Vail iris Nuguid
body of work
tiche bernard and anne spitzer school of architecture
Vail iris Nuguid
body of work
tiche bernard and anne spitzer school of architecture
Vail Iris Nuguid 63 Hamilton Terrace Apt. 22 New York, NY 10031 (201) 606 3127
01 Student Residence Hall 02 Arts School Intervention 03 Properties of Water 04 Urban Bathhouse 05 Hand-Tool Exercise 06 Precedent Study:Reutter House 07 Exploration of an Interface 08 Weather Station 09 Defining a Place 10 Freelance Designs
fall 2013
college of mount saint vincent student residence hall bronx, ny The campus of the College of Mount Saint Vincent is located in the northwest corner of the Riverdale section of The Bronx, New York, adjacent to the Yonkers border. The Catholic liberal arts college is located on 70 acres of rolling lawns and wooded hills overlooking the Hudson River. It was founded by the Sisters of Charity of New York. The rich landscape and the complex history of the college lend to its distinct character within an ubran setting. One of the challenges that the college faces is the disparity between its educational and religious buildings that are connected by an irregular system of pathways. The design of a student residence hall was intended to resolve the issues of scattered buildings and the abundance of vehicular circulation. The residence hall negotiates between the beauty of the natural landscape as well as the built institutions of the campus.
design studio 3
Instructor: joan krevlin
fall 2013
design studio 3
Instructor: joan krevlin
>> The internal components
of the residence hall was comprised of typical two or four-bedroom suites that are aggregated alongside a single loaded corridor. These bar volumes were adjusted in accordance to the surrounding context
(1) Three bar volumes separate upperclassmen, lowerclassmen, and graduate students. (2) First and third bar fold to create an outdoor space
(3) Second and third bar shift to sloping elevation (4) Communal hinges anchor three bars for views (5) Secondary communal areas for wider range of views and more intimate gatherng spaces
(6) Circulation placed intermittently
fall 2013
community residential
The southeast facade faces the community/residential area while the northwest facade opens up to woods and overlooks the Hudson River
views woods
Instructor: joan krevlin
The CMSV residence hall has three main entrance, one located at each bar. The three volumes stagger according to the drastic change in elevation allowing for an experiential progression from the central part of the campus to the three entrances of the residence hall
design studio 3
ground floor plan a
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ground floor plan b
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ground floor plan c
fall 2013
northwest elevation
Instructor: joan krevlin
The northwest and southeast facade are treated based on the privacy and weather conditions that they face. A wooden louver system is integrated with the northwest facade while a perforated aluminum shell combats the harsh light conditions of the southeast facade
design studio 3
southeast elevation
spring 2013
Harlem school of the arts arts school intervention Harlem, NY Collaboration with: Mary Rizaldo Through a series of vertical and horizontal perforations placed within the building, The award-winning HSA courtyard, which is currently hidden behind a Brutalist exterior, will be revealed to the community of Harlem. The central courtyard becomes an integral part of the daily functions of the different artistic disciplines taught at HSA, thus making it the ‘Heart’ of HSA. This void, along with the existing and proposed voids all work together to create more functional Indoor and outdoor spaces that communicate to passersby.
design studio 2
Instructor: fabian llonch
spring 2013
The aluminum louver system is meant to allow appropriate daylight into the transparent facade of the intervention
design studio 2
Instructor: fabian llonch
site plan
third floor plan
spring 2013
second floor plan
first floor plan
design studio 2
Instructor: fabian llonch
spring 2013
section a
section b
east elevation
design studio 2
Instructor: fabian llonch
section c
section d
section e
spring 2013
The central lobby space has opened up for multiprogram use. The large space allows outdoor passersby to view the “heart� of HSA which is the courtyard and also opens up the space for communal functions
design studio 2
Instructor: fabian llonch
>> The addition of the courtyard behind the theater functions as a backdrop for nighttime performances and can be covered up during the daytime. This creates a flexibility in the setup of performances
spring 2012
Reaction and Bifurcation properties of water Collaboration with: Changyoul Han In preparation for designing a bathhouse, we were given the task of abstracting a characteristic of water and creating a three-dimensional representation of the abstraction. After studying a series of stills of water in various conditions, we identified two key properties: the tendency of water to react to forces and the tendency for water to bifurcate.
Communications workshop 4
Instructor: ali hocek
spring 2012
video stills capturing the bifurcating nature of water
Instructor: ali hocek
video stills capturing the reactive properties of water
Communications workshop 4
spring 2012
contextual submergence Urban Bathhouse harlem, NY To conclude the study of bathhouses, we were asked to design a community indoor swimming pool for the community of Harlem. The site given is the parking lot between 128th St. and Convent Ave. There is a drop off of Convent which cuts 128th. For this public pool, it was important to integrate the context of the community within the design. The floor plates of the structure extend to either intersecting streets, thus creating a visual and physical connection between the two parts of the site. The facets of the building were inspired by the inherent structure of the topography, beyond the context of the surrounding buildings. Thus, the bathhouse reflects the language of the topography, which dictates the shifting of the Manhattan grid, and in turn, reflects back on the formation of this unique site.
Communications workshop 4
Instructor: ali hocek
48 025
spring 2012
Communications workshop 4
Instructor: ali hocek
sketch models of the formal development informed by the site context
spring 2012
Communications workshop 4
Instructor: ali hocek
spring 2012
Instructor: ali hocek
The site on which the bathhouse sits on is bound by the orthogonal layout of the Manhattan grid and the original topographic characteristics of the island. This model is a parametric study of the formal elements of the site’s topography
Communications workshop 4
53 030
fall 2011
garden ax hand-tool exercise In order to investigate the relationship between the body and a tool, we were assigned the task to study a garden tool. I studied the ax, which is a simple tool that requires a very specific range o movement in order for the intended act of the tool to take place. In order to use the ax, the dominant hand is placed near the head of the ax. This hand serves to guide the place that the ax hits. The less dominant hand sit on the bottom of the shaft and acts as the pivot for the act. These movements are activated which create the rotational ax movement.
Communications workshop 3
Instructor: adam hayes
fall 2011
>> A series of motion studies of the internal dynamic of the ax movement
Instructor: adam hayes
Communications workshop 3
As part of the investigation of the force of the act, a series of ink studies were conducted to trace the motion of the force of the ax
Spring 2011
Mathias klotz’s Reutter House Precedent study cachagua, chile Collaboration with: Sino Mukhitdinov The Reutter House is a summer home located near the coast of Chile. The house is considered an exercise in balance and tension, both structurally and programmatically. A central keel sits in the middle of the house, which holds the support programs of the home. In addition it acts as a structural support for the primary programs of the house. The main volume, which holds the shared spaces, cradles the intimate volume, which holds the intimate bedrooms. In terms of material, the keel is constructed using concrete while the cantilevered volumes are largely made up of wood.
Communications workshop 2
Instructor: Johanna Dickson
Spring 2011
first floor plan
roof plan
west elevation
Instructor: Johanna Dickson
The house is considered as an exercise in balance and tension in both terms in the structural and programmatic.
Communications workshop 2
It also marks a turning point or end of a stage, wooden boxes that are arranged as autonomous elements, related to a purely passive environment with a simple value viewpoints, to move to another stage in which the element more dynamic and intertwined with the environment. short section
long section
Spring 2011
Redefining Controlled space exploration of an interface An interface is the point where two systems meet and interact. The idea for this interface study was inspired by the precedent study of the Reutter House and the relationship between controlled and uncontrolled movement within the house. I intended to create an interface that would allow movement to flow more easily and is still controlled. In order to do that, I distorted the volumes, creating an arrangement of accessible spaces with inaccessible spaces, which would then naturally create controlled movement.
Communications workshop 2
Instructor: Johanna Dickson
Spring 2011
Measure of a tide weather station RiverSide Park, NY As the final part of the semester, we were assigned to design a weather station. The allotted site was the northern part of Riverside Park, which sits adjacent to the Hudson River. While developing a strategy for a weather station, the idea of controlled/uncontrolled movement evolved into a strategy, which measures tide. I extracted the language of angled planes and created a system of angled accessible structures at various depths, which gradually become inaccessible as the tide rises.
Communications workshop 2
Instructor: Johanna Dickson
Spring 2011
>> The site of the weather station is located right against the water to receive and measure the changes of tide heights
site anaylysis
Communications workshop 2
Instructor: Johanna Dickson
roof plan
Fall 2010
The Boardwalk plane defining a place As the final component of the exploration of a boardwalk, I abstracted the idea of a single horizontal plane and redefined it into a plane that begins to lift and bend without losing the original surface. This resulted in an idea of beginning from a single surface, which, then, underwent a series of bends and folds to create a space for viewing and resting. The vertical components that wrap around and penetrate through the surface embody the vertical elements of a boardwalk, which support the surface and create spaces ‘above’ and ‘below’ the boardwalk.
Communications workshop 1
Instructor: Johanna Dickson