The Amateur Footballer, Week 17, 1998

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a?fflC,]DO Oa速G'~S~' Proudly supporting the VA .EA .

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HIV PLAYER APPLICATIO N last Monday evening's Executive meeting the controversial issue of whether the VAFA should approve a permit for a player who declared he was HIV positive was discussed in detail . The Executive had at the meeting an Infectious Diseases Physician who has been involved in the management of HIV patients since the beginning of the HIV epidemic and also a QC who briefed the Executive on the legal and insurance ramifications of a decision made either way . The Executive had also previously been addressed by the doctor who treats the player applying for the permit to play. After a good couple of hours of considering the advice the Executive directed me to provide the following statement to the many representatives of the media who had gathered at Elsternwick Park for the decision "It was unanimously resolved that Mr . Hall's application for registration be refused on the ground that the rejection is necessary in order to protect the health and safety of other registered players engaged in the competition conducted by the Association . " As the matter is now the subject of court action the Association will be restricting its comments until the matter is resolved . The VAFA appreciates the support of the clubs and officials who have contacted the VAFA and I would like to reiterate that the duty of care we have to our registered players and the possible financial implications of any irresponsible decision made has always been uppermost in our minds . Whilst all members of the Executive, and I am sure the Association, are very sympathetic to those who have been unfortunate enough to have contracted the HIV virus the issue has manv and varied side issues which have the potential to strike at the very backbone of which our competition is based . Voluntary participation and the provision of a safe, competitive game of football at the lowes t


possible cost is the ideal on which our game is based . Setting the medical PHIL STEVENS issues aside, the potential legal ramifi- CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICE R cations of this cas e alone have the potential to bankrupt our organisation. The one thing that has been highlighted thus far, is the absolute necessitv for strict adherence to the blood rule, which the VAFA was the first to introduce in 1992 . All clubs must ensure their accredited trainers, players and support staff are aware of the implications of any slack approach in the implementation of this rule . Clubs . spectators and officials have often been annoved by the interruption to the game by umpires and trainers adhering to the blood rule . At the time of publication of this editorial the VAFA is hopeful . that although this is a matter before the courts involving the VAFA and a player, other sporting bodies (particularlv football) will be financially supportive of the pending court action . so that pressure on the VAFA and its clubs is minimal .

PAT YOUR CLUB OFFICIALS ON THE BACK TODAY One of the more pleasing features of the VAFA is to see the off field support that is given to teams . Although it is regrettably becoming more difficult to recruit and retain officials for a full season the Amateur scene of family football manages to attract loyal servants to clubs . Even though it is a hectic time for clubs with avoiding relegation, striving to make finals and keeping players interested at this cold time of the year. I would ask today that everv club takes time out to acknowledge the unsung heroes of VAFA footy - the club official . Just as each boss tells his secretary how important he or she is to his organisation once a year at least . (Secretaries' Day), let's make today "Applaud your Club Officials' Day . "


August 8th,1998 Price : $1 .50 Vol . 9R Nn- 17

A SECTION by Jason Frenke l "-Seetion punters could be heard muttering some.- thing quietly into their refreshments after last Saturday's games : it was barely audible, but it sounded like "footy is a tipster's nightmare ." that well-worn cliche . And didn't it ring true at most grounds last weekend as the underdogs rose to bite back and fight just one more time !

Now the good folk at St. Kevins might object to the tag underdog, but given their 58-point hiding at St . Bernards' hands in their first encounter. Saturdav's impressive 46 point victory at the College could not have been expected . The big guns were back and firing in front of goal for SKOBs . piling on eight goals in the second term and seven in the last with Garvev and Hewitt prominent scorers . The win gave Skevtiies second spot on the ladder, a game clear of Bernards one rung lower. Now the wise students at University may also have surmised that they were referred to as underdogs . And had you turned up at the Junction Oval at three-quarter time on Saturdav you would have found Old Melburnians 5 goals ahead of the Blues and the match running to form . But just half an hour and 5 goals 5 points later, the Blues had kept the Redlegs scoreless in the final term . booting them out of fourth spot in the process and snaring it themselves . They ran, ran, ran with Maplestone. Sturrock, Sheehan and Wilcox the s':ickest of them all .

There would have been little objection at Old Bri ghton to the term underdog - with just three wins. they could hardly have been expected to knock off the Bloods, who still retained a glimmer of finals hope . From the first bounce out at Hailevburv, the visitors controlled the game . with Hipwell and Lennox giving them drive around the ball, and Raju . Oakley, and Brown working hard around goals as Brighton surged to a 38-point win . And even in the matches were the underdog didn't prevail . there was at least a mighty struggle and little evidence of any capitulation . Take Coilegians, for example . victims of a first round hiding from Old Xaverians . heading down much the same path at halftime last Saturdav trailing by 11 goais . With DeaneJohns and Tarpey prominent near goal, and Cleary, working hard relentlessly . the Lions managed to add 13 second-half goals to 7 to lose by five goals in the finish . In fact the only match to run anyivhere near the form guide might have suggested was the Scotch-De La Salle match at Cambenceil . The Dees will be feeling the legacy of an inaccurate afternoon - they had the same number of scoring shots as the Cardinals yet were 20 points adrift at the final bell. 17illar s six goals helped them kick a winning tally . while Steve Hume

continued his excellent work this season . PREVIEW

The Sportscover Channel 31 M atch of the Day comes Elsternwick Park todav where De La Salle will Old H aileybury in a virtual elimination final .prosectwilrmans forthevin,buth e of todav's contest will certainly join the also-ran . Dees will be ruing last Saturday's second quarter kept Scotch scoreless but managed just 2 .6 for efforts when they may have taken a grip on the co Armstrong has been a welcome return for the E late in the season .'~-t the door will close on Hail e today. DLS by 21 F_ It is not ' contest taking todav. Old Scote_ : el to St. Kevins for pe their most impor_ : trig of the season to datE Cardinals mus t iiv . With the lowe s centage of a ; : . .didates, Scotch ;v reliant upon oa e r Iping them out . b u must demonstrate help themselv e by knocking o .; St . won't be an easy fea SKOBs signalle end that they are rui :dintohek . rocketed their earlv s( campaign . ! , -ae the unenviable job on i Garvey or Rca: s one of the finest defend , A-section faot nlY Harmes had anoth e him. Scotch rr ~e been able to plug the gap Kevins by i f St .Be . a prospect c convincir_-Eollegians'

Bernards : back toc :i more able Carlson v

in the 1 : . . Collegians too much Of al .' Blues i . . today befc next w e to Old . .e'. ' seem; .9 in , Both side: stron _ -ma Blue~, car . Ol d week's wit Old Melbu : tiered their

nlewhat more edgy a )ns den today, given Kevins last wee k efforts in recent w in the world to b c tronger. more tiviliin s `lions brigade. rs to throw a soe > of potential fin :ids, but Bernard s e . Sr . B's bv 35 . a spot in the fou r ome. facing Xavs at I journey to St . Ber t iv defeat this s e ished teams, f e ri~-iing pren ~fieid unit :

id it last weeli 3 goals . .g at the bit after id 111 be looking to oo. The Rediegs sq last weekend' s

,ut with three matches against the bottom three sides ;a finish the home-and-away draw . are still firmly in die race to snare a spot in September, Old Melburnians hy; 15 points .

Old Scotch - congratulations Andrew Smith who today plays his 300th VAFA game . 294 (OS) and 6 Rep . I1 is worthy of note that of his 294 games - 271 of these ~_.lmes have been in A Section - a remarkable record . `III at Old Scotch wish you "Smith-v' the eery best for toclay. fro :; me,-' ' .aal : loser

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Tt 'r;j t!, } ST. :'=EVINS v . OLD SCOTCH Field : Anthony Damen Albie Firley Boundarv: Cameron Kealy Greg Shilo Goal : Kevin Segota Anthony Simpson OLD HAILEYBURY v . DE LA SALLE at EP Saturday Field : James VanBeek Mark Gibson Boundary : Tim Dodds Stephen Johnston Goal : Brad Nash Shannon Rvan CC _' LEG S v . ST. BERNARDS Field : Phil Callil Graham Thtivaites Boundary : Jon S'-evenson Teron Hayes Goal : Russell Ov, ens Ren o

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SENIORS - 1 .08.98

ST BERNARDS 6 .7 9 .8 11 .12 _.. :2.84 ST 1{EVINS 2 .3 10.10 12.13 19 .16.130 St Bernerds: H-uxev 3. G2tnore 3 . VasaLo 2 . Artdrev Memn2ton 2can ; Mernnaton . L. Gotlant. Best: TaG"lor. Hogan . L. Gollant. &rne. Adam 1 ;eru.gtcn. Lougtilln . St Nevins: G~ey 5 . Hetrltt 4. Fraser 3. D. RN= 3 . Brnvies. Snut<7 . itai;cm :. Best : O Kecte ~tarustc. Calierv. Ohm. Fraser. Curtis. ' OLD SCOTCH 5.5 11 .14 14 .18 18 .23 .131 DE LA SALLE 1 .4 3 .10 4 .10 6,112 .48 Old Scotch: Millar 6. A . Bosd 2 . Crane 2 . Best : Hut :e. P .~uiL=ps . :7dv. 3mah . Collms.Eusuce. De La Salle: Hart 2 . Evans 2. Cro•.re. Mx=x . Best : Erans . S. N:=d . Sti7tt . Jacksen. S:hrrs. Ell:ott. OLD XAVERIANS 5.3 11 .14 14 .18 18.23 .131 COLLEGIANS 2 .2 2.2 8.6 15.8 .98 OldXaverians:Rtchardson 4. Bourk. Peale 3 B, m iiaqicd . Jones . Ta•, .or. R'cod. Ford . Best : C m~:: . ... . . .- . c-i;.v .~_ . i.a :dn2m :. Collegians : De:me-Jolu :s 6. Ta*m- , Cle .arv. Taruev. Philhps. t4'aa•1t:ou~, . OLD hiELBURNIA.NS 2 .4 13 .9 13 .9.87 UNIVERSITY BLUES 3 .0 J ._ 8 .9 :3 .14.92 Old Melburnians: EL'is 3. L. Boti-d ? Ross. Aterev. Holl t:e. Best : University Blues: tt'nzckoea, .:: = Gue ::geneh . MCKumor+._nle.~ :der. Best: :.laPie<toaa 3:,utas.'r:arC:,a . Coleman . S Ben ;tumn OLD HAILEYBURY 1 .2 7 .3 9.3 10 .8 .68 OLD BRIGHTON 5.5 9.6 12.8 16,10 .106 Old Haileytrary: Lappa(e 3 Soriwa 3 Cu'. Catn.ffi. rlm~. :1arcr. Best: Armsoong . Lappage. Cary. Home. "€. Seccull . Ros<. Old Brighton: Lennos 2. Oahlev 2 . Van Den Cnv~en 3 . Prior 2 . F- :e. `ttnnu. Rap. Eiderwn . Ferrc. ;;taci: . KrnzxSma:;. Jakcos.i. Best: Brcm . Oa :ter. R.;t, Pvne . Hlpne(i . Lem:ax.

RESERVES - 1 .07.98 ST BERNARDS 2 .0 7.3 9.5 1 2 .8.80 ST KEVINS 6 .3 11 .3 14.4 14 .6.90 St . Bernards: e;rmer a Dt :uLlin ° C-m; 'ttt. D -'honas Cusait. Regerson . Best : Farrner. Rat .t ..n T..t ._ "ntterall St .Kerns:ii .Prmgranaw Ptc-satL K, -rzvd.Scaz`o Best: D . KemredY. D . Mcirdle. Kc:gtuvt. Par ., .' .: .x : . :ema: : OLD SCOTCH 2.6 3 .6 5.7 8 .9.57 DE LA SALLE 4 .0 5 .7 5 .11 9 .12.66 Old Scotch: Parnon 2. Lfnes 2. 41cDott :e➢ . C. H~;mg . Grt}nn . Gross. Best : Crow. C Hakmp . Lmes. Thomas . T. ic^tC. Casmcum De In Salle : P. tlatuttx 2 . Balzer. Campbet( . Ellis. Fsher. Hall. Morel, t4'rtghL Best : Moore. Flume. Camlioell . Balzer. Hodder. FLher. OLD XAVERIANS 3.3 7 .4 8 .6 13.8 .86 COLLEGIANS 1 .2 2.2 2 .9 3.9 .27 Old Xaveriaru: HUbert 4 . HIM' 2. B2rrcu 2 .Ja:nes . S~et. T. Coug}vu: . !ieflp. Drake Best: Hbert . F7emmg. James . Datu: . Sas;t Dtila n Collegians : {Goa! eta hers are Best pacers not rec°:tr^~ OLD MELBURNIANS 2 .4 4.4 5 .8 5.9 .39 UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.1 2.3 3.5 3.7 .2 5 Old Me1S+ umta++=: 1?xon 3. Cioke. 0 19.vo Best : O .a. iti~deII. P . T'needcre. t2zc~ Hexnt titt6TrmnerUniversity Blues : B :rnc. E: w :s . re: r, :g Best: Ed, .ds. Joh :ucu . OLD HAB .EYBURY 2 .1 5.2 8 .7.55 OLD BRIGHTON 2 .2 7 .5.4 7

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RSIT'Y BLUES v . OLD X.4. Steve McCarthy Jamie Kvins Boundary : Rob `.iutton Cameron Stewart Goal : Ross Richards Bernie Dix OLD BRIGHTON v . OLD IViELBURNULNS Field : artin Jackson Cameron Nash Boundary : Shawn Hennig Rohan Devers Goal : Bernie Hoare Grant Bear d

DE LA SAL ., _7 v. - : : . . ., : ; 5 OLD SCOTCH v . COLL~GL?°tiS ST . BERtiARDS v . u :vi'ii;RSiTY 6L- ::S OLD hAVERIA ;vS v . OLD BRiGi :TON OLD HAILEYBCiRY v . OLD NSc.l. 7"_ , . '

TH : ' `: "- : _EN 'S SPORTSCOVE Riv .~'TGH OF THE DAY I S (tnatch highlights and panel discussion of this match shown on Channel 31 Saturday 15

igust 12. :.',z noon - 1 .30 oni)



Coach: Leigh Carlson Res. Coach : Craig Nankervis

Coach: Kevin Collins Res. Coach : Greg Feutrill

1 B . King 2 N . Florentine 3 B . Woolhouse

1 M . Chun 2 P. Fiume 3 D. Crowe

4 T. Van Der Veene

5 G. Deane-Johns


Coach:Dafe Tapping Res, Czach'SWphen Bames

OLD HAILEYBURY OLD Coach : Simon Meehan Res. Coach: Peter Fatouros

1 A. Kryzwniak 2 J . Murch

1 A. Baxter 2 D. Connell (C) 3 D. Warden

4 L. Hall

3 R. Oakley

4 C. McKenzie

5 C. Swift

4 M . Talbot

5 C . Warden

6 S. Van Der Veene

6 M . Fisher

5 N. Perry (C)

7 L . Byrne

7 C . Browne

8 C . Higson 8 C . Pollock V Cleary 10 S. Harding 11 B. Mackenzie 12 C. Dilena 13 S . Elg 14 D. Warne-Smith 15 N . Michael 15 Y. Phillips 16 A . Wallac e 17 R . Hos kin g 17 D . Phillips

8 C . Wright 9 C . Campbel l P 1 0 T. Silvers 11 A. Evans (VC) 12 D . Toohey

6 S . Alderson 7 B . Logan

18 J. Bennett 19 B . Mooney

20 A . Greenway 21 22 23 24

A. Johnston D . Kerr N . Milat R . Hartnett

25 J . Frazer

13 A. Waters 14 A. Duncan 15 J. Hodder 16 S. Hyland 17 A. Elliott 18 A. Flowerday 19 J . Tully 20 B. Cori n 20 P. O 'Brie n 21 D. J ackson 22 P. O'Callaghan

22 S . Laska

D. Balzer 24 J . Morel 25 G. Hynes 26 S . Wood

26 P. Wyles

26 S . Wooley

27 L . Van Der Pligt

27 S . Humphry

28 S. Hart

28 29 30 31 32

S . Blackman A . Kenneally M . Galbraith J . Nevins J . Tarpey

33 A . Startin 34 D . Entwisle 35 R . Morley 36 G . Fode 37 M. Opte 38 M. Lake (C) 39 A . Jones 40 M . O'Donnell 42 L . Vasdekis 43 G . Cooper 45 M . Mossma n 45 N. Harris 46 C. Harris 47 D. Milat 48 J . Lemon

49 A . Smith 50 B . Jefferson 51 P. Baxter 52 N . Gill 53 M. Inglis 54 T. Dimopoulos

55 A. Mirakian 55 E . Jones 57 J . Moore 58 A . Thompson 59 M . Richards 64 M . Gribble 70 T. Smith 75 J . Walshe 76 P. Halbish 77 T. Proctor

29 D . Rosman 30 B. Mannix 31 K. Mannix 32 R . Bonnici 33 D . King 33 M . O ' Donnell 34 A. Pedicini 35 A . Mackintosh 36 M . Aro n 37 S . Clay 37 M . Rosel 38 A . Mithen 39 P. Brasher (C) 40 M . Butler 41 M . McHen ryY 42 B. Lee

8 G . Hipwell 9 S . Lennox 10 R . Hartman

11 A . Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Kent 14 B . Paterson 15 D . Tymms 16 B. Williams 17 A. Van Den Dungen 18 M . Jackson (VC)

19 A. Mandylari s 20 A. Palfrey 21 N. Winter 22 K . Farrell 23 A . Pryor 24 R . Carter 25 S . Nickas 26 T. McNamara

27 D . Paterson 28 29 34 35 36

A . Alderton P. Woff M . Reid S. Mercer B. Pollock

38 J . Raju 39 A. Fischer 40 N . Bulfin 41 J . Murchie

42 A . Corke 43 C. Bre w 44 A . Brown 45 T Desmyth D . Hansen 47 D . Wilson

43 L . Borella 44 X. Clancy

49 M . Barber 50 S . Williams (VC)

44 T Montgomery

51 D . Strachan 52 D . Stockdale

46 M . Hegan 47 D. Lasini 48 D. Smith 4 9 A . Moore 50 P. Mannix 50 J . Doak 51 A . Orlando 52 D . Hyland 53 L . Seeger

54 J. Duckett 55 M. Herber 58 T. Ford 59 M . Mercuri 61 R. Grace 62 R. Beattie 63 S . McManus 64 G . Curren 66 S . Thomas

6 W. Smith 7 Adam Hilto n 8 M . Orton 9 C . Home

10 C . Efstathiou 11 C . Hucker 12 D . Seccull 13 B. Cam 14 A. Forsyth 15 N. More 1 5 R. Bartholmeusz 16 B . Langford-Jone s 17 As h Hilto n 18 A . Papotto 18 M . Constable 19 M . Armstong (VC ) 20 C . Kraus 21 A . Walden 21 B . Waters 22 S . Ri ch ardso n 23 M. Seccull 24 A. Ross 25 G . Rowlands 26 G . Phillips (VC) 27 J. Dann

4 S. Ellinghau s

5 L . Bun n 6 D . Holm e 7 C . Thompso n 8 M . Lovett 9 C. Aubrey 10 T. Robertys 11 M . Juke s

12 A . Hewitt 13 S . Rose 14 J . Bun n 15 M . Robert s 16 C . Eabry 17 J. Miller 18 A. Topaka s 19 A. Parki n

20 J . Guest 21 L. Boyd

22 A. Waddel l 23 M M . Berry ry (VC ) 24 C. Berry 26 C. Kennedy 27 O . Boy d

28 S . Rabbitt

28 S. Walden

29 M . Ward

29 B. Carson 30 R. Aughterson 31 D. Mason 31 B . Mai n 32 P. O'Donnell 33 A . Floyd 34 C. Reidy

35 D . Lappage 36 B . Lay 37 S . O'Grady 38 R . Parke r 39 M . St ano1' evic 40 H . Gopu 40 W. Phillips 41 B. Meli n 42 D . Scaife 43 R . Plecher 44 A. Kirkwood-Scott 45 N . Hil l 46 P. Langford-Jones 47 J. Kurta 48 S . Saunders

49 R. Goulden 50 A . Bonwic k 51 P. Dimond 52 D. Reid

59 R . Farrer 60 D. Crewdson 61 A . Witte

53 C . Pountneyy 54 D . Scaunich 54 M . Thiele 55 L. Byrns

66 T Lennox 71 B . Alderson 84 P. McMahon

1 M . Bennett 2 S . Theodore 3 A. Ros s

28 A. Pound

53 B. Letchford 56 R . Brown 57 A. McLachlan

62 A . Lewis 63 B . Wilson

Coach : Michael Ford Res. Coach: David Bn

56 D . Webb 57 M. Wray 58 R . McMaster 59 L. Hardema n 60 J. Amitrano 61 A. Hall 62 R. Thornton 65 C. Dowling

The Marine

30 I . McMulli n 31 J . Hart 32 A . McDougal l 33 G. Dixon 34 C . Elli s 35 D . Brow n 36 A. McKeo n 37 R . Mulquine y 38 A. Michell 39 J . Rigg 40 S. Crow 41 G . Wilhel m 42 P. Theodore

43 T Clok e 44 P. Th ompso n 45 46 47 48 49

Z . Useinov S . ToP akas S . Brown C. Jenkins T. Stucke y (C)

50 P. Marini s 51 C . Bank s B . Campbell 53 A . Bains 54 I . Paterson 55 S. Murray

56 A. Hun t 57 M. Peer s 58 S . Gigli a

59 J . Raftopolou s 60 H . Marshal l 61 J . Sallaban k 62 W. Hauserma n 63 L. Cole 64 P. Mills


The Angel Tavern G ry ph Inn

Ph . 9534 0225

A 5ectzo n O(.D SCOTCH


Coach : Wayne Hermes Res Coach: Davi d McCormack

Coach: Tim 05haughnessy Res . Coach : Michael Plant

Coach: Garry Foulds Res. Coach : David Law

Coach : Tim Hart Res. Coach: Hart ley Stone

Coach : Andrew Smith Res. Coach: Pat Mackey

1 K. Stoke s

1 M . Blood (C) 2 M . Bourke 3 L. Hanneber ry 4 D . Landrigan (VC) 5 A. Heil 6 A. Keyhoe 7 S. Lethlean 8 M . Holmes 9 G . Hatfield

1 A. Gray 1 A. Capes 2 J . Hardwick 2 S. Gray 3 A. Brebner 4 V. Comito (VC) 5 Joe Mount 6 C . Wood 7 S. Perrett 8 L . Vassallo 9 J . Kennedy 10 N . Mitchell (VC) 10 G . Matthews 11 P. Capes 12 B. Hogan 13 S. McKeon 14 A. Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 Andrew Merringto n 16 P. Freeman 17 B. Swann

1 N . Hart 1 . A . Callery 2 J. Dynan 3 D . Curti s 4 W. K e ig h ran 5 M . Dollman (C) 6 D . Ciavola 7 B . Kennedy 8 B . Dollman 9 D . Smith 10 N . Fraser 11 D . Ryan 12 M . R¢io 13 R . Bowles 14 L . Mahone y 15 M . Olive (VC) 16 B . Garvey 17 M . Terzin i 19 D . Sheehy 20 P. O'Keefe 21 J. Sibilia 22 J. MaceyY 23 S . Lowerson 24 S . Powell 25 B . Marusic 26 A . Bevac ua 27 R . Gross~C) 28 M . Farquharson 29 A . Mount 31 A . McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor 33 G . Mulcahy 34 P. Sc a rfo 35 A . Thomas 36 D . Kenned y 37 S . Kennedy 38 J. Bateman 39 S . Gribble 40 A . Hart 41 J. Hassett 42 J. Pangrazio 43 D . McArdle 44 D . Moylan

1 D . Slimmo n 2 J . Staritski 3 J . Sturroc k 4 D . Guengeric h 6 S. Longley 7 D . Hayte r 8 N . Byrn e 9 S. Meade (VC ) 10 D . Mapleston e 12 B. Blood (C ) 13 G . Evan s 15 M . Kordick 16 C . STewart 17 G . d e C resp ign y 18 S. Alexander 20 R . Polkinghorn e 20 Z . McCarty 22 P. Sheehan T. Wilcox 23 B. Fur phY 24 P. Fairban k 26 C . Miles 27 B. F r ic ke r 30 M . Coleman 33 L . Tweedle 34 J . McKinno n 35 A. Baker 36 L . Morison 37 A. Lenne n 39 B. Bohu n 40 B. Mille r 41 M . Keely 42 D . Keys

2 B. Phillips 3 C . Hosking 4 T Holt (VC) 5 R . Price (VC) 6 L. McDonnell 7 J . Kitche n 8 C. Reid 9 A. Boyd 10 J . Ker r 11 M . Angus 12 S . Hume 13 N. Hooper 14. D. Norman 15 M . O'Brien 16 A . Speed 1 7 S . Woodhouse 18 S . Collin s 19 S . Spiden 20 T. Wilson 21 S . Gibbs 22 C. Heath 23 O . Crane 24 L. Hawkins 25 T. Pritchard 26 A . Cro w 27 R . Armstrong 28 N . Thompson 29 M . Webe r 30 J . Laird 31 A . Smith 32 T. Gross 33 S . Eustice 34 G . Eagl e 35 S . Steele (C) 36 A . Millar 37 J . Smyth 38 R . Eagle 39 M . Starick 40 A . Warner 41 A . Castricum 42 S . Duthie 43 44 45 46 47

J . Paterson M . Gwynn M . Blenheim S . Panton T. Rei d

48 P. Davis 49 D . Thomas 50 C . Tindale 51 A . Faichney 52 A . Line s 53 S . Milliken 54 A . Seymour 55 A . Mitchell 56 T Wilmot 57 N . Morris 58 G . Boyd 59 A . Walkom 60 M . Weber 63 T Gray 66 H . Thomas

10 C . Kelly

11 Adam Jones 12 J .BowenN) C 13 L. Gladm an 14 D . Stoney 15 J . Taylor

16 L. Ford 17 D. Richardson (VC) 18 S. Hunter 19 D . Stean 20 M. Hardman 21 T. Ockleshaw 22 A. Bourke 23 B. Berry 24 B. Coughlan

25 P. Lechte 26 S. Tucker 27 L . Fay 29 S. Wood 30 D . Dann 31 L . Tuddenham 32 A. Brushfield 33 A. Sassi 34 B. Healy 35 S. Hede 36 P. Barrett 37 J . Hawkins 38 T. James 39 N . Ockleshaw 40 R . Ryan 41 A . Dillon 42 T. Fleming 43 T. Woodruff 47 J . Kay 48 R . Hall 49 R . Dillon 50 J . Drake 51 D . Walsh 52 S. Connellan 53 M . Diamond 54 R . Jones 55 P. Salter 56 A . Belli 57 R . Ralph 58 M . Fennessy 66 P. Panagiotopoulos


18 P. Hayes

19 L . Gollant (C) 20 T. Sheehan 21 B. Loughlin 22 Adam Merrington 23 G . Collins 24 G . DeMamiel 25 M . Talbot 26 J . Gollant (VC) 26 M . Overman 27 A. Nathan 28 P. Gilmour 29 J . Overman (VC) 30 J . DeBono 31 M . Farmer 32 T. Harvey 33 R . Nutter 34 S. Daffey 35 M . Juricskay 36 C . Bond 37 A. Catterall 38 D . McAllister 39 S . Donelly 40 D . Abfalter 41 B . Overman 42 T. Paradowski 43 C . Davis 44 S . Taylor 45 M . Tankey 46 C . Byrne 47 G. Cusac k 48 B . DeBono 49 S . Byrne 50 N . Lynch 51 R . Doolan 52 L . Overman 53 D . Law 54 D . Thomas 55 M . Hande 56 L . Rogers 57 P. Rogerson 58 S . Jawolsk i


45 D . Weight

46 J . Fogarty 47 B . Quirk 50 S . Kuring 51 J . Darcy 52 J . Finc h 54 S . Game 55 B . Callery 56 M . Pangrazio 57 S . Partsa ni s

58 I . Hewitt 59 N . Sweeney 61 J . Lynch 62 N . Goldsworth y 63 J . Herman 65 T. Bare 66 A . Morgan Da 68 D . McNair 69 M . Ryan 70 M . McArdle 71 T Salisbu ry 88 S . Young

John Allan' s ~

Golden Fleece Hote l Sth . Melbourn e ~ 81~PSO 11


622 Mt. Alexander Rd. htoonee Ponds 9326 1799


HA UZA GE vrrcm


43 J . McIntos h

44 R . Featherston e 45 G . McLachlan 46 T. Johnso n 47 S . Brockley 49 D . sTrac k 50 H . Nailo n 52 J . Clark e 53 R . Versteegen 55 J . Hous e 56 M . Belfor d 57 T. Irvine 58 M . Wyrzykowski 59 L . Fehring 60 D . Edwards 62 N . Taylor 63 G. Klug e 65 R . Benjami n 66 S . Grac e 67 D . McAloon 68 M . Wallace

B SECTION by Michael Georg e Section B is heading for a blanket finish with MHSOB . Ormond. OId Trinitv and NOBs all locked on nine wins and six losses . Reviews It seems to be toi h at the top this year as Marceilin o co-sed down to a committed Ormond at .. E c ; .. .e . On the tight and Boggy Ormond ground oats were hard to come by in the first half but Ormond converted their chances 'more effectivelv and headed to the change rooms with a small lead at half time . However the Ormond midfield got on top in the third quarter kicking seven goals . capitalising on the good work of Matt IvlcConvill in the ruck and ruck-rover David Turner . Mark Horsfield and wingers Tim Gallagher and Robert Woodland were able to drive the ball forward to create scoring opportunities . Marcellin fought out the game and had a number of opportunities in the last quarter but found the Moods had bolted . Better players included defenders Stephen 0'Flynn and Justin Seaburv and the consistent Andrew Treganowen who kicked four goals for the day . MHSOB kept themselves in range of a top two fmish with a convincing win over Old Paradian s at Elsterrnvick Park . A forward line which had been dvsfunetional the week before clicked into gear with Peter O'Brien booting seven goals and ruckmanlfonvard Ashdon Capp kicking four . MHSOB's seven goal second quarter saw them pull away from a game Paradians combination . Harrison as a lone hand in the forward line kicked six goals and Stevens . Vincent and Brabender were solid contributors .

NOBs an d Ivanhoe engaged in a close and physical battle at Ivanhoe Park with the visitors finishing a little better to grab a valuable away win . The heavry going was always going to make it close and Ivanhoe threw down the gauntlet to NOBs in the first term going to a quarter time lead of two goals . But slowly and steadily NOBs worked their wav to the front with Mikunda . Abrahams and Curry all prominent . Ivanhoe fought hard all day but eventually succumbed to the NOBs pressure with Brown . Frisina and Doherty their better players . Mazenod ,dirtualiv assured their place in B section next year with a narrow win over Therry Penola. With the stakes high . the first half was tight endin~ with the scores locked on 6 .3 apiece . But after the break Mazenod came out and blew the contest wide open with a six goal third quarter . Midfielders Nick Meehan . Mark Murray and Adam Hanlev were winning the ball around the packs and Danny Horban was converting his chances . Therrv Penola fought back in the last quarter but could not bridge the gap and their better players included Boyle . Bannister and Goodwin . The clash for second place went according to the two sides recent form . Old Ivanhoe piled the pressure on from the start and by half-time, given the conditions . had set a match winning lead . The difference appeared to be caused by the two sides vastly different approach to the game . Old Ivanhoe played direct and

percentage wet weath- i er football whereas Old Trinity continual1v looked for the short option fraught with danger in the heavy conditions . Old Ivanhoe's b! ' in gtheecti Y'ed lebrothersandJamesHopewre fect i in the wet conditions and backed up solid games defenders Andrew Tiernan and Tully Young . Old Trini stuck at the task and made in-roads into the lead the last quarter. but it was a case of too little too la Their better players included Andrew Allibon . Trai Stephens and Anthony Andrews . Previews Marce llin v Old Paradi an s

Marcellin will enjoy returning to their more sp cious home ground to take on Old Paradians . The lo against Ormond last week will serve as a reminder just how quickly their lofty ladder status could disa pear. Marcellin's talented and consistent midfield dii sion was beaten on the day against Ormond and it in this area where Marcellin will lift and grab the wi : Old Paradians slender mathematical chances of fina footv were snuffed out last week but they will be inter making things difficult for Marcellin . Marcellin by 34 points . Old Ivan hoe v MHSOB Old Ivanhoe must have a sense of deja vu as thf find themselves in another clash for second spot on tt ladder. The question seems to be can Old Ivanhoe kee this winning streak going? Two sides seem to be ever Iv matched in the big man department and MHSO displayed its firepower last week . But Old Ivanhoe momentum combined with the home ground advar tage should see them over the line . Old Ivanhoe by 9 points . NOBs v Ormon d

This is the moment of truth for both sides a throughout the year both have been around the to four and it appears the loser could drop out of th finals race . If the NOBs can halt the Ormond conveve belt out of the ruck contests and restrain the Ormon midfielders they should be able to take the points . NOBs by 12 points . Therry v Ivanhoe

Both sides will be playing for pride this weekenc Therry seem to grow a leg at home and should be abl to take the points at home . However Ivanhoe have lift ed significantly in recent weeks and will be in it for long way. Therry by 15 points. Old Trinity v Mazenod Out of the four and in trouble . that appears to b, Old Trinity's predicament . Old Trinity's late rally las week must give the faithful some hope but Mazenoc have been honest in the second half of the vear and wil not be planning to be .part of an Old Trin6 revival . OR Trinity probably will have some regular players return


md obviousIy have it all to play for and will get ove r line . 1 Trinity by 2 points .

U'.mond - congratulations to Mark Gilmore who

- plays 250th game. A premiership player (A- 85, 89 & 90) and former VC . A fine contributor roughout his career and excellent role model to al l players at the club . Well done Gilh' . Maaenod - congratulations to Sean Campbell who last week played his 250th game for the club . A reserve premiership player, a fine clubman and a terrific competitor. all at Mazenod wish him well in the next 50 . Old T ri nity - congratulations to Fraser Cameron who last week plaved his 100th game for the club . We look forward to the next 100 .



IVANHOE 3.4 5.6 6 .9 6 .11 .47 NORTH OLD BOYS 1 .2 5 .5 7.7 9 .9 .63 Ivanhoe : Benson 2 . Saunders. Sehultz. Doherh. Ftsmn. Best: Brawn. FrLina Dohertr. Tucker. Flynn . Saunders, North Old Boys: Snarling 3. htcKay. Barkec Murray . Vava➢o. McGrath. Best: Abrakams .'kIIkunda. Curn% Manassa Mclntlre . Spurtin g MAZENOD 3.3 6 .3 12.4 14 .6.90 6.5 12 .8,80 THERP.Y PENOLA 2.2 6 .3 Mazrnod: Horban 4. Fotnvens 3. Meehan 2 . Macrae. Oeehtnto. Bell-lle . McLean. Hattlec. Best : Mcehan . Hanle_v. M?riuenhv.'sobie .Occltiuto. Qnuut. Therry Penot® :OCotutor 3 . Gocduvt 3 . Thrush 2 . Tmsvt 2. L. Hello . S. Holla Best: Botice, S . BannL=ter. Goodam . Petrerski . Sprmgall . F'untigar. . 0 .2 0.5 1.5 4.8.32 OLD TRINITY OLD IVANHOE 3 .4 4 .6 6.12 6.12.48 Old Trinity : Heath 2 . Ramsden. AIllbon. Best: A llibon . Stephens. Ramsden . .•lndreus . Beard<_lff . Pavse v Old Ivanhoe: Shadbclt 2 . Donaldson . St-rrt. J . Weddle . R. Weddle . R. Weddle . Best: J, Weddle. Tiernan. R. Weddle. Hope . Corcoran. Val.




38 36 29 27

p 3

SENIORS - 1 .08.96

4.2 6 .3 13.5 13 .6.84 ORMOND hL3RCELLIN 3 .3 4 .5 4.8 6.15.51 Ormond : D . Turner 4 . Marnow 2. Whelan 2. James. Black. Beckett . Woodland. Grace. Best: S7eComiLe. Horsetleld . D. Turner, Galla>iher. tl'oodiand. Marsbett. &farcellin: Treg.'mouan 4. Dinneen. Phillips Best: 0 i' iyw . Seabur4•. Tregvta.s2vt Collvu .3torat . M . Botsen 2 .2 3.3 4 .7 11 .10 .76 OLD PARADL4NS 4 .4 11 .11 14.14 18 .19 .127 501509 Old Paradians: Farrison 6 . Stevens, Papaluca . Holland . Hams . Philp. Best : Hum son. Stcverv . VntcenL Prabender. Ba1p .6Loughlut MHSOB : OBrien 7. Capp 4. Johns 2 . Alber4o 2 . PertT,ell . Saultn~. Skiruter. Best: Gruruner. 0Brien . Fatrclnld. Pertzel . Ca:sc3 .

MARCELLIN v. OLD PARADIANS Field : Adam Kiel Richard Eastwood Goal : Vin Vescovi Ken Coughlan OLD IVANHOE v . MHSOB Field : Wayne Hinton (R) Darren Dalgleish Goal : Robert Parry Robert Dunsta n NORTH OLD BOYS v . ORMOND Field : Heath Little Mark Bushfield Goal : John Kelly Stephen Leahy THERRY PENOLA v. IVANHOE Field : Peter Simpson Andrew Stephen Goal : John Robinson Robert Streage r OLD TRINITY v . MAZENOD 0 C Field : Geoff Curran Damian Lane Boundary : Brendan Corcoran Michael Chapple Goal : Daniel Van Duser John Finn

RESERVES - 1 .07 .9 8 ORMOND 3 .0 7.2 8.4 9.7 .61 MARCELLIN 2 .3 3.7 6 .11 6.13 .49 Ormond: Ste,-art 3. Lhvtgston 2. Ktng 2. Dirnadamos. Saudi. Best: Cotutney. Lmngston . Keleher. Bremtan. Kutg. Dunadtrttos . hisrcellin: PetroCL Dcridgnccltto. Wallis . McIntosh . Cofusi. Best: McIntosh. Wallis. Douoas . Randazzo. Get-son. Cohdle. OLD PARADIANS 1 .2 4 .6 5.11 10 .12.72 MHSOB 1 .2 3 .4 6.6 8 .7.55 Old Parzdians: T. Wallis, 2. 3LUrtnt Jorce 2 . Liw. 2. P. Joace . Porteous . B. Brahender. Hart . Best: Truslrnm Mulligan . B . Bratiender. Jettkut<_. P. jrnce. L[tw. MHSOB: Winch 2. Best 2. Feler}aartz. Faltey . Farr. Best. Barton . Fitzs[nunons. M. Kenstcum . R. h'euaon . Hunt. Harrison . IVANHOE 1 .0 2 .1 2.2 2.2.14 NORTH OLD BOYS 4 .5 7.9 9.10 9.15.69 Ivanhoe: Rean . Martut. Best: J . Flntacson. Martin . Ryan . Fainseather . ,Viauocea ~ North Old Boys: Robinson 2. Spultnk 2 . Kearne_G2. Tuttm . Trentmt . Pau=et . Bes[: B . Deivte. Robuuwt. O'FarreL . tl'alsh. guilty. [nvte. hU1ZENOD 3 .9 3.10 5.10 5.13 .43 T1IERRY PENOLA 1 .0 4.1 6.2 6.2 .38 Mazenod: Norton . Tslatvs. Tucker. South, Robinson, Best : Tucker. Steintort. Rcbmson . Le Grand, Bndgelattd . Bourbon . Ther ry Penola: Pinner 3 . Ba{e. Morn . Ruuska Bcst: Putner. O'Neill . LaFontaine. Goodwin . Ke~kv. Dano}tue. 1 .4 3.4 5 .5 6.7.43 OLD TRINITY OLD IVANHOE 1 .1 5.4 7 .4 12.7.79 Old Trinity: Smith 2. Natoli . Barr. P. Chiodo. Arratsmith. Best: Mere, Morpeth. Barr. Arrousmlth. Best . Ganthte. Old Ivanhoe: C. Corcoran 3. Harris 3. Kobe 3 . Stevens. George. Agushi . Best: Harris. PouTr. rlguslti . Ferguson . Corcoran. Waddell.



Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m. every Saturday Live B Grade Football ,__. _.. ...._ 8th August 15th August 22nd Augus t

Marcellin OC Old Paradians Marcellin OC

V. V. V.

Old Paradians North Old Boys Ivanho e

H alf Time and Full Time Score Hotline } 4 5 7



C SECTION by Russell Goul d

Review - Round 16.

St . Bedes Mentone Tigers made the jump to third spot after staging a remarkable second half to in the end comfortably defeat a now 'D' section bound Thomastown side by 40 points . The Tigers made their longest trek of the year and early on, it showed . The Bears, trying desperately for club legend Tony Fellows 350th game and also to avoid going down a grade made all the running . The ball was continually going their way out of the middle, and the Tigers couldn't stop it . At the first change the home side was up by 22 points . The Tigers were a bit better in the next, and in a high scoring term booted five goals to the Bears four to reduce their lead to just 17 points going into the half . It was in the third term though that the Tigers took control of the game . Kicking into the breeze they controlled play. and allowed the Bears just one early goal and kicking three themselves to get to within 7 points at the final change. With their season on the line, the Tigers responded in the last term and never gave the Bears a chance . They kicked a goal early and then a point to tie it up, but from then on did it with little restraint . They booted another six goals to none, which made it a 10 goal to one second half and they took the game and a likely finals spot by 40 points . In a low scoring game at Keysborough, Old Mentonians managed the slippery conditions better and inflicted Hampton Rovers fourth loss on the trot, taking the win by 23 points . In a tight and tough first term, both sides booted three goals, the Rovers though booted one extra behind and were up by a point . But for the next two quarters, they failed to kick a goal, registering just two behinds whilst at the other end the Panthers were capitalising on forward thrusts and put on 4 .5 to take a very handy 26 point lead into the final quarter. In the last the Rovers kicked a couple of early goals to keep spectator's interest up, but then the Panthers also scored to keep their handy lead, and the rest of the term was then waiting for the siren to sound, and when it did the home side looked to the scoreboard to find themselves 23 points in the positive . St . Kilda South Caulfield coach Terry Walsh reportedly smiled for the first time since, well for a while, as his Saints staged a tremendous come from behind victory to defeat Old Geelong by 5 points . Details on the match were limited to acknowledging 'Bongo' Vamvakis' 4 goal last quarter, including a 40 metre soccer goal, and just how gutsy a win it was for the again injury depleted Saints. St. Leos continued their good late season form, and Bulleen/Templestowe's season of woe . easily defeating them by 71 points at Bulleen . After a fairly even first term, the Ttwo Blues up by 8 points, the next three turned into a procession. After a 6 goal to one second term, the Two Blues were up by 40 points at the half. 10

The heaven's opened up in the second half i AM turning the game into a real slog . But that did not stem St. Leos domination, and they fmishe stronger of the two teams to take victorv, and e, any small relegation fears with a resounding 71 win . Beaumaris recovered from a very uncharactc slow start to finish all over a gallant Banyule side ing victory by a comfortable 71 points . Banyule's r good form had the Sharks wary, and early on it showing. The Bears came on firing and put the St straight on the back foot, and were up by 3 goals first siren . The heavy conditions were making for scrappy football, but the Sharks did manage to s and had got themselves back into the game by half After a wake up call during the break, the Shark their game going in the third and started to grin( Bears down . The last quarter was all Sharks, the E seemingly running out of legs on the big and r Beatty oval, and the Sharks more attacking and c football earned them what was in the end a comfor victory . Preview - Round 17 .

No doubt about match of the round this we( plays 3 at Mentone where Beaumaris will look to the St . Bedes Mentone Tigers unbeaten run at hi This local derby was a bit of a fizzer early on in the, the Sharks winning by upwards of 10 goals, but one should be different . The Tigers are third, and I ing to prove themselves as a final's threat and wi playing in front of what looms as a huge home cri This game is being widely promoted in the Bayside urbs and a college reunion should bring in some e support for the home side . Beaumaris though are top side, and their early season thrashing of the Ti should give them quite a psychological advantage . I' for the Sharks but I'll be barracking for the Tigers . Old Geelong will try once more to get in to the four, this week battling what will now surely be a heartened Thomastown side . Their early season c : was a thriller. the Oggers getting up by a couple, this time the Oggers have a bit more to play for . 7 are still, thanks to some favourable results just a g~ out of fourth spot, and if they win, and win big, results go their way, they could sneak in . But then t have to face Beauy in the last game . but yo uknow . Oggers to win. Hampton Rovers will look to arrest their slide h ing bottom placed Bulleen/Templestowe. The Roi have lost their last four, but showed some signs return to form last week . The Bullants look to have given up, and so the Rovers could find this an easy v and will need it to consolidate their spot in the four .

d the scape poin t ristic tak!Cent wal arks t thc some 째ttle, ime. 3 got l the ears eavy irect able

k. I end )me . rear, this )ok1 be ad. subKira the ;ers I go top disash but hey me end hev ver

)sters ~f a ust in,

Its battle of the Saints at Murreembeena, the South C~ulfield boys taking on St . Leos, who when they win, al~,-ays seem to win big. The home side is coming off a morale boosting win the week before, and will welcome back some of their big names . The Two Blues are also coming off a huge win, but their opposition was a little less restraining. I am a bit of a rap for the South Caulfield boys, they have had a poor run with injuries this year, but have quite a few quality players, and on their home ground, should win . Finally, Old Mentonians make the trip to Heidelberg to take on Banyule who always put on a good show at home . Actually I'm not sure where this one is on due to all those ground changes earlier on when a couple of grounds were no good . Either way, I think the Panthers will try to run into some good form before the fmals, and although the opposition will be tough, they should get the win.

MILESTONES St . Leos Emmaus - congratulations to Bern ard Mitchell on reaching 100 games last week . Barneys dramatic weight loss has not changed his strong straight ahead style but has increased our female supporter numbers . Well done Barney .

Old Geelong - Congratulations to Nick Power who played his 150th game for the OGs last weekend . Nick commenced his amateur career with Hutchins Old Boys in Hobart, then to old Melburnians before moving to the OGs . Well done Nick on a fine achievement . OLD MENTONIANS TEAM OF THI RTY YEARS

B : R . Bungey, S . Farrow, B . Watts . HB: B . Jamieson (DVC), M . Barrett, N . Macquire. C : V . Sciacca . A . Newman . J . Connolly . HF : K . Peel, G . Stroud, D . Solley . F: T. Bournon, A . Acreman . R. Macquire (VC) . Ruck: G . Norton (C) . J. Sly. P. Ingram . IC: R . Newman, A . Pearson, D. Rogers . Coach: B. Calvert .



MELEES - BEWAR E A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"

Tony Fellows (Thomastown) crashes through the bannerfor his 350th game for his club last week against St Bedes Mentone Tigers.



C SECTION UMPIRE S HAMPTON ROVERS v. BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE .. Field: Paul Withington Gene Hodgins ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD v . ST. LEOS EMMAUS Field : Michael Allen Chris Stevens Goal : Peter Wallis Noel Turner

BANYULE v . OLD MENTONIANS McCorquodale Shaun Roll s

Field : Neil

ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v. BEAUMARIS Field : Brendan Allen (R) Graeme Hunichen Boundary: Tristan Bowman Anthony Patterson Goal : Andrew Long Gary Clancy OLD GEELONG v, THOMASTOWN Field : Daniel Halliwell Craig Bratjberg Boundary : Becky Griffiths Jason Handfield C Section Results on Page 41

C Section BANYULE c~n Res Coach : SYept en Cua~

1 B Klunear 2 D Witchell 3 L Hol t 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 G Donaldson 8 R Williams 9 J Plant 10 J Fortune 11 J McDermott 12 J Ega n 13 M O' Brien 14 S Kayrooz 15 S Gray 16 D Mayn e 17 L O'Connell 18 J Turnbull 19 A Thompson 20 S Playfair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham 23 M Gray 24 A Plant 25 C Williams 26 H McDermott 27 S Yin 28 T Goury

29 G Sutterby 30 D Taylo r 31 C Bassett 32 T Wason 33 D Glas s 34 C Stevens 35 B Anderson 36 D T Ie r 37 M Jesse 38 G Riches 39 M George 40 P Witchell 41 B Grindal 42 T Egan 43 L Ferral l 44 M Anderson 45 R Cullen 46 P Agostinell i 47 B Parkes 48 W Gibson 49 K Convey 50 B Debon t 51 A Hopgood 52 D Noonan 53 M Ashto n 54 B Dintinosante 55 D Williams 56 B Woodlock 57 T Benton 58 S Hartwick 59 B Wilson 60 B Gillard

BEAUMARIS Coach: Res Coach: Scott M~hcrs

1 N . McLean 2 S . Nish 3 M . Pitts 4 M . Devine 5 M . Ensor 6 A . Quin 7 P. Fisher 8 M . O'Brien 8 J . Whitla 9 B . Nicholson 9 A . McFarlane 10 J . Wadha m 11 S . Blackie 12 R . Thatcher 13 B . Vaughan 14 S . Mclver 15 M . Hoyne

15 L . Stevens 16 M . Quin 16 J . Butterfield 17 L. Marsh 18 T Cotter 19 P. Thomas 20 A . Faraguna 20 M . Mellon 21 P. Sherman (VC) N) 21 T. Kendall 22 J . Holt 22 C . Hewlett

23 A. Catlin 24 Q . Groves 24 B . Gra y 25 J . Mahmoud 26 W. Mills 27 S . Fraser 27 D . Johnsto n 28 J . Vanc e 28 J . McKenzie,

29 C . Martin 29 S . Taylo r 30 A. Easton 30 R . Corfield 31 P. Ott

BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE Coach: Dam Birch Res Coach: David Hooper

1 J . Prior 2 S . Driver 3 P. Graham 4 W. Thompson 5 C. Parris 8 N . Bone 9 L . Stott 10 P. George 12 A. Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 D . Cooper 15 D . Bone 16 S . Smith 18 J . Catt 19 P. Nigro

20 M . Jones 20 B. Wolnizer 21 D . Harlin 21 D . Hooper

23 D. Matthews 29 P.Bone

30 M . Agrotis 31 C . Darby 31 A . Shine 32 R . Williams 33 G . Pemberton 34 S . LambroPoulo s 36 P. Hare 37 S . Boyd 37 L . Thompson

43 S . Healey

38 S . James 39 T. Driver 41 L. Cessario 43 C . PaP ado Poulo s 44 J . Rozanitis 47 C. Morihovitis 48 R . Lambert 49 M . Bellato 50 D . Glover

44 S . Closter 45 P. Thomas

56 M . Tuomy 59 D . McNamara

32 S . Mitchel l 33 G . Jur 34 A . Harrison

35 B . Ferguson g

36 S . Hanrahan (C ) 37 B. Haynes

40 D . Teasdale 41 q Biackie 42 D . Maypiece

61 J Charles

50 B . Ward 51 D . Shewrake

62 A Camiller i 63 M Hare

59 A. Rowbury

73 A Rossimel 75 J McIntyre

76 M Lewis 77 M Whelan 78 R Smith

Coach: Russell Berries

Res Coacl,:David R«,ters«r 1 B . Hoare 1 C . McGregor 2 M . McKellar (C) 2 T. Smith 3 B. Artz 3 S . McDonald 4 S . Anderson (VC) 4 A . Hunter ' 5 B . Martyn 5 P. Buckle y 6 A . Natoli 6 A . Perry 7 David Anderson 7 ~ Armou r 8 Drew Anderson 8 E . Crabtree 9 J . Day . 9 S, Morgan 10 G. Ferguson 10 M . Luxmoore 11 A B rown e 11 R . Greig 12 S . Wills 12 J . How 13 T. Wilmott 13 C . Amoore 14 D . Hobson 14 D . Marshal l 15 S . Bli ck 15 M . Dunball 16 J . Ferguson 16 B . Armstron g 17 D . A rt z 17 S . Willison 18 D . McConville 18 C . Thoma s 19 B . Holt 19 A. Hullick 20 A. Power 20 G . Haggart 21 S . Parkinson 22 R. Dunball 22 R, VanDooren 23 S : Heili er 23 T. L : ichg 24 C . :Sc:arlett (VC) 24 ng 25 ey 25 Guthrie 26 ' ` ® 27 V!. venion 28 L. -iota 29 R . runt 30 P. Cotter 31 P . Grimmer 31 C . Perry 36 C Van Den

Duncen 44 B. Johnstone 45 A. McGregor

64 C Dodd 65 A Mason 66 N Cargan 67 M Keegan

72 L Sheean




INtERNATIONAL PTX LTD . re 2 .41 B BWrf Rd, Jfack Rock. 3193 Ph : 95896444

i~~~rtUStClEAtd AUST. PIL B Govan Street, Seatord, 3198 Ph : 9782 4300

OLD GEE L Coach: Mari Nee~ Res Coach : Bernie 0`

1 M Neeld 2 M Edmon d 3 D Welsby 4 T Du Dugdale dale

4 C St i 5 A Howells 5 A Robso n 6 B Mithen 6 T Pool e 7 A Darcy 7 S Wilso n 8 T Seymou r 9 J Wilson N

10 T Wiffen 10 M . Oliphant 11 R Lile y 12 N Power 13 H . McInnes

13 P Herman n 14 J Power 15 S Edge 15 T O'Brie n 16 S . Edg e 17 M Wilso n 18 N McKella r 19 A Salter (V t 20 G Coldwel l 21 G Harpe r 22 J Taylor 23 H Davi s 24 M Vickers-V 25 Q Thompso 26 P. Handbury 27 W Pau l 28 A Farrer 29 A Mithe n 32 G Wilkinso n 33 M Wilkinson 34 J Pau l 35 C Olive r 36 T Brain 37 J Coo k 38 M Povey 39 H . Gretton-Va 40 S Bones 40 R. Ric e 41 N . Gatenby 42 P Liascos 43 M . Hein e ' E

~usoombe 48 Ep Smithers 49 A. Reuss 50 J . Land y 50 W. Strachan 45

51 J . Gross

51 J . Lee 52 M . Daviso n 53 G. McGrego r 54 J . Anderso n 55 S Furph y 56 B. Collins 57 A. Richardsor 59 C Walke r

60 D. O'Brien 61 R Oliphan t 66 B . O'Halloran


C Section 5-N-c-


rn 1 A-Acreman

/C) be



2 C ;Lean 3 B Murphy 4 G Stroud (VC) 5,C Wallace 6 p Paterson 7 G Ferguso n 8 ; NMacQuir e 9,:G Pride 10 ,J Graha m 1 1 D . Solley 12 C Dwyer

13 R Larg e 1- M Finnis 1~«C Davis 19,D Noc k 17 L Richardson 18 T Bournon 19 D. Kitto 20 S Mullin 21 S Kitto 22 P Harringto n 23 N Moodie

24 C . Twentyman 25 J Windus s 26 G Dart 27 G Katris 28 M. Bon d 29 A Carter 30 M Brooks (VC) 31 M Elliot 32 P Appe l 33 G New 34,P Flaskis 35 Darren Murphy 36 P Russo 37 M Sichlau 38 D Millis 39 T Riley 40 W Jones 41 S Cozen s 42 C Rushworth 43 M Lawes 44 B Clothier 45 M Spalding 46 J Norman 47 J Konicani n 48 J Whitford

49 S Anderson G Richard s 51 M Bennett 52 A Pe Perry r 53 M Stroud 54 D Goodbody 55 W Ballantine 56 M Leon e 57 P Watson 58 D Coventry 62 Daniel Murph y 64 M Austin 67 H Hannsen 68 G . Vardy Phillips Nicholson F1RSTSATIO\AL REAL ESTATE



Coach : Ted Turner Res Coach: Brad Berry

Coach: Harry Htxisiou Res Coach : - -

1 M Kinsella 2 S Zaki c 3 J Sebire 4 A L'Huillier 5 S Napier 6 A Ryan 7 J Shannon 8 B Beasley 9 G Marinic 10 C Ross 11 M Hecker 12 D Falkingham 13 David Goodchil d 14 E Ryder 15 D . Goodchild 16 W Earl e 17 A Macgeorge (C) 18 A Giaquinta 19 B Tomlinson 20 T Lamb 21 W Furlong 22 J . Honan 23 T Peck 24 T Beasley 25 S Boot h 26 S Hecker 27 A Wilce 28 C Williams 29 C. Marti n 30 M Turner 31 M Mifsud 32 J Dickinson 33 A Walsh 34 D Kinsella 35 R Bilos 36 A Gang i 37 M Connolly

38 A Hayes (VC) 39 D Edward s 40 C Johnston 41 D Serofin

42 A Thompso n 43 D . Napier 44 J Recupero 45 R Gould 46 0 Lalor

47 A. Cousins 48 M Kinn a 49 L McGregor gor

50 S Kidd 51 S Boczar 53 A McShane 54 M McCraw 55 L . McHug h 56 D Marshall 57 M Lomagno 58 M Zakic 59 H Dwye r 61 S Waters 66 A Turner 67 D Furlon g 68 M Uberti 69 P Tesoriero $TBEDESMENTONETIGERS 7998 MAJOR SPONSORS IFCO





~oach: Terry Walsh es Coach: Rob EN1dt

1 2 3 4

M . Ryan N . Astapenk o S . Heincke N . Hasell

5 G . Knobel

6 . J . Bryce 7 M . OiKeefe 8 G . Baker 9 A . Ladd 10 D . Wilson 11 C . Neeson 12 B Kin g 13 S S . Neeson 14 M . Weilgosz 15 M . Broad 16 P Rogers 17 A Tsirogianni s 18 S Vamvakis 19 J Thursfield 20 A Diamond 21 A . Cransto n 22 B . Agostino

23 A Dalla Lana 24 B Muscal i 25 P Dynon 26 S Wood 27 R Gilmore 28 D . Agostino 29 D Dunlevie 30 G Brown 31 M Cunningham 32 M DiZilv a 33 N Cole 34 T Piesnell 35 R . Pope 36 M . Lewin 37 S Patterson 38 R . Minnie 39 P Slifk a 40 D . Broadhurst

41 D . Raczkowski 4 s Dymond 2 43 NC. Kalli 4 S Diamond

45 B Derham 46 A Staford 47 S . Meehan 48 A . Gill 49 M Benton 50 F. Buckley 51 A . OiBrien 52 C. Ker r 53 R . Cunningham 54 P. Tsagloitis 55 L McGaw

56 B . Burk e 57 M . Ralph 58 G . Egan 59 P. Clements 60 T. Cannard 61 M Tkocz 62 B . Redden


~ 7 11 LL c yu" "`~



1 D Dinicolantoni o 2 ' J OiMeara 3 E Mitchell 4 A Auliso 5 D Kenny 6 A Hughan 7 V Ryan 8 J Fennell 9 A Bethune 10 B Mitchel l 11 B Carey 12 T McCann 13 A Devlin 14 J Manton 15 A OiReily 16 A Ros e 17 R Parker 18 T Batty 19 A Major 20 A. Gill 21 G Simmondson

22 A Burgess 23 S Nankervis 24 C Kenny

25 A McKenzi e 26 B Devlin

27 P Bowden 28 S . McLaughlin

29 S Darcy 30 M . Ottobre 31 M Contessotto 32 R . Marr 33 L Thomas 34 B Henricus 35 J Briggs 36 S Bavag e 37 S Manton 38 J Smith 39 BL Vaugha n 40 J Gay 41 D Cashen

42 P OiHallora n 43 G Chalmers 44 F Dinocolantonio 45 S Ronch i 46 C Smith

47 R McCann 48 A Pinhorn 49 D Cox 50 L. Newey 51 T Ludlow 52 J Niel 53 T Pecora 54J Graves 55 D Barlow 56 J . Hollandsjo 57 L . Collins 58 P. Levin s 59 S. Clohesy

60 S Buckle 61 A. Whitburn 62 J Vaughan 64 J Cronin 66 P. Konig 69 P McCormac k 70 P. OiRourke 72 A. Brooke s 74

S . Willis

78 A . Prosser 80 H Meehan 88 S Pitcher

TtiOMASTC}WN c oach: Alan Flam m C Res Coach: 1 V Capeci 2 B. Byron 3 P McCallu m

4 L Salles e 5 J Bubi s 6 B Pellegrin o 7 S Plant (VC) 8 A Fellows (C ) 9 A Gentis 10 C Diana 11 L Al berti 12 Z. Flemin g

13 G Scarpa 14 A Ward 15 L DelPapa 16 B Colosimo 17 D . Gorsk i 18 L. Smith 19 P. Ristevski 20 L Alabaki s 21 E Lentin i 23 R Dimaggi o 24 B Smit h 25 R KennedyY

26 C McNei l 27 M Reid 28 L Marabito 29 K Harlin g 30 B. Leavol d 31 S Oeh m 32 P Colosim o 33 E Ri o 34 J Buzzin i 36 J Theodoro u 37 D Dimovski 38 G Scott 39 D Palai a 40 G Sinclair

41 D Brooks 42 0 Ese n 45 A Insitari 47 D Plowrigh t 48 J Gallimore

49 J Pougias 50 J 51 E Valentin in o 52 A . Robertso n 54 P. Stewart

55 P. Valeri 56 J . Bubi s 57 C L'Aurora 58 C . Perito

60 L Biles 61 G Skaff 64 R Ward 65 S Holmes 66 D Pougios 67 N Grec h 69 R Pandolfo 76 C. Chapkou n Thomastown Soonso m THOMASTOWN MOVIELAN D MANGIN BROTHER S TRANSPORT LALOR SPORTS POWER THOMASTOWNT.A .B. B.O .S.S. SECURITY THOMASTOVINNEWSAGENC Y EPPING HOTE L E.J. LOVE REAL ESTAT E Thomastown Thomastown Gourmet Deii

D SECTION by Ken Bremne r & Tom Brai n Unmerciful 'Floggings' (3 of them) to Old Essendon, Monash Blues and St Johns along with atrociou s ground conditions (2 in particular) at The Uni . Oval and Aquinas' adopted ground at Ringwood highlighted round number 16 . Still no clear picture has emerged for the fate of the teams presently positioned from 5th spot to 9th . Destiny is most definitely in the hands of those concerned . A quick look at the fixture (today and next week) will throw up a'plethora' of what ifs and maybe's . What does PLETHORA mean KB, after all we are only mere mortals .

winners at half time only to let matters slide on b the 3rd when the 'Bushrangers' really opened up si ing a lazy 7 majors to turn a 19 pt deficit into a 1 lead. In a spirited last qtr the 'Vultures' picked their work rate but just couldn't make any leewa} Yarra Valley who held them out by 4 goals . Heffer. was judged best for the 'Bushrangers' and C Sullivan for the 'Vultures' .

Review Round 16 - August 0 1

Preview Round 17 - August 8

In woeful conditions at Ringwood . all Aquinas and Southbank players are to be congratulated (along with the umpires . Moore and Ladd) for keeping cool heads about them when the game simply reduced itself to mud wrestling . The 'Bankers' wrestled best after a sluggish start and a 4 goal buffer at the long interval proved decisive . Southbank by 35 pts at final siren time . Hodgy . Kip & Morgs best for Southbank with Bethune & Hyland accorded likewise for the 'Bloods' . It was a shocker for players . officials and spectators at the Uni . Oval . The 'Blacks' and Salesian simply slogged it out in the disgraceful conditions . Scores level at 2gls 5pts at half time begged for someone to break the deadlock . It was to be Salesian . who controlled the 3rd qtr to nudge 2 majors ahead, a lead they then held throughout the remainder of the game . Best for Uni . were Toose . Fogerty & Mathie . Whitefri ars tore through Old Essendon Grammar from the outset and effectively had the game won at half time, holding an assailable 80 pt advantage . To the 'Dons' credit their 2nd half effort was more restrictive but still finished another 18 pis in arrears to ultimately go down the gurgler by a whopping 98 pts . MVP's for the 'Friars' were Pawlik . Bateman & Carrigg . Ajax scored an emphatic 115 pt victory over Monash Blues. Having gone down to the 'Ashers' earlier in the season the 'Jackas' were keen to atone . They had winners all over the park and Monash could do little to stem the tide . Best for Ajax were Rosen . Freund & Rajch who bagged 15 snags between them . 'Pitcher' Park at Parkside was a tad on the muddv and slushy side but it held no fears for the'Red Devils' as they systematically ripped apart a dispirited and depleted St Johns outfit . Some 28 goals to 4 tells a pretty sad tale of woe . The Joc's were simply outclassed all over the field . Parkside were well served by Pino . Hockey . Moodie & Ryan . St Pat's Mentone welcomed down Yarra Valley and the game very much resembled their earlier match in the season . The 'Vultures' looked all over 1 A

Monash Blues V Whitef riars - (KB) Absolute gasp opportunity for the 'Ashers' to consolidat finals spot . Billy's the name, not silly, hence I rest faith in facts, figures and form and select the 'Fri to win by 30+ pts . (TB) . How many chances have BLUES had to clinch that 5th position or anot question how many chances do they want . Well to really is it, even though there is still the penultirr round next week, no win today and no finals for thi This incentive just won't be enough with the Fri just too classy. Old Essendon Grammar V Aquinas - (KB) Dou jeopardy again here for what seems the umptee : time of late . O .E .G.'s best form has been reserved home games and today against a possible leg we 'Bloods' team, the 'Dons' should get the spoils and by 12 - 18 pts . (TB). A real crunch game this one the victors goes some spoils temporarily at least, to loser "E" becomes a real possibility. OEG's are v good at home but all year have had a tendency nol play out their games if they can do this today they win . Southbank V Uni .Blacks - (KB) Slowly but sur the 'Bankers' are working their way back into so solid form pre the finals, whilst the 'Blacks' can o: play their season out and plan for'99 . Uni .Blacks pose a real threat, however the overall depth of tab should stand Southbank in good stead to win by 2 pts . (TB). It is still very important for the "back track" Bankers to keep on winning and build on th percentage . while the Blacks as so brilliantly picli up by KB really have not too much to play I Realistically at home one cannot but pick the hoi side with plenty of confidence . Salesian V St Pat's Mentone -(KB) The ho ; form is far superior to that of the 'Vultures' . Ev allowing for the fact that St Pat's will have a real r hot dip, the spur of possible finals action will motiw Salesian highly enough to ensure they emerge victo ous by 36+ pts . (TB) . The boys from Chaddy will ha a good win today to set up a째do or die" clash w i

Southbank next week . The Vultures as usual will be competitive and make a game of it, but TB feels the e,&a incentive should see Salesian home . St Johns O .C .'s V Ajax -(KB) Just the fact of not having to travel will greatly assist the Joc's . It would take a brave or silly man (or both) to tip against Ajax, especially in their present form . A wet ground wouldn't help the `Jackas' cause in adding to their %age (I wonder what chance of that being the case?) but in any event they'll win comfortably by 60+ pts . (TB) . Must totally agree with the maestro Mr. Bremner here, the Jackas form and depth is that good at the moment that even their Ressies could probably beat the hapless Jocs at the moment. So even away from home in unknown territory Ajax easily. Yarra Valley V Parkside - (KB) Terrific match on the cards here . with plenty at stake for both. The pace of the 'Bushrangers' will create headaches for the 'Red Devils' and conversely the overall strength of Parkside will prove difficult for Yarra Valley to cope with . In a toss of a coin selection, Parkside by less than 12 pts. (TB) . I will disagree with you here KB not with any real sureity but I think the Bushrangers at home with everything to play for will produce something out of the ordinary today . They have worked hard to have this chance, not that the Devils haven't worked hard but just the extra motivation sways the Brain to Yarra Valley. Press Correspondents: Fax to KB on 9850 696 4 (Email Ken Bremner@access or Tommy on 9265 8001 by midday at the latest on Monday following the game . Player milestones to be fonvarded direct to the VAFA Admin .

MILESTONES Southbank - congratulations to Lance "Love Child" Van Loon who played his 50th game last week against Aquinas . A great clubman Lance will be sorely missed next year due to overseas commitments .




LAST ROUND'S RESULTS - D>; SENIORS -- 1 .07.9 8 AJAX 5 .2 11 .4 18.8 22.11 .143 MONASH BLUES 1 .0 1 .2 3.2 4.4 .28 Ajex: Rosen 8. Fruend S. Halphen 4. Rajch 2. Cohen . Marks . Pat. Best : Rosen . Pat . Halphen. Rapoport . kalutski. Bloom. Monash Blues: Farrar 2 . McGee. Trumble . Best : O'Ne61 . Holloway. McGee . Rogers. Smith. McClelland. WHITEFRIARS 5.4 12.12 15.17 17.22 .124 OLD ESSENDON 0.2 0.3 3.4 3.8.26 WhiteS•lera: C. Camgg 6 . Vandenblomm 3 . Eames 2 . Northey . Robinson . M . Carbone. Pasqualotto. Pawlik. Power . Best : Pawlik . Bateman . C . Carrigg. B. Vandenboom. L . Eames. Mika Old Easendon: Lutterschm[dt . Leask. Fleming. Best: Hutchinson . Walker. Uebtergang. Paver Evans . AQUINAS 2.6 3 .8 4.11 6.15.51 SOUTHBANK 3 .1 7 .7 10.10 12.14.86 Aquinas: Wooden 2. Whiston . B. Moran . Flynn. Clifford. Best: S . Bethanune . A . Bethanune . Jess, Close. H}iand . Flynn. Southbenk: Murphy 4 . MeNamaray3. A. Rolls. Stewart. B. Gellk. K. Wolford . Hodgson. Best : K. lVzlford. Morgan . Houarth. Hodgson . Murphy. Corboy. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .2 2.5 2 .6 2 .7.19 SALESIAN 1 .5 2.5 4 .8 4 .10.34 University Blacks: Howell. Nihil. Beat: Toose. Mackie. Pekin. Fogarty. Thompson. Beaton. Salesian: Moodie 6. Pino 6. R}an 5 . Chilcott 3 . hiane[i13 . Date 2 . Hockey . Macnamara. Tessari. Best: Pino. Hockey. Campbell . Moodie. Harvey. Cusack. PARKSIDE 7 .8 15.9 24.14 28.17.185 ST JOHNS 1 .0 4.1 4.3 5.3 .33 Parkside : (Coal Kickers and best players not received ) St Johns: Van Houten 3 . Hancock. Fredericks . Best : Van Houten. Fredericks. Monroe. Fov. ST PATRICKS MENTONE 4 .3 6.7 8.9 12.11.83 YARRA VALLEY 2.4 3.7 10.11 16.13.109 St . Patricks Mmtone: C . O'meara 3 . C. Barr 2. Matt Sullivan 2. Sebire 2 . Groves . Paul Murphy. C. Sullivan . Best: Chris Sullivan . Sebire . D. Noonan . Groves . Dixon, C . O'Meara. Yerra Velley: Rees 4. Macnean 4. Midro 2 . Peake. Taylor. Reynolds . Reddaway. Hale, M . White . Best : Downs . M. White . Dodu•ell . Mtdro. Howse. Peake . Macsean . RESERVES - 1 .07.98 AJAX 2.1 8.5 11 .8 14.10.94 MONASH BLUES 2.1 2.1 2 .1 4.2 .26 AJAX: Roth 7. Kalb 2 . Mordech 2. B . Goldberg. L. Goldberg. Lewis . Best: Segal . Samuel . Zurbo . Roth . Mohr. Lust. Monash Blues: Mentha. S. Wrodarcryk . Dobson. Green . Beat: Dobbin. Bolton . Mentha. Smith . Berry. Walsh. WHITEFRIARS 1 .8 5.11 8 .14 10.16 .76 OLD ESSENDON GRAMMAR 0 .0 0.0 0.0. 0.0.0 Afiitehlers : McFarlane 3. Nolan 2. iarrtl 2. Rvan. O'Brien, Lester. Best: Nolan . McArdiCfe. C. Eames. Ma~utre . A. Davis. Campbell . Old Esamdom Best: Bellman. Barr. Carter. Greaslev. Dawson. Mansfield. AQUINAS 0 .3 4 .7 8.8 10.9 .69 SOUTHBANK 2.0 3 .0 5.1 5.5 .35 Aquinas: N. Moran 3. Chapman 2 . D. Joyce . Langford. Corrte. Jeffrey. Hughes . Best: Chapman. Harper. Lan~( o'rd. Nichol. Jovice. Eduards. Southbank: Oliver 2. G . Rolts. Wood . Ractia. Best : Melican . Aitken. Herrige . Goodlet. Wood. Wardrop. UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0 .4 2 .7 5.9 7.12 .54 SALESIAN 0 .0 0 .2 3.1 5 .1.31 University Blacks: Milner 2 . Sullivan . Darroch. Atkinson. Cameron . Neville, Best: Forbes. Cook. Sainsbury . Milner . Darroch. Nolan . Seleslan : (Go al Kickers and best players not recehcd) PARKS IDE RF ST JOHNS F ST PATRICKS MENTONE TIG . 1.2 1 .2 2 .3 4 .4.28 YARRA VALLEY 0.4 5 .8 9.11 12 .15.87 St. Patrieks Mmtone Tig . : Batey. Cosgrove. Emmett . McMillan. Best: D . Nichols. Batey. Andrew. Parker. Yarra Valley: Clarkson 2. S. Thompson 2. L. Morris . L . White. Penaluna . Dmie .s Park . Ford. Best: Clarkson . Davies . S . Thompson. L. Whtte. Joiner . Davis.

D Section Sharpshooters & Umpires on Page 1 8



D Section AJAX Coach: Rick Macho Res Coach: Andrew SdRnker

1 J . Wrobel 2 A . Kalinsk i 3 B . Davis 4 M . Dudakov 5 J . Rath 6 D . Kalb 7 G . Samuel 8

A. Krongold

9 A. Rosen 10 R. Bloom 11 M . Weisler 12 D . Onas 13 A . Freund 14 Y. Rapaport 15 M . Rajch 16 G . Rozenberg 17 A. Cukierman 18 J . Wrobel 19 M . Halphen (C) 20 A. Carew 21 D. Gelbart 22 D. Mohr 23 A . Bensimon 24 J . Dunne 25 J . Feldma n 26 B. Duzenman 27 A. Lust 28 D . Degen 29 D . Mark s 30 N . lsraelsohn 31 M . Barne tt 32 M . Borenstein 33 D . Pa t 34 D . Gunn 35 S . Roth 36 J . Segal 37 J . Engelman 38 J . Lewis 39 A . Grundmann 40 A . Redlich 41 J . Snow 42 A . Sawicki 43 Y. Shein 44 B. Goldberg 45 E . Steen 46 J . Davis 47 A . Abraham 48 L. Goldberg 49 E . Rubinstein 50 B . Grodski 51 N . Diamond 52 B . Steiner 53 D . Katz 54 M . Nathan 55 B . Zielinski 56 J . Shar p 58 M . Fried 60 D . Weislitzer 61 J. Kalbstein 64 R . Israel 65 M . Zurbo

68 D . Boon 69 J . Vernon 70 S . Boo n 71 C. Cohen 73 A . Levy



. .

. AQUINAS O .C . Coach: Pn kew Crosby Res Caech: Brad &vcLry

1 G . Burch 2 G . Clifford 3 S . Edwards 5 T. Grierson 6 A . Donachie 7 C . Glennie 8 S . Kelly 9 P. Phillips 10 D . Boland 11 C . Bambu ry 12 S . Bethune 13 C. Jeffrey 14 A . Lorkin 15 J . Knight

16 S . Close 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Paras 21 S . Downes 22 S . Flynn 23 L. Woods 24 P. Harper 25 J . Hacking 26 H . Fiel d 27 S . Jones 28 G . Wiston 29 J . Wilson 30 C. Collilver 31 C. Wooden 32 M . Hunter 33 M . Collella 34 M Tarulll i 35 R . Cha pman 36 J . Hunt 37 H. Nichol 38 M . Tilling 39 S . Connelly 40 S . Connelly 41 J . Kline 42 R . Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Dunne 45 N . Frederikson 46 D. Joyce 47 N . Moran 48 M . Moore 49 C . Lamborn 50 G . Macklin 51 A. Hyland

52 M . Corrie 53 P. Raeck 54 S . Capton 55 A . Cultrera 56 S . Doherty 57 C . Thomas 58 A. Bethune 66 M . Wilso n 67 P. Cruikshank 70 C. Lyng 80 M . Joyce 86 B . Barclay

MONASH BLUES Coach: Dave Rogers Res Coach: Steve King

1 J . Alexander 2 J . Baxter 3 L . Holloway 4 P. Maiden 5 D . Rogers

6 M . Newman (VC) 7 L . Findlay 8 A. Fairweather 9 M . Wrodarczyk 10 S . Webster (VC) 11 M . Spencer 12 J . Caldwell 13 A . Herrman 14 R . Burston 15 M . Tinkler

16 B . Smiley 17 P. O'Neill 18 Y. Colombies 19 N . Pope 20 J . Cavanagh 21 C . Gregory 22 A. Dobson 23 S . Wrodarczyk 24 B . Hodson 25 J . Hawkins 26 P. Hurle y 27 N . De Young 28 S . McGee 29 A . Headberry 30 L . Creamer 31 J .L. Smith (C) 32 M . Try 33 J .M . Smith 34 B . D owsley 35 D . Murchie 36 M . Tehan 37 J . Bolton 38 S . Hooper 39 M . Smith 40 C . Riordan 42 A. Hickey 43 R. Feenaghty 44 D. Teesdale 45 R. Walsh 46 D . Jones 47 S . Mentha 48 M . Kamphuis 49 D . Morgan 50 D . Schwedes 51 C . Stott 52 N. Moresi 53 L. McCann 54 R . Green 55 D . Trumble 56 A . Berry 57 J . Hodgkins 59 H . .Middleton 61 D . Wals h 67 B . Dempsey 71 P. Farrar

OLD ESSENDON Coach: Lloyd Cm# eH Res Coach: Share Bishop

1 J . Panagiotopoulos 2 J . Chapman 3 P. Lutterschmidt 4 S. Reming 5 S. Emerson 6 C . Ridley 7 T. Cippoloni 8 S . O' Brien 9 J . Goodger 10 I . Stevens 11 B . Papal 12 J . Hearne 13 P. Chalkley 14 S. Evans 15 S . Bishop

16 S . McPherson 17 P. Hexter 18 T. Read 19 G . Steven 20 J . Lang 21 S . Dale 22 M . Lukasz 23 J . Hughes 24 C . Robertson 25 A. Leask 26 D. Fletche r 27 D . Barr 28 B . Turner 29 J, Saunders 31 A . Corby 32 J . Mansfield 33 S. Cramer 34 J . Leask 35 D . Whitfield 36 P. Trist 37 J . Wa lk er 38 M . McKerrell 39 A . Merrington 40 T. DiBlasi 41 I . Ritter 42 A. Jealous 43 A. Gatt 44 R . Clohesy 45 P. Barry 46 D . Novacek 47 J . testro 48 P. Murton 49 A . Hutchinson 50 D . Bellman 51 S . Greasley 52 A. Dawson 53 T. Hawke 54 S . Maybury 55 R . Musa 56 A . O' Ryan 57 R . Wright 58 A. Woerndle 59 N . Osman 60 A. Palmer 61 D. Podger 62 P. Baroch 63 A . Porter 64 J . Rossi 65 A . Soteriou 66 B . Lamaro 67 R . Graig

PARKSIDE Coach Lewie Zara (a Res Coach: Mark Rave

1 P. Laursen 2 A . Delle-Vergin i 3 S . Pin o 4 D . Warre n 5 D . Ferrar o 6 D . McCall 7 D . Drinnan 8 J . Chilcott 9 A. Constantin e 10 A. Vit a 11 B . Hockey 12 C. T so n y 13 A . Cople y 14 P. Lenne n 15 D . Moodi e 16 M . Campbell 17 N . Antonopoulo s 18 A. Reginato 19 S . Gun n 20 C. Peckham 21 M . Tessari (C) 22 B . Harvey (VC ) 23 M . Hoyn e 24 R . Marull i 25 M . McPherso n 26 S . Ros s 27 L. Panjari 28 S . Fishe r 29 L. MacNamara (VC ) 30 D . Cusac k 31 C . Austin 32 J. McCal l 33 A. Bott a 34 A. Starki e 35 G . Panjar i 36 W . Lay 37 B . Panjari 38 F. Darrigo 39 B . Michel 40 L . Inserra (VC) 41 E . Linare s 42 P. Dean 43 J . Hubbar d 44 P. Solig o 45 J . Dale 46 T Ryan 47 V. Saldan a 48 J . Huewoelle r 49 S . Collie r 50 C . Cecchineil i 51 J . Seoane 52 M. Ilcyzynsk i 53 M . Yandle 54 T. Kouros 55 G . Paizo s 56 G . Tzelepi s 57 S . Dave y

58 G. Pasho s 59 V. Cervi 60 G . Watso n 63 S . Hoga n 64 T. Thoma s 68 K . Drummond 69 S . Davey 71 A . Inglis

D Section STJOHNS ~ ,[tEmuia , pol, Res Coach: john tadson

1 P. Paccagnan 2 M . Ladson ^3 G. cester

4 O. Now 5 S. Canning 6 M . Rachele 7 . S . Flentjar 8 R . Dowsett 9 A . Rechele 10 M . Courmadias 11 D . Halls 12 M. Halls 13 B. Hilton 14 J . Archer (VC) 15 G . Pattison (C) 1 6 S . Jabke 17 S . Cockayne 17 D . Christian 18 C . Emery 19 B. Healy 21, L. O 'Donnel l 22 .J . Cunningham 23 M . Foy 24 B . Frederick s 25 B . Aboujaber 26 G. Waters 27 B. Pola 28 P. Liddel 29 D . Higgins 30 R . Walker 31 M . Levy 32 G . Shaer 33 Z. Monroe 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 T Sarhanias 37 A. Stefanakis 39 M . Murray y 40 S . Mooney

42 T Ducalanbino 43 M . Van Hooten 44 S . Pepper 47 J . Cotton 50 D . Pye 51 M . Orundell 52 C . Hooper 54 C . Cassano 56 E . Ferracane 57 S . Shaw 58 P. Kelly 61 G . Cester 62 E . Ferrecane 63 J. Ladson 64 D . Edwards

ST PATRICKS MENTONE Coach : Shane 0'Ganar ~~: Ken Wood

1 D . Fenech 2 M . Cosgrove 3 M . Dixon 4 P. Lewis 5 A . Whit e 6 R . Grech 7 K . Gurtler 8 D . Perrin 9 P. Emmett 10 B . Sebire

11 C. O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 R . Sykes 14 C . Billings

15 Mick Sullivan 16 P. Sullivan 17 C . Sullivan 18 T. Sullivan 19 G . Capuano 20 C . Groves 21 D. Bate Y 22 C. Dorman 23 Matt Sullivan

24 C . Nicholls 25 G. Uptin 26 B . Ellery 27 M . Wise

28 M . Johnstone 29 D . Murphy 30 N . Freese 31 W. Lloyd 32 B . Archbold 33 D. Andrew 34 S . Beanland 35 C. Brown 36 C . Stephens 37 A . Tasca 38 S . Perazzo D . Nichols 42 S . Mayy 43 M. Barr 45 C . Barr 47 D. Bugeja

48 M . Walsh 49 S . Taranto 50 A . Ladds 51 G . McMillan 52 G . Dalman 53 D . Noonan 54 D . Bray 57 V. O'Connor 58 J . Noonan 60 M . Cerriteli 63 A . Orchard 69 S . Parker 73 M . O'Meara

SALESIAN ;P~ytT~y R. Coach: S~eve tlaeh coa 1 M . Bourke

2 M . Wiseman 3 S . Sutherland 4 A . Healey 5 M . Canavan 6 R . Cincotta 7 G . Gaspari 8 M . Hazell 9 D. Scotti 10 D. Oliver 11 D. Taylor 12 A . Gaspari 13 I . Bobetic 14 B . Bowman 15 J . Gianna 16 A . C haippini 17 Matt Forbes 18 S. Sinclair 19 A. Healey 20 A . Seag e r 21 R. Napolir 22 A . Edmonds 23 C. Roche 24 A . Grace 25 B . Kirchner 26 P. Shelly 27 M . Mansfield 28 M. Byrne

29 Mick Forbes 30 P. Bouchard 31 A . Davey 32 A . Stevens 33 B . Piper 34 A . Thann 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 R . Hazell 39 B. Quinn 40 J . Hamilton 41 S . Bobetic 42 D. Ghebilikian 43 P. Kavanagh 43 M . Cooke 44 C . Hunt 45 M . Spencer 46 M . Tassone 51 S. King 52 T. Alligan 54 S. Brown 55 D . Seamer 56 S . Fitzgerald 60 M . Bates 64 S . Shelly 64 P. Forbes

SOUTHBANK co~iG Derek t~ Res Coach: Jotn Ross 1 A . Daly

2 R . Puramorsie 3 N . Frank 4 N . Wallmeyer 5 T. Murphy 6 A . Corbo y 7 T. Reid 8 M . McCallum 9 J. McNamara 10 B . Hodgson 11 A. Pitts (C) 12 M . McCarthy 13 C . Perry C) 14 M . Eastam 15 1 . D'Silva 16 A . Bunnett 17 A . Watts 18 J . Nugent 19 K. Anderson 20 R . Thnmso n 21 G . Paleodimos 22 N . Roberts A. Rolls 24 G . Rolfs

25 L . Aitken 26 R. Linford 27 G . Wardrop 28 A . Stewart 29 J . Goodlet 30 B . Gellie 31 S . Campbel l 33 P. Rachor 34 D . Decarteret 35 S . Birch 36 G . Jones 37 A. Rhodes 38 J . Russell 39 J . Scanlon 40 B . Scanlon 41 A . Radcliffe 42 T. Plaza 43 P. Herridge 44 S . Pendergast 45 T. Fraser 46 J . Ross 47 S. Oliver 48 H . Pitts 49 S . Oliver 50 L. Goodlet 51 M . Edwards 52 R . Lucas 53 M . Vear 57 B . Nettleto n 58 T. Richardson 59 K . Walford 60 S . Garlick 62 B . McMillan 64 A . Hubble 65 A . Curry 67 D . Howarth 69 S. Melican

P rah ran F.C. t7Lharen Social Club "''~~n'•t~'~'~


Ist Floor, 330 Chapel St, Prahran 3181

The Beehiv e • Hotel •


UNNERS(T Y BLACKS ~h~c~~lt y R. ch: Pmtl Makokn 1 G . Darroch 2 R . Gaze l 3 R . Hall 4 M . Vaughan 5 R . Macki e 6 C . Schilling 7 B. Livingstone 8 B. Henderson 9 C. Peki n 10 P. Donova n 11 B . Smit h 12 N . Robert s 13 T. Jessen 14 S . Milne r 15 S. Fitzpatrick 16 P. Cacaviello 17 H. Peycke r

19 C. Fr kr n 20 S . Lowe 21 T Holmes 22 A . Nolan 23 S . Beato n 24 M . Fogart y

25 B . Lync h 26 D . Birk s 28 G . Strain 29 M. Staunton 30 D . Sowerb y 31 N . Carah 32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitche n 35 P. Corri e 36 S . Matthew s 37 J . Denni s 38 R . Watson 39 A . Curtai n 40 G. Sulliva n 41 S. Whitehea d 42 A. Gadd 43 R . Devli n 44 P. Forbes 45 J . Butterfield 46 E . Ricciut i 47 S . Gullen B . Howlett 50 G . Thompson 51 A . Nevil l 52 T. Barbe r 54 D 5 M.5 . Nixo nt

56 J . Rice 57 S. Dooley 58 M . Begle y 59 J . Kin g 60 N . Wilso n 63 J . Phai r 64 S . Dimon d 65 J . Dankert 66 N . Howell 67 S . McAloo n 69 A . Costell o 70 M . Nihill 72 M . Bucki s 73 M . Raffael e 74 A. Ston e

76 S. Atkinson 77 H . Cameron 78 P. Weigard 81 M . Atkin

87 L. Brown



Coach: Des "her Res Coach : Brian C,rils

Coach : David Kyl e Res Coach Braadan Ruddy

1 D . Fedele

1 PI Telford

2 M. Bateman (C) 3 M . Carbone 5 M . Robinson 6 C . Houston (VC) 7 P. Coghlan 8 A. Davi s 9 C . Maguire 10 A . Pawlik 11 R . Reidy 12 A . Lacey 13 T. Hughes 14 T. Carrigg 15 P. Campbell

2 F. Macvean 3 R . Thompson 4 M . Fung 5 A. Drew 6 D . Howse 7 J . Downs 8 L . Morris 9 C . Ross 10 N . Dodwell 11 C . Reynolds 12 M . White

16 B . Vandenboom 17 A. Carbone (VC) to C. muloney

19 M . Jongebloed 20 S . McAuliffe 22 R . Pasqualotto 23 P. Ciardull i 24 R . Mika 25 D . Griffin 26 C. Ryan 27 D. Vandenboom 28 C. Eames 29 A . Glenn 30 M . Power 31 N . Jenkins 32 M . Borrack 33 C . Harris 34 D . Gloufchev 35 C . Law (VC) 36 D . Nolan 37 P. O'Brien 38 C . Carrig g 39 M . Winterburn 40 A . Thwaites 41 C. O'Connor 43 N . Elliot 44 B . O'Connor 45 M . Lester 46 G. Johnson 47 M . Nolan

48 D . Delzoppo 49 C . Callander 50 T. Burgoine 51 L. Eame s 54 S . Gillan 56 D. Ri o 57 J . McFarlane 58 J . Rio 59 D . Gentilin 61 D . Cassar 62 R . Tartaglia 64 M . Duffy 65 C . Winterburn

13 O . Kysela 14 M . Simpson 15 J . Koenan 16 B . Smillie 17 A. Laing

18 L. White 19 S . Thompson 20 S . Frame 21 A . Livesey-Cole 22 T Wapshott 23 D . Balshaw 24 M . Davies 25 T. Habben 26 G . Mcleod 27 A. Rowe 28 J . Macvean 29 P. Peterson 30 D . Potter 31 C. Padgett 32 C. Heffernan 33 D. Ireland 34 T. Chrisfield 35 B . Peake 36 R . Penaluna 37 D . Francome 38 B . Morrison 39 T. Reddaway 40 M . Whit e

41 B. Downs 42 T. Crean 43 H . Park 44 J . H o 45 L . Rees 47 B . Mcllwrath 48 R. Davis 49 S . Seabourne 50 P. Ford

MONASH BLUES v . WHITEFRIARS Field : Da Lepair (R) Dirk Kramer (R) Boundary : Justin Bind ; Mathew Cook OLD ESSENDON GR. v . AQUINAS 0 B Field : Andr Chapman (R) Simon Olive (R) Goal : Robert Seymou SOUTHBANK v . UNIVERSITY BLACKS Field : Gi Richards Rick Lov e SALESIANS 0 C v. ST. PATRICKS MENTONE Fie Andrea Flack Paul Jone s

ST. JOHNS 0 C v . AJAX Field : Dharshaka Pei Frank Karabela s YARRA VALLEY v. PARKSIDE Field : Alan St e uGeofMr






3 5 1

56 55 54 47




52 A . Hartnett 53 S . Corcoran 54 T. Hal e

55 S . Taylo r 56 L . Harrington 57 G. White 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 F. Yendell 63 T. Strong 64 T. Gentl e 66 A . Biesbroek 71 M . Laing 72 R. Lawton 76 J . Scale s

GUESTS We treat you like a guest at Guests.

Ph : 9877 4744

The Age VAFA sportswriter Garry Petroff writes about Saturday VAFA matches played and previews the Sunda y A section Match of the Day .

31 31 27 27


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RUNNERS, TRAINERS, WATER CARRIER S Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' uniforms BEFORE MATCHES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/she is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediately leave the arena . Water Carriers . Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linger on the field of play . To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behind the passage of play. Trainers . May carry water if team short of water carriers . Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannot deliver message from coach . Attire - Runners . VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or black football shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . Water Carriers. VAFA gold top and VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . If runners or water carriers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garment is to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers . VAFA white/blue top with navy blue track pants . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only .

CLUBS SEE KING PRESCRIBED PENALTY FOR REPORTED PLAYER(S ) Because of the new procedure regarding lodging a request for an investigation, clubs are advised not to phone the VAFA until after 3nm on a Monday to find if the granting of the prescribed penalty applied for is accepted by the Association . If a request for an investigation, accompanied by a cheque for $200, is received before 3pm Monday following the weekend's game, the prescribed penalty will not be accepted and the matter will be referred to the following day's tribunal for deliberation .

Brian "Benny" Goodman and Tom Brain present all scores and match details in 1' ig h t- hearted manner . CL Listen to Benny, Tommy and a special guest 9 .00 a .m . each Sunday . Program includes Phil Stevens talking VAFA issues .



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E SECTION (Blue) by Craig Richardso n

K nitwear Round 1 6 Nothing too much came out of last week's matches apart from the race is still on for that fourth spot in this year's finals series . With Oakleigh needing percentage against Glenhuntly they came out with all guns firing and smashed the Hunters by 192 points in a one sided and confidence boosting victory . Swinburne in the mud at home managed to roll Power House by 7 points in a morale boosting victory . Whereas Power House seem to be slumping to lows not seen for years . Peninsula Pirates comfortably rolled finals hopefuls Chirnside with probably the biggest homeground advantage in the league . Chirnside really needed to push Peninsula a little more closely to convince us that they are worthy finals combatants . In the end the Pirates obviously superior had a 52 point victory with their endless ability to outclass and outwork their opponents . Caulfield predictably belted the Wickers in a match that really was always going to be 'how far Caulfield' . The final margin of 140 points simply sums up the gap between the top sides and the bottom sides. In a similar result Old Camberwell defeated St.Marys by 149 points . Again the Wellers simply proved too strong and capable for the winless Saints . The Wellers seem to be now really focused on the finals and with wins like Saturday's over the Saints, won't do anything but further boost their confidence for later in the year . Round 1 7 Just two games to go . For some not enough, for others the season can't come quick enough and then there are those that are on the edge of their seats and fighting tooth and nail to make it into this year's finals action . First up this week we have The Hunters playing host to an in form Swinburne . There is very little for me to be persuaded to tip the home side and Swinburne had a very good victory last week . So in what will be a hard fought encounter for most of the game . I'll tip Swinburne by 6 goals . This week the Saints take on a disappointing Piranha's outfit . St.Marys thus far are winless and Power House are struggling . On their home track they do perform better (St .Marys) but overall I feel Power House by 10-15 goals . In the biggest clash of the season as far as what's up for stakes anyway, Chirnside at home take on Oakleigh . Chirnside only two games and 22

6% behind Oakleigh, will be nothing short of deadly serious about the outcome o f this game . On home turf Chirnside are a 5-6 g better outfit and a win this week keeps them al for at least another week . The Krushers on i other hand seem to be rolling along comfortably this stage and could even afford a loss, not that t : is what they will be wanting though . In a gri match (on paper anyway) I' ll go for the home side win and to stay alive for the finals race . Chirns : by 2 goals . The Wickers at home to the Pirates . Well ji like last week's clash, the Wickers unfortunat will not be able to man up in enough positions a thus the Pirates will belt them convincingly. W next weeks game a highlight (against C Camberwell) the Pirates will want to fine tune th already well performed lineup, and with a furtl confidence boosting victory over Elsternwick th will be even a better lineup in the coming weeks . Peninsula by a minimum of 15 goals over t Wickers . In the final game we have another cracker ja encounter . Old Camberwell v Caulfield . Bo sides (like Peninsula) are on 14 wins and a loss he could cost either one the double chance . At hon. Camberwell are very very good and Caulfield pro ably haven't travelled all that well in recent tri (lost to Chirnside away) . Camberwell have lost a I with key players injured in recent weeks and at it strength I would tip a home team victory . Howevf if not at full strength (as the Spy tells me) I'll go fi Caulfield but only just in what could be the matc of the year so far . Both sides are very good and little separat( them. In the end Caulfield by 2 goals . In The Magoos . Swinburne to beat Glenhuntly . Power House i belt St.Marys, Oakleigh to roll an out of fori Chirnside lineup, Peninsula to beat the Wickers t a mile and Old Camberwell to remain undefeate and beat Caulfield . Social Notes Power House have their 'Big Day Out' comin up on the Sunday after the last game at the cluk rooms. The day has been sponsored by Solv Communications and all are welcomed . On th Saturday night after the last game the annual Vot Count is on, also at the clubrooms . For furthe details on both contact one of the friendly comm . itemn M THF CMGTFi in FnnTani i co ,nr

Eisternwick - Rohan 'The Lawn Mower Man' Buckingham reaches 50 games this week . A valtied clubman who is liked by all at Elsternwick . Well done from all at the Club, Rohan . Glenhuntly - congratulations to Greg Fletcher on reaching 200 games . Greg first played in 83 and along the way has been Reserve Captain 89 and 91, Reserve B&F 87 and 96, and Reserve Leading Goalkicker on 91 . Among his many years in Executive capacity he was President of the 92 and 94 premiership sides . Well done Fletch . Caulfield Grammarians - congratulations to the "Pie Man" on reaching 200 club games . Since 1986 Matt Scholten has been a fantastic clubman, has played numerous senior matches, 2- Reserve B&F's, committee member and reserve coach for the last 5 years . Matt is now current President . Well done to you "Pie Man" . Also David Gurr played his 100th game recently. Beginning in the U19's ,"Digger" has progressed to becomea solid defender who never takes a backward step . Well done to you both form all at CGFC . Peninsula OB - congratulations to Andrew Atchison on playing his 100th game today. Senior ruckman for most of his career, and winner of the 1997 B&F. Well done from everyone at Pirateland.



47 44 41 40

E;:(Blue) S EC,TION UMPIRES .,:GLENHUNTLY v . SWINBURNE UNI . Field : Ramon Killey Mark Morrison ST. MARYS v . POWER HOUSE Field : Michael Gilday CHIRNSIDE PARK v . OAKLEIGH Field : Alan Ladd (R) Ron Martyn ELSTERNWICK v . PENINSULA Field: Peter Woods OLD CAMBERWELL v . CAULFIELD GR . Field : Tim Sutcliffe (R) Robert Sneddon

SENIORS - 1 .07.98 OAKLEIGH 9 .9 21.14 28.18 37 .21 .243 GLENHUNitY 0 .1 1 .1 4.2 8 .3 .51 Oaklelgh: Dooley 15 . Adauay 5 . Hanley 3 . Heverin 3. Redford 3. A. Kitts 2. Hall . S. Kitts. Mackenzie . Oram . Shirting. Ta~ior. Best: Dooley, Hamilom. Gee, K. Marshall. M. Wood, 7a4aleris . Glenhuntly : Ireland 2. Mance 2. O'Riellv. McGuiness. Mitchell . Stew-art. Best: Rossiter. Bateman . Richards . Miller, O'ReWt• . McGuiness. SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 2 .4 4.12 5.16 7.21 .63 POWER HOUSE 2 .5 3.8 5.12 7.13 .55 Swintnune Uaiversity: J. Dell'Olio 4. C. Dei'Otio. N. Smith. Hamilotn. Best: J . Dell'Olio. N. Smith. Debono. J . Dell'Oito. Piotrowski. Sheedy. Power House: Craven 2. Richardson 2. Cla}aon. Robinsoan . Harris . Best : Dean. Wright. Dot4e. Evans, Morris. Burt. PENINSUI.A 8 .4 12.8 15.10 21 .12 .138 CHIRNSIDE PARK 1.0 2.2 8.6 13.8.86 Peninsula: C . Lattdrv 7 . Paine 4, Farrar 2 . A . Bomtler 2 . Gross 2 . Dletzsch. Campbell. S. Parsons. Goldthorpe. Best : Pou~tey. S. Parsons. M. Gonner. Marshall . C . Landry, Crean . Ch3rnside Park: Pedier 3 . V. Picciotti 2 . Brown 2, Sore 2 . M . Pemberton. Henderson. McHenry. Best : Pedler. Mather . Brown . Holliday. W. Pemberton. M. Pemberton. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 9.4 14 .9 21 .13 26.19.175 ELSTERNWICK 1 .2 3 .4 4.8 4.11 .35 Caulfield Grammar: Hall 2. Will 5. Dicrosta 3. Vella 3 . Couiishaw 2. Baxter. Best : Hall. D . Anderson. Ro¢a(s. Will . Baxter. Vella. Elsternwiek: HankLt 2. Wlaker. Davison. Best: Tilley, Wiynore. Murphy. Hankin . Contut. Ward. OLD CAMBERWELL 8 .7 13 .8 20.11 27.16.178 ST MARY'S 1 .2 4 .4 4 .4 4 .5.29 Old CamberwelL• Orwin 6 . D . Watker 3. Hills 3. Hardman 3. Saifar 2. kent 2. Pratt 2. Johnson. M . Scott . Sims. Smith. Soligo. Hanson. Best : Pratt. Whitehead. imbergec Leitch . Short. Sims . St. Mery'a Jones 2. Hill . Watson. Best: lnnes . Malloch . Frail . Joseph.

RESERVES - 1 .07 .98 OAKLEIGH 4 .7 7 .12 13 .16 15 .22.110 GLENHUNTLY 0 .0 0.2 0 .3 1 .3 .9 Oakleigh : Divine 4 . Gant 3 . Janchello 3 . Btoomi'ield. Bromley,. Grant. Orlando. Theofilopoulis. Best: Bloomfield . A . Wood. Tolley . Dickie. Aliss. Perdikomatis. Glenhuntly: Smith. Best: Bateman . M .. Jones. Ireland . D. Jones. Ireland . D. Jones. Fletcher, L . Thomas . SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY 2 .3 3.4 6 .6 6.6 .42 POWER HOUSE 3 .1 5.2 8 .4 13.8 .88 Swintwne University : Andrutopcxitlos 3. Dymond . Wright. Snow. Best : DyTttrntd . Feeman . Winters. Svtohu . Snow. Andrmopotous . Power House: Bcljack 4 . Vestergaard 3 . Wilson . Burt . Krolmark. Senior. PaFiou . Best: Senior. Ramanauskas . Vester~aard . Hansen. McLeod . BalJack . PENINSULA 3 .0 4.2 8.2 11.3 .69 CHIRNSIDE PARK 2 .1 4.2 4.2 4.3 .27 Peninsula: Fisher 5. Bed(ord 2 . Bowen. Pacell. Franks. Kent . Best: Warner. Fisher. Glover. Sernm. Bourn. Pov,ell . Chirn.side Park: Koopmatt . Massarotti Wyngard. Harvey. Best : Adams . Wyngard . Cousins . SutOe. Mosca. R. Chtrnside. CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 4 .4 7.7 15.9 _ 19.12 .126 ELSTERNWICK 2 .0 5.0 5.0 5 .0.30 Caulfield Grammar : Margerison 4. Scholten 4 . Cutler 4. Santiago 3 . Harrison 2. M. t9ose . Do«d . Best : Cutter . G. Williams . Margerson. M. HIose . Gurr. S antiago . Etsternwick: Curtain 2. Broderick. Mahony. Lilkakis. Best: Soppett. Devonshire. Daniels. Whelan. Lilikakis. Roberts . OLD CAMBERWELL RF ST MARYS


MELEES - B EWARE A melee is 'Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumping into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other similar such conduct"

E Blue CAU f11D GRAMVl4R CHIRNSIDE PAR K ELSTEfiNWICKAFC . Coech: Gedf ReiUey Res Coach: MaUMew Schoken

Coach : Stephen Jones Res Coach: Karl Oates 1 M . Pemberton 2 A . Sore

1 M . Millard 2 B. Hal l 3 D . Anderson (C) 3 G . Skein 4 S . Stevenson 4 M . Carusi 5 W. Horton 5 M . Holliday 6 A . Kahofe r 6 J . Brow n 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S . Cossart - Wals h 7 V. Piccioli 8 S . Oate s 9 W. Bowes 9 W. Pemberton 10 A. Will 11 M . Cassidy 10 M . Koopmans 12 J . Farmer 11 G . Wyngard 13 D. Gurr 12 D . Paola 14 S . Klose 13 E . Westmore 15 R . Castles 14 D. Dasolto 16 T. Royals 15 S . McIntosh 17 G . Williams 16 M . Walker 17 P. Anderson 17 B . Pedle r 18 N . Cox 18 M . Massarotti 19 B . Baxter 20 H . Vella 19 C . Picciol i 20 M . Klos e 20 K. Oates 21 N . Brohier (VC) 21 S . Cousins 22 T. Townley 22 P. Delguidice 23 D . Ash 23 R . Davidson 24 K. Dach s 24 D . McHenry 25 N . Lubransky 25 R . Henderson 25 T. Wailes 26 G . Kellaway 26 S . Williams 27 L . Lowen 27 R .Keown 28 J . Mosca 27 R . Morrissey 28 T. Chan 29 P. Schilling 29 D . Schrimsk i 30 L. Mather 30 D . Lowe 31 M . Ogstan 31 J . Holloway 32 G. Laidlaw 32 M . Dicrosta 33 A . Chirnside 33 N . Silve r 34 A. Thomas 34 J . Margerison 35 MT. Koopmans 35 A . Lawrence 36 D. Karp 36 R . Gosstray 37 L. Bakey 36 M . Forster 38 G . Kimpton 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restarick 39 N . Sibbing 39 J . Santiago 40 T. Marriner 40 M . Phelan 41 D . Kennedy 41 M . Liddell 42 A. Conte 42 D . Synman 43 A. Burnes 43 J . Smith 44 R. Chirnside 44 C . Bettany 45 W. Hussey 45 T. Oscar 46 P. Egan 46 G . Lehner 47 N . Egan 47 L. Salem 48 R . Gray 48 S . Varthalis 48 I . Warnecke 49 C . Peters 49 B . Cowling 50 C. Lindsay 50 M . Cutler 52 G . Lambkin 51 J . Liddell 53 B . Driver 52 M . Harrison 54 D . Skillern 54 B . Lyons 55 P. Churchill 55 M . Davies 56 R . McArthur 56 A . Dowd 57 J . Whiteside 59 A . Beauchamp 58 A . Mather 60 P. Kin g 59 D . Harvey 62 A . Coventry 69 A. Gooding 60 P. Pope 61 G. Pillikidis

Coach: Rod William Res Coach:p n&ewCurtain 1 L . Murphy (C) 2 A. Hanki n

3 T. Byrne 4 C. Lyons 5 M . Whelan 6 D. Brennan 7 D . Le e 8 S . Currie 9 G. Ahear n 10 R . Bravington 11 L . Missaglia 11 P. Mahony 12 N . Wigmore 13 P. Stankovich 14 B . Barnett 15 M . Savage 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 N . Wigmore 19 R . Buckingham 20 G . Daniell 21 P. Robe rt s 22 M . Bullard 23 S . Cu rt ain 24 G. Corrie 25 B . Franken 26 C . Mahony 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S . Mahony 30 J . A'vard 31 G . Devonshire 32 P. Harri s 33 J . Overman 34 A. Conlin 35 P. McNally 36 B . Bravington 37 L. Lambert 38 M . Bel l 39 P. Allan 40 M . Ray 41 A. Tilley 42 J . Lilikakis 43 C. Lyons 44 G . Corri e 45 R . Grandemang e 46 J . Kosij 47 M . Grant 48 R . Morgan 49 B. Bravington 50 D . Hosking 51 S . Ramsey 54 S . Kirkham 55 P. Harri s 57 J . Wright 64 D . Auslander


Coach: Chris Moore Res Coach: Peter ArnlarqPq

1 B . Wilso n

1 R . Gec

2 C. Whelan 3 T Hill 4 D . Cassar 5 J . Alless i 6 P. McGuinness 7 M . Kouts 8 J . Janis 9 A . Antonio 10 A . Young 11 T. Rossiter 12 S.OiReilly 13 M. Kratewski 14 J . Gilmore 15 P. Breslin 16 C. Johnso n 17 S . August 21 1 . Turne r 22 G. Richards 23 P. Thomas 24 A. Worsnop 26 T. Short 27 M . Gulton 28 C. Murray 30 B . Stewart 3 1 L. Thomas 32 S . Jankovic 33 D .Jones 34 B. Mille r 35 J . Commerford 36 R . Hal l 37 A . Breslin 38 A, Haggerty 39 T. Hosking 40 L . McAuliffe 42 M . Stahmer 43 M . Jones 44 B. O'Donnell 45 R . Stannage 46 A . Bai n 47 J . Walton 48 J. Young 50 G. Lewis 52 C . Mitchell 53 D . McLinden 54 D . Mance 55 S . Pappin 56 R . Bateman 57 M . Ryan

58 J . Crooke 60 M .Johnson 62 G . Panozzo 63 C . Thom 64 M . Callender 65 P. Harrison 66 P. Fogarty 67 B. Hodg e 68 R . Dolge 69 G . Fletcher 71 P. Jone s

Rafferty the Wrecker 24



Coach: Steve Allender Res Coach : Peter Derrick


2 A . Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 P. Heverin 5 R . Dooley 6 K. Marshall 7 P. Donadel 8 R. Marshall 9 J . Moutis 10 M . Wood 11 C . Hanley 12 A . Zavaleris 13 J . Knapper 14 B. Dell'Aquila 15 G . Redford 16 J . Nik o 17 P. Hamilton 19 P. Taylor (C) 20 T. Adami c 21 A . Perdikomatis 22 S. Osborn e 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitt s 25 C . Marshall 26 A . Kitt s 27 S .Adaway 28 A . Monaghan 29 D . Hall

30 J. Stevens 31 T. Bromley 32 G . Perpina 34 S . Kilner 35 R. Nuske 37 P. Nikakis 38 D . Chapman 39 J . Bonaddio 40 C . Taylo r 41 G . Malapanis 42 G . Orland o 43 J . Theofilopoulos 44 B . Woodard 45 G . Chapma n 46 P. Andonopoulos 47 S . Lewi s 48 C . Nikakis 50 A . Walsh 51 J . Bonaddi o 52 P. Andrinopoulos 53 T. lanchell o 54 A . Atherinos 55 B . Grant 56 J . Alis s 57 S . Simopoulos 60 M .Oram 61 A. Moulang 63 D . Woods 64 J . Tolley 65 B . Stirling 66 A . Wood 67 B . Gan t 68 A . Khodr 71 S . Randl e



T13lue F

C~ct~pn~ew T

J . McLean T James A . Inkster (VC) S . Jack 5 S . Horskins 6 A. Seeley ; M . Scott g C . Town 9 A. Gibbs 10 M . Hanson 11 J . Heffernan 2 J . Wilson (C) 13 N. Sim s 14 R. Whitehead (VC) 15 M . Sho rt 16 D . Walker 17 R : Pik e 18 A. Brownless 1 9 M. Freedman 20 A. Hills 21 T. Hardman 22 S . Chow 23 D . Bel l 24 D . Imberger 25 A . Taylor 26 M . Stones 27 T. Dohe rt y 28 B . Leitch .29 T. Johnson 30 S . Ro e

31 L.O'Mahony 32 E . Williams 33 M . Richmond 34, P. McCare 35 M . Hopkins 36 S. Derry 37 R . Gillen 38 R. Scott 39 C. EVans 40 J . Harvey 41 L . Ryan 42 R . Pra tt 43 T Walker 44 S. Smith 46 T. Reid 47 P. Lenton 48 J . Swann 49 A . Kent 50 B . McKenzie 51 A . Ro gers 52 J. Mcllwain 53 B . Mcllwain 54 P. Richmond 56 N . Saffar 57 T. Simpson 58 C . Williams 59 D . Alex 60 B . Kallio 61 T. Johnson 62 C. Bayford 63 C . Strachan 64 B . Da y 65 J . Miles 66 T. Hamilton 67 P. Craig 68 P. Thomas 69 P. Cohen 70 D . Jennings

PENINSU LA O.B Coach : Brett McUraith Res Coach: Net Franks

S . Parsons S . McMahon G . Nelson E. Bowen N . Ken t M . Warner N . Franks P. Angus (C) P. Keohn P. Krohn T. Trewhitt A . Landry A. Campbell V. Brancaijano S . Coomb s B . Coo k S . Claringbold L. Barcla y S . Glover M . Goldthorpe C . Landry (VC) M . Bonne r A. Atchison R . Sharpin B . Wight S . Atchison C. Lloyd S . Payze 28 B . Taylor 29 R . Powney 30 A . Crean 31 A. Gross 32 A. Parsons 33 D . Sims 34 T. Bradon 35 S . Jackson 36 N. Bowman 37 T. Stewart 38 M . Wells 39 R . Pritchard 40 S . Marshall 41 S . Farrow 42 A . Maley 43 M. Bonner 44 J . Mui r

45 D .Scown 46 A . O'Neil 48 J . Bleasby 49 J . Whelan 50 R . Blood 51 M . Fisher 52 R . Bedford 53 D . Smith 54 M . Dentry 55 R . Cannon 56 R.Powney 58 P. Dietzsch 60 P. Coope r 62 D . Cross 66 A . Hayley 69 S . Farrar


9857 8061 1 0 THF AMATF I IR FnnTRnI I FG ,ooa



Coach: Peter Otivieri Res Coach: Craig Richar&on

Coach: Evan Evan s Res Coach : Peter Dinnick

1 J . Gent

1 M . Learmonth 2 L . Cosson

2 J . Hall 3 J . Grey 4 C. Lloyd 5 M . Braini 6 D . Burt 7 C . Richardson 8 S. Cross 9 A. Morris 10 T. Bailey 11 J . Gil l 12 R. Wright 13 J . Harris 14 Hazelwood 15 C. Trewin 16 L. Bol d 17 C . McLeod 18 C . Doyle 19 J . Evans 20 D . Allen 21 D . Miller 22 P. Bates 23 S . Craven 24 R. Williams 25 S . Evans 26 J . Senior 27 S . West 28 J . Tucker 29 T. Madden 30 P. Harrison 31 R . Marshall 32 B . Wilson 33 R. Taylor 34 A . Doughton 35 C. Williams 36 A . Robinson 37 M . Hansen 38 P. Phelan 39 O . Vestergarrd 40 C . Burnside 41 S . Clayto n 42 N . Deans 43 W. Uran 44 G . Dean 45 P. Ghazouani 46 S . McCardel 47 D . Norman 48 D . Phela n 49 A. James 50 A. Standl 51 B . McKenzie 52 E . Krolmark 53 A . Kerr 54 J . Blowfield 55 N . Ura n 56 J . Hem 57 C . O'Connor 61 B. McNamara 66 D . Wrigh t

70 R . Haywood 87 T. Frien d 88 G . Scotland

3 R . Livingston 4 A. Bell 5 L . Willis 6 W. Stuart 7 T. Pettin i 8 R. Kodituwakku 9 T. Gun n 10 T. Jones (VC) 11 K . Gillard 12 B . Summerfield 13 J . Chapman 14 P. Watson 15 D . Andrews 16 A. Wilcox 17 S . Leahy 18 B . Frai l 19 B . Ibbotson 20 G . Crouch 21 T. Ymer (C) 22 R . Alle n 23 S . Parsons 24 I . Gouliet 25 M . LeLevire 26 P. Fraser 27 G . McConnell 28 J . Inne s 29 J . Cogdon 30 S . Rhodes 31 J . Finch 32 J . Boyes 33 P. Stevens 34 R . Ferwerda 35 G . Theoharris 36 E . Evans 37 J . McCashney 38 F. Harrison 39 A. Wood s 40 S. De Youn g 41 W. Goldsworthy 42 T. Worra l 43 L . Wilson 44 P. Dinnick 45 A. Gunn 46 J . Bernadi 47 M . Bona 48 D . Morcom 49 S . De Young 50 P. Fraser 51 A . George 52 F. Sadier 53 R . Ferwerda 54 S . Goldsworthy 55 J . Duck 56 A. Gunn 57 J . Grainger 58 T. Azzapadi 59 J . Hil l 60 C. Tetley 61 J . Joseph 62 G . Hayes 63 T. Overton 64 S . Parsons 65 P. Hartigan 66 S. Rhodes 67 S . Stone 68 M . Scammell 69 G . Neve n 70 A . Goldsworthy 71 N . Malloch 72 L . Phillips 73 J . Traxnack 74 J . Wedrien 75 J . Brown 76 J .Jayden 77 T. Timbury 88 A. Ballantyne

SWiNBURNE UNI Coach: Gary Hickey

Res Coach: Geoff Barry 1 M . Milano 2 J . Sheedy 4 D . Dell'Olio 5 J . Dell'Olio 6 M . Johnston 7 A. Hamilton 8 J . Horridge 10 R . Turnbull 11 G. Barry 14 R . Goode 17 S . Lee

18 A. Fiumani 19 B. O'Mara 20 A. Hilgemann 21 T. Dymond 22 S . Flyn n 23 C. Smith 24 S . Fiztgibbon 27 D . Murphy 29 D . DePaoli 30 P. Tur k 32 A. Sartitsis 33 D . Milano 35 T. Grimshaw 38 N . Hadsiangeli 39 G . Crouc h 40 M . Stroud 43 C . Freeman 44 N . Morgan 45 R . Potter 48 M . De Bono 50 B . Caulfield 51 P. James 52 J . Piotrowski 53 M . McCalman 55 T. Bennett


E SECTION (White) by Barry Hickey


U ni . High surmounted one of their own hurdles and put an end to North's finals aspirations i n a tense struggle at the Allard. CY are still in with a chance, but it entails Uni .High losing the last two and CY winning both to replace them . Much the same is happening in the Ressies, where UHS . Reds and CY are battling for 3rd and 4th spots . The Towners again have to win both games, whereas UHS and Reds will survive with a win apiece. Great stuff! ! LAST WEEK

North and UHS staged a desperate contest in the second hand conditions prevailing last Saturday. UHS seem to relish the 'backs to the wall' situations which are coronary inducing events for their supporters! Barry Thorpe provided a stream of chances off his HBF for North, Dean Demorton was again inspirational, Gordon Burrows also stood out. McLennan in the BP, Skinns, rucking, and Devlin in the centre received accolades from UHS . Central took the points against Reds, after Tim Pontefract insisted at half time that a bit of communal 'digit extraction' might be in order. Frankie Bove bob-catted around the middle to great effect for Central, Tate worked his HBF well, and Burnett gave a lot of drive off his wing . CY kicked an extraordinary total against La Trobe considering the day . thereby maintaining the pressure on UHS to keep winning . And I guess Tony and Luke have yet to catch up on the new Fax address ! The Warriors triumphed over the Cobras to notch up another win, and their Ressies made it a double for the day into the bargain . An even performance by the Warriers, with Andy Horsburgh and Franklin rating a special mention . The C's handled the going much better than the K's who were missing a few key movers . Adam Felmingham must have been in and under every pack on the ground for the Brown's, Sam Bruno once more rucked tirelessly, and Brett La Franchi was rock-like at FB . For the C's, in a very even side . Cam Matthews was in great form across HB, and Matt Cohen had a busy day up forward . TODAY Central won't be doing UHS any favours this afternoon, they are too focused on their own finals programme . I just can't see the G&B's containing O'Sullivan, Byrnes, Siwka and Bove, to mention just a few amongst Central's skills inventory . UHS will adhere to their no-nonsense game, but today

Centrals will take Lzz the points by about 5 goals . The C's and th e Reds are at Bulleen and this will be a good gan The Reds have been a very honest side all ye and their persistence will make the talented earn every kick . Even so, the C's should win 4/5 goals . La Trobe and North are playing for pride a 1999 planning, with North having too big a ski advantagefor the Trobers to overcome . Nort comfortably . Cobras host CY, with the latter on a mission sneak into the finals via a last gasp effort . Tl•, have the players to do it, and their runners will too much for the Cobras to hold to a losing sco despite the Cobras 'never surrender' attitude . Kew meet the Warriors and will be psyched by Serge D'Angelo to get themselves back ir final's mode . Even though the Warriors have solid backline with the likes of King, Craig,Ja! Justin Horsburgh . they will not be able to restr the class of Pulverenti, Sheehan, Cull( Cracknell, Felmingham, Bell and Company . T Browns should win by 6/7 goals . The Reserves are putting on their own fin~ drama . Uni .High should take the points m Central (Now coached by Michael Zajac, who bu ; ed a radial bone in the Old Carey game!) ; the ( and Reds will be a close one, but the C's have point to prove after last week's loss and sh ; North will beat La Trobe : CY will be too gowin o for the Cobras, and Kew too accomplished for t gallant Warriors . Correspondents : faxes to 9817 3084 or pho 98181425 on Sunday or Monday. UHSOB BEST TEAM IN THE LAST 20 YEAR; B : K . Laker, J . Palmer, P . Bain . HB : Clements, I . Webster, K . Hunter. C : S . Devlin, **' Flavell (C), K . Strahan . HF: P . Wood, P Vesetas, Kukner. F : S . Cracknell, #S Epfinao, #D . Walla( Ruck : A. Hunter. ***V. Zanin (VC), *P . McLean . I C . Skinns, S . Freeman, G Bales. G Edwarc Coach: R . Reid, Ass : L. Thornloe . (* Section B& # Leading Goalkickers) .



;LASTROUND'S RESULTS : Richmond Central - have two recent 50 g Bmers, Craig Krishos and Coach, Tim Pontefract . All the best from the Club, and all in E ; %t'hite Craig and Tim ! Old Westbourne - Ga ry Jenkinson, celebrates Ilis 100th turnout for the Warriors today . An avid traitter. Gary is now a highly regarded senior playCongratulations from all ! Old Carey - resident "will o' the wisp" . Nick yasilopoulos, plays his 100th today . B&F winner rn both .U19's and E Section, and a multiple C-F .,;Late representative, Vas is an ornament to the >; :une and the pride of his Club . Well done Vas North Brunswick - congratulations to Senior Coach Craig Fox on playing his 300th game rccently Although not planned Craig has shown enormous dedication and team spirit to play his remaining few games helping out the reserves . %t'cll done Craig for prolonging the Fox dynasty at NBFC . Also well done to Harry Tsialtis on reaching 150 games for the club . "H" finally achieving this milestone after many fine years of service to the club.



53 47 46 39





Phone: (03) 9561 7577 Fax : (03) 9561 7566 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER taae

SENIORS - 1 .07.98 NORTH BRUNSWICK 3.1 4.1 5 .4 6 .5.41 UHSOB 1 .2 4.6 5 .6 6.8.44 North Brunswick: Adams 2. MeMahon . Kyriaziz . Wbenham. J . Boudolom. Best: B. Thorpe. Burrmvs. Hodgson . D. Demotion . R . Thorpe . Adams . UHSOB : FarreIly 3 . DeG7in, ZulleM . Starbuck . Jones. Best: Great Team Effort in the mud . RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 .2 6.4 6.7 8.10.58 FITZROY REDS 4 .2 4.4 4.5 4.6 .30 Richmond Central: Bvrnes 3 . Bove 2. Andonopoutos. Siwka. V. Kelly. Best : Botx. Tate. Burnett. Siwka Holt . Andonopoulos . Filmy Reds: Paler 2. Lee. Centra Best : Briffa, Trindade. Auden, Centra . P. Jackson . Fauaz. WILLIAMSTOWN 7.3 14 .7 26.12 34.15.219 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 1 .2 4 .6 6.7 6.11.47 Willia.metown : Sadler 7. Owen 4 . Herbertson 4. Bryan 4 . Cocks 3 . Lee 2. Wuchatch 2 . Dodey. Wouda 2. K. Denan. Gene Macleod. Duncan Mcleod . Buttigeg. Best : Cook. Lee . Daniel. Sadler. Bryan . Wuchatch . La Trobe University: Rosengren. Bortune. Moore . Levy. W. Brown . Robinson. Best: Godde. Levy . Robinson . Sidebottom. OI.D WESTBOURNE 4 .6 8.8 9 .12 10.16.76 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 0 .2 2.8 5.7 8 .9.57 Old Westbourne: Moore 3 . A. Horsburgh 2. Franklin . Robson . Jenkinson . J. Horsburgh. Best : A. Horsburgh. J . Farrugta. Franklin. Jago. J . Horsburgh. Craig. BuBeea Templestowe : Drain 4. N . CarOed~e . Clements. Ga}ier. Trinichi . Best: thwin. Schneider. Dallog~io. Trinichi. Paatsclt. J. Moran . KEW 1.0 2 .1 2.3 2.4.16 OLD CAREY 4.6 7 .13 8.14 14.19.103 Kew : Cranmell. Dimasi. Best : A. Fehningttarn. Lafranchi. Hannam . S . Bruno. Fraser. It. Bruno. Old Carey: M. Cohen S. Gibson 2 . Woods 2. Everett 2 . Price. Battle . Oppy. Best : Jackson, Matthews. Birkill. M. Cohen, Mal. Small.

RESERVES - 1 .07 .98

NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.0 4.1 5 .4 5 .4.34 UHSOB 1 .3 3.3 5 .5 8 .8.58 North Brunswick : C. Fax 3. Nag[. TeKaha. Best : hogg. L. Demorton. C. Fac Lucantant. Pasasate. Pinar[. UHSOB: Detutse 4. A. Pheitfer. Michael, Mills . Freijah . Best: Marten . DeLuise. James. Jones . Eians. Freijah, Hyde . Hoban . RICHMOND CENTRAL 4 .2 5.3 6.3 6.5 .41 FYfZROY REDS 2 .3 8.7 11.10 14.17.101 Richmond CentraL• Ymer 2. S. Kelly. Fenton. Corker. Faulkner. Best: Lebel . Ritchie . Faulkner. Fawcett . Ymer, Jackson. Fitzroy Reds: K}Tiacou 4. Cook 3. Heenan 2 . Merl 2. T. Hart, Fitts. Best: Fitts . Frisby. C. McConnell. Merhi. Heenan. Kyriaeou . WILLIAMSTOWN 2.2 4 .2 11 .8 12 .10.82 LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 2.1 2 .5 3.5 4.9.33 WiBiamstotsn: Dawson 5. Graham 2 . Gloom 2. Barnes. Burgess. Best: OIlynn. Stebbin . Tcbt. Bubnic, Dawson . Saccoc.~cio. La Tea University: Black . Napier. Smee. Best : Huffer. Mitchell. Napier. Landwrehr. Marriott. Williamson . OLD WESTBOURNE 4.4 7.5 18 .8 24 .11 .155 BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .1 4.3 4 .3 4 .3.27 Old Weatbourae: Crasskr118 . Stewart 5. B . Mattsson 3. Mutimer 2. S. Mattsson 2 . Mesman 2 . Hewitt. Williams . Best: Williams. Mutimer. Harris. Croswell. Mesman . Stewart . Bulleen Column Beattie. Issa Paatsch. Orwin. Best: Bastasin . O'Connell . Simon . Soumelidr. Summers . Trapman . KEW 2 .2 4 .4 5.8 5.10 .40 OLD CAREY 2.4 3 .5 3.6 3.9 .27 Kew : James 2 . Kalpanis . Penesis . Wood. Best: J . Pulvirenu. Jarrison. Wells. D . Mascitti. Donman. Wood . Old Carey- Rist. Bardwell, Patterson. Beat: Withington. Mason. Russell . Bardwell . Shrhes . Mudge.

E (White) S ECTION UMPIRES, : , RICHMOND CENTRAL v . UHSOB Field : Peter Griffiths Pat Maebus OLD CAREY v . FITZROY REDS Field : Barry Bolger Paul Tuppen LA TROBE UNI . v. NORTH BRUNSWICK Field : Stan Lugowski Peter Buchana n BULLEEN COBRAS v . WILLIAMSTOWN CYMS Field : George Paleodimos Ken Walke r KEW v. OLD WESTBOURNE Field : Ken McNiece Michael Forde

E White BULLEEN COBRAS FITZROY REDS Jce D p geb Coach : Jamie Redtem

1 R . Schneider 2 T. Orwin 3 M . Stratton 4 N . Cartledge 4 N . Cartledge 4 I . McLeod 5 M . Dalloglio 6 B . Hoare 7 F. Baldi 8 T. Mazzarella 8 S . Gayler 9 P. Goetz 10 S . Wagg 11 S . Petty

A . Issa 13 S . Dillon 14 B. Mott 15 M . James 16 D . Trinchi 17 Gareth Brown 18 R . Badanek 1 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Moran M . Strahan 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern 24 P. Zorzi 25 W. Olney 26 A. Gillard 27 C . Pasiopoulo s 28 B. Liras 29 A. Summers 30 C . Parker 31 S . Moran 32 C. Clements 33 A . Cook 34 M . D'Angelo 35 T. Sette 36 D . Van Pelt 37 J . Paatsch 38 Graham Brown 39 T. Karanikos 40 S . Lennon 41 N . Polites 42 G . Lekkas 43 R . Caiazzo 44 B . Moran 45 M . Sheehan 46 A. Humphrey 47 J . Polimakos 48 M . Soumlinis 49 M . Fitt 53 S . Stratton 69 L . Thompson

Senior C oach: Graft Barnmond Res Coach., Darren Kane

1 M. Frisby 2 A. Walsh 3 C . Daalde r 4 M . Carracher 5 D. Kane 6 S . Kidd 7 J . Doyle 8 M . Farrell 9 D . Fitts 10 James Briffa 11 F. Cocco 12 J . Smith 13 A . Hoare 14 B . Campbell 15 P. Keppell 16 M . Wharfe 17 B. Lee 18 M . Heenan 19 A. Centra 20 D . Hope 20 A . Leddin 21 J . Kinsman 22 S . Pickett 23 A .Jackson 24 C. Tehan 25 P. Jackson 26 M . Hart 27 J. Lof t 28 N . Hall 29 D . East 30 J. Campbell 30 B. Foster 31 M . Ross 32 T. Hart 33 S . Drury 34 M . Merhi 35 A. Mackinnon 36 W. Fawaz 36 R. Ryan 37 C. Sheather 38 C. Prior 39 A . George 40 R . McLennan 41 S . O'Carroll 42 I . McBurney 43 F. Tomai 44 Ben Hart 45 P. James 46 N . Mann 47 C . McGregor 48 A. Dove 49 R . Zapelli 50 E. Kyriacou 51 G . Thurgoo d 52 B. O 'Conno r 53 J . Keppell 54 S . Kleinitz 55 D. Atkins 56 T. Madden 57 N . Berryman 58 G . Evans 59 B . Ryan 60 S . Slieke r 61 C. McConnell 62 N . Auden 63 V. Symons 65 G. Wright 66 P. Duffy 67 D . Trindade 80 G . Box

~ .. ' .Sry N




Coach: Serge DMgeb Res .: Richard Baker

1 B . Lafranch 2 J . Kalakis 3 R . Pu virent i 4 G . Crimmins 5 J . Barnes 6 C. Hope 6 A . Felmingham 7 D . Hope 8 J . Pulvirenti 9 A . Gencarelli (VC) 10 B . Cullen (C) 11 G . Bakogiannis 12 S . McMahon 13 C . Kiriakou 14 G . Campbell 15 C . Bradle y 15 M . Bria 16 D . Wood 17 J . Bell (VC) 18 N . King (VC) 19 N . Peters 20 S . Harrison 21 D . Hanna m 22 J . Paron 23 I . Baccini 24 B . Dimasi 25 H . Sheehan 26 M . Channo n 27 D . Cracknell 28 L . Donovan 29 M . Dal ry mple 30 C . Giansante 31 A. Wells 32 J . Chow 33 J . Porte r 34 M . Mascitti 35 R . Bruno 36 A . Skerritt 37 W . Lombardini 38 M . Frazer 39 P. Thornley 40 P. Nag y 40 G . Muckian 41 R . Livingston 42 C . Livingston 43 J. Daumis 44 A. Dann e 45 J. Bortone 46 D . Mascitti 47 H . Penesis 48 M. Dandanis 49 S . Hodgson 50 G . Apolstalakos 51 M . Blair 52 I . Fletche r 53 M . Guy 54 T. Blunt 55 J . Landwehr 56 J . Ryan 56 N . Felmingham 57 A . Mountney 58 A . Acfield 59 A . Rei d 60 M . Migliorin i 61 T. Willi s 62 D . Jame s 63 W. Goui n 64 C . Matthews 65 M . Callerame 66 B. Robertson 67 A. McDonough 68 R . Baker 99 S . Bruno


Senior Coach: Sew Dents Res. Coach : John Wil&arnson

1 M . Bakogianis 2 D . Huffer 3 J . Goode 4 G . Murphy 10 D . Sidebottom 11 J . Levy 12 G . Robinson 13 B . Brown (C) 14 S . Haynes 15 M . Lewis 16 C. McKie 17 L. Heathcote 18 S . O'Toole 19 R . Canty 22 S . Smee 23 S . Dunin 24 S . Honey 25 M . Cotsopoulos 27 L . Ryan 31 S . Lonergan 32 M . Napier 34 R. Brown 35 C. Roberts 38 A . Willis 41 S . Robinson 45 S . Turner 46 D . Wright 47 S . Landwehr 50 S . Beaglehall 51 P. Klienitz 54 B . McKenzie 55 A. Cummings 56 S. Price 57 N . Rosengren 61 S. Bland 62 G . Tendelli 63 C . Black 64 B. Ledderman 65 C. Aucote 66 A. Baille 70 J . Dumaresq 71 P. Moon 72 S . Stirling 73 A . Bortone 74 S . Mitchell 75 A . Fry 76 B . McMillan 77 A . Alcock

Coach: C. Fox Res. Coach: B. FunneA

1 A. Tirchett 2 D . Adam s 3 S . Hodgso n 4 M . Sorleto 5 W. McMaho n 6 V. Grimald i 7 D . Magnuso n 8 B . Whitman 10 P. Sorlett o 11 J. Boudolo h 12 J . Polemico s 13 S . Wernha m 14 M . Bradford 15 B. Evans 16 L . Demorton 17 A. Kyriazi yriazi s

18 M . Malkou n 19 V. Lirosi 20 M . Warre n 21 G . Burrow s 22 R . Thorpe 23 D . Ellis 24 G . Lattouf 26 S. Hog g 27 D . Lucanton i 28 W. Prettyy

29 C . Jewell 30 P. Dimarco 31 J . Freeman 32 S . Famular i 33 G . Plat 34 D . Fox 35 P. Dowsett 36 B . Thorpe 37 D . Demorton (C) 38 J . Trche tt 39 D . Pizzari 40 R . Abdelnou r 41 C . Anderso n 42 J. Papanikolo u 43 M . Pisasal e 44 J . Androutsos 45 H . Tisaltas

46 M. Laoumtze s 47 S . Laoumtze s 48 B . Laoumtze s 49 R . Johnsto n 50 J . Thompso n 52 J . Rotell a 53 A . Velkosk i 54 G . Goumas 55 Z. Nagi


E ~Vhite OLD CAREY OLD WESTBOURNE S, Coach: Glenn Ta1101' Coach: Sinion Res '~


coacn : Robert Mutirner Coach: run P«tatract Coaca : aavld Nash CYMS Res Coach : Eddie Sa~s~}8ewiu Res. Coach : Da" Hickey Res Coach: Mick James Caxh : Paw McNmn~a

~~''~~~ 1 P. Byrnes 1 R . Freijah Res Ca~:Caner«~radce~vie C. Angu s C. Hickey 1 R . Mutimer 1 P . Pizzolante 2 A . Talarico 1 N . Bezzant 2 D . Taylor 3 A . Bone 3 M . Cohe n 2 A. Banfield 2 D . Dawson C . Ester 3 R . Littlepage 3 T. O'Sullivan 4 C . McLennan 2 B. Cocks P. Graham 4 A. O'Keefe 5 C . Shone 4 A. White 5 3 D . Wouda P. Buss e . Vincent (VC) 4 C. Durkin 6 S. Cracknell 4 S . Wucatsch 5 P . Horsburgh 5 S 6 C . Campbell 7 6 (VC) J . Shannon 7 C . Skinn s 4 J . Tuck A. Drever 8 D . Haslett 7 S . King 6 S . Pickett . Oppy 8 8A 5 P. Sadle r A. Anderso n 8 A . Horsburgh (C) 6 G . Bunshaw . Addison 9 M. 6 D. Oldham g D 9 D . Jago 7 F. Bove 10 PR. Smith g- A Birkil l . Burns 7 S . lvkovic 10 S . Sutton 8 G. Malcolm (C) 10"K . Shrives 11 S . Mill s 8 B . Hann 11 B . Franklin (VC) 9 P . Everett 12 M . Jackson 11 N 12 B . Farrelly 12 M . Spence r

. Gibb 10 A . Murphy 13 P. McLean 9 G. Case

13 S. Hewitt 10 J . Callow 11 M. Newton i3 A.Jackso n 14 J . Ham 14 M. Curry 14 B. Mattson 11 D . Hickey 15 M . Davidson 11 L . Grochowski 15 S . Greenwood 15 A. Board 11 M . Defreitas 16 P. Gunthorpe 12 A. Mackley 16 M .Jones 17 M . Aquilina 12 F. Macak 17 P. Sciola 13 B. Wouda 17 S . Curry 18 P. King 13 G . McQueen 18 R . Stevens 14 A. Daniel 18 C. Matthews (C) 19 M . Craig 14 C . Shannon 19 G . Mazza 15 B . Hynes 18 C. Richard s 21 B . Dangerfield 20 F. Molinaro 16 J . Birt 16 K . Dervan 19 P. Drake . Fleming 17 A . Fawcett 21 M W . Pigden 17 Dena Macleod 20 W. Mudge 21 2322 G . Flower 18 M . Zajac 22 R . Johns J . Woods 18 J. Sharp 23 P. Eltringham 24D L . Fairfield 19 J . Manning 21 F. Hosking 25 . Moore 20 V. Kelly B . Carruthers 19 P. Dervan J . Hand s 22 y A . Hellner 20 P. Owen 26 P. Mesman 25 21 S. Davi s 22 C . Battle 26 B . Foglfaro 21 N . Bon d 27 J . Farrugia 21 C . Reid 23 T. Price 27 S . Major 22 R, 28 C . Parslow M . Yarnal l 22 A. Flores 28 M . Rothwell 24 erbertson 23 G . Hl 25 C. Goodall 29 D . Horsburgh 24 P. Muscat 29 K . Jones 26 J . Danihe r 30 C. Galvin 24 S . Borszsk y 25 P. Smith 30 B. Abrahamsen 27 N . Vasilopoulos 31 S . Walker 27 C. Adams 31 P. Dolence 25 G . Burgess (VC) 32 G . Jenkinson 32 H . Starbuck 26 D. Le e 28 A . Waters 28 P. Nance 33 G . Robson (VC) 29 S . O'Sullivan 33 P. Drendel 27 J . Buttergie g 29 T. Moulton 34 B . Stewart 34 G . Haeusler 29 S . Label 28 A . Pawczynsk i 30 S. Feehan 35 S . Jone 36 P. Knight s 30 G. Tat e 29 S . Brya n 31 D . Gardner 37 G 37 S . Cummin . Catterall 35 C . Krisohos . Cook (C) 32 C . Withingto n 38 G . Madrigrano 38 B . Mattsson 36 K. White 33 P. Gilbert 30 A 31 X. TobyY 39 M . Re a A . Robbin s 37 G . Porteous 34 D. Faeli s 32 M . Doole y 40 J . Ford 41 D . M eri no 43 A. Siwk a 35 D. Palmer 41 C. Pfeiffer 33 A. Blac k 42 M. Dobbie 36 L. Small 44 A. Faulkner 42 D . Wallace (C ) 34 B. Robinso n 43 B. Williams 37 D . Wright 48 T. Gutherie 43 M . O'Neil 35 S. Kenned y 44 S . Craig 38 I . Cohe n 49 N . Ritchie 44 A . Pfeiffer . Bergin 39 P.Bennett 46 45G A. Teagle 52 C. Andonopoulos 45 C . Cook 40 B. Humphreys C . McNair 54 P . Whiteside 46 R36 . Killey 37 A . Bond 41 A. Gate s 38 D. Macleo d 47 R. McMillan 55 S . Fenton 47 M. Waldron 42 C . Popplewel l 48 M . Gale 39 T. Carte r 56 A . Crosina 48 K. Lewicki 43 S. Cherry 50 P. Habbersatt 57 M . Teffaha 49 D. De Luca 40 A . Menhennet 44 G . Hendriks 52 S . Wright 58 J . Wilcox 50 D . Zulicki 41 S . Lubi c 44 J . Ris t 53 D . Billman 51 J . Rogers 59 M . Newton 42 A . Barne s 45 M . Eastham 54 M . Crosswell 52 J . Damiano 60 J . Toppi 43 M . O'Flynn 46 M . Can n 54 J . Pfeiff e r 55 B. Gree n 61 J . Page 47 S . Hawkings 44 M. Mannin g 56 H . Gillies 56 A . Crabb 62 T. Gra ham 48 S . Addison 45 P. Bre9uet 58 M . Cook 57 J . Robertson 64 I . Velkoski 49 D . Burn 46 S. McEachra n 59 D . Smith 50 S . Hart 58 B . Stewart 64 M . Wilkinson 60 J . Michael 47 T. Hickford 59 C. Stone 51 P. Maniotis 65 B . Funnell 61 P. Hoban 48 P. Dowsey 52 A . Opray 60 T. Briski 66 C. Corke r 62 J . Abbot 49 K. Dowsey 53 R . Bardwell 61 M . Broadle 69 M . Tapley 63 M . De Luise 50 K . Stebbing 54 L . Patterson 62 D . Ciccocioppo 71 M . Burnett 64 J . Evans 55 C . Wheatle y 51 D . Bubni c . Sherlock 72 N . Gustafsson 65 D. McCartney 56 J . Harcourt 63 52 A . Savoi a 64R C . Villinger 78 S. Tresise 67 C. D'Agnolo 58 M . Kennedy l 65 D . Clowes 53 T. Beckwith 68 A . Dixon 78 E. Ymer 59 C. Mason 66 C . Pope 69 S . Hyde 54 J . Burgess 70 T. Auldis t 67 B. Slattery 72 G. Pullen 55 J . Goodma n 73 S . Devlin 68 A. Lipscombe 56 G . Rickar d 77 L 69 G . Mussar a . Marten 57 M. Saccocci o Major Sponsors : 87 M . James 70 M . Buttiegieg Sponsors : 58 C . Scott 71 A FREIGHTLINER . Traianon THE MAX HOTEL 59 G . Singleto n TRUCK S 60 C. Singleton Carmine Miranda QPO BAR & BISTRO AMP LIFE LT D HANG TEN 9805 9307 ® THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1998


BDFONÂŽ Beiersdorf Australia Ltd

F SECTION by Ed Sil l

Although the seniors ladder appears set, the Eley Park dew kickers have made a valiant attempt on the final four and now reside only a few percentage points out. Their seniors also have a mathematical chance but the heavy grounds might make the task off catching West Brunswick impossible, but where there's light there's hope . Review West Brunswick continued their fine second half of the season form with a win over ladder leaders, Monash in extremely heavy conditions . Scores were close at half time but the Westies were able to outscore the Gryphons 5 goals to 1 in the third quarter to set up a solid win . The win all but secures a finals spot for the Westies whilst the loss did no damage to the Gryphons who had sewn up the double chance some weeks ago . The Gryphons dynamic duo of Wells and Hetherington were again their best in conditions which did not suit their potent forward line .

Hawthorn were able to secure the double chance when they were able to overcome a persistent Syndal . With A. Sill tagging star midfielder Rutter effectively . the Sinners were down on drive through the midfield and whilst M . Christiansen was fantastic for the vanquished the Hawks packed a few too many winners . Captain Paul Orchard and Phil Avery were effective in the backline with Darren Hutchinson starring in the ruck for the Hawks . ANZ Albert Park was victorious for the second official time during the year when they outplayed Eltham at home. Nick Rutherford starred once again for the Rats while Damien Vaughan-Nevil at CHB and Hollywood Forsyth were also key contributors . The Rats have demonstrated a lot of pride over the past few weeks and have not allowed themselves to simply look forward to the end of the year but rather play the year out in a determined manner .

Finally . Eley Park was able to overcome Werribee to keep their distant finals chances alive . Once again Werribee has been unable to win a game their coaching staff would no doubt have considered a possibility. None the less they have proven to be a competitive unit in their first year in the VAFA. Preview. Match of the day takes place at Caulfield when the two top teams battle in a game which will decide top spot . Although Monash would not have been happy at least weeks loss it caused no harm other than to give coach Gary Ryan some ammunition for this week against their second semi final opponents (Hawthorn) in a fortnight's time . No doubt old adver30

saries Tim Gilchrist (M) and Shane Parker (H) will meet up at the Gryphons pointy end with the consistent John Blandford (M) tacklii Hawk Dan Lauletta at the other end . Both backlin have been very tight over the season while tl Gryphons forward line has produced more outp than their Hawks counterparts . The Gryphons engii room of Wells and Hetherington will take watchir with A. Sill and Broadley the likely tags . Mona; might be able to get over the line in a close one. In what amounts to Eley Park's last stand, ti Sharks venture out to West Brunswick in the hope pegging a game back on the Westies . This will pro, extremely difficult as not only are the home side ti form team in F section but they also possess a signi icant home ground advantage . They also possess particularly even side and if you had to pick strength it would probably be their midfield whe : Cannane and the Hamiltons can be dominant . Eli Park is as hard at the football as any side and wil Darren Hawley at FF is also capable of causing s upset . The home ground factor has proven to be hai to get over in recent weeks and expect the Westies finally suppress the Sharks finals thrust . The next game sees Syndal hosting ANZ Albei Park. The Sinners had a number of players missir last week which upset their team balance . Cachia yaRuterhisplywteRaik play Vaughan-Nevin on Cachia and Rutherford c Rutter. The Rats have had a good couple of we ewhrasteSinrhavemixdtupalienrc i times and should not take this game too lightl; However the Sinners will be keen to get some form c the board leading up to the finals and should win . Finally, Eltham play host to Werribee in wh< must be the longest trip in the VAFA . The Turtlf would have been very disappointed with their effo . If Simon anrlastwekndothiswek Coonerty can control the midfield, they should pr( vide the likes of Brian Doody with enough opportun ties to kick a wining score for the Turtles . Werribe captain, Isaacs is under an injury cloud and with th resultant loss in output his team might struggli Eltham by a couple . Ressies With the business end of the season approachin the reserves ladder has taken on an intriguing loo with three sides battling for the double chance an Werribee and Eley Park fighting for fourth and cui rently separated by percentage only . Monash hold t o Š THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 19f

,E)ot and should account for a desperate Hawthorn ng for the double chance whilst Westies shoul d rcngthen their grip on the double chance at the 11,11lds of the firing Eley Park . This should not pose too many problems however as Eltham might do the right thing and beat Werribee while in the cellar clweller stakes . Syndal should be able to defeat ANZ . ~Chere does that all leave us? With a cliff hanger of a Iast round with the Hawks battling for the double cllance against the Westies, Eley Park striving to beat Eitham and Werribee attempting to hold on to fourth spot at the expense of Syndal . More intrigue, suspcnse and bafflement than a Kevin Sheedy interview . Press Correspondents 9555 0900 phone, 9553 3675 fax before 5 p .m . Monday . It would be great this week to hear the correspondents opinions of worthy opposition inclusions in the F section Team of the Year to be listed in the last home and anvay edition of the Amateur Footballer . Social , All Hawk supporters are welcome to attend a night with Tommy Hafey on August i l th at the clubrooms . Tommy is taking training and then giving a talk as well as being open for questions . $10 entry v; ll get you a meal as well as the benefit of Tommy's % ears of experience .

MILESTONE S ANZ Albert Park - 100 games - Mark 'Captain' Phillips has been an extremely consistent player over many years and whilst age is starting to take the edge off his pace his endeavour has never waned . 50 games - Darren 'Rex' McLellan is in his second stint at the club . His endeavour, fitness and skills have made him the most adaptable player in our squad and a real leader for our younger players . Congratulations to both players . Monash Gryphons - congratulations to David King who today plays his 100th game for the club . David . ever hard at the ball utility would have reached this milestone much earlier if it was not for injury. Well done and all the best for the next 100 .


LAST ROUND'S RESULTS - F SENIORS - 1 .07.9 8 WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .4 4.5 9.5 0.6.66, MONASH GRYPHONS 0 .4 4.4 5.5 7.6.48 West Brunswick: Smithe 4 . Coonan 2 . A. Hamilton. Sllberelsen. Hoyurood . S. Jackson. Best : Cannane. G, Malone. B:,cne . S . Jackson, Coonan. Jenkins. Monash Gryphons: KiWnLster 3 . T. Gilchrist 2. Leeton . Urban . Best: We lls. Hetherington . Tolongos. Asbell. Danep . Healy. HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4 .2 6.7 12.10 16.12.108 SYNDAL TALLY H0 3.4 6 .5 8.9 8 .9.57 Hawthorn Amateurs:tauletta 4. Barker 3 . Bourke 3. P. Avery 2 . lttaeca. McDonald. O'Brien. Hopkins. Best: Hutchhuon . Orchard . P. Avery. Patterson. A. Sill. McDonald. Syndat TaBy Ho: Hannemann 4. Toce 2 . Bent. Cochin. Best: Christiansen. Jw. Burns. Sneddon . Thompson . ANZ ALBERT PARK 3.3 7.7 9 .8 12.12 .84 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 2 .3 5.5 8 .8 9.9 .63 ANZ Albert Park: Fdsvth 4. N . Rutherford 4. Shoppee . McLeFlah. Rlopath. Phillips . Best: N . Rutherford . Vaughan-Nevin . Forsyth. P. Rutherford . Bayles. Harbinson . Eltham Collegians: Gasparotto 4 . Simon 3 . Coonerty . Clark. Best : Bell. Sharpe. Gasparotto. Coonertv . Doody. Hogan . ELEY PARK 3 .8 7.10 11 .13 14.18.100 WERR[BEElNiATEURS 1.1 6.5 7.8 9 .8.62 Eley Park: Lenarcic 3 . Storey 3 . Hanmhan 2. Verde 2. Bowen . Hanlev. McLean. Wuillemarm . Best: Storey. Morrison, Trotter. King. Hanrahan. Drane. Weaibee Amateurs : Marhtis 2. McGrath 2 . Stephenson . Carr . Neems. Morgan. Cotter. Best : T. Towers. B. Gibson. P. Mavne. E. CoWer .

RESERVES - 1 .07.98

WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .2 3.4 4 .5 4.6 .34 MONASH GRYPHONS 2.3 3.3 4 .4 4.4 .28 West Brunswick. Cocolaris . Flanagan. Sherry . McNaughton . Beat : MeNaughton . Baker, McNamara. McAllister. Disito. J. Curtm. Monash Gryphons : Lowcock. Braveli . Leroy, . Barrie. Beat: Charleson. Bennett . Kent. Barrie. Wright . Holland. HAWTHORN AMATEURS 4 .7 5.12 12.15 19.26 .140 SYNDAL TALLY HO 1 .1 1 .2 2.2 2.2.14 Hawthorn Amateurs: Lord 6 . Bogle 4. Dunstan 2 . Snaders. Kerr. T}son. Williams. Hewish . Larv . MWcahv. Best : ONatilon. Lord. Dunstan . Bogie . Kerr. Williams. Syndal Tally Ho: A . Richardson . N. Toee . Beat : Burgess . Findlay. Cotsis. French. Hutson. ANZ ALBERT PARK 1.1 2 .7 2.9 3 .9.27 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3.9 6 .9 6.11 8 .18.64 ANZ AIMst Park: Rivertand . Pastras . Irvine. Best: Hevcs . Snorrasen, Pe arson. Green . Kilmartin . Carter. Eltham Collegians : Heaney 3. R . White 2. Schafer. Glare . J . Anthanasopoulos. Beet : Philipson. Heaney. Maloney. Sharpe. Schafer. T. Barnett. ELEY PARK 4.7 9.7 13.8 14.15 .99 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 0 .1 1 .2 3.4 4.5 .29 Eley Parke Lettutl 5 . Collins 2 . Morrrts 2. N. Karadimos. Arilf. Mihatee. tamarca . Dell'Orso. Best: Heath. Lettini . G. Lamarca N. Karadunos. Ariff. J . Kelle. Werribee Amateurs: C. AlahakLs 4 . Best: Sayweu. Alaailds. Atabakis. Dalbon . Fieteher. Delanev .

F SECTION UMPIRES MONASH GRYPHONS v . H AWTHORN AMATEURS Field : Clarke Thuys Adam Harris SYNDAL TALLY HO v. ANZ ALBERT PARK Field : Tony Psinas Jim Pappa s ELTHAM COLLEGIANS v . WERRIBEE AMATEURS Field : Geoff Brereton Kevin McMahon WEST BRUNSWICK v . ELEY PARK Field : Ron Smith David D'Altera



r 6ection ANZ ALBERT PAR K coech: Ga~y Forsyth Res Coach: PaW Sboppe 1 S Duke

2 N Pastras 3 P Smith (S) 3 D Kilmartin (R) 4 R Will s 5 J Hannett 6 G Forsyth 7 J Sutton 8 R Lindsay 9 J Bourne 10 M Phillips 11 A Mitchell 12 G Fin n 13 A Farmer 14 T Prior 15 J Snorrason 16 J Djoric 17 D McLellan 18 P Boyle 19 A Faranda 20 R Koegler 21 P Shoppee 22 S Redpath 23 A Bennett 24 R McDonald 25 J McDonald 26 C Iva 27 C Lovett 28 C Walkley 29 G Walkley 30 A Thomas 31 D Green 32 M Farrell 33 N Daou 34 N Rutherford 35 P Galley 36 M Pearson 37 A Jenkin 38 J Leneghan 39 A Kem p 40 G Taylor 41 D Riverland 42 C Carlisle 43 R Carlisle 44 C McLean 45 S Bullow 46 V Stuto 47 48 49 50

M Carter P Heyes A Stewart K Dao u

51 D Tangney 52 F Pole 53 D Fanning 54 P Rutherford 55 M . Leita o

ELEY PARK Coach, Martin 1-look Res Coach Rob Wickharn 1 D . Arundell 2 A. Morri s

ELl}iAM COLLEGIAN S HAWI}ORVAPAATEURS Coach: P. Slack ,. Res. Coach: P. Hansen 1 J . Smyth

Coach: PeterTyso n Res Coach: Kevin Stallworthy 1 D . Murray (VC) 1 T. Fitzpatrick

2 S. Maxfield 3 A. Tocker 2 M . Brad y 2 G . Broadley 4 B. Dood y 3 A . Featonby 2 B . Lovich 5 R .Maddison 3 R . LaMarca 6 R. Hean y 3 K . Richardson 4 M . Georgiou 7 M . Gasparo tt o 3 M . Irvin e 4 M . Dell'Orso 8 J . Woodward 4 S . Bowe 9 C. Watso n 5 C . Kay e 5 S . Avery 10 C. Simon 5 W. LaMarca 11 J . Muzzi 6 P. Avery (VC) 6 D . Bruce 12 G. Mullins 7 G . Stallworthy 6 A. Briginshaw 13 R . Bell 9 W. Polloc k 7 D. Bowe n 14 S . Justice 8 M . Dunstan 7 N . Taifemopoulo s 15 L . White 16 D .Barne tt 8 D . Carroll 10 P. Orchard (C) 17 G . Leys 11 A . Sil l 8 R . Poole 18 M. Barling 9 P. Yelland 12 N . Patterson 19 D . Boyce 9 T. Karadimos 20 T. Carter 13 J . Povey 21 D. Shipley 10 C . McLean 14 D . Lauletta 22 S . Athanasopoulos 11 L . McLean 15 G. McDonald 23 A . Phipps 12 A. Dunstan 16 C . Reed 24 M . D wyer 13 A . Kelstal l 25 T. Hedley 17 D . Zaverella 14 G . Elder 26 J . Glare 18 P. Rya n 15 R . Young 27 B. Turney 19 J . Law 28 T. Barnett 16 P. Stoney 20 S . Parker 29 C . Bishop 17 A . Hil l 30 D. Hoga n 21 A . Bourke 18 S . Raymer 31 Z . Jovanoviski 22 W. Power 19 D . Trott er 32 P. Clarke 23 D . Tracey 20 M . Hook 33 M . Volard 24 D . Hutchinson 21 F. Mihalec 34 R . Davie s 35 J. Muscat 25 M . Zaverella 22 P. Cantone 36 S . Philipson 23 G . Smith 26 M . Nowak 37 C . Horsburgh 24 S . Watts 27 R . Lord 38 S. Dalzie l 25 G . Heath 39 F. Coonerty 28 J . Morrison 26 D . Hawley 40 S . Lewis 29 P. Barker 41 G . Stackpoole 27 D . Kaye 30 M . Nunn 42 C.Hal I 28 W. Holm 31 J . Best 43 N . Hamshare 29 F. Lettini 44 C. Menther 32 S . Davies 30 G . Bromley 45 A . Macaulay 33 D . Hopkins 31 G . Lamarca 48 R . Harri s 34 J . Bogie 49 W. Share 32 D. Grant 36 K. Sanders 50 L . Sharpe 33 N . Di x 51 T. Scott 38 M . Tyson 34 S . Bromley 52 A. Smedle y 39 P. Hewish 35 P. Ble w 53 J . Athanasopoulos 41 D . Lahiff 36 S . Lee 54 P. Barnett 43 I . Cheppa 37 D . Payne 55 P. Morrow 56 A . Stockdale 44 P. Rossitto 38 K. Podger 59 B . Evans 46 T. O'Hanlon 39 J . Verde 60 A . Stockdale 48 I . Rosthorn 40 N. Karadimos 61 G. Dismore 41 R. Wickham 49 D .McCowan 62 B . Hespe 42 V. Fukishima 63 A. Kels o 51 R . Starbuck 64 R . White 43 S . Bazley 52 R . Denovan 65 S . Schafe r 44 L . Ketts 53 T. Ker r 45 L . Dix 46 S . Collins 47 M. Payne all business furniture 48 P. Clear (Vic) pty. IN 49 M . Hooper SA1 .CS AND HHZL•' OF OFFICE FU%Nr1-UU

Proudly Sponsored by :

STAR AND GARTER HOTEL Car Dorms St & 70 Nelson Rd, Sth Melbourne

MONASH GRYPHON Coach: Gary Ryan Res . Coach: Tint Drew

1 L. Wells (C) 2 M . Healy 3 A . Grady 4 G . Harrak 4a C . Robinson 5 D . Kin g 6 G . Ryan 7 M . Khoury 8 J . Blandford 9 P. Lowcock 10 P. Williamson 11 J . Barrie 12 J . Urba n 12 D . Domaschenz 13 J . Stratford 14 M . Lewis 15 A. Clarke 16 S . Aren a 17 J . Hetherington (VC)

18 A . O'Brian 19 J . Leroy 20 G . Browell 21 M . Asbel l 22 D . Henderson 23 C . Freeman 24 D . Kitchi n 25 M . Kilmister 26 T. Gilchrist 27 R . Gilchrist 28 R. Rafaniello 29 J . Fuller 30 R . Davey 30 P. Holland 31 G. Roche 32 A . Tolongos 32aC . McAleese 33 D . Junkeer 34 M . Graydon 35 A. Moffat 36 J . Watson 37 V. Hindle 38 P. Callu s 39 M . Clydesdale 40 M . Salaj 41 D . Charleston 42 T. Drew 43 D . Walter 44 B. Kenyon 45 J . Gonis 46 G . Kent 47 T. Bescee 48 L. Martin 49 B . Lloyd 50 D. Kweitel 51 C. Leeton 52 D . Hale 53 G. Wadley 54 T. Wright 55 D . Bennett 56 M. Buick 60 S . Redlich 61 D . Nichols 66 S . Pelletier 69 S . McGrai l

• EI:PHAM TQrIItER & HARDWARE F/L 1175 -1181 Main Road, Eliham Vic. 3095 Ph: 9438 5533


(17RY AAR & Q157W O


F Sec tion SYNDAL TALLY-HO Cr 'I T. Marks 2 K . Gadsby 2 A . Sneddon 3 M . Joy (C ) 3 D . Simonsen 4 A. Turpi n 4 P. Henderson t 5 D. Hannet 6 J . Cotsis 7 . A . Burn s 7 A . Burgess 8 R . Bennett 8 V Won g g I . Bingham 9 G . Woolard 10 P. Henning 11` J . Rutter 12 D. Bent (VC) 12 S . Gould 13 J . Kerrins 14 S . O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 16 B. Boucher 17 P. Kell y 18 S . MacFarlane 19 J . Willoughby 20 J . Ertan 20 C . Hall 21 A . Thompson 23 M . Beckett 25 C . Clar k 27 I . Rozankovic 28 M . Kennedy 29 P. Van Velzen 30 B . Wood s 31 B . Hannemann 32 J . Mores i 33 M . Richardson 34 J . Allen 35 C . Cachia (VC) 37 C . Beaumont 37 M . French 38 M . Christiansen 39 D . Flight 40 N . Toce 40 N . Brewster 41 A . Richardson 42 A . Hil l 42 A. Findlay 43 C . Varnavas 46 C . Murphy 47 H . Baker 48 J . Green 50 C. Hutson 53 S . Boy d 54 P. Kostakos 56 S. Drabble 57 P. Vergakis 62 R . O'Dell 63 G . Spencer '64 D. Taylor 65 H . Brown 66 G . Wallace

WERRIBEE AMATEURS c~am: Res Caxh: Eddie C~¢i

1 D. Stephenson 2 B . Campbel l 3 C. Alabakis 4 L. Brow n 5 A . Neems (VC) 6 S . McGrath 7 S. McNamara 8 B. Cotte r 9 A. Towers 10 C . Cummins 11 N. Issac (C) 12 R. Rantino 13 Jason Craig 14 J . Marinis 15 P. Mayne 16 S . Bisby 17 D . Ryder 18 E. Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 M . Harris 21 S . Dalbon 22 R. Zulian 23 S . Fletcher 24 M . Elso 25 S . Duhau 26 R . Engler 27 M . Holman 28 B. Poole 29 S . Dol e 30 C. Morgan 31 P. Johns 32 B . Gibson 33 D . Girvan 34 N . Roberts 35 M . Drew 36 S . Murray 37 C . Edwards 38 J . Delaney 39 C . Chapman 40 P. Alabakis 41 T. Carr 42 A . Cordell 43 E . Galizi 44 G. Saywell 45 A . Soto 46 T. Barto n 47 C . McNaughton 48 P. Sulliva n 49 D. Smith 50 K . Pace D . Shelley J . Coates R . Howden D . Trifil o T. Clarke J . Craig B. Seeber

WEST BRUNSWICK Coach: John Jacl(son Res. Coach: Paul Cook

1 A . Hamilton (C) 2 P. Hamilton 3 4 5 6 7

G. Heppell D . Coonan A. Cannane L . Robson F. Vitale

8 L. Petschel 9 J . Khoury 10 S . Byrne 10 S . Fyffe 11 S . Cocolaras 11 J . Heywood 12 L . Brow n 13 P. Hamilto n 15 P. McNaughton 16 S. Smyth e 17 M . Hamilton 18 J . Curti n 19 A . Edwards 20 J .Jackson 20 A . Silbereisen 21 S . McNamara 22 P. Curtin 23 G . Saldatos 24 M. Moore 24 J . Jenkins 25 G . Malone 26 H. Whitehead 27 D. Disisto

28 P. Harrington 29 D . McAllister 30 M . Lewi s 31 S . Jackson 32 S . D'Andrea 33 T. Beadle 34 I . Twyford 35 B . Hamilton 36 D. Horne 37 S . Coombes 38 P. Harri s

39 H . McDonald 40 B . Bake r 41 J . Blake 42 P. Harris 43 J . Tobin 44 S . Gason 45 P. Shand 46 C. Price 47 T. Bromley 48 T. Moore 49 D . Lynch 50 R . Crackett 51 L . Sherry 52 B. Flanagan 53 I . Cocolaris 54 T. Jackson 55 M . Ortiz

56 A . Baker 57 J . Smith 58 D . Williams 65 M . Rodgers 66 M . Malone Box Plumbing Ph : (03) 9741 3864 Fax : (03) 97419261 Mobile: 018 058 132

1 ''.+ Q THF GMdTFI IQ CnnTaAl i co 1 nno

M ELEES BEWAR E A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumpin g into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other simila r such conduct "


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LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundle

5 YEARS AGO - 1993 Id Haileybury's early inaccuracy lost them any Old of making the 'A' Section four when the y rit down tO, 19

boys on agains t p 20 perc nt ge points e,wer Xaverians . Old ,head of De La Tully O'Callaghan e(6forgoals). ~tir~htDallon . games - yes, as goal umpire . "Honest" Roly tiiephens has done the flag waving at Old Mentonians presiSince 1978 . and also found the time to be club . dent from 1983 to 1986 and again in 1989 째 it was a last man standing at Monash when the Red Devils made the long trip to Clayton seeking a victory to help stay in C . Victory it was . 10 .10 (70) to 9 .14 (r;8) to put the Parkers only four points behind Monash Blues and St . Kilda South Caulfield, while bottom team in'C' Commonwealth Bank had its day of glory as they outplayed top team Mazenod in the second half to win . Pitts, S. 13 .13 .91 to 9 .17 .71 . Best were Howarth . A . Murray . Bank) and O'Hara, Carter, M Hort (C (hiazenod) . 250 games to the loyal and faithful Bob Baker of West Brunswick . The article said his left foot kicking Ihis natural foot) had not improved over his career . ' Top goalkickers at this stage : A : R . Heath (Old 71, C: R . Trinity) 56 . B : A . Acreman (Old Ment .). Rovers) 77, Bergman (St . Kilda) 65. D : M. Crawford (H : . Cincotta (Sales) 80, F2 : R : Dyke (Doveton) 105, F1 E : Rajch . Park) J2 South . JI Piccioli (C Forrest (Oak) 92 (AJAX) 101 . J3 Central : Matthews (Old Carey) 56 . 10 YEARS AGO - 198 8 Marcellin grabbed fourth place in 'A' Section when they beat Ormond by 2 points to ensure that it would meet Old Xaverians in the first semi . Leaders Ormond, were right off the boil at the wrong end of the season. two losses and a narrow win in the last three rounds . 200 games to Old Haileyburians Roger Paul . 6 club B&F . with two 1975-76 . his first years out of school . President . Captain. Life Member, Roger had done it all for his club . Mick Murray and Ron Lippold, the writers of Umpires' Corner . and always the men to know if a job has been well done . congratulated Rod Clarkson who waved the flags in his 100th amateur game . Ron who had umpired in other competitions said there was no doubt the VAFA was the best competition . What a night for Mark Mason (Preston) who won [lie "D" Section Lionel Pepper Medal B&F with 35 votes - 11(3) votes and 1(2) vote . Lou Burstin (AJAX), 18 ~otes . was runner-up, and K . Matherson (State Bank) third . Bernie Tierney (Whitefriars) followed up his 1987

"F" Section B&F with a victory in t h e "E" Section Jack Fullerton Medal, tying wit h Mark Wilkinson (Aquinas OC) on 14 votes . Mark Cannon (Williamstown CYMS) won the "F" Section Ossie Meehan medal B&F scoring 27 votes in 10 games . For the record, Lionel Pepper came from the Parkside Club, was its first member of the Executive, and served the Association in that position from 1946 to 1962 until his tragic death by electrocution . Jack Fullerton was of course our longest serving Association secretary, holding that post from 1952 to 1977 . Ossie Meehan was an Old Paradians identity, particularly as a goal umpire, and an executive member of great energy and enthusiasm from 1946 to 1970 . One problem was that when he really got wound up at a meeting no one could understand him . Perhaps he'd gone back to gaelic. 'Os' was a great companion once the meeting was over. Both Jack and Ossie were made Life Members of the Association . 15 YEARS AGO- 198 3 Marcellin after setting an unenviable record of five successive defeats came out of their slump to fall in against Old Xaverians (8th) and now met North Old Boys at Bulleen to determine who would meet Collegians in the A Section first-semi . And what a thriller the game turned out to be - North 2 pts ahead at the last change, and the final score DRAW, 16 .15 . each . Best for North were Hedley, Weir, Dubois, B Conti, G . Carroll, Jordan and Marcellin O'Donnell, Delahunt. Jones, Toomey . Boyce, Adam . Jim Hawkins commented it was one of the finest games he'd witnessed in many along day . North's better percentage gained them fourth place. F Section was a thriller - two teams, Commonwealth Bank and FIT on top with 48 pts played each other. Old Geelong (3rd) and La Trobe (4th) on 44, and Clayton (5th) and UHSOB (6th) also on 44 pts, met . At 5pm FIT was on top, Old Geelong (142 .9) second . Comm . Bank (133 .3) third, and UHSOB (105 .4) fourth . Mick Welsh became only the fourth player to reach the 250 mark for North Old Boys - 1976 and 1981 A Section premierships. many state games, and a great worker for the club with his wife, Mary Anne . In the final round . Uni . Blues top in A annihilated second team De La Salle 28 .17 to 10 .10 . De La were weakened by the absence of Deveson & Michael Green . 150 games to Bulleen United's champion CHB, Richard Morley. Club B&F in 77-79 and 81-82. 100 games to Blacks Ross Booth, following his

100+ games at Monash, where he was captain 19731974, winnqr of two B&F's, runner-up twice for the A B&F and played for Victoria from 76-78 . (Ross is a current VAFA Executive Member) . 20 YEARS AGO -1978 100 games to MHSOB's dynamic 541/2" rover Norm Peatling - 1974 coach, 1976 best clubman, 1978 club assistant secretary and press correspondent . Extremely popular, Norm had taken many knocks and won the respect of all for his courage and skill . Commonwealth Bank congratulated Greg Dunkley . 150 games, life member and great administrator, especiallv in the social field. Championship hopes for 1978 were dashed when both Old Melburnians (B Res .) and North Old Boys (Jnr. 1) succumbed to Parkside and Ormond respectively. Kew 8th and struggling to avoid relegation from C played a great last quarter against third team St . Kilda CBCOC when they kicked 3 .6 to 0 .1 in that term to win by 2 points . Best were Toogood, Walker, Fletcher (Kew) and Jennings, Curry and Crottie (St . Kilda CBCOC). Old Ivanhoe's greatest clubman Alan 'Snapper' Haug played his 200th game - a tribute to his determination and dedication as he had overcome a number of setbacks including a broken leg and jaw . Quiet man Graham Bryce played his 150th game the MHSOB correspondent believed his recent form had been a little patchy this year but believed his recent marriage had heightened his interests in other areas . Loyal and enthusiastic, Graham was a tremendous onfield competitor and extremely fit . North Old Boys (Jnr . 1) had the wobbles - their second successive loss when Uni. Blues kicked 9 .9 to 1 .5 in the first half and went on to win by 27 points . Best were J . Roberts, Torney, Sullivan (UB) and Furey, McIntyre and Carroll (NOB) . 25 YEARS AGO - 1973 Congratulations to Richard Elliott, who played his 150th game for Old Carey . B&F on 3 occasions and runner-up many other times, Richard had captained the club for 4 years . MHSOB were proud of four stalwarts, 150 games to Richard Harley and John Cooper, both Vic. representatives, and 10 games to Ross Wood and Bon Staley . In a high scoring game, Kew (5th) in B kicked 24.16 to defeat Old Trinity (6th) 19 .5 . Best were Johnston, Mitchell, Hayes (Kew) and Watsford . Barley, R. Peers (OT) . Top goalkicker for the day was Mick Mahoney, who kicked 9 for St . Bernards, 18 .12 against Monash Blues . The Umpires Corner asked "When were the rule s first adopted?" The answer was in 1874 at a meeting held in Nissen's Cafe. Exhibition Street, Melbourne . VAFA Umpire Brian Goodman was vehemently denying that he was in attendance at the meeting, although it was believed that he was the printer of the first rule book named "The Victorian Rules of Football," merely a foldover card of four pages, carried in the shirt pocket of the umpire . 30 YEARS AGO - 1968 Brunswick paid tribute to Don 'Flash' Simpson, their speedy wingman, who played his 250th game . Don 36

also had served the club as delegate for 6 years . North Old Boys, battling to avoid relegation, p u a great fight against top side Old Paradians and N down by only 4 points . Old Scotch, with their second win for the year, tled Collegians' hope of competing in the finals tiv they outclassed their opponents to win by near goals . Hay . Whitford and Dave Bird were best for victors while Chris Roach (5gls) . Wood and Powell most to keep Collegians in the game . Ivanhoe & Geelong drew at Ivanhoe . The home were a little unlucky as they kicked 1 .71 the final qi ter to the visitors' solitary goal . 40 YEARS AGO - 1958 In a very tight game, Commonwealth Bank Jun kicked 5 .7 to Alphington's 4 .9 to inflict first de upon the 'Tons . Best were Phillips, Lake, Taylor (Be and McCormack, Compte, Humphires (Alph) . Whir were celebrating with a dinner at Phair's Hotel a nevigathTol . (Will older readers please exp the passing of those two institutions to the pree generation? NR).

Old Brighton Grammarians forward Doug Rid posted his 50th goal to become first OBG player to 1 50 in a season . In B, PowerHouse (8th) came from 3 gis dowr the last change to finish over leader Old Paradians win by 4 pts . Pirrie, Thompson, Marines (PH) and I Foley, McCarthy (OP) were ebst . For the battle of the 'Geelongs', Old Geeli Grammarians at home were too strong for the cour boys and won 10.16 to 6 .8. The win kept OGGs fourth position in B . John Laird . Tinsley and Bob Jo (OGG) and Riley, McIntosh, Miller (G) were best . Caulfield Grammarians, with a convincing I victory over second team, Parkside, were now ont pts outside the four. Davidson, Dixon, Harrison (( and Crosling, Barry, Kane (P'side) starred. Quiz : Whereabouts were Phair's Hotel and Tivoli Vanderbuilt Theatre? 50 YEARS AGO - 194 8

Ivanhoe's Ron Smith deserved mention - he joir the club in 1933, was still going strong and kicked 1000th goal for the club . (What other clubs can bo a 1000 goalkicker? - NR) . Brunswick & Geelong were secure on top in B a C sections . Two names later to become well known in Amatf Football, Manson Russel and Geoff Hibbins made th debuts with Old Scotch and Collegians . Both wor, B&F awards and played many interstate games . Quiz : What do Jim Hawkins (1983), Richard Elli (1973) and Manson Russel (1948) have in common ` •annnaax2I Vj aql jo ueutaiaqD amoaaq ol uo luam IIV - St,6 1 •laa: IlassnB spzemol 5ulo5 uolsuemS uio_1J sp .mX 001 al Ise;) '1aa11S aK mog uI SUM 110Afy aqy •laasls uaat sp.iemol 4ulo~ `laaiiS qlaqezil2 uro .g,f 001 'al asza •laailS suflloD in sam laloH S narld - 846 I saamsuv


, fter fifteen hard fought rounds we are now at the itl, Abusiness end of the season as the finals eomar_ m,nce today . Round 15 results were fairly predictabl e as I scored an 87 .5% success rate. Difficult conditions i,ampered many teams last Saturday and the less than ,)leasing form of a lot of today's contestants may have ors to he ignored . ed~ REVIEW nkj ers SECTION 1 an De La Sall e an d Mazenod played out a close conain ~c,;t in which De La Salle only revealed ent flashes of final's form, much to the displeasure o f their mentor, 'General' Tony Phillips. ey, 째 De La Salle won by six points after a game in which ick a lot of friendly rivalry was shown, especially to the two hiazenod veterans, who have served their club so wel l at over numerous seasons . Goal sneak Shane Rudd, to John Grey and Justin Murphy all did well for the winhers . For Mazenod, Ashley O'Neale . captain Sean [ill, Campbell, in game number 250 and David Higgins were best. ng For a side entering the finals, Old Bri ghton were Irv not impressive against Therry Penola, who were really, competitive . Old Brighton, who led for most of the fce game, won by twenty points . 째 Collegians ended a disappointing season with a )pt valiant effort against undefeated leaders, Old r2 %ave rians . The 'crocodiles' certainly did not have it all :G ) their way in their fifty seven point victory , Old Seoteh, largely through inaccurate kicking, he had their winning margin over St.Kevins reduced to twenty eight points, a highlight of the match was the contest between Simon Illingworth of Old Scotch and St.Kevins full back Steve Denton . Also David William s ed ; and Simon Game did well for St . Kevins . its Melbourne High School Old Boys ended their sears t nd

son with a whimper when Old Melburnians inflicted a

twenty point defeat on the 1998 debutants . SECTION 2

ur In a round which promised so much, the finalists eir were really separated into pairs as their clashes turned A out to be one sided affairs . Way out in the far east, Kew r an out easy winners over Mt Lilydale, who just could not score . what will )it this result do for their confidence today ? In the verv muddy conditions Marcellin and Yarra Valley played a close contest from which the inaccu/A rate Marcellin emerged winners by six points . Certainly the way in which the players ignored the conditions in is their quest for the ball was pleasing . Early in the match li s their keenness resembled that shown by grand fina l players . IS Thornbury Cougars again failed to provide competition for Monash Whites who really had a training run as they powered to victory by seventy six points over

the second placed Thornbury Cougars. Parkside had the bye . PREVIEW SECTION 1 FIRST SEMI FINA L

Old Scotch and Old Brighton have met twice this season with Old Scotch winning each match . An inaccurate Old Brighton went down by five points in round 1 and by thirty two points in round 10. The round 10 match typified the difficulty Old Brighton has had all season in scoring. On the other hand Old Seoteh, with the ever reliable Illingworth up fonvard to convert opportunities created by Tribe and Montgomery, have a much more capable forward line . I select Old Scotch to win , SECOND SE MI FINAL

Undefeated leaders, Old Xaveri ans, appear to have a mortgage on this match against De La Sall e . Facts do speak for themselves and all the opposition spokesmen tell me that the facts do not lie, as Old Xaverians are not the most communicative team in the competition. it does appear their multi pronged forward line in which King, O'Sullivan, Hardwick and Matthews are each capable of kicking goals will be too strong for De La Salle defenders . Add to this the talent and experience of Curtain, Landrigan, Meehan and Court and the depth of their talent is clearly visible . Against this, however De La Salle have players capable of causing a major upset . Shane Rudd is the leading goal scorer in the section and Mannix . Grey and Williamson have all been consistent players this season . All is not lost for 'General' Phillips as he leads his men into the biggest game of the season to date . I can't go past Old Xaverians and select them to win well . SECTION 2 FIRST SEMI FINA L

Kew can not expect to have such an easy game against Mt Lilydale as they did last week although form does point to them winning today. Mt Lilydale has really disappointed of late . Since their one point loss to Monash Whites on July 4. they have beaten only Parkside . I do wonder how brittle Mt Lilvdale are under the pressure applied by the other three fmalists? Today is their last chance to prove me wrong. President Pat Carolan has really led by on field example of late as his goals and skills have been to the fore . Today the consistent McKenzie. Pearce and Anderson will all have to play well for their side to have any chance . Kew, after a slow start to their season, have gradually built up momentum and have carried all before them of late . Corridon. Curtain, Lawrence and Ivak all continue to do well . After careful consideration I select Kew to win this match . SECOND SEMI FINAL

Monash Whites enter this match as red hot

favourites as they have easily defeated Thornbury Cougars on three occasions this season . Monash can expect much stronger opposition today because Thornbury come off a bye for last Saturday's match . Also the return of ruckman Prestigiacomo will provide much more use of the ball for the prime movers of the side such as Bunn and Cutler . Although Monash won't be at full strength I expect their active forwards Van Der Zalm, Tossavainan and Dod to convert enough of the opportunities created by Bryce Collier, Anthony Forbes and Anthony Hudson to win the game for Monash Whites .

MILESTONE S At the end of the season an era ended at Mazenod when 300 plus game veteran, Peter Hall announced his retirement . After a long and distinguished caree r Peter hopes to serve in a non-playing capacity for many seasons to come. Acting captain Sean Campbell played his 250th game for Mazenod in round 15. Sean celebrated by being among his team's best players in Mazenod's narrow loss to De La Salle congratulations, Sean on attaining this career milestone . A word of thanks and praise to Yarra Va lley's `Ji ll of all Trades", Sandra Dickson . who has juggled the not so glamorous tasks of cheer leader, score board operator, tuck shop server and public relations officer for the Club XV I 11 . Sandra's smiling face and hot coffee have brightened many a dreary day for your correspondent and numerous others .







61 38 38 36 32



48 26 25 24 20


DE LA SALLE 0 .1 4.5 5.7 MAZENOD 2 .1 3 .1 4. 1 De La Salk: Rudd S . ByTne 2. Murphy. Ph1Wps. Best: Grey, Rudd. Doak. S. Ho; Robinson . WfIDanvs . Mazenod : Lltde 3. O'Neale . Me. B. R@kh . Bet,t: Morley. Huggins . Vnrnev . . JCampbel THERHY PENOL4 1 .2 2.2 3 .3 OLD BRIGHTON BLOODS 1 .1 5.1 8. 1 1~7 Penok: Ben Selleck 2 . Mattm. McMahon . Best: OKeefe. Hllchens. Be. Lyons. Barry Selleck . Old Brighton Bloods;Grant 4 . S. Murray. Wraith. Orator Bent: Jen(nn. Grant, Mc Smltlt. S . Mnnay. COLLEGIANS 0.0 1 .1 4.1 OLDXAVERIMS 4 .3 4 .9 4.10 Collegiena : oakln• 3 . K. Curtis. Beat:Lee . Ba<ter. Ttnslel•. K. CurtLS. J . Gav . Lane Old Xevertene: Hall 4 . R. King 3 . Landngan . Flynn. Court. Conquest . O'3uLLhan, . SuWvarn . Hall. D. King. Curtain . Oeotge . 5f RS 0.1 1.3 2 .3 OLD SCOTCH 3.4 4.9 4.10 St KeWns: (Coal Kickers and Best Players net recehred) • Old Scotch: IlWtgworth. Menrv. Milliken . M . ClunMs-Ross . \Ltchell. Bat : Merry, M. Clunks-Ras . Spenslex. Mitchell. Milliken. MH50B 2 .5 3.5 5.8 OLD b1ELBURNtANS 2 .1 3.3 8.5 MHSOB : Verma 5 . M. Lawrence. Beet : Goldin . It, Skinner. Kntgln . Laumtce. Goddard . Old MelburNans: Schneile 2 . Rutherford. Branchivace M. Bem, . Telford. Read, Best: Gardlner. Atkinson. Schnelle . Carroll. Read . RutherfoM.

CLUB 18 - 1 .08.98

YARRA VALLEY MARCELLIlV E Ynrm Velky: (Goal Kickers and Best Placers not recelt•ed. l MnraWn : D . BooOtev 2. O. CaStra 2 . J .'Dema . S. Moussl. Beet: D. Boothet•. O. C : S. MrnisH . J. Dmea. N . O'SuWt:vt. D. Cno. MT LiLYDALE 0.0 0 .1 0.1 KEW 3.5 3 .8 8,8 Wyd®le : Prest. Bt: Pearce . Gahett0. R:ilsh. Fudong Calhidge 5 . Laurence. Hernadl. Best:Bond• Corlk~dh•. L<an•• Carilldge . SlauYr Johnsan. OLD ESSEh'DON GRAMAR F PARRSmERF MONASH WHITES 1 .3 5.9 8 .10 13 THORNBURY COUGARS 1 .0 1 .0 2. 0 Monuh Wtiltee: Van Der Saint 5. Tossalunen 2. Anglev 2 . Kenny 2. Sutclair. Nels Best: Stolrm. Cm-ley . Piehn• M . Dais. Kenn . tan DT. Zahn . y Eeet: Thocnbury Cougars : Gary Cutier. A . Johnson. Lincoln. Webb . K,=s. Gibsp Duson. Parks.

NEXT WEEK'S MATCHES -'CLUBI CLUB 18 Ill - 1st SEMI FINAL ( 12 noon) OLD SCOTCH v . OLD BRIGHTON Field : Paul Girolami Brendan Grabau Boundary : Michael Girolami Tony Hall . CLUB 18 (11 - 2nd SEMI FINAL (2 p .m.) OLD XAVERIANS v . DE LA SALLE Field : Paul Rapke Mark Grady Boundary: Michael Girolam Martin O'Connor CLUB 18 (2) - 1st SEMI FINAL ( 12 noon) KEW v . MT. LILYDALE Field : David Windlow Tony Robbins CLUB 18 (21- .2nd SEMI FINAL (2 p m 1 MONASH WHITES v. THORNBURY COUGARS Field : Andrew Barrington Ray Windlow Bounda Tony Gleeson Mark Morat h

PURVEYORS OF QUALITY LIQUO R the official Wine S uppCier to 'the VAFA

:,94621276 3 38

CLUB WAREHOUSE Sports & Medica l = Supplies

U19 SECTION by Brett Connel l

Two geographical section's fours complete , now for the U19 (1) and (2) - - - ~ Review forfeited to Aquinas, with Warringal and Yarra Valley Section 1 having byes . St. Bernards appeared to have it all their own way Preview at home against Mazenod, although with the bare 16 Section 1 the Nodders should be well proud of their efforts as Mazenod host Old Paradians back on track after a Vcell . The OP's consolidated their second position with couple of poor weeks and with new coach Adrian a strong win over the Tonners who are not out of the Heffernan getting his first points for the year last woods yet, although the Lions humiliation at the week the OP's will win . The Tonners face the OCs at hands of the Xavs did not dent their chances as muc h Bulleen and if taken lightly the home team could as it first may have seemed . The Blues brought themcause an upset . The Tonners need to keep on winning selves into strong contention for the fourth position and should stay fourth after winning today . The Xavs on the ladder with Terrill and Vogels doing most of the will give no joy to the visiting Bernards, while the damage against the SKOBs, whose destiny is now in Blues Lions clash promises to be a beauty . Last time others' hands . The OCs battled manfully against the it was the Blues in a close one, today I favour the might of the D's at Waverley Park, but to no avail the same result. De La Salle host St . Kevins at Waverlev home team pulling away in the second half to win Road and although the D's cannot lose third spot I well . favour SKOBs on the rebound today . Section 2 Selections : Old Paradians, Old Brighton, Old Marcellin continued their excellent second half of Xaverians, Uni . Blues & St. Kevins the year with a strong win against Uni . Blaeks, with Section 2 the Tigers causing the upset of the round . home ground advantage or not . Beaumaris kept the presThe Tigers face another danger game when they again travel to Bulleen to face an in-form Marcellin sure on the Tigers with a strong win over NOB's at Brunswick . with Bayford and Collins shining lights team . Last time it was the Tigers by three points at for the Sharks all day . The Scotchies powered away in home and although in form the Eagles will not have as much riding on this game to win . I would not like the second half of their match against OM's, as did the OT's putting paid to any thoughts the Bloods had to be in Old Haileybury's shoes today as they are of snatching a finals berth . bound to feel the brunt of the Friars on the rebound - enough said . The Sharks will keep the pressure on Section (2) Blue the Tigers however with a win over the Blacks, as to Monash Blues found a Saints outfit led by Guzzo will the Scotchies over NOBs . In the final match the and Haines full of running, and had to pull out all OTs whipped the OMs last time around, and although stops to get the points at the Uni, while the Fields favoured again I predict a far closer game with a more continue to impress in the second half of the year competitive OMs unit . easily accounting for the D's . The Panthers and the Selections : St . Bedes Mentone Tigers, Whitefriars, Xavs fought out a tight first half, however after this Beauma ris, Old Scotch & Old Trinity. the home team proved too strong . The Rovers were never really stretched by the Jackas at David Street, Section (2) Blu e although Ritterman and Onas provided some highMonash Blues and De La Salle (2) will battle out a lights for the vanquished . The Monds moved a game close game with the Ashers favoured to get the points, clear in second position with a comfortable win over as to are the Monds on form over the Fields, espethe High, well led by skipper Ashford . cially at home . Old Xaverians (2) host St . Kilda Sth . Section (2) Red Caulfield and although it was the Xavs by plenty, this Old Ivanhoe with Dowd and Coyne doing as they time the Saints will break their duck . Saints by 10 points . AJAX host the Panthers at Albert Park and pleased easily accounted for the Two Blues, who were well represented by Volpi, Place and Foley . Therry the Jackas will not be looking forward to meeting the Penola made sure of their finals debut when they ran team that gave them a horrible towelling last time . At away with their match against OGs at Moomba Park . the home the Jackas will put up more of a fight, Paul Matton and Steve McMahon now assured of a although the Panthers still by enough . In the final spot in the finals for the first time . Old Paradians (2) match MHSOB should bounce back against the

Rovers who have been hard hit by injury in the second half of the year. Selections: .Monash Blues, St . Kilda Sth. Caulfield, Old Mentoni ans, Ormond & MHSOB . Section (2) Re d St. Leos Emmaus play host to Therry Penola and in what was a massive result last time for Therry, I favour a similar result with less of a difference between the scorelines . Yarra Valley fresh from a week's break will be too strong for Old Geelong, while Warringal should be likewise for Old Paradians (2) . OIG and Aquinas have the bye . Selections : Therry Penola, Warringal.

Yarra Valley &


MAZENOD v . OLD PARADIANS Field : Nick Evans Gajanan Skandakum a OLD CAREY v . OLD BRIGHTON Field : Cameron Gill Ken Brewe r OLD XAVERIANS v. ST. BERNARDS Field : Chris Fedderson Andrew Dickenso n UNIVERSITY BLUES v . COLLEGIANS Field : Mark Jenkins (R) Paul Lambl e DE LA SALLE v . ST. KEVINS Field : Ben Schmidt Trent Greenaway Goal : Skip Shipley Eugene D'Lazaru s UNDER-19 SECTION 2 MARCELLIN v . ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS Field : Daniel Ischia WHITEFRIARS v. OLD HAILEYBURY Field : Leah Gallagher (R) Josh DiPietro

BEAUMARIS v. UNIVERSITY BLACKS at 11 .30 a .m . Field : Garry Seabourne Ian Burges s OLD SCOTCH v . NORTH OLD BOYS Field : Gerard Robb Matthew Sefert h

OLD TRINITY v . OLD MELBURNIANS Field : Tom Gamble Graeme Morga n








5 89 3 82 7 60 38 34 69 51 4 34 24



Field : Denny Fatekas Tim Burns



7 92 7 78 2 69 53 47



UNDER-19 (2) RED ST. LEOS EMMAUS v . THERRY PENOLA Field : Michael Jessep David Mille r YARRA VALLEY v . OLD GEELONG Field : Matthew Meier Jason Moor e OLD IVANHOE BY E WARRINGAL v . OLD PARADIANS (2) at Ivanhoe Field : Damian Murphy Peter Baile y

1 37 36 36


UNDER-19 f2) BLU E MONASH BLUES v . DE LA SALLE (2) Field : David Longworth Chris Stevens (J ) ORMOND v . CAULFIELD GR. Field : Euan Lindsay Justin Grossbar d OLD XAVERIANS (2) v. ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD at 11 .30 a.m . at Toorak Park AJAX v. OLD MENTONIANS at Oval 9 (The Gary Smorgan Oval) Field: Neil Woods Kylie Welsh MHSOB v . HAMPTON ROVERS Field: Trent Foley (R) Andy Carric k

4 50 39 37




LAST ROUND'S RESULTS" -V19". - 1 .08.98 8.3 10.3 14.9 15.11.101 0.0 1 .6 3 .10 4.12, 3 Juegart 4 . Mount 2. James. Polatajko. Kavanagh, Smtone. Beet: 6 ior. Glttarelli . Jueg[ut .

I. R. h-kuts. L. Hawkuts. Best: K3eartagh . N,,bet . Ryan . Grant . 3.4 4 .5 7.6 7 .8,50 (~,p1AAGRTdN -,pp4FLqpIAhS 2.2 5 .8 9.10 14 .12 .98 pd prigttton ;Gad Ktekers and Best PLnrrs not recencd ) .`meo 3 . Curr:ut 2 (~.3 Parsd}sm: Tai . Saloon 2. Green 2 . Richardson . Berganwr . Collins. ., . pem'. Beu : Cucran . Buder. Feilmts . DlanatL Pntsem o ~(iyFG}A~tiS 2 .0 3.1 3 .1 3.3.21 4 .5 7.9 10.18 12 .23.95 i,p 4VEBL4tiS cc~~ ;iena: Jo t45tem. Foster. Moon. Best: Moon. Ta}9or. Moliand . Harrison . N. Lynch. ;d ysver{ens: Oswald 4. CoughLVt 2. htcktemw . Skmdntore. L}•ttleton .GConnelt. c Hawkers. Best : 0 Connell . Skidmore . Coughlan. Funder, C . Caaalus. S . 2.1 2 .1 4.2 5.7.37 4.8 9.10 10 .15 1 4 .17.101 ac qua. ti-. N-da. Best : Harvey, Bare. Ho,trien . Rattle. n 3 . tiogels 3• While 2 . Solh' 3 . Jackson 2, Caller, Northey. . McRUltvt. M . MeKerrow. Vogel,. p° LA SALLE 2 .1 3 .1 8.8 9 .12 .66 Gyp CAREY 1 .1 3.4 3.6 3 .8 .28 Fe La Salle:7Goal Kickers mtd Best Pla}'ers not recenrvh C!d Gsrey : Beckett . Me}ihtstn•. Tsirogtanms. Best: tl'ood . Shone. Stone. Da•ec. UNDER 19 SECTION 2- 1 .08 .98 t~ll'ERSRYBL4CKS 2 .0 3.3 4 .3 4.4.28 .ELLIN 3.5 3.8 5 .11 5.11 .41 'd?RC . L nivrnRy Blseks : Goal Kickers and Best Placers lot receued i esmBin: Romatwt 2. Gleesott 2 . Mark.wri Best: Letanue Ryan. Cull. Gieson. Los . ratre. ~~I BEDES 1.>EhTONE'IIG, 4.1 6 .3 11.9 11 .12 .78 p7BTEFRIARS 4.1 5 .3 6.5 10.6 .66 gt, Bed" Mentorx T(g.: L. t49ntle 3. P. 4Pmtle 2. Kutgsnell 3. Zomec M. Young. N. }'mmg seat: M . Young. Bell . A. Connolly. Tesenus. Sirachan. Mulchat•. Rhuefrian: Anderson 6. Sullivan 2. Johnson, Phan. Beat: Phan, Anderson. Setches, • h . Sinclair. Reid "ORl'R OLD BOYS 0.8 0.9 0.10 0 .10 .10 gL AUMARIS 4 .2 5.7 8.9 14 .10.94 Wit Old Boys: Best: Skene. tialput• DeBoer . Carts. S . Smith. MeWm, . &eumsrts: Alexander 4 . Foley 3 . Kenned12 . Atkins. Dea•. Farragmta. Lee. Wiser . Best : L . Lee . B:ntont . Collins. Gibson . RSight . OLD MELBOIL'rTANB 1 .3 3.5 4 .7 9.12.66 OLD SCOTCH 4 .5 5.6 13 .9 17.10 .112 Old Melburniane : Sib .. 5 . Farquharson 2 . Birrell. Tsloiras. Best: Couzens . Sth re e . 1Nms . Gmlet•. R:v. EWms . O Ht Scrotch : Tlmtntis 7. Slaten 2 . Chalmum 2 . OBnen 2. I,enl 2. Armstrong. Beat: Thont<2s. TRINITY Haumemann, Paterson . Thxaites. Prartkenburg. Simon. OLD 4.7 6.10 8 .11 11.13.79 OLD BAILEYBURY 2 .0 2 .3 2.7 2.7.19 OM Tr(nity:P.vsador 7. Jones 2 . Hutchinson. DahLstrmn. Beat : Rahmson. Broster. Ritssell . Dann. Passadore. Dar<y-MoBw. OM 11aBeybttry : Anderson. Braitdltam . Best: Jays>sekera. Bell. R. Fto}d. Boutin, La Y

UNDER 19 BLUE - 1 .08 .98 ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD i .1 4.2 8 .5 10.5.65 MONASH BLUES 3.4 8.12 11 .14 17121512,3 St RBda South Caulfield : Barrerra 3. Welsh 2. Zagame 2 . Dorian 2. limes. Guuo. Best : Guzzo. ttelsh. Zagame. }{atnes, }7erce. Rees. Motash Blues :CaBllts 5. Creamer 5 . Bennett 3 . Blaster 2. Lknd, Spence. Been: Cooke. Collllts. Spence . Bennett . Merl(n. Creamer. DE LA SALLE 1 .1 1 .2 2.3 2.15 .6 .18 CAUIBfELD GRAMMAR 4.4 9.9 12.10 14 :99 De L. Salle: R . Stecens. A. Jacksrnt. Best : Stescus. Byrne . Synott . Molar . Harrison. McKenne . Caulfield Gnututur. Gur}Hnar 7, Sant 4. Freeman . WWcutson• tSMters. Fendal} 2. Beat: ltiojaJi. Creer . Freentan . Kendall. Sant . Gurpmar. OLD MENI'OhTANS 4.0 13 .4 14.8 18.14 .110 OLD XAVERIANS 5.2 7 .4 9.5 9.5.59 Old Mentoninns : Ballantllte S . Stephen 4. R. Alexander 2 . Kuramao 2 .Mackac. Martin. Nehsler. Best: D_ A}e .GUtder. Sletrhea Kennedy . K. Carnpbell. Mackaq, Kununoio. Old Xever{ane: Best: Catnolh•. MeCarthv. Feely. Gleeson. 8,11 t{an . T. Storey . IiAAB'lON ROVERS 4.4 10.12 14 .17.101 AJAX 3.2 3.3 8 .7 8.8.58 Hampton Roven: AeLVns 4 . Jenkms 3 . Prannvs 2, Co . Anderson. Tregear. A. Voss Best : Flalthr. Cro:ether. Jenkln. Anderson . Dn<kh-. Fhnn . 2 Alsx : Beck. ('rcMrut . Lc'<rin. Ratelgh . Rittemtan. Rutxnstem . A1. Segal . M. C. Segai . Best: pock. Gutman . }hdrenstetn . Ponerman. MaJman . Onas. MHSOB 3 .6 4 .6 4.8 8.10.58 ORMOND 3 .0 7.5 8.7 1110 .88 MHSOB: L . Taylor 3 . l4'Wson. G. MeCult_v. Ash OBnen, Moore . Youngs, Best: Claxes. Radder. Askew. Oslxxitnte . Moore. tt"ilsan Ormond : Black 4 . Nash 2 . Ralson 2. Date 2 . Rou:m . Knight . Robbms. Best : Gieeson. Dale. Coca. 0 Halloran . Nash . Ashford .

UNDER 19 RED - 1 .08.98

OLD }tANHOE 11 .17.83 ST LEOS EMMAUS . 2.1 .13 Old I vanhoe: Br.mntgan 4 . Davis 2 . Cates 2 . Lou•. Doxd, Wills Best: Oates . Doucl . Keane . LM' . Cotne . Harrls. St Leos Emmsus: Vaughan, Zannts. Best: Voipi . Dornlck . Mansle• Foley. Place. McDonald . THERRY PENOLA 4 .3 7.6 11 .9 11.1 1 .0 3.1 4.2 5.40OLDGEN .34 Therry Penoie:lGad Kickers and hest Plavers no Received ) Old Geelong: Couch 2, t491son. Bolton . MeCann . Best: Bayne . Bolton. Melnnes. Mining . Stcsens . McCann . WARRINGAL BYE AQUINAS RF OLD PARADIANS R BYE YARRA VALLE Y

G Section Results from Page 11


OLD ME NTONL9NS 3.1 5 .4 7.6 8.11 .59 HAMPTON ROVERS 3.2 3 .3 3.4 5.6 .36 Old Mentonians :Acreman 3, Palmer 2. Dart. MeNish . Rile v. Beat : Carter. B . ;1im'ay. Mason. Dart. Mullhr . D. Kitto. Hampton Rovers : D. Ariz. Broune. McKellar. C . Ferguson. power. Best: D. Artz. Parkinson' S. Anderson. Day . Hobson. J . Ferguson. BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 1 .4 2.4 4 .5 6 .8.44 ST LEOS EMMAUS 3 .0 9.2 13 .6 18 .7.115 Bu lleen Templestewe: James 2 . Tulloch. Thomson . Matthens . C. Parrts . Best: Todd . A. Parris . A~rotis . Tttlloch . Roberson . St Lem Emmaus : A. Det•(ttt 4 . Fennell 4. Burgess 3 . D. Dinicdantonio 2. Vaughmt Pe:vra. Rose . Thomas . Best : Burgess . Rose . Fennei. Mcttenzie . Rtcher. A. De<lut. BEAUMARIS 1 .4 5.6 14.11 20.15 .135 BANYULE 4.2 4 .8 6.10 9.10 .64 Beaumvss : Mills 4. Catlin 3 . Nich 3 . Quin 3 . Nicholson 2. Pitts 2 . Ensor . '..humid . Martin. Best: Nrsh. Nicholson . Holt . Catlin . Quin. Mahound, 8anvulc Plar•fair 2 . KatTCoz 2 . Gilttam. Welsh . Maine. L. Sheehan. Steele. Best: D.~1'ache(1. Doherty. Ashton . L . Sheehan . T. Egan. ~Steete. TtiOMASTOWN 4 .6 8 .6 9 .9 9.9.63 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG. 1 .1 6.1 9 .1 16.7.103 Thomastown : Capeei 5 . Hearing. Holmes, Pougious . A. Ward . Best: Gallomlre, L. 'afth. Hartmg. Plant. Capeci. Genus. St Bedes Neatone Tig. :hlacgeorge 9. MeCraw, 2 . A . Turner. S. Napier 2. Edwards. Best: T. slec. Macgeorge. Tomlmson. ?aildc S. Napier. M . Turner. OLD GEELONG 4 .0 8.4 13.6 14 .9.93 $T KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4.6 6.10 10 .14 15 .18 .108 Old Geelong:.Hou•eis 4 . Neeld 3. Vickers-tt'tllts 2 . Poole 2. Edge 2. W. Paid . Best : Patti. M. Ft9lson. Poacr. Darcv . F<vrer. l'ickers-tiTlic S t Kilda South Caulfield: l!armakts 5. Astapenko 3 . Gilmore 2 . Heicke. Reclean . Diamonds. McGau. Hasell . Best: Gilmore. Astapenko . Reddan. C . Neeson . ~.:makis. McGaw. .-r.

RESERVES - 1 .07 .98

OLD MENTONL4NS 1 .3 2.6 2 .10 3.10 .28 HAMPTON ROVERS 1 .0 1 .0 3.2 4.4 .28 Old Mentonians : Davis. M. Stroud. Wallace . Best: Sly. Davis . S. Kitto. Cozens . ~4'atson . MacGregor. Hampton Rovers : Holt 2. SiarshaB. Thomas . Best : Lake. Crabtree. Hunt . Bovle . Armstrong. R. Dunball. ' BULLEENTEMPLESTOWE 2.2 3 .4 5.5 6.7.43 ST LEOS EMMAUS 2 .3 4 .3 7.3 7.7.49 Bu}leet Temp}stowe : Nagee 2. blountaht. McNamara. Hooper . Stott. Beat: Fattlkner. Papadopoutos . Malane}•. Chris. Edwards . Surd . St Leos Emmaus: Shacktock 2. Contessotto. E. Mitchell. Ottobre . N - ey. Simondson . Best : Parker. Sunondson . Nea~e_t~ . . Cox. Shaeklock. BEAUMARIS 2.1 6,3 7 .4 10 .5.65 BANYULE 3.3 5.3 6 .4 6 .4.40 Beaumaris: Devine 4. Mch•er 2 . S. Blaclde . T. Nicholas. O'Brien, Ott. Beat: Easton. T. Mchicholas . Codreld. Gra}t Slteldrake. Ferguson. " Banpute : Parmartsehe 2 . Grutdal . P. Wttchell . Sutterby. Gilbert. Best: Noonan. Donald-son. Fcrraj. D . Witson. A . Plant . THOMASTOWN 0 .2 2.5 3.7 6.9 .45 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG. 4 .3 7.5 8.7 10.7.67 Thomastown: Bubis 2 . Petsuus 2 . Scarpa 2 . Best : Petshus . B. Smith. D'unosski . Peterson. McCallum. Bubis . St. Bedes Mentone Tig: Ross 3. S. Hecker 4. Comtollv 2 . Cousins . Best : kinna. M . Council, B. Silos, Setbre. Ross. Thompson . OLD GEELONG 5.1 8 .4 13.5 13.5.83 ST KD,DA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2 .3 3 .6 5.9 9 .12.66 Old Geelong: Furoh}' 6 . O'Brien 2 . Davison 2 . Sotden . OHalloran. Hendratta Best: Pamv . FurptiJ•. Hendratta. M. OhphanL Datison. Sutden. St Bedes hlentone Tig.: KaEas 5 . Holland. Dymond . J . Dtitilei•ie . D . Duriliiie. Best: Khrg. Kall;s . 14'etlgosz. Pope. Broom. Holland .

UNDER-19 SECTION 1 COLLEGIANS DE LA SALLE Coach : Tim Killwort h U19 (C) :

1 L . Schmidt 2 N. y 3 J . Clarkh() C 4 D . Field 5 L. Taylor

6 C . Mollard 7 M . Maxwell 8 N . Harrison

9 M . Britten 10 B . Page 11 N . McCann 12 A . Lan Langdon don

13 S . Elg 14 T. De Young 15 T. Cookes 16 A . Baxter 17 T Spice r 18 N . Brass 19 A . Robe rt son 20 J . Waters 21 C . Chambers 22 S. Lynch 23 M . Gibson 24 M . Godfrey 25 A. McAllester 27 T. Foster 28 D . Telford 29 T. Rogers-Wilson 30 L. Moon (VC) 31 J . Rose 33 B . Samuel

39 S . Kinder 69 A . Dakin

OLD PARADIANS Coach : Ken Johansen (1) Coach : Phil Wchetta (2) 1 2 3 4 5

S . Youn g D. Green G. O'Meara B . Richardson B . Galloway ha m 6 M. Joyce 8 D . Varno 8 A . Vecchio 9 J . Byron 10 K . Theodossi 11 A . Curran 12 C . Jacavo u 16 C . Price 17 N . Allard 19 P. Karabatsos 20 M. Dempster 2 1 M . S zewczu k

22 M . Cosgriff

23 D . Briggs 23 M . Ploenges 24 L . Brickwell 25 A. Jakowenko 26 B. O'Connor 27 S. Pruscino 28 R. Sartori 29 V. Perry 30 S. Fellowes 31 F. Papaluca 32 A. Baker 34 G . Hower 35 D. Loney 36 G . Dean 37 V. Ber amin 38 N. Ku oeweh 39 J . Thorn 40 J . Collins 41 F. Papluca 42 M . Rees 44 S . Ciavola 47 M . De Ran o 49 D . Gleeso 52 N . Macart ney 53 C . Butler 60 A . Swindo n 82 T. O'Shea

Coach: Clay Weser U19 (C) : S . Hyland 2 N . Harber 7 J. Laragy 9 M. Mercuri 10 E. William s 11 P. Bowden 11 C . Hyd e 11 R . St evens 12 M . Evans

12 B. Mercuri

13 S. Hyland (C) 14 M . Aron 15 J . Crowe 17 M . McHenry 18 D. Jarvis 19 D. Moore

20 B . Corin 23 T. Fisher 25


Beattie (VC)

27 C. Worsteling 28 S . Ha rt 29 D . Forer 29 M . Jogce 29 K . Ro ers (VC) 32 R . Bonnici 32 J . Silvers 33 M . O'Donnell

34 A . Pedicin i 37 C . Buick 38 N . Stafford 42 S . Logan 44 45 47 47

X. Clancy S. Cla~ A. Mo an A. Orlando

63 S. McManu s 70 n AndreD gga C . Asmusw S. Erdos R. Hu hso n D. Nolqan

P. Nowlan

B. ackson M . JKar aviciu s S . Mctv~anus

OLD XAVERIANS Coach : Pat Hawkins (1) Coach : Pete Ca llinan (2) U19 (C) :

2 P. Lyttleton 3 J . Heal Y 4 T. Cumow 5 K . O'Loughlin 7 S . Skidmore 8 P. Funder 9 J . McInerney 11 D . Betts 14 S. McCarthyy 15 L. Deane-Johns 16 D . Storey

17 T. Connolly 19 N . Rathgeber 20 21 22 23

T. Farrow (VC) M. Fitzgerald M. Rush R . Coughlan

MAZENOD Coach : Rod Bourke U19 (C) : 1 J . Schiano 2 B. Hobbs 3 P. Fotiniotis


1 A. Paftos 2 S . Grabe rt

4 C . Poletti 5 R . Hawkins 6 L . Hawkins

3 G. Earl

7 P. Nelson

7 G. Rhodes

4 W. Earl 5 N . Biggin

6 T. Ewe rt

8 L. Varney

8 T. Handley

9 D. Grant 10 D. Ryan

9 L. O'Neill

12 A. Bray 15 L. Morgan 16 B . Meehan ( VC) 17 N . Meehan 18 M . Bonaddio 19 T. Crook 21 D . Rigg 23 J . Kavanagh

12 A. Robe rtson 13 R . O'Neill 14 A. Ginnavin 15 G . Norwood 16 J. Thornbrow, 17 C. Barrow 18 H. Rolls

24 D . Nisbet 25 R . Hammond

34 C . Raise 37 D . Fenton 45 D . Stagliano 49 P. Harrington

53 J. Di Pietro 62 A. McDowell 69 G . Miller 76 N . Parry (C) 79 C. Davis

ST BERNARDS Coach : Jeff Osborne U19 (C): 1 B . Swann

2 R . Pizzichetta 3 R . Legud i 4 R . Bonnici 5 J . Pearson 6 P. lan az zo 7 N . Smith 8 J. Delaney 9 S. Wheeler 10 C . Osborne 11 S. Erickson 12 A. Velona 13 S. Bugryn

14 A. Thoma s 15 A. Pfeiffer

16 A. Mastro Pasqua 17 T. Pianta 18 T. James 19 L. Kavanagh

24 C. Carrodus (C)

20 D. Sheehan

27 A. Oswald 30 C. Hoare 32 P. Ockleshaw 34 E . Morriso n 39 B . Christie 41 D. Stean 43 J. Hede 44 M . Kennedy 45 S . Carrodus 46 J . O'Connell 48 C . Stephens 56 J . Hawkins

21 M . POlata)ko 22 P. Rahill 23 D. Monteleone 24 A. Monteloene 25 J . Jacks

26 A . Gleeson 27 James Mount 28 J . Zocco 29 J . Cittarelli 30 S. Borg 31 J . Evans 32 T. Harvey 33 S. Smith 37 J . Lloyd 42 V. ludka 43 C . Davis

10 J . White 11 S. Dinner

OLD CAREY . Coach: ~C~ Peter Schiller 1 2 3 4

F. Hakins D. Mo riart y P. Cerche J. Heffernan

5 T. Bake r

6 P. Tompkin s 7 S . Addison

8 S . Derry

9 N . Latha m

10 S . Beckett

11 S . Chambers 12 J . Mai (C ) 13 S. Wall 14 D . st 1 6 N . Buu


T. Tsirogiannis

18 T. Tyndall 19 T. Wood (C)

20 M. Lawrenc e 21 D. Stone 22 M . Pound

19 M . Carr 20 A. McLaughlin

23 T. Stua rt B. Shuti e

21 X Carra 22 A. Walsh 23 J . Thomas 25 A. Boyd

26 C. Munoy

26 S . Fox 27 P. Marks 28 A . Avramedies 29 C. Stewa rt

30 D. Stockdale 31 A . Thorn s

32 R . Hayward 33 M . McBriar 35 T. Erridge


27 29 30 31

C. Davey J. Mickan A. McKinst ry C. Davis

33 D. Silverwood Melin 34 A . Hanson

35 S . McConnel l 36 E . Davey 37 S . Davies

38 A . Kett le

46 M. Aylward 47 A . Bon d 55 W.Onvin


Coach: Peter Foster U19 (C): N. Moore, P. Mount

Coach: Steven Canoll U19 (C):

1 A . Caller y 2 N . Walke r 3 P. Mount 4 A . Rattle 5 C . Noseda 6 B . AHis 7 B . Shelley 8 T. McCann L . Cresswell 9 10 J. Radford 11 T. Crowley 12 P. Bare 13 A. Stua rt 14 N . Moore 15 J. Ferrari 16 K. McDonald

1 A . Albert 2 S . Benjami n 3 C . Brook s 4 J. Coulloupa s 5 B . Callery 6 A . Clar k 7 A . Crawfor d 8 W. Crocke r 9 H . Christie 10 L . Dean-Johns 11 F. Delasquale 12 C . Evans 13 S. Ferguson 14 A. Fleetwood

19 C . Goldswort h y 20 P. OiKeefe 21 J . Sibilia 22 M . la gastes 23 P. Milesi 24 R. Sheeh y 25 8A . Vanderwe rt 26 . B evacqua 27 R. Zeman 28 N . Parrett 29 A . Conlan 30 P. Halpi n 31 P. Harvey 32 S . OiConnor 33 J . OiConno r 34 T. Berg in 35 E . RaRer 36 A . S m ith 37 R . Debraio 38 G . Anderson 39 D . Liepa 40 D . Dun n 41 J. Howden 42 J. Pangrazio 43 L . Wilkinson 44 R . Campagna 45 L . Meehan

17 W. Jackson 18 G . Kin g 19 J . Lyl e 20 D. Leah y 21 M . McKerro w 22 R. McKerrow 23 T Menzies 24 T. McMilla n 25 L. Morriso n 26 N . Mule s 27 C . Nort hey 28 S . Parsons 29 W. Pye 30 P. Sheahan 31 J . Starlin g 32 A . Southerlan d 33 A . Terril l 34 B. Tuc k 35 L . Underwood 36 N . Vo el s 37 J. Ward 38 J. Webbe r 39 A. Whit e 40 R . Woodward 41 D . Wood

17 A. Foley 18 A. Wise

15 J. Hockin g 16 J. Hatton


1 M Smith 2 L. Gibson g M . Enso r 4 L. Buller 5 J . Blake 6 A . Quin 7 A. Hammond 8 D. Emerson 9 K . Alexander 10 P. Bird 11 J . Bayford 12 M . Lee 13 B . Stevens 14 D . De w 15 D . Foley 16 N . Atkins 17 N . Apre a 18 N . Kenned y 19 N . Atkins 20 A Faraguna 21 K . Ransthorn 22 R . Carrol l 23 A Cat li n 24 S. Moore 25 A . Black s 26 P. Wright 27 B. Thomas 28 R . Beaton 29 A. Wilson 30 B. Spence 31 L McNicholas 32 S. Tucker 33 N . Conlan


Coach : J~es Golds U19(C) :

1 M . Lefeanue 2 M . Karavilis 3 G . Cull 4 D . Marson 5 G . Romanin 6 S . Loy 7 D . Angotti 8 D . Ryan 9 G . Murley 10 D . Bonanno 11 A . Hasiotis 12 D . Ballantine 13 P. Pappalardo 14 C . Duinardo 15 J. Pappalardo 16 P. Diacogiorgis 17 J. Delahunt 18 M . Moussi 19 J. Sheehan 20 N . Mathews 21 M . Fisher 22 M . Roberts 23 L . Bettiol 24 B . Dinneen 25 G . Hawkins 26 T. Louder 27 D . Ciro


Coach : Terry Kendall U19 (C) : G. Junkeer

Coach: Steven Mms U19 (C): S. Jon es, E. Davatris

1 G. Junkeer (C) 2 T. Chapma n S . Miles 4 A . Sheer T. Paterson 6 I . McKenzie

1 S . Jones (C) 2 A . Beever 3 M . Passador 4 A. Rothe

7 C . Steven s 8 T. Frankenburg

9 N . Leitl 10 N . Sladen 11 C . Frick e 12 L. Hume 13 N N . Simo n 14 A. Will ersdorf 15 J . Hu hes 16 N . O rien 17 S . Eager ° 19 M . Rowel l 20 N . Brewster 21 T. Glass 2 L. Hannema n 2 23 LL. Walkom 24 L. Hawkins 25 M . Thwaites 26 J . McCarrol l 27 E . Stewart 28 T. Cardy 29 S . Hosking 30 A . Leeds 31 S . Prendergast 32 E . Oliver 35 P. Rodgers 36 R . Ashton 37 C . Armstron g 40 A . Collins 41 A . Reed 66 H . Thomas

5 B. Hutchinson 6 B. Russell

p h 8 D . As~wort 9 A. Grigg 10 S . Dann 11 K. Noden 12 C . Wilson (VC) 13 S . Johnson 14 R . Gambl e 15 R . Baxter 16 T. Ho in s 17 C . HilTas

18 N. Dahlstrom 19 J . Maslen 20 M . Canzoneri 21 L. Kennedy 22 D. Kinross 23 B . Fitzmaurice 24 E . Davatzis C O 2 5 W . Hanse n 26 D . Robinson 27 L. Clarke 28 C. Butler 29 W . Brady 30 S . Kimonidis 31 R . Ramsden 32 J . Cornell 33 Y. Adel 35 C . Sor 37 S . Medlin 39 A . Maiyah 43 D . Waldron (VC) 44 M . Lapira 45 S . Darcy-Molloy 52 A . Andrews 61 N . Broster 64 M . Kassaby

NTH OLD BOYS Coach : Andy Ryen U19 (c):

1 Mohammed Taleb 2 T. Water s 3 B . Kousovasilis 4 O. Khade r 5 B . Cariss 6 D . Sken e 7 S . Hoban 8 T. Halpin 9 A . Naiss 10 C . Faraci

11 S. Bryant 12 D . Abou d 13 C . Miller 14 J. Saba 15 N . Tonkin 16 P. BorYsiewicz 17 S. ReVnoldson 18 S. Mcllroy 19 M . Payne 20 R . Amato 21 M . Barker 22 G . Taylor 23 H . Makhoul 24 B. Kurec 25 M. Moustafa 26 N . O ' Halloran 27 M . Rees 28 S . Smith 30 D . Willoughby 31 B . Wilson

32 Momoud Taleb 33 A. McKenzie 34 C. Woo d 35 S . De Boar 36 B . McIntyre 37 M . D veeau r x 39 D. Mead 40 P. Daniels 41 M . Hayes

STBEDES MENTO NE TGERS Coach: Michael Lovejoy U19(C):

1 A Ryan 2 P Carroll 3 C Tesoriero 4 J Dunne 5 J Doubaras 6 L Abdallah 7 B Mcshane 8 L Hamilton 9 P Russo 10 LT ylim 11 J Williams 12 A Connol l 13 N Zomer (/C) 14 J Drury 15 G G omez 16 A Burnett 17 S Lambert 18 M Young 19 D Falkingham 20 C Mizzi 21 J Cunningham 22 G Smith 23 D Napier (C ) 24 G Alford 25 L Wintle 26 P Doherty 27 S Kingwel l 28 D Young 29 B. Johnstone 30 T Fava 31 P Wintl e 32 S B e ll 33 G Strachan 34 M Mulcahy 35 A Smith 36 N . McEniry



Coach: Greg Lasscock U19 (C) : J . Bell

Coach : Mark Libard f U19 (C):

1 L . Floyd 2 S . Davey 3 A. Brudar 4 L. Paisley 5 D. Harro p 6 R . Ladd 7 A. Biggs 8 J . Meade s 9 C. Home 10 C. Efstathiou 11 R. Burn 12 T Rogers 13 G . Finlayson 14 M . Chishol m 15 C. Jayasakera 16 J . Miller 18 B . Harro p 19 C. Moyle 20 H . Francis 21 D . Lay 22 T. Hilton 23 M . Somaia 24 B . Hall 25 D . Harrigan 26 J . Bell (C) 27 R . Carson 28 S . Dietz 29 M . Nicholson 30 R . Brandham 31 D . Maso n 32 E . Ek 40 D . Pountney 47 J . Robertson 5 0 A . Rod e 57 M . Anderson 61 S . Deit z

1 J . Gooley 2 C. Gues t 3 D . Fabinyi (C) 4 C. Murph y 5 A . Ellim s 6 H . Birrell 7 C . Fon g 8 C . Jennings 9 J. Murtaz a 10 P. Stucke y 11 N . Sampier i 12 E . Wilso n 13 D . Patterso n 14 G. Anderson 16 R . Atkins 17 J. Hammond 18 E . Far uarson q s 19 R . Hyam 20 E . Alder 21 W. Yunken 22 C . Ray 23 1 . Ambler 24 J . Moss 25 H . Turne r 26 H . McLeod 27 W. Austin 28 C . Sibre e

UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach: Pau10'Shw nassy 1.119(c):

1 M . Atkin 2 C . Brown 3 L . Brown 4 M . Byrne • 5 A. Clements 6 B. Costello 7 B. Dryne 8 P. Greenbank 9 E . Hannon 10 A. Maher 11 J . Marr 12 J . Martin 13 J . McAuley

14 L. Mellings 15 S . Mood y 16 B . Murphy 17 R. Neale 18 A . Nolan 19 C. Pease 20 H . Peck 21 C. Schilling 22 M . Staunton 23 S . Vegter 24 D . Walsh

30 N . Coutts 32 M. Benko

33 N . Couzen s

WHITEFRIAR S Coach: Slwte Ryles 1.119(c) :

1 A. Croug h 2 M . Northeyy (VC )

3 B. Phan (C) 6 B. Winc h 7 T. Hilton (VC ) 8 R. Fedel e 9 L. Trewhella 10 A. Johnson 11 M . Cassarino 12 D. Rei d 13 J . Power 14 S . Ward 15 J . Anderso n 16 B . Sinclair 17 D . Eiferman n 18 R . Murray 19 M . Du ~ 20 S . Fleming

21 M . Setches 22 S . Davi s 23 L . Armstron g 24 J . Treyvaud 25 S . O'Meara 26 D . Sullivan 27 T. Hoare 28 B . Doherty 29 M . Wals h 30 A . Beattie NC) 31 T. Mulcahy 35 D . Levi


reny McEvoy

TEMPLESTOWE Coa~h: er~ Car w gr~

Coach : Bob Ellis

U 1 9 (C) :

Coach : Stewart McLean 1.119(c) :

Coach: Ken Joha ,~, (1) Coach: Phil Luchetta (2)

1.119(c): 8 N. Dinning 1 D . Bernet 1 S . Young 1 J. Jess 1 S . Alderhoven 2 G . Gibson 2 D. Gree n . Cowling 12 N. Bayne 2N 2 A . Bastow 3 N. Coyne 3 G. O'Meara 3 S. Staddon 15 R. Lane 3 R . Brown 4 B. Davis 4 B . Richardson 5 M. Boland 16 B . Couch . Calleja 5 A . Oates 5 B 6S. Bennett S 4 C . Galloway 18 T. Straughton 5 M . DeBoer 6 K. Angel o n . Coghla 7 J 5 B . Woodham 6 N . Eastwood 26 A. McKinnon 7 M . Logan 8 M . Greer . Fisher 29 D Bolton 8 B. Spoor 6 M . Joyce g T. Harkin 78M D . Florence 9 B. Low 8 D . Varano 31 L. Stevens 10 M . Held 9 J. Florence 10 B. Roderick 8 A . Vecchio 11 T. Moran 34 A . McCann 10 L . Groves 11 C. Brannigan 12 D. McKee 9 J . Byron 36 M . Avery 11 J. Howard 14 P . Dowd 13 P. Glennie 10 K. Theodossi 43 A . Clay 12 D . Juhasz 15 R. Holmwood T. Blanch it A. Curra n 13 A. King 50 N Edgar 16 R. Hense . Tan 15 M 11 A. Talaric o 14 N . Macrides 51 J . Garland 17 J . Harrop 16 C. Field 12 C . Jacavo u 15 N . Macreevy 52 M. Cashinella 18 A . Harper 17 J . Allison 16 N . McCroha 16 C . Price 20 B . Willis 18 J. Coussins 53 T. Carty 19 B. Anthony B 17 B. Mountain 54 E . Wilson 21 R . Gilderdale 16 B. Sullivan 18 S . Mountain 22 G. Maddelic 17 N . Allard 20 D . Marshal l 55 0 . Wallace 19 T. Mosso p 23 C. Barke r 21 D . Minogue 19 P. Karabatso s 56 R Brown 20 M . Natfas 25 P . tlli s B. Moran 20 M . Dempste r 58 L Heine 21 R . Parris 26 S . Brandt . Mills 24 B 21 M . Szewczu k 22 T. Peterson 59 J. Malpas 30 L. Courage 26 M . Johnstone 23 B . Pouroganis 22 M . Cosgriff 60 D Mclnnes ( C) 37 J . Keane 32 J. Bleakney 24 N . Povaran 40 C . Harris 23 D. Brigg s 34 M . Delsovito 61 J. Chamberlain 25 D . Povaran :1 J . Pole 23 M . Ploenge s 63 M . McCa rthy M Stynes 24 L. Brickwell M . Dalsanto26 J . 64 R. Scurry 27 P . Taylor 43 S . Devers 25 A. Jakowenko 68 W. Elle ry 28 L. Thompson 5- D. Kealy 26 B . O' Connor 29 B . Walleneiser 75 A. Timms . Vine 60 D 27 S . Pruscin o 76 D Brauer 71 M . Woods 28 R . Sartori 79 W. Keeble 29 V. Perry 30 S . Fellowes 31 F. Papaluca STLEOS E7VNUTAUS THERRY PENOLA WARRINGAL YARRA VALLEY 32 A . Bake r Coach: Paul Matt. 34 G. How e WATTLE PARK Coach : John Stanton Coach: Ash Wain 1.119(c) : 35 D . Lone y U19(C): U19 (c) : Coach : 36 G . Dea n U19(C): 2 R . Zampogna 1' A. Midland 1 H . Anderson 37 V. Bergamin 2 S . Anderson 2 T. Morris 4 R . Springall 1 N . Hodde r 3 D . Bloomfield 3 S . Lloyd 38 N . Kudeweh 8 A . Grant 2 P. Batty 4 -G. Bell 4 C . Fraser 39 J . Thorn 9 S . Stella 5 L. Bolzon 5 P. Vatloppi 3 G. Bonnici 40 J . Collin s 6 C . Burk e 6 M . Wine s 10 C . Bannister 4 R . Gallagher 7 A, Cam .illeri 41 F. Papluc a 7 B . Sturzaker 11 S . Bocaglia 8 M. Ch az an 5 C . Miller 8 B . Arnot 42 M. Ree s 12 J . Briedi s 9 B. Frew 9 J . Longwo rt h 6 G . Newey 44 S. Ciavola 1 0 E. Gale 13 D . Candiloro 10 B . Searle 7 A Volpi 11 A. Georg e 11 B . Reynolds 47 M . De Rango R . Dodds 12 A. Green 8 C . McDonald 12 D . Langg 49 D. Gleason 13 T. Healey A . McMahon 13 C. Shugg 9 M . Brown 14 A. Hopgood 52 N. MacartneyY 16 D . Dun n 14 T. Lloyd C . Vaughan 15 J. Hopkin s 15 D . Badey 53 C. Butler g 17 A . McDonald 16 D. Inman 11 J . Blandthorn 16 A . Bel l 17 M . Keegan 60 A. Swindo n 18 N . James 17 T. Mclirath 12 N. Zannis 18 D. Lewis 18 R . Pearce 19 G . Kuret 19 G . Long 13 S . Dornik 19 E . Kryse 20 M . M anovella 20 J . Smith 14 P. Mansic 20 T. Ty shing 21 S. Morris 21 B. Fitzpatrick 22 D. Mutton 15 M . Dunn 21 P. Uaugh n 22 B . Drew 22 M . Yates 23 N. Mullan e 16 A . Schti tt ler 24 D . Nasrallah 23 C . Arnol d M . Russell 17 T KayY 25 M . Natoli 24 A . Cusano 24 T Sigfter 18 J . McNally 26 L. Prosser 25 S . Matt ers 25 N . Trewin 27 M . Pop e 26 J . Skipwo rt h 19 J . Ross 28 D . Ryan 27 T. Hancoc k 26 R . Garcia 20 S . Goldswo rthy 29 D. Schulze 28 B. Rey nold s 27 R . Azzopardi 30 T. Sessions 29 S . Cofeman 31 R . Singh San 28 C. O'Brien 30 B. Wapshott 32 M . S 31 J . Scanlan 29 N. Perre tt 33 J . Soence 34 C. Taylor 35 N . Taylor 36 D . Thomas 37 T. Thomso n 38 M. Vanlint 39 S . Walter 42 J . Wilkin s 40 B . White 43 A . Welc h 41 D . Wilson 44 S . Yee

FINALS VENUE S All of the A and B section finals are played at Elsternwick Park, except the B section Preliminary final which is played at Sandringham ( 12/9) whilst the C section Grand final is played at Elsternwick Park on this date . C section. First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8) and Preliminary Final (5/9) - SANDRINGHAM . D section (fi nal five system). Qualifying final (2 v . 3 - 22/8), Elimination final (4 v. 5 - 23/8) MONASH UNIVERISTY, First semi (30/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - MORDIALLOC. E Blue section . First semi (23/8), Second semi ( 22/8), Preliminary Final ( 29/8), Grand Final (5/9) CENTRAL RESERVE. E White section . First semi (23/8) BARTLETT RES., Second semi (22/8), Preliminary Final (29/8), Grand Final (5/9) - CAMBERWELL SPORTS GROUND . F section. First semi (23/8) - GILLON OVAL, BRUNSIWCK, Second semi (22/8) - CRAMER STREET, PRESTON, Preliminary final (29/8) - GILLON OVAL BRUNSWICK, Grand Final (5/9) CRAMER STREET, PRESTON . Under 19 Section 1 . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - CITY OVAL, BOX HILL . Under 19 Section 2 . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - SCAMMELL RESERVE OAKLEIGH . Under 19 Blue section . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - GERRY GREEN RESERVE PARKDALE . Under 19 Red section . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8) - TRINITY GRAMMAR, Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - PARADE COLLEG E Club XVIII . First and Second semis (8/8) (sec 1) SCAMMELL RES, OAKLEIGH sec 2 - RAMSDEN STREET RESERVE, Preliminary finals 15/8 (Saturday), Grand Finals 23/8 (Sunday) ELSTERNWICK PARK . * The Executive at all times reserves the right to shift matches from venues depending on the participating teams and the travel for example that may be involved . Venues may be changed also if the winter weather causes venues chosen to deteriorate .

FINALS ELIGIBILIT Y Senior finals. Any registered player can be selected as long as permit is current


Seniors/Reserves . If both teams are playing on the same weekend the reserves player must have played a total of 2 senior or reserve matches (be registered and have a permit) to play in the reserves final . Reserves . Player must be registered and have a permit . To play in a reserves final (even if a player qualifies for an under 19 final but club wishes him to play in reserves final), player must have played 2 reserves matches and not more than 10 senior matches during the season . Under 19 . Must be registered and have a permit . If player has played in more than 5 senior/reserves matches he is ineligible unless he has played more than 5 U/19 matches . If player becomes ineligible due to above situation, and player is not picked in club's first senior final he is eligible to play in any subsequent U/19 finals match . U/19 players playing in VFL U/18 competition (TAC Cup) must after the playing of our round 18 decide where they will complete the season . Such player can play in any club's final's team as long as he has played 5 matches for the team for which he wants to be selected . Where a club has two U/19 teams a player must have not played more than 10 matches with the U19/1 side Club 18. To play finals, a player must have played at least 4 C/18 matches and in not more than 8 senior and reserves matches combined . 46

Coles Myer Ltd . SERVING THE




Preview - Semi Finals

RAID Lions thrashed Werribee as was to be expected assisting the Lions to maintain top spot convincingly . Broadmeadows won in a tight game against Hawthorn, with their win assuring them of third position . Keilor easily accounted for Karingal (2) in their finals warmup, while Geelong got their first points for the season with a resounding win over finalists Parkside .

At 10 .30 Karingal (2) and Parkside clash for the right to challenge Keilor in the Division 3 Grand Final next week . On recent form Karingal (2) would be favoured to get the points . Maribyrnong play host to Broadmeadows and the Bulldogs have been very impressive since being promoted from Division 3 earlier in the year and should continue their good form . At 11 .45 Bendigo (1) and the Bombers face off to decide who will earn the right to challenge Karingal in next week's Grand Final . The Bombers have been inconsistent this year and recent form would suggest the Warriors to get the points. In the final match the travelling Bendigo (2) team will find RAID Lions far too strong in their semi final clash .

Maribyrnong travelled to Bendigo and defeated the home team by 16 points . Bendigo (1) received a forfeit from the Bombers . Ringwood made the trip to Ballarat, and although competitive found the North Ballarat Knights too strong in the finish .



346 264 243 236

347 297 350 320

99 .7 30 88 .88 30 69 .4 20 73 .75 4

DRAW FOR AGAINST % POINTS 0 626 218 287 .1 36 0 323 176 183 .5 36 0 435 390 111 .5 24 0 476 410 116 .1 20 0 385 379 101 .5 20 0 380 363 104 .6 16 0 222 504 44 .04 12 0 256 409 62 .6 8


KEILOR 10 6 4 0 KARINGAL (2) " 10 5 5 0 PARKSIDE 10 5 5 0 GEELONG 3 1 2 0

FOR AGAINST % POINTS 447 144 310 .4 24 443 339 130 .7 20 447 407 109 .8 20 130 168 77 .4 4

` received forfeit

forfeiting teams receive average losing score . teams forfeited against receive average winning score for the round Please note next week's Grand Finals will be played at Elsternwick Park at the following times : Division 3(10 .00am), Division 2 (11 .15am) . Division 1 (12.

X-A40410130 NrIK




There are only a couple o f weeks left of the Challenge, so now is the time to get people in and giving blood for your club . Donate blood this week at : Southbank Donor Centre City Donor Centre cnr Kavanagh & Balston Sts ., 2/520 Collins St . Southbank Melbourn e Appointments required, phone 13 14 9 5 OR The Mobile Blood Collection Unit in : CRA N BOURNE PUBLIC HALL, Monday 10/8 - Wednesday 12/ 8 HA WTHORN TOWN HALL, Monday 10/8 DANDi= N O N O TO W N HALL,

Tuesday 11/8 - Wednesday 12/8 W ERRIBEE THE EVE NTS CENTRE, Thursday 13/8 - Friday 14/ 8 DEER PARK LIONS/SE N IOR CITIZENS CLUB Thursday 13/ 8 CLAYTON PUBLIC HALL Friday 14/ 8



FOOD AND FINALS' FEVE R Why bother about nutrition? Because it provides essential ingredients for you io perform . Food provides us with fuel to perform . Food choiccs will depend on food availability, likes, dislikes, and cooking skills, however we should be sure to focus on be provision of fuel . Optimal nutrition assists with recovery between training sessions and matches . inaintaining your peak performance all season and into the finals . Nutrition is something you can take control of and use to ensure you have the edge over your opponent . If you can get an edge . take it ! Hopefully during the season . you have been aware of your food intake and monitored its effect on your body eg . body fat, muscle mass, recovery rate . The finals' time is not the time to be trying to lose body L . You want to ensure it doesn't increase, however ,, ou need to ensure you provide sufficient energy to continue through those most important matches of the season . By finals' time we can sometimes feel iafigued . This is when you must concentrate on providing your body with enough of the right food combined with rest . What should I eat? Stick to the season long routine if it has worked . During finals you should stick to the same procedure you have used during the season if this has worked for you . During training is the time to try any isew regimes . not prior to a match . If your new food regimes does not work then you are going to suffer in one of the most important matches of your life . Regularity Food consumption should be regular throughout the day . including snacks before and after training . Foods such as breakfast cereal are convenient for breakfast as well as snacks at any time of the day . .',Rost cereals are suitable . Read the labels to ensure I.ou are not eating one that is high in fat such as a toasted muesli . Other simple snacks such as sandu+iches (minimal or no fat spread), fruit (canned, dried, fresh) low fat dairy products (custard, milk smoothies yoghurt) . fruit loaf. bread. pancakes, _~paghetti . plain popcorn and jelly are all suitable to ncorporate into your diet . Self Monitor and self manag e Snacks high in carbohydrate as mentioned above . are important post training and match to replace the cnergy you have used up . If you do not do this, you will eventually run out of fuel in your muscles and rou will fatigue . There is no bell or siren to warn us hat we are running low on energy . You need to mon-

itor how you are feeling and provide the food as a matter of routine . This means being organised and carrying suitable snacks foods with you during the day and to training . We all need different amounts of food so do not compare yourself to everyone else . Nerv e s

What to do if ne rv es bite hard . "I can't eat when I am nervous!" Is this you? Some of us find it very difficult to eat when we are nervous and you may find you feel different before a final . Try hard to use the same preparation routine you have used all season. This however may mean you may need to use liquid carbohydrates such as Sustagen supplement or milk shakes to provide some of your energy . As these are not bulky, people sometimes feel they are able to consume these . Try something to eat at least a couple of hours before the match . If you cannot consume anything else then continue drinking fluids such as sports drinks and water. Do not worry of you have to keep going to the toilet, this will stop once you get onto the field ! The heat of the moment . Finals' time can be hot ! In finals' time the weather is warmer . You need to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after matches. Consume small amounts frequently . Large amounts at one time can make you feel nauseous . As you may be nervous, you may sweat profusely . Again this means you need to replace this water and you may forget about drinking while trying to concentrate on other aspects of your preparation . Remember you are what you eat and you can take control. Simone Austin, Sports Dietician and Nutritionist . Dietician for the Western Bulldog s


In a pair of Blades boots, with the revolutionary sole system and internal wedge, you'll notice the Unproved performance and comfort where it matters most . On the ground .

Official Supplier to VAFA .


BLADES CLUB CHAMPIONSHI P $2000 TO THE WINNING CLU B Points have been allocated for Round Fifteen (A-B) and Sixteen (C-F & U19) matches an d today the leading 20 clubs are shown . A team that has a bye is credited with a win . To refresh I memories from last week a senior team win receives 12 points : reserves urin 5 points ; an under 19 team win 5 points . CLUB


*Ineligible player Rd . 13 (Res . ) ,-) LD XAVERIANS 14 13 16 31 3 HITEFRIARS O C 14 15 ;-~ :',liY1ARIS 14 12 14 13 C A L!LFIELD GRAMMARIANS OLD h'IENTONIANS 13 11 OLD CAREY 15 14 \ JA.X 12 14 OLD CAMBERWELL 14 15 .5




14 8 .5 7 .5

31 3 270 .5 270 .5

11 1 8 0

26 6 255 25 4 245 . 5

12 0 9 6 .5 0 14 0

233 233 225 224.5 22 1 22 0 21 6



21 1


0 11

20 9 205 . 5


12 0

20 3 20 2

Bonus points are on offer and can be earned as follows : • 40 points at the end of July to each club which has at least 20 senior . reserve or Under 1 9 plavers regularlv wearing Blades football boots in VAFA matches . • 2 points for each S 100 worth of Blades apparel purchased through the VAFA up to 31 Jul y 1998 .

T1101VIASTOWN IATEUR FOOTBAL L CIli1iu Invites applic .; r fo r

Applications in writing to : The Secretar y P 0 Box 164, Thomastown, 3074 Applications close 31/9/98

Clubs wishing to place coaching ads for season 1999 in the remaining 6 editions of the Amateur Footballer are asked to call Brett Connell for further details . Ads are $50 per week per box ad.

SmokeFre ELSTERNWICK PARK DRAW 1998 (August - September) This Sat. 8/8: Old Haileybury v De La Salle This Sun 9/8 : FIDA semi - finals Next Sat 15/8: Club XVIII Prelim. Finals Next Sun 16/8: FIDA Grand Finals

Sat : 22/8 : Old Scotch v Old Hailevburv Sun : 23/8 : Club XVIII Grand Finals Sat : 29/8: B Section First Semi-Final Sun : 30/8 : A Section First Semi Final Sat: 5/9 : B Section Second Semi-Final Sun : 6/9 : A Section Second Semi-Final Sat : 12/9 : C Section Grand Final Sun : 13/9: A Section Preliminarv Final Sat : 19/9 : B Section Grand Final Sun : 20/9 : A Section Grand Fina l

From July 25 Investigation to Tribunal Ryan Williams, Banvule. Unobserved incitl adjourned to August llth. From July 25 Tribunal Richard Badanjek, Bulleen Cobras . Unduly rc play. 6 matches plus 6 match suspended sent from 1997 . Total 12 matches . From August 1

Rodney Bloom . Ajax. Kicking, 3 matches . Rick Bonnici, St . Bernards (U19) . Trippinl matche s * Shane McGowan, Ivanhoe. Striking, 2 matches. * David Maganson. North Brunswick . Strikinl matches. * Andrew Siwka . Richmond Central. Charginl matches . * Mark Butler . De La Salle (Res .) . Striking. 2 mate * David Telford . Collegians (U 19). Striking. 2 mate * Nicholas Stafford . De La Salle (2) (U19). Strikin matches . * Chris Worsteling, De La Salle (2) (U19) . Auc offence, I match . *Accepted P resc ribed Penalty. Results of Investigation hearings - August 41

Fines FINES RD 15 (A-B) 16 (C-F & U19) First offence ($5) ; second offence ($25) ; third offence ($50) ; fourth offence ($100); each subsequent offence ( $100) . Reserves/C18 Seniors/U 1 9 failure to phone failure to p rovide scores by 2.30pm final scores by 5pm

E)tham OC and Hawthorn Amateur senior pla , charged with being involved in a melee in the nr; played at Eltham on July 25th . Both clubs agreed to accept the prescribed pe ty . Hawthorn Amateurs fined $300 (second offF over the last 3 year period) and Eltham OC fined S for first offence .

Swinburne Uni. (Res.) Aquinas (Senior) Mt. Lilydale (C18) OTHER Reserve and U19 match forfeits teams fined $25 0

St . Johns OC (Rd . 16). St . Marys (Rd . 16) . Old Paradians (2) (Rd . 16 ) Incorrect scores phoned (25/7) Monash Grvphons (Sen.) . Chitnside Park (Res .) . Parkside (C18), Old Xavs (U19/1) . Old Xavs (U19 B) .

Saturday's Final Siren Scores (A Section )


6.25 p.m. Saturda y




MARKETING NEWS by Phil Stevens U



BLADES CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP The following clubs have submitted lists of players who wear 13lades boots in matches conducted by the VAFA - Old Xaverians, Monash Gryphons, Ormond, old Scotch and Whitefriars . 40 bonus points will be allocated in the next couple of weeks to clubs that have at least 20 regular wearers of Blades boots verified .



h ?ers itch lalnce 100


No entrant in the Sportscover Pick The Seven Premiers competitio n had all nominated teams win last round . It seems that if Old Trinity


loses, most of the entries are immediately wiped out - 34 of the 60

c ntries predict Old Trinity will take out the B section flag . Other interesting predictions - 49 alt of the 60 predict Old Xaverians will win A ; 21 apiece predict that Old Mentonians an d Beaumaris will take the C section title with 36 expecting Monash Gryphons to take the F section title . A reminder that should there be one successful ent ry $10,000 cash goes to that club - in [lie event of there being more than one correct ent ry a countback takes place to determine the one winner. I know that I have the benefit of 12 weeks watching teams perform, but if my club ( if I had one) had an ent ry in I would hope that it had on it - Old Xaverians . Old Ivanhoe, Beaumaris, 5outhbank, Caulfield Grammarians, Old Carey and Monash Gryphons . However this writer's tipping ability is not good - I had a $50 wager with the printer of the Amateur Footballer" that Geelong would win more matches this season than his beloved 1,Vestern Bulldogs! !

Jetset Wravei North Melbourne


With the end of the season looming, clubs are reminded that booking end of season trips (of 7 or more passengers) through Jetset Travel North Melbourne would ensure that the JSNM staff would arrange the best deal possible for you as you are representing a club of the VAFA . For details call 9376 3111 and ask for Neita or Natalie - remember to say you are from a VAFA r•lub .

CARLTON CREST HOTEL The VAFA is holding its Vote Count Night at the Carlton Crest Hotel on Monday September 14th . Has your club or business ever considered having a function, trade night or seminar at the Carlton Crest? Take it from ilie VAFA, we consider the hotel the best in town .

Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any matt Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surna Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .

(5~ :~er ~_ s ~:3r rn .i.) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this serviceO

速 Permits (T:-L:rs) 速 Wea '<r n c l matches (Fri)

速 Scores ( S a t. night) 3

The main ga~V (Glen hur y Rd) is open

rr;- marr }t day. The rear gate (off St Kilda St) will only be open when Sunday matches are to be playec When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials .


A RESERVE SECTION .32 52 15 13 2 0 1222 701 174 0 1257 829 167 .63 4 O-,JXAVERIANS 15 10 5 0 0 5 0 1170 807 744 .98 40 5 LA SALLE 1 1 .D6 32 35 9 g 0 1009 979 t03 SCOTCH 1 5 15 8 7 0 5018 976 1043 3 LEGIANS 2 .93 -=RSiTY aLUES 1065 1044 1a3 7 8 857 946 10t16 2 = :iNS 55 8 6 ff 7 .5! 24 fl 691 5042 g5 >RDS 15 - 0 6 1534 47 9' 6 RNtANS 15 735 BURY ~ 0 553 11 65 4747 `.5 2 1


ESERV E HR 52 .48 15 13 2 0 1268 587 187 .71 48 ~R670NO 15 12 3 0 1038 698 146 .03 48 766 133 ! ;,8CELLIN 15 12 3 0 1019 .89 36 DIANS 1S 9 6 0 888 889 99 . CLD PAR0 i051 ~ Ot 28 ti7R7HOLOBOYS 75 7 0 94 "0 ~ t086 BSB2 28 -y 979 f i g 0 0 7 3 9833 :6 ,2 :-i0E 55 4 5 . fl 5516 5135 5



15 2 0 772 YpENOLA05 15 t3 0




1 i362

i5 3

'A 12


16 15 a 1 1946 .OLR CAMBERWELL 3 0 1776 0 ..F4ELD GRAMMAR 16 13 3 0 174 6

3 e 1226 a4SULA O B 4 AFC 15 it g 0 10-6 PARK t6 81 7 n 1 "0 8 16 12 0 771, .,~ ~9 ~ SIT- 16 3 13 C 3 1 3 0 10 o fl 37

15 - 851 921 8g.05 2E MT LILY DALE 0 C 7 8 0 12 RhAACELL'•N 3 12 0 62B 1110 566 7 .55 1156 5523 12 .~2 4 . ~PAAiC SiDE 1 5 i5 3 5}1254 04 t2 OLD E6SENDON OR s 12 0 640 YnRRA VALLE Y tnellgibie piaypr Rd 13 UND`cR-19 se-v" ' .59 6 4 16 16 0 0 1907 710 268 52 OLD ;{AVERiANS 1 6 13 3 0 1593 1108 143 .77 44 .76 PARADfANS 16 1 1 1 0 1602 1372 116 .81 36 16 9 7 0 1344 1202 1 11 DE 5-A SALLE 0 5525 1252 11895 32 OL'Ji3RIGriTON 59 8 8 .93 32 CGLL cGiAhS16 g 0 8 5295 1157 111 .58 28 tiNiVERS3TYBi:vES 7 9 0 1257 16^0 76 ST KEV{S:S 16 4 12 0 i264 1652 77 72 16 S7 gERNARDS 16 3 13 0 1074 5~3 56 44 12 thF.ZENOD O C , 6 ~ 15 0 667 1995 44,16 4 CLD CA ,'3EY UNDER-19 (2) 936 207 .37 56 16 14 2 0 194 1 .}3 52 WHSTEFRIAAS 16 13 3 0 1754 1138 154 1065 166 .85 a8 OLD SCOTCH 16 12 4 0 1777 36 101 . 41 1414 CLD TRINITY 9 7 0 143 4 34 TtGEAS 16 44 1340 8537 ST BODES tFENT 8 7 2 6 ;2•~D 1289 9367 AFC 61U 6 3 94 ~ 0 1373 14563 24


421 462.23 52 636 331 .3 : 52 563 310 .12 52 846 144.92 48 +r^ 9551 32 130 : 62 3 32 579 1 c 49 84 ? 2 is8t 25 570 33 0 6 C75 3u 7 6

E WHITE RESERV E 16 14 2 0 145 8 }6




148 8

CAREY 16 11 5 0 13 8 3 S08 16 1 5 1 1245 0 5 0 1369 ZROY REDS 56 1 0 t,1ST0`x,N CY{h5 _ 157 3 6 N C U{vS`r!{CK 1 .'.ONO CENTRAL 6 6 ~ 4 ~-ENCOBRAS16 0 ,6 2 tv . . :_5BCURNE 614 t .gs= ... . JER5i+

627 654 624 924

232.54 56 227 .52 56 221 .63 44 134 7 4 ^2 171 98 40 7tr77M1 28 76 33 2' 3267 38 33

16 3 CLUB t8 (1) i597 375 425 .87 60 i5 15 0 0 612 190 .52 ~ 11 65 15 12 2 1 fi00 135 .67 44

'ittORNBURY COUGARS o 6 0 }049 589 152 .25 35 5 10

32 1 6 B g t) 1 1 31 1032 10859 .STG .~ t6 8 45 16 46 12 0866 1212 71 Lc 1 12 4 02 47 66 t 13 3 673 S EiMAUS W P A S~ CAULF!ELD 16 3 G 510 }476 a5 2 7 1 6 ' TEA4PLEST0WE D RESERVE SECTIO N 540 259 .63 60 16 15 1 0 1402 490 286 .53 56 WHITEFRIARS 16 14 2 0 1404 688 198 .84 52 „JAX 16 }3 3 0 1368 972 532 .92 40 1fi i0 6 0 1292 F:xRKS10E S57 127 .4-= 40 ~!.ONASH BLUES 14 10 6 0 1105 ..3 916 5}648 SJUTH3ANK 16 10 6 C 5067 845 10- 4? 2B .+SCC t6 7 9 0 92 5 n ' 6 5 1 0 + '.337 1054 9'3 . . _r75tTY BLACKS 1 1175 42 64 GB 4 `0 7 r-.;RA VALLEY tb 1 t25" 53 66 ? 5 ESSENDON OR 4 12 0 742 6 691 29i5 8 - ;:IAN O C 1 0 49 3 1 e V .s .. .` 557, 4 C 6 2 569 KS "tENTCNE t6 1 „' •,9ibte player Rd 13

1b 6 6 ~ 5152 7274 20 16 5 11 0 ~B 50 ' 04 12 i6 3 13 0 671 1341 &.93 12 13+ 2 :3 0 64 2

DE LA SALLE 15 11 4 0 814 .2442 OLD SCOTCH 0 4 1 752 676 111 15 1 9118 7c~ 11497 3 2 OLD BRIGHTON 15 8 8 0 672 803 76 .25 2 YiNSOB 81 8 15 3 12 0 543 948 57 2 OLD I.iELSURNtANS c0 53 67 1 12 0 585 ?n 2 S7 KEVIN6 t5 3 5238 12 B tvtA2ENOD C C t5 3 12 0 540 183 ; 1204 4203 Cv11EGInNS 5 3 12 0 50 6 TNERRY P~NOti, OB ` CLUB 1B (2) 512 211 .72 56 15 14 1 0 108 4 .79 44 7 4 0 1051 718 146 tAONASH WHITES }15 5 KEW 0 945 571 165 .5 40

700 171 85 48 1203 16 12 yy d . . 0 . .9 1 48 SE9U},iARiS A F C 12 4 0 1275 746 170 132.9 48 TIGERS 16 12 4 0 1123 845 EDES MENT 5T B 16 136 .79 44 964 GEELONG t6 10 • 4 2 1305 GLr) ._ 115~c 34 _LD .JENTON4AN5

F RESERVE 572 249 .65 52 16 13 3 0 1428.78 48 16 12 4 0 1196 788 151 16 12 4 0 1360 934 145 .61 48 1130 95 .86 32 1036 16 8 8 0 5552 5265 87 91 3 2


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963 1496 1515 1289 1218 1310 1333 1436 1589 1841

185.98 102.61 109.83 107.06 105 .09 102 .14 91 .37 89 .42 81 .5 65 .4 5

56 40 36 32 32 32 28 28 12 4

1439 1250 1607 1404 1387 1278 1306 1263 1280 1232

1170 1089 1363 1209 1202 1110 1483 1536 1595 1689

122.99 114.78 117.9 116.13 115.39 115.14 88.06 82.23 80.25 72 .94

44 40 36 36 36 36 24 24 12 12

2097 1869 1546 1463 1456 1558 1568 1575 1462 1402

1334 1432 1358 1221 1575 1607 1783 1782 1965 1939

157 .2 130 .52 113 .84 119 .82 92 .44 96.95 87.94 88.38 74.4 72.31

1750 1805 1699 1717 1349 1690 1652 1338 1386 1040 1151 942

1138 1390 1200 1233 1233 1599 1516 1445 1423 1306 1945 209 1

56 52 40 36 32 28 28 24 12 12

153 .78 56 129 .86 50 141 .58 48 139 .25 48 109 .41 34 105 .69 32 108 .97 30 92.6 30 97.4 28 79.63 16 59.18 8 45 .05 4

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918 241 .18 1003 236 .19 1093 199 .91 1344 134 .08 1516 126 .39 1654 95 .77 1781 66 .82 1890 68.73 2860 32.38 2504 43.05

2161 1886 1984 1385 1685 1451 1217 1115 930 101 1

754 286 .6 1263 149 .33 1225 161 .96 1629 85 .02 1387 121 .49 1470 98 .71 1450 83 .93 1804 61 .81 2080 44.71 1763 57.35

60 56 44 40 32 28 28 12 12 8

1944 1648 1720 1327 1409 1138 1120 1014

1050 1063 1361 1177 1555 1596 1619 2031

52 52 40 36 28 20 16 12

185.14 155.03 126.38 112 .74 90 .61 71 .3 69 .18 49 .93

56 56 56 44 36 22 22 20 8 0





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