6134 Van Alstine Ave. (Listing agent: Vivian Daley-wirt) • See ad page 13
Third Quarter 2013
Photo by Valado Mori
A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • www.valcomnews.com
Real Estate Quarterly • Third Quarter 2013 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Third Quarter 2013 • Real Estate Quarterly
Real Estate Quarterly • Third Quarter 2013 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
Po c k e t / G re e n h a v e n R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • T h i rd Q u a r t e r • Ju l y – S e p t . 2 0 1 3
Address BR /BA
Date Value
95831 6924 13th St................................ 3 3...........13.09.18..... $299,000 7040 13th St................................ 4 2...........13.09.13....... 293,000 1256 47th Ave............................. 4 3...........13.08.02....... 450,000 392 Acquapher Way............. 4 2...........13.09.05....... 310,000 5 Alstan Ct............................... 5 6...........13.09.23.... 1,100,000 230 Audubon Cir.................... 4 6...........13.09.06....... 700,000 14 Bajia Ct................................... 4 3...........13.09.13....... 456,000 7712 Blackwater Way........ 4 3...........13.07.12....... 399,300 958 Briarcrest Way............. 4 4...........13.08.14....... 266,310 992 Briarcrest Way............. 3 2...........13.07.18....... 240,000 7305 Camino Del Rey St.... 4 3...........13.08.16....... 327,000 71 Cavalcade Cir................... 3 3...........13.08.06....... 380,000 741 Cecilyn Way...................... 3 2...........13.09.12....... 235,000 743 Clipper Way....................... 4 3...........13.07.09....... 390,000 7950 Collins isle Ln............ 3 3...........13.07.01....... 385,700 612 Coriander Way.............. 3 3...........13.09.13....... 278,000 1380 Cornell Way.................. 3 2...........13.08.13....... 300,000 360 County River Way...... 4 4...........13.07.14....... 550,000 609 Cutting Way................... 2 2...........13.07.26....... 239,900 474 De Mar Dr........................... 3 2...........13.08.28....... 249,000 380 Deer River Way.............. 3 3...........13.08.05....... 330,000 7345 Durfee Way..................... 3 2...........13.09.27....... 315,000 19 Eastwind Way.................. 5 3...........13.08.16....... 369,000 1012 Eileen Way....................... 4 3...........13.07.09....... 410,000 7737 El Douro Dr................... 3 2...........13.08.09....... 435,000 4339 Farm Dale Way............. 3 2...........13.07.08....... 225,000 7281 Farm Dale Way............. 2 2...........13.07.06....... 260,000 1201 Fay Circle......................... 3 4...........13.07.19....... 485,000 6240 Fernwood Ct............... 4 3...........13.08.30....... 305,000 11 Florence Ct....................... 3 3...........13.08.23....... 260,000 7317 Flowerwood Way..... 3 2...........13.08.26....... 359,000
Address BR /BA
Date Value
9 Fox Oak Ct............................. 3 4...........13.09.10....... 9 Garcia Ct................................ 5 5...........13.09.13....... 6636 Gloria Dr......................... 4 2...........13.07.19....... 6862 Gloria Dr......................... 3 2...........13.07.03....... 891 Gulfwind Way................ 3 2...........13.08.30....... 6600 Harmon Dr..................... 4 2...........13.07.08....... 6400 Havenside Dr............... 4 3...........13.08.02....... 88 Hidden Lake Cir.............. 3 2...........13.07.16....... 7312 Idle Wild Way............... 3 2...........13.07.19....... 7336 Idle Wild Way............... 3 2...........13.08.21....... 18 Iron River Ct.................... 4 2...........13.08.05....... 816 Lake Front Dr................ 4 3...........13.07.15....... 6440 Lake Park Dr.................. 3 3...........13.07.29....... 6616 Lake Park Dr.................. 3 2...........13.08.29....... 88 Lakeshore Cir.................. 4 3...........13.09.24....... 1061 L’Aloutte Way............... 4 3...........13.09.18....... 610 Lelandhaven Way...... 3 2...........13.08.07....... 1309 Lynette Way.................. 4 3...........13.08.28....... 1304 Manzano Way.............. 3 3...........13.07.31....... 15 Marjoram Ct..................... 3 2...........13.08.08....... 7521 Monte Brazil Dr....... 5 3...........13.09.30....... 6430 Oakridge Way............... 3 2...........13.08.07....... 6793 Orleans Way.................. 3 3...........13.08.30....... 299 Outrigge Way................. 3 2...........13.07.10....... 819 Parklin Ave...................... 3 2...........13.09.26....... 2 Parklite Cir.......................... 4 3...........13.07.31....... 18 Payne River Cir................ 3 3...........13.07.16....... 7413 Pocket Rd........................ 3 2...........13.08.06....... 7605 Pocket Rd........................ 3 2...........13.07.05....... 7741 Pocket Rd........................ 4 3...........13.08.26....... 5 Rasha t..................................... 4 3...........13.08.09....... 6 Reyes Ct.................................... 7 4...........13.08.15.......
525,000 675,000 325,000 258,500 280,000 398,000 445,000 266,000 230,000 227,500 375,000 628,000 278,800 204,000 400,000 405,000 344,500 335,000 352,000 224,900 379,000 440,000 349,000 258,000 260,000 325,000 379,000 320,000 210,000 290,000 352,000 999,000
Address BR /BA
Date Value
1029 Rio Cidade Way............ 4 3...........13.07.25....... 6663 Riptide Way..................... 3 2...........13.07.19....... 7298 River Place Way.......... 4 2...........13.07.16....... 7762 River Village Dr........ 3 2...........13.07.31....... 635 Rivercrest Dr................ 3 3...........13.09.09....... 357 Rivergate Way............... 3 2...........13.08.30....... 47 Riverstar Cir.................... 4 3...........13.08.30....... 283 Rivertree Way................ 4 3...........13.08.20....... 286 Rivertree Way................ 4 3...........13.09.11....... 359 Rivertree Way................ 3 2...........13.08.05....... 7249 Rush River Dr............... 3 2...........13.08.28....... 6261 S Land Park Dr............. 4 3...........13.09.30....... 6409 S Land Park Dr............. 4 2...........13.08.26....... 6432 S Land Park Dr............. 4 2...........13.07.19....... 9 Sage River Cir..................... 4 3...........13.07.30....... 7591 Sailfish Way................... 3 2...........13.08.28....... 792 San Jorge Way................. 3 2...........13.08.30....... 937 Shellwood Way............ 5 3...........13.07.12....... 1101 Silver Lake Dr.............. 3 2...........13.09.18....... 1261 Silver Oak Way............. 4 2...........13.07.11....... 770 Skylake Way..................... 3 2...........13.07.17....... 7448 Spicewood Dr.............. 3 3...........13.08.29....... 6762 Starboard Way........... 3 2...........13.08.14....... 92 Starlit Cir........................... 3 2...........13.08.22....... 96 Starlit Cir........................... 3 2...........13.07.05....... 6760 Steamboat Wau.......... 3 2...........13.08.09....... 1254 Sunland Vista Ave.. 4 2...........13.09.30....... 6746 Swenson Way............... 3 3...........13.07.25....... 553 Valim Way........................... 3 2...........13.08.14....... 7035 Wavecrest Way........... 3 2...........13.08.30....... 6583 Willowbrae Way....... 3 2...........13.09.18....... 7426 Windbridge Dr............ 4 3...........13.07.19.......
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Third Quarter 2013 • Real Estate Quarterly
471,500 301,000 269,000 320,000 363,000 324,000 370,000 435,000 365,000 328,000 337,500 400,000 420,000 500,000 331,000 270,000 295,000 350,000 297,000 319,000 285,000 284,500 285,000 284,000 229,000 215,000 349,950 287,000 381,500 297,000 275,000 305,000
L a n d Pa r k R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s •
Address BR /BA
Date Value
95818 1927 10th Ave..................................... 2 2.............. 1307.03......... $591,700 2629 12th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1308.30........... 290,000 2765 12th St........................................ 3 3.............. 1308.23........... 595,000 1610 12tth Ave................................. 4 2.............. 1308.26........... 615,000 2661 17th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1307.08........... 349,000 2676 17th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1307.22........... 320,000 3154 17th St........................................ 3 2.............. 1307.05........... 548,500 2029 18th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1309.20........... 231,900 2676 18th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1309.11........... 299,000 1325 1st Ave........................................ 2 1.............. 1308.05........... 235,000 2006 21st St......................................... 2 3.............. 1307.12........... 621,200 2709 22nd St........................................ 3 2.............. 1309.11........... 410,000 3501 23rd St........................................ 3 1.............. 1309.26........... 270,000 2660 28th St........................................ 3 2.............. 1308.26........... 287,000 1935 2nd Ave....................................... 2 1.............. 1308.19........... 265,000 2221 2nd Ave....................................... 2 1.............. 1307.24........... 337,000 948 3rd Ave.......................................... 2 1.............. 1309.30........... 375,000 1009 3rd Ave....................................... 3 1.............. 1307.02........... 300,000 1910 3rd Ave....................................... 5 2.............. 1308.23........... 425,000 773 4th Ave......................................... 3 2.............. 1308.05........... 450,000 1922 5th Ave....................................... 2 1.............. 1308.15........... 375,000 2450 5th Ave....................................... 4 3.............. 1309.09........... 520,000 2557 5th Ave....................................... 3 2.............. 1308.09........... 596,000 641 6th Ave......................................... 3 2.............. 1307.31........... 455,000 2633 6th Ave....................................... 3 2.............. 1307.16........... 732,000 1208 7th Ave....................................... 3 2.............. 1309.03........... 545,000 1218 7th Ave....................................... 3 2.............. 1308.22........... 600,000 2206 7th Ave....................................... 2 1.............. 1307.12........... 275,000 1841 8th Ave....................................... 3 2.............. 1308.14........... 601,000 1875 8th Ave....................................... 3 2.............. 1309.06........... 603,000 1811 9th Ave....................................... 3 3.............. 1308.06........... 680,000 1861 9th Ave....................................... 4 2.............. 1309.03........... 649,950 2232 9th Ave....................................... 3 2.............. 1308.27........... 415,000
Address BR /BA
T h i rd Q u a r t e r • Ju l y – S e p t . 2 0 1 3
Date Value
1829 Beverly Way........................... 2 1.............. 1309.09........... 2840 Castro Way............................ 3 1.............. 1309.30........... 2401 Coleman Way........................ 3 2.............. 1307.01........... 2633 Curtis Way.............................. 4 3.............. 1307.03........... 3325 Cutter Way............................ 3 1.............. 1309.30........... 2424 Donner Way........................... 2 1.............. 1307.08........... 2702 Donner Way........................... 3 2.............. 1309.17........... 524 Flint Way.................................... 2 1.............. 1307.24........... 524 Flint Way.................................... 2 1.............. 1309.30........... 2717 Freeport Blvd...................... 2 1.............. 1308.12........... 529 Fremont Way.......................... 3 1.............. 1309.10........... 900 Fremont Way.......................... 3 2.............. 1309.18........... 1017 Fremont Way........................ 3 2.............. 1308.29........... 2600 Harkness St.......................... 2 1.............. 1307.26........... 2540 Land Park Dr........................ 5 3.............. 1309.11........... 2900 Land Park Dr........................ 3 2.............. 1307.01........... 2918 Land Park Dr........................ 4 3.............. 1307.03........... 1233 Larkin Way............................. 2 1.............. 1308.21........... 2141 Markham Way...................... 3 2.............. 1307.03........... 2160 Marshall Way...................... 3 2.............. 1309.12........... 1090 Perkins Way........................... 2 1.............. 1309.11........... 1108 Perkins Way........................... 3 2.............. 1307.01........... 2159 Portola Way......................... 2 1.............. 1309.05........... 2301 Portola Way......................... 3 2.............. 1308.07........... 2010 Sloat Way................................ 3 2.............. 1307.15........... 1320 Teneighth Way................... 5 3.............. 1307.23........... 419 U St.................................................. 2 1.............. 1308.27........... 2019 U St................................................ 2 3.............. 1307.03........... 1841 Vallejo Way............................ 2 1.............. 1308.12...........
329,000 389,900 555,000 817,000 355,000 315,000 575,000 262,000 324,000 315,000 320,000 300,000 260,000 310,000 580,000 579,000 588,000 375,000 555,000 410,000 400,000 485,000 339,000 356,000 384,000 842,000 221,000 640,300 420,000
95822 6016 13th St........................................ 4 3.............. 1307.12......... $523,000 2148 18th Ave..................................... 2 1.............. 1307.23........... 185,900 1440 27th Ave..................................... 3 1.............. 1307.10........... 269,500
Address BR /BA
Date Value
1456 32nd Ave.................................... 3 2.............. 1308.30........... 269,000 6082 Annrud Way........................... 2 2.............. 1309.17........... 310,000 5411 Ashland Way........................ 3 2.............. 1309.19........... 185,085 1408 Atherton St......................... 3 1.............. 1308.27........... 154,000 1421 Atherton St......................... 3 1.............. 1308.23.............. 98,000 4104 Canby Way................................ 4 2.............. 1309.06........... 456,500 4125 Canby Way................................ 3 2.............. 1308.23........... 276,000 4651 Del Rio Way............................. 3 4.............. 1308.07........... 659,000 4790 Del Rio Way............................. 3 2.............. 1307.31........... 337,000 1113 Derick Way.............................. 4 3.............. 1307.09........... 422,000 5200 Elmer Way................................ 3 3.............. 1309.27........... 405,000 5120 Euclid Ave............................... 3 2.............. 1308.07........... 267,000 1816 Florin Rd................................. 3 2.............. 1307.24........... 180,000 2256 Florin Rd................................. 3 2.............. 1309.06........... 162,800 2105 Fruitridge Rd..................... 4 2.............. 1309.12........... 210,000 2229 Fruitridge Rd..................... 3 2.............. 1309.24........... 250,000 2212 Hollyway Way...................... 3 1.............. 1307.12........... 269,900 6017 Holstein Way....................... 3 2.............. 1307.15........... 327,500 1461 London St.............................. 3 1.............. 1309.17........... 150,000 5867 Lonsdale Dr.......................... 3 2.............. 1308.15........... 225,000 1212 Lucio Ln..................................... 3 3.............. 1307.18........... 511,875 6025 Mclaren Ave......................... 3 1.............. 1307.12.............. 72,000 1276 Nevis Ct..................................... 4 2.............. 1309.10........... 399,900 5504 Parkfiled Ct.......................... 3 2.............. 1307.12........... 359,500 629 Piedmont Dr........................... 4 2.............. 1307.03........... 350,000 1461 Potrero Way......................... 4 2.............. 1307.03........... 400,000 1500 Potrero Way......................... 4 4.............. 1308.20........... 845,000 1714 Potrero Way......................... 2 4.............. 1309.20........... 250,500 1821 Potrero Way......................... 3 2.............. 1307.22........... 268,000 4785 Rex Ct.......................................... 3 2.............. 1307.12........... 382,000 1242 Ridgewsy Dr.......................... 4 3.............. 1307.29........... 499,000 5609 Rosedale Way....................... 3 2.............. 1309.30........... 300,000 1152 Theo Way.................................. 3 2.............. 1307.19........... 279,000 1185 Weber Way............................... 3 3.............. 1307.30........... 355,000 1728 Wentworth Ave............... 3 3.............. 1307.10........... 569,000 5980 Wymore Way.......................... 4 2.............. 1308.19........... 310,000
Real Estate Quarterly • Third Quarter 2013 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Third Quarter 2013 • Real Estate Quarterly
CURIOUS WHAT YOUR HOME IS WORTH?? Thinking about selling or buying a home? Considering refinancing? Want to know how the recent real estate market has affected your property value?
For a FREE market analysis visit
www.HomeValue916.com Simply answer a few questions and within 24 hours we will provide you with a FREE comparative market analysis highlighting what your home is worth. 9250 Laguna Springs Drive, Suite 100 Elk Grove, CA 95758 T 916.960.4850 F 916.960.4851 BRE Broker License #01355040
Real Estate Quarterly • Third Quarter 2013 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Third Quarter 2013 • Real Estate Quarterly
Real Estate Quarterly • Third Quarter 2013 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Third Quarter 2013 • Real Estate Quarterly
Real Estate Quarterly • Third Quarter 2013 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
Greater Sacramento Region
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Third Quarter 2013 • Real Estate Quarterly
Real Estate Quarterly • Third Quarter 2013 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
E a s t S a c ra m e n t o R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s •
Address BR /BA
Date Value
95816 521 26th St.......................................... 2 1.............. 1309.12......... $284,000 1617 28th St........................................ 2 2.............. 1308.19........... 190,000 711 33rd St........................................... 4 3.............. 1309.20........... 949,000 925 33rd St........................................... 4 1.............. 1309.20........... 395,000 430 34th St.......................................... 3 3.............. 1309.05........... 920,000 733 35th St.......................................... 2 1.............. 1307.18........... 515,000 1116 35th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1309.04........... 525,000 330 36th Way...................................... 4 2.............. 1308.09........... 806,000 554 37th St.......................................... 3 3.............. 1309.20........... 735,000 1460 37th St........................................ 3 3.............. 1308.07........... 750,000 1335 38th St........................................ 4 4.............. 1308.23........ 1,405,000 440 39th St.......................................... 4 3.............. 1308.28........... 611,000 1344 39th St........................................ 5 3.............. 1309.25........ 1,215,000 3249 B St................................................. 2 1.............. 1308.15........... 190,000 2526 Capitol Ave............................ 4 4.............. 1309.20........... 715,000 2618 E St................................................. 2 1.............. 1309.24........... 375,000 3111 E St................................................. 2 1.............. 1308.02........... 271,195 3844 McKinley Bl............................ 3 2.............. 1307.10........... 615,000 3921 N St................................................ 3 2.............. 1308.08........... 440,000 3930 N St................................................ 3 2.............. 1307.26........... 445,000 1049 Santa Barbara Ct............. 2 2.............. 1308.06........... 385,000 365 Santa Ynez Way.................... 4 3.............. 1308.08........ 1,050,000 632 Santa Ynez Way.................... 4 2.............. 1309.27........... 491,000 2708 T St................................................ 2 1.............. 1307.12........... 220,000 3111 T St................................................ 5 4.............. 1308.09........... 345,000 1326 W Sutter Walk.................... 2 2.............. 1308.22........... 428,000
95819 208 40th ST.......................................... 2 1.............. 1309.18......... $390,000 565 40th St.......................................... 2 1.............. 1308.09........... 395,000 580 40th ST.......................................... 3 2.............. 1309.18........... 443,500 1517 40th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1307.26........... 525,000 1140 40th St........................................ 4 2.............. 1308.22........... 620,000 1210 40th ST........................................ 5 5.............. 1307.10........ 1,230,000 300 41st ST........................................... 2 1.............. 1307.03........... 356,000 1840 41st ST......................................... 2 2.............. 1309.27........... 393,000
Address BR /BA
T h i rd Q u a r t e r • Ju l y – S e p t . 2 0 1 3
Date Value
701 41st ST........................................... 3 2.............. 1309.25........... 500,000 1744 42nd ST........................................ 2 1.............. 1308.02........... 259,000 1601 42nd ST........................................ 4 2.............. 1309.06........... 587,000 1235 42nd ST........................................ 3 3.............. 1308.08........ 1,300,000 1111 43rd St........................................ 3 3.............. 1308.05........... 885,000 1014 43rd St........................................ 6 4.............. 1307.18........ 1,595,000 55 46th St............................................ 2 1.............. 1309.27........... 292,000 54 46th St............................................ 2 1.............. 1307.30........... 356,640 1038 46th St........................................ 5 3.............. 1308.02........ 1,225,000 741 47th St.......................................... 2 1.............. 1308.06........... 330,000 1633 47th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1307.16........... 467,000 912 47th St.......................................... 3 2.............. 1307.05........... 554,900 1366 47th St........................................ 4 3.............. 1308.15........ 1,185,000 1656 48th St........................................ 3 3.............. 1309.26........... 529,950 1841 49th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1307.10........... 306,500 1870 50th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1309.24........... 309,000 800 50th St.......................................... 2 2.............. 1307.26........... 370,000 1333 51st St......................................... 3 1.............. 1308.09........... 366,000 1360 51st St......................................... 3 2.............. 1308.28........... 405,000 115 52nd St.......................................... 3 2.............. 1307.05........... 412,500 1409 52nd St........................................ 4 4.............. 1309.23........... 447,000 900 54th St.......................................... 2 1.............. 1308.09........... 315,000 664 55th St.......................................... 2 1.............. 1309.26........... 349,900 849 55th St.......................................... 2 1.............. 1308.20........... 356,500 1224 56th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1307.03........... 350,000 900 56th St.......................................... 2 2.............. 1308.16........... 419,000 1332 57th St........................................ 2 1.............. 1309.24........... 335,000 1148 57th ST........................................ 2 1.............. 1307.23........... 359,000 1323 60th St........................................ 3 1.............. 1309.23........... 317,000 1334 61st St......................................... 3 2.............. 1307.23........... 340,000 1432 63rd St........................................ 2 1.............. 1307.08........... 341,000 5400 Aileen Way.............................. 3 1.............. 1309.30........... 315,000 4651 Bruener Ave........................... 3 2.............. 1308.28........... 400,000 5314 Callister Ave....................... 4 2.............. 1307.18........... 431,200 4151 Clyde Ct.................................... 3 2.............. 1307.29........... 449,900 142 Coloma Way............................. 4 2.............. 1307.22........... 415,000 5310 D St................................................ 3 2.............. 1309.11........... 396,300 3960 D St................................................ 3 2.............. 1307.19........... 620,000 876 Dl Dorado Way...................... 3 2.............. 1308.05........... 410,000 5341 E St................................................. 2 1.............. 1307.29........... 320,000
Address BR /BA
Date Value
5624 Elvas Ave................................... 2 1.............. 1307.03........... 400 Gunther Way.......................... 3 2.............. 1307.23........... 5254 H St................................................ 3 2.............. 1307.09........... 4807 I ST.................................................. 3 2.............. 1308.23........... 5277 K St................................................ 3 1.............. 1307.26........... 5324 L St................................................. 2 1.............. 1309.06........... 318 Lagomarsino Way.............. 3 2.............. 1309.16........... 5611 McAdoo Ave........................... 2 1.............. 1308.29........... 504 Meister Way............................. 2 2.............. 1308.07........... 840 Mission Way.............................. 2 1.............. 1309.05........... 5429 Moddison Ave...................... 3 1.............. 1307.30........... 5624 Monalee Ave......................... 2 1.............. 1307.29........... 5623 Monalee Ave......................... 5 3.............. 1308.15........... 4633 P St................................................. 2 1.............. 1308.29........... 400 Pico Way....................................... 3 1.............. 1309.06........... 431 Pico Way....................................... 4 4.............. 1307.19........... 53 Primrose Way............................ 3 1.............. 1307.24........... 88 Primrose Way............................ 4 2.............. 1308.20........... 4847 Q ST................................................ 3 2.............. 1308.26........... 5021 Reid Way.................................... 1 1.............. 1309.12........... 1221 Rodeo Way............................... 3 1.............. 1307.18........... 1318 Rodeo Way............................... 3 2.............. 1307.31........... 4803 S ST................................................. 3 2.............. 1307.29........... 4816 S ST................................................. 3 2.............. 1307.16........... 500 San Antonio Way................ 2 1.............. 1308.15........... 608 San Antonio Way................ 3 2.............. 1307.26........... 260 San Miguel Way..................... 2 1.............. 1309.20........... 5326 Sandburg Dr......................... 3 2.............. 1308.22........... 5412 Sandburg Dr......................... 3 3.............. 1309.12........... 5903 Shepard Ave........................... 3 2.............. 1308.23........... 913 Sonoma Way............................. 3 3.............. 1307.03........... 5337 State Ave.................................. 4 2.............. 1308.08........... 5112 T St................................................ 2 1.............. 1307.19........... 4908 T ST................................................ 3 1.............. 1308.09........... 5433 T St................................................ 3 2.............. 1307.17........... 4932 T ST................................................ 3 1.............. 1308.13........... 5132 T ST................................................ 4 4.............. 1309.13........... 5155 Teichert Ave......................... 3 2.............. 1308.02........... 205 Tivoli Way................................. 3 2.............. 1309.30........... 450 Wanda Way................................ 2 2.............. 1307.25...........
329,000 439,000 595,000 519,950 440,000 211,000 419,500 305,000 430,000 379,000 370,000 320,000 710,000 405,000 425,000 879,000 305,000 378,000 325,000 265,000 395,000 579,000 475,000 525,000 357,500 656,500 400,000 432,200 634,250 330,000 699,000 505,000 339,699 351,000 411,000 415,000 579,000 405,000 499,000 282,000
Is A ‘Reverse Mortgage’ right for Seniors? by Terrie Hunt
Broker/Owner River Ridge Realty
There has been a lot of talk and advertising about ‘Reverse Mortgages’ these days, and although they may work for some, a Reverse Mortgage may not be suitable for all seniors. A Reverse Mortgage is a loan against your property, using the equity you have built up in the home. You do not have to pay the loan back as long as you live in the home. Here are a few of the qualification you must meet in order to qualify for the Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) Reverse Mortgage program: You must be at least 62 years old and a homeowner. You must also live in the home and either own it free and clear or have a low mortgage balance. There cannot be any lien(s) on the property, homeowners insurance will be required, and if you no longer use it as your primary residence, or sell it, then the loan must be paid back. *In some cases it would paid by your estate. The amount to be paid back for the Reverse Mortgage will probably include not only the lump sum of the initial loan, but interest and other ‘fees’ as well.
Should your home sell for less than the initial loan amount, FHA will reimburse the difference (to the lender) between the sale proceeds and the Homeowners Insurance payoff received by the Reverse Mortgage lender. The amount of money you receive depends on several variables, such as your age, the amount of equity you’ve built up and the value of the property. You can choose to receive the funds in various ways; either in one (tax free) lump sum, a line of credit, or in a monthly amount. Use can also choose a combination of the three. There is a percentage fee
charged, usually 2% of the homes value, which is used an up-front payment. There may be other costs as well so be sure to research your options thoroughly and talk to a Reverse Mortgage professional. HUD requires that you get consumer information from an approved counseling agency before applying for a Reverse Mortgage. You can call the Housing Counseling Clearinghouse at (800) 5694287 to get a number of a HUD approved counseling agency, or call me directly (916) 663-6300 to get the number of an FHA approved lender in your area.
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Third Quarter 2013 • Real Estate Quarterly
A rd e n - C a r m i c h a e l R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • T h i rd Q u a r t e r • Ju l y – S e p t . 2 0 1 3
Address BR /BA
Date Value
95608 3627 Affirmed Way........................ 3 2.............. 1309.03......... $275,000 5325 Agate Way................................ 3 2.............. 1309.16........... 174,000 4864 American River Dr........... 3 2.............. 1308.16........... 410,000 4829 Andrew Cir............................ 4 3.............. 1308.13........... 380,000 5913 Ashworth Way................... 3 2.............. 1308.06........... 229,900 6431 Belgrove Way....................... 4 2.............. 1308.29........... 300,000 5232 Bellwood Way..................... 4 3.............. 1307.08........... 339,000 4924 Boyd Dr...................................... 5 2.............. 1307.08........... 278,000 5793 Cada Cir.................................... 4 2.............. 1309.19........... 227,000 5797 Cada Cir.................................... 3 1.............. 1309.18........... 204,000 3516 California Ave.................... 3 2.............. 1308.30........... 200,000 4228 Callanan Ct......................... 4 3.............. 1307.24........... 435,000 4925 Cameron Ranch Dr......... 4 3.............. 1307.16........... 315,000 5961 Camray Cir.............................. 3 2.............. 1308.08........... 303,000 3207 Candace St............................. 6 4.............. 1307.19........... 389,000 3249 Candace St............................. 3 2.............. 1309.06........... 210,000 3612 Casa Rosa Way...................... 3 2.............. 1309.27........... 350,000 3728 Chamberlain Way............. 4 2.............. 1307.09........... 235,000 5225 Cloverdale Ln.................... 3 2.............. 1307.05........... 410,000 3529 Condor Ct.............................. 4 2.............. 1308.30........... 399,300 6121 Coyle Ave................................. 3 2.............. 1309.19........... 240,000 6442 Coyle Ave................................. 3 2.............. 1309.04........... 203,000 4767 Crestview Dr....................... 3 2.............. 1309.20........... 289,000 6221 Dawnridge Way.................. 3 2.............. 1308.09........... 295,000 4764 Del Habra Way..................... 4 3.............. 1308.15........... 340,000 3905 Dell Rd....................................... 2 1.............. 1308.02........... 325,000 5510 Delrose Ct.............................. 3 3.............. 1309.10........... 415,000 6045 Denver Dr............................... 3 2.............. 1309.20........... 255,000 4904 Donovan Dr.......................... 3 2.............. 1307.10........... 230,000 6715 Duncan Ln.............................. 2 1.............. 1308.26........... 225,000 4811 Eagle Rd.................................... 3 2.............. 1309.30........... 220,000 5441 Earnell St.............................. 3 2.............. 1308.13........... 215,000 6352 Edgerton Way..................... 3 2.............. 1308.16........... 130,410 5648 El Camino Ave...................... 3 3.............. 1308.28........... 410,000 4702 Eli Ct............................................ 3 2.............. 1309.24........... 230,000 5936 Ellerslee Dr.......................... 3 2.............. 1309.16........... 211,000 6013 Ellerslee Dr.......................... 3 2.............. 1308.15........... 224,000 1620 Elsdon Cir.............................. 3 4.............. 1307.10........... 675,000 4935 Fair Oaks Bl............................ 3 2.............. 1307.18........... 450,000 5242 Fair Oaks Bl............................ 3 3.............. 1308.13........... 400,000 5549 Fair Oaks Bl............................ 3 2.............. 1307.23........... 380,500 5709 Fair Oaks Bl............................ 3 2.............. 1307.23........... 343,000 2433 Garfield Ave......................... 3 2.............. 1308.12........... 277,500 2700 Garfield Ave......................... 3 1.............. 1309.05........... 220,000 3155 Garfield Ave......................... 4 2.............. 1308.13........... 418,000 2730 Garfileld Ave....................... 3 2.............. 1307.19........... 225,000 1243 Gary Way................................... 3 2.............. 1308.13........... 418,000 4105 Geyser Ln................................. 3 3.............. 1309.13........... 325,000 5600 Gibbons Dr.............................. 3 1.............. 1307.17........... 196,900 3742 Gibbons Park Way.............. 5 3.............. 1307.17........... 485,000 5277 Glancy Dr............................... 3 3.............. 1307.16........... 362,000 6101 Grant Ave............................... 4 2.............. 1307.03........... 299,000 6124 Grant Ave............................... 5 3.............. 1307.19........... 245,000 6323 Grant Ave............................... 4 3.............. 1307.09........... 350,000 2336 Gunn Rd.................................... 2 1.............. 1309.04........... 188,000 2417 Gunn Rd.................................... 2 1.............. 1308.28........... 138,000 1021 Harrington Way............... 3 2.............. 1307.26........... 509,900 4708 Hazelwood Ave................. 3 1.............. 1309.18........... 210,000 5925 Helva Ln.................................... 3 2.............. 1309.25........... 237,500 6045 Helva Ln.................................... 3 2.............. 1307.12........... 317,000 6207 Hilltop Dr............................... 4 2.............. 1309.30........... 200,000 3852 Hollister Ave...................... 3 1.............. 1307.11........... 195,000 4135 Hollister Ave...................... 4 2.............. 1309.13........... 210,000 5417 Home Ct.................................... 4 2.............. 1307.18........... 425,000 3821 Horton Ln.............................. 3 2.............. 1308.29........... 200,000 4507 Jan Dr.......................................... 4 2.............. 1308.29........... 290,000 4507 Jan Dr.......................................... 4 2.............. 1309.16........... 304,000 4707 Jan Dr.......................................... 3 2.............. 1308.16........... 231,000 5737 Jeff Way...................................... 4 2.............. 1307.07........... 363,500 2779 Julie Ann Ct........................... 4 2.............. 1309.05........... 380,000 3223 Kaiser Ct.................................. 3 3.............. 1307.31........... 325,000 4916 Kipling Dr............................... 3 3.............. 1307.16........... 667,000 4948 Kipling Dr............................... 4 3.............. 1307.19........... 610,000 5419 Kirkland Way....................... 4 2.............. 1308.28........... 225,000 5144 Kowanda Ave........................ 3 2.............. 1308.20........... 205,000 2844 La Colina Way...................... 3 4.............. 1308.09........... 449,000 4760 Lake Dr....................................... 3 2.............. 1308.30........... 340,000 2000 Lambeth Way........................ 4 3.............. 1309.27........... 600,000 6229 Landis Ave............................... 5 4.............. 1307.30........... 663,500 6435 Landis Ave............................... 3 2.............. 1309.06........... 290,000 6800 Landis Ave............................... 3 2.............. 1308.15........... 346,000 2748 Leoleta Way........................... 3 2.............. 1308.01........... 285,000 6418 Lincoln Ave........................... 4 3.............. 1308.30........... 368,000 6430 Lincoln Ave........................... 3 2.............. 1307.22........... 220,000 3941 Linus Way................................. 3 2.............. 1307.12........... 275,000 1528 Little Ct................................... 3 2.............. 1307.12........... 424,950 5144 Locust Ave.............................. 4 3.............. 1309.04........... 380,000 5521 Locust Ave.............................. 5 4.............. 1308.19........... 749,000 2505 Los Feliz Way......................... 3 2.............. 1309.30........... 349,900 5140 Love Way................................... 3 2.............. 1309.09........... 215,000 4317 Mapel Ln................................... 5 3.............. 1307.19........... 340,000 2222 Marie Way................................ 3 2.............. 1308.19........... 280,000 2316 Marie Way................................ 4 2.............. 1308.22........... 275,000 4925 Marlborough Way.......... 4 3.............. 1307.17........... 615,000 5921 Marlin Cir............................... 4 2.............. 1309.20........... 240,000 3624 Marshall Ave....................... 4 2.............. 1309.30........... 375,000
Address BR /BA
Date Value
4045 McClain Rd............................. 5 3.............. 1307.26........... 255,000 4046 McClain Rd............................. 2 3.............. 1309.18........... 250,000 1236 McClaren Dr......................... 3 2.............. 1307.18........... 573,000 4736 Melvin Dr................................. 4 2.............. 1309.09........... 237,500 4904 Melvin Dr................................. 3 2.............. 1309.12........... 223,000 3129 Merchison Way................... 4 3.............. 1307.12........... 329,900 1370 Meredith Way...................... 3 2.............. 1307.16........... 449,000 3010 Merrick San Way................ 3 2.............. 1309.05........... 280,000 3020 Merrimac St.......................... 3 2.............. 1307.11........... 250,000 6119 Merry Ln................................... 3 2.............. 1309.27........... 225,000 6326 Moraga Dr.............................. 3 2.............. 1307.15........... 255,000 7140 Murdock Way....................... 4 3.............. 1308.06........... 369,000 5313 Mustang Rd........................... 3 2.............. 1307.12........... 346,500 4506 N Maple Ln............................... 2 1.............. 1307.12........... 295,000 2634 Napoli Ct................................. 3 3.............. 1308.06........... 465,000 6329 New Salem Ct....................... 3 2.............. 1309.13........... 209,000 5620 Nichora Way......................... 4 3.............. 1309.27........... 400,000 5201 Norcrest Ave....................... 3 3.............. 1307.30........... 445,000 5531 North Ave............................... 4 2.............. 1307.26........... 330,000 4413 Northhampton Dr......... 3 2.............. 1308.28........... 440,000 5348 Nyoda Way.............................. 3 3.............. 1309.13........... 252,500 4252 Oak Knoll Dr........................ 2 2.............. 1307.30........... 174,000 4920 Oak Leaf Ave.......................... 4 2.............. 1309.11........... 380,000 4950 Oak Leaf Ave.......................... 4 3.............. 1307.02........... 365,000 4818 Oak Vista Dr.......................... 5 3.............. 1308.14........... 714,000 4662 Oakbough Way.................... 6 3.............. 1309.23........... 289,000 6428 Orange Hill Way............... 3 4.............. 1307.31........... 515,000 3701 Orangrie Way....................... 3 2.............. 1308.16........... 335,000 3207 Osborne Ct............................. 3 2.............. 1307.03........... 240,000 6625 Palm Ave.................................... 4 2.............. 1309.16........... 340,000 6237 Palm Dr...................................... 3 2.............. 1309.26........... 475,000 2909 Palm Estates Ct.................. 4 2.............. 1307.18........... 389,000 3000 Panama Rd............................... 3 2.............. 1307.30........... 270,000 4825 Patric Way............................... 3 3.............. 1307.26........... 379,000 4916 Patric Way............................... 3 3.............. 1308.29........... 415,000 4726 Paxton Ct............................... 3 2.............. 1309.20........... 315,000 6391 Perrin Way.............................. 6 3.............. 1308.28........... 285,000 6140 Rampart Dr............................ 3 3.............. 1308.09........... 351,000 6442 Rampart Dr............................ 3 2.............. 1308.05........... 292,000 6747 Rappahannock Way........ 3 3.............. 1307.01........... 285,000 6320 Rio Bonito Dr....................... 3 3.............. 1309.26........... 810,000 26 River Bluff Ln........................... 4 3.............. 1308.09........... 755,000 5725 River Oak Way...................... 4 2.............. 1308.21........... 490,000 84 Riverknoll Pl.......................... 2 3.............. 1309.12........... 350,000 5633 Robertson Ave.................... 2 1.............. 1308.23........... 174,000 3228 Root Ave................................... 2 1.............. 1307.23........... 120,000 6111 Rutland Dr............................ 3 2.............. 1308.02........... 239,000 6158 Rutland Dr............................ 3 3.............. 1309.25........... 284,500 6331 Samoa Way............................... 3 2.............. 1308.29........... 262,500 6220 Samos Way............................... 3 3.............. 1308.14........... 360,000 2017 Santa Luca Way.................. 3 2.............. 1308.23........... 425,000 5517 Sapunor Way......................... 3 2.............. 1309.13........... 224,900 5909 Sarah Ct................................... 3 2.............. 1309.30........... 175,000 4842 Schuyler Dr.......................... 3 2.............. 1307.12........... 245,900 4155 Scranton Cir....................... 4 2.............. 1308.28........... 240,200 4171 Scranton Cir....................... 3 2.............. 1307.05........... 275,000 4606 Shaftesbury Ct.................. 4 3.............. 1308.09........... 375,000 6413 St James Way.......................... 4 3.............. 1307.25........... 339,000 4521 Stoney Way............................ 4 2............... 107.19............ 332,000 5933 Sutter Ave.............................. 3 3.............. 1309.10........... 210,000 6303 Sutter Ave.............................. 3 2.............. 1309.13........... 355,000 6357 Templeton Dr...................... 3 2.............. 1309.20........... 195,000 5846 Topp Ct....................................... 3 2.............. 1308.15........... 269,900 5436 Tree Side Dr........................... 4 3.............. 1309.30........... 530,000 4213 Tyrone Dr............................... 5 3.............. 1309.30........... 545,000 2412 Upham Ct................................. 3 1.............. 1309.10........... 225,000 5207 Vale Dr....................................... 3 2.............. 1309.27........... 280,000 5624 Valhalla Dr.......................... 4 3.............. 1308.05........... 305,000 4113 Valiant St............................... 3 2.............. 1307.09........... 287,000 6130 Van Alstine Ave.................. 5 5.............. 1309.30........ 1,475,000 6107 Vernal Way............................ 4 3.............. 1307.25........... 300,000 5141 Von Way..................................... 2 1.............. 1309.26........... 187,000 3045 Walnut Ave............................ 3 2.............. 1309.27........... 270,000 3329 Walnut Ave............................ 3 2.............. 1308.12........... 250,000 5112 Walnut Place Ln............... 4 3.............. 1307.26........... 320,500 4834 Weidman Way....................... 4 2.............. 1307.15........... 225,000 2930 Whitewood dr................... 5 4.............. 1307.17........... 450,555 5489 Wildflower Cir.................. 3 2.............. 1308.07........... 376,000 4741 Wilmer St................................ 3 3.............. 1309.03........... 285,000 5513 Wilsey Way.............................. 3 2.............. 1308.16........... 225,000 5524 Wilsey Way.............................. 3 2.............. 1308.30........... 220,000 5229 Wyndham Oak Ln............. 4 2.............. 1308.23........... 325,000
95864 2000 Adonis Way............................. 4 3.............. 1308.14......... $347,000 2021 Adonis Way............................. 3 2.............. 1307.31........... 270,000 3930 American River Dr........... 5 5.............. 1307.08........ 1,150,000 4001 American River Dr........... 5 3.............. 1307.22........... 915,000 3321 Ardenridge Dr.................... 3 2.............. 1307.17........... 135,000 3321 Ardenridge Dr.................... 3 2.............. 1309.24........... 220,000 1542 Arroyo Grande Dr........... 4 2.............. 1309.25........... 405,000 3828 Atwater Dr............................ 4 2.............. 1307.17........... 270,000 3187 Barberry Ln............................ 5 5.............. 1309.26........ 2,400,000 4320 Berrendo Dr......................... 4 2.............. 1307.03........... 510,000 1320 Carter Rd................................ 3 2.............. 1307.17........... 822,168 1160 Castec Dr................................. 4 2.............. 1309.25........... 450,000 2434 Catalina Dr........................... 4 2.............. 1307.25........... 252,000
Address BR /BA
Date Value
2434 Catalina Dr........................... 3 2.............. 1309.25........... 335,000 2450 Catalina Dr........................... 3 2.............. 1308.28........... 385,000 4008 Cayente Way.......................... 3 3.............. 1308.01........... 534,000 1800 Ceres Rd.................................... 4 2.............. 1308.28........... 265,000 3217 Chelsea Rd.............................. 3 1.............. 1308.16........... 195,000 3208 Churchill Rd....................... 2 1.............. 1309.30........... 120,000 4225 Corona Way........................... 4 3.............. 1308.07........... 410,500 4621 Cottage Way......................... 4 2.............. 1307.03........... 382,000 2857 Cresta Way.............................. 3 2.............. 1307.25........... 560,000 4064 Cresta Way.............................. 3 2.............. 1309.17........... 518,000 463 Crocker Rd............................... 3 3.............. 1307.12........ 1,175,000 500 Crocker Rd............................... 4 2.............. 1307.18........... 535,000 1728 Daphne Rd............................... 3 2.............. 1309.13........... 322,500 1705 Devonshire Rd.................... 3 2.............. 1309.09........... 260,000 4388 Dorking Ct............................ 3 2.............. 1308.30........... 630,000 3712 Dubac Way............................... 3 2.............. 1308.22........... 269,500 1822 Eastern Ave........................... 3 1.............. 1308.23........... 235,000 1911 Eastern Ave........................... 3 2.............. 1308.19........... 372,500 741 El Encino Way........................ 2 1.............. 1308.15........... 337,000 810 El Encino Way........................ 3 2.............. 1308.19........... 332,510 1631 El Nido Way............................ 3 1.............. 1307.18........... 379,000 3540 El Ricon Way.......................... 3 3.............. 1309.23........... 435,000 3550 El Ricon Way.......................... 3 2.............. 1307.08........... 460,000 3915 El Ricon Way.......................... 3 2.............. 1307.02........... 407,000 1210 El Sur Way................................ 4 4.............. 1307.10........... 607,000 1405 El Tejon Way.......................... 4 2.............. 1307.18........... 430,250 1457 El Tejon Way.......................... 3 2.............. 1309.27........... 440,000 1014 Entrada Rd............................ 4 2.............. 1309.30........... 430,000 1053 Entrada Rd............................ 3 2.............. 1307.10........... 352,500 411 Estates Dr................................. 4 3.............. 1307.09........... 739,000 1222 Fitch Way................................. 3 2.............. 1309.20........... 395,100 2661 Foley Ct.................................... 4 3.............. 1308.09........... 975,000 451 Gaylord Ct............................... 5 3.............. 1307.12........... 580,000 2309 Gila Way.................................... 3 2.............. 1309.27........... 346,100 2340 Gila Way.................................... 3 2.............. 1308.19........... 345,000 1433 Gladstone Dr...................... 3 1.............. 1307.26........... 191,000 1409 Glenwood Rd...................... 3 1.............. 1309.20........... 165,000 1225 Greenhills Rd..................... 2 1.............. 1307.16........... 125,000 4000 Greywell Rd.......................... 4 4.............. 1308.06........... 580,000 4230 Guildford Ct....................... 5 4.............. 1307.05........ 1,255,000 1012 Hampton Rd.......................... 2 1.............. 1308.07........... 155,000 1017 Hampton Rd.......................... 3 2.............. 1309.24........... 138,000 1132 Hampton Rd.......................... 2 1.............. 1308.02........... 160,000 2741 Hilldale Rd............................ 2 1.............. 1308.02........... 169,000 2611 Huntington Rd................. 4 4.............. 1307.01........ 1,095,000 2916 Huntington Rd................. 3 3.............. 1308.07........... 612,500 3013 Huntington Rd................. 4 3.............. 1307.01........... 716,000 2409 Ione St........................................ 2 1.............. 1309.11........... 161,000 2870 Joseph Ave............................... 4 2.............. 1308.05........... 565,000 4424 Juno Way................................... 3 2.............. 1309.20........... 355,500 1345 Keeney Way............................. 3 1.............. 1307.08........... 152,000 3526 Kersey Ln.................................. 3 2.............. 1307.31........... 320,000 1720 La Playa Way.......................... 4 2.............. 1307.25........... 825,000 4155 Las Coches Way................... 6 4.............. 1309.30........ 1,225,000 3555 Las Passas Way..................... 2 1.............. 1309.18........... 340,000 3595 Las Passas Way..................... 3 1.............. 1308.20........... 382,500 3710 Las Passas Way..................... 3 2.............. 1309.24........... 405,000 2700 Latham Dr.............................. 4 5.............. 1308.05........... 725,000 4245 Lusk Dr....................................... 3 2.............. 1308.22........... 255,000 3038 Maison Way............................ 3 1.............. 1308.23........... 152,000 1811 Maple Glen Rd..................... 5 3.............. 1309.06........ 1,220,000 3528 Maplewood Ln.................... 3 2.............. 1307.25........... 352,750 2407 Maryal Dr................................ 2 1.............. 1307.12........... 235,000 3201 Mayfair Dr.............................. 2 2.............. 1308.26........... 125,050 3304 Mayfair Dr.............................. 3 2.............. 1308.20........... 212,000 590 Mills Rd....................................... 3 2.............. 1307.17........... 554,000 2660 Morley Way............................ 3 2.............. 1309.17........... 510,000 4424 Morpheus Ln......................... 3 2.............. 1309.20........... 295,000 1409 Morse Ave................................ 3 1.............. 1309.25........... 162,500 1744 Olympus Dr............................. 3 2.............. 1307.31........... 290,000 4548 Oxbow Dr................................. 3 2............... 138.08............ 300,000 4620 Oxbow Dr................................. 3 2.............. 1307.15........... 240,000 1719 Pluto Way................................ 4 2.............. 1307.26........... 311,000 4059 Ramel Way............................... 4 3.............. 1308.09........... 888,000 123 River Chase Cir..................... 3 2.............. 1308.16........... 360,000 136 River Chase Cir..................... 3 3.............. 1308.16........... 397,000 2231 Rockwood Dr...................... 3 2.............. 1308.05........... 350,000 441 Ross Way...................................... 4 3.............. 1307.26........... 658,500 3013 Sierra Mills Ln.................... 4 3.............. 1309.26........... 530,000 3231 Sierra Oaks Dr..................... 4 3.............. 1308.30........ 1,000,500 908 Sierra Park Ln........................ 4 3.............. 1308.29........... 745,000 919 Sierra Park Ln........................ 4 2.............. 1309.09........... 599,500 1005 Singingwood Rd............... 3 1.............. 1308.09........... 135,000 2695 Townsend Ct....................... 4 3.............. 1307.08........... 620,000 937 Tuscan Ln.................................. 4 4.............. 1309.20........ 1,100,000 4400 Ulyses Dr.................................. 3 2.............. 1309.30........... 310,000 4425 Ulyses Dr.................................. 3 2.............. 1308.28........... 320,000 4409 Valmonte Dr........................ 3 2.............. 1307.26........... 370,000 4429 Valmonte Dr........................ 3 2.............. 1308.28........... 481,000 1153 Watt Ave................................... 3 1.............. 1307.05........... 160,000 1470 Watt Ave................................... 3 2.............. 1307.11........... 296,000 3421 Wellington Dr.................. 2 1.............. 1308.16........... 163,000 3404 Wemberly Dr......................... 3 1.............. 1308.23........... 182,000 736 Whitehall Way..................... 4 3.............. 1307.12........... 650,000 601 Wilhaggin Dr........................ 5 6.............. 1307.19........ 1,450,000 3724 Winding Creek Rd............ 4 4.............. 1307.31........... 885,000 3228 Windsor Dr............................ 3 1.............. 1307.10........... 130,000 3233 Windsor Dr............................ 3 2.............. 1309.04........... 260,000
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To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Third Quarter 2013 • Real Estate Quarterly
Real Estate Quarterly • Third Quarter 2013 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
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To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Third Quarter 2013 • Real Estate Quarterly