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Proudly supporting the V.A .F.A . ao 1 9
FINALS VENUE S is normally the case at this time of the year the venues allocated for the conduct of the various uons' finals matches change regularly as discus,,,niis continue with clubs . councils and other user ,oups . At the time of printing this week's "Amateur ;-COAballer" the venues are as follows . Clubs must understand that venues may be i,,mged from section to section even during the week ding a final when it becomes known which are th e r participating teams (seniors and reserves) . At all ;imcs it is attempted to minimise the amount of travel ;;,,- participating teams giving priority consideration for ,c .j :ns finishing higher on the ladders, particularly in 11ior sections first of all .
Possible / probable allocation : Elstermvick Park - all finals matches A: Elsternwick Park and Sandringham Sandringham and Elsternwick Park C: Monash Universitv and Mordialloc D: Central Reserve (Mazenod's ground) E Blue : Kevin Barlett Reserve and Camberwell E White : Sports Ground F : Cramer Street Reserve and Gillon Oval . Brunswick Whitehorse Reserve (Box Hill ) U/19-1 : Scammell Reserve (Oakleigh AFC ground) U/19-2 : U/19-Blue : Gerry Green Reserve (Parkdale) U/19-Red : Trinity Grammar School and Parade College Club XVIII : Scammetl Reserve / Ramsden St . Reserve and Elsternwick Park for details relating to dates of matches please refer to :d-,e finals display elsewhere in this week's issue of the :'tmateur Footballer. " H IS FOR HAILEYBURY There has been a request to add some lightness to From The Desk Of. . ." so in a similar way to Jon Anderson's column in the Herald-Sun ( free plug JA !) I will present a celebrity's best team . This week VAFA President Andrew Langford-Jones p resents his best ever OH team . B :B. Carty (90's) D . Code (70's) J . Bingham (80's/90's)
HB: S. RalphSmith (90's ) M . Seccull - - ~ (90's) G . Phillips PHIL STEVENS (80's/90's) CHIEF EXECUTIVE C :I. Roberts ( 70's) OFFICE R R. Pau l (70's/80's) W . Phillips (90's ) HF : M . Porter ( 60's/70's) P. Gadstone (60's/70's) W. Shand (80's) F : N . Morey (90's) P. Bowring ( 60's/70's) A . Walden (80's/90's) RUCKS : J . Houghton ( 70's/80's) D . Miller (80's) ROVER: S . Meehan (80's/90's ) I/C : A . Home (60's/70's) cap . . C . McKenzie (80's/90's), P .Mason ( 70's) D . Connell (80's/90's )
COACH : J . Masters (70's ) HIV AND THE VAFA IN THE NEWS There has been an incredible reaction to the news surrounding the player who has lodged an application to play in the VAFA where on this application it was clearly marked that the player was HIV positive . The Executive will be considering the matter at its meeting next Monday evening when by that time the Executive will have full knowledge of medical, legal and financial ramifications so that an informed decision can be reached . To allay fears, incorrect stories that are circulating and to state the actual situation the VAFA will speak to the media on Monday evening and will circulate a statement to all VAFA clubs first thing Tuesday morning . TWO BIG OCCASIONS AT ELSTERNWIC K PARK On Friday evening members of the 1978 Ol d Scotch premiership team are holding a dinner at the "scene" to celebrate the 20 year anniversary and on Saturday before the Old Paradians v. MHSOB match identities of both teams' pasts have been invited to a "I remember" luncheon . At this luncheon new inductees will be welcomed into the VAFA's 300 Games Club. A report will be presented in next week's "Amateur Footballer. "
August lst,1998 Price : $ 1 .50 Vol . 98 No . 16
A SECTION by Jason Frenk 1 fecv weeks ago I made mention of the St . Kevins A internet site, and reference to some of the global initiatives such as this which push the great game of amateur football beyond the boundaries of Victoria . Well I am pleased to announce in this week's column that not only are we defining the frontiers throughout the world - we've even made an impact in Sydney . Yes that's right . Our northern neighbours have been gripped with A-section fever and, so insatiable is their appetite for this tremendous competition, one individual even rang me a couple of weeks ago to secure a subscription to this great journal . So whichever ground you're playing at today, please remember - the field is your state, the world your oyster . And with that poetic introduction out of the way, let's get down to some business . REVIEW The main surprise came from Haileybury College, where the Bloods plied out three or four nails that had been hammered into their coffin in previous weeks by the pundits with a gutsy 14 point win over University Blues. The Blues threw everything at them in a tense last term but Meehan's men, buoyed by the prospect of an early departure from the September race, hung on grimly with Home heading a dour defence . Ash Hilton gave them plenty of drive all day, and Hucker, Morey and W. Phillips all chipped in with a couple of goals to push the Bloods over the line . Sixth placed Scotch, like seventh placed De La Salle, has a 7-7 record . but the Cardinals' S1-point capitulation to St . Be rnards last Saturday showed that a spot in September will not come easily . The home side led that contest all day, and an eight goal final term put the icing on St . Bernards cake, and kept them firmly entrenched in second spot . Paul Gilmour made a welcome return to form with eight goals while Vin Comito, Adam Merrington . skipper Luke Gollant and Ben Loughlin were all among the best . As in many of their defeats this year, Rohan Price was clearly best for Scotch . PREVIEW The match of the round pits second versus third on the ladder in a clash that will determine just who has the right to sit in second spot . Both sides have a 9-5 record, but St . Kevins significantly inferior percentage makes a victory today all the more important. Interestingly, these two teams are also the second and third highest scoring sides in the competition, a legacy of two forward lines that contain the talents of Ryan, Vassallo . Garvey, Merrington, Fraser and Gilmour . SKOB's have found high scores harder to come by as the season's progressed, but Tim Hart will be hoping 2
his defenders can keep a lid on Bernards' scoring potential. Ho w far is St . Bernards -----College from th e cemetery - I fancy St . Kevins will be buried toda Pressure, Points, Percentage - it all makes a ence in the last few rounds as every morsel c toward - hopefully - securing a spot in the fou clashes everywhere today, and no stranger to ii tant matches this year is Old Melburnians I placed, opposition today for fifth placed Unive Blues . The Redlegs have had a big few weeks i past month - culminating in a lifeless, lacklustr( to St . Kevins last week . In spite of that defeat, Mi Ford retains one advantage that Andrew Smith v dearly love to hold - the Redlegs are in charge of own destiny with a game in hand on today's c nents. Old Melburnians' 15 point win today strengthen that advantage. Old Scotch host De La Salle in another, all-in tant match for both sides at the Camberwell S1 Ground . Sixth versus seventh, the loser of to( match can just about book that chalet up at Bulle some September skiing action . After a promising ; to the season, the Dees have run up on dry groun the past month . It is a drought Scotch knows only well - they started season 1998 on the same spc turf, but Wayne Harmes has been able to success] guide them home - Scotch by 31 points . With the exhilaration of their first victory still tl in the air at the change-room at Harry Trott 0 Collegians face a daunting return to reality to when they meet top side Old Xave rians at Too Park. The cemetery might not be nearby, but that h n't stopped Xavier burying all manner of friend and beneath the shadow of the grandstand . Like a gc mechanic, Tim O'Shaughnessy will be turning the c and knobs today- fine tuning, as Xavs romp ahead 63 points.
The last match comes from Haileybury Colle where the Bloods will attempt to prolong life for anol ; er week yet when they host second bottom side C Brighton. Today's game should be a veritable walk the park for the Bloods - not only do they hold a su stantial five game, 13% advantage over Brighton ,unlikethirop siton,theBlods tilhavesomethi to play for. The good form of Hucker and Hilton i recent weeks should give Haileybury a significa height advantage today - Bloods by 34 points . Social Old Scotch - On Friday night, players and ofrlci a
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por• rorrr!o ,f4r! din too t o: u!, :-
o,n 1978 reunited at Elsternwick Park to celebrate A Section Premiership win by five points ove r Old Boys . Attending were President Leigh %„cGregor . Secretary Bryan Gibbs, Captain John ,~nderson, VC Simon Tallent . B&F Michael Bates and coach Laurie Aghan. VAFA President Manson Russel 1t!nted commemorative medals to all players .
Ig n It
ul~' l® ! SENIORS - 25.07 .98
ST BERNARDS 5.1 8.8 12 .10 20.12 .132 OLD SCOTCH 2.3 2.8 7 .9 12.9 .81 St Bernards : Gilmore 8. Adam Merrington 3 . Vassallo 2. J . Oollant . Andrew '.lerringom. Thomas, McKeon . Conuto. Davis . Best: L . Gollant V. Connie, Gilmore. Adam Aierrmgom. Loughlui. Mount. Old Scotch; Crane 7 . Pntehard 2. Stokes. Phillips . Hawkins- Best: Price . Crane. Phillips. Lams, Atdlar . Thompson . OLD HAILEYBURY 1 .3 3.8 7.14 9 .18.72 UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.4 3 .10 5.12 7 .16.58 Old Hall eybury: Hucker 2 . btorev 2. t4C Phillips 2 . Baxter. Flotd . Lappage . Best: Home. Ash Hilom . in. Phdlips . S.~Walden . D . Warden. Hacker . University Blues: t4trzvkoaski 2 . 6teKuinon 2 . Blood . Guengerich . V.111cox. Best: Sheehan Versteegan . Steaart . Sturrock . Kordick. Decrespigty .
35 35 30 28
iich ial, iav -ah 3sroe rod ia! b". ;e, hId in
1' 1 , ~ lf
ST BERNARDS 2.2 7 .2 10 .7 13 .10.88 OLD SCOTCH 5.3 8 .5 7.7 9.8.82 St . Ban®rds: Rogerson 4. Dalie_v 3. Talhot . S1a0tewes. Farmer. S. Grap. Perrett. Kennedv. Best: L. O%crman . Parad-ski . Matheaes . B . Overman . Farmer. Rogerson Old Scoteh : Pantrnt 2. Crow 2 . Castricum 2 . T. Reid . Blenheim. Starick. Best: Thomas. Cobbs . T. Reid . Woodhouse. Craw. Panton. OLD HAILEYBURY 1.2 3 .4 4 .6 5.7.37 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3.3 9 .4 15 .7 19.7 .121 OLD Haileybury: Roukands 2 . Byrns . Dann. Pound . Beat: Orion . lay. Dimond. Pound . Dann . Kirk-ood-Scott . University Blues: Alexander 7. Nation 4 . Johnson 3. Clarke 2 . Miller . Bohun. Brccktep. Best: Alexander, Beltrame. Walsh, Nation. Johnson. McIntosh. OLD BRIGHTON 0.0 0 .0 3.2 6 .3.39 COLLEGIANS 3.1 5 .8 6.12 8.14.62 Old Brighton ~ : (Goal Kickers and Best playcrs not received ) : Best : (Goal Kickers and Best players not received ) Coilegi
ST. BERNARDS v. ST. KEVINS Field : Martin Jackson Graham Thwaites Boundary : Greg Shilo Shawn Hennig Goal : Brad Nash Shannon Ryan
OLD SCOTCH v . DE LA SALLE Field : Anthony Damen Jamie Kvins Boundary : Brendan Corcoran Jon Stevenson Goal : Kevin Segota Russell Owen s OLD XAVERIANS v. COLLEGIANS Field: Steve McCarthy Cameron Nash Boundary : Cameron Kealy Stephen Johnston Goal : Bernie Hoare Geoff Grigg OLD MELBURNIANS v . UNIVERSITY BLUES Field : Albie Firley Wayne Hinton Boundary : Bob Mutton Cameron Haves Goal : Ross Richards Reno Barichievic h
OLD HAILEYBURY v . OLD BRIGHTON Field : Mark Jenkins Tim Sutcliffe Boundary : Tristan Bowman Michael Chapple Goal : Anthony Simpson John Robinson
The Age VAFA sportswriter Garry Petroff writes about Saturday VAFA matches played and previews th e Sunday A section Match of the Day.
A-& Section COLLEGIA N S coach: t.eigh C~r, Res. Coach: Craig Nankervis
1 B. King 2 N. Florentine 3 B . Woolhouse 4 T. Van Der Veene 5 G . Deane-Johns 6 S . Van Der Veene 7 L. Byrne 8 C . Higson 8 C . Pollock 9 V. Cleary 10 S . Harding 11 B . Mackenzie 12 C . Dilena
13 S . El g
14 D . Warne-Smith 15 N . Michael 15 Y. Phillips 16 A . Wallace 17 R . Hosking 17 D . Phillips 18 J . Bennett 19 B . Mooney 20 A . Greenway 21 A . Johnston 22 D . Kerr 23 N . Milat 24 R. Hartnett 25 J . Frazer 26 S . Wooley 27 S. Humphry 28 S . Blackman 29 A . Kenneally 30 M . Galbraith 31 J. Nevins 32 J . Tarpey 33 A. Startin 34 D. Entwisle 35 R . Morley 36 G . Fode 37 M .Opi e 38 M . Lake (C) 39 R . Jone s 40 M . O'Donnell 42 L. Vasdekis 43 G . Cooper 45 M . Mossman 45 N . Harri s 46 C . Harris 47 D . Milat 48 J . Lemon 49 A . Smith 50 B . Jefferson 51 P. Baxter 52 N . Gill 53 M . Ingli s 54 T. Dimopoulos 55 A. Mirakian 55 E. Jones 57 J . Moore 58 A . Thompson 59 M . Richards 64 M. Gribble 70 T. Smit h 75 J . Walshe 76 P. Halbish 77 T. Proctor
DE LA SALLE Coach : Kevin Collins Res. Coach : Greg Feutrill 1 M . Chun 2 P. Fiume 3 D. Crowe 4 L. Hal l 5 C . Swift 6 M. Fisher 7 C . Browne 8 C. Wrigh t 9 C. Campbell 10 T. Silvers 11 A. Evans (VC) 12 D .Toohey 13 A. Water s 14 A. Duncan 15 J . Hodder 16 S . Hyland 17 A. Elliott 18 A. Flowerday 19 J . Tull y 20 B . Corin 20 P. O'Brien 21 D .Jackson 22 P. O'Callaghan 22 S . Laska 23 D. Balzar 24 J . Morel 25 G . Hynes 26 S. Wood 26 P. Wyles 27 L. Van Der Pligt 28 S . Hart 29 D . Rosman 30 B. Mannix 31 K. Mannix 32 R . Bonnici 33 D . King 33 M . O'Donnell 34 A. Pedicini 35 A . Mackintosh 36 M . Aro n 37 S. Clay 37 M. Rose] 38 A. Mithe n 39 P. Brasher (C) 40 M . Butler 41 M. McHenry 42 B. Lee 43 L. Borella 44 X . Clancy 44 T. Montgomery 46 M . Hega n 47 D . Lasini 48 D . Smith 49 A. Moore 50 P. Mannix 50 J. Doak 51 A. Orlando 52 D. Hyland 53 L. Seager 54 J . Duckett 55 M. Harber 58 T. For d 59 M . Mercuri 61 R . Grace 62 R . Beattie 63 S. McManus 64 G . Curren 66 S . Thoma s
Coach :Dale Tapping Res. Coach: Stephen Bames
1 A . Kryzwniak 2 J . Murc h 3 R. Oakley 4 M . Talbot 5 N . Perry (C) 6 S. Alderson 7 B. Loga n 8 G . Hipwell 9 S . Lennox 10 R . Hartman 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Ken t 14 B . Paterson 15 D . Tymms 16 B. Williams 17 A. Van De n Dungen 18 M . Jackson (VC ) 19 A . Mandylaris 20 A. Palfrey 21 N . Winter 22 K . Farrell 23 A . Pryor 24 R . Carter 25 S. Nicka s
26 T. McNamara 27 D . Paterson 28 A . Alderto n 29 P. Woff 34 M. Reid 35 S . Mercer 36 B . Pollock 38 J . Raju 39 A. Fischer 40 N . Bulfin 41 J . Murchie 42 A . Corke 43 C . Brew 44 A . Brown 45 T. Desmyth 46 D. Hansen 47 D . Wilson 49 M . Barber 50 S. Williams (VC) 51 D . Strachan 52 D. Stockdale 53 B . Letchford 56 R . Brow n 57 A. McLachlan 59 R. Farre r 60 D . Crewdson 61 A . Witte 62 A. Lewis 63 B . Wilson 66 T. Lennox 71 B . Alderson 84 P. McMahon
OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Simon Meehan Res. Coach: Peter Fatouro s A. Baxter D . Connell (C) D. Warde n C. McKenzie C . Warden W. Smith Adam Hilton M . Orton C. Home C. Efstathiou C . Hucker D . Seccul l B. Carty A. Forsyth N . Morey R . Bartholmeusz B. Langford-Jones Ash Hilton 18 A.Papotto 18 M . Constabl e 19 M . Armstong (VC) 20 C . Kraus 21 A. Walden 21 B. Waters 22 S . Richardson 23 M . Seccul l 24 A . Ros s 25 G . Rowlands 26 G . Phillips (VC) 27 J. Dann 28 A. Pound 28 S . Walden 29 B . Carso n 30 A . Aughterson 31 D . Maso n 31 B. Main 32 P. O'Donnell 33 A . Floyd 34 C . Reidy 35 D .Lappage 36 B. Lay 37 S . O'Grady 38 R . Parker 39 M . Stanojevic 40 H . Gopu
Coach : Michael Foi Res . Coach: David 1 M . Bennett 2 S . Theodore 3 A . Ros s
4 S. EllinghaD, 5 L. Bun n 6 D. Holm e 7 C. Thompso 8 M . Lovett 9 C . Aubrey 10 T. Roberts 11 M . Jukes 12 A . Hewitt 13 S . Rose 14 J . Bun n
15 M . Roberts 16 C. Eabry 17 J . Miller 18 A. Topakas 19 A. Parkin 20 J . Guest 21 L. Boyd 22 A . Waddell 23 M. Berry (VC) 24 C . Berry 26 C. Kennedy 27 O . Boyd 28 S . Rabbitt 29 M . Ward 30 I . McMulli n 31 J . Hart 32 A . McDougall 33 G. Dixon 34 C . Ellis 35 D . Brown 36 A . McKeon 37 R . Mulquiney 38 A. Michel l 39 J . Rigg 40 S . Crow 40 W. Phillips 41 G . Wilhelm 41 B . Melin 42 P. Theodore 42 D. Scalia 43 T. Cloke 43 R . Plecher 44 P. Thompson 44 A. Kirkwood-Scott 45 Z . Useinov 45 N . Hil l 46 P. Langford-Jones 46 S . Topakas 47 J . Kuri a 47 S . Brown 48 S . Saunders 48 C . Jenkin s 49 R . Goulden 49 T. Stuckey (C) 50 A. Bonwick 50 P. Marini s 51 P. Dimond 51 C. Banks 52 D. Reid 52 B . Campbell 53 C . Pountney 54 D . Scaunich 53 A . Bains 54 M. Thiele 54 I. Paterson 55 L . Byrns 55 S . Murray 56 D. Webb 56 A . Hunt 57 M . Wray 57 M . Peers 58 R . McMaster 58 S. Giglia 59 L . Hardeman 60 J. Amitrano 59 J . Raftopolous 61 A. Hall 60 H . Marshall 62 R. Thornton 61 J. Sallaban k 65 C . Dowling 62 W. Hauserman 63 L. Col e 64 P. Mills The Marine
The Angel Tavern Gryph Inn
~ Section OLD C TCSO H R
: tn/ayne Harm s Czech : David McCormack
K . Stokes B . Phillip s 3 C . Hoskin g T. Holt (VC) R . Price (VC) 6 L . McDonnell 7 J . Kitchen C . Reid A. Boyd ,0 J . Kerr 11 M, Angus 12 S . Hume 13 N. Hooper 14 D. Norman 15 M . O'Brien 16 A . Spee d 17 S . Woodhouse 18 S . Collin s 19 S . Spiden 20 T. Wilson 21 S . Gibbs 22 C . Heath 23 0 . Crane 24 L . Hawkins 25 T. Pritchard 26 A. Crow 27 R . Armstrong 28 N . Thompson 29 M. Weber 30 J . Laird 31 A. Smith 32 T. Gross 33 S . Eustice 34 G . Eagl e 35 S . Steele (C) 36 A . Millar 37 J . Smyth 38 R . Eagle 39 M . Starick 40 A . Warner 41 A . Castricum 42 S . Duthi e 43 J . Paterson 44 M . Gwynn 45 M . Blenheim 46 S. Penton 47 T. Rei d 48 P. Davis 49 D . Thomas 50 C . Tindale 51 A. Faichney 52 A. Lines 53 S . Milliken 54 A . Seymour 55 A . Mitchell 56 T. Wilmot 57 N . Morris 58 G . Boy d 59 A . Walkom 60 M . Weber 63 T. Gray 66 H . Thomas
OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Ti m O'Shaughnessy Res. Coach : Michael Plant 1 M . Blood (C )
2 3 4 5
M . Bourke L. Hanneberry D . Landrigan (VC) A . Heil
6 A . Keyhoe 7 S . Lethlean 8 M . Holmes 9 G. Hatfield 10 C . Kelly
11 Adam Jones 12 J . Bowen (VC) 13 L. Gladman 14 D . Stoney 15 J . Taylor 16 L. Ford 17 D. Richardson (VC )
18 S . Hunter 19 D. Stean 20 M . Hardman 21 T.Ockleshaw 22 A . Bourke 23 B . Berry 24 B . Coughlan 25 P. Lechte 26 S . Tucker 27 L. Fay 29 S . Wood 30 D . Dan n 31 L . Tuddenham 32 A . Brushfleld 33 A. Sassi 34 B. Healy 35 S. Hede 36 P. Barrett 37 J . Hawkins 38 T. James 39 N . Ockleshaw 40 R . Ryan
41 A. Dillon 42 T. Fleming 43 T. Woodruff 47 J . Kay 48 R. Hall 49 R. Dillon 50 J . Drake 51 D . Wals h 52 S . Connellan 53 M . Diamond 54 R . Jones 55 P. Salter 56 A . Belli 57 R . Ralph 58 M . Fennessy 66 P. Panagiotopoulos
ST BERNARDS Coach : Garry Foulds P--s. Coach: David Law 1 A. Gray 1 A . Capes 2 J . Hardwick 2 S . Gray 3 A . Brebne r 4 V. Comito (VC) 5 Joe Mount 6 C . Wood 7 S . Perrett 8 L . Vassallo 9 J. Kenned y 10 N . Mitchell (VC) 10 G. Matthews 11 P. Capes 12 B. Hogan 13 S. McKeon 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 Andrew Merrington 16 P. Freeman 17 B. Swann 18 P. Hayes 19 L. Gollant (C) 20 T. Sheehan 21 B . Loughli n 22 Adam Merrington 23 G . Collin s 24 G . DeMamiel 25 M . Talbot 26 J . Gollant (VC) 26 M . Overman 27 A . Nathan 28 P. Gilmour 29 J . Overman (VC) 30 J . DeBono 31 M . Farmer 32 T. Harvey 33 R . Nutter 34 S . Daffey 35 M . Juricskay 36 C . Bond 37 A. Catterall 38 D . McAllister 39 S. Donelly 40 D . Abfalter 41 B. Overman 42 T. Paradowski 43 C . Davis 44 S. Taylor 45 M. Tankey 46 C . Byrne 47 G . Cusack 48 B . DeBono 49 S . Byrne 50 N. Lynch 51 R. Doolan 52 L. Overman 53 D. Law
54 D. Thomas 55 M . Hande 56 L. Rogers 57 P. Rogerson 58 S . Jawolski
ST KEVINS Coach : Tim Hart Res. Coach: Hartley Stone 1 N . Hart 2 J . D ynan 3 M . Bra d
4 W. KeiqXran 5 M . Dolfman (C) 6 D. Ciavol a 7 B . Kennedy 8 B . Dollman 9 D . Smith 10 N . Fraser 11 D . Ryan 12 M . Rizio 13 R . Bowles 14 L. Mahoney 15 M . Oliv e 16 B . Garvey 17 M . Terzirn 18 A . Wise 19 D . Sheehy 20 P. O'Keefe 21 J . Sibilia 22 J . Macey 23 S. Lowerson 24 S. Powell 25 B. Marusic 26 A. Bevac ua 27 R . Gross~C) 28 M . Farquharson 29 A. Mount 30 D . Curti s 31 A. McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor 33 G . Mulcahy 34 P. Scarfo 35 A. Thomas 36 D . Kennedy 37 S . Kennedy 38 J . Bateman 39 S . Gribble 40 A . Ha rt 41 J . Hassett 42 J . Pan g razio 43 D . McArdle 44 D . Moylan 45 D . Waight 46 J . Fogarty 47 B . Quir k 48 S . McConnell 50 S . Kurin g 51 J. Darcy 52 J. Finch 54 S . Game 55 B . Callery 56 M . Pangrazio 57 C . Bossong 58 I . Hewi tt 59 N . Sweeneyrtrt 60 J . Goldswo hy 61 J . Lynch 62 N . Goldswo hy 63 J . Herma n 65 T. Bare 66 A. Morgan 67 B . Day 68 D . McNair 69 M . Ryan 70 M . McArdle 71 T. Salisbu ry 88 S . Young
John Allan's Golden Fleece Hotel Sth . Melbourne ~ stM PSOiV 622 Mt . Alexander Rd . Moonee Ponds 9326 1799
UNIVERSITY BLUES Coach : Andrew Smith Res. Coach : Pat Mackey 1 D . Slimmon 2 J . Staritski 3 J . Sturrock 4 D. Guengerich 6 S . Longle y 7 D . Hayter 8 N . Byrne 9 S . Meade (VC) 10 D . Maplestone 12 B . Blood (C) 13 G . Evans 15 M . Kordick 16 C . STewart 17 G. de Crespigny 18 S. Alexander 20 R . Polkinghorne 20 Z . McCarty 22 P. Sheehan 23 T. Wilcox 23 B . Furphy 24 P. Fairbank 26 C . Miles 27 B . Fricker 30 M . Coleman 33 L. Tweedle 34 J . McKinnon 35 A . Bake r 36 L. Morison 37 A .Lennen 39 B . Bohun 40 B . Miller 41 M . Keely 42 D . Key s 43 J . McIntos h 44 R . Featherstone 45 G. McLachlan 46 T Johnso n 47 S . Brockley 49 D . sTrack 50 H . Nailon 52 J . Clarke 53 R . Versteegen 55 J . House 56 M . Belford 57 T. Irvine 58 M . Wyrzykowski 59 L. Fehrin g 60 D . Edwards 62 N . Taylor 63 G . Kluge 65 R. Benjamin 66 S . Grace 67 D . McAloon 68 M . Wallace
B SECTIO N by Michael Georg e REVIEW The completion of the split round saw Old Ivanhoe's winning run continue, notching up their fifth win in a row against Therry Penola last weekend which takes them to third place on the ladder . Old Ivanhoe got on top early . kicking five in the first quarter and Therry Penola never really looked like reeling them in . The tag team combination of Jarrod Weddle and James Hope changing between the ruck and forward line proved to be a handful for Therry's backline with Weddle kicking seven goals and Hope booting four for the day . Old Ivanhoe also had winners at ground level with George Haros and Adam Jenkins both working hard around the packs. Therry stuck at the task and their better players included Crockford, Egglestone and Castaldi . Ormond dominated the game against Old Paradians for three quarters but after a late Paradians revival only just hung on to win by 10 points . Ormond got off to a good start kicking six goals to OP's two behinds in the first quarter and this trend continued for the next two quarters . Ormond's pressure and ability to get numbers to the ball saw them winning the ball and creating scoring opportunities. Mark Gilmore and Andrew Jobling were shutting down the OP forward line and rover David Turner was creating havoc both around the ground and on the scoreboard, kicking five goals . At three quarter time the home side held a 43 point lead and it appeared to be a case of how far Ormond . However after some successful motivation at the break Old Paradians came out in the last quarter and attacked relentlessly, booting seven goals to Ormond's one giving the home side a serious fright . Harrison snared four goals for OP and Brabender . Ball and O'Loughlin were solid contributors . PREVIEWS ORMOND V. MARCELLIN Ormond are at the crossroads for this year with a "must win" clash against the competition leaders, Marcellin. When their midfield is firing Ormond take some stopping but throughout the year they have struggled to put four quarters together. Marcellin also have a number of handy midfield players in Dinneen, Cox and Waters and have consistent scoring options in Treganowan and Purcell which should give them the edge in this contest . Marcellin by 23 points . OLD PARADIANS V. MHSO B
MHSOB travel to VAFA headquarters to face the unpredictable Old Paradians in another game which 6
will shape the final I ! four. MHSOB stumbled at Ivanhoe Park a fortnight ago and will need a greater outpu t from their fonvards if they are to get over the It this clash . Old Paradians have shown in recent v they are the "wildcard" of the competition and if can stay with MHSOB they are a big chance . Old Paradians by I I points. IVANHOE V. NOB S The North Old Boys travel to Ivanhoe Park to f rejuvenated Ivanhoe combination whose recent over MHSOB last round underlines that they ar pushover at home. Ivanhoe have a number of running players and with Williams back in the square they look more likely to kick winning sc( However NOBs also got their season back on track a convincing win last round against Old Trinity ai they can maintain that form they should grab one NOBs by 14 points . MAZENOD V. THERRY PENOLA Mazenod have made steady progress in the sec half of the year but will be keen to maintain their br on Therry and Ivanhoe and should win at ho Although Therry still have the capacity to surprise the NOBs discovered a few weeks ago and if Petrevski and the forward line fires they will pi Mazenod all the way . Mazenod by 21 points . OLD TRINITY V. OLD IVANHOE The form reads like chalk and cheese, with Ivanhoe surging towards the finals and Old Trinit season apparently grinding to a halt . Old Trinity r have used the break to regroup and will regain a nui her of regular senior players for the clash including f forward Stickland, but they face an Old Ivanhoe cox bination who are playing a confident brand of footb, and unless Old Trinity can counter Weddle and Hope is hard to see them turning it around this week , Old Ivanhoe by 22 points.
! l~±ls``_ Mazenod - Congratulations to Dave Murray (150 David Krom (100) and Marcus Welch (50) who haN all reached their respective tallies recently. All ha4 been fine contributors both on and off the field and w look forward to the next 50 from each of you . Well don from all at Mazenod . .® TtJC nainTr•~r
.~ .~~---
SENIORS - 2 5.07 .98
36 36 29 27
ORMOND 6.0 9.3 14 .4 15.7.97 OLD PARADIANS 0.2 3.4 8 .7 13.9.87 Ormond: D. Turner 5 . Beckett 4 . A. Grace. Marnw, Bvron . HorsBeid. James . Whelan . Best : Jobling . h4eConvlll . D. Twner. Gilmore . Byion . Comtell. Old Peradians : Harrison 4. Gate 3 . Brullo 2, Brabender. Panallka O'Loughlin. Stevens. Best: Brabender, O'Loughlin, Ball . Harris. Gale. Heffernan. THERRY PENOLA 2.1 3.2 5.5 7 .6.48 OLD NANHOE 5.3 11.7 17.10 22 .11 .143 Therry Penola: Thrush. vaina. Crockfad. Elliott. Moloney. Petnskt . S. Hollorv. Best: CrociSord. Egglstone . Castaldf. Boyle . Finnigan, S . Hollom. Old Ivenhoe. J. Weddle 7. Hope 4. R. Weddle 3. Stewart 3, Shaddbolt . Laehran . Tieman . Tully. Hares. Best: Jenkins. Veal, Haras . Hope. J. Weddle . A . Egan .
RESERVES -- 25 .07.98 ORMOND 1 .1 8 .3 12.5 16.7.103 OLD PARADIANS 1 .2 2 .3 4.5 5.8.38 Ormond: Smith 5 . Keath 3 . Dimadamos 2 . King 2 . Percoco 2 . Steaart . Brow•n. Best : Woodland . Block . Smith . Cowtnev, Brennan. Barton. Old Paradians: Stuckev 2 . Moore . Baird. Truslove. Best : Mulligan . Truslrn^e.m Baird . R}an . S . Wallis. Inv . 2.0 8 .1 7.4 7.4.48 THERRYPENOLA OLD IVANHOE 4.8 7 .8 7.10 8.13.61 Therry Penola: Stevens 3 . La Fanotalne 2. bill'sud. D . Goodwin . Best: S . Sacco. Pumer. O'Neill . Carter. Barton . Hewitt. Old Ivanhoe: Kobe 4 . D. Craker. T. Cormaek. Agushi 2 . Best: T. Agustll. N. Harris. C. Ferguson. Keneally. Kobe . A . Weisz .
ORMOND v . MARCELLIN Field : Damien Lane Darren Dalgleish Boundary : Rohan Devers Goal : Robert Parry Robert Streager OLD PARADIANS v . MHSOB - at EP Saturday Field : Brendan Allen James Van Beek (R) Boundary : Cameron Stewart Anthony Paterson Goal: Stephen Leahy Ken Coughlan IVAlYHOE v . NORTH OLD BOYS Field : Heath Little Geoff Curran Goal : John Kelly Vin Vescovi
MAZENOD 0 C v . THERRY PENOLA Field : Adam Kiel Andrew Chapman Goal: Malcolm Venn Robert Dunsta n OLD TRINITY v . OLD IVANHOE Field :a Mark Gibson (R) Phil Callil Goal : Bernie Dix John Finn
ara la s v. M®®® ® .
(match highlights and panel discussion of this match shown on Channel 31 Saturday 8 August, 12 .00 noon - 1 .30 pm)
Live B Grade Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m. every Saturday lst August Old Paradians 8th August Marcellin OC 15th August Old Paradians
V. V. V.
MHSOB (E.P.) Old Paradians North Old Boy s
Half Time and Full Time Score Hotline 9457 1718
B Section IVANHOE Coach : Doni Valloarris Res. Coach: Rob Pearce
1 D. Williams 2 L. Hull-Brown 2 J . Di Santo 3 C. Tucker (C) 4 D . Valkanis 4 R . Toogood 5 P. Manuel 6 I . Taglieri-Sclocchi 7 P. Rawley 8 S . Saunders 9 N . Thackwray 10 P. Lee 11 J . Finlayson 12 B . FinlaYso n 12 D . Ryan 13 S . Narkiewicz 14 P. Flyn n 15 J . O 'Driscoll 16 M . Scuderi 17 K. Moussa 18 T. Scoble 19 R . Stewart 19 R . Duncan 20 D . Sartor 21 L. Blackwood 22 R . Angelini 23 T. O'Neill 24 P. Harris 25 J . Frisina 26 S . Fairweather 27 J . Hoffman 28 J . Pace 29 D . Schultz 30 M . Sloan 31 D . McFarlane 32 J . Lynch 33 S . McGowan 34 B . Joyce 35 P. Whitehead 36 M . Moussa 37 C . Giankoulidis 38 T. Thomson 39 M . Ebbag e 40 B . Frew 41 C . McDonald 42 T. Timms 44 P. Martin 45 J . Raywood 46 T. Healy
47 E . Marin o 48 B . White 49 A. Rosenfeld 50 D . Jacks 51 B . Giles 52 S . Doherty 53 M . Chazan 55 L. Pearce 56 FE Raffoul 57 D . Allaide 58 D .Rattray-Wood 59 M . Faho u r 60 E . Krischker 64 C . Jackson 66 FA Raffoul 68 J . Owen 69 J . Mazzocca
73 P. Merory 78 C . Brown
MARCELLIN Coach: Tony Pa&.ch Res. Coach: Dave Howe
1 C . Slattery 2 M . Karavisils 3 D . Waters (C) 3 J . Golds 4 M . Gill 5 M . Moran D. McNeil 6 D. p Sam mon 7 M . Rowe 7 J . Lilley 8 R . Frisina 9 M . Day 11 D . Taylor 12 B . Cronin 13 T. Collins 14 A . Domingo 15 N . Godwin 15 L . Bettiol 16 J. Wallis 17 G. Cox 18 A . Caffry 19 D . Cooper 20 S. O'flynn 21 C . Mason 22 D . Marson 23 P. Chambers 24 M . Randazzo 25 M . Stokes 26 M . BoYse n 27 S . Theisz 28 A. Mayfield 29 S . Beattie 30 A . Treganowan 31 S . Boysen 32 R. Colussi 33 J . Phillips 34 D . Harberts 35 N . Armstrong 36 P. Healy Y 37 A . O' Connell
39 D . Dodoricio 40 J . Dema 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen 43 C . Purcell 43 J . Tsoukas 44 D . Merton 45 M . Vanlint 46 L . O ' Flynn 47 G . Carpenter 48 A. Wilkinson 49 L . Getson 50 D. Ciro 51 B. Colville 53 M . O'Sullivan 57 B . Day
M .H .S .O .B .
Coach: Rob Prosser Reserve: Tony cotlns
Coach: Wanen Fail Res . Coach: CaM Drake
Coach: Frm* DumeN Res Coach: Darm Caddy
1 P. Robinson 2 J . Ballenger 2 M . Peters 3 W. McLea n 4 A . Hanley 5 W. Occhiuto 6 N . Marmo 6 A . Smyth 7 S . Morgan 8 D . Carter 9 M . Murray (VC) 10 M . O'Hara 11 T. Smith 12 S. Noble 12 P. McCusker 13 T. Bridgland 14 G . Young 15 D . Horban 16 D . Healy 17 A. Mercer 17 N . Meehan 18 D . O'Donaghue
1 J. Bamert 2 A . Howard 2 J . Wilson 3 D . Woodle y 3 J . Goldin 4 M. King 4 D . Fleming 5 C . Young 6 S. Grimmer 6 G . Theobald 7 J . Pertzel (C) 7 A. Barge
1 C. McKay 2 M . Dru m 3 S . Mannass a 4 S . Slee p 5 B . Devine 6 M . Robinson 7 P. Booth N (VC ) 8 B . Collison (Vi 9 L . Curry 10 S . McGrath 11 J . Quilty 12 S. Lock 13 M . Lyons 14 S. Cheshire 15 P. Kearne y 16 K. Lo w 17 M . Maguir e 18 C . Murray 19 B . Jordan 20 M . Gravin a 21 J . Curren 22 M . Connelly 23 P. O'Dwyer 24 J . Barke r 25 P. Christia n 26 J . Roberts 27 S . Wals h 28 D . O'Farrel l 29 D . Boye r 30 M . Leig h 31 L . Boyle (C) 32 J . Lowri e 33 M . Orianu k 34 O. Abraham s 35 L . Curren 36 D . Tonki n 37 S . Mikund a 38 D . Nihi l 39 D . Hil l 40 D . Taylo r 41 G . Burn s 42 S . Reinman n 43 M . Fennell y 44 T. Spurling 45 B . Pawse y 46 I . Taleb 47 S . Vavallo 48 M . Anderso n 52 T Jamieso n 53 D. Nihil l 54 A . Trimbol i 55 D . Timms 56 R. Pavlov 57 B . Allman 58 P. Fish 59 J . Bugela 60 S . Presto n 61 B . Pentland
19 S . McMullin
20 C. Murray 21 S . Polan 22 D. Sherloc k 23 A . Tucker 24 D . Nisbet 24 M . De Palma 25 A . King 26 J . Dunne 27 D . Krom 28 N . Little 29 R . Sharp 30 S . Fisher (C) 31 N . Snart 32 S . Paolucci 32 P. Fotiniotis 33 A . Quinn 34 M . Pollard 35 J . Fisher 36 M . Thek 37 G . Trig g 38 G . Mitc hell 39 B. Vincent 40 J . Le Grand B. Welch 42 B. Clifford 43 C . Wylie 44 M . Mastromanno 44 D . Bolle 45 M . Ryan 46 D . Spreckley 47 P. E g an 48 A . 0 Neale 49 L. Halvy 50 C. Vinen t 51 D . Murphy 52 M . Quirk 53 S . O'Sullivan 55 M . Quirk 56 M . Welch 57 S . Yacoub 58 J . Moran 58 A . Rogers 60 M . Le Couteur 61 M . Daivs 62 A. McDowel l 66 D . Johnson 67 S . Dresser 69 B. Harper 70 G . Bye 71 D . Huggins
8 J . Garner
9 D . Fairchild (C) 9 D . Come r 10 D . Skinner 10 M . Clowes 11 J . Winch 11 I . Birkett 12 S . McCully 12 M . Feferkranz 13 A . Preece 14 M . Waycott 15 J . Schipper 15 B . Ansell 16 A . Clark e 17 P. O'Brien 18 B . Axford 20 R . Barlett 21 A . Capp 21 G. Mclardie 22 A . Lindsay 22 M . Zaghloul 23 R . Williams 24 S . Harries 24 G . Wilso n 25 S. Albon 26 S. Harrison 27 P . Hunt 28 B. Betheras 28 T. Lawrence 29 P. Albergo 29 C . Drake 30 R . Newton 31 N . Fahey 32 A . Cassel l 32 M . Konstanty 33 A . Saultry 34 E . Thompson 35 R. Limbrick 36 M . Fitzsimon 37 R . McIntyre 38 C. Millar 38 D . Waterhouse 39 R . Clowes 40 W. Hayes 41 B . Cookman 42 P. Spottiswood 43 M . Halliday 44 B . Archdall 45 D . Senn 46 R . Peters 46 A. Holland 47 G . Best 48 M . Sharples 49 D . Harvey 52 B. McGrath 53 J . Newto n 61 M . Pretty 64 I. Gillespie
r ~~
62 A . McHai g
McKechni e 63 R . Gal e 69 J. Joyce 70 J . Presti 77 S. Trenton
OIVANHOE ;OLD Glascctt ech: t7ak Jo tes A. Corcoran A. Pappos M . Johnston A. Parker (C) D. Toll T. Young J. Turner S. Kent J . Luk L. Lochran T. Steven s M . Karayannis M . Veal S. Tully A. Egan D. Spiden N. Russian S. Kingston G . Douglas M . Woods P. Northey J . Hope A. Barker M . Power J . Mansfield P. Donaldson T. Phali n M . Stewart G . Haros (VC) C. Moore J . Maycock D. Craker J . Weddle D. Kennelly A. Jenkin s R. Weddle (VC) E . Brophy A. Atkinson N. Harris T. Cormack A. Tiernan M . Pollock L. McLean M . Tsirmiris R. Weisz 0. Stott A. Kobe Gerry George Gary George P. Marti n L. Taylor T. Cornish A . Randall T. Agushi D. Veal J . Wei r G . Mclsaac C. Corcoran B . Shadbolt P. Golding T. Robinson J . Arnold L. Waddell A . Sullivan B . Elsworth D . Hackney N . Cox C . King D . Super A . Weisz
Regency Pharmacy ZitechCompute r
Peripherals Travell ers Apparel
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Peul Fahcy Res. Coach: Torry Regan 1 S. Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin 4 S. Phil p
5 MP. Geary 6 B. Pannam 7 P. Cosgriff 8 P. Zappa 9 P. Harris 10 P. Brabender (C) 11 A. Burn s 12 S. Wallis 13 D . Stevens 14 B. Brabender 15 A. Vecchio 16 M . Godfrey 17 B. Hart 19 A. Brullo 20 J . Willits 21 B. Clayton 22 A. Dianati 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 26 M .B . Geary 27 K. Jenkins 28 J . Holland 29 S. Dowlan 30 T. Mulligan 31 L . Galvin 32 P. Digney 33 M . Harrison 35 M . Gale
37 L . Rocchiccioli 38 F. Papaluca 39 P. Rei d 40 J . Holland 41 G . Porteous 41 M . Szewczuk 42 T. Clayton 43 P. Heal y
44 P. Joyc e 45 T. McMahon 46 B. Flyn n
47 N . Ball 48 M . Joyce 48 S. Youn g 49 M. Hildebrand 50 M. Williams 52 A. Villanti 54 S. Signorini 56 M . Ryan 57 S. Moore 59 L . Sinclair 72 D . Truslove
FINER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St., Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722
OLD TRINITY Coach: Bernard Dunn Res. Coach: Phil Robson
1 S . Kennedy (VC) 2 G . Hudso n 3 A . Allibo n 4 J . Arrowsmith 6 R. Heat h 7 D. Balaszy (VC) 8 S . Dalrympl e 9 A . Andrews 10 M . Shaughnessy 11 A . Richard s 12 T. Peggie 13 J . Cade 14 J . Stickland 15 T. Stephens 16 C. Barr 17 D . Burrows 18 D. Vargo 19 A . Sheehan 20 C. Phillips 21 L. Kennedy 22 D . Beardsle y 23 A . Ramsden (VC) 24 T. Morpeth 25 F. Cameron 26 D . Robinson 27 L. Clarke 28 C. Butler 29 A . Seal y 30 L. Taylor 31 S . Bladeni 32 D. Glass 33 D. Heighten 34 L. Bennie 35 M . Pawsey 36 J . Sutcliffe 37 S . Medlin 38 R. Phillips (C) 39 P. Johnson 40 S . Beamish 41 S . Lauletta 42 M . Thornton 43 J . Bee t 44 B . Power 45 N . King 46 M . Beamish 47 P. Beet
48 C. Smith 49 K . Tsonis 50 J . Adgemis 51 M . Boy d 52 L. Seaburgh 53 S . Torrens 54 A . Grisbrook 55 J . Levy 56 P. Chido 57 B . Alford 58 W . Somerville 59 E . Bes t 60 A . Chiodo 61 R. Sella 62 S . Wyke 63 J . Marc 64 J . Pickett 65 J . Hannemann 66 A . Lode
ORMOND Coach: Stephen Grace Rea Coach: Tim Hik 1 A . Jobling 2 C. Symes 3 A, Orr
4 A . Grace 5 B . Turne r 6 T. Gallagher 7 B . Connell (C) 8 M . Gilmore
9 R. Woodland 10 P. Marnow 11 D. Edgel l 12 N . Werner 13 D. Turner 14 S . James 15 D . Connell 16 T. Stewart 17 P. Joy
18 W. Block 19 D . Cleary 20 M . McConvil l (VC) 21 J . Brown 22 R. Bloc k 23 P. McDonald 24 J . Collin s 25 D . Beckett 26 H . Brown 27 T. Brennan 28 B . Collins 29 D . Whelan 30 N . Wells 31 B . Egan 32 T. Fimmel l 33 L. Livingstone 34 R. Remman 35 G. Baile y 36 S . Mackey 38 Paul Milner 39 J . Byron 41 D. Billing 42 C. Keleher 43 S . Corben 44 M . Mabbe tt 45 D. Bart on 46 C. Cleary 47 R. Keating 48 G. Smith 49 M . Horsfieid 50 C. Day
51 G . King 52 N . Cou rtney 53 G . Hammond 54 S . Herman 56 M . Farrel l 57 S . Haines 58 M . Collins 59 P. Konstanty 60 P. Ahearn 61 B . Keath 62 M . Stielow 63 M . Goldberg
TI-iERRY PENOLA Coach: Terry Quinn oach : ChrisxResC Do 1 M . Petrevski
1 I . Van Engelen 2 M . Finniga n 3 S . Bannister 4 M . Elliot 5 S . Sacco 6 J . Vain a 7 A. Moloney 8 L. Hollow 9 M . Grocock 10 R . Egglestone 10 R . Bannister 11 J . Hutchinson 12 R. Moran 12 B . Crockford 13 J . Thrush 14 M . Hewitt 15 G . Pinner 16 M . Goodwin (VC) 17 G . O'Conno r 17 R. Lyons 18 B . Carter 19 L. Kloster 20 J . Clarke 21 D. O'Neill 22 S . Griggs 23 C. Bye 24 S . Kuret 24 M . Juric 25 M . Postma 26 G . Carbis 27 B . Stephens 28 D. Barron 29 30 31 32
S . Goodwin M . Tadanic S . Hollow J . Sacco
33 N . La Fontaine 34 T. Morris 35 S . O'Halloran 36 D. Boyl e 37 D. Castaldi (C) 39 S . Boyle 40 P. Garoni 41 M . Crotty 42 M . Gauci 42 E . Mifsud 43 M . Warren 45 T. Denman 46 B . Phillips 47 D . Goodwi n
GOODYEAR Auto ServiceCertd+e 37CaaFcOi.eTutrTai e3743 Phone: (03) 9335 1876
C SECTION by Russell Gould
e have a bit of a bottleneck at the top of both the reserves ladder, and also the seniors goalkicking . Adam Acreman's 10 has taken him to 78, and within sight of another ton, as is Tony Macgeorge . who sits on 81 with three games and maybe finals to go . And in the Two's, well, three teams sit equal on points atop the ladder, the team in fourth just two points behind . No predictions from here . Review - Round 15 .
In the only real close match of the round, the clash for fourth spot was won by St .Bedes Mentone Tigers who outgunned a dogged Old Geelong side to the tune of 22 points in a rugged clash at Mentone oval . The game was played at a furious pace early, both sides throwing everything they had into the opening two terms, and it was reflected on a very even scoreboard . The Oggers were doing their best to unsettle the Tigers, but the home side had revenge on their mind, the early season loss firm in their minds, and in the third term, they responded . They kicked six goals to two take a very handy four goal lead into the last, the Oggers with the job in front of them . Again it was physical, neither side wanting to lose, and the Oggers rallied to get to within 12 points. But with Mark Neeld's influence restricted to the sidelines, his boys just didn't have enough . The Tigers again settled and kicked some late goals to put the result beyond doubt, and move a game clear in fourth spot . At Bennettswood, Old Mentonians again used a single quarter burst to distance themselves from their opponents, this week St. Leos, and then held them off for the rest of the game to record a healthy 42 point victory. It was seven goals to nil in the first ten minutes of the game that proved the difference, both sides scoring ten goals after quarter time . The Two Blues kicked 1 .6 in the third to blow any chance they had of reducing the margin . the Panthers also inaccurate though. ending the match with 18 . 17. In contrast to that. Adam Acreman booted 10.2 to be the most dominant player on the ground, in what was, apart from the first ten minutes, a very even affair. Beaumaris firmed as flag favourites after demolishing third placed Hampton Rovers by 72 points at a fine but slippery Bluff Road oval . As has become customary, the Sharks jumped out of the blocks in a fast paced first quarter, and had five goals before the Rovers had one . The Rovers though fought back in the second, and some quality play got them four goals and within one, before the Sharks again steadied and stretched the half time lead to 16 points, the Rovers still in with a shot . The second half though belonged to the Sharks . They put the Rovers under physical pressure all over the ground, and although the Rovers big men were doing well, they had few to complement them . The Sharks on the other hand had winners all over, especially up for-
ward, where they continually scored goals to bust the game right 11 'A/ open and take it easily in the end. In the Bear fight, it was the boys from Banyule continued their late season good form, defeating a lant Thomastown side by 72 points at Banyule . first quarter was an even one, both teams having a amount of possession, the Banyule side though 1 early sway, up by 10 points at the break. Thomasti continued to have a lot of possession, but were wa ful, Banyule better than that and they were up by 2 the half. The third was a low scoring one, both trealyfighnard,butginBayulemdab e impression on the board, and were up by 37 at the change . Banyule got the first goal of the last term, from then on controlled all of the play to run away ti the game, and record a convincing victory . St .Kilda South Caulfield added to Bullei Templestowe's season of woe, inflicting their sec 100 plus point loss of the season, defeating them 102 points in a very one-sided clash at Murrumbee The Saints outscored the Bullants in all but the tl term, kicking 9 goals in the first and 8 in the las dominate proceedings and put the thought in their s porter's minds that maybe they should have done a de better this season . For Bulleen/Temp, the next it weeks are a chance to show some character and go fighting, but relegation in two out of the past three ye should prove a hard pill to swallow . Preview - Round 16 . It's 2 v 3 at Keysborough . Old Mentonians hosi a Hampton Rovers side in desperate need of a win, only to make sure they make the fmals . but also to i their 3 game losing streak. The Panther's big guns f last week, and I think that bodes as an ominous sign the Rovers who may have peaked early . The Panther, win . Bulleen/Templestowe go home to face an a1w willing to give it their all St. Leos side . Anyone who . watched the Two Blues this year knows they do drop their heads . They always make the opposit earn their win or loss . The Bullants on the other ha well two 100 plus point losses in one season is not go considering the inflictors were not the top teams . T will be close I think, but the Two Blues should win . The rampaging Sharks go back home to face the fire Banyule Bears. The Bears have won their le three . including two quality wins, and in their m . They wo nitheyarslcnomkethfur the spaces of EP, and that bodes well for a trip to Bea However. I don't think that will be enough . the Sha not wanting to lose one at home. and they won't he r Old Geelong will be fighting to keep their fin
vho gatThe fair teld nvn steat tms tier fast tnd rith :n/ )nd by na, lird : to aplitree Dut ars
ing not !nd red for > to lys las lot ion id, A. his on ast As on ry. •ks e. als
pc alive, this week hosting St .Kilda South C2ulfield . The Oggers gave it their all last week, but i t enough . The Saints on the other hand won big. I honestly think the Saints should have done some more damage this year, and they will beat the Oggers llo's older legs are starting to look weary . Finally, the St .Bedes Mentone Tigers follow up their club lifting win over those Oggers make the long trip out to Thomastown to face a now severely disiieartened Bears side, now staring down the barrel of a ar in 'D' in '99 . The Tigers have done what it takes t o in the last couple, the Bears using all the heart they have to battle their games out. The Tigers though are warming up for a likely finals campaign, and should v, in here. . _ :..
_ .
.. __ _ . ... . . _. , __ .". r
St . Leos Emmaus - Congratulations to Justin Vaughan on reaching 100 games on July 25 . In an interrupted career Jav has proved to be a valuable asset to the Two Blues both on and off the field . Thomastown - congratulations to Tony Fellows on reaching 350 games. Winner of VAFA B&F awards in D and E Sections, as well as VAFA representation, numerous club B&F's as well as captaining the club for 10 seasons. A tine clubman and excellent example to all both on and off the field . Well done Tony. Also Paul Colosimo reaches 150 games for the club . A solid performer for the seniors in recent times . well done Paul.
45 43 40 34
BANYULE v . OLD MENTONIAN S ST . BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v . BEAUMARIS OLD GEELONG v . THOMASTOWN MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"
SENIORS - 25 .07.98 HAMPTON ROVERS 2.2 6 .6 8.9 10 .11 .71 BEAUMARIS 5.4 9 .4 15.8 22 .11 .143 Hampton Rovers: Davey 5 . Anderson . McGregor. McKellar. C. Ferguson. Natoli. Best : Davev. S . Anderson. Martm C . Ferguson . Wills. D. Artv. Beatmtaris: Pitts 5 . Vance 4 . Mahmoud 3. MWs 2. Quin 2. Catlin. Ensor . Groves, Mitchell. Nicholson. Nish . Best: Pitts . Catlin . Groves . Vaughan . Fraser. guul . ST LEOS EMMAUS 2.2 7 .4 8 .6 12 .11 .83 OLD MENTONIANS 8.7 12 .13 15 .14 18 .17.125 St Leos Emmains: Pecora 3. Graws 2 . L'au~tan 2 . B6mlYcl. DINColanlont0. hicKenzie. Rose. Thontas . Best: Bmnuei. Rose . auP}ran . Burgess. Darcy . Willis. Old Mentonians: Acreman 10 . Ferguson 3 . FYaskis 2 Bortrnon . Dart . Riley. Best: Acreman . Eotunon. 7tccntyman. B. Murphy. Ferguson . Brooks . ST KIIAA SOUTH CAULFILED 9.7 14.9 19 .12 27 .14 .176 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 1 .0 3.1 9 .2 12 .2 .74 St Kilda South Caulfield: Gfhnore 6. Bucklev 4 . Green 4 . MeGaw 4 . Hasell . Vamraku 3 . Di.vnond. Heutcke . Neesan. Best :-Gilmore. Tkocz. Buckiet•. btcgaw. C . Neeson.Astapenko. BuBeen Templestoue Matthews 6. McLaren 2. Tulloch. C. Parris. Snuth . Daloglio. Best : Ttdloch. A. Parris. MatOteus . George. Hare . Todd. BANYULE 6.5 10.11 15.15 22.19 .151 THOMASTOWN 5 .1 7.7 10.8 11 .13.79 Banynle: Plaliair 4. J . Plant 3 . Kayroaz 3. J . McDermott 3. Gillian 2. L . Shecan . Welsh. Woodlock . OBricn . T. E an . R. t4'BHams . D. Witchcll. Best: Willmore. J . Plant. Doltertc. D . N7tehell . L. ~heean. Thomastowri: P. Colosvno 3 . Plant 3. A. Ward 3 . Capeci. Holmes. Best: Feltlous, P. Colosmto. Pougios . Holmes . Gentis . B}TOn . ST BEDES fliENTONE TIG . 3 .0 6.4 11.6 13.13.91 OLD GEELONG 3 .2 5.7 6.8 10.9.69 St Bedes Meatone Tig .: Machcorge 6. Ryder 4. Giaquinta. Hayes . A. Turner. Best: GiaquUua . Za4nc. Ryder . T. Beasley. Hayes. Mac~eorge . Old Geelong: P. Handburrv~ 3 . J. Wilson 2. Poole. Srmth . Paul. Vickers-Willis. Edge . Best: LLiscos . Poole. Vickers-Willis . Farmer. P. Handburv .
RESERVES - 25 .07 .9 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .0 1 .1 1 .1 3.5.23 BEAUMARIS 1 .1 3 .3 4.4 6.6.42 Hampton Rovers : I . Boy4c. M. Dwnball. C. Perrv. Best: Helliger. Hoare . Lake. Hullick . Ferrv. Mason . Beaumads: Marsh 2 . Ott 2. Deri»e . Closter . Best : Marsh . 0Brien. Ott. Thomas. Gray . Sterens. ST LEOS EMMAUS 2.1 4 .3 6.4 7 .6.48 OLD htENTONIANS 3.2 7 .4 12.8 16.9.105 St Leos Emmaus: A. Detlvt 4 . McCormack . J. Manton . Simondson . Best: Neuev. Simondson. J. Manton. Ottobre . A . DeAin. Briggs. Old Mentonl®ns : Millis 8 . Watson 3. Dwti-er 2. Norman . Wallace. Winduss. Best: Millis . Sh•. Watson . Cozens . Leone. Austhi . ST 1CILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2 .5 6 .8 9.10 12 .11 .83 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 3 .1 5 .2 7.3 10 .4.64 St Hilda South Caulfield: Katlis 3. D. Dunle~ie 3. Cannard 2 . kine. Browrt. Wilosn. J. Dunlerae . Best: King. Reddin . Brmm. Pore. Kallis. Rogers. Bulleen Templestowe: Stott 4 . Faulkner 2 . papadopotd~. D. Williarns. Honard. Srmd Best : D. Williams. Howard . Papadopoulos . Faulkner. Balato. Stott. BANYULE 5.3 9 .3 14 .5 16 .9.105 TFiOMASTOWN 2.1 6 .4 8 .7 11 .9.75 Banyule: Parmansche 5. Stterhv 3. Donaldson 2. Fortune 2. Num 2 . Tyler. Wqson. Best : Parmansehe . Donaldson . Sci(terbec. Stevens. P. tviIliams . Debont . Thomastozsn: Bubis 5 . B . Smtili 3. Corlett . Palata . Chapkoun . Be®t: Pougtos. B. Smith . Eccles. Pellegrino. Bubis. Valed. ST BEDES MENTONE TIG . 3.1 4 .1 6 .5 8 .8.56 OLD GEELONG 3.7 7 .10 8.11 8 .11 .57 St Bedes Mentone Tig. : Kidd 3 . Hecker. Gang. Bitos. Martin. Honan . Best : Bdas. Tn4ouson. Sebve. Dickinson . Mifsud . Kidd. Old Geelong : McKellar 3. OBricn. Spiden. Dugdale. NV. Kecbte. Poucr. Best: McKellar. W. Kceble. Xs'alker. M . Oliphant. Da~ison . 0Halloran .
C®~Rj I I I_i j~l(F°l ~ OLD MENTONIANS v . HAMPTON ROVERS Field : Richard Eastwood Simon Olive Goal : Peter Wallis GaIT Clanc y BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v . ST. LEOS EMMAUS Field : Graeme Hunichen Andrew Stephens (R) BEAUMARIS v . BANYULE Field : Gene Hodgins Chris Stevens Boundary: Jason Handfield Goal : Andrew Long Robert Seymour THOMASTOWN v. ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Field : Paul Withington Shaun Roll s OLD GEELONG v. ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD Field : Craig Bratjberg David Lepair Goal : Skip Shipley Daniel Van Duser
C Section RANYULE Res Coach: Sephen Cu~y 1 B Klunear 2 D Witchell 3 L Hol t 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 G Donaldson 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 J Fortune 11 J McDermott 12 J Egan 13 M O'Brien 14 S Kayrooz 15 S Gray 16 D Mayne 17 L O'Connell 18 J Turnbull 19 A Thompson 20 S Playfai r 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham 23 M Gray 24 A Plant 25 C Williams 26 H McDermott 27SYin 28 T Goury 29 G Sutterby 30 D Taylor 31 C Bassett 32 T Wason 33 D Glass 34 C Stevens 35 B Anderson 36 D Tyle r 37 M Jesse 38 G Riches 39 M George 40 P Witchell 41 B Grindal 42 T Egan 43 L Ferrell 44 M Anderson 45 R Cullen 46 P Agostinelli 47 B Parkes 48 W Gibson 49 K Convey 50 B Debont 51 A Hopgood
i 52 D Noona n 53 M Ashto n 54 B Dintinosante 55 D Williams 56 B Woodlock 57 . T Bento n 58 S Hartwick 59 B Wilson 60 B Gillard 61 J Charles 62 A Camilleri 63 M Hare 64 C Dodd 65 A Mason 66 N Cargan 67 M Keegan 72 L Sheean 73 A Rossimel 75 J McIntyre 76 M Lewis 77 M Whelan 78 R Smith
BEAUMARIS Coach: &ett tA ard lar t
Res Coach: Scoff Mathers 1 N . McLean
2 S . Nish 3 M . Pitts 4 M. Devine 5 M . Ensor 6 A . Qui n 7 P. Fisher 8 M . O'Brien 8 J . Whitl a 9 B. Nicholson 9 A. McFarlane 10 J . Wadham 11 S . Blackie 12 R . Thatcher 13 B . Vaughan 14 S. Mciver 15 M . Hoyne 15 L. Stevens 16 M . Quin 16 J . Butterfield 17 L. Mars h 18 T. Cotter 19 P. Thomas 20 A. Faraguna 20 M. Mellon 21 P. Sherman (VC) 21 T. Kendall 22 J . Hol t 22 C. Hewlett 23 A . Catlin 24 Q. Groves 24 B. Gray 25 J . Mahmoud 26 W . Mill s 27 S . Fraser 27 D . Johnston 28 J. Vanc e 28 J . McKenzie 29 C . Martin 29 S . Taylor 30 A . Easton 30 R . Corfield 31 P. Ot t 32 S. Mitchell 33 G . Jury 34 A. Harrison 35 B . Ferguso n 36 S . Hanrahan (C) 37 B . Hayne s 40 D . Teasdale 41 A. Blackie 42 D . Maypiece 43 S . Healey 44 S . Closter 45 P. Thomas 50 B. Ward 51 D . Shewrake 59 A. Rowbury
BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach: Darren Birch Res Coach: David Hooper 1 J. Prio r
2 S . Driver 3 P. Graha m 4 W. Thompson 5 C. Parri s 8 N . Bone 9 L . Stott 10 P. George 12 A. Parris 13 D. Tulloch 14 D. Cooper 15 D . Bone 16 S . Smith 18 J . Catt 19 P. Nigro 20 M . Jones 20 B . Wolnizer 21 D . Harlin 21 D . Hooper 23 D . Matthews 29 P. Bone 30 M . Agroti s 31 C . Darby 31 A. Shine 32 R . Williams 33 G . Pemberton 34 S . Lambropoulos 36 P. Hare 37 S. Boyd 37 L. Thompson 38 S . Jame s 39 T. Driver 41 L . Cessario 43 C . Papadopoulos 44 J . Rozanitis 47 C. Morihovitis 48 R . Lambert 49 M . Bellato
50 D . Glover 56 M . Tuom y 59 D. McNamara
HAMPTON ROVER S Coach: RassaN 8arr" Res Coac h: DaM Rogerson
OLD GEELC Coo* Mark Neek! Res Coach: Bernie O?h 1 M Neel d
B . Hoare 2 M Edmonds C . McGregor 3 D Welsby (V M . McKellar (C) 4 T Dugdale T. Smit h 4 C Stinchcomt B. Artz 5 A Howells S . McDonald 5 A Robson S . Anderson (VC) 6 B Mithen A . Hunter 6 T Poole B . Martyn 7 A Darcy P. Buckley 7 S Wilson A. Natoli 8 T Seymour A. Perry 9 J Wilson (VC; 7 David Anderson 10 T Wiffe n 7 W. Armou r 10 M . Oliphant 8 Drew Anderson 11 R Liley 8 E . Crabtre e 12 N Power 9 J. Day 13 H . McInnes 9 S. Morgan 13 P Hermann 10 C . Ferguson 14 J Power 10 M . Luxmoore 15 S Edg e 11 A Browne 11 R . Greig 15 T O'Brien 16 S. Edge 12 S . Wills 12 J . How 17 M Wilson 13 T. Wilmott 18 N McKella r 13 C . Amoore 19 A Salter (VC) 14 D. Hobson 20 G Coldwell 14 D. Marshall 21 G Harper 15 S . Blic k 22 J Taylor 15 M . Dunball 23 H Davis 16 J . Ferguson 24 M Vickers-Will 16 B . Armstrong 25 Q Thompson 17 D . Artz 26 P. Handbury 17 S. Williso n 27 W Pau l 18 D . McConville 28 A Farrer 18 C. Thomas 29 A Mithen 19 B . Hol t 32 G Wilkinson 19 A . Hullick 33 M Wilkinson 20 A . Power 34 J Pau l 20 G . Haggart 35 C Oliver 21 S . Parkinson 36 T Brain 22 R. Dunball 37 J Cook 22 R. VanDooren 38 M Povey 23 S . Hellige r 39 H . Gretton-Wat: 23 T. Lync h 40 S Bones 24 C . Scarlett (VC) 40 R. Rice 24 M . Youn g 41 N. Gatenby 25 M. Davey 42 P Liascos 25 A. Guthrie 43 M . Heine 26 M . Lake 44 E Spiden 27 W. Benton 28 L . Tota 45 P. Luscombe 29 R . Hunt 48 E Smither s 30 P. Cotter 49 A. Reuss 31 R . Grimmer 50 J . Landy 31 C. Perry 50 W. Strachan 36 C. Van Den 51 J . Gross Dungen 51 J. Le e 44 B . Johnstone 52 M . Davison 45 A. McGrego r 53 G . McGregor 54 J . Anderson AUSFINE FOODS 55 S Furphy INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. 56 B . Collins 57 A . Richardson Suite 2 . 41 B Bluff Rd, Black Rock. 3193 59 C Walke r Ph: 9589 6444 60 D . O'Brien 61 R Oliphant INDUSTCLEAN AUSL P~ 66 B. O'Halloran 26 Govan Street, Seaford, 3198 Ph: 9782 4300
C Sectio n (K ,p MEMMt~lANS ~r~ert~y R s CoacfK t~ ~~ 1 A Acreman
2 C Lean 3 B Murphy 1 G Stroud (VC) 5 C Wallace 6, D Paterson 7 G Ferguso n g N MacQuire
G Pride 0 J Graham 11 D. Solley 12 C Dwyer 13 R Large 14 M Finni s 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 17 L Richardson 18 T Bourno n 19 D . Ki tt o 20 S Mullin 21 S Kitto 22 P Harrington 23 N Moodie
24 C . Twentyman 25 J Winduss 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 M. Bon d 29 A Cart er 30 M Brooks (VC) 31 M Elliot 32 P Appel 33 G New 34 P Flaskis 35 Darren Murphy 36) P Russo 37 M Sichlau 38 D Millis 39 T Riley 40 W Jones 41 S Cozens 42 C Rushwo rt h 43 M Lawes 44 B Clothie r 45 M Spalding 46 J Norman 47 J Konicani n 48 J Whitford 49 S Anderson 50 G Richards 51 M Bennett 52 A Perry
53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbod y 55 W Ballantine 56 M Leone 57 P Watso n 58 D Coventry ry
62 Daniel Murphy 64 M Austi n 67 H Hannsen 68 G . Vardy Phillips Nicholson FIRSTIATIOtiALREALESTATE
ST BEDES ST KILDA ETIG ERS STH CAULFIEL!? Coach: Ted Turner Res Coach: &ad Betry
1 M Kinsella 2 S Zakic 3 J Sebire 4 A L' Huillie r 5 S Napier 6 A Ryan 7 J Shannon 8 B Beasley 9 G Marinic 10 C Ross 1112 D M Hecke g r Falkin ham 13 David Goodchild 14 E Ry de r 15 D . Goodchild 16 W Earle 17 A Macgeorge (C) 18 A Giaquint a 19 B Tomlinson 20 T Lamb 21 W Furlong 22 J . Hona n 23 T Peck 24 T Beasley 25 S Booth 26 S Hecker 27 A Wilce
28 C Williams 2 9 C. Martin 30 M Turner 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 34 D Kinsella 35 R Bilos 36 A Gang i 37 M Connolly
38 A Hayes (VC) 39 D Edward s 40 C Johnston 41 D Serofin 42 A Thompso n 43 D . Napier
44 J Recupero 45 R Goul d 46 0 Lalor 47 A. Cousins 9 48 L M Kinn 4 a McGregor 50 S Kidd 51 S Bocza r 53 A M c Shan e 54 M McCraw 55 L. McHugh 56 D Marshal l 57 M Lomagno M Zakic 59 H Dwye r 61 S Waters 66 A Turner 67 D Furlong
68 M Ube rti 69 P Tesoriero ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS
` fff /// .7
Teny Walsh 3es Coaclt: Rob ERiat
ST LEOS EMMAUS T~iOMASTOWN WATTLE PARK Coe* Man Fk nns Coach : He" Huisiau Res Coach
1 M . Ryan 2 N . Astapenko 3 S . Heincke 4 N . Hasel l 5 G . Knobel 6 J . B ryce 7 M . OiKeefe 8 G . Baker 9 A. Lad d 10 D . Wilson 11 C . Neeson 12 B. King 13 S . Neeson 14 M . Weilgosz 1 5 M . Broad 16 P Rogers 17 A Tsirogiannis 1 8 S Vamvakis 19 J Thursfield 20 A Diamon d 21 A . Cranston 22 B . Agostino 23 A Della Lana 24 B Muscal i 25 P Dynon 26 S Wood 27 R Gilmor e 28 D . Agostino 29 D Dunlevie 30 G Brown 31 M Cunningham
1 D Dinicolantonio 2 J OiMeara 3 E Mitchell 4 A Aulis o 5 D Kenny 6 A Hughan 7 V Ryan 8 J Fennell 9 A Bethune 10 B Mitchell 1112 T B Care y McCann 13 A Devlin J Manton 15 A OiReily 16 A Rose 17 R Parker 18 T Batt y 19 A Major 20 A . Gill 21 G Simmondson 22 A Burgess 23 S Nankervis 24 C Kenny 25 A McKenzie 26 B Devlin 27 P Bowden 28 S . McLaughli n 29 S Darcy 30 M . Ottobre 31 M Contessott o 32 R . Marr
33 N Cole 34 T Piesnell 35 R . Pope 36 M . Lewin 37 S Patterson 38 R . Minnie 39 P Slifk a 40 D . Broadhurst 41 D . Raczkowski 42 N . Dymond 43 C Kallis 44 S Diamond 45 B Derham 46 A Staford 47 S . Meehan 48 A. Gill 49 M Bento n 50 F. Buckley 51 A. OiBrien 52 C. Kerr 53 R. Cunningha m 54 P. Tsagloitis 55 L McGaw 56 B . Burke 57 M . Ralph 58 G. Egan 59 P. Clements 60 T. Cannard 61 M Tkocz 62 B . Redden
34 B Henricus 35 J Briggs 36 S Bavag e 37 S Manton 38 J Smith 39 BL Vaugha n 40 J Gay 41 D Cashen 42 P OiHallora n 43 G Chalmers 44 F Dinocolantonio 45 S Ronchi 46 C Smith 47 R McCann 9 48 x Pinhorn 4 D A Co
C]~' .~`at~ ~1, J , N OF BRIG HTON DANDENONG V
50 L. Newey
51 T Ludlow 52 J Niel 53 T Pecora 54 J Graves 55 D Barlow 56 J . Hollandsjo 57 L. Collins 58 P. Levins 59 S . Clohesy 60 S Buckle 61 A . Whitburn 62 J Vaugha n 64 J Cronin 66 P. Konig 69 70 72 74
P McCormac k P. OiRourke A. Brookes S. Willis
78 A. Prosser 80 H Meehan 88 S Pitcher
Res Coach : Wayne Cooper 1 V Capec i
2 B Byro n 3 P McCallum 4 L Sallese 5 J Bubi s 6 B Pellegrin o 7 S Plant (VC ) 8 A Fellows (C) 9 A Genti s 10 C Dian a 11 L Alberti 12 Z . Fleming 13 G Scar p a
14 A Ward 15 L DelPap a 166 B Colosim o
17 D . Gorsk i 18 L. Smit h 19 P. Ristevsk i 20 L Alabakis
21 E Lentin i 23 R Dimaggio 24 B Smith 25 R Kenned y 26 C McNei l 27 M Rei d 28 L Marabit o 29 K Harling 30 B. Leavol d 31 S Oehm 32 P Colosimo 33 E Ri o 34 J Buzzin i 37 D Dimovsk i 38 G Sco tt 39 D Palai a 40 G Sinclair 41 D Brooks 42 0 Ese n 45 A Insitari 47 D Plowrigh t 48 J Gallimore 49 J Pougias 50 J Dowlgeris 51 E Valentin o 52 A . Robe rtso n 54 P. Stewart 55 P. Valeri 56 J. Bubi s 57 C L'Aurora 58 C . Perito 60 L Biles 61 G Skaff 64 R Ward 65 S Hol me s 66 D Pougio s 67 N Grec h 69 R Pandolfo 76 C . Chapkoun Thomeatown Sponsors : THOMASTOWN MOVIELAND MANGIN BROTHERS TRANSPORT
Preamble - Oscar Wilde couldn't have scripted a more suspense packed and drama filled 15t round of 'D' Section matches . Toss in 2 dead heatsh and a couple of closely fought out encounters and it provided the ingredients of what was a great days footy . For the moment though, its over to Tommy to expand a little on a rather unsavoury matter which is slowly but surely creeping into our Saturday pursuits and this has absolutely nothing to do with umpiring and egos . TB and KB write this article for the enjoyment of VAFA football and the love our own club . We certainly do not need derogatory comments thrown at us from members of opposition clubs each week as we go from ground to ground . Every week we endeavour to write this column in a light hearted fashion without any bias towards our own club and certainly do not need to be castigated for that .
Review Round 15 - July 25 Professor Keith Frearson caused a power blackout at Clayton as a result of re-charging his pacemaker batteries after yet another nail biting finish between his beloved 'Ashers' and Parkside . Very little in the match throughout the day and the conversion rate of the 'Red Devils' kept them snapping at the heels of th e hosts . Monash looked home, 3 goals clear with 8 mins left to play but the resolute Parkside got their noses in front by a pt with seconds remaining before that man 'Doc' Rogers snapped the levelling pt . Parkside accorded their best to Vita, MacNamara . Tessari & Dean . It took the all conquering Ajax till the last quarter to exert their dominance over an extremely plucky Old Essendon . Trailling by 2 pis at the last change the 'Jackas' went into overdrive to slam on 5gls 8pts for the stanza to the O .E .G .'s lgl I pt to ultimately score by 29 pts . Oh how the scoreboard.doesn't always tell the true story! Midfielders Gelbart & Weisler were judged best for the victors . Southbank started in a flurry posting the lst 2 majors. however from then to the long interval it was all Whitefriars . who scored 10 of the next I 1 to lead by in excess of 6 goals . Total transition in the 3rd with the 'Bankers' holding sway, bagging 8 goals to 3 to trail by only 5 pts at lemon time . Great last qtr with Southbank getting out to a 10 pt margin at the 17 min mark before the 'Friars' dug deep and got themselves out of the mire to win by 13 pis in a high standard . non spiteful and wonderful game . Best for the 'Friars' were Houston, Pawlick . Carbone & Carrigg. Apart from the Ist 10 mins of the game between Aquinas an d Salesian in which the 'Chaddy' boys strolled 3 majors clear, there was in fact nothing between the 2 teams . Nothing more than a goal difference at each of the breaks set up a great last qtr . 14
Firstly Salesian getting the break before tl pegged them back and in fact hit the lead with only 2 mins remaining . Play see-saia sees before a Salesian grab and goal squai thing up! Our friendly scribe from Aquina ; was rated MVP for the 'Bloods' along with Whiston . Uni . Blacks scored a well deserved wit Pat's Mentone at Parkville. These 2 yow moved the ball from end to end very quickly ently with great skill, however goals were harc by. All in all the game was a credit to both major difference between the 2 was the fact the 'Blacks'. Cacaviello and Howell bagged between themselves and naturally enough wi in the best for the victors . For the 'Vultures', Dixon & Perrin contested hard all day . 'Parko' from Yarra Valley reports that it t on all day to shrug off an extremely deteren Johns O.C .'s outfit . Terrific also to hear applauding the Joe's for their disciplined style The year is all but over and it's encoural Brendan Pola's boys to be setting and sticking goals-Their future may well be bright . Anyw acreditofh'Busngeirltpa a took its toll and they were able to race away t o fortable victory (on paper at least!) . MVP's for tors were Drew (50th game - well done!), T< Dodwell and for St Johns, Pola. Patio & Chock Preview Round 16 - Augus t Four of today's games hold great significa more than one reason alone . Many teams will b ing to ultimately determine their end of season position , Ajax V Monash Blues - Given that this gam be played at Albert Park . KB just can't for the him see Monash troubling the talent laden 'Je Enormous incentive for the 'Ashers' but on shee ity alone. Ajax will get home comfortably by 40 This is without doubt the Blues most important of the season, no win today and no finals action simple as that . But their opponents having g that vital chance would not want to relinquish it plus home ground a great advantage sways TB I Jackas . Whitefriars V Old Essendon Grammar - The from O .E.G . trek to Donvale with only victory in r Anything else will not suffice, otherwise their '98 good as over. It would appear that the O .E .G.'s match it with the top teams for 3 qtrs but can't go
--- 1L when the match is there to be won (Hows that shanel)• The recipe is here for a tremendous game and i~B reckons on the more consistent 'Friars' to prevail tw 3 goals . The Friars having now put their mark on lilat most important top spot and the week's rest are most unlikely to falter now, and try as they night the OEG's will just find them too tough at their own "Dung Hill", especially in front of their supporters . Aquinas V Southbank - At Ringwood, this game looms as a danger one for the 'Bankers' . The 'Bloods' Iav their own ground well and like the O.E .G .'s this cune could very well determine their season's fate. KB relished the way Southbank restored pride last wee k and suggests they'll get back to winning ways by 21 e 'Blood . It is a danger game for the Bankers but their secb_vae - pis ond half last week would have restored their confied for dence, they won everything but the four points are ed ever, now back on track and even in the mud and with I (Flvnn, absence of TB . Southbank to win . Moran University Blacks V Salesian - The form of both teams has been solid but a lack of consistency has 1 over , ; proven costly . Looking for an advantage for either side, ig team KB has reverted to the time honoured 'home' factor and flll . and against ladder position mentality selects the I to Corr 'Blacks' to salute by 11 pts. The Brain feels that KB teams, r has got it wrong here, there are masked differences that fc between 'Pride' for the Blacks and that dreaded 'R 10 large word for the boys from Chaddy, TB feels they have !re ratec more to play for and therefore will win . Sorry Gary . Grove s Parkside V St Johns -This looks to be the 1 st of 2 games for the round whereby the result looks clear ok nigt cut . Parkside are simply travelling too well for the tined St Joe's to counter or trouble . The 'Red Devils' will be Haydyn chasing %age and KB say's they'll get it . Parkside by of pla,, 60 pts . The Devils would be really smarting with last ing for week's draw, it was very costly and they will be really to tea m primed for a big one today . The Jocs are not to be to the taken lightly will attack the footy and certainly give finally them a big run at Pitcher Park, Its Parkside for TB . a com . he vic• vlor & a.
ice for ° playladder e is to life of ckas'. - abil+ pts . game t's as ained now, o the
bovs lind. is as can with
St Pat's Mentone V Yarra Valley O .B .'s - The visitors simply have too much at stake to let this game slip by them . The 'Vultures' will have to work extremely hard and long to contain the 'runners' of Yarra Valley, and believe me, they have plenty of them . KB tips Yarra Valley by 36 pts . Cannot disagree with the maestro here, the Vultures let me down last week, whilst the Bushrangers are making a big run at it now albeit maybe too late but even away from home they will keep their chances 'Running' with another win today.
Press Correspondents : Fax to KB on 9850 6964 (Email KenBremner@access.net .au) or Tommy on' 9265 8001 by midday at the latest on Monday following the game
Salesian - congratulations to Bernie Quin and Mathew Forbes on becoming the first players at Salesian OC to play 150 games for the club . Both have given fine service to the club both on and off the field .
SENIORS - 25 .07 .98 MONASH BLUES 3 .8 4-9 7.13 11 .15.81 PARKS IDE 2 .3 7.5 7 .8 12.9.81 Monash Bhres: Trumble 3, Neuman 2 . Walsh 2 . Rogers 2 . Farrar. Teasdale. Best: Caldwell. O°Neill . Hollow-av. McGee . Rogers. Trumble. Parside : Tessari 3. Manilh 2. Firm 2 . Dale. Hockey . Macnamara Moodi^_. Ryan . Best: Vita- macnauara. Tessarl- Dean. Harvec. Hockey. OLD ESSENDON 1 .2 4.8 8 .9 7 .10.52 AJAX 2 .3 3.5 8 .7 11 .15.81 Old Easendon: Jleask 2. P. Lutters 2 . S. Fleming 2 . G. Steeen . Best : J. Pana. P. Lutters. S. McPherson, J . Leask. G. Steven. AJAX : Freund 5 . Rajch 3. Bloom. Katiukl . Rapoport. Best: Bloom. KallnskL Weisler. Gelbart. Rajch. Rapaport . SOUTHBANK 2 .4 4.8 12 .10 14.12 .96 4J16TEFRIAILS 4 .3 10.6 13 .9 16.13 .109 Southbank: Stewart 3 . A . Pitts 3. McNamara 2. A. Rolfs 2 . Hodgson . Birch . Beat: Hrnwarth . Morgan. W. Alford, Steuart. Daly. whitefr3szs : C . Carrigg 6 . Robinson 3. Retdy 2. Power 2. Pasqualotto . Phan . Campbell . Best: Pasqualotto. C. Carrip,V,. Houston . Pawtik. B. Vandenbloan . Bateman . SALESIAN 2.4 4.8 12 .10 14,12,98 AQUINAS 5,6 6.8 9.13 12 .17,89 Salesian: Thain 6. P. Kavanagh 3 . McKnight, D . J . Taylor. Best: E . Kaanagh. Hazell. Thain . P. Karmragh. Bobetic. Aquinas: Cultera 3 . A . BeOrmre 2. Wooden. Col[ver. Whiston. Whitehead . Taruh. Mor an. Best: Flynn . Coliver. Gutbrod. Minogue . Jess. Lorkin. UNIVERSrrY BLACKS 5.5 6.7 10.10 14 .12.98 ST PATRICKS ME NTONE 1 .0 2.2 3 .6 6.8.44 University Blacks: Caccatidlo 6. Howell 4. Dennis. Hnderson. Little, Mackie. Best: Beaton. Macide. Caccavtelto. Thompson. Toose. B . Costello . St Patricks Mentone: C . Barr. Dixon. Stephens. C . Sullivan. Michael Sullisan . White . Best : Gro~es. Dixon . Perrin. Matt . Sullivan, Sebire . GurUer. ST JOHNS 3.4 7.4 9 .8 10.10-70 YARRA VALLEY 3.0 8.3 10 .4 16.7.103 St. Johns: Pepper 4. Ladson 2 . Scardama.clia T ardern, Van Houten. Hllton . Beat: Pola. Fay. Pepper. Fredericks . Patison. Walker. Yarra Valley. bfacvean 4 . M . White 2 . M. Laing 2. Drew 2. Downs 2 . Peterson. G . White . KyseRa . Livsey-Cole . Best: Drew. Macvean. Dodwell. M. White, A. Laing. Dowat.s.
RESERVES - 25.07 .98 MONASH BLUES 1 .0 1,1 3.3 3.7 .25 PARKS IDE 4 .1 8.4 6.10 10.15 .75 Monesh Blum Hooper. Maiden. Hawkins . Best : Hawkins. Spencer. D. Walsh. Bolton. Mentha. Dobson. Parkside : Linares 2 . Warren 2 . Austin. Constantine. Drummond. Lay- Romano. Soligo. Best : Macheal . Constantine . Lav. Dette-VergiN. Lennen. Austin . OLD ESSEN'DON 2 .1 4.3 4 .3 4.3.27 AJAX 2 .2 2.6 4.14 7.15.57 Old Essendon: Stembridge 3 . Gillis. Best : Barr. Robertson . J. Saunders. Gremle9. Dawson, Emerson . AJAX: Kalb 2 . Levy 2. Diamond. B. Goldberg. Shein . Best: Mohr. Zurbo. Segal. Snow. Zielinski. Israelsolm . SOU1'HBAN'K 2 .0 2.1 4.4 4.6 .30 WHITEFRIARS 2 .2 3.7 6.9 9.12 .66 Southbank: Garlick 3. Herridge . Best: De Siha . Garlick. Jones. H. Pitts. Vear. Van Loon . Whitetriars : M. Nolan 2. Elliott 2. O'Brien . Fulton. M. Carbone. Maguire . Deizoppo. Best : Glenn . Fulton . M . Nolan, McAuliffe. Maguire . M . Carbone. SALESIAN 1 .1 3.3 7.4 10.5 .65 AgUINAS 2 .2 4.7 8.9 9.14 .68 Salesian: Alligan 5. Byrne 3. Castaldi. Davey. Best: Brennan . Davey. Alligan. &rne. Smith . Pitts. Aituims: B. Moran 4. J. Wilson 2. Edwards. Chapman. N. Moran. Best : Cottle. Donachia . Lanford, Edwards. B. Moran. Joyce. UNNERSI7Y LACKS 4 .1 6.5 7.7 12.9.81 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 0.2 1 .4 2.6 4.7.31 University Blacks: Cameron 4 . Brown 2 . Peck . Sovrrby. Ricciu0. Jessen . Dimond Best: Cameron. Darroch. Peck. Dimond, Neville, Lamb. St. Patrirlts Mentone: Batey. Grech. Nicholls. Parker. Best: Batey. Bray. Brown . Cosgrove. Nichols . ST JOHNS 0.0 0.2 0.2 1.3 .9 YARRA VALLEY 1 .5 4.7 10 .10 15.11 .101 St Johns : Sarharis. Best : Ben. Flentjar, Moonm Sahris. Munnikhlus . Yana Valley : Penaluna 3 . Shugg 2. Chrisfletd 2. S. Thompson 2. Davies 2 . Balshaw 2. DaTLs. C. Ross. Best: Rawa Francome. D . Ross. Davies. Arnett. Penaluna .
YARRA VALLEY v. PARKSIDE D Section Sharpshooters & Umpires on Page 18
nie CtIOn
AJAX Coach: Rick htvks
Res Coach: Andrew Schenker
1 J . Wrobel 2 A. Kalinski 3 B . Davi s 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Rath 6 D . Kal b 7 G . Samuel 8 A . Krongold 9 A . Rosen 10 R . Bloom 11 M . Weisler 12 D. One s 13 A . Freund 14 Y. Rapaport 15 M . Rajc h 16 G . Rozenberg 17 A. Cukierman 18 J . Wrobel
19 M . Haiphen (C) 20 A . Care w 21 D . Gelbart 22 D . Mohr 23 A. Bensimon 24 J . Dunne 25 J . Feldman 26 B . Duzenman 27 A . Lus t 28 D . Degen 29 D. Mark s 30 N. Israelsohn 31 M . Barnett 32 M . Borenstein 33 D . Pat 34 D . Gunn 35 S . Roth 36 J . Segal 37 J . Engelman 38 J . Lewis 39 A. Grundmann 40 A . Redlich 41 J. Snow 42 A. Sawicki 43 Y. Shein 44 B . Goldberg 45 E . Steen 46 J. Davis 47 A . Abraham 48 L. Goldberg 49 E . Rubinstein 50 B . Grodski 51 N . Diamond 52 B. Steiner 53 D . Katz 54 M . Nathan 55 B . Zielinski 56 J . Sharp 58 M . Frie d 60 D . Weislitzer 61 J . Kalbstein 64 R. Israe l 65 M . Zurbo 68 D . Boon 69 J . Vernon 70 S . Boon 71 C. Cohe n
73 A . Levy
Coaah: Pndr~ww Cr~by Res Coach: Brad &vda~ 1 G . Burch
2 G . Clifford 3 S . Edwards 5 T. Grierson 6 A . Donachie 7 C . Glennie 8 S . Kell y 9 P. Phillips 10 D . Boland 11 C . Bambury 12 S . Bethune 13 C. Jeffrey 14 A . Lorkin 15 J . Knight 16 S. Close 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Pares 21 5 . Downes 22 S . Flynn 23 L. Woods 24 P. Harper 25 J . Hacking 26 H . Field 27 S.Jones 28 G . Wiston 29 J . Wilson 30 C . Collilver 31 C . Wooden 32 M. Hunter 33 M . Collella 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 J . Hun t 37 H . Nichol 38 M . Tilling 39 S . Connelly 40 S. Connelly 41 J . Klin e
42 R. Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Dunne 45 N . Frederikson 46 D .Joyc e 47 N . Moran 48 M . Moore 49 C . Lamborn 50 G . Macklin 51 A . Hyland 52 M . Corrie 53 P. Raec k
54 S. Capton 55 A. Cultrera 56 S, Doherty 57 C.Thomas 58 A . Bethune 66 M. Wilso n 67 P. Cruikshank 70 C. Lyng 80 M . Joyce 86 B . Barclay
PARKSIDI Coach. Laurie zarata Res Coach: NA k Rowe 1 J . Panagiotopoulos 1 P. Laursen 2 J . Chapma n 2 A . Delle-Verg 3 L . Holloway 3 P. Lutterschmid t 3 S . Pino 4 P. Maiden 4 S . Reming 4 D . Warren 5 D. Rogers 5 S . Emerson 5 D. Ferraro 6 M . Newman (VC) 6 C . Ridle y 6 D. McCall 7 T. Cippoloni 7 L. Findla y 7 D. Drinnan 8 S. O'Brien 8 A. Fairweather 8 J . Chilcott 9 J . Goodger 9 M . Wrodarczyk 9 A . Constantin 10 I . Stevens 10 A. Vita 10 S . Webster (VC ) 11 B . Papal 11 B. Hockey 11 M . Spencer 12 J. Hearne 12 C. Tyson 12 J . Caldwell 13 P. Chalkley 13 A . Copley 13 A . Herrman 14 S . Evans 14 P. Lennen 14 R . Bursto n 15 S . Bishop 15 D . Moodie (15 M . Tinkler 16 S . McPherson 16 M. Campbel l 16 B . Smiley 17 P. Hexte r 17 N. Antonopoul 17 P. O'Neil l 18 T.13ead 18 A . Reginato 18 Y. Colombies 19 6 Steve n 19 S . Gun n 19 N . Pop e 20 J . Lang 20 C . Peckham 20 J . Cavanagh 21 S . Dale 21 M . Tessari (C) 21 C. Gregory 22 M . Lukasz 22 B . Harvey (VC 23 J. Hughes 22 A . Dobso n 23 M . Hoyn e 24 C . Robertson 23 S. Wrodarczyk 24 R . Marull i 25 A. Leask 24 B. Hodson 25 M. McPherson 26 D . Fletcher 26 S . Ross 25 J . Hawkins 27 D . Bar r 27 L. Panjari 26 P. Hurley 28 B . Turner 28 S . Fishe r 27 N . De Young 29 J . Saunders 29 L . MacNamar a 28 S. McGee 31 A. Corby (VC) 29 A. Headberry 32 J . Mansfield 30 D . Cusack 30 L. Creamer 33 S . Cramer 31 C. Austin 31 J .L. Smith (C) 34 J. Leask 32 J . McCall 32 M . Tr y 35 D . Whitfield 33 A. Bo tta 33 J.M . Smith 36 P. Trist 34 A. Starkie 34 B . Dowsley 37 J . Walker 35 G . Panjari 35 D . Murchie 38 M . McKerrell 36 W. Lay 36 M . Tehan 39 A . Merrington 37 B . Panjari 40 T 37 J. Bolton . DiBlasi 38 F. Darrigo 41 I . Ritter 38 S. Hooper 39 B . Miche l 42 A . Jealous 40 L . Inserra (VC) 39 M . Smith 43 A . Gatt 41 E . Linares 40 C. Riordan 44 R . Clohesy 42 P. Dean 42 A . Hickey 45 P. Barry 43 J . Hubbard 43 R . Feenaghty 46 D . Novacek 44 P. Soligo 44 D . Teesdale 47 J . testro 45 J . Dale 45 R . Wals h 48 P. Murto n 46 T. Ryan 46 D. Jones 49 A . Hutchinson 47 V. Saldana 47 S . Mentha 50 D . Bellman 48 J. Huewoeller 48 M . Kamphuis 51 S. Greasley 49 S . Collie r 49 D . Morgan 52 A. Dawson 50 C . Cecchinelli 50 D. Schwedes 53 T. Hawk e 51 J . Seoan e 51 C. Stott 54 S . Maybury 52 M . Ilcyzynski 55 R . Musa 52 N . Moresi 53 M . Yandle 56 A. O'Ryan 53 L . McCann 54 T. Kouros 57 R . Wright 54 R . Green 55 G . Paizos 58 A . Woerndle 55 D. Trumble 56 G . Tzelepis 59 N . Osman 57 S . Davey 56 A . Berry 60 A . Palmer 58 G. Pashos 57 J . Hodgkins 61 D . Podger 59 V. Cervi 59 H . Middleton 62 P. Baroch 60 G . Watson 61 D. Wals h 63 A . Porter 63 S . Hogan 67 B . Dempsey 64 J . Rossi 64 T. Thomas 71 P. Farrar 65 A . Soteriou 68 K . Drummond 66 B. Lamaro 69 S. Dave y 67 R. Graig 71 A. Ingli s Coach: ~ e Rogers Res Coach : Stave KI g 1 J . Alexander 2 J. Baxter
Coach:IJa d '. Res Coach : Shme Bisiq p
16 THE AMATPI IM Gnnroni i cc . .,
--.~ 1) Section in i
ST JOHPdS c,Ner~ia„pola Res clots Lads-
I p. Paccagnan 2 M . Ladson 3 G . Cester 4 O . Now 5 S . Canning 6 M . Rachele j S . Flentjar , 8 R . Dowsett 9 A . Rechel e 10 M . Courmadias 11 D . Halls 12 M . Halls 13 B. Hilton 14 J . Archer (VC) 15 G . Pattison (C) 16 S. Jabk e 17 S . Cockayne 17 D . Christian
18 C . Emery 19 B . Healy 21 L. O'Donnell 22 J . Cunningham 23 M . Foy 24 B . Fredericks 25 B . Aboujaber 26 G . Waters
27 B . Pola 28 P. Liddel 29 D . Higgins 30 R . Walker 31 M . Levy 32 G . Shaer 33 Z. Monroe 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 T. Sarhanias 37 A . Stefanakis 39 M . Murray 40 S . Mooney 42 T. Ducalanbino 43 M . Van Hooten 44 S. Pepper 47 J . Cotton 50 D . Pye 51 M . Orundell 52 C . Hooper 54 C . Cassano 56 E . Ferracane 57 S . Shaw 58 P. Kelly 61 G . Cester 62 E . Ferrecane 63 J . Ladson 64 D. Edwards
ST PATRICKS MENTONE Coach: Slane 0'Connor Res ~: Ken Wood
1 D . Fenech 2 M . Cosgrove 3 M . Dixon 4 P. Lewis 5 A . White 6 R . Grech
7 K. Gunter
8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emme tt 10 B. Sebire 11 C . O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 R . Sykes 14 C . Billings 15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 G . Ca uano p 20 C . Groves 21 D . Bate y 22 C . Dorman 23 Matt Sullivan 24 C. Nicholls 25 G . Uptin 26 B. Ellery 27 M . Wise 28 M . Johnstone 29 D. Murphy 30 N. Freese 31 W . Lloyd 32 B . Archbold 33 D. Andrew 34 S . Beanland 35 C. Brown 36 C. Stephens 37 A . Tasca 38 S . Perazzo 40 D. Nichols 42 S . May 43 M . Barr 45 C. Barr 47 D D . Bugeja 48 M . Walsh 49 S . Taranto 50 A . Ladds 51 G . McMillan 52 G. Dalman 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 57 V. O'Connor 58 J . Noonan 60 M . Cerriteli 63 A . Orchard 69 S . Parker
SALESIAN Coach : Peter Turley Res Coach: Steve Nash
1 M . Bourke 2 M . Wiseman 3 S. Sutherland 4 A . Healey 5 M . Canavan 6 R . Cincotta 7 G . Gaspari 8 M M . Hazell 9 D . Scotti 10 D . Oliver 11 D . Taylor 12 A. Gaspari 13 I. Bobetic 14 B. Bowman 15 J . Gianna 16 A. Chaippin ppinii 17 Matt Forbes 18 S . Sinclai r 19 A. Healey 20 A. Seager 21 R . Napoli 22 A. Edmonds 23 C. Roche 24 A . Grace 25 B . Kirchner 26 P. Shelly
27 M . Mansfield 28 M . Byrne 29 Mick Forbes 30 P. Bouchard 31 A . Davey 32 A . Stevens 33 B . Piper 34 A . Thann 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 R . Hazell 39 B . Quinn 40 J . Hamilton 41 S . Bobetic 42 D . Ghebilikian 43 P. Kavanagh 43 M . Cooke 44 C . Hunt 45 M . Spencer 46 M . Tassone 51 S . King 52 T. Alligan 54 S . Brown 55 D . Seamer 56 S . Fitzgerald 60 M . Bates 64 S . Shelly 64 P. Forbes
SOUTHBANK coacn Derek Hm Res Coach: John Ross
1 A . Daly 2 R. Puramorsie 3 N . Frank 4 N . Wallmeyer 5 T. Murphy 6 A . Corboy 7 T. Reid 8 M . McCallum 9 J . McNamara 10 B . Hodgson 11 A . Pi tts (C) 12 M . McCa rt hy 13 C . Perry (VC) 14 M . Eastham 15 I . D'Silva 16 A . Bunnett 17 A . Watts 18 J . Nugent 19 K . Anderson 20 R . Thomson 21 G. Paleodimos 22 N . Roberts 23 A . Rolfs 24 G . Rolfs 25 L . Aitken 26 R . Linford 27 G . Wardrop 28 A . Stewart 29 J . Goodlet 30 B . Gelli e 31 S . Campbell 33 P. Rachor 34 D . Decarteret 35 S. Birch 36 G . Jones 37 A . Rhodes 38 J . Russell 39 J . Scanlon 40 B. Scanlon 41 A. Radcliffe 42 T. Plaza 43 P. Herridge 44 S . Pendergast 45 T. Fraser 46 J . Ross 47 S . Olive r 48 H . Pitts 49 S . Oliver 50 L. Goodlet 51 M . Edwards 52 R . Lucas 53 M . Vear 57 B . Nettleto n 58 T. Richardson 59 K. Walford 60 S . Garlick 62 B . McMillan 64 A. Hubble 65 A. Curry 67 D . Howarth 69 S . Melican
73 M . O 'Meara Prahran F.C. 0 • ~ N1yihi;eTM=., :
~ -- --_ --~
franaret) Social Club ist Floor, 330 Chapel St, Prahran3181
The Beehive • Hotel • Hawthorn
Coach: Garry Om)* Res ~: Paul Malcolat
1 G . Darroc h 2 R . Gaze l 3 R . Hal l 4 M . Vaugha n 5 R . Macki e 6 C . Schilling 7 B. Livingstone 8 B. Henderson 9 C . Peki n 10 P. Donovan 11 B . Smit h 12 N . Roberts 13 T. Jesse n 14 S . Milner 15 S . Fitzpatrick 16 P. Cacaviello H . Peycke r 19 C. Frankli n 20 S . Lowe 21 T. Holme s 22 A . Nolan 23 S . Beato n 24 M . Fogarty 25 B . Lynch 26 D . Birk s 28 G . Strai n 29 M . Staunto n 30 D . Sowerby 31 N . Carah 32 M . Jone s 33 T. Kitche n 35 P. Corri e 36 S . Matthew s 37 J. Dennis 38 R . Watson 39 A . Curtai n 40 G . Sulliva n 41 S . Whitehea d 42 A . Gad d 43 R . Devli n 44 P. Forbe s
45 J . Butterfiel d 46 E . Ricciuti 47 S . Gulle n 48 B . Howlett 50 G. Thompson 51 A . Nevil l 52 T Barbe r 54 D . Bryan t 55 M . Nixo n 56 J . Rice 57 S. Dooley 58 M . Begley 59 J . Kin g 60 N . Wilso n 63 J . Phai r 64 S. Dimond 65 J . Dankert 66 N . Howel l 67 S. McAloon 69 A . Costell o 70 M . Nihil l 72 M . Buckis 73 M . Raffaele 74 A . Ston e 76 S. Atkinson 77 H . Cameron
78 P. Weigard 81 M . Atki n 87 L . Brow n
I} Section WHITEFRIARS Coach: Des MeNhar Res Coach: Brian Grills 1 D. Fedel e
2 M . Bateman (C) 3 M . Carbon e 5 M . Robinso n 6 C . Houston (VC) 7 P. Coghlan 8 A . Davis 9 C . Maguire 10 A . Pawlik 11 R . Reidy 12 A. Lacey 13 T. Hughes 14 T. Carrigg 15 P. Campbell 16 B. Vandenboom 17 A. Carbone (V( ;) 18 C . Moloney 19 M . Jongebloed 20 S . McAuliffe 22 R. Pasqualotto 23 P. Ciardull i 24 R . Mika 25 D . Griffin 26 C . Ryan 27 D . Vandenboom 28 C . Eame s 29 A. Glenn 30 M . Power 31 N. Jenkins 32 M . Borrack 33 C. Harri s 34 D . Gloufchev 35 C . Law (VC) 36 D . Nola n 37 P. O'Brien 38 C . Carrigg 39 M . Winterburn 40 A . Thwaites 41 C . O'Connor 43 N . Ellio t 44 B. O'Connor 45 M . Leste r
46 G . Johnson 47 M . Nolan 48 D. Delzoppo 49 C. Callander 50 T. Burgoine 51 L. Eames 54 S. Gilla n 56 D . Ri o 57 J . McFarlane 58 J . Ri o 59 D . Gentilin 61 D . Cassar 62 R. Tartaglia 64 M . Duffy 65 C. Winterburn
YARRA VALLEY Coach: Dmdd Kyle Res Coach : Bmxlan Ruddy 1 PI Telford
2 F. Macvean 3 R. Thompson 4 M . Fung 5 A . Drew 6 D . Howse 7 J . Downs 8 L. Morris 9 C . Ross 10 N . Dodwell 11 C . Reynolds 12 M . Whit e 13 O. Kysela 14 M . Simpson 15 J . Koenan 16 B. Smillie 17 A. Lain g 18 L . Whit e 19 S. Thompson 20 S. Fram e 21 A. Livesey-Cole 22 T Wapshott 23 D. Balshaw 24 M . Davies 25 T. Habben 26 G . Mcleod 27 A . Rowe 28 J . Macvean 29 P. Peterson 30 D . Potter 31 C . Padgett 32 C . Heffernan 33 D . Ireland 34 T. Chrisfield 35 B . Peake 36 R . Penaluna 37 D . Francome 38 B. Morrison 39 T. Reddaway 40 M . White 41 B . Downs 42 T. Crean 43 H. Park 44 J . Ho 45 L . Ree s 47 B . Mcllwrath 48 R . Davi s 49 S . Seabourne 50 P. Ford
qt~liJfl'fl째I~ AJAX v. MONASH BLUES Field : Trent Foley Nai Rodier WHITEFRIARS v . OLD ESSENDON Field : I Gallagher Mark Bushfield (R) Boundary : Ju Binding
AQUINAS v. SOUTHBANK Field : Alan Ladd C Moore UNIVERSITY BLAC K S v. SALESIANS Field : I Jones Alan Stubb s PARKSIDE v. ST. JOHNS 0 C Field : Ben Mc Frank Karabela s ST. PATRICKS MENTONE v. YARRA VALLEY I Field : Greg Richards Dharshaka Peiri s
LAST WK TO' 7 3 5 3 5 5 5 4 6 4
52 A, Hartnett 53 S. Corcoran 54 T. Hal e
55 S . Taylo r 56 L. Harrington 57 G . Whit e 58 G . Kerr 59 A . Joiner 60 F. Yendell 63 T. Strong 64 T. Gentle 66 A . Biesbroek 71 M . Lain g 72 R . Lawton 76 J . Scales
FOR SEASON 1998 ,* treat it like a guest at Guests.
Ph : 9877 4744
U -} ii .: , t,, < 1 CC .73NE R
by Leah Gallagher and Adam Kiel - --~ __ CPEIYING REMARK ~1'~ell here we are into August, the real business end of the home and away season with teams striving for a spot into the finals . Also with the umpires. this is ,l most importan t time of the year, because this is when ale advisors start working out their final's squads . So don't let yourselves down now as it may cost you . Good :uck to every umpire in his/her endeavours toward the _~nals. SPECIAL GUES T AFL umpire Chris Mitchell was a special guest last Thursday night after training and also afterwards at our meeting . It was great to see so m any umpires after iraining spending some time with Chris asking m any luestions in relation to umpiring an d other matters . During the meeting Chris went through a set play umpires in the AFL go with in relation to the 50 metr e Number ( 1) umpire runs in an d takes control of the mark while signalling by a pat to the behind to the iumber ( 2) umpire to head down deep into the forward line for the next bit of play and to make sure there is no holding on or pushing or shoving . He also explained there are four very import ant points to being a good umpire : 1 . Communication 2, Composure 3. Concentration 4 . Controlled aggression ( treat players as you would want players to treat you) . Chris also had a good tip for all umpires . Treat ry quarter of football as if it is the start of the game . We would like to than k Peter Schwab an d Rowan S awers for allowing Chris to join us last Thursday. Michael Sneddon presented Chris with a VAFA tie in appreciation with a few kind words . BROKEN IN NEW POLISHED FLOORS
It was great to see finally the umpires rooms floors polished an d they look a treat . Just as our President
(Chuck Hinton) was about to tell us to take good care of the floors as they had just been done, and not to spill any drinks on the floor, Mark Morrison and Alan Ladd did the unthinkable and made one hell of a mess, great timing guys . MUSASHI Last Thursday night we had two representatives from Musashi to talk to us about their product . They have become a Level One sponsor of the VAFA and we welcome them aboard . and hope they are with us for many years to come . They handed out some free samples of their product and like true umpires it was like seagulls on a bit of fat. RULES OF THE WEE K Michael Sneddon came up with two rules that really don't happen very often and are really out of the ordinary. Rule One Question: If a player takes a free kick on the outside of the boundary line and the ball doesn't come into the playing field at all . What is your decision? Answer : Boundary Throw I n Rule Two Question : Ball has gone out of bounds on the full next to the behind post, the full back gets a free kick. He kicks the ball back into play and hits the behind post on the way through . WHAT IS YOUR DEICION? Answer: Takes the kick again . SOCIAL NOTE S
Bounce Off: Brendan Allan d . Frank Karabelas, Mark Bushfield d . Chris Steven s Umpires Dinner : Monday Collingwood Football Club .
17th August .
~ ~
Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms BEFORE MATCHES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water Carriers . Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play. To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behind the passage of play. Trainers. May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Att ire - Runners . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . Water Carriers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only. No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers . VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only.
CLUBS SEEKING PRESCRIBED FOR REPORTED PLAYER(S ) Because of the new procedure regarding lodging a request for an investigation, clubs an advised not to Dhone the VAFA until after 3vm on a Monday to find if the granting of th~ prescribed penalty applied for is accepted by the Association . If a request for an investigation, accompanied by a cheque for $200, is received befon 3pm Monday following the weekend's game, the prescribed penalty will not be accepted anc the matter will be referred to the following day's tribunal for deliberation .
Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain present all scores and match details in a light-hearted manner .
Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9 .00 a .m. each Sunday . Program includes Phil Stevens talking VAFA issues .
The July prize has been won by Norm Nugent who scored 23 correct responses from a pos,i;)le 25 . The July answers were : 1 . Ray Byrne, acting captain of Collingwood in one match 2 . University was the first VFL team to share the MCG as a home with Melbourne FC 3 . Des Meagher (Whitefriars) played with Phil Stevens in a VFL state team 4 . Stuart King played cricket and ootball for St Kilda and Victoria . He captained Uni . Blacks and coached them . He was killed in action in 1943 5 . De La Salle A sec premiership coaches 1980-1991 -1979 Bernie Sheehy, 1980 Gavin White, 1983 Neil Le Lievre, 1984 John Pollard and 1991 Bernard Dunn . 6. Michael Green, Old Xaverians A and B ; Bruce Church Old Melburnians B ; Shane Maguire North Old Boys A, John Wilson Caulfield Grammarians A . 7 . In 1965 the reserves section in its present form commenced g . Gary Hocking and Ken Hinkley finished third in the Brownlow 1991-1995 9 . Only 3 Coiling wood coaches since 1977 played with Collingwood - Mick Erwin, Bob Rose and Tony Shaw O . Don Cordner-Uni . Blacks ; Neil Roberts-MHSOB ; Ross Smith-Hampton Rovers ; Gary Dempsey-FITOB ; and Robert Dipierdomenico-Kew . 11 . Peter "Percy" Jones broke both his legs before he played his first VFL game . This month's questions appear for August for the first time today . For this month the first correct answer received in writing to 95 wins a slab of VB cans . All other entries must be received by Monday August 31 . 1 . In which year did the AFL introduce the interchange rule allowing 19th and 20th to be rotated on and off the ground? 2 . What is the highest number worn by a Brownlow Medallist ? 3 . In 1977 Collingwood and North Melbourne played a drawn grand final . Only one player from that game did not play in the replay grand final . There's an Amateur connection . Who was he ? 4 . Who was the first West Coast Eagles player to be reported? He went on to play with another VFL club . 5. Name the most recent two VAFA players to make their AFL debuts, and the ground they made their debut on. 6. Name the footballing brother in each case : Alistair Lord , Leigh Matthews, Steven Febey, Brendan Gal e 7. n the last 20 years five teams have won the 'F' Section or E Section flag in the first year in the competition . Can you name them? 8 . George Johnston, famour Australian author, who wrote "My Brother Jack" played VAFA football . Can you name his club ? 9 . Who said "If I'd done only a quarter of the things of which I am accused, I'd be pickled with alcohol, I'd be a registered drug addict, and would have sired half the children in most of the world's cricket-playing countries" ? 10 . Who was the first player to record 100 games in the AFL, that is ignoring games played in the VFL . The VFL became AFL in 1990 .
Entries to CUB Trivia Competition, c/- VAFA PO Box 359 Elsternwick 3185 .
The VAFA acknowledges the support o f
Hugh Lyon
E SECTION (Blue) by Craig Richardso n
Well . I'm not sure ifwe know any more than last confidence Chirnside week in terms of who's going to be playing in mi ht take this one the finals . Yes . Caulfield, Peninsula and ~ t Camberwell look set but as far as whether it will be rg up o inc new. ladder leaders Oakleigh or Chirnside, it's anvone's guess at thi s However, when all is said and done and the f stage . With Oakleigh predictably fixing up Power siren has sounded, Peninsula should have anot House by 51 points, they kept their chances alive four points and make things that little bit harder and in one of the biggest wins of the season (someChirnside to make the final four . Pirates by 6 go what of an upset) Chirnside knocked off Caulfiel Caulfield take on Elsternwic .k this week < . If this win has done anything its givendby34points with both sides having lost their last outings th the competition an injection of life as to the final should and will be plenty of desperation display run home to the finals . Peninsula smashed a lack However, no matter how hard the Wickers fi lustre Glenhuntly by a lazy 183 points and are no w today, Caulfield should have too much depth placed on top and eyeing off the minor premiers tag . over the ground . Thus Caulfield to win by arou Swinburne rolled St . Marys by 63 points and Old 12-15 goals in this one . Camberwell belted Elsternwick by 96 points. Old Camberwell looking for percentage to g ROUND 1 6 a top two finish will today do this part of the ga Oakleigh to play Glenhuntly at home . This no harm . Unfortunately St . Marys will be noth :. doesn't seem like much of a contest on recent form but a confidence booster for the Wellers and I and if Oakleigh don't' win this one in a canter then overall margin may really blowout in this one, they will have lost a great chance to boost their perthe Wellers by a minimum of 25 goals . centage. Glenhuntly unfortunately look like thevve IN THE MAGOO S packed up shop in recent weeks and the end ofthe season can't come quick enough . So for mine, the Oakleigh to cement their finals berth with a~i Krushers by 20 goals . over Glenhuntly, Power House to get back on t winners list over Swinburne, Peninsula to finish Swinburne play host to Power House this week Chirnside's chance to play in this years fina in a return bout that earlier on this season saw Caulfield to belt Elsternwick and Old Camberwell them play a draw . This weeks game may not be too smash the undermanned St . Marys . dissimilar and I'm tipping a close one again . All up though, I feel Power House might have a little too SOCIAL NOTE S much firepower up forward and they should sneak Power House have their annual Trivia Nig a much needed victory by around 2-3 goals . tonight, always a great night, all welcome, so co : Peninsula Pirates at home to Chirnside . Like tact Mr . Social, Gary Dean for your tickets . AL earlier on this year when the Pirates did this trip . Power House's Big Day out is coming up ( Chirnside better leave early and at the same time be Sunday 16th August, proudly sponsored by Sob prepared. Probably no tougher assignment at the Communications and others, so grab your ticke moment than to play the Pirates on their home from Rolla or you'll miss out on this once in a se ; track . However. coming off a great win and full o f son event .
~~~~r t ~F-Irotecflve Service s 87 Racecourse Road, North Melbourne, Vic . 3051 Australia Tel : (03) 9320 567 8 Fax : (03) 9328 406 3
TF, Glenhuntly - congratulations to John Janis ~d Chris Mitchell on reaching 50 games. John is aood utili ty player and has been one of the mainof the seniors . Chris started off in the reserves and is starting to assert himself as a ruckman in the seniors . From all at the Hunters well done to both of you . Caulfield Grammarians - congratulations to ccotty "Jam Tin" Will iams who recently played itis 150th game for the club . A dedicated player and committeeman over the past decade, "Jam Tin" is a determined ad fearless onballer . He has been reserves captain, B&F winner and a more than useful senior player . Well done from all at the club to a fine club person . Peninsula OB - congratulations to Eivion Bowen on reaching his 100th game for the club last week, a tough, skilful onballer who is an trite-al part of the senior team . Also congratulations t o drew Campbell who today plays his 50th game . Hard work and persistence have paid off for Andrew as he is now a regular senior player. Well done to you both . Power House - Anton 'Stinky' Starndl this week plays his 50th game . Stinky has pretty much played in every position possible in his time and will soon find a spot somewhere . So from all at Power House - great stuff Stinky. Elsternwick - Matt "Blackjack" Surma plays his 50th game this week . Congratulations from all at Elsternwick 'Blackjack' .
11.`;~ f l`~ 1 D lI P;C, 0~0 11~ rl
0 .1 3.1 4 .4 4 .5.29 GLENHUNTLY PENINSULA 10.2 17.7 22 .14 32 .20.212 Glenhuntly: Janka9c 2. Miller. Stahmer. Best: Miller. Mance. Richards . Mitchell . Smith, Rcssiter. Peninsula: Farce 12 . Sims 4. Campbell 4 . Dietzsch 2 . A . Homer 2 . Crean 2. S. Parsons 2 . Barclay. Gross . Cook. Farrar. Best : Payze . A . Parsons. Sims . Crean . Cook. Dentn,. POWER HOUSE 2.4 5.7 10.7 11.11 .77 9.9 14 .10 19 .14.128 OAKLEIGH 3.7 Power House: Craven 4 . Robinson . Richardson. Clayton. West. Dean. Stallid]. Harrison. Best: Miller. Allan . West. Hall. Craren . Ltrnai. Oakleigh: Hanley 5 . Dooley 4 . C . Marshall 3 . Hall 2 . Adauay. Heevrin. A . Kttts. Mackenzte. Dram. Best: Hanley. H%zrin. Adamk. Taylor. Hall. Dooley . 6.1 8.3 11 .7.73 ST MARYS 4.1 SWKQBURNE UNIVERSITY 2.3 4.7 5 .11 18 .28.138 Sa3nhurne University: Dell'o1Bo 5. J . Caviccllo 4. Leonard 3 . L. Dell'olio 2. Sposato . Hailton. Simpson . O'Donnell. Best: Plotrowsld. Simpson. Hamilton. Ca}lcchlato . J. Delt'olfo. Sheedv. Swintwae Unfversity: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not recched) CHIBNS IDE PARK 1 .1 6 .2 12.5 20 .8.128 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 5.8 11 .7 12 .10 14 .10.94 Chirnside Park : Henderson 6 . V. PMcidt 6. AIlatt 4 . Westmore. Bakey. Carusi. Thomas . Beat: Allatt . W. Pemberton. Henderson. Pedler. Del~uxlice . V. Pico ioH. Caul6eld Grammar: Hall 5. Will 3. Brohler 2. Baxter. CowiL5ltaw. Royals. Vella. Best : Synman. Millard. Forster. Keahn . Will. ELS7ERNWICK 3.1 7 .3 9.5 11 .7.73 OLD CAMBERWELL 6 .3 13 .9 20.11 26.13.169 Elsternwick : MLCsaglia 3. Ntcholsort 3 . Walker 2, S. Mahoney 2. Murphy. Best : Brm1ngton. Mtssaaplia. Tllle_v. Murphy . Wigmore. McNally . Oki C®mbcrweit: ~hu~in 7. Hardman 6. Johnson 4 . Smith 3. Hills 2. Whitehead. D. 1Valker. SaC[ar. M. Scott. Hest: Lenten . Freedman . Imberger. Short. Pratt . Ryan.
RESERVES - 25 .07.9 8 GLENHUNTLY 0.0 0 .2 0.2 0.2.2 23.13.151 PENINSULA 7.3 13 .4 17.10 Gleahuntty: Kest: Mahoney . J . Jones. Fletcher. Bateman . Thom. M. Jones . Peninsula: Fisher 10. Bedford 6 . BoµTnzn . Marshall . Cooper. Nelson . McMahon. Wight. Haley. Best: Fisher. McMahon. Scrnvvn . Bedford . Cooper. Warner. POWER HOUSE 4.2 6 .3 9.6 10.7.87 5 .6 9.7 13 .11.89 OAKLEIGH 3.3 Power House: Baljack 2, Wilosn 2 . Gill 2. Hearn, McLeod . Pavlou 2. Best: Gent . Gill, Brand, Senior. Kromlark. Tucker. Oakle r'~h Gant 3. Osborne 3. BtootMle 2. Bromley 2 . Ntko 2. Theofilopoulos . Best: P. NikaTds. Orlando . Stirling. Bloomfield . Nike. Ktiodr. ST MARYS 1.2 2 .2 4.3 7 .5.47 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 8 .3 13 .5 15.13 19.17.131 St Marys: Goal Ktckers and Best players not recehed l Swinburne University: Dehono 4. Andrinopo4ous 3 . Johnstone 3 . McCalman 3. Canfield 2. Freeman 2. HiIlgemann 2. Jeffrey. Best: Debono. Sanction. Freeman . JelCrev. Bruce. Cason . CHIRNSIDE PARK 4 .4 4.4 6.5 8.8.54 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 1 .2 6.8 13.11 17.12.114 Gh'unstde Park : Koopman 2 . Oates . Wyngaz d . R. Chirnside. McArthur, Cousins . Lowen. B~t: Coushts. Adams. A. Chirnskie. C. L_vdsay. G. Kimpton . Caulfield Grammar :: Schohen 6. Margerison 3 . MorrLssey 2 . G. Williams 2. S. Williams. Harrison . CuUer. Santiago . ~est: Castles . M K 16ae. Chan. S. Williams. Bowes . Schdten. EISTERNWICK 0 .0 1 .1 2 .2 4.2 .26 OLD CAMBERWELL 6 .2 9.6 12 .8 18.12 .120 Elsternwiok: Lllik<ikis 2. Grant. Grandsmange . Best: Soppett. Conic. Morgan. Daniels, Currie. Kirkham . Old Camberwell: Harsey 5. O'Mahoney 3. Cohen 2. Hamilton 2 . Strachan . Day. Richmond . Bridel. Hopkins . Nash . Beat:O'Mahoney. Cohen. C . Williams. McIlualn . Hopkins . Kelly .
SENIORS - 25 .07 .98
4 I UI-
OAKLEIGH v. GLENHUNTLY Field : Ron Martyn Nick Evan s SWINBURNE UNI . v. POWER HOUSE Field : Adam Harris Ramon Killey PENINSULA 0 B v. CHIRNSIDE PARK Field : Peter Griffiths (R) Pat Maebu s CAULFIELD GR . v. ELSTERNWICK Field : Ken McNiece Bob McLeod OLD CAMBERWELL v. ST. MARYS Field : Jeff Collinson Andrew Dickenson
r., D111e CAUUM.DGVMMR CHIRNSIDE PAR K ELSTERMMqCAF.C. r== Scholtm 1 M . Millard
c~t,: sepn~,,i~
Res C~ : t4vi pates
1 M . Pemberton 2 A . Sor e 3 G. Skein 4 M . Carusi 5 W. Horton 5 M. Holliday 6 A . Kahofe r 6 J . Brown 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S. Cossart - Wals h 7 V. Piccioli 9 W. Bowes 8 S . Oate s 10 A. Wil l 9 W. Pemberton 11 M . Cassidy 10 M . Koopmans 12 J . Farmer 11 G . Wyngard 13 D . Gurr 12 D. Paola 14 S . Klose 13 E . Westmore 15 R . Castles 14 D . Dasolto 16 T. Royals 15 S. McIntosh 17 G . Williams 16 M. Walker 17 P. Anderson 17 B . Pedle r 18 N . Co x 19 B. Baxter 18 M . Massarotti 20 H . Vella 19 C . Piccioli 20 M . Klos e 20 K. Oates 21 N . Brohier (VC) 21 S . Cousins 22 T. Townley 22 P. Delguidice 23 D . Ash 23 R . Davidson 24 K. Dach s 24 D . McHenry 25 N . Lubransky 25 R . Henderson 25 T. Waile s 26 G . Kellaway 26 S . Williams 27 L. Lowe n 27 R . Keown 27 R . Morrissey 28 J . Mosca 28 T. Cha n 29 P. Schilling 29 D . Schrimski 30 L . Mather 30 D . Lowe 31 M . Ogstan 31 J. Holloway 32 G. Laidlaw 32 M. Dicrosta 33 A . Chirnside 33 N. Silve r 34 A . Thomas 34 J . Margerison 35 MT. Koopmans 35 A . Lawrence 36 D. Karp 36 R . Gosstray 37 L. Bakey 36 M . Forster 37 M . Scholten 38 G. Kimpton 38 J . Restaric k 39 N . Sibbing 39 J . Santiago 40 T. Marriner 40 M . Phelan 41 D . C Kennedy 41 M. Liddell 42 A . Conte 42 D . Synman 43 A . Burnes 43 J . Smith 44 R . Chirnside 44 C. Bettany 45 W. Hussey 45 T. Oscar 46 P. Egan 46 G . Lehner 47 N . Egan 47 L. Salem 48 S . Varthalis 48 R . Gray 48 I . Warnecke 49 C. Peters 49 B . Cowling 50 C. Lindsay 50 M . Cutler 52 G. Lambkin 51 J . Liddell 53 B. Driver 52 M . Harrison 54 D . Skillern 54 B . Lyons 55 P. Churchil l 55 M . Davies 56 R . McArthur 56 A. Dowd 57 J . Whiteside 59 A. Beauchamp 58 A. Mather 60 P. Kin g 62 A . Coventry 59 D . Harvey 69 A. Gooding 60 P. Pope 61 G. Pillikidis 2 B . Hall 3 D . Anderson (C) 4 S. Stevenso n
Coach : Rod Wlittafna Res Coach : Andrew Cwtan
1 L. Murphy (C) 2 A . Hankin 3 T. Byrne 4 C . Lyons 5 M . Whelan 6 D. Brennan 7 D . Le e 8 S . Currie 9 G . Ahearn 10 R . Bravington 11 L. Missaglia 11 P. Mahony 12 N . Wigmore 13 P. Stankovich 14 B. Barnett 15 M . Savage 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 N . Wigmore 19 R . Buckingham 20 G . Daniell 21 P. Roberts 22 M . Bullard 23 S . Curtain 24 G . Corrie 25 B. Franken 26 C. Mahony 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S. Mahony 30 J . Avard 31 G . Devonshire 32 P. Harri s 33 J. Overman 34 A. Conlin 35 P. McNally 36 B . Bravington 37 L. Lambert 38 M . Bell 39 P. Allan 40 M . Ray 41 A . Tilley 42 J . Lilikakis 43 C . Lyons 44 G . Corrie 45 R . Grandemange 46 J . Kosij 47 M . Grant 48 R . Morgan 49 B . Bravington 50 D . Hosking 51 S . Ramsey 54 S . Kirkham 55 P. Harri s 57 J . Wrigh t 64 D . Auslander
GLENHUNTLY Coach: Steve Aftder Res Coach : Peter Derrick
1 B . Wilson 2 C . Whelan 3 T. Hil l 4 D . Cassar 5 J. Alless i 6 P. McGuinness 7 M. Kout s 8 J . Janis 9 A . Antonio 10 A . Young 11 T. Rossiter 12 S . OiReilly 13 M . Kratewski 14 J . Gilmore 15 P. Bresli n 16 C . Johnson 17 S . August 21 I . Turner 22 G . Richards 23 P. Thomas 24 A. Worsnop 26 T. Shor t 27 M . Gulton 28 C. Murray 30 B. Stewart 31 L . Thomas 32 S. Jankovic 33 D. Jones 34 B . Mille r 35 J . Commerford 36 R . Hal l 37 A. Breslin 38 A. Haggarty 39 T. Hosking 40 L . McAuliffe 42 M . Stahmer 43 M.Jones 44 B . O'Donnel l 45 R. Stannage 46 A . Bai n
47 J . Walton 48 J . Young 50 G . Lewis 52 C. Mitchell 53 D . McLinden 54 D . Mance 55 S . Pappin 56 R . Bateman 57 M . Ryan 58 J. Crooke 60 M.Johnson 62 G . Panozzo 63 C. Thom 64 M . Callander 65 P. Harrison 66 P. Fogarty 67 B. Hodge 68 R. Dolge 69 G. Fletcher 71 P. Jones
OAKLEtGH AF Coach: Chris Moore Res Coach: Peter Andonop
1 R . Ge c 2 A . Bloomfiel d 3 D . MacKenzie 4 P. Heveri n 5 A. Walsh 5 R . Dooley 6 K. Marshall 7 P. Donadel 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 M. Wood 11 C . Hanley 12 A. Zavaleris 13 J . Knapper 14 B . Dell'Aquila 15 G. Redford 16 J . Niko 17 P. Hamilton 19 P. Taylor (C) 20 T. Adamic 21 A . Perdikomatis 22 S. Osborn e 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A . Kitt s 27 S.Adaway 28 A. Monaghan 29 D . Hal l 30 J . Stevens 31 T. Bromley 32 G . Perpina 34 S. Kilner 35 R . Nuske 37 P. Nikakis 38 D . Chapman 39 J . Bonaddio 40 C . Taylo r 41 G . Malapanis 42 G . Orland o 43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 B . Woodard 45 G. Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 S . Lewis 48 C . Nikakis 50 P. Leslie 51 J. Bonaddi o 52 P. Andrinopoulos 53 T. lanchell o 54 A. Atherinos 55 B . Grant 56 J. Alis s 57 S . Simopoulos 59 J . Brown 60 M . Cram 61 A . Moulang 63 D . Wood s 64 J. Tolley 65 B. Stirling 66 A. Wood 67 B . Gant 68 A . Khodr 71 S . Randl e JP'OR I JCV
Rafferty the Wrecker
24 THE AMATFt iR Fnnraer i co ,~~o
E Blu e 0(pGM90RINE .L PENINSULA O.B . ~ Hansai Aes Co~: Anckew Tsk "
1 J. McLean 2 T. James 3 A. Inkster ( VC) 4 S. Jack 5 S. Horskins 6 A. Seeley 7 M. Scott 8 C . Town 9 A. Gibb s 10 M . Hanson 11 J . Heffernan 12 J . Wilson (C) 13° N . Sims 14 R . Whitehead (VC) 15 -M . Short 16 D . Walker 17 R . Pike 18 A . Brownless M . Freedman 20 A. Hills 21 T. Hardman 22 S. Cho w 23 D . Bel l 24 D . Imberger 25 A. Taylor
26 M . Stones 27 T. Doherty 28 B . Leitch 29 T. Johnson 30 S . Roe 31 L . O'Mahony 32 E . Williams 33 M . Richmond 34 P. McCare 35 M . Hopkins 36 S. Der 37 R . Gillan 38 R . Scott 39 C . EVans 40 J . Harvey
41 L. Rya n 42 R . Pratt 43 T Walker 44 S . Smith 46 T. Reid 47 P. Lento n 48 J . Swann 49 A . Kent 50 B . McKenzie 51 A . Ro ers 52 J . Mcl wain 53 B. Mcilwain 54 P. Richmond 56 N . Saffar 57 T. Simpson 58 C . Williams 59 D . Alex 60 B . Kallio 61 T. Johnson 62 C. Bayford 63 C. Stracha n 64 B . Day 65 J . Miles 66 T. Hamilton 67 P. Craig 68 P. Thoma s 69 P. Cohen 70 D . Jennings • g= . 1 .-11114 6 9 ALL ELECTRICAL & GAS HOME APPLIANCES
9857 8061
Coactc Breit Nklhvr~lh Res Coach: M Raft
1 S . Parsons 2 S . McMahon 3 G . Nelson 4 E . Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warner 7 N . Franks 8 P. Angus (C) 9 P. Keohn 9 P. Krohn 10 T. Trewhi tt 11 A. Land ry 12 A. Campbell 13 V. Brancaijano 14 S . Coombs 15 B . Cook 16 S . Claringbold 17 L. Barclay 18 S . Glover 19 M . Goldthorp e
20 C . Land ry ( VC) 21 M . Bonner 22 A . Atchison 23 R . Sharpin 24 B. Wight 25 S. Atchison 26 C . Lloyd 27 S. Payze 28 B. Taylor
29 R . PowneY 30 A. Crean 31 A. Gross 32 A . Parsons 33 D. Sims 34 T. Bradon 35 S . Jackson 36 N . Bowman 37 T. Stewart 38 M . Wells 39 R . Pritchard 40 S. Marshall 41 S. Farrow 42 A. Maley 43 M. Bonner 44 J . Muir 45 D. Scow n 46 A. O 'Neil 48 J . BleasbY 49 J . Whelan 50 R. Blood 51 M . Fisher 52 R. Bedford 53 D . Smith 54 M . Dent ry 55 R . Cannon 56 R. Powney P. Dietzsc h P.
60, P. Cooper 62 D . Cross 66 A . Hayley 69 S. Farrar
POWERHOUSE Coactc Peter OHvieri Are Coac~e Cr" Rldwdsw
C~ Evan Evers Res C~ Pow Dimiclc
Coactr G~y Hickey Ras Caach: Geoff Barry
1 J . Gent 2 J . Hall 3 J . Grey 4 C . Lloyd 5 M . Braini 6 D . Burt 7 C . Richardson 8 S. Cross 9 A. Morris 10 T. Bailey 11 J . Gill 12 R. Wright 13 J . Harris 14 Hazelwood 15 C. Trewin 16 L. Bold 17 C. McLeod 18 C. Doyle 19 J. Evans 20 D . Allen 21 D . Miller 22 P. Bates 23 S. Craven 24 R . Williams 25 S . Evans 26 J . Senior 27 S . West 28 J . Tucker 29 T. Madden 30 P. Harrison 31 R. Marshall 32 B . Wilson 33 R. Taylor 34 A . Doughton 35 C. Williams 36 A . Robinson 37 M . Hansen 38 P. Phelan 39 O. Vestergarrd 40 C . Burnside 41 S. Clayton 42 N . Deans 43 W. Uran 44 G . Dean 45 P. Ghaz ouani 46 S . McCardel 47 D. Norman 48 D . Phelan 49 A . James 50 A . Standl 51 B . McKenzie 52 E . Krolmark 53 A . Kerr 54 J . Blowfield 55 N . Uran 56 J . Hem 57 C . O'Connor 61 B. McNamara 66 D . Wright 70 R . Haywood 87 T. Friend
1 M . Learmonth 2 L. Cosson 3 R . Livingsto n 4 A . Bell 5 L. Willis 6 W . Stua rt 7 T. Pettini 8 R . Kodituwakku 9 T Gun n 10 T. Jones (VC) 11 K . Gillard 12 B . Summerfield 13 J . Chapman 14 P. Watso n 15 D . Andrews 16 A. Wilcox 17 S . Leahy 18 B. Frail 19 B. Ibbotso n 20 G . Crouch 21 T. Ymer (C) 22 R. Allen 23 S . Parsons 24 I . Gouliet 25 M . LeLevire 26 P. Fraser 27 G . McConnell 28 J. Innes 29 J. Cogdon 30 S . Rhode s 31 J. Finch 32 J. Boyes 33 P. Stevens 34 R . Ferwerda 35 G . Theoharri s 36 E. Evans 37 J . McCashney 38 F. Harrison 39 A. Woods 40 S . De Young 41 W. Goldsworth y 42 T. Worral 43 L. Wilson 44 P. Dinnick 45 A . Gunn 46 J . Bernad i 47 M . Bona 48 D . Morcom 49 S . De Young 50 P. Fraser 51 A . Georg e 52 F. Sadier 53 R . Ferwerda 54 S. Goldswort hy 55 J. Duc k 56 A. Gun n 57 J . Grainge r 58 T. Azzapadi 59 J . Hill 60 C . Tetley 61 J . Josep h 62 G . Hayes 63 T. Ove rt o n 64 S . Parson s 65 P. Harti g an 66 S . Rhodes 67 S . Stone 68 M . Scammel l 69 G . Neve n 70 A . Goldswo rth y 71 N . Malloch 72 L. Phillips 73 J . Traxnack 74 J. Wedrien 75 J. Brown
1 M. Milan o 2 J . Sheedy 4 D . Dell'Oli o 5 J . Dell'Oli o 6 M . Johnsto n 7 A. Hamilto n 8 J . Horridge 10 R. Turnbul l 11 G. Barry 14 R . Good e 17 S . Lee 18 A . Fiuman i 19 B . O'Mara
88 G . Scotland
76 J. Jayde n 77 T. Timbury
88 A . Ballantyne
20 A . Hilgeman 9eman n
21 T Dymond 22 S. Flynn 23 C . Smit h 24 S . Fiztgibbon 27 D . Murphy 29 D. DePaoli 30 P. Turk 32 A . Sart itsis 33 D. Milan o 35 T. Grimshaw 38 N . Hadsiangel i 39 G . Crouch 40 M . Stroud 43 C . Freema n 44 N . Morga n 45 R . Potte r 48 M . De Bon o 50 B. Caulfield 51 P. James 52 J . Piotrowski 53 M . McCalma n 55 T. Benne tt
E SECTION (White) by Barry Hicke y
ll the top three spots have a cement like look eabout t them, but that is not the case down a t fourth, where, although two games clear now, Uni . High have three tough games ahead of them, and a dodgy percentage. LAST WEE K UHSOB went down to Williamstown CYMS quite comprehensively . CY's runners were on song and the G&B's could find no counter . For CY Anthony Daniel rucked superbly all day, Cooky was at his best around midfield, or wherever he was supposed to be based, and Sheldon Bryan did many useful things in spite of wearing a tag . For UHS Tubby Drendel put in a solid effort at FB, with Farrelly and Wallace both useful up fonvard . Fitzroy Reds severely dented North Brunswick's finals aspirations and revived their own into the bargain with a victory which surprised both Norths and me ! Old Carey and Richmond Central proved not to be the extravaganza expected . Central had one of those days when nothing they tried worked . and, some sloppy goal shooting aside . the C's were just about the opposite . Frank Macak and Mark Burnett strove effectively on their flanks, and Whisper O'Sullivan was inspiration on the ball . The C's entire backline put in an amazing performance, their on-ball/midfield group were very productive, and Jason Woods magnificent 'hover' in the third will never by forgotten by all present . La Trobe University clocked up a win against the hapless Old Westbourne, whose season so far has been dog-like to put it mildly . The Trobers were away to a good start and never caught thereafter, in spite of the Warriors best endeavours . Glen Robson again put in a top game for the Warriors, and Chad Galvin playing his 50th, worked hard in the forward line . Bulleen Cobras and Kew turned up no surprises apart from once again commenting that the Cobras really are a better side than their ladder position indicates . Scratcher Humphrey was a terrific on-baller for the Cobras, while Dean Cracknell on HBF or mid-field and the reliable Sam Bruno starred for the K's . TODAY Norths and Uni. High play off in what will be a series of preliminary semi finalr for the fourth place contenders . North was going through u horror patch when these two met in Round 7, and v. :a make things much tougher for the visitors today. Trying to pick a winner for this one is like trying to 26
separate the green and the yellow jellie s once they've been 1L_ mixed . Norths have the better forward and on-ball set ups . UHS plain man-up well! In the end I think the home will win it for North by a few points . Central hosts Reds and you can bet they be hell bent on removing the memory of last we effort. The Reds seem to wax and wane, but ah are able to cause surprises, so this is not a g to be taken lightly by Central . It is hard to Reds containing the Central tall timber, or t mid field-on-ball complements, and while the F half backs are extremely competitive, they will hold the Siwkas, Boves and Byrnes' . Cer should take this one by 7or 8 goals . CY meet La Trobe at the Fearon, and wil sniff of a finals berth remaining for the CY's I will not be lacking in concentration today! Towners are a great combination when their r ning on-ballers and flankers are switched on they have demonstrated in the past two we against Reds and UHS . Today that relentless r ning will be too much for the Trobers, and CY's take the points by a comfortable margin . The Warriors host the Cobras and will be h fng that some near year end joy will be bestoi upon them . There wasn't much between them I time round and there won't be today either . ' combination of being at home and the late reti of some skilled players should give the Warriors advantage of a few points only but enough to u Kew and Old Carey meet in the big one for t Round, and let me tell you after last week's effi both sides will believe I'm playing some misinf mation game, regardless of which side I favo There is not a big difference between these tear and at this end of the season, Kew's band of ex] rienced, savvy footballers start to come in on th own . The C's will have a pace advantage, Kew k be stronger in the air and more familiar with t nuances of Victoria Park . Even allowing for the I ter, the C's young brigade really are putting together well right now and will be very hard beat today . The C's by a goal or so, at the end o very good game . Reserves winners should be : UHS . Reds, C Cobras . Kew . As in the Ones, there is a hell ol squabble going on for the Ressies third and four spots. Today will clear a lot of dust . C orrespondents fax me on 9817 3084, phone Sunday or Monday on 9818 1425 .
,Ius( turf will ek's rays ame see heir :eds not tral ha hey rhe unas eks anwill
Y. a th or
UHSOB - congratulations a re extended to i Shane Crackne tl, e u 50th gam e milestones Zuliekagainst North 6runswick. "Crackers" and "Kouta" are important senior players who lead by fine example. Both are , :;celienteaponents on the left foot . Well done and 5() more.
I, ,
52 47 45 39
:71 ~k gill
NORTH BRUNSWICK v . UHSOB Field : Barry Bolger Ron Smith RICHMOND CENTRAL v. FITZROY REDS Field: Stan Lugowski Gerard Robb WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS v . LA TROBE UNI. Field : Andy Carrick Jim Pappa s OLD WESTBOURNE v . BULLEEN COBRAS Field : David D'Altera Rick Love (R ) KEW v . OLD CAREY Field : Michael Allen (R) Daniel Halliwell (R) Boundary : Becky Griffiths
SENIORS - 25 .07 .98 UHSOB 3,0 5.2 12 .3 12 .5.77 WILLIAMSTOWN 3 .3 10.7 14 .9 19 .11 .125 UHSOB: Wallace 3. Farrelly 3, Jones 2. Stevens 2, Johns 2 . Best: Farrelly. Tatarico. Starbuck . Devlin, Cook, Drendel. WB,LIAMSTOWN: Duncan MacLeod 4. K. Dervan 4. D. Wouda 2. Cook 2. Herbertson 2. Ocean 2. Cocks. Owen . Dene Macleod Best: Cook . Duncan MacLeod . Brvan. Daniel . K. Dervan. Hynes . FITZROY REDS 2.2 5.5 11.7 14.10 .94 NORTH BRUNSWICK 5 .5 6.8 8.8 12.14 .86 Fitzroy Reds: Prior 4 . Tehan 3. M. Hart 2, B. Hart. Farrell, WharL Walsh . Best: Walsh, Frisby, Briffa. Atkin. P. Jackson . M . hart. North Brunswick: A. Ttrchett 4, Pretty 4. Wernham. Kyriazis. Funnell . Adams . Best : A . Tirchett, Pretty. Adams, Famularl . McMahon. J . Boudoiou. OLD CAREY 2.8 5 .13 10.18 17.21 .123 RICHMOND CENTRAI . 2.1 2 .1 3.5 3.6 .24 Old Carey: Woods 5. Everett 3 . Cohen 3. Angus 2. Battle . Price. Vasilopoutos. Small . Best : Price, Auldist. Greenwood, Gibson . Mai. S . Curry. Richmond Central: (Goat Kickers and Best Placers not received) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 7.1 11 .3 14.3 18.8 .114 OLD WESTBOURNE 2.4 6 .6 10.7 12.9 .81 La Tmbe University: Robinson 7. Klelnitz 3. Dunin 3, Rosengren 2. W. Brown, Willis, Murphy. Best: Robinson. Klehtlte. Cummings. W. Brown . Willis. Cockle. Old Westboume: Galvin 4 . Moore 3. Robson 2 . Vincent. Franklin, Taylor. Best: Robson. Vincent . Sutton, Galvin. King. Craig. BULLEEN COBRAS 2.3 4 .5 5.6 8.7.55 KEW 1 .4 4 .7 919 14.12.97 Bulleen Cobras : Clements 2 . BadanJek 2. J . Moran 2. Humphrey. Schneider. Best: Schneider. Trintchi. Humphrey. Ga}ter. J . Moran . S . Moran . Kew: King 5 . R . Puivtrenti 5. Bell 2 . Cullen . Dimasi. Best: S. Bruns . Cracknell. Bradley, A . Feknic4tam . R . Pulvirenh. Dimasi .
RESERVES - 25.07.98 UHSOB 1 .7 3.11 5.13 8 .15.63 WILLIAMSTOWN 1 .1 1.1 1 .1 5 .2.32 UHSOB : Madrtgrano 3. Anderson. DeLuca R. Jones. Lewkkt. Mills . Best : K Jones . Eltringham. Anderson . Hausler. James. Lewkkt. Marten . Madrigrano . Willianutown: G. Bur ess . J. Burgess . Becku4th, Toby. DauFon . Best: Soccoccio. Bre uet . Oldham. Steb~ing, Paurryski . Ivkoadc . FLT~ROY REDS 2 .1 7.3 11 .6 14 .7.91 NORTH BRUNSWICK 1 .3 4.4 5 .5 7 .9.51 Fitzroy Reds : Cook 4 . T. Hart 2. Tomal 2. N. Hal(, Madden. Bemxnan. J. McConnell, Daffy . McGregor. Best: T. Hart, N. hall. J . Keppell . Berryman. Mackinnon. Didfv. North Brunswtelt : P. Sorleto 2 . H~ Anderson . C. Fox Crosina. Dowsett . Best: Bradford. B. Laoumtzed, Newton, TefCaha. Jewell. C. Fox OLD CAREY 7,1 10.3 12,8 18 .11 .119 RICHMOND CENTRAL 1 .0 2.0 4,2 5 .8.38 Old Carey: Rist 5 . Within ~ton 4 . Mudge 3. Christensen 2 . Parker. Wright. Drake. Gardiner. Best : Moulton . 4S'T1ghL Burn. Withutgton . Mudge. Mason , Richmond Central: (Goal Kickers and Best Plaâ&#x20AC;˘ers not received) LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 2 .3 2.5 3.8 4.8 .32 OLD WESTBOURNE 1.3 5.3 6 .3 8 .4 .52 La Trobe Univeraity: Moon 2, Fry 2 . Black. Best: Huffer. McIntyre. Since . Fry. Moon . Dumaresq. Old Weatbourne. Mesrnart 2. B. Mattsson 2. Hewitt. Gkidins. S. Mattsson. Muttmer. Best : S . Walker. Mutimer. Hewitt. Fleming . B . Mattsson . BULLEEN COBRAS 1.0 1 .2 1.3 8.4 .16 KEW 8.6 13.11 18.14 28.24 .180 Bu ll em Cobras: Orwin, Beattie. Best: J . Angello. N. Cartledge . SoumelidLs . Cook . Bastasin, Mantoudkis. Kew: La&anchi 6. Kiriakou 3 . R . Livingston 3 . J. Puhiren0 3 . Kalpakis 2 . Wells 2 . Bacc9ni . Donovan . Dodgson. Mountnev. Muekian. Penesfs. Porter. Beet: J. Puhirenti. Lairanchi . Skerritt. Donavan. D . htaschltto. MuckLat.
... ....~
_ -P I_/ 11
Phone: (03) 9561 7577 Fax: (03) 9561 756 6
C H A R T E R E D A C C O U N T A N T S Ground Floor, 77 Station Street, Malvern 3144 Victoria Australia Telephone : ( 03) 9500 0511 Facsimile : ( 03) 9509 2379 P.O . Box 73 Malvern 3144 E-mail : scotptnr@ozemail .com .a u 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1998
114 i' V 1111,v
BULLEEN COBRAS Coach: Joe D'Mgeb : Janie Redforn Res Coach 1 R . Schneider 2 T.Onain
3 M . Stratton 4 N . Cartledge 4 N . Cartledge 4 I . McLeod 5 M . Dalloglio 6 B. Hoar e 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 8 S . Gayler 9 P. Goetz 10 S . Wagg 11 S . Petty 12 A. Issa 13 S . Dillon 14 B . Mott 15 M . James 16 D. Trinch i 17 Gareth Brown 18 R . Badanje k 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran 21 M. Strahan 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern 24 P. Zorzi 25 W. Olney 26 A . Gillard 27 C . Pasiopoulos 28 B . Liras 29 A. Summers 30 C. Parker 31 S . Moran 32 C . Clements 33 A. Cook 34 M . D'Angelo 35 T. Sett e 36 D. Van Pelt 37 J . Paatsch 38 Graham Brown 39 T. Karanikos 40 S . Lenno n 41 N . Polites 42 G . Lekkas 43 R. Caiazzo 44 B . Moran 45 M . Sheehan 46 A. Humphrey 47 J . Polimakos 48 M . Soumlinis 49 M . Fit t 53 S . Stratton 69 L. Thompson
FITZROY REDS KEW Senior cc Scn: cralx lialm,ond Coach: Serge B'Angeb Res Coach: Danren Kam Res: Richard B *u
1 M . Frisby 2 A . Walsh 3 C. Daalde r 4 M . Carracher 5 D . Kane 6 S . Kidd 7 J. Doyle 8 M . Farrell 9 D . Fitts 10 James Briffa 11 F. Cocc o 12 J . Smith 13 A . Hoare 14 B . Campbell 15 P. Keppell 16 M . Wharfe 17 B. Lee 18 M. Heenan 19 A. Centra 20 D. Hope 20 A. Leddin 21 J . Kinsman 22 S . Pickett 23 A . Jackson 24 C. Tehan 25 P. Jackson 26 M . Hart 27 J . Loft 28 N . Hall 29 D . East 30 J . Campbell 30 B . Foster 31 M . Ross 32 T. Ha rt 33 S . Dru ry 34 M . Merh i 35 A . Mackinnon 36 W. Fawaz 36 R . R yan 37 C . Sheather 38 C. Prio r 39 A . George 40 R. McLennan 41 S .O'Carroll 42 I . McBurney 43 F. Toma i 44 Ben Hart 45 P. James 46 N . Mann 47 C. McGregor 48 A . Dove 49 R. Zapelli 50 E . Ky riacou 51 G. Thurgood 52 B . O'Connor 53 J . Keppell 54 S . Kleinitz 55 D . Atkins 56 T. Madden 57 N . Berryman 58 G . Evans 59 B . R yan 60 S . Slieke r 61 C . McConnell 62 N . Auden 63 V. Symons 65 G . Wright 66 P. Duffy 67 D . Trindade 80 G . Box
,M Resery T}olel Melbourne
1 B. Lafranch 2 J . Kal p akis 3 R . Pulvirenti 4 G . Crimmins 5 J . Barnes 6 C . Hop e 6 A . Felmingham 7 D . Hope 8 J . Pulvirenti 9 A. Gencarelli (VC ) 10 B . Cullen (C) 11 G . Bakogiannis 12 S . McMahon 13 C. Kiriako u 14 G . Campbell 15 C . Bradley 15 M . Bria 16 D . Wood 17 J . Bell (VC) 18 N . King (VC) 19 N. Peters 20 S . Harrison 21 D . Hannam 22 J . Paron 23 I . Baccini 24 B . Dimasi 25 H . Sheehan 26 M . Channon 27 D . Cracknell 28 L . Donovan 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C. Giansante 31 A. Wells 32 J . Chow 33 J . Porter 34 M . Mascitti 35 R . Bruno 36 A . Skerrit t 37 W. Lombardini 38 M. Frazer 39 P. Thomle y 40 P. Nagy 40 G . Muckian 41 R. Livingston 42 C. Livingston 43 J. Daumis 44 A . Dann e 45 J . Bo rt one 46 D . Masci tt i 47 H . Penesis 48 M . Dandanis 49 S . Hod gso n 50 G . Apolstalakos 51 M . Blair 52 I . Fletcher 53 M . Guy 54 T. Blun t 55 J . Landwehr 56 J . Ryan 56 N . Felmingham 57 A . Mountney 58 A . Acfield 59 A . Reid 60 M . Miqliorini 61 T. Willis 62 D . James 63 W. Gouin 64 C . Matthews 65 M . Callerame 66 B . Robertson 67 A . McDonough 68 R . Bake r 99 S . Bruno
Senior Coach: Sean Dusts Fox Res. Coach: JWn mm"I Ras. Coach: & Ravte9
1 M . Bakogianis 2 D . Huffe r 3 J. Goode 4 G. Murph y 10 D . Sidebottom 11 J . Levy 12 G . Robinson 13 B . Brown (C) 14 S . Haynes 15 M . Lewi s 16 C . McKie 17 L . Heathcote 18 S. O'Toole 19 R . Canty 22 S . Smee 23 S . Dunin 24 S . Honey 25 M . Cotsopoulos 27 L. Ryan 31 S . Lonergan 32 M. Napier 34 R . Brown 35 C . Roberts 38 A. Willi s 41 S . Robinson 45 S . Turner 46 D . Wright 47 S .Landwehr 50 S. Beaglehall 51 P. Klienitz 54 B. McKenzie 55 A. Cumming s 56 S . Pric e 57 N . Rosengren 61 S . Bland 62 G. Tendelli 63 C . Black 64 B. Ledderman 65 C . Aucote 66 A. Baill e 70 J . Dumaresq 71 P. Moon 72 S . Stirling 73 A . Bo rtone 74 S. Mitchell 75 A. Fry 76 B . McMillan 77 A . Alcock
1 2 3 4
A . Tirchett D . Adams S . Hodgson M . Sorlet o
5 W. McMahon 6 V. Grimald i 7 D . Magnuson 8 B . Whitman 9 B . O'Brien 10 P. Sorlett o 11 J . Boudoloh 12 J . Polemicos 13 S . Wernham 14 M . Bradford 15 B . Evan s 16 L. Demorton 17 A . Kyriazis 18 M . Malkoun 19 V. Liros i 20 M . Warren 21 G . Burrows 22 R . Thorpe 23 D. Elli s 24 G . Lattouf 26 s . Hogg 27 D . Lucantoni 28 W. Pretty 29 C . Jewel l 30 P. Dimarco 31 J . Freeman 32 S . Famulari 33 G . Piet 35 P. Dowsett 36 B . Thorp e 37 D . Demorton (C) 38 J. Tirchett 39 D . Pizzari 40 R . Abdelnour 41 C . Anderson 42 J . Papanikolou 43 M . Pisasale 44 J . Androutsos 45 H . Tisaltas 46 M . Laoumtzes 47 S . Laoumtzes 48 B. Laoumtzes 49 R . Johnston 50 D . Fox 52 J . Rotella 53 A . Velkoski 54 G . Goumas 55 Z. Nag i 56 A . Crosina 57 M . Teffaha 58 J . Wilcox 59 M . Newton 60 J . Toppi 61 J . Page 62 A . Boudoloh 64 I . Velkoski 65 B . Funnel l ® „ ~ THE LAUREL """"° BRASSERIE TABARET & PUB TA B 289 MT ALEXANDER RD ASCOT VALE 3032 TEL : 9370 5800 FAX : 9375 2282
. EWi te OL,DCAREY IN ~, c~, T~« ~, CpactM Saran Jadcsan
j C. Angus 2 C. Hickey 3 M . Cohen 4 C . Esler 4 P. Graham 5 P. Busse 6 C . Campbell (VC) 7 A . Drever 8 A . Oppy 3 M . Addison g A. Birkill 10 K. Shrives 11 N . Everett 12 M . Spencer 13 A. Jackson 14 M . Curry 15 S. Greenwood 16 M . Jones =17 S. Curry 118 C . Matthews (C) 18 C . Richard s 19 P. Drake 20 W. Mudge 21 J . Woods 21 F. Hosking 22 J . Hand s 22 C. Battle 23 T. Price ,24 M . Yarnell 25 C. Goodall 26 J . Daniher 27 N. Vasilopoulos (VC) 28 P. Nance 29 T. Moulton 30 S . Feehan 31 D. Gardner 32 C. Withington 33 P. Gilbert 34 D. Faelis 35 D. Palmer 36 L. Smal l 37 D. Wright I . Cohen 39 P. Bennett 40 B . Humphreys 41 A . Gates 42 C. Popplewell 43 S . Cherry 44 G . Hendriks 44 J . Rist 45 M . Eastham 46 M . Cann S . Hawkings 48 S . Addison 49 D . Burn 50 S . Hart 51 P. Maniotis 52 A . Opray 53 R . Bardwell 54 L . Patterson 55 C . Wheatley 56 J . Harcourt 58 M . Kennedyl 59 C . Mason 70 T. Auldist Major Sponsors: FREIGHTLINER TRUCKS QPO BAR & BISTRO HANG TEN
OLD WESTBOURNE RICHMOND CENTRAL U .H .S.O .B . c~ Robert ~ Coach: The Pact C~ ~d Nash Res. Coach: Eddie Sz~
Res. Coach: Damy Hickey
Fies Coedc M dc Jarr»x
~~'~~ 1 R. Mutimer 2 D . Taylor 3 R . Littlepage 4 A . O'Keefe 5 P. Vincent (VC) 6 J . Horsburgh 7 S . King 8 A . Horsburgh (C) 9 D . Ja o g 10 S . Sutton
1 P. Byrnes 2 A. Banfield 3 T. O'Sullivan 4 A. White 5 S . Shannon 6 S . Pickett 6 G . Bunshaw 7 F. Bove 8 G . Malcom 9 P. Jackson 10 A . Murphy 11 M . Newton 11 D. Hickey 12 F. Macak 13 G . McQueen 14 C. Shannon 15 P. Church 16 J . Blrt 17 A . Fawcett 18 M . Zajac 19 J . Manning 20 V. Kelly 21 S . Davis 22 A . Flores 23 L. Daly 24 A . Jones 25 P. Smith 26 M . Hannon 27 C . Adams 28 A . Water s 29 S . O'Sullivan 30 G. Tate 33 D . Johnson 35 D . Mudge 36 K . White 37 G. Porteous 38 N . Bowe 42 P. Hoey 43 A . Siwka 44 A . Faulkner 45 M . Black 48 T. Gutherie 49 N . Ritchie 51 H . McAlpi pinn 52 C . Andonopoulos 54 P. Whiteside 55 S . Fenton 56 D . Wilson 58 A . Goldbergg 59 M . Tent o 60 R . McIntosh 62 T Graha m 64 M . F ranci s 65 A. Kemp 66 C . Corker 67 R . Goli 68 F. Walther 69 M . Tapley 70 T. Taylor 72 J . Reid 74 P. Cahwood 78 S. Tresise 79 D . Sheehan 80 G . Magi
1 R . Freijah 2 A . Talarico 3 A. Bone 4 C . McLennan 5 C . Shone 6 S. Cracknell 7 C . Skinns 8 D . Haslett 8 A. Anderson 9 R . Smith 10 P. Burns 11 S. Mill s 12 B. Farrelly 13 P. McLean 14 J . Ham 15 M. Davidson 16 P. Gunthorpe 17 P. Sciola 18 R . Stevens 19 G . Mazza 20 F. Molinar o 21 M . Pi9den 22 R . Johns 23 P. Eltringham 24 B. Carruthers 25 A. Hellne r 26 B. Fogliaro 27 S. Major 28 M . Rothwell 29 K. Jones 30 B. Abrahamse n 31 P. Dolence 32 H. Starbuck 33 P. Drendel 34 G . Haeusler 35 S. Jones 37 G . Catterall 38 G . Madrigrano 39 M . Rea 40 J . Ford 41 C. Pfeiffer 42 D . Wallace (C) 43 M . O'Neil 44 A. Pfeiffer 45 C. Cook 46 R. Killey 47 M . Waldron 48 K. Lewicki 49 D. De Luca 50 D. Zulicki 51 J . Rogers 52 J . Damian o 54 J . Pfeiffer 56 H. Gillies 58 M . Coo k 59 D. Smith 60 J . Michael 61 P. Hoban 62 J . Abbot 63 M . De Luise 64 J . Evans 65 D. McCartney 67 C. D'Agnolo 68 A. Dixon 69 S . Hyde 72 G . Pullen 73 S . Devlin 77 L. Marten 87 M . James
11 B . Franklin (VC) 12 M . Gibb 13 S . Hewitt 14 B . Mattson 15 A . Board 17 M . Aquilina 18 P. King 19 M . Craig 21 B . Dangerfield 22 W. Fleming 23 G. Flower 24 L . Fairfiel d 25 D . Moore 26 P. Mesman 27 J. Farrugia 28 C . Parslow 29 D . Horsburgh 30 C . Galvi n 31 S. Walker 32 G . Jenkinson 33 G . Robson (VC) 34 B. Stewart 36 P. Knight 37 S. Cummin 38 B. Mattsson 39 A. Robbin s 41 D . Merino 42 M . Dobbie 43 B. Williams 44 S. Craig 45 A. Teagl e 46 G . McNair 47 R . McMillan 48 M . Gale 50 P. Habbersatt 52 S . Wright 53 D . Billma n 54 M. Crosswell 55 B. Gree n 56 A. Crabb 57 J . Robertson 58 B . Stewart 59 C . Stone 60 T. Briski 61 M . Broadle 62 D . Ciccocioppo 63 R . Sherlock 64 C. Villinger 65 D. Clowes 66 C. Pope 67 B . Slattery 68 A . Lipscombe 69 G . Mussara 70 M . Buttiegieg 71 A . Traianon
Sponsors: THE MAX HOTEL Carmine Miranda AMP LIFE LTD 9805 930 7
Res Coadh:c arr aon McKenzie 1 N . Bezzant 2 D. Dawso n 2 B . Cock s 3 D . Wouda 4 S . Wucatsch 4 J. Tuc k 5 P. Sadle r 6 D . Oldha m 7 S . lvkovic 8 B . Hann g G. Cas e 10 J. Catlow 11 L . Grochowsk i 12 A . Mackley 13 B. Wouda 14 A . Danie l 15 B. Hyne s 16 K. Dervan 17 Dena Macleo d 18 J . Shar p 19 P. Dervan 20 P. Owe n 21 N . Bon d 22 R . Alle n 23 G . Herbertso n 24 S . Borszsk y 25 G . Burgess 26 D . Lee 27 J . Buttergie g 28 A. Pawczynski 29 S. Brya ry n 30 A. Cook (C ) 31 X. Toby 32 M . Dooley 33 A. Blac k 34 B . Robinson 35 S . Kennedy 36 C. Bergi n Y A. Bond 38 D. Macleo d 39 T. Carte r 40 A. Menhenne t 41 S . Lubi c 42 A. Barnes M . O'Flynn 44 M . Manning g 45 P. Breguet 46 S . McEachra n 47 T. Hickford 48 P. Dowsey 49 K . Dowsey 50 K . Stebbing 51 D. Bubni c 52 A. Savoia 53 T. Beckwith 54 J . Burges s 55 J . Goodma n 56 G . Rickard 57 M . Saccoccio 58 C. Scott 59 G . Singleto n 60 C. Singleton
BDFOO0 0 Beiersdorf Australia Ltd
F SECTIO N by Ed Sil l
REVIEW Whilst that rather rotund lady is striding purpose-
fully to the warm up area, there are still more than four sides with a mathematical chance (every coaches favourite saying) of making the finals however the dye does appear to be set with Eley Park the unlucky side in both grades . The match of the round saw Syndal (3) host West Brunswick (4) in a crucial game with the Sinners hoping to stay in double chance contention whilst the Westies needed to cement fourth spot after falling in an upset the week before . The Sinners were unable to contain the Westies firepower and the visitors ended up winning by a few goals . Star FF. Steve Smythe was the difference as he finished with a bag of ten goals including six in the third quarter. He was ably assisted up forward by Paul Harris and Sky Jackson with Matthew Malone dominating in the ruck and the backline being held together by Matthew Lewis and Glen Heppel . A great win for the Westies . Monash, on the rebound, played host to a desperate Eley Park who needed to win to keep their late season finals dash alive. The Sharks were tenacious and it took a seasons best game from Andrew Grady in the ruck, the Human brick wall in Rafanello at CHB and Leeton again at FF with four goals to quell the uprising . Monash would be happy to be back on the winners list after a slight stutter the week before whilst the Sharks will be left to ponder what could have been . Werribee accounted for ANZ Albert Park but not as easily as they would have hoped . The Rats led by a couple of goals at three quarter time but in a manner reminiscent of the first game of the season, Werribee was able to run over the top of them in the last quarter . Jim Sutton was sensational in the ruck for the Rats . whilst Nick Rutherford and Damien Vaughan-Nevin were also valiant for the vanquished . Finally . the Hawks were able to overcome the Turtles in an entertaining game . The Hawks got away to a solid start but the Turtles rallied and if not for some poor finishing might have square it up by quarter time . The Hawks gradually increased their lead as the Turtles eventually ran out of gas . The winners were well served by Dan Lauletta with eight goals . Broadlev in the middle . Zavarella on a wing and Hutchinson in the ruck whilst that absolute cornerstone of the club . Frank Coonertv was fantastic on his wing and big Brian Doody was a handful at CHF for the vanquished . PREVIEW Match of the day sees the ever improving West Brunswick play host to ladder leaders, Monash 30
Gryphons . After a ~ slow start to the sea-
son the Westies have really hit their straps and are playing as well as anyone at the mom while the Gryphs_are motoring along comfortably their leadup to the finals . Both sides possess good men in the form of Matt Malone (W) and Andt Grady (M) and also have strong midfielders with Westies captain, Hamilton likely to be pitted agai his Monash counterpart in Lee Wells . In addition, two sides contain the two leading goal kickers it section in the form of Tim Gilchrist and St Smythe. The Westies spearhead is in particule good form and the consistent John Blanford will m to be on his game to quell Smythe . Westies need more to confirm their final four status whereas Gryphs are already in finals preparation . Westies win a close on in a boilover . The next big game sees Hawthorn play host Syndal . Little has separated the two sides in bi contests this year and that trend appears set to c( tinue . Hawk defender Shane Parker will no dot partner star Syndal forward Cachia for the day wI the midfield battle of Rutter and Bent for the Sinn, and Broadley and Zaverella for the Hawks will important . Dan Lauletta has been on fire in rec( weeks and will take some stopping . The Hawks mi) just have enough in hand to defeat the Sinners . Eley Park get the opportunity to keep their d tant finals hopes alive when they play host Werribee . The Sharks have some big scalps this yf but have not been able to string a big run of wi together whereas the visitors have been a bit of a d appointment in that they are always competitive wil out ever winning against higher placed sides . Morg and Isaacs are a talented forward line for Werrit and with the likely absence of Marty Hook at CHB the Sharks could be a real handful for the Shar defence . Darren Hawley continues to find the goals conjunction with Adam Lenarcic and their firepov might just be enough for the Sharks to post anoti win. In the final game for preview . ANZ Albert Pa meet Eltham in a game that has no finals inten attached but plenty of pride at stake . The Turti have been the Rats only victim so far this year a will both be looking at this in a can win manner . T Rats will need to curb Brian Doodv at CHF who iclastwepyniotFrakCe i on his wing while in turn the Turtles will need mark Luffie Smith closely as he is a potential mate winner. In the midfield, Cam Simon will meet up wi Nick Rutherford in a pivotal duel . Although the R e Q THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER i
„cre good last week its still hard to see them matchi „~ up with an almost full strength Turtles . press Correspondents 9555 0900 Phone 9553 ,675 Fax before 5 .00pm Monday . It would be great this week to hear the correspondents opinions of wor(lly opposition inclusions in the F section team of the year to be listed in the last home and away edition of he Amateur Footballer. SOCIAL All Monash Gryphons players are reminded that he club photo will be taken on 5th August at the cluu rooms at 6 .00pm sharp . $10 to Matt Healey will get oil a copy. ~ ill iT)K J.~f Monash Gryphons - congratulations to Andy Tolongos who last week reached 50 games for the club . Andy has developed from a pacy wingman into a specialist tagger this season and has shutdown some class mid-fielders . Well done and we look forn•ard to the next 50 .
]~I (~
%D~_~h l ; 8
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SENIORS - 25.07.98
MONASH GRYPONS 2.5 7.8 13.12 19 .18.130 ELEY PARK 3.0 8.4 8.6 11 .10.76 Moneah Gryphons: Leeton 4 . Killmister 3, Wells 3 . Hetherington 3. T. Gilchrist 2. Watson. Blandford . Graydon. Salaj. Best : Grady. Raffanelto. We4s, Kitchen. Tolon~s KillmLSter. Eley Park: Lenarcic 5. Trotter 2, Alexandridis. PsaltopoWaus . King . Best : pane. Lenarcic . telland. Verde. Psaltopoulous . Alexandrklis. SYDAL TALLY HO 5.4 9.6 10 .8 12.8.80 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 .2 7.7 12.9 15.13 .103 Syndal Ta lly Ho : Rutter 5. Hannemann. Toce. Christiansen . Thompson . Beckett . Henderson . Cachia. Best: Beckett. Henderson . Byrns . Thompson. Chrsttiansen. West Bruaswiek: Smvthe 10 . Harris 2 . Cannane . P. Hamilton. Heywood, Beat : Smythe . P. Hamilton . Lewis, Jenktn. Heppell. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2 .5 3.9 5.11 7.14 .56 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 5 .2 12.8 16.9 20.9.129 Elth®nr Collegiens : (Goal Kickers and Best Plaversnot recehed ) Hawthorn Ameteurs: lauletta 8. Barker 2. Za~arella 2 . Pollock 2. Bourke. OHanlon. Nowak . Dunstan, Rossitto, McConan . Best: lauletta Broadlev . Zavarella. Rossitto. Hutchinson, Orchard . ~ WERRIBEE AMATEURS 2.3 4 .5 7.7 13 .12.90 ANZ ALBERT PARK 3.1 8 .2 9.8 11 .12.78 Werribee Amateurs: Morgan 3 . Stephenson 2. Duhau 2 . Addamo. Brown . Fletcher. Carr. Mayite . Cotter. Best: Carr. Collier. Addamo. Morgan. Cummins. Brown . ANZ Albert Park: Bayles 2. Shoppe 2. McLellan. Jenkin . Sutton. Rutherford. Smith . Farmer. Phillips. Best : Sutton . Rutherford. Vaughn-Nken. McLelland. Bennett. Phillips.
RESERVES - 25.07.98
MONASH GRYPHONS 2.5 6.6 7.6 7 .6.88 ELEY PARK 0 .1 3.4 6.7 10.10.70 Monash Gryphons: King 2 . Arena 2 . Browelt. Lowcock . Walter. Beat: Holland. Browell. Sc :: :, Davey, Lcroy. Wright . Eley Park : C. Kace 4. S. Kelly 2 . kyan . Dell'orso. Brady. AdfL Best: N . Karadlmos, C . Kavc . Fisher. Heath . Ariff. Hanrahan . SYNDAL TALLY HO 3 .1 3.3 4.6 5.8 .36 WEST BRUNSWICK 2 .4 5.8 7.12 11 .16 .82 Syadel Tally Ho : Vergaros 2. Kerins . Hutson. Bennett . Best: Beaumont . Bennett. Brassil . Boucher. French . West Brunswick : DisLsto 3, J . Curtin 2. Ortiz 2 . Edwards. T. Moore, Flanagan. Best: J. Curtin. MeNaughton. Baker. Whithead . McAllister. Rodgers. ELTHAhi COLLEGIANS 2.3 4 .4 6.5 7.6.48 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 2.3 4 .5 8.8 10.12.72 Eltham Co llegians : (Goal Kickers and best players not received ) Hawthorn Amateura: Bogie 4. Mulcak 2 . law 2. Lord. Carmody. Best : MWcahy. Hewish . Morrison .Bop e. T2yan . Rossthorn . WERRIBEE AMATEUhS 3.6 10.10 15.13 22 .18.160 ANZ ALBERT PARK 2.0 4 .1 6.2 8 .2.50 Wer ribee Amateurs: Seeber 5 . Chapman 3 . Smith 3. Harris 2. Ryder 2. Johns 2. Pace, Else . C. Alabakis. N . Roberts. Best : Seeher. Johns . Harris. Else . Smith . C. Alabakis. ANZ Albert Park: Rhtrland 4. Daou. Park . Heves. Best : Rherland . Heyes. Kilma.sterm Carter . Green. Farrell.
WEST BRUNSWICK v. MONASH GRYPHONS Field : Ken Brewer George Paleodimos HAWTHORN AMATEURS v . SYNDAL TALLY HO Field : Peter Woods Tony Psinas ANZ ALBERT PARK v . ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Field : Michael Gilday (R ) ELEY PARK v . WERRIBEE AMATEURS Field : Daniel Ischia
SPeciatisls in Sports PhotogralAy
"Team Photos Promote
Team Spirit " PHOTOS AND 3UNDRAISINC : Book now to raLse fund , for your dub PLUS have photos that will lost forwer,
Call or fax ltathoneoo Telepimrre
9894 817 7
Facsimile. 98948155 A -0 rSpomlMx-4nc Unk! / K.T174rilwny R. .t FMCkbum Vk 11 .1t
F Section ANZ ALBERT PARK Coach : GuyForsytl~ Ras. coach: P~ ~hoppe
ELEY PARK Coach: Martin Hook Res Coach: Rob Widd~an
1 S Duke 2 N Pastras 3 P Smith (S) 3 D Kilmartin (R) 4 R Wills 5 J Hannett 6 G Forsyth 7 J Sutton 8 R Lindsay 9 J Bourne 10 M Phillips
1 D. Arundell 2 A . Morris 2 M . Brady 3 A . Featonby 3 R. LaMarca 4 M . Georgiou 4 M . . Dell'Orso 5 C. Kaye 5 W. LaMarca 6 D. Bruce 6 A . Briginshaw, 7 D. Bowen . 7 N . Taifemopoulos 8 D. Carroll 8 R. Poole 9 P. Yelland 9 T. Karadimos 10 C. McLean 11 L. McLean 12 A. Dunstan
11 A Mitchell
12 G Finn 13 A Farmer 14 T Prior 15 J Snorrason 16 J Djo'tic 17 D McLellan
18 P Boyle t9 A Faranda 20 R Kpe9ler 21 P Shoppee 22 'S Redpath 23 A Benne tt 24 Ft McDohald 25 J McDonald 26 C Iva 27 C Lovett 28 C Walkley 29 G Walkley 30 A Thomas 31 D Green 32 M Farrell 33 N Daou 34 N Rutherford
13 A. Kelstall
14 G . Elder 15 R. Young 16 P. Stoney 17 A. Hill 18 S . Raymer 19 D. Trotter 20 M . Hook 21 F. Mihaec 22 P. Cantone 23 G . Smith 24 S . Watts 25 G . Heath 26 D. Hawley 27 D. Kaye 28 W. Holm 29 F. Lettini 30 G . Bromley 31 Q . Lamarca 32 D. Grant 33 N. Dix 34 S . Bromley 35 P. Blew 36 S . Le e 37 D. Payne
35 P Galley 36 M Pearson
37 A Jenkin 38 J Leneghan 39 A Kemp 40 `G Taylor 41 D Riverland 42 C Carlisle 43 R Carlisl e 44 C McLean 45 S Bullow 46 V Stuto 47 M Carter
38 K. Podger
39 J . Verde 40 N. Karadimos 41 R. Wickham 42 V. Fukishima 43 S . Bazley 44 L. Ketts 45 L. Dix
48 P Reyes
49 A Stewart 50 K Daou 51 D Tangney 52 F Pole 53 D Fanning 54 P Rutherford
1 J . Smyth 2 S . Maxfield 3 A. Tocke r 4 B. B. Dood y 5 R
6 R . Heany 7 M . Gasparotto 8 J. Woodward 9 C . Watson 10 C . Simon 11 J . Muzzi 12 G . Mullins 13 R . Bell 14 S. Justice 15 L. White
Coach: POW Tyson Res Coach : Ksvh
Coach: Gary Ryan Res. Coach. Tina Dre w
1 D . Murray (VC) 1 T. Fitzpatrick 2 G . Broadley 2 B. Lovich 3 K . Richardson 3 M . Irvine q S. Bowe
1 L . Wells (C ) 2 M . Healy 3 A. Grady 4 G . Harrak 4a C . Robinson
5 S. Avery ry 6 P. Ave ry (VC) 7 G. Stallworthy
9 W. Polloc k 8 M . Dunstan 16 D . Barnett 10 P. Orchard (C) '17 G . Leys 11 A . Sill . Barling 18 M 12 N . Patterson t9 D . Boyce 13 J . Povey 20 T. Carter 21 D . Shipley 14 D . Lauletta 22 S. Athanasopoulos 15 G. McDonald 23 A . Phipps 16 C . Reed 24 M . Dw~er 25- T. Healey 17 D . Zaverella 26 J. Glare 18 P. Ryan 27 B. Turney 19 J . Law t 28 T. Barnet 20 S . Parker 29 C . Bishop 21 A . Bourke 30 D . Hogan 31 Z. Jovanoviski 22 W. Power 32 P. Clarke 23 D . Tracey 33 M . Volard 24 D . Hutchinson 34 R . Davies 25 M . Zaverella 35 J. Muscat 36 S. Philipso n 26 M . Nowak 37 C . Horsburgh Dalziel 27 R . Lord 38 S . 28' J . Morrison 39 F. Coonerty 40 S. Lewis 29 P. Barker 41 G. Stackpool e 30 M . Nunn 42 C . Hal l 31 J . Best 43 N . Hamshare 32 S . Davies 44 C . Menther 45 A . Macaulay 33 D . Hopkins 48 R . Harris 34 J . Bogie 49 W. Share 36 K . Sanders 50 L . Sharpe 38 M . Tyson 51 T. Scot t 52 A . Smedley 39 P. Hewish 53 J. Ath3nasopoulos 41 D . Lahiff 54 P. Barnett 43 I . Cheppa 55 P. Morrow 44 P. Rossitto 56 A . Stockdale 59 B. Evans 46 T. O'Hanlon 60 A. Stockdale 48 I . Rosthorn 61 G. Dismore 49 D . McCowan 62 B. Hespe 51 R . Starbuck 63 A. Kelso 64 R . White 52 R . Denovan 65 S. Schafer 53 T. Kerr •
55 M . Leitao
48 P. Clear
49 M . Hooper
6 G . Ryan 7 M . Khoury 8 J . Blandford 9 P. Lowcoc k 10 P. Williamson 11 J . Barri e 12 J . Urban 12 D. Domaschen z 13 J . Stratfor d 14 M . Lewi s 15 A. Clarke 17 7 j Hetherington C 18 A. O'Bria n 19 J . Lero y 20 G . Browell 21 M . Asbel l 22 D . Henderso n 23 C . Freema n 24 D . Kitchi n 25 M . Kilmiste r 26 T. Gilchrist 27 R . Gilchris t 28 R . Rafaniell o 29 J . Fuller 30 R . Dave y 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A. Tolongo s 32aC . McAleese 33 D . Junkeer 34 M. Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 J . Watso n 37 V. Hindle 38 P. Callus 39 M . Clydesdale 40 M. Salaj 41 D . Charlesto n 42 T. Drew 43 D . Walter 44 B. Kenyon 45 J . Goni s 46 G . Kent 47 T. Besce e 48 L . Marti n 49 B. Lloyd 50 D . Kweite l 51 C . Leeton 52 D . Hal e 53 G . Wadley 54 T. Wright 55 D . 56 M . Buic k
46 S . Collins
47 M . Payne
5 D . Kin g
60 S. Radich 61 D . Nichols 66 S. Pelletier 69 S. McGrai l
tvtcl tsry• lid SAyES ~WREoF OFFICE p-URNrtURE
PmudlySpoiwrEdby : .
STAR AND GARTE RHOTEL Cnr Damas St & 70 Nelson Rd, ~~~~~1e
EaIwv TIMBER & HnkoWAREPR 1175-1181 Main Road,
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r~~~®u ~~ ~ l7H1 ' AAR & rISiR&
F Section SYNDAL TALLY-H O W ERRIBEE AMATEURS ~~ ~ r.~t,: T. Marks K . Gadsby A . Sneddon M . Joy (C) D . Simonsen A. Turpi n p. Henderson D . Hannett J . Cotsi s A. Burns A. Burgess R. Bennett 8 V. Wong 9 I . Bingham 9 G . Woolard 10 P. Henning 11 J . Rutter 12 D . Bent (VC) 12 S . Gould 13 J . Kerrins 14 S. O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 B. Boucher 17 P. Kell y 18 S. MacFarlane 19 J . Willoughby 20 J . Erta n 20 C. Hal l 21 A. Thompson 23 M . Beckett 25 C. Clark 27 I . Rozankovic 28 M . Kennedy 29 P. Van Velzen 30 B . Wood s 31 B . Hannemann 32 J. Mores i 33 M. Richardson 34 J . Alle n 35 C . Cachia (VC) 37 C . Beaumont 37 M. French 38 M . Christiansen 39 D. Flight 40 N . Toce 40 N . Brewster 41 A . Richardson 42 A . Hil l 42 A . Findlay 43 C . Varnavas 46 C . Murphy 47 H . Bake r 48 J . Green 50 C . Hutson 53 S . Boyd 54 P. Kostakos 56 S . Drabble 57 P. Vergakis 62 R . O'Dell 63 G . Spencer 64 D . Taylor 65 H . Brown 66 G. Wallace
Pss. Coach : E k~
1 D . Stephenson 2 B. Campbell 3 C . Alabakis 4 L . Brown 5 A. Neems (VC) 6 S . McGrath 7 S . McNamara 8 B . Cotte r 9 A . Towers 10 C. Cummins 11 N . Issac (C) 12 R . Rantino 13 Jason Craig 14 J . Marinis 15 P. Mayne 16 S . Bisby 17 D . Ryder 18 E . Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 M. Harris 21 S . Dalbon 22 R . Zulian 23 S . Fletcher 24 M . Elso 25 S . Duhau 26 R. Engler 27 M . Holman 28 B . Poole 29 S . Dol e 30 C. Morgan 31 P. Johns 32 B . Gibson 33 D . Girvan 34 N . Roberts 35 M . Drew 36 S. Murray 37 C . Edwards 38 J . Delaney 39 C . Chapman 40 P. Alabakis 41 T. Carr 42 A . Cordell 43 E . Galizi 44 G . Saywell 45 A . Soto 46 T. Barton 47 C . McNaughton 48 P. Sullivan 49 D . Smith 50 K. Pace D . Shelley J . Coates R . Howden D. Trifilo T. Clarke J . Craig B . Seebe r
Box Plumbing Ph : (03) 9741 3864 Fax: (03) 9741 9261 Mobile: 01 8 058 132
WEST BRUNSWIC K C O W L Jft JwksÂŤ, Res. Coach : Paul Cook 1 A . Hamilton (C) 2 P. Hamilton 3 G . Heppell 4 D . Coonan 5 A. Cannane 6 L. Robson 7 F. Vitale 8 L. Petschel 9 J . Khoury 10 S . Byrne 10 S . Fyffe 11 S . Cocolaras 11 J. Heywood 12 L . Brow n 13 P. Hamilton 15 P. McNaughton 16 S. Smyth e 17 M . Hamilton 18 J . Curti n 19 A. Edwards 20 J .Jackson 20 A . Silbereisen 21 S . McNamara 22 P. Curti n 23 G . Saldatos 24 M . Moore 24 J . Jenkins 25 G . Malone 26 H . Whitehead 27 D . Disisto 28 P. Harrington 29 D . McAllister 30 M . Lewi s 31 S. Jackson 32 S. D'Andrea 33 T. Baade 34 I . Twyford 35 B. Hamilton 36 D. Horne 37 S . Coombes 38 P. Harri s 39 H . McDonald 40 B . Bake r 41 J . Blake 42 P. Harris 43 J . Tobin 44 S . Gason 45 P. Shand 46 C . Price 47 T. Bromley 48 T. Moore 49 D . Lynch 50 R . Crackett 51 L. Sherry 52 B . Flanagan 53 1 . Cocolaris 54 T Jackson 55 M . Orti z 56 A . Baker 57 J . Smith 58 D . Williams 65 M . Rodgers 66 M . Malone
E~~ ~ ~%~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A melee is Where an incident takes plac e involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwin g each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"
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5 YEARS AGO - 199 3 Haileybury went a step closer to the 'A' Section id when they defeated Ormond who fell from ~four 13 .12(901, with fourth to sixth, vu~ter .4 to( 142) Best fo r were a brilliant last q layer) . Anderson. Borg (OH) ;raus (former Ormond g8 p iand McCollough, Hille, Gilmore (Ormond) .
. Old Melburnians saluted one of their greatest sons . ldrevu Witts on his 250th game, spread over 14 years
andand including ~1ership playe 91, p er 88, Carnival and interpr state player, his raking left boot kicks and bustling . They celebrated the day by taking top spot styleB'ofagainst play Therry, beating them easily 19 .25 to in ' Bryan . Useinov, O'Brien (Old M) and 10 .13 . Best were . Wrigglesworth (Therry) . . Taylor Castaldi his rule of the In Umpires Corner. Benny G . gav e Week- ,When it is necessary for a defending player , from a free kick or mark, to take his kick from behind . he must kick, handball• or take the goal or behind line the ball into play in a direct line With hi s laver on the mark shall not be permitted to , the p cases come within five metres of the goal or behind lines" understand in 1998 suggest that pNR) . stand the rule better than AFL player e s Looking at all senior selections the only team to b . Leos Wattle sure of finishing first or second was St Park who was on top in 'E' . three games .ahead of the . Doveton and Glenhuntly next two teams E had a stirring Bulleen United . striving to stay in. Old Essendon 4 point win against sixth team . Best were Veitch . .11 .9 to 17 Grammarians 18 Klemencie . Connollv (Bull) . . Cox, C . Rowe. A. Rowe, E Section umpir es were M. Gilday. L . Symons, G . A. Taylor . D. Anderson . M . Earp. Keane . M . Head . D . Knott, D : Can you name the umpire who had previ QUIZ ously played AFL football? To help you, in 1994 he was back playing 'A' Section football. 10 YEARS AGO - 198 8
'A' Section relegation battle was a thriller . After 1 5 games. St . Bernard s old Scotch were at the bottom With 4~v2ns, De La 5, . North had given their chances a big wand North OB 6 . 7 .5 to boost when at home they beat leader, Ormond . . Bruno Conti kicked 3 goals for NOB 6 .7 Kew (B) kept their undefeated record With a big win overoutaGlen hornlea Smith (Kew), and Matton , y Best were Jenkins, Tthir.dThe old men of football had Quinn, Tyler (Therry) went of th season tuthose learns e talk staed to e ndefeat d only to past obadly through th in the finals . In the battle for second place in "C"• Old Melburnians gained a 23 point break in the first quarHaileyburians and went on ter against contender old . all st were rown . Witdts (OM)iand1Sm th'O'~&OePhil ips (BOld HaiBlaglin, A 15 YEARS AGO - 1983
.) . 'A' Section captains were Stuart Hinchen (Coll . Paul Considine (North OB) . Frank .) Matt Getson (Marc . Peter . Russell Barnes (Ormond) Gleeson (Old Par) . Bernards) and Steve . Gary Wood (St Curtain (Old Xav) . Things must have gone a bit Macauley (Uni Blues) astray at De La and Old Scotch - Round 16 and both teams still without a captain .
. and indeed 300 senior games are worth a mention Mentonians wonder, Gary Norton . 9 old so when its awards . VAFA club B&F awards . 3 VAFA section B&F CDEF team and a wonderful clubman .
To celebrate 125 years of Australian Rules, A Section teams Old Melburnians and Old Scotchpossible played . as close as their game at the Richmond oval• to the spot on which the original combatants, Melbourne Grammar and Scotch College had playedn . The ground had originally bee the first game in 1958 gover . mvith thpelgoals over fouor Saturday afternoons, k40 a side half a mile apart, one sited near Hilton Hotel and the other near the corner of Punt Road and Rowena Parade . t an OM's r At half time 1950's, 1960's, 1970 s, ve eClubs had . The and old Scotch staged a re-enactment met on 49 home and away games from 1927 and 1983 . The teams have with Old Scotch leading 27 to 22 . never played off for a premiership Rick (Pole) Pisarski celebrated with his 150th game . Starting in 1974 he had played in four prefor OM's (B) had as full back repmierships'76 (C). '78 .79,'82 resented Victoria six times, played for All Australian 9 against Northern Territory and ACT, Amateurs in 7was selected for the All Australian and in 1982 Amateur team following the Carnival in Perth. . first half . 8 .8 to 7 .10 Old Scotch . after an even.15 . Best were .14 to 8 raced right away to vvin(Old 21 Scotch) . Senior and Koren, Hodge . Tallent Pisarski . Cameron (OM) . 20 YEARS AGO - 1978 ossibles . stayed among the p Ormond . sixth in A' .3 in the final term to beat when they kicked 4 .2 to 0
Ivanhoe . fourth on 32 points, level with North Old Boys (third). While De La were 2 points ahead in second position, Uni . Blues, even though they went down by 18 points to Blacks (8th), were three games clear on top . Power House (D) held on to top place when they defeated St. Kevins OB (third) 23 .16 to 13 .7. Best were Dempsey, Bred_yk, Evans (PH) and Brennan, Radford, Hannan (St. K OB). St . Bernards welcomed back former captain, best and fairest (1972) Michael Ginnivan, who had spent the last three years in England studying for his doctorate in agricultural science. Kew congratulated 63", 14 stone Ken Rowland who, despite work commitments, had played 50 consecutive games in the seniors . UHSOB thanked Barry Parks for his 150 game service and his energy as 1978 reserves coach . 150 games also to 'A' section top goal kicker Barry 'Kanga' O'Connor (NOB) previously a full back of note for many years . Fast, a great mark, sure ballhandler and big kick, 'Kanga' was a great clubman as well . St . Bedes OCFC were holding a Sportsman's Dinner - guest speakers were Ron Barassi, Harry Beitzel, Ray Jordan, Stan Alves, Hyperno and John Stocker . 25 YEARS AGO - 197 3 Bottom team Old Paradians scored a shock win over equal leaders St . Bernards . Parade led all day and won by 26 points . Grade, Ford, Hough (OP's) and Burgin, Iannazzo, Drennan (St. B) were the stars . Coburg failed to make sure of their finals position when Uni . Blues (7th) held them to a low scoring draw - 8 .6 apiece, but were helped when top team Ormond 21 .13 beat 5th team Caulfield Grammarians, 17 .11 . 150 games to Ivanhoe veteran all rounder Ralph Bourke, a career stretching over many years and interfering with a very illustrious career as a punter, and to Bruce Watt, an inspiration to Brunswick over many years. Phil Rowell & Don Dodds shared the winner's trophy at the Umpires Golf Day at Torquay . All at Ormond were deeply saddened at the death of Dennis Drum, a former great player and club captain in 1963 . Dennis also played for Uni . Blacks and Old Xaverians before joining Ormond and also represented Victoria .
Congratulations to Jack McCann who, after a lifetime of service to Amateur Football, was made a Life Member of the Australian Amateur Football Council . Marcellin offered plaudits to Michael Power on being first 100 gamer in the club . 30 YEARS AGO - 196 8 In the battle of the top two teams, Uni Blues gained an early break on Old Paradians and went on to win by 8 goals . Calcott . Moylan . Whittaker and Moran ( 6 goals) dominated the game . St . Kilda CBC (9th) went right away from top team Ormond (in 'B' Section) to win by 3 goals . Best for the
two teams were O'Donaghue, I . White and Hayes CBCOC) and James, Blight and Moran (Ormond) . Chris Milburn played his 150th game for Parksic while another to make that number was talented rounder Denis Grace for St. Kevins OB . Old Geelong scraped home from Old Brighton by points, wiping out Brighton's last hope of making tl four .
40 YEARS AGO - 195 8 Alphington's poor kicking (7 .15) threw the gan away to Old Scotch 12 .7. Reed was a tower of strengi in the ruck for Alphington and was well supported I Hippiatt, R. Morris and K . Melville were best for 0 Scotch . Old Paradians rover Brian Hill received best wisl es on his 100th game . In his career, starting'B' Grac Grand Final in 1951 (while still at school), Brian won Victorian guernsey, the B&F, and many other awards with one ambition to fulfil - a premiership . Was 195 to be the year ? A battle of top 'D' Section teams and St . Kevins fir ished strongly to defeat Port Melbourne by 28 point ; Welsh, Rogers, Buckley, O'Brien (5) (St . Kevins) an Stevenson, Aghan . Murphy (Port Melb .) were best. National Bank held on to their place in the '( Section Four with a 3 point win over UHSOB, hot teams kicking poorly, 6.11 to 5.14 . Bank stars wer Wooley, Goddard, Selleck, while UHSOB's best wer Peterson, Lever and Thorley. Junior section captains were : B . Kane (Parkside), Maglen (MHSOB), N . Gilmour (Coburg), B . Lake (C Bank), W. Rush (A'ton), A . Squire (Uni), G . Bradfon (FIT), M . Read (Ivanhoe), P . Ouley (Ormond) and >;• Thompson (Power House) . 50 YEARS AGO - 194 8 Hampton Rovers (3rd) made their finals plac almost safe with a 5 goal win over Coburg, who slippe( out of the four - "Prickles" Noble, Breadon, Lucas an( Geoff Jones were stars for the Rovers . Collegians, still without a win, were outclassed b, OM's . At the Carnival in Perth, Victoria defeated W.A. ir the Final, the victors kicking 4 .6 to 2.3 in the fina term, Ken Rollason (OM) won the trophy for B&F at tCarnivl,wheotrwhostaredfoVictrawe Joh r Backhouse (MHSOB) and Jack Grainger (OM) . QUIZ : Name the player mentioned in 1958 whc went on to coach three different clubs to 'B' Section flags, and also won an 'A' Section flag.
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p SECTION 1 I l e La Salle should again defeat Mazenod , who failed forward should kick De La Salle to an easy Rudd up orth victory . Old Brighton face a d n ntn Wi~hrva final Nnext Therry . 1 select p well ItEVIEW Fawkner to meet n week, Old Brighton will be all out to wi SECTION 1 , n Central o nReserve Old Brighton to do so . h Collegians b y test from ~ which hed home ls de Old Xaverianoints in a matc In Round 6 la0at anvictorious eve emerged by six points . one hundred and sixth twnin e o Po' oals and Jones booted For the second time this season, ple p a~di~l Tim 0,SuUivan Old Xaver~ans should complete the home kicked inaccurately against Therryts Therry penola . Today a ain easily defeating five p and away series undefeated by g managed victory by nineteen. stalwart Brother Bill Houston collegians. Old M lUuan ansavelre goo Scotch should fine tune for the finals with vichis team were com p who lack the overall talent to Old . big and too good played between old tory over St . Kevin's The season's first tiecould wasbeued that Old fully extend the `Cardinals' . argue Salle' It should finish their first season with anoth' and De La d acy nearl Brighton MIiSOB rSale . De LyBrightonwasu~Oethrand .imedams theiroP ea season them the four p they have five in- a more sco achieved the standard cla could say luck didn't help as f the play . reports. ing shots and much more goal less, won Old Xaverian s who ~e~ a mat h, played at Punt SECTION 2 y tod' s What a promotor s dream baek inrMar hls!4 Sure e points in which inacc by seventy . ofninRichmond, home the draw was not seeded way valley for the third . All tried hard for goad the former the the day defeat Yarra will provide rate kfcking order wasofand experienced n Rqarcellin should . Although Yarra Valley . Kevins, especially John Herma time this season St stern opposition, if last week's form is any guide ruck man Marcus Olive . In a match of contrasting halves . Old tSeAt half Niarcellin should win well . ' . Lilydale won by thirty and won by twenty eigh The constant in the two Mt t MHSOB p time Melbourne Hi~ held a sixteen point lead and nine points ininspoun d Ther`uck cla h between Varga and looked to be on their way to a final Is boe~rt1 ss~b ~ the g forty seven po act onpthe outcome season on the line, they were held . who had a day Kew's Corridon could have an im . Lilydale must nullify lvak Scotch in the second half . For thDe kin and Stephen today . Mt . Even though the game is on Morriso better than Nick Tribe, Jan'od Millar, in th esrv nreciv a out in Round 8 Kew to win n~ro~vs Fand Sem . I favour emi Final . . Melbo aefenders Smith and Gadprye din . Reserve i ruck and by confidence boost for next Saturday Whites and The tw ~ougt~ halea ve met tN~ e this seas season for vic-t SECTION 2 playe d a close Marcellin and Monash Whites Thornburp fifty and fifty five points . A tories to Monash Whites by believe match on the Lyons oval at M~ $ 1 otball gas Both Monash and without Prestag~Onash have a s a sides displayed passages of Thornbury will really have to win . moved the ball with great precsand two late goals gave Y ible forward line in which Gene Van Der Zalm P 1 to keep in front at each changey one poins . Monash ' hem a winning margin of thirt . on the bail . Jason Tosthe suspended Johnson kev ro . In addition.Marco Without in Bryce collier . ) to win the ball had good players Tossavainen (fou s the Thornbury defence will be more brittle. than usual sting . in defence and Marco goals rPlehn ,ord a ash before s the re cIseltMondaWbi second SemirFinal up forwardâ&#x20AC;˘ performance against Y~.a Valley gave a creditable oints . victory 'mg debut season have the F after a promisin g . who finished up winning by twenty six . parkside Kew e Mt. Lilydale spoiled threporter e the wherelat en bye . (9467 28571 points . Any news will be welcomed by m won by fifty that the scoreboard dia not do justice to the competi. o . Lilydale . before 4 .00 pm on Monday lion that Parkside p ~ded Mt . Thornburg Cougars had the bye
of sur00000031he penultimate round saw the usual ~ f quota the season as UTS' e included the settled. pri s~us~ Strm the fm al fours thavoe SS been was 92 well the percentage of succe predictintrie results in many cases, came from scores ,though ected . I would not have exp
Today marks the end of an era when fifty and over, Tony Buckley, runs the boundary for the last time for St . Kevins . For St . Kevins today will be game number 280 on the boundary . When his hundred games for Williamstown CYMS are added Tony has run thousands of kilometres in the dedicated service of his clubs . Well done Tony. Your retirement is well deserved . St. Kevins Club 18 gratefully acknowledges the contributions made each week by : Richard, Luke . Bobby, Alison, "Dave" and John . Their efforts, while not glamorous . have been essential to the fielding of St . Kevins each week. Well done thy faithful servants! !
;[A-•'CLUB 18 - 25.07.98
,M=nod: DalWnore 2. ONt:ile 2 . Brennan, F57ech . Nusshaum. Me . Hest: ON9 Jacaotrs. blltchell . M1tmMS, Hall . Huggins. Gdkgians: Oakley 3. Bkakemae 2 . K. Curtts . Tm~tor. Bt : Lee. Momson. Baxter. Tlns S K. Cunis. Locku•cqd. OLDA BRIGHTON BLOODS 2 .0 6.2 8.3 10 DE L SALLE 2 .3 4 .5 5.8 9 .3 .1 Old Brtyhton Bloods: S. Murray 3. P. Rohlnson 3. McCann, t4'raittr. Neale. Sher .9 .i . Bc Gleescwt M. Jackson . Tlmm• S•tunders . P. Rehlnson . S. Murrav. De to Salk: (Coal Bickers and Best Players not receh•ed l OLD MELBtk;IANS 3.3 4.10 5.15 8 .19.1 THERRY FENOLA 3.4 3 .4 5 .5 5 Old Mslburnlaru: Gardiner 2. Branchllrnrec Jensz Verge . Atklnswt . Cramelln, Edu .8,; ;,rr B<st:Eduards . Gardiner. 6ern Luther(ad, Verge . Ttxrrq Penola:Z.•utettl 2 . EaSt .nrore . fiuret . B.m• Selieck. Beat: Zanettt . Lyons . OEee, Kum. Ben SeOcck .'Dian}ison . OLD XAVERIAhs 11.16.£ ST KEVQiS 0 .3 Old Xsverinne: L. Ii.•vdmck 5. OSuNr :vt 2 . R. King' Hall. Ha .~-tn . Landrigan . Bee Meehan . Matihexs, Court, Orson, Curtain . f{atduM1Ck . St Kevinet Best: Wililams. Herman . O11ve• Young. Game. Collins. OLD SCOTCH 1.1 2 .4 6.6 9 .9. 6 MHSOB 2.4 4.7 4.10 4 .11 .3 Old Scotch: Poyde 5. Olingwonh. Deakin. Milliken. Best: Pry~dr, Market . Deakin. Tz4}c Tribe, 54tLnot. MHBOB :Verma . T. Snlllh. Rhchie. lvavstatakds. Best : Millar. GaLln• Geahman . Scours . Simtdsu•oai,Rhchte .
CLUB 18 - 25 .07 .9 8
47 37 35 35
46 24 20 19
A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scra in , jumping
M.ARGELSd4+ 1.3 4 .4 5.8 8 .6.5 h1ONASH WHITES 4.2 6•7 10.10 12,134 MnrceWn: Goal Bickers and Best Plmets not received .) Monaah Whitea: (Goal t;kkers nnd Best Players not recen•ed .l HEW 9.9 YARRA VALLEY 5,7 .& .3' Kew: Laurenm 2. Educuds 2 . Bevertdge 2. Beks, F7etclter. Rcrno!ds. Beat: Bond. Rmoids. Pleteher. Lt7coP..v7c4s .Iauzenee, Icak . Yarra Valley: lGoal Kickers and Best Pliyers not recea•ed .) PARKSB)E 4 2 .2 ; MT LB,YDALE 11 .11 .T, P®rkaida : ( Gua 7 Bickers and tkst I'lavers not receed.) Mt Lttydele: Carcdan 4 . Pearee 2. D. Flanagan, Gil~.~on . NapWote, MeKetule. Ander~t Beat : Pearce . CaroLm McKenzie. Fllriong, Cattmertord. Gthson . THORN- Y COUGARS RF OLDbS- .'-JO;tF 6.5.41
CLUB 18 (1 )
at Scammell Reserve, Oakleigh CLUB 18 (2) other or other similar such conduct" 1st and 2nd SEMI FINALS at Ramsden Street Reserve, Clifton Hill
into packs, throwing each other to the ground or
CLUB AREH4USE ~;aJ ~ S ports & Medica l Supplies
U19 TI by Brett Connel l
The end draws near G-_ 3 oril rounds remai n Review Section 1 M azenod were in the hunt at half time against the more favoured Collegians, although after th e break the Lions added 8 goals to 4 to get the points and keep their finals chances alive . Old Brighton boosted a flagging percentage at home when they whipped the Bernards Norwood and Barrow in top form for the Tonners . OP's returned to the winner's list with a strong win over bottom of the ladder Old Carey, while Xavs had to work hard to shake off a persistent SKOBs team at Toorak Park. In the final match De La Salle held onto win against a fast finishing Blues team . Section 2 Marcellin had a very strong win over North Old Boys, as too did the Friars over the Blacks . Old Haileybury increased their chances of playing in the finals with a very convincing win over the Tigers at Keysborough . Efstathiou (7) and Jayasakera prime movers for the Bloods all day . Beaumaris fought hard at home to keep their final's dream alive with an 11 point win over OM's, while the OT's confirmed that they intend to stake a claim for this year's pennant with a hard fought win against Old Scotch at Camberwell . Section (2) Blue The Panthers returned to the winner's list with a .solid 4 quarter performance against the Ashers at ,Clayton. while the Fields continued their winning streak at the expense of the Saints at Glen Waverley campus . The Moods had to come from a half time deficit to claim second spot, when the D's slowed in the second half of their match . The Rovers had a very good win against bogey side Xavs (2) . with the Jackas unable to stay with MHSOB in the second half going down by 8 majors. Gutman and Davis fine Jackas, while Wright and Parker shone for the High . Section (2) Red Warringal kicked the sweep against the Two Blues, with Schulze booting 12 and Ryan dominant all day . For the vanquished none tried harder than Zannis and Kay . The OGs hosted OIG on the rebound and found every possession a battle. The OIG running out convincing winners with Branigan and Keane in cop form, while McKinnon and Melnnes were prominenet for the OGs . Yarra Valley put paid to any ~houghts the travelling Therry Penola had of taking its second big scalp in two weeks, when they held an 8 goal advantage at half time and maintained this for
the remainder of the match . Team effort was recorded by the Valley as best, with McMahon and O'Sullivan in everything for Therry . Aquinas and Old Paradians (2) had the bye . Preview Section 1
St. Bernards and Mazenod have little to play for today except the loser will fill outright ninth position, last time it was the Bernards easilv and at home the same result is expected. The Tonners host OP's back on track and although last time it was the OP's well, today the Tonners will cement their position in the four for another week . The Lions face the Xavs who will seal their fate today with respect to competing in the finals, while the Blues will not win by as much as they did last time against the SKOBs I favour the home team today . In the final match De La Salle will defeat Old Carey. Selections : St . Bernards, Old Brighton, Old Xaverians, Uni . Blues & De La Salle, Section 2 Last time the Blacks took on the Eagles it was the Blacks in a strong four quarter performance . Form of late suggests otherwise with the Eagles in better touch at present . The Tigers will need to rebound strongly if they are to maintain their position in the four today, but not to be when the Friars get hold of them . The Sharks should win their encounter at Gillon Oval and keep their chances of September action alive, while Old Scotch will return to the winner's list against the OM's . In the final match the Bloods face their acid test should they desire to play in the finals . Old Trinity are travelling nicely and although at home I feel the Bloods extra incentive will see their finals hopes alive at 5pm . Selections : Marcellin, Whitefriars, Beauma ri s, Old Scotch & Old Haileybury Section ( 2) Blue St . Kilda Sth . Caulfield host Monash Blues and while the Saints were hammered last time around I expect a closer battle with the same result today . De La Salle (2) fresh from a determined performance against second placed Ormond take on the form team Caulfield Grammarians at home. The D's will sneak the points in a tight one . Old Mentonians and Old Xaverians clash at Keysborough with the Panthers favoured to revenge their last round loss to the Xavs, while the Rovers should prove too strong for AJAX going on recent form . The match of the day is at
MHSOB where Ormond will attempt to repeat their last round performance and take the points . Today the High will revenge their last round loss to the Monds . Selections : Monash Blues, De La Salle (2), Old Mentonians, Hampton Rovers & MHSOB . Section (2) Red Old Ivanhoe will defeat St. Leos Emmaus comfortably at home, with Therry Penola favoured to do likewise to Old Geelong . However both the OGs and the Two Blues should be commended for battling week in week out for little return . Well done fellas, keep up the good work . The fast finishing Aquinas will find a rested OP's a handful for a half, although should have enough incentive to revenge OP's narrow victory against them last time the two team's met . Warringal and Yarra Valley have the bye . Selections : Old Ivanhoe, Therry Penola & Aquinas Fi( 04 1r'i
ST. BERNARDS v. MAZENOD Field : Garry Seabourne Paul.Tuppe n OLD BRIGHTON v . OLD PARADIANS Field : Neil McCorquodale (R) Gajanan Skandakumar COLLEGIANS v . OLD XAVERIANS Field : Michael Forde Andrea Flack (R) Goal: Eugene D'Lazarus Noel Turne r ST. KEVINS v. UNIVERSITY BLUES Field: Dirk Kramer (R) Ken Walke r DE LA SALLE v. OLD CAREY Field : Josh DiPietro Trent Greenaway UNDER-19 SECTION 2 UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . MARCELLIN Field : Peter Simpson (R) Tim Burn s ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v. WHITEFRIARS Field: Justin Grossbard Mark Morrison NORTH OLD BOYS v . BEAUMARIS Field : Euan Lindsay Peter Bailey OLD MELBURNIANS v. OLD SCOTCH Field : Neil Woods Kvlie Wels h OLD TRINITY v . OLD HAILEYBURY Field : David Longworth Cameron Gil l UNDER-19 I21 BLUE ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD v. MONASH BLUES Field : Terence Farrell Denny Fateka s DE LA SALLE ( 2) v. CAULFIELD GR. Field : Matthew Seferth Geoff Kelly OLD MENTONIANS v . OLD XAVERIANS (2) at 1 .30 p .m . Field : Ben Schmidt Ian Burgess HAMPTON ROVERS v. AJAX Field : Chris Stevens (J) Paul Lamble MHSOB v . ORMOND Field : Tom Gamble Graeme Morga n UNDER-19 (2) RE D OLD IVANHOE v . ST. LEOS EMMAUS Field : Matthew Meier Jason Moore THERRY PENOLA v . OLD GEELONG Field : Damien Murphy Kevin McMaho n AgUINAS v . OLD PARADIANS (2) Field : Peter Buchanan Michael Jessep YARRA VALLEY BYE WARRINGAL BYE 40
Old Mentonians - congratulations are ext to U19 Captain Wes Ballantine who (2) weel broke the Club U19's goalkicking record of 75, ously held by Troy Riley .
2 2 4
5 6 6 3
4 7
2 11
endcc :s a ,~,t
UNDER 19 BLUE •- 25.07.98
UNDER 19 SECTION 1 - 25 .07 .9 8
2 .5 7.8 10.14 11 .16.82 .3 8.9 8.11 14 .13.97 plev . ' ~G~ . Hawklns2 2, Hale 2. N. Meehan . But: Hobbs . Morgan. Nelson . :Fdmlotts 6. R ezcnod ,. :. ._e. Pam'. Ryan. . Tetford 2 . Baxter 2. Foster 2 . Britten . Best: Tarp,, trlami Hamsott 4. Tarpet• 3 11 a. Mattsrell. Baa2er. TeUord . Mo1L3rd. 5 .8 12.18 15.19 21 .24 .150 ,,,rd gRIGHTON ARD3 3 .2 5.3 9,4 11.5.7 1 ~ ton :Ewert 7. L. O~NeBI 3 . tV. Earl 3. Dimer 3. Ginn" 2. Hat1-1d. Roils. - .R Best: Natwod. McLaughtm . Barma• . At•rarmdes. L. 0'Nei11 . Thomas. C ~ (Goal Kickers and Best Players net teceM1Zdl 12 .10 .82 0~ p,qRdD3AG'S 22.20.152 O,d c -r. HakNs 2. McKtnstnn• 2 . Abbott 2 . Tstm~Jannts 2. Tyndall . t6bod . Beckett. ... ..yyt, Bnt : Waaid. HetLernan. Addison. Stone. McConnell. Cerche. C1d gnrydiane: Matthew Jocce 4. Y"ottng 4. O'Shea 3 . Ploenges 3 . Gallmay. Green 3 . OTtr1( I. :....s 2 Bast : hudeweh. Butkr. Gallv y . Pktenges. M . Cos*yUf. Taku7co. 1 .4 3.8 7.10 10 .15.75 O~gAVERLViS 6.8 7.8.50 57 KEVINS 0 .2 3.5 o :d Xs-+"tsro: Rathgeher 2. Oswald 2- Coughlan 2. Hede. Stem. Hauidns. Rush. Bat : 46 pec. R .ithgeber. S. C•urodus. Stephens . Farrow. Stean. 3y • Kev(iu : OCOnnm 3 . Mount 2 . Qunn . tShlker. Hest: hUkst. O'Conna. Pangrazlo. _-~ . Moore. htmmt. 13 .1290 37 t7t;"ER55~BLUES 2 .3 8.5 33 .9 ~g LA 8 .4 10.8 11 .7 14892 t'nirasity Blusa : Kutg 6. V~cls 2. Gergusat . Callerv. Sdkn. Coulloupas . TerrW . Beat: a la S.Ik: Ctanq• 4. Harber 3 . Hart 2. Duggatr 2 . ,lrnre. Ped(tlni. Bonnkl. Bnt: 85 tp: t .~r• OTkrmell. Logan .1t71llanu . Bonnlcl htercunb.. rtZEHOP
69 UNDER 19 SECTION 2 - 25 .07 .9 8 4 .7 11.7 14.12 22.17.149 67 sr .CgOEbLBV 53 So~ OLD BOYS 5 .7.37 ~~nraUtn: McCallum 7. Mansell 6. Karmasalls 2 . Pappacordo 2. Glreson . Cull. Rcenanut. hs Beat : Mvson . McCallum. LeFannue. GFeesan .O'Brkn . Kamtas.•ill. y'erth Old Boys: Barker 4 . Taleb Mamoud Beat: Barker, Bryant. Skette . P. tArttek . Halptn . 84 9 .3 18.6 23.12 28.17.185 79 LRr•IVERSIT'P BLACRS 3 .4 5.5 7.8 9 .8.82 . Anderson 6 . Sullivan 4. O'Meata 4. Reid 26n1s. Pourr. Beatee. 53 ~t~~E' HBton 6 ; : A. Levt . Trr~tiaud . Best : Hilton. Beattie. Nw2hey. Anderson . OM eam. Reid. 38 Univeraity Bleckn : iGoal Kickers and Best Players not recehed .! pyp }[NLEYBVHP 5 .3 8.8 14 .9 20.11 .131 ST BEpES hlEN1DHE TIG 4 .6 5 .13 9.15 12 .17.89 C}i Ha9eybury: Efstathtou 7 . Br:mditam 4 .Lat• 2, Brudar. B. Hartop . Somala. Floyd . Rode. . ' :n . J :naseken. Best : Swnala. Rose. Ja}aseketa. Efstathlou . Brandham . L.•rv. ct S,-des Montone Ttg. :P. R9ntle 3 . Ryan 2 . Mizb 2. L. t4mtfe. Alford . Kingx•e0• Williams . -r:ch:+n . Beat : MtrzL Ryan . Connolly . Bell. Russat . Strachan. E°AR1iARIS 4 .2 7.3 12.8 14 .11.95 OtA 3'.F1BtB2hTANS 3 .3 9.6 12.10 12 .12.84 [i-maris: Akmnder 4. Atkins 3. Lee 3. Farragnna . Foge9. South . &91m». Bat: Wilson. , ;_:s. Emmerson. Carroll . Ba,imd. Alexander. O :d A4tbtanlerx: Tskwas 3. ~E91ms 2. GoMey 2 . Slbree 2 . Farquharson. Paulson. Ray. 6cet:l::~~. `SYlson . Farguharswt. McLeod. Couzens. Blrrell. OLD SCOTCH 5 .3 7.6 9.7 14 .10.94 OLD TRINITY 1 .5 7.10 8.11 15.16.106 Old Sc•oteh9GOal Klckers and Best Pia~rers not receh•ed ) Old Trinity : Passador 3 . Jones 3. Butler 3 . Clarke 2. Dann. Huggins . "Bout . Waldron. Best: Passador. Butler. Clarke. Broster. Huggins, Dann .
69 51 30 24
CLUB: St. Kevins SBCTION: U19 (1) PLAYING HISTORY: Fitzroy (3 years), Footscray (11 years) VFLIAFL,, Yarrawonga 94-95 COACHING HISTORY: Playing Coach at Yarrawonga 1994-95 COACHING PHILOSOPHY: Get fit first . Play to the best of your ability .MUR d .E AMBITION : Look forwar to next week's game, and get the best out of myself,
MONASH BLUES 5 .3 7.4 7.8 9.9 OLD MEh7OMAliS 2 .4 4 .9 8 .12 14.13.97 Monash Btuea: Collins 2. Avery. Bennett. Creamer. Forster-Kmght . McNeID . Seenang . Vandehght. Best: Bolton, Forster-Knight. Merlin. Smlth . Croup . Atzn•. Old Mentonisns : BaBantten 5 . McNLsh 3. Martin 2. Kuramoto . O'RetIP•. Philips, Bkbster. Best: Martin. M:cM.sh . Mackay. Kennedy . Phipps . Kuramoto. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 16 .18.112 ST HILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4.2.28 Caulfield Grmmnu: Gurptnar 6. £rtkcon 2. R'llFdttsat, Krecturts 3 . Davies. Freeman 2 . Kendall. Beat: GurpNar. E,ans. Ralph. ttRdJaJa . Freeman . FuLstou•. St Kllda South Caultkld: (Goal Kickers and Best Plavers not received .) 3 .2 7.4 10.5 11 .7.73 BE LA SALLE ORMO\D 2 .1 5 .4 13.7.85 9.6 lk Ia SaBe : Read 3 . McKenzie 2. Moore. StaRord. }an. Bmsden . Jackson . Bt : Bo•aden. Ormond : Robbins 5, McKenzie. Moore . Harrison . Smott. Force, Black 2. Wll➢utr•. Keteher. 'Matson. grain. Kmg}tt . Ashford . Beat : Knight. Ashford . Quon . Thompsm. Robbins, Shecurod . OLD XAVERIANS 0 .1 2 .1 5.3 8.5.41 HAMt'PON ROVERS 8 .5 111 .0 12 .12 17.19.121 Old Xaxerkans : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not rccehx•d .1 Hsmpton Rovecn: Jenkins 5. Landrtgan 3. Humphries 2. Qum, Dallas . Anderson, Duddy,. Flahne . ttlUnott. Van Dec Dungen . Beat:Croxthee Jenkln. Cnpps . Quons. Grimmer. Andersan. AJAX 3 .4 4 .4 5.6 8.6.54 MHSOB 3 .1 8 .5 8 .11 18.14.110 AJAX: Halplten 3 . Bock. Oat7s. Finkel. Onas . M . C. Segal. Best: Barh . Gutman . Rosentmum . aihs . Le0cm7c. Halphen. MHSOB: L. Taylor 5 . H . Taylor 2, l4ttgtt 2. Sampson. tWosn . Jones . Ash O'Brien. G . htcCulh•. Osborne. Best : Rodder. Parker.1t41ght . H . Taylor. Cl- bkiorx .
UNDER 19 RED - 25.07 .98 WARRINGAL 4 .8 18 .9 24 .10 34.15.219 ST LEOS EMMAUS 0 .1 0 .1 2.6 3.10.28 Werringal: Schulze 12 . Wilson 4. Bolson 4. Sloan 3 . Mutton 3 . Ryan 3, Steele 3 . Burke 2 . Beat: Schulze. Steele . Ryan . Sloan . tt1lson, Mutton. St Lew Emmaus: Dec. Hodder. Zants . Bat: Hodder. Zannls. Dornfc. Kay, McDonald . King. OLD GEELOtiG 25 8.4.52 OLD IVANHOE . 16.166 Old Geelong: Couch 2. MacKinnon 2. Garland 2 . t493son. Stevens, Beat: McCann . MeMlnnmt. Dfmm~g. Mclnnes. Bolton . Bayne . Old Ivnnhoe: Branlgan II, Duud 6 . Harris 2. Datis 2. Keane 2 . Russian . Lou. Best: Bernet . Bratt1~an. GBderda~• Keane, Oates . Do d. YARRA VAIZEY 5 .0 12 .5 14.9 18.14.110 THERRY PENO3A 2 .2 4 .6 5 .11 9.12.68 YARRA VALLEY: Shdparonh 4 . Cysano 2. Ben Rrynokis 2. Longuronh 2. Tlsvng 2. Pask . labppt. Mcttrath. Kruse. Best: Team E9on Tlxrry Petwla : Stet4n 2. Grant 2. McMahon 2 . Sah. Bannister, Cameron. Bat : O'Sullivan . Clamor. McMahon. Sale. V94ant. Ferguson. BULLEEN TEhB7FbTOWE NF AgL•IIQAS BYE OLD PARADANS BYE
Specialising in VAFA Football Jumpers and Rugby Tops 20 LAMANA STREET, MORDIALLOC, 3 195
P H O N E: 9580 3 122 FAX: 9580 3199
UNDER -19 SECTION 1 COLLEGIANS Coach : Tim Killworth U19 (C): 1 L . Schmidt 2 N . Lync h 3 J . Clark (C) 4 D . Field 5 L. Taylor 6 C. Mollard 7 M . Maxwell 8 N . Harrison 9 M . Britten 10 B. Pag e 11 N . McCann 12 A. Cookies Langdon 13 S . Elg (VC) 14 T. De Young 15 T. 16 A . Baxte r 17 T. Spicer 18 N . Brass 19 A. Robe rtson 20 J . Waters 21 C. Chambers 22 S . Lynch 23 M . Gibson 24 M . Godfrey 25 A . McAllester 27 T. Foste r 28 D . Telfor d 29 T. Rogers-Wilson 30 L. Moon (VC) 31 J . Rose 33 B . Samuel 39 S . Kinder 69 A. Dakin
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Ken Johansen (1) Coach: Phil Luchetta (2) 1 S . Young 2 D . Green 3 G . O'Meara 4 B. Richardson 5 B . Galloway 5 B . Woodham 6 M . Joyc e 8 D . Varano 8 A . Vecchio 9 J. Byron 10 K. Theodossi 11 A. Curra n 12 C.Jacavou 16 C. Price 17 N. Attard 19 P. Karabatsos 20 M . Dempster 21 M . Szewczuk 22 M . Cosgriff 23 D . Briggs 23 M. Ploenges 24 L . Brickwell 25 A.Jakowenko 26 B. O'Connor 27 S . Pruscino 28 R. Sart ori 29 V. Perry 30 S . Fellowes 31 F. Papaluca 32 A. Baker 34 G . Hower 35 D . Loney 36 G . Dean 37 V. Berqamin 38 N .Kudeweh 39 J . Thorn 40 J . Collins 41 F. Papluca 42 M . Rees 44 S. Ciavola 47 M . De Rango 49 D. Gleason 52 N. Macartney 53 C. Butler
54 G . Boyd 60 A . Swindon 82 T. O'She a
DE LA SALLE Coach : Clay Weser U19 (C) : S . Hyland 2 N. Herber 7 J . Laragy 9 M . Mercuri 10 E . Williams 11 P. Bowden 11 C . Hd e 11 R . Stevens 12 M . Evans 12 B. Mercuri 13 S . Hyland (C) 14 M . Aro n 15 J . Crowe 17 M . McHenry 18 D . Jarvis 19 D . Moore 20 B. Corin 23 T. Fishe r
25 R. Beattie (VC) 26 S. wood s
27 C. Worsteling 28 S . Har t 29 D. Forer 29 M . Joyc e 29 K . Rogers (VC) 32 R . Bonnic i 32 J. Silvers 33 M. O'Donnell 34 A. Pedicini 37 C . Buic k 38 N. Stafford 42 S .Logan 44 X . Clancy 45 S . Cl a 47 A . Molyan 47 A . Orlando 63 S. McManus 70 M. Duggan M . Andrews C. Asmus S . Erdos R. Hu hson D. Nola n P. Nowlan B . Reade A.Jackson M. Kar avicius S. MchAanu s
OLD XAVERIAN S Coach : Pat Hewkkrs (1) Coach : Pate Callinart (2) 1.119(c):
2 P. Lyttleton 3 J. Healy 4 T. Curnow 5 K. O'Loughlin 7 S . Skidmore 8 P. Funder 9 J . McInerney 11 D . Betts 14 S. McCarthy 15 L. Deane-Johns 16 D. Store y 17 T. Connolly 19 N . Rathgeber 20 T. Farrow (VC) 21 M. Fitzgerald 22 M . Rush 23 R. Coughlan 24 C. Carrodus (C) 27 A . Oswald 30 C . Hoare 32 P.Ockleshaw 34 E. Morrison 39 B. Christie 41 D. Stean 43 J. Hede 44 45 46 48 56
M. Kennedy S . Carrodus J . O'Connell C . Stephens J. Hawkins
MAZENOD Coach : Rod Bourke U19 (C): 1 J. Schiano 2 B. Hobbs 3 P. Fotiniotis 4 C. Poletti 5 R . Hawkins 6 L . Hawkins 7 P. Nelson 8 L. Varney 9 D. Grant 10 D . Ryan 12 A. Bray 15 L. Morga n 16 B. Meehan (VC) 17 N. Meehan 18 M . Bonaddio 19 T. Crook 21 D. Rigg 23 J. Kavanagh 24 D . Nisbet 25 R . Hammond 34 C. Rain e 37 D. Fenton 45 D. Stagliano 49 P. Harrington 53 J. Di Pietro 62 A. McDowell 69 G . Miller 76 N. Parry (C) 79 C. Davis
ST BERNARDS Coach: Jeff Osborne U19(CI: 1 B . Swan n
2 R . Pizziche tt a 3 R . Legudi 4 R. Bonnici 5 J. Pearson 6 P.lanazzo 7 N . Smith 8 J . Delaney 9 S. Wheeler 10 C .Osbome 11 S. Erickson 12 A. Velona 13 S . Bug ry n 14 A .Thomas 15 A . Pfeiffer 16 A. Mastropasqua 17 T. Pianta 18 T. James 19 L. Kavanagh 20 D. Sheehan 21 M . Polatajko 22 P. Rahil l 23 D . Monteleone 24 A. Monteloene 25 J. Jacks 26 A. Gleason 27 James Mount 28 J. Zocco 29 J . Cittarelli 30 S . Borg 31 J . Evans 32 T. Harvey 33 S. Smith 37 J. Llo y d 42 V.ludka 43 C. Davis
OLD BRIGHTON GRAMMARIANS Coach: Leigh Bowes U19 (C) : 1 A . Patios 2 S. Grabert 3 G . Ea d 4 W Ead 5 N. Biggin 6 T. Ewen 7 G. Rhodes 8 T. Handley 9 L . O'Neill 10 J. White 11 S. Dimer 12 A. Robertson 13 R. O'Neil l
14 A . Ginnavin 15 G. Norwood 16 J. Thornbrow 17 C . Barrow 18 H . Rolls 19 M . Carr
20 A. McLaughli n
21 X . Carra 22 A . Walsh 23 J . Thomas 25 A. Boyd 26 S. Fox 27 P. Marks 28 A. Avramedies 29 C. Stewart 30 D. Stockdale 31 A . Thoms 32 R . Hayward 33 M. McBriar 35 T. Erridge
ST KEVINS Coach: polar Foster 1.119(c); N. Moore, P. Mount I A . Callery 2 N . Walker 3 P. Mount 4 A. Rattle 5 C . Noseda 6 B . Alli s 7 B . Shelley 8 T. McCann 9 L. Cresswell 10 J . Radford 11 T. Crowley 12 P. Bare 13 A. Stuart 14 N . Moore 15 J . Ferrar i 16 K. McDonald 17 A . Fole y 18 A . Wise 19 C . Goldsworthy 20 P. OiKeefe 21 J. Sibilia 22 M . Lagastes 23 P. Miles i 24 R.Sheehy 25 S . Vanderwert 26 A . Bevacqua 27 R . Zema n 28 N . Perrett 29 A. Conlan 30 P. Halpin 31 P. Harvey 32 S. OiConno r 33 J . OiConnor 34 T. Bergin 35 E . Rafter 36 A . Smith 37 R . Debraio 38 G . Anderson 39 D . Liepa 40 D . Dunn 41 J. Howden 42 J. Pangrazio 43 L. Wilkinson 44 R. Campagna 45 L. Meehan
OLD CARE Y Coach : Peter Schille U19 (C) : I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
F. Hakirxe D. Moriarty P. Cerche J . Hefteman T. Baker P. Tompkins S. Addison S. Derry
9 N. Latham 10 S . Beckett 11 S . Chambers 12 J. Mai (C )
13 S. Vtali 14 D. Feast t6 N. Bull 17 T. Tsirogiannis 18 T. Tyndall 19 T. Wood (C) 20 M. Lawrence 21 D. Stone 22 M. Pound 23 T. Stuart 24 8. Siwtie 25 A. Murphy 26 C. Munro 27 C. Davey 29 J . Mickan 30 A . McKir stry 31 C . Davis 32 C . Malin 33 D . SiNerwood 34 A. Hanson 35 S. McConnell 36 E. Dave y 37 S . Davies 38 A . Kettle 46 M. Aylward 47 A. Bond 55 W.Orwi n
UNIVERSITY BLU I Coach: Steven CraroA U19 (C): 1 A . Albert 2 S . Benjamin 3 C . Brook s 4 J. Coulloupas 5 B. Callery 6 A. Clark 7 A. Crawford 8 W. Crocker 9 H . Christie 10 L . Dean-Johns 11 F. Delasquale 12 C . Evan s 13 S. Ferguson 14 A. Fleetwood 15 J . Hocking 16 J . Hatton 17 W. Jackson 18 G . King 19 J. Lyle 20 D . Leahy 21 M . McKerrow 22 R. McKerrow 23 T. Menzies 24 T. McMillan 25 L. Morrison 26 N . Mules 27 C .Northey 28 S. Parsons 29 W. Pye 30 P. Sheahan 31 J . Starling 32 A. Southerland 33 A. Terrill 34 B . Tuc k 35 L. Underwood 36 N . Vogels 37 J. Ward 38 J. Webber 39 A. White 40 R. Woodward 41 D. Wood
1 M Smith 2 L. Gibso n 3 M . Enso r 4 L. Buller 5 J . Blake 6 A . Quin 7 A . Hammond 8 D . Emerso n 9 K . Alexander 10 P. Bird
i1 J . Bayford 12 M . Lee 13 B . Stevens 14 D . Dew 15 D . Foley 16 N . Atkins 17 N . Aprea 18 N . Kenned y 19 N . Atkins 20 A Faraguna 21 K . Ransthor n 22 R . Carroll 23 A Catlin 24 S. Moore 25 A. Blacks 26 P. Wright 27 B. Thomas 28 R . Beaton 29 A. Wilson 30 B. Spence 31 L McNicholas 32 S. Tucker 33 N . Conlan
OLD MELBURNIANS C oach: Mark Libardi U19 (C) :
1 M . Lefeanue 2 M . Karavilis 3 G . Cull 4 D. Marson 5 G . Romanin 6 S . Loy 7 D . Angotti 8 D . Ryan 9 G . Murley 10 D . Bonanno 11 A . Hasiotis 12 D . Ballantine 13 P. Pappalardo 14 C. Duinard o 1 5 J . Paopalardo 16 P. Diacogiorgi s 17 J. Delahunt 18 M . Moussi 19 J . Sheehan 20 N . Mathews 21 M . Fisher 22 M . Roberts 23 L . Bettiol 24 B . Dinnee n 25 G. Hawkins 26 T. Louder 27 D . Ciro
1 Mohammed Taleb 2 T. Water s 3 B . Kousovasilis 4 O . Khade r 5 B . Cariss 6 D . Skene 7 S . Hoban 8 T. Halpin 9 A . Nais s 10 C . Faraci 11 S . Bryant 12 D . Aboud 13 C . Miller 14 J . Saba 15 N . Tonkin 16 P. BorYsiewic z 17 S . Reynoldson 18 S . Mcllroy 19 M . Payne 20 R . Amato 21 M . Barker 22 G . Taylor 23 H . Makhoul 24 B. Kurec 25 M . Moustafa 26 N . O'Halloran 27 M . Rees 28 N . Smith 29 S. Smith 30 D . Willoughby 31 B. Wilson 32 Momoud Taleb 33 A. nzie Wood 35 S. De Boar 36 B. McIntyre 37 M . Saunders 38 N . Devereaux 39 D . Mead 40 P. Daniels 41 M . Hayes
1 L. Floyd 2 S . Davey 3 A. Brudar 4 L. Paisley 5 D . Harrop 6 R . Ladd 7 A. Biggs 8 J . Meade s 9 C . Home 10 C. Efstathiou 11 R. Burn 12 T. Rogers 13 G . Finlayson 14 M . Chisholm 15 C. Jayasakera 16 J . Miller 18 B . Harrop 19 C. Moyle 20 H . Francis 21 D. Layy 22 T. Hilto n 23 M . Somaia 24 B . Hall 25 D . Harrigan 26 J . Bell (C) 27 R . Carson 28 S . Dietz 29 M . Nicholson 30 R . Brandham 31 D . Mason 32 E . Ek 40 D . Pountney 47 J . Robertson 50 A . Rode 57 M . Anderso n 61 S . Deitz
1 J . Gooley 2 C . Guest 3 D . Fabinyi (C) 4 C . Murphy 5 A. Ellims 6 H . Birrel l 7 C . Fong 8 C. Jenning s 9 J . Murtaza 10 P. Stuckey 11 N. Sample d 12 E . Wilso n 13 D. Patt erson 14 G . Anderso n 16 R. Atkins 17 J . Hammon d 18 E . Far uarso n q R. Hyams 20 E . Alde r 21 W. Yunke n 22 C. Ray 23 I . Amble r 24 J . Mos s 25 H . Turne r 26 H . McLeod 27 W. Austi n 28 C. Sibree 30 N . Coutt s 32 M . Benko 33 N . Couzen s
Coach; Steven Maus U19 (C): S. Jones, E Davatzis
1 G. Junkeer (C) 2 T. Chapman 3 S . Miles 4 A . Shee r 5T. Paterson 6 I . McKenzie 7 C . Steven s 8 T Frankenburg 9 N . Leitl 10 N . Sladen 11 C . Frick e 12 L . Hume 13 N . Simo n 1 4 A. Willersdorf 15 J . Hughe s 16 N . O ' Brien 17 S . Eager 19 M. Rowel l 20 N . Brewster 21 T. Glass 22 L. Hanneman 23 L. Walkom 24 L. Hawkins 25 M . Thwaites 26 J . McCarroll 27 E . Stewart 28 T. Cardy 29 S . Hosking
1 S. Jones (C) 2 A. Beever 3 M . Passador 4 A. Roth e 5 B. Hutchinson 6 C . Russel l 7 B Ise~pi 8 D . As wort h 9 A. Grigg 10 S . Dann 11 K. Noden 12 C . Wilson (VC ) 13 S . Johnson 14 R . Gambl e 15 R . Baxter 16 T. Hoggin s 17 C . Hilras 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J . Maslen 20 M . Canzoner i L. Kenned Y 22 D . Kinross 23 B . Fitzmaurice 24 E . Davatzis (C) 25 W. Hansen 26 D. Robinson 27 L. Clarke 28 C. Butler 29 W . Brady 30 S . Kimonidis 31 R. Ramsde n 32 J . Cornell 33 Y. Ada l 35 C. So r 37 S . Medlin 39 A . Maiyah 43 D . Wardron (VC ) 44 M . Lapira 45 S . Darcy-Molloy 52 A . Andrews 61 N . Broster 64 M . Kassaby
32 E . Oliver 35 P. Rodgers 36 R. Ashton 37 C. Armstrong 40 A . Collins 41 A . Ree d 66 H . Thomas
OLD HAILEYBURY Coach: Greg Lasscock U19 (C) : J . Bell
Coach: Terry Kendall U19 (C) : G. Junkeer
31 S . Prendergast d e
NTH OLD BOYS Coach: Andy Ryan U19(C):
Coach: Michael Lovejoy U19 (c):
Coach : Paul O Stvynassy U19 (c):
1 A Ryan 2 P Carroll 3 C Tesoriero 4 J Dunne 5 J Doubaras 6 L Abdalla h 7 B Mcshane 8 L Hamilton 9 P Russo 10 LT y li m 11 J Williams 12 A Connoll y 13 N Zomer (/C) 14 J Drury ~ 15 G Gomez 16 A Burnett
1 M . Atkin 2 C . Brown 3 L . Brown 4 M . Byrne 5 A . Clements 6 B . Costello 7 B . Dryne 8 P. Greenbank 9 E . Hannon A . Mahe r 11 J. Marr 12 J. Martin 13 J. McAuley 14 L . Mellings
17 S Lambert 18 M Young9
19 D Falkingha m 20 C Mizzi 21 J Cunning ham 22 G Smith 23 D Napier (C) 24 G Alford 25 L Wintle 26 P Doherty 27 S Kingwell 28 D Youn 29 B . Johnsone 30 T Fava 31 P Wintl e 32 S Bell 33 G Strachan 34 M Mulcah y 35 A Smith 36 N . McEniry
15 S. Moody y
16 B. Murphy 17 R . Neale 18 A. Nolan 19 C . Pease 20 H . Peck 21 C . Schilling 22 M . Staunton 23 S . Ve te r g 24 D . Walsh
WHITEFRIAR S Cow h. Shan e styles U19 (C):
1 A . Croug h 2 M . Northey (VC ) 3 B . Phan (C) 5 J . Powe r 6 B . Winch 7 T. Hilton (VC) 8 R . Fedele 9 L . Trewhell a 10 A . Johnson 11 M . Cassarino 12 D . Reid 13 J . Powe r 14 S . Ward 15 J . Anderson 16 B . Sinclai r 17 D . Eiferman n 18 R . Murray 19 M . Duffy ~ 20 S. Fleming
21 M . Setches 22 S. Davis 23 L . Armstron 9 24 J . Treyvau d 25 S. O'Meara 26 D . Sullivan 27 T. Hoare 28 B. Doherty 29 M . Wals h 30 A. Beattie (VC) 31 T. Mulcahy 32 M . Ta n 33 R . Pawlik 34 T. Mulcahy 35 D . Lev i 36 J . Anderso n
UNDER-19 - (2) BLU E AJAX Coach : Henry Rittermar U19 (C): 1 B . Klein 2 A . Bock 3 B . Davis 4 D . Goldenfein 5 E . Goldstone 6 D . Frid
7 S. Gutman 8 J. Rosenbaum 9 J. Ones
10 H . Snow 11 D. Rutko 12 S. Majman 13 D. Rubenstein 14 J . Weinstock 15 D. Finkel 16 D. Feldman 17 J . Rockman 18 A . Golvan 19 J . Basist 20 S . Czarny 21 D . Stu b
22 P. Glezer 23 B. Ritterman 24 A . Lewin 25 M. Blashki 26 Mark Segal 27 C . Spero 30 A. Lefkovic 32 A. Rodgers 33 S. Shetzer 36 M . Segal 39 S . Midler 40 A. Halphen 43 J . Sharp 44 J . Kretsch
MONASH BLUES Coach: Mike Ciolvenson U19 (C) : J . Sm9h I J . Bell 31 R. Ruth 2 S. Collins 32 N. Seewang 3 B. Merlin 34 J . Fanning 4 N . Patten 35 S . Batters 5 C . Williams 36 M . Smith 6 F. Eley 37 M. Bolton 7 B. McNeill 42 M. Bennett 8 S. Lloyd 43 A . Forster9 C. 0'Bree Knight 10 E. Baxter 44 W. Wickham 11 J. Bronts 47 A. Spence 12 A. Week s 13 B . Ca rs tein 14 G. Vardeligt 15 S . Young 16 J . Smith (C) 17 J . Milla r 18 L. McLelland 19 B . Muston 20 M. Hickey 21 T. Crav e 22 T O'Brian 23 J. Roscoe 24 P. O'Connell 25 L . Dickenson 26 J. Arnott 27 B. Burke 28 D. Avery 29 S. Cooke 30 L. Creamer
CAULFElDGRAMMMAR Coach: Mark Donovan U19 (C) : S. Wid'}aja
1 J. Same 2 N. Bourke 3 S . Erikson 4 J . Ryan 5 S . Kendall 6 J . Fulston 7 M . Davies 8 D. Globan 9 J . Acfield 10 C . Worboys 11 P. Sykes 12 S. Sant
13 R . Silverman 14 T. Cripps 15 A. Schwab 16 B. O'Callaghan 17 T. Kavouris 18 M . Gurpinar 20 A. Winters 21 C. Nairn 22 M . Richardson 23 C. Cree r 24 A. Wilkinson 25 G. Evans 26 S . Widjaja (C) 27 T. Freeman 28 B . Hasforth 29 D . Golabek 33 P. Ralp h 34 J . Wilmot 35 A. White 38 D . Veentjer 71 K. Deakin
DE LA SALLE Coach: Crag Williams U192 (C): A Donniso n
2 R. Gullifer 2 A.K eoqh 3 G. Hrisfov 3 L.R~yan 4 M . Ruschena 6 J . Davies 7 J .Brne 7 S . Tucker 9 N . Synod 9 I. Watson 10 J . La Ragy 10 A . Molan 11 L . Meehan 12 S. Lo g an 12 T. Robso n 13 A. Donnison (C) 13 M. Harrison 15 A. McKenzie 18 P. Nowlan 19 N. Stafford 20 J . Silver 20 J . Willey 23 J . Mead 29 M . Coghlan 31 A. Hancock 31 B . Reade 40 A . Hayes 57 N . Brasher 58 D. Forer (VC ) D . Buckley T. Buntine A . Burrows M. Evans R . Ford A . Jackson D . McHenry S. Monte Silva A. Murra y B. Muscat A. Neville E. Phillips D. Pipito M . Salem D. Stinear
OLD MENTONfANS OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Sven l S a rwtd 019 (C) :Wes ' 1 2 3 4 5 6
W. Ballantine (C) H. Mason R. Alexander M . Emanuel M . Thomasen S. Bainbridge
8 N. Hollow
9 B. Kuramoto 10 L . Brown 17 D. Alexander 12 R. Phipps 13 D. Grant 14 N. Webster 15 C. McKay 16 L. Stephen 17 A .0 'Reilly 78 M. Frances 19 M. Kennedy 20 P. Mevel 21 T. McNish 22 A, Martin 23 A. Palme r 24 A. Drinan (VC) 25 L . Hogan 26 N . Lane 27 A. Worre ll 28 C. Twentyman 29 A. Kelly 30 B. Goss 3t S. Worrell 55 M . Campbell
Coach: Pat Hawkins (1 )
Coach: Pete Calinan (2) U79 (C) : I A B~~ 38 J. Mdmre7 2 C.B~ 39 T.~ 3 S . BeeMn 40 J. Mc(~ 4 D. Bra.'; 41 R Mercu i
5 C.Carads 428.--fin
6 S . CarrWr 43 C.' . .reaxnnay 7 B . Ctrsb? 44 E h' ~ 8 C. Cordon 45P.C-- .. 9 T CcmPt 46 J. 0;OR Car,~ta~ 47 Kbh, t TCumw 49AC- C 12T.Das 49T.P, , ~ 13 J . Dertn 50 M. Qiam 14AC;ap 51N .R~r 15 T. Famn 52 D. R~ 16 J. Fay 53 M.RuNf 17 R. Fee!f 54 D . Ryan t8 M . F~r-,I 56 A s3uBt i9 M Rest 56 S. Skkm 20 P. FuVr}ar 57 ASpou 21T.Cdeesm 58D. Slam 22 N. Hart 59 C. Swws 23 J. N,aMars W D. Sin" 24 J. He-J7 61 D. 52,-rry 25J.Fk~ 62TSbay 26 J.Herr~s,t E1 N .Tr~e9 27 C. Fbae 64 5. Tnnt;D 28 R. laxNagceb 65 C. War y 29 J. khaM 66 Dwariarq 30 0.Kexs 674. Xa eb 31 M tramd/ 32 A U.ter 33 R . LawxW 37 P. tvtkabn 35 S. RKarBH 36 A McDxdj 37 B. M CCIan
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: km Wriott u19 (C):
M .H.S .O .B . Coach: Peter 0'Dea U19 (C): Jeff Wilson 1 T. Parker
1 D . Anderson 2 A. Quon 3 T Prantzos 4 J Midwinter 5 S Wills 6 A Crowther 7 A Duddy 8 W Climes 9 M . Cripps 10 D. Shaw 11 A Voss 12 A Landrigan 13 N . Reh n 14 M . Louis 15 G Shenfield 16 G Wood 17 A Smith 18 J Stokes 19 D Voss 20 L. Bird 21 M Jenkin 22 L. Dallas 23 S. Grimmer 24 M. Flynn 25 B Hevard 26 M Flahive 27 M . Flynn 28 C. Lucas 29 D Anderson 30 M Lanagan
2 R. Clowes 3 A. Simpson 4 J. Wilso n 5 A. OiBrien 6 J. Moore 7 J . Gregson 8 T. Leaver 9 R. Limbrick 10 N . McKenzie 11 S . Fodder 12 N . Young s 13 B . Sims-Lucas 14 S . Caller 15 T. Wright 16 K . Miezis 17 G . McCully 18 J. Davis 19 B. Hil l 20 A.OiBrien 21 P. Physic 22 P. Brown 23 R.Joseph 24 A. Mazur 25 L. Taylor 26 A. Askew 27 H. Taylor 28 M . Podolsky 29 R. Park 30 T. Morgan 31 L. Jones 32 R . Weeden 33 T. Lower 34 R . Ware 35 B. Miezis 36 S. Osborn e
ORMOND Coach: Brian Keating U19 (C): A Sta"
1 S. Thompson 2 M . Nash 3 D. Robbins 4 D. Rowan 5 T Ashford 6 M . Broadhurst 7 S . Keleher 8 R. Coulston 9 J . Rutz 10 J . Cullen 11 B. Minter 12 P. Townsend 13 A . Kurze l
14 B . Healey 16 S. Porte r 17 S. Naughton 18 P. Cicarella 19 A. Strauch 20 K. Watson 21 B. Walker 22 D. Hopkins 23 S. Egan 24 M .0'Halkxan 25 J. Dale 26 D. Mabbett 27 P. Gleason 28 A. Stasiak 29 K. Quon 30 H . Black 31 P. Waked 32 A . Russell 33 S . Stephens 35 C. Knight
Coach: John Howard U19 (C) : J. Drurrxnord 63 J . Drumnw d 64 C . Thwefie'A 65 D. Maloney t66 K Todtay 67 W. Perkins 68 J. ZaBame 69 s. Reece 70 C. Barrera 71 M .Baraket 72 A. Caruana 73 S . Rcmagrtirw 74 C. Gray 75 M. Toppn 76 D. Slade 77 A. Move 78 R . Hall 79 C . McMWGn 80 A . Haines 71 L Dacdan 82 B . Zurek 83 A Seven 84 L Ptyde 93 S .Kenm y 85 H . Ready 94 0. Heaysman 66 C. Piwez 95 A Diab 67 T. Mattirm 96 M. Cole 88 J . van Bierkel 97 M. Toyb 8.9 N. DiZilm ?J S. Katapdultss 91 T.CanpGe5 92 B. SanWiucda
U NDER-19 - (2) RE D AQUINAS O .C . BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach: Terry McEvoy Ui9 (C):
J. Jess N . Cowling S. Staddon M. Boland S. Bennett J. Coghlan M . Greer T. Harkin M . Hel d T Moran D. McKee P. Glennie T. Blasch M . Tan C. Field J. Alliso n J. Coussins B . Anthony D. Marshall D. Minogue B . Moran B . Mills M. Johnstone J . Bleakney M. Delsovito J . Pote M. Dalsanto S. Devers D . Kealy D . Vine M. Wood s
Coach: Bob Ellis Ui9 (C):
1 S. Alderhoven 2 A. Bastow 3 R . Brown 4 C . Calleja 5 M . DeBoer 6 N . Eastwood 7 M . Fishe r 8 D . Florence 9 J . Florence 10 L . Groves 11 J . Howard 12 D.Juhasz 13 A. Kin g 14 N. Macrides 15 N. Macreevy 16 N. McCroha 17 B . Mountain 18 S . Mountain 19 T. Mossop 20 M . Natfas 21 R. Parri s 22 T. Peterson 23 B . Pouroganis 24 N . Povaran 25 D . Povaran 26 J . Stynes 27 P. Taylo r 28 L . Thompson 29 B . Walleneiser
ST LEOS ELIVIAUS THERRY PENOLA Coach : Paul Matton WATTLE PARK Coach: David Miller 1 .119(c): 1 N . Hodder 2 P. Batty
3 G . Bonnic i 4 R . Gallagher 5 C . Mille r 6 G . Newey 7 A Volpi 8 C . McDonald 9 M . Brown 10 C . Vaughan 11 J . Blandthorn 12 N . Zanni s 13 S . Dornik 14 P. Mansic 15 M . Dunn 16 A . Schlittler 17 T. Kay 18 J . McNally 19 J . Ross 20 S . Goldsworthy
U19 (C) :
2 R. Zampogna 4 R. Springall 8 A . Grant 9 S . Stella 10 C. Bannister 11 S . Bocaglia 12 J . Briedis 13 D . Candiloro 14 R . Dodds 15 A . McMahon 16 D . Dun n 17 A . McDonald 18 N . Jame s 19 G. Kuret 20 J . Smith 21 B. Fitzpatrick 22 M. Yates 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
M. Russell T. Sigfter N . Trewin R . Garcia R . Azzopardi C . O'Brien N . Parrett
OLD GEELONG Coach: Brian Ca rtunight U19 (C):
8 N . Dinning 12 N . Bayne 15 R . Lane 16 B . Couc h 18 T. Straughton 26 A. McKinnon 29 D Bolto n 31 L. Stevens 34 A. McCann 36 M. Avery 43 A. Clay 50 N Edgar 51 J. Garland 52 M . Cashinella 53 T Carty
54 E. Wilson 55 Q . Wallace 56 R Brown 58 L Heine 59 J. Malpas 60 D McInnes (C) 61 J . Chamberlain 63 M . McCarthy 64 R. Scur ry
OLD IVANHOE Coach: Stewart McLean 1.119(c): 1 D. Bernet 2 G . Gibson 3 N. Coyne 4 B . Davis 5 A. Oates 6 K. Angelo 7 M . Logan 8 B . Spoor 9 B . Low 10 B . Roderick 11 C . Brannigan 14 P. Dowd 15 R . Holmwood 16 R . Hans a 17 J. Harrop 18 A. Harper 20 B. Willi s 21 R . Gilderdale 22 G . Maddelic 23 C . Barker 25 P. Illis 26 S. Brandt 30 L . Courage 37 J. Keane 40 C. Harris
68 W. Ellery 75 A. Timms 76 D Brauer 79 W. Keeble
Coach: John Stanton U19 (C) :
Coach: Ash Wain U19 (C):
1 H . Anderson 2 S. Anderson 3 D . Bloomfield 4 G . Bell 5 L . Bolzon 6 C . Burke 7 A. Cam,illed 8 M. Chazan 9 B. Fre w
1 A . Midland 2 T. Morris 3 S . Lloyd 4 C. Fraser 5 P. Valloppi 6 M . Wine s 7 B . Sturzaker 8 B . Arnot 9 J . Longworth 10 B . Searl e 11 B . Reynolds 12 D . Lang
10 E. Gale 11 A. George 12 A. Green 13 T. Healey 14 A. Hopgood 15 J. Hopkins 16 D. Inman 17 M . Keegan 18 D. Lewis 19 G . Long
20 M . Manovella 21 S . Morri s 22 D. Mutton 23 N . Mullane 24 D. Nasrallah 25 M . Natoli 26 L. Prosser 27 M . Pop e 28 D. Ryan 29 D. Schulze 30 T. Sessions 31 R . Singh 32 M . Sloan 33 J . S~ ence 34 C . Taylor 35 N . Taylor 36 D . Thomas 37 T. Thomson 38 M . Vanlin t 39 S. Walter 42 J . Wilkins 40 B. White 43 A . Welch 41 D . Wilson 44 S . Yee
13 C . Shugg 14 T. Lloyd 15 D . Bailey 16 A . Bel l 17 T Mcllrath 18 R . Pearce 19 E. Kryse 20 T. TYshing 21 P. Vaughn 22 B. Drew 23 C . Arnold 24 A. Cusano 25 S . Matters 26 J . Skipworth 27 T. Hancock 28 B . Reynolds 29 S . Coleman 30 B . Wapshott 31 J . Scanlan
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Ken Johanesen (1) Coach: Phil Luchetta (2)
1 S. Young 2 D . Green 3 G . O'Meara 4 B. Richardson 5 B. Galloway 5 B. Woodham 6 M. Joyc e 8 D. Varano 8 A. Vecchio 9 J. Byro n 10 K. Theodossi 11 A. Curran 11 A. Talarico 12 C.Jacavou 16 C. Price 16 B. Sullivan 17 N. Allard 19 P. Karabatsos 20 M . Dempster 21 M . Szewczuk 22 M . Cosgriff 23 D. Briggs 23 M . Ploenges 24 L Brickwell 25 A . Jakowenko 26 B . O'Connor 27 S . Pruscino 28 R . Sartori 29 V. Perry 30 S. Fellowes 31 F. Papaluca 32 A. Baker 34 G . Howe 35 D .Loney 36 G . Dean 37 V. Bergamin 38 N . Kudeweh 39 J. Thor n 40 J. Collins 41 F. Papluca 42 M . Rees 44 S . Ciavola 47 M . De Rango 49 D. Gleason 52 N. Macartney 53 C. Butler 60 A. Swindon
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MARKETING NEWS by Phil S tevens
END OF THE SEASON - MEANS TROPHY AND AWARDS TIME s we enter August some VAFA teams will be either contemplating finals football, and othKrs the end of the season . As team's seasons come to conclusion club's thoughts turn to presentation and awards nights . With this in mind Winning Edge Presentations (VAFA Level 2 Sponsor) would like to remind clubs of their services and of the offer back in February of this year at the VAFA Sponsors Night . Winning Edge Presentations is the official trophy and giftware supplier to the VAFA . They have a huge range of products ranging from trophies, plaques to all types of giftware . Winning Edge Presentations specialise in engraving and deal in silver, pewter, crystal and china . So for all of your club's trophy and awards in season 1998 visit Winning Edge Presentations and speak to Alistair Ewart or one of the friendly staff members for your club's individual needs . They can be found on the 4th floor, Capitol House, 113 Swanston Street, Melbourne, (9654 4911) . To assist clubs in making their choice in trophies for 1998 at the February Sponsors' Night all club representatives were given a 30% discount card . This card entitles the club to a 30% discount on all trophy purchases in 1998 . There is no minimum amount that needs to be spent, although the discount card must be produced for the discount to be recognised . Clubs are urged to consider the above benefit, as well as call in and see Alistair and his excellent range of trophies, plaques and giftware . We are sure you will be pleasantly surprised by the quality, range and service offered by Winning Edge Presentations . For further details please contact Alistair Ewart (9654 4911) . All of the VAFA trophies, awards and presentations are purchased exclusively from Winning Edge Presentations .
SPORTSCOVER PICK THE PREMIERS COMPETITIO N With only a few rounds before the finals much interest continues to be shown in this competition . Next week's column will preview the competition and give readers an idea on early favourites to take off the big award . Last weekend's weekly award went to the St . Leos Emmaus AFC . For prize details ring Tony O'Callaghan at VAFA properties (9531 8333) .
1 77y,
15tla 4o d 1Fkoeffb-xx1ts-b Team % Aquinas OB 38
Team University Blues
St . Bedes/Mentone Tigers 32 Old Ivanhoe Or . 31 Mt Lilydale OC 29 Werribee AFC 26 Salesian OC 23 VAFAUA 20
Williamstown CYMS ANZ Albert Park AFC North Brunswick
IIawthom AFC 19 Old Haileybury 18 Oakleigh AFC 17 Old Scotch 16 Yarra Valley OB 15 MHSOB 13 Ormond AFC 13 Banyule AFC 11 Richmond Central 10 Swinbume Uni 10 Syndal Tally Ho 10 Caulfield Grammarians 9 Old Trinity 8 Old Carey Or. 8 Old Paradians 7 Ivanhoe AFC 7 Bulleen Cobras 7 Hampton Rovers 7 Collegians 7 AJAX AFC 7 Old Mentonians 7 Eltham OC 6 St. Marys AFC 6 UHSOB 6 Bulleen Templestowe 6 Monash Gryphons 6
GI B L 0 0 0
LaTrobe Un i St. Kevin's O B
Y 0 U
Old Xaverians Parkside AFC North Old Boys
CLU B The team with the greatest percentage increase over the las t
five rounds i s Old Ivanhoe Grammar . Congratulations !
For more information about the Challeng e please phone the Blood Service on 9694 0210 .
Fitzroy Reds Southbank AF C St . Patricks Mentone Thornbury Cougars AFC West Brunswick AFC Peninsula OB Old Essendon Gr. Thomastown AFC De La Salle OC Monash Blues Old Geelong University Blacks Monash Whites Kew AFC Marcellin OC Power House AFC Mazenod OC Old Westbourne Elsternwick AFC Old Melburnians Therry Penola AFC St . Kilda/Sth Caulfield Old Brighton Gr. Whitefriars O C St . Leos Emmaus WP Beaumaris AFC Eley Park AFC Glenhuntley AFC
Old Camberwell Or. 6 St . Bernards OC 6 Chirnside Park AFC 6
St. Johns O C
Australian Red Cross
t is widely accepted that good quality coaching is ~ essential if quality football programs are to be offered to all participants . Coach education courses offered since the 70's have advanced this cause . But does just attending a course really maximise coaching behaviours and effectiveness? A recent development in the coach education field will see outcomes and expectancies applied and Level One candidates 1mdergoing practical assessment in the field to see if these results are being achieved. The Level I Courses have been rewritten in a Competency Based Training format aiming to improve coaching performance rather than just coaching knowledge . A further exciting measure that is increasingly being adopted by football bodies and clubs, is to engage someone to 'oversee the coaching standards in their local domain . WHAT IS CBT, COMPETENCY BASED TRAINING ? CBT refers to a person's performance, not simply their knowledge . It is expressed in terms of outcomes, written in clear and simple language . For example, the competency expected of a Level One Auskick Coach is the coach will be able to plan . prepare and conduct an Auskick training session in a safe and appropriate environment" . It is expressed in terms of expectations - the competencies expected of a Level Three coach will be broader than those of a Level One coach . The aim of the course is to provide the necessary information, skills, practice and demonstrations to enable the candidates to develop such a level of competency. Each sub-section of the Course has its own "Learning Outcomes" statements to work towards, not simply a list of "content" . For example, under "Planning, they are stated thus : At the completion of this module the coach will be able to : Identify the importance of planning, identify how a training session fits into the context of a yearly plan, and construct a session plan for primary school-aged children playing Australian Football based on the Auskick Coaching Manual . Such a course design is easily understood and will enable briefing of speakers to be quite accurate in relation to our expectations of what they will do at the course . ASSESSMENT Assessment incorporates a number of activities during the course (discussion, group work, worksheets . coaching each other. etc) .
WT'__-Major assessment is undertaken back at the coaches "home base" and is based upon assessment sheets signed by an assessor and a key official from the coach's organisation . For the first time, each coach completing a coaching course at Level One must have this practical assessment completed, normally involving assessment of one training session (Level Two and Level Three have always had such an assessment, and this has worked well) . Under a competency-based system . we now need to observe in practice that it is having an impact on the quality of coaching being delivered . ACCREDITATION A candidate will not be awarded Level One until the appropriate forms, which are supplied and explained at the course, are returned to the Course Coordinator. 1 . indicating that the coach has met the necessary criteria, an d 2. signed by the assessor and the relevant Club President/Auskick Coordinator / School Principal or other head of the football body in which the coach is appointed . Where an assessment indicates areas of improvement prior to recognising Level One accreditation, it is the coach's responsibility (with the Club/ Auskick/School) to organise for a further assessment to occur. The reformatting of courses has been carried out under the auspices of the Australian Coaching Council and its National Coaching Accreditation Scheme. THE "ASSESSORS" THAT A LEVEL ONE CANDIDATE USE INCLUDE : 1 . National (AFF) Development staff/State Directors of Coaching. 2. Full-time Development Managers/ Development Officers . 3 . Part-time Development Officers/Auskick District Managers 4 . Level 3 Coaches 5 . Level 2 Coaches 6 . League Coaching Coordinators (trained to assess) . 7 . Club Coaching Coordinators . 8 . Other personnel trained or employed for assessment purposes . While the aim is to develop a more satisfactory assessment system based upon structural changes at Club and League level, any of the above are recognised as able to perform a Level One assessment using the assessment forms.
In a pair of Blades boots, with the revolutionary sole system and internal wedge, you'll notice the improved performance and comfort where it matters most . On the ground . J
~ LJ
Official Supplier to VAFA . T&zstDoos
BLADES CLUB CHAMPIONSHI P $ 2000 TO T H E WINNING CLU B Points have been allocated for Round Fourteen (A-B) and Fifteen (C-F & U19) matches an d today the leading 20 clubs are shown . A team that has a bye is credited with a win . To refres h memories from last week a senior team win receives 12 points ; reserves win 5 points ; an under 19 team win 5 points .
*Ineligible player Rd . II (U 19S) WHITEFRIARS 0 C 13 14 14 29 6 29 1 OLD XAVERIANS 13 12 15 7 .5 248 .5 BEAUMARIS 13 11 248 .5 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 13 12 6 .5 246 .5 10 OLD MENTONIANS 12 10 .5 243 1 OLD CAREY 14 14 8 237 AJAX 11 13 0 228 .5 OLD CAMBERWELL 13 14 .5 0 22 1 NIONASH GRYPHONS 13 13 5 .5 219 .5 'MARCELLIN 11 12 0 21 6 PENINSULA 13 12 10 20 6 ORMOND 8 12 8 20 3 ST BEDES MENTONE TIGERS 9 11 0 19 9 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 12 11 10 19 8 HAMPTON ROVERS 9 8 13 19 8 OLD IVANHOE 9 5 11 19 8 OLD TRINITY 9 7 19 7 KEW 11 13 0 12 19 4 OLD SCOTCH 7 10 0 19 2 PARKSIDE 11 12 Bonus points are on offer and can be earned as follows : • 40 points at the end of July to each club which has at least 20 senior, reserve or Under 1 9 players regularly wearing Blades football boots in VAFA matches . • 2 points for each $100 worth of Blades apparel purchased through the VAFA up to 31 Jul y 1998 .
J I Lily1 i;~ l
r Chad Galvin, Old Westbourne . Striking . 8 ma From July 2 5 Steven Buckle, St. Leos Emmaus . Abusive ELSTERNWICK PARK guage . 1 match. DRAW 1998 Corey Tyson, Parkside . Elbowing, 6 matches . (August - September) * Tom Wilson. Old Scotch . Striking, 2 matches . This Sat . 1/8: Old Paradians v MHSOB * John Vaina, Therry Penola. Abuse/insulting This Sun 2/8: No match scheduled - ground vacant guage 2 matches . Next Sat 8/8 : Old Haiieybury v De La Sall e * Tom McCann, St. Kevins (U 19) . Abusive langu ; Next Sun 9/8: FIDA semi - finals matches . Sat 15/8 : Club XVIII Prelim . Finals * Heath Rolls, Old Brighton (U19) . Striking, 2 m Sun : 16/8 : FIDA Grand Finals es . Sat: 22/8 : Old Scotch v Old Haileybury *Accepted p rescribed penalty. Sun: 23/8: Club XVIII Grand Finals Sat : 29/8 : B Section First Semi-Final Sun : 30/8 : A Section First Semi Final Sat : 5/9 : B Section Second Semi-Final Sun : 6/9 : A Section Second Semi-Final FINES RD 14 (A-B) 15 (C-F & II 1 Sat : 12/9 : C Section Grand Final Sun : 13/9 : A Section Preliminary Final First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; tl Sat : 19/9 : B Section Grand Final offence ($50) ; fourth offence ($100) ; each sul Sun : 20/9 : A Section Grand Fina l quent offence ($100) . Reserves/C18 Seniors/U19 failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5p n Nil Nil
~2'l l
OTHER U19 match forfeits teams fined $250 Old Geelong (Rd . 14 ) Incorrect scores phoned (18/7 ) Old Mentonians (Sen .), Old Ivanhoe (U 19 )
Saturday's Final Siren Scores (A Section )
6 .25 p.m. Saturda y mmmmw_
5'( ;1 L] i~~,_
ige, 2 atch .
iird =e- ;
,.Vl of the A and B section finals are played at Elsternwick Park, except the B section Preliminary final which is played at Sandringham (12/9) whilst the C section Grand final is played at Elsternwick Park on this date . C 'section. First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8) and Preliminary Final (5/9) - SANDRINGHAM . D section (final five system) . Qualifying final (2 v. 3 - 22/8), Elimination final (4 v . 5 - 23/8) 11ONASH UNIVERSITY, First semi (30/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - MORDIALLOC . E Blue section . First semi (23/8), Second semi (22/8), Preliminary Final (29/8), Grand Final (5/9) CENTRAL RESERVE . E White section . First semi (23/8) BARTLETT RES., Second semi (22/8), Preliminary Final (29/8), Grand Final (5/9) - CAMBERWELL SPORTS GROUND . F section . First semi (23/8) - GILLON OVAL, BRUNSWICK, Second semi (22/8) - CRAMER STREET, PRESTON, Preliminary final (29/8) - GILLON OVAL BRUNSWICK, Grand Final (5/9) - CRAMER STREET, PRESTON . Under 19 Section 1 . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (i2/9)- WHITEHORSE RESERVE, BOX HILL . Under 19 Section 2 . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - SCAMMELL RESERVE OAKLEIGH . Under 19 Blue section . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - GERRY GREEN RESERVE PARKDALE . Under 19 Red section . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8) - TRINITY GRAMMAR, Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - PARADE COLLEGE . Club XVIII . First and Second semis (8/8) SCAMMELL RES, OAKLEIGH (sec 1); sec 2 RAMSDEN STREET RESERVE, Preliminary finals 15/8 (Saturday), Grand Finals 23/8 (Sunday) ELSTERNWICK PARK. * The Executive at all times reserves the right to shift matches from venues depending on the participating teams and the travel for example that may be involved . Venues may be changed also if the winter weather causes venues chosen to deteriorate .
FINALS ELIGIBILITY Senior finals . Any registered player can be selected as long as permit is current .
Seniors/Reserves . If both teams are playing on the same weekend the reserves player must have played a total of 2 senior or reserve matches (be registered and have a permit) to play in the reserves final . Reserves . Player must be registered and have a permit . To play in a reserves final (even if a player qualifies for an under 19 final but club wishes him to play in reserves final), player must have played 2 reserves matches and not more than 10 senior matches during the season. Under 19 . Must be registered and have a permit . If player has played in more than 5 senior/reserves matches he is ineligible unless he has played more than 5 U/19 matches . If player becomes ineligible due to above situation, and player is not picked in club's first senior final he is eligible to play in any subsequent U/19 finals match . U/19 players playing in VSFL U/18 must after the playing of our round 18 decide where they will complete the season . Such player can play in any club's final's team as long as he has played 5 matches for the team for which he wants to be selected . Where a club has two U/19 teams a player must have not played more than 10 matches with the U19/1 sid e Club 18 . To play finals, a player must have played at least 4 C/18 matches and in not more than 8 senior and reserves matches combined .
EAMSHEETS Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any ma Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surri~ Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
(presen t ed by Quit)
(50 cents per min .) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service 0
Permits (Thurs) 째 Weekend matches (Fri)
- Scores (Sat. night)
The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St Kilda St) will only be open when Sunday matches are to be playec When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly. Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 54
A RESERVE SECTIO N 14 12 2 0 1136 674 168 .55 48 CLDXAVERIANS 14 10 4 0 1113 741 150 .2 40 OLDSCOTCH 14 9 5 0 1191 772 154 .27 36 O F LA SALLE 14 9 5 0 962 893 109 .97 36 C)LLEGIAN6 ricRSITYBLUES 14 8 6 0 993 937 105 .98 32 .E`lINS 14 7 7 0 995 964 103 .22 28 ; _RNARDS 14 7 7 0 877 856 102 .45 28 ELBURNIANS 14 5 9 0 852 1017 83 .78 20 14 2 12 0 506 1110 45 .59 8 78RIGHT0N HAILEY8URY 14 1 13 0 680 1487 45 .73 4 B RESERVE ORMOND 14 12 2 0 1227 638 192 .32 48 61AflCELLIN 14 12 2 0 989 637 155 .26 48 OLD PARADIANS 14 11 3 0 947 711 133 .19 44 I;ORTH OLD BOYS 14 8 6 0 819 875 93 .6 32 88 .28 28 - _ :) TRINITY 14 7 7 0 889 1007 r_;dOD O C 14 6 8 0 903 1013 89.14 24 5 9 0 624 936 66.67 20 '3 IVANHOE 14 ,,-508 14 4 10 0 1061 1063 99.81 1 6 0 699 1110 62.97 12 :' :HOE 14 3 11 8 r,;_RRYPENOLA08 14 2 12 0 734 1013 72.46 C RESERV E BEAUMARIS A F C 15 11 4 0 1138 680 172 .42 44 ST BEDES MENT TIG 15 11 4 0 1208 701 172 .33 44 OLD GEELONG 15 11 4 0 1040 779 133 .5 44 OLD MENTONIANS 15 10 4 1 1277 926 137 .9 42 -- -, MASTOWN 15 8 6 1 1056 1174 89 .95 34 :'?TON ROVERS 15 8 7 0 1034 891 116.05 32 =4f ;YULE 15 8 7 0 1091 967 112,82 32 ST LEOS EMMAUS W P 15 3 12 0 817 1169 69.89 12 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 15 3 12 0 607 1329 45 .67 12 =3ULLEEN TEMPLE . 15 1 14 0 567 1429 39.68 4 rynellgibie player Rd 1 1 Rin411glble piayer Rd 12 D RESERVE SECTION WHITEFRIARS 15 14 1 0 1326 540 245 .56 56 AJAX 15 13 2 0 1310 464 282.33 52 PARKSIDE 15 12 3 0 1296 662 195,77 48 LONASH BLUES 15 10 5 0 1266 878 144 .19 40 SOUTHBANK 15 10 5 0 1070 798 134 .09 40 -CUINAS 0 C 15 9 6 0 996 881 113 .28 36 _', ✓ERSITY BLACKS 15 6 9 0 871 814 107 24 ,-9RA VALLEY 15 5 9 1 995 1026 96 .98 22 ~54LESIAN O C 15 4 11 0 711 1213 58 .62 16 OiO ESSENDON GR 15 3 11 1 501 1099 45 .59 14 S7JOHNS O C 15 2 13 0 467 1619 28 .84 8 ST PATRICKS MENTONE 15 1 14 0 561 1590 35 .28 4 *Ineggible player Rd 11 -Inallgible player Rd 12 E BLUE RESERV E OLD CAMBERWELL 15 14 0 1 1845 394 468 .27 58 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 15 12 3 0 1650 506 326 .09 48 PENINSULA 0 B 15 12 3 0 1677 536 312 .87 48 OAKLEIGH A F C 15 10 4 1 1114 837 133 .09 42 CHIRNSIDE PARK 15 8 7 0 1019 1025 99 .41 32 POWER HOUSE 15 7 8 0 731 1259 58 .06 28 LLSTERNWICK 15 4 11 0 743 1209 61 .46 16 S,YINBURNE UNIVERSITY 15 3 12 0 746 1495 49 .9 12 GLENHUNTLY 15 3 12 0 510 1458 34,98 12 3T' .IARYS 15 1 14 0 610 1970 30 .96 4 E WHITE RESERVE OLD CAREY 15 14 1 0 1461 614 237 .95 56 KEW 15 13 2 0 1418 600 236 .33 52 UHSOB 15 10 5 0 1327 590 224 .92 40 RITZROY REDS 15 9 5 1 1144 883 129 .56 38 .;'ILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 15 9 6 0 1287 763 168 .68 36 ':ORTH BRUNSWICK 15 7 8 0 1139 1033 110.26 28 HICHMOND CENTRAL 15 6 9 0 817 1023 79.86 24 BULLEEN COBRAS 15 4 11 0 617 1719 35.89 16 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 15 1 13 1 489 1280 38.2 6 OLD WESTBOURNE 15 1 14 0 436 1782 24,47 4
F RESERVE MONASH GRYPHONS 15 13 2 0 1400 538 260 .22 52 WEST BRUNSWICK 15 11 4 0 1162 760 152.89 44 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 15 11 4 0 1220 920 132.61 44 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 15 8 7 0 1009 1031 97.87 32 ELEY PARK A F C 15 7 8 0 1013 1236 81 .96 28 1125 68.8 16 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 15 4 11 0 774 SYNDAL TALLY HO 15 3 12 0 657 1201 54 .7 12 ANZ ALBERT PARK 15 3 12 0 615 1248 49,28 1 2 CLUB 18 (1 ) OLD XAVERIANS 14 14 0 0 1515 349 434.1 56 DE LA SALLE 14 11 2 1 1105 573 192.84 46 14 10 4 0 771 585 131 .79 40 OLD SCOTCH OLD BRIGHTON 14 9 4 1 704 649 108.47 38 14 8 6 0 871 739 117.86 32 MHSOB OLD MELBURNIANS 14 6 8 0 615 856 71 .85 24 14 3 11 0 527 904 583 12 ST KEVINS COLLEGIANS 14 3 11 0 515 949 54 .27 12 14 3 11 0 546 1029 53 .06 12 MAZEN00 0 C THERRY PENOLA OB 14 3 11 0 479 1157 41 .4 8 CLUB 18 (2) MONASH WHITES 14 13 1 0 995 499 199 .4 52 THORNBURY COUGARS 14 11 3 0 1038 627 165 .55 44 MT LILYDALE O C 14 9 5 0 1039 645 161 .09 36 KEW 14 9 5 0 895 561 159 .54 36 MARCELLIN 14 6 8 0 764 880 86 .82 24 OLD ESSENDON GR 14 3 11 0 634 1122 56 .51 12 YARRA VALLEY 14 3 11 0 599 1207 49 .63 12 PARKSIDE 14 2 12 0 581 1089 53 .35 8 UNDER-19 SECTION i OLD XAVERIANS 15 15 0 0 1812 689 262 .99 60 OLD PARADIANS 15 12 3 0 1497 1058 141 .49 48 15 10 5 0 1536 1346 40 DE LA SALLE 114 .12 OLD BRIGHTON 15 9 6 0 1294 1108 117 36 COLLEGIANS 15 8 7 0 1504 1187 126 .71 32 UNIVERSITY BLUES 15 7 8 0 1194 1120 106 .61 28 STKEVINS 15 7 8 0 1220 1549 78 .76 28 ST BERNARDS 15 3 12 0 1183 1616 73 .21 12 MAZENOD O C 15 3 12 0 1038 1802 57 .6 12 OLD CAREY 15 1 14 0 861 1929 44 .63 4 UNDER-19 (2) WHITEFRIARS 15 14 1 0 1875 858 218 .53 56 15 12 3 0 1642 1072 153.17 48 OLD SCOTCH OLDTRINITY 15 11 4 0 1698 1046 162.33 44 ST BEDES MENT. TIGERS 15 8 7 0 1356 1348 100.59 32 BEAUMARIS A F C 15 7 7 1 1050 1330 78.95 30 OLD HAILEYBURY 15 6 9 0 1354 1377 98 .33 24 *MARCELLIN 15 5 9 1 1169 1261 92 .7 22 OLD MELBURNIANS 15 5 10 0 1168 1539 75 .89 20 NORTH OLD BOYS 15 4 11 0 994 1590 62.52 16 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 15 2 13 0 920 1920 47.92 8 *Ineligible player Rd . 1 1 UNDER-19 (2) BLU E MHSOB 15 13 2 0 1931 807 239 .28 52 ORMOND 15 11 4 0 1381 1033 133.69 44 HAMPTON ROVERS 15 10 5 0 1614 886 182.17 40 OLD MENTONIANS IS 10 5 0 1711 1064 160.81 40 A J A X 15 8 7 0 1045 1224 85 .38 32 MONASH BLUES 15 7 8 0 1037 1302 79.65 28 CAULFIELD GR 15 6 8 1 1054 1084 97.23 26 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 15 5 9 1 968 1185 81 .69 22 DE LA SALLE (2) 15 4 11 0 1154 1436 80.36 16 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 15 0 15 0 449 2441 18,39 0 UNDER-19 (2) RE D 15 13 2 0 1458 746 195 .44 52 OLD IVANHOE YARRA VALLEY 15 12 2 0 1336 770 173.51 48 WARRINGAL A F C 15 11 4 0 1779 823 216 .16 44 147.33 40 THERRY PENOLA OB 15 10 5 0 1516 1029 AQUINAS O C 15 8 7 0 1189 1168 101 .8 32 OLD GEELONG 15 7 8 0 926 1161 79 .76 28 OLD PARADIANS (2) 15 7 8 0 860 1356 63 .42 28 ST LEOS EMMAUS W P 15 5 10 0 592 1668 35 .49 20 BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE 10 1 9 0 282 1296 21 .76 4
14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
13 1 0 1660 865 191 .91 52 9 5 0 1580 1385 114 .08 36 9 5 0 1405 1412 99.5 36 8 6 0 1193 1126 105 .95 32 7 7 0 1288 1202 107 .15 28 7 7 0 1270 1262 100 .63 28 7 7 0 1170 1265 92.49 28 7 7 0 1216 1330 91 .43 28 2 12 0 1189 1521 78 .17 8 1 13 0 1107 1710 64 .74 4 B SECTION
14 11 3 0 1388 1086 127 .81 44 14 9 5 0 1355 1154 117.42 36 14 9 5 0 1202 1057 113 .72 36 14 8 6 0 1480 1287 115 32 14 8 6 0 1215 1063 114.3 32 14 8 6 0 1320 1158 11199 32 14 6 8 0 1230 1356 90 .71 24 14 5 9 0 1173 1456 80 .56 20 14 3 11 0 1200 1505 79 .73 12 14 3 11 0 1185 1626 72 .88 12 C SECTION 15 13 2 0 1962 1270 154 .49 52 15 12 3 0 1810 1396 129 .66 48 15 9 6 0 1427 1162 122.81 36 15 9 6 0 1443 1295 111 .43 36 15 8 7 0 1363 1467 92 .91 32 15 7 8 0 1494 1472 101 .49 28 15 6 9 0 1460 1690 86 .39 24 15 5 10 0 1460 1738 84 20 15 3 12 0 1399 1862 75 .13 12 15 3 12 0 1358 1824 74 .45 12 D SECTION 15 13 2 0 1626 1112 146 .22 52 15 11 3 1 1719 1339 128 .38 46 15 11 4 0 1556 1172 132 .76 44 15 10 3 2 1532 1200 127 .67 44 15 8 6 1 1321 1090 121 .19 34 15 7 7 1 1601 1430 111 .96 30 15 7 8 0 1360 1299 104 .7 28 15 7 8 0 1581 1516 104 .29 28 15 6 8 1 1304 1426 91 .44 26 15 4 11 0 1021 1272 80 .27 16 15 2 13 0 1068 1836 58 .17 8 15 1 14 0 909 1906 47 .69 4 E BLUE SECTIO N 15 13 2 0 2231 917 243.29 52 15 13 2 0 2039 883 230.92 52 15 13 2 0 2007 1064 188 .63 52 15 10 5 0 1559 1293 120 .57 40 15 9 6 0 1830 1378 132.8 36 15 5 9 1 1529 1591 96 .1 22 15 5 10 0 1264 1715 73 .7 20 15 4 10 1 1127 1726 65 .3 18 15 2 13 0 875 2617 33 .44 8 15 0 15 0 1049 2326 45 .1 0 E WHITE SECTION 15 14 1 0 2058 738 278.86 56 15 13 2 0 1828 1233 148.26 52 15 11 4 0 196 8 1122 175.4 44
15 15 15 15 15 15 15
15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
9 6 0 1341 7 8 0 1466 7 8 0 1410 7 8 0 1187 3 12 0 1058 3 12 0 883 1 14 0 93 5
F SECTIO N 13 2 0 1896 12 3 0 1540 10 5 0 1663 8 7 0 1261 6 9 0 1309 5 10 0 1075 4 11 0 1058 2 13 0 930
1588 84.45 36 1340 109 .4 28 1426 98 .88 28 1392 85 .27 28 1728 61 .23 12 1861 47 .45 12 1706 54 .81 4
984 192 .68 1006 153.08 1253 132.72 1129 111 .69 1493 87 .68 1512 71 .1 1519 69 .65 1968 47,26
52 48 40 32 24 20 16 8