Collection ’18
Collection ’18
these are the basic ingredients...
its individual look & feel
Collection ’18
...which give each rug
Vol enthousiasme trappen wij het nieuwe interieurseizoen af, waarin duurzaamheid en verantwoordelijkheid belangrijke tendensen zijn! Niet alleen op dit moment zijn vloerkleden een enorme trend, ze zijn van alle tijden. Brink & Campman produceert ze sinds 1897, al 120 jaar lang! Speciaal voor dit jubileum hebben we drie nieuwe kleuren ontwikkeld in onze iconische wollen Rocks en Stone kwaliteiten. Wol is aan een opmars bezig waar Brink & Campman graag aan bijdraagt met haar kennis en creativiteit. Voor de nieuwe collectie heeft de design studio, naast trendmatige vernieuwingen in materiaaltoepassing, dessin en kleurgebruik, een aantal eeuwenoude textiele technieken teruggehaald en toegepast, bijvoorbeeld in de nieuwe kwaliteiten Prado en Atelier. Geniet van onze helder opgezette nieuwe brochure die ook dit jaar weer zal helpen ieder interieur te verfrissen! Brink & Campman B.V. On top of it Sjouke Jan Zwarthoff Directeur/CEO
Dear customer, It is with great enthusiasm that we launch the new season of interior designs in which sustainability and responsibility are our key ethos. Brink and Campman have manufactured rugs since 1897, 120 years of experience and on-trend designs. In celebration of this jubilee we have developed three new colour ways in our iconic Rocks and Stone wool qualities. Brink and Campman is proud to support the continued advancement of wool design with our knowledge and creativity. Next to the on-trend developments in materials, patterns and colour schemes, the design studio also reverted to ancient textile techniques, which are applied to this year’s new qualities such as Prado and Atelier. We hope you will enjoy our new accessible brochure in which we preview our exclusive designs, you will agree that they will create a centre piece to any interior.
Sehr geehrter kunde, Mit vollem Enthusiasmus starten wir in die neue Saison und legen besonderen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit und Verantwortung! Nicht nur heute sind Teppiche der große Trend, nein, das waren sie schon immer! Bereits seit 1897 produziert Brink & Campman Bodenbeläge; schon 120 Jahre! Aus diesem Anlass haben wir für dieses besondere Jubiläum 3 neue Farben entwickelt für unsere iconische Qualitäten Rocks und Stone. Wolle befindet sich wieder im Aufwind und deshalb steuert auch Brink & Campman mit Know-how und Kreativität aktiv diesem Trend bei. Für die neue Kollektion hat unser Design Studio, neben trendigen Erneuerungen in Materialien, Dessin und Farbgestaltung, auch ein paar jahrhundertalte Techniken wieder ins Leben gerufen und zeitgemäß angepasst wie zum Beispiel die neuen Qualitäten Prado und Atelier. Unsere neu erschienene, druckfrische Broschüre möchte Sie zum Entspannen einladen und wird auch dieses Jahr wieder so manche Einrichtung in neuem Glanz erstrahlen lassen.
Jan Zwarthoff Sjouke Ja Directeur/CEO
Cher client, Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer le lancement de notre nouvelle collection. Cette saison sera marquée par nos engagements envers notre responsabilité sociale et la durabilité. Brink and Campman produit des tapis depuis 1897; 120 ans d’experience et de dessins tendances. En l’honneur de cette date anniversaire nous avons développé 3 nouveaux coloris pour nos références emblématiques Rocks et Stone. Brink and Campman est fier de contribuer au développement des designs en laine au travers de notre expertise et de notre créativité. Au-delà des développements tendances aussi bien en termes de matériaux, designs et coloris, notre studio de design a également retravaillé le textile avec des techniques ancestrales; techniques que nous avons utilisées pour nos nouvelles références Prado et Atelier. Nous espérons que vous apprécierez notre nouvelle brochure, dans laquelle nous donnons un aperçu de nos designs exclusifs; vous conviendrez qu’ils apporteront un element central à tout intérieur. Brink & Campman B.V. On top of it Sjouke Jan Zwarthoff Directeur/CEO
10 12 16 20 22 24 26 32 36 38 40
Yeti Nima Yara
46 50 54
Pinto & Stubble Marble Cobble Kashba Atelier
62 66 68 70 76
Harlequin Sanderson Scion Morris Ted Baker Bluebellgray Wedgwood
98 102 106 110 114 118 122
Brink & Campman B.V. On top of it Sjouke Jan Zwarthoff Directeur/CEO
Campman B.V. Brink & Ca On top of it
Handknotted Handgeknoopt Handgeknüpft Noué main
Gravel mix Rocks Rocks mix & multi Stone Spring Flamenco Prado Twinset Kaleidoscope Holograph Runners
Handwoven Handgeweven Handgewebt Tissé main
Handtufted Handgetuft Handgetuftet Tufté main
Collection ’18
Made in Holland
Geachte relatie,
Size matters
170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm
Custom sizes Speciale maten Sondergrössen Tailles spéciaux
Available sizes Leverbare maten Lieferbare Grössen Tailles livrables
250 x 350 cm* custom sizes on request
170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm custom sizes on request
140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm 100 x 300 cm ** custom sizes on request
Naast de standaardmaten uit onze collectie geven we u in diverse dessins of kwaliteiten ook de mogelijkheid om afwijkende maten te bestellen. Doordat vloerkleden in afwijkende maten speciaal voor u worden gemaakt kunnen levertijden afwijken van levertijden van standaard maten. Ons verkoopteam adviseert u graag over de mogelijkheden, levertijden, kosten etc. Neemt u contact op met onze verkoopafdeling: +31 (0)544 390 400.
140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm
get the most out of your interior by choosing the right size rug
Neben den Standardgrößen ist es bei verschiedenen Qualitäten von Brink & Campman möglich Sondergrößen nach dem Wunsch des Endkunden zu bekommen. Bitte richten Sie Ihre Anfrage in einem solchen Fall an unseren Verkaufsinnendiest im Werk Lichtenvoorde: +31 (0)544 390 400, oder Ihren Vertreter. En plus des tailles standards il est possible d’avoir des tailles spéciaux en certaines dessins et qualités au choix du client. Faites vos demandes et adressez les a notre bureau de vente à Lichtenvoorde: +31 (0)544 390 400 ou aux commerciaux dans votre secteur.
Pinto Stubble
140 x 200 cm 170 x 230 cm
200 x 250 cm
200 x 280 cm
200 x 300 cm
custom sizes on request
250 x 350 cm custom sizes on request
Rocks Rocks mix &multi
Marble Cobble
140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm
140 x 200 cm
200 x 250 cm
170 x 240 cm
200 x 300 cm
200 x 250 cm
custom sizes on request
200 x 300 cm 250 x 300 cm
In addition to our standard size collection we also offer the opportunity to order bespoke sizes in various designs and qualities. Because custom size rugs are made especially for you, lead times may vary from those of standard size rugs. Our sales staff will be pleased to advise you of the possibilities, lead times, costs etc. Please contact our sales office: +31 (0)544 390 400.
250 x 350 cm custom sizes on request
Stone Spring
140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm
* except: Yeti sky 511/513 and cloud 512/514 and anapurna 519 ** Yara splendid 1331 and marrakesh 1332 and Kasbha splendid 486
Atelier Kashba
200 x 300 cm
160 x 230 cm
100 x 300 cm** no custom sizes
140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm
140 x 200 cm
200 x 280 cm
custom sizes on request
135 x 75 cm (only 8415)
200 x 280 cm
140 x 200 cm
custom sizes on request
160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm
140 x 200 cm
custom sizes on request
160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm no custom sizes
deviations up to 5% in the sizes are possible
custom sizes on request
designs shown are based on size 170 x 240 or 160 x 230, patterns for other sizes may differ
Kaleidoscope Holograph
170 x 230 cm
colours may vary slightly
200 x 280 cm no custom sizes
57 cm width 70 cm width custom sizes on request
140 x 200 cm
Brink & Campman reserves the right to withdraw any item shown in this brochure. If this is the case we will inform our customer within 5 working days after receipt of the order.
Made in Holland 8
a colourful sneak peek into our factory
where our collections come to life
Gravel mix
mix 68209 detail
mix 68201 detail
subtle neutral mixes mix 68211 detail
woven pure new wool total weight ca 4400 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3000 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 250 cm 200 x 300 cm 250 x 350 cm custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
Gravel mix side view 68211
gravel mix 68211
120 years Anniversary edition 12
rocks 70508
rocks 70506 detail
stone 18806 detail
rocks 70500 detail
stone 18800 detail
rocks 70508 detail
stone 18808 detail
Rocks woveen pure new wool woven pure new wool total weight ca 5500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 4000 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 250 cm 200 x 300 cm 250 x 300 cm 250 x 350 cm custom sizes on request
rocks 70503 detail
rocks 70506 detail
rocks 70501 detail
rocks 70507 detail
rocks 70500 detail
rocks 70505 detail
rocks 70515 detail
rocks 70508 detail
Rocks side view 70501
all designs are copyright
rocks 70504 detail
rocks 70506
mix 70415 detail
multi 70213 detail
Rocks multi
Rocks mix
appealing colour mixes
mix 70405 detail
multi 70218 detail
mix 70411 detail
multi 70203 detail
mix 70401 detail rocks mix 70415
woven pure new wool total weight ca 5500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 4000 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 250 cm 200 x 300 cm 250 x 300 cm 25o x 350 cm custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
rocks multi 70218
mix 70407 detail
Rocks mix side view 70411
multi coloured yarns
woven pure new wool total weight ca 5500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 4000 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 250 cm 200 x 300 cm 250 x 300 cm 25o x 350 cm custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
Spring 59103
Rocks 70506
Rocks 70500
Stone stone 18804 detail
stone 18813 detail
stone 18806 detail
stone 18801 detail
stone 18807 detail
stone 18800 detail
stone 18815 detail
stone 18805 detail
stone 18808 detail
tufted pure new wool total weight ca 6500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 4600 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm custom sizes on request
tufted loop pile luxurious feel
Stonee side view Sto Ston 18807 stone 18804
all designs are copyright
woven playful mix in thick & thin yarns yar
woven pure new wool total weight ca 3900 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
spring 59103 detail
spring 59107 detail
spring 59101 detail
spring 59115 detail
spring 59100 detail
spring 59105 detail
spring 59105
Spring Spri Sprin nngg side view 59105
Flamenco vivid and elegant colourways
woven pure new wool total weight ca 3600 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2400 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
flamenco 59002 detail
flamenco 59001 detail
flamenco 59017 detail
flamenco 59005 detail
flamenco 59003 detail
flamenco 59004 detail
flamenco 59008 detail
flamenco 59007 detail
flamenco 59015 detail
flamenco 59018 detail
Flamenco Fla Flam e co side view en 59015 flamenco 59015
Prado new in collection'18 prado vintage 21100
vintage 21102
woven pure new wool/tencel total weight ca 3000 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2100 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm no custom sizes
vintage 21108
vintage 21100
it's in the detail
all designs are copyright
prado vintage 21108, crayon 22608
prado crayon 22608
crayon 22602
woven pure new wool/tencel total weight ca 3000 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2100 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm no custom sizes
crayon 22608
crayon 22600
intricately woven desig designs with lustrous yarn focus 21002
all designs are copyright
prado focus 21002
focus 21005
Twinset cut
Twinset skyline 21315
Prado focus 21002
Twinset uni
twinset cut 21501 detail
twinset cut 21502 detail
twinset loop 21401 detail
twinset loop 21402 detail
twinset cut 21506 detail
twinset cut 21504 detail
twinset loop 21406 detail
twinset loop 21404 detail
twinset cut 21508 detail
twinset cut 21503 detail
twinset loop 21408 detail
twinset loop 21403 detail
twinset cut 21505 detail
twinset cut 21515 detail
twinset loop 21405 detail
twinset loop 21415 detail
cut pile
twinset cut 21504
loop pile
twinset loop 21403 tufted pure new wool/tencel total weight ca 3700 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2200 gr/m2 all sizes are on request and made to order
rich and lustrous
twinset cut 21500 detail
twinset loop 21400 detail
all designs are copyright
Twinset Twi Twin nnset set cut side view 21501
Twinset Twi Twin nnset set loop side view 21408
Twinset border
twinset frame 21206
twinset frame 21201 detail
twinset frame 21202 detail
twinset skyline 21301 detail
twinset skyline 21302 detail
twinset frame 21206 detail
twinset frame 21204 detail
twinset skyline 21306 detail
twinset skyline 21304 detail
twinset frame 21208 detail
twinset frame 21203 detail
twinset skyline 21308 detail
twinset skyline 21303 detail
twinset frame 21205 detail
twinset frame 21215 detail
twinset skyline 21305 detail
twinset skyline 21315 detail
Twinset is also available with a sophisticated border to trim your bespoke rug!
border in cut pile tufted pure new wool/tencel total weight ca 3700 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2200 gr/m2
twinset frame 21200 detail
border in loop pile twinset skyline 21300 detail
all sizes are on request and made to order all designs are copyright
twinset skyline 21306
delta 16405
botanic 16807
stripe 17300
woven-printed pure new wool total weight ca 3100 gr/m2 pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2 available sizes: 170 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm no custom sizes
hortus 16907
stripe 17307
printed ted designs desig have no limits in colour and show incredible details
blossom 17502
all designs are copyright
kaleidoscope hortus 16907
Holograph bohemian 16708
jazz 16601
woven-printed pure new wool/tencel total weight ca 3100 gr/m2 pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2 available sizes: 170 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm no custom sizes all designs are copyright
bohemian 16700
jazz 16600
jazz 16608
with lustrous woven details
holograph perfume 16301
perfume 16301
Runners steps 12205
steps 12200
basics 11000
woven 80% pure new wool/20% polyamide total weight ca 2600 gr/m2 pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2 available widths: 57 cm 70 cm custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
new classics 10300
basics 11008
basics 11004
durable 80% pure new wool 20% polyamide
steps 12005
steps 12105
items 12604
items 12704
basics 11005
basics 11005
items 12504
Runners sultan 10707
durable 80% pure new wool 20% polyamide
sultan 10706
emir 10521 woven 80% pure new wool/20% polyamide total weight ca 2600 gr/m2 pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2 available widths: 57 cm 70 cm custom sizes on request
qashqai 61001
hellas 10804
kashmir 76744
kashmir 76446
emir 10520
hellas 10801
emir 10622
hellas 10803
emir 10624
woven oriental classics emir 10624
all designs are copyright
Handknotted Handgeknoopt HandgeknĂźpft NouĂŠ main
when Dutch design meets Nepalese skill
natural colours - handknotted quality - pure new wool, natural colours - Yeti has a slight abrash effect - maximum custom size is 3,8 x 7 meters
yeti 51001 detail
yeti 51003 detail
yeti 51004 detail
yeti 51015 detail
yeti 51005 detail
handknotted '60 knots' pure new wool total weight ca 4000 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3400 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm 250 x 350 cm custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
yeti 51004
Yeti Yeti sky 51104 and Yeti cloud 51214 are also available in pure viscose for a rich & shiny effect wool
handknotted '60 knots' pure new wool/viscose total weight ca 4000 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3400 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
cloud 51214
anapurna 51901
anapurna 51904
51104 51304 51214 51414
yeti 51004
Yeti sky Yeti cloud
sky 51104
yeti anapurna 51904
desig anapurna design is new in the Yeti family, with details in viscose
handknotted quality
nima 97000 - charcoal fringes detail
nima 97001 - salmon fringes detail
nima 97011 - petrol fringes detail
nima 97006 - cobalt fringes detail
nima 97008 - rust fringes detail
nima 97001
handknotted 'super 60' pure Tibetan wool total weight ca 3800 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3200 gr/m2 available sizes: 170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm custom sizes on request
- extra dense quality - low pile - fringes in 5 ravishing colours - also available without fringes nima 97006
all designs are copyright
Nima 97006
Yara venice 196200
venice 196207
venice 196208
Yara is handknottedd in 'super 60' quality, with high density andd low pile bricks 199700
bricks 199705
handknotted 'super 60' pure new wool total weight ca 3800 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3200 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm custom sizes on request yara venice 196207 all designs are copyright
Yara Yara mist has details in viscose garland 133300
mist 134202
mist 134218
handknotted 'super 60' pure new wool total weight ca 3800 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3200 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm custom sizes on request
daydream 196401
all designs are copyright
colourful florals aand graphics
yara garland 133300
anemone 196001
Yara marrakesh 133205
aquarel 193303
out of the blue 133803
patchwork 194001
patchwork 194003
splendid 133103 splendid 33103
handknotted 'super 60' pure new wool total weight ca 3800 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3200 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 300 cm 100 x 300 cm (splendid 1331 and marrakesh 1332) custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
himali marrakesh yara splendid 33205 133103
Handwoven Handgeweven Handgewebt TissĂŠ main
our handwoven qualities Kashba and Atelier are manufactured in India
absolutely stunning designs are made on these looms 60
pinto 29601 detail
pinto 29609 detail
stubble 29701 detail
stubble 29709 detail
pinto 29614 detail
pinto 29606 detail
stubble 29714 detail
stubble 29706 detail
pinto 29607 detail
pinto 29618 detail
stubble 29707 detail
stubble 29718 detail
pinto 29607
pure new wool
stubble 29708 detail
pinto 29608 detail
handwoven pure new wool total weight ca 3400 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3100 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm custom sizes on request (max. width 250 cm)
handwoven pure new wool total weight ca 3800 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3500 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm custom sizes on request (max. width 6 m)
stubble 29718
all designs are copyright
all designs are copyright
Pinto Pi Pin to side view 29601
Stubble side view 29718
Cobble 29208
Cobble 29207
Marble 29506
Cobble 29204
Stubble 29718
Marble incredible colours in pure new wool - a special, handwoven looppile quality - maximum width is 3 metres, rectangular shapes only
handwoven pure new wool total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 4200 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 250 cm 200 x 300 cm custom sizes on request (max. width 3 m)
marble 29518 detail
marble 29507 detail
marble 29504 detail
marble 29506 detail
marble 29500 detail
marble 29501 detail
marble 29505 detail
marble 29503 detail
marble 29508 detail
all designs are copyright
M Marble side view 29503
marble 29505
cobble 29209 detail
cobble 29201 detail
cobble 29204 detail
cobble 29206 detail
Cobble is new in collection'18 cobble 29207 detail
cobble 29218 detail
cobble 29205 detail
cobble 29208 detail
this year's coverphoto!
Cobble side view 29207 handwoven pure new wool total weight ca 4000 gr/m2 pile weight ca 3700 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 250 cm 200 x 300 cm custom sizes on request (max. width 3 m)
tone in tone coloured luxurious structures cobble 29206
all designs are copyright
abrash dyed yarn
delight 48100
jewel 48300
splendid 48607
handwoven pure new wool total weight ca 1400 gr/m2 pile weight ca 1100 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm 100 x 300 cm (splendid 486) no custom sizes all designs are copyright
kashba jewel 48307
jewel 48307
Kashba tipi 48900
tipi 48905
tipi 48907
contemporary ethnics to decorate any interior handwoven pure new wool total weight ca 1400 gr/m2 pile weight ca 1100 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm no custom sizes all designs are copyright
kashba tipi 48907
Atelier poule 49805
Kashba tipi 48900
Kashba tipi 48907 Atelier note 49705
Atelier atelier craft 49506
craft 49506
handwoven pure new wool total weight ca 2500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2000 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm no custom sizes all designs are copyright
craft 49508
craft 49502
Atelier is a newly developed flatweave quality atelier craft 49508
atelier coco 49903
tweed 49605
poule 49805
handwoven pure new wool (poule, with viscose) total weight ca 2500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2000 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm no custom sizes
coco 49903
coco 49908
Atelier has a unique and stable weave construction
note 49705
all designs are copyright
atelier coco 49908
Handtufted Handgetuft Handgetuftet TuftĂŠ main today's gun-tufting in India 80
a glimpse into the tufting workshop
cleverly combining new technology and old craftmanship
fresh 876801
fresh 876800
ballad 88000
domino 83904
domino 83901
handtufted pure new wool total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm custom sizes on request
harmony 88605
estella fresh 876801 all designs are copyright
Estella carré, carnaval and curve all have details in viscose
carnaval 85005
elegant designs pure new wool and viscose carré 84400
handtufted pure new wool/viscose total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm custom sizes on request all designs are copyright
carré 84402
curve 83801
curve 83800
estella carré 84402
Estella comic 875008
totem 878502
handtufted pure new wool total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm custom sizes on request
comic 875003
facet 878400
aquatic 88908
moonlight 878301
moonlight 878305
totem 878508
handtufted colourful graphics estella moonlight 878301
all designs are copyright
handtufted low loop pile
lagoon 89102
lagoon 89108
origami 89001
origami 89002
estella origami 89005
handtufted pure new wool total weight ca 3600 gr/m2 pile weight ca 1600 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm custom sizes on request
origami 89005
origami 89015
all designs are copyright
estella lagoon 89102
dice 89205
Estella dice has a subtle combination of cut and loop pile
summer 85200
drip 878101
drip 878104
handtufted pure new wool total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm custom sizes on request estella dice 89205 all designs are copyright
dice 89208
Estella buddy 841504
swatch 88800
slice 877306
slice 877304
elements 877000
fossil 84204
swatch 88808
handtufted unique shape
handtufted pure new wool total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2 available sizes: 140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm 135 x 75 cm (buddy 841504) custom sizes on request all designs are copyright estella swatch 88808
Brink & Campman
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collection design | of de James
Ondertapijt verlengt de levens-
studio Brink & Campman
servicelijn op: +31 (0)77 327 8007
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Annet Haak
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en geluidisolerend en verhoogt
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tel + 31 (0)544 390 431
Americas, Asia, Africa, Oceania:
tel + 31 (0)544 390 428
Europe: Germany, Austria, Switzerland:
Alexander van Berge We strongly advise you to
Peter Vincent
We advise you to vacuum your
purchase a non-skidding carpet
studio Brink & Campman
tel + 31 (0)544 390 429
rug regularly. Each of our quali-
underlay along with your rug.
tel + 31 (0)544 390 430
ties is tested thoroughly for
This carpet underlay provides
appearance retention; check
longevity, is heat insulating
Bregje Nix for information
and sound dampening and
about stains, maintenance and
enhances the overall comfort.
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points of sale of James’ products.
Robert Apeldoorn m +31 (0)6 101 329 64
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© 2017 Brink & Campman
Additional to the Brink & Campman collection, this catalogue presents the collections of our designer associations and branded products. Brink & Campman develops and manufactures licensed collections for prominent brand names from the international home interior and fashion world.
Rug Collection
05-08-16 12:10
SANDERSON '16.indd 1
05-08-16 11:45
SCION 2017.indd 1
28-02-17 10:33
MORRIS 2017.indd 1
28-02-17 10:32
The bluebellgray rug collection
WEDGWOOD '16.indd 1
02-09-16 12:40
HARLEQUIN Rug Collection A stunning compendium of fashionable rugs, which have been adapted from Harlequin’s best-selling designs, across the company’s extensive portfolio. Harlequin introduces four striking designs inspired by the Fauvisimo fabric collection. Exquisitely crafted, these eye-catching wool rugs are hand-tufted to emphasise their sumptuous textures and mouth-watering tones. Intrinsic designs ranging from artistic feature pieces to subtle statements, these rugs being not just for adults, but also a small capsule collection for children’s rooms too. Each individual piece makes a statement in its own right, as well as acting as the perfect complement to Harlequin’s stunning
verdaccio coral 42802
verdaccio pewter 42804
lulu pebble 44601
lulu saffron 44603
floreale maize 44906
floreale marine 44908
affinity gooseberry 44701
affinity russet 44703
trattino sea-glass 44804
trattino berry 44805
paletto shore 44204
paletto berry 44205
fabric and wall-coverings. Totally on-trend, yet effortlessly timeless, the Harlequin Rug Collection will be the desired destination to add an element of luxury and elegance to any interior scheme.
floreale fuschia 44905
iona hessian 43301
Harlequin shore truffle 40605
shore linden 40606
shore stone 40601
zeal pewter 43004
zeal berry 43005
amazilia loganberry 41600
amazilia lagoon 41608
nuru camel 42901
nuru tabasco 42902
boogie woogie sorbet 42002
boogie woogie marine 42008
what a hoot candy 42202
what a hoot pastel 42208
abacus calypso 42102
abacus primary 42108
home tweet home 42301
reggie robot 42408
funky flower 42702
polly pirouette 42502
go go retro 42608
SANDERSON Rug Collection Founded in 1860, Sanderson is an internationally renowned interiors brand, offering classic, inspirational products often based on documents from its extensive archive. Sanderson is known for its lasting quality, timeless style and quintessentially English fabric and wallpaper collections, complemented by a wide range of home accessories. Sanderson introduces sumptuous statement florals, paisley patterns and moody neutral classics to the evergrowing Sanderson Rug range, including two of Sanderson’s most well recognised and iconic designs: Stapleton Park and Rose & Peony. angelique rose 46500
rose & peony cerise 45005
cressida charcoal/linen 45101
cressida aqua/olive 45107
Embracing a reinvented colour palette, the Sanderson Rugs will uplift and revitalise any home, whilst also giving a classic yet modern feel - the perfect complement to Sanderson’s stunning fabric and wallcoverings. Exquisitely crafted and made from 100% wool, this beautiful range of hand tufted rugs complete any interior space, whilst adding a subtle touch of effortless luxury.
stapleton park admiral blue 45308
midsummer rose crimson 45600
abstract linden/silver 45401
stapleton park rosewood 45302
poppies red/orange 45700
poppies teal/olive 45701
poppies indigo/purple 45705
riverside damask parchment 46709
kashmir spice 46905
kashmir azure 46908
manila green 46407
riverside damask mink 46700
riverside damask pewter 46705
giulietta dove 46608
giulietta linen 46604
coral amber 46303
coral marine blue 46308
meadow linen 46809
meadow burnish 46805
Scion Living
SCION Living Adopted from, or inspired by Scion’s most popular designs, this stylish and imaginative collection of both hand-tufted and woven rugs has been created to complement Scion’s
sula pacific 24307
playful fabrics and wallpapers. Combining bold contemporary colour with powerful graphic motifs, these refreshingly original rugs are bursting with joy and personality.
blok dandelion 24101
sula blush 24302
medini pewter 25904
medini lagoon 25908
tetra blush 24202
tetra satsuma 24205
blok flamingo 24105
blok poppy 24108
raita citrus 24700
raita taupe 24701
rivi taupe 26901
rivi citrus 26905
symmetry peony 26600
raita kiwi 24707
Scion Living mr fox blush 25302
mr fox cinnamon 25303
mr fox silver 25304
lintu rhubarb 24402
lintu dandelion 24405
lintu pacific 24408
kukkia ink 24508
lohko poppy 25800
lohko honey 25806
kukkia satsuma 24500
kukkia honey 24506
mr fox mustard 25306
mr fox aqua 25308
spike pumice 26804
spike marine 26808
kaleido pop 26000
kaleido marine 26008
navajo grape 26402
modul charcoal 26704
Pure Morris 110
Pure Morris Rug Collection Morris as an interior designer created rooms with honesty and simplicity. The new Pure Morris range of handtufted rugs harnesses this spirit and presents his iconic designs in a pared back palette, whilst maintaining the intricacies of the originals. This exquisite range combines modern colouring with heritage design and works in perfect harmony with the beautifully crafted Pure Morris fabric and wallpaper collections.
poppy cream 28409
poppy dove 28404
poppy taupe 28405
bachelors button charcoal 28205
bachelors button linen 28209
willow bough ivory 28309
willow bough mole 28304
willow bough granite 28305
ceiling charcoal 28505
ceiling taupe 28501
ceiling parchment 28609
Morris & Co
Morris & Co Rug Collection William Morris (1834-1896), artist, philosopher and political theorist, was one of the most outstanding and influential designers of the Arts & Crafts Movement. His legacy continues today with Morris & Co., curating beautifully crafted fabrics, wallpapers and home accessories inspired by his original designs. The Morris & Co. range of hand-tufted rugs translates some of Morris’ most renowned and iconic designs; these timeless rugs are offered in his distinctive and unique colour palette and will add a touch of heritage to any home.
granada red/black 27600
lodden manilla 27801
lodden indigo/mineral 27808
seaweed ink 28008
oak crimson 27900
oak linen 27904
granada indigo/red 27608
autumn flowers plum 27500
autumn flowers eggshell 27508
oak indigo 27908
Ted Baker
TED BAKER Rug Collection Ted’s appreciation for a beautiful rug began on the snowy summit of the Altai Mountains in Siberia. Seeking a light bulb moment and a breath of fresh air, he stumbled (quite literally) upon a magnificently embellished piece of carpet, buried under a snow-capped rock. Inspired by the stylish scrap of tapestry found at 4,000 feet, each rug in this collection is lovingly handcrafted, weaving Ted Baker’s signature eye for style with Brink & Campman’s craftsmanship. With iconic prints and head-turning colours, these fashionable foundations offer wall-to-wall flair and make every house a home.
paisgeo blue 58608
bloome deep purple 58505
bloome navy 58508
bloome teal 58507
dipgeo rust 58405
dipgeo blue 58408
luxe charcoal 58705
luxe mint 58707
luxe nude 58702
cosmoz teal 58908
cosmoz deep purple 58905
luxe burgundy 58700
luxe dark navy 58708
luxe aubergine 58715
Ted Baker
gorse pale blue 57705
violet light green 57301
shadow floral 58005
maximil pink 57902
porcelain rose 57402
mosaic light purple 57605
mosaic deep purple 57607
agave ash grey 57104
agave deep purple 57105
barren ash grey 57204
barren deep purple 57202
plaid grey 57804
plaid burgundy 57805
plaid navy 57808
Wedgwood Home
WEDGWOOD Home Wedgwood is a global home and luxury lifestyle brand whose 250 year heritage is characterised by its commitment to producing iconic collections for the home. The company dates back to 1759 when Josiah Wedgwood, aged just 29, founded his now famous pottery in the Ivy House works in Burslem, Staffordshire. Today, Wedgwood remains true to Josiah’s legacy of innovation and craftsmanship. Combining an unrivalled heritage with the best of modern design, the brand has evolved to create a relevant and contemporary aesthetic which inspires Expressive Living. Wedgwood is the proud holder of the Royal Warrant by Appointment for tableware and giftware to Her Majesty the Queen. Made from 100% wool, this stunning range of hand tufted rugs are inspired by the rich heritage of Wegdwood patterns. Offered in Wedgwood’s iconic colour palette, these beautiful designs will add a touch of English elegance to any home.
intaglio black 37205
persia navy 37608
persia blue 37718
intaglio grey 37201
intaglio blue 37208
arris teal 37307
arris pink 37302
arris grey 37304
arris cream 37309
Wedgwood Home
tonquin cream 37009
fabled floral grey 37504
fabled floral navy 37508
vibrance navy 37408
vibrance cream 37401
tonquin blue 37008
tonquin charcoal 37005
passion flower navy 37118
passion flower teal 37117
BLUEBELLGRAY Rug Collection Bluebellgray was launched in 2009 by Fiona (Fi) Douglas. Her love of colour and all things floral inspired Fi to create fresh modern designs based on her beautiful hand drawn watercolour paintings. Fi’s signature vibrant and oversized watercolour blooms are now synonymous with the brand, winning awards and being stocked in some of the most beautiful department stores and boutiques around the globe.
abstract 18000
nevis 19100
teal 18207
mode 19507
jungle 18307
atlas 19808
amal 19707
ines jardin 19904
tetbury meadow 19201
kippen 18705
palais 18408
woven p. 10 - 11
rocks 70501
rocks 70503
rocks 70504
rocks 70505
mix 68201
mix 68209
mix 68211
rocks 70507
rocks 70515
rocks 70500
Twinset uni
woven p. 12 - 15
rocks 70506
rocks 70508
vintage 21100
vintage 21102
vintage 21108
crayon 22600
crayon 22602
crayon 22608
cut 21501
cut 21502
cut 21503
cut 21504
cut 21505
cut 21506
tufted p. 32-35
Rocks multi Rocks mix mix 70401
mix 70405
mix 70407
mix 70411
mix 70415
multi 70203
multi 70213
loop 21403
loop 21404
loop 21405
loop 21406
loop 21408
Stone tufted p. 20-21
stone 18806
loop 21401
loop 21402
woven - printed p. 36-37
loop 21415
delta 16405
Holograph stone 18801
stone 18804
stone 18805
stone 18807
stone 18813
stone 18815
botanic 16807
hortus 16907
stripe 17300
stripe 17307
bohemian 16700
bohemian 16708
basics 11000
basics 11004
basics 11005
hellas 10803
woven p. 22-23
stone 18808
woven - printed p. 38-39
blossom 17502
Spring stone 18800
loop 21400
woven p. 16-17
multi 70218
cut 21515
cut 21508
cut 21500
woven p. 40-43
spring 59100
spring 59101
spring 59103
spring 59105
perfume 16301
jazz 16600
jazz 16601
jazz 16608
flamenco 59002
flamenco 59003
flamenco 59004
flamenco 59005
basics 11008
steps 12005
steps 12105
steps 12200
steps 12205
new classics 10300
items 12504
items 12604
items 12704
hellas 10801
focus 21002
focus 21005
hellas 10804
emir 10520
emir 10521
emir 10622
emir 10624
qashqai 61001
kashmir 76446
kashmir 76744
sultan 10706
sultan 10707
Flamenco spring 59107
woven p. 24-25
spring 59115
flamenco 59001
Prado flamenco 59007
flamenco 59008
flamenco 59015
flamenco 59017
flamenco 59018
woven p. 26-29
Yeti handknotted p. 46-49
handwoven yeti 51001
yeti 51003
yeti 51004
yeti 51005
yeti 51015
sky 51104/51304
cloud 51214/51414
marble 29508
marble 29518
Nima anapurna 51904
cobble 29204
cobble 29205
cobble 29206
cobble 29207
jewel 48300
jewel 48307
splendid 48607
delight 48100
craft 49502
craft 49506
craft 49508
tweed 49605
carrĂŠ 84400
carrĂŠ 84402
curve 83800
handknotted p. 50 - 51
anapurna 51901
cobble 29201
p. 68-69
nima 97000
nima 97001
nima 97006
nima 97008
nima 97011
cobble 29208
cobble 29209
handwoven p.70-73
cobble 29218
handknotted p. 54-59
garland 133300
bricks 199700
bricks 199705
anemone 196001
daydream 196401
tipi 48900
tipi 48905
handwoven p. 76-79
tipi 48907
Estella mist 134202
mist 134218
venice 196200
venice 196207
handtufted p. 82-93
venice 196208
patchwork 194001
patchwork 194003
aquarel 193303
out of the blue 133803
splendid 133103
marrakesh 133205
note 49705
poule 49805
coco 49903
coco 49908
pinto 29601
pinto 29606
pinto 29607
pinto 29608
pinto 29609
pinto 29614
pinto 29618
curve 83801
ballad 88000
harmony 88605
domino 83901
domino 83904
moonlight 878301
moonlight 878305
drip 878101
drip 878104
lagoon 89102
lagoon 89108
stubble 29701
stubble 29706
stubble 29707
stubble 29708
stubble 29709
stubble 29714
stubble 29718
facet 878400
comic 875003
comic 875008
fresh 876800
fresh 876801
summer 85200
totem 878502
totem 878508
origami 89001
origami 89002
origami 89005
marble 29500
marble 29501
marble 29503
marble 29504
marble 29505
marble 29506
marble 29507
origami 89015
carnaval 85005
dice 89205
dice 89208
aquatic 88908
fossil 84204
swatch 88800
swatch 88808
slice 877306
slice 877304
buddy 841504
Pinto handwoven p. 62
Stubble handwoven p. 63
Marble handwoven p. 66-67
on top of it albert schweitzerstraat 3 / 7131 pg lichtenvoorde 180 / 7130 ad lichtenvoorde / the netherlands
t +31 (0)544 390 400 / f +31 (0)544 390 470 /