6 minute read


The Indian Handicrafts through the ages fascinated the world by its creativity, aesthetics and exquisite craftsmanship. As a highly decentralized activity, handicrafts of India present rich cultural heritage and shining example of using local resources, skills and initiatives. India’s handicrafts are almost inexhaustible with infinite varieties which have been refined during course of changing history. The cross currents inspire the creative impulse of our craftsmen. Further crafts are results of years of unconscious experiment and evolution; skills inherited and passed over generations from forefathers to sons and grandsons.

- Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India






India has a long tradition of craftsmanship and it manifests in our culture, tradition & lifestyle. Handicrafts sector has played a significant and important role in our country’s economy not only in providing employment to vast segment of crafts persons in rural & semi urban areas but also in terms of generating substantial foreign exchange for the country besides preserving our cultural heritage. Today the rural and urban crafts continue to make a hefty contribution to the economy of the country as they did in the past. In many cases this has been in hidden contribution since these did not necessarily get reflected in the visible part of our economy. For Centuries the rural Artisans have been fulfilling the needs of local farmers and other rural inhabitants in the form of locally made products and services. With the advent of machine produced goods, many of our traditional artisans have had to face intense competition from growing industrial sector.

Fig. 1.1 Embroidery Fig. 1.2 Wood Working Fig. 1.3 Blue Pottery

Fig. 1.4 Block Printing Fig. 1.5 Pottery


Saharanpur is a city in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh with a rich heritage. Founded by Shah Ranveer Singh(15th century, the city got its name after the Sufi Saint Shah Harun Chisti (14th century). It was reportedly Bahul Lodi who settled some Afghani artisans at the outskirts of Saharanpur in the 15th century. Wooden Handicraft is a trademark to the rich culture and heritage that the city claims to possess. Saharanpur is internationally famous for wood carving. Dating back to about 400 years in Mughal period, some craftsmen came from Kashmir and settled down in Saharanpur and took this work as to earn their bread and butter. Gradually this art got extended amongst common man in Saharanpur. And now wooden handicraft work is famed all over the world. The vine-leaf patterns are a specialty of this region. Geometric and figurative carving is also done along with brass inlay work. The first organized wood carving unit is said to have been set up in 1882 by Atta Hussain, an immigrant from Multan. This district was declared as wood city of India in 2019. The Total export is about 200 Cr & Total Production is around 400 Cr. Around 50,000 artisans are engaged in this traditional work. Artisans are leaving this profession because of low income and hard work of 12 hours per day. But, unfortunately, the craftsmen are not acknowledged enough. The artists also face asthmatic and other eye problems because of wood dust and intricate carving in low lighting. They are not letting their children into this profession but according to their interviews this convoluted work need to start at early age of about 12yrs as their fingers are flexible at this age.

Fig. 1.6 Workplace

Fig. 1.8 Street of Saharanpur Fig. 1.7 Workplace

Fig. 1.9 Street of Saharanpur


The intention is to create a platform that perceives the identity of Saharanpur as the ‘Wood capital of India’. The main focus is on the real needs and expectations of the people inhabiting the space to generate an immediate financial gain. The major constraints which the sector facing is Design & Product Development, appropriate technology for quality and mass production, marketing of their products, especially in this era of globalization of information technology which has major influence.


• Native professions being lost with time due to low income and lack of opportunities. • Initiating a platform with healthful working conditions. • Identification of wood capitol of India through its traditional art. • Technological advancements for better and fast production.


• To create a center which attracts and provides a common platform for all the people engaged in this profession. • To explore the best possible environment for the artisans by working on the issues faced by them like poor light and ventilation conditions. • To exhibit/display their work directly to buyers and less intervention of exporters. • To explore best possibilities with wood as a material in the context of Saharanpur. • To come up with a center that is holistic in nature and is able to provide recognition to its every user.





- Strong economy base of wood carving. - Supply center for Agro based industries. - Strong Industry base.

- EDFC- Eastern Dedicated

Freight Corridoor will help city grow. - Social and environmental inclusiveness. - Inadequate civic

infrastructure. - Traffic congestion and lack of mass transportation system. - Poorly managed green spaces and water bodies

- Global and advanced competition for wooden handicrafts. - Neighbouring states Industrial policies.


Map 1.1 World

Map 1.2 India

Map 1.3 Uttar Pradesh

Map 1.4 Saharanpur

Map 1.5 Mandi Samiti


The crafts of India are diverse, rich in history, culture and religion. The craft of each state in India reflect the influence of different empires and embedded as a culture and tradition within rural communities.

Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh is the land of art and artisans. The state boasts off some of the most popular centers of art tradition in India like Stone-craft, pottery, Chikankari, Zari embroidery, glassware, textile printing, wood carving and carpet weaving.


Wooden Handicraft is a trademark to the rich culture and heritage that the city claims to possess. Saharanpur is internationally famous for wood carving. Main objective is to create an identity of this city as wood capitol of India through it’s traditional art.

Key site plan

Saharanpur is one of the important stations of proposed 1,839 km long Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) (Kolkata - Amritsar) which will ease Logistics activities from the city. EDFC will support Regional supply & trading hub for Wood carving.

Site plan

All facilities are nearby this location. This site is located in the center of existing workplaces of carvers.

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