few weeks . Playing Kew anywhere is dauntin, enough, at Victoria Park they seem to be twice a big and quick as they already are . Kew's bi advantage is their versatility, Bell and Bradley pla an equally high standard in defense or attaclf Greg Crimmins would be just at home in the cen tre as he is at full back . Even so CY has a stron defence led by Manning and Black, and their han running midfielders will give the K's a few prob lems . However, not enough to prevent Kew win b about 7/8 goals. The C's meet the Warriors at Bulleen with th latter having had a rough trot with injuries durin the year to date . As happened in 1997, OW wi probably have a better winter series than th autumn has brought, there is no doubting th Warrior's persistence though, and in the position al duels each of the C's key players will have t fight for every possession . In the end, the C's pac and disposal skills should bring them a 5 or 6 go, win. Reserves winners are likely to be : UHSOE Central, North, Kew, and the C's . Correspondents the Monday numbers ar 9547 9144 . Fax 9547 7764, or Sunday/Monda nights 9818 1425 . THF AMATFI IR F[InTRA(LER 191



. _ . -_.

._ .. ,

. .

tt'illiamstown CYMS - Congratulations to Dar--n "Smokie" Dawson who celebrated his 2oOthgame in Round 8 . Former President, leading ,~,,Jkicker, life member, former captain of the seconds and limerick singer has made the no . 2 legeiidary down at the CY's . Well done from all .

Old Westbonrne - The Warriors' Phil King placs his 50th today after coming to this code later than most . Phil's skills belie his late start, and his carnmates salute his achievement .


~ VV J'~ Coiol l!,,(~°

1(fi'n Tl~





OLD WESTBOURNE v . WILLIAMSTOWN CYM S 7fJ~ ~ UHSOB v . FITZROY REDS Field : Michael Forde %tichael Gilday Goal : John Finn Robert Parry RICHMOND CENTRAL v . LA TROBE UNI . Field : ho%-ill McNeice David Mille r BULLEEN COBRAS v . NORTH BRUNSWICK ; icld : Pat Maebus Clarke Thuy s KEW v . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field: Shaun Rolls (R) Paul Lamble OLD CAREY v. OLD WESTBOURNE Field : Tony Psinas Barry Bolger


SENIORS - 30 .05.9 8

UHSOB 4 .1 8.3 12.6 17,11 .113 RICHMOND CENTRAL 8 .4 13.8 19.9 22.12.144 UHSOB: Stevens 4, Da4lsdon 3 . Talarico 3. Mazza 2, Ew~, McLean . Farrellv. Skinns. Gunthorpe. Best: McLennan. EFans, Skims, Stevens, MeLEan . Janis. Davidson . Richmond Ceatra7 : Byrnes 5. Andoncrpaulos 3. Bme 3 . S . Shannn 3. Newton 2, O'Sullivan 2 . Porteous 2 . Waters. Sinka . Best : Andonopoutos, Sinka . O'Sullnan. S. Shannon. Murphy. Byrnes. FITZROY REDS 2.2 2.5 8.6 9 .8.62 OLD CAREY 2 .2 9.3 11.4 16.11 .107 Fitzroy Reds: McLennan 3. Farrell 3 . Walsh . Lee, Wright. Best Farrell. hicLenn Fawaz. Doyle. Trindade . P. Keppel. Old Carny: Spencer 10. Battle 2 . Curry 2, Price . Esler. Best: Faclts . Wright. Jackson. Gibson, Price. B'vk6(. NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.5 8 .11 13.18 23.22.160 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 2 .1 5 .2 6.5 8.7.55 North Brnnswkk: A. Tirchett 7. Dimarco 4. Pi2zari 3. Kyriazis 2, M. Sor2eto. Grima2dL J. Boudoon. Wernham, Famularl, McMahon . Freeman. Best: Dhnarco, Pizz3rL Grhnalsi . M . ScTleto . Whiteman. R . Thorpe . La Trobe University : G. Robinson 2 . SMebottom 2 . Atcock 2 . Moon . Willls. Best: G. Murphy. Broun. Cameron . G. Robinson. WILLIAMSTOWN 4 .5 10.7 15 .12 22 .18.148 BULLEEN COBRAS 3 .2 5.3 7.6 8.9 .57 Williamstown: Owen 6 . Sadler 5, Bezzant 3. Bryan 2, Black 2. Allen . Cook, Cocks. Berszkev. Best: Berszkev, GxEn, Cook . Sadler. Black. Dooley. BuBeen Cobras: Clements S . J. Moran 2, Humphrey . Mozzarella Sheehan. Best: Schneider, Dallogho . J.Moran . Mazzarella Sheehan, Clemenis. OLD K'EEIBOURNE 3 .1 4 .4 6.8 8.9.57 KEW 4.5 6.10 12.15 17.22.124 Old Wesbourne: Robson 4. Tay3or. Moore 2 . P. King. Best : Robson . Dangerfield, Fairfield. Vincent. Taylor.Cra~~ Kew: King 4. Sheehan 3. Bell ~, McMahon 2, J . Barnes, Cullen, J . PulvlrentL LafranehL S . Bruno. Best: Bell. LandaRher, Cullen . Cracknell, Bradley. S. Bruno.

RESERVES - 30.05 .9 8

UHSOB 8 .8 9.10 18.14 22.19 .151 RICHMOND CENTRAL 0.1 1 .2 1 .2 3.2.20 UHSOB : Leaickt 6, Mills 3, K. Jones 3. De Luse 3 . James 2, Cook 2, Dixon. O'Neil. Best : Hellner, Leuick6 Dikvn. DeLuLSe. Sefo4i Mills. Richmond Central Jackson 2, Hickey. Best : Bunshau. Manning, Flares, Faulkner, Gustafsson. Jackson. FITZROY REDS 3.4 7.5 9.7 10.10.70 OLD CAREY 5.5 8.10 11 .13 18 .15.123 Fitzroy Reds: Print 4. Kane 3. Daalder. K}TLicou . Fireman . Best : Daatder, Kinsman . Frisby. OConnar. J. Kepjxt. Old Carey: Bardwell 6 . Small 4. that 2. I.Cohen 2 . S. Addison. Wheatiev, Richards . Patterson . Best : Bardwell, Hart . M . Curry, Gardiner, Mudge Patterson . NORTH BRUNSWICK 3 .4 7.7 12.11 16.14 .110 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 3.0 5.2 5.5 7.11.53 North Brunswkk : S. Laoutatzes 4 . P. Sorleto 3 . Hogg 3 . Evans 2, Anderson 2, Lucantoni. Abdelnour. Best : Nagi, S. Laoumtzes. Bradfors, Hong, Jewell, Abdelnour. La Trobe Uaiverslty : McMillan 2, Heathcote. Leddernamn . A . Murphy, Fry. Bortone . Best : McMillan. Bortone, D . Murphy, A. Murphy . WILLIAMSTOWN 7.3 15,9 20 .13 28 .20.188 BULLEEtt COBRAS 3.3 3.4 3 .4 4.5.29 WBBamstown: Dawson 10 . G. Burgess 7. Ryan 2. Kennedy 2 . Hann 2, D . Wouda 2. Beckwith. Lubic. Tuck. Best: Dawson. G. Burgess, Ryan. Hann, D. Wouda Savoia BuBeea Cobras: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not rec®ived ) OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .0 2.4 2.4 2 .6 .18 KEW 7 .4 14 .8 19.14 29.15.189 Old Westbourne : Giddins. Bllhnan. Best : Jenldnson . Williamson, FlowTr. Cummin, AquWna. Kew: M . Maseitti 10. Kirklakou 5. Acfeeld 3 . Baker 3. Donoman 2. Porter 2 . Wells . Penesis. Harrison, Mielorini . Best: in. Mascitti. Harrison . RhILs, Mighoflni . Dononan. Dalrymple.


Phone : (03) 9561 7577 Fax : (03) 9561 7566


Coach: Joe D Angeyo Res Coaclx Jamie Redfern

1 R . Schneider 2 T. Orwin 3 M . Stratton 4 N . Cartledge 4 N . Cart ledge 4 I . McLeod 5 M . Dalloglio 6 B . Hoare 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 8 S . Gayler 9 P. Goetz 10 S . Wagg 11 S . Petty 12 A . Issa 13 S. Dillon 14 B. Mott 15 M . James 16 D . Trinchi 17 Gareth Brown 18 R . B Badanjek '

19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 M . Strahan 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern 24 P. Zorzi 25 W . OlneyY

26 A . Gillard 27 C. Pasiopoulos 28 B . Liras 29 A . Summers 30 C . Parker 31 S. Moran 32 C . Clements 33 A. Cook 34 M . D'Angelo 35 T. Se tt e 36 D . Van Pelt 37 J . Paatsch 38 Graham Brown 39 T. Karanikos 40 S . Lennon 41 N. Polites 42 G . Lekkas 43 R. Caiazzo 44 B . Moran 45 M . Sheehan 46 A . Humphrey

47 J . Polimakos 48 M . Soumlinis 49 M . Fitt 53 S . Stratton 69 L . Thompson

Senior Co ach: Gant FLvrmard Res Coach., Dam Kam

1 M . Frisby 2 A . Walsh 3 C . Daalder 4 M . Carracher 5 D . Kane 6 S . Kidd 7 J . Doyl e 8 M . Farrell g D . Fitts 10 James Briffa 11 F. Cocco 12 J . Smith 13 A. Hoare 14 B. Campbell 15 P. Keppell 16 M . Wha rfe 17 B . Lee 18 M . Heenan 19 A. Centra 20 D. Hope 20 A . Leddi n 21 J . Kinsman 22 S . Picke tt 23 A . Jackson 24 C. Tehan 25 P. Jackson 26 M . Hart 27 J . Loft 28 N . Hall 29 D . East 30 J. Campbell 31 M . Ross 32 T. Hart 33 S. Dru ry 34 M . Merh i 35 A. Mackinnon 36 W. Fawaz 36 R . Ryan 37 C . Sheather 38 C . Prior 39 A. George 40 R. McLennan 41 S . O'Carroll 42 I . McBurney 43 F. Tomai 44 Ben Ha rt 45 P. James 46 N . Man n 47 C. McGregor 48 A . Dove 49 R . Zapelli 50 E . Kyriacou 51 G. Thurgood 52 B . O'Connor 53 Z. Senbergs 54 S. Kleinitz 55 D . Atkins 56 T. Madden 57 R . Kenna 58 G . Evans 59 B. Rya n 60 S. Slieker 61 B. Terrill 62 N . Ber ryman 63 D. Trindade 65 J . Solly 67 J . Keppel l 80 G . Box


Coecte Serge DAngeb Res: Richard Baker

1 2 3 4 5 6 6

B . Lafranch J . Kalpakis R . Pulvirenti G . Crimmins J . Barne s C . Hope A. Felmingham

7 D D . Hope 8 J . Pulvirenti A. Gencarelli ( VC ( 9 A

10 B . Cullen (C) 11 A. Barnes 12 S . McMahon 13 C. Kiriako u 14 G . Campbell 15 M . Bria 16 D . Wood 17 J . Bell (VC) 18 N . King (VC) 19 N . P eters • 20 H . Sheehan 21 D . Hannam 22 J . Paron 23 I . Baccin i 24 B . Dimasi 25 C . Bradley 26 M . Channon 27 D . Cracknell 28 L . Donova n 29 M . Dal ry mple 30 C . Giansante 31 A. Wells 32 J . Chow 33 J . Po rt e r 34 M . Mascitti 35 R . Bruno 36 A. Skerritt 37 W. Lombardini 38 M . Frazer 39 A . Kennegiesser 40 G . Muckian 41 R. Livingston 42 C. Livingston 43 J . Daumis 44 A . Danne 45 J. Bortone 46 D . Mascitti 47 H . Penensiu s 48 M . Dandanis 49 S. Hodgson 50 G . Apolstalakos 51 M . Blair 52 1 . Fletcher 53 M. Guy 54 M . Callerame 55 N . Felmingham 56 P. Nagy 57 A . Mountney 58 P. Peorett i 59 B . Robe rt son 60 S . Harrison 61 T. Willis 62 D . James 63 A . Acfield 64 O. Matt hews 65 C . Warre n 66 M . Migliasini 99 S . Bruno

~e Rcwry hotel Melbourne 9R





Senior coach: Sam D min Rea Coach: John 4Yil5ansan

Coach :: C. FOX Res Coach: B.

1 M . Bakogianis 2 D. Huffer 3 S . Frederickson 4 G . Murphy 5 S . Adamthwaite 6 B . Franzman 7 G . Robinso n 8 R . Storer 10 D . Sidebo ttom 11 J. Zebrowski 12 C . MaDonald 13 B . Brown

1 A . Tirchett 2 D . Adam s 3 S . Hodgson 4 M . Sorlet o 5 W. McMaho n 6 V. Grimald i

14 S. Haynes

15 M . Lewis 16 C . McKie 17 L . Heathcote 18 S . O 'Tool e 19 R . Canty 20 A. Murphy 21 D. Edmunds 23 S . Dunin 24 S . Honey 25 M . Cotsopoulos 26 P. Gronow 27 L. Ryan 28 M . Spralja 30 S . Bernardo 31 S . Lonergan 32 M . Napier 33 T. Li tt le 34 T. McIntosh 35 C . Robert s 36 B. Launikonis 37 A . Chiodo 39 A. Girstuns 42 K K. Curran 44 P. Moon 45 S. Turner 46 D . Wright 47 D. Hart ley 48 L. McNamara 49 W. Biggin s 50 S . Beaglehall 51 P. Klienitz 52 J . Cousins 53 J . Maddison 55 A . Cummins 57 N . Rosengren 58 S . Price 59 B . Haywood 60 K . Rooney 61 S . Bland 62 G. Tendelli 63 C . Black 64 F. Crawford 65 A. Grant 66 A. Baille 67 S. Phillips 68 G . Foster 70 J . Dumaresq 72 S . Stirling

7 D . Magnuson 8 B. Whitma n

9 J . Miller 10 P. Sorletto 11 J . Boudoloh 12 J . Polemico s 13 S . Wernham 14 M .

or d

15 B . Evan s 16 L. Demorto n 17 A . Kyriazi s 18 M . Malkoun 19 V. Lirosi 20 M . Warren 21 G . Burrows 22 R . Thorp e 23 D . Ellis 24 G. Latt ouf 25 R . Dovidi o 26 s. Hog g 27 D . Lucantoni 28 W. Pretty 29 C . Jewell 30 P. Dimarco 31 J . Freeman 32 M . Demo rto n 33 G . Pie t 34 P. Henley 35 P. Dowsett 36 B . Thorpe 37 D. Demo rton (C) 38 J . Tirchett

39 D . Pizzari 40 R. Abdelnou r 41 C. Anderso n 42 J. Papanikolo u 43 M . Pisasale 44 J. Androutsos

46 M . Laoumtzes 47 S. Laoumtzes 48 B. Laoumtzes 50 S. Famulari 51 A. Chaippin i 52 J . Rotell a 53 A. Velkoski 54 G . Goumas 55 Z . Nag i 57 M . Teffah a 58 J . Wilco x 59 M . Newto n 60 J . Topp i 61 H . Tsialtas 62 A . Boudoloh 63 D . Bonney 65 B . Funnel l THE LAURE L t "°'°""° BRASSERI E ~~ TABAxET & PUB TAB 289 MT ALEXANDER RE ASCOT VALE 3032 TEL: 9370 580 0 FAX: 9375 2282

Al . A111 - I - ..r- . -

E W ite OLD CAREY Snr C~c'h: Gkm Taylor P~. Coach : S:7aR .k~cltsoR i G, Angus

OLD WESTBOURNE I RICHMOND CENTRAL ' U .H .S.O .B . Coach: tm Pa t*W Cosch: t)~ tk~ Res Cpach

Coach Robcrt Ah,fansr Res. Oowh: Edd7e Sa~{a Aas. Coach. Ar~eyy ~g

: Qam mcmy

Res Coach: ~



1 P. Byrnes 1 R. Mutimer 1 R . Freijah klourwa 2 A . Banfield tmwan MWaWe 2 S . Whiting 2 A . Talarico 3 T. O'Sullivan N . Bezzan 3 A . Bon e t 3 R . Littlepage . Graham 4 A 4 P . White 2(R)SD, 4 C . McLennan 4 A . O'Keefe 5 P. Busse 5 S. Shannon lNuchatch 5 C . Shone 3 A . Harry g C . Campbell (VC ) 5 P. Vincent ' 6 S . Pickett 6 S. Cracknell 4 7 A. Drever 6 G. Bunshaw 6 J. Horsburgh 7 C. Skinn s 5 DenecMacleo d e A .OpPy 7 F.Bove 6 7 S . Kin 8 D g . Haslett 9 M. Addison 8 G. Malcom Dunoan e 9 R . Smith 8 A . Horsburgh (C) 9 P 9 A . Birkill 8 B Hann Macleo d . Jackson 10 P. Burns 10 K. Shrives 9 S . Hewitt 10 A . Murphy . Case 11 S . Mills 11 N. Evere tt 90 G 10 S. Sutton 11 M . Newton 12 B . Farrelly 12 M . Spencer 11 Luke Grochowski 11 B . Franklin 11 D. Hickey 13 P. McLean 12 A. Feathersto 13 A.Jackson 12 F. Macak 13 A . Mackley n 14 J . Ham 12 M. Gibb 14 M . Curry 14 A 13 G . McQuee n 15 M . Davidson 13 S . Walker 15 S. Greenwood . Oldham 14 C. Shannon 16 P. Gunthorpe 16 N 16 M . Jones D. Bond 14 B . Mattson 15 P. Church 17 P. Sciot a 17 S. Curr y 7 M . Manning 15 A . Board 16 J. Birt 18 R . Stevens 8 J . Shar 8 C. Matthews (C) 16 D . Taylor 17 A. Fawcett 19 G . Mazza ts C . Richards 20 D. Witham 18 M . Zajac 20 G . Madrigrano 17 D . Merino 19 P. Drake 21 P G 19 J. Manning 21 B . Ryan 2,0 W. Mudge 18 P. King 2 2 . Hedrbertso 22 R . John s n 20 V. Kell y 211 J. Woods 23 B. k s 19 M . Crai g 23 P. Eltringham 21 S . Davis 24{R p), TC'. R an 21 F. Hosking 20 E. Szuszkiewicz 24 B 22 A. Flores . Carruthers 22 J. Hands 25 A. Heline r 21 B, Dangerfield 23 L. Daly 22 C. Battle 24 D Wouda 26 D Le e 22 W. Flemin g 26 B . Fogliaro 23 T. Price 24 A.Jones 27 C . Bergi n 27 S . Major 24 M . Yarnall 25 . P. Smith 23 D . Ciccocioppo 26 J . Smart 28 M. Rothweli 25 C . Goodall 26 M. Hannon 29 G. Burgess 24 L . Fairfield 29 K . Jones 26 J . Danihe r 30 A. Coo k 27 C. Adams 25 D. Moore 30 B 31 B . Woud a 2 7 N . Vasilopoulos . Abrahamse 28 A. Waters n 26 P. Mesman 31 P. Dolence NC) 29 S .0, Sullivan 3 A 32 H . McEachra 28 P. Nance . Starbuck 27 N . Kotoski 30 G. Tat e 34 A . Menhennen 33 P. Drendel 29 T Moulton 28 T. Johnston 33 D .Johnson 35 B. Robinso n t 34 G. Haeusler 30 S .Feehan 36 D . Gilmartin 35 D . Mudge 29 D . Horsburgh 35 S .Jones 31, D . Gardner 37 36 K. White 30 C 37 G 32 C. Withington . Galvin . Catterall 38 T geckdwith 37 G . Porteous 38 A . Boyce 39 T. Carte r 33 P. Gilbert 31 G. Flower 38 N . Bowe G 34'D . Faelis M . Rea 32 G . Jenkinson 42 P. Hoey 4~ M.O~F(ynn 35 D. Palmer J. Ford 33 G. Robson (VC ) 42 A . Pawczynsk i 43 A . Siwk a 36 L . Small C. Pfeiffe r 43 M . Saccoccio 34 L. Laing 44 A. Faulkner 37 D. Wright T D . Wallace 44 G . Bon s 45 M . Black 36 P. Knight 43 M. O'Neil 38 I . Cohen 45 S . lvkovic 48 T. Gutherie 44 A . Pfeiffer 46 A. Finch 39 P. Bennett 37 S . Cummin 49 N. Ritchie 47 A . Stempl e 45 C . Cook 40 B. Humphreys 38 R . Sherlock 48 J . Goodman 51 H . McAlpin 46 R. Killey 41 A . Gate s 49 W. Kewi n 39 A. Robbin s 52 C. Andonopouto s 47 M . Saunders 째42 C. Popplewell 50 R. Kurkowski 45 S . Mattson 48 K. Lewicki 43 S. Cherry 54 P Whiteside 51 D. Bubni c 55 S . Fento n 44 G. Hendriks 46 W. Boyd 49 D . De Luca 52 J. Buttigie g 53 D . Mill s 44 J. Rist 56 D . Wilson 50 D, Zulicki 47 K . Robbins 54 M . Doole y 51 J. Rogers 45- M. Eastha m 58 A. Goldberg 48 R, Walker 55 M. Quic k ,46'M . Cann 52 J. Damiano 59 M . Tento 56 J . Matar 50 C . Villfiger 47 S . Hawkings 60 R . McIntosh 53 C. Thomas 57 A . Lan p ha m '52 D. Jago 54 J. Pfeiffer 48 S . Addison 62 T. Graham 58 A. HouTi 55 J . Olmstead 49 D. Burn 53 C . Pope 59 S . Hamersiei h 64 M . Francis 50 S. Hart 56 H . Gillies 60 C . Trew g 65 A . Kemp 54 M . Crosswel! 61 R. Wheeler 51 P. Maniotis 57 M . Marasco 66 C . Corker 55 C . Pave y 62 52째 A . Opray 58 M . Cook 67 R . Goli T Thompso 56 A . Crab b 53 R . Bardweli 59 D . Smith 68 F. Walther 64 C. Mathewsn 57 P. Martinsen 54 L. Patterson 60 J . Michael 65 69 M. Tapley 55 C . Wheatley 61 P. Hoban 58 B . Stewart . Singleto 70 T. Taylor 56 J . Harcourt 66 T 67 W. Gleeso n n 63 M. De Luise 59 A. Lipscombe 72 J. Reid 68 J. Waga 58M . Kennedyl 64 J . Evan s 74 P. Cahwood 60 P. Stewart 69 W. Yassin e 59 C . Mason 65 D . McCartney 78 S. Tresise 70 M . Wilso n 61 S . Christo 70 T. Auldist 66 1 . Cupit 71 A. Petzieride s 79 D. Sheehan 62 S . Craig 67 C . D'Agnolo 72 D. Krogma n 80 G. Mag i 68 A 73 M .Jo y . Dixo 63 B . Williams n 74 A. lllic~hnson 69 S . Hyd e Major Sponsors : 75 P 70 D. Veal . Bregue t 76 J, Burgess FREIGHTLINE R Sponsors : 72 G. Pullen 77 K. Dervan TRUCKS 73 S . Devlin THE MAX HOTEL 78 K . Dowse 77 L . Marten 79 B. Hynes y QPO BAR & BISTRO Carmine Miranda 87 M . James 80 S . Robins HANG TEN AMP LIFE LTD 81 A . Salisb u 82 C . Scott r 9805 9307 y 83 J . McCutcheo n 84 M . Tuck 2 C. Hickey 3 M. .Cohen 4 C. Ester

BD F ::~-; :~


Beiersdorf Australia Ltd

F SECTION by 11 1

T he week off no doubt provides welcome respite as all football followers take the opportunity t o either rest those nigglies, catch a live AFL game o r nick up to Queensland for a break. Hope advantage was taken because it is ten straight until the finals and with Mr . Al Nino last seen heading across the Pacific, wet grounds must surely be the order of the day. REVIEW West Brunswick and Syndal played a "Humdinger" at the Westies patch . Very little separated the sides throughout the day and it became a battle of wills as both sides refused to lay down . Syndal had their noses in front but a draw may have been a more fitting response . Steve Smythe was great at the front end with eight goals for the Westies whilst Hector Hamilton roving and Grant Malone at CHB were also solid servants .

Although the final score does not indicate it, Monash had to pull out all stops against Eley Park . The Sharks led by as much as six goals in the second quarter, thanks mainly to Darren Hawley who had seven majors on board at half time. Marty Hook was sensational at CHB as well, initiating many attacks . The move of Rafanello onto Hawley plugged that problem and with Asbell beginning to dominate in the centre it was only a matter of time before the human highlight tape . Tim Gilchrist clicked into action to pile on seven goals for the match . Eight straight for the Gryph . Werribee proved their previous weeks form was no fluke as they soundly beat ANZ Albert Park . Walklev . N . Rutherford, Smith, Sutton, K . Daou and C. Carlisle were the best for the vanquished who can take heart in their sides willingness to fight each game out. Finally, the Hawks proved too strong for Eltham down at Dog Doo Reserve . Dan Lauletta continued his fine form with seven goals while the Ballarat boys, Patterson and Reed also played fine games . Debutant Mick Nunn finally got off the members couch to star first up . In a match up that rekindled memories of Flower and Greig, Mick O'Brien and Frank Coonerty battled it out on a wing all day in a great display of footballing skill . Gasparotto and Simon also played well for the Turtles . PREVIEW The first game for review sees the undefeated Gryphons host West Brunswick . The Gryphons had a good hit out last week and continue to be the pacesetters . With a forward line boasting Killmister, Stratford and Gilchrist they rarely fail to kick a cricket score while still having a drum tight defence . The Westies have improved recently and are a far mor e 30

accomplished side than earlier this year. Steve Smythe has been a great target u p forward and will take watching while Hamilton has been consistently in the best in his midfield role. Have to favour the Gryphons though to make it nine in a line . Second takes on third in the clash between Hawthorn an d Syndal Tally Ho. A goal separated them last time and both sides head into this week with 6/2 records . Syndal's scoring power has lessened over the last few weeks whilst the Hawks have slowly built on theirs . Cachia (if playing) will require attention with Shane Parker the likely marker whilst Lauletta will have to be closely monitored for the Hawks . The Hawks defence, led by Orchard, Averv and A . Sill ahs a soundness to it that appeals and it might get them over the line in close one . The third game sees the Rats host the Turtles. The Rats continue to struggle and must be wondering where is a win coming from . The same crew each week (it's like Gilligans Island, we all know the names) battle valiantly for the Rats for little reward, The Turtles, after a fantastic start, have ground to a halt as injuries have taken their toll . In a similar pattern for the Rats . Forsyth to kick eight, Luffie Smith to dominate and Nick Rutherford with the Rats by a point! Finally, Eley Park travel to Werribee in a game that pits two fast improving sides who have both won two of their past three games . Imposing full forwards Isaac and Hawley hold the key to the game with Werribee just . EDITORIAL With the gradual decline of the strength of suburban clubs in the VAFA, rather than looking outward for the answers could a bit of community spirit prevail? Footballers are attracted to the amateurs for a variety of reasons, not the last of which include the provision of some basic football requirements (trainers, new footballs for training, warm clubrooms and an aftermatch to name a few) . Basic provisions for many but cash consuming for some at the lower end of the VAFA scale . Wouldn't it be great to see all F section clubs institute a "One d rink rule" which requires all players to have at least one drink at the oppositions' aftermatch . Not only does it promote football spirit but just as importantly helps to provide much needed cash resources to enable some of the amenities mentioned above to be enacted . Press Correspondents : 9555 0900 Phone 9553 3675 Fax before 5 .00pm Monday . THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 199E

', ;~9}~f 1

Monash Gryphons - Congratulations to club cap . (1in Lee Wells who brings up his 50th game today . A ,,tie leader and winner of the past 3 B&F awards, we ~II look forward to the next 50 .


30 21 21 17

MONASH GRYPHONS v. WEST BRUNSWICK Field : Peter Woods Geoff Brereto n SYNDAL TALLY HO v . HAWTHORIY AMATEURS Field : Andrew Dickenson Bob McLeod ELTHAM COLLEGIANS v . ANZ ALBERT PARK Field: George Paleodonis David D'Alter a EE AMATEURS v . ELEY PARK Field : Garry Seabourne Ken Brewe r

RME L A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground o r other or other similar such conduct "

SENIORS - 30 .05.9 8

ELEY PARK 9.2 14.5 17.7 18 .8.116 MONASH GRYHONS 3 .6 10.12 19.17 26.19.175 Eley Park: Hawiey 8 . P. Storey 4, Kelly 3 . Verde 2, Hill . B es t : Baven . Morrison. Hawlee. Hook, P. Storet% Trotter . Monash Gryphona T.~Gffchrist 7. Kitchen 5 . Hetherington 3. King 2 . Mariin 2. Stratford 2, Urban 2 . Blandfwrd, Kemm Tolongos . Best : Asbell. RaCanello. Gffchrlst . Martin. Kenton . Hethe[in~tan . WEST BRUNSWICK 4 .3 6 .5 8.7 10 .9.69 9YNDAL TALLY HO 0.2 4 .4 8.7 11.7.73 West Brunswick: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) Syndal Tally Ho : Tree 3, Cochin 2. Hannemann 2 . Burns, Morosey, Rutter. Joy. Best : Joy. Bln~ Thompson, Murray. Macfarlane. HAWTHORN AfaATEORS 5.7 13.11 17.18 20.25 .145 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 .2 3.2 4.3 8.7.55 Hawthorn Amateure: Lauletta 7, Vitacca 5 . Bowe 2 . Zaiarella 2. Broadlev. Bourke. Pollock. Sill . Rest: Lauletta P. Arm. OBrten . Bourke. Reed, Patterson.' Elthnm Co • Simon 2 . Phipps 2. Lutiick. Weston . Morrow. Coonertv. Best: Phipps . Bell, Lutttck, Coonertv. Weston, MaddLson . ' ANZ ALBERT PARK 2 .2 5 .4 8.7 12 .10.82 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 4 .7 9 .10 18.13 23 .15.153 ANZ Albert Park: Stuto 2, Sutton 2 . Faranda. Forsvtlt. Bennett . LoLvtt . Phillips . Jenkin . Smith. Best: Walkley, N . Rutherford. Smllh, Sutton . K. Daou, C . Carlisle . WerrBiee Amateurs :Tsaacs 7 . Morgan 5, Norma 2 . Faranda 2 . Stephenson 2 . Murray . Sullivan . Addams. Engler. Beat: Edwards. Ma:frtis. Isaacs. Carr . Sullivan . Murray .

RESERVES -- 30.05 .98

ELEY PARK 7.4 .46 MONASH GRYPHONS 21 .10 .138 Eley Park: Dell'Orso 3 . Fisher 3 . Tadaap. Beat: Fisher. King, Yelland . Baldrv. Heath. T. Karadimos . Monash Gryphons: Goals 8, Leeton 3 . Barrie 2 . Junkeer 2. Bennett 2 . Loarack 2. Radich . Drew. Best: Goals, Walter, Holland, Buick . Junkeer. Bennett. WEST BRUNSWICK 2 .2 5.4 7 .12 12,18 .90 SYDAL TALLY HO 0.2 2.3 3 .4 5 .4 .34 West Brunswick,- (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) Syndal Ta lly Ho: CotsLs 2, Ftigin. Findlay, M . Richardson. Best : M . Richardson . Boucher. Cotsis . Burgess . A. Richardson. HdlWPHORN AMATEURS 6 .3 9.8 13.13 17.16.118 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 1 .1 4.2 6.4 9.5.59 Hawthorn Amateure : Lord 3, McCuhan 3, Richardson 3, Bogie 2, Davies 2 . Luvich . Hopkins. Dunstan, Kerr. Beat: Dunstan, Tracey. Richardson. Davies, McCoaan. Fallen. Eltham Co Ikrq1ans: R. Whtte 3 . Watson 2 . Yule 2, Vollard. Clarke . Bat : S. Athanansopoules . P. Clarke, Yule. Staekpoole. Glare . Mizzt. ANZ ALBERT PARK 3.2 8 .7 9.8 10 .10.70 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2.8 6 .11 8.14 10 .15.75 ANZ Albert Park : N. Pastras 4, S . Duke 4, D. Kilmartin. N . own . Best : Redpath. Lindsav, Harrinson. Pastras . Roos, Kilmartin. WERRIBEE AMATEURS: Mastemmn 3 . Harris 2 . Dalbon. J. Craig, Elson. Holman, Ginan. Best: Gtrnan, Masterton. Dalbon. C. Atabakfs, Harris. Smith.






The VAFA was shocked to learn on Tuesday morning that Optus Local Vision Channel 51 has been closed down . This decision out of Sydney means that all local football programs that went to air through Optus Local Vision Channel 51 cease immediately . Obviously the Sportscover Match of the Day will not be taped however we will be working hard over the next couple of weeks to explore other avenues or other potential opportunities . VAFA followers will be kept informed through this display in each week's "Amateur Footballer" . The Association is saddened that this decision has been made, which affects not only grassroots football, but also denies young talent the opportunity of gathering media skills and expertise in this most worthwhile environment . 0

THE.AMpTGi in cnnTOn . I co . -

F Section ANZ ALBERT PAR K Coach: Gary Forsyth Res. Coach: PaW Shoppe 1 S Duk e

11 1

2 N Pastras 3 P Smith (S) 3 D Kilmartin (R) 4 R Will s 5 J Hannett 6 G Forsyth 7 J Sutton 8 R Lindsay 9 J Bourne 10 M Phillips 11 A Mitchell 12 G Finn 13 A Farmer 14 T Prio r 15 J Snorrason 16 J Djori c 17 D McLellan 18 P Boyle 19 A Faranda 20 R Koegler 21 P Shoppee 22 S Redpath 23 A Bennett 24 R McDonald 25 J McDonald 26 CIva

27 C Lovett 28 C Walkley 29 G Walkley 30 A Thomas 31 D Green 32 M Farrell 33 N Dao u 34 N Rutherford 35 P Gatley 36 M Pearson 37 A Jenkin 38 J Leneghan 39 A Kem p 40 G Taylo r 41 D Riverland 42 C Carlisle 43 R Carlisle 44 C McLean 45 S Bullow 46 V Stuto 47 M Carter 48 P Heyes 49 A Stewart 50 K Dao u 51 D Tangney 52 F Pole 53 D Fanning 54 P Rutherford 55 M . Leitao

ELEY PARK coach: Martin Hook Ples Coach: Rob Vliddxan 1 D. Arundell 2 A . Morris

2 M . Brady 3 A . Featonby 3 R. LaMarca 4 M . Georgiou 4 M . Dell'Orso 5 C. Kaye 5 W. LaMarca 6 D. Bruce 6 A. Briginshaw 7 D. Bowe n 7 N. Taifemopoulos 8 D. Carroll 8 R. Poole 9 P. Yellan d 9 T. Karadimos 10 C. McLean 11 L . McLean 12 A. Dunstan 13 A. Kelstall 14 G . Elde r 15 R . Young 16 P. Stoney 17 A. Hill 18 S. Raymer 19 D . Trotter 20 M . Hook 21 F. Mihalec 22 P. Cantone 23 G . Smith 24 S. Watts 25 G . Heath 26 D . Hawley 27 D . Kaye 28 W. Holm 29 F. Lettini 30 G . Bromley 31 G . Lamarca 32 D . Grant 33 N . Dix 34 S. Bromley 35 P. Blew 36 S. Lee 37 D . Payne 38 K. Podger 39 J . Verd e 40 N . Karadimos 41 R . Wickham 42 V. Fukishima 43 S. Bazle y 44 L . Ketts 45 L . Dix 46 S. Collins 47 M . Payne 48 P. Clear 49 M . Hooper

ELTHAM COLLEGIAW HAWT}fM AMATEUR Coach: P. Slack Res Coach: P. Hansen 1 J . Smyt h

2 S . Maxfield 3 A . Tooker 4 B . Dood y 5 R.Maddison 6 R. Hean y 7 M . Gasparotto 8 J . Woodward 9 C. Watso n 10 C . Simon 11 J . Muzzi 12 G . Mullins 13 R . Bell 14 S . Justice 15 L. White 16 D .Barnett 17 G . Lays 18 M. Barling 19 D . Boyce 20 T. Carter 21 D . Shiple y 22 5 . Athanasopoulos 23 A. Phipps 24 M . Dwyer 25 T. Hedley 26 J. Glare 27 B. Turney 28 T. Barnett 29 C . Bishop 30 D . Hoga n 31 Z. Jovanoviski 32 P. Clark e 33 M . Volard 34 R . Davies 35 J. Muscat 36 S . Philipson 37 C . Horsburgh 38 S . Dalzie l 39 F. Coonerty 40 S . Lewi s 41 G. Stackpoole 42 C .Hall 43 N . Hamshare 44 C. Menther 45 A . Macaulay 48 R . Harri s 49 W. Share 50 L . Sharpe 51 T Scott 52 A . Smedley 53 J. Athanasopoulos 54 P. Barnett 55 P. Morrow 56 A . Stockdale 59 B . Evan s 60 A . Stockdale 61 G . Dismore 62 B . Hespe 63 A . Kelso 64 R . White 65 S . Schafer

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Coach: Peter rysc.,

Res Coach: Kevit 1a D . Murray

lb T. Fitzpatrick (RC) 2 B . Lovich 3 K . Richardson 3 M . Irvin e 4 S . Bowe 5 S . Avery 6 P. Avery 7 G . Stallworthy 9 W. Pollock 8 M . Dunstan 9 G . McDoanld 10 P. Orchard (C) 11 A. Sil l 12 A. Burke 13 J . Povey 14 D . Lauletta 15 G . McDonald 16 C . Reed 17 D . Zaverella 18 D . Lauletta 19 J . Law 20 S. Parker 21 A. Bourke 22 J . Modica 23 D . Tracey 24 D . Hutchinson 25 M . Zaverella 26 M . Nowak 27 R . Lor d 28 J . Morrison 29 P. Barker 30 M . Nunn 31 C . Langley 32 S . Davies 33 A .Hartley 34 J . Bogie 35 G. Morris 36 K . Sanders 37 A . Kennedy 38 M . Tyson 39 P. Hewish 40 C . Frayne 41 D . Lahiff 43 I . Cheppa 44 P. Rossitto 45 J. Ginnane 46 T. O'Hanlon 47 D . Lindrea 48 I . Rosthorn 49 D .McCowan 51 R . Starbuck 52 R . Denovan 53 T. Kerr 60 J . Grummet

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MONASH GRYPHOki CoachCoach: Tan Dre w R. 1 L . Wells (c) 2 M . Heal y 3 A . Grady (DVC) 4 G. Harrak 4a C . Robinson 5 D . Kin g 6 G. Ryan 7 M . Khoury 8 J . Blandford 9 P. Lowcock 10 P. Williamson 11 J . Barbie 12 J . Urban 13 J . Stratford 14 M . Lewis 15 M . Sparrow 16 S . Arena 17 J . Hetherington (VO) 18 A . O'Brian 19 J . Leroy 19a M . Asbel l 20 G . Browell (RCV) 21 R . Rafaniello 22 B . Coxhead

23 C. Freeman 24 D . Kitchin 25 M . Kilmister 26 T. Gilchrist 27 R. Gilchrist 28 B . Lloyd 29 J . Fuller 30 R. Davey 31 G . Roche 32 A . Tolongos 32a C . McAleese 33 R. White 34 M . Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 G . Wadley 37 V. Hindle 38 P. Callu s 39 M . Clydesdale 40 M . Salaj 41 D. Charleston 42 T. Drew (RCC) 43 D. Walte r 44 B . Kenyon 45 J . Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 T. Bescee 48 L. Martin 49 J . Finn 50 S . Dew 51 C. Leeton 52 D. Hal e 53 T. Chisholm 55 D . Bennett 56 J . Foster 58 S. Gunasekara 59 D. Nichol s 65 S.O'Conner 66 S. Pelletier 69 S. McGrail 72 D .Adam s

C 2M 1 INN Aau & Elmfi\


F Section SYPIDAL TALLY-HO ~~ ~ Fn~ 1 T. Marks K. Gadsby M . Jo y

J. Collins A. Turpi n P. Henderson t D. Hannet J . Cotsis A . Burns R . Bennett V. Wong 9 I. Bingha m A . Burgess 10 P. Henning 11 J. Rutter 12 J . Ertan 12 S . Gould 13 J . Kerrins 14 S . O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 P . Boucher 17 P. Kelly 18 S . MacFarlane 19 D . Bent (VC) 19 J. Willoughby 20 C . Hal l 21 A. Thompson 22 P. Willoughby 23 M . Beckett 24 C . Murphy 25 C . Clark 27 1 . Rozankovic 28 M . Kenned y G. Rolfe 30 B. Woods 3 1 A. Richardson 32 J. Mores i 33 M . Richardson 34 J . Alle n 35 C. Cachia (VC) 36 A .Sneddon 37 C . Beaumont 38 M. Christiansen 39 A. Hil l 40 B . Hanneman a1 A . Richardson 42 A. Findlay 43 .J . Wicks 44 J . Seal 46 C.Varnavas 17 H . Baker a8 D . Flight ~, 0 C. Hutson 52 G . Wagne r 53 S . Boyd P. Kostakos N . Brewster 6 S . Drabble 7 P Vergakis 6 C. Karalis 5 9 M . French 152 R . O'Dell 63 N . Brewste r 61 M . Webb H . Brown G . Wallace


1 D. Stephenson 2 B . Campbel l 3 C. Alabakis 4 L . Brow n 5 A. Neems (VC) 6 S . McGrat h 7 S . McNamara 8 B . Cotter 9 A . Towers 10 C . Cummins 11 N. Issac (C) 12 R. Rantino 13 Jason Craig 14 J. Marinis 15 P. Mayn e 16 S . Bisby 17 D. Ryder 18 E . Collier 19 J. Addamo 20 M . Harris 21 S . Dalbon 22 R. Zulian 23 S . Fletcher 24 M . Elso 25 S. Duhau 26 R . Engler 27 T. Andrews 28 B . Poole 29 S . Dole 30 C . Morgan 31 P. Johns 32 B. Seeber 33 T. Gigas 34 N . Roberts 35 M . Drew 36 S . Murray 37 C . Edwards 38 G . Trifil o 39 C. Chapman 40 P. Alabakis 41 T. Car r 42 A. Cordell 43 E . Galizi 44 G . Saywell 45 A . Soto 46 T. Barton 47 C . McNaughton 48 P. Sulliva n 49 D. Smith 50 K . Pace J. Craig M . Holman K. Mongey M . Faranda T. Clarke S. Mille r J . Thompson B. Water J . Coates R. Howde n D . Kwiatkowski M. Waters D . Girvan

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member, full of energy and good humour . 5 YEA-Ma AGO - 199 3 The team was Phil Id Mentonians (3rd in B) hopped away to a good Kingston (Orm, C) . ~earlv lead against second team, .Oidi3 11 / t 9) tor9 s1 Robert FullerDominic (Ol d Spillane (Old Parad) . Paul nti rhen held on to win by 4 points . The top forVC) . inflict Melburnians' first defeat Scotch, , . Holdsworth (De La Salle), Russell Barnes (Orm), Mark an d he n ` „ards p on each side, Ad al m Acreman by Tony Beers (Old Parad),oScot Y t unTFwk}~~ohn ( MoirptOld . . Solley, G _re each kept atha er o players were D Moloney (NOB), Terry Young Murphy . g the winners) Teal . Stroud (for and "MaXi" Sc), pal Schuhkraft (Orm), Richard Schober (Coll), Paul Danen Dic~son G . Blues), Tony Egan . Would 1i,Qrnpson and Zani Useinov (for the losers) Crotty (Therf'Y)• Nick Macauley (Uni (NOB}, Paul Cox (Orm), Paul Considine (NOB - his 7enod be the only senior team to reach the half way fourth carnival) . Andrew Jobling (Orm), OBrett ; undefeated? ari Abrahams (Old Parad), Paul Matton (Therry)• just out of the four in Under 19 secBernards, De gLa 5t. scrambled Burden (Kecv), Peter Drummond (Old Sc), Andrew home by I point, pushin . It was a great last quarter by Smith (Old Scotch) . "A" Sectio n o s n to third position n .3 to were De La's S. Aberfeldie boys as they kicked 4 gUIZ: One player had already won a B&F, one player won the 1988 "A" B&F and another hockin~ly inaccurate . B'Bs) sand Malizia, won the 1988 "B" B&F . M . McIntyre (St chatriel , B Can you name them ? . ~,parrow, Smith (De La Salle)• uaife (ANZI> Dave The selectors were Noel Rundle (Chairman), Noel E Section coaches were Alan Qh n Stokes, Neil Pivetta and Steve Hibbert who was als yoandBur e Cormack (Aquinas), Andrew Smythe (Bulle .) . ( Glenh team manager and runner Brian hCostello n e~e tElsternwick), B . Rafferty ~nited), P. Purcell (Old Old Camberwell), John McEnroe Richardson were doctor and p Y ( ; eme Ewart ; Johnson looked after the clock. Leos) . n morning s twit a and S. D'Angelo (StHouse? it was a great start on Wester h ralia tt'ho coaches power . . Foley, G . Kiel, T 23 point win over a very determined were A dand then . Fi section field umpires . Knight, R . Thuys, G in the first game for the day a greasy groun . Ischia, C aldron, M. Cox, Jon rotation) and L. Woods . rain in the second half . .5 at half time and after an s;rn th , Brad Lowe ( O'Rourke The team led 7 .6 to 3 gt, Mary's congratulated Fr an k 'Roger' . The club, on top even second half won I 1 .14 to 7 .5 . n,,J Paul Malcolm on their 200 games Best in a real team effort were Brett Burden in the ui Fi, had to struggle hard for three terms .21 against Old. to 13.8 back pocket who showed enormous courage marking to win 17 ll d then finished we Carev, an the ball, John Moir solid in the ruck, Owen Abrahams, ( St . M) and Drever, 13es4 were Black, Huebner, Binyon creative on the half forward flank, and then very busy Old Carey) . 1,1c 6ule, Dyson ( Dean Coiner captain in the centre, Phil Kingston fierce as every on the wing,k an ~ coach Kcn Bremner was Nick Macauley, a bottom of the pack rover and. Goals Ric the C-F Section team to pla y at full Schober, cool and creative PauleS huhkraftc3, Terry 10 XEAR S A{ ;O - 1988 came from Tony Egan ton . It was off to Launceston for the o 18th Young 2, Paul Matton and Phil Kings y . The team was finall The VAFAUA were represented at the Carnival by Carnival nl,hi and had alight training run on Friday night with Paul Cherry (fieldl, mark Serong (goal) • . Saturday ~he departure to be on Sunday morning 15 YEARS AGO - 1983 :chtime, Frank Gleeson, the number one rover, rang l(aach .: Merit Award winners were John Fisher (Kew, State John Fisher to say his shoulder had stiffened up . The coach, one of Coach), Lex Hibbins (Collegians, 220 games, Club ~,p,d he would be unable to play ,chose great qualities was his capacity to consult an dha President), Bill Kelly (Tho e~s} ~ Tim Naughton Member, President for 1 4 years) , dencoultaherslco a s s PaulnCrotty c'ked (Marcellin, Secretary 15 years, and first~life Mes band r ake a unilateral decision, and p Y Bill Phillips (Clayton, Club secretary r replacement . Graeme Templeton (Old Brighton, 251 games, commitPaul however had gone to Gunbower for the weekebee d teammates , tee member 22 years) . about pm1t Paul d n cded, I The following were from HobE~ section to rup trip there . Contacte .05 toto not leave until represent VAFA agains t sure he would not be over e (St, Rich Brockwell (W. Biuns, Cl . Peter Hannan bnut 10pm. Perhaps he was over the limit - on th r back he ran out of petrol at Vdallan , and had to Kevins OB, VC), Sam (F'kner), CYtoWn), Pete (St . Charlie C Brown . Anywa (F'kner), Harry Buss t nn, his brother to come and collect him a Kilda), Brian Clark (P'side), Chris Doyle (Pen OB), Crai yastTulmrineoSday glkin m g nd proved to be a wonderful morale building tea C.


Flegeltaub (MHSOB), David Gregory (B'clava), Peter Grant (0 . Brighton), Gary Jones (MHSOB), John Paul Jones (Hampt . Rov), Mark Lynch (St. Pius), Andrew McHarg (0 . Carey), David 0' Shaughnessy (0 . Trinity) . David Payne (Nth. Bruns), Alan Smith (West Bruns), Neville Schmidt (0 . Hailey), Fred Stafford (P. House), Leigh Swan (Clayton), Kevin White (St . Kilda) . The team coach was former Power House great Peter Hutchinson . After an even first term, Victoria were too strong, winning 27 .15 .177 to 15 .10.110 . Best were Brockwell, McHarg, Assetta, White, Gregory, P . Brown. The team was capably managed by Messrs . Rundle and Dillon, assisted by Nugget Stephens . Rick Brockwell led the team in an exciting manner, both on and off the field. 20 YEARS AGO - 1978 Club history was made at St . Kilda CBCOC when John White ran onto the field to be the first player in the Club's history to play 300 games . Committeeman for 17 years, president 1976-7-8 ; best and fairest, captain, top goalkicker - all from 5'10" and barely 10 stone, the club was proud of John White and hoped that talk of retirement was premature. Top goalkickers after 9 round were 'A' O'Connor (NOB) 35, 'B' Harvey (Parkside) 29• 'C' Bromley (A'ton) 49, 'D' Sykes (P .House) 57, 'E' I . Henderson AMP 43, 'F' Hayman (T'bury) 27, "Junior 1" Richardson (NOB) 33, "Junior 2" P. Greene (De La Salle) 61 . 150 games to veteran full back Peter Murphy Ormond, a member of the club's'A' Section Premiership teams in 1971, 1972 and 1973, and to Old Paradians Tony Johnson, captain in 1978, who joined the club in 1968 as a member of the last group of recruits from "The Old Bluestone Pile" and was a team member of that year's Junior Section premiership team . Old Haileybury tipped Old Paradians out of the 'B' Section four with a 3 point victory, gained by straight kicking as compared with the losers' inaccuracy . Paradians were a bit unlucky as goalless at half-time, 0.7 to 7 .2 they kicked 11 .10 to 6.6 the second half. Best were Cocks, Corrigan, Bouris (Old Hailey) and Roe, McCarthy, C . Hughes (OP) . No Andrew, I could not find your among the goalkickers or best players . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 3 Reservoir Old Boys (B) were held to a draw by Old Carey in a thrilling finish to the game at Elsternwick Park. This put an end to Reservoir's run of 26 wins in succession . Best were M . Cooke . Hutchins, Birrell, Freeman (Old C .) and Bates, R . Shepherd and Ruininga (ROB) . It was a great comeback by ROB as they trailed Old Carey by 7 goals at half time . De La Salle (B) after 5 straight losses, beat Uni Blacks by 1 point and then continued their revival with a 13 goal win over Old Scotch . Mitchell (8 goals), M&B Bourke (De La) and Sloan . Addison, Anderson (Old S.) were best . 150 games to Russell Abernethy (Brunswick), Don Strachan (West Brunswick) and 200 games to Graeme Templeton (Old Brighton), Bill 'Jet' Jackson (ANZ Bank) . Ron Bungey became first Old Mentonians to reach 100 games. 30 YEARS AGO - 1968 'A' Section underwent another reshuffle - University Blacks and Kew, on top, were beaten and tumbled out of the four, their places being taken by University Blues

and Old Paradians . Four teams were now level, with pride of plac, going to Caulfield Gramm . who had a 4 .7% margii over Coburg . Coburg were 7 goals in front of Kew at half-time bu Kew fought back to go down by only 3 points in a hig) scoring game. Coburgs straight shooting (16 .5) savec the day . Best for Coburg were N. Beattie, Warfe, T Salter (5 goals) and for Kew, Taylor, Lister and Hiscoc k The 150 games marks were reached by Parksidi life member, Albert "Rags" Bolger and Elsternwick'; Graham Holmes . Bill Beasley, Old Geelong, celebrated his 21st birth day by getting the Club vote for the second week ir succession . Only undefeated teams were Ormond (F section), Foots . Tech (C Section), AMP Society (E sec tion) and Old Paradians (Junior section 2) . 40 YEARS AGO - 195 8 In an upset, inconsistent Hampton Rovers topple( 'B' Section leader Uni. Blacks . Rovers played tight foot ball to record Blacks first defeat in a low scoring gam, played in unpleasant conditions . Best were Willson Kennedy, C . Adamson (H . Rovers) and Tuohey, Walke ; and J . Winneke . Interstate team to play S .A. was announced, G Hibbins Coll., was captain and other members were : J Whitfield Alph., A . Roberts Coburg, R . Daff, J McDonald, M . Rush Coll ., R . Burt, B . Heathe Ivanhoe., N. Stokes Kew ., J .F. Nelson MHSOB ., D Morris Old Melb ., I . Law Old Scotch ., A . Capes, F Slattery Old Xavs., D . McMillan Ormond ., L . Gran Power House., G . Surtess, G . Watson SSB ., J . Winneki U . Blacks and D . Shaw U . Blacks . QUIZ : Three members of the team went on to pla~ in Hawthorn's 1961 VFL Premiership team, another t( play over 150 games for Essendon, another to p1ai league football in WA for Claremont and later becami President of Footscray . Can you name them? Mr . J.B. Cordner and Mrs. J .S . McCann were man ager and assistant manager and Ray Martin of K . Joe Kelly who ha( ewascoh,vingrpledM withdrawn on medical advice. 50 YEARS AGO - 194 8 Doug Arnold (Hampton Rovers) and Mike Fitchet (Old Scotch) were appointed captain and vice-captair respectively of the Carnival team to play in Perth. I was the day for the undefeated to lower their colours Coburg downed Old Melburnians - OM's were 3S points down at three quarter time and just failed by,' points while Balwyn annihilated Parkside 15 .20 .110 t+ 8 .7.55 . 'B' Section captains were Colin Macdonald Uni Blues., Peter Murphy Old Xavs ., P. Melville Balwyn . Gordon Miller SS Bank ., Ken James Comm . Bank., V Scarf Parkside - who captained Elsternwick? •Auiasioo ; lo ; qnla auiuaaq aalE( pue luoutaie) ; .io; paAEld sadeD Ltuoy !£66I ul luaplsaid qnl ; sl pun uopuass3 .iol saure~ Ogl .tano Xeld ol uo luan MnrlS P1nuQ !196I ul -~atl 13A ls .n3 s,uioqi"AzH U paAald - az(auulpA uqor ' ;.royti uel 'tWI ueI - 896 1 sisajre; pue 10 9V V 8661 uoM uaping aanig pue a?oY1 ulor '3V£ ,V, 5861 uom qolooS PIO) qllmS MWPud - 966 1 : ZIfis O,L S3i3A1SA1 1 M T41F ARAATGI in F(NITRAI I ER 199

zzr ,ell ound 7 results satiath~eu season fou reac hdetheehalf y intensif ~..Section. My success rate remained at 75% . point ~MW SEC'1'lON I. who won their Congratulations to Therry Penola game of the season when they defeated Maaenod low scoring match . Light Points afte r sure of their memberold Brighton Bloods made y ~llip of the leading four when they cruised to a sixt whose poor Old Melburnians, , Pe point victory over p,rcentage could well stop their ambition to finish in ,Ile top four. In a finals like atmosphere, which carried into on maintained thei r field pressure Old Xave rians . cn record by defeating De La Salle by fift y nine points E 7ring the game De La Salle often won the ball but hcir attacks were broken by the tight Xaverian . Only in the last quarter were the Crocodiles deicnce able to break away and build their winning margin . Collegians, Old Scotch recorded a huge win over . n ha now find has themselves place needed perr,ingmargi given Old Scotch a

sides in their proud club are not enjoying a successful season . Old Kaverians way at the expense should continue on their winnin g even though the Northerners broke of Therry Penola the ice two weeks ago . For the second match in a row De La Salle face a potential final as today they visit Old Seoteh, who lie . I suspect Old Scotch are building strength as fourth the season passes and although De La Salle are undoubtedly a talented team, today I favour Old Scotch to win . MIiSOB today have the opportunity to easily defeat Collegians, to build percentage and claim fourth place . I have no doubt MHSOB will win well against the bottom side . disappointed me with their inabilSt . Kevins have ity to clinch games which have been winnable . Today . they can repay their Coach and their supporters b k have little winn straight forming regommenld them St Kevins to kic and win the game .

ccntage boost .

very inaccurate kicking and lack of team work on . Kevins defeating 0eir forward line prevent St ,,gl e,,OB . The final two goals were kicked by Melbourne . How i [i~h and they proved to be their winning margin d 5,Kcvins Coach Dean De Rooden, must have wishe

k'lls of Simon Game as his fortor i'negoal krckmg s . Good players for the arus missed so many easy shots ann. P. Spottswood Herm ,cinners included " Fridge" Nick ,,)d Walfor . For St. Kevins, wellhy S iannon Young an d captain Bede Noonan did SECTION 2 . Monash Whites overpowered undefeated leaders victo ry by forty points . an recorded d biareellin Few, upset my prediction, when with a return to ry easily defeated Yarra i:rm and fu ll strength, they ve alley, who must have lost their previous week's form v zs they succumbed by seventy points to the reigning ~rr ~jCts .

sevMt. Lilydale m an aged to defeat Parkside. by In their points in the closest game of the round ncen ydale actually lost aucsi to regain second place Mt . Lil percentage wise compared to Thornbnry, who Mir rid nioved the bye. PREVIEW SECTION 1

Brighton E en on Central Rese rve, I believe old be too talented for Mazenad, who like other Bloods will ell

SECTION 2 Marcellin should consolidate their grip on fourth place by defeating their football neighbours, Yarra Valley. in this time of change the defending Mt . Lilydale, base, face a real danger gam e premiers hit top form two weeks ago . Overall in 1998e but at th form does point to a victoryNy Mt ILilydale, am selecting Kew, risk of offending their hierarch~ent loss of form by Mt . My evidence has been the ap p Lilydale over the past month . In what could be the grand final rehearsal Monash Whites travel way out north to play Thornbury Coars, who are without doubt th e improvers of . Ron Lamb, must have had nightmares over .son the~sea the past two weeks wondering how his players can stop the goalkicking prowess of Jamie Webb and Williamson. These two along with thee movers in Mendaliti and Cutler have been prim the other hand Monash have carThornbury's rise . On. Big Tossavainen has kicked goal ried all before them as well as bringing others into tile pRdY when the s ball hits the ground . Around the ground always gives value to Monash and with the consistent efforts of Forbes and Van Der Zalm there are plenty of e Thornbury s match of Hayes I favour concerns for restrictiv confine on the more our Thornbury to win narrowly . Parkside has the bye .

'...Y .:~.'~ •.~ r 1~.t1_f~

CLUB 18 (1)

JUNE 20 - ROUND 10

UNDER 18 - 30.W.9 3


THERRY PENOLA 7.8.5 MAZENOD 864 merry Prowls Keay 1 Thocenlson . Carhis. Bony Selk, .:,. Pew. Zanettl. Beat: p,e Selleck. Zanetu. Carter. Carbis, Ruuska Keay . Maunod: N. Mitchell 2. EGans . Linden. Jacobs . GNeale. Best: N . Mitchell, Brennar Nusshaum.SVeMh. Under. Ward. OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 14 .8 .9 OLD MEI8URN7ANS 4 .5.2 Old Brtybton: McLaughlin 5 . Stippen 4 . Moody 2 . Brown 2. Monet . Bat : Tin Morton. Gkresm . A Moody. McLennan. Mctaughifn. ; Old Melburnisns: Gardiner, Brandtlouer. RuOerford, Tenz . Ent: Ccrdner, ReaC Anderson. Ruiherford, terge. DE IA SALLE 2.1 2 .5 5.5 8.8.4; OLD XAVERIAIiS 3.4 6 .7 9.8 15 .11.10 : De La Salle : Kinsella 2 . Rudd. R~ei. Hyiand . DIlGUma~ . Bpt : T . McHenq•, pt2rky Boressa . H~king. Kirt.etia. B. Hw. it Raverlatn: (Goat K~kers and Best Fla}ers not recen~ed ) COLLEGIANS 2.2 3 .2 3.3 3 .3 .2] OLD SCOTCH 1 .2 4.8 9.11 15.15.10 iC~olk~~ Grant. K. Curtis . Cross . Best: A. Gay. Lumley. Lancaster, Jones. Crocker, . Old Scotch: IlWIQ',~arth 4. Prcde 3 . Wilmot 2 . Tribe. A-GIuNes-ROss . O'Brien, She~ SPenslev. Llnes. Best : Tnbe . G1Wlken, 0Gutnn .5 . DcaFdtt, Mwrfs . t44mot. ST EEVIhS 1.S 3.10 3 .12.3t MHSOB 1 .1 4.1 4 .3 8,8,4i St Eevins: Young. Stewart. Mezgher. Best : Collins, Ryan. Young, Meagher. `Iwenan, D.LHn MHSOB:14'ard 2. J. Bahen. P. Knight. Herman. Best : P. Spouosuood, Herman. Li!pl(~d Anastasakts, P . Knight . Fleming.



26 25 18 18 18


SENIORS - 30 .05 .9 8 OLD PARADIANS 3 .1 6.5 12.9 12.10 .82 MARCELLIN 4 .7 11 .11 14 .13 21.14 .140 Old Paradiear; : Harrison 6. Heffernan 2. Pannam 2 . Jenkins. Harris. Best: Harn.son . Joyce . Brabender . Holland . Harris. Godfrey. Msn:ellfn: Treganrntan 6. Karvalasitts 2. M. Boysen 2. Waters 2 . Moran 2 . Sampinon 2. Collins, Cooper. Theisz. Dinneen. Day . Best : Dinneen. KaravasiiLs. Cox FrLsima. Treganma-an, OFtynn . MHSOB 6.3 10.5 15.5 19.9.123 OLD IVAN1iOE 6.1 8.3 10.8 18.9.117 MHSOB : Birkett 6, Pertzel 3. Albergo 2, Capp 2. Fairchild 2 . O'Brien . D. Skinner. Wilson . McIntyre. Best: J . Bennett . Skinner, Lambert. Thompson. Birkett. McCullv. Old Iveahoe: Parker 3 . J. Weddle 3. Donaldson 2, Mansfield 2. Stewart 2 . Egan . Hope. Stanberg . Spiden . R. Weddle. Woods . Best: Mansfield. Young. Chadhdt, J. Weddle. It \4eddle. P. Donaldson . ORMOND 3 .4 6.8 8 .13 13.15 .93 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .1 6.7 10 .11 12.15 .87 Ormond: B. Turner 2, Round 2 . A. Grace 2 . Connell 2. HorseBetd. James . Rennnan. Day. Beckett. Best : McComille, A. Grace. Gilmw'e. E~an. Council. Hwsridd. North Old Boys: Mlkunda 4. Jordan 4. Collison 2 . T'rIInboh . Tonkin . Best : Jordan, Booth. Mikunda . Manassa, CoRL4at. McGrath. IVANHOE 4 .2 10 .5 13.11 24.14.158 THERRY PENOLA 4.1 8 .3 9.10 14 .11 .95 Ivanhoe: Williams 11, Flynn 3. Joyce 3 . Brown 2. Frtshta 2. Ranie_v. Scoble. Doherty. Best: Williams. AngehnL McGowan . Saunders. Tucker. Rtan . merry Peaota: Gorman 4 . Crotty, 3. O'Connor 2. Vaina 2 . Goalwin. Carter. S. Bannister. Best: M. Goodain• S . Bannister. R. Bannister. Gauci. Valna Clarke . MAZENOD 4 .2 6.6 7 .7 12 .10.82 OLD TRINITY 5 .2 7.7 14 .11 18.13 .121 Mazenod: Dunne 3 . McDowell 2. Foriniotis 2 . Mum . Carter. Welch . Hanley. M .Murray . Best : Dunne . Hanlev. Carter. Welch, M. Murrav. Sherlock. Old Trinity. Heath 5. Stickland 4. C. Phillips 2. Glass . Clarke. Paw-ey. Balazsy, Allison. Ramsden . Shaughnessy . Best: Pawscy, Heath. Stephens. Balazsy. Stickland. Bladen, 38


UNDER 18 - 30 .05 .98

11.10.78 MARCELLIN 5.8 .38 Mwusb Whites: t'an Der Zahn 6. Collier 2. Forbes. Sinclair, Tos&rralnen . MnreeWn: (Gwl Kickers and Best Players net MMed ) YARRA VALLEY 1 .1 4.2 5.2 5 .4.34 HEW 5.5 5.8 9.11 15.14.104 Tama Uelley: (Goal Kickers and Best Placers not receM1'ed l Eew: O'Dea 4 . Hernarll 3. J. Edwards 3. Green 2, Lawrence. Ratsay. Learv. Best : . t4a.k Lau-cc . Thompson . Leery. J. Edwards, Green . MT LQ,IDALE 3.2 8.4 8 .8 12.8.88 PARESBiE 4 .3 8,4 7.7 9.9.63 Mt L9ydale: Anderson 3, Crrnre 2, Trlnder 2 . Vatga 2. Camlan, Mackenzie, Pearce . Bmt : Gobstm. Mackenzie, CaAanan. Burrett . CarWan, Andersrnt . Perkslde: Goal lockers and Best P47yers not received) OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR M THORNBURY COUGARS


RESERVES - 30 .05.98 OLD PARADIANS 4 .4 5 .5 8.8 8.11.59 MARCELLIN 1 .0 2.2 5.2 7.5.47 Old Paradiam: S. Wallla 3. Walsh 2. Gale. P. Dlgney. Ball . Best: P. Digney, Hart . Ball. RoccMosllo. M .B. Gearv. MwTM•^nt*• (Goal Kickers and Best players not received ) MHSOB 7.4 11 .6 14 .10 19.11 .125 OLD IVANHOE 1.4 3.6 4 .8 7 .11 .53 MHSOB: McGrath 9. Betheras 3. Preece. Felerkranz. AtcLardle . King. Barton. Fitzsimrnons, Schtpper. Best: Betheras. McGrath. )ford . Preece. Fitzsimmons. Sharpies . Old Ivanhoe: C . Pitt 2. D. Toll 2. M. Power. A. Sullivan, T. Cornish. Best: C . Pitt. A . Sullivan. M . Johnson . A. Atkinson . L. Taylor. G. George . ORMOND 8.3 11 .5 14.10 15.14 .104 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .0 2 .2 4.2 9.3.57 Ormond: Heath 4. Keleher 4. Whelan 3. Brennan 2 . Gallagher. Livington. Best : Whelan . Fan-ell . Brenn an. Keath. Gallagher, Keleher. North Old Boys : Dyson 3 . Law7ie 2 . Hill 2 . Trenton, Conti Best : Grasina Trenton . Conti, Dpson. Burns . Christian . IVANHOE 2 .2 4.5 5 .5 12.5.77 THERRY PENOLA 3 .1 8.4 9 .7 10 .12 .72 IvanLoe: Thackwrav 3. Duncan 2. RaRoul 2 . Alcaide. Fairu•eather. B. Finlapsen. J. Finla}son. Rosenfeld . Best: Jackson. DiSanto. Giles. B. Finlayson . J. PWatscaa, McDonald . ' Therry Penchi: Closter 2. Mifsud 2 . Molonev 2. Heaitt2. Moran. Hutchinson Best : Egglestone . Griggs. Warren. Goodwin. Hutchinson. Lyons . MAZENOD 4.2 5 .7 9.9 14 .19.103 OLD TRINITY 1 .3 3 .4 6.7 7.7.49 Mazenod : Harper 3. Sharp 2. Smith 2. C. Vincent 2 . Egan. Bridgland. Tsialis. Tucker, Snart. Best: Polan, Robinson, Tucker. Dresser. Paolucei. Egan . Old Trinity : P.Chiocio 3 . Staley 2 . Hannemarm . Ashuwth Best: Morseth. Arrowsntith. A. Chiodo. P. Chlodo. Cade . Hannerr>ann.

till ~ '"► ago,c t7 n a Review Section 1

backefo~rtheg un homeg tvo weeks

-ated ru

n Old Paradians kept heir the Nod ers, while th e ~ctth a resounding victory and t antly' Tonners did likewise to the sfoAd~e ~C a s Mai The Aylward all battling t the t were kiss of death Jeffls and the Blues Bcrn~abou (Sorry Points after a visit to the new returned with the four p game of two . In the final match it was a HimTrot s doing better to get over the halves with the D' SHOES easily in the fmish .

the table clash between the Xavs and the OP's will be a beauty. Both possess scores A with strong runa la the ability to kick large l Ventura ning players should match up ell-Xavs . wil C all play (OP's) an d Stephens and Skidmore ( crucial roles with the Xavs favoured to maintain their . The Blues face the Be et ~dy on the nod , undefeated andrun on recent form the Blues g e rebound and do the Lions over the D's the OC's to break th to ddrought over the SKOBS• ans, Uni . , Old Xaveri Selections: Old Brighton Biues, Collegians & Old Carey

s undefeate d Section 2 and the The Friar s expense of the Eagleswhi e the Shark Section 2 got home in a close one over the Eagles at the e~cp entrench one team in the four . g The Tigers Tigers clash will firmly . The Scotchies will dsfea ac home, as the Friars continued theirofmerry way • formontean, the month My tip the Sharks at home ~ul The Sharks firmed as the this time over the Blacks, d the Biacks, although the Blackss boundst r troubl e with another strong victory hard all day to taken lightly, with North Old Boy the OT's enough to win the closest match of the while old Scotch to battle with Bryant . Taleb d shrug off a very determined In the Bl ods favoured and wood fine players for the vanquished . agains t the nee inuO~nOMh~°Uhe~thd touch remaining match old Trinity had thei rled b match 9 majors. today . As old Scotch , the OM's won at half time when they Y : Whitefriars, Bea""' + Selections section 2 Blue pi pp at the post after leadNorth Old Boys & Old Haileybury ing La Salle (2) were pipped b ythe Ashes, whfie Section 2 Blue should defeat Caulfield ing for the major Part of the day the Monds had to come form behind in their game Monash Blues the Xva s Saints cOm' Grammarians at Clayton, with the leaning is towards against for a half, whie he Jackas wereeno match for battling out a tight contest - to the . In the match of the round the Xp D's arampag~g panthers unit . Kilda SthnCaulfield although iftaken the High jumped the Rovers at home to be well in . of S~t one . MHSOB face e lightly the Saints could pinch this charge at the half, with Wright,vAnt o Otorreco d a 5 the panthers who are the two form e aand should have Taylor leading the way . They The High play their ground ver y firepower to win a close one, while the Monds goal win. enough d 2 Red section • will catch the Rovers on the rebounto tighten interest Therry Penola on the rebound did the unspeakp form the Monds will get the able to the Two BmeeStella bagging a fine 121Ya~•4a in the final four placings . (2), A.JAX' e twins for the gamgiant : Monash Blues, De La Sa lle killing OGs at TH King and Selections Valley faced the ition on the ladder, while the M14SOB & Ormond maintained their top Pas ran Section 2 Red for their third Bullants forfeited to the Ol sition in thelfourr ~~ h . Leos Emmaus will be lookin g . The OP's (2) to maintain their p St Welch (13), Hopgood and Mutton doing as they win when they take on Old Geelong at home . OG's on the rebound although will have other ideas pleased . Aquinas had the bye and shoPuen la well . battle manfully but to no agailg Preview Therry positions would suggest 1 section and although relative ladder the Mazenod host old Brighton at Central Reserve . 01G's a close game between OIG's and OP's (2i ad on recent form the N`odhe~he lannes The top Of :eir hands to go all day

will finish in front . The Valley should account for Aquinas at home . Although if taken lightly the Bloods could well surprise . The Redbacks get their second weekend off in a row with the bye . Selections : Old Geelong, Therry Penola, Old Ivanhoe & Yarra Valley



13 49 12 2 7 21 19 3 19



MAZENOD v. OLD BRIGHTON Field : Ben Schmidt Dave Lapier (R ) OLD XAVERIANS v. OLD PARADIANS Field : Gene Hodgins Peter Griffiths Goal : Skip Shipley UNIVERSITY BLUES v . ST. BERNARDS Field : Matthew Allen Chris Fedderso n DE LA SALLE v . COLLEGIANS Field : Terence Farrell Damian Clarke OLD CAREY v. ST. KEVINS Field : Ben McKee Kevin McMahon UNDER-19 SECTION 2

WHITEFRIARS v. MARCELLIN Field : Matthew Meier Martin Jackson (R ) BEAUMARIS v. ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Field: Nick Evans Ian Burgess OLD SCOTCH v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : David Longworth Trent Greenawa y OLD TRINITY v . NORTH OLD BOYS Field : Stan Lugowski Michael Jessep OLD MELBURNIANS v . OLD HAILEYBURY 11 .30 a .m . at TOORAK PARK Field : Michael Sneddon UNDER-19 ( 2) BLUE

MONASH BLUES v. CAULFIELD GR . Field : Chris Stevens (J) Geoff Kelly OLD XAVERIANS ( 2) v . DE LA SALLE (2) At Xavier Co ll ege 2 p .m . Field : Euan Lindsay Justin Grossbar d AJAX v. ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD Field : Paul Tuppen Denny Fastekas MHSOB v . OLD MENTONIANS Field : Ramon Killey Tom Gamble ORMOND v. HAMPTON ROVERS Field : James VanBeek (R) Matthew Seferth

UNDER-19 (2) RED ST. LEOS EMMAUS v. OLD GEELONG Field : Steve McCarthy (R ) BULLEEN-TEIIRPLESTOWE v . THERRY PENOLA - Forfeit due to Bu lleen-Templestowe withdrawing from competition OLD PARADIANS ( 2) v . OLD IVANHOE Field: Damian Murphy Jason Moor e YARRA VALLEY v. AQUINAS Field : Peter Bailey Josh DiPietr o WARRINGAL has the bye






UNDER 19 SECTION 1 - 30.05.98 8.5 14 .9 21.11 oLr) PARADSANB 29.15 .189 1 .1 4.4 5 .5 5.5.35 SLVJ :~~O OH paredhns: Ventura 6 . CLavda 5 . Sullivan 2. Talartm 2 . Richardson 2, Pruscino 2, 2. GaRanay 2 . Szeutzuk . CosgnH: Green . Curran . Beet : Ss.c,rexuk .71 . .. ,rcison. Varanto. Young Sullivan. -, tfagan. L. Hawidns. Rome. Staghano. Best: Bray. Hobbs. Nelson, R1G1CCON 7 .8 13.10 25.14 31.21 .207 0 .2 1.4 3 .5 .23 ~El) C .1REY 0.1 OC Bi ;hton: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) old Cd2T: Murphy 2, ApMard . Best: Addison, Davey. Heilman, Mal, McConnell. 2 .0 STSERSdRDS 6.4 8 .9 9 7.8 8.11 12 .15 20 .11 .85 pl,D K,1t'ERtAN3 ' .19.139 ~~ ~merds; +' 1'ow 3. Ptrzichetta Jacks . Mount . Pearswt. Pfeiffer. Velpta . Best: ., . . ... '.louni kvmauo. Katanagh, Suann. Bugr}n. : McCarthy 4 . Christie 4. Farrrnv 3. Rush 2, Healy. Ockteshaw, Moni .son, Old "I criw ., ;,T, Best: S. Carrcdus . C. Carrodus, Healy, Christie . Connolly, D . Storey. CCU'ECINKS 14 .13.97 ~nTp5ptYBLUES 17.12 .114 Cdle~rsn : Britten 5 . Eig 2 . McA9ester 2 . Foster 2 . Waters. Robertson, MoOard, Bcyt : v -,'J. Moon. Bavler. Clark. Britten . ~,,,lty Bhxa: Wood 7. Albert 5 . Terrill 3. Jackson 3 . King. LkldeO. White. Best: n lfu :.:`rn'ood, Rbod . Coutbupas . *her. Jackson. 5T ftL'•'Lti"5 1 .0 4.3 8,4 13.7.85 DC !A S"4LLE 8.2 14.4 15 .7 19.7.121 St t(e,vu : Allis 4 . Mount 3. Noseda 3. Betgur . Hanr,% McCann . Best, Pangrm. 61 C-mt(^,; ia . Altls. Mount . Calkrv. pe L. Snlle : Oulu . 4. Man Mercun 4 . Craxe 3 . O'Donnell 3, Joyce 3, Moore . Hest: n1 . n~..n. C'..-.: Rogers. Ben Mercun . Matt Murcun.

UNDER 19 SECTION 2- 30.05.98

ST EED:S ME.tiTONB T1G . 2.4 8.4 13.5 16 .7.103 ,~!L4cE133N 1 .2 7.7 10 15.10.100 . Mevtcrc Tig.: Afford 7 . L. WIntk 4 . H. Young. Bell.9 Fed . A9zri. Cunningham. Best : Bell . M. }bung. Drury, L. t . tntle. AlCord. McShace. 1Sr .•allin: EI'stathiwt 4 . Mason 3 . Daveyl 2 Somata Beet: Maswt ..L" Floyb . Jayasekera . ,_~ D,t .a'vtBmdar. OLD WiII,EYBt11ZY 2.2 8 .8 10.11 10 .11 .71 R"F+~TEFRIARS i 3.3 3 .5 8.10 15.14.104 Old tivlcybury: (Gaa1 Kkkers an d Best Players not received ) a'hi rliten : Sutihan 9. Hilton 2, Anderson 2. Treys-v. Stine,. Best : Sullivan. Setches. vn':- 1 :'1on. Poacc Dut[y. m'ERSIIY BLACKS 5.2 5.2 7.2 9,7.81 BE4C`lf-'~ _ _ 9 .4 12.10 18.11 17.15.117 &aiunerls: Spence 4. Lee 3. Bird 2. Smith 2. Stetens 2. CaWn 2 . Alcjander, Moore. Beet: :::i rnL Emersce, Stake . Wikwt, Collins BOYS 3.4 .NORTHLD 7 .4 11.11 12 C~SCGTGS 4.4 4.9 7.12 13.13 .8 5 .19 .97 tiorth Old By. Taylor 3. Baker 2 . 5tbod 2, Tonkin, Mohammed Ta[he, Watrrs, Far~t, Ktwtkr. Best: Bryant. Waters . M~amrned Tateb. Farad . Me94nre. Wood . GIdScotcb ~ :Thomas 7, Ashton 2. Sladen 2, Stevens . Sheer. Best: Leeds. MacKenzk, !: . :- n :¢as. Ashton . Sladen. O:D s¢LBC'Rd2AA5 1.0 2.5 8,9 111379 a~ T~ 8 .5 11 .9 18 .11 25,14 .194 OId .u.ei6s¢nimn: Ambkr 3. Bhre9 3 . Stbree 2 . Ray. Wilson, Courens . Beat : Slbre Wilson, !. . r C rre8 . Couzens. EWms . Old Trtnlty: PaSS ,sutor 12, Jones 3. Wilson 2, Iseppl2. Russell . Hansen _n Retire- Beat: Pacsador. Datztric. Bee-. t4ltson, Broster. Medhn .. Masten, LaPUa,

~ ~ ~ UNDER 19 BLUE - 30 .05.98 ®

.3 0 .7 10.8 12.10.82 MONASH BLUES 2 2.3 5 .3 9.5 13.8.88 De La Ballet Stevens 4 . McKenzie 3 . Cogtdan. Larogp, btolan . Lufl. Jarvis . Best: DwuLLson. laragy, McKenzie, Molan, Synnott . JeSrter. blmush Blues : Collins 3, Avery 2, Baxter . Bennett . Hkkev Williams . Best: Williams . Smith. VandellgL CrnAe . Bennett. MerBn, McNeW, Paiter, Spence . . ArerV. CAULFIELD GRAhII .lAR1A.*I 3 .1 5.3 5 .4 OR.MOND 2 6.5 .41 .2 5 11.10 20.18.138 Cnuhield Granutar4na: M. Gurpmar 3 . S . Erikson .8 2 . T. Kavomrs . Beet : Creer. Etans. Erikson . W1dJaJa . Davies, Winter. OrmoM:Kelcher 4 . Ashford 3. Nash 3, Putz 2. Robbins 2 . Minter 2. Walker 2. Roaan, Cw15on. Boots Robbins . Kdehec Wacker. Nash . O'HaBaan, Roxan . ST KBAA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2 .3 7.5 7.8 11.10.78 OLD XAVERIANS 5 .4 7.9 14.13 20.18.138 St Hilda Smith Caulfield : Zagaml 2 . Doolan 2, Flhish 2, Bmrerta 2 . Moon . Pierce. Drummatd . Beet: Ready . Zagante . t5@lsh . Pierce. Haines. Dmmmond. Old Severiana: Gkeson 6, Hoare 5. Deane-Johns 3, McDonald 2 . McLean 2. Betts, Kennedy. Bed: Deane-Johns . L}ttkton. Hart . Gieeson .Hmte, Kennedy. OLD MENtON1AN8 8.3 18.8 21 .10 31 .14.200 AJAX 1 .0 2.4 3.8 4.8 .32 Old Mentonlane: Ballantme 10. Palmer 4, R . Alexander 3, Phipps 3 . McNBh 2. S. ttbrre0 2. Stephen 2. Hollow 2 . McKay . D. At~nder . O'RetOy. Best: Ho71o-a• Mason, Fqupps, Palmer, R . Akxnttder. Ballanune. MAX Davis, Gutman. BkshkL M. Segar. Beat: B6ashkL Bock . Cowan. Gutman, M . C. Segal . Baslst. HAMPTON ROVERS 1.1 2.4 7 .6 9 .10.64 MHSQB 4.7 8 10.12 13.19.97 H . ampton Reren: Duddy 4, Landrfg an 2, Jenkins..9 Cnpps. Humphries. BeeC Duddt• Rehn : Tdrtµgtat~nh. Anderson~µbodsN 2~. .Henard MHSOB . Moore. ~sk Tayd~. Davis. PitFSlc. P,ytg(tt . Rodd¢. Anthony O'Brien . Osborne. A. Askew. Best : H.

THERRY ~~ UNDER 19 RED - 30 .05.98

~~ 10.8 20 .11 30.12 42 .19 .271 ST LEOS 0 '3 1.6 4.9 4.10.34 Terry PrnWe: Stella 12 . Smtth 7. OSuitRan 4, Treain 4 . McMahon 3. Garcia 3. Cameron 3. Christie 2 . Ferguson 2 . Candiloro 2 . Best : R SpringffiI . Chnstte, O'Shea Slfter . StellaCameron . St Lees Ermneue : Hodder 2. ZannLs, Dondlc. Best : Vaughan, Vharm. Haddad . Hodder. Foky. King. OLDGEELONG 1.1 4.7 &10 7 .10.52 Y'~A VALLEY 4 .7 6 .10 8.11 10 Old Geelong: Braver 3 . Wallace. McCarthy, Mclrmes . Avery. Beet : Bayne, b .15.75 :cinnes . Stmens. Braver. Bro.m, Wallace. Yarra S~~ Lang 2. Casano 3 . Tyshtng 2 . Wars 2, Va4q>p1. Best: T. Moms . A. Bell. gwath.'Rshing, Valoppt . OLD IVANHOE (BY) BUUM 7'EMPLB3TpWE (F) OLD PARADIAN$ 0 .0 4.0 5 .1 10.2.82 WARRING'V, 9.8 13 31M Old Pandtane: Byron 3 . Beramin 2, A. Swindon 2.12 24 .18 . Jakowenko 2. Thorn. Beat: Loney. .2 11 Jacrnrou, Byron . Karahatsos. own . Attard. Werriingal:ltekh 13. Hotgood 7 . S3nah 2 . Scott 2. Natoli 2. Keegan . Freu•. Bell t4ilsm, Gale. Bat : Steels Hopgood. t~. Skt~n . Mortar, Thomson . AQUINAS BYE

A Section Re.suits from Page 3

SENIORS - 30.05.98

OLD SCOTCH 4.3 9 .7 12.9 17.11.113 ST KEVINS 5 .2 13 Old Scotolh Millar 4 . Hawkins 3. R Eagle 2, A .3 17.8 20.12.132 . Boyd 2 . Collins . Hume, Phillips . '! :;cd .,t. :okes . Wilson. Best: Hume. Holt. OBrien. Price. Millar. A Boyd. St. Norman Hewett 5 . R~an 4 . BeFacqua 3. Terzini 3, M -'' ~EMahottcy, btaa ,'y. Bet•at~va . Finch. O'Keefe. Dollmazt 2, Mahoney 2 . . Ht~'ett. .3 104 14.8 15.9.99 OLD NA&M~ 5 7.2 10 .3 De L + Salle: Evans 5. X . Clancy S. B. Martnle 2, CoriniJackson, O' 1Callagttat. Bat : Brashers . Silvers . BorutLti X Clancy, Evans . Old fiaikypury ; Lappage 5. Morey 4 . A . Walden 3 . G. Phillips . Richardson. M. ~'nu Beat : A . Walden . Morey, D. Warden. S . Walden . LaPP~e• RtcttardsonST BERNARDg 6.3 14 .8 18.31 29-17 .191 COCLEGtANS 4.5 7.5 8 St Bectlards: Vassallo 8. Sicmore 7, Mitchell 5. McKeon 3 . J .7 14.8.92 . Gollartt 2. V. Comito. A Merrhtgton . A . Merrtrtgton . Best: L. Gallant. N. Camillo, S. McKeon- N. . "' J. C Alant. B. Lou2hlltt. . Jones C0 -B""it•'..s: Deatte Johns 4. Aumphrks 2 2. Harrison. Philips . NlsbeC Startin. % -,me' Pollock . Best:* Jeftersart . BennetL Cooper. Harris . Nesbitt, Philips OLD VAERffiNS 3 .2 8.10 15 .11 22 . .14 .148 C3nE RSITY BLUES 2.3 6 .7 12.10 15.10 .100 Old %xpftlaru : Lethbeart 5Richardson 4. M . Bourke 4. Barrett 2 . Jones 2 . .. :~. dHanneber_v. B1ood. Ford. LandIIgan . Best : Lethlean Cranage . DIDon. Ford, . -"~ ~r.: B2oo . ersily Blues: De Crepnigp 6, Sheehan 2. Frtcker . Guengerkh . Blood. n McKinnon . Wilcox Versteegan. Seat : McLachl . an Frtcker. Do -, :.BLoo3 Al de V . a~~gLBURNBNeXan c ersteegan 4.3 8 BRIGHTONK 1 .3 7.5 12.11 19.15 .128 qOLD ;d .4 8.8 eibrtmtans: Topakas 6 14.8.92 . USeinov 4. McMullin 3. Berry 2 . Eabrv 2, Aubrey. S t .Bes Berry.oldB t`{~on :•MaJxkson 4 .f P~tr~r 3 .ROaklev 2uPerry 2 . S . Alderson . Pry~a ~ .-~~. Brst: S. Lennox Oaktey. M . Jackson. Kent . Williams. Pn•n.

OD OH RESERVES - 30 .05.98

.1 6.2 7.5 10.8.68 ST HEVRiS 3 5.8 6.1 2 Old Scotch : Starlck 3. T. Reid 2,3Crane 2. Pa nton. Bienhehl Norman . Best. Norman. Starlck, Eustke. Hoopet T . Reid. Crane . St Kevtas: N. Hart 2. D. Mcltrdle 2 . M. Rizio, J . Dynan. Best. M. Rizlo- D. McArdfe . D . Sheehy. D . Moyian . T. Salisbury. B. Day. DE LA SALLE 4 .2 9 .7 11 .8 17.10 .112 OLD HAHZE fSURY 4.2 6.3 9.4 9 .6.60 De La Sallee Fisher 6, Grace 6. Waters 2 . Butler. Curran, Wright Best : Moorre. Hodder. He Grace. Fisher. King. Old H an~ , Byrns 3. Saunders 2. Floyd. . Melin, W . Phillips. Best: Waters. Hilton. Scaunich. Dann, Kirkwood-Scntt, P . Langford-Jones. ST BERNARpS 3 .0 6.3 6.4 10.8.86 COLLEGIANS 4.2 6 .4 9.8 13.9.87 St Bernerds : Farmer 3 . Dailey 2 . Donelly 2. Matheus, B . Overman. Nutter. Davis. Best: Matthews. B. Overman . J. DeBono . Davis . Daffey, S . Grey. Collegians: ByTne 3, Woolley 2 . Van Der Venne 2 . Htgsott. Greeves. Michael. Walsh. Rbolltouse, Vasdekts . Best: Byrne, Grmes . Fkxentine . Vasdekis. Van Der Venne . Walsh. OLD XAVERIANS 1 .1 4 .5 6 9.11.85 UNIVERSITY BLUES 1.1 3 .2 5.9 .6 5.7.37 Old Xavertens : R. Dillon 2, Hawkins 2 . Connellan . Walsh. Petty. Keyhce. James. Best : Stem . A . Bourke. Perry, Leehte. Keyhoe . R. Jones. Utilvetsity Btuea Wyryykowski 5 . Hayter. Beat : Langley. OBrMn- Byrne. Evans, Irvine. Benjamin. OLD MELBURNIANS 4 .1 9.5 11 .9 18.13.108 OLD BRIGHTON 1 .2 2 .4 2.4 5.6.36 Old Men+.r*k. .+.• Dian 6 . Rose 2, J . Bunn 2- Jenkins . Mills, P. Thodcre, Wilhelm. Hewitt . Balm. Beat : Mu2quhutey. Dbmtt.lWhelm . Hewitt Bains, Rose . Old Brightom Murch 2 . Corkte . Winter, Blckett Best : Farrav. Strachan, Cceke WBte- Rrrw Writ

U N DER-19 SECTION 1 COLLEGIANS DE LA SALLE Coach : Tim Killworth U19 (C) : 1 2 3 4

L. Schmid t N . Ly nch J . Clark (C ()) D . Field

5 L. Taylor 6 C . Mollard 7 M . Maxwell 8 N . Harrison 9 M . Bri tt en 10 B . Pa e 11 N . McCann ge

12 A. Lan don 13 S . Elg (VC) 14 T. De Youn g

15 T. Cookes 16 A. Baxter 17 T. Spicer 18 N . Brass 19 A. Robe rtson 20 J . Waters 21 C . Chambers 22 S . Lynch

23 M . Gibso n 24 M. G o df re y 25 A. McAllester 27 T. Foster 28 D . Telford 29 T. Rogers-Wilson 30 L. Moon (VC) 31 J . Rose 33 B. Samuel

Coach : Clay Weser U19 (C) : S. Hyland 2 N. Herber

7 J . Larag y M . Mercuri 10 E . Williams 11 P. Bowden

11 C. Hyd e 11 1 R. Stevens Y 2 M . Evans 12 B . Mercuri

13 S . Hyland (C) t 4 M . Aro n 75 J . Crowe 17 M . McHenry 18 D. Jarvis t9 D. Moore

20 B . Corin 23 T. Fisher 25 R. Seattle (VC) 26 S. Wood s 27 C. Worsteling

28 S. Hart 29 D. Forer 29 M . Joyce 29 K. Rogers ( VC ) 32 R. Bonnici 32 J . Silvers 33 M . O'Donnell 34 A. Pedicini 37 C. Buic k 38 N. Stafford

42 S. Lo 42 J . Wat~an ers 44 X. Clancey 45 S. Cia 47 A. Molyan 47 A. Orlando

70 M . Dugan M . Andrews C . Asmus S. Erdos R . Huphso n

39 S . Kinder 69 A. Dakin

P.' Nowlan D B. Reade

A. Jackson M . Karpaviciu s S. McManus

OLD PARADIANS Coach: Ken Johansen ( i) Coach: PhD Lichen (2) 1 S . Young9

2 D . Gree n 3 G . O' Meara 4 B. Richardson 5 B . Galloway 5 B . Woodham 6 M . Joyce 8 D . Varan o 8 A . Vecchio 9 J. B~~Yran 10 K . Theodossi i1 A . Curran 12 C . Jacavou 16 C . Pric e 17 N . Allard 19 P. Karabatsos

OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins (i)

C oach: Pete Callinan (2) I


AeBarren 2 C. 3 S. Beetham 4 D.eeas 6 C.Carra.~s 6 s. carr~us 7 B. chrtinie 6 C. Cordon 9 T Carndy

1o R. Cm.grdan tt tCu,rvx 12 T. Davis 13 J . Denim 14 A. Drago

IS T. parrew 16 J . Fay

20 M . Dempster 21 M . Szewczuk 22 M . Cosgriff 23 D . Briggs 23 M . Ploenges 24 L . Brickwell 25 A. Jakowenk o 26 B . O 'Conno r 27 S. Pruscino

IS M . Fazgwa id t9 M . Fro 20P.Fm rrder 21 T.Geeson 22 H. H an 23J .H-rAsi ns 24 J . Hea y

28 R . Sa rtor i 29 V. Per ry

25 J . Cede 26 J . Hennesry 46 A. oswdd

30 S. Fellowes 31 F. Papaluca 32 A. Baker 34 G . Hower 35 D . Loney 36 G . Dean

37 V. Ber gamin 38 N . Kudeweh 39 J. Thorn 40 J. Collin s F. Papluca 42 M . Rees 44 S. Ciavola 47 M. De Rang e 49 D . Gleason 52 N . Macart ney 53 C . Butler

54 G . Boyd 60 A . Swindo n 82 T. O 'Shea

17 R. Feely

27 C. Hoene 49 T. Paaus 28 R.laarven3elo so M . o~arru~

29 J . Ireland at N. Ratrgcber 30 D. Keers 52 D. Ren z 31 U . Kennedy 53 U . Rushe 32 A. Lamy 54 D. Ryan

33 R. La e gan s5 A s 5uz 34 R tyn etcn e6 s. Scidmare 35S. Mccamy 57 A. Spence 36 n McD~aw SS D. Stzn 37 8. McGrath 59 C. Sfe~ns 38 J . Mdnerney 6 0 D. Sw~q 3g T. Mct~p 6 1 D. Smrey ao J . Mcte~ 62 i. Storey 41 R. M~curi 63 N. Tmeao 4 2 S. Merlin 64 s. TrumN e

43 C. Maisgcmery 65 C. Mary 44 B. Munson

e6 D. Wayland 45 R oacwshzx 67 M . xeures, 46J .0'Conzw4

47 K 05c~n,



Coach : Rod Bourke U19 (C) :


OLD CAREY Coach : Peter Schille r U19 (C):

1 J . Schiano

Coach : Leigh Bowes U19 (C) :

2 B. Hobbs

1 A.

3 P. Fotiniotis

2 S. Grabert

4 J. Heffernan

5 N . Biggin

6 7 8 9

4 C. Poletti 5 R. Hawkins

6 L Hawkins 7

P. Nelson

8 L. Varney D. Grant 10 D. Ryan 12 A. Bray 15 L Morgan 16 B. Meehan (VC) 17 N. Meeha n 18 M . Bonaddio 19 T. Crook 21 p Ri gg 23 J. Kavanagh ' 24 D. Nisbet 25 R. Hammond 34 C. Raine 37 DD. Fento n 45 D. Stagliano 49 P. Har ri ngton 53 J. Di Pietro 62 A. McDowell

69 G . Miller 76 N. Parry (C) 79


3 G . Earl 4 W. Earl

6 T. Ewert

7 G . Rhodes 8 T. Handley

9 L . O'Neill J. White 11 S. Dimer 12 A. Robertson 13 R . O'Neill 14 A. GinnaVln

15 G . Norwood 16 J. Thombrow 17 C . Barrow 18 H . Rolls 19 M. Carr 20 A. McLaughlin 21 X. Carra 22 A. Walsh

23 J. Thomas 25 A. Boyd 26 S. Fox 27 P. Marks 28 A. Avramedies 29 C . Stewart 30 D . Stockdale 31 A. Thorns 32 R . Hayward 33 M. McB 35 T. Erridge


1 B. Swann 2 R. Pizzichetta 3 R. Legudi 4 R. BOnnici 5 J. Pearson 6 P. lanazzo 7 N. Smith g J. DelaneyY 9 S. Wheeler 10 C. Osbome 11 S. Erickson 12 A. Velona

13 S . Bugryn 14 A. Thomas

15 A. Pfeiffer 16 A. Mastropasqua 17 T. Plante

18 T. James 19 L Kavanagh

20 D. Sheeh an 21 M . Polatajk0 22 P. Rahill 23 D. Monteleone

24 A Monteloene 25 J . Jacks 26 A Gleason 27 James Mount 28 J. Zocco 29 J. Ciflarelli 30 S . Borg

31 J. Evans

32 T. Harvey 33 S. Smith 37 J. Lloyd

42 V. ludka

43 C. Davis

5 T. Baker

B. Tuck S. Addison S. Derry N. Latham

10 R .Oppy 11 A. Hansan 12 J. Mai (C) 13 S. Walt 14 D. Feas t

15 S. Chambers 16 N . Bull 17 D. Abbot t 18 T. T rMaN

19 T. wycad C 20 M Lawrenc e 21 D. Stone 22 M . Pound 23 T. Stuart 24 B. Shute 25 A. Murphy

2 6 C . Munro

27 C. Dav e 2 8 P. To Zins

2 9 S. Beccett 30 W.Onvin 31 C . Davi s 32 C . Malin ~ D . Silvenvoai 34 N . Lock 35 S. McConnell

36 E. Davey

37 S. Davies 38 M. Aylward 46 A. K6HIe 47 Bond A.


C. Davis

Coach: Jeff Osbome

1 F. Hakins 2 D. Moriarty 3 P. Cerche

ST KEVINS Coach: Peter Foster

U19 (C): N. Moore, P. Mount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. Calle ry N . Walker P. Mount A . Rattle C. Noseda B . Allis B . Shelley T. McCann L. Cresswel l 10 J . Radford 11 T. Crowley 12 P. Bare 13 A . Stuart 1 4N . Moore

15 J . Ferrari 16 K . McDonald 17 A . Foley 18 A . Wise 19 C. Goldswo rthy 20 P. OiKeefe 21 J . Sibilia 22 M . Lagastes 23 P. Milesi 24 R. Sheehy 25 S . Vanderwert 26 A . Bevacqua 27 R. Zeman 28 N . Parrett 29 A . Conlan 30 P. Halpin

31 P. Harvey 32 S . OlConnor

33 J . OiConnor 34 T. Bergin 35 E . Ratter 36 A . Smith 37 R . Debraio 38 G. Anderson 39 D. Liepa 40 D. Dunn 41 J . Howde n 42 J . Pangrazio

43 L. Wilkinso n 44 R. Cam a na 45 L. Meehan

UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach: Steven Carroll U19 (C):

t A . Albert 2 S . Benjami n 3 C . Brook s 4 J . Coulloupa s

5 B . Callery

6 A . Clark 7 A . Crawford 8 W. Crocker 9 H . Christie 10 L. Dean-Johns 11 F. Delasquale 1 2 C . Evan s 13 S . Ferguson 14 A . Fleetwood 15 J . Hocking 16 J . Hatton 17 W. Jackso n

16 G. King

19 J . Lyle 20 D . Leahy 21 M . McKerrow 22 R . McKerro w 23 T. Menzies 24 T. McMillan 25 L. Morrison 26 N . Mules 27 C . Northey 28 S . Parson s 29 W. Pye 30 P. Sheaha n 31 J . Starlingg 32 A . Southerland 33 A . Terril l 34 B . Tuck 35 L. Underwood 36 N . Vogels 37 J . War d 38 J . Webbe r

39 A . White 40 R . Woodward 41 D . Wood



Thomas A Guerin Le e j M Ensor 6 L Gibson 7 B Stevens 3 N Burto n J Walker 0 R Carroll 1 G Johnson 1 2 J Bayford 13 D Emerson ; 4 P Bird 15 A Quin 16 N Atkins 17 T Eaton 18 A Palmer 19 N Kennedy 20 A Faraguna 21 M Selletto 22 K Alexander 23 A Catli n 24 L Buller 25 P Wri g ht 26 T Collins 27 S Fitzgerald 28 B Spence 29 K Rawsthorn 30 D Teesdale 31 L McNicholas 32 A Black 33 B Griffiths 37 B Haynes 47 S Langford-Jones 23

OLD SCOTCH Caads Terry Kendall U19 (C) : G. Junkeer 1 G .Junkeer(C) 2 T. Chapma n

3 S. Miles 4 A. Shee r 5 T. Paterson 6 I. McKenzie 7 C. Steven s 8 T. Frankenburg 9 N . Leitl 10 N . Sladen 11 C . Fricke 12 L . Hume 13 N . Simon 14 A. Willersdorf 15 J . Hughes 1 6 N . O'Brien 17 S . Eager 19 M . Rowell 20 N . Brewster 21 T. Glass

22 L. Hanneman 23 L. Waikom 24 L. Hawkins 25 M . Thwaites 26 J . McCarroll 27 E. Stewart 28 T. Cardy 29 S. Hosking 30 A. Leeds 31 S . Prendergast 32 E . Olive r 35 P. Rodgers 36 R . Ashto n 37 C . Armstrong 40 A . Collin s

41 A. Reed 66 H . Thomas

Coach: Janes GDlds U19 (C):

1 M . Lefeanue 2 M . Karavilis 3 G . Cul l 4 D . Marson 5 G . Romanin 6 S. Loy 7 D . Angotti 8 D. Ryan 9 G . Murley 10 D . Bonanno 11 A . Hasiotis 12 D . Ballantine 13 P. Pappalardo 14 C . Duinardo 15 J . Pappalardo 16 P. Diacogiorgis 17 J . Delahunt 18 M . Moussi 19 J . Sheehan 20 N . Mathews 21 M. Fisher 22 M . Roberts 23 L. Bettiol 24 B . Dinneen 25 G. Hawkins 26 T. Louder 27 D . Ciro

OLD TRINITY Coach: Stem Maus U19 (C): S Jones, E pavatriss 1 S. Jones (C)

2 A. Beeve r 3 M . Passador 4 A . Roth e 5 B . Hutchinson 6 C. Russell 7 B . Ise p p i 8 D . Asttwo rth 9 A. Grigg 10 S . Dann 11 K. Node n 12 C. Wilson (VC) 13 S .Johnson 14 R. Gambl e 15 R . Baxter 16 T. Hog gins 17 C . Hiiras 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J . Masle n 20 M . Canzoneri 21 L. Kennedy 22 D. Kinross 23 B . Fitzmaurice 24 E . Davatzis (C) 25 W. Hanse n 26 D . Robinson 27 L . Clarke 28 C . Butle r 29 W. Brady 31 R. Ramsden 32 J . Cornell 33 Y. Ada[ 35 C . Sor 37 S . Medlin 39 A. Mai Vah 43 D . Wafdron (VC) 44 M . Lapira 45 S . Darcy-Molloy 52 A . Andrew s 61 N . Broster 64 M . Kassaby

NTH OLD BOYS Coach : Andy Rya , U19 (G) :

1 M . Taleb 2 T. Water s 3 B. Kousovasilis 4 O . Khade r 5 B. Cariss 6 D. Skene 7 S . Hoban 8 T. Halpin 9 A . Naiss 10 C . Farad 11 S . Bryant 12 D . Aboud 13 C . Miller 14 J . Saba 15 N. Tonkin

16 P. Borysiewicz 17 S . Reynoldson 18 S . Mcllroy 19 M . Payne 20 R . Amato 21 M . Barker 22 G . Taylor 23 H . Makhoul 24 B . Kurec 25 M . Moustafa 26 N .OiHalloran 27 M . Rees

28 N . Smith 29 S . Smit h 30 D. Willoughby 31 B . Wilso n 33 A . McKenzie


OLD HAILEYBURY Coach: Greg Lasscock U19 (C) : J . Bell 1 L. Floyd 2 S . Davey 3 A . Brudar 4 L . Paisley 5 D . Harrop 6 R . Ladd 7 A. Biggs 8 J . Meades 9 C. Hom e 10 C. Efstathiou 11 R . Burn 12 T. Rogers 13 G . Finlayson 14 M. Chisholm 15 D . Pountney 16 J . Miller 17 R. Bradham 18 C . Jayasekera 19 C . Moyle 20 H . Francis 21 D . Lay 22 A. Rode 23 M . Somaia 24 B . Hall 25 D. Harrigan 26 J . Bell (C) 27 R . Carson 28 S . Diet z 29 M . Nicholson 30 D . Porte r 31 D . Mason 32 E . Ek 47 J . Robertso n


Coach: MichW Love)oy U19 (C):

Coach: Paul OShannassy U19 (C) :

1 A Ryan 2 P Carroll 3 C Tesoriero 4 J Dunn e 5 J Doubaras 6 L Abdallah 7 B Mcshane 8 L Hamilton 9 P Russo 10 L Tyli m 11 J Williams 12 A Conn 11 13 N Zomer ,o ~C) 14 J Drury 15 G Gomez 16 A Burnett 17 S Lambert 18 M Young 19 D Falkingham 20 C Mizz i 21 J Cunningham 22 G Smit h 23 D Napier (C) 24 G Alfor d 25 L Wintle 26 P Doherty 27 S Kingwell 28 D Young 29 T Winnell 30 T Fava 31 P Wintle 32 S Bel l 33 G Strachan 34 M Mulcahy 35 A Smith

1 M . Atkin 2 C. Brown 3 L . Brown 4 M . Byrn e 5 A. Clements 6 B . Costello 7 B . Dryne 8 P. Greenbank 9 E . Hannon 10 A. Mahe r 11 J . Marr 12 J . Martin 13 J . McAuley 14 L . Mellings 15 S . Moody 16 B. Murphy 17 R . Neale 18 A . Nolan 19 C. Pease 20 H . Peck 21 C . Schilling 22 M. Staunton 23 S . Vegter 24 D. Walsh

OLD M ELBURNIANS Coach Mark Libard l U19 (C):

1 J . Gooley 2 C . Guest 3 D . Fabinyi 4 C . Murphy 5 A. Ellims 6 H. Birrell 7 C. Fon g 8 C. Jennings 9 J . Murtaza 10 P. Stuckey 11 N . Sampieri 12 E. Wilson 13 D. Patterson 14 G . Anderson 16 R. Atkins

17 J . Hammond 18 E . Farquarson 19 R .Hyam s 20 E. Alder 21 W. Yunken 22 C. Ray 23 I . Ambler 24 J . Moss 25 H . Turner 26 H . McLeod 27 W. Austin 28 C . Sibree 30 N. Coutts 32 M . Benko 33 N . Couzen s

WHITEFRIARS Coach: mane styles U19 (C):

1 A . Crough 2 M . No rt hey 3 B. Pha n 5 J . Power 6 B. Winch 7 T. Hilton 8 R. Fedel e 9 L. Trewhella 10 A .Johnson 11 M . Cassarino 12 D . Reid 13 N . Cowling 14 S . Ward 15 S . Staddon 16 B . Sinclair 17 D . Eifermann 18 R . Murray 19 M . Duffy 20 S . Fleming 21 M . Setches 22 S . Davi s 23 L. Armstrong 24 J . Treyvaud 25 M . Crosher 26 D . Sullivan 27 T. Hoare 28 B . Doherty 29 M . Walsh 30 A. Beatt ie 31 B . Jones 32 M . Tan 33 R . Pawlik 34 T. Mulcahy 35 D . Levi 36 J . Anderson

RECOVER YOUR BOD Y You work hard; you play hard but you need to look after your body . A good recovery or warm down program is as essential as a good warm-up . Whether you've just been for a brisk 45 minute walk or played a game of footy you need to think about recovery . Slow down your pace to less than half of what you've been doing, for at least 5 minutes at the end of your training period . Then spend at least 5 minutes stretching to help your muscles recover . Also do not forget fluids and a carbohydrate snack to replenish your glycogen store . A bit of ice is nice on injured areas for 20 minutes every 2 hours in between training sessions . Then massage at McKinnon Sports Medicine centres to reduce delayed onset muscle soreness and you will feel great.

SENIORS - 30.05 .98

UNIVERSITY BLACKS 4.5 8.7 9.13 14 .16.100 MONASH BLUES 2.0 4.0 6.5 8 .7.55 University Blacks: CaccnieID 3 . Hannan 3. L"ningstone 3. Mr~lde 2 . Roberts. Lynch . B . Costello. Best- Baton. Toose. Lhvtgslon . C~ellL A. Costello, Roberts Monash Blues: McClelland 3 . Ftndla}t Rogers . Bolton. J .M. Smith . Hawkins. Best: ONeID. J .M. Smith. Rogers. Hollouav. Newnan . Headbern , SALESIAN 3.3 6 .9 13.12 18.16.124 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 5.5 5 .6 8.10 11 .14.80 Salesian: Cincotta 5 . Grace 4. Ererall 2. Healey 2 . Thain 2 . Bobetic . Byrne . Haieli . Best: Wiseman . Cincotta Everall . Grace. Thain . D. K . TaAor. Old Essendon Grammar: P. Lutterschmodt 7 . J. Leask. S . Evans . S. Dale, C. Robertson. Best: P. Lutterschmidt . J. PannagiotopoHous. S . Dale. S. Vebergang. J . Hu es . SO ANK 5.4 16 .7 26.12 34.14.218 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 2.5 5 .6 5.8 8,10.46 Southbank: Perry 6. Murphy 6 . MeNamara 6 . A. Rolfs 5 . Eastham 3. Fraser 3 . Linford. Rhodes. A. Pitts. Watford 2 . Best: Murphy. MeNanara Reid. Corboy . Thomson . Paleod'unas. St Patricks Mentone: May 2 . Dixon. Perrin. P. Sullivan. White . Best: Perrin . Stephens . Paul Sullivan . May. Matt Sullivan, Dixon . AQUINAS 8.7 15 .8 26.10 33.18 .216 ST JOHNS 1.4 4 .9 6 .10 10.12 .72 Aquinas: Cultrera 9 . WhLston 7. Field 4 . Thomas 3. Tarulli 3 . Flynn 2 . Downes 2 . Hyland. Moran . Dunne. Best: Collim. Dmnes . A. Bethune. Cultrera. Field . Whiston . St Johns : Pola 4 . Emery 2 . Pepper. Van Hooten . Fay . Archer. Best: Foy. Archer. Ladson. Fredericks. Pola. Ouen. WHITEFRIARS 2 .3 9.5 14.7 19.11 .125 YARRA VALLEY 3 .3 7.6 13 .10 16.12 .108 Whitefriazs: Robinson 6. Lacey 3. Paver 3. Gloufchev 2 . Harris. Pasqualotto. Law. Campbell. Carrigg. Best : Pasqualotto. Lacey. Robinson. E . Vanderboom . Pouer. Winterburn. Yarra Va lley: Rees 5. P. Telford 3 . Macwxan 3 . McLeod 3. Heffernan 2 . Best: Rees. Heffernan. Downs. Mcl-od. Maman. L. V.'hlte . AJAX 8 .0 13.1 19 .6 26 .9.165 PARKS IDE 2 .2 7.5 9 .8 12.8.80 AJAX : Freund 10, Rajeh 8. Levy 2. Pat 2 . Katinskn, Hatphen . Marks. Geibart. Best : Freund . Rajeh. Katinstd. Pat. Rosen. Parkside : Ryan 4. Cusack 2. Tessari 2. Hockey . biacnamara . D . McCall . Saligo.

RESERVES - 23 .05.98

UNIVERSITY BLACKS 3.5 8 .5 9.5 13.7.85 MONASH BLUES 1.3 5 .5 7.11 11 .13 .79 University Blacks : Cameron 4. Hmell 3 . Coleman 2 . Wilson. Strain. Netnt?c. Hqziett. Best: Neville. Cameron, Coleman . Diprose. Hovrell. Furness. Monash Blues: Lloyd 3. Farrar 2 . Spencer 2. Harris . R. Walsh. Rtordan Cdombtes. Best: Berry. Baxter. Farrar. Da.vsley, Mentha Cotombtes. 7.2165 SALESIAN 4 .5 5 .14 5.21 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 1.3 3 .8 5.8 5.6.36 Sales3an : Alligan 3 . McKnight 2. Forbes, Hunt. Best : Napoli. A. Gasp=ri. Fabm McKnight . Dacev . Alligart. Old Eeseadon Grammar : Walsh 2, Emerson. Gillis . Stemsridge. Best: Barr. Emerson. J . Saunders, Carter, Da4i.d Hexter. Dawn. SOUTHBANK 6 .7 15.12 22.17 30 .20 .200 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 0 .1 1 .3 3.3 3.3.21 Southtrenlc Steuart 7. G. Rolfs 6. Altken 5. A. Bunnett 2 . Roberts 2 . DecartereÂą Radcliffe. Gay. Birch . Ross. B . Scarilon . Lucas . NL'ardrop . Best: Stewart . Aitken, Herrtdge. Decarteret . Birch. Meliean . St Patrieks Menotone : Ellery 2. Paul Murphy, Best: Freese . M . Johnson . Ellerv. Seedsman. AQUINAS 3 .4 9.7 18.10 24 .12 .158 ST JOHNS 2 .1 3.3 4.3 6.8.42 Aquinas: B . Moran 7 . Wooden 5 . Bamburv 4. N. Moran 2, Woods 2. Jeffiey. tVilsoan. Nichol . Rack. Best: Woods . Nichol. Wilson . B. Moran . Wooden . L}ng . St Johns: Delia 2. Grundell . Houard. Shaer. ~4'adsan . Best: Webb, Shaer. Fletcher. Kelly. Grundell. Christian. 4 .1 7.3 9.7 13 .10.88 WHITEFRIARS YARRA VALLEY 2 .3 4.3 6.4 9 .5 .59 Whitehiare : L . Eames 3 . Ward 2 . Glenn 2. Callander. D. Nolan, C . Eanv= . Thwaites, Deizoppo . Maguire . Best : Maguire. D . Nolan, C. Eames D VandenBloom. Elliott. Callander. Yarn Vall ey: Strong 5 . Telford. Francome. Dams, L. Morris. Best : Da<:^-s. B Telford. Strong . D. Ross. Balshaw. Joiner. AJAX 2.7 6.10 9 .12 12.15 .87 PARKSIDE 0.1 0 .2 4 .5 5.7.37 AJAX: Kalb 4 . Ben-Siman 3 . Sawicki 3. Carow. CuMermon. Best: Shein . Sega:. Rath . Cohen . Lewis, Snow. Parkside: Hogan 2. Yandle 2. McPherson. Best : Saldana. Linares . Lenses G.

MARKETING by phil Steven s


S~ÂŽ~'r$(; O~' R month that correctly ~~~I~~ was the final club chosen for th e rni premiership in a round 8) ywinners - Old Geelong, A~u o . The 5 May weekl picked the card (ic all nominated teams t win sP competition n Premier the Seve . Richmond Cent tai~Swinburne University and Aquinas wereAFC, placed in aclub draw to find This wins two rtseover Pick S1~pAmateurs in the orn winner being S'a~b~ne University this r . Hath ilte gportscover winne May overall picked up from Tony at VAFA Properties . ' gilerrin The same footballs weekly which winners can beand p winner for June will be determined as for May


. Started VFL career ~ . Answers - 1Jan Bennett, collegians 2 y University Blue s CUBa aJones Lewis then (Ormond) at l finished career with first club 3 . 5nL , st game pea played by NM M y winner -_ Michael . ed club annl section flag team Eagles 9 o e t h one club, e ang , Wes ~t}T named after his uncle who captained Ivanhoe s Ormond, . Sergio and Stephen Silvagni, Jock 7 . matchMatt before Queen 5 April 1970 10 Me the Peter and Paul Hudson, oh oand Peter Somerville' .~rr}en street 6 . Stephen Smith ever Sunda y ~t~;ed its first Cassin Ken and Jamie Turner , aÂŤd John . (continued from Page 1 1 i- the match. tt THE DESK OF . . . . . . . . f the quarter trem"' often called the "premierFRO compromising V~'A 1319 representaThe third quarter ust that in the match . A tough un Daniher Sheld in the ship quarter" proved to be j ii`.e team retained the Ter ry gainst the NSW-ACT The VAFA through thB riri ~dominanc e McClelland too k ~,nnual representative match a . NSW ACT were t prominen Dinneen, B . Harvey, ~A had bee U 18 combination last Sunday n out a strong control, and with Thoma s the eight b~e~eb t e l l aid n chrto h3}~ Hoevertthlyy. on his wing burning, quarter time . In this quarte r ;njr ries reducing d (49) point lead at three q attacke ll and came out fu of run were cold and bluste ry the move of Stean ont the n LavingtOn asdto y as the inclusia e Conditions at goal breeze . the aid of a proved to be a turning po replacing th with w Kenned for a and the VAFA opened of (~uin to the wing, wrt h . Merrington began to d Coach JohnToohey had aske authority on the game injured Pangrazio at fuliback war, w e Stair was - across hall' forwar, whil sicel}* resolve to Lip and did . Tim Harvey exert his run from half back was also invdaluable . the first bounce ~riot only did his strong from Mulquiney' s At the final break John Toohey asked his play- , electrie in the first q opposition captain set the team structions dtinue to follow the anc hip and shoulder on the scoring oPportuers to con efend the game but v3in it with hard runhe created man y e d booted on rcnd for the day, an flank y forward not tr rthefotbal . niti,s from his half 4n the ruck were domi n hplenty of headache s ning an d strong efforts ao an nWise ll whilst Dinnee ed at half forward and p smart knock-on s use of the ba d ~inag the VAFA first h up in wit for the opposition with some veryf Catlin Nas h MeClelland set the game . EiuIl Brown and fWhile the run strong playand at ground level and across the centre to steady an d allowed the -orwad VAFA nd Corin presented themselves an extremely ra cross half fo a LO forward Hope a th direc on to win M the l desperatio tio n consolidate, an.dIngothe t egularly and wer handful~o~dedesome freakis h fmisl~~t ta contest that s t a m i n g nents, while Karavasilis p the firs t and teamwork froo ctforts to add to the VAFAs dom eadc w~ch could enabled the victory h~ well deserved . break the VAFA held a hand y .18, 15 .19.109 have been far greater had they kicked more accuVAFA: 5 .5, 7 .8 . 14 .5 . 12 .5 .77 3 gonnici, NSW-ACT' 1 .1, 8 .4, 8 uin-y The second quarter began at a hectic pace with 3, Hope 3 . T. Harve . etohibac GOALS : Corin . Karavasllis, O'Connor, Merrington, B the NSW ACT outfit 7go ~ determined o 2 to go m at~th Dinneen k and they did by ad ing quarter the ru n q Harvey T . . . Dinneen ong break 2 points ahead . In this gFST; Thomas, Wise major a0'Connor of Kennedy and O'Keefetor from e~ back d O'Connor, Q s f usive McClelland . Hylan . or the VAFA managing (VAFA), Jason Dudenas ai centre half back began to dominate and comUmpires: Andrew Stephen


Nned Nvith the 1-1 ~id e o the VAFA who battled a well second hal




The Victorian Amateur Football Association and Red Cross Blood Bank Victoria have joine d forces to help maintain sufficient blood supplies to Victoria's 200 hospitals . Clubs will compete against each other to see who can make the most blood donations to the Blood Bank during th e

1099 8 Each Club has nominated a "Captain Blood" who will help raise awareness of the need for blood within their club . For more information speak to your "Captain Blood" TODAY ! Great prizes and incentives have been generously donated by Hugh Lyon Football Jumpers, Schweppes Sport, Four 'n Twenty and Spalding . Blood Bank Donor Enquiries -phone ( 03) 9694 030 0

Australian Red Cross




players, Committee and Supporters alike are awn to football clubs, be it country, suburba n ,nor or junior in search of mateship and camararderie. Many a lifetime friendship have been fos, : red through football clubs throughout the country . ;,u sure every club has at least one committeeman or :,,pporter who has no direct tie to the club be it fami ;c or playing background, but loves to be involved :ciiether it be handing out drinks on a cold and wet ,cinuy training night or pouring beer at the after :natrh.

I recall a conversation I once had with one such ocrson in which I asked why he devoted so much of his spare time to a club that he had no previous ties s ith, his reply was "I love it, it keeps me young" . This a itude is shared by many people at clubs througho,i i ihe country, their contribution makes them an integral part of every club . Being an amateur association, clubs are unable to offer fmancial rewards as a mean to retain existing

,~ , ~---

players or recruit new players . The amateur player is mcRivated by the friendship and camaraderie that exists around the club . One of the many roles of the amateur coach is to provide an environment which encourages and reinforces the individual to motivate themselves to achieve . A well disciplined but enjoyable environment must be created to achieve any form of success . This environment can be created by providing interesting, challenging and varied training . setting clear and attainable goals . supplying feedback on performance . being trustworthy, fair and consistent . By giving the players pride in themselves, their team and their club, the rewards will be there for the player, committeeman and supporter alike . Derek Hine Southbank F.C.

504 ROAD, RCHMONDq 3121

In a pair of Blades boots, with the revolutionary sole system and internal wedge, you'll notice the improved performance and comfort where it matters most . On the ground .

Official Supplier to V"FA .


BLADES L G~ ®1 e'I~N H I $2000 TO THE WINNING CLU B Points have been allocated for Round Eight matches and today the leading 20 clubs ar e shown . A team that has a bye is credited with a win . To refresh memories from last week a senio r team win receives 12 points ; reserves win 5 points ; an under 19 team win 5 points . CLUB


WHITEFRIARS 0 C 8 8 8 17 6 OLD XAVERIANS 8 7 8 17 1 OLD MENTONIANS 7 6 .5 5 141 .5 BEAUMARIS 7 7 4 13 9 MONASH GRYPHONS 8 7 0 13 1 ORMOND 5 7 6 12 5 OLD CAMBERWELL 7 8 0 12 4 OLD TRINITY 7 4 4 12 4 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 7 6 1 .5 121 .5 AJAX 5 8 4 12 0 MARCELLIN 6 6 3 .5 119 . 5 OLD CAREY 7 7 0 11 9 PENINSULA 7 7 0 11 9 OLD PARADIANS 4 7 7 11 8 OLD SCOTCH 4 7 7 11 8 OLD GEELONG 6 6 3 11 7 KEW 7 6 0 11 4 DE LA SALLE 5 5 5 11 0 HAMPTON ROVERS 5 4 6 11 0





10 5

Bonus points are on offer and can be earned as follows : • 40 points at the end of July to each club which has at least 20 senior, reserve or Under 1 9 players regularly wearing Blades football boots in VAFA matches . • 2 points for each $100 worth of Blades apparel purchased through the VAFA up to 31 Jul y 1998 .

.. .

~~ ~ ~ F ~ ~~ ;


pi'wnea 90`82 9688 fax : 9882 5194


ELSTERNWlCK PA R K DRAW 199 8 (June - August)

This Sat. 13/6: No match scheduled-ground vacant This Sun . 14/6 : FIDA matchday Next Sat . 20/6 : Old Trinity v Ormond Next Sun . 21/6:Uni . Blues v Old Scotch Sat . 27/6 : Marcellin v North Old Boys Sun 28/6 : St. Kevins v Collegians Sat . 4/7 : Mazenod v Old Paradian s Sun . 5/7 : No match scheduled - ground vacant Sat 11/7 : MHSOB v Mazenod Sun 12/7 : No match scheduled - ground vacant Sat 18/7 : Nomatchseheduled - groundvacant Sun 19/7 : FIDA matchday

Sat 25/7 : Therry Penola v Old Ivanho e Sun 26/7: No match scheduled - ground vacant Sat 1/8 : Old Paradians v MHSO B Sun 2/8: No match scheduled - ground vacant Sat 8/8 : Old Haileybury v De La Salle Sun 9/8: FIDA semi - final s


Matthew Agrotis, Bulleen-Templestowe. Abusive language, 2 matches . Darren Halls, St. Johns . Striking, 5 matches . Rhys Livingstone, St. Marys . Abuse of umpire, 1 match. Troy Harbinson, ANZ Albert Park . Striking, 4 matches . Adrian Neems, Werribee Amateurs . Witness, failed to appear. i match suspension pending satisfactory explanation for his absence . Graeme Williams, De La Salle (Club 18) . Striking, 6 matches . John Pannagiotopolous, Old Essendon . Striking, 2 matches . Mark Crosswell, Old Westbourne . Striking, 2 matches. Ray Bravington, Elsternwick. Striking, 2 matches . Darren Murray, Hawthorn Amateurs. Striking, 2 matches. Accepted prescribed penalty

First offence ( $5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50); fou rth offence ($100) ; each sub::2 quent offence ($100) . Reserves/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Uni . Blacks (Res .) All Clea r OTHER Incorrect scores phoned (Rd . 7) De La Salle (Sen .), Collegians (Sen .), Yarra Valley (Sen .), Parkside (Sen.), Monash Gryphons (Sen.), Hawthorn Am . (Sen .), Banyule (Res.), Hawthorn Am . (Res.), Old Melb (C18), Marcellin (U19) .

Saturday's Final Siren Scores

Section) 6 速 p.m .




.® 0 C oles PAyee Ltd . $ERV~

F. 1® D. A.


Re , iew - Round 5 Two weeks ago the half way mark of the season ca ne and went . Parkside and Karingal (2) battled out a close match with the Parkside boys getting home, but only just . RAID Lions continued their drastic improvement with a clean sweep of their match with the Broadmeadows Kangas . ~taribyrnong proved too strong for Werribee, while neilor and the Bombers received walkovers from Geclong and the Marlins respectively . In Bendigo both Karingal and Bendigo (1) drew ill their Division 1 match, while Ringwood forfeited to Bendigo (2) . In Ballarat the much improved Hawthorn team demolished an undermanned Ballarat unit easily . Preview - Round 6 Maribyrnong and RAID Lions clash in a match that pits first versus second . The Bulldogs this %veekend will face their toughest test and althoug h

they are on top l expect the Lions to come home with the points . Hawthorn should have little difficulty in defeating Werribee . as to should Parkside, that is if Geelong actually take the field . Broadmeadows an d Ringwood should be a great game with both teams evenly matched . The Kangas have lost form recently while the Blues have struggled, in a toss up the Kangas in a cose one . Keilor will be too strong for Karingal (2), while Karingal's clash with the Marlins has been forfeited . The Marlins not continuing in the competition in 1998 . Bendigo ( 1) play the Bombers and with relatively close matches between the two sides recently I expect another terrific match . The Bombers have been dm on form recently an d I therefore favour the Warriors today. Bendigo ( 2) travel to Ballarat to play the Knights who also have dropped away in form recently, although today I favour them to get back on track with a good win.


DRAW FOR AGAINST 1 199 222 1 200 234 0 148 244 0 201 273


WON LOST 5 0 4 1 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 4

DRAW FOR AGAINST °lo POINTS 0 125 31 403 .22 20 0 366 128 285 .93 16 0 223 179 124 .5812 0 302 192 157.2912 0 245 148 105 .5 1 2 0 243 235 103.4 8 0 116 304 38.15 8 0 154 183 84.15 4


WON LOST 3 2 1 3 2 3 0 0

DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS 0 306 165 185 .45 1 2 0 164 68 241 .17 8 0 280 181 146 .59 8 0 0 0 0

% POINTS 89 .63 1 4 85 .4714 60 .6812 73 .02 4

' received forfeit

forfeiting teams receive average losing score, teams forfeited against receive average winning score for the round

r --p = Original and pink copy must be lodgeC with umpires no later than half time of any match .

Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surname, Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .

(50 cents per niin .) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this serviceo

速 Permits (Thurs) 速 Weekend matches (Fri) 速 Scores (Sat . night)



The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St Kilda St) will only be open when Sunday matches are to be played . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .











8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

7 7 5 5 4 4 4 2 1 1

1 1 3 3 4 4 4 6 7 7

0 701 412 170 .15 28 0 606 407 148 .89 28 0 712 461 154 .45 20 0 586 583 100 .51 20 0 578 530 109.06 16 0 578 574 100.7 16 0 549 631 87 16 0 439 540 81 .3 8 0 423 819 51 .65 4 0 334 675 49.48 4


8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

7 7 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1

1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7

0 774 0 597 0 554 0 545 0 452 0 492 0 496 0 629 0 502 0 347

362 213 .81 390 153 .08 411 134 .79 532 102 .44 675 66 .96 568 86 .62 628 78 .98 643 97 .82 613 81.89 647 53 .63

28 28 24 20 16 12 12 8 8 4

C RESERVE FEAUMARIS A F C 8 7 1 0 682 359 189.97 28 0 1 - 2 GEELONG 8 6 2 0 570 428 133.18 24 GLD MENTONIANS 8 5 2 1 709 515 137 .67 22 ST BEDES MENT TIG 8 5 3 0 634 431 147.1 20 .' 8 5 3 0 685 550 124.55 20 -'.PTON ROVERS 8 4 4 0 620 547 113 .35 1 6 ASTOWN 8 3 4 1 472 684 69 .01 14 -_C9 EMMAUS W P 8 2 6 0 438 666 65 .77 8 - ! 째EN TEMPLESTOWE 8 1 7 0 409 671 60.95 4 .--:-DASTHCAULF 8 1 7 0 289 736 39 .27 4 ,c1 ig16Ie ptayer Rd . 5 D RESERVE SECTIO N :.JAX ;; H TEFRIARS FanKSlDE ACUNAS 0 C 5~UTHBAN K -f BLUES ERSITY BLACKS E 4NO C -^?4 VALLEY D E :SENDON GR --WSOC ~- RICKS MENTONE

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

8 8 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 1 0

0 0 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

788 242 325 .62 677 252 268 .65 687 375 183 .2 578 402 143 .78 623 481 129 .52 698 556 125 .54 528 465 113 .55 392 575 68 .17 552 606 91 .09 327 715 4513 331 954 34 .7 315 949 33.19

32 32 24 20 20 16 16 12 10 6 4 0

E BLUE RESERVE ~LD CAIdBERWELL 8 8 0 0 1063 223 476 .68 32 =ENINSULA O B 8 7 1 0 860 262 328 .24 28 CAUL FIELD GRAMMAR 8 6 2 0 760 258 294,57 24 3-KLE1GH A F C 8 5 3 0 543 506 107 .31 20 --'' :SIDE PARK 8 4 4 0 527 530 99 .43 16 -~=HHOUSE 8 4 4 0 399 714 55 .88 1 6 =-RNEUNIVERSITY 8 2 6 0 410 708 57 .91 8 -~'-JNTLY 8 2 6 0 327 798 40 .98 8 -- T=~!+WICK 8 1 7 0 340 764 44 .5 4 Y째83'S 8 1 7 0 357 823 43.38 4 E WHITE RESERV E I'D CAREY H50B ' ;JI

8 7 1 0 731 378 193.39 28 8 6 2 0 827 278 297.48 24 8 6 2 0 736 317 232 .18 24 'J2ROYREDS 8 5 2 1 696 435 160 22 "STOWN CYMS 8 5 3 0 751 419 179 .24 20 `; BRUNSWICK 8 4 4 0 599 616 97 .24 1 6 3140 CENTRAL 8 3 5 0 474 591 80 .2 1 2 _EEN009RAS 8 2 6 0 313 1048 29,87 8 3E UNIVERSITY 8 1 6 1 311 705 44 .11 6 7BOURNE A F C 8 0 8 0 258 1007 25 .62 0










F RESERVE MONASH GRYPHONS 8 7 1 0 822 324 253 .7 28 WEST BRUNSWICK 8 6 2 0 631 428 147.43 24 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 8 6 2 0 691 571 121 .02 24 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 8 4 4 0 506 488 104 .12 16 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 8 3 5 0 473 605 78 .18 12 ANZ ALBERT PARK 8 3 5 0 396 536 73 .88 12 ELEY PARK A F C 8 2 6 0 425 867 49 .02 8 SYNDAL TALLY HO 8 1 7 0 356 692 51 .45 4 CLUB 18 (1 ) OLD XAVERIANS 7 7 0 0 897 167 537 .13 28 DE LA SALLE 7 6 1 0 589 277 212 .64 24 OLD BRIGHTON 7 6 1 0 372 242 153 .72 24 OLD SCOTCH 7 4 3 0 408 333 122.52 16 MHSOB 7 3 4 0 428 424 100.94 12 OLD MELBURNIANS 7 3 4 0 309 500 61 .8 12 ST KEVINS 7 2 5 0 283 423 66 .9 8 MAZENOD 0 C 7 2 5 0 284 532 53.38 8 THERRY PENOLA 08 7 2 5 0 249 547 45 .52 4 COLLEGIANS 7 1 6 0 201 630 31 .9 4 CLUB 18 (2) MONASH WHITES 7 7 0 0 492 248 198 .39 28 THORNBURY COUGARS 7 6 1 0 517 338 152 .96 24 MT LILYDALE 0 C 7 5 2 0 538 383 140 .47 20 MARCELLIN 7 3 4 0 422 412 102 .43 12 OLD ESSENDON GR 6 3 3 0 422 536 78 .73 12 KEW 7 2 5 0 339 368 92 .12 8 PARKSIDE 7 1 6 0 340 547 62 .16 4 YARRA VALLEY 7 1 6 0 324 647 50 .08 4 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 8 8 0 0 1040 362 287.29 32 OLD PARADIANS 8 8 0 0 961 512 187 .7 32 DE LA SALLE 8 5 3 0 897 812 110.47 20 OLD BRIGHTON 8 4 4 0 681 543 125 .41 16 COLLEGIANS 8 4 4 0 851 735 115.78 16 UNIVERSITY BLUES 8 4 4 0 697 606 115 .02 16 ST BERNARDS 8 3 5 0 678 819 82 .78 12 STKEVINS 8 2 6 0 572 1011 56 .58 8 MAZENOD 0 C 8 2 6 0 540 1080 50 8 OLD CAREY 8 0 8 0 451 1151 39.18 0 UNDER-19 (2) WHITEFRIARS 8 8 0 0 1053 434 242 .63 32 OLD SCOTCH 8 7 1 0 960 597 160 .8 28 BEAUMARIS A F C 8 4 3 1 646 726 88 .98 18 OLD TRINITY 8 4 4 0 778 696 111 .78 16 ST BEDES MENT TIG 8 4 4 0 716 770 92 .99 16 MARCELLIN 8 3 4 1 639 649 98 .46 14 NORTH OLD BOYS 8 3 5 0 616 727 8413 12 OLD HAILEYBURY 8 2 6 0 695 836 83 .13 8 OLD MELBURNIANS 8 2 6 0 631 982 64 .26 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 8 2 6 0 536 930 57 .63 8 UNDER-19 (2) BLU E MHSOB 8 7 1 0 1000 421 237.53 28 HAMPTON ROVERS 8 6 2 0 775 491 157 .84 24 ORMOND 8 6 2 0 673 581 115 .83 24 OLD MENTONIANS 8 5 3 0 1023 581 176.08 20 MONASH BLUES 8 5 3 0 666 612 108 .82 20 AJAX 8 4 4 0 556 782 71 .1 16 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 8 3 4 1 507 542 93 .54 14 DE LA SALLE (2) 8 2 6 0 649 792 81 .94 8 CAULFIELD GR 8 1 6 1 461 689 66 .91 6 ST KILDA STH CAULF 8 0 8 0 247 1184 20 .86 0 UNDER-19 (2) RED YARRA VALLEY 8 7 1 0 821 416 197.36 28 OLD IVANHOE 8 7 1 0 773 444 174.1 28 WARRINGAL A P C 8 6 2 0 1148 459 250 .66 24 THERRY PENOLA OB 8 5 3 0 939 558 168 .28 20 OLD PARADIANS (2) 8 5 3 0 600 748 80.21 20 AQUINAS O C 8 4 4 0 665 654 101 .68 16 OLD GEELONG 8 3 5 0 544 637 85 .4 12 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 8 2 6 0 338 1055 32 .04 8 BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE 8 1 7 0 233 1170 19 .91 4







W L D FOR AGAINST % POINTS A SECTION 8 0 0 1037 519 199 .81 32 5 3 0 726 650 111 .69 20 5 3 0 799 732 109 .15 20 5 3 0 865 824 104 .98 20 5 3 0 685 698 98 .14 20 4 4 0 922 827 111 .49 16 4 4 0 720 794 90 .68 16 3 5 0 734 833 88 .12 12 1 7 0 727 894 81 .32 4 0 8 0 621 1065 58 .31 0 B SECTION 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 2 1 1

1 2 3 3 3 4 4 6 7 7

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

864 897 882 817 748 695 814 761 765 625

673 128 .38 28 659 136 .12 24 770 114 .55 20 714 114 .43 20 362 112 .99 20 716 97 .07 16 847 96 .1 16 924 82 .36 8 905 84 .53 4 4 998 62 .63

8 8 8 8

C SECTION 7 1 0 1047 7 1 0 946 6 2 0 855 5 3 0 838 3 5 0 737 3 5 0 758 3 5 0 849 2 6 0 772 2 6 0 794 2 6 0 793 D SECTION 8 0 0 931 6 1 1 1027 5 2 1 957 5 3 0 700 5 3 0 989 5 3 0 780 3 5 0 834 3 5 0 753 3 5 0 723 2 6 0 592 1 7 0 593 1 7 0 508

8 8 8 8

E BLUE SECTION 7 1 0 1170 7 1 0 1238 7 1 0 1169 6 2 0 901 3 4 1 909 3 4 1 656 3 • 5 0 898 2 6 0 670 1 7 0 488 0 8 0 540

8 8 8

682 153 .52 730 129 .59 723 118 .26 627 133 .65 793 92 .94 883 85 .84 1108 76 .62 917 84 .19 950 83 .58 976 81 .25

28 28 24 20 12 12 12 8 8 8

574 162.2 32 670 153.28 26 688 139.1 22 544 128.68 20 795 124 .4 20 760 102 .63 20 786 106 .11 12 779 96 .66 12 775 93 .29 12 749 79 .04 8 1062 55 .84 4 1205 42 .16 4

481 243.24 28 533 232.27 28 623 187.64 28 726 124.1 24 905 100 .44 14 942 69.64 14 852 105 .4 12 965 69 .43 8 1376 35 .47 4 1236 43 .69 0


7 7 7 5 4 3 3 2 1 1


8 6 6 3 3 3 2 1

1 1 1 3 4 5 5 6 7 7

0 1026 0 1159 0 1066 0 728 0 781 0 736 0 599 0 580 0 515 0 491

441 232.65 28 567 204.41 28 702 151 .85 28 871 83.35 20 764 102.23 16 742 99.19 12 758 79.02 12 954 60.8 8 866 59.47 4 1014 48 .42 4


0 0 1136 2 0 796 2 0 946 5 0 551 5 0 719 5 0 622 6 0 521 7 0 514

423 268.56 32 558 142.65 24 682 138.71 24 646 85.29 12 864 83.22 12 795 78 .24 12 903 57 .7 8 1066 48.22 4



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