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Conde Nast Traveler Circulation: 815231 DMA: New York, NY
City: New York State: NY
cProcra Guide
» inator
Traveb It s June Where to go if you don t yet have a plan BY EIMEAR LYNCH AND JOHN WOGAN
Every year around Memorial Day Cond4 Nast Traveler gets a surge of niceandeasy desperate
nwh °ho e is a
popular surf spot but pros ^r In Th 8 those who Wi^their aiv Cairn enouyn Tor 4 f ^ ¦ swimming
e mails Help
I ne d a sum er vacation Where sliould
g0 Relax We ve Kaared the world and consulted our favorite travel
to find 20 FUIX ON TRIPS for every tasle and budget plus—for fun in 24 t hour bites 4 LONG WEEKENDi GETAWAYS
see page 46 All you have to do is pidk the one that s right for
© Copyright 06/01/2012 Conde Nast Traveler All Rights Reserved. Unlicensed Reproduction, Sale or Republication Prohibited.
RefNo: ac2816
182500 Account: 06/01/2012 Date: 86E260 Pub Num: 39 Section/Page: 2 / 6 Page Count:
Conde Nast Traveler Circulation: 815231 DMA: New York, NY
When You Just Want Sand and Surf
Waul liKleli giik1
1 Ik1 trip plimiiing j^runt work lo
5 ways to live the life aquatic
someone who L iin
j^fl you up^raih s
ami special
Buenaventura Panama
cxperirmvs Hook
With all the colonial romance you tl find in S ui Juan terra col I a ceil ings stucco archways winding paths lined in fragrant trees and a bil of Nicaragua s exoticism thatched roof hills I liiplv beach cs the town of Bucnaventui a on
lIllnLlj Ji oik1 nl Ihi si i ililiir
approval j airus
Pi I ununui
I lie Pacilic Ocean is ideal lor leisure a deux Stav at the Bristol Hue
naventura which has |O si
North Ifruwiioll
Tnivcl She si ls up nittu yjiitu Cunni
restaunints and a beach bar
tours um visits
and spend your days sunbathing golfing horseback riding fishing
10 en Zee |
andsuorkeling Ml7 wm IWXl doubles from
H9 i
vi in
morning s surf schedule Calle Topele and I lori onle
filial Raintorcsl lloat Ad
Sails for rent as well as motorcycles lor exploring ihe I in v island On the eastern side ol the Cull ol Siam Koh
venture cxploi ing I he wildlilc
along the famous and currcnllv expanding canal M 7 2ul MIS 110 per person He sure lo check out what s happening in hustling Panama City Join the city s beauli fill people al plaval I he Trump
La Baule France
mcr weather
I hough famous the beaches of I he french Riviera are hardly impres sivc Mosl arc small pebbly si retell
brief afternoon showers
cs backed by towns chockablock wilh boxy ceinenl resorls Which is
Yai I 552 555 for more on the eoimlrv see Tamed by lhailand
what makes la Baule in Brittany
in Ihis issue
so nolable Ilic largest sand beach in l m ope il stretches seven miles alongside quaint towns old
11 own rd Lowis Pro nivel Intcrnnlionnl
mm inint ItiWlla tin
hco cn path inns utul tlicilt ut A
if f fM t f
del I lorno an eight suite bakery
nntr infrtcsiN
turned hotel wilh views of the
hlH litniuirri h wis
white twin lowered Metropolilan Cathedral r 07 212 0052 doubles from 2 ri Kal pork slickv buns and shriinji currv al Idcpliaul drill
a pn truin l inc coin
one of the hottest restaurants in
507 264 5h52 entrees Irom
S nitlv
I LTgllSOIli Aslll
Los Cerritos Todos Santos Mexico
Desk lie knows
Swell seekers ol every stripe pine for this liaja Stir stretch Ihe waves
tin1 ht si ^nidi s lo nul mmtl funks
to the north are big enough lor pros while wave riders just starling out
H H 4l l i Siimiyui usitt
and MioHidni it s1
head south go far enough and
doubles from 247
Drive ten mill
ulcs inland to Grand Brierc
Crested Unite Itnii t li Siiwycr
shop Ncwbies can sign up there for tutelage near the famously huge breaks of San Pcdrilo 52 12 i i5 5849 doubles from 200 II you re looking for a challenge Murio
lunch I ho
Southwest lours l l
l s
eecruf riMq n m I lNllW lO NutilK
Heeeril lakes students to areas that
ff scl tmlians la
are not on the map 52 612 142 h 56 from 150 fora full day Al
^ anil
irn intl Mtmh
JiiMjn^o dnt Tuns n i i mn i
sunset surfers and locals mingle over margarilas and burrilos at la Ksquina where I hey plan I lie uexl
iUnn hthi
KlIllfllllil Nl l lllllJ
a pro
breezy and hoi with and is a
lour hour drive I roin Bangkok and a ¦ lo minulc ferry ride
Waikiki and the North Shore Oahu Waikiki Beach isn t exactly a hidden
gem bul ils classic hotel palace the I lalekulaui has jusl had a major
overhaul kooms arc brighter and whiter and the spa and restaurant have been reborn 808
doubles from 4d5
2 i 2 ill
Devote a day or
I wo lo spending time in the water and people watching along the bus I ling si rand I hen drive to I he Norlh
tcctcd marshland wilh traditional
Shore where the beaches arc
hatched homes canoes for loolling down canals and ama ing birding
backed bv hills so green that they
and have lunch at Ihe charming
look almost Irish In summer the
sea is calm and llat great for long leisurely swims it s so rough in winter that only experienced surf ers venture in All thai exercise will make you hungry for lunch try Sakai of I lawaii opening in lulv al
Kai Bae Beach Koh Chang Thailand
I he I I S Waikiki shopping center
Ihe hvpcraclivelv stressed will Imd icluge on Ihailand s Koh Chang or I lcphant Island at the Chill Resort Spa Ihe name may make cringe but the place certainly
it s the first cafe outside Japan for
inn 44720 St Joachim Y
beach chic rooms and a killer col lee
iK t II 1 h If I fin ¦ i t
Hie hotel lo liv is Caslel
Marie Louise a Belle Kpoquc beach front manor i i 2 40 II 4K m
HK 53 01 prix fixe
north of I os Cerritos Uancho I es cadcro a so called surf ranch has
Ibis summi
jusl caught fish lo old money I anii lies who have been coining here for decades I hink the I lampions of
luoderni ed l a Mare aux Oiseaux
h sk iwt
vou ll end up al an area dubbed I he kiddie pool Alive minute drive
C iitr fx kun design
lashioiied holds and bislros serving
it Nig i
Chang has the country s best sum
Paris wilh the ambience of lender In
town Calle Uruguay Bella Vista
Metropole ¦Hotel ji
Los Cei i itcjs Mexico
^iiw hroit iii ll
Ocean Club 507 215 8800 doubles from j iy or settle into cozy Casa
FROM SURF TO SLEEP The wnve rider s dream beach at Rancho Pescadero near
Include an al
inii s
ternoon on A neon h xpeditions Panama
City: New York State: NY
won t
1 10
It s a hotel for hoteliers
says travel specialist Sandy fcrgu son where industry guys go to get away from il all With simple
Iron Chef I liroyuki Sakai famed for
such french inspired creations as pate filled ehoux and plum grauilas XSO Koval I lawaiian Avc phone and prices unavailable al press lime 1 lavedinner al hoi pop up restaurant Ilic Pig and Ihe l ady
rooms and a little cale on a remote
llic prix hxe menu s standouts arc Ihe noodle dishes especially Im tfi
beach il has sailboats and Para
a bowl ol homemade i ice noodles in
¦ i dons to his oeuvro when his multimillion dollar redesign of thfioutdo i | io s il MonioC nilo s i l i backlit etched glass panels recounting Ulysses Odys^ ui vuyni n vi IU l n Hi Hi i i li ml lit c fiitni i
© Copyright 06/01/2012 Conde Nast Traveler All Rights Reserved. Unlicensed Reproduction, Sale or Republication Prohibited.
RefNo: ac2816
Conde Nast Traveler Circulation: 815231 DMA: New York, NY
broth loaded with shrimp iml pork check local ion a I thepigandlhcladv com pi ix fixe r
City: New York State: NY
butcher shops boii angerics and
on the forearms wrisls hips and shoulders 44 i t i4 474 371 dou hies liom 475 50 mimile massage 140 Insider lip Togct solid tee Iimi s book through travel specialist Gordon Dalgleish
wine merchants Crab a baguelle and a jar ol organic Quehecois strawberry preserves and enjoy the
greenery along the water l iH Ave At water
Alter the day s exertions
you ll want a supremely eomlorl able place to lav your head luckily I he Ritz Carlton has jusl reopened
When You Don t Want to Get Wet
alter a lour year
Or Near a Swimsuit
200 million ren
3 sporty excursions lor
ovation with a new restaurant by Daniel Boulud 514 842 1212 dou
landlubbers and bikini phobes
hies li inn
liees from 21 If the formality of the kit Curlton feels too grand
Crested Butte Colorado
head lo Mile Kml a nco hohemiau
lucked away al the end of a long
enclave lo sip arlisanal bom boil cocktails at Baldwin linrmacie 115 Ave I aurier Ouesl
valley ami surrounded by more I han a million acres ol national lores
125 Maison Boulud en
M 1IL it lii hntrtc I csl millions
Yes Ili Hi ls Mimtrml hill lie s
illsii 11 or jtlannin^ polar In ill cA lci iliiiMN in Muiiilohu
l l 4 ION mureincnlriT
See The Next Great Place Before
Everyone Else Does 3 trips that will earn you real bragging rights THE NEW CITY DESTINATION
mecca Hard core cyclists have ae
Bogota Colombia We re lansol HA sec
St Andrews Scotland
lioulle ol Hueniis Aires
twisl and lurn onto U S Forest Scr
A pilgrimage to Scotland s Kingdom
viee paths for kids and those who aren t quite X limit s ready there are countless stretches of flat paved tracks Base yourself al Ihe Ruby a
ol Tile where fairways line the land scape and I lie game s been played
sue but lovers of art history and nightlife looking for a great value
« 0 miles of dirt trails I
six room B
B in I he center of town
since I he liltecnth ceulurv is on any serious golfer s bucket list Start your goll cenlric vacation off right al the
Cnl in Scothiml inrdon Djl^luisli I t rryCiill A IIHlilV
SVulsimm lit him till St ffl l tO
with gorgeous mountain views ami trails less than a block away bike
Old Course I old with views of the
shimmering Norlh Sea Its 144
ruiuhnu lutli l 1
storage is included naturally 47 1
rooms including US suites renovated
bv French design star Jacques Carcia are just a stone s throw from I he Road I lole the legendarv seven
l WH doubles from
ride the best place local ho load is l
y s famous for ils blueberry
commeal pancakes and hreaklasl lalkcs 21K Maroon Ave nA 970
When You Want to
di stiiuitionx ctnn
this village is a mountain hiking
182500 Account: 06/01/2012 Date: 86E260 Pub Num: 39 Section/Page: 3 / 6 Page Count:
li l i
« entrees
from Ihere
also Camp 4 Coffee where he locals get their caffeine fix 402 h l ilk Ave 970 349 2MI0
Die hard hikers
sDslfiii urit i iinr s at St Amlrcw i iiOlil
Ihc Crande in this is
and lewer Imirisl crowds should
consider Bogota Me near most of I he sights in the historic Hold de la
Opera in the eiiy s south 571 t 0 d doubles from 1H7 or slay close to the dining and nightlife scenes in the north at thcJW
Marriott 571 4H1 hOOO doubles
difficult holes head to the hold s
Irom i79 Beginal the Muscodd Oro a beautiful modern building I hat has the world s largest collec tion of pre I lispanic gold artifacts 55 000 glimmering pieces h 000 of which arc on display 571 i i i
Kohler Waters Spa and relax wilh a Colter s Massage which focuses
vou ll sei Ihc artist s famously lo
leenlh holeol yes the Old Course
Alter I he physical and psychological challenges ol eighteen notoriously
CmirsvfHOI W 5257
i vl 222 f tirdtm tltl ^ L tS lf^1 IH rryiiiilj riiin
Al the ueai bv Museo Hnlero
should plan their I rip to coincide with Crested Nude Hike Week a les
lival featuring races a gear expo
and expert clinics flhw com June 21 24 It s not all about gearheads though Ihe Crested Uutte Arts 1 es tival celebrating its fortieth mini versarv I his year
showcases t he
best loeal talent in 12 ealegories in
eluding sculpture photography paiuling and ceramics 970 s4 11 K I Aug H S FOR THE CITY SLICKER
Want theperlecl Kuropcan urban experience without having lo pony up peak season transatlantic un fa re
look lo the north Few cities
are lovelier in summer than Iranen
phone Moulreal whose streets en les and markets explode with life after months ol winter s deep freeze Take advantage ol the popular H1XI public hike program and spend the cut ire dav i iding along l aehine Canal I mm the historic Old Port to theSt Henri
i ¦w
neighborhood bixi com 7 per day Pedal to A water Market an Art I eco behemoth thai houses
BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER In the Uosnian city ot Most
stalls ol fresh fruits and vegetables
w j roliuilt in 0CM today Mostiir is becoming known for excellent white water rafting
© Copyright 06/01/2012 Conde Nast Traveler All Rights Reserved. Unlicensed Reproduction, Sale or Republication Prohibited.
» tliu Ulf I liuiyc deslmyi d ¦ i n nuj un
RefNo: ac2816
182500 Account: 06/01/2012 Date: 86E260 Pub Num: 39 Section/Page: 4 / 6 Page Count:
Conde Nast Traveler Circulation: 815231 DMA: New York, NY
Uind men iind women along with his collection of kenoirs Monets
I hill s and Picassos 171
u i 1121 1
Isidro l Ihe lo| of Monserrale I In1 mountain I hut llanks Bogota s east
at la Plage
sick1 Before dusk ride the funicular
front restaurant run bv a Parisian
all lit 1 way up 11 k ii enjov laugous
I rio who serve Indian influenced
walk down I he beach lo have lunch
a must slop beach
line slew ami seviehc while watch
French lood a lavorile is mussels
ing the sun dip behind theeilv
baked in butler and a saffron spice mix Ashwem Beach 9K 2212 1712
Iv Andres Carncde Res is a steak
house on acid It s bright to the point ol parish with stand up counters lor diners dancing in the aisles
and steaks so lender vou
could cut them with a butler knife
Ciilli HI 12 21 571 N6 t 7H H0 en
cnli ees from VJ Traditionally
When You re Taking the Kids Along
Catholic ioa allows the cat ing of beef and the best place for steak is IKi A s Ml Hi Italy lauded by even the
4 getaways for families of all ages—with an adults only
choosicst Italians not only lor Us sirloin but lor its Tuscan beef stew
and chicken and spinach lusilli Baga River kd l H 2 ii i 94MH cn I ices from 11 I he town s other
trees from 25 And while you re
specially is boho beach lashion
in Jilombia consider a respite at
Iheck out t he lade laj j cr Beach Boulique which slocks jewelry ed
Hacienda liambusa set amid cacao
into the Neiclva kiver I ajie kail ing will gel vou in the river more smool hlv while taking vou raiting through white water rapids ami canyons along shores overflowing with c Ik raid grasses and I ropical plants M7 72 I l 2 railing trips Irom ri i
You essentially have an island to
vourscll and you jus I cross t he liver il goes tip lo your knees and
lo Casa San Isidro s utter lram|uilli
specialist Bertie Dyer s dream holel
Book a table in advance at Casa San
Cerrode Monserralc V l N1 9K70 entrees from 20 In conliasl
City: New York State: NY
Con ItLTlic niul Vit lori i
moment in each
Dver hulia Itoat
Ihr Uiipur hii s i i
AGES 1 3 Four Seasons Nevis
jiuil tfuM
lor parents wilh toddlers in low this seven mile long Caribbean is land has all theelemeiilsol a pel1 lecllv chill beach getaway includ
r Mtff
itjiuh lli pi ilnitc dinners uul
itnii^in^ slmj j i j t
banana ami planlain phmlalioiis in coffee country with views of the lush green Andes tl I Wl i
iled by I he rock god s daughter
doubles from
sundresses bv Knglish designer
vale boat and ferried right to Ihe re
Sophie I agel Ashwem Beach 44
sorl s dock
properly has a British colonial air
Ashwem Beach no phone and Hunch dandy with swimsuits and
INtii ll c I Ci» l k
i i 0702
Bosnia and Herzegovina I oi meiTy war lorn Bosnia is be
coming known for its excellent out door activities from hiking along mil rammelcd mountain passes lo while water rafting through a iraml lanvon caliber gorge In Sa rajevo the place to stay is I he Hotel I luropc which has comfortable
ItuHtiiti unil
Herzegovina Alcxiiiulcr I hilsev liilunuilioiial
c iitun^i s » li dli1 IdHI s OrlUiiihiy nunitislcrics umi
visits In ntrttl
llilMl sfKI
modern rooms in a cent ral locale
SH7 Xi 580 500 doubles from
l7 i
ing notably the Pour Seasons I Iv nonstop Irom the Kasl Coast lo SI
Kills where you ll be met bv a pri I he reeeiil Iv renovated
mahogany furniture ceiling fans with pops ol bright lime green I rop Ihe little ones off with the ho Id s c per iei iced baby si Hers so you
can work on your Ian guilt free at the infinity edge Carden Pool Ihe waves of nearby Pinney s Beach
arguably Ihe island s best si rand provide a sool hing sound 1 rack
When it s family lime again take the kids lor I heir hrsl experience wil h local wildlife
Ihe Four Seasons
works wil h I he Sea lurl le
vanev which conducts turtle watch
t he help ol lour operator ircen Vi
beach walks and has a turtle Ihemed
sions and a hike around Bjelasniea
story time K
Mountain where the 1984 Winter
iiioiiiilain village ol I ukoiuir I hen walk along the ridge above kakitni ca Canyon and the village of Umol jani where a hearty Bosnian
lunch imtipci a sort of savory doughnut with fresh cheese veal
for sunset meals on the beach
i c vw i H li r
Begin your exploralions wilh
soup and homemade wine and brandy
is served on Koliba s rustic
terrace near Bjelasniea kidge no phone After more hiking and the drive back to Sarajevo refuel at Kibe which serves traditional
1111 doubles
U ri
FOR ADULTS ONLY I lie besl way to lake Caribbean
Terry Mct nlu1
You ll start youi lick in the historic
along with oysters and stutfed scallops
I 111
intciiiiilUmul ctnii
Olympics were held M7 r 717 2c 0 hiking excursions from 52
ONE STEAMED SWEETIE I lunip lolralcirs ate the specialty at Larsen s on Martha s Vineyard you can buy them cooked
Ml lii iiicoi
on I lU rulfnn^
fiunn idrlKK o s 1
liilihd nil ilU lllsilH S lO llh
in the island s natural beau I v is on
lour legs Ihe Nevis I Ire offers rides on
|iieslrian Cell
he beach and in
land passing colonial lorts and sugar mills H i d 2 9118 90 minule rides 55
r ritcH i ncs linu Iwtirli towns she iiiil ti ftrl 1 with u
nui^i o hntl^i ts 201 477 7WK lerrii mcctihi fir1
ultour ctxn
AGES 4 8 El Conquistador Resort Fajardo Puerto Rico I ess than an hour s drive Irom San
Juan s airport
his recently reno
vated 9H4 room resorl is all cheer lul hues and the latest in room
gadgets But what reu ltiiuallcis
mcalballs and spicy veal on a hill
lo the early elemenlary school
overlooking downtown Vrbanjusa
Ashwem Goa India
With its bounty of inventive food at bargain prices not lo mention beautiful seascapes this north loan
southwest to Mostar where Mus
libegovic I louse is a beautitul I radi
crowd is CampCoqui an all dav l cereal ion program wilh everything from scavenger hunts lo fate paint ing A nighl camp from d I M lo midnight during school vacation
beach own is unbeatable Set I lc
lioual UKiU
weeks shows
into Klsewhcre a cluster of four
hies from 7K just steps from the
Port iigucse style collages on a I inv
Old Bridge Iragicallv desl roved in I1 1 and then rebuilt Ihese days daredevils use the bridge lo jump
islet ga e iiiaseaseape eom doubles from 975 a week It s Indian travel
VA 441 l«d
entre s from
Ihe nexl day drive two hours
© Copyright 06/01/2012 Conde Nast Traveler All Rights Reserved. Unlicensed Reproduction, Sale or Republication Prohibited.
SH7 M 551
S79 doll
dive in
besl viewed from one of Ihe hold s
seven pools
and 1 he colossal
Coqui Water Park has speed slides and a I ubing river I ha I will culei lain
RefNo: ac2816
182500 Account: 06/01/2012 Date: 86E260 Pub Num: 39 Section/Page: 5 / 6 Page Count:
Conde Nast Traveler Circulation: 815231 DMA: New York, NY
City: New York State: NY
older kids adults arc also welcome When hunger si rikes there s I In1 Oasis liar
Cirill with burgers lor
all as well as views ol all the pool
activity 787 Hd S 1000 doulik s from 27 FOR adultSONLY While the kids arc
husv a Lamp Coqui lake an hour long bual ride to the pristine beach cs of Vieques Ihe nearby island is a nature lover s wonderland where
you can snorkel or lake a mountain bike tour Honk through Vieques Ad ventures vicqucsad ventures com bike tours 1 rom 9 AGES 9 12 Alaska Cruise
Norwegian Cruise Line I low do vou find natural beanlv
amazing food and enough enter laiiuuenl to keep even the piekirsi tween satisfied Answer Norwegian
Cruise I ine s 2 7O passenger Ji it el
whieh departs weekly from SiMltle and makes its way up Ihccoasl ol Alaska Ihroughoul the summer He
twei ii glacier viewing in Juncau and spoiting bald eagles in Kelehikan kidsean lake advantage ol a new on board entertainment program an
LIVING IN THE past II you cum loke the heat the temples of AikjIum W it aic bi u t f fwn insummr ciuwils have thinned jnd it s much cheaper than the po ik navel months of November through I ohiuaiy
exclusive collaboration between NCI
and Nickelodeon
tlH ¦
surrounding Ihe l ii tiiif vnlral in I he charming city center All hough
place lo waleh the sun st t Crab dinner Iroin nearby local
wilh buckets of goo may not sound fun to you hut Slime Time Live a classic Nickelodeon inspired irivia
lavorile I arson s lish Market lor
Nicaragua s rainy or green
lobslcrs steamers and raw bar 5l
sou lasls from mid May through
challenge in which teams gel messy is a grcal opportunity I make new Iriends Another plus
liasin kd
mid Novembei lemperalures re
45 HMO entrees
on board 24 hours a day K
7 i r 0 wecklong I rips from
and I he occasional shower means
clams elani chowder and lish and
chips 2 Hasin Kil 50H M5
2 4
main wai in often in the high 70s
J or Ihe Uile for Irieil
when lale nighl munchies kick in I he ship s pizzeria delivers anywhere
entices from
and walk to Kilgarlown s Main
you ll sec Ihe area at its most lush AUwkan
mixi N
Tow linker Tiiisu oilier
U ill NKHi limit
FOR ADULTS ONLY While I 111 ellikllVII
Sheet it sonly len minules li om
gel slimeil head lo I e Uislro lura civilized evening ol coIl le Ixieii before taking in the crew s produc
the hotel where you ll Imd Alria a charming eighteenth century
white clapboard house thal s Ihe
li llON S i
lion ol Ikindnn Ihe Hun an homage toilicsomulsollhc 70s
Vineyard s lust ccrlihed organic resl an rani Vou can I go wrong
TEENAGERS Martha s Vineyard
with Ihe eioppino a sealood stew wilh garlic lemon ami basil 1 57
Martha s Vineyard has a low key
Main SI
vibe that encourages even the most
¦ Ki
i f tSSIM^ 4 iim i P m s lhfli fintlnJitiL f IX s I otHMS Id hnttk
tfim hnkcriti
cnn sci i i t CCoiMJ
for a Real Deal
the refurbished Harbor View Hotel
5 trips with enough savings to
in I he eighteenth century whaling
sweeten your summer
community of Kdgartown livery season the hotel conducts a young
adull sailing course that leacheslhe
Granada Nicaragua
fundamentals ol the sport
COST IN PEAK SEASON 4H pel Ilighl Dee April COST IN summer H0 per night
ing basic boating knots on the property s own 14 tool sailboat 11 8 L 7 7000 doubles from 155 two dav sailing classes from 4 rili per person On at least one eve ning head to the other end ol Ihe
When You re Looking
Vineyard and slake out a spot on the sand at Mcncuisha Beach a lavorile
A sense ol history permeates the air in i anada where remnants of sixteenth and sevenlecnlh century
imperial Spain are found in Ihe tow criiig lemon yellow cathedral and
Imquoise ami coral town houses
© Copyright 06/01/2012 Conde Nast Traveler All Rights Reserved. Unlicensed Reproduction, Sale or Republication Prohibited.
see our September I d 11 feature Nicaragua s New Day al comic nasttraveler com
Slav al licaro Island Kcolodge a nine casila property on a private island in Lake Nicaragua A 21 minule hoal ride I rom the colonial
city ol Cranada the lodge focuses on wellness ihink outdoor yoga sessions and hot stone massages
such as solar panel heated water and organic biodegradable soaps and spa products 505 2558 7702
slightest interest in things natural
postcard worthy beaches and bik ing along the lores Hails Star al
and verdanl for more on Ciranada
and suslainahililv with features
27 5Kr 0 entrees
uncnthused eye rollers lo embrace island life Teenagers who have the and naulieal will like exploring the
Nicaragua Irene Kdwartlv
rci nS| »l SJic I ti ulfS trip llml hleiul
SK s ilijin il ll ni IM
M77 K U f S I l ifL iu tii jjct n^pot
IfUl i i lJf^
doubles from K0 Nicaragua pro duces some ol Ihe finest beef in the
it s ihe largest exporter ol
eallle in Central America
and Ihe
best place lo go lor barbecued steak is hi nguan where vou can sit out
side ami soak up I he city center s lively street scene Calle Ml Arsenal 5or
r r 2 2522 eulrees from H
I he city sil son I he shore ol Lake Nicaragua Ihe largest in Central America right near hundreds ol small islands known as l as Isletas Exploring I he quiet waterways be Iween Ilieni by kayak in Ihe early
morning is del igl ill ill Among ol her lours Jicaro Island Keolodgc arrang es | luce hour boa I I rips I ha
RefNo: ac2816
182500 Account: 06/01/2012 Date: 86E260 Pub Num: 39 Section/Page: 6 / 6 Page Count:
Conde Nast Traveler Circulation: 815231 DMA: New York, NY
from one island to another with
5 000 bottle wine cellar 4SH Vail
fishing bird watching and swim ming along tho way Back on Jicaro Island lake your catch of the day to the lodge s chel who can |prepare it for the night s dinner
Valley Dr
Siem Reap Cambodia
COST IN PEAK SEASON 445 per night Nov Feb
Punta Mita Mexico
cost in summer 220 per night June July and August can he un bearably hot and sticky in Vietnam
sund You ll also find more relaxed
Cambodia offers an excellent and at
sort staff I cam how to surf at Kl An
dote Beach popular with newhie wave riders
Hie Mid Ian Surf School
has friendly Fnglish speaking in
and I hailand while Laos suiters
from an excess of rain and thus
Don t despair for travelers
set on a trip to Southeast Asia loniablc summer alternative
temperatures are slightly more for giving and the thinned out crowds mean a completely different experi dice when visiting Ihe temples ol
WHOLLY HOLY Granada s bright neoclassical cathedral is in the Nicjryyuari city s center near the bustling Parque Central
slruelors and board rentals 52 T2
Angkor the place can take on an
291 54l i two and a half hour
balconies overlooking I he sea and private outdoor showers 52 i2
unfortunate theme park aspect at ils most trafficked First slop Angkor Wat Southeast Asia travel specialist Journeys Within oilers ex perllv guided day long lours ol the main temple and surrounding
Journey Mexico
2 l SHOO
structures journeys wilhin com
I ucrtii Vallartu
for one ol I he most at uiospher ic meals in town pass through the striking blue stucco iirchwav of Si Senor lor terrilie beach views grilled lobster and tamarind margai itas Ave lil Anclole 52 WIV 2 65 entrees from 15
loins 1mm 50 Afterward head lo Siem Heap s Psar Chaa or ld Mar kel where bargain hunters can find
las anyone Ihe market is open all day but early risers find the best
island but he sure to lake a hike
deals Merchants in Cambodia con
cane lields with the Barbados Na
Vail Colorado
sider morning sales good luck so they re more inclined to negotiate
tional Trust which leads tree
Stay at the 120 room
St Regis which has huge easitas willi handcraUed Mexican artworks
COST IN PEAK SEASON 5 0 per Iliglll Dec
COST IN SUMMER i45 per Iliglll Vail is glorious in the off season when wildllowers bloom waisl high and the hills are verdant with Ins
and spruce With all the hiking bik ing raiting lly fishing and oilier outdoor pursuits at hand vou won t have time to miss the ski slopes n Sundays stroll among the farm stands and food vendors at I he Vail
handmade silk scarves lor
i and
silver jewelry for less than 10 as well as exotic snacks
fried taranlu
btixi d Iw Iv mhij s
ic mrssu i1
t vec Jlfnitu in Ml vi ki
Sl f I SH7
ach ii jourm i tm viViu iwn
und Wuoinin^ ¦100 O J4 O I O
when 1 he youngsters need dist rue I it in from the properly which is near I he old royal residence il s a
kel a perfect snack spot awaits you at Uliic Pumpkin where a scoop or Iwool mango or passion Irui ice
when il fimjcs
i iilllllllf ni^K trips in Cnttmuli hhihu Munlunti
cavulincuuioiUir brmi iwll
truVL l mm
Andrea Ross
Tour Company Apart limi tinittotliu
dll i li r s u s i
COST IN PEAK SEASON 3 250 pel Iliglll mid Dec Jan COST IN SUMMER 1 040 per Iliglll Positioned far enough south in Ihe
Mnnlwttnn Mn initjhl id i miy
» l cuuim1
2011 feature
Ihe New Caribbean
at eondenasttravelcr
You ll find plenty to do on Ihe
Sunday walking adventures lor par licipantsal every level 24 42 i 2121 To experience island life the local way head lo Bathsheba Beach on i lie rugged wild east coast where surfers rule and the scenery is unscaned by developmenl tor more on the Bajan surfing scene see Don t Just Lielhcre Do Some
in this issue
Ihe 112 room
Sandy Lime is the last word in classic
Ciieen Monkey course It s the besl Cambodia
Journeys Wilfrin
as Salanmnovieh serves his signal me organic free range roast chicken from an open kitchen Hide s also a
culinary scene see our December
porl transfers iolfers will head straight to the Tom Fazio designed
hottest summer day S 5 Mondol 1 Svav I Jang Kiim
Umpire and increasingly exciting food scene lor more on the Bajan
Caribbean luxury with marble lloorsand chau lieu red Bent ley air
cream will cool vou off on even the
unspoiled coast rich history exquisitely preserved colonial archi I eel me il was at one point Ihe most important colony in the British
through tropical forests and sugar
and a kids club for those rainy days
tableal Larkspur where die Ihoni
To Rome With Love acute quirky iin I
ucluiry Uuhinnr
S7ic v tmoni umiMi1
H ri r d 7 i l 42N doubles Irom 115 Two blocks from the Old Mar
Wt m iy AI It mi s besl movies
Barbados is a dream for ils miles ol Mexico
Slay at the Victoria Angkor a smaii choice lor I In sc I raveling as a family I here s strong AC to thwart crankiness a large sail water pool
which takes place from mid June Ihmugli mid Neplenibcr and oders
hi eplace and a glass enclosed
the summer hurricane season
lurolillL Wood llrowndl Travel
short walk to the main drag or a quick iik ilk ride lo the Old Market
resistible baked goods Arrive by 10 A M for first pick ol the best produce vaillannersmarkel com Slayal I he Lodge at Vail a rustically elegant Alpine inspired hotel in the center of pedestrian friendly Vail Village 70 476 5011 Fordinncr booka
Caribbean Sea to miss the brunt of
and oller buyers better terms 1 han they are in the afternoon
l armer s Market on Meadow Drive
local wines cheeses meals and it
970 754 K050 entrees
COST IN PEAK SEASON ri8fi per night Nov April COST IN SUMMER 355 per night Summering in Mexico means avoid ing t he rnish ol high season snow birds desperately seeking sun and
and less harassed residents and re
City: New York State: NY
on I he island and available only lo hotel guests 240 444 2000 doll hies from 1 040 A table at Cafe Lunii is a top spol lo catch I lie liery pink and purple Bajan sunsets Sit ualed on the open air roof op ol Ihe
hudm t siii iM
Li I lie Arches I lot el the restaurant
serves pan tropical cuisine such as
N77 151 Ui7 uiidn dbt juiuih tis N pm enntj
seared vcllowlm I uua wil h Roque
lorl chive sauce and grilled prawns
wil h tequila lime butter 24d 420 KH
entrees from 2 i
hnv I kk in it It1 to his favorite plnco 111 ink hilly he s jonr11 ho jime rnutr wit is n i i i i I he I 11 ^1 ml Cily opons him
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