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FULLSTOP written by Ambika, Dhruva, Nivedita, Priyanka, Solaiappan, Vaijayanthi, Vaishnavi

Copyright © 2016

Adress: DJ Academy of Design



MAYA a 24 year old woman is reading a book. A hand lightly taps her head from behind and pulls the book away. Maya looks at NINA , Maya’s friend a 24 year old with an annoyed expression. Nina glares back. Nina dusts her hands NINA (sighing) Now that this is done I’ll go get the cake. Maya stands up and streches MAYA (calmly) You chill I’ll go get it. NINA (plainly) But its your welcome party MAYA (chilled) That’s okay. You start setting up the place. Maya uprights photo frame, it has picture of Maya with Nina and Annie smiling. Her fingers linger at the face of Annie. She carries the sling bag and flips the date to 18th and flips the day to Sunday. Maya walks towards the door and bends down to put her slipper on. NINA (shouting) Don’t get lost Maya. A card with the picture of multiple desserts on top slides towards her from under the door. Maya picks it up. She turns it. There is a picture of a cafe and a library next to it. The card reads “LAST CHANCE. for a life chnaging experience. She looks back at Nina, waves at her and leaves. EXT - PAVEMENT - DAY

2 and Maya, walks alone on the pavement. She looks at the card looks back around the street. A light is reflected on her face. Her gaze fixes on a library. The library is an old building. It has a huge window.Next to it is a cafe. The cafe has three sets of chairs and tables. Maya drops the card. She looks up to see the signal turn red. She starts to cross the road. Red car approaches her at high speed. Maya freezes.

RATHI (worriedly) Watch out.

RATHI, a 24 year old, pulls Maya towards her to the other side. Maya stumbles and falls forward. Rathi straightens her up holding her shoulders. RATHI (furious)(to the driver) What an ass. She points her hand towards the red car.

RATHI (worrying) Are you fine?

Maya blanky stares back at Rathi and stammers CAFE STAFF, peeps out of the cafe door. CAFE STAFF (shouting) Rathi!!... Cafe staff points at his wrist watch CAFE STAFF (shouting) Hurry up!! RATHI (awkwardly)(to MAYA) I’m sorry. I got to go. Take care! MAYA Thank....you... Rathi waves and walk off


Maya looks at the cafe for few seconds. A light is reflected on Maya’s face. Her gaze fixes back at the library. She goes near the display window of the library and presses her face against the glass to get a better look of the inside. The inside is dimly lit and piles of books cover nearly half of the display glass. PEOPLE walk past her with a questioning look.and murmuring sounds Maya opens the door of the library. The door makes a creaking sound. The door chime is heard. INT. LIBRARY - DAY THE LIBRARIAN, sits behind a desk, reading a book from the light of a candle. He looks at Maya. (sly) You’re early


Maya gives a quick smile. She tiptoes towards the nearest shelf and scans it. She picks up a book the cover reads Vivan. The right corner of the first page reads ‘28th MAY 1996, 7.30 pm MAYA (v.o) Born in a hospital in a small town, Vivan, a 7 pound baby boy had his mother’s eyes and his father’s complexion. He started walking at the… She accidently knocks down a pile of books. Right then the librarian is seen standing next to her lighting the candle. One of the books fall next to her feet with the title ‘NINA’. She picks it up, the right corner of the first page reads ‘3rd AUG 1992’. DISSOLVE TO EXT. PARK - EVENING NINA holds an ice cream and loudly laughs at something ANNIE has said. Maya takes a picture.


INT.LIBRARY - DAY Maya, grips the book tightly, hears footsteps behind her. She looks around to find no one and follows the sound of the footsteps. She stops near a shelf dated 23rd DEC 2015. Some books are fallen and the book with the name ‘ANNIE’ catches her eye. She picks it up her hands trembling and she starts reading it. DISSOLVE TO INT - HOSTEL ROOM - DAY Annie sits next to Maya, hugs her and consoles her when she is crying. DISSOLVE TO INT - LIBRARY - DAY Maya hands starts trembling and she flips to the last page. MAYA (v.o) ‘Annie opens her eyes and squints to see the white light while feeling the oxygen mask on her face’ After reading about Annie’s death she turns back to Nina’s book and while flipping the pages-LIBRARIAN (O.S) (whispers) I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Maya turns back and looks around the library. The library is empty. She looks closely at one shelf, dead eyes of dolls stare back at her. Child like sketches pendulum clock music boxes watch mirror and necklaces are placed on the shelf. She looks to the other side. Her eyes meet the librarians who is staring at her with a smile. She holds his gaze for a while and then turns back to the book. MAYA (v.o) Nina and her friends wait. Nina says “WHERE IS…..”

5 Books dropping sound. Maya slowly follows the sound. She sees all the book fallen on the ground except one. She pick up the book and it reads ‘RATHI’ on the cover. She opens the book and on the right hand corner on the first page ‘BORN ON 30th OCTOBER 1991, 5.00am’. She flips to the last spread and the book reads. MAYA (v.o) Looking at the woman standing in the middle of the road just blatantly staring at the car speeding towards her.Rathi says Watch out and pulls the stranger towards her. Rathi straightens her up holding her shoulders. Rathi furiously shouts at the driver what an ass. Rathi asked the stranger are you fine. Maya scrolls down to the end of the page where it read ‘The screeching of the trucks tyres was the last thing Rathi hears..’ She rushes to the front desk with the book and sees the librarian dusting a spine of the book. She slams her hand on the desk. The Librarian looks up unsurprised. MAYA (aggressively) What the hell is this? The Librarian chuckles LIBRARY (calmly) Why, its just a book, my dear. MAYA (annoyed) What!? No! What is with this content!? LIBRARIAN (smiling) It is what humans call fate. Maya flips to the last page, pushes the book towards him and points at the line.

6 MAYA (furiously) You can’t you let this happen!? Do something!! LIBRARIAN (calmly) I am not the author, my dear. I’m Just the librarian. She pulls the book toward her. Opens the last spread. She tears the last page and drops it down. The words on it disappeared and in the book another paper took its place containing the same words. She tears the last page again and again. On the final try she gives up and grabs the feather quill which is next to stack of books. She dips it in ink and tries to scratch out the words but not a mark is made. She shakes the pen and the ink splatters on the table. She dips it again and tries to scratch the content off. Not a mark is made. She closes the book with a thud and slides it towards the Librarian and turns towards the door. The Librarian picks up the quill next to him and starts writing. While she walks towards the door the Librarian looks at her with a blunt expression. LIBRARIAN (sarcastically) Is that your final decision? She stops and turns to look at him. MAYA If you don’t do anything I will. Maya rushes to the door. She opens the door and looks around for Rathi. Door chimes are heard. And the librarian ends the line with a fullstop. MAYA (shouts) Rathi.... The door closes behind her slowly on its own with a creaking noise. Door chimes are heard.

7 The Librarian reaches out to pick the book. Sounds of tyres screeching, a loud crash and people screaming are heard. The Librarian stands up straight with a smile spreading on his face. He walks towards a shelf. His footsteps are heard. He slowly places Rathi’s book on the shelf which reads ‘18th SEPT 2016’. while a distant screech of a woman is heard the Librarian places an equally thin and now neatly dusted book which reads Maya on the cover, right next to Rathi’s. The cracked frame of Maya and her friends are seen in the same shelf that the masks, dolls and papers are kept. INT. HOUSE - DAY A neatly addressed card with the picture of multiple desserts on the top, slides under the door. A YOUNG MAN picks it up, turns it around and finds a picture of the cafe. In the same picture, the same Library is seen in the corner. The card reads “LAST CHANCE to get a life changing experience.” FADES TO BLACK Door chimes are heard. FADE OUT

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