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offl(27oŠ OLD(DOO Q~TZUWn Proudly supporting the VA .FA .
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E1,IGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE PLAYERS it(i the run to the finals on in earnest clubs are ~Iooking at the number of matches played so fa r ,1~~~ ers, examining their various teams' positions the respective ladders and making selection ,I,,jsions which will allow each team to have th e mum number of players available for finals ut come September . To assist clubs, eligibility r,,quirements will be shown in next week's lmateur Footballer ." On the topic of ineligible players, each week a number of players are ruled ineligible by the reg;,uauon secretary Cliff 13astow . Players may be n,l,,d ineligible in some of the following ways - a pla_~ers signature may not match his permit form ,,.,,nature ; a player's name may be missing from a t,aznsheet or a signature missing from beside a i ;Pacrrs printed name; an opposition club or umpire ,,,iv alert the VAFA that the number on the iicic9/bench didn't match the number of players on tfu official teamsheet (or courtesy sheet which is to I,r, ~schanged by the captains at the toss of the ,m) . In instances like this Cliff writes to the offendi ;}-_~ club advising that the player has been ruled in'ligible (and the reason stated) and the club is then given 7 days from the date of notification to Ioclge an appeal against the ineligibility ruling . if the club provides an acceptable reason (the ;;la er arrived late and the team manager forgot to have him sign the prepared teamsheet), the appeal mav possibly be upheld . If the appeal is not upheld i ov, ever . the rules of the Association state that if an uicli7ible player is played a match won is awarded to the opposing club - if that club had already won, i+ is asked to make a decision in regards to match ,cores possibly giving it a better percentage as a r-ult .
Some time ago (Executive seminar 1996), the aecutive thought that to affect premiership points and/or percentage when a teamsheet error has b,en made and no real attempt to act dishonorably Iias been attempted . is too harsh . It was decided that as an alternative a club could be fined an
amount up to $200 . The first few times these cases were to the taken PHIL STEVENS Executive (as an alter- CHIEF EXECUTIVE native) a $ 100 penalty OFFICE R was handed down . Establishing this as a benchmark, a $100 fine is now imposed when a teamsheet error or similar error is made which initially renders a player ineligible .
REPORTS AND INVESTIGATION S The Executive has the power at any time to investigate any matter that comes before it that may bring the game into disrepute . Although clubs have not requested investigations into recent matters that have become sources of interesting discussions . the Association is conducting a number of private probes and formal investigations may follow as a result . In most cases charges will be laid following an umpire's written report to the VAFA or if a club lodges a formal letter of complaint (according to the correct rule) and this is received by 3 pm on a Monday afternoon following the playing of the match. Whilst on reports, the Executive this year has introduced the situation where an umpire may send off a player for an audible offence but he doesn't have to report him - and this player can be replaced . The umpire however can, and perhaps should, send off the player and report him for this type of behaviour which seems to be becoming all too prevalent in our game . The send-off/able to be replaced rule is an option that is available to the umpire only . It is not procedure that the first instance of this type of behaviour always receives this type of privilege. Of course, an umpire can issue a precautionary warning if the umpire considers the language to be audible only to him or those in very close proximity . Any obscenity directed towards the umpire warrants a report/order-off/no replacement .
July 11 th,1998 Pric e: $1 .50
Vol . 98 No . 13
4 ,_~o ii ~~_~o
A SECTION by Jason Frenkel
Review Give a football side an inch and that's all they want!
What happened to the days of taking a mile, as the old saying goes? The four teams behind Old Xaverians on the A-section ladder all lost their Round 12 matches last weekend and squandered any advantage they may have had over lower-ranked rivals in another topsy turvy day of football. The main upset of the round came from Brighton Beach oval, where undermanned underdog Old Brighton recorded a rousing 13 point win over De La Salle . It was Dale Tapping's second victory for the year, all the more meritorious given the injuries to Perry and Jackson . Lennox, Hipwell, Pryor and Raju - consistent performers all season for Brighton - were again prominent . Two important middle order scuffles had contrasting results, with the Redlegs - Cardinals clash going down to the wire, an d the Blues - SKOBs game blowing out in the last quarter. There was very little between the combatants in the contest at the Junction Oval. While the Redlegs trailed for most of the afternoon by a kick or two, a last quarter rally gave the home side victory on a platter when a deceptive Cam Thompson call tricked Steve Hume into handpassing the footy back to his opponent who duly slammed the ball through the open goals . Hume's reaction told the storv as a buried his head in his hands at the final bell . His anguish was every bit as real as Di Baggio's had been the night before when his penalty slammed into the cross-bar to send Italy home from the World Cup . Hume would have felt no consolation that he was one of Scotch's better players on the day, nor would the Cardinals have taken solace from the fact that their loss saw them move up a spot to second place. The blowout came from the University Oval, where the Blues returned to the winner's list in convincing fashion to beat St . Kevins by 64 points . The win means the students are still within striking distance, while St. Kevins continue to struggle with injuries to key players . It took a seven goal last quarter for ladder leader Xave rians to shake off a persistent St . Be rn ards at Toorak Park . Jones booted six goals and Richardson four as Andrew Brushfield and co . kept Bernards to just a solitary point in the final term . Coll egians squandered a 15 point lead at half time to give Haileybury a five goal win . The Bloods booted 11 goals to three after the main break to keep their finals prospects alive, despite being eighth on the ladder.
Preview The St. Kevins v .
Old B righton clash from Glenferrie Ova l assumes an importance it might not have had week's ago. With its chances of avoiding relegati but blown, Old Brighton emerged last week te 1998 one more shot and came out blazing to not, its second win against the odds . There is every r, to believe that Old Brighton have intentions of ca problems for some A-section sides, and St . 11 could be in the firing line today . The Skevvies are ing with injuries at the moment although Damien has been an important addition to a forward line propped up by Bowles at the moment . This is a win game for St . Kevins, but they'll only do it ju ; K by 10 points . De La Sall e left Brighton Beach oval with the'v between their legs last week after the shock loss t Brighton - they return to Waverley Park today v the pressure intensifies further with a visit fron Melburnians. The Redlegs will be feeling chuffed last week's late win over Old Scotch, but will be in the knowledge that they probably weren't up to best despite the victory. De La definitely weren't i their best last week, and it's a safe bet to say the ; be more than fired up for today's contest . DLS goals . Old Xaverians again confront the second-p side, this time taking on Old Scotch at Camber : The Cardinals have much to prove - they had the ter of the Redlegs at the Junction Oval yet left en handed - and can grasp second spot with an firmer grip if they can beat Xavs . The reigning prer do not concede lightly - the Bernards subjected 1 to close physical attention yet the resilient prer saw off yet another contender . Expect Brushfield Bowen to be busy in defence while Rohan Price sh likewise have his hands full in the Cardinals' bad with any of Xavs' key forwards . Xavs by 32 point s St. Bernards host Old Haileybu ry at the Colie; what should be a daunting task for the Bloods . T htoEsendivrapltone,dih e of winter, with the home side nursing bruised after a loss to the champs, you can expect C Foulds' players will be chomping at the bit. The Bli too, have much to play for. With a 6-6 record, the in eighth spot and cannot afford to drop a game . they will struggle to cover the Bernards' fonv ; options today . Ash Hilton will be a key player tryir give the Bloods drive, but the home side won't be perturbed . St . Bernards by 35 points.
ii,r fast match of the round comes from Harry jolt ()cal, where University Blues will con fi dently ". uil [lie winless Lions. Like the Bloods, the Blues i t o ;; - p winning to have a chance of getting a c ;u he four, and its hard to see the Lions topplin g ioday. Vaughan Cleary continues to battle hard . clo Pollock and Bennett, and the Lions need n o motivation to play well than pride, but th e i,lr,~ ;1;-on'"t drop this one . Uni by 6 goals .
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35 33 28 28
S T.T KEVINS v. OLD BRIGHTON Field: Graeme Thv~aites Jamie Kvins Boundary : Michael Chapple Cameron Hayes Goal : Brad Nash Reno Barichievich DE LA SALLE v . OLD MELBURNIANS Field : Heath Little Wayne Hinton Boundary : Tristan Bowman Shaun Hennig Goal : Bernie Hoare Ross Richards OLD SCOTCH v. OLD XAVERIANS Field : Anthonv Damen Mark Jenkins Boundary: Bob Mutton Jon Stevenson Goal : Bernie Jephson Russell Owen s ST. BERNARDS v. OLD HAILEYBURY Field : Mark Gibson Albie Firley Boundary : Greg Shilo Tim Dodds Goal : Shannon Ryan Bernie Dix COLLEGIANS v . UNIVERSITY BLUES Field : Tim Sutcliffe James Van Beek Boundary : Cameron Kealy Rohan Devers Goal : Kevin Segota John Robinson
I' SENIORS - 04.07.98 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.2 10 .4 13 .7 21 .10.136 ST KEVINS 2.2 6 .3 10 .3 11.6 .72 Univereity Blues: Blues 3 . MeKumon 3. W}TZykkowski 3. Featherstone 2 . McLachlan 2. Koddiek. Alexander. DeCresolgnv . Guenqerich. Maplestone, Sheehan. Tueddle. Longley. Best : Featherstone . McKinnon . Sturrock Versteegan . W}try-koausla. Longe}•. St Kevins: Bou9es 4 . D . Rvan 3. Bevacqua . Fraser. Mahoney, M. Ryan. Best : Ciavola. Boles. Mahonev. tviamsic. F6tch. \laeer . OLD BRIGHTON 5.2 6.4 11 .8 13.10 .88 DE LA SALLE 1 .2 4.7 7 .9 10.15 .75 Old Brighton: Talbot 3. Alderson 3. Match 2, Williams . Oakley. Hipwe(1. Murchie . Van Den Dungen . Beat : Alderson . Lennox HipueIl . Pryor. Raju. Krn~4ntlak . De La Salle : Corin 3 . Brasher 2 . D. Mamux Rosnn3n . Toohev . OCaliahan, Duncan . Best: Brusher. Crou•e . Elliot . Slhmrs . 0. 0Callahan. Jackson . OLD MELBURIANS 2 .0 5.2 8.5 12.11.83 OLD SCOTCH 3 .3 6.5 10.6 12.7.79 Old Me~3m_: Stuckev 4 . Ward . Kemiedv. McMullin. Usemov, Miller . Roberts . Thompson. Aubrey. Best : Stucke}c Roberts . Thompson. L . Burnt. S. Theodore . Hotme. Old Scotch: A. Boyd 4. Angus 2, Stokes, Phillips. ODomtetL Collins, Pritchard . Millar. Best: Holt, Collins . Angus, Price. Spiden. Hume. OLD XAVERIANS 5 .0 9.7 12.10 19.10.124 ST BERNARDS 4 .5 5.6 10.10 10.11 .71 Old Xaver7ans: Jones 6 . Richardson 4 . Hunter 3 . Woodruff 2. l:'ood . Tucker. Drake. Hatfield . Beste Bouen. Bruchfield. Woodruff. Holmes. Wood. Jones. St Bemardse Uassailio 5. %liflkmson. Daws. Snat Mitchell. A. Merruigton. Best: A. Merruigotn. L . GollanL Vassallo. Suan. Byrne. Hogan . OLD HAB .EYBURY 4.7 4,8 10.12 15 .12.102 COLLEGIANS 2.3 7 .5 8.6 10.12 .72 Old Haileybury : Ftoyd 2 . Adam Hilton 2. Mason 2 . Ross 2 . Baler . Carson. Forsvth . Home . Lappage. Morey. S . Walden. Best : S. Walden . Ashley Hilton . Orton, Smith. Floyd . G. PhtOips . Collegiatu: Cleary 3 . Elg. Harns. Harrison, Kennelv. Startin, Vasdekis. WarneSmith . Best : Pollock. Blaekinan . Ciearv. Bemett. Warne-Smllh . Elg_
RESERVES - 04 .07.98 UNIVERSITY BLUES 13 .12.90 ST KEVBiS 6.12 .48 University Blues : Lermen 8 . Johnson . Walsh. S. Benjamin. R . Ftuphv. Bohmn . Best : MeAloon. Mctntosh. Thomas- Lermen. E~ans, Walsh . St Kevins: N. Goldsworthy. Kuring. Mount. Day. Game, D . Keimedy. Best : D . Kennedy . N . Goldsworthy . Mount . B t3u"uk. Fogarty. Day. OLD BRIGHTON 0.1 1.3 3 .4 6.6 .42 DE LA SALLE 5.6 10 .11 13 .16 16.20 .116 Old Brighton; Murray 2 . Gram 2. Hansen . Crervdson . Best : McMahon. Witte, Begley . Grant. C,mdscm . Murray De La Sa lle: Morel 5. Butler 2 . Campbell 2 . BaU.ar. Ford . Hall. King. Mithen . Moore. Waters . Best: Behar. Hegart. Morel. Ellis. BuUcr. Campbell . OLD MELBURNIANS 0 .0 2.2 4 .2 5- 133 OLD SCOTCH 5.1 8.2 13 .3 14.5 .89 Old MeItrumiens: Rigg 2 . Murray, Dixon . O. Boyd. Best : Crwv . O. Boyd. htills . Waddell . 3hchell . Cloke. Old Seattle Panton 4. Hooper 2, Blenheim 2. R . Eagle 2. T. Reid. Thompson . Starick . Deuss . Best : Eustace. Portion, Thomas. Hooper. R . Eagle. Gibbs . OLD XAVERIANS 4 .2 8.8 10.11 12 .14 .86 ST BERNARDS 1 .1 2.2 4.3 5.6 .36 Old xaveriens : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received) St Bernards: Mathaves. Duffey, Collins . Lynch. Donellv. Beat: t5bod . P. Capes. S . Berne. Catterall . Donellv. Nathan . OLD HAB.EYBURY 3 .0 3.0 3.2 3.3.21 COLLEGIANS 2 .3 2.4 5.10 9.15.69 Old Haiteybu ry: Hill. Pound . Saunders . Best: Langford-Jones. Warden. Pound . Wrav. Row{ands. Stanoie<ic. Collegians: Not Available Best: Grecnaay. Harding, van Der 1'emte . Greeves, D. Mllal. Mossman.
_ _
j1 l~ ~~~ Gt~t ~~`• •
Old Brighton - congratulations to Simon Lennox on reaching 100 games last week . A former B&F winner, who is a tough and skilful player all at OBGFC wish you well for the next 100 . Also 50 games to Robbie Kent and Brad Wilson both dual premiership players . club award winners and regular senior players . Well done to you both .
(match highlights and panel discussion of this match shown on Channel 31 Saturday 18 July, 12 .00 noon - 1 .30 pm ) ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1998 G
Coach: Leig h Carlson Res. Coach: Craig Nankeivis
Coach : Kevin Collins Res . Coach: Greg Feutrill
1 2 3 4
B . King N . Florentine B . Woolhouse T. Van Der Veene
1 M . Chun 2 P. Fiume 3 D . Crowe
Coach :Dale Tapping Pes Coach: Stephen Barnes
1 A . KrYzwniak 2 J . Murch 3 R . Oakley 4 M . Talbot
4 L . Hall
5 G . Deane-Johns
5 C . Swift
6 S. Van Der Veene 7 L. Byrne 8 C . Higson 8 C. Polloc k 9 V. Cleary 10 S . Harding 11 B . Mackenzie 12 G. Dilena
6 M. Fisher 7 C . B rowne
8 C . Wright 9 C . Campbell 10 T. Silvers 11 A. Evans (VC) 1 2 D . Too h e 13 A . Water 14 A . Duncan s
13 G . Palmer 14 D . Warne-Smith
15 J . Hodder 16 S . Hyland
15 N . Michael 15 Y. Phillips 16 A. Wallace 17 R . Hosking 18 J . Bennett
17 A . Elliott 18 A . Flowerday 19 J . Tully
15 D . Tymms 16 B . Williams 17 A . Van Den
20 B . Corin
Dungan 18 M . Jackson (VC) 19 A . Mand Iaris y
19 B. Mooney
20 A. Greenway 21 A. Johnston 22 D. Kerr 23 N. Milat 24 R. Hartnett 25 J . Frazer 26 S . Wooley 27 S S . Humphry 28 S . Blackman
29 A . Kenneally 30 M. Galbraith 31 J . Nevins 32 J . TarPeY 33 A. Startin 34 D . Entwisle 35 R. Morleyy 36 G . Fode 37 M . Opie 38 M . Lake (C) 39 R . Jones
40 M . O'Donnell 41 S . Lubich 42 L . Vasdekis 43 G . Cooper 45 M. Mossman 46 C . Harris 47 D . Milat
48 J . Lemon 49 A . Smit h 50 B . Jefferson 51 P. Baxter 52 N . Gill 53 M . Inglis
5 N . Perry C 6 S . Alders on 87B ..G Hi gpwell 9 S. Lenno x 10 R R .. Hartman
11 A. Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Kent 14 B . Paterson
20 P. O'Brien 21 D . Jackson 22 P. O'Callagha n
22 S. Laska 23 D . Grace 24 J . Morel 25 G . Hynes 26 S . Wood 26 P. Wyles 27 L. Van Der Pligt 28 S . Hart 29 D . Rosman
20 A . Palfrey 21 N . Winter 22 K. Farrell 23 A. Pryor 24 R . Carter 25 S . Nickas 26 T. McNamara 27 D . Paterson 28 A . Alderton
OLD HAILEYBURY OLD Coach: Simon Meehan Res. Coach: Peter Fatouros
Coach : Michael Fo r Res. Coach : David E
1 A . Baxter 2 D . Connell (C) 3 D . Warden 4 C . McKenzie 5 C . Warden
1 2 3 4
6 W. Smit h 7 Adam Hilton
5 L. Bun n 6 P. Thompso n
8 M . Orton 9 C . Home 10 C. Efstathiou 11 C. Hucker 12 D. Seccull 13 B . Ca rty 14 A . Forsyth 15 N . Morey 15 R . Ba rtholmeusz 16 B . Langford-Jones
17 Ash Hilton 18 A. Papotto 18 M. Constable 19 M. A rmstong (VC)
20 C . Kraus 21 A. Walden
21 B . Waters 22 S . Richardson
23 M . Seccull
24 A . Ros s 25 G . Rowlands
26 G. Phillips (VC) 27 J . Dan n 28 A . Pound
M. Bennett S . Theodore A. Ros s S . Ellinghaus
7 C. Thompso n 8 M . Lovett 9 C . Aubre y 10 T Roberts 11 M . Jukes 12 A. Hewi tt 13 S. Ros e 14 J . Bun n 15 M . Forste r 16 C. Eabry 17 J . Miller 18 A. Topakas
19 A. Parki n 20 J . Guest 21 L. Bo y d 22 A . Waddel l
23 M . Berry (VC) 24 C . Berry
26 C . Kenned y 27 O. Boyd 28 S . Rabbitt
28 S . Walden 29 B. Carson 30 R . Aughterson
29 M. Ward 30 I . McMullin
30 B . Mannix 31 K . Mannix
29 P. Woff 34 M . Reid
31 D . Maso n 31 B. Main
31 J . Hart 32 A. McDougall
32 33 33 34
35 S . Mercer 36 B . Pollock 38 J . Ra u ) 39 A. Fischer
32 P. O'Donnell 33 A. Floyd
34 C. Reidy
33 G . Dixo n 34 C. Ellis
40 N . Bulfin 41 J . Murchie 42 A. Corke 43 C. Brew
37 S. O'Grady 38 R. Parker 39 M . Stanojevic
37 R . Mulquiney 38 A . Michel l 39 J . Rig g
40 H. Gop u 40 W. Phillips 41 B . Melin
40 S . Crow 41 G . Wilhel m
R . Bonnici D . Kin g M. O'Donnell A. Pedicini
A. Mackintosh 36 M . Aron 37 S . Clay 37 38 39 40
M . Rosel A . Mithen P. Brasher (C) M . Butler
41 M . Ellis 42 B . Lee 43 L . Borella 44 X. Clancy
44 T Montgomery 46 M . H agan
47 D. Lasin i 48 D. Smith 49 A . Moore
53 L . Seager 54 J. Duckett 55 M. Harber 58 T. For d 59 M . Mercuri
59 M . Richards
61 R. Grace
64 M . Gribble
62 R . Beattie
70 T. Smith 77 T. Proctor
64 G . Curren
45 T. Desmyth 46 D . Hansen 47 D . Wilson 49 M . Barber 50 S . Williams (VC) 51 D . Strachan 52 D . Stockdale 53 B. Latchford
56 R . Brow n 57 A. McLachlan
50 P. Mannix 50 J . Doak 51 A . Orland o 52 D . HYland
54 T. Dimopoulos 55 A. Mirakian 55 E . Jones 57 J . Moore 58 A . Thompson
44 A . Brown
59 R. Fairer 60 D . Crewdson
61 A . Witte 62 A . Lewis 63 B . Wilson 66 T. Lenno x 71 B . Alderson 84 P. McMahon
35 D. Lappag e 36 B. Lay
42 D . Scaife 43 R . Plecher
44 A . Kirkwood-Scott 45 N . Hill 46 P. Langford-Jones 47 J. Kurta 48 S. Saunders
49 R . Goulden 50 A. Bonwick 51 P. Dimon d 52 D. Reid 53 C. Pountney 54 D. Scaunich 54 M . Thiel e 55 L. eyrns
56 D . Webb
57 M . Wray 58 R . M cM aster 59 L . Hardeman
60 J. Amitrano
61 A. Hal l 62 R . Thornton
65 C. Dowling
63 S . McManus
35 D. Brown 36 A . McKeon
42 P. Theodore 43 T. Clok e 45 Z . Useinov 46 D . Holm e 47 S . Brown 48 C. Jenkins 49 T. Stuckey (C ) 50 P. Marini s
51 C. Banks 52 B . Campbel l 53 A . Bains 54 I . Paterso n
55 S . Murray 56 J . Miller 57 M . Peers 58 S . Gigli a 59 J . Raftopolou s 60 H. Marshal l 61 J . Sallaban k 62 W. Hauserma r 63 L. Cole 64 P. Mill s
66 S . Thoma s
The Marine
ta The Angel
SEACONSFIEL] HOTE L Ph . 9_53-10225
B SECTIO N by Michael Georg e
0 Id Trinity have come back to the field after dropping another game on the weekend to an inspire d MIISOB unit. MHSOB got on top in the second quarter with Jayden Pertzel finishing off the good work of Dave Skinner, Ewen Thompson and Peter O'Brien up the ground kicking four for the quarter and playing a big part in their six goal lead. Old Trinity in front of their home crowd, launched a revival in the third quarter and got to within 7 points at three quarter time . However MHSOB's first goal of the last quarter within the first minute signalled the start of a further eight goal flurry which saw them run out comfortable winners.
Marcellin eventually overcame a Therry side that refused to lie dotivii . They had the better of the first three quarters setting up a 43 point lead . Forwards Andrew Treganowan and Steve Boysen provided targets up fonvard and were well supplied by on ballers Bernard Dineen and Dave Waters . But Therry in the last quarter set themselves to the task of overhauling the lead kicking five for the quarter and holding Marcellin goalless led by Petrevski in the ruck and Goodwin with his four goals . Mazenod continued its run of good form with an emphatic win over Old Paradians at Elsternwick Park running away with it in the second half. Mazenod's defence led by Matt Quirk . Steve Polan and Simon Fisher kept Old Paradians forwards quiet . Mazenod were trailing by three goals at half time but took over from there on . Horban at full forward kicked six. Jerome Dunn . Nick Meehan and Chris Belleville were also lively up forward . Old Paradians were unable to reproduce the heroics of the week before but Holland and Pannam both were solid contributors . Ormond's ruck combination ran riot against a young Ivanhoe side winning by 67 points . David Beckett was the most effective forward on the ground kicking six . Ruckman Matt McConvill and utilities Brett Connell and Mark Horsfield combined well to drive out of the centre . For Ivanhoe Steve Saunders and Peter Rawley both tried hard for the Hoes who had a number of younger players pressed into action by the club's mounting injury woes . In a game that was tight all day Old Ivanhoe were able to outlast North Old Boys at Chelsworth Park scoring a seven point win . North Old Boys started well and were able to outscore the home side into the wind in the first quarter. However Old Ivanhoe settled to the task in the second quarter through its effective centre line of Anthony Corcoran . Luke Cochran and Paul Donaldson winning plenty of the ball to set up opportunities for the Old Ivanhoe fonvards . However NOBs
did not lie down and with Tonkin . Curry and Lyons prominent, kept chipping away at the Ivanhoe lead. Bu t while they were able to create chances they unable to convert, kicking 2 .6 in the last quarter t Ivanhoe's 21 . PREVIEW MARCELLIN V OLD TRINITY
Marcellin and Old Trinity meet in a play off fc spot this weekend. Marcellin beat Old Trinity last time and Old Trinity's form appears to dropped off after two losses in a row . Old Trinity s gled to contain MHSOB's running players last and Marcellin are also strong in that area . Marcell 24 points. MHSOB V. MAZENO D
This is a danger game for MHSOB as Mazenod lifted significantly in the second half of the se racking up four straight wins . MHSOB need to this opportunity to consolidate their spot in the and should do so through it's consistent running ers such as Skinner, Thompson and O'Brien . OLD PARADIANS V. IVANHO E
Old Paradians have produced some patches of this year and represent a difficult challenge for Iva this week. Old Paradians should be able to win en, of the footy to kick a winning score . Ivanhoe has hurt by injury this year and will need something' cial" to happen to cause an upset. Old Paradians 1: points . ORMOND V OLD IVANHOE
Both clubs have been around the top four for i of the year and this game promises to be a willing < between two finals aspirants . Neither side has ki big scores regularly, so defensive pressure will pr bly be the order of the day. The ruck clash betti McConvill and Weddle should be interesting important as both sides rely on drive from their field. Old Ivanhoe by 17 points. NORTH OLD BOYS V. THERRY PENOLA
North Old Boys just missed out at Chelsworth last weekend and cannot afford to let this one sl they play to take a part in the finals action . But T1 have not been too far away in recent weeks and if can get their forward line firing they could give home side a scare . North Old Boys by 7 points .
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SENIOt25 - U4.U7 .98 TBERRY PENOLA 1 .0 4.1 6 .2 11 .5 .71
1 -
28 21 20
"ECTIOIU . UMPIRE~ .. ' ' . . _ ~. i♦ iARCELLIN v. OLD TRINITY Field : Geoff Curran peter Simpson Goal : Robert Seymour Geoff Grigg hiHSOB v . MAZENOD 0 C at EP Saturday Field : Brendan Allen Andrew Chapman Boundary : :\nihony Patterson Brendan Corcoran Goal : John Kclly Robert Streage r
OLD PARADIANS v . IVANHOE Field: Damian Lane Adam Kiel Goal : Anthony Simpson Vin Vescovi ORMOND v . OLD IVANHOE Field : Phil Callil Andrew Stephens Goal : Stephen Leahy Daniel Van Duser NORTH OLD BOYS v . THERRY PENOLA Field : ~1ark Bushfield Cameron Nash Goal: Robert Parry Grant Beard
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MARCELLIN 2.4 6.8 12 .9 12.11 .83 Theny Penola: Goodwin 4 . S . Bannister 2 . Finnigan. Crotty . L. Hollow. Petrovski. Thrush . Best: Sacco. Petrevesld. Goodwin. R. Bannister. We. Finnigan. M®rcellin: Treganowan 5 . S . Bornxn. Caftrey. Dinneen . Purchell . Best: S. Boysen . Dinneen . Cox. Treganowan, waters. Dena. OLD TRINIIY 10.10.70 MHSOB 18 .15.123 Old Trinity: Stickland 7 . Dalrymple . Heath, Hoggins . Best: Stickland. Andrews, Hannemarm. Bunows . Balazsy. Ramsden. MHSOB: Pertzel 4. Capp 3. Fairchild 3. Albergo 2 . Limbrick 2 . Skinner . SaFaitrv. Waterhouse . Best: Skinner . Thompson. Fairchild. O'Brien. Pertzel . Gerner. MAZENOD 3 .8 5.8 11 .10 17.14 .118 OLD PARADIANS 3 .2 8.7 9 .9 9.11.65 Mazenod : Horban 6 . D. Murray 2. Hanlev 2. FotLtiatls . Marmo. McMullin . M. Murray. Noble . Belleville. Fisher. Best : Dunne. Horban. Meehan . Polan. gu'uk. Fisher. Old Parediens: Harrison 3. Pannam 2 . Dignev. Burns . Godfrey. Papaluca Best: Holland. Pannam. Burns. Digney. Szewczuk. Gale. IVANHOE 1 .3 2.4 7.8 8.13.81 ORMOND 4 .1 7.7 13.10 18.20 .128 Ivanhoe: Saunders 3 . Sendai 2. Valkanis . Frosina Scable. Best: Saunders . Rawley. Brown. Scuderi. Angelini. White. Ormond: Beckett 6. Whelan 3 . P. McDonald 2. Gallagher. Werner. James. D . Turner. McConville. Byron. Marnow. Best : Beckett. MeComill. Horselield . Gallagher. B . Connell. Whelan . OLD IVANHOE 2 .3 5.7 7.9 9.10.64 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .3 5.6 5.9 7.15.57 Old Ivanhoe: Shadbolt 3. Corcoran 2. R . Weddle 2 . Donaldson, Lochran. Best : Donaldson . Corcoran. Lochran . Young, R. Weddle, Spiden. North Old Boys: Boyle 2. Barker . Jordan . Khoder. Lyons, Tonkin. Best: Tonkin. Lyons. Abrahams. Collison. Mikvnoa
RESERVES -- 04 .07 .9 8 THERRY PENOLA 0 .2 2.2 3.2 5.6.36 MARCELLIN 3 .2 5.3 6.7 7.7.49 Theny Peaota: Van Engtelen 2. Pinner. Mitsud. Griggs. Best: Egglestone. Goodwin. O'Neil . Carter. Guard . Lyons . Marcell in: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received) OLD TRINITY 3 . i. 8.4 11 .10 17.11.113 MHSOB 3 .2 4 .5 5.8 8.9.57 Old Trinity: Sealey 5 . Sutcliffe 3. Torrehs 3 . Lantana 2. Beet. Cameron. Brady. Best: Trnren . Natoli. Hudson . Sealev. Sutcliffe . Brady . MHSOB : Much 5 . Haves . Williams. Farr. Best: which. Williams . Barton, Feferkranz. Schipper. Clarke . MAZENOD 11.12.78 OLD PARADIANS 9.8 .62 Mazeaod: Dresser 3 . Young 3 . Smlth. LeCouteur. Rogers. Bridgland. LeGrand. Best: Steinfort. Egan. Tslavis. Young. Norton, Robinson. Old Parad3ans : Dintinasante 3. Walsh 2. Porteous 2. Stuckey 2. Best: P9tizm . Porteous . Walsh . Truslrne. Reid. Rvan . IVANHOE 2.1 5 .3 7.5 10.6.68 ORMOND 8.2 8 .4 11 .9 12 .12.84 Ivanhoe: McGowwan 3 . Jackson 2. Joyce 2 . Murphy. Schultze. Best: McGowan. McDonald. Joyce, Too¢ood . Ebbage, Sable. McDonald dM 2 . Stewart 2. Barton . H . Brown . J . Brown. D . Connell. Hartland. Keleher. Livingston . Smith . Best : Keleher. Keath. Livingston. Farrell, Kanslantv OLD IVANHOE 0.2 1 .3 3.5 5.8.38 NORTH OLD BOYS 2.1 6 .3 8.3 12 .4.76 North Old Boys : T. Cormack 2. C. Corcoran . T. Robinson. A. Weisz. Best : J. hiavcoek . T. Cornish. N . Harris . A. Wusz. Pollock. Kennelly . Old Ivanhoe: Boyer 5. Devine. Pawsey. Kearney. Gravina ReUnann . Burns. Timm. Best: Leigh. Robinson . O'Fan'ell. Presti. Boyer. Pawsey . W
A melee is "Where an incident takes plac e involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct "
ive B Grade Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m. every Saturday } 11th July 18th July 25th Jul y
Old Paradians v . Ivanhoe Ivanhoe V. MHSOB Old Ivanhoe V. Therry Penol a
Half Time and Full Time Score Hotline 9457 1718
ts Section IVANHOE Coach : Don! Valkarfm
.' Res. Coach: Rob Pearce 1 D . Williams 2 L. Hull-Brown 2 J . Di Sant o 3 C . Tucker (C) 4 D . Valkanis 4 R . Toogood 5 P. Manue l
6 I . Taglieri-Sclocch i 7 P. Rawley 8 S . Saunders 9 N . Thackwray 10 P. Lee
11 J . Finlayson 12 B . Finlayson 12 D . Rya n 13 S . Narkiewicz 14 P. Flyn n 15 J. O'Driscoll 16 M . Scuderi 17 K. Moussa 18 T. Scoble 19 R . Stewart 19 R . Dunca n
20 D . Sarto r 21 L . Blackwood 22 R . Angelini 23 T. O'Neill 24 P. Harris 25 J . Frisin a 26 S . Fairweather 27 J . Hoffman 28 J . Pace 29 D . Schultz 30 M . Sloa n 31 D . McFarlane 32 J . Lync h 33 S . McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 P. Whitehead 36 M . Moussa 37 C . Giankoulidis 38 T. Thomson 39 M . Ebbage 40 B . Frew 41 C. McDonald 42 T. Timm s 44 P. Martin
45 J . Raywood 46 T. Healy 47 E . Marino 48 B . Whit e 49 A . Rosenfeld 50 D . Jacka 51 B . Giles 52 S . Doherty 53 M . Chazan 55 L. Pearce 56 FE Raffoul 57 D . Allaide
58 D .Rattray-Wood 59 M . Fahou r 60 E . Krischker 64 C . Jackson 66 FA Raffoul 68 J . Owen 69 J . Mazzocca 73 P. Merory 78 C . Brown
Coxh : Tary Pa 3tsdi Rea Ccach: Dare Floxe
Coach: Rob Prosser Reserve: Tony Coghs
1 C. Slattery
1 P. Robinson 2 J . Ballenger 2 M. Peters 3 W . McLean 4 A . Hanle y
2 M . Karavisils 3 D . Waters (C) 3 J . Gold s 4 M . Gil l 5 M . Moran 5 D . McNeil 6 D . Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 7 J . Lilley 8 R . Frisina 9 M . Day 11 D . Taylor 12 B . Cronin 13 T. Collins 14 A . Domingo 15 N . Godwin 15 L . Bettiol 16 J . Walli s 17 G . Cox 18 A. Caffry 19 D. Cooper 20 S . O'flynn 21 C . Mason 22 D . Marson 23 P. Chambers 24 M. Randazzo 25 M . Stokes 26 M . Boysen 27 S . Theis z
28 A . Mayfield 29 S . Beatti e 30 A. Treganowan 31 S . Boyse n 32 R . Colussi 33 J . Phillips 34 D . Harberts 35 N . Armstrong 36 P. Heal y 37 A. O'Connell 39 D. Dodoricio 40 J . Dema 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen 43 C . Purcell 43 J . Tsoukas 44 D. Merton 45 M . Vanlint 46 L . O'Flynn 47 G. Carpenter 48 A. Wilkinson 49 L. Getson 50 D . Ciro
51 B . Colville 53 M . O'Sullivan 57 B . Day
M .H .S .O.B . Comb: Whrm Fail Res. Coach : Co6 Drake 1 J . Bamert
5 W. Occhiuto 6 N . Marmo 6 A . Smyth
2 2 3 3 4 4 5
A. Howard J . Wilso n D. Woodley J . Goldi n M . Kin g D . Fleming C . Youn g
9 M. Murray (VC) 10 M . O'Hara
6 6 7 7
S. Grimmer G . Theobald J . Pertzel (C) A . Barg e
7 S. Morgan 8 D . Carte r
11 T Smith 12 S . Nobl e 12 P. McCusker 13 T. Bridgland 14 G . Youn g 15 D . Horban 16 D . Healy 17 A . Mercer 17 N . Meeha n
18 D .O'Donaghue 19 S . McMullin 20 C . Murray 21 S. Polan 22 D . Sherlock 23 A. Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 24 M . De Palma 25 A . Kin g 26 J . Dunn e 27 D . Krom 28 N . Litt le 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher (C) 31 N . Sna rt 32 S . Paolucci 32 P. Fotiniotis 33 A . Quinn 34 M . Pollard 35 J. Fisher 36 M . The k 37 G . Trig g 38 G . Mitchell 39 B . Vincent 40 J . Le Grand 41 B . Welch 42 B . Clifford 43 C . Wyli e 44 M. Mastromanno 44 D . Boil e
45 M. Rya n
46 D . Spreckley 47 P. Eg an 48 A . 0 Neale 49 L. Halvy 50 C . Vinent 51 D . Murphy 52 M . Quir k
53 S . O'Sullivan 55 M . Quirk 56 M . Welch 57 S . Yacou b 58 J. Moran 58 A . Rogers 60 M . Le Couteur 61 M. Daivs 62 A. McDowell 66 D.Johnson 67 S . Dresser 69 B . Harper 70 G. Bye 71 D . Huggin s
8 J . Gerne r 9 D . Fairchild (C) 9 D . Comer 10 D . Skinner 10 M . Clowes 11 J . Winch 11 I . Birkett 12 S . McCully 12 M . Feferkranz 13 A . Preec e 14 M . Waycott 15 J . Schippe r
15 B. Ansell 16 A. Clarke 17 P. O'Brien 18 B . Axford 20 R . Barlett 21 A . Capp 21 G . Mclardie 22 A. Lindsay 22 M . Zag hloul 23 R . Williams 24 S . Harries 24 G . Wilson 25 S . Albon 27 P. Hunt 28 B . Betheras 28 T. Lawrence 29 P. Albergo 29 C . Drake 30 R . Newton 31 N . Fahey 32 A . Cassell 32 M . Konstanty 33 A . Saultry 34 E. Thompson 35 R . Limbrick 36 M . Fitzsimon 37 R. McIntyre 38 C. Millar 38 D. Waterhouse 39 R . Clowes 40 W. Hayes 41 B . Cookman 42 P. Spottiswood 43 M. Halliday
44 B . Archdall 45 D . Senn 46 R . Peters 46 A . Holland 47 G. Best 48 M . Sharpies 49 D . Harvey 52 B . McGrath 53 J . Newton 61 M . Pretty 64 I . Gillespi e os.wvd..u.
NTH OLD Bi Coack Fresh Durxiell Rea Coach: Darren C.tx 1 C. McKay 2 M . Dru m 3 S. Mannass 4 S. Sleep 5 B . Devin e 6 M . Robinsor 7 P. Booth (V( 8 B . Collison 9 L . Curry 10 S. McGrath 11 J . Quilty 12 S . Lock 13 M . Lyons 14 S . Cheshire 15 P. Kearney 16 K . Low 17 M . Maguire 18 C . Murray 19 B . Jordan 20 M . Gravina 21 J . Curren 22 M . Connelly 23 P. O'Dwyer 24 J. Barker 25 P. Christian 26 J . Roberts 27 S . Walsh 28 D . O'Farrell 29 D . Boye r 30 M . Leigh 31 L . Boyle (C) 32 J . Lowrie 33 M .Orianuk 34 0 . Abrahams 35 L. Curren 36 D . Tonkin 37 S . Mikunda 38 D . Nihi l 39 D . Hill 40 D . Taylor 41 G . Burns 42 S . Reinmann 43 M . Fennelly 44 T. Spurling 45 B . Pawsey 46 I . Taleb 47 S. Vavallo 48 M . Anderson 52 T. Jamieson 53 D. Nihil l 54 A . Trimboli 55 D . Timms 56 R . Pavlov 57 B. Allman 58 P. Fis h 59 J . Bugela 60 S . Preston 61 B . Pentland 62 A . McHai g McKechni e 63 R . Gale 69 J . Joyce 70 J . Presti 77 S . Trento n
WWII -~ ~$ ~S--e ®I1 ~Ys ; VAN HOE OLD Can:h9t='C Gloscatt Jones ?s. Ca;ch , A Cs-coran p p; ~pos
Jdhnston par ar (C) D C ; vc .jng J Turner ; Kent
❑ QR
J Lu n
L Lo-' ran T Steven s -rayannis ea l
S . Tull y Eoan p Sp,de n Russian c ;<ngston G, Douglas Woods p rlorthe y J H-pe a Barker ,.! Power J Mansfield p Donaldson T. Phalin .L Stewa rt G, Haros (VC) C . Moor e J. Maycock D, Crake r J Weddle 0, Hennessy '. Jenkins R . Weddle (VC ) E. Brophy A. Atkinso n N . Harris T. Cormack ,~ Tieman :'A Pollock L. McLean "'Tsirmiris R Weisz 0 Stott A Kobe :9 Gerry George Gary George P. Marti n L. Taylor T. Cornish A Randall T Agushi D. Veal J . Wei r G. Mctsaac C . Corcoran B. Shadbolt P Golding 7 Robinson J Arnol d L Waddell A. Sullivan B . Elsworth D. Hackney A 'J~ Cox = C King `-• D . Supe r A. Weis z
Regency Pharmacy Zitech Compute r Peripherals
I1'avellers Appa re l C"`,
Coach: Paul Fahey Res, Co ac h: Torry Regan
Coach : Bernard Gunn Re,a. Coach : Ph il Robison
1 S . Vincen t 2 P. O'Loughlin 4 S . Philp
1 2 3 4 6
5 MP. Geary 6 B. Pannam 7 P. Cosgriff 8 P. Zappa 9 P. Harri s 10 P. Brabender (C) 11 A . Burns 12 S . Wallis 13 D . Stevens 14 B. Brabender 15 A. Vecchio 16 M . Godfrey 17 B. Hart 18 M . Lynch 19 A. Brullo 20 J . Willits 21 B . Clayton 22 A . Dianati 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 25 A . Heffernan 26 M.B . Geary 27 K. Jenkins 28 J . Holland 29 S . Dowlan 30 T. Mullligan 31 L. Galvi n
32 P. Digney 33 M . Harrison 35 M . Gal e 37 L . Rocchiccioli 38 M . Vea r 39 P. Reid 40 D . Baird 41 42 43 44
G . Porteous T. Clayton P. Healy P. Joyce
45 T. McMahon 46 B . Flyn n 47 N . Ball 48 M . Joyc e
49 M . Hildebrand 50 M . Williams 52 A . Villant i 54 S . Signorini 56 M . Ryan 57 S . Moore 72 D . Truslov e
KNER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St., Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722
S . Kennedy (VC) G . Hudso n A. Allibo n J . Arrowsmith R. Heath
7 D. Balaszy (VC) 8 S . Dalrympl e
ORMOND Coach : Stephen Ckace Res. Coach : Tim Nil e 1 A. Jobling 2 C. Symes 3 A . Orr
4 A . Grace 5 B . Turne r 6 T. Gallagher 7 B . Connell (C) 8 M . Gilmore 9 R . Woodland 10 P. Marnow 11 D . Edgell
9 A . Andrews 10 M . Shaughnessy 11 A . Richard s 12 T. Peggie 13 J . Cad e 12 N . Werner 14 J . Stickland 13 D. Turner 15 T. Stephens 14 S . James 16 C. Barr 15 L. Holcombe 17 D. Burrows 16 T. Stewart 18 D . Vargo 17 P. Jo y 19 A . Sheehan 18 W. Block 20 C . Phillips 19 D . Cleary 21 L . Kennedy 20 M. McConville (VC) 22 D . Beardsley 23 A. Ramsden (VC) 21 J . Brown 22 R . Bloc k 24 T. Morpet h 23 P. McDonald 25 F. Cameron 24 J . Collins 26 D . Robinson 25 D . Beckett 27 L. Clarke 26 H . Brown 28 C. Butler 27 T. Brennan 29 A . Sealy 30 L. Taylor 28 B . Collins 31 S . Bladeni 29 D . Whelan 32 D . Glass 30 N . Well s 33 D . Heighton 31 B. Egan 34 L . Bennie 32 T. Fimmel l 35 M . Pawsey 33 L . Livingstone 36 J . Sutcliffe 34 R . Remman 37 S . Medli n 35 G . Bailey 38 R . Phillips (C) 36 S . Mackey 39 P. Johnson 38 Paul Milner 40 S . Beamish 39 J . Byron 41 S . Lauletta 41 D . Billing 42 M . Thornton 42 C . Keleher 43 J. Bee t 43 S . Corben 44 B . Power 44 M . Mabbett 45 N . Kin g 45 D . Barton 46 M . Beamish 46 C . Cleary 47 P. Bee t 47 R . Keating 48 C . Smith 48 G . Smith 49 K. Tsonis 49 M . Horsfield 50 J . Adgemis 50 C. Day 51 M . Boyd 51 G . Kin g 52 L. Seaburgh 52 N . Courtney 53 S . Torrens 53 G . Hammond 54 A . Grisbrook 54 S . Herman 55 J . Levy 56 M . Farrel l 56 P. Chido 57 S. Haines 57 B. Alfor d 58 M . Collins 58 W. Somerville 59 P. Konstanty 59 E. Best 60 A. Chiodo 60 P. Ahearn 61 R . Sella 61 B . Keath 62 S . Wyke 62 M . Stielow 63 J . Mero 63 M . Goldberg 64 J . Pickett 65 J . Hannemann 66 A . Lode
THERRY PE Coach Terry Guinn Res. Coach: Chris Bye 1 M. Petrevski 1 I . Van Engelen 2 M. Finnigan 3 P. Gorman 4 M . Elliot 5 S . Sacco 6 J . Vain a
7 A . Moloney 8 L . Hollow 9 M . Grocock 10 R . Egglestone 10 R . Bannister 11 J . Hutchinson 12 R. Moran
12 B . Crockford 13 J . Thrush 14 M . Hewitt 15 G . Pinne r 16 M . Goodwin (VC) 17 G . O'Connor 17 R . Lyons 18 L. Kuret 19 L. Kloster 20 J . Clark e 21 S . Bannister 22 S . Griggs 23 C . Bye 24 S . Kuret 24 M . Juric 25 M . Postma 26 G . Carbis 27 B . Stephens 28 D. Barron 29 S . Goodwin 30 M . Tadanic 31 S . Hollow 32 J. Sacc o 33 N . La Fontaine 34 T. Morri s 35 S. O'Halloran 36 D . Boyl e 37 D . Castaldi (C) 39 S . Boyle 40 P. Garoni 41 M . Crotty 42 M . Gauci 42 E . Mifsud 43 M . Warren 44 D . O'Neill 45 T. Denman 46 B. Phillips 47 D . Goodwin
GOODYEA R 37Cartfc Di.e Tikaane3J`a3 Phone: (03) 9335 18 7 6
Sc i6
C SECTION by Russell Gould
11 me what you need and I'll tell you how to get along without it" . Does that sound like a familiar statement. Maybe one uttered by club presidents and owners to incumbent coaches at the start of any particular sporting season . It is often said that a coach can only use the cattle he has on the field, yet he still takes the fall for poor performances . To be a coach, and more so a non-winning coach, is often a thankless task that can devour a persons mind to the point of exhaustion. A coach's job is a hard one, and we should all respect the effort they put in, and before we next look to throw a criticism their way, consider the effort we ourselves have put in for our clubs, and if in doing so we decide not to give that spray, then all the better for football . Review - Round 12 . At Beaumaris, the home side put together a 10 goal to nil final term to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, beating a crushed Old Mentonians outfit by 23 points . The Panthers dominated for all of the first three quarters in a spiteful clash of our ladder leaders. They led by, 4 and 39 at the first two changes, and then 41 points at the final change . Their big men were in total control and in turn fed their small men who peppered the forward line to give them 17 goals before the final term . The Sharks were ragged and unable to stop the Panthers flow, but were never giving up hope of victory . Beaumaris' coach gave a final plea to his players at three quarter time and it worked . The Sharks made some changes which had immediate effect, their midfield wrestling control away from the Panthers, and their backline continuously rebounded the ball into a forward line that finally started to kick goals . The majors then started to flow for the Sharks, the Panthers practically turned into spectators as the home side held them scoreless whilst powering into the lead and eventually taking a staggering 23 point win . In another great clash, just down the road, the St .Bedes Mentone Tigers edged their way into the four and kept their home ground unbeaten record intact, this time upsetting third placed Hampton Rovers by 14 points in a scrappy affair at Mentone Oval. The Tigers led from start to finish, but had to withstand a last quarter comeback from the Rovers before getting the win . Kicking with a slight breeze the Tigers edged away in the first, and then consolidated in the second again outscoring the Rovers into the breeze . The Tigers were looking to wrap things up with the wind in the third but the Rovers weren't going away . The ball rarely moved for more that a few seconds before a pack formed and it was stopped . The Rovers kicked some late goals to go into the final change just four goals down and kicking with a now gusting breeze . But it wasn't enough . The Tigers had a score to settle after their early season loss to the Rovers . and were
calm under pressure as the Rovers got to within nine point ssbeforthTig added a late goal to seal a much wanted victory . In a game full of inaccurate kickir Thomastown, the Bears kicked a game clear of b spot, defeating cellar dwellars Bulleen/Temple by 46 points . Kicking with a wind advantage in th term the visiting Bullants squandered scoring < tunities kicking 6 .8 to the Bears 2 .5 to take a b but less than desirable 27 point lead into thi change. But from then on it was the Bears wh< trolled proceedings . They kicked 7 goals to hvo second, 4 goals to two in the third, and then 4 .9 last term to take a victory that should have greater. The Bears having 16 more scoring shot: their opponents, the Bullants now with the job in of them if they are to avoid relegation . In an upset of sorts. St .Leos bounced back f succession of losses to humble the then fourth I Old Geelong side by a massive 87 points . In doi the Two Blues relieved of relegation pressure ; maybe only breifly, and forced Old Geelong out four for the first time this season . St .Kilda South Caulfield went a game cle sixth spot and kept their slim finals chances defeating a disappointed Banyule side by 18 p The Bears had the early advantage but were overr the final three quarters, the Saints home gr knowledge allowing them to bottle the ball in the pockets and defend what was a small lead, that i end proved enough to get them victory . Preview - Round 13.
First up Hampton Rovers go back home to ta an Old Geelong side certainly on the downward The Rovers will be looking to bounce back fron week's loss, and with their hold on third spot down to just four points need this win . The Ogge the other hand need this win to stay in touch. have been less than impressive in the last few w their only win coming against last p Bulleen/Temp, and I don't think this will be their around . Rovers to win . St .Bedes Mentone do some travelling for the time since round one, going north to take on Ban The Tigers have won their last four, including sorr four scalps . and have finally gotten into the four Bears play their best footy at home though, and u looking to bounce back from their last round I ofrm,andwithls Igofrthe I who have sniff now and will not want to let it go . It's top versus bottom at Bulleen, the Bul hosting the Sharks in what could be a massacre
g ottc itoq efrr pp~arid ,
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are failing to show any real semblance of the Sharks on the other hand are coming off a 1 0 ,,, ti ~tsc quarter . come from behind victory that sa w ilit,11L stamp their class on this competition . The ;harks could be down a bit after such a great win , il like St .Kilda against North in the AFL, but the Iitrllants are no North, and will be no match for the till rks . Old Mentonians return home to face the taps, that the on again off again St.Kilda South Caulfield . If I rfot, t tip the Saints its because as far as I know half heir side is injured, they get up and win, and if I do tip them their list is depleted and they lose . But the panthers will be extremely fired up this week . They let tlre big one get away last week, and will not be happy ,I bout it . I'm glad I'm not one of the Saints, Panthers to ,,In, and angrily . Finally, the resurgent (?) St .Leos side host Thomastown, also coming off a morale boosting win . This one could go either way, as I don't think Bennettswood Reserve provides any real home ground advantage for the Two Blues . Both these teams are tlghting to avoid relegation, and so spectators are assured of a desperate encounter. I'll go for the home side, as their victory last week was over supposedly bctter opposition .
Banyule - congratulations to club veteran Craig Stevens who played his 300th game for the club last Saturday . Craig has given the club 15 years service, ~t'hich included 4 grand final appearances and all wish him future success . St. Leos Emmaus - Congratulations to Shaun 'Dog' Walsh on reaching 200 games last week . Shaun has given great service both on and off the field and in his 19th year at the club . Also Evan McLaughlin reached his 50th game last week. Well done Evan . Old Mentonians - congratulations to senior VC Matthew Brooks who today notches up his 100th game . A consistent and reliable player enjoying a fantastic season. Well done "Soft Lips" . Also congratulations to Adam Acre man for booting his 800th goal for the club last week .
SENIORS - 04.07 .98 ST BEDES MENrONE TIG 3.4 8.5 10 .11 12.13 .85 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .2 3.8 6 .12 9.17 .71 St Bedes Meatone Tig.: Macgeorge 7 . McCrau, 2. Ryder. Edwards . D. Kinsella Best : M . Hecker . McCraw. Booth . Macgeorge. Zahic. Marimo. Hampton Rovers: Wills 3 . S. Anderson. Blick . Broune. Da%ey . Natoh. Pmer. Best : Parkinson, Dr. Anderson . B. Ara . BBck. Broune . Day. OLD GEELONG 0.2 1 .3 3 .5 4.6 .30 ST LEOS EMMAUS 6.4 9.8 12 .11 17.15 .117 Old Geelong: Houells 3 . Edge. Best: W . Paul. Lee. Farrer. Davison. J. Paul, Vickers-l4diis. St Leos Emmaus: Vaughan 7. Thomas 5. Buckle . D . Dinicoizntonio . Pecora. Rose . Willis . Best: Fenneli. Burgess. Vaughan . D. Dinlcolanantonio. Willis. Ronchi . THOMASTOWN 2 .5 9.14 13.16 17.25 .127 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 6 .8 8.10 10.13 11 .15.81 Thomastown : (Goal Kickers and Best Placers not received ) Bulleen Temprestowe McLaren 4. Smith 3 . Matthews 2. Tulcrh. L . Thomson. Best: Hare . Driver. A. Parrts . L. Thompson. McLaren . Daloglio . B£AUMARIS 4 .5 8.5 10.12 20.18.136 OLD ME NTONIANS 5.3 12 .8 17.11 17 .11 .113 Beaumaris: Vance 6. Catkin 3 . Fisher 2 . Fraser 2 . Hurries 2. Martin 2 . Vaughan 2 . Teasdale . Best : Pitts. Vance . Vaugtian. Haynes. Fraser. Ngn.tyen . Old Menton3ans: Acreman 4 . B. Murphy 4. G . Stroud 3 . Bournott 2 . Paterson 2 . Ferguson. Solley. Best : B. Murray. Sollev. Brooks. Stroud . Carter. Dart. ST HILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2 .4 7.10 10 .13 13.18 .98 BANYULE 4 .4 6.7 10 .10 11.12 .78 St Kilds South Caulfield: Gilmore 3. Vamtakis 3 . Heincke 3 . McGaw . Tsagpotis. BrYee . Bucklev. Best: Gilmore. Buckelv. McGaw. Hasell, C. iieeson . D. Wilson . Banyuke: J. McDerntott 4 . Kayrooz 2. O'Brien 2 . Gilliam. Pta}tatr. Best : OBrien . J. McDermott. Playiair. Willmore, D. Sheehan . D.14'itcttetl.
RESERVES - 04.07.98
ST BEDES MENTONE TIG . 3.5 4.7 8 .11 11.13 .79 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .0 2.0 2 .1 3.2 .20 St Bedes Mentone Tip Gang! 3 . Earle . SebO-e . Furlong, Johnston . Reatpero. Uberti . Cousins. Honan . Best : Bilos . Gangi. Dickinson . Honan. Reeupcro. Furlong Hampton Rovers: Armstrong . Luxxnoore. Mason. Best: Mason, Buckley. Lake . Armstrong. Lynch. McConville. OLD GEELONG 4 .1 5.3 8 .8 8.6 .54 ST LEOS EMMAUS 2 .1 7.1 8.3 8.4 .52 Old Geelong: Furphy 6. Uley, Gatenby. Best: Furphy. Liascos . Anderson. Harder. J. Poucr. Lilev. St Leos Emmaus: Graves 2. Simondson 2. McLaughlin . Manton. Mitchell . Neives• . Best: Niel. Graves. E. Mitchell . Carev. J . Manton. P. Lesttts. THOMASTOWN 11 .2 16.4 19.9 22.11.143 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0 .0 2.2 4.2 5.3.33 Thomestamn : Scarpa 6. J. Bubis 6. Thomas 3 . Corlett 2 . Valeri 2 . PetsUus. Stewart. Farcillone. Best: Petskiis. Corlett . Vateri, Bubrs. Scarpa. Stewart . Balkan Templestowe : Stott. McNamara. P. Boue . Papadopolous . Boyd . Best: Eduards. Papadopotous. P. Bone. Pemberton, biorlhouitis. Bovd . BEAMAURIS 3.2 5 .3 6. 6 8 .7.43 OLD MENTONIANS 3.2 6 .4 8.8 9.11 .65 Beaumaris: Corfeld . Devine. Grav. Harrison, McIver. McLean . Best : Grav. McLean . Thomas . Shetrane . Hewlett . N'adham. Old Mentonians : Millis 4. Winduss 2 . Davis, Richards. Wallace . Best: Elliot, S. Rltto. Winduss . Davis . 4lillis . Pride . ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4.3 4 .8 7.9 7 .11 .53 BANYULE 1 .2 4 .5 4 .5 5 .11 .41 St Kilda South Caulfield : S. Wend 2 . D . Dunevie 2. J. Dtutevie 2 . T. Cannard. Best : Pope. Leavi . Wood, Cannard, N. Dyino}'d . J. Dtmeevie. Banyule: B . W➢oson. L. Sheehan . Khmeir. Witchell. Wilson . Best : A . Plant P. Williams. Head. Gibson. L . Sheehan . B . Wilson.
HAMPTON ROVERS v . OLD GEELONG Field: David Lepair Daniel Halliwell Boundary : Becky Griffiths Jason Handfield Goal : Robert Dunstan Garv Clanc y ST. Y LEOS EMMAUS v. THOMASTOWN Field : Shaun Rolls Dirk Kramer BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v . BEAUMARIS Field : Simon Olive Graeme Huniche n ST. B:ILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD v. OLD ME NTONIANS Field : Chris Stevens Gene Hodgin s BANYULE v . ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Field : Neil McCorquodale Paul Within~ton
C Section BANYULE Coach : John sgnnpson
Res Coach: Stephen Gray
1 B Klunear 2 D Witchell 3 L Holt 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 G Donaldson 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 J Fortun e 11 J McDermott 12 J Egan 13 M O'Brien 14 S Kayrooz 15 5 Gray
16 D Man e 17 L O'Connell 18 J Turnbull 19 A Thompson 20 S Playfair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham 23 M Gray 24 A Plant
25 C Williams 26 H McDermott 27 S Yin 28 T Gouty
29 G Sutterby 30 D Taylor 31 C Bassett 32 T Wason 33 D Glass 34 C Steven s B Anderson 36 D Tyler
37 M Jesse 38 G Riches 39 M George
40 P Witchell 41 B Grindal 42 T Egan 43 L Ferrell
44 M Anderson 45 R Cullen 46 P Agostinell i 47 B P arke s 48 W Gibson 49 K Convey 50 B Debon t 51 A Hopgood 52 D Noonan 53 M Ashton 54 B Dintinosante 55 D Williams 56 B Woodlock 57 T Benton 58 S Hartwick 59 B Wilson 60 B Gillard 61 J Charles 62 A Camilleri 63 M Hare 64 C Dodd 65 A Mason 66 N Cargan
67 M Keegan 72 L Sheean
73 A Rossimel 75 J McIntyre 76 M Lewis 77 M Whelan 78 R Smith
BEAUMARIS Coach : Brett Marchetti Res Co ach: Scot Mathers 1 N . McLean
2 S . Nish 3 M . Pitts 3 I . Williams 4 M . Devine 5 M . Ensor 5 A . Quin 6 D . Wright 7 P. Fishe r 8 M . O'Brien 9 B . Nicholson 9 A . McFarlane 10 J . Wadham 11 S . Blackie 12 S . Mclve r 12 P. McMahon 13 B . Vaughan 14 S . Mclver 15 M . Hoyne 16 M . Quin 16 D . O'Brien 17 L. Marsh 18 T. Cotter 19 P. Thomas 20 A . Fara9un a 20 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman 21 T. Kendall 22 J . Holt 23 A . Catlin 23 T. Fisher 24 Q . Groves 24 B. Gray y 25 J . Mahmoud 26 W. Mills
26 A. Coope r 27 D. Johnston 28 J . Vance 29 C. Martin 29 M . Hall 30 A . Easton 30 R . Corfield 31 L . McNicholas 31 P. Ott 32 S . Mitchell 33 G . Jury ry
34 J . McGrath 34 B . Gra y 35 B . Ferguson 36 S . Hanrahan 37 B . Haynes 37 M . Bassett 38 C . Spence 39 P. Duffy 40 M . Lance 41 A. Blackie 42 D . Maypiece 43 S . Healey 44 S . Closter 45 P. Thomas 46 C . Kent
BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach: Darren Birch Res Coach: DaM Hooper
1 J . Prior 2 S . Driver 3 P. Graham 4 W. Thompson 5 C . Parris 8 N . Bone 9 L. Sto tt 10 P. George 12 A . Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 D . Cooper 15 D . Bone 16 S. Smith 18 J . Can 19 P. Nigro 20 M . Jones 20 B . Wolnizer 21 D. Harlin 21 D . Hooper 23 D . Matthews 29 P. Bon e 30 M . Agrotis 31 C . Darby A. Shine 32 R . Williams 33 G . Pemberton 34 S . Lambropoulos 36 P. Hare 37 S . Boyd 37 L . Thompson 38 S . James 39 T. Driver 41 L . Cessario 43 C . Papadopoulos 44 J . Rozanitis 47 C. Morihovitis 48 R . Lambe rt 49 M . Bellato 50 D . Glover 56 M . Tuomy 59 D . McNamara
/~~//~n~ ~ ~GtSvY y /
Coach: Russell Bames Res Coach : Da at Rogerson
1 B . Hoare 1 C. McGregor 2 M . McKeilar (C) 2 T. Smith 3 B . Artz 3 S . McDonald 4 S . Anderson (VC) 4 A . Hunter 5 B. Marlyn
5 P. Buckley 6 A. Natoli 6 A. Perry 7 David Anderson 7 W. Armour 8 Drew Anderson 8 E . Crabtree 9 J . Day 9 5 . Morgan 10 C . Ferguson 10 M . Luxmoore 11 A Brown e 11 R . Greig 12 S . Wills 12 J . How 13 T Wilmott 13 C. Amoore 14 D . Hobson 14 D . Marshall 15 S . Blick 15 M . Dunball 16 J. Ferguson 16 B . Armstrong g 17 D . Artz
17 S . Willison 18 D . McConville 18 C . Thomas 19 B . Holt 19 A . Hullick 20 A . Power 20 G . Haggart 21 S . Parkinson 22 R . Dunbal l 22 R . VanDoore n 23 S . Helliger 23 T Lynch 24 C . Scarlett (VC) 24 M . Youn g 25 M . Davey 25 A. Guthrie 26 M . Lake 27 W . Benton 28 L. Tota 29 R. Hunt 30 P. Cotter 31 R . Grimmer 31 C . Perry 36 C . Van Den Dungan
44 B . Johnstone 45 A. McGregor
47 C . Day
50 B . Ward 59 A. Rowbu ry 60 R . Thatcher
Suite 2, 41 6 Bluff Rd , Black Rock. 3193 Ph : 9589 6444
INDUSTCLEAN AUST. pI1 26 Govan Street, Seaford, 3198 Ph : 9782 4300
OLD GEEL C Coach: Mark NeekI R es Coach: Bernie 0'H6
1 M Neel d 2 M Edmonds 3 D Welsby ( V 4 T Du gdal e 4 C Stinchcom t 5 A Howell s 5 A Robson 6 B Mithen 6 T Poole 7 A Darcy 7 S Wilso n 8 T Seymou r 9 J Wilson (VC 10 T Wiffe n 10 M . Oliphant 11 R Liley 12 N Power 13 H . Mclnnes 13 P Herman n 14 J Power 15 S Edge 15 T. O'Brie n 16 S . Edg e 17 M Wilso n 18 N McKella r 19 A Salter (VC) 20 G Coldwel l 21 G Harpe r 22 J Taylor 23 H Davis 24 M Vickers-W i 25 Q Thompso n 26 P. Handbury 27 W Paul 28 A Ferrer
29 A Mithe n 32 G Wilkinso n 33 M Wilkinson 34 J Pau l 35 C Olive r 36 T Brai n 37 J Coo k 38 M Povey 39 H . Gretton-Wa 40 5 Bones 40 R . Rice 41 N . Gatenb y 42 P Liasco s 43 M . H e in e 44 E Spiden 45 P. Luscombe 48 E Smithers 49 A . Reuss 50 J . Landy 50 W. Strachan 51 J . Gros s 51 J . Lee 52 M. Davison 53 G . McGrego r 54 J . Anderson 55 S Furph y 56 B . Collin s 57 A . Richardson
59 C Walke r 60 D . O'Brie n
61 R Oliphant 66 B . O 'Hallora n
D SECTION by Ken Bremne r & Tom B rai n Nothing extraordinary about round 12 . Results went as predicted all bar KB being silly to selec t Salesian to topple Parkside . Mind you . at half time I was looking the goods . still the'Red Devils' finished all over their opponents to win handsomely . The local derby between Whitefriars and Aquinas was a ripper with the 'Friars' having their noses in front at siren time by 2 goals. In other games, Southbank victors over Yarra Valley in a high scoring, free flowing encounter . Ajax emphatic winners against Uni .Blacks . a wasteful Monash Blues defeated St Pat's Mentone and the O .E .G .'s overcame the long drive to Doveton to score convincingly at the expense of St Johns O.C .'s . KB's whinge of the week - Over zealous, over officious umpiring so as to be the centre of attention by dominating a game rather than allowing the focus to rightly and properly be with the players . (I regret my after game sledging of an umpire last week and henceforth apologise . . . . . . .he knows who he is! It wasn't professional and the time and place could've been better selected, however l do stick by my above comment and suggest that there is no place in the field of battle for umpiring egos) - TOUCHE - TB . Review Round 12 - July 0 4
At Albert Park . Uni.Blacks came out fired up and held Ajax relatively well in the first qtr . However, they were unable to effectively use the breeze in the second and when the 'Jackas' rammed home 7 majors to nil in the third the proverbial 'fat' gurgler was warbling . Ajax eeeeeasy! By 10 . For the Uni . the Costello cousins . Nihill & Henderson were terrific and likewise for the 'Jackas'. Weisler, Cohen . Mohr & Lewis . The battle at Donvale pitting traditional rivals . Whitefriars and Aquinas proved to be a gem . The 'Bloods' held a handy lead at the long interval but this was evaporated in one term when the'Friars' slammed on 6 unanswered majors. Aquinas got the margin back to 5 pis late in the last but Whitefriars steadied and held sway to win by 2 goals . Hughes was great for the 'Friars' and at the 'Bloods' camp, Gutrod, first gamer Burch (holding Robbo to just 1 snag) and Flynnie (just for informing me of all the above) all rated good mentions . Down Chadstone way the Salesian troops looked all over winners right through to 3 qtr time, however they just couldn't nail the coffin shut . The 'Red Devils' seized the opportunity in the last stanza (you can't afford to give'm a sniffl) and played right over the top of the hosts to run out comfortable 5 goal victors. Panjari (Leo variety!) . Ryan . Maruli & Starkie were among the best for Parkside .
At the 'Patterdome' the 'Vultures' are lamenting yet again a one qtr fade out, this time the last qtr when after leading at every change they were kept scoreless
while Monash Blues went on a scoring spree to home with 'wet' sails and score by 28 . Mind you, 'Blues' were a tad errant with their goal conversion shots for 13 majors) and with greater accui would've probably got the 'bacon' by a bit in 'Headers' on behalf of the lads from Monash 1 wants to publicly praise St Pats for their after m hospitality. Well done 'Vultures' . Monash well sei by Holloway & the 'Doc' . (Stop smokin' the hoc gooch_y Headers. 'Doc' couldn't kick over a jam cai alone 85 metres!!! - KB ) Old Essendon Grammar facing a danger gam Doveton against St Johns got away to a flyer bag 7 first qtr goals . The 'Joe's rallied in the second . Desperate stuIbackwithn3elogbrak f
both teams in the second half reduced the match good old fashioned arm wrestle, however the O .E. converted more often and scored by 7 majors . G the fact they played the entire 2nd half with 17 1 due to a serious report the O .E .G .'s did extremely } Yarra Valley hosted Southbank and both te put on a shootin' gallery exhibition for the special Big 'hangers' were the order of the day and some g goals and individual efforts made for an entertah game . The pace was as fierce at games end as at start and all but for a 5 goal advantage held by 'Bankers' at the first change the remainder of game was all tied up . Best for Southbank in a even effort were, 'Cowboy, 'M .C .' and 'Elfie" . Preview Round 13 - July 1 1 Monash Blues V St Johns O.C.'s - Back on and at home the 'Blues' shouldn't have too in trouble overcoming the hapless Joe's. KB tips Mon to easily defeat St Johns by in excess of 40 pts . Jocs will be desperate for a win but the Blues re can't afford to lose, we know the Professor is wor but if Doc can keep kicking the jam tins some metres then the Blues will have no problems .
Old Essendon Grammar V Yarra Valley O.B, With a sniff of finals action in their noses the O .E . will work extremely hard to keep the 'Bushranger : bay . KB reckons they can and will, to win by 7 pts . Yarra's are really not that far away and learnt a v able lesson last week that youth is perhaps the wa go but I must agree with KB here . OEGS do hai chance now and at home will be too strong . Southbank V Parkside - Scores level behx these 2 teams last time they met . Form of botl extremely good and other than home ground adi tage, KB can only suggest that his bias leads hir
D Sectio n AJAX
Coach : Rick Marks Res Coach: Andrew Schenker
1 J . Wrobel 2 A . Kalinski 3 B . Davis 4 M . Dudako v 5 J . Rath 6
D . Kalb G . Samuel
8 A. Krongold 9 A. Rosen 10 R . Bloom 11 M . Weisler 12 D . Onas 13 A . Freun d 14 Y. Rapaport 15 M . Rajch
16 G . Rozenberg 17 A . Cukierman
18 J . Wrobel 19 M . Halphen (C) 20 A. Carew 21 D . Gelbart 22 D . Mohr 23 A . Bensimon 24 J . Dunne 25 J . Feldman 26 B . Duzenman 27 A . Lust 28 D . De e n 29 D . M arks 30 N . Israelsohn 31 M . Barnett 32 M . Borenstein 33 D . Pat 34 D. Gun n 35 S . Roth 36 J . Segal 37 J . Engelman 38 J . Lewis 39 A . Grundmann 40 A. Redlich 41 J . Snow 42 A. Sawicki 43 Y Shein 44 B . Goldberg 45 E . Steen 46 J . Davis 47 A . Abraham 48 L. Goldberg 49 E . Rubinstein 50 B . Grodski 51 N . Diamond 52 B. Steiner 53 D . Katz 54 M . Nathan 55 B. Zielinski 56 J . Sharp 58 M . Fried 60 D. Weislitzer 61 J . Kalbstein 64 R . Israel 65 M . Zurbo 68 D . Boon 69 J . Vernon 70 S . Boon 71 C . Cohen 73 A . Levy . r
Coach : Andrew Crosby Res Coach : Brad Barclay
MONASH BLUES OLD ESSENDON Coach: Dam Rogers Res Coach: Stew King
1 G . Burch 2 G . Clifford 3 S . Edwards 5 T. Grierson 6 A . Donachie 7 C . Glennie 8 S . Kelly 9 P. Phillips 10 D . Boland 11 C . Bambu ry 12 S . Bethune 13 C . Je fii -ey
1 J. Alexander 2 J . Baxter 3 L . Holloway 4 P. Maiden 5 D . Rogers
6 M . Newman (VC) 7 L. Findlay 8 A . Fairweather 9 M . Wrodarczyk 10 S . Webster (VC) 11 M . Spencer 12 J . Caldwell
14 A . Lorkin
13 A . Herrman
15 J . Knight 16 S . Close
14 R . Burston 15 M . Tinkler
17 M . Denavi
16 B. Smiley
18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Paras 21 S . Downes 22 S . Flynn 23 L. Woods 24 P. Harper 25 J . Hackin g 26 H . Field 27 S . Jones 28 G . Wiston 29 J . Wilson 30 C . Collilver 31 C . Wooden 32 M . Hunter 33 M . Collella 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 J . Hunt 37 H . Nichol 38 M . Tilling 39 S. Connelly 40 S . Connelly 41 J . Kline 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Dunne 45 N . Frederikson 46 D . Joyce 47 N . Moran 48 M . Moore 49 C . Lamborn 50 G . Macklin 51 A. Hyland 52 M . Corrie 53 P. Raeck 54 S . Capton 55 A . Cultrera 56 S . Doherty
57 C . Thomas 58 A . Bethune 66 M . Wilson 67 P. Cruikshank 70 C . Lyng 80 M . Joyce 86 B . Barclay
17 P. O'Neill 18 Y. Colombies 19 N. Pope 20 J . Cavanagh 21 C. Gregory 22 A . Dobson 23 S . Wrodarczyk 24 B . Hodson 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Hurley 27 N . De Young9 28 S . McGee 29 A. Headberry 30 L. Creamer 31 J .L . Smith (C) 32 M . Try 33 J .M . Smith 34 B . Dowsley 35 D . Murchie 36 M . Tehan 37 J . Bolton 38 S . Hooper 39 M . Smith 40 C. Riordan 42 A . Hickey
43 R . Feenahty 44 D . Teasdale 45 R . Walsh 46 D . Jones 47 S. Mentha 48 M . Kamphuis 49 D . Morgan 50 D . Schwedes 51 C. Stott 52 N . Moresi 53 L . McCann 54 R . Green 55 D . Trumble 56 A. Berry 57 J . Hodgkins 59 H . Middleton 61 D . Walsh 67 B . Dempsey 71 P. Farrar
Coach : Lloyd C-od Res Coach: Sham Bishop
PARKSID E Coach: t.aurk Zar31a Res Coach : Mark Rave
1 J . Panagiotopoulos 2 J . Chapman 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 S . Reming 5 S . Emerson 6 C. Ridley 7 T. Cippolon i 8 S . O' Brien 9 J . Goodger 10 I . Stevens 11 B . Papal 12 J . Hearne 13 P. Chalkley
1 P. Laurse n 2 A . Delle-Verg 3 S. Pino 4 D . Warre n 5 D . Ferrar o 6 D . McCall 7 D. Drinna n 8 J . Chilcott 9 A. Constanti n 10 A . Vit a 11 B . Hockey 12 C. Tyso n 13 A . Cople y
14 S . Evans
14 P. Lenne n
15 S . Bishop 16 S . McPherson 17 P. Hexter
18 T. Read 19 G . Steven 20 J . Lang 21 S . Dale 22 M . Lukasz 23 J. Hughes 24 C . Robertson 25 A. Leask 26 D . Fletcher 27 D. Barr 28 B . Turner 29 J . Saunders 31 A . Corby 32 J . Mansfield 33 S . Cramer 34 J . Leask 35 D . Whitfield 36 P. Trist 37 J . Walker 38 M . McKerrell 39 A. Merrington 40 T. DiBlasi 41 I . Ritter 42 A . Jealous 43 A . Galt 44 R . Clohesy 45 P. Barry 46 D . Novacek 47 J . testro 48 P. Murton 49 A. Hutchinson 50 D . Bellman 51 S . Greasley 52 A . Dawson 53 T. Hawke 54 S . Maybury 55 R . Musa 56 A . O'Ryan 57 R . Wright 58 A . Woerndle N . Osman 60 A. Palmer 61 D . Podger 62 P. Baroch 63 A . Porter 64 J . Rossi 65 A . Soteriou 66 B . Lamaro 67 R . Graig
15 D . Moodi e 16 M. Campbel l 17 N . Antonopo u
18 A. Reginato 19 S . Gun n 20 C. Peckham 21 M . Tessari (C) 22 B . Harvey (V C 23 M . Hoyn e 24 R . Marull i 25 M . McPherso r 26 S. Ros s 27 L . Panjar i 28 S. Fisher 29 L. MacNama n
(VC) 30 D. Cusack 31 C. Austi n 32 J . McCall 33 A . Bott a 34 A . Starkie 35 G. Panjari 36 W. La y 37 B. Panjari
38 F. Darrig o 39 B . Miche l 40 L. Inserra (VC ' 41 E . Linares 42 P. Dea n 43 J. Hubbard 44 P. Solig o 45 J. Dal e 46 T Rya n 47 V. Saldana 48 J . Huewoeller 49 S . Collie r 50 C . Cecchinell i 51 J . Seoan e 52 M . llcyzynski
53 M . Yandle 54 T. Kouros 55 G . Paizo s 56 G. Tzelepi s 57 S. Davey 58 G . Pasho s 59 V. Cervi 60 G . Watson 63 S . Hoga n 64 T. Thomas 68 K . Drummond 69 S . Dave y 71 A . Inglis
D Section WHITEFRIARS Coac h: Des Meagher Res Coach : Brian Gr ft 1 D . Fedel e
2 M . Bateman (C) 3 M . Carbon e 5 M . Robinson 6 C . Houston (VC) 7 P. Coghla n 8 A. Davis 9 C. Maguire 10 A . Pawlik 11 R. Reidy 12 A . Lacey 13 T. Hughes 14 T. Carrigg 15 P. Campbel l
16 B . Vandenboom 17 A. Carbone (VC) 18 C . Molone y 19 M . Jongebloed 20 S . McAuliffe 22 R. Pasqualotto 23 P. Ciardull i 24 R . Mika 25 D . Griffin 26 C . Ryan 27 D . Vandenboom 28 C . Eame s 29 A. Glenn 30 M . Power 31 N . Jenkins 32 M . Borrack 33 C. Harri s 34 D . Gloufchev 35 C . Law (VC) 36 D . Nola n 37 P. O'Brien 38 C . Carrig g
39 M . Winterburn 40 A . Thwaites 41 C . O'Connor 43 N . Ellio t 44 B. O'Connor 45 M . Lester 46 G . Johnson 47 M . Nola n 48 D . Delzoppo 49 C . Callender 50 T. Burgoine 51 L . Eames 54 S . Gillen
56 D . Ri o 57 J . McFarlane 58 J . Rio 59 D . Gentilin 61 D . Cassar 62 R . Tartaglia 64 M . Duffy 65 C . Winterburn
D F째ction Sharps
Page 1 5
Coach : David Kyle Res Canft Brendan Ruddy 1 PI Telford
2 F. Macvean 3 R . Thompson 4 M . Fun g 5 A . Drew 6 D . Howse 7 J . Downs 8 L . Morris 9 C . Ross 10 N . Dodwell 11 C. Reynolds 12 M . White 13 14 15 16 17
O . Kysela M . Simpson J . Koenan B . Smillie A . Lain g
18 L . Whit e 19 S. Thompson 20 S . Fram e 21 A. Livesey-Cole 22 T Wapshott 23 D . Balshaw 24 M . Davies 25 T. Habben 26 G . Mcleod 27 A . Rowe 28 J . Macvean 29 P. Peterson 30 D . Potter 31 C . Padgett 32 C . Heffernan 33 D . Ireland 34 T. Chrisfield 35 B . Peake 36 R . Penaluna 37 D. Francome 38 B . Morrison 39 T Reddaway 40 M . Whit e
41 B . Downs 42 T. Crean 43 H . Park 44 J . H o 45 L . Rees
MON?,S ti 3 I,UE S v . ST. IO =NS 0 C Field : I Gallagher Geoff Moor e
OLD ESSENDON GR . v . TARRA VALLEY Field : Rick : Alan Lad d
SOUTHBANK v. PARKSIDE Field : Nathan Rodier : Jones AJAX v . SALESLIN 0 C Field : Andrea Flack Richards UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . WHITEFRIARS Field : F Griffiths Ben McKee AQUINAS v. S T. PATRICKS MENTONE Field : Fr Karabelas Alan Stubbs
47 B. Mcllwrath
48 R. Davis 49 S . Seabourne 50 P. Ford 52 A . Hartnett 53 S . Corcoran 54 T. Hal e 55 S . Taylo r 56 L . Harrington 57 G. White 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 F. Yendell 63 T. Strong 64 T. Gentle 66 A . Biesbroek 71 M . Laing
72 R. Lawton 76 J . Scale s
Garr,--. 'and p II ' . , Sunday A . xtioIa Match of t -)ay . _ } .mat,
Ph : ~ 177 4744 1
er ;
food for thought that there are only si x , I , iG before finals come around so as teams ,,c ;,c-ying for a better position on the ladder, s o iim.pires trying to excel themselves to hopefulhigher grade . 511LESTONE ftc ; ,:6ing his 250th game this week is goal umpire
cmour. Bobby is hoping to celebrate the game : , An (if the Advisor is nice) with his mates . hasn't given much away with his 250th gam e n Best Goal Umpire : Bernie Hoare and Geoff ,c Umpire Advisor (Goal) : Kevin Barker and G .~ um,-uten .
ll , i , :,:,°ek we get a little insight of one of th e _roup of umpires who is running around i n her grades . : Cameron Nash . Type of Umpire : Field . als: Once in 3 years. Manual or Automatic : Aut o r driven a manual . Tip for the World Cup Pea in your whistle : If no toilet around. Sex :re a game v/ n: Definitely, Best football rule : What s' Favourite Food : Chinese. Local Watering Hole: ny, night. Favourite Amateur Ground : Trinity . t,r r\FL premiership: Hawks . Thank you for spend, C) seconds with Keilv & Leah . PROMOTIONS Tv: o weeks ago Peter Griffiths was promoted into D ion . Last week we had Peter Simpson up into B ~,7n . Congratulations to the two Peters . THANKS '~Lmv thanks to the footballers from Caulfield nmarians who last week took the time to help th e
u ;npires with their skill work . Not only did it give the .!npires a chance to hone their skills but an opportuto do something that has been lacking on a Tc, - :, ;â&#x20AC;˘ and Thursday night training and that is run ! :ruugii the centre of the ground. Where were the call s i '~, t out of the middle" Peter Harris?
The Goalies must have thanked their lucky stars when regular trainer Christine didn't turn up on last Thursday but alas their smiles turned to frowns as Kevin Segota came off the interchange bench to give them a dose of sprints for the night . The difference between the two trainers is that Chillie's training finished earlier and they shower earlier and the how water is gone earlier. (as the female showers are the first to go.) Trying to brighten up training on a gloomy night was Albie Firley with a new colour rinse put in his hair. Albie stood out like a light house with that colour . and truth to the rumour that it could be his natural colour . RULE OF THE WEEK
Answer to last week is that the goal umpire is the sole judge of decisions relating to a score . This week we will pose the question that our umpires advisor Mick Sneddon sprang on us . If a player kicks the ball IOm can he mark his own kick? FORGOTTEN WINNERS Left off the winners table from the Trivia Night from last weeks edition were : Tania Simpson . James Van Beek and Vicky and Geoff Curran .
Question to Robert Sneddon what time should an umpire rock to his game? I'll make is easy by giving a choice . A Ipm. B 1 .30pm . C 1 .55pm . BOUNCE OFF WINNERS
To date these guys are through to the next round : J . Kvins . A. Kiel . S. Olive . TELECOM TROUBLE S
It seems that umpires are having trouble getting in contact with Mick Sneddon for various reasons on the phone . however as Mick put it only the umpires have the problem as the coaches can get through . LEAH & ADAM
Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms BEFORE MATCHES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour - Runners. To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena. Water Carriers . Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play . To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behind the passage of play. Trainers . May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Attire - Runners . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . Water Carriers . VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers . VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only .
Because of the new procedure regarding lodging a request for an investigation, clubs are advised not to phone the VAFA until after 3pm on a Monday to find if the granting of the prescribed penalty applied for is accepted by the Association . If a request for an investigation, accompanied by a cheque for $200, is received before 3pm Monday following the weekend's game, the prescribed penalty will not be accepted a . nthemarwilbfdtohewingay'srbulfodetin
Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain present all scores and match details in a light-hearted manner .
Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9 .00 a .m . each Sunday . Program includes Phil Stevens talking VAFA issues .
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Hugh Lyon
E SECTION (Blue) by Craig Richardso n
Knitwear n a close one, first up we had Glenhuntly by 4 noints over Elste rnwick . Old Camberwell belte d Power House, Caulfield did similarlv to Swinburne . The Pirates had agood win over final s hopefuls Oakleigh and Chirnside predictably got over St . Marys without too many headaches . ROUND 1 3 The 'Hunters' take on the 'We llers' at home in what should be a fairly one-sided affair . The 'Hunters' even though coming off a victory, probably won't have enough big guns to go with Camberwell . who seem to be starting to hone in on a top four position . Thus, Old Camberwell by at least 10 goals . Next we have Power House at home versus Caulfi eld . On current form Caulfield shouldn't have too many problems disposing The Pirahnas' . Even at home Power House haven't reallv been able to string together too many wins on the trot . In what should be an entertaining game at least . I'll tip Caulfield by about 6 goals . Swinburne at home versus 'The Pirates' instantly has a similar feel to the Power HouseCaulfield match . Swinburne has had some good results this season but they have been few and far between . Whereas . Peninsula have gone from strength to strength and may be a little bit of a sleeper in a sense in the top four with most people talking about Caulfield and Old Camberwell . In the wash up . the 'Pirates' should have a comfortable victory by at least 10 goals or more . Oakleigh C ru shers clash with the winless St . Marys . Oakleigh will consolidate or at least strengthen their chances of making the finals with a comfortable win at home against a less tha n
Talk direct with the Manufacturer O We MAK E
impressive St . Marys . Oakleigh will be look-
ing for a minimum of 15 goals victory in this one and anything less will be disappointing their coaching panel . In the final game, Chirnside play hos t Elsternwiek , with Chirnside still eyeing a fin berth . With the home ground advantage Chirns should take 'The Wiekers' to the cleaners . Chirns with more to play for and with Elsternwick basic Iv just playing out the year should win by arou 12 goals plus . IN THE TWO S Old Camberwell will roll the Hunters . Caulfi, will probably have a little too much for Poi, House, the Pirates likewise will beat Swinburne a comfortably . Oakleigh should and will get over Marys and Chirnside will beat Elsternwick aftei bit of a struggle .
Caulfield Grammarians - congratulations Tim Wailes ( 100) games . Small in stature, large commitment. it's a credit to Tim's character achieving this milestone . Also congratulations Simon Kiose in achieving 150 games . Long awa ed recognition of Simon reaching this mestor past Reserves Captain and staunch defender w rarely plays a bad game. Well done to you both . Elsternwick - congratulations to Pa Stankovich who played his 100th game 1 Elstermvick last week . Congratulations from all the club . Well done "Stanka" .
N.O.M .D.A .
0, We SEL L O We SERVICE O We FINANCE OUR OWN COPIER S Federal Government Contract
Konica Australia Pty Lt d 171-183 Ferrars Street, South Melbourne, Vic 3205 Telephone : 699 4955 Facsimile : 699 220 7 OFFICES IN ALL STATES
to IIl Ip
GLENHUNTLY v . OLD C!_ :>BERWELL I ir'ld : Ken McNiece Matthew Seferth pOWER HOUSE v. CAULFIELD GR . I-ictd : Ken Brewer Garrv Seabourne SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY v . PENINSULA 0 B ('icid: Ron Martyn Paul Lamble OAKLEIGH v. ST. MARYS FiAd : Tony Psinas Bob MeLeod CHIRNSIDE PARK v. ELSTE ICK I'icld: Craig Bratjberg (R )
ELSTERNWICK 3 .3 10.7 12.12 15.21 .111 GLENHU1vTLY 8 .2 9.3 16.4 17.4 .106 Elsternwick: Lee 7 . Hatckin 3. Murphy. Curtain. McNallv. Lyons. Grant . Best : Curtain . Lee . Mahonv. St.vtkorick . B,Tne. Ahearn. Glenhuntiy: Miller 7. Jaiilcrnlc 3 . Ste«art 2. Wttson . 2. J . Gilmore, Gledhill. Stalmtec Best: Mttler. Seuarl. J. climate, Rossiter. Manee. MeGulness . POWER HOUSE 1 .0 2.4 3.7 6.11 .47 OLD CAMBERWELL 3 .2 8.9 13.13 18.16,124 Power House : A . Robinson 3. S. Craven 2. C . Richardson. Best: Wright . Dean . Drnie. Moms. Etans. Hall . Old CamberweB:(Goail Kickers and Best Players not recei}td ) 5 .3 12.7 13.8 19.18 .132 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR SWINBIIRNE UNIVERSITY' 1 .2 3.4 4.5 4.5 .29 Caulfield Grammsr.Broluer 5 . W141 3 . Cauhshaiv 2 . Cassidv 2 . Kenton 2 . Vella. Boxes . Beauchamp . Forster. M . Liddell . Best : Broivcr. Will . Horton . Stevenson, CowtLshaw. Hall . Swinburne University : B. O'Mara 3 . D. Wright. Best: Horidge. Hanutton. Sri= . Simpson- Sheen y . PENINSULA 2 .1 8.4 16 .8 17.12 .114 OAKLEIGH 2 .1 3.2 5 .7 9.12 .66 Peninsula: Pa}ze 7. C. t.andrv 3. A. Bonnier. Zeun.vt . C<vnpbell. Goldthorpe, DieVSh. Sharpin. S. Poisons. Best: Pa~wc. C. Landn% A. Landn•. Cook . Dentrv. Campbell . Oakleigh: Heerut 3. MaeKentie 2. C . Marshall 2 . Bloomfield. Dooley. Best : Hamllton. HeFZnn . Dooley. Perptrta. K. Marshall. Stirling. ST MARYS 2 .2 3.5 10 .6 11.7 .73 CHIRNS IDE PARK 3 .0 13.3 19 .9 25 .17.167 St Mary's : Hill 5. Willis . Neven . Tetley. Ymer. Carmichael . Ballantine. Best: Hill. Batlanttine . McConnell. Wedrian . Theoharris. Chirnside Park : M . Pemberton 8. V. Piceioll4 . .40att 3 .Henderson 3. Sore 2" pasta 2. C . Piccioli. Bakey. Brrntv. Best: Paola . M . Pemberton . Allatt. Henderson . Peden Hoflidq .
RESERVES - 04.07 .98 ELSTERNWICK 3 .5 5.13 7 .16 9.19 .73 0.1 3.2 5 .4 5 .7.37 GLENHUNTLY Elsternwiett : Nicholson 4 . Lilikakis 3. Daniels. Hashing. Best: Nicholson . Barnett . tt7telan . Dattison . Detroachtre. L>likakis. Gleuhuntlr. Simone 2 . Martht . 0Donnell. 0Riellv. Best: ORklly. M. Jones . JYoung. Crooke. oDonnell . Thom . POWER HOUSE 0.1 0.2 1 .4 1 .6 .12 OLD CA4M ERWELL 6.7 12.10 20 .13 22 .15.147 Power House: J . Senior. Best: M . Hansen. Ram3,tauskas . J . Robertson. Senior. Gent. Norman. Old Camberwe ll: Harrison 7. t4'ailes 3 . Holloway 2. Dicrosta 2 . Bettanv . Morzissev 2. Lehner 2. G. Williams. Cutler. Margerison. Chan. Best : G. Williams. Shrimski. Garr. Monisscv . Wades. Cutler. Caulfield Grammar: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not receited) Swlnburne Universlty:(Goal Kickers and Best Plovers not received ) PENINSULA 1 .0 4.6 8 .7 11.9 .75 OAKLEIGH 4.1 5.3 6 .7 9.8 .62 Peninsula: Franks 5. Sims 4 . Cartoon. Farrow. Best: Tavlor. P-Tll . Kent . Glmer. Clartn2bold. Fisher. Oakleigh: Niktkis 3 . G. Chapman. 3toutis. Orlando. Best : Cram. P. Nikakis. Adawav . C . Nikakis . Perdikomatis . ST MARYS 3.3 6.4 8 .5 11.5 .71 C HIRNSIDE PARK 1 .1 7.1 16 .1 21.5.131 St Mary's: Bums 2 . Koudamantakis 2. S . Goldsworth 2 . Stone . Pilikiois. Puherman. Miller. Korlittinsakku. Best: Boces. Timburt•. Koudunantakis. Stone. Cltirnside Park: R. Chlrnside 4. Massarotti 4. Pope 3 . Chtuchill2. K. Oates 2. S. Oates 2 . Skein 2 . Gray. Koopman . Best : Gray. R. Ch'unside. Kawpman. S. oates. Massuotti . DaFison .
I Blue
_ __
DGRAMdMR CHIRNSIDE PAR K ELSTE3RMVICKA.F.C. Coach: Geoff Reilley Res Coach : Matthew Schoften 1 M . Millard
2 B . Hal l 3 D . Anderson (C) 4 S . Stevenso n 5 W. Horton 6 A . Kahofe r
7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Walsh 9 W. Bowe s 10 A. Wil l 11 M . Cassidy 12 J . Farmer 13 D. Gurr 14 S . Klose 15 R . Castles 16 T. Royals 17 G . Williams 17 P. Anderson 18 N . Cox 19 B . Baxter 20 H . Vella 20 M . Klos e 21 N . Brohier (VC) 22 T. Townley 23 D . Ash 24 K . Dach s 25 N . Lubransky 25 T. Wailes 26 S . Williams 27 R . Keown 27 R . Morrissey 28 T. Cha n 29 D . Schrimski 30 D . Lowe 31 J . Holloway 32 M . Dicrosta 33 N . Silve r 34 J . Margerison 35 A. Lawrence 36 R . Gosstray 36 M . Forster 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 M . Phela n 41 M . Liddell 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 C . Bettany 45 T. Oscar 46 G . Lehner 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 48 I . Warnecke 49 B . Cowling 50 M . Cutler 51 J . Liddell 52 M . Harrison 54 B . Lyons 55 M . Davies 56 A . Dow d 59 A . Beauchamp 60 P. Kin g 62 A . Coventry 69 A. Gooding
Coec ones Res =-' O~es
Coach: Rod Wiliam Res Coach: Andrew Cwtain
1 M . Pemberton 2 A . Sor e
1 L . Murphy (C) 2 A . Hanki n
3 4 5 6 7 8
3 T. Byrne 4 C . Lyons 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Brennan 7 D . Lee 8 S . Currie 9 G . Ahearn
G . Skein M . Carusi M . Holliday J . Brown V. Piccioli S. Oates
9 W. Pemberton 10 M . Koopmans 11 G . Wyngard 12 D . Paola
13 E . Westmore 14 D. Dasolto 15 S . McIntosh 16 M . Walker 17 B . Pedler 18 M . Massarotti 19 C . Piccioli 20 K. Oates 21 S . Cousins 22 P. Delguidice 23 R . Davidson 24 D . McHenry 25 R . Henderson 26 G . Kellaway 27 L . Lowen 28 J . Mosca 29 P. Schilling 30 L. Mather 31 M . Ogstan 32 G . Laidlaw 33 A . Chirnside 34 A . Thomas 35 MT. Koopmans 36 D . Kar p 37 L. Bakey 38 G . Kimpton 39 N . Sibbing 40 T. Marriner 41 D . Kennedy 42 A . Conte 43 A . Burnes 44 R . Chirnside 45 W. Hussey 46 P. Ega n 47 N . Egan 48 R. Gray 49 C. Peters 50 C. Lindsay 52 G. Lambkin 53 B . Driver 54 D . Skillern 55 P. Churchill 56 R . McArthur 57 J . Whiteside 58 A . Mather 59 D. Harvey 60 P. Pope
10 R . Bravington 11 L. Missaglia 11 P. Mahony 12 N . Wigmore 13 P. Stankovich 14 B. Barnet t
15 M . Savage 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 N. Wigmore 19 R. Buckingham 20 G . Daniell 21 P. Roberts 22 M . Bullard 23 S . Curtain 24 G. Corrie 25 B . Franken 26 C . Mahony 27 M. Daniels 28 W . Davidson 29 S . Mahony 30 J . A'vard
31 G . Devonshire 32 P. Harri s 33 J . Overman 34 A . Contin 35 P. McNally 36 B. Bravington 37 L . Lambert 38 M . Bel l 39 P. Allan 40 M . Ray 41 A . Tilley 42 J . Lilikakis 43 C . Lyons 44 G. Corrie 45 R . Grandemange 46 J . Kosij 47 M . Grant 48 R . Morgan 49 B . Bravington 50 D. Hosking 51 S . Ramsey 54 S . Kirkham 55 P. Harri s
57 J . Wright 64 D . Auslander
GLENHUNTLY Coach : Stew Allender Res Coach: Peter Derrick 1 B. Wilso n
2 C . Whelan 3 T Hil l 4 D. Cassar 5 J . Alless i 6 P. McGuinness 7 M . Kout s 8 J . Jani s 9 A . Antonio 10 A. Young 11 T. Rossiter 12 S .OiReilly 13 M . Kratewski 14 J . Gilmore 15 P. Breslin 16 C .Johnson 17 S . August 21 I . Turner 22 G . Richards 23 P. Thomas 24 A. Worsnop 26 T. Short
27 M . Gulton 28 C. Murray 30 B . Stewart 31 L . Thomas 32 S . Jankovic 33 D . Jones 34 B. Mille r 35 J . Commerford 36 R . Hal l 37 A . Breslin 38 A . Haggarty 39 T. Hosking 40 L. McAuliffe 42 M . Stahmer 43 M . Jones 44 B. O'Donnell 45 R . Stannage 46 A. Bai n 47 J . Walton 48 J . Young 50 G . Lewis 52 C. Mitchell 53 D . McLinden 54 D . Mance 55 S . Pappin 56 R . Bateman 57 M. Rya n
58 J . Crooke 60 M. Johnson 62 G . Panozzo 63 C. Thom 64 M . Callander 65 P. Harrison 66 P. Fogarty 67 B . Hodge 68 R . Dolg e 69 G . Fletcher 71 P. Jones
61 G . Pillikidis
Rafferty the Wrecker 24
OAKLEIGH Coach : Chris Moore Res Coach : Peter Andorlopo
1 2 3 4
R. Ge c A. Bloomfield D. MacKenzie P. Heveri n
5 C. Riches 5 R . Dooley 6 K . Marshall 7 P. Donadel 8 R . Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 M. Wood 11 C . Hanley 12 A. Zavaleris 13 J . Knapper 14 B . Dell'Aquila 15 G . Redford 16 J . Nik o
17 P. Hamilton 19 P. Taylor (C) 20 T. Adami c 21 A. Perdikomatis 22 S . Osborn e 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A . Kitt s 27 S . Adaway 28 A . Monaghan 29 D . Hall 30 J . Stevens 31 T. Bromley 32 G . Perpina 34 S . Kilner 35 R . Nuske 37 P. Nikakis 38 D . Chapman 39 J . Bonaddio 40 C . Taylor 41 G . Malapanis 42 G . Orland o 43 J . Theofilopoulo ; 44 B . Woodard 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 S . Lewis 48 C. Nikakis 50 P. Lesli e 51 J. Bonaddi o 52 P. Andrinopoulos 53 T. Ianchello 54 A. Atherinos 55 B. Gran t 56 J . Aliss 57 S . Simopoulos 59 J . Brow n 60 M . Oram 61 A . Moulang 63 D . Woods 64 J . Tolley 65 B . Stirling 66 A . Wood 67 B. Gant 68 A. Khodr 71 S . Randle SrvniS Cv CHADSTON E
M THF AMATFI iR Ff1llTRei t co -
OLD CA 1 BERWEI1 C , xh I! rtr_w Hansa n s ' qes Co=h : Cafdrew Tsxdo
PENINSULA O .B. Coach: Brett Atdhuraith Res Coach: Neil Franks
1 S . Parsons 2 S. McMahon 3 G . Nelson 4 E. Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warner 7 N . Franks . Gibbs 8 P. Angus (C) gA n . Hanso 0M 9 P. Keohn I J . Heffernan 9 P. Krohn 12 J . Wilson (C ) 10 T Trewhitt t 3 N . Sims 14 R . Whitehead (VC) 11 A . Landry 12 A . Campbell 15 F;1 . Short 1 6 D . Walke r 13 V. Brancaijano 17 R . Pike 14 S. Coombs 1 g A. Brownles s 15 B. Cook 19 M. Freedman 16 S . Claringbold 20 A. Hills 21 T Hardman 17 L. Barclay . Chow 22, S 18 S . Glover 23* D. Bel l 19 M . Goldthorpe ga D. Imberger 20 C. Landry (VC) 25 A . Taylor 21 M . Bonner 26 M . Stones 22 A . Atchison 27 T. Doherty . Leitch 28 B 23 R . Sharpin 29 T. Johnson 24 B . Wight 30 S. Roe 25 S. Atchison 31 L . O'Mahony 26 C . Lloyd 32 E. Williams 27 S . Payze 33 M. Richmond 34 P. McCare 28 B . Taylor . Hopkin s 35 M 29 R. Powney 36 S . Derry 30 A . Crean 37 R. Gillen 31 A . Gross '38 R . Scott 32 A . Parsons 39 C . EVans '40 J. Harvey 33 D . Sims 41 L . Rya n 34 T Bradon 42 R . Pratt 35 S . Jackson 43 T Walker 36 N . Bowman 44'S . Smith 37 T. Stewart 46 T. Reid 47 P. Lenton 38 M . Wells 48 J . Swann 39 R . Pritchard 49 A . Kent 40 S . Marshall 50 B . McKenzie 41 S . Farrow 51 A . Rogers 42 A . Maleyy 52 J . Mc wain 53 B. Mcllwain 43 M . Bonner 54 P. Richmond 44 J . Muir 56 N . Saffar 45 D . Scown 57 T. Simpson 46 A . O' Neil 58 C . Williams 48 J . Bleasby 59 D . Alex 60 B . Kallio 49 J . Whelan 61 T. Johnson 50 R . Blood 62 C. Bayford 51 M . Fisher 63 C . Strachan 52 R . Bedford 64 B . Day 53 D . Smith '65 J . Miles 66 T. Hamilton 54 M . Dentry 67 P. Craig 55 R. Cannon 68 P. Thomas 56 R. Powney 69 P. Cohen P..P Dietzsc h 70 D . Jennings 60, P. Cooper 62 D . Cross - 速66 A . Hayley 69 S . Farrar . 速 j t.lcLean T James g A Inkster (VC) S . Jack S Horsk~ns b A . Seeley ~:1 . Scott C . Town
9857 8 0 61 Ch
POWERHOUSE Coach: Peter Otivieri Res Coach: Craig Richardson
1 J . Gent 2 J . Hall 3 J . Grey
4 C . Lloyd 5 M . Braini
6 D . Burt 7 C . Richardson 8 S. Cross 9 A. Morris 10 T. Bailey 11 J . Gill 12 R. Wright 13 J . Harris 14 Hazelwood 15 C. Trewin 16 L. Bold 17 C . McLeod 18 C . Doyle 19 J. Evans 20 D . Allen 21 D . Miller 22 P. Bates 23 S. Craven 24 R . Williams 25 S . Evans 26 J . Senior 27 S . West 28 J . Tucker 29 T. Madden 30 P. Harrison 31 R . Marshall 32 B . Wilson 33 R . Taylor 34 A . Doughton 35 C . Williams 36 A. Robinson 37 M. Hansen 38 P. Phelan 39 O . Vestergarrd 40 C. Burnside 41 S . Clayton 42 N . Deans 43 W. Uran 44 G . Dean 45 P. Ghazouani 46 S . McCardel 47 D . Norman 48 D . Phelan 49 A. James 50 A. Standl 51 B . McKenzie 52 E . Krolmark 53 A . Kerr 54 J . Blowfield 55 N . Uran
56 J. Hem 57 C . O'Connor 61 B . McNamara 66 D . Wright 70 R . Haywood 87 T. Friend 88 G . Scotland
Coach:- Evan Evans Res Coach : Peter Ditnidc
Coach: Gary Hickey Res Coach: Geoff Barr y
1 M . Learmonth 2 L . Cosson 3 R . Livingsto n 4 A. Bell 5 L. Willis 6 W. Stuart 7 T. Pettini 8 R. Kodituwakku 9 T. Gun n 10 T Jones (VC) 11 K . Gillard 12 B . Summerfield 13 J . Chapman 14 P. Watson 15 D . Andrews 16 A. Wilcox 17 S . Leahy 18 B . Frail 19 B . Ibbotso n 20 G . Crouch 21 T. Ymer (C) 22 R. Allen 23 S . Parsons 24 I . Gouliet 25 M . LeLevire 26 P. Fraser 27 G. McConnell 28 J . Innes 29 J . Cogdon 30 S. Rhodes 31 J . Finch 32 J . Boyes 33 P. Stevens 34 R . Ferwerda 35 G . Theoharris 36 E . Evans 37 J . McCashney 38 F. Harrison 39 A . Woods 40 S . De Young 41 W. Goldsworthy 42 T. Worral 43 L . Wilson 44 P. Dinnick 45 A. Gunn 46 J . Bernadi 47 M. Bona 48 D . Morcom 49 S . De Young 50 P. Frase r 51 A . George F. Sadler 53 R . Ferwerda 54 S . Goldsworth y 55 J . Duc k 56 A . Gun n 57 J . Grainge r 58 T. Azzapadi 59 J. Hill 60 C . Tetley 61 J . Josep h 62 G . Hayes 63 T. Overto n 64 S. Parson s 65 P. Hartigan 66 S . Rhodes 67 S . Stone 68 M . Scammel l 69 G . Neve n 70 A . Goldsworth y 71 N . Malloch 72 L. Phillips
1 M. Milan o 2 J . Sheedy 4 D. Dell'Olio 5 J . Dell'Oli o 6 M . Johnston 7 A . Hamilto n 8 J . Horridge 10 R . Turnbull
73 J . Traxnack 74 J . Wedrien
75 J. Brown 76 J . Jayde n 77 T Timbury
68 A . Ballantyne
11 G . Barry 14 R . Good e 17 S. Lee 18 A. Fiuman i 19 B. O'Mara 20 A. Hilgeman n 21 T. Dymon d 22 S . Flyn n 23 C. Smith 24 S . Fiztgibbo n 27 D . Murph y 29 D . DePaol i 30 P. Tur k 32 A . Sartitsis 33 D . Milan o 35 T. Grimshaw 38 N . Hadsiangeli 39 G . Crouch 40 M . Strou d 43 C. Freeman 44 N . Morgan 45 R . Potter 48 M . De Bon o 50 B . Caulfiel d 51 P. James 52 J . Piotrowski 53 M . McCalma n 55 T Benne tt
... .._ ~C~ -
E SECTION (White) by Barry Hickey
ell it looks as 1! ~front of them nowuH Having a fought their y into the four, two successive losses have bounced wa them out again . Their position isn't hopeless, but it will take a migh ty effort to recover the lost ground. LAST WEEK
The Cobras went down to Uni . High when the visitors played a very effective first quarter, thereby negating the home side's initial wind advantage . Steve Major was great out of the centre for the G&B's with the consistent Farelly again do the job up forward . Richard Badanjek was in top form for the Cobras . Kew took the points against the Reds but by a margin much closer than the experts were expecting. The K's were never able to break right away from the persistent Reds, but without looking like losing either . Masimo Masciti across half forward put in a seriously good one for the K's, with Hayden Sheehan at FF also effective . The Warriors surrendered gallantly to the all conquering Central, who were not able to clear away until the final term . The Warriors were under the direction of caretaker coach David Twomey for the match, pending Andrew Hadley assuming the role for the balance of'98. The home side had good efforts from Ben Dangerfield, Scott Sutton and former coach Bob Mutimer dese rv es a mention . Centrals were not wrapt in their performance, but who cares when you take the points . They had good games from Aaron White, Me rv Shannon and Glen Porteus, and probably some focussed drills from Tim Pontefract during this week. CY have made a final four spot that much harder by losing a close game to Nort h . Dean DeMortons' inspirational goal from 50m out late in the last term turned the game North's way . A fantastic team effort by Norths . with special mentions to Joe Boudoloh and Adrian Tirchett . A great fight back by CY to hit the front with 5 minutes to go was to no avail, in spite of terrific games from Daniel, Macleod . Cocks and De rv an . The C's took over their game against the Trobers midway through the first term and never looked back. Ron Mar ty n didn't look a bit disconcerted when he started the game solo, but he knew relief was close by, and shortly after Andrew Dickenson ran out having solved a minor footwear problem ie . missing runners . Steve Honey, Bill Brown and Al Baille toiled hard round the ground for the Trobers . Jason Woods marked strongly up forward for the C's, with Peter Busse solid in defence .
at the Brens and this could be an interesting match . UHS are missing a few during ~ the tei break, and the K's are not their normal domin ; ing selves . Unfortunately for Uni High, challeng are things the K's thrive on and Serge D'Angelo tj have them revved right up for this game . K, should win by four or five goals . Fitzroy Reds host Old Westbourne after solid performance against Kew last week . T Warriors will be strengthened by the return Gibbs and Franklin, both class players, and he ing them back will lift their teammates . Rec though, are very honest strivers . especially Ramsden Street, and their half backs and mi fielders will give the Warriors something to thi . about . The visitors aren't far away from anot~, win, and it will be close, but today the Reds shot prevail by a narrow margin . Richmond Central are at home Williamstown CYMS and will have all stops out ensure they are back at their peak for this one . t will be down a bit after last week's loss, but th were only a kick away, and they are a good si when their running midfielders and on-ballers a on song. Central will have a big advantage in t air. if the ball isn't slippery, and their own runne are the equal of any in the section, so they shou take this out by three or four goals . Nort h Brunswick meet Old Carey at the Alla and will be heartened by their stirring victc against CY. Having Dean DeMorton back and form is important for North, especially wh Adrian Tirchett and Joe Boudoloh are also at thi top, it gives North a different look altogether . T. C's strength is their running game and it will ne to be at its best today . Weather permitting this n be a brilliant game and a very close one . with v tory to the C's by a narrow margin . La Trobe University tackle Bulleen Cobras a game that will be close all day. The Trobers a down a bit on numbers, that infamous term vac tion . but not on endeavour . Cobras are on t improve, especially with Richard Badanjek bac and their steadier defence should enable them take the four points by three or four goals . Reserves : Uni High's shock loss last week make today versus Kew a ginger job . Kew did w against the steady Reds and should take this o . by a narrow margin . The Reds should account f the Warriors . CY to beat Central after a top garr The C's to take the points over North . The Cobr
at dl :; er Id
up a win against the Trobers . Correspondents : Monday phone 9547 9144 , 95_17 7764 . Sunday. Monday evenings 9818 i'?O .
~(6 ,11,~ = ~ ^T-{I UHSOB - congratulations to Peter "Flea" 41cLean caho today plays his 150th game for th e
A former competition B&F, as well as a fine ontributor on and off the field for UHSOB, Peter's c Icrmination, accuracy of disposal and ability to t ;l , }; up possessions is a highlight . Well done from 111 involved with the High . Old Westbourne - welcomes Mal Gibbs back i: , r his first game for 1998 today . It also happens be his 50th, and the Warriors are delighted to ;,,, \p his class skills with them again . Well done virilll
BULLEEN COBRAS 3 .8 8.6 7.12 13.13 .91 UHSOB 4 .3 13.5 13 .6 18.10.118 BuBeen Cobras: Badanjer 6. Clements 4 . Humphrev. Schneider. . Sette . Best : Badanjer. Dalloetio. Schneider. D'Angelo. Trincht. J .Moran . UHBOB: Farrelly 6 . Wallace 4. Stevens 4 . Lew9cki 2. Mills. Cracknell . Major. Best: Major. Pfettfer. Farrelly. Cracknell. McLean. Marten. KEW 3 .2 8.8 8.10 11 .17 .83 FITZROY REDS 2 .3 5.8 8.9 10.14 .74 Kew: Sheehan 5 . king 2. M. Mascitti 2. J. Barnes. C7acknell. Best: M. Mascitti. Sheehan. Hannam. S . Bruno. A. FeUningharn . J. Barnes . Fitzroy Reds: M. Hart 2. Wharf 2. Prior 2, Tehan 2 . Farrell. Goerge . Best: Tehan . 'hart. Doyle . Frisby. Farrell . P. Jackson. OLD WESTBOURNE 2 .1 3.7 6.9 10.12 .72 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .2 7.8 9.8 14.6 .98 Old Westbourne: Moore 2 . TaFdor 2. B. Mattsson. J. Horsburgh. A. Horsburgh. Best: Dan~erfield . Sutton. Robson. Mutimer . O'Keefe. Franklin. Richmond Cmtrel: Byrnes 2 . C. Shannon 2 . S . Shannon. Tate, V. Kellv. Porteous. A. White. Holt. Andonopoulos . Bme. Waters . O'Sulliran . Best : A . ltfiite. S. Shannon. Porteous . T. O'Sutllean. BaJac. SRvka WILLIAMSTOWN 1 .2 3.7 6.9 10.12 .72 NORTH BRUNSWICK 6 .3 8.3 10.5 12.6 .78 Williamstown: (Goal Kickers and Best Piavers not received. ) North Brunw3ek: M . Sorletto 4. Latouf 2. D . Demorton 2 . Grimaldi, McMahon, A. Tirchett. Prettv. Best: J. Boudoloh . M . Sorletto. A. Tirehett. L'vosi. Latouf. R . Thorpe. OLD CAREY 2 .5 8.11 13.16 20.20 .140 2 .1 2.1 2.2 2.3 .15 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY Old Carey: Woods 5 . Vasflopoulos 3 . Matthews 3. M. Cohen 2. Oppy. Battle. Faeus . BirkW. Patterson . E+erett. S. Curn,•. Best: Patterson, M . Curry. Mattheus. woods. Busse. Campbell. La Tzobe University: Bro+m . Robinson . Best : Robinson. Cummings. Honey, wdlis . Murphy .
RESERVES - 04.07 .9 8
SENIORS -• 04 .07 .98
46 40 36 36
UHSOB v. KEW Field : Pat Maebus George Paleodimo s FITZROY REDS v . OLD WESTBOURNE Field : Chris Fedderso n RICHMOND CENTRAL v . WILLIAMSTOWN GYMS Field : Martin Jackson (R) NORTH BRUNSWICK v. OLD CAREY Field : Andy Carrick David Miller LA TROBE UNI v. BULLEEN COBRAS Field : Mark Morrison Barry Bolger
BULLEEN COBRAS 2 .0 8.3 10.4 12.5 .77 UHSOB 1 .4 4.5 7.7 10.9.69 Bulleen Cobras: Beattie 5. Brown . Issa . Musics . Mott. Rodrigurs. R. Sheehan. Zorzi . Best: Rodrtgurs . Beattie. Trapman. Manidudakts . Polites . Cook. UHSOB : Molinaro 2 . C . Dixon 2. DeLuise 2 . DeLuca 2 . A. Dixon . Best : Molinaro . Eltringham. O'NeO . A . Dixon. Watdron. DeLucra. KEW 2 .3 7.7 9.8 11 .10 .76 FITZROY REDS 3 .0 4.1 5.3 5.5 .35 Kew: Mountnev 2 . Porter 2 . J. Puhirenti 2. Baccini . Bakogiamnis Blunt, LaFranchi. Kiriakou. Best: Chaarmon. Dalrymple. BaccW. Mounmey. Blair. D . Mascitti. Fitzroy Reds: Paving 4 . Lukies. Best:O'Carroll . Slicker. Auden . Kinsman . Rowland . OLD WE5rBOURNE 4 .2 4.3 5.4 5.4.34 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .0 8.1 10.1 11 .5.71 Old Westbourne: Giddins 3, Harris, Robertson. Best: Crosswell . Fleming. Crabb . Giddins. Briski . Sherlock. Richmond Central: Jackson 4. Muscat 3 . Lebel. Pbiolante. K. White, Faulkner . Best: Faulkner. Muscat. Ixbel. Birt. Graham, Jackson . WILLIAMSTOWN 3 .3 7.7 9.7 14.14.98 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2 .3 2.3 6.8 8.6 .54 Williamstown: Dawson 4 . J. Burgess 4. McKenzie 2 . Wouda 2. Bond 2. Oldham . Bubnic . Best : If. Dowsev . Saccoccio. P. Dowsev. Wouda. Tobv. Oldham . North Brunswick: Anderson 2 . Pisasale. Thompson . Page. Abdelnour. S . Laumtus. Jeu•ell . Best : Funnell. Jewell. O'Brien. TeCCaha. L. Demorion . Newton . 3 .3 5.3 8.7 13.11.88 OLD CAREY LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 0 .3 1 .3 2.3 2.4.18 Old Csrey: Rist 8. Christensen 2. Palmer. Gardiner. S . Jackson. Best: Rist . Gardiner. Bennett . Hart . Bardwell. Auldist. La Trobe University: Marriott . Moon . Best : Fry. Wright . Landwehr. Auc•ote .
VALE - Farewe ll to a grand old man Victor John Dunin (3 .9 .1906 to 30 .6 .1998) was very much a man of this century. Vic died peacefully in his 92nd year. He joined the State Savings Bank Football Club in 1926 and played for many years . In 1929 he represented the MAFA against South Australia . His oldest son Frank played with the University Blacks and .Richmond and was later Blacks' coach from 1961 to 1967 - also coaching state teams to victory in 1966 and 1967. His second son Tony played with Blacks and Blues whilst his son-in-law Anthony Tehan played with Old Xaverians reserves . Frank's eldest son Sean is currently coaching La Trobe University. Vic and Frank were the first of only two father and son combinations to represent the Amateurs in a representative team - one as a play er and one as the coach. We convey our deepest sympathy to Frank, Tricia, Joan and Tony and their respective fami li es . ,y THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1998
Coach : Joe D Aai;elo
Res C oach: Jamie Redfern
1 R . Schneider 2 T. Orwin 3 M . Stratton 4 N . Ca rt ledge 4 N . Ca rt ledge 4 I . McLeod 5 M . Dalloglio 6 B . Hoare 7 F. B a ldi 8 T. M azzarella 8 S . Gayler 9 P. Goetz 10 S. Wagg 11 S. Petty
12 A. Issa 13 S. Dillon 14 B. Mott 15 M . James 16 D . Trinchi 17 Gareth Brown 18 R . Badanjek 19 S . Trapman
20 J . Moran 21 M . Strahan 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfer n 24 P. Zorzi 25 W . Olney 26 A . Gillard 27 C. Pasiopoulos 28 B . Liras 29 A . Summers 30 C. Parker 31 S . Moran 32 C. Clements 33 A . Cook 34 M . D'Angelo 35 T. Sette 36 D . Van Pelt 37 J . Paatsch 38 Graham Brown 39 T. Karanikos 40 S . Lennon 41 N . Polites 42 G . Lekkas 43 R . Caiazzo 44 B . Moran 45 M. Sheehan 46 A. Humphrey 47 J . Polimakos 48 M . Soumlinis 49 M . Fitt 53 S . Stratton 69 L . Thompson
Coach: Serge D'Angeb Res.: Richard Baker
Senior Coach: Sean Dunin
Res Coach : Darren Kane
1 M . Frisby 2 A . Walsh 3 C . Daalder 4 M . Carracher 5 D . Kane 6 S . Kid d 7 J . Doyle 8 M . Farrell
1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7
Fitt s 9 0 James Briffa
8 J.
1 M . Bakogianis 2 D. Huffer 3 J . Good e 4 G . Murphy 10 D. Sidebo tt om 11 J . Levy 12 G . Robinson 13 B . Brown (C) 14 S . Haynes 15 M . Lewis 16 C . McKie 17 L. Heathcote 18 S . O'Toole 19 R . Canty 22 S . Smee 23 S . Dunin 24 S . Honey 25 M. Cotsopoulos 27 L . Ryan 31 S. Lonergan 32 M . Napier 34 R . Brown
Senior Coach: Grant Hammond
B. Lafranch J . Kalpakis R . Pulvirenti G . Crimmins J . Barnes C . Hope A . Felmingham D . Hope A . Gencarelli lli (VC)
11 F. Cocco 12 J . Smith 13 A . Hoare 14 B . Campbell 15 P. Keppell 16 M . Wha rf e 17 B . Le e 18 M . Heenan 19 A . Centra 20 D. Hope 20 A . Leddin 21 J . Kinsman 22 S . Pickett 23 A. Jackson 24 C . Tehan 25 P. Jackson 26 M . Hart 27 J . Loft 28 N . Hall 29 D . East 30 J . Campbell 30 B. Foster 31 M . Ross 32 T. Hart 33 S. Dru ry 34 M . Merhi 35 A. Mackinnon 36 W. Fawaz 36 R . Ryan 37 C . Sheather 38 C . Prior 39 A. George 40 R . McLenna n 41 S . O'Carroll
10 B . Cullen ( C) 11 G. Bakogiannis 12 S . McMahon 13 C . Kiriakou 14 G . Campbell 15 C . Bradley 15 M . Bria 16 D . Wood 17 J . Bell (VC) 18 N . King (VC) 19 N . Peters 20 S . Harrison 21 D . Hanna m 22 J . Paron 23 I . Baccini 24 B . Dimasi 25 H . Sheehan 26 M . Channon 27 D . Cracknell 28 L. Donovan 29 M . Dal rymple 30 C . Giansante 31 A. Wells 32 J . Chow 33 J . Po rt e r 34 M . Mascitti 35 R . Bruno 36 A. Skerritt 37 W. Lombardini 38 M . Frazer 39 P. Thornley 40 P. Nagy 40 G . Muckian 41 R . Livingston
42 I . McBurney
42 C . Livingston
43 F. Tomai 44 Ben Hart 45 P. James 46 N . Mann 47 C . McGrego r 48 A . Dove 49 R . Zapelli 50 E . Ky rnacou 51 G . Thurgood 52 B . O'Connor 53 J. Keppell 54 S . Klelnitz 55 D . Atkin s 56 T. Madden 57 N . Berry man 58 G . Evans 59 B . R yan 60 S . Slieker 61 C. McConnell 62 N . Auden 63 V. Symons 65 G . Wright 66 P. Duffy 67 D . Trindade 80 G . Box
Got', ~~1i1n
F2awry 11otel
43 J . Daumis 44 A. Dann e 45 J . Bo rt on e
46 D . Mascitti 47 H . Penesi s 48 M . Dandanis 49 S. Hodgson 50 G. Apolstalakos 51 M . Blair 52 I . Fletche r 53 M . Guy 54 T. Blunt 55 J . Landweh r 56 J . Ryan 56 N . Felmingham 57 A . Mountney 58 A . Acfield 59 A . Reid 60 M . Migliorini 61 T. Willis 62 D . James 63 W. Goui n 64 C. Matt hews 65 M . Callerame 66 B . Robert son 67 A . McDonough 68 R . Baker 99 S . Bruno
Res. Coach: Joln Wiffiannson
35 38 41 45
C . Robert s A. Willi s S . Robinso n S . Turner
46 D . Wright 47 S . Landwehr 50 S . Beaglehall 51 P. Klienitz 54 B . McKenzie 55 A . Cummings 56 S . Price 57 N . Rosengren 61 S . Bland 62 G . Tendelli 63 C . Black 64 B . Ledderman 65 C. Aucote 66 A . Baille 70 J . Dumares q 71 P. Moon 72 S . Stirling
73 A . Bortone 74 S . Mitchell 75 A . Fry
76 B . McMillan 77 A . Alcock
Caach: C. Fox Re& Coach : B. FumeN
1 A . Tirchett 2 D . Adam s 3 S . Hodgson 4 M . Sorlet o 5 W. McMaho n 6 V. Grimald i 7 D . Magnuso n 8 B . Whitman 9 B . O ' Brie n 10 P. Sorle tt o 11 J . Boudolo h 12 J . Polemicos 13 S . Wernha m 14 M . Bradford 15 B . Evan s 16 L. Demo rt o n 17 A . Kyriazi s 18 M . Malkoun 19 V. Lirosi 20 M . Warre n 21 G . Burrows 22 R. Thorpe 23 D. Ellis 24 G . Lattou f 26 s . Hogg 27 D . Lucanton i 28 W. Pretty 29 C . Jewel l 30 P. Dimarco 31 J . Freema n 32 S . Famular i 33 G . Piet 35 P. Dowsett 36 B. Thorpe 37 D . Demo rton (C) 38 J . Tirche tt 39 D . Pizzari 40 R . Abdelnou r 41 C . Anderso n 42 J . Papanikolo u 43 M . Pisasal e 44 J . Androutso s 45 H . Tisaltas 46 M . Laoumtzes 47 S. Laoumtze s 48 B. Laoumtze s 49 R . Johnsto n 50 D . Fo x 52 J . Rotell a 53 A . Velkoski 54 G . Goumas 55 Z. Nag i 56 A . Crosin a 57 M . Teffaha 58 J . Wilcox 59 M . Newto n 60 J . Topp i 61 J . Pag e
62 A . Boudoloh 64 1 . Velkosk i 65 B . Funnel l THE LAURE L BRASSERI E
289 MT ALEXANDER R D ASCOT VALE 303 2 TEL: 9370 580 0 FAX : 9375 2282
Melbourn e
~C,XtckmTa* Fc3. Ccxh: SlffmlacksC, Angus 2 C. Hickey 3 M : Cohen
'C. Esler P. Graham p. Busse C. Campbell (VC) A. Dreve r 8 A . OPPy 3 M . Addison g A, Birkill 0 K . Shrive s N . Everett
12 M . Spencer 1 3 A . Jackso n 14 M . Curry
5 S . Greenwood 5 M . Jones 17 S . Curry 18 C . Matthews ((C ) 18 C . Richards 1 9 P. Drak e 20 W. Mudge
2 J. Woods 21 F. Hosking 22 J . Hands 22 C . Battle 23 T. Price 24 M. Yarnall 25 C . Goodall 2 6 J . Daniher N. Vasilopoulos (VC) 28 P. Nance 29 T. Moulton 30 S . Feehan 31 D. Gardner 32 C. Withington 33 P. Gilbert 34 D. Faeli s ,35,D. Palmer 36 L. Smal l '37 D. Wright '38 I. Cohen 39 P. Bennett 4 0' B . Humphreys
41 A . Gates 42 C. Popplewell '43 S . Cherry 44 G. Hendriks ,44J. Rist 45 M . Eastham 46 M . Can n 47"S. Hawkings 48 S. Addison 49 D . Burn 50 S. Hart 51 P. Maniotis 52 A. Opray 53 R . Bardwell 54 L. Patterson 55 C. Wheatley 56 J . Harcourt 58 M . Kennedyl 59 C. Mason 70 T. Auldist Major Sponsors : FREIGHTLINER TRUCKS QPO BAR & BISTRO HANG TEN
OLD WESTBOURNE RICHMOND CENTRAL coach: Robot Mutkw Res. Coach: Eddie SamSoewicz Ass. Coach: Andrevr Clarke
1 R . Mutimer 2 D . Taylor 3 R . Littlepage 4 A. O'Keefe 5 P. Vincent (VC) 6 J . Horsburgh 7 S. King 8 A. Horsburgh (C) 9 D . Jago 10 S. Sutton 11 B. Franklin (VC) 12 M . Gibb 13 S. Hewitt 14 B. Mattson 15 A. Board 17 M . Aquilina 18 P. King 19 M . Craig 21 B. Dangerfield 22 W. Flemin g 23 G . Flower 24 L. Fairfield
25 D. Moore 26 P. Mesman 27 J . Farrugia 28 C. Parslow 29 D. Horsburgh 30 C. Galvin 31 S . Walker 32 G . Jenkinson 33 G . Robson (VC) 34 B . Stewart 36 P. Knight 37 S . Cummin 38 B . Mattsson 39 A . Robbins 41 D. Merin o 42 M . Dobbie 43 B . Williams 44 S . Craig 45 A . Teagle 46 G . McNair 47 R. McMillan 48 M . Gale 50 P. Habbersatt 52 S . Wright 53 D . Billman
54 M . Crosswell 55 B . Green 56 A . Crabb 57 J . Robertson 58 B . Stewart 59 C . Stone 60 T. Briski 61 M . Broadle 62 D . Ciccocioppo 63 R . Sherlock 64 C . Villinger 65 D . Clowes 66 C . Pope 67 B. Slattery 68 A. Lipscombe 69 G . Mussara 70 M. Buttiegieg 71 A. Traianon
U .H .S.O .B .
Coacn: Tan PÂŤdanact Res. Coach: Donny Hickey
Coach : David Mast, Res Coach: Mick James
1 P. Byrnes 2 A. Banfield 3 T. O'Sullivan 4 A. White 5 S . Shannon 6 S . Pickett 6 G . Bunshaw 7 F. Bove 8 G . Malcom 9 P. Jackson 10 A. Murphy 11 M . Newton 11 D . Hickey 12 F. Macak 13 G . McQueen 14 C . Shannon 15 P. Church
1 R. Freijah 2 A . Talarico 3 A . Bone 4 C. McLennan 5 C. Shone 6 S . Cracknell 7 C . Skinns 8 D . Haslet t 8 A . Anderson 9 R . Smith 10 P. Burns 11 S . Mill s 12 B . Farrelly 13 P. McLean 14 J . Ham 15 M . Davidson 16 P. Gunthorpe 17 P. Sciola 18 R . Stevens 19 G. Mazza 20 F. Molinaro 21 M . Pigden 22 R . Johns 23 P. Eltringham 24 B. Carruthers 25 A. Hellner 26 B. Fogliaro 27 S. Major 28 M . Rothwell 29 K. Jones 30 B. Abrahamsen 31 P. Dolence 32 H . Starbuck 33 P. Drendel 34 G . Haeusler 35 S . Jones 37 G . Catterall 38 G . Madrigrano 39 M. Rea 40 J . Ford 41 C . Pfeiffer 42 D . Wallace (C) 43 M . O'Neil 44 A. Pfeiffer 45 C . Coo k 46 R . Killey 47 M . Waldron 48 K. Lewicki 49 D . De Luca 50 D. Zulicki
16 J . Birt 17 A . Fawcett
18 M . Zajac 19 J . Manning 20 V. Kelly 21 S . Davis 22 A . Flores 23 L. Daly 24 A . Jones 25 P. Smith 26 M . Hannon 27 C. Adams 28 A . Waters 29 S . O'Sullivan 30 G . Tate 33 D . Johnson 35 D . Mudge 36 K . White 37 G . Porteous 38 N . Bowe 42 P. Hoey 43 A . Siwka 44 A . Faulkner 45 M . Black 48 T. Gutherie 49 N . Ritchie 51 H . McAlpin 52 C . Andono oulo s 54 P. Whiteside 55 S . Fenton 56 D . Wilson 58 A . Goldberg 59 M . Tento 60 R . Mclntosh 62 T Graham 64 M . Francis 65 A. Kemp 66 C . Corker 67 R . Goli 68 F. Walther 69 M . Tapley 70 T. Taylor 72 J . Reid 74 P. Cahwood 78 S . Tresise 79 D . Sheehan 80 G . Magi Sponsors : THE MAX HOTEL Carmine Miranda AMP LIFE LT D 9805 9307
51 J . Rogers
52 J . Damiano 54 J . Pfeiffer 56 H . Gillies 58 M . Cook 59 D. Smith 60 J . Michael 61 P. Hoban 62 J . Abbot 63 M . De Luise 64 J . Evans 65 D . McCartne y 67 C. D 'Agnolo 68 A . Dixon 69 S . Hyde 72 G . Pullen 73 S . Devlin 77 L . Marten 87 M . James
WILLIAMSTOWN CYM S Coach Paid Md4alrara Res Coach: Cameron MkiCxnae
1 N . Bezzan t 2 D . Dawso n 2 B. Cocks 3 D . Woud a 4 S . Wucatsc h 4 J . Tuck 5 P. Sadle r 6 D . Oldham 7 S . Ivkovi c 8 B . Han n 9 G . Case 10 J . Callow 11 L. Grochowski 12 A . Mackle y 13 B . Woud a 14 A . Daniel 15 B . Hynes
16 K . Derva n 17 Dene Macleod 18 J . Sharp 19 P. Derva n 20 P. Owen 21 N . Bond 22 R . Alle n 23 G. Herbertson 24 S . Borszsky 25 G. Burgess
26 D . Lee 27 J . Buttergieg 28 A . Pawczynski 29 S . Brya n 30 A . Cook (C) 31 X . Tob y 32 M . Doole y 33 A . Black 34 B . Robinson 35 S. Kennedy 36 C . Bergi n y 37 A . Bon d 38 D . Macleod 39 T. Carter 40 A. Menhennet 41 S . Lubi c 42 A . Barnes 43 M . O'Flyn n 44 M . Mannin g 45 P. Bregue t 46 S. McEachran 47 T. Hickfor d 48 P. Dowsey 49 K. Dowsey 50 K. Stebbin g 51 D . Bubnic 52 A. Savoi a 53 T. Beckwit h 54 J . Burgess 55 J . Goodman 56 G . Rickar d 57 M . Saccoccio 58 C . Scot t 59 G . Singleton 60 C . Singleto n
BDF (DICO ~ Beiersdorf Australia Ltd
F SECTION by Ed Sil l
he top four defeated the bottom four that added to the settled look to F Section in 1998 . Barring an y disasters or amazing form reversals the finals race is all but over with 8 points and a fair load of percentage separating fourth and fifth . The finals race in the dew kickers also appears to be over with four games separating fourth and fifth . A different dance partner in the twos however as Werribee makes their wav in at the expense of Syndal . REVIEW West Brunswick made it three on the trot whe n they overwhelmed ANZ Albe rt Park. The Westies dominated from the start and by orange time were over 20 goals clear . A combination of reshuffling by the Westies and some steely resolve by the Rats saw the lead reduced in the last stanza . Steve Byrne across HE Matt Malone in the ruck and Leigh Petchel at ground level dominated for the Westies whilst the Rats, in the absence of Forsvth and Smith were once again well served by Nick Rutherford and Jim Suttton with newcomer Chris Jackson also playing well .
Monash continued on their road back to form with a convincing win down at Werribee . Mark Asbell was dominant in the midfield and was ablv assisted by Hetherington and Urban . Coach Ryan would have been pleased with the sides output particularly as star forward Tim Gilchrist was relatively quiet with three goals . The Sinners also continued on in fine form with a win out at Eltham . The Turtles have been hit hard with injuries of late and aren't the same team as they were at the start of the season . None the less a solid victory to the combine . Finally, the Hawks returned to the winners list at the expense of an injury ravaged Eley Park . The dashing Damon Bruce starred for the Sharks in a game in which his sides endeavours could not be questioned . Weight of numbers told in the end however as Lauletta and Vitacca starred up forward for the Hawks who were also well served by Captain Paul Orchard down back, Fatty Patterson on the ball and Rossitto in a tagging role on the dangerous Bowen . PREVIEW The first game for preview sees Monash hostin g
Eltham at Caulfield . After a bit of a mid season slump the Gryphons are slowly stoking the fire and will be looking for a big win at home . The midfield is their strength at the moment with Asbell, Urban . Wells and Hetherington feeding off Grady in the ruck and .
pumping it forward to Kilmister and Gilchrist to feed on . The Turtles are really struggling with injuries to Gasparotto, a star e= season performer, really damaging their output . t,, no obvious match up for Gilchrist, the Gryphons l ; bit. The next game sees Syndal host Eley Park what is a last gasp for the Sharks . Injuries to He Hawley and Hill have not helped their cause in rec weeks and will struggle to continue the dangen midfield of the Sinners. Rutter continues to decim sides and the Sharks may need to place the p Bruce on him. The Sinners are travelling too wel the moment to drop this and should win well . The third game sees West Brunswick play hos Werribee . The Westies are clearly the form side of competition at the moment whose strengths lie in fact that they do not rely upon any one player to but rather can expect solid performances from a . Their opponents, on the other hIgroupflayes a have been relatively inconsistent in their first yeaj the amateurs. Like Eley Park, this is probably it last chance for finals action but the forboding tril Parkville might be a bit too much for them . Westiess about four goals . Finallv, the Hawks welcome the Rats to it nest in Hawthorn, . The Rats put in probably if worst performance for the year last week -z Hollvwood Forsyth is sure to fire his team up t week . The consistent Sutton will face off against Hawks Hutchinson in the ruck whilst playmak Rutherford for the Rats and the returning Sean B( for the Hawks will battle it out for midfield suprer cy. The Hawks should have enough in reserve to v Press Correspondents 9555 0900 Phone or 9 ; 3675 Fax before 5 .00pm Monday. Social : Monash G ryphons are holding a Trivia Night the Gryph Inn Bar and Bistro on Saturday l ltli May. Tables of 8-10 with a$10 entry fee with kick at 7 .30pm . For further details contact Matt Healy 9252 7262 (BH) .
eir to bc eir eir nil his :he
ia in. 53
at of off on
- congratulations to tw o xawthorn Amateurs
;![on inembers on reaching the fifty game club . B&F winner and club captain . Gle n . : ; • crnj ch . S~aworthy as well as current star rese rves full fori ; ! Rod Lora have been fantastic contributors t o 1~1b both on and off field and their efforts ar e ,,,; k ti,_~ed by all at Hawkland .
MONASH G^YPHONS v. ELTHAM COLLEG1ANS Field: Andrew Dickenson Josh DiPietr o SYNDAL TALLY HO v . ELEY PARK Field : Nick Evans Nigel Pedler (R )
SENIORS - 04 .07.9 8 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 3 .3 4.6 7.8 9.10.64 MONASH GRYPHONS 4 .4 7.17 11.22 18.23.131 Werribee Amateurs: Morgan 5. McGrath 2. Towers . Drew. Best: Carr. Morgan. McGrath . Engler. Marinfs. Stephenson. Monash Gryphons : Leeton 4 . T. Gilchrist 3. Kitchen 2 . Killmister 2. Urban 2. Harrak 2 . HeOtenngton. Graydon . Bennett. Beet: Asbell. Hetherington. Urban. Kitchen . Blantord. Kemon. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3 .4 4.8 8.8 8.12.60 SYNDAL TALLY HO 4 .5 8.11 4.14 18.20.128 Eitham CoBegiane : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not receied Sydal Ta lly Ho: Thompson 4. Ertetn 3. Rutter 2 . Bent 2. Henderson 2. Kennedy 2. Murrac. Bingham . Christiansen. Best: Rutter. Thompson. Joy. Murray. Ertan. ELEY PARK 2 .1 3 .1 3.2 6 .4.40 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4 .3 5.6 11 .10 14 .11 .95 Eley Park: (Gcva! Kickers and Best Players not received .) Hawthorn Am®teurs: Lauletta 6. Vitacca 5. Bourke 2. Murrae. Best: Rossitto. S. Avery. Vuacca. OBrien . HutuchIltson . Orchard . ANZ ALBERT PARK 0.0 2 .3 3.3 6 .7.43 WEST BRUNSWICK 8.8 13 .13 24.17 25.20.170 ANZ Albert Park Pvstras 3. Jenkin . Bourne . Ruther(ord . Be,st: Rutherford. Sutton . Jackson. Jenkut, C. Carlisle. McLennan . West Brunswick.- v7. S. }ackson 4. Byrne 3. Cann ane 3. Silbereisen 2 . P. HamIlton 2, Harris 2 .Baade . Hey-nod . Best : Byrne . Heppell. M. Malone . Snrvthe. Petschel .
RESERVES - 04 .07.98 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2.0 2 .0 2.0 2 .1 .13 MONASH GRYPHONS 2.2 6 .6 10.12 14 .16.100 Werrlbee Amateurs: Roberts. Detanv. Best : Girran . BiSbv . Chadman. Holman . Dalbon. Dctanev. Monesh Gryphons : Ganis 5. Pelletier 3. Lourock 2. Walter. King. Lewis. Barrie . Best : Wadlev. Pelletier. Lowcock . Holland. Kent, Kutg. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2.2 4.4 5 .9 5.11 .41 SYNDAL TALLY HO 2.5 4.5 7 .7 12.10 .82 Elthem Collegians: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not recenad. l Syndsl Tal lly Ho: Kennedy 5. Hannanarm 2. Furdlac 2 . Henning. Cotsis . Kostaros . Best: Hatmemann . Burns. Ketmedv . Hauling. Clark . ELEY PARK 2.7 ~ 5.9 6 .13 7.15 .57 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 2.1 9.2 10 .3 13.9 .87 Eley Park : Bogie 6. Dunstan 2 . Carmody. Ryan. Hartley. Kerr. OHatilon . Best : Richardson. Bogic . O Hanton . Ryan. Saunders . Hawthorn Amateurs: (Goal Kickers and Best Placers not receiced .l ANZ ALBERT PARK 3.2 3.3 3 .5 6.8 .44 WEST BRUNSWICK 2.7 6.10 14.13 18.14 .110 ANZ Albert Park: Irvine 2. Everard 2. Philips. Cox Best: Phillips. Leitad. Carter. Cm Pearsat. Dime. West Brunswick. Flanagtran 5. Caolaris 3 . Gason 3. Vitale 2. Khoury. J. Curtaur . M . Hamilton. Best, Team ECfort .
JULY 18 - ROUND 14
WEST BRUNSWICK v . WERRIBEE AMATEURS Field : David D'Altera Ken Walker
F Section ANZ ALBERT PARK Coach : Gary Forsyth Res. Coach: Paul Shoppe 1 S Duke
2 N Pastras 3 P Smith (S ) 3 D Kilmartin (R) 4 R Will s 5 J Hartnett 6 G Forsyth 7 J Sutton 8 R Lindsay 9 J Bourne 10 M Phillips 11 A Mitchell 12 G Fin n
13 A Farmer 14 T Prior 15 J Snorrason 16 J Djoric 17 D McLellan 18 P Boyle 19 A Faranda 20 R Koegler 21 P Shoppee 22 S Redpath 23 A Bennett 24 R McDonald 25 J McDonald 26 C Iva
27 C Lovett 28 C Walkley 29 G Walkley 30 A Thomas 31 D Green 32 M Farrell 33 N Dao u 34 N Rutherford 35 P Gatley 36 M Pearson 37 A Jenkin 38 J Leneghan 39 A Kem p 40 G Taylo r 41 D Riverland 42 C Carlisle 43 R Carlisle 44 C McLean 45 S Bullow 46 V Stuto 47 M Carter 48 P Heyes 49 A Stewart 50 K Dao u
51 D Tangney 52 F Pole 53 D Fanning 54 P Rutherford 55 M. Leitao
Proudrysponsared by: STAR AND GARTER ROTEI, Cnr Dmras St & 70 NelSonRd,
Sth Melbourne
ELEY PARK Coach: Martin Hook Res Coach: Rob Widttkzn
1 D . Arundell 2 A . Morris 2 M . Brady 3 A. Featonby 3 R . LaMarca 4 M . Georgiou 4 M . Dell'Orso
Coach : Peter Tyson Res Coach: Kevin StAvorthy
1 D . Murray (VC) 1 T. Fitzpatrick 2 B . Lovich 4 B. 3 K . Richardson 5 R . Maddison 6 R . Heany 3 M . Irvine 7 M . Gasparotto 4 S. Bowe 8 J . Woodward 5 S. Avery 9 C . Watson 5 C. Kaye 6 P. Ave ry (VC) 10 C . Simon 5 W. LaMarca 11 J . Muzzi 7 G . Stallworthy 6 D . Bruce 12 G . Mullins g W. Pollock 6 A . Briginshaw 13 R . Bell 8 M . Dunstan 7 D . Bowen 14 S . Justice 10 P. Orchard (C) 7 N . Taifemopoulos 15 L. White 16 D .Barnett 11 A . Sill 8 D . Carroll 17 G . Lays e 13 J . Povey 8 R . Poole 18 M . lin g 9 P. Yelland 14 D . Lauletta 19 D. Boyce 9 T. Karadimos 15 G . McDonald 20 T. Carter 21 D 10 C . McLean . Shipley 16 C . Reed . Athanasopoulos 22 S 11 L . McLean 17 D . Zaverella 23 A . Phipps 12 A. Dunstan 18 D . Lauletta 24 M . De wy r 13 A. Kelstall 19 J . Law 25 T Hedley 14 G . Elder 26 J. Glare 20 S. Parker 27 B . Turney 15 R . Young 21 A. Bourke 28 T. Barnett 16 P. Stoney 22 J . Modica 29 C . Bishop 17 A . Hill 30 D . Hogan 23 D . Tracey 18 S . Raymer 31 Z . Jovanoviski 24 D . Hutchinson 19 D. Trotter 32 P. Clarke 25 M . Zaverella 20 M . Hook 33 M . Volard 26 M . Nowak 34 R . Davies 21 F. Mihalec 35 J . Muscat 27 R . Lord 22 P. Cantone 36 S . Philipson 28 J . Morrison 23 G . Smith 37 C . Horsburgh 29 P. Barker 24 S . Watts 38 S . Dalziel 30 M . Nunn 25 G . Heath 39 F. Coonerty 40 S . Lewis 26 D . Hawley 32 S . Davies 41 G . Stackpoole 27 D . Kaye 34 J . Bogie 42 C.Hal l 28 W. Holm 35 G . Morris 43 N . Hamshare 29 F. Lettini 36 K . Sanders 44 C. Menther 30 G . Bromley 45 A . Macaulay 38 M . Tyson 31 G . Lamarca 48 R . Harris 39 P. Hewish 49 W. Shar e 32 D . Grant 41 D . Lahiff 50 L . Sharpe 33 N . Dix T Scott 43 I . Cheppa 34 S . Bromleyy 52 A . Smedley 44 P. Rossitto 35 P. Blew 53 J . Athanasopoulos 45 J . Ginnane 36 S . Lee 54 P. Barnett 46 T. O'Hanlon 55 P. Morrow 37 D. Payne 48 I . Rosthorn 56 A. Stockdale 38 K . Podger 59 B . Evan s 49 D . McCowan 39 J . Verde 60 A. Stockdale 51 R. Starbuck 40 N . Karadimos 61 G . Dismore 52 R. Denovan 41 R . Wickham 62 B . Hespe 53 T. Kerr 42 V. Fukishima 63 A . Kelso 64 R. White 43 S . Bazley 65 S . Schafer 44 L . Ketts 45 L . Dix 46 S. Collins 47 M. Payne 48 P. Clear 49 M . Hooper
1 J . Smyth 2 S . Maxfield 3 A . Tocker
Ca3ch: C~y Ry n, Res. Coach: Tm C
1 L . Wells (c) 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady (DVC 4 G . Harrak 4a C. Robinso n 5 D . King 6 G . Rya n 7 M . Khou ry 8 J. Blandford
9 P. Lowcoc k
10 P. Williamso n 11 J. Barbie
12 J. Urban 13 J. Stratfor d 14 M . Lewi s 15 M. Sparro w 16 S . Aren a 17 J . Hetherington (si 18 A . O'Bria n 19 J . Lero y 19a M . Asbel l 20 G. Browell (RC V 21 R. Rafaniell o 22 B . Coxhea d 23 C . Freem an 24 D . Kitchi n 25 M . Kilmiste r 26 T. Gilchrist 27 R . Gilchrist 28 B . Lloyd 29 J . Fuller 30 R . Dave y
31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongo s
snt-&S,tvvHIRE Or
32a C. McAlees e 33 R . White 34 M . Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 G . Wadley 37 V. Hindl e 38 P. Callu s 39 M . Clydesdale 40 M . Salaj 41 D. Charlesto n 42 T. Drew (RCC ) 43 D. Walte r 44 B . Kenyo n 45 J . Gonis 46 G. Ken t 47 T Besce e 48 L . Martin 49 J . Fin n 50 S . Dew 51 C . Leeto n 52 D . Hal e 53 T. Chishol m 55 D . Bennett 56 J . Foster 58 S . Gunasekara 59 D . Nichol s 65 S .O'Conner
66 S . Pelletie r
all business furniture (Vic) pty. ltd
69 S . McGrai l 72 D. Adams
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~r ~l~ I ~~ T i ~ fl 1 I
F 5 e~ctl ÂŽn
, jq e,-5rzr o ;:es cnxh :
T %}arks K G-:dsby '.1 Jo y J Collins Turpin P Henderson p Hannett J . Cotsis .~ Burns R Bennett " Wang i~ Bingham 9
A. Burgess rJ P Henning J Rutter
2 J_ Ertan 2 S. Gould r3 J . Kerrins
S O'Boyle 15 ~d Murray 1o B Boucher P Kelly i 8 S MacFarlane i9 D . Bent (VC) r9 J Wi lloughb y C. Hall A Thompso n P. Willoughby 1Beckett 2- C. Murphy 0 . Clark 2 7, 1. Rozankovic 28 M . Kennedy 29 G. Rolfe 30 B. Wood s 31 A . Richardson 32 J, Moresi 33 M. Richardson J . Alle n 35 C. Cachia (VC) 33 A.Sneddon 37 C. Beaumont 3 8 M . Christiansen 39 A, Hill 4 0 B. Hanneman ' i A . Richardson 42 A . Findlay â&#x20AC;˘13 J . Wick s J . Sea l 46 C. Varnavas 47 H . Baker D. Flight 1 C . Hutson 52 G . Wagner 5 3 S . Boyd 54 P. Kostakos 65 N . Brewster ~6 S . Drabble 57 P. Vergakis 58 C . Karalis 59 M. French 62 R. O'Del l 63 N . Brewster F-1 M. Webb 55 H. Brown F6 G. Wallace
Ca~ch: Jotm Jacksai Res, Ca~tch : Pau! Codr
1 D . Stephenson 2 B. Campbell 3 C. Alabakis 4 L . Brown 5 A. Neems (VC ) 6 S . McGrat h 7 S . McNamara 8 B . Cotter 9 A. Towers 10 C. Cummins 11 N . Issac (C) 12 R . Rantino 13 Jason Craig 14 J . Marinis 15 P. Mayn e
16 S. Bisby 17 D. Ryder 18 E . Collier 19 J. Addamo 20 M. Harris 21 S . Dalbon 22 R . Zulian 23 S . Fletcher 24 M . Els o 25 S . Duhau 26 R . Engle r 27 M. Holman 28 B . Poole 29 S . Dole 30 C . Morgan 31 P. Johns 32 B . Gibson 33 D . Girvan 34 N . Roberts 35 M . Drew
36 S . Murray 37 C . Edwards 38 J . Delaney 39 C. Chapman 40 P. Alabakis 41 T. Carr
42 A. Cordell 43 E . Galiz i 44 G . Saywell 45 A. Soto 46 T. Barto n
47 C, McNaughton 48 P. Sullivan 49 D . Smith 50 K . Pace D . Shelley J . Coates R. Howden D. Trifil o T. Clarke J . Craig B . Seeber
Box Plunibing Pb : (03) 9741 3864 Fax : (03) 9741 9261 Mobile : 018 058 132
1 A. Hamilton 2 J . Gray
3 G. Heppelt 4 D . Coonan 5 A. Cannane 6 S . Byrn e 7 F. Vital e 8 M. Malone 9 J . Khoury 10 S. Fyff e 11 S . Cocolaras 12 L. Brow n 13 P.Hamilton 14 P. Robinson 15 P. McNaughto n 16 S. Smythe 17 D. Lynch 18 J . Curtin 19 P. Shand 20 L . Stewa rt
21 S . McNamara 22 I . Twyford 23 J . Osborne 24 L. Sherry 25 G . Malone 26 G . Newitt 27 D . Disisto 28 P. Harrington 29 D . McAllister 30 M . Lewis 31 A. Mouchacca 32 S . D'Andrea 33 C. Price 34 A.Sibereisin 36 D. Home 37 S . Coombe s 38 H . McDonald 39 M . Rogers 40 B . Bake r 41 T. Raade 42 P. Harris 43 J . Tobin 44 S . Gason 45 L . Pelsche l 46 G . Forbes 47 T. Bromley 49 M. Nolan 50 R. Crackett 52 B . Flanagan 53 T. Moore 55 M . Ortiz
56 A . Baker 58 D . Williams 60 E . Kava
0 r.~,~~,q~c A melee is "Where an incident takes plac e involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwin g each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"
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LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundl e
5 YEARS AGO - 199 3
j: ',X held on to fourth place in 'C' when they defeat :ltiia team MHSOB in a game that was tight al -,1 l h , -t v, ere Pat, Levy . Briskin (AJAX) and R, n . Comer, Helmet (MHSOB) . 1),i%[(( Vatthews started his career with Caulfield ; amarians Reserves at the age of 14 in 1975 . 1993 :`r D<.vid play his 200th game in an illustrious caree r iucludes the following highlights : 'C' Section lead~-oalkicker, 1169 goals . 1983, VAFA Interstate ^m . 1983, 84 . 85 . Club Captain 1987, 88, 92, 93 . ub sc :rior coach 92, 93 and 15 VFL games with I1111gvood and Melbourne . ;'; illiamstown (D) handled the rainy conditions better than third team Old Ivanhoe and came in the last quarter to win 14 .15 (99) to 12 .12 (84) . I; ;,i were Featherston. M & T Cameron (Will), and J . %cns, M. Veal . M . Huber (Old I'hoe) . De La Salle, third in Under 19 Section 1, got away it,-,d fifth team, Chirnside Park, 6 .4 to 1 .4 at the first h.u ge . The Parkers came back to lead by 2 points a t Ume; the second half was tight, tight, tight and at ihc IInal siren scores were level . 13 .9 apiece . Best were ( orhrane, McIntosh, Lowern (C . Park) and Favoloro . :,r;iih, Fountoulakis (De La Salle) . In the turn up of the round Old Brighton, eighth, nrc far too strong for third team Old Xaverians . On op a'1 day they won 12,15 (87) to 8 .14 (62). Best for rild Brighton were McLaughlan . Pryor, Perry. Talbot, `,lcrccr, Wade . 250 games to Paul Considine of North Old Boys. If mnne had earnt the title of "legend", Paul was the min. 1982 'A' Section premiership team, captai n best and fairest 87/88, 5 AAFC Carnivals. 111 :'~ustralian amateur, innumerable VAFA representan : teams - a fearless, versatile player, a good bloke ! hu only blemish some of his punt passes terrorised his ra mmates . 10 YEARS AGO - 1988 it was a turnaround for Old Xaverians whose 13 al win over Old Paradians not only silenced their owing army of critics but consolidated their place i n four. It was a one team game - OP's 2 goals was a ord low for goals scored by it in an 'A' Section game . n' victory once again threw doubt on Editor Peter 17r~nch who in his selections said "OP's will put a rea l nc in the Old Xavs final hopes" . John McKay (lb) . rr Curtain (fffl, Mick Atkins (c) . Dermot Dann (rov1J were OX best while as ever Peter Wood worked '' ;:rd across the half back line for OP's .
The Under 19 team came within one point of winning the inaugural Under 1 9 Victorian Championship . Played as a round robin one the one day between VAFA . VMFL . VCFL and VFA.
Game results were: VAFA d. VCFL 8 .3 to 5 .5 . VMFL d . 7 .5 to 5 .5, VAFA d . VFA 9 .6 to 3 . 3 With points for best half, best second half and of the game, final scores were VCFL 9 . VAFA 8. VMFL 7, VFA nil .
VAFA captain Simon Phillips of PowerHouse was runner up for best player in the Carnival which Steve 0'Flvnn (Marcellin) got the coach and selectors' trophy as best amateur player. Our best players were : Simon Phillips (PH) . Matt Burns (Orm.), Phil Honey, Trevor Bell (T'towm), Grant Mooney (Banvu) . Robert Pollock (State Bank). Zani Useinov and Stewart Griffiths (Old Melb), Dean Wood (P'side), Matt Galbraith (Coll .) Dean Milat, Paul LaRosa, Peter Brabender . Lloyd Mansfield . Steve Philp . Tim Beare (Old Par) . Sam Furphy (Old Xav), Anthony Paron . Brett Stokes (Bull-Temp), Jason Reddick (Therry), Glenn Tanner (Old H'burv), Steve O'Flynn (Marc .), Matt McKellar (H. Rovers), Jason Jones (Uni Blues), Matt Allen (Old B'ton) . QUIZ : How many of the Under- 19 team have gone on to play VFL first XVIII football? 15 YEARS AGO - 198 3
De La Salle clinched second position in A section when they came from behind to beat Old Xaverians 10 .9 to 10 .8 . kicking 4 goals in the last 10 minutes and made it difficult for OX to make the four . Man of the hour was winger David Harrington who booted the winning goal after the siren . 150 games to St . Kevins OB veteran Peter "Happy" Hannan - winner of the Club's B&F awards - 1976,78 and 81 and leading goalkicker in 1976, 77 . 78, 81 and VAFA team in 1983 . (Loved a goal did Hap! Ed). The following VAFA players were selected in the AAFC to play the Victorian Country Football League in Bendigo . John Jones . Marcellin (C), Jim Bennett, Collegians, Brian Bourke, De La Salle, Peter Brown, Old Scotch . Nick Burne . Old Xavs . Gary Carroll, NOB, Bernie Cooper, Marc, Mick Deveson, De La Salle, Mick Jennings, Uni Blues, Shane Murphy, De La Salle, Peter Sherwen, Old Scotch, Chris Stone, Caulfield Grammarians, John Toomey Marcellin . QUIZ : How many of the players played, or went on to play. VFL first XVIII football?
Players selected from other states were WA : Mike Salmon (VC) . Rod Cronan . Jeremy McGrade . John Price . SA: Bill Botten, Max Bratton . Peter Cousins . Clinton Giles . Tas: Dean Coleman . Coach was John Fisher of Victoria . AAFC were beaten by 4 points, 11 .16 to 11 .12 in a stirring last quarter. Best were Deveson . Salmon, Jones, Burne. Murphy and Stone.
20 YEARS AGO - 197 8 Old Melburnians 'B' were finally topped when second team Old Paradians came from 19 points down at the last change and kicked 7 .0 to 2.1 in the final term to win by 10 points . Best were C . McCarthy, C . Hughes . Roe. (Old Parad), and I . Cordner (7 goals), Pisarski, Mitchelmore (Old Melb) . For the first time the Umpires Association were represented at delegates meetings - past present of Umpires' Association, Daryl Hill . an umpire of long standing, was their man . Surprise of the day in 'D' was the defeat of leader Old Camberwell by Heatherton, seventh . A point ahead at half time . 4 points at the last change and 5 points at the final siren, Heatherton's stars were Babour, Killeen . Brains (Heath) and Macrae . K . Kerr, and J . Rimington (Old C .) . Caulfield Gram . held a Sportsmans Night at Khyat's Hotel . Brighton - compered by Ian McDonald, supported by Alan Aylett, Gus Mercurio . Keith Stackpole, Bob Skilton and Neil Roberts . St . Bernards congratulated 1976 Carnival representative Gavin Mitchell on his 150th game - maybe the best of the clan to play with St . Bernards? 25 YEARS AGO - 197 3
Coburg 'A' lost their third game in succession when they were beaten at Ormond . going down by 4 points, and slipping to 5th position . However they were three games and percentage clear of Geelong in sixth position . Top team, Old Camberwell, 'E' came from 5 goals behind at the last change to beat second top team Old Ivanhoe by 4 points . Their inaccuracy. 10.20 almost cost them the game . Best were McCallum . Mullett, Burt (Old C .) and Williams, Kelsey . Purcell (Old I.) . 200 games for Parkside spare parts man Danny "Boone" Gleeson who had plaved in just about every position on the field and also found time to be coach of the Reserves for a spell, and for Bill Mumford, the 'Old Mari of National Bank FC, a tremendous clubman both on and off the field . Coburg Juniors kicked 13 goals straight in the second quarter of their match against Old Paradians . 30 YEARS AGO - 196 8
North Old Boys and Kew figured in their second drawn game for the season, kicking 9.8 .62 each . When they met in the first round they scored 61 points . Kew kicking 9 .7 and NOB 8 .13 . Collegians brought themselves back into the fina l 36
four calculations with a 4 point win over the le2 Old Paradians . Graeme Brewer, National Bank captain, p1avE 150th game as did Denis "Tropical" Davies Wit Kevins OB . Well known Parkside stalwart, Bill Rodda, tt7 award of 'father of the week' - twins (a boy and g. Geelong's hopes of making the 'B' Section fou r jolted when they went down at home by 2 goals tc tom team . St . Kilda CBOC who were best servE Sheehan, Carrot and Vignola . De La Reserves had a bad day - 0 .9 for tht against O . Xaverians . (Obviously Tony O'Calla was not goal umpire). Old Trinity's captain-coach Ian Curtis playei 50th game . Melbourne High continued their run with a 16 p win over Caulfield Gramm. (3rd) . Nelson . Needh and Gilbert (5 goals) were best for MHSOB . 40 YEARS AGO - 195 8
Coburg congratulated ruckman Jack Dugdal his 150th game and his wonderful service to the i both on the field and off the field as social secret a Max Demptster played his 100th game Parkside . Parkside 'B' with 10 wins and 1 loss ar top place, only scrambled home by 10 points in e scoring game against Hampton Rovers . Foley, C and McLaughlin (Old P.) and C . Adamson, Sl Haves (H. Rovers) were best .
MHSOB broke an run of seven successive del with a 27 point victory against Comm . Bank . ,~ were Masters (5 goals) . Nelson, L . Stewart (MHS) Board . Casey . Caven (C. Bank) . Only undefeated team was Alphington in ju section - with a percentage of 323 .4. E section capt were R . McLellan (Old Bri .), R. Davison (St . K . CBC, G . Ridgeway (ANZ) . R. Stein (0 . Carey) . D . Bii (P'house Gold), L . Dowling (0. Trin), F.J . Lee (t Gold) . M. Marsden (U . Reds), A. Turks (Brighton) . 50 YEARS AGO - 194 8 University Blacks, at home, avenged their round defeat with a 36 point victory over Melburnians, Denis Cordner . Hevwood Livingstone were outstanding for the Blacks . Melbourne High showed their best form for we but still went down to Coburg by 8 points - Alf K( who shone on the wing and Ian Bailey at half-foni were best for the losers . For the first time since the war Old Paradian : Seetion), won three games in a row - Kev Power . G Hill and Brian Heye were their best in the vici against Footscray Tech . '(npi?li '1S) on suqD ' (uioqamaH) Aqd.mur aueq5 (ICo1zIi,1) u,av .ialad '(ulouyt`aH) laauuag mIP E86I - 2i9A1S1d1 7
.(aueqsug) sauor no `(puouiqaTil) su133?s0 7 .renl 31 S 8861 - 2IaMSAFV
ind el , ard
V~innin~; Edge p,c>cntations
CLUB III SECTION by Norm Nugen t
ihe second successive week I "picked the 11-d". With four rounds remaining the fight fo r 1, ,1 s place has intensified in each section an d h :natch now is vital for those aspirants . REVIEW SECTION 1
Old Scotch did defeat Mazenod but their errant :1,i¢ reduced their margin to eleven points an d ,< <,,[luable percentage . ith a resounding victory by seventy one points old Brighton, MHSOB took fourth place on I :Ider. Old Brighton has slipped markedly ove r ;, p< t few rounds as deman ds on the side have n ased and now it seems likely a finals place will nnd them . Ill the closest match in the section, Therry Penola defeated St . Kevins by six points . The iwrrn Penola win and St . Kevins improved for m ur have pleased the respective coaches, Mik e ,i Dean . De La Salle accounted for Coll egians by forty Mls and virtually assured themselves of secon d , on the ladder. Old Xave rians virtually snuffed out any hope Old Melbu rnians had of being a finalists when the r_udile juggernaut continued on its inexorable ,i, :rch with an eighty six point victory . SECTION 2 Thornbury Cougars regained second position ch~~u they thrashed Marcellin by ninety four ints . Big ruckman Nick Prestagiacomo gave n ui Bunn and Gary Cutler an armchair ride as dominated around the ground . Tony Mantalat i I:,Y(d his usual serviceable game for Thornbury . In the closest game of the round Monash Whites pipped Mt . Lilydale by a minimum margin . his narrow loss could prove costly for Mt . Lilydale , i mean they dropped to third . one game behind -I)~urnburv . In an afternoon match Parkside provided little phosition for Kew, who won by one hundred and n, points . Parkside could kick only two minor oms during the game such was the Kew superi'it,: Ruckman Corridon, gave the runners like ]Iihony Lawrence first use of the ball . Up forward -t ran, Mick O'Dea certainly made his presence - I with a good performance . Apologies to all those ii,rr Kew players, who told me they were starring!!!
I will mention you as the season progresses. Yarra Valley had the bye . PREVIEW SECTION ONE MHSOB face a danger game against Mazenod at Central Reserve . Mazneod won their round 3 match by eight points despite inaccuracy up forward . Ron Verma will have to lift his charges again today for them to record victory . I select Melbourne High to win only narrowly especially as they are really playing for fourth place . At home Old Brighton have an excellent opportunity to return to the winning list . Their visitors, St . Kevins really haven't any form to recommend them so I am confident Old Brighton will win . Therry Penola should make it two wins in a row by defeating Co ll egians, who won the round 3 match by thirty four points . Out on the open spaces of Moomba Park, I favour Therry Penola . De La Salle should win against Old Melburnians, who will not be talented enough to extend the second placed team . Perennial finalists Old Xaverians and Old Scotch meet on Toorak Park . With one notable exception Old Scotch have failed against Old Xaverians over many seasons . Goals are always difficult for Old Scotch against the thrifty Xaverian defence and I don't believe today will prove any different. SECTION 2 Marce llin have the chance to record another win as their opponents Parkside have little form to recommend them . Marcellin still could be a finalist and this should inspire them to "seek higher things" . In a possible final rehearsal Monash Whites visit Kew, where the smaller Victoria Park will prove restrictive . Kew's recent form has been excellent and although Monash Whites will offer the strongest opposition I suspect Kew will win this match . Thornbury Cougars should be able to build vital percentage against Yarra Valley, who will provide determined opposition, but who are not talented enough to defeat Thornbury . Mt . Lilydale have the bye .
47 32 32 30
CLUB 18 (2)
37 20 19 18 18
UNDER 18 - 04.07.98
net ~ e MAZENOD 53 93 15 " Old Scotch: Bottle 3, hicl.etsh 2. Stubbs. Best : 'ionicBob . zbkm. Palmec A{1`1 RaSs. Deakin . M®zenod: H4 2. O'Nenie . Jacolts. hUidte4 CarnpheR . Best: Mitche0 . Foth- -01-11 tt@kh. Brennan. Jacobs . bIHSOB 5 .3 9.3 15.5 Iq OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 0 .1 2.6 2. 7 MHSOB : A. Snuth B . R. Slr.rttlssnod 3 . Ruciue 2, C. Slwttta K1 . A Prety. Geehman . A. SmiUt. GmldaM.5c7ms. Rllehie. Old Bright= Bloode:Johsom Snnth . R'rlith . Best: P. Rohutson, e Nikkakas. Rattram . Jotnrswt. ST KEVINS 2 .2 4 .2 6.4 TBERRYPEtiOLA 2.2 5.3 7.5 St Revins: fl]-9 Bothers and Best Platers not nMenrtl .l Thetry Pnla : Ben Selkck 3iuret 3. Rirzo 2. Best : lie. Selteek . Kam . OKer{e,lit'ens . Brvrv. SeBeek . COLLEGIANS ~ 2.0 3.1 5 .4 6 DEALSALtE 2.3 8.6 7•9 11 .1 CaBcgtans:Ash6c . Oakl..^v. J. Gat. E. CtmLs. Cross . Tanior. Best: 37ontson . Lut* Ga<. J . G:, . C . cnnL, . J~,es . De IA Salle: K. M :umLe 4 . Rudd 2 . Jason 2, PUlUlµs. S. Flw. Barella. Best: S, Ii, btannLe. B. Hne. .lackson . Phil6lxi. Rob4uon . OLD MELBURh7Ah5 2 .1 3 .2 5.3 5 OLD XAVERLL*iS 2 .3 7.8 12 .12 17, l i Old Melburnlsns: OSullh;ut 6, R. Kutg 2, Cunwt 2. L. H.uu7ck 2, J . lilnhtu~k J htci.ean . Fennessv. CmtquesL Bent : St mes . Joues, Mdsan . Fta . Petrot(: OSU(luOld Xevedans: Goal hick_ and Best laws not receitrd .i
UNDER 18 - 04.07.9 8
CLUB 18 (2 )
THOR7rELBY COUGARS 1 .3 9.6 13 .9 16 .121 MARCELLIN OS 0,8 0 .7 0 Thombury Caugars:ll'ehh 5. Mvn Pz 2. ilandahn 2 Tl,murr, 2. Lmmdn, canet µ . Bunn . &uttt _kt Best : Plain. C _ . ; .omo Cutiec Mandalltt Ttvm.xer . Marcellin: Good tikkers and E ,"Rrd.l PARKSIDE 0,0 0.0 0.2 i KEW 5 .3 7.7 10.8 15 .13 Parkskle: tC.ail Sobers and Best I rS not aCeltRd . I ltew: H,,' .114 : . Grren 3. Ofka 2, icwc 2_%k nkluur . Lauence. Cautiktke. t.neas B . EtluaMs. Green. Fietchee Garotoilo, kiaughut . eCanldg MONASH WHITES 4. MT LILYDALE 4: Moneah Wtdtea: Val Der Zahn 2. Colltec Mwnlgue_ Best: S. Da1., C. Hrnre. Sto44r,r Dal'. 0',_'t. Hareh' . Mt Lilydak: Attderson . Git-n. .l. Flanagan. J. Gardmec Best: Burren . (:ard,vt, ik1 Biatdo. Gihs~. J. GuNner. Croue. OLD ESSE<i'DON GRAINWAR FORFEITED YARRA VALLE Y
SPOT)nn n m l~.o
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U19 SECTION by Brett Connel l
Close match3s the order of the da y now 2/3 of the season behind u s . Review S e ction i
i ri. Blues hosted the Nodders and continue d ilne form of late with a strong win . 9 second hal f o 6 sealing Mazenod's fate . De La Salle ced back against Old Brighton at Waverley Park , : \~ i i1 a strong finish ran all over the Tonners i n ad . Duggan booted 5, with O'Donnell doing wel l . St . Kedns continued their giant killing form n easy victory over the OP's at Righetti Oval . n even first half the SKOBs backline tightene d .id their forwards and onballers did the damage . ions easily accounted for St. Bernards after a n st half to keep their final's chances alive . while n - defeated Old Carev at Bulleen . Section 2
()Id Scotch had to work hard all day against the at home before getting the points . while Ol d iiin t~.ve notice that they mean business as th e :1= approach after inflicting the Friars first defeat . ii,-hter kicking could have seen the result be even Old Melburnians and St . Bedes Menton e r fought out the closest match of the round with Ti_>rs accuracv the difference between the two in , nd. Rvan . Bell and Drury key players in the win . .!i Old Boys had to hold on to defeat a fast finish., tni . Blacks at Gillen Oval, after an even match al l ,: hile Beaumaris kept themselves in the final' s v.-hen they ran out comfortable winners over Ol d 1urv at the College . A six goal to 1 second quardifference on the day . Section 2 Blu e ' .lonash Blues forfeited to AJAX due to Uni . holiWhile Caulfield Grammarians pushed MHSOB day to go downly by just 26 points . The Rovers :rned to some early season form with a strong wi n De La Salle (2) . while the Saints found th e rs too strong in most positions on the day . ,IcKay and Stephen better Panthers . while . Reddy and Salo battled hard for the van:ed . In the final match the Monds finished th e ( r than Old Xaverians (2) at the EE Gunn reserve . 'r inond reclaiming fourth position with the win . I~her . Rowan and Knight better Monds . while T. Hoare and Hart never gave in for the Xavs . Section 2 Re d
S t . Leos got the points against Old Paradians (2) I " undoora, with Dunn . Volpi and Hodder fine playfor the Two Blues . Therrv Penola battled hard all
day to take the points home from Aquinas, with Mercuri and Pote better Bloods and Garoni and Sifter fine players for Therry Penola. In the final game of the section Old Ivanhoe confirmed their flag favourtism after leading all day to defeat the Redbacks . Sloan and Singh battled hard for Warringal, while Oates and Courage were in excellent form for the OIG's . Old Geelong and Yarra Valley had the bye . Preview Section 1
Mazenod host the D's and last time it was the home team by plenty and today I cannot see too much changing this result, except poor weather . The Tonners face another danger game when they host St . Kevins at South Road. The Tonners gave them a towelling last time around although this time relative form is quite the opposite . At home the Tonners to return to the winner's list . The Lions travel to Bundoora to face the OP's on the rebound and although the Lions will give it their all the OP's should return to the winner's circle . St. Bernards form of late has been inconsistent while the OC's have not vet registered a win, this will change today with the OC's favoured to get the points . In the final match Xavs will momentarily halt the Blues recent strong run . Selections : De La Salle, Old Brighton, Old Paradians, Old Carey & Old Xaverians . Section 2 Local teams Marcellin and Old Trinity clash and on recent form the OT's will get the points, as to should the Friars on the rebound against OM's. The Tigers went down to NOBs last time, although not today at home, while the Blacks will get their third win of the season when they defeat the Bloods . In the final match the Sharks host Old Scotch and although big winners last time around the Scotchies will drop this match today . or should I say the Sharks will repay the debt of last time . Selections: Old Trinity, Whitefriars, St . Bedes Mentone Tigers, Uni . Blacks & Beaumaris . Section 2 Blue Monash Blues face their moment of truth at the hands of MHSOB at Clayton . Only a game out a win would see the race for fourth spot become wide open . while a loss could end their chances altogether. Today the High will prove too strong . Caulfield Grammarians have been steadily improving and although the Rovers are not in top form yet they will have enough firepower to boot a winning score . De La
Salle (2) host Old Mentonians and after an even first half will find the Panthers too strong, while the Monds will consolidate their fourth position with a win over the Saints, who will again give of their all . The final match will end at least one side's chances of playing off in the finals . The Jackas and the Xavs fought out a cose one last time and I am favouring the same result again . Selections: MHSOB, Hampton Rovers, Old Mentonians, Ormond & Old Xaverians (2) . Section 2 Red
Old Geelong and Aquinas clash with the chance for the OG's to maintain their pressure on the fourth placed side, should they defeat Aquinas . Last time it was the Bloods comfortably . although with plenty riding on it the OG's will get the points today . Therry Penola host Warringal at Moomba Park and although not much separates the teams on the ladder it was the Glenroy boys comfortably last time . and I predict the same result again today . Old Ivanhoe face their second tough test in as many weeks when they host Yarra Valley at Chelsworth Park . The Valley got home in a close one at home last time . and although coming off the break I favour OIG's . as their form has been very good recently . St . Leos Emmaus and Old Paradians (2) have the bye . Selections : Old Geelong, Therry Penola & Old Ivanhoe
2 2
UNDER 19 (2) BLU E
13 1 3 3
UNDER 19 (2) RE D
MAZENOD v. DE LA SALLE Field: Ben Schmidt Dar Ischia Goal : Peter Wallis Ken Coughla n OLD BRIGHTON v. ST. KEVINS Field : Richard Eastwc Gajanan Skandakuma Goal : Eugene D'Lazarus Da Murray OLD PARADIANS v . COLLEGIANS Field : Dami Murphy Michael Ford e
ST. BERNARDS v . OLD CAREY Field : Cameron Stew, Travis Carrick Goal: John Finn Phil Ber g OLD XAVERIANS v. UNIVERSITY BLUES Field : Mich Allen Dharskaka Peiris
UNDER-19 SECTION 2 MARCELLIN v . OLD TRINITY Field : Jason Moore WHITEFRIARS v . OLD ME LBURNIANS Field : St Lugowsk i ST. BEDES ME NTONE TIGERS v . NORTH OLD BO' Field : Justin Grossbard Steve McCarthv (R) UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . OLD HAILEYBURY Field : Tc Gamble Neil Woods Boundarv : Tim Burns BEAUMARIS v . OLD SCOTCH Field : Graeme Morg; Chris Stevens (J )
UNDER-19121 BLUE MONASH BLUES v . MHSOB Field: Ramon Killev Pet Woods CAULFIELD GR. v. HAMPTON ROVERS Field : h Burgess Trent Greenawa y DE LA SALLE (2) v . OLD MENTONIANS Field : Ada Harris Gerard Robb ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD v . ORMOND at 1 p .r Field: Trent Foley Daniel Perkin s OLD XAVERIANS (2) v . AJAX Field : Terence Farn Denny Fateka s
UNDER-19 (2 ) RE D ST. LEOS EMMAUS BYE OLD GEELONG v . AQUINAS Field : Cameron Gill Micha Jessep THERRY PENOLA v . WARRINGAL Field : Paul Tuppen OLD IVANHOE v. YARRA VALLEY Field : Jim Papp~ Peter Bailey
L, .Di:R 19 SECTION 1- 04 .07 .9 8
It ; ~ 2 .2 8.4 10.8 15.999 1 .4 2.7 5.10 8 .11,59 "~kers and Best PGners not recwed .i , t . Ratne . Nelson Best: Nishet, R. Hau•khts. MIDer. 4 .6 8 .12 12 .17 15,18 .108 0,1 4.5 6 .8 6,8.44 Clancy 3. Hart 3 . Huher. B . 9SercurL Peehcull . CL-y. Best: . + . . Hart, Duggan . B. Mercun. te. Stc ~:vt . Fax L . 0 NeW, Best: Dolls . Robertson . Harl 4.2 5 .9 9 .15 14 .17,101 2,2 4 .4 5.8 9.9.83 to 2, Hanzu 2. Moore 2. Mount 2, Conlan . }httsiey. hmsier . Callery. Cantpzgna. Monte, Meehan. ;ilian 2 . Pioenges. Green. A. SwVtdoit Perry. Best: ,reen.Unman. Kudeueh. 1,3 8,8 14,15 24,17,18 1 2.5 5,5 5,7 8 .8,44 -,ell 3. E . Maters 3. Brltten 3. Ciadxrlt 2, S. Lynch 2 . :umidt. S . L}nch . Cal<hre8. &Wer. CLark. Berg, Juegan, mount, Osherne . Best: Erans . lannazzo. Serrano, C,y,~ ;~1Tqlp,~5
3.1 3 .2 5.5 5,8 .3 8 4.6 9.11 18.16 25.21,17 1 : L Hakins . Murphy. Abbott . h8ckan. Best : Tsirogtatws, Heffernan.
UNDER 19 BLUE - 04 .07 .98
MONASH BLUPS FOF1E'Pc'D MHSOB 2.2 8.4 9.6 13,11.69 CACLFIELD GRAMMAR 3.5 17 8.12 8.15. 63 MHSOB: Simpson 3 . H . Taylor 2. Paiolsky 2 . L . Taylor. Wright . G. McCulh', Jones. Moore. A Askew. Cs 'h' Best, Simpson, Rodder,l4'rtght . Anthony 0Brlen, Askew, Jones . Gmmmnr: Gurpinu 3, Kendall, Sant . Gucett, Freeman. Creer. Best : Crvnphom . Creer. Freeman.. g,, Inters. R[chardson. HAMPTON ROVERS 3,1 9 15 11 .7 19.15 .129 BE LA SALLE 3.8 4.9 8,14 8 .14.62 Hampton Rovas: Landrigatt 5 . tt9lmmott 4 . Adams 4, Dallas 2. Bird. Flalllte. Jenkm. Caton, 11:1 mtdngan, 9uan. A .1'vss, W'oods . D. L'~s. Duddy . De Ix Salee: Buckley 2, Jackson 2 . Dzh'es, Read . Harrison, Syrtott . Best: Keogh. Rt2n . Read . Gu ihfer, St ecens. Harrison, OLDMEh1'ON[Ah5 8,8 15,18 21,22 32 .28.220 ST RBAA SOiTiH CA11LF1ELD 2 .2 2.3 4,4 4,7,31 Gi d Mentonlans: &dlantme 13. Mackay 4 . Palmer 3 . D . Alexander 2 . Kuramoto 2, Met'el. Campbell. Frances, Grant . Mason, Stephen, Ubrrell. Best : Palmer, Stephen, Baltantme, Macka~~.lLawn, nrm:m. St i{Bda South Caulfield : Thursflekt 3, Zagame. Best: Barraket, Reddy, Plerez, ThursBeld, S.-do. Moore . OR4IOM1D 0,2 6 .8 8 .11 15,19,109 OLD RAVERIANS 3 .5 8 .7 8.9 8,9 .57 Ormond : Mahhett 4 . Black 2, Str'men 2 . Nash 2 . hiiimtchey, Qurnt. Ra an. Cullen. Mmter. Best: Knleghl Rm,,ut, Ashford. Keleher. Nash. Black . Old Rscertens: Best: Feeh•. Demon. Home . Tmet[L Hart. Draga .
I~. cmn h
ti ;:.: E3esL' ~ :~.. .I :~:tore. F.~u'rou'. O~ConneB . Morrtsat, Hau7cros. Coughlat .
UNDER 19 RED - 04 .07.98
UNDER 19 SECTION 2 - 27 .06 .9 8
0.0 4.9 30,10 1339.97 8 .5 8.8 10.8 10.8.68 -c!ch: 19ckersand Best Players not reee7ved. l 'app-Lldo 2. Marson. Gkeson, Dt,~urgldtts, McCallum. t4h11 . Best : ' Murlec. Diae~orgtous . Leftanue, Gteeson . " ,-2, p;lY 1 .0 4.6 8,9 8.14.82 2,1 3.3 5.3 7,4.48 Tt ,-tLIRS Tri~itw,Burr . s 2. Jaues . Hoden. Rarttsden . Dann, Kassatn. Russell . Best:Beecer. , . :~ . i'~~.the. Russell. Burraxs. : :t 2. Dehem~. Hoare . Levi. Davis, Andersan. srv:L1'A~i .~1h5 ~ 3.8 4.9 4,15 8 .16,64 }pe56d~,vrONETIG. 3.3 615 9 .7 9.11,85 t Stdcc-nlem: Murth.aza 2 . Couts. Cmtzens. Farquharson, Fong, H}ams . Stbree . Bend: u :Tuti;:, S9bree Murtaza . F.Wms, Birell. ; pcCr rntc~ee Tig.: Mud 3. Ryan 2, L. Wind, 2, Bell, ht.1'oung . Best: Ryan . Zomer, : I. Drury. 4.0 4 .4 771 OLD 1501b 10.7 11 .9,75 tRStiYBLACKS 3.3 4 .5 8.8 10.10 .70 h Old tta>n: raker 2. 6LVnoud T:deb 2. Halpin 2. N . Smith 2, Saha 2 . N~ters . Best: chthTe. Halpin . Rees . N. Snllth . .r : ;aeks :IGoai Kickers and Best Players not recenetl . l ',n 1-IL&YB6RY 5,3 8,5 918 10.10,70 fizLi;.tIS 4,2 10,8 12.14 14,18,100 :~ -. t )h u'; C,-r EL<trtthtou 3, B,112. Dover 2. And,-t, Bmnetham . Jatasekem. Best : B. : Lay. Somata. Robertson. Fhilacsat. n I : 3. Bud 2. Buller 2, Ensor 2 . Hammond 2, Aproa Smith. Thomas. Best: °. Blake. Foley . G1 son.
OLD PARADIANS 2.2 3,7 5 .8 8,8 .56 ST IE08E91MAUS 3 .8 8,7 7,10 11,12,78 Old Psmdisns: M. Cosgrlgg 3. Richardson 2 . Jacatw. Karahatso, Kcts . Best: Karahatsos. Macartnes. Rkharrl.sat . Jarmw, Keys, Sartorf . St Leos Emmnus: Doom 3 . Hodder 3, King 2. Paul, Vaughan . Dorado . Best : Dunn, Volpf. Paul. Hodder . Dixon, Vaughan . BYE OLD GEELONG AgUINAS 3.6 4,7 7 .8 10,10.70 THERRY PENOLA 1,2 5,7 10 .8 18 .9,105 Aqnines : Boland 3 . Mmogne, CogLm, Deters, DetSartto . Tan. Barrie, B . Moran. Best : Ble.~kn,. Albion, Merarrl . P.ihtogue, Pole, Staddon. Theny P<nols: Stella 6 . Bannister 2 . Fitzpatrick. Garold 2. Grant 2 . Bosctgka . GuaiBen . Bmt: Garoni. Vlllam, Holdstock. L. Sprmgall, Shier, R. Springah . WARRINGAL 2,3 5,7 8 .9 9,13.87 OLD IVANHOE 5 .3 7,7 11,10 12,18.88 ttarrin¢ah Welch 2, Steele 2 . Mutton. Hopgood, George. Ryan, Sessions. Best: MuOOn . R}:m. Steele. Sioas, Smgh. Thompson . Old lyardtoe: Brantgan 3 . N57Ws 3 . Stagg 2 . L.v 2, Oates 2. Beat : Oates. Brannlgan. to, . Spoor. Willis. Cotuage. YARRAVALLEY NF
UNDER-19 SECT COLLEGIAN S Coach : Tim Kiiiwo rth U19 (C) :
1 L. Schmidt 2 N . Lync h 3 J . Clark (C) 4 D . Fiel d 5 L. Taylor 6 C. Mollard 7 M . Maxwell 8 N . Harrison 9 M . Britten 10 B. Pag e 11 N . McCann 12 A. Lang don 13 S. Elg (VC) 14 T De Young 15 T Cookes 16 A. Baxter 17 T. Spice r 18 N. Bras s 19 A. Robe rtson 20 J . Waters 21 C. Chambers 22 S . Lynch 23 M . Gibson 24 M . Godfrey 25 A . McAllester 27 T Foste r 28 D . Telford 29 T. Rogers-Wilson 30 L . Moon (VC) 31 J . Rose 33 B . Samuel 39 S . Kinder 69 A . Dakin
Coach : Rod Bourke GRAMMARIANS Coach : Peter Schiller U19 (C) : U19 O C : ) Coach : Leigh Bowe s . Schiano U19 (C) : 1 F. Hakins 2 N. Harber 1 J 7 J . Laragy 2 B. Hobbs 1 A . Moriarty . Paltos 2 D . Cerche 9 M. Mercuri 3 P 10 E . Williams 3 P. Fotiniotis 2 S. Grabert 4 J . Heffernan 11 P. Bowden 4 C . Poletti 3 G . Earl 5 T Baker 4 W. Earl 6 P. Tompkins Stevens 5L R. Hawkins 12 M . Evans 6 . Biggin 7 S. Addison 12 B . Mercuri . Hawkins 6 5 T N. Ewert 8 S . Derry
Coach : Clay Weser
9 N. Latham P. Nelson 7 G . Rhodes 1 4 M . Aron 87 L 1 0 S. Beckett . Varney 8 T Handley 1 7 M 9 D . Chambers . Grant L. O'Neill 11 S. Mai (C) 18 D . Jarvis 109J 19 D . Moore 10 D . Ryan 11 S . White 12 J . Wal l . Dimer 1314S D. Feast 12L A . Bray 23 T. Fisher 15 12 A . Robertson
. Bul l 25 R . Beattie (VC) gan 17 . Morgan 13 R . O'Neill 16T N. Tsirogiannis 14 A . Ginnavin 16 B. Meehan (VC) 18 28 S. Hart 17 N . Meehan 16 15 JG. Norwood iwa~od ii 29 D . Forer ce . Thornbrow 20 M. Lawrence 29 M. Joyce 18 M. Bonaddio 17 C . Barrow 21 D. Stone
19 T. Crook
18 H . Rolls
22 M. Pound
32 J . Silvers 21 D. Rigg 19 M. Carr 23 T . Stuart 33 M . O'Donnell 23 J 34 A. Pedicini 24 D. Kavanagh 20 A . McLaughlin 24 A. rsnShutie . Carra 26 C . Munro . Nisbet 21 X 42 37 S . C 42 J . Waters ClaY Moran 70 M . Dugan M . An drews S . Erdos R . Hughson
. Davis 47 A Bond M. Ka us 79 C S. McManus
UNDER-19 - (2) B U E AJAX Coach: Henry Ritt Ut9 (C):
1 B. Klein 2 A. Bock 3 B. Davi s 4 D. Goldenfein 5 E . Goldstone 6 D. Frid 7 S . Gutman 8 J. Rosenbaum 9 J . One s 10 H . Snow 11 D. Rutko 12 S . Majma n 13 D . Rubenstein 14 J . Weinstock 15 D . Finkel
16 D . Feldman 17 J . Rockmart 18 A . Golvan 19 J . Basist 20 S. Czarny 21 D . Stub 22 P. Glezer 23 B. Ritterman 24 A. Lewin 25 M. Blashki 26 Mark Segal 27 C . Spero 30 A. Lefkovic 32 A. Rodgers 33 S. Shetzer 36 M . Segal 39 S. Midler 40 A. Halphen 43 J. Sharp 44 J . Kretsch
MONASH BLUES Coach: Mike Dickenson U19 (C): J. Smith 1 J. Bell 31 R. Reil h 2 S . Collins 32 N. Seewarkg 3 B . Merlin 34 J. Fanning 4 N . Patten 35 S. Batters 5 C . Williams 36 M . Smith 6 F. Eley 37 M . Boflon 7 B. McNeill 42 M . Bennett 8 S. Lloyd 43 A. Forster9 C .0'Bree Knight 10 E. Baxter 44 W. Wickham 11 J . Bronts 47 A. Spence 12 A. Weeks 13 B. Carstein 14 G . Varxlelgl 15 S. Young 16 J . Smith (Cl 17 J . Miller 18 L . McLelland 19 B. Musto . Hicke yn20M 21 T. Crowe 22 T O'Brien 23 J. Roscoe 24 P. O'Donnell 25 L . Dickenson 26 J. Arnott
27 B. Burke 28 D. Avery 29 S. Cooke 30 L. Creamer
CA1UFE7.D GRAWAR Coach: Mark Donovan U19 (C): S. Wid)aja 1 J . Same 2 N . Bourke 3 S. Erikson 4 J . Rya n
5 S. Kendall 6 J. Fulston 7 M. Davies 8 D . Globan 9 J. Acfield 10 C . Worboys 11 P. Sykes 12 S. Sant 13 R. Silverman 14 T. Cripp s 15 A.Schwab 16 B. O'Callaghan 17 T. Kavouris
18 M . Gurpinar 20 A. Winters 21 C. Nair n 22 M . Richardson 23 C. Greer
24 A . Wilkinson 25 G. Evans 26 S . Widjaja (C) 27 T. Freeman 28 B . Hasforth 29 D . Golabek 33 P. Ralp h 34 J . Wilmot 35 A. White 38 D . Veentjer 71 K. Deaki n
DE LA SALLE Coach: Craig Williams U19<'2 (C) : A. Dormison 1 R . Loft
2 R . Gullifer 2 A. Keogh 3 G . Hristov 3 L .R~y a n 4 M . Ruschena 6 J. Davie s 7 J. 8 rne 7 S . Tucker 9 N. Synott 9 1 . Watson 10 J. La Ragy 10 A. Molan 11 L. Meehan 12 S . Logan 12 T. Robson 13 A . Donnison (C) 13 M . Harriso n 15 A . McKenzie 18 P. Nowlan 19 N . Stafford 20 J . Silver 20 J . Willey 23 J . Mea d
29 M . Coghlan 31 A . Hancock 31 B . Reade 40 A . Hayes 57 N . Brasher 58 D . Forer (VC ) D . Buckley T. Buntine A. Burrows M. Evans R . Ford A.Jackson D . McHenry S. Monte Silva A. Murray B. Muscat A. Neville E. Phillips D. Pipito M . Salem D. Stinear
OLD MENTONIANS OLD XAVERtANS Coach: Svend Samuld U19 (C) : Wes Baltanffiw 1 W. Ballantine (C) 2 H . Mason
3 R . Alexander 4 M. Emanuel 5 M. Thomasen 6 S . Bainbridge 7 D . Mills 8 N . Hollow 9 B. Kuramoto 10 L . Brown 11 D . Alexander 12 R . Phipp s 13 D. Grant 14 N . Webster 15 C. McKay 16 L . Stephen 17 A.0'Reilly 18 M . Frances 19 M . Kennedy 20 P. Mevel 21 T. McNish 22 A. Martin 23 A. Palmer 24 A. Drinan (VC) 25 L. Hoga n 26 N. lane '.., 27 A . Worrel l 28 C. Twentyma . Kelly n29A 30 B . GWooss 31 S . Worrell 55 M. Campbell
Coach: Pat Hawkins (1) Coach: Pete Callinart (2) U19 (C): i A Ba& .y 38 J. hklr~ 2 C. Salad 39 Tl.1_y 3 B. Bzahan 4e J. Rki.e~ 4 D Bet 41 R. ttsarxn 5 c. CaMds 42 B M~a, 6 S. Curod,S 43 C. A4craJat~ty 7 B.Ctrs~ 44 EMms ~ 8 C.Cardan 45 PO-J.1eslan 9 TCam§y 46 J.oCmd te R.Cod'van 47 K04x4'§n II TCumow 48A 0sna] 12TRs,s 49 T Pads 13J.Dslt¢ 50M 0 m t4 At1--ep Sr N,Rt~a 15 T Fanav 52 D. Rerncn 16 J. Fay 53 M. Rush 17 R. Feay 54 D. Ryan 18MFRZgaaA 55A S Wz 9 61. Rest 56 S . Sk dmra 20 P. Fumis 57 A Sper ce 21 T Gk,~ 58 D. slear, 22N,Hat 59 C.Sv-s 23 J. Harkxs 63 D. s~ne/ 24 J. H~ay 61 D.5#ey 25 J. Hk-d: 62 T SVey 26 J.Herresi 63 N .Tnc7 27 C .Fbme 64 S.TnrrOk 28 R, lacc,a[*b 65 C. wary 29 J .Ittlxd 65 D .Wayland! 33 D .K&.ao 67 M.Xareb 31 M. KeneJy 32 A Laster 33 Attnergn 34 P. LytSam 35 S. r.,ocarcy 36 Alo!d7cx}a.7 37 BMCft,'M
HAMPTON ROVER S Coach: Ian Wiimott U19 (C):
1 D. Anderson 2 A .Ouon 3 T Prantzos 4 J Midwinter 5 S Will s 6 A Crowther 7 A Duddy 8 W Climes 9 M . Cripps 10 D . Shaw 11 A Voss 12 A Landrigan 13 N . Reh n 14 M. Loui s 15 G Shenfield 16 G Wood 17 A Smith 18 J Stokes 19 D Voss 20 L . Bird 21 M Jenkin 22 L . Dallas 23 S . Grimmer 24 M . Flynn 25 B Hevard 26 M Flahive 27 M . Flynn 28 C. Lucas 29 D Anderson 30 M Lanagan
ORMOND Coach : Brian Keating Ut9 (C): A Stasia k 1 S. Thompson 2 M . Nash 3 D. Robbins 4 D. Rowan 5 T. Ashford 6 M . Broadhurst 7 S. Kelehe r 8 R. Coulston 9 J. Putz 10 J. Cullen 11 B . Minter 12 P. Townsend 13 A. Kurze l
14 B . Healey 16 S . Porte r 17 S . CNaughton 18 P. are la 19 A . Strauch 20 K . Watson 21 B . Walker 22 D. Hopkins 23 S . E~ga n 24 MM. O'Halloran 25 J . Dale 26 D . Mabbett 27 P. Gleason 28 A . Stasiak 29 K. Quon 30 H . Black 31 P. Waked 32 A. Russell 33 S. Stephens 35 C . Knight
M .H .S .O .B. Coach: PeterO'Dea U19 (C): Jeff Wilson 1 T. Parker
2 R . Clowes 3 A. Simpson 4 J . Wilson 5 A.OiBrien 6 J. Moore 7 J. Gregson 8 T. Leaver 9 R. Limbrick 10 N. McKenzie 11 S. Rodder 12 N. Youn g s 13 B. Sims-Lucas 14 S. Calle r 15 T. Wright 16 K. Miezis 17 G. McCully 18 J . Davis 19 B . Hill 20 A. OiBrien 21 P. Physic 22 P. Brown 23 R .Joseph 24 A . Mazur 25 L. Taylor
. Askew 27 H . Taylor 28 M. Podolsky 29 R . Par k 30 T. Morgan 31 L. Jones 32 R . Weeden 33 T. Lower 34 R . Ware 35 B. Miezis 36 S. Osborn e
ST KILDA STH CAULFIEL Coach: John Howard U19 (C) : J . Drummond Gi J . Drununor~d 64 C . Thursfio!d 65 D .l.iahhmey 66 K Toohey 67 w. Perkins 68 J . Zagame 69 S. Reece 70 C . Banera 7t M . B araket 72 A.Caruana 73 $. RomaJnirro 74 C. Gray 75 M, Toppn 76 D. Slade 77 A Moore 78 R. Hall 79 C. McMMiIn 80 A. Haines 71 L DoNan 82 B . Zurak 83 A Sehron 84 L Pryde 85 H . Ready 86 C. Perez 87 T, Matthews 88 J. Van B!erkel 89 N . DiZiMa 90 S . Katapau'as Sr T. CampbO 92 B . Santalucea
93c, 94 D. : B5taI 9 M Ge'? 97M T o
-qwppl UNDER'1g - (
2) RED
AqUINAS O .C . Caxh TaryOcEvO Y J cz Staddon Soland Bennett Coghlan Greer .'.fFjn
iE'. d
3 -an ,r ',cKee p Giennie
D s ch .
r.~liso n
j Cc .;ssins ? Anthony D 1:larshal t a nogue !,loran ',1dls 1 onstone j Bleakney !,t Delsovito
J Pole
'! Dalsanto ' Devers D Keal y n 'fine ;loods
1 S . Alderhoven 2 A . Bestow 3 R . Brown 4 C . Calleja 5 M . DeBoer 6 N . Eastwood 7 M . Fisher 8 D . Florence 9 J . Florence 10 L. Groves 11 J . Howard 12 D . Juhasz 13 A . Kin g 14 N . Macrides 15 N . Macreevy 16 N . McCroha 17 B. Mountain 18 S . Mountain 19 T. Mossop 20 M . Natfas 21 R. Parris 22 T. Peterson 23 B . Pouroganis 24 N . Povaran 25 D . Povaran 26 J . Stynes 27 P. Taylo r 28 L . Thompson 29 B. Walleneiser
ST LEOS EMMAJJS THERRY PEfVOLA WATTLE PARK Coach: Pa rt htaflon ~h:C~~dd!'i,ar i3lCi : 2
N . Hodder P Batty
3 G . Bonnic i 4 R . Gallagher 5 C . Miller G .Newey - A Votpi 3 0. McDonald M . Brow n ~0 C. Vaughan 1 J Blandthorn 2 N . Zanni s 3 S. Dornik P. Mansic 5 M . Dunn ' 6 A . Schtittler T. Ka y 3 J . McNally '9 J . Ross D S. Goldswo rthy
U19 (C):
2 R . Zampogna 4 R . Springall 8 A. Grant 9 S . Stell a 10 C. Bannister 11 S . Bocaglia 12 J . Briedis 13 D . Candiloro 14 R . Dodds 15 A . McMahon 16 D . Dun n 17 A. McDonald 18 N . James
19 G . Kuret 20 J . Smit h 21 B . Fitzpatrick 22 M . Yate s 23 M . Russell 24 T. SigRer 25 N . Trewin 26 R . Garcia 27 R . Azzopardi 28 C. O'Brien 29 N . Parrett
OLD GEELONG Coach: Brian Cnfivrght U19 (C) :
8 N. Dinning 12 N. Bayne 15 R. Lane 16 B . Couc h 18 T. Straughton 26 A . McKinnon 29 D Bolto n 31 L . Stevens 34 A. McCann 36 M . Avery 43 A. Clay 50 N Edgar 51 J . Garland 52 M . Cashinella 53 T. Carty 54 E. Wilson 55 Q . Wallace 56 R Brown 58 L Heine 59 J. Malpas 60 D McInnes (C) 61 J. Chamberlain 63 M . McCarthy 64 R . Scurry 68 W. Ellery 75 A . Timms 76 D Brauer 79 W. Keebl e
OLD IVANHOE Coach : Stewart McLea n U19 (C) :
1 D. Bernet 2 G . Gibson 3 N. Coyne 4 B . Davis 5 A . Oates 6 K . Angelo 7 M . Logan 8 B . Spoor 9 B. Low 10 B. Roderick 11 C . Brannigan 14 P. Dowd
15 R. Holmwood 16 R. Hens e 17 J. Harrop 18 A. Harper 20 B . Willis 21 R. Gilderdale 22 G. Maddelic 23 C. Barker 25 P. Illis 26 S . Brandt 30 L . Courage 37 J. Keane 40 C . Harri s
Coach : John Stanton U19 (C):
Coach: Ash Wain U19 (C) :
1 2 3 4
1 A. Midland 2 T. Morris 3 S . Lloy d 4 C . Fraser 5 P. Vatloppi 6 M . Wine s 7 B . Stu rz aker 8 B . Arnot 9 J . Longwo rt h 10 B . Searl e 11 B. Reynolds 12 D . Lang 13 C .Shu q g 14 T. Lloyd 15 D . Bailey 16 A . Bel l
5 6 7 8 9
H . Anderson S . Anderson D . Bloomfield G. Bell
L. Bolzon C . Burke A. Cam,illeri M. Chazan B. Fre w
10 E. Gale 11 A. George 12 A. Green 13 T. Healey 14 A . Hopgood 15 J . Hopkins 16 D . Inman 17 M. Keegan 18 D . Lewis 19 G . Long
20 M. Manovella 21 S. Morris 22 D . Mutton 23 N. Mullane 24 D. Nasrallah 25 M . Natoli 26 L. Prosser 27 M . Pop e 28 D. Ryan 29 D . Schulze 30 T. Sessions 31 R . Singh 32 M. Sloan 33 J. Spence 34 C . Taylor 35 N. Taylor 36 D. Thomas 37 T. Thomson 38 M . Vanlint 39 S . Walter 42 J . Wilkins 40 B . White 43 A. Welch 41 D . Wilson 44 S . Yee
17 T. Mcllrath 18 R . Pearce 19 E . K ryse 20 T. Tyshing 21 P. Vaughn 22 B . Drew 23 C . Arnold 24 A. Cusano 25 S . Ma tters 26 J . Skipwort h 27 T. Hancock 28 B . Re y nolds 29 S . Coleman 30 B . Wapshott 31 J . Scanlan
OLD PARADIANS Coach: Ken Jot anesen (1) Coach: Phil t.uchetta (2) 1 S . Young 2 D. Green 3 G. O'Meara
4 B. Richardson 5 B. Galloway 5 B. Woodham 6 M.Joyce 8 D. Varan o 8 A. Vecchio 9 J . Byro n 10 K. Theodossi 11 A . Curra n A . Talarico C .Jacavou C . Price B. Sullivan N. Allard P. Karabatsos M . Dempster M . Szewczuk M . Cosgriff D . Briggs M . Ploenges L. Brickwell A. Jakowenko B. O'Connor S. Pruscino R. Sartor i V. Perry S . Fellowes F. Papaluca A. Bake r 34 G. Howe 35 D .Loney 36 G. Dean 37 V. Bergamin 38 N . Kudeweh 39 J. Thor n 40 J. Collins 41 F. Papluca 42 M . Rees 44 S . Ciavola 47 M . De Rango 49 D . Gleeson 52 N . Macartney 53 C . Butle r 60 A. Swindon
Sportscover is proud to be the endorsed insurer o f Cali us for Player Accide n t Insurance Public Liabili t y Professional Indemnity Ge neral Club Contents Directors & Off ic e rs Liabili ty
Suite 41 E , 190 Jells Road, Wheelers Hill Phone : (03) 9561 7577 Fax : (03) 9561 7566
MARKETING NEWS by Phil Steven s
1998 Blood Bank Challenge Give blood for your club Once again the VAFA and the Blood Bank of Victoria are running the 1998 Blood Bank Challenge where all clubs within the VAFA have the opportunity to compete against one another in terms of blood donations . Each time a new or existing donor registers to donate, he/she scores a point for his/her VAFA club . Each club's points scored are then calculated on a percentage basis directly related to the number of members at each club, so allowing smaller clubs to compete with the bigger clubs more evenly. The process is simple and at each club "Captain Bloods" have been appointed to encourage the use of not only the City and South Melbourne donor centres, but also link up with mobile blood banks within the general community and also throughout the large school donation program . New club Werribee Amateur Football Club was the leading club after Round 5, while Aquinas OCAFC had the greatest percentage increase from Round 6-10 . Regular updates appear in the Amateur Footballer alerting interested clubs of their relative ranking, while promotional posters have been distributed to each club to promote the competition . Last year 1275 donations were recorded in our inaugural year, with a staggering 23% being new donors . In 1998 we are looking to maintain or increase both the number of donations and the percentage of new donors, and with your help you can assist us with this very worthy cause . The VAFA was extremely proud of its contribution towards this community based incentive program in 1997 and would like to thank all participants, and at the same time urge all \ 'AFA players, supporters and officials to get behind the 1998 Challenge and Give Blood For Your Club . The VAFA would like to thank Hugh Lyon Knitwear (1 set of club jumpers - major prize), Cadbury Schweppes ($40 voucher), Four'n'Twenty Pies ($40 voucher) and Spalding Australia (footballs) for their support of the Blood Bank Challenge since its inception . For further information Peter Moran (Blood Bank - 9694 0210 or Brett Connell - 9531 8333) .
Sportscover Pick the Seven Premiers Competitio n Weekly winner was Hawthorn Amateurs (again) . There were 6 club entries who had their nominated premier teams all win last round . HA win water bottles and go in for the July monthly prize of 2 Sherrin footballs . A future Marketing News will detail again the major Sportscover prize if there is one club entry only that successfully predicts the 7 senior section premier teams . There were 62 club entries lodged before the closing time for this competition so chances of a win appear fairly good .
Hugh Lyon $ y~y Knitwear
Sch' eApe 速
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Proud to be Sponsor and the Official Supplier to the VA FA 156 GEORGE FITZROY, VIC TEL: (03) 9419 ~ ~ ~ ~ FAX : (03) 9417 7419
^000 to the Whwhig Cki BO N US POI N T S 40 Bonus Points are available as part of the Blades Club Championship to all Clubs who are able to demonstrate that at least 20 of their Senior, Reserve and Under 19 Players regularly wear Blades Football Boots in VAFA matches . Club Lists of those players who regularly wear Blades boots are to be forwarded to the VAFA (Attention : Phil Stevens) by Monday 27 July 1998.
Lists received after this date will not be accepted . 2 Bonus Points for each $100 of Blades apparel purchased through the VAFA are also still available to each Club for Club apparel orders lodged with VAFA by 31 July 1998 . Please contact Peter Warner of Blades Sports on 9889 9222 with any enquiry in relation to either of the above .
Fm "
Points have been allocated for Round Twelve matches and today the leading 20 clubs ar e shown . A team that has a bye is credited with a win . To refresh memories from last week a senio r ,,am win receives 12 points ; reserves win 5 points ; an under 19 team win 5 points . c L1JB
OLD XAVERIANS 11 10 12 24 2 WHITEFRIARS O C 10 11 11 23 0 AJAX 9 11 7 19 8 BEAUMARIS 11 8 5 19 7 OLD MENTONIANS 9 8 .5 9 195 .5 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 11 9 3 .5 194 .5 MONASH GRYPHONS 11 i 1 0 18 7 OLD CAREY 11 11 0 187 OLD SCOTCH 7 10 10 184 MARCELLIN 9 10 4 .5 180 . 5 OLD CAMBERWELL 10 12 0 18 0 ORMOND 7 11 8 17 9 OLD TRINITY 9 6 8 178 HAMPTON ROVERS 8 7 8 17 1 PENINSULA 10 9 0 16 5 OLD GEELONG 7 9 7 16 4 PARKSIDE 9 .5 10 0 16 4 MONASH BLUES 7 8 7 15 9 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG . 7 9 6 159 KEW 9 10 0 158 Bonus points are on offer and can be earned as follows : • 40 points at the end of July to each club which has at least 20 senior, reserve or Under 1 9 players regularly wearing Blades football boots in VAFA matches . • 2 points for each $100 worth of Blades apparel purchased through the VAFA up to 31 Jul y 1998 .
Deferred from Junel6th .
ELSTERNWICK PARK DRAW 1998 (June - Septembe r) This Sat. 11 /7: MHSOB v Mazeno d This Sun 12/7 : No match scheduled - ground vacant Next Sat 18/7 : Old Geelong v Banyul e Next Sun 19/7 : FIDA matchda v Sat 25/7: Therrv Penola v Old Ivanhoe Sun 26/7 : No match seheduled - ground vacant Sat 1/8: Old Paradians v MHSO B Sun 2/8 : No match scheduled-ground vacant Sat 8/8 : Old Haileyburv v De La Sall e Sun 9/8 : FIDA semi - final s Sat 15/8 : Club XVIII Prelim . Finals Sun : 16/8 : FIDA Grand Final s Sat : 22/8 : Club XVI)I Grand Finals Sun : 23/8 : Old Scotch v Old Haileyburv Sat : 29/8 : B Section First Semi-Final Sun : 30/8 : A Section First Semi Final Sat: 5/9 B : Section Second Semi-Final Sun: 6/9 : A Section Second Semi-Final
Sandy Hunter, Old Geelong. Disputing umpire's decision, I match . From July 4 Jarrid Prior, Bulleen-Templestowe. Striking, 5 matches. Zeb Fleming . Thomastown . Striking, 2 matches . Drew Solley, Old Mentonians . Elbowing. 4 match Gary Forsyth, ANZ Albert Park . Abuse/threat umpire, 2 matches as player and coach . * Clint Ferguson, Hampton Rovers . Abusive language, 2 matches . * John Goodlet, Southbank . Striking, 2 matches . * Leigh Morris . Yarra Ualley. Striking, 2 matches . * Lou Inserra . Parkside . Striking. 2 matches . * Danny Wright . Swinburne . Striking, 2 matches . * Paul Harris, West Brunswick . Striking. 2 matche * Nick Milat, Collegians (Reserve) . Striking, 2 match * Scott Saunders, Old Haileybury (Reserve). Strikin 2 matches . * Craig O'Connell, Bulleen Cobras (Reserve) . Striking, 2 matches . * Dragi Dimouski, Thomastown (Reserve) . Misconduct, 2 matches . * Max Bellato, Bulleen-Temple . (Reserve) . Misconduct, 2 matches . * Leigh Stott . Bulleen-Temp. (Reserve). Audible offence, I match . * Luke Hume, Old Scotch (U19) . Charging, 2 matche * Mark Jenkins, Hampton Rovers (U19) . Striking, 2 matches . * Nick Stafford . De La Salle (2) (U19) . Misconduct . matches. *Accepted P rescribed Penalt y Rt~~) ~i_P_~! I
Saturday's Final Siren Score s
(1 ~ Sectio n)
6 p.m . Saturday
First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; thirc offence (S50); fourth offence ($100) ; each subse quent offence ($100) . Reserves/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5p m Nil Nil OTHER
Incorrect scores phoned (Rd . 11) Nil APPEALS : Old Westbourne (Rd . 10) - failure to provide final scores by 5pm - appeal upheld .
I .w=
Official Supplier of Sports Medicine Products t o
EIDR-%C,~;'' Beiersdorf Australia Ltd (ACN 000 025 623 ) 7 Maurice Street, Nunawading VIC 3131 Telephone Toll Free 1 800 032 157
TEAMSHEETS Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surnam Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
(presented by Quit) M
~UJ © [Ij)
(50 cents per min .) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service 0
• Permits (Thurs) • W eekend matches (Fri) • Scores (Sat. night)
The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day . The rear gate (off St Kilda St) will only be open when Sunday matches are to be played . When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 54 ®1® TNF AAAATCII~ cnnTnn~
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
10 2 0 1007 573 175.74 40 10 2 0 1014 606 167 .33 40 8 4 0 1080 668 161 .68 32 8 4 0 887 819 108 .3 32 6 6 0 837 867 96 .54 24 5 7 0 852 908 93 .83 20 5 7 0 675 737 91 .59 20 5 7 0 781 873 89 .46 20 2 10 0 460 1002 45.91 8 1 11 0 586 1252 46.81 4 B RESERVE
ORMOND 12 11 1 0 1103 576 191 .49 44 r,,ARCELLIN 12 10 2 0 837 555 150.81 40 pLDPARADIANS 12 10 2 0 869 592 146 .79 40 ,~pRTH OLD BOYS 12 7 5 0 706 780 90 .51 28 p TRINITY 12 6 6 0 785 901 87 .13 24 -'EN0D O C 12 5 7 0 768 850 90 .35 20 --8 12 3 9 0 860 918 93 .68 1 2 12 3 9 0 625 920 67 .93 12 ~ wANHOE 12 3 9 0 539 869 62 .03 1 2 --=aRY PENOLA OB 12 2 10 0 663 905 73.26 8 C RESERVE 12 ST BEDES MENT TIG OLDGEELONG 12 BEAUMARIS A F C 12 OLD MENTONIANS 1 2 -3 .1ASTOWN 1 2 ,J :'ULE 1 2 ,-,-TON ROVERS 12 _r LEOS EMMAUS W P 12 ;T `iLDA STH CAULFIELD 12 =-_LEEN TEMPLESTOWE 12
9 9 8 7 7 7 7 2 2 1
3 0 985 577 170 .71 36 3 0 854 637 134.07 36 4 0 901 578 155.88 32 4 1 980 802 122 .19 30 4 1 848 887 95 .6 30 5 0 931 735 126 .67 28 5 0 912 723 126 .14 28 10 0 606 924 65 .58 8 10 0 450 1072 41 .98 8 11 0 537 1148 46 .78 4
D RESERVE SECTIO N AJAX 12 11 1 0 1153 371 310.78 44 WHITEFRIARS 12 11 1 0 1043 447 233.33 44 PARKSIDE 12 10 2 0 1034 580 178 .28 40 SOUTHBANK 12 8 4 0 936 656 142 .68 32 MONASH BLUES 12 8 4 0 1021 740 137.97 32 --JINAS0C 12 6 6 0 797 754 105 .7 24 _'LVERSITYBLACKS 12 5 7 0 702 649 108 .17 20 5=_ESIAN O C 12 4 8 0 646 918 70.37 16 -RRAVALLEY 12 3 8 1 793 924 85 .82 14 :.'_D ESSENDON GR 12 3 8 1 462 861 53 .66 14 ST JOHNS O C 12 2 10 0 399 1284 31 .07 8 Si PATRICKS MENTONE 12 0 12 0 465 1393 33 .38 0 E BLUE RESERVE OLDCAMBERWELL 12 12 0 0 1458 345 422.61 48 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 12 9 3 0 1293 419 308 .59 36 PENINSULA 0 8 12 9 3 0 1288 468 275,21 36 CHIRNSIDE PARK 12 7 5 0 878 729 120 .44 28 ='641EIGH A F C 12 7 5 0 785 715 109 .79 28 = 3 NER HOUSE 12 7 5 0 589 979 60 .16 28 E~_STERNWICK 12 3 9 0 555 997 55 .67 1 2 _ENHUNTLY 12 3 9 0 508 1022 49 .71 12 3 , iINBURNEUNIVERSITY 12 2 t0 0 559 1208 46 .27 8 i MARYS 12 1 11 0 512 1587 32 .26 4 'Inellgible player Round 9 E WHITE RESERV E OLD CAREY
12 11 1 0 1160 504 230.16 44 KEW 12 10 2 0 1039 527 197 .15 40 U H S O B 12 8 4 0 1141 489 233 .33 32 FITZROY REDS 12 7 4 1 905 705 128.37 30 •~ ..LIAMSTOWN CYMS 12 7 5 0 1109 635 174 .65 28 DRTH BRUNSWICK 12 6 6 0 966 819 117 .95 24 ,-1MOND CENTRAL 12 6 6 0 670 782 85 .68 24 -JLLEEN COBRAS 12 3 9 0 530 1389 38 .16 12 I"-^ TROBE UNIVERSITY 12 1 10 1 394 1038 37 .96 6 --0 WESTBOURNE 12 0 12 0 340 1518 22 .4 0 '['eligible player Round 9
F RESERVE MONASH GRYPHONS 12 11 1 0 1176 448 262 .5 44 WEST BRUNSWICK 12 8 4 0 869 648 134.1 32 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 12 8 4 0 953 804 118 .53 32 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 12 7 5 0 805 735 109.52 28 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 12 4 8 0 648 904 71 .68 16 ELEY PARK A F C 12 4 8 0 709 1139 62 .25 16 SYNDAL TALLY HO 12 3 9 0 606 915 66 .23 12 ANZ ALBERT PARK 12 3 9 0 499 881 56 .64 1 2 CLUB 18 (1 ) OLD XAVERIANS 11 11 0 0 1301 256 508 .2 44 DE LA SALLE 11 9 2 0 851 440 193.41 36 OLD SCOTCH 11 7 4 0 668 509 131 .24 28 MHSOB 11 7 4 0 717 583 122.98 28 OLD BRIGHTON 11 7 4 0 507 529 95.84 28 OLD MELBURNIANS 11 6 5 0 550 734 74 .93 24 ST KEVINS 11 2 9 0 399 712 56.04 8 MAZENOD 0 C 11 2 9 0 429 823 52.13 8 COLLEGIANS 11 2 9 0 374 820 45 .61 8 THERRY PENOLA OB 11 3 8 0 380 867 43.83 8 CLUB 18 (2) MONASH WHITES 11 11 0 0 803 34S 232 .75 44 THORNBURY COUGARS 11 8 3 0 783 521 150 .29 32 MT LILYDALE 0 C 11 7 4 0 831 537 154 .75 28 KEW 11 6 5 0 687 455 150 .99 24 MARCELLIN 11 5 6 0 593 693 85 .57 20 OLD ESSENDON GR 11 3 8 0 525 885 59 .32 12 PARKSIDE 11 2 9 0 478 855 55 .91 8 YARRA VALLEY 11 2 9 0 466 960 48 .54 8 UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD XAVERIANS 12 12 0 0 1522 537 283.43 48 OLD PARADIANS 12 10 2 0 1219 811 150.31 40 DE LA SALLE 12 8 4 0 1247 1074 116.11 32 COLLEGIANS 12 6 6 0 1251 970 128 .97 24 UNIVERSITY BLUES 12 6 6 0 1006 913 110 .19 24 OLD BRIGHTON 12 6 6 0 947 912 103 .84 24 ST KEVINS 12 6 6 0 964 1294 74 .5 24 STBERNARDS 12 3 9 0 975 1301 74 .94 12 MAZENOD 0 C 12 3 9 0 829 1424 58 .22 12 OLD CAREY 12 0 12 0 667 1654 40 .33 0 UNDER-19 (2 ) WHITEFRIARS 12 11 1 0 1461 699 209.01 44 OLD SCOTCH 12 10 2 0 1378 831 165.82 40 OLD TRINITY 12 8 4 0 1318 855 154.15 32 ST BEDES MENT TIGERS 12 6 6 0 951 1091 87.17 24 BEAUMARIS A F C 12 5 6 1 901 1113 80 .95 22 OLD MELBURNIANS 12 5 7 0 967 1184 81 .67 20 MARCELLIN 12 4 7 1 926 1024 90 .43 18 OLD HAILEYBURY 12 4 8 0 1006 1097 91 .7 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 12 4 8 0 822 1232 66 .72 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 12 2 10 0 709 1390 51 .01 8 UNDER-19 (2) BLU E MHSOB 12 10 2 0 1551 681 227.75 40 OLD MENTONIANS 12 9 3 0 1529 807 189 .47 36 HAMPTON ROVERS 12 8 4 0 1300 776 167 .53 32 ORMOND 12 8 4 0 1029 910 113.08 32 MONASH BLUES 12 7 5 0 933 945 98 .73 28 AJAX 12 7 5 0 913 978 93 .35 28 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 12 5 6 1 867 835 103 .83 22 CAULFIELD GR 12 3 8 1 770 1003 76 .77 14 DE LA SALLE (2) 12 2 10 0 882 1253 70 .39 8 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 12 0 12 0 357 2061 17 .32 0 UNDER-19 (2) RED OLD IVANHOE 12 11 1 0 1166 569 204.92 44 YARRA VALLEY 12 11 1 0 1092 589 185.4 40 THERRY PENOLA OB 12 9 3 0 1308 742 176.28 36 WARRINGAL A F C 12 8 4 0 1348 682 197.65 32 OLD GEELONG 12 7 5 0 736 731 100 .68 28 AOUINAS 0 C 12 5 7 0 888 1059 83 .85 20 OLD PARADIANS (2) 12 5 7 0 784 1241 63 .17 20 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 12 4 8 0 516 1290 40 16 BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE 10 1 9 0 282 1296 21 .76 4
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
11 1 0 1482 760 195 44 7 5 0 1142 1046 109 .18 28 7 5 0 1326 1229 107 .89 28 7 5 0 1058 983 107 .63 28 7 5 0 1079 1116 96 .68 28 7 5 0 1212 1273 95,21 28 6 6 0 1133 1104 102 .63 24 6 6 0 1069 1150 92 .96 24 2 10 0 1041 1310 79 .47 8 0 12 0 953 1524 62.53 0
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
9 9 7 7 7 7 5 5 2 2
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 2
11 1 0 1617 1023 158.06 44 9 3 0 1388 1116 124.37 36 8 4 0 1199 860 139.42 32 7 5 0 1178 1077 109.38 28 7 5 0 1143 1205 94 .85 28 5 7 0 1103 1360 81 .1 20 4 8 0 1156 1266 91 .31 16 4 8 0 1135 1446 78 .49 16 3 9 0 1185 1430 82 .87 12 2 10 0 1077 1398 77 .04 8
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 2
10 1 1 1478 999 147.95 42 10 2 0 1337 934 143 .15 40 9 2 1 1304 954 136 .69 38 9 3 0 1242 984 126 .22 36 7 5 0 1042 872 119 .5 28 6 6 0 1124 1050 107 .05 24 5 7 0 1341 1241 108 .06 20 5 7 0 1292 1242 104 .03 20 5 7 0 1077 1131 95 .23 20 3 9 0 829 1078 76 .9 12 1 11 0 892 1596 55 .89 4 1 11 0 720 1597 45 .08 4 E BLUE SECTION
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 2
11 10 10 7 7 5 4 3 2 0
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
3 0 1187 926 128.19 36 3 0 1218 985 123 .65 36 5 0 1289 1100 117 .18 28 5 0 1056 910 116 .04 28 5 0 1180 1020 115 .69 28 5 0 1006 966 104 .14 28 7 0 1049 1217 86 .2 20 7 0 1020 1252 81 .47 20 10 0 1072 1299 82 .53 8 10 0 1013 1415 71 .59 8 C SECTIO N
1 0 1672 707 236 .49 44 2 0 1709 793 215 .51 40 2 0 1547 886 174 .6 40 5 0 1515 1146 132.2 28 5 0 1182 1086 108.84 28 6 1 1356 1257 107.88 22 8 0 1020 1366 74.67 16 8 1 909 1420 64.01 14 10 0 815 1982 41 .12 8 12 0 814 1896 42 .93 0
E WHITE SECTIO N 11 1 0 1681 11 1 0 1607 9 3 0 1563 7 5 0 1169 7 5 0 108 7 5 5 3 1 1
7 0 1115 7 0 947 9 0 910 11 0 690 11 0 693
F SECTION 11 1 0 1575 9 3 0 1397 9 3 0 1174 6 6 0 994 4 8 0 996 4 8 0 877 3 9 0 851 2 10 0 784
565 297 .52 976 164 .65 957 163 .32 1103 105 .98 1293 84 .07 1136 98 .15 1085 87 .28 1446 62.93 1393 49.53 1508 45.95
44 44 36 28 28 20 20 12 4 4
759 207 .51 976 143 .14 831 141 .28 920 108 .04 1247 79 .87 1181 74 .26 1253 67 .92 1613 48 .61
44 36 36 24 16 16 12 8