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Proudly supporting the V.A .FA . 45 fr o sooao ;g
T Ike real business end of the season is just about here, and many of the enquiry calls are in relato the 12 team D section . To explain what's ,11u;ad in D section I offer the following . Firstly a final five section is played in D section . This means that next week the team that finishes ou Lop has a week off and plays the week after in the ;, cond semi Final . The teams finishing second and third play on Saturday in the Qualifying Final with the winner going on the following week into th e ~, cond Semi Final, with the losing team playing the 11,1lowing weekend in the First Semi Final. Next week teams that finished fourth and fifth htay on Sunday in the Elimination Final with the losing team finished for the season and the winning ream proceeding to the First Semi Final . With four teams now left the First and Second Semi Finals are both played on the second week of the finals series, with a Preliminary Final (week 3) and the Grand Final on Saturday September 12th . Secondly in regards to relegation . teams in D ~ection that finish 9th, 10th . 11th and 12th are relegated to one of the two E sections for 1999 to allow for the two grand finalists in each of the E sections to be promoted. Today's round in D section is huge with 3 teams vying for the number one spot, 3 teams for the fifth spot and 3 teams battling to avoid finishing in ninth spot. SEEKING SCORES AND OTHER FINALS INFORMATION ? We do understand the great interest at this tim e of the year, however the Saturday evening staff have been instructed not to give out scores and other details before 6 o'clock . There is much to be done with recording all match details, then working on and then releasing the finals details for the weekend following. The Info-Line (1900-130-300) should have all information loaded by 5 .30 - 5 .45 and all going
OFFICE R well we should be able to take calls from 6 o'clock . Your understanding in this matter is appreciated - the message also covers calls to Nancy McTaggart's home number, as she is busier longer into the evening with providing information to the newspapers . B IS FOR BENNY'S BEST Ex-umpiring "great" Bri an "Benny" Goodman, currently Chairman of Selectors at Collegians today names the best he has seen in his 25 year Amateur involvement. B. B . Angel (St Bernards) R . Pisarski (0 . Melb) P. Considine (North 0 Boys) HB . M . Deveson (De La Salle) J . Bennett (Collegians) B . Conti (North 0 Boys ) C . T . King (Uni Blacks) R . Paul (Old Haileybury) P. Kingston (Ormond ) HE I . McMullin (Old Melb) I . Cordner (Old Melb - C) A. Evans (De La Salle ) F. S . Murphy (De La Salle) J . Butcher (Caulfield GO 1 . Rice (Collegians) RUCKS: M . Yeo (Uni Blues) B . Bourne (Ormond) ROVER: B . Church (Uni Blues ) I/CHANGE : S . Eishold (Ormond) F. Kell (Old Scotch) C. Capiron (Stk CBC A . Smythe (B/Temp) ORDER-OFF CONFUSION This year a player can be ordered from the field for an audible obscenity and be replaced if, in the view of the umpire, the obscenity was not directed at the umpire or a specific player or was not loud enough to offend spectators or a large number of players. The only way a coach can check to see if his player ordered-off can be replaced is for his runner to politely ask for this information from the umpire .
[ August 8th,1998 Price : $1 .50
Vol . 98 No . 18
A TION by Jason Frenke l ROMEMEMmm-
t might seem somewhat peculiar that the A section competition has seen one of its tightest and mos t exciting finishes of the year in a season where one side has dominated so decisively since the opening round . Old Xaverians may well have earned their premiership favouritism during the early weeks of April, but A section continues to offer some memorable matches as the season draws to a gripping close . Just ask those lucky enough to be at Glenferrie Oval last Saturday to watch the importan t St. Kevins v. Old Scotch match . In a match that was nip and tuck all afternoon, SKOBS played a great third term to turn a 10 point deficit into a 9 point lead at the last change in front of an expectant home crowd . What they didn't expect was a mighty Cardinal effort in the final term, and a gallant Scotch overran the home side by 3 points to throw a further spanner into the shaping of the final four. Even those with little chance of making the September cut turned on some fantastic football last weekend . De La Salle seemed to have Haileybu ry's measure all afternoon at Elsternwick Park until a stirring final quarter fight-back by the Bloods nearly stole the game. An exquisite second quarter took Ben Mannix all over the ground in a dominant performance which saw the Dees add six goals to one . it was one of the most outstanding quarters of football by an individual this year . Old Xaveri an s are no strangers to outstanding football - in a season punctuated with brilliance, it was a strong, rather than brilliant effort which knocked off University Blues by 54 points on their home turf. Xavs' Captain Blood is warming up another big finals series while Cranage and Holmes continue to impress . George De-Crespignv s absence saw the Blues' goal scoring prospects dry up quickly : Saturdav s result has done the same thing to their finals prospects . St . Bernards' journey toward September, briefly derailed . is back on course following their 10 goal defeat of Collegian s . The Lions fought back in the third term but a strong finish saw the visitors draw away to win comfortably. Vassallo booted five for the victors while skipper Luke Gallant and Adam Merrington were also in fine touch . And Old Melbu rnians too, were able to keep their September sights in focus with a 25 point win over Old Brighton. Michael Ford's opportunistic forward line set-ups continue to pay off, Cameron Aubrey providing the fire-power this time with five goals . Holme has been a consistent performer for the Redlegs all year and was excellent again in defence .
WHO CAN, WHO CAN'T AND WHY It's well known who will occupy top spot - Xavs booked in early in the season . De La Salle have two games remaining - even if they can knock off St and St . Bernards, their poor percentage requii secutive victories in the vicinity of 25-30 goals . Like the Dees . University has just 8 win ; much better percentage. Even if they win th remaining games against St . Bernards ai Brighton, Blues will require some pretty i results to sneak in to the four . Old Scotch and Old Melburnians both p Haileybury and Collegians in the final two re with 9 wins to their credit and decent percentag, will be expecting to finish with 11 wins and a the finals. . . That will only happen if St. Kevins drops bo matches - unlikely against De La Salle today bi : ably against Xavs in the final round. Should SKOB's lost one and win the other, t with 11 wins, percentage will decide fourth spc just 0 .05% separating SKOBS and Scotch moment . . . Provided, of course, that St . Bernards can University and De La in the final rounds, in whi, their 12 wins and strong percentage will sei occupy second place on the ladder. TODAY'S PROPHECIE S
St . Kevins travel to De La Sa ll e with vicl their minds and September in their vision. If th today, the SKOBS Bandwagon Tour bus will b, Fairyland rather than the finals, and wouldr spoil the masses' fun? It hasn't crashed yet Kevins by four goals . Old Scotch host Collegi an s an d in spit marked improvement in the Lions game in weeks, the Cardinals have shown enough resilif recent weeks to suggest they won't drop this iml game . Scotch by 7 goals . St . Be rnards face University at home in the last dash for the four. St. Bernards have run a race so far and its hard to see them falling so c the finish line . St. Bernards by 29 points . Old Melburni an face a nervous trip t Haileybury desperate to keep its grasp on fourtl The Bloods showed last week that they go dowr ing, but the Redlegs would not dare to lose thi Melburnians by 34 points .
Have you thanked your club officials today? This year? Well what about now! For af all without them your club might just not exist. Go on thank your club officials toda
)sct is to occur anywhere . it might just come park. where a Xaveri ans side with little to cxcept finals practice meets an Old B ri ghton to finish the year on a high note . But ,,„n . this is Xavs . . . . by 9 goals.
Old Haileybury - congratulations to Darren yeccull on reaching 150 games last Saturday against lie . A premiership player three times (twice a s 1 111 ~ . and an inspiration on the field to all . All at th e ish you well for your next milestone . Also aun Richardson on reaching 50 games is congratall at the club . Kel i De La Salle - congratulations to 100 gainers Ben ;±annix, Craig Swift and Ben Buick, as well as 50 es col ;rrters Dale Hyland, David Rosman, Adam El liot t pen Corin recently at the club . We all look forward but;, more fine games from you all . eir i td 0~ ., pest old Scotch Tea m mlike: 13 : P. Brown, J . Little, R . Olsen: HB: R. Fuller. M . -1% . R. Tindale : C: M . Bedford, M . Fithcett . K . Neville : ay 0' {F : .`,1 . Eggleston . D . Hughes . P. Shenven : F : M . unds G . McLean, P . Harkness : Ruck : M . Bates . J . ~s, tht Ii,r~on . L Law ; IC : J. Moir . R . Price, A . Smith : spot ;, Coach: L . Aghan . h ofi . t proiJ) fini~i: it, wiii, at th,
'; NNE . :,,~SALL O
defe, : ,)yD :h casr ,,,',fORE thetr. ;('iiARDSON ;1RNE-SMITH [~. RYAN ory o n ey lose hHE R ^ off to r, :2YKOWSKI 't that C!XO N . . . St.
of a recent ;nce in ~ortan t Blues strong lose t o ) Old I spot. fights one.
Collegians Brock Mooney in acLion last week against St Bernards . Will be a)cey player in the clubs push back to A Section in 1999 ,
DE LA SALLE v. ST. KEVINS Field : Martin Jackson James VanBeek Boundary : Stephen Johnston Cameron Kealy Goal: Brad Nash Kevin Segot a OLD SCOTCH v. COLLEGIANS Field : Andrew Stephen Phil Callil Boundary : Tim Dodds Shawn Hennig Goal : Ross Richards Anthony Simpso n ST. BERNARDS v . UNIVERSITY BLUES Field : Steve McCarthy Wayne Hinton Boundary : Bob Mutton Jon Stevenson Goa1: Russell Owens Bernie Jephson OLD XAVERIANS v. OLD BRIGHTON Field : Mark Gibson Tim Sutcliffe Boundary : Cameron Hayes Cameron Stewart Goal : Bernie Hoare Shannon Rvan
OLD HAILEYBURY v . OLD R2ELBURNLANS Field : Albie Firlev Graham Thwaites Boundary : Tristan Bowman Brendan Corcoran Goal : Geoff Grigg
Bernie Dix A Section Results on Page 41
C v ri
s v.
$~ i,ryl
[ (rnatch highlights and panel d is c ussi o n of this match shown on Channel 31 Saturday 22 August, 12.00 noon - 1 .30 inn,)
Coach: Leigh Carlson Res. Coach: Craig Nankervis
Coach : Kevin Collins Res . Coach: Greg Feutrill
1 B . King
1 M . Chun
2 N. Florentine
2 P. Fiume
3 B . Woolhouse 4 T. Van Der Veene 5 G. Deane-Johns 6 S. Van Der Veene 7 L. Byrne 8 C . Hi so n g 8 C . Pollock 9 V. Cleary 10 S S . Harding
3 4 5 6 7 8
11 B . Mackenzie 12 C . Dilen a 13 S . EIg
14 D . Warne-Smith 15 N . Michael 15 Y. Phillips
16 A. Wallace
D . Crowe L . Hall C . Swift M. Fisher C . Browne C. Wright
9 C. Campbell
10 T. Silvers i1 A. Evans (VC) 12 D D. Toohey 13 A. Waters 14 A. Duncan
15 J . Hodder 16 S . Hyland
17 A. Elliott 18 A. Flowerday 19 J . Tully
17 R . Hosking 17 D . Phillip s 18 J. Bennett 19 B. Mooney
20 B . Corin
20 A. Greenway 21 A. Johnston
22 S . Laska 23 D. Balzar
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
D. Kerr N. Milat R. Hartnett J . Frazer S . Wooley S . Humphry S . Blackman A . Kenneally
20 P. O'Brien 21 D. Jackson 22 P. O'Callaghan
24 J . Morel 25 G. Hynes 26 S . Wood 26 P. Wyles 27 L. Van Der Pligt 28 S . Hart 29 D . Rosman 30 B . Mannix
Coach :Dale Tapping Res CcoctI'Stepheri Barnes 1 A . Kryzwniak
2 3 4 5 6
J . Murch R. Oakley M . Talbot N . Perry (C) S . Alderson
7 B . Logan
8 G. Hipwell 9 S . Lennox 10 R . Hartman 11 A . Fitzgerald 12 H . Bickett 13 R . Kent
14 B . Paterson 15 D . Tymms 16 B. Williams 17 A. Van Den Dungen 18 M. Jackson (VC) 19 A. Mandylaris 20 A. Palfrey 21 N . Winter 22 K. Farrell 23 A. Pryor 24 R. Carter 25 S . Nickas 26 T. McNamara 27 D. Paterson 28 A . Alderton 29 P. Woff
30 M . Galbraith
31 K . Mannix
34 M . Reid
31 J . Nevins 32 J . TarPeY
32 R . Bonnici
35 S . Mercer
33 D . Kin g 33 M. O' Donnell 34 A. Pedicini
36 B . Pollock 38 J . Raju 39 A . Fischer
33 A . Startin 34 D . Entwisle 35 R . Morley 36 G . Fode
37 M. Opie 38 M. Lake (C) 39 R . Jones 40 M. O'Donnell 42 L . Vasdekis
43 G . Cooper
35 A. Mackintosh 36 M. Aron 37 S . C lay 37 M . Rosel 38 A. Mithen 39 P. Brasher (C) 40 M . Butler 41 M . McHenry
40 N . Bulfin 41 J . Murchie
42 A . Corke
43 C . Brew 44 A . Brown 45 T Desmyth 46 D . Hansen
42 B . Lee 43 L. Borella 44 X . Clancy
47 D . Wilson 49 M. Barber 50 S . Williams (VC)
44 T. Montgomery
51 D . Strachan
46 M . Hegan
52 D. Stockdale 53 B . Letchford
52 N . Gill 53 M . Inglis 54 T. Dimopoulos 55 A . Mirakian
47 D . Lasini 48 D . Smith 49 A. Moore 50 P. Mannix 50 J . Doak 51 A. Orlando 52 D . Hyland 53 L. Seeger
55 E . Jones
54 J . Duckett
57 J. Moore 58 A . Thompson 59 M. Richards 64 M. Gribble 70 T. Smith 75 J . Walshe 76 P. Halbish 77 T. Proctor
55 M . Herber 58 T. Ford 59 M . Mercuri 61 R. Grace 62 R . Beattie 63 S . McManus 64 G . Curren 66 S . Thomas
45 M . Mossman 45 N. Harris 46 C. Harris 47 48 JD Lemon
49 A. Smith 50 B . Jefferson
51 P. Baxter
56 R. Brown 57 A McLachlan 59 60 61 62
R. Ferre r R. D . Crewdson A . Witte A . Lewis
63 B . Wilson 66 T. Lennox 71 B . Alderson 84 P. McMahon
OLD HAILEYBURY OWME-Bij Coach: Simon Meehan Res. Coach: Peter Fatouros
1 A . Baxter 2 D. Connell (C)
3 D. Warden 4 C. McKenzie 5 C . Warden 6 W. Smith 7 Adam Hilton 8 M . Orton 9 C . Home 10 C . Efstathiou 11 C . Hucker 1 2 D . Seccul l 13 B. Carty 14 A. Forsyth 15 N . Morey
15 R . Bartholmeusz 16 B. Langford-Jones 17 Ash Hilt on
18 A. Papotto 18 M . Constable 19 M . Armston C C. Kraus g ~ ) 2~ A. Walden 21 B. Waters 22 S . Richardson 23 M . Seccull 24 A . Ross 25 G . Rowlands 26 G . Phillips (VC ) 27 J . Dannp ( 28 A . Pound 28 S . Walden 29 B . Carson 30 R . Aughterson 31 D . Mason 31 B . Mai n 32 P. O'Donnell 33 A . Floyd 34 C . Reidy
35 D . Lappage 36 B. Lay 37 38 39 40 40 41 42 43
S. O'Grady R . Parker M. Stanojevic H . Gopu W. Phillips B. Meli n D . Scaife R . Plecher
44 A. Kirkwood-Scott 45 N. Hill 46 P. Langford-Jones 47 J . Kuria 48 S . Saunders
49 R. Goulden
50 A . Bonwick 51 P. Dimon d 52 D . Reid 53 C . Pountney 54 D . Scaunich 54 M . Thiele 55 L. Byrns 56 D . Webb
57 M. Wray
58 R . McMaster 59 L . Hardema n 60 J. Amitrano 61 A. Hall 62 R . Thornton 65 C . Dowling
The Marine l~ ~1 ~
~nn The Angel ry Tavern G
ph Inn
~, 1
Coach : Michael F Res. Coach: Devi
1 M . Benne t 2 S . Theodo,
3 4 5 6 7 8
A . Ros s S . Ellingha L . Bun n D . Holm e C . Thomp: M . Lovett
9 C . Aubrey
10 T Robert s 11 M . Jukes 12 A. Hewitt 13 S . Rose
14 J . Bun n 15 M . Robert 16 C. Eabry 17 J . Mille r 18 A . ToPaka: 19 A . Parki n 20 J . Guest
21 L. Boyd 22 A . Waddel l 23 M . Berry 24 C . Berry 26 C . Kenned 27 O. Boyd 28 S . Rabbitt 29 M . Ward 30 I . McMullin 31 J. Hart 32 A . McDoug
33 G . Dixo n 34 C . Elli s 35 D . Brow n
36 A. McKeo n 37 R . Mulquir n 38 A. Michell 39 J . Rigg 40 S . Crow 41 G . Wilhel m 42 P. Theodo r 43 T. Clok e 44 P. Thompsc 45 Z . Useinov 46 S . ToPakas 47 S . Brow n 48 C. Jenkin s
49 T. Stucke y 50 P. Marini s 51 52 53 54 55 56
C . Bank s B . Campb e A . Bains I . Paterso n S. Murray A. Hun t
57 M . Peers 58 S. Giglia 59 J . RaftoPol t 60 H . Marshall
61 J . Sallaban 62 W. Hauserr 63 L. Col e 64 P. Mills
-1111111pp srd Bro,,
Wayne Hermes Fz~ Coach: David ►dcCormack
e is on
K . Stoke s g . Phillips
~ Hoskin g T. Holt (VC) Price (VC) „ L . McDonnell J . Kitche n y G . Reid A . Boyd ;p J . Kerr 11 M . Angus 12 S. Hume 1 3 N Hoope r ; a D . Norman ., 5 M. O'Brien 16 A. Speed 3
17 S . Woodhouse
8 S . Collins
19 S. Spide n ~0 T. Wilson 21 S . Gibbs
22 C. Heat h 23 O . Crane 24 L. Hawkins 25 T. Pritchard 26 A . Crow 27 R. Armstrong 28 N . Thompson 29 M . Webe r 30 J . Laird 31 A . Smith 32 T. Gross 33 S . Eustice 34 G. Eagle 35 S . Steele (C) 36 A . Millar 37 J. Smyth 38 R . Eagle
39 M . Starick ~10 A. Warner 41 A. Castricum 42 S. Duthie 43 J. Paterson 44 M . Gwynn 45 M . Blenheim 46 S. Penton 47 T. Reid 48 P. Davis 49 D . Thomas 50 C . Tindale 51 A. Faichney
52 A. Lines 53 S . Millike n 54 A. Seymour
55 A. Mitchell 56 T. Wilmot 57 N . Morris 58 G . Boyd 59 A . Walkom 60 M . Weber 63 T. Gray 66 H . Thomas
Coach: Garry Foulds Ras Coach: David Law
Coach : Tim Hart Res. Coach: Hartley Stone
Coach : Andrew Smith Res. Coach : Pat Mackey
1 M. Blood (C) 2 M. Bourke 3 L . Hanneber ry 4 D . Landrigan (VC) 5 A. Heil 6 A. Keyhoe 7 S. Lethlean 8 M. Holmes 9 G . Hatfield
1 A . Gray 1 A . Capes 2 J. Hardwick 2 S . Gray 3 A . Brebner 4 V. Comito (VC) 5 Joe Mount
1 N . Hart 1 . A. Callery 2 J . Dynan 3 D . Curt is 4 W. Keighran 5 M . Dollman (C) 6 D . Ciavol a 7 B . Kennedy 8 B . Dollman
1 D. Slimmo n 2 J . Staritsk i 3 J . Sturrock
10 C . Kelly
11 Adam Jones 12 J . Bowen (VC) 13 L . Gladman 14 D . Stoney 15 J . Taylor 16 L . Ford 17 D. Richardson (VC)
18 S. Hunter 19 D . Stean 20 M. Hardman 21 T. Ockleshaw 22 A. Bourke 23 B. Berry 24 B. Coughlan
25 P. Lechte 26 S. Tucker 27 L . Fay 29 S. Wood 30 D . Dann 31 L . Tuddenham 32 A. Brushfteld 33 A. Sassi 34 B. Healy 35 S. Hede 36 P. Barrett 37 J . Hawkins 38 T. James 39 N. Ocklesha w 40 R . Ryan 41 A. Dillon 42 T. Fleming 43 T. Woodruff 47 J . Kay 48 R. Hall 49 R. Dillon 50 J . Drake 51 D. Walsh
52 S. Connellan 53 M . Diamond 54 R. Jones 55 P. Salter 56 A. Belli 57 R. Ralph 58 M . Fennessy 66 P. Panagiotopoulos
6 C . Wood 7 S . Parrett
8 L . Vassallo 9 J. Kennedy 10 N . Mitchell (UC) 10 G. Matthews 11 P. Capes 12 B. Hogan 13 S. McKeon 14 A . Thomas 15 T. Wilkinson 16 Andrew Merrin to n 16 P. ~reeman 17 B. Swann 18 P. Hayes 19 L . Gollant C 20 T. Sheehan 21 B . Loughlin 22 Adam Merrington 23 G. Collins 24 G. DeMamiel M . Talbot 26 J. Gollant (VC) 26 M . Overman 27 A . Nathan 28 P. Gilmour 29 J. Overman (VC) 30 J. DeBono 31 M . Farmer 32 T. Harvey 33 R . Nutter 34 S . Daffey 35 M . Juricskay 36 C . Bond 37 A . Catterall 38 D . McAllister 39 S . Donelly 40 D . Abfalter 41 B . Overman 42 T. Paradowski 43 C . Davis 44 S . Taylor
45 M . Tankey 46 C . Byrne 47 G. Cusack 48 B. DeBono 49 S. Byrne 50 N . Lynch 51 R . Doola n 52 L . Overman
53 D . Law 54 D . Thomas 55 M . Hande 56 L . Rogers 57 P. Rogerson 58 S. Jawolsk i
9 D . Smith 10 N . Fraser
11 D . Ryan 12 M . Rizio 13 R . Bowles 14 L . Maho n 15 M . Olive (7( ) 16 B. Garvey 17 M . Terzin i 19 D . Sheehy , 20 P. O'Keefe 21 J . Sibilia 22 J . Mace y 23 S . Lowerson 24 S . Powell 25 B . Marusic 26 A. Bevac u a 27 R. Gross~C) 28 M . Farquharson 29 A. Mount 31 A. McGuiness 32 S . O'Connor 33 G . Mulcah y 34 P. Scarfo 35 A. Thomas 36 D. Kennedy 37 S . Kennedy 38 J . Bateman 39 S . Gribble 40 A. Hart 41 J . Hassett 42 J . Pangrazio 43 D. McArdle 44 D. Moylan 45 D. Weight
46 J . Fogarty 47 B . Quirk 50 S . Kuring 51 J . Darcy 52 J . Finch 54 S . Game 55 B . Callery 56 M . Pangrazio 57 S . Partsanis 58 I . Hewitt 59 N. Sweeney 61 J . Lynch 62 N. Goldsworthy 63 J . Herma n 65 T. Bare 66 A . Morgan 67 B . Dayai 68 D. Ml ai r 69 M .
70 M . McArdle 71 T. Salisbury 88 S . Young
John Allan' s Golden Fleece Hotel Sth . Melbourne ~ si~P8E~V
4 622 Mt . Alexander Rd .
Coach: Tim O Shsughrtessy Res. Coach : Michael Plant
~i s 26 nss~
BREED EN HA ll ~"'iE
4 D . Guengeric h 6 S S . Longle 9le Yy
7 D . Hayte r 8 N. Byrn e 9 S . Meade (VC ) 10 D. Mapleston e 12 B . Blood (C) 13 G . Evan s 15 M . Kordic k 16 C. STewart 17 G . de Crespigny 18 S . Alexander 20 R. Polkinghorn e 20 Z . McCarty 22 P. Sheehan 23 T. Wilco x 23 B . Furph y 24 P. Fairban k 26 C. Mile s 27 B . Fr ick e r 30 M . Coleman 33 L. Tweedl e 34 J . McKinno n 35 A . Baker 36 L. Moriso n 37 A . Lennen 39 B . Bohu n 40 B . Mille r 41 M . Keel y 42 D . Keys 43 J . McIntosh
44 R . Featherstone 45 G . McLachla n 46 T. Johnso n 47 S . Brockle y 49 D . sTrack 50 H . Nailo n 52 J . Clark e 53 R . Versteegen 55 J . Hous e 56 M . Belford 57 T. Irvin e 58 M . Wyrzykowsk i 59 L. Fehrin g 60 D . Edward s 62 N . Taylor 63 G . Kluge 65 R . Benjamin
66 S . Grac e 67 D . McAloon 68 M . Wallace
he top four appears to be taking shape with Old T Ivanhoe continuing its winning run agains t MHSOB . Old Trinity ending its form slump and North Old Boys snatching fourth place from Ormond last weekend. REVIEW Marcellin remain a game clear on top of the ladder with a convincing win against Old Paradi ans. After an even first half Marcellin broke away in the third term kicking seven goals. Marcellin captain Waters led from the front setting up m any forays forward . Spearhead Treganowan was in touch booting seven for the day an d Sampimon and Cooper both provided drive off the half-back line . For the Old Paradi ans . Harrison continued his good form with s ix goals an d Vincent . Galvin an d Stevens all contributed . Old Ivanhoe made it seven in a row last weekend with a win over NiHSOB at Chelsworth Park. Old Ivanhoe set up their win in the first quarter kicking four goals to MHSOB's one. MHSOB mounted a challenge in the third quarter but Old Iv an hoe's pocket rocket Shadbolt interv ened with two quick goals to restore their h andv lead . Donaldson. Hares and Tully were Old Ivanhoe's best players . For MHSOB, Barnett played a good game across half back . Capp was a focal point up forward kicking four goals an d onballer O'Brien worked hard around the ground .
In a thriller No rt h Old Boys held off a fast finishing Ormond to scrape over the line by the smallest possible margin at the Gillen Reserve . The game opened up in the third quarter after a tight first half. with NOB's gaining a 20 point break at three quarter time . But Ormond with fourth place up for grabs lifted and attacked continually throughout the last quarter . But their energy was not matched by their accuracy an d their 6 .8 to NOB's 4 .1 saw them fall just short. For the NOB's Barker with fi ve goals an d Mikunda with three were effective forwards and McKay and Maguire were good four quarter players. For Ormond backmen Day and Jobling played well, an d the centre line combination of James . Block and Grace were the springboard for man y Ormond attacks throughout the day . Therry Penola outlasted a fast starting Ivan hoe to get over the line by 13 points at Moomba Park last weekend. At half time. Ivanhoe appeared to have the game in their keeping with a 23 point lead but with valuable goals into the wind in the third quarter Therry m an aged to stay in touch an d give themselves a chance . Ther rv made good use of a strong breeze kicking seven goals in the last term and shut down Ivanhoe's fonvard line to take the points . Therrys better players were Castaldi . Boyle and O'Connor. Ivanhoe's better players were Timms . Angelini and Finlavson .
Old Trinity returned to the winning list with a solid win over Mazenod . Old Trinity set up the wi n with a devastating 10 goal burst in the second and Mazenod never really looked like reeling I Old Trinity's full forward Stickland enjoyed a ; ful return from injury kicking six goals and R and Lachlan Kennedy were effective play( Mazenod onballer Hanley was a consistent con Dunne worked hard in the forward line kick goals and Tucker in defence were among th players. PREVIEWS MHSOB V. MARCELLI N
A win at home is a must for MHSOB if the stay in the finals hunt this week but they me tled and confident Marcellin line-up who will to stitch up top spot and the minor pren MHSOB stuck at the task against Old Ivan week but found goals difficult to come by . Th both Capp and McIntyre firing if they are tc Marcellin's efficient forward set up . Marcellin by 10 points . OLD PARADIANS V. NORTH OLD BOYS North Old Boys escaped with the points 1z and will need to do so again to keep Ormc MHSOB at bav. If Barker and Mikunda can c on from their form of last week they should bf account for Old Paradians who rely heavily on kicking talents of Harrison .
North Old Boys by 26 points . ORMOND V THERRY PENOLA Regardless of the ladder situation the eveni week will have Ormond primed for a win . Their running players such as Turner, Grace and should provide sufficient opportunities for If wards to kick a winning score . But Therry, demonstrated last week, can score quiet Ormond won't be safe until the final siren sou Ormond by 23 points IVANHOE V. OLD TRINITY
Old Trinity are returning to full strength winning form and should go on with the job at Park. Te skills of Ramsden in the ruck feedi onballers should provide their forwards with f opportunities to kick a winning score . But Ivai their recent results show, have been competitiv and will be more than happy to ruin Old Trinit} plans if given the opportunity. Old Trinity by 24 points .
Have you thanked your club officials today? This year? Well what about now! For z all without them your club might just not exist. Go on thank your club officials tod
~~„zulod are the next side with the opportunity to 0 end old Ivan hoe's winning run . However Old loe's success to date this year appears to be based d team efforts with contributors all over th e Gt d, Mazenod are going to have to counter the and find a way past ;;,cldlelHope ruck combination if are to have a chance. y miserl ~I`i~ld Ivanhoe b y 29 points .
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L-St Saturday Justin Wallis played his 150th n,e for Marcellin . Possibly the most popular club-Wally" takes a no fear approach to his football ndhas been an admired leader and player at all lev~ of the club . Anthony McIntosh will play his 100th game today inst MHSOB . "Macca" has also been a great con;rii>utor over the years in the Seniors and reserves and iit be a big part of this years finals campaign . Michael Karavalisis will also play his 50th game (or Mareellin against MHSOB today "Kara" has found l niche in the Marcellin forward line and has not looked back since his senior debut last season . Kara Isoks set to have great career at the club . Ivanhoe - Ivanhoe Amateurs congratulates vice captain Peter Rawley who plays his 200th game oday. Rawls, alias Road Runner. joined the Hoes 11 s .asons ago and continues to give great service on and oii the field . A past captain and current committeman . Rawls plans to keep motoring at Ivanhoe Park for least a few more seasons . Everyone at Hoeland also recenth- congratulated reserves ruckman Matthew Ebbage on reaching his 150th game . Well done Cubba .
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SENIORS - 8.08 .98 3.3 9 .5 16.8 20.12.132 MARCELLIN OLD PARADIANS 3 .3 8 .4 9.4 12 .6.78 MarcelBn: Treganowan 7. Daftly 2 . Co,,, 2. Phillips 2 . Marson . Karavisilis . Dinneen. Theisz. Sanitarian. M. Boyson. Best: Waters. Tregattoiyan . M. Boysen. Cooper. Seabury. Santimon. Old Paradiens : Harrison 6. P. Brabender 2 . Banns . Brullo. O'Loughun. Holland . Best: Harrison . Vincent. Gativt . Stevens. Zappa . Tnaslove. OLD IVANHOE 4.1 7 .3 10.5 12.8.80 1.3 4 .5 6.8 10.10.70 MHSOB Old Ivanhoe: Shadbolt 3. Donaldson 2. R Weddle 2. Hares . Hope . Tiernan, Tully . J. Weddle. Best: Donaldson . Haros. Ttdly. Egan . R. Weddle. Your~ MHSOB: Capp 4. Bamert 3 . Simpson . Skinner, Johns. Best : amert. Capp. O'Brien . Cassell . Skinner. Young. NORTH OLD BOYS 2.2 6 .2 10.5 14.6.90 ORMOND 2.3 6 .4 8.9 12.17 .89 North Old Boys: Parker 5. Mikunda 3. Lyons, Curry, Maguire . McIntyre . Spurling. Jordan. Best: McKay . Mikunda. Maguve . McGrath . Sleep. Barker. Ormond: Whelan 3. Beckett 2 . B. Turner. D. Turner. D. Connell. Robbins, Litvigstone. James. Horsefield . Beet: Day. James. Jobtuig. Block . Grace. tl7tetan. THERRY PENOLA 0 .4 3.10 6.11 13.13.91 IVANIiOE 6.2 8.3 12.5 12 .6.78 Ther ry Penchi : O"Connor 7 . Crotty 2. S . Bannister. Elliott Sprutgall. L. Hollow. Best : CasL•ildl. Boyle. O'Connor. La Fonta6re. Crotty . Fmigan. Ivanhoe: Hull-Brms•n 3 . Valka,tis 3. Rawley. Angelirti. Brown . Martin. Jkwce, Best: Timms . Angeluu. FOilayson. Broimt. Tucker. Scoble . OLD TRINITY 2 .4 12.7 16.12 21 .12 .139 2 .1 4.3 9.5 15.9 .99 MAZENOD Old Trinity : Stickland 6. C . Phillips 4. L. Kennedy 3 . Rod Heath 2. Richards 2 . rlWbon . R.unsden. Glass . Pawse,: . Best : Stephers . Russell. Allibon. SOckland . Ramsden. L . Kennedv . l,tuzenod: Dunne 4. -Murray 2 . Hatilev. Fisher. Fotiniotts. Carter. McMullin. D . Murray. Meehan. Quirk . Best : Hanley . Dunne. Tucker. D. Murray. Woble. Quirk .
RESERVES - 8 .07 .98 MARCELLIN 1 .6 3.8 6.11 9.13.67 OLD PARADIANS 2 .0 2.1 3 .3 5.3.33 htarceBtn: IGoal Kickers and Best players not received ) Old Parediaas : Baird 2. Walsh. Williams . Doa•lan . Best : Ryan. M.B . Geary tYilllanis. Jenkins. Tobin . Rocchiocciolll. OLD IVANHOE 1 .5 2.6 8 .8 10.9.69 MHSOB 4 .2 9.5 10 .6 13.9.87 Old Ivanhoe: D . Craker 2. C. Corcoran 2 . Gary George 2 . J. Luk 2 . A . Kobe . D . Toll . Best : D . Craker. A. Kobe . T. Cornish. Gerry George . T. Aguehi. L. lVaddell. M}ISOB : Hayes 4 . Hunt 4. Winch 2 . McLardie. R . Newton . Preece. Best : J. Newton . Fitzsurmrons . Hunt. Feferkranz . R. Newton, A .dbrd . NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .2 7.3 7 .4 8.8 .56 ORMOND 2.1 5.3 7 .3 8.6 .54 North Old Boys : Walsh 3. Orianuk. Pawsev. Robinson. Kearney. Gravina Best: Pa«sev. Walsh. GraviN . Robinson. Curren. Murray. Ormond: Dimadamos 2 . Smith 2 . Bailey . Barton. Courtney. Stewart . Best: D . Cleary. Brennan. Stewart. Courtney. 6tackey. Egan. THERRY PENOLA 4 .3 5.7 9 .11 11 .20.86 IVANHOE 2.2 2 .2 3 .3 3 .4.22 Theory Penola: Ptnner 5. Selleck . Grocock- Griges. Hewitt, D. Godwin. S . Goodin. Best: Hitchens . Keav. Sacco. Selleek. Pinner. htll'sud, Ivanhoe: Thacklvray 3. Best : Fairweather. Thackwray . Ebbage. DiSanto . J. Scoble . Toogood.
OLD TRIN'i1'Y 2.8 7.12 11 .15 18.15.111 MAZENOD 0.0 2 .2 3.3 7 .6.48 Old Trinity : Cameron 4 . S. Beamish 3. Husdon 2 . Lauletta 2. Sealey 2 . Terrens 2. Natoli. Best : Cameron. Boyd. Torrents . Beamish . Lauletta. Best . Afezenod: Snort 2. Welch 2 . Brtdgeland . Smith . Mitchell. Best : Sherlock. Snart. Paolucctrn Bridgeland. Smith . Pollard .
36 40
29 29
B Section Umpires on Page 1 8
Live B Grade Football Broadcast from 1 .45 p.m. every Saturday V. North Old Boys 15th August Old Paradians 22nd August Marcellin OC V. Ivanho e 29th August B Section First Semi Fina l
Half Time and Full Time Score Hotline
94 5 7 171 8
B Section IVANHOE coact : oÂŤ, .' , Res. Coach : Rob Pearce 1 D . Williams 2 L . Hull-Brown 2 J . Di Santo
3 C. Tucker (C) 4 D . Valkanis 4 R . Toogood 5 P. Manuel 6 I. Taglieri-Sclocch i 7 P. Rawle y 8 S . Saunders 9 N . Thackwray 10 P. Le e 11 J. Finlayson 12 B. Finlayson 12 D . Ryan 13 S . Narkiewicz 14 P. Flyn n 15 J . O'Driscoll 16 M . Scuderi 17 K . Moussa 18 T. Scoble 19 R . Stewart 19 R . Dunca n
20 D. Sartor 21 L. Blackwood 22 R. Angelini 23 T. O'Neil l 24 P. Harris 25 J . Frisina 26 S . Fairweather 27 J . Hoffma n 28 J . Pace 29 D . Schultz 30 M . Sloan 31 D . McFarlane 32 J . Lync h 33 S . McGowan 34 B . Joyc e 35 P. Whitehead 36 M . Mouss a 37 C . Giankoulidis 38 T. Thomso n 39 M . Ebbage 40 B. Fre w 41 C . McDonald 42 T. Timms 44 P. Martin 45 J . Raywood 46 T. Healy
47 E . Marino 48 B . White 49 A . Rosenfeld 50 D . Jack a 51 B . Giles 52 S. Doherty 53 M . Chazan 55 L. Pearce 56 FE Raffoul 57 D . Allaide 58 D .Rattray-Wood 59 M . Fahou r 60 E. Krischker 64 C. Jackson 66 FA Raffoul 68 J . Owen 69 J . Mazzocca 73 P. Merory 78 C . Brown
MARCELLIN Coach: Tar ry Pa Msch Res. Coach: Dave Howe 1 C. Slattery 2 M . Karavisils 3 D . Waters (C) 3 J . Gold s
4 M . Gil l 5 M . Moran 5 D . McNei l 6 D . Sampimon 7 M . Rowe 7 J . Lilley 8 R . Frisina 9 M . Day 11 D . Taylor 12 B . Cronin 13 T. Collins 14 A. Domingo 15 N . Godwin 15 L. Bettiol 16 J . Walli s 17 G. Cox 18 A . Caffry 19 D . Cooper 20 S . O'flynn 21 C . Mason 22 D . Marson 23 P. Chambers 24 M . Randazzo 25 M . Stokes 26 M . Boysen 27 S . Theisz 28 A. Mayfield 29 S . Beatti e 30 A . Treganowan 31 S . Boyse n 32 R . Colussi 33 J . Phillips 34 D. Harberts 35 N . Armstrong 36 P. Healy 37 A . O'Connell 39 D . Dodoricio 40 J . Dem a 41 J . Seabury 42 B . Dinneen 43 C . Purcell 43 J. Tsoukas 44 D . Merton 45 M . Vanlint 46 L.O'Flynn 47 G . Carpenter 48 A . Wilkinson 49 L . Getson 50 D . Ciro
51 B. Colville 53 M . O'Sulliva n 57 B . Day
MAZEN OD M .H .S .O.B . Coach: Rob Prosser Coach : Warrant Fan Reserve: Terry Co#ins Res. Coach : Cofn Drake 1 P. Robinson 1 J . Bamert 2 J . Ballenger 2 A. Howard 2 M . Peters 2 J . Wilso n 3 W. McLean 3 D. Woodley 4 A . Hanley 3 J . Goldi n 5 W.Occhwto 4 M . Kin g 6 N . Marmo 4 D . Fleming 6 A. Smyth 5 C . Youn g 7 S. Morgan 6 S . Grimmer 8 D . Carter 6 G . Theobald 9 M . Murray (VC) 7 J . Pertzel (C) 10 M . O'Hara 7 A . Barge 11 T Smith 8 J . Gerne r 12 S . Nobl e 9 D . Fairchild (C) 12 P. McCusker 9 D . Comer 13 T. Bridgland 10 D . Skinner 14 G . Youn g 10 M . Clowes 15 D . Horban 11 J . Winch 16 D. Healy 11 I . Birkett 17 A . Mercer 12 S . McCully 17 N . Meeha n 12 M . Feferkranz 18 D .O'Donaghue 13 A . Preece 19 S. McMulli n 14 M . Waycott 20 C . Murray 15 J . Schipper 21 S . Polan 15 B . Ansell 22 D. Sherlock 16 A . Clarke 23 A . Tucker 17 P. O'Brien 24 D . Nisbe t 18 B . Axford 24 M . De Palma 20 R . Barle tt 25 A. King 21 A. Cap p 26 J. Dunne 21 G . Mclardie 27 D . Krom 22 A . Lindsay 28 N . Li tt le 22 M . Zag hloul 29 R. Sharp 23 R . Williams 30 S . Fisher (C) 24 S . Harries 31 N . Sna r t 24 G . Wilson 32 S. Paolucci 25 S. Albon 32 P. Fotiniotis 26 S . Harrison 33 A. Quinn 27 P. Hun t 34 M . Pollard 28 B . Betheras 35 J . Fisher 28 T. Lawrence 36 M . Thek 29 P. Albergo 37 G. Trigg 29 C . Drake 38 G. Mitchell 30 R . Newton 39 B . Vincent 31 N . Fahey 40 J . Le Grand 32 A. Cassell 41 B. Welch 32 M . Konstanty 42 B. Clifford 33 A . Saultry 43 C. Wylie 34 E . Thompson 44 M . Mastromanno 35 R . Limbrick 44 D . Boll e 36 M . Fitzsimon 45 M . Ryan 37 R . McIntyre 46 D . Spreckley 38 C . Millar 47 P. E p a n 38 D . Waterhouse 48 A. 0 Neale 39 R . Clowe s 49 L. Halvy 40 W. Hayes 50 C. Vinen t 41 B . Cookman 51 D . Murphy 42 P. Spottiswood 52 M . Quirk 43 M . Hallida y 53 S. O'Sullivan 44 B. Archdall 55 M . Quir k 45 D . Senn 56 M. Welch 46 R . Peters 57 S . Yacoub 46 A . Holland 58 J . Moran 47 G . Best 58 A . Roger s 48 M . Sharpies 60 M . Le Couteur 49 D . Harvey 61 M . Daivs 52 B. McGrath 62 A. McDowell 53 J . Newton 66 D . Johnson 61 M . Pretty 67 S . Dresser 64 I . Gillespi e 69 B . Harper 70 G . Bye 71 D . Huggin s a .SPL' Vnoc
NTH OLD Bi Coach: Frank Dimia Re& Coach: Darren Ca 1 C. McKay 2 M . Dru m 3 S . Mannass 4 S . Sleep 5 B . Devin e 6 M . Robinsor 7 P. Booth (V( 8 B . Collison { 9 L . Curry 10 S. McGrath 11 J . Quilty 12 S . Lock 13 M . Lyons 14 S . Cheshire 15 P. Kearney 16 K. Lo w
17 M . Maguire 18 C . Murray 19 B . Jordan 20 M . Gravina 21 J. Curren 22 M . Connelly 23 P. O'Dwyer 24 J . Barker 25 P. Christian 26 J . Roberts 27 S . Wals h 28 D . O'Farrell 29 D . Boyer 30 M . Leigh 31 L . Boyle (C) 32 J . Lowrie 33 M . Orianuk 34 O. Abrahams 35 L . Curre n 36 D . Tonkin 37 S. Mikunda 38 D . Nihil 39 D. Hill 40 D . Taylor 41 G . Burns 42 S . Reinmann 43 M . Fennelly 44 T. Spurting 45 B . Pawsey 46 I . Tale b 47 S . Vavallo 48 M . Anderson 52 T. Jamieson 53 D . Nihil l 54 A. Trimboli 55 D. Timms 56 R. Pavlov 57 B . Allman 58 P. Fis h 59 J . Bugela 60 S . Preston 61 B . Pentland 62 A . McHaig McKechnie 63 R . Gal e 69 J. Joyce 70 J. Presti 77 S . Trento n
)YS1 dy
section OLD IVANHO E tih 5r~attGl3scott C~dL Dirk Jones A Corcoran A .Pappos y . Johnston A Parker (C) D . Toll T Young J. Turner S. Kent J. Luk L . Lochran g T Steven s g M . Karayannis 0 M . Veal 11 S . Tully ? A . Egan 1 3 D. Spiden ~ N . Russian : S . Kingston ; 5 G. Douglas {6, M. Woods ' 17 P. Northey .3 J. Hop e 1 9 A. Barker M. Powe r ; J. Mansfield 22 P. Donaldson 22 T. Phali n 23 M . Stewart 24 G . Haros (VC) 25 C. Moore 25 J. Maycock 26 D. Craker 27 J . Weddle 27 D. Kennelly 28 A . Jenkin s 29 R . Weddle (VC) 30 E . Brophy 31 A . Atkinson 32 N . Harris 33 T. Cormack 34 A . Tiernan 34 M . Pollock 35 L. McLean 36 M. Tsirmiris 37 R . Weisz 37 D . Stott 38 A. Kob e 38 Gerry George 39 Gary George 40 P. Martin 41 L . Taylor 42 T. Cornish 43 A. Randall 44 T. Agushi 45 D. Veal 47 J . Wei r
48 G . Mclsaac 50 C. Corcoran 51 B . Shadbolt 52 P. Golding 53 T. Robinson 54 J . Arnold 56 L. Waddell 58 A . Sullivan 59 B . Elsworth 60 D . Hackney 62 N . Cox 66 C . King 69 D . Super 70 A . Weisz
Regency Pharmacy Zitech Compute r Peripherals Travellers Appa rel
Coach : Paul Fahey Res. Coach: Tony Regan
Coach: Bwkvd Dunn Res. Coach : PH Robison
1 S . Vincent 2 P. O'Loughlin 4 S. Phil p
1 S . Kennedy (VC) 2 G . Hudso n 3 A. Allibo n 4 J . Arrowsmith 6 R. Heath 7 D. Balaszy (VC) 8 S . Dalrymple 9 A . Andrews
5 MP. Geary 6 B. Pannam 7 P. Cosgriff 8 P. Zappa 9 P. Harris 10 P. Brabender (C) 11 A. Burn s 12 S . Wallis 13 D . Stevens 14 B . Brabender 15 A . Vecchio 16 M . Godfrey 17 B . Hart 19 A . Brullo 20 J . Willits 21 B . Clayton 22 A . Dianati 23 P. Walsh 24 D . Digney 26 M .B. Geary 27 K . Jenkins 28 J . Holland 29 S . Dowlan 30 T. Mullligan 31 L . Galvin 32 P. Digney 33 M . Harrison 35 M . Gale 37 L . Rocchiccioli 38 F. Papaluca 39 P. Rei d 40 J . Holland 41 G . Porteous 41 M . Szewczuk 42 T. Clayton 43 P. Healy
44 P. Joyce 45 T. McMahon 46 B . Flyn n 47 N . Ball 48 M . Joyce 48 S . Young
49 M . Hildebrand 50 M . Williams 52 A . Villant i 54 S . Signorini 56 M . Ryan 57 S. Moore 59 L . Sinclair 72 D . Truslove
FINER FORK SERVICES Whitehall St., Yarraville Ph : 9687 8722
10 M . Shaughnessy 11 A . Richard s
12 T. Peggie 13 J . Cade 14 J. Stickland 15 T. Stephens 16 C . Bar r 17 D . Burrows 18 D . Vargo 19 A . Sheehan 20 C . Phillips 21 L . Kennedy 22 D . Beardsley 23 A. Ramsden (VC) 24 T. Morpet h 25 F. Cameron 26 D . Robinson 27 L . Clarke 28 C . Butle r 29 A. Sealy 30 L. Taylor 31 S . Bladeni 32 D . Glass 33 D . Heighton 34 L. Bennie 35 M . Pawsey 36 J . Sutcliffe 37 S . Medli n
38 R. Phillips (C) 39 P. Johnson 40 S . Beamish 41 S . Lauletta 42 M . Thornton 43 J . Bee t 44 B . Power 45 N . Kin g 46 M . Beamish 47 P. Beet 48 C . Smith 49 K . Tsonis 50 J. Adgemis 51 M . Boyd 52 L . Seaburgh 53 S. Torrens 54 A. Grisbrook 55 J . Levy 56 P. Chido 57 B. Alford 58 W. Somerville 59 E . Best 60 A. Chiodo 61 R . Sella 62 S . Wyke 63 J . Mero 64 J . Pickett 65 J . Hannemann 66 A. Lode
ORMOND Coach : Stephen Grace Ras. Coach : Tan Hille 1 A. Jobling 2 C . Symes 3 A. Or r
4 A. Grace 5 B . Turne r 6 T. Gallagher 7 B . Connell (C) 8 M . Gilmore 9 R. Woodland 10 P. Marnow 11 D . Edgel l 12 N . Werner 13 D . Turner 14 S . James 15 D . Connell 16 T. Stewart 17 P. Jo y
18 W. Block 19 D . Cleary 20 M . McConvill (VC) 21 J . Brown 22 R . Block 23 P. McDonald 24 J . Collins 25 D . Beckett 26 H . Brown 27 T. Brennan 28 B. Collins 29 D . Whelan 30 N . Well s 31 B. Egan 32 T. Fimmel l 33 L. Livingstone 34 R . Remman 35 G . Bailey 36 S . Mackey 37 G . King 38 Paul Milner 39 J . Byro n 40 Y. Dimadamos 41 D. Billin g 42 C. Keleher 43 T. Percoco 44 M . Mabbett 45 D . Barton 46 C. Cleary 47 R . Keating 48 G . Smith 49 M . Horsfield 50 C . Day 52 N . Courtney 53 G. Hammond 54 S . Herrmann 56 M . Farrel l 57 S . Haines 58 M . Collins 59 P. Konstanty 60 P. Ahearn 61 B. Keat h
THERRY PENOLA Coach: Terry Ouix Ras . Coach: Chris Bye 1 M . Petrevsk i
1 I . Van Engelen 2 M . Finnigan 3 S . Bannister 4 M . Elliot 5 S . Sacco 6 J . Vaina 7 A. Moloney 8 L . Hollow 9 M . Grocock 10 R . Egglestone 10 R . Bannister 11 J . Hutchinson 12 R . Moran 12 B . Crockford 13 J . Thrush 14 M . Hewitt 15 G . Pinner 16 M . Goodwin (VC) 17 G . O'Conno r 17 R . Lyons 18 B . Carter 19 L . Kloster 20 J . Clarke 21 D . O'Neill 22 S . Griggs 23 C . Bye 24 S . Kuret 24 M . Juric 25 M . Postma 26 G . Carbis 27 B. Stephens 28 D . Barron 29 S. Goodwin 30 M . Tadanic 31 S . Hollow 32 J . Sacco 33 N . La Fontaine 34 T. Morri s 35 S . O'Halloran 36 D . Boyl e 37 D . Castaldi (C) 39 S . Boyle 40 P. Garoni 41 M . Crotty 42 M . Gauci 42 E . Mifsud 43 M . Warren 45 T. Denman 46 B . Phillips 47 D . Goodwi n
GOODYEAR A uto Servia- Cer be 37 Carif ( Di.a Tilarreie 3713 Phone: (03) 9335 1876
C SECTION b y Russell Goul d
F ur fairly one-sided games and an absolute thriller i n the pen-ultimate round of 'C' Section footy fo r season '98 . Guess where I was ! Standing on the fence at Mentone. along with at least five hundred other people watching said thriller. Review - Round 17 .
We'll start with the close one, and in front of a huge home crowd, the St . Bedes Mentone Tigers were unable to keep their unbeaten home ground record in tact, going down to competition leaders Beaumaris by just 2 points . In a match of contrasting halves, the Tigers were unable to defend a 29 point half time lead, eventually succumbing to the most potent offence in the competition . The Tigers made all the running in the first two quarters . Their mid-field was dominant . and up forward the Tigers had Macgeorge and Ryder doing lots of damage . The Sharks were in it, but inaccurate kicking (5 .11) in the first half gave the Tigers the edge . After a half time ask from their coach though, the Sharks got things going in the third term . The ever strong Tigers backline was besieged by Sharks players, and with so much coming forward, they were bound to score . They put on 4 .7 to the Tigers 1 .2, Nicholson elusive for the Sharks, and at the final change were within 5 points . It must be said that the Tigers mistakes in the third had cost them dearly . and without the momentum and only 17 men on field, had the job in front of them in the final term . And it proved a task too hard . The Sharks kept going in the final term, and booted the first three goals to scoot out to a 15 point lead . Then a stalemate for the next few minutes, before the Tigers through Napier and then a great sequence of play that finished with a Macgeorge goal got the Tigers to within two points. Weariness then set in . and packs started to form. With little time left the Tigers made one final foray forward. but it was to no avail, and the siren blew with the Sharks the better by 2 points . Old Geelong made one last dying effort to improve their percentage and increase the importance of their last game . routing Thomastwon by 93 points in their biggest win of the year to date . After a topsy turvy first term, the Oggers kicking the first five goals before the Bears responded and actaullay had a 4 point lead at the first change . the rest of the game was one way traffic . The Oggers booted 7 goals to one in the second term . and increased their lead to 66 points at 3/4 time, and then eventually to 93 points to make Thomastown's second last match in 'C' section, well for this year and next anyway. a less than memorable one.
In a game highlighted by some very accurate goal kicking, Old Mentonians recovered from a slow start to eventually run out 69 point winners over Banyule . The first tei netic, and 13 goals straight were kicked . Un for the Panthers, Banyule kicked eight of were up by 18 points at the break . More ace ing in the next, but someone screwed up ar point about halfivay through the term, in Panthers fought back and tied things up < More quality play in the next from both tean Bears were holding their own, but the Pan starting to go a bit better, and grabbed a 7 going into the final term. But it was then turned. The Panthers kicked 10 .5 to tbehindsoar mnced t percenatge, 'like a training drill', w muttered,and they ran out easy winners Hampton Rovers finally got back on I f list, and moved back into third spot with a cc but expected 69 point win over la: BulleenJTemplestowe. In a tight and hard f half, the Rovers, looking to go into the finals sort of form managed to have the advar missed opportunities limited it to just 3 goal : ond half though was all Hampton . They pi goals to Bulleen's four, and although Stephen may be lost due to leather poisoning, the R were smiling, victors for the first time in fou r St. Leos made it another win, this week St,Kilda South Caulfield by 45 points. T made the early running, and coming off a b : week before found themselves up by 17 pou first break . The Two Blues though fired in t] and put on seven goals to one to take a gooc lead into the main break . The Saints then turn with the breeze, but were unable to peg Two Blues, and were still down by 7 points 1 the final term . The two Blues then booted 9 gc last term to run out convincing 45 point winr Preview - Round 1 8 Attention this week again focuses Mentone this time a little further south . We I Keysborough where now, after three season, call them traditional rivals Old Menton h St,Bedes Mentone Tigers . The Tigers have better of these duels in the recent past . After the first clash at the start of '96, the Panth
Have you thanked your club officials 'today? This par? Well uu'fhai, a bou t now . For all without them your club might just not exist. Go on thank your club officials toi
convin r, m was : fortuna: them, ~ urate k! d kickc_ which t the I : is, and i thers r, point Ir the ma r Bear, cost tIr as bei r
e winnr rnfortal ;. ,t plac )ughtfr with sat tage, b. . The & led on I Ander. _ overs sr . rounds defeatir, ie Saini g win L its at th ie secor 23 pou, had the back tlr oing ink als in the ers .
1,1 ciefeat the Tigers. The games are always highly ,, , ,,, ;ng, and this one should be no different . It ;1~ though both teams will be in the fmals, an d even play each other . Both teams are in good th panthers are coming off a win though, the vzill need to bounce back from a sapping game Beauy. But the Tigers will be looking to win . ;kipper needs just three goals for his second suce 100 goal season. and a psychological advantage lie fmals will be sought . I'm going for what some deem an upset, but I think the Tigers will get u p [ will make special mention of the matches that ou r relegation bound clubs have a real chance of winin their last attack in this section Thomastown ;, ya a home match . against St .Kilda South Caulfield ~cho have little to play for . The Bears are full of pride , td I think they will win this one . Also Bull eenlTemplestowe, not long for 'C' have a home match . and a local derby of sorts as they host ganyule. The Bears threatened to shape the four, but uIde came of that, The Bultants are a club used to suc<<ss and so will find the relegation pill . their second in j1c last three years a hard one to swallow. I'm going to oick them, for surely some pride will be sought, and a ;aod season ending note. The Oggers need to win by around 200 points or so, Ard that is only if the Tigers don't score. if they are to make the finals . Unfortunatley for them they are playing Beaumaris. at the Sharks ground . so the likely hood of that is pretty much nonexistant . They may put in a good showing. but I still don't think they will win this one. And finally, I'm going for another upset . I think St . Leos, who are a very proud club and have been playing like it recently will defeat Hampton Rovers who have shown little to impress as the finals approach. They have failed against the top sides, and their only win was ,i ;ainst the bottom side . The Two Blues to end good v.ith a win.
L St .Bedes Mentone Tigers - congratulations to Adam Thompson who plays his 100th game for the club . Adam was the 1995 'C' Section and club best and fairest, and also, he tells me the youngest captain in the history of the Mentone Football Club and an all round nice guy . Also to his friend and the much travelled Tony Giaquinta who notches up game 150 for the club . Another product of the Mentone club 'Gia' has proved an important cog in the Tigers machine this year and we all wish him the best . Old Mentonians - congratulations to Tony Bou rnon who today plays his 200th game for the club . Dual B&F winner. VAFA representative and one of only 3 players to kick over 300 goals for the club . "TB" is a naturally talented player who has given extraordinary service to the club . Well done on becoming only the I l th player to join the "200 Club". St . Leos Emmaus - congratulations to Anthony McKenzie on reaching 100 games last week . Macca a naturally gifted, former U 19 champion is set to become a great club stalwart after returning from Sydney 2 years ago . Also congratulations to Jarren Niel on reaching 50 games today . Well done Jarren .
C ST. LEOS EMMAUS v. HAMPTON ROVERS Field : Daniel Halliwell Chris Stevens Boundary : Becky Griffiths Goal : Skip Shipley Grant Beard BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE v . BANYULE Field : Neil McCorquodale Simon Olive OLD MENTONIANS v. ST. BEDES ME NTONE TIGERS Field: Jamie Kvins (R) Andrew Chapman (R) BEAUMARIS v . OLD GEELONG Field : Gene Hodgins Dirk Kramer Boundary : Jason Handfield Goal : Peter Wallis Andrew Long THOMASTOWN v. ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD Field : Shaun Rolls Graeme Huniche n
ROUND 19 1st Semi-fina l
SENIORS - SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd SANDRINGHAM - 2 p .m . RESERVES - SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd SANDRINGHAM - 11 .30 a .m . *VAFA Administration may make changes to venues once participating teams become known - for the latest ring 1900 130 300 afte r 5.45 p .m . Saturday evening . C Section Results on Page 2 0
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after iay.
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C Section BANYULE Coach: John Sirnipson Res Coach: Stephen Gray 1 B Klunear 2 D Witchell 3 L Holt 4 M Gilbert 5 B Wilmore 6 P Williams 7 G Donaldson 8 R Williams 9 J Plan t 10 J Fortune 11 J McDermott 12 J Egan 13 M O'Brien 14 S Kayrooz 15 S Gray 16 D Mayne 17 L O'Connell 18 J Turnbull 19 A Thompson 20 S Playfair 21 R Dintinosante 22 J Gilham 23 M Gray 24 A Plant 25 C Williams 26 H McDermott 27 S Yi n 28 T Goury 29 G Sutterby 30 D Taylor 31 C Bassett 32 T Wason 33 D Glass 34 C Stevens 35 B Anderson 36 D Tyle r 37 M Jesse 38 G Riches 39 M George 40 P Witchell 41 B Grindal 42 T Egan 43 L Ferrall 44 M Anderson 45 R Cullen 46 P Agostinelli 47 B Parkes 48 W Gibson 49 K Convey 50 B Debont 51 A Hopgoo d
52 D Noonan 53 M Ashto n 54 B Dintinosante 55 D Williams 56 B Woodlock 57 T Bento n 58 S Hartwick 59 B Wilson 60 B Gillard 61 J Charles 62 A Camilleri 63 M Hare 64 C Dodd 65 A Mason 66 N Cargan 67 M Keegan 72 L Sheean 73 A Rossimel 75 J McIntyre 76 M Lewis 77 M Whelan 78 R Smith
BEAUMARIS Coach: Brett Merchant Res Coach : Scott Mothers 1 N . McLean
2 S . Nish 3 M . Pitt s 4 M . Devine 5 M. Ensor 6 A. Qui n 7 P. Fisher 8 M . O'Brien 8 J . Whitla 9 B . Nicholson 9 A . McFarlane 10 J . Wadham 11 S. Blackie 12 R . Thatcher 13 B. Vaughan 14 S . Mclver 15 M . Hoyne 15 L. Stevens 16 M . Qui n 16 J . Butterfield 17 L . Marsh 18 T. Cotter 19 P. Thomas 20 A. Faraguna 20 M . Mello n 21 P. Sherman (VC) 21 T. Kendall 22 J . Holt 22 C. Hewlett 23 A . Catlin 24 Q. Groves 24 B. Gray 25 J . Mahmoud 26 W. Mills 27 S . Fraser 27 D . Johnston 28 J . Vance 28 J. McKenzie 29 C . Martin 29 S. Taylor 30 A. Easton 30 R. Corfield 31 P. Ott 32 S . Mitchell 33 G . Jury 34 A . Harrison 35 B . Ferguson 36 S. Hanrahan (C) 37 B. Hayne s 40 D . Teesdale 41 A. Blackie 42 D. Maypiece 43 S . Healey 44 S . Closter 45 P. Thomas
50 B . Ward 51 D . Shewrake 59 A. Rowbury
BULLEENTEMPLESTOW E Coach:* Darren Birch Res Coach: David Hooper 1 J . Prior
2 3 4 5 8
S . Driver P. Graham W. Thompson C . Parri s N . Bone
9 L . Stott 10 P. George 12 A . Parris 13 D . Tulloch 14 D . Cooper 15 D . Bone 16 S . Smith 18 J . Cat t 19 P. Nigro 20 M .Jones 20 B . Wolnizer 21 D . Hartin 21 D . Hooper 23 D . Matthews 29 P. Bon e 30 M . Agrotis 31 C. Darby 31 A . Shine 32 R . Williams 33 G . Pemberto n 34 S. Lambropoulos 36 P. Hare 37 S . Boyd 37 L. Thompson 38 S . Jame s 39 T. Driver 41 L . Cessario 43 C . Papadopoulos 44 J . Rozaniti s 47 C. Morihovitis 48 R . Lambert 49 M . Bellato 50 D . Glover 56 M . Tuom y 59 D . McNamar a
OLD GEEL( coach : Ma k Neek1 Res Coach : Russell B arnes Coach: Bernie 01i Res Coach: DaM Rogerson 1 M Neel d 1 B. Hoare 2 M Edmonds 1 C . McGregor 3 D Welsby 6 2 M . McKellar (C) 4 T Dugdale 2 T. Smit h 4 C Stinchcom 3 B . Artz 5 A Howells 3 S . McDonald 5 A Robson 4 S . Anderson (VC ) 6 B Mithen 4 A . Hunter 6 T Poole 5 B . Martyn 7 A Darcy 5 P. Buckley 7 S Wilson 6 A . Natoli 8 T Seymour 6 A. Perry 9 J Wilson (V( 7 David Anderson 10 T Wiffe n 7 W. Armou r 10 M . Oliphant 8 Drew Anderson 11 R Lile y 8 E . Crabtre e 12 N Power 9 J . Day 13 H . McInnes 9 S . Morgan 13 P Hermann 10 C . Ferguson 14 J Power 10 M . Luxmoore 15 S Edge 11 A Browne 15 T O'Brien 11 R . Grei g 16 S . Edg e 12 S . Wills 12 J . How 17 M Wilson 13 T. Wilmott 18 N McKellar 13 C. Amoore 19 A Salter (VC 14 D . Hobson 20 G Coldwell 14 D . Marshall 21 G Harper 15 S. Blick 22 J Taylo r 15 M . Dunball 23 H Davis 16 J . Ferguson 24 M Vickers-W 16 B . Armstrong 25 0 Thompson 17 D. Artz 26 P. Handbury 17 S . Williso n 27 W Paul 18 D . McConville 28 A Farrer 18 C . Thomas 29 A Mithen 19 B . Hol t 32 G Wilkinson 19 A . Hullic k 33 M Wilkinson 20 A. Power 34 J Pau l 20 G . Haggart 35 C Oliver 21 S . Parkinson 36 T Brain 22 R. Dunball 37 J Cook 22 R . VanDooren 38 M Povey 23 S . Hellige r 39 H . Gretton-We 23 T. Lync h 40 S Bones 24 C . Scarlett (VC) 40 R . Rice 24 M . Youn g 41 N . Gatenby 25 M . Davey 42 P Liascos 25 A. Guthrie 43 M . Heine 26 M . Lake 27 W . Benton 44 E Spiden 45 P. Luscombe 28 L. Tota 48 E Smithers 29 R . Hunt 30 P. Cotter 49 A . Reuss 31 R . Grimmer 50 J . Landy 31 C . Perry 50 W. Strachan 36 C. Van Den 51 J . Gross Dunge n 51 J . Lee 44 B . Johnstone 52 M . Davison 45 A . McGregor 53 G . McGregor
INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD . Suite 2,41 B Bluff Rd Black Rock . 3193 Ph : 9589 6444
INDUSTCLEAN AUST. PIL 26 Govan Street, Seaford, 3198 Ph : 9782 4300
54 J . Anderson 55 S Furphy 56 B. Collins
57 A. Richardson 59 C Walker 60 D. O'Brien 61 R Oliphant 66 B . O'Halloran MARSHALL WHI
F 5 cea n. ~rat sr~rn t A Acreman
Coach : Ted Turner Coach: Terry Walsh Res Coach: Brad Barry Res Coach : Rob E~Ott
ST LEOS EMMAUS Tti4MASTOWP I WATTLE PARK ~~+~~ Res Coach: Wayne cooper Coach: HarrYHarisioci Res Coach:
1 V Ca Peci 2 B Byro n
C Lean 1 D Dinicolantonio 3 P McCallu m 1 M Kinsella 1 M . Ryan B . M u rphy 2 J OiMear a 2 S Zakic 2 N . Astapenko e G` Stroud (VC) 3 J Sebire 3 S . Heincke 3 E Mitchell 4 L5 Salles J Bubis 5 C Wallace 4 A Auliso 4 A L'Huillier 4 N . Hasell 6 Pellegrino 6 D Paterson 5 D Kenny 5 S Napier 5 G . Knobel S Plant 7 G Ferguson 6 A Hughan 6 A Ryan 6 J . Bryce 8 A Fellows (C) e MacQuire Graham 7 J Shannon 7 M . OiKeefe 7 V Ryan g A Genti s o & p J N G Prid 8 J Fennell 8 B Beasley 8 G . Baker 10 C Diana . Solley 9 G Marinic 9 A. Ladd 9 A Bethune 11 L Alberti . Wilson 10 B Mitchell 12 Z . Fleming i1 D 12 C Dwyer 10 C Ross 10 D Carey 13 G Scar pa t3 R Large 11 M Hecker 11 C . Neeson 1112B T McCan n 12 D Falkingham d 12 B . Kin g 1413 A 14 M13 David Finnis A Devlin War a Goodchild 13 S . Neeso n 15 L DelPap 15 C Davis 16 D Nock 14 E Ryder 14 M . Weilgosz 14 J Manton 16 B Colosimo . Goodchild 15 M . Broad 15 A OiReily 17 D. Gorski i7 L Richardson 15 D 18 T Bournon 16 W Earle 16 A Ros e 18 L. Smith 16 P Rogers 17 R Parke r 17 A Macgeorge (C) 17 A Tsirogiannis 19 P. Ristevsk i 19 D . Kitto 18 T Batty 18 A Giaquinta 20 L Alabakis 18 S Vamvakis 19 A .Major 20 S Mullin 19 B Tomlinso n 21 S Kitto 20 T Lamb 19 J Thursfield 20 A Gill 21 E Lentini 22 P Harrington 21 W Furlong 20 A Diamond 21 G Simmondson 23 R Dimaggio 24 B Smith 21 A . Cranston 23 N Moodie 22 J . Hona n 22 A Burgess 24 C. Twentyman 23 T Peck 22 B . Agostino 23 S Nankervis 25 R Kennedy 25 J Winduss 24 T Beasley A Delta Lana 24 C Kenny 26 C McNeil 27 M Rei d 26 G Dart 25 S Booth y 24 B Muscali 25 A McKenzie 27 Katris . BondG 26 S Hecker 25 P Dynon Marabito 26 B Devlin 29 K Harling 28 M A Carter 27 A Wilce 26 S Wood 27 P Bowden 30 B . Leavold 29 30 M Brooks (VC) 28 C Williams 27 R Gilmore 28 S . McLaughlin 31 S Oeh m . Martin 28 D . Agostino 29 S Darcy 32 P Colosimo 31 MAppel Elliot 30 29 M C Turner 29 D Dunlevie 30 M . Ottobre 33 E Ri 32 P o 33 G New 31 M Mifsud 30 G Brown 31 M Contessotto 34 J Buzzini 34 P Flaskis 32 J Dickinson 31 M Cunningham 32 R . Marr 36 J Theodorou 35 Darren Murphy 33 A Walsh 32 M DiZilva 33 L Thomas 37 D Dimovski 34 B Henricus 34 D Kinsella 33 N Cole 38 G Scott 36) P Russo 35 R Bilos 34 T Piesnell 35 J Briggs 39 D Palai a . Pope 36 S Bavage 40 G Sinclair 37 M Sichlau 36 A Gangi 35 R 38 D Millis 37 M Connolly 36 M . Lewin 37 S Manton 41 D Brooks (VC) 37 S Patterson 38 J Smith 42 0 Ese n 39 T Riley 38 A Hayes 40 W Jones 39 D Edwards 38 R . Minnie 39 BL Vaughan 45 A Insitari 41 S Cozens 40 C Johnston 39 P Slifka 40 J Ga y 47 D Plowright 4140 D Serofin D . Broadhurst 48n J Gallimore 42 C h Rushwort 41 D Cashe 43 M Lawes 42 A Thompson 41 D . Raczkowski 42 P OiHallora n . Napier 43 G Chalmer s 42 NDinocolantoni . Dymond 44 Clothier 49 J Pougias o 50 J Dowlgeris 46 J B Norman 44 F 44 J Recupero 51 E Valentin o 43 C Kallis 45 M Spalding 43 D 45 S Ronchi 45 R Gould 44 S Diamond 52 A. Robertso n 46 C Smith 46 0 Lalor 47 J Konicanin 47 A. Cousins 45 B Derham 47 R McCann 54 P. Stewart 48 J Whitford 48 M Kinna 46 A Staford 48 A Pinhorn 55 P. Valeri 56 J. Bubis 47 S. Meehan 49 S Anderson 49 D Cox 49 L McGregor . Gill 50 L . Newey 57 C L'Aurora 50 G Richards 51 A M Perry Bennett S Kidd 49 48M A Benton 51 T Ludlow 58 C . Perito 52 51 50 S Boczar 60 L Bile s 50 F. Buckley 52 J Niel 53 A McShane 61 G Skaff 53 M Stroud 51 A . OiBrien 53 T Pecor a 54 M McCraw 664 54 D Goodbody 55 L . McHugh 52 C . Kerr 54 J Graves R 5 S Holmes 55 W Ballantine 53 R . Cunningham 55 D Barlow 56 D Marshall 66 D Pougios 56 58MDLeone Coventry 57 M Lomagno 54 P. Tsagloitis 56 J . Hollandsjo 67 N Grech 57 P Watso 62 58n M Zakic 55 L McGaw 57 L . Collins 69 R Pandolfo 56 B . Burke 58 P. Levin s 59 H Dwyer 76 C . Chapkou n Daniel Murphy 57 M . Ralph 59 S . Clohesy 61 S Waters 64 M Austin Thomastown Sponsors : 58 G . Egan 60 S Buckle 66 A Turner 67 H Hannsen 61 A . Whitburn 67 D Furlong 59 P. Clements THOMASTOWN MOVIELAN D 68 G . Vardy 62 J Vaughan 68 M Uberti 60 T. Cannard MANGIN BROTHERS 64 J Cronin 69 P Tesoriero 61 M Tkocz TRANSPORT 66 P. Konig ST BEDES MENTORS TIGERS 62 B . Redden Phillips Nicholson LALOR SPORTS POWE R 69 P McCormack tM MAJOR SPONSORS FIRST NATIONAL REAL ESTATE THOMASTOWNT.A.B . ~7l~S L 70 P.OiRourke IFCO 2 3
ze nith f~1 I~~~e~e HOTEL BY THE SEA
,yw" "-
7 â&#x20AC;˘F_V
72 A . Brooke s 74 S . Willis 78 A . Prosser
80 H Meehan 88 S Pitcher
D SECTION by Ken Bremne r & Torr, Brai n Rather than wait till next week to thank all club scribes for their efforts, both Tom and I would lik e to take this opportunity to convey our appreciation to each and every one of you for making our task both an enjoyable one and more simplified . Furthermore, we both welcome and in fact invite all club scribes associated with clubs not fortunate enough to be participating in finals, to forward to us as normal . your thoughts and selections for all senior and reserve grade matches throughout the finals. We're sure that your comments will be of interest to all 'D' section followers /readers and will assist us to provide a balanced report . Again . many thanks (Brian G . . Brusto . . Clarkey ., Headers. . Flynnie ., Jon B . . Bish ., Jack C . . Thommo & Parko .) for your contribution. Review Round 17 - August 0 8 Good on 'ya Monash Blues . You've shown all finals contenders just what incentive and motivation can do for a team . Your backs to the wall victory against competition leader Whitefriars has clearly indicated that any team competing throughout the finals is capable of knocking over another . In no small wav, the result has breathed in a fresh approach to the forthcoming finals series . The queuing up process from 5th to 9th spot is still no clearer with lots of possibilities still existing and matters re finals and relegation are going to go down to the wire . Oh what a season we've had ! Ajax travelled south/east to meet St Johns and routed the hosts by kicking 9 snags in the 1 st qtr . The hosts had a real dip in the 2nd snaring 5 of their own . however after the half time break the 'Jackas' put the pedal to the metal and dominated proceedings to go home big winners . Best for Ajax were Duzenman . Pat, Kalinski and Gunn. Yarra Valley welcomed Parkside to Bulleen with a 7 goal to 1 first stanza . The 'Red Devils' picked up the tempo in the 2nd but the 'Bushrangers' always appeared to have their measure . Inaccurate conversion also didn't help the visitors cause . After a tight and tense 3rd qtr the Valley rallied in the last to score convincingly. 'Parko' made mention of nearly every Yarra Valley player in his report, hence they must have had a real 'Team Effort' job . For Parkside . McCall, Dale & Harvey got the mentions . Monash blues awoke from their recent slumber and jumped out to a 5 goal lead early on and held that margin to half time . The 'Friars' got their act going in the 3rd and trimmed it back to a solitary goal at 'lemon' time . Five minutes into the last and Whitefriars had the lead, albeit brief as the 'Ashers'
then stepped up a cog and reeled off 8 unansw majors to score a 'great' morale boosting victory . for Monash were Smith and Argen and for the 'Fr Ben Vandenboom & Mark Bateman .(Thanks Headers for alerting Tommv to the fact that pen mate is the 2nd last round, not the last! ) Salesian had their hands full early on in match against a resolute St Pats . The shackles co n't be removed till after half time at which stage 'Chaddy' boys held a lead of 2 majors . After the bi the 'Vultures' game started to break down Salesian took control with a more purposeful direct style . It was all one way traffic till late in the when the visitors rallied with a couple to add s respectability to the score board . Best triers for 'Vultures' being Sullivans (Michael/Paul), Groves Chris Barr. Southbank proved to be too physically strong, fast and too skilled for an extremely young and ent siastic Uni . Blacks team . To the credit of the 'Bla their 2nd half effort was very commendable and t ensured that they contested every issue . Whilst fate of Uni .Blacks is known, each and every merr of their team should be proud of their efforts this ~ for playing out each game with gritty determinal and with a terrific level of endeavour. Best for 'Blacks' were Pekin, Dennis & Mackie and for the tors Morgs, Hodgy and Kipster . Aquinas squandered their chances early by fail to capitalise on a 2 goal breeze and in fact allow Old Essendon to snare the lead at qtr time . The 'Dc didn't make the same mistake and raced to a cc manding lead of 4 at half time . The 'Bloods' gav, their best shot in the 3rd, still O.E.G .'s held a bar 12 pt buffet at the last change . This lead was extei ed throughout a tight and tough last stanza to 25 I Best for Aquinas were reported as Colliver . Bethu Hyland & Wooden . Preview Round 18 - August 1 5 Aquinas V Monash Blues - (KB) For Aquinas evade'E' in '99 they quite simply have to win and tt hope and pray that either Southbank or Uni .Bla( win . Monash Blues are going to be one hard nut crack . however at home the 'Bloods' with evervthin~ play for may just sneak in . TB disagrees here Kem having done all the hard work the Blues would r want its throw it away today . they certainly won't b e
Have you thanked your club officials today? This year? Well what about now! For after
all without them your club might just not exist . Go on thank your club officials today.
to i1ie muddy conditions it certainly has everyj « ill,, ~aine but I'm going for the visitors .
Uni .Blacks V old bEsvelldsunted b nthe short tri p ~ in,u~ar boys too par k blemseAlso armed with the kno~ledgettha t ;'m 1 o should out not a win l li s G .eb 4 ma orsabThe j 'i g but g ood thinl g Y ks will certainly let the OEG's now they hav e i around and will grow a bit because it's at home, I fcel that Old Essendon are travelling a bit bette r 1 11c moment and will win and have the summer to ,ik about what might have been . 6alesian V Southbank - (KB) What a humdinger ,1 ; ; %s ill be . For Salesian the possibilities are threefold . ;n and a mathematical chance exists for finals footv . (depending upon other results) stay where ;n,;lose are (`D') or lose (again depending upon other ,,:,uiLs) see 'ya later ('E') . Talk about an incentive to „,n . Still, it's a game of footy and I believe that ~outhbank holds the aces and will win by a couple of ,oras . TB feels that Southbank have just as much ;,icentive to win today always good to go into finals ,,it 1i a win behind you, plus places in the team are at a premium and try as they might the Brain just can-A see the Chaddy boys winning Whitefriars V St Johns O.C .'s - (KB) Stranger things have happened in footy but in reality this should be a walk in the park for the 'Friars' . Their cockroach' will have revved 'em up for a red hot dip following last weeks stumble and the Joe's could be on the end of a real thumping . Whitefriars by 20+ snags . Friars would not have been impressed with their performance last week on the eve of the finals and will use today to get their endeavour and system back on track. Jocs will be thereabouts but just lack the class to trouble the home side . Ajax V Yarra Valley - (KB) The 'Bushrangers' late charge for a finals berth will unfortunately for them come to a sudden halt at the hands of the 'Jackas' . Ajax will strut their stuff (talent and ability) at Albert Park and simply outclass a very competitive Yarra Valley by about 6 twins. Yarras are now starting to show the ability that has been dormant for most of the season albeit may be too late, because motivation and incentive mean a lot TB feels this will get them across the line today in a minor upset, but it will be to no avail . St Pats Mentone V Parkside - (KB) The 'Vultures' recent consistent form gives them a sniff of victory today . however Parkside will be livid on themselves after last weeks caning and will be very keen to atone . The strength of the 'Red Devils' and their capacity to cover St Pats best will get them over the line by 7 goals . A really bad performance by the Red Devils last week has cost them the double chance something they would be rueing . I think they will make amends with a win today over the Vultures, who as usual will make a good fist of it but will be really looking towards to that final siren to end a dismal season Press Correspondents : Fax to KB on 9850 696 4 (Email KenBremnerCaaccess .net .au) or Tommy on 9265 8001 by midday at the latest on Monday following the game . Player milestones to be forwarded direct to the VAFA Admin.
AJAX - congratulations to Andrew Levy who today plays his 100th game. "Leaves" joined AJAX in 1990 from St . Leonards and has played most of his football in the seniors . A premiership player in the early 1990's Andrew is a courageous and determined defender . Well done on your fine achievement . St . Pats Mentone - congratulations to David "Hedge" Noonan and Tony "Whacker" White for last week playing their 100th and 50th games respectively . Both fine clubmen, St . Pats wish them well for their next respective milestones .
ROUND 19 Qualifying Final
SENIORS - SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd MONASH UNIVERSITY - 2 p .m . RESERVES - SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd MONASH UNIVERSITY - 11 .30 a .m . Elimination Final SENIORS - SUNDAY AUGUST 23r d MONASH UNIVERSITY - 2 p .m . RESERVES - SUNDAY AUGUST 23rd MONASH UNIVERSITY - 11 .30 a .m . *VAFA Administration may make changes to venues once participating teams become known - for the latest ring 1900 130 300 afte r 5 .45 p.m . Saturday evening .
IU~ X, 4° 1 }
LAQUINAS v. MONASH BLUES Field : Craig Bratjberg David Lepair Goal : Gary Clancy Phil Burg UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . OLD ESSENDON Field : Michael Allen Alan Lad d SALESIANS v . SOUTHBANK Field : Trent Foley Leah Gallagher Boundary : Matthew Cook WHITEFRIARS v. ST. JOHNS 0 C Field : Mark Morrison Andrea Flack Boundary : Justin Binding AJAX v. YARRA VALLEY Field : Robert Sneddon Rick Love
ST. PATRICKS MENTONE v . PARKSIDE Field : Greg Richards Paul Jone s
Coach: Rick Marks Res Coach. Andrew Sche~ker
1 J . Wrobel 2 A . Kalinski 3 B . Davis 4 M. Dudakov 5 J . Rath 6 D . Kal b 7 G . Samuel 8 A. Krongold 9 A. Rosen 10 R. Bloom 11 M . Weisler 12 D. Onas 13 A . Freund 14 Y. Rapapor t 15 M . Balch 16 G . Rozenberg 17 A . Cukierman 18 J. Wrobel 19 M . Halphen (C) 20 A . Carew 21 D . Gelbart 22 D . Mohr 23 A . Bensimon 24 J . Dunne 25 J . Feldman 26 B. Duzenman 27 A. Lust 28 D . Degen 29 D . Marks 30 N. lsraelsohn 31 M . Barnett 32 M . Borenstein 33 D. Pat 34 D. Gunn 35 S . Roth 36 J . Segal 37 J . Engelman 38 J . Lewi s 39 A . Grundmann 40 A . Redlich 41 J . Snow 42 A . Sawicki 43 Y. Shein 44 B . Goldberg 45 E . Steen 46 J . Davis 47 A . Abraham 48 L . Goldberg 49 E. Rubinstein 50 B. Grodski 51 N . Diamond 52 B . Steiner 53 D . Katz 54 M . Nathan 55 B . Zielinski 56 J . Sharp 58 M . Fried 60 D. Weislitzer 61 J . Kalbstein 64 R . Israe l 65 M . Zurbo 68 D . Boon 69 J . Vernon 70 S . Boon 71 C . Cohen 73 A . Levy
AM 16
AQUINAS O .C . Coach: An~ew Crosby Res Cmch : Brad BarcWy
1 G. Burch 2 G. Clifford 3 S . Edwards 5 T. Grierson 6 A . Donachie 7 C . Glennie 8 S . Kelly 9 P. Phillips 10 D . Boland 11 C . Bambury 12 S . Bethune 13 C . Jeffrey 14 A. Lorkin 15 J . Knight 16 S . Close 17 M . Denavi 18 J . Hughes 19 G . Whitehead 20 P. Paras 21 S . Downes 22 S . Flynn 23 L. Woods 24 P. Harper 25 J . Hacking 26 H . Field 27 S . Jones 28 G . Wiston 29 J . Wilson 30 C . Collilver 31 C . Wooden 32 M . Hunter 33 M . Collella 34 M . Tarullli 35 R . Chapman 36 J . Hunt 37 H . Nichol 38 M. Tilling 39 S . Connelly 40 S . Connelly 41 J . Kline 42 R. Moran 43 M . Slattery 44 P. Dunne 45 N . Frederikson 46 D . Joyce 47 N . Moran 48 M . Moore 49 C . Lamborn 50 G. Macklin 51 A . Hyland 52 M . Corrie 53 P . Raeck 54 S. Capton 55 A. Cultrera 56 S . Dohertyy 57 C . Thomas 58 A. Bethune 66 M . Wilson 67 P. Cruikshank 70 C. Lyng 80 M . Joyce 86 B . Barclay
Res Coach: Steve King
Coach: LbyM Cmr pbe~ Res Coach: Shane Bishop
1 J . Alexander 1 J . Panagiotopoulos 2 J . Chapman 2 J . Baxter 3 P. Lutterschmidt 3 L . Holloway 4 S . Fleming 4 P. Maiden 5 S . Emerson 5 D . Rogers 6 M . Newman (VC) 6 C . Ridley 7 T. Cippolon i 7 L . Findlay 8 S . O 'Bri en 8 A. Fairweather 9 J . Goodge r 9 M . Wrodarczyk 10 1 . Stevens 10 S . Webster (VC) 11 B. Papal 11 M. Spencer 12 J . Hearne 12 J . Caldwell 13 P. Chalkley 13 A . Herrman 14 S. Evans 14 R. Burston 15 S . Bishop 15 M . Tinkler 16 S . McPherson 16 B . Smileyy 17 P. Hexter 17 P. O'Neill 18 T. Read 18 Y. Colombies 19 G . Steven 20 J . Lang 19 N . Pope 21 S . Dale 20 J . Cavanagh 22 M . Lukasz 21 C . Gregory 23 J . Hughes 22 A . Dobson 24 C . Robertson 23 S . Wrodarczyk 25 A . Leask 24 B . Hodson 26 D . Fletcher 25 J . Hawkins 27 D . Barr 26 P. Hurley 28 B . Turner 27 N . De Young 29 J. Saunders 28 S . McGee 31 A . Corby 29 A. Headberry 32 J . Mansfield 30 L . Creamer 33 S . Cramer 31 J.L. Smith (C) 34 J . Leask 32 M . Try 35 D . Whitfield 36 P. Trist 33 J .M . Smith 37 J . Walker 34 B . Dowsley 38 M. McKerrell 35 D. Murchie 39 A. Merrington 36 M . Tehan 40 T. DiBlasi 37 J . Bolton 41 I. Ritter 38 S . Hooper 42 A. Jealous 39 M . Smith 43 A . Gatt 40 C. Riordan 44 R. Clohesy 42 A . Hickey 45 P. Barry 43 R. Feenaghty 46 D, Novacek 44 D . Teasdale 47 J . testro 45 R . Walsh 48 P. Murton 46 D . Jones 49 A . Hutchinson 47 S . Mentha 50 D . Bellman 48 M . Kamphuis 51 S . Greasley 52 A . Dawson 49 D . Morgan 53 T. Hawke 50 D . Schwedes 54 S . Maybury 51 C . Stott 55 R . Musa 52 N . Moresi 56 A . O'Ryan 53 L . McCann 57 R . Wright 54 R . Green 58 A . Woerndle 55 D . Trumble N . Osman 56 A. Berry 60 A. Palmer 57 J . Hodgkins 61 D . Podger 59 H. Middleton 62 P. Baroch 61 D. Walsh 63 A. Porter 67 B . Dempsey 64 J . Rossi 71 P. Farrar 65 A. Soteriou 66 B . Lamaro 67 R . Graig
PARK: Coach: Lauie Zmaf Res Coach: Mark F
1 P. Laurs e 2 A. Delle-\ 3 S . Pin o 4 D. Warre r 5 D. Ferrarc 6 D. McCal l 7 D. Drinna i 8 J . Chilcott 9 A . Consta 10 A . Vit a 11 B . Hockey 12 C. Tyso n 13 A . Cople y 14 P. Lennen 15 D . Moodi e 16 M . Campbi 17 N . Antono F 18 A, Reginat i 19 S. Gun n 20 C, Peckhar 21 M . Tessari 22 B. Harve y 23 M . Hoyn e 24 R . Marulli 25 M. McPher; 26 S . Ros s 27 L. Panjari 28 S . Fisher 29 L. MacNam; (VC) 30 D . Cusack 31 C. Austi n 32 J . McCal l 33 A . Botta 34 A . Starki e 35 G . Panjar i 36 W. Lay 37 B . Panjar i 38 F. Darrigo 39 B . Michel 40 L. Inserra (V ! 41 E . Linare s 42 P. Dean 43 J. Hubbard 44 P. Soli o 45 J . Da( e 46 T. Rya n 47 V. Saldana 48 J . Huewoelle r 49 S. Collie r 50 C . Cecchinell i 51 J . Seoan e 52 M . Ilcyzynsk i 53 M . Yandl e 54 T. Kouros 55 G . Paizos 56 G . Tzelepis 57 S . Davey 58 G . Pashos 59 V. Cervi 60 G . Watson 63 S . Hoga n 64 T. Thomas 68 K . Drummond 69 S . Dave y 71 A . Inglis
? II oulos I
f) Sectio n ST PATRICKS
STJOHNS Pole ~ h: Brm6ar Fes Caaoh : Jdn tads an
~ 3
p. Paccagnan ~p , Ladso n G. Ceste r r) Now gi Canning Rachele S . Flentja r R . Dowsett A. Rechel e
10 M . Courmadias 11 D . Halls 12 Halls 13 B. Hilton 14 J . Archer (VC) 15 G . Pattison (C) 16 S . Jabke 17 S . Cockayne 17 D. Christian 18 C. Emery 19 B . Healy 21 L. ODonnell ' 22 J . Cunningha m 23 M . Foy 24 B . Fredericks 25 B . Aboujaber 26 G . Waters 27 B . Pola 28 P. Liddel 29 D. Higgins 30 R. Walker 31 M . Levy 32 G . Shaer 33 Z. Monroe 34 M . Hancock 35 J . Sacco 36 T. Sarhanias 37 A . Stefanakis 39 M . Murray y
40 S . Mooney 42 T. Ducalanbino 43 M . Van Hooten S . Pepper 47 J . Cotton 50 D . Pye 51 M . Orundell 52 C . Hooper 54 C . Cassano 56 E . Ferracane 57 S . Shaw 58 P. Kelly 61 G. Caster 62 E . Ferrecane 63 J . Ladson 64 D . Edwards
MENTONE Coach: Sitane o Casnor Res Coach : Ken Wood
1 D. Fenech 2 M . Cosgrove
3 4 5 6 7 8
M . Dixon P. Lewi s A. White R. Grech K. Gurtler D. Perri n Emmett
10 B . Sebire 11 C. O'Meara 12 M . Davies 13 R. Sykes 14 C. Billings 15 Mick Sulliva n 16 P. Sullivan 17 C. Sullivan 18 T Sullivan 19 G . CaPuano 20 C. Groves 21 D. Batey 22 C . Dorman 23 Matt Sullivan 24 C. Nicholls 25 G . Uptin 26 B. Ellery 27 M . Wise 28 M . Johnstone 29 D. Murphy 30 N. Freese 31 W. Lloyd 32 B. Archbold 33 D. Andrew 34 S . Beanland 35 C . Brown 36 C . Stephens 37 A. Tasca 38 S. Perazzo D . Nichols 42 S. Mayy 43 M . Barr 45 C . Barr 47 D D. Bugeja 48 M . Walsh 49 S . Taranto 50 A. Ladds 51 G . McMillan 52 G . Delman
53 D. Noonan 54 D. Bray 57 V. O'Connor 58 J . Noonan 60 M . Cerriteli 63 A. Orchard 69 S . Parker 73 M . O'Meara
SALESIAN Coach: Pe,terTurky Res Coach: Steve Nash
1 M . Bourke 2 M . Wiseman 3 S . Sutherland 4 A. Healey 5 M . Canavan 6 R . Cincotta 7 G . Gaspari 8 M . H azell 9 D . Scotti 10 D . O liver 11 D. Taylor 12 A. Gaspari 13 I . Bobetic 14 B . Bowman 15 J . Gianna ppinii 16 A. Chaippin
17 Matt Forbes 18 S . Sinclai r 19 A. Healey 20 A. Seager 21 R . Napoli 22 A. Edmonds 23 C . Roche 24 A. Grace 25 B . Kirchner 26 P. Shelly 27 M . Mansfield 28 M . Byrne
29 Mick Forbes 30 P. Bouchard 31 A. Davey 32 A. Stevens 33 B. Piper 34 A. Thann 36 S . Nolan 37 J . Brennan 38 R . Hazell 39 B. Quinn 40 J . Hamilton 41 S . Bobetic 42 D . Ghebilikian 43 P. Kavanagh 43 M. Cooke 44 C . Hunt 45 M. Spencer 46 M. Tassone 51 S. Kin g 52 T. Alligan 54 S . Brown 55 D . Seamer 56 S . Fitzgerald 60 M. Bates 64 S . Shelly 64 P. Forbes
SOUTHBANK coxh: Derek ttsne Res C ,=K, John Ross
1 A . Daly 2 R . Puramorsie 3 N . Frank 4 N . Wallmeye r 5 T. Murphy 6 A . Corboy 7 T. Reid 8 M . McCallum 9 J . McNamara 10 B . Hodgson 11 A . Pitts (C) 12 M . McCarthy 13 C . Perry (VC) 14 M . Eastham 15 I . D 'Silva 16 A . Bunnett 17 A . Watts 18 J . Nugent 19 K . Anderson 20 R . Thomso n 21 G. Paleodimos 22 N . Roberts 23 A . Rolfs 24 G. Rolfs 25 L . Aitken 26 R . Linford 27 G. Wardrop 28 A . Stewart 29 J . Goodlet 30 B . Gellie 31 S . Campbell 33 P. Rachor 34 D . Decarteret 35 S . Birch 36 G. Jones 37 A . Rhodes 38 J . Russel l 39 J . Scanlo n 40 B . Scanlon 41 A . Radcliffe 42 T Plaza 43 P. Herridge 44 S . Pendergast 45 T. Fraser 46 J . Ross 47 S . Oliver 48 H . Pitts 49 S . Oliver 50 L. Goodlet 51 M . Edwards 52 R . Lucas 53 M . yea r 57 B . Nettleton 58 T. Richardson 59 K . Watford
60 S . Garlick 62 B . McMillan 64 A . Hubble 65 A . Curry 67 D . Howart h 69 S . Melican
UiA Prahran F.C. v!~ ( ~ a~'~'~+= d
Social Club Ist Hour, 330 Chapel St, Prahran 3181
The Beehive Hote l Hawthorn
UNIVERSITY BLACKS Coach : Cm Conrali y
~~: ~I~~~^ 1 G . Darroc h 2 R . Gaze l 3 R . Hal l 4 M. Vaugha n 5 R . Macki e 6 C . Schilling
7 B. Livingstone 8 B. Henderson 9 C . Peki n 10 P. Donovan 11 B . Smit h 12 N. Rob erts 13 T. Jesse n 14 S . Milner 15 S . Fitzpatrick 16 P. Cacaviello H . Peycker 19 C . Franklin 20 S . Low e 21 T. Holme s 22 A. Nolan 23 S . Beaton 24 M . Fogarty 25 B . Lync h
26 D . Birks 28 G . Strai n 29 M . Staunton 30 D . Sowerb y 31 N . Cara h 32 M . Jones 33 T. Kitchen 35 P. Corri e 36 S . Matthews 37 J . Denni s 38 R . Watso n 39 A. Curtai n 40 G . Sullivan 41 S . Whitehead 42 A. Gad d 43 R . Devli n 44 P. Forbes 45 J . Butterfield 46 E . Ricciut i 47 S . Gullen 48 B . Howlett 50 G . Thompso n 51 A. Nevil l 52 T Barbe r 54 D .. Bryant 55 M . Nixon 56 J . Rice 57 S. Dooley 58 M . Begley 59 J . Kin g 60 N . Wilso n 63 J . Phai r 64 S. Dimond 65 J . Dankert 66 N . Howel l 67 S. McAloon 69 A. Costell o 70 M . Nihil l 72 M . Bucki s 73 M . Raffaele 74 A. Ston e 76 S . Atkinso n H .. Camero n 77 . Weigard 78 P 81 M . Atki n
87 L . Brow n
I~ Section WHITEFRIARS Coach: Des Meagher Res Coach: Brian Griis 1 D . Fedele
2 M . Bateman (C) 3 M . Carbon e 5 M . Robinson 6 C . Houston (VC) 7 P. Coghla n 8 A. Davi s 9 C . Maguire 10 A . Pawlik 11 R . Reidy 12 A . Lacey 13 T. Hughes 14 T. Carrigg 15 P. Campbell 16 B . Vandenboom 17 A . Carbone (VC) 18 C. Moloney 19 M . Jongebloed 20 S . McAuliffe 22 R . Pasqualotto 23 P. Ciardulli 24 R . Mika 25 D . Griffin 26 C. Rya n 27 D . Vandenboom 28 C. Eames 29 A . Glenn 30 M . Power 31 N . Jenkins 32 M . Borrack 33 C . Harris 34 D . Gloufchev 35 C . Law (VC) 36 D . Nolan 37 P. O'Brien 38 C. Carrig g 39 M . Winterburn 40 A . Thwaites 41 C. O'Connor 43 N . Elliot
44 B . O'Conno r 45 M . Lester 46 G . Johnson 47 M . Nolan 48 D . Delzoppo 49 C . Callander 50 T. Burgoine 51 L. Eames 54 S . Gilla n 56 D . Ri o 57 J . McFarlane 58 J . Ri o 59 D . Gentilin 61 D . Cassar 62 R . Tartaglia 64 M . Duffy 65 C. Winterburn
YARRA VALLEY Coach: DaM Kyle Res Coach: Brendan Ruddy 1 PI Telford
2 F. Macvean 3 R. Thompson 4 M . Fun g 5 A . Drew 6 D . Howse 7 J . Downs 8 L . Morris 9 C . Ross 10 N . Dodwell 11 C . Reynolds 12 M . Whit e 13 O. Kysela 14 M . Simpson 15 J . Koenan 16 B. Smillie 17 A. Laing 18 L . White 19- S . Thompson 20 S . Frame 21 A . Livesey-Cole 22 T Wapshott 23 D . Balshaw 24 M . Davies 25 T. Habben 26 G . Mcleod 27 A . Rowe 28 J . Macvean 29 P. Peterson 30 D . Potter 31 C . Padgett 32 C . Heffernan 33 D . Ireland 34 T. Chrisfield 35 B. Peake 36 R. Penaluna 37 D. Francome 38 B . Morrison 39 T. Reddaway 40 M . Whit e 41 B . Downs 42 T. Crean 43 H . Park 44 J . H o 45 L . Rees 47 B. Mcllwrath 48 R . Davi s 49 S. Seabourne 50 P. For d 52 A. Hartnett 53 S . Corcoran 54 T. Hale 55 S . Taylo r 56 L . Harrington 57 G . White 58 G . Kerr 59 A. Joiner 60 F. Yendell 63 T. Strong 64 T. Gentl e 66 A . Biesbroek 71 M . Laing 72 R . Lawton 76 J . Scales
We treat You like a guest at Guests.
Ph : 9877 4744
SENIORS - 8 .07.9 8
MONASH BLUES 6.2 10.6 11 .6 19.9 .1 W HI4EFRIARS 1 .2 5.4 10 .6 12 .6. Monaah Blum: Newman 4 . Farrar 3 . Holloway 2. MeClelland 2 . Gregory 2. Da Smith . Rogers. DeYoung. Headberry. Best: Farrar, Smith . O'NeW . MeGee. Flntil DeYoun . 4'hiteFr~• Robinson 3 . Power 2. Glou[chec 2 . Vandenboom. Bateman, M . Ca =%A Carbone . Best: B. Vandemboom. Bateman . Power. Hughes . Law. A ENDON GRAMMAR 2 .3 5.10 8 .14 11.14 .~ AgUINAS 1 .4 2.5 7.8 7 .13 . Old Eesendon: McPherson 4 . Steven 2. Chapman. Leask . Harter, Dale . Flemin, Walker, Cana. Stevens. Lutters . Evans . AqWnae: Colliver 2. Wiston 2. Flynn, Tarnllt. Moran . Best : Collh•er, Bethune . H Wooden. Bethune. Close. SOUTHBANK 5.8 12 .15 17.19 23.22 .1 1 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0.4 2 .5 4.7 8.10.1 Southbank: Steuart 8. McNamara 6. Murphy 4. Gellie. Eastham . J. Goodtet. R Fraser, Best : Steuart. Morgan. McNamara . K. WolCord . Birch. Goodlet . University Blacks: Howell 3. Mackie 2 . Pelan . Cacavidlo. Peck. Best: Mackie. Costello. Pekin. Henderson. Beaton . SALESIAN 3.6 7 .8 12.14 17.18.1 : ST PATRICKS ME NTONE 4 .0 6 .3 9 .5 12.5. : Salesian: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received) St Patricka Mentone: ( Paul Murphy 3 . Billln s 2 . Michael Sullivan 2 . Fenech.Best: Groves. Chris SuW White. Perrin. Mich Sullivan. Fenech . ST JOHNS 0 .2 5.4 8.4 8 .5.; MAX 9 .1 15.6 24.8 26.13 .; St Johns: (Goal Kickers and best players not received) Aja :c Freund 6 . Redlich S . Rajch 5. Halphen 3 . Weisler 3 . Mohr 2. Dvzenman. Grundmatm . Beat : t4eisler. Redlich, Jason Wrobel . Jeremv Wrobel. Gunn . Duu YARRA VALLEY 7 .4 7.6 13.9 18.10 .11 PARKSIDE 1.3 3 .10 7.12 7.18 .E Yams Valley : Rees 5. Telford 3. Man•ean 3. Peake 2. Mldro 2. Drew . M . 1Vhite.l Best: Team Effort. Parkatde: Moodie 2. Harvev. Hockev. Macnamara . Mandli. McCall. Beat: D . Mi Dale. Harvey. Macnamara . Inserts iessari .
RESERVES - 8 .07.9 8
MONASH BLUES 1 .2 5 .3 9.8 9.11 .E WHIIBFRiARS 1 .2 4.4 5.8 8.7. ; Monash Blum: Maiden 3 . S. Wrodarczvk 2 . R . Walsh 2. Hooper. Hawkins. Best R. Walsh. Bolton. Smith. Sullivan. S. W'rodarczvk. WhiteGiars: Fulton 2. Magu O'Brien. Glenn. Campbel . Delzoppo . Best: Moloney. Glem. McAuliffe . Johnson Rv2n. OLD ESSENDON 0 .1 3.2 3 .4 3 .4 .2 AgU INAS 2 .8 3.11 3 .14 6.16.5 Old Esstndon: Barr 2 . J. Saunders. Best : Hunter. Emerson, Robertson . Carte HeMer. Aquinas ; Connelly 2. Lyng 2. Donachle. Bambury. Best: Nichol . Connelhh Chapman . Edwards . Conic. SOUTHBANK 4 .3 4 .5 7.6 7.11 .5 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 1 .0 4 .0 4.1 7.4 .4 Southbank: Melican . Garlick. De Silva. H . puts. G. Rolts. Campbell . Reid. Best: Jones . Garlick, Metiean. L . Goodlet. Vear. University Blacks: Brown 3 . Bins 2. Sauubruv. Best: Sainsbury. Kitchen . Brou•n. Kirks* Jessen . Rice. SALESIAN 1 .1 6 .2 10.4 12.5.7 ST PATRICKS ME NTONE 4.2 5 .3 7.4 9.7.6 Salesian: (Goal Kickers and Best players not received) St Patricks Mentone : L Barr 2. Emmett. Freese. Nicholls . Wood . Best: Lewis, Emmett. Matt Barr . Nichols . Wood. ST JOHNS 2 .1 2.1 2 .1 3 .1 .1 MAX 3 .4 8.7 13 .13 20 .15.13 St . Johns : (Goal Kickers and best players not received ) Ajax : B. Goldberg 5 . Lety 3. Roth 3 . Sawicki 3. Nathan 2. Snow. Diamond . R. Best : L. Goldberg. Nathan . B . Goldberg. Bock. Samuel. Carew. YARRA VALLEY 1 .1 5.5 6.5 7.6 .4. PARKSID E 5 .0 6.2 12.3 15.7 .9 Yarn Valley : Strong 3. Hale. Clarkson. Best: Thompson . Davies . Hale. L. Morris . Parkvide: Reguiato 4. G . Panjari 3 . Linares 2. Leme. J . McCall, Romano. Solig Best: Constantine . RepJnato. Warren. Romano. Ryw. Lay
MHSOB v . MARCELLIN Field : Anthony D, Heath Little Boundary : Anthony Paterson R Devers Goal : Robert Parry Ken Coughlan OLD PARADIANS v . NORTH OLD BOYS I Cameron Nash Darren Dalgleish Boundary : Shilo Goal : Vin Vescovi Robert Dunstan ORMOND v . THERRY PENOLA Field : Ric Eastwood Peter Simpson Boundary : Mie Chapple Goal : Malcolm Venn Stephen Leahy IVANHOE v . OLD TRINITY Field : Mark Busl Adam Kiel Goal : Reno Barichievich Robert Stri MAZENOD v . OLD IVANHOE Field : Brendan . Mark Jenkins Goal : John Finn Daniel Van Du
UMPIRES CORNER by Leah Gallagher and Adam Kiel
wnn .
s~Mx 2.
Barr. a Tzn~n
cCauum rrn,es .
O PENING REMARK ~\'ell the smell of spring is in the air, the grounds gctting better and the finals are just around the rer. Last rounds this weekend for C . D . E, F and 1;der 19s. Two rounds to go for A and B Section with ic ; :ms still fighting for finals spots . Goodluck to all . PROMOTION Congratulations to Phil Callil on reaching the pinnacle of umpiring in the VAFA in reaching your first A ,zrction game at the match between Collegians and St . E3ernards . Having played A Section football, what an ,chie%cment of umpiring as well, and I'd say there v;ouldn't be too many people who would have done the double. Phil has worked very hard on his umpiring this ', I, r and he has been rewarded . Good luck for the rest oi the season and with the finals . Well done. MILESTONE 250th Name : David D'Altera, Nickname : Ball Tearer, :1 ;;c 45 . Ambition as umpire: to continue until I am 50, E3esc footballer seen : Andrew Inkster (Old Camberwell) . Best Umpires seen : Richard Simon / Wayne Hinton . Last book read : Masonic Speculations . Last film seen: Titanic, Favourite food: Malt sandwiches / Beer Biscuits . Best game: Sunshine v. Brunswick U19 . Funniest football moment : Standing ovation after a game, 4 dinner guests : Alan Moffat, Steve Waugh, Mark Waugh, Alan Donald . What would you dress as to a fancy dress party : Cricket Umpire . MILESTONE 150TH Name : Craig Brajtberg, Nickname: Bradles, Berger. Age: 21 . Ambition as umpire: AFL/A Section . Best footballer seen : Stephen Kernahan, Best umpires seen: Peter Gersch . Last book read : Dennis Rodman (Bad as I want to be), Last film seen : Copland . Favourite food: Chinese. Favourite drink: Coke, Best game : 100th with Vin Vescovi . Funniest football moment : Umpiring with Trent Foley, 4 dinner guests : Michael Jordan . Dennis Rodman, Elle Mc . C . Schiffer . What would you dress as to a fancy dress party : myself. MILESTONE 100TH
tmen Name : Jamie Kvins, Nickname: Pretty Boy. J .K . )han Age : 27 . Ambition as umpire : to continue to enjoy umpiring in the VAFA . Best footballer seen : Tony 'ield : Fellows (Thomastown) . Best umpires seen : Bob Greg Mutton. Peter Simpson, AD . Last book read : Weary Dunlop Biography . Last film seen : Seven Years in hard Tibet . Favourite food : VB (after match snack), hael Favourite drink: VB . Best game: All VAFA football . Funniest football moment : Umpires Association meetings . Four dinner guests : Weary Dunlop, Tony Delroy . field Norm Nugent . Peter Harris What would you dress as to ager a fancy dress party : Batman (Anthony Simpson could kllen be Robin) .
Also Kevin McMahon reaches his 250th with the VAFA today . Beginning with the VAFA, then transferring to the DVFL (250), and back since 1994 on the supp list Kevin has achieved a fine milestone . Well done Kev. THINGS IN THREES Incident One : Peter Harris who was spectating at the match between Thomastown and St . Bedes Mentone and was sitting with a few mates . He didn't notice after one of the goals that the ball had landed on one of the cars about 40 metres from the goals. His mates said to Peter I wouldn't want to be the owner of that red car that just got smashed by the ball because it would have left a bit of damage. in which Pete answered #*%@ that's my car . As I've always said, there isn't a safe place to park you car out at Thomastown . Keep smiling Pete . Incident Two : At Thomastown the same weekend Peter Simpson was field umpire because it was Tony Fellows 350th game and he asked Simmo to be the umpire on the day. By all reports he umpired well during the game, and did even better at the after match, in fact so well he was unable to drive home . Unfortunatelv on Sunday morning when he went back to pick up his car, the hub caps were missing, and between you and me he got off lightly.
Incident Three: Reno Barichievich was knocked out while goal umpiring at the match between Old Melburnians and University Blues . MICHAEL SNEDDON'S RULE OF THE WEE K
When a player is reported by an umpire and is sent from the ground for 15 minutes, the law states that the timekeepers must be notified immediately by the runner of the offending side. If the timekeepers are not notified of the report the player will not start his 15 minute penalty until they are notified . So we hope this is clear and everyone understands this rule as we don't want any hiccups especially during the finals in which it could be the difference between a team winning or losing . SOCIAL NEWS Next Monday night 17th August Umpires Dinner at the Collingwood Football Club/Social Club with the special guest the 4th umpire John Russo . Bounce Off: Round 2 Cameron Nash d . Craig Brajtberg, Graham Thwaites d . Simon Olive, Adam Kiel d . Paul Withington . KIELY & LEAH
RUNNERS, TRAINERS, WATER CARRIER S Umpires have been instructed to inspect all runners', water carriers' and trainers' un forms BEFORE MATCHES and if not up to standard the official is to be told he/sh is not able to take the field until attired correctly . Behaviour - Runners . To deliver message from coach only and immediatel leave the arena. Water Carriers. Not to deliver messages from coaches . Not to linge on the field of play . To deliver water only during a break in play or to players behin, the passage of play . Trainers . May carry water if team short of water carriers Otherwise can only enter field when a player requires medical assistance . Cannc deliver message from coach . Attire - Runners. VAFA jade top and VAFA club white shorts or dark navy or blacl football shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . Water Carriers . VAFA gold top an( VAFA white club shorts .Track pants if worn to be navy only . If runners or water carri ers wear bike shorts they must be VAFA flesh colored tights only . No other garmen is to be worn under the green or gold top . Trainers . VAFA white/blue top with navr blue track pants . Caps - if worn must be purchased VAFA Properties only. C Section Resuits,from Page 1 1
SENIORS - 8 .08.9 8
HAMPTON ROVERS 3.3 9.7 18 .8 21 .15 .141 BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 .4 8.7 9 .10 10 .12 .72 Hampton Rovers: Power 5 . Natoli 3. S. Anderson 2. Browne 2, Davev 2 . Grinuner 2. B. Ariz. F. Ferguson. Helliger. McKellar. Parkinson . Beat: S. Anderson . Hobson. C. Ferguson. D. Ara. Grimnter. Natoli. Bulleen Templeetowe: Matthews 4. Smith 2. D. Williams. Houard. Tulloch . Mcl.aren. Best: R . Williams. Tulloch. Hare. Thomson. Lambropoulos. Smith . ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4 .3 5.4 9 .7 12 .9.81 ST LEOS EMMAUS 1 .4 8.9 9.14 18.17.125 St Kilda South Caulfield: (Goal Kickers and Best players not recelced l St Leas Emntaus : Fennel 3 . MeKenae 3 . Vaughan 3. De~-lllt 2. Burgess 2. D. Dhticolantonio. R. McCann . O'Meaza . Pecora ise. Best : Pitcher. T.McCann. Willis. R. McCann . McKenzie . Rosev. BANYULE 8.0 11 .2 16.11 18.14 .110 OLD MENTONIANS 5 .0 11.2 18.6 28.11 .179 Banytde: Willmcse 4 . Mavne 3 . Gilham 2 . T. Egan 2. J . McDermott. D. Witchell. D . Williams . OBrien, R. Williams. Best; D . Witchell. R. Williams . Woodlock. D. t4"tli T. E gan. OBrien. OlMoans t : Acreman 7. G. Stroud 6. Solley 3 . Bournon 2. McNish 2. Paterson. Stephen 2. Dart. Ferguson, B. Murphy . Palmer. Beat : Acreman. Botunon . Paterson . Brooks, Stroud. Sollev. ST BEDES MEN-TONE TIG. 5.1 11 .4 12 .5 14.7.91 BEAUMARIS 1 .8 5 .11 9.18 12.21 .93 St Bedes Mentone T3g. : Mac~oer e J. Ryder 4. Cousin. S. Napier. L. Hullicr. Best : Zakle T. Beaslev . CousuL Ear c . ~iaquinta. Macgeorge. Beaumaris: kills 4 . Nish 2 . Pitts 2 . Ensor. Martin. Nicholson . Vance . Beat: Mitchell . Sherman. Nish. Ward. McLean . Groves . OLD GEELONG 5.1 12.6 18 .9 25.13.163 THOMASTOWN 5.5 5.6 7.9 10 .10.70 Old Geeiong: Need 7. Howells 7. J. Paul 2. IV. Paul 2. Edge . Dmison . M . Wilson. Pm^ey. Darcy. Vickers-Willis . Harper. Best : P. Handbury . Carry. W. PauL Power. H=ells . Thumestown: B. Smith 2. Capeci 2 . Bnan. Haring. A. Ward. Germs, Gatinwre . Theodorou. Beat: Gentis . B . Smith. Bryan. Plant. Fleming . L. Smith.
RESERVES - 8.07 .98
HAMPTON ROVERS 8 .3 15.5 19 .12 2E BULLEEN TEMPLESTOWE 2 .1 2 .2 5. 2 Hampton Rovera: Holt 8. Tota 5. Vandoaren 3 . Salter 2 . Armstrong. Be Dunball . Mason. MeComille . Smith . Spmella Thomas. Beat: Hunt . McCe Holt. Mason . Benton. Vandooren. Bulleen Templestowe : (Goal Kickers and Best players not recehtd)
ST KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 2.4 4.6 6 .9 ST LEOS EMMAUS 3.1 7.5 8 .8 1 St Kilda South Caulfield : (Goal Kickers and Best playrers not received) St Leos Emmaus : Newer 3. Contessotto 2 . E. Mitchell 2 . Niel 2 . Simondson. Beat: Newey. Slmondson. Mitchell. Prosser. Gill . Kenny. BANYULE 2 .3 2.4 3.6 OLD MENTONIANS 4 .1 8.5 11 .11 16 BanyuFe: P. Williams 2 . Rlches. Debont . Beat : Grindal. Fortune. Ferrall. E Riches . P. Witchell. Old Meutonians : Riley 6 . P. Appel 2 . Lames 2. Sly 2. Dm1c. Perry. Rus Wallace. Best: Sly P. Appel . Riley. Winduss . Watson . Lawrs. ST BEDES ME NTONE TIG. 4 .1 10.4 13 .5 1 1 BEAUMARIS 4 .1 5.2 8 .2 ' St. Bedes Mentone Ttg: S. Hecker 7. Mantht 4. Connote 4 . Boczar. 15 Kidd . Best: Hecker. Goodshild. Thompson. Connally. Sebire . Williams, Beaumarts : Ferguson 4. P. Fisher 2 . A. Quinn 2. Farntgano. Ott . Must Rowbunâ&#x20AC;˘ . Easton . Ferguson . Corield . Fisher. OLD GEELONG 3 .1 6 .3 11 .8 1 THOMASTOWN 4.0 4.2 5.3 Old Geelong: Furphy 4 . OBrien 2. Gross 2. McKellar. Richardson. Spidet Best : OHphant . Anderson. Rice. Spiden. Lilev. Gatenbv. Thomnstomn: Petstnis 3. Scarpa 2. J. Poulos . Best: Petsuus. J . P DLMaggio . Dimoeski . Mineo. Farchione.
has pleasure in presenting a trivsponsor Carlton and United breweries (CUB) VAFA This year conipetition which will see at the end of each month of the football season one contestant win
i,,,p cases of CUB product . . The following questions appear for the third time this month I or this month the first rf VBct re espons se winner will be the person with the highest wins oo . cl,dofthemnAugs31 ;~I7sivers must be received in writing by Monday
.18.174 6,2 .38 iton. 4t mtille .
. 15.63 1 .14.78
)tta:re. 4 .6.30
14.110 a~~tt . iwcrQh . L7.115 1 .2 .6 8
Rumm. . Best: 2.9.81 6 .5.4 1 Lilev.
e which veal did the AFL introduce the interchange rule allowing 19th and 20th to b rotated on and off the grouna r h t number worn by a Brownlow Medallist ? What is the hlg e s . Only one player , in 1977 Collingwood and North Melbourne played a drawn grand final . There's an Amateur connection . 3 from that game did not play in the replay grand final Who was he ? . Who was the first West Coast Eagles player to be reported? He went on to play with anoth4 VFL club . 11 er Name the most recent two VAFA players to make their AFL debuts, and the ground they 5. made their debut on . . Name the footballing brother in each case : ,g Alistair Lord, Leigh Matthews, Steven Febey, Brendan Gal e . In the last 20 years five teams have won the `F' Section or E Section flag in the first year ? in the competition . Can you name them FA . George Johnston, famous Australian author, who wrote "My Brother Jack" played VA 8 football. Can you name his club? I'd done only a quarter of the things of which I am accused, I'd be pickled said "if 9 . Who with alcohol, I'd be a registered drug addict, and would have sired half the children in most of the world's cricket-playing countries" ? d . Who was the first player to record 100 games in the AFL, that is ignoring games playe 10 . in the VFL . The VFL became AFL in 1990 359 Elsternwick 3185 . Entries to CUB Trivia Competition, c/- VAFA PO Box
The VAFA acknowledges the support of
Hugh Lyon
E SECTION (Blue) by Craig Richardso n
Knitwear ell after 17 rounds of footy the final four was W finally decided last week . Chirnside needing a victory against Oakleigh to stay alive couldn't quite manage a victory and thus their fight for the fmals is now over. The Krushers won by 34 points and are now entrenched in the four . In other matches Swinburne smashed Glenhuntly by 98 points in a one sided affair. Power House did the same to St . Mary s and won by 95 points . The Wickers fell apart against the Pirates as predicted and lost by a lazy 141 points . In probably the match of the day and what could turn out to be a good psychological benefit, Caulfield beat Old Camberwe ll by 31 points . ROUND 1 8 With the final four now settled, this weeks round of matches still conjours up some interesting scenarios . With at least 6 of the teams planning their wakes for Monday, the top four will be still jostling for positions . The top 2 (double chance) is still up for grabs at this stage and the premiership could be decided upon who gets the all important double chance. This week we have the Power House Piralmas taking on the Hunters at home . The Pirahnas got back on the winners list last week and poor old Glenhuntly continued to just play out the year . This week nothing should change for the Hunters and Power House with Marv up forward looking to surpass Inkster at Old Camberwell (long term injury) on the goal kicking list should simply outclass the Hunters and win by a minimum of 100 points and finish off their season on a high . Swinburne at home after two straight victories take on Chirnside who will be very much wanting to finish off their season on a victory note . Having missed the finals action and with Swinburne generally struggling against the better sides this year. I can't see anything but a relatively easy victory for Chirnside . Swinburne will battle hard all day but Chirnside for mine by 9-10 goals . Oakleigh now entrenched in the final four will be looking for a fine tuning exercise in today's clash with the Wickers . The Krushers will be stoked at making the four and will leave nothing to chance this week and thus Elsternwick will again feel the brunt of another belting . Oakleigh by at least 10 goals. Peninsula v . Old Camberwell, what a beautv. Both sides wanting the double chance, with the Pirates now on top and seemingly comfortable in '---- ' ---- -
doing so look to have an edge on Old Camberwell who seem destined to finish third . Both sides however will be wanting tory, Peninsula to stay on top and keep somi centage advantage over Caulfield, and Camberwell will be wanting that all importan chological advantage should they meet again i finals . However, when the final siren sounc Saturday the Pirates will have managed to w their home ground advantage of between 4- 6 In the final home and away game of the sf Caulfield take on St . Marys . For the Saints t a season they'll want to forget quickly having through the entire season winless . Yes as prec Caulfield will win this one and if by enough could gain the percentage to pinch top spot the Pirates. If not second will still give then chance to play off for a Grand Final spot the fc ing week . So Caulfield by 150 points in a one-, affair. SOCIAL NOTES Power House tonight we have our Vote Cou ; at the clubrooms, followed by our 'Big Day proudly sponsored by Solve Communication Sunday . All are welcome as you'll all have chance to win $1000 upon entry, plus other prizes . For tickets/entry to both please see o our friendly committeemen . CORRESPONDENTS : For those sides in the finals wanting a de write-up please provide me with some detail Fax 9682 9176. MAGOOS : Powerhouse to win comfortably at h( Chirnside to beat Swinburne . Oakleigh to win boost their confidence for their finals campaign Camberwell to roll Peninsula and thus Peninsu lose the double chance, with Caulfield to win e against St . Marys and recover the double cha n ~ Fr UiLESTONES~ ~~ zr= Caulfield Gramma rians - congratulation Nigel Cox who today reaches 100 games for club . A solid, no-nonsense defender, "Coxy" w member of U19 1990 premiership team, has rec ly become engaged to Lisa and all at CGFC him well both on and off the field in the year come .
? Well what about now-tFor aft.
1 without them your club might just not exist. Go on thank your club officials today .
----. 1 a Vic . per. old ps~' . n the Is on In hC ;oalS. ason its jS gone icted they from 1 the IlOW>ided
it on Out' s on the ,real ie of
{_~_ ~j;jT~ SENIORS - 1 .07 .98
47 45 42 40
6.11.47 GLENHUh-ryY 4.5 5 .5 6.9 3.1 9 .7 14.11 21 .19.145 SWINBURNE UNIVERSITY GleahunUy: Richards 2 . O'Donnell. Rossiter. Jankovic. \tiller.Beat: Miller. Rossiter. Richards . Smillt . Steaart. Mance. Swinburne University: Craven 11 . Robinson 7. Staindl 2 . Miller. Morris . Bailey'. West . Hall. Richardson. Best : Wright. Doyle. Craven. Dean . Robinson. James. ST. AiARY'S 2.3 4 .3 8.8 12.10 .82 POWER HOUSE 4 .9 8.13 18.15 26.21 .177 St. Mary's: (Goal Kickers and best players not received ) Power House: IGoal Kkkers and best players not received) CHH2NS IDE PARK 5 .9 6.10 8 .13 9.18.72 16 .10.106 OAKLEIGH 1 .3 10.3 12.8 Chirnside Perk: Carust 2. Holliday 2. Bromvn . Sore. C. Piccioll. Henderson. Pedler. Best : Pedler. Brown . Sore . Holhday. Dastolto. Adams . Oakleigh: Lewis 5 . C . Marshall 3 . A . Kitts 2 . Mackenzie 2 . Dooley. Hanlea. Heverin. S. Kitts. Best: Gee. M. Wood. Adamic. S. Kitts. K. Marshall. A. Kitts. 2.1 2 .3 5 .3 6.3.39 ELSTERNWICK PENINSULA 4 .5 13 .10 21 .15 27.18.180 Elsternwick : Allan 2. 641ssagtia 2. Murphy. Hankin. Best: McNally . Byrne . Tilley. Murphy. Ward . Bravington. Penins+da: Paste 8. A. Bonner 6. Cook 3. M.Bonner 2. Goidthorp 2. Barclay 2 . Dictzsh. Farrar. S . Parsons. Crean. Best: Dietzsh. Goldthorp. Payze. powrrey. A. Bonner. Cook, OLD CAMBERWELL 4.3 8.7 9.9 10.12 .72 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2 .1 5.5 9.9 15.13.103 Old CamberweB : Orwin 4 . Hills 2. McLean. Hardman. Inkster. Best : hnberger. Pratt. Leitch. Town . Sims . Wilson . Caulfield Gremarar: Stevenson 3 . Broker 3 . CmvishaW 2 . Hall . D. Anderson . Barter. Dicrosta . Vela . Will . Best: Villa. Will. Brohier. S}mmart. Bours. CossartWalsh.
RESERVES - 8.07 .98
ROUND 19 1st Semi-final SENIORS - SUNDAY AUGUST 23rd
CENTRAL RESERVE - 2 p .m . RESERVES - SUNDAY AUGUST 23rd CENTRAL RESERVE - 11 .30 a .m. 2nd Semi-final SENIORS - SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd CENTRAL RESERVE - 2 p .m . RESERVES - SATURDAY AUGUST 22n d CENTRAL RESERVE - 11 .30 a .m . ;VAFA Administration may make changes to venues once participating teams become known - for the latest ring 1900 130 300 after 5 .45 p .m . Saturday evening . E Blue Section Umpires on Page 35
GLENHUNTLY 1 .1 2.1 4 .3 4 .3.27 1 .1 6.5 8.5 9 .5.59 SWINBURNME UNIVERSITY Glenhuntly: D. Jones 2 . Wiison. Orniaond. Best:D. Jones . Ornrond . Ryan. L . Thomas . Bateman. Wilson . Swinburne University: (Goal Kickers and best plaers not received) 7.10 8.12 .60 2 .5 6 .7' ST. MARTS POWER HOUSE 7 .4 10 .8 13.11 20.13 .133 St. Mary's : (Goal Kickers and best players not received l Power House: Pavlou 5. Williams 4 . Baljack 3 . Krolmark 3 . Gent . McLeod, Cross . Hansen. Hearn . Best : Senior. Marshall. Williams. McLeod. Krolmark. Paciou . CHIRNSIDE PARK 2 .1 4.4 4.6 5.8.38 OAKLEIGH 0.2 4.6 5 .7 10.9.89 Chirnside Park: Pope 3 . Davison. Thomas. Best: Gray. Thomas . Afassarot0 . Mosca. Pope. Egan. Oekleigh : Dickle 3. Redford 2. loomBdd. Janchello . C. Nlkakis. Nike. Theofdopoulos. Best: Refad. C. Nikakis. Bloomileld . Theofitopoulos . Pernkomatls. 2.2 6.4 7 .5 7.5.47 ELSTERNWICK PENINSULA 4 .3 5.4 7 .9 12.10.82 : Lilkakas 4. Whelan. Sopped, Bullard . Best ; Morgan. Sopped, Elsterawick Lllikakis. Kirkham. Whelan . Williams . Peninsula : Clarhtgbckd 3 . Atchinson 2, Kent 2. Braden . B)ea_<by. Haley. McMaohn. Whelan . Best: Warner. Bowne. Bowman. Scown. Franks. Whelan . 0.0 3 .2 6.7 8.8.56 OLD CAMBERWELL CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 3 .2 5 .2 6.4 6.6 .42 Old CamberweB : Gan 2. Harvey 2. Saffar. Roc. T. Walker. C. Wi lliams. Best : Cohen . C . Williams. T. iValker. Harvev. Reddish . Richmond . Caulfield Gremmar. Margerson 2 . Schotten . Holloway, Harrison. Santiago. Best: Gurr. Cassidy. M .Kiose . Dachs. Dowd . S. Williams.
cent s on )me, and Old [a to isIly ,e.
~ to the as a entvish s to
E Blue CP1A1 E.D GPAPAliliAR CHIRNSIDE PAR K EISTERMMpCAF.C. Coach: C~f ReiNey Res Coach: Maithrv Scholten 1 M . Millard
2 B. Hal l 3 D . Anderson (C) 4 S . Stevenson 5 W. Horton 6 A . Kahofer 7 J . Cowlishaw 8 S . Cossart - Wals h 9 W. Bowes 10 A . Wil l 11 M . Cassidy 12 J. Farmer 13 D . Gur r 14 S . Klose 15 R . Castles 16 T. Royals 17 G . Williams 17 P. Anderson 18 N . Co x
19 B. Baxter 20 H. Vella 20 M . Klos e 21 N . Brohier (VC) 22 T. Townley 23 D. Ash 24 K . Dach s 25 N . Lubransky 25 T. Waile s 26 S . Williams 27 R .Keown 27 R . Morrissey 28 T Cha n 29 D. Schrimski 30 D . Lowe 31 J . Holloway 32 M . Dicrosta 33 N . Silver 34 J . Margerison 35 A. Lawrence 36 R . Gosstray 36 M . Forster 37 M . Scholten 38 J . Restarick 39 J . Santiago 40 M . Phelan 41 M . Liddell 42 D . Synman 43 J . Smith 44 C . Bettany 45 T. Oscar 46 G . Lehner 47 L . Salem 48 S . Varthalis 48 I . Warnecke 49 B . Cowling 50 M . Cutler 51 J. Liddell 52 M . Harrison 54 B. Lyons 55 M. Davies 56 A. Dowd
59 A . Beauchamp 60 P. Kin g 62 A . Coventry 69 A . Gooding
Coach: S'te{~f Ja~s Res Cr~: Kal O a
1 M . Pemberton 2 A . Sor e 3 G . Skein 4 M . Carusi 5 M . Holliday 6 J . Brown 7 V. Piccioli 8 S . Oate s 9 W. Pemberton 10 M . Koopmans 11 G. Wyngard 12 D . Paol a 13 E . Westmore 14 D . Dasolto 15 S . McIntosh 16 M. Walker 17 B. Pedle r 18 M . Massarotti 19 C. Piccioli 20 K . Oate s 21 S . Cousins 22 P. Delguidice 23 R . Davidson 24 D. McHenry 25 R. Henderson 26 G . Kellaway 27 L . Lowen 28 J . Mosca 29 P. Schilling 30 L. Mathe r 31 M . Ogstan 32 G . Laidlaw 33 A . Chirnside 34 A . Thomas 35 MT. Koopmans 36 D . Kar p 37 L . Bakey 38 G . Kimpton 39 N . Sibbing 40 T. Marriner 41 D . Kennedy 42 A . Conte 43 A . Burnes 44 R . Chirnside 45 W. Hussey 46 P. Ega n 47 N . Egan 48 R . Gray 49 C . Peters 50 C . Lindsay 52 G . Lambkin 53 B. Driver 54 D. Skillern 55 P. Churchill 56 R. McArthur 57 J . Whiteside 58 A . Mather 59 D . Harvey 60 P. Pop e 61 G . Pillikidis
Coach: Rod Williarnis Res Coach : Andrew Curtain
1 L. Murphy (C) 2 A . Hanki n 3 T. Byrne 4 C . Lyons 5 M . Whelan 6 D . Brennan 7 D . Lee 8 S . Currie 9 G . Ahearn 10 R. Bravington 11 L . Missaglia 11 P. Mahony 12 N . Wigmore 13 P. Stankovich 14 B. Barnett 15 M . Savage 16 M . Surman 17 J . Ward 18 N . Wigmore 19 R . Buckingham 20 G . Daniel l 21 P. Roberts 22 M. Bullard 23 S . Curtain 24 G . Corrie 25 B . Franken 26 C. Mahony 27 M . Daniels 28 W. Davidson 29 S. Mahony 30 J . A'vard 31 G . Devonshire 32 P. Harris 33 J . Overman 34 A . Contin 35 P. McNally 36 B . Bravington 37 L . Lambe rt 38 M. Bel l 39 P. Allan 40 M . Ray 41 A . Tilley 42 J . Lilikakis 43 C. Lyons 44 G . Carrie 45 R . Grandemange 46 J . Kosij 47 M . Grant 48 R . Morgan 49 B . Bravington 50 D. Hosking 51 S . Ramsey 54 S . Kirkham 55 P. Harris 57 J . Wright 64 D . Auslander
GLENHUNTLY Coach: Steve Allender Ras Coach: Peter Derrick 1 B. Wilso n
2 C . Whelan 3 T Hill 4 D. Cassar 5 J . Allessi 6 P. McGuinness 7 M . Kouts 8 J. Jani s 9 A . Antonio 10 A . Young 11 T. Rossiter 12 S . OiReilly 13 M . Kratewski 14 J . Gilmore 15 P. Bresli n 16 C .Johnson 17 S . August 21 I . Turner 22 G . Richards 23 P. Thomas 24 A. Worsnop 26 T. Short 27 M . Gulton 28 C . Murray 30 B . Stewart 31 L . Thomas 32 S. Jankovic 33 D .Jones 34 B . Miller 35 J . Commerford 36 R. Hal l 37 A . Breslin 38 A. Haggarty 39 T. Hosking 40 L. McAuliffe 42 M . Stahmer 43 M .Jones 44 B . O'Donnell 45 R . Stannage 46 A . Bai n 47 J. Walton 48 J. Young 50 G . Lewis 52 C . Mitchell 53 D. McLinden 54 D . Mance 55 S . Pappin 56 R . Bateman 57 M . Ryan 58 J . Crooke 60 M. Johnson 62 G . Panozzo 63 C. Thom 64 M . Callender 65 P. Harrison 66 P. Fogarty 67 B . Hodge 68 R . Dolge 69 G . Fletcher 71 P. Jones
OAKLEIGH A, F Coach: Chris Moore Res Coach: Peter kd,,op 1 R . Gec
2 A. Bloomfield 3 D . MacKenzie 4 P. Heverin 5 R. Dooley 6 K . Marshall 7 P. Donadel 8 R . Marshall 9 J. Moutis 10 M . Wood 11 C . Hanley 12 A. Zavaleris 13 J . Knapper 14 B . Dell'Aquila 15 G . Redford 16 J . Nik o 17 P. Hamilton 19 P. Taylor (C) 20 T. Adamic 21 A. Perdikomati : 22 S. Osborn e 23 P. Dickie 24 S . Kitts 25 C. Marshall 26 A . Kitt s 27 S . Adaway 28 A . Monaghan 29 D . Hall 30 J. Stevens 31 T. Bromley 32 G . Perpina 34 S . Kilner 35 R . Nuske 37 P. Nikakis 38 D . Chapman 39 J . Bonaddio 40 C . Taylo r 41 G . Malapanis 42 G . Orland o 43 J . Theofilopoulo 44 B . Woodard 45 G . Chapman 46 P. Andonopoulo, 47 S . Lewi s 48 C . Nikaki s 50 A . Walsh 51 J . Bonaddi o 52 P. Andrinopoulo: 53 T. lanchell o 54 A . Atherinos 55 B . Grant 56 J . Alis s 57 S . Simopoulos 60 M .Oram 61 A . Moulang 63 D . Woods 64 J . Tolley 65 B . Stirling 66 A . Wood 67 B . Gan t 68 A . Khodr 71 S . Randl e
JrVR % jl. V
Rafferty the Wrecker
CAMBQKVVI-J .L PENINSULA O .B . J McLean T James A Inkster (VC) S . Jack 5 . Horskms A . Seeley M . Scott C. Town A . Gibb s o M . Hanson J . Heffernan 1 2 J . Wilson (C) 1 3 N, Si ms R . Whitehead (VC) 1 5 M. Sho rt 16 D . Walker 17 R . Pik e 18 A. Brownless 19 M . Freedman 20 A. Hills 21 T. Hardman 22 S . Chow 23 D. Bel l 2 4 D. Imberger 25 A . Taylo r 26 M . Stones 27 T. Doherty 28 B . Leitch 29 T. Johnson 30 S . Roe 31 L.O'Mahony 32 E . Williams 33 M . Richmond 34 P. McCare 35 M . Hopkins 36 S . Derry 37 R . Gillan 38 R . Sco tt 39 C . EVans 40 J . Harvey 41 L . Ryan 42 R . Pratt 43 T Walker 44 S. Smith 46 T. Reid 47 P. Lenton 48 J . Swann 49 A. Kent 50 B . McKenzie 51 A. Rog ers 52 J . Mcllwain 53 B . Mcllwain 54 P. Richmond 56 N . Saffa r 57 T. Simpson 58 C . Williams 59 D . Alex 60 B . Kallio 61 T. Johnson 62 C. Bayford 63 C. Strachan 64 B . Day 65 J . Miles 66 T. Hamilton 67 P. Craig 68 P. Thomas 69 P. Cohen 70 D . Jenning s
9857 8061
Coach: Breit McbTalh Res Coach: Net Franks
Coach: Peter orwieri Res Coach: Craig Richardson
Coach: Even Evans Res Coach: Paler Dinnick
Coach: Gary Hickey Res Coach: Geoff Barry
1 S . Parsons 2 S . McMahon 3 G . Nelson
1 J. Gent
1 M . Learmonth 2 L. Cosso n
1 M. Milano 2 J . Sheedy 4 D . Dell'Olio 5 J . Dell'Olio 6 M . Johnston 7 A . Hamilton 8 J . Horridge 10 R. Turnbull 11 G . Barry 14 R. Goode 17 S .Le e
4 E . Bowen 5 N . Kent 6 M . Warner 7 N . Frank s 8 P. Angus (C) 9 P. Keohn 9 P. Krohn 10 T Trewhitt 11 A . Landry 12 A . Campbell 13 V. Brancaijano 14 S . Coombs 15 B . Cook 16 S . Claringbold 17 L . Barclay 18 S. Glove r 19 M . Goldthorpe 20 C . Landry (VC) 21 M . Bonne r 22 A. Atchison 23 R . Sharpin 24 B. Wight 25 S . Atchison 26 C . Lloyd 27 S . Payze 28 B. Taylor 29 R . Powney 30 A. Crean 31 A. Gross 32 A. Parsons 33 D . Sims 34 T. Bradon 35 S . Jackson 36 N . Bowman 37 T. Stewart 38 M . Wells 39 R. Pritchard 40 S . Marshall 41 S . Farrow 42 A . Maley 43 M . Bonner 44 J . Mui r 45 D . Scown 46 A . O'Neil 48 J . Bleasby 49 J . Whelan 50 R . Blood 51 M . Fisher 52 R . Bedford 53 D . Smith 54 M . Dentry 55 R . Cannon 56 R . Powney 58 P. Dietzsch 60 P. Cooper 62 D . Cross 66 A . Hayley 69 S. Farrar
2 J. Hall 3 J. Grey 4 C . Lloyd 5 M . Braini 6 D . Burt 7 C . Richardson 8 S. Cross 9 A. Morris 10 T. Bailey 11 J . Gil l 12 R . Wright 13 J . Harris 14 Hazelwood 15 C . Trewin 16 L . Bold 17 C . McLeod 18 C . Doyle 19 J . Evans 20 D . Allen 21 D . Miller 22 P. Bates 23 S . Craven 24 R . Williams 25 S . Evans 26 J . Senior 27 S . West 28 J . Tucker 29 T. Madden 30 P. Harrison 31 R. Marshall 32 B . Wilson 33 R. Taylo r 34 A . Doughton 35 C. Williams 36 A . Robinson 37 M . Hansen 38 P. Phela n 39 O . Vestergarrd 40 C. Burnside 41 S . Clayton 42 N . Deans 43 W. Uran 44 G . Dean 45 P. Ghazouani 46 S . McCardel 47 D . Norman 48 D . Phelan 49 A . Jame s 50 A . Stand l 51 B . McKenzie 52 E. Krolmark 53 A . Kerr 54 J. Blowfield 55 N . Uran 56 J . Hem 57 C . O'Connor 61 B. McNamara 66 D . Wrigh t 70 R . Haywood 87 T. Friend 88 G . Scotland
3 R . Livingston 4 A. Bel l 5 L. Willis 6 W. Stuart 7 T. Pettini 8 R . Kodituwakku 9 T Gun n 10 T. Jones (VC) 11 K . Gillard 12 B . Summerfield 13 J . Chapman 14 P. Watson 15 D . Andrews 16 A . Wilcox 17 S . Leahy 18 B . Frai l 19 B . Ibbotson 20 G . Crouch 21 T. Ymer (C) 22 R . Alle n 23 S . Parsons 24 I . Gouliet 25 M . LeLevire 26 P. Fraser 27 G . McConnell 28 J . Inne s 29 J . Cogdon 30 S . Rhodes 31 J . Finch 32 J . Boyes 33 P. Stevens 34 R . Ferwerda 35 G. Theoharris 36 E . Evans 37 J . McCashney 38 F. Harrison 39 A . Woods 40 S . De Youn g 41 W. Goldsworthy 42 T. Worral 43 L . Wilson 44 P. Dinnick 45 A . Gunn 46 J . Bernadi 47 M . Bona 48 D . Morcom 49 S. De Young 50 P. Fraser 51 A. George 52 F. Sadie r 53 R . Ferwerda 54 S . Goldsworthy 55 J . Duck 56 A. Gunn 57 J . Grainger 58 T. Azzapadi 59 J . Hil l 60 C . Tetley 61 J . Joseph 62 G . Hayes 63 T. Overton 64 S . Parsons 65 P. Hartigan 66 S . Rhodes 67 S . Stone 68 M . Scammell 69 G . Neve n 70 A . Goldsworthy 71 N . Malloch 72 L. Phillips 73 J . Traxnack 74 J . Wedrien 75 J . Brown 76 J . Jayden 77 T. Timbury 88 A . Ballantyne
18 A . Fiumani 19 B . O'Mara 20 A . Hilgemann 21 T. Dymond 22 S . Flyn n
23 C. Smith 24 S . Fiztgibbon 27 D . Murphy 29 D . DePaoli 30 P. Turk 32 A . Sartitsis 33 D . Milano 35 T. Grimshaw 38 N . Hadsiangeli 39 G. Crouch 40 M . Stroud 43 C . Freeman 44 N . Morgan 45 R . Potter 48 M . De Bono 50 B . Caulfield 51 P. Jame s 52 J . Piotrowski 53 M . McCalman 55 T. Bennett
E SECTION (White) by Barry Hicke y
his being the last edition for full distribution round the Clubs this season, congratulation s to the clubS who have teams in the Finals . An d farewell to North Brunswick, Fitzroy Reds, Bulleen Cobras, Latrobe University, and Old Westbourne, thanks for the competition and camaraderie, and all the best for 1999 . It is hoped that there will be an early return, ie . Season 2000, to the VAFA's traditional structure of Ten-Club Sections, with Two-Club promotions and relegations from the Premier Division through to the base grade . The anomalies of a turbulently churning D Section and a bi-nodal E Level have served their purpose and should be given a decent burial . One of the more stupid things scribes do from time to time, is to compile Representative Sides for the Sections for which they write . It is a recipe for disaster, but bloody good fun. Here is a side put together from match notes and Club Correspondents input for the 17 rounds to date . Every club has at least one representative, with the ladder leaders contributing more . Another team, possibly equally as good . could be put together which excludes all those named below, but this one has poise, pace, passion, pressure, perseverance, and plug-in-modularity . B : Humphrey (BC), Fairfield (OW), Boudoloh (NB) H B : Cracknell (K), Matthews (OC), Jackson (FR) C : Bakogiannis (LU) . Bell N . Everett (OC ) H F : R . Pulvirenti (K) . Farrelly (UHS) . Cocks (WCY) F: Byrnes (RC) . Spencer (OC), McLeod (WCY) Rucks : S . Shannon (RC), O'Sullivan (RC), Vasilopoulos (OC ) IC : Skinns (UHS), McMahon (K) . Andonopoulos (RC) Coach : The 1998 Premiership Coach LAST WEE K Central accounted for UH in reasonable comfort, with Byrnsey snagging his seven in just two terms, and the two BIGS Andy Waters, and Merv Shannon, each having a day out . Tubby Drendel did well at FB for UH . a did Squirrel Pullen on his wing. The C's put on a behind kicking demonstration for the bemused Reds, who were much less profligate . Tim Hart at CHB and FB played well for the Reds, plus Nick Auden on a HB, and Mushy Jackson just about everywhere . Glen Taylor will be conducting goal post identification courses
throughout this week for the C's . La Trobe wen t down to Nort h doggedly but inevitably, and the highlight Sandy Famulari's incredible snap goal for from the boundary line in the third term. The Cobras battled on all day in going dov CY . with the latter getting great games from H, Herbertson, and Guru McLeod . The K's cruised to a win against the Wan who never let up all day . Robson, Andy Horsbi and Marco in the ruck were tops for the Warr Jamie Bell and the Pulvirenti brothers starre the Browns .
THIS WEEK Reds are at home to Uni . High who know must at least draw this game to be safe in the e of CY beating Kew . The G&B's have made a hat winning the critical games this year and I can' them lapsing on this one . There'll be nothing though . may be a goal or so in UHS favour. LU meet Central on the wide open spaces o Main Oval, but will have problems coping witl even vaster skills of the Boulavardiers. As u ; the Trobers will put up stern opposition, but lack the finishing polish of the accompli : Centrals. Nort h and Cobras will be a good game to in and to watch . Both sides have talent, they lack a little consistency . North should take thi four or five goals . CY host Kew at the Fearon and will be thi ing everything into their last ditch effort to cra spot in the finals . While the Browns have been up and down formwise, now that the business of the season is here I think there will be a change in their on-field endeavours . Kew has s a bank of skills and experience that even the i ning ability of CY's midfielders and flankers wi unable to contain them . Kew should take out a per of a game by four or five goals in the end. The Warriors welcome the C's to Hop] Crossing, and will want to demonstrate that are a better side than the ladder relativities i . cate. The home side has recently been much n competitive, and with players of the calibrf Robson, the Horsburgh brothers, Fairfield and like, will make the C's work for a win . But win I should do by 6 goals or so .
Have you thanked your club officials today? This year? Well what about now! For aft e
all without them your club might just not exis# . Go on thank your club officials today.
Ors rgh lOr~ I fOt
thC- 1
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Reserves winners should be : UHS . Central, . orlll . I:ew and C's , e rres pondents : the fax is 9817 3084 & 9818 1425 . Old Carey talking point. Matt 'Cuz' Curry tile ~ l~g FIVE (don't ask) week . a da hgngeand p prolific { getung flanker, with six answers for every probnl . Cuz is well into his own legend! Well done Matt, world, is a crazier and better place!! old Westbourne celebrate another Centurian with Phil Mesman, that reliable defender, r,tnning out for the 100th time . Congratulations i'!1II! !
North Brunswick - congratulations to C . Jewell reaching 100 games for the club . "Sticks" left sth . Australia a few years ago, however has rcturned to be a vital player and great clubman . p;a done and all the very best for the next 50 . Williamstown - congratulations to Reserves (-~Iptain David "Bubba" Bubnic on reaching his 200th game today . A product of the U 19's "Bubba" ;,1 ft loyal clubman who gives his all each week and is an inspiration and great role model for all of his young charges in the reserves . Well done "Bubba" . Old Carey Best Team B : I . Ustick . R . Elliott, M . Yeo ; HB : C . Hickey. C . Matthews, M . Glen ; C: G . Angus . J . Elliiott (VC), N . Everitt : HF: W . Ballagh, J . Dunshea, J . Thomas (C) : F: N . Vasllopoulos . Matt Spencer, M . Cooke ; Ruck: M . Birrell, A . McHarg, G . Freeman ; IC: N . Voight, S. Le Bear, D . Jones .
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ROUND 19 1st Semi-final SENIORS - SUNDAY AUGUST 23rd
RESERVES - SUNDAY AUGUST 23rd BARTLETT RESERVE - 11 .30 a .m . 2nd Semi-final
jus t
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SENIORS - SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd CAMBERWELL SPORTS GROUND - 2 p .m . RESERVES - SATURDAY AUGUST 22n d CAMBERWELL SPORTS GROUND - 11 .30 a.m . "VAFA Administration may make changes to venues once part icipating teams become known - for the latest ring 1900 130 300 after 5 .45 p .m . Saturday evening .
FITZROY REDS v . UHSOB Field : Stan Lugowski LA TROBE UNI . v. RICHMOND CENTRAL Field : Barry Bolger Jeff Collison NORTH BRUNSWICK v . BULLEEN COBRAS 'Field : Ramon Killey Ken Walker WILLIAMSTOWN v . KEW Field : George Paleodimos David D'Altera Goal : Noel Turner Robert Seymou r OLD WESTBOURNE v. OLD CAREY Field : Garry Seabourne Michael Ford e (i2
- .-Al.- .11
. -
rl ; SENIORS - 8 .07.9 8 RICHMOND CENTRAL 5.1 14.9 16 .10 20 .11 .131 UHSOB 3.4 4.5 11.8 16 .9.105 Richmond Centrel: Bvrnes 7. Muscat 3 . Andonapoulos 2. BanIleld 2. S. Shannon 2. V. Kelh~. LebeL Malcam. New1on. Bent: B,Tnes . Graham. Andonoplaucs. Malcom . V. Kelly. OSulivan . llHSOB : Farreliv 6. Talartco 3 . Wallace 2. Cracknell 2. Heiner. Starbuck . Stevens . Best : Craekenll. Hefner, Farrelly. Talarico . Drendel . Devlin. OLD CAREY 5 .4 8.12 14 .25 18 .30.138 FITZROY REDS 1 .4 3.6 4 .8 7.9.51 Old Carey: Vasilopoulos 3. Cohen 3 . Angus 3. Woods 3 . Battle 2 . Gibson. Mai. Faelis . Campbell . Best: FaelLs . Mai . Greenwood. Poppievell. Angus. Birkill. Fitz ro y Reds: Farrell 2. M. Hart 2. Lee. Prior . Jackson . Best: T. Hart. Wharf. P.Jackson . B . Hart, Farrell. Auden. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 4.5 4.7 7 .9 10 .10.70 NORTH BRUNSWICK 2.3 4.6 7 .8 14 .13.97 La Trobe Unhm.lty: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not recehed) North Bruaswiek : A . Tirchett 4 . Grimaldi 3 . D. Demorton 2. M. Sorleto. KyTiazis. Pizzari. Famulari . J. Boudoloh . Best : Dimarco. Hodgson. B. Thorpe. M. Sorletto. A. Ttrehett . J. Boudoloh. BULLEEN COBRAS 1 .3 3.6 8 .8 9 .10.64 5.3 7.8 10.11 15 .13.103 WILLIAMSTOWN Bull een Cobras: J. D'Angelo 4. Clements. Gavler. Goetz. Atazzerella. J. Moran. Best: J . D'Angelo . Schneider. Trinicht. Gareth Brown. Paatsch. M. D'Angelo. WBiiamstowo: (Goal Kickers and Best Players not receieed l KEW 4.7 9.10 18 .16 24 .20.164 OLD : WESTBOURNE 3.1 6.8 6 .9 10 .12.72 Km Bell 9. R. Puhirenll 8. M. htascittt 2. Balcinl. Cracknell . Dountis . King, LaFranchi. Best: Bell . King. McMahon . J. Puhirentt. Skettitt. Landwrohr. Old Westlrourne: J. Horsbur2h 2. Walker 2. Moore. Jago. A. Horsbt¢att . Digioacehino. Heeitt. Taylor. ~at : Robson . A . Horsburgh. M. Digtdace~luno . Knig. Jago. J . Horsburgb .
RESERVES - 8.07 .98
1 .0 2 .0 2 .0.12 RICHMOND CENTRAL 0 .0 UHSOB 6.5 7.7 15.11 21 .18.142 Richmond Central : Durkin . Fenton . Best : Guthrie. Fawcett . Ritchie. Ymer. Fenton. Manning. UHSOB : DeLuLse 5. Lewickt 4. Madrigrano 4. James 2. Mills. Molinaro . Anderson. Pfeiffer. Dixon . Eltringham . Beat: Madrigrano. Anderson. Elhhtgham . James. Lewicki. DeLuise. Iblence. OD CAREY 3.4 5.8 7 .9 8 .10.58 FITZROY REDS 0.4 1 .5 2 .8 4 .12.36 Old Carey : Rist 4. Burn. Barwell. Wright. Whittington . Best: Auldist . Hart. M. Cuny . Moulton . Russe ll. Burn. Fitzroy Reds: Kr43cou 2. Heenan. Box Beat: Frisby. Campbell. Herman. J. Keppel . Centra. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY 0.0 1.0 4 .1 4 .8.323 NORTH BRUNSWICK 4.5 8.13 9.13 13 .13.90 La Trobe University : (Goal Kickers and Best Players not received ) North Brunswick : P. Swleto 4. Anderson 2. ENans 2. Pisale. Teffaha. Crostna Dawsett. Pretty . Best : Lucantoni. FunneB. Teffaha. Pisasale. newton . M. Laoumtzes . BULLEEN COBRAS 2.2 2.3 2 .5 2 .5.17 5.5 9.9 16.11 23 .17.155 WILLIAMSTOWN BuBeeu Cobras: A . Simon . Zorzt . Beet: Zorszi. Petty, Ohtev. Bastasht. Motuoudakis. Summers. Willie .mstown: (Goal Kickers and Best Playcrs not recened) KEW 3.2 8.5 10.9 13.14.92 OLD WESTBOURNE 1 .4 1.5 1 .5 1 .5.11 Kern Bakogiamns 5. Kbiakou 3 . Blair. M(gllorini. D . MashtO . R . Livingston . Nagy. Best: Chmv. Parow . Bakagieuvtic. Wells. Penesis. Nagy. Old Westbottrne: B. Mattsson. Best : Littlepage . Mutimer. B. Mattsson . Mesm an. S. Mattsson. Harris .
E White BULLEEN COBRAS FITZROY REDS Coach : Joe D'An9eb Res Coach: Jamk, Redfern 1 R . Schneider 2 T.Orwin
3 M . Stratton 4 N . Cartledge 4 N . Cartledge 4 1 . McLeod 5 M . Dalloglio 6 B . Hoare 7 F. Bald i 8 T Mazzarella 8 S . Gayler 9 P. Goetz 10 S . Wagg 11 S . Petty 12 A . Issa 13 S . Dillon 14 B . Mott 15 M . James 16 D . Trinch i 17 Gareth Brown 18 R. Badanjek 19 S . Trapman 20 J . Mora n 21 M . Strahan 22 P. Bastasin 23 J . Redfern 24 P. Zorzi 25 W . Olney 26 A . Gillard 27 C. Pasiopoulos 28 B . Lira s
29 A . Summers 30 C. Parker 31 S . Moran 32 C. Clements 33 A . Coo k 34 M . D'Angelo 35 T. Sette 36 D . Van Pelt 37 J. Paatsch 38 Graham Brown 39 T. Karanikos 40 S . Lennon 41 N . Polites 42 G . Lekkas 43 R . Caiazzo 44 B . Moran 45 M . Sheehan 46 A . Humphrey 47 J . Polimakos 48 M . Soumlinis 49 M . Fitt 53 S. Stratton 69 L . Thompson
Senior Coach: Grant Harnmmd Res Coach: Darren Kane
Coach: Serge D Angcio Rea : Richard Baker
Senior Coach: Sean Dinin Res Coach: John Wilrumsai
Coach: C. Fox Res. Coach B. Fume#
1 M . Frisby 2 A . Walsh 3 C. Daalder 4 M . Carrache r 5 D. Kane
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4
7 J . Doyle 8 M . Farrell 9 D. Fitts 10 James Briffa 11 F. Cocco 12 J . Smith 13 A . Hoare 14 B . Campbell 15 P. Keppell 16 M . Wharfe 17 B . Le e 18 M . Heenan 19 A . Centra 20 D. Hope 20 A . Leddin 21 J . Kinsman 22 S . Pickett 23 A . Jackson 24 C. Tehan 25 P. Jackson 26 M . Hart 27 J . Loft 28 N . Hall 29 D . East J . Campbell 30 B . Foster 31 M . Ross 32 T. Hart 33 S . Drury 34 M . Merh i 35 A . Mackinnon 36 W . Fawaz 36 R . Ryan 37 C. Sheather 38 C. Prior 39 A . George 40 R . McLennan 41 S . O'Carroll 42 I . McBurney 43 F. Tomai 44 Ben Hart 45 P. James 46 N . Mann 47 C. McGregor 48 A . Dove 49 R . Zapelli 50 E . Kyriacou 51 G . Thurgoo d 52 B . O ' Conno r 53 J . Keppell 54 S . Kleinitz 55 D . Atkins 56 T. Madden 57 N . Berryman 58 G . Evans 59 B . Ryan 60 S . Slieke r 61 C . McConnell 62 N . Auden 63 V. Symons 65 G. Wright 66 P. Duffy 67 D . Trindade 80 G. Box
6 A. Felmingham 7 D . Hope 8 J . Pulvirenti 9 A. Gencarelli (VC) 10 B . Cullen (C) 11 G . Bakogiannis 12 S . McMahon 13 C . Kiriakou 14 G . Campbell 15 C . Bradley 15 M . Bria 16 D . Wood 17 J . Bell (VC) 18 N . King (VC) 19 N . Peters 20 S . Harrison 21 D . Hannam 22 J . Paron 23 I . Baccini 24 B . Dimasi 25 H . Sheehan 26 M . Channon 27 D . Cracknell 28 L. Donovan 29 M . Dalrymple 30 C . Giansante 31 A . Wells 32 J . Chow 33 J . Porter 34 M . Mascitti 35 R . Bruno 36 A . Skerritt 37 W. Lombardini 38 M . Frazer 39 P. Thornley 40 P. Nagy 40 G . Muckia n 41 R. Livingston 42 C. Livingston 43 J . Daumis 44 A . Danne 45 J . Bortone 46 D . Mascitti 47 H . Penesis 48 M . Dandanis 49 S . Hodgson 50 G . Apolstalakos 51 M . Blair 52 I . Fletche r 53 M . Guy 54 T. Blunt 55 J . Landwehr 56 J . Ryan 56 N . Felmingham 57 A . Mountney 58 A . Acfiel d 59 A . Rei d 60 M . Miqliorin i 61 T. Willi s 62 D . Jame s 63 W. Goui n 64 C . Matthews 65 M . Callerame 66 B . Robertson
1 M . Bakogianis 2 D . Huffer 3 J . Goode 4 G . Murphy 10 D . Sidebottom 11 J . Levy 12 G. Robinson 13 B . Brown (C) 14 S . Haynes 15 M . Lewis 16 C . McKie 17 L . Heathcote 18 S . O'Toole 19 R . Canty 2 2 S . Smee 23 S . Dunin 24 S . Honey 25 M . Cotsopoulos 27 L . Ryan 31 S . Lonergan
B . Lafranch J . Kalpakis R . Pulvirenti G . Crimmin s J . Barnes
67 A . McDonough 68 R . Baker 99 S . Bruno ~~-¢
32 M . Napie Pierr
34 R . Brown 35 C . Roberts 38 A . Willis 41 S . Robinson 45 S . Turner 46 D . Wright 47 S . Landwehr 50 S . Beaglehall 51 P. Klienitz 54 B . McKenzie 55 A . Cummings 56 S . Price 57 N . Rosengren 61 S . Bland 62 G . Tendelli 63 C . Black 64 B . Ledderman 65 C . Aucote 66 A . Baille 70 J . Dumaresq 71 P. Moo n 72 S. Stirling 73 A. Bortone 74 S . Mitchell 75 A. Fry 76 B. McMillan 77 A. Alcock
A . Tirchett D . Adam s S . Hodgso n M . Sorlet o
5 W. McMaho n
6 V. Grimald i 7 D . Magnuso n 8 B . Whitma n 10 P. Sorletto 11 J . Boudolo h 12 J . Polemico s 13 S . Wernham 14 M . Bradford 15 B . Evan s 16 L . Demorton 17 A . Kyriazis 18 M. Malkou n 19 V. Liros i 20 M. Warren 21 G . Burrows 22 R . ThorP e 23 D . Elli s 24 G . Lattouf 26 s. Hog g 27 D . Lucantoni 28 W. Pretty y
29 C . Jewel l 30 P. Dimarco 31 J . Freeman 32 S. Famulari 33 G . Pie t 34 D . Fo x 35 P. Dowset t 36 B. Thorpe 37 D . Demorton 38 J . Tirchett 39 D . Pizzari 40 R . Abdelnou r 41 C . Anderso n 42 J . Papanikol o 43 M. Pisasal e 44 J . Androutso s 45 H . Tisaltas 46 M. Laoumtzea 47 S . Laoumtze s 48 B. Laoumtze s 49 R . Johnsto n 50 J . Thompso n
52 J . Rotell a 53 A. Velkoski 54 G . Gouma s 55 Z . Nag i
ASCOT VALE 303 TEL : 9370 5800 new" ltatzl Melbourne
FAX : 9375 228 2
White OLD CAREY .~ GF~T~ Fes ~ C . Angu s
OLD WESTBOURNE RICHMOND CENTRAL C oach: Robert fdutkner Res Coach : Eddie SzusAdewirz As& Coac h : And Clark "째'
Coach: Tm Pastafract Res. Coach: Damylf'idccey
U .H .S .O .B . Coach: David Nash Res Coach: Wkk James
WILIJAMSTOW N CYM S Coach: PaW Mdimaa Res Coach : CaTw째째McKeru "
1 R. Freijah 1 P. Byrnes 1 N . Bezzan t 2 A. Talarico 1 R . Mutimer 1 P. Pizzolante 2 C . Hickey . Bone 2 D . Dawson 3 M Cohen 2 D . Taylor 2 A . Banfield 3 A . McLennan 4 C 2 B . Cocks 3 R . Littlepage 3 T. O'Sullivan C. Esle r 5 C . Shone 4 A . O'Keefe 4 A . White 3 D . Woud a P~ Graham . Cracknell 4 S . Wucatsch . Busse 5 P. Vincent (VC) 4 C. Durkin 6 S . Skinns ~ P Campbell (VC ) 7 C ~ G 6 J . H ors burg h 5 S . S hanno n 4 J . Tuc k 8 D D . Haslett 5 P A. Drever 7 S . King 6 S . Pickett . Sadler 8 A . Anderson . Opp Y . Bunshaw g A. 8 A . Horsburgh (C) 6 GR . Smith 6 D. Oldham 9 n M. Addison 9 D. Jago 7 F. Bove 10 P. Burns 7 S . lvkovi c ~ A Birkill 10 S . Sutton 8 G . Malcolm (C) 11 S . Mills 8 B . Han n l~ K.. Shrives 11 B. Franklin (VC) 9 P. Jackson 12 B . Farrelly 9 G . Case N Everett . Gibb . Murphy ~1 N 12 M 10 A 13 P. McLean 10 J . Catlo w 2 M. Spencer 13 S. Hewitt 11 M . Newton 14 J . Ham 3 A.Jackson 11 L . Grochowski 15 M . Davidson 14 B. Mattso n 11 . D . Hickey M . Curry 12 A. Mackley 16 P. Gunthorpe 15 A . Board 11 M . Defreitas 15 S. Greenwood 17 P. Sciola 13 B. Wouda 17 M . Aquilina 12 F. Macak 16 M .Jones 18 R . Stevens 14 A. Danie l y 18 P. King 13 G . McQueen 17 gCurr Matthews (C) M . Craig 14 C. Shannon 19 G . Mazza 15 B. Hynes t S C . 19 20 F. Molinaro 16 K. Dervan 1is C . Richard s 21 B . Dangerfield 16 J . Birt 21 M . Pigden 19 P. Drake 22 W. Fleming 17 A . Fawcett 17 Dane Macleo d .John 20 W. Mudge 23 G . Flower 18 M . Zajac 2 2 23 RP. s Eltringham 18 J . Sharp P1 J . Woods 24 L. Fairfield 19 J . Manning 19 P. Dervan 24 B . Carruthers 21 F. osking H . Hand s 25 D. Moore 20 V. Kelly 25 A . Hellner 20 P. Owen J 22 . Batt le26 P. Mesman 21 S . Davis 26 B . Fogliaro 21 N . Bond 22'C 23 T. Pric e 27 J . Farrugia 21 C . Reid 27 S . Major 22 R. Allen 24 C . Parslow 22 A. Flores 28 M . Rothwell 23 G . Herbert son l M . Yarnel28 29 D . Horsburgh 24 P. Muscat 29 K. Jones 25 C. Goodall 24 S . Borszsk y 30 C . Galvin 25 P. Smith 30 B. Abrahamsen 26 J . Danihe r 25 G . Burges s 31 P. Dolence . Vasilopoulos 31 S . Walker 27 C . Adams 27 N . Lee (VC) 32 G. Jenkinson 28 A . Waters 32 H . Starbuck 26 D 27 J . Buttergie g 33 P. Drendel 28 P. Nance 33 G. Robson (VC) 29 S . O'Sullivan 34 G. Haeusler 28 A. Pawczynski 29 T. Moulto n 34 B . Stewart 29 S . Lebel 30 S .Feehan 36 P. Knight 30 G . Tate 35 S . Jones 29 S . B ryan . Catterall 30 A. Cook (C) r D . Gardne 31 37 S . Cummin 35 C. Krisohos 37 38 G G . Madrigrano 32 C . Withingto n 38 B . Mattsson 36 K. White 31 X. Toby M. 33 P. Gilbe rt 39 A . Robbins 37 G . Port eous 39 Rea 32 M . Dooley . Ford 40 J 34 D . Faeli s 41 D. Merino 43 A. Siwka 33 A . Blac k 41 C. Pfeiffer 35 D . Palme r 36 L . Small 42 M . Dobbie 44 A. Faulkner 42 D . Wallace (C) 34 B . Robinson . Williams 48 T. Gutherie 43 M . O'Neil 35 S . Kennedy 37 D . Wright 43 B 44 S . Craig 49 N . Ritchie 44 A. Pfeiffer 38 I . Cohe n 36 C. Bergin 45 A. Teagle 52 C . Andonopoulos 45 C . Cook 37 A . Bond 39 P.Benne tt 40 B . Humphreys B 46 G . McNair 54 P. Whiteside 46 R . Killey 38 D. Macleod 47 M. Waldron 41 A . Gate s 47 R . McMillan 55 S . Fenton 39 T Carte r 42 C . Popplewel l 48 M . Gale 56 A . Crosina 48 K. Lewick i 40 A. Menhenne t 49 D . De Luca 43 S . Cherry 50 P. Habbersatt 57 M . Teffaha 44 G . Hendriks 52 S . Wright 58 J . Wilcox 50 D . Zulicki 41 S . Lubic 44 J . Rist 53 D . Billman 59 M . Newton 51 J . Rogers 42 A. Barnes 52 J . Damiano 45 M . Eastham 43 M . O'FIYn n 54 M . Crosswell 60 J . Toppi 54 J . Pfeiffe r 46 M . Can n 44 M . Manning 55 B . Green 61 J . Page 56 H . Gillies 47 S . Hawkings 45 P. Bregue t 56 A . Crabb 62 T. Graham 58 M . Coo k 48 S . Addison 46 S. McEachra n 57 J . Robertson 64 I . Velkoski 59 D . Smith 49 D . Bur n 47 T. Hickford 58 B . Stewart 64 M. WilkinsOn 60 J . Michael 50 S . Hart 59 C. Stone 65 B. Funnell 48 P. Dowse y 61 P. Hoban 51 P. Manioti s . Briski 66 C . Corker 62 J . Abbot 49 K . Dowsey 52 A. Opray 60 T 61 M . Broadle 69 M . Tapley 63 M . De Luise 53 R . Bardwel l 50 K . Stebbing 62 D. Ciccocioppo 71 M . Burnett 64 J . Evans 54 L . Patterson 51 D. Bubni c 63 R . Sherlock 65 D. McCartney 55 C . Wheatley 72 N . Gustafsson 52 A . Savoia 56 J . Harcou rt 64 C . Villinger 78 S . Tresise 67 C . D'Agnolo 53 T. Beckwit h 68 A. Dixon 58 M . Kennedy l 65 D . Clowes 78 E . Ymer . Burgess C . Mason 59 66 C . Pope 69 S . Hyde 54 J 55 J . Goodma n 72 G . Pullen 70 T. Auldist 67 B. Slattery 73 S. Devlin 56 G . Rickar d 68 A. Lipscombe 77 L . Marten 57 M . Saccoccio 69 G . Mussara 87 M . James Sponsors : 58 C . Scott Major Sponsors : 70 M . Buttiegieg 59 G. Singleton 71 A . Traianon THE MAX HOTEL FREIGHTLINER 60 C . Singleton TRUCKS Carmine Miranda OPO BAR & BISTRO AMP LIFE LTD 9805 930 7 HANG TEN 0 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1998
. 29
BDFOO 0 0 Beiersdorf Australia Ltd
F SECTION by Ed Sil l
I u le a line through the books! The seniors final fou r Rs set. Even the first round of finals has been determined . However, the reserves is far from set with many permutations and combinations still possible . REVIE W
The battle of the top two teams saw Monash jump from the gate early to lead by 4 goals at quarter time, a lead which was never seriously threatened from that point on . Hetherington was unstoppable in the middle whilst ruckmen Grady continually gave his team first use of the footy. Down back from the Gryphons . Blandford and Rafanello provided both defence and attack in equal measures to thwart many early advances by the Hawks. The vanquished were well served by Broadley in the middle and Nunn down back . West Brunswick finally put paid to Eley Park's finals hopes with a workman like performance . Cannane was again dominant for the Westies who were also well served by Ben Hamilton, Petchel and Harris . Eley Park was only a couple down at half time but the Westies exerted their authority there after to record a comfortable win . Congratulations also to Dave D'Altera for his 250th game in white. There is however no truth in the rumour that David does not blow time on in the last quarter to ensure that the first beer is in his hands sooner. The first quarter of the ANZ Albe rt Park an d Syndal clash saw the Rats take up where they had left off over recent weeks and race to an early lead . However. S}mdal midfielders Murray and Ertan and wingman Beckett gained control in the second quarter enabling the Sinners to get on top and run away and record a convincing win . Sutton was once again outstanding in the ruck for the Rats and he was well assisted by Vaughan-Nevin at CHB and Peter Rutherford in the midfield . The final match was a cliffhanger with an after the siren point by Brian Doody for Eltham being enough to gain victory by that very margin . The last quarter was tense stuff with the lead changing a number of times . The Turtles used Gasparotto up forward with good effect whilst Cam Simon on his wing and Andrew McClean at full back at full back were also great contributors. Yet another heartbreaker for the Werribee boys . PREVIEW With the final four set. little rests on this week's games however the finalists will be keep for a win going into the finals whilst the rest will be looking to end the season on a high note .
Hawthorn host West Brunswick and will be keen to atone for a lacklustre performance the previous
week. The Westies have been the great improvers over the year and were reward- -~-' ed with a position in the fmals . Cannane has been ter rific for them and he along with Hamilton clan ensure that key forwards in Smythe and Harris see a lot of the footy . Broadley has been the Hawks most consistent in recent weeks and will be looking for the likes of Patterson and Reed to lend some support this week, Hawks, maybe. Monash take on ANZ Albert Park and will not want to take them lightly as their end of season form has been good . However the Gryphons midfield is par . ticularly strong and it is difficult to suppress one let alone all of them . Luffre Smith was amongst the goals last week and Blandford will get the job on him with Raffanello likely to get Hollywood Forsyth . The Gryphons will have simply too much firepower and will win in what should be a good contest . Eley Park play host to Eltham in a game that pits two sides who will be left to reflect on a season of what ifs . The loss of Hook at the business end of the season made it difficult for the Sharks who none the less have battled on gamely. The Turtles would have been devastated by their mid season injury toll which put paid to any finals aspirations . Bruce and Coonerty will line up together on a wing in a match up that promises plenty of pace and skill whilst Bowen and Gasparotto duel will also be pivotal . With no Hook at CHB . Brian Doody might just have field day and get the Turtles over the line. Finally. Werribee take on Syndal with little but pride to play for . The farmers have been desperately unlucky throughout the year and will be an imposing side next year. The Sinners on the other hand have had a great year first up and have a number of guns in their side that have helped propel them into the finals . In a bit of an upset its fancied that Werribee might get the points to end the year on a good note . F Section Team of the Yea r B : Parker (H), Rafanello (M), Blandford (M) HB : Avery (H), Hook (EP), N . Rutherford (ANZ ) C: Coonerty (E), Cannane (WB) . Hetherington (M) HF: Smith (ANZ), Cachia (S), Kilmister (M ) F : Gilchrist (M), Smythe (WB), Lauletta (H) R: Sutton (ANZ) . Wells (M), Rutter (S ) I/C From: Isaacs (W), Asbell (M), A . Hamilton (WB), Joy (S), Bowen (EP), Bruce (EP) . Apologies to a number and hope the arguments are long and vocal .
Have you thanked your club officials today? This year? Well what about now! For after all without them your club might just not exisi ;. Go on thank your club officials today . 30 速 THE AMATEUR FOOTBALLER 1998
II 1~,-lhorn to secure second spot, Monash easily, ~. p;trk to cement a finals spot and Werribee but al l ",';701 dlCall .
9555 0900 Phone 9553 3675 ress Co rrespondents . ,X hefore 5pm Monday
. S00IAL -oce Counts: Monash are holding their vote count ,I the Gryph Inn Bar and Bistro on Sunday (16/8/98) 1 pm unt116pm . $5 entry, all players and supporters ;t .Ic )me.
3awthorn are holding their vote count in the club ,,,jnls on Saturday night after the West Brunswick mc . Counting will begin at 7 .30pm . Syndat are having a Karaoke night after the p,,-rribee game at the club rooms from 8 .30pm o ;nvards. $15 will get you entry, meal and entertainir,ent . Finally thanks to the correspondents who have ,nade life much easier. In particular, Phil Knight from ,he Rats, Stephen Fvffe from West Brunswick, Matt i{caly from the Gryphons and Frankie from Eltham .
. . T\
. ._
Monash Gryphons - congratulations to Craig Robinson who this week reaches 100 games . A founciation member of the club, who is classy, hard at the ball and is a fine attacking defender Also Gerrad Roche plays his 50th game for the club . Gerard established himself as a most consistent hackman in the senior side over the past three years since arriving from Drouin . Well done to you both .
~~J ira; J d~H_~E`9 O~pTO ; SENIORS
~±1 in~! ~)~6TTPc`IR
56 45 42 38 35
~-~, ~-_ ANZ ALBERT PARK v . MONASH GRYPHONS Field : Paul Tuppen Adam Harris WERRIBEE v . SYNDAL TALLY HO Field : Ken Brewer Jim Pappas ELEY PARK v. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS Field : Ron Smith Andrew Dickenson HAWTHORN AMATEURS v . WEST BRUNSWICK Field : Michael Gilday
SENIORS - 8 .07.98
MONASH GRYPHONS 6 .4 8.8 9.13 11 .19.85 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 2 .2 5.3 6.8 7.12.54 Monash Gryphone: Urban 4 . T. Gilchrist 4. Ki9mister. Lewis, Blan dlard. Beat : Hetherington. Tolongos. Urban . Blandford. T . Gtichrist. Grady. Hawthorn Amateurs: Lauletta 2. Bourke 2. Hopkins . Brozdln~ . Staliw»rthy. Best : Broadley. Orchards. Hopkins. A. Sill . Parker. Nunn . SYNDAL TALLY HO 2 .3 10.7 17.10 20.18 .138 ANZ ALBERT PARK 4 .2 5.4 10.6 12.6 .78 Syndal Tally Ho: Cacitia 4 . Murray 4. Toce 3. Matmeman 2 . Burns 2. Beckett 2 . Sneddan 2. Bent. Beat: Murray. Beckett. Ertan. Toee. Joy . ANZ Albert Park Smith 3 . N . Ruhtherford 2. Shoppee 2. McLellan . Redpath . Sutton 2. it.alkley. Beet: Sutten. Vauhan-Netine . Jackson. P. Rutherford. N . Rutherford . C . Carlisle . ELTHAht COLLEGIANS 3 .3 5.6 8.10 9.14 .65 2 .2 8.6 8.6 10.7 .67 WERRIBEE AMATEURS Ettham Collegiana : Gasparotto 3. Coonerty 2. Simon 2 . Doody. Sharpe . Best : Doodv . Macaulay. Bell. Simon. Coanerty, Sharpe . Werribee Amatetrrs : Morgan 3 . Stephenson 2. Carr. McNamara. Gibson . Zulian . Drew Best: Carr. Brown . Bisbv. Towers. Rantino . Morgan. WEST BRUNSWICK 1 .3 4.6 8.7 12.8 .80 ELEY PARK 1 .2 2.3 4.5 6.6 .42 West Brunswick. Smythe 3. A. Hamilton 2 . Cannane 2 . S6bereisen. Byme . D`Andrea. Petschel . Hegwrood . Best : Lewis. Cannarte. B . Hamilton . Petschel . Basham. M. Malone . Eley Park: Lenarcic 5 . Wuillentin. Best : Lenarcte . Trotter. S. DLv Yelland . Bawen . T. Morrison.
RESERVES - 8 .07 .98 MONASH GRYPHONS 3 .1 8.8 10.8 11.13 .79 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 3 .2 5.4 8.6 9.9 .63 Monash Gryphons: Lercy 3 . Sataj 2. R . Gilchrist 2. Kern, Arena. Barrie . Bermet. Best: Gra}elon . Bennett . Lerov. Buick. Wright. Salaj . Hawthorn Amatears: Lord 2 . Dunstan Law 2. Ryan . Denovan . Bogie. Best : Law. Hewish . Tram, Rosstharn. Kerr. Williams. SYNDAL TALLY HO 1 .0 2.1 3.2 5 .7.37 ANZ ALBERT PARK 4 .3 8.3 12 .6 13 .6.84 Syndal Tally Ho: French 2 . Allen 2. Vanurlzen . Beat : Frech . Cotsis . Spencer. Wallace. BUT ess. ANZ Albert Patras 5 . RKwrland 3. Bourne 2. Carter. Daou. Kemp. Best: Heyes. Irvine. Pastras. Carter . Leman . E%erard. ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 3.2 8.4 13 .8 15 .7.97 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 1 .3 5.4 8 .7 13 .9.87 Eltham Collegians : Watson 6. Hicks 3. B7iui 2 . R. white 2 . MacDonald . Glare. Best: Watson. MiVa. Hicks, MacDonald . Schafer . T. Barnett. ' Werribee Amateurs: Seeker 3. Molman 3 . Murray 2 . C. Alabakts 2. Smith. Dtnnua. Chapman. Best : Chaptn:ut . Seebers . Doote. Alabaks . Holman. Mtumav. WEST BRUNSWICK 2.1 3 .4 4 .7 5.8.38 ELEY PARK 2.3 3 .4 3 .5 7.5.47 West Brtmswiek: Disisto 2 . Lynch . MCNaughton. Beet : Whitehead. MeNaughton. Harrutgton . Stewart. M. Moore. Counties . Elcy Park : Dell'orso 2. N. Karadlrttns 2 . ArifL LetUru . Miltalee. Best; Dell'orso. N . Karadunos . J. Cullen. Mahalec. Heath, Tadaay .
"7j l ;'i
ROUND 1 9 1st Semi-final SENIORS - SUNDAY AUGUST 23rd GILLON OVAL - 2 p .m . RESERVES - SUNDAY AUGUST 23rd GILLON OVAL - 11 .30 a .m . 2nd Semi-final SENIORS - SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd CRAMER ST . RESERVE - 2 p .m . RESERVES - SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd CRAMER ST. RESERVE - 11 .30 a .m . *VAFA Administration may make changes to venues once participating teams become known - for the latest ring 1900 130 300 after 5 .45 p .m . Saturday evening .
Phone : (03) 9561 7577 Fax : (03) 9561 7566
ANZ ALBERT PARK Coach: Gary Forsyth Res Coach : Pad Shoppe
1 S Duke 2 N Pastras 3 P Smith (S) 3 D Kilmartin (R) 4 R Wills
ELEY PARK Coach : Martin Hook Res Coach: Rob Widdwrn
49 A Stewart 50 K Daou 51 D Tangney 52 F Pole 53 D Fanning 54 P Rutherford
1 D. Arundell 2 A . Morris 2 M . Brady 3 A . Featonby 3 R. LaMarca 4 M . Georgiou 4 M . Dell' Orso 5 C. Kaye 5 W . LaMarca 6 D . Bruce 6 A . Briginshaw 7 D . Bowen 7 N . Taifemopoulos 8 D. Carroll 8 R. Poole 9 P. Yelland 9 T. Karadimos 10 C. McLean 11 L. McLean 12 A . Dunstan 13 A . Kelstall 14 G . Elder 15 R . Young 16 P. Stoney 17 A . Hill 18 S . Raymer 19 D . Trotter 20 M . Hoo k 21 F. Mihalec 22 P. Cantone 23 G. Smith 24 S . Watts 25 G. Heath 26 D . Hawley 27 D . Kaye 28 W. Holm 29 F. Lettini 30 G . Bromley 31 G . Lamarca 32 D . Grant 33 N . Dix 34 S . Bromley 35 P. Blew 36 S . Le e 37 D . Payne 38 K. Podger 39 J . Verde 40 N . Karadimos 41 R . Wickham 42 V. Fukishima 43 S . Bazley 44 L. Ketts 45 L. Di x 46 S . Collins 47 M . Payn e
55 M . Leitao
48 P. Clear
5 J Hartnett
6 G Forsyth 7 J Sutton 8 R Lindsay 9 J Bourne 10 M Phillips 11 A Mitchell 12 G Finn 13 A Farmer 14 T Prior 15 J Snorrason 16 J Djoric 17 D McLellan
18 P Boyle 19 A Faranda 20 R Koegler
21 P Shoppee 22 S Redpath 23 A Bennett 24 R McDonald 25 J McDonald 26 C Iva 27 C Lovett 28 C Walkley
29 G Walkley 30 A Thomas 31 D Green 32 M Farrell 33 N Daou 34 N Rutherford 35 P Galley
36 M Pearson 37 A Jenkin 38 J Leneghan 39 A Kemp 40 G Taylor 41 D Riverland 42 C Carlisle 43 R Carlisl e 44 C McLean 45 S Bullow 46 V Stuto 47 M Carter 48 P Hayes
49 M . Hooper
Res. Coach: P. Hansen 1 J . Smyth 2 S . Maxfield 3 A . Tocke r 4 B . Doody 5 R .Maddison 6 R . Hearty 7 M . Gasparotto 8 J . Woodward 9 C. Watso n 10 C . Simon 11 J . Muzzi 12 G. Mullins 13 R . Bel l 14 S . Justice 15 L . White 16 D . Barnett 1 7 G. Lays 18 M . Barling ling 19 D . Boyce 20 T. Carter 21 D . Shipley 22 S. Athanasopoulos 23 A . Phipps 24 M . Dwyer 25 T Hedley 26 J . Glare 27 B. Turney 28 T. Barnett 29 C . Bishop 30 D . Hogan 31 Z . Jovanoviski 32 P. Clarke 33 M . Volard 34 R . Davies 35 J . Muscat 36 S. Philipso n 37 C . Horsburgh 38 S. Dalzie l 39 F. Coonerty 40 S . Lewis 41 G . Stackpoole 42 C .Hal l 43 N N . Hamshare 44 C . Menthe r 45 A. Macaulay 48 R . Harris 49 W. Share 50 L. Sharp e 51 T Scott 52 . Smedley 53 J . Athanasopoulos 54 P. Barnett 55 P. Morrow 56 A . Stockdale 59 B . Evan s 60 A . Stockdale 61 . Dismor e 62 B . Hespe 63 A . Kelso 64 R . White 65 S . Schafer
Coach: Peter Tyson Res Coach: Kevin ~kvathy
1 D . Murray (VC) 1 T. Fitzpatric k 2 G . Broadley 2 B . Lovic h 3 K . Richardson 3 M . Irvine 4 S . Bowe 5 S . Avery 6 P. Avery (VC) 7 G . Stallworth y 9 W. Pollock 8 M . Dunsta n 10 P. Orchard (C) 11 A . Sill 12 N . Patterso n 13 J . Povey 14 D . Lauletta 15 G. McDonal d 16 C . Ree d 17 D . Zaverella 18 P. Rya n 19 J . Law 20 S . Parker 21 A . Bourke 22 W. Power 23 D . Tracey 4 D . Hutchinso n 25 M . Zaverella 26 M . Nowak 27 R . Lord 28 J . Morrison 29 P. Barker 30 M . Nun n 31 J . Bes t 32 S . Davie s 33 D . Hopkins 34 J . Bogi e 36 K. Sanders 38 M . Tyso n 39 P. Hewis h 41 D . Lahif f 43 I . Chepp a 44 P. Rossitto 46 T. O'Hanlo n 48 I . Rosthor n 49 D .McCowan 51 R . Starbuck 52 R . Denovan 53 T. Ker r
ultbusinessJurniture (Vic) pty. ltd
MONA8H ASH GRYPHO GRYpH0 Coach Gary Ry~ Rex Coach; Tkn Qre.,=
1 L. Wells (C) 2 M . Heal y
3 A . Grady 4 G. Harrak 4a C . Robinson 5 D . Kin g 6 G. Rya n 7 M . Khoury 8 J . Blandford 9 P. Lowcock 10 P. Williamson 11 J . Barri e 12 J . Urban 12 D . Domaschenz 13 J . Stratfor d 14 M . Lewi s 15 A. Clarke 16 S. Aren a 17 J . Hetherington (VC) 18 A. O'Brian 19 J . Leroy 20 G . Browell 21 M . Asbel l 22 D . Henderson 23 C . Freeman 24 D. Kitchi n 25 M . Kilmiste r 26 T. Gilchrist 27 R. Gilchrist 28 R. Rafaniello 29 J . Fulle r 30 R. Davey 30 P. Holland 31 G . Roche 32 A . Tolongos 32aC. McAleese 33 D.Junkeer 34 M . Graydon 35 A . Moffat 36 J . Watson 37 V. Hindle 38 P. Callu s 39 M . Clydesdale 40 M . Salaj 41 D . Charleston 42 T. Drew 43 D . Walter 44 B . Kenyon 45 J. Gonis 46 G. Kent 47 T. Bescee 48 L . Martin 49 B . Lloyd 50 D . Kweite l 51 C . Leeton 52 D . Hale 53 G . Wadley 54 T. Wright 55 D . Bennett 56 M . Buick 60 S . Radich 61 D . Nichol s 66 S . Pelletier 69 S . McGrail
Pmudiv Sponsorcd by :
STAR AND GARTER HOTEL Cur pocws St & 70 Nelson Rd, Sth Melbourne
EL~'a, I"rrntsERa ~ ft4RDWARE P/L 1175-t 181 Main Road, Ehtu~m ~k. ?dYa5 Ph : 9438 5533
d.~. e~e1~..I t~I~I 'l7~ 7 7~速 I~t速t`! /CAP & prsi~o~
qqwpppp--- SYN DAL TALLY-H O nl ; ,k H 6ingtl MakJai' lco.3ch
T P.1arks K . Gadsby A Sneddo n 3 3
Joy (C )
p Simonsen A . Turpi n P, Henderson D . Hannett J . Cotsis A . Burns A . Burgess R. Benne tt 8 V. Won g I Bingham G. Woolard o P. Henning 11 J. Rutte r 12 p . Bent (VC) 12 S . Goul d ;3 J. Kerrins 1 , S. O'Boyle 15 N . Murray 1 6 B. Boucher 17 P. Kell y 18 S. MacFarlane 19 J. Willoughby 20 J. Erta n 20 C . Hal l 21 A. Thompson 23 M . Beckett 25 C. Clark 27 I . Rozankovic 28 M . Kennedy 29 P. Van Velzen 36 B . Wood s 31 B . Hannemann 32 J . Moresi 33 M . Richardson 34 J . Allen 35 C. Cachia (VC) 37 C . Beaumont 37 M . Frenc h 38 M . Christianse n 39 D . Fligh t 40 N . Toc e 40 N . Brewster 41 A . Richardson 42 A. Hil l 42 A. Findla y 43 C . Varnavas 46 C . Murphy 47 H . Baker 48 J . Gree n .50 C . Hutson .53 S. Boyd "54 P. Kostako s 56 S. Drabbl e 57 P. Vergaki s ,62 R . O'Dell 63 G . Spencer 64 D . Taylor 65 H . Brown 66 G . Wallace
Coach : Stephen Fletcher Res. Coach: Eddie Gab
Coach: John Ja&" Res . Coach: Paul Cook
1 D. Stephenson 2 B . Campbel l
1 A . Hamilton (C) 2 P. Hamilto n 3 G . Heppell 4 D . Coonan 5 A . Cannane 6 L. Robson 7 F. Vitale 8 L. Petschel 9 J . Khoury 10 S . Byrne 10 S . Fyffe 11 S . Cocolaras 11 J . Heywood 12 L. Brown 13 P. Hamilto n 15 P. McNaughton 16 S . Smythe 17 M . Hamilton 18 J . Curti n 19 A . Edwards 20 J .Jackson 20 A . Silbereisen 21 S . McNamara 22 P. Curtin 23 G . Saldatos 24 M . Moore 24 J. Jenkins 25 G . Malone 26 H . Whitehead 27 D . Disisto 28 P. Harrington 29 D . McAllister 30 M . Lewi s 31 S . Jackson 32 S . D'Andrea 33 T. Baade 34 I . Twyford 35 B . Hamilton 36 D . Horne 37 S . Coombes 38 P. Harri s 39 H . McDonald 40 B . Baker 41 J. Blake 42 P. Harris 43 J. Tobin 44 S. Gason 45 P. Shand 46 C . Price 47 T. Bromley 48 T. Moore 49 D . Lynch 50 R . Crackett 51 L . Sherry 52 B. Flanagan 53 I . Cocolaris 54 T. Jackson 55 M . Orti z 56 A. Baker 57 J . Smith 58 D . Williams 65 M . Rodgers 66 M . Malone
3 C. Alabakis 4 L. Brown 5 A . Neems (VC) 6 S . McGrat h 7 S . McNamara 8 B . Cotte r 9 A . Towers 10 C. Cummins 11 N . Issac (C) 12 R . Rantino 13 Jason Craig 14 J . Marinis 15 P. Mayne 16 S . Bisby 17 D . Ryder 18 E . Collier 19 J . Addamo 20 M . Harris 21 S . Dalbon 22 R . Zulian 23 S . Fletcher 24 M . Elso 25 S . Duhau 26 R . Engler 27 M . Holman 28 B . Poole 29 S . Dole 30 C . Morgan 31 P. Johns 32 B . Gibson 33 D . Girvan 34 N . Roberts 35 M . Drew 36 S . Murray 37 C . Edwards 38 J . Delaney 39 C . Chapman 40 P. Alabakis 41 T. Carr 42 A . Cordell 43 E . Galizi 44 G. Saywell 45 A . Soto 46 T. Barto n
47 C . McNaughton 48 P. Sullivan 49 D . Smith 50 K . Pace D . Shelley J . Coates R . Howden D . Trifil o T. Clarke J . Craig B. Seebe r
Box Plumbing Ph : (03) 9741 3864 Fax : (03) 9741 9261 Mobile: 018 058 132
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BEWAR E A melee is "Where an incident takes place involving players pushing, scragging, jumpin g into packs, throwing each other to the ground or other or other simila r such conduct"
LOOKING BACK by Noel Rundle
5 YEARS AGO - 199 3 he Executive had introduced the Best on Ground T medal in 'A' Section Grand Final to be known as "Jock Nelson Medal" in honour of Jock's magnificent VAFA career. 280 games for MHSOB, VAFA representative 1957 to 1964, Carnival captain 1962 and 1964, captained Australian Amateurs, 5 B&F's - 1959 B, 1960 C, 1961 B. 1964-5 A. Last round in A and a real thriller . Not much chance of the four changing, Old X, De La, Collegians, and NOB but on the bottom, Old Trinity (definitely to B) and eight points ahead, three teams all on 24 points, Old Scotch (87 .54), Old Brighton (81 .40), St . Bernards (79 .19), the first two to meet, and St . Bernards playing Collegians at the Harry Trott Oval . Well, St. Bernard's did it, 13 .10 (88) to 11 .11 (77). Rick Schober (5 goals) played a lone hand for collegians who were torn apart by Wayne Carey . Trevor Spencer, and Rob Purcell. Old Brighton were competitive with Old Scotch all day but went down 11 .7 to 14 .17 . What a wonderful system the promotion and relegation system is . In 'B'. Uni. Blues needed to beat Whitefriars to stay in the four, and the Friars needed to win to avoid relegation . It was a glorious battle all day umpired by Paul Cherry and Peter (I'll be back) Wiseman .
Q by Q scores were : Uni Blues 5.4 10.4 13 .5 (83) 16 .10 (106) Whitefriars 4 .3 10 .10 12 .12 (84) 14 .16 (100 ) Best were McIntyre, N . Cavalier. J. Kanis (U. Blues) and A . Carbone . McNeill, Coghlan (W friars) . In 'D' St. Kevins OB were a bit stiff to miss out on the four as they won 9 out of the last 11 and missed out by 4 points . 10 YEARS AGO - 198 8
Well, Kew (B) couldn't do it . In front of a crowd of 3000 . Parkside spoilt Kew*s perfect home and home game score in a great game of particularly high standard . Kew used the wind well in the third quarter to lead by 20 points at the last change. Parkside with Franklin Sturgess and Yoksich very active kicked 3 .7 in the last quarter and kept the Browns scoreless. The game was well umpired by Mark Hockey and Simon Hourigan . Ormond's form lapse continued when they kicked dreadfully against second team Old Paradians to go down 6 .22 (58) to 11 .5 (71) . The teams would meet in a fortnight in the "A" Section second semi with Old Paradians favourites . It was a great reversal of form as in the first round Ormond beat OP's by 10 goals, keeping OP's to a record low 2 goals in 'A' Section by that club . John Moir (Old Scotch) won the 'A' Section John 34
Woodrow B&F medal scoring 18 votes in 8 games . Vin Comito (St. L Bernards) was secon d on 16 and Matt Getson ( Marc) next on 15 . Best sca for their clubs were Paul Booth ( NOB) 14, veti Michael Yeo (U. Blues) 13 . G. Coyne an d M. Hib (Coll) 6 . Paul Holdsworth (De La Salle) 10, B . Consi (0. Par) 10, former AJAX star Rick Marks Xaverians) 9, Mark McDonald ( Orm .) 11 . Two very experienced players Brett Burden (I an d Andrew Smythe (Bull/Temp) 18 led the field ir 'B' Section Geoff Moore B&F Medal . Best for the c were Greg Nyman ( Ther ry) 17 . Andrew McGr (Monash Blues) 16, Mark Sedgwick ( P'side) 14, Stevenson ( Caulf. Gr .) 7, Har ry Busst ( Fawk) 1< Cast an gini ( Ivan ) 8, T. Norman (Old Trinity) 10, 1 Doyle (U . Blacks) 8 . The Lou Zachariah Medal for the best and fa player in 'C' Section was won by St . Kevins OB's Ge Mulcahy 19 from former Victorian champion ruck Roh an Brown (Old Melb) 18, an d Andrew Gran t Brighton) and Gar ry Phillips (Old Halley) 13 . Bess clubs were Charlie Capiron (St . Kilda) 12, Leigh (B any) 12, N . Monogh an ( Bala) 10, Con Anast< (MHSOB) 7, Louis Hoskins ( 0. Ivan ) 9, R . DeThom~ (T'town) 8 . Under-19 medals were won by: Section 1 . G ( Gorozidis ( Old Xav) 15, Section 2, Nick Hooper Scotch) 21, Section 3 Colin Noyes ( Aquinas) 15 . G Section Steve Mason Medal was won by Lockhart ( Bull/Temp) 28 an d H Section Adri an Fi Medal went to Tony Fox (GTV9) an d Mark Ba (Richmond Central) on 13 votes . 20 YEARS AGO - 1978 North Old Boys and De La battled it out for a in the four. A solitary point behind at the last ch z North kicked 2 .2 to 0 .2 to win by 9 points and go play Iv an hoe in the first semi. Horan , S . Mag Griffin ( NOB) and Lyons, Beddoe, Groves (De La) best . The 'Hoes threw away second position when were unable to withst and a final term 6 goal bur Uni . Blacks. Old Scotch with a magnificent 32 .29 (22 Caulfield Grammarian s 8 .17 (65) rose from fifth tc ond place and would meet Uni . Blues in the se semi . Ormond an d Marcellin met with the victor ren ing in 'A' and the vanquished going to 'B' . In a p that was close a ll day, Ormond triumphed 13 .1 12 .12 . Best were Naylor, Corben, A . Chisholm (up a sick bed to play) (Orm.) and Maquire, Alolsl Gartner ( Marc .) 1
S t ,,ic Bank an d St. Kevins ' D' Section were 9 .9 picce ac three quarter time - but St. Kevins (second) by 't state Bank oldst J . Nettlefold , B . ~ Camp bell (St. K) ~sere Re k, Murray ind EacrotG Sp ( Stat e Ban k) . Club record holder Andrew Home turned up to l,,i;c up the reserves team for inju ry laden Old 113ule%bury. Such was the sick and injured that he iu,,,1c1 himself in his old spot, the centre, for the firsts. a,({ in the best players . ( Did you get a call ALJ, to ,,, ; ;ce up the numbers? NO - NR) . The Umpires Association held its annual dinner at Southern Cross Hotel . Life Membership was conon Philip Rowell and Don Hillier while ten year s ;cr,1ce pins were presented to David Hindle and Colin V,'ill s gIIlz: I . Name the player who captain-coached his team ,n another season to win an 'A' Section premiership . 2. f3c,ides umpiring an 'A' section grand final how well;,nown is Philip Rowell in amateur football. Why ?
25 YEARS AGO - 1973 Kew toppled 'B' Section leaders ROB and secured dieir place in the four. Kew trailed by 3 goals at the last change, dropped further behind, and then rattled on 8 6oals . Pierce . Fletcher . Hayes were best for Kew . Caulfield hanging on to fourth place in 'A' were :\vamped by St . Bernard's last quarter burst which ~ iclded 7.4 to 1 .1 and gave St. Bernards a 6 goal win . Santamarle (6), Burgin, Amott (St . B) and Miller, SlcLaughlin . Morphett (C .G) were best. Graeme "Lumpy" Moran played his 226th game for Ormond and their press correspondent claimed it was a club record . North OB congratulated Mick McKelvie on his 150th ;ame. Mick McKelvie joined the club at its inception and was one of the two present players who played in the club's first game . 200 games to Collegians lightly built Daryl Tucker, Graeme Ruddell (AMP) holder of club record for most ;oals in a match . 13 . The umpires farewelled Jim Peters who retired as a field umpire with 301 games to his credit and 20 years scrvice (Jim continued as a goal umpire for many years - NR) . Old Trinity continued on their winning way with a mammoth 29 .16 to 9 .9 against MHSOB, Johnson, D . Stephens (10) and Pygin were best . Leading goalkickers for season were 'A' Ladd (Orm) 60, 'B' Harley (MHSOB) 75 . 'C' Chapman (C'field) 87, 'D' Thompson (Comm Bank) 66. 'E' Rosewarne (E'wick) 78, F Signoreth (St . Bedes) 50, 'J 1' Whitton (Mon Uni) 55 . 'J2' Mark Browning (Beverly Hills) 69 . Quiz : Who did Mark Browning go on to play VFL football with? 30 YEARS AGO - 196 8
A strong finish by University Blacks enabled them Co beat Collegians by 15 points and hold their place in the four. Best were Shackleton, Crouch, Patterson (Uni . Blacks) and Dunn, D . Walduck, Skinner (Coll) . Old Geelong, fourth in 'C' threw their supporters into despair when they went down by 5 goals to Old
Carey. Best were Weibye. Blazey, O'Byrne . Laws (4 goals). Old Paradians (Junior 2), Ormond (B Reserve) and Old Trinity (E Reserve) were the only undefeated teams on completion of home and home games . North Old Boys had a one point win over MHSOB 11 .6 (72) to 9 .17 (71) . Best were Kelsey, Cheel, Carney (NOB) and Dick . Nolatgas . Lee (MHSOB). 40 YEARS AGO - 195 8 Kew. third in B Section, kicked 5 .1 in the final quarter to defeat Uni Blacks by 1 point . The Blacks shocking inaccuracy 12 .19 was unexpected as they supplied the three top goalkickers in 'B' Section . Morton Browne (45) (later member of Hawthorn's 1961 premiership team and former CEO), Ian Murray (42) and Roger Vines (36), CHF rover, and FF respectively. Best were Snell, James, Mort (Kew) and J . Winneke, Browne, Linston (U . Blacks). Collegians, leaders for the season in 'A' Section, confirmed their position with a 25 point win over Old Xaverians, keeping their opponents goalless in the first half. Gellie, L . Hibbins and G . Daff (Coll .) were best. 100 games to John Miles (Ivanhoe) a member of club's premier teams in 'B' (1954) and 'A' (1956) . In 'A' Old Melburnians battling to avoid relegation surprised State Savings Bank (3rd) with a convincing 20 point victory in which their stars were Froomes. Pinkus and Graham . The win was pleasing for 150 game veteran coach Bruce Church . Ormond congratulated fly-weight rover Max Brooks on his 50th game . (Max went on to represent Victoria and win an 'A' Section B&F - NR) . In 'C' Section the top two, Parkside and De La Salle, battled out a hard game with Parkside's sustained finish, 6 .3 to 1 .5, giving them an easy victory. Best were Lauder . Radwell, Jensen (P'side) and Toogood, B . Teague, McCormack (De La Salle) . Peter Bennett's 9 goals for Collegians against Ivanhoe took him to 66 for the season . Quiz. 1 . B . Teague (De La Salle) . What field is B . Teague now prominent in? 2 . In what other sport was Peter Bennett well-known?
uaiteld olod aalaM aldu.tiClO -Z •a~pnr 1mo0 amaidns a mou sl an$aay alujag - I- 8961 2I3AtSAI H suemS Caup,CS - £L61 2I3tfASXT '£661 uI aAllnaaxg V3VA ;o ueuineu0 aa?A 'Z '9L6I 'a .nn~eW auEqS ' I 8L6I :2I3ltiSIdE7
Blue) SECTION UMPIRES` POWER HOUSE v . GLENHUNTLY Field : Geoff Moore Ron Marlyn SWINBURNE UNI . v . CHIRNSIDE PARK Field : Bob McLeod Peter Woods OAKLEIGH v . ELSTERNWICK Field : Geoff Brereton Clarke Thuys PENINSULA 0 B v . OLD CAMBERELL Field : Geoff Curran (R) Peter Griffith s CAULFIELD GR . v . ST. MARYS Field : Tony Psinas Ken McNiece
Winning Edge Presentations
The start of the three week's of finals football was marred by three fairly one sided games . but was enlivened by the thriller between Old Scotch and Old Brighton, which kept all on edge until the final siren . My opening forecast yielded four correct from four selections. The challenge now is to maintain this rate of success for two more weeks ! REVIEW SECTION 1
FIRST SEMI FINA L The first half of this match revealed nothing of the drama, which was to unfold as the match reached its climax. Old Scotch goaled within the first minute and looked set for a good day . However they were destined not to goal again until the third quarter. Old Brighton fared worse in the first quarter as from four scoring shots they only scored behinds . The second term belonged to Old Brighton as they added three unanswered goals to seemingly hold the match winning lead of sixteen points at half time. Just before the long interval an indiscretion cost Old Brighton a player for fifteen minutes . In hindsight this proved vital as with a loose man Old Scotch were able to dominate most of the third quarter . Up forward, Simon Illingworth finally found touch, even though his kicking was astray. However he was instrumental in keeping the ball in within range for Old Scotch, who were finally rewarded when two long shots rolled through an unguarded goal . Three goals for the quarter and the ascendancy was with Old Scotch . Right on three quarter time Old Brighton scored for the only occasion in the term and their goal brought them to within two points of Old Scotch at the last change . Old Brighton's 'general' up forward Andrew Grant, like his nineteenth century American namesake proved a leader as he farmed out the ball for a goal and then kicked one himself . The lead fluctuated as the momentum of the match moved from end to end . Old Scotch seemed safe before Old Brighton rallied and took a nine point lead as they appeared to be the stronger side . With a comeback worthy of Lazarus. Old Scotch fought forward and snatched back the lead, which Old Brighton then whittled to six points . Old Brighton persisted and were in attack when the final siren sounded to give Old Scotch victory. Best players for the winners were Captain Nick Tribe . Richard Hume and Darren Bingley . For the valiant losers "Ari" Mandilatis, and Moody contributed consistently . SECOND SEMI FINAL Old Xaveri ans asserted their superiority from the first bounce and never allowed De La Salle to take any
initiative. Such was the dominance of the Crocodiles that De La Salle did not kick a goal until the half time siren was sounding. During second quarter Tim O'Sullivan and Richard roamed the ground picking up kicks and scoring se ingly at will . With a forty eight point lead at half t Old Xaverians, virtually had the game won . Howi De La Salle did not surrender and an acute angle 1 from Shane Rudd gave a brief flicker of hope during third quarter, which was a low scoring one . At the change Old Xaverians, who move the ball well and) team well together . Their best players included Rich King, Nick Fay, Tim O'Sullivan, Peter Conquest John Flynn . For De La Salle Justin Murphy and ve an Greg McHenry tried hard. SECTION 2 FIRST SEMI FINA L Kew took advantage of the prevailing wind to o up a three goal lead in the first quarter. Not to denied Mt . Lilydale, with grit and determinat fought back and snatched a one point lead befor serious injury to a Kew player broke their concen tion to allow Kew to reverse the trend of play and five unanswered goals, which in effect proved to bej short of Kew's thirty five point winning margin . Lilydale were not disgraced in defeat as their pla3 strove valiantly until the final siren . Kew were i served by the lively Andrew Lazarus, up forward as i as by veteran Mick O'Dea, whose four goals pro decisive . In addition Brett Cartledge again did well Kew. Mt. Lilydale had good players in Nathan Pea as a rover : Chris Gibson, on a wing and defender, Cl Anderson. SECOND SEMI FINAL For the first quarter, Thornbury and Mon Whites were evenly matched then as in their previ, three meetings Monash assumed control of proce ings and as in Section 1 the second semi final bece a one sided affair . Monash Whites finally ran out v ners by fifty nine points after receiving little more tl token opposition . Good players for Monash inclu half back . Dan Tracy, ruck rover, Bryce Collier and forward Marco Tossavainen, who gave his side a f< point near goal . For Thornbury, the consistently g Tony Mandalati was again to the fore . He received g assistance from ; Troy Lincoln and Jason Williamso PREVIEW OF PRELIMINARY FINALS SECTION 1
On last week's form Old Scotch must s l
Have you thanked your club officials today? This year? Well what about now! For aft . Go on thank your club officials todayealwithoumyrcb.gtjusnoexi
ourites to defeat De La Salle on the wide expanses (;[sternwick Park . In their only meeting this season , pr La Salle won by forty eight points, with Shane Rudd ,01 lributing eight goals . The form of Darren Bingley, at ;ull back should prevent a repeat of this feat today, ,,pecially with the lack of drive from De La Salle midiielders last Saturday . No player from De La Salle last ncek gave any clue that he could subdue the brillian t ah marking of Andrew Hume while Nick Tribe should e another enjoyable day amassing possessions . 5ir on Illingworth, again should be able to kick goal s i co hold the ball up forward as he did so effectively Saturday. Despite their better home and away oral I can't see De La Salle being strong enough to deCeat old Scotch today . SECTION 2 Kew enter today's game very much as the in form ;ide of the section . They have not suffered defeat since Rotuid 6 on May 23, and today they seek their elevent h -light victory . Thornbury . on the other hand cannot aim any such consistency as their form has fluctuatcd according to the calibre of the opposition. In round 3 Thornbury defeated Kew by one point, while in the return game on June 27 . Kew won by twenty four points . Both matches were low scoring affairs and eodav the same could happen again . Thornbury again can look to Mandalati, Williamson and Bunn to lift their side. For Kew, there are a number of consistent players, who can be relied upon for drive . Ivak and Corridon on the ball give drive, although Prestigiacomo sill be a worthy opponent for Corridon . In the fonvard zone Kew should be well served by O'Dea, Lawrence and Lazarus. Todav should not bring the "Curtain" down on Kew (I had to work your name in somehow, Chris) . Kew are my selection.
A word of praise to 12 year old Thomas Windiow, who filled a boundary umpire vacancy last Saturday . Well done Thomas, you have achieved something many players and officials never achieve. You have taken part in a final . Keep up the good work Thomas . Another 400 ~ unes and your father's record should be in jeopardy !
f r-
CLUB 18 - 8 .08 .9 8
OLD SCOTCH lA 1.1 4 .7 8.9.57 OLD BRIGHTON 0.4 3.5 4 .5 7.9.51 Old Scotch : Spenslex 2 . Hume 2 . IWngwarth . Tribe . Gras. Cm-per. Beat : Tribe, Hume. Bingiex. Wtimm. E . Momgonen. ShrubOtd Brighton : Grant 4. McLaughlin 2 . Mandy4vls. Be*t:Tlmms . Grant. McLennan. Gleeson. ManrWlnM1s . Sher. OLD XAVERIANS 4 .5 9.8 11 .12 13 .14.92 DE LA MILE 0.3 1.8 2.8 4.8.32 Old Xavertnae : T. O'SuWtan 4 . R. King 3. Jones 2. Curtmn. Conquest, Fay. Court. Bnt : Jones . 0'Sullhan . L .Court. Curtain. PetrotL Landrigan. De Le Salle: Rudd, Murphy. Rosel . Duak. Seat : Hosldng. Grey. Doak . Byrne. Murphy. Robinson .
CLUB 18 - 8 .08 .9 8 KEW 5.4 8.6 13.8 13.9.87 MT LILYDN.E 2.4 5 .8 5.6 7.10.52 Km. Canhdge 6. O'Dea 4, Laurence . Lazarus, Green . Best: Cart➢dge . Laurence. Lucas . Johnson. Re}nokis . Gardfolio. Mt LBydale: D. Flanagan 2. Anderson . Carotan . Furlong. Hoogenkwn . McKetule. Beat: Team EOort. MONASH WHI TES 3.3 8 .4 11.9 13.14 .92 THORNBURY COUGARS 1.3 3 .5 4.8 4.9.33 Morush Whitas: Kenny 7. V;m Des Zahn 3. Collier 2 . Tnssaalnen . Best: Kenny . Tracy. S. Docls. Ptehn. liour. Cou1e~•. Thornburq Cc-- C. Thrower 2. G. Cutler. A Johnson. Best : Prestlglacwno, Thrvner. 15@hL. .,.nn . Parks . Dusan.
CLUB 18 ( 1) - Grand Final SUNDAY - AUGUST 23r d ELSTERNWICK PARK - 2 .00 p .m . CLUB 18 (2) - Grand Final SUNDAY - AUGUST 23rd ELSTERNWICK PARK - 11 .45 a .m .
CLUB 18 ( 1) PRELIMINARY FINAL SATURDAY AUGUST 15 h DE LA SALLE v . OLD SCOTCH ELSTERNWICK PARK - 2 .00 P.M . Field : Tony Hall Martin O'Connor Boundary : Mark Grady David Windlow Goal : John Kelly John Robinson CLUB 18 ( 2) PRELIMINARY FINAL SATURDAY AUGUST 15th THORNBURY COUGARS v . KEW ELSTERNWICK PARK - 11 .45 A.M . Field : Andrew Barrington Mark Morath Boundary : Tony Robbins Paul Girolami Goal: John Kelly John Robinson
61 41 39 36
The Age VAFA sportswriter Garry Petroff writes about Saturda y VAFA matches played and previews the Sunday A section Match of the Day.
I J. Doak .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 2 M . Williarnson .. . .. .. .. . 5 B . Byrne. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . 8 D. Jennings (Cl . .. .. .. . 11 J . Murphy .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . 12 D . Williamson .. . .. .. . .. . 14 R. Chapple . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . 15 J . Hosking . ... . .. . .. .. .. .. 16 S . Laska . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 17 D. Kinsella .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 18 J. Grey . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 19 B . Lee .. . .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 20 G. Williams . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 24 B . Buick (VC) . .. . .. .. .. . 27 A. Brabner . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 28 L. Borella .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . 29 M . Rosel .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . 31 K. Mannix. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .
Coach : G 1. Bowden
1 N. Palmer . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 4 H . Middleton .. .. . ... . .. . 5 S. Montgomery. .. .. . .. . 7 M. Cluntes-Ross .. . .. . 8 D. Bingley .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 11 C . Merry . ... . .. .. .. . ... . .. .. 13 A. Field .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 15 A. Snide .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 17 R. McLeish .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 19 D . Ireland .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . 20 N. Tribe (C) . .. . ... . .. .. .. . 21 J. Deakin ... . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 22 N. Hooper. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 23 S . Pryde .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 25 A . Clunies-Ross . .. . .. .'' 29 J. Spensley .. .. . .. .. . .. .. 32 S. Sheah an (VC) .. .. ..
Coach: G Jamie Web b I J . Webb . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2 T. Mandaliti .. .. . .. .. .. .. .
i A. Lazarus. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. 2 A. Slawinski ... .. ... .. ... ..
3 G . Argeropoulas. . .. .. . 4 J. Williamson . .. .. . .. .. .
3 M. O'Dea.. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... ..
5 G . Cutler .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .
7 D. Brand .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... ..
6 P. Cutler . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .
8 A. Lawrence . ... .. .. ... .. ..
7 G. Lynch .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 C. Krincevskl . .. . .. .. .. ..
9 D. Smith. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. 10 K. CorbaIly . .. ... .. ... .. ... .
5 S. Ivak .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... ..
9 J. Smyth .. .. .. .. .. . ... . .. ..
11 C . Thompson . .. ... ... .. .
10 D. Robins . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ..
12 N. Lykopandis. .. .. ... .. .
1 I R . Vescio . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . 12 P. Dodkins . ... . .. .. .. .. .. .
16 D . Green . .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. . 17 P. Seal .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .
13 D. Carter . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .
18 C. Curtain . ... .. .. ... .. .. ...
15 T . Lincoln .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .
22 A . Carr.. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ...
16 J. Marrama .. .. .. . .. .. .. .
23 T. Maughan . .. .. ... .. ... ..
17 A. Johnson . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .
24 T. Reynolds .. ... .. .. .. ... .. 25 C . Belej . .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. 29 I . Fletcher .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. 33 M . Bond . ... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 37 D . Leary .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ... . 38 B. Cartlidge. .. ... .. .. .. ... .
18 M. Gibson .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . 19 M. Johnston .. . .. .. .. . ...
38 S. Rudd .. . .. . ... . .. .. . .. .. ..
37 E . Montgomery .. .. ... .. 39 A. Cowper . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..
39 S . Hoy. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ..
43 N . Taylor . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. ..
20 W. Sucher .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. 21 C. Thrower. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..
40 A . Raynor .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. ..
44 M . Gwynn . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ..
22 W. Duson . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ..
41 A. Phillips .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . ..
45 A. Stubbs .. .. .. . ... . .. .. . ..
25 I. Kearns . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ... .
42 R. Marks .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. 45 G. McHenry .. .. .. . .. .. .. .
51 S. IIlinl,tirorth .. .. . .. .. .. .
28 N . Prestigiacomo . .. .. .
52 A. Lines .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .
29 D. Bennett .. .. . ... . .. .. .. .
53 S . Milliken .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .
30 F. Caputo .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .
55 A. Mitchel. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .
31 D . Sokolenko .. .. . ... . .. .
56 T. Wilmot. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..
32 D . Bunn . . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .
60 M. Weber. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..
33 R. Martinez . .. .. .. .. .. . ...
63 T. Gray .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..
35 B. Parks . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ..
47 G. Jackson . .. .. .. . ... . .. . 49 A. Tucker . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . 50 M . O'Driscoll .. . .. .. .. . .. . 60 B. Hoy . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . ... 61 R. Grace .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. 63 B. Robinson . .. .. .. . .. .. .. 68 B. Clancy .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 69 S . Bolt. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. .
Coach : G David Maguire
66 N. Room. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ..
39 N. Prendergast .. .. .. ... . 40 M. Qulnn. .. .. .. ... .. ... . ... . 42 P. Conidon .. ... .. .. ... .. .. . 44 T. Hernadl . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. . 49 M . Garofollo . .. .. ... .. ... .. 51 J . Edwards ... .. ... .. .. ... .. 54 C . Johnson .. .. ... .. .. ... .. 56 T. Lucas . ... .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. 58 S. Edwards ... .. .. ... .. .. .. 61 J. Bevertdge .. .. ... .. .. ... .
70 R. Hume . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . ..
.. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .
64 M . O'Brien .. . .. .. .. .. .. . ..
80 T. Pedler . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .
. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ... . .. .. . .. .. . 1/4 frne
1/2 time
3/4 Tine
t/2 tine
2V4 tine
CLUB WAR HOUSE ,sports & Medica Sppp(ie sround today
U19 SECTI O N by Brett Connel l
still plen t tne top (2) sections to determine finalstball i
Review section 1
The OPs began like a train and unfortunately the ~~odders were not on it when it went zooming past . Tcn goals down at the half the rest was immaterial as die OPs fine tuned for the major rounds. A similar story at Bulleen where Old Carey were battling to ntaintain a ferocious pace set by the Tonners . The Xavs gave notice they will not be slacking off in the run home to the finals with a strong showing against ~tie Bernards at Toorak Park . Hede and Curnow leading the way for the Xavs . with Evans and Swann bat,,~g all day for the Bernards . The Blues kept their finals chances alive with a strong win over the Lions, ; to did the D's over the SKOBs . Section 2 The Eagles knocked the Tigers from the four with a resounding second half of 8 goals to 2 at Bulleen, while the Friars rebounded as expected at the expense of the Bloods . The Sharks moved into fourth spot, just half a game ahead of the Tigers courtesy of a thrashing handed out to the Blacks, while the Scothcies did likewise to the NOBs . In the final match Passador with 5 edged closer to the ton, and assisted die OT's in their solid win over the OM's best served by Couzens and Murphy . Section (2) Blue De La Salle (2) made life a misery for the more fancied Monash Blues at Clayton with a strong win, leading all day the D's won their fifth game for the year . The Monds halted Caulfield Grammarians recent run of good form at home, while the Saints could no t break their duck (as predicted) against Old Xaverian s (2) . Better Xavs Connell (no relation), Hoare and Denton . The Jackas moved to fifth spot with a very strong showing at Albert Park, defeating the Panthers comfortably. Not the form Sven Samild will be wanting to take into the finals for the Panthers though, and in the final match my mail about injuries at Roverland was well off the mark as they inflicted the High's second consecutive defeat at home . Wilmott and Flahive doing the damage for the Rovers . Section (2) Re d St. Leos Emmaus with Volpi and Foley in fine touch took their match against Therry Penola right up to the visitors until half time, after which Zampogna . O'Shea and Sifter moved into top gear to see Therry's strong second half of the year form continue . Yarra Valley recorded another "team effort" with Vaughan booting 6 against the OGs . Down by 14 goals at the half the OGs battled hard all day and full credit to Bolton . Dinning and Timms for their consistent per,4..
formances across the ( ( ~ day. In the final I( _ I' match the Redbacks l J assured themselves o f a percentage boosting win with Welch adding 6 goals to his tally for the year, with Frew, Healy and White in good touch . For the vanquished none tried harder than Varano, Karabatsos and Key . Aquinas and Old Ivanhoe had the byes . Preview Section 1 The Tonners host Mazenod at Brighton and with too much riding on the result will assure themselves fourth position with a solid win . The OPs host the Xavs at home and although struggling of late I cannot see the OPs getting within 5 majors of the Xavs even at Bundoora . St . Bernards will be hoping to snuff outâ&#x20AC;˘ the slim chance the Blues have of making the finals today, although with extra incentive I favour the visitors . The Lions will be no match for the D's this week, whose form is looking threatening, while the SKOBs should finish the OC's year as it began . Selections: Old Brighton, Old Xaverians, Uni . Blues, De La Salle & St . Kevins . Section 2 Marcellin host the Friars at home and although last time it was the Friars by plenty, I expect a better showing from the Eagles today - even though the Friars will get the points . What a beauty the battle for fourth will be with Beaumaris (4th) hosting St . Bedes Mentone Tigers (5th1 . Last time it was the Tigers by 22 points, and at home I favour the same result with the Tigers hard to defeat at home. I)ni . Blacks bring their season to a close by hosting Old Scotch who will be too strong today, as to should Old Trinity be for the NOBs . The Bloods and OM's clash at Keysborough and although the OM's got the points last time, today I favour the Bloods to reverse that result. Selections : Whitefri ars, St . Bedes Mentone Tigers, Old Scotch, Old Trinity & Old Haileybury . Section (2) Blue Caulfield Grammarians will finish their excellent second half of the season with a win against Monash Blues, while De La Salle (2) and Old Xaverians (2) should fight out a close contest, with the D's fancied to reverse their last round thrashing. The Saints host the Jackas and try as they might the Saints will be unable to hold the confident Jackas outfit, fresh from their fine win last week . MHSOB travel to Pantherland in search of a win and will find no joy here today. The Panthers will be keen for a return to form before the finals and will have the know how t o
defeat the High given the result last time they met . In the final match the Rovers will be keen to get second spot and the double chance but will be unable to contain a confident Ormond unit, still keen to atone for failing at the last hurdle in 1997 . Selections : Caulfield Grammarians, De La Salle (2), AJAX, Old Mentonians & Ormond . Section (2) Re d Old Geelong and St . Leos Emmaus battle at Como Park and although last time it was the OGs easily, on recent form I predict a reversal of that result . The Two Blues to finish the year on a winning note . Old Ivanhoe host Old Paradians in what shapes as a mismatch, although I expect the OP's to battle valiantly, OIG will win well. In the final match Aquinas and Yarra Valley clash with Aquinas having pushed most sides the second time around . Today I favour them to continue in the same vein with a narrower margin between the two sides than last time, but similar result . Therry Penola and Warringal have the bye . Selections: St. Leos Emmaus, Old Ivanhoe & Yarra Valley
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 OLD BRIGHTON v . MAZENOD Field : Gajana Skandakuma Nick Evans OLD PARADIANS v . OLD XAVERIANS Field : Fran Karabelas (R) Damian Murph y ST. BERNARDS v. UNIVERSITY BLUES Field : KQ Brewer Andy Carric k COLLEGIANS v. DE LA SALLE Field : Neil Woot Ben McKe e ST. KEVINS v. OLD CAREY Field : Ben Schmii Ken McNiec e UNDER-19 SECTION 2 MARCELLIN v . WHITEFRIARS - at Oval Marcellin College Field : Peter Buchanan Camerc Gill ST. BEDES MENTONE TIGERS v . BEAUMAR Field : Pat Maebus Trent Greenaway UNIVERSITY BLACKS v . OLD SCOTCH Fiel Jason Moore Euan Lindsay NORTH OLD BOYS v . OLD TRINITY Field : Pa Withington (R) Tim Burn s OLD HAILEYBURY v . OLD MELBURNIANS Fie] Chris Stevens (J) Ian Burges s UNDER-19 ( 2) BLU E
2 52 44 4 42 1 38
5 97 8 86 8 77
2 91 3 85 2 62 38
6 75 51 34 24
CAULFIELD GR. v . MONASH BLUES at Caulfie Campus Field : Kylie Welsh David Longwort h DE LA SALLE (2) v. OLD XAVERIANS (2) Fie] Jim Pappas Matthew Seferth ST. KILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD v. AJAX Fie] Daniel Ischi a OLD MENTONIANS v . MHSOB at 1 .30 p .m . Fie. Dhashaka Peiris (R) Josh DiPietr o HAMPTON ROVERS v. ORMOND Field : Teren Farrell Chris Fedderson UNDER-19 (2) RE D
OLD GEELONG v. ST. LEOS EMMAUS Fie Graeme Morgan Justin Grossbard THERRY PENOLA BYE OLD IVANHOE v . OLD PARADIANS (2) Fie Damian Lane (R ) WARRINGAL BYE AQUINAS v. YARRA VALLEY Field : Matthew Me Michael Jessep
ROUND 1 9 U-19 SECTION 1 - lst Semi-final SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd BOX HILL - 2 p .m . U-19 SECTION 2 - 1st Semi-final SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd SCAMMELL RESERVE - 2 00 p .m . U-19 (2) BLUE - 1st Semi-final SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd PARKDALE - 2 pm U-19 (2) RED - lst Semi-final SATURDAY AUGUST 22nd TRINITY GRAMMAR - 2 .00 pm
UNDER 19 SECTION 1- 8 .08.9 8
rtAMN OD 1 .2 1.2 4.3 7.3.45 6LD ppBADiANS 8.2 11.8 16 .10 24.17.181 Bray 3. Sciuano 2. Morgan. Fox. Beat : Nisbet . Party. Bray. Harrington. Crodc . ~~ puadtena : Byron 6 . Vecchia 3. Sullivan 3. O'Shea 3 . Prusenvo 3, Richardson 2, .-,rrzuk. Kudeurth . Lonle. Green . Beat : Pmscino. Ptoenges . Bv'rmt. Richardson. an+a. Felbu•cs. CARLY 0 .2 3.4 7.4 10.10 .70 7.3 13.7 17.12 23.17.155 1 ~ t•p BRIGHTON 0'd Catey:Tstrulls 3 . South . Hakins 2 . Addison, HrHernan . McKinstrv. timt: Stone. Baker. Addison, ~ O;d Brighton : Dlnrez 4 . Thomborroa• 3 . Lover 3 . Biggm 2. Walsh 2.1V. Earl 2 . L . 0'NeW r; .n 2 . Thomas, Stockdale. Fae. Bat : Norwvod. Blggtn, R. ONe61. Love, ns.Johnsar. ~,ly gAAVEBIAh5 5.7 10.11 16.17 21 .17.143 STBEt2NARDS 0-1 3.2 5.5 7.7.49 Cy{ Ka.•edana : Lyttieton 6 . Dean-Johns 4. Comma 3 . Morrison 3. Oswald 2 . O'Connell Beat: Hede. Rathgebcr. Morrison, S. Carralus . Cumow. Deane-Johns. ~t Bernards : Osbwnr . Suan . hlanmioUU . Calbu•. Mount. Taylor. PolaiaJko . Heat: : :~ . MamL Evmts. ClttareW. Sa•atrn. Osbome. L}4R%R51T•1 BLUES 4.5 10.9 15 .13 20.18.138 tOLLELRBNS 2.1 5 .3 7.5 9 .8.82 lu7vKrsity Bluea : Solh• 6. Norther 4 . KtnQ 3 . Lyle 2. logets 2. Brooks. Callery. k4od . p,ean t ~_ets. Sully. Terrill. Ferguson . Nonhey. Iiockmg. Ma~ieU 3. Langdon 2. hfolhud. Jo R"aters. Field, Foster. Bat: Baxter. Moon; sJs. RNxnson . Brass . Field. p6 IA SAt.LE 4 .4 13 .4 15.8 19.13.127 STKEVBGS 1 .2 2 .3 8.5 8 .9 .57 De La Selte: Stevens 5- SWer 4 . Hamsott 2. Snott 2. McKmzle . htotan . Robson. \4tUy. eat: Ruschene. Hamson. MeKetme . Fisher. Laragv . Stevens . St Eievtna: Sills 2 . Htnsley 2. Daze. C.wllan. Crox•lec . 6Llesl . Beat: Hoxden. Hlltslet• . yrtwn . Nokda Alm . Rattle.
UNDER 19 RED - 8 .08 .9 8
ST LEOS E5IMAUS 4 .2 8.4 8 .8 10 .10,70 IItERRP PENOt .A 4 .3 8-8 13-13. 18 .14,122 St Leoa Emmeua: Tineltl4 . Bomnet 2. Bluey. Decide Manezak. Meschner. Bdt : Dornik . :.. ,iia . Foky. Thtettt. Bonntct . Therry Pinola : Zampagna 8. J. Smith 3 . Stella 2 . Christie 2 . McMahen 2 . Cameron. Beat : -ymnpc:gna. OShea. O SuWvan . A. htchtahon . R . Catrtet~. T. Seler. yARRAVALLEY 5.3 14-5 20-9 25 .13.163 OLD GEEI.ONG 0 .3 1 .8 1.9 3.14.32 Tina Velley: Vaugih•mt 6. Be . Reynolds 3, T. Monts 4 . Sklp)rxmdt 3 . Wines 3 . Courts 2 . ..n. h-~tmg . Longurorih . Cusano . Beet: Team EBon G:d Geetong: Timms . hlacKinnon, R'ILSan. Hest : Bolton. Bayne. hfclnnes. DW Wtg . Timms. IIl"E OE h ARRAGAL 29 .29.203 OLD PARADIANS 5 .5 .35 n'uringal : Welch 6 . Mutton 3 . SchWze 3.14915ar 3. Hopgood 3• White 2, Long 2 . Nasm9a h Taylor. Burke . Natoli . Singh. Steele. Beat: Frew,1411son. Thomson. Healy. Whhe- Steele. 0d Pnradiaru: BnckeU . DcRango . AOard. Dean. Best: Gtrstuns . Varano . KakeBeld. I:atswrs . Price. Key. BYE +tiQUQiAS
UNDER 19 SECTION 2- 8 .08 .9 8
MARCELLIN 4.2 9 .2 11 .4 17.10.112 ST BEDES hfENfONE TIG . 5.1 8 .3 9-10 10 .12 .72 Marcellln: Dlamgorgiats 4, McCallum 4, Ganner 3 . Petinella 2 . Rosltano. Dc mrceW. Pappalaroo. Romatrm. Beat: Gieeson . Ballariae. Seines . Gartner. Pappa}ordo. Lov. St Bedea Mentone Tlg: KingWeU 2 . LVNlanu. ConnoOt• . L. l4Mtle. M. Young. Suachan. Be6. Dmrv. Rvan . Bt: P.1Wttte. A. Bumet- Rvan. M. Young. tNWann . WHITEI'RIARS 6.3 13.5 18 .7 28.11 .167 OD HAILEYBURY 2 .2 3.3 7-5 7.5.47 Whitetriara : SuWvan 8. Anderson 6. Northe.y 3 . Phan 2. Hilton 2. Beatne. Fertele. Doherty. Rekl. Davis . Beat : Nonhey . Su6n:vt. Beattte. Anderswl . Fleming. M . Cassanno. Old Halleyhury : Bmdar 3. Branitam 2. Lay. Javasekera . Beat: Bmndham• Jayasekera . L.•, Bmdar. Carson . B. Harrop . BEAUMARIS 3 .7 9.9 12 .11 17-13.115 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 0 .2 1 .2 3.5 3.8.24 Beaunurla: Ale.v-vtder 4 . Aprea 2, Foley 2 . Kennedy 2 . Thomas 2 . 4t11wn, Carom . Emerson . Lee. Beat : W9son . Emmerson . Carroll. Aleu4der. Smith, Lee . Univentty Blacka : (Goal Ktckers and Best Players not recehcd l OLD SCOTCH 5.4 12 .9 20.14 25.22-172 NORTH OLD BOYS 3 .5 4 .5 4.8 6.7.43 Old Scotch : Thomas 8 . Oliver 6. Sladen 4. Frankenbu~g 2. Paterson• Hughes. USARaiers, Hume . Beat: Oliver. Ashton . Thomas. Paterson, Gla.cs. Eager. North Old Boys: Tonkins 3. Devereaux. Skene. IOtoder. Beet: Daniels . Tonkin . Skene. Waters. S. Smith. Halpin . OLD TRINITY 5.6 10.8 12.13 18.17.113 OLD MELBURNtAhS 1 .0 6.5 8.7 13 .13.91 Old Trinity: Passador 5 . Cornell 3 . Jones 2 . Noden 2. Ramsden . tteklron, ttood. LaPtra. Beat : Waldron, Cormell . Beeuec Ramsden . Laplra . Old MelhurNares: Samplen 3 . ANree 2. Alder. Couzens . Farquharson . Murphy 2 . Patttson. Ray, Wilson, Beat : Sthree . Couzens, Farquharson. Wilson. Murphy . Sampierl.
UNDER 19 BLUE - 8.08.98
MONASR BLUES 1 .3 5.8 6 .9 12.11 .83 DE LA SALLE 8 .0 8.1 12 .2 17.3.105 Monash Btuea : Bennett 3. Collins 3. Smith 2. Creamer 2. Bronts. Elrv . Beat : Bennett . O'DatneO . Collins, Smith. VatxkllghL Bawer. ) Be La SelleEGoal Kkkers and Bev Platers not received ORMOND "1.4 4 .7 8 .13 8.15 .63 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 2.2 2 .8 3.7 5.10.40 Ormond: Nash 2 . Callon 2. Stephens 2. gums . Keleher . Bmt : Knight, Gleeson. O'Hallaan. StasLak. Dale . Catdsqt . Caulfield Gremmar: Gurpmar 2. Sam . Fireman. Pearce. Beet: Kendall. vV9mot. Evans. Freeman . Winters. Sant . OLD XAVERIANS 20-11-131 ST HILDA SOUTH CAULFIELD 4 .5 .29 Old Xnvertana: Gleeson 6. Mahoney 4 . Beat : Fitzgerald. T. Storey, Hoare. Denton. Connell . Gleeson. MeCarthv . St. Kilda South Cnultteld : Barrens 2. Zagame. 'Ass. Best : Doolan. Pterez. Zaganre. Hakns. Thurslkkl . Baraket. AJAX 4 .3 7.5 8 .7 9 .12.68 OLD MENTONIANS 2 .3 3.7 4 .10 4 .11.35 Ali= Ruhensteln 3 . Finkel 3. On:u . Spero. Ritlemmrt. Bat: Runenstem. Gutman . Ors. Letka•!c. Go4v . Raleigh . Old Mentontane: Bailanttne 2 . M . Campbell . Mackay. Beat: Dnnan . K. Campbell . Mackay . O'Reilly. Kennedy, B. Alexander. MHSOB 1,0 5.4 8.5 9.7.61 HAMPTON ROVERS 4 .5 8.7 12 .13 14,17-101 MHSOB : L. Taylor 1 H. Taylor 2. Askew 2, Wnih . Ash O'Bnen. Beet : Clmnes- Dons . Rorkkr. Askew, McCully. Parker. Hampton Rovern: W1lmott 3 . Adams 2. Jenkin 2, Prantzos 2 . Anderson . Flahh•e• Dallas . Grimmer. FI}rm . Beat: Wllmott• Flahh•e. Adam. Crovnher. Jerkin, A . Voss.
A Section Results from Page 3
SENIORS - 8 .08.9 8
ST KEVINS 2 .2 7.3 12 .5 13 .7.85 OLD SCOTCH 5.5 8.7 10 .8 13 .10.88 St Kevina : Brnvles 3. Fraser 2. Olive 2. Garvey. Curtis . Smith . Mahoney. D . Ryan. 1tcGuinnes . Best : Marusic . Farquharson. Bou9es, Ohvc. Smith. Fraser . Old Scotch: Hawkins 3. Millar 3. Phillips 2 . Pritchard. Boyd. Cran e. Hume.Beat : Hume. Laird. Collins. Stokes. Price. Smith. OLD HAB•EYBURY 4.3 5.3 10.7 14 .10 .94 DE LA SALLE 2.1 8 .4 12.8 15.13 .103 Old Halleybuty: Lappage 2 . D . Secettll 2 . W . Phillips 2- Baxter . Carty. Floyd . Home . Hucker. Morey. M. Semdl. A . Walden. Besi : Morey . Armstrong. D. Seccull . Be La Salle : Mannix 3 . Hart 3. Jackson 3. Corm 2. Evans. Hyland . Las". Moore . Best: Marulie. Evans. Hyiand . Jackson. Balzar. Lasini . COLLEGIANS 2.4 4.5 7.5 8.5.53 ST BERNARDS 3.1 9.4 10.8 16.17.113 Coll egians : Dean-Johns 3. Clcarv. Elg. Phillips. Carpy. Warne-Smith . Best: PhID➢ ps. Mooney. Carpy. Bennett. Cleary- Humphrey. St. Bernardi: Vassailo 5 . Gilmour 3. Harvey, 2 . Davis 2. J. Gollant . L. Gollant. CorNto. Loughlin . Best : L. Gollant . Adam hterrtngton . Hogan. Gray . VassalloConuto. UNIVERSITY BLUES 0-2 1 .8 3 .9 6 .11 .47 OLD XAVERIANS 0 .2 1 .6 3 .9 8 .11 .47 University Blum : Wyrn•krnuski 3 . McKinnon 2 . Alexander. Best: Stewart. tirsteegen . Lon y. Sturock . Meade, Maplestone . Old Xaverlarts: itichardson S . Bourke 2 . Jones 2 . Taylor. Cranage. Gladman, Holmes . Hede . Healy. Best: Blood . Bmshl'icld. Cranage . Holmes . Wood. Woodruff. OLD BRIGHTON 2.2 5 .5 8.9 9 .12.66 OLD MELBURNIANS 2.4 7.8 10 .12 13.13 .91 Old Brighton : Much 4- Krztnwiak 2 . Lemlox Winter. Alderson . Best: Lertnox Tetuan. Krzvnu•iak. Hipwcll. William . Murch. Old Mellrurntans: Aubrey, 5. Guest 3 . Hart 2. Usetnov, 2. Ross. Best: Holme. MeMullln, Hart . L. Boyd. Wilhelm .
RESERVES - 8 .07 .9 8 ST KEVINS 1 .1 2 .2 3.3 6.8 .42 OLD SCOTCH 1.4 4 .6 8.8 11.10 .76 St . Kevins: Pavgrazb 3. Mulcahy. Kuring Terzirll. Best: Sheehy. Mulcahy. Riz1o . Pangrazto . Hassett . Waight . Old Scotch: McDonnell 5 . Gross. Lines. Castrtcum. Panton. T. Reid. Duthie . Best: Norman. Gow. Lines . Husking. Davis, Pardon . OLD HAB.EYBURY 2.0 2 .3 2.6 2.6.18 DE LA SALLE 8.3 10.4 14.6 21 .8.134 Old Haiteybury : Pound, Byrns . Best : Pound . Lay, Orton . Rowlands . Gopu, Kirkurood-Scott. De La Sadie: P. Mannik 8 . M. Fisher 6- Huber 2. Buena . Campbell. Burkett. Ellis, Fiume, Best : Thomas. Hall . Burkett . Borella P. MannLv. Ford. COLLEGIANS 2.1 4.2 6 .5 915.59 ST BERNARDS 2.1 3.2 4 .5 5 .8.38 Collegians : Gribble 3 . Harris . Byrne . Walsh . Kerr. Morley- N. Milat . Best : Halbish. Inglis. Harris, Kerr. Jones . Harding. St Bertta .tda: Farmer 2. S. Gray. ~ennedy. Wood . Best: Tankey. DeBono. Perrett. Kennedy, Nathan . Freeman . UNIVERSITY BLUES 0.1 0.1 3.2 4.2.26 ODL XAVERIANS 4 .1 7 .3 12.4 12.8.80 University Blues :lrvine. Fehring, Clarke . Havter .Best: Fehring, Johnson . Mclntlsh . McAtooon . Obrien. Hayter. Old Xaveriana: Drake 2. Fav 2. Hunter. Perry, DWan. Ockleshaw . Barrett- Tucker. Hllbert . Bourke . Best: Dralce. Steam. Fleming. Ryan . Tuddenham. Fay. OLD BRIGHTON 2 .1 2 .2 3.2 4.2 .28 OLD MELBURNIANS 1.4 2 .8 5.9 7.14 .56 Old Brighton: (Goal Kickers and Best players not received ) Old Mel)nrrnians : Crow 2 . Brown . Cloke . Dixon, M . Berry. BennetLBeat: P. Thoedore. M. Berry. Waddell. HewRL Cloke . Baines.
UNDER-19 SECTION 1 COLLEGIANS DE LA SALLE Coach : Tim Kittwort h U19 (C) : 1 L . Schmidt
2 N . Lynch 3 J . Clark (C))
4 D . Field
5 L . Taylor
6 C . Mollard 7 M . Maxwell 8 N . Harriso n 9 M . Britten 10 B . Page 11 N . McCan n 12 A . Lan don 13 S . Elg C)
14 T De Young 15 T. Cookes 16 A . Baxter 17 T. Spicer
Coach : Clay Weser U19 (C): S. Hyland 2 N . Herber 7 J . Laragy . M . Mercun 10 E . Williams
11 P. Bowden 11 C. Hyde 11 R. Steven s 12 B . Mercuri 13 S . Hyland (C) 14 M . Aro n 15 J . Crowe
r7 M . McHen ry 18 D . Jarvis 19 D . Moor e 20 23 25 26 27
B. Corin T. Fisher R . Bea ttie (VC ) S. Woods . C . Worsteling
28 S. Hart 29 D . Forer 29 M . J oyce
20 J . Waters 21 C . Chambers 22 S . Lynch G
29 K . Rogers. (VC) 32 R . Bonnic i 32 J . Silvers 33 M . O'Donnell 3 4 A . Pedicini 37 C . Buick 38 N . Stafford
24 M . Godfre y 25 A. McAlleste r 27 T. Foster
44 X . Clancy 45 S . Cla 47 A . Mo yan 47 A . Orlando
18 N . Brass
19 A. Robe rtson
23 M .
tbso n
28 D . Telford 29 T. Rogers-Wilson 30 L . Moon (VC) 31 J . Ros e 33 B . Samuel
39 S . Kinder 69 A . Dakin
OLD PARADIANS Coach : Ken Johansen (1) Coach : Phil Luchetta (2) 1 S. Younq 2 D . Green 3 G . O 'Meara 4 B. Richardson 5 B. Gallowa y 5 B. Wood h am 6 M . Joyce 8 D . Varano 8 A . Vecchio 9 J. B ron 10 K . T~ieodoss i 11 A . Curran 11 A . Talarico 12 C .Jacavou 16 C . Price B . Sulliva n 17 N . Att ard 19 P. Karabatsos 20 M . Dempster 21 M . Szewczuk 22 M . Cos rif f 23 D . Briggs 23 M . Ploenges 24 L. Brickwell 25 A .Jakowenko 26 B . O'Connor 27 S . Pruscino 28 R. Sart ori 29 V. Perry 3 0 S . Fellowes 31 F. Papaluca 32 A. Baker 34 G . Howe 35 D. Loney 36 G . Dean 37 V. Berq amin 38 N N. Kud"ewe h 39 J . Thorn 40 J . Collin s 4 1 F. Papluca 42 M . Ree s 44 S. Ciavola 47 M . De Rango 49 D . Gleason 52 N . Macart ney 53 C . Butle r 60 A. Swindon 82 T O'Shea
42 S . Logan
MAZENOD Coach: Rod Bourke U19 ( C) :
1 J. Schiano
Coach : Leigh Bowes U19 (C) :
2 B. Hobbs
1 A. Paltos
3 P. Fotiniotis
2 S . Grabe rt
4 J. Heffernan
4 W. Earl 5 N. Biggi n 6 T. Ewen
6 P. Tompkins
4 C . Poletti 5 R . Hawkin s 6 L . Hawkins 7 P. Nelson 8 L. Varney 9 D . Grant 10 D . Ryan
3 G . Earl
12 A . Bray 15 L. Morgan
12 A. Robertso n 13 R . O 'Neill
16 B . Meehan (VC) 17 N . Meehan 18 M . Bonaddio 19 T. Crook 21
D. Rigg 23 J . Kavanagh
24 D.. Nisbet 25 R. Hammond
7 G . Rhodes 8 T. Handle y 9 L. O'Neil l 10 J. White
11 S. Dimer 14 A. Ginnavin 15 G . Norwood 16 J. Thornbrow 17 C . Barrow 18 H . Rolls 19 M. Carr 20 A. McLaughlin X . Carra 22 A . Walsh
34 C. Paine
23 J . Thomas 25 A . Boyd
37 D. Fenton 45 D. Stagliano 49 P. Har ri ngton
26 S . Fox 27 P. Marks
28 A. Avramedies 29 C. Stewa rt
C. Asmus S . Erdo s R. Hup hson D. Nolan P. Nowlan
53 J. Di Pietro
30 D. Stockdale 31 A. 32 R. Haoym v ard
A. Jackson M . Kar avicius S. Mctvtanus p
63 S . McManus p째 AndrDuwggan
B . Reade
OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Pat Hawkins (1) Coach: Pete Callihan (2) U19 (Gy: 2 P. Lyttleton 3 J . Healy 4 T. Curnow 5 K . O'Loughlin 7 S . Skidmore 8 P. Funder 9 J . McInerneyY 11 D. Betts 14 S . McCarthy 15 L. Deane-Johns 16 D. Storey 17 T. Connoll y 19 N. Rathgeber 20 T. Farrow (VC) 21 M . Fitzgerald 22 M . Rush 23 R. Coughlan 24 C. Carrodus (C) 27 A. Oswald 30 C. Hoare 32 P. Ockleshaw 34 E. Morrison 39 B. Christie 41 D . Steen 43 J. Hede 44 M. Kenned y 45 S. Carrodus 46 J . O'Connell 48 C . Stephens
56 J . Hawkins
OLD CARE Y Coach : Peter Schille r U19 (C) :
62 A. McDowell 69 G . Miller
76 N . Par ry (C)
33 M . McBriar 35 T. Erridge
C . Davis
ST BERNARDS Coach: Jeff Osborne 1.119(c): 1 B . Swann 2 R . Pizzichetta 3 R. Legudi 4 R. Bonnici 5 J . Pearson 6 P. lan az zo 7 N. Smith 8 J . DelaneyY 9 S . Wheeler 10 C. Osborne 11 S . Erickson 12 A. Velona 13 S. Bug ry n 14 A. Thomas 15 A. Pfeiffe r 16 A. Mastropasqua 17 T. Pianta 18 T. James 19 L . Kavanagh 20 D. Sheehan 21 M . Polatajko 22 P. Rahill 23 D . Monteleone 24 A. Monteloene 25 J . Jacks 26 A. Gleason 27 James Mount 2 8 J . Zocco
29 J . Ci ttarelli 30 S,. Bor B g 31 J . Evan s 32 T. Harv ey
33 S . Smith 37 J . Lloyd 42 V. ludka 43 C. Davis
1 F. Hakins 2 D. Moriart y
3 P. Cerch_ 5 T Bake r
7 S. Addison 8 S. Derry 9 N. Latham 10 11
13 14 16 17 18
S. Beckett S. Chambers
J. Mai (0) S. Vdali D . Feast N . Bull
T Tsirogiann s
T Tyndall
19 T. wood ( C 20 M. Lawrence 21 D . Stone 22 pA Pou nd 23 T. Stuart 24 B . Shutie 25 A . Murph y 26 C. Munro 27 C. Dave y 29 J . Mickan 30 A McKinstry 31 C. Davis 32 C. Meli n 33 D. Sisverwoad
34 A. H anson
35 S . McConnell 36 E. Dave y 37 S. Davie 38 A Kettles 46 M . Aylwar d 47 A. Bond 55 W. Orwi n
Coach: Peter Foster U19 (C) : N. Moore, P. Mount
Coach: Steven Carroll Ut9 (C):
1 A . Gallery
1 A . Albert 2 S . Benjami n 3 C. Brooks 4 J . Coulloupas 5 B . Caller y 6 A. Clark 7 A. Crawford 8 W. Crocke r 9 H. Christi e 10 L . Dean-John s 11 F. Delas uale 12 C. Evansq 13 S. Ferguson 14 A. Fleetwood 15 J. Hockin g 16 J. Hatt on 17 W . Jackso n 18 G . Ki n g 19 J. Lyle 20 D . Leahy 21 M. McKerrow 22 R . McKerro w 23 T Menzies 24 T. McMillan 25 L. Morrison 26 N . Mules 27 C . Nort hey 28 S . Parsons 29 W. Pye 30 P. Sheahan 31 J . Starlin g 32 A . Southerland 33 A . Terrill 3 B . Tuck 4 35 L. Underwood 36 N . Vogel s 37 J . Ward 38 J. Webber 39 A. Whit e 40 R. Woodward 41 D. Wood
N . Walker P. Moun t A . Rattle C . Noseda B . Allis B . She lle y T. McCan n L. Cresswell 10 J . Radford 11 T. Crowley 12 P. Bar e 1 3 A . Stua rt N . Moore 75 J . Ferrar i 16 K. McDonald 17 A. Foley 18 A. Wise 19 C . Goldswort h y 20 P. OiKeefe 21 J . Sibilia 22 M . Lagaste s 23 P. Milesi 24 R . Sheehy 25 S. Vanderwert 26 A. Bevacqua 27 R . Zeman 28 N . Parrett 29 A. Conlan 30 P. Halpin 31 P. Ha rv ey 32 S . OiConno r 33 J . OiConnor 34 T. Bergi n 35 E . Ratter 36 A . Smith 37 R . Debrai o 38 G. Anderson 39 DD . Dunn 41 J . Howden 42 J . Pangrazio 43 L. Wilkinson 44 R. Campagna 45 L. Meehan 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
tvi Smith L. Gibso n M . Ensor L. Bulle r J. Blake A. Qu i n ; A. Hammond p. Emerson g K. Alexander i0 P Bird 1 J . Bayford o M . Lee 1_ 1 3 B . Stevens D . Dew 14 15 D . Foley 16 N . Atkins 17 N . Aprea 18 N . Kennedy ;g N . Atkin s 20 A Faraguna 21 K. Ransthorn 22 R . Carroll 23 A Catlin 24 S . Moore 25 A . Black s 26 P. Wright 27 B . Thomas 28 R. Beaton 29 A . Wilso n 30 B . Spence 31 L McNicholas 32 S . Tucker 33 N . Conlan
OLD SCOTCH Coach: Terry Kendall -U19 (C) : G . Junkeer
1 G .Junkeer(C) 2 T. Chapma n 3 S . Mile s 4 A. Sheer 5 T. Paterson 6 I . McKenzi e 7 C. Stevens 8 T. Frankenburg 9 N . Leitl 10 N . Sladen
11 C . Fricke 12 L . Hume 13 N . Simo n 14 A. Willersdo rf 15 J . Hu g hes 16 N . O'Brien 17 S . Eage r
19 M . Rowell 20 N . Brewster 21 T. Glass 22 L. Hannema n 23 L. Walkom 24 L. Hawkins 25 M . Thwaite s 26 J . McCarroll 27 E . Stewart 28 T. Cardy 29 S . Hosking 30 A . Leeds g
31 S . Prendergast 32 E. Oliver 35 P. Rodger s 36 R . Ashton 37 C . Armstrong 40 A. Collins 41 A. Reed 66 H . Thomas
Coach: Jam Golds U19 (C) :
1 M. Lefeanue 2 M . Karavilis 3 G . Cull 4 D. Marson 5 G . Romani n 6 S . Loy 7 D . Angott i 8 D . Ryan 9 G . Murley 10 D . Bonanno 11 A . Hasiotis 12 D . Ballantine 13 P. Pappalardo 14 C . Duinard o 15 J . Pappalardo 16 P. Diacogior gis 17 J . Delahunt
18 M . Moussi 19 J . Sheehan 20 N . Mathews 21 M . Fisher 22 M . Robe rts 23 L . Bettiol 24 B . Dinnee n 25 G . Hawkins 26 T. Louder 27 D . Ciro
OLD TRINITY Coach: Steven Maus U19 (C) : S Jones, E Oavatris
1 S .Jones(C) 2 A. Beeve r 3 M . Passador 4 A . Rothe 5 B . Hutchinson 6 C. Russell 7 B . ise~p i 8 D . G si wo rt h 10 S . Dann 11 K . Noden 12 C . Wilson (VC) 13 S . Johnson
14 R . Gamble 15 R . Baxter 16 T. Hogains 17 C . Hilt 18 N . Dahlstrom 19 J . Masle n 20 M. Canzoneri 21 L. Kennedy 22 D . Kinross 23 8 . Fitzmaurice 24 E . Davatzis C 25 W. Hanse n () 26 D. Robinson 27 L. Clarke 28 C. Butler 29 W. Brady 30 S . Kimonidis R . Ramsden 32 J . Cornell 3 Y. rAdal 3 35 Y C . So 37 S . Medlin 39 A . Mai yah 43 D . Wafdron (VC) 44 M . Lapira 45 S. Darcy-Molloy 52 A. Andrews 61 N . Broster 64 M . Kassaby
NTH OLD BOYS Coach : a~Y ~ U19 (c) :
1 Mohammed Taleb 2 T T. Waters 3 B . Kousovasilis 4 O . Khader 5 B . Caris s 6 D . Skene 7 S . Hoban 8 T. Halpin 9 A . Naiss 10 C . Farac i 11 S . Bryant 12 D . Abou d 13 C . Miller 14 J . Saba 15 N . Tonkin 16 P. Bo ry siewicz 17 S . Rey noidson 18 S . Mcliroy 19 M . Payn e 20 R . Amato Barker
22 G . 23 H . Makhou l 24 B . Kurec 25 M . Moustafa 26 N . O'Halloran 27 M . Rees 28 N . Smit h 29 S . Smith 30 D . Willoughby 31 B . Wilson 32 Momoud Taleb 33 A . McKenzi e 34 C . Wood
35 S. De Boa r 36 B. McIntyre
37 M . Saunders 38 N . Devereaux 39 D . Mead 40 P. Daniels 41 M . Hayes
OLD HAILEYBURY Coach : Greg Lasscock U19 (C) : J . Bell
1 L . Floyd 2 S . Dave y 3 A . Brudar 4 L . Paisley 5 D . Harrop 6 R . Ladd 7 A. Biggs 8 J . Meades 9 C . Home 10 C. Efstathiou 11 R. Burn 12 T. Rogers 13 G . Finlayson 14 M . Chishol m 15 C . Jayasakera 16 J . Miller 18 B . Harro p 19 C . Moyle 20 H . Francis 21 D . Lay 22 T. Hilton 23 M . Somaia 24 B. Hall 25 D . Harri g an 26 J . Bell (C) 27 R. Carson 28 S . Dietz 29 M . Nicholso n 30 R. Brandha m 31 D. Mason 32 E . E k 40 D. Pountney 47 J . Robe rt son 50 A . Rode 57 M . Anderso n 61 S . Deitz
Coach: tdichael Lovejoy U19(C) :
Coach: Paul o'Sharmassy U19(C):
1 A Ryan 2 P Carroll 3 C Tesoriero 4 J Dunne 5 J Doubaras 6 L Abdallah 7 8 Mcshane 8 L Hamilton 9 P Russo 10 LT y li m 11 J Williams 12 A Connoll 13 N Zomer k ( /C) 14 J Dru ry 15 G Gomez 16 A Burnett 17 S Lambert 18 M Young 19 D Falkingham 20 C Mizz i 21 J Cunningham 22 G Smith 23 D Napier (C) 24 G Alford 25 L Wintle 26 P Doherty 27 S Kingwel l 28 D Young 29 B. Johnstone 30 T Fava 31 P Wintl e 32 S Bell 33 G Strachan 34 M Mulcahy 35 A Smith 36 N . McEni ry
1 M . Atkin 2 C . Brown 3 L . Brown 4 M . 8 Yrne 5 A. Clements 6 B . Costello 7 B . Dryne 8 P. Greenbank 9 E . Hannon 10 A . Maher 11 J . Marr 12 J. Martin 13 J . McAuley 14 L . Mellings 15 S. Moody 16 B. Murphy 17 R . Neale 18 A. Nolan 19 C . Pease 20 H . Peck 21 C . Schilling 22 M . Staunton 23 S . Vegter 24 D . Walsh
OLD MELBURNIAN S Coach: Mark Li6ard i U19 (C) :
1 J . Goole y 2 C . Guest 3 D . Fabinyi (C ) 4 C . Murphy 5 A. Ellims 6 H . Birrel l 7 C . Fong 8 C . Jenning s 9 J . Murt aza 10 P. Stuckey 11 N . Sampieri 12 E . Wilso n 13 D . Patterson 14 G . Anderso n 16 R . Atkins 17 J . Hammon d 18 E . Farq n R . H amsrso 20 E . Alder 21 W. Yunken 22 C . Ra y 23 I . Ambler 24 J . Moss 25 H . Turner 26 H . McLeod 27 W. Austi n 28 C. Sibree 30 N . Cou tt s 32 M . Benk o 33 N . Couzen s
WHITEFRIAR S Coach: Shane Ryles 1,119(c) :
1 A.Croug h 2 M. Nort he C ) 3 B . Phan (Cy~ ) 6 B . Winc h 7 T. Hilton (V C ) 8 R. Fedel e 9 L. Trewhell a
10 A . Johnson 11 M . Cassarino 12 D . Reid 13 J. Powe r 14 S . Ward 15 J. Anderson 16 B. Sinclai r 17 D . Eiferman n 18 R . Murray 19 M . Duffy 20 S . Flemin g 21 M . Setches 22 S . Davi s 23 L. Armstron g 24 J . Treyvau d 25 S . O'Meara 26 D . Sulliva n
27 T. Hoar e 28 B . Dohe rt 29 M . Walsh y 30 A . Beatt ie (VC ) 31 T. Mulcah y 35 D . Levi
UNDER-19 - (2) BLU E AJAX Coach: Henry Ritt 1.119(c):
1 B. Klein 2 A. Bock 3 B. Davis 4 0 . Goklenfein 5 E. Goldstone 6 0 . Frid 7 S. Gutma n 8 J. Rosenbaum 9 J. Onas 10 H . Snow 11 D . Rutko 12 S. Majma n 13 D . Rubenstein 14 J. Weinstock 15 D . Finke l 16 D . Feldman 17 J. Rockmart 18 A. Golvan 19 J. Basist 20 S. Czarny 21 D . Stub 22 P. Glazer 23 B. Ritterman 24 A. Lewin 25 M. Blashki 26 Mark Segal 27 C . Spero 30 A. Lefkovic 32 A. Rodgers 33 S. Shetzer 36 M. Segal 39 S. Midler 40 A. Halphen 43 J. Sharp 44 J. Kretsch
MONASH BLUES Coach: Mks Dickenson U19 (C) : J. SmGh 1 J . Bell 31 R. ReB h 2 S. Collins 32 N. Seewang 3 B. Martin 34 J. Fanning 4 N . Patten 35 S . Batters 5 C . Williams 36 M . Smith 6 F. Eley 37 M . Bottom 7 B. McNeill 42 M . Bennett 8 S. Lloyd 43 A. Forster9 C .0'Bree Knight 10 E. Baxter 44 W. Wlckham 11 J. Bronts 47 A. Spence 12 A Weeks 13 B. Carstein 14 G . VandeGgt 15 S. Young 16 J. Smith (C) 17 J. Miller L . McLelland 1 B. Muston 20 M . Hickey 21 T- Crowe 22 T. O'Brien 23 J. Roscoe 24 P. O'Donnell 25 L. Dickenson 26 J. Amon 27 B. Burke 28 D. Avery 29 S. Cooke 30 L. Creamer
GRAMMAR Coach : Mark Donovan
DE LA SALLE Coach : Craig William s
U 1 9 (C) : S. wldjeja
U19t2 (C): A Donnison
1 J. Sam e
1 R. Loft
2 N. Bourke 3 S. Erikson 4 J. Ryan 5 S. Kendall 6 J. Fulston 7 M . Davies 8 D. Globan 9 J. Acfield 10 C. Worboys 11 P. Sykes 12 S. Sant 13 R. Silverman 14 T. Cripp s 15 A. Schwab 16 B. O'Callaghan 17 T. Kavouris
18 M . Gurpinar 20 A. Winters 21 C. Nair n 22 M . Richardson 23 C. Cree r 24 A. Wilkinson 25 G. Evan s 26 S. Widjaja (C) 27 T. Freeman 28 B. Hasforth 29 D. Golabek 33 P. Ralp h 34 J. Wilmot 35 A. White 38 D. Veentjer 71 K. Deaki n
2 R. Gullifer 2 A. Keogh 3 G . Hrisfov 3 L.RVa n 4 M . Ruschena 6 J. Davie s 7 J. B rne 7 S . Tyucker 9 N. Synott 9 I . Watson 10 J . La Ragy 10 A. Molan 11 L. Meehan 12 S . Logan 12 T. Robson 13 A. Donnison (C) 13 M . Harrison 15 A. McKenzie 18 P. Nowlan 19 N. Stafford 20 J . Silver 20 J . Willey 23 J . Mead 29 M . Coghlan 31 A. Hancock 31 B. Reade 40 A. Hayes 57 N. Brasher 58 D. Forer (VC) D. Buckley T. Buntine A. Burrows M . Evans R. Ford A.Jackson D. McHen S . Monte giIva A. Murray B . Muscat A. Neville E . Phillips D. Pipito M . Salem D. Stinear
OLD MEMDMANS OLD XAVERIANS Coach: Svend Sarnuld U19 (C) : Wce ' 1 W. Ballantine (C) 2 H . Mason 3 R . Alexander 4 M. Emanuel 5 M. Thomasen 6 S. Bainbridg e 7 D. 8 N . Hollow 9 B. Kuramoto 10 L. Brow n 71 D . Alexander 12 R . Phipp s 13 D . Grant 14 N . Webster 15 C . McKay 16 L. Stephen 17 A.0'Reilly 18 M . Frances 19 M . Kennedy 20 P. Mevel
21 T.64cNish 22 A. Martin 23 A. Palme r 24 A. Drinan (VC) 25 L. Hogan 26 N . Lane 27 A. Worrell 28 C. Twentyman 29 A. Kelly 30 B. Goss 31 S. Worrell 55 M . Campbell
Coach: Pat Hawkins (1) Coach: Pete CaAklart (2) U19 (C): I A Baity 38 J M&Orey 2 C. Barrel TMdl~ 3 B.Be*w 40J.MdEerl '19 4 D.eeS, 47 Rklerari 5 C.Carodis 42 B.Mefin 6 S. Cxrods 43 C. MaR'.pr.ey 7 B.CMSBe 44 EMarem 8 C.Ccrdm 45 P.Odbelex 9 T. Conrp?y 46 J. OT:mtcd te R.Caglian 47 KOYx~in tt TG~ 48A 0RV37 12T.Da.~, 49TPaAas 13J.DaRn 50M.Cvn 14 A Dap 51 N. Ra1t~ t5lFaroH 52 R= 16 J. Fay 53 M. Far9h t7R.Fe* 54D.Ryan 18M.Rbij-~aid 55A~Fi 19 M . Frcq 56 S. Skdmre 29 PFimrqer 57 ASpmce 21 T G e esm 58 D.SM 22N,Ha2 59C.Skphcrs 23 J. HaMas 60 D. S&nzy 24 J1 Ha* 61D,SDrey 25 . He<le 62 T. Sbre7 26 J. H~ 63 N. TreEยง 27 C. tbxe 64 S. Truirbe 28 R. kw.Wjqb 65 C, wary 29 J. Wad 66 D.WafU'd 67 M . xerb 30 D. tr~ 31 M .Kemady 32 A ta,lj 33 R.tawW 34 P. ty'"'~m 35 S,McCatfry 36 A McOwtdl 37 B Md'irzh
HAMPTON ROVERS Coach: Ian FYlkmott Ut9 (C):
1 D. Anderson 2 A .Ouon 3 T Prantzos 4 J Midwinter 5 S Wills 6 A Crowther 7 A Duddy 8 W Climas 10 M, Shavpis 11 A Voss 12 A Landrigan 13 N . Rehn 14 M. Louis 15 G Shenfield 16 G Wood 17 A Smith 18 J Stokes 19 D Voss 20 L. Bird 21 M Jenkin 22 L. Dallas 23 S . Grimmer 24 M. Flynn 25 B Hevard 26 M Flahive 27 M. Flynn 28 C. Lucas 29 D Anderson 30 M Lanagan
ORMOND Coach: Brian Keeling U19 (C) : A. Stasialc 1 S . Thompson 2 M. Nash 3 D . Robbins 4 D . Rowa n 5 T. Ashford (C) 6 B. Healy 7 S. Keleher 8 R . Coulson 9 J . Putz 10 J . Cullen 11 B . Minte r t2 P. Townsend 13 A. Ku rzet 14 B . Healey 16 M. Broadhurst 17 S. Naughton 18 P. Ciccarella 19 A . Strauch 20 M. O'Halloran 21 C . Walker 22 D . Hopkins 24 K. Watson 25 J . Dale 26 D . Mabbe tt 27 P. Gleason 28 A. Stasiak 30 H . Black 31 P. Waked 33 S. Stephens 35 C . Knight 40. P. Willoughby 71 . K. Quon 76. E. Sherwood
M .H .S .O .B . Coach: Peter O'Dea U19 (C): Jeff Vfdson 1 2 3 4
T. Parker R . Clowes A . Simpson J . Wilson
5 A. OiBrien 6 J. Moore 7 J. Gregson 8 T. Leaver 9 R . Limb rick 10 N . McKenzie 11 S. Rodder 12 N . Youngs 13 B. Simsโ ขLucas 14 S. Caller 15 T. Wright 16 K. Miezis 17 G . McCully 18 J. Davis 19 B. Hil l 20 A. OiBrien 21 P. Physic 22 P. Brown 23 R .Joseph 24 A. Mazur 25 L . TayIor 26 A. Askew 27 H . Taylor 28 M. Podolsky 29 R . Park 30 T. Morgan 31 L . Jones 32 R . Weeden 33 T. Lower 34 R . Ware 35 B. Miezis 36 S. Osborn e
ST KILDA STH CAULFIEL Coach: John Howard U19 (C): J. Drummond 63 J. Drummond 64 C. Thurefwld 65 D. Mahoney 66 K Toabey 67 W. Perkins 68 J. Zgame 69 s. Reece 70 C. Barrera 71 M . Baraket 72 A. Caruana 73 S. Romagnuro 74 C. Gray 75 M .Teppn 76 D. Slade 77 A. Moore 78R.Half 79 C. McWin 60 A. Hams 71 L Doolan 82 B . Zurak 83 A. SetJOn 84 L Pryde 93 S . Ke85 H. Ready 94 D . Heaysr 66 C. Pierez 95 A . Diab 87 T. Matttcews 96 M. Cole 88 J. Van e,erkel 97 M. Toyb 89 N. DiZWa 90 S. Katapouios 91 T. Campbell 92 B. SantaArcaa
UNDER-19 -- (2) RE D q(~UINAS O. . W C TEMPISTO ~~;h : rarryr~E~! Ji9( i
Coach : Bob Elks 1.119(c):
OLD GEELONG Coach: Bri a r Catmight U19 (C) ;
OLD IVANHOE Coach: Stewart Mot.ean U19 (C):
OLD PARADIAN S Coach: Ken Jot~esen (1 ) Coach: Phit Luchatta (2)
1 S . Young 1 D . Bernet 8 N . Dinning J . Jess 1 S . Alderhoven 12 N . Bayne 2 G. Gibson 2 D . Green N . Cowling 2 A . Bestow 3 N . Coyne 3 G. O' Meara 15 R . Lane S . Staddon 4 B . Davis 3 R. Brown 4 B . Richardso n M. Boland 16 B. Couch 4 C. Callej a 5 A . Oates 5 B . Galloway ~ S, Bennet 18 T. Straughton . Angelo 5 M . DeBoer 6 K . Woodharn . CoghlantJ 6 N . Eastwood 26 A. McKinnon 7 M . Logan B . Greer 5 g M 6 M . Joyce 7 M . Fisher 29 D Bolton 8 B . Spoor i. Harkin 8 D . Florence 31 L . Stevens 9 B . Low 8 D . Varano io l, 1. Hel d . Vecchio 9 J . Florence 10 B . Roderick T. Moran 10 L. Groves 34 A . McCann 11 C . Brannigan 9 J . Byron McKee 8 A . Avery 14 P 12 D . . Howard 36 M . Dowd P. Glennie 11 J 43 A . Clay 15 R. Holmwood 11 A . Curran 1 4 T. Blasch 13 A. King 50 N Edgar 16 R. Hense 15 M. Tan 14 N . Macrides 51 J . Garland 17 J . Harrop 11 A . Talarico d 16 C . Fiel 1 2 . Jacavou 15 N . Macreevy 18 A. Harper 52 M . Cashinella 17 J . Nlison 16 N . McCroha 53 T 16 C. Price . Carty 20 B . Willis 1$ J . Coussins C . Mountain 54 E . Wilson 21 R. Gilderdale 16 B . Sullivan 19 B. Anthony 17 B . Mountain 22 G . Maddelic 17 N . Attard S ?0 D . Marshall 18 19 T. Mossop 55 0 . Wallac e 23 C. Barker 19 P. Karabatso s 21 D . Minogue . Natfas 56 R Brown 25 P. Illi s 20 M . Dempster 22" B. Moran 2021M 58 L Heine R . Parris Brand t 26 S . . Szewczuk 24 B. Mills 22 T. Peterson 59 J . Malpas 30 L. Courag e . Johnstone 26 M 22 M . Cosgriff 23 B. Pouroganis 60 D Mclnnes (C) 37 J . Keane . Bleakney 21 M 32 J . Povaran 61 J . Harris 23 D . Briggs 34 M. Delsovito 24 N . Povaran 63 M. Chamberlain 40 C . Ploenges . McCarthy 23 M 1. J . Pole 2526D J . Stynes 24 L. Brickwel l 44 M. Dal santo .Scurry 25 A . Jakowenko 3 S. Devers 27 P. Taylor 64 R . Ellery ( 28 L . Thompson 68 W y D . Keal . O'Connor 75 A . Timms 29 B. Walleneiser 60 D . Vine 76 D Brauer 27 S . Pruscino . Woods 26 B 71 M 28 R. Sartori 79 W. Keeble 29 V. Perry 30 S . Fellowes 31 F. Papaluca YARRA VALLEY 32 A. Baker STLEOS ENMAJJS THERRYPENOLA WARRINGAL 34 G . Howe Coach: Paul Mahon Coach : John Stanton 2
~~~M~ U19 (C):
1 N . Hodder 2 P. Batty 3 G. Bonnici 4 R . Gallagher 5 C . Miller 6 G. Newey Y
7 A Volpi 8 C .. McDonal d 9 M . Brown 10 C . Vaughan 11 J . Blandthorn 12 N . Zannis 13 S . Dornik 14 P. Mansic 15 M . Dunn 16 A . Schlittle r 17 T Kay 18 J . McNally 19 J . Ross 20 S . Goldsworthy
U19 (c) :
2 R . Zampogna 4 R . Springall 8 A. Grant 9 S. Stella 10 C . Bannister 11 S. Bocaglia J . Briedis 13 D . Candiloro R . Dodds 15 A. McMahon 16 D . Dunn 17 A . McDonald 18 N . James 19 G . Kure t J . Smith 21 B . Fitzpatric k 22 M . Yates
23 M . Russell 24 T. Sigfter 25 N . Trewin 26 R . Garcia 27 R . Azzopardi 28 C . O'Brien 29 N . Parrett
U19 (C):
1 H. Anderson
2 S . Anderson 3 D. Bloomfield
4 G . Bell 5 L. Bolzo n 6 C. Burk e 7 A. Cam,illeri 8 M . Chazan 9 B. Frew 10 E. Gale 11 A. George 12 A. Gree n 13 T. HealeY 14 A. Hopgood 15 J. Hopkins
16 D . Inman 17 M . Keegan 18 D . Lewis
19 G . Long 20 M. Manovella 21 S. Morris 22 D . Mutto n 23 N . Mullane 24 D . Nasrallah 25 M. Natoli
26 L . Prosser 27 M. Pope 28 D . Ryan 29 D . Schulze 30 T. Sessions 31 R . Singh 32 M. Sloa n 33 J. S~penc e 34 C . Tay lor 35 N . Taylor 36 D . Thomas 37 T. Thomso n 38 M. Vanlint 39 S . Walter 42 J . Wilkin s 40 B . White 43 A. Welch 41 D . Wilson 44 S . Yee
Coach : Ash Wain U19(C):
1 A . Midland 2 T. Morris 3 S . Lloyd 4 C . Fraser 5 P. Valloppi 6 M M . Wine s 7 B . Sturzaker 8 B . Arnot 9 J . Longworth 10 B . Searl e 11 B . Reynolds 12 D . Lan g 13 C. Shugg 14 T. Llo d 15 D . Bell Bailey 16 A 17 T. Mcllrat h 18 R . Pearce 19 E . Krys ~s e
20 T. Tyshin g 21 P. Vaugh n 22 B . Drew 23 C. Arnol d 24 A . Cusan o 25 S . Matter s 25 J . Skipwort h 27 T. Hancoc k 28 B . Reynolds 29 S . Coleman 30 B . Wapshott 31 J . Scanlan
35 D. Loney
36 G . Dean 37 V. Bergami n 38 N . Kudewe h 39 J. Thor n 40 J. Collins 41 F. Papluca 42 M. Rees 44 S. Ciavola 47 M. De Rango 49 D . Gleeson 52 N . Maca rt ney 53 C . Butle r 60 A. Swindo n 82 T. O'Shea
FINALS VENUE S All of the A and B section finals are played at Elsternwick Park, except the B section Preliminary final which is played at Sandringham (12/9) whilst the C section Grand final is played at Elsternwick Park on this date . C section . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8) and Preliminary Final (5/9) - SANDRINGHAM . D section (final five system) . Qualifying final (2 v . 3 - 22/8), Elimination final (4 v. 5 - 23/8) MONASH UNIVERISTY, First semi (30/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - MORDIALLOC . E Blue section . First semi (23/8), Second semi (22/8), Preliminary Final (29/8), Grand Final (5/9) CENTRAL RESERVE . E White section. First semi (23/8) BARTLETT RES ., Second semi (22/8), Preliminary Final (29/8), Grand Final (5/9) - CAMBERWELL SPORTS GROUND . F section. First semi (23/8) - GILLON OVAL, BRUNSWICK, Second semi (22/8) - CRAMER STREET, PRESTON, Preliminary final (29/8) - GILLON OVAL BRUNSWICK, Grand Final (5/9) CRAMER STREET, PRESTON. Under 19 Section 1. First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - CITY OVAL, BOX HILL . Under 19 Section 2. First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - SCAMMELL RESERVE OAKLEIGH . Under 19 Blue section . First semi (22/8), Second semi (29/8), Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - GERRY GREEN RESERVE PARKDALE . Under 19 Red section . First semi (22/8),'Second semi (29/8) - TRINITY GRAMMAR, Preliminary Final (5/9), Grand Final (12/9) - PARADE COLLEG E Club XVIII . First and Second semis (8/8) (sec 1) SCAMMELL RES, OAKLEIGH sec 2 - RAMSDEN STREET RESERVE, Preliminary finals 15/8 (Saturday), Grand Finals 23/8 (Sunday) ELSTERNWICK PARK . * The Executive at all times reserves the right to shift matches from venues depending on the pa rt icipating teams and the travel for example that may be involved . Venues may be changed also if the winter weather causes venues chosen to deteriorate .
FINALS ELIGIBILITY Senior finals . Any registered player can be selected as long as permit is current . Seniors/Reserves . If both teams are playing on the same weekend the reserves player must have played a total of 2 senior or reserve matches (be registered and have a permit) to play in the reserves final . Reserves . Player must be registered and have a permit . To play in a reserves final (even if a player qualifies for an under 19 final but club wishes him to play in reserves final), player must have played 2 reserves matches and not more than 10 senior matches during the season . Under 19. Must be registered and have a permit . If player has played in more than 5 senior/reserves matches he is ineligible unless he has played more than 5 U/19 matches . If player becomes ineligible due to above situation, and player is not picked in club's first senior final he is eligible to play in any subsequent U/19 finals match . U/19 players playing in VFL U/18 competition (TAC Cup) must after the playing of our round 18 decide where they will complete the season . Such player can play in any club's final's team as long as he has played 5 matches for the team for which he wants to be selected . Where a club has two U/19 teams a player must have not played more than 10 matches with the U19/1 side Club 18 . To play finals, a player must have played at least 4 C/18 matches and in not more than 8 senior and rese rv es matches combined .
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Karingal (2) and Parkside fought out an entertaining match, after an even first half, a lthough in the remaining two terms Karingal pulled away to win their way through to meet I~eilor in the Division 3 Grand Final today . In cI e match played on Oval No .2 Maribyrnong and Broadmeadows put on a fantastic display of football . Not more than a kick between the teams all day the thrilling final term proved to be a ripper whit the Kangas coming from a goal clown to win by a solitary point and advance through the Division 2 Grand Final against RAID Lions . Speaking of who had a very easy victory over Bendigo (2) and on that form will be short priced favourites for the premiership . In !he final match Bendigo (I) battled hard all against the Bombers who proved to strongday in most positions, the Bombers winning well i n the finish . PREVIEW - GRAND FINALS Division i At I2 .30pm Karingal (2) and the Bomber clash for the Hawthorn Football Club Cup ands in what promises to be a great game the Bulls must be favoured to win . They were clearly th e
Division 2 In the second match of the day RAID Lions the outstanding team of Division 2 face a fired up Broadmeadows fresh from the their (1) point victory over the highly fancied Maribyrnong . Al l in all the RAID Lions have not put a foot wrong all year and deserve to start favourites, however the Kangas should not be taken lightly, last week's performance proving that . Although overall I feel that the Lions will have too many guns on the day . Division 3 In the first match of the day at 10 . i5am Keilor Saints will prove far too strong for the Karingal number 2 team . Although I favour the Saints to take out the premiership, I cannot se e the Bulls lying down without a fierce battle and for that reason I feel the Saints may not have this match all their own way but will do enough to win . Good luck to all competing teams, players and coaches/co-ordinators today .
VA r .7. v Y "JD At U
D SECTION 199 9 Is seeking applications for the 1999 season for the positions of..
better team across the home and away season and although the Bombers will be aiming for another premiership, I feel today that the Bulls will prove too strong .
RESERVE C AC Applications in writing to :
The Secretary, YVOBAFC PO Box 62 . PARK ORCHARDS, 3114 YVOBAPC an exciting young club fielding Seniors, Reserves and U19's .
Clubs wishing to plac e coaching ads for season 199 9 the remaining 6 editions of th e Amateur Footballe r are asked to call Brett Connell for further details . Ads are $50 per week per box ad .
` Du_ ~1 1, QJ~
T~ ~
OCU There are only two weeks left of the Blood Challenge, so now is the time to get people i n and giving blood for your club ! Donate blood this week at the following venues : Southbank Donor Centre City Donor Centre cnr Kavanagh & Balston Sts 2/520 Collins Street SOUTHBANK CIT Y
Appointments required, phone 13 14 9 5 OR
The Mobile Blood Collection Units at Lilydale Baptist Churc h Monday 17 - Thursday 20 August Mordialloc Allen McLean Hall Monday 17 - Tuesday 18 Augus t Bulleen Baptist Church Hall Wednesday 19 - Friday 21 August Berwick Leisure Centre YMCA Friday 21 Augus t FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE PHONE 9694 0210
~qAKING THE SLEEPING GIANT tnternet.. . . World Wide Web . . . . .What is it? The internet is a global network of computers linked via telephone cables and optic fibres . Some are connected 21 hours a day, while others are merely 'drop-ins' that connect for short periods of time . Those that are perma,,ndy connected have pages (web sites) of information that can be accessed by anyone on the network . To get on the 'web' of information, you need to link your computer to another that is already part of the netark (or 'online') . When you connect to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) you are connecting to such a computer, which puts ou `on line' to the Internet and the world of information that it holds . The world wide web (WWW) is the name given to the information stored on the internet, like a huge electronic magazine all over the world . To access the WWW you need to have a browser (a computer program that is your window to the information) ;uch as Netscape or Internet Explorer (IE) . This browser enables you to view the information stored on the lnternet at the millions of web sites around the world . WHAT IS ON THE INTERNET THAT IS USEFUL TO ME ?
There are many different sites and types of information that can assist a coach, regardless of the level of sport n which they are involved . For the beginner or part-time coach there are sites that offer 'real' information on the 4-Z of practical coaching. One such site is the cricket coaching paper hosted by David Carter that offers a brief overview of his experinces and learning when faced with the task of coaching an under 12 side at a state carnival . Alternatively, other ccal' information sites such as Coaches Corner (Gatorade Sports Science Institute site) or the Sportscience site ~ffers full text of papers dealing with many topics applicable to any sport, such as nutrition, foods and fluids for roung athletes, building teamwork, making youth sports safe and enjoyable, traits of successful coaching, or ,, Iien should an athlete return to competition after injury ? Coaching Science Abstracts (an online journal) offers short abstracts of articles with full reference listings covring topics such as, learning in young athletes . the young athlete, psychological dynamics of performance . ,irength training, fuel and ergogenic aids and attitude to training . Sites like these allow coaches to keep up with, or check out, the latest literature on a given topic without ,pending time researching and locating articles . It also allows the information to be on hand when the coach has the time to pursue reading on a given topic . WEB ADDRESSE S
Australian Coaching Council - http://www .ausport Australian Sport WWW - http :/ /www.ausport / Australian Sports Results - http :ozemail .com .au/-dju/ozsport .html Coaching Science Abstracts - http ://www-rohan .sdsu .edu/dept/coachsci/intro .htm David Carter - http ://iccub .ipswich .gil / Gatorade Sports Science Institute - http :/ / www.gssiweb .com / International Sports Organisation - http :// .au/intods.html National Coaching Foundation UK - http : //www.ncf, National Collegiate Athletic Assoc - http ://www.ncaa .org / National Sporting Organisations - http ://www .ausport .html Sportscience Site - http ://www.sportsci .org/
RSVP Friday August 1 7 (9531 8333)
`Of sports trainers - for sports trainers . '
Certificate in Sports Training (Level 1 ) ASTA in conjunction with Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE, are piloting a new course - commencing in Sept (day ) and October 18 (pm and Sat) Course consists of: Workplace first aid level 2 Sports Trainers Level 1 Basic Massage Duration : 56 hours, Cost $34 5 Further details : Gayle Lambert, or Clive Alex Northern TAFE, Preston Campus Phone 9269 1200 ASTA offers accredited sports trainers full membership for $75 .00, which includes $2 million Professional Indemnity Insurance . Further details contact : National Secretary : 03 9726 605 3
S MEDICINE TREATING THAT INJURY Last time we spoke about the first 48 hours in the treatment of an ankle or knee injury After 48 hours let's begin the rehab . For both ankle and the knee reducing swelling, promoting healing, maintaining stabil ity are essential features of getting the player back on track . We may use laser, or biofeed back or interferential at first, together with soft tissue massage and stretching . Later proprioception or ability to balance functionally using wobble boards and a vari ety of practical drills is critical before returning to training . Maintaining some aerobic fit ness during that time using an exercise bike even if only pedalling with one leg is als( important .
BLADES CLUB CHAMPIONSHI P $ 20 00 TO THE WINNING CLUB Points have been allocated for Round Fifteen (A-B) and Sixteen (C-F & U19) matches and today the leading 20 clubs are shown . A team that has a bye is credited with a win . To refresh memories from last week a senior team win receives 12 points ; reserves win 5 points : an unde r 19 team win 5 points . SEN . RES, U-19 TOTAL CLUB OLD XAVERIANS 15 14 17 335 15 31 8 GVHITEFRIARS O C 14 15 BEAUMARIS 15 12 9 .5 287 . 5 OLD MENTONIANS 14 12 11 283 CAULFIELD GRAMMARIANS 15 13 7 .5 282 . 5 AJAX 13 15 9 276 OLD CAREY 16 15 1 272 OLD CAMBERWELL 14 16 .5 0 250 . 5 PENINSULA 15 14 0 25 0 MARCELLIN 12 13 7 .5 246 . 5 MONASH GRYPHONS 14 14 0 23 8 ORMOND 9 13 13 23 8 OLD SCOTCH 9 11 14 23 3 ST BEDES MENTONE TIG . 10 13 9 23 0 HAMPTON ROVERS 10 9 .5 12 227 . 5 OLD IVANHOE 10 6
22 5
13 0 0 0
22 5 21 9 21 7 21 6
Bonus points are on offer and can be earned as follows: • 40 points at the end of July to each club which has at least 20 senior, reserve or Under 1 9 players regularly wearing Blades football boots in VAFA matches . • 2 points for each $100 worth of Blades apparel purchased through the VAFA up to 31 Jul y 1998 .
T MAST `i'N AMATEUR FOOTBAL L CLUB Invites applications fo r
MOVING TO SYDNEY ??? Keen to play football at a club with an Amateur feel, but in Sydney's premier AFL competition - the Sydney Football League for season 1999 ?? ? CONTACT EAST SYDNEY FOOTBALL CLUB
Applications in writing to : The Secretar y P 0 Box 164, Thomastown, 3074 Applications close 3119198
Coach : Chris O'Dwyer 0419 233 532 Asst . Coach : Neville James 015 436 005 President: Mick O'Connell (02) 9328 0423
ELSTERNWICK PAR K DR AW 199 8 (August - September) This Sat 15/8 : Club XVIII Prelim. Finals This Sunl6/8 : FIDA Grand Final s
Next Sat 22/8: Old Scotch v Old Haileybury Next Sun 23/8: Club XVIII Grand Final s
Sat: 29/8: B Section First Semi-Final Sun : 30/8 : A Section First Semi Fina l Sat: 5/9: B Section Second Semi-Fina l Sun : 6/9 : A Section Second Semi-Final Sat : 12/9 : C Section Grand Fina l Sun : 13/9: A Section Preliminary Final Sat: 19/9 : B Section Grand Fina l Sun : 20/9: A Section Grand Final
From Investigation to Tribunal Chris Mollard, Collegians (U19) . Club report, unob served incident, 6 matches . Deferre d from August lst . Joseph Barker, North Old Boys . Audible offence, z matches . From August 8th . Matthew Turner, St. Bedes Mentone Tigers. Striking, 1 match . Patrick Burns, UHSOB (Reserves) . Striking, 2 matches . * Craig Osborne, St . Bernards (Under-19). Audible Offence. 1 match. * Chris Noseda, St. Kevins (Under-19) . Audible Offence, 1 match, * Andrew Neale, Old Brighton (Club 18) . Charging, ~ matches . * Phil Caputo . Thornbury Cougars (Club 18) . Striking, 2 matches. *Accepted prescribed penalt y Alteration to Tribunal Hearing Results August 4, 199 8 Ricky Bloom, Ajax . Kicking, 3 matches, charge should have read unduly rough play .
FINES RD 16 (A-B) 1 7 ( C-F & U19) First offence ( $5); second offence ($25) ; third offence ( $50) ; fourt h offence ( $100) ; each subsequent offence ( $100) .
Seniors/U1 9
failure to phone failure to provide scores by 2 .30pm final scores by 5pm Old Brighton (Res) Mazenod (U19 ) Marcellin (Res ) Old Essendon (Res) Yarra Valley (Res ) Bulleen Cobras (Res ) Syndal Tally Ho (Res) Eltham (Res) OTHER Incorre ct scores phoned (1/8 ) Bulleen-Temp . (Sen .). Swinburne Unl . (Sen .). Mt . Lilydale (C18) .
Saturday's Final Siren Scores (A Section )
CLUBS SEEKING PRESCRIBED PENALTY FOR REPORTED PLAVER(S) Because of the new procedure regarding lodging a request for an investigation, clubs are advised not to phone the VAFA until after 3pm on a Monday to find if the granting of the prescribed penalty applied for is accepted by the Association . If a request for an investigation, accompanied by a cheque for $200, is received before 3pm Monday following the weekend's game, the prescribed penalty will not be accepted and the matter will be referred to the following day's tribunal for deliberation .
MARKETING NEWS by Phil Steven s
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MONDAY SEPT]MBER 14T H CARLTON CREST HOTE L T he VAFA's Vote Count Night has proved to be a most popular evening over the past few years and plans are under way for the 1998 night to be bigger, brighter and the best yet . As well as counting votes and making various presentations the rest of the program should make it a night you will have been pleased to have attended . We have decided to make 30-35 seats available to club people who would like to take the opportunity of attending . Each club receives three invitations which must be used . If you are with a club and won't be one of your club's nominated three attendees send off a cheque now for $70, made payable to the VAFA, as seats will be allocated on a first in basis . With your cheque, remember to include your name, your return address (in case you miss out) and the club you follow which will help us with table allocations . Act now to book a seat - your $70 includes a three course meal and drinks . Alternatively for $80 you receive your seat, three course meal and drinks and three (3) tickets in the raffle which is conducted for an assortment of sponsors' prizes - a ticket costs $5 - this represents a $5 benefit to you .
PLANNING ON ATTENDING FINALS MATCHES AT ELSTERNWICK PARK ? The following pre-paid packages are available and tickets can be obtained by sending off a cheque payable to the VAFA, for the amounts shown . Please ensure that you indicate which package of tickets you require so that the correctly dated tickets can be mailed . Your home address obviously is vital as well . Final admittance for adults is $5 per head at all finals other than a grand final which is $6 a head- the benefit to you by pre-buying tickets is indicated . PACKAGE A - $12 0 4 tickets for each of the 4 A section finals days : 4 tickets for each of the 3 B section finals days and 4 tickets for the C section grand final day . This represents a saving of $52 PACKAGE B - $65
2 tickets for each of the 4 A section finals da_vs : 2 tickets for each of the 3 B section finals days and 2 tickets for the C section grand final day. This represents a saving of $21 . PACKAGE C - $30
1 ticket for each of the 4 A section finals days : 1 ticket for each of the 3 B section finals days and 1 ticket for the C section grand final day . This represents a saving of $13 . If you have a different package of ticket requirements you would like considered, send in details of what you require and a quote for pre-paid tickets will be given .
SPORTSCOVER PICK THE SEVEN PREMIERS COMPETITION Hampton Rovers won the weekly prize (see VAFA properties to pick up prize) .
~ ~~~~~~
Original and pink copy must be lodged with umpires no later than half time of any match, Each player must sign the original clearly beside name which must show first and surnama Blue copy must be handed to opposition captain at toss of coin .
6 (50 cents per min .) (charges may be higher from a mobile phone to this service O
• Permits (Thurs) • Weekend matches (Fri) • Scores (Sat . night) T
ELSTE WICK PARK GATE S The main gate (Glenhuntly Rd) is open every match day. The rear gate (off St Kilda St) will only be open when Sunday matches are to be played When parking in the area behind the grandstand please park in a manner that would allow cars around you to be able to leave . Players and officials who do not produce tickets at the gates will be counted and the club invoiced accordingly . Clubs are issued with an appropriate number of tickets for players and officials . 54
16 14 2 0 1302 727 179 .09 56 16 11 5 0 1391 847 164 .23 44 16 11 5 0 1246 849 146 .76 44 16 10 6 0 1068 1017 105 .01 40 16 8 8 0 1127 1120 100 .63 32 16 8 8 0 1044 1056 98 .86 32 16 7 9 0 995 1005 99 28 16 7 9 0 947 1068 88 .67 28 8 16 2 14 0 579 1221 47 .42 16 2 14 0 753 1668 45.14 8
B RESERV E 16 13 3 0 1342 743 180 .62 52 :rdOND 16 13 3 0 1105 731 151 .16 52 „FCELLIN 16 12 4 0 1052 833 126 .29 48 --p PARADIAN S 16 10 6 0 944 943 100.11 40 ; 1H OLD BOYS 16 8 8 0 1043 1134 91,98 32 RININ 16 7 9 0 994 1162 85 .54 28 -~r1OD O C 16 6 10 0 772 1066 72.42 2 4 --~ rs~NHOE . ;~ 16 5 11 0 1203 1204 99 .92 20 112 3 3 13 _ ;aqy pENOLA OB 16 2 0 13 0 8 735 1265 `>8 .59 C RESERV E .76 52 5T BEDES MENT TIGERS 17 13 4 0 1390 814 170 52 ,,(OGEELONG 17 13 4 0 1204 886 135 .89 8 EeAUMARiS A F C 17 12 5 0 1271 815 155 .95 4 .8 48 4 2 1415 984 143 17 11 DMENTONIANS .15 38 ., .ITON ROVERS 17 9 7 1 1236 957 129 .38 34 dSTOWN 17 8 8 1 1142 1322 86 ;tULE 17 8 9 0 1161 1142 101 .66 32 _-.c• .88 20 -?05 EMMAUS W P 17 5 12 0 942 1275 73 2 >LDASTHCAULFIELD 17 3 14 0 736 1488 49,46 1 .23 4 -~'-EEN TEMPLESTOWE 17 1 16 0 648 1652 39 0 RESERVE SECTIO N 15 2 0 1539 509 302•36 60 AJAX 17 ;HITEFRIARS 17 15 2 0 1457 605 240 .83 60 KSIDE 17 14 3 0 1465 736 199 .05 56 ~A , .13 44 0115551 BLUES 17 11 6 0 1357 1027 132 6 0 1158 913 126.83 4 4 E7UTHBANK 17 11
>J1NAS O C 17 11 6 0 1119 938 119 .3 44 898 108,13 28 'RA BLACKS 17 7 10 0 971 , .27 22
'RA VALLEY 17 5 11 1 1085 1151 94 ESIAN O O 17 5 12 0 819 1328 61 .67 20 9 ESSENDON GR 17 4 12 1 523 1227 42 .62 1 8 •S JOHNS O C 17 2 15 0 460 1826 25 .19 8 P4TRICKS MENTONE 17 1 16 0 650 1754 37 .06 4 nclPyi6{e player Rd 14 E BLUE RESERV E 17 16 0 1 2002 463 432.4 66 OLD CAMBERWELL 0 B 17 14 3 0 1828 610 299.67 56 6ENINSULA .09 52 CAULFIELD GRAMMAR 17 13 4 0 1818 592 307 .49 50 GAKLEIGH A F C 17 12 4 1 1295 884 146 .8 3 6 7 -WER HOUSE 17 9 8 0 950 1361 69 .21 32 RNSIDE PARK 17 8 9 0 1084 1163 93 TERNWICK 17 4 13 0 820 1417 57 .67 16 .67 1 6 S% NVBURNE UNIVERSITY 17 4 13 0 847 1608 52 ENHUNTLY 17 3 14 0 546 1629 33 .52 12 :TMARYS 17 1 16 0 697 2204 31 .62 4 E WHITE RESERV E 17 15 2 0 1550 638 242 .95 60 17 15 2 0 1546 690 224 .06 60 OLD CAREY .78 48 0650 B 17 12 5 0 1525 636 239 6 0 1524 813 187-45 4 4 fILLIAMSTOWN CYMS 17 11 TZROY REDS 17 9 7 1 1190 982 121 .18 38 ?RTH BRUNSWICK 17 9 8 0 1218 1030 118 .25 36 21HMOND CENTRAL 17 6 11 0 870 1268 68 .72 24 JLLEEN COBRAS 17 4 13 0 661 2029 32 .58 16 8 D WESTBOURNE A F C 17 2 15 0 602 1901 31 .67 _~•. TROBE UNIVERSITY 17 1 15 1 554 1456 38 6 'ncligi6le player Rd IS ,,EW
F RESERV E .32 56 MONASH GRYPHONS 17 14 3 0 1507 635 237 17 12 5 0 1234 835 147.78 48 WEST BRUNSWICK .47 48 HAWTHORN AMATEURS 17 12 5 0 1423 1013 140 .95 36 ELEY PARK A F C 17 9 8 0 1159 1303 88 .69 32 WERRIBEE AMATEURS 17 8 9 0 1125 1227 91 .46 24 ELTHAM COLLEGIANS 17 6 11 0 935 1239 75 53.82 16 ANZ ALBERT PARK 17 4 13 0 726 1349 12 SYNDAL TALLY HO 17 3 14 0 708 1425 49,68 CLUB 18 (1 ) / 5 15 0 0 1597 375 425 .87 60 OLD XAVERIANS 15 12 2 1 1166 612 190 .52 50 DE LA SALLE 600 135.67 44 15 11 4 0 814 OLD SCOTCH .24 42 OLD BRIGHTON 15 10 4 1 752 676 111 MHSOB 15 8 7 0 908 796 114 .07 32 OLD MELBURNIANS 15 7 8 0 672 893 75,25 28 .28 12 ST KEViNS 15 3 12 0 543 948 57 MAZENOO O C 15 3 12 0 585 1090 53 .67 12 COLLEGIANS 15 3 12 0 540 1031 52 .38 12 THERRY PENOLA OB 15 3 12 0 506 1204 42 .03 8 CLUB 18 (2 ) .72 56 MONASH WHITES 15 14 1 0 1084 512 211 .79 44 THORNBURY COUGARS 15 11 4 0 1051 716 146 KEW 15 10 5 0 945 571 165 .5 40 152.25 36 MT LILYDALE 0 C ~ 5 9 7 8 0 28 O6 18 9 929 MARCELLI N PARKSIDE 15 3 12 0 629 1110 56,67 12 .23 12 OLD ESSENDON GR 15 3 12 0 655 1186 55 YARRA VALLEY 15 3 12 0 640 1254 51,04 12 UNDER-19 SECTION I OLD XAVERIANS 17 17 0 0 2050 759 270.09 68 .12 56 OLD PARADIANS 17 14 3 0 1754 1153 152 DE LA SALLE 17 12 5 0 1729 1429 120 .99 48 OLD BRIGHTON 17 10 7 0 1499 1272 117 .85 40 .56 36 UNIVERSITY BLUES 17 9 8 0 1433 1219 117 COLLEGIANS 17 8 9 0 1587 1420 111 .76 32 ST KEVINS 17 7 10 0 1314 1777 73 .94 28 ST BERNARDS 17 4 13 0 1333 1795 74.26 16 MAZENOD O C 17 3 14 0 1119 2064 54 .22 12 OLD CAREY 17 1 16 0 957 2150 44 .51 4 UNDER-19 (2) WHITEFRIARS 17 15 2 0 2108 983 214 .45 60 17 14 3 0 1926 1181 163 .08 56 OLD SCOTCH 17 13 4 0 1890 1156 163 .49 52 OLD TRINITY BEAUMARiS A F C 17 9 7 1 1259 1364 92 .3 38 .69 36 ST BEDES A1ENT TIGERS 17 9 8 0 1506 1526 98 MARCELLIN 17 7 9 1 1322 1361 97 .13 30 OLD HAILEYBURY 17 6 11 0 1420 1623 87.49 24 .11 20 OLD MELBURNIANS 17 5 12 0 1325 1764 75 .41 16 NORTH OLD BOYS 17 4 13 0 1047 1856 56 .02 8 UNIVERSITY BLACKS 17 2 15 0 972 2076 46 UNDER-19 (2) BLUE MHSOB 17 13 4 0 2050 996 205 .82 52 ORMOND 17 13 4 0 1532 1131 135 .46 52 HAMPTON ROVERS 17 12 5 0 1817 1003 181 .16 48 .1 44 OLD MENTONIANS 17 11 6 0 1856 1189 156 A J A X 17 9 8 0 1167 1360 85 .81 36 MONASH BLUES 17 8 9 0 1243 1472 8444 32 1 1193 1165 102.4 30 CAULFIELD GR 17 7 9 OLD XAVERIANS (2) 17 6 10 1 1158 1325 87 .4 26 1618 78.92 20 DE LA SALLE (2) 17 5 12 0 1277 ST KILDA STH CAULFIELD 17 0 17 0 543 2695 2015 0 UNDER-19 (2) RE D OLD IVANHOE 17 15 2 0 1541 759 203 .03 60 17 14 3 0 1499 802 186 .91 56 YARRA VALLEY WARRINGAL A F C 17 13 4 0 1982 858 231 52 .28 48 THERRY PENOLA OB 17 12 5 0 1714 1133 151 AQUINAS O C 17 10 7 0 1269 1196 106 .1 40 OLD GEELONG 17 7 10 0 992 1400 70 .86 28 .31 28 OLD PARADIANS (2) 17 7 10 0 923 1639 56 ST LEO'S EMMAUS W P 17 5 12 0 675 1873 36 .04 20 .76 4 BULLEEN-TEMPLESTOWE 10 1 9 0 282 1296 21
16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
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